HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignFire in Apt .. Kills Dozing TV Viewer Mra. Helen M. MIJJer, 46, of 111 ·25th St., died In a fire In her I apartment at 10:56 p.m. Tuesday nl~thL Mrs. Miller apparently fell uleep In a cha ir In her living room while watchln~t television, Newport pol~ Investigators re- ported. Newport firemen blamf!d the flre on carei6S smoking. It 1 c.-auled 16.000 damage to the I three-apartment structure. Newport firemen broke through a door and window to battle the I names and found Mrs. Mlllt>r lying on the floor In tront of an 1 easy chair. Wes Crocker, paid 1 call fireman, canted the victim from the apartment and placed her on a garage apron off the alley, pollee said. At that tlrne It waa believed abe wu breath· lnr and a doctor and ambulance were called. A further check ahowed no pulae and no breath- lnr. 'nle phyaidan pronounced the vkt1m dead at ll:<M p.m. The bod7 wu removed to Baltz Km· tuary, Corona del Mar. Georre Myua. Newport Bftch humane oUicer. who Jives In an- other apartment In the buUdlng, aald that he awoke to he&r a cracldlnr noise and smelled smoke. He awoke his wife and called the tlre d~enL His apartment and another. occu · pled by Bob and Cindy Cain, re· ~lved extensive amoke damage. Newv<!rt firemen rushed to the 25th St.· fire after extinrulshlng a $2.000 fire In a one-bedrom cabin owned by Jim a nd Emma Stich or Los Anreles on the waterfront at the Bay Shore Tr&fter Camp, 112 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. State Title at Stake for Pirate Nine 'nle atate junior college champ· lonahlp Ia at stake as the Or· a nge Coast Colleee b a a e b a I 1 team, champloru or Southern C&Ulomla, playa a best·twO·out- of.tJltM aeries this Friday and Saturday on the Pirate diamond aplnat Coalinga l unlor CoUeee. champions of the north. First pme wUl ata.rt at 3 p.m . Friday; the second game at noon Saturday, and a thlrd. game, lf nec:euuy, Immediately alter the eec:oncL THESE FOLD bad a CJrGDd ltaD4 .._.,of tbe necue ol the 8CI:Il boat lluJada Ja.t Su.aday Costa Mesa elementary school district voters re -elected Herb Jenks, 482 votes. and Bradley K. Schwan. 455 votes. Losing can· dldate wu Harrlson P. Sanborn with 121 votes. Hadd Ring, 896 votes, and Don 1 ald Dungan. 845 votes. were re· turned as trustees of Newport Harbor Union high sehool dis· trlcL Lm>y Anderson tallied 4.27 votes. Walter Longmoor. 1.541 votes. and Harry LeBard, 1.568 votes. were returned to thelr posts as trustees or Orange Coast College district. Defeated was William StaftOC'd with 323 votes. Vandals Hit 8 COM Firms NEWPOBT BEACH 199 -182 47S 65 170 401 370 257 LAY BERRY 185 115 181 411 411 394 217 LACY . .. .. ... 149 S7 158 394 FINDLAY ... . .. . 107 85 95 217 COSTA MESA ;:;.....-=-=- JENKS .............. ··-............ ··-·· SCHWARZ ............................... . SANBORN ........ . COAST COLLEGE ---- LONGMOOR ......... I 196 118 204 LeBARD ................. 1 178 112 199 STAFFORD ........ ·-33 35 35 518 489 103 443 453 90 1.541 1.568 323 Wro•c Sales Tu 0•~• Discoteretl N...-port FIDGDee Oftiwr S. V. P!UDbMr a:JUIOUilCed r-tef· day tbat a au.m..bel' 9' bu.al· DeUea lD tbe dty an u.1D9 lD· CICift'eCt --tall acbeda.le carda lc. flgurtD4J tbeU --taz ~ aDd an-oou.ctl.D9 IDOft tea. tba:D tbe 4,r. IICbed· ale calla .... .. aJ9IId tnW- ----to cbedE tbelr carda caa4 ecdd tbat cocnct Kbedal• an a.aUable Ia dty balL Invalid Hangs S~lf in Bed Remember to Fly the Flag 2 --.. Dy .. .. ..t ••• 0 ...... .... O.,.la-,.. ... , ••• ..................... .... ~._ ..... c.e. ........ _~ ................. ...................... ..... a a ...... _ .. al:' 9 tllllil• 0 ... .. .. CIIIIM.._,_.,,..._ -........ .._ .... ...... ~ C:OJIOifA DEL ItA& CALJI'. 'ni'UU.DAT. llA T M. 1151 High License ·Fees Assailed as Plot ill Fun Zone • tt is fri~nv to con ...... th.t • lew lllic)ht be ,_.d in ow dty to,. ... aif\91e -" ........ 11-. froM $JOO. )'Mf' to $7,100! T'Mt is en lrte:tMte of 2266 2/l,.l This ia note fund·raisincJ ,....,., nor is it en effort to bring ow,._ in line witt\ o~ cities. It is • tu int.nd.d to dettfoy, end ~ mey '" NC.eM the ominous wamincJ ~t has echoed tftroUC)hout our history. "The ~r to toa is the po'ftf to destroy." We ,.fer to the quietfy introdUc.d licensing ordinance, which would levy such fontastic f .. s on the Fun Zone temes and penny ercadet-in Balboa. If you def.nd feir ploy and jus· tict. come to next Monday evening's Newport Council meeting to preted this monstrous ordinance. • WHY A THIRD PARTY? Among the mony comments on our "Third Party" editorial wos this letter from an Ensign ,.oder, who pretty well explains why there i~ need for bold.-pioneering politi~l oction: Editor, The Ensign: Your editonol re a new political porty is timely ond needed. Contrary to general opinion the formation of new Notional .F»: liticol porties has not been uncommon in our country, nor hov. all of them been unsuccessf\!1. Both the present mo\·or parties were in their beginning "new" parties. Both were the resu t of public opi-nion un· fovoroble to existing politics of the ero during which they were formed. Many minority groups have been successful in forming politi- ~1 parties, dedicllted to chonge of policies in the National govern- ment, ond mony of them, such os the Prohibition Porty. hove hod con· sideroble effed on the course of government. ..... ~ -l.c...tHitl: ... c-.,....01 .. HAt'-liM ... lilt ._. ... OPtHI CAUR)INA NIWIPANI PU• 710 AIIOCIATIOH ~ ef .._ NATIOHM. IDITOIIAl ASIOQA'ION SUIICaiP1tON lAlii AI~ I. ~A -----------------------~ ... ,, .• PM HAAP '-•II• ..._ ~~Hs::v= Newe ~:~:::; ' l-..1 ............... , ,_ ,_.. ,, 00: -,..,..._., ... o.t.We .f ... H.rW AIM: T-~7..00: -!'Mf' $4.00 CALLINGQQ -BY~~~· Usually the formation of o strong ond successful new political party is the result of growing conviction on the part of large segments of the population that the govemment hos strayed from the consti- tutional poth set forth in our constitution. Or, the policies of suc· ceuive administrations hove engendered 0 deep seated nuentment in the minds of the general public over cou~s and effects of policies lk:a:xaa::x::~cx:x=a::x::a:xaa::x=a::.ca:xaa::x::~a::.ca!J mode by men whom the public no longer tru str. e HAVE YOU IIEAJlD ••• ? ratt handles a.re Sil.A.FLEX pro· Currently there ore five mo jor orel!s of politi~l couse and effect ''SAY· Y ·Y ·Y!, that'll some--ducts. Boss-man Herb Jenks, t.nd ogoinst which groups of Americans in Iorge numbers .,. demanding thl.D91.• Art MeYer • represented that correction. relief ondlor abolition. These ore (I) Income tox, (2) For· That's a s hort summary ol the llvely Costa Mesa rod-worka, ld chatter about a certain Item that who now make all aorta of tubu· e ign give owlly programs.' (3) Participation in one wor gov.mment Jar tlbre·"'l•----.Au-· as well • L·.L L U · d S b f h d · the male species has been gfv. •-.,"~""' ... .., rn Wrll= tne nate tlltes contri utes most o t e money on rec:erves lng the eye _ and a whistle or as my favorite .flablng rods. Dur· leost of the benefit ond "soy so," (4) The lock of forthright support of two-lately. She's pretty young, lng the trip, Herb Jenks prom· the present ond past odmini$frotions in drivin g communists from the but her lines are aomethlng to lsed me a OafPOie tor my sensitive security agencies ond military departmenh of the country, make both young and old polish Whale's Nest. And BURT OOR· (5) The usurpation of authority by the Executive branch of the govern· the soup of their lenses. For all RlS, the President of the Sea ment and the Supreme Court in blocking the Congress from its con· her youth. she's a fast one. A lot Horse Spin·FisbJng Club ls my stitutionol function of examining and passing upon decisions ond ex· of the corner convenatlons have star witness! penditures of those branches of the government. been about this particular char· • CAUQBT PUB TOOl Any one of these "couses" is sufficient to worront 0 ''new" po· acterlstlc. Looks like she's about Skipper PffiL TOZER put us In I I C b I to get a terrlllc rush, and there fi sh. too. We tried a coupla' iti~ pl!rty. om ined and with strong eodership they present, in wtll be sUver threads well spread, holes near the East End of Cata· the oggregote, o tremendous force. both politically and economically. among the gola crew-cuts when llna. but the old moss·back yeJ. The income tox issue elone is o powerful~reot to establish power the line forms to the right. Her lowtalls and big whJtes were because it affects every individual in the United States. When the Old Man ts always hanging sleeping. So on up the line we Govemor of a sovereign State declares he will not P"Y o portion of around, but that doesn't seem to went and Into a bass-bole that his tox because it is illegal in his opinion. when the former Commi$· bother the bOys. In fact, her Old produced. The bUls of Catalina sioner of Internal Revenue states publicly thot the tox is confiscatory. Man is her best press·agent. aoon echoed to the aort of happy unworkable and is destroying the middle doss of citizenry. when mil-Goes around with a prideful grin noises that fishermen produce ed and whispers "Better come over when they're hooked up. lions of retir people con no longer live in ordinary comfort e nd se· and get acquainted-you'll lib The first fish to come aboard curity because of ~eclining purchasing power of their annuities. fixed .._1.. the new FurY waa a nice caUco, income bonds. pensions ond sociol security payments. the need of u you're the kind who eoes for caught by a quiet little man In "new" political leaders becomes paramount. And since the policies stuff like this _ and what be· a ridiculous Alpine yodeling hat and trends of both the present major parties ore so alib. as to be man b n't! -here's the lna1de that looked like It came from indistinguishable, it leaves the dissenting public but one course of dope. Drop over to 632 3l..at SL Fantasyland. It did! Davey later action. In Newport, most any day after Introduced us and the little guy There is no possible way for men to be nominated ond elected 4, and look around. You can't wtth the funny bat turned out who con and will clean up the mess inherited from previous admini· rlss h~~! h Th~ . .;;;a~e.; The fel· to be Mr. NlttJer, the peraonnel strotions but to form a "new" porty ond elect representatives able and 0~ ~:be 1%patlent ·lf you have m~nf:~:-d 0!u?,~~ei!::d~hy they willing to carry out the desires o/ the people to return to the spirit to w~lt awhile. We predict that didn't follow out my suggestion ond letter of the constitution of the United States as originally written th1a lady is going to be kept of having the klda fish for cat· by the founders of the Notion. m.Jgbty busy cd1 aa•=•J fish tn the "Misslsslppl RJver." Any new pl!rty. led by able ond honest men end women, would e aa.ASS TACD a long With the Mark Twain. The be welcome. Any new party pledged to return the country to the rve had my fun. now, so let's Disneyland Mississippi has a would be successfui.-W. D. L., Beach. get out the brass-tack hammer clay bottom to keep It from leak - and be factual. This "gal" we've lng. Catfish just love to dig In been double-talking about is mud. So they're settling tor blue· Phil Tozer's new sporUishlng gills. There's an Lsland that wtll boat, The Fur,. And tha t address be called '7 om Sawyer Island" ~ 31st St.-Is Davey's Locker. and rafts. llk4 Tom Sawyer's, to Everything I've said up to now terry the kids over ao they can Is quite true. The Fury is young, catch those bluegtlls. shapely, fast and her popularity Tha nks. Mr. Nlttler. Old C. Q. -as aoon as the fishermen get gets a kick out of knowing the wise to her--<:annot be In doubt. suggestion he made In this This column Is sure that there column was well-considered! wUl be 4 a line forming - and The big tall bird who tried out standing room only. Sure of my· one of the new bunks with his self? Why not! I was one of the boots on wu Ma nning Moore, lucky ones aboard on her maid· Jr.. the President of the Ocean en trip. just last Friday. Fish Protective Association, I -\ ..... ,_ -·· tt. ..... elbpt ........... m ... . ............ ~ ..... ~ ............... . .... •., ..,.. ... ............. It a...a.aaa .. __ .....,.,.. ........................ ..... Mllw ..-L DID't --...,_ lacilill& .. M 11__... .... ,.. ....... ,... .......................... i...._ .... ol 'Jil .. ,-.................. ,.....laMe ... .._...,_......, ... ,.. ..................... ... .-t17. ·knOw a lllde WI a-.. Maltll ~ Be did • 1 wa wllara e 1 ,.., aad ,w cu -. wtaat ...ad be a .....,..._ ..,. It ...,. ...... It hb ~-rhw ....... Tbe ~ ol .ntllJl.lftl tbla ~ I eoaJd MWr OOIM tllla eloM baa 1nereued fJom ..,_TID lor to "'-Town wlllwut ......_ the 1153-M c: u r rea t _,..... the "'GaWeel •••.._.. Qln•• budcet: to .._._ In 1JM,!I5;.. food a piQ'. It bu not ..,...._ to ~.088.218ln 1155-51; and now Tbe food In _,. oplaloft Ia tbe tJ,.2.10,510 fot 1•·5'7. ..._ be belt. ra..ina It up wouJ4 be IDle at the bud&et heart"-next llon· .Svtq the JO·bJ to tbe CMI'a day nllbt to help whittle tt mn fountain on the ewnbap down. • • • they haw aa bon d'oeuvrea YUCCA VILLAGE-I thoulht It cltlc:ken Uvera wttll muhroorna. TIDB o-..~ ..... ...__ .... ~ .............. wu about Ume I c:hedled up on • • • • • • .e • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • •· • • • • eome point. of lntftftt, to me at • • • least. and I hope not to boring • • fpr you. I .topped at March Field • --n • .. • en route to take a look at thelr • armed forces show. It gave me • an Increased seruse of security • • and satlafactlon to see bow our • DOl NG • blUlons are beJng spent. This ! • time after gJvlng the other fel· • : low the terrlflc: advanta1e of one • tree swing at our c:hln, we have • ! a definite plan of retaliation • • and are ready on a moment's e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • e • • • • • e e • • • notice to use It, provided we • survive the first blow. I then traipsed on up here to be met by a surprising sight. Here In this 3.400-foot elevation is a plateu, a valley surrounded on all sides by mountalna. and Its climatic conditions are out of this world tor certain. Atnlc· tlons that beset us old folks. especlally arthritis, aren't for the folks up here. These natives now doing a day's work will tell you they came up here on crutches or even· on a stretcher. It aounds aomewhat plausible to me. a medical man. The rainfall ls practically nil, the humidity zero. Vegetation consists of yucca, Joshua trees. a species of sage. juniper In the foothills. There is not a blade of natura l grass, or weeds. There are no allergy lni· tants. unless it Is the juniper berry, although It 'seems to me that during .the days of bath tub gin, I kne-w a teller who claimed It wasn't the alcohol that gave hJm rubber legs, but the juniper In lt. Guess that would bf an allero all right. I have wandered far from my aurprislng sight which met me as I topped the Jut rise and started the gentle descent Into Yucca Village. 1 saw a battery ot "rain birds" -big rotating sprinklers. and a water hauud on a gol! course under con.struc· tlon. What are they gonna ralse! Golf balls! No, the "HI Desert Golf Course ... I admire the courage of the man who 30 years ago ventured to sink a well 350 feet ln the hopes ol finding water, and I was about to Up my hat In his honor, but lt turns out be was a gold brick artist. The way I get Assn. Leaders Are Renamed Mit lllkts a C.PIIJ a good citiz&? We, at the TelepboDe Compuay, ofta uk oun.ln~~ what mabe a cood clt:i.Mn becaue both u IMil &Dd WOIDell Uld u a Com- pany we want to be the be.t dtbaa we c:aa. Alood dtben pe,ya taxea. of coune. A.ncJ. aatar&Uy tbe Telepboae Ocapuay doee thJa. paying property taae of 180'.800 1Mt ,..u Ill w. cow:aty aloae. AA you Jmow, t.bl.t _..., ~ from the telephou tH1JJ1 you pay. And the tax dollan we ~ are doUara that ooatribute a wt.tantial amo,mt to IOOd I'O"'WftiJIMilt lD the OOIIllllupity. But we believe tt'a DOt eDOl1P jut to be a taxpayer. So we try to do our part Ill the coauallAity Ia ot1aer waya. W. thlAit tt Ia important to take put lD the act.tYitl• of Uie Community Cheet. the Red Croee, the Boy aad Otrl Scouta a.ad other communtcy atfa.ira. Fac:t la, we believe the ways of be1Jll a cood cltlse:n are unllmJted aad we're auiou to do our pert. • • • • • • aou & B.AI.SED BEB.E learned over a hamburger and Phil Tozer used to skipper the coUee In the welJ.manned gal· Officers of t he Newport Island AJifDEL.E. I remember It as one ley. The friendly fellow next to Association AuxUiary were un· or the flsb·gettln'est boats In our me. a t the rail, was Don Hast· anlmously re·elected at the May good sportfishlng neet. Then lngs of Long Beach's Press·Tele· meeting last Thursday at the Phil got restless. He wanted gram. The little guy In the old home of Mrs. John Haas, 3916 something bigger -and raster. blue jeans with a two-day beard Channel Pl. Co·hostess was Mrs. That started out as a dream, but and a well-used Speed-Graphic Herald Spies. ,;;:: ~---Oi ly c•oice lull Sol~ Here Specials for Thun.., Fri.. & Sat., May U, 25. 26th. lOW OPEl SUIII Y TRY OUI IDIE4UE CIICIEIS f--~•r UPOJif'ET'J'E-aar .... cue Chickens .,. 49~ CIIOICE Chuck Roast 39~ CIIOICE-.... -..t • Prime Rib 69~ Prime Rib Steaks 79~ U 111 AIID oec:aa JURa BACON .,~. ------·-- they laid the keel on January was Bob Ritchie, L.A. Times The re·elected oUicers Include 16. (this year) up a t DJTrMAR photoa. who subbed for "lOss of Mrs. Keith Rima, president; Mrs. It DONALDSON'S, In Costa Mesa . Death" Curnow. Maybe that's l ames Edwards. vice president; I said she was young. didn't I! why we all caught fish! Mrs. RJchard Weber. secretary; That's a lot of boat to build In So It wu with a lot of other Mr._ Arthur Miller, treasurer. four short months! nondescript . looldnf c:haractera A pot-luck plcnJc supper 1s Over at Davey's Locker they who emerged, Ilk(\ wilted butter· being planned by the group tor say that the ''Old ,Man," PhJl, Oles. from their blanket-covered 6 :30 p.m. June 9 at the new New- had been on the job about 18 cocoons as we dropped the book port laland Park.. Next ~eular hours a day ever since January. and started fishing. It's amaztna meettne ot the Auxiliary will be I believe lt. He kept worrytng bow common . ordinary looking June 21 at the home of Mn. L B. about how lona It had been l m port a n t people are when Jennen, 3910 Channel Pl. Co· since he'd had a ba.lrcut. At that. they're out relutnr. in their bo.tea wt11 be Mra. Paul Peter-- be bad quJte a few curly locka fl.lh1.nc duda. aon. looped around hla ears. Be looked mJghty tired. too -untll we caueht the first f1sb.. After that. you'd never have lmo9m that be hadn't been In bed for two days! e LOCAL ..,.,VCT One of the bfaeest braatn' potnu for PHIL TOZER It DAVEY FINK Ja that the FUJtY Ia a ~ local prodbct. DAlll LOlfG, local boat arc:hltec:t. wboee ~putatlon wu made wbm be deslped the fast PT boats of Wotld War U. and the HAitOO 40, planned the FURY, for both comfort and speed. That speed, when lhe'• well broken tn. wU1 be l'm knot., cru.lalng. That. amJp. tan't trol11na' apeecl. The pow.r Ia turnlebed by two bl1 m B.P. "llmmJ_.. that purr Uke bll cat&. ' Even the !raftiiPOI'tadall ... dofte by local .... "l:cl" )k. Jlflel ol tiM BAUOA ftARUI:a 00.. ol o.ta ........ ..... Oft tM .............. ... • ..,. tiM ..., ...... .....,. Wbo .... 't ....... ,. ...... Yoa Qa'l .._ • ... ,. a Jlt. . .., .............. ... ., ............. .... .................. ...... !1. t:r'*L;:r-.... .. t = .... .... ,~ ..... ... : ..... .. c:-:.& u ... ... worth more? cenai~y.! "•• ,_ a•~·~ T• ...... .,.., The attractlv~ young women pictured above are recent addl· Uons to the atatt of your local Bu.lnMS Office. Readlnr from lett to right they are Allee TarantJno, who recentlY moved ben from Cleveland. Ohio; Marlene Coate., of Corona del Mar; CeUa Thayer, from Balboa; Joan HUJ, who recetly moved here from Denver, Colorado; and Corinne aotbmeler, Who JDOYed here from Waterloo, Iowa. Th.-JOUDI women wt11 be lerri.nc you When you contac:t )'Our 8\Wnaa Office and we are haPPJ and proud to welcome thee One people to Our orcanJzatJon. costs more? certainly not! , • , R! THE 3 BIG REASONS WE NEED PROPOSITION "W" PO,ULATION Our population is growing at an amazing rate. ~ore people need more water. Our present supply is used up to the limit. With more miiHons coming, we must havt more water, or face restricted use and threatened water rationing. a sa •• ___ ..._,..., __ ~--------------- JOIS InC:utry DMI ever increasing amounta ol water. Industry brinp tiveJihoocl to oar iacrea.sina popu- Jatioa. To teep oor jobs, &Dd create more jobt for more people, w lftiUI lttlH lf't(Jn wtUU without 'lldtzy .. ••• ~-~~~---------------------• I SECURITY HeayY populad6D . .,.... hat ICYel'dJ depldcd oar DDdcqrouDd storqe buiDt. Wo 111111t build lbem up with IPtOfW WQUr .. ~ apimt war, eardaqaab, aqueclacl breakdown, protra(ted severe droupt, or ocher waupeeted disaster. HOW WE CAN Gil MORI WATER WITH "W" The Metropolitan Water District of SoatbaD Ca1ifomia -in which we livo-is pushing forward a put ColorLio River Aqueduct constructioD pi'OpUL Tbc District needs $50 million tD help briq tbo aqueduct up to its full planned delivery capecity: By approving Proposition ... W .. we will enable tbo DiiCrict to aet the job done rapidly so that we can Jet tbe vitally Deeded water without delay. ----------.. ·-----------------.. ----·----------- NO TAX INCRIAII There Will le No New faxes Proposidocl "W"' will euble the DiiUict to speed up our water delivery by issuing short-term nota for the needed $50 millioll. Tbe notes will be reWed, with interest. from annexation fees already pledged and being paid each year by areas annexed to the District durin& recent yean. Thus we &et the water we need -WITH NO TAX INCREASE. -ciiiiD-• Tree Pl~nting By Brownies Third erade Brownte. ot Troop 58 will hne a tree plan~ ceremony at 2;30 p.m. n..ctq at the Community Youq. OIDter ln Corona del Mar. The younc girls voted to uw theJr Brownie money Cor •II trees to beautify the Youth Center lnnead of an end·ot-year party. Mn. 1o1m Stallman la troop leader, U· sisted by Mrs. Bocer Hannaford. Partlclpatlnc in the ceremony wUJ be Brownies Ardath Luley, Gella Bucko, Chrtstt Elleboudt. Linda Martin, LyUa IComalov, Denice Davia. Noel Armstronc. Sheila Streng, Shirley McCuia· tlon, Dale Underwood, :MlcheU Porter, Unda Patterson, Sonnee Stallman and Julie Hannaford. Phone In your neww stories to your local newspaper, the En· aJgn. Harbor 1114. F .. LI• • ...._. .. II. AIIEJUCAJf JIDTOII1' -~ of CIWCII4 ·-oatstaad1D9 r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; • 0.. wodr 1a ~ II.Litory '"" NCialftd by Stla 9'IGdll papUa PORT DRAllE TUUR Ill n Pli.. lc"·-lp ol Jlad)ow VIew SdMol froiD tbe WWJa. CGheU ~.}).A.a. 111111 .,...,. Tille papQa are allowD aboft ...t.tag t.ta.u ~ cdoDg Or Co U wttb ....... ad tie c:J-... from Mn. Albert ltodrtaa of &bore Presents the The anee unty Ph har· CUfb. c::baiDicaa of tbe Db CbaptM'a IListory awGdal COIDIIl1. ttM monic Soclety ls sponsorlnc the cmd pat ......._ JISc:tv.nd Wft to ri9tlt ... ~t TlpptDg. lOG lJdo Shops Fuhlon Show to be of lb. aDd liD. Dwigbt Tlppl.ag Sr.. llO El Mect.Da A"-·~ presented tomorrow (Friday> at llelpts. PGDU Ia M1u Coombe' I'OOID; l'b.1l1.l» Lacy. lOG o1 llr. Richard's lJdo Market, bee1n· aDd Mn. -IIlio Lacy of 5a5 E1 M-.a A"-• ...-port a.ig!ab. Ia ntnc at 1:30 p.m. Mt.u J--r-Gaadl.D'• rooaa; Mn. ltocktoa: JlaDdolpll Molho. lOG The Cashion show will be ol lb. aDd lin. Monts Moblo, 215 A1Uo A"-lf"'POI't lletgllta preceded at noon by coffee and ill M1u M~ JODM' IOOID1 tichCII'Cl Cadyloe • ._of Mr. aad Mn. eakes .erved by the Friends ot Cal Cclrl'yle. 7:1 Oft:hJ4 Aft.. Conecr del~ Ia naJllp Mcmnr'a MAY 25 MAY 25 th~ Philharmonic to raise funds _roGIIL ___ <EIW9a ___ ~_boto __ > --------------- for the orchestra. LEGAL ROT1CE Thieves Take SEAXAJf SAil D. COOPEJl OR GUIDED MISSILE SlDP ROTICE TO CllEDITOIIS V!~i;~~in~ANA E. CHA·I Guns~ Ammo NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Thieves who took revolvers and the creditors ot and all persons ammunition from Art and Blll"s hav1nc claims acaJnst th~ said Tackle Store and broke lnto the decedent 01' said estat~ to rue ~asport Cat~. both at 21633 w . them with the necessary vouch-' Coast Hwy .. , Newport Beach. are ers In the office o( the Clerk ot ~Inc sought by Newport poltce. the Superior Court ot the Stat~ ot A 45 automatic valued at $40. California. ln and for the County a 38 revolver valued at $90, a $50 Servin& aboard the Pacific Fleet culded mlssU~ ship USS Norton Sound ls Sam D. Cooper, seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Cooper or 3239 Broad St., Newport Heights. Be· tor entering th~ aervlce In March. 1956, h~ craduah!d from Orange Coast College and wu employed by the Vincent's lJdo Drugs. of Orange, or to present the Luger, two boxes of ammunition sam~. with the necessary vouch· valued at $11.10 and a $4 sheath ~rs, to th~ undentcned at hl1 or knlf~ we-re stolen trom the tackle ~ he-r place ot business. to·wit: store. ~ %Harwood. Heffernan It Soden Th~ thieves first pried their ..._ 2515 E. Coast Highway way Into the ~asport Cafe ~ Corona del Mar. CallfomJa through a rear door. A claw ham· • within six months afte-r the tlrst mer. needle-~ pliers and a ~ publication of this notice. screw driver were taken from a ..._ Dated May 11. 1~. shelf ln th~ kitchen and llSed to ~ Mary Chavez pry open th~ ca!e ca.sh register. ~ Administratrix of the Estat~ of wh.lch contaJned no money. The ~ said decedent. electric wires controllnc the ca.sh ..._ Harwood. Hefteman It Soden rectster were cut. ~ 2515 E. Coast Highway The same articles. plus a ~ Corona del Mar, California hatchet taken from the tackle ~ Attorneys for Administratrix store. were used to attack clgaret ..._ Publish: May 17. 24. 31, June 7 machlne5 In a hallway between ~ In the Newport Harbor Ensign the cafe and tack.Je shop. An un-~ LEGAL ROTICE Fer Y ... l People h•ve be.n -~· .. .nd bertem9 ..... YOU CAl DO lETTER at known amount of money wa.s ~ taken from the clearet machines. .... owned by Bruce Card of 259 r: lfo. A·2'n02 ROTICE TO CJlEDrroU Ocean VIew Ave .. Newport Hts. • F · ~ Estat~ ot GLENN UHL CAR· • urmture~ TER. Deceased. MA TTBESSES • eo ~ thru thru 27 27 TRAILER SPORTSMAN PREVIEW YOU.LL SEE t.erlca'a ,-..., ••• II~ 16.Ft. to 55-Ft. San Plcn Na. To S.e Tla~ 69-FT. PAN AMEIICAN FlAGSHIP FREE UIISSIGI liD PARIIII TRAILER-BOAT-ACCESSORY EXHIBITORS ... A.aw:rteaa 'l"nnlen -Panm I ~ K I 'g 'l'nDen -1'ra•dae Tna.n -TenJ 'lftDen llonte De IAe -.... Ufl 1DW1 0.. 1e11rtJ 11111111 lfae'IN 0.. -01.111onM Oaa-0.. u.... .&_...... Oo.-..,_.. a.,... o.. Oweed a..a.... 0.. -o.dle'a lladM 11ut a-a a.... Notice ls h~eby given to the IADeiiiDdD9 _ c:.otta. ~ mplete Home Fu.rn.l.sh1np ~ creditors of and all persons hav-,. ..... ~ Lu.ftr 1-Sf.U ..olll PO lng claims acalnst th~ said de· InecuJar Sha~ • I at !f.-port A"' "'Il RJ QD 6NGE TRAILER $ALES cedent or said estate to tlle them lOW-aDUJI.DJliQ COSTA MESA ~ with th~ necessary vouchers in COSTA .,.ESA .,.AmUS CO. l)4ftA W ClAST IIWJ ' •~•T ~~omceotth~C~kofth~Su· ~21~~~~~~~·~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~·~~~;~~n;;rw.~;;~ perlor Court or~~ State or Call· - tomla, ln and tor the County or Orance. or to present the same, with the necessary vouchers. to th~ understcned at hls or her place of b\Wnesa, to-wit: Martha Ann Carter, Executrix. c/o Harwood. Heffernan It Soden. Attorneys at Law, :11515 E. Coast Highway, Corona d~l Mar, Call· fomla, wlthln alx months after the flrat publication of this no· tlce. Dated: May 7, 1956. MA.RTIIA ANN CARTER, Executrix of the estate of said decedent. Harwood, Heffernan It Soden. 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, California. Attorneys tor Executrix. Publl•h May 10-17·~·31, 1956 In the Newport Harbor Enslen. (Political .Advertise~t) Bruce Sum.oer • • NE1tV •so CHEVRO'I·Etr TASK•IFORCE TKUCKSI New H61Citfweigbt Cbampe A MODERN VB fOR EVERY MODELl A MODERN MODEL FOR EVERY 1081 Tb.n'a a DeW Ownot.t TCDk..f"OI"C» trudt ~ cmd built to do your Job iD NCOI'd time cmd at rock-bottom =-tl Ch••p8 of •!!!!V welgbt cla•sl Bigb-pow•ecl VI'• -.vMrd ia Jaecr.y-cluty fob-~ You act the big aew 322-cu.-Ga. Loadmua va in 9000 aDd 10000 ~Cries trucb. Tbc Taskmaster VI il ltaDdard ID odla Lc.F. ad bea"Yf~1lty models. Ill liabtwd&hll ad IDOit middlcwef&bts. Vl'a are CJLtarwll ~ ...... ~r...,.af•ai 1e ,_. .. IDU..U..G.V.W.IComc iD aDd loot ._ O'lel1 Pict1lpl. pad~. ate~. bea~ rated wp to 50,000 lbl. O.C.W. widt.., ~Torq110 talldm•t.....tJae 1ir1b1 .odd for JOUr job wida 1M _,. aM-a ...._ __, c:a buy! ~ ... ·-~"-*/ - CHEYROLIT CO. AtO.....C.-ty'a ....._......_L•Mhtt ........... CONTINUING TO \PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED U' TO $10,000 All Accounts Opett•d On or l•fore The I Oth of te.. Month E•rn From the lat. LAGUNA F1DUAL SAYlM&s I LOAN ASSOCIATION Jll 0... laUD I ......... ., ............... ., .. • I Ell UPIILSTEIIII ~&Di4ll'f Lu..ty 1-4711 aso • WDad .._c....._ JAMES D. RAY Buildl11 C.lrllllr J+46 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA DEi. MAl HAtW .. 7Q ....W.ec.e: Hhtt« ..... Lilli F .... 5"-a.DMLOU •o COIOIDIJOII CoDIIInaCtioD J.ocms aa aoa a&Tn.D ,..,.. lldpp c.. 1111 &. c..tllww. CDII l'lt.IIA I III ID 1-11• (METRO LIFE INSlJBANCE FUNDS) PLUMBING HEATING __ .. _ U.Hr. Eliaergeacy Semc. Lpaiaa LD-I!Wf .. _, a.J ........... C.. .... "we both like the good rut we get . s P. ,, go4f14 •• EAll W. STANUY, ....._ Wlltt......,... ......... ,,. ...,_OM.,...,._Im ..... w,-4 IALIOA lAY O.UI 1121 w. c...t ..... , ............. SERMONETTE .. s.. ·-· Willi ST ANL.Ff INSUlANCE A&CY. 1111 L c...t ~ .. c-4.1 War ~,.,. lliCHAlO'S UDO WAlXE'r Or-..~'· ..... c •• , ......... Mil VIe~~ ..... llOWN&aY OVENS c..e.w.. -caw1 un••aur cauw Grcon"AKDA ·.J:C.-tz:L.. ....... .......... ,.... lknwlq Services: Wcnbtp Sen· Ice t a.m. 8undq School at 10:15 Llll. , t1,, r n, ....... Ill ................ ... w...., ....... ~ Co • ............ IUILDIB Pm,r IOU ill&& Uft11J cauac:a ISO W • ...._lt.. C....._ Lu.tya.a.a c:auac:a or on LADY 01' M'l'. CA"RL PDIT AII._Y or GOD Mil w ...... ...., a..,.t 11Ddlt.£a....a .... c.e..._ .... ~ ID tv 1-ftU .,.._I p3! • ...._ ··= dii.C.~...... ~--·•' Sunda7 lebool: t:JO a.m. Wot· ' 2 9 I,.._ ablp: 10:55 LJIL ud ~ ~,. -···= l:tl and 10:00 Mr'Yk!e. T:JO ~ Yoanc P.eple ... U""""' a.a 01 ' ' a· let· a.n4 aulctnft'a ....._. t:JO ,_ • ................. __ , ~:.::~ Wedne.day, T:JO p.m. IA4W I:JO ,_ T:JO to 1:30 1('-lonary CouDdl. ,.....,. ~ D Ia a.a. l'lrllt t:ao a.m. f« a11 cau. ,.....: ....... •• p.m. II&WIOIIT IIAIIIIO. LU'1'11&UJW caua:::a 1501 Clift J)w., 11.-.pod ...... ld .. ll1bM Uberty ... 1 .... aoa..t Qcooahmd DuplJeate mornln1 eervfces -9 a.m. and ll:lS a.m.. Sunday; KJnd«larteft and Pre·ScbooJ Dept. Sunday School. I a.m.: 1ft Grade throup Adult SUD· day School. 10 a.m.: bua pro· vtded and !funery provided tor both ~ and 10 LDL Suft • day ScbooJ. Sundq ~: 1:.30 L Ia. Ouudl Schoo!ll:~ and U:OO a.m. WorshJp OMn'lCe. !fo v • n a (Pepetual Help): lloa4ay, 7:., p.m. W8if*1Cl::f:&-UaHY IT.JAIDI DIICO•AL -............... .... ...... 1. ...., ............... SuaclaT -fl-1 I:GO a.m. RolJ Communion: 9:15. ram II y Servtee. 11 a.m.. w or a h 1 p aervtce. Thunday S • r v I c f a : 9:1S a.m. Prayer CuUd; 10:30 Holy CoauaUDJon., IT.JOBftABft 11« ..-..A-......._ r.aa-d ......... ...... ,,.a.., ...... Scmday ...... : 1:00 ...... 1:30 a.m. Cont..aon: Sat\ai"Up and eves. of lat P'rtdaya and RolJ Day.; 7:30 to I:JO p.m.: r1nt 'f'r1dQ MMJ I ,&.& I 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET Would you ratMr ae IIUJWE1 In • Don Loper ClliltMl • ,... .. u.necn,. f\aU ta a bunl T Or . whJch Ia mon Important ••• J'ood or aott..T You ea.D $ooee which outtlt J'OU'd 1n011t lib to co hunJrY f« U. J'rldaJ at our May Udo Sho~ Puhlon Show • • . Dream coneoctlona ttYery one . . . how to face the aun or the moon, mt.xed or matdled, fuhlon-wlae, aa only . . . Bar· row'a. Shaddock'a. La Reine, Sha· bua, Jo-ena, Jeri'a. lJdo P'uh· lona, Rule'a. Vaaabond Hou.e show you how ••. Bidwell'• will be there too, not quite., dreamy, laurie Ann Crisell Engaged To Wed Er:nest' Cantu of 8.1. ••w 1001' c... 1M Pqe, ._ ot Mr. and MIS. &oy .... ot .. ~ St.. l(..,. port IIMatata. bu eompl«ed ,.. erult traJ.ft1q at the Naval a Ka~ Bluejadult, 'I'IIIIJ ....,_ on .... 1n ~ 111y the lllftde.to-be'a par. 'J'ra&.D!q c.m.t, 8aft Dle,o. In duty with tile neet. ....., eodlaO .sa-with tiM «nta, ..... u4 ...... An.n w. Crt· :=====================;;;:;;;:; ...... ~ and IAQI'Ie A.ntl" ..U. 217 Vta l'lrenze. at their aDDOU .. to OV. 50 fried~~ tU ~ Mawt.ha1 fll Kta. Lawle AAD ll.a. ert.U 18 a .,Uuate ot awu ot Udo to 1:r1.-Cantu ot lfewport aare. BJab bool and a.JbM ........_ later ~ at both the Unl· n.. ~.....,t wu made wntty ot Arbofta and the UftJ· at a patio eodrt&U putJ atvea ~ty ot Co&c1n41o. ""-• the Mamie Sends Gr.eetings to Meeting Here majcwe(l In alt. At both ecboola .. wu aftlltatad with QlJ Orneca eorority. Jfr. Cantu, who Uw. at 215~ 111artne Ave .. BaJ. boa lalancl, attended J\aUerton Hlab • Sc:bool and Oranp Coast Collep . Mrs. Crlae1l received ~estt In a powder blue polka dot aown wtth low ~~quare cut nec:kllne Nefthborbood coffee hours held and a full aldrt. The honoree In the Harbor Ar~a Weft part of wore a wblte print d.resa with a a nation-wide "Klck·olt Da,y for halter neck and cumberbund. Ike." '!'be CCIUees Weft announced A.ubtln&' with the ha.t and at the Sprint FJinr for Ike held ho.teu dutlea were Mr. and Mra. by the combined &'fOUpa, Cttluna Tom Toon of Ba.lboa. The wed· for E Ia en howe r Republlean din&' will take place in Septem· Women'• Club. Yofn1 Republl· ber. cana and Et.senhower Precinct Or&'anlzatlon. Mrs. 'nlorldld Knucben of Loa An ... Jea and Udo, speaker at the Sprln&' n1n1 for Ike, Uf&'ed Vot· era td 10 to the polla for the prt. mary election. A surprlM at the Sprtnr party wu a tetter from the natton'• first lady with ~feet· lnp for their special brunch and fuhlon abow. The short letter congratulaUnr the women on c amp a II' n plans wu sl&'fted "MamJe Doud Elaenhowet'' and was read to the lathering by Mrs. Marshall Nledecker, program chairman and chairman ot Citl· zena for EIMnhower for the NN~· port Harbor Area. Soroptimists Hold Election Doone Lawaon. owner of Law- aon Poultry Ranch In Costa Meaa, wu elected presJdent ot the So· roptlmlst Club of Newport Hat· bor at tbe meetln&' held Jut week ln Newport. LOSES lOINCHES IN 30 DAYS! but definitely the necessary rea· • • • of sot:ial note Farc!l Walker, boResa tor the meeting, was na~ recordJnr secretary. Other ofll~ra will be Terry Borla. vtce president; Jan Davia, oorrespondln&' eec:retary; Helen Pratt, treuuJW. and Doco· thy Jo Sw&NJOn and reUrJnr president Bunny Mayer, dlrectora at larre. .on f« aU th1a ..• No men! I'd -------------------------rather ro unhungry tn a barrel . . . The time 1 :30 . . . * * * 'n.. 0...., C...ty Pla.lllacR· ...ac a..u. wW be tiM .................... ~ _._..~coaaw •• • 'n.. ._,. l5c •• • TM pi'OGMda dlda. bat 8Citually. wW ...... u..~s caltanll .... • • • ... tiMU ...._ b-. plcya ......_. L111· 1aby ......., U.. It Ia ...-cl • d..s ... Jr.tklt ... --til . ........t WOitlay Cllft&M .. ......_ .,.. ta.. CIOCtM ana 1"'aa8 ... w. ..... wltll tlddll9 .,.. -• 9IGda.4. ........ .. ,, .... toar oC ou LIM ... ................ ,.. .... ,.... ....... (U... .......... .......,. ...... -ltlco ---.... ....,.., ... ....................... ....... .,...-t-..... . .......... ,.. ...... ... ~ ... * * * The Robert Carlaona Introduced their new boat "Fluh" to ae>· clety last Saturday with a cock· tall party aboard. Thla makes a coordinated fleet tor the Carl· aon.s -they have an auxllla.ry motor boat called "'Flash, Too," and a little skiff n a m e d , "Flub it-." • • • On the g~Mildred Wrlrht ot Corona del Mar ls off to England to vtslt her moth~r. who, by the way, vlslted here some time ago. Mlld.red ta alao .. ld to be 101nr on to Rome this summer. Stay. ln&' In her houte while ahe'a away wUJ be Mary Loulse Tur· ner, secretary at St. James Church. • • • The Carl Banys on Heliotrope are taklna a tratn trtp eut to Plttsbu~h to vtatt thelr aon. Qn the way back they will atop up San Fran~ way to aee their granddau&'hter 1faduate as vale· dJctortan of her claa. • • • Mra. Alan Olin bu returned to her Corona del Mar home &om You'll want a MCOnd cup of Salt Lake Clty, but lntenda to cottee · · · Extta delldoua this return to Utah alter lldlin&' her ttme. becauae lt wtll be our new home heft. Royal Host . . . Royal Host II • • • atrlctly a blue blood In the java The Elbert Smith tamJJy ex· culta, heavy-bodJed, It &'lve. a pects to move to New York State auperiof perfonnanee tn your trom Corona del Mar alter acbool ootfee cup · · · Here JOU'U f'lnd 1s out. They wtll MUle on Lona more pronounced coffee flavor th vnu bav ever tuted be· laland and Mr. Smith (an active an ~--e Community PlaYft) wlll develop tore ... We've put a wry -.e· clal price ot 93c on Royal Host tbla weeJc-end ... ao you can brew a superior cup of eotfee to- seth« ... Be eareful. thourh. you won't need to uae nearly u mud\ c::otfee u you're toed to ustna ... * ..... aome acreare be Inherited. • • • A card from the W. E. Lach· enmyen of Corona del Mar lndl· cates they are blttlna all the points of Interest In thelr month· lone tour ot Mexico. They lett Taxco a few daya a&'O for Aca· pulco. where they expected to be flahln&' f« wveral days. They'll be home about June 1. • • • quite finish the birthday cake on "Bud's" real blrthday, ao they popped the cake ln the tree2er until a more convenient Ume. • • • Just for proof that square dancln&' Ul not for squares, but really a very popular art. the very tint cJty.spon.sored square danclnr aeulon held at the Com· munlty Youth Center drew out 64 dan~ra plus more than a dozen sitters-and-lookers. Recre· atlon Director Bob Clngrlch says It wa.s nearly a capacity dance house! Otflcera were elt>cted at Frl · day's luncheon meetlnr or the Oranae County Pharm~utlca.l .u.octatlon AuxJIIa.ry held at the lrvtne Coast Country Club, and Mrs. C. V. TUrner of eo.ta Mesa agreed to w rve as newspaper correspondent for the Au.xUiary for the coming year. The new otfl~rs. who wUJ be lnatalled In September, are Mrs. Fred Adama or Garden Grove as president; Mrs. Charles Purdy of Santa Ana, vice president; Mra. George Greenwell ot Santa Ana • • • as recordJnr secretary; Mrs. Paul One of the people who may Calhoun ot Tustin u correspond· know most about the hydroeen lnr aecretary; Mra. fioel Garrett bomb test on Elnewetok Island, of Garden Grove aa treuu.rer, and w1ll probably say least and Mra. Peter Petak ot Santa about lt. accordlnr to bls father, Ana u parliamentarian. C. E. Cave ot Corona del Mar, ls Local health chartUes will te· KeJth E. Cave, who hu already ~lve donattona from the newly spent nearly three years In the formed AuxillatJ, It wu moved Islands.. Keith hu been worklnr at ~day's meettna. Mra. M. E. for a contractor who builds g\)V· Wrlaht wu named to represent ernment lnatallatlona on Elnewe· the &'fOUP at the State Conven· tok. Even thourb they expect tlon In San Franclsco the first thelr eon home In Au&'Ust. Mr. week in June. and Mra. Cave .. ld they prob· able will learn most of the de· talla of the bomb test trom the papers. rather than their se· curity·conaclous .on. • • • Mrs. Edgar Witmer of Balboa Is President of Panhellenic Urtna president. Mrs. Boyvey, and to Mrs. 'l'hoiDu Frost. who Ia movtna away. lira. MarUn Maqold reported on a party tor the retarded d\Udren'a tounda· tlon recently tlwn by Panhel· lenle. The Soroptlmlsts placed mlnJ . ature house banks ln Newport Harbor stores to receive contrlb· utlona toward buUdinr a club· house tor the Girl'& Club. At their first annua l d inner dan~. held In ApriJ, the nN~Iy fOC'med club raised $1000 toward their $."5000 goal tor thUI buUdln&' . SAJITA OA Ia. 2·'1U10 (Open Eves. Mon. thru Tb ura..) Ill W. le••t •'Ill St. co.a•A Da. KA.a ~.,. 2117 E. c.-...... Mrs. W. E. Humaaon ot Corona del Mar served u hostess for a sbower &'lven by members of the Chapel and Chan~J Cbolra for Mra. Jack West. the former Nancy Hayden. AuiatJnr with the hostess duties was Mra. Don Hayton. Attendtnr the party were Mra. '=======================:::::= J. Leslte Steffensen, cholr dl.rec· tor, and Mmes. Edwin (lf)m.ke. CedJ lJnkey, Thomas Hillman. RJdtard Wenker, Thomas Kelly, Robert Heebner, Burt Procter. Meredith Harwood, F r e d e r I c k Hunt and Stuart Brode and the Misses Marcaret Scharle, orran· 1st. Terry Ross, Joan Walp, Wendy Gruwt-U and Betty Shan· non. . ___ ___J ·-- • Relax and Look Trim QUOTES The pantie with garte~i"-s you gentle effective control without restraint. BastA 0 $1.95 also availabM in nylon ISULC.... ...... C..... ... M&U- THIS IS THE WAY TO FURNISH YOUR HOME . ... , .... . . . consult our decorator! A~d the shoppinq . . • the cosily do--it you,...,f mista~es • you within YQ4Jr pre.detwmined .... '! the ,.suits o,. pric:el.u . . Yow hotM ia a ,.flection of the tart. end ..,..-., of your family ••• a .,...,..., ,.._ te INe~P'atMit ••• Read Ena•cn Want Ada. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • More an d more • • • people s ay • • SEA and SKI • • • PISmYEl1 • • • • • • PIEIEITS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sllllll • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,..,.....,,........ ............ • • ..., ........ ....., • on-. • • ....................... • • • G U AftANT •• y-_, ...-..... .. ,....,., fiMISIA&KI....._IIt_.,._, .... _.._ __ .....,. CORDIA DEL Mil PHARMACY -rD I'Iwa..,.._~ IIADOB 2172 '127 E. Coat awy .. .._ J •-. c...a del Mar Capistrano By The Sea Sanitcrium Specializing in all Types of NERVOUS DISORDERS ALCOHOL PROBLEMS GYpsy 6-5774 .. For Further Information Call HArbor 2122 Or Write To Kimberly 2-4840 33915 Del Obispo Rd., Dana Point fPolltlcal Advertisement> * * * * * * * * * * RE --ELECT Your United States Senator THOMAS H. * H e has faithfulJy served California and the nation for 20 of his 45 years. * During his 3~ yean in the United Statee Sen- ate, he hu IJXDOIM 49 billa-voted iDto public: J.w-beae6tiq ALL the people . II·IUCI lll111 J1111e 5 Jln. ...... r.rND .. C; ( ... ) ... Oo.aaaJrnMD .... , .. , ... IlL ....... ~ • • * , 4 • ~ ~ ' • Protests lo Be . ,~ ..... ~~ ' a.uo.. ......... eMctiGM. Pat ............ -Bad tbrw ... eMdJoM 1ut fte G.A.4o .._... ..... a .... ...-. ,.. .._... elec:tJoa wu omeen to ..._. u.. ..,..,.._ •o._.a.n._.t, • ,...._y, wt.. Jl&rbar'• •· t• nat ,.u.,.... .... penllut Wallaoe Calderb.acl ...._17 ...... aad I .-.1 ~ -.a w.nt te abe poUa to eleet II tiM JOP"'w ._ llowa. Ylee bd•u oe tlaat It II..._ tJMAr lltlldeet ~ ~ We prnl.,at II a. .... a..tOII; N-JEWELB ...,..,. IM•IIDMI lltaada Ill .,. .u.re to ba~ a toocl ,_, COf'dlDI ..,.....,. II CAN1 Tal· ~attbewblao£owdtJ ....._the ~lp ol U... ~tra; CiCiii IIIID"'• 11 1'tu7 II IIDr..tc..t......, eouftdl U th.la ard.tuaoe II aJ. wonderfW ........_ Arleae BuNtt: '-• ..,...... c....li ., ..., lowed to MeoiM law." JobJl Benrotla II our new lltu· Dodd.n. and 80fbcaoN ..., .. a . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!~!!!!!!!,!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~N Attomey Frank IJ.n.DaU, ~ dent boct1 ,...acs.nt. Olar._ tatlw Ja lhrllYD Bowl•. I a lancllord ol an areade. aaJ4 v~ Ia ¥tee pnelclent; Tbe new manqen are: bu· tbat the run Zone area II valu· Jody lJeb wu elaet.ed .ecntuy; kltball, Gall Whlte; ~ Judy able propert:7 u an amuement Carolyn CaUia Ia t.reuurer: Don Llnkla terj .peed IWlm. lfy&DJ eenter, but not .o lf tbe rlJbt to RedltiJton, lt\ldtent eourt head. Mor1an: f~ IWlm, PhYJlla 1e1al recreation UN Ia denied. and Bob Hen~ot II C..A.S.C. M ll u m: dance, Terry Jlekh; "You·,. eolnt to dfttroy the representative. 'JbJa Jut year hoekey, Gerry Nac:k; volleyball, vallle of the property," he aaJd. wu a good, full year, and we Betty Shannon: .oftb&ll.t DodC)' "Have you eonaldered the moral hope these new otflc:en c:an do Lomax. and Badmlnton, Bett1 jultlce and falrnna ot such ac· u 1ood a job u lalt year'a l"d· Evana. Uon! I don't believe that a JOV· era. Tum Ina over otflces to their Conaratulatlon. and aood luck ernlnJ body hu the rtaht to de· suceeuon are: John Hopldn.a, to all those bol41nl oUIC8 ol atroy property." president; Bob DeLonc, vice pres· leadership for next year. Counc:Uman Macltay told the ldent; Nand Campbell, Mae· r.===========~ En.lcn that the Ucense study tary, and Dave Tamura tzeasurer. t ,... bad been ordered after the clty The Jlrll' le&JUe also bad their t" ~~~kd ~ had experienced difficulty In eol· big electtou lalt week. The ":· _. ~ ~-.·, :.: lectlna foe licenses. AI Anderson proud new president II Laurie _ • _ had claimed that his $250 tee Hendricks; vtce president II eyn . covered all concessions. When thla Beltran; aecretary II Pe11Y in vour horne ••. see the city eouncU told the llcena Hadfield; treasurer, Merlin The Figurehead Store collector to entorc:e the Uceru.e Couch; recorder, Nan Reynolds; 5U 29th St.. Newport ordlnanee and collect additional senior representative and taoltea HArbor 3215 fees. the city attorney advised chairman ls Diane Featherston; Co 1 ... dl mp1ete ••. the eouncll that the or nance junior representative, Jan Ary, Deeorattna A Deslp-{:a.rpeta· eould not be enforoed as written. Draperl8 . Furnit ure . Uphol· Then the license ordinance re· C • 1 u h I d aterlna·ColoT Consultant-Shut· vtslon wu order, Mr. MacKay 1ty 5 p e ters~~d~eo~e:l~a.and uld . • Kl• c Walter Holbrook '... • : • • < I In •ng ase Bill N. Pappu £HIJRCH8 The City ot Newport Beach ~~~==~~:::::=::::'I '•:• 1 , , , , , , , M;} was upheld last week by Su· perlor court ludn Kenneth Mor· rlson when he denied a writ of mandate to eompel the city to allow Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kling to divide their laree lot at the entrance to Shore ClWa Into two building sites. LL METHODIST CIIV'BCII On Feb. Z7 the City Council overruled the Planning CommJs. slon recommendation and re· jected the Kline's petition for re· aubdlvtdlng. In the face of pro· tests by Shore Clltta residents. The Rev. Harry Evan Owings. who tor 19 years was the mini· ster of the First Baptist Church of Santa Ana, will be the guest speaker at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services of worship Sunday at the Balboa Cooununlty Metho· dlst Church. Hls sermon topic will be "Good News." Since re· tlrement from the active pu· torate eight years ago, be hu been serving as chaplain at Fair· haven eementery, Santa AnL Ira. Lin T1zler CDM COIOIVJfJ'!T CIIUWCB ..._ a.,._.~ On Memorial Sunday the Rev . .,... If,... WI IU Edwin C. Gomke. minister of the Mrs. Laura M. Tcn.ter. 75, ot Corona del Mar Co m m u n 1 t Y 2224 Pacltlc Dr., Corona del Mar, Church, will preach on "Lest We dJed May 16 at ~nard. Sana- Forget." The Junior Ptlerlm Fel· tortum In Orange ~ter a len&'thy JowahJp wtll be host to the youth Ulness. SPECIAL SAIJII FroiD San FranO.CO January 1. 1957 For llooolala. SaYCL AaekJCIDd. SldDey. Melbourae, Adelaide. F.-a.U.. Ball. ~~~~api... MCIIMI.lMe. 8arcleloDa. Q1bnltar. LJabo& CIDd ~ eo.t~y $1500.00 CDI TIIYB. lEI VICE Harbor 1246 fellowship from Garden Grove She had been a resident ot Or· Eva n i' e I I c a I and Reformed ange eounty alnce 1918. Her s urv· Church. They are planning a lvors Include her husband, Earl special worship program and fun B. Tozier, and a daughter, Mrs. Coline Gibbons, DoroU.y IS EVIDENT IN . OUR LOVELY PERMANENT WAVES Your heir is your crowning glory, but in thes. busy times there just isn 't time to spend hours keeping it beoutiful. T~ofs where we come in, let us give you on individually styled permonant thot will need only o flid of the wrist to keep it lovely. For Appointment Phone HA 1876 JANE f1TZGERAW'S B0~~+.y~~n MARILYN SNEDEKER HAZEL PARKERSON 3732 E. COAST HWY., NR. POPPY AVE. CORONA DEL MAR ---------~------~· SnBtlllrlilll Is I•• JR. SHOE HOUSE Jell E. eoa.t • ..,. -..._. Jlcabalo 1177-c.... del- Now Ready to Serve Your Children's Needs with PIED PIPER SHIES period at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Olive L. Sleeper, both of Corona McKenna, MarJUerlte Hughes CJDUSTIAJf SCIEJfCE CIIUWCB del Mar; two soru, Cecil Tozier Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orchid SANDLES -U. S.IEDS -TlliMf1T HOSIERY ''He~d"~m~~ll~·~&n~~aa~~wr~~~~~A~~~u~fr~o~m~P~D~·~·~m~·~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ herlt all thlnp; and 1 will be his Tozier of &n Juan Capistrano; t God. and he shall be my son." a brother. GranvU~e Follet1e of Thls verse .trom R ev e 1 a t 1 on Oneonta, New Yor4t, eight ara nd· (2l :7) Is the Golden Text of the chUdren a nd one areat·gr&nd· Lesson·Sermon In the Newport chUd. Beach Christian Science church Private funeral aervlces were on Sunday. The subject of the held Friday In Melrose Abbey sermon ls "Ancient and Modern C hap e 1 . The ~. Perry F. Necromancy. alla.s Mesmerism Schrock conducted the services. and Hypnotism. Denounced." 1100 a. P'DIZ J'DlST 10tJ'T11DR BAPI'IST A flre caused $100 d&mage In The 5 choln of the First South· a car owned by E. a WUidniOn ern Baptist Church of Costa of 535 Redlands Ave., Newport Mesa will present a music:al pro-Hel~hta. at 1:37 p.m. Saturday. ~Jam at 8 p.m. Sunday. 'lbe Rev. • Richard Poa wtU J1ve the lut Jew.U f* In a series of sermon. from Rev· 'l elation. Vacation Bible School Welty . will be,tn June 18. n.oRJST PAJUSB PJCXIC J171'E 10 SHOP The parish picnic wtu be held Sunday, June 10, at Costa Mesa Park by St. l ames Presbyterian Church of Newport. 1bere will be a children's ballgame and a fathers' rame alter lunch. Ben Madlson Is In charge of arrange· ment.s. FLORAL DESIGNS AND FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Fne Dellftrr TeL llartMw -1 Flowen Telelfapbed Anywhere ,521 E. Cooat IIIPwc'r eon.a cs.a .... -COSTA MESA I'DlST BArrt5T The Rev. P · G · Newmann wUI jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ preach on "'Things Good and Profitable" Sunday morning at the First Baptist Chwch of Costa Mesa. At 7:30 p.m. his topic will be "Power of Darlmess." The ordinance of baptlam will be ob· served at thll lef'V1ce. ca meros . film A.a...taat DMiec ._ Eutman XocSak Anlco Rollelfla Polarold Stero·Beala.t .Arpa Bell 6 Howell and U....... .. ... BOAT T:;. -=~ Bernard (Bunny) Eldredae, 51, TD C:.U0U ao• former lona·tlme resident of the liS 11_... A.._• Harbor .Area, dJed Monday tn ..a.. Iliad Petaluma, where be bad been ~ 1511 Exclusive Cradle Crib ••• By MARY'S HOUSE of MAPLE 1 Reproduction of famUy heirloom -It rocka - takes standard a1ze crtb mattreu-Salem Flnlsh -~1 blrcb-Aiao avaU- able ln dlstrased waJ. nut PumJce- ranching since 1949. He operated ~ Hour DeYeJopl.D& Service an electrical buslnesa here from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.~===~===============================d 1925 until World War n. then was asaoc:lated with a local boat building finn until 1949. Leorn to Donee •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HAUOl SOil lSU E. COAST HI6HWAY COlONA DR WAl ·~ .. ..,... rno. Drive Th~ Big M Phaeton 0 • Le,.,..t end Moat ~ Fumitvre St~ In the AIM. c.ll-._ DECO!tt\TINe IHV1CI LIMt+y a.U II '"UQDC'I""' TU.u. PIGlET IlliG CWO TVUI) W•ll•l•_,._._.. WZJGD OlfLT 11 OZ. as...ayr•V•l lf ... A Jff!W Con~ ln Penonal RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry. ln• Cue OpUonal. ExtrL DAVJS.IIIWI CO. u~ ~-...-. aa...s.. CoMcl ..... C••fllll , .......... Sent• Ill -lliii III&IJ o1 W. ....u but attrad!W 2·bedr. laOIM la ua ..tab- lJIIMd c.~~DIIfttt1, -• tiM ..... amoq ~ .,..,... ~ at a pdce ,_ eu af. fol'cl. Oftl1 $14, 'r.IO lAd. CU• peta. •• mo. • • • OPEif SUNDAY 512 OrchJ4 Aw .. Corona del Mar Call fOir a pre·vtewl • • • DEAL WITH REALTORS .. , ........ ., Corona del Mat Brandl 3530 E. Cout Hwy., Hatbcw 53 L Ill ~U.1 Wbm buytn• « ..ntn• Newport property, wby DOt do buatne. with 80Dle01M thorouehly fam!Har with t.be area! I have been here a lon1 time and ean otter ruJ MrY1ce. ............. 3G> W. Balboa BlvcL. Newport Harbor 1428 •••••• .,,.at ... Dress Shop -·-·--·.$3500.00 Cafe -----·-··-·· 4500.00 Books are open for your guidance. They must show a profit or we don't list them. LEE CASEY OFFICE 2721 E. Coast HJabway Corona del Mar, C&llf. Harbor <846 C•-•1'11111111111 .... Sllrap ...... Rear of 2227 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mat OWce 6: Shop or Storage Space 124 Tu•tln Newport Beach FraHil .1~ lena., at the ptot.ection yow mon.y gets in ow b.nk! SOUND MANAGEMENT Our Officers have been In the bankln& business for some 2S yeara. That's experience. CAPITAL FUNDS of $285,000,00 provide a cushjon for any loa our asaets ml1ht suffer. That's safety. DEPOSIT INSURANCE Our membership 1n the F .DJ.C. Insures your account up to tl-0.000.00 at no cost to the customer. That's protection. CASH and SECURITIES ot onlY the hl&hest rrade total $3,771,000.00 maldn& your depc»it readily avaUable at 100 cents on the dollat. On the bula of aalety and security we cordially invite your bualneu.. lewport Harbor Bank ....alii•·-_.___.. ·~ -.. •.• .., .... ()Db' J,.. ............. 2 ........................... • Wktc ..... eef!'•• frpl.. ~ ...... ~ .... .... let c 1115a.tel7 ...... --...... Jll&l1lr& lac· ,.... pdce oeJy ~,ooo. can far appt. .. U cl1111w ••••r ~ Banor .... CoMa "- U a..DII -ILIR GLtla Ill 11a BEALTOR 2131 W. Cout Bwy. Ll 8-4277 Newport Beach 314 CATALINA DR., NEWPOilT HEIGHTS Modem 3·bedr., 2·bath home. Jun completed and· bein& land.lcaped and fenced now . OPEN Sat. It Sun. 1·5 p.m. or call to aee now ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Ll 8-1632; Ll 8·1400 Eves. QUIUTY lOUSE 11 C... HI llr • 2 bedrooms • Good location • Larre KJteben • 2·yrs. younc e Shingle root e Hardwood Floors • Patio A landscaped • Price $18,950 e Good temu larllers Isle RuiiJ 318 Marine Ave .• B.t., HA 4781 c.ta •••• Ruth Jayred, Realtor Mlldred Rl&P It Sylvia TbompliOn, A.uodates 301 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Phone Harbor 2658. Hatbor 4600 ONE LOT-:l nrw tumilbed quality homes. Best features: flreplues, caraCH. all lm· provementa paid. Property clear. ~ and ot!er terms. MUST BE SOLD! ORANGE COAST PROPER'l'IES 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Ll 8-1632; u 8·1400 Eves. Your Health W A"''CCI TD CIIJU) WJIOKU aAD rALLL Wq Md111rM1d lulde &Del -. ... ......., lmprowcl. ._..,. J.M* • ......_ BW ftoori,. ciiDiftC .... double ~ plu 1!ldS' Mop. .,takllD • .,....... 4UpoeaL , All Oil .., ft. lot, Jut • few -... to tbe ocean on lu· ID.IM. A buy at 121.500! Only t5.000 down. ...-r.a ... D!ALTO. It llfSUUMCE ..._.._ .. ..... Spadoua J.bedr. home ln eo.ta ..... --loftly 1arJe Uvln• roca and ftnplaoee . • • nice 4l.lllq area. Pro· peV free an4 Bear. Owner wU1 .u Oil IDIOdat down payment and wm a. DaDee balance. nn.L PRICE ,,., ... • IV Al'f W. DBA.BDT, A81oet•te 3333 E. c.t. B'llfY. Corona del J4a.r Harbclr ~ III.YI •N. n co. 498 Park. Balboa laland BA 3T1 • r ob 1.m. to Ck.rdt JAGUAB-David Niven's Xa.rk V 4--door salon for sale. White· wan.. heater, aun·root, rt. hand drive, SlZIO. Daya Ll. COLLEGE STUDENT des I rea summer baby attttnr. Well· qualltied It experienced, refer- ences. wru live ln. LoLt Bal· lard, UB E. ~dale, Fuller· ton. Lambert 5-9612. S.5S73, ..ves. BA 4095·M. R.ELIA.BLE WOMAN WANTED SUIOlEJl JlENTA.I.S -Nf!WPOrt for ceneral cleanin&", lroninr. Beach, canal. 2 Fum. houses Mon. It Frl aft. ~· ln tn· on the water, private float. fant care. Irvine Terrace, H.A 3603 Finley Ave., Harbor 5303. 1155. YEW IGIE • •• 11-Ill II IEWPORT IEIIIITI 3·bedrooma, 2 bath.-.-wtth all the things that make It a 'specially nice home. HeavY shake roof ... NICE patio . . . harowood floors . . . cove linoleum . . . dltpoaal ... built In barbecue ... wall-to-wall c:a.rpets • . . colored bathroom fixtures . . . even a buUt ln Hi-Fl. A3kJn&" price $25,500 St"o LOAN PAUL C • .IllES, lulltr 2620 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, Harbor 2313 IE'S OUT! YOU'RE Ill On account of our Marine Captain has his orders and Lt on hls way, hls lovely 3-bedr. home near the Santa Ana Country Club Lt avallable at only $11,950! It hu a large lot, beautiful lawn, flagstone flower boxes. patio and plush wall-to-wall viscose carpet al· ready Installed. See lt (you'll love lt>-and let's talk terms! COME AND SEE OUR LARGE PHOTO OF THIS PRlCED·RlGHT HOME lN OUR OFFICE WINDOW II. YDE IEYER, Rlllllr 3107 Mar1ne Ave., Balboa Island Ill'S lEST BUY Llrp F..aiJ I••• 4 Ill*•••• If Will, Harbor 2950 family room and laundry. Just completed In Back Bay .AreL Hardwood floors. Forced-Air heat, used brick fire· place, bullt·ln kJtehen. Room arran&"ement Is perfect for lunlly Uvin&. PRICED TO SELL AT $21,500. '"you'll U.ke our friendly service'' I..lberty 8· 1139 400 E. 17th St., Costa lisa PUll UP I Cllll I I I lltl ...... Bill The :n> Members of the Newport Harbor Board's MULTIPLE LJS'nNG SERVICE sold over a Million Dollars Worth ot real estate lut month. and expect to sell more than a Mllllon this month. Cooperation amon& Its members and concerted etfort mAde lt poaible. LIST Y .. PIIPEin r•IY wttll ,_ Fat ... IEII.TII Newport Harbor Board of Realtors YOU 011 SAY YES I ••• to these questions 1. Do JOU have stHdy employment! . 2.. Doea your employer train you f« advancement! 3. Do )"'Q baw paid vacation. bolld.,._ and aJdt leave! 4.. Do JOQ W'DI'tt ~ tq ,.,. bomeT 5. Do JOG hue co.np&J\7-paJct ........., Uh ln.tU.r&DC:e and ~Mwftla? ... ,.-...... .,..._.. Oo.-ntt. au Oo. b e ,,..,4 ,=...., ..... 6, RA w .. 11..: ... Iaiita ~L:.~Afa ........ ~ 11111111 11111111 Ill II. ...,......T, JIAY M. .._ DWIWI ..... & ., IIYine Terrace WE OORDlALL T l'Jf'V'M'IE YOU TO IJfSPECT OUR DISTtNC'nVE nJUlSHED MODEL HOMES OOMPLE'TED AND OtHERS UNDER OONSTaUcnON NINE DIVEBSD"'ED FLOOJl PLANS To the home buye wbo wbhea to pu.rcbue ln the 12:1.000 to ~000 cl.... we aincerel,y recommend the lrvlne .EA&tea overlooJdna Newport Hatbor. Tbe.e homea feature Calltornia ih'tnc. OUered aeha .. lively throuch Earl W. Stanle,o ln a Smoa·P'tet area knowo u Irvine Terra~n Cout BIJ[bway OD~ the new lrvtne Cout Country Club, lfewport lt'arbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone .rho bold.a a Le&Rbold Eatate lD Irvine Terrace. Beacoo Bay, Bayahoree or Cliff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EX'<LUSJVE AGENTS Phone Sarbcw ~POl' Fu.."'ther Information VOGEL VALUES lEI. Ill Yes! All these are possible In this attractive home situ· ated on a corner lot. 2 full baths. of course. tirepls.. patJo. over-sized gar .. etc. A real "Best Buy'' at $19.500 A terms are excellrnt with a FHA Loan balanee of $10,100-$79 mo. payments Include taxes and Ins. See thla! THE VOGEL CO • 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 17Cl; BA: 07'Sr • CillO DEL Ill IRVINE TERRACE-NEW HO~FOR SALE 3·bedrs. and 2 baths, c~nter hall plan, l~e slldln• glass doors to patJo-on Dolphin Terrace. Good terms to quali!led buyer. $32.500-leasebold. ALSO 2·bedr. plus a den home on year's lN.Se, $2:10 mo. • • • IUCIIIIY Exquisite 4·bedroorn. 3 bath home. Suitable for larp lamlly, enclORd patio. • • • TIE LAST IEIL 1111111 II II Y SIIIES 3-bedtoom home, Iarre dinlng room. etc. Just reduced trom $28..SOO to $23,000 for quick aale! . . . We ban buyers for lood UstJnp! Free esttmatea and rood service. Earl WI ..... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland Call Harbor 1715 Ev-. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878 SEISOI'S BEST BUY! c.. ...... JmrnaC'ulatr rondltlon. 2 bedrm. apt.. hwd. Ooors. tub 1r shower. Large llvtng room 6: kitC'hen 23 ft. plastered garace and 2 additional ntC'l-ly finished sle(>plng rooms with exrra bath. pnvate entrance. Can build another homr In front. Best construction: only 6 yt>&rs old Compare this with anything In today's market under $16,000. Owner anx· lous. ... m sell for $14.500. No sleht seers. Buy~r net"ds $i400. Drlv~ by 706 Mar- guerite Ave~ then phone Harbor. 882. to Inspect. STiaEY I. SIITI, ......, 2647 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA 882 • IIYSII.ES • 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath .. ····-· ....... -·· ..... ·-· ... $24.500 2 BEDitOOM, fumlahd __ .: .... (soldl --· ·-·--·· $19,500 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath. Carpeted and draped. Corner Jot .. _ ·-· -· ····-· . ... _ . --·· $27.500 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath ... ·-·-·· .(SoldL. _______ S22,!QO 2 BEDROOM. 2 baths rompl~ely fumlabed .... .$2t.500 ..... IIIESTI&T • Barbot 1600 1111 , •• Ll1l ,._...~tao-CIItllillela·l. ... ..._llell ,. -. • u.. ~ or Pac~Be om. ... >a a ..... c.::... .......... ,_-........... . ........ .., ... _.. ... ._ ........ . lllc:luW ........................... ••• a.....,. • • I 20 woftll crh ~~ ... •~•------..-.;.- 21 to 30 'Wwroorcn.J:II•L.....---- 31 to 40 warda---- . . roa sALE BARGAIN! Tappan Gas Ranee. with extra artddle, clock con· trolled oven, thei'DlORat. dl· vtded top. Very good eondltlon. UAL DTATE WAIITED WANTED TO LEASE with option to buy, 2 or 3 BR. moderate prlced home. Needed by June; excellent reference. Ha 5347. $55.00. LJ 8·2'7SO. 2 MATCHING MO~D--ERN=""=--m-ar_oo_n IlEAL ESTATE & ll&RTALI GUEST BEDS FOR BENT Call Liberty 8·3456 Seal'a Surrlcal Suppll• chairs, 5 pc. yellow 6 chrome 2 BR. GARAGE APT., CDM. breakta.at aet and other mla· Year'a Jeue 185. Adults, no ----------- cellaneous Items. Reasonable. pets. Ha 3521, 5041At Mariaold, Painting -Decorating Ha 3585-1. CDM. PAPER HANGING 2 ELECTRONIC ORGANS like ~2 -=B,:.:,R.;.:::...,U=PS'=T,..,..Al=RS=-...,..APT-==-.• -w-a-ter-. GEORGE BURKHARDT new, our price only $575 up front. Dlspoal, garage, large UOINed Coatral"tOT Schmidt·Phllllps Bll Oraan 6 fenced yard. Special price for 1897 Oranp Ave. eo.ta Keaa Plano Store, 520 No. Main, 3 montha, or . poulble yeara Uber!y 8-8628 Ube!ty 8-6632 Santa Ana. One Solovox $150. lease. Box '355, N.B. COMPLETE PAJN'I1NG FISHING BOAT, 26FT., Gray Ma· 1 B1l FURN1SHED COTI'AGE. PAPER RAJ'fCING SERVICE rine ena:Jne. ready for fiahinl. patio, garaae. 7041At lrla, CDM. $1,550. Ha 4864. Ha 633. HAMMOND ORGANS used. A 2~R;..:.:OO~MS-==.--=6,.....-,:SH=o=WER=::--::f~or-re-n..,...t. rare opportunJty. One famous pvt. entrance. no cooklna. zn CHORD ORGAN, one BV Home Larkspur, CDM. Model both like new. Don't OWNERS ROME. CDM. Cor rent walt lf you wt.sh to make .a tumlahed. 2 BR.. patio. aarbaae good savtna on the world • dlap., 'IV; for Juflj& 15 through finest Oraans. Schmtdt·PhUllpe September. Ra 412S. Home of the Hammond Organ, CALL Edna Oata rental ~· 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana, dallat wJth DorU• Bray realtor Good Terms. 36 mo. 216 Marine Ave.. Bal~ laland 3 SPINETS 6 1 Grand, small HA ~ « B.A 64. cue damage ln a h I p p I n 1 , treiaht eo. 6 factory pay, you W.AJifTED save bll money. Schmldt·Pbll· -75-U_S_ED __ PIAN_OS __ w_a_nt_ed_._S_w_a_p Upe, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. your .Uent old plano on a RA 29'76 (EvenJnp. weelc·endl) EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS :500 31st Street. Newport Beacb OOII.ft.ETE LAJfDICAJ'DIQ IDVICZ FREE ESTIMATES SAM Green Stam~ Free' delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 27~ E. Cout Hwy. Telephone Bubor XSO S,.rklltla Did ...... LEQAL lfOTICE VIOIJN. ov6 100 years old. CAll Hammond Chord Organ Hlah· Ha 2321 up to 6:00 o'cloclc. est cash alowance. Schmidt· Foe Cardiac Conditions NO. A·27290 MISCELLAifEOUS SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful PhUllps 520 No. Main. Santa buys many sllghtly used, ren· Ana. Kidney Stones ROTJCZ TO CU:DITOBS Nep~w·Fr~ AJl:rtes ESTATE OF HOMER E. ARM· WANTED: Used water skla at U 8-5012 STRONG, aka HOMER EUGENE reaaonable price. Ha 5339·M. tal return.a. new guarantee Maple, Blond. Ebony, Uaht SITUATIOifS W.AJifTED Walnut. save $100 to $260 all GARDENlNG llke new, M.1rro Spinet only Specializing ln patio care. REP==AJ-=-==R~AND=:=.,M:=:,-;:a;.;:;l;;.n:...t.,...e_n_a_n_c_e-. ARMSTRONG, aka H. E. ARM· palntJna, carpenter etc. Just STRONG DECEASED. anythlna. Reuonable. Satb-N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to SIT 'I' lilT $235 Maple finish $295. Kim· LJdo Isle 6 Corona del Mar. ball, AcroeonJc Spinet., from Dudley Cavanaugh fac:tJon auaranteed. HA 01.26-J. the creditors or and all pe.raons Start gttt.malcJna now for Moth· having clalml aaainst the aatd er'a Day . . . Father'a Day ... decedent or aald eatate to tue · · . Graduation . . . Birthdays. them with the n~ vouch· New yarn.a, atrawa and eorde. era ln the oftJce of the Cl6k of SlT 'W KNIT SHOP • RA 4622 $t6S. Many other great buys. KJ 5-1621 100 Pianos to chooee from new ••• Prl)ll*l and used. SchmJdt·Phllli~ PI· HARDWORKING colored lady wanta regular housecleanlnl FOR RENT ano 6 Organ Store atnce 191._ by day JtJ 3.1485. 8-MM 16·MM 35·MM the Superior Court of the State of 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ~520 N~. Main. Santa Ana. . GARDEN. WORK on Balboa and 16MK Sound Projector~ CallfomJa, In and for the County -;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ of Orange, or to praent the aa..me, with the neeaaary .vouch- en, to the undersigned at hla or her place of bualneu, to-wit: GRAND PIANOS many Uke nf!lllf, Island. Phone Ra 1038, 27~ E. FAST COLOR FtLM SERVICE Muon 6 Hamlln, excellent Cout Hwy CDM. PbWlpa Model Airplane SUppU• condition, Story 6 CIa r k, Brooks ., ... c·m1r1 ....... Knabe, Edmund Cram. one ....;::..:,..;...;;,;;;..· -=.,..,...,~=---=-=---:--=---•-•• • ~ only $435. Another $495. Many M.ArtJRE WOMAN wtahes baby 1782 lfewport Blvd.. eo.ta .... other wonderful buys In pi· alttlna and care of aleX. knit· Phone Uberty 8·7'0&2 Hurwitz a Hurwitz. Attorneys at Law 2611 Newport Boule-vard .anos. Come! Look! Schmidt· tinr or crochetlna. Day or PhJlllps Bll Piano Store, Santa night. HA 3192-M. LEGAL •oncz Newport Beech. California No. A·2'7408 wtthtn •lx montM after the tJnt Ana. 520 No. MaJn St., 100 PI· COM man would Uke prdenlng, Df '111B svnmo• OOVJIT or pubUc:aUon at tbb notJce. J'rom Bel~um. Rolland. Sweden. Cermany. Italy 6 England. Arab8que Jewelry from Teledo Spain '1'111: "WDI.- wttb Judy W'llita.ey & Cc-•nt• t Wa.bbame · Avallable for private ,...U.. dance. aDCl Clu.b adf.W• ~Unt mu.le aacl •· tertatn.ment. for tbf ,.""·tb.lrt:Y' II'OUJ>. Tao&. LDD1T ...... (DAft) ........................ -............... -. . .. . ..... . YILU IUIIII anos; Home of the Hammond clean·up. ete. CaU Kl 3·2122. Organ. Mel Uptb.=::all.=..,--......,-----::-- MAPLE BUNK BEDS, com p 1. WANTED: lronina In my home. springs and mattress, $29.95 Mabel Whitman, 6C17 Maraue- TilE STATK or CALII'ODIA Dated: May 2, 1956 Df AJfD roa TD conn Boa Lena Armstrong ~ '-;: ~ .~ tt--r=~= or OUJIG& l'!ltecutrtx ot the Eatate of aid GU'1'I .._ AIM *'":.Z...._ ..._ lltlllt .... In the Mattn of the FAtate of ~ -• IOL .._ .... • P 111 PI ... • --111 _. a -•"-•••••'• set. MAPLE Dl~ table 6 rite. CDM. HA 4279-1. ROBERT L. CALU.S, alao known UUIUU.U• A HURWITZ -· ........ ,, .... ~ ..... ... ... - -4 chairs. $16.95 set. MAPLE DBL. BEDS_. springs 6 mat· tresses, $18.95 set. Ph. Jefferson 7-1853. 11352 Westmlnster, Gar· den Grove. Directory ~ WAJfTED aa a L. c.u.us. Deeeued. m1 lfewport Boule-vard ,.., a ... JIWY, Ill -AIINIKD' u••~ ,_.... AVON SPECIAL TRAINING N011CE OF HEAJUNC OF PE· Newpcn Beach. California ~ liFE CLASS for aumm6 business In 'I1TION FOR PROBATE OF Attorneys for Executrix RAGA 5 -~;'ft thls area startiJt& !'ow; UmJted WILL AND roa LETI'ERS Puh!Ja: Kay 10. 17, ~. 31, 19M 1'lda......., ....,=_. ..._. a._n;::;x:.._1 number acceptecL Call KJ TESTAMENTARY. In the Newport Harbor Enatan. Your J'amlly -.urant 18 Os Ljt~ c...ty. -. ......._. .._ ....._ w .... 7·4272. NoUce Ia hereby rtvm that tbe (c::a...A 1"znlof) ._... CL 1 .... .,.mutl .._ ....... ._, tM WANTED: Experienced sales· petition of DOROniY L. CALLIS Patroftbe the ll*'dlanta who Dll ~ c..t ......... iMitlaW 1ft ..... a .... " I Pill-. Ql, ta ... I • DfSva.AJICE lady, over 25; permanent. part· for the probate of the WUJ of the ::;: In the lf.wport Bar· ..._ •• C...... =:-'Jt':ft :;:.::-..:: ........, Yet Ua II ,._ MA ttme position. Apply In person. above named deeedmt and for '=.~~p.Eij~;;;i;;;;;;;;tl-~~~~~~~~~~~!!~__!117~~~~....-~ITI~-~~~·~DJM~~=--~~--_!D~I~l ~·~~~·~·~•!•_ O'Brien's, 2515 E. Coaat Hwy., the tauance of Letters Testa· (Polltlcal AdYertt8ementl c~..a-• .a..a.-a--t) CDM. ment.ary to the petitioner will be r----~------~-n-..:JU-~-,.....-"il-;iii·"~ .......... _.;.,...._;.ii1•''.;.',.••.;_1 _;A~A_;-;;•.;_•_;;'-;""~-;_;•~·---~(Pn=U~tt::;e":J~A:~::.-.,.~tt:MIIM'nt:·=:!_l . INSURANCE "Be Sure-InSure" W1TR STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Hlahway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, HA 5232 SCHOOLS & DfSTJl'OCTIOif REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and ~enlna claues ror preparatJon to pau the State exam. CAU or write For lnfonnaUon AL TYLER SCHOOLS 16U N. BroadWay. Santa Ana Kimberly 7.3511 KEHoe 8.2513 I'LUJODrQ WATER BEATERS S.la. Sen1ce and Repa1r8 . -IECIT .. Pl.UM'IIJ'G Teme. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5310 IIODY··AIIIT 1110• PATCH'S BOOT a PA.Ilft IROP a. W. PATCB o-p~eee Ooll ........ ............ ...... u ••• ""u.,.. ,. ·-1'71111 a.·o.a .... u ..... heard at 10 o'clock A.M. on June 1. 1956, at the court room or De· partment 2 of the Superior Court of the State of California ln and 100CJ' EMPLOYER RETAINED for the County ot Oran1e. AGENCY Date May U , 1958. NO FEE collected from applicant 413·31at Newport Beach I Iris ... m! Good Jobe -Good Salary with t.requmt lncreuea ln a company that actually en· eouraees advancement. Full pay u you are trained. -()penJnp for- TELEPHONE OPEB.ATOBS -.Apply- 8~30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 122 W. 'J'hhd St. Sut.a Ana P ACIJ1C 'J'l!:LEPROl'CE L. B. WALLACE. County Clerk Harwood. Heffernan 6 Soden Attorney. for Petitioner 2515 E. Coast Hlahway Corona del Mar, CallfornJa Publlsh: May 17, 24, 31. 1956 In the Newport Harbor !!Mlgn Professional Directory NUIIC Margaret L. Scharle 'I""Me!Mr "' Plano Or1ant.l • AcccapenW J:ven1na Cll FT I faw Adutt. !tn OOLDDJIOD AVE. Colona del Mat rn.dlylf .................. P ARJCES..RIDLEY IIOJrroAn 110 Broadway U 1-Jal A a.aa. eo.ta X.. NO W ... T W O BALTZ MORTUARIF.S lW¥tnl tiM B.arbow ..... Baltz Mortuary ~ftTHZdA· ~~art~or a _,&OMII BI....._. ea... ...... - Bahz Mortuary =1-1121 t11a a .a.. .... AIIJII.a PAimiiO .,. LOC&,_ RE-ELECT YOUR ORANGE COUNTY . SENATOR .JOHN A. MURDY .JB. A fermer, Murdy ia prea;. d.nt of the Celifomle Ume Been Grow.rs Auocletion. At Secremen+o during ffte pert four yeers he hea TUC!- ceeded in heving edopt.d ~ O r,e n9• County ,...~,. he "-• p...een.t.d. . porta that the Na.y ba awudld CoDI'fti!D&D J... tJtt ... Set a eontract fot twenty..._t a- foot pl....aie ~ wllale ..... to the Wbard loet ~. Poetal ud eMc ometall wtU IDe., 1n eMU ...._ for a total be oa baDcl at aooe 11-x1a1 PaM. ·rrhrtant to the rqjonal bid o1 ~·· n.,, • ...,._,.,, ..., 10, to at· ......_, 12tb POll otnce c~Utrid; p;:.=-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:iiiiiii~l t.d cledJcatSon -&. fot tM • .,_ Dora BW ot Newport ,. LW. .WW.N6 MV t<nS Nte FQI. new Jfewport BNeb pOll otr1ee a.dl. and otbe dvlc and pc111ta1 at 1Jl .lltwi 'de Aw.. In the omdala are ldleduled to M Mariner's Mll.e Medon ol tile ,._.t. dtJ. J&mft Van Dyke, .,....Sdent of the Jf...,ort Harbor Chamber tJI Comnwee, wtll be the muter of ••uaaJ.a. ~n ~ion WC.aM wtU putletp&te In tbe t1at ,_...... •• ..._ ... Sea Ex· pJare lcouta wW act u color Lido Gal Wins Beauty Title puda. The new poet oftke Ia ottlclally Pretty Ms.a Barbara Lee J'ral· due to open oa J'riday," June 1. ley, a Udo lale mt.. wtth flam. l'olltmute B. Payne 'nl~ aatd lnl red haJr, beeaJM Mlle Santa thla WMk. It may be open a day Barbara thla week-the flnt atop ahead of .chedule, he aaJd. With on b• ... , to the MJ.. Amerka the openln1 of tbe new ~ of.. contat. Barbara, the dauehter of ttce, the old omce at 430·32nd W&lLAW&.ONiwmt OUR~­ NO oeu.\TION." CAU ... Mr. and Mn. a. L. Frailey of St., near the Clt1' Hall wUl be MAY 'Aim' ._ .. 11111a lllwas .__ .-. ._ tW .... MY Cl fAJEII-Ll-lJdo, Ia a coed at Santa Barbara cloeed.. • •utbl .. ._ ,_.. ......, • .__ .._. ...... .._ ,.._. .... . branch of the Unlver.Jty of Call· The ,. .. EIC* office has 2~ ..... tw•••~ .. ._~..._,. ..... a.-. 11ft t. diM-N 1100 Coa.t ~--h =~ s::d w :~Jor~~ =· ~t m::a:eu N~ :.. = =:=':t.~i :.!f:r: ~-"11(L ~ ACIIOU noll u:=A :~a.n TIII.U IITIIIIE ,raduated from Puadena HJeh Beach, Balboa and Balboa Island _•_•....:•;..•_•_• _,.,.;;....,_...;_ ________________ •••••••••••••••••••••• School areu of the city, with branches I I a.. COAIT COI.I.&GZ nc:.ac: • Next month ahe wtJl 10 to In Balboa and Balboa llland.WJBIIAI AT artma •AD niDA1' Santa Cruz and compete Jn a The Corona del Mar post office, ., I '1 I contest tor the crown of Mha aerves Corona del Mar area and IIIIIJI Iii • 'nle Oran1e Cout CoUqe All· Calltomla. As Mt.u Santa Bar, Itvtne Terrace. Gwynne Cloep, daurhter of School Pknlc wtll be held at bara, Mt.u FraUey won the Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gloep Irvine Park from 4:30 to 9:30 crown from nine other tlnall.lta. occ MOJIJVIR 1 of 425 "M" St., Balboa. hu ,.. p.m. tomorrow (Friday). There PTA IEWI· • • The annual eraduatton prom celved an appointment to Georre· wUJ be a barbecue, preceded by for Oranre Cout Colle,e stu-town Unlverafty MedJcal School a faculty va. student bueball denta will be held at the Santa and abe will 10 there In June In eame. blcycltne. boatlne, hUdnl Ana Country Club on Saturday, the field of medical tllustratJon. and other playcround acth1tlea • ............. .., ...... Harbor Council PTA membera June 2, accordlne to Barron G. Mlsa Gloe"e w1U eraduate from joined the 400 who attended the Knechtel, freshman clua ad· lohna Hopkins In Baltimore thiJJ Phone In your newa stories to .ftnal meetlne of Fourth Dlatrtct viJJor. General chairman IJJ John June with a a~lal cerilltcate your local new.paP«, the En· BRUCE MARTIN IITI -TIIGI-FilE -LH 1.0CAL ACDT 1 '793 lfEWPORT A VI!., bosT A MESA 20%•··1 workahop meetlne held May 17 El{l{ert. Beach. In the medical arta field. afen. Harbor W.4. OI'PICZ: 1JbertJ ,__. U:S. UbertJ J.SOIJ OD C111Y DyeiDg &.rtice Etltimat.-FI'Hly Qiyen WIIIEM!IIE .... ., Aero. the street from 'niE POST OFPICE UJI a.t c.-lhry. (Comer Orc:hld) C:....del ... -r...ll .. tlle ........ at Parkvlew Memorial Church In Santa Ana. Arnone the newly appointed chairmen praented by the presl· dent, Mrs. Harold 0 . Boyvey. were Mrs. WUllam O'Brien, N~· port Beach, eorrespondln.: aec:re· tary; Mrs. Maris Newland, New· port Beach, homemakJne chair· man, and Leonard Baltzer, Co· rona del Mar, men'a memberahlp ~~~~~~~~~~~ chairman. r Four Harbor Council Mother· PAY LESS alnrers were present amone the 75 taklne part ln alnelne three numbers recently presented at the state conventlo~ In Sacra· COIPLETE mento: Mmes. Grant Fuller, Richard Scouten. Roy 0. Your· stone and Wm. G. Paine. DIU I STIRES Among those appointed to the fa.lr board comml~ for Fourth Dlatrlct's b ooth were Harbor Counc1J members: Mrs. Harvey Pease and Mra. William O'Brien. Mra. O'Brien was abo chairman t I' n f \ ( H IJ• I I 0 !'II c; ~": ' . of one of the workshop confer· ences held for secretarlea. Mrs. CUe Hoffman, council president. was among thoM •· Jec:ted to serve on the policies ~~ . , .... , commlttee tor next year. ·'1/& ~ ~ . DJIVQ STOliD lullary Eltlrlllll 21 111•1•• Val1rau . Twenty-seven dlaabled veter· ana were e.ntertalned May 16 by the. American Legion AuxUiary of Newport Harbor, Unit 291. MIV..Ude a&-........... aao1 c.-llwT-«A ms C... del ... An outooor steal< barbecue ===========::! was prepared by RoMrt J. BrliiS. past commander of Newport Har· NOW TO JULY 25 • .... , bor Legion Post 291. Mrs. ,.-alter Mathews was In charge of table decorations. Mrs. George Stuart played the llano. and there were bingo eames and dancing. A big birthday cake was served for all havlne birthdays In May. thrilling thoroughbred RJICI.G , ..... -....... ,., .. ~--. Nominated for bfo r.oe we: SWAPS, BOBBY BROCATO and other g~ cMmplone .............. , . .. _ .... _.,.._,. ... 7 ,.,...,,.....,......_ ...... .. ..,., • .,.ol ....... UM1 ADMIIIICHI 'lfCII ., -,.--=a ••sr .......... _ ... ...... _ BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR DRAPES OR CARPETS CHEC • I SAVE DURING OUR MAY ANNIVERSARY SALE YOUR DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE · 0... 1000 &abric& No chazve b c:uatcm ~ iD our own abop. b:bacJ. larve 12' LiYIDg Room Picture WIDdow, Dining locm. Dc:hea. 8errice Pan:la, Bath cmd 3 INCLUDING LEADING NAnONAL BUNDS YOUR HOME FOR JUST $498 . COMPLETE ••... , .... ..., , .•..... DRAPES CARPET """'plete __ .,, --For tr.e ..,; .. "''lM • decaratiDg Del ella • to .. au pet •"'4'111 iD tbe i*ltcw:r of J'08r OWD home . PHONE HMIOR 6176 ............. 4 PORT ·· / .; "tA .. V.f It~ .. Ill/H.• ALIO "Crrllll1rlzll J•" with John Bromfield 6: Julie London ITAKI'I TVES.. MAY Ill 2 SBOWS KICKTL Y I:.S p.m. cmd lz15 • • • ~ Dcry llatiDM Coetiaaoaa allow fnlm 2 p.m. ......................................... ~ Program start" at DWik Mon. thru Fri. Doorw OpeD 8:00 Oartoon CanllvaJ ftrt Sat 81111 Sat., Suu. Doorw Ope. 11:65 '''V AT '!'WO THE1'!t.·~q -Al!:·- I"APRJL IN PORTUGAL'' ----... 8llort 8altjec:t ~· SA!I. •·• ~"A. :Jrd »l BIMia * D0088 OPEN AT I :U * Walken Phoo.o * Sat. • 8-. lla~ at 1 :U * IU 1~ * NOW 8BOWING * "CARSON CITY" I ·-m:E BIG TREES" Jlaadol~lt Scott Klrit Doqlu fl .- ~1 11'\ '~ I ' '\ ol I ' OOOICLIISH•LL H•Ro•a • c _.,•c••••--* Now ShowiDC * "PICNIC" "THE 8()ABLE'l BOUB" Newport Barge Fishing Shore boat 1ecrNs eDd of Kewport PSer nery bour oa tbe boa.r startiD9 at I CLIL "W estemer" Day bOat lecrYes Daily 6 a.m. --~2511 ---------------- GENERAL WELDING IIAaiiR W&I.DilfQ..-aOAT -TaAD "D JrEW & U'IEJ) IIOATI & IIOTOD SURFSIDE GENERAL WELDING -~ W..t eo.t lllllawwt. •ewpolt -..:tl u...ty 1-Mft -----------------~------ DAVE SPIES MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS w ............ w ..... .OAft & IOAT T:UD:M IIAIIIII& UBW.AD ..... _.., .. , ... aa au w. c..t ....... , .... ,... ..... ----·------ Betty June Cassen of COM Wed to George Cascarella Just returning from a honey· Mrs. H. A. Castle of Pasadena moon at Lake Tahoe and San was her sister's matron of honor. Francisco are Mr. and Mrs. The bride's niece, Miss Judyne George Michael Cascarella, who Cassen of Santa Ann, served as were married Saturday night, bridesmaid. They wore pastel May 12. at the Chapel of Roses shades of · blue and orchid and In Pasadena by the Rev. Harold carried nosegay bouquets of G. Hultgren of Holy Trinity Epfs. shaded pink roses and carna - copal Church. tions. Frank Cascarella of AJ . The bride Is the former Miss hambra served as his brother's Betty June Cassen. a daughter of best man. Ushers were Glen Fife Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cauen of 321 of Los Angeles. a couain ol the Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. bride. and Emil Kollaar of Los The groom from Alhambra. Is the Angeles. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A reception foJJowed the cere· Anthony CaacarelJa. mony In the chapel lounge. Mrs. ..... , ....... .. 11/i Quart CoYered Sauce Pan Beg. S.9S ----SPECIAL 369 DaiMy--Pusb BuHon c.o,-, Pub tbe battae Cllld lt drape atndgbt dowa oat of tiM way. It ~ roalld. cmd. 8q1UIIe CIIIU with eaM, hwedu1 IDCigiMt ..... lld fnlm d.roppUIIJ lato ...-CIIIIL ~ ------·--398 I AU St.el Body Onr Slaed. Semi PDeumatic ran. ~ 12.25 _ SPECIAL a· Genuine TIYLII·TITS Collapai.ble FM Transporting Two Moen. Reg. 16.75 50% otf Reg. 13.50 ---t; LAWN MOWER ft.l8 ....... ............ Ia-.,..Y•Iaa• ···•· ....... •ble aewel' ..... .., ...... kaowa 1J. L ........... wlllda ft aiD oU. at • I'Ml ........ ..u ..._.... wbeela wlt~ l'abbol' tinal ·····t. Clblo cattlD9 belg)atJ flft Mlf• ... ,, ..... b1ode&. 111a. s alade BEC. 22.50 ··-····-··················· I PECL\L *CROWN HARDWARE* "'A BOU'IEBOLD J)EPAftWUY ITO_. We C.t a.,. * Jl4abow Ill 1117 EAST COAST BJCIIWAT The bride wu given In mar-Ca.ssen greeted guests In a dusty r1age bY' her father. She wore a ~ lace ove.r satin dreu and embroidered nylon tulle over matching accesaorles. Mrs. Paay white satin wedding gown made Jlates of Pasadena. a niece of the with a sh irred bodice and a full 'bride, presided over the iuest n oor-length aklrt. Her lace crown. book. The wedding date was just studded with aequlns and tiny two years from the day the pear~ h~da~~Ulu~~ v~l. cou~ef~~L-~e~~~ a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She carried a fan bouquet of JTaduate at University of OaJJ. ~~~~~~1J: white orchJda and JUles of the fomla at Berkeley, her eroom Ia valley. a. MJ~an State alumnus. GlamouT Glimpses ay ADa Sprlng-to-aumme.r ls the time for more fun-more outdoor ac· tlvlty-more casual clothes. Men a nd women both. of all ages. are finding new comfort aa well u a smart appearance In the longer shorts . . . Bermudas and now the Jamaica aborts, which are just a wee bit aborter and newer. O'BRIEN'S doesn't cater to the men <except by pleasing them with the well-drHsed woman) but we have here a fine ~election of these longer aborts -toppen and sport akJrts, perfect for the f e m I n I n e golfer a nd sporta· woman. "'a liT" •••• ,. ~ Frt., 111., .., 14, 21. 2-. You'll be Impressed with the new Galey 6: Lord "pinfeather," a wash and wear fabric of dac- ron and cotton. Charcoal and grey shorts In this fabric have a d I s tIn ctJve man-tailored look and yet are light and cool. Our favorites are the linen and 11· na.stl Bermudu In "six delldoua navors" from pink to toast to navy blue. They are made with ny front, back zlp, side zlp. patch packets, Inverted pocket. ... most every style that'a bec:o~ and neat looking. Couple these abort. with a matching or coordJnaUng blouae, tou a cuhmere cardigan over your ahoulden and you're Mt for any match on the 1011 coune! For vartatlon eouple the ahortl with tailored dacron batkte blouse or the speclally anart ~quare necked jeney. O'BRIEM 'S ol courw, have aome eood·lpoktn1 taUored ~ tor you ,olfers, eo that you can mJx or match your aoU attire u the weather and the mood decide. In thta way your p'.t clotha can fit In with the Milt of your wardiobe -you'll find Jou of ,...WJty in th ... IPCJIU- IIllnded ..,.ma OMdl \II aJ8o f« IOIDe MW venatUe aporta • minded ..... -wtlllnl to traftl !.. trenD patJo plfta-pona to lawD boWIIna ••• ln tad O'IWD'S U. the PfGPir ~ ,_ )"'W tawrite ~ _____ , Store Houn: Daily 9 .A.M. to 6:30P.M. SWlday cmd llollday. I A.M. ., 8 P.M. ALL SWEET Oleomargarine 23~ Tl DE Box59t -'lDIU& Kleenex 2 Boxee 27' v... ' Apple Sauce ~~~--·-·--·-2 fw 23~ IWUI S namJ1I BACON 55:. IWU I I Plt*IIJVJI FIIIIFUITEIS 2 .... DAn Miracle Whip Pt. Jar • 37C - ~ :~ ·.,,_,. fRLJITS·UfCiEf~lHf~., P1JD ALL TVIIA aD IGAT PET FOOD ~-~2'-23 COOKIES ~--3s-