HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-19 - Newport Harbor Ensign•
Wlc&llna cnat larvu. eom-monly called blood worm.s, and
baby poUJwop ln the water-IJUP·
ply ol resldenta on La Perle Pl.
fn Newport HelchU. reoently an-
nexed to the City of N,wport
~ach, have united home-ownera
tn a move to cet Clty ot Newport
Beach water for the area.
A poup of hoUMWtves met a
10:30 a.m . Monday ln the horne
of Mrs. Frank Dean, 2421 La Perle
Pl., to plan action to remove the
unwanted J~ae &nd polUwop
from the water. Present were AI!·
Unc Clty Manaeer ~ Webb
and Councllman S. E. RJdderbol
ot Newport Be&ch. ArUe Swut:z.
115 Boats
Already in
Yacht Race
Nelson Is
• •11•ai •ru W .., ~,... .. Ott.
. . appllcatloM .,. ..._. -.oelple4
Dlllrllll. ·-............. tbe 10 to 1 ..... ,.., by ...... =-..-..... In ....,-.,I to 1 ._ ~.&. Bait people he bM ._.... to tbat M .. IIIII 111 Clfeea ...
U ha -Ill I 1111 .. -.... lihou.ld be .... tlli ..... ... ... ,......, Ji ...... M ... a~ Ooullll!ll It 1110111 ,.. a..1 ca..-tton to a. -. o1 ... ..._:
pnclad to ..,.. Jlo. Ill Ia C. people. Be W.. • tiMID ..,...,.. ...._.. ,._. ,..._
I'CID& ... v= " -. tile *-· tbe ~ -n..t• what IDO-D ..,_ tile Jllllllt oa1ee Ia
tloD • * llart. Odlww1w .. ,... eMcted fGr, to ~MD 0arona clel liar, ftU It out anC woaJ4 118ft..__. a rqcd.._ ol a.et.Jou f~ tbe J*'Pie, and It wbmlt tt to tiM aaml...,.ID.
tbe J1NY1oU1 .r.ct1on, wMD the tlw7 cloa"t lUre _, deal.._., .._, 'Boud _, u. a CM1 ......
counetbun named to ...,....nt tiM7 CUl ..,. • eat. • .., ... lit -..... .... at tM ..,_ 08lee
.. ZICICiai:ZIIZIICICICKZIICiaiCICICK:.IIZII-IIiiiiii~D:XIIZI~ Dlm'kt 1 WU not ol tbelr cbooe· ..._, ln .._, rnBdM 1lOMI, WM, .. lan ~ ~-WtlJ tnr. u 8bowllb1 u ~-~a1. that wm tU. ttme" .._.,. ..... ol-dleaaet,...
eAT LAn'l 1 ""You"N alllnt~H," aaya DaWJ, lnl' bcMIUle ~-Thta aptn ...,.JtJon '-to raJM compee. _. plaee to ~ b tta.e wrtt·
l'lD out of local drculattcm and be ....... ALL--&bemen, demontltrat. the Yletoul pout. MtlGD b counctbDen, wu alap. ta ..._
ttale week. to be hon..t with )'OU. clube. cub--..... brown!-. Sun· bllltt• of our daarter el«1Jon ped clown • to 1. •
Goae tlllhin&'!l I day Be boola, poUtJdana and code. I cet a lauch out of that, &lld UQGOil;:;JW&f'f;;;;-;=;;:;,0;;:
Tille la tbe week that tJae c.~·· preelcS.nta. lt1l be tun. ~ It .eema quJte clear that the out ot the P~ who wen A N.......-t H w boy, 15,
are ot1 to Muatlan'a tlrat lntft·j boat In the old mue Loc:ker will V9ten on IJdo, who uaually vote whlapertnl' to tta.tr candidate, anc1 a IJdo tale ~ 1.. haft
national IJpt Tackle Touma· be at your ~. lncludlnr lob u Mayor Dora Bill wantl them ''Don't I'O near Andy Smltb." .,_.., ebarpd wtth a,u;cta.ry, an4
ment. the 11th of Ute ,lerles. It Davla' new D·foot "Meny Wid· to, either did just that ~ te· The aara ot a number of de-a othen, from lalboa and lftw·
the flab QOOperate, tt abould be ow." celved no adVIce flom headquar-tmnlned voters Uvtn• between port B ... hb, were cha.rpd with
tenWc. News ol tbJa, perforce, I You can 1ooll 'em over, treah tera. 1betr vote wu decidedly Marlrold and llarperlte be· lade of parental control by lftw· : := = = = = = = = • • • • • • • • wtll have to walt unW we ret from their winter overbaull, but araJMt Mr. Hart. QuMtlon: Did tween the Hlrhway and Ocean port Police tn cl-..dn&' tile burl'· -. ' ?.~ ~Of &.,. ~op badt. but It abould be ~tnr that'a not tbe halt of lt. loth the DlQW vote for 1\Ja opponent 1 Blvd. In Corona del Mar reads 1ary ot liquor val 'Mel at ~ u out of dreams. De Lawd Jmowa daya. the Lodter boatl wtu take Incumbent Clarence Rlrbte, like a travelol' throurh rain, dlt-than t85 from the home o1
we've been dreamlq about It for )'bu on an bour'a tour of New-with ttae b_letplq of Counc:ll for tleult terrain and mlaJ.ntorma. ~ Kine 422 Jletonla Aw. =ICI:xiiCI:ICICX:ICICX:ICICX:ICICX::!Cax:~a:ICia:ica:ICia:ICICX::C a year. port Har~ for tree! ~ a rOod bov, won handily tlon. Corona del Mar. '
• •-: '''' ''' '' ''' •:v • .a. AT •010 Bere'a an Invitation to a lot ot over a contualnr'tleld of c:andl· Firat came a notke to ro to ============ e SOME ONE ~UST HAVE GOOFED . Advance lntonnatlon makes It you who lJve around h~. hear dates on the ballOt and a, write· 302 Evenlnr Canyon R4., then L ••-*
Just to set the record stroight: There wos no error on the C•ty poafble to poet you on aome big a lot about flahlnr, yet have ln. Helene C8enar, who received one to ro to 230 Goldenrod Ave. * wwil....a
Hell election "tote board" in recording the Hort-Bennett returns. The dolnp rlrht b~ at home. whJle never aeen the rJorles of your a aurprl.slnr vote for aomeone Then 2 daya before the electJon ..,., ..... ewe ,..lilT"
totols os originolly~sted on the board, ond never chonged, were we're havinl' tun down south. own famou• home town from the who wasn't runntnr. came a notice to lrnore all preY· FINE WATCH Jt!!PAIIUNG
d h · h Last year When the Seabll· deck ot a boat. Here aratn we have the sorry lou• notices and ro to 302 Eve-1 899 for C horles ort ond 1,852 for Gerold Bennett~n t ot s t e cult, and CbUI, the Beard!d One, The'flahermen won't need lee· reault of our elec:tton code. Coun· nlnr Canyon Rd. (Weren't we "Prompt Servlee-
V:oy the results we~• report~ (correctly) in lost week's ~sign. said adloa to Davey'a Locker an ond invttatlona. But to you other cUman Higbie was rejected by advised by City Attorney Karl R.euonable Prl~
The city clerk s office d1d o speedy ond occurote 1ob of report· Newport and headed for San folka who are uninformed, and the voters of hla own district by Davia that no chanre ot polling ....._ ••
incf the returns under the terrific election night pressure, ond deserves Dlero. I felt sad. You know, It unacquainted;, we say, '"Mlla Is about a 3 to 2 margaln, but he place could be made after-publl· 1711 B. Cat. Jlwy .. c.-clll .._
o lot of credit for doing o good job. The City Hell election crew wos you go out often enourh on a your chance! Go over-and see wtll be their councilmanic repre·l cation of notice~)
heeded by City Clerk Morgery Schrouder, who offi cially received the Jive-bait boat, you develop an the show. Treat the kid._ and aentatlve for the next 4 years. Forenoon arrlvall at 302 £ve.
returns ond checked them for occurocy. Assist ing in c hecking ond affection tor that boat. Did you your~elf-to a real swell tour. In ·District 6, Incumbent Lee nlng Canyon Rd~ Mrs. Ruby ~sting the returns were ossidont C ity Clerks Morilyn Colemon ond ever notice that most live bnlt And just tell Davey and hla aklp· WUder had the blessing-. of the Stevenson and Mrs. Paul Stlll· • CAIIDI
r .. Lilianth•l ond Recreation Director Bob Gingrich, who did the habitues always try to talk you ~rs ~hat C.Q. aent you. mayor and councU for beinr a I man, were sent back. So they e •AJr'IT
.. ... "' in~o going on their boat, Jlke We ve been holding out the good boy and finally golnr along called the city c:lerk from my PAYOa ectuol "score keeping." · · they practically owned It ! And exciUn'·eat newa for Jut. Satur-with them on the city manager. phone and were told to ro to
Also by woy of setting the record stroig~t: Thot tongle in ~he along wtth this attachment, the day, April 21. la the day set for The knowledge that he had this
Goldenrod polllnr place. e OPPICE
one-block strip in Corono del Mor between Mongold and Morgue nte, skipper and the crew get to be launchlnr ceremonies for one of support was the decldlnr factor Our heroe. were .arit to 3 dlf. ro ....
where those on-ogoin, oH·ogoin voting instructions we re received, your pals. After the time I stood the most news-worthy c:ratt to In A. ~ Phelps' decision not to terent places-Shore Cllf11, Col·
wos cousec:l by the precinct chonging by the county registrar of voters on the bridge wtth Chill 'and we come off the ~arbor ways. lt'l enter as a candidate. The fact denrod Ave. In Corona del Mar.
ond the maili~g of notices. ~y the ~~iciol printer If rom. Los An9eles) coJd -sweat,ed out the jetty ln the the FURY! Shes an all-Newport that as a ''write-In" (which he and AbcJone Ave. on Balboa
which controdrcted the ong•nol mo1lmgs through the oty clerks of-foggim, darkest night I'd ever job, designed by the now-fa· refused to support) he came Ialand, touchlnr ~1 ba.aes, and IJdo Sbopplnl' Center
I bo L A 1 t been ln. Chill wasn't just the mous boat a rchitect. Da1r Long. within 28 votes or wlnnlnr his some of them twice. 1bey were fice. Those chonge·of·voting·p oce notices re o o~ nge es pos . aklpper of the 'Btsc:ult anymore I She's golnr to ~ fast: 17-pl~ own dlatrlct In spite of the road fi nally succeuful, wet and tired. ..._ U. aal ~ Ude
mork, so they did not even d ear through the city clerk. He becanv, and still 11 a ruY m!Jes per hour crulllnr. Shell blocks to convenJent voting --• ,.. •~
• • • that makes aomethlng inside of be comfortable: a galley, lounge shows that had hls name been WAtaAH ~ S e EXCUSE MY CHUCKLE
The election reh.lrns proved one thing for sure, ond it wes no
surprise to us, though it must hove been o heck of o shock for Mr.
Bennett ond the guys who helped him moster.mind his cempaign for
a ttempted re-election. The Ensign ond its foithful reeders ore o mig hty
importont influence in this city of ours, ond in this cose. os in mony
others, the decisive foetor.
The Bennett compoigners hod the ideo thot they could get olong
splendidly by ignoring the Ensign completely. ond so it wos thot those
e normous politico! announce ments, giving Mr. Bennett credit for proc·
ticolly everything ever done by the City Council, oppeored exclusively
elsewhere. I personolly heord se vero! exclometions of consternation,
end I understood there ware other mighty dismoyed folks oround the
town, when the election returns come in. snowing their fovorita, whom
they had considered o sure bet for re-election, finishi_ng ~s o cho-
9rinned second best. Pordon my chortle, but I get a b1g k.'ck out of
figures li ke this: 662 for Hort to o mere 300 for Bennett •n Corone
del Mor; -4 I 3 for Hort ond only 233 for Bennett in Newporl District ! .
The Ensign and its foithful subscribers get good meosure of cred1t
for defeoting Bennett.
Specials For Thurs.. Fri.. & Sat. April 19, 20. 21.
Swtrr'S Pll£1111111 cm4 CBOICE
u;neo·Steaks 89~ .
Pctrterhouse Stks. 98~
ChUCkROast 39f. ..
null BOU'IL 1' Ground Round 4 .. '1•
OICA811A1'D sra Bacon
me Jlght up evey tlme I tee his and 30 bunks at no extra ,charre. on the ballot he would have won ••••• old red beard. that one lllUe You can eet a rood night • at~ his own district hands down.
htoart-shaped gold ear-rln~t and and be fresh and rearln' when But what good could have co~
whatever kind of a ~ hat he the skJpper yells, '"Mlere they of that! The other districts hap~n• to be wearlnr. boO !" would have beaten him and
I k~ promWnl' myself that Phil Thz.er ll responsible for picked our councilman for us u
ttall year I'm rolnr down to San this new super-addition to the usual. Home rule!
Dlero and catch .ome of thoae day boat fleet out of Newport. ProposltJon 1, to open the city
famoua yellowtail. When I go, He'll skipper the Fury, ·too, as· owned trallel' park'a private
It'll be an eaay I'UeJII and only slsted by an experienced and beach to the public: wu a puah·
one chance needed to come up courteous cnw. The load will be over. Wonder What happened to
wtth the right antwer about llmlted, so you can an~ com· that 10 to 1 majority that Coun·
what boat ru 10 on and wtth fortably in thoae welcome aac:k.a. c:IJman Stanley RJdderhot aald
what aldpper. Short meisaee to And won't tt be nlee to get In he found in favor.of the Coup·
Chill 'nd the 'BllcuJt: '1t won't alght of Pyramid Head, away cll'a plana tO, the traller park!
be lonl' now." over there on San Clemente, ln I aeem to recall a lU!Je c:rac:k like
e Jomn 1ft just 3 houl"'! that by blm during the protHU n...,. J'lnk and Davey'a Lodw" u you don't know PbU Tozer, aaalMt the private beacb which
11111111 bave mt.ad tiM 'llleult ro over and l.nbloduce youraeU tbe eouDdl bad a.,.eed to' 111'0·
and OlUL At the time tiMft and fnapec:t hla Fury. He expect~ Yl4e b the traJJa park tenanta.
wasn't much that could be done to start operatlnc around May 1· I auueated to him at that time
about tt. but things have been But your best chance to make an that it be had been assured of a·hap~~~g~~rn~~~~~u~~cell~ls~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you know, 10 Jlaten wblle I gtve day. 1bat'a o~n houae and •
you the advance scoop on what launchlnr ceremonies for the
ts cooking over on 31st St. new Fury -over at Davey'•
First new• and good 11 that Locker! You ·all come.
the Jet fut and popular llve-Fond u I am of that Old R.ed
batt ~t. once ably aldppeffi! Beard and hll 'Blacult. looka ~lke
by Spike (Drag Net) Taft ts maybe rm not ronna mtaa em
puJJing out of the Locker daUy u much u I thourht I wu
at 5 a.m. She's been gtven a r olnr to! And It tun ~akes m~
face-Jlfttnr over the winter, and feel rood to know It I fisbln
has had a very considerable In· time again.
side job done. She11 be ~en bet· -------
ter able to ret you wher~ the flah ,........... M. ..... .,
are, In a hurry, a nd get you back. ....~ ., .... ..
But the real addition Is the skip· IMII M Lilli Isle
per one of the tlsh-findln'-est
fell'as that f!Vf:r nickered a fatb· Mrs. Joe Prelnlnger of 201 VIa
ometer. If there's any Newport Ravenna. Lido, entertained mem·
skipper who doesn't need an In· bers of the Nightingale ChapteT
traduction. It's Capt. John Taylor. of Hoar Hospital AuxJJiary at
J ust In case you aren't addicted her home last week on Tuesday.
I to live-bait fishing. we11 give Asslatlng the hostess were M.rl.
your memory a jog. For years. C. L. Smith. Mrs. Arthur Gruwell
John wheeled one of Newport's and Mrs. Ray Dike.
best known ancl lareest boats A pick-up committee wiU be
around these blue waters. It was prepared to coUect lte~ for the
the AlaJunga. group's nearly-new c: I o t h 1 n r
You won't have to walt for any booth planned for the Auxlllary'a
further a nnouncements on John Fund Fair In the fall, announced
and the Jet. They started the 5 Mrs. SmJth and Mra. Paul WU·
a.m. dally run on March 30. llama, co-chalrma of the booth. e YOU ALL COllE I Now come the entree. Tbere'1
aomethlnr new In the Newport
Fleet. lt'1 one ol Davy Fink'•
m.oat prideful projeds, 10 be'a p-.--. ,. .... ~ ..
,onna celebrate and yen. Ia· ~---~ ......... ---r-..... • fttld. DaftJ'a rotnr around look· --..u.aa.--
lnl' mlthtY happy theee daya. ..... •• .. , • .U _..,
Whenever I ... b1m be'a bum-
mtnr "You-all come." Here'a
Thla Saturday and Sunday,
Aprll 21 aad 22, ~ere·• rolnr to
be an OPEN BOUSE at Dawy'a,
wblc:h, If you don't know, ll at
632 3bt St.
. CREDIT IUIIEAU ......... o. ... c...tJ
rtormerly of Jfi'WPOI't Bt~
Lapna lleac:b • eo.ta ,. .. , •m I .. A.._JO._
L8 lltf .. hAJ ••rwt ....
Caplsta•10 ly Tile Sftl
Specializing in all TJPeia Of
~-. ·'
• ~ ca nH ·ros fdnt A•...._....._._
Eastman Kodak An.lco Bollel.Oex Polaroid st.ero-ReaiUt Araua
Sell It Howell and
Tape Reccnden
1'IIK CAMKitA •or 11s..--.a .... aau... lalaDdl ~aa ~ Hour Dewloplna Service
--. . . .. .. . .. . . . . ... -. . ..
., ......... &Da....., ~...,.1
A receptiOil fJ¥ the Hubert
Grensteda ol 939 W. Bay Ave.,
BaJboa, was held last week ln
honor ot the couple's ftttleth
anniversary. The couple came to
Orang~ County on their weddJnc
trip and have been residents ot.
Newport Beach for 30 yean.
Mr. Crenated was born In Lon·
don and Mra. Grenated was a
New Yorker before her marriage.
Arnone the guests who came
from some distance to attend the
celebration was thm daughter
f:romHowrtoo, Texa&
COIII:Jjftllft IDTBODift -w ...... lt.. c.ta ..... ~·.asa .... 1 ............. .
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Cbutcla Sun· day SehooJ; 9:30 and 11:00 Lm .. Momtnr Worshlp-7 psn.
College Aae KYP Service -7
p.m. Blah School MYF Sentce;
8 p.m., youna adulta JIOUp
1050 Quell lt.. eo.ta ....
D. Q. Bunt. lllaJillw SERMONETTE ·
ay c. E. TBt7BIIOJm, ,__~ ..-••• · Ny o1 God anan:la
eo.ta ...... Callfromla
Sunday Mf'Vicea: 9:45 a.m. 81ble
study; 11 a.m. morning wor.
ahJp; 7:.30 p .. m. eveoJoa service.
Midweek MrV1ce, 7:.30 p.m.
I 000 W t h Wed.neaday. St. John 3-16. For God ao loved courw of a f"' years, Jonathan
1 a C "aD CBU8Cii OP c:aJW1T the world, that he eave his only 1~ the home place, allo he wu
OM F.U... ........ beeotten eon, that whoeoeveor be· eold Into bondare. a man vt.alt-sharpshooter 1 .. ••rwt A.._ lleveth In hJm should not perish. ina In Spa.ln llenjamln became
c.ta ..._ but have everla.atinr lite. God. acquainted wfth him and asked
More than 1,000 ~tors l.lbedy 1-5711 who la the creator of all thlnp. it he knew his .Brother Jonathan,
viewed the .pecta.cular demon · ,._ ..... Jr.., lltal.._ saw the need of man, In h!a which be dJd, told bJm the sad
startlons of shootJnr aldll ,tven Sunday SeYtces: 9:45 Lm. Bible fallen cond.JtJon, and gave the story of his loa abo of hlmaelt
by Ken Beegle. internationally lltUdy; 10:55 Lm. wonhlp len'· best he bad for bla redemption. ~ng In alavery.
famous marksman. at the South loe; 7:30 p.m. eveDJ.nr 8erlice.. God could have ,tven rold. ail· Benjamln had no rest u.nUl h.la
Coast Rifle It Pistol Club Ranee ver and all wealth, but hls 11m c:besta were tllled wttb aUver and
on AprU a Mra. Beerle, a11o an CiUidT CBUW aT TD DA al~ could atone for man by gold and .he wu aallln.: tor
accomplished shooter. usisted «>--_..., llnlla &lbt tbe abeddlnr ot hla own blood. Judea. When he arrived at the
her husband durtna the demon· ......_ ahd. atletla St.. • ..,._. Ut Pet.; 1, 18 It 19. We were not bome place, he knocked on the
on.stratlon.a. ...._SID r-edeemed with eorruptlblethlnp. door, told h.la bualnea, hla .,.
1n the bam shoot held the ,_._, ~. a.r A. ,._,_ u aUva and rold. but with the nota carried the money ln. and
same da,y, Nonnan Dulworth Sunday Wonhlp. 9:30 and 11 Lm. pridoua blood ol C'Julst. u of a &.njamJn aaJled tbe price that
and JPrec1 Kuster ot Corona del Cburch Sc:bool: 9:30 Lm. KJd. Jamb without blem.lah and with· wu pa.Jd for the bome place,
Mar tied for RCOnd place with wwk Meetlna: 7:00p.m. Wed-out ~ paid tt In ff.tlJ, tbeft asked what
3 others. wlnnJna 2 matches ne.day preceded by 6:15 p.m . Unci« the law when a man was paJd for hla Brot!ter, and tt
eac:b. Loea1 marlwneo winnlna potluck. Joet hla land and atlll he was was paid In f1ill.
one mateh each were John 01· unable to pay his debts, he wa• Be asked W'bere .Jonathan ~ .. IIIIIIIII .. PIII~~~~~~~~ Ierman of Santa Ana Heights, IT. 10ACBDI c:auaca eold u a slave. But lt he had a eould be found. the answer wu
aa.t of eo.ta ., .. and W. liN ~""t1=-11-f'flatJve of wealth, he could re-over the bill, hoetnr corn, he
B. I or Corona ~I Mar. r.a.. on.-. 1. a.na deem him also h& land. Two found bbxlln rap. AJd .Jonathan
lfowlty nent winners Jnclud• ~.._at 7, 1. 1. 10 -.1 Jewtab bo7'8 were raised on a 1 am llenjamJn your Brother, I
Mr. J:uter, Ia~ MerrfU ol Costa U:30 un. Weekdays: ...._ at farm In .Judea, BenjamJn and ha-.. paid the prtce ot redemp·
Mesa and I... E. Pratt of Costa T:OO Lm.-Conteafon: Satur-Jonathan. their parenu ~fft• tJon for you and the home, come
Mesa. dap from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to away, the home place by law take pc•e•lon. Jesus did ja.t Fifteen.year·old• David Kimes 8:30 p.m. wu flwn to ~ el*-t bo7 this thin._ Jet all wbo wW eome
of 418. Snug Harbor Rd.. Clltl r-• •-= IICII wbieh '"! .... ~th~-~ to .J.-ua and take beek tbetr pol·
Bawll. ..... 8Dld me4a.l wlDDer -· ----·-· cau aalberect ..... ---~· .. .....-..... hJdl ~ ... -.. ...... 1..11 botJa matdl• AprtJ t In the or DWICMY retJler and *Ded for lp&Jn. be· • l'ona w ..., .._...._
SKALI. QIFTS QPell 8D1.U bo.re tournament. ....._ ~-~-::J c..t Ita. came vtrt waltbJ, and Jn the Mam.
& COu.ECJ'\M'S rn.l n-D m.a.kes a total of 5 JOld ~ JIA ~ a...JI7I ~A DG. IIU CZII"iWAA. ..... taO ...
From Bel~olland, medals for David. t.t.n a.t.t G. 1---C"CeeNOWfti ta08CII 0.... a ... .a llld a. S-... ·n. ay, J••'" SUDdlaJ ~:8:45a.m.. San· C 111110' ad C.... .... tD ta 1--....... "" d. ~ ...,. School: u 00 w ... &. z 2 .....
It EneJan 8hfp ~; 7Jo p~ IIIIJ!,I:'C.,a... SUnda7 Scbool: 1:45 ~ IIGJD· ~0~~~=. ,. =~~~·~_:::J:,d,;!.ay ...., ......... a-a ~~~ u.,~~
I ._.. t Younr people of the Balboa Phlw ~. h.DcSQ u':x,calaJP .!"'-~~ Ice. We 4 a e • dla 1, 1:30 p.m. • I I 1•1 an d Community Methodist a.m..,.. .....· a.m._.._,. • t:SuHqouna .people liMit 1:15 p.m. • 11A1m0a ......... T OP GOD t:CI QlPTI Church who next year will be in L ... -c.su.
acbool erade 1 t:broueh cone~ Q••u.. cauac:a .ca. au-.... ~s;.,;;!!·;·;;·;IOilld;;;·;·;';·;; ..... ;;;;;~;;;;;; are maJdna plana, to attend awn· ... c.a.,.. ·-. a .... _.... a.... ... • LD tt a..1 .._.. .... CU.. 'WII'"Rq• mer ca.mps a nd Institutes. .... c. a. Tla•m •d Lilt' u. a. a.YMa
Mrs, Walter Sehmld, appointed ach 1 9 30 -•--~Seh 1 by the Com.mJ.lon on Education Sunday 00 : a.m.. -·-lmlda7 : ~ ~.,
worship 11 Lm. Youna people 1:30 un. INr WOn,IJip ,at to serve as 1958 camp chairman. aervtce 6:30 p.m.. eventna 10:30 a.m. If ~·
has anounced that re,tstrationa evaneeJlat .ervtce 7:30 p.m. tee, 7 p.m. SUb • N.Y.P.I.,
are now belne received. Those Mld,week aerv1ce 7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. SundaJ; Pra)'er meet1n1.
tailil'f LUI•I•NI caoa:a OPCOftAIIDA (--~ '••rtd:l-11::-.......... La6aa.,.......
SUnday Servtee.: Wonhlp Setv·
Ice 9 a.m. Su:ndq l!lehool at
2610 Awn Street, Newport~ Calif.
Cotf atYWaicle Ave., -.c1c of All AmerteaD llartcat
and Muiner'• BaDk Puktaa Lota>
PDIIT IOU IUD IAftiiT cauac:a .. w.---·~ c.te .._ , ... , a.Ma ....... .,.. ......... ....
Sun~ .e.hool..t..I:CI a.m.; allurdl .me. U:w a.m. Tta:llllna
Union T p.m. SundaJ. ~Ina
wanblp 8 p.m. Sundq. Teadl-
en arid ome.n meettna T p.m. Wednetda,y. Prayer .ervtee and
81ble ltud.,r 7:4.5 p.m. Wedn•
lllidlt.&..._A..._c.ta.._ , ... 2 ....,. • ......... c..~c. ......
Sunday lcbool: 8:10 a.m. War· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evan,.uat
Mr'VIoe, T:IO p.m. Youna People
anCI Cillclren'a Service. 1:30
p.m. Sun. )(Jd • ..u Servtce:
Wedneaday, 7:10 p.m. LadJw
llt.Jonary CouneU. Thu.rataya
t:ao Lm. for all day.
aaww IIUI= LUt•••a. CliVI
1101 Clift Dr.. •§Sii#tA •=r.r'laJIIllll .. ......... ~ ....... .......
DupiJcatll .......... ••kw -• a.m. ... u :15 a.m.. Budla7:
caow or ,ova UD'I or 111'. c:a-.
·~ w. = ,-=tl••rwt ....... .,.,: ........ .. p ..... , ......
• d'11al .......
Sundq M.-: 1:00 and 10:00
and lJ:OO a.m. o.t..lon: Sat·
u.rdqa and ewe. ol Ut J'rld.,. and Holy Day~ from •:oo to
5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Daii,J ., .. 8:00 a.m. Plrlt
Frfday: 1:30 a.a. and 8:00p.m.
Novena (Pwpftual Help):
Monday, T:~ p.m.
nLLDWIIID a.aa'S ••
IIIW ..................
Actlillt ., I Ui W'~" Wa.y au.n., Sdaool. 10:00 a.m. Mom·
ft'. JAIID DIICQN1. ........... :r;" .... ..... .... , ... .._.. .....
lund., • '#lore: I':GO a.m. Ho!J (Wnmualoa; 1:11. I' &IIlii 1 s..tce. U a.m.. worablp
MrYiee. Tb~ s. t •• c •• :
8:15 a.m. .... GaiY; 10:30 BolJ Oomm--. ~ aa4 Jlre..lcbool
n.pt_ lca.D4a7 lcMol, t UL;
bt Oncle ........ AdaJt In· .... --··~
dQ ....... » i* lit • M+ Aw. ...._.._, .w.lud= a. .... -· ..... :::.~ .... ... raa. •• as • -.,.,....
dq --lud.a7 ..... : ....... t:IO
a.m. ea.t ha: le~ aM wa ot Ut ,.,._,. AAd Bot, ~: '7:10 .. 1:11 ..-.: l'lllit ~dq Kul I LIIL
..... A-. ..... ''e c.... .... -
~._G. •• a ~~.:r.:~~:
who Intend to 10 to the lunlo:r Wed.netday. 7:30 p.m. W~.
Camp fur sbcth arad~ and the ....... ~ ............................ ~ .. ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~::~~~~~~ L.IIIIIC:IIIIItllll l Christian Adventure Camp fc.
41e\'enth. elehth. and ninth arad· * THJS SPIBJTU.AL stJIU B IPOitiOIED BY
10:15 a.m.
~ muR .ubmlt ~ appUca· --------~~====~~~~---------------------------=~~~~~~~=---------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:r.::::~-----tions will not be due until June. CAitVU CRAFT THE lAy DEPT. STOlE
Slxth graders f:rom the local Fw EVINIUDE OU'TIOAI.DS n. ..... T• ..
clw.ardl d.l pro b a b 1 y attend _, WIZAID IOATS ,_ n. ._.. y .. ec-.
Camp Cedar Glen I, near Julian, s.m., ..._ ...,._ n y..,. w. e... s... ..._ s...,.
CaJtt .. from July 28 throuab AQ~J. '"' Her'-.w .. c.. ..... ,. WHt ...,..., ..._
f.. S.Wnth. elchth. and nJnth LA.rtr W06I ...._ .., gra~ w1U attend ~P Sky ----------~--------------------------------Meadowa n. Seven Oak.l, C&lU.. IOI•s SPOitTIH6 60005 COSTA WISA l ulv-1&-:n VACUUM a.EANa CO. , l.o7..:1~~·:.... .... ...-.... a.-. cq,s nor Jonm& .... ,1 DM ....,_.-.....c.. ..... Five m1non In an ~-army ...._ ~ t-a2t
bw* ~ ~Y ~ ~au ----------------------------~--~---------Ctlft~ Bible eou.p wen .. ONJWAY FlOW& SHOP .. s--a-.
Cll'den4 to retwa •• true* • ~...... w. a. eolle8e bf Ne•PQit pollee •t ... n11r STANLEY INSUINCI A&C"f.
2:30 LDl. April 11. Tfle bon. 1166 ce.t. W.. lJII L c...t Hw, .. t.-. 411 W.
eollele ~ ~ ••• ~ ......, ... they ltarted the trudE and de· clcact to ..._ to Ooaoaa clel ...
tar c:oGM liUI dl~ have per·
rru.lon to take the t:rudt.
IAil. W. STAN.IY, lltelltw
~ .................. ..
... Ofl.t ..... I7JI ..........
Y .. H •• o~w
Ma1Le..t ..... c.... .. w., .....,.,.
ST~a~ ............. .._ tt ....... ...... ........................ . Lllaatr .....
'nMMIIIl April llu••• hrlnj forth May J'lbwtn, they h~ve a
clampenlnc tfteet on f'ubJoa
Shows, eepedaUJ ...... u..,
,to be held outdoan ••• OUr
Apparel Shope fublon ne.-LNI
Hunt. ~hlch wu auppoeed to
but wun't lut l"ridq, wtn
youn · for the looktnl at
Friday, Aprll ~ . . • Don't
your aun 11...-., becalfte the
weather wtU be tbe mo.t! • •
And don't fotlel your QUarter.
you can buy ,a piece of
made cake and a cup of cotfee . . . nse NllhUnlale Cftapter of I
the Hoa1 Mftllorlal Auxlllary 1 will be .ervinl and the prooeeds
will go to the Tumor Board of 1 the Ba.pltal . . . All the ladiH
prom l1ed Ul faithfully they 1
would not ..-ve any of the cake!~
they bad baked Jut week prior
to cloud burst a.mof\1 the Palm
Tree., which volleying and thun·
dertng forth at the 11-9/lOtha
bour. H20'd ua Into cancellation
S•--otn down DDIGIID CEOaCJA 81JLI.OCK a. w.cdidWJ piau wttll )a,w alaW, • • • ~---. we were I I ICn. TN ...._ of Lido !ale. GDd Mrs. WWlaa B. llead cd Lido for the 3rd time ... "We don't ._ U... lt. 1 .... a.uaap .. DaJ 1c11oo1 beMftt paty GDd faldaloo
want our Fuhlon Show to have ...._ t. be 111114 tlafa Dtll'8&ry. Apdl 11. ot aa. 8cdboa 11ay Clab.
a watery ITave," we pleaded 111e ..w dee'll!l•~ wbo Ia la pn.ate w. Mr. Jolla Da.abar of
with the element& ... ''Put 'er ..,...t•nd. a. ~ • ~ ., ..... ,.,.. GDd • ~
oft for a week ... We'll have e1 .._ ............... ....,...... ,_ ...._ lpriap for tiM....,..
aewn our wet oata by then, an4 ....... ('l'wry leda ,....) will again be our lUnny aelvH!" .....:,. __ ...;.___;;__....;..._...;... _____________ _
So we dld! • * '*
Actually 'tla,... ...... ...
tbat ................. -...s.
lla OII1.UonW' ...... , ......
loD ...... ~ • ....t
9~ ....... Wbo ....
bot CaWenakl ....... ...s
--ufact'llnn .wcs ... ....
tbe c:ahCI1. tua-1~9· ... .
lo'rla9 ~ .. 9G1I lib to
........ All ...Uy p•ll .,ad
11a 10 of oar Lido Jll.tlft ...._..
10 d-. ........ tiMT ....
coana'-t. bat 10 lor becaue
tJwr .. 10 I.Ddl.w.dly dlf • ..,_t ... Yoa cma bcrft • blte
oU of ....... ~ 1·10 •••
·~· ............. Lido 1'.-11· ..._ Jed'a. J.....-a.IA ........
VGJ&dll•d Be a a e • 8caaow'a.
hle'a. llaed'dutr"a • • • Tlala c:aa1e9 l'rl4lay ot oar .,....,_
Tna... ••t . . . l:IO·ItiO ... Tetet•• ..... ,....,_ ...... ··-----.... atl'eM ••• Toa .._t wta •
......... All ....... ..... -. ,,. ... c-.. . .... .. ,. ..._
............. A-.._._...,....._ ... . .... ... ~.-...... .
.... ly ............ -.... .. • l'riMY ........... . * • '*
Mrs. Case Hoffman Is Named
Harbor Council PTA President
....,._ 81'14. at ~
munr r 5.1111
• ..... ......
New Officers
of Zonta to
Be Installed
CbcdJL Sota:a. Oacdae ~
.. lUCilE'
HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Coast Bwy.,
Corona del Mar
EWe .. , •• P'•
%'141 E. COAST IDGIIW AT CGnea dial Ma:r a.ta. _.,
ScaatiCr s,-· • .,..m esaa.e trimt
iDdla 6om bipl. cummr. chichs. mkJa.. ana arms md ...dfjne lc Uo ba
.-'iftiDIIerfQ1 beDc6tl: '.l.aDoldl your~ 10 yoe aD carry your
IICW redaad wri&M t*c a &sbaaD modd. I.,._.-....... ...de 10 yearw" : •
..d. .C a lher IDd loftl.iet.
I . ...-..., pcllbii'C-
,.._,..,. ....tuaac a.et Oftr 1D di.c ~lit
.t.o-..cldivuat a 180ft~~ 10 .-..-•ra--e ..... .,.....
01~ ~,.....,We.-& &a
........ ...,.No oMi~
Accordint to tnt experts at our Flower
Sho9. c:cnaaes lfe as oceasion·consctous
IS the &als who wear them! Here at Rich-
lfd'S, '" plan 'em plain, ta1lored and sman
for luncheon or afttmoon . . . add a touch
of froo.fr;,u for danc:mc. We su•t the
flowers to her costume ... take the teen
11ers just as senously as the lfowmtJ.
Ml)'be thar s why we deliver ~rsqes
(and tropical ptan1s and ftowers ot every
description) all Mr the County ... fTom
the Rower Shop, off the parlunc lot at
0,.. s ... , 10 A.M.,:~ P.M..
Dilly ' ...... , , .M.
. ; .
Miss Jucfdh Allen Engaged
T 9 M ar.~ Steplien Sailors
'I'M en1a1e•••t cl IMJr ._.Of a..~ ot tbe tlrlde·
daqbter ludtlll WM • .,.........,. •'-ucl IMt ~ ~
~~ by Mt. &Dd ...... lloMrt laJion. ..,...... .. tbe 10ft of
L Allm ot 11150 a.pubbc Aw.. ltlr. aDd lin. Jolul 1. SaUan or
Colla 11--. at a party for meal· 315 C&tallfta Dr .. Newport Ht.a.
Going East to
See Son Wed
Both of the you.q c:ouple'a par·
enta have been ra!denta of the
Harbor _,.. for ..venl yean
and active tn dvtc at:ralra. 'nle
Allen.a MtabUahed a reeidence In
Balboa nearlY 18 yean aeo. 'nle
SaUora family come here at the
close of World War II, and Mr.
SaUors. who recently realcned u
clty ma.n-.er of Newport Beach,
Bll datea on the calendar of bad been aftUlated with tbe city
the Hay Laneenhelma are June eovernment for 10 years.
1 and 2. On the f1nt they'll ~ee A t t e n d I n r ~e en1agement
their son John craduate at the party Sunday were the parents u. S. Naval Academy In Annapo-ol the enrared couple and both
lla. commissioned u an EnsJrn. of their brothers. Bob Allen Jr.
And on June 2 they will attend and John SaUora Jr., who came
the weddln& of Ensign John with hl.s wUe from San Diego
Lan,enhelm and Mlss Mary Har· tor the occasion. Abo in attend·
rlett of Washlneton. D. C. anee w~ Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
,. ... ... ...... . . . .
• • • Mary and BW Davicbon, OM'I•
et'a ol Mary and BUl'a Cafe In
Corona del Mar, have a.lmoR Jot·
ten baclt to normal aJalf\ alter
a hectic aprlnJ comblnlDI mov-• • •
in1 Into a new home near the Nel1hbor Edna Franklin, 701
Santa Ana Country Club, Bill Larkspur Ave.. Corona del Mar,
belne akk In the ho.pltal •1th came to blowa with a lllppety
pneumonia whUe M.,.y cauled floor and came up with a broken
on at the restaurant, and a vlalt wrl.ft.. She hu a cut tO her el·
from their 10n Ian (or John), bow and. ~orat luck, won't be
who bad finJabed a apeclal mlll· able to drive for about a month. tary duty on the lalanda oft the • • •
OuR .fPEC14Lry ---.
* *
The Langenbeims wU1 drive Allen of Balboa and Mrs. Georre
east. lea.vtne here about May 20. Kothe ol t.o. Anreles, i"andpar·
Son Jlm Lan1enhelm. of Glen· ents of the Intended bride, and
dale, arebltect with Pereira and Mrs.. Dave Collin and Mr. and
Luckman, and his wUe will ac· Mrs.. Kenneth Collin, an aunt
company them on the trip. and cousins. Also present were
The Rev. James S. Stewart, the groom's pandmother and1 pastor of St. Andrews Presby· great aunt, Mrs. Clyde Sailors
terlan Church, who wUl be In and Mrs. Howard Brown of Co-
the east about that time tor a rona del Mar, and Mrs. Charles
Presbyterian conclave, wUl offl·l Love, an aunt from Udo.
B.A.U08 A.U:A"S TYc11aM II . .U· ,..., ......t __ .._ of · Vera
california cout and wu liven I 'nle Jim Whytes are the latest
a leave before belnr aent to hla to aubscrlbe to the popular "take
present post in Wa.shlneton, D.C. It euler'' routine. Jim bu &iven
Ian writes that he likes W~· up hls otnee and moved Into the
lngton, but Mal)' sar• there 1 a Jay and Renb'o partnership. The
chanCCJ that he wont finish hl.s Wbytea are aeUinr their hoUM
a.sslrnment there because he waa In Corona llel Mar and have at-
selected u one of the few service ready moved Into a luxudoua
men In the enUre country allowed tr&Ue-complete with disposal
to take admittance testa tor the and 1V, next door to the cau
new Air Corps Aca6emy at Colo· SmJths formerly of Corona del '"t'D l'iu ....... ftw I I I("
rado Sprlnp. Mar. I • ~• 1171 • • •
elate at the wedding service, Both of betrothed i"aduated
which. wlll take place at the
fro~ Newport Harbor High School
Chevy Chase Preabyterlan Church and attended Oranee Coast Col·
In Washington. lege. Stephen also served with
N w.r'a P a a b 1 o D NodelllD9
GaUd. wW be t.atu.red lA
apriD9 CIDd ~ fcultloa.t at
a lUDcbeoG faabioe abow Wed·
Meday at tbe Vllla Ma:rlll&
(Pboto by Jolua s.n,...)
,127E.C....Jiwy ..... J lee c-......
VITAL STA~CS: So manyRe ~;;ad~th;e~En~s~lgn~W~a~n~t~A~d~p~a~~~·~·~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ people asked why it took 10 lone "fo ---
to remove the body from the
thorofare when James Back.
Arden Ice Cream dellveryman,
dropped dead -apparently of
heart failure -at Bud Miller'a
service station on Balboa Island.
The acoop Is that the coroner Is
supposed to ~ee the. body before
It ls moved In the cue of public
Ensign John will ret a 64)-day
leave, and hu also received hls
choice of Navy duty assignment
-on the West Coast-so he and
his brtde will motor out here to
spend their honeymoon. They
wUJ be staying tn Costa MesA
part of the time during John's
l ohn Langenhelm, who ranks
13th at the Academy, has been
assigned to the destroyer U.S.S.
McDermut, based at San Diego.
Alter a year of sea duty he plan.s
to enter the class ot July, 1957.
In the submarine school at New
London, Conn.
A CaaaDJfte L1ae of PD~ CAJlJ'ETS Wool Ca:rpet a low a 15.115 yd.
2919 E. Coast Hwy~ Corona del Mar
the United States Army. A sum·
mer weddJng ls planned for
sometime In J uly.
Ike and Mamie
Bot.h Figure in
Benefit Party
An afternoon dress in Mrs.
Dwight Elsenhower'a t avorlte
color of pink Ls th~ "piece de re·
slstance" to be shown at the
"Spring Fling tor Ike" at 11 a.m.
next Wednesday, April 25, In the
Balboa Bay Club.
A sketch of the dresa will ~
flown to Mrs. Eisenhower for her
approval, accordinl to Mrs. Mar·
shall Nledecker, proi"am chair·
man for the benefit. and chair·
man for Cftizena tor Eisenhower ;;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;,;~ 1 for the Newport Harbor Area. • Mrs. Robert Barnes, 1eneral
chairman, announces that the
speaker will be Mrs. Thomas
Knudsen, Southern California
chairman tor the woman'a com·
mJttee of Cltlzena for Eisenhower.
to the
Annual Bazaar,
DiDDer cmd
ot the
r• , .. C••arta
Are Set fer Slllr••J
, ............ ,
E~nada Race fashions will death. It 1a possible that when
be Included In next Wednesday's the corone-can't come soon, aa
parade of summer styles pre· In this case, an attendlne physi·
sented at the Villa Marina Rest· clan may obtain permission to
aurant by Verna Miller of the move the body.
Vema Miller School of Charm • • •
and several Orange Co u n t y Been meaning to send few
Shops. garlands of flowers to go "ring·
Amonr the models who will lnr around Ellza~h" and otheJ
show the fashions are Yvonne 1 membfts of the "RJng Around
Hellyer of Clift Haven, VirrtnJa Ell.za~th" cut In the f irst pro·
Weeley, Trudy Weaver, Carolyn ductlon of the Udo Iale Com·
Walbridge and Betty Morse of munlty PiayHS held laat month.
Santa Ana, and Meribeth Neth· Of course I don't want to make
ery and Dulce Holloway ot Bal· people'a mouths water too much
boa laJand. with the deliciousness of t!le
play given by the Udo playHS
Kathryn Cook becauae 10 far the entmaJnment
Ia ~nr presmted just for Udo 1 Islander-. but we who saw it say IS Engaged to "encore" to a remarkable first
effort. obviously well directed by
J .
M M •11 Ruth McCulley. People who know m C I an her ln club work weren't at all
aurprtzed at tbe really capable I
performance of Gwenda (Mrl.
Orange Blossom Lodge
Vasa Order of America
Mr. and Mrs. A. l . (BUI> Cook I Norman) Wallon In the leadlnl
of Laruna Beach have an· role of Elizabeth. But another' no~ the engqemenl of thelr really outsta.ncUnc member ot
dauehter. Jtathryn VlrJinla Cook. the cut wq younf Diane Hoyle.
to James A. McMlllan. son of Mr. and we especially enJoyed H . C.
and Mrs. John D. MeM.lllan of Albrecht. Martha Yerkes and of
540 Redlands Ave.. Newport coune the redrlesa Bll1 Fuclk
Hel1bta. (how"d he let tn there from Co-The tw1n s y mph on I e 1 for M1aa Cook ls a paduate of La· rona del Mar f) Ma.t popular
youth will be presented by the run• Beach hlgb IICbool and cha.ruter ln the cut wu rlJbt ln
Oranee County Philharmonic Santa Ana coUece and ls now charac:tft, "Whitey'" ~n.
thia Saturday -ln the Oranee attendln• Lone Beach State Col-Uclo'a apedal friendly arm o1 the
Coast Collere auditorium at lere. where abe ls affillated with law aettnc llke a poUceman.
Saturday, April21
IICIID ctlDIMr aened froal 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. . . ... . . ..... .11.50
Woaacm•a Clabbouae
10:30 a.m. and ln Anaheim HJah Alpha Phi Sorority. She an· • • •
School at 2:30 p.m. The orchestra no~ her enracement to her Dr. and Mn. a. R. Hottman
lth & lklbw, Salata ADa
Thls ad sponsored by
Balboa Island
w1U play the Buncarian March 10r0rlty at.ters by the traditional ol Corona del ltla.r, Dr. and Mra.
by Berlioz. .eond mowment of candle light ceremony and pu· Norman Carbon of Clift Haven
Dvorak'• New World Symphony, alng of chocolates. and Lee Harter of Shore Clltfa
and excerpt& from Tchaikowalc;)"a Mr. McM1llan ls the pancbon acrawled a~· '"MuatlaJ)-
Nutcracker Suite. of the late lohn McMUlan. pi· here we come!" and focwarded 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IMIMIMIMWiWiii oneer resident of Newport Beach. north from the Town and Coun·
ViDa Marina
WEDIESDIY, .,._ 21111
R.eM"ationa Now HA 3930
Through The Cooperation of The
Villa Marina, Verna Miller, and
The Following Distinctive Shops.
Rules of California
3210 Via Lido
Lido Shopping Center
* ,
Frances Norton Shop
213 North Broadway
Santa Ana
* •
Vema Miller Charm School
Commentary-Faahion Modela
307 N. Broadway, Santa ADa
Mr. MeMlllan graduated from try Hotel In San Dteco. where
Newp ort Harbor Union hl~h they tarried en route to the flab· ~~ehool and Oranee Cout Colle,e lnJ tournament eunently belnJ
and Ia attendlnr Long Beach held tn tbe south·of·the·bordet
State College, where he la atflll· flabiDf capital. Doc Hottman la,
ated with Sigma PI Fraternity. of coune, our ''CalllDI C.Q."
The enragemeot wu also re· columru.t.
vealed to cloae relativea of the
couple by a aurprlM party In the
home of the brlde·eleet Thura·
day evening, AprtJ 12. No den.
nlte date baa been set for the
• • •
Velma O'Brien of Corona del
Mar and Doone Law.on. eo.ta
Mesa, bopped off :rrtday tor a
few days ln Lu Ve,u. Their
ocuae wu a Soropttmt.t Con·
Kenny 8 a k e r Dorothy s~;l.;d ()(n. Jud)
C • QC ol eo.ta Mesa bu 1ust f1nlahed 0 mIn 9 to a month, the 0nt In tour, belnr
nat Oft her back In a eut. She
had an operation to hue eome Kenny Baker, voc:alt.t and ltar vertebrae tn her ~lne and bu ot atap and atree'D and radio. to rtw tum plent:r of time to
wU1 ~ak to Oranp Cowrty heal. She •.pecta •to 1te a..tter'n
drama atudent. at the annu.al new when lbe'a a1JGwed up
One-Ac:t Play Tournament to be a&aln--4nd baa a te ...... at
held at <>ranee Cout CoUere her becWde. (Promlald lh4fd col·
Prtday, Aprtl 27. teet ,o.lp tor the l:n8lp. so
Baker, former vocallat wtth watch out!) Jack Benny, wU1 be the apeaker • • •
at the,dlnner for drama student& Mr. and Mrl. J:d BaN of Bal·
and their advtaora to be held In boa have Jut Nturlled 11om a
the Student Center at 6 p.m. vacation trip to 1M v.,.. and
Baker appeared 1n the D'07ly 11Urroundln1 are~._.. ta1r.1.nr
..-Carte <;?· production of the ln the alpt.a at tiM city ot tbe
"Mikado u the only Amerlean brlJht Upt.a &Dd a p 1 n n 1 n 1
vocallat, bu .-, appeand In wheell, they cllc1 _.. ·~· Boya trom S~ and toartna. B o u 14 • r Dam. numeroua other BoUywood and Mead ud the ~ 1:!0Uiltr)'
Broadway productJona. around Yuma.
............ 11,
.11111 .....
.... y, .. ~y
,.....,. ............. ............. ~ ... ......_ Ida. and e ny-
lon t1er bu a percale trim
to matc:b! Unlimited dee·
or a t I n 1 POalbUltlN at
theee tin)' hnney prices!
~ ~. ' .: ,._. . ..., .
~ · .. \ _.,.,st ... ss,_. ·
lAGS I .... ....... ._. ..... , ..... ,
...... &ztn ......
wfdlNI ~ ·~ ........ ,........ zt, .. r.,, .... u.n ................ ...................
'1 .
.... ._ .. ,or. .Ur.,tna ....-. , .. , ..... -......
f•t ....... ~' ~ ..... ....
DariE ...... If .. ............ u.
... "--' --· •• n a ..., _ .............. ...,. b•ped
mowy eyelet • . . four tore
.cyled for sleek com.(y ftt-
no rlcUnl up or twlatlnl. Won-
derful ,uta! Kever nNd be
tr.ed. White . ........
tal COY ......
...., .... -filM ............. ...., •.... , ~ .... .......... .................. ................ ...... u .. .. .. .... .....
...... n.tt
...... liiJTIIII
Small bo~full stu loL
$1,&60 •..• ,.. . ....,
308 Marine Ave.
Balboa Wand
t. th1s "come hJther bouse"
1t expreaes a tn!:thneu you
.eldom eee on a dty loL You
mu.lt a. this immaculate 2·
bedr. home, convV\lenUy lo·
eated ln a ~ excellent
A real buy at $14.750 with
'excellent terma.
8ame ~ are 1Uce an old
pah of aUPI*'J . • . )'OU start
feellnc pod all over when
)'Oil ltep into UMal.
'11lt. bonae S. like that-
wall·to·•.U earpetlnc. euy
aotnr llvtn.c roo~ conveni-ent dlMtte, a bancty kJtchen.
Not faoey, but deUchttully
Good term&.
(flrst time oUered)
45-FT. LOT
$81,100 , ....
Newport Blvd. at 30th St.
Newport Beach
Harbor 1600
DUTST ....
J . bedroom.t. den. 2 baths, 2
Best buy In Htrhlands.
2731 W. eoa.t Hwy. U 8-47n
Newport Beadl
From th .. 8 unlta . . . % blodt ott Harbor Blvd . . •
In downtown eo.ta Mesa. t Duplexes and Ga.r&lft.
2 laundry rooma, t.arce Lot Neat and Clean $&2.500.
OPEN HOUSZ-FJU 6 SAT--4015 Bolmwood Dr .. Npt. Hta.
3-bldr .• 1" batbl, 3 ear l&l&ee. La.nclecapecl. end. patio.
beautiful b~h ~·b. wortL. eo ft. lot. Convenient to Lido
and Mea SbopplnJ cn.t.. trans. Ju.lt $6.000 clown.
• • •
Gives You Everything
b t "S II ••• u mog
To the home buyft' wllo wishes to pu.rc:hue In the
$2:5.000 to sas.ooo clus we arnc.rely ~mmV\d
the lrvtne £stalft overlooldnc Newport Harbor.
The. bomee featu~ CaJHomla UYtnc. Qaered e:xclu-alvely throurh Earl W. Stanley tn a Smoc Ftt'f! ~a known u lrvtne Terrace-on eoa.t Hirhway op~tw
the new lrvtne eoa.t Country Club, N~rt Karber •
* For recommendation. we re!ft' you to a.nyone who holds a Ltuehold Estate In IrVine Terrace, ~aeon
Bay, Bayabore. or CJLU Haven.
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu.."ther Information
081111 lB. Ill
It's larre enoucb and completely redecorated both In·
aide and out. 2 bedrooms. falr-slzed llvin1 nn~ lr.
kltd\. with new formica drain. new sJnk new vinyl tJie
on the noor and a tr. eaung area. There Is new w/w
carpeting throurhout the whole house. Abo a work· shop alonr·slde the dbL gar. 11 the down pym't ls no
object there ls a good Gl Loan on It w ith pay'mta of
$53.63 Pft' mo. Other financing ls available 1t you'd Uke to buy It wttb a low down paym't. Total price ls only
2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar B.A.: l'ltl; BA 0757
Clllll DB. 10
UNDER CONSTRUC110 N: 3-bedroom home, near buai· ness area, $19,750. • •
Leuehold, 2 bedrooma and convertible den. 1 ~ batha,
alldtnr doon on la.rce patio, stove and drapert. ln·
cluct.d. Low down to qualJ.IJed buyers. ~ • • •
3-bedroom home. larre dining room. etc.
Just reduced trom $28.500 to $23.000 tor quick a&.le! • • •
Exquisite 4-bedroom. 3 bath home. Suitable for larre
tamUy, enclosed patio. • • •
We bave buyers tor cood IUtlnp! Fteoe eatlmatee
and rood 5«Vtce.
Earl w. StnsiiJ
225 Marine Ave.. Balboa Wand Call Harbor lT'I'S
or Bayside Otllce Harbor 329'7
Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt •-6222
John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Lou.ta Boynton Harbor 2878
Coll.,.e Ave. lots. IA'ac:h 50xl2S. WUl Surv~y and
stake---MWers ..$2.5(X) each. • • • •
C-2 Lot. 89'x1.2S' with bulldlnc and Income. Adjoins
R·4 lot 82'-''x260' (7 -unlt site) ... all for 115.000. or
will dlv1de-<lear. Accept any reuonable dOW'D and
• • •
Harbor Blvd. Comer, 156', all C-2 ZOM. Will tell tOft
lea than M>me lnaf~ ~la are quoted. Good ten:oa.
• • •
27 Back s.y Rollln.K HUla Homestt.......antatlve map ot
c:bolc:e 9-plu• acns. WW .ell or entertain groposiUon to
cooperate ln de-wlopment.
u 8·1632; u 8-1400 Eva. 185'7 Newport Aw., eo.ta Meu
IS liT I ._ LIE Will Dl
It .. , tM "'17 tuk ... people lllilbt thiM. ~
.... II reql.lftd II at.llh.c!tJoft Ia to -. an .. to ..._ ..,.. ... __ .
Lilt ,.,_ proprw\:J IDciQ wttll OM ol tiM-....._ ..........
1'IIJS liD deeetfled ad In the
Enllp --Oftly $1.50 tor ttu. l.alll'tloM. Call lD your
eda to Harbor 1114..
GAS FIRE LOG, neuly new. Cur· IRONING In my hom~. K1 5·6188.
ta1n stretchers, n~vu used. KA'IVRE WOMAN wlsbes baby
Ba 29:1.9-J. aitting and care of aick. knit·
FOR SALE-,.:;..;..,D"'"i,_van-'""S::-:lmmo----::ns:-=-;:-bed:-:; tlng or croch~g. Day ~
-$45. Loun,e chair, ratte.n. =ni~g.:.:.ht..:.......;H_A--:-3':":'192;-:;-·M=.-:-::==::a:::::-r=-::
wtth ottoman--$40. End table CDM man would like gard~g.
and lamp to matc:b.....$1.5. U. clean-up, ~c. Call KI 3·2122.
8 ·2662. Mel Upsball. DAVENPORT-$30, Chair -$15, WANTI:I>:_lr;:o:.:n.:....,l,....n_g_ln,...--my---:-h-om-~.
Retrlg~rator--$45. Stove -$15. Mabel Whitman, 607 Margue-
Must go Immediately. 2519 rite. COM. HA 4279-J.
Beacon, Newport Heights. lJ. ... .. N11-... Sl-C-DIST8---U-CTI-O ... r ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _-
plain wbJte, Ransom pattern. Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac·
Service for 12. Almost perfect ceptlng a UmJted QUmber of
condition. 1J 8-6198. 51..5 Santa pupila tor plano. Concert PI·
Ana Ave .• Newport Heights. anlst of" Three Contln~ta.
6 WHITE NURSES UNIFORMS. Graduate Student of Bela Bar·
size 16, sllghUy used, good tok. 436 Serra Drive, CDM. :~~o.~~~orf1r~!61~~ N:~Eous Cub S.:oub Art Exhibit to Be Feature
imAL ESTATE .s aEJn'ALS rr·s HERE -------Of Public Schools Week
CDM. 2 bec1r. apt., unfurniBhed, Graduation Two movie short.J, a bob·scout
with stove and refrigerator. ~mony. and four awards won Public Schools Week, April 23' The exhibit will be open to the
Yearly. Phone Ha 3012·R or is nearly upon us. by cub scout members high· to 28, will be marked at Newport public from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to
502 Give the graduate a watch llgh~ed last week's meeting of Harbor Union High School with 9 p.m. dally from Wednesday, ~a FOR...,S=-AL.,...,....,E.:-:Co=-r-on-a---:;d;:-el;--;-:Mr:ar-::-. with eternal timekeeping-Pack 17 ot Corona del Mar. How· the 11th annual art exhibit In April 25th, to Sunday. April 29th.
f fro the cherished Eterna·Matlc. ard Richards. of Corona del Mar. the nbJ's gym. 1 when the exhibit will close at south of highway; not ar m Don't walt 'til the last minute. is cubmaster and the meeting .~ 5 beaches. Level, and some view. S 1 th Co d 1 p.m. See RAY FIELD , took P ace a t e rona e j More than 300 oU and water
Mrs. Mariu Drelre, ap 73, died
Friday. April 13, at hu lJdo
Bgin lr Homilton
·wallace Calder head
l 12) East Co..t Hi9hwey
ConiM ct.! M•r
llland home atter a 15-year Ul·
ness. Mra. Dreler wu a native of
Aumla and bad lived ln Lido tor alJc year&. She b aurvtved by
her husband, Hans Dreier of the '--~!!
home at 1.37 Vla Venezia, and
one sister In AustrlL Private fu· .. --·
neral services Weff held Monday
at Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. In·
tument wu at Westminster Me·
mortal Park.
Your Pamlly Restaurant
1515 &. eo.t JUPway ........ J.. c:o.-e del ..
Ha 193=·W~. ~===~;::;--==-Jeweler, 19th&: Placentia, Ma r school. Programs set color works of southland artists QUIE."f.""'WELL·FURNlSHED rm.. "In VIsta Shopping Center,'' Initiated Into the pack, through are expected this year, Mrs. Ruth
conveniently located. private Costa Mesa. Uberty 8-8488 the formal bob-cat ceremony • p b I. I Fleming. d Ire c t 0 r. announces. BasebaR Equ•·pment
entrance, private bath. 508 ------------were Dallas Vhay Richardson Our1ng U IC Eighty pieces were exhibited last
Marigold, Ha 1203·W. I and "Dubby" Dawson. Jr. Dallas I year. The' school wUl pay $300 CALL' Edna Craig, rental spe·l Slip & Rowboat was assigned to Den Vl and S h I W k for the tlrst place oil painting .... P. f. iJM iliif--SMII clallst with Doris Bray. realtor, Dubby was assigned to Den IV. c 00 s ee I and $150 for the first-place water .,
216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. Space for Rut In cha rge of the opening and I color painting. The jud&es In· a·ILI·· HN ••a ••n• ....... HA 20 or HA 64. ,..,--,...-::--~-closing ceremony was the Web· Public Schools Week. April 28, c:lude Jean Boggs. University of Ull • ...,. VVItO APT FOR RENT-NtCI location, American Legion 215 15th St. elo den under the direction of I will be observed with open house California at RlvuaJd~; WIUiam m .. _... A...._ ....._ a.laDd Tekl'lll•t ~ IMl pl~asant surroundjngs. No chil· Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. Stacy Morgan. Awards won by I programs In the four Newport Brice of U.C.L..A. and Howard lloa.ra: D4dJy H
Ave., Corona del Mar. HELP WAJfTED wolf badge and gold arrow; M.ke lntendent Roy Ander a en an· The Clrls' Athletic Assn. ban· dren, no pets. 6lO~ Marguerite ------------cub members went to Steve H.lll. Beach elementary sch ools. Super · Clapp of Orange Coast Colleg~. r~i==~~i~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~
-,.,....--=-==oo:EWIVES-===--Pehlke. two :)lear Hrvlce star; nounc:es. quet will be held at 6:30 p.m .
JlEAL ESTATE WAJfTED A~g:s :~~~c 8 needs J Mike Youngblood. woll badge; The Horace Ensign School wUl Friday: April 27• as a feature of
Cary Broerlng, gold arrow. hold open hou~ from 7 to 9 p.m., publl~ schools week. Principal
WANTED TO LEASE with option women to represent company Pack 81 of Balboa Island has Wednesday, AprU 25; the New· Joe Hamblet announced. PTA
to buy. 2 or 3 BR. moderate Jn local neighborhood. Call Invited the CDM pack te be thelr port School. from 7 to 9 p.m., mothers Rage the banqu~ tor
priced home. Needed by June; K1 7·4.272 for appointment In guests at their April 20 meeting Thursday, April 26th, and In the glrl athletic awarda.
excellent reference. Ha 5347. your hom~. when they will hear Derry Noga, Harbor View School and Corona A career day wtll be held on
German exchange atudent pre· del Mar School from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday AprU 2Atb. with lead·
senUy attending Newport HJgh, Friday, April 27th. lng rep~tatives of dltferent O...,.._,.<'tcl...., •••~
speak on aeoutln1 and Ute ln "'Ibe open hoUM progra"'! profesaioM and trades Invited to iliiE!!t ~-..... ~
Germany. have always been very popular, talk to lrtudente Interested 1n P.+r Acnm~~ttd.tlont
100,. EMPt.gg~RETAINED A report wu abo given by the Mr. Andersen tald. "'nlere wUl their flelda of work. the prtndpal ,..._ bL. 8A _ Scmta •--e:-r ¥
A parente on the Annual C&mlval be no -s>eelal obeerv~ durlnJ uld. "-~ "'-lllu n.au AI~
NO FEE collected from appUcant Oommlttee. Plans are made to the re.t of tbe week but peopl~ 11le hJgh ecbool mualcal pro· -----SANTA ANA PH. KJ 3-1311
413·31st Newport Beach hold the Annual Carnival on Sat· are welcome to vialt the schools. ductJon "Carousel" had been ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!t urday, May 5. The two movies He .ugeested that they come to plannecWor public • 8Choola week li llrll shown at the pack meeting were the 8Chool ortlces tint and get but wu delayed when mateial INSURANCE
"Be Sure-Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone. BA 5232
on the "Complete History of the acquainted. dld not arrive. Jt wtU be tta,ed
Aftft IEWS' Alrplan~... and the ~~plete at 8 p.m. on May 4 uut 5 In tbe
vuu i History of the Paraahute. Legion Post bl~~ .!u~~ to vUlt
Good Jobs -Good Salary
with frequent Increases in a
eompany that actually en·
eourages advancement.
Full pay a.s you are trained.
-Openings for-
•• 1111 1.. El • S t the hlp lebool a.Q1Ume durl111 ectr 0 n e public .cboola week. Mr. Hamb·
fer •••••n· let wcl
A cba!lpln the ftCU}ar meet· for May 9th ----
lng date from the fourth Mon· IIIII. l•llr flil
day to the fourth Tuesday each Nominations o omcen for the ..___., .......
month of the Newcomers Club of Newport Har~ American Le· ......... liP'• &.-
Corona del Mar will be effective gion Post 291 wUl be opened at
tbls snonth. according to Mrs. the ,poet meeting Wednesday, The tJCeOn4 pubUe bearln& on
Stanley Brlsben of Irvine ~-Aprll ~. and will be eonUnued tbe City of Colla 11 .. muter
REAL ESTATE race. The next meeting, which open until the next meeting· on plan wu IMld by the eo.ta Kaa
9:00 to 4:00p.m. was scheduled tor Monday, April Wednesday, May 9, at wbldt dty planntna co~lon 1ut
Contracting 514~ N. Main St., Rm. 211 23, will be held next Tuesday, time oUlcera wtll be ~leeted, week. and one more s»ublJc bear· Insurance Santa Ana April 24. at the home of J. Nevin Commander Frank Moore bu u.a 1.a eet for ApriJ 23. U no
PACIFIC T'ELEPHONE Kunkle. 308 Heliotrope Ave., Co· annotmeed. chana-AN macJe then. It wUl
Continuous day and evening rona del Mar. Commander, flnlt. aecond and go before the eo.ta MIIM city
SEIIVJCES tblrd vice c:om.manden; judp councU. Whleb wUl 8et a pubUc
cla.saes for preparation to SIT T lilT EnaN I.CI~I Dill advocate, finance ottlcet, chap· hearlnl for about Kay 21. BW
pus the State exam. lain, sergeant at anna and four Du.Dn. dey p~ tecbnlc:lan,
Start gttt-maldng now for Funeral aervtces for Edward executive board members wtll be aplalned.
Call or write Mother's Day . . . Father's Anson McCabe, ~. ~ 460 N. elected to MrVe. 11le new oftlc:en About 100 letters with Z50 afg·
For tnfonnatlon Day . . . Graduation . . . Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, wtll be lnJtalled at the meeting natures pJOtellted chaqes from
AL TYI.n SCHOOLS Birthdays. Good assortment were conducted Tueaday ln folowln& but wt1J a.1ao partid· a.4 to a.t rc. deep loti ln the
ot yarns. straws, corde', Parkes·Rldley Mortu&r1 Chapel, pate In a county-wide joint In· area of Oranp AYe. and Santa
1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana handles 1r bases for baga. Costa Mesa. Rev. Charles F. Hand atallatlon 1n June. Ana Ave.. north of nil St. and
Kimberly 7-3511 Needlepoint 1r palntex lln· ortlclated. A county-wide Joint lnltlation on Wllaon, Avocado ancl VIctoria
en.a. . Mr. McCabe died Saturday ln of new members will be 8J)On· StL Mr. DunJl apla.lDec! that
KEllog S.251:l a.ctaa..t pdc:. to get ..,.alated Orange County General Hospital. tored by the Newport Harbor c:han.-back to a-4 were made
........ lUI ....... " .. .._. It•<"''*' 1a -n ••II ...._ r..., ......... ..... --...... = ............ hoda ... JWatry ,. a••• .._ Gt en ... ~tad ......... . r • lnllalltn•• • • .... .......,. -~· .......... r..a. ..... ~ ... Aa:D TO GO'" IIJ..a...... ...._. ...__,
0 ... DAILY-tt ·•·ttb a.M ••f!Ja
----PL ............... ~~IK~G:----SIT 'N' KNIT SHOP • HA 4622 He was born in New Jeney and poll at 8:00p.m. Saturclay, May tor theM deep Joa by tha com· u-• 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa was a seaman In the merchant 5. to be followed by a free dance, mJ..son. .....;-.;..-=...;;;;;:;;;;.;o.=;:;...;;;=;P.iii!li
WATER BEATERS marine tor 41 Yft.I'S. Be Ia nr· Commander Moore u.Jd. 11le mut• plan ean. for 10n·
Sales. Service and Bepall'a GUEST B.EDS vlved by hb wife. Mrs. Marjorie • tng. the ateMioft .,ct w1~1
FOR RENT McCabe, and ' lister, M.ra. Su.aan ID I'La.T llf of ro* ln. the en, ana 1Df tine .10£ 8ECIT... Call Rudolph of New York. Mr. and M.ra. Walter Glpe ~ fiN .tation alta
508 lll.arpertte Ave., Colona del
PLt1MBING LibertY 8-.34!6 .aT OW am:t mrl CAa Mar, uw tbe fleet c:ome In lut 11• COAT D I'IOLD
Terma. 10 PerCent Down Seal'a Surgical Supplies Thomu Grimm, 10. vWUnl at w.a-end when their arand8on. B• ftall·lncth ...... __..coat
Phone Harbor 5330 ------------702 Heliotrope Ave.. CclnDa del ltlelw'd BobM of Glendale, ar· valued at t1DO wu 111101a In -~~ Painting _ Deoorciting Mar, from Oaklawn. rot.__,. rtftd aboard ftle deiltao)'et B&rr)" Vaa.Q Q1te, lillbM. lib& .. Ml·
Complete CoUI_., Wadt
Auto Pa1DtiDI
J'rM Dt.tma~Try u. Ftnt
._ We.t1'70a ~_2GD ..._ ua.-,_
•• ,... :be·--..,--....
1014E.aal ......... ...,..
fered a llldnned knee a.nd arm 1!. Hubbard from a ~ month.a Danald. of • ..,... a. BaJa.. •
PAPER RAMGlNO acratch when hla bleJele ran lDto cru1ae to ortent.a1 ..tin. A1ao 1itOtUied Jt...-t poUee Aldl I. GEORGE BURKHARDT a .topped ear at 10:1.5 a.m. Apc11 pwttna the naval .-.. ... She ... t1ae eoet bad ..._.
tkwNed O:IDtr'ldOir 9. N..,.,art polke NPQrted. man were hla parewaa. Mr. aftd pieced ..-1M beak of a Mottl 8T8 W. l8!'-Colla Mesa .Mn. )(lllle Affol-of 711 lrll MIL H. C. B~ -<»-daJ•. lD the ...... ,...._ wa.. ....
Uberty -UlMrt1 UID Ave., Corona c1e1 Jhr, ~ Kn. Bobbll 18 tM Mqbter of nt-..1 flaaa piQtq a 'Jtn ball ----~----... ~~P~~~~G=--drlw ~ an ~ ~ ,~ ~~~.~~~~Kn.~~G~~~~~---~~~~~!!~~u.~!-"~--~~~~!·~-----L-~--~~IU~~~~~!I~!!~!!~~~~--"" ........ •.,. Ave. botdween lrla Aft. ud _.._. =
PAPER ILUfGING SERVICE trope Aft. and aaw two boys
BA 2111 comlnl cJown lth• alle7 toward
· (Ewninp. ""k·en~) her. Sbe .,._ t.ut tbe Gdmm
EUGEME 0 . BAtnmEIIS boY WM UDab1e to aw6d lllttlDI ~ 31.t StNet. Jfewpolt BMeb the hood of ._ ear.
CIOMJILftS _:.~a WAil iJ1D llal• teD a • ~•.
ru::E I8'I'DINI'ZS palnttna. ..,.._ ttc. IQit
.a.a ,......__ ........ anythfnl. ............ latt. _.,. ~ -fadton ............. 1IA CJUI..J, ~ ...... ,
OOIO!fA OIL lid ,_Jro"UU84.,.."'1
IIA Ja 21 .. &. 0N.t RWJ.
I '. ..
p ·--... ..
-LMR·~~ ......, a.... A boy about 14. w~arln.c a )!am•llli•••••••• white tee -tltrt. stole a flah net
")0 Y .. ,... r..IRIRCI ,erf.cti4tt ~pericw o....;,.. C.tt-!Yhip"
C.,..ful Henclll~ of All Oellcete
Febtic&, a..ded I L..ce Ge,_nta
,._ Herbot SlS2
f'ld u., I Deli~ Service
o,_ I •-to S:JO ,..-
-$etvrdey, I -to 2:JO ~ )42. E. CoMt Hilly.: c.ro.. .. .,..,
1111•111 .........
from the carace of Dl~k Othmu
at 48 B.lva Ave., Newport
Beach. and outran a witness who
cave p\IJ'IJ'* at 4:27 p.m. Satur·
day, April f. llewpcwt pollee said. ' Rot Keal ot 4208 River Av~.
told polJee be p'le chue after
the boy took the ne.t. The youth
dropped the net and hid 1n
busbee n~~ tbe Mo-Jio.Tel. near-
bJ. 'fte net wu retume4 to lb
owner. Offlc.h aeareh~ the
bushes and alone the north aide
of Cout Bwy. but could not lo-
cate the boy.
Home To Be Given · Away
At County Home Show
Mesa Woman Shoots Hubby
Through Thigh on a Dare
San Fnmci8c:o
Jcmu ary 1. 1957
'. ·.:~ .... -~-.,..,.-
... ~ &.._ ~PORT ~'-.~ . ~ ... .......
~-.... _. •' (('~(IIU DEl ltiA;·NA#A 'AI H/f
.. ...-.. .. ........ ~.,
,*A~*P-. ............. u 1-Ma a-e.--
11 Jlflneplanb ••ttl
111 ~ Ann IC~~C:h
A~~~ Me,fing Set
)(r. and litii. JOim .. Q\tlnb7' Oklahoma. ~ prefeftt ,.....
of 713 Ordald A¥e.. ec.ona del two dau&hten. MrL Col*lla
Kar, celebra~ tbeti 10th wed· LeMOn •nd Mary Lu QuJnby, d1D& &JlJllWnal7 wttb a aarprtze wbo operate KariLu CreatloM.
party Su.ndQ', APfO ~ lD .tbell' S3l ~a Ave., CCII'Ona del
home. Mar.
Tbe party wu it'ftD by M.r& Mr. attd Mrs. Quinby were
::n ~ t=:.:.--=-.~.: ~ a..--ta. .. lD
parllh h.U o1 k Ja-EpS.CO lkwpwt MKil wt1l bold JU AD· •h~ • tiM a... DoiW4 G. ....., CllWda. will ~ on pa1 Churdl. QIUd membln ..-v: aw auaftll Mtltl.._ Clft Wed·
laJP Jar U. t:IO and U LID. ..,.._.C.. 'I'M ..... -... DoT .. tq wtu weer 8wedlab C!Ditun:aea. fteed~ ~lq, ... 25. Tbe ..W. lluMu at the a.Jbc* at ...._ .. W-*lp ...., t:e eweinl • plaaned u an "All·
Jalaad o.munltJ ~ aiiMI "IfOD 0'~ tll)a •'ldll)'. 'l"'l1t wt1l ~ • Nftd·rUdnf CllW'Cb lflabt. .. omc.n ot boerdl,
Q\U'dl. It Ia the MCoDd tD a AU.. fll tllla ::rIa IMid. went tor the~ ol St. lobll eoaDnt.loM. ud OI'IMlzltloM ..n. Oft~~ AIIL" ....... _,.,_ tbe ._.. the Dlvl.. ot Colt& M ... ol wtl1 NP0rt. and MW omc.a will Pl.lartlll .......... fi'OUP ..._ whldl 8t. Marfaftb OuUd WUI be elected tor the ~ yetar,
..... LUI M••q caoac:a eofhe ud do u 1 b D uta, The be a:n at.rula1e When a pe.nna. belinnln& lune L Color pJctu:rel Qulnby'l a1sten. Mrs. l~ R. murted on March 15, laM) 1n w al k e r ot Chat.worth, Mn.. Wortban, Texas. They lived for
Fanny Troxel ot Redondo Beach 30 years In the San Fernando
and Mrs. Jamea M.~ of J.os Valley and for the put two
An,eles. Niece~~, nephews and years In C«ona del Mar.
"'Suncla.y Sehool In Ouard' auudl wtll be reprewented at nent ytcar Ia auppUed. of outatandln& event. and actfvl·
Day'" fOI' the thtrd throqh the Laymen'• l.Utut. to be held Tbe fUlld, ol whleh Mta. lohn tlee ot the yeu wtU be ab~.
el&hth &rade pupU. olthedtwdl A,prU 22 at x.o. Al&J.DJto. Com· Donnelly Ia chairman. Ia tb bold A fellowablp dinner an Goodell
grand nieces and nep~ were Tbel,r 10n, 1. Roy Qulnby, wu
present. along with Ute Quinby's named as one of tbe ~ men
son, J. Roy Quinby o1 ChUicothe, of the year In service to 80Utherr;t
Texas; a granddaughter, Mrs. agriculture by the ProeressJve
Jane Haynes. and a great-grand· Farmer Magazine. He and the
son. John R. Quinby, of Seminole, other "man of the year." J. C.
cool wfll be obMrwd 8\tnd~ mullft7 Qaurcll. a rum.map aale April ao to May Hall wtll opea tbe evenln& pro·
at Newport Harbor Lutheran 4 ln the houM next to the old &ram.
..... e.dl ODedl tit 0•-·· Coat o.u ... cat iM •eet~av
Church. Tbe followln& teachers .vu.DIIfQ A CAaDr Costa Me.. Bank buJldln&. Do·
with thell' claaea wW take part Members ol Qut.t Chureb by natlobl may be left In the parllh For letterhead~ and envelo~
.. tlile bNid .. tnaatMe ll.eld
ln the 9 a.m. eervtoe: 3rd fl'ade the Sea are eon.t\nacttq a cabin hall. Call the ENI&n. Harbor Ul4.
f{rls, Mrs. Henry Andenon; 3l'd at Lu1·W Camp. The r&tteta
grade boya. Lt. Stan Challpn, and rootln& AN beln& worked on
U. S. Marine Corps; 4th crade, and the eoneNte Ooor hu been
Mrs. Irwin All~; 5th crade, Mra. lald with the wall frames. Work
Ernest Workman; 6th erade, Mrs. parties of the chureb Include
Donald Wedeking; 7th and 8th Rev. Roy Carlson, lames Taylor,
grade, Deloris Prior and Harry Btll McDonald, Ralph Watson
Harber. and Kenneth Dlclc.lnson u well
Stephens, began working as
plant geneticists at the '(exaa flit ~ Agricultural Experiment Station
at Chillicothe In the middle ~LO I I ER 1920's. Their principal jobs were
---------------developing better grain sorghums th.rough regular breeding meth·
fCnntfnued from pare 9) e TUESDAY. UIUL 17
S. C. Fietinghoft, 211 20th St ..
Newport, reported that his wife
wu Injured when a car backed
up and hit her at 21st St. and
Balboa Blvd. ... Mrs. Wa rner of
442 Second Ave .. Corona del Mar.
reported a portion of the street
caved In near her home ... 12-
year·old Berry Thomas. 415 PI·
rate Rd., CUU Haven, phoned po-
llee to say that he was alone at
home and had cut his left elbow
badly while cleaning a glass
table; he was tAken to Hoag
Hospital ... e WEDJfE.SDAT, APJUL II
Boat C..ptaJn Robert Harden
reported tha t the cruiser "Orflce"
owned by Paul Daniel. 343 VIa
Lido Soud. Lido Isle, had been
broken Into, and a direction
finder and camera and other
Items had been stolen . .
ods. Through their efforts farm·
ers will be able to Increase the
annua l crop by almost 70 mJlUon
bushels and not plant a.n extra
acre of grain sorghums.
In 1929 and 1943 male-sterile
plants were found but not until
1949 was a male-sterile plant
round which would allow hY·
br ids to develop. ~ could not
put a bag over a part of a sor·
ghumhead to control crosslng as
was done In the development o1
hybrid corn. Unlike com. whoae
sex u nits are separated between
the ear and tassel, the tiny sor·
ghum flower ls a complete sex
unit, capable of seU fertlllzatJon.
A few thousand acres will be
In seed-crossing blocks this year.
In 1957 there will be enough seed
to allow farmers to plant 600,000
to a million acres. Their work
means a 30 to 40 per cent in·
crease In yields.
Jlarda ... ··-··=d .. . .. ........._ ... _.._ ....
IIJgla kbool. ---....... -.tnznctt .. ~ .... tM
tM lalp adwlol to bclft WOil
..... -botla tile c..LF. toot-ball CIDd trac1t ......_ • laa
co•claed cat ~ B~
lcbool .. tbe ..... two fMIL
At o.c.c. ... will ..... A1 lr-
wla Ia footbcdl aad reu...
...... llcl:rpel' of the bead
track cocr!elft,g ....-atbiJ.ltiM.
Lido Children
to Be Models
Children of Lido Isle residents
will model fashions before mem-
bers and guests of the Lido tale
Woman's Club at the 'Island
u many of the aenlor young
The solemn servtce of the Sac·
rament of Baptism wu admln-CIIJUSTIAJf SCIEJitCE CBOacB
lstrated Sunday to seven chll· The Twenty·thll'd Psalm l.s in·
dren at Newport Harbor Luth· eluded In the Lesaon·Sermon on
eran Church by Pastor ltobert B. "Probation after Death" Sunday
Gronlund. Those baptized In· at the Newport Beach Chrtst:Jao
eluded: Llnda Jean and Sonja Science church. H~re David says,
Ruth, daughters ot Mr. and Mrs. "Yea, though I walk through the
Duane Hafner; Dorothea Louise valley ol the shadow· of death, I
and John Franc'-. chUdren of will fear no evU: for thou art
Mr. and Mrs. John Grlnden; with me; thy rod and thy staff
Anna Pavlof, daughter of Mr. they oomtort me" (23:4). The
and Mrs. Vlretl Partch; Debra Pu.lmt.st Indicates that we can·
Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. not be separated from God. no
Jack Burkhardt; Diane Lynda, matter what th~ circumstances
daughter of Mr. and Mra. WU -with which we are confronted.
llam Olson. The Golden Text Is from I Cbrtn·
Clubhouse meoetlng next Tues· CBVJICB SIJIG StnfDAT
day. The Balboa Island Community
thlana (6:14), "God hath both
ra~ up the Lord, and will also
rat.e up us by hls own · power." VJckle NewberTy. Diane Buc-Methodist Church wtll hold a
cola, Shell Forgey, Pat Ober. "Community Church Slng'' at
Mike Ober, Barbara Dike, and 7:30 p.m. Sunday In the church.
Susie Eastman wUI be the The audience wlll select thelr
model& The Los Angeles 9 own favorite hymns, and the
O'Clock Players will present two h 1r Ill 1 1 1 llrQ Hal il Rill , fiU&L Alnei.IMII skits. "Ferdinand the Bull" and c 0 w present spec a mus c.
State Senator John Murdy Jr. .... "Obedience'' by A. A. Milne. Mrs. FELLOWSIID ELECTS
Receiving Christian baptism on
Sunday, AprU 8. at the Balboa
Island Community MethodIst
church were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
M. Culver, 1T7 ShorecliU Dr .•
Shore Clllts.
this week officially announ~ •• , ..... .a iJI 1-lirv Maxwell Sturges., who ls arrang· The Intermediate Youth Fel-
h ls pla ns to seek re-election to .. .., • • lng the program, ls a past gen-lows hlp of the Balboa Island
the state Senate. representing Mr a nd Mrs Carter Da rnell of eral chairman of the Players. Community Methodist Church
Ora nge County's 35th senatorial 205 VIa Koro~. Lido Isle. were has named Jim West on as recre·
district. The 56-year-old Hunting. called Monday a.s witnesses at 3 V atlon chairman; Pam Thompeon,
to n Beach resident wUl crossfUe communist Investigation by a n.sung refreshments and telephone; John
on both tickets. House Un·Amerlcan AcUvttles C Gage and Harry Stanton, publl· OfnmeT.-! -1-city; and Diane Harria and Subcommittee In Los Angeles. C""'-S Chuc.-k Norton, w or s b I p . The
They declined to answer some ol group has planned a patio party
the questions of the subcommlt· at the church tor 5:30 p.m., Sun-tee. Invoking the protection of A $250 prize wu awarded to d Gall G the ruth Amendment. Balboa Island Variety Store for ay. raves ls the new
Mr Darnell 1.1 associated with their prize · w I n n I n g ''Sew 'n president.
In place of theJr regular lunch·
eon meeting Tuesday, the New·
port Harbor OptJmlat Club gath-
ered at the Youth Center ~ulld·
lng at 6 p.m . for a anack and
work party. They eot a cood
start on lnstalllnc the 10und·
proo!tn& on the ceiling.
Glimpses the Hale Co .• tract builders de· Save" dlsplay window. The prize caaJIT CIIU1ICB aT m SEA
velopers. Mrs. Darnell Is the for· Is awarded by the national ''Methocb of Mf'lhodl.sta" wtll OIICIIUT1IA I'LATE.a DIES
I '"Tenor M lllf1elcht"
·~ ec.tt .....,._...., .....
W-IL.,•...noae U 1-1661 8AN'l'A .&1' ......_.,.. a& .._.
UHl b.., Mowiac Deen 0,.. At 1:11
.._ ............... "TTD: IWS& T.A'I'OO"' -aut I •nco"w
A.lil1' Mkla:eJ' .....,._"'''wttlllde Ia o..r. ~
·. ; • 0 PI V E I N --
(,{ l , l c PH .'\ H~ f ' Cl
~ .. THt ~.:·:' .. ,· .\· .. -•',
: Cc:lclA.. .. -...
• SHIRLEY JOtCES .. -........... ,....
...... 'b1*
* Nowfaowlq * .. IUBAIJ'
""1'11n• M ..... !tilt'*
The whole world is talking
about Grace Kelly ... the rash
of Sprln1 benefit. . . . the world
of travelers. Vogue ls talking
about fashions. speclflcaJJy Call·
fornla fashions-and tra vel fash-
mer wife of RJng Lardner Jr., needle<:ratt bUftau. Bob Allen of be Sundays ~on topic of ReY 08car Weinstein, llrat min&
one of the 10 Hollywood writers Costa Mesa, store owner, re· Roy A. Carlton at Christ Ch\ll'cl\ bus player wtth the Orange
who refused to answer questlorut ceived a telecram Informing him By the Sea In Newport Beach. County Pbllharmonlc, suffered a
on mem bership In the Commu· that he had won first place In He will interpret tbe llethodbt fatal heart attack April 3. He
nlst Party. the Independent Variety Store qatem tor c:arrylnf on ltll wotk J had been with the orchestra
Also called Monday, and llke· Class. The window wu designed by Confereneea. atnce Ita toundlnf.
wise tnvokJng the Fifth Amend· by Lyell Buturmore, Interior de· ----~-:-"1.;------:------:-----~~-----ment. w as Sam Berland. pur-signer of Corona Highlands. In ...._ ___ _
Tbl.l Ll the MCDOD 1M c:olcn:
brl9bt cmd bold • . • subdued
pastel.a bleaded i.D bCDIDODT
.•• the yam dyea. 10 subtle i.D
color • • . the Ccdifonl1a bloodoes
bei.D9 adopted by the eathe
chasing agent for the Hale Co. the pa.st five years the Island
store has won tour prizes. one
lirl. ll,lsehrptl
W'dll Hit ••• R•
world. A Corona del Ma r girl. 16. was
At O'BRIEN'S (just as Vogue I charged with hit and run drlvlng
says) you will find all these Thursday by Newport pollee, who
lovely Items. Maybe you will ordered her to appear ln juvenile
choose the blonde linen sheath court.
drt>SS combined with cotton hop-The gtrls's car was involved In
sack box jacket. Or m aybe yours an accident at Coast Hwy. and
Is the aqua cotton twill soft Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. nt
sh irtmaker. Or perhaps the white 9:15 p.m. last Thursday, with a
dress of tine sheer English cot· car driven by Mart A. Dodson.
ton shirting with billowing skirt 51. ot 247 Morni ng C..nyon Rd.,
is just the one you wanted for Shore Cliffs. pollee said. When
that special evening. Perhaps the atflcers arrived there was an
lovely Belalne tubular coat hy electrical fire In the vehicle. The
Spectator Ltd., so smart worn girl's car was found later parked
either belted or straight.. wiJl be three blocks away.
the finishing touch for your
summer costume. L I p I f • • • • ADd doD't forget your Cere.ra a IJ •
batl Wby Dot yield to t.mp· 0r• WiD L... U-1.1
tcrtioll aDd try OD the large I 111 .. ..... white brlmmer with the gay
flowers? More than 50 Harbor area resl·
Bu t don't overlook the under· dents are preparing to kick oU
pinnings, girdles a nd bras and a door·tO·door building fu nd
stuff. For today's fash ioM. the campaign under the auspices of
proper undies are essentia l! United Cerebral Palsy Assn. of
We'll be looking for you at Orange County, which wUl be a
O'BRIEN'S. Tell them Ann sent pa rt of a county-wide drive
you. throughout May. The local goal
Is $5.000.
Two chairmen. Mrs. W. H.
other first prize, one second and
a n honorable mention.
• • •
It was like trult basket upset
on Coast Highway ln Corona del
Mar. and It's a wonder there
aren't at least a few chair cush-
Ions and lamp shades dribbled
between 2846 and 3422 E. Coast
Hlghway. A stream of· moving
vans shuttled between the two
addresses while Mary's House
of Maple and The Islanders
furniture stores ex c han 1 e d
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Russell of
Mary's House of Maple have just
purchased the building at 2846
E. Coast Highway, formerly
owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Christler of The Islanders. Until
the Chrlstlers new building near
Linda Isle 1.1 completed, the
Is landers Furniture store will do
business at 3422. where Mary's
House of Maple was formerly
located. Ot course. the Islanders
are also selling furniture at their I Balboa Island Gilt shop. . .. .
bor Area ls the Figurehead Store,
just opened at 511 29th Sl, New·
port Beach. The owners are Wa.l·
ter Holbrook and BUl N. Pappu,
who are local residents. They are
featurln& a complete decorating
and deslgn departmeat, carpet.~.
draperies. furniture, upholster·
lng, llhutte.ra. color consultation
and all types of Ooor and wln·
dow coverings.
2515 E. Coast Hwy.
Jahns and Mrs. William Mes -
sengM, have appointed 50 cam·
palgn captains who will name
workers to help them. Tbe Har·
bor group wUl bold a last minute
organlzat1onal meeting in St.
James Parish House at 8 p.m. WHING •D'Und•G'. :..:._d d ...... . Tuesday. A rum tellln& the story Oli.. "'""VI .. ...
of cerebral palsy will be shown. lnr and hula gtrla wtll be part
Dr. caesar F. Orofino of Fuller· of the coloual anniversary oele·
ton will apeak. bratlon at Christian'• Hut In BaJ. ~F.~~~~;~;;~;;;~~=~;~iti~~~~li boa Saturday nlfht. A Hawallan band will joln TanJ Marsh and
her Polynesian Revue to rode or
roll In hpnor ol the dJnln& apot'•l
17th annlftra&tY In Balboa. • • •
"A:I bane com from Stockholm"
may be the tavwtte 'exprelllon 8atul'4a.1 n1,pt when the Oranp
mo.om Lodfe ol Vasa Order ol
AmeriCa. • bncUnanvian orpD·
laUon. ,tv. fta annual cUnner
a.n4 Mu.ar at tbe Woman ..
Oubboutt tn S.n~ Ana. Faml
JUppetoe ol S.O.S. bdlo on IIi).:
boa lala.nd II ..... derlt ol the
<:1raq1e Count7 ~apte ol die
Coast Supe r Mark et
'11ED HOT" V alu• for Thun.., Fri-Sat., Aprilll, 20. 21.
Stoa'• Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday cmd Holidaya I A.M. to 8 p.M.
ua • coon •APD
2 2~23~ 21
2 cy: 23(
. Orange Juice
~--2For35( l-Ib. Box _____ _
II.. pl• an rura nu ..aaTur.a
'"· ,.. 3 J!;. 79f.