HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-08 - Newport Harbor EnsignP. E. Hearing
For June 6th
OOaoiiA DEL IIA& CALli'. TWDDDAT. wara I. 1-
• gnal Oil· CO. Discusses
Development of Linda Isle
Is Hinted
Po 1 sl bIll t y of a 'W"rita-l.D
Coaac:U Cllllldldate ba Dbtrtct a. 800tbecat..ly Coroaa del
Mar. WCIII reported to U.. ED·
alp tb1a .....
Oaly c::aa41ctat. who filed ba
that dUtJ1ct WCU bacum.beat
Coalldlmcm lAe Wilder. real-
dat of Sbor9 CWf&. B• WOD
that MGt lD lat .,.ar'a lpKial
•*=tloa by def.atba9 Couadl-
IDCID cmd Pormn lllayw AD·
FBI Is Checking Clews i;$ ~s
Old Lease
Still Holds
What's happening with Unda
Isle. tlu~ 77-~cre Island near the
Upper Bay bndce!
Plans for a $5.000.000 year-
round beach and yachtlnc center
1 were a nnounced by Or. Forbes
1 Farms Corporation of Los An-
relet way back In October, 1953.
In past weeks there have been
repeat~ rumors of Signal 011
and Cas Co. taking ove-r the
leut" and gettlnc ~ady to nut
on an even swankier d~elop
ment on thls bit of land that
ust'd to be known a.s Shark
judge of tbe Jlf"'POI't a.acts ~eal~ In Enslen telephone In CDM Bank Robbery ~ twoo.::n' J.CI90Dod~ so~:!~~ ~~~~n~1=!.U:
Jutice Coart CIDd wcu DCID'O'IIF· CJTT EJfCDfEEII 8elt W.a.b Ia aiM ..-rill9 • CIC'ttag dty •em· conversations with all lnteftsted
The Call!omla PublJc Utilities • ly det.ated. apr !or N...,..rt hada. uatU U.. CoaDdl lliNa a 1111~ ,_ parties -the Irvine Co .• Or.
Comml&aloo hu reset the open-The Fellers! Bu~au Gf Invest!-eight penny cornmon nail~ and JobA J, SaUon. wbo real91*1 PM. 24.. Mr. Webb. wbo .._ bMa Forbes Farms. Strn~ OU and
lnc public hearlnc In the matter gallon Is followlnc up clews In seal~ with hydro-seal. Newport C f p E dty --~ '-tbe pat 10 ,.._.. Ia • ~of Col ado. a.a. Gas. and Maceo Corp.
f th ..-ttl f h Ci f the repeat burflary of the New-pollee report~. Q st 0 • • .,._ a Ccdlfon1aa tdace th• Ofe of C. .. dudled ~ at BILL SPURGEON. Ja•--· ... o e ~""" .. on o t e ty o ...,.,.. H bo B k "'>AJ5 E C USC. weet to work tcw ua. 1.-AD9e* c.aaty Scm.tt.tioa diltzkt "~ ·~ Nt!'Wpart Beach for flxlnr the .,.... • ar r an • .,.. · o:1st The burglar forced another ba ltK. CIDd f• 10 ,.an wcu wttb u.. ~ depcuba•t agt>r ftK comm~lal develop-com~naatlon to be paid for Hwy. In Corona del Mar. some-temporary wood covering over A • •t• ot tiM Qty of baf)ewood beton COIIl1a9 to lr"'POI't ~ (ED· I ment on Irvine Co. lands: "We
Ianda. properties, and rights of time Sunday nlcht. the hole In the plaster cellln& of cquiSI I On alp pboto) have a v~ld lease with Or.
Pacttlc Electric Railway Com-The burglary. posalbly a re-the restroom to raln entry to the Q d I Forbes Farms Corp .. and It ls not
pany, Paclttc Rallroad Company. tum perlormance by the a~tme rnalQ buUdlnr. On the way to Is uestione N T In default. They have a ~
Southern Pacific Company, Bank per110n who broke Into th~ bank the nJaht cJepoelt aafe, locat~ ewport rust Cit year option to btot1n a pha.te of
ot America National Truat • three months aao. netted about In the northeast corner ot the PaFculfrtlcherEl~}! rol~htth-oef-pwroaposedy ac·'l ees I e construction. and then a SO-year Savtnp A.uoclatlon. and South $9.800. lncludln& $5,000 ln cash. bank. the burelar rwnmaaed -.-u:K: • term of lease would bertn. No
Coast Company. 1eny Stqall. an employ~ of throuah canvaa bank b-ra stored qulsltlon was urg~ at the bi construction has be-en started
The CUy and Paclfic Electric 'Douca Doc Bou.e. 3512 E. Coast In euhler booths. He knocked otl Le;'o~uru~lnea ~of • .:!~lut-~4elluartlad~an.a_y_ 0 •ect•lons to UnifiEat·IOn yet. but there can bto DO chana~ eo. haw arrived at a tentat1vw Rwy., Corona del Mar, stated Ow d1a.J t.o the sat~ and punc:bed ...,. • ......, '""""'-~ In the lea.te wtthout CIOil8eDt ot
apr mt f« re·loc:aUoA of the that at approxl:rnately 1:15 a.m. out the ~ndte to pln entry. ~ lrv1ne eo.·
PE atatlon and trac:b f:rom tbe Monel.,-he O .. l'lftd a 1938. '39 He apparently left tbe _,.,. via nitht. DAVID & Blt()WJif, ..-J*rrt
heart of Newport. and for ac-or '40 coupe, poaJbly a Dodp, the same route of entry. How-MOft stucly wu ur,ec1 ln Ucbt Stron1 opposftlon apln.t unl·fAid· "'Jt«oaOM tJI UJ• ~op~ tJI Dr. ~ l'llrlm: "We tave
qulsltlon of aom~ ot the PE pro-blue or areen In color, park~ ever, the rear door, e:x!ttnc out of the fact that the ra~ ln price tyfn~ the Newport Beach and lnterHt In annf':utlon to the an U:l1.pment of our ·1~ ln
petty by the city. It is to estab-on Narcissus Ave .. behind the to the ~ley. was open. but tbla quoted tor the land from $90.000 Costa Mesa elementary school NPWJ)Of't district In the ~as wrltln& to SllfT\al 011 and Gas
Uab the compensation for this servt~ station next to Doug's exit wu blocked by a stet) rrtll to $500,000 ~m~ to be aome-1 districts. as requested by th• north of 21st St. In Cost.a Mesa 'In August. 1955. but that usi&'"-
acqulattlon that the PUC hear-with one male occupant In the door, which was locked, polfce what exorbitant to the league I Costa Mesa board. was lndlcat~ 1 above Harbor Hirhlandal and ment 1a subject to written con-
Ing wtU be held. vehicle. Mr. Sterall said he could said. ~p~ntatlves. In a statement approved by the west of Irvin• Ave . the Sewpbrt wnt of the Irvine Co. We do not
Comml.u.lon•r M at thew J. think of no reason why th~ car Officers on patrol at 3:15 a.m. The difference could be better Newport trustees at their Tues-Beach Elt>mentary Sc-hool Board h av• tht> rtght to aulcn. at'll or
Dooley and Examiner W. E. Cline should be parked there at that Monday, said that the rear door ulled for parks and recreation. It day evening mHtlnc. wish~ to ~Iterate Its policy j tnn.ter the leaw without lrvlne
w1U preside at the hearing. time or night. The car l~ft 3tter was posJteveJy closed. Sgt. WIJ-wu claimed. Chairman Mark At the same time the Newport l "We reserve the right to op Co. peonnlsslon "
which wtll be held at 2 p.m., about 10 minutes. !lam Blue said that the bank Engelke appointed the following Sc-hool Board adopted a state· po~ any future withdrawals ! HAROLD F. CLARY, vke-pn!SI -
Wednesday, l une 6, In the Coun· Nearl'y $1.300 In cash and was checked out at 4 a.m. Mon-commltt~ to make further study I ment of policy on school district rrom the Costa Mesa dlstrlct for dent or Slrnal Oll and Gu: "We
ell Chambers, Newpott Beach checkl were stolen trom the day and all wu In order. of the subject: Or. Jay Longley. boundaries. In effect seeking to 1 annexation to the ~ewport dls· do not have a lea~ on the Unda
City Hall. It bad orlalnally been night depository of the bank on lames Wood, bank custodian, Ed Healy, Howard Wrtght. FtM discourage any further requests trlct. R«ommendatlo ns for fu-Isle ~-. but ~ have had dla-
acheduJed for yesterday. Dec. 15. 195!5. At that time the said he partially cleaned the Singer. Mary Burton and h im · for secession from the Costa ture annexat ions sh~l be d cusslons on taking asalenment
burglar bored a hole In the roof bank on Sunday and left at self. I Mesa district and annexation to with mutual and unqua;r;~~ of the lease Noc~~nc df'flnlte hu
at the southeast corner of the noon. He return~ at 5:15 a .m. the Newport District. consent and approval or the ma terialized yet.
bank, and bored • hole In a cell· Monday to dlscover the burglary. J-.1 IIIL:a... 1111--Both of these d~lopmenta ~· school boards con~m~.. JOH N Mc:CLOUD. president of
lng of the men's restroom to At this time the rear door to .. n•IW ft-suited from the recent contro· Ma('('O Corp .. Pa ramount. men·
gain entry. A pry bar was used the bank was open. Tod Whit .. of •-•boa Island. versy over Harbor Highlands A curr.ntly discussed ~ion tlon~ as possible contractors tor
to remove the laminated ply· " .... residents' petition to withdraw move that would bto dfscouragt'<l Signal 011 and Gas lor the Linda
wood door covering the night de· who held the world hleh school from the Costa Mesa District and by this policy would bt" the lsle development: "We have dls-
posJtory and the combination Tempest Over record for a whUe last year In to join the Newport district. Thls art-a above Harbor Highlands. cuued the matter with Signal
was punched ott the vault door the mile run, Ia continuing h is change was approv~ by the which has lnlt1at~ pr'OC('N!In gs Otl and Gas. but there Ia no
to gain entry. I DHt -foot~ runnlnr at Oxldental CouQty Board ol Supervbors. for annexation to the City of agrtoement among Maceo, Signal
Durlnr the last Sunday night Poll.lng Pia Colleee. He won the mile run In The Costa Mf'Sa Board's sug·INewport Beach and Irvme Co for development
burclaTY the burglar entered thel ce (:31.9 ln a freshmen meet re· gested solution to their dilemma C'.ommentlng SJ)t'Clllcally about of Linda Isle."
attic by colng tttrough the hole , cently with Mt. San Antonio. wa.s the propos~ for unification the Hellpot s ite above the Arches. Dr. Forbes Farms' thl'f'f' year
In the .outhea.st corner of the There a a tempest In council-Against the C.l-Tech frosh he of the sc. hool dlstrlru. now petitlonln& to ~ annt'xl"<1 l option to bf'g1n a phase of con -
bank building roof which had manic District No. 6 over the won the halt mUe In 1:58.9. and • PBOCilESS JIEli'OIIT to Newport Beach. the Nt"WJ))rt structlon will t!Xpire sometime
•• • ....... 0.1111
been repaired temporarily with choice of a pollln& place for the ran his 440 lee of the relay In trustH s said that their ~at•· I this ta ll Presidf'nt Brown said
a wood cover approximately two April 10 election. The voters In 52 Dat At their February meeting. the ment of policy favored lea,i ng that his firm had be-en uk~ by
area. feet ~~quare, nailed down with thls aoutheaste-rly portion of Co-Newport trustHS agreed to study that area In the Co.o;ta Mesa Howard A h m a n s o n . Harbor
--------------------------rona del Mar will be cutlnr 8VLLOCJt3 MOVE JrEJlE the proposal. Tuesday •venlng Sc-hool District. Thus the Mesa Island resident. to alter the or-
The senior portfolio of art sub·
mitted by Laurel Woodson of Co-
rona del Mar for the BuUockl
Scbolutlc Art Awards hu bHn
selected u one of 10 to be sent
to the Carnegie Institute Na-
tional Schola.stlc Art Awards ln
Pltuburch. Laurel. a senior at
Newport Harbor Hlah Sc-hool.
was compet1nc wttb students In
the .mttre Sou1hem CalltomJa
CDM Civic Association
To Meet at Youth Center
their ballob at 302 Evenlnc Can-lust moved In on DahJia Ave .. I they lave the following pro~ district wou ld retain a n a rea lg1nal Linda Isle plans so that
yon Rd .• Shore Clltfs. Corona del Mar, are Mr. and Mrs. ~ · that wlll ha~ a high a~ the pro~ hotel would not be
Objection was raised by Col. R. Bullock. formerly of Los An-th F~~i~g t~e a~~n ~en ;t valuation when the Hellpot plant directly a<:r05S the channel from
Andrew. W. Smith that thlll Is a pies .. Mr. Bullock Ia a machinist 1~ studyee bn1 °......._ e rul ary · Is completed. the Ahmanson residence on Har·
dltllcult place to reach for the and originally from New Orleans. 1 • a as ~n n pro· I bor Island. It would be dl!tlcult
folks who Jive on the Corona del He Is ~Jated to the Bullock Dept. gress concerning the unification ' to chanee the plans and the firm
Mar side of Buck Cully_ Council-Store foundea Mra. Bullock 1.!1 of the Newport Bnch and Costa CAll LUG STOa.E p~f'm!'d to rtve up the develop-
man Lee Wilde-r, who Is the In-a musician a nd a former rradu-~~~ Elementary Sc-hool Dis· Ruben Burks. 23. of Los An ·1 ment project. Mr. Brown said.
cumbent and unopposed candl-ate of Chlcaao Music Colle~. 'Th t d t d t 1 dl geles.. suffered mlnor Injuries ·-;;;;;:;;,,.
date In District 6, said yesterday She uM'd tD play the plano over l1 tw e jos u Jt ~ ate n c~:~ when his car tailed to neaoUate JfJIS. DBISUI UYDUS
that an unsucceatuJ effort had the radio In Chlca,o. Sbe ls also 0 1~a 1 sat van :!e~ ; ~ a eurve and crash~ Into Ralph's Mrs. Dan Ort~ of 227 Gol
bHn made by the city clerk to a nurse by profesalon. ::~a e:p~~nlf~a~~on. e I a · Tackle Sto~ 5801 W. Coast Hwy.. den~ Ave .. Corona del Mar. re:
locate a poUln~ place In Corona 1 I Nt"WJ))rt Beach. at 9:48 p.m. Sat-turn~ by air Sunday from WIJ -
del Mar proper. He aald It Is now JEWELEJI IS ILL "1. A at'rious loss In f'duca· urday. Newport pollee ~ported. mett•. Olinola. where &he hacf
too late to ebanare polling places, John Spauldlnc. Balboa Island tlonal advantaces to the chll· The north end of the building I bHn vlsJtJnr her mother, M.ra. A.
because the deadline for pubJI-jeweler. ls In Hoar HospjtaJ re-I dr~n of Newport lk>ach. was damage-d extensively E . Hayes.
cation ot eJection notJ~ has cuperatlna from a heart' attack 2. A slenlficant ln<:rellse In
;:"quest for su:;e; ~~:o·l ~{[.~~~~;:;~;NEW SCHOOL'S NAME
Given to Elementary Board ~~;~~~~ ~~IS 'NEWPORT HEIGHTS'
A request tor •establlahln~ a costs, and mab a survey as to
summer echool wu pcaentecl the probable number of pupU. Meanwttlle. the Enslen learn~ "Nf'WPOI't Retch~ Elementary" Trustee Gordon FtndJay tlnt
Tuesday ewnh'C to the Newport wbo would attend. that the necessuy petitions uk· ts the name ot the n~ ~hool _.._ El ' I f bl.... b---' on suae.ted the name "ltoy ~ Be&..,, ~tary S:ehoo• trus-'nle trustees abo: nc or a pu "'" ..,...,_n~ that Is ~Inc construl"ted at 1Sth "
left by Mn. Paul Roten ot 535 .chool cllstrict unlftcatlon a&w St. and Santa Ana Ave. Rn School. a&J'lna that be fu•.
Via LJclo Nord, Udo (ale. • C.lled for bld.l for March 29 been IUbmJtud from both dis-'nle choice was made Tuesday 1 orecl rtv1na NCClC'tltton tor ll'DOf
She aald that many mothen on classroom tumltu~. ealetoT-tJ1cta to t.be Ooun(y Committee evt"nln& at the monthly mf'etlnr I work:a In the lifetime ol tbe bon·
would Ulre to •nd thclr d\Udren lum tables and loldJnr chain on School Dtstrld Orp.nlzatlon. of the Newport Beach EJ~men-or-. Mr. Atadftlen aa.ld !lie 4hl
to a lb-weelc IUmrne edlool tn for the Newport BeiJbta School 'nle Colla M School Board t.vy Sdaool '!'haste. from amonc not the dclol fta.lQed
the mom.lnp and would be wtl· • Al"C'f'Pted the raJpatlon ol asbmlthd tbe pftJUon for th~tr a b<Mit of nam su.nestf'd by btm.
lint to ~ ~tUon to meet the Mra. 3ane Henderlorl Brtlht. cttmtc.-t. an4 a poup of nve lndJ-eJ.-ln tbe el em • n t a r 1 '1'rultee Mel ..,. taleS u.at
third ll'•de ~ at Harbor v1duall cUd Ubwla for the .ehoolJ.. the eehool lbocLJd be at..a a
R«ornltlon will to tbt ••• ~ tie ': .... 'nll.l fUke a pabllc hearlnt tM ~ wbo bad ~~~abmlt-
• •
Mail Delivery
Remains Same -00&................ • e~atrc.MJ I H. hi d
......... •••• ..: ~ ... to ma1ut no n nla an, s . .._ .t ....act 23 Iii ClDRM •n.-.: ~ bet'" the Mo GG~d.fe•n .. ID ..U ct. del ...-,, uad ...._ tJl I'Ndnct ~ ., wu ..ad 11~ ,_ ...._ BlplaM. troaa
-I. Cllllf fSi 0... ... W., C a Jl .... Nlllde -tJae ......_ Ill* fJI tllie dtJ ......,., ec.g ............. to Jlew.
TBBUOHESt ~ 111T-' 1111 • of Jude GullJ, you have had aD* • • • ~ ,_ ..._ ...... ..._ ......
AlVO L HANA -' ,....., other ~ thrOWn at JOU OD e ~ 10 f1:r Newpan ....... B. p.,_
M HMP ...., your YOUDI place In the eJ~ WaNed: 8oaJeone 01 Mine ftrm 'ftl.,w ~ tbl8 weeiL IIAilr·
SUIICaiPTION lATIS which come~ up Aprll 10. 302 to ma.U a bld to l&na.ca))e the bor Blplanct. ~ wtU
---~~~.w.~·~·~~~~'"~==~-~...,~=--~~,.,~-~· ~~-~=~"~· :1'~7·~-~=~~=~~f~u~:! __ Evening Canyon Road hu aga.tn ~ball fteld at the Youth Cen-:= tb~ C:x the!t m: been cte.Jcnated u your polllng lAir pounds. See ar c:alJ Grant Ike 1w tb u-.a. -·~ IM.t1 ·
place. • ~d at Harbor ~-a Ot e lUll --.. at eut. lltica=-:aii:lam~:~~:~ii:lial:lll:laZ:iaieiXx:II:II:D~~~ When thfl remote -.x>t (from 2a ~al JndJvlduala ln Harbor
center af the voUn1 population) w~ now )\ave the Qrlnkllnl Rl1hlandl have re,.que•ted a eYACA'I'IOII ancJ ar-7 wbalee b«1•1
• = •
Hop wu cte.Jgnated tn the Dec. 6th .,-.tem, cJo~ted by Kana Lorena chanp In ~ otfkft. lib. Every onee·ln·awhU. rrq .,_ ecuce u pUll• tn Aaloft
electton, you were told-that the of Corona del Mar; the fatlllzer, Tha.yer aa.td. The Hfplanda Ia a~ runa dr7. <Do I h._ untU the foUowtq l)ecwn.._,
: : : clty clerk could not find a loca· donated by WOllam Warren, 220 ~ an::e:. to the City of chOtUS? ~'No wonder!") and tb.la Y• -I could watt. about
• . . N tlon north of Buck Gully. You Marigold Ave Are we about to '";-r-• c: week the ~ tDk ll ~17 aprt.q; &Del don't forpt C. trim
1 have had the pleasure of meeting on~ tolkmg ~tth Dteter 0?4• swallowed that. but from your &et eaught ah~ on tlme and not 'People ln the area can let up Jow. I've been aitt1Qc &reNAl a11 yow ro.e-b u • he •; ANI the
the exchange student from Germany who ts ottendtng Harbor Htgh protest. you did not llke 1t. eet 1t clone by spring! Now Ia a petition on their own to re· momln• boplq for aa lMplra· WMtbef; and bow to coo11 lob·
School this year. Dieter is o cheerful, friendly end confident young At that time I wrote about the tlme to ,et that gr._ Ned qu~ .:Ut, a chan1e be made tlon. but wltb a eold wlnd blotr· atara; aad what tbe prospec:ta are
lod who is getting along fine with his new-found American fnends. your arumbllnc. I made the started. ~~ tnt . ~ard It along with lq and pGP·COI'n aU owr tbe for tl8la1q tb1l cum-eec..
H ·, learning about our country, end 1 guess he is el50 giving out atatement that there are at least • • • tJ e to~ on on the annexa-Pac:We, my ftabln' Itch Ia ~&e· etc .. but DOt today. Adioe, .-tJe
.e '. . L_.. h' hom-' d 20 locations available ln or near on ._, ~ ot1Joe depart-tlcall1 ln a eoma. ruden. for tbla WNk. OlCI C.Q. wtth tnformahon agiQUt ts .. an · . th center of the voting popula· e DO SOWKIW ment," Mr. Thayer explained. A th p Jut needa a rat'
Dieter is here es result of ~ very commendable prorc~ e~1j tloen. And 1 called attention to Question from a taxpayer: survey by poaal tn.specton could ol~d ~ t L~ ~~! ·
changing students among countrte s, so that e measure ~ g w• the unneceua.ry inconvenience With &Jl 8·cent tax for parka and then be made to determine the "Solunar Tablel,., wbkb . for Pbone JD 7UUf newa .__ to
con be spreod throughout the world. I hope that our Amencan schoo!s and danger 10 real that for years recreation which nets $44,000 a mOIR aat.a.tactory method of yean, have abl, predJded 'wbeD ,.,_ loeal new.paper, tbe En·
wilt give to the~ e~tchonge students e lot of knowledge end oppreo-the ~denta of Shore C1Ufa have year, plus other revenue, wh1 han~ mall tor the area. the flab wW t.ed belt. u well Up. Jlaftor U1f.
etion of the principles of freedom er~d enterprise end initiative thot uked for tra.ttlc control U&bta at hasn't aomethlnl been done with Editor of the Enalen u that time you're mo.t Watly jiliii-..iiili,. _______ ~
have mode our nation greet I hope that Dieter con take bod with the ~trance and recently It hu the1 c11tY Coland aldoln~. BayaJdhe to a.U.. from a IOUDd aleep 1n
d. .f . .L t. d t. h ..__n approv-..o by the atate Dr ve n rona e .uar, sue L---th _ ........ _ tb him 0 good understan l!'g 0 wnot melleS our em~recy WOrll, OW """"' ~ • as outdoor basketball courta, to men -e &UMI-ol. ,. nJallt. 0n Jffe•
much we prire our libertie.s, and to whet erlent we wtll go to r,eserve I inqu'h; of Coun~ ::! get the klda out of the alleya on4 thouebt I dedcled to bold
. those liberties. Dieter, end the many other foreign studenh w f ~ome ~~~ot •been -:.-:n c;:'._ ~le with basketball hoops on ga. Dear Hop: ~ ::":e un~~n_ ~ =
to ~ur America~ schools, con become valuable messe ngers o tnter-u auaested In my eolumn Dee. rages! ThJa Ia a belated thank you aleeplftl .C:u. UWhow~en n
net1onel good wtll . . 1, 191!55. He aa.lci. ''The coundl for your .upport of the Commu-Tben thla time of year the
1 mention Dieter ,pedfically, because I hove talkep _to htt'!' on dJdn't kDow there were any pro-A d G• nlty Cbe.t CampaJen. The space flahln1' down Mateo way, ••
several occasions. end because he comes from on area With whtch I t.ta. 'ftle coundl memben don't war I v en you gave wu a big help ln <:tally In Muatlan. Ia unally the
om familiar from wer time. And olso because he says h.• has a pet read your column." I quote h1a reacb1n1 our goal. hotte.t •ubjeet. Maybe It would
peeve-about television commerci als, which he doesn't ltke et all. In worcll toe Jaugha. Whether they to Coops• Son Newspapers caq,do ao much to be, lf It wun't tor tho. earth·
Germany he says, ·there ere no TV commercials. and he likes it bet-llke me or hate me, they read encourage those wbo work for quakee! Lula Patron's fleet re·
th t ' my column for fear I mf&ht men· worth whlle causes ln a com-porta lou marlin lut week. It's
ter Diev:e~yis s akin hestil end I hope. facetiously. end so ore his tlon them or fear I won't. An award for outstanding ad· munJty and to ·Inspire others to nothing to br&l about. but It's
A . f . ~ wh~ eg,._! with him. Critics of TV commercials, e iCOD a -TO 171 minlstratlve performance has do llkewise, that It Ia Indeed a lot better than the grand tot.l mertcon "8~. . I __ l . 1 k . I·· 1.. k we of the sect.lon bounded on come to F. Robert Coop, eon of heartening to see that newspa· of OW& cauabt In the two prev1-e nd of edverttstng tn genera. • e..,_now•n9 Y or f n nowmg ,_...ac · the north by Marguerite Ave., on Mr. and Mra. E. F. Coop of 215 pers such u youra and Peg's rec-ou• weeks! AI an optlmilt, 1 be·
ing owey et one of the most tmportont produc:fs 0 • the Amerecon way the south by Buck Gully-402 ln Fernleaf Ave., Corona del Mar. ognlze that and cooperate u you lleve In the law of averages. On
of life, in feet, one of the safeguards of our ltbertte~.. number aa compared to 1n ln Robert Coop, city admlnUtr&· do. this bula, the tl.shlng down
It is the TV commercial, thl! n~wspoper edverte~tng, that makes Shore Cllfla. acrou the aully-tor of Inglewood, received the The Chest reaches 10 many there, atarUn1 about next week,
it possible for our country to memto•n our most chemhed freedom-wondered the first time It hap-award from Professor Frank local peo*. ln tact It serves should be tws. u good u
the freedom of speech end press. If it weren't for the edvertilers, pened 1f there wu anythln& be· Sherwood, president of the Los only local needs, and It meet. ao usual.
how would these information media be fino"nced? By the government hlnd lt In the way of political An(eles Chapter of the American many worth while demands, that Then-the wbalee! I aaw three
itself And then there would be no opportunity of getting skulduggery maneuver to d Ia co u r age the Soclety for Publlc In ·~o!d to support and work for lt Js -presumably Papa. Mama, and
.. ·• :
t I' ld -., ( ,. ,J I 1 u •, •.
end ;henonigans exposed to the corrective l~ght of publi~ity: s:~ng ;~~WI~!er voters from ~=-~~ dJ~~ewooc:tng ~YCM' re~~gy!u r;:; ~~res and ;::~· ::eee:_:::r:!J-=
As long os there is fr~edom of exp~~·on ond publtcot•on, there g ae!ldeta th:O ln'con.slstency of George England also received for the many articles and reports the ~ wblch means that lf Mil VJcl Ude llA .a
con be no chance for a H1tler or a Stol•n .'" o_ny country. be~use an deslgnatJne a polling place far the award. you eave. you ha~n't -.x>tted ¥OW tint ........ .._.
informed people will not tolerate the monstrosthes of the Nem or the removed from the center of pop· The selectlon of Inelewood tor Sincerely. Btl Gray One thJ.s •uon, you'd -~ CeSIIt llwy-aA lUI
Reds. ulatlon <I suppose they could the admJnlst:ratlve performance Mrs. Kenneth G. Cooling, bettA!r hurry. By the end of c-dltl .._ ~~sen"~an~M ~~~bwho~~~d~'tli~~h~~lt~ln~ckGd~~~-aa~~anln~rmal ~~~~~m~p~a~I~~~Q~~~~an~~~~M~ar~~~~~th~e~t~~·~la~o~ver~,~~~~~~y~,~~~~~~~~~~~~ -commercials end the ods: twist the TV dial, skip over the newspaper there are many other reuona. poll of publlc otfldala, mOIR~f r
od But they don't do that beca use those commerci al messages in This sectfon hu a high percent· whomh1chhoseh ~ewoodth u te . d .h I . . d d ' f I of retired ...-.pte who have one w c u anown e grea . tho newspapers an over t e te ev1s1on en ro 10 ere on essen •a •1e · ..--est 1 th ut decade,
port of our life. They help us shop for newer, less expensive and bet-=: ~le to ;alk :0 ;:te 0~;::; Prof=e:~OO: ~In ted out.
ter items; in other words. th~y he lp us live ~tter. And these messages do ~ot ~~e ~ nc~r. MV.~y who
ore presented in an appeeltng et~d ottrodtve manner so that we do have cars tear the highway traf· I Th.e He .Ires s I
reed them ond listen to them. . . fie for very good reaaon.
1 speak with special emphasis to Dieter because hes country tw•.ce Now, Jet's look at the voters of
brought us into wer for the preservation of freedcsm, end I got •n-Sb ore Cllffa. Ninety per cent of I N t PI
volved in that second scrape myself. That's no~ the way l.like t'? do those wbo eo out at all pau Or· S eX lJY
my forei9n si9htseeing. So for the sake .of edd~ng ev~n o ltttle b1t of chid Ave.-to eo to work or to go Next productJon I of the New·
good will ond undersianding, I would J.l..e to hove Deete; te.ke bed shopplng, whether It be to port Harbor Community Players
with him o more appreciative message thon he expressed •n h1s evalu· C.D.LosM., SaAnntaJ An~ Longh Beachto .UJ be ''The Hel.ress," by Ruth . or ge es. ... ey ave d A st Goetz. --otior~ of TV commerc•als. run the gauntlet o! 101 Highway an ugu us 11Ug5 ,.. .. """
L) ~#~
FRESH * Fresh F'Jah & Sea Foods During Lent *
Speciala For Thura., Fri. & Sat., Mar. 8, 9, lOth.
SWU I S nnmJII, ._._,
IWU I I n.uot1M
111 .. '1 STIR 11.100 liM
Pll •• IIIST,
by the Henry 1ameta novel, to eet out of thelr back yard. "Washington Square." It will be
At the present moment of thls presented April 25, 26, 77. 28 1n
wrltlng there ls not one per cent Orange Coaat Colle,e ChapeL
of the voters involved who know The east l.ncludeta Robert Metz
that they have to eo to Shore of Santa Ana; 1acquo Hope. Jo
Cllffs to vote. Thll lnformatlon Wilder and Marthella Randall of
hu been publlahed In a legal Corona del Mar; 1lm Haynie of
notice. u required by the elec-N R. Co d Harold f
tlon .....a-, but who reads o«lclal eowport., nra 0
~vvc Balboa WAnd. Suaa.n Nl.uen of ads! So now you know. Othe!'· eo.ta Mea. and Amanda Fried·
wise the first you would have lander of Balboa. known of It would have been
the card you ,et with your
aample ballot.
Now, there Ia no use'telling me
how you f~l. 1 didn't dood lt. I
have j~ talked to the mayor.
She aald that 1f the voters have
a protest they should write to
the CouncU, 10 that It will be
read at their meeting Monday
night. or appear in penon.
I discovered Monday morning
that the out-of-way place had
been approved by the Council. I
tried to go before the Council's
atudy meeting that waa in ses·
aJon, but I received a brush-ott..
I am now Informed that a poll
by telephone wu conducted, and
1111111 Psrll:sl'lilit
... , ......... 21
Wbat lntelll&ence Ia ancl how
It pertaln.s to aeademlc and other
types of work wUl be dl.cuaed
by WUUam Baatendorf at 9 a.m.
Wednesday, March 21. In Harbor
View School. ¥z'. B as t e n do r f Is belne
brought back by special request
for thla month's "Chlld Chat."
He Js chUd psychologlat for Or·
ange county schoola. He wUl a.lao
dllcusa changing IQ'a, wh~ and
wherefore and how chUdren's
IQ'a can vary bom year to year.
1111•1-IY ~IIIL
Seve• ••••• boots
Reservations Now-HArbor 3930.
villa marina
Wednesday, Mtirdt 14th. 26th in a MMa ol moDtbJy Faahicm s~
NOTE: Next Fa.hion ~on WecL April 11th.
(cmd the NCODd WedD.day al each month following)
through the cooperatlcm of the VDia MariDa, Vema Miller
The FoDowiag DUtiDc:tlft Shop.
2737 E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar
1809 tlewport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
* ELLGENE, CASUAl. P.Aa ... :'
'1883 Harbor BouleYald
Coeta Meea
204 Marine Avenue
Balboa Ialand
1767-A Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
Coline Glbban.l, Dorothy
McX.enna. Karructte Bulha
Cor. E. Cout Bwy. at Orchid
~ from P.o .. CDK
F•Ywa! ,..,.. ..... ......
~ ... ...
~ ....
,. CAl ••••• ..
Standard 8 h. d. Cl~ and CUitom Speclatue. e Drapery Hardware
• VenetJan BllDda.
~J. 8'-J. C>MOIDJ
.......... •c.u ,_.eNID JIAIM
Gl ... lt.. • ....,.t .....
----. ~----
A daucbter. 6 lt... 4 oz., wu
born~ Mr. and Kra.. Lewis Jtaan
of 408 Belvue Lane, Balboa. In
St. loeeph Hospital on Sund~.
Feb .•
fOI" Our Monthly
Speciels in The Ensign
Cell FM Appointment
37)2 E. Coert Hwy.
NHr Poppy--CotOfle del Mer
..... • milS
........, 'n. Ca•1al ~ r. •-" 10 -r ...
Ill 0.. Aft. z...w--.._. llyatt 6-U.l
------------. ---. ---- ------
BRUCE MA"TIN 111'1-.-----IR
-~---. . --
Pla.n.a tor a Courtf!IY Nlcht An ortJcen meetlnc on Malcll
mMtinc to be bdd Wednaday, 14 will be held at the home of
llfa.rdl22, w.-e ~at the Mrs.. Harold Graham, ~
recent ~c ol Coochlta Par-at the Parlor, at 21.20 Wallace St.,
lor 2!M ot Nat:Jve Dauchtea. A eo.ta Meu.. announced Mrs.
larce pt.hertnc wu on band to Rudolph 0 . Petenon., presJdent.
view an exhibition ol lmpres-Next ~cular meettnc of
alontstle wata rolor palntinp parlor wUl be held th1t nenJnc
by one of their own members, (Thursday) at the American I.e-
Mrs.. l)Jn Plaoe_ who painta iii&io~n!!H!!all!!!!!!, !!C!!:o.t!!!:a:=ll!!!!•!!•!!!!!!!!!!!l under the name ot Gloria Del· r:
mar Place.
'nle report ot Mrs. Jack WU-
IOn, chairman al the Way-s and
.Meana Commlttee. on the Rum-, ........ . mace Sale belc! on Feb. 16-17-18
wu read. Mrs. Robert W.lllon.
Ameriea.nlm\ cha.lrman, reported
on the ule ot American Flap.
Many were aolc! and more are
available for anyone wtshJng to
purcbue one.
Drama Talk
Is Scheduled
Wallace Calderbead.
ltUiilltC..., ........
u. s. ltoyel n,..
We,hong I PoliU.Ing
Complete L.,br'cetiOfl S.tVic.e
Phone Harbor 3094
2201 E. Coed Highway et Avoc:.do
Cotone del M..-
to get a special
on the complete set of appliances featured in the Frigidaire
It ttopped trallo at the Motloiama -IDd 110
wonder. This~ ol'lbday baa werytbiag-
acitial applla-that do tldop 110 appliaace
e'\'ft did Wore; ...... ~ b.w.ly
cob.. baptiao4" ..... ....
Now,..,.. cq ~a • J011r OWD ~
........ ,... ......... '~*. -JW.-&11....,' owiwa.._._.._
a,. r,...v., .. ,,.,...,. Altowattee•
0 .. pw ,.,...., .,.,.. ...
ATI'IImON N0f180Wtas
u ,oil ............. )'OUr ho.e. your lend!nJ
Wtit ... bl -y ~ ,... w1th ~
fuad. to P'U'clwe t.hb eoaaplde Kitchea -
J...n.lly ol 'l'tld.y wttll little or oo ~ .... a. ....... JQ ' 1\n z w .. evnU.W.
ll ,_.. f'lflkWre ....... il JOQ'd lib thnft.
•GI'IAiffa a a ,.. ...,.._. _. t.
.,._ • .._NW' 'e~rtU+4uJ
............. bti~M ....... t .. !!.!..':i~~ ....... .....
. . ..........
1-I SIOOilllln . c .I f CL he ... II c:r.a...., JICDWili .. LA• ~ ounc1 o nurc s r•--• 1 ~~ ~dtl~~~~r .. .:.cs~ ..
C f I'!!!_ d' f!-•d s • tJ1a I UN put _. Jl' aMd ".:U.::-: Gl.,. n• • ol n. 7 d •• ,. ... 0 \:700 r:TI ev ervtces --JD ..... '** ,.,. ,... In·
<Wllt ... -...:.c.s-... llu First Wllk of March .... ~, .............. 011 'f ........ ,. Ilia ... omc.-s .......... _, ... scat ~ 1 . ... c.a.a;..a: .. = att:r n. ..... enaet• ., aa.dMI .. ...,..... CUrcla: 'I1Modcft plebcl Q tbe -.u ..s ..... tt at4:»p.a~ ....... Clullell .... Msa 9111'18 ~ ................ cltM,.U ~ .......... ~ ......... COUIIt7 ~toe
a ~ ......... cUrled . taehlde liD eaw.. ..... ...... ..... • at ... ......... ....... -Oil ... Ualwnalllt c-. ...... Milo& *· Godard told ;:ucJ::!~=~~ un"'::~~oo:; ~at~~ 7''S:,a;,~.!.-:!. .... .=. o~.,....,~=~ ... ~NioW*IP~UidYiecNtai7 =.u.:~uact:r:to
Aaurteaa Mnst.t. ,.....,.... au4lfPCIIC a.dl u tbe av.ry ......_ .,._ bou. aad f.alda c •tate ..._. at die...-.... ad aa· V1lltcn _.. a.. -... Cui AceclaA..._Oarona':Tf.ar,wu
-..cb. <* 1Mt KO¥. 1 ,..._ ,._ ~ NCCried a total lathta,oue at 2100 1!. Cout JIW7., oaleas u ~ ...... .......,.. t11at aoo. ~ serv· OMJ-, PIMsaDt IIIII. Mo.. wtao 18 potawed. tbat th doc Neelwd
ported. ' I30Q,OOO ba pamit8 durtq tbe tuOO: CbarMs ~~~ 1-.t.c.y, .,. coadlauJal to .-w. ,..._, bt· lcM w8l M t.eld at a A-.... ~ ~ -i'tow too mucta polsoG, aDd .urviftd. • ftnt ..-o( MUdL 1-untt dwellJ.Da' at 40.1 lrll. Sl2.· du.le £1111 ........... ,....,_t, ,._,lllilaa Clnnla ,_ lJ at Colla .,_ ~bb' 011 Ood .....;.... _________ _
• 11M permlta lac:Juded a tslOOO seo; Ira Btudt, ......,_ aD4 aJ. JbD »-.. .a pNIIdlnt; nooa to a p.m. oa llafth • Tbe QUI'Cb; tbe bv. OodtreJ GrMf. "UT c:HUKtt OP CHIJST
cJwelllDI at the ftltrance to Bar· tentiona at «17 Oolckmod. ~ 'JWr7 lccC. ~ aad Bol17 a.v. ao, Carleon 011 tbe J1i1U11oua Ua, Coronado; tM Jt.w. Elwood SQIHT1ST
bor laland, a ~ dwelllna In e COIIOIIA IDGIILAJIDa ' lnpam. ball uw. J:d.t'oa On• ........ lfttew.d Wt.man. EneJn1ta. a.D4 tbe nil Yt. Lw.. ....._. ._,.
Newport Helthb. a S32,000 dwel· Marco Ankh. l·.tor'y, l ·unlt the propam aD4 p1au tor tbe Bev. Norm BanMe, Yuma. all A ~ elf TN M~ Q.,fCil. The
Unr on IJdo Isle. dwelllnl at 516 Seawa.rcl. $15,870. Ge I f ~ j th ywv. The Bev. loeepla Mc:&ane Uu. ........ In tbe "'llardl of ::: ~=dl=-~ri.t, Sd.tlet, lfl ao.-
The followb\&" permit. were ia· e DIVIIIE T.IDACE 1r 0 M0n reported f~ the WeltaN Com· Palth" PfOIRID ol. evanpUsm at s-.1 School 9:th.M.
sued durina the first week of Murray R o b e r t •, swtmm1n1 mlulon. Clu1st CbUJ'C!h by tile s.., lal· s-..y SeMele 11 100 e.m.
March: pool at 11.25 Dolphin Temu:e, ··s M·ass Perez "Duke'' Cox. YMCA MJCNtary, boa llla.Dd and eo.ta )leu W ..... ey Mlllllf ...... ,"' e:OOp.m. e COIIOJfA DD. IIAJl e 8AT IBOUI reported propea on the reUat· Metbodiat Olwdlee,l'fill*tlwly. ltNdlllf a-loc.et.cl et ))II VIe
Roy HaUber(, l ·atory. 1·unlt M". S. Bernard, alteratJon.s at llac!hael Pwft. a Mn1or 4auab· oua center tor atudenb at Or· Next m4etma ot the Ooundl tUo. Newpott ... ch. r. ... _.
dwellinl at 2730 Seaview, S16,· 2732 Bayshore Dr., $1.000. ter of Mr. and Mn. Comell\1.1 anp Coast Colle,e. of Olurcllee wUl be Tu.-day, deyt ffOfft 9:00 •·'"· to 5:00 P""·
3:50; Robert Royle. add aaraae • IAUOA JSLARD . Pers . ot ~ Placentia, f:oUa Pr-Hent at the meettna were Marcll 27 at st. ~ Preeby· Wed.-deyt frot~t 9:00 • .~~~. to 7145
Lloyd MarahaU, remodel aa· Mesa. wa.a choeen ''Zonta Girl of the Rev. lohn Parke, Mrs: w. & terlan church. ClJ1f Raven. = ~&:.d'1':ron~ 7:00 """to
Master Plan
Study Urged
:~ :l.z Coral Ave., $1.500. the Month" few February, and re· Wrtaht. M.rs. lohn Stebon and 'n! ..,bile Ia COI'di~IMt.cl to et·
V Edl 2 st 1 nJt celved her "Z"' pin at the Wah Mrs. M. L Turner of St. lames For letterhea41 aad enw~ t.NI ..-.. dlwdl .me-_, _ ..._
d _e;11non t. 338H, VI. oLlryd, ~u.t School from Billie Th.ronaon. Epiacopal Chtueb; the Rev. Me· _CaU __ th_•_Enat __ an._Bat __ w __ ru_t. ___ t..d_i..;:;•;;._R-. ________ _ w~ na a a 0 '"' commJttee chairman. Shane of the Costa Mesa Metho·
$32.000; Ken Nelson. 1-story, 1· J.. a IN!I"vlce club ot executive dlst Church; 'nle Rev. Carlaon,
unit dwellna at 109 VIa Zurlcb, bua:lnea women, Zonta elves Ill'. and Mrs. lames Taylcw, Ml.la
The City Plannlnl and Park $15.10>. recog:nltlon to outstandlna stu· Clara Koblstedt and MJaa Elate
Com..m..lssJona were urce<~ by the • lfEWI'OBT dents, and uslstl them In ere-Newland of 0u1st Church by the
Newport Beach City CouncU last Stanton House "Movers, move at1n1 an Interest In the advance· Sea; the Rev. Edwin Gomke of
week to hold a joint meetln1 to house from 622% a.nd ~ ment of women In the bualnea the Corona del Mar Community
dlaeuss a master plan of devolp· Clubhouse tQ Costa Mesa, ..,,.,; world. Church; the Rev. Herbert lohn·
rnent tor the cJty. City of Newport Beach. move 'nle choice Ia made on the son of tbe Newport First Baptist
The Park Commlsslon had re· buUdlnl from city trailer park~ buts of leadership, trlend.llnesa, Church; Dr. Richard Poa of the
quested the Council to employ clty corporatlonal yard, al$375t dependabillty, flnmeu of char· Costa Mesa Southern Baptlat
a planning consultant to make Homer Shafer, re estate Ill a acter and ambition. Rachel hu Church; the Rev. Robert Gron·
studies and to submit a street 104 McFadden Pl., $500: Wallace been a member of the Girls Ath· lund of the Newport Harbor Lu· --------------------------1 W 0 0 F F ICE 5 and hlehway plan and other Anderaon. 1-stbry, l ·unlt dwd· letle Association for four years, theran Church; the Rev. Donald WALTAH CLA.BKE'S
land uses lnvolved In the pro· ling at 124 36th St., $15.000; Wal· and Ia ~ It now u corte&· Sapp and Mrs. P. E. Baines of uwa••• •••• To Serve You
222 Ocean Ave.
PHONE HY. -4-1 177
60 I N. 8 Camino Real
PHONE HYacinth 2-1195
or HY ad nth 2-1 196
5~ 20-TEAJl LOA!f
Construction Locma
5~ 20-TEAJl LOA!f '
Poirier lortcace Co.
2515 E. Coast Bwy .. CDII
Ph. HA 3888 KJ 1-5185
(Metro Llf• loaurcmce P~)
posed acqulsltJon of Pacific Elec· ter Dllby, move real estate buUd· pondJne secretary. She plana to the Balboa lsi an d Methodist
trlc properties. The Commission lng from 1920 W. Balboa Blvd., attend Oranae Cout College. Church; the Rev. M. Czontc of SW1m Sult.. ~~~~~dren'a"
wanted more information on $100. where abe wlll spedallz.e to the the Costa Mesa Assembly of 'Jblnp, Muumuu.a, Luau Coltumes. Men',a A.loba
problems Involved in the PE e 8EACOM BA1 T1 1 st 1 it Commercial Course. God; the Rev. St5art and Dr. Sll1zU, Glftl. Decorationa, South 9ea Party Decor:.~l
acqulsltion before proceeding on John Abe • · ory, -un E. S. Hudson of St. Andrews 1• ... til c..t 819d. (Datto lllaow) 1...-a~~~~~~~~~~lne~~~~W~H S d -----------------------------~-----~h;:·:.: ~~;~;;:~: N::s~4J"7say Light" their life With :COith ~fJilft.,
$ 00 With eome of the returns from .J U Ja ............... o• Bay Ave .. 1 . I ~· •If Ill e JfEWPOBT BEJCBTS Heart Sunday door·to·door co ·
A. A.· Horvath, fence at 329 lectJons still being co u n ted • Fun~al servtces were held Allso, $500; George Pickering, 1· $4.375.11 was talJJed In already
Satu r day for Selda Cecelia story, 1-unlt dwelling at 333 by Heart Fund Campal,n work·
Berndt. 90, of 636 Plumer Ave., Holmwood, $20,940; Maurice Ro· ers under the direction of Ned
Costa Mesa. Wbo died Feb. 28 at land, 1-story, 1unJt dwelling at Hill. treasurer.
her home aft~ a brief Ulness. 533 Catalina. $180. Other Harbor Area Heart fund
Rev. Clive Williams, pastor of e C'LIF1' BAVEJf acllvttJes have brouaht in more
the Costa Mesa Church of the J. D. Bentley. reg-ravel roof at than $1.000 accordlna to Mrs.
Nazarene, conducted the service 320 KJngs Rd.. $28>. Ralph Tandowaky. chalrman tor
at Parkes·RJdley Mortuary. the local fund drive. She sald
Mrs. Burndt was born In Ap· • that $457.65 was netted on the
penrada. Denmark. and had l.ocll Cllleta .... Heart Sunday annual golf tourn·
lived In the United States for 89 Drill ,.... • ..... ,. ament. that approxJmately $200 years. She llved In Costa Mesa ---_ was cleared on the YMCA Heart
for one year. She had been a dance at the Rendezvous Ball·
well-known concert pianist for Cadet Sgt. 1st class Gregory F. room with lohnny Mercer and
many years. Survivors Include Wright., son of Mr. and Mra. Ro· Margaret WhJtlng, and around
two daughters, Mrs. Ralph G. land Wrlgbt of 2910 Clift Dr., $400 was cleared on the chU·
Zeledom, with whom she made Newport Heights, and Cadet 1st dren·~ movies.
her home. and Mrs. Frank L. Sgt. Richard W. Larkin Jr., son Gtm.D 5_-.. -E----G-Cl k f s G b 1 1 Sh of Mr. and Mrs. RJchard Walt~ ...... -......... ar o an a r e. e was Larkin of 2651 Ba""hore Dr., Bay The Church ~hoot GuUd will also survived by a sister. Mrs. J -__ ._
PU:SnTEJDAR arv.CB 15th St. A: St. Andrews Rd.,
oc:ro.a fnlll m-. 1c11oo1
Uberty 1-l'm
Pastor. a... ]CIIIMI S. Stewart
SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30
and 11 a.m.; Churcll School,
9:30 and 11:00: lr. High. &.
HJgh and college aee Fellow.
ahJps, 7 p.m.: Thursday, Prayer,
study croup, 9:30 a.m..
COIOIUJOTI' IIETIIODIST GD W. 11tb St.. eo.ta .....
LJberty 1-4551 .... Ja.epb w. llcSbaM Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Olurch Sun·
day School: 9:30 and 11:00
a.m. Morntna WorahJp--7 p.m.
Colleae Age MYF Service -7
p.m. HJah School MYP Service: 8 p.m., youna adults eroup
service. Cecelia Ellison of Laguna five Shores. .h ave been named mem· meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, M.uu •
· dr d n ' bers oC the battalion drill team 12. ln the social hall of Corona TBE CII1RCB Ol' CII1Wi't grandchll en an ve great for the new semester at Pombna del Mar Community Church. :!':!.chll~e:t-e~=~e~~as ·at and Claremont Men's Colleees. Members have been aak~ .... to 1050 Q~~ .....
The men selected will be pan of brine ~Crap materlah, n"""""es D. a. Bust. ......,_
Clief lrt ldlllie
II Atlel. FBI Ct•se
Pollee Chief Arthur McKenzie
of Costa Mesa wUl attend the
FBI National Academy In Wash·
ington. D.C.. from March 19
through June 12. by Invitation
from l . Edgar Hoover, dlrector
of the FBI. The course Is de·
signed to give pollee admlnlstra·
tors and of!Jclals Instruction In
the latest methods. techniques
and developments In the lleld
oC Jaw enforcement.
A daught~. Catherine Dexter,
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rich·
ard Shaw of 114 Grand Canal,
Balboa Island, In Hoag Memorial
Hospital on Feb. 24.
Buil•ll•c C01tractor
3-446 E. COAST HWY-
HArbof 4763
Relicl•ftu: HAtbo# 4196
a team of 25 expert cadets who and t.hread. to sew on baby Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
perform at games, parades and quUts for the church bazaar on study; 11 a.m. morntna Wot·
other ceremonies. May 1L ahlp: 7 :30p.m.. evenina8er"V1ce.
New Members Are Honored
By D.A.R. at Annual Tea
CommemoratJng George Wash· Spann. accompanied by Ml.ss
lngton'a blrthday and honoring Margaret Scbarle, presented a
the year's neW members, Col. g:roup of American composer's
William Cabell Chapter of DAR songs.
held Its annual tea and program Mrs. Adrian Irvtne and Ill's.
at the home of Mrs. Braden lesse Wolfe poured at the tea
Finch In Corona del Mar on Feb. table which carried the patriotic
22. theme with a red, white and
blue carnations centerpiece.
Margaret L. Scharle
Teacher of Piano
Oraanlst · Accompanist Evenlnl Cla.ues tor Adults
307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar
PYJendly Nelabborhood Serv1ce
110 Broadway
u 8 ·3433 A: 8·3434 eo.ta Mesa
NOW ... WO
Servtna the Harbor ArM
Midweek service, 7:30 p.m..
TBE cauaca or amJST
Odd I'.U.W. Lodge.
Ln.ty a.5'111
TOlD aabr, Jr.. JUa1ater
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 10:55 a.m.. worahlp lf!I"Y·
lee; 7:30 p.m. eventna MrV1oe.
CiDUST ·caoaca rt TIIZ SEA
Coaaallllllty Ketbod1lt
aaJboca 81..s. at l•tll St.. Rewpoct
JIAd)ow 5221
Pastwt .... Boy A. Cad.loa
Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid·
week MeetJng: 7:00 p.m. Wed.
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m..
ST. JOACIIIII CIIVIlCB liN OraD9e ..... eo.ta 11-.a
Llb.rty a.1011
l'atber T1aOIDa8 J. Rma
Sallday II-at 7. I. I. 10 CIDd U :30 a.m. Weekdays: Mua at 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to 8:30 p.m..
01' RIWIOft
aaJboa 819CL 11tb & CoaJt Ita..
IIAit:loc usa Uberty a.3071 ,__I llftbert Q. Jolauoa
Sunday eervtces: 9:45 .a.m.., Sun· day School; 11 :00 a.m .• Wor·
ahfp Service: 7:30 p.m. Sunday
evenlna C: e rv Ice; Mid -Week
Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednes4ay
Prayer Meetinst.
22Dd l t. & Eldtt:a ..... c.on. a.s...
Liberty l.m1 ........... c:. ao.ac, .__
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor·
ahlp: 10:56 a.m. and evanaellat aervtce. 7:30 p.m. Youna People
and Chlldren'a Service, 6:30
p.m. Sun. MJd.week ServSce:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles'
Mlulona.ry Councll, 'nlwsda)'l
9:30a.m. for aU day.
Rewpart 81..t. .t 8oiM St.. Rewpad..._ta
Liberty .. 1SS2
Elder D. a.~
Saturday Momlnc Services: Sab-
bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· me: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m..
cauaca or u.. •AV•zn
1-A--.1• St.. eo.ta .....
..... 1 a... CU.. WUIJ-•,
Liberty a.7111 Sunday Sen1ca: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.. Momln1 Worship at
10:30 a.m. Evaniellst1c Serv· tee, 7 )>.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S..
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayerm~
7:30 p.m. WednMday.
P1JIST a.vnn' cauaca ._ .. ..,.A .... atllw ..... 'a
c.tall-. ...... a. .......
Sunda.y Services: 9:4.5 a.m. Sunday School; 11
a.m. WonbJp Servlcee· 6:30
p.m., Baptist Ttalnlna Union;
7 :30 p.m.. Eventna Service.
Wedneitday: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer,
Pra1ee and BJble Study. Mon·
day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Qorua practIce; 8:30 p.m. Men'a
Prayer Meettna.
cau*'* or on LADT 01' liT. CA•MEL 16tl W • ..._ ....... Rewpan
...... 1. ...... ~~ ...... l'atMI'~ , ..
Sunday Muees: 8:00 and 10:00
and 11:30 a .m. Confeu.lon: Sat· urdaya and eves. of lat Frida~ and Holy Days trnm 4:00 to
5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally x .. 8:00 a.m. Jl'tnt
Prlday: ·~a.m.. and 8:00p.m. Nove n a <Perpetual R~p):
!J'Uetd&J', 7:4.5 p.m. PiJJbermen'a
Mua, luly and Aui\Lit, Sunday
• a.m.'
Fa.LO .....
P'DIT cau.,. 07 CBJUS"t Dell a-n ...
ICIUIDI SIS W ........ ahd.. IG1bM
,.., Ylll ~=--.... ~ ......... wuu.. wu.r
SundQ School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun· Sanday Sdlool. 10:00 a.m. Mom· day S e r v I c e : 11:00 a.m. Ina wcnb.lp. 11:00 a.m. ~;-::Jin~ ~f~ ST. Juaa-u.co•AL
udo. Newport Beadl, open • -... ~ -,r ....
a.m.-5 p.m. week days, 9 a.m.· .... 1-. a...._ lllcW 7:4.5 p.m. Wedne.daya, 7·9 p..m. .. Friday evenlnn. Sunday Mn1Cell: 8:00 a.m. Holy
Communion: 10 a.m. Family
Servtee with the Cherub and lunlor Cllol.n; 11 a .m., worahlp
aervtce. Thursday S e r v I c e s : 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion.
c::aaarr LU1'11EJlAJf cauaca OF COITA II.UA
(llllenut:;c-l A..tc.a JlaiL c..t.
Panora a... a...tbca' Tonaow
Sunday Servtces: Worship Setv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at
10:.15 a.m.
ST. JOIDI VIAJnfE'f ar• ~~ar~ae A..., aau.. ltlaDd
.... Oil.
l'atber ·~ ~· ..... I'~~ FIISU:
Sunday Mutes: 7:00 a.m. A 9:00
a.m. Confession: Saturdays and
evee. ot tat Fridays and Holy Da)'l; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; rtrat Sunday Serv1ee.: 9:30 a . m. Friday M.ua 8 a.m. Summer Church Schoo~; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. • Mus, luly and AuJldt Sunday, 11 a.m.
C••ll•oull rid •••::-r:,a ...
.............. a-lrie
Sunday Worship Services: 9:45
a .m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:4.5 a.m.
c:::Dn'aAL amu ClrUJic:. O.....A...,.tlkdlt. c.n. 11-. ~ a.saa .... ~ .....
SundQ Sebool: 9 :45 a.m. Mom·
lnl Servte», 11:00: EvenlnJ Seivlce. 7:30. Mld·week SerV· Ice. Wednesday·, 7:30p.m.
Youne people meet 6:15 p.m.
Sunday. R&WIOaT ¥1: LUJMiiAJr
1501 CUff Dr .. ·= ........ Pllll'l' 10~= LVnl1'
Floor c:cr..rtsap -Dta1DbocudS
A.aphalt Tile-Rubber Tile
Formica -Linoleum Tile
Balw Mortuary
Harbor a
BJ0 E. Cout HlaltlWQ
Corona del liar
Cllaptl. ........ CaUL
.... Co ....
LDuty ..,.1
.... C. E. T1uu••ll •
... ~:~ ...... 150 w .... lltea a. c.e. .....
DuplJeate momtn• lllrYtCII -9 Llll1 1'tt a.atll
a .m. ancJ. 11:15 a.m.. 8un4aJ; au:_:~J ,~_. ,:-. ~
Ktnderprta an4 ,...!Jc:booJ u :do · U:. 't.i~n~n1 CIILTOIS' Lllf~~
115 E. lftla lt.
Col1le ....
22 Years ln Oranae County -----------~--
Baltz Mortuary
lJber171-2121 1Tb ,. SuperW, eo.ta J(eea
' ' " '. 1 I.: •; I . •fl I ' 1 I •
Sunday acbool t:30 a.m., momlna
wonbJp 11 a.m. Youq people .me. 8:30 p.m., ........
evanplllt ..me. 7:JO p.aa.
MlcJ·week ....-e. 7:10 p.IIL
Dept. Sunday Sdaool. t a.m.; Un.ton 7 p.m. &!nda7. ~nlr\1.
1tt Grade ........,. Adult Sun· --:!f c:.t:' ~-Te.dl·
day Sehool. 10 a.a: .... pro-.. --........ 7 .... 9Ned and JlhnwJ ,..,.._.,. ....... ., . .....,. ...... aad
botlt -•ksw .... 11 a..a; .... .... SbMI7 1:«J ,... ....... -Moo&. clq.
Tld8 Dlrectaa t II ....... llJI-1111_._ I I Willi: .
Rllll•w Aa-t Ill' .,, Pw.,. ...._
1410 I. c:..t Hwy. tw. ,. c. .......
Mrs. Csenar
Is lniured in
3-Car Crash
Exchange Student Describes 'o: :.-~~7"! .. bonl
f to Mr. and Mrs. l am.H F~ of ~----------~ lmpressi.ons of Li e in U.S. ~ H~~~~ew::;,.:a:; 1.11 a 11 Friday, March 2. y ~ •aT NJCIIAOD lthJa CIMI.Dtry. the uw:.t wonderful;:=========~ .. -we aNllttJ. ambuMdort for thlna to bla) Ia tbe warm hoe· W11.kz' our boaMia.nd; In everythl,.. I pttallty ol the AmerieaD people VAN'S ~ a•
do aMI ay I repr..ent my and tbetr deep mt8'elt In bJm u '"lOy..,..· e.rn.-P.n.di iMJ _.
lruJ8ecJ lm~. lip and noee
.,.. aaftered by Mr Luul
o.aar, member of the N~v.pon
ElaDentar)' Sdaool Board, In ., daree-eu a«ldent at Coa"t liwy.
aDCI KartDe A~e. at f :03 p m.
eountty.'" a tonlp adtalap Jtudent. Supwtor c...w,.. C..fhmeMIUp" ""SAVE"' Yoar a~• "'
Tbla Ia what Dieter (Deny) "Bee I am. .. 8aJ'I Derry with we FfATUitE CJm.T •AGft&IIWO'
Mo&a. ow achu,-e audent a ~ crtn. ~ monttas later, c.,.ful H•lldllet of AM o.nc. x ••'*D aa:DI
from ~ Germany, told to 11 pound8 bentlr, and much F•bhct. ~ 1 lAc.>'"""*"' w·a~
lin. Oleftar'• car wu knocked ,...,.. I the Horae. Erudan P1'Aaud.leDot. man JDat\IN.., DltY ClfANING-lAUNDitY SEitY· ~~ 15
11y • ftrtt IHUnc wileD I Be bu Gilly one peeve. and ICE -KNIT ll()CJ(ING -HAND ~ _. amt
~:wry clay 1s eomeboctY'• blrth· abeacJ into a ear op~"rated by
day ... ~. M~b 7, wu Jieftry Vertwtb of 620 JaamJne
our .._ man•• blrtbcla)' • , , Sat· Ave., Corona «!•1 Mar, when a t'M
ur4ay ot next week. March 17, 1s drtftll by 14rin Allan, of 133 VIa
St. Patrtek'a Day, a1ao u.. btrth· l uear. Lido lale, cruhed tnto the
dq ot tbe ,-rocery atcn the bou back ol the Csenar vehicle, po.
man buUt 'With hla own frfenc1lJ. lice reported. All three t'IUS were
nea, wtUI.Dpe., and llei'Vtce COlnl eut on Cout Hwy. Mr.
with a emile . . . He blasted the Verturth llad stopped for a car
ltd ot the what every-otber·ero· ahead maldnl a lett turn e nd
cel7·store-hu bottle and ftlled it Mn. a.enar had .topped behind
to overflowina wtth what·tbe·fn· hlm. Mrs. Csenar, who lives at
cllvldual·wants-beald• &J'OCft· D Opal Aw.. Balboa laland. t• ln a grocery store . . . Happy wu taken to Roar Memorial _, ·tath .......... d . Hospital, where x·r~ lhowed •ra& U&I'UI ay, Dlc:k · · · 1 caD no fractures, hospital authorities It your elpth, becaWie I know
leam.-d I ba4 been accepted •u tb.at .eema to be a violent one. PltESSING ,-DYEJNG-ALTE:M. A.c:ro. the fltleli from
one of O¥a'WbelmJnc joy," be '1 wtJJ be wa&c:lllq TV ao4 am TIONS-UPAIItiNG. THE POST OY'P1CE
uld. '"I would co to C&JJ.fomla! thofooup!y u.r6id m a mo.t ~ Herbclr nu JSII ._. ~ llwy.
'nlen the ..nou..nea ot the tuk a.dUDI dtam.alk IDCIIMPi: I'm ~d \J~t I Deliwry s-;u <Comer OrcblcJ)
you didn't start IJvlng till the reported.
doon ol your JUc:hard's Lido Mar· -------
MABIIIE WC. Jeb-d II. Vta-
C*Dt. 110a ol Dr. aacS lin. Josepb
8. Vi.ueat of U20 VhJ ()porto,
Rt wport a.Gcb, gradual~ wlth wp boDOIS holD .tb• A•la tioD
Jet EagiM School at the Ro'flll
Air Tecblllcol Tra1Dlll9 Ceater.
.._plal.l. Teaa. .. fore eat.r·
1a9 tllo ....tc. lD J-aarr.
1155. be ,.,.. Cl 1152 9'1'~
of -.ow. IIWtary AO"daay.
ket opened etpt yean •co · · · Mrs . Richards ~~c~~~c Jrardal KJctt..a • ... T t t DJMia •a...y =· • ...... H d L.d • · oas mas ers ..• u y.-.... Mt .. u.... ea s 1 o s
... .,.... a. ..u · · · 1 1 b Elect Soule ::"£~::..::~ P,~~~r!. <;;:!Club .•• ~~m.,s.;,~ ;:;: ~=.::;~
Ia ....... .... • • • 11o..-I.Jdo'a little theatre eroup, hu Club at the Tuesday, Feb. 28.
4llrt tooe1lda • • • Cllld J'MI named the foUowtna to ttl am meetJnr of the club in the Har·
altbt be • .,._ • • • If J'MI board of dlrecton: Mn. Jerrel bor House Bataurant. Costa ~~aft • K4111c c.d • · • ••· ltleharck. pratdent; M.ra. Juliette Ken. • IDI tD bay, ...... tD Wl'lta. MUllken, Herbert Albreeht and m. brother, Ed Soule, was
.. baa tllpe '-W.. Ia • • • Mrs. Donald Hart. vlce-J)1'81-elected ftnt vioe·persldent; Jut MY• ........ .at I Mft • dents; Mrs. R. T. DlnwlddJe, Sandy Stetner, second vlce-prHl·
Ma9lc c..sr treasurer; M.ra. Bryant Wiest. re· dent; Bud Grant, treasurer; Bob
Wbat'a become of the old white cordlnc aecntary; Mrs. George MeCleeary, aecrrtary, and Dr.
linen table cloth? Ctvtna a party Mldaaud. correspondlnr aecre-John Hll1. aereeant-at-anns.
wu MY« IDCI'e tun • . • nor tary; Bryant Wlest, cbatnnaa of The club wW hold a joint din·
&ayer •.• than It Ia today with membenhlp; Hr. and Mrs. RJch· ner meeting wtth other Tout·
p a per table aeceMOrl• • . . ard S'tnith, chalnnan ot promo· muter clubs tn the area 1n the
H~ dtilabt Ia our new Party tlon. and Mia Joan Wacroner, Newport Harbor Yacht Club on
Shop on the Mezzanine . . • U junlot repTeSentatlve. ' Tuesday, !4arcb 20.
you don't haw a party ln mind. The Players' f1nt production
I just dare you to walk up and wtll be "Rlna Around Ellza.bet.h." DL PETEDOif QOEI &AST
down our Party FIJdng'a row, to be presented March 23 and 24. 11'0 A'J'TDrD lf.T. IIEE"fiMG without dMamlng up some occa· under the dlredlon ol Mrs. L. R. alon to be-deck the dining room McCulley. Mrs. Norman Watlon Dr. Bu1l H. Peterson. president
t bl Ra_._ ck -* d D htt wtll h the ot Orange Coa.at College, lett a e · • · ,... upon ra ~ an an er ave Monday for Ne-w York City to at ·
completely CO·ordlnated leta ot leads.. tend the annual meeting ot the tableclotha, oocktall and dJnner napk.lns, cus-and plates, for N A.merlean Asaoctation of Junior
Colden Anniversaries, Sliver An· ewcomers Colleges. Dr. Peterson will chair· nJveu..rt• H a p p y Blrthda.ys m&n the Kd.lon meeting of the
..• Your choice of Bozo the F Cl b conference con.sJdering the "Ef. Clown, Cowboys'n Indians, Nur· 0 rm U feet of Automation on the SoclaJ Sciences." Mrs. Peterson la ac· aery Rhymes, WaJt Dlaney Char· 'nle aeeond meettna of the re· companying him' on the trtp.
ahead became clear to me. I on tile ecJ&e ol my ... t. ten.11e Open I •.m. to 5:10 p.m. c-..a .._.
would have to learn new ewt· and waltlna. whetS out ot no· -s.t11rdey, I.,,.. to 2:30p.m-"'Look._ .. _.....-
toms In a new country and rep· ""-e a 11t:ranpr Ia Oubecl on l4U E. eo. .. Hwy.: eon,.. d:-1 Mer
resent mine to the best ot my the 8CJ'ee'll wbo demucla to Jmow '=:;=:;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~~~~~;;~;;~~~~~=i abUlty." 'have I tried Skippy Peanut But-r
Derry spoke warmly ol. the ter! Chunk lltyle!' It lll.&.ks me
American pteld Setvtoe, the ot· want to t.h.row thlnp and amuh
ganlzatlon responsible for the windows. We have no oommer-
toreign e.x.change student plan. c:lala tn Germany and we think
.. Although formal education l.l it's better that way!"
the objective, t he prime reuon
ls to aeq ulre first hand knowl-
edge of the nation, Its ways and
its people," uld Derry. "The
qua1Jt1es most necessary for ap.
pUcanta tor thla prog:ra.m are
leaderahlp and ada ptability. The
Hobby Shop
to Open Here
students are all very ca.rdully A bobby shop la due to open
acreened and there's no chance Ln about 90 days in a new bulld· .
of anyone being sent over that lng now under construction at
l.l not acceptable." 2842 E. Coast H ,.~ d 1 German achool children N.rt wy., ~vna e Mar.
much earlier to study much The bustness and buUdlng are
harder, &CCOI'dlne to Derry, and owned by Noman Bussell of 411
homework atarU for them ln the Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar. am clay of kindergarten. High His son, Norman Russell Jr .. wUI
school 1a not compulsory there. also be associated tn the tlrm.
and a student must take en·, The son formerb' operated a
trance examlnatloD.I to enter bobby shop business In Mon·
hl&h IChool. Only 17% ot the rovta.
atudenta eo to hl&h achool and Model railroad .systems, air·
about ~ of the. continue planes, en&fnes. c:ratts and plu·
through to graduation. ttc do-lt·yourself kits will be ln·
Forelcn languages are tau,-ht eluded tn the merchandbe of the
aa early u the filth &rade and nnn. Mr. Russell baa Uved 1n
chUclren cut th~r first teeth on Corona del Mar slnoe last Octo·
mathematics. With thla b&ck· bel'.
LOSE ••• 11lose
.'Be Trim .. FOI'
The New •'Slim ..
Snmmel" Fc:mbioaa
• •. THAT IS •••
unless you are aatt.CJed wttb trytn.c to
"SQUEEZE" a str.e ( 12> dre. on to a
size (18) neure! ...
unle. you enjoy tbe "DAILY ZlPPEil
tua·of -war~
...._..Ow aa. P• A c...r'-... ,
• a· r ,.~. •t<••~>
WW .... T .. Willa TOR -ng.. ?Nta-er"
""Be A Mew YOu-. • Start Today!
..._11a pound, lt waa not dltficult to Tbe coneft'te block buUdJnr la
understand why Derry had bla being erected by w . E. Fisher,
toneue a blt In bla cheek when Ccwona del Mar ~eraJ contrac·
he aid, '1 am flndln& my senior tor, from plans prepared by Har.
year at Newport Harbor a very ris and Sedlnger Draltln& Service p~~t ~enoe." o:f~Co~ro;n~a~~;·~M~ar~·========~~======~======================================~ What does Germany look llke .;;;
ten yean alter the war! To
really know, Derry pointed out.
one has to eo back to 1945 and
compare tl'le unbelievably ter·
rtble hardlhlps sulteftd by the
German people after the war.
Homes and transportation bad
been completely destroye<!, and I
there were three years of prlva.
Harry M. Whetsel
1111111,. , ....... acten ... There Ia also an adult cently formed Ne-wcomers Club
Happy Btrtbday with soph.t.tl· of Corona del Ma.r, which ttaa ea. ted candle. . . . A no t h e r just been orcanlzed under the
m&tclled let for ~ or teen·aee auspices of the Corona del Mar
Jam Seulona · · · Commulty Church, waa held Feb.
tlon and bitterly cold wtntera and
QBOU? SEWS FOB •.AZAAII ruined crops before the wonrt I
The Friendly Service Croup of wu over. While Germany still
the Corona del Mar Community bean the scars of war, enormous
Church met at 10 a.m. yesterday progress bu been made. In
(Wednesday) In the church to Western Germany, monetary re·
sew on Items for the church ba-forms were instituted and now
zaar to be held on May 11. Mem· the economJc: system ls one ol
ben were uked to brln& aewtng the most stable In the world.
and a sack lunch. Dr. Marla E. He bad heard many times that
Varady of Corona del Mar, for· with Americans .. time is money"
merly of Hungary, was the and he wondered about hls re·
speaker at the noon session. ceptfon, but aJnoe hls arrival ln
* New *
Modem Building hrty ..._. ..,. • • • 'nay 28 at the home of Mrs. Lllllan
little ..,_ lada a.-...-.. York. 226 Poppy Ave.
..t el ,... ctr wa • • • The poup dec:ldecl that Mn..
.. I • ...._ _. 111 r • Robert aop., temJ)OI'ary officer,
111111 U Ia.., at......, wtll be reta1Ded u rqular chair·
..._ 'IIMnl • IMIIrr•....,. man. Other otfken M.ra. M. C.
Ia • ..... _..,. -.it wttlil a Vaqgbn u secretary; MnL GJenn
_...._ ••• 'n... -. cd.-Young u telephone chalrman:
...,_ toot laJtla '"doUa""' ._ M.rs. Vlrginla Kunkle u record· ...,. _ .. ,..,. to ..atda lng secretary, and Mrs. John
• • • 'I'1Ma tiMM am be ...... ed Triplett and Mrs. Richard Under·
up wtth wiab1D9 .. ua. atotb wood, In charee of arraneements.
c • r r y l 0 9 bclble&. 1IID.bnllaa The club is open to aJl new·
• • • • Aa &c. cnaa cab. a comers to help them become ac·
becnatlfal Oonl ••-• •t qualnted ln their new commu-
••• Ooea'der u • -gnat nlty. Any new resJdent may call
blg party gift119 11 ki; all Mrs. Young at Harbor 5517 for
tied up Ia .,....._. ..,_.. further information.
by W'Cdlll:lDg Ia ou flaM doac The next meeting of the group
to flDcl ..._. aDd ~le will be a dessert held at the
bciDda. ea1laa:ry ..,..ta. with home of Mrs. Carl Gerdes at 3220
J)Maty ol aa..gtaattoa CIDcl Ocean Blvd., Corona del Ma r. Co·
laclda of ....-ce tb.rowa Hostess wU1 be Mrs. Stanley
ia • • • Brisbin of Irvine Terrace.
Dr. H..._ Parter
Tt .1111 Sllff 11 ICC
The Cub Scouts of Pack 17, Co·
rona del Mar. wtl1 compete In
the annual kite contest begin·
nlng at 1 :30 p.m. Sunday, March
18. on the hillside at the top ol
Orchid A.ve.
Cubmaster Howard Richards
says that the official j udging
time la 2:30 p.m., when 10 spe·
clal prizes and awards will be
Awards given at the recent I "Blue and Gold Dinner· were
earned by Bl'lan Smedegaard.
wolf badge and gold arrow; Carl
Ve nstrom , wolf badge and gold
arrow; BUl SUvia, lion badge;
Eric Van Hall, bear badge, and
Tlm Richards. silver arrow.
Read Enstgn Want Adll
of Famoua Mabr'a
II TIE s.raDI"
* Ughting Fixflres *
Harry M. Whets el
1510 lfEWPOIIT U.VD. AT lSTB ST. U l.cftl
Awards at the last pack meet·
lng went to l obn Petersmeyer.
lion ; Cary Broerlng, bear; DaVld
AndftSOn. bear; Robbie Wyre,
wolf. c old arrow. and s Uver ar·
row; Tim Richards. 2·year serv.
ice star. Bob Fry won the silver
dollar drawing.
Back Views ore Big Ne ws m
The Bob Cat Ceremony was
conducted. and Jlmmy Wheeler
and Charlet~ Crabb were ad·
mltted Into the pack.
The next meeting will be
April 6, when more plans will
be made for the AprU 15 Cub
Scout blke. The annual CUb
Scout Carnival wUl be held on
Saturday, Yay 12. at the Co·
rona del Mar acbool.
(Oppc»Jte B~ HocpltaJ) (ln Croasroadl VUlap)
Surprise-bac~ Fashions
Thb spring, wonderlul things hoppen when •·
turns her bodt: streamers that float ~ IOShes
that pcwff, ond buttons that porodc down the bock.
Shown on l6g ~ bright conon streomen
fluttwlng from chalky wtll,. Blrdte~type cotton,
wttn ongef Wk'lg rewn ond a stroke of
bright cotton OClOII tho nedcllne.
On llttM Sitler, fumper strops ond o
huge pvffy 10th ewer flower-sprigged
ripple lheor. Added surprbe, tt.e•s
0 tpedol hidden pocltot "' eodl.
~ wathoble ond ~fy4ng.
* ...... ...
Clllil.a ··-·· •
• •
u you .,ua ..... u ~ IDU'Iild la.nllary 10 tn Phoenix.
¥a .,ua ad.m1l that llary Do«· A.rt&. TIM dq tb«)' arrived home, ..., ct eo.ta ..... plcUcl t.b• a.ttY• JOU.Da daqbtes> PrUly de· rtpt job to Jet deS oa-~ .... veloped a htp tempeatUN 41·
Mary s. MC:reta.tY to lloq ROll· acnoeect u btont:blal pneumonia,
pltal Admlnt.trator W I n I fred m tbe MWlY adopu<l father aot
Bacon. Wonder It they uve bQII. tnJtJated lnto parenthood real
pltalizatlon r qulclL • • •
Ruth Drealer of 621 Orchid
Ave .• Corona del Mar, 1a ~lne
vlalted by her mn from Idaho
Sprlnp, Colo. Mta. Drflaler just
came home from the hospital. • • •
• • •
No wonder Dorothea Sheely 1a
a young looldnf elty librarian.
She'a a leap year day baby and
only hu a birthday once in a
whlle. However, abe celebrated
here on Sunday, Feb. 26 (as weU
as on Feb. 29) with a huge birth·
day cake made like a book.
ThOle who m~· the beautl·
ful music In the ~autllul audl·
torlum Saturday nlght when the
Crance County PhUhatmonlc So·
clety gave the aeason'a fourth
concert at the Orange Coast Col·
lege Auditorium. a1.ao mlued
seeing Karen Mar,eta Bruning
receive plaudits and a bouquet of
roses for ~lne the Soclety'a
hatd·worklng executive director.
Presentation wu made by Dlcl<
Rlchatd. After the concert a re·
ception was held for all the con·
cert ~oers and the otthestra at
the Soclal Center of the college.
............... hlld .......... ., .. ~ ., ..... ,
,._., Dee htta. pl'llhl•t of title .... 'nd lll ... tr nt 4IDCl
• • •
Port Theater mana.., lohn
Oxford also bad a birthday lut
week . . . and was the recipient
of mme "doggy" cards. • • •
The E. P. Hadley'• ol Vla Lido
Soud. Udo, are eendJq their
boat up San Francl.8co way thJ.a
week and wUl join her next
week for a little yachtlne alone
With a three·week bualneu trip. • • •
Newlyweda, Mr. and Mn.
Chatles P. Fou. ate back on Udo
Isle I o J 1 ow I n g a month-lone
honeymoon In old Mexico. Chuck
a.nd the former Betty la.rvla were
............. C.pw.U... ba1ldln ................. ld..,, .....
aattat IJ.1IG ,_, tw ,...._ title ~ le •-• -.t Dr. • .............. tbe ballcll"9, (Eulga ..... ,
.lllllp ... II F•ter M Th
Of I••IIJ Steller Tar Tattles-~~=.=~~.!! . rs. ay~r,
superior ludee l ohn Shea· P1oneer, DieS
ruled recently that Russell E. • CIIUGE.S pa()fOIEJ) Tars. They wtll play ba.eball, I L•d H
Ford and Lois T. Vogel had no Boatd of Controlla contempla-badminton, and swim. n I 0 orne
action against real estate broker tine a chanee In thelr represen· e SAILDfG a.n
Sandy Steiner, whom they hod tatlon of the student body. Har-The Slr Lhomu Tipton trophy Mrs. Ernest Wentworth Thayer,
sued for collection of $3,600 Jn bor's maln governing body now was the prlu raced for Saturday descendant of one of the flrst
broker's fee. hu only one representative from by mem~rs of the Salling Club. settlers of vermont, died Wed·
Mta. Vogel and Mr. Ford each class. The proposed change nte ~an race h~td ~n post. nesday, Feb. 22, at her home at
claimed the commission In the la for two representatives. a boy poned for .everal months on ac· Prl
sale In April, 1954, of Sandy's and a girl. Also being discussed count of unfavorable weather. !!:vt~ '!::· ;~~:u~~~~ by v~:
Tbere've been vlaJtora plore
at the Dexter ~acbon hOUM, 80!51
Begonia Ave.. Corona del Mar.
dutlng the put week and a hall.
Both Mr. and MIL l ack.lon's par-
ents came down trom Pasadena
to check up on their chUdren
and grandchlld.ren. They ate the
H. P. lacbon.a and the E. A.
Hu.enbuah'a. 0 t b e r Pasadena
vlaltora were Mrs. ~ackson'a ab·
ter and brother-In-law, Mr. and
Mrs. R. K. Smith of Pasadena.
ecu:DI ..AJITT
Lido Sbopp~ C.nt.r a-t..•• .......... ...,..
nuu. Gll"tt
From Bela1um. Holland.
Sweden. Germ.anJ, Ital)'
Ia 1tn1land.
Arabelqu. Jewelr1
from TO~.&~ Spain ...... ,.
WI •• •••llwwy, laMII AM
Motel In Corona del Mar, then are: a permanent elected mem· Merlin Couch In her Rhodes Be Perry F Schrock minister
owned by Mr. Steiner. Judge ber to California Association of '"Temptresa" brought home the em:rltus o1 the Coron~ del Mar
Shea said that the Vogel office Student Counclls, and a repre-trophy sponsored by yachtsmen' Community Church, and burial
had no Interest Ln the $72.500 sentatlve from student council to In the Harbor area. lane En-was In the family plot In upland. i1'-••• ...... I ·-a ... transaction, ~ause Mr. Steiner the board. right's "Witch" was second. Mra. Thayer the former Grace •-r-•----......,.
bad made the original contact Although there Is opposition to Wendy Desen~r((s ''Mistral" Margaret H~ood was born In · ~ Maay .._ & ~ ~ & -.t
with the buyer. the latter, I personally hope It placed third. Dave Gran t • s Springfield, Mo~ 'In 1872. and ) 11.50 _. ..
will be passed by the present '"Teaser," WalteT Frann's ''Onda· came to California In 1886 with --'. --.EITIL n_aan! II II. ~-1.11. Dill• board for election, for I feel It lay" and John Lewis's "loel" h ts M d Mr Allred ---• · · · ~ ... .._.... ld h 1 ak h • • er paren . r. an s. , --....... • I wou e P m e our sc OOJ gov· placed fourth, tltth, and aixtb, Perez Harwood. ntey establlshed · ..S L Cealt aa.d. ....,._ -
Funeral services for Henry Her· ernment stronger by combining respectively. 'ntelr next ~an their. home in that part of On· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
man Smith. 79, of 1990 Harbor ~: s!,~e~~~::!:r: ~~~~~: race Is scheduled for late May. tario colony which later became r
Blvd., Costa Mesa, were held Frl· thla point there wUI be a vote e EXCBAJifCE ASSEM8LT Upland.
It f. H•ltCirids. D.C. day at Parkes·Ridley Mortuary 0~ the at dent body U they then Bill ~.Fullerton High School's The Thayers were married In
Some one remarked the other Chapel. Costa Mesa. The Rev. 0 t ~he chan e. will 0 Into president presented some of Ful· 1898. In 1920 they purchased a
day that be did not know that Donald G. Sapp ol the Balboa P~:,.t ~th the eJection ~t ofll· lerton's talent to our ltlldents In home at 1222 E. Balboa Blvd., tChorlrohperaactdatcch~.uldEvdeonanpyalthleln~~ Island Com m u n It y Methodist ~rs this sprln"' an exchange a.asembly last w~ Balboa, and spent thelr ensuing, ~ ..., Church, officiated. •· Bud Osler, a cheer leader. acted summers on the Peninsula. Less
upon r«<very from one aJJment Mr. Smith dJed Feb. 28 at the • IIOifOB CLVI u M.C. '1'd Rather Die Young" than a year ago they decided to ~:~~n~~~Zt'cadJ;~~~ Orange County General Hospital Trl Sigma, girls' honor club, was the first song by a girl. then make this atea thelr permanent I
can also correct the cause of after an extended Illness. He Is also considering some changes. Dennis Cooper sang "No, Not home and moved to Udo Isle.
many other aUments. The point was a native of Topeka, Kansas, At a pot luck dinner last week Much" and "Blue Velvet." lanls Survivors Include her hus · Gr
S. that Chiropractic 1s not llmJted and had Uved 69 years In Call· they dl5cussed the posslbiUty of Pen and Dawn Harold panto-band; two sons, Allred Harwood lndiYidual or oup
to correcting backache but Is fornla. the past 10 years In Costa new requirements; the purpose mimed "Rhythm and Blues" and Thayer of San Marino and Wll·l 1.-.ona
Prof-.ional John Plumbley
OD -Clboat Narda 15tla
an all around health service. Mesa. Mr. Smith was a real of Tri Sigma. which Is the bet· then Paul Hartan performed on llam Lyman Thayer of North
Chiropractors tully realize that estate salesman. . terment of the school and the in· his a«''rdlon. Hollywood, three erandchlldren j 2718 WNt F"uwt St.~ Santa Ana, CaJiL ~~~~~~~=onn~ors'u~r: ~~~~~his ~~dl~du~; and ~w they ~n K~KikeTdld a tap dan~; aa~nd~f~o~ur~~~a~t~-er~a~~~c~h~U~~~n~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • Mn. Ivy Smith, o1 the home ad· make the club more active. d M _ ~ry. Bear In mind however that dress: a daughter. Mrs. Dorothy VIrginia Fugit ls president of Louise Skelton and Bud y ur-
t e average patient with a A. Allen ot El .,_..,,ndo, 3 '"'and· Trl Sigma, Margie Stovall ls vice phy sang "Love Bug." Next a chronic condition respon-'-tully ~.-... ,_ bov. trio sana "Buick au." "udy to ChiropractJc treatment:" chlldren and 2 ereatgrandchll· president. Judy Coleman "" sec-"-• ~. " dren. retary, and Pat K~Jter 1s treu-Tlmble and Marsha Muller sang
B. E. llacklcb. D.C. urer. Their next main activity and ,pantomimed '"Tw~ , Lost
ftoaer Jlatbor SC7J or 4.514 For lerterheada and enwlope:t~ wllJ ~ In May. It wUl ~ a com· Souls. VIckie Hom ~ne 'J m In
700 CCinaatloa. CorODa del Mu Call the Enai.,.,, Hatbor 1114. blned party with the boys' Hi the Mood For Love and then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 theG~n h~n Quartet ~~ed :-two tlnal numbers. Thanks to
(AnotheT In a Series of Messages Presented by ttt Newport Harbor Ensign)
The locel resident who seys he hos a right to buy where it is to his edvantoge
to buy IS 1\BSOLUTELY RIGHT. But when he thinks thot he con get a "better deel"
owoy from home, he is 1\BSOLUTEL Y WRONG.
1\mong our good neighbors in the Herbor /\rea ore meny who mal:e their pur-
chases out of town when thay need onything less urgent thon fire or police protection,
or meet ond breod for tomorrow's dinner. No part of thot money ever gets beck here
to do its share of constructive work in the community that producod it in the first
Local citizens who vote ot the same polling pieces. pey taxes into e common
fu nd. derive their blessings from common sources, should transect every possible dol-
lar's worth of business 1\ T HOM E.
Your home ~Mrcnent con either show you the merchendiw you went, from his
,..9ular s+od, or he con get it for you for es low a price os you con <Jet it enywh.re.
Besides, and withoot extro chor9e, h.'ll throw in the personal service end court.ous
und.rstanding that you can't get in the out of town transactions.
l udy BAker for helping me ~et
all the names.
Added Attraction -The Ellu
Club has otfered to sponsor from
one to two danCH a month tor
Harbor students, to be planned
by the ltudents.
This ls Leap Year. all galt at
Harbor are now In the search for
a LIJ AbneT to be thelr partner
tor the Sadie Hawkins dance
next week. MarrYtn' Sam will ~
there, gals, 10 don't mtu your
chance. e SCHOOL IPDUT
In spite of all the support
given Harbor's buketballers at
last Friday night's game they
lost. But It was wonderful to see
so many kids giving their sup-
port. Students even chartered a
bull at quite an expense. Anyone
who traveled the eighty mile
trip to San Dlgo saw carloads of
cheering Harbor students. We
h ad tw1~ as many rooters as
Hoover. although we had more
than four times u fat to go u
they did. That's real school aplrlt.
and now let's do the same for
our baseball teams. e 2JID QU~B BOJfOB BOLL
SOPHOMORES (continued) -
Lonna Uoyd, HettJe Lomax, Dl·
ane Lund, Doug MacLachlan, DI-
ane Marsac, Sandra Martin, Irene
McCormick. lllatgaret Merriam.
Deanna Muter. Dave Mood7,
1 Sonja Moon, Nell O'Malley, lune
Payne, Lolli Pelletier, Dan Pha·
len, Slna PhUip, Daniel Pierce,
Glenda Price, Dean RlcketU, Nancy~ ... Gerry Sanger, Frank
Schultz. Clermont Sherman. eyn.
thJa Smith, Susan Stewart. Cathy
Sturtevant. Marga ret $Waln,
Brian Tamura. Thomas Thomp·
son. Robert Vllla,rana. Pare
Westfall, Gall White, Patty
Whitefield. E 1 a l n e Whitman,
ludy WhJtney, Llnda Wickey,
~udy WUllamton.
Where you save DOES make a diHerence!
Experience . • • naeeu
An important word when you
plan to invest your Savings
Americo's Sovings end Loon Associotions will celebrote their
I 25th year of serving America 's thrifty families next month.
We are proud of our own 20 years of serving the Orange
County community in encouraging thrift and home ownership.
Our $24,000,000.00 in assets reflect the confidence of investors
not only in Orange County, where most of our savings family
live, but in nearly all of the 48 states and in many foreign
countries as well.
These wise savers depend on the tradition of sound , safe
service and conservative manogement which is part of the
trusted American Savings end loon tradition. They know that
when they invest with us, their funds ore in tum re-invested
mainly in First Trust Deed loans to help buy end build homes
in Orange County -one of the soundest investments in ell
the land.
In addition, they enjoy the
added safety of Insured pro-
tection-each account insur-
ed sofa through the Federal
Savings end loon Insurance
Corporation, a permanent
agency of the United Stotts
H is th. pt~rpose of these articles to bri"9 ebout e better und.ntendinc) emon9
neighbors ond the home town ~Mrchants. If this ~ inspiret • hi(Jher ~ f~
your merchant end his servic:.s, it wil .. rve the purpote for which it het been written
ond pc-e .. nted.
FRESHMEN -Torrt Alttot«. lohn Andetloft, ao. Andenon,
ludy Baker, Bomde Bamee, l ack
Bradbury, Jtay llroWn. K&IW'I'le
Bunnell. Pat lluall. CMtJeM Car·
roU. Diane Canoll. Cuol ~.
l etT7 Cox. Lorraine CUthbert,
Jean Delonr. Juet Delplllno.
Wend)' Dleeftberl. llarJ Down· tnr. 'l1motll7 Dr1llrAtl. a.r, Dana. .... a.eart. ........ m.uoet. =n::.. r::-:-.: .=: IEW-T UllOA Ill
... _rrvf~Ma. ,..... ~. ....... Gllllna' .,......, ~ ••• ...... ..,.! ... .., ..... ......,, .......... ,...
..,_ •••' sw ... ,.._ JIM VIIi
P • .L ,..._., I'I,..NIIIM_,
LWe I At--
.. '"""
_,,-. • a ., C8Nllll =-~ -I L • • Jfllf•e._W.,'POIJ•nlrr IIACH .. _ ...........
,... 4'=-'* ?i ·-== ....... A-. .......... .
e lbOOIUUJI ••,..... =' lftdudee Mr. and Mn.
Ortctnany from IOdllpft. lMat a.a4 two dlJJChn. &ann,
J'eltdenta o1 ~Ia .enc. 1MI, aiiDOIIl tow ,..,. old. and Jfell.
Mr and Mn. JobD 1... a..... wbo hu Ju,1t turMd one. Mr. ba~e ded4ed to make their I*· KJ.elJ ta a ropr ... ntatlv. I« the
maJMnt borne In ln'IM 1'1nace, 0aUo WIJM Co. (''MmJn.m.. pod•) ....,.. tbe7 IDO'Nd .., • ._ thl8 1ft t.bo Suta Ana area.
.., lamoM Dr. ,.. ar-M~ • • • ~ Uwd ln man1 MCtJoM ot • KO'C'IID 110ft Dll&
Caltfomlt.. tneluellftc Cl1ft Ba..,._ 'lbe VIdor K.oeehe . famUy bav.
11wy ,.....u, .,ld l 11 VI Liquor Ju.t P\lli'CbaMd tbelr home at
SCore bt Jfewport and an colnl 1'\alttn Ave., Mewport H.tptl,
to try retired We tor awhUo. 1'be and moved ln a couple ol weoka
couple have two married ~nt. •10· Mt. Ko«he ls a r-.pteNDta·
one In WhlttJeor and tht other ttve of tbe Don Snyder Co. in
back tn Micbllan.. Lone Beadl, eellln1 whol..a.le
• • • UquOI' (mDU1\. better!). and Mn. e IIOY& PIIOII IAII GAIRD" ltoedle works In Santa Ana at
New ,..dot. who mewed to Southw-.em Valve Corp. In the en&1..,t.nc d~t. M.ts. Colona dol Mar from San Gabl'lel ltoedle ta not new to the area;
ln February are the Leroy K.lely abe bu Uved here tor many
tamllJ of Marcu•tte Ave. The yean. Her father, ~ Hc.tftler,
owna the eo.ta Meu Lumber
Co. 'Ibe X:~ee have two d.auth·
ten, Sharon, nearly 13. who co-
to Horaee Erullp School. and
Cooldea, ~~. who attends Har-
bor View. • • • e C:01JU)JM' ITA1' AWA1'
Mt. and Mrs. John NewbrOuch
juat couldn't stay away from
Newport Harbor. They Uved 1ft
Corona Blchlanda a f.w yean
aco, lett tor Lone Beach, but had
to .eome back. Now they are Uv·
lnC on Malabar Dr. In Irvine Ter·
race. Mr. Newbroucb ls a •1•·
man for Southwest Steel Rolllnl
Mllla In Loe Aneeles. There ls a
little member of the famlly too
-Nancy Ann Newbrouch. ace
3'A!. ,
• • •
, .............
-• • •
Only t2.200 down for lob of
c:orotortable Uvtnc area, 1250
IMI· ft., real dJnlnc room.
blrdl kitchen: larce rooms.
dbl car., patJo, drapes ln·
eluded. Jfeer lcllools It abop·
pfnJ center. Let WI abow you
tbls rood buy.
......... ...,
!5C» Center St., eo.ta Mesa.
Uberty 8-e911 or lJ 8-7784
Formerly of Long Beach, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth R. SmJth are
new residents on Narcwus Ave .•
Corona del Mar. They llved for
a while on Marcuerlte before
movtnc to thelr present location.
The Smith ta.mUy includes two
boys. Cary, age 2. and Cree, who
ls six and already goes to Har·
bor VIew School Mr. SmJth ls
associated wtth Heritage Shut-
ters. manufactured In Costa
...lb ...
lf&WIOaT a & A C 8 l"b ••• wuu-a.ctiM .. I • ba·
ttag ........ belt ued Ia
.... ....., ....... --"by a.-e.. ,... ~~---bcrtioa
......... 'r..ckry ...... llftlt.
.-. a t•chah .. lf..wpod
.._. •••••atar y ~
91111ted tM ....... FIN De-
pwtu±Mt •••L~~paa......, no ........... atw~, ....... ,...
.,...u,. ....... Ia....., ~-,..... .......... ~ .. n.. K..a..t WlWaa Jrol· a.. (E.ulta ...... )
The Mlddlen Club of the Co·
rona del Mar CommunJty Chuttb
will meet ln the church at 6:30
p.m. Tuesday tor a pot-luck din·
ner and entertainment. Memben
of the committee lndude Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Meredith, aklp-
pers, Mr. and Mrs. George
Weedon, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Hooper. ------uvrv AL IEJIVJC:ZS
B.evlval aervlcea wlll beJ1.n at
7:30 p.m. tomonvw Cll'rlda.y) at a.• J1nt s o uthern Baptlat
Olurch, 650 w. Hammon St., ln
eo.ta Mesa. Dr. W. A. Strickland,
Southern Baptt.st Sunday School
Director of California, IJJ guest
speaker. Serv1ces will continue
daUy throuch March 18.
Food valued at between S20
and $25 wu stolen from a stot·
ace ahed at the rear of the
Unique Cafe, 410·32nd St., New-
port Betch, Ha.rlan J. Curand,
operator of 204·34th St., Newport
Beach, complained to Newport
pollee at 8:06 a.m. last Friday.
• 1·oo Lnte to Cla.uy
WUllams. 421 'AI G o 1 d e n rod.
CDM. HA 0614 -W. ----
Ft.1RNlSHED l ·bedr. apt. for rent.
For worklnt person, $80 per
New own.,. of the Balboa mo. 721 Jasmine, CDM. Island Camera Shop are Mr. and __:~:_:.:=._.:..::.:::..:..:.:::..:..:.::..._:._:_ __ _
Mra. Charles (and Helen) Brad· WANTED : Lady to Jearn silk·
ley. The Bradleya officially took flnlshlng, or a wool-presser to
over ln the shop on February 13 work extra. V Ill a g e Valet
from former owner Freeman Cleaners. 3137 E. Coast Hwy.,
Ftaher. They are making tbelr CDM. HA 12-.5.
home at 521 'AI Marau'erlte Ave .. _LO_:_:ST:..:...:::.:..R-=.a::....t...::n::.c.:...:o:.....a_t -.. -ah-.-w-b-lt-e
Good House ... Dble. Ga·
race ... Lot 50 X 140.
A mal at $15,750 with only
$2,110 ...
a.na1l Enn11
18!56 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa
<Acrou from Costa Mesa Bank)
Uberty 8-6761
Eves.: Harbor 4.366, U 8-2013
L.tll C-l-1.1
Wben buytnc or aelllnc
N.wport prope1Y, why not
do bualn88 with aomeone
thorouchly tamllJar with the
I have been here a lon•
time and can otter real
~«Vice. ..............
3GO W. Balboa Blvd., lfewport
Harbor 1428
BIG Bu.lnesa. BIG mark-up,
BJG J)I'Oftt. BJG b ar 1 a I n •
BlG HOBBY SHOP, Uttle prke . BIG huny to .U.
1857 Newport Ave .. eo.ta Meu u 8-1632; u 8-1400 Eves.
hslp•• Fer F..a, Util&
Well-buUt 3·bed.r. It 2 bath
home wlth rented fum. ca·
race apt. at badt. Top of
Narcissus Ave.. (~) Corona
del Mar.
Call owner, Harbor 2so6-M.
Corona del Mar. The shop, which 1_.-.. 1 d 1 Fl d featur• :M hour developing serv· P ~uc ace e s g n · n er ------------lee, Ia authorized dealer tor phone The Ensign, HA 1114.
Eutman Kodak. Bell It Howell, .APT. WANTED: 2-bedr. unturn ..
Anaco, Polaroid and other na · Yr. round. BJ. or COM So. of
tlonal advertised brands. Hwy. Under $85 mo. HA 4534-J.
What flower would you like to ?love for ffle official flower of the
City of Newport Beach?
Tho W omen's Committee of tho Newport Harbor Chamber of
Commerce would like to know. They hove been given the job of com-
ing up with recommendations. which they will pres.nt to the CitY, Pork,
Beoch and Recreation Commission. Tho Commiuion in tum w•ll sub-
71,4 ACRES
:l blka. from All American
Kkt. on Garden Grove Blvd.
2 houae:e. well, dbl. carace.
Suitable for Oowu and car· den raialnc.
Terrtnc b~ess than $3.800 ACHE
About % cash.
1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa u 8 -1632; ~ 8-1400 Evee..
mit its recommendation to tho City Council for final decision.
All this is being done in conjunction with the city's observance of LIT f11 Ill F its 50th anniversary. The Women's Committ.e wonts to receive all
suggestions from the local citiut_!'S PY. Mordl IS, so fflat an eerfy d• a~2 vt:EW LOT, fiO x 100
cision can be mode on the offic.tol c•~ flower. Seawv4. Corona Blthlanda
Mrs. Georg. Norman Pease of ~ WOtrlleft's Committee says nJCJ:D TO SELL
thot the &_wer should not be-too exotic or ellpensive,•should have o
fairly lon<J bk>oming ptriod, should be ed.ptoble to our sotl end ____ ..:..U.;__I-42'l2 ____ _
di~te and not diffteUft to grow. It een be • flow.r, shrub, trM or PLACEJn'lA AVE.
J*'Of'niaJ. 11·1 Plot
Nominations c.n be mede on the followi~ coupon: fl$ x 145' wtth buU~ near 17t.b St.. Colla .......
I nomineto ------------""---------
.. the City Roww fOf Newport 8Hch for the folowi"9 f'MtOfll _
aoao '
O&ARGE COAS'I' ..... liD IE fte•fGit A-.. Ollila .._ u ... taa; u ... 1• D~a
Ill ... 11111 •••. ,, . .... ~~·-··" LOYI!LY VIEW
2·tnm'S WI'I'B G.UAGES
e l!ri'B.A G.UAGES
lldt a etep from Jfo. a.y on
Balboa Ialand • , • 2 unJta, 1
with 2 bedtooml. all f"'".
Ubed. loom to bulle! 00 bade
ot lot.
f01'EN'I'UL DfCOME -=na PElt MO. Well priced for t..hb excd·
lent location-under $20,000.
A GOOD BUY AT ..... ............ .., ...... .....,
Call ua f« yearly rentals .
Corona del Mar branch
3530 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 5563 498 Park. Balboa bland B.A m
c•ou IEL 111
ExceptJonally niee 3 bedrm.. 6 den home. Larp lot.
2 fireplaces, 2 batb.l, hdwd. noon. dlnlnt rm.. sll.aU
root, 1400 IMI· ft. dbL · carace .Ueaed for apt. aboVe .
Cloee to abopplnc. JOOd location. Aakinl $23.500. Hu
cood loan payable $90 per month.
.1011 E. u•m
Ivan W. Erhardt. A.uoc:late
3333 East Cout Hlchway, Corona del Mar HA l422
Two unlts-FURNIS~2·bedr. home and one bedr.
apt. over 2-car garage. Both leased, gross $2460 annu·
ally. ExceUent location on Orchid.
$23.500 lndudlne f urniture. • • • •
SUMMER RENTAL Ustinp wanted. Please call u.s.
~ C. liiiESE~ ~
Coast Blehway at Marigold, Corona del Mar
Harbor 1540
• 3 acr&--CUstom home!
• finest buUt In Callt.!
• bas everythlnc PLUS!
e Stop Jooklnf!
• Make appt.. • ~J,oeheck book!
P. S. Built by ablpbullder, lit's SH.worthy!)
u 8·1161
1696 Nf'WI)Ort Blvd.
eo.ta Mtsa Eves. U 8-3010
VIEW •10
Call ua . . . 2 SPECIAL ottertnp.
• • •
$25;000. lncluda draperies and stove. 2·bedra. plus den
and 1.. batha. lmmedlate poa •"on -only $3,000
down. • • •
11 1'111SUB
au..tne. block. 2 .,...._ 3 ap~ts. Shows excellent
lDcome. Priced $d,!500. • • •
3·bedroom home. la.rce dining room. etc. l uat reduced from $28.500 to $23.000 for quick sale!
Shown by Appointment. • • • Interestlnc2·bedt .• 2 bath hou . .se
$17.950 Leuebold approximately 21 yn. to go.
We have buyers for good listings! Free estimates
and eood .service.
Earl W. Stailey
225 Marine Ave.. Balboa Island Call Harbor 1T7S
or Bayside Office Harbor 3297
EW!IL Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 lobn MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louls Boynton Harbor 2878
30t _. 301 Dllllia An.
MARCH 10 and 11-1 P.M. TO 5.
AttractJve slx units. or you may buy three units.
306 Marine Ave .• Balboa lsland
Harbor 502
e 1 block to ky and Ocean
• 2-bedrooms • Full price $7.500. down $3.50(), balance $45 per mo.
• Summer eeuon lnrome tJune 17 to Sept. 17, 1956)
• A.IH rapidlY ~asJnc ln value
U you e&ll flx and dKOrat@o ~t.er come ln and see lt.
... ut '· ......... ,
11:1) w. I&Jboa II Yd., "ewport
Harbor 4m2
........... J .._._and den bJ fnlftt ~ ==---Ia ,_,, a.. lD. K.ar ..._ aa4
~~-ln ...... ... ,. , .....
~,..... ., ... ........
M&WJWJ 8ADOa ··-f
Beauutul 3·bed.ra. and 18%' x 27' rumpua rm., :l u.d
brldr fireplace-, 14 batb.l, peued tlrs., antique abut-
ten, r A beat to every rm. Blrcb eab~neta. lc. .u~
door from Uvtnc rm.. to sundeck with ocean vtew. 22)
wtrtnc,.Lc-handy kttch. New drapes. Shake root. woo4.
brk., ltueco exterior. Only $35,000. Very too<! terms.
&7 E. Cout Bwy .. Corona del Har B.A.: nu: BA rmn
Irvine Terrace
Gives You Everything
b t liS II ••• u mog
To the home buyer who wlahes to pureha.w 1n the
$25,000 to $35.000 clua we sincerely recommend
the lrvtne Estatel ovvlooldnc Newport Harbor.
'Ibese homes furore California llvlng. Ottere<~ exclu.
atvely throuch Earl W . Stanley ln a Smoa-Ftel! area known u lrv1ne Terrace-on Coast Hlchway oppoelte
the new Irvine Cout Country Club. Newport Harbor.
11t For recommendation. we ref~ you to anyon• who bolda a Leuebold Estate ln lrv1ne Terrace. Beacon Bay, Bayahorea or Clltt Haven.
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu..~er Information
Attractive small furnished home on Ocean Front. West
Newport, with enc105ed Bar-B·Q and Patlo. Cub to
Joan. Full Prlce only $16.750. • • •
Business oWce wtth storae~ and ahop area.
On Coast Hl&hway, Corona del Mar.
• • •
.U -f, Ill. I S...
406 ........ ~ ..... ,.rt 11\LMI
Ex c e J 1 e n t nelc'hborhood. con~lenUy located
3-bedrm.. 3 car earace. 1 ~ bath-beautltul birch
ublnet woodwork. Landscaped, end. patio .
Full price. msoo
• • •
IUSIIESS ILII., c.r.a .....
The eout hlcllway lot alone Is wortb a blc c:bunlt ot
the asklnc price In this well-constructed bulldJn1. The
two unlt.s Include dl.splay room. 5 offices, ahop and
warehousoe plus walled-In parkinc at alley level 11118 property Is on 10uth aJde of hicbway. Full prl~ 1'5.000. • • •
FIE£111 IllES 3 Wr.
Drapes and carpetJng, a fence-d yard and carport ~
som• ot the extras Included In this fint-family born~.
$2400 down, paymtonts of S65 per month Include taxes.
lnsurancto. FULL PRlCE $9700 •
2216 Newport Blvd. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd.
U 8·5101 Harbor 1(28
Tomorrow You Will~ Sorry You Didn't Buy These Today
llcltn, LIW)trs, llliM••••• • • •
Aff you looking for a location of your own? Th•n
Jet us s how you this chol~ 9i' Commercial pro~ on
W. 19th. just of! Harbor Blvd. Ont.> Block tTom ne-w
Costa Mt>sa City Hall. TWo 2-bedr. homes on property
now. Can easily be ronverted for business. nus is a
dt.>al that just CAN'T be pas...~ up.
Full prl~ $29,500 with t,.. Down
"you'll like our friendly servl~"
Uberty 8-1139 400 E. 17th St., Costa Meu
"1111 Eakle Ia I Ill' 'Ill, llpl II JIB
.1111111 1111 rtqzL• Jllrt il IQIIIIIII .. ....................... ..
u. JOQt potp&tJ fOI' tal4 With a
lllember ol thla loud . • • ,.,. ....
fOinl to ..u Sl.OOO.OOO Wll1ll ..
,.... .... '-eadl month 41art1e la.
Newport Harbor
Board of Realtors
20 warda ar lea::----
21 to 30 wwa~ro:JaiL---~
Tars Beaten ' 63-52 in GIF
OC BasketiSall
Banquet Set
ForMa~ch 14
I 7 •
~PORT. )
,._ ~ 4 · "ttt4 • I • ... , I• .' '
-~~ . . . . '
THIS SIZE cl...uted ad In the
balp eo.ta • Oin1.Y "-l55 for
three 1.uertJona. Call 1n your
a4a to Rubor Wf.
'52 CHEVY BEL·AIB. good COO·
dltion. $700. Call Ba ll.55 or
Ha 3544.
swivel typllt cbalr, good con·
dltlon. $25. LL 8· 71K3.
private owner, never raced.
3800 miles. no dealers. $3,000.
HYatt 4-3363.
1940 BUICJC2·--d.-ooc-,-aood--.~ah::-:a:-::pe:-:-.
$100. R. Don1s. 506 31st St.,
Newport. Ha 5348 day time.
FOR sALE,-1NO~ llel'1ea BuiCk
4·door eedan, IOOd rubber, new
clutch. new fuel pump, almost
new battery; car IMied:s eome
~airs. Make ot!er; call RA.
44!59 after 5:30 p . .m __ ·-.---:-:u-:-;
FOR ~'Ibil-a1ze cla.ulfied
ad 1n the Eutgn. only $1..50 tot
3 lnlertlona. Call your a4a to
HA 1114.
• FREE-Bl Delert Vlew Horne·
.tte. Martell Bulldtng. Yucca
v~~·==~~~-----JiOMl: wrm CHARM
1 ~ blks from ocean. all elec·
trlc. 2 bednns., 2 run baths.
flrepl., 2 furnaces, oak tlra.,
5 yrs. old. large covered flag-
stone patio ln lovely private
garden. Immed. pass. Prteed to
sell, 239 Heliotrope, COM. HA
4922. FURNIS~HE:;;;;ED=-:2:-=Bdnn.-:-----:o...-ld7e=-=r•h=-=o=-=m::-:e,
fenced backYard, 1 or 2 chU·
dren O.K. 509 Carnation, COM,
Ha. 5213·W. ~BEDR. -( untum.;__..,..)_, -n"'"lce_p_a.,.,tl:-o-. -ga-.
rage A: carport. 1 ~ Blk. from
maln beach, COM; outsJde
shower. 314 Jumine, COM.
Ha 1.841 -W.
1 BR., very ---n"'"lce-:-ly-f:;-ur---no:l.shed
apartment. 717 Fernleaf Ave ..
COM. Ha 3935-J. $75 per month,
garage Included.
CALL Edna CraJg, rental spe·
claJist with Dorta Bray, realtor,
216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
HA 20 or HA 64.
CHlLD CARE: Day or evenings,
50c per hour . Mabel Appel,
617~ Ca r n a tl o n , COM. Ha
child care for working mothers.
Ll 8-4629.
PART TIME WORK. Day. night.
wanted by retired gentlemen.
Perfect health, college gradu·
ate, formerly accountant. m an·
agement. hotel clerk. Tired of
being Idle. Own car. Consider·
able foreign travel experience.
Good appearance. LI 8·6215.
MATIJRE -WOMAN wlsbes baby
sitting and care of alck, knit·
tlng or crocheting. Day or
night. HA 3192·M.
COM man would like gardening.
clean-up. etc. Call Kl 3·2122.
Mel Upahall. WANTED: lron:..,l_n_g_,l_n_m_y--:h-o-m-e.
Mabel Whitman. 607 Margue-
rite. COM. HA 4279.J.
Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac·
ceptlng a limited number of
pupils tor plano. Concert PI·
anlst of Three Continents.
Graduate Student or Bela Bar·
tok. 436 Serra Drive, COM,
Ha. 2039.
BABY SITrER wanted, also baby
sitting and Ironing 1 day a
week. Harbor 5105. SALESWOMAN-=-:...;..,..b-u.,.,.ll-:-d -a--=h-:l...,gh:-11r-y~
profitable b u s t n e s 1 selling
GIFTS 'n GADGETS full or
part-tlme. Need car. We train.
Kl3·5895. .............
NO PEE collected from applicant
W ·3lst Newport Beach
'nlat you wtD be proud to
tell your frlen4a about. New b1p wa.-coupled w1tb the lcJH1 WOt"'dU CIObdiUone add
up to jobe w1a JI'IIIIUI&
1tut '1fNI MW Job In one ot our ~ .,._ ,.,ur .....,.,
t:GOtit t .....
1116 .. Jr ...... ~ .... 211 ..........
JWGISiiitU male Sealpolnt
Slameae at .ru~. U . 85278.
Be on time for your 1~ ap·
polntmenta.. E tern a-Matte
Watch .erve. you. accurately.
RAY FIELDS, Jeweler, 19th
A: Plaoentta "ln VIsta Shop·
p~ Center," Colt& Mesa,
1J. 8-MSB. .. ......... ..... ,., ...
American Legion 215 15th St.
Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m.
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Rea. Phone, HA 5232
Continuous day and evening
cluses tor preparation to
pass the State exam.
Call or wrtte
For Information
Annexing Bid
Is Reiected
A request for annexation to
the City of Newport Beach wu
rejected by City Council 1&4t
week because the properties frl'.
volved are not contiauou.a to the
city proper, but are touching on AJ111Y PVT. 8icbard L •aul·
t.'le ahOHtrlng annexation strip atea. 21, aon of Edwa rd A.
that encircles the oO develop· llaulatoa. 16 Beacon Bay. re·
ment Ianda above West Newport. oaatly waa graduatM bom tbe
The annexation overture was MWtaly Pollee Tra.lD.tDg C:.D· ........ , .••.
made by the Fowler Mfg. Co. t1tr tit c-ap Cordoa. Ga.. r.t. Luncheon and dec:oratlona ln
and the Tapmatlc Corp. on W. Jlau1.toa ... tered tbe AnDy lD the St. Patrick theme wtU be th e
16th St. City Attorney Karl Davis Qctobe«, 1155. ad ~l..c! features for th.e March 21 be»·
said that the only way these bale tndaiDg tit Fort Ord. pltal party tor the diaabled vet-
firms could annex to tbe city C4dl£ .. 1a • 1152 graduate of erana from Long Beach veterana Funeral sevices were held
woulc:' be to lnterest other pro. lfOitb Jlell.,.....S BJvta kbooL Admlnlltration Hospital at the Saturday at Parkes·lUdley Mar·
perty owners In ann~tlon unW (U. L ~Y ftcrto) American Leg t 0 n ctubhou.e, tuary for Mrs. Pearl Luelle Veen·
they tonn a continuous annex 15th St. and w. Bay Ave. ln New· atra. 32. who dJed March 1 ln Or· reaching to the city. Thb would port Beach. ange County Rc»pltaJ after an
be aJong 16th St. to the city cor· PTA IEWS • • • Gold Star Wives of Orange extended rune.. Mra. Veenstra
poratlon yard near Industrial County wUI be hostesses with wu a native of Holland. Michl·
Way. Mra. Jlnu Little, chairman. Tbe gan, and had Uved ln Cotta The CounclJ aJio: eB.AJmOa VIEW n A America ., .-c... A .... m ...... Untt Mesa foe the put year and a
• Granted permission to Mayor Harbor VIew School children 291 wtn "..;'.:£'" ~~ half.
Dora Hlll to attend the fourth wtU be featured In opportunities Survtvora lnclude her hu.aband,
annual Governor's Conference on for art exprealon at the Pl'A SCALP CUT Df waa Bront, and five children, Guy,
Children and Youth, to be held meeting at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Arthur BracH. 46, of Paramount, C\a.rtU, lenny, Sharon and AU·
April 4 and 5 In Sacramento. March 14. In the ldlool. autteored a MVere aeaJp lacera· drey, all of the home address.
• Adopted 0 r d 1 n a n c e 770, Art demonstratlona from the tion In a two-car accident on She Is al86 .urvlved by her
"A tDMtll.jvl lott _,I"
•• R ldd4 Hopptr
...... l?ft'JII ··-······· .. INTEIIUPTED
which removes the provilion that flrat through the flttb grades Cout Hwy. neu the Balboa Bay father, Thomas Venbutzen, and
clvtl service employees mu.at llve wtll ahow painting. drawing, Club at 6:53 p.m. Saturday, Feb. four listers, all of Mlcblran. Last
In the city. clay work. nower arranrlng, 25 Newport pollee reported Mr rites and Interment will be ln
e Approved Ordinance No. m. poetry and music. Miss Marie Br~dt wu ~.In a ear chive~ r~o~llaniid~,~Mtci~h;lg~an~.r.~~~~~Eo:·:·:·:·:·:::·~~·~~·;s approving the annexation of Heffern, bead of art for Newport by Wallace ~cbelJ 38, of 643
Harbor Hlghlan<U. ae,ch . elementary schools, wllJ Plummer St.. Cocta Mesa, which
e Placed C1ty Clerk Mareery tell bow art b belng taught. coUided wttb a car driven by
Schrouder on the MCOnd .tep ot Mrs. Caroi"Denton'a thud grad· ~lyn B. Bar-, 63, of x..o. An·
the salary schedule as of Jan. 71. era wtll pre.ent their ocJginaJ gel• •
the completion of atx month.a of poetry. A group of children, ~~·~~·~,. ... ". service. under Ml.u Clara Ellen Spel· •
e Hired Ira N. Frl.sbee or Udo rnan's direction, wtll do creative
Isle to analyze the clty'a ac· dancing to ~lal mu.alc. Firat
counting and auditing methods grade room mothers will be
__...._......,..,._ ........ ......,..,._ ........ ......,. ...... --and to make recommendations. hoatessea and Mrs. Robert Olan·
D 1"''TTKQ • Directed the city attorney to der, PTA president, wiiJ preside.
1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
Kimberly 7-3511
KElloe S2513 Your PamUy Restaurant
Come tn and ..e the com·
plete new line of Graphic Patterns, Bear-brand Ever· match yarns, Morell's new
dress patterns, novelty yarns
and straws, Including the
SilarT IIiiTsslioP
313 E. BaJboa Blvd ..
All Kln~Free Estlmata
LIBERTY 8-6109
c ....... ,.
c ...... ,. .....
10-day DeiJvery
Top Quality Workman.ahlp
In Our Shop or Your Home
2484 Newport Blvd. 1 LI 8·6671
eo.ta Mesa
Sal• Serv1ee and Repalra
Terms. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
Oom)11l'te Collision Wock
Auto Palnttn1 ,..... ..._..........,., u. Pint
111 w ... 17th IL. eo.. .... u 1·1101
study the Beacon Bay leue held
by J. A. Seek and aubmlt a re·
port to the council.
• Purchased a halt-ton truck
for the humane oUicer from
Theo Robins. who submitted the
low bid or $1.887.90.
• Approved first readJng of
Ordinance 116, which 81111"1 the
recently annexed Seaquist par.
eel In Newport Heights to Coun·
dlmanlc District No. 4.
• Authorized the Tustin Ave.·
22nd St. area near Harbor High·
lands to begin annexation pro-
A son. 7 lbs., 2 oz.. waa born
to Mr. and Mrs. James Polh~mus
of 312 Larkspur Ave., Corona d~l
Mar, ln St. Joaeph Boapltal on
Thursday, March 1.
A daughter, Shalee Marl~. wU
born to Mr. and Mn.. Jame. Zlnk
of 405 Serra Dr., Corona Bll'h·
Ianda, In Hoa,g Memorial ~·
pltal on Friday, March 2.
Painting -Decorating
UN"n&ed Coatraetot 878 W. 18th eo.ta Mesa
Uberty 8-8628 Uberty a.e632
RA 2978
(Evenlnp. week-endl)
!100 31st Street. !fewport IMdt
••• PriJ•••••
J'Oit Kl!ln'
8-M'M 11·1Df ..... and tSMJf .. n.J Pro,.._.
PAST COLOR m~ SEJtVTCE MMfol Alrphtn• fklpt)ltf!lt
Phnn• r.r~ fl.'Mt2
Read the EnatKO Want Ad pap.
1515 E. c:-t Jllglaway
~ ... c:.a.. cW Mar
..... . _... ____ . ....... ..... ..........
MH"FA Al'fA_.,..a ._. ~· ......_ .. 1111
• • ....... ...... .... ~,._. .............. " .....
"IOSMIT" .,._ Te•d•r Trap"
· "', • • ., o ' \' E I ~ -
(tf_A , t C. ., I 0
~ .. .
~ ...,,~·w,, -111 * CAil'I'OO• CA.a.IIIVAL PilL SAT. & In •
.... Bill . .,.,, ••
WOIII.D ftAVZLOGVK l&ara ......,._
"'AYIIII ':r-' .. IllY" ~:;;..., IlL 12
A KAUTJPUL QOLOa-m" marot. IXn"'L • ....._
Buatlln& Munich, the Danube, porcelain maktng, Bavarian
dances. BlUer'• Ea•les Nest, Lovely Lake Konlpeee, the clUes
and count:ryaJde -·-·---.. -·--··-··-······ frklljaa ..., .10. 1.25. 1.50 NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM -· ...... om. ..............
High Fulelity F•l••••lfllot ..... 'fte -.....a ........ u.._ ........
Con.nltatJon·l'.ltlmat.·No obllptlon
HAR•OR HI• ... • ......... w.. • ....,....._, .....
(OSJ I ... atr ..... , IIA 4181
Garden Stiop
Opens May I
A dlaret wu blamed for .tart· 1n1 a f1re ln the trunk of a ear
at 4:40 a.m. Sunday at 14th SL
an4 llalboa Blvd .. Newport Beach.
FlreiMo aald no damate re.
aulted. '11\e car wu owned by
Mn. Hazel Steel of Boeemead.
learn to Oence ..
Murdy Home
Is Entered
\$tate Senator John Murdy com·
pfalned to Newport pollee at
12:10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25. of
acta of ma.llcloua mlachtef belnl
committed 1n hla born. uod•
corwttuetlon at 334 VIa IJdo,
Nord I.sle.
Senator Murdy a&Jd that the
latat act was aomeone break-
lq the loclt on the wood box
enterlnr the boae to make a
,eoeral mea He expla.lned that
he and ht. farnUy would be ln
Sacramento for about alx week.a
and uk.ed that oWcera check
the home from Ume to time.
GIRL SCOUTS ·-Gl.rl Scouta In the N"'l*'t
Harbor area wlll aath• at tM
Harbor Bl~b School athlet1e field
from 2 to 3 p.m. Sundq to par·
tleipate In the '-4th blrtbday an·
nlveraary <."elebratlon ot Jirl
aeoutlng. Mts. Sid~ Sanders, pretldent
of the Newpart Gld'Sc:oul Coun·
dl. wlll optft the a.hlraoon'a
festlvitlet. Mrs. Ted B.amiii'Ook
wUl have charp a( the ,.. of
the proeram. Tbere wW ~ dancet~ &Del *Ita-b7 the pt
aeout.a, a boardlftl ahJp ceremc>nJ' ~;;;;;~;;;;;~:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ by the Marlnen, and •lnllnll.ct r by Mrs. Donald Huddleston and
·-.... ..,..t .....
Cedll ....
"--& ..... & .... ~ 1-1m1 z.a.1y 1-lMI
Sue Brown. Mrs. Lee Jones la c:halnnan of
the program, a.sa1sted by Mma.
Ralph WUc:ox. John Oertley,
Herman Nac:k.. Dorla Gate. and
T. Avery Flaher. A1lo on the
com m l t tee are Mrnes. Jack
~lien berry, Arthur R e m 1 e y •
Fred Singer, Al Rylett and the
ac:out executive, Mrs. Wilden P.
Thomas. • • •
Girl Scout Troop 29, of New·
port Hel~ts, had an overnl1ht
eam,plnl tdp at the Buffalo
Ranch. '11\e flrla alept under
ponc:hoe, and did their cooklnl
over c:ampfire. '11\ey went horae·
back rldlnl. and Gene Clark of
tbe Buffalo Ba.nch Invited them
to ride the bay wagon to feed
tbebutt.-. The ,Ula were Sa,ndra Godwin.
Carolyn Newt:omb. Gall Tou1h.
Llnda Caudell, Linda Spratt.
Holly Hyden, Sandra Watson •
and .Janet Hobel.
•••• 0. F••• ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~ Ma.ek Mad*m of J...c. Angeles iP reported hla ear .tolen from 4401 -uGDcr' W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach. TIUIIT. at 3:50 a.m. Sunday, Feb. :IllS, and
pollee located the car at 6:30 ... EJ a.m. .tuck In .and In a vacant
(•0 ,...). 'lot at f7th SL and Balboa Blvd.,
Wedcl'a .. d._...... Newport Beach.
W&IGIII OII'LT 11 oz. Motor Officer Geo~ ltoaman ... ..., r .... tt,(e• later reported that be had m.t
A K.-CoDcllpt In PenonaJ Mr. Madbon at b1a ~~&&Ued car
aadlo. Eat Pbone and Carry. at 6:30 the eventn1 before. At Ina Cut OptJGnal, EJrtra. that time Officer ~oeamann aald
II._ ....... CO. Mr. Madtlon re.fUMd .. '-tanee ...... Willi for hla ear and walked toward a
Ll ...., motel to cet a room for · the ._..._ ..... c-. .... I nllbt.
• • • • • ••• . . ... ;: • • • • •••• . --.. .... -.... . . ......Oo . . ...... .. -.. :
The new home o[ Pace Professional Building at 404-4 08
Westminster Avenue, in the Crossroads Village area. The
Profess1onal Investment and Building Corporation 1s the
builder. ·
2826 Newport BITe!.. Newport Beach. Calif.
TeL Harbor 5201
Smith Bra.. Co. ·--:·.-c... Ce1Uelala TeL a.autr 1-1531
MarltWmcma sas •• ~a .. Drtw ~ ..... CcdUonla T.._..._U.l
Newman Elec:tricicm & Bri• • "-a.m. Wl....._..Ur•ad c.te ..... c.w..a. ,.. Ubaltf t.ml
Chamh-a Bardwwe aad IPQcling......,.
,,.., ..... , tu:e:A ...... sac trt::a.'.?il-.11
Clla'IIAII Mi W c&U8Cii Cor o D a c1eJ Ma.r CommuDIC7
In the "--SinDo• on "Sub· Oal&l'dl. lire. ~ Cox. pro.
atanc»" at tM ... po.rt IlNdt pam dWriDaD. wW s--l 1 OI..Ndan 8deDce cbureh Sunday, Mn. ScovWe at 1 p.m., WedMI·
KaJ7 Baktr ~ decla.ra In day, Mardl U . 'nle poup wW
"Sdenee ancl Health With Key ptbet In the cburda 80clal hall
to the Scrtptune," "-riM pray• for work at 10 a.m. Members wtll
that retorma• the atnner and brine aaclt luncba. Coffee will
heala the slclt Ia an abeolute be served.
faith that all thlnp are posalble AIITS aaon 1'0 JUET to God-a aprltual understand· tnr of Him, an unseUed love" The Arts and Craft Group of
(p. 1>. Paul aays In the Golden the Corona del Mar Community
Text from Hebrewa (1:1), "Now Cbureh wlll meet at 10 a.m.
faith Ia the substance of thlnes TUesday, March 13, In the aoclal
hoped for. the evidence of thlncs hall of the . church. Members not seen." have been asked to brine a sack lunch. Dessert and coffee wUl be
furnished by the hostesses, Irma
Wood, Charlotte Irvine and
Agnes Brown.
JnCOL IIOTIL plntotiiJ••·
will ....., tM col« tibL ..... • CDJI COIOI1Jlf!T'I' CBU11CB
"A More Abundant Llfe'' wtll
be the sermon topic Sunday of
Rev. Edw1n C. Gomke, minister
of the Corona del Mar Commu.
nlty Church. Duplicate worship
hours are at 9:45 and 11 a.m.
each Sunday, wtth coffee served
between services. Sunday a.tter·
noon the junior choirs of the
church wlll participate In the
Orange Co u n t y Junior Choir
Festival scheduled at Chapman
College in Orange.
"True religion knows no bound·
aries. elt,her of race or nation.
Our faith can be only as broad
as the boundaries ol our minds."
So spoke Wllllam Wiley, acting
minister of the Vnlversall&t Com·
munlty Fellowship, In announc·
lng a new aeries of meetlnea to
be sponsored by the gsoup for
the next three Sundays. These
meetings wlll be held at 11
o'clock at the EbeU Club, 515 W.
Balboa Blvd., Balboa.
A talk on "Women of the
Bible" will be given by Mrs. W.
R. ScoviLle of Pasadena, when
the ReadJng Group meets In the
_____ _,
Now t l•o your hOftllh luurlon ~oro ot
low. low coall Thla loftolhl·rlch ueo•
~~ .. ._,_...,, ·-•"• ·-r roughAOII. lo••• loae-r, •-· -•• ..
lt'o ,_.~.4. U•• ret•l~r lor
••l•oty hoftd beoety. AIM •••
• •••"''"' tNet f•r cell-••4 feet Stod up ftow oftd oovol
Ju,do ·-~:; .• \i ~· . .. ..· -.. the way to sa_y
~""~ ~
We have Hallmark Carda
that will convey your Easter
wishet to aU your friend•
and relatives . • • and each
one reflecb the color and
beauty of the eeuon. Come
in toon and chooee yourJ
from our wide .election of
HaDmark Carda.
The Rev. Hany E. Owtnp of
Santa Ana wW be euest minLster
at Christ Church By the Sea In
Newport Beach on Sunday. He
will speak on "Power For Llv·
lng." The church pastor, Bey. Roy
A.. Carlson, will be leadlne a
special preaching and visitation
.aria. Jewel ot a.na.ay,• at
••• p.m. lloaday .. tM .....
lcbool cna41tortaa. ~ tM
....-.. of tM Wodd Ticnl09
Colaawalty Youth C.t. ol
M..,...-t Barbow. 11M aa.owt.g
.. .....-.ct b'f the ·~ v..... Cllld ConDa del Jla:r
lcbool .,. Aa Clll4 tbe Qlrl
mission at St. Paul's Methodist ------------
Church In Coronado. 11111'1 Tllll Wla
I• Filial Sec••~•
A basket In the last two S«·
Edwin T. Hanson. 27. of 409 onds of play won for Douca Dog
Broadv.oay, Costa Mesa, was House In Monday night's buket·
booked on charres of burglary, ball game aralnat La Fonda
grand theft and receiving stolen Restaurant with a score of 36 to
property by Newport pollee at 35 In the Santa Ana commercial
7:48 p.m. Sunday. basketball league. However, the
Hanson was placed under ar· local boys were upset by the
rest after Robert Ernst of 512 Tustin Whiz KJda 40·37 on Tues·
Fullerton Ave., Newport Helehta, day night. The hot Dogs were
asked pollee to check·for·stolen winning 17 to 12 at the half but
the serial number on a lO·horse· retreated to their Doghouse In
power outboard motor. Hanson the final round. Scorers In Tues·
wanted to trade the outboard day's game were Norman, 10;
motor for a used car Mr. Ernst Houslnton, 10; Hart. 9; Roehm,
had for sale. Officers found an4 ::; :W:est,==3:; :a:n:d=B:ak:er=, :1:. == all·polnts broadcast had been
put out on Aug. 6, 1953, for the
motor allegedly stolen from the
garaee of Lawrence Woodward
of 663 VIa Udo Nord, Lido Isle.
Charles C. Bird. 73. a commer·
clal fisherman. died Friday at
his home. 2068 Tustin Ave., Costa
He was a native of Warren.
Ill.. came to California In 1915
from LaraUlle. Wyo~ and had
Jived In Costa Mesa for nine
years. He was a retired ranchero
but after coming to eo.ta Mesa
he bought a boat and became
a commercial fisherman.
Mrs. Bird preceded him In
death In 1954. Survivors Include
a daughter. Mrs. Julia Guthrie
of Santa Ana Heights and a
step.son. oJhn Gilbert of New·
port. Services were held Monday
in Parkes Ridley M o r t u a r y
Chapel. with the Rev. Charles
Hand otrlclatlng.
Cllarlu HaJ, llllrtMI
R•cller, Dill ...
Charles Alvtn Hay, ~ re·
tired rancher who Jived at 2068
Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. died
Sunday In Beaumont. Texas.
where he was visiting a son,
Lehman. Mr. Hay was a native of MUI ·
wood. Ky.. and had lived In
Costa Mesa since 1947. He was
a member of the Modern Wood·
men of the World. Survivors In·
elude two sons, Lemuel of Costa
Mesa and Lehman of Texas; a
daughter. Mrs. Wade Kenney of
Palos Verdes. and a sister, Mrs.
Milly Penn of Louisiana.
Services were held yest~day
In Melrose Abbey Chapel, with
Parkes Ridley Mortuary Chapel
In charge of arranrements. The
Rev. Joseph McShane of the
Costa Mesa Methodl&t Church of·
Mrs. Mable Cameron of 2753 E.
Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar,
grabbed the ann of Mrs. Helen
Murphy, owner of the Miss Mul·
rett Shop at 2731 E. Coast Hwy.,
Corona del Mar. last Thursday,
It was char&ed In a report to
Newport pollee by Dr. Marla E.
Varady, of 2753 E. Coast Hwy.,
a tenant of Mrs. cameron.
Mrs. Murphy autfers from bur·
sltls and wu In Jreat pain for
a time. It was allered. Dr. var.
ady aald that Mn. Murphy wu
h~ patient and wu pabbed by
the ann while enroute to her
office to have her aboulder
What's new at
Well, really, what ISN'T new
would be euler to say! Dunno
whether It wu that brisk March
wind, a zephyr aprlng breeze or
the postman a.caJlJnc. but 10me·
how we have just ooodles and
oodles and OODLES of lovely
neow sprinr feminine tblnp to
ahaw 70'1·
a... ,_ --oar _.
-.....Jy lla ...... by ra.ct..
.. ~' ~ clatlbl9 ~ ...... Jut fit lato ov
llpi1Dv ID004 a..c.a.. ...., ...
llvbt Cllld tlby -..u -beaa· WuL aDd ...., wasla .. ..Uy
~p dly • , • CIDd DO ar-1ag
......S • • • TnaV a w...S.
~ .. ,..11 .......
wear. O...Ct.M......t...S. ..
by rs.cta. Ia a llba. alba pettt.
coat to wear Uldw you -.r
abeatJa drIll II ADd. of cea.r-.
.. laaft .... loftly -.
..,..tDcJ J..ID9ede b'f ........ ol
your fCiftelte&. too--K.lc:bi'DldL
Some people ret lackadaisical
In the springtime. Personally,
I'm klnda lazy all year throueh
-that Ia. I like t<> do things the
easy way-and that's why I'm
so terribly pleased with these
darling Dacron batiste blouses
here at O'BRIEN'S. No foolln',
suds them and just let 'em drip
dry-and they're just as pretty
u when you first tried 'em on at
O'BRIEN'S. It's just as true of the
nylon georgette blouses u the
little sport number to wear with
skirts and sweaters.
w.-.. Jaea:rd 80 IDGDJ people
reaaark • the becnaUhal MW ba... ... at o•aa1 E• ·s uata
....._ tlaat .ayt.e yea out1at a
null-........ u yea
you nit. ,..a:r clnerf aldrta. you ........ __ b ...... ...
fad. rm ............... a .,.....
,_ ....,. ............ at
O'aiiiEJrL Doa't ... wttb·
oat ..-.. 0.. ,... alDr pdllt&.
fw laslaea, .-4 0.. ..........
bloa ... wttla tM beaatUwl ...
poNd bciDcl~ ......
.. c.tcla f'NI' ~ u ~ ....
.......... tlal8p. ... a.
bloa---..... Ia Jut
....,. ala faw • to &
Team up a new blquae with
the very fuhlonable 11ttle autt
for aprlnc or couple It with one
ol the new sprtnc aldrtll at
CYBR.IEN'S. See our putel woo~
our aummer tweeda. the
and llnutla and they are
tailored at tlne aldrt h~ •
they wlll fit nktlyand hold tbelr
SLAVS DQrG PDIDID trlrn. beeomlna Una Well, time
Newport Beach firemen ran on to a..ume my manJktn'• poee tn
four min« fi.Joaln a lhort period O'BaiEif'S wtn4ow apln •..
of time Sundq aft8noon. Truh and we hawn't opened --all
box fir• were atlnaullhed at the new sprtna boaa 01 pnttJt&
5:ta p.m. at 305 ancl 313~ Ka· Wby clon't you eome In an41 we'll nne Ave., llalbM lllind. A look Into them at Oaaa::&M'If ""'rD l'lwcltptMe tt.aa ar('
.... 1171
allf .. c.... llwy.
0... .....
uUllt)' pole tire broupt ftremen • •
to 211 Larapur Aw., Ccroaa del
Mar. at t:2) p.m. A ~
..t brou,..t ftremea to 1121 &.
..... 8t¥d.. at 7:11 p.a.
fO.tiiiUfd~ -ol ............... WIDd· ........_ cllle tM ................ .......
.._.. .t . autlt .. F*7 o1 121t app.,.oy -....a u.-.. . ao.u ...... ColOna del Mar, Oft Dr. ~ 'MlU ., 1111 Jan.
Ia& 1J • . • . ..., Dr ................ daat •
... ,......,. ...... • ..... leu ........ otiiGitlt Rol·
~ .. Coenel1. 0. ot ~ ..... , ...... ....... m IN Aft.. OOrona c1el Mar, llrealdq Ilia r--. Ia tbe wu.,...... oa a dnulk drtvtna parldq lot at llowwd'1 -.u.
cha.rp at 1:05 LID. at 0Dut rant, If~ a..da. Mlleb of·
Hwy. ancl Marine Aft. ••• Ml· ftcen IMmed wu tiM ...wt ot
cbael Henry ol 130 'l'ullerton a dWpate Oftr a parkfna 8p&ee.
Ave., Newport Betabb. repol'ted that b1a brother'l radna bleycle e IIOIIDAY,IIAIICIII
wu stolen from the Newport Wllllam K . lobl\80n of 605 Ka.r~r Lutheran Church . . . Marauertte Ave., CorOna del Ka.r,
Stephen D. Ralnler, 17, of ~al complained that In the put two
Beach, made a $l5 retltltutlon tor ntahta 10meone bad unscrewed
a wtndow he broke accidentally IIJht bulbi In hla porch llaht be·
In the bland Pharmacy, Balboa tween one and four a.m. , , .
laland, while rourh·necldnr wtth WUllam J. Sc:hworer of 107 Sap·
friends ... Georee E. Marks, 35; phlre Ave., Balboa Island, re·
of 7403 W. Ocean Front. Newport ported the thett of two lite rlncs
Beach, failed to necotlate a tum valued at $20 each from his boat
onto 36th St. from Seashore Dr.. moored nearby ... A car driven
Newport Beach and crashed his by Caroline B. Baxter, 45, of 314
car Into a parked car teglstered Buena VIsta, B a 1 b o a , clused
to Kenneth Sweetland of 3512 about $100 darnare when It
Seashore Dr. . . . craahed Into the Bay and Beach e SU'MDAT. JIAJICB 4 Real Estate office at 3112 La·
Mrs. Ruth A. Vedder of 2615 fayette Ave., Newport Beach, at
Cove St., China Cove, complained 1P'7 p.m.
that a city-owned no parking -------
slrn was thrown Into the bay by SOX aoJUf TO •EGilAJIS
A 10n, Stephen Scott. was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pegram of
6011 Seashore Dr.. Newport
Beach. In Hoar Memorial Hos·
.. r.,
• REVIVAl ..............
* IPEDIIl F11 · *
n., Fri. I lat., lllr. I, I, 1• aavua IDe na DOS. GLADD oa avoAaD
.... IUTI -· .. ·~----·-.......... __ J)O& 45'·
l'JQI • ..,...-t am&.. c... ....
(Neu 17th St. • Safewt,y Market) someone and that motorists were
lllerall~ parked In China Cove
. . . C. E. Clinton of 2222 Bayside
Dr.. Corona del .Mar, reported
that a window wu broken 1n pltal on Friday, March 2. =============-~----~~~----~
"RED HOT"' V alu• for Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. and Suaday, March 8. I, 10, 11.
Store HoW"E Daily 9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Sunday and Holidaya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
•ucu ••• ~art Jar ----49'
Pound Box
Pound 25' Package __ _
80Count 2 -1-PackagH 7
amusrn oma rJIODJI
BEEF PIES 2 '-49' i?n~ 2 ... 4r
Ill _. •• 1..-r .. lEW
...... , •• PLAit
F'm.t Quality Obtainable ••• AU Beef Pencmally Selected By Jolm!
VIDA «a..-:D QIIIOIQ uri aD
RUMP ROAST 79~ 59~
ova OWII IIILD eva aman
CORNED . BEEF 89~ 49~
VIDA GllADD caoiCZ uri a&Kr
VIDA QaADD ~ a.uY aaP
T Round Steak 59t 79~·