HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-03 - Newport Harbor EnsignMesa Permits in April Near Four Million A total of $3.827.067 ln buUd· lne permits was taued by the CJty ot Costa Mesa buUdlne de· partment In April u tract aub· dJvfdera took out permits for 339 alngle-famlly dwelllnp. A total of 403 pennJta wu taued durtne the month. Total pennlta for the flrst four months ot 1956 Ia $5,907,171. A bloclc of 146 permits for homes went to the Roven-Sple,el aubcllvfaton, Costa Meu r..tates, located on the eut &Ide of Bar· bor Bltld. northerly ol WU..On st. Collep Mesa number two, the Halecnst second unit, received pennlta for 36 boma A total of M pennlta for bomes went to Brbtol E8tat. northwest of wu. 80n St. and Pla~ntla Ave. A blodt ol 29 permttll few alnele· famll)' r.l~ went to Col· lep Park. Joeated on the eut aide ~ Harbor lllYd., eouth ol Or· an,. a..t eon.. A c:IOilUD.elal buDdlnl permit for mooo went to SCanabur)t Buick. 2M E. 11th St. Biggest Yacht Ra Starts oon Today .llllpl .. l&llat . ......... 197 Total in Race to En sen ada Ford Elected As President By Optimists A wrlttf!n f'X&mtnatJon for po· lice patrolman on the eo.t& Mesa pollee departrMnt wm be beJd at 9 Lm. Saturday, )b.y 1J. ln the 8clence buUdtnl &t Oran.,e Cout CoUeee. Tbe clooGD& date for nun&' ap· piJeattoM ••••• • • • • :• .. . ., Hop • • • • • • e MR. CITrzEN ST ANOS UP FOR HIS RIGHTS There has been much comment and praise about the courageous action of Hubert Peirsol, the Corona del Mar pharmacist who is tak- ing on the U.S. Trusury Deportment in a contest on tax claims, which he says he doesn't owe. He represents Mr. American Citizen in stand- up for his rights end refusing to be bullied by "Uncle," even though tllo faint hearts say that "you just can't win an argument·with Uncle Sam." The Treasury Deportment's Internal Revenue Bureau showed its hand when it offered to settle the original $2,HO claim for $900, and saying that that would be cheaper for Mr. Peirsol than going through all the expense of proving himself innoce nt. You con supply your own word for such high-handed action. It ta~es gumption li~e that shown by Mr. Peirsol to ~eep the monster of big government off our backs and to preserve our free- doms. • • • e SEND IN YOUR COMMENTS . Lost week's LO<J on "A New Political Party" created a lot of re- action, almost ell favorable-which is welcome evidence that I om not alone in my concern over politics and the state of the netion. There was of course the discouraging remarl: that the idea's o.L but !t just was no. use to try to .do enything. about it. That's defeetism a t 1t~ wors!. All. 1d~as and proreds and mtracles-big and small-begin w1th ., tmy m1nonty, mostly a minority of exactly one. For this country to survive ~s a free Md strong nation, it must get bad to the principles of mor~lity and liberty and self reliance a nd personal initiativ~ot the government hand-out1 nor the ex- change of. ones soul for e mess of poHage. Do you trvly hope to find the salva!1on in ~ur two politic~! parties? Hardly, when they seem to. be sol1dly ded1cated to noth1ng but election and re-election. It's go1ng to ta~e ., new party, with e restatement of ideals and principles. to get us bad on the treck of sound. moral government. Further comments, criticisms. suggestions, and plens of edion ore welcomed. Send 'em in. e TilE SIUTJI PAIOLT We were at Luis Patron's In- dian Fleet doclu before the take· off. The .Azteca had a unique trio. They were the ladJes ot the Forest Smith family, who live over on Lido, and whose big boat. the Toluca, wu the otfldal committee and safety boat for the tournament, thanks to the gene r o slty ot restaurant·man "Forrle" Smith. Forrie, by the way, just managed to btea.k away from ~nJng hLs new Ang- ler's Restaurant In time tor the tournament. In case you can't find your flshlng friends. they'll probably be at El Pescador, which ls on 17th St. between Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. The Smltb ladles, lncludJng Rosemary (Mrs. Forest), Susan and Pamela. were the only boat· load from one famlly. Cute Pam- ela, age 9, had the honor of being the youngest ancJer In the contesl Lady Luck didn't .,rule on her that time, but watch out! We predict that here is a Uttle airl who hu a great flshlng Beta Sigma Phi Sorority's Silver Anniversary Feted • • • S II v e r annlvenary of Beta Sigma Phi. Sorority waa observed at two banquets held Tuesday night ln the Harbor Area. e IOCIIJCAJMI TJIOvaLU Councll ot Beta Sigma Pbl along • 1 .ee by the 8pOrta .ectlon of VAN'S CLEANERS '')() YNn' ~ .. ,ce Petf.ctltWJ Superior OMIIillf c.fhmeNflip" WE FfATUitE c.,..ful He~ ol AlA ~ut. Fwica, IMded l t...c. s._.. DltY ClEANING-lAUNOAY SERV- ICE -KNIT ll0C«IN6 -HAND 'ltESSING -OYEJN6 -ALTEM. TION5-ItUI\IIUNG. Phone Herbot 5352 Pid Up I Del'owry *vice Ope11 I e..111. to 5:10p.m. -5etwrcley, I e.111. to 2:)0 p~ l4U E. Coett Hwy.; c-. del M., Omicron Rho Chapter and Mu Epsilon Chapter celebrated to- gether at the Harbor Hou~ and at the same time the Santa Ana with a newly founded Oranee the nmes that "Tricky Dick" B _ Chapter entertained the prest-land devoted ht. column to ,.%y dent and son of the founder ot favorite coUeee the University t the sorority, Walter Ross m from MJchlean. The' creat IChool ~ Kansas Clty, Mo., at a dinner at havlne to battle to keep from ~::;;::::;:::;:;:::=:;:;:::;::::;:::;:~,: the VIlla Marlna Restaurant. belne taken apart to satisfy the Dnlle -A.....-.... future ahead of her. ------------Mrs. lames Stlles of Santa Ana, polltJclana ot that stat Seems ._ a• newly 'lec:ted Santa Ana Coun-to be a e. ---... ctl president. and a former resl-hi b question In thelr mlnda ,_ ..._ lnl Sun or city twosome DESIGNED BY l 'AIGLON " . eNOD GALS Over on the Tolteca was a trio In whom I had a personal, spe- cial Interest. Mamma C.Q. wu one, on her first · marlln·quest without the old man. Her com- panions were Paula (Mrs. Merle> Atflerbaugh, and Marge (M.rs. Norman) Carlson. On the Maya (the boat on which we have bad aU out marJin.luck in Muatlan) was the threesome that came up, at the end ot the day, with the jackpot. They were Helen (Mrs. C. M .) Beebe, Betty (Mrs. H. Kay) Dooley and Dort..a (Mrs. E. C.) Van Dame. When the party wu over, Helen Beebe and Betty Dooley each had a 3/6 marlin to tie for flrst wJth 180 points each, and Dorta had 90 points worth of 3/6 aallfLsh. ThLs wu the best- scoring. boat of the ladies day contest and clinched the honors tor California and the Balboa Angling Club, of which all 3 are membera. .... ,..,.,, .. •IY• Is Ll••••• d w c Ia the most lm])Ortant ad-.. ent of Newport Harbor, pre· vances In 1 ' aided over the latter meeting. IC ence, auch u the New oWcers for Mu Epsilon Salk polio vacdne, or wlm1lng 1n ~lf~t:l !.'!!· Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi wtll the Ro8e Bowl. .uul The county·wtde eollcltatlon be Installed at the next meeting p=~=:::z=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for funds to establlsh a eer.bral to be held Wednesday evening Palsy ChJid Day Care Center got at the home of Miss Betty Parish, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• under way Tuesday under the 2001% Cliff Dr .. Newport Heights. • auaplces or the Orange County The pledge ritual waa given to • ~~ SLiovvL • Unlte4 Cerebral Palay A.uocla-three new members, Mrs. Donald • • tlon and wlll continue through Kling, Mn.. Kenneth Ingman, • May. Superior Judge Franklin C. both of Corona del Mar, and Mrs. • West Is eeneral chairman. Dorothy Hltt of Newport. at last • C A N 0 1 E S ln the Harbor area. a dlrect week's meeting or the aororlty • door·to·door campaign hu been held on Wednesday. 'Ibe pledge • organized under the chairman-ceremony wu conducted by Mrs. • ship or Mrs. Wllllam H. l ahna lack Quisenberry, president. u -• lr. of Lido lale. Her vice dlalr-alated by past presidents, Mrs. man 1a Mrs. William Messenger. Martha Oehletldng and Mra. • The Santa Ana Junior Cham-lames Taylor. The meeting waa ber of Commerce wUI conduct a held at the home of the presi- CP eolf tournament Sunday In dent-elect. Miss Loul.ae Oliphant, cooperation with the Wntowtck 1555 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Golf Cowse, Santa Ana. Chamber President BUI Dennt.a and Ger- ald Hall, golf profeaJonal at the course, are collaborating on the event. 4-Y~~Falll Fr.llll II Cll • sweetest way to remember Mother. \ • • • • • • • • • MOTHER'S DAY 18 SUNDAY M80RT'ED CHOCOLATa._ The fiDII& ,. ...... JOQ cab buy! • • • • • • • • in U.S. COins Wd S225 Would JOU ..U t1 r.aW wiiitll e ... IIUL& .... .ha6tr If t1M1r ,.,. IDI4 CIOln8 of u. a. cotr. for sast W1&b a... tt all .wt.ec~ a ,.., Ja a.. Qll rw &aile. ~ • ,._ Coba CroUecW• 0.... Rlclaol8 ,_,. qo ..._ hJa dacl. who Ia value ol ..... A ¥WI t.w of w1ll be &la4 eo pq tb.at tot 11M of the oount:rY• ...u.Jmown tbeee ~ colne ... llrUdc t.e .. De wa. w phi tMm. Uld ~ woe't haw tD be nu:mllmaa.ta-that'1 a colo col· lD JM, Wt MWr plactd lA dr· The Oranp County Fa.fr, to be held Au .. 10·19, hu already rounded up top flJCht t!Dtertaln· ment PI'Oira..IM. lnelud.JD&' 1V Star Lawrence W~lk and ordle- atra, the Spade Cooley Show, the W e • tern Varieties Show, the Hoollter Hot Shots, and the Sporumen, alnP"t& quartet ftom the l ack Benny Show. • ,.__.... -..q old -.... ettber. A "JNoo ~ 1D our Janpace -pve euladoft. ftlll one .. from tbe ~• •~ _.. of u. colDI wW cJo--aae h1m • Nt ot Llneoln penn~• colltdloe "' Klnr r UCI&ak. auc· V......, mn g .... baU·dollu, qaarW, clime. lll*al 1'1My were true eollect«'1 pJ.cel. tioMd oil"' the EDPtiaD lfN· Acra. a. lbwt trona and penny ltrudl ID that ,._,, and their brtr ht copper tbeen emiDeDt .a. the pMuure·lo•· 'I'D f08T omca Of coune. ~ haw to be Nt h1m to 4ream1Dr. '!'bey 1aac1 tnr moouc:11 wu bounce4 out of .. ._. c...e .....,. ID "pllDt ooMitloa"-4at 11. the AJDe eUec:t on Gene u hJa UDeUJ' tiii'ODe two ,_,. a~. (e-n. OrebJd) brll)lt, 8bJDy, and bra.nd·MW th.,-ve bad OD thoQsandil of All G of Ule com.memotatfve Prank V. Crane, Fair board presldent. announces tbat the Pair hu been extAmded from 6 to 10 daYBo and adm.laaton has been lowered to 60 oenta for aduJta and 25 eentl for ehlldren. c... ... ._ JoolldDc, jut he wq t!MJ came otbe colD coDec:torL Onct tbe B.alt-Dollan are on dJsplay 1n ,.... ._ .. _. ....-out ot She IDIDt. The ptq prtce bur btt him. he atarted .-reb· the eoDeetloiL They U. conald· i;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;; Ia a225 far the ta -. OM of IDr for the rare P*-that make erect amona the mo.t beautuul which Ia lD the tabWoul .alee· cofDare and ttl ltuc!y a f.uclna-1n all the ..,..ld. beeaUN ot the Ill • · tioft of rue and beautUul cobw Unr anci-Mys en.-& proftt · r are and delicate quality ot de· whleh Gene and hla fatiMr, Ien· able hobby. 11m and Mta1L The flllt of thMe ..... 1 ............ 'lfl«1 ._ COAI'rakWWAY c......a ......... ., •• I I L I ' ·E II II nY Mk:bola of llalboa lll&Dd, Oddly enouah. 80me of the eut wu the 1892 Columbian Ez. CIOJ«<INrJii&» • II • t Ia e have been dt.pla)'lnr at the moet valuable pleca ln the po.ttlon !fO..clftt piece. Tbe 1ut .._.. Y..' t .._. M et .,trltl llliW & DI4FI'I Jfewport Balboa Savinp and Nicholl collec:t1on are not made are the 1951 and 1954 Georp :: ...,.. c::e.,. l c •oola , LD IIJa..I-CJII Loan .A..oclatlon on the ba1front ol precioua metala at all. 'lbefe'• WaahJnrtoo Carver a nd 8ooJcft ,..nu., Y&. ._ laa A. CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS ~~·;••Williiili;c.l;l-.il11;-;.l!!m~N~ew='POI~:rt!!Be:acb::~· :.::::: the lletr1c 20-dollar cold piece T. Wuhtqton half-dolara. =. -:=.., ~*--='.,:::-~ fl lt:rUek ln copper, It 11 one ol only . There are .orne 375 cotna ln -..,., ,_ three minted Then there'• the the Nlehola dllplay, eacll mount· C... .._. ad lnlllln 11 of A.m.uonlan haU-doUar, ltnK:k ln eel ., the f ar. and rn-ene llde tile..._..._.._., C. Coocl- alumlnum. qaln one of three are In tu11 .sew throuch cl... ._. ., • .,..._, c.ut. • Ia • m I n t e d • Tbe.e are "pattern" and plutJc. All are ln mlnt or ...,. • ef tile Uat•wldtr oC • 4 MORE BIG DAYS A PHK AT tOMOiaoW WIN At .._ ON .... c.-ty ,..,...,.•rwlw ~ aa11u Aa.a arwl c..ta ..... .,. N-...rt alvd W ed T llur .. , "''· t:tct ~ 11:00. aat.. '""· 1!00 t~ 11,00: MAY 2 THRU 6 5 IIG DAYS TIM •1e.• ··~ "-' MHel HOf'te ef •~kl,.lt.am -.,are" built 11)1' o_... M, HelftWIII & ..... .aftd fo.abarl11. ttt. a ll ... ..Holld KltdiM.. .ay - heMe m.aklng ldue . -_,... tlf t hrfl. Uno 41epl .. ye.l Hear the Four Tone. ••• atGge ahow every evening in tn. new bhlbftl bulldlno. {Matinee Sot.-S11n.) IPEIS FillY u1n ·--' ' thrilling thoroughbred liJICIIIG ••um•• ••••--,... ._. .. . ,_., ............... ...,_ .. ._.. ..... ., ................. ~ •hJ ... .._._ ........ :-.-........ .. En. i $JI,HI lllnlll f 723 n• : lUlU colu. and they have a fudna· "'proof'" ecmdWon. e«tlfual& ....._ _.,..... tina blltor7. • ......... Oflllcllw c=,..., .. e •a'IT&D ft&CU IIAJI'D CUT m JITSTEft' c..n., .. Ia .., ..a ..... You Me, when a new piece of Edward Acoaa. 18, ol Hunttnc· a.. • • ... ......._ Ia tiM Of. colnap la dest,ned. the artist ton Beach, autfered a lacerated a-. -...c --..a. .._ et and enp aver combine their taJ. hand ln the Rendezvous Ball· Qr .... entl to produce a pattern mold. room. Balboa, at 11 p.m. Satur· ------- Prom th1a mold a Vf!rY few "pat-day, Apr. 21. Newport pol!ee sal d., ~ ~ rs D. hI I tern" pleca are atruek In bale The youth u.ld he wu talldnC lVI • I e s metal 'Mle. patterN~ are IIUb· to frlendJI when some fellows El mltted to u. s. Trea.aury omclala. pushed throuab them ln the ected H d who lf they approve them IIUb· ballroom. Be felt aomethlnC e a mlt them to ConCHU for final warm on ht. hand and then saw f F II h• approvaL be wu eut. 0 e OWS I p Given the lAwmak.ers' O.lt., they are made a part of our CAaWE1.IJI GET SOR Mrs. Stuart Diehl ot Corona del ,.,War colnaae. and the mlnta A son, Douclu Stewart. was Mar .... elected president of the 10 to work tumine them out In born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Women's FellOWShip of the Co· aUver, ntekle, or copper, the three Carswell of 319 Anade St., BaJ. rona del Mar Community Church p r 1m a r y metall of modern boa, In Hoar Memorial Hospital at their AprU meettne last week United States colnaa e. Tbe pat-on Saturday, April 14. Elected to her board of om~ tern pleca then may become were M.ra. 1. K. Hamel as finrt collectors' tte~U. Today, that cop-lltJSJC IECTIOif B.E.STS vke president; Mra. M. J. Shan· pet 20-dollar coin la worth $400. Mrs. C. D. CUnningham of Co· non, a.ulated by Mrs. Burt Proc. The Amazonian balf·dollar ln rona del :Mar, chairman of the ter, u second vtce president· aluminum 1a valued at $175. Mulle Sectlon of Ebell Club. an-Mrs. A. J. Gruwell reeordf.ng see: A1IO In the collection ls the nouneed that this section will r~; Mrs. B. G. Bogert, corn· rare experimental copper pattern dl8eonttnue ~lnp unUl fall. spond.Jng ~«retary; Mrs. c. E. of a Quintuple Stella. a $20 cold VJUf J)TD •.AXED Qulsel u trea..sure-; Mrs. A. A. piece struck In 1879. On Ita ~ Kemper, retl.rlntt president. u verse aide It shows the wetg:ht ln James T. Van Dyke, president auditor; and Mrs. John E. Sad- '"'&mS of each metal In the alloy of the Newport Harbor Bank In lelr u hlatorlan. •· Corona del Mar, was elected Apr. Devod -cold. allver, copPft. Four ot :n.t as 8e00nd vlce·prt;~Jident of ons were gl~n by Mn. the. pattern pleca were struck the California Bankera Assn., Procter. A luncheon was served ln copper, two more ln eold. Tbe croup four, at the sprlng meet· by the Reading Adventure Croup. Nichols copper coin ls worth $300 lnr held ln Dlaneyland Hotel. The new <mlcers will be ln· on today'a market. stalled at the annual meeting e OM.T 5 ITIIVCZ DOC"'"'rl UG STOLD May 16. Of course, you've had some· A $3)0 doctor's bag, contalnlnr -------body ten you to be sure and aa.ve ml.scellaneo\11 Instruments, med-aASDTaALL STAll TAIIDLET any 1913 Libert» Head nickels leatlona and nareotJe blank MOVES TO CAIIDEJf QBOVE you flnd. But you'll never "flnd" forms. was stolen from the ear of b ~rge Yardley, former buket· one. Only rive we.re struck. and Dr David Nielsen of 122 VIa hf h sta.r at Harbor HJgh. later a all rtve are ln the hands of eol· ~ea, Udo Isle. parked at Hoar t gd Useore record bolder at Stan· lectors today M 1 1 H 1 1 or nJversJty and now a sharp In 1913, the mint was about emor a 08P ta • shooter with the Ft. Wayne Pis: to forsake MJsa Liberty for the LEQAL JfOTICJt tons In the National Basketball Buffalo. No Uberty nickels were No. A·rrJJ:fJ I Assoclation. is moving with his autborlzed In 19'13. In walling for ROT1C& TO aumiTOBS wife and daughter to their new conere-to approve the change, ESTATE OF CLAUDE E. DICK·/ ~orne atH2103 Niobe St.. Carden howri'e:r, the dies bad been ENS. &lao knOwn u c. E. DICK· rove. e is the son of the made. A.n employee at the mint j ENS. abo known u CLAUDE George Yardleys of Balboa Island. struck fJve ol these coins. and ELMER DICKENS DECEASED. anueeled them out. None has NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to SUITS DRESSES COATS SIIRTS SWEATERS SLACXS 1e15 e60 DRESSMAJCING ALTERATIONS REWEAVING LAUNDRY DYEING PICKUP AND DEUVERY Tl IB.P YOU UYE I CIFU Jfi. 2728 E. .... PHONE . ..... , 7:30 LIL Tl 1:31 P.l. IIZI -~ ------=-=:---------------=----=- BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-TIUCI-FilE -LR LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. <XlSTA MESA OFFrCE: 1..1berty 8-!55'!W RES. l.Jbet.T l ·50a STROOT'S ~os:v~ * GHtware * AppticmcM * Pabda ......... t aa..L. u ~a... .... 1 ever confessed to lt. but It is the eredJtora of and all persons I known they are genuine coins. having clalm.l aeainat the said (Another In a ~r1es or Messages Pr~nted by th• N H "' ewport arbor Enstcn) I In 1920 at a Chleaeo coin eon· decedent or saJd estate to tile ventlon. a collector named Brown them with the necessary vouch· offered all flve of them for $500 era In the office of the Clerk of euh. Nobody bought. But they the Superior Court of the State of have slnce found their way Into Califo~a, In and for the County flve private collections. A dealer, of Oranae. or to present the J. V. McDermott of Milwaukee, same. with the necessary vouch· Wla.. owns one. He h as refused en. to the understcned at his or otters of more than $10,000 for her place of buslnesa, tO·\o.,1t : thw coin. Louis, Ellasberg of Mrs. K audle A. Dickens Cleveland and Ed Hydeaman of e/o Hurwitz It Hurwitz, Attor- New York City each own one. neya at Law 'Mle other two are owned by col· l&U Newport Blvd., Newport leeton. but they don't want It Beach, California eenerally known who \hey arc. within sl.x months alter the McDermott always carries hl.t flrst publication of thliJ notice. 1913 Uberty Head nlekle with Dated AprU 17. 1956 blm. and wll have It on display MAUDIE A. DICKENS In Lonr Beach at a national Admlnlstratrl.x with Will An· a convention In November, 1957. nexed of aald decedent. e C:Ol.D ITz:LI.AS HURWITZ 1r HURWITZ In the Nichols collection are l&ll Newport Boulevard two of the rare Gold Stellas, of Newport Beach. California $4 face value. 'Mlere are two de· Attorneya for Adm.ln1stratrlx siCN-In 1879, ten of these were with Will Annexed struck with lllaa UbertY's t:nessH Publlab: AprU 19. ~ May 3. 10 coUed around her head. 15 with b1 the Newport Harbor Enslen her h air fiowlnl down to her T v ahoulden, and later. some 400 • __ .,. with the Oowtnr balr. The next ~ar. 10 of MCh were minted. 'Mlere are DOW' onlY 14 of thew cotna lmown to exW.. A coDed« from New York hu offend ts.OOO for th-two eotns. I but Gene and Kenny aay they to keep them ln tbelr own eou.c:tlon. It brlnp many l~· ..un• VlsltGn to the Nldlols' wame Sbop a.taurant on Bal· bo& Jaland to d.llc:UI the colorful SEnilE * TOld'S T·YSDIIGE ...... Jon of ..,..ld coinqe. I.nDY and Gene are ell)eclaJJy ~~~~=;;:;:;;;;~~~ proud of tMtr cne .-(!f all u. s. r ,old colr& 1t 18 compllte exeept t. tbe two abcmel7 rare IS) ,old pa... fte7 al80 bave one of tbe 1IID 11 told P*-a '"pat· tern" eoiD lltNdl u an expert. ~ 1JUt _.,. put lD drcula• tlon. lt'l tJae ,.......... "Jti:DI Dol· Jar... wttll • ,.... .... t.TIIe ~. Tb.la ....... tl tD be lUCie ................ -ol hand· llfta, willie d1 taldq DO _.. dian • doUan ..... , ..w. Only e&lbt ot ....... ~~traCk ,.. --....... -todQ. • .... \Ma1WOMD& ._..., ... ,.,m HIIII .. MIII·-· ...... HWAK'ftON.• fiOIISDMArl CAl& ••• DOES IT PAY? hand:our n~ighbor businessmen ore no t stonding on the cof"'ers with hots in their . • beqgtng olms. No merc.hondtse is offered for sale in ~he Horbor l v eo exce t on 1ts own rnents os merchandise. p your me rchants do not ~nsist that the reason anyone ~ould buy from them is merely tho! they hove someth1n9 to sell. They DO osk for o fair hearing in the mott.r of compensons of both merchandise and FINAL COSTS N th. w h rnenti d . h' . . . . • o lng more. e ave one , '" t 1s senes of d1SCUSS1ons on ~opping -.t ho th t the 1 1 h poy faxes h•re. emplo ~ 1 hef nd . me, 0 • oco mere. ants But 'f .&J... th y oc.a p a contrtbute to loco I protects ond campaigns. 1 m1s were e only d o1m for your """t · ld h r--ron&<Je, a mere sent1mental reason, net one wou ove gone to the trouble to present it . . ~ow s~ppose we for~t oil that for o moment, and qet right down to t+,. one thing '"wh1ch all of us are interested : DOES IT PAY? ~6 • f · nd t A . Meorung, o course, In dollars a cen s. s a proct1col, convincin9 way to find out, we suqqest that you do thi.s: l· GiCve your Harbor Area stores an equel chance oqoinst all the othe r places you op. ompere the qoods ond prices. 2. Give the local s-tores th. seme h ld · b'd "-.J f . . c anee you wou 91ve to e contractor when ' s ere C.Ot..a or on eny q1~n 1ob. 3. Mob e list of the merchandise y ___ .J nd L 1\' "L '.J" f .&J.._ ou ~. 0 eu: your loc.ol merchant for 1s Uta « mw seme merchandise. No feir..,.,Wnded ~penr could do ......_: __ '---· esl ~ . r" .,,., ... ~ lftS. No fo1r·minded merehent wiA .. « ~·nq more. If you·n b4. feir wh.n you compere, you'ft find ~t elmoct . eases 1t DOES PA.,Y to shop et home. •n ...., ..... Ia tile I 0 m .t ... --nlt:J' Prtenclly K.tpbodlood Servtc. p .ARkf.S...RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8-3W AI 8-MM eo.ta ..._ NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servinl tbe Bubar AIM Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL IIY THE si:A Harbor 42 3!5:10 E. Cout 1Uahwa7 Corona clel liar Baltz Mortuary 1Jt.17 1-2121 . .. en. J'Our-year-olds-Dennis Koch, Lee Ma.nnJne. Johnny Blauer, Carol Chappelle. Unda Boee, Jue McCauley, su.an Seldllch, Judy CArnett. Mrs. Melvin Erlck· 10n. teacher. Janderea.rten -Martin Dennt.s. OOIIII&Ht ID"'JJIaaft -··••a..c.. .... naT IOUTDU a.Aftlft eauaca .. ... , ....... Sun::;;~~~ ~=\w,. ...._ .C n. c.n.. Ml Mar C.....aty Clawda. Or•se H•d ISO W.-= ~c.lll,._ ct.y Scllool; 9:30 and U :OO You will qree with me that eourse. Tbere aft many wbo do ...._ DL ra d& ,._ a.m. MomiJlc 'fronld~7 p.m. our world dMPftately needa a not c:ornpromta wtth evtJ nor • • IT. Alr'DDWI •~au-tftt~i&iiiAif arr..urrw~• 15tb 8t. • St. A.ndnrn Rd.. _.._ ......... LR tr 1-lm .......... ,_ ......... 17h AI Superior. eo.ta 14_.' AMPLE PA&IDMG BOTH I.OCA'I10KS June Allen, Jane Allen, Jean White, Sharon Deke. Elaine Ino- kucld. ~thy Tanoka. Mrs. Bob· ert Suddendorf. teacher. First erade-Debbie Erlclaton, Sharon Olson. SUaan Koehler, Katht Blanchard. Patti Sudden· L---....,.IRI~Rr-----1 dorf, Lany Riehle, Patrick Paris. r----==:::.::.=::;.:..---, Mary Jean Stomp, Dorothy Oc· land, lJnda Hafner, Wendy GocMI· sen. Mrs. VIctor Allen, ~cber. Colle~ ~ ~ Service -1 more e&l'D81t faith In God. We doubt God. But there are .tin all aun.::re. ldl~l.t_t:CS a.m.; ehurcb p.m. HIP llehool KYI' Serrice; eeem to be 1JOAtlne about In a too few wbo belleve in Jesus u 11-W a.m. 1'ra.1n1na 8 p.m., younc adulta IJ'OUP bopeleu eonfualon of wan and God'a ~latton ol hlmMlt to the ~ r-:-m.. sus:m~· ~ eerv1ce. rumora of wan. Ethkal and world. 'nle writer of a new bl· .. amc:-1 ~· .:" · moral at and a r d a are be~ oerapby of Jesus aaya: '"The ten· w~. Pn.JW ~ 'I'll& c:auam or QLiDT aha.mefully Jo.erecl. Dollbt and tnl doctrine of OlrtstlanJty 11 ... sta«r 7:C5 p.a. wee. SUifDAY: Momtnc wonhtp, t:.IO and U a.m.; Cburcb ScbooJ. t:.IO ud U:OO; Jr. Bleb, Sr. RAP and collep ap 'ellow· ......... 7 p.a: Tbundq, P'falw, .-u47 IJ'OUP. t :30 .... HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gtaler KJMBEKI,Y ~11!58 -~ -· saying ••• ~ belimncJ th.t YOU CAll DO BEllER 4lt Lergest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the Area. Cen for frM DECORATING SEitVICE llb.rty 1-5518 House ~~• Gar~ en Furnishings for homes, clubs. yachts. 3017 W. C:O.st Hi9hwey Newporl S.ecll Second erade-Naney Net.on, Kathleen Relmer, Carla Wede· kine. Joan Brockle, Janet Koeb· Je.r, Bobert Blanchard, Mrs. Wm. Carnett. teacher. &-. ~ lt.. 0.... ,._ miltrust have taken the place of the lncamatJon. Jesus 1s the God ._, La I Itt ..._, mutual ~ and faith in our who became Man. He took our • D. G.. • ....._ ........_ fellowmen. · nature upon him, and knew by SunA•u 8ei'V1eel: 9:45 LJIL Bible ....... •-lrl al •-hlch "-J mondnJ ~ uere .. a ap tu ... w w experience our happiness. our atu.d.J; ll a.m. I WW· declares that a man cannot have sorrows, our temptation. our Ut· m.tp; 7:30 p.m. ev~ .ervlce. faith and doubt at the aame tie streneth. Assuming our llmit· llldweek llei'Ylce. 7;30 p.m. time. No man can have peace atJon.s. he abowed us bow to Uve. Wedne.Say. ot mind wben be boubts the very He revealed to us our own posaJ. Tim caoaca or caaJit foundatlont ot the unJverae. No bUities." Odd r.u..e ~ man can have peace without I am not a pessimist. I believe ... •IIJO!t A.._ tatth In God. ln the church for what It ouebt c.n. ...... llellek>n cooalsts ot aomethlne to be, and can become. r believe ~ a.sYU m~ than a let of delenslble be-that truth and right wlll ultJ- T.-...... Jr .. ......._ Uets. We mu.t live u 1t God mately win out over evU. All a Sunday ServfcetJ: 9:45 a.m. Btble were a fact. wt.e man aaJd: "The Impossible ...., •••••" or GOD -..-.&..._A .... Os*U.. ,. ~ WN1 .. 4.. c:..~er ..... sunca., 8ehool: t:30 a.m. W«· ah.lp: 10::55 a:m. and evancetlJII IMI'Yice, 7:30p.m. Youn1 People and Chlld.ren'a Servlee. a:ao p.m. Sun. Mid-week Servk:e: WednMda7. 7:80 p.m. LadW M11alona.ry Councll, Tb~ 9:30a.m. tor all day. ltudy: 10:55 a.m. worship eerv-It Ia the man who does not takes a Uttle lon,er.'' The ItJne· lee; 7:30 p.m. eowntne eervtce. have faith In God wbo becomes dom o.f God' may not be achieved 1'D111' taUa:& or ca&ll1 guilty of falsehoods, who de-In my eeneratJon or the next, but Ja:&Widi caow or otn1 LADY or wr. CAPMB! wuw ............... rwt ...... -· r~r,;u., . ...._ r.-.. 'Wsoa.e llsd .... t ..... 8ua4ay M.-: 1:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Coltte.toe: Sat· urday. and evea. o1 t.t Frt~ and Holy Days hal 4:00 to 5:30 p.~. and from 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. Dillly M .. 8:00a.m. F1nt Friday: 8:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. l'f oven a (Perpetual Help): KOftd&T, 7:45p.m. frauc:ts his neighbor, wbo violates In a sense It ts already here. s.a n. U... •==t a... :~ :W~te::etb:!~ ~-: ~~:'ew~~~:e~~~~ hl:art-= SundaJ ~9:15 a.m.. Sun· Dill a , ' ••s out a positive faith who bates found the Klnedom of Peace and day ServJce: U:OO a.m. liS W • ..._ ......_ ......_ another per10n, who leaves his Rlebteousness. 'nlose who be· :,'~"' ~~ ~: Adiii91N 0 "'* W""• WU., duty unfultuled, who thlnU of Ueve already have a peace that Udo, 14~ IQ. ope t SUDday Sebool. 10:00 a.-. Mora- himself first In ~ery altuaUon. passeth all understandlne. And Lm.-S p.m. week day;, 9 a..m.· inc wwablp. U:OO a.-. U a man believes In God and all who sincerely belleve are per-7:C5 p.m. Wectn.daA 1·9 p.m. In the brotherhood of man. be slstently worldne for the better· P'rl~y eventn~ must bell eve that Ute has mean· ment of society and tor the trans- lng and purpose. In the past formation of~e uneoneemed. enough men have belleved Jn God has not left blm.lelf with· goodness to enable humanity to out a witness to any nation or survive the destructive forces of people. Gradually we are ,.ettlng evil. But today man has become over the nush of victory In the self-centered. believes himself material realm a nd moving on seU-suUJclent. and b greedy en-to ereater aptrttual accompllsh- ougb to take somethlne tor noth· men..,_reeoenJ.zine our brother ing-recardleaa of the eonae-man, blndlne the world closer quences. It Is a cancer that Is and cl<M~er together, a•umlne PIJIIT0~uaca growing out of control-destroy-our Individual responsibllltles, lne the eood In us. and mak1ne the ItJnedom of God acdhoa ~ lttla & Cout Ita.. Tbe.e are e en e r a 1 1 t I e a, of a ereate.r posslbllJty. IIAibow J5s3 Jfewport UbewtT 1-Jift COIIOirA DEL KAa c:arTaAL aDL& ~ca M&WPOIIT IIADO. LUI •••ut c:aoaca 2501 CUff DL. Jfewptl't ........ Ubelty ..... .... llobelt GNeiUICI Duplicate momJne 8erVIc:es -9 a.m. e.pd 11:15 a.m., SundaJ; KJndereart.en and Pre·Sc:bool Dept Sunday School. 9 a.m.; lit Grade tl1rouP Adult Sun· day School, 10 a.m.; bu pro- vided and Nunery provided for both aervtces and 10 a.m. Sun- day School ,__, Jlel'bert c. J...._ cx.onnH"t cauaca o.-.. A ..... Did at. Sunday eerv1ces: 9:45a.m.. Stm· 01a11 e ti•U, c......._~...._ 1&¥018 D.AY ADYUfDI day School; 11:00 a.m., W«· Ill 811t 111 JfV A... A. A. Ked 11 ._... Jfewpelt 8l9'CI. 4lt ..._ lt.. ahfp Service; 7:30p.m. SundQ ~ ta7 Sunday !ebool: t:CS a.m. )(em. Rupwt ....... IT. JAID:I D'IICO•AL a..v.. .......... , .... u...a• .... J ................ Sunday ~ 8:00 a.m. Holy CommunJon; t:l5. · 'am 11 y Service. U a.m.. w ora b 1 p MrVice. TbUJ8d-.y S • r v I c e a : 1:15 a.m. PrayW GuUd; 10·30 Holy~ . IT. J'OIIIr 'ftAiniET llf M--. A.._ ..aboa bJaDd II.Adt. ••• r.u.. •• a, JWer, ..._ Sunda,y )(..._.: 8:00 LDL 6 8:30 a.m. Cont.-Jon: Saturdaya and eves. of 1lt Fridays and HolJ Da,..; 7:30 to 1:30 p.m.; rtnt Frtday K .. 8 a.m. · fWII11n1 ~ e r v 1 c e ; Kld-Week ..._. .... ...,.. as..-lnl SeMee. U:OO; Ev~ ua.rty I-IIII ~:=.,~::m. WedneedQ Sunda)t Wanhlp Bervt'*': t:e Seivice. 7:30. KJd-weelr Sen'· m.s. D. a. .,.,.,...., I'DII1' 8A.Ptlft aruaar a.m., n:OO a.m. Sunda7 Scllool: lee. W • d n e s day, 7:30 p.m. Sa~~;~~_:_~: ._ .. "-A ... 411 ......... • • IIABM)a AUZJOLY or aoD t :45 a.m. Younc people meet 1:15 p.m. mon: U:OO a.m. PnJa" meet· c...._ P1111i•• C111111111• Cb.-L .......... CeUf. Sunday. in Wedn.S., 8 00 I ...... G.. •• ·w -D S I .._ Cell-.r-eau .... .a ... WAZAWIP'W'& c: • : p.m. Sunctg S.W:.: lemllen Are wen 1 ta a,..... •=..:,';"~J:;.c;;t.::a c::aaii!.LVM*A•'.!..C:::D** SAUOA III.Aim t:e a.m. sunctay ScJtooi; 11 •-C.IL-. ....... ..,,; cc::.t', --a.m. Worship servtcea,· S;W\ The ,.. _ _.a M...,a m~-·r plan _.... .... '" '-1-7111 ,..._.__. CC*:IIIAHY WIWOD-e~ '-"'-""''" "'" ..,,... s 4 ........ oo1 9 30 ,__ -·• ,--~·) -· '.m.. ... ptYt TraJnlnc Union; will come before the Costa Mesa ~'"""" 11 : ;-n'".,morn-~ Sunday S«vvcee: 8an4ay Schoo~ A• Itt-I llaU. 1~ a .... ......_ llllalad :i.30 p.m .. l»enln1 Service. City Council next Monday after eervk:ep 6;,·m. oune peol!_! r~~ a.:'m. llorn~tn,c ~~. ~ ~~.... wecme.ctay: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, the city planning commission · p.m., even.... 1 9un K Y.PJI ,_._, .... a....,....._ • Pralle and Bible Stud7. )(on· held Its last public hearing on wan,eiJat II!I'Viee 7:30 p.m. lee. p.m. . . .. ~ s.vleea: Wonhl~-Sunday Serv1cetJ: t:ao L m. day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Cborua the plan last week. The council· Kld-wftk llei'Vice 7:30 p.m. 8p.m.Su.ndaJ;fra7eriiiiiiMtlq. lee 9 Lm.. Sundq 1 at Qtu.rch ~and 11:00 prac:Uee; ~p.m. Men's men will set their own public ••W-ed•n•ead-a•y•.-:==-:====::7~=30~-;:p:.m.:W:~:--::-·-=====l0:::15~a.m.':::--::::-'::::::''::a..m.=:W:oalllp=~==::--:=:--==Pra=yer=::II~M11~:·•.·-----hearlng. Elmer Dudek and Harlan J. * nus SPIBli'UAL SERifS IS SPONSOED INDIVIDUALS • Wood. newly-appointed commls· ------------------------------------"------------------------sloners. were sworn In by Ci ty CARVER c.a .a.FT THE •.a.y ~. _.,_E Clerk Arlie Swartz at the Plan-""' Dr\ "'"'"' ~ '"" nlng Commission meetlne. Fw MNlUDf OUTIOAlOS 1M ,.._ Te .. Commissioners rejected a re· •'"' WIZAlD IOATS Fw 1\e ..... Y .. "-· zoning request !rom Dennis Hor· S..W.t tile H..W U v .. ,.. We GMt saM .... ..._,. land for a Jot on the west a1de 1"' H.,W et-.4,. c.te .,._ 101 W::~ ..... of TustJn Ave. just north of 17th ____ u_~a-_m...:r:...._ .. _2062 _____ -:------------ St. He.asked a change trom R-4 COSTA ...sA to C-2 tor property adjacent to BOB'S SPORnN& GOODS VACUUM~ CO. other C-2 land he owna faclnr c-11hte s.-tt.e e.-.._ _. ..._. a.-... 17th St. Colnlnbalonen .uuesWcS 1101 ....,_.A-. C.. ..._ ....... ft....ot... a variance lrultead of the re-u.-tr ._..1 21M ~!:"'&a-;;;'; e::;H ..._ The DAVIS MOWN Co. TM.wllio11 Wa.. Fri,Welt'e H-. A,J,.n.- 1 .. Herll. N ., ee.ta ..._ ua...ty t.Ml7 NEWPORT HAitiOR lANK v-H-•o-•• ._. ,. I. c-t ....... c.-. 4ef ..., .....,.,.,. ROIElT HILL'S CHEFS INN ,.......c.-. ..... • &.. Ceu4a H.tw IIG zontne. Mr. Roeland requested the raontne cw nothln.. wllldl ~~~~FP~~~~~i ~w~~~ed~. rowua un GmL ,llOArNIAY R.OWEl SHOP ~ ...... DWI:w .... 1.t' ..... .... ~ c..t ...... le S.. I • w.. STANLEY INSUio...a AGCY. STAJIK>m I SON ....... .............. .WoJf I ,..,..,.. . ............. ~...,.. ..... A daulhter, Janette DeniM. 8 lbs.. 1 oz.. wu bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fowler of nD Gol· denrod Ave .• Corona del Mar, on Friday, Aprll 13. In Ho&l Me- l'nOrial Capistrano By The~ SanhHum Specializing in au Types of NERVOUS DISORDERS ALCOHOL PROBlEMS For FUrther Information Call Xlmberly 2-tMO lAeftot ..... 1111 Lc:..t....,_c:-4.1 W. ...,...,.,. LA.t, .. ,., EARL W. STANLEY, RN1tor lAY IIEAat UALTY,INC. ,.w ................. WO:.::. "=.. ";;.',. "';:;, c;,_ ~-==·~-,".:: tfi:""'iw. ""'C.Io.:! .. ..._ __ ... __ .... ·-..... c.te ..... _____ ·-__ -_____ ---------~..:;......--......_ _.. ........,, c.... .. ..., ,._~SHOP ~· ...... w...... ':D c~:r ::z· MRS. PINKLEY ELECTED . t REGENT BY DAR CHAPTER Sid Davidson II& DoDald ~ <Jl Udo ot WaY8 and mean.; ...... Nell lira. A. L PlDJdtoy ot Cotta Otben Wbo wUl ~ the ac-And H•mblet 1a1e wu .-..c1 aal ._.. ... for eam.oa ot Lido u vk:e preaa. .._ 1au beeft .....S ~ ot th1tJes ot t1ae poup m xn. u II IIIII' I Llll IIIIIT. a two ,_.. ... u pr_....t ot deftt In dW'p ot IMillbenhlp; the Col. WlWam Ca.MU ClaaJ*ir James JL Taylew, vloe l'qent: A H d U.. floac .....,. • .taiUary at Mn. Clar* Lamb ot IJdo u ol. 1M D.U tor IMICt ,_,.and Kta. loll.D ~chaplain; Mrs. re On0f8 tbllr uuaual aeedq beld f'rl. 'f1ct ~denUn dlUJe ot dlap· wUJ ,..,..._ !M pvel ll'oiD ntft. Earl c.cn.u. NCIOI'd1.llc ~; - clq IIIOI"'IIq at lt. • .ADdN'ln ~i lin. VIctor Terry ol Bunt· InC ,...at. Kn. W1l11am Trttt. at Mn. JL Ill. Adrian. eor1•poacllna "Rata orr' a... ... ..... .. ...,... .... QuudL lqtOD a..dl u ~ lubllation c:eeomnJee ln Kay ~· )(n. IWIM'I' nc....__. MDted to Supt. S1dney J)a ...... ,...__ .. ~ ~ --ot ~ .. _, -.... J ~-~ . : ---~· aDd Prlndpal Joeepll R•,bW bJ' --u---~ar • .-.-r; ~ aDMe ~ .. ~; ~:.. ~.!._~~· ~--th· ._. __ .. ___ , eo··_... ol De-.... ••••• ac.. ... )ln. Jlll'nard......,., JAru_ft& U ,ecordJDI eec::retar7; -..---_.. __._........ "'UU.CU-WNJIU W-U · ol 8~ -..c:b u vice MIL Ellen McLellan ot Laruna toriaa. aad 11ft. Bup Boowt 11· Molay at a luncbeoa J"rr4aT at . 'nle ...... u• a ...S W ltl DN1141nt: )ln. ~~ Ia~ ol u treuu.rer: and Mrs. Challea bra.rta.n. . ' t.be Newport Batbow HIP ~ Am--.· · · MCtar oiCIM todl. Lido u vtct prelldent .ln ebarp Landen ot Balboa u parllamen· N.w memben lfttroduced at Tlae awarda. ln recocnldoa ol a ••.em&c ~ putaUil tD tarlan. lut week's meedn• lleld at tM ~n4Jac work wltb tbe JIOUth • ·• .... _._ ......arta1ltr h ot .. _ -ot the Harbor area. were __. pr u arr ~ • · · ~ ~ L Creation o1 merit a warda to ome -.n. Cor1u1tt Ia lalbM, b Aldl Pa.lmft' ot CeloM del ~ ~.....:!:'r.o ~= MrS. awson members with blah "In ~eVlce" Mrs. Artbur Kay will NYiew wen Mra. 8tanJ.y StatJa, ...... c . .Iu member ot the Sou.tb.-t a ,...-d ddltlonal bows wu announced by the ''The KlAI and r toaJeb-t ('lb\U"'-E. Stovall aDd M.t. Dorothy lJn. jv~n. u a rep...-_tattft 1ft~ r • e • 1 v • a · auxllluy and prMented by Mrs. day) at dw dlnDer DMet1q at ~. who wu repr_.nted by her ot the IntematJonal Supreme "beauty, lltNn,ch and ~ 1 S tr...lamed by Howard IAwta. eha.lrman ot vol· the Newv-t a.nor .. , .. ,..aDd mother. Mrs. John LINon. The Councn Order ot DeMolay • • . • .Amllloeia bu ll=~ p ~ u unteen Few ~ hours ot service ..._ .a.ALD COLEGIIOYK Pror..lonal WOIDI!D'a Club at ~ro,.,.am . featured a talk on ~ present at the award myth "": ::,:: ~lnl a re~ 1ft the hoapltal blue enamel pins the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. America • Leaden" by Dr. Gll• luncheon were Carl 1'bomU. a~.~ 41sh ot rr.b truJt salad, Home Soc·lety were pret~ented to Mmes. Joseph New oftlcera will preslcle at the Brown ot Oranae Coast Collqe. William Middleton and Sam f!:':::::" h vtly on the clUU. Beek. John Can. Mamie Foote, b II ~ J • meettnr He RrNied the toDowl.na polltJ· K.1nat thel rep~tlnl the ad· • ..,.._.. .. s R. Monaco, Bertha nuot.on. E e Meeting A ~ell-to-otftce eoclrtatl eal advice: "lreep cOol, M In· -~d of the Oranre Cout aide· • • Mrs. Boward Law.on ot N..,. Whitney Wrtaht and Boad FreJ-partY ..,.. a1ven Tbu:rad.ay eve· formed and know your ~ does Chaplet ot DeMolay, and Eul * * * ~=·•el~': of~ taf;, Service awudl of red pins I p t d nina at the home of Wa Peck. :u..r;t ~~ ct r!~~ e!UZ::; Custkey lr.. aenlew eounepor ol. I .a. ...... e'd• ef week on Tuesday, when the for 250 houn or more were pre-S 0$ p 0 n e Corona del Mar, h~ rg:· dlrected by Howard JC.ay ud ac· Orange Cout Chapter dl De- T..a .. ~ f'ld ...-a IJ'O'JP met Qn the Showboat for Nnted to Mma M. A. Andenon. ~ ~.,.!...~~ praem : eompan..led by Barbara Mayfltid ;M;::o~l&Y;;:;· ====~~~=::; ...... ltll F 'sn ......... an a.round·t.be·b&Y tour. I . D. Chestnut. Stratford Enrtabt. To ~ Jay I Oth the party. Retlrlng baud IIWD· wu presented lndudlnl .anp "1_111 ,_ --11e • ..a .C cnatae1 ._ Ia Other ot.ttcen are Mra. M. S. Elizabeth Hunter, Joe Prelnlnger, IVJ ben .ervec1 u eo-hoateues. from curTent mu.leala. SollP ••• ar. 1utu• ...U. • • • ftalr Bernard ot Bay Shores u v1ce Ceorp Sellflst. Irvine Watcher, Put prestdnt Ka.zie Bird ~-were oftered by Barbara Jacbon. -UIE 1 ~ Pll ' .... ft* 1 Pblll~ president. Mrs. Wllllam Curlett Raebael Wiley, Wesley Smith The reiUlu meetlna of the Noted Klu Howell with a aUt ~~ GGIOVeS.a llud~--J_!~T • ~ I Jl n ...,. ; 4f t • -of Lapu u COI'!'apOndina &ee· and Napoleon Van Prahe. EbeU Club wt1l be postponed one ol lur~&re and ber put presi· uun.o~n r ngft an _u.., onne 50 other boola on b..Jth ........ t4JIII1Ptad _. ...., retary, Kra. Jack R.Uey ot Corona Put president Mrs. Ed•u HW week and wSU be held 00 Thurs-d~t'• rina. AI newly elected Or· from the college. Bonnie • .Jean In our te _. ••• •• 111 ~ • Kllblanda u reeordlna aecretary, preee_nt.ed the retlrlna president. day, May 10, Instead ot the first ange County Dlstrlct president. ~.~~-•· played tprlrtrtlY 'alop ...... .... .. -.,.._ t.etnfrl-.. Mrs. John Oertly ot Balboa u lira. D. M. Bu~l. with a put 'nlunday. The meetlna wtll ln· Mia Bowell w1ll continue her ~ 011 the marimba. •• a. wiR ........ ., ...-. treuu.rer, and put president president' a pln ' In appreciation elude the tnatallatlon of otflcen c1oee arm.tatlon with BPW. =~ ~~= F , .. , .. lynpa .,_... Mrs. John Oertly ot Balboa u of her faithful and tnsplred work and wtn be preceded by a lunch· IDL DI.Aif IOWa UCK A TEAr--&\rftr· • ..... eMs .... ~ trea.t\Uft, and put president .. president durtnc the put two eon. Balboa Assn. riiOII 'I'm? TO GEOWIGIA Rill POa • •••l•d _. II JIB ' IL Mn. Tod Oviatt of Balboa I.aland years." A apeclal proaram will be pre· M.ra. ~ R. Bowen ot Coat& VIT _. ...., te _. ••• AM tllla • ., u parliamentarian. Mrs. Martin Mangold showed ~nted by tbe Oranae Coast Col· Mesa reeently retUI'Md from a • ..... tiiUd89 • • • ....... After a plcnlc lunclteon an<! a preview dlaplay of Items which lege Muale and Drama ~art-~ Jeet•lng se•t two montha trip to Ceorpa, near - f'nllt ..,.. Ia .._.. tNlta meeting on the boat. the group wUl be on sale at the Auxlll.,Ya ment. Mrs. 1. A. Cant and Mra. lVI Savannah, where the vt.stted her 0 a ....... Ia • ts-,_. embarked tor Santa Ana. wh~e Fund FaJr alated for next Octo-Phtl French wUI take re.erva· daughter <Diane) and 80n·ln· they vtslted the county otflees of bet' 6. A luncheon honoring re· tiona tor the luncheon, which be· A dlnner-d.anoe party tor mem· law, Mr. and Mra. Rlcbard Sel· * * * the Chlldten'a Rome Society. In· tiring prealdent Mrs. Hummel g'ln.s at 12:30 p.m. ben ot the Balboa Improvement len, and tbetr new little daugh- J'Niib fruit navorT JUabt In the lt&llatJon will be held May 22 wu held for the board members Today'a rqular meetlnc date "-n. wtll be held at 1 p.m. Sat· ter, Deb«ah Loube, who wu alua jar alonr wtth th' trults at the home ot the Incoming at Irvtne Coast Country Club tot-ts belna taken over by a ~-urday Jn the VUla Marina. Prst· born 1ft March. The Sellen, now •.. Bow! Speed and retrta~a-preatdent lowing the meettng. inr or the combined book ae<:· dent Orville S c h 1 u e t e r an-stationed at C&mp 5Uwart In tton from tbe tree to you . . . tlons ot the dubs. All members nounoed this week. Geora1a. are lookln~ forward to ttrst the rrapefrult. or:u~1es and El t• p R rt ot the club are Invited u well It wUl be a get-acquainted thm return to Cal.lfamia u 800n pineapple are tree and plant ec IOnS, rogress epo S uthememt»ers orthebookaee· partytorthebustnessmenotthe uthenewdady'•mnlt&t7.erv· ripened to their~ flavor ... tlons. Mrs. Horace Benjamin of Balboa area and no buatne. will :ice~la~u~p~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ then 'tWOUld MelD that M~cury H. hi h Ch h M . . Balboa tt reviewing "Amba.&Sa· be conducted. Mr. Schlueter taJd. r ta.k• fll/8 ••• Who e1ae but he 19 •19 t UrC eet1ng dor Extraordinary," the Clare T\cket.s are available from See· of the winced feet and hat could Booth Luce autobiography. A 10· reta.ry Monte Grimes or other be neet enouah to encase the clal hour wt1l bertn at 1 :30 and members ot the board ot dlrec· .......__.. cl-·· fruit navors under otflcers were elected and com· Woman's Society wu bostess ~freshment.a will be served. ton.. ~· ...... mission and committee members aroup for the dinner. rl .. · · · Here'• the &.MWer to ,.,., .. named at the annual meet· ~-John Black. supertnten· _......,;;;;--;:;:;;-::~-- v t alon, so well "' Cl b R • aEMREI IS GET SOli how enu. 10 • lng of Chrtst Churcll by the Sea, dent ot the Whittier District. vre· U eceiVeS without her anna Kratt'• 1420 w. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa, aided for the bualnesa meeting A 80n, Robert Harbert. 8 lb., Fruit Salad! last week on Wednesday. that folJowed. 0 u t stand l n 1 12 oz., wa.s born to Mr. and Mra. * * • John Kimble and Dr. Letter ach.Jevementa were shown by the New Members Robert Bennett of 434 DeAnza Beeker were elected to the Boud Woman's Society o1 Christian Dr.. Corona RlrhJand.a, ln Hoar -.t.,...... J..s • eCII' • ••• ot Trustees to replace two mem· Service. the Senior Hlgb Youth Memorta.l Boapltal on .Monday, Jtlaft'a l'ndt l.s.l wW bep ben whose ter1M wee com· Fellowablp, and the Church Mrs. c . w. Bradley, Mn. Allyn AptU 16. au tta 1na1a tna1t a..-._ • pleted. Stewards added to the Of. School. 'nle putor. Rev. Roy A. Brannon and Mrs. Mertice Tay. s.._ • 1 ...a U IIDipt Ntri9· ftclal Board tor three-year terms Carlson pointed out the three lor. all of Corona deJ Mar. were D·Uf'IIOLITEJl _..... ,._ »11 .,., ... • • were: Boad P'reltag, Boa Owen, major goala curled through Introduced u new members of a.aln. ..,__ c:::a..lee ...,.. .. .. WlaiCia 1a ._, U.. ..._,_.. Wayne C&rroll, Mrs. Wayne Car· und~ the the~. "'Jlle March ot the Newcomers Club of Corona taN ot .. _.... ..uoe ., roll, Mrs. Emma Elliott. Mrs. Faith." These included: a bulld· del Mar at the April 24 meeting _... ....,. k • • • .... Cedi ~ell. Mr. and Mn. James lne-tund campaign toT the debt held at the home of Mrs. J. Nevin w. te _.. lila a ll •u t. Taylor. and blph Jack. Wayne on the youth buUcltng. special Kunkle. 308 Bellotrope Ave. 291t~11.1'wr .. .._. 4le•4 •cv' .rws Canoll wu named auperlntend· emphula of ebun::h,tellowahlp Future meetings wUJ be held eoroo. del Mar ......... a •• • .. te ent to bead the Church School. ac:tlvtt:les. and etnphaStt on q,lrl· at the Irvtne Cout Country Oub ~~~~~~=~~~~~ _. wa••dw ._ -... BW KcDonaJd wU1 be .. latant tual ,rowth and evangelJ.am dur· on the fourth Tuesday ot each r h • c« r 41 '"9 • . • a.aa aupertntende'Dt In c h ar 1 e of ina the pre-Euter NUOO. Sla· month. Meettnp wtll start wtth wHil • be4 ., ..... • • • memberablp cultivation In the nltlcant procreas wu reported luncheon at noon and members 1ftMI WMt • tnlt ....S Church School. Mrs. wuuam on each of the coals. may remain to play bridge ln the ...-• Landla wW continue u record· Church tlnances showed pro-atternon If tt1ey wtsh, accordlnlf •• t .•• ht o.t ,..r lnl .teward. and Mn. Ftanda area ov~ lut year. Maurice to Mrs. Glen Youne ol Harbor n4 ..,.t ... n.. tiMir ...._. Elliott u rtnand.al aec:retarJ. Sopp reported $11,71.3.41 dls· 5517, who wW accept lfte!'Va· we .t .,_. wW be • Uw1 '""' Other finance omcers eontJnulne bu.rsed tor 10 months of the cur-tioi)S. ad ti'W'llltSarl their oftke will be: church treu-rent fi.lcal year tor cunent oper-ur~ • .Maurice Sopp; benevolence atlng expenses. Mrs. Hugh Me-* * * treasu.re:r, Mrs. Hurh MeMlll"n; M Ill a n reported a total of Uke all tood Mothers. rm re· bulldlna fund treasurer. &o.d $2402.93 dlaburaed few Methodlst mln4l .... -.-body that Mother' a Frettaa; and buUdtna fund tee· Ben e v o 1 e n c e Work. and the ·-... ~~ s d retary, Mrs. Blll McDonald. church·s goal for the year almost Day tt a week from un ay, Two new committees w~e pro· fully paid. The Bluldlng Fund April 13 • · • Our Adelaide Ia vtded tor the comlne year. The Treasurer, Boad Freitag, reported m akina tblnp euy for you aona HOUM and Maintenance commit· a totaJ of t6.832.62 received In and dauahten ln our front lobby tee WUJ include James Taylor. the Jut 12 months. all next week . • , She's donned artJcl tl I her best cltt wrapplnr blb and Mrs. David Holtby, Mrs. Mary The Church's p pa on n there'• no excuse foT Powell, Arthur Remley. Boad Inter · church cooperation was tucker. ao g1tt Freitag Delevan FreJtae. Harold also noUd In a report by Mlsa you ldda not buyt~l :!z!nlne Glass 'and Ralph Wat.on. A Elsie Newland, representative to . . . What wtth t e the Christian Citizenship Committee the Hubor Council of Churches. Gltt Shop. a 'j ~~ u!t and Includes Ha.rold' Glass. Arthur Several women of the cburcll Flow« Shop a 1 e; 4lvttl:n right Remley, Bill McDonald, Mrs. have contributed 831 hours ot the nne Choco a uldn't Calvin StJlwell, Mrs. JUchard community Mrvlce to Hoag Me- In the middle · · · 1 eo Un· Larzelere, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth mortal Hospital, u noted by the uk for al'\)'thlng mo~~ ~e a Dlc:kJMOn, and Mr. and Mrs. Blll Woman'• Society president. M.tsa lea. perbapa. you or Ca Landis Clara Kohlstedt. whole dln.ner coo~ed 1ft Athe!upl~ A pictorial report In colored =::::==--:=:;-,.-tertng Depart:men ···In com pictures showed some ouutand· lOIS. ~ EMI&Iti'ADB of fried chkke,":t ~~ ~clt~ ln& activities of the year. The11e Mrs. F. B. Clodmer of 2831 pany wtth typ c . ak me Included youth procrams. the Bay Shore Dr.. Bay Shores. wtll fuas'n featheta would m e Christmas Pageant and Outdoor entertain the creatJve arts ~«· all the gladerer · · · Scene, the Flve-Dollu Banquet, Uon of the American A.aoctatlon * * * and Constructlon ot a new cabin of University Women on TUesday at the Methodlst Lazy· W Camp. evening . ... .......... Cone .... ...-... ~~--.. ,. >• ... .. a.-It ............. ........, . ....., , ................ ~ ... c-. te .. IDa h .. , ftet. • .T .. --"1..-t u.,..._., .. ._..._ .... .., .. &lw•••• __,.. .............. ..., ........... ,..., ....... ............. ..,.a.. .., ....... eMil ...... ••• Get ... .,.._ ... .. *·· ................ -;-· the .. Jllllt_,. f I ....,. ........... tiiiiM. ...., ..... , ......... ... Ctaaa. DwWI X • r • • rl a • _. &.AD~ r-Os P ,.... .. ~ * The eventn& program started wlth a tine fellowship dlnn~. For lettft'he&da and envelopes 'ftle Newport Circle of the Call the Enatp. Harbor 1114. Our First Birthday Sale ••• ' ••••• PDCVSORS QET CDIL A dauahter. Diane Lynn. 6 lbs.. 9 0%.., wu bom to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferguson of 510-36tb St.. Newport Beach. on Tuesday, Aprtl 17. In Hoar MemQrtaJ Hoa· pltal t. Bqin & Hamilton Watches OiamondJ Mounti"9s Wallace Calder head JEWELER a. loveliex- ne'lM Stop pretending that beautiful 6gures bappcll oa.ly to ocber propk. We'D ddiTer ooe to,_ just as we b.ne dooe for O'fU J,OOO.OOO WOIDCD! w c calte Jw.d..to..losc: iDcbcs &om lup!, tmnmy, thighs. ankles. uppc:t arms. beautify your posture. 6rm and tightcD muscle. v ore uuguUac says. .. A visit to Scaatfu is a complrcdy rduina cimc.. •• T dcpbooe today for a &ee aial onsit 1114 6guR aa.alyW. No oblipioa. -........... • a ,....., ··c.--oll.Jtt.l ... ~ •••• w. ......... ....., "W.. Scr-15 .. ~ _,,. ....... -. ..... lteriN, lett -· From top to bottom .. from tide to side Sylvonoo8 "Cabinet of Light" tele¥!110n os o/1 pleo .. ont pidure ond soothong, restful Hololight4t. There's more voew- ong comfOtt ••• and TV's cl-· est, brog htest poctures on the "Sot._ Scr..n 8S' poctllfe l\lbe. Come in fOt o demotl\trohonl P'lanl b the annul ~­ anee Lea,ue Bundle Coffee to be to t1ae drtft and cl~ •· held JUne 6 were annouDCecl 1ut amp&.. ol t1ae ""n'•Md' m,.. week at the Apdl meet1q ot tbe Membert ol the ,.,_,man G1rl'• Lea,ue held at the IOdal J'OCIID8 Leque .,. Jlob4n lt)'lett, eha.lr· of the Lea,ue Cent•. man, Mary Lou Downey, Merle Completion ot a w~ Yamor, Dlalme Carroll. Charlotte achool drive tor to~ to be pven GJ*n and Lou Ellyn Davia. to the lAaJUe'a toy abop fM M· Luncheon ho.tea f~ the Aprll turblahlnl betcne Cbrllt:mu wu meet1n1 were Mmes. WWard Kil· reported by Mrs. Wllllam Klrby. Uon; Joseph Stawlcld, Au.t.ln The drive waa directed by the Sturtevant. C 1 a r e n c e Cooper, voluntary e~ ot the Freab· Ed1ar RUI and Kirby. man Glrla Learue Council of sox 800 TO anwru Newport flarbor HJrh School. Mrs. Geor1e Yardley, Mrs. Klr· A son, 'Bradley Anders, 6 lt..., by and Mrs. Manhall Nledecker 4 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. -::::::::======::::::::::; Robert Burke of 2632 Crestview )' Dr., Bay Shores, In Hoa1 Me· laft U» .. lltiU -CVSTOII DauDIU Cit IMIIIIGIE' HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Cout IIWy .• Corona del Mar mortal H<»pltal on Saturday, Apr1114. llELS MOVE TO LJJ)() The Paul Blels have moved to VIa Cordova, Udo Isle, from Newport Island, where they lived at 312 38th St. MGIIMM 8.al4t, g~ EXPERT STYUNG-SHAPING PERMANENTS-TINTING All work supervised by VIOLET Jl7 JIAaDIZ AVE. IIAmcw 151 IALM)A ISLAXD Bet."flllse you want to give her extra beauty on Motber'_s Day GIVE MOTHER MOJUD • • . of sot:ial note Mrs. William Trltt ot Lido We, Chet'a Inn was Invaded Thurs. president-elect ot Ebell Club, Is day nJght by m~mbera of the In San Francisco thla week, hav· Business and Pro t e sa Ion a 1 lng lett at 4 a.m. Monday. She Women's Club. Approximately 25 wUl remain there thli week-end members had dlnn~r thtre toJ· to attef\d the State convention of Jowlng the party honoring retlr· the Fecferatlon of Women's Cluba. tnr president Jean Howdl. junior m~mbe.rahlp. Udo Isle's • • • leading Junior Ebelllte, Mrs. Doran Suess was home from Norman Watson, has been noml· Redlanda Unlveralty to visit her nated for CalJfomla presidency parenu, Dr. and Mrs. 0. G. Sueaa at thl.a meeting. but the local of Balboa Island. last week-end. lfOUP Ia afraid ahe'll not get o.ran's vlslta end In a nurry of the well-deserved oUI~'s excitement these daya because a South~rn Californian bad 1t abe l.a getUnr ready to aall tor this yeu. already! Europe on June 12. rlrht after • • • school l.a out. Amon1 those I Iris Underwood of Gosta ~esa =-~7~•: Is Wed to Rupert E. Spurlin ".. CII~UdD._ AllodaUoft wW be ......... to· •--~ Mr. ancl Mn. Ru· ot ballerlna leqth Ucl plnlc a~· nlpt ('fturedq) at t.M annual pert J:. SpurUn ot eo.ta Me.a are ~ lnductJ.na' a hat wttb cllnDet JMtttna In 1M Mew peNt wa1~ 'W eummer to JDO'Ye lnto tllly wit. Her tlow.a..,. wtllc. Barbof Yadlt tlub. tbelr new home, wblcb s..._ belq otcllld8. 'Jbe weddlnl attenclaftts Color ~ ol tbe lJdo ftn.Lihed lD Ralc:n.t l!ltatei. TIM won v&O'fnl aba.S. o1 blue Sbo,. fubloD lbow hillel on eouple were married 1n an Apr1l from baby blue to tMl, wlllc. Apr. 30 wUl be IIIMrwn clurtq tbe eertmollY at tbe J'lrst Baptsat attoe. and plnlc ucl ,.now car-~ 0 . W. (l)kk) .sc:harcl ol Cbutdl of eo.ta Meea wttb Rev. nat:Jona. 1be tlowtf .,.. wore IUchard'a IJdo Karat .. tbe re· R. G. Neumann perfOI'IIll.q the Utht blue and ,eUow JOWDIL t1r1n1 ~dent. Sally J'lemln£ double rlnt rites. FolloWlnl the ~ there U.O of Bkhucl'a Marat. t. e:uc• The bride Ia tbe former Xn. wu a ncept.1oa at the Szobocll utlve aecntary. lrla Cecella Underwood of 657 home In Garden Glove before the -=====:;:=:;:;:;;;;;:;;;;;=-Surt Av• .. eo.ta Mesa. Bec:auae newlywect. lett tor a bon.ymoon " her parenta are both deceaM<J. In Lu Vetu. • ahe wu given In marrla1e by · ------- her brother, George W. Bona of GDU. IIOD TO •• r U. Corona del Mar. The lfOOm, who A dautbter, I lba., 15~ oz.. lived at 830 Go\<ernor St., Coat& waa bern to Mr. and Kn. Qeorp Mesa, b the 80n of Mrs. Clarence Allan ot UU E. Oeean J'ront. Spurlin of Shelbyvllle, Ind., and Balboa, 1n St. Jo.epb Hoapltalt the late Mr. Spurlln. AprU 9. John WUJima Spurlin ol Welt· ------- mlnatet served u bla brothe(a DAVGIIftA roa aJIOWirl best man. Mrs. Dolly Szobodl of A dau1hter, Catherine Lee, wu Garden Grove was matron ot hon· born to Mr. and M.ra. Donald or. The brlde'a aau1hter, Sharon Brown of 514 Martuerlte Ave., Fletcher, and Mrs. J. W. Spurlin, Corona del Mar 1n Hoa1 Me- the eroom'a aister·ln·law, MtVed mortai Hoapttal' on Tbunday, aa b r I d e a m a I d a . The bride's April 19. younrer dau1hter, Sandra Jean ------ Fletcher, and the aroom's nJeee, DAV~ roa I'DID Jacqueline Spurlln. seTVed aa A dau1htet, Janlee Man.. 7 lb .. nower rtrl& Mlaa Carol Scherer 1 oz., wu bom to Kr. and Mn.. san1 the weddlnt muatc. Robert F1ah of 310 KarlcoJd Ave., The bride was dreued tn a Corona del Mar, In Hoar Me· plnk aUk dress with net lnseta mortal Ro.pltal on Fri .. Aprll 20. Complete Beauty Service Look your loveliest for Mother's Day Make Appointments Now • * Margaret MacDonell • Evelyn Brebner THE L .... lUIS IUYn SAL. Harbor2907 338 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar • LINGERIE Mrs. Clarence ~purlln ot Shel· spendln1 the aumm~r In Europe byvllle. Indiana. had her shar~ with her wUl be her roommate of excitement during AprU. Her at school and Edith Grant from son, Rupert E. SpurJln of Costa Pomona CoJleae. who l.a a part· MKA. was married April 9. (al· tlme Harbor area resident. though she was unable to attend Besides seeing Europe from th~ the w~ddlng) an<l 'lhe had part Scandinavian countries to Spain, ot the roof or her house tom oft the JirJs wUl atudy French on beca~~ewuri~~~~co~ln~t~h~willallrn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ path ot one ot the big midwest In with Doran'a education major. r It's every in.:h a glamour gift! Mojud sLps and gowru, pegnoirs and panties, pajamas and petticoats are 1111 designed for beauty. Their laces, emhroiderjes, ruchmss. and ribbons are used with atungant bvuboes.s .. and with the most dwmi.ng effects ! So, wbcthu you choose ooe precious piece from ow coUccttoa. or a whole arallhecl trou.au. yow gift of N ojod willay all the lovely dungs you want to say oo Mothu's Day! Fr111 $3.9& tornadoes. • • • A daughter-In-law, Mrs. Gene Hovatte-r, and beT seven-month· old son Kurt. are vtaltors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hovatter. Irvine Terrace. The visitors are from Seattle, Wash· lngton. They will be joined thla week ·end by the Hovatters' son, Glamour Glimpses ., Aala Gene. who ls on a bualness trip What would YOUR mother like to Salt Lake City. Mrs. Gene Ho· tor Mother's DayT Rave you de- vatter Is a native of Trieste on clded on a gttt to ~ow her how the Italian · Yuroslav frontier. much you Jove her-that abe's She met h~r huaband In Europe. the very MOST-that you appre· • • • elate aJI the fuss and bother Gene Ross of Lido t.s about to she's gone to on your account! U start out on another trip, thl.s you are puzzled for a Mother's time to represent our town at a Day rltt tor your mother or conference tor tround observer someone dear to you, don't heal· corps of Civil Defense In Mon· tate! Just come to O'BRIEN'S, we terey. The Ross's have recently have the lovellest . . . lovelteat returned from a lengthy trip up ... loveliest ... to the northern part of the atate "chasing wild flowers and apple blossoms." as Gene puts lt. Belng a photorraphe-r he got some won· dertul colored shots ot the lovely spring In Yosemite and Northern California. Next Saturday's official dedl·1 cation of the Newport Island Park waa dl.scuased at the AprU meeting of the Newport Island I Aux1llaor h~Jd at the home or Mrs. Woodrow Newbury on 4008 Well.~ Noa._ t. .. ~ n.. ldad o1 .,.... .. tbot KC141Mr's na1Jy -.P~edatw are _.. tbe "'Y ~ n,s... Tb-... becnatihLl ....... Ia ...., ml.rac*-of·~ fabda that tab 80 u~ ca. Clll4 al· waya look 80 lo\oely. 'nten'a the Dfloo v-ot'~ wttb the beU applique, the labaloa (DflOD Clll4 UIJr) Ia a Jowly ...., ~ ca1Jed "'laude'" wltb a u~ taJrtJe coUar • • • aac1 oa.r nry fcmwlte • dalaty dac· roa batiste wttb tile loa9 cop ...... ed9M wHII baad ... broidery wtlJda 11 npeated Cit the nec1riiM einert's Marcus St., Newport laland. The It she likes the tailored atyle public Is Invited to the na1 rals· give her an exqulaJte linen lng ceremony at 2 p.m. a.nd re· blouse In pink or mat.ze with freshments wUl be served by the outstandJn1 leal applique and Auxiliary at the dedication. Mrs. em b r o 1 de r y, (hand done of Keith Rima. president, and Mrs. course). James Edwards are In chargoe of the celebration committee. ADotlaer ... ol O'IIUDr'l DUAftiOJIY IYOU 1111 •eww-t 11M.. c.te .... KOW o•o ra.JJ)AT En 'TIL I ..... A spruce tree anct the offidal city bouralnvlllea were planted at Arbor Day ceremonies heid Saturday at the park. Harry M. Whetsel lllltea ,. Te I• IIW Ia laJa * New * Modem BuDding "TTE U.U .. .aT IIIIUY of FCIIiiO\W ..._,. .... FIIT.a .. UR .TIE__., * Rxt.es * . ""'"'-~ ...... lh\-C ., wdai *u.I*PIIII*•• Harty M. Whetsel llii&W&IDI.._ ....... UNIII cml& I 'A . ~ 9Ub ..... "*'. Dcrr a ...n ... ..-·u ..,_ )1 .... -at...,.-....a ad tla.la ,..... •• tat Mt .. .. ....w a.. ,..'D liM ... -.... a.. wW tladU ...... ,... ..., -.....t t. a 1 =• pdat .................... ¢ ... .... ... ..., ...ay ...... n.. a.. ................. ,_. UcUitty ... w. ,.. wttlt JeGu..trt-. ........... . ........... JJO ••• wttlt • cleoN•tlw 01111•1• ef ~. t.U ..... ...,. tnaJy. ..... •• aodprn•t..__..._ .... . .... ~ ........ ....... ..... • villa mar1na Reservations Now ... Harbor 3930 Wednesday, May 9th Pr ... nted through the co-operation of the VWa Marina, Vema Miller and the following diatinctiYe ahopa. M.A.BIL YN'S F ASIDON APPAREL 1767 -A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * RULES OF CALIFORNIA 3210 Via Udo Lido Shopping Center * JERrS OF LIDO 3405 Newport Boulevard Lido Shopping Center ·* FIP.STA FASHIONS 373 S. Coaat Boulevard Laguna Beach luncheon from .. LORNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * LIDO F .ASHIOJIS 3423 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach * SHABAilA 3329 Newport Boulevard ~do Shopping Center * Vemc~ Mm.r ldlool oi 0.. Commentary-Fa.blon Modell 3IJl H. Brcxnway, Santo Ana • • -aY •OIIt rt.l. TAD TIIATI• _,. Uttle ,.__,~~eft, • M ill :t II .. Jut .... tile ...., INiby l'-1 tD M .,..,..,.. Ia ... ....,. ...,.... ............. 117 .._.. .... ~dill -C.....aty c ............ Qarc:ta. ..... Mad ~ • .., II. ,_ II &a. te I p.a. 'n. D Heed c1n:1ee .C tM W"....ra r.u. • .._.ua..._ ....... ..,....., ....... .,_..,...._. ........... -.......... .,..a.~ ................... . • =·~ t=181ew • be -..d.._,.... kl' sw ._ 11 .................... -.yt .. IMJbf..,....+ I ~ .... II.J.D ._ .. ..,.._.._...........,(~ ..... ) .l•l•r .. lllre , ...... 111.1.1. Dave and Jean Bobblna are Unsung Commercials busy M'l"llOd~lnr at 3411 E.------------Cout R-.y., Corona del Mar, Cbet Farrar and two ot hllln· •here they .W open their J unior ltructora at the Corona del Mar Shoe Houae on May 15. 'nley will Arthur Murray danee .tudlo, Bill handle Pled Piper ahOH. lntanta RJppetoe and Jean Canoll, at· to pre·teen.a. provldJnr a careful tended a three day conwntJon tltttnr ~~ and wide aelec· lut week-end at Palm Sprlnp. tlon ot styles and a1.zes. The gathertnr wu a Pte-Derby Mr. Robblna ll a New J~ Convention as a kJck-oU for the natiw, served u a Na vy Ueuten· aprlng national promotion of the ant In World War U and the Ko-dance lltudlos from May 14 to ~an War. Mn. Robblnl ll the J une 26. fonDer Jean Farther, daurbter • • • ol. Mrs. Jeule FarJher of 222 Mr. and Mrs. Salley, Leon and Heliotrope Aw .. Corona del Mar. Sunny, are the new owners of Dave and Jean, who live at the NeiJbborhood Cleaners at D P'ernleaf Ave., met each other 27'20 E. Cout Highway, Corona ln Lone Beach While both •ere del Mar. 'nlelr first act wu to Navy lleutenanta. <He bad top oUidally ebanre the name to Co- rank. however, ., then •u no rona del Mar Cleaners. which trouble on that score.) 'nley were Leon points out. still keeps It u married Jaat July. a neighborhood cleanera for tollu 'nley had operated th eir Junior In the Harbor area. They have Shoe Store ln Anaheim and are &lao added a telephotle and plan now movlnr It to Corona del to add pick up and delivery serv· Mar. lce.aoon. ~Oft lOW A .an. John at.ven, 8 lb., 1 oz.. wu born to Mr. and Mrs.. John Barrett 0( 1970 Prllc:Wa Lane, Harbor Rlrhlands. In Hoar Me · mortal Hospital on Tuesday, April X C:mL aou TO WAITES A daurhter, Sba*n MacTavt.h, 8 lb .. 3 oz., ... born to Mr. and Mra. lames Wute of 125 VIa Mentone, Udo ble, on Friday, April 20, l.n Hoar Memorial Roa· pi tal. IICI IACIEI'S ANNUAL FREE PADDING & FREE r ·RAVERSE RQD SAL·E Padding fu.miabed FREE with all carpet i.natallation. Allo. tra.ene drapery rods fu.miahed with all Noikpun caaement draperies. MANY OTHER BARGAJNS * KD&ft. n&E.. mnmoa DKCOUTDIQ anJCE * Dick Maeker * Carpet. * Drapery * Upbolatery Ia Tw..lfew Lido •••11111 .. ewt. JIAd)ow a. OOftA ...... MftWT caua:a C08011A 11a. ... caua:a A com.anU1Joll ..,...,. wUl be A ...... • the D*PI' be- dellwnd at 11 a.m. Sunday by tween dwt Co • • r • r a t 1 on al lev. P. G. Keamann at tiM rtht Churebae ... -. EvanpUcal A laptlllt Ou.rrch of eo.ta Mea. Wormed Clnll*, Wlllcb ll to be Tbt ChanC~tl Cholt •Ill atnr. 1be co~ ID 1t:w undtr tbe ~tory of Qrllt ln the Sudan .tll new name fill 1M Untted Chucb be pNMiltecl In eolOftd plctUt8 of Cbrill&, wW M delivered Slln· by a.v. ,and Mta. l ohn Riebl, day by a.¥. J:dwln Comk~. pu. miMSonariM tJoom Africa at 7:30 tor of the Ccwooa del Mar Com· p.m. SUnday. At t :30 p.m. kn· munlty auarcb. Aeolyte. tot Kay day the Younr Peoples Tralnlnr ~ Georre Ball and 'nlan MuDD UnJon m..U and the put« .tll at th• 9:30 a.m. .mee and lim eonduc:t an lnatructlon ~ John10n and TB:ry Scott at the C8IIIITIAJr ~a c:aoMCII u a .m. ~ Paul's d e c 1 a rat 1 o n (I Cor. UYIZW AnacAII ~K 15:22), •·..u In Adam all dte, even Mn. Robert Born and Mrs. *> 1n Chrllt aball a ll be made Harold WJllion, both of Corona allw,.. and the oUJ.ce of the del Mar, reviewed the book '1n· Chn.t. • t r e 1 at n r m'n's God· aide Attica" at yaterday'a meet· Jtve.l) .anahlp •lth ti\e Fatbn tnr of the Book Bound Table of are hlrhllebted ln the LeMon· the Amerk:ah AMoclatlon of unJ. 8 e r m on, "Adam and Fallen venlty Wome.n held at the home Man," to be read ln the edlflees of Mra. WWiam Wuley In Santa of the Jfnrpott Beach Church of Ana. Chrtst. Sclentllt, on Sunday. 'nle Golden Tat UJWetaeS tt. "U by on e man's ottenee death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of pace and ot the rift of rlpteoumeu shall relcn In the life by one, l esu.a Chrllt" (Bollla.M 5:17). UP1'11T TOV'nl ULL T Tbe youth from the Southern Baptllt C b u r e b e a of Ora nee County wUl meet for a rally at the Flnt Southern Baptilt Church ln La Habra at 7:30 p.m. Satur· day. CldJIT CIIUJICII n 110 su ••••••• Wm F,_ Y111 C••••J Convene Wurdemann of 211 Ruby Ave., Balboa Island, retired Monday from the Southnn Cali· tornJa Edl.son Co. after 34 years ot service. Ill ....... ,. .... ,1 .... * Waat a hHplJlr Harbor VIew and a L&rle * Secluded Patio foe happy outdoor llvtnr. * A flne, older home hand· .amely d«orated * 4 Latte. Sunny Bedrooma and :J Bath.a. * 12x15' clen·Separat. ltx:l8' DlnlniJ'O()m * 32' LlvlnJroom wttb charmtnr fJ.replace • Spacloua It I t e b e n and Breakfut nook * Beautltul_lf carpeted throuJhout. ~.000. 'MII.S tamJly'a dillld.ren are rrown-YOO wtll want yours to grow up 1n th1l one too! DEAL W1'nl REAL TORS ..... New 3 It 4 bed.r. homes under construction. AvaU. about June lS. Reserve now It •~ lect your Interior colora. 2 baths It large lots. 'nlll Sunday •W be obdlerved aa "Family Sunday'' at Christ Churcll by the ~a. accordtnr to the Rev. Roy A. Carllon. Special farnJJy eventl are ach~ul~ for Sunday, and allo durlng the we8, w blch 1a oba-6Yed by all ma)or Caltha u "National Family Week." Guest ~aker fiX the duplicate morning aervtces at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. wUl be J~b B. Henry of Arcadia, a proteatonal coUDMlor on family llte, and tor several years a.uo- clated with the American lnstl· tute ol Family ~lations In Los Angeles. He bad been In charge of right of ways and land for Orange county for the pa.tt 11 years. He lald out the orlelnal Shaver Lake project In the Ble Creek area northeast of Frano. He was the headquarters rea.ldent enrtneer for the VIncent line from Eacle C Rock to Bl1 creek and worked on • the Boulder line from Loa An· gelea to Boulder. Mr. Wurdemann was cornmo· dore of the Balboa Yacht Club In 1952 and Ia now a staU com· modore. He Ia a put precldent Ell.le1es,lliller 1999 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa u 8-3333 of the Tuesday yachtsmen lunch· ---------------------- CAJD P AJrTIIDT OOT C&mp Farthest Out. an ln· formal denomination fellowship ot Chrt.tlan believers, w1ll meet Saturday at 4:15p.m. at the Ftnt Pteabyterlan Church, 0 r a n 1 e . Mn. Gertrude Behanna. a writer and lecturer fom 29 Palms. wW apeak. A pot luck supper will precede the ewninr meettne. PLAY TOUDEY WUUtEIII Students from Laguna. Garden Grove and FUllerton Hlch Schools won the tol) awards In the One· act Play Touranment held Friday at Oranre Cout College. eon poup, wblcb meet~ ln the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and a put commodore of the Rhodes Yacht Racing A.an He wu pr.-nt~ a palr of German binoculars at a retire· ment dinner lut Friday evening In the Gourmet RHta urant. Dis· neyland Hotel • .teb 147 persona present to pay hlm homace. SAIL C:E.U 1:1 I'IOLE.If N. A. Reed of Loa Angeles Mon· day ~ported the theft ot a aall bag contalntnr a main aaU and jlb and a cottee can of tools and fittlnp tor his Mercury cla.u aall boat. 'nle cear, valued at $175. was stolen from the Lido Penin· sula Ship Yard, Mr. Reed told Newport pollee. Patronize the merchants who advert.IM ln the Newport Har· bor EMtrn. ---------------------------1 .. £ CUFFS VIEW of ocean, hUls, canyon ... 2 large bedrooms. 2 patl08. Iota of tile In kitchen and bath ... Dlaposal, dllhwuber, sUent switches, forced alr beat. hardwood Doors. $27,100 STAILEY l. SIITH, lultlr 2647 E. Coast HJrhway J6arbor 882 Next to Norman'• NUJ11ef)', Corona del Mar IEICOI lAY Exqulllte 4-bedroorn, 3 bath home. Suitable foe larp tamUy, encla.ed patio. • • • THE lJST REAL IIIUII II UY SHIIES 3-bed.room home, larre dlnlng room. etc. lun reduced from $28,500 to $23,000 tor quick sale! • • • 001111 an 111 $1,0111 MIDI will handle thLs attractlw home ln a iood location ln Costa Mesa. 1 block to abop. ping ~nter. Fill Prill .1111$8118 PAUL C • .I.ES REALTY 2620 Newport Blvd. HArbor 2313 LEIOI 1111111 " acre ... new 2-bedr. with den . . . 2 baths . . . A beauty! $32.500 • • • 2 ICI'II ••• Terrific r~ew .. . .. .2 bedrs.,. 2 baths ... thls you must see! $30,000 CLIIIE YU 1011 REALTOR Z731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8-4277 Newport Beach lesip Fer UYite (wltll cWWr11) . S·yt. old Cape Cod house on I 45· tt. lot. South of Hlrhway near Uttle Corona beach. 3 · bedn.. 1 t; baths, forced air heat. dishwasher, completely fenced yard with separate play yard. Fiberelus covered patio. $23.750. Will •ll fur. nlahed. Owner, HA ~ courtesy to broken. L~ I I O.l.t. 1 When buyfng 01' aelllnr Newport property, •by not do busln... •fth .ameone thoroughly famlllar with the area! I have been bere a loq time and can otfs real ..-vke. .............. 3d) W .... ..,_ BlVd.. lt...-pOI't ~tea a&ww .,..,. ew .. , Irvine Terrace Gives You Everything b t "S II . • • • u mog WE CORDIALLY INVlTE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DlS'nNCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMI!:S AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUC'nON NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer wbo .Uhes to purchase ln the $25.000 to $3:5.000 clua we linoerely recommend the lrvine £5t.ates overlooklnr Newport Harbor. Tbae f\omea feature California llvlnc. Otter-ed exclg: alvely through Earl W. St&nJey In a Smoc-Ftft a.ru known u Irvine Ten-aee--<)n Coast Highway op()Oit'- the new Irvine eoa.t Country Club, Newport l!arbor. * For recommendation. •• r~er you to anyone Who bolda a Leaaebold Estate In lrvin~ Terra~. Beacon Bay, Bayahores ot CUff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 Foe F\l."ther lntorm&tion VOGEL VALUES YICUT LITS CO RON A DEL MAR Choice R·2 lot. 'Ill~ onJy lot we know ot on the ocean aide of the Highway for $4.850. CORONA HJGHLANDS Unobstruct~ view lot SO' x 102'. Your last chan~ to buy a lot Uke thll tor $11,950. NEWPORT BEACH 80' C·l lot on l'ewport Blvd. Ideal for o~ bulldlnc-- located In center ot fut rrowlna area. Prtced to •ll. THE VOGEL CO. l667 £. Cout Bwy~ Corona del Mar HA: 17tl; HA: am ... fl'lllil lien•• ,., llki.Dnln..a..lllp 1618-tt. In the houae alone of this roomy 3 -bedr., 1~ baths home. with lar.ee living room. dlnJng room and sheltered cement patio u well as a yard and 8e'rvlce areL 3-ear aarace. birch panelllnl In kltchen, complete with drapes and w-to·w carpetinr. Most con~nl~t Newport Heights location . . OC't'an vlew from front ot hou.e. $4.000 down. • • • Duplu on Newport Island. One 3 bedroom unit. the other 2 bed.rorns. Corner location near park and beach. FULL PRICE S25.500 FUICIS .I.IM¥1111. ••• 2216 Newport Blvd. 34.20 W. Balboa Blvd. U 8·5101 Harbor 1428 IIU 'S lEST BUYS S~t~c•l•*'• Pal'lllile U ve In Uus well constructt"d TwtWI'IIIIIe• with hardwood floors. flagstone tl~la~ and loads ot storage room. wblle you build on th0vacant lot next door This proPf'f'\Y ls pric-ed to Sf'll at SH .950 . Down-less than tht> value of the vacant Jot' .. you'll hke our fTiendly service" Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St , Costa Mesa CORNER -Harbor Blvd. a,nd Hamilton. Ca.ta Mesa. 156x~170. lncom~ now with room to construct lf'rvtce station. medJeal unit or buildings with parldnc. Priced to .ell. Cle&r. SubmJt down . • • • BUY TO BUILD OR HOLD. 2 parcels C ·2 ple<-~ is 89xl25 w1th buUdlng Income--adjoins R-4 p~l 82"xl60. 'nlls is a rood buy for Sl~.OOO ... or will dlvlde. • • • IMMED. POSSESSION-New 3·bcdrooms. carpeted w-t ·w thruout. FHA. Payments of $64 mo. Includes tnt., lnsur. :::n. tue. and principal Good buy at $9.500. ~ U 8·1632; U 8-HOO Eves. 18Sl Newport Ave.. eo.t.a M- ... 11U LIS1III • TIE IIIII lli1t11 -11111 ML ~0. 61901-'l'lro Bowes on SkliO Lot ll\ CQrrA • ME!IA. OM J-hflroom \ou8e ancl OIMt l ·Mdl-..._ 1n .........a~,...,.... Prked 11~ COMTACT YOUa au!. TOll DQA.aDIRQ ,_ ORm -TIU~ Newport HarbOr, Board of .R .... ~ . .......... 6·~··········~ ~auu l ~•uu OVERHANGING 7' x 8' Garage ""'G:::RAND:-:-::=--::PIAN::-:""=os:.;-m-a-n-y-;l"lk--e-n"""~=. door with t:txtures. Harbor 3149. Muon 6 Hamlin, excd)ent 2ELECTRON1C ORGANS llke condition, Story 6 C 1 a r k • n~. our prlce only $575 up Knabe, Edmund Gram. one SchmJdt-PhlUJps Bll Organ 6 only $435. Another $495. Many Plano Store, 520 No. Main, other wond~rful b~ya 1n pi- Santa Ana. One Solovox $150. anos. Come. Look. Schmidt· ~ PhillJps BJg Plano Store, Santa SAMPLES AND FACT~~y Ana, 520 No. MaJn St., 100 PI· WDIM .. Q 011. J*•r .a a. lUa. __. ••rwt ..,_Art CLOSEOUTS at c::o.t or w 0 e-anos· Home of the Hammond ~ ....,_ ......_ • .... , ... w ,_. .. pall• bF •m ,. a..y. aale prices. Monday, May 7, Orga'n rt. ef WlaittleL •· lAcy .... pnust tit tM _. ~ tM .-a unUJ 9:00 P.M., Tuesday A · 0 • • p.a. I~ to .......,. • 1110 elM* -~U... :rile art •· Wed. til 5:00. Bags ralore. FOR SALE: 1955 Dodge v ... PICK• ldbH --......... -·· ..,. .. ....... .......... gt.tta unusual, and ~welry. up, % ton, deluxe a&b, heater ~a,.. 1a1a filet ~ • ._ tit ta.e .._ AaW~I• Wandas ot Corona del Mar and other extras. Excellent I Coaaty llueaa a.d C4dUomJa ._.. I'1IU • 1 •• a.d ,.._ 700·B Carnation. entrance 0~ condltlon--$1295. Ha ~-R. 'ftiNdy ... -••• nadtilt ••Ilea .. ta.e ._Gila lei Y.U., Altl.t EJdalblt .. .. ... 1 g ......... atdld ..... K..a Jutl. 4th Ave. IlEAL ESTA'IE & aEJn'ALS tate .. Art ia .._ ~--.1 cat ....... tile Pladl • ...._.. NEW SPACEMASTER Folding 1WO 2-BR. UNn.JRN APTS un-lhdleo. A 1151 cMclt ...W• .. J..._ ..... ef -...ty IW1a wills doors. Grey Leatherette. 8'x6'8"· restricted view ot ·bay, ieeM, :::=w ..._ co&.. -..a.cu-, • .. ~ ...._ • be ,._t «t 10 5-3568. no summer increase; electrtc--------------------------HAMMOND ORGANS used. A thermo kitchen and retrlrer- rare opportunity. One famous ator, washroom, etc. $225 and CHORD ORGAN, one BV Home $200. Small pet OK. 213 Carna - Model both like new. Don't tJon, CDM, Ha 1310. walt lf you wish to make .a BALBOA 1s--=LAND~=--:-:H:-::O'""ME-=.=-.-yu-mm--y good saving on the worlds tumJshJngs, 3-br .• dble. garage, tlnest Organs. Schmidt-Phillips plus $1SO per month from In· Home of the Hammond Organ, come apt. $44.200. Ha 4342. 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana, ,.. • 7 • Edn-Cr••.. tal Good Terms, 36 mo. ~ a -· ren ape- MOOSE H A R D R 0 C K MAPLE c1a1Jst wtth DoriS Bray, realtor, HUTCH 11 t dltl 216 Marine Ave., Balboa l.sland. , exce en eon on. HA :zo HA 64 $60. 4.30 Tustin. Newport Hts., or · Ll 8·8292. W AJn'ED TO llDT DAVENPORT--$30. Chair -$15. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY desires Retrlcerator-$45, Stove -$15. two bedroom home or cottage Must go Immediately. 2519 near beach, summer months. Beacon, Newport Heights. Ll., References. 8510 C a Itt o r n Ia 8-4948. Ave., Whittier. OXford 36·260. JSPfNETS & 1 Grand, small LOST AlfD FOtnfD case damage In s h I p p I n g . freight eo. lr factory pay, you save big money. Schmldt·Phll· lips, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. WST: Ladies gold wrlst watch with black cord band, In Co· rona del Mar. Please return to 438 ~gonia Ave. LOST: Lad l'~es-:-,-wr-:-lst-:-w-a-:t-.ch.-.-:W-;;-ed:;-· nesday, April 18, somewhere between Richard's Parklng lot and Lido Theatre. Ha 1639-J. EXQUISITE long, whlte formal with long sleeved satin jacket. also aqua tat!eta ballerina- length. both size 12. worn once. Pert e c t for spring dances. bride's or bridesmaid dresses. Al110 never-worn blue shan· SITUATIOKS WA.Jf'TED tunr coatdress, size 10. Attrac-MATURE WOMAN wlahes baby Uve prices. Hyatt 4-494.2. eves. sitting and care of alclc, knit· SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful tlng or crochetlnr. Day or buys many slightly used, ren-night HA 3192-M. tal returns, new guarantee CDM man would like gardenlnr. Maple, Blond. Ebony. Light clean-up, etc. Call C 3-2122. Walnut, save $100 to $2160 all Mel UpsbalL Jlke n~. Ml.rro Spinet only W ANTED~:=IIO::=niq~-':"'ln--::m,y-::-o:h-o--=me=-=. S23S Maple tlnilh $296. Klm-Mabel WhJtman. 6117 Uargue- ball, Acrosonlc Spinets. from rite. COM. HA 42'79-J. $465. Many other great buys. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Iron· 100 Pianos to choose from new lng-by the hour; baby sit· and used. Schmidt-Phillips PJ. tlng. Ha 0!500·1. ano A Organ Store slnce 1914. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. WA.If'TED Business Directory IKStJB.AJfCE INSURANCE ''Be Sure-Insure" Wl11l STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, HA 5232 SCHOOLS & IKSTJltJCTIOJf 75 USED PIANOS wanted. Swap your sUent old plano on a Hammond Chord Organ High· est cash alowance. Schmidt· Phillips 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. . NlSCELLAJIJEOtJS IT'S HERE Graduation is nearly upon us. Give the graduate a watch with eternal timekeeping- the cherished Etema-Matlc. Don't walt 'til the last minute. See RAY F1ELDS, Jeweler, 19th A Placentia, "In VIsta Shopping Center," Costa Mesa. Liberty 8·8488 MRS. ALLINDER OF 8.1. , NAMED BY JUNIOR EBELL EledJon ot oUleers was the highlight of Thursday's m eetlnr of th• Junior Ebell Club, a lunch- eon at the VIlla Manna. Mrs. Forrest Allinder of Balboa Island Wll8 n~-~ldent; Mrs. Dean Gorton. first vice president; Mrs. Edward Kelly, second vice presl· dent; Mrs. Donald Clark. record· Young Set's Styles Shown Start gttt-makJng now for Moth· er's Day . . . Fatbe:r's Day ... . . . Graduat1on . . . Birthdays. New yams, straws and corde. !IT 'N' KNIT SHOP • HA 4622 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa GUEST BEDS FOR RENT Call Liberty 8-3456 Seal's Surgical Supplies REAL ESTATE S5 PER MONTH good practice plano, let the klddles learn. All tenn rent allowed on buy Good practice pianos $135. $145, $178. $195, Scbmldt-Phllllps Big PI -~ ano and Organ Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT .. Cor. tractirig Insurance Continuous day and evenlnr classes for preparation to pus the State exam. can or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa A1\a Klmberly 7-3511 KEllor 8-.2513 WATER HEATERS Sale... Service and Repatra .-IEIIT .. PLtiMBIKG ~ 10 .. Cent DowD Phone Ba.rbol' 5330 ..,., .• .-r..,. . ,.._..._.. ~-........,_..,_ .. ,. .. ---· Sli, I Rt .... l S,.C. fer Rill u~ Ccmt:nt""""' 1897 Orange Ave. eo.ta Mesa Uberty 8-8628 Uberty S-6632 COMPLETE PA.I1n1NG American Leg1on 215 15th St. PAPER HANGING SEKVTCE Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. HA 2976 IIELP WAJn'ED (Evenlnp. week-ends) EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS A II ENTtOJif HOUSEWIVES -500 aut Street. Newport Beadl Avon Coametlca needs 3 women to represent company COM~ LAIIDICAftlfG In local netabborhood. Call .....a Kl 74272 for appointment In FREE J:STDIATD your home. S6JI Green Stampe ............. 1 J'fO f'EE coUecud from applicant 413-Sl.at lfewport ... dl ... IIIIRII Gooc! lobi -Good Salary with frequent tncnuee In a c:ornpanJ that aetaaliJ •· otUra .. .t.UCIII'Mid. hlJ pq .. '" .... tn.IDed.. ~ ... ......... ,......OI'DA'm.l rr.. deltvwy· COROJ'fA DEL M.A..R Jro1t8ERY IIA 1038 2144 & Oollit HWJ. ....,._MID • ...... Coline ~ Dclrotlu- Mc:&enna, llarperb Hqbel Car. lt. Coull Jlwy. at Ordl.ld .uro. tna ~o .. mM .,... 'fte ••• , ..... .................... ConaultatklD·N' ... II lfo ~Upttoa ~-OfiHI• ... .... ...,.. ·---. ....._-.-. (On , .. c:atr ll.u) u•a -~· IJ I#IUUj qiUJ. CAFE-I••••• ftt. ........... = ......... ,I I ~-·-k•o-•911 .. o r CeutY. .. ..................... ... ......... ,...,.... .. ................. ... ................................ QIIIIIRiatlae ....._. _. ....._ .._ .. Ia ?wild. y .. Lla Ia ,_,a-t. Qt?SIIIwtft ........... 117 L C&JIU& AlrA8aiC Dtai 1 S-4111 1111 IIIII ,. ... lilidJrtt 11M ............... ..-.... *iO I .... ... .._ ...... _ _.o..,.c ,, .. ...._...._. ............ .._ ...................... ...... ......... ~ .,..._ ..... a..-.. A &lori8ed coe.. U. ud• aaaa. aJinouneed tllat au-ta may ,. • ._ 11111ow ,.,._ ~ tiM 1 NIDa1n to play eufll an. tM Woaaaa'a OW ~ Tb~ fubJon ,.,..., X..ben fll the • Jllllllmlq. May 10. w11J belp to comm.ltt.e few the party 1nelude )III'0¥1de eaft• Nil' plaC. ud 1ln. A. L. Wettb lr .. tn·daarte otiMr kltcben equipment for the o1 table deecntlona: Mra. Paul CommunJtr Youth Oent.r In Co· De¥1a, pnz.; Mra. Karl Alrtatft, rona del Mar. Oota... from .an-tldleta: and Mra. Weaver !mtth, up to .....U.Ilt laehacllq nJPU.· ayle abow. nJte eMMtbMa wtll be teatured Aettve Clll the uec:utJve board ln tbe 'round tb• docs t~ o1 tile Youth Center .. nee tu In· 1bow at tbe Mewpart Harbor ceptioa, the W o m a n • a Civic .Yacht Club for the 10 a.m. ooltee. t.e.rue bd planned Ita .tqle -,.Mra.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ja;;-;;;;;;;;;:V:;aa;;;;o,u.;;;;;;;;;;eh~a.lt;;;· annual fund ralalng projed to r --help SMtt the Center In condition PEOaALSAvtNGs I LOAN ASSOCiATION TWO o•FICIS LOW LJ)W ''UDUCtN&" INTYUT RATES lOY MONTHt. Y PAYMENTS FRIENDLY sn4PATHET1C SERVICE FREE CUSTOMIU' 'ARKIN& ESCROW SYVJCE. ~CIENTl Y OPERA TED LAGUNA BEACH 222 CoNn Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. a C.mino Real PHONE HYednth 2-1195 • HY ecinth 2-1196 • Ill HIT WELCIIE II, ...... tor aUJ~U~Wr u.ee, aatd MnL J'or. rat Allinder, Leaeue preettt.nt. Altbou1h lneompl•. the Center Ia already the .cene ot conalder· able recr.tion ~ctlvtty lncludJn1 a newly tOI"'Ded .Art. and Craftl due wblcb meeta on Wedneectay momJnp under tl'le dl.reet.lon of Mrs. George D. loluulon. and a " SUm and Trim Cl .. on Tbu.ra· '11m ,... u.s. ... , n'r ld ...,.,.. .. ...._ cdr·..cllu...c&. ......_,... .. &. __.. ......... day morntnp ·unctet tile dlrec--....til...,..._ taudlea .a JUS 't'le f.LciM • .....s ...a tlt.lnl a..a. c. 11. a •. Uon ot Dorothy lo Swanaon. U.. Ia •ssjiillt .._. _.. .. ._ t. t J1k a-., wuu-r td· ...c r.-u. ...._ .. ._ Ia ?-:; ..... fte ..._.,, • 'sru1' rt pcwtawa Ia • 11 wd--. tiM .,.ntts~o ~ aurnmAY roa JOAa ...... .._._ •.,.-.-...-. 111et wm-.. .._tiM ....... ,.,... .. u••---.,. ... . Alth -bJa birth"'"-A = ... C ........_. INIIt ...... c .... pan ..U.O.·Ie+IAIII ... "-I I dstle& .. . OUau ~ WU pr. _ _!~~D~·~I!1_: .. ~~·~-~-~~a.~· ~.!·~~~~ ... ~_!ft~-~-~··~~wtaa~~-~~ow~wa~~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~lllet~~ ..... ~~-==~=-~ Carleton Mears of Newport Helebts cbotle AprU 22 to cele- brate hla birthday with a IJ'OUP prank c aU$ e $ of Harbor area frlenda. The group. tncludlne Mr. and Kra. E • D Joe Hamblet, Mr. and Mrs. K. c. X eputy to Sheely, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B.eln-· - ert and Mrs. Mean. went to Bol-D H • G lywood to ... Cinerama and raw Is u n Don A. Robb of 2016 ~an then bad a .teak dinner before Blvd., Balboa, reported the loa e WDJfUDAY. APBD. 2S retullllq home. A .25 caliber automatJc wu of a small owl monkey, which :========:::;;::;;===:! swune Into action by a retired eJ~Caped from hll patio ... Chll· PAY Ll)S CIIPLETE DIU I STilES • I'RC<.e J'IP r ro•,., ~-~fj ... ,. .... ,, ...... ... pwt .... ao1 c:-t llw7-aA ms c-..a .. Loa Angele. deputy aberttf when dren put amall squar~ of ply- bll car appeared to be the tareet wood wtth nalla In them under of a bur.,lar In the Merle' Drl . wbeela of ears In the neighbor· • 1 ve hood of 1331 W. Bay Ave., New· In parkJne lot. Corona del Mar, port Beach but an unldentlrled at 9:36p.m. Wedneaday, April 25. man remo~ed them before any A. C. Barton ot Glendale, the damaee wu done . . . Cars retired deputy, was eatine at the driven by Grue o. Cooper of counter In the cafe when his wlte Udo Park, Newport Beach and noticed aomeone In their car. Mr. Fannie Jamlaon of Los ~eeles Barton ruahed outside with tbe were In an acddent at Newport weapon drawn. Georee lARocque, 21. ol Long Beach, nplalned that Blvd. and 30th St.. Newport be wu only jokln1 with a friend Beach · · · Mn.. Howard Law . In a car parked next to the Bar· :,ce ~0: ~eBa~~ve~f ~; ton vehJcle. Mr. Barton, aatlsfied drive abaft fr m her car Mrs. wJth the explanation, decllned . 0 • · • to prna charges. Newport pollee Fred S. Butterworth of 517 Poppy ~.They were called to the Ave., Corona del Mar, reported lleCUl by a car hop. that mockln1 birds dove at her E. G. SamuclJo. 19, of Anaheim. wu stabbed In the upper back, the knlfe puncturtn1 a lung. at about 10:15 p.m. Saturday, In a ""=======::::::==== aervlce .Ution parldnl lot at 416 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. save n1o ney •••••••ee ,....._,__.._r, • • •••• ••••• . . ..... • • • • ••••• • •• • .... -vel • • 'ep..oo-,. • . ........ : """ ...• . A ........ u •• • • •• • ••••• cauuto. detaUa todayl W. L LANDIS oa L E. CAIRNS Newport pollee fint learned of u.s. lt..,.a n- Weahi~tt a ,ol.l"f c-.pa... lubric:atloll s.Mc. FREE PICIC-U, a DWVERY s,. •nu LOAII CoDIItructioa J.ocme au .oa uriu:a Pllrllrladppll. no. c. • ...,.-Dmtat 1 • AAphalt Tile-Rubber TIJe FormJca -Unoleurn Tile CIILTIIS' ~ IU E. lftla lt. Clilllea ... uaarrr l..asJ 22 Yeva lD Orup Count:J ------- Costa Mesa Co. "nte eontrMt tw ........... u811treet ,.,tdnl. fte atJ' ftaa. fJI l'tlltrOOID8 .... ea.-... ...... c-••..W. ba4 ,.,....,. Kat State .._.. wu awudM t1ae vutanee ~-tile .... fttd*1 bJ tbe Jf.wport ctt::y reuoa at lt. April JDMUJ& &Dd . CoUndl 1o a. L. 1tetnmet1 ol 111. -.cba had appMlld the ea. Santa ADa on hla low bld ot to Coundl at Ia Monct.y meettq ~ lut wwk.; Counc:U pt01rammed a total ot FoUowt~ Ia a reeume of ac:tton 191.601.25 of 1u tu tund8 fot taken at the Monday meet.~nt: the eorntn• year. Thla Included • Alain delayed the bearfna $2l,!!Ot for maintenance and on the Heltpot annex, tht. tlme t88,097.2:S for ac:qulattlon and lm· to May 14, at the NqUeat of Hell· provement of the PacWc: Electric: pot and WUUam Capey. rtlbt .111.. way betw~ 30th St. • Approved a contract wtth and Jltol'adden Pl. Hahn, Wlse and ~latea for The reque.t of Rex Rechs for a revtaln1 the city m.uter plan variance ·to remodel the apart· tor $11.600. ment buUdlnt on Newport Ocean • Called tor blda on comple· Ft. at 23rd St. wu rejected by tine the resurlacln1 of streeta In City Counc:U bec:auae Mr. Recb.s Corona del Mar, an estimated had been unable to provide for $9.200 project. • Accepted the proposal of Architect George Und to prepare plans tor enlarclne the pollee station tor $450. this amount to Funds Are ·Sought to Send Crews to Ol.ympic T~ials C&"d'l·· uw ...s1 5 p.a fte Jlapwt ........ Cla&IDber Dlvtaiou fJI tile U. I. OIJalp6c eo.or1GW (J1'Y*1) to ftle fOil po- ol Cc-I Ct ................ b Jtowlna hncl eo.aatu. ... ....... .. 1M 01raftp Cout:y ,......,. ,_.... tlnqbout tbe actlve tbNupout the aataoa to ~ ot ...._doe ero the plead ..._to -.t tile aoC ol _,,'\1 IDMt tiM ~ fJI __, ~ ltl· M ta.e .........., elec:Uon •lu•5. ...... CNWa 1D tiM OlJmplc Uq quou. ol U. &. 011'1Dplc u, to a late bow ~. .,.... TltaJf at ~ on .1towtn1 PatroD Certlflcau-, 16& lao~~u.Une aJen llariMoll haM •• Uld.. wbJch .. ,....at tbe bolder to ol lbo..kata Ana ..... c.t.a aa.M tbe lm.co&l.,S.te .law· ...._ wu the oaJ.y •DdNate to M • St II inl l.eptta at IJraeuee on luat baw ftW ta tba aftb dllltrtct. I 55 Ov... 18. .adeh .. tba ......... u tba u Oeneral ehaJrmen tot t.be Call· ftftb oouaty Rtel <118oria1 4111· Named Zonta Girl of Month fomla Dlvs.lon fJI the U. I. OJym. trid. pic loWtq J'uncl Committee .,.. 1"ba ......,.t Otanta County Hay Lan,en.belm. c.or,. Boat Board ol J!ct\aeatson lAI made·up U and Edwin L. ll&rbacb. Mr. of ecbooJ ot.tlk:all ancJ tbe ltate Lanpnhelm I&Yf that the patron l.,watw. baa •eland that Jay c:ertJtlc:atea are st:UJ available at people be eYded to the board. the Chamber office. They wt11 take oGkle on July L MarJe Stovall. dauthter ot Mr. "As m~ C&lltomla)\a will not and llra. JL R. Stovall ol 4.98 be able to vleoy theee thrilllnl Read tiWEMitn Want Ad pap. ~ lt., Colt& If.... wu races by virtue of dlAitanc:e," be jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji named "Zoot& Girl ot the Month" l&ld, "the committee hu made few A1WU and ~Jved her "'C' provlalon to ttve the 1Jcketa to pJn from M.r1. Art 'lbrouon youth or1anlz.aUon. within a 'nlun4ay at ~e Newport Harbor radlua ot 75 rnllett of Syracuse ., Hlp Scbool. that theee youn1 men who would Marte 8tandll ICbolutJcally otherwl.tle be unable to attend WE'IE ••• so•1 apply on the 8% archJtect'a tee. e Received blda for comfort station at Corona del Mar beach and referred them to city encl · From the POUCE BLOMR In tb.e top croup throuthout the may be lntrodue.d to thll creat nation, havtn1 received honor· wholNOme aport." Check.l are to able mention national merit be made payable to the "U. 8. .. ,. li1s A Com..a.t. U.. of P'IJim CAJI~n'S Wool Ccapet aa low a 15.95 yd. BOIIIICIE' HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar neer; lowest bids were $11.533 by tContftnM'd trom pace 9) R. L. Steinmetz and $11.899 by J. e iUWDAT. AftiL 21 Ray Construction Co. Otflcen were unable to locate e Passed a resolution for re· boya who had been ahaklng the moval of fire rlnp on Newport TV antenna of Mrs. A. B. Frazer ocean front between 35th and of 3130 Breakers Dr., Corona del 37th streets bec:auae tt Ia such a Mar, located on a bluU behind shallow beach. the home . . . Bobble Pox. 9, of • Appointed Councllman Char· 129 VIa Zurlc:h. Udo Iale, showed Jes Hart u councU repraentatlve no Injury altft' hla bicycle IICl'ap· on the Harbor Committee. ed the lett rear tendt"l of a car e Approved the appointment owned by Mrs. Gregory Smith of of CouncUman J. B. Stoddard to 745 Vla Udo Nord, Udo Isle. serve as mayor pro tem. parked In front of her home ... e Approved a UcenR for Harry OUicen warned children about Jasper, new owner, to operate ------------ FlylnJ A Servl~ Station. 3700 E. ------------Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. A IEWS e Approved a license tor Rob· " • • • ert L. Johnson, new owner, to ------------operate KopP6 Kettle restaurant, 317 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. • Approved a license tor A. W. Gust. new owner, to operate Sea· side Malt Shop, 2100 W. Ocean _::::========::...Ft., Newport. ..._.66 AA 4 4 A A .A. .A. • Approved the appointment The Parent Teacher Worma· tlon Course sponsored by Harbor PTA Council met In final seaton Monday In the Board of Newport Harbor Union High School. where the other flve Monday aesslons were also held. .PORT?Aal. (01/0NA DEl lttiiii·HAA/l,'AiiU'I ••• •w~~c C.0 •• IIUTEST ~I ALSO of Councilman Stoddard u alter· nate on County Sanitation Dls· trlct Boards 5, 6 and 7. and Coun· cllman Stanley RJdderhot aa aec· ond member ot board of Dls· trlct 5 . Cars •••• A number of can were ran· sacked In the area of 209 Vla Quito. Lido ls le. Newport pollee reported Saturday nJght. Two measuring tapes valued at $15 were stolen from the glove compartment of a station wacon owned by V. S. RJce of Santa Ana. Two other tapes valued at S7 and $2.50 we-re taken from the car of Joseph H. Arnold of Ul Via Undine. A window was cracked In the car of Walter N. Worthen of 120 VIa Genoa but the car was not entered. The car ot Murray H. Roberts of 129 VIa YeiJa was entered but nothing was taken. TWDfS DEAD AT BIJITB Tw1n boya were stiU born Sun. day. April 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Smith ot 1040 W. Bal· boa Blvd .. Balboa. Private serv· Ices were held April 23 at Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. TETTEU CO FISIIDf' Th.e Floyd C. Yetten of 222 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, took a fe-N days off last week to go flshlnl In the Colorado RJver. With them went Mt. Yetter• mother and father. Those completing the course and who are to receive certlfl· cates are: Mrs. R. Toule, Monte Vlata PTA; W. l. WUaon. Monte VIsta; Mrs. H. R. Hendrie, Monte VIsta; Mrs. Mel Berry. Horace Enstc:n; Mrs. Wm. G. Paine. Hat· bor Coundl; Mn. John Stodd. Undberg; Mra. Kay Cook, Hat· per; Mrs. Wan-en Blinn, Newport Elementary; Mn. P. R. Holmea, Harbor Vlew. Othera who were p~t tor aeveral ot the meetlnc• were: Mil. C. E. Brown. Llndberg; Mrs. Georle CoddllnC. Harper; Mrs. CUe Hottrnan. Harbor Counctl; Mrs. Alfred Briggs, Monte Vlata; Mrs. Lee Rolen, Newport Ele· mentary; Mrs. PhyJIIAI Hale, Monte VIsta; Mrs. Jack Bradbury, Newport Elementary. Mrs. Harold Boyvey conducted tour of the m~tlng& throuah the arranccment of character educa· lion chalrman, Mr&. Wm. G. Paine. Mrs. Case Hoffman. Hat· bor Council President. led the final discussion group. Donald G. Hoff of Westminster was chosen chairman of the Board of Governon of Orange Coast College Foundation at the aemJ.annual meet1n1 Aprll 19. Donovan D. Lawhead of Seal Beach wu named vlce·chalrman. The Foundation Is a non-profit educational corporation receiving scholanhlps. Joan fundi and 11tts In behalf of the OCC stu· dents a.nd faculty. Included 1n the receipts of the lut year wu $500 trom Richard's Lldo Market , to establish a Joan fund tor Young Farmers at OCC. The Board of Governor~ In· eludes Mr. Hoff. Mr. Lawhead. OCC President Bull Peterson. Sellm Franklin of Costa Mesa; Walter Longrnoor of Shore CIJtta, Horace Parker of Balboa Island, Wllllam F. KJmes of CUff Haven. Frank Bray and Harry LeBard of Huntington Beach and Louis Conrady of WHtmlnateT. ,--------·-·-....... "STAR IN THE DUST'' • I Clhn * ~lAmie * IUdtard : = A~ar \'-Dort'D BooiNI I ...... --r~:.1o WNU>o~ln Te"'hlllcolor l JAH S10UNO ··------- S ANTA ANA, Srd at Bu•b * DOORS OPEN AT 1:15 * Walken Phone * Sat. • Sua. Mau-at ':ta * KJ %-6G40 * NOW SHOWING * "WICHITA" "Ketura of Jack Slade" IOU * VERA. JOHN * IIIAJU MeCRt:A HILE8 t:IUC80N BLANCIIAJU) ... , • • 0 . -lC TH FATIHS CJ ~ l O W • \\ .... at' --I H fHl fJ\M !lY (/dJ * 8BO;tnJ 8TAKT AT DUS& * * Cutooli Vuafftl rrt., !at. • s-. * OLD TilE" CASE a •••En WJIEJf PISTOL JS JI'OVD Newport pollee wee able to clear a four-year·old theft c:a.ee Saturda.y when Aln Salazar of 311 Palm SL, Balboa. turned over a loaded platol be found wbUe cleanlnt in the attic: of hla lhop. A recorda c:beck abowe4 that J. E. Koonts of the Balboa Apart· menb, 300% M&Jn St., Balboa. had reported the weapon ltolen Au1. 25. 1952. JAJUD:-:Oif::-:an==a=;co::=u;;.a-t Bolland C. Morton, 14. of 515 JumJne Ave., Col'ona del Mar. wu booked on a eb&rfe ol ._. lnl no·account dtelb ~ New· port pollee at a:«) a .m. lan4&)'. Kt. MGrtca allepdly eulbed no-&«''Ulrt dMeQ for 110 ... aD at tile AD ~ ......... Mcwport 1leeeh. IMt 'ntUI'Idq. tcholarlhlp nomination. Olympic Bowtn1 Funct" playing ball In the .t:reet after She b a akilled cartoonist. and M.r. LanJenhelm aald It ls lm· they broke a window In the her creative and artlatlc: talenta portant to send the very oest home of Albert Trester of 608 were put to lood u.. In her oarsmen of the U. 8. to the 1956 Marigold Ave.. Corona del Mar duties u atudeot m.ana~ of the Olympic Garnea because Ru.ula, ... Roy Carvet of 1400 w. Coaat ~t local Llona Club public: u 11 n 1 aubaJdJzed athletea In Hwy .• Newport &each, reported speakJng contest. and playlnl every sport. Ia trylnl to make the theft of four new rear tires the lead In two Khool dramatic propaganda out of theJt Olympic: and wheela trom thtft can on producttona. vtctorlea In the cold war. his car lot ... A car driven by Herman SeptoU of 6n Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar, baeklnl from a driveway, damaled the lett front fender of a c:ar Nil· atered to Velma O'Brien at the northwest comer of Fourth Ave. and Marlcold Ave. at 5:50 p.m. ... A hit and run c:ar ran Into the wall or the Lou Reed Chryl· Jer A1ency, 900 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beac:h. and caused ex· tensJve damage to two new can parked In the east parldn1 lot ot the agency. officers dbcovered at U p.m .... Students Win Art Awards ... , .•..•...• C•••l•••• ..., T• c::a.oo. '"-GO •a •n: 014 Cololl)' lelMtoae .. tore. Take home tiM lute ,..al palal .............. .. ...... -... ,...~ .. w. ...... -...... we'D do the rtll&. T ....... ,owc ..... P•latt Ia ••• ••• ODO&· ,.... ..... ., ... ,.,.... ,.....,_.......__, ...... •...... ,. ....... ....... n..owcw. .. COMI :":DATl , OIIWI I-WilE "lEI liT" ,.._ t. Tllln., Ftt.. IlL. IIJ a, ., 1. Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. SUDday and Holidaya 8 A.M. to 8 p.M. AU..·IWKET Ol10111•garine .23f. Cranberry Sauce I llb. ,. Can .. ·-··--·----.. ····· 7,. T U N A a•IEL'I •awEST _ecm 27C BACON 431. LIDn Cor11eCI Beef 12-oz. Ccm ~ .... • 43. Sla awlaerrles • ..... 'I DillY ID. BACON 49f. 81/a-oz.. Can a&.Omft"''A T0111alo ~ce No.. 2 Ccm • 2·23