HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-26 - Newport Harbor EnsignCALUNGQQ
Well. the dream ta over. ),(y
mind and my oJd creaky frame
just don't want to ret back to
work alter auch a wollderful va.
catlon, In MazaUan, enjoylnr
Record in
En sen ada
-. .... -~ ,:t. :X~ __ ,_-_-
........ ~ . ........_.~ ~~. --.
U.S. Claim
Is Refuted
by Peirsol
··-··--·--, .... , ...... ,... ... -............ ~c.-. lq:A 1111 ............... =~=L.:~ .............. ~ .... Jt ... i11111114111J JIM I r:r.::·..:r--=:·=-:; A lllillll-Willll IIJI II i•
................ el ................... ~····~·-·~--· --~II I W ''I .... IIMt•er.t. ................... ,.. .... ,.. ........... c aM ~~a~a~~ w •..... .., .............. ., ....... die --.. .. 1 ....... ~ ......... .._. ........... ....
... .,.. eoUeetton ..._ ,_. 11 "'*I -. led liiJ £1 ~, • I .... fliT the dt)' uad paid ._ -< ..... ., 11ae ..,._ ._
cContJnued froiD Pap 1) SmltJa too. 0. nJpt Thelma :t :.:-:"~ =.~a~~ wu •• 11 .. ,,, ••INd ..., I
o1. San DleJO, ....,._nted tn tb1a ancl Wood)' ~ laacl a .PUt7 people 90ted II\ 185C tht w. ... tlae eo.naa u4 JUt • •
lnlltanee by 8 of Ita Oranp alloeld their Otu,.,.: It wu a MrVIc:e Mould nat be paJc1 tar =.,..~~J!.~ Oou...U
County mem.,.,._Balboa laland dlmcult ~ Mtween CalJ •• ,. a tax tncrea. -1ft otbllr --. .,, a W'ft· I
taekle deal• Gordy WevUJ u ton1a pa-a-ribe and fried W'OI'dl. that It mould not .be paJd ._ wttla tla.M • u I I • It I o a :
SUtsellmON RATtS captain, Newport Chevrolet deal· ~ On.ap count7 water by tbe ,.neral tu tqncL WW~ tot aa, eleett. OOIDlnc
L-1 .-..,.,._ ,....: T .. ,_., II It: -,_..._..,,. er Karl M1Uer and Santa Ana's and Ice creua. and the faadna· The ..Umated CCift 1a $1.35,()00 up 1ft • oouplt ol. montba. IAt'l I I
O...W. .f tiM...,._ AIM: r .. ,.., ..... aut: -,.., e4.oo Mr. Pontlae, J. Wayne (Pappy) lion ,ot. bMI'Iq Dr. Walton· to 1180.000 a ,ear. 'nlat alft1 :" toot.f th::. .. ~ ::.t7at~
I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 • Harrllon. 'Mley did mighty wen. Smith. tal• ol atran•e thlnp hay, folU. Some ot the Jarcer Publle terV1 f I ?.~ .! Hop for the club they repre8ented beneath the ... that dety the bUJI.nea houee~ are tettlnc a ce /4 fMt1 Vii • ~ It' had never before part:lclpated In lmactnatJon. ror example, ctant eervtce that amount. to "'400 a ConaJderatJon of th1s lfw· 4 m"'
an International. 'Mletr h(ply 8quld 75 feet lone! year tree. 1 doubt tt there Is a away lei'Vtce 11 timely u we tac.Jfor Wm. T. 'lbompebo Co. I
colorful eottumes <u pictured In • roa 'ftZAI city In the .tate that 1tves thla the comtnc tileal year's budeet, will be ba OW' a&ore za::a:::~rc:x:::~e~cc:cr8cx::x:::ICICC:ICiicx::IC• X*:W8Q8rcrr::+:li8QI+C8ICII::x:::l8rcrr::•:li8QI+CC:cr8c+ last week'• Ensign. ) euUy took 'Mle Pacltlc A. nalera team didn't .ervice for free at the expense which ean me&n a lurth• riM I A--" 30 .A.,__ v~ 5 e A NEW POLITICAL PARTY tlnt place In the ebowde.r and Deed 1M u tbelt alternate. Soon of the taxpqer. In our taxea. The Coundl wUl be ...,... Ulnl -• I
Our country needs e new political party. We need e party marchlnc clubs division. after our arrival I met a real There ts a law In our inunlcl· addlnc up our 1~ for run· to tell you about the lat.t
throunh which we can re-dedicate ourselves to the morel principles The atory leaked out that one fine cenUeman named Dee Ei· pal code which a ""*hodza the nine the city. Hen 1 one alreaclY I · 1 t ' 't.a • I -, member whose name we wUl chelber,er from the Chapman Co .-· on the booka and backed up by an.orma aon on 'Yi aun1
upon wh ich our nation was founded. The name of this new party can -eep ~ secret and not mention. Ranch, In T.... Die wu captam _;:~ ~ ~: ~~~0~~ a vote ot the people. and mineral. in the a.Jd
be the Constit\rlional Rights Party. It is to be dedicated to the preser· missed one day of competition. of the Port .Uanau Bod and JteeJ proposition to resd. nd thl.a Jaw I tlmrealtz.e of courae that thea 1 of human nubitioa.. I
vation of our Constitution, and, thereby. to the protection of our without hJa two teammate. betna Club team of the Tu.u town of and th llectl h ten entl make me a heel with
individual liberty end integrity. aware of hi• abeence untfl that that n&QIIt. 1111 perdner, Charlie out :t'Y the ereC:eral ~~n~ ~ the b::n~:n. CrltJCI have I Yov .,. ,,..,,.., •
1 There is no party today to which the true seeker of morally sound t:lshlnf day wu aver. It wu UnbeJ ot San A.ntonJo, wu a badly defeated. Yet. In spite of ~peat Yh aa that I am out cllscuu ~' cllet
end constitutional government can turn. Between the Democretic end W'bJ.apered that the brand of te· real IPOrt too. And then, Mamma the majority expression by the ~?~of.;: :'~ualnesamen.
Republican parties there is little to choose except the name. They ere quUa known u l oae Cuervo Cen· C.Q. wu bona In Dallu, and Ill people we have not complied a · u ._ .. com-I proltlefftt wit• ltw I
both follow1ng the philosophy of subsidy end g ive-away, ruinous tenarlo had something to do wtth atJ.l1 ver,. mueb a 'man. Thelrt with that mandate Why notT No petJUve. Blrhly eo. DlapoMJ ol wifltovt of.,...,kNt.
spending end taxation, socialistic planning and undermining of private the vacant chair. Otherwl.se, that Mo. a man wu mllslnf. Guess fUU1 Durlnc the ia.st 2 years In their truh and carba,e, which
enterprise, glorification of big government and concentration of fed· fifth place might have been even ~hQo fllled ,ln that apot! Yep, old re~ settled Into the routine :;:e ~alneaea ~ave 1n Jar::i I 1\ 1 ...... ~ • I
erel ~wer. better. Quien &abe! .. The bo11 had forrotten to followlnc the adoption of the oun u' :me veryal am VI._._ ...... tlll8 ..._. • ALSO BAJf brine a Texas nag, ao I took a Charter there has alwa been amoun • a norm expen.ae J
his new party is to be made up of cit izens w1lo prize individual Other ~eores tallied l)y South· yellow handkerchief and dr~ a an election just around ~e cor· :rthe~ o~erhead and lbould be HARBOR I
liberty end integrity and self,relience end the Golden Rule. They ern Callfomla clubs are as fol· blf red roee on It and wrote, ner and the attitude hu been ne Y em.
should gather toqether to draft e constitutional ri ghts platform, e doc-lowt: Newport Harbor Yacht '"l'exu" below lt. U and when to i~ aleeplna dop lie 1be quatJon hu been uked: I HEALTH FOODS I
ument that would not change with the political wind or seasonal Club (ForHt G. Smfth Jr., cap· I caupt a l1lb. I would fly It I'll brine you ap ~ date on '"what would we do without the 151 .... Jlpt. II.& U .....
whim. dtaln. Ca) ~50RectlortsanBald boaBobAnAn· tro.:.:teJ:ttrlcgerhan;_ n-· this question. In 1953 whUe I wu ~':lnqe:--~~c:-:.· ~=t~erouldto I on I ............ ••Ill' I J This new rarty would be dedicated ai:iove ell to free enterprise. eraon . • po n ; ,. • ..... .. ... er came. on the Council a cbarce wu _.. . ... ' 2 I
a nd in favor o getting the go--mment out of the thous•nds of w•ste-liRf Club (Guy McHenry, cap-At the end of the thlrd day of levied for this ~ce. acaled on they do without ua! I am con· ..... " .. taln, Morgan Bissey, D. L. Slu-fllbJnc, ua little ol' Te:xu boya cemed wttb Ju.Uce to the tax· ful unbusinesslike enterprises on whidl it is squandering taxpayers' d~r), 420; Club de Parada. Cbu· were hQldlnf down the cellar. Of I payer. I can alte you firma wbo ~ -..:~
money. This party would stand for sound business judgment in govern· buoo y Peaca (Bob EnRll.ab. cap. the 30 team.t we had 30th place,' DC .. Pr11•1 are cetttnc a bll benellt who IIW
ment, which in its most elementary stage means spending leu than taln. Tom •yrte. Bill Farn.a· and the honor of ha,vlnc the onlY pay a relatively amall tax com· ,._. ..._ II"
is earned; in other words, operating on a balanced budget. This perty worth) tied for 13th place with 3-man skunk. J wu mlcht;y f•t.IJ IIJ JJ.fl pared to firma that pay a lot ot ..
would renounce theft end confiscation es e national policy; in other BAC with 420. 1'hree CallfomJa _,.,.,.. I didn't tell 'em about the tax and cet no bmeflt whatever 2t1J E. COAST IIWY.
words, abolish the income tax and deficit financing. This party would club-, with 360 point& tfed for Homnan Hex. Flcured It wu no 1 1be 0 r a n g e Cout Colle,e under thll laxJty of law en.f~· COIIONA. DJ:L 114.a
renounce the socialistic enterprises undertaken by our government, 17th-La Paz Sportsman's Club use rubbJnc salt on the wound& drama department wU1 present mei~n~t::::=:::::::=:::::::=::;::::~===========~ h h 1 1 (•rt Devere, captaJn, Fred Her· Mamma wu proud of m~ ju.t Jean Glrardoux' fantuy, ''The sue as t e e ectrice power projects, which create e favored class of lhom, w. G. Krlecer), the Long the aame. And here's a little le· Madwoman ot Challlot." on
citizens whose low power rates are subsidized et the expense of the •acb Yacht Club (Otto Petri, c:ret-1 wouldn't have mJssed Thursday and Friday, May 17
majority of unfavored taxpayers. This party would renounce the pres· captain. Glenn Bracken, Georce tetttnr acquainted with those 2 and 18. Lucian Scott ts dlrector.
ent go~ernmen~ policy, straight from the Communist creed-"to each Trammell) and the Southern erand ru~ for all the fish In the Scenes wUJ be laid In a color-
occord1ng to h1s needs end from each according to his ability." Calltornla Tuna Club (Earl Lund· sea. That's the real ruaon why ful sidewalk cafe tn the lbadow
There is already e likely champion who can help form this new hllh. captain, lim Locke, who Is everyone ta eo enthuslastJc about of the Azc de Triomphe and ln
party. He is Breden Lee, govemor of the state of Utah, who has en· Don Locke'• dad, and C. K. theM lnternatlonala. The people the sewers of Pa.rJa.
nounced his intention to contest what he considers to be unconstitu· Jon•>. you meet are the kind you like The cast Includes Fred Harvey, f 1 · f h b h fed The 1M Angelet Rod and Reel to know-and I'll betcha' many a Kenneth Reed. Gerry Hickey, lone usurpation o aut ority y t e erel government. He has Club, with Dr. L. V. Gorr111a, eap-lite lone friend.thlp Ia born when Ma.rvio Dorrll, David Binda, Shir·
e1• nnounc~d that he. is _not going ~o pe~ his income tox because he be· taln. 0ecar Dletch and Dave a atrancen ret together ln the tee Dickenson. Glenn Groves, 1ev~s 4t IS ~nconst.tut1onal for thiS nation to teJt its citizens to support Jtoeenthal. totalled 270 points. cockput of a flahlng boat. Donna Brett. Allen Baker, Fran·
foreu;Jn nat1ons. Two of the ma.t famou.t clubs. • IIOU IIAIIUA e. Norton. Ray Vanover, PbyUI.a
Before it is too lote, the thinbt\g citizens of #lis nation should trom Caltfornfa, tJed tor 28th I have a lot .. other tblnp to Y~ Tom Pl«a, Deftlile
halt the headlong rush tow,4rd socialism end ruin. We should go bed plaee wtth 180 pornts-Avalon'a teU you about the tournament. NUea, ltuth Hutrrnan. Barbara
to the great morel truths which served es the foundation of our great vene"able Tuna Club (Frank For example. Lad.lee Day, the Sexton. Belen Rlc:harcbon, Heidi
documents. the Declaration of Independence end the Federal Consti-Bivens. captain. J. L. Muon, Don hoepltallty ot Kuatlan'l cJU, ltJcha.nt.on. Geoqe L7ou. Lee
tution. We need a moral re-dedication 1 bel'e e we h e ·r Alll.aonl and the lJght Tackle z.erut. the 2 days we went apln Bays. Gerry HJckey, Bob Wheeler,
h wh h h : 1 v av Cl lzens Marlin Club (Dr. George Chuck., ftahlnc, the day 4 ot us wet l oel Kemper, C:.ne Parker, Nor·
enoug o eve t e coura~ end:he w1ll to lead the woy. captaln, Alan LeSavo,. Art Ball). out and caurbt a marlin apiece, man JU&D8ett. Nick FakblmJ,
• There are a lot of famous names the day Dr. Carbon and I went Lcfttta Bennet. Allen Hodces, e FORCED TO WORK WITHOUT PAY In thll paraprph, wbJc:h only surf flahlnc. But aomet.111n1 baa ll&bdJ' Albers, Gordo!iTobla and
' While I am on this subject . . . There is another constitutional coes to prove that there Is still to walt unW nut week. Otbft-. Bill 'l1.n%.
right that should be restored: the protection against involuntary servi-a lot of luck In flshtnr. wt., there won't be room on th1l ....... ~;-;;;;;;-;;;::;--
tude. I myself es e businessman, end all other businessmen, have lost 'Mle Lido Ancien. compet:tnc page tor Andy Says. or the Lof. MOMfW IIAQ ION th t t r be f for t he ttrat time u a club, ranr Eh. Hop! A eon. nmothy Nelaon. wt. a pro ec 1on, cause we are orced by law, under pain of punish-up UO points to t1e for 28th with Come baclt next week, and born to Mr. and Mn. lt.oy H.ata
Specializing in all Types of
Or Write To
33915 Del Obispo Rd., Dana Point
ment. to toil for the government without pay. We are forced to serve the Manasquan River, N.J .. Mar-we'll tell you more, but tor now of 217~·29th St.. Newport kacll,
as unpaid fax colle ctors for federal and state governmenh-<ollecting lln and Tuna Club, the oldest --adJoe. GoUy, I w11h I waa In Hoar Memorial H~ttal on
the sales taxes on the goods we sell, and the income taxes from our taltwater ancllng club In the fOinl back to Mazatlan tomor· Saturday, April 7. The boy emp~y~.N~on~e~wen~pa~for~rse~c~.~tweare~ USA, n~ to om TuM Clu~ ~! w~~ed~~6~l~k~·~%~~~----~=======================~ quired to dig out of our own podets for the considerable edra eJt· Dr. C. M. Beebe captained the -:
pense of booHeeping end report making. Lido team, and was supported
It is time that all of us businessmen stand on our constitutional by Jim Holliday and Ken Hoi·
ri.ghts, assess a reasonable charge for this service of tax collecting. and ~~~ET TaiO
e1ther send monthly bills to the federal end state governments, or de· I can't help but drop a plug
duct the c~arge from our monthly remittenc~ of taxes collected. for the Manasquan RJver boys.
e EVERY SINGE VOTE COUNTS • • c· They were a .well trio. I had the pleasure of flshlng one day with Maybe you thin~ your single little vote doesn't count in en elec· Nelaon Benedict, outdoor editor
tion. Listen to this: In the San Clemente Council election Oland Car· of the Newark, N.J., Star-Ledger,
rick was just one vote ahead of Jack Wanvig when the 'election dey who sent a Jenflhy telegram to
tally was completed. There were 12 absentee ballots. When the 11th hls home paper every n ight. In
absentee vote was counted, the two candidates were exactly even. one of hla last wires, he gave Dr.
That 12th absentee ballot. the 1207th vote cast for these 2 men, gave Norman Carl!IOn a big hand. Dr.
the Council seat to Mr. Wanvig by just one vote. Kay Dooley of Pomona and Dr.
EVERY VOTE COUNTS. And yours is just es powerful es the vote f;:'1~~~== ~:~m::;
cast by President Eisenhower. matlnc the numei'QUI cues of
~caaEcr s,_·, ~ aacile mm.
... Uaa ......... ., ......... .uJc..
appcr ... -w\.ljne k-a.
... w f tftJ--...: ,.I :tc'J: ~to,.\. ca any your
--..apt like. &.IDoa model
~.,.... ....... ..w .. l'OGrakin it
---·=--~. l.lrd' ~ 'hill,_ , . ac..-~110-~
wllo ..... Muaud a_.. .CIHMiNI6pn 110 _. _ _..._c ..............
c.~,...-..,~ s.Joa-.-itrlaii4 .... ...,..Noc*lipOoL
"La Venganza de Montezuma."
that well lmown malady with
which vlalton to Kexico are lntl·
mately acquainted.
Neleon knedkt came down
with It the afternoon of the day
bet~ the final flshinc d&;J'. Be
wu mote than worried that be
wouldn't be on deck. But. tha.nka
to lntenalve treatment, he wu
reartn' to 10 Friday a.m. Tbe
other 2 Kanuquan aJver ~
wee John Tuale and ~erdle
Roebllnr. the latter the owner of
the famou cable <.'!OIDP&ftT thai
been b.. name. ,.... ...
elected to the loud ol DINCtan
ol the Jntemadoaal L.T.T.-'--
Jie'a a mJlllonatre. ...tly, 7'N
Jalow, but lie WU JU-t OM ol tbe PDI and apnt ooe ..,...,.. ..,. •
lllq lbdq and ...._ a
..... proJIIW -..... .-. •• a. .............. C.MIIi fll ..
Ual\fWllll:t ftl " h 1M11aa. *-1 01 ,_. Illite l'c lr ............... 'fiJI ..... 1'«• llllit Dr.
REINERrs. Costa Mesa
Shaping the
fashion revolution
You cbooee yoar •••• 1ri1Ja a _,. te
c.ual oo.lort. You brMat • ~
to .......... Jcmlr Joe&. 11aat'• ... , ,_ ..... ~··-;..a. ......
; •• Sldpp.. Beouaee SW,;I• ._JOtlto
..CortaWyto ..... ,_low. c..~
, .... ..., .....
70c ...
LMV.DeY-V ED I w.-m v... ... mmJ sat ............. ,..
'I'D pqn omcz
--.,....~(Comer Orclll4) a..... ..... ....................
At Or•,..e C..•ty'e
L.ea41ftt H~• Leftdint
UP TO S I 0,000
Ad Acc:CHifth Opened
On or Before
Tate I Ott. of the Month
E.,.. Fro. the let.
moe... A..-
"'014 Vienna" wW be tiM
theme ot tbe annual bazaar,
lunc.beoll and earcl party ot tbe
St. Jama Woman'• Auxtllary 1D
the parUh ballot St. Jame~ EpJa.
copal Churcb. Newport Beach, on
l uly 18.
The bootha wW be O('Qed at
U · a.m. and l u.ocbeon wUl be
eerved at 1.2:30 p.m., Mrs.
'Jbomu B. rro.t. aec:retary, an-
nounces. Mrs. rro.t. Mrs. Harold
Beck and Mrs. J. Donald Fereu-
.,n are co-chalrmen.
Mrs. John C. Mc:ColJater and
~ .__ .... Mrs. Henry W. Seeley will be ~ • ... Utili .. ....._ A..-t wW t.cl ... d 1 ,..,., • IJ IU ___,. wt-lu.neheon co-cbalrmen; Mn. Orin I • ala_,_. 11111111-IZ I 1llllt ej a. Jfew. c J.wwy ...... a. ......._ ...S a ~. ,_. ...._ a..a1 m Clnllclla. 811 CWf .,...._, ., ..... ....-. _. e4t-t to u.. -...... W. Wrtgbt wtll be In c:ha.rae of Jf...-t ........ TM ...... ....._ ..... ......., ,._ wW be -Walal8ated ..... crou rf.ai119 ticket re~erVatlon.s and Mn. Jo· teet......._ wW eter'lllr •....-n ...._ ...S • teet Ia ..._t. ......._ .._ tllle eatln baltMw. ~eph H. Rlgp and Mn. L. A.
Hamilton will welcome guests.
Ibis. .OWUD Di&afADIS ........ ,. ••• ,. oc Students Mn. J. Nell Harris wUl be 1n M.rs. ~ Howard ot 3118 Ocean c:harce ot tbe Old Curiosity Shop
Blvd .. Corona del Mar, will en-11 ..... ....... w II p and MrL Crace B. Croaler the tertatn members of the ln·Be· .I resent White Elephant booth.
tweenen aect:lon of Ebell at her 0 . W. Richard, president of St. Mar&aret'l Gulld will have
home tomorrow (Friday). Co· Richard's Lido Market. wUl par· s th p •f• the candy booth and St. Joan's ~ la Mn. J:&rle Pattl80n. tldpate on the program of the 0 u a c I I c GuUd the cooked food booth. St.
Sanclw1ches will be aerved , at 19th Annual Convention ot Super Cecelia's Culld and St. Eliza.
12:30 folowed by cbard·playlnJ, Market l n.Utute, to be held 1D "South Pacltlc," the sensation· beth's Gulld wUl be in cbarge of
aecordlnJ to Mrs. C. W. Mealne. Cleveland, Ohio, May 6 to 9. al Broadway musical comedy handmade articles. Waitresses
lectlon c:hal.nnan.. Super market operators will succaa by RodJt!fS and Hammer· wU1 be pia from the Young
hear expe.rU from all parts of the stein, bu been selected u the People's Fellowship group dressed
country ,xplore methods of "How tint Summer ~ to be pre· In colorful Vlennee c:o.tumes.
to Check Out More Sales at a sented by Oran1e Coast Colleee
D&COUTIIfG nov.,..,
~.av.-..Y ..
2919 E. OOAST HWY.
Proflt" -bow to operate their It Is announced by Dr. BasJl a H b D t
bu.lneaaea more eftlclenUy, more Peterson, president. a r 0 r e p •
productJvely, more profitably. The summer operetta ba.s been ·
For letterheada and envelo~ organized .. a music: and drama Rep 0 rts 2 7 2 ~ the Harbor 1U4. workshop under the rt-gular !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-----iil!iii.i----.. Summer Sesalon program. It w u c II • M h • revealed. Studentl may earn four a s In arc
unJts of junior college credit In music: and stagecraft by partJct. The harbor department handled
patlng In the operetta. 272 c:alls durinl March, Harbor
Production dates will be Au· Muter Russell Crate reported to
gust a and f . Select.Jon ot "South the Newport Beach c:lty council
Pacific.'' with ltl nautical theme, and Orange county harbor' com·
was Influenced by the 50th Annl· rn.laalon.
veraary celebration ot the c:lty of The list Included two tires, one
Newport Beacb. Both perform· uatataooe J{ven large boe.t.
anc:es wUl be 'Open to the public, eight a.as1st. to small boats. five
free of c:harg~. u the rontrlbu· boats broken Into 1n allpa, two
tlon of the coUeee to the annl· boats broken Into at moorlnp,
1713 JfEWJIORT AVE.. COSTA K1'.SA oma: Ubert;1 1-!RlM u:s. Uben7 s-5011 I versary celebratJOil, Dr. Peterson 16 speed anests. two otber ar-stated. resta. two derelict rowboat a
Tryouts will be held on J11ne found and destroyed and 17 row
18. Rehearu.ls will be held dur· boats held for ldentltleation and
lnl the evenlncs. returned. · A total ot 14 row boatl wer-e •• , ... Lt.~.,
•••••• , lunl
reported lost and not rf!C.'OVeftd,
33 row boatl found and returned.
eight speed complaints and 21
other c:drnplalnts reeelved. four
ruest v e s • e 1 s accommodated,
Ml.a lean Perelli·Mlnettt, new· three ahore moorlnp 1nst.al.led.
ly elected dlredor, hu ac:eepted two ottahore raoortnp lnstalJed
the Board assignment u advbor and 112 rn.l.lcellaneous c:alll
to the Junior Board of COntrol of handled.
the IJdo Isle Community A.sm. ...... --::.~ .. -:::,~......._.-
Bunater Creely hu ¢ed u lr •JWI• I ..... ad~ fince the JUAior Boucrs Th lJdo Jal p•·-Cl b will lncleptJon three yean aeo, and e e ._.... u
.aaee-ted to the t>~te tbat hold Jta ftnt annoal membership
a new advbor mJJ ht be able to meetlnf at the clubhouae on
reallz.e mor~ trom the peat po· Tuesday nenlng, May 29th at 8 o'cloc:k. tenUal embodJed 1n the young A board t dlrecto •--tb peoplN' abWty. o n u.. e
'Ibe Jun.lor Board plana a much com.ln& year will be elected;
larrer prorram ot nenta thJa Ideas presented to the members
comJng summer for their approval; and ther~ will ~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~------·-----------be entert~rument by members
of the IJdo Players.
No. A·27202
Champs of 8V8!Y weight cle•sl
New ·58 Chevrolet -n..k•FoJ:Ce 'Inacka!
ENS. also known u C. E. DICK·
ENS. abo known u CLAUDE
tbe aedJton of and all penons
having cla.lml aga.lnat the said
decedent or said estate to tile
theDl with the neceaary vouch·
ers In the otfke ot the Clerk of
the Superior Court ot th~ State of
California. tn.and for the County
ot Oran1e. Or to present the
same. with the necesaa.ry vouch·
en, to tbe undenJJDed at hls or
her place ot buslnea. to-wit:
.......,. 0o111ra1 ....... ...a MG. ~ Model 3103 wldl Nfri .. utor bodf. e
fOIO ... tnill ..... ...,. • ........ LC.P. • .. ........................ ......
Mrs. Maudle A. Dldcena
c:lo Bu.rwttz It Bu.rwttz. Attor-
M"JSat Law
~11 Newport Blvcl., Newport
Beac:b. Callfomia
wtth.tD lib months after tbe
fttat pabUeaUon or tht. notice.
Dated Apri1 1 T. 1956
Aclm.IAJIItratrt wttb WW An·
naed of laid ~t.
BUJlwri'Z Ia HUawri'Z
XU Newport aow.vard
Newport Beac:b. CalltomJa
Attorneys for Admlnt.matrtx
wttb Will Annexed
Publlab: April 19, ._ K-.y 3. 10
Ia the lfewport Harbor Ensl&n
Fer, .. , • • ,..,..e..w.-. • ~ ....... • " ......... • • , .... ~ ••••• • • ..
IE •••• I a& n.ISDIY,
IPII. 21, .. a.••
.. .. IT, SITUIIIY, 1P11. 21.
* * *
Of Maytags
We'll. Wheel!
We'll Deal!
Never Before Have
You Seen Such Trades!
Your· Old Washer
Will Make Your
Down Payment
On A
Come In And
Make Us An Offer!
* * *
• • • • ••• ••••• • • ••••• • • • • ••••• . --. . ..... -.. .
: ~---. nan•... • .......... . . .. . ....... :
IMIVIANCI ~ .. ... c~Mdatodayl
Liberty .. 1111
133 .. lftll lt.
""TTiE BEIJIEU•-Jo WUcler of
liMn ewt.. .u. oC Coaadl·
--Lee wu.. ... polbGJM LD a.,_. tr... -n.. a.u.a.•
a ~..._.. beUa9 pre·
......S tJala ...rr. AprU 25. 28,
'1:1 cmd 21. LD a.apea naeatn.
o.a:.g. c..t Ia tM OraDp
eo.t c:ou.g. Cbapel na.atn
by tbe Jr.-.pol't llarbor Com·
muaity PlaywL Xn. WUda
b pJaorLD9 tbe A.-N1e of La·
'ri.D1a haalmcm.
ln. Lola Wise Dies
Funeral servtces were held
April 17 In Baltz Costa Mesa
Chapel for Mrs. Lois Josephine
Wise, 53, of 963 VIctoria Ave.,
Costa Mesa, who died at her
home on April 14th. Mrs. Wise
had lived In Costa Mesa for one
year. She Is survived by her :======~=====~ husband, Daniel A. Wise; a
largest a nd Most Complete
Fumiture Store in the Area.
Cell fOt" frM
Liberty 1-5511
House ... 'ar~en
Furnishings for homes,
dubs, yochts.
3017 W. C:0.1t Hi9hwey
Newport S.e,h
daughter, Mrs. Jean Hope of
Bell!lower. and one sister, Mrs.
Ruth Newman of Costa Mesa.
Mrs. W1se was a native of
Washington, hDd been a member
of the First Christian Church In
Seattle and a member of the
Hatasu Temple No. l, Daue hters
of the Nile.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hutt have
moved from 1954 PrlscUla Lane,
Harbor Highlands. to 313~ Ma·
rlne Ave .. Balboa Island.
······~···························· • • • • WHA ... 'S • • • • • • • • • • DOING • • • • • • • • • • T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manaaer in Newport Bead\ • • ~ . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Special schools for telephone people
The young lady at rtgbt ls puttinr in her ftnrt day with the tele-
phone company . Actually, ahe'e in school, training at a practice
switchboard to be an operator. In the aame way, Iota of other
people with no telephone experience have become skilled in tele-
phone work. We run m.&llY dltrerezat .ehool.a for our employeea,
to train them u llnemen, service repreeeotatl...., aDd 110 oo. Th1a
apeciaJ aehooliq helpa telepbou people baUd blltteJo anere
for them8elve& And lt &1110 m.eu. ,oar ...to. • ......,_ ID the
banda ot well·t.ralDed people. TlM IMft ~ ..._. of hdfic
Telephone work to raake your,.,......._...,.._,.,, wwy day.
• •
Seal "Telepllone Tllne" on TV?
"Telephone 'nme" Ia a new dramatic TV~ OD bome la"eena
in the Pacl1ic: W..t for the ftnrt ~ thJa month. It Ia oarrated
by John Ne~abitt IUlti bued on hla owa true .tone. gathered
the world over. Tb.ia Sunday, "Telephone Time" brings you a
IWIJ)eDM atory called "A,..y Bo&rdera". It te1J.a of a risky
IUld tmportaat capture during
World War n ol the GermAn
.ubmartne u~. Each week
there will be stories of hero-
laD. comedy, b.t.tory or warm
humaD emotlo.-.lwaya true,
alwaya entertalninr. Ma~e
.. Telephone Time" a reiJU]ar
Sunday viewing habit. Pleue
check your televlalon loa for
local time &Dd .tation.
• • • • •
AT TEN D , T.H E ~H ,URCH . OF YOUR CHOICE -----nil ....... ~"" .............. , ___ ....,..... __ '..:.._
ao w. 110a st.. eo.ta x.a
LI!Mirty I-4SSI ..... , ..... w. llc::IMDe
Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Chwdl StnJ-
day ~hool; 9:80 end 11:00
a.m. Marn.ina Wonh.IP-'7 p.m.
eoueee Ale lCiF Se.rvte. -7 p.m. Blah School MYP Serviee;
8 p.m., youna adult.l aroup
1050 Cbarcla St.. eo.ta ~~Uberty .... ,
D. C. Bunt. llla.l8t.
Ou Latr of lfoUt Carmel CciUaoUc Qa.rdl
1441 w. ~ ...... lalbea
Sin Ia an evtl, uely thine. but
unfortunately, sin masquerades
under attractive allurtne forma.
Like a once beautltul mansion
that wu the proud possession
ot owners lonr since departed,
now .tands neelected, aban·
donee!, dilaplclated and ugly, 10
sin can tra!dform beaatltul men
and women Into creatures too
loathsome to look upon.
150 w. ·~ lt.. c:.t. ..... Liberty u.a
22Dd St. 6 EldeQ A..._ C.... Ke.a
caoa:a or 0011 LADY
OF liT. CAaNXI Sunday aervtces: 9:45 a.m. Bible
study; U a.m. morning wor.
ahlp; 7:30 p.m. ev~nlne aervtoe.
Midweek service, 7:30 p.m.
Many yean ago the l'fe&t
artist Leonardo Da Vinci wu
uked by the OomJnlca.n monb
to paint a picture for their dJn.
lng room. In keeplnr with the
place be choee the Last ~upper
a.a his subject and began scour·
lnr the provinces tor models to
, Uberty I.J7111 .... ...s ... c:. c...&c. ....
1441 w ...... ~ ... paort
~liM Paa.s:cu.y ......
1 .. Jfewpod An.
ODn:IK ....
Uberty -..5711 on.. ...._~ Jr .. IOaMtft
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. JHbl~
study; 10~ a.m. worship lef'V·
lc:e; 7:30p.m. eventnr ...-rice.
CBmST asuaca n 'ftD au eo..-..tty M.o.odlllt
.... ami. .tl-. lt.. •...-t IIAit.. 528 ......., .... a., A. Csdrw
Sunday Wonhtp, 9:30 and U a.m.
Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid·
week MeetJnr: 7:00 p.m. Wed-
nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m.
ST. JOACIIDI cauwa liM a.-.. a ..... eo..a .._.
l.lbedy a.lOil
PatJMw~J.W ....
lact.y .. _ at '· & .. 10 CIDd U:30 a . .m. Weekdayr. M .. at
7:00a.m.-Confeaion: 8atuJ>. day~ from f:OO to 5:15-'7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
pose for him. •
One by one the firures of the
disciples bel'an to take form on
hls palntinr. The face of Chrtst
wu of such splrltual beauty and
Innocence tt seemed lncredlble
that Da Vinci had paJnted It
from a llvtng model. At last after many yea.ra the down the fellow's cheelu. "Don't
I t1 tl tahed .-... f you know me, Muter!" be wu pa n nr wu n e-x ... "'.,. or uked. Da Vinci ... ook h'-h•ad. the face ot Judu lscarlot. Da ... .. ~
VInci searched evft')'Where but Polntlnr to the central tJeure ol
he wu unable to find a face that the painttnr. the beirar ex·
would be helnoua·looldnc en· plalned, "I was the young man
oueh for hJs model. A year went that posed for the face ol ChJ'Ut."
by and then another. But one .Leonardo shuddered. An evil
day Leonardo had almost given evtl Ute bad transformed beauty
up he wondered down Into the and Innocence into the penonlft.
alums of Mllan. He saw a begrar catJon of aJn ltaelf. Yet thl.a Ia not
poklnf about In the gutters and the real malice ot sin, Ita evtl
u the man looked up, Da Vinci consequences. SJn Ia an evU be·
saw the face for which he had ~use It 1a a deflance of Cod and
been aearchJ.ng ao lone. Be In· Hls law, a disobedience to the
duced the beuar to poee for him Supreme Law Gtver by man, a
and carefUlly and faithfully re-.ettlne u lde of Cod's Jaw and
proc:hwed• the evU, aly, crafty oommandmenu b~ an uaurplnr
FDIIT Ul'l'1Wr CBUIC8 look of that face. earthly c:rutwe.
OP W&WICMY Wb.en be fllWihed he showed May we remember atw..,_ to
....._ ..... lltla & c-rt 11&. the ~ear the picture and wu give Cod eomplm and ready
... ,.... utonlahed to tee tears rolllnc obedJence and aerve Him. ~ USJ LDMitf a-an .;..;.._-:::CIOitO==•:-::A~o=a.=--::IIAA:-:-::---=7---::cz=•=ft.l=-=-u.:--:;8DL=;-:•i--::ca==o=•=ca=--
...._. -.....t a. ,.._ co .. own t ,CiPiaca o..... a ..... Drd IL
Suncl-.y ~: t:u a.m.. Scm-c • •• M ad e-ta ~~..& ~ a.ua dq School; U :00 a.m., W«· Ill ... ~A.._ A. A. I[ 'en ...._
llllls:p Servke; '7:30p.m. SuD4a= ----·-.. l ,... ... w ~ 8aDcla7 Sc:boo&: ~~-a.m. Mom· 'IO"YWUUII • e r v c: e ; .u.... ...._, .... &dlda a-a. 1Dt s.rvtce. 11:00; Ewntna
Service: 7:30 p.m. W~ Sunday Wonhtp ~: 1:45 Service. '7:30. llld·Week Serv· ~ MeetiQ. a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Su.Dda7 Sc:bool: Ice. W • d n e a d a y , 1:30 p.m.
IIUJK). AISDDLT OF COD 1:45 a.m. Younc people meet 8:15 p.m. a....a. ........ a.w. Sunday. ...._ c.a11a. ~ oe a. au.-•.,... 1-A ........ It..C... .... a.a.rt"t t.e4l1 ...-n .... cu.. ..... u .. a-• .... C. E. 'ftw I d s.a.ty a.'1J.I1
Sunday -=bool 9:30 a.m.. I'DCllrDJftl SUnclay Service.: ~ Sdlool.
wonllJp 11 a.m. Younr people 9:80 a.m. Momtnc Wenldp at
~ 6:80 p.m., e'ftD.lnr 10:30 a.m. Evan~ Serv· eYanpllat NJ"ric:e 7:30 p.m. Ice. 7 p.m. Suna&y. lf.Y.P.S ..
Mld.week aervtce 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Sunday; ~ meetJ.nr.
Wednesday. 7:30p.m. Wedn84ay.
c::aaaY LOt WI ... 4 8i&CII
(.....-.n l,.ed)
Aaa1&:. 'C IWl.
,_._, .... LetMr TOIIIOW
Sundu Servt~: W~· Ice t a.m. Sunda7 at
10:15 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahJp: 10:55 a.m. and e"Yanpll.at
aervtce. 7:30p.m. Yount People
and Chllc:lren'a Service. 6:30
p.m. Sun. MJd.weeJt Service:
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladlet'
Misalonary Coundl. Tbunclaya
9:30a.m. for all day:
FDST cauaca oF caaJST
F..._~~--• , ... , ....
Sunday ~: ~01 an4 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Coftf..son: Sat·
urda,ya aJid ev• ot 1« J'rtdaya and Holy D.,._ from f:OO to
5:30 p.m. and trom '7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Maa 8:00 a.m. Plrst
Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
H o., •n a (Perpetual Help>: Monday, 7:45p.m.
sa&iii.l OWifMMAI!ft' COWUMift .. VIa=..:':"" .... ra..LOWI:ID
. .._ • t:15 a.m.. SUn· SunA•• ~ ...al Ch)' ..
day S e r., c: •: 11:00 a.m. 115 W • ...._ ..._ .....
Wec!DeeclQ ~~ MMtblc: Act1119 ¥' ' 1eea wnme. WU.,
8:00. Readlnc Jtooni. 3!15 v.. Sonctay 8cbooL 10:00 a.a. Mom·
IJclo, lfewport Btadl. open • lq wonb.lp, 11:00 ......
a.m.-5 p.m. ... daya, 9 a.m.·
7:f5 p.m. w~ 7·1 p.m.
Ftlda7 ewntnra.
W&WIOJI't llu.oa
LU'I'IIEUJir cauaca
ISOI CWI Dr.. Jrew'l*t ......
I IDI tt ... 1 .......... an.h~M
DupUcate momlnllefV1CM-I
a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. Bwa4a7;
ltJnd4!1'fU'fa and fft-Sdaool
Dept. Sundq Sdlbol. I a.m.;
1.t Grade tbroq'.la Adult Sun·
4Q ~ 10 a.m.; bQ8 111'0·
vtded and Nu.nery pnwided tow
both .ervtces and 10 a.m. Sun· cay Sc:booL
l&fD IB DAT AD.::1:**J ............... lt..
·=~-.. .... D. ... , ......
Saturcla.Y Momlnr s.rnc.: Sab·
bath School: 9:30a.m.-S.· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer m.eet·
mr: Wedneaclay, 8:00 p.m. -UUOAa.AIID WWUMift idiaJD•r 111~~ ........... ....... .,.... ....
~ ...
Sunday Sen-~: t :ao a. m.
OuKdl Sdlooli ~~ and 11:00 a.m. Wonb.lp MI"YJCe.
IT. JA11D UIKOIAL ... 'ftau...a..,... ....
~~-.... )eM ...........
Sunda7 ~: 1:01 a.m. Holy
Copua\mloe: 1:11. Pam 11 y
~ U a.a. woubtp
eentce. 'nur,..., Ser•lc:ea:
1:15 a.m. ~ G\Lild: 10:30 Holy On
IT. Jqlll YI.U'Wft
ll411fleft .............. .... ·-· F ... I?IP ....,...._
SQDdaylluiM: 1:00 LJ1L 6 1:30
a.m. Conf..Son: Satunlaya and
eves. of lit Pltcla,. and Holy
Daya; '7:80 to 8:30 pa.; nnt
Prtday M&. 8 a.m.
PDIT unsr cauaca
..... AaeAftl. .. "apeU. c... ....
.... •· G. •• a ~ e.n1011: 1:45 a.m. SwlcSq MoDI; 11
3.IIL Wonll.l' 51n~;. 1:30 p.m.. laptlllt 1'ra1.ll1fta union; 7:10 ,.... Eveftlq Sentce.
WedMIIOQ: "1:30 p.m.. Pray•,
Pra!Mt and Bible Study. Mon·
day: '7:30 p.m. Ken'• Qonaa
p r a c: tl c: • ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a .....,. M.e~ttnr.
e-.4 W1ZAlD IOATS s-t.t ... ...,._uY ... •m.....,...._c.t.w.. LINwfr ......
c ... , •• ~.s.-1117~1-..e.. .... &A.t, .... IJ
~~!·; .... .... ~c.. ...
UMty .....
W'-. ....,.,. twt... $Ieee ...
..... OM., ......, 1771
~ ....
1221 w. c...t .......,, ....,... ...
Tlle ..... Te$e
FwTlle ..... y .. r-.. w. ~""' saH ._ s._..
JOl..,_lll Sh.t, ..... ..........
VACUUW CLEANE:It CO. ............ a.-...
D24~ ..... C:...W.. ,.... La.tr t..att ...... ~-· Witt.
IJII E. c-t tt.,., c-... War
..... NM
~ ..... c-tr'• ..... c ......... . MJJVla&U......._.._.
Ceth .....
y-H ..... o-... .....
MJI E. c-t Hw, .. c-4el W.
STAffOttD a SON ........ .r. ......
U f I Lh..,...,. Ill..._...,.,._~ .... L.l.tr ......
MY a IIA04 UALTY,INC. MIIW ...... ..,.,-.._
~~~~·.:1 • .,. .w.c:.... ....
-L c:..t ........,, C.... ltl t.tat
THi SHADE SHOP c::a...a...._w...,.
EQWW&«CO. ,,....... ....... ... " .... S..l ... ............. c.... ....
L-.., .. ""'
I ........ _ Civic Lee~gue
Makes Rl ns
for Proiects C:.S:.m~ TO r[QUR OF HOMES :J. b lla n t b ropa. o1 tbe ~--~ e'--~ ~ ~ta for the .cone! manahfp ol Kh... John Reese
.IIIII I , I w • awtc ~ ....... --· ---"'T -.._. .... .._. .......... ...... tout went .. Ca.raoft o1 udo Isle. eu-.. • ......... auMaiiD tada.. 1ft a ,.,._ ,_, "'Oddaat ~ lut --" by memben ol Four ratdenees have been
L II. .Ill E T the YWa ........ .......... ~ lVI In tlae troop wu tiM ~ Oou.oty Delta Gemme addecb•to tbe u.t which drew
'Die elurt ,_... .. --. an M · ..,.._, wttb be fatJMr--IJDda .AlU~nM C..,wr, meeu,_. at the bUAdncla o1 ,ue.ta tut year.
, , ,. 1 nual , ••• to ..._ ._.. Caudell, Sandra Oodwln. lanet ~ lalud borne ol Mra. W&l· ,_ Wlil be tbe G. T. ""ftlecer
.-1'---can f'IIIW ...._ to -.tq ~ Bobli, ~ R)"deea. Caroi7D C. I. ...... bODie at 25 BAU'bor laland. the
Patrlodcall In &w. a ,_.... w t ••• ......,t. 'nlley lf.....ab,r Llnda lfratt. Gd1 Tbe toGr wUl be beld P'riday, lAoa Yale bCIIDe at 4 auclder Rd. lanpa Y :"Barbara Kant abo •meaDOICI ,._ b • Ma7 TauP, and laDdra Wataon. X.y 11. u.nMr the aenen1 chair· In Beacon lay, tU Doll DoolJWe ~~ the otnda1 10 .._.. llrucfl at tbe lfewport clweUID1 at 301 E. 8ay Pt. on
ftower ol If~ IHdl Rarw YMilt Qab to ..... fudll Ne.ghting:al~s w·eiJ Sponsor Balboa lal.and and tbe Carl BUI· Atb« DQ Ia Saturday the -..; for tJilt C:O.O... ..a lllir OoauDu. • ~ pen home at 3:51 E. Bay ft.. alao
wttb an oft1da1 Dow.; planttna nlty Yodl Oat.. tlr& lamee f on th4 bland. Tbe HW~MD home
el!leiDOIIJ' to be held at the City Van DPe ......... ehalriD&n Lectures or Fou:...&.h ¥ear wUl be M'tt.l.nl for teL Hall •.• Let'a all join tn ••• ol the JlrUDdL · r-T Procee$ wtl1 10 to the fra.
Let'• .. the beautttul bUJ'IUndy A 1enathy qu.tion period fol· . ~tY• project. that of aiding colored Jlatbara Iarst bloom tn lowed the ta1b o1 PoUce Chief · The Nlthttnple chapter of the M'Ytew ol t.be curtent aer1es 1a pre-.ebool •red blind younr·
everybody'a yard . :. But natur· John U'peoft, J'lre Ollel t. J. Brla· Koa1 H~IW AuxUJuy unanl-belnl .,..._ted today (Thurs. aten.
ally you'll find a Barb.,a Kant coe and We Guard Captain Bob :nualy S:creed :!-~rwr the day), a~i to Mrs. Preln· Serving wttb Mrs. Canon are BouaatnYUiea. yearning to be Moen, Who ~bed their de· • earns .. ov ..... n ecture lnaer, who Jj chairman ot thll Mrs. George w. Johna and Mrs.
planted, In our Flower Shop ... partment'a lle'fVIc:ee to the dty u Mrlea for the fourth consecutive YHr'• aerlea. Hobert W. Scholler. Santa Ana.
the program for Tueadqa meet· =d u athbe~ lot the Tumor Mrs. Dayton Is rev I e w I n 1 tea c h a 1 r men · Mrs. Authur * * * 1n1. at e ,_,.nt meetlng Pf'e· "Fanny." Mrs. WUllam Mlrams Auney Costa M~ hostesses·
Mn. T Duncan Stewart sided over by Mrs. Lawrence and Mn. Leon Ware are In Mrs Qul C. Bill Ba Sh , ...a.a-r ....... -.r,.,.
.... e .... ~---...... a.u lilt,.. .... ,.,... aa ttr a&:wwa •A IMibyr Llh .._
ttl II It ••wit M ......._ ..... ....w,.. -.d , ... ,
We we .....,, •..us..~ ~
Weelr--ap April. .... ...,, ... w ..........
Wltll .. ... .. a.bel'a. c::a.w-. lwUta. ...... Ullbf'a. -....c. ..... a.we. ..... _. a..r. II.Wl .... ...
llaaclrecl ..._ ...... . Jed'a., Lido_........,. De-
paa' -· ........ ..._ ,.._ l•'•cy ........ .....
tleM ••• Llclo ~ -
a.at tMy Ita= .. .... play=':'! .. .... . . . . .,.,.. .... ....,.
.................... Jj
.......... clo ...........
-cll.dl .. Oleo,_ _.. ...... -.d .......... ..u
... ....u Jlftte ea-.a -u.. ..tr wcr a. ...,... ,.u
little --wtU. ,.... ahray'l •••
* • *
nounced plana tot tbe dvtc ~: Sprague Jr., president The final eharge ol refreshments and Mra. ~~; Mrs. H.~).ne Y Th:;::
fa1t8 committee to vt.sJt the Qr. Hal Dlb In charge of the theatre Balboa, and Mrs. Charles s.
ange County Hospital aoon. Mn. motU. Eaton. Costa M~. publldty.
George D. Johnson ot Corona del Gla Mra. J. Gordon Smith presented Hours for the tour will be from
Mar offered to conduct an arts fnOUT the new provt.slonals. Mrs. Wal· 1:30 to 5 p.m.. and ruests may
and etatt. course with the pro· lace Chrtsty, Mrs. Earl Sawyer choose their own Itineraries. Mrs.
ceedJI to IO to tbe Community Gl;mpses and Mrs. w. H. Van Landing-Carson nJd. Youtb Center. ., ham, who have completed the re· Flnal anangement.s will be
qulred houn. Mrs. Ralph Holden made at the May 15 meepng, at
wu named vfce president ln 10 a.m., In the Emerald Bay
charce ot programs to replace home of Mrs. Laurence K. ~tcyn.
Mrs. France. C. Dawson. on leave olds.. Sgt. Bloom
ls ·Married
Newlyweda Mr. anct Mra. John
l . Bloom wtll make thelt home at
~ flat St., Newport. when they
return bom their honeymoon 1n
Paradise, Calif.
The bride 1a the former MJ&s
Margaret ~geou, daurhter of
Mr. and Mra. Dimitri Ceorgeou
ot 322 Ogle St., Costa Mesa. The
groom 1a Newport pollee detec·
tJve sergeant Bloom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sonneman of
2191 Canyon Dr .• Costa Mesa.
The young couple were mar·
Sonp ol aprlng are Inviting,
and who can match the delight·
ful eound of the golf ball drop·
ping Into the llttle tin <.up?
Somehow spring and summer
weather drive ua out more often
to try OW' luck on the greens.
.. pupe::M lor the 9DlftD9
....,. wttla • a18p ...., outfit to
gift !0'1 CIIIMcl COIIftd&Me.
Rowadaya toll c:lotbee are de· ......... ,......_ ...
actlaa bGclr Ia the bJMue ..
"" .... ty of ............ 9
-tbe ..... ca.. clowa tha lcl.rwaT ••• cad. ~ It's
of abaenee. May Day favora for the hoapltal were completed Mrs. Hlllgren presided at last
under the dlftctlon of Mra. Mar· week's meetlnc and Mrs. 1bayft"
tl J Lockn wu CO·hostess with Mrs. Spicer. n . ey.
Qcl.n. ....._ Qaln LMa ... c.u
HAJt.BOR 6176 2919 E. Coast Rwy.,
Corona de.l Mar
Mrs. ~lnlng~r announced the
n~ lay members of the tumor
board at Hoar Hospital. They
are Mrs. Orval St~art. usllt·
ant chairman. and Mmes. A. J.
Gruwell, Fred Ellll. R. J. Collins.
Ralph Tandowsky, D. H. Crum
Jr.. Hal Dike. W. -r>. Rumaaon
and Ellsworth ~tts. Mrs. Dike
gave a resume of the history aod ~~~~~~~~~~~~
operation of the tumor board and
lf you're a baby and you plan rled last Thursday ln a clvtl
to be born aometlme during Na· Cft'flnOny performed In Newport
tJonal Baby WH~c. wtth the Hoar JuatJce Court by Judae Donald
H~pltal u your stare . . . Lend Dodge. The bride wore a powder
an ear •.. You're gonna 1et blue abeatfl gown of a abantung
gUt.a from all of our Lido Shope fabric with white aocesaorles.
llke no baby ~« ltarted out Mrs. Lee Smltb of Cliff Haven
with before ... A whole 5hower wu Matron of Honor and Chi~
of rttta to the t~ baby born in John L. Upson wu best man.
Boag Hospital during National Bofl;t tbe newlyweds attended
Baby week . . . Now all you po· Newport Harbor BJgh School.
tentlal ~r..oma ... Don't get your· The groom abo studied law at
aelf ln a Olvver when you tead t.aSalle University.
........., aldlt • tbe appuo•ecl
..... .-aJMita. the tDp are
........ 91ft tbe boctr ........
.. taUt, tua Clll4 IIW'iA9 Clll4
look .. u lD tbe pea Cllll
O'kRIEN'S have blouses, skirts.
shorts (with side ~pp!M, back
zipper. tailored ny front) and
sweater coordinates for golf and
other outdoor sports and casual
Indoor actJvttles. These Include
explained that patients are re·
ferred to It by their personal
physicians for fr~ examination
and consultation. AJl lay serv·
Ices are provided by NtghUncale
Faculty Wives
Pick Officers
Sloat tatlored linen and Unastl Otrlcers tor the comlng school
sktrt.a Ia the loveliest sprlng and year were elected April 18 at
a u m m e r ahades. Some with a meeting of the OCC Faculty
smooth lines for the golfer and Wives Club, held ln the Cllft
othera wttb cl~er hl~styllng, too, Haven home of Mrs. Bull Peter.
(I'm eraz;y about the style with son.
t • f'R[SCP I PTIO 'IO S
.._':(. . ' ..... ~'A· . . .. thta ... You have to walt unW =t=~nm::,:A:r; Party Planned
• • • 8wl4a)' at one minute to
the pocket at the hem> and they New president will be Mn.
all have the perfect Sloat tall· WJWam Jtlmes; new aeereta.ry.
ored nt. You might even team treuurer, Mrs. James Ftt%gft"ald.
them with one of the new hand-Outaolnl omcer, a.re llrL Wen·
embroidered blouae.--lfow about d.ell Pickens. pre.J.dent. and lfn.
tbe one wtth the anc:bon?, Or Joeeph Kroll, 8eeret&r7·treuut'er.
mlcbltte .. too ea.rty! ... Ancl b D t
)'OU WOil't bave to"81n4 ua a \el•. y emocra S
pam ••• We'll lmowl
* * * .... ..... ... ~ Ia O•••• c::...ty Ia m' ' ,. ..
ltll ......... .., tide --... I P'l"f,, _.u •... 1fta
ta.e ......._-. Freacla ...... a. ........ nw ,, .. _.
cdl ................. ~-......................... u. .. .._ PlteM ......
._ .... .._lit tlfwlwulc
.. 0....,. c::o..ty • • • Oa ..
c::o..ty ft"' wk'a leowd
~caa rtaat._-
...,, hlJadwt J .... C.UI~
I I. Ia tile co Pl ..... "-
.... IIIGicl .... llf, IIOt lctw· clcy•...t ... Te ..... tlle UatwiD9..-a.. ... T~ ......... ,....eat ..... .
Yelaacll llwalala. wW 9l'f'e
wttll tbe Qcpla c ....... -
tbe .. • ; • .. • hU IMdf -...., ...
• * *
Mrs. Ruaell Jlro7m. chairman wear tbem wtth aleevelft&lin~ The followtn1 special e-vents
ol thct ways and metana for tbe a lovely ca.ahmere sweater-....« chairmen were appointed: fall
Ha.rbor Democratle Club, and her any ol a hund.red dozen combl· weJcomlng luncheon. Mrs. Don·
committee. Mrs. Fred Olaon, Mrs. nations. These UnutJ a1drts are ald hblke: auutmu party.
Clara Ax tater , Mrs. Frank completely ereue resistant. you Mrs. Donald Bridgman; spring
Downea, and Mra. Belle I..oe:Rr. know. Anothctr amart akJrt 1a the fasbJon tM. Mrs. CeraJd Ellla·
have planned a gala evening at cl...tc white nannel. summer square uance, Mrs. Hue:
a dlnn.er and entertainment th1s Aa _. ,.. c 11 .,...., .. ston Harper
Ull VJ,a LHI' U _,
_,1 Coat Kwy-IIA JS.SS
Friday evening at 6:30 in the tbJ.ak. Ia a ...., utbt ~t --·-----
Ebell Clubhouse In BalboL Mrs. tattwuol c:IMdr akiJt CIMI'dl· ftAVEL PICTU.U SBOWW jeweU ~\\ H&rrlaon Sanborn ls chairman or .....s wttll a .....ua leekfn9 Bouaeruests at the home of welty
the entertalnment committee. odoe ....... trt..ect wttll Mrs. JessJe Hill. Corona del Mar,
Mr. and Mn. Oland W. Carrick a.. klttw'MI dMdt. ae.uy -lut Week·end were Mlss Dorothy FLOBJST
from San Clemente were apeclal oatftt .,..'11 be ..... to ....._ DePorte of Alhambra. MJss Helen SHOP
guests during the last club meet· (Aacl wbee u..y Clair,_.._..... Frank of Fullerton and Mia
ing on April 17. Mr. Carrick 1a yea 11M IAICia D A a L 1 Jf c Karen Bodeen of Laguna. A din· n.<>RAL DESIGNS AND
a candidate for Assembly ln the dotJin. Jut _,, -o-aau:rs. ner party feting the ruest.a was FLOWERS FOR ALL
74th Assembly District. of ~I) held Saturday ntght with Ml.ss OCCASIONS
R. E. Ha.rbtaon, the Club presl· ,. Agnes Blomquist of LJdo and PrM DeU.-y dent. anoun<:ft that the next reg· Speclal for you petites · · ·We Mrs. George Stevenaon and Mlas TeL ~ ••
ular meetin"" wUl be held at 8 have a brand new\110l'1ous selec· Marilyn Wh~ler of Co d 1 Flowera Teleeraphed • 1 th tlon of spring and summer cot· rona e An h p.m. Tueeday, May 8, n e tons In just your stzec, shipped Mar Jnvtt~. Mrs. Blll and Miss 2SB E. ~ ~wo'r
Ebell Clubhouae. directly to O'BRIEN'S ftom one Blomquist showed plctur ... of re.
eon.. clel .._
ot the better deslgnen for your ice~n;titiiiiieartiiiiiiiiii~b~beiiiiiiiiiia~niiiiieruiiiiiiiiiiiaes..~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LADEL WJLL CELEBUTE type of figure. We know you'd
l'rll aurni:DAT AJIJfi'IEDAJIT be pleased. So pop in aoon and
look 'em over. See Ya! Laurel Wagner, daughter of
Again I would like to lmpresa Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner Jr.,
you that theM Orange County• of 1116 W. Ocean Front Balboa,
Philharmonic Symphony concerta1' will celebrate her eighth blrthday
are free ... You pay nothln£ anniversary Saturday with a
just ro and llltan ... ot counel beach party and luncheon for
the thln& to do Ia to be a aponaor l a dozen trtends at her home. In·
to the Pbtlhumonlc: Soclety by vttecl to attend the special fete
aend1nl 1n a dMclt lot $10..00 to are Laurel Ann and Lindy Field,
The Pbllharmonlc Society, a;531 JanJe Mkhelsen. Mary and Mack
E. Coast Highway, Corona del Lewt.s, Barb a r a and Robbie 2515 E. Coaat Hwy.
High rKierdy
Fwl••• •lfflcl
Vlalt ,.. 8ecnatll1al
-staclio of U'"-9 So.a..r
ConaultatSon-Esttmates·No obligation
Mar ... Whk:h u JOU know 1a Brown, Stewart. Terry and Chrls C:OIIOWA DEl. MO
the Karen Marareta Imports M~enzie. Claire Senske and
am NIWfOI'J •va. ·....,...--..,..
(0;; ura• aty llall) IIA •1
Shop ... Without apoMOn. the Ww~en~clJ~~W~rl~gb~t.:_ ______ ~====~=,==--====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oranp Pldlbarmonk: So e I• t y -
could not be • • • CoMicler the
$10.00 u JOV -..on tkbt for
the la.anlnl of ftne mu.alc •..
.U.O consiM tbe $10.00 u help·
lnl hundnd.a ol othen, lnclucllftl
chtldren to be permlttad to ~
thla ~ mute tree ot
charp ..• The 0ranp CountY•
PllUbarmonlc Soc~• 2nd Youth
Concert at Oranp Cout CoUep
lut Saturday WU a fl'Ul IUC·
Hand rubbed haz.lnut finish . • .
deep comfort foom cushions . . •
teiloted .Jip Q>Vers of fine im·
ported linens • . . beautiful ash
or walnut formica table tops ec-
oent.d with wown eene . . . over
45 pt.cN to ~ from.
Sofa $249.50
Ate you 1 PfOIJWI'I chlirman with • hole
il J0U1 Cllendlr? Let Bob Sc:ftroeder, heacJ.
Nn It Richard's Flower Shop, solve your
PfObltm! He ·u brine •1 the flowers and
et cetara . . . •lone witt! 15 yurs of practi.
ell aperienc:e. Strictly uneommerciaf ...
ttruetion in how to mike the most of
flowers in ,our home! 'Course, if you ladies
Ned ftowtn It _, time, we're 1lwrys
rudy wittl Or-. County's freWst, most
coq»>etl ullctioft It
NIWPOIT IIACH, CAUF. o.-•s.-a., 10 A..M..-7 P.M.~
o.Hy ' A..M.-7 , .M.
"'f the tam.Oy UW. In laar· tlolil; Mary Kadden..healtb and
moey, all alfa1n wtll ~ Nftty; OtJ-q la~man, lnt«na·
wu the Chlneee JII'OVWb tbat Uoul relatiou; Ruth Wrlcht.
Evelyn Varner used at the end publJe alfaJn; Ca.rolyn Webe-r,
of lnstaUatlon rites for the new 1-.laJaUon; Jtuby StewNIOil. fl·
otftcera of Business and Prot•· I nanee; Nancy Middleton. publJc
.tonal Women'• Club of Newport relatione; Helen Wollard. aJdll to
Harbor held last Thursday at the small bualnea.
Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Speclal committee chalrman
l)reued In a mandarin sheath, are Alke Fox. bouee nl&ht. wtth
Mrs. Varner preJSented each new· VirJ1nla Weber, co·cbaJrman;
Jy elected oUicer with an orcb.Jd Ruth WUlmes, conventions; lsa·
corlap and an appropriate proV· belle Bowles, courtesy; Valerie
erb ot her ottlce. S hIe 1 d a, decoratJons; Florence
After recelvln& the eavel b om Bauer, biltorlan;. Marigold Sch·
retlrln& president Jean Bowell, leuter, hospltaJity and tickets;
the newly Installed president, Gretha Tubbs, March of Dtmea;
Dorothy Palen. announced the I Kathleen Coleman, music; Jessie
followtn& stand ln& committee HUl. report coordinator; Jean cha~n: Second VIce President Matthews. weUare: Jean Bowell
Lydia Southworth, membership; and Marilyn Wheeler. year book
FirSt VIce President Mary Nae· and emblema and Helen Cole,
geJJ, program coordinator: Marie youth actJvltles.
Lannln& education and voca· Guests tor ~e dinner party ' w~ Vema Sulflvan and Eleanor
Saw :t .. llcllf -CUS'I'O DUI'UIDI -a• IIIIOIE' H.AitBOK 6176
2919 E. Coast Bwy..,
Corona del Mar
Leorn to Donee ..
Elgin & Homilton
Wallace Calder head
3123 E.st Coest Highwey
eo._. d.J Mer
~· ....
IJr rLu iiful
a// OVPT"
I • \
'-.:,;_ \
5 (icony
girdl .. !'•
and bras
Aut der Heide ot Costa Mesa.
Alleen Martin ot Corona del Mar,
Vera Llllenthal of Cll.tt Haven,
and Elleen Georce and Mra. Don
Kolvlsto of Balboa.
ln. llyN .....
If ••• lrtllla
Harbor Star Chapter No. 568
ottlcated yesterday at the fu-
neral aervlce ot one of Its charter
members. Sylvia Q. Place, 67. of
203 41st St.. Newport, who died
Sunday in SAnta Ana Commu·
nlty Hospital. Services were held
at Parkes-RJdley Mortuary, with
Rev. Charles Hand a.ssistln&.
Mrs. Place was a native of Ola·
thea. Kansa.a. and had lived ln
CalJtomla 50 years. She moved
to Newport Beach born Los An·
geles seven months aeo. but had
previously Jived at 17(11 W.
Oce-an Front. Newport.
She ls survived by a slater.
Mrs. Lona Grltfln of Balboa
Island, and a brother. Edward
Mitchell of Clarksburg. Mrs.
Place was past matron of El Ser-
rento Chapter. Order of the
Easter Star No. 4..30. Interment
was In Harbor ~ Memorial
Albion Shaw Hendricks, 52. of
Tustin, brother of Rupert Bend·
ricks of Corona del Mar, died
Saturday in St. J~ph HospitaL
• f --.......... _ .. ""''". ......... ..,.,.. ..........
Hu~'t an cxquilittly f~miniM MW conctpt of co-ordtnltion for
your intimttt wardrobe. Sacony's aheer nylon powcr·net girdle with
crist<tou nylon taffeta and muquifctt~ front paMI mrkhed with
laa and deliat~ appliquee~ roea. Clnuly daiped hip-to-bade
pacwls tlim and control yow Cun.. dclidouly. Thew ftowu pretty
foundatioru wiiJ win yow hnrt, u they trim yov fipre. And for a
COO\plftc ''beautiful from t.M ~kin out" fetflna • ov matdlin3
llower-cmbroidued lift&me.
PJower.pntty ,ardw ..... IJow•·PftttJ ,.,.,.Jitdlt ..... MJtd~Mtt .,b. .......... .,. ·"
Balboa Island Church Given
High Praise for Progress
High pr~ tor the accompllab· M.rs. Leonard Hargrave, Mra.
menta of the Balboa llland Com-Clarence Bowma.n, Mil. Michael
• • • ofsodal -note .., ••a
munlty Methodist Church wu Carl, and Mr. and M.rs. Edward -------------
&Jven by the Rev. John Black. Fruehan; flnalJICe, Burt C. Lowen
Whittier dlstrtct superintendent. Jr .. Ted R. Hauaer, Otto Hoe&.
at the annual bualneaa meetln& Mrs. Clinton C. Coane, Mra.
last week In Dearborn Hall. Wayne Hunter, and Robert lb·
New activities undertaken by bot.aon.
the church durlnr the past year Committees Include: pastoral
Include aponaorshlp of Boy Scout relations, Mrs. Ted R. Hauaer.
and Cub Scout troops 81: a chiJ· Mrs. Clair B. Barnett, Mrs. Steve
dnn's cholr; 4 cou.raes In <-hurcb Smith, Matthew V. Waldellch,
meJnbersblp tor adults; adult Bl -and Fount L.• Lowe; mualc, Mrs.
ble study eroup; vacation chur-::h Robert Moody. Mrs. Clyde
aehool. annual brealdaat honor· Shooter. Mrs. Robert Ibbotson,
In& eradualln& youths of the M.ta. Vern Smlth. John Stoner,
church. and Burt C. Lowen Jr.; commu·
Memberablp of the church In· nlon stewards, M11. Harold Fink,
creased by 19. There are now 1-13 Mra. Steve Smith. and Mrs. Bet·
members and 4 affiliates. During tba Pinkham; audltlnr. Mra.
the past 2 y~ars membership bas Harold Fink and Mrs. Byron L.
Increased 46%. Nealy; nominations. RobAt Bla.lr,
Three new persons named to Matthew V. Waidelich. Ted R.
the Board of Trustees were Clin· Hau~. Mrs. Wayne Hunter, Mrs.
ton C. Coane and Mrs. Frances Fount L. Lowe, Mrs. P. F. BaJnea.
RJley, three years; and Donald Mrs. Byron L. Nealy, and the
Smith. two years. Named flnan· Rev. Donald G. Sapp.
clal secretary was Mrs. Clinton C. Ushers elected are Robert Ib·
Coane. Otto Hoeg bec-ame the botton, Clinton Coane, Richard
world service secretary. Other ol.· Hauser, Wayne Hunter, Wallace
fleers named were P. F. Baines. Fleer, Clyde Shooter. C. Dourlaas
lay leader; Mrs. Fount L. Lowe. Ferry, Otto Hoer. and Matthew
delegate to annu•l conference; WaJdellch.
Mrs. Steve Smith , reserve dele· -------------gate: Ted R. Hauser. treasurer;
Mrs. P. F. Baines, church a.choo!
auperlntend~nt: a nd Mrs. Clar·
ence Bowman, hJstorian. ..,
The &lrls of Troop 8. Balboa.
had a progressJve dinner re-
cently. Cocktails were served at
the home of Sharon Turner; ap·
petizers. Connie Colucci; Salad.
Carol Kanold; the maJn dish at
Timmy Kennedy's home. dessert
at Donna Burdsall's.
Jolene Casala, Jewel Leavy,
Mary Tuller Topper, now Mrs.
J. M. Hoyt of Lido Soud, who hu
been a real quiet mother and
homem.aker these pall 10 monthl
or 10 alnoe ahe returned to the
Harbor area, Ia now makln& ac·
tlvity nol.aes aeaJn . . . must be
some wotk toe Valley K.nudiOn
and the feminine branch of the
Republle&.DI, eh Mary!
• • •
A aparklin& diamond on the
third tlneer ot her ldt hand re·
vea.ls the secret that Pat Wellh.
daughter ot Harry Welsh of
Waterfront and Avocado Ave.,
Corona del Mar, Is eneaged to
be married to Sgt. VIc VIckery
of San Jose, who Is now a Marine
stationed at Camp Pendleton.
Pat and VIc are makln& plana
for a July 21 weddln& mua at
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cathollc
Church. They expect to live In
Laguna and the brlde·to·be will
continue teachln& art ln the
Santa Ana Schools. While Pat Is
figurine out the weddln& details
eroom·to·be ls oU to Alabama
for a tour of duty during May
and June.
Pat's brother Roger won't be
able to be at the wedding· be·
cauae he ls now with U. S. Mill·
tary to~ In Zwelbrucken. Ger·
many, near Alsace Lorraine, and
In the fall Mr. Welsh wUl also
saU for Europe and ls lookln&
forward to aome a.lplne lklln&
with hla son next winter.
• • •
Ode to a daughter on her aev-
enteenth blrt.hday by Kathleen
M. MeAhren ot Corona del Mar.
Elected stewards were Dr. and
Mrs. Clair B. Barnett, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ibbotson, Mr. 1\nd
Mrs. Otto Hoeg. ~. and Mrs.
Fount L. Lowe. Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Nealy, Mr. and Mrs. Ar·
thur Price. Mr. and Mrs. CJ)·d~
Shooter. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
V. Waidelich, Mr. lind Mrs. Har·
old James. Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Baines, Mr. and Mrs. Ted R.
Hauser; Burt Lowen, John Stoner.
Robert Blair. Clinton Coane, Mrs.
Clarence Bowman, Mra. Steve
Smith. and Mra. Michael Carl.
Charlene Nelaon, and Trlaha BIRTIIDAY "CAPITULA'MONS"
Pierce rece.lved . the mmmers
b d t th last Court of j rve boueht you Books of Know. a ge a e ledge gill
Awards. Boating and canoeln& A d trtlly ~ttlcoats, to twlrl. badges were given to 'nmmy n Jane Kennedy, Charlene Nelson, They're boxed and wrapped In
Carol Kanold, Sharon Turner, &•Y.,~ttlre-
and Jolene Casal a. Mrs. Joseph What . . NOW rou state your
Casala ls the Leader for thls heart's desire.
Kids Told to
Stay Out of ·
Irvine Fields
W. B. BeUla, man.,er of the
TV Singers
to Entertain
...,.. .......... Qudr Xellon. ..,......_ b I Ill wtiJ
entertaln at tiM &nAUe1 1loq
HOIIpltal leneftt d.l....-~
wllJdl .. til&. ,_, Mtq IPOn·
IONd b)' tbe MW~ oquaiM
lunlor a. .. ber Oil <>-......,
• The fonaa.l daace la eebectultd
fM the Balboa Bay Club J'rld.ay,
May U. wJth dinner at 8 p.m.
a.nd cocktall hour at 7. ~ f~ tbe d4.nee may be obt&IDed
from Dan Drlacoll of e-ta llela
u wel u other membera of the
l unlor Chamber. &.ervatlona
are beinc handled by WWfam
Gnand:y of Lido.
M.ri Gladya Vernon ol CoMa
Keu wlll apeak on HJ:plpb.l.U·
unw" at'th• monthly IDMtlnC ot
the eo.ta Meu Bay CIU. Branch
of the CalUomla National P'Ucll·
ala Society at 7:10 p.m. Tue:aclay
at the Everett Rea Scbool In
eo.ta Mesa.
b vlne Co.. hu uked Newport L E. Hu•.W.. D.C.
pollee help In keepln& children Apoplexy t. commonlY JmowJl
out ot putures alonr the north· u a atroke. Ninety per cent ot
euterly Une of CorOlla del Mar. strokes are aaoclated wtt.b hJP
"We are opera tine our property blood p r e11 au r e . Apoplex)-la
adJacent to urban development broueht about by the rupture of
In the ra.talne of livestock.'• Mr. dl.aeued arteries of the , bdJn
Hellla wrote PolJc:e Ollet lobo from too blgb blood pre.ure.
UP8Qn. "We attempt to keep our Apolplexy ts a very .erloua con·
fencu U( tlrat cla.u condition dltfon. U the condJUon doel not
and with our guard and riders result fatally It uaually leaves
particularly attempt to keep one aide ot the body paralyzed
children out of the pastures. • There are smal nf!f'Ves leadlnc
''We have bad aome dlttlculty to all the blood veaela whtdl
alone the northeasterly line ol control the now of blooct and
Corona del Mar recently. We put a.lao regulate the prasure. It la
a c:rew In the field_ ~buUdln& a t.bf9u&b thls mecllanlam that
portion of tb1a fencing, whJch Chlropractk adju.tmenta reacll
had been destroyed over a period the cauae of bJ&h blood ~
ot tJme, and within 24 hou.ca and other condltJon.a ot the blood
after the job wu flflLahed the veaels and the circulation. By
wb·ea were cut. rulnJne the fenc· normall%1n& the blood pressure
lng job. now you will avert the pout.
.. Thls situation permJt.a the bllJty of a stroke In the future.
entry of children oc others, where
they frequently die Into banka a. &. ~D.C.
which ml&ht collapse on them
or they mleht be endaneered by
bulla or other cattle. The wrecJ<. -------------tng of the fence may permit the AA.•••••.A.AA.AA
release of livestock and endanger
human Uves on the highway."
Ivan Erhardt of John Sadle1r
Realty Office and bla wlte took
a few daya off last week and
went to the desert •.. The John
Hunter's son of the J. M. MWer
ottlce took ott by plane last mid·
week for a couple ot weeki ln
the east-directly to Washington
D.C .. and then clown to visit aome
of John's CoUts In North Ca.ro·
llny ... • • •
Petea Geddes, Dan Drlac:oll and
Art Adair attended the Industrial
Conference aet up by the Cham·
ber of Commerce ln Los Angeles
1ut week. • • •
.PORT :', .. I
C<ll/0 /IIA {)[L IWAN ><Af.IJ All".' • .........
a.--·.:.:. ,s --------
,_ ____ 0._ ...._ __
Followtn& commission mem·
bers were named: membership
and evangelism. Mrs. Fount L.
Lowe, Mrs. Clall B. Barnett, John
Ro~. Mr. and Mrs. Harold James.
Miss Carol Fink. and Matthew
V. Waidelich; education. Mrs. P.
F. Baines. Mrs. Robert Ibbotson,
Mrs. John Loy, Mrs. Donald G.
Sapp, Clyde Shooter, and) Mrs.
Matthew V. Waidelich; missions.
Well once, upon a summer'a day New April members of the
BJ.J\t:I\.JJ\C 1\
I\L l'C II 1Jl~l
D l 5'Pf I?A[)C
William DoUord Harvlaon. 59,
of 227% Diamond Ave., Balboa
Island, died Saturday In Hoag
D ..:.a 11-.11 A •e I & Hosplta.l after a brlef lllness. IWIW X ' "6 "9 Mr. Harvison, an employe of
.. S ••• ll.ao ftL-M' the Pan&born Plumbing Corp.,
.... Ull "P was a native of Hamilton. Texu,
David Kimes. lS·year·old son and came to Cautornla 6 years
of Mr. and Mra. William Kimes ago. He was a veteran of World
of Cliff Haven. won the Southern War I.
California small bore rUle cham· Services were held Sunday In
plonshlp at the National JunJoc Parkes·Ridley Mortuary Chapel,
Rifle Match In Los An&eles. eo.ta Mesa. The body wu tor·
David, who has won a lot of warded to Odeaa, Texu. tor
prlz.es at the South Coa..at Rlfle lnterment.
and Pistol Club ranre, fired 100 -------
prone and 8'7 atandlng to defeat IIJ ....... ..__. :rn competitors. .....
QIIIJ. DIUVEa uaESTED Joseph A. Minney, 13, ot 526
A Newport Beach girl, 16, wu Santa Ana Ave., Newport Hel&hta.
ch arged w1th bit and run and alJ.D(MJt loat the heel of hls rl&ht
drlvln& without an operator's lJ. foot whfn be atepped on a cof·
cense. by Newport pollee at 7:15 fee can aboard the sloop, Karle,
p.m. Sunday, alter PhlllJp L. Pike Saturday afternoon, Newport po-
of Va.n Nuya complaJned that a lice reported.
hlt and run car damaeect his car The sloop, from the Port
at Coast Hwy. and Balboa Blvd., Seven Seas. N e w p o r t Beach,
Newport Beach. The &Irl tried to moored at the harbor department
elude afrest by drlvln& off Cout doc:k. and the InJured boy
Hwy. at Oranee ~ .• We.t New· taken to Hoae Memorial Hoapltal
port. by NewpcJI't pollee.
Cit seems to me just yetrt.erday) Newport Harbor Realty board are
BOUGHT a batbln&·sult tor Wayne (Lefty) Murdock, an U· ---···· you; ~ate with the WUlard KllUon
A ~Uy thine, of lovely blue. oUioe, and Dan Petter, usoclated
wtth Seven Islands Realty. You pleaded-"Mom, 'twUl last ____________________ ___:. __ ___; __
and laat!"
But now you say Its day ls past.
Its usefulness, you mean, Is
You'd REALLY rather wear a
Oh. darllne. that would never
Juat wouldn't do a thln& FOR
Whara that you aayT You'll not
In that "old raf" a&aln thls
There, there now, .weet-don•t
weep, my pet,
The wocld'a not goln& to end
juat yet!
"nn aald, ''To SPOU. a chlld, &Jve
But--brlnf her joyf Well,
that' a no sin!
)(y firm raolv~a now taken
(You wW admJt I eave SOME
Acreed! That IW1m auJt'aliad fg
'Tho vanJty Ia here to ata.Y!
J...,._ ti '"" ·.' • r 1' .-.....,.._,___ __. I ll .. •
S'Al\'TA ANA. W ....... * • ~ ._ A~ l t.U *
W.-11.-.._. ........... ••tau * ~ ID UIM *MOW aowDfG * "N ..... ........,. -n.e ... ... ....,.. .... .. .,_..'l'r'eq a111ertY._. ,__lbaut ~ ......
. • l ' r ~ ' ·~ -·
(1 /,.~ t '(.,. . . 0 .......
Officials and
Builder Face
Damage Suit
.u .,. clamaa• aurt. marc· 1ft& faulty ooutructton. hu been
ftJad by Dr. Harold ..,.tlw uad
hl8 tatiMr,lAo D. lenU., a.aaln.lt
eo.ta IteM contractca-1:. L. Pat·
t.-.on and eo.ta Mesa dty
bulldlna oMdall.. •
Dr. Bentler charted that Mr. )atttnon, fOI'IDft mentt.r of th~
co.ta Mela city plannlq corn,
mlMion, bullt an ¥dltJon to the
Bentler home at 3647 Orance An., WbJcb WU to poorly COD·
•truct.~ that It 18 unlnbabltabl•.
Raln water leaked In lhrouab the root. walla. and at the juncture
ot the addition to the orlalnal
dwtillnc. he c.harpd.
The doctor went to the elty
buUdJnc department and uked
UCZI'I'DfG • ...... ._. =.._ ,.... .. -.. Mn.. a.t.t i ........ ,a .... , __ .... ...... • ~·Lido .. CII'bt. H .
,...,. ....... ...,.. .... bfa....Dedd.~•910-ear1n9 ..., .. , l ..... .... . Set
that the notice ot completion be Ci OK' u p •1 held up. Dr. Bentler charced that ity s se erml :-~!~t. h~::e~~ b:,":!,~~ ~
Newport CJty Council Monday
passed a resolution ot Intention
to annex the 17th St. Parcel, In
the industrial area M ar Costa
Meaa, and aet a public hearing
for June 11. demo the bulldJnc it the doctOI' I · · e
dJd not ~pt an otter by Mr.,For Dog-Cat Hospital Pattenon to UM tar pape-r to
remedy the l~a.k.l. '
State hou.lna department In·
apecton found the addltJon wu The Newport Beach CJty Coun· A lettM fl'om Mr. and Mrs.
conatrveted Jn vtolatlon ot tb• dl ewer-ruled prot~ a1a1n.at Carl Wester aaJd that the hos·
unUorm bulldlnc code and ln· ' eonatructlon or a dol and c.-at pltal would be detrimental to
fOI'!Md Mr. Patterson of the v1o· h~ltal at Heal Dr. and Cout "that beauWul 8ect..lon of Corona
latlon, Dr, Bentler aald. Altlo In BWJ. in Corona del Mar and del Mar," would be a nuisance
t.be ault were Ml.ke Bln1ham. city voted 6 to 0 Monday·evenlnl to and would devaluate prope-rty.
~Udlnc department employee, KJ"ant Dr. A. E. Stockton'• requHt A number of ruJdenta and pro·
the Ctty of Coeta Meaa and flve for a UM perm1t. pert)' ownen apoke up agalnlt
othera not named In the suit. Council bued Its decision on the proposed re-location of the
Mr. Patt~l'liOn reaicned from ita finding that no case had been Dof and Cat Hospital. Walter L.
the eo.ta Meaa clty plannlnc establl8hed that the veterinary Spicer aald, '"Jlle nots.e of the
eommla.lon a abort t.Jme aco at h~ltal would create a nuisance. dop may apoll the sleep or my
Th!J propoeed annex area.
alone MonroYia. 17th St. and
Pla.eentta, 1s included In the
Mesa No. 2 annex which Is being
processed by the Costa Meaa
The Newport Council received
the ti.Ddlnp of the County Boun·
dary Commtulon Monday, ata-
tlnc that the boundaries of both
the Meaa Annex No. 2 and the
Newport 17th St. Annex are rea·
aonably detlnlte and certain, al·
though overlapping. The dispute
may go to court for settlement.
the aa.me t.Jme Walter Wetmer, aon." Mrs. Norman Dulworth said
commJ.ealon chalrman, resllfled. A pet.Jt.Jon of protest, previous-that a more suitable location I Ftwel I •-hill
The mesa contrac:tor labeled him· ly presented, charced that the could be found for the hospital, U.. vp
eell and Mr. Weimer u "con-ha.pltal would be detrimental to and that It would create a park· 1-..l...--•·u lfftM
eervatlves" oppoeed to zonJn1 to health. aafety, comfort. and ren-lng problem because of the __, •
much land tor commft'elal de· eral welfare of nearby resldenta. ateepness of Hazel Dr. A new Investment aecurltlea
velopment tor the fJnanelal ben-and de t r l men t a 1 to property "We're looking out after our ot1Jce to t~etVe the Oran1e Coast
eflt of the land owners. values. Interests," said Fred Grainger. '1 area has been opened In the
don't like the Idea that It will United States National Bank
Incumbents Are Opposed
Voters will have three eandt-born. medical business mana1e·
data from which to plck two ment. 244 E. 2llt St.. eo.ta MNA.
t:.rv.ateea tor each of the elem~n-Pr-ecincts will be COn80lldated
t.ary, tt11h acbool and Junior ~l· tor the elec:tlon. Newport Beach
lege boards at the special efec· voters wm go to polls at the
Uon on Fnday, May 18, Cor three· Newport School. Enal1n School
year terma. and Corona del Mar School.
New p or t Beach elementary eo.ta Mesa resldentl will vote
ac:bool dlmlct candidates ln· at the Main School, 19th St. and
elude Melwood A. (Mel> Berry, Newport Ave.; E. A. ~a School.
Incumbent. :501 ClJff Dr., Newport Harnllton St. and Meyer Pl.;
Hellhtl; Gordon B. Fln4lay, in· LlndWt-g School, Orange Ave.
cumbeot. Ul VIa Orvteto. Lldo and 23rd St.. and Harper School,
lale. and MUo G. Lacy, 535 EJ 18th St. and Tustin Av~.
Modena Ave.. Newport Heights. , •:• , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Mr. Lacy .. auoc:lated wtt.b .... 0 1J.., .... H-=c-1Ucbud'• Market. ._, II\....... ~
_:~:~~~~~W!~ •c•az'•a•o•c•a•:-=a:-=•a•o•c•.a:•;:,•
Donald Duncan. lncumW'nt ~ CldDf taU .. 8Y '11m IU
Flower St.. Costa Mesa; Hadd R. ''Meanlncful Membership" will
Rlnc. Incumbent, 1517 Dolphin be the Rev. Roy Carbon's sermon
Te:rrac:e. Irvine Tenace. and Le-topic at Chrt..t Church By the
roy T. Andenon, lawyer, 208 Sea ln Newport Beach on Sun·
Magnolia St.. eo.ta Mea:-day. Rev. Carlson states that he
Candidates In the Ora.nae Coast will present some helpful sur ·
CoUece truatee race include Bar· gestlons about how to ma ke
ry R. LeBard. Incumbent. Hunt-membership useful and construe·
tncton Beach ; Walter M. Long· ttve.
moor. incumbent.~ DrUtwoood amDTlAJf SCJERCE c:llnCII Rd Shore Cllffs. and William 1.
Stdford tool maker Westmln· The theological doctrine of stet' • ' punishment for evil wUl be ex·
· plored in tbe Newport Beach Costa Mesa elementary achool Church• f)f Cbri.lt, Sclentl.st. Sun·
d1str1ct voten wm be able to day uncler the topic "Everlasting
pick amon1 Herbert R. Jenb, In· Purrlshment." That the punish·
cumbent. 354 Broadway, Costa ment ot evil ts Inherent In evil
Mesa; Bradley K. Schwarz. In· and the reward ot good lnhenmt
cumbent, 454 eo.ta Mesa St., In sptrttuallty wiU be hlgh·
Coeta MHa, and Harrllon P. San-lighted. The Golden Text from
fiRSl CHURCH o' CHliSl Proverbs (13:21) sets the keynote
SCIENTIST of the Le.sson·Sermon. "Evil par·
UOl VI. LW-. New.-+ le.cJI sueth sinners~ but to the rlghte·
A bt~h of Th• Mothet Ch11rdl, n.. ous good shall be tepayed." •
Fim Ch11,dl of Chnrt, Sci•nfist, in So. CDK COJOI'l:JIQn CBl1aCII
ton. Mauac~
S11,_.ay Xhool ----•:15e.m. ~nday S.rviu I I :00 a.m.
Wacln.dey Ewni119 M"finq 1:00 ~•"
lt..dinq It-lout.d •• UIS Vi•
lido. N..-porl ... d.. It ~ -'
d•ye fi"'f''l •:OO •·"'-to 5:00 p.m.
WaciMtdaye fi'OI!I •:00 a.m. to 7:45
~"""' fnd.., _,119• r,_ 1:00 p.m. ..
•:00 p.m. 0~ Holidays. n.. p~o~bli' it conlially invit.d ht at·
t.tld the ch~o~rch _.,;C* and .... ttl.
R..diM~ lloom.
"Aze You In A Rut!" will be
the Rev. Edwin Gomke's serm on
depreciate th~ value of our pro· bulldlnl In eo.ta Mesa by Fewel
perty." and Co.. one of the senior fl.rm.s
Mr. and Mrs. James Whyte, In the t.o. Angeles Investment
former resldentl on Hazel Dr~ field.
both claimed that the hospital Dewey T. Tacluberry. with 30
would create nolse. Real Estate years of flr1)er1ence as an lnvm·
salesman Ed Babson said that ment ~c:uriU• broker.
"in th~ real estate business we Fewel and Co. have been for
are taught that property should many yean memben of the Los
be developed to its highest and Angeles Stock Exchange. They
best use. and thJs ls not the best have correspondt>nt firms In
u.e of this property. Duncan major exchanges throughout the
Stewart of Shore CUffs said there country.
would be noise from the hospital. -------
At1omey Robert Hurwitz. rep· CODI DISft.AT CO!fT'DfUED
resent1n1 Dr. Stockton. satd that The Gene Nichols coin exhibit. th~ new buUdlnc will be noise-valued at ~.000. wtll remain
proof and could not create a In the main lobby o( the New·
nulu.nce. He presented to Coun· port Balboa Savings and Loan,
ell a number of lt>tters from Newport. through Monday. Pres·
nearby commercial property own-!dent P. A. Palmt>r announ~
ers 1tatln1 they had no objec:tlon yesterday.
to the h ospital; alao a number of
letters from property own era • 1' 00 Lnte to ClaMtty
near the present hospital at Iris
Ave. ltatlng that It had never
bothered them with nots.e or
other nul.sance.
'11 ther~ Is no nul.sance from
an old. dilapidated building,
there can't be any In a new,
modem building," he said.
Galvin Keene, member of the
Planning Commission, said. "You
ean't prohibit &nyone from mak·
lng proper use of bls property.
The only issue was: Would It
be a nuisance. It wu apparent
that there WOQld be no nuisance.
and therefore the permJt bad to
be C"anted."
WILL TRADE older Oldsmobile
coupe for amaU boat. Good
running cone!. Call HA 377 or
HA 3698-W evn.
week: Newly upholstered couch
• chaJr; l rOckers I 1 plat·
fonnl ; bed. spring • mattress.
dresser . commode; sewing rna ·
chlne; otber Items. 700 Hello·
trope. CDM: Ha 2925-J.
HUTCH. exceJlent condition.
$60. 430 Tustin, Newport HlS ..
LJ 8·8292.
Councilman Lee Wilder said It
waa a matter of law. because the •
land Is zoned for th1s use, and
there a re no ,rounds for denial.
He ma de the motion to approve
Tilt HIJ
Clltice laJ frt~l
th e uae permit.
Mtss Marina Rogers. vitamin
consulta nt will be at the Harbor
Ht>•llh Foodl Store. 353 N. N~··
port Blvd., in Crossroads Village
from Monday through Saturday ot next week to report on the
latest Information on vitamins
and minerals.
on Ba.lboa Island under S50.000.
• • •
Come and see our choice
for Balboa Island. Udo. Co-
rona del Mar.
DillS lilY, l..at.er
topic Suncky at Corona del Mar
Community 0\urc:h. The Senior
PUcrtm Pello~lp _will be hosts
Sunday afternoon and evening
for the Bay ~a Spring Rally.
which Includes croupa from
Lone Beaeb. Whltt.Jer, Santa Ana:. and Laguna Beach. Dinner
w1ll be served by the women of
the church and a worship hour
wUl be~d I th J PDIST IOU I B&U 8 &PnST n e even ng. Sunday will be Intermediate
IT. J CBuac& Day at the Ftrst Southern Bap-
216 Marine Ave~ Balboa Island
Harbor lO or 64.
u.s...,,. w-..-J•,.,....., c ....... L*Ccatioa s..w:. '
flE~ rta.UP I DWVtlY
,._..~ ....
2201 I. c.-tw-f .. h• ...... eo..-........
A pot-luck dJnner and dance t\st Church of eo.ta Mesa. and
tor the younl manled peopl~ of youth betwtoen the aces or 13
St. l ames E P lac o P a 1 Church. and 16 wtll ~Ye spedal rt!COC·
Newport. will be held at 8 p.m. nJtlon. Tbe ..,-non topic of Dr. J'rl~. May 4. in the Parlah Hall. Rlcbud 1'\:Ja, putor, wUl be
lteeervatlons can be made with' '"Jlle Chrlst.lan Athlete." In the
lin. Bob FraJJey, Harbor 3762-W. evenlnl worship 8e'rVlce the pas·
or lira. Georp Grupe, Harbor I to( a topic wt11 be "Perpmum: 0383· W. Hell'a Readquarten." • IEL 1M
• • •
~ .. , ••• ,~· Wll ~I "•Me llr ......
• • • • •
RONA BEACH. Hardwo od noors. dlninl room. tl~place.
luge lot, dble. cara1e plus
15x25 workshop. A very good
buy at
only SS.OOO Oown.
... L lall ..
REAL roa • msuaARCE
• . ,...,. . ...... , ..
~home. ve IUra an old
palr o1 allppen . • . you atart
feel.l.q IOod all OVf!l when
yoo at.ep lnlO them.
'nlw home 18 like that-
wall·to-wall earpeUng, euy
colna llvina room. conveni-
ent dinette. a bandy ldtchen.
Not fancy, but dellghttully
, ... "' $11,1110-
Good term&.
• asu• ·1EALn ca.
498 Park. Balboa Island HA m
turn. apt., yrly. lease, $7S mo.
2·BEDRM. tum. apt. avaJJ
't11 luJy 15. $350 total rent.
We need yearly rental list-
• • •
5 UNITS plus 2-bed.r. ho~
on 2 lots. All fum. $5,000
down, $30,000 full price.
NEW DUPLEX on Seashore
Dr. A beaut! $25,000.
2091 Newport Blvd.
Newport Beach
Harbor 5226, day or nl;:ht
I / I
EajeJ 1'111 s.c.riiJ
of this smaU but attractJve
2-bedr. home in an estab·
llshed community. on a t•ne
street, among t r I e n d I y
neighbors. at a price you can
afford. Only $14,750 incl. cu·
pets. $55 a mo.
• • •
51.2 Orcllid Av~~
Corona del Maz
Call for a pre-view!
• • •
DEAL Winl REAL TORS .. , ......... ..,
Corona del Mar Branch
3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5563
J. brand new un14 in the
very heart of downtown Costa
Mesa · ... Best concrete an d
steel CO)'lstructlon ... ~und
tenants . . . W111 nt>t bi.>tter
than 10'<.
$63.:;()() Terms
Sallitall Ettl'lll
1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa '\tesa
tAc:ross from Costa Mesa Bankl
Uberty 8-6761
Eves.: Harbor 4366. U 8-2.013
Furnished duplex all on one
noor. Good summer rentals.
1 block to Bay SU.!'iOO with
low down pa yment.
An excl. lot on channel road.
Balboa P e n I ns u Ia . Only
2 Ocean Front lots on E. Bal-
boa Blvd., $10.500 each.
••• , ••• Ftr Lilli&
( ........ )
'""· olcl Cape Ood--Oil
6ft. lot, S.tll el ~
Mar LfttJe Otnna bMdl.
Irvine Terrace
Gives You Everything
b t "5 II ••• u mog
Filllt ........
To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the
$25.000 to ~.000 cl._ we slncerely recommend
the Jrvtne £states overlooltl.nc Newport Harbor.
Tbe.e home. feature Calltomla JJ\IIne. OUered exclu-sively throuch Earl W . Stanley In a Smoc-hee area
known u lrvlne Tena~n Cout Highway oppo111te the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Karbol>.
* For reoornJnendatlon. we refer you to anyone who holda a Leaahold EltAte ln Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, B•)'Shorel or Clltt Haven.
Earl W. Stanley
Phone Ba.rbol' ..CS For Pu..."ther Intormation
Cllllll lB. Ill
• J11 ... I life-••• .,
Here'a a real "fixer-upper" with pouibllltlea
galore for an outstanding view home. 4 bedrooms. one
perfect for MWing rm .• famlly room. t'tc:. tor real family
llvtnc. Tbere'a even room to build a carage with cuest
house or rvmpu. room In the rear. Priced at. pCjOO oc
.ubmJt rea.aonable often .
2667 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona del Mar HA: t741; RA: C775T
SITE !or Larre factory . . . 5 acres near Bellpot
good location and prtced to sell. $15,000 down..
• • •
INCOME LOT In Newport Hts. Cl~ to Arches
ltreet to ltreet a $5.SOO takes f t!
• •
SCARCE-Lot on Holmwood. Newport Hts. Best homeslte
location RcstriC1E'd RE'dured to sell. J ust $6.000.
• •
82~x260'-Close to N~1>0rt Blvd i unit location
~ a unit prlce---$5.600. Next to a C-2 lot 89xl.25
with building and income. Both for $15.00()-..or will dl·
\•Ide ... Sell on liberal tf!m\5.
1:J 8·163l; u 8-1400 Eves. 18Si Newport A Vt', Costa Me5!
111 'S lEST BUYS
"St ••" They are under ronstruction
F A. heat double garages. A cozy. little development.
only 19 homes, ronvenit>nt eastsidt> Costa Mesa loca-
tion. Reserve ont> now.
$11,410 .... $12,450
"you'll llkt> our frit>ndly service"
Uberty 8-1139 400 E. 17th St .. Costa Mt>Sa
•• If ............... ..
Two bedrooms. ea<'h with b"th
Large den with flrcpla('('
A custom built home
111.1111, real ......
3341 N"'PQrt Blvd -Newport-Harbor 5505
sm..l •u. EITITE •
' IS liT I .. ~ Will 111
1t l.m't the euy tult tome peot~e mlpt tlllnk. Expert·
ence II N.qUirecl U •titf.adJoll II to be UNred to a.oG
tMo-er aM .us.
U.C JVUr PI at atr tock7 wlU. o-. ot tbe 100 ••
a . ..-.-.-• •• • •• eNSiGt'l CLASS1FtEt' I'
1 TUDe 2 TiDies 3 Times
20 wordl or II•, .. .75 1.25 1.50
21 to 30 WQrda _!__ 1.00 1.50 . 2.00
' 1.25 2.00 2.50 31 to 40 words Each word ave -'0 .03 .05 .07
Caah must be received within 1 days oJ first insertion
' THIS 8IZS •·••Ged ad Ia tbe
!:nl:lp eo.t8 ~ ~ f<W
tbNe tDMrUee~L can ta ,our
, ada to llartlor 1U4..
············~···~·~ ....
DAVENPORT-$30. Cb&lr $15. Retriprat~ Stove -$15.
Mu.t eo immediately. 2519
Beacon. Newport Hel&bt&. lJ.
plain white, Ranaom pattern.
Servtce tor 12. Alm~ ~ect
condWon. lJ 8-6198. 515 Santa
Ana Ave.. Newport Helebta.
EXQUISITE-lone, white formal
wlth lone sleeved aatln jacket.
a.bo aqua taffeta ballerina·
lenlf.b, both a1ze 12. worn once.
P e r t e c: t for spriq dances.
bride's or bridesmaid dresses.
Also never-wom blue aban·
tune coatdrea, alze 10. Attrac·
tlve prices. Hyatt 4·4942. eves.
snJDEBAKER '48, 4-door deluxe,
RH 1r O'drtve, &ood rubb«,
clean, economleal, $195. Boueht
newer car from friend. HA
FOR SALE: 1955 Dodee V -8 Pick·
up, ~ ton. deluxe cab, heater
and othft' extru. Excellent
eonditlon-$1295. Ha 0431· R.
fumlshtnp, 3-br .• dble. eara,e,
plus $150 per month from tn·
eome apt. $44,200. Ha 4342.
CALL Edna Craig, rental spe·
clall.st with Doris Bray, realtor,
216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island.
HA 20 or HA 64.
ATTRACTIVE. comfortable small
furnished apartment for one.
Uvtng-room with Hide-a-bed
sofa. Bath. kitchenette. Yearly,
reasonable. HA 3083 days. HA
3031 -W evenlng.s.
w A.NTED TO LEASE with option
to buy. 2 or 3 BR. moderate
priced home. Needed by June;
excellent reference, Ha 5347.
"Be Sure--Insure"
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232
REAL ESTATE Salesman « Bro-
ker -outstandlna opportunity
In well establl.ahed omce. Re·
plles contldenUal. Robert Broee,
rMlw, 19:1n W . Balboa Blvd.,
IRONING In my home. K1 5-6188.
MATURE WOMAN wtahes baby
aJttlne and c:are of alc:k. knit·
tlng or c:roc:hetlne. Day or
nJebt. HA 3192-M.
CDJd man would llke eardenlng,
clean-up, etc. Call Kl 3·2122.
Mel Upsball.
WANTED: lronlne ln my home.
Mabel Whitman. fiJ7 Mareue-
rite. CDM. RA 4279-J.
ln•-by the hour; baby sit·
tine. Ha a500-l.
'"K1J'SIC Dfl'ftVCTlOJf':"
Rennet" (Mrs. A. Renner), ac:·
c:eptlne a Umlted numb« of
pupU. for plano. Concert Pf.
anl.st of Three Continent&.
Graduate Student of Bela Ba.r·
tok. 436 Serra Drlve. CDM,
HL 2039.
is nearly upon us.
Clve the graduate a watch
wlth eternal Umekeeplng-
the cherished Etema·Matlc.
Don't walt 'tll the Jut minute.
Jeweler, 19th A Placentia.
, "In Vista Shopping Center,"
Costa Mesa. Uberty 8-8488
Ill' I .......
S,ace for ...
American Legion 215 15th St.
Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m.
NO FEE collected from applicant
413-315t Newport Beach
Good l obi -Good Salary
wlth frequent lncreues ln a company that actually en· couraees a dvancement.
Full pay as you are trained.
-Openings for-
9:00 to 4:00p.m.
514~ N. Maln St_, Rm. 211
Santa Ana
Insurance SEBVICES ..:.._....:_--:::SIT=--=",I=='_,I=I=IT=---eonunuous day and evenine
tl to Start gf.tt-maldne now tor clapes for prepara on Mother's Day . . . Father's
pass the State exam. Day . . . Graduation . . .
Birthdays. Good auortment
Mrs. H. 0. Boyvey Is lnstall.ed
As 4th District PTA President
Dr. Hel• Trllllr'a
Graveside ~ces where held
last Thursday In Fairhaven Cem· ~~~~~~~~~~~i etery for 2-week-old Thoma a I
Charles Penney. aon of Mr. and
Mrs. John C. Penney ot 400 Cat&·
Una Dr., Newport Heights. The
baby wu bom April 1 ln Hoa.e
Hospital and died Tues. April 17.
Survtvors also Include the pa·
temal grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Penney of Corona
del Mar, and the maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed·
ward Chapman of HiUtop Ranch,
Costa Mesa.
The Rev. James S. Stewart of
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
Blllllilc Oallnclor_
M46 £. COAST HWY ~
ll..WeMe: HArW 419•
offlcated at the services. Parkes· ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ridley Mortuary ot Costa Mesa jF
was ln charge of arrangements.
Marine Pte. Walter L. Stan.s·
bery, son of Mr. and Mrs. GIJ ·
bert E. Stansbery of 2470 Santa
Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, departed
tor duty In Japan a month ago
after completing four week.s of
tralnlng In the Staging Regiment
at the Marine Cor~ Base, Camp
~ndJeton, Call!.
SEll VICES ........ . ...
LolliS FGI •o•s
s" to.TEAII z.ou
Conttruction Lomw
5" 10-TEQ LOU
lEE BOa IATn.D I Poirier lortpp Co.
1115 a. Coat hy .. CDM
(Metro L1le 1......._ hilda)
Call or write ot yams, lltrawa, corde'.
For Information handJes 1r bases tor baes. For Car4lae Con41tJons
Investment Securities
Member Los Angeles Stock Exchange
announce the opening ol their
United States National Bank Building
Costa Mesa
TILIPHONI U..,_., 1-1412
Through our Direct Wire Service to our Los
Angeles Headquarters and our New York Cor-
respondent, we ore pleased to offer a com-
plete Investment service to residents of the
Orange Coast Area.
We Invite your Inquiries regarding Stocks,
Bonds, and Mutual Funds.
. Tlinlty 4191
AL TYLER SCHOOLS ~,:ctlepolnt • patntex ltn· Nepf~~-~:,_
16U N. Broadway, Santa Ana BeclDC*t pdCM to _.t ~ Salt Jl'rH Dlet
Kimbe.rly 7.JSU SIT 'N' JCNIT SHOP • RA 4622 U 8-:1012
LIVE BETTER ... Eiectr/cally
KEllo" S.2Sll 313 E Balboa Blvd. BaJOO. llEP AIR AND M a I n t en a n c: e , • · • palntlnJ, carpent. etc. lu.t
Salee. Service and RepaJn
TertM. 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Hubor 5330
• Ccmpl.te ColUalon Wc.k
Auto Palfttlna
GUEST BEDS anJtflln,. lleuonable. Satl•
JOR JlE!IM' faction IU&ranteed. R.A 01.26-J.
Uberty 8-3456
Seal'e ~ Supplies lniiPIIJeal••
1-MM 18·MM 35-MM Painting _ Decorating and tOOl lounJ Pro~
GEORGE BURKHARDT Model Airplane luppt._
Ueeneed Contnctor ... DEZirl -878 W. 18th eo.ta Mesa 1'783 "...,... lWei .. CDili .... Llbe!ty 8-8828 Ub!rty 8-8632 Ph~ ~ ft. '7n42
00~ P~C ~----------------~ P.APEa RANGING SEKVJCJ:
'J'ne Elt.lma.t..-'n-7 Ua J'lnt
HA 297S
<Evwntnp. ...ac·enda)
'781 W.-t 11th ~-ea.ta .....
1J ·-CAIINiiiSI_.. .. •
soo at.t StrMt. Jf.-part IMc:b
• • COOKING 18 10 IIMPL•
1 ...... ol op.ntloa .... ol ....... ,. .........
aboa& • elr W1e ......._ .,_ -ecmD; r 4&1 *
........ jail -.. eoatrollt -............
.................... #
c-+• .. ~ ........ ..,.. ............ ..... . ......................... _ _. ..... ... .................. ~ .. ,,, ..... ~
.... wtllt.,.trcs. ...... , .......... __ .. __ ......... __ .. ~.-.;.; ..
"JOy .. ,.. &peri~ '-rfectf"t
~periot O..fM9 Ve..._llthl,.
C.,.fvl Holldlii\ of All o.llceto Fe~CI. c..4ed Lece 6•""""
"'-Horbot 5352
Pld u, • o.fl-v S...lce
()pee I O.IL .. I :JO """ -Setvrdoy, I ..,.., to 2:)() p.~~~<
J.426 E. Coott Hwy.; Cotofto del Mer
* Tllid'l ,., .... ....... -
..,, ....... II'* Wtlltlr
Kn. P. B. Gta~ of 1718 E.
Ocean Blvd .. Balboa. received a
lone clbtance telephone call
fiom ber .an and f.aJD11J lD ,l.arehmont. M. Y ... u a blrthda7
pn~ent lut WMk.
Tbe tamUy __.. tr&MferrecS to ~ ~-York from WlalUMr about Mrs. ~lne de Ia ::ron. • & ... I .. , ._._ADa a ,_., a,o and .. ....anc Calt· ~eel S.turdq at ~ ....... m ~!!i!!iii!iii~!!!!!!ilronua •••*Mr. JCn. arav. au. ~ Aw.. c.-a w Mar, I ,.., ...... 11-. tllll. lal4.!: .a. a W lu-. Ae .. Tl ...... liD_...__. 1M wtth ot ·~ She wu a •the
Crancllaa tn lalbN Uke be u.e4 r Franet. bad u.-. lJa Ca111•·
I ......... I .. WII.III 110 Ia the .wall!t, a-au. It 111 Ilia fo. 58 ,._.. a.d tor tile put 11111 ralnlnl all tbe time In ~ew 210 yeara 1n ComD& del K&r.
York. Holy ltoaJ'Y wu recited Tues· Mrs. Graves re.-urtnelY aald, d eftllinl at Baltz Chapel, Co· "'t ralna tn Bal..,_ .omet.lmell. -:a del 11&1 M.aa was eele· •••• "11 too. Billy," to which BUly lndJ~; :.teeS )Wter~y momlnl at Our
nantly replied, "'No lt doesn ~~ Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic
Don't JOU remember, Grandma. Church. wtth Father Stephen
e.-del •• XUey otftclatlnc.
....... Survtvora Include Mra. de Ja ••u"' .. ··: ':: :~J Torre'• husband, Alpbon.te; a ,iijiii~~~~iil~ II Ill• 11~11111. ~:~~~· c"!:": !"::e=~ I MetropoUtan Coach "Unes bas van Nuys; 2 sisters. Mrs. Martha
I E S I fUed with the C&llfomla Public Knapp ot Oceanside and Mn.
UtUltles Commlsalon an amend· Henriette de la Torre of Costa U .II L S T E I ll I ment to Ita pendlne application Mesa. a twin atster who married
tor lnc:reutd lntenuban fares on Alphoue de la Torre's brother; VJ'a' ..... & D14 trt rail and motor coach linea. In· and 3 eranckhllclren.
lUI ~C.:..... cludlne the lines aervtne N~· port-Balboa. PubUc bearlnes ~
ac:beduled tor May 9 1n the PUC
oftke In t.o. Anleles.
Metro President ~-HauJ)l aid that t.be ortetnal application
would not produce enouah ad·
CA&.l •••
illtlonal revenue to cover In· -----=~=----1
c::reue4 operat1n1 c:om. and Margaret L Scbarle therefore a pater lnc:ree.ae ll ,._.... o1 PlaiiO
betnc uked. Groea Inc r e a • e no.-.-. A~"• uDder tbe new requ.-t would be ...... ~ a.-
about 14~. fer Aclwa ----""'T"-101 ~DAVE. 11108'1' CAVID rDm O.OU cJe1 Mat
An electrleal abCirt wu blamed ~:JE!!!iii!;::iiii£!:2!!::::; fo. a $U)O n.. In tiM car of Wal· r
-E. Delle7 ol -~ E. Bay AW., lalboa. at t:J8 p.m. SUD· l'rteDciiJ ....... t.al'bood ~
4aTo t.be Rewpart BNdl fire de·
partnMnt ~ 'n. f'lre OC·
curred In a parldaJ lot at W&lb·
tqton St. and Balboa Blvd..
Balboa. -----,.... ... 18'1'
&ameone lit fire to a trull can at tbe ,.. •• ,. ., lin. r. A.
Abda-cal laT w . ..a. ...... " """' ~ .... latuldaT-DJPt. A "'W'ltor a · ......................... ..,.,
eltftNtDCiile .. ~·,..
llOBroadway u...,.. ..... e-ta .. _
Jcmuary 1. 1957 .,_
••tum. SEIVIGE
Harb« 1246
The Finest
In The
r.tw ... -..... ," ................... , ....
.... YW. N ' t .. -.C 0...,. Ca•ty"e ..... ...... ...a I I , __ ............ lot 1 ... _....._.
................ v.....-. .......... a..-.. . ., .......
•IJtdd' .. la-8 1 ..._Feed. ....... ...... ............. = ............. ., ....... ....., .......... a.c ................... .
., I ..... I p • 8 ..... ll.ftell IJ•P.eti II 1# ... Feed. 1ftM. -rooD nDADD TO ao-511..._1JM. ....... ....,., o•o DAILY--.. w a-d llr d!f!
Alii UFE
..... ....... c.ddlll1 ..... -......... ..., ... ....
..... , d ...................... ... .._ AIM dal .. _._ ._.. ......_,; .......... _.. ... ear
IOL tiMe tllnl 111M • I'Naat•l• .... a q--. .C a ..ae ...... ~ s.-..
open daDy: 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m.
Featuring tke most diversified
GO'urrnet menu in tke harbor area,
the El Pescador is a restaurant
that we k:nouJ you 'Will enjoy and
reoommend to y<nlr friends.
'l'rr tM El Pescador fqr lunch, /&r
dinner, or for corJc:tGils.
,_,..,. uar-r Os wm ,..-trkt ..,.. wtfted. tiM .tate
...,_. a pUIIe ltl ... II .lleW __.. caad.ne to paJ tiM oa ua. ~oull aaJacatiOil ot .... , .. ...,. aJd over a period
0o1ta ,._ aft4 Jtewpart -.ada ol tift,..... redudnl It~ per·
8Cbool cl.llltrleU. CouD~ Sus-in· eent eada ,_.., Mr. Ilea add*'. ~., kbool• Llntoa .... Ewn..,.. tM ttv.-year period.
JDG1W eald Jut week. the unt.necl clltltrk:t mJiht ltlll' .,t clependa on how 1ona tbe 1ft t135 or fl:IO trom the It&t.
.,b.eommJttee takte tA pttlq I* pupU tutead of the Oat sm.
tacb and ft~" Mr. llmmona ••ou taiOOU IIE&DED aalcl. Mr. a. bued bu MtJ.mat.N on
The prellmlnary publlc hear· cunent NS!dential b u I I ell n r
tnr committee wu Mt·UP when (I'OW'th. He fif\&Nd that two or
the On.n~ county commltt.ee on three new elementary ldlooll
IIChool cn.trlct orranlzation met would be needecl by Newport
wtth .ebool oUlclalt lut month Beach elementary 8Cbool dlatrlct
In the 110elal room at Newport to aerve the new NS!den~
Harbor hlrh ~~ehool. It conntta ot belnf buUt In Harbor Btrhlanda
two memberS ot the three .chool and the AutUn Stwtevan~ .ub·
cUstrlcU. two members of the dtvtalon nearby.
county committee, Supt. Slm· ln the put three or four yea.ra
mona and .uperlntAtndents and Costa Meea uu11ed valuation
buatneu manaccn of the three powth fell way behind the
m.trlcta. IJOWth in pupil" rert.tratlon. e DAmJIQ 1'0 a llltLD cau.alnr the ftnandal problem
"'The commlttH will cn.cu-faced by the Mesa cllstrtd. Mr.
the poealbUlty of an apnda and Rea aa.ld. Newport Beach 1.1 ju.at
plant for a future d1.8c:uUlon of retttnr Into the aame problem
the qu~" said Bar v e Y with blr restctentlal buUdtnl reue. pre.tdent of the Newport projects now retttnr ltarted. be
Beach elementary .cbool board. added.
"A publle hearlnr will bave to "At the present time an 8 cent
be beld." tax override 1n ec.ta Meu could
JIA.all08 IDGII QIIAJ) LM TtlyW Ia ...... • ·-81' cae 11111 fleet .. : ................. ..u .... ~u..a..... ~ .. ~ •~•rdlecl tile claded ._ 1.1 a-u.. 110 _.
11.1 ..... -tiLW ...... lor ............ "''ed ... ,._ o.-.. c..t c.u ... Supt. E. A. Bea of Costa Meea provide the addltiollal money
aooll bu poiDted out that which unlftcaUon would pro·
Mesa 8Cbooll receive fl81.77 per vtde," Boy AncleneD. .upertn· -----------------------
unJt of averare dally attendance tendent of the Newport Beach Tar TaUI.wiil • FROM HARBOR ID trom the state compared with elementary lehool d1stl1d. atatecl .:::;" aT aADA!tA LD..ID"nnAL
$1.20 for Newport Beach. the ciJ1. 1n b1t report on ren-al llftec:ta ,.. -terence belna equalization ald. of untfteatlon ~tecl at lut -------------------------
The Mesa dlatrlct bu at.o voted week'• meettnr. e CLUO llOIE umvD eson DAIICK
ts75,000 In bonda and 1.1 uaJn1 e LOtiS 1'0 a&WfOIIT PLAIJL 11 8 • t woeell..-4 ''Voodoo" wu the theme of the
a $2.2,25,000 state loan to buDd Wltb fl(UN!S for 19St-~ u a ....., c::..lf ~ -. .., Sophomore dance held on Fri·
.cboolL bula. Mr. Andenen u.aed the .. .c lb. Jolua -. NCkd day nlrht, the 13th. Weird draw· u the two elementary JICbool flrure of $135 u HUmatecl state ,..,.._ -... • ...s. Ia!& .s.-lnp of black native. and rrue·
cUstrlct.s and the hlrb school dll· aJd per pupU for a unltled dll· .._. lcmarckry. Apdl 21, Cit 1:30 aome painted muks adorned Ute trlct. With a 9(k:ent ta.x rate ..._ .. ~ 7 pouDda cm4 wallL Muale from Duke Ellen's
Ne'Wl)Ort Beach would ret $299118. J ooace~~ aDd ...-.and 30 Combo l&sued forth from one cor·
Costa Mesa 123'7.99 and united ~ 1oe9. ~~~ do&a' filM ner of the room. About 100 stu·
they would Jet $234.34. CIDd tatiMw ..... 0 , J[. aiM. Of dents were present. .
"'l'ht. represents an lncreue of ~ tla1a 1.a u.. MCIODd tUD• Catherine Horn. Enallsh tucher
lHf I>OlXf
~LOIIER money avaJlable to Costa Mesa CII'OaJMI forr llz • ..,_1 u ba a at Harbor. spolUIOred the dance
rcontlnUf'd from pa~ 9) of ~.35 Pft averare dally at· 3-,.a·old -. hal. CoDpatu· and helped the sophomore cla.u e KOifDAT. AnJL 23 tendance," he aal<1. ''It r~esents latsou ,.~. officers plan lt. MaxJne Chune
A d ty employee turned In a a lou of money available to • • • and Mary Covalt were In charre
telephone bead-set found In the Ne'Wl)Ort of $56.50. To balance of the tlcketa. Glenda Price lltrefl at VIa Oporto and VIa the loss which would result ln By a vote of 87% of the stu· beaded the poster committee and
Udo, Newport Beach ... A foot · Newport Beach. a 34-cent tax dent body the new amendments Norman Howard handled the
ball thrown by boys broke a win· override would be required." to the school Constitution were publicity. Alto credit should 10
dow In an oftlce at 900 w. Bal· Unl!Lcatlon would result ln an puaed. PetiUona may now ~ to the other students who worked
bo Bl d N rt Be h estimated lou ot approximately taJcen out for a C.A.S.C. member ao hard on committees and thole
a v .. ewpo ac . . . -f Bo d f Frank Caruso, 27, of Burbank. f135,000 a year 1n state equallza· n ...... year or an extra ar o who helped out at the dance. It
wa.a Moked on a petty theft uon money, be said. Control member froJI\ each C"lass. wu fun. char~ after hla arrest In Laruna "The unifJed dJat:rlct would be Alao a special person to head -------
Beach for alleredly drlvtnr away able to bond ltaeU to $7,875,689 Student Court and a represent&· IXOU laDfQI rpEXD
from the Steve Showier Service before beeomlnr ellrlble for tlve from Student Cound l to A trub fire br'Ouaht Newport
Station, Coa.at Hwy. and Rlvn· state ald." Mr. Andenen added. Board of Control. It La lood that Beaeh fire trueka to the Sea
aide Ave., Newport Beach, with· e TAX "CTVU 01TD the chanre pa..aed. for the pres· Scout Bue, 1.33:5 W. Cout Hwy.,
~her it'• your own Mother ... or someone who'•
• e a mother ... only the bat wiU do for thoae you
remember on "!other'• Day. That'a why you1l want
to tend all the niothen you know a Hallmark Mother'•
Day C~rd fro":' 0111' complete collection. And for
t.!ot.her .• Day···'~ we have a ~lection of silt wrapt In dllt~nchve, ft:m1n1ne daisna ... matchins papen
tap, aod ribbona. Chooae your cardt and sift wrapt at '
•• AIIT'l
out paylnl a $5.42 ga.a blll . . . "Since at prnent 90 percent of ent reprewntaUon plan wu u.ect Newport Beach, at 2:.21 p.m. Sun·
• TUUDAT, AftlL u the dltferenee In ~ per pupU wben there were 200 students ln day. Heavy ~ comtnc up
.Martin JohMon ef 605 Marrue-Jn eo.ta Mesa and Newport the school. We now have aver from the baM rti.ult.ed ln a flre 31,.., E. C R r-.c • rite Ave.. Corona del Mar, re-lleadl 1.a 1n tenM of teuher aaJ. 1900 students and we were ready alarm belnl turned ln. There· ., ~ .-y. at ,._,.ne HA 2272 Coraaa del Mar po~that~~e~k~~~~ul~~ed•lnbacha~ ~M~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========:~~~-~ aide curtains valued at U25 from Newport Beach or the number of • • • ---·---;;.;
h la car sometime during the past teachers for a riven number of • IIC nODUCTIOif
three weeks ... Off icers warned students would have to be re· "Carousel!" The word that La
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Fraser of du~ unless an lncreue In total on everyone. lips at Harbor now· 302~ E. Bay Ave . Blllboa. for al· operatlnr expen.aes were ap· adays. To put the play on May
legedly creating a dlsturbanC"e at proved, which could only be 4 and 5 will ~ one of the blr·
8:08 p m. n used whPn the-par· done by means of a bJrber d»· Rest thlnra Harbor hu ever
ents took sld~ when onl' of their trfct tax rate. undertaken. But to do It we need
children rf'fu.~d to eat dinner . . . "It, in addition, the total your help. Thla La quite a costly salary program In the dl.atrtct production and we must fill th•
snOOTS Olf TOOT? were to be equallud at the pres· house both nlgbts. Won't you
Mr. and Mr,. E. H. Stroot Jr .. ent hJrh school level, an· even buy a ticket! They are a dollar
11pcnt l'>evt>ral days of last week 11eater tax lncreue would be a piece and I'm aure someone
on a Las Vegas holiday. required." In your nelrborhood La ~elllnr
..... --------------------~-----------------------Uek~ lcaak ... -REPORT OF CONDMON of NEWPORT HARBOR BANX
Located a1 eor-delllcu. C4d.lforala.
• • •
• "C'1'VUI or EV.OR
a of tbe dOIM of ~ oa U.. lOtb day of Aprt.L 115& PubUAIMcS Ia ac.eocdaaoa wttb a call ..S. by U..
Supert.at.Ddeet of lcmb
The French Club had a treat
when Pete Huycke abowed slides
of hla trip to Fran~ and other
European <;:ountr1H a year aao.
PeteT and ftla father stuck I'DOIIt·
ly to the provinces of France Mnd
not to the blarer cities, and 10
they rot to know the people bet·
ter. The meeting wu from 6:30
to 8:30 In the evenlnr and re·
freshments were served by tbe
~enlor memben of the Club.
370,191.16 • • •
270,000,00 e lt1PEaJOa UTDfQ
1,473.272.61 The regional mua1c fe.tlval at ~~A:+'r Co
mpton thla ye.ar pret~ented
5 652 174 51 arbor' a band with a one, or
• • · superior. and the orchestra a
two, or excellent. The band
3,613,802.28 played "The French National Defile March," "Oer Roeenkava.
54.854.74 ller" and "Symphony In B Flat."
1.130.966.70 The orchestra played "ll Slrnor
79..286.30 Bru~hlno," ''Valle Tr1at.e," and
455,000.00 "Flnlandta." John Delmont~.
11 701 00 who wu the alaht readtnr jUdie
42:314:81 at the dl.rulct featJval held at Harbor. wu In charre up at
5,387,92:5.83 Compton. • • •
:=··-·---··-])ox 27~
crc:k box
Barbecued Beans
210L 25~ Can ----·-····-··-··-.. ·-.• , ..........
BACON 49f. .Reynolds Wrc.p
1 .. , ..........
Pork Sausage
IlL 45' .... ·'-=-