HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign'
All's Quiet
'"J'')e quietest Euler Week,
and the smallest crowcb ot any
Euter Week l have ~n." That
wu the comment of Newport Po·
lice CbJ4If Jobn L. Upaon yester-
day u the tint holiday week
pueed the halt-way mark.
No major dlaturbancea have
been reported, althourh the num-
ber ot anesu hu kept u p with
the total ot Jut year. Up to Tues·
day mldnlrht, approxlmately the
h alt-way point, Newport polte.
bad booked 24 juveniles and 36
a.dulta atnce Easter Week offt.
dally 8t&rted at 4 a.m. Friday.
Thla la about halt of la.st year's
total for the enUre week-& ju-
ve niles and S7 adult..
The juvenile arrests through
Tuesday Included 3 totoxlcatlon,
3 aleeptnc In auto, 2 run awa)'B,
7 poaeeaton of alcohol, 2 curfew,
1 petty theft. 1 dlaturblnc the
peace. Flnt booklnrs were two
hltdl·h lklng juveonlle boY' 15
and 16, from Tempe, Ariz., at
5:45 p.m. Friday. Their parents
were notltled.
Car tra..Uic on Marine Av~ ..
Balboa Island, hu been conald-
erable at peak hours. but the
emeTrency ua!ftc control plan
at Marine at Bayside Dr. did not
have to be put In effect.
lncreaaed crowds a.re e'ltpected
thla Friday and Saturday, be·
no tr.,..> xceo.. na1
..--...._ ol OanSeD Gnwe,
............. Ida tat.DtioD to ru..D
tw tile a--. s..ate. Be Ia a
.,_aczat ad wU1 aou-W..
.. baa ll...S 1la GardMa Gron
the past II !MIS. Ia IDCII'ri.ct
CIDcl a a.aber of Tille Pint
aaptSat C b a w c Ia of Ca:rdeo a....... .. la tbe Wl'lt. of a
bomor eel~ '"PCinDN Me·
Cobe lea... .. la a lonDer
Member of tbe Oklahoma
State ~ .tuds.d low
CID4 ~ Clll A.a. Deg1M. B •
appecaed • tile GJooadao Mcux
Proguaa, t.oadcwt tbe ....,.
craw &CIOJ CID4 DAI. CID4 .,.
c.aUy bad a .tc.y pablltbed
~ bla ...... t.ia tbe April
luae of Good 8aaiDMt JDCI9CI•
cause the Oranre County schools KOT Df ASSEKaLT llACE
wtll be starting their vacations. Newport City Councilman Lt'e
(A day-by-day account ot Wllder, who bu been mentioned
Easter Week activity, as ~ported u a possible candida~ for state
In pollee recorda. Is recorded In assembly. told the EnslfCO yes-
the "Pollee Blotter." beflnnlng tel'day that he would not entel'
on page 2 of this Issue of the the usembly race. Ftllnr dead·
Erud~) ----------------~Un __ e_a __ th __ Ls_Fr1 __ d_a_y_. ________ _
Three-Hour Good Friday
Service at St. Andrews
Big Growth
Is Assured
Boundaries of the future City
I or Newport Beach. as It wUJ be
when developed to Its full poten-
tial of 76.000 population. were
revealed to the City Council
Monday evening In 1he report
submitted by water consultant
isler ithdraws
From Council ·Race
James M. Montgomery.
, Mr. Montromery. submitted
the final report on the water
system that wlll be n~ed to
8er'Ve the tremendous city of the
2 Left In
B.l. Race Maps Included In the water
report re-vealed the city bound· I
a ries, reachtnr deep Into Irvine 1 Ranch territory and down to 1 2 w • • E. Ralph Schlalel' of Balboa ~~st~~.~~ ~c:~e·::· ~~~:~ -rlte.-ans Island announcedhlawlthdrawal
WI\S done with the cooperation p 'd • yesterday u candidate for New-
d I f th lrvl c r 0 p 0 s e In port City Council In District 5 . an aas stance 0 e ne 0 ·• 1 This leaves two active candl bfocau~~e aiding him In complllnr '
his report was Wayne Eaton, c •1 j R 1 d~tes In the Balboa Island dis-
chief engineer for the Irvine Co. OUnCI I ace 1tr1ct-lncumbent Clarence Hlg-
The pre-sent city houndary al· t 1 ble and former Councilman Hans
d I I th U 8a Write-In candid tes are being Broering whom Mr Higbie de· rt.>a y enc rc es e pper y. ""•...A 1 1 1 h · · Tht> rutur~ northerly boundary pro~ n two str cts n t e feated In the 1955 election
will follow an easterly ~xtenslon ~~ Beach April 10 Councll 1 Mr. Schisler's name will ap I
of Dt.>l Mar Ave , at the vt.>ry top e ect on. pear on the ballot, and so will
or the Upper Bay. This line will ~n Dlstr~~ 5· !-lboa l~and. that of Mrs. H1gble. who S<'Veral
extend for two miles easterly w ere can a ..... Ralph his· weeks ago announced she was
I from Palisades Rd. to a point dl-ler announced hls withdrawal withdrawing as a candidate Jn
rectly above Corona del Mar and Crolml thel raceth. tMre a talk of favor of her husband. I wr t ng n e namf' or Mrs two miles Inland from the pres-Louis Csenar who Is a membe The following statement was I
t>nt ctty limits hf're. The bound-of the NewPort ~ach Elemen~ I issued by Mr. Schisler:
ary line then will tum toward tary School Board and is as.'IO· I "I do not wish to be turtht.>r
the coast. to approach the Crys-elated with the Ray Realty otfiC't' ronsldeTed as a candidate for
tal Cove area In 5tep-ladder !ash-"No objection." said Mrs. Csenar councilman of Newport fk>ach
ton The forward slopes of lhf' In District 6, southt.>asterly Co · To those of you who had In
lrvtne hills will be Included rona del Mar. wherf' Incumbent 1 ~ndt'd to vote !M me, 1 urge you
within city limits. but Crystal Councilman ~ Wilder 11 unop-1 to vote for the Incumbent. Mr.
Covt.> Itself Is excluded. posed, the name of Attorney A. I Higbie. Do not vote for me
Mr. Montgomery estimates that K. Ph~lps hu been pro~ ... 1 ''I furtber urge you to vote CO·CB.AiaXEJif aoa-1 S. JcaD.. (left) cmd T . ._ }CIIIMS wtU JeacS
5.950 df'Velopable acres wUl be am surf' anyone would a~t an against Amendment 402 ralslng tbe cruade lD OraD Coaaty 4u.r1ag AprU.
added to the city. He further honor like that .. , Mr. Phelps re-I the wages of city councilmen, as ca:DC* CJe
estimates lot sizes In these addl· marked 1 believe there ~ many who
tiona! residential areas to be · consider It a civic duty and prlv-
such that theTe wUl be an aver-8 G Uere to serve our city. This serv-
are ot 3..2 lots per acre. with a 0 y 5 an g Up tee should not be considered
popuJaUon density of 3 penons from the standpoint of lncreas·
per dwelling unit. Thls m.ean.a On Mesa Tr·eo lns ones Income." an •tma ted lncnue of a bout Mr. Sc:bJaler did not turtheT
!51S.800 population. brtnctnc the elaborate on his declalon to bow
ultimate total to '7'6,000 by the j Two C.U Mea ~7'8 were In· out ot the coundl race.
Request to Sell Bait
In Harbor Is Den·
year 2000. which Is f4 y~us lnl jured In a n rht with fJve Un· The April 10 election Ll now Nt.>wpor1 City Council voted 6 I del Mar; w. s. Wltmer. 21XT1 Bay-
the future. known juvenile boya on the narrowed down to two contffi to 1 Monday e-vening to deny the side Dr.. Corona del Mar. and A htrh point In the Harbor 1 Church at 6:30 a .m. Southern Mr. Montromery proposed a beach n~ar 325 E. Edgewater ants In two dlstrlct.s. In Dl.strlct request of 452 fiShe-rmen and from the Balboa ~Insula Point
Ana obeftvance of Holy W eek BaptlsU of Orange County will water system construction pro-Avt.> · Balboa, about 3 P m. Satur-
No. 1. Chllrles E Har1 ls running boat operators to aJlow sale of Association. They said that salf'
and Euter will be the dramatic hold a jolnt Ea.ster Sunr~ Serv-Rram at an lnltlal cost of day. against Incumbent Councilman live batt within the harbor. of baJt ln the harbor would
t.llrft'·hour aftV!ce tomorrow -Ice at Knott.l Beny Farm. whe~ $331.000. but requiring an addl·j Georste Sortor. 16. of 207'9 Presl· ~aid Bennett. Councilman ~ "Wto havf' no recommendation cause a nulsan~ through no~
Good Fliday-cponsored by the Dr. S. G. ~ of Fresno. execu-tlonal S3.489.000 between now dent Pl · r~lvt'd a large lump Wilder ls unopposed In District 6 to malce .. "Aid th~ report of the and pollution -btned churches of the New-tlve 14!!Cretary of the Southern I and the year 2000. on his rtrht forehead. apparently ""'" I f bel hit b b t k J rommlnee headed by Curt Dosh. Arruinr for the petition wen-port Harbor Councl.J of Churches Baptists ln CaUtomla. will be the The ultimate water require· rom ng Y a r c . erry N A • namt'd by the Council to evalu-Capt. Cy Tucker of N~rt
and p~nted at the sanctuary speaker. ment for the future city of S.070 Thompson. 15. of 973 Linden PI . e w nne X In 9 atf' and lnvKtlgate lhf' petition Heirhts. Sam Hill of Ct.>ntral or St. Andrews Church. Newport Warren White. son of the late acres is 21.835 acre feet per year. was knocked out cold from a The rommlnee had hf'ld two NeY.'port. Harry HPrbst of Ne-v.
Helrhta.. Dr. Hany Whit~. will be soloist Mr Montgomery aald. Hls mastt>r blow to tht> chin A companion. M M d d
Seven mlnlst~ of churches at the 11 a .m. aervlce of the Bal-plan Includes the ultimatE.' ex-Gerald Sortor. 15, 973 Presldt.>nt ove S a e :'n"'~~!:r!':~ta.s unable to reach =~net~nd Councllm&n Geral
throughout the Harbor will tak~ boa Island Community Metho· tension of water P 1 P e 11 n e 5 PI · was not hurt ~tters protesting the sale of Capt. Tuckt'r. who had t>M-n a
part 'n the S«VIce baaed on dJst Church throughout the city of the futurt>. The trio said they wtore un· N<'W annexation overture-s were bait In the harbor were r~tvt'd mf'mber ot th(' c 0 m m 1 t 1 f' e .
Christ's last words on the (TOSS. A midnight service Easter tow~ Clvt.> water reservoirs In tht.> new justly accu~ or making jes· made Monday f'venlng to New from Bert Fehren, 2290 Channel pointed out thP 1mpor11tn('(' of
Meditations Or the mlnls•-will will be held at Our Lady of Mt. water zones, and a 292·acre·foot turt'!' at the five other boys and port City Council by flrrns In the 1 0 h ...... ,. ...,,. fl<>ht t rt d Ceo Sort c M ld f Rd .. Balboa. 0 lveT m..<;t>t . ~ fishing. sa yin~ that It Ia the far. be ,1v .. n In ""'-mlnut'"' ,_r1-.. -. Carmel Chur .. h. Th-fl-East'"'r open reservoir easterly of Mac· a ~ s a e . rre • or Wt.>st osta esa area outs e o Ch 1 .,.. B 1.___ L 1 b h
• "' 6oO,I " r-uua " "' '"'' "' 1 t Sll f hi llet d h h 1 1 r1 anne '"'. a UUll : auren<'t' ~est Sing e rnntrl utor to t e-maklng It poulbleforwonhlpers Sunday aervl~ at Christ Church Arthur Blvd. about a mile Inland I tr: t'~m ths w: ~n ~~~~ t ~5 oestr ng annexatfon st P Bootht.>. 2015 Bayside Dr .. Corona t"<''nomy r.f this arf'a. Sam Hill to en ter or leave the sanctuary by the Sea w111 be moved up to of Corona del Mar. rown n o e ay. e o ,. requests camt.> rom the said It wnuld not be nt"(.'('S'Iarv.
1 Nt.>w·port poll<'t" that he was at-Cla·Val Co , 1701 Pla<'t'ntla Avf'. d J dun nr the service. 9 a.m. In order to allow a 10 tt.>mptlng to hit one of the fel· and from D. G. Griswold. on Draw y o ·an s to st"ll bait n£'ar bav front ho~
DeYotlonaJ meuagea YMI be a.m. Baptl&mal serv1ce for In· Veferiii'J •• ,Hal Iowa with a brick when ht.> "got Monrovia Avt>., betwt.>en 17th If bait boat" could be allowed
prewnted u follows: fants and children. To accommo-clobbert'rl.. Thf' s 0 r t 0 r boys and l8th Neither of thf.>"W.' pro-c • 1 s ff f'Vt>n 75 ff"t't ins1de the je-tty
12 noon to 1.2:30 p.m .. Rev. da~ an overflow of visitors. the Site H•l•c Is Set picked up tht.> Thomp!IOn youth I pertles are continguous to lht.> •ty s t a breakwatt'r Haf'\'('~ Somer'l of
James Stewart. Luke 23:34. "Fa-Corona del Mar Community after tht.> fight. canted him to Newport City boundary. Both r.-Balboa. also a ml'mber of thf'
ther for(t1ve them." Church wlll hold the 11 a .m. Prott.>Sts were received by New-1 a car. and went to report thf' at I quests were referred to th<' rlt)'l A nf'w f'mploye In Nt>Wport commlnee, sa1d th1 su~5!'Mtlon
1.2:30 to 1T.55 p.m .• Rev. Don -~ Euter worship serv1C't' In the port City Council Monday eve. I tack to Costa Mesa poll<'t', whoj manager to see IJ annexation de C11v Hall Is 35·year·old Jerrold had bfoot-n ron!>ll'ft'rl."d but lht.> f'n·
aid Sapp, Luke 23:43. "VeT· Port Theatre with all rtve choirs nlnr against the proposed new 1 calll."d In Newport pollee. tails can be worked out. deorry' Drawdy who took over tran<'t' ch:.nn~>l wa.o; under the
lly 1 aay thls day shalt Thou bel ot the church partlclpatlnr. location of Dr. A. E. Stockton's thE' job of uslstant dln•ctor of control of thf" U S C.orps of En
with me In paradlae.'' Annual teatJval of spring will VeteTinary Hospital at the south· c •1 A R t building and ufl'ly on Monday. gineero;. and their approval would
12:55 to 1:20 p.m., Rev. lL C. be celebrated by the Universalist easterly corner of Hazel Dr. and OU nCI pproves e s r ooms handlln~t wnlng and planning be ne.ded
Cronic. Joh n 19:~. 'n. "Woman Community Fellowship at 11 am. Coast Highway. commission matten -------
bebold thy .on. .on behold thy at the Ebell Club, Balboa. The Planning Commission has t B B •It t 8 I b p· Hf' Is a natiVf' of Florida. c .• ty to s pend mother." A 3 p.m. Infant Baptlml serv-approvf'd Dr. Stockton's appll-0 e Ul a a oa ler Sl!'f'\'t'd In thf' Na\"}' trom 1~1 to
1:20 to 1:45 p.m ., Rev. Herbert Ice wU be held at St Andrews cation for a use permit to con-1~ murh of that time aboard f
Johnson. Matthew 'r1 :46. "My on 'Euter afternoon. The chll· struct the hospital. Council re-After a considerable hasslE.' • Granted SIOO to Newpon carrlt>rs In conVO)' duty In the s I I I '7 50 0 r
Cod. My God. wby baa Thou tor-dren's flower wrvice wUI be held eelved protest letters Monday over priorities. th• Newport IfarboT High School for prize Atlantic He anendt"d Hamson
aaken me!" at 4 p.m. at St. J ames Eptacopal from Mr. and Mrs. Carl WesteT of Beach City Council accepted the awards In the lith annuaJ art Business Collf'ore In Orlando, F1a.. p E p Bo Cb h I Tuj r djolnl recommf'ndation ot the Park exhibit. • r operty 1:45 to 2:10 p.m., Rev. Y urc · unra. owners o a ng dl and whllf' still In coliP~t' he was
Cart.on .. John 1.9:28, '1 thlnrt." The Youth Chotr wtU make an property, and trom Mrs. Norman Commission and rected City e ~lved word from statf' appointed statf' St"n·IN' otfl<'t'r
2:10 to 2:35 p.m.. Rev. Edwtn appean~ In their new choir Dulworth, 41.2 Hazel Dr. A hear-Engineer ~rt Webb to pre';:t controllt.>r that the city ls tollglble for the Vettorans of Fort.>lgn Wars. Thf' ext>t>ndlturt> of S111.:i'= for
Gomke. John 19:30, "'t a Fln· 1'9bes at both the 9 :45 and 11 tng date wu set tor the AprU plans for restroom.t near the · fc)r population credit for Seaquist Hf' was on tht" national staff of purchal'e of Padflc Elflrtrlc lots
lahed" a.ril. Rr'Vioes of the F1nt Bapttct 23 Counctl mMtlng. boa Pier. annexation In Newport Helrhts VFW In Washington from 1947 on Balboa Blvd . ne-ar the City
2:35 to 3 p.m., Rev. Ewtnr Olurch ot Newport. Special music Council flrs't defuted a motion 1 • Approved the 5electlon of to 1953 Trailer Park, was approvt'd Mon-
Hucbon, Lu ke 23:48, "'Fathet,lnto Will be preeented a t 7:30 p.m. by I • ....._ oa... 0 WI by Councilman J. B. Stoddard to the red Bouralnvillea as city I He came to the west coast In day P~nlne by Newport Cfty
Thy h ancb 1 commend my the Ftnt Baptbt Church of Costa II'JI,... ... ,. II table the motion pendtnr a study nowt>r. 1953 making hls home In La· Counctl.
aplttt." • Mesa wben the combined church of the need and financing de-e Authorized city englnf'er to ~n~. He has workt'd In the Post Thf' PE propt"rty Includes the
St. l a mee Ept.eopal Church dloln of 100 voices wm present! .... , .... C.fllt tails. prf'pare plans for restrooma In Otfl~ ln South Laguna and at entire block betwt"f'n 16th and
w111 abo have a Cood FrldaJ the cantata, ''The Divine Re-Homer Smll.t\, Herb Kenny and Buck Gully. Corona del Mar. the Klnpley Mfr . Co. In Costa 17th ~. northerly of Balboa
eervtce trom noon to 3 p.Jft. deemer" from themes by Charles Winner In the ~gtonal spe«h Orville Schlueter were ~nt to • Approved thto cre~tlon of a Mesa. Blvd .. and five Additional Jotll In
Euter aunrlle Nr'vlcn wtll be Counoc:l, ~ by Merle Val-contest held at the Santa Ana arrue the ~ tor r.trooms. on new position, supt-rviJIOr of rec tht.> adjoining blocks. Thla pro-
held a t the First A~MmblJ ot dez. mlnlster of mule. and t~a-Muonfc Telftple last Thursda y the grounds that tremendous reatlon and authorized park and 8EST-OP·DEED WDiMEa perty wtll ~ ulled for expanaton
God Chu~h In eo.ta Mesa at twtnc .olos.ta Marlene Reed. was Marjorie Stovall. Harbor crowds come to the Balboa ocean recnatlon dlr«tor to bl.re three Crown Crest Zardonx. owned ot the City Trailer Park.
5:30 a.m. An outdoor worship Lola SWint, Wllllam Schuma n High eeulor. apoMOT'ed by the Mach. which ha..s no rest:rooms supervisors. by lCay Ftnch of Corona del Mar .. j Council authorized thf' expend·
service wtll be held at 7 a.m. and Don Valda. Southftn Bap· Balboa Ba,y lJona Club. at all. j • Approvf'd the ~.xchan,.e of won best-of brftd award foe Af . tture after ~lvlng otrklal word
on the pouncb of the Newport tJat Chwdl wtU ha ve a procr-am Marjorie wUl next compete In Th 11 110. the Balboa Hospitality PteT noat ghan hounds at the Glendale 1 that the Ale bad been approwd
Hu b« Lutheran Olurdl over-ot Euter mtUt~ at 7:30 p.m. pre-the a.ru come.t. to be beld ln e counc a · and the ''N" St. noat. ., that Kennel Club's SlM'tnc All-are.d by th~ PE exeocutl~ conunltt.,
loolct th H bor A 8\ll\l't.e wnted by the flve church cbot.n.l Rlvenlde AprU :H. • Awarded the contnct for "N" St. would bave l&rcer factll· dor show held Sunday In thel as ~rted last~ In the En· ~ tn e the u cb~ wtlJ be coMtruct.lng facUJtl• bulldlnr ties. Glendale Ctvlc Audtt.onum. alcn.
held t St. lama E'pt.aC'Op&.l at the Ctty Trailer Park to South e Establlsbed June 15 as day
a Tryouts Are Scheduled Cout eon.truC'tlon Co. on Ita low tor s1rnJq ...... f« the ea-bJd of $17 /JITT • larled Oty Tra.1ler Park. termJ • 11•1 . II 1111 II • R.ecelwd a ~Hit from 8ob natlnc April 30. 19157. a.nd uch • Delton for pennlt to ~t. a April 30 tben&fteor. .II. F Su · Ba ball INe water taxi service to call f« e Called tor bleb tor prtntlna -or mmer se CUitOl'Den at boat landJnp and 25.000 C!IOPfes of a n.., clt)' map.
Tbe thret·man ~ name to brtnl them to hla r.taurant tn e Approwd t.ht ~ ol • Rtft'a a remlDdeor that couJd I N~. ~ ~A.a.. Ww=l
a.-lilt the M.wport O t;y Cou.nclJ I U do Center and rttum; Nfen"ed pbotocraphk lnOAJ,r m~ ot tbe bit ol • All Adams ~d Wub.l~ ..a.:
Parking Meters 'Turned On'
As Schedule Is Approved
tn 1t1«ttoft of a cUy ma.naaer Tryout. Mw 1leen .e.beduled and bou.r ldlectult; at eo.t. the r.quea to cttJ attorney and Neowpon H&l'bor Area for 1Z50. • .,. 100 a IDOM1· ~ A"' ttom PaJaa 10 A
WUI be .... tDcl.a7 (11turtday) tot th surntMt bueb&U pro· Ilea Parllt llond~ matnlq f« harbor mut~r e Adlounwd the IDeftlna to pa.rtdq met.. ln &ll .,.... or St.. 8alboa; all o1 a. lial· to cone. wttll tbe CouDd1 to ' pam to be conducted cooper· bo11 14 t.hrou.a!\ 11. ~ e ~teeelwd a ~ wtth 16 3:30 t.ha afternoon CTbuf8d.t). the QtJ or N.wpart ~ an -.. t.a an ._ .... .._
1Ub • .. of 1M dt:J. u-•v a.u tbe !ff'IIFPC)Il't IMch mornll\f tot bo7ll 11 ~ "P•WNI ukll'\C at.tei'Mnt o1. now tn operatiOa. and tn aeteS d1 M Ia 11 ......_
Tbe ClOiiWillftllli lndocJel Or. a • ..., "1 '1:\Meda.J aftemoon tor boft -u.. ft u h a n~ e anct dane-" PllltJ If ........ olftJdlltb U 7'0U pa$ neu th ~t tbe ..... ,._
&ncr ... h:t ....-ol 1M ......UOO n.pt... JllCb !kbool throuch 10; at Monte vs.ta e~~l*d by tt1• oU ..u at n 3 ••11 A"""' putiq..., JIOlk:1 A.dtJsc ~ Max • llllt
8dlool of ~ a.cr.tSon ~ BatD Aiel Scbool ~ ~ t« Grcl W-N~: reftrred lJmtb ol ~4a ... wu .Ubllabed MGftc1a1 ~n1 W..,_, aa11e4 for .. • :'til tb1e
utK:; c. a. ,.ldw. ett:r ~ .. .,_ Club an4 the 0o1ta Mea ~ t t.btOup 10. the ,.UtJon to d tl .nome,. c.uaht SUnckf on t"M hontier, bJ ~ aty OoiiiDdl n.M ~ at 11M 1 ~ :• til ..._ or o....-. &M .__. ... .._ Putt ,ud a.c:r.doft w llab·u.p c:r,wu wm be beld e lllec!lt..cs a t:rom Mra. trom Balboa Pavil ion. Ln ~ ~ -.bl -. .-w a.a.t 1ca1a.n .,._a • .. a •·
diNeW Of ...... lit 1.-a ~ be a,ou• at llubor Satwda,J, A1lrU 1._ ~ at C. & Parta far ~ one· middle nt, below Dul.a Nnt. b'OIIl-lll.udl 1.5 to a.pt. 15 ear ...._ pr ..... __.. Ill 11•
llladL 1nlilll all .,..._ ..... lllr ftiw Mc:lal hm t a..m. to 1 p.m. t a.a.. at Coita ..._ PartL. III4HI .-.-.. an ~u-n. total c.t'eb wu 11& with .,..th\1. tbe ...,. 1ft tbe fol· lid. ba a ....... =... .. =-:. -::.: -n :: ::--.~ ~ ..-. ~.!! =--~ ~-: :::t =-~ =·:f~t.=r:: 1S of~~ .!."':r. :::-:..-==:==~ = :-...... wm ..-.. '!. ... I ... _..r.......,..~ ~ ..... ~a. ,. .. -.... ............ ~~~!ned ... ,....... ---1--,...... ""-.......... 11c.,.,,..:.., ......... _ .... t~Wa.et --,. .... II)S&Ia ..... al •a N . -.-~~-0 111
• • • fte...... .. ......_ . You haft,__.,...,_, MJDp1e UbM to cro.1na u.. ...... "-• .. =-• v:·~-.j• j*i ~~o~~oe ..,. -.,_-.. a--....,--_...,;;_ -wW¥etelatiM~10· -..... Cll'--.. ~ Dlilnmt-lam.ll ...... -. ...... .... ... .... -... .. ............ ) ........... _ .,.,... _,a..__ .... .
c... ... .., • Dr nat t eleettea. Dc.'t .. ·~ ~~~,.. t'OUI4-. .. a.t .. ,. ... -.. • ••• tl ...,_..,. ..._ ,_..,.IQpe!IIM f/1 JDOM7, ... -. or
... ,_l .._. • ....... to vot.. ncl7 MacKay, or 1. a. Jtod. ~ ~~~ ~ :-... -:: ~ let' a look at the JW'OPOII· dud to do tbe UDOUDt o1 ~
a. D'm 11 c ,..... • -·· and work that they llaw. Gone ._. a. tlllf t. 11 'nha .. _.&f::~ :-U: .!~~ ~~netlnwaf I IIMIIIIDn ~
•• -•-U11J1 ttna --.u ... -~a.-th...--not ..._ tM ...._ 8Md _... -...._ '*-"-~ haft flit In _ _. ··-~---~.... -~ ... beach ln front ol the • tr.U. many houn. ~ 1a1ow .,..._ Lut week we 1ave you the ao muc:b In a hiU"'Y on the way toe ......., t. tM ••Jq, Kt. park. to a depth o1 • t.t. .._ thhlaabOut our dty IOfttiUMJ'It.
namea ol the teems that wW back. 'rae. ._ Wd. • .....,.. tM lleve it or not, tbla atwliDely M for the other., their .a.u In
MEMIEl ~ THE eompete In the famous lntema·j I take th~ opportunity to Dtt..r ,..... ..., ..... beautltul beadl, wbJdl ta OWDed the ..,_.... fll the dl7 by no
CALIFOitNIA NlWS,APEl ~II.ISHDS ASSOCIATION tional Ucht Tackle TourntJDent., make an important announce-,._.. • ef • ..-t. ..ada ...S by the publle. bu .._ faced me._ ... aida u lnell ue In
A.J.4 .f H. NAnONAL EOfTOitiAl ASSOCIATON apUy labelled the Rose Bowl 9f ment. 1'!\la Great G7ay Whale at ...._ tM Nella e.t o1 tM ott u a private bMdl for the COIDP"""tlon.
SUISCllrtiON ltATU salt wata-tlsbJng. In eue you lut hu 1otten a little piece of _. ~ .--.. • Jeell tenanta oi the traDer __ .._ -•--' ---• ~~ • • •• .-.. 1 ---'-' "Callln C.Q" hal I ' W. ........ --.-..-. .u ... "'~' e Kri"KC''''YK ftF'CII»tA1'KL1' .._ _.,..._ reiet: r-,..,. 00: ... ~.10 m....acv ut ~a · c . w e. t a a tooth, looldnc much -early In World War n. A lot o1 -pte tblnk that the
O...W. .t H. H.rtMw ArM: T-.,._....,,.. ... .,..._...10 this tournament. the 11th, will Uke a walrus tUAk, belna over ,._ .,..... Ia • -.. tMt 'ntlt lnju.atke wu _, obvtoua b-1 ·
-------------------------be held In Kuatlan, Mexico. 4~ inch" lona and 1~ loch" ,...... wtD waUl Ia Ita........ that It could not atand the U•bt :r:-,..:f :,:;;en;,! ~ liM::::IMCICH:ti::::IMCICM:llaiC~Iqi::::IICIICM::::IICICI::::IICIICM::::IICIICM::::IMCIC*:tM::::IICIICM::::IICIICM::::IICIICM::::IICD* AprU 16·19. And a Jot of the broad at the bale. It didn't eom~ Kt. T41te ww Wd. of pubUc ~· Yet four r.JM: that appUed to our old
?t .e H people you know will be golnc. from a any whale, for they have mftnbert of the City CouncU atatus u a mtb d... dty ~,. op I n c I u dIn g old 'IJ-Can·Hardly· no teeth. 1blt one wu picked TW lJIIe Isle 11•11 voted to continue It u a private Under our Charter thla pay ,.tM
Walt" C.Q. hlm.selt. up at Guardian Anpl Island In beach In the face of .00 petition· would be effective .lmmed1a•·1-
Before we aet down to the the Golfo de Callfomla, and l:'z'm.-1 lllll .. -..1 era. 11\ae four were Mayor Dora f all 1 -v ::::IICIC::ICIICII:::ICIICI:::ICIICI::tMCMICI:tMCHICIM:tiCIICIH:tiCMICIM:t*QIICIH::ICICII:::ICICII::tMQHIC:xM:tMO• actual list of the California dele· came trom an old Moby Dldc. the ..._....,_ Hill and Councilmen Gerald Ben or eoune lmen. M one ol .,_., · then aald In &1\Mftt to that e OUR CITY IS COMING Of AGE
Our quiet Easter Week proves thet our city is growing up. More
ond more of file residents ore permanent, end filet leaves leu end
less room for the Easter deluge. That's the wey it should ~ city
coming of age, os it were. The Easter visitors will be with us every
yeor, but in lesser quantity end better behavior.
gates, ha-e are a ff!W sta...-..cs areat sperm whale of the old Walter Dou11ua of I.a. An· nett. Clarence Hlable and Stan-question: "Sure we all 1ft It:
that are Interesting, at least to days. geels reported Saturday that hit ley RJdderboi. (A reminder: what do you think .,. put It on
me. Pardon my enthusiasm, but I prize Jt hl&hly, believe me. home at 932 VIa Lido Nord. Udo Councilmen Bennett and IUibJe the ballot for!"
of the 96 male entries. 40 are I'd have It mounted and wear It llle, bad been broken into and are runnln,l tor re-.ledJon April What WO\lld thla _._ trom CallfornJa. Florida la next danellna, like an elk's tooth, ranaacked. The bed In the muter 10 ) · .,..,...... ......
hl6h with 23, ol which 1S are only I'm afraid that eventually ' bedroom had been alept ln, and i1t1.1 aetlon by the CouncU : ,:~::n ~ ~ r:.w_ ~
from Miami and MJamJ Beach I'd be permanenUy bumped from the lntruden bad cat here d forced the dtt.na to alp petl. that have added up to your city
and vicinity, 8 from the Palm canyln6 It around. around a television aet In one tloM to force tbe PJ'OPC*tlon and county toe~~, W'bid\. we
The diminished crowds mean that the rowdy element will go Beaches. Wuhlncton. D.C.. and Now-the thanks for thla very lOOm and sampled varloua bot· onto the ballot owr an anwUU:na K2'ftm. are kJillnl ua, aDd we
elsewhere for thei.r party crashing and trouble making. The happy re· nearby Maryland are tending 11 much appreciated molar. You tles of lJquor. Candy and pea· council. Whe-n au.tflcteont na.mee wonder wtletber we can aftant
suit is· thot the Eoster ~ids con behove ttlemselves. ond still have o hopefuls. Me'Xko hat 9 "pesca· mJcht haw eueued the ctva-, nuta were found In vartoua parts had been lllped up, the Council to live here
good t ime. They'll be welcomed back year after ytor to spend 0 dorH." New York and Texu each for ffflllf local residents spend u of the house. Two 1 J pat I c k 10t bll·hea.rted and otJered to 'J'hankl b, the charMr, JOU ~osont Easter vacation here ond it'll be property· known os Easter 4, Nf!W Ieney 3, with Puerto RJco much time e r u I a l n 1 around smeared clearet butts were found place the propa.IUon on the bal-have a aay on thla one. ..... It
I ._ • and Pennsylvania brlnclnc up Guardian Anaelllland. Yep! The In an ash tray Jot. Tbla Pr__.ticm No 1 1a _, -v eek, and not os Hel Weel. the low aectlon of the totem pole bl.,. tooth -... a '"tt from Dav•y . ......-. with an unmlatalkable a'OM In • --•• "' The home of Mrs. 1. A. Mathsy reuonably Ju-t that tt wtll .,..._ the "no" box on .Apr1l 1o.
• • • with one each. Fln.k. operator of Davey's Locker. of t.o. Anceles wu enteted at e •AT 11AJ1E AUPD Under our type ol dlartar
• LOCAL RIDE Thanks a mllllon, Davey. Now 930 Via Lido Nord. lJdo l.ale. The PropoattJon No.2 wu propoeed whldl Ia known u the CIOU.Ddl:
that I have It, I'll take your ad· houae was completely ranaadted, and placed on the bal. lot ~ u.. dty man•-..._ ot .... 'fWD. It hos certainly been en unenthusiostic city council rece to dote: To get back home, Orance vice. 1 wo"'t lose my head over a a bed muued and aome beer C..Ddl. It Ia a prooJ~eJUon to ment.. the ~;nd)a;~-..,.
trouble is thot when the cendidotes ere unenfilusiostic, so ere the County can Justly claim the lar· little piece of whale. drunk but nothlnc wu sto1en. ralM ..., ~ ~. Tbey now u dlrecton 1n a non---cor-vote~. ond the voting tum·out is bound to be smoll . . . The gross is eest delegation from any one ..--~ .. he county Jn the US.A. That makes ~lve $.'10 per moftth to COft'r pol'atlon. and the mana.-ear·
green on the Youth Centtw bell field: sure is o pretty picture ... T me feel real good. Of this cane Fr the POUCE BLO~R expeN~eS. tnetdetltally, $50 to riel out their dlrectlva The
Bougoinvilleo. city flower of Newport Beech. is nomed ofter Louis of enthusiasts. two, Wayne Bar· om I I~ 175 a month for e:Kpei\Ne Ia the eouncll job It not. and &hould
Antoine de B'ougeinville. French military officer end explorer 11729-rison and Guy McHenry, are customary telmbur.ment In aU not necftSU1ly, be, a heavy
181 'I· who served in the French ermy aiding the Americans in the from Santa Ana; Bill Farnsworth cltl" In California except Loa tJme-consumln1 job In a ...U run
Revo utionery Wer. The new city flower moy brin9 dour memories la from Costa Mesa, and Newport e WEDJRIDAT. JCAaellll seated from a Santa Ana youth Angeles, San Franclaco and Oak-city, and I believe that ewntu.
to guys who fought in the South Pocific during World War II, because Beach claims Fred Bersbom, W. Two Newport brotben. 11 and and two eompanJon. ln the back land. ally our dty will be wtil run. It
the French officer gove his neme not only to the flower but olso to G. (Woody) Krieger, Ken Hoi· 8. wen reprimanded by Newport bay area on a school bloiOCY Now I uk you, Mr. Taxpayer, has eorne a lon1 ways Oftf a
the lslond of &ougoinville. scene of one of the grimmest comp:zi ns brook. lim Holliday, Gordy We· pollee for enterln1 the garace of field trip . . . A car driven by are we that flush that we can roulh road. an4 there Ia ati1l
f h b f d . 'bl · vlll Xarl Mllleor Dr Lester I..owe. Kra. Fred C. Ostrandet of 1712 Cral{ B. Wa.rfJeld, 18, ot 224~ afford to put ou.r.lves In a cla.sa quite a ways to 10 to r-..eh t!tat
0 t e wor · · · Just Y woy 0 eonng up ony poss• e mesu er-~ Griffith• hank Usedom W . Ocean Front, Newport Beach, Diamond Ave., Balboa Island, hit with thoee metJopoijtan cities! aoaJ.
stonding obout TV commerciels: I complein es much es enyone obout and r: Btn Robinson 1bat's 13 where they claimed they were the rear of a car stopped at a Many dttea With much lftater e •ow ..... DAYII
lousy comme rcials, but I enjoy the good ones. And there's the best There should be another one. 0~ lle&rclllnc for empty aoda pop stop sign at Park Ave. and Ma· population pay covndlmen noth· 'nlere hu been aome er1t.Jdsm
kind of regulation of quality ond quantity. My point is thot free ex· Y"! It's me! bottl" ... A cylinder ol bellum rlne Ave., Balboa Ialand, oper· inJ. All the other ettles. except of Ctty Attorney Jtarl Davta for
ercise of public teste ond occeptence will toke cere of obiedioneble From Calllornla anu othet c .. found In a vacant lot at ated by Robert L. Upson of704% the rnetropoUtan dtJH. pay only hit attempt to Ju.ttly the .,_y.
commerciels. rether then trying to bon them completely. We will hove than our local abores, we have Fittb Ave. and Fernleaf Ave., Acacia Ave .. Corona del Mar, at expenses. Are they all out of ral.se pro~Jtlon on the erounu
better television proqrems, just os we hove better newspapers, thr'OU9h 12 from the Los Angeles area, 11 Corona del Mar. by Cralg Sin· 8 p.m. . . . step except uaT Are we tatter of the "tremendous amount ol
our free enterprise system. wherein control is exercised by the neas-from neighboring Long Beach, clair, 606 Heliotrope Ave .• Corona e SATUWDAT. KQCII M rtnanclally than our at.lta-cities? time spent on dty bualneel."
sity of pleasing the public teste, rather then by the heavy hond of ~-from Pasadena. one from El del Mar, wu turned over to po· Champagne and vodka were Santa Ana wJth a population of 'nlat cannot be true ol all of
t ......,. .. tro. lice ... Col. Thomas F. Gunn of eonflscated from two saUors in 60.000 allow. t75 (a recent raise them, and thoee who have put
governmen · And now. having my bester1tJc Laguna Beach eomplalned that area of 32nd St., Newport Beach, from $50). 1ult name any clty ln a Jot of ttme CHUJ, Stoddard
at hand CMarnrna), I realize that aomeone Ito&. a Ucenae plate who were turned over to the under 200.000 population that and MacKay) have done It u a
u a statlltJclan, I abould have from his car parked 1n the vi· abore patrol ... Boys cauatnc a payw a salary to their council· ciV1c: duty, and I venture the
10ne flahlng. I aaJd we had the ~nJty of the Port Tbeata-, Co· disturbance In the rear apart· men. tbou&ht that tho. wbo put In
larJes1 number of team members rona del Mar, while be was at· m~nt at r.>l N. Bay Ft.. Balboa 'Ibel.ra It ~ded u a dvic the rn.o« time have very Uttle
from Orange County. Mamma tendlnc a show there ... Burton Island, were gone when oUlcera duty and rl&htly eo . . . eome-enthuaJum for thll rneuwe.
reminds me. and my face Is pro-Helllgers of 513 Acacia Ave., Co· anlved ... The attempted theft thln1 that each of us owes to It wu the lmpresmon of a
perly red. that Lone Beach 1.1 ln rona del Mar, reported the theft of a boat from the residence of his eommunJty, and not _,me. number of people wbo bea.rd Mr.
Los Angeles County. So I'll take of bll SlS bicycle from Coast Nel.8on Prlncle. 1610 s. Bay Front. thine to be reca.rded u a career. Davia apeak on the propoaltlon
It all back. apologize and give Hwy. and Orchid Ave., Corona Balboa laland, at 1:34 a.m. They are not prot-lonal poll-that be wu apeaklnaln favor of
...... Filllt.....,
..... SaftHs
For Y••
29, 30. 31.
Cured Hanis
FllD1I nu:um ca.o•
Roasting Chickens 69~
Sliced Bacon lat GUI>B 49~
NEW BAR-11-q
Let u• Cook Your Ea8ter Cldcba!
L. A. County 23 entries. Guess del Mar . . . proved unfbunded When Invest!· tJcana. A truly pubUc spirited the propo.tt.lon.
I'm like the fond mother 1n that e TIIVIISDAT, IIOCJI 11 cated by officers ... Jack Vance clllilen does not beeome a coun· Jfow, Mr. City Attorney, re·
old ballad, '-rhey wa-e all out of Louis A. ~n of 126·26th of 220 Sapphire Av~.. Balboa dlman for caJn. Re makes the member th~ other day your em·
step but lim.." Anyhow, our Har· St., Newport Beach, reported the Island, reported the tbett of a sacrifice as a civic duty, and In· phast.zinc the fad tbat 70U are
bor Area still has the most per theft of a kha.ld car c:over from $lS car eover ... c. B. Davis of creutnc the pay to s:D) a very careful about taJd.nc part
population. (Cotta be right some· hll car parked at the rear of bla 108 Turquolse Ave.. Balboa month C$300 for the mayor) aln't In anythlnc political.
how.) address . . . Island, reported the left front a conna buy lood ones. Jt wtl1 I do11't believe It 1a proper for e TilE TEAKS Sven E. Grt.nut.ad, 126·33rd St.. window and wtnd wine broken brlnl In candidates wbo wUl be a city attorfte7 to live tbe lm·
And now. u we promJsed Jut Newport Beaeh. reported hll car on hll car ... Mrs. ·s. R. Hoff· runnJna for the money, penona preulon ot taldn1 tldft on a ~. here are the m~mbers of .Uuck on the front bumper by a 1 man of 126 Apolena Ave., Balboa who are not maldnl a Uvl.nc and polltJcal M8ue while appearln1
our 1.2 Callfornla teams. u our bit and run car, caualnc $20 laland. complained that teen· a type that will be more IU8CeP· ln bll otfldal capaetty.
wire tervlce eontact.!l work as damage ... Robert McDermott, agen were ractna on Park Ave.
propoeed, Ute daily papers will 2131 President Pl., Costa Mesa, between 1 and 3 a.m. and caua·
keep you posted when the big lost a $45 electric drill som~-lng a dJsturbance at S a.m. . . .
contest starts AprU 16. Keep an where between Via Udo, New· Vandals kicked In the front door
eye open for news of bow our port ~ch, and Placentia Ave., and broke a front UJbt fixture.
local hopefuls are performing. Costa Meaa ... James Sazlolo. causina $15 dama1e to the unoc·
Balboa An&lln.g Club -Guy 133 T u r quo Ia e Ave., Balboa cupled home of Frank Jrlll" at
McHenry, captaJn; Morcan BJ.s· Island, reported the lou of a 1109 Balboa Ave.; Balboa Ialand
aey. D. L. Sluder. ch~euse parakeet . . . Mrs. . . • 1'!\lev" took $15 from the
Club de Parada, Chubasco y Charles 1. Beaman, 66, of Hunt· purse of Mrs. McPbenon ol 132
Pesca. Loe Anples -Bob Eng· lncton Park. wu revived at 2100 A&ate Ave., Balboa .llland. St.O
Jlsh, captain; Tom Beyrle, Bill Ocean Front, Newport Beach, from a purte of Carol Cbluza
Farnsworth. after having trouble breathlnc and $15 from the purae of Dodle
La Paz Sport.sman'a Club, Los ... Nicholas Perret. 53. of New· Chavez. wbUe they w~ attend·
Angeles-Bert Devere. captain: port Beach. wu taken to Boac lng a party at 132 Agate Ave ..
Fred Hershorn. Woody Krieger. Memorial Hospital for an Injured Frl4ay evenlnc . . . Paul 1.
Lido Anglers, Udo Isle-Or. c. lee afteor ltwtlbllnc Into a flower Burnside of 472 Abbey Way,
M. Beebe, captain; Ken Holbrook, bed at 108·22nd St., Newport ICcntln~ on Paa. 8'l
l im Holliday. Beach ...
Light Tackle Marlin Club. San e f'IID)AT, KUCII II
Bernardino -Dr. George Chuck, Mildred L. BeU of 432 Hello·
captain; Alan Le Savoy, Art Hall. trope Ave., Corona del Mar, eom·
Long Beach Yacht Clu~ plalned of the theft of a dark red
Petri. captain; Glenn Braclten. bicycle •.. Three teenage boya
Harold Parks. stole a pair of oars and oar locka
Los Aneeles Rod and Reel Club and a SO foot coil of ~-Inch rope FLORAL DESIGNS
-Dr. VIncent Gorrfll, captain: from the Charlie HOPton Boat FLOWERS JOR ALL
Oscar Dtetch, Dave Boeenthal. Co., 310l·W. eo..t RWJ' .. Newport OCCASIONS
Marlin Club of San Dteco-Beach ... Raymond 'Pay'lor of ~ IWnwy
Cordon Wevlll, captain; Wayne 503~-38tb St.. N.wport Beacll, 'hL ..._ ••
Harrt.son, Karl MUJer. reported that b1a IOVernment Flowera~~bed
Newport Harbor Yacht Tuna cheek wu found tom 1n halt. ap· .. a. c:-t ......,_
Club. Balboa-Or. Lester Lowe, parently taken fr'OID a mall box 1 .._, -·
captain; Cal Rector, R. M. Ander· ::by=cll~U~dren~~·~·~·=·~··~w;u==C»>J(l=·;;·~===C...===clll====:::=:~ _,n. ,-;;;
Pacltte Analers. Newport Beach
--eeoree Grltflth. captain; Frank
Uaedom. Dr. BJU Robtuon, Dr.
R. H. CC.Q.) Hoffman (alternate).
Southern CallfomJa Tuna Club,
Lone Beach -Earl LundbJib.
captain: Art Mac:rat~. Jr .. Charlet
CCbUU 1onea.
Tuna Club, A'ftlon -Frull
Btwna, captain; Don Lodle, Don
ADWon. an4 alt«ut• I. L.
Muon ud ~en Rtptuftt.
,... other Ca1Jtomllm .. a Nn• .-4!-It'l Cy Weldt. ...._
CJWIIa dOc!b ..... c, .. lladr· ~~WiflaU.R.-YOIIE ~aa .-.-..~JIIId .......... CJ't .,..or .....
E Y E.S. , ......
Elc;Jin & Heme1ton
Wallace Calder head
Jl2l a.t c-t ~
eo.-. ..... .,
Work Party
Aids Church
~==========~ Twenty.flve membera of the r Men'a Club aaved the Newport VAN'S CLEANERS
"lO YMrt' &p.Mn~ Perlecting
Svperiof O..nlng Crefnmeftdllp"
C.,..f..t Helldlinq of Aft Deliute
F•bria. a..cled I t..c. G•"'*'tt
~Her~ 5152 P'lt~ Up I O.li.,.ry s.Mce
Hatbor Lutheran Church about
$400 by turning out aa a work
patty under church t r u at e e
Geoge Bu.rkhatdt to retlnlah the
church pewa 1n prepatatlon tor
Eaater aft'Vices.
Open I e.m. to S:lO p.m.
-S.hlrd•y. I •·"" to 2:10 p..mr-
J.426 E. Coe•t Hwy.: Cotofte cW Mer
'nle work:era, who will receive
a frM dinner from the church.
were Mr. Burkhardt. Jim Stan·
pbUl. Bill Carnett. Carl Wester,
Mel Erldtaon, Bob Karaten&
Jame. Ro,eney, Jimmy Rogney,
Henry Anderson, Clyde Hartwig·
sen. Ted Nelson, Jim Hayden,
lim McCauley, Bob Suddendort,
Bill Lampert. Carl Arthofer, Dan·
ny Arthofer, BlU Olaon, John
Kesel, Dick Koehler, Pastor Rob·
ert Gronlund, Harry Bergh, Alex
Mlller, Oscar Sonatene and Lynn
....... eM
b.Gu"'fth.t , ....
"Send help. quick, the All
American Matket," aald an an·
onymoua male In a call to New·
port pollee at 6:04 p.m. Match
16, hanlfng up before more de·
t.a1ls eould be obtained. Squad
ears were dispatched to the
matkm in Corona del Mar and
Newport Beach. but ottlcera ~ found no need for help. The caJI
~ wu traced to a pay telephone
~ booth at the Corona del Mat
~ main beach.
~ ~ ~
1.111111 y._
W11.111l ...
"SA~· Your ClothN!
liN B'*&i OUDI
Art Exhibit
April 25-29
at Harbor Hi
The 11th annual Newport Har·
bor Art Exhibit wlll be held
April 25 through 29 at Newport
Harbor High School.
._,•lf•aY·fM·--... IIIMONI1'MnaN. .............. __ ................. ..,_ ... _ ...... ............... _, .... ~,, .... ....... .._. .. __ ....... -.-...
Horn•· R.-du• InK P l .tn
Kl. 3-7010
10... ..... --... ,..,.,
921 W. S.velttHnth St.
HArbor 1742
J117 ~c... Hf ... w.y
The jurors this year will be
Jean Bog~s ot the University ot
CalUornla at Riverside, William
Brice of UCLA and Howard Clapp jNiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~ ot Orange Coast College.
This . exhibit Is a purchase·
award show, offering $150 and
$300 for the prize.wlnnlng water·
color and oU, whkh are added
to the permanent collection at
the High School.
All artista may enter. Paint·
lngs must be at pldc·up statlora
M>fore AprU 16 or at the HJgh
School before April 19.
numDT, I« a MCDOCS y.ar. ot the ()raDcJe eo.aty Pbarma·
...UCIIl Aula. Ia Ba.bert hlnoL O'llrDft of U.. c.... ct.l Wcu
....._CICT· .. Ia abowD bere at the lett wttb Jfob .. Waite, Hnt ~t. at the lD.ItallatioD diaDft beld at DilaeylaDd
D•••crlll Ellllru
Meg Andrews of Cliff Haven Clntc*, Ill•,••
Named as Exchange Student G~cto; .. S:~o~ G=
Mlaa Margaret <Mea> Andrews. She will spend the two months
junlor at Newport Hatbor h1g.h with one or two families In a
Kbool. will apend two months European eountry yet to be
thta summer In a European picked. accordlnc to Mra. Leon·
eountry aa an exchanee student. atd Graves, chaJnnan of the
Klu Andl'ews. cSau1hter of N e w port Hatbor atudent ex·
Mn. A. V. Andrewa, of 621 Cll.U chan&e committee for the Amerl·
Dr .. CUlt Haven. and the late Dr. can Field Service.
cratlc candidate for U. S. JW<pre.
sentatlve at the endOI'Illng eon· ~tlon held by Democratic clube
last week In Lacuna Bleb
School. Oland W. Cattlck of San
Clement. was endol"8ed as as·
sembly candidate.
The Hatbor Democratlc Club
won a Card mlmeo machl.ne as
prize for bavlng the latgest rep·
reeentaUon ol c:lub memben ~t.
High rHielity
YWt ·n.. IIMatUa1
"'Stadio oC u.t.v ........
Conault.at:fon·ERimates-No obllptlon
uu NIWI'OD ............... -.
(On 1' .. City Bldl) IIA .._.
AaiiES • .......
.... ...,. n. Cll;l•• -w• .... r.~~..ty 1e T ...
IJJ 0.. A-. ..... .,... ~ v.-... a sst
~ the ar-t from Tim POST OPFICE ...... c..a-.y.
<Comer OrdlJd)
Andreows. w1JJ leave ahortly after '"'bla 1s not a travel trtp,"
IChool claMS for the IUJ'IliDer and Mrs. Crava aaJd "She wUl be·
wW return in time f« .chool come acquainted _wtth the cui·
openJnc In the fall lure of a country." F==========::.!.ll••••••••••••••••••••••l A total ol 25 appllcatlons were
c.-... ..
'"l.eelr ....... .....
turned Into the local eommlttee
from junJor students deft'tnc to
make the trtp. Four of the ap·
plJcatlons wtth the bllhest aca·
demlc leadenhtp qualities were
A clau of new members r<e· torwatded to the New York City
ce1ved Into the feDowahlp ol otnce of the American f1e.ld
Chrllt Church by the Sea on S«vtce, where the flnal choice
Palm Sunday Included the fol · waa mack. A total ot m junior
lowlng: Mra. Clyde Trump, Mr. hl&h .::bool students are to tnake
and Mrs. P. L. Hlcct.os. M.rs. the European vt&tt this yeat.
Sterling Puta. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tbey will leave at the aame
B R U C E M A R T I N Vandeaventer, Mr. and Mrs. time aa Dieter Noga, German
Rlchatd Steven.on and .on Jet. exchange student. returna to hJa
liT. Tl-frey, Mr. and Mrs. John Stood, home ln Bremen. Germany. - -.-E-UfE ~ ~~':;.,~~ ~~:,d~ A Swed~h lfrl student will
LOCAL ACDT ner. Mrs. Paul Banks, Mr. and eome here as an exchange stu·
11'13 IQ:WPOaT AVE, COSTA MESA Mrs. Kenneth Paddock, Mrs. Roy dent for next year, Mrs. Graves
OJI'J'ICJ:: f.5aM llES. Uberty 8·5083 Neel and daughter Judy. aald. !!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received Into the church tel· -p---f:----.----:-~-WAL!AH CLABKE'S lowshlp earlier In March were ro esslona Mrs. Emmy Lou Brubaker, Ralph
........ .. * Hew Yr
IIW'I'L l!!!z Jack and Mrs. Lole Anderaon. Directory
~-•111.. DINI-. Eeild8 "'Oilldten'a" SOif BOD TO TOULDS IIUSJC
Ken's Aloba A son, Robln James, was born ____ ....:;:.;;.;:;;:.;;. ____ -:.
to Mr. and Mrs. Rod Yould of Margaret L Scharle
~ Seaward Rd.. Corona IDch· Teacher of Plano
lands, In Hoac Memorial Hos· ~anlat . Aecompan.llt
plt.al on Saturday, Karch lT. Eventnf Classes
for ctults
'nle Huold WOhel.mya haw L---;=;;Cclro;:;;,~na;-;de;;;l ;W;:at;;H"-.J moved from Tf/1 Acacia Ave .. Co-
rona del Mat, to 515 A.lJ80 Ave .. --·:.:':..::0:.:•;;.:aa.=·:=:~::..::;::::::;.;;.:.;::;;~-'""
Newport Hellhts. ~ K.tpbOthood Semce
110 Broadway u 8-3433 a 8-lt34 eo.ta 11 ..
Servinc the Hatbor .u..
Baltz Mortuary
Hatbor 42
a!DO E. Coaat HI~WQ Corona del llat
Baltz Mortuary
1Jber17 8-2121
111a a &aperior, eo.u ~~
.......... t a....
(Another-ln a Serlet ot M..aca PreRnted by the Newport Hatbor En.alcn>
hi T1 Will
,. s ••••••
Ill••• , ....
Everybody in the Harbor Area ~eiws beneftt from every dollar thot w. k.ep
in circulotion here. When ..-~nd money out of town to buy somethinq thet .-.
COULD buy right here et home, we remo~ a portion of what it tokes to maintain
our local poyrolls.
Suppose everybody here would send away for everything ... food, clothing,
fumiture, eppliences end the thousond.ond-one other thinqs we need in our modem
scheme of living. Ev.ntveUy there woufd be t~o money left here. No money. no labor.
No labor, no product;on. No production, no poydoys.
When Will ~ .. p es muc.h of every dollar as possible at home, .-. contribut. to
the MCUrity of eft of us.. We need all tne iobs we c.an crea te in the Harbor ArM.
Ev.ry community does.
Remember tnts: Our loc..l mercnents c.a, bring merchandi• he,.. . . . tt. ki~
of ~ndi .. you w.nt end ftMd . . . • whole lot cheaper than you cen.
The doLn you 'f*"d e+ home with your locel merc:Mnn rM'f sl\ow up in yow
nut pey d.ecl
~-------~--------------~~~-·---~·--------· --------.....··-·
''Be Sure-Insure''
Phone Barbot 2474
3315 E. Cout BJctaway
Corona del Mar
lla Pbcme, BA 5ZD
ICIIOOLS & msnucnoa
Continuoua day and eveninl
clu.ea for preparation to
pau the State exam.
Call or write
For ln!ormatJon
l6U N. Bro.dway, Santa Ana
Kimberly 7-3511
KEllog S-2513
•Come ln ud .. the com·
plete new l1ne o1 Graphk
Patterna, •ar·brud Ever· match yams, Morell's new drea patterns, novelty yanu
and straws, including the
313 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa
All Klru»-Free Estlmatea
UBERTY 8-6109
In Our Shop or Your Home
:Nit lCewport Blvd. U 8-6871
eo.ta ....
0 ,., • 0 ...... ...,..., .
• PATCH'S BODY II PAllfT IIIOP a. W. P~TCB c.,.... CoiUIIoa Work
Auto ..........
,._ IIIII 11 1 'n7 Ue ftnt
-Wllltl'nll a. o.ea ..._ .. u ....
for th. prtetic::. of
General Dentiatry
Hovn I .,.. to I p.IIL U41 e..t Cout Hlrg'-ey
Ewnlftp '-Y •..-1,.,._. C:O..... 4a1 Mer
Tragic Plays
Mrs. George Kelly o1 420 Serra
Dr., Corona Highlands, wu hos-
tess to the March meeting of the
COIOIOWift IIETIIOJ)lST ao W. lltlt St.. eo.ta II_.
Uberty 1..45SJ
.... Joeepb w. llcSbaM
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Churcb Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mornm:: Worshtp--7 p.m
College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. Hl&h School MYF Service;
8 p.m., young adults group
1050 Church St .. Costa M_.
Liberty S..2047
J), G. Bunt. M lD!atn
Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. morning wor
ahlp; 7:30 p.m. evening se rvice.
Mldw~k service, 7:30 p.m.
Odd Follows Lodge.
1849 Newport A.._
Costa Mescz.
Liberty 1.5711
T.a lklbr. Jr~ Mlalater
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv.
Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service.
drama section of the American Cli&iiT caw ft TJIE ·~
A.uoclaUon ol UnJvenlty Women. C...aalty ~
Mrs. Harold WII.on of Corona ....._ ~~~~ at l.ut St.. •.-part
del Mar was CO·hoste& IIAd»oc 5221
Tra,Sc heroes, lncludlnr the ...._, .... ..,. A. ~
playa "Everyman.'' "Faustu.-· Sunday Worship. 9:30 and U a.m.
and "Death o! a Salesman," were auuch School: ~30 a.m. Hid.
dJ8eua8ed wltb Mrs. P'. B. Glock· week Meeting: 7:00p.m. Wed.
ner, Mra. John Colby ud Mrs. n..clay preced~ by 6:15 p.m.
L. A. Clinton leadlnr the dt.cus-potluck.
JJO) VIe t.w.. ..............
A breftdl of 111• Mot'-Ourch, n;.
Firwt Ct.wdt of Cllritt, Scl.-fid,' l11 a-
toll, Me~vwtt..
Sull4 • ., School 9:15 .,.,..
Suttd.y S.tvice II ;(10 •·"'· w ect-.d • ., e-..~"9 ..,. ... ;.. I ;()C), .....
bedi .. «-~W .t Jlll Vie
lido. N~ IMdl. II .,_ --'
d.ya ~r-9:00 ....... .. 5:00 '""'
Wednesdeys frolft 9;(10 •·"'· to 7:-45
p.m. Fridey -11ift91 froM 7;(10 p.IIL te
9:00 P·"'-O oeed Holld.ya.
The public ia cOtdi.ny ill\lited to et-
t•lld th• ch .. rch .. ,..,;~ •lid .... ttl.
R .. di11q ROOfl'l.
rmn Mftlft c::ao ... or ii&WICMY .............. &c..e ... ...... ..._ am .l.lbelt7 141ft
...... -....ta.J ...... Sunday .. wteea: t :e a.m.. SUD·
daJ' Sc:bool ; 11:00 ~or· mtp s.vtce; 7:JO p.m.
~ ~ervlee ; Mld·W Servlee: 7:30p.m. w~ Prayer )(eetlq.
Q•r' •• n "Cad& --.ea .... Llbeltr .....
.... C. &. 'I'll lUll
Sunday llcllool9:30 a.m.. mornlna
tVOI'IohJp u a.m. Younr people
8ei'V'Ice 1:30 p.m.. evenJna
evan,.ela.t IM!I'Vice '7:10 p.m.
Mid-week MrVfee 7:30 p.m.
Easter, Symbol of Hope
ay the a... DoaalcS G. s.pp.
..u.oa ialcmcS eo-UDJty ~~~ CINnll
When 0. Henry. the famous drive a well-worn car. You own
storyteller. lay dying, he called lt. You operate It at the speed
to bls nurse: "Nurse, light me a you desire. You drive praetlcally
candle If you please. I am afraid anywhere you want to go. But
to go home In the dark." eventually the shock a bsorbers
For many people dnrkn~s has give out; the plstona begin to
become the symbol of death. We slap; the ca r bur et o r chokes
apeak of old a ge as the twilight away; the battery eoes dead;
of life. Even in our Chrl!ltian and you find yol.lr progress
hymns we compare death to halted.
night: "Abide with me. fast falls Up to thl.a Ume your travel hu
the eventide: The darkness deep· been largely dependent upon tbe
ens. Lord. with me abide." car. However, when It sputtere
ft ....... .....,...... ca-no•MCI,...
l!tb St. ,. St. Andrews R4.,
...... ~.J--1.1 ..... SUNDAY: :Momine wonblp, 9:30
and U a.m.; Ol\mh School,
8:30 ud 11:00: lr. BJah. St.
Hlp and collep ap Fellow·
lhlpe. 7 p.m.; Thunday, Prayer,
mady group. 9:30 a.m.
IW W ....... IU9d.. .. apwt ..,. ....... . ........ :a=u.y ......
Aal8taat .....
Sunday )(a....: 8:00. and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Conf .. lon: Sat·
urdaya and eves. of 1st Fr1daya
and Holy Days from 4:00 to
5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. DaUy M .. 8:00 a.m. P'IJ'IIt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
If o v • n a (Pwrpet\aal Help):
Monday, 7:4.5 p.m.
22ad IL & E.ldeQ A"-C.... 11-.
How different Is the lnterpre· and subsides Into endless sUence
tatlon of death given In our cele-It will not have end~ your
bratlon of Eastet ! Easter Is a traveling days. You may npt
season of joy. It Is a time of have the knowledre or the tools
hope. Its symbols are light and to create another car but you can
life. The Easter story assuri"S us acquire one from those who do.
that death ls not the end of Your traveling days are not over!
man's journey but the beglnninr The journey of llte b not over
of a glorloua n"" experience. when the body ceues to tunc-
Death, then, abould be looked Uon. We eoes on-In anothel'
upon not u a sunset, but a sun· form. Tbe quality o1 that 1m· Oiili8 MA1 1ft' COiiiiOWtH
rise. mortal llle 11 dependent upon r&U.OWIIID
Liberty 1·3'7'11
........ II. c:. Cl-.lc. .....
To believe in a future Ule be· bow we llve bere ud now. Dell Cstt -
yond the rrave Is dJ.tflcult for Tbe Euter m..ar• Is joyo\18: Ill W • ....._ aa.d.. ...._
Sunday School: '9:30 a.m. Wor.
lblp: 10:55 a.m. and evanplt.t
aevlce, 7:30p.m. Younr People
and CbJldren'• Servlee, 6:30
some. How can there be a Ule "Becauae I live. you too shall ~ ........, Willa-WU.,
separate from the body! One live ... Lo, I am witla you al· ~ Sdlool, 10:00 a.a. llcln·
writer answer• the question with ways. even unto tbe end ol tbe 1Dc warabJp. 11:00 a.m.
tll.t. illustration: Suppo.e you world."
p.m. Sun. Mid-week Servtce: ------------------------Wednesday, 7:30 p.m .. Ladles'
Mlalonary CouncU, Tbundaya
8:30 a.m. for all day.
1&'/Diii DAY AIJfDIDI ................... lt.. . ............ .. ta•tr ... . ZW. D. a. lp ms!d"'9
Saturday Momtn. SerYScee: Sab-
bath Sebool: 1:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: U :00 a.m. Pta.nr JDMt. 1'.-r IOUta&D a&ftll"r Jnf: Wedaeeda,y, 8:(1) p.m. ta0Mi8
~ ......... A&IQIIIW'K .. w. ·-Qtae lt.. Clillll ....
............ c...... ---~ ... ~ .. ·---.......... c:u. WQ" 2 ._. ---... --
La .... 7111 Sunda.Y ICbool. •=• .... ~~~ Sunday Servioel: .....,. 8dlool. ..vice 11:00 a.m. ~~
9:30 a.m. Mcmla. WanlllD at Union 1 r.m. 5a.DdiiT. ~ 10:10 a.m. l!ftnpu.tle sen-. ~ IJ p.m. Sa:nday. 'I'Hdl· ~ceo 1 p.m. Suncii,J. K.Y.r .S... .. allloau•rttna7 p.m.
• p.m. SUnday; Prayer me.UD~o w~ . .,.,. ...tee uc1
7:30p.m. w~. Blbl•ltwlJ' 7:45p.m. wec~Dee-
PIIIft cao-.. --0P c:aaat d&J'.
ICIDIJII'r llaYie~=-'._.
Sunday Sebool: 8:15 a.m.. Sun· day S e r v I e e : 11:00 a.m.
Wec1Deeday Eventnr Meeting:
8:00. ~adlnr Roo~nt 3315 VIa
Udo, Newport Beadl, open 9
a.m.-5 p.m. week daya, 9 a.m.·
7:~ p.m. Wedneadqa, 7·8 p.m. Friday evenlnn.
c:or.:.A D&l. IIU
COIIMOWift c::anc::a aAI.aOA DLAJrD
Csups;ulll Ill WUihii UIW
Ill ... le4:s~Aft. 111 _...a.._....._..._. ~ w...._, -... Dtallld ....
................. a-lie .... .,
Sulldq Woralllp Servle.: 8:4.5 SUnday Service.: 9:30 a. m. a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: Cburc:b School: 9:~ and U:OO t :45 a.m. a.m. Worship Service.
.. n.~ -=r:" ..... ... , ................
SundQ ~: 1:00 a.m. Bol:r eo..uaiea; 10 a.m. J'amlly
SetYt. wtdt Ge Cherub and Junior Cbofn; 11 ....... wonblp
aervloe. TbW'tld&J' S • r • I e • a : 9:15 a.m. : Oulld; lfh30 Bol:r Comm
ft. JOml ftAIIiin , ................. .....
U..IIIM . ......... , . ...., .......
Sunday Me ar: 1:00 a.m. II t:30
a.m. Cont...son: a.tu.rdan abd
.... al la liNen ... B.IIIJ'
DQs; T~te--.-.; .._ l'rScJ.&J' Kul .....
n.r UPnn' cau.,. ...,.._....... r·
Clillll ... ~
..... Q, ····--· SaDclq S..SC.t
1:45 a.m. Sun4t!J' Sebool; 11 a.a. WcnbJp ~· I:JO .,.... ~ 'lftiDbal bnloa;
T:JO P.Jil.. I!Wn!DI llerYiol. w ........ .,.: '7:30 p.m.. ,.,.,
PraiM and •b._ Study. lion·
day: '7:30 p.m. Men'a ~
p r • e tl o e ; 1:30 p.m. :U.S'a Prayer MeeUq.
At Ora-.. C....ty'a
LM4M4J ....... L.Mi--.
Ul' TO $10,*
/11M Aec ..... Ope..M
0..., ...... .
n. lOth., the~
&r. Fr.. ........
•&4 Wrv.aD toATS S.rv~ ... H«t-D Y.an
'"' HetW ...... c..t .... _
L.iMrty ~206.2
c-,a.+. ....... s-h
1101 ~A-. e-ta....._
UMrty 1-411J
"Q.IIty ......
DhiiMtlwwfr ~ .. , ... ~ ....... c..t .......
~ ....,..,. ~sa... ,.,.
MeiR OM..r Hart-1771 ...........
1221 w. c..........,, ............
U ll E. c...t Hw, .. C... 4el W.
Harhf 2474
SURF I SAND ..... .
VA6AIOND HOUSI u.. .... .... ...... ....... '""' .
The DA vtS BlOWN Co.
T~o• lo.n..
Fn,W•Ire H-A,U.-1111 H..W N .. c..t. ._,._
ua-ty J.J4J7
• Y.wHo .. oO...II ....
MllE. c...t Hw, .. c-.... Ww
STAFFORD I SON ...... ....... ...... .... ......... ..,..,..
I ICJ ........... A.,.,.......,_. .....
lAwtr ~·-
T~uatku ....._ M.•ln n w..a,__ .............. c... .... &Aefty .. ,.
lOIHT HU'S CH.S 1 ... , ....... c..... .....
• t..c...4a
PTA Elects
Mrs. Boyvey
lla.D6ll 'L ............ -. .. ..
............. ~ ... c.M, ...... = ._. el tM .... •II C••dl el Ad Lnr-(.tdPt).r-.-uc a .... ,._
• • .. .,., .. • .._ ...._ .., a• (Teay .......... ,
Assi·stance League Auxiliary
Is Announced by Mrs. Castle
Zonta Names
Kayla Hurst
Girl of Month A new awdllary to the Aab· fleer trom the Leacue to Laa
~ Leacue of Newport Beach Amlpa. Al.o pret~ent at the ~me otfJda1 on March 15th luncheon from 'the Harbor club ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~ Jtayla Bunt, a MnJor at Mew· when Mrs. BJc:h.ard Cutle of Bal· were Mmes. Mebon Neice, Georre i port Harbor Bleb Sebool, wu boa. f1nt v1ee president of tbe Penney, Georp Yardley, Arthur
c:boeen Zonta Girl ol tbe Month National CouDcll of the A.ula· ae.t, Arthur 1Aw1a, Paul Jtoaen,
tor Karc:b and received her '7:' tance Leacue, announced the af. Edward llroolm, Allen CrUiell,
pin Tbunday from Dr. Helen tUiation with Lu Amtc.-ot La· Georp Hoa~o Georce lJnd. ry.
lobert8on, premdent ol the Mew· cuna at a luncheon and tuhlon non Whit.. Leon Yale, Joeeph
port Harbor Zonta Club. Jr:ayla Ia show ctven ln hon« ol the new Stawtcld and Hay Lanpnheim..
& cor • wcron rraa
J'rom Bel~um. Bolland,· Sweden, c.many, ltab'
6 bcland.
Arabeeque l.,..lrJ
trom Toledo Spa1.D
Lll .. •'• QIP'I'I ., .......... , ..........
Leem to Oenc.
HARIOit 5013
the dauahter ol Mr. and Mrs. D. UIOdates at the Balboa Bay OUicen of Laa Amlcu are
G. Bunt. 175 eo.ta lieu St., Club. MrL Barry 0. KUla, chairman;
eo.ta Meu. The Lacuna auxiliary Ia al· Mta. Scott Clowley, ftnt vtce·
A.c:ttvttier. which helped her to ready a club ot ruty members chairman; Mi'L Loula Camep.t,
the honor, Include the Choral with many projec:ta, c:hlet amon1 aecond vtee·cbalrman; Mrs. Don·
Club, ot which ahe Ia vtee.presl· them bef.nc the Frtend.ah.lp Club, aid Mac:Grecor. secretary; Mrs.
dent; NprMentative on the .tu· which welcome. all local new Rot;ert Beck, treuurer; and Mra.
dent coulldl and honor roll realdenta .tnd vlaltors to LaKUD.t Marlo Tartaclla, llalaon otrioer. cr•des. La.t year Kayla wu dl· and the Turn.tbout Shop, where Tho. 1n charce of the party
rector and namator or the annual eood uad articles o.t clothlne were Mmea. camepa, Howard
hi&h 8Chool tuhton ahow put on and household Items are sold. Planalp, Jack Watkins, Wllber
by the Home Maklnc Depart· Las Amlcu meets weekly tor Fritz, Fft'rla Borden, Roy Amston.
ment and thla year she wUl cardJI and refreshments and re· William Blurec.k, Maurice Brim· a~aln partidpate. quires all Ita members be over mer, John Dlelm.tn. Bruce Ander·
FVaau.& IIEftDfG TUZSDAT SO years of aee. sea and Edward Clancy. a. Sanford Martin, of the Or· Mrs. Edward Millett, retlrfne
pnlc M1111nc Co., Glendale, will president of the Newport Aut.a·
speak on . "SoU BulldJng and tance Leaeue, welcomed the
Oompollt Making" at the month· croup to Newport and Introduced
ly meeUnc of tbe Costa Mesa· Mrs. Dale Ramsey u llalaon of·
Miss Oliphant
Is Nominated
c.a. ....... lalglaly -· •• w ..................... ..
oi-.............. Loeb
~ • dna' at1 c•n•ed ..,.
wtila I r•alt .. .ada -..
oatlllde. llat lulde Ia CIIIIIrr.-••• n. .._, Oltdc:lll&..a.. ret -.y
••• lAid t..1a __. ••rrl-. .... -.....y •.• f-P ... ,_, ta flDM wHia .......
c::Naa .. tbe .... .. ..y
....._ .-t'f ... A Ia dt•
twe ..,_ ~ ....... wtt:ll ,..... .,.uo.r. pUak aall bl ..
ct ca at lciD9 • • • Caa:raa·
'-4 ....... •••wt»odd ... Bay Cities Branch of the Call·
tomla National P'Uctma Society
at 7:30 p.m. 1\tesday 1n tbe Ev·
erett Ju Rea School audltorium.
Hamllton and Meyer Sta., eo.ta
Family Night
Dinner Slated
-z.. .,._ ..... loa..t ••• • Miss LouJ..Ie Olphant of 15!56 E. Most nattertne . . . and I
Ocean Blvd., Balboa. has been protnt. the most cherished cUt
nominated tor president of the any bUiband could cfve hll wlfe,
Mu Epsllon Chapter of Beta who ln turn could ctve him hla
Slpa Phi Sorority. on Father's day ... You know Mesa.
Other nominees are Mrs. John to make the pair . . . la an aneel
e.:tu.iftly at Plans for the family nlcht din· Ba.s.tbe U Vkle·presldent, Mrs. .... A birthday aneel ... There
ner for the concregation of the John Racan u reeordJne aecre· are twelve dltrerent figurines
Newport Harbor Lutheran Church tary, Mrs. John Neaua u corrH· . . . Each portraying a month lB. Ill PlllllCY
Jt~ S.iovfJL
Give the finest,
· freaheat candies
1w Eut.., April L
$1 .U 1 lb. baa $2.60 lib. ba
~, . \\~; '. ) ·-"'·'''~· ' . . --~ ,
..... 1 ............... .. u ..
CAN8111 ON mCKI ..
......... • «: , ...... ,..
on AprU 13 were dbcuased when pondlnc aecreta.ry, M1u C&tbe· ... The June Anc•l la a bride
the· executive board of the rlne Bauer u treasurer. Election ... Tbe September angel ll otr
Women ot the Church met Mareh will be at the April U meetlnc.. to Khool . . . Tbe Deeember
22 In the home ot .Mn. WUllam The nomlnatinc commlttee re· angel Is curytnc &'itt. ... Each
Carnett, 2524 Fat.rwa.y Dr., Costa port was m.tde at a meet1nc held ls a dainty ceramJc. complete
Mesa. at the home of Mia Martha with cold halo ... Nice too tor
A flhn.strlp, ''We Found Them Oehlerkfne. 929 Clay St., Clift anyone who bu oUtiJ'OWn the
Waltlnc," taken by Dr. T. P. Haven. MrL Elsie Egaett and 1 stuffed an1ma1 stage . . . The
Fricke In New Guinea In 1945, Ml.as Bauer presented a procram 1 Mezzanine Shop also has the
was shown at a recent meeting. on travel. lofts. C. E. Hardin, candles, paper table accessories.
Mrs. Don Wedeking, program treasurer. reported that a check I card. gitt·wrapplng. basket mak·
chairman, narrated during the had ~n p~nted to Hoac Me· lngs and Easter Toys to make
showing of the pictures of war morlal Hospital bulldlne fund Easter Sunday a pleasure and
damage. At the Man:h 15 meet· toward the sorority's pledce for Joy to all ...
lng the group beard Mrs. Harry a room In the tumor cllnlc. Ecater Sa..aday 1a our ICCIOD4
Bergh outline plans of the year The chapter vot@d to send a ~ ecrtlD9 day of tbe .,..,ar.
for the New Guinea missions substantial cheek to the Beta C'IIIIIILI89 ~ to CbrlatiDG:I
work. Sterna Pbl International Endow· ••• A IPOd 1 hl9hly .__.
Mrs. Morris Laurie of Costa ment Fund. which supports Girls· IDCDCI ••• EatiD9 ••• Wily do
Mesa Is In charge of the mother· town. USA. and contributes to .. eat ~1 a.cau. EciiW.
daughter banquet to be held cancer research and the C&na· Ub autdiDaa. a. a family day
May 14. The tree-will oUertng dlan polio fund. • .• W'IMD 9004 fricada W. •
that evenlnc will be sent to the get to9eU.. •.• aa.. ~
Women's Ml.aslonary Federation JfO LOSS FaON FDlE of tiM Jfcw Jfabbco C••--oa
for the India Women's work. No damace resulted when wlr· cnu.dl f• tbe ..aa11 fiT .••
Meetlnp ot the Women of the lne caught on !Ire outside the JfabUcD Cla"CC!'Doa CnlDcb an
Church are held at 7 :30p.m. on home of Mrs. R. Stone of 410~ d•........,. u01$;en ••• ~
the third Thu.raday ot the m onth Narcissus Ave .. Corona del Mar. bela9 aaacbcma.. tb.y mab
In the Pariah Rouse. Mrs. John at 6:02 p.m. March 16. the New· a delldoaa p1e c:na.t. v. Neff of Newport Helehts 15 port Beach fire department re· This year tbe Azaleas and Hy· •
president. ported. drangeas seem bloomlngeT than
ever . . . The colors are more 1
vtvtd and more varied. they seem
to be completely bursting out all
See Our Display • • •
Easter Lilies .
. . . ' ...
• •
over with Easter bounty ... Nice
thought to give someone som.e·
thing they can plant to remem·
beT you by with the years ...
Easter Lilies too unfold their
waxM petals In our Flower Shop
. . . Don't forget we deliver or
wire flowers or plants any·
where ...
rd~ I
m:er • IS~
Easter's lfTMd at Ricbltd's Lido Manlet
••• wit~! till deep-throated tninpetinc of
• beartiful Easter liJits! Wt eaa't think
• • lowtlier WJ tD syll1botizt the season.
TMN aquisite 1Mn1 blooms •• sudl
eloquent cemerpiecn for Easter week . • . .a ~ ~ICeS for specill
frilnds IDd lowed oaes. Call-lftd..cbarae
U.., if yau 1M ••• wt'U deliwr or wire
.....,., Or COlli choose JOUf' own It
the fkMrtr Sbap ••• just "" the pftnc lot
o,... Suftdoy & Deily t A.M.-7 , .M.
-·& 2, •e! !!! !::::!! ==: ::!!· ~ ~ -
OCC Faculty Waves Add
Maior EVents to P~ogram
• A f'80rl&l\batloll of tbe Or· -. • ~ J*V, a ~~~~rtnr anp Cout Col..,_ rawlty fuhloo lbow and a •wnm• pot·
Wive. Cluba to IMJudlt tow ludl •PI*'· It wu decided.
major eventa a year plua month·
1y meetings of the book and
brldae lect.loM wu overwhelm-
ingly approved at the Marc:b een•aJ meeting of the group In
the eo.ta Mesa home ot Mn.
Dudley Boyce. A..lstlnc ho.t·
eaaea w~ Mmf.L M.U• Eaton,
Samuel McNea , Gerald Ellis
and 'Jbomas Blake).y.
Next year's program will In·
dude a fall welcoming lunch·
Your FarnUy Restaurant
( CJoeecl "1'1 IIUy)
ISIS JL c..t JUPway
Bcalao&o 1.. C.... diN liar
.. ............ ~ .. --··· ....... -· 111..-...y of lle.rpowt ....
laaft .... ...Uaodaed .., ...
Poet ()ffJc. Dwpaa l Mt.
Tbe ~ wW Nelda
"'lle.rpowt -.acla. Cld.. GOLDER
AlllfiV.aSAIIT 1-.1151.•
~ acrr be ebta:IMd bf ...S·
lag ............ 11 ...........
~ c:aDCie1latioa be ..,.
pUecL to ~ at x ...
port llecldl aDd Conea del
(Political Advertisement>
CHARLES E. HART is an independent candi-
date. He is a resident and in business in Coun-
cilmanic District No. 1. He is familiar with the
needs and problems of the entll-e city.
Mr. Hart is a former member of the Citizens
Oil Committee, the Mayor's Easter Week Com-
mittee, and past president of the Newport Har-
bor Board of Real tors.
He has been a ctive in the West Newport Im-
provement Associa tion and the Newport .Island
Association. He is well know n and respected in
his district.
The UndersigDed Endorse
Charles E. Hart For Councilman. District 1
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arthur
Mra. Clara Axtater
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Melwood Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brooks Mrs. Kenneth G. Cooling
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cubbage
){r. and Mrs. Paul 0 . Davis
Henry Deister
Mrs. May S. Delozier
Herbert Dewes Mark G. Engelke
Mr. and Mra. Edward T. Healy
Paul C. Jones
Fred H. Joyner
Fred J. Kriete
Sandy MacKay
A. Matthews
Ray Neilsen
Mr. and Mrs. E. Nunan
William G. Perrow
A. K. Phelps
I . E. Pinkham
Librarian Dorothea Sheely
Is Elected Zonta ~resident
Dorothea Sh@ely of Newport treasurer, and Winifred B~con
Heights was elected to serve aal and retiring president, Dr. Helen
th e next prealdent of the Newport Robertaon, u board members at
Harbor Zonta Club at a closed large.
annual meeting held Thu111day Mrs. Sheely Is head librarian
night at Orange Coast College. for the City of Newport Beach.
Elected to serve with her are Thls put year ahe has served
Ruth Jayred, first vice president; as flrat vice president and pro-
Louise Hamblet, second vice-gram chairman.
president; Ruth Gibbs, recording The club al.ao voted to again
secretary; Hazel Ray, correspond· participate In the American Field
lng secretary; VIrginia Luther, Service program tp bring a for·
------------elgn exchange student to New·
Realtors fro m Newport Harbor
will join others throughout the
county at an all-day Educational
Sa 1 e s Conference Wednesday,
which Is bei ng sponsored by the
Callfoml• Real Estate Associ&·
tlon In Santa Ana.
Dick Hodge of Corona del Mar,
Harbor :rr74. and the Newport
Harbor Realty Board OUice, U ·
berty 8 -8351, will take care of
port Harbor.
Yearly reports were made by
commltt@e chairmen: Kathleen
Coleman, public afialrs; Blanche
Benz, attend&Jlce; Myrtle Brook·
lngs, fellowship; Eva Aspln,
membership; Fr a n c es Meara.
publicity; Ruth Barcume, public
rela tions; MUdred Stanley, re·
porting for Helen Stockton on
service; Wlnlfred Barbe, status
of women; Letha Drolet. year
book ; and Margaret Reinert.
ways and means.
Parts of Re:l~ S:w on Marine 01 111'11•1 .... Bltl
A,.ve., Balboa bland. were In a
weakened condition even before
Easter week started. Dorta Bray
hu been laid up for about a
week and Hal Houser is home
from the office. Ill.
We goofed last week-putting
the wrong liennett In real estate
over with the Newlln.-THlS
Gerry's a girl, and not related to
The state superintendent of
bank& haa announced the ap-
proval of the Marlnera Ba nk ap-
plication to establish a branch
In San Clemente. Edgar R. HUJ,
president of the local bank, says
that they have slx months time
In which to get ready for de·
politics. Lots of others were root· SOif P'Oa tJPIOifl
ing, but most of them just goof· An 8-lb. boy was born Satur-
ln' 9f! for a few daya. as waa day, March l4. In St. Joseph Hoe·
BIU 'Messinger, Ivan Erhardt and pltal to Mr. and Mra. Robert Up·
Homer Shafer, to name a few. son ot 10C~ Acacia Ave., Corona
Thls week Pete GeddM Is doing del Mar. The newcomer's dad Is
a ft!W days Easter vacationing a motorcycle olflcer with the
with his Easter vacationing son. Newport Beach PolJce Depart·
and Nelda GibBon Is entertain-ment, and hla grand-dad b Chief
lng a bevy of Ann's friends. of Pollee John L. Up.on. •
• • • of soc:ial note
Tar Tattles • • •
• me• UTIIfcs
Harbor's two bands and orche-
stra did quite well at the music
festival Friday night under the
direction of Clinton Sawin. The
Tar band received a two. which
Is excellent. on both their pieces
and t~ir sight reading. The
orchestra and concert band both
received ones. or superiors. The
band received a one minus on
their sight reading.
Harbor also had four soloists:
Gall White, with a one minus;
Mona Rae Barlow, one mlnua;
Robin Rylett. one. and Carol
Hyden. one. The concert . band
and orohestra, hav1ng received
superiors at District. will go to
Regional, Aprll 13 and 14.
• • • e CDILS' STATE
Susan Brown. popular Harbor
junior, has been selected by the
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa
American Legion Chapten to
partJclpate In Girls' State, J une
20-27. Outstanding junior girls
from all over the State w111 meet
In Sacramento and take over the
State, learning how It ls run.
Walkers :-;-....
SANTA ANA-IN .. .._..
-~ .... .......,.._..._ , ................... ·-
f!·9f~ /1&1-e•~·l
w ~: 14 ... "': '... ' .. ., " '~~~~0
I CoNQU~ROR c ... , ...... · .. -,pf .
roa DA.Non•
~ * .. --~ ---... ~ .., acnrur•
-... ot u.. aoatJa•
Sue will go up with girls of the
area on a train. When everyone
Is there elections will be held rr.~~~~;~;~~4~~~~~~:~~~~~:;;;;1 and ctrls will run tor positions
from Governor to City dog·
catcher. They will stay In the
gymnasluiJl of the CalUornla
Junior High School. When Sue
returns abe will give a report at
onf' of the American Legion
Calllwwr Ills
Bead Enatgn Want Ada. Mr. and Mrs. Rkhard Fay
Lt. and Mrs. P. F. Fernan
Randall F. Geddes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glass
Monte Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1. Singer
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Soderberg
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stewart Lois Vogel
John Vogel Earl B. Winship
One of the Harbor's outatand·
lng young yachtsmen, Michael
Lout. Burke. wtU be married In
September to MJ.sa Mary Helen
Spracher, It was announced last
W@ek by the Intended bride's par-
enta, Mr. and Mrs. ClJfford Don·
ald Spracher of Downey. The
groom-to-be Ia the son of ludge
and Mrs. Louise H. Burke of
Beacon Bay and Montebello.
Judge Burke, an expert on city
government, helped pre p a r e
Newport's original charter.
Stanford. they haU from Minne-
sota., Ohio, and points north.
Some of them arrived with Jane
at 4:30 a.m. and the rest fol·
lowed at 7 a.m. All coming
straight to Newport Harbor from -:-•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMii;iii their lut nama. • 1 w us a a aaaan¥
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright
Charles E. Hart
For Councilman. District I. Newport Beach
Be Sure to Vote April I 0
• • •
Like trying to open a locked
box-getting a complete story
{rom Lout. Briggs' about their
'round the world trip from which
they recently returned. Travel
yarns galore, rm sure they could
• • •
Real considerate at the High
School-they're Jetting the kltt.
out a haJ1-hour early all week
... To klnda get used to getting
sprlng vacation thb week and to
have a chance to see all their
college friends now home. • • •
HERE ... Marilyn Wheeler of
Corona del Mar seen at the
Santa Anita Turf Club escorted
by a gentleman from Belvedere,
Ill ....
'::=:::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=;:=;=:;:==:=:=:;:==:~ tell If we could just sit them ------------;:. down and spin them out of 'em.
Their trip was planned to cover V fl$Uftg
• • •
~ ...
--1117 ...
the areas nicest ·In the winter-
time. Sounded llke LouJe really Commer~-L
liked Japan the most -they L'"I(.U.S
spent slx days there-But Italy ------------
was al8o beautilUl whUe they were there . . . and Ceylon-and Prize winners at the open
the Islantt. In the Far East. Most bouse "get acquainted" party
amusing, he relates, wu the pro· held at the Jewell Wel~ Flower
cession of 50 algbt-seelng Amerl· Shop In Corona del Mar Jut Frl-
cans bobbing along (ladles' hata day were Mra. Waton Walker of
and aU) seeing the f.ar eut by Santa Ana, Jeeae John80n of Co-
" ricksha." rona del Mar, lean Ames of Co·
. • • • rona del Mar and Mra. George
There may be a 1llght crlnging
as we lrteel ounelftll for the on·
slaught of ethool·t.out teen·
agen, notably members of the
Whoop'n Bolla. Indian $rl~
but there 18 real happlneu again
u we think ot our own Harbor
area JOQ.nPt.. who wtU be at
"lal" I« .,sn, vacation •••
'Jbe Arthur Torrancea aa1d tbey
..... tbek ,.... bJ& collep boy uon DOt "'wbo" bUt '"bow man,.-
would ... antvtna 1tlth hlm trom
cal. on~, ot Saturda.J'.
l'oalooa eou... wm be, the
w.cldiDI ..ct1.na for a youna
couple wbcJee I'CJIDaJa bepn OD
CIIQU. ..... -....rta Bagatd
o( .. ~ plaM to 1Nd
WIJUnll6 Jdlmt4t o( -8borel at ,__. tbla Juae. •••
Davies of Bay Shores.
'PORT ;? .. /.
( (ll/0 /lt/A Of, ~~!UN HA•Il· '11/Hl Y
"TIE liSE TAniO"
Plu ....... , .......
''liED lll•c"
ADVD IOU 1'11.11 «:ruts AID 711l:i.1C a a a --!. us
ICIJU! I ......
IIU 1111111
r ..... -. a. ........ ........_..-. .a.. ct~......,..., a. YUill ,. .... • -.. 01 •• c...aer·• ..._. ...... . ._... •·w-e-.................... at .. ......
.. ..._ w-cL V..S.C .... eww*lp • tM a...,.. • ...........
..._,.,. IDTIII_UT 1''111
hn: •• , .. -.. lp•<rt= Ia na..tc ....._ .,..._.......,.. ..... ...... -= ....... ...._P ....... '-'ry F%~·11111a~W. ... "IId ......... .
1_.111• I I·-·---....... -~~1111111 lnP..., ....
111 ...... ..... nu::::. '10 ocr ...._.,
0... DAILY.._ .. •'t'AIIItb a... IlK 111•
. .. consult our decorator! Avoid h
shopptng ••. h costly do-it youneH
mllte~ • • Our decorator worb with
you within your ~tetrnined bud9ft~
the ,_,., ere prical•• .• y,. horne lt
• reflectiort of h tette end pet'IONiity
of your family • • • e WOftdetful p&.c:. to
-we heppiy Mt.rt.in P!OUCIY • • •
Doc-.lnte ...... , .....
~ ... a.h ........ .
Mrs. Tom Woodward Named
As 04tstanding ~lubwoman
Kte. 'hal Wooctw&rd ol Oofona Jr., Mn. WUUai'D Callla aM 'Kit.
Rllhlanda wu IWMd 111 tM John Berry.
Junklr a..D Club u tiMtr out· •by ~ • ..,. JINMftqct to ltan4iM ......... ., ol tlile year new motben, M.rL J&JDt~~ Zlnk.
at tbe funebeon meettnc 1'tlun· Mrs. o. & Toe&al ¥d Mn. au..
clay at tbe ltewport Hubor ..U Hampton. A new membet,
Yadlt Club. Mn. Lorin WaiJler, wu w~l·
Sbe wtll bave all ~ pald eomed u a trantu from the
to tbe tPrlnl ecmwntloo of the Santa Ana Junior Ebell Club and
Federation of JunJor Womm'a reslrnatlora were accepted from
Clubl tn San Dteto Aprtl 20 and Mn. C. E. Meeb and Mrs. Jer·
21. Mrs. Woodward S. treuurer orne Belperln.
R•rly.,.., J.bedf., 1~ bath
home: dbL ...,.,., walled
patio, ftrlpl.. partly tum.
Ol'fLt 1'.000 DOWN
• • •
3 larp bedlooms. 1 ~ balM,
flreplaee. 3-cu-pJus auaae.
Walled patJo, on comfr lot.
p 4-'00 dowJ'l
• • •
loth ue well located-near
of the ~aqe County Federation Plans for the "Cotton Blouom
of Women'• Clubl. Junior Metn· Showboat" cllnner dance planned
benblp, and preu chaJ.nnan for tor June 1 wfte deeerlbtd by
her local eJub. She hu apent Mrs. Myron MUlu, chalrman,
ov41't 540 houra In Junior Ebell who announced that her com-
and federation dub WOJ'k. mlttees will Include, Mrs. C. E.
A nomfnat.Jnr committee for Hollaway, co-chairman; Mra. Harbor 140
next yeula ottklMw wu ramed RJchard Maure-, and M.n. RJch -
at the lunehon. Mn. Woodward ard Bolder, tJcket.a: Mn. 0\arles 106 McFa11den Pl.
S. chau.&D. ....tllted by Mra. Woodward. Mrs. Tom Woodwud
Dun Gorton, Mn. Ceorre Gun and Mrs. Tom Baume, dec:ora· At the Newport Pler
Love~.)' .S.W home, f'lsber.
buUt • jutt 2 yrt.. old. 3.-br.,
2~ badw. MautJiul yard.
Good ter"na
• • •
ExeeptJona.Uy cute 2 · unit
buy at $28,500. i:ach unit hu
2-bedrooma.. fl.replaces, dar·
llnr pat.Jo. ~cellent location.
KE.U OCEAlf onJ{, 3 yn.
old.. Well bUllt. a.fm.. or 2
and ~n home, 1~ batha.
fl.repl .. HW fits., ~ or
ru ldtdum. DR. patto plexJ.
&1.. encl.. co ro p I e te 1 y feneed. So. ot Bwy. Flrm
and den home. Larre lot. 2 fl~laees, 2 bat.ba. hw. fln.,
DR.. shake root, 1400 ~-tt. dbl rarare atrHaed tor apt.
above. Cloee to ahtlpplng,
rood location. Asldne $23,!500.
Hu rood loan payable too per mo.
... E. ...... ,
... -----------tiona. 2529 M 498 Pule. Balboa Island HAm 3333 E. cat. Hwy. Corona del Mar ld Eves. Hu. 44.38-W, Har. · H bo 24.22 • 1.00 • --to ~-The April meeting wm be he ---------------=-:::-=---=:-::-:::-=---ar r ~ --• at the Franklin School tor Deaf
-----------, and Hud of Heutnr In Santa LIT fll 111 J f. Ill£
COLORED LADY wants day Ana, a pbUanthopy of the New· 40' frontare. Clc.e to So. Bay,
work. Ia 3·:5913 or KJ 3·1485. port Beach Junior EbelL Alter a a.2 VIEW LOT, 60 x lOO Balboa 11. 2-bedr. houae 1r BELPWANTED: comp~t~nt tour of the .chool the memben bachelor apL 2-car garare. 2 hou.sek~. male or female; wlll •dJoum to the Villa Marina Seaward. Corona Hlehlaoda paUoe, extra parktnr. Terms
full c:hure, hours noon to alter for luncheon, buslnesa meeting PRICED TO SELL. and price vey lnteroestfnr.
41n.Der; 2 tn famlly; Jive ouL and proaram. German exc:hanre HAL WILL SMini
Apply Jn penon wtth mer-ttudent. Dteter Nora. wUl IJ)e&k. u 8-4.272 Harbor 200-J
_encee. 3818 Ocean Blvd., CDM. CIDJSTIU SCIZJfCE CIIUaCB
HOUSEHOLD FURN. for aale. In· "Let not hlm that Ia deceived
eludes twin bech dlnlnr eet. trust In vanity: tor vanity shall
.tudlo couch. GaUen It Sattln be hla recompenc~." These chal·
stove, etc. 417 HeJlotrope. CDM. lenetnr words of Job (15:31) con·
NEW 2-BDR. untum. apt. for atltute the Golden Text at the
rent. Neu shopping. puk, and Newport Beach Church of Chrlat.
Boya Club. CM. Gub. dlap. Scientist, Sunday. The Leuon·
garage. 572 .PI u m mer. HA Sermon 1a on "Unreality."
Thla home hu everyt.hJnr a family could eve-r want.-
4 bedrms., 4 baths, formal llvlnrnn., full dlnlngrm.
13x15, brealdast room, dlahwasher In the kltc:hn, but·
l~r'• pantry, forced air heat, hardwood OOOJ'S.. Beaut!·
tully planted yud and of course, located In one of Call·
fornla'a outatand1ng subdlvlslon&-SHORECLIFF. Price
FOR SALE-Buslneu Property.
Store Bulldlnr with llvlnr
quarters abov•. 2919 E. Coast.
CDM. I n c om e $275 month.
Owner Sandy Stelner, L18·1.521.
evea. Ha 3602-J.
2·RM. PURN.-. -a--:pt......-:-tor-r-en--:t .... -=co=M.::--=-
160 mo. U 8·1066.
Mornlnr Canyon Road
Newport Blvd. at 30th St.
Harbor 1600
ole hanson co. manarem~nt
1700 W. Coa.st Hlehway-Liberty 8·!1'73
Jill lA n ii
April'!J 1831 • • •
It was a tiny eoftacJe on Orch.d Street in PhNdeipllia, Pennsyfvani.. Comty Rich
wanted to buy a. Off.c.n of the Oxfotd Provid.nt luading AssocWion lent him
$375, and the rwst S.vif9 end L.o.n Auoct.tion T ransectH>n wes sigMd end .. M.d.
Comly Rich's tiny home it standing today, a symbol of the enduring ro'-whidt hes
bMn the vital function of S.vin91 and Loan Auoci.tfions fot 125 ~ars.
This April, w. salute a eantury..nd+quarfer of Savin91 and loan service to thrifty,
home-owning Amertc.n famat.s. Your funds, inv~ in our insured S•vings and loan
Auociatiofl, are in turn re-invested under sOW!d, conservative management in Firat
Trust Deed Loans to buy ot build homes for Orange County families. 1\is, -. f.el,
it the sound.st invesfment in aJI the world, in the the fastest-growing garden spot in
We celelwate our 20tft Anniv.nary in 1956-20 ~an of NNice to conservetive in-
vedon. Their confidenc. in our NCotd has l>uilt our resources to wei above
We invite ycMI to place yow Nvings with Orange Cow!ty's fastest growing Savingt
and Loan Auociatioft. l.gin enjoyin9 our cun-ent higfl retum of l'/1% per y••· with
clividends paid <4 timet y...fy on d acc:ounts.
c.l .................... th a.p... ifl N.-,.. ......, ., .. -c.-. ..., .... , omc ....
c...t ~ _, ... .., ........ ..-..,.,., _,
,....,.. ..... , ....... -_,....... v ...
_, ...., tt. e...t.PM ....._. ..t '"" .... ..
II .......... " _.... ~~~ &.... v ........ ..... .............
••• L111 laaeel11111
11.1 I VI A LID 0
1 fliT IIIII·
P. A. P a I m • r ,
ec. .. cW 11ar o-.. a. Balli ....... c._ ...... ,..
You must see this tmmacu·
late 2·bedr. home conv~nl ·
ently located In a most ex-
cellent neighborhood.
Full price just $14,750 with
excell~nt terms.
DEAL Wl'm REAL TORS .. , ...... .....,
Corona del Mar Branch
3530 E. Coast Hwy .. Harbor 5563
II c.r.a ... lar
lui CU..
3-Bed.room. 2 Bath, flrepl.-
w1th lovely vlew-Complet~·
ly and tastefully redecorated.
Only $19,soo......exceuent terms.
. c.
~ ..... ., ......
1999 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
u 8·3333
Best ~an Front buy. Home
with aeparate lncom~ unit.
YoW' host. C. W. Block ........... ....,
1799 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa
U 8-~ Eves. U 8·1443
... Frill
V~ Best Buy! Jbeodr. hom~.
lovely view, choice location.
F. A. heat. larr~ paUo.
$22.000 Good terms.
Call , ... c. .....
For appointment to see
2620 Newport Blvd., Newport
L I 1111-1.1
Whm buytna « ..Utne
Newport property. wby not
do bus1ne. wtth 80tMOne
tboro41abb' f&JD.Wa.r wtth the
1 ba .. been ben a lonr
time aD4 cu o11• real
Irvine Terrace
Gives You Everything
... but "Smog"
._ Ce•IJ'a
Filllt ........... .
Den •••ulfll ••itartllltl• .... , ........
To the home buyu who wishes to purehaw In the
S2S.OOO to $35.000 ciiUII we slnc:erely recommend
the Irvine Estates overlook.lnc Newport Harbor.
These homes f~ature CaJttomla Uvlnr. Ottered eoxclu-alvely throuch Earl W. Stanley In a Smoe-Free area
known as Irvin~ Ten-ace-<m Coast Highway opposJte
the new lrvlne Coast Country Club. Newport Kubor.
• For recommendation, we refer you to anyon~ who
holds a Leuehold Estate In Irvine TftTace, Beacon
Bay. Bayabores or ClW Haven..
Earl W. Stanley
Phon~ Harbor 4448 For Fu.~u lnformation
c•au DB. Ul
1. Beaut., rustle home. 3-BR.s. It lg. rumpu. nn.. 2
flrepls. 68'X224' lot w/nn. for pool. A real tam.Uy
home. Prfced to ~u~eal good terms.
2. 2-BRs., 1 batll, newly decorated hom~. w/w ca.rpetJnr.
tlnest patio It BBQ. Ask us a bout it. Good t~
trade for lot.
3. Cocona Hlghlan~·BR. bome with unobstructed
~an vtew. Lr. kJtch~ HW t1oors.. firepla. G.I. Lo&n
TOTAL payment£ of only $80/per mo. Prtald at $22.500. .
4.. Canyon It ~an VIEW home. 2 flrepls. Will trade for
smaller home. CaU us.
2667 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar BA.: 1741; BA C7J7r
111 'S lEST IUYS
... ,.. l••kllc fir c ............ ,.tlt1
We hav~ a chol~ 98' pareel with two eood bulldlnp
on tt-ea.sUy convutible to suit yoW' partlcuw use.
Hottest spot In town! Next ro neow Costa Mesa Cfty
··Priced to sell at $29.500 ... with excellent ternu.
'"you1l like our frfencUy ~ce,.
Uberty S.1139 400 E. 17th St.. eo.ta Mea
Duplex-just the thlnc for borne and lncom~. Each unit
bas 2 bedrooms, garare and patio. Located close to
IIChools. shopping and ~ach. $18.500, flrm. an d a bar· gain~ See tor yourself. Exclusive with
WILli. lEAL n CO •
Harbor 3344
308 Marine A~~ Balboa Island
4 Wneas $13,100 $11 ,., ...
Excellent location, 6 months old, 1% baths with ~lt'ctrlc
heat and tun til~ shower. Garbace dlsp . ell'ct. fan.
formica ln kitchen. Gua,.~. lancbcaped. grape-stake
fence. Clean as a whistle.
U 8·1632; U 8·1400 Eves. 1857 Newpo11 Ave .. Costa Meaa
Sl.tf and ~ates
225 Martne Aw .. Ba_lboa Island Harbor lTlS
.... 0
001 7Wf 8N.Itc. -..nuq
MUL1'1PI..K US IIHG MO. 1111
B11st ··• '1r~~~ FumiahiftCJI for hoMel. dub.. yecM..
)017 w. c...t.......,.,
N.w.-t ......
U. S. ltoyel Tir.s
Weshinc) & Polishin9
Complete Lubrication Servia
Mione Harbor 3094
2201 E. Coast Highway at Avoudo
Co!'One del Mer
rnon ey
• • • • •••• ••••• • • ••• • • • • •••• . ---... . ..... -... .
• 4Jl ...... . ..__ .
-~...... .
2·BR. FUBN. HOUSE -$10,950,
only ~ dn. 513 Poln.settla.
CDM, or call POplar 1·1439. ••• Pr•J•••• APT. FOR RENT-Nice location, FOR Ja!:RT
pleuant sunoundJnp. No chU· S·MM 16·MM 35-MM
dreD. oo peta. 610~ Marguerite and 1610( Sound Projecton
ROOM FOR RENT, private en· Model Airplane SQPpllea
trance. good double bed and ... • .._
private bath. 510 Orchid, CDM. ul.lrl ~
Ha 3786. 1782 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meila
BOARD, ROOM and CARAGE tor Phone Ubertz S.. '700
~r~tleman, no . dtlnkln~r or REP Alit AND Mal n ten an e e .
unokin~r. S20 week. Mrs. A. M. patntJnc, carpenter ete. Just
Nelson. 500 Westrnirwter, New· anyt.hlnc. Reuonable. SaU.
port Hel&bts. IJ 8·3094. t.ction ,uaranteed. BA 0126-J.
CALL Edna CtaJc. rental ape·
d.al1ft wftb Dorta Bray, realtor,
21,6 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island.
HA 20 or RA 64..
1000 IEWS!
Good Jobs -Good Salary
with frequent lnueases In a company that actually en·
courages advancement
Full pay as you are trained.
~nings tor-
9:00 to 4:00p.m.
514% N. Maln St., Rm. 211
Santa Ana
........... D.C.
...... -..Nn.aa• •c ..... a... ......
·=~';; ... f.!: , .. ~ ...... .
,... (2)11. BA tfti.J. 9 ·I --.
...,.. I 'PKOVI I' ---·
en your fjfe and may yow heart find hap-
pine11 and contentment ln the beauty of
your church on E.ster Sunday.
lewport Har•or , Bank c._ ....
Robert Forbes
IIArbor ••• JJOI
Costa Mesa Lumber Co,
LUMBER -BOILDING MATERlALS "-..rt aJ9'4.. e-ta .. ._ LD11 ty a.aau
______ ,.....__
Switch to
• I
. t
·Preston ~lien Is Democratic
Candidate for State Senate
..... ,... .... .,. 9Mic ee••••,_--. .. .-ae ....
D ..... CJrute ~. tli •· ,..,.... ........ Jr: ...... Wbo ..
lWei .......... tift for the llllll 1\..-.a eoancn ,_ the 4a1r7 ,.,_. ., the La. An ..... mllll
*"' Be II a natm of Burk...SUe. &7 .. came to araq. County tn
11M ana llftd tn dut vtctntty o1 en--for 11 yeua. Be and hla tam111 1IOW live on an cwanp
randl OD llall 84., near Anaheim.
11ae Al..leDII have three ehlldren.
two daulhten and a aon.
Mr. A.llen wu In the trucldng
buatne. for 17 years, dealing
wUb fa.rmen 1n Orange and Los
Anp._ eountlea, abo lelllne
can. trudc.a and fanning equip·
Be Ia a put president of the
BellOower Toutmuter Club No. m and baa eervecl u area edu· caUonal chairman. He Ia 8tlll a __ :...._:....._ ______ _
IMmber of the club. y th c t r Few the put two yean bla Job OU en ~
with the KU.k Producen CouncD
hal taken htm to Sacramento to Given Over to work on lqialative and recul•·
::'~~en .uecttng the dairy Cit.y Program
Candidates Tbe Jfewport Harbor Commu·
nJty Youth Cetrter offered the
Youth Center building and fatlli·
A I et d ties to the Newport Beach Park re nvl e Comml•lon lut week for the ettY• ncreetion procnun.
ft.-port Beuh City Council 'ftle Park Ccnnml8llon aeeepted
caDdldates have been lnvtted to the otter, acr-tnc to tum111l .-IE at the meeting of the aupervialon and IJI'C)Ira.DU1\1ng of
....,_ Democratie Club at 8 p.m. reereaUon activttllll. 'n.e Youth
,._...,. lD tM cafeteria ol the Center Board el Dtteetora wlll
...,_ ScMoJ.. Ia a. and TU· .... In an acl¥tlal7 eilpdty.
t1a Aft .. Ollta ..._ The CftJ C4Udl Kanday eve·
J'uar of tile aiDe Coeta .,_. "'-appuoW!d tbe PUtt ~
Coaftef1 ~ ~ke at tlle tlon recoliUMDdatioD. aubjKt to
lbrdl JO meettq ot the club. tJle appooYal ol the ftewport Ele·
'ftley were Arthur Tuttle, Wll· mentary Scbool Board. becau.e
llam Abbott Jr , Fred WU.On and the bullcttnc Ia on the Harbor
I 441 W. a..o. ltotcl., t.l»oe
PASTOR: F..W Stephen Kiley
6 p.m.-Moss, Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament until Midnight
6 p.m. Men of the PrManctified, Communion
12:()()..-Midnight Moss
8 e.m., 10, (HicJh), 12 noon-Messes
Bolboe lsl.snd
Moues, 8 and 9:30 o.m.
Bert Smith. VIew School eround.a. L---------------~ The Park Commialon recom· DAJ1 POll PA'niOLIID mended that the Buck Gully.-----------------,
Examination for patrol..men In restroom be con.structed with the
the Newport Beach Poll~ De· funds already Included In thiJI
part:ment wW be held Wednes-ynr's budget. Alto recommM~ded
cta.y, April 4, ln CJty Hall Council wu the Balboa Improvement
Olamben, beginnJng at 9 a .. m. Assn. request th.rt public rest·
Monday wtll be deadllne for rooms be built near the Balboa mtna' applleatJon.a. I Pier.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •
• • • • • • • • •
• I •
~ DOING; • • • • • • ············••e•••e••··············
SeMetl&isDI to ,......, whetl you're
planlllng to bald or r•••del
One f•tmeevery modern, weU
plalmed home abould have Ia
up-to-date telepbODe facWU...
Concealed wirtnc &nd COnVeD·
lently loc:ated telephone out-
lett make your home more UY·
able, add to it. beauty and
value. Your arcllltect or buUder
can euily put tbeee feature. ln
your plana. 'nle c:o.t b IIID&ll.
We11 be clad to help you with
our tree planning .uvice. Call
aDd ut for "Archltect.l and
BuDden Servtce".
• • •
Separate dJrectorY listlap help
tee-aprs keep In toach
J.. your younpten grow up md beeome more active ln outelde
acttvttlea, they ftnd It a blc help to have their own nama ln the
t.elephooe book. That makea It
euler for thelr friell• to cet
ill touch with them. It C&ll be
the crurereace between ptthlg
or mlulnc important calla
about eta~. ~ event..
meetlllp, aDd 80 OIL )(om. too,
would probabl7 8Dd a eepuate
u.t.Lac belplUJ. Ia tact. .,.,.,
member ot J'OU' tuaD;y .. be
u.ted for a ~11 ..0
cot1t.. A call to a. at J0V tea.
phone bualll-oSce 11 an tt
taka P•cffio Telephone.
• • •
FiiS1 IIPTlST CIIICII . .., ....
s.nte Ane Ave • .t ~~ie
PASTOR: P. G. N.umenn
7:30 p.m.-Youth Easter Service
8:30 end II a.m.-Worship Service ;
sermon, "The Stone Rolled Awoy"
7:30 p.m.-Choir contoto
"The Divine Redeemer"
LIIM•D C .. ll
250 I Cliff ~ .. Newport Heights
PASTOR: Robert I. Gronlund
7:30 p.m.-Colored Bible film "The Crucifixion"
7:00 a.m.-Outdoor worship service on church
grounds ovetiooking Newport Harbor
9:00 end 11 :15 a.m.-Worship services in
church; sermon, "The Uving Christ"
ST. alES
1209 Vie Uclo, Newport
RECTOR: Rev. John H. Perh
· I 0:30 a.m.-Holy Communion
8:00 p.m.-Cend&elight Co,munion with
choir music
10:00 a.m.-Children's Service
12 noon--3 hour service
8 p.m.-T enebrae service
6:30 a .m. Sunrise service
7:30a.m Choral Service
9:15a.m. Communion Service
I I :00 a.m. Worship Service
4:00p.m. Children's Rower S.rvice
7:JO p.m.-Holy Con~ ... -s.Mc.
EASTBt su~ Y:
650 W. H.mi1ton St., Coste Meso
PASTOR: Dr. R~ Pou
9 :45-Sundey School
. II a.m.--4:orler worship: sermon. "The Resurrection Drama."
7:30 p.m.-Easter music program of the five church choirs
-aaa.LY ... CIUICH
CMpel, Soutftem C.f. Bible Coleg.
PASTOR: C. E. Thurmond
9:-45 a.m.-Sunday School
II a.m.-Easter Worship Service
6:30 p.m.-Young People's Service
7:30 p.m.-Evening evangelist Service
Comr to Church fostrr
The traditional three-hour Good Friday Service
sponsored by the Harbor Council of Churches
will be held from 12 noon to 3 p.m. in the sanctu-·
ary of St Andrew's Presby1erian Church. Seven
ministers of local churches will participate, each
bringing a brief devotional meditation on one
of the "Seven Last Words" of our Lord spoken on
the Cross.
ZW St._...._ A.,... c.e. ..._
PA$1'0l: W. C. o...-
S:lO e.m........su.w; .. ttrviee et the church
t :lO a.m.--Sundey School
10110 .~w~ ~.nth Eider fN••
':IS p.a-Yo.th &illy
·~·• .. * '"D ra .. Ct I 1 Jes * t "
"Prompt Servke-................ ..... ..
.,. &. Cll.lhy .. c...-..
611 H.tto+rope AYe.
PASTOR: Edwin C. Gomlte
7:30 p.m.-Communion Service
9 e.m.-E.orly Communion Service
9:45 o.m.-Church School Easter Worship
I I o.m.-Moming Worship ot Port Th.atre
IStft St. & St. Anchws, Ne_,.ort Heic)hh
PASTOR: J..... S. St.w-+
7:30 p.m.-Holy Communion end
Choral Vesper Service
8 a.m .. 9 :30, and I I o.m.-Eamr worsl!ip
service; sermon, "If Christ Be Not Risen"
3 p.m.-Sacrament of Infant S.ptism
Or.,. A'". at 23rd St., Co.te M...
PASTOR: A. A. Keclers
7:30 p.m.--Evening service
9 :-45 p.m.-Sunday School
II a.m.-Easter Worship serv•ce
7:30 p.m.-Evening service
lttft & Court St,. Wbo. N .
PASTOR: Herbert G. Johnton
9:-45 o.m.-Sunday School
9:45 and II a.m.-Worship services; sermon.
"Christ the Living Savior."
7~ p.m.-Vesper service; East.r story in
cotor.d movies
6:)0 p.M..-Chridieft ~ pot.W ....
W.: eM "r Holy CA.oWoliilft"-...
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bruce. 5C17
Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, are I
parents of a son, 8 lbs., 10 oz.,
born Monday, March 19, in Hoar
Trust the Easter Bunny wtth
h is long. long ears to pick up all j
the news on the avenue thw
spring. But thl.a time the Easter
Bunny heard. what I already
knew that the girls are fiocldni
to O'Brien's for their spring
bonnets! Well. maybe YOU don't
want a "bonnet" . . . prefer a
beautltul handmade saUor 1n red
Italian straw . . . are ch~
with the small brimmed black
chapeau with turquoise and
fuchsia trim . . . or Intrigued
wlth the latticed straw, the wide
brimmed, or the forward look·
lng white straw hat.
... Ides tbe baDdmade hats.
O'BUEif"S .UU c:arry the dm·
liD9 Uttle Jladc:ape tbat nit
N IDCIDY oa:aiou lD tbil
Soutbena CaWOI'Illa. So ten tbe
Easter BWUiy Ilia aecnt Ia oat
-Gad CCIIIM ri9lat Oft!' (tben'a
.UU time) to f1Dd a bat to
melb yoa look MpeC1ally Dice,
Oil £cut. 1110nll.a9·
There are some other Import-
ant accessories made to complete
1 your new spring costume. New
hand bags, some of them ju.t
being unpacked . . . 1n ahJoy I
patent. softly polished black and
navy calf and smartly hand rub·
bed leather called '1tallan mar·
ble." New black linen. too. and
all sorts of novelty straw bap
and basketa that you must see to
believe (and appreclate-mmm).
There are totes, clutches and
boxes . . . even miniature hat
boxes. Smartly shaped. nicely
lined. some vanity fitted ... and
all selected as accents for Easter!
.... ,.. ... 9 ...... ,'1'M
-....t CruCIIIIdDU .. \l'ftlY *wtfb•..U•,.... ... z.w .. tat. ... a. .... ..
....... aU ......... ....
trt-. ...... -.rt a--
l.4llmle Ia • eabtle ....... ......
Driver of Stolen Car ~lees
In I 00-Mile-an-Hour Chase
TlllrL, FrL I IlL, .... 21, 30, 31.
BUD/j .._SOc PrL& .... Oaly ,_ D1 auoted
Eater Cab 1.25
.. RED HOT' VaJue. for Thun.. Fri.. Sat.. March 29. 30. 31.
Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday and Holidays 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
:::· --···-···-.. --1 ~
17¢ • l-Ib.
Carton --·---
~ -·--····· 2fw 21(
Coldea ltat. rr.la QUMCI
Col.s. ltata Chocolate
MDk Qt. Ctna. ....................... .
Buttermilk or
Reqular 10 in Pkq. 1~
wana aura
Ccma 3 ... 25t
amDSETE P.uCB ralEJ)
Potatoes !:: -····---........................... 15¢ DOTTI aaan fUJI WIIOL& ~ Bosenberrie ~·---s ... ~.-......... __ _
Green Peas 10-oa.
rq. 2'«37¢ aomena
Beef Pie ~--·-----·-··----25t
All .1•1 liMIT •• lEW
F'mest Quality Obtainable . • • All Beef Pei"80DCC11y Selected By Jolm!
BOUID.'I • llATin
LEG 0' LAMB 57~
C.Dter Cut
. Ill -