HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-05 - Newport Harbor Ensign•
Li e Te
Local Citizens • rd
for ar ·on andals
ggested in Ca
gainst Policemen
AIOU8ed dtlzens In Balboa and
BaJboa laland are oreantzinc for
action to ~ relief from In·
Cft&JII.q vanda11sm. lltterinl and
tftllpU.tnc on thelr property by
A propoMd 80lutlon 1JI to con-
trol the lnvuton of vtsJtol"' by
restrtcttna beadles to local reaJ ·
denu and taxpayers.
On Uttle laland an Aaaoclatlon
of raiclenta has been organized
Cor that portion ot Balboa bland
easterly ot the Grand CAnal. A
non-pr'Oitt corporation will be aet
up to handle future prolfama ol.
tm~t for Uttle bland. e HiiiJOW TO COVJrCIL
First Item on the agenda. &e·
cordlna to Clalnnan Roy May·
pole, 1a ~aUon of a petition
to the Newport City Council for
leulnr of the l•land'l bf!aches
by the Auoclatlon, or by some
othef' meana r e 1 t r I c t I n 1 the
beaches to local reaJdenta. A pe·
tltlon may be submJtted at next
Monday'• Councll meeting.
The aame problem was dla·
cuaed Monday evening at a
meeting of th~ Board of Olrec·
tors of the Balboa Peninsula
Point Aasoclatlon. President Ed·
ward Hart", Vl~·prealdent Robert
Stabler and Dilector Ray Baxter
were desl~rnatf'd u a committee
to .tudy the Jeeal upects.
Mt. Hare said that a great
many P•nlnsula Point residents
have asked the AaiOclatloo 11
80methlne can be done about the
lncreulng Incidents ot loott"d
$25 License Fee
eara~res .and broken wlndoWI
and rowdlneu. e AJITJ.VAIQ)AUSN
'"Jbla la an antJ-vandallam
protest, not antl-peoplt!." Mr.
Hare aald. ''The property owners Attorney Robert Hurwitz uld
here pay high taxes, and they yesterday that he was wllllng to
feel that they are entitled to pro· use lie detector teat& to prove his
tectlon." ...._ t.oO'D CIEJrAJl ch.&ree of pollee brutality lnvolv·
The Uttle Island Association lng hla client. 18-year-old Char-was~r~ranlzed at a dinner meet-Mrs Csenar les Trautwein of 1769 Santa Ana
lng lut Thursday evening In lr· • Ave., Costa Mesa.
vine Coast Country Club. at· J El d He said he would file a clvll
tended by more than 150 ~nons. S ecte suit some Ume next week In Su-
ln addition to naming Mr. perlor Court against Newport po-
Maypole u chairman. the new B T t ~II~ oftl~ William Saunders
group elected Doria Bray as~ IV rus ees and Douglu t>eln, asking for
retary, and the following street Jn. Loula Cs~.>nar of Balboa damages for assault and battery.
commwloners : Herb Vanderburg was elt'cted pri.'Aident of the Pollee had arrested Richard
for Abalone, Harry Sykes for Newport ~ach E 1 e m e n t a r y 1 Moltl•r of Santa Ana on a charge
Jade, Mrs. Edwina Gill for S. Bay School Board at the reorganJza. of littering, Pet~r Pendarts or
Ft., Mrs. Joe Rlrgs for E. Bay tlon m~ne Monday. Mf'l Berry Santa A.na on a chargt! of unlaw
Ft.. Mra. Carl Hlllgren for the ful IU.!U!mbly and Trautwein on a Grand Canal, Mrs. Kenneth Star· of Cliff Haven was named ~e· I tary Milo Lacy of Newport Hts. charge of r~lstlng arrest and
ege for Balboa A.ve. and Roy was seatf'd aa a nt"w mt>mber. re· lnterferln~~: with an arrest. Traut-
Riley for Park Ave. placing Gordon Findlay of Udo weln wu struck In the for~hud e BEALTIL SAI"ETT TBllEAT Isle during the a1teTcatlon, which OC·
Mr. Maypole, television an· · jcurred June 20 at Second Ave.
nouncer and writer and also a I.Anlft .. liiYI and Marguerite Ave .. Corona del
co-owner of a La Habra citrus -Mar.
Be wW be IMIII,.r ef U.. Scm
c.m.aw bl'ciDdl of Uae Mari·
.... llcmJL
·-E.Kutt .. Vic»-~ of ...,. llculDen 8caaJL .....
poc1 hadL.
Bank Gets 0.1.
for New Branch finn. Cold Gold Co .. aald that B u T I Trautwein appeared for ar
80me 80lutlon l.s n~ed because -• ralgnment Monday In Newport of threat to health and safety By 8radMl Flr:lc:b 1 us t 1 c e Court. Judge Dodge Pr~ldent Edgar Hlll of the broueht hla tamlly to tbe eouth·
City Man.acer Bobert Shelton rJ.%e « volume of busineu, in caused by crowded and unsanl· J granted Attorney Hurwitz's plea Marlners Bank announced yes-west for hia dauchter'a Malth.
ked by C. of C.
aJ4 t)lta week that a lolnt meet· the payment of c::tty taxes and tary conditions. Taxes here could be cut In for ·chanre of venue to the mun1· terday that approval has be-en He was In Tuc.on f« a whlle.
Inc wJU be beld t100n by the aa.les taxes. "1be lOCAl property owners are stead or ra~ If city count'll cl pal court of the Santa Ana-Or· re<-t>lved from the Ff'deral ~-then was v1~·pr'8ldent and
N...-port Clt7 Council and Cham· F 0 1 J 0 wtnc reco~daUona paying taxes lor these bf!aches. was half as economy minded as ange Judicial District. where posit I nsuran~ Corporation for manager o! the lndJo Bank. Be
bft ~Commerce otfldaiJI t. clia· were preeented to City Council: and they are erttlne riled bf!. some of members Indicated be Trautweln was to appear at 9 establishing a branch bank In servf'd u mayor ~ Cl&ft, )•Itch .•
cua a rntalon of the f«<lfttl)' e bYoeatton of all ~xiltJnc lJ. cause they can't use their own for~ election. a.m . today <July 5, Mr. Hurwitz San Clemente was president of th~ ~ Ki·
adopted bualn-Ueen~e ordl· eesute wcllnanc:ea. beaches," he sald. Here la a simple !our-step way was to en~r a not eu1Jty plea. This clt"ars the way for the wanla Club and was active 1n
nanee. • A4optjon of a new ordlnanoe He added that a poalble solu· to reduce the rate--He a&ld that the chance ol venue sale of stock. he said. He est!· Boy Sc:out •ork.
Tile ataJDb«r la reconu'JMncSrn. --~ an annual lklel\le lion would be an ldmWlcatlon 1. Earmark tbe fat Increase was requested bec:au.e wvsal of matf'd that the new bank build· A new membft of lh~ .utr at
a flat fee ol a5 a ,_, ln place fee ot tz5 for all bua1nea, whe· card Qlltem f« UN ot the In annual ln<n~t revenue tor h1a w1taaees wue rtiQCtant to Inc. at lOl 0.1 Mar, would be the M&rinen Bank 1a Joe Steel·
o1 the .,..sllatacl ,_ Mt by .,.. til• loeated wtthln or ot1tlllde of ~eMil b7 local ~ and oil wella, beach leues. lk:tMe tt!IIWY here. rudy In time to open tor bus!-man. 52. wbo baa ~ appotntlld
oew Ql'd!u~ euy UmJta. ~ ......, OftJr. ~ pa • ....-...-ADd Mt H tz ft nea about Nov. 1. eueut1ve vtoe.~-=. tD ~·
Thll r.e ••u•Mndadoft wu Jlft" e A ftOO fee I« the fh.t year 'nle Oty aaareer ~-~ what not to mft't normal n~ th Tr ~ satd fte lJ proof Mr HUI announced abo that ~ the late Jerry R1cha.r41on. sented to the Qt;J Coundl after for MW.n-oondut'tinc hoUM· leaaln ot property OWMd by the for more and better cUy servlc.s l at au never,entered the Tbeo Wallington wUI be mana-He 1a a naUw ot P'hlladelphla.
1aat TbunclaY• maetln& of the to-hOUM sales canvaues. and $25 d 0~ on condJUon that such due to mo~ people and busJness fitht and never ltTudt a poll~ eer of tht! San cr~ent~ Mari· but hu ~ a Soutbern CalJ. ~. ttve com m 1 t t e ~ of the a year thereafter, "In ordu that 1e?'.e J approved by a majority locatlnr here. Because or local I otr~cert H~1 ~d he •u wllllng to 1 n~ Bank. H~ Is now assistant fomla resid~t sin~ th~ age o1 •
Chamber and the apedal Cham-apurtoua or undeslrable sollclta-of electors votlne on IIUCb propo· erowtb and rtae In property :U mil ~ e youths Involved "\1C'f'·presldt"nt at the local bank H4!' haa befon ueodated wtth
bel' llcen8e eo m m 1 t tee . The tiona M curbed.. ltl values In put ff!W years this •I 0 a e etector test. It th~ two I on Mar1ntors Mile banlu In Loa Anr~les stn~ 1922.
Chamber had ordered thia study · 1 on. regular uranluft) strike. P~t ottJ~ also would take the tests. Mr Wallington, who Is 53. Is a serving as a bra nch manageT ~-
aftt!r a oumber ot manutactu~ T lied counclb have followed this Mr Hurw1tt ~id he-was willing nallvt" of Michigan He-M'TVI"d fort' jomlnlf tht" Marln~rs Bank
and other firma bad protested wo Women Are K.l policy to a bide by • the results of SUt'h with a number of banks In Mlt'h th is w~k He and h l.s wife art" the lharp fncre .. In fees. as 2. Practlct> common S('nse In I tests. lgan. from 1924 to l95J. when hl" now Jlvln~t 1n Wt'<~t Nf'WJ)Ort
recommended by the J. L. Jacobs matters of t'lty 6pense all down I They ha\·p a q)n Ronalrl who
1urvey. the line A dangerous spendthrift M Th s has ju<~t gTad uatt-d from Harvard
headed by William O'Bryon. Ald toll\4 as practically throwlne law In Boston. The Cbamber c:o mmltte~. ·In Coast Hwy. Coll.ls·aon trend Is signaled by such symp. esan reatens to ue 'Law &-hoot and will practiC'f'
~lta"l::s.;:::~:n .!::ul~~ ~;;yau=g j~~ t~n c~~~e d~~ p 0 I ice f 0 r s tr 0 n g-Arming c• :X~::J:Ic:. IICZ.XI::JUCIICNOX* ::Jii::JiaCIC' )IQI::JICIICXI::Jii::JMC:IICI
and unwarranted charces. con-A 23 · year . old Costa Mesa Laguna poll~ saJd that cars plte official caution. and fritter-I ~
trary to the prlndpln of tr8 woman, Mlas Allee M. TaranUno. drlv~n by Mrs. Au.scknk&mp and lng away $3200 of a "lemon" ll W. M. Hom, 23, of 2090 :\lyt>r tra\·ellng about !'"JO mil~ an hnur ' ~~~
enterprlle upon Whit?,' our nation of 1982 Arnold St., and a Laguna Joeepb Tarantino collided ht"ad· cen.se f~ survey that did more Pl., Costa Mesa. threatened to w he-n her car "a-. hit '" thf' ru r ·V· ...,.. , ~ ..
has ~ developed. Beach woman, Mn. Elloene Aus-on. The Ausdenkamp vehicle damage than good. Our budget sue Newport pollee tor allt"gc-dly goJn~ nut of contml to htt 3 lrM" ·. 1~ ,.,. \ '-" )
The committee held that a de~p. were kUJed In a colll· went up In the alr and .muhed may be loaded with many Px I strong arming tllm Into a pull~ ~· ~-•
llc:ftlle fee lhould not be con· &ton on the Coast Hwy. dMour down upon the hood or a car trava ganC'M This Is a place to car and for ordt-rlng his car
aldered a tax upon a buaineu. near Emuald Bay at 5:15 p.m. driven by Anthony West of South t'Ut. towf'd away following a two l'ar B f .Ji,it::.A(~
but a pennlt to do buslnea with· Saturday. Laguna, wbo autfered minor 3. In """~' of gt.-nulnt> "con accident at 1:10 a.m. Sunday on n • 1 1 1 1:> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;1 •
In cfty limits, and a means by CriUcally Injured wer~ All~'• cuts. tlngent'y" !tuc-h as an earthquake Editor., !'\otr A.<~ this En<~lgn
wblcb the bustnesa 1JI brought brother, Joseph Tatanttno. 21, Holy roury was recltf'd for Wl"nt 1" prt"'t.c;. our "Calling c Q ··
under the control or the clty &ov-and Mary Ellen Rockwell, 21, ot Mll.s Tarantino at 8 p.m . yester-o1c-k Hoffman wns rE-ported 10 bt>
ernment. The committee pointed l053 Maple St .. Costa Mesa. Both day (July 4) In Parkes-RJdJey somrwhE-rt' "'" 0 hnur11 u st of
out that bualner.e. do make pto· were reoporte4 in fair condition Mortuary, Costa Mesa. She was 0<-nvf'r .. hurrymJ: llkt> thE-dick .
porttonate payments, baaed on Tuaday at Hoae Hospital. the dau~rhter ol Mr. and Mrs. $220,000 of "stuUing" which Pns In ordf"r 10 N-bat'k ht'f'e In
Joeeph Tarantino Sr. and had council can spend a ny way It
• been employed u a secretary at wishes a nd stlll k@ep a sound
From the POUCE BLomR the Telephone Co. The body will reserve ot $200.000 for a city this
be Oown to Cleveland, Ohio, for slze. This SD),OOO Is avallablt"
requiem mass and burial. for either capital outlay or • Attacker 1 s
tax cut .
Allen Harry complained th at R t N
Miramar Dr .. Bllboa, reported _,meone threw a rock throUih a 0 ary ames
two windows brobn 1n her home Uvtne room window and throueh ~ J b 1 by BB lhot ... Brian cnwtcwd, a door .creen In hla home at MOrgan No e 14. of 230 Diamond Ave., Balboa 3608 Lake St., Newport Beach
llland. cut b.la let when hla •.. Mna. Mary Richards of 2156 Morcan Noble, Harbor encl·
motoncooter ttpped wbUe belnr E. Oc:ean Front. Balboa. reported neer and raldent of Bay Shores,
puahed up the bW from Budc the theft ot a ehalae lounge pad at 2'761 Bayshore Dr.. b u -~ G~, Corona del Mar •. .' can tJ'om her patio . · · Da~ Clft'tia elected premdent of the Newport
drlwn by Dana 1. Torr~ lt, ot of 514.. Bqoftla. Ave~ Corona Balboa BGtar7 Club. He IUC."Cf!eda
211 Qystai Ave.. Balboa Jalan4. del Mat, reported the theft of a Orrin Wrl&ht Jr. C1l Balboa Island.
and Lola v. Muon ~ 501 Avo· bicycle •.. .Jack Randolph ot
cado AYe., Corolla del Mar, were 218-28th St., Newport S.ach, com·
IDYOlved ln a m1Mr' accident 1n plalDed of the theft ot ~ cuh
fJont of the Lido 11teater, lfew· froa:l a ~ ctra~ ln hla
port Bead\, at 8:50 p.m. • • • home •.. Dr. Karla E. Varaday of 2'753 E. Cout Hwy., Corona
• 'NUDDAY. JVJQ 21 del Mat, Nl)prted that 80meone
..,.._ J. a. toncley of 283 Mom· a roc:1t t.hro\tab the window
ltla Can.1on Rd.. Shoq our.. re-ot her a.am.tnlna omce . . .
pon.d that c:hUdren wtH caua· .IVIfDAY. JVI.T I
Balboa Group
~!!t!.u~u.!Y ... ~ .,., .w ........ bf ..
...._ " t r:aJc ..... a...s.
4. Stop clln.ln& like a baby Scared Away to a bottle to the Idea ot a
$282.929 00 "dream fund" with
Its Ill conaldered 21-~nt tax b C H
raise y ar orn
Thet"e Is little .oundnesa In • An unldentUied man erabbed
"dream fund" ., vaguely deflnf'd her by the throat In her garagE'
and so unprotectA!d t:rom 10m~ and wu acared of when sht" blf'W
spending spree that It can be h~ car horn. Mn. N&ne'y ~palo
dissipated on almost any propo. oC 3306 VIa Udo. Newport S.ach.
altlon by the ooundl without U · complained to Nf'WJ)Ort poll~ at
certalnlng the wbbes-of th~ 4 :25 a.m. Saturday.
people an.y l'llCIN than tn the Jl. She told poll~ that the '"
cense fee tluc:o. race was dark and she could
F\lrtht"tTDOr'e; thee are many not ldenuty the man. 6~t
methocb ot ~ lor 4r8ms that be wu a ble man wlth a
that d~ c:on.lderatlon be-
aida the coerdve 21-eent tax
li•~••••r CMrp
FiWiclilll IIJ
..... , ...... "'*"· ,.., ....... •••,..rt .... Qty
Crmd' Q t•a.
tn-.. cSamap to a n..., bmpe Mn. Doll M~um df 415 San
betnl bu.Ut at that add'rela ••• ~lno Aw., Newport Hts.,
Ibn W..t of 815 E. Balboa Blvd, reporte4 an OW'I In her ttreplace
.._.., reportect•the theft of a behln4 the tire ~been; otlJcen 11• ...... t75 tom tom drwn equipped wtth cauabt It and pt*Ced It In a cal'!
a Oliff bell .•. ~~ Marti\. tor Mn. Mt'Callum to keep u a T1 n. ...... 21 mont.N. 100 oC Mt. an4 MrL l* . . . Mn. D. I . Dean of 114·
Beachhead BaHie Report •••
lrlpt and earl7 at 7 o'clock patp. and ~nt of tlM Om· matUir on tile NIJot. and u....,.. Jllorm&n 1M Manh of US Hard· ab St., Mewport Beadl. com· ftelr n• ....._ ,_ _, St. Balboa. wu tabn plalnecl that bo)'S tock 2 bottles ~ f • I -. ._ .._
... ~ Ha.pltal ot """*-7 and a quantitY ol ta * _. -.. •: d .... -~ a l*oe of cuctJ la llll beer froa:l her bome ••• Carol ... ., aaa J 1M...._ a...
lbtoat; t.be boy e.~ cot Dol&l\, 4., ot • bland Ave .. Bal· ... .._ • a,._.. · 0" I
itcl ot It b7 ........,, • . • tao.. IIU.U...S a cut ehln when • 1" I f• ,_ a n. e ,_.y,,.... .... IUppe4 Oft a alciiW&lk • . • ....., l 'G a. W .... t
lin. Jalul 0'1f.a.DI1 ot1411 w. car. drtwn bY AJbert H. ~ _. ~.,. •• *!,.... ...._......_"""poet -..eta.,.. • a......-: .-no. Klm· 111 ftc.. 111 .._... 111
lliatll a. ...,.. Oavtd "·
tral NCO'WPCI'1 Oomm ntt:f ~· pc.ttJan wu CMrWbetallftCl7 ... ~Uon.. proved.
:; • •
The Ensign Log on the nHd for a new politieel party was re-
printed in the American Press, a naiional ma9azine for home town
newspapers. That. Log, publi~!*f in the ~pril 26 Ensi9n, ee~led for a A L I -r T L E
''C onstitutional R1ghts Party. through wh1ch we can re-d.d1cate our-
selves to the principles of individual liberty and personal integrity 11
upon which our nation was founded. A possible champion for this new C 0 L 0 R _,-0 IH I N G S • • •
party was also mentioned-Governor Braclen lee of Utah, who pub---------------------------lidy opposes unconstitutional seizure of authority by the federal gov-
ernment. • --------------------------------------------
e • •
Govemor Brad:en Lee responded to that L09 of April 26. He
sent us the following no te: "I appreciate the confidence you hove ex-
pressed in me, but I wish to assure you that I have no interest or d~
sire to run for president on any ticket. I hove announced my candi-
dacy for re-election as Governor and will confine my compoign efforts
to that office." e AlfOJIITMOl71 places on my otllclal trips under
Thanb to the Governor for the courtesy of replying. I have an Here's an anonymous letter orders and many trips to Long
idea that he is ready to lend o hand in t he fight to preserve our liber· aent to the Ensign, published Beach, that he had never had the
ties against the encroachments of federal power. here exactly as she was writ: dlatlnctlon of having a plane
• • • ' • • • sent for him, never had bumped e A WORD OF THANKS TO THE CHAMBER Colonel Andy Smith oU a passenger to make room for
Our Chamber of Commerce deserves credit for tolcing action on Newport Beach, Calif. him Ulke the furor rallied by the
the newly enacted licensing lo w, which deals such o discriminating! DE~ Colonedll, 1 t eplaode of Elliott Rooseve1rs
uf · fj Th Ch be stud 'tt h AA.ter rea ng your co umn or crated dog). blow _ot mon octur~ng lrms. e om .r Y ~· " as come the put year or more and being Prince spent aome cold hours
up with o commendable proposal: estobltUI a flat ltcense fee of $25, a Tax Payer of thb community I In the tall gunner's turret of
a nd consider it as o permit to conduct o business. a s it should be. ond hue come to the conclusion that B-216a. curled up on his master'a
not a toJting device, va rying with the size or volu me of business. aome writers should sweep their feet to keep him warm. He could
• • • own back yard before they start climb Into any pla ne without e "COMEDY OF ERRORS" on other peoples'. help except a B-l&. He would re·
I hove no tears for the City Council because of the City Trailer You have constantley for the member clearly being forgotten
Parle mess--or "comedy of errors," as the mayor coils it now. My op-pa.st several weeks writing about once on the line at Hamilton
position to the whole deplora ble venture remains exactly as it wos so the City taxH e-tc .. how tenlble. Field. Alter following the plane h C 1 During thla last war therewu out to take·o!f poeltlon and often stated here in the Log during the debate over t e ounci 's a Colonel In the ~rvJce of Uncle being unable to attract our at·
stubborn determination to stay in the trailer port business. I remain Sam that had a plane and Pilot tentlon, be returned to the
constitutionally opposed to government in private business. There is at hla disposal when all Clv1llaM hangar. sat down and let out a
no morol justifica tion for it. The grim fight against the c{onqerous w4!te rationed guollne and our t~ mournful howla, gave up
g rowth of governmental authority ond spendin g and seizure of power forces tn the Ialanda were In des· and returned to his bachelor
must start right here on the home ground. perate need of guoUne, planes quarters, where he was picked
• • • and materlala. up In a few minutes. The officer e SUDDEN DISASTER, IN CAR OR PLANE In checking the facts about In command of the plane had
h I · be · thla Colonel we have one partie:-mlued him as ~n as we were 1 con tell you t at it is on exp osive expenenc.e to •n o car, ular lnata.nee where he made a airborne, and returned fOC' hJm
waiting to make a left turn off o rather deserted highway. end t trip with his plane and pUot to rltbt away, th84by eettlng a
to be suddenly smashed into from the rear, end shoved into a nother San Diego. from San Franct.co pract.lce landing. It might help
c.,r in the oncoming lane. It is a ltogether unreal, as if it couldn't hop-bag and baeeage and when be you to know that ~ery pilot In
pen to you: ond in retrospect. it becomes frightening. anlyed In San Dl~o he found ordt!r to fuWll his monthly pro-
That's the way it is on the qround. But what oboot those 128 be had forgotten his DOC. He fldeney requlrenienta mu.t make
folh in the two airliners over the G rand C anyon. some 21,000 feet up sent the plane back to San Fran· a certain number of landings and
in the slcy. being buffetted aboot by bod weather but feeling quite cisco for the DOC, h1a pet. Ju.t get a mJn1mum number of hours.
safe just the some woy up there 11lone . . . then suddenly the awe-what do you think lt C08t u.a Tax The A1r Corpt lone ago found
some sound of croshin,., in mid-oir. their plane plummettinq down. Payers for this little jaunt?? You that proficiency In fiylne re-., should know Colonel you are the qulres conmnt practice. with four miles of time and spoce between them and etemity. ond boy that did lt. 1 have at my I had a tip way back when I
with not o whisper of a chance to survive. lm11gine the hopeleu terror disposal ~eral other little wu on the ctty Coundl that
in those planes in those last few moments. deedl that you pulled during aomebody might try to die up
It oppeors certain that the disaster was caused by the incredible your anvtce. So why don't you aometblne to stop me, and I was
occident of two huge. modern airliners colliding in flight. From this find aome otht!r nonaense to given the hint that It bad acme-
te rrible tragedy must come be tter safety rules, so that two planes write about? We are alck of thine to do with rldlne on eov·
cannot by any coincidence get into one another's path. Don't modern tiearlng about taxes especially ernment planea. So I eot the
airliners have radar warninq of nearby objects. so that this c11tostrophe through you. tollowlne letter and I h ave been 0 maybe the Public would like carrylne It with me ever since
could hllve been prevented? • • • to hear more about you. then agaJnat such a ltupld
And now. bad on the ground. We've hod a number of good
suggestions after our double crash on the highway. and we should pass
a couple of them on to you.
In the first place, never IM~e a left turn off a highw11y or main
~treet. Wonderful ad ,ice. but not very easy to follow at all times.
Secondly. if you must go left, don't turn the wheels until actually
malcing the turn . As long as the wheels ore straight, a strike from the
rear will push your car straight ahead. If the wheels ore t umed, as
ours must have been. the cor is shoved into the oncoming lone of traf-
fic. That's the way it was with us. Our cor was o total wred. ond I
guess we were ludy to walk oway from that one. . .
Stocks and Bonds
Mutual Funds.
• • • •
Cltlzen cbaree by auch a coward: .... • • •
W arnedAbout
Leaving Kids
Home Alone
•• ILU. DAD•••11a. IL
._of lla _..lin. VIeW a..an. , ........ lt.. lf..-poct
..._.t..bc.beeapaaaae.dto ...... 1---.. -.t-tery a. of tiM 7ftla Field Artf.l.
&.ry WJoa at CN'1tW&
a.a.-y. a. rec:eatly we
........... ,._ .. 7tla .\may
••·C...._I.Jd Officer
Arnt nylall.-lda.
.............. leD .oan & .oAT nan rr ...... 8ADWaa
L.D-trwr ... II 1111 W. C... •--•· •eujiWI .....
. .
: l l ~. IIY • E•.l•-U
1100 COaiiiiJPWGJ
AaiOM ..,.. '" .,. uy cura
UVE ... l ,.,., . ...., ~~
AUT0 -11 .. -FIIE-UFE
11'93 IUW'POilT Aft.. OOSTA MESA
On'JCJ:: Ubert)o a..se5f KES. Uberty 8-IIOA
... a•
11118111 • r•a
1erriat TIM c:oa.talAI'M f'• Jfearty 10 ., ...
IU 0... A9'eo 1111 -le.:ta ltyett ~1•1
Think how ~ yow dotlars ltJon. Join thouunds of smart
will bt, ~ina for you In tfle
nation's :'wtlite spot" -ttle fast·
es t ,rowiftc county in America!
Hundftds of flmiHts mowt Into
ttle Ntwpoct·Balbea 1\Mt)or .,.
rvery rncMth -creltinc 111 u~
prccedented demand for homes
-lftd yoU, MOfti!Y II needed to
b:ulld these homes. Wouldn't you
like 1t lent ;.rt inttrttt In lttese
hGm11 Ill tltla s*feet dimate -
close to otUII lftd bly -sur·
roanded bJ PGCIUMr resorts lftd
prosperi" IMiftessts? What I~
westaelt COIId be uftr?
Get yow tay MOney out of 1\16-
lnc -mail It ~ to Newpert
... SMip & loin Aaoci·
s.vers from all over lfte world
who, tor 20 yurs, han inmted
their savinas here alld been richly
rewarded, year after y.ar. Mail
1ny II'IIOUnt -mail it to arrive
before July lOth so it will earn
Interest curMtiY 1t 3Yl% p~r
1nnum frOftl t1te 1st. Thlfl c'mM
down sometime and watch yoJr
money WOitllllf hard tor you. we·u
bt happy tQ show you ho'Nit YtOII ~.
•••• "ZIPPO• a,.,.,,.~ FRr:r:
""'-" you open with, or ldd to .,,
IeCount at lus1 $Z50.' Only one
"'lippo" to I MtCirltr.
'· A. ,.,,_, ,,..., ••
,.,. ........ wet"~ s.....,... . . . . . . .. "=...
rwao,_. .. -,.IIIICI,aut. ~'
C•jue flsf ~., 0111 .. • 2407 l••• Coad HIJitwey
'lbe n.-. of ...-... .ol· the area aa011 ••P«Wt mvcL
.. 1a R.-paet -.ctl aru tUien ffoiD ow at1 a.u. Here are no
a -~ ,_,p Ill tile palt a.publlcul Ukl • ~ta. ,.., and • ba1t. lay llaoNI laM the h(lbelt .,.... ... to.• c:ttUel• elJai· I*Ointa .. of~ 821',
111e to ¥Me. ,_ II ovw a ~ _. U4o liSe If MeOftd wllh •"· blcraaa eMil' U.. 7,011 ~ Oft lf4wpclrt and Rewport Rdlht. tan. 1, ue5. The tnc:reu. U. uw tM .. ....,.. 9ftCentaae ot
been _...., anoe tut low polnt. Dellaoerat.. wt&b •" each.
'n..n.,.. 7-YOitlelar,.PitiHCI ·-ADC#WW
I« ttw chart. ~t elee· llen'a the breekcSown of rect· tJoa lut 1*. 8. The total tor the lltradon lot tM varloua .,....
otty eouncU tlec:tkm lut Apdl IIIUJJ&' the preetnct qumbera tor
10 wu t,l51. -.ch ara: •
Jlatlo ot &.publleaM and Del· e W&WW (1, I. I. II. M. IS)
oc!rata haa remained almclllt the Jtepubllcana _.922, ot 59"
aame. On lan. t. lB. thee ,.,... I:Mmoefat. !593, ot 38~
5,008 rql.tfted Republlcana ln TOJ'AL ---..... _. __ 1,!564
the etty, ot 71~ of the total. e au..oa (4 1. 1. 17. 11. D)
Tbere were 1.842 Democrata, ot Bepabl.k:aNI -lh79. or 72~
•" ot the total. Now there are Demoeraa --·--.385. or 26% 7,790 Republican~, ~ of the TOJ'AL .. -.. -1,494
total, and 2,710 Democrats, ot e W&WJOWt .n.. (1. 15. a SC)
25". Republlcana 654. or 60t.\ e OM.Y on J)&llocaAT Democrat. iJ.6, 01 88~
Amon1 all of Newport'• 38 vot· TOJ'AL -...1.096 lnl prectncta, there Ia only one ln Whlcll the Democrat. outnum· • a.D"r IIAYD (& •)
ber the Republica~ Thl.t 1s Pre· bpubllcana -736, or 72%
dnet 34 ln northwe.terly !few· Democrat. ..255, or 25"
port Hei1hta. where the 1e0re Ia TOTAL -·-·· ·--1.017 m to m . Only other prednd euY ...a (JJ>
where the ratio 11 do. 1t No. 25, BepubHcana --3M. or 92% Demoenb ____ J6, or 1"
UOAL JfOfta TOTAL -·-·-·-·-···-··----.332
JfOTIC'& Of' ftUIID'I ULZ e LIDO 1111.& (U. & l'f)
On 1uJy 17, 19M, .t 10:00 A..K.. BepublJeaM _798, or 88%
Paelfle DayJII'ftt 'nme PARMDS Democrata --·-·.94• or 10%
AND MERCHANTS TRUST OQM· TOTAL --··-··-··-·-···· ..... _ ... 9<:.J
PANY OP WMG JIEACH, u eiAL Jll.lt. (1. 11. 12. II. It}
Trustee un~r and pursuant to (lnclud~ aoo Harbor Llland,
Deed of or 'Nanater ln Trust Ge· Beacon Bay and Irvfne Terrace)
.A JfEW IUSDiiU ._ opea. ... .. c:o....e 611 ,... ..
......... Pltat SIMp. .t
JIG L eo.t ·~ .. Ia a.. Kay
t"ladt c:.-sc. -·~ lin. a... ., •• 011 .. ----~ liJ
t.U~ .............
TIM ......,_ ...U., Ia 0..-
--t c::reo-. deagu ad
..... tlae ....,. Jlaad Prtab
.. beoda .... CIIIIRICIIl C!DHCIM.
coclttall ~ fOIItcll&•
...Wa IIIW'b aad tow.la.
cutecl by LYLE R. POPE and ~pubUcan. ... --l,rn. or 83% GmL ro• JIICKETS
GERALDEAN POPE. bu.bancl and ~ocrata ·-········-·.212, or 15% A daurhter. Susan KJm. wu
wlte dated April~ 19M. record· TOTAL ·--·---··-· .... 1,415 bor M d .... h • • n to r. an ~ ... s. S erman ed lune 10, 1~ tn Book 3099, e COilOJfA DEL KAa (7, 13. IC. Hickey of ou<> EJ Modena Ave .• Paee 187, of OUiclal Recorda ln 21. 22. D. D. Ia, II) ..,...,
the office of the Recorder ot Or· RepubUc:ana . J628. or 70% Newport Heights, In Hoag Me·
-......... .... ..., .. coa.r .... ., a.... .... __...,
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : More and more :
: people eay : • • : 81!A and SKI : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ~,....... .............. : ..., ........ ...., • ca.... : : .................... : • •
sun t , 1 n c: r ( · ,~. '"l,
eUAJtANT•• .,__......,.,_..,. ..., ............. _..., ... .., ..... _ ........ .
"'TU .. ~ ...-.... IC'!,,..
IIADO•an anre County. C.Jltomla. and R · Democrats ...... --!!89, or 26% morlal Hospital on Tuesday, curl~•~l~ft~~t~ ~----·-·-~iu~n~e~l~9~.M~~~~~~~~~~~'ii~~~~C~a~i~·~~i-~~~~~~~~~~C~i·~~~~K~-~~~~ note for $1,400.00 dated AprU 25, eooJIOIIA JIJGM UDS (30)
1955. In favor of FARMERS lr Jtepublleana ___ .30(), or 74~
MERCHANTS BANK OF WNG Democrau _ .... _ ... _._90, or 22~ OOD ~OD BEACH, a corporation, wiU tell TOTAL ---.. ··-··-·-···· -.. 405 at public auction to hlrhest bid· eSBOU a.uPS (II)
der for cuh, PAYABLE In Law-~publican. ... -_192, or 80%
ful Money of the United States Democ:rata ···-···-.. -.. 40, or 17% RAGAN'S RESTAURANT of America at time of aale, at TOTAL ·-·-·------... ··-··..240 . the South Front Entrance to the TOTAL REP. ·--·-·7,790, or 72~
County Court Houae. in the City TOTAL DEM. -·-··-.2.710, or 25f)(. NO UQUOR SElrh:o of Santa Ana. County of Orange, TOTAL REG. VCYJ'ERS ... .10,789
State of Calltomla, aU rl&ht.
title, and ln~rest conveyed to JfEW CYaATOII AUIVE.S-
and now held by It under aald I·La. •· OZ. JOD IOCBAEL
Deed or TraMfer In the property There's a new addition for the
situate In the Ctty o( Newport William O'Bryon family of 2672
Beach, Newport Beacb·ludlclal Circle Dr~ Bay Shores,-8-Jb ..
Dtmlct. said County and State, 4-oz. lohn MJchael, born Thurs-
descrlbed u : day, June 28, In Hoac Hospital.
-ROM 65c
Lot 87 of Tract No. 1218. ln He joins his sisters Lesley, 7. and
the Ctty of Newport Beach, Deet>ee, 6, and brothers Kevin. OPEN U :30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.lL. CLOSED TUESDAYS
Co\lnty of Oran,e, State of, f . and Ruaty, a. Mr. O'Bryon 11 DINNER SERVED ALL DAY SUl'fDAY FROM NOON TO 8:30P.M.
Calllomla, u abown on a manaaer of Morpn 6 Co. tn Co· E.
map ~ no.~ ln nro~n~a~d~e~l~~~·-------------_!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ book 37, pa,_ 47, 48 and 49. -
M~Uaneoua MaP' recorct. ot aald Oran1e County.
Subject to t:ruR deed& of re<:·
SaleS aale wtn be made, but
without covenant 01 wananty,
expnu or implied, reprdJnJ
tlUe. poaaeaato n , or encum·
brances. to pay the balance of
the prlndpal aum of aald note,
to-wit: J1,400.00 wttb Interest
from 1\ane 9, 1• at the rate
of (6") al.x per cent per annum.
compounded, adva~ ll any,
under the tern» o( aald Deed or
TraNter; tees. dtu1~ and ex·
pen... of the Trustee and of
trust created by aaJd ~ or
The Beneficiary under aald
Deed or Transfer, by reuon of a
breach or default ln the obllea ·
tiona aecurecl theret¥. heretofore
executed and delJvered to under·
alped a· WTitten Decluatton of
~ault and Demand for Sale
and written Notice of Breach and
of Election to cau.e the under·
aJgned to tell aald property to
aattsty aald obltcatlon.a. and
thereatta. on March 8, ,.-. the
underslrnecl. 1n ac:ccwdance there·
with, cau.eed Noac. of Breach
and of Eled.lon to be recorded ln
Book 343'7. Pap 1.5'7. of Oftldal
Recorda ln aaid ......_.. omee.
Dated June 15, 18
TllUST c::oMPAltt OJ' LONG
By 1. c. Ban1a. VIe. PNalldent.
By &: W. luaHL llec:ntu'y.
,__--..'"-' a c.tar ..... , , ...
s •• ,.,, :=:.-:: ....... a. ....... ........
~-_ ...........
10 ~00
I TO I •
Time's running out in Plymouth's colossal $100,000 Solid Gold License Plate Jackpot! You muct
rC'giste r your car's license number by Saturday, July 14, to be eligible to win up to $50,000 in
c:1:h! You can win if you own ANY car-any make, any model, any year. Hurry I Enter today!
IF YOU HUIIY, your car'• licente plate mar be worth (in cub) ita
Wf'~ht-or more-in 110lici ~old! You can win up lo $50,000 in cold
• ~h -i£ you owa any car at all, and iJ you •iait your Plymouth dealer
and reg\Mer ita lic:enao n~r by Saturday, July l"-
h's easy to enter-and euy to win! lu.t so to yoar Plymouth
dNJt.r.',end ,..-,.your car'• state lic:ena ntanber on the ... mtry
blank. t Be IIUnt to brins proof of ownership.) ')'h., COIDplete the .U..ple
entry blank and drop it m the official boL Now you're eet to win yow
&hare of the $100,000 J.dtpot-there'e nothifts to buy!
Don't put ol dtil dwtc:e to hit the Jackpot. Hurry to your
Plymouth d.~Wt ad eater ~Y· Complete ruLr.a at abowroom.
... 1'1111 t50,000 Wll
2M Nlll tlO,OOO w.
w,.. ts,ooo USII
• ,_. ti,OOO C&SII 2..-... c.-
..... , , .. caA ..... , ... ......... ,s-..
t.iiss Enid Lo e Derrough of
Newport Heights Is MarrieCI
Clttetul flU eJuid, 4 ~ ~
3301 v-.. Udo, NowDOtt INch
A bronch of Tho Moth.,. Church, Tho
First Church of Chriat, Sciontiat, in lot.
ton, Mouochu~tts.
Sundoy Scltool 9:15 o.m
Sundoy S.rvico f I :00 o.m
W.dnotdoy f...onin9 Mootinq 1:00 p.m.
And the moat pop ular cbeddnq
acc:ouat 1a oae lD wb.Jc:b ao mlnlm\IJD
balcmce 1a r.qulred. c:aJJed
Ro.dinq Room locot.d of lJIS Vlo
Udo. Nowport Bouh, it opon wool
deY' from 9:00 o "'· to 5 00 p.m.
WodnotdoY' from 9:00 •·"'-to 7:-45
p.m. Fridoy -ninqs from 7:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. CIOMd Holido~.
Tho public is cordloHy invit.d to 0 t.
1 tond tho church Mrvicos ond "~ tho
Roodiru~ Room.
Newport Harbor Bank
(Another Ln a Series of Meaage. Presented by the Newport Harbor EnaJcn>
When you shop et home, you get oO the~ per1onel services end shopping od·
vonteges et your home-town store:
Netionolly edvertised, time -tested
products, i d e n t i fied by trede-
marh that you hove known end
relied on for a long time, ore sold
in our Harbor ,A.rea stores.
Meny of the locel stores cen offer
you convenient time peyment pnv·
You ere waited upon by your own
friends end neighbo". and they
will treat you with warmth end
courtesy, b.ceu~ they appreci-
ate your friendship and patron-
The goods you wont to buy ere
right here at home. Ydu don't
heve to fight the traffic that
you're bound to meet on a trip to
the city. ,A.nd your holM-town
merchent is always ready to ful-
fill you• last-"1inute needs.
In case your. purchase does not
prove to be completety satisfac-
tory. your home-town me~ant
will gladly allow you the privi'-9-
of e•chenge or adjustment. S.ti ...
fodion is guar•nteed.
All these features and ~rvlces are yours when y04J ,hop at hom. • . • plus the per-
~ touch, and the human side of shopping. It pays to shop at home.
11111 w ... _. EMJ w• •• &'•II .. 1•--------
Qaapel. SoatJMna CGW. alble~ l.lberly 1 .... c. E. Thai'IDODd Sunday achool 9:30a.m., momlne
wonhlp 11 a.m. Youne people
• e r v I c e 6 :30 p.m., eve nine evanedlst service 7:30 p.m.
Mid-week setvlce 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
CBOIICB oC tbe •muwz
1-~ St.. e-ta~~
Jlanor: -... cu .. Wlllhnna.
Ln.rty 1-7111
Sunday Services: SUnday School. 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at
10:30 a.m. Evaneellstlc Serv·
lee, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m.. Sunday; Prayer meet·
1ng, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
a.u.aoa JSLAJfl)
11s Agate a ..... acdbocllalcnad
Jllalnlrt .... DoDDS lapp ~WI
Sunday Ser vIce a: 9:30 a.m.
Church Schoo!; 9:~ and 11:00
a.m. Wonhlp tler'Vlce.
LV 1 ua•• cauac:a
2501 CWf Dr .. •......-t IWgJata Uberty .... 1 ..... --.t Qnal...S
OuplJcate mornlne lftVicea - 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sunday;
Klnderearten and Pre-School Dept Sunday School. 9 a.m.;
lit Grade throu&b Adult Sun· day School. 10 a.m.; bua pro·
vtded and lfUJ'IIer)' provided tor
both lftVicea and 10 a.m. Sun·
day SchooL
(JIImut l,..ciJ..u. ~'= ..... , .... ~,.. ...
Sunday Services: Wonb1p Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m.
~ THE lAY DEPT. STORE n....._r.w ,_TM.._.Y .. ec-.
w. '"" SlH ~ s.-,. )OJ ._. ... se.... ......
_, W1ZAlD IOATS n.. Bwcf;elu ..... s.M.t ......... 2l y..,. .... .......... a.--''" ...,._ .... c.. ..._ m • .._... .... c.... ..... LJN,ty .. *Z ..... .....,f.422f
~ EAfll W. STAN LEY, lt..ttor
Wlttt ...,.. ...... sa... ...
'-~•• OM.s H-'-tm .............
._ ...... "-'c..-w..
Ce~te .. Aute•lt11 S.ulea STANUY fNSUftANCE Met. ...., ... ,.....,.,.. Dll L c:..t ...,,. C.... M W.
174t ............ c.t. ..... H..t. MH ...,t.UM
IDI W. c.it ......,, ....,.... ....
naT IOU i8W aAJ'J1IT cauac:a ISO W • ....._lt.. c:-t. ..._
LDartt 1-a.
FDIT cauw ar c::aaaaT ICI&iitat
I* ,.=:;art .....
Sunday Sdlo.l~ 1:11 a.m.. Sun·
day Service: U:CJI a.m. Wed·
naday J:wftln• ~: 8:00. Read!q Boom. 1115 VI& Llclo.
Newport Beaeb, open t ~· 5 p.m .... daJ"', • L.m.•7.45
p.m. Wedneeda7' T·t p.m. Fri-
day eventnp.
PDIT UPniT cauac:a
laaloA.-Aft..aM..-u«r c.-. ....
.... •· a. •en•=• Sunday Services: t :t5 a.m. Sun· day School; 11 a.m. Wonhlp Services; 6:30 p.m., Bapu.t
Tralnlnc Unloo ; ii:Ji Ew-~ln• Sei'viee. W : 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Prat.e an Bible Stu4l. llonday: 7:30 p.m. Men a Choru• practice; 8:30
p.m. Men's Prayer Keetlne.
...... l..ldo, ··itt' .... lla..-1 a...J ...............
Sunclq llft'Yicel: 8:30 a.m. Holy
Communion; 8:15 l'amll7 Serv-
Ice. 11 a.m.. wonbJp MrVtce. Tbu...ctay Servtces: 9:15 u n.
Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Com· munJon.
...._, Dr. Ill$"'-& .._ IT. JOIIIf Y1AJrWn
Sunday acllooJ. 9:t5 Lm.; ch\U'Ch Sl ....... A,._......._ Ja1ac1
• e r vIce U:OO a.m. Tralnlne ..._ •1•
Union 7l.m. Sunday. Evenlne 1'..._ ....... ~ ,_._
wonblp 1 p.m. Sunday. Teach· Sunday ~~~ 8:30 .A • 9:30
m1 and otfJcen meettna 7 p.m. a.m. Conte.ton: SatutdQa and
Wedneeday. Prayer aerilce and ews. of t.t Frida:P and Holy
Bible ltudy 7:45 p.m. Wednea· Dan; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J'lrst
day. Frfday K a. 8 a.m.
DtSPOSAI. co. .... c ............. .....
cw.t. ., AI r,.. ••• • ..,
''" WWHiet A.... c.. ..... • LAertr .....
n. DAVIS -.owN Co.
T.a..rJ•Ian .....
,. ..... He. ............ ........... c.... .... ......,..,.,,
Y .. H•••O...• ....
,... L c...t .....,,. C... .. W.
.....,.,. I
JOHN E. SADl.EIIt. b.llor
AI,__ .fl-aa
JJU L C.... ..., .. C... U W.
..... NIJ
e II I ~ •.=1t:t; DI ........ .............. ...._,net
wtt~a ••t•m
"Hall Napoleon . . . U you
all could come l'd llke you to
tute a piece of thla -'arble cab
... Here eat It ript out of the
vacwm.packed can . . . See
what you did tor ua?"
* * * .... l11ala cndiW wttla tM
•••••••• , tMt -_,
• D -Ita 1ta•n:ta• .... -..a..t~ .... --··=·· .,. -... lila •. ,_.. ,_ .,.. .. w.... ................... ................ ...,... ................ _.
iWUdDA'I'. J'VL'I' L s• •&WtOft ••woa DUOII 5 .
Carolyn Ann Callis Married
To Robert Henry Daniel Jr.
Jtobftt CaWs e.corted hla aUtet the Be-. Edwin Gomke of the eo.
to the aJqr for be manlap to rona deJ Mar ConuoWlJty Church
lobert a_,. DanJel Jr., *>ft ol at the Call.l.e bome on Tuesday
Mr. and llfn. Robert H. Daniel June 19. '
ttl ._ lro&c!way Ave., eo.ta 1be bride wore a ballelna
....._ '!he '-"de la the former lencth weddrn. cown ol white! Xl8l Carol)'n Ann CaJlU. daucft· tace with a pearl coronet bold
..-ot MnL lobert L. Callla of 306 Inc her moulder lenath wn. Sh · Ruel Dr .. Corona del Mar, and 1 _..1 e the late XI' Callla The double wore one wo u llOW. and j · . · white llhoes and ean1ec1 a eres. rtn1 eeremcmy wu pertonned by cent llhaped bouquet of white
New Chapter
Has Election
roees and Re,phaDotla. A rold
heart locket. a ctft from the
rroom. wu her only Jewelry.
Mlas CynthJa Beltran of Corona
del Mu. wu mald of honor. She
wore a yellow eire. with match·
Mlu Martha Oehlerkinr of Inc shoes and a COJ'Onet of yeJ .
Cllft Havea hu been elected low ra.es. Uttle Cbriatlne Callis
presjdent of XJ Epsilon Pal, Beta served u her aJ$ler'a nowe rtrl.
Slama Pbl's new ~emplar chap· She wore a yellow net dress with
t« ln the Newport Harbor Area. fiowera ln be hair and carried
Mrs. John Stolz Ia vlce·prestdent. a buket ol yellow nowera. ae.tl
Mrs. Jame. Taylor la secretary, man wu Paul Lorentzen of CUU
and Mrs. C. E. Hardin 1a trua· Haven. Rocer Usk of Costa Mesa
urer. wu an u.sher . .............. , ... ........
...-a.a.tn.t ........ ... .... _,....,.,.. ... Other members of the new Candelabra with whJte candles
chapter are Mrs. Ruth Lewla. and buketa of white rladloiJ ~=~~;~.;~~~~~i.i=i;~=~=i~ii.; Mra. John MerriLl, Mra. Harold and chrysanthemum. decorated I
HJpes and Mrs. Jack Qulam: the CallJa home. MrL Cut.leman
berry. Smith played weddlnl muaSc: and ........ -... .,.. ..... ,... ... .., ..... ~
..... --,... nu.d Next meetfnr will be held at traditional brldaJ mnp at the
8 p.m. Wednesday. July .25, at plano.
BaL .. &
-,.,... hit ........ -" ........ -........ ~ ............................ ..................... ,..,
•ll•l••U.. * ( ... ~ a.w Cllll'k ,.,.. JIOIOM) ......
the home ol Mrs. Hlpa, 413 VIa A reception wu held lmmedl·
lJdo Soud, Udo Iale. A fund ately toliowfnr the ~ny
party hu been planned for Sat· with Mia Ann Sutherland and
urday, Auc. 11. at. the Stolz resf· Mw Laurie Hendrlc.k.a ot Corona
dence, 324 Sl~nal Rd., Cllff del Mat and the bride's aunt,
Haven. All Beta Sigma Phi mem· Mrs. W. J. Callis of Costa Mesa
bel's are Invited to brJng another assisting. The bride's Mother
couple for a steak dinner and wore a dress of blue aUk and
dancing. Mra. Merrill Ia chair· cotton lace for the ceremony. The
man ot the party. rroom's mother wore a allk
...--.... tiM ...... ta •••
ActaaUy It ,.,.. tlae lloWII9
....... dJcl .... tiWI •••
wt&ldl --lo'AD4 .. , by ... .
... clbMat 50 ,_.. ...... .
Ken Crumley Recites Vows
With Miss Katherine Turner Thla J.a the third chapter of noweed print sheath With a
Beta Sigma Phi In this area. The black straw picture hat.
.__ Ia 1152 tile a d .. ba·
dutry of tlae UaiW lt.tM
celttl cdlcl to ......... --· ., ... ~~batl
w •riiJWdaa...~
tlae ltd (..U Jan • . • dlda"t
.... ,.. ....... It)., ......
............... !laMa
••• ., ....... to •• pnd·
Friends of the rroom from the the Harbor Area. Tom Turner .
Harbor Area participated In the brother ot the bride. and John
wedding ot Miss Katherine Tur· Gibson. Richard Caldwell and
nw and Kenneth Worden Ctum· John Prince, a cousin of the
ley, last Saturday evenJng In groom. James Mitchell. a friend
St. Edmunda Epl.acopal Church from an Arizona alrbase, flew
in Puadena. over just In Ume for the cere·
others are Mu Epsilon -and Omf. After a honeymoon at Hunt·
cron Rho. lngton Lakt-. the younr couple
F••••rlnlll•• Tt ... IIWI••••n
will make their home at 421
Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar.
The groom. a June graduate of
Newport Harbor High School.
was promlnent In athletics. play .
Personalized Cleaning
d1Df •••
* * *
The poom is the son of Mrs. mony. but was unable to plan
Edward Worden Crumley of 219 ht. anlvaJ l.n Ume to usher.
Coral Ave., Balboa Island, and After a honeymoon at La Jolla
Ov.m ~ new llne·UP the late Mr. Crumley. Mrs. Crum· and Ensenada, the couple will
Rfcbard Br'adley and Walter lng varsity footba.ll, basketball
KosJnskf were welcomed as new and baseball. and partJclpatt"d In
members of the Udo Toast· the annual school play. The new
master Club last week at the Mrs. Danit-1 will be a senior at
Park Ave. Cafe. Balboa Island. Harbor High next year and wu
Dr. Ralph Smedley, founder or recently elected treuurer ot the
Toastmaster tnternatfonal, pin· student body.
Free Pick-Up & Delivery
Wednesdays & Satw-days
ned the emblems on the new ------
mt-mbers. CmL .OU TO FllASIEJIS
eanned cakes are cuaranteed to ley wu formerly assistant clty make their ho~ In Los Anreles
mellow any army that comes •· clerk of the City of Newport Both of the young people at~
bopplnr up your paUo ... With Beach. The bride 1s the daughter tended University of Southern
Jour delicious navora to choo.e of Mr. and Mrs. Georre Willett C&llfomla. whee the brJde be·
from . . . Silver Pound made Turner of Puadena. longe-d to Alpha Cbl Omera So·
With eag whites only ... Col· Rev. Gilbert Prln~. uncle of rorlty, and the croom was afflll·
den Pound made ol the whole the groom, oftJclated at the can· ated with Sigma AJphl Epsllon
egr ... Ralaln ... Marble ... dlellr bt ceremony. The church The bride wJll conUnue her col ~
The n th~a Com Bread too and WH decorated with whlte bou· lege studies The .,...00m 1 lth
Pres I d en t AJ Cusollto pre· A daughter, Jeannette Arnold.
sided. Sandy Steiner was table wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Oavtd
topics maste. Clyde SmJth was Frasier of 600 St. James Pl .. Cliff
toastmaster of the evening. and Haven, ln H~i Memorial Ros·
speakers w~e Dr. Robert Drew, pltal on Wednesday, June 13.
Rye Bread a.comfnr ... I think queta and rarland.a of lemon · .,.. s w
the Rye bread mu.t be trapped leaves and lit with many church the Ducommun Corporation.
Ed Soule and Bud Grant. Jim ;::::;::::::::::::=:::::~::;:::;
Penney was evaluator. Dlape • A...,.. -.
Personalized Cleaning candles.
M1.u Turner wore a wfilte wed· M. G d. H b v· dlnr cown of embroidered or· ISS au In, ar or leW
pndy. The aldrt cucaded In five :.e:~ tr~~ ·;:,r:=,.:e: School Teacher, Is Wed
tiara held her flngertfp veil. She
carried a bouq uet of orchids. Mia Jacqueline Gaudin. ftttb Lone Beach and Albert w. Bar·
stephan otla and JIIIH·Of·the· crade teacher at Harbor VIew rett ot Pasadena.
valley. · Elementary School, wu m.arrled A plnk champacne reception
on a slow boat trom New York. 1be bride'a brother's wtte. Mrs. In a late afternoon cerem6ny wu Mld at Irv1.oe Coast Country
beeau.e It didn't abow with the Tom Turner. wrved u matron of Saturday. J une 23. to Raymond Club. Mrs. Caudln reeelved tn a
rat of Ita vacuum·packed coua.-honor. She and the brldeamaJds Andrews Jr., at St. James Ept..co· l'f'e.Y band embroidered chantilly
tu ... All Oven Fresh (that'a were almllarly dreaed In wtalte pal Chu:rdl. Newport. Sbe 1s the lace &heath drea with pink ac·
Uae brand name not an Ovf!l· embroidered dlmJty over blue dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Georce ~es and white and pink or·
worked adjective) cakes and taffeta ctre.es and all canted C. Gaudin of 119 VIa Jacar, Udo. eb.lcla. Mrs. Andrews wo~ a
llf'eada. are baked In the can spring flower bouquets ol rar· 1be (T'OOm la the 10n of Mr. aDd duatry rose ahantunr sheath
wtth the ltd on. then vacuum net .,.._ eo r n f 1 ow e r s and Mrs. Raymond Andrewa of Sl~ with similar flowers..
..._.ed at the peak of own fresh· dat.sies. School friends. 86V1nr Madre. Alter their honeymoon. the
nea to pr~e thelr superlative u bridesmaids. were MJssea Pa· The bride wore a princess stYle couple will live at 1902 Coral
flavor ... Yum yum ! With lee trlda Cenee, Marsha Doudy, fOWD ol de-luateed satin and Place, Clltf Raven.
cnem. whipped cream. fresh or Anne Kellogg and VlrclnJa alenoon lace. The lace bodice The bride attended College
canned fruits ... or ... every· Stronr and Mrs. Ronald Childs. was beade-d with pearLs and the Palos Verde and graduated In
body's got their own favorite Robert Prln~ Crumley of AI · full skirt ended In a chapel train. 1952 from San Joee State. where
twUt with a plec:e of cab . . . hambra eerved u hla brother'& A lace Juliet ce.p ado.rned wJth she wu affiliated with Delta
You might try toutJ.nc the best man. Ushers Include-d wu. pearLs held her flnrertfp veil. Gamma Sorority. She hu taught
allces ... you know •.. when Ua m Dosta and Jack Raub from Her sister, Mrs. H. Don Acker· fifth pade at Harbor VIew
there lm't any coffee cake or man of Udo Isle, was matron of School for two years.
donuta around. ... ••••• Ia ••••• honor. Bridesmaids were Ml.ss Her new husband graduated -p••-·-·-Barbara MOf\liOn of La Fette. Mrs. trom the Unlvenlty of Santa Bar· * * * William •Marc:kbolf of Sierra bara. where be wu a member q P111•1 1•4 Madre, Mrs.. Robert Burhenn of of Kappa Strma fraternity. He .,.._ on.. allll*l p6M ... Arcadia and Mrs.· Donp Anawalt ls aaocJated with an automobUe
_.. too • , • ....., ...... Mrs. Walter Spicer of Harbor of Balboa Island. Mrs. MarkhoU dealer tn Lonr Beach.
II'• ..t ...S c:tlen'f • • • Ialand wu named chairman of t. the former Patricia Andrews, r============\ y_... .,._ ._,. .....-w the Prlscllla Culld of the Corona the croom's twin auter and Mrs.
wttla JMa.-n.. Claloi" ht del Mar Community Church at Burhenn. the former ~a An·
,... ...S .... ht ,._ • • · the J une ll!eetine· Mrs. John drew-, Ia another .tste ol the
y....-....,.s Ia • ,..._ llfeador wu elected vice chair· poom.
_._ t1a wttll • U4 • T-man. Mia. S .. w. Blackbeard. :d. tM tSip Ud .a ~ a. treuu.rer, and Mrs. K. v . Dilts, Deborah and R. Garry Acker· .........._ ...._._ ._ -.. ..., man. niece and nephew of tht' -....-• • • .-------~-.,.. ... ...... _ __. n 1 ...... aut wttlll • lwk ..s An additional purchue ol an. um ..... 8f!IV""' as ower rtr and
....__ ..__ • -.__ ver ere·--... d tur·-to rtnc bearer. Both were dreaecl -• • • ... -·• • •--.._. ~· -· I -..... 1b ' d twe ftl'f la.-py ,..... • •· match the memorial allver tea n """"~.e. e groom a atten ants _... ._ .._ a.t .. ..e,. 8erVtce u.Md a t weddlnp was tnduded Jo.bn J. CanoU m or
.._..., • , • made at thla final meet1n1 or lh&tban.k. who was best man,
t.be eeuon. T!l.,. a1ao e,pprowd Wllliam Jludtholf and Robert * * * tbe parch.ue of a lace table Burhen.n. both brother·ln·laws of
Bqin & Hamilton
Wallace Calderhead
Two Anniversaries to pe.y trlb· ~~ ':.c.":! :.::'~~ the 11'0011\. PMrre Andenon of ate to ••• Fourth or July •.. weddlnp at Uae church Ia the =:....!:==-...:..::.::~==:::...::.!~==========
•a• ~ ..... 1,. ..
(ilclllllilc ... 11)
regular price Scde
8.95 to 45.00 ----·· -···~·· -... 5.00
10.95 to 14 95 .. -···-···· 6.88 to 8.88
17.95 to 39.95 _ -··-···· ··-··-··-.10.00
19.95 to 25.00 ····-···-.12.98 to 14.88
45.00 to 49.95 --····-·-·--· ._ ... .15.00
29.95 to 45.00 __ . .16.88 to 19.88
39.95 to 59.95 __ .23.88 to 25.00
45.00 to 69.95 --··--··..26.88 to 29.88
55.00 to 69.96 .. _35.00
65.00 to 79.95 .39.88 to C9.88
79.95 to 99.55 ___ C9,.88 to SSM
125.00 69.88 to 79.88
25.00 to 29.95 lUI to 17.88
49.95 to 69.95 .29.88 to 39.88
85.00 to 129.95 -55..00 to 6SJJO
29.88 to 110.00 _15.00 to 69..88
Anniversary Sale!
re(U)ar price Scle
10.95 to 14.95 ·----.. 6.88 to 8.88
17.95 to 19.95 --··---·--.... .10.88
7.95 -----···-··-··-.. -......... ··--1.00 5.95 to 7.95 ____ 3.88 to c.88
8.95 to 14.95 5.88 to 8.88
(includmg a few cashmeres im-
ported. 'jeweled, and fur ble~ds.)
3.95 to 4.95 ----. .-...2.88
5.95 to 10.95 3.88 to 6.18
I 0.95 to 16.95 8.88 to 1Q.I8
19.95 to 35.00 lUI to 20.88
3.95 to 14.95 1_. to 8.88
2.95 to 14.95 1.00 to U8
3.95 to 15.95 ---1..11 to ...
Oonrratulatlonlt America ... main proJect of thfl GuDd. They
I.Gnl May JOU lJve ..• Abo alao donat.ecl the JDObtY for new
Qalclen JubDee ol tbe hcSenl commW\Ion bniad tr.,a lfw the IIMt [Mped.lon Act ..• Since cbUI'C!Il.
PURS£lJ A iar9e •&.c:tioa.. both .net cmc:l neaiDg, mlAS'n·
Jane 30. 1908, the hdera1 Go¥· -----tnl)Mht baa been Wll.nl tiMtr DAGaataa .oD TO •ons
llamP on rr.h meat.. a.n4 later A daupts, 'l'l'aceJ l'fet.a, 7
• a lied tt to canned. ~ lb. 1 0&.. wu bom to Mr. and
and ~ me.ta and meat Kn. Ivan Hope ol K.-.rpert
JII'Oductll Butthe ~t leedt. In B~ M«DDO"'al B•··~~~~~~~=====;:;;-=::.i~;;::;;::=:;~ 11 not ~tiaa.d ,..... _. p1tal on Sandq, June 17. 11
lltUlplng Uae ant.bed ;iltlll• 1011 ._ t'O --11
••. TbeJ bect11 wttb tiMt plult A --. .. 1 a to., T a. I aa.. _..up, ....,..., llniA. ,....., ... ...,. · ...... and -. 1.-.,
ltlhtlnc. pod dnl" ... u4 ... cf m lntM ..... Jtcwport
Uladon . • • ""., delft ~ In .... ~ Jloe.
...... blng and wtrtnr . · . -..-.~t 11\uat .,.., tiMir -, • , We'd llke JOU all to lmOW
.. , all our own JJcbard'• ...,
...,. th.la ,..... leal ••• ol
lllaG wtth Approval •.• Yw'U ... -'ftl and ~~~~~ a lot ._t M•ta wtth Approftl dur·
...... Md three molltha ...
b& .....-. mepa'lnel. ~ ............ ,..,. ....... .
... .. IIMut Uout .. .
* * •
BEI.TS-I.arv-••diOD prioeclfrca UIO up.
JEWEI.BY-letter lewNy, llall pric1 l•• eQM+iw Jew-
elry (,.g. 1.00 up) PRICE TO CLEAB.
ROD'! lelowca&
IOU1'1QtJE-..Rall pice«-..
....... cmd 50e .....
'-vi lot ol GI.OVIB AICD MIICFI 1 NtiX)W ilL •
Priaeclt~~ a.~& ~
• • •
ALL U 1 " raut
llOl VIe Udo, No.._t leech
A brench of Tho Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sciontlrt, in lo.·
ton, Meuochus.tts.
Sundey School 9:15 o.m
Sundoy Service II:()() e."' Wed~osdoy Mninq Mootinq I'()() p.m
ADd tlle moat popll.lcu ebeelrioq
aceouat la-in wbk.b ao minlm~UD
bakmee la required. c:aD~
a •allable Ia Cilia a r ea oaly a t R .. dinq Room located at lll S Vie
lido, Newport Beech, i1 open w ...
da)"' from 9:()() e.m. to S·OO p.m.
WednosdeY" from 9:()() o.m. to 7:-45
p.m. Frodey ..,.nonqs from 7:00 p.m. to
9:00 p.m. Clc»ed Holideyo.
Tho public ic cordially invited to et·l
tend the churth .. rvlce1 •"d u.. tho
Reedinq ROOtft.
Newport Harbor Bank
(Another ln a Sedes of Meuares Presented by the Newport Harbor Ensign)
When you shop ot home, you get on these personol services ond shopping od·
vontoges ot your home·town store:
Nationally advertised. time·tested
products, i d e n t i fied by trode--
marh thot you hove known ond
relied on for o long time, ore sold
in our Horbor Areo stores.
Many of the locol stores can offer
you convenient time ~yment priv·
You are wo ited upon by your own
frie nds ond neighbon. and they
will treot you with warmth end
courtesy, b.cause they appreci·
ate your friendship and patron-
The goods you wont to bvy ore
right here at home. Ydu don't
hove to fight the troffic thot
you're bound to meet on a trip to
the city. And your home-town
merchant is olways reody t o fuJ.
fill your lost.,.,inute needs.
In case yot~r. purchase doe• not
prove to be completely satisfac-
tory, your horne--town merc.hent
will gladly allow yot~ the privilege
of exchange or adjustment. S.ti~
faction is 9Uarenteed.
All thes. featu,.., and servic:.s are youra wMn '(04' shop et home • • • plus the I*'"
ton.tl touch, ond tfle human side of ahoppi"9. It peya to thop et home.
CaapeL Soat!Mna CcdJ.L
llble CoU.V.. ~1-1411 .... c. E. Tlaumoad
Sunday achool 9:30a.m., morning
worship 11 a.m. Youn&' people
• e r v t c e 6:30 p.m.. evenma evangelist service 7:30 p.m. Mld·week service 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
CBUBCB of U.. ltAz.aiEJrE
1-ADabetal St.. Coeta Jleea ..._, ...... CIJft Wlllknn•
Liberty 1·7111 Sunday Services: Sunday School,
9:30 a.m. Morning WorshJj) at 10:30 a.m. Evangellatlc Serv· ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S.,
6 p.m. Sunday: Prayer meet· ln&', 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Odd Pellowa J.od9e. 1 .. Rewport A..._ eo.ta ......
LJbeny a.5711 Tom.._, Jr .. ll.iDJatft
Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. B.ole study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv·
Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenina service.
SEVEJITJI DAT ADVEJiidl R..,...-t aiM. lit a.a.. lt.. •.....-n ........ Llbed'Y 1-lSU
OS. D. .:; II n;ktfa9 Saturday Momlnr Services: Sab · bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Set·
mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
PDIT unDT cauac:a ..................... ,lcr c... .... ... •. G... .
Sunday Serv1ces: t :4o5 a.m. Sun· "-Y SchoolJ U a.m. WonhJp
Servtce.; 8:30 p.m.. Baptist
TralnJna Unlo!iJ~i J:ve. olnl Sei'Yiet. W'' : 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Pralle an Bible stu~. Monday: 7:30 p.m. Men a Cborua prac:ti~j 8:30
p.m. Men's Prayer lleemtJ.
IT. AlfDDWI nunTKa~D r..ca~n~o•aca""-~~
IStla St. & lt. a , cwa llcL
--~ -:lnldleol
~ ... J-L Stewwt SUNDAY: Momln. wonblp, 9:30
and 11 a.m.; Cburc:b School.
9:30 and 11:00; lr. HlJb, Sr.
Wtb and collep qe Fellow·
ahlpe, 7 p .m.; TfnancJay, Prayer,
study IJ'OUP, 9:30 a.m.
cauaca or on LADT or liT. c:.tDRL 1ttlw ........ -....•.....-n ....... r.u.-s ...... cu.r.Pw"* p .......... ........
A ' ... l...._ Sund~QP Muaes: 1:00 and 10:00
and 12:00 a.m. Conl~n: Sat· urdaya and eves. ot 1at Fridays
and Holy Dayu from •:oo to
CEJfTaAL SDLE CBUaCB UJfiVEDALIIT COIOIUMirt 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 en-g. Aft. at 2lrd l t. rz:LLOWUID ~ Dally Maa 8:00 a.m. Firat eo.ta lleea. Liberty •·~ Dell Cha'hue day: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. A. A. &Alliin. ...._ 515 w. ~ ...,.,_, Jlalbocr Nov • n a (Pwpet\1&1 Hel p):
Sunday School: 9:.:S a.m. Morn· Acti119111e'"'-t 1ft11a-wu.r Mondf.Y, 7:.:S p.m.
lng Service. U:OO; Evening Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Mom· OOIIOIIA na. 110
Service. 7:30. Mld·week Serv· Ina worship, 11:00 a.m. CQMIIUMfti e&G8Ca
Ice, W ednesday, 7:30p.m. Ccr: ~Jill
Youn&' people meet 6 :1S p.m. PD11T AIIDDLT or GOD Ill "ell Ia : ...
Sunday. 22114 lt. & adla a .... eon..._ __ ....,_
Llblrtr .. ,.,.1 ..----. ........ a-.-
lt&WIOIIT ....Oa ••• ud 11. C. a.1c. ,_._ Sunday Wonb.lp lll•tcAa: 9:.:S
LOI*CIU CBUaCB Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Woe· a.m.. U :OO a.m.!lciDdqScbool:
2501 CWf Dr. •= Jhl9.bta ahlp : 10:!55 a.m. and evangelt.t t :e a.m.
Ubedy 1 aen1ce. 7 :30p.m. Yount Peo.Ple
DupiJ= =~ _ 9 and 0\Uclren'a Se'l'vtce, 6:30
a.m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sundayi· fv.m. Sun. MJd·week Service: ltl.ndetPrten and Pre-Scboo ednadf.Y, 7:30 p.m. Ladle.'
Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.; Mlaa!onary Coundl. Tbund.aya
lat Grade through Adult Sun · 9:30 a.m. foe all day.
-... &Me. .QPU&l .... U1l 1 ._ .... , ...............
day School. 10 a.m.: bua pro· vtded and Nunery provided for both services and (0 a.m. Sun·
Sunday Nl ~: 1:80 LftL Holy
CoammunJon; 1:15 ~ Sen'·
lee. u a.m. .. wonla.lp .....See. PliiST IOOtta:aif &API'IIT Thunctay Senrlees: 1 :15 a.m.
ISO w. -=~CaM..._ =n.Gulld; 10:30 Holy Com· day School. ~~a .. MD ---CIUUS'f LV'111ZU1f cauaca
Pwton Dr. ~'lld'IL .... IT. JOIIIf YIAJIIfn Sunday .c:hool, 9:.:S a.m.: church Jlt MB~Aftw ...._ l.a-d
COMII17JQTT IIETIIODDT (JI't I ~.latL 115 Agate A .... lcdboa Jalaad A..tc.a J
JIJ.alatert .... DoDald lapp c.-. ~ 45a '-ton .... ~ ,.. ...
Sunday S e r v 1 c e s : 9:30 a.m. Sunday Services: Wonldp Serv·
Church Schoo!.; 9:!l> and 11:00 Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at a.m. Worship MrVtce. 10:15 a.m.
1'1le Piece Te S. ,., ...... v .. K-.
We &M S&H &-SteM,.
JOJ ..... SlrMt, ..... .........
...4 WIZAlD IOATS n.. s.c .......... s-..,•H-wnv-.... ......... a...-.
'"' .._,._ IW., e-ta M.M m•.......,....,c..t...._ Lltertr ~*2 ..... LA.r+r I-4Ut
~ EARl W. S~ANLEY, R..ltor
Wlllt ........ HetW ... lnl
.,... ORIMr H.tter 1771 ...........
·-··· ....... c..-
Ct••hle t le • I koeiM STAHLEY INSUIANCE AeCY. ...., .. ,.. ..... 1111 L c:.at ~C.... ... War 17·~~e.. ...... ......,MM
IDIW.c..tl ... p .............
a e r v Ice U:OO a.m. TraJnlna _J!.._ lilt
Union 7'.m. Sunday. EwnJna ....._. n :4• ~ ...._ worahlp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· Sunda~ M.iii1 8:80 .A a 9:30 era and omeen ~ 7 p.m. a.m. Coote.Son: SaturdQs and Wedn~a,y. Prayer ce and ..-.. ot lit l'rldaJ8 ancJ Holy Bible study 7:.:S p.m. Wedne.· Dua: 7:30 to 8:30 p.JD.; J'lnt
day. J'rfday X.. I L ID.
,......., Na1 ... .tlnil '-"'-
110 lr.e4 .. ,. e.. ..... • ........, a.MJJ
, .......... .
Ptfel•lh ...._ A,,eanan
••"-'-IW..CW. ..... LA.~,..,..,
v .. H•••Ow•• ...
MJI L C... Hw,. c.-... .._ ......... ,
JOHN E. SADlBI. ........ • ,. ............ .
l UI L C...~«:--. ... .._ ._...,,..
'"Ball Napoleon . . . If )IOU
all aoulcJ c:ome J'd lllce you to
taste a piece ot thla marble c.U
• • . H .. Mt tt rtallt out of the
vacu&am ·()uked ~n • . • s.e
what ,ou did tor uaT"
·* * * a I 1111• ._ CRAUW wt6 ...
•••••••• , tMt --~ • • a· • tts 11 ._. .a.. ...................
.,_PI. zrt ...... Wa ........ .,... .. ....... ...................... • a. .............. ... ................ _.
Carolyn Ann Callis. Married
To Robert Henry Daniel Jr.
Hobert C.W. acorted hla ~ the ~ Edwin GocnQ of the Co-
to the altu for her mantace to rona del Kar Commultity Church
Jtobert Ben.ry Daniel Jr., 10n of at the Ca11J.1 home oa Tuesday Mr. and ll.ta. Robert H. Daniel June 19. •
~ n--:-~:Y la A~ f= The bride ~ a b&Uerlnaf
..._Carolyn Ann Callll. ctauett-~n&th wedctln,c .aown ot white
ter otllra. Robert L. Callu of 306 ace with a peul COI'ooet bold-
Ba.l Dr Oorona del Mar and lnr her aboulda l-ath WU. She
th 1 ~-Ca • wore lonr wlltte &low. and I e ate ~. Jlla. The double white aboea nd earried
rlnr ceremony wu performed by cenf tbaped a bouqUttt of a=;
New Chapter
Has Election
roses and stepbaDotla. A rold
heart locket. a cJtt from the
eroorn. ..... her only jewelry.
Miss Cynthia Beltran of Corona
del Mu was maid of honor. She
wore a yellow dre. wtth match-
Mlas Martha Oehlerkinr of lnr shoes and a coronet of yel-
CUU Haven has been elected low roees. Uttle Christfne CaJUs
president of XI EpsUon Pwl, Beta llei'Ved u her sister's nower ctrl.
SlJma PhJ'a new exemplar chap. Shh e wore a yellow net dress wtth
ter In the Newport Harbor Area. owen ln her hair and ca.rrted
Kra. John Stolz la vioe-pretident. a basket of yellow nowers. Best'
Mra. James Taylor la aecretary, man was Paul Lorentzen of Clltt
and Mra. C. E. Hardin 1a t:reaa-Haven. Rocer Ltsk of Costa Mesa unr. was an usher .
.... 1 ............. tnltll ..... _...._. ....... ...
... .-y ....... -...... -... n..-.
Other members of the new Candelabra with whJt.e candl~
chapter are Mrs. Ruth Lewl.a. and ba&keta ot wblt.e rlactloll ~=~~~~~~~~~~iijtijiji~~i.i=ii;ii~ Mrs. John MerrUl, Mrs. Harold and chrysanthemums decorated 1
Hlpes and Mrs. Jack Qu~-the CalJJ.s home. Mn.. Cutleman
berry. Smith played weddJnr muaJc and
Next meettnr will be held at tractltJonal bridal eon&s at the
8 p.m. Wednesday, July 25, at plano,
----.., ..... a..-t. ......... ,... PlUM _ .... fndt .........
..................... ftea ...................... ..................... ,..,
ellaln•U.. * (I• clida•t
the home ol Mrs. Hlpea. 413 Vla A reception wu held immedJ .
Udo Soud. Udo Iale. A fund ately following the ceremony
party has been planned for Sat-With Mlss Ann Sutherland and
urday, Aur. 11, at the Stolz rest-Miss Laurie Hendrlclc.s ot Corona
KJIL DJrWrrll c:avJII.ET. U.. foma• K1aa KatbertDe Tw:Del'. dence, 324 Signal Rd~ Clltt del Mar and the bride's aunt
~---...... )---.....................
ActMIIy It --tM .......... ..... tliMJt cU4 .... tiWI •••
a-""""*~ Wodd"a n..t
..tal6 --........ bf .. . ... .-...rt .;... ...... .
Ken Crumley Recites Vows
With Miss Katherine Turner
Haven. All Beta Sigma Ph1 mem· Mrs. W. J. Callis of Costa Me.s.
bers are Invited to brlnr another usl.stJng. The bride's Mother
couple for a steak dJnner and VW>re a dna of blue sllk and
dancing. Mrs. MerrUl t.a chair-cotton lace for the ceremony. The
man of the party. rroom's mother wore a s!lk t05 nDL&Ar &YL COWC*A DEl. 11U -JIUM)a a.
..... 1151 .. -·--.. . ctutry .. tbe VziW ......
Thls Is the third chapter of flowered print sheath with a
Beta Sigma Phi In thls area. The black straw picture hat.
others are Mu Epsilon -and Om.l-Alter a honeymoon at Hunt·
Friends of the rroom from the the Harbor Area, Tom Turner, cron Rho. lngton Lake, the younr couple
Harbor Area participated In the brother of the bride, and John will make their home at 421
weddJnr of Miss Katherine Tur· Gibson, Ri~hard Caldwell and fe•+-.me.. •• Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar .
roJ t -.1 ........ --· ~ ........ ~ .... 1
• trlfiW4 ..... _..._
.. ..U (WI ,_. ••• dlda"t
Personalized Cleaning
..... ,... ...... It, If ...... n• and Kenneth Worden Crum-John Prince, a cousin ot the .... 1.. The rroom. a June graduate of SEVEN YEARS IN COST A MESA
ley, last Saturday evenJnr In rroom.. James Mitchell. a friend J l:±::l:: ....... Newport Harbor Hlfh School,
St. Edmunds Epl.acopal Church Crom an Arizona air base, new ..... ....r •-I • wu prominent In athletics, play .
In Puadena. over ju.t In tJme for the cere-RJchard Bradley and Walter lnr varsJty football, basketball
.._ ..... ·-...... •• .., ....... do ... ,....,. ........
* * *
The croom ls the aon of Mrs. mony, but waa unable to plan Koslnsld were welcomed u new and baseball. and partlclpated In
Edward Worden Crumley of 219 hls arrival In t:trne to usher. members ot the Lido Toast· the annual llcltool play. The new
Coral Ave., Balboa Island, and Alter a honeymoon at La Jolla muter Club Ja.st week at the M.rs.. DanJeJ will be a senJor at
Own Fresh new Une-up of the late Mr. Crumley. Mrs. Crum-and Ensenada, the couple will Park Ave. Cafe. Balboa Island. Harbor High next year and wu
eanned cakes are I'Jaranteed to ley wu formerly uslstant city make their home ln Los Angeles. Or. Ralph Smedley, foonder of recently elected treasurer ot the
mellow any army that comes a -c:Ierk of the City ot Newport Both of the younr people at· Toastmaster InternatJonal. pln-student body.
Free Pick.Up & Delivery
Wednesdays & Saturdays
bopplne up your patio ... With Beach. The bride la the daughter tended UnJverslty of Southern ned the emb.lems on the new -------
tour delleloua navon to chooee ot Mr. and Mrs. Georre WU1et1 California, wbere the brtde be· member's. GmL ltOD TO n.ASIEltS
from . . . Silver Pound made Turner of Puade'na. longed to Alpha Chi Omega So· Pres I d en t AI Cusollto pre· A daurhter, Jeannette Arnold.
with eae whlta only ... Gol-Rev. Gilbert Prince, uncle of rorlty, and the croom was affill· sided. Sandy Steiner wu table was born to Mr. and Mrs. David
den Pound made of the whole the croom. ottlelated at the caJl-ated with Sigma Alphl EpsUon topics muter. Clyde Smith was Fruter ot 600 St. James Pl., cuu
e11 ... Ra1tln ... Marble ... dlelJeht ~mony. The church The bride wUl continue her col: toastmaster of the evenlnr. and Haven, ln Hoai Memorial Hos-
Tben there's Com Bread too and wu decorated with white bou· 1 speakers were Dr. Robert Drew, pttaJ on Wednesday, June 13:
Rye Bread a-comlnc ... 1 think q ueta and a-arlands of lemon eee studies. The groom ls with Ed Soule and Bud Grant. Jim -::::;:::::::::::::;::=::;:::::::=::;;:; All WORK GUARANTEED
Personalized Cleaning
the Jb'e bread mu.t be trapped leaves and Jlt wtth many church the Ducommun Corporatlon. Penney wu evaluator. r u.,._ a A~ .._.
can dles. ._ 11•
dJn~a..~~t:::ro7:!!t ... ~~: Miss Gaudin. Harbor View .............. ,.
pndy. The skirt cucadecl In flve ::pert tr~~ -.:!rf"~ School Teacher. Is Wed ~~N~~ ~-
tiara held her flnlfttlp veil. She
ca.rrled a bouquet of orchids, Hlas Jacqueline Gaudin. ruth Lonr Beach and Albert w. Bar-
step h a n otia and Jllles·of-the-rrade teacher at Harbor View rett of Pasadena.
valley. -Elementary Scllool. was manted A pink champarne re<X"ptlon oa a alow boat &om New York. The brlde'a brother's w1/e, Mrs. In a late afternoon ceremOny was held at Irvine Coast Country
beeau.w It ctldn't ahow with the Tom Turner. served as matron of Saturday, June 23. to Raymond Club. Mrs. Gaudin ~lved 1n a
Nit ol Ita vacuum-packed coua-honor. She and the bridesmaJds Andrews Jr., at St. James Eplaoo-py hand embroldeted chantilly
tu ... All Oven Freab <t!lat'a were afmlla.rly &.sed In white pal Church. Newport. She 1s the lace sheath d.rea with pink ac·
tiM brand name not an over-embrolderecl dimity over blue dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Gearae ~es and white and pink or-
warked adjectJve) cakes and taUeta ctre.e. and all carrted C. GaudJn of ll9 Vla Jucar, Udo. chlda. Mrs. Andrews wore a
.._da, are baked In th~ can -.wtn• fiower bouq uet. ot rar· The rroom 1a the *>not Mr. aud du.try rose ahantunr sheath
with the lid on, then vacuum net ro.a, corn f 1 ower a and Mrs. Raymond Andrews of Sferra with similar flO"Wers.
.-Jed at the peak of own fresh. dalates. School frlends. aervinr Madr~. Alter their honeymoon, the
,_ to prMerVe their superlative u bridesmaids, were Mlsaes Pa-The bride wore a princess style couple will Jive at 1902 Coral
fta.w ... Yum yum! With lee trtcia Cenee, Manha Ooudy, cown ot de-lu.stered satin and Place, Clltt Haven.
er.m. whipped cream. fresh or Anne Kellogg and Vlrrfnla alencon lace. The lace bodice The bride attended CoHere
ca.aned fruita ... or ... every-Stronr and Mrs. Ronald ChUdL was beaded with pearls and the Palos Verde and graduated 1n
laody"a rot their own favorite Robert Prince Crumley of Al-fUJl sk.lrt ended ln a chapel train. 1952 from San Jose State, where
twtat with a plece of eaa . . . . hamwa .-rved aa hls brother' a A lace Juliet cap adorned with she was alflllated with Delta
You mtrht try toutln&' the best man. Ushers included WIJ-pearls held her flneerttp ven. Gamma Sororlcy. She has taught
aJJces •.. you know ... wh~n Uam no-ta and J ack Raub from Her at.ter, Mrs. H. Don Acker· tllth grade at Harbor View
there lan't any coffee cake or man of Lido Isle. was matron of School for two yean.
donut. around. ... 1•1•• Ia ••••• honor. Bridesmaids were MJss Her new husband graduated
* * *
-p••-·-• Barbara Mon.on ot La Felte, Mrs. from the Unlvenity of Santa Bar-
la. p I William •Marckhotr of Sierra bara, where he wu a member •J ilsllll.. Madre, Mrs. Robert Burhenn of of Kappa Slrma fraternity. He .,...._ ,_. _.... pa. _.. Arcadia and Mrs. • OonJ\ Anawalt ls a.ssoclated with an automobUe
MW ... • • • ......, ~ lin. Walter Spjcer of Harbor of Balboa Island. Mrs. Markhoft dealer In Lonr Beach.
Ill •• ...S -..., • • • taland ..,.. named chairman ot 1a the former Patrlda Andrews, ;===========:; ,...... .._ ._. ~ the PrbcWa Guild of the Corona the rroom's twin a.tster and Mrs.
wltll .,._. n.. Ql •• 1 ht del Mar Community Church at Burhenn the former ~ An· ,._ _. ..., ht ,._ ••• the June meetlnc. Mrs. John drew-.. ~ oth ,_. a
..,__ ; L II Ia • ....-Meador wu ·elected vice chair-eroom-an er s ... ,er ol the
,.. t1a wta • 114-••• ,... man. Kra. S. •W. Blackbea.rd, ......... U4 .a wta .. treaau.nr, and Mrs. 1:.. V. OUts. ~and H. Gany Acker·
_.. ....-••• ..._ ~ Ia eec::retary. man. lllece and nephew of the
• ... ..-wta • ,.. _. An add itional purchue ot all-bri~. eerved as flower ctr~ and
a11111 ••• .._.., ..... t. Y« creamera and .IUf&ra to rlnl bearer. Both were dreaed
... .-y •-111' ....,.. • •· match the memonal aUvw tea In wbJte. 'nle poom'a attendanta
................. -lei"Ylce U8td at weddinp wu lftduded lobn 1. Carroll m ot ••ll'f . . . made at thla final meettnr or Burbank, who was best man,
tM ....,.._ T!aq &Do approwd WUJJam Matck.hoft and Robert
Bgin & Hamilton
Wallace Calder head
312) &st c.-........., * * * the piUdlue ol a lac. table Barbtnn, both brother-in-laws ot
Two AnnJvwnut• to pay trlb-:!!. ':a"==-=~~ th-..:.•-=croom..:..:.:=....:PI:....:MI=:.:I"':.•....:An=der::::.,=n:.....:ot::.!!:===COf'OM===.,=.,.=v==== ata to • • • hurth of Ju\7 • . . wedcU"-* at tiM church Ia the
Oantntulatloul America • · • main project of the GuUd. They
...._ Mq JOU U ve •.. Al80 the &Do donated the money for new
Qolcle'l\ lubtlee of the l'edln1 eommUiliDn .._. trQa tor the IIIMt lnlpectioll Act • • • llace d UII'd L ,.,. ao. 1101. 11M hdenl a..-. -;;;-;;;:;;;-~-; ..-..at baa bleD wtnc t1Mtr DAVQWI&a _, .. '1'0 IIOnl
l&i.IDP on fNab. meata. and lata A daupt., Tracey Men... 7
-appl.led tt to c:anDH. b..-lb. 1 Clll.o .... born to lilt. aftcl eact • +-I ~Meta and lira. l vab Rope ot Wewpen ~ .•• ~tiM ~ln.~ M~al R~-~~~~~~~==========--==;.-=-=====il .. Mt adlaee Jlt&l • s.mc~a.r. l UM 11. r
........... tM -------·· ... ,..., =· ~~ • ... .. ... 1-., ..... 0&:. == ... _ ._ tllllialllilt ........... oct ... IMOJ
... ftlMiil.. .... 111111 Jnlae ..... lf....-t . • • ,_.,. ..,_ ._ tn Ma Kial a ...
... ....... ....... ...,... • • . All I If!!~!!.;!!!!!!!~!!!~---., ...... ·-..., til* ...... • • ' .., ••• ,.. all .. bAr
tMtaD OIIR._o:.........-aa.IC ..... .... 1 ..... ';, •• .,
.................... '~..a ......... k __ ... .......................... ................. . ....................... , . ... : ....... ,... .. ..... .................
* * *
{j~ 8th Anniversary Sale!
(ilcl--........... )
regular price ScaJ.
8.95 to 45.00 -···-·---· -·· S.OO
10.95 to 14.95 .. ·-······· 6.88 to 8.88
17.95 to 39.95 -··-·--···-··-·-··-.10.00
19.95 to 25.00 ----· 12.98 to 1t.88
45.00 to 49.95 -···-__ -··-··· 15.00
29.95 to 45.00 ---. .16.88 to 19.88
39.95 to 59.95 _ _23.88 to 25.00
45.00 to 69.95 ___ _26..88 to 29.88
55.00 to 69.96 ___ 3SJJO
65.00 to 79.95 ---.39..88 to 49.88
79.95 to 99.55 (9.88 to 55..88
125.00 69.88 to 79..88
25.00 to 29.95 1'-88 to 17.88
49.95 to 69.95 29.88 to 39.88
85.00 to 129.95 _SSJ)O to 65..00
29.88 to 110.00 __lS.OO to 69.88
rerular prl~ Sale
10.95 to 14.95 ----.6.88 to 8.88 17.95 to 19.95 _________ lQ..88
7.95 --··---·-···-····-······-··.00 5.95 to 7.95 _____ 3.88 to 4..88
8.95 to 14.95 ----5.88 to 8.88
(including a few cashmeres im-
ported .. jeweled, and fur ble~ds.)
3.95 to 4.95 2 •
5.95 to 10.95 3.88 to Ul
10.95 to 16.95 . 8.88 to lUI
19.95 to 35.00 14.88 to 20.81 ''"···· ..... 3.95 to 14.95 1M to U8
2.95 to 14.95 1.00 to ...
3.95 to 15.95 ---1.11 to ...
PU'C'J&Ci A Jarp •Jec:tioa. both llb'Mt cmd eftlliDg, DB.A.Sn-
BEI.1'S--I..arp •l•ttioa PI iced fraaa UIO up.
JEWEIJIT -..._ ~. IMIM price L•• QP"Wi" Jew-elry (Ng. 1.00 QP) PRICE TO a.EA1L
RO'ES lel~co&
IOUTIQUE Ball .,.X. c.-..
...... aDd. tal-
EI)IJ Till ...... ~ 1111 Prelalll•
July I, 1956
D..,r Friends:
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff of Lagvno Federal. I wish
to extend to all our occou11t holders and friends, our sincere thonh for their friend·
ship and confidence which have given our ,._ssociation a period of outstanding suc·
We have just concluded paying a record-break ing dividend of more than
$H5.000 to our account holders. This represents the largest dividend payment in the
21 years since Laguna Federal was established in July. 1935.
Be assured that Laguna Federal will always pay the highest dividend rete con·
sistent with safety. insured protection and aveilability of funds. Starting July I, our
dividend rote will be -4'1o per annum, payable to all account holders as of record De-
cember 31 .
Remember that all funds pieced with us on or before July I 0 eam dividends
for the full six months period ending December 31 , 1956.
,._NDREW S. H,._LL
JUNE 30, 1956
First Morlgage Loans . $22,885,<462.32
Loans on Improved Real Estate
-principally homes in Lagun e
Beach and vicinity.
Lo.ns on Sevings Accounts . . ........ 194,071.27
Temporary loans for the con·
venience of our shareholder~.
Real &tete Owned end in Judgment 2,149.25
Investments end S.eurities . . . 310,000.00
e-ll on Hand end in B.nlra 2,304, 194.49
Working capital on hand, de·
posited in bonks.
om~ Building end Equipment,
end PMin9 Lot ................... 331,911.n
OtMr Asset~ . ... ...... . .... .. ...... 5,561.25
TOTAL ASSETS . .... ..... ... ..$26,103,157.35
Savll~g~ &
Snings Account. .... $21,529,144.33
This is the emount invested
with us by more than 6.600 in-
dividual s, trustees and corpor·
l~ns in Proc:eu ... ....... . ... 2,134,601.97
Other Liebaltiet ...... -···················· .. 49,526..69
Speeif~e Retervet ···-·· ................ . .. 16, 112.20
General Retervet ........... -........... 1 ,139,560..()6
Surplus ........................................ 533,642.1 0
Gener.l R...,..... end Swplus -. .2,373.202.16
TOTAL UAIILITIES ............. _.$16.103,357.35
ANOUW S. HAU.; PR•eo.n
., ..
Ben It 18 alrea(IJ! O'BJUEN'I
J:l1hth ~ Sale. 4
panel .,..,_..., ot butalna
dedicated to ,.-. our customers.
Tbll II O'BIUEirl way ol a,prw· • 11n1 apprclatJon. to you, our
frSencla and our community, fot
your .-holebeuted IIUpport dur·
lnl our etpt ,_,. ol MI'Vln1
you. We appreeta .. your rattb In
u., and that faith bu made It
poalble fot O'BBIEN'S to 10 born
coast to eout to brlnt you tabu·
lou1 fuhlo~ln fact to order
beautlful wearable. from all cor·
nen of the tlobe for the fem.mn
who 1hop at O'BRIEN'S . • • •
AadlfOW, at.., Elglatla Aa·
alYeiiiGIT la1a. .,... --bay eocu. of bMaUhal dunn
Rib. OMta. .......... ......
bloa8alla ............... .
DlllarW loc "ttale bUaW"
pdCIM. O'am&rl Ia practically
91Yia9 ....,. ..... bca9QIIW
... blrtlaMy ,.....ta to yo-. • • •
I mu&t tell you, also, that we
have a brand new group of little
cottoru. "Late Arrlvall," and
they have Just come In, 10, of
course, they aren't on the sale
rack.l. Ther~ore, If . you don't
find what you want, uk the
pia at O'BRIEl'f'S to 1how you
those new little lnexperulve "go
to market" dreaes. We call them
"go to market" dreases. bec:auH
they are perfect for your mor-
ning 1hopplnr or your afternoon
errands. Good on the golf cou111e,
too, because many of them have
that action back and the unbut-
ton aleeve which allowa you
room for a real .wing. You'll find
these lnexpenalve d r e 1 a e 1 ln
sleeveless or models with 1lHVeta
. . . 1harp looking cottoru like
the little saUn-check number or
practical drip-dry batistes for the
bu1y people. • • •
villa • • mar1na
Reservations Now • e • Harbor '3930
wednesday, July 11
Pr .. Died
through the co-operation of the VIDa MadDa, Vema Miller
and the JoUowingcti8t:iDetift ilhopL
225 East 17th Street
Costa Mesa
2659 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
445 S. Coast Blvd.
1767-A Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
204 Marine Avenue
Balboa Island
Phone HYatt 4-2394 Laguna Beach
Vema Miller School of Chama
Commentary-Fashion Models
307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
2515 E. Cout Hwy.
Patronize the merdlanta who
advert18e lD the lfewport Bar·
bor Ena1p.
1111 IITCI
,~ IIIII ....... ........
.. Plll1 ---111 1.1111
Luncheon from 12:00 Noon
Bayside Drift at MariDe AYe. (Eotrcmc». Balboa r.laDd)
Newport Beach
NOTE: Next Regular Faahlon Show on Wed., Aug. 8th
(cmd the NCODd W~ of each month followiD9)
DA .
I'' Yl RU8, liT II
* *
·-....... , . IIH
4 d
----------iVimiii OINiiiiuamu •JNUt· roa SAL& · ment. • from OCNA. lll(jif SILL neufi aew PiiJko rot f&4ft . .-.ID MIJc.nter. 1100 ...._ u ~-W eva· INSURANC): ,.,.,.. •. fiwza top, dln· PhoN HYatt •• ..._ IAIUM. Jnp.
"Be 5 .. ......._____, __ .. _, Jnt roam aet and dllna cabl· a.a.T UD too•D _;;roi~:._.I._I,.,W ... t:r.""""'W'Iunt~r-um-rl&df~r--w-uutw,.. net. z.e.u.nt coodJtion. -r.ln l y at'
W1TB .,._. .. u. Call MnL lk· tti'f: mptloa IJm In ~2 ~..,... ap th. e ~ STANLEY Kende. HA oae « IIA t't CAM at ... Corona Beadl. Call ~ -.... mon
IJfiULUCZ AODCY Movtna, would Iikii to atU Wur· Ha CDI3. PifVAft orikii wt~ phone
Uaer 8ptMt Ptano, le. than ICIIOOU & &ilaucnolr ~ ...a. ~ a:
l1aoiM llaiW Jtlf 1 year old, can be Men In ••.u w•-"Ct-4.... a•-o.~a.. Gro d Floor Santa Ana. J'ot detaUa, wrtt. .._ -·••• notary ava..., un
8310 E. Cout RlllnnJ Mn. Herbert lloomqua.t, 205 r. prope~fi owner& aDd New Trident lldt .• 2200 New-
Corona del Mar ••--•--<~ •---.. 11• Calif. U.O.. ltu«ylnf f«,... .tate port llvct., Newport Beach (Ad· au ... -... __..,, ........ 2 ~ weekly .tart· jaeent South Cout Co.) Court· I& Jlbooe, IU DD t-:&iDRM. BOUSE on M-1 lot oft bat July U and 12. at CDM eq to brok.-s. BAibor 3028..
· Placentia Ave. 782 W. 20th, Community Cbwch. Ill Bel· AWilC'fiYi a A c H STYLE ____ JUn_..., ... _ .... o ____ ,. eo.ta Meu. loCzoope CDK. at 7:45 p.m. [)u.pla. Oceen aide Hwy., COM.
aoDT ·•ADI"'' ao•
Complete CoUa.ton W«k
Auto Palattq rr. J!'.adma~'hy u. l'lnt
711 Welt 17Ullt.. Coeta X... u 1-'rb
• l"llf',(fllf 110 .... ..... ~~ .
.. ...... .....-. 3 3 ..,.,. ........ _ .. ,._..., ........ .. .. ., ....... ~, ......... ..... :.: ..... =:..,7, .................... ~~, ................. ... .................. Sf: .... ... "-'-...... -.... .... -~··II ....... ... , ...... O'I'NAI-C.Al ,..,__, _ ........ ..................... , .-c.-.;._.,..,_..._.._ .... ~ .............. .,.._ ..... ................... _ ... __ _ ........... .__. ......... ... ~.cAl ....... ...., ........ " .. ... ......... ... _ .......... *' _ ...... ·--~ IIIII II
au •o. •ew.oaT a VD.
(2 Blocka Nortb of the Ardlea)
Llbeltf I-ta'
8-JT. GJ! a.trlt. few i&1ef -..... WAin'D J' In eat C.'IOMti'Uct.lon. Heavy
Al10 bed·davenport, Ju.t reup· ehQe root. z.cb unJt hu 2
1\ol.st«ed, excellent cond., 1'75. 111111 ..... 11 s.a.. rtnpta., J'.A. heat. hdw.
HA 6379. th. Garap. .-p. pa tto., Owner. Eleetronlc Or1an, liM new, MIS, 'AD!fi!:D• HA liM·B.
aave $.'510. Schmidt • Phllllpa ~ ~u:r CiiL tctDa cratiO rental ape.
Bll Plano 6: Orcan Co., D) Jlf. colledat from Ueant cta1.a.c WIUil Dorta Bray, rnlt«,
MaJn. Santa Ana. :8ll: w.,;lla.d! 211 M.artDe Aft., -.Jboa lalanc1.
1.2 rr. SAILBOAT. SnowbiiCl 2 -HA 20 or IIA k
pra. aaU.. HA 0182· WK. Dl Wii 2 fi UNFURNISHED
Knabe Grand Just llk• MW, h · dupla.. Ocean aide hlpway,
J)l*-ed: pay out balanee XOR.I! THAN CDM. AvaiL ~Uf. 1. F .A. Mat.
111185. u..nwt u rent. 1475. bu71 500 GIJILS bdw. n., fireplace . .ep. patios.
sweet toned Grand. many wUl ltart loeal Telephone Adulta. BA 1•-a.
otben llke Fbe.her, W\lrlltzer. Company careen th&. month. IITUATIOIII WAnED MalOn 6 Hamlin, etc. All
wonderful barlalM. Schmldt· WW You Be CAPABLE PllAC11C.AL NURSE
PbUllpa Bll Plano 6 Ortan Co.. One of Thmt! for Infant care. Fond of ehtl·
520 N. Main, Santa Ana. e dren. Call HArbor 5396-1.
PRIG.. EI:EC'i'Ric RANGE. per-Full Pay u You Learn. SUMMER TOi'Oanm. lr. Htlh
feet condition, $100, or will • and Bllh ScllooJ Math by Col·
trade for patio fumlture, twtn Frequent Periodic lncreues. Ieee Studellt. Call HA 5:509. ~eada, chest of drawera or ALSO, experienced yard UP·
bookc .... (preferolderpleeee). · -<>Dentnp lor-keep. HA !5C509.
HArbor 0633. TELEPHC>NE OPERATORS CHILD CARE by "u~rlenced'"
WALNUT D. R. TABLE and 6 -Apply-mother In Newport Helaht.a
uphoJ.atered ehal.ra. ExeeUet home. Lovely fenced yard and condition. Seata 12. HA ~M. 8:30 to 4:30 tricycle area. Indoor playroom.
WurUtur Electronic planoe from 122 West Thlr4 12 per day. 515 TU.atln. U
$319. See It at Dlmeyland or Santa Ana ~8~·7:;01;,4;;·~=~,...-=:L.:-:-o:=-.::
here. SclunJdt . PhUllpa Bll MATU1lE WOMAN wtahett baby
Plano 6: Orean Co., 520 N. •ltttn.t and CAN of a!clt. knit·
Main, Santa Ana. tJn1 « croebetln1. Day «
KAPLJ: lli!DS, com p l. nJibt. RA 31J2·M.
aprtnp and ma~ S21.15 COM man would JUte 1aretenin1.
att. MAI'Ll! DIWE II & tabM 6 KALE AM> I"EMALE dean-up, «c. Call 10 3·2122.
4 chain. $18.95 ..t. MAPLE ......;;.Mel~~U;;.,.-h_alL _____ _ DBL. BEDS. aprinp 6 mat· Joba open few Truck Driven. la.taa
tr-, SJ8.15 att. PtL lllft.-.oa Electrical Enlineen. Survey. =::.:.:===-------=-=--=--'7·1853. 11&512 West:mlntUr, Gar· on, Labonn, Dleatl Opera· PA.IN"11NG 6: DECORATING. In·
cSeon Crow. ton. Oerieal Worken, Steno-tenor and nterlor. :10 Yean
HAMMOND ORGANS aU modeti p-aphcn, Steam.flttera. Fore· n-perlen~. Wcwk done prompt·
wonderfUl chanee to buy • men and many other job ly and neatly. Fre. estimates.
l"ood uaed Hammond Orpn: d&MI.&atJona. Salariea ~ L. B. MdC~e. HA 0395 or HA
-•-. one only. a Hammond to $1!500 per month. Forel111 47.
.._... employment provlcsea FREE * .._... .. * Chord Or1an. burry and aee tranaportatlon. b o a r d and ft I
the.e at once. bit aavtn1. lodfin,. mec11eal eare. an·
Schmldt·Phllllpa Blt Plano 6 nual vaeatlona and bonuaes, ·
Oraan Co .. ~ R. Mabl. Santa recreation and waJb are tax Ana. tree
fiSmNG BOAT. a rr .. Gray Ma· ~ TO INTEBJifA'MONAL rlne enfine, rH4)-f« ftab.lnt.
$US). Ha ...._ ROOM 302. 1424 It STREET, N.W.
Spinet Plano bMuWul ca.ee and WASHINGTON 5, D. C.
tone ... ve owr ~. on th.la.
Anotha balptn Knabe Mlno·
type Spinet $115. Many otb..-
ll'ftl buya.. !cb.mJdt • PbllU.-
... Plano • Orpll eo.. 52) JC.
M&rn. Santa Ana.
WAN 1 iU TO LEASE wtth optJon
to buy, 2 « 3 BR. moderate
prleed bome. Reeded by l un.:
excellent reference. Ba 53C'T.
CAUiUi I 81:..-aDADI
....... , Ia .. ,...,.......u •
m• &. ... ._,. mvct.. aalbM
•~cu . .... ,. ...
8-MM 16-MM 35·Mlf
and 1001 Sound Projecton r A!rf COLOll FlLM SERVICE ~Airplane Supplln ... a ••• ,....,
1712 X.wport Blvd .. eo.ta M .. Phone tJMrty 8-'7'012
0 ltSI. s-.""" ~ ........
Are ,..u loollln• to the fu. turef W• are! n,at'a wtu-we
are otferlnt steady joba with
..... , ltlllsl ..
It'• to our OW'D tnten.t U we can hire men wbo wW make
a career wtth our cl7namk b\Wne.. We therefore otter:
Steady Joba
On-the-Job tratnJne
bal acfvancement pOalbUitleL
:J.aa.y, 40 hr. wMJc.
lnt.-vlew now few lmmedlate
opentnp row studenta inter·
.ted In June o~nlnp. MUI·
tary statu.a not conatdfted.
Apply 8:30 a.m. thnt 4 p.m.
1030 1!. 1st Street
Gill liES
!10 U8ed planoe wanted. h laheat
allowance tn trade for OllCAN.
aut. fW All OOce.llt'n=-•
"Prompt Servlce-
Beuonablt Prtoea" ..... 1.
17111L Cat. -.y .. c-del-
Appllcanta needed. m&Jl7 omet
joba. al8o nlltawanta aDd do·
me.tica. M&n7 )oa. ,_ qual.l&d
men. (~ DOW.)
Jun. Parrv I!IQ1. ~.
402~ !2nd St.. JCewport
Painting -Decorating
1.k I ... ec.tnctar
1M Oranp Ave. eo.ta M .. Ub!rtza.al Ub!rtl Ul32
BA 21'7'1
SampJe ..tectJon ln your home.
500 n.t Street. Newport Beedt
COIUI.aT'a ~Q aanca
SAR Gre.n Stampa
Free delivery
HA 1038 2744 1!. Cout Hwy. ........ ....
F« CardJae CondltJona
KJdney !tonee
KepllrtU. -Allerfiee
Salt ----~~u·~~~~------
~dt-PblWpa Bll Piano 6 MOI'dl's nowlt1 yam~ and
Ortan ~toft. ~ N. Main. atrawa for d r e • • • •. Bear ._,........is!-plila IIUJ be
..... ,_'*-wile anncm. r..-.
Y• caa pt rid o( ~ polmdl so
,__.., .. l'duillt StM6t s,-m
...,. .... ..,.CipOftbt yow 6surr. lift
,._ ,-., fint aad dpa muda.
............... yill.
,....._ _. J'IN'I mjoy t'VerJ rtiuint
.... ollL
Santa Ana. BrancS and J'lelaber'a yam
MJICia.I..AnOVI • I« aU purpoML Anpa SJ>e·
" • 1110Mb Nnta I'OOd praetlce cJal 79c, plano; apply term nnt on pur· KalMr atretda ~«)'.
chua. Good U.S planoe t89. liT 'I 1m' ..
Sl2:i, S117, S t e! n w • Y .._ HA '12:2
Eul• .,_ on &1\)' plano. 313 E. Balboa llYd., Balboa
Sebmldt·Phllltpe Bit Plano 6 ~~~~~~~:=:= Orpn eo., 5:10 Jlf. Matn, Santa ~ • •non
a,llnbll ;:::_--
Ulft'AUA ..... ,...
-••• ,. 11 , ....
...... _. •• &wlrWYbia ...... _,.No oblipda&
a.o~ta-. ...
•nt a. CllrltltiiFI' ••a
If••• fer 1111 •ooo
AmW'lcl• ~.otetoe m lltlliL ................. .,..~
ICiiidM'-PiJUllii: HlHO •
OaaAR &IOIFFW dlrhoa to
ettl 6 811111l ....... lutaAM,
I« ,_ YAI.IDA'Ta) • ._. --.,.,..,~-:.-2: om .
A caa,. camp oe.tq a dallY
• ,....., ............ frtnte
..... 'tioe ........... . .................. ~ .................
and patio Jn the wlnt~.
Exc.Uent loeatlon on Balboa
bland. near North Bay. ...
498 Park. Balboa laJand HA m
It'a easy to writ~ an 'd about
th&. almost new 2-bedr. pan-
eled wttb den Ranch Type
"Meat u a Pin'" Hom~. Shake
roof. Perimeter heatlnc. uRd
brtck Flnplace. Built ln
stove 6: ovm-2 Wed bathJI
hdwd. Don-Uvln1 room and
halls earpeoted. Ft'nced 6: cov·
ered patio. Only $17,000,
term.. • • •
Irvine Terrace
.......... "'•••• ., •••••"
.... ... ~J 1_. I V• l•••rt
VERY REASONABLE TERMS , ............. ..
Your lnapectJon Ia respect!Wly aolldt.ct
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Hlway 10.1. Newport Harbor. oppo.tte the
new Irvine Coast Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further In!ormatJon
Jood. Good to buy and trood -----------------------------------to .ell. 2 Mparate hou.ee,
On~ 2·bedr. anl1 a l ·bedr.
Both rented. Income Ia 1106.
Lot Is ST x 204' and just o!f
Harbor Blvd. $10,500. with
Terms adjuatabl~. a c t I o n
wanted. • • •
T AXE CLEAR LOT or lots u
down paym~nt on new 3·
bedr .. 2 bath home. Louvred
window.. modem deslcn, ex·
powd beam ceUlnea. a1Jdln1
wan to ~ment patio. at-
tached dbl. Jarar~. Wide lot
... move In today. WUI ac-
cept low down payment. • • •
IDEAL for mired. or 1arden·
61. Very comfortable 1-bdr.,
sun room. eewtn1 room. cot·
taae amon1 avacado, 111.
apricot trees, erapes. BtrcS
Aviary, doee In $7950 F. P.
With any r~uonable down. ....... , .......
1857 Newport Avt',, Costa Mesa
u 8-1632; u 8sl400 eves.
1WIJ built. 2·bedr. home. So.
of hlway. Near beaut11ul Ja .
maJca Inn. Hdwd. fioors.
carpeted, brick flr~pl~ aid~
walled patio. La. kitchen 6:
dlnlna rm.. Xtra lr. dble. ga.
raa~. F. A. heat. 6 )'MI. old.
Low down payment .
• • •
WE HAVE A 2·unlt motel
wtth 6 modern trallt'r spaces.
a 2·bedr. and a l·Mdr. hR ..
fum . Plua bath house A
laundry A m~tal g&ra~.
Lot Ia 150' x 200" on HlWAY
6: BANNING. A Vt>r)' ~ood
vatu~ at $22.500 OR trade
for Harbor area
... E. SMieir
3333 E.. est. Hwy. Corona del Mar
Harbor 24Zl
on C.nyon Drlvt'
l ust No. of VIctoria
N~ 3 and 4 bedrm. homea.
2 bathJI (4 bdrm. ~ dn.)
Lar1e country abed \4 ·atte
lots. Ready for ~Rewrve now. SmaJJ OO<
holcb untlJ ready. J'. P. Slo.295 and 111,2111!.
1989 BAB.BO& BLVD .. U 1·3333
CXlSTA MESA .. ........ .
u •••••
2 cbolee C-1 loq on tbe
........, m M41W'pDft. • ft.
hetqoe OlD 2 -....ca. Prime
tn ¥W' mt IN..-"tJt. 8oth
V~ry llveabl~ 2 bedroom.a, 1 bath home In rlne nel£h·
borhobd. KW fin .• furnace. Lar1e llvln1 room 6: dlnfnt area open to patio. Ftrepla. Nice bandy ldtch. wired few ~lect. stove. Lou of tile In kJteh. 6: bath, Lc. mat:r. bed·
room o~na to patio. Ac. plaster, Alum. awnJnp. Beaut. yard. RWD crape stake fence. Dbl. aar. Be IIU1'e to ._
th&. lovely horne--prlced to sell-very Cood terms.
2667 E.. Cout Bwy~ Corona 4el Mar
A fuctnatlng vtrw of .urr and rocks and "the blu•
Pacltlc'' trom thll cute 2 bedroom b~ on a 4().ft. Jot.
An extra large rumpua room, with flrepla~. over 1a·
raJ~ ... whleh al110 commands a sweepln1 ocean view .
Fine patio. worklhop and laundry room ...
AJI for the low price of $36,50(1
• • •
& ......... ,., ••
On tb~ broad lf'Vel ~ wfth aidewalb, ia thJ.a
3 bedroom 2 bath home. ~ts and drapes included.
A 65" x 115' lot. fully Jand.eaped. Ex~JJ~t Dnandnt
on prl<'l" of 135.000 to qualltl~ buyer-s..
225 Marine Ave .. Balboa liJand Call llarbor 1T7'5
A tov~ly 2·story hom~.
Hand J)e'lged hardwood floors. l'&~ted Jiving room.
rorred air heat. flrt>plaC"t". fu ll·slU'd dining room. 1 ~ batht~ Huge master lx'droom With 2 la rge walk·ln l'IO!!et.A. st"rvll't' porch A bt>autUul patio with B·B·Que. 90 h lot. nl~ly la nd!K'apeod
You can't beat this In th<' Helghu'
lllh•l E...., 11-.s
1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa ( AC!r'Oa from <'ot~ta Mesa Bank)
Uberty 8·6761-Eves : Harbor 4366. U 8,:1013
Must ~Jell thll 3 bedroom home. With W/W l'&rpeta. Home t. v~ry well kt!pt. with many tdckod f~atuN!II,
.uch u Flood Lampa. Sprinkler 8)"1tf'm. and Prof•· slonal l.and.acaplng. This tor l U.000-4115. lntt!r'e~Jt aftd J uat 169.82 Pf'r month tneludH e~tna.
"')'ou'U Uke ou;r frledly Sll!rVIee''
Caravan Special
ML Jfo. 1JIS-;.Y_,. Ulluu:aJ '-"-bedrOOM ..._ Ia
Oaala ..... Oal7 two ,..,. ol6--<:on WaDI Ia L,ho. ........... -.... ........ ---........ ,_.. oa -.no l.tat-flrkoe ... 1!111...-.....
At Or-.. Cn•ty'a
LHcllllt ....._ Le..dlnt ............
Tb• monthly bulldln• permit ~; ~ Maq, face at a
toW ..,.a ln the flOO,OOO Suta AM. Jl5,
bncbt few tM 8txtll month in a e aaaa. MY -
row u tb• Newport leadl Bulld· Paul .... eDe1ole porch at 11 Ina Depart.meat teparted f792.032 audcSer ltd.. 1:1.500. tor lune. eua801l IILAJII)
11\t. brines the year'a record M. E. Rledeek•, addition at
to $4.531,957 at the mld·po!nt-13 Harbor bland. p ,ooo.
about t80C),OOO beb!nd 1ut year'a • ULIIOA tt,ure. T. A. Ford, fence and &talr·
lune permita lncluded 22 one· way, 1727 Ocean, 1315: F. )9
unJt dwelllnp. tQI.MS; one two· Freeborn, fence at 3IJ7 Coronado,
unit .dwellJng, $20.210; 2 three· $1.00: C. R. Erwtn. foundation at
unit apartmenta, $4.5,500; 15 ca· 920 W. Ocean Ft., $600.
banu. $34,lr79; demollah andre· • UW.OIIT move 3 bulldlnp. $625; 68 re· Clltton BoU.lns, cabana at No.
pairs to dwellings. $232,298; 2 1 Bollvar, Udo Trailer Parte,
garaaes. $2.400; 5 .wtmminl $2.000; Lorenzo Tweedy, de·
pools, $15,000; one commercial mollah condemned building at
building, $2.000; 8 repalra to 111 25th Sl, $400; Southern CalJ.
commerdal buildings. $7,815; ' fomla Steelcratt. repair ~ dam·
u. s. •ort& n,..
Weahiflt a Polllhlllf
c-,w. Lu~iofl s.Mc.e
"'-Hert.ot J094 sJgns. ~. ·~· at '-123 w. Cout Hwy., I v I o·t hI Tbe nnal permlta in June tn· t::m: Kriete. repatr t1re damage oge I C
eluded: at 51136th St.. S86; Loren Dewey, I s eiJIVIM& TEDACE cabana at Bay Shore Trailer ~ AWADa • ..._ a.ltla (left) ef tM •....-t 5 uggested
2201 E. Coelf Hithwey et A~
C...... 4e11.4er
UP TO $10,000
AU Accounts Opened
On or Before
The I Oth of the Montt.
Ea"' Fro"' tt.e lat.
222 OcMa A.,_
CALl •.•
2200 lfewport •ms. eo.ta .. _
PbOIM E..._ & Saa.
Liberty 1·'73231 Liberty 1·1581
Maceo Corp .. 1·ato·"", 1·unlt Park, $2.500; W. S. Frankel, ca· ...._....._._.I.-a~..._ tM ant~ ...a el ·~ bana at 17 Cabrlll Ud • .. Jla •vw-., c.tlr ...... o. ... c-at c.o...,. ._... dwellings at 718 Malabar $19 · · o. o Trailer ---~~ ~ ........ 0011._. IJIPrr .. M .:A.,... The "'Vo1el 41kh"' plan for tbe
400; 1331 Bonnie Doone.' $2():. Park. $2.500; Samuel Roberta, 1· ---..s 1.-a ....._,._ •• ...a. ....et., • .-. exp&nM of be&eh on the Balboa
850; 1315 Bonnie Doone, $21,645; atocy, 2·unlt dwelling at •703 -.c. '-.... ....., 0.. ...._. Ia ftnt.,.._ -.,.e~u.,..... ancl Newport ocean front came
MJtchell-Simon, fence at 1530 River, 120.210; J. W. Ketchum, Paal Fcllr e1 eo.ta M-. .......S. l«h JolLa 1--oL c.w 11-. up acaln at lat week"a City
Santanella, $200. fence at 1600 W. Ocean Ft., $1.00; ..,._ ... Seooad·,.a ...._ wa Jolua ..u.w of •...,.on. ant Council Meeting.
e coaOifA DEL MAa Ba'yshore Park, sign at 112 W. prt. .. ... Max Sturps of lJdo I.ale uked
West Corbin, demollah hollse Coast Hwy., $300; John Bowland, for eonaJderaUon of the plan for
blown up by aas leak, 7C17 Or· cabana at Lido Park, $2,000; Mad A R d p -.L •-~ a amall boat lacoon on the chid, $175; W. M. Bliven. add Moore'a Nursery, fence, 2010 W. ccess oa ..... __ .... beach and a high level brtclge
covered patto, 1116 Ocean. $1,322; Balboa Blvd., ass. F d I:!IM ft!& F-~ connect1n1 Balboa Pen J n au 1 a
Monla Smith, alterations at All u n s Voted • .. ...., -with Corona det Mar. Be allo
American Market, 3049. E. Coast .......... EJIII·I· Approximately $525 wu railed auuested removal of th• old Hwy., $100. .by the youna peopl f th "rental courta"' Jn Balboa u
• coiiO•A BICIILAIQ)S II ,, .... ,_ ... w-.a. Allocation of $4.251 In cas tax Corona del Mar C:m~unl; being SUb·standard bousJng.
Sam Kau.tbnan. a w ImmIng .,. wra fund& for a aecond access road Church at the pancake breakfast Hla letter wu referred to the
pool at 441 Seaward. $2,000; D. to the Corona del Mar maln at Cout Super M ket. J 9 city manager, city enatneer and
A. Shaw, 1·atory, 2·unJt dwelling Deadllnea for completion of beach was approved last w~k and 26 youna peop: wUl :!e t the Planning Commlaalon.
at 409-409~ Serra, $28.000. work at the city trailer park were by Newport City Councll. The to Pil n e JfEWJOJIT JIEIQJITI extended by the Newport City proposed location 1s at the curve wt lflm Plnee aummer Camp A's .. p ...._ Plllaal
J. H. Routledge, fence at 472 Council last week-to July 15 tor of Ocean Blvd., beginning at the th the money. OU lw-. ,...
N. Newport Blvd.. $40; Ronald the Grltt1th Co. and July 14 tor top of Rocky Point and going Those attending Junior camp PI -..I
Rima, fence at 501 Redlands, South Coast Construction Co. down the blu.tf to connect with are Kim Kuster, Jeanie Btock..IW ~~~MI. Council waived any penalty to Breakers Dr. Patl Baume, Susan Hayton, Tlm A street vt WIIJ
.IOnal ~~· b~t raised the penalty trom Commenting on the acquisition ~:!~~:~~~~·Carol Den· the enUre eft; .!'~Ct':~~~ ~ •J a ay to $500 a day for any of Roclcy Point as part of the ennore. City Mana~ Robert Shelto • ~
delay beyond the new deadlines state beach park City En lneer John Smith, VIrginia Procter, ced er nan-lllo.
• Councilman Stanley RJdderbof Bert Webb aaJd' that theg pur· Dorothy Day, Pamela Tbom10n, ~~~ng 1~ :aeek. ~was~ ~ I rectory opposed tb.e watver or penalty chue of the portton owned b Judy Justus. Frank rt e P• g pro~. ~ for the Grlt!lth Co .. pointing out the Citizens National Bank J Fern Koerner and Dona . resu acing -project completed In ~ ~---...:;MU:.=.:SI=C ____ ..,. that their time limit had expired Los Angeles la ready to go in wut attend Junior Hllh Camp. portl-::::::;ona=::o!=Co::ro=na=d::e=l::Mar=::· =: ....
l une 1. and therefore thelr re· escrow. Tad Tobbltt. But Callis, Chrll f' ~ Margaret L Scharle qu~ for utenslon wu late. Mrs. Phlll Burto • Co Adam, Rolly Inaram. Lorena D&COU'I'IIIO ..,., an' ~ Teacher of Plano P n o. rona Kelly, Ann Bumuon, Lorraine l.alt Va .... Y.. ~
Orpnt.at . Accompa.nt.t del Mar said that cqndemnation Moabolder, Joan Walp, Tm'y c.u ...._ ""
Evenlnl Classes action to acquire the remainder ~toss and Betty Shannon w11l at· .. ....E' ~
for dulta of Rocky Point la ready to be tend Senior High Camp •
3JTT GOLDENROD AVE. submitted to the attorney gen-Several other boys a'nd lfrls •19 E. OOAST BWY
Corona del MaJ' eral Block C. back of Uttle Co· were unable to go becauae the ~KA DEL MAll.
Friendly Nelahborhood Servtce
110 Broadway
U S.M33 A 8-3434 eo.ta Mesa
Harbor Blvd. at Glaler
rona Beach, may be Included ln camp Js full. Any money not
thla condemnation. abe aald. used In camp expense. of the
young people wtll be sent to Ptl·
~t,rlm Plnea to help fin1sb en·
larglng the camp for next year.
........ lr ....
NYint ••. end
beGevfncJ th.t
,. WI
------------Now! Bacon and Eggs
' in 3 V2 minutes ..
Costa Mesa Lu11ber Co. when. you cook electrically!
LUMBER-BUILDING MATEIIIAJ.S ........ ....,_ C.... .._ LD ty .....
FJeewC.w 1 11-D '? 6::
A.llpbalt 'me -Jtubber 11M
J'onDica -LlDoleQm TUe , .... ~ ~ ..... ,.... . c..-.... ............
12 Y-. ID ar.._. CDimt7
Specializing 1n a11 Types of
For Further Information Call
, TODAY, NOTJfTMO coou PAI'Ra ..... IDoclera
.aec:tric raap. 8ac:oa aa4 w Ia J~ abauta.
la1taat coffee la 60 1ecoeda. Bot eoup ia 61
IICoedr Fry, Mke. brol• ,.._ lltcuidty doaa
il .......
tau'• ,.,...: )'OW ~ ... muc:JI • t6•
eoollr. A-' .......... ,.. ..., ~ a..-. D+ ... look fnala _, a.w twice •
. . .
. . .
. . . .
. • . . •
. . • • • I • ............ # ..................................... : ,
. --_,_.... .. !.._
--~A .. ICINO
~~~ •-•'n..w ..... latJ.
* Till D'S
1411 PlaM are under way for the
young8 members ot the Udo
ule Playera Club to have Sum·
mer Theatre Workahop and to
present a play under their own
If You Can Swim You Can Water-Ski! I
Pat ....... ~~~ three to foay f..t deep. .. __ , __
"sittiq" •tae., -tow~
ftnnJy, anr* raiae ti~ ... .J:: clear of ,..atcr. Sip.t boat
to ro ahead.
Skil may be wobbly ... hard to
eontrol 1Dider 16 miles per hour,
bat u JOG llPpro&eh the minimum :c!:, JOQ'Il 1tart '"planiDC' or .. _.....,..,lwnc. ud tba .••
~ ~ ae rrl rr-. Jet the tllllt..iq rope p'llll JVQ to your
feet; Wa lib a.rlai..ac trom a low
eMir. K.ep weirbt eat.end, lmee~
bat. ~ lt~ht.
The fun buinst Your b:lclt &.ld
anna abould 6e kept .tr&Jifht •.•
lmen flexed •li•htly to cuahio:t tho
Jolt of the W'&VU ••• and Away You Go!
If ,.,. ..... JOQ'd Ub W"&teJ-..itiint'--&nd nvron• wbo tri~s it does ~lb l~t-write to the A.muieaa Water Sid Aaodationl !07 N .. Mlehi;;.m -, 1 DL TIM7'0 -.1 JW iUutrat~ book eta that will 1'1"•
JW ~ fw learai~ thil exhllaradn&' aport.
•• &aTT
Jcmuary 1. 1957
IIICII I Sw' she Eq 'Jnlll
UWLDrGI •IIDALL EQUIHiiMf .... hz•• ''Pf" c-•... 111..--. A.._ ....._lu..I_..._IIU
..... : u MOy-s...-,...,. ..-.
Daily 11• & ,_ p..m... Sl.sG. thndr.n 6Sc
* * • 3 BOATS OPERAtiNG on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat LecniDg E..., 20 Minutes * -.....o..-~-.....,o-.·••..-.&tp.a.
~PORT . ·
' .. 4 '· ,_. j I , •,, ,
To luild Your Own
or PAnO
Cljde Dotson := ,_ II• Surfsiders to ••=---..
Dies at 68 . -.!.-!!!!-Hold Dance on --~,..
a;.ll & Do~n Sr .. • fll • ~ ~ ::":1 :U--:: IU.IIOa ~
::-.. ~1:;.~~ -..r.;.ADea,tT,flfGCMar· F .. ·.d·y 13th ~eo:,_·
luli-.a.r-nooa. , ....... Aw. 1 ; U I f~~~;;;;~~~~~ .. WM a aatt.e ol &:aMu and lfrl. Au. died at Orup IYid..,... 1a Mewpon 2~,..,.. ..,~ "'*'• ....aq. 1M • lurflldent the ,ounc ma.nled .. • ~..a bY Ilia .u.. IW'VlWd " IMir • ......._ •w coupl• danee poup, wW bold Cante &. DDUon. o1 tiM boaM AU-. ,._, laacll Uwd ID Oolofta dMir annual Shipwreck Dance
1dlll--. ad a-. Q7'de a. Dot· clel JCar Jw 10,...,.. lie¥. Don· Oil J"ridaJ the l3dl ot July at
-~ .. a •ewpart a.dl !h· ald lapp, ala..._ ol tbe llalboa the Wlllowick Country Club.
IDM; two ......... -. Anna ... t llla.acl Coaulnlftlt7 Metbocl18t A codrtall hour t1om 8:30 to fill Ala-and lltl. MaMI Par· Quare--. ometat.d at the 8ln"'ca. 1:30 p.m. wtu be apouorect by
-., .,_. 11--. aDd X... IUc:hard
,._,.. ...W. '"" to be U •t d 0 • MeDde, John Landla, Lonnie
beld at U a.mt today (Tiuareday) n1 8 fiVe Ra1an. Paul Bendenon and
Ill -.Ja 0o1ta Mesa Cbapel wtth 'nle Jlf'OPOeeCl United l'und Ronald Jtlma. Prlzea wU1 be
the Jt.ev. lames s. Stewart of St. Ddve will M ~ by the awarded for the belt coMumM.
ADdnws PNsbyterlan Cbun:b ot-Boud ot Dtrec:ton ot the !'f.-port Eutace Rojas and ba. band wHl
fldatina. Interment wu to be ln Beedl·eo.ta .._. brandt ot :play=.========= •• ~.f!e'~ .._ Rubor a.t Memorial Patlt. Am«lean Red ero. at a ..-ctal ... ~~P-""~~~~~~~
••..• ·"······· .. .., • IC.Iunl
New member of the Crance
Coast ColleJe Board of Trusteea
Ia Donald G. Hotl, 6872 Wat·
mln8t.er Ave., We at mIn ate r ,
named to complete an unexpired
term following the resignation
ol Louts Conrady of WMtmJnster.
Mr. Hoff a. a native of Wooster,
Ohio; an Armored D1vlaion vet·
eran of World War n, former
blgh IICbool slcence teacher In
Long Beaeb, and ls now a lab
supervisor for North American
Mrs. Bertha Laughlin Bur-
roughs, 80. of 801 Clift Dr., Cliff
Raven, mother of the publisher
of the eo.ta Mesa Globe-Herald,
died In her home June 'l7 after
an extended Illness.
Mrs. BurToughs was a native
of Ottawa, llllnola. and had lived
In Newport Beach for three years.
Sh e Is survived by two soru,
Publis her Walter Burrough.s. of
WORSHIP BOtnl CBAJfGED rona del Mar Community ChUJ"Ch the CUff Haven adress. and How-
Morning worship hour and the Sunday were Mr. and .Mrs. Char· ard A. Burroughs of Port Wash·
Church School at the Corona del les Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Ira lngton, N.Y.; two brothers, R. A.
Mar Community Church has SmJth. Dr. Marla Varady, Lorena Laughlin ol San Bernardino and
been changed from 9:45 to 9:30 Kelly and Mrs. Margaret Ann C. J. Laughlin of Los Angeles.
a.m. The sermon topic of the Goodman. and two sisters, Mrs. Clifford W.
Rev. Edwin Gomke this Sunday LL METHODIST CBUBCB Raw, Washington, D.C., and Mrs.
wUJ be ''Th Chrl tl Ml-' ... """" C. J. LaMarre of Balboa. e 5 an ...... u.,. The service of Holy Communion Funeral services were held
CB1liST ClltJ1lCB 8T TBE SEA will be held at both the 9:30 and Saturday In Baltz Costa Mesa
Dr. J. D. VanBuskirk wtU be 11 a.m. hours Sunday at the Bal· Chapel with the Rev. J ames S. gu~t speaker at Christ Church boa Island Community Metho· Stewart of St. Andrews Presby-
By the Sea Sunday. Dr. Van d1st Church. Serving as com· terlan Church oftlclatlng. Inurn·
Buskirk was ror many years a munlon atewarca wW be Mrs. ment wll be In Tacoma, the fam·
medical m issionary In Korea. Harold F1nk. Mn. Steve Smith, Lly home.
Since 1943 he ha.s been staff and Mrs. Bertha Pinkham. -----------
doctor for the Clinic at Church of DAUGBTEa I'Oa TA.aAS' IJI1•1 o-nlala All Nations In Los An&eles. He received nation al recognition a A daughter, 6 lb. 14 oz., was The Newport Balboa Savtnp
few years ago with. his book. born to Mr. and Mrs. Demitrl and Loan Aaoclatlon has ln·
"Religion, Healing and Health." Taras ot 4l0 Orchid Ave., Corona creased Its annual divide d te CE CBVJICB del Mar, In Santa Ana Commu · n ra CBBJSTIA.Jir saEJf . . nlty Hospital on Sunday, June 24. to 4 percent. payable quartedy,
meet1n1 at 7:30p.m. -rue.day 1n Enalp c:laMlf1ed ada cet nR.lts. _ .. nel~' "':.~.-:. a: Red ero. B•dquarten. llland ~~-..,...,. .... -..-·
Ave. In Balboa. • alp. Harbor W~
c n m t· rcH . f d rn "''11111 .. 111 .....
1 .......
Elementary cmd High School
...., 2-1111-10, 1 ..
Regjmation June 30, 1956
For lnformat1on Call HArbor 3834·R
Dl.tector John W. Johuo~ Narc:l.uu. Ave., c.D.JL
481 E. ll .. II., 01111 ••••
l'n.a eoc.t JUglaway. TVa Wodla cat l'1nt ,._. W..t of 8ddge.
Ower i Acre ef T--, •• Tr111lllll, ••••·
Complete Line of Red Star Fertilizers
82 ,.,._ " ...... .......
Ferry Mone cmd Northrup Kin9 Cda.. s..dL Seed Rack.
Hou, Sprinldei"L Lawn Mower cmd Wiele Variety of Garden
TooJ.......Ortho and Li9htning IDsectic.ides. lndOOI' Plana
.. 118 , ...... ", .....
1 ~!!:.!~~ ... · :,.;_~9c
lJheny 8-5026
Communion Service w11l be according to P. A. Palmer, Preal·
SAIITA All 22M S. 1111 1t.-held Sunday In the Newport dent.
1..._, •n• Beach Christian Science church. AH ,. I =========......-.........:~~~==
PWJOIA-121S l ..... St.-The subject of the l...l.'sson-Ser· en lOR n. 2·21., IT. 1~ mon Is "Sacrament." The Gol· e .. ~fN MOH. ANO ,.,. EVfS. den Text Is from Psalms ( 19:14), i.;~~~~~~~~~ "Let the words or my mouth. and USED CAR the meditation of my heart. be accept<~.ble In thy sight. 0 Lore. IUYEIS
Coroaa del Mar
Pdcw Lea Jo
U ~702'7 BA 1225-,
m y strength. and my redeemer."
The minister of Christ Church
by the Sea. the Rev. Roy A. Carl·
son. and his family are away for
several weeks va.:atlon during
July. They are visiting family
relatives In Colorado. and wUI
also anend some sessions of the
Methodist Western Jurisdictional
Conference at Colorado Springs
from July 11-15.
New members joining the Co·
PropuD Start. at o-lE 111-.*--r.t.DeenOJieai:OI
~ o..n..a-1 rrt SetS. a.&. .... Deen 0,.. ll:M
'L' ~t.'I J £ 'l.i -fttA\lG ...... 0 ...... ~ .
You May Wln
With the purchase of any
used car from us on the Ed
SuUJvan Contest. Get details
a t 600 and 900 W. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach.
Modllled Roadster
New Top
$21 ...
'14 Fa 11c.
Only 12.000 actual m.Ues,
Fotdomatlc · Power Brakes,
••··· , .. Hard top cp., black. wire
-~--'11 ..... ..
aa4io, ............. Uc. --.....
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----" ---
STEAK. lb. 7f'. iiEAK. lb. 65C STEAK. lb. 98C
Quality Meats
POJITEDOVIZ ~-Sirloin Tips 79f. Rump Roast65f. STEAK
~G. of LAMB, lb. 75f. BACON BLACDIAWK _SSe ~
From Our New ~-B-Q FeaturiDg Cldc:b~ Beef & Span au.
DAn&¥1..~. -; .. ,... .... .-....... sse 5~ .. ••• , ......... a.o . s CHEESE:.! il;IDE C: BEANS ·~ ...