HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign..
ew Slaying
Clues Hinted
Report on
Easter Wk •
Dlltrict s. Balboa WaDeS
VOL L MO. S5 -P1'VE CEJn'l
• c on Tuesd
-"'4-dJ. K a:.L£l'ft: C3£JfAR
Plopoeed ca a "'wrlt.I.D"
Diatrict 5. Balboa lalcmd
T111111SDAY. UmL 5. 1951
DJ..tdct 6. SE c:on.a del lieu
Plo; uad. ca a "'wrlt.I.D•
Diatri.ct 6. SE c:.-o-del Ma:r
High School
to Get Site
Tuesday Is
Voting Day
' . . . .
-.,. Hop
• A 4 8.. • • • 4 A A • ·=· A A A • I • • • • • • : ••• 8 e IE SURE TO VOTE NEXT TUESOA Y
I hope there will be more enthusiasm on the part of voters to go
to the polls T uesdoy then thete hos been omong the city council can·
didetes during this cool cempoign-ond the cool means just that,
not the high school slang.
It is still the greet privilege end duty of ell of us voters to go to
the polls and expre$S our opinions end make our selections by means
of the ballot box. If you foil to vote, you ore really forfeiting your
equally greet privilege of griping to your public officials about actions
te~en, or not taken.
I don't intend to forfeit my privilege of griping. I'll be there at
the polls, ell right, end I'll be mor~ing my bollot as follows:
• District I. West Newport: I'm going to cost my ballo t for Charles
E. Hart, e long-time resident end businessman in that district, active
in civic affairs in his district end in the city et lerqe.
District 5, Belboa Island, certainly presents o mi.ed up sihJotion.
Two of the candidates have quit the reco, end so we have the same
two running against eech other as in the lest election. Confidentially.
I was going to vote for Relph Schisler, whom I have known for a num-
ber of years and whose b usiness ability end judgment reted him as e
good candidate. However, he chose not to run, changing his mind just
lest week-o decision that eerns him no commendation. For District
5 I'll write in the nome of Mrs. Helene Csenar, who hes always been
willing to give of her time and talent to civic duties, as evidenced by
her work on the school board. PTA e nd Woman's Civic League.
District 6. southeasterly Corona del Mar, officelly is a "no con-
test" race, beClluse no one f iled against the incumbent. But there's
always the write-in privilege. I'll write in the name of A. K. Phelps,
an attorney who in his unassuming manner has gained stature and
renown in this community.
I'll vote "yes" on Charter amendment No. I . There simply is no
dispute about this one. A "yes" vote will keep the beach in front of
the city trailer pork open to the people, who efter ell own it. This
Log' argued strenuously a number of times against the incredibly un·
just insistence of our City Council, as shown in a 4-2 vote, to restrict
this city-owned beech for the exclusive use of o favored few. Let's
moke ito resounding "yes" vote.
Charter Amendment No. 2 will have a rough go. Just befo re it
was put on the ballot by the Council, the Log had spoken in favor of
increasing council salaries. because our council members certeinl{ put
in en enormous amount of time on a big job. 811t the amount o that
proposed increese was a big surprise, and will most likely kill e com-
mendable idee. I'm going to vote "yes," because such an important
job should receive e little more then t~en pay. Too bod they made
it so hig~.
Vote os you please. b ut be sure to vote T uesdey, April 10.
A -:
MEAL/t •
Speciala For Thurs.. Fri.. & Sat. AprilS. 6. 7.
CaponeHe Fryers 59:.
Round Bone Roast
Short RIDS of Beef
Slcecl Bacon
., ............ -... .., ~_I .~-4 61 to ................ ..... c~ '~"~ ID~ • • • ·:=:,..,._ ....... of ~ a.·a.-....a .no_,... lw COL. I ... W W.lllmL r..-11 tm .a qiY 0 aG n.1fta apiA t1r tM Clfllee of eaa·
cUiaaa .. .......... .. .. e A UD LAW 'liMN wiD .. M0q1a wrtte.:laa wMa ~nul ...... ........ a.. apia .. ba,_ a demon· of tile ,..... of A. K. :1: ta ......_ :\; I U "& .. ., =t==-::== =-:.:: .. c::r .... = :.-=-= ~~w from the Santa Ana ..,...._.t, ~ ._..II ·-
,.. Jut ~ ~--· . mer wut • n~aa "' 11\alY wben Madame and .,.. ~.... * tile ...tdllc •
her flodr eleetect a tiebt Lut '"* I dlileu-.d elltrW leN .,_.. bJ our QMtlr. wiO'
by the limple method of throw· • ..._ -.at Jfo. 1 to cbaqe lee· ue ._ -'dAI • laud to pt
tllrr the controlled vote qal.Mt t1on 18 of tbe a..ut. to.-the ·.lo' ...,.., an candldatel tn eac:b dlltrict to tbe pubUe tbe c:l:t;J owned ellt •4DWMIPM.-
that ~re not ol their choo.Jng. bMdl Wllleh bad fcw .....,. ,_.. lo IMre II ..., lit .. :
e 1IUIIK YOU 1 wW add nothmg beN. U ~u without regard for the ebo1ce Of' been feneed oft u -privata Dlllrlc.'t 1: a.arleiiC. Jlalt.
Mamma C.Q. and I are ln· want the lull treatment, wrtte desires of the voten of tha.e beacb for tratler park 1ilnanta. It Dllbtet a: W'rtllt ta a. aame
debted to a new organization, Capt. Cy Tucker, Schenley Sports-dlstrtcts. maltee .., much MU. that It ollln. Helene c.nu.
the Schenley Sportanen's Club, mens'' Club, General DeUvery, Result: Three of the candl-lbowd pa. wtt.h Plellv of +ot.. Dllltrtct t: Witte Ill dae name
to Mushall Duftleld. Ita preal-Kewport Beach, · Callf. It won't dates who won their dLttrlc:t.-to tpare. of A. K. Pbelpa.
dent. and to Capt. Cy Tucker, of really be~. though, un-No.1 5 and &-w•e defeated by Now for charter amendment Charter amedment We. 1:
our good old home town, New· 18a you're a boat or landing the ~trolled vote 1n the other No. 2 to cbanp Section a of Stamp the • .,_. heaL
port Beach, fot a mighty aau.ty-operator. cllstrlcta. These districts are n ow the Charter to pay dty eouncll-C h & r te r UMDclmellt Jfo. 2:
lng and lnterestlnl e~nlng lut We'll bet our Jut, pocket-represented by councilmen who men a salary o1 1200 a month "No." '
week on Wednaday at the Bal-we., pe110' that every skipper were not wanted by the majority {the m•;yor $300), thereby rala-PradJee on your •mple Wlot
boa hy Club. or landing operator from Eureka in their own district. lng our preeent back·breaklng and carry It with you to the
The Schenley label must have to the South Coronado Island Now let's take a look at the ef. fai bills. The proportion of tax-polls. Or cut this out a.n4 C8n7
had an Irresistible attraction tor 1 wUJ Insist on tellin1 you all you teet on thl• councll race. We payers to councJlmen will kUl It to the votmr booth come nat
the gentlemen of the press and need to know. lust eo fishing-start with No. 1, West Newport., that. It ahowd dJe a·bornlnr. I Tuesday, Apr11 10.
their ladles, for never before have catch the bllrest one-and the Councilman Gerald Bennett wa.s do not believe that the taxpayers
I seen such a un1verul turnout detall.t will take care of them-defeated In the district. but by are golng to fall for that one, Read the EMSrn Want Ad DIP.
of the outdoor wrltera of praeti-selves. this pecular law be wu elected whJeb the CouncU so big heart-
co n w r o" f . I r l :
cally every important Southern Marshall Duffleld swears thls by the other districts to represent edly slipped onto the ballot for
Calllornla newspaper. Here are ls a worthy conservation pro-District 1 against the expreued their own benefit. I wonder u
some of the outdoor scribes who, gram. He contends that one bll wishes of the majority of voters some of the counctlmep are not
with their wives, enjoyed a real fish ls a lot better than a whole of said dlstrlct. A careful search a little ashamed of theft requat. A••• tnl ~ ..
good evening: sack:tull of Uttle ones. We can't of Council records falla to reveal Ia there aey IDOI'e rel80n to Eutmall Kodak ~
Jack Curnow, L. A. Times; Don put up any decent arJUJUent one action Initiated by him that pay a salary for thla ciVIc duty BoUeUia Polaroid
Culpepper, Long Beach, Inde-wtth thll thought. He just baa to could be Interpreted to be of office than to members of .ehooJ Stero-Jtealt.t Area
pendent Press-Telecram; Earl be rleht! Sooo·o·o, start tlahlng! bencllt to West Newport. Well boards, planning conunJalon, Bel.j..:. =.,.and
Hardage. Western Outdoor News; And no one will feel too hurt why abould he! They did not civic service commission, park
Benny Perez. San Pedro News· lt you tlnllh ofl a good day's elect him, or want him. Predlc-cornmluion. ad Infinitum? 'nlere 808ft IDTI ..a IV'J'III.SI
Pilot: Lupe Soldano, L.A. Mirror-flahlnr trip wtth a wee drap of tlon: He wUI not poll 30% of the II no financial reward for ~ublk: 'rD CA .... .of
Dally News; Bert TwUegar, L. A. Schenley. vote In his district. Reaaons: He aervlce at munldpal IevelL Do Ill W ... a ......
Examiner; Clennell Wilkinson, Don't blame thls last augges-may have become too mucb of • we want to be cWrerent from all ..._ ...._.
Santa Ana Berfster; Rollo WU-tlon on Marshall Duftleld. It's Uablllty, poUtlcally; he Ia op-other Calltornla cities under pop· 11 Hour-::==~
Jtams, San Dlqo Union Tribune. strictly a Uttle Idea that leaked poeed by a cand1date who ls au ~~la~U~o~n~n~cu~res~~of~150~,000~~?~U~ ,w~e~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;~;;;;;;;;;;~ And at that I probably ~ out of D'\Y pen when I wam't well-known, well respected cltl· ,.
ball a dozen more. Sorry, fellu! looking. zen; be may have tom hls pants
The anglln,g clubs had repre· wtth the rulers. In abort they
sentauves on deck. too, lnclud-Tom W. Soule may discard him and throw him lng Dr. BoT&ce Decker, president to the wolves.
of the N. R. Yacht Club Tuna e OW AOADf-OPF AC ADI
Club; Gordy Wevtll, Balboa Ang-Pres·. dent of District 5. Balboa laland-the Unr Club; Max Fenmore, presl-dlatrlct with the on again, ott dent of the L. A. Bod lr Reel Club. and you can credit me to T ;L..... t agaJn cand1dates. Flnt came
Pacific Anglers (and to the En-OaSTmaS erS Mrs. Clarence Bigbie. Then In-cumbent Councllman Higbie de-sign, among the acrlbes) · Tom W. Soule of Balboa Island clded It wa.s a good idea to ~
Followlnr is why we were wa.s elected president of the Udo again for the Council job. Last
there. It sounds llke the flshlnr Toastmasters Club at last week's minute entry wu E. Ralph Scbla-
for thla summer II going to be meeting In the Harbor House, ler, who stated at once that It
more excltlng than ever! ~a Mesa. Put president Ray elected he would gtve bls salary. e QOOD 11EW1 roa DBMIISTS L Eel use wu ln charge of In· whatever It would be, to Boag
For the club angler, there are stallatlon ceremonies. Hospital, leavlnr no qu~on
a J w a y s competltloM. trophJes Allo elected were A. Sandy about volunteering u a civic
and awards, but often the lnd1-S t e I n e r • administration vice-duty. He became fed up with I
vidual angler jua roes ftlhlng. president; C. Ed Soule, educa-people who talked out of both
This year an elaborate program tlonal vice-president; Robert L. sides of their mouth. DlsUlu-~
bu been announced by a new McCleeary, NC!'etary; Edward alone<! by running Into a high
orcanb:atlon called the Schenley <Bud) Grant. treasurer, and Dr. peroentage of hypoc::rttes, he de-
Sportsmen's Club. It's backed by John E. Hlll, 8e'l"geant-at-arms. clded that hls otter of bla aerY·
the manufact:uren of the well-'nle new pres1dent named AI ices to the dt:y wu unapprecl-
lmown joy-Juke that bears the CU80Uto u parUamentarlan. ated. and be withdrew u a can-
name of Schenley. Best Part of New memben lDdude Dr. Bob· dldate.
the contest la that Jt'a open to ert Drew, indamtal psyeboloJI.at. The name of Mrs. Louis (Rel·
aU antlers. which m~u that lt and James Dobblnl, lndu.strlal ~e) c.enar, member of the Ele-
you are a lone wolf. you're In, engineer. mentary School Board, h u been
just the same. suggested u a ''wtlte-ln" candi-
Manball Duttteld, west coast St d 8 date In the Balboa bland Dis-
distributor for Schenley's Uquld u y e 9 u n I trfct to buck the machine.
cheer products. II president. Mar-I pass up cand1date Hans
shall. once an All·Amerlcan By v~ ~ ~oard Broerlnr llke a wet clgaret butt. backfield star tor USC. II a fish. lVI _ having supported and aerved
IJ\1 enthusiast of the first water with hhn on the Councll-wh~
and probably gave birth to the The newly elected omeers ol be got there. Prediction: Not u
crand Idea. the Oranre Cout YMCA Board much chance u a one-lereed
In Southern California, the have been hold1ng executive sea-man In a Jdddng contest.
derby, which began Aprll 2 and sions to establlah goals aod ob-
h jectlvee for the Y. e UJfOPPOSED lasts tor 2S weeki, wtU be an· ~~~au--o• th• •• _ .. of ___ .. n, D'__._ 6 h t 1 Coro Tu ker bl oco.; -~ .. ...,.... J~~CSn • ....-... ~ , sout ea.s er y na died by Capt. C)' c · a e an the Orange County coutal del Mar. hu but one name on Newport charter boat skipper and conaervatJonlst. Concratula-communities, Including the fast the ballot. The Incumbent. Lee
h ln e:rowtng Newport Harbor and Wilder, who wu badly beaten tlons to Schenley for c 005 g eo.ta Mesa areas. the executive In bla own district. by a 3 to 2 such a capable and universally weJl.Jiked leader. In the north, eommJttee baa asked the board vote, In the last election-and In Ba to begin a self-study project. fact In all of Corona del Mar-Clyde Hickey, veteran Y Area wbicb will take about a year to is unop---...t for the simple rea-skipper, wiU run the show, which .,.,_,... up that-a-way Is tor salmon. complete. The study will delve son that prospective candidates
The Schenley Derby looks Uke Into procram. extension, orranl· knew that the machine. taklne
d al 11 th tatlonal and traln1ng methods, advantage of our peculiar and a cleanly organized e a e manaa ...... •n• .-.-.nn•I. tlnan-d tl I --''1 th way, with no u n de r h a n d e d ... u... .. ~-"' anreroua vo ng aw, wu row
angles. You don't have to buy clal and pubUc relatlon.t poUclee their outside vote agaJ~ any .
.__,_ and practices. one entering the race who la not anything, send In any Ja_,._. or The new oUicen are WUUam approved by them. Same old
bottle tops. or even pay an entry F. ltlmes of Orange Coast Col-story: win your own district, lose I
fee. You just go fishing and hope lege, president; Milo G. Lacy, to the dlstrtcts outsJde of Corona that the one you catch l.s the biggest, which ls a reasonably vice-president; Mrs. W 1111 am del Mar. Wonder bow It '~.oels to
<PoUtlcal Advertl.wment)
lOT liEIIIY, ... 10
in the City CoUDCil Election
* WE * DISTRICT l, W..t Ne wpcwt
~E. HABT ---'5(1 Realtor, put president of the Newport ~
Harbor Board ot Bealton, actJvetn clvlc auatra. * DISTRICT 5, Balboa Wcmd
Wrtt.lil tba DC1me of
MRS. HELENE CSENAR ---'5(1 Earnest cMc worker. member of New-~
port Beaeb Elementary School Board.
put premdent of PTA. * DISTBICT 6, southeasterly Corcma del Mar
Write in the DCDDe of
A. I. PHELPS -------Local attorney, director of the N...-port
Harbor Youth Center, put president of
Newport Harbor OptlmJst Cfub. * CHJUITEil AMENDMENT NO. 1
To open city-owned beach In front of
c1ty trailer park to pubUc. Thll beach belonp to the people. lYDIIj
To raise pay of councllmen from tt50
to $200 a month, mayor to $300 a month .
This wowd cost the taxpayers over
$13,000 a year, and would Increase )'Our
RUBYi STEVENSON. Secretary-Treasurer natural attitude for wielders of Harvey, secretary, and • Hugh be repreeentlng a d1st:rtct that
rod. line and reel. To boot, there Springer, treasurer, all ol the demonstrated at the polll that
are no tackle restrtctlona. Harbor Area. ====~th~ey~~dJ~d~n~o~t~w~an~t~h~lm.~===~=====~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~
Daown 80\lth here, the deal la
for yellowtail. albacore, white
aea bus and barracuda. Each-
repeat, each-week. 12 tine prizes
will be awarded to the lucky
ones who weigh In the 3 biggest
onea In the above cla.uea. Later,
apeclal awarda will be macSe for
mar11n. The weekly prlza are a
rod and reel to each succeatul
contender. You even get your
cbolce of brands from a list fum·
Boatl must be regl.ltered wtth
the Schenley Sportlmen's Club
before the lldpper can perform
the ~ c:ertUJcatlon. There
will be no cllftJculty In Jalnlng
the neceuary cooperation ol
aid~ lor each lldpper on
wboee craft the 1uc-t flab Ia
taken will receive, come the
dftby'a ~nd on Sept. 23, a Ulp~
per's award of 100 ~~mo--.
wbkb .. nothtna to be t....s owr the uan.o. of ..._, .._t.
Wetp·and·......,. m-.. Ia
eadl ..,. .,. ....... tar ua ......... :n... .,.. • w ...... tllat
• Are Invited To Visit
Our New and Enl•ged ,
• • •
CHARLES E. HART is an independent candi-
date. He i.e a resident and in business in Coun-
cilmanic District No. 1. He is familiar with the
needs and problems of the entire city.
Mr. Hart is a former member of the Citizens
Oil Committee, the Mayor's Easter Week Com-
mittee, and past president of the Newp:>rt Har-
bor Board of Realtors.
He has been active in the West Newport Im-
provement Association and the Newp:>rt Island
Association. He is well known and respected in
his district.
The Undenigned EDdoqe
Charlee E. Hart For CoundJmcm. Dilltrict I
Mr. &nd Mrs. Harold Arthur
Mrs. Clara Axtater
Mrs. Ruth Barcume
Mt. &nd Mrs. Lee Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. R. Benner
Mr. and Mra. Melwood Berry Lee Bolln
Mr. &nd Mra. Henry Brooks
Mr. &nd Mra. Robert BroM
Mrs. Philip Burton
Marearet c. Cb\lf'Ct\
Claude H. ChurCh, M.D.
Mra. Kenneth G. Coolin& Mr. and Mrs. Albert Corilellua
Mr. and MJ"'.. A. B. Cubb&ge.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0 . Davia
Henry Dea.tf!f'. Mn. MQ' S. DelaElf!f'
Berbtrt Dew• A. l . Durocbf!f'
BenrJ J:a.-t
Mark C. rn,.lke Mr. and~ B. W. Efta1e
Wllllam L. Eqle . ~
lohn WMllam ~Cnr~Pt Xr. &nd Ma IUebaid Pay Lt. &nd Mta. P. 'F. hman
Gordon B. Ftn4Jq
lbs. leul&h B. Pln.ley
llrs. Allee w ....... .. ,. .. J'. Oedclett
Mr. and Mra. Leo B. K.lrohner
Fred Kriete
Wm. K. Kuhn
Wllllam Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Edpr Lee
Elliott F. Leech
DwJ&bt Leslie
Sandy MacKay
Mr. and Mts. Floyd Martin
Mr. 4 Mrs. William 1. Martin A. M atthew.
Ray Neilsen
Mr. and Mrs. E. Nun&n
WlllJam G. Perrow
A. K. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pflmnann
1. E. Pinkham
Clara Ross
Bess Sabel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1. Sln&er
Mr. and Mra. Cotdon Siple
Mr. and Kra. E. V. Sodei"ber&
Walter R. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stewart
la.y Stottlemyre
Orvta s. 'I1MKDu Jr.
LouJe VUeUe Lola Vopl John Vopl
'-10. an4 lin. Barolcl G1ul
lilt. a lln.lobert B. Wallace J~bJDe Webb Eu .. Wlmbtp
Mr .... lin. Howard Wrtpt ~
Mr. ud ............. or-.
Mr. ancllln.lab .. -llr ..... lin. r;-T . ...,. Mr. ucllln. II...., r B:':r'J.'".;!.., ... .., ......... 1111=' &w.L':F
Calclerbe&d lolul ... ... » .... lin. D . .\. Weocllidf
1{· ... ~--. ......... . .............. ~
....... Q ..... .........
Phone In your new. stories to
your local newapaper, the En·
aJen. Ha.rbor lll4.
nox~ ~~ooq ._
.,...,.. -bola tM .-11
of U..e...t .. captala .. tbe ....... .... w. f1IGid _.. ... n.. p Jt\oa ............
lectift • ....a 1. wiMa tM ......... ,, ... --................... ........ , ...... ....... •=r=t...a...w. .... . ...., .............. ...
pa' wt ....._ t--. a.t. ............ w.,....
.. 11 ,.... ca..a.a ...... ).
OVer 300 Efttries Expected
In Harbor High Art Exhibit
.._. U.. a .....,.._. .. prot-. cl art &t the Ulllwnlt;y a 1:.-to ._ .. , ... .Ill u.. c1 Calltllnk • as,_.., wu.
Jfwaput ...,._ ... lobool Art lJaJD Bnee~ member ol the De·
~ .... o1 ..._ liD wUl ......_t fJI J'IMAdllatU.c.L.A.,
be ....... .. pibHc exbiWt .... 11-.cJ a.pp f1l ()nqe
trca Aid • till__. .Apd.l a Cout eou. ... LMt .,ear two ot lu--. a. die ad~en ttl the Mr. Qapp'a pat n t I n 11 were
...................... aa4 aO a-to h&q 1a tile llewpon
wW be Dr. ~--..... awt•ant aNMt.
A PIU'dlue award ol t300 for
M H.,, an eO and ol ~ far a water-ayor 1 Oft color w111 be clven to tt1e ae-tec:tec~ wlftnen. PaiftttJip muat AAUW P I be at pick-up ltationa before
Lit• De 1'-W ., 1
·~ .,....... a •
Am. the ~ frOID
TIIIJ POI'I' ornrz ..... e.-..,.
(Cornet Orclllcl) c-..w-. ,... ....... ~ The American .u!~ of ::!.l!;:i ::. the hlcb achool j
UnlVf!f'lfty Women. Santa ADa~;;;;;:;~~=-----~;;;;;==;;;:;=====~~ Branch, wtll hear & pa.nel dhcua·
a.lon on "''ba J'utwe Needa of
Out County" at 8:00 p.m. "'b.u.ra·
da,., Apil 12. at the Ebel1 Club
Hou.e In Sa.nta · Ana. ~udce
Franklln G. West wt11 moderate
the ~on of the pan~ •
wblcll will be compoeed ol Mayor
Dora Hill ol Newport Beach, Rev·
erend Karl am.st of the Tu.stln
Presbyterian Church. &nd Chief
of Pollee Edward I . Allen ol
Santa ADL
County bJgh acbool art stu-
dents, representing art depart·
menta at Ha.rbor BJ&b Anaheim,
F u I 1 e r ton. Huntinaton ~ach,
Tustin, Orange, Santa Ana and
Garden Grove, are competing tor
cash awards in a rodeo poster
contest sponsored by the 1unlor
Assistance League of Santa Ana.
The league ls conducting the Or·
ang County World Championship
Rodeo slated May 12 and 13 in
Municipal Bowl, Santa Ana.
April 16 ls deadline. for enterin&
the contest.
Manning G. Brent. 16, ol Pasa·
dena, was treated for a Jacen.
tion over his left eye caused by
a fight. Newport pollee reported
at 11 :38 p.m. last Thursday. 'lbe
I youth was cared for at Hoae
Memorial Hospital.
8gin & Hornilton
Wallace Calderhead
J I 23 &st Ceest Hi9.....,
Cotoole del ..,..,
-·--· --
* *
* *
...._.,.,, IIJ41wftm =•·
3127 Z. c..t .., .. --J I•~ CanDa del X.
,.,. . .,. ••i .,,., ...
Wbftblr 70W' atay II penDaDi~Dt-ar tea~poruy
-w. weJeaaw JOQ to our _.,.,UIIiV, Y• wtll w,.....u.,. .... ~ • ._J"OUaad ................. ,.. ....... .__.
Tt. frieodb-.... ol. th.l8 .... ..uJabJe
al 11117 lliD. to eo~-... ..,. fin w .. J .... J'OU
-..,y ltave. Come 1D. Welball be .... to JMet J"'Q.
1793 _ft_EW_I'O_ItT AVE.. COSTA M!:SA
O,..,CE: Uberty 1-5554 . RES. Liberty 8-5063
lew,ort Har•or Bank
a... .....
ADD UP lHI COST of keeping your P'9M"f car in top condition this year-new tires-
engiM worll-paint-bottery-muffter-broke lining., etc. Then talk to your Plymouth
dealer about his modem financing pion; find out how it may octuolly cost you less money
to dme hOlM In a '56 f'tymouth -th• only oii-IW* cor in ltle low-~ice three.
"Let•s trade I Your present car on a
all-new, Jet."styled Plymouth I "
big, ..
_.~~y.FU. v.a-..... • 200 ._ u ual
.... ~,...p .......... _ .... .... ,.. .... ,_-. J •• , ..... ....
~,., .... ,_, ... ,.., ..... _ .. ................... ,..._ ..... ........ ,ca ........... ,
Margaret L. Scharle
Teacher of Plano
Organist · Accompanlft
EvE.'ning Classes
for Adults
Corona de l Ma r
Friendly Neighborhood Service
l lO Broadway
LI 8·3433 lr 8-3434 Costa Mesa
N O W ... TWO
Servin& the Harbor Area
Baltz Mort\lary
Harbor 42
3520 E. Coat RllbWO Corona del Kar
Baltz Mortuary
17b A SUperior, eo.ta ..._
~~art. .aYd.. at OliW
moD' Y S.U51
Wilbur C. Waqner, D.C. 'i:er mAE .....
To SerVe You
mo... An.
~~ HY. 4-1177
601 N. • c. I I ....
PHONI HY .... Solltl . "' .... ,. ....
GG w. 1ttb St.. c:..ta lleM
LJbedy 1-4.552 a... JOMPia W. McSbaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun-
day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a .m. Mornlne Worahlp-7 p.m.
Collep Age MYP' Servtce -7
p.m. High School MYF Service;
8 p.m., younc adults eroup
1050 Cbu..rda St.. eo.ta M.-Liberty 1-2041
D. C. Bunt. Mllllster
Sunday services: 9:45 a .m. Bible
study; 11 a.m. morning wor.
ship; 7:30p.m. evening service
Midweek service, 7:30 p.m.
Odd Pellcnn Lod,.,
IMt !f.-port A...,
C:O.ta Meea.
Liberty ~711
Tom lklbr, Jr .. Mlllbter
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerY·
Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenlne service.
-PIIIIT 8AnDT wa,..~n~o•aca-or R&WPOIIT .... 8hocL 1ltla & Cout ....
•ew.-t JIArbor JSSS Llbel1y I-J071
,__, llerbect a. , ......
SUnday .ervtce~: 9:45 a.m.. SUn-day School; 11:00 a.m.. W«·
11!\Jp Service; 7:30 p.m: SUnday
evenlnr ': e r vIe e ; Mld·Weel& Servtce: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
Prayer Keetin£
U..Oa ASSEJOLT OF COD a.c..L Soatlaera Calli.
8Jble cou..--LibertT ...... 1
...,, C. &.. Tbanaood
Sunday school 9:30 a .m., momtn1
worahlp 11 a.m. Younc people
aervtce 6:30 p.m., evenlne
evangelist aervtce 7:30 p.m.
Mid-week aervt~ 7:30 p.m.
22Dd St. & EldiD A..._ eo.ta Neea
Liberty 147'11 ~ .... c:. er.a.tc. ......
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor·
ablp: 10:55 a.m. and evanplt.t
service, 7:30 p.m. Youne People
Scripture: "I will hear what God
the Lord will s~ak." Psalm
Many people know the Seven
Last Words of Jeaus. which he
spoke from the Cross, but few are
aware of his flrat recorded words
alter the resurrectJon.
because before Jesus, death was
cillterent. Je.u.a dJd not apeak ot
death u the paeans dJd (and as
aome modern pa•ans do). Be
spoke of men "falling uleep."
We are not a.tratd of sleep. In lt
Is the suggestion of renpal and
awalc:enJne. Jesus took the terror
out of death. Well dJd he aay,
'11le first was "All HaUl" This "Be not atraJd."
sounds somewhat theatrlc&l and bet us remJnd ounelves that
not JUce Jestls. With a stroke of Chrlatlanlty ts a reUglon of joy
genius, Dr. Goodspeed hu ln his and aawance, and that becauae
tranalatJon rendered these words, of the comln• Euter we have
"Good morning!': the right to aay to our own
"Good morning!" It has a joy-hearts, "Good morning ... Be
ful sound. In It lies ow faith In not a.trald."
Immortality. Many of our me·
morlab begin. ''Here Ues." But
15th St. It St. Andre"n Rd.., .... ,._ ..........
~·~ ,_._, .... 1--L Stewart
SUNDAY: Morntne wonhlp, 9:30
and 11 a.m.; Church School,
9:30 and 11:00; lr. BIP. Sr.
HJeh and colleee ace Fellow-
ahJps. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer,
.tudy eroup, 9:30 a.m.
cao8CII or on LADT or liT. CAJtMEL
1W W. hlboa 819CL lfewport
~~~·· ,. ........ :&.llrf· ..... ,. ........ --....... t .....
Sunday Maaes: 8:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Confaa.ton: Sat-
urdays and eves. of tat Fridays
and Holy Days from 4:00 to
5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mus 8:00 a.m. Flnt
Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m.
Novena tPer~tuaJ Help): Monday, 7:45p.m.
Jesus had no such Inscription. PRAYER: "0 Lord. our Lord, uancnar 1ST CONIIV1RT'1'
The angel said, "He ls r~n. as how excellent 11 thy name tn au PZU.OWIIIU
he said." For us It Is Indeed a the earth!" Help ua to greet each EbeU Clabliloue
good momJnr. new day with Chrlatlan faith. 515 w. hlboa al9CL 8cdbM
The aecond word that Jesus We thank thee for the conqu• Acttllw ......._, WWS.. wu.y
gave us was a eood word too, "Be of tear through the victory of
not atraJd." Men had been atratd Chrllt over sin and death Amen." SUDCI.Q' School. 10:00 LIIL Morn-. ln• wcnbJp. U :00 a.m.
and Children'• Service; 6:30 ------------------------p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: IT. JAKEl EPISCOPAL
IMI Yk U.S. 11..,..-t a..ta
llA8er 1130
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles'
Mlalonary Council, Thursdays
9:30 a.m. for aJJ day.
.ewpol't al9'd. Cit hiM lt.. •.....-t---ta Liberty I-1SU El4erD.L~
Saturday MomlM a.rvtoea: Sab·
bath School: 1:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer DlMt·
lne: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
CJ~U.c& ot tiM •u.a•zn
1-A-.bea.. It-c.t.a lleM ...._, ..... CUftWIUiew•
Ubeltr a-n11
Sunday ~: SUnda.y Sebool,
9:30 a.m. Momlne Wonldp at
10;30 a.m. Eva.nr.llatie Sef'V· lee, 7 p.m. Sun ay. l'f.Y.P.S..
6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetJne,
7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
1301 VIa ~;:-t 8eada
Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun-
day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a .m.
Wednesday Evenlne Meettnc: 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 VJa
Lido, Newport Beach, open 9
a.m.-5 p.m. wHk daya, 9 a.m.·
7 :45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m.
Fr1day evenlnn.
CBAll 1 LU'I'IIE.u cauaca
Or COSTA IIDA ( ......... r=-. ) AaedCIIII JlcdL
eo.tll ......... ~,...,.,.,
SUn~ Servk::ell: WonhJp Sen· Ice a.m. Sundq School at 10: a.m.
150 W. -.u ... It-e-ta.._.
Uberty Uta
..... ~ •••• =4 .....
Sunday acbool, 9:45 a.m.; ehu.reb
.erv1ce 11:00 a.m. Tra.lnJ.nl
UnJon 7 p.m. Sunda.y. Evenlne wonll~ 8 p.m. Sund&7. Teaeh·
en an officers meettne 7 p.m.
Wedneflday. Prayer service and Bible atudy 7:45 p.m. W.cinK
111=-rmA ....
..... , .... Echrla a-...
Sunday Wonhlp Servfea: 9:45 a..m., U :00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45a.m.
LU tw•aM ta08CII
2501 Clift Dt .. •"'POrt ..... til
Liberty 1-tal ...... -....ta.-1 ...
Duplicate momlnl lervice~ -9
a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sunday;
XJndef'larten and Pre-School
Dept. Sunday School. t a.m.:
lJt Grade throup Adult Sun·
day School. 10 a.m.: bus pro·
v1ded and Nunery provided for
both .mces and 10 Lm.. Sun·
da.y School.
CZII'TU.I. 8mLa arvaca
0... ....... Drd lt.
e-ta Jt... LDieltt .. ,.
A.A. ..........
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom·
ln. ~ 11:00: Ewntna Seivtce. 7:30. Mid-week Sent·
Ice. Wedneaday. 7:30 p..m
Youne people meet S:15 p..m
11SA..-A .... ..U..I..sa.d J~Ja&atift: .... ~ lapp
lladlow ~
Sunday Servtca: 9:30 a. m
Church Schoo'.; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service.
.... , ............
Sundq 8er¥1ces: 11:00 a.m. Holy
Communion: 9:1S. Fa m 11 y
Servb. 11 a.m., w or • h I p
Mnrlce. 11lursday S e r Y J e e • : 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUcS; 10:30 Holy Communion.
S1.11.n..A .... -.a...W....S
~~~·· ,. .......... JW.y ......
Sunday ..._: 8:00 a.m. A 9:30
a.m. ConteuJon: Saturdaya and
eve&. of 1st Prtdays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8;30 p.m.: Pint
P'rtday Ma.. 8 a.m.
rtaT &ILftiiT CAU8CII
..... AMAft. .. ll•p.P .. c... ....
a... P. Q. •• • •• Sunday Servlcel: 1:45 a.m. Sunday Scbool; 11
tuL Wonb.lp Sentoea· 8:30
.m... Baptist Tralnlq Union:
:30 p.m. EvenJn• Senke. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Pr•yer,
Prai.M and Bible Study. Mon-
day: 7:30 p.m . Men'a Choru.a praetlee; 8:30p.m. Men'a
PN,yer Meettn•.
S.rvin9 the Herbcw 2l Yee"
1991 Herb« Blvd .. Cotte Mesa
Ub.rty t-206l
Compl.to Sporll"t Goo4t
I ttT7 N.wpoft A••~ c.t• Meta
Uberiy 1-4112
"Q .. flty Ro...,..
Dlttincilvefy Ane,....l"
1166 N.-pott llvd .. Cotta Mesa
U'-ty t-65)1
S.llif19 N_,...t Hor'-SIN. lfll
Melfi Of&o: Hor'-1171
WM. lllall4
6uero..too4 U-' c.-c-...... .A.ItoiWtlwo s.r.t-Wy_.PoW~.
1740......,.,. ...... c..to ......
U'-ty 1.2261
1%21 w. c..........,,.....,... .....
Ttte 'lee. To &o
For n.. If .nc~. y 011 ICft-0
We Give SAH &,...n Sialftpt
JOJ Meln St,...t, lalbo.
Heritor lOt
N.w end lt.IMI!It O..Mn
232<4 New,_t N .. Costa Meta
Phofta Ll'-iy l-422t
.. Swo--1-Wlth
llll E. C..tt Hwy .. c.-dol...., H...t-2474
Or-,. eo.,,...,· ........ c-....,. .....
)4)) v-.. Lido, Now.-t ......
c.. .....
LWe .... ~
W.O. 1111f .-. If lniNI
T.&..IWoll ltUiot
fritl4ett. HolM Appliances
1111 Heritor llvd., Cotie Meu
Ub.rty t-J4J1
Yow H-o-.d .....
J.4JI 1!. C..tt Hwy .. c.ro.. dol Mar
1410 W. lei~ N., lei~
3 I I 2 Laf.,.tt.. Now.-t a..dl , ... Now.-t ....... e.. .....
1111 ~ N ., c..te ..... JIJO f. C.... ....._.,, C... 4ol Mer
CW. I H.A.. W6r4
Ler9erl "' ar • ..,. eov....,._ Dr.,.n ......... sn, Co¥-
• Fvmif..,. M~• to Order.
2)50 Newporlll¥cf., Cotta Mesa
U1Mrty 1-4711
1442 Vie Udo, N.wport ... dl
Heritor 2954
Ty~diflt Mecl.lnet s.t .. a s.tvka
Jill Heritor N~ Cotto M ...
U'*"t t-17'M
Jleudene • Coror~a dol M.r
• L. C.-He
• • • Of sodal nole
UWJWI' .,_. I II I
IDWT • ...._ L ..
V111T .. 'ALII .,..._
'ftw l . Harold C.WW.U. al Ill e....,.. _.._.-lue Klilipt. l'aft.l Bwloo,U. A chat With Eve LanJenhelm Perhapa me wtJJ bump Into Ewnlnr Canyon ltd., Sb<ft Cl1mt,.
.aaelr. 1\tlL IDIIM-...... W.O.· 1t'n .,._.., La..,.J w....s.m; made WI ff'a.ltze that 80me ot WI Newport l&fpu netrbbort. the went !'; ~ ~~ b • lew
tn.; ..._._ ..._ ud dMIIr DlaDe ......,., &lid Ot1l7 •yer. wen a 1JttJe mtx.ed up on tbe 0 . M. CampbellJ, wbo left by -;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;::;;:;::;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;=; It•...... ._. . .._.. w h J t e fte .-me wu after ldtool and newly attUlated .u.a..tanoe Lea-pJa.ne on Kareh 15, but plan a
Llll IIIIIT ..........
i1a1rt11 ... ...,. b1 the ,.,_ wu open to &1'\Y rtrta to come I'M Croup, the lA8 AmJru ol more Jeltlurely c:ro.lnr on the
._,.;! ~ &IM1 loqlat a and watch, and quite a few d14 Lacuna. A ebJet pbJJanthropy of Queen Eliubeth. 'lbey wUl -.e
I"Q a1 ....,. ..... • tile ¥01· ~ Adam&. ~ ed· tbe Lu A.mtru ta to help new-EnrJand and E~ taklnr ln a.,. ooart 1&1& ~-ucatlon leedMr, oUidat.d wttll comen feel at home In Lai'Una. Italy, httatrland, Au.trla. Ger· 'IIW ~ ... , a.-1NI'e n1M Clau41& Oetoel. tetJ« lltL au. 'lbete!ore they rfve little part!• many, HolJa.ncl and the Sea.o4J.
al t111it _.. Uwly ol lhe ..,......... Adanul wu co.tumed ln bladl once a week for theM new •una, navtan eow.trla Tlaey apect to
facaltY, Tbe Kepr ....... lft. ~ blooiMn, a bladl a..a4l and the ladie8 mWit be at leut AJl from Sootlud In September
The ,.__ Crop ••• lllriDI' duded: HUll 0.... Ioree All• wtatw lltriPI*I top, lootbelllltY" SOy.,. old to Jo&n the Newcom-~nd uowly motor home from
Lamb tb1l Aprt1 1"be ¥*'1 --. .DiaM ftUialtac, .....,. and mund.wcl on bubble IUID.. ... poup. 'lbe Lu A.JnJru them· New York. ant a1 tiM 1B ~-up to ap. Ballard. ~.ttl' Gra1Wn. llutlaa did the .-t ot tbe facUlty. sue 8ei\W bave no •ucb qe require· • • •
,_.. ... •o lamb ......... tor RaWkln.. leen Jon., UclltU Loycl. llrowD kept 8C!Cft for the pme. ment. tn tact. l1lte our own A8· 'lbe NontWl Rapl\8 ot 101 Via
the onccotn1 ..,m....,, autumn ~ W and Diane Patte· At half tJme tile MnJort wee al8tance Leaeue. their chief pre-Dljon. lJdo. went to Santa Bar-
and wtnw montb8 ••• lbould .on. leacllnc with a 800I'e of U to 10. requblte t. Mn1c. -Wlually ba.ra for Euter ... ·to be with
rou pun:bue .._ •o lamb MY Tbe oppo8nr team a1 .enlor Tbe two tea.mt~ dlanpcl •Jda hours and houn ot It! !form, whOM ~ k...,_ blm
next October 'twtll be fronl tbe l'lrl8 I n e J u 4 e d : Kay Bailey, and Ma. Adanu 8tarted the • • • up there a cood bit of tbe ttme.
aame crop . .' . Tbe 1ep wm ,.... lfcrma Ref!D8, Patty ~ltet, came araln with a t.c. up be· It'• breathtakln& to realize that loan, the harpl8t. .. planntnc on
from 1 to 1 powadl ... 1n ~ tween 10)'oe A.ndenon and Lyn HaL •lancbe WakeOeld wu enterlnc USC nat taU. where
you cu't ftDd a 1pr1na ••::.:J s t• • fl 1 Rouadt, the tallest memben of JDL ua n:rzJIIOir. ., aboppJnr at Coast Super Market. abe wlU .tudy music, of COUJ'8e. WeilhlniiDON tbu tour orop lmiS 5 each team. Tbe faculty trled real Clift ........... y ...... even wotldnr In her own dreu (Continued on pace.,
Tenet. 1UUDa and clltUc:loul, ba.rcl the MCOOd half but the dl .. ,.. o1 tiM 1.._ ~ &bop Jut Saturday, and by Sun· ~ tM ... w.tl:q .... "" Rarty Fr •• day 8enkn held them down aM the ..... L•••~ ... ---..uy ... day nJ&ht she wu already In L .41rs. Holmes them au tile SaBnM Vali«J I&J'De ended a tie, 23-aU. Every-Rldled ~ ,.... at • luda· Portupl atartln& another one of lVI
••. Dcll't. ~ ott tiD lla7 ,.... one w .. clad It ended a tie. After ... ..tt ... <Euiwa ftoto) her very lnter-estlnc journey~~ to Head PTA J'OU lbould cJo 1n Apdl. It 70U Dldc Lane will emmcee the the CIU'De there wu recreational throu1h European lands. Th1s
want to eet ~ '"-b ••• lltat-lltuddecl entertaJJu·un plan· 8Wlmln1nr for everyone In Bar-El I S time Blanche plans a bua trtp
ftta t. the month aac1 ~t t.bJ8 ned for the first IRIPP« dance to bor'8 pooL ection $ et through Spain and .ome inter· Mrs. Paul a. Rolllle8 wu elec-
W'Mit·end Ia tbe ttme. . • be &lven by tbe newly-formed • • • estJnr Jlllh points tn ~any ted president of the Harbor VIew ~ Club tomorrow ntabt • UD QV~ ~ b M E •1 as well u travellinc a little far-Elementary School PTA for 1956-* * * CP?Iday) at the Capt.trano ~-Althouah feiiOrt cards will not y u psI 0 n ther north as the weather warm.s. 57 at the ~b 14 meettnr. She
a..U.G LAID IAL& combers Club. be cSlatr1buted unW not week. will aucceed Mrs. Robert Olander.
Jo-Ann Burdlc;k. formerly of the third quarter en~ last Election o1 oftl~ will be L .41 • t p rt Other new ottlcen wU1 be Mn. 14 d ~·------lie .. Moulin Rouce and Lu Veau, Tbunday. I hope everyone .. en-held Wednesday evenlne. Aprll MOVIe a 0 John Stallman. first vice-pr..t-1.-.. Leea ~ ca..u-11c lb. wUl be a featured act and there Joytnr Euter vacation, the rest 11. at the meet.~ne of the Mu dent; Mn. leue Haines, lleeolld
....... Leea ~~lie .. wtll be a 8UJ1)l18e act with no before that lut lone pull. The Epsflon Chapter of Beta Slama w·ll A.ld PTA vtce·presldent; Mrl. Lyell Butter-
people, accordlnl to Terry Boris. n4!Xt three months will be the Pbl Sorority. The meetlnc wUJ be I more. reeordlna aecretary; Mra.
entertatnment c b al r m • n . Sue Ja.t chance for the year to pick held at tbe Corona HlcbJands O.Car Taylor, corrapondlnr aee-
Ffcker, Balboa balladette. w1ll up any aradea that have lllpped home of Mrs. Oscar Taylor. A new Abbott and eo.tello retary; Mrs. Henry Riedel, treu-
IH7 &. COAIT DQIIWAT C.....d81--..... ..,
slnc. 'lbe Duke Mtt.cbell Trio wtll a little. Arnone all the ha.rcl work Lut week a model meetJnc movie, entlUed "Abbott and Cos... urer; Mrs. Leon WUllam, hJa.
play. wtll allo be most of the ~C 10' wu held wtth 17 members pres· tello Meet the ~one Cops," torian; MrL W. D. Newman, par-~
'nekets are movtnr tut. ae· dal eoventa of the year: prtnc ent and ' ftve euests, lncludlnc wlU be shown for the first time llamentarlan. ""
cotdlnc to Velma O'Brten. daDce Dr~m~-~la ~elnar. to .~g~r! Mra. Kenneth Incman of Corona In this area at a benefit matinee ::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::=:::::: ~
chatrm.an. Deeoratlotul. a 8\lf· anu D&l .. mer-• se · del Mar, Mrs. Otto Christensen of at the Port 'lbeatre, Corona del * ...... .I * · 1
prl.le, wUl C&nY out tbe theme ~A. G~quet. ~nl:·=or Bay Shores, Mrs. John Miller of Mar. on Saturday, AprU 14. .., ........ c.t 1 ..... ,., ""'
of the benefit party, a fund rala· • · awar a:f n e:· Balboa, Mrs. Gordon Frank of The movie, scheduled for the D.VG ITOD:I
Whlie we'e on thla meaty aub· Inc went for a new home for the eervtee banquf rrad~e odlstrt. Santa Ana and Mrs. John Colby Harbor VIew PTA. wtll abo in· FINE WATCH IEPADUNC
ject. let's tum to our lood friend Glrb Club. Lot. Hoyt Ia In d!VP ~ ~n~: g>.::I:n Harbor'~ of Bay Shores. elude two ca.rtoona, accordlnf to "Prompt Servlce-S.l Vkt Udo IIA ,_,
beet, the biJ&est platter filler of or rnerv&Uona. ~ · Mn. lames Taylor and Mrs. Mrs. John Stallman, ways and Reuonable Prices" •..,...t 8eadl
them all ... 'lbe UnJvenlty or year • • • John MerrUl pre.ented a pro· means chairman. One·half of the ..a.. 1-J301 eo.t lhry-'IA ms
CalllomJa recently bluted all COL .41 Ch r h • YOI.LftLU,L TOu..n eram on painting. a hobby for proceeds wUI IO to the Harbor 2731 E. c.t. Bwy .. c..... del Me c.a.a del Me
the old wives tales clalmlnc lVI U C The G.A.A. volleyball Inter· both of thne mem~rs. They VIew PTA tor current expe~ ============-~=======----==:!. West Cout eraln·fed beef to be G G•f clau tournament ended with the demonstrated their talent and and school projects and equip·
lnlertor In qullUt;y to Eutern ets I ts senlc*a winning, juniors aecond, technique by painting a picture ment. Members of the PTA exec-
com-fed beef by the tollowlnc .opbomores third. and the fresh· for the group. The meeting wu .utive board will serve as ushers ~lment . . . I quote from Among the recent gt.tts do· men fourth. Starting next week held at the home of Mrs. John 1 and hostesses.
UnlvenJt;y of CalllomJa Con· nated to the Corona del Mar badminton and baseball begin. Ba.sa~ on Udo. Mrs. C. R. Staat -------
•umer Markettne ln!ormaUon CornmunJty Church are three • • • wu CO·hostess. Mrs. Jack Qui· H b G d
March 10, 1956: palnttnga by the artlsts Joan Jrv. eiiD.ftWG TB.E lfAVAJOI sen berry, president. conducted a r 0 r r a S
IBnurtg ~d.:. John Cameron and The Service Club should be the business meeting. I on PTA Panel * * * nvu"'' commended on the fine work
-Expedm .. ta ........ at Memorial &lfts Include a l eU-they did on gatherine clothes Bazaar Set
tbe DcrYI8 c-pu. Val~ty rey Memorial communion table and food for the Navajo Indians.
oC eaw.naJa. ~ and baptlamal font and a aJlver A whole truck load wu coll~ted f M A panel of 4 HarboT Hteh erad·
.......... to 8bow bow mada service memorial to Ann Grtec•. at school and about another tour or ay I I I uates will discuss colleges at the ,.._ -.. ,..__ t.-.. a Sa d I High School PTA meeting at 7:30 dlHwJLa. 111 ---~~-"'u"" ·~ances ....... preeen cu carloads were collected tur ay -.._ .. -·• tJ f the ""'t dshlp WUll p.m. Tuesday In the social hall. ,.,. Cl'eatecl bf flal•hiJ19 ..._. an que organ or u en from homes of students. am .. -.......S of ..-.-. 1'M room of the church. Mr•. Sue Klmea wUl take the clothes and The church bazaar on May 11 The grads are Miss Diane --• ,...._th __ .. cot1 m"'k-to -u will lnOuenee mAny o! the April Westlake. class of 1951, who t.s 3 _ r1 ...... • ala al• .,.. uv -..v cave a ee • "'• food to the navajos on one of bla --th Pl)....t F'"'ll --.. •p and Bob ld th proeram of the Women's Fellow· 1 now a physical education ln· -1cu• ..._......,. aww 1 e ... m "' o-•m many trl~ down to a em. Ia -·--., lwu ....... _ M.eFanen 1a paJnUnr ~ coUee ahlp croupe of the Corona del 1 at:ructor at the high school afteT --·• --to..,_. .... Jt. Mar ComrnUillty Church.. Mem· lf&duatlng from UCLA ; RoUte ..... ••tr· ,.... ...... ~ --·oa M1·ss Browne 1 .,... :1.:. ._ .._.. eC Kn. Lou.l8e Barrett and M.ra. ben of the Ctlurm School Gulld Pulaski. 1954 graduate attending
2 • le _... .---.. W. L Bakbla haw made drapes will work on the baby booth pro-USC; Gregory Wrfgbt. clus ol
• '"-- -t •n-'-balL Clayton '"'~-w d N k Ject Mooday nlcht wh~ they 1953, repre8elttinr Pomona and ~.·.~leCIIII .... JW._!'4 ... -::: :uu.-~~ Adrian ~: e 5 OaC beet at the home ot Mrs. E. H. Claremont Men'• CoU~e. and - - ----. "' D-• b ,..orrfll d OIIW"r Camp von Ehrenberg at 611 Polnaettla Glenn Thomas, 1955 eraduate I "••C'Ielr _. .. :C: ~P -an · At a )(a.rdl wedding held at Ave .• Corona del Mar. Hostesses now at Ottldental. _ ll ..._ ...._ bell are respcm.alble for a new St. Fra..ncU American Catholic -.--.-strn and bicycle rack. are Mrs. A. l . Gruwell. and Mrs. Derry Noga. exchange student.
Wtll ... ...._ Church, Mlas MarUyn Payson Harla.n Hoyt. wlll oompare German and AmeT·
"'JirlaM .. ..._.. .. tip Browne of Lacuna became the The Friendly Servlce croup lean hJch achools. Moderator will ...................... Newcomers to bride at R.khard CtlarleJt Noack worked on articles tor the bazaar be Worth Bernard of Beacon Bay,
: 'all 1'M ... ..,.. of eo.ta Mesa. 'lbe bride 1s the yesterday at the chun:h. Arts vice-president of Chapman Col·
n k& • owc41 at • tw M t A 2 3 dauehtn of Mr. and Mrs. Ken· and Cralt.s Group will allo be lege .
... ....... .. ...... ... 1 ee pr neth c. Browne of 2742 So. Coast dlscussJng the bazaar at their ~====-======~ bMIL 'I'M at ...._ ... • Blvd.. Laruna. and the croom'• meeUne at 10 a.m. Tue.dllY at
c:Soeety w1 ••• tMII•Irt• of llrs. Carl Gerdes assisted Mn. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paull. the church. jewell ~\\ ..... ...._ ..... ..S .... Stanley 8rlabfn of Irvine Terrace Noack of 478 Abbie Way, Costa Finished work for the bazaa r 1 ....a 411& R ftle ,..._ when Mrs. Brisbin entertained Mesa. will be collect.ed from members of we ty
_... ..... 1 J' • • 7· the Neweomers Club of Corona The young couple spent their the ~adlng Adventure Group n.oRJST ..._. ........... , a )'dc· del Mar at her home lut week. honeymoon at Lake Arrowhead when they meet at 10 a.m. Wed· I
.._ ..S ...._. 'Ill* ...._ Five new member-a welcomed before r • t u r n I n g to Laguna nesday In the Church. An after· 1 SHOP
..._ wa ._ .....,_... .._, Into the club were Mmea. Laura to make their home. Both of the noon progTam wtll be presented
18 ..... ta ....-r Jb.Jit tt E. Burrell, Edward P. Schmidt. newlywed8 are araduates of La· by Mrs. Frances Cox. a..t eC _ ..... ~ ...._ Ethel Lbudon, Marvin Leonard auna Beach Bleb School. The
., tatfl .. t .. ._. a. clepM of and Ola M. Wynel. Mrs. R. C. croom aJ.o attended Orange
fill .... • I!MI ted ., a. lclt· Hubbard and Mrs. S. F. Boody Cout Collece and ~ed for two
... of...._ .. Ml • ~~~~~Jed· were named to bead the Friend· years ln the U.S. Navy.
c.t • ..._ • ._ r 41 1 nil Ia ahlp CommJttee. Mta. ~ wu The bride'• sl.ter, Miss Patsy
...._...._ .. ......._ ...._. appointed treasurer. Gayle Browne of Santa Barbara. ... ...s ..... , • ., tM .-to• Newcomers of the area are In· aerved as maid of honor at the
vtted to attend the next meetlnc weddlnc. UoYd Allen Palmer of ot tbe club. It wtll be held Mon· South Lacuna was best man and
day, April 23, at the home ot the croom'a brother-In-law, Boyd
Mra. J. Nevin Kunkle, 308 Hello· Dalton of Lonr BHch. llei'Ved as
* * * U you haven't tried Richard'•
Own Choice beet from their own
Randl down In u.. liDI*ta.l
Valley, you've mt..cd the tbM&t!
* * *
trope Ave., Corona del Mar. an usher.
The bride wu dressed In a
'!UTA ALUla TO IIEET ballerina-length eown of nylon
Tbe Oranp County Kappa lace and tulle owr satJn. which
Alpba Tbeta Alumnae Club wtll wu embelltabttd with sunburst
meet at U a.m. Tuesday at pleats. Slle carried a prayer book b~ of Kra. Harvey Peanon, with a carnation and ordlld eor-131 Vla 1\ac.ar, lJdo l.ale. Mra. up. H« sl8tw wore a candle-
J-.pb Fl!fiUIIOn. Kra. Bowa.rcl u.tst blue fO"m In ptineea style
IAwa &Dd Kra. Pb71l.Lr leftrtes wltb a bddeau of pearb and
will be co·boltl carried prdentu and eama· ------:::=========tioJ\1. Yo r At a reeepUcm followln.l the U ~llT Ill tile bridll!'• parenu
l!J I h bolne. lin. Jrvwne won a blue mea t Milt ........ &«!JJDII'1es and
tbe pooa"' 1DOtlMr wore a plnlt
lace*-Willa Wack ~rfes. llotll _._ 1NN prden1a and
CIUD&tlon ~
a•l••••ll Ia Tlltlc
A series of lectures on "How
I'1'M Dell..., Tel. ...,__,1
Flowers Telegraphed
3SZt E. Coat Jlltlaway eon..ct.l-
to Live With the Adolescent" wtll ~==========~ be presented at the St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church by the Rar· 1 bor Council of PTA and Orange
Coast College. Lectures will ~
held on April 16. 23. 30. and May
7 from 7:30·9:30 p.m. The apeaker
will be Mrs. Sylvia Bocen.
teacher and lecturer In parent
Mrs. Boeen Is a araduate of
U.C.L.A. She eerwd u State Dl·
rector of Parent Education for
the Ca.llfomla Conareu ol Par·
enm and Teachers from 1M7 -54.
Learn to Dance
HAlt BOlt SOl)
' Stallffw s,..tetn rena•••• y...,. ..... • t~p;. •'
r«ml Scaadf~ Snrcm s u c c t s s
110fT In autt sla•hll• mo~ chan
"'o monthi. she lost r '~ an<h~
and CTm<>lckod bu mil~ DIU.~
~ mrtrvo"'N Mr< 0 Lean
Jt;IN I 11C'\'tr rnlarrd anHI>U\«
C()uiJ l'flllf ~ to ltO()J I u w
S!"lnn -bvc I d1dn 1 chan~ il
w()Uid I>Ct\la"' har>pen to me' TM
\'Wtl Wfft plca<anl. h-tf' ~lc ·~ ru«. ~J I m "'"'" m"' l ~~~~; ~~~7: ~
lcam how eual• \nu, CI'O, C'al' ,
ha~ a sli~. loHia~r ft~l'f
Ope" Mortday tltru fridoy
UITl &lA
II. l ·lltl
~!in tWa I ., ............. ..
Sta L ffer
CDitOI& DU •u
M&r'-' llU
llll L IMa1 _..,_,
A••••••1 ... 1N1 OfW•Ie ef Ow ~ NIW IALON IN ANAHIIM
~~~··#r# ....
now in our tem}X>rary facilities
Mil F.al eoa.t lliy:llwar
CotODa cW Mar
.... 0. .......... : I' 1 1
•111 ... sa ..... _.._.._..Mil.
3 Pe rsons Thrown from Car •••
On Overpassi Marineln·1ured o~-:=::t~J~..:'::. . tJwl&rl7 ptetun. -.Acapulc».
Doeald a. Saahll. Cuap "-• tM ....._ llkle of the wlllcle at tomanow'• ..tiq of tbe rtl· -~ ...... ---...;...""'""---
dltton liW'tM. l\liidlla.. ...,_ wileD tM ** a.w ope. 11e •• clay ,Aqlln LnndMoe Club at fC...._. Item .._. I,
...,..,._ wbeD be ... uotiMr the t.bNe peno• betq throwJl the Rewpart Harbor Yaebt Club. Bl:lla 'l'llft GO! Mr. &ad lila.
man and • womu ,.,... tbrowa toward hJa laM ct trame and be At lut wMk'e meettna. Coline Qarlel Md._.. of ec..a ...
from a c:ar on the Aret.. GWr· ltoppecl hJa ear. Mr. Boftman GibboN ol tbe Ooroba del Mar liar an *YiGa tbS. __.,
pua at 1:10 Lm. Su.nclay, lf.... told po1b that be aaw a man Trawl BUJ"eau ehowecl pJctureL (11uanday) lor a 1 r a • 4 I o • e
port pollee reported. and woman pt up oft the pave-Jaunt to Europe. 1'be)o Jaaw
Tbe eecond man. a J:dward D. meat a.Dd ao down the eta.tn A •t A • booked ~ on • 8w eow.
Garber, 2), addNM not Ueted. from tbe bridp to Cout Hwy w a I ctl on liner and wtll flnlt vWt the
wu thrown under the wheela ct The injured marine wu taken Scandlnav!&D count:rt.. tnelud·
a c:ar. aotn& oortb on Newport to Boac Memorial Hospital by on Cho· f Inc the city ot o.Jo. where lira.
Blvd., driven by Bert c. Hottman ambulance. omcera learned that Ice 0 McKinnon'• mother ... bom.
Sr .• 47, of Santa Ana. Mr. Holt· the man and woman took a cab c· Later they wUl be tourtna AU·
mann. drtvtnc uow, wu able to to a Coat& Mesa trailer court. I ty Man a 9 e r ltrta, France, Germany, Enaland
atop before runnlnc over the Tbere they contacted Kt. Garber -juat everywhere-before they
man, pplJce aatd. and a Mlsa Colleen Role LeBar· anive home mld•.uJDJMr.
Mr. Hotflnan told police that ron, who. with the marine. had A llat of qualified applicants • • •
he noticed a car comlnc at a been In the Meaa Bar, and de· for the position of Newport Beach AND THERE .•. Mr. and Mrs.
bleb rate of apeect around the parted enroute to Balboa, polJce city manager wUl be submitted John Tubbs of Corona del Mar
northwest curve at the overpa.sa. reported. Tbe marine wu re-soon to the City Councll by the went on a March vacatlon in the leased from the ha.pltal to the special screening committee, ac· mounWns. Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
He aaw the car hit the blacktop shore patrol and taken to El Toro cordlnc to the chalnnan of the Johnaon of Newport took a brief
dJvlder in the road and then hospital for further check and committee, Dr. Henry Reining, vacation trip to the Bakersfield
saw three persons fall out of observation. dean of the School of Public Ad· area the other week. Dorothy Jo minlstratJon, USC. Swanson of .Corona del Mar and
N M k d Dr. Reining was here last Lura McKenzie of Costa Mesa are e w p 0 rt an I s B 0 0 e 0 n Thursday with the other two Hawallan I al an d. thta week. members of the committee, c E. Agnes Blomqulst of Lido went to
C h f R • t• A t Perkins, city manager of Glen-Atlanta, Georgia. for a conven· arge 0 eSIS ln9 rres dale. and Samuel Roberts. direc· tlon and did .tltO~e ~Jeht aeelne.
tor of finance for Long Beach
Calvin Burt. 20 of 206 Fern St staying at 944 VIctoria St Costa Thev were conducted on a toW: Ring up Mn Mark Soden if
Newport Beach, • wu booked at Mesa. that her estranged hus-of the city by Mayor Dora Hill you're a Trojan and would like 4 :~ a.m. Sunday by Newport po-band was enroute to 109.30th St. and council members. to Join other alums at the New·
lice on cbarpa ol res11t.lnc anest Newport Beach allecedly to g~~ Also here to join the tour were port Harbor Yacht Club cather·
and v~ancy. after Mike K~ler and Robert two otflclals from Tehran, Iran lng next Thursday. Oreanlz.ation
Burt was taken Into custody Monsel, who resided there. She CPersla)--33-year-old All Nlaml, and eJectlon of oUicen will be
at Balboa Blvd. and 30th St., gave a description of the car he former mayor and city manager on the agenda plua some of the
Newport Beach. Pollee received a was ln. of Abadam, second lareest city USC rreata lncludlnc Forest
call from Mrs Judith E Burt In Iran, and pereonnel director Twogood, baae.ktball coach; A. · · • O«lcers stopped such a car and for the Anglo·Iranlan Oil Co . S. Rubenhetmer, vice president
found Burt as a passenger. As and .28-year·old Ghassem Rezai' In charge of education, and Ed·
Are L • Burt stepped trom the car, he of the law faculty at the Unlver' die Arnold, alumni secretary, a e 91 0 n put his banda on bta hips In the slty of Tehran. Both are studytn~ who will brine a film on the
M t
• H ;i~~~~tyh of ~ butcher knl!e, of· ror doctorates In public admlnl-college. ee ln9 ere c a rg . stratton at usc under a project -------Staff Sgt. Lee Lezan. marine sponsored jointly by the UnJted Read Ensacn Want Ads.
A fifth area American Legion shor~ patrol, started diverting States and Iran.
meeting wlll be held at 10 a.m. Burts attention while Officer -------S4mt 0
Sunday In the Newport Harbo.r Saunders kept approaching Burt DEADLJJfE IS TODAY cuST0'3 :.:.~
American Legion hall, with the and tried to talk him from Deadline Is 5 p .. m. today lit
local P05t 291 as hosts. 4>ulllng the knife. As Burt started (Thursday) for requesting ab· BAM IUCIF
Commander Frank Moore of 1 to rai.se h is hands away from sentee ballots for Tuesday's City VR
P05t 291 aatd that a dance for the knife, Sgt. Leun knocked Council election. This Is also the HARBOR 6176
Legionnaires and their guests him off balance and OUlcer last day to cast an absentee bal· 2919 E. Coast Hwy.,
will be held In the hall at 9 p.m. Saunders took the knife from .iloiirliliiinliCiiiiitylaiaiHiialiiJiaa. -~~~~-~:.iilliiiiiiiCoro-iiniiiaiiiiidiiiieJ;:;M;;:ar:iiiiiiiiiii:~
Saturday. Music wUl be provided him. f by Wes Vaughan trio with Coun-<Political Advertisement)
try Washburn and Judy Whitney. WOJIAJf'S ADI YWISIED ELECT Roscoe Morse, tl.fth area com · A blond man wu aeen twist·
mander trom San Dleco, wtll Lng the arm of a brunette woman
preside at the meetlnc. Depart-a block west of the Balboa Pa· ~~~·-IIAriHI. me'ht Commander Joe Farber of vtllon, Fred Hobbs of 222 E. Bay 1111110 Ul;llll
Pasadena Is expected to be pres· Ave., Balboa. not.lfled N"'J)Ort CITY COUNCIL
ent. Commander Moore will be pol~ from a pay telephone at
host. The fltth area Includes Or· 11:34 Monday. otflcera checlced
I+ I
ange, Riverside, San Diego, Im-the area but could not tlnd the "• ....... • 11.11.._, ~rlal and~n~nar~nocoun -:~==ns~~~:w=~:ed=·-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Case in Court
A s uit to force the re.subdl·
vision ot a Shore Cliffs lot ls
due to be heard In Superior Court
In the near future.
The City of Newport Beach has
until Thursday. Aprll 26. to sub-
mit a transcript record of the
proceedings before the city coun -
cil to the court. The court last
Thursday ordered the tranacrlpt.
On April 26. the judge wUl look
~Vet' the record and will ~ a
trial date within a few days
The property In question Is at
the corner or Coast Hwy. and
Seaward Rd .. Shore Cliffs. which
Dr. Don S. Kling sought to re-
subdivlde. His r eques t was
turned down by the city. Attor·
ney A. K. Phelps. who represents
the Kllngs. points out that the
property contains 26.000 square
teet. A R-1 lot In the city requires
a minimum of 6.000 square feet.
The Kllngs resides on part of the
U nsung
Prizes galore were netted by
Morrl Molho of Flowers by Morri
shops for his special a rrange·
ments at the I n t e r n a t l o n a I
Flower Show at Inglewood. Morrl
walked off with ten ribbons In
all : tour first prizes. two seconds,
thrl!e thirds and one fourth.
·slim & Trim•
Class Slated
A "Slim and trim" class to be
held on consecutive Thunday
mornings trom 10 to 11 a .m. hu
been anounced by the Woman's
Committee of the Newport Ha.r·
bor Community Youth Center.
Dorothy Jo Swanson will In·
struct the cla.a. which will be
held atartlnc nen Thursday at
CommunJt:,-Youth Center. Regj·
atratlon will be at 9:30 Tbursday.
All women are Invited to come,
announced Mn. A1 Spence. Fur·
th• lnlonnatton may be ob·
taJned from lira. Spencer at Har·
bar as&
For Our ..........,
~, ..... lM ..
HAZa PAitlllSON c..,.,,.. ... at
WtliOI ,.,.
J7J2 l. c..t...,.
....,,_., Ce_ ......
In 183 l, tbe tint Savin~ and Loan Aslociation in the United
Sutea. w~ founded at frankford, Pen.naylvania.. 1bia fint
AuoctatJon wu founded to help its memben aave for and
buy their own homes.
T~a~, more Americana ao to insured Savinp and Loan
ASSOClataons for home ftnanci.oa than anywhere else.
6,000 aew Nnn eaeh tbyt
Today .. the people of America are aaving for many impor-
tAnt thinp ~~ look with apec:ial coo.fideoce to Savinp and
~ Asloc~bons. The number of aavera in insured Asso-
ctatJOO.a baa 10creased in 125 yean to over 15 million ...
and new aavera are comina to these insured Auoc:iations
at the rate of 6,000 each day! Aaeta of inJured AJsoc:iations
have JOared to Sl•U billioot
. 'Thex aavinp doUan are DOt subject to market ftuctua-
tiOOJI and are p~ced by JOUOd, forward-lookina manap-
ment and aubstantial raervea. Savinp accounts are inJured
up to SJO,OOO by the FSUC-a U.S. Government aaeoq.
a .. ,. .. ~WUty .. .,.w.e tnut
Today, Amc:ric:aaa are pottioa more of tbeir aavinp account
doUan into iDaared Sa'fiop aod ~Loan Auociations tbao
anywben elee. Tbil treiDeDdous voce of confideoce impoJa
rapoalibility to adben to the principia which ~ve cau.ed
tbae Allodatioal to pow with America for 125 yean.
Oil tbe oecll6oa ot Chit 12'tb a.aniftt'llly, the Savinp
aad Lou Aelod•tioaJ plect•daemsehel to the c:oatinuatioa
of theN priDdpleJ wblcb haw eaabled tbeaa to ICtVII 10
~ CWO ol A-a .. molt cberilbed traditioaa
tltrlft MJ lttNrw owlttlnlrq. · · ·
Price For
• dirt aMddlD9 • __ , wilt 1D u.. All
• rot CIDd a1Jdew ...utaat
• a...p. ...... tbna 'W"G88abb9
• pioond •trola9 Gil •·st CI'Uia1a9
Penney's price Is terrific for thHe new lm· proved Fiberclu curtains. eapeclally with the
quality tallorlnc you cet! Deep 6 -lnch rolled·
ed&ed ruUlea. hemmed and beaded tops' White. ·
•• 1Dda doable wfodtla. 11 • • lllda J.eagtJa. • • ladl c ~ l a • a..
110 pair ... IDcb tdple wl4tla. ....... -.. wldtll a. •• -• 115pcdr. ..... ~
Specially parc:boMd f• ha·
uy'al Imported Soltneen SciB·
sors and Shears! Five popu·
lar sizes -three sizes! All
chrome-plated over steel for
lasting usefulness!
Aaal••liGif 00.1 ~o larce
18 by 25 lnch pillows fllled x .. ,,...._,. 46-..A-....._
with 100" Dupont Dacron Fl· -
berfiU! LJchtwelebt. resilient, !:.. ~ • • • 4 • • • ely -.
odor lea, allero . tree Rose -.....,.. bf Jatw.
print cover. Cord edeed. · DCit.loea'1 l llwwl Servn l Ill· eludes 2-plece lalad M'tl
A Aaal ..... iiGiJ apedal an
...... ,.. ..... ...._.~
lwtll .... at .,..t • ......,..
, r 1 n I rb• ..,_....._ rutJy cut lor oombt owr
hlttJ •••••T J*itl• a=l ---....... now.,.~~ ow~-. lu·
Euy·on zipper front pi.,.Wte dallY priced! Jlrtlbt clecpntor fortzed. vat
f« the 3 t4 6x crowd. A IWlll7 eo1cn 111 ...., domJDo de8lp. lt,'a • I twM1 ...... ~ ct easy-to-do·"' tawa ::f ~ 2·ply nr'J!L ffoa· .._ • .. & I' •
colon. J!acb jUIIt -bade. I I 9 II ..........
. .
Murder CJues are Fund-Raising Ill
... ..:.O:.':.'::"b= '::-'...!' ..... ~ -:.....~"':"': '='=-::i:! Pa7J &id1ay
.room... w• • .,. •· .... P\lt For emp e ....... •· ... ..,....,. "I don't know what the mooa Oema tO drtw laM _... ..._. ...._ -f11 11a11 2·bedra.. bu to do with lt." set. PoUom r.t. Quida aDd Mn. Joltetoa left .. &:._ ... _____ ..___ __ JliL ....--. ..._ -......... ..
npUed to a q1M1Uon. 11M JdJJer the but at.out t:25 p..aa. wm .;.'b.i~';{.J4U) .; : -;;;.~;en; ::c~..!-._~~=. .. th.~ ._..M. ...... ~ :oace ~ = atmu:e ~ ~~ ,._ c.... ~
RQS and o.ta .._ murders Nllcleftce. a. •• IMr JO ln. PYt. .....,. U., aut Bawe. klpla A lere-utWt-117 deaont..s
W bee ~ Jut after QGda tiMft went to bll boiDe at Kub7, ~ ot tbe IMfu· ...,.... It •• •· P._..l
a fulJ mooD. -Vletorta ILt Colla Maa. & inc Mu.lc IWldlftl A..oda· Mda ...._ ... ,__ AeeleH,.. set. JlloOcn In the fouad bla WU. wu at ~ dOll, ape .... hope that tnoolb cue U. omc. Mllce Healq, trtead"t boliDe at ~~ K...-port IDOM7 will be nJeed to enable t:M.G00 C Fill...., f\.am.llllled
meM polkle; Frank Ou.a4a· Blvd., e-ta ...... wbeft. be told the buUdlftl to be tanD&lly oceu· wtda JU11t aooo dGwn!
boure, fnw.tllat.clr from <>ru• poUce. lilt vt.at.d f« 10 « 15 pled by lu.ne L
countY dlttrkt attor"MT• om.: m.lnv• W.. drl'Ytnl bade to Food wW be turnt.hed and
Set-A1 Ortta aDd ¥ DnnJ d&e bue. prepared bJ' Lodp membera 0 .
Scarce, Loe .Anpl• polb; JadE • DOOa J.NZD W. IUebard. Bud Mdlfair and Arf .., 1 1 .. 1 ..._
Cadman. ~ count)' a1.1DJ. Pol~ explained that both Pvt. s..u.bury. Ill ember • of lob'alll ... ,
noloi'Wt: Capt. bat lbarp. Or· lohnton and Pvt. Garcla were Dauptat. Bethel157, wtllllefft.
anp COUJit;J record~ aDd ta.tstf. u.atn• a car owned by Pvt. Joe 'lbe dinner party Ia open to the
ttc:atlon ~ and the C.l.D. Van Oudekerb, alto In the same public. 3S30 E. Cout RwJ .. Harbor ~ e ID-DAT ~ outtlL Sometime between 10~30 The bulldlnl wW be the meet. ------------
Pvt. lohn.ton J.a Monday on a and 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, March ~ place f« the Seatartnr Ma·
10-da.y furlouah to aocompaJ\Y 29, Pvt. .Tohn8on obtatned the tonle Lodre. Harbor Star Chap.
bJa wUe'a body to Texuc It wu keys to the ear from Pvt. Ge.rcla ter No. 568, Order of the Eastern
report.s that Pvt. G&rcl& Ia MI'V· In their barraclu. wblle Pvt. Star, Oranre Cout Chapter of 1Df a alx-month Army .toc:kacSe .Tohnton wu on rovtnr Ore DeMolay and Bethel 157 of .Tob'a
tentence t« violation of an ruard. Daurbt.era.
A. W.O.L. tentenee. \Vlleu Pvt. When Pvt. .Johnson was re· -------
Garda took Mrs . .Totuuon home, llewd from ruard duty at mid· Home Soc·•ety he wu ln vtolatlon of hla te~· nltht. be drove home. Hla wUe t~. It wu &lleaed. "He bunt had the only key to hlt houte. M • H I d
been cleared by dvtJ &Uthori· The door Wat locked and Pvt. eet1ng e
tfe&.H Sit. PoUom t&ld. .Tobnton eouldn't arouse hb wUe
'"11\e drunk In the bar, wflo a.nd went to the landlady to ret Mrs . .Tame.~ Hoyt .Jr. of 515 Vla
likes to stab Texas women. a key about 12:10 or 12:15 Lm. Lido Soud. Lido, entertained
bun't been checked out yet," the He opened the door and found membet of the ChUdren't Home
mesa d e teet I v e aatd when hls wUe. Society at their March lnH'tf~
queried. In such & murder = Mrs . .Tohru10n was found ly1nr when Wlillam S. Lonr. us!Nnt
many lncldentt are repo on her back acrosa the bed In the to the Dean of the School ot So·
EXCEPnOKALLY nice 3·br.
and deB borne. Lar1e lot. 2
rtrepl&ees, 2 baths. hw. fhs.,
DR., -..ue root, 1400 IIQ. tt.
dbl. rarage .tu•!d tor apt.
above. CJoee to ahopplJ1g.
gooc1 location. A*fnr $23.!i00. Ilu good loan payable $90
per mo.
wblcb mutt be ehecked out. bedroom with her Jep hanflng elal Work at USC, rave the main
Pvt. .Tohnton wu not manted over the edre of the bed and her procurn. 3333 E. c.t. Hwy. Corona del Mar
to hls wife, the otflclal con· feet on the floor. She was wear· Mr. Lbnr dltcuued the dl.aJn· Harbor ~
tlnued. "He said be never went lnr her pl.ja..-top and the bot· terraUon of the tamlly In mod-
throueh a ceremony. Her par· toma were lying on' the floor be· ern toelet:y throup lnduttrlalJ-
enta dld not know they were I tween her feet. There was a vast za.Uon, dellnquencyr, narcotics IRT IY ... 0
not maJTied. Mrs. Johnton &P· amount of blood on the front of and diA.ster. His talk wu baaed
patently eame to Callfornla to the pajama tops and a three· on a recent United Nations re·
get the manlar.~ al t u at Ion quarter Inch stab wound under port. He told how the modern roa Bll r.um. T
ttratgbtened out. the left breast. The pajama bot· toelal worker can help . combat Tb1t 3-bedroom. 2.-bath home In e POLICE CA'' ED toma at her feet also had tome the factors leading to famJly dlt· Corona del Kar bat rented apL
• Colla Mesa pollee received blood on them, pollee aald. A Integration with the cooper&· over ga.rare--wfth vtew.
their first call about the murder! pal:l' of panties were found on the Uon of statewide adoption to· Lott of cloeet q>ace ... par.
at 12:25 a.m. last Thursday from lett foot of the bed near the vtc:· c:leUes and community toe.lat tlally tumt.b.ed ... comer lot
Robert Allen. a resident of the tlm'a head. arenc:Jes. · .. and only 125.000.
Collete Court. 3SO Avocado St. An April 15 buffet supper far Cali o-ne, Harbor 2S06·M.
Allen was &tked to c:&ll pollee by • .ODT SEJIT TO~ d members of the ChJJmn'a Home ------------
the landlady. who In tum had A doctor was :: d ';f' Sodety Auxlll&ry and their but-SHoe• ,.,. .._ ~ LOT ~n aaxed by Pvt. .Johnson. noun<:ed M.rL Johnson a · er bands wu d1.-cuated. The party ....,. "'......,.. •LL"
Pvt. lohn.10n t&ld bla wlte bad body . wu removed to ~ka· wlll be held at the Hoyt borne
been raped and murdered. Ridley .Mortuary ln Cotta eta. with Mmea. Howard L&W110n, M.
Police Srt. Pollom was ealled It was sent to Houston. Texu. S. Bftna.rd. Tod Ovtatt. William
out. put on the ea. and took Monday for funeral aervtc:es and Curlett and E. C. MarUn on tbe
eharge of the lnvestlpUon. J ln=t. her h u s b a n d Mrs. arrang~t comm.lttee.
Pvt. lohnton told pollee that • h d bt. wU had left their .Tohnton Ia survived by a ton, .. lr &.. Pr If
be an d h d !.ne to the Nlke two·montha old. four ataten and l~ •Ill ou.te an a •-her parents, all resldlq ln Hout·
bate at the f«mer Santa Ana ton, Texu. The ton. a premature ...... T-
HARBOR JllfVJilS"'"M 00.
Newport Blvd. at 30th SL
Harbor 1600
............. ...,,. ...
~J cute 2·unlt
place and MCb tuUt bu
2·~ thpl~ dar·
un, p«Uo. Elrcellent location.
498 Park, Balboa Island BA m
Ylew Leis
• • •
2731 W. Coast Bwy. LI 8-4277
Newport Beach
L~ 11.0.1-1.?
When buying or telllnr
Newport property, why not
do but1nea with torneone
thoroughly tamlllar wltb the
I have been here a lonr
time and can offer real
~ce. ............
3420 W. Balboa Blvd1 Newport
Harbor 14.28
W 1·00 Lnte to Clcwdt ~~~.::':! ~ J!:n b~~ C b o I e e enbrt&Jnment from
Pollee understood the ehllcl, since along the M~ppl will be re· L&rf'e Lot tulta.ble f« 7 ~ unit aJte.. $5.600
FOR SAJ..E-Dtvan Slmmona bed --th b ' peated ben.~ to mem· _. Lounre dlaJr, rattan. bu been releued uVIU e o&-ben o1 the Corona del Kat Com·
wttb o«om~ End t.a~ pl~e: =s:::laien from munJt:y Cburcb Cbolr, when theU
and lamp to matdt--115. tbe lflb.,... tearc:bed ttae area llnqtlla.ry ~t docb and
8·3162. of the murder acene few a pteb up p&.ttm,.,.. f« a cnme a-~ weapon. Mered.lth Davia of Santa at Harbor VIew School on Friday,
a..ld. ..... ~ ....... Ana. vlaJtlnl her rrandlather Aprll 13. Helen Spann. Cal Wei-
found a mlfe ltudt In dirt In the putt. Fern Gomb and Les Stef.
.. bac.'k;yard of the bome ac:roa fen.ten wUl be a '"' ot tbe tolo
' from the .TobMOn'a two-room musicians brinctnr badt favorite
HAllBOR 81'78 bln The knife hu not been ahowbo&t tuns wtth Faye Spicer
291t B. Cout Rwy1 :led· out. but It bu not been ~t the. violin and p o a al b 1 y iiiiiiiiiiiiiiCotonaiiiiiiiiiiiia.JiiiiiiiM~ar~~~~~dee~Jared:;:;.;th~e-wea-;ipolin.-.;poiliillee-iiitaiilijcl. 'Bones' Goon. former Corona del 11 Mar mutJdan, to add a rhythm
<Polltleal AdvertiM!ment> "i.ekat.are hl'dlta Born w111 be ELECT In c:harre of produc:tion wtth
lu• . aTY COUNCIL . I+ I Betty HlUman and Luvena Kay.
ton ln eb&.rp ol the atap tel·
tlng. Lout. Bakkela ln charp
of COdrtUmet and lock M&Yltey
mc:mlnr tbe Urhta.
""'* Ill.. • .......__" cauacau aaovn TO xzrr IIWIN ~·~ Members of the Mlddlen Club
R·2 ~ Income Lot. N.wpc~t Bel&bta. .$5..500
Holmwood Dl'. Jt.m1ctad R·l lloiDafte ts.OOO
0.... Lot B...,...-t a.qtrta. Korth hat •• 500
Wa• &ad MountaJD VIew, Bedl 11&7 R·1 Lot tl.500
Corner Lot with Water Vl.w, In Badt B&y ___ _.$f .500
PM>-.t!Qe Jot. Joo.lial down Banjo St.. Water vtew__.$7,.500
7~ ~ cent«, Garden Grove--per aere ~.650
5 aera, Manutacturtnr Zoned.. ____ . _ __.never less.
Bade Bay Aa-Hre f« SubdiYU.Ion. 9 plus ac:res._.J62.SOO
40 Valuable Aaet well and bOUM-near here_..$140,000
Excellent terma on these l.l.stlnp.
2·Bedr. lr Den bome, comer lot 90xl00. &harp bome ... ..su.zso
3 -Bedr. Ocean VIew, partly tum., take traiJer_. ___ ..$12..500
J.Bedr., W·t·w earpetlnr-mooly tum. Bugaln ... _...$11.650
New Uvable, lovable 3·bedr. with 2 baths, patlo ... _ . ...$13,500
2 Komea, both tum.. ftew FP lr pr&fe--·-··--··--..$25 . .500
Hobby Shop, new ttoc:k aad fixtures.
Book open to bon&flde prospects.
$10.000 only_..erwce.
~~======::::::;:~::;:;:~~;;~;;:===~~~ ol the Corona del Mar Commu· LI 8·1632; LI 8-1400 Eves. 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa -nlty Church wlll meet for a pot. ------------------------Jude supper TuHCI&y at the
Ol D \\~C¥..
*NOW* .........
_._ ........ ' ...... e.a. ... DE 0 J •.:a ._
• CAaTOOif CAIIIIIYAL Pal.. 1&'1'. & SU11. •
c:hurc:h. Mrs. S. W. Blaclcbeud
and Mrs. GeoiTe Hooper are
hostesaes. The E·Z Club Will
meet next Thursday for a pot·
luek dJnner and eanuta. Hosts
and hosteaes wtll be Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Bechtel. Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Wilke and Dr. and Mrs.
William Willard.
Younr people from Santa BAr·
b&ra to San Diego rathered at
the Ftrst Baptltt Church of Costa
Mesa few a youth tally last Sun·
day e-wntnr. SPM)ter for the
rally wu Endel MelusJ. fonnerly
ol Estonia. who related bit ex·
pertenen behind the Iron Cur·
CBaii1'IAif ICI&iic:& c:aoaca
11te Leaon-Sermon at the
Newport lleadl OutiUan Sdence
ehurdl Sundq Ia Oft the topic:
..Are Sin, ot.a., and Death
Your Corona del Mar Estate
F. Price, $21,11111
"''b.ree full size level lots. Fl~ bedrooms, 2'1i baths CAP·
proximately 3000 eq. ft.) TWo flrt'plac:es-oak floors.
Jure family stu kitchen and a full s1.z.e dl.n1nr room,
PLUS huge play room.
U you are tlred olllvtnr In erac:ker boxes. rtve you.nelf
and the klds a nal King Size family home. Seldom
has any mulUple lt.ttnr caused ., much exdtement-
Wby not phone for an appointment today!
W. STUliT FIITE, ..._
2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beaeh
!teal!" '"'• Gal .. Tat .. trom -----------------------
Pialma (18:17, •>. ""'~'!lou witt iffs ho Phone Harbor 2t, Evftlinp Liberty 8·5400
~ .. efS. -~~Shore Cli luxury mel
On the eqe ol th• Padtlc:
a bedroomt and den
3 baths. 2-fireplaces
Pri~C. ....._ wunateb~ .tews.
PrieM ...,.. COlt.
' •
aaww•...,., Mf
Irvine T enuce
Gives You Everything
b t "S II ••• u mog
• p •••• , ••
Fllalt ......... .
To the home buyer wbo wt.s.bes to purchaw ln the
$2:5.000 to aJS.OOO class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooktnr Newport Harbor .
ThHe homes feature California llvlna:. Otrered ac:Ju.
alveJy throurh Earl W. Stanley ln a Smor.Ftef! area
known u Irvine Tenace-<>n Coast Hlgbway oppoalte
the new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport llarbor.
* For recommendation. we refer you to anyone wbo
holda a Lea.seboJd Estate In Irvine Tenace, Beacon Bay, Bayah«es or CllU H.&ven.
Earl W. Stanley
Pbone Harbor 4448 For F11.-ther Information
A reat CamUy home with view of ocean ... 65" x ZM'
lot . . . 3 bedrooms and very large rumpus room . . .
2 fireplaces ... forced alr heat to every room ... pee·
ged floors ... new drapes. c:urulns ... antJque sh.ut-
tns .•. 111'. baths ... handy Iatre kltchen ... buUt-
ln laundry ... Jarre dlninr room ... Intercom ~ftn
... high beam celllngs ... rustle exterior shake root
... redwood fenced yard and lots of room f« pooL
&7 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar B.A.: 1741; IIAO'm
lfU I.SE '116 WEEI.S.
._ l•lll•••• ... Ia ;ut IJipiJ
ExceJJent net~ C&t1Zld 'tv ..._ ...
3·bedrm.. 3 ear ~ 1 ~ ba~udtul l*da eabl.rwt woodwork. Land8caped. encl. patio.
Full price, $23.500
• • •
1· Bedroom Furnlahed -Loftl7 Patio and BBQ.
$16.750 -Terms
• • •
1be eout btrhway lot alone 1a worth a bt. c:huak ot
tbe aaldnf price In tbia weU-eonstruded bullcStnr. 1be
two unJtt lnclude otfioes, display room. abop &ft4
warebou.te plu.t walled·ln parldnr at alley Jew!. 1bla property Ia on toutb aide of hJfhway. Full Jll"k» t&S.OOO .
Will alto consider lonr term leue.
2216 Newport Blvd.
u 8-5101
3420 W. Balboa Blvd.
Harbor 1(28
TIE LAST REAL 11111111
3·bedroom home. large dining room. pte_
Just reduced ~m $28.500 to $23.000 for quick sale! . ' . .
Clllll DEL Ill
UNDER OONSTRUC"J'ION-2-t>Mr .. 2 bath home-. 1 block
from Ocean tTont. Beaatltul location. Pick your own
colora. $25,000.
3-bedr. home soon to be built Plans available. Can be made to fit your farnlly. $28.750.
• • •
Leatebold. 2 bedrooms and convertible-den. 1 ~ baths.
aUdlnl doors on luce paUo. sto\1e and draperle. In·
eluded. Low down to quallfled buyers. Full prlc:e saun
We.._.. bQJen tar aood ll.ttn~! ~ estimates
• and aood aervice.
E.t •• arniiJ
225 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Call Harbor 1T7'5 « kyatde 0UJee Htrbor D7
~ ltdJth Maroon. HYatt 4.c.212 ~ llfaclC&b. Jl&rbar $.S LouJa Jlo1Dtca Barbar ~
BOY'S 24" BJCYCLE. Good shape; WANTED-Fire tones or com-
one new tir'@ and tube. $15. Ha plete set o1 tire tools, aet mu.t
193-W. have tonp. Call Ha 22M·R.
old. aood condition. $10. Ha
193-W. GARDENING. HYatt 4·58.
HOUSEHOLD FURN. for sale. In· MA'IURE WOMAN wtabea baby
eludes twin beda dlnlne .et. altt:lna and care o1 alck. lmtt·
studio coueh, Galfen 6 Sattler ttng 01' c:rochetina,. Day or
stove, etc. C7 BelJoUope, COlt. nlgbt. HA 31.92-M.
1949 CHEV.-'·dr. sedan, Rldl. BABY Sl'ITER. mature woman.
clean thruout. ~.See ~t 2401 Good references. Ha 074.5-J. w. Cout Hwy., Npt., lJ 8-3625. CDM man would like prdentne.
90 PCS. FRENCH HAVILAND, clean-up, ete. Call XI 3-2122,
plain white, Ransom pattern. :Mel Up&b~:=alL=-:--:-----...--
Servic:e for u. Almost perfect WANTED: lronlna In my home .
condition. IJ 8 ·6198. 515 Santa Mabel Whitman, 6J17 Mareu•
Ana Ave., Newport Heights. rite. CDX. HA 42'7S-J.
alze 16, aJigbUy used, aood =""='-=~==-----:---: condition. Alao atrl'a flgure HELP WANTED: competent
skates. size 7~ or & Ha 6180-W. housekeeper, male or female; full charge, hours noon to after WALNUT TYPE DESX for home, dinner; '2 In famlly; live out.
42" x 20'', has awtvel typlst Apply ln person with refer·
chair; ucellent con~ $25. ences. 3616 Oeean Blvd .. CDM.
Liberty 8·794.3. AT'I"EN110N HOUSEWIVES -
FOR SALE-This a1ze et .. tfled Avon Cosmetics needs 3
ad ln the Ensign, only $1.50 for women to represent company
3 trulertlons. Call your ads to fn local neighborhood. Call
HA 1114. Kt 7-4272 for appointment In
J1.E.AL ESTATE & B.EifTALS your home.
LOT FOR SALE. Corona del Mar.
south of hJghway; not far from
beadles. Level, and some vtew.
Ha 193-W .
near postoftlce. on Polnsettla
Ave., COM. Owner, 325 Orchid.
phone Ha 512-R.
NEW-2-BDR. unfum. apt. for
rent. Near shopping. park. and
Boys Club, CM. Garb. dl.sp.
garage. 572 P l u m m e r . HA
2·BR. FURN. HOUSE -$10,950,
only $2950 dn. 513 Poinsettia,
COM. or call POplar 1·1439.
APT. FOR-RENT-Nice locat~n.
· pleasant sunoundtrigs. No dill·
dren, no pets. 610% Marguerite
Ave .. Corona del Mar.
CALL Edna Craig, rental gpe-
cfallst with Dorta Bray, realtqr,
216 Marlne Ave., Balboa lsland.
HA 20 or HA 64.
WANTED TO LEASE wtth option
to buy. 2 or 3 BR. moderate
priced home. Needed by June;
excellent reference. Ha 5347.
"'MUSIC JlfST1tl1CT10R_ .. ____ _
PIANc)[N~ON. Teresa
Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac·
ceptlng a limited number of
pupils for plano. Concert PI·
anlst of Three Continents.
Graduate Student ot Bela Bar·
tok. 436 Serra Drive, CDM.
Ha. 2039.
CDM Travel
* Special sailing
San Francisco
to Panama. Curacao.
British West IndietL and
to Europe.
Flnt Ckml lt.50
S«ood Clae 1350
........ ,... tr.lfbtar
Harbor 1246
Coline Ctbbona. Dorothy
McKenna, Mar,uerlte Hurhes
Cor. E. Coast HwY. at Orchid
Ac:rou from P.O .. CDM
NO FEE collected from applicant
413·31st Newport Beach
10• IEWS!
Good Jobs = Good Salary
with frequent Increases In a
company that actually en· courages advancement.
Full pay as you are trained.
--()penlnp for-
9:00 to 4:00 p.m.
• 514 ~ N. Main St., Rm. 211
Santa Ana
Liberty 8·3456
Seat's SurglcaJ Supplies
Pmntmg -Decorating
IJcenaed Contractor
8'78 w. 18th Costa Mesa
Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8.6632
HA 2976
<Evenlnrs. week·ends)
100 31st Street. Newport Beach
•• Pre;.t.s
fi.MM 16·MM 35·MM
and 16MM SounJ P!Ojecton
Model AJrplane Supplies .. n C•••ra., 1782 Newport Blvd .• eo.ta Mesa
Phone Liberty 8· 7042
REPAilt AND Maintenance.
palntln1. carpenter ete. Just
anything. tt.a10nable. Satla.
faetJon ,uaranteed. RA OUS-J.
S6B Green Stampe
Free delivery
BA 1038 2744 & Cout RW7.
.... __...,__ .... ...
•a.ctloa Apd1 11. ......... of
Coin s· ~ ,u..s Ia c.t111
........ lal. .. Cllld lala
....._ ....._ pwclt1111S tM
VIele Pla•N-v Cllld Slilaet
Mated Warb baa tiMir DIOtiML
lin. O..U. VW. Ia 1MS _. .................
laltla aJOtMn eo.. -• coedltioa~Ja9. llaaat ..... Cllld steal ...... _ -.n llaltla ba .,... __ ,_ .. .. eo.ta
.... a.. depwb:uet lew 11
,.... --claW .. 15 ,...... . .. .. aiM • 15·,.... __ ,_
Clad pat-,...tdaat .. tbe eo.ta ......... Clab. __ ,_ ..
tba board .. tba ~~cat.. ANa ac.p Clab ,_ tta. paat tift
,.... .. dtae tba .....s ..
.,..... fire GilliS .... ,...-.:.
tioa bacaua .. tta. ,..&d
fi'O'W1II of tba area: coeeollclcr·
-~ .. bllpev•--t dla-
trtcts -fbr .. ....... ,..
Saltla u .. crt * Park l.aDa. n..r ...... tla.Na ~ Jadr.
Cl98 17: •• ... 12. Cllld c.
LD tba .. cdl twqlcafti. I tlalak
101111b a tty bela • ioolt oat f«
tiMal... 8C1JS A. L ~ ol
ISS •oadway. eo.tll 11-. Ia·
~t ccmdldat. -tiM eo.ta .... dtJ CIOQDCU elae·
tioca oe April 10. '"J balJeft LD
ac a.onay. • llr. PITildey baa
ClddM. "' waatad a 50 ptr •· ...at tear rata. Aa .-c:llld rat.
.,_ eat bat I IDipt It tr..
..... ll ... llr • ....., 8Cd4
be wtaJaae to fiD1IIa .... ..
tbe pnjacts be atanecl. .. 8Cd4
1wwt.Jaaete .. ~
l'lllpOGalbla f• 0.. atN raiD
---tMy daiDp Oil t.lllelr Mlgbbon. A a o t 1l • r pnt-cf
JJ.aMd by tba CXID4ldate -.... .a.ctioe .... tba dty to ,....
oat to tba ~ pntD9
.... Pi..-rt'l ..........
pat Ia out-. -u I caa 98t
...... hro ................ had
.. the ...t hro -..... .,.... I tlllalr r... ..._. tatdy 91*1
... -llr. Jllaldey CldMcl. ..
... Ill crt.d tbe C.... ..... ..... .,. .. ...., ,... crt 1-... pwt ...... o.tlr ......
W••• ... Iaiiie ·
Cilia I••• VIII
Cllboat atr••t lapeo .....
~ ... tile .... • •• ,
........ dNilt '1*'1111--· u.taNa .......... INiya
... ll.tta. .......... -· clldlda ... tM ea... ..... city co.acu. -c-t. .... ..., ..
tile ,__ _. '' 'NUtt Cll ........,eatriM6www4iala·
.... , ..... tM city. w.
CINlatM,.._ .. II 189
ap tba ..til a.d of tewa tw
ctn.l 1 •t. wttll tllle -.el· .,....t eC tbe ....... ,....
.-. ••• lla:rtla ~ .... . __ ,_ .. tiM dtf ...-cSl
a.. .. dty--.......
atacL .. --..... a1lecl .. •
two-y.---• tta. CIOQDCU wbae tlaa II8COIId dty .a.ctioo .,.. w ._ coaectln• .a.
OD8 .,.. .. ottiGe .. ua-cdl.
Be la DOW QP lor a lcMal·y.-
t.na. llr. Ma:rtla .,.... U.. Ia· ...... ....,~ac.e. ...
f• tta. Pwawa .........._ C..
............ , o(U..Coalr u... Dab D4 • ciJaoecW of
tiM ...._ AIM -.,. Chit. .. ........................
SciMol ... G'ollq ... c.a· ....
JUDI D. DO¥ .. Jitlm o( 113
z.tiMI' St.. CMie ..._ .ad~·
--.... c... ..... dty CIR8dl ... d'on. ... .,... •
9IMI'Q1 ~ .. 11 yean
Clad apedcdl-Ia ..... CIDD•
ab llidSea. ..,.,. --tile tn· .. c~oaa c:t.ate .. pnpeny
~ ....... ....
Clad ell ....... ,... ~ -·
c-.pclll1' ........ pataa,-llr.
DooNnplb np.ta. '"J do Dot
thLD.k tbat --of tiMM da~ _,. ..... .....,.., by
oar ....-t city goftDim•t. I
-coa~ ._.I.._ a..
abWty ............. tM
dty coa.acU. • ... c..
ll ... oaao(a...t.....-·
.... dU. Ia loatMnl C:.U·
1.-nla. I balleft crt tba ,..._t
t1Da•• oar ........ ClaiT CU1Y ..
t--. atneta. Ooecl -tlol ...
liOOiafJ ontfDSDIL wtt.lda ...ad
tlaa gald-M:e eC _,.._. dty
....... b ..... GilliS If .a.ctad
I abcd1 do _., •-..t _. couect
fO.*-I .... ,...J) , .......... .., ... ~
..... y ••• -. .a.llllt ..._>_ ........ .. o. a....._ et·m~.-. a. ...., .._ . ..,... ._-... .. .
............ IJ iiW aut at Oeerlle ....... flf WI fta Quito.
1='1 ..-. • WI _. ru cu Lido t.lti; r-.ww tile tiMft ot u ..... ...,.._...,.oe..._ -~.__ .... ,._._ -.. ... a. ....... oelD ~.~~~~ ................... ......
•. 0... PM~~. ... '*' ...... c. ...... -............. Co· r....-t _. .._ oC u saa ,... ,... ... liar, upa::rW tile th.tl
woo4 .. '-... 4 .. trv wu of a ...... th ... WUllam ,.,..s .... ,._ ....... J.-........ ............ cl-of
Citft ln. ColoM .. ~ at•a:• Ill& D. J. B•ll-ofaol S.p-
LIIL • •• ~ MiU.-of 3IGO Jllllre Aft.. 8alMa Wpd. IWal•
E. Cout HW7 .. C.0U del Mar, lowed a ca.....-of recJuc1bc NP0rte4 that a clark, abort man tablets _,. wu uar. to Boq
uecl t30 bUl8 to M9ft·ebaqe Memorial Ho.pltal. where bla
1IWn of $10 .' •• l(n. Bruce BanclY atomacll wu puD:q)ecl aud he
olll,38 W. lalboa Blvd., Newpt wu keld temparu11y for obeer·
~. ~ Ulat a boy pab· vat1on . • . H. 1. Ehcle of 12)0,
beef her beach Mallet from a W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach.
blanket on whfclt abe wu lylnc reported the tbeft or • ., t1re
on tbe beadt at 12th St. and fay ••• Genic! R. Cooke ol 30:38 W.
Plont. at 3:07p.m. and fied In a Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach, wu
car when abe pve chase • • . arrested on an I n t o,x t e a t ton
., ~.f ,, W-4• ,ft, 'IM 'Y
.Nwaa~K~, ... CL.WC --------.-· ......._----~ .,....." __ _ .......... _....,.. ... ~ ......
Allan Mollllon ot 211 ~ ·S!Stb St., cltarae In the 3000 block W. Cout Tnia .,._ eC ..
Newport Beach. reported the Kwy. alter an acddent at Cout ;~~~~~~·~~~-~~~~~ theft ot a $35 ttre and wheel Bwy. and Beaonla Ave., Coron.a '(Je us s ss a a
from hla ear • • • Mrs.. rred del Mar.
Ostrander ot 1712 W. Ocean (Continued oo Pap 10)
Front. Newport BMch, com·
plalned that a BB shot was fired
throuah a front window . . . Lee
Roa Davia, 20, ot Hermosa Beach
and ADpto Stamta, 21. at Her-
mosa Beaeh. were arrested on
4.500 Attend
Adult Classes
char,a of d:bturbfnc the peace More than t.500 dltferent adult.
at U :30 p.m. Prid.,-when a have attended classes In the
nl'ht at Park Ave. and Mll!'lM adult dlvtston o«ered at Oranae
Ave., Balboa Iala.nd. drew a Coast College durlna the eurr'@nt
crowd of more than 200 acream· year. And with a ntrW term atart·
Inc teenacen · · · 1nc AprU 9, tbla number wtll
eU'I'Vm)JlY, IIAIICII 31 probably be boo«ed to over 6,000.
James B. HaMOn. 21, of 372 E. Thelarpat number come from
16th St., eo.ta Mesa. wu booked eo.ta Mea _ 1,2:36. The second
on an lntoxicatJon charp . . . Jarcest number come from Santa
Linda Enaberc, 16, of North Hot· Ana. with 949. Newport Beach
lywood, tripped on a eurb and In· aupplle. 923, wtth 463 from New·
jured her back at 112 Pearl Ave., port, 210 from Corona del Mar
Balboa Ialand, at 3 :50 a.m. and 100 from Balboa Ialand, and 100 wu taken to Boac Hospital .. · from Balboa.
Marilyn McFarland of 306 Dl&· Carden Grove sends 291, Hunt·
mond Ave., Balboa bland, te· lneton Beach 237, La,una Beach
ported at 1:34 a.m. that 10meone 185, Anaheim 150, Oranae 100
put a bose through their mall and Seal Beacb 78.
box and flooded their front
£ cor, a:roa'S rraa .
Prom Bet=m, Bolland. Sweden. , Italy
• Enct
Arabaque Jewelry
from TOlecJo Spain . Lll .. l'l
., ........ ..,. ...... A.-
• c::AIIDI ..Aa"'"r
rooru . . . Mrs. Delores Roache. 5 .on ADUTED IJdo Sbopplna Center
26, of 206% Sapphire Ave., Bal· ~ald A. Maek. 1& Lone ";;..._;;;;;;;•;lll;;;;;;sao;;;;;;;Yi:;ia;;;Udo~~
boa Island, wife of El Toro Ma· Beach bus boy, and four juvenlle I'
rine Robert Roache. was taken to boy companions from Long Beach -.zaacr-
Hoac Hospital at 12:30 a.m. after and Lakewood, were charced TUIIITM
reportedly taking an unknown wJth poaealon of an alcohoUc
quantlty of aleeplng pJUs · · · F. be'verage shortly Mtore midnight PICIO 11110
G. Swain of 300 Apolena Ave.. Saturday Mar. 24 at Coast H"Y.
Balboa Island. reported radio and Newport Blvd. They were re-..J:O TVID)
antennas broken off eight cara leued to their par'@nts.. ~~~~~~
parked in the 300 block ... M!· ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifijiiJiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii -..ay r. s·. w.-
chael Baum of ArcadJa reported RA NS A New Concept 1n Personal that a hit and run car caused S20 RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry.
damage to the tight aide of hll Your Family Restaurant Ina Cue Optional. Extra.
ear durlng the ntght parked In ..... _...... ca. front of 106 Collins Ave .• Balboa (a-d ,.......,) WJO= . =
Island . . . Jaek Toon of 415 JS15 a. c:..t JlltlltNJ u a.M17
Edcewater Ave .. Balboa, reported ..._ 1.. c-... •• a..ta. ahd.. eo.to ..._
the theft of a ~ sign from hla iiiiii~~ii~i~~~~~~:::;:~l private beach ... A $125 type.
writer was stolen from the off1~
of Muriel M. Plnover of 260t
Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. I
Mrs. C. W. Jones of 724 Poppy
Ave., Corona del Mar, reported
kids shooting 22 rltles at the
end of Poppy Ave. on the hill
. . . Ceor,e M. Graham of 1104
Park Ave., Balboa Island. re-
ported the buretary of carpet
laying tools valued at S125 from
hts truck ... John Ra~tan Jr. of
Ragan's lt.estaurant. 2S15 E. 'Coast
~ .. OmmaMIMar.~rted
at 7 p.m. that a mldJe aied man
wtth a florld faee short-changed
hlm of 110 ... e IVWDAT. A.fiiiL I
Richard Bovet of 302 E. Balboa
Blvd.. Balboa, reported the theft
Southem cautomla Ed I • o n
Company will pay $478.751.47 on
~ 10 as the final Installment
ot tts 1955 ad valorem taxes to
Oranae County, It 1a announced
by C. D. Shedenbelm. district
Edison's total tax payment to
Orange County was $957,500..35.
The company's total tax load for
tB to all levels ol aovernment
-dty, county, state. .nd federal
• Jla ....... ~t
P• AD •
..., ... ,_. C1 ...... AIM r.. lfeedy II T ...
IU 0... A.... 1t,.n &.1•1
City AttorneY Jtarl Davt. l'@· -was S46,62;.300. Thla means
ported to Newport C1ty CouncU that fNf!lY day lut year, NVeD
Monday, Mar. •· that the city· days a week for 52 weeki. Edl·
Mrs. Martha M. Clarke, 42. owned signboard on Coast Blah· 8MI taxes amounted to approxl·
who came from Mercer Island, way In West Jll'ewport Ia only mately 5JZ,OOO per day, Mr.
Wuhlnaton, to Costa Mesa three partly located on ctty-owned Sbedenhelm aald.
weela aeo with her 7-year-old land. About a third ol It Is on
son, Danny, to visit relatives, 10meone elM's property. be said. liOn Wlft &aiVD 1100~ d
died unexpectedly T h u r • d a y City OouDcll tberefore apeed .,_., 1.-A.llplee ~ anol
Mar. 22 at 1630 Monrovia, Costa to leue the atpboard to the lC. .., ~ on 'lill..,._
.Meaa. She had been worklna at Lido Sbope .u.n. for $1 a year, ellft)'lnl • ~ale4 w .. pon by
Chet'a Inn, whOe here. She wu rather than c:baratnl $2) a Jfewpart pollee at 1:30 p.m. W~d ......;;.;;,;..-=...;;..;:;;;;.;==-::~l'iifiT-::'Iarilra::a:~-~~~~~!!!
a native of O'Jifelll, Nebruka, month u had 11ee0 ,....sou.Iy ....._,., Mardl a. ~
came to Colta :Meaa In 19M, and sua,ested. Counetl took thta ac· t,1M7 lcHcDd eldl boJ -·.,·Ill a
moved to Wuhlncton In 1952. tlon after beln1 told that the ._.til lallfe. 'n)ey ...,.. ~
Besides her 80ft abe ta survived Lido Sb.op. Min. bad alne4J at l.llaDd Ave. and lal* oav....,
by her husband. AttGI'fte)-c.ot,e lll)ent 101M$!.., all tM liP-lllllbaL
z. Clarke; two brotllen. BaJpb L .:-..-iiiiWiliiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-~~~~~ Fleener of Costa Mesa, and
lames R. Fleen• ol Sam& Ana;
Te1epholw Harbor ~ and four s1IUn. llln. Frank
u. s. ltoyel n,..
W..hl1t9 I Polielli1t9
~ LubricatiOft s.Mce
"'-Herbor 3094
2201 E. Co.tt Hl9hwey et A~
<AHone d•l Mer
........ T.v---., -*
... UWG loluwon -eo.ta .._, lin. Wll·
-Hartltna ol WbttUer. Mrs. CALL THE E!fSIG!f at Harbor HCII'aee Mutt of ......._ aD4
Of to order a.u-11 .... enftl· Mn. laek TeWalt of Labwoo4
opel, bulne. ca.rdl. ....... FuMnl .. .sc. W'ft'e held
lnVl'-tJone. ,_..,.. · . · ....,_._ J1arcb • at Para.~ wttb '*• tbe I!Mip printl tt bftW. Jtev. Char._ Band ...aldatlnlo
lntsmert wu at .Rarbar Relit
Memorial Pirk
Bulldiq' penda IIIUid _, the retain to ~Uift,lll, ~U,295; 4
Newport Beach 1tclft ..... Dltput· c a' a n a •. ...,, 1 garap,
ment durin& llateh totalled $13.800: 5 • w •• m 1 n-c poole. 1'7e8..a. brlqtaf tbe reeord for 11.2.600: 5 ~In to co~lal
the tint qu...._ of 1956 to buUdinp, tta•: • mrna. I U S ). ~ $2.8.~. . Here are tlte aaJ perwl .. Ia'
..,. 'lbla Ia almoet 1800.000 under .ueclln Marcl\:.
"" the March 31 total or lut year, e COIIOirll .,.. tu..
12.835.610. Mary StMrart. addition at ill
March permlb Included II J'.-nlaf, ....,; Meta Meboo,
lllngle famUy dwelllngs. $M2.108; rumpus room a t 113 Poln.eettla,
t two-unit dwelllnp, t66.=: 55 St.-,. e aALM)A JSLAJrD
K. 1. Seudcler, 1 -ftol'J', 1-unJt
ctwentnr at b) Ruby, $12,SOO;
Cua Mar, install fa n In kitchen.
1310 S. Bay, $150; Wesley Kohtz.
add .eeond ltory d~lllng at 217
Camet. Sl0,960. eaawn.T
Fred Hodgdon, add drafting
room at 400 W. Coast Hwy.,
K.en Beegle, internationally fa. $2.314. •
jiiiiiiiiiiijjiiiitiiiiiiiill mowt marksman, wlll give an eaU..OA
ahtbitlon shoot at 1:30 p.m. Cbealey O.born, ,.place boat
Sunday at the South Coast JU.fle .bou.e at 1511 E. Bay Ave., $1,680 .
a nd Pistol Club range on Mac-e CL1PP IIAVD ,
Arthur llvd. Thb I• the date of Mrs. Ruth Bu.aert. ociverlng to
the regular trap shoot i\eld by shade plants. 821 Kings Rc1,
the club, starting at 9:30 ,.m. In $200.
addltlon to the trap matches. ea••t:•W,..IO""a'l' DJGIITS
there wlll also be rl.De and ptatol IL C. Uttle, ltne Inside or ga-
matches. rage, 2312 CUft Dr.. $100.
Mr. Beegle, a representative of
R.emlneton Arms Co., lnc., wlll F• h • & G
w pplement bb demonstration o( I Is am e marksrn.ansb.lp with a talk on
the proper use of flre-arm.s. He Men to Ta I k ean perform such feats as draw-l
lng the head of an Indian chief Three members o1 the Flsh and
wtth rapidly placed shots from a Came Department wlU talk at
.22 rlfle. He picks af1 qu!rter-the meeting of the Seahorse
J446 f. COAST HWY.. size bra.u dJJcs as they aoar Splnfiabing Club at 7:30 tonight
CORONA D£L WAl through the alr, throws a cluster (Thursday) In the conference
HArt-•763 or targd.s Into the alr and blasts room of the Sllaflex eo., 1919
lt..We-: HArtlet •1,. each In succession with a shot· Pla~tla Ave., Costa Mesa. ~~~~~~!!!!!I~!!J!!III! gun. With a .22 rlfie be can hit Bob Decker, Jake Meyers and rr a moth baU salllng through the Bob Terwllllger will tell-or the
Loall• f. ... air. history and development of the 11110 Fish and Game Department, ltJ
5" 10-T't:AII I.OAII
Construction Locnw
Th • T k functions and alms for the fu . I eVeS a e ture. They wrn atso show a color
movie of the life cycle of the
Diving Gear ~"inokucbt. activities ch•lr-
v arlou• underwater divtng gar-man. announces that the club
P .. l..a..... llrl .... • ft. menta and equipment valued at hu planned several outtnrs for .. nwr --• ........ uv. 11600 were stolen from a yard at the juniors for the spring and
1515 &. c:..t .wy .. CDII
ft. JIA 1111 1D S-SID
{Matlo Llfa ........ ,.._.)
the Waterwear Co., 6902 W. Coast summer months. lncludlng ca.st-
Hwy., Newport Beach, 10metlme lng contests. deep .ea flshlnr
between 10 p.m. Thursday a nd and partlclpatlon In the National
6:30 a .m. Friday, Newport pollee Splnflshlng Auoctatlon casting
report. tournam@nt this Sunday.
'lbe thieves climbed a 6~-foot
renee and opened a gate to drag
and carry the It~ to th@ rear
of 206 Grant St. where tire marks
~ACIII0..-1111. ...... a... of found. One or the articles,
Iliad of ..... ~;:;.-::~~=~1 a deep eea dlvtng belt, weighed Jla alt.. -.. more tbm 80 pounct. and poa-
• We ,.., llbly wu too heavy to lift OftJ'
the fence.
'"WO auBa SIDU1'1 ..._ .... ..., cttr'• ............ tbe ...._ .c w..-<•w> Ab-
bott. xn•t• Ia a.. Coni
.... .., ....... ~llr.
A.bMII ......... ~.
ta m 1a an a DL ..-.. ..._ .. c...,._._t ,..... ............... ,., ... wu.. lt.. .... Ida ...... ..,..
.._ .-4 D ·.,.....act-. ..
Ja.a...-sdatltw .... • __ ,_ .... •......-t -·
,_ &Ual J..oclta. ~ta of Co-
l ...... Gild lt. J .... IWy
·--a.cwy ... is ..... ..-s Ia ..._. ... , ••-•ta. a J•·
...U. .... h'PtS:Y ...... -. cia __ ..._.._.~.
Jyla ............ deaala·
da*tal ......... e-ta .......
...... Allibatt .. .. dlttl1botoc' w tbe ••t Ouy aotUecl
IIOY WIIIDa.L of 1517 Os 11
A .... c.... ..... a. a_..
........ c:.aM .... city
II dl th "'-.. AIJdl II.
II£ WI' tea -. to c.-. .................. _
-• +') ·-· --tift .. ......... An..._ ... .. •• ..... c-.. .... ... .. .. ...... .. ... ,_, ... -. ...... ..................
.a III b •t .. a I I d .u .......... , otr· ,
,... .. .-lly Ia c:llf ps-_ _. .... ._ .. ,....._. ....... ~ ... ~ ......... ~--~ as•> ...-.,...._ .. ....,.,, . -•-•s, .... ,......, ............ --· ........................
............... city ..
........ eiii <•• .... ,...._ .... -....... .......
~~ ISTIMAJI CAll .••
A house at 524 Via Lido Nord,
Lido Isle, had been entered, Vin-
cent Healy of 216 Via Eboll, Lido
Isle, notttted N e w p o r t pollee
Ma.reh 28. A 'IV set was taken
from a front room and a port·
able radio from an upstalrs bed·
A San Pedro student. 17, was
&JT'Hted at 10:10 p.m. Wednes-
day, March 28. by Newport polke
on char,es of escape from cus-
tody and possession of an alco· Funeral services were held
AnD. 12 DEADJ..liU
Tbunday, Aprll 1.2, ls the last
day to regtst.er In order to vote
In the Ju ne 5 primary electJon.
hollc t>everap. · March 24 for a former proprietor
Officers said they found a bot· ot the Balboa Inn Cafe. Claude
tJe or wine lnslde hb shlrt . at Elmer Dtcken..s. 63. who died
Agate Ave. and Park Ave., Bal· March 21 at Hoag Hospital. Mr.
boa Island. On arrival at clty jall Dickens ls s urvived by hls wlfe.
the youth broke away and ran. Mrs. Maudle Dickens of their
Reserve OUJcer F. M. Kelly gave home address. 301 Undo Aw ..
pursuit. Just ~ote the offlet!l' Balboa. and by several nephews
caught up with the youth In the and nieces.
l'llD wa..c.. ·~ ..• ,. ....
oeatill A.._ C.... ....._ --· ........ ... city CIMIMSl ~......... u... .. c....x-lolr61w,_... ....... __ •.
....._ *-Y Dip PJoar MD.
P• .._. ,._. llr. wu-
._ ~ CMIIIty cltdl .....
l •,.nc. Cout Ia Ktag coa.aty.
............. aad ...... t.ben
..... .,.. ..... ty_ .... ....... _ .... dllact& ..
........... btiMdty .. GNat eo.aty.w........_ .. .....
lalMIIatM.._ .. ........ _tatt....,w.....-.....
,.. ....t Clttltml prot·-· ..
eo.ta ....... .u-ta. ......
ctralaa9•• plutwa04i8111 aad
pcab. llr. wu-.... "nt..--4
""! woalct ......... city .. •
J,avally ladtll4a4 .. .. ....
...... -be .ad4. "''a ...s. to
attract people .. ou ~·· alty we •ut JIIOOidlir paopar
fcldllu. .. IIOt Gilly tiM dill·
4rWil bat foct tbe .,._ta -
.. Q. {aQa) ..... u. e.dl· .... .. c... ... C'1--Q, ..
-.... r=-...... wltla of •
0.. at .a Jlalt.or ••..s...
c-tll ..-. .............. tMt
.. ..... ,.. t._• facla9 tile
,_..city ... m.t .......... --t...s ........ ~
tbat tb...t ....... --t ...., be peopady CIDd Wrly IICIDdlect
bf -..••-•t ctl a t rl cta •
wlt.kta ...,. be f.....ct -
...sed ...s ................. Aa
.. ---be~ tMt large
mwdal IIYtallatlou wtD
..._, to .... tbe ...... t hltb
._ ~ •A .u.c.n. MD·
..t ez r t to tiM dty"a pnb-
.._. wtt.ll fta1l czp'...UO.
...... gt..--at all t:tma. to the
AUIW TG"''''LL tf, of "' ....._ St.. c-t. ..._ dty
...al O"WWIdaea .._ beta a
....... of eon. --.. tbe
p< II --tlaa aad a s-11111ty .... .. twe.,.... ........
paulltst oC tile Aa tn&atk
lprlaldan .. ~ hdflc lac..
,_ W. 17th St.. Coeta llaaa.
.. a.ys tbat tbe ~ tmr
ahlaltGa a. aot eca-itable. ..
...... wltll-.........
paytag from 1215 to 1225 a
.,.... Ia tallll. -~ a --......_ ,...t ..... t, wltb
• ,.e.tlal .......... to
IM.a paya 1130 a .,._.. Mr .
Tattle It a cllNc'tl.-oC tiM eo.ta ..... a.-t-.. c---...
aad tJMU ...........w ........ .
Gtlft to a. Jaacldect c.-.
baa .. c-....... 0...,..
ao.My ... 18 a IJ • .,.... , • ._ ..
oC tM u.s. All' l'an:a. ~
from lMD to 1153. 90iD9 Ia •
• pdfttc ciact ~ o.t a
........... CIOI••L ......
Vi... tlu'M d tcltiou from tiM
Saa.eas: i oC tbe AU Pan:a ._
...,. ..tap .. Ollalal8tra·
n1oney ....... _ ..• .......... ,__ .........
• ••• • •• • • •••••• • • • • •••••• . --· .. : ... ~_ : . ~~ :
nan,... •
••• • ••• • •••• c:..u .... clataU.I ....., •
ISS &. 17tb St.
"30 y..,. &pene~ Periedift9
Svpenor 0..11ii'IC) Cteftsme11Wp"
C.reful Hei\Cilii'IC) of All Delle. ..
Feb<iet, keded & lece Ge-.fl+s
PhOfle Herbot 5352
l"id Up & Deli,..,_, s-nc.
OP" I •-"'· to 5:30 P·"'·
-S.turdey, I Lift. to 2:)0 P·"'-
)426 E. Coat Hwy.: Corolle del M•r
U~&Duoery Ln.ty ._..,.I
D50 ...t .... c:.e.--
lPolltlcaJ AdvmJwmenll
I+ I IllS
-east parking lot of RJchard's Rev. Donald Sapp of the Bal·
Lido Market. the prt.oner stum-boa laland Community Metho-
bled and feU, bitting bla head dlst Church officiated at the
on the parking lot pavement. He services, held at Baltz Mortuary ~-----------
was Ntumed to the jall. ln Corona del Mar. Final rltes
were held at Melrose Abbey.
Santa Ana.
Mr. Dickens was born at Mon-
tezuma, Indiana. He was the pro-
prietor of the Balboa Inn Cafe
from 1935 to l!M5.
t..c,itf eftd Most c...p.te
FvMlture Stor. in ft.. /Vee.
o£COMTtN& saw:~ l'-'v ... ,.
Clarence A. Higbie
. .
(Con .... .._,...., . ..,...,., ..... .
Bob ~ fit .... UDlon Sta· tioJ\. aeoo z. eout HWY .. CoroDa
del liar, compl••nect that a ear·
J.oad of boys thNW tlree all ~
the stadoll .•• lamet Zlecer of
&l6 Jec<mla Ave., • Corona del
Mar, reported tl:tat aomeone at·
t.mpted to break Into b1a earace
• • . Mrs. 14. P. Lewl.s of ~1
Abalone Ave., Balboa laland, re·
ported that .omeone threW a
beef can. breaJdnl a window
and damapl a chair ln ber bo~ ... Cars driven by Ceral·
dine Walters of Loll Aneeles and
Merl Cameron of 112 Vla YeUa,
Lido Isle, were Involved ln an
accldent on the Arches overpus EAITUl OUDVEu--rrtclay eu ... .., Loe Ue» -· 1.-tt to riglat U.., ladade P • ..,._
T J WUson of 919 E. Balboa AD9&1• youtb otticlcW • b-.1 to ;lb. " tile hwe1L Loe AJ19elee -.aty -lllll.:w-•kw
mvd.,. ~boa, reported the theft Eaner W•lr Cldtritiee of Loe Aa .. a. 'fOIID9 depcaab&•tl ·---..... •t. ........
Of a ...... •chute car cover from hl.s people Ia tbe ~ --. sa..wa .....,. tMr _tati.., Ce1Uolalo ,. ... Aatlilodty1 ..... w. ..--Orchid C1N CIDilhnbl9 wttb IICIJW DoN IWI ODd hUce rua.-. Loe All9alee ...-, -oattr ..... .. car . . . Orval Lyon of 222 CCipt. Vt.Dceat llcMCIDi9UL npt. Ia u.. Jfewport dep u t wtJ .. ..,.. BW ~ Copt. If a.-..-,
Ave., Corona del Mar. reported lleclda polJe» atatioe befGn 901.-::189:!-..:.":.t:....=la:...:a:....:po-:::::.:..._...;(:.:l::...•:..:.at...:p:.......;plao:..._olo_..;):------------tbe theft of two tlres and two _
~:.:k~~~~l:.:~~oe~t~~ M A • Requests ••••• FirM •,...
his car . . . ore nnexJng ·-, ....... , ...
Come From Mesa Areas
Rev. Edwtn Gomke, pastor of
the Corona del Mar Community
Church, of!lcated at funeral aerv·
1~ March 23rd. for Charles J.
Schwartz. of 506 Aliso Ave., New·
port Heights, at Ba ltz Mortuary,
Corona del Mar. He was assbted
by Seatartne Masonic Lodge No.
Mr. Schwartz died March 20 In
a Santa Ana hospital at the age
of 73. He had lived In Newport
Helebts for the past three years.
He l.s survived by his wife, Mae;
three aona. Charles. of the home
address, and Ray and Edward of
Corona del Mar, and tl:tree grand·
children. Interment was at Har ·
bor RM Memorial Park.
Mr. Schwartz was born In Chi·
cago and retired from the Chi·
caeo ele-vated railroad before
coming to Callfornla. He was a
member of Masonic Lodge 1154
In Chlcaeo.
Three more annexations re·
questa were preented last 'Iburs·
day to Newport City Counctl by
cornmer-cla.l firms In the Costa
Mesa area outside of Newport's
shoestring annexation strip. The
requests came from the follow·
• Professional Building A In·
vestment Corporation, portion of
Two Yeutlls, Are 1111•
11 Citiz•'• Arrest
Gary H. Walker, 18, Whittier
box boy, and a Whittier boy stu·
dent, 17. were booked on petty
theft charges at 8 p.m. Mar. 25
by Newport pollre on a citizen's
arrest by C. B. Knickerbocker of
501 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island.
Mr. Knickerbocker charged that
the two youths took tools and a
megaphone valued at $25 from
his sloop, Makua. moored In the Gla harbor. He took them Into cus· mour tody when they went to a party
house on Agate Ave., Balboa Glimpses Island. ___ _
ay ADD HIW AMid Relulll&
How can you be better looldng
this spring? That's easy. Put
you.rself In trim with a new Olga
"French Secret" girdle. Perfect
for aprlng and summer, because
Olga has created a carefree new
line that dips and skips the
waist -but making no bones
about Its firm and sllmmtne con·
trol. When you see thls new
Olga ''French Secret" gIrd I e
you'll realize tha t Olga has de·
signs on you . . designs for
your loveliest figure and great·
est comfort.
............ ..,
Mrs. Francis Hall, owner of
Ernie's Bar, 471 N. Newport Blvd.,
Newport Heights, told pollre she
would not press burglnry charges
againat two men If on~ returned
six case'! of ~ after the other
returned two cases of beer.
Funeral servt~ for Robert
Ewart Drewette, 72. father-of
Mrs. Maurice Joyce of 2318 New·
port Blvd .. Costa Mesa. were held
Friday at Parkes·Rldley Mortu·
ary. }lev. Joseph W. McShane o~
the Costa Mda Co mmunity
Meth6dist Church officiated.
A Puente boy, 16, and an E1
Monte boy, 17, arrested In Balboa
and cbarpd with car bureJary
by Newport pollee early Satur·
day morning, foUowtne a ch ase
durlne wl:tlch shots were tired.
Two corripanlon., Raymond C.
Purcell, 19, El Monte and Troy f..
Miller, 19, Puente, were charged
with vagrancy, and another
Puente boy, 16, was charged with
lack of p&ftntal control.
Arrests followed chua around
the &!boa area ln which omcer
JefT)' Breese fired two ahota over
the head ot. one of the auapecta
on the ocean beach after-orders
to halt fatled. The &hots wen
over the ocean.
SHOW. at the ,
• • mar1na
We.elday. April 11th
27th in a Mriea J
/ monthly fashion .bows
NOTE: Next Fa:ahion Show oa. WecJne.dc:rr .. May 8th. cmd
the MCOnd WecJne.dc:rr of each month foUowiDq.
Reservations Now ... Harbor 3930
Pr ... nted
through the co-operation of the Villa MarinCL Vema Miller
cmd the foUowingdiatinctiYe .bopa.
Mary MCIIIon Maternity Shop LORNE
102 E. 9th Street 204 Marine A venue
(across from Buffums') Balboa Island
Santa Ana *
1767-A Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
3210 Via Udo
Udo Shopping Center
Luncheon from
Vema Miller School of Charm
Commentary-Fashion Models
307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
1883 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mesa
12:00 Noon
"BED HOT" V aluM for ThWL Fri., Sat. AprilS, 8. 7.
ADd wblle we're th1Air1D9 of
a pnttier baa1c you. aak to
... the ...,. a.autee-Pit bra
at O'BJDE.Jf'l. l1 yoa•n looldD9
foe Just a little _.. ~. em
extra upllft or better MPCD"G·
tioa.. O'aiUEJf'S ~T
baY& a bra to t!t you ••• wttb
gooct support. camfort cmc1 a
The men !rom Huntington
Beach and Costa Mesa climbed
a two·lnch pipe on the side of
the building, approximately 16
feet to the roof of the bar and
then went down an open stair·
way Into the Interior of the bar
room, pollre said. Here the men
ate sardines and other slmUar
food. A drawer wu searched
under the cash regt.ter but
nothing was taken from IL Eight
cases of beeF were taken; two
cases later were returned.
Mr. Drewette died March 28
at Orange General Hospital. He
was a native of Canada, came to
California In 1930, and had made
his home with hl.s daughter In
Costa Mesa for a year. He Ia also
survived by one granddaughter,
Mrs. Clarence Batchelder and
one grandson of San Otego.
Stc.e Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to &30 P.M. Sunday cmd Holidcrya 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
~~-Pllioe Brull 11 It 11•
EXAM aESCIIEDULED Rescheduled from yesterday,
April 4, the dvll ae!Vlce exam!·
O'BRIEN'S now have an even I ·-~ IM 1-CD 1 nation for patrolmen will be
finer selection in exquisite lin· IJ..... • • • • held Wednesday, May 9. Final
gerle too. New fabrics. like the! rtllng for a pplicants will be
lovely new "saabalon," a beauti· Newport pollee went to the Thursday, April 26, at the New·
ful combination of silk and ny· home of Fred W. Harders of Z137 port City Hall.
Jon, are being heralded as the E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar,
most luxurious of fabrics with at 2:46 am. Sunday In response A Com~ LIDe of
an already outstanding rf.'COrd to hls calls for help. Mr. Harders Wool C:::,. ~1$..15 yd..
for fit and wear and washability had dislocated h b hlp and was 101 IAICIE' One we particularly love com -unable to help himself, pollee
blnes a delicate hand detail In said. Officers were required to HARBOR 6176
embroidery and applique wtth force entry Into his residence and 2919 E. Coast Hwy.,
t ine lace. For the more budget called a doctor for the Injured Corona del Mar
m inded there Is a new fabric nm~a~n~. :::::::::;;::=:::::::::;;::=:::::::::;;::==~~;::::;~~;::::;=~;::::;=~=i called "cudalon" comblnine ny· ;
lon and rayon.
l'lac:ber. famous few tbek a ·
qa.~a~• sUir lla~ c:ncrtM a
.t.aaba9 ...,. a11ID.. albll balf·
ll1lp .. 1Uider tboM ..... laalf•
DanOW ~kim ... made wttb a
...... tiD Vi'" ,.... perfect fit.
n.ctaer ODd JUcbnalck both
eeed .. W..ly ....-. .. the
J.Stltt wetgbt cmd WCDbable
(drip d.y) ..,. ~
oC ---Klc:bnalck'l ......
..,.., ..,_ trlcot .. --
•• llful ................
'lflalluy Ia llaJCi .. &lOW betag
......... at O'aaiEWL
Haven't tlme to tell you of the
adonble new abort nlptles
treah In and lrreslatJble -even
80me Bermuda ahortl aleep wear.
Com'n ae!
Capistrano By The Sea
Specializing in all Types of
Or Wrtte To
33915 Del Obilpo Rd., Dana Point
C2JCJ[EJI 01' ri:z lEA
Chunk Sty ..
61/z-oa. Can ··---
5 ~cit 45¢
2. ~27¢
5 ~ 6~
21~ No.2 Can _____ _
No.I Tall
Ccm ~