HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-15 - Newport Harbor EnsignVOL L lrO. U -l'IYE earn 1'11'0111DAT, IIA.aCII IS. 1151 Easter eek Plan Drafted by Police Car Jam-up Is Problem gr:m:.'Tr~~~lc~nc::t ~n~~~r'f~ No Freeway on 5th Ave ~fv:a~ ~~~~~ ~:k totr~~~~ • problem, Newport Pollee Chief Definite &asur~tnce that a Cree· Country Club, cutting a<:ross lng studylnr a major freeway the lnterSf'('tlon with S. MAin St .. John L. UpSOf\ announced this way will not~ constructed alone part of the club's parking Jot, plan, startln~r at the ArchH And and the wldenlne of the lnl~.nd week. Filth Ave., ~tween Corona del then heading In toasterly dlrec· runnlnf beyond Laguna. Mr. 101 highway through Irvine, may He said that this plan is made Mar proper and the Harbor VIew tlon up the gully that borders Webb lnterprf"led this to mean make construction of a Corona necessary because oC the threat School ground-. was reported the goll course, then Inland or that the Corona del Mar project del Mar by-pass unneceuary. to public aafety created by tre· Friday eveninl at the meetlna of the reservoir and down alone the 1.s ~veral years away and that From A s. Koch, county road mendous number of vehicles the CDM CivJc A.uoclatlon. foothills toward Laguna. • the proposal to ao up Fifth Ave. commissioner. ca~ the report causlnr traffic conrestlon on the Statement. from state, county, Mr. Finch 's report stated also ls no lonrer Imminent. that the county's vtewpolnt Lt laland. city and lrvlne otrlclala were in· that B«t Webb, Newport Beach Alao Included In the report wu that the Freeway ahould not run The plan calla tor a tra.fflc eluded In a ,report that had been city engineer, had been Informed a statement from CounciJman I ~n Corona del Mar ~.nd the now pattern ualnr only one ma· prepared by former councUman by Edward Telford. district en· Lee Wllder that the extension of Harbor View School. jew approach to the Intersection Braden Finch. Mr. Finch was un· glneer for the Division of Hlah· the Sepulveda Freeway, which The Civic A.seoct.tion. unct. ot Bayside Dr. and Marine Ave., able to ~ ~nt at the Civic ways. that the DlvtsJon ls m&k· would cross N~rt Blvd. near Its nt>W president. Dr Jay Lone· where trat:tlc control officers wUI A.s.m. meettnc. and hls report 1 ley, held Its meeting in the Com· be on duty to uslst residents of was presented by Mrs. c. G. Wal· $101,873 Contrad Is Let muntty Youth ~ter buUdlna. Balboa Island and others who~ deck. CoU~ and doutrttnuts were ~aular dutlH bring them to the The report Include-d a state-served to the more than 50 ~r· Island The approach will be ment from Myford Irvine that sons attt>ndtnr. There was music from Coast Hwy. along Marine the Irvine Co, ls ''v~ much op· F w N p • for dancing, playe-d by a five· Ave. The officers wm e~lte pos.ed to locaUnr the Freeway I or e rt man combo Jed b)' T Duncan the movement of traffic nowlng alone Fifth Ave." He said that wpo GVIng Stewart of Shore Cllftl and his ott the Island by employing tra.f· Irvine Co. enrtn~rs have sub· • hot fiddle. Otherw In the band fie dlrKtlon that w111 keep the mltted plana to the State Dlv1-~ were Dr. Frank O'Brlen of Balboe greatest numbeT ot can movtnr ' slon of Hlrhwa~ propo!'lng that At last the lonr awaited lm· as the Music Box. 2904 E. Coast Coves. at the plano; WIJJiam smoothly and without lnterrup· a Corona ~1 Mar by-pass Free· provement of streets and alleys Hwy., Corona del Mar. for failure I Nelson, su~rlntendent of tht> tlon. way take ott Inland from the 1 tn West Newport Is under way. Ito tum In sal~ tax collections_ Tustin ElnnentarY School.a. aut- Chief Upson said that the pro-~ Coast Hwy. near the lrv1ne Coast Monday f'Venlng the Newport 1 tar and banjo; Fred Puttter of gram has been designed to (acll· City Counc:U awarded the con· Wll"--an-Dt--I Corona del Mar. I&Xophone: WaJ. tate the movement of traffic on 6 C d•d t tract to the Sully Miller Con· ..... .... ... j ter Cole of Newport, drums. and ott the Laland with the least an I a e s structlon Co.. on 1ts low bid of Mrs. PhiUp Burton aald that possible Inconvenience to the IS· w ·.tl Talk to . '101•873·91 ~· William G. Allen. 79. of 3700 1 now lhallnsplratlon Polnt on tbe land re.ldents. Copies of the tra.f· The other bldckrs were Cox StoavJew A.ve.. Corona del Mar.1 Corona del Mar blutt ls d~nlte· Bu I H•t R t t fie now pattern and detailed In· Bros. Construction Co., 1122.· died In hLS home Monday. He ly saved u a vt~ park. plans rg ars I es auran , structlons are ~lnr d'-trtbuted 411.58 and the a. J. Noble Co., wa.s a native of Ollnols., came to should be made tor beautUyina to the realdenu of the laland c·.v·lc League 1136.891.02. &ltlmate of City En· Callfornla when about 6 ,.an tt. She &lilted that su~ be throuah the ~at\on of bual· 111\eer Bert Webb was S105.032.96. old and had lived In Corona cSel l submitte-d to the City Park Com· -· _ _ ....am m-•bOa 'nRf _.. i 'Jb&. ~ 1ndudM pavillc. Wu.l.or Uout 14 y..,., /m'..,._ .-~.,tcll._.ret':l'e- G se • Statio· !u.u~c:t. 'I'!M ou:.. eeJ'Vice .... tor tbe tJuee. NewpGI't coondJ. curt. and JUtterl and oma.men· He wu a wtenn of ~ Span-adona! dlreetor, said tbat a mu-rO(ery, r¥1(8 n tiona on Marine Ave the Bal· manic: olfbs to be tufed ln the tal lJ&'httna I« tbe &1ft trom lsh·ArMrican War and wu a fer plan for parks ls ~In&' pl'e· boa Island Methodist Chureh and AprU 10 election have atte'pted :n..t St. to 54th St. captain In World War I. Alter his' pared and that su~ns St. John Vlanney cat b 0 1 1 c the lnvJutlon ol the Woman's Cour~etJ aho: military service, he became a would be welcomed A fl'oc«Y store, restaurant and on the front door to ent~r R~· Church have all offered to help Civic Leaau~ to apeak at their e Award~ the contract for re hotel operator. ploneerlr1C and IM!'I'VIce station ~e the ta.rget.a or<b ~.nd clothing were scattered' dl'ltrlbute thelnformatlon. meeting Tuesday mornlnf at the constructtng sewers on 13th St. o~ratlnr many hotels In Call· OllaOJifS m BAT SBOaES of burglan during Monday nlrht on the floor. Motor ortl~r Don Munson has VIlla Marina. Balboa. and alley between 36th fornla H~ b .survi~ by his Ntw n-sld~nts In &y Shores. and early Tuesday momlnr. From 50 to 75c in pennies. from been ualgned to act u coordlna· Incum~nt Councilman GtoraJd St. and 38th St. near Lake Ave . wife, Mrs. Letha C All~n : a at 21&-11 V ista Dr , are Mr. and Newport pollee reported. $10 to $12 worth of ~n stamps, tor In settlor up a tra.ffic control ~nnett and Charles Hart wiJI be Newport, to Edwin L. Barkley, brother. Robert Allen of Corona. Mrs. Homer Orbon and children Hilltop Market. 486 N. N~rt old coins, usorted tools, two program based on the experl · there from d1.5trlct one ; locum-324 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa. on dt>l Mar. ~.nd two haJt.brothers. 8ru('e, Kristin and Susan. Mr. Blvd , Newport Heights, was electric ahaven and a 25 cal. au-C th City f .. ~ dl 1 Cl R his low bid of $11.219. ~Ices wUI ~ held at 2 p m I Or bon and his fatht>r·ln·law h d I k t h C ences o e o nn.a a n bent a~nce lgble, H a n s d · ' robM<i of $5.50 In cas an c g. tomatlc were ta en rom t e . handlln the thousands of auto· Broer! d R 1 h Schl 1 ti • Awar ed the contract for today tThunday) In the Baltz Ranney Shroytor. are ownf'T'l! :>f area valued at $25.20. Owner, I W. Rogers Service Station. 488 N. mobiiH g durin the Santa Anita dl.strk~r ~nand a~ wu~!:. :; dredging to fill In the city trail· Chapel, Corona del Mar. with the-Coast Super Market In Corona Mrs. Maxine Selby, 378 La Perle.1 Newport Blvd. A hasp was pried Race Tract se!.aon and the City opposed In district G. will ~ er park beach to Shellmaker. ~v John H. Parke offlclatln~. 1 del Mar Costa Mesa ... Jd the buralars from the fron t door to gain entry, of Pa•adena In 'handllna the prheant to discuss th"' •--u•s on Inc .. on Its low bid of $7.98>. ----~--- broke a window but wHe blocked pollee said. "' • ... ~ ~ ~ .. • Awarded the contract for u A • I • c II by an Inside heater from gain· Leonard P. James. owner oCthe ~:t' ~:~:: and Rose Bowl ~l~h;:~!:~ a.~lsanHI:~~~e he~~~~~ C'Onstructlng groins at the clty 1 n• mer1can nqu1 r y a lng entry and then forced a hasp Plzza House, 66<» W. Coast Hwy., The bl~m he Is partlcu date, will not be a 1,.....aker. A trailer park beach to Trautwein Tidelands Oil Suit Expected Newport Beach, reported his cafe pro re . ...-Bros. on the low bid of $4.~. M t •f• L I R • d t entered somt-tlme Monday night. la.rly critical. Chlef Upson point· question period will follow the • Tabled the rf'qUffi of actina y s I leS oca est en s A door was forCi!'d open to gain ed out. becau~ of the narrow· short candidate lpeeches. city mana&t>r Bert Webb for CTt> I A court suit. expected to ~ach the Supreme Court of tht! United Sutee bt"fore It La settled, ls due to be tUed 11000 ln an attempt to estAblish County of Oranre own· entry. A box of clrars, five cases ness of so~ ol the main stnets.l HostHSeS for the m~tlng. atlng the new pocitlon of supe-r Four Orange county residents. mf'mhfor of the C'ommunlst pnrty. of beer a.nd a bottle of w ine were caustng bottlenecks during ~ak which will begin at 10 am., will vi.!!Or of recrt>atlon: wtu .study three from the Harbor aru, are Mr. Darnell wa~ formerly a vo· stolen. An unknown amount of hours or traffic now. This creates ~ Mrs. JaC'k Curnow, Mrs. W. S the matter further d ue for q uestioning by the cal student at tht> Los An~Ples money w as takt-n from a <'lga~t serious problems In lcffplng Kilpatrick. Mrs. Elliot Morris and • ~voked the bu.sJness llrt>nst-House l n . AmeriC'an Artlvitles Con!M.'rvatory. but hi" W A,; not maeblne. An unsuccessful at· streets and alleys available to Mrs. A. M. Yerkes. A buffet of Doris Talbott, doing buslnt-ss CAmmlttt'f' In Los Angeles on ronnectt"d with tht' union. his tempt wu made to gain entry e~ergency vehicles at all times.. luncheon wlll follow the meet· April If> wife explained. 'Tm completely to a juke box 'We ot the Newport Beach Po· lnr. Falls D e ad o n ThP) lnclurlt' Mr and Mrs C'ar· unmuskal. I can't sin& a note," · lice Department are more than ter Darnell of 205 \'Ia Koron, Lido Mrs Darnell ~alrl arateful to all o! these men a nd "'11ELP ME..-WOMAX A.SU Isle Jf"an (' Musick of :.J6:..n Avon William WhN?ll"r, C'hlt"f Invest!. erahlp of lUI tldelanda. The 1ult will be tiled by the American Marine Exploration Co .. a Nnada oll corportatJon. wblc.b recentlY signed a 50-year Jeue Here's a Call For Coaches women who have come forward "Help me." said ll womao In M • A St Ne-wport fk>ar h and Sam gator for the Hou~ C'OmmlttN!, to aid usln tbt. program.'' ChJef the telephone booth at the'Bal ar1ne Ve. Bf'rland. purchasing agt.-nt for has bfton quott'd as saylnc. ''Thl1 Upson said. ''We feel .ure that boa Island f~y landing to a The Hale C'o . "·ath an otflce in Is strartly an lm~laatlon of w ith the continued cooperation telephone operator at 6:45 p m. A fatal heart attack on Marine Gardt-n Grovt-posslblf' un AmM'IC'an activities shown thus tar by all of tbe rest· Saturday, Ne....rport pollee were Ave. on Balboa Island was auf ·w~·rp just ~tolng down there on the part ot some mt-mbcrs ol dentll, we can rnaJte this program notified. The operator heard a fered Friday mornlnr by James and lind out what It 01 all nbout." the musiC'Ians union." With the County of Orance tor Qty lt.ecNcltiooD ~ Bob the development of tideland oU. allap1da .,_ oa11ect aa CIIJ*l Supervaor Heinz ~alser aald m..U .. f« 7:30 p.a. WedDM· the firm will pay all ol the .x· clay, IICII'dl IJ. at tM Conaa penae. ol the .ult. "It won't C08t dill liar T...U. ClaM IIW all the county a dime." .s.lta ..._..,.. .. PRP'JIIb9• a success and still continue to sound as If a blow was struck Christian Bach Jr of Santa Ana. Mrs. Darnt"ll told tht> Ensign this allow our vtsJtors to share the and someone huna up the re· a route salesman tor Arde n week. "l'm as thoroughly mynl· ~auty of our elty without the celver. Pollee chec~ the area farms. He had just lt-ft a rf'Stau nt'd a.s any time J'vp evt-r ~n.·· Inconvenience ~.nd huard we.J but could tlnd no evidence of rant on the bland. ~.nd was she added, In reply to a question have experienced ln the past.'! an assault. stricken at Marine Ave. and u to the ~uon for thrir sub· Scll11l lru a.u Pelcr ._,.a•• "lt la our contention that the • rt ... • Ia _., w.T Ml,. tidelands. which the st.ate bas ... wttla tM w• • ba1bllll City Reieds Ebell Plea Balboa Ave. poena to ap~ar Mr. Bach. who was 55. was a 'l ... __ • h 1nf leased. belonJ to the county," PfCiiBA ' """'' t ave any ormation N-rt Coundl aeknowled.,.ed native of Arkan.su and had lived tb ... h 1 d tb --,., 6 o er u.an w at ·w rea ln e receipt Monday evenln& of the In Santa Ana for 35 years. Serv· papt"I"S." said Mr. Mua1ck. ''Ten notfC"e of Intention to elrculate Ices were held Monday at Fair· )'N.ra aro I was active In the ~ltlona for annexation of the haven Cemetery Cha~l. with Ame.-lc~.n Federation ol M11stcl-"'luetin Ave. and 22nd St." area. Baltz Costa MHA Cha~l In ana local 47. I assume that ta the atljolnlnl the recently annexed charp. Survtvon include hla ~uon t o r my ap~aranc:e. Harbor Hlrhl~.nda. M.r. Jtal.er added. '"nle City of •-•till ..U.Stt....,. belD9 Newport Beach 10t thel.ra In 1919 pl•eecl f« tM Toath C.w along with Laauna Beadl and aDd ,_ •-.._... 8dlool· The Ebell Club's ap~•l Cor re · prov1de parldnr lot' 15 cars, the San CJenaente." ........ -.. ~ ...SCS. A Her from parJdna requlnments letter stated. A total of 82.7 per cent of the '' •a. au ca.-ttoa wtth tbe for a new EbeU clubhouse was From tbe audience, Mrs. Ruth state tideland oU money oomes ..,. Clab Ia C... IIMG wW denied by J'fewport Clty Council Ve-dder aald that tbe Ebell Club trom Oranee County, the CIOWlty be diuM II. Monday eve:nlna'· had not been able to find ~.ny omctaJ pointed out. HWe have Council upheld.Jhe recommen· other suitable location for a club· mother. Mrs. Bertha Bach of Coa· There'a been a ruckua tolna on Mayor Dora HUl pointed out ta Mesa: a 80n, James. of Fresno: for a lo~ ttme ln the union. I that thls wu to be a c ivic an· a brother and two sisters. don't llke this type ot publicity." nexation only, not a ecbool cUI· aotten Vf!IY UtUe baclt." IIU'1IIIAGK UU 1ft dation ot the Clty Plartninl Com· houllt'. A letter trom Mytord lr· The area ln the leue for dde· Tbe Women's Auxtllary of the mlsalon. whkb stated that the vine wu quoted. .Utlnr that Dedication of Park Planned land oll exploration extends Oranp County Dental Society Ebell Club abould u.e two ol Its the lrvtne Co. could not grant t.rom north ol the moutb ol the wUl bold a benefit rummap four Jots tOif pal'ldne 11 a new the Ebell Club land !Ol' a bulld· Santa Ana river to the northetft sale from t Lm. t.o !5 p.m. tomor· clubhouN La bullt on the other lnt site becaute It would eet a Umlta of Oranp eounty, Mr. r'flft and Saturday at D S. Spur· two Iota. The Comm18alon had ~t-nt fOl' Cltkr NQUetb. Kat.. aald. "Rouehly, from Seal ,eon St.. Santa Ana. A.rtJcles ean ,.,.anted a Wle pemaJt to the Ebell Coundlmarl Gerald 11 e n n e t t Pl&M for the doedkatSon o1 the ... cb to tbe mouth ot tbe Santa be taken to KJs. 11\eo Clarke, 613 Club for eoMtnactJon o1 tbe club· aald be could.ll't ro qalnst tbe Newport laland Park wlll be dta· Ana Jl1wor." Carnation Aw .. Corona del Mar. bouse. subject to that requtr.-Plannlnl Comtttt..son recom· ~ tockJ C'lbundq) at the ment for pa.rtc:lJ\1. men4atJon ~.nd made the modon IDf!le'tlna o1 tbe Newport ll.laDd L1 t T ·d. th Ring for 11\e praent ~u ~bhou.R. to badr up the c:om.mlMJon. Tbe Auldllat)' MiA~ btid tb1a mom-na S 0558 In e at 515 w. Balboa mft.. 'lalboa. vote ... s to 1. tbe "'no" m:e tna at the bc1me ot KrL WUII&M bl R ls located on loa 10 and lL See· Mtna cut by Co\lndlman Lee Melcba', a all St. 11ae pu1t Ia Assem Y Congress aces t1on 10. I:Ut Ntw'POift Trect. WUder, who aald the problem a:pe$d to '-coqli«ed ~~ I £bell Cub bad planned to •U abould be .xp~ further. April c. eu\7"-7- TOI'Q w. lou-a llarobw wbo oc:rattc Clube Sun4&7 tn Lapna tb... two loa to m. put ol uv.~ at uo EIMnld A,... Jal· ~a!!!:' ::oo~ ktdr-cd drtw !::, ~~~ t;;..~= lsatw ..... I boa laJeM W UIIIOUnaet llJI biCtM today tor 31·~·old at-Iota 12 and 13, whkll now ue WIJ can~IAiac!1 b D•••aratte M«DJ· ~·Inlet Su~ ·.,his. a.n· n.cant. A .,_.tar. so Ol' oktft'. wu D~don l!ot U. &. lllt•nte.U.. nounetna bla candtdac:y tot the In a l.tte to OoG.nell. tM Dell eoqftt on Lido lal• by lfewport ~ tb~all~ .,.JA~ 0:: A..mbly ... t whld\ 'Will be va· Club polnc.d out there .,. GdMr =-Jut :::f att.r nannJna A_, ....-atd 1a ... 1\f c6ftd bUeaD 1.._ Ott of -~kilta c:amd try But w. Stan1e:J o1 ._. dW: buDdlnp oa aanoa ..a. tlnt brclriMt Mre. a.~. 4diD. b7 the ~ Oacm~ flit Pto· P'l 10m aq. lit. Sumr.-.,.. twmer· without oa...,._ padllna. dlat U1 V1a Doll ~ b t'be a.m11t and ccm· ADa. lJ Willa &M pGWio ... .S.• ol· lalboa .. .._ tt..H prcwk1ea • Mrs. Acfto ba4 bMD ~ ~of a pet ~ .....,_, Allola~reoeJirl) 1 ••• a..... :r•P.....,. Ia ~..,.._....,the d\lb· lbiWfrontJal'\t.~IMwat to.,.,.. fOI•aed tM rtlhluld MmlMU. II Ollii B. ......., JOl MuiDI ODallt& .,_ uc1 ..._, . .,.. a.t dlit Cblb ._ IIOC liN w bOml abe ..,. ~ ... ....,_ cat OWDet '-1 Mrs. L &. .,.._.t of ttae,.....,... ... ldl 1 •• _. w• aw JMN _..., ... ....._ tJrae ~· • wad...._ ... ..,.._ tt. " .,. a., .._ --.. ,....., Dd Jllldde c::laar'-of ld • •• wra1dlli. It II u Ia· tift w,... SM ...... ad ~o.ta...... JliiNIIau. . .. ., I at tl a •••All II .... 7-'p h allill ..... )llitlc!e tiD Mit .. Dill 0.. Ill ..... ru out lliiiJt hUll ... W , .... I I . • ~ .. _..ata e M all .... tZ' A ..... ..-.,; _ .................... .., .... _...... I •••• ....._ Mrs. Darnell was f011N'rly tbe trlct annexation, and thlt It was wife of Rint Lardna Jr., whom to be unMnltood that the chU· she dJvorced 11 ~an aro. Lard· dren ln that a.rea would mn· ner was one ot 10 Hollywood tlnue to attend eo.ta .Mesa 11n'itert1 who mu..ed to testlly tchool&. Thts wu In accordance whether they had e"Yer beoen a with the polky establtab~ last w.eJt by the Newport ElemH· tar)' Sdloo1 8oud. oppomnc fUr· tiler &.IUlft.&tiOft ol ao.ta -L C:.... .... h c...ili .. W... CtWt .. YILif'HONIII HAI6. 1114 ... II II NNO L HMIA -'-~-.,...:...------"!" _. ....... ,. HMIA ..... , .. ....., J • • • ftM Youth cat.-~ &ld II dal JloU a..atal ......... I dN tolllftl. ,._, bave tJM ......,_ not oandioae thai .. .,., aoCI I de Opdmllt Club: u.e ~ ~ ~ tt wu ..,&1 to .-7 Q~ Bane '---: tie t.U1f. lt. ~ WUNIL Jfow the q....aa.:a S.. wt.o con· It you feel an ur.-tD help, duet.d ~ ~ cttJ et.k. eau Grut .IIGwaW ... u1t bow • o.. -..,.. • ... " you ean do tt. 01 eoane. If ~ One of t1ae • ........ Coun·~~~=-==·=;J::.:::.t ............. ln .... of ~ all ... ,._ --........... . taR -'1 It to Grant Howald. porUoa ollt: tQ BeiJoCrope Ave.. 01' Kn. AI ''We ue toN tMt tM dty at· lpeDCer, I1J -...,nla Ave .. or the tGfne7 llu N*l tlll&t a dlanp e O.aniiG DAY more's ~·taklJic aatJona. Enalrn, .0 E. Coast Hwy., Co· cannot be made at thJa Ja~ date. Baek ln tbe trout flablnl dQ~~, Any Dana Poifttera for whale rona del Mar-make the check VotJnr placa have been chanpd Aprll 15 wu always openlnr watch.lJirf out to the Newport Jlarbor Com· hundred. ot tlmel In SoutMm cky. Slnee rve rone aa.ltwat., e CAMKa~l AC;TIOIII munlty Youth Center. Calllomla rtfbt up to eleetlon openlnr day II whenever I take As you could ru-. I wu busy • • • day. ThS. •lect~oa wu pub· my first trip of the year. There's with tbe e.amera. I could hardly e A.aiU'I'KK aAI.I.O'n Jlahed rl,_ o"" the dftdllne of a bll clrde around Sunday, walt to 1et ba.clt to develop the Do you expect to be here for 40 days IMifote the elec:Uoll. It Mardl U. on my calendar, for fUm. but luck was with me. I the AprtllO election! It not. you wu protellted ~ days befGn that wu the beclnnlnr of an· rot some food lhots. but believe may vote absentee after March election. but the protest wu other season, 1~ type. me, lhootlnJ whales with a 20 by (1) rotnr to City Hall and voted down by a major1ty or the •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL Of DANCING HAIIliOIIl 101) 152) E. COAST HIGHWAY COitONA DEl MAll "nlere were a lot of rood thlnp camera Ia about u tricky u try. votJnr In the clerk's oUice, or council by telephone. We believe about last Sunday. Perhaps the Inc to hit clay plreona w1th a C2) wrtt1n1 to the City Clerk, that the polllnr pta~ for tbla :r : • • : • • • • b8t wu that I wu out on the .22 r10e by moonllrht. Slnce.Sun· Newport Beach, and requestlnr sect 1 on can and should be )111•••••••••••1( · .. --~i. .e Hop ocean aealn with ol' flahlnr day, 1 am much more ready to an absentee ballot, glvlnr your chanaed to 31M Orchid. This loca. • • •• b' buddy Uncle Harry Roeera, on understand why Dr. Paul Dudley registration address and where tlon Is one of three ott~. and hla Adequate. A little Jess than White had harpoon trouble down absentee ballot Ia to be sent. It Ia the molt central." ""CE:ICX:x::ICIC:x:::lCI::X:ICI~CCX::i:la:x:a::x::acxccxx::JCICXlCI::t three months ago, Uncle H. wu In Scammon's Lagoon on hb re· This applies to anyone who for • • • :2 • • • ' ' • • ' • ' ' • • ' • ' ' • • • • ' • • ' • ' 0 up In Hoag Hospital, wlth noth· cent unsuccessful attempt to get health or other reason fln«b It e PAT liAISE P80JOIAL e LET'S UNITE THE FUND DRIVES Every time onother drive for money is launched in the Harbor Are&-Which seem5 to b. mighty often--there must be o lot of folks. li~e myself, wishing that something be done to unite oil these efforh into one big drive. There is a movement ofoot to solve this dilemmo -it's the ''United Drive for Funds." First definite move to support this United Fund hos corM from the league of Civic; Associations, which ot it5 lost !'Meting voted unanimously to go on record in fovor of the pro· posol. Let's hope thot other orgoni1otions will follow suit. so !hot U~i!ed Fund con become o reolity and relieve us from the une nd•ng sol.ctta· tion. • • • e WELCOME. HELIPOT "Helipot," the nome of the firm tha t's qoinq t~ build o two-mil· lion·dollar plant on the bluff obove the Arches. ts the contracted combination of "helical': a~d "potentiom.~te~ ... ':':"Y questions?. Just in case you dtdn t ~now . . . hel•col hos to. d~ wtth the form of o helix. or spirol. which accounts for thot co•l-lt~e symbol in· the Helipot signature. And "potentiometer'" is an instrument for measurinq electromotive forces. Neither is new, by ony meons: but joined together, by an im· mensely important invention of Dr. Arnold Bedman, _they form the world's most ultra -sensitive control of electrical quantity. Its tremen· dous importance is shown by the fact thot during World War 1_1: the Helipot wos o vital compone nt of radar sysf~ms ond other mtltta':Y electronic equipment. Now it is on esse nltol port of electroniC "brains," wherein super-fine control units are needed. I hod occasion to qet this brief introduction to o mighty compli- coted instrument lost weet when ground·breolting ceremonies were held ot the 14lf2-acre site, end later lunch~on wos held .. ot !he Balboa Bay Club. We moy still be puuled all to p•eces ob;out helt~ol poten· tiome.ers," but were all glod you're coming. Heltpot. You re o fine addition to our Horbor Areo. ntAT DINNER. P~V MUST BE SMOOTI-I./ VVITJ.t MEAT BOUEW-IT HE~E 'fOU'J2E IN THE GROOVE/ * Fresh Fish & Sea Foocla During Lent * Specials For Thurs.. Fri. & Sat.. Mar. 15. 16. 17th. -rBE I'DIES'r 35f. STEWING HENS U.S. CHOICE 59~ LEG o• LAMB LAJIQE LOlli 69f. LAMB CHOPS IWU i I nDOV1C CHUCK ROAST 39f. )' IWU I I nDIIVJI 49~ Round Bone Roast AaiiOVJrS ITA& UTW'I & OICAII XAYD'I 49~ SUCED BACON lng stronger between him and an electro·cardiorram of a eray Impractical to get to the polls. Taxpayeo-and aren't we allf the daisy patch than a frayed whale. • • • What are you rolnr to do about piece of 3-thread line. A lot of Our procedure went aomethlnr 1 • fl. FEW LAUGHS the proposed charter amendment people dJd a lot of aweatln' out, like this: Chuck would yell, I attended Council meeting which will appear on your SUD• but there wu a happy ending. "Whale dead ahead!" I'd get set Monday evenlnr. Got a few pte ballot to be voted on ~rll The llvlnr. Jaughlnr proof of It In the cockpit with the Rollet.l laug,hs. especially when Council. 10! It propoeee to lnc:re ... the was my host for this 1956 open-The tricky part concerned the man Lee Wtlder tried to keep the pay of councllmen from the I:JO lne day. Just to be out on the fact that a whale la visible only city clerk from readlnr the six a month which II now paJd to old Pacltk: agaJn with Uncle h h surfaces and blows. lerten protestlna the JOc:atlon of them for e:xpensea, to S200 f. Harry was more of a satisfaction w en e the votlne place for Precincts 23 month, which wtll be In the form than can be adequately said. This means that you have to and 31 In the wtlda of Shore of a salary. ~~~~~~~~l!il!~~!i Skipper "Chuck" Smith was euea where and when he'll be CllUs. He just dJdn't want the Do you really think that a I right on deck too, justifiably up the next time. 1 also dis· letters read. candidate who hu hJs eye on proud of his craft. shlntne and covered that I was stone blind Among the six letters wu one that $100 per meetlnr ($1!i0 for sassy after her wlnter overhaul. on the starboard aide while I from M.rs. Letha BaJley, 304 Or· the mayor) will be of a tUeher Most prideful Items were two big wu looklnr t.hroueh the v1ew· chid Ave., oUerlnr her home u 8tandard than thoee who take It reserve gas tanks that will ease finder of the Rollel. M.ostly, we'd a polling place as a civic duty. on u a clvlc dutyT In other the long haul to Clemente and overrun them and be too far past Her home Is centrally located as words, do you think It wlll lrn· back as often as the fish make before the next blow. Then. In to votJng population. lncldentaJ· prove the breed! There Ia not a It necessay. Now there's 216 ral· that shallow water. they blew ly. the county clerk's repreaenta-city ln our atze clau or any near Ions Instead ot the old 1.20. only once. Instead of the usual tlve didn't have any trouble our population that pays Ita which b rnJrhty satisfying to usual series of four or five. I flndJng a voting place In Pre· councilmen a salary. They ret think about when you're over I just had to be Jooklnr In the clnct 23 for the June primaries. $M to S75 to cover expeMeS. Do at Pyramid Head and remember· right place at the right time. or I had another laurh when we want to be dltferent by lng how far It Js back to the else! The plume or a gray CouncUman Jay Stoddard said addlnr to our now burdensome jetty. Eh, Chuck! whale's blow ls a fragile and that this council does not con· tax load? Thla little Item will e OJfE LITTLE JlED OJfE highly transient affair. duct polls by telephone. Of add up to an Increase of city M to our fl~hlnr. we didn't 1 rot some rood shots ln. but course all I know b what I get payroll In the amount of $12.600 get akunJced. but u Uncle H. I'll nevttr ret over the most from what I consider to be a a year. $5().400 In a four -year cautioned: ''Don't say tt too spectacular alght of all. One big hlrhly reliable source-about the term. Thls could provide a lots loud." The total take wu one old pappy was either playful or telephone poll which showed the of playgrounds for our kld.a. small rock cod. and fll admit his barnacles were ttchlnr. He council favortnr leavlnr the pol· I am ju.t aaklnr. you under- 1 used a "booby trap"-whlch t. jumped. not once, but five ling place In , out·of -the·way stand. an extra treble hook on a fine times! I've seen a lot or splashes. Shore Cliffs. Don t tell ~e. bub, ---~.~------­ wtre that makH an anchovle but when forty or fifty feet of that It ain't done, because while a ~l'tER better for bait atNlen.. J~ gray whale bits the water. ·tt I was In there, many questions '{Pt~"~', small cod and halibut. The little looks like what you'd expect If were decided by polllnr the ~~"' ~ ·LS red one could hardly be called you dropped the Super Chief In councilmen over the phone. One IJl~ 1 " a mess. but I cantully cleaned the drink! of whJch was the expenditure of It, and ate tt for breakfast next And. wouldn't you know, the $364 for a half pa~e ad In a ape· """' TIDE morning. There's nothlnr that'll one that put on the water·fllng-IIINfAU OffJae Supply beat the flnt f.resh flab or the lne exhJbiUon cl1d It while I wu Mrs. Boyvey SUVICI • ..,. .. season! chanrtnr fUm. 01\ well-a fel· IOU If...,_. aL If...,.... a..n VAN'S CLEANERS ")() v .. ,... &perienc• Per{ecti119 SuperiOt O..ni"9 Cteft~~Nftdlip" WE FEATUitE C.rwful Helldli"9 of All Delieete Febrice. e..d.d .. uee Ger .... ,... DillY ClEANING-lAUNOitY SEitV. ICE -KNIT BlOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING -AlTEAA· TIONS-ItEPAIItiNG. Pt!Ofle Herbot 5152 P"'oc• Up I OeiMry SeMc.e Ope" I e.m. to 5:30 p.m. -Set~o~rday, I a.m. to 2:)0 p.m- l426 E. Coatt Hw.,.: ecw-. del MM You may think I wu dlsap· low J~ can't expect to ret pointed with the near·Ushless everythlnr! I'm satl.tled I rot N . ate d by day. Not so. amigo. for I. wu to see ll but what a picture It 0 mIn good to feel my feet on a deck would have made! PTA again. The purrorthemotors.the So·O·O! The migration isn't District saJt spray In my face, the rest· over. While I was wrltlnr thla, High rHierdy tul roll of the ~U• u 1 lazily Able Watcher T. Duncan Stewart ~-8 ....... 1d Bo.,.,.y of .. _,boa I th •-k ta'""' the line to "ailed to tell me that 2 more DU-. .. ., 1 ·~ u.u et e Sua er ~... ._ has .._n nomina• .... for the pres· th bott W _ ..... In-1 n~ed had just saluted the Stewart ......,.., w:u e om '"'""" UJ .. -..,..,.... • ldency or Fourth D._._,... -A. M .,_ .. 1 • ul b d 't .__n fed r-Jdence In Shore CUtts. One .. u """ r ~ Y ,..,., n 10 a n ....,., ..... EJ__.on o• ..-.cera will take I ly .In-last Oeto more ~e·Ball on your member· ""'u ca ~ very reru a.r • ...... · ~·~ sh pl"'-on Tu-... ay, March 27. at ....__ d It wu j··-about time ship card. Duncan. Thar e """"" ocoou U'CJ-an ....... · a momln .. meeUn .. of the dt.· I feel 1~ bf!otter already. blows. and gray at that! trlct at • the ~a Gramma.r e VlfZDECTED TIIIID 1 I 11_._ School In Brea. The blg excitement for thb f1lal leek ••• Installation of otflcen will be Old Gray Whale came unex· held at a Fourth Dlstrtct lunch· p«tedly. I hadn't been ta.klnr Pr...,. Pr111111. eon meettnr at the Community my whale-watchlne very serl-._., Methodlat Church tn eo.ta Mesa ously of late, tblnJclng the ml·l Mary G. Searborourb d1.acuDed on Thursday, April 19. Mrs. Boy· gratlon was about over. From forthcomlnr sprt.nr publlcatlona vey has held many offices ln what we saw that day, It must at her final book review pTOIJ'am the PJ'A In Harbor area lchoola, be the peak of the return trlp.1 presented at the Newport Bar· lncludinr presidency of the New- On the way down the line we bor Yacht Club last Frlday mom· port Harbor Blah School PI' A. saw three schools of the big lnr by the South Cout Alumnae Th1s past ye~ abe has served blowers. with from two to four I Club of PI Beta PhL The review 1 •• parliamentarian for the Bar· In ·a school.' Since It w u the was preceded by a coUee hour. bor Council PJ'A and hu been first opportunity I bad bad to ob-The aeries of book revt..,... bave v1ee president of Harbor District F•l••• •lfR11 Vwtfte....ut.l -st.cUo of LIWI9 ....... ConaultatJon-E.tlmate.·No obllratton HAA•0111 HI·~ INSURANCE Auto-Ftr.-UabWtJ Small monthly payments .... 4711 IJ.;erve my favorite mammals a t ben sponaored by the Pi Phi l PJ'A. close range. I made the best of It, I Alu~ae to benefit thelr aradu· with Skipper Chuck's and Uncle ate flurslnr scholarship, accord· JlEJfEI'JT LUWCJIEOJf BELD Harry's help. Lnr to M.ra. Austin Sturtevant of Gamma Phi Beta SororIty !!!! We were dose· enough to see Costa Mesa, chairman of the re· Alumnae of Oranre County held many things that I •knew but views. a fashlon·luncheon benefit lut bad never seen. The big ones week at the new Disneyland were spotted. aU right. the Hotel In Anaheim with the !"spots'' belnr dusters of barna-LEIIEU -newly orranJzed Family Sevtee cles fastened here and there on Association as recipients of the their hure backs. "nley stay funda. Mrs. Jack Stoclcdlll of Co· pretty close torether, too. One Newport Harbor Enslrn rona del Mar wu amonr the palr of lovers were crulainr alonr Dear Editor, club members making uranr•·i not forty feet apart,. The m1a1• After 5% v.a .. worklnr tn menta tor the party. }orlty we saw were rom am e ~---::=::::=:::======:::;; to a m.ue and a hall oft shore. televt.lon. l can heartlly apee t With Chuck at the throttles we with Dleter Nora If Jte thlnk:a were a ble to check thelr speed. that televlalon commercials are Five to alx knot.a, It waa. which (a) too lonr. (b) too trequent. lan't exactly hot·roddlnl It when (c) too blatant. you're bound for .orne spot And -oh, ye. -there 1a one north or the Arctle Circle. fundamental American lMtltU· W -•-'-•--" one lonaome loe tlon whJch you didn't mention e .......... which la evm more fundamental well Inside Dana Polnt. I had than advertlalna: the rleht of always tlrured that rray whales Americana to ,ripe about IOII"Ie· rave audl navlratlonaJ baz.arda thlnl they don't l.Uce. Taka that a w1de berth, but I wu wronr away brother and we're cJeadl araln. Old Joe never chanced • ... ~ 8 ,. IWIW F'rnm Beltlum, Holland. Sweden. Germany, Italy It Enrland. Arabelque Jewelry from Toledo Spain LIB•••'• hla COurM untU he wu within a ·~ · _,,. ... hundred yards or so of the eut· eo& Aada Ave. ., •· ••adwa1, ._.. AM em aide of Dana. Tben he dJd a ===~Corona~~~del~~M~·~·~=~~==~~~=~=~=~ Jetnrely tum to port and non· r. cbalantlJ lldrt..t the promon· tory. App&refttJJ, Dana Point II a natural 1.01' one of Dr. OU· JOHN A. RUSCH , D.D.S. ennouncM the openift9 Item-of-the-Month I.I6HIWII8HT -SNU)Y -STlON& A1'1IACIM COIDI -STA~ ..Hr AND 8A001H I PI Ill L 79 ' \ • • • • lfAH fMJI A ••••~~AM• T .. ttl ,.., .. IIAIIOI • Chest Drive ar • a e. • "~··au I.ILIIDmiAL A ointments PP 'nle tint ebunber music eon· e "CA8MJRL• aiii.O . ~~ tt 18 w~en you think A d eert ot tbe Oruce County Phil· U ue. you J'O to JIM-)'OU )'OU haft planned IIOmethlnl nnounce barmonJe Sodety WU preeentAKl coQJ4 COCDe -.m onee more and that 8bould tab all period and Saturday olpt at Lu Palmu flo a J'OOCI tt.e4. .Ut wwld tt CM\ly ..-up the ftnt MMil Dr. ....e.t 0 I • " cl e r • newly Gruunar kbool tn ian Cle- J'OU do? We wU1 -tJae .-o· mlnat.. B• aJeo aald t.be k.lct. elcted -=~ ot ~ !fewport mente. PhlllaarmonJe Orcbelltra tloDa ot a man lD Jlllt IUdl a clon't actually rM11ze bow mueb Harbor Coau__n.tty Cb8t. flamed conductor, rn.cta lellntute. wu cue wbe t.be co.bJMd .aorta work eo-lnto plann.lnl the PfO.· Jllrl. I.AWI8 Gu41ner and Nn. one ot poup ot t.be ltrtnp and o1 llarWI clr... ..,.,_.... ..... lot a claY. (Te.t t.1me tbe1 ~ ~ ~=-~ woodwind playeq NPI....,.tM at •h..-.. dance, and weal de· reaDy work owrtlme.) . OrriD Wrtpt 1 AJ Clemence the daaln._ eoncert. ._Belin· ,..,aa.aa put their beada to-• • • MIL .,._ ~ and ~ fante at ~ eello wu a•'tHct ...... to produce ..,..,.. and e rcnnoa war b)', ~ Adrlan Bol· H•m........,.'a f4Carou8el," May 11\e boya had an ift(erdaa Lavapbao to tbe committee tor land at tM tint vloUn. lemard t and 5. track meet lut WMk.. It lnduded the buclpt few the eomlnl year s.n.cu, I&COnd Yiolf.D, by X.· 'l'llW Will be the bll.-t under· -•m• from .-.ot·put to hJp at a lu.neUoll meet1n1 ol the hennJek. viola. Glen .JohMGC~. ... _ ,.._,... • · Board ot Dll'ectora held lut week • taldnl ever by the "'una u.· jump to hurdl-. A real tndiea· at the VIlla llarlna Restaurant dartnet and KJM Dorr1a autcer . p&rt~Mnl Robet Wenb an4 Ja18 tJon of lprlq. 'nle jllnlon eam.e · • oboe. : m.tdenta .eem to be 1611 ot •ur· out on top, 110phomoree. aenlon. ,:~ ~~ ~Pc::m,::.=, Tbe propam lncluclecl a !faY· • priMe. rememberln1 the wonder· and &eahmen were MCOnd, tb1rd Mrs. But1 P«erao 1 h Joh dn quartet In D major. "The • • • tul Nl'll« plq, '"The Remark· and fourth ...-pectlvely. n, 0 n n· Lark." a modern 110nata for oboe, • • • • • • • able Incident at Canona Cof. • • • IOn, C'harlee Fontlus and I>r. Ed· clarinet and viola by A.lvtn Et.l•, • • ners." ctven lut Dec:ember1 . d'"'l e e DID QVUTEa •011o a IIOLL :fud :!!:~r:-;':;ilc~n~~d Sa~~ and a quintet for oboe and .uinl .=_ -:J:,1 etudenta· havtne the ea n1 r :a E sHy EM teontlnued) -unitleatJon committee will In· quartet by another contempor- atnctnl rolla are: Ted Von He· Mary Lee, :Robert Lleb, Barbara elude H Payne Thayer Mrl ary, Bobert McBride. The con-W. L LANDIS mert. Sandy Flfer. Terry Belch, Llltenthal, BonnJ4 McCay, AlbiOn Hardacre. Mrs. Somera M; Fon: oert Will clOR with the Beet· oa Helena ao.ter, Steve Watdler, Mellor, Al1x Miller, Arva Morrll. tJ I>r. 'Milum and Mr. Wrl ht. hoven quartet Opua lS. No. 4. Read Ens1cn Want Ada L. E. CAIRNS and Rlebard Cart•. MarOyn Wllllam Muzzy, Jim Niemiec, us, 1 Hammond la ln dlar1e ol the Johanna Oqul.lt, Et.Je Pattenon, C111111 tf a-.--,. l.a.t'f a.aeu dance numbers. Everyone la Mary Ann Petty, Sharon Pom· r_. ~-.~= lookinC forw~d .to ?'lay 4. ~·C:,~~!;,. ~~eh~t II ...... II llfcl lorgest and Most Complete ifiiijii .... ~iiii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eJIVIJCAL ASSEJOLY Marelll'ft :ao.e, Terry Rosa, Bobln There'll be a Findlay on the Fumih.lre Store in the Area. Standard I h a d e Clothl and eu.tom lpedaltJ• e Dra,.ry H a r d w a r e • Venettu BUnU. ~-SJ.J. 8/,op Sanford Helm. dlrector of ln· Rylett. Elmer Schuman, Reece lpeaken ltand and also In the ~ntal m~ at Lone Beach Stauffer, Shart Tobiu, Sherry audJence at the meetlne of State Collece. broucht bJa flne Tylon, Carol VIllagrana, Bobert acbool adllllnlatntora Sunday concert and dance band down to Whitney, Wayne Whitney. evenlnc. March 25. Ln the First Harbor to put on an ll.Mftnbly SENIORS -Gree Adama. Pat Methodlat Church. Loa Aneelea. 1aat week. F~~ their flnt number Ad~UIW, Su.aan Baker, Pamela Bruce Findlay, associate super· they played Glory ol 'nle Grid· B a n n e r , James Bath, Karen Jntendent or Loa Aneeles City Iron." Trwn,~t player Jim Oede~ Bjomeby, Helen Blem, .Jan Blum, Schools, wUl apeak, and on hand perfonned Carnival of Venlce, Helena BoRer, Nand Campbell, to limn wlll be broth~ Gordon, which wu quite cood. IUebard Carter, GlorJa Chapman, lonc·tlme member ot the New· An a.uortrnent of ~boy tune'll. Valerie Colton, Carol Crain, Sally port Beach elementary achool c.n ~~ ,, .. DECORA l iNG SUVICE Liberty J·SSII Hou se ... Gar~~~ Furnishings for homes, clubs, yochts. 3017 W. Coed Hi9hwey Newpolf S.ech 18VMD&Y. M18CII 1L 1-UWW 8 1-----I IITtwL •• ---·---- •.. FOI IEWC.EII Stop lnl lewport Harbor Baak c. ........ ........... c.u hlt ota. u• ........ ..,..t ..... arraneed by Martin Gould and Cra.twalt Sharon Crowl, Bobert board ctven the tJUe "Cowboy Rhap· OeLonc. 'suun Dualer, Carole --·----------.:...'::============!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIOdy,'' wu played by the "forty· Edwarcb. Jane Enrl&bt. Lewtt nlnen'' next. The dance band of ro.ter, Virclnla Fullt. Carol Gor· 11xteen pieces wu led by stu· -den, David Grant. Oennla Har· dent director Georce Turpoe, who wood, Anna Hawley, Norma aao played the plano and the Hettner, Dennla Henderson, Mar· trumpet. Their flnrt number wu Uyn Hill, Kathleen Huff, Kayla ••Sonny Speak&," ananced by Hunt, Peter Huycke. Woody Herman. Pat Kelter, Marian K(\erner. Jo Couraceoua. clrl vocalist Stanford Lyon, VIckie MacTntyre. with the band, stepped Into the Don Meredith Michael Michaud, apotllght next with "Undecided," Mary Mlller,' Dieter Noga. Ro· then "Summertime," and "I May berta Oliphant. Rachel Perez. Be Wronc But I Think You're ~rt Ragar, James Rumsey. Wonderful." The band played Ro~ Smith. Marte Stone. Ethel I "Fol' You," and then • jazz or· Stoneback. Marete Stovall. l o· lglnal by Johnny Hoopa, student anne Suess. David Tamura. Carol ..... NST • SANtA ANA at Lon& Beach. which everybody Taylor. Andrea Tobias, Shelby ...._., ,__,,. agreed waa best. We certainly Tunnell. Bobert Walker. Sandra ~==:::::ii:3;;&1ii&ll5iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiii0i\ appreciate Mr. Helm brlngtnc his Williams, Laurel Woodson, Shlr· tine bands down for us to enjoy. ley Young. MilE MYERS Union S.nice u. s. llov•' n,., Weahin9 I Poli1hin9 Compl.t• Lwbrlc.e tlon S.Nic• FltEE PICK-UP I DELIVERY Ptto~ Hetbof-)094 2201 E. Coe1t Hl9hwey •• Avocado Corone d•l M•r • • • That's lt for thls quarter, but • lfEW orn~u the big one ls next. For the Biolol)' Club elected new oUi· freshmen who may not know It; cers last week. They are: Presl· this next ls the thlrd quarter and dent. Terry Dallu; vtce presl· If you have been on the Honor dent, Jim McCoy. Roll the last two quarters and e TEACIIDQ ftOSUIO make It thla next one you will Tau Rho Kappa enjoyed a talk be eligible for the coveted Honor l iven by Lee Roach, .c)Cial stud· Society. It takes three consecu· ies teacher at Harbor, durlne tlve times on the Honor Roll to their meet1n1 Jut week. Mr. make the IJ'ade. Good Juck to all Roedl apoke to the teache:n·to·be of ua who are working toward on the problems of your tlnt the pleaaure or belonctnc to the '------------------~_. year of teachlnc. He told how Honor Society. Announcement Fill YOUR HARBOR AREA NEW CAR DEALERS * * EFFEOIVE MARCH 11th. .We Wil Be CLOS~D ' ON SUNDAYS AL BEAnY MOTORS INC.~ DODGK & JLYIIOV'IJI ·-=:t~ • BOY c"uva POtm.AC .-nAC •••. a.-e..,. ... fed .... * BAW*'W.WA1101f ... ,_ ... ,., ..... ........ JOHMSON & SON I.IIICOI.-·IIWAI ·COli I IWD'T AI.. ••. c...e ..,. ............ •· HABVEY IIAYEB NOTOIS row•NII cua ........... a.. ... If you own one of these cars ••• it'll pay you to trade now for a .new 1956 PLYMOUTH Perhaps you haven't bought a new model of your present make of a.r becauae you've been disappointed at how little that ear has ehanged this year. Faet ia, the only really NEW low- price ear this year ia PLYMOUTH, and it'll pay you to buy a new 1956 Plymouth NOW. Your present car is at the peak of its trade-in value today, and right now you'll get a money- saving High Volume Deal at your Plymouth dealer's. See him today-you'll be glad you did. ., Plt.rn .. ms ftM. 1a a ,..r of otM.rwiM ""wai"'MCC..-r"' car atJHnr. ~llth brlll3l JOG tomor- row' a atr1tn1 todar Ia Ita ll-o.- Aerodyna.m.k: DM.lp. P\ua theblawt abe of ..., low-prb car. ........... ~·· U...tat.M~~t ApMi· tJ-.. IDiehaakal..-troL Pu..b-B.moa Drl-.. lt the _,_ and eul..t .,... ._ipecl I Optleaal oa aU It .... ~~-·b ~ltl PU BJ UI ..S ,_ -.. for JOV cloDar w1t.b f-. tar. ad .. ~ trle wiJKldield wt~ Safee;,-.aa. wlaeela. twla~yllacMr froat brana tMt tM GUier --~ oat& 4ea\ ~~a-. a. tM ~w M11D041U. .C.,.1 ,. PLYMOUTH ........ .,...., .............. ... .... ................. , ... . .., . ...,.. ___ , : .. ...,._.._ • ...__ Md I I Newport. Mesa Candidates Invited by Democratic Glub ........ ..-........ Get Acquainted With Your Newport Harbor Real+ors During Realty Week --March I 1-17 (loud1 ea.ncUda-from bOtb ~ &. ......... ,..adent ol Jf.-pcft .... aDd oa.ta 11 .. the Dr erade 00. wW U.d have ..._ ID.te.d to the nat a JI'C*P ot dolt .._Mn wbo two meetlftp ol tlile 11art1or Deal· wtn attad the ab Concrwt· ocratk: Cub. ICIOOI'CIIDI to Mrs. lioDal Dllibtc!t eDdontnl eonwn· Barr leo a S....banl. propam tJorl. to be held at 10:30 a.m. dtalnlwl. Sunda.y at J.Aruna BHdl HJrh Colta 11 .. Council CUidld.at. School. ao Sbort St. haw bHft ukecl to 8peU at tbe Prtm.ary b~ ot the del .. meettnr to be held MXt 1\LM· day, bel'lnnlnl at 1 p.m.. in the aatM b-orn eluba throuahout the Harper School weterta. 18th St. d.Lstdc:t wUl be the encl~m~t and -ru.tln Ave., eo.ta Mesa. ~ a llllele Democratic candidate The Newport candidate. have tor the Concreulonal .eat now been invited to the A.Jiril 3 zneet. b-'d b Blepublkan James B. Utt In&-Tbe~~e meetlnp are open to ... Y the public. of Santa Ana. Nightingales Will Present Review With Jungle Motif ~ta and a junrle Mrs. Prelnlnrer wtll be hostess mout with Nlahtinple mem-to the next meetlnr of the Nlrht· ben weartne pith helmets wlU tnrale Chapter of Boar Ho.pltal be ~lal motU tor the second Awdllary In AprU at her Lido of the tbtft Edna Steams Day· Isle home. The March meettna ton play and book reviews to be was held last week at the home presented next Thursday morn· of Mrs. James Elms IV at 2508 lng at Lido Theatre. Marino Dr., Bay Shores, with the The junrle theme wtll play Installation of ottlcera hlrbllrht· up "Nylon Safari," one of the ten lnr the meeting. Ret.Jrlnr pres!· best .ellen to be reviewed by dent, Mrs. Arthur 1. Gruwell of Mrs. Dayton. well-known South· Corona ~el Mar, turned over the em California lecturer. Mrs. Joe president's gavel to Mrs. Law· Prelnlnger. chairman of the se· renee Sprague Jr. of Costa Mesa rles which benefits the Hoag In an Informal ceremony. H0o1pltal Tumor Board, aald that Other new officers a re Mrs. refreshments will be served from Francis C. Dawson, vice-presl· 10 a.m. to 10:30 and door prizes I dent In charge or programs: Mrs. wUl be presented following the Elms. vlce-presJdent In charae of review. ways and means; Mrs. J. Gordon Smith, vlce·presldent In charge AL-111 ~ Oil Well of membersh ip; Mrs. Jule Har· ._ •• I rah, recording secretary; Mrs. Fred Ellis, corresponding secre· Artl tary; Mrs. Leon Ware. treasurer; Mrs. Gruwell, parliamentarian; Mrs. Prelninger, chairman of the tumor board workers; Mrs. C. L. Smith, telephone chairman; Mrs. Martin Lockney. Holiday chair- man, and Mrs. Ralph Ta.ndowsky, press chairman. Asphalt tar clean-up work was belna done yesterday at the site Cf the nowlng oil welJ In the yard of a benne at 43rd St. and RJver Ave., Newport Beach. owned by Pat Waldron or 715 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. =:::=:::::::=:::::::=:::::::::: The heavy asphalt. which nows unuststed from the aban· doned oU well on the property, m.oved next door Into the yard of Mrs. Ann Lindsey and Into the street and alley. Glamour Glimpses ....... ,..... ........ c -- ., Ywa CIIMir nrr • .............. --............... ..,. ,....,, ......... ~ .. . ...... ., ............. .. -•••.,..••<& .... .... ., .... c.w. fte ....... ...... __........., ...... .. ,, .................... . .......... *-· .. ..... 'l'llle8alllwWbe....., .. p&q bf .. u.. aa.t tM ..... -,.opm el •••IIU .,.._ 'll8diW ...., .. , ..... Polling Place Protest Made Slx !etten of protest araJnst JocatJnr the pollinr place for Co· rona del Mar Preclncts 23 and 31 In Shore CUtts. lnatead of mo~ centrally westerly ot Buck Gully, were read at Monday evenin('s meetlnr ot Newport City CounciL The letters were trom Mrs. UJ · llan Lee, W. H. Warren. Mrs. S. M. Reber, Mrs. Ruby Stevenson, Col. Andrew W. Smith and Mrs. R.etha Dally, who offered her res· ldence at 304 Orchid Ave. u a votlnr place. Councilmen Jay Stoddard and Lee Wilder said there was no In· tent on the part of Council to keep people from voting, but that the city clerk had been un· able to find another place. "Why wasn't I contacted!" aaked Col. Smith. "When I ob· jected to this same poWnr place last December I told the city clerk that I could get 20 places on this side of Buck Gully." City Attorney Karl Davis said It was too late to change voting places because such lnforrnaUon must be published not later than 40 days prior to the election. Only exception, he sald, would be made In a case where the se· lected polling place could not be used, and we have no such emerrency now. l.mO MAJf JS A.BAE.STE.D OK KUCOTIC CBAJIGE Peter E. Pulos, 20, of 320 VIa Lido Nord, Lido I&le, was arrest· ed on felony charres of aelllnr and fumlshlna narcotJc:s to a ml· nor by Newport pOllee Tuesday ~ADD night. The Lido Isle man alleged· Mrs. Frances Green Bartlett. Easter !.! just a bunny hop )y sold 10 marijuana clgarets to 63, mother ot Buddy Bartlett. as· away ... but are you ready to a Newport Beach juvenUe boy, sistant In the Newport Beach step out In the new spring "you" 16, who cooperated with pollee In BuUdlne Department, died Sun· lovely tor the famous occasion makJnr the a rrest. da,y at her home, 1529 W. BaJ.I ol Easter and equally prepared boa Blvd., Newport. for other spring fetes ahead! SELECTED She Is survived also by two Best start with a girdle by Olea SUMMER AND daughters. Shlrley King and to give you a long slimmer line YEARLY RENTALS Claire Wright. both of Hammond. for Spring's needle-narrow sll-BALBOA ISLAND Ind., and five brothers. I houette Olga's newest next-to· you garment leta you breathe at W 100 AAH8 to <.; cuauy free legs ... In fact It's in tunel ........ ....., • -·1 I the midrlU -g ives you a ction to your better figure. Come Into ------------Harbor 3344 FOR SALE-Leaving tor Europe. O'BRIEN'S, too. and let you~lf I must sell. '46 Ford, 4door. Good be fitted correctly with a bra body, motor. tires. dual man I· that gives you ·comfort u well fold $200. Roger Welsh. HA as a VERY fine firure. 3605-W. MONEY ___ W,.,..ANTED""="'"= -Loca I. well established f1rm has $150.0001 In Orange County business I firms contracts. Need $5.000 to 1 $20.000. Will discount so that buyer will make better than 157c Interest on lnvestmt>nt. Guaranteed and secured. Write Box C·2385. cj o The Ensign. APT. FOR RENT..:.Nice location. pl('asant surroundings. No chll· dren. no pets. 610% Marguerite CO~~~~~~aA ~~~~:a-· n_t_s_d_a_y work. Call after 6. Kl 3·5913 or 1 KI 3·1485. vitamins ~ s cmd REDUCIII AIDS OYer a petticoat or a allm abecth·llke allp ••• allp your DeW IPriD9 Eclat. llU'pdM. Ia it a ~ nit tallond to aleoder pedectioa of all .. wool tweed. a alllt mixture. cw a liDeD ~? Ia lt a aUk aurCib dreM with a l1Ded Jacket brtfbt with pdated plu.lllage of apriDcTa zaew colon? Ia lt em eadumtill9 cottoa bloUOIDlDg l.llto a CJCUdea of fruh, pntty dtMp cmd pale colcw fJowerlDg with sweepiDCJlT full skirt or fiow1J19 from the bl9ber em· pue waiatlJ..ae 1 11 it a flCJUr• f 1 a t t • r I a 9 !JIDgbam with q»llited DeCk.lJAe cmd a flirt. flared aldrl. UCJbUy toacbed with rtbboDa. )...a cw ,..,.~.~ for Clldded lube? hr"bcltpe It's a Ouea1 ltalJaa .-..crt• tuDed to a bcm~ ciMCk tweed ald.rt • • • a ald.rt that pa1h off suitably with a •yrtod of When buylne or aellinr Newport property, why not do business with someone thoroughly tamWar with the area! I have been here a long t..lme and can oUer real service. C~les Hart, RuHor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Harbor 1428 LOT FOR SALE R·2 VIEW LOT, 60 x 100 Seaward, Corona Highlands PRlCED TO SELL. u 8-4272 SHORE CUFF VIEW LOT Morning Canyon Road 120.000 ....-..~ «lMb=n• .ad HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. M __ , of U.. 11Jeaatlfa11y ..., aWt priated ......._ Newport Blvd. at 30th St. We ll"dkt thJa 2· Mdroclaa lalboa lalaacl ..._. wtth at· ttadfve l ·Mda:Joaa tumlthecS • apartment. pr&eed. complete. tor only $21,SOO, WON'T LAST LONG. Someltody wUl quick· ly appreclate ttl roomlnea, IU excellent location. to beach and marketl and other featurea. You can be the lucky one -11 you hurry! • 1SU1D IEALn CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA 3T1 UY AliT ............. Very attractJve home with prl· vate sandy beach, pier and noat. A1so 21 ·tt. cabin crul.ser. Just $49,950 Call '••I c ...... Realtor For appointment to set' Harbor 2313 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport BI B lulfJ • ., .. 1 r' 2 Bedroorrus each I Larre Ocean VIew lot r' Roomy, liveable layout r' Stone fireplaces I Corona Highlands I Quality con.structJon I Full price $34,500 DEAL WITH REALTORS IIJ I ..... . ...., Corona Del Mar Branch 3530 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 5563 PARTLY FURNISHED 2-BEDR. HOME Garage, workshop, closed-In half acre. Small down and owner will carry balance. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport Ave .• Costa Mesa LI 8·1632; U 8-1400 Eves. BUILT BY BUILDER FOB BJS PAIOLT This 3·bedroom, 2-bath home In Corona del Mar hu rented apt. over gara,~wlth view. Lots of closet apace . . . par· tlally furnished . . . corner lot . . . and only $25,000. Call Owner, Harbor 2506·M. 2 CHOICE LOTS NEWPORT HEIGHTS Spedal Diet& M AJJern· Scdt·P'Ne cmd Diabetic Featur1na natural and or· ga nlc pown foods leJJ-Seni~ CGIDe .. .ad browM Not aU of the ~~ conlf$:· Harbor 1600 1 on a comer, both In-el-and tions are found ln our Euter ---....----------wonderful borne attM! Both bask«.~. You'll a-ee when you priced blah but there ·- see the delectable new aprlnr ....... IIIK , ... no cheap IOta ln ·Hetihta. _ ... H .. eriiiiiiiiF ... m •· K..,..-t atYd. ~t~ .. * .... lol * "1JD111111Gl ComaiDe ,......,.,... FINE WATCH REPAIJUNG ''Prompt Servlce- ReaiOnable Prices'' ~~-Z'rll E. Cat. .wy .. Conlla del - CORAL BEAUTY SALON .._. Few Our t.4ontl.ly Sp.elel• t.-n.. E:Mitfl HAZB. PAIUCEitSON C.ll Few AppofllhMftt HAittolt 117. 1n2 l C..•t Hwy. ....., ,.., c.. ......... hata at O"JmlEN'S • · • Sweet ORANGE COAST PROPER1'1ES enoueh to eat. almo.t. and made to look well on l:t Abo amon1 '54 10 bp. Scott·A.twatet.....$135.00 1.85'7 Newport Ave .. eo.ta Mesa the trUls and lnp tor the '54 5 hp. Scott-Atwater ... _ 85.00 U 8·1632; 1J 1-1400 Eves. Easter parade: handbaa• <acaln '53 7~ bp. Scott-Atwater._ 15.00 F o R s A. L E an unusually atunnJne collec· '52 10 hp. Scott·Atwater __ 60.00 2 14-ft. Boat Trallerl. excellent tlon) ·, ooJov~ln the mo.t fetch· Martin ·~· 35 00 condition, 120 each. Allo 2 a1u1 Ina and trreaJatlble dMirna; and '54 15 h;.' ~-d~ 165:00 ~~~R BO~T ~~~~ jewelly to compliment your new 53 •.t b EJ...t 8000 DAAoVV no.._, aprtnr ensembles and aJve you ' 7 ~ P· •• n...____ · Cout Hl&hway, Newport Form· that ''well·dreued" look. S hp. loh080n Seabone__ 65.00 erly Ella. Boat Jleonfa1a. Phone Dealt ....... ._ ....... '53 18 hp. Scott-Atwater _H_ar_bor __ 231.5.......;. ______ _ ..... ... ........ ...... ... with c:ontrola ·----150.00 ,.. ,..,.. ...... ...,.. ,., ............... Jdt .. _...._ ........ . 2515 &. c.o.. Bwy. ~· Da. ... ~ ......,_ IEWPIIT _.. IMTIEITIU J'ormerly I!W8 Boat ~ VIEW LOT Expa.n&Jve water and moun· taln vfew. Belt bur in v1eW lotat 11'7!10 Dowll Balance Ln !1ft ,_,. VOGEL VALUES •••• Owner hu boqbt a ranch aDd II anx:1oa tD ..U kt8 1up COittDer lot. A f'lOO.OO Mt of arehtteet\alal pl&DII 110 he to tbenewb~ • THE VOGEL CO .• _., E. Cout Bwy., Corona del liar HA..: 11o: Rl cnm Irvine Terrace Gives You Everything ... but "Smog" Orllp c •• ., •• filial ....... WE CORDIALLY lNVM'E YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOM!3 AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUcriON NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $25.000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the lrvtne Estates overlooklnr Newport Harbor. Theee homes feature CaJUomla llvlnr. Offered excJu. a1vely tbroueh Earl W. Stanley In a Smor·~ 8N!a known as lrvlne Terrace-<>n Coast Hlrhway oppoelte the new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bolcll a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayaborea or ClJ.tf Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Hatbor f448 For Fu!'ther lntormatton CMOIA DEL Ill IBVDIE TEaUCE Leasehold, 2 bedrooms and convertible den, 1% baths, alJdJne doon on larre paUo, atove and draperies In· eluded. Low down to qualllled buyers. t'ull pnce $24,500. • • • 111101 ISUID Bualness block. 2 atores, 3 apartments. Showa excellent l.ncome. Priced $49,500. • • • BAY SIOIEI 3-bed.toom home, larre dlnlnc room. etc. l ust reduced trom $28.500 to $23,000 for quick ule~ Shown by AppolntmenL • • • lntnen.lnr 2·bed.r .• 2 bath house $17,950 Leasehold approximately 21 yra. to co. We bave buy~ tor rood llatlnp! Free estlmatea and eood Mrvlce. Earl w ..... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand Call Harbor 1m or Bayside Oftlce Harbor 3297 Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4·6222 Jobn MacNab, Harbor~ Louta Boynton Harbor 2878 A·l LICITIII IUSIIEIIBI.H., a.r.a R1 .. The coast bJrbway lot a.1oDe Ia worth a bla chunk of the aaldnr prtce In thla ... u .constructed buUdJna. The two unlta include office., dJaplay room. ahof. and warehouse plus walled-In P8rk1ne at alley lnoe . Thla property a. on lOUth aJde o£bJahway. Full prtce $4.5.000 • WW alao con.tder lone term leue. FRIICII .1 ••vaTH, ..,.. 2216 Ne-wport Blvd 342> W. Balboa Blvd. Ll 8-5101 Harbor 1GI IPEIIIUIE .. ........... ~~. CORONA. DEL KA.R SA.n.J.RD.AY AND StnmAY KABCH 10 and U-1 P.M. TO 5. AUractJve atx unJb, or you may buy t.btee untta. Lilt ,_ .... b .. MJe .... . ,_ .. ., ... __... ... ....... ... 110 IIIIJ .......... " .......................... ~ 1111111'1 Llll IIIIIT WtaM"• lo Jet'• ha" &DOth• eup of ~ ao4 let'• ba" ~ ,_. of blrtbday ceke. Elabt ~ now ~ .,.... llaffM klatcbtn, with ~U·VDI Oft .Oltt birthday • . . Who .,.. we to cbanp tradtdon ••• a traclltJon 10 intimate and warm. ...,. t.b.- pre.eece ot a few thOUI&Dd peo- ple, ean't dim Ita c:oztn.a *" * • .... till .... ..,. ..... ...... ....., KIEft St E ••• ft....s.y, PdMy _. Ida .. , a ........ c a ... ,e, I I 'a ......... _, Del• ........ ,.. .... ., ..... .., C4dDe • f'ltMJ, CJ 1M • ... . ......, ••• Jdllldt· .... will ............................ peeple ... Ullaa ...... -... -.~~ ........... .. C::OU.. • • • Yoa all bow ~ ~ ... u ,.... doa"t. ,... abft1d ...... wttla -.... '"be9aD ••• I.IWa 1M._ lalticda canoed .. ou ...... ptulap Cllld ClaD ....._ -Y qaeetloD from ....., ........ . ._,dee then laa"t a a.ac. ,_ • ... yoa coald Ua4 to doddle 09W a cup of col,_ witL * * • And all you corree bup! Flip your antennae this a-way . . . Your taste·bucls will be 10 be,· witched you'll come crawlJng back for more . . . The new va · cuum-packed·ln·a ·tln can "Guest Coffee" was the euest 1n your happy birthday cup . . . and (whla~) the price 1s only 88e a pound so you three ... you, your coUee pot and Guest Coffee . . . can get acquainted durinr our Birthday Celebration . . . Now I know and you know, that you know better than I know, what you f'Xpect In a cup of coffee ... I could make wtth the coffee Mll· lng fanfare ... quality, mellow, flavorful. comparable to natJon· ally advertised brancll . . . But I'll put it to you u our Grocery Buyer, Blll Lorenz. put It to me when I ued, 'What's with thla new Guest Coffee In a can!" ... Replied WIUie, "Why don't you buy a pound and find out!" I did! I liked what I tuted. * * * Ta·Tr :dtllll &Jtlatllalrtla. dcly ... nata Tla.....t.y ••• Wla .... :Mia ...... .._ all 09W ..................... . 1'oaft8lt ....,. ...... , _., ••• Gn at. p._.. Poeda. "-- d--. De1Jonaaea. Meat II•· ...... -....y cmd I'Jow. ~ * * • Friday the Luer Rocket Ship will be out In front ... The rides of course are free ... You atep ln.alde and take a trip to the moon . . . Finally something adults can take part In u well as the kids ... It's all done with movlni pictures and Ia quite an Innovation ... This old world wtll look all the roster when you step out of the Luer Rocket Ship after witnessing the wonders ot outer space. * • * lat1U'day ••• .,... KJdl .... ..... Lido 'nMatre, .. tidleta ... ~ ldda ••• Jut .... Ia • • • h:Jir ~~-crt tile 01!11 ~I f Ston W1aUe ,_ go ••• acd· ...... Aa4.......,..... ..... d -.pect crt a tr. ....,, * * * Sunday ••• We Juat ro on and on wtth the c:.Jeb.rauq .•• me 'nn.brt.own out In ttont ••• We choae 8\mda.y tor n~ ao dad COUld com. aJona too . . • You know, the lerrts wt..l, the tra.ln, the little can. that 10 1'0Qn4 and rouftd • • • And don't fcqet there'• • C1IJ) of oou .. ....aun.~u~ •... * * * ~----hw• ..,. ........ .., ..... ... ,.. .......... , ....... _ 57 I .... 7 .. ,, • -;.;.,; pI ........ * * * "-~~ =..-;:.:: =be ... rt..._ • ...,... •a.MD ......... Jt. ~ .................. ...... _..,,.. ...... ~.,.. ::_..-. ... ., fll .... -••• ..... --: ::=,:. :-:.: ........... .._ ... ... =:.:·· ........ .. ...... I • * * a,.,. • • •••» ...-.. -... .............. .. .... .. ..... -... .... ••• • I ------..... ""'. ·th America's "Dillerent" Super Market OPEN TILL 7:00P.M. DAILY " ... May I express the appreciation of all of us, at R•chord's for your inspira- tional support duru~ the post eight years. Serving people like you, our customers, mok~ work and living o pleasure. M.ay we never forget the privilege of working for you, and be forever worthy of the trust and confi- dence that you, 'the people of Harbor- land,' hove ploc~ in our charge." 0 . W. "D•ck" RICHARD ASK FOR YOUR MAGIC KARD ••• EXTRA BIRTHDAY DRAWINGS ·In Ev.., Depew lauentl GUEST COFFEE 1-IJ.c.a 69¢ DorifeW BUTTER ,..._.sa- C&H Sugar S-It .... 43¢ SPECIALS Thew ..... .,. few .. our 1114tef Snenl" • Ground Beef ,.._.2f¢ , ............ " T-.... STEAKS ,.._. 98¢ y .... •• J•-'- TURKEYS ...... ~. 67' .. M •• , .... ....._, ..... WHOLE HAMS ~---... . '-'• ....... -. SL.rcm BACON ..... . YWI .AIMMt MATINEE! CHILDREN'S FREE SHOW UDO THEATER SATURDAY w • .w.cse.e. FRANKS ... ...,, ~ Delicia•• APPLES .....43-2 ... 2ftl ........ ~ T.,.....,.,....,_. WJenal'a ...... , ~, UIM T,. CHEDDAR CHEESE CELERY ,...sp .... 10' IATVIMY ONLY Aaki I ..... lnnUII ..... ...., ..... .......... &-.. .. Au Grlliri Potatoes Grapefruit ...49' 10 ... CWdtoa of S.. r U.ht MMt Chunk Tuna Mayonnaise ... " 49¢ --~.:. 23¢ s-tt A,.a. ...... IIUc ... ,.,., lend• ,....,. TOILET TISSUE Apple Sauce LARGE AA EGGS ... 53¢ Tettewen 2 ,., 1 ~ He. 2~ ..;. 2 for 33Jl Margarine •· 2 for 33¢ Le.,. Sc .... ,. • PEANUT BUTTER 1~ •• 43¢ Gokf Medal brichM FLOUR s..•. 43¢ .. ...,. ....... C...,MII'a CHICKEN PIES TOMATO SOUP .... 5 ,_ 1.00 10~-.a. 3 fw 29¢ .. ...,. Fish Sticks 10.... 2-59' ......, ...... WHOLE CHICKEN • SUNDAY 1.a.1o....1.49 n• A.M. ..... '· M. DNKEITOWN T .......... . Ice Cream Kilt. ~·~M!!&~W~I'OII"I~!,.!~~·~~~!.,!Ia!!!·~-!.,~~!!!!!:._!M~I~"CC'~~I!:L~I-!!!-MAft lUll Olf &.kAY& .. a... UIIPIDCOn Ja 1wi1De oa New Building for Islanders :.=:taJ.·,:_~ u.U...:: ENSIGN CLASSIFIED CA8II U1111 FOB BIBall WAift' AD8 wu.on. ol Cotona del ~ ,.._. l&landen ot ... E. Cout 'nae .... buUdlnl ol ..000 1~ to their 1a1 fl. Gordoe 20 words or .. le:Aiu.__..;. __ _ J Time 2 Times 3 Times .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words..__ __ _ l.OO 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word oYer 40 .03 .05 .07 Ccmh must be reoei~ within 1 days of first insertion HlWY •• Corona del Mar, .ww move equ...t.et wW bav. a ~.»toot drove boiDe wttb a in.. INm into a new buJldlnf on Bayalde ~ oe tlw roed and on tbe b.l8 ...... at ~ w-. l'lol1da. Dr. betwae• tbe ntrance to .,.._ dwuMI. 'n.e pro~ II and p1aae to !17 bedr. ._ tlaJa L1n4a 111e and Co&lt a.y. about UO tMt deep. 11M unique buUd· u.... llll .t&.tSclD wW .._ .......... l\lly 1. OWIMr Jluold am.u ..... wW ..... d.l8plQ' w1Ddowa ~-·-• ~-hu &J'l.DOU.DC'ed. oe all to..._ wltb oU·IUitt ·_-.....-______ ......;; ______ ~ ____ ......, ____________ _ putdq -tiM Wac.flont aide 2 ~ j J • UDCIIr a ~ 1'be buUd· nus SIZE claMUied ad In the more Oln lq .............. -It .... •· En.alp ca.a only $1.50 for paDded Light their life with fd;t!#lt three INert1ons. ean 1n yout Legion Unit u~~m.: =::: ada to'B.arb« lll4. · ClOIItiiQPorar7 ._.ID .m he f•· ,..,..._...__. AAA ••• 1"wo aew memben. Kn. Frank tuNd to the aew location. Mr. ~AAA• • • • • • ..... • Churdl and Mia. ~ Stu.r· Chrta1er Ald. The lalandera at FOil IAU _W_AIIftD ___ TO_...,UJIT _______ pon, were welcomed In to the 214 Marine Ave .• Balboa llla.nct. IT. ADGWI naa•tWAIIcaoaca ...... k~U.. _.._ ......... rul1' AUitDLT W GOD lllldii.&&MeGAw..Ciilelrlllie ........ ,.,::: .... LD••t lollll 011111 , ......... a....... .... .... ~-~ Newport Beacl\ American Leeton wt1 remain In o~t1on ln the '52 CHEVY BEL·.AIB. eood con. AFt. WANTED: 2·bedr. umwn .. Unit 291 at a .octal meetJne ln aame loeatJon. • dltion. f700. Call Ba 1155 « Yr. rouncl. B.I. or CDM So. ot the American Lerton Clubhouse, t.a.ty l ·lm ~ ... J-LI..._. SUJmAY: Momlnl wonblp. 8:30 SUnd_, Sehool: 1:10 a.a Wor· 1\l~ .. Jtola: ablp: 1Q:55 LJD. ud "UI't.lJ. •• ua, lkt~l; U Ba 35H. Bwy. Under 185 mo. HA e:H·l. 15th St. and W. Bay Ave. Church Youth Plan Benefit and 1l a.m.: Chu.rch School, 8:30 and 11:00; lr. Rlrb. Sr. Bleb and ooll~ ap Fellow- ahJpe, 7 p.m.; 'lbuqciay, Prayer, .tudy erou.p. 1:30 a.m. MI'Yic:e.~:ao p.m. Younc twopte a.a. •-*•P ;. e:ao and Chlldren't a..tc.. t :30 , .... ..,.._ unlon; WA.LNUT OFFICE DESK and At lut Monday'a meetine swtvel typist cbalr, eood con· .aUSDfEIS 0 'J08TUIIITIES plana we~e made for a pot-luck p.m. Sun. Kld·weell 8er¥1et: :a f.(L Ev'ent.fta -Service. dJtion. $25. U . 8-7M3. CAFE. equipped. Leue to expert-dlnner celebl'atin• the American FOR SA.LE-Tht. a1z.e class1fled enced ~. 2922 w. Cout Lerton Birthday at the American Wectne.clay, 7:30 p.m. La~ WedMiday: 7:• p.lb.. Pta~, Mlaalonary Council. Thu:nda)'a ,.... and Blbla lt\a4)', Won· t:30 a.m. fc. all day. day: 7:30 p.m. .,_.. Qloru ad In the EnaJen, only $1.50 for Bwy., Newport Beach. Uberty Leeton C 1 u b h 0 u • e · This will Youne people of the Corona 3 tnsert.lona. Call your ads to 8-1521 or Harbor 3602-J. honor the A.rnerkan Legion for del Mar Community Church will COJOfVJfi'I'T IOTIIODIST aD W.lMit.. C...,.._ Ubelty ...su p r act I c e ; a :a p.a. llen'a Prayer Meettnr. HA. me. Ita thirty-seven years of service to CommunJty, State and Nation hold thelr annual benefit break· aavurnl DAY ADY&WIJSI lf....-taml..t .... lt.. UAL ESTAT'It & UJn'ALS BOABD, ROOM and GARAGE for eenUeman. no drtnkln& or amoldne. $20 week. Mrs. A. M . Nelson, 500 Westminster, New· port Heights, L1 8·3094. FRE&-Hl Desert VIew Home- 8lte. Martell BuUdlna. Yucca Valley. c.u.L Edn.:...--a--=er-a...,.lg-,-re-n-:ta-:-1 -spe-. ctallst with Doris Bray, realtor, 216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Lsland. HA. 20 or BA 64. ""MVSJC DfiTIIUCTIOJr ----PIANO INSTRUCTION. Teresa Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac· ceptine a limited numbel' of pupU. tor plano. Concert pt. anlst ot Three Continent& Graduate Student af Bela Ba.r· tok. 436 SerTa Drive, CDM, HL 2039. IIELP W AJfTJ:D WAN'JED: Lady to Jearn sUk· ftnlsbLnr. or a wool·presser to work extra. V I I I a g e Valet Clean~ 3137 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. HA. 1245. •-Pen11lll 1~ EMPLOYER RETAINED AGENCY NO FEE collected from applicant 413·31st Newport Beach Girls HERE ABE JOBS That you will be proud to telJ your friends about. New high wages coupled with the Ideal working conditions add up to jobs with prestige. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Start your new job in one of our oWces near your home. TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. 514~ N. Main St., Rm. 211 Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE . MISCELLAJfEOUS REGISTERED male Sealpoint Siamese at stud--$15. Ll. 85278. RESOLVED: Be on time tor your 1956 ap· polntment5. E tern &·Matte Watch serves you accurately. RAY FIELDS, Jeweler, 19th a Placentia "In Vista Shop· pine Center," Costa Mesa. u. 8-8488. Sli, I RonNI s,.ce for Rill American Legion 215 15th St. Meetings 2nd 4th Wed. 8 p.m .. SEBVICES Painhng -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT u~ntlf'd Contntc-tor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Liberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVlCE HA 2976 (Evenlnp, week·endsl EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. Newport Beach •• '"Jell•• FOR RDn' S.IOf 16-MM ~Mill and 1tMM SounJ Projedon PA!ff' OOLOR FTLM SDVICI: Model Airplane Suppl'- lllrl c ••• ,. .... 17a 11.-,ort Blvd., eo.ta --;.L ftlone u~ 8· '7'042 LOST: R a I n co a t sash. white plutic lace d e a I & n . Finder phone Tbe Enslen. HA. 1114. SITVATJOWS WAJfTED M.A'IURE WOMAN wlabes baby a.lttln& and ca.re of a.lck. knlt· Una « crocbettna. Day or nteht. HA 3192-M. CDM man would like eardenlng, clean-up. etc. Call 10 3·2122. Mel Up!ball. WANTED: lronlne In my home. Mabel Wb.ltman. rn1 Mareue- rtte. CDM. HA UT9-J. Dir~ctory INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrrn STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Co¥1 Highway Corona "el Mar Res. Phone. HA 5232 SCHOOLS cS DfSTBUCTIOif REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evenlng classes for preparation to pa.ss the Stau exam. Call or wrlu For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Klmberly 7.3511 KEllog 8-2513 DinERS fut on June 9 at the Cout Super by American's war veterans and Market parkin& lot. from 8 a.m. the women of their tamUles ln unttl 11 a.m. the American Leflon and AwdlJ· The benefit is to send about ary. The dinner will be Wednes· 30 roung people to aummer day, March 28, at 6 =30 p.m. lten· camp, earn their way by selllne neth John.on wW be In cbaree tJck.etl to the break.fut.. Plans of the dinner. Bosteues for Monday's meet· are belnl made tor the break· d fast. Terry Rosa. president of the lng were Mrs. Paul Gruber an youn& people~'• eroup, will be 1n Mrs. Boward Durham. charee of the proeram. The Philharmonic Plans Concert breakfast will be put on by m«· cbandlalne companies. FIRST CHUaCH 0, CHaiST SCIENTIST UOJ VIe lUe. New.-t IHdl A brench of Tlle Moth ... Church, The Plans for a concert in Fuller: Arrt Church of Chritt, Scientitt, In to. ton In celebration of the Orange ton, Meuect.u .. tts. County PhUhannonlc'a second SuMey School ----9:15 e.- birthday In mid-AprU, were an· Sulldey S.rvice II~ e.m. nounced by Moreland Lelthold of Wedl\etdey Evening Meeti119 •~ p.m. Balboa, president of the board of l .. di119 loom loc.ted et lliS Vie l ido. N-porl a..ct., is ope11 -l directors of the PbUbannonlc deys from 9~ e.m. to 5:00 p.m. The concert. the fifth of the sea· Wednesdeys from 9~ e.m. to 7:-45 son, will be followed by another p.m. F,dey ..,.,.i11q, rf"'f''\ 7:00 p.m. to planned for late May at Hunt 9:00 p.m. Closed Holideya.. lngton Beach. In addition, it Is Th• public i1 co<dielly invited to et· hoped that another pair of Sym-relld the church .. ,.,ice& elld u.. ttl. phonies for Youth can be pre ~ .. d,,.q ltoom. sented at the end of April. __ ..:...._ ________ _ More than $2200 was cleared tor the Society's concert fund by the recenUy held Valentine Ball reported by Karen Margreta Bru· nlng. executive director of the society. In addition, the extra· Professional Directory ordinary donation of $3500 by MVSIC Mrs. Carl Schaefer of Bay Shores ____ ......;:.:::=;:::_ ___ ---: and several new commercial Margaret L. Scharle sponsorships and Individual new Teacher of Plano memberships, have helped to put Oreanlst . Accompant..t the society on the fltmest flnan· Evening Classes clal rooting to date, according to tor Adulbs A. ~n Anderson of Fullerton, 3111 GOLDENROD AVE. uslstant treasurer of the group Corona del Mar The harbor department han· died 145 calls during the month of February, Harbor Master Rus· f"UKEllAL DDIEC'I'OitS Friendly Netehborhood Servt~ PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8-3433 6 8·3434 Costa Mesa sell Craig has notified the New· ============~ port Beach city council and Qr. ahge County harbor commission N 0 W . . . T W 0 The calls Included rescue. 2; BALTZ MORTUARIES assl$tance rendered large boats Servtne the Harbor Area Come In and see the com· 18; assistance rendered small Bal M plete new llne of Graphic boats, 6; boats broken Into at tz ortuary Patterns. Bear-brand Ev~r· moorings. 2; speed arrests, 2; CHAPEL BY THE SEA match yams, Morell's new other arrests. 1; debris round and Harbor 42 dress patterns, novelty yarna destroyed, 6: rowboats b~ld for 3520 E. Cout Highway and atraws. lncludlne the ldenti.fkation and return, 8: Corona del Mar poSIJpular61'knltl l::z_akSirtaH.OP rowboats lost and not recovered Baltz Mortuary RJI 4; rowboat& found and returned, Uberty 8·2121 4; speed complaint.. 2; other 17h lr Superior, C:O.ta Mesa 313 E. Balboa Blvd. complaints, 5; shore ,moortnp .AMPLE PARKING .... , .......... ...._. Sunday: 9:all a.m., Chuldl Sun· day Scbool: 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Momtn1 WonhJp.-7 p.ro. Colleee Are liYY Sftvice -7 p.m. HJeh School MYF Serv1~: 8 p.m.. youna adu.lta eroup aervlce. , 1'11& CBOIJCII OF ClmJST la50 a.. 1t.. eon. Meea Llllutr..., D.Q.Ihuat. ....... S\lnday eerY\c:el: ~~ a.m. Bible lltUd:y; 11 a.m. momln& wor- ablp; 7:30p.m. evening servtce. Midweek llftVtce, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 'I'ID c:aoaca or CIUUST Odd ........ Lodfe,. 1 .. 11.-polt Aft.. ~ ...... Liberty 1-5711 T-llaler. Jr. Mlalstv Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenlnr service. CIDIJST CIIUIICII aT TilE SEA Coauaua.lty lletbodlat aaJboa alYd. at t4tb st.. x.-pon B.A.rbor 5221 ,__, lleY. Boy 1L CarboD Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m .. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid· week Meeting: 7:00p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACJIJM CRUllCB liN OrcmcJ-Aft.. Coeta M-.a Uberty •· loti l'atber Tb-aa J, lf....ta Suadcry Maun at 7, I. I. 10 CIDd U :30 a.m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00 a.m. -Confea.~fon : Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15--7:00 to 8:30 p.m. fIRST aAPnST CR'UliCB 01' lfEWPOJtT kl.boa al'f'd... I ttll cS Coart St&.. If ._port IIArbor 2553 Liberty 1-JDYI Pastor: Habert C. Joluaaoa Sunday services: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· day School: 11 :00 a.m., Wor· ship ~Ice; 7:30 p.m Sunctay evening r e r vI c e : Mid-Week Service: 7:30 p rn. WednMday Prayer Meetln«. II.AAaOa ASSEJOLT OP' COD Qa.ape1. Soathena Ca11L alble College. Uberty U411 .... c. E. TbW'IIIood Sunday school 9:30a.m., mornlnt worship 11 a.m. Young people eervt~ 6:30 p.m., evenlne evan~Jist aervtce 7:30 p.m. Mid-week aervtce 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. lfewp.d ...... ta l.ll*ty .... . ZW.D. ... , .. ...... Sahlrday MomJn.c.... Servfcea: Sab· bath Sehool: 9~ a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.ro. Prayer meet· In&: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. CII178CII .e ._ 11uarcn 1-A....._ lt.. C.. ~~­,..._, ... CU.. WlwD111'-• LJbertr e.n•• Sunday Sen1eee: Sunday Scbool. 9:30 a.m. Komtna Worabl_p at 10:30 a.m. EvaneellatJc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .. 8 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetln£ 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. -rDIIT c:aoaa or CBaDT tcl&iiiDi saYio~~.._. Sunday School: 9:15 a .m.., Sun-day S e r v Ice : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlnc Meeting: 8:00. Rf'Adlnlf Rnnm. 331!') VIa Udo. Newport Beach, open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. week days, 9 a.m..· 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. amJST LUTBEilAJf CRtJJlCB OP' COSTA MESA {MI.unut IJDOd) AIIMricaD LecJioa Ball. eo.ta )1-.a Pa:atcwa ..... Let.baw Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· I~ 9 a.m.. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aAL.OA !SLAif1) COJOCVIQTT METHODIST 115 Agate A..._ llalboa laleutd Mlal.lt«: 11.-.. DoftaJd SG:pp Jlad)or ~ Sunday Servtces: 9:30 a. m. Church School,; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. COJIOWA DEL MAll COifii1J'IftTT CIIUJICB C• fi'IP9WII a•lll Ill llellobope A.._ IIAitler S2r7 Pcatw: ..... Edwta Comb Sunday Worship Services: 9:45 a.m~ U :00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45a.m. MEWJOitT BAJIBOa L17T'IIUAJI CIIU.aJ 1501 C11H DT .. Jfnrport B•t91lta Liberty •·*I ..... IIebert Cnalaad Duplicate momlna 8erv1ces -9 a.m. and 11 :15 .en., Sunday: Klnderearten and Pre-School Dept. Sunday School, 9 a.m.; lit Grade through Adult Sun- day School, 10 a.m.: bua pro· vtded and Nuraery provided tor both services and 10 a.m. Sun- day School. CBUIICII Of' au-. LADY 01' liT. CUIIdL ltclW ........... If ....... IIAibew ... . r~.u!"=-r~ ~ ...... Sunday Mu.es: 8:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. ecmte.Son: Sat· urday1 and eves. of •• Friel&~ and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5·30 p.m. and from 7·30 to 8·30 p:m. Dally M .. a:oo'a.m. Flnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p .. m. Nove n a fP.rpetual Help): Monday, 7:45p.m. O'JIIY'aaAUIT COIOIOMM ni.LOWIIIIP EbeU a ........ .Ill W. hlboa ......_ a.lboa Actmg lllai8Wa wuu-Wlley S\lnday Sebool. 10:00 a.m. Morn· lnf worablp, 11:00 a.m. ST. JAKEl E7ISOO•Al. 12101 Via Lido. If~ hada BAtbol' 1~ ..... , ........... a.m. Sunday ae:rvlces: 8:00 a.m.. Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Family Service with the Cherub and Junior Cholrs; 11 a.m., worship aervlce. Thursday S e r v I c ~ • : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 H~y Communion. ST. JOIIJf YlAif'lfET 314 Mc:rrlae A..._ aaiboo lalcmd IIAibor 0114 P'atber lt.pbea KU..,, .._tcw Sunday Muaes: 8:00a.m . lr 9:30 a.m. Conle~ton: Saturdii.)'K and eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p,m.; Flnt Friday Mua 8 Lm. C:!.JfDAL atiii.K CIIVaCII OraD .. A.._ at lhd lt. eo.tca M--. LlbeftJ I ·S. A. A. llaMn. '-tor Sunday School: 9:45 a.m Morn· lne Service, 11 :00: Eventna Servtce. 7:30. Mid-week Serv· Ice, W e d n e a d a y • 7:30 p.m. Youne people meet 8:15 p.m. Sunday. • I'DlST IOUIAEU a.AmsT CJilTaC:II ISO W.II ... Ut..lt.. e-ta lleea Uberty I-Sla hat.: Dr. 8.lciMrd B. ... Sunday IIChool. 9:•5 a .m.; church aervtce 11 :00 a.m. Tralnlna Unton 7 p.m . Sunday. Evenlnl worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach- era and otflcera meetlne 7 p.m.. Wedn~ay. Prayer ae.rvfce and Bible ttudy 7:45p.m. Wedn .. day. Balboa Installed, 1; and ml~llaneoua BOTH LOCA.110NS aUILDDfC SUPPLIES calla, 86. '----..,...aw~.-----1 Thi. Directory ia made poefnble by tt. .. d'ric:-mlnded bwdnMnen: ~~~~~~----~----~ ~-&T~T lllaFII'IIIltTa• WOODW0RTH PIANO SHO, RICHARD'S UDO MARKET CEMENT AND BUILDING HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Exeluatw Aaent for Baldwin ptanoe Oranp County"a YMt Complete Market ~tlng a return engage-Mll Vie Udo Harbor 2121 N.wpori IHdt All Kinds-Free Estimates UBERTY 8-6109 ment. MJ..sa Elate M. Farris, Lon& Harbor Blvd. at Gtaler UIO E. Coest Hwy. Har. 3ll2 Coron• dM Mar Beach attorney, will be the speaker at the Women's Fellow· KIMBERLY 5-U!58 EAlL W. STANLEY. ~ ship meetJn& of the Corona del ":]!~~~~::!!!!!!!!!!:~ NEWPOitT HAitiOR ENSIGN NEWS,A..at SeU(na lfewpon Harbor Since te Mar Community Church, which .. ·• Pr1nUnr-Adwrtlai,.._L.oeal Newt ..,..._ Of&. a..o. 1"-'d Harbor 1775 wtll be held at 2 p.m. Wednes· Willi C W D C ... day, March 28. Miss Fanta wtll ur · agner, · · 2150 E. Co.t Hwy. Hat. II,.. COf'OM del Mar STAFfO~D & SON O•L f apeak on "Church and the New Ph~~C:,:~PJ Electrtc lnatallationa, MaJntenanc:e. bpairt •lf•ll I Freedom." The program wtll be c0ion Therapy 110 ~~AWl. U t.l-459 N.wport a..ch 0...1 1 ...1 preceded by a short business 314 Ocean Ave., La~na NEWPORT HARIOit lANK ..... rlflllll meettne begtnnlng at 2 p.m., ac· Otfl~: Hyatt 4·2398 ).4]S E. Coast Hwy. CorOM cW Mw SALIOA lAY CLUI 10.day Deltv-cording to Women's Fellowship RH.: Hyatt 4-4084 221 W "'--..... H _, Pretrfdent, Mrs. A. A. Kemper. L=====-======~---------------_:_.:..:1 ::.:_...:..:..:.._· ::~=:...:_:~lcJit~w~.,~--_:N_:•:*:!pol~rt:.:_:a.=:~ Top Quality Workman.ahlp The Friendly Service Group of Guaranteed the church will be hostetilles at a FREE ESTIMATES tea following the program. In Our Shop or Your Home CARPETING, SLIP OOVERS, LAifDDfG TEAll EDJICIIE ew:o .. na INST .. '' .a.nONS Cpl. Ted L. McMasters, lr., eon BEDSP~..,. ~ of Mr. and Mia. Ted Mcfttastera 2484 Newport Blvd. U 8·6671 of 379 Hamilton :Ave.. Coeta Costa Mesa Mesa, partlctpated In a three· ____ PL __ UII,_ ........ Df-a ______ ...., day battalion lan4lnl team ex- erclae with 1,000 Marines ot the WATER HEATERS. 2nd BattalJon, 1st Rertment. lilt Sales. Service and R.epaJn MarIne Dlvtalon. The Camp ~ IE....... ~dleton Marines Joined 1n u ..,.. VIII ampb1bloua ... Wt on AJMo •. acb north of Oceanalde. PLUIOilfG Terms. 10 Per Cent DowD I.&AY& .U..OA 11LAMD PboM Harbor 5330 The Alan IWt8. form.Jy 108 l ade Aft.. llalboa ,..and. are ..,.. Ia 1.-v...., ---MI.. ,__ Sa UMoll Ot1 Dealer at Me· Caa-aD n.ld.. I I I I I I I I I Switch to Cooking Perfection e •• •ooo•t MOT-YOU'U IIOT. Tour .a.:trlo ..... will pit en ...t eo that Old an about •at•+• ~ a hot atc.e. • k.,...IM ._, tD .. ro.t ... not • ea.ltec:fft. Y• .. •Y oool IDII oofnlomW. whlle you·,. Pes*'"t dtlidoas. "*'Iii-.. to....,. your lamOy. You ._, W ~ ... ~ et a.-. ttiM. ,. ........ ol .................. . tollaetrte ......... Yter You don't ...... a ....... ........................... _ ...... ,......._ ........... •It••' • .,. IOUTRIRN CA \ • ' , -------- Chain-of-Coa:na:nand Outlined lltkh' March Building Permit 1.11• 11 In Event o~ C1v1l Emergency ~~-:::::..::..~ I $300 .... ........ :!:Ji:~.t:ll ~ ......... iltDce tile jur1detioft Ia Ia Ole baDcta of M ~ at a lil)edal meet• ,.... .. ... rs 1 """ W11'k1l .-.t bee.y raJataU tot lnf«· reauJar po1lct c1epartmenta, !her· llll a an ,_. ..ut. lteene•• VI U ~ """' _. .. tloG 011 tad.J.Jis. anllable to ltt'a omce. dt)' or eou.Dt7 road tontpt (Thunda.J') at Ute J:M.ll ....-ehtl emerpodel aacl npartmeng, COWit)" flood eoJJtrol Club tn 1a.n1a ADa. The ...una 'ftle Xardl balldinJ penult ralle portion ot. room at 3010 La· ·uvr-Your Chill•' dWil.of.,.,..,mand autbclrtq bM ~t and other local 1a betfta planned ~ D. D. Wat· total In l'ewport Beach neared layette Ave.., $1.,500; M. J. Bane, OII'LY •AGftAJIIIO"' !"!"~C lnullat a clarlftcatloe ltcD a. L apnda eoe. ltata Ileal J:ltate Cammie-1300,000 u the .IWlcll~ Depart· alterations at 37Q5 Seubore Dl'., ...,8'*11 alaN CCuba) Menta, Oranp CowltT• Ko aftlelal 4111.._ procl.ama. ..,_ aft4 laM· aJdea and a. one nwnt reported 8110,000 b1 permJta ll.!IOO. W'~ deput)' dvU .,.,_ dindar. tJon Ia made tn UU. lbatabce. be o1 .wn~ belfta held tn 1w7 durl~ u.e put 1INiek. Tbeweek'a eJAUOA COYD ~I ... !~~~~~~~~~~~ In tbe ewDt olaloealbecl em· eald. para 011 tbe ate. J'\arther lnfor· pamtta lneluded an Sl.B.'T75 two· B. Cllefer, alteratioM at 9 V.._... a crt •renq, Cub& Kania aaJ4. tbe The Amertcan a.d C.O.. M matioa about tJae meetLnc may unit dwelllnc lD BalbM. a ~770 Balboa Coves. poD. ~ u.e lltNit ,_ ------------dldaNd. baa lm'MdJate Juri*Uc· be had at tbe Newport Harbor ctw.Ulnl oa Balboa &land and eJAUOA III.AIID 'I'IIE POST omcz Boyi 17, Cut By · Propell~r Of Outboard tso.. u an aftldal apaq ,.o. JtealtJ Board oftlce. a 115.000 clwel11q tn Newport. Uoyd llanhall, l'ftDOdel 1•· ,_._.c.......,. • claimed by law for tile feedi.Dc. • • • Fol1owtn1 penntta were laaued: race into apartment at 322 Coral (Comet Ore•ku ud weltaN ol the Mark s. Sullivan hu joined • •zwPOII'f , Av~.. 11.500; Paul W.llkln.a, add c-... - needy. Jl.cl ere. tau. ,... the newly Mtabu.bed real ..tate Wallace Anderaon. l ·atory, 1· bath and on~ room at 121 Apo· ,.... ._1M ... ....... aponatbWty t. obtalnlq bou-ome. ot c. Ed Jonee on Harbor unit addition at 1.24 36th St.. lena Ave., $4,500; Ruth Pen· -=•====•••••Ill lftl, IUda u au41Wtuma « om· Blvd.. u a.uoc:tate. Phyllis Ker· $15,000; Glen Clarke, move dwel· broke, 2-story dw~lllnc added at r nuluma, and cara tot people wtn a. a new .-oclate m~mber Un1 at 3602 Ocean Front three 111 Turquotae Ave., $15.T10; Paul taken to tboee fadliU., be ez. of the Newport Harbor Realty feet, $2.300; Western Canners, ~tent. partition at 114 Turquoise I a. ............ c.te .... ..... K-...£1aa. laeltr l ·nlll LIIMrty ...... LYON VAN UNES A&ENT plalned. . Board with Bayview Properties. Av~ .• $100; Leroy Pattenon, 1· l ohn D. Edwarda. lr .. 17, auf· Red era. re.pon.llbWty Ues tn • • • story, l ·unJt dweUinl at 322 fered five deep laeeratloM ac:r'C* aupplemental medJca1 aJd, ln re· A conference on Multiple LlJrt· Grand 'Canal, 18,475; J . G. Land· ht.a back caused by the propeller lulbUltaUon ud ln payment ot tng at Santa Rosa last Thursday vought. fence at 226 Pearl, $195. blade of an outboard motor bllla lneurred, Morrta aald. attracted Katy Olaon. Hub Pow· • COIIOKA DEL MD when he fell overboard In the The ClvU Defeue orcanJzatJon en, Art Adair and Matt L&Bord~. Charles Masters. .1·story, l ·unlt Upper Bay at 4:34 p.m. Wednet· 4oea not have authotrty to enter • • • U.S. Navy George D. Dunigan dw~lllng at 401 Ins, $12,950. day, MArch 7, Newport pollee re-into the picture ot aJd 1n Clvtl Looa like Matt LaBorde of To· Jr., aon of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. • aAL80A ported. emer,encles, but doea have fa. bias Realty wouldn't need th~ Dunigan ot 216 E. Balboa Ave., G. T. McLaughlin, 2-story, 2· 'Ibe lacet'ations came within ellltles which may be used by new "Man of the Month" alarm Balboa, will graduate tomorrow unit dwellnc at 213 E. Balboa one Inch ot cauainc total pa.raly· other a1endea ahould tbey be re. cloclt be won-just th~ fact that <Friday) from Fl~ Gunnery Blvd., $18. 775; W. R. Slrn.s, re· ala, pollee learned from the Costa qulred he Uated the moat Multlpl~ lJ.at. School In San Diego, where he 11 place foundation at No. 1 Bay Mesa doctor who sewed up the inp .old during F~bruary lndi· ta.kln& courses In the control of Island, $500. wounds. The youth wu released .,..1_1. • II eates he ~ad7 get. up pretty antJ-alrcralt cun batteries ot F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ to bJs par~nta after treatm~nt. ~~-_.... early 1n th~ morning. auxiliary type ships and the ~ John D. EdwardJI Sr. explained • • • latest methods of shor~ born· LOllS fDI IDlES to pollee that be warned hit aon If lawparl Is IIIII Art netz of Bay and Beach, bardment. 5 .. _ -·· 1.0•• to h~ on for a turn, while they eo.ta Mesa omoe, won an elee· Before enterlnc the navy last ~ -·-- were apeedlnc In the outboard Servteea were held Saturday at trte t:rytn1 pan for aeiUnc th~ June, Ensign Dunigan graduated motor boat ln the upper bay.'Ibe Wlnbll}er Mortuary tn Santa ~ multiple llatlnca -shows from the Unlvenlty of New Mex· Construction Locma boy fell frotn the boat and wu Ana for WDlard Tayloz OboweU, be's plannlnl to ke.p thJnp leo with a. bachelor of acJence cut by the blade of the outboard. age 80, of 509 29th St., Newport pretty bot. degree In civil enclneering. He 5t)f. STEO LOAII SEE aoa I A'n'l.Ea Pollee aaid the parents own a Beach. Mr. Ohowel died March was formerly employed by th~ ~===~~~~~~~~~ traUer at the Bayshore Trailer 7 In Santa Apa after a brief ill· ....... _. Will Fun Zone Boat Co. In Balboa. 1 Park. Newport Beach. ness. He had lived In Newport -Pllrler lartcap C.. MATTRESSES for 45 years and was the retired ....... T•IIJ LEAVE KEW'POIIT ~ -eott. a --LII-.....___1 1 • ....,. owner or 'Ohow~U Pool and Box •-. 'Ib~ Georg~ Atkins. formerly of PoCaa ....._, • IU51111W51 ....... -Co. He was bron 1n Barnard, Mls· Dr. WUllam WUlard ot Corona 200 29th St., Newport, have (Metro LHe ~ Plaads) 2515 E. Coat Jlwy .. CDN n. IIA :..a-aa J...SJIS ~~~~=&,. A,pall .. llll .... '110~~-ls aurvtved by his son, Ho· ~ ;.~tsw:~ ::: ~:'kr;l~u:!~ ;m;o~v~ed~to~Lo~ng~Be~ac:h~-~!'ii!iMi~~~======~~= 2110 N.w N . u 1-I)Ol Mrs. Paul Davis ot. Corona d~l bart Ohowellln Long Beach and llan Singles tournament held at cH·s Far Y ... ! wying ••• end ber~eving th.t YOU CAl DO BEllO at Mar hu been appointed to the a dau1hter, Mrs. l essle Glllespl~. the Newport Beach Municipal legislative eo m m 1 t tee ot the of Sa.Uord. Ariz., and three Bowling Greens. ~enty bowlers, COISJ Women's Architectural Leatue grandchildren, four great grand· incluc:Unc Mr. and Mrs. Harold IL of Orange County, by Mrs. Ev· children. Rev. B. Rhodes Mart ln. White fro m Vancouver, B. C.. CO..,..EJE CO. erett Parks ot Santa Ana, pres!· pastor ot Spurceon Memorial competed In the tournament. nun ..ttl dent. Mrs. Georce Und and Mrs. Methodist Church In Santa Ana. Four players tied for second Ubeny 1-SSOI "'Il Herbert Brown~U. both of NeW· officiated at th~ service. place with 12 points. They w~re 115 Coaamadal Way • port Beach, have been appointed EL TO.O &DC ornCE• Harold Shand I e y ot Balboa COSTA MESA ..ttl by Mrs. Parks to serv~ with her Island, AI Oxland of Newport ICaherly ~las · Oraa9t-1113 "" as hostesses at the national con· GVDT OP OHIXIS"t a.tra Heights and Mr. and Mrs. White. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • v~ntlon of The American IMtl· Lt. Col. D. W. Thomson, execu· In th~ play.o.tf Mr. Shandley • tu~ of Architects May 1S throu1h tive. officer at El Toro. plus other won the second apot, followed by • May 18 at the Biltmore Hotel In offloen of the alr facility were Mr. Oxland and Mr. White. ..ttl Los Angeles. They will serve u IUt'Sta ot th~ Optl.rnbt Club ot ~ hostesses at the re~atlon detk Newport Harbor at Tuesday's a.ACE nON NIJ)WEST "'Il and In the hospltaUty room In meeting held at the VUla Marina H. 0 . Anderson or 1014 E. Bal· • the hotel. Restaurant W. C. Buchterk.ircben boa Blvd., Balboa, has just re· wu 1n charce of the program. turned from a trip to North Da· • Next week's meeting Is being ar· kota, where be was called be· JAMES D. ranced by Dr. Uoyd Ocheltree. cause of a death In his famlly. From · the POUCE BLO II ER e W'EDJO:SI)AT. ILUCB 7 rolet Co., Newport Beach. after the thief broke a rear window Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LOMBEil-BUILDING MA 1'flUA1S lfewpon al'"'-e-ta Neea ~ a.J•J RAY IIIW1111 Ca1lrllllr T. R. Bishop ot Fullerton notl· fled poUce by mall that some· ).446 E. COAST HWY.. one put a tan ladles' coat and a In t.be truck ... Mrs. L. I. Trask J;E•;;;iiiiiliiEEiiiii~~=iiiiiiiiiiii=iii:ii=:===••=&iiiiili~~ ot 3t1T Carnation Ave .. Corona d~l CORONA DEL ~AR grey sweat~r In his car whlle It H""-476) was parked on th~ beach at Robert Forbes a..w-: H""-4 196 Newport Beach ... Sheriff's of. =~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~iiii~iiii~~=:! fleft'l reported having three ju· v~nlle boys from Orange In cus· tody, who admlt1ed damaging 10 cars In the Orang~ area and Mar, complained that durlnc tb~ past two or ~ weeks some· on~ had been prowllnc In her yard during the ~arly morning hours . . . I BUILDER JIArbor •.• 2101 ( CDntlnued on Pace 8"1 other can 1n the Corona del Mar area, lncludJnc $1.00 alleged • SAVE SAFELY At Orenge Cou•+v's Leediag HOffte lendint • ... titvtlott CONnNUiNG TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $1 0,000 All Aecounh Opened On or Iefort The I Ott. o f the Monttt Ee,.. mM the I st. LAGUNA FEDERAL S.AVIN&S I LOAN ASSOCIATION mo... A._ LAGUNA BEAOi • glass damare to two can owned by C. E. Clinton of 2222 Bayside Dr. . . . 'Ibe tel~phone company r~ported that aU coin return alot.s in pay tel~phone bootb.l on the Coast Hwy. In the Newport area had been plug&ed with cot· ton In a petty theft at1empt . . . George E. Cloud, 39, of Los An· ,eles wa.s aresed on a vagrancy charge near 2017 Miramar Dr., Nobody "spared the horses~ in the '56 Chevrolet ! jiiiiliii-iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ba 1 boa, at 1 : 1 0 p.m. . . . Mrs. L. SAVE Wit. A Fanner's Pollet BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TRUCI-FIRE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. COST A MESA OVYICE: ~ 8·55M RES. Uberty 8·5063 STROOT'S BARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Applicmc:.. * Pfiin .. •• •••,...t aiM.. u...,.., c..te .. _ Waldron of 402 KJngs Rd., CUff Haven, reported that children were taking down a brick fence and running on the roof of a house sh~ owns at 117 Jade Ave., Balboa I.aland, and requested of· fleers to check It ottU.Ionally ... e TBOIIIDAT. IIAJlCB I Officers WHe unable to locate a prowler reported on boats In front ot C&banu Marinas. 626· 31st St., Newport Beach. at 2:28 a.m. . . . "Don't pt any Ides In March" wu a typed note John AckerUn of 306 l umlne A.v~ .• Corona del Mar, found on the wlndahleld ot hit car left by aomeone who also aplt all over the wlndabield . . . e nJDAT. JU.IICII t Someone attempted to &ain entry to the carage of M. H. Klinger ot 1030 W. Bay Ave., Balboa. lMvinl J,lmmy marks on the 1arare door • • . Cars driven by Eu~e L. Chandler Jr ~ 26. of 35(H W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, 1llld Steve M. Boice, 17, of 83t West Bay AYe.. ot Balboa. were tnvolve.d lD an accident at !'.-port Bl\'d. aDd Via Uclo at 5:.0 p.m. • • • Elbabeth Poet of -~ E. klboa Jll.tt... Balboa, ClluartH that -llaA&Dd atrudt IMr on the rtpt aide or her rare-.._. wftll ID uMnown object aDd llloae up tMir kltdMft table Mrcn lea.S~ • • • lin. BaroN YOUDI ol107~.-.. St. Newport • • Tlais ,_..,. fOlpowr tkt't ~~ta nd silk~. Put~Jn ~~tot,..,.,.. aa ••.,..,....,., tJJtd ~ pa.ssi7ag /M ltl/tr. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·ii~ii~iiii~il!l-~-· 8Mdt.. eompla.lned that ....... CIUM.U. ber IICOftd·ltJor7 pardl aad llole he' two·montll olc1 ...-uac~ puppy nluec1 at -. A tlick ol your toe II aD it taba to UDJenh • hoodfuJ ol Claet'loilt poww I POW8" that mUll ps ··c far--by •YiDI---.... thq rtllly coaDtl Poftr tllat's . ..,.,. ...... .. ..... ....-.o.e..o~ .... . ......... ~t .... .... ..... dllat ........ .... • • ....... ~ tbltw• -................. u.. .... ................. ................ ,.... Ilia -ktl ,.. • ••• ..., .. ... , ··~-· ............ ~ .. lilk-ud -full o( adiaD • a ltriDa ol8teeridaal Bil. ...... thiDa poww' that .,. . W •• ._, I .... ... .. •• .. -.. tilL IAf• .,_..,,..,.., .a.A I ... a ... ""' n -~--ca.-. w ., "a •=•· •-••••••~ • the POLl 11.01 1 ER U.S. Power Squadron Chief Drive Is On. (Continued froiD ..,.1> ... ,._...,. 414.-ntum two To Install Local Officers Your Health .... _ e IATVDAY. ,..._ II pa~ wttll padcll-. val· TbJa Ia ....,....... w.lllli 1IDr -Mn. .... plloD Ba•'DO'HI ., uec1 at ., Mdl from Vallely ,_. C$1et eommand• ol the oommtttee. C\&rt no.b o1 Balboa Laauna -..ell .......,uatt;y COft· lW lf 8Q J'toat. -.Jboa lii&Jid. lkNat ._... a S. hY Front. U. I. Power lquaclron-, WWlam 1111ud, tbe outcotq commander, ...a. ~• to lira. Gertrude ,...,art.d that a -=reen bad .,._ Balboa bllancS C. Wolbuller, wtU l.utaJ1 tile wUl atatomatlc:ally 1M chairman llcC&U ot 2»11 KJnp ad.. CWf }'lied off h• borDe ••• Leland e NIOIIDAY, iiUc. II MW oGicen ol the llalboa Pow• ot the eucuttw eommiU.. CAt 1 D Bav.n. Jlilnoa8 who haw not WhJttJer of 2210 CllaDAel ad. l(n. JlaUie B. Rlda. II. ot 811 lquaclru at tiM a.n.nual meetlnl been CODt.a.d eaa Jet In toudl Balboe. reported a1x or MWD old .......... Awoe.. Ooroaa det Mu to be Uld Tlnandq -~ ....... R._ ••••• , Yn'AIIIIII wttb llbL McCall at Uberty a. .traw bata and a pewt« plate vteUm ot a po.lbht heart a~ Marcil 23, Ia the Newport Rubor ..., 5& L L H1111 .... D.C. ~ or Laurie Woo4WUI1h ot Co· wen ltolen from hla home 11 b ftremen Yadtt Club. Sell ... .__ ... rona del Mar at Harbor 3382. ..__ Datrln Jludc. 11 ot 214 33rd ·St.: ::; wu ~~tl• an .u.., Jnvttecl u a rue.t 1a Dr. ,.-VltamlDII .,. Important t.oer A ~unity eoncert mem ...... -• ---' ...... .-' 1Mt.-Looln ot klboa lala.nd ~aton tou.Dd 1ft tbe ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~jablp ea.rd entttlea the bolde to newport~ wu not....,_._ rlabt .•. · A 80da pop ma~Jne d 1.-The ~ of rorre.t deWIIbt foOds. on..., .,. needed by tbe T V four c.'OftCerU In Lacuna ud abo when hla bleycle collided with a at the Union Station, 31.18 W. ~ Yb· Anlel-.~h!, ~ ~ Gobn. 3t, forr'IMr eo.ta MN& r•· bocly Ia only the mo.t rab\ute .--• • --.. lconeerta In nelghborlna cities car driven by Mn.lrenel. Mo.b· Cout Rwy., Newport Beach. wu Power Sq= e · ldent. wu broupt baek for MI'Y· quantltl• A ba1a.need ell« u· where apace Ia available. er of IJdo Park. Newport Beacb, forced open by aomeone who took . lees whJeh were held Monday at uall)' nppU. tbe amounta Med· Walter Parke Lacuna ~· at 3lat St. and Newport Blvd., $1.:50 eoh . . . 'nle followtn1 haw been nom-We.tmlrwter Memorial Park. un· ed. .. ' -E muter bu .,..:.. elected presl· Newport Beach. at 8:37 a. m. . • . e TUDDAT. IIAJlCII IS tnated without op~ltloh to hold der the wpervlaJon of Part.· You mA,y be eatlnl a IIUtlldetrt ri'U dent df the board of the com· RJdc:y Evan• of 3402 W. Ocean William A. Marttn. 29, of 1344 omc. for the eomtn• year: WU· Ridley Mort\la.ry Chapel. quantity o1. vita.mlM. IM.It not munlty concerts. Other oUlcen Front. Newport Beach. pve po· W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Uam June. (llm) Edwardlllr. of Mr. Cohn. who llved at eoo. ftttln• fUll benefit from them. * ar Mrs. F p Weaver ol Laguna. lice a ru.wty alngle-ban-eled abot-reported the loss or theft ol hla Newport Ialand, comn1ander; AJ. Bay 0rqon cfied Jan 20 alon Tbla Ia the eaae when the body 'Ill a 'S ft!t vi~p~ldent; ·Mrs. Floyd cun which he found at low tJde wallet containing ldentlftcatlon bert Jtylett of Bay Shores, lieu· with hla u~cle, when. th~lr ear IAI unable to utlllze thoee vita· Case of Laguna. second vtce· In the water In the upper bay and $(.60 from the bar In the tenant commander; lames Stod-ran into the water at North Bend. mln.a that are coft.IW'Ded. Be 8\0'8 T' SD•A£ president; Mn. McCall. third Plra~s Bar, 407 28th St.. New-dard. of Corona del Mar, Mere· ~on. Mr. Gobn bad ju~ been ~u~~~act~-::!n~u • -~ vice-president; Frances Brown. of Pres·adent of port Beach ... Pat Greening, 5. tary, Alvin Spencer of Corona dllc:barged from the Army after properly 110 ~t Jt can malt~ .._..1 Laguna. recording ~etary, and of U3 30th St.. Newport Beach. del Mar, re-nominated u treu· a1x years. ol active aervtce Jn Ito-complete uae of the vitam.Jna 1n .,.. Mrs. Blanche Nixon of Laeuna. suUered a deep cut over hla right urer. rea, Germany and Italy. the food that you eat. recording secretary. Ph • t ear w hen he fell against a wtn· Dean Campbell ol Corona del ~============t armaCIS s dow and was given first aid by Mar and Dave Ftrtb of eo.ta Phone in your newa storle. to ~ •G A ....._.,C" JCDS m..AJIED roa PJIIE Art Tognlnl, president o1 the officers and taken to a doctor for Mesa have been nominated aa your loca.l newspaper, the En· lr' ~ ~,.... ~ A fire In the car of Robert Southern California Pharmaceu-treatment ··· new memben o1 the executive alan. Harbor W._ Your FamUy Restaurant Nelson of 449 E. 16th St., New· tical Association, was installing =======-------------.:..=.===-== TaHday) port Heights. at 1:54 p.m. lut officer when G. Hubert Pelrsol 251~~ Cocllt 1119Jaway 1 Thursday was apparently set by was sworn In as president of the children. the Newport Beach flre Orange County Branch of the rillcatl~~DCMiil~MI~~C:.~i--~=del~M~CDi~d~e=pa:rtm::en=t=re=po=rt=ed=·::~=l Society Ja.st Saturday night at a QWIC GOL~ COURS. R:Z::!t P.ny Accommod•tiona West 5th St. at Santa Ana River ---sANTA ANA PH. 10 3-8311 dinner dance at the Disneyland Hotel. Mr. Pelrsol. owner of the Coro· na del Mar Pharmacy, succeeded h imself as president. Mac Pelle- tier. owner of the Owl Rexall Drug Store. Newport, was In· stalled as a membec of the board ot directors. Table decorations at the din· ner were green Irish hats tilled with white carnations made by the Woman's Auxiliary of Or· ange County. Dancers from the Arthur Murray StudJo•ln Corona del 'Mar furnished the entertain· ~~::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;::;:;:::;::=:::;=:::;=:::;=:::;;:;;;~~:=:! ment. Mrs. Peter Perak of Santa Ana wa•ers :-:-.... * ....... Iii. * .... 0..,. •• ·- MNTA ANA--Inl a& a-It Sat.. SaL-!llau-l:U "'I.&N 1VITII '1'Bm GOLDEN .AJIJI'"--rn.k ll&aatn _. "BA'J."'LL: 8TA'DON8""-.-WUU.. ......_ ·'. • ' ORIV E·I N -lC THEATRES I:J ~ ~O Wl l"' •:>.,.~ !i~l _ i N TfiA .. ,•: acnnt&Y ............ y I ......... y ....... y ............ ,.... .._ ......... IU * CABTOOK CABXIVAL PB1. SAT. & SUX. * ON THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE . -.a.%.aO - Tl-aftlc Ill a-u.. -wETBAas·· Wltll u.,.. ~ ... Naaq Ga'- ~ fnrlesltuc/1/;/t lO'~ c ... P •. i • "fAN *NOW BIIOWINO * "'BAaLASB'' .... w.. ln tt.~ Om.rka'" ..... food ... C!OCirtcd.l 11m o-111h~ •• ..,,,,. "' .. ....sc ,_ 1Srdll9 ••• ~ to .-t te ,._ •wpw't ._. .... A.-... " .................. ~ ........ .,. 111, tMa tua diM • ,._1111 .... • ....... el • .De ....... I_,. U. S. WWY. Ill -AlfA.II'KIM UtliOIIS J.. ... ---lifE\-....... ,.... ............ ~ ........ Qh_ .......... :.:. a: c.:-~· .... ~ ~;:a:.-:::;:-.:: ...... , 11"1 .... -........... ..=-t!llll -~ ....._._......_...__fll wLTet ,.__ Ot11 ~ ..... _...._ -a. Cbi~ ... .., will entertain the Women's Aux· lllary at her home at 9Z7 Riviera Dr.. on Wednesday. The Santa Ana Pollee Department will show films on narcotics for the pro· gram. FltrWa Flllll•c Fll• Ia Sllon II Alclers A color and sound film of flsh· lng In Florida produced by the Sllanex Co. of Costa Mesa was shown at Friday's meeting of the Fttday Anglers Luncheon Club In the Newport Yacht Club. The first meeting In March was changed to a dinner dance party at the club with festive d ecorations of south sea fishnet. flowers and kite fish for decor&· tfons. Mal Ftnk ot Corona del Mar acted as master of cere- monies for the evening and as· slsted In distributing 22 door prizes. Sue Ficker of Balboa was featured soloist with Informal singing led by Saint Cicero of Costa Mesa. Honored couple for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. John Hartleln of Ba lboa Is land. who were celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary. l5fOaJOCP a a t.olJTJJtJ JOa1' a we a a a a 'CJ.TC .. Caw ,..,_ ....- Put I Hart in I '11EDHOT'Valu .. lorThura.,FrL. SaL Man:h 15. 18,17 Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Sundcry cmd Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. JIEDIVII GaADE AA FRESH EGGS Doz.. In Carton CALO 47~ CAT FOOD • ~--··--·············· Z for 15~ W ASIIDAT KDACLE Tl DE Req. 25~ Pkg. _,_ .. ___ _ SUKSBIIfE BTJ)BOZ COOKIES GOLDD ITAft GaADit A.A BUnER 65¢ 1-lb. Carton In lf•• ----- IIEI'n..E"S IDII·IWKET . CIOGILITE IIISB.I For Toll ,. Houae Cookies _ 7Y. AaiOUEJIT . scan TIWEU ::t __ 2-33c ASSOIIftD P'LAVOU JELLO ~!~ge --······--35~ ALWAYS AND ALLWAYS AT COAST SUPER MARIET ~-:;. -· .. ·--·--3 fw 23c __ F_R_I_Z_E _I ___ F _0 _O_D_V_A_L_U_E _S _•lJID'S EYE-la--. Plrg. KOLD KIST French Fried2 fOf' 2• POTATOES 7Y. IEEF STEAlS .................... u.1 0~ CHOPPED SPINACH lSI .1•1 IIOUT •• lEW HOlE FIEEZEI PWI1 WE CUT AND WRAP YOUR · MEAT AS YOU LIKE IT! We Feature M.ANNJNG•s USDA GRADED CHOICE BABY BEEF. The F"mest Quality Obtainable • • • All Beef Penonally Selected By John! STALL PED. USDA GllADED CBOICE LEG 0' LAMB USDA GaADED CBOICE LAIIQ8 1.0111 LAMB CHOPS 691. un unA au-a-o. u.nDJr OU.Df nD SPARE RIBS BANANAS 59~ USDA QUDKD CBOIC2 UftBD'TOP ROUND STEAK 59~ 3~ Spring and ·Easter Fashion Edition VOL I, NO. l2 -FIVE CENTS CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, MARCH IS, 1956 .. -.;~.~: .:. :-~. '· ·=:. ; .. .. ~ .. ·"<." -.: . ~~'_( . to the Harbor Areo~s Happy 1956 and Fashion Festival, featuring the New Styles, Colors, Fabrics the Latest Fashions for Your Family and Your Home Yes, right here --at ''home~~ BARROW'S, Lido Shoppin9 Center BEACH & BOULEY ARD, LA9una Beach BRANDT'S, Corona del Mar CORONA del MAR PHARMACY, C.D.M. CIRCUS BOOTERY, Costa Mesa THE CLOTHES HORSE, Balboa Island DANIGER'S FURNITURE, Costa Mesa DAVIS-BROWN CO., Costa Mesa DICK MACKER, Udo Shoppin9 Center ELLGENE'S, Costa Mesa HARBOR PHOTO LAB., Corona del Mar HESS HAIR FASHIONS, Corona del Mar THE JEWEL BOX, Corona del Mar JOHNSON & SON, Mariner's Mile KA YETTE STUDIOS, Corona del Mar LEON'S, Men's and Boy's Wear, Costa Mesa LIDO FASHIONS, lido Sltopping Center LOIS.PAUL ORIGINALS, LAguna BeaU. THE MAN, Costa Mew MARILYN'S FASHION APPAREL, Costa Mesa MARTIN'S FURNITURE, Costa Mesa MARY & DAVIDS, Corona del Mar MARY'S HOUSE OF MAPLE, Corona del Mar O'BRIEN'S, Corona del Mar OLGA'S ACCESSORIES, Costa Mesa PERCY HATS, LA9una Beach PETITE VILLE, Corona del Mar LOU REED, Mariner's Mile REINERT'S, Costa Mew RULES of CALIFORNIA, lido Shoppin9 Center SILHOUETTE SHOP, Corona del Mar STAUFfER SYSTEM, Corona del Mar THORPE'S, BMboa VINCENT'S DRUG STORES, Corona del Mar and Newport leadt WILLIAMS STATIONERY, Lido Shopping Center TOMMY WILSON'S BEAUTY SALON, Corona del Mar We will show you not only the latest fashions from this CO\.Vltry, but also exciting and fascinating new im- ports from France, Italy, Spain and Germany. For a preview of just a fe w of these fashions, turn the pages and a ccept our invitation to let us show you our Bigger and Selections Better for '56 SliP I' lilliE I I I I I I ••II ~ liVE, Till Eaalar I••••• .. .,,.. . .. ........... Frill ...... . ............. ...... uuMDAY. MAIIal Ja. •• --PTA Course 'Ia la+*EE._ 1109& Aft., Corona del Mar. Tbe tanr-f --~-~ Tbe Ralph ~ have Uy, which 1 n c 1 u de a ~al • • • 0 ~ ....ae •· ,. I Off d J'tw bird ot.-ram. pJaDta l.n j pan~ plaat t.aMri bola the moved from 1.21 ,._1 Aft .. BaJ. youn~u M.lebelaena, formedy $ ere tlve.pllon CAN and tlwt ~· IIOUtb ... com. ol It• bu~. boa bland, to a bou8e they re. Uved on lum.lne on the other ------------------------nolJa ahrube with their roott Dirt from the plant traUecl ~ cently putcll-..d at 230 lumlne .&de ot the blpwq. CIVJC NO'I'ES: Didn't reallz.e abe made her aprarance on A dx·week OOW'N 011 parent-bound were taken trom the home the atreet to the curb at 2501 .. -------iiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.a that the clty had to ~ve Pf!f· 'nlunday, March and they tadter Information ~ tbla ol Worthl~on Lft, 1938 Bay. Seevlew Ave. wMre a tire track mlta for blc partl~ut they're named b• Deborah. Debbie and put Monday mom~ at the aide Dr., Corona del Mar, eome and MWral footprlnta could be ra.Jsln• the root at WHtern Can· her mother are home now at 6U Newport Harbor Hlp School time Saturday nl~ht. -.n 1n the cUrt. An unwc: c 11 l'ul nen and tot a · bulldlnc depart· La.rkaput Ave., Corona del Mar, loar4 room under tbe tutelae-M.ra. W. Oldenbut~ ot ~ attempt wu made to ,....,... an· ment pennJt to do eo! ••• The Qlucb to the dell~ht of her two ot Mrs. Harold Boyvey, tint vice-Seaview Ave,. Cclrona del Mar, otller plant next to the one talc· lntroJucing • A FAMOUS FRAC9RANCE to AznericWik re110ureelul cau ot the Hlcbtln· brotben. Gary, ace 3, and Don· pneiclftlt ot J'ourtb dlatrlct PTA ~re~por~rt~ed~tb~e~lo.~~of~~·~b~lrd~of~~en~·~~~~!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!i cale Chapter of Hoa~ AwdlJary ald 6. It the old aaytnc about and Parliamentarian for tbe made c:otree and tea on the slde· ahoemaker'a chU~n Ia true, lit· Harbor PTA Councll Allliluh ia the fabuloa. perfu-which b .. captiYated aU of Pan. ... and eec Ioven' bearta aftame in the Bota de Boulope-for 1ean.. f iiOM THf SAM I NOUO rAIHUMlU• WHO SAVl YOU TA8U • • CAIIATa walk In front of the Lido Theatre tle Mlas Deborah wlU lOOn be The COUJ'IIe wtU cover top&c. ot last month (with the help of patterlne around In her bare feet leaclenhlp, the local uaoclatlon VIncent's Druestore), when Craie • • • and Ita functions, money ralalnc Phoenix didn't qutte cet there The Howard Ahmansons of ethics and tbe UN ol PTA tunda, with the key to let them In for Harbor laland received cuests at conunJttees and thelt dutles, the Edna Stearns Dayton lecture the opening of the new Beverly membership participation, state and refreshment hour ... Am· HUls branch of their Home Sav-policies, and parliamentary pro· erlcan Legton Commander Frank lngs It Loan Association. Artist cedute. Moore states (I n the local Legion MIJlard Sheets did the Interior PTA leaders and otben Inter· publication) that he's looking with deft manlpulatJon of old ested In the PTA are Invited to tor a home for a puppy dog, and new materials In one artls· attend the course, which Ia of. "housebroken-except when hap· tJc home. fered for slx su<XeSSlve Monday py." • • • mornlngs trom 9:30 to 11:30. • • • Scheduled tor a gala "Crutslne Those who complete the courae Mr. and Mrs. Larry Modica of down th~ river" Is the Balboa will receJve a PTA certUJcate. Anthony's Shoe Service claimed Bay Clubs monthly party being they were going to name thelr held next Thursday, March 22, at SCHOOL SBOP BtniGLAaJZED P"f umr fr-12.15 10 118.5() l.Alogn• from 12.25 to 129.00 .,__.., ~~-.. ~ hlld "Le I ' Le " lf she the club. new c ap n na From "St. Louis to New Or· was born on Feb. 29, but instead leans" read the steamship-tick· et Invitations with Eddie Skrl· A burglar took about $12 caah from the shop at the Horace En· sign School, Newport pollee were notified Sunday by Supt. Roy Andersen. ~ .... , .. ""'"" ~ 1-' r;r j(, f"· ... ,. ... • I ~ Lido Brims with the Forward Look, Rockers. and Bumpers. All Easy To Wear. Percy's Custom Hats. Your Fabric or mine. PERCY 440 s. Coast 81-;-d.·--- hpper Tree Sbops CUSTOM HATS l.a9uDa hach. CClUf. TeL BT 4·4698 Fashions presents Don Loper's pure silk sheath available in champagne and vivid red. 55.00 Jtlt W&WIOft IIOVUYAD aaww * vanek's DlxJeland Band belnc paced by the BBC's own Round· en and some eood ole Southern cookln' to boot. lnvltatlona were sent out under the name of the Balboa Bay Club's "Steamboat Company" (Sidewinder Division > with crulae conducton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Le Van Zerbe, Mr. and Mrs. Al TWany, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mangan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harwood and Mr. and Mrs. lay Beesemeyer. Lots of fun is planned even 1f the steam· boat never leaves dry land. Sister Visits Mrs. Trusty Mrs. Robert L. Trusty of 258 Magnolia Ave., Cos1a Mesa, was visited by her sls1er, Mrs. Rich· ard Mettle of Nebraska, last Sat· urday afternoon. The two sisters were separated by adoption when they were smaU chUdren and had seen each other lut year for the flrst time slnce their separation. This was the first time that Mrs. Met· tie had visited her sister In Call. torn Ia. Mrs. Trusty was the adopted daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White ot Laguna I Beach and Corona del Mar. She Is the daughter-In-law of Mr. and Mrs. William Trusty, 124 1 Tustin Ave .. Newport Helehts. .... Alc•l• ...... Te Wetl R11 L Ellie A spring weddln• la belng planned by Angela Mohatt of Santa Ana and Ron L. Encle of Costa. Miss Mohatt la the daugh· ter of Mrs. Ann Mohatt of Gabbs, Nevada, and groom-elect Ia the son of Mr. and Mn. Byrl a Encle of 30C Flower St, Costa Mesa. in their hearts- # d . ... ~. · an 1n .l(j ~ ~ their stepsf Children love Spring- and the new clothes that go with itl ... ~ hos designed o whole new group of ultro·smort Spring shoes for goy young girls and boys! See our complete seledlon of wonderful ~ Shoes. .... w. lp1ngal CIRCUS lOOT IY THORPE'S Pink Handkerchief Glass a.y Dorothy c. ,_,. 14" Fluted Bowl ·--.... ·-··-·· 1.75 8" C.ndy Dish or ffa.t Bowl __ ).50 16'' Round l.iHtt Server ---7.50 Pin• tt.u.,. liaqu• L..mp $17.10 * 1101 W..t ......... ~i.t hanTuclret ?[~ COAif HIGHWAY CAUPOIMIA Judy Ann Johnson Is Bride Of Robert Surmon of COM More than 150 cuests we-re ~t at the Corona ~1 Ma.r Community Church when Robert Surmon of Corona del Ma.r took Mia Judy Ann John80n of Tra· buco Canyon to be his brtde lut month. Rev. Edwin C. Gomke performed the double rtne cere· mony that unJt.ed the 80n o1. llr. and Mrs. Alvin Sunnon of 4()8 Poln8ettia Ave., Corona del Ma.r, and the dauehter of Mr. and du..ty plnk acuaortea and a cor· uce ol plnk carnations. Mrs. Swmon a.l80 had pink carnations to compliment her black COS· tume ault. Alte-r a honeymoon at Ocean· aide the young couple a.re mak- tnc their home In Santa Ana. 'nle new M.n. Surmon graduated from -ru.ttn Hleh School. The groom 1a a Harbor High gradu· ate. Mn. Frank John80n of Trabuco ------------ Canyon. The bride wu noorted to the altar by he-r father. She wore a white nylon lace gown of balle · rlna length with a hemline clr· cled wtth lace scallops. A 8eed pearl crown held her flneertlp vetl, embroide-red with pearl hea.rU at the bottom. She canted a white Bible adorned by an orchid and aatln streamers. lira. Vera With of Tustin was matron of honor. She wore a bal· ledna length gown of pale pink net and carried a colonial bou· quet or sweet peas and cama. tJona. Ronald Sunnon served u h .. brother's best man. Another brothe-r, Dick, along with the brlde'r brother. BUl Johnson, aerved as ushers. At the reception, which was held In the eoclal hall of the church following the ceremony, Mlu Betty Shannon and Miss Wendy Gruwell served. asslsted by Mrs. Malcolm Shannon and Mrs. Madeline Taylor, an aunt of the bride. Mrs. Johnson wore a royal blue costume suit with SBOTS GO OVEB WOMAJf Two shots were fired over her IIIII. 1108&11'1' lUDlOW, tbe fOI'IDM Jti8a Jady AaD JoluaND. head while she was In her front MOVE TO SAJITA ·-A ya.rd, Mrs. Bethel Mang of 2453 Sale Benefit for Crippled -TUstin Ave .• Costa Me5o/"notitled The Lowell W. Newlona. long. Newport pollee at 12:~ p.m. Sat· time Corona del Mar residents at urday. The woman said she saw 514 Acacia Ave., have moved to two young boys on bicycle leav· 1025 Carlton Place, Santa Ana, lng the area. one with a bow a,nd I STATIONERS BOOKSELLERS but expect to return to the Har· d th '"""'f...-a...... ....... HY 4-6!144 TIIU'aDAY, IIAaCII 15. 115t •EWJOIIT JI.AmM)8 ..... I Beautiful DiMincti.-e From Orange County's Newest and F"lDHt Acceuory Shop . . . "Exclusive ••• but Expensive" OLG ... t\.~S 'Lody Buxton Wollets Imported H~~ndbogi by Hollywood Shoggee" leother·Fobric ond Lucile Bogs by "SILVERCRAFT" Originals in Belts by Artemise of Hollywood ' Carole Accessories · Costa Mesa Ladies' Accessories MAlL AND GIFT WRAPPING SERVI CE -OLGA Store Hours-TUes tnru Sat. 9:30a.m. to 6 p m. Close-d !>fondays 1861 HARBOR BLVD .• COSTA MESA OLGA C. GRAUEL cam..-.hlps for Orange Coun· arrow set an e other was car· ......., ... ono ,..._ r • ..,...,. ,... g bor area soon. ryt LAGUNA BEACH ty Crippled Children will be pur· :;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~n~g~w~h~a~t~l~oo~k~ed~l~lk~e~a~.22~r~itl~e~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~:;_~~::...;;;;..J.~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chased with the moMy from the r rummqe aale In Santa Ana apo~ by the Southe-rn Qr. ange County Club of Kappa Kap· pa Gamma Alumnae next Mon· day and Tuesday. The rummage sale wlU begin at 2 p.m. Monday and continue all through Tues· day at :Q Spurgeon St. Election of officers wlll be held at the next meeting of the Kap- pa Alumnae scheduled for April 12 at the home or Mrs. Robert Blackmar at 127 Abalone Ave., Balboa Island. Those who have been nominated are Mrs. Jack HUton ot Santa Ana for presl· dent; Mrs. Blackmar for vice· prerldent; Mrs. Barton Beek of Santa Ana Helahta as aecreta.ry; M.lu Ruth Maxwell and Mlu Mattie Lacy of Corona del Mar 1 as treasurers and Mrs. George Barnett of Santa Ana a.s ways 1 and means and philanthropy chairman. Mrs. F. Paul Dickerson of New· port Beach showed slides and cave a commentary of a trip she took through the Scandanavian countries. Germany, Switzerland and Italy at the March meeting or the alumnae group held at the Hilton home In Santa Ana. Patronize thi merchants who advert!~ In the Newport Har· bor Ensign. ...... ... .. ....... . ..., .. c .............. _ ...... .~ ......... ~e. .................... ,.......,.,..t_t.N\ ,........,. ........ IMft. ,.., .• ....._ c ................ ..... tie ....... .. ............ .... ............. .................... .... I ,.. ... .. ,. ...... ..... .. ,. J'm&CDMt~ OriiDa ........ Calif. 'hllfbtDI ....... ~ Fashion Apparel 1767-o. Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa Store Roun ... 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Moodaya thru Satu~ PURE SILK POLKA OOTS GRACED WITH A SOFT DRAPED WHITE SILK COLLAR. FLAIR SKIRT WITH POCKETS . . . GIVE "DASH TO DOTS" FOR SPRING. A Lovely Breath of Spnng by "DON LOPER'" 5111 •&J J. T.t• .. tit."'"'"- ... "-' p,.;, .. ,. H..J,.., &.II ~ r1 • • I \ LJXC1f1ng y i ~ n ew .•. inspired 1 by a glittering occa6;on• r:.,r Jayllme t:ay~~y or cvf.'non~ •nroloillicotio n SlA L PE TrTE blend• ro ... rr .. ctlv ..,;tJ, tloe mome-nt anti tloc moneL Enic•v ot1 Jclo~lot(ul r r.ti!rolnCC 31 .1 J.utin~ complcmtnl to your pl.'rtonality. ~] l'cr/um• I 0 $2.50 to $26.00 11il Eau J. Colog"• ~ $2.25 lo $6.50 Fnf W/,;f.Stil. I.;J $1.50 "Exclus1vely" at CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY You'll be sure to remember everyone with this convenient Easter Cord Shopping list. Rrlatiuf! -N.otlter -'•"'-• -Wile -Sitter. --Sitt.r ~ Husbo"d -"•"'-•· _ ...... .,~Wife _Dough .... -Doug~ ~ttv.boftd _s-,S....~Wife -GroftdMOtt.er -Groftdf•w -Groftddought.r -Ciroftd- -Coual• _ ... ,.._ -Hi.a --Auftt _uftdo _Liko a Motlter -Swoothoort's Mother Sptc:lal TuJtj -AuoultloMII.t -A•ftivoroary -Eootor lirthdoy _foJtor Chaar -loy frl.ftd -Girl frioftd _sw .. thoort -HoMy _Oarll"g -So-... o.., _WithLo,.. _,;,..folks -_Neighbor -'•' -SocrotPol _,,.,. All of Us _,,.,. loth of U. _Toochor _loby'sfir'll Rrli1iaw _,,, ... -N"" _, .... , _c ... fi,,.,..,; ... _(oMMUftiOn Just tear out this list and bring it with you when you choose from our core plete selection of Hallmark Cards. You nee(/~(}kutj FLOWING VELVET This modem Bowing formula hu helped counties! women -just like you-who had despaired of a dry, prematurely aging skin. Jacqueline Cochran has found a whole new answer to the dry skin problem and ita main cause, the dehydration of the sub-surface tissues. Alter yean of research, she diacovered Hydrolin, a new ingredient that, for the 6nt time, can and does traruler beneficial moisture into the deep tisaues of the akin. Tbanu to euluaive Hydrolin, blendecl with other rich components, Jacqueline Cochran created an entirely new kind of 3-way beauty Cannula. Unique Flowing Velvet acts 3-way.: It fumu~ moutwe tluJl ocW411y lin.lu into your lkin. It pr0t1iJu neceUDry oill for usentu.llubricGlion. It nuUnlaitu tlu normolboUrnce of oiU tuad moulure. o,.. touch MlrNrs the beautiful changel Tiny linea aoften, yean rt-em to melt away. Ute Flowins Velvet day and night. It'• bonnone· free, &rea.reku, won't unear your make-up or smudge your piiJow. Our 1pecUJly trGined I ocqueUne Coclaron esperl will b. laappy 1o 1/aow you wluJl jwl 0 f~ dropl of rk Aly con.centroled Flowin& Yeluel will actU4Liy do for your IM CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY "THE PIIESCRJPTJON PIIAJDIACY"' 3127 E. eoa.t Hwy. at Jcwmae HA 2272 CoeCIDCI del Mar • A SREEB aLUE P .UaJC with Pnada ealbroldely appUqae wona ......... ,..,..,. .............. _.......,........,.......,........,. ................ _ ......... _.._.......,......,_.......,.__ .............. ...,.,.., by lin. Tom Tooe of Lido aDd aery Club PahloU ccrugllt tbe "HOWDY NEIGHBOR!'' .,.e of lin. 0 . B. Sldaaer Jr. of CUff...,_ aad ber gaeeta at a rec.ot lwacbeoD at the aaiboa aery Club. Seated at tbe rl9bt of liB . Slda.IMr 11 lllu Bel..a Terry o( lfewpon CIDd ataD41D9 Ia Mlu MCirlcauM lfbc. a Ylaltcw fHID If..., Tcwk wbo Ia em ClirU... .-.. e WORUD FOR NEWSPAPERS 1 erans of Foreign Wars since 1904. Miss Jane Wlcard, who moved He Is a life honorary member to Poinsettia Ave., Corona del of AI Ma lalka Temple. The Moei - Ma r, just before the first or lcrs have two married daugh· Ma rch, has lived In Southern lers, both of whom live In St. Calltornla for a number of years. Paul. BRIDGE LECTURES PLANKED ardeu. (Tery aorta BEADQUAJtTEU FOil IIDDIES' TOYS, Beach I Swim lear She has lived In the Harbor area and Whittier !or more than five years and Is a past newspaper woman and rl!<'reatlon depart- ment worker. Among the publl· cations on which she has served Is the News Publishing Co. tn Whe-eling. West VIrginia, which was originally her home. She worked on the Los Angeles Times. wh«.>n General Otis was publisher, and the Santa Bar- bara Dally News. wher«.> she was The Balboa Bay Club will again sponsor a bridge session tor men and women given by the Chicago bridge authority, Josephine Walters Smith on Tuesdays and Thursdays April 17. 19, 24, 26 and May 1 and 3. The series repeated by popular demand, will be held at i :30 p.m. 3101 E. Coaat Bwy. at 1CIIIIIl1Del Coroaa del lla (Next to All American Market) ri.,J,:::::==J BAUOB 5581 • Also at 5259 E. 2Dd St.. lit LoDv hcrcb • office manager. Later she worked In the office of the Los Angeles Recreation department for 20 years. Miss Wlcard says she Is "not retired, just tired.'' fashion's finest e FOllMER LEGISLATOR Alter coming out of "the frozen north" of St. Paul. Minn., tor five winters, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Moeller decided to move to Southern Calltornla nnd so have re<'ently moved to Morning Can- yon Dr., Corona Highlands. Mr. Moell£'r was a prominent states- man In St. Paul. He was a mem- ber of the Minnesota State Leg- Islature tor .rlx years; serv~ as sherlt! of Ramsey County, which Includes the city of St. Paul, for eight years, and was county commissioner for 16 years. He retired because of hls health and found his way to Orange County with the help of a brother, WIJ . llam T. Moeller, who lives In Santa Ana. George Moeller Is a lso a Span- Ish-American War Veteran and has be-en a member of the Vet· F1ared wool skirt, 113.98 c:a&DIT A'f A.D..Aau * FREE PADING * at BEAll ENTilANCE for Easter PAT PREMO'S imported cottons LADY HATHAWAY 'S famous blouses SPRING COLLECTION of half-sizes 121/z to 241h c ...... lA TES DISOPUNID con ON ... for her two piece co-ordi- nates because she knows 1 r s one of the best names in Cotton -<Ilways so smart and good looking. GRAFF styles them in California to live-in around the clock. Shown at right $13.98 it's a wise choice for you too. Bates-the finest name in Cotton-wear it, hang it up, no wrinkles! Washes like a dream too. GRAFF OF CAUFORNIA styles a graceful skirt and tops it with a Matador shirt, SQ good looking with its lace tucked bib front and Baby Doll Sleeve. Shown a t left, $5.98 La•z orici••l• BERNHARD ALTMANN'S cashmere sweaters Dyed to Match Flannel Skirts BALBOA ISLA ND * w.aa.. L&ll. 0....11 I einerfs ~.,... ......... lliir&.; Ollllli .... Meredith of Newport Hts. Is Presented Maior Award An awatd ot the ,. American Welding Socl&y wu recently made to Ru~U. Meredith, New- port H.elghtl resident and su~r­ vl80r In North American Avia- tion's Mlulle Development DlvJ . alon In' Downey, •'for outstanding contJibotJon. to advancing the art and actence of welding." the rejectJon rate for welded parU to a negligible percentare. Mr. Mt'-redJth'a plaque Ia the teeond oulltandlng aclentlfle cl· tatlon accorded him In the paat nine yean. In 1947 he wu pre· aented with the lames F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation Certlf1· cate or Award for excellence of hla paper In the foundation's proaram dedicated to aclentlflc propess of arc welding In engi- neering and design practice. Mr. Meredith, h1a wJfe, and daughter live at 2308 Clltf Drive. 'Mt1l major award of the Loa Angeles American Wt'ldlng So· clety SectJon tor lW-56 was made on the buts of Mr. Meredith's numeroua achievementa In hls field. He holeS. buic patents on the Hellarc welding process, Im- portant to the aircraft, missile. ALPHA QAIIIIS MEET TOifiQBT and rocket engine Industry. County alumnae of the Alpha His method for automatic, con-Gamma Delta Sorority wlll meet tlnuous Hellarc welding of long tonight (Thursday) at the home structural m em be r a for air· of thelr newly elected president. frames Is a significant contrlbu-Mrs. Ltlah Phettlplace, 1205 tlon to operations at North Luanne Pl., Fullerton. Harbor American's Downey plant. The area alumnae who are Interested Hellarc welding method not only' In attending should contact Mrs. speeds up welding but reduces flarold Wilson, Harbor 2630-W. SLACKS: New Spr."q FlaMet. ol'd gob•rd;ne~ From $9.95 to $19.95 (IOYS: $7.95 to $13.95) LefJn's MEN'S & BOY'S SHOP SUITS--SLACKS--S~IlT COATS SHIIlTS--TI~SHOE$.-ACCESSOiliES 227 Eallt l7tb ltnet Next to Thrltty-Mesa Center * COSTA IIUA * AT "THE MAN" You'H get e lift et "The Men" withe smart new suit or sport-coat in the new, lighter coton for spring! Come in todey end try on YOUR new s~ing werdrobe. • Louart Suits W embley Ties Ma nhattan and Van Huesen Dress Shirts Swank Je welry Hickok Belts Exe te r Socks Jockey Underwear Hanes Underwear Catalina Swim Wear Balboa Originals White Stag A-1 Denims Largeat Stock of Sport Shirts in Th• Harbor Area . . . * ..... • .. • • si.ss to $15.95 Fe. Boys, Too. 8 to 20 1131 Mewport lhd.. Ebell Notes Mra. Ted Tapfer of 203 Drift. wood Rd., Shore Clltb, enter· talned Ebell Book Section 111 at her horne at 12:30 Tue~day with Mra. Joe Wllke u her co-hostess. City Librarian Dorothea Sheely presented the review. • • • Junior Assistance League To Install New Officers n.tall ..... •••••rill IIIII New oUICfl'l ot th Oranae Co u n t y Kappa Alpha Theta Jncomlnt and outgoing board1 W. W. Bertulelt. correspondJng Alumnae Club were ln charge ol of the Junior Aaalaance Leaaue secretary, Mrs.. Walter Spicer. the dHSert meet.Jnr ot the croup will be f~ted Monday Pvenlng at llabon w1lb the Sen lor AasJstance held Tue.day ~en Ina a t lbto the CUff Haven home of Mra. Earl Learue, and Mra. Forretrt Neal, home of Mrs. Robert Donker In I Peterson, newly electt'd chaJr-retlrlnr put pre$! dent. who Is j Santa Ana. The of11cers are Mrs man of the Junlora. Other new parliamentarian. Ralph Penoyar, of Ana heim pre•· Chanaed from their regular officers who wUJ formally be In· Commltttoe members on the lderrt, Mta. Robert WUrox of •EWJOJIT Ull808 1M-I ~AT. IC.AaC8 11. 1- Elgin & Homilton W otches D•omonds Mountings W alJace Calder head JEWELER ) 11] E.rt C.O.Jt Hl9hw•y C:O.o~ del l-4•r . date of Jut Thursday to today atallf'd on Tuaday, March Z'T. at new board are Mrs. WIUiam Rlt· Costa Mt"SA. first vfce.presJdent (March 15), Book Section fV 1s a luncheon meeting at the New-ter, dental cllnlc; Mra. Hugh In charge of ways a nd means; holding a deseert meeting with port Harbor Yacht Club. are Mrs. Plumb, thrift lhop; Mrl. James I Mrs. LE-e Mallory. of Ga.rdton I Mta. s. J. Mansfield as hostess. Robert Crowner, first vice-chair· Penney, toy shop; Mrs . Hugh Grove, a«ond vice-president In Mrl. w. E. Lachenmyer I• chalr· man; Mrs. Roland Laaerlof. &ee· Hutson, publicity; Mr1. William I cha rge of arrangemenla; M.ra. man of the rroup. ond vtce-chalman; Mrl . Robert Grundy, welfare; Mra. Paul Lock· Milton EJu-a of S..nta Ana . sec- • • • Hartley, t7euurer; Mra. Fred rida-e. layettH and M.ra. Mol'gan retary; and Mrs. A. A. Cook of '============ Book Section I meets today rK•u.tiiiiiiiieiiiiroiiiiriiiiecoriiiiii..diiiil_n_g __ iiiisecriiii.e.,.jtiiiiaiiiiryiiii;iiiiMriiiiiiiia.iiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiobeiiiiiiiil;_, i.sc•h .. o.la.rsb .... ...:lp•.iiiiiiij;iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~La~g~u~n~a~, ~tr~e~as:.:ur~er~-~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilli.:=::.-..:======:; (Thursday> at the home of Mrs. Phil French. 211 Lnrkapur Ave .. Corona del Mar. Mrs. K. V. Dilts will present the review. Co·host· esses are Mrs. Lew Pe ttitt, Mrs. Edgar Carpenter and Mrs. Nlcho· las Brettner, Ebell Club presi- dent. • • • Progressors No. II will ta ke a trip to the International Flower Show In Inglewood. Wednesday. A bus wlll leave at 10 a.m. from the city hall. Junior Ebell t o Hold Ball O n June I st The date of Friday. June 1. has been set for the J unior Ebell Club's annual Cotton Ball and the party will again be held at the C a p Is t rano Beachrombers Club. Dinnet and dancing this yea r will be In a setting of an old Southern Showboat. Semi- formal attire will be worn. Plans for the party were dis- cussed last week at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. C. E. Holloway, 218 Pearl Ave .. Balboa Isla nd, who Is assisting Mrs. Myron Miller, chairman of the ball. Mrs. Charles Woodward and I Mrs. Tom Baume will be In c h a r g e of decorations. Mrs. I Philip Ma urer and Mrs. Richard Holder will have cha rge or reser ·l vatlons. , Information abqut the party I will be presented to the general membership or the club at the J unior Ebell luncheon meeting next Thursday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Oswald Jack· son, curator at the Laguna Art Gallery, will present a program "From Showboat to Broadway" at the luncheon meeting. DL IlEA AWAY Dr. Robert Rea of Newport and I Corona del Mar Is In New OJ'. leans for two weelul attending a surgical seminar of the Amerl· can Rhinological Society being Jfeld at Tl.llane University. • • ... .. Pre· . :~a{llll~":-!: ~ .~ .. ~~.~F!i WI I1Yite JH II •jiJ 1M CIIYMielct If One-Stop Shopping For The Entire Family! * WGIEI'S WEAR * * Suits * Ja ckets * Skirts * Dresses * Separates * Blouses * Sweate rs * Playclothes *Sw im Wear * Lingene * Bras and Girdles * Hosiery * Handbags & Baske ts * Je welry Ba~ies: Aces: 0 to 3 * * Complete Layettes * Underwear * Dresses * Socks * Shoes * Swim Wear * Play Clo thes * Toys * le1's Wear * -Gnd- Accu11riu (20 years to 1 02) * Suits * Sport Coats * Arrow Shirts * U S. Keds * Ca talina Sw unwem * Balboa Swim Trunks * Shoes * Sport Shirts * Sweaters \ Girts: Aces I II 14 Y .. s * Showy Dresses * Play Clothes * Dress Shoes * Carter's Underwear * Jean Duram Dresses * U S Keds * Catahna Swtm Wear * Play Clothes BRUirs Is 1'111 f'Official" Girl Scout Headquarters -FOR- * Girl ScoutB and Brownies * Leaders * Mariners * Bit's Wur: Aces: 4 It 20 * *Gold R1vet Jeans * Peggers * Carter s Underwear * U S Keds * Dress Shoes * Belts * Suspenders * Sla cks * Sport Coa~s * Sport Shu ts * WOMEN'S * * MEN·s * Lilli Ann Su its Summer Sports' Wear Sacony Suits, Oreue1 Lancer Shirts and ptay T 09' Rosenblum Jad:ets C•talina Swim Wear end S~irts B.tlbo. Ori9ineh-~il Altbaum Swim Wear Jonathan L09an Town & KinC)--Swu+er1 Alea Colman Bobb~ ~~ ~i+e Ste9 Forever Y ex~ng U.S. Keds (Half·si'les) Cooper-Jodey Shorts "D.mi" lh sit.s Hanes end BenshW. Hos*'f • Catalina Swim We•r end ptay Togs * GIRLS * * BOY'S WEAR .J..n Ourein Drellft lanc.er. Jr • s.cony Sports' W Hr A-lP~ K..te~•Y Ta~ s&.ch c.n., Linprie U. S.Kecls Holeproof l.inprie C.t.ttnas..w..w.., BRANDT'S of CORONA del MAR 1111 EAST IUIT -It II ~ . • * Featuri.Dg ..art ward..., ~·el tar,._, Wo--. aDd CldWrea. A -~ •l•ftl•• Wgt·•qudty ... k»awl..sc-.. * * '* "-tr aiFt.fll•' 1 • * • '* WE GIVE SUI GWZN SfAMPI * '* UIE PROB.UL T A LITTLE TOtJKG to atteDd tbe Soroptlmats d1JuMr da:Dce at the Beac:bCIOIDhft'a Club OD AprU 6. Dnerthel .... wee GiDDy Pratt wa:Dta to belp tbe aerYice dub ra1ae tuDela to build a club.bOUM for tbe Gid a Club. c:hJef pbU· a:Dtbropy of tbe Soroptlmats by collectiD9 bane fOJ' ~ for tbe daDce. ~ tbem bolD GiDDy 1a Velma O'Brlela. cbcdnllaa of tbe buffet diDDer·daDca. Otben watdl.lD9 are. left to ri91lt. CordeUa Le Moa. l..ouJ.M B•· tetler. Belea Pratt GDd Mabel Pibmont&. (Terry Bori.a photo) Camp Fire Leaders Assn. Installs Officers for '56 Cl'liw HIPia•ar Is DIIIICM ., Fire A short In an electric line started a tire aboard the 55-foot cabin cruiser, H I g h 1 a nd e r, moored at the Balboa Bay Club at 10:54 a.m. Sunday. The fire charred wood on the starboard Panhel Will Hold Benefit Fashion Brunch on Mar. 21 ..,. •ancJM. wW bla.om I dene Coplen, lila. Ed&ar Witmer, fGrtb Wltb 1~ prlJ.a on eaeb Mra. Wenker, Mra. Arthur Aune, table to prove that "aprlnl Ia In Mra. J«*Pb RliP and Mrs. Carl the aJ.rH at the a.nnual aprlnl Veutrom. brunch ol the Newport Harbor ------- Pallhela-Je on Wed n e a d a y , llarcb 21. The benetlt faablon party wUl aid the Panbellenle a c b o Ia ra h I p lund. Fulalona hatched f« Sprln& 19e'e will be ChJ Ome,a Alumnae of Or· pre.ented by Marilyn'• of eo.ta anae County ~ meet at 7 :.:S u ... at the party beln1 held at p.m. next 'Jbunday, March 22, the Co8ta Meu Friday Afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter R. Club. Wlllon, 2315 Valencia Ave., Mra. Richard Hilliard of Har· Santa Ana, for a aoclal meetln&. bor 1019 or Mrs. Richard Wenker of Harbor 3647 will accept reset· Mrs.· K. Stamey ~11 of New- dj port, Miss Vlr&inla Andrews of vatlona for the party, acoor n1 Santa Ana, Mrs. Robert Wade of to Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvey, Panhellenlc Oran&e and Mrs. Earl Turner of president. Mrs. Hilliard l.a gen-Fullerton are newly named eral chairman of the fa.ahlon members of the membership brunch. She la aaaWed by Mrs. committ~ tor the aorol'ity alum· Robert Callla and a cornmlttee nae. Mrs. WU.On wa.a named lncludln& Mrs. WUlla.m Da.na, hlstortan at the la.at m~Un& of Mrs. A. K. SamJ*>n, Mrs. Na· the eroup. -- , ~,1,sss b1 ... Ou oJ • lilay ~OtHr pot pop~ pd4tU,Al , " , up-yoru Olfln 11tape.mau., Herd. Lolli· wmA ,.,.ton powr Ml &entl1 MOU, • •-m-o-o-t.A •illto!UlU v/Uk wp Gll4 bouon cu64 trim tiHIUtline and tlai&lu. S ML White-Black Panty or Matching Girdle Petite Ville .. Petite Ville ..... means "little village." We DO stock Famous Name clothes in "liHie" sizes ... but we ALSO carry . "HALF" sizes, Misses and Petites * Edith Martin * Leslie Fay Petites * Lucinda Misses * Ro-Nel Jr's. among others, as well as * SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES * 3409 East Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Camp Fire L<>aders. co-leaders,\ Harbor House to Install the sponsors and council members newly elected otficers of the met recently with their wives West Orange and Harbor Area and husbands In the Costa Mesa I Camp Fire Leaders Associations. Retiring Chairman. Mrs. Er· C Advertisement l nest A. Laurin of Newport PerCJ Hats Heights. Introduced Miss Eldora De Mot, Regional Di rector of Re · side of the engine room, which -------------------------------------------------• was extinguished by firemen. Create New gion v. who gave a report on recently adopted by-laws of the Se.•illlfiOI National Association of Camp .u Fire at the Chicago Convention. We found Mariane Percy of Laguna &ach brimmmg with enthusiasm. Brims wtth the for- ward look. Rockers. and Bump- ere;, all ca<:y to wear. O!Cicers from this area are M~. Paul Rodet of Balboa, chair· ma ; Mrs Elliot Morris of Bal · boa Island. vice-chairman. and Mrs. Kenneth Chubbuck of Costa The boat is owned by Bruce W. McNeil and L.. G. McNeU of Los Angeles. The amount ot damage was undetennlned. N e w p or t Beach firemen and the harbor department f ire boat worked to extinguish the blaze. Phone In your news stories to your local newspaper, the En- sign. Harbor 1114. It's m Vogue! It's m Fabrics by Everfast! For the ftrst time il\ sE-veral years. dt>signed for the full face and figure. they arc more tha n f I a t l c r i n g . Trims arE' varied. Flowers. Maline. or Tailored. Mesa. sec r et a r y . Committe<> r-------..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; chairmen a re Mrs John Oliver, hospitality; Mrs. Walter Rcviea. c;('tVkf!' projects; Mrs. Bradley K. Schwarz. Orange County Fair Featured are Howard Horige of project; Mrs. Ernest A. Laurin,~ New York. Parkelayne of Dallas. Jblicity· Mrs. Robert Haxton. Walter Mucllf!'r of San FranciS<'O. PI • and of course Percy's own cus·i day camp. and Mrs. Ralph I tom creations. <Adv.l Waterman, peanut sale. Which Type Are You? Vivacious or Serene ... Dark or Light . . . or in Between. a. c ......... .. Crull I N .... F• YIUI Harbor 4014 3026 E. Coast Hiway-Corona del Mar "Exclusively" at . . . Williams Stationers CRANE'S rme Papers ••• since 1801 The accumulated skills of 155 years have gone Into the manufacture of this clear and beautiful writing sheet ... the best that can be produced! * * BEADQUA.ftEJIS roa * Party AID • .._ IfCII'C!Oa ....._ Yol.kald GD4 P1av 111 Carda t. All Oc '•• , *YARDAGI *LININI Field Flowers are Blooming in Voguel as advertised March I d issue Smart liHie girk like fashionable grown-ups. pid the flowers they see in Vogue:· gathered in tiny bouquets and tumbled over one of the preHiest party dresses in many e spring. It's crisp. coHon satin with a sweetheart nedline, e n c h a n t i n g new peek-a-boo sleeves puffed low on the arm, and a simply e n o r m o u s skirt equipped with the famous hidden podet. The fabric by Everf..t, made crease-resistant by boer· glaze* Orange or blu. in sius 3-6x, 6.91 7-12 ..... As Advertised Mard:. I st issue No matter where young fashionables go this spring. if they'd love to look like a page out of Vogue, this is how they'll go: in dress of bled and white striped "Fanfi· kay" pique' with a hot orange bodice-band and streamers, and e hidden pocket in a skirt so full if pr6Ctically begs for crino- liu.s. crease-resistent by ~uee Sites 7-12, a.tt r ~~ ... .. .......-. ~ -----. --..,.-.. --.... ~--·--"':' -. ., I Mrs •. Hoffman Re-elected by PTA Council Mrs. Cue Hotfnian wu ,._ elected to eerve another term u preeJdent ol the Harbor Coundl ol PTA at Jut week'• meetlnc held In the boaJ'd room o1 N.w· port Harbor Rich SchooL Tha.e elected to ~~erve With ber are Mrs. William O'Brien u fint vice prealdent; Mrs. H&J"WY Pease, MCOnd vice prMidettt, Mrs. Georce Gri.Utn, recordlnc secretary; Mrs. Charlet~ Stanley, correapondlnc aeeretary; Mrs. 1. Malcolm Reid, treuW'f!l'; Mrs. Porter SlnclaJr, audJtor, and Mra. B. H. Burnett, bt.torlan. The new ottlcera will be Inducted Mon · day, April 9. Events Listed for Holy Week ft1JBDAT, IIAKII 15, 1-MEWIOft IIAmiOa QS~a. 7 Ride in the Easter Parade in a New • .-TIIEITII., UICKJI • IEICUIY * Fill * US-5545 Newport Beach Special ~nts for Holy Week at Chrl.st Church By the Sea In Newport Beach are announced by the mlnl.ster. Rev. Roy A. '.m------~--.,.--!SIII.--... -~~-IiiliiiOil-=-~=====~===~::::=:=~:;:=:::::=:;:=~;::::====z:::~.J carlson. I A class ot new members w1ll be received Into the church on Palm Sunday momJnc at the 11:00 o'clock .ervtee. A cood number of declalona for Chrl.st and membership In the church were made 1n the recent "Mareb of Faith" empbut.. Aleo bap· tlsm of Infant. and younger chll· dren will be provided In a spe- cial service at 10:00 a.m. on Euter momtnc. 'nlla lei'Vice wm follow Immediately after the early lef'Y1ce of worship at 9:00 a.m. Parent. wlabJnc to arrange for Chrlatlan Baptism should contact the church office, HAr· bor 52:29. NewHt ~enion of America'amo.t exciting car '56 FORD THUNDERBIRD S.. It Today At THEODORE ROBINS ''THUNDERBIRD HEADQUARTERS'' 3100 WEST COAST BICBWAT XEWIOaT aEACII -----~-------- 1956 Show Pieces in Maple * by LeacliDg Ncmulactw.. * * Ethan Allen * Gold Oro * Queen City * Negley & Son * Sprague & Carlton * Country Houae * Belcher Pine * S. Bent & Broa. * Calpa Lampe * Roeanna Lampe ........... _ .... _WE AilE JIOVINQ ••• lOON-==----- .....,_,.._,...~~._ . ,...-. ... ~ ..................... . c.-.. llair Decorative StudiO Bed hy INCO W.tfl matching fabric on headboard and mottr.u COIIfi.ETE. DIC.UDIJfC • 2 llctb ·-.......... .2 ......... &Lep Available In a large SeJectJon of MatcbJng Fabrics "II CO" STU•o IEDS CIN~ct T1Ua Special Pric:le '"Excl · ely" at \UD~ ••• P.fed in gu.st roon'l os stvdio ~ Neat and OfiToctift without ccwerings I S<ud;o b«h <qU.Uy ot home ;n • 8'"" •oom ., ;n • btdroom ... Attracti•t, modtrn·patttmtd htad· board covtring. rtputtd oo the mattress and tht bo:r spring •.. lnceKJuality guarmt~ in t-o•try studio btd ... with full inntrspring constructton. ~isa.l insulation, pre-built border and taped td•--•1 strength. e Come lD Today e S.*:t \'O'U Studio. hda lD ~Uha11DcrtcbJD9 fatw1cs. Y• C• Dt Better II- , ........ ,, FURNITURE "C••fl. I••• F•ailhiap" I .. :J . • 1839 Newport AYe., at Harbor BlYd., Liberty 8-2454 Costa Mesa We Ire Pll•••• II a.e•• 0. lff•ll••ll 11 Y11r 1...., Area h1ler fw ''FialliiE" IEF.UTIIS * IWIIES *WISHERS* HYERS* We lnYite You to Come in and See the Leader, 1956 Frigidaire Appliances . at right-"the leader" In color to moke your kitchen glow-- Moyfotr Ptnk., Sheffield Groy, Strot· ford Yellow or Sherwood Gre.n-this wonderful Frigidaire has the roll·to-you shelves, the picture window hydrator, the sltdtng meot tender and a handy egg server. The huge JIPOrote food f,_:rer With rofl-out f,..ur baskets will hold 168 pounds of food ~afely frozen. CoiOf Jlightty higher. ww.. Ftt·i•••·· ...,, u I-M37 f'IIGIDAIRE ····-• llaaDJla• Tile "28 " FIIIIIIIIE Refrigerating Unit laJwat ....... ,._, ef rrtplidra'a .,.. .... ,_ ... t II, ..... .. NilriU Alw .... -... _. ... ,_.., You ccm buy .,_.. -willl e H•t W»l I ~HIII,callllle For A Free D•••atratitl * Ba:rbor 1742 3117 Eat Cocut Bwy.. COROJfA DEL MAR c;:sl« PARADE OF SPRING FASHIONS Dresses Jewelry a1d Coals that compliment your personality! 445 South Coast Blvd., Laguna for HEAD · TURNING ~ TURI TO I I I PIIFESSIOUL IEAUn CUE! It's so wonderfully satisfying to know that you're looking your loveliest ... that heads turn to admire you! The sure way to achieve such loveline ss is to trust your beauty C<"re to our highly- tr.,ined o perators. For ., soft. natural looking permanent wave and a coiffure designed especiolly to flatter you, make your "P' pointment with our stylids soon. Tommy Wilson's Beauty Salon 2515 E. eoa.t Highway, Corona del Mar Telephone HArbor 2187 HARBORITE TELLS OF ITALY TRIP While the Marlon Grar-are movJna from Shore cu.a. to k)' laland, their daya are consider· ably brightened by lntet'atlnl letter. received from the dauah· ter Diane, who 1s pauslna ln Italy and around the Medlter. ranean, mld·way In her trip .'round the world. She writes. "The cold &nd wet weather that hu marked my trip to date has done ltttle to dampen my spirits for aJehtsee· tna. I feel that I cannot see ~ouah ot this beautiful and ln· aplrlne country and lt I contract pneumonia In dolne so, it will be worth lt. I emerge each morn· tng from my hotel dressed tor Antarctlca~mplete with mit· tens, wool cap, umbrella. rain boots, scarf, sweaters and coat- also CAMERA, just In case." From the sound of Dl'a letters, ahe Is visiting every nook and cranny In Rome. including the old old catacombs, Appian way, the many churches and the fa· mous statues and paintings done by such artists as Michaelangelo and Raphael. One of her aide trips took her to see the ruins of Pompei and the town ot Sor· rento. "Loved Sorrento," she writes, "and couldn't resist getting some quaint little music boxes for which It Is famous. Sorrento Is perhaps the most beautl.ful place I have yet visited-certainly the spot I would most want to revisit again-very charming and eay with everyone singing. Sunday we took the boat to Capri and spent the day. We were fortunate that weather conditions a nd calm water permitted w to enter the Blue Grotto-magnltl~nt!" One p&rtJcularly amusing In· cldent took place on the way to the Blue Grotto. Tp enter the Grotto the visitors must change from the motor launch to a small rowhoat which accommo- dates only two people. At the very entrance the boat occupants must crouch down In the boat to avoid the low hanging rocks. Miss Gray was crowded Into a boat with a very dlrnlfled Brl· tlsh gentleman, who remarked as they squeezed down to avoid getting hit. "My 'deah' young woman, lt we ever leave thls bloody place, you must permit me to Introduce myself." And to the wonders of Italy, Dl adds, "I'm so -grateful for my wonderful education that even GIRL SCOUT more enables me to appreciate all that I see-no doubt about It, howevN, thls (travel) is the finest education of all." Miss Gray Is on the Medlter· ranean part of her 'round the world voyage. After stopping In '10 MAftJCVLATK l~ey ot 312 Nard~ Ave., Two Harbor Aru .tudenu at Corona del Mar, a junior at Po- Pomona Coll.,e are amon1 295 mona, and ltebec<:a F. Smith, matrlculenu who were honored dauahter ol Mr. and MrL Phillp at traditional Matriculation Day Smith ot 2708 Bayahore Dr., Bay exerclaee at Claremont 1~ Sat· Shores. a 10phomore and a 1.954 urday. They included Wllllam M. craduate ot Newport Harbor Jettrey, son ot Mra. Phyllta P. Hllh School. ..... ,., ......... Spring Shipment OP Decorative PILLOWS 20 ••, £11111111 Celen! .. , ... , ..... HURRY! WHILE SELEmiiS are COIPLETE! • * £DEBT. FUE. Dn'EIUOB DECOilATDfG SEBVJCE * Diek Maeker * Carpets * Drapery * Upholstery Ill Tbe Jfew Lido SbopplDg C.ater HArbor '321 3420 Via Lido Jfewport lleach Brownie Troops 41 and 3 along with their leaders. Mrs. Francis Riley and Mrs. Charles LeFevre. recently went on a trip to the Marine Corps Lighter than Air as their co-leadN. Mrs. William Kloe<'kner and Mro; Roger liard- acre who also accompanied the girls. Base. The girls were permitted to D t I Off• Southern France and Spain she will sail for New York, arriving near the middle of March. Her trip has already taken her from San Francisco to Hawaii. to New Zealand. Australlla, Ceylon. Suez and the other Mediterranean areas ... planned by the Grays and the C'orona del Mar Travel Bureau to visit the wa rmest areas during three of the winter months In which she travelled, but actually running Into some j snow and ice during this. the l r~~l=d=~~t~w~ln~t~e~r~l~n~r~:::nt~tl~m~~~·==::::::~-~-~-=~======~~==~-~=-~:=:::=============~ look Inside a helicopter to see I en a Ice what makes the "whirly·blrds" !1y. Then they were taken on a Q d H tour through one of the blimps.! pene ere Also at'compa nyi ng the girls I were t'O·leoaders of both troops. Or. John A. Rusch. dentist. has Mrs. Clair Barnett. Mrs. Ma ry just opened his professional of· Askew, and Mrs. John Loy. I fiN? at 2345 E. Coast Highway, • • • Corona del Ma r, part of the of· Tt st'Cms that Troop 41 has flees formerly occupied by Or. been travelling quite a bit these 1 Milton Maxwell. Or. Rusch hails days. Their leader. Mrs. Francis (rom Evanston. Ill. He took his Riley. and t'O·Ieaders. Mrs. Cla ir under graduate college work at Barnett and Mrs. Mary Askew. Northwestern U n I v e r s lty and took the girls to Laguna Bcat'h Lake Forest Collegeo. a ftN which to the House of 5 Million Shells. 1 he joined the army in World where they ooo'd and aaah'd War II. He served as an enlisted over literally 5 million sheolls As ma n In the lOth Mountain Oivi. the girls were leaving. they were slon in Colorado and later in given sheolls and post cards as t'hemical warfareo In the South mementos of their visit. Pad fk ending the war nn the • • • Phlllipines Troop 25. under tht' leadership After his discharge he took h is of Mr~>. Margaret McKa my and d<'gree In dentistry at Temple co-leader Mrs. Ellis Zander, took University In Philadelphia. grad· the S('C()nd grade Brownie girls uatlng in 1951. Dr. Rusch then to the Corona del Mar Fire Sta-served four more years In mill· 1 tion. There Mr. Krause showed tary servke. this time the air the girls the living quarters. as corps. He was stationed at March well as the entire sta tion. He Field where he held the rank also explained the duties of a of captain. The Rusch family are fireman and o ut II ned safety still living In Riverside and look· rules which worked in with the lng for a house In the Harbor salety program the Brownies are Area. The family Includes Mrs. studying. Rusch and three boys. Edward, • • • 16, Christopher, 13, and John, 6. Orange Coast College Agrlcul· tural Department was the scene of much activity recently when Mrs. M at hew Cox took her Brownie Troop 44 to the College. Or. Watson arranged the trip for the girls and Mr. Simmons was the guide on the trip. The girls saw such things as cattle being prepa red for market, how soil Is tested. chickens and the egg fac· tory, tractors and other farm lm· plements In action, and the goats, who. we are Informed, are the most personable animals on I the farm. The hJghlleht of the trip wa.s each girl having an op· portunlty to hold a baby lamb. This was a trip long to be re· membered by the elrls as well UHiiiJ Pole Cll Off ia Car IIUa' The car of Charles D. Reeder of 3505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, completely sheared ·off a utility pole on Balboa Blvd. when some boys In a blue coupe forced his car off the road at 3:55 a.m . last Thursday, Newport pollee reported. The blue coupe left the scene travelling toward Balboa on Balboa Blvd., Mr. Reeder reported. Officers found the completely severed utility pole hanging by the wires on Balboa Blvd. between 40th St. and 41st st. acony. You Can Enjoy All This Comfort For as little as $5.00 per month T olte o look I AelUtMI's c leon·oa·a -br••z• open-boHom construe· tion permits you to do sol You'H ... the fom· OUI1 notiOftolly ocfver· tised conatructioft that Ia "eftglne..-ed" for a lifetime of comfoft Oftd utility I ,,..,.,.,.,...., ... ..... ,,..,. * * r.a.yr .... * Upto38 JDOadwtopq * o.-I'lL 'ftll ..... ... ~ * ln nayone's life ... there's a chair ... bud&a· wise the easiest to own of tll fwnicurc. So why not nuke the focal point of,_,. mockrn, TV livina • Plcuteel I.ou.ntc OWt ... for the nt.CDe flexmcl is the w:ry symbol of depnce, quality, luxury ... loun,e in p:tttt CXMilion than you•.c ever dresmed possibk. It's the chair you'll 6nd as friendly as a family pet .•. tl,aya bcck6nina you to rd•ndon. That' a li.U.,l i!l·••":.w. "" ....... , o( ••••• ... ana c•.,••• , .. " '••••• nat