HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-26 - Newport Harbor Ensign15.000 FOR THE YOUTH CENTER Lobster Bake at the Beach '!be Corona del Mar Lobster Bake wUl be held on the parking lot ot Blr Corona Beach. TbJa decl.aion wa.s made at the meeting held Friday evening • the Youth Center. The Buffalo Ranch bad been the other =bWty, but the main beach was chosen because ot Ita prox· .Bo' Murphy, ~reneral cbal.rman of the Lobster Bake Com· mtttee, announced that a squ~ dance has been scheduled as -* of the eventll tor Saturday eventn~r. Sept. 15. Call~ tor the dance will be AI Lockaby, who ls starting a new class In square dandnr al the Youth Center-at 8 p.m. Tueaday. Kat meettnr of the Lobster Bake committee w1ll be held at 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1, at the Youth Center. Coctee and tlouabnuta wUl be .erved. Coundl Reietfs· Request to Waive Bii11iling ·Fee A request from contractcn wa.s paued to aecond reading. Secrellt and Ftah. lne., fot W1llver The ordinance abo. baN dol'S ot baUdlnl' permit fee ·ror the from parka used prfmarUy by clu.oom addJt.lon at Newport ch1idren but allows the Parks Harbor Blih School wa.s rejected and Recreation Commission to Tu__,. evenJnr by City Coun-bold pet shows at the parks. 1 clL Coundl •creed to make any Bu1Jdl:nr Inspector Raymond revtJdon ln buslnesa lice~ fees Glenn told Council that the spe-retroactive to July 1; same wfth eltlcat:lon.a In the bid called for any revtatona In salaries of city the contractor to take out and employeft. pay tot nece••f1 penntta. -------Oouncll rec::elved an offer of 12.000 lot a 25xl90 property front· lnl on Balboa Blvd. near 46th St., West Newport. from the Jacton Corp. Councilman Hart aald tbe otter wu too low, be- cau.e 25x95 Iota are aeUlng for more than $4,000. He said he would get an appraisal trom the BeaJty Board. A reeolutlon commendlnlf re- tlr1ng clty park foreman W. C. <Mac) MacDonald wu.approved. An otdlnance barrtnl clop from public bay front beaches Snowbirds Fly Sunday Tbe world's biggest spec· a.cle ol anall boat raclnr w1ll agaJn be on view tha. Sunday for the annual Fllaht of the Snowbl.rda ln the bay . Tbe raee will ltart' ..-r tbe Balboa Pavilion. Mth wamlng lf\ID at 1:30 p.m .. preparatory lfUn at 1:35 and .tarttn1 IWl at 1:40. Sklppera can aubmlt en- t:r'l• up to 4 p.m. Satu~ at all re,.s.tratlon locationa, and up to 12 noon Sunday at the Balboa Ba.pltallty Pier. IPADKOOOUT .......... -.. .......... ..w ........ ..... atna ... ~ allow to ,... ....... tbe ., ... ..._, .. tbe Otw,. Couty Pall-et I pa. Prtdlrf· Aag. 10. la the ~ • tbe fcdr· ... ... Aft. •• ...... tJae Caelift' ........ wW .... -t ....... --· of --'· ........... ...-.s.u~c .... ., ... , The Gals Beat The Fell as In Albacore Tournament ater~ ving .. Law 0 'd; ~ s-Urged · to Coope·rale Rationing Will Go on for August TAX I CREASE TO BE 10 TO 12c P.E. Plan Is Dropped •••• ......... •: . e TEST OF 6000 CITIZENSHIP Now it e time for • good test of good citizenship-voluntary d iscipline to eons~ our wate~ supply, The crisis o~ising !rom wo~er shortage is real, not JUSt • fancted 'clonger. Every resedent •n the Ctty of Newport Beac.h should toke it upon himself to help sove water. There ore many ways we can help. just by stopping thoughtless wosle- fullness. Eoch family should be able to cut down ih woter use by holf or more. Voluntary measures ore. ~uch to be prefer~ ?ver c.?mpu!· sory cracking down under the cety s new emergency b•g fist ordt- nonce. ' • • • e HmlNG JHE SMALl USER No quarrel about the need for improving our water distribution focilities. Increase in water roles is the logicol way to finonce such • improvements. But is it fair only to increase the monthly minimums? Thot puts the bYrden primarily upon tht smoll user. because the big users ore still charged ot the old cubic-foot rote. It would seem more fair to moke a uniform increase oil along the line. • • • e PE PROBLEM NOW CAN BE SOLVED The pion for moving the Pocific Bedric is out the window, after Mondoy evening's Council meeting. But the campaign to relieve New· port of the blight of PE trods is not ended. Indeed. the woy moy well be cle~~red for o noturol, ec..,nomic solution, now thot the biq plum ------------------------- of several hundreds of thousands of dollars is no longer dangling in ~:X::ICICICXlCCx:::ICI:::X:::ICJI:X::ICIC::X:XlCCXlCI:x:::ICI:::X:::ICJI:X:ICIC::X:x::tl front of PE. The solution is bound to come from PE itself. ocknowledqing the economic focts of life. Declining activity on PE's Newport line will l.,ad to the businessli~e step of abandoning it ond disposing of the property in the open market, whi ch should bring in o pretty penny to Pacific Electric, and no "capitol outloy" burdel"' Ol"' the toxpoyers. • • • e IT PAYS TO GRIPE Hove you noticed that our City Council is doing o much better job of lote in explaining what is going on duri~g Council meetings? And the public itddress system is wor~ing o little better too. It poys to gripe, you know. And dol"'·t forget that your Council WILL listen to you. However, you hove to generate enough interest to attend Council meetings. and enough gumption to get on your feet to ask questions and make comments when you hove good ca use to do so. So . . . . bouquets to our Council . . . but our City Plannin g Commission isn't d oing so well. Lost Thursdays meeting showed no eagerness to keep the audience fully informed. At one time. the en tire proceedings come to a holt for almost 20 minutes. as for &s the public was concerned. as one member of the Comm ission held e strictly private discussion with e petitioner. All discussions at public meetings should be public. • • • e MORE O N POSTAL SUBSIDIES Lost week's remorh on putting the post office on e paying basis brought forth some startling facts thet should se rve es ammunition to further this qool. Figures in the Conqressionol Record reveal amozinq subsidies to big-time megozines, which ere being charged only 22% of the cost of delivery. The subsidies. which must be mode up by us taxpayers. were as follows lost yeor: Life Magazine, $8.60-4,000· Setur- dey Evening Post, $6,52-4,000; Collier's. ~.98-4.000; Reader's Digest. $3,668,000. Who c bn argue against cherginq a paying rote fof postal service? A JUICY STEAK ? A TEMPTING CUOP? FOR TENO£R ~fAT 1-fERE·s W~ERE TO 51-40P/ Oily 0111111 ..... Soltl .... lOW OPEl su•AY Specials for Thurs., Fri. & Sat., July 26, 27, 28th TRY OUI III-IE-CIICIEIS ..•. . ..• , * * * CBOICE LEGS of LAMB 69f. CBOIC:Z Large Loin Chops 79:. ~T.i ~ oa ao. aiDa Pork Spare RibS 59~ CALLING QQ. WIILTIIH SAY • • • BIG PITCH IN LAGUNA IS FESTIVAL OF ARTS BIG . DEAL ON BALBOA ISLAND WALTAH'S PINEAPPLE PAGEANT ALL SORTS STUFF FROM HAWAII Sarongs- Ftr L111 leltl Fer Ell Pel will T-. Cotton Swim Suit- 11 0.. Y• Lillo Ill TnL Grass Skirt- Lei Y• IIJ Frill ... '• •• L Family Matching Stuff-Kids Wear EM, ,. ,.... ,..., ..... , Sun Dress-, ......... _.._ leach Boy Knee LenGth Surf Pants I m I 1 lib .. Ftl•••lllll5' .. t11l81d fsn11 • • ... Coast College to Play · 9!-(iame Grid Sd.eclule Lawn Bowlers Fete Visitors Newport a..ch La"WB Jk)wll!ra entrrtalMCI tbe Cout Le-aue on the Municipal Bowlll'\l CreeM at N.wport Be.Kb on J.aly 14th. 11\e vt.lton wtn f!GIII Jtecrea· Uon Parte. ~ Beaeb. Santa Ana and Lacuna Bnch. FortY Bowl~ participated In the tournam~nt. YARN SHOP y OQ lec:rYe It • • • 1 w. --it! Wa.IETTE ~M-:fleal 'nor: orncz -... a......-,. co.... Ordald) C...M._ .............. ~ • L.r9erl end Mort Complete Furpiture Store in the AtM. C.ll for 1,.. DECOlATIN6 SElvtCI ll~ t-5511 fte Oranp Cout C:OU... PI· tbe '*llowtftc P'rtday evenJnr. rat. ..W open tWr 1* foot. Sept. • wben the PiratH hoet ...u-at tM .._..ltadlua American 1t1wr in the traditional J'rtday ~ -.,c. 21, ap.IMt Llona Club rame. There Ia one Qledale. otber noA·confeftnee eame, on 'J'M ...,.... ,._. lft thi t · Od.. 12. Wben tbe aquad wJll pme ee~Md'Ule wUl be pUyecl fty to San P'ranet.oo to take on Jl!ut Contra Coet.a. Iii. IIIII 1111. 14, ............ Cont.-nee play wm begin Od.. 5. wtth Cout eoueae a1 1 Santa AM. J'ollowtnr Ia o,e Eastern Con. teren~ .chedule, carne tlml' Mn. Inn Artz. 74, of 322 Mon· belnr 8 p.m. except aa otherwl\te tero St., Balboa, 4Jed luly 1!5 noted. after a brief Uln ... at 17022 E. . 17th St. Santa Ana. She had Prtday, Oct. 5. San Bernardino ltv~ In' Balboa for the put 20 at Fullerton. Oranee Coast at years and prior to tbat bad 1Jved Santa Ana. H G ~ In Tuattn tor 33 years. Saturday, Oct. 8: Rtverait\~ 18 S ' J I r 'I Mra. Artz wu born In Bumetta· Mt. San Antonio. {, Ill {, ville. Indiana. She a. aurvtved by Prlday, Oct. 12: Chartey at , M.lrnishinqs for hornet, her buabanc!, Charles 0 . Artz; a Santa Ana, Mt. San Antonio at dubs, yachts. dauebter, Mra. Kaloolm Arch· San Bemardlno. • )017 w. Coett Hil~hwey 'bald of San Marino; three 11'\nd· Friday, Oct. 19: Santa Ana at N-.-+ .. .dt ehUdren and three Jre&t·erand· Riverside, San Bernardino at ~!!11~~=~~-----t chUdren. Chatrey. 1 Private funeral aervices for Satulday, Oct. 20: Fullerton at Mrs. Artz were held luly 17 in Oranre Coast. I the Brown ColonJal Chapel. Friday, Oct. 26 : Mt. San An- Santa Ana, with the Rev. James tonlo at Oran&e Coast. Fullerton S. Stewart ot St. Andrevn Pres· at Chaff~. bytertan Church offlelatlnr. In Friday, Nov. 2: ChaU.-y at lieu of flowers frlenda were Riverside, Oran&e Coast at San asked to make donations to the Bernardino. American Cancer Research So· Saturday, Nov. 3: Santa Ana at eiety. Mt. San Antonio. .............. of Cella ....... Friday, Nov. 9: Mt. San An· tonlo at Fullerton. Saturday, Nov. 10: Riverside at Oran&e Cout (2 p.m.). 11\ursday. Nov. 15: Fullerton at Rlveralde, San Bernardino at Santa Ana, Oranie Coast at Chaltey. WedneAday, Nov. 21: RJverslde at San Bernardino. Pre.sld~t Edward Mui"Mt wei· romf'd the vl1lton to Newport Beach and Introduced Recreation D I r e c t o r Robert CJniJ1cb. Ed then turned the ,roup over to Walter Pearson. rame1 chair· man, and play cot under way. Laeuna •aclt bowlers Jolt all three rame. while ueh ot the other duba won 2 lind lost 1. Here' a how the Jocalt tared: Nlcholaa Brettner. Walter Wood an~ Ed Muraet defeated La&Una Jkonch 23 to 18. Ed Wlloox. Lew , P~>llllt arHI C K. CloM defeated n .. , ,.,.,, 11n Pnrk 18 to 17. Clint \\r ,, ol lhtr• ld Shandl~. and r , n 1 • '' n wtore defeated by s~· 1.1 \r. .. to 17. <'~•I .1 • r Mrs. Taylor Can and M r ~ \\' • Pr Pearll01l were In 'har~:to ot entertainment. ~SCETCDIL I A rlaut:hter. Shawn Dt"a. was born to Mr. and Mrs. RI.LSBt"ll Fin· nl'y of 1952 SylvJa Lane. Harbor Highlands. In Hoac Ha.pltal Thursday, July 5. LUAU FASBIOM5-Waltab ClaTite. wbo bcu opened a new abop 1 at 209 Mallie Aye .. Balboa bland. pre .. oted Hawaiiau at'f\M at a atyl• abow at the Capiatrnao Beachcomber's Club. where Juau wcu held Frtday. The modf'ls are C leU to rtght) DcrYtaDa LuDdy of Ba)boa Jaland. LM O'Neal of Costa Meso and CSoria Tohe. the former Miu LaguDa B.acb. · U·O'PIIOUTZa Cbcl1n. lot.. a..d8e ~ C4l1l BMIIICIE' HARBOR 8176 2919 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar People have b.en teyift9 ••• .d ~thet YIU Cll II Itt lEI William Shakespeare, ~. ot 480 E. 22nd St., Colt& Mesa, died July 15 In Roag Ho.tpltal after an extended Illness. He wu a salesman by trade and a veteran ot World War I. He wu a native or Los An· geles. and lived there until mov· Thursday. Nov. 22: Chaftey at Mt. San Antonio !11 a.m.l. Santa Ana at Fullerton (1 p.m.). Kidnap Vic ti m Says 2 Men Posing as Po li cemen Took $60 OFFERS In& to Costa Men In 1953. Sur·------------ vJvors Include hls wife. Agnes; ld&ll lJsWa' Fred Hobt. o( 1741 Pomona St .. 1 rourt at a later. date. The men Costa Mesa, waited a month be· left In thelr car, which had a Core reportlnr that he wu kid· pollee Insignia on the side. napped and robbed or SOO by two , MOVE TO SBOBE a.rrrs 2 800S. William of Lakewood and .... Jack of the home addreaa; hls mother Mrs. Louise Byers of Costa Mesa. and a granddauch· ter. men poclnJ u pollee officers. I .. 1 d ... D R. Th _.. . .... h w .. .., bl _.. "" r. an ,.,rs. . omu A.~latC'U w•l . ""' .o u .Mr. Hobbit contact.,... mesa po have moved from 225 Orchid Realty on 17th St~ Costa Mesa. la lice at 2:l6 a.m. Monday ot Jut Avto., Corona deJ Mar. to 243 Fannie Price. a new member of week to report aeelnc a car alml· Driftwood Rd.. Shore Cliffs. I the Newport Harbor Realty Board. lar to the one UHd by the two Alao MUdred Brennan -is a new "pollee officers" parked In front Read oa,e. t" ,, • r llldl ~ Swl rrtilc quf,•e.t -, . , •wa ...:waoe 'THe LATa.-T ..., MOOIAN VNd FOR COA61'·10·~T /1/"C't/ING." Services were held July 18th at Parkes Ridley Chapel, w ith the Rev. James Stewart of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church of · tlclatlng. Interment wu at Har· bor Rest Cemetery. mtomber ot the Newport Harbor or the Sllvet' Dollar Bar. on New· Realty Board, auoclated wtth htor port Ave. near 16th St. lt turned hWiband. Jack Brennan Sr ~ at out to be a merchant pollee car thelr eo.ta Mesa oftlee. and El· and not the one used by the jay StockdUl hu joined as an au~ [ .. , I ....-... , OOD~ RAGAN'S RESTAURANT I .• ~ ... CIU. FOa DVAIITU1 usoclate of Duncan Hardesty, Mr. Hobbit aald he had lett the A dau&hter, 8 bs., 7 02., wu Newport. Sll---DoU*• at 1 :30 a.m. about born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald ..... .... Duarte of 424~ Narcl.uu1 Ave., • • • June 16, and drove north on 101 muu11 cAU ••• Corona del Mar, ln St. lo.eph A •Hcbt tornado .ema to have Newport Ave. He aaw a red Ught Ia •••,..... ..,._ H~ltal on Wednelday, June 20. blown a number of realton from behind him and pulled over to c..-..... olflee to offle.. Mary Jleoynolda the curb at 17th SL .._. &.... £ .... Patronl:ze the !Da'cbanta who hu moved from the Art Adair "You're under arrest." the Llblftr e.ftllr LD tt .. Jill otfl~ to the Jack Bren.na.n Sr. drt t th ..... _ ed LYON VAN UNiS A&IHT advertUe lD the Kewport Bar· eo.ta Mesa amce. H•ald Sples ver o e vu~e.~ ear nat • L~======·-=ll:l•li:.:bor:..::c-------~ Ia wtth Stuart F,..-.. movinJ oomlnr up aloNJ!ide Mr. Hobbs ~ In hla c:a.r. ~ other man ---••J" a_.a_ 11 1 from the Bomer Shafer omc:e cllmbed into Mr Bobbll' ear and ..... _ .,..... -· · • · Robert O.bom Jr. baa moved ordered him to drive toast on 17th NO UQUOR SERVED LUNCHES DINNERS --·-···-··········---...FaOII --·-·-----F'80M 65c $1.25 from Bay and ._eb Udo to the St. and then Into the upper bay Jack Brennan Sr. Newport ottlee area. Here the S60 was removed and Cbades Travt.a. C. B. Russ trom his wallet. the men claim-OPEN 11:30 A.M. TO 8:30P.M. a.osED TUESDAYS and Robert Rayle all moved from lrlr It wu "bond" money. Mt. Y ... Fa..Y the James·Vldt offtce on Balboa Hobbs wu told that be ml&ht DINNER SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY FROM J'fOOlf TO 8:30P.M. ~and to Frank ~~ ~a bba~v~e~to~~~~ln~a~S&!n~t~a~An~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~JS~l!S!~!!C!a!~!!~~~C.~iia~~~~M~ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!I Mesa. Clyde Meyer bas taken - Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p.m.. Sl.50. Children 6Sc * * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat tecmng E•ery 20 Minutes * ...... OCIIGa .... -...., o--.· 1100 pa. & ..... over the Vldt oftJce on Balboa bland. and Broker Norman Mal· den hu moved In from Blanche Gate~' omce. • • • Dick Strickler eame roUlcldnr back to hl• Corona del Mar real estate otttee attet' many weeks and many countries of overseas fare, and "we enjoyed every minute of tt ... he uya. Mr. and Mra. St.rkklet' Oew to Copen· hagen and then vblted the Volk.swaren factory In Germany where th~ picked up a new lit· tle car. Hlrh IJ>Ob lneludf'd Austria. nocence, Venice, Geneva, Rlv1· era. Spain. klrlum and London. Cettln& out ot their victorian carrl~ on th~ .t~pa ot St. Peten Cathedral In Rome they bumped Into the Richard Crutchera ot Co· rona HJabland8 and the T. H. Webt. of Shore Cl1fta. Enroute home via WuhJnrton. D. C.. they lunclted wttb the Senator and lira. Hubert Humpbny ot Min· nHOta. W1th whom Mrs. Stricker went to IICbool • • • Mr. and Kn.. Al Dayton have returned to the Walclron Realty omee Oil Balboa laland attet' a week'• vacatioll lft Idaho. • • • • Coil It 4 btdll-fn urg~ to go pltJca, or4 renforlumingminutuinto mila/ TIN frUky taN Claerrold -toW& hor~ r4nging up to !!5-\1 4 might11 tall traveler. HaH JIOU tried it ,a 1 This new Chevy's got an itch to travel-and it's catching. Nothing aerious, you understand. You just want to pack your bags and go. Becauae Chevrolet covers the miles as only a truly great road car can. You sense that in ita hill-flattening hcnepower that ranges up to 225 and in it! solid sureness of control. These are the things that give Chevrolet-and you -an urge to go places. And they make the going sweeter and safer. Come in and try this tall traveler soon. AmeriC8'a a.,.ut • ..,,,.. car- 2 mltlon more owne.-. tt..n any oChar I'NIIIel Chevrolet puts hills behind you and pleasure ahead! ~ ,.. .,..... .. • t , .... • • • • B9n It H..._ W.tchet Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER r4'r L!SS CIIPLETE DIU I STilES • ~ of, ~ eJkJke -~-~~ ... JIIII .... llill E-r W ... lil 1'•11. Y• --,----.. . ~ niiiT "t!.tft!t ~ ~ ............ r .... clq ldtool;U::~01:t it&1 Women Help Build Church su::;y~-n:~ ~ :-.:: a.na. llclnli.Q Wonhlp--7 p.m. ~ Evenlq !:f: I:GD. Collep ~'"lin' SerVice -7 Th~ women of th~ Harbor M · cbW"Chee are taken to the annual ._cllnl Room. 1111 Y LWo. p.m. HIP llcbool MYJ' Service; aembly ot God CbW'Ch worked ~mp meet1n1 at Pine ere. 1n Kewport Beada. .-a a.&· 8 P.JD.. fOQq adulta poup rlcbt alonplde the men In b~lp· uie San Berpa.rdJ.no mountaina. S p.m. week ~ I a.a·T:41 ~ Inc to flniah their new cllurdl Here the mJulonarlea ~nroute to ~ =-Yio T·l p.a. J'rl. l 'ID ......,. ~~ buUdinr at 1001 W. Victoria tbe varlcMd miMiou ol the M · • cailllill6-a.. ... ._ Ave., eo.ta Meu.. Some ot the llenlbly of God Churches atop at JDIT UI'IIIT \MU.-al ID 1 11 .. .., women actually pounded nalb the Camp M~ and plclt up ._.. ._ A ..... ••r rW a lOlL JAKU UIOWX Ia tbe ..__ ,__. J ... -(Aldie plloto) D. Q.lllllit, •••• •• and put up beaverboard, othen articles which they Will need at c.lll ... Sunday Mn'tcea: 9:45 a.m. Bible tlxed lunches and coffee for the thm mlutona. Tbe Camp Meet· .... •· a. •• 1 W ... _ ~ J • J w d ~ j • 8 • mady; ll a.m. mor'lllq wor· workers. tnr Ia beinl held now 1n the SundQ' s.vtc:.: 1:41 a.a. _... lVII s s e an s 0 n e s lVI a rl n I abJg;,~ p.m. eve~ aemce. Tb~ womm•a 80Ciety of th~ mouotai:M. day ~oo~. u .... '=~.! I L• • I d• tQednad NJ'Vtc:e, 7·30 p.m. church b called th~ Wom~·· 'M)e women of the Harbor .u. ~.: uni!:·~=!J:a-&;: C 0 UP e to I v e In n Ian a ay. Mlaalonary Councll. Mra. Floyd ~mbly of Go4 cburcb made IS .. ~ w ,,. T:JO . ClmiiT cauiiii n Till: SEA Hopklna Ia president: Mrs. C. E. eannentt for the camp, lnclud· ~ ~: Pralle and ·ltble married 1 ee.-..lty Jl.ua.a.t Tburmond, vice pl'fti<Mnt; and 1n1 chUdren'a clotbes. layettes Btucl,. 11oD4aJ: T• .,a An Indiana boy wooed and •The couple were b :_.a kJboc-.._ et l•ua St.. W.,.,...-t Mrs. Hueh Bayes, aec:retary-and surgical bandares. Tbey K~._,. Clorua ~;__w:ao woo a Costa Mesa llrl while he double nne ceremony Y v. IIAitMw 5121 tftuurer. alao Included aheeta &l)d pillow p.m. Ken's Prayer 11-.aq. wu statJoned at El Toro Marine Thomas Nevin In a Dlornlng ...._, a.. . .., A. Cara-Beeular mNtlnra of the MJa. cues 1n their c!Uplay for th~ -aue. and after a luly 7 wedc:Une wedding mua. Sunday Worship, 9:30 a.m. and alooary Coundl are b~d I!Vet'f camp ST. UDDWI 8Cii at St. loaehlm's Catholic Church, Mlu leanaon wore a noor 11 a.m. Chu.rch School. 9:30 two w~kl on Thundays Wh~ · 11 d ltl&llhlmiAII ,eao baa take. n his bride back to the lenlth whit~ weddinr rown of a.m. Midweek M~: 7~00 they have extra *ork to &,, bow-1b~ new church b u In I 15a lt. & lt. •s • lt:.i.:t" mid-west )lVItb blm to llv~. Lmported Chantllly lace over net r.m. Wed.needay P ed by th meet ld ab.owa part of the handiwork of -,._ -::c.: The rroom 1s lames Brown, and taffeta. It wu made with :15 p.m. potluck. ev~~in:Y the p'!t" f!;, monthB the women, bec&uae the drar:-...._, Je.~n... I. ••==• ._. ol Tet>re Haute, and the bride .. ~ peat an a 1 .. ar..._. Aft.. c...-,.._ feverlshly to tintah rannenta for and U a.m.; Cluarcla 1. Ull Yla Lido IIA ,_ son of Mr. and M.ra. lames ~o~ wia th-~•art ~ocki:,O• ~~.\'!:: ST. JOJICIIJII Cllnal the women have -· . ....,.., !:,.0:, ":.'::d" :' .,.::!• !i th: SVNDAY: --.·-rtf a..,..n Miss Therese leanaon, daurhter ak1rt cucadlng from the lonr LDelty •·••• their annu.al dlaplay for the altar wu chOieD by them. The 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. HJQ . 1101 ~ ~--= 5170 ot Mr. and Mra. Henry leanaon, slim torso. A heart shape net Patlaer ,..__ J. lf..ta Camp Meetinr. m.pl&)'11 of 1.,. women abo arrane~ the flowen Bllh and col.leae~ • • 358 Ramona Way, Costa Mesa. and pearl tiara held her flneer· Sallday •-at 7. L a. 11 aDd menta made by the d1fferent for the church. abf~ 7 p.m.; 'l'fl\t • &Jir, ============::..:....:=-.==.:.=. _ _:_: _____ tip vell, which wu alao edeed U:30 a.m. Weekdays: M .. at atue1)' poup. t : LJL· with lace. She carrled a whit~ 7:00a.m.-Confesalon: Satur· -_ • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COVM~ Blble With white orchids rl: from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to cauaca or~ • --·~·· • and stet.fanotJa. S: p.m. ~ ~oac:a OP CIDJIT UfUia DA1' AD¥Uidi 0~..._. peat : .... : Mrs. Leltoy Larp, alster of the 01111 p.o... ........_ •ewpwt Rf111. et ..._ lt.. J .. l W. IIAaW aa• MIW • • bride. wu matron of honor. She 1 .. ·~ Aft.. ••pat ....... ,..._ 1._.. ..... ,. ... • • wore a ~. laee cown over net C... ._. ID tv ..... ,....._ llldarl ..._... • • and tAffeta made with a bolero Llbllty 1·5711 ..._D.~ Ill".... a 0 ... ..._ • DOl NG • jacket and wore a matchlftl T-...._,Jr .. Mta' •• Saturday KornJnrServkel: Sab· Sunday...._: I:OO uc1 lO:OO • ~ • headpiece. Her nowers were a Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. B.ole bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· and 12:00 LID.~: Sat· • • spray of white roses. Yellow .tudy; 10:S5 a.m.. woralllp ..,. mon: 11=00 a.m. PraYet> meet· urd&)'ll and ewt. et Ul Prtdayt • • th brld lee; ~:30 p.m. n-entnr lervioe. tnr: Wectne.day, 8:00p.m. and Bob" nu. trcm C:OO to • • roses were carried by e es-~·30 .m aDd lrom 7·30 to I:JO • T. M. Hambrook, your Tefephont Manqer In Newport Bead! • maJd, Miss Patricia Atlams. Her ~ lmi..IE CIIVIIea UJfiVKIIIAUI1' COIDIUMITY f.~ L:i; .,._ S:OI)a.m. P1t1t • • noor lenltb cown of net over 0.... A"' • a.. a ra.&.o'WI8D rrtd&Y: 1:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • taft eta wu of lleht blue. She ~ ~ 3~ a..u. 515 W~ ~~ Jf 0 • • na (Papetual Blip): Phone calls go "piggy-back" riding Pretty aoon now, many local telephone calla are eolnr to llt&rt riding "piggy-back." They'l.l go c:fne 011 top the other, u many as four separate calla at the same time on the aa.me telephone line. This meaoa one line will do the work of tour. And, of course, that means more and better ~rvice to more people. For many years, "piggy-back" 8Y•tem. .have been speeding your long distance calla. Now we've dlaeovered how to Wle the same kind or equipment for local calla. This Ia an eumple of how telephone people work to develop new and better equipment. The men and women of Pacific Telephone won to make your telephone m~e useful every day. r ~ . • • • • Pon't Miss the fun ••• Telephone ahead for reservations! Planning a •pur of the moment weekend trip! Maybe with an eye on that eahiD bJ the Jake! You'D waot to make mre you have just the rlcht ac:commo- datlo~: the eabiD you waot. y~ fuorite boat. the worb. And the best way to do that ilr to phone ahead for nee~ Uoaa. You're mre of a eoa.ftr. maUoD, ~t OD the tpOt. It co.ta 110 little and rtvea you 110 mucb .,..ce ot .ID.Iad. llaket JOW' whoLe trip more twL # • • • • • 11Y WE Pa .. i" wore a matchJnr blue headpiece. Sun.a-.,. _..._,: t :U a.m. Morn· ..... _ Jfta' leu Wills--MoDday, 7:C5 p.m. s.t man was LeRoy Larre BAAaOa Ala.atY OP GOD ...... -.-....-._.,.__. w;.~ The brtde'a brothet>, Raymond 10'1 w .• ......., tnl Servlc:e. 11:00; J:veD.1q Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. -u· ~a -. IIU lea~ ..... n. _ _,_.., ... uah-. A w-.e. c.t. .... Seivk:e. '7:30. llld·Week Serv· lnf wonblp, U ;OO a.m. COK<i08iti cauac:a dine reception wu ~eld at the, a..:c:-.:•n.w 184 Youn1 people meet 6:15 p.m. PDIT AII'DOL1' OP GOD IU ~ A ......, '"""'y"""'.... ... .,... ,_....,. Jce. Wedoeaday, 7:30p.m. c iJ,.. patio of the bride a parents Sunday sc:bool 9:4.5 a.m., mom-Sundiy. IIIMI lt. & ..._A,., c.t. ,._ JIAICI ._. home. Asslstlng with the wed-lnr worahJp u a.m., wemna Lllluty .... ....... .......... a-.. ding and reception were Mra. evanreUat IM!'I'Vlce 7:(5 p..&. M&WIOIIT aADOII ••=••II 11. C:. c:..ac. ._._ Sunclq Wonblp ~: 1:10 Charles Butet>, Mrs. Hazel Web· Kld-week aervke 7:4.5 ~ LOTA•D caoac:a Sunday Sdlool: t:IO a.m. Wor· a.m.. U:OO a.m. SuDclqSdaool: stn and the Misses Carol Tesaler Thunday, Younr People'• · 1501 CUB DL. •••Jilrt ..._.... ahJp: 10:55 a.m. and evan,.u.f t :JO a.m. and Roberta Oliphant. lee 7:45 p.m. TUesday. ...~ :::::. ~alld service, 7:30p.m. Youn.l'eople A motor trip to Terre Haute, --· and C'hUdnft'a Serv1Ce, 1:30 IT. JAMIII DIICX»AL Indiana, where the newlywe<U CBU ... ot tile aAZ.AaEWE o~:~~~ ~d-./i. p.m. Sun. lfld·week Senice: IMIYI.ai.NI.. •r .... will live, Ia also their honey· 1• A.,...• lt.. c.t. Mesa ••-d-~---and ---Sc:boo Wednt!lld-.y, 7:30 f..m. Ladl_. ...... -....... -...-...._1 .... alft Wllllaml AUl ~• IUUm en:: Mlaaionary Cound , 1bund&)ia ........... ._--moon trip. The bride Is a ETad· LJbeny 1-flll Dept. unday School. 9 a.m.; 9:30 a.m. tor an day. Sunday ~: 8:00 a.m. Bol7 uate of Newport Harbor Hlrh Sunday Servtc:.: Sunday School, l.&t Grade thiourh Adult Sun· Commun.Joll; 1:15 raaa.Qy s.y. School. The groom rraduated 9:30 a.m. Momlnl Worship at day School. 10 a.m.; bua pro. IO 1"'IDM a. u a.m.. wonbJp ...SC.. from schools In Terre Haute. 10:30 a.m. Evanr.llstte Serv· vlded and Nun8)' provided for I'DIT 0 aAftDT 1bunday Servicee: 8:15 LID. Jc:e, 7 p.m. Sun ay. N.Y.P.S., both tervlc:ea and 10 a.m. Sun· 150 W. -t*.!a;t c.t. Mesa Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Roll' 0.· canca CDDf UADT 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· day School. Lllleltr a.a. munlon. Now completed ia the Cbrlat In&. 7=30 p.m. Wednt!llday. c::a:aiiT LUt•c•u caoiiCII ~ DL ........ a.,_ IT. JO. ¥'IUIIft Church by the Sea cabin at the UL80A ISLAJI'J) OP COSTA J1DA Sunday ICbool. 9:t5 a.m.; church 11•--. Aftw ..a......_. Lazy W Camp located off the CIOIOIV10TT 10'1110DIST (~' aut~) aervlee 11:00 a.m. Tra.1nlnr lUll t •at Orte"a Hlahway about 14 mlles 115 a-... A-----._ •-•-.e Alzuia.. ........ ila:U. Union 7,.m. Sunday. Evenlnr Pctlaer ,..,._ re-.-, ...._ lnla;d fr~m San Juan Capt-~~ ~ D:j4 i':j;p e-ta ..._ wonhlp s p.m. Suncfay. Teach· Sunday ~' 1~. 6 1:10 strano. The cabin will be wed IIAdMw GIS .....-a .... ~,.....,.. en and olflcen rneettq 7•.m. a.m. Confe.loa: Saturcla.n ucJ th In Sunday S ~ r v 1 c e a : 9:30 a.m. Sund.ay Services: Worab~ Serv· Wec:ln~q. Pranr eerVke and n.. ol lit rrtclan -*' Botr for e summer camp g pro· Church School· 9:80 and U:OO Ice 9 a.m. SundQ' 1 at Bible ltucJy 7:4.5 p.m. Wednee-1?&7.8: 7:30 to I:JO p.m.: l"'nit gram of the church young pee>-a.m. Worship sevtce. 10:15 a . .m. dQ'. l'rld-.y .,._ I a.m. pie. The cabin waa erected by -=~~==~~;;;. ____ .;;,;.;;~~~~~~~~~-:==:=~=~:-=-===~=~~~~~~~~~~~ volunteers headed by the Rev. THESE avJC:MINDED fiiiiD AJID DIDJYI)UAJ.I Roy Carlson. THIS SPIRITOAL SERIES IS SPONSORED IY Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle THdlet> of Plano Orrantat • Accompanilrt Evenlnf CJ.-for dultt 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar J'riendly Jfetpborbood Servtce PARKES-RIDLEY KOJmJAJtY 110 Broadway U 8-M33 6 8-MM Costa.._ NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES a..tq the llatbor Ana Baltz Mortuary C11AP1:L .r TBK IRA RarMr a aDO .. ODMt Ba.lawU Ooroaa ... ... - Baltz~ ma~a.ea ... ' AJIIIU PUKIIIO .nil LOCA'I'IOIG [~~] CARVER CRAFT F.r MNlUDt OUTIOAIDS •1141 WIZARD IOATS Semt.t tile H.,._ 2J y_.. .... ....,._ ......... c:..t ...... l.1Wty J..20U EARl W. STANLEY, ltHitor s...~...._a-... W. OMMt H.tW 1771 • ............ COSTA MBA WOTORS ·--·-"-' c:--c •• , .... A-t ................ ...., .... , .......... ,,.....,.. .... c.. ..... ~ .... IA.LIOA lAY CLUI IDI W. c..t ......... .....,_.IlL THE lAY OEI'T. STORE 1M,.._ Te4N F.r1M .... Y•IC..w. W• 4ifft SIH -._ S...,. JOJ ....-~Met ...... ........ IIU FlETCHER 1M ..... w. .. ............. a....... D24 ....,.,. ....... c..t. ..... ..... L.ht, t.422t ~ ·~.-.. -ST~LEY INSURANCE MCY. lJII L C...t Hw, .. C... 421 W. H.WMH RIOtAID'S LIDO ~ o.....~ • .....,c •• ,, .. ..,. JGJ Yle u.-~ ..... ....__ PARJCES.RJDUY MORTUARY ,......, Nei,U:titt. s.m- IIO~ .... c:..w.. ~a.MU lA v cmES ltuatsH DISPOSAL CO. ,...c ............ ..... o.a. ., "" r~ ~. • .., ...... ,....,. c.. .... ....., ....... TM DAVIS MOWN Co. , ............... .. ,. ....... H...~--............ c..e. .... &Aartr t.l417 y..,H.uO..s• lelll MilL c..t Hw, .. C... 4el W. H.ller .. JOHN E. SADl.Sl. ...... AI,___, .. .._ ... _ JJJJLc..t~C.... ... W. ......MD IAMIOO RATTAN NT SHOP I II ..,I Ill. ..... 2 ..... ~ ... .. ........ , ..... .... ......... 1111111'1 Llll -IIIET ......... ~rs. Genevieve Rich WefJs James Edens of Costa Mesa aw. na.iiM .... " ....... the ........ of )(r. and l(n.. .. ....... ~ ...... WIJIJ&ID (Malt of Conneetkut. dMt 0..-la .....a Ia ........,. Mr. EdeN. tbe .-n ot Ben E4eM ..... o • .-.. ... ltlda fill Oolta ., 1M~ hal .,..., a ........ 11.-ad J ... .,, u-e1 .._ ., a.. w...-,on IIMdl Polke e-ta v.a Ia a NCeDt douW. I••• ... I« f~.yee.n and bu Me C..t!IDDe1. ...., I« the Padlk Te~ ,.. llltoM ta a ............. ADd ~ Oo. f« U JUr8. WUl1aa .,._ the bride'• old· • lOG, ,.,. Mil -od\er away. f ~ I Matron ol ..__ wu the bride'l • • • 0 SOI:I8 daupta'·in·1aw, Mta. William -·-Ia a .... _ IOrt of ....... -..a llldl el eo.ta M-. aad bt'ldel· &-~-~ --~ Jll&ld ... ll«ty Rich of eo.ta • • .•a ....t and lllmpa. bqtnl • M..a, t1w bricW1 daupter. Aleo niDI • en4 to any mea • • • ., ISO , In the weddJnc patty wu th• Jtralt'a J'rult Salau.,. ltandfnl brlcW• you.npt~t ton. Pred Bleb. on tJlell fruity la,arela u befne u eandlellchter. Euprw Quarry the JDOIItl Jn the nloe·to·ba ve· Blanche Wakefteld ot Corona ot eo.ta Mesa wu best man. on·ban4-Une-up •.. Not canned. del Kat aeemed to bav. a oelel· Ulben -.. wtUiam Bland of not tn.en. but rr.h pink and Ual ,Wda.nce over ~ on her Jfewport. Ge«ce Cox of Santa whtte lfape&ult aad fresh pine· recent trip beeau.e aba arrtwd Ana, and Jtobert Upeon of Co· apple vaeuum paeked Jn a 11&11 at all the rlpt plac. at ju.lt rona del Mar. Jar • . . Unique ~they will the rlcbt tfme. 11M bride wore a powder blue keep t.nckftnltely delldoua T01 lnltance abe wu In Spain net ~ wtth matchlnl coat j\Ut;beetl·l*!led vor U the and .tayed fn a Madrid hotel and matchlnl aboes. A Jeweled vacvum leal Sa not WoUn. for CMirlooklal the pa1aee poUDdl beadpleee beld her elbow lencth weeka and weeb under refrt•· when the Sultan ot Morocco wu veU. Sbe wore J-:weled ltocldnp entlon . • . betnc royally mtMt.alned In and carried a coisap ot orchlu honor ot the lforoeean lndepend· and earnatfona. * * * . ., .. -.... KNit'• ,.,. ............ --~. .................. .... +P .... ...__... .. • W., Q a ... • • • ... .............. _ .. ·-· .,_ ............... I type ••• ee.'hl ...... ..... ................... 111M .... ..,...., ••• v .. .. --.. t,.., --lnlt ........ a.t..., .. W1 .......... -...... . II:MW el • • • A ... , .... ...... ........ 0...... J.U. ...W· ace. P\'anco made a blc thln1 A. catcSen rec:eptlon wu held ot lt. abe Aid, and abe wu able at the home ol. the best man, to look down oa the banquet 135 W. Surwet Dr., Costa Mesa. table& ln the la.rdn. Alter a honeymoon at Coronado She at. llAPPZifED to be In and !:nlenada the brtde and Venice at the celebratJon of St. lf()Om are Uvlnc at 943 w. sun. Mark'a <Queen Elizabeth Mnt 11ft Dr .. eo.ta Mesa. W'hUe bulld· her Royal Guatdl from En1land fn1 a new home . f« the oeeuion) and wu ln the ------ Rot Brau hou.e In MUDich on z C I b May t>ay ... Even wu at St. Onta U Peters In Rome when the Pope made one of hJs rate appearances p Q to the c:rQwu durlnc the month. re-pener Mn. Wakefield allo saw the dancers In Sevtlle: a Jberry. fa. I •t•a·tes Inn rnoua winery in SpaJn. vfllted n I I -_______ ,_ ~. JWL7 .. -AWIOti P'IIOI •• Miss P~cia Welsh of COM Is Bride of Uoyd C. Vickery B.an7 M. WeWa --"*' ll» youq couple left ._ a ...., • da~ • ........., • llae a1tu mooo Ia •ott~Mra Callfonda.• u put fll .._ ...,._.. Jtaa ...S· bride ware a,... ud .... IIIII* ciiiC c• :wJ a.t ...at.ed Iller UD8l aajt wtu. ..,.. • 1w Ill ........... UoFd C. Vide· for Mi' trrNl OOIW .. .,Y ttl. lu Joa fte t ...._ wed· Upoo dMk Nihlnl tM ....,. ~ ......... =·~·Sat1U'· ..... wt.llaaabdMkt.a.elaLe· d&7 by raa.• &.UeJ at aua.a ....._ 'Die llltde ta a pM· Our La-of 1ft. CanMl auudl uate at 1aata lla1Mra ....._ ttl. in Jlf.....,.art. tt.e UDlveslt)' ol CallfGmla. Patricia, WS.O t1 the daupter Where &be wu a m-b• 0( the ot Mr. W.a.la fit 2301 Waterfront C&Womla Oub. 'ftle 11'00111 at· Dr., CoroQa ... liar. and tbe late teDded Santa Qua COllep ln Mn. W.W.. wore a ballerina San .J<Jet. lmctb ... ol w!lfte embrold· 5Biiiiiiiiiiriii erect orpacty. A dOM fltt1q cep a:DGa'l 8 1UIU I ILL ot Med pearla and otance bloe· Mr. aad lfn. JaJnel Allp(a ol .-ma held hllr wallt leoqtb veil. N...,art Rt\Pts 'tftN unabloe to She eanied a ~~bower bouQuet attend the Zonta preview ..._t ol ~ and eara.ationa. at JamaJca laf beau. ol tbe Attencllq the bride wu Mra. lUdden ~ ot Mr. •ln. Mn. Jla1pb Llnbolr ol llalboa .. ..,u. hal Ju.t returned from a matroa of ..._. aDCl ~ Us trip to A1ub. wtdl Mn. Jobn &•• ...... at ca ••• ,. .. twtclea· Lolltb« t~~. Coata ~ '!'be two maJcl Mn. u-........ ,.now WCIIDell tDok the DOIGMm )alar· --.tb *-.,. ot-*irt ot MY after attend!Jll the IJama· bllle wttb .....,. applique Uld tlaDal' Zoata Conwatloa at lun carried a bouquet o1 da1ales. 1'&De1, lddo. JDL &A8L L coona 1a ._ ..._ ..._ ,......,_ a.. • ~·-H·'_. ----------._..., ._... ... JIL ad Kn. 1.-.. ._ ..... * ,..._ --.-.. eeo wan a pee.a .... ..., t. ... • at.. c:.llr -... Tille ... .,_.. -•d1"'9 .. ._ at JaJ abftth d.rftl with tune ovwr· COllOM....._.. ..... .... e-ta ................. , ................ ~ llldJt. .. ......_ S. a..___ IIJtla ~ p ' .,. ... .._ .._ At .. .,. 'lbe croom. wboee parent. u. .. •a.-.rf I.-. •••II& ..... C.U. ... 1"M .,._ Ia a p I ... o1 C.Ua,. .. both decea.led. hu beeD Ita· ~ ..!tlae~~ hallc~~~~~~ltectllil&~~~--------------tloned In Southern Callfomla with th.e U. & MarlnM. Serrinl The Hughes Family Returns From Month-Long U.S. Trip u baR man wu Walt. Bradley ot San Clemente. Ushen were Terrance Welsh, brothe ot the bride, who Ia attendlnl ecbool at Berltel~; Ralph UnhoU of BaJ . boa and John Bamber ol. San ....... .............. -... --... WMt Or-.. J.UO .... ... ...... K.Nft'l l"ndt ... .. ..................... * * * Glbralter, then belnc tuarded by the Scott:lah cuardl and ~aw more ot the same when lhe went to EdtnburJb and on Into the Troaaeka and Loeb ltatrtne Mr. and M.ra. Lynne Huchet of Vemon. Later they apent time Clemente. 'Ibe brtcle'a other Corona del Mar and 10n, Steve, In the reconstructed town of wu. brother, Ro1er Wflah, waa un· returned recently from a month· llamsburc. Vltlfnia, and in York· able to attend the weddlnl' be- lone trip to all over the United town. Stlll rotnc 10uth they caute be Ia ltationed In Get· Country. The new Jamaica Inn In Co· State. · · · and then 80me. They touted both the Car o 11 n a 1 . many with the U. S. A1r Fotee. rona del Mat wu tnltlated with ldt mld·lune via Lu Ver~ "'d ltopped at New Orleana. vf.alted A b~aldut for tamruea waa a cala pre·openinl dinner party Salt Lake and made thelt fl.rst Baton Roure and Shreveport. loUowed by a reeeptlon lor rNf!r ,Sven by Zonta Club ot Newport real ~ at Chippewa Falla, Loulsiana. Then home by way of 1!iO JUeltL 1bq were held tn Harbor u a benefit for thelt W Is c 0 n ~ l n · where lives Mrs.. Amarillo, Texu, New Mexico the prdoen of the Webb home. • • • lcllolanhlp and welfare fund R u I he • 97 ·year·old erand· and Artzona. ~ Chrla BoUck)' KWa Dot JDbiC. ~ flehlq. ~ ad ... llliG'bl by eebool Fruit of another col«.lS water· Mrs. Lee Wilder and 18·montb· Jut week on Wednesday. mother, lire. ,CJtrion Cote'. Mrs. AlthouJb It rained a few times Aaron and MrL Do~ Pollard melon ... hrfeet navor mate. old 80n have lust returned to Bowla or ctadloU and lndlvld· Hmoth\llbes hadhn t seen her crand· durinr thelt motor 1 n r . the aa1sted with the reception. As- are Dole's fresh frozen plneapple their Shore Cl.ltb home after a uaJ l'ardenlu added a floral er, w 0 spea.ks mostly Hulbes family esc a p e d the aistf.nl at breakt.ut were Mmes. and watermelon balla . . . or month'• vtaft In Ml.uourt with touch to the tropical ~lnl ot Fren<:b. ~ her collere days. usual IUIIUDer beat 1n the eut John Jt. V. DUll and 0 . Z. Jlobert. cubea u you're feellnl lazy . . Mrs. WUder'~ parenta. Coundl· the new dinlnc room a.nd Jounce. From Wbconaln the tamJly and onl,y saw two accidents dur· 80n. Fcallow1nc the r~n. the Ll 8 8I6G &I 2~ The na~ of the pl.nHpple en· man Wlldel' hu been "batchlnl"' which held a capacity crowd tor visited ChJc.aao, Detroit. darted lnr thetr entire trtp. 1beh eon. ---:----------------------h~ the watermelon to make St wblle they were eone. the event. Calypso music wu over to Ontarto. CanAda, re· crea. waa unable to accompany .... 11 .... '1 ........ FI 1t more ... watermelonny . . • • • turn.l.lhed by costumed entes-· tu.mH to the United States via the fami17 becau.ee be s. In mlll· -. Pwtect trult boWl to wtn1 up to Lota ot folks were ~Jally taJnera. Na1ara Palla and then saw tary tralnlnc at Fort OJ'Cl. D<AIIW&aa .._ WUKIKI any ...... b.q ... Cut a water· Um.Jd about venturtnc out on the The crand prize of a weeJt.end upper New York State and the 9wtm SuJta. 8aoap, ~ K.adl ~..-~ h II b w a y 1 durt th'-·-~ c-.. J d t 'l1lbip. llCUiidfta Laaa 0aM 7 ....... AIIM. me~ lllde ott, about a quarter n1 .. P-· at the Jamaica Inn re110rt hotel new r..ul an Ita M trom Hart· so• .OD '10 ......,.. SbJ'Jtl. Glftl. Dleua.-. ..._. ._ ~ Deaor= down •.• lone-way~. you 1m~ Fourth of luly, but carryinJ that wu awarded to Mrs. Kathryn ford to PlYmouth to Bocton. 1• ._. c..e ..._ (..at....._, 1....-. •.• Scoop out the melon. Qlak· eautJon to an atreme wu Quinn of Newport. Other door Thetr journey to New York A eon. letf«y Scott. wu bom -....._.. &YL MI.,.-..... lnl balll It you wtlb ... nJteb Jt.obert lJndaay, who wouldn't prtz.es were won by Ceorce Gut· Clcy took them down th~ famou. to Mr. aa4 Mrs. WUlLam Blust of ------------------------- around the edce to look fancy take hla car out ol the car•c• brod of Corona del Mar, Dr. R. Budlon a.tver. They kept I'Olnl 919 Everpeea PL. eo.ta Ilea, ln and UN the melon ahell lor your on that hoUday even tor hla own L. Stlrrett ot Arcadia and Mrs. lOUth and toured tbe battlefleldl Hoaa )(em or 1 a 1 Hospital on ''boWl" . . . flll with melon, honeymoon. Jlf.-tywed.l, Mr. and A. S. Richardton of BaysJde Dr. ot Gettyibur1, where M.r. Huehes. 'Ibunda7, luly 11. Dole'a freah trozen pineapple, Mrs. Und.say, were driven around Special brlthday ,reetlnga were who teachea history at Hubor mawberrles a.nd tllced bananu the Harbor area by their wed· extended to Mrs. Albert Stocktorl. Hlp. fou.nd 10me espedall)' 1n· DADGIITE& roa aoccos .•• '"See Julle ... 1 told you lt dine attendant:a. but decided to put.presldent ot Newport Har· tere.ttnc areu. A daulht«. Kar1.aa Franaeca. rated a do tell .. :• ltay•~-tb~boa home bor Zonta Club, a,pd M.ra. John From ~Ufl (they failed waa born to Mr. and Mta. Frank * * * 01l .._... -··#-aDd take LUther club preaic!ent. Mrs. Earl to see Pletldel'lt ~nhower) Jt.occo ot 210C Ocean Blvd., BaJ . then journey another time. 1be Stanlq ,.... poen.1 c:b.aJrman they w~nt to WubJncton with boa. ln &.&' Memorial lloepftal reuon! Kr. lJncta.}' bu been ot the dinner party. Its hlltortc Arlfncton and Kount on We4netda.y, July 18. ,...., ........ W'af .. fn ~~ aocl&mb ~~th onnn~iiiTirrr~nnnnnnnnnn~YiiT~~~nnnnnn~~YiiYrr~nnnnnn~~;;;;;;;;;r~~~~~~~~~ times on l'ourth of luly! ._, ... .._ .. .... ~...,.., .. v...._ . ... ~ ........ .................... ........................ t .............. ..at •.. W... ..... aellclly ..-tf4lllltll .. .._ ..... • •• w...,.. ,_t .... ... ..................... .... ... • • • ,.. aida will nb ..... t ... .,.. ..... . • . s-y .. aiD wlalle atW .._ ... * * * Mr. and ;,;. ~ee Schol._, ... , I .-nand da\llbtel'·ln·lawofBlan· ----------- che Benz ot Newport Hel1ht:a. are Neweomen to the Harbor Area back home ln Calltomla after an are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames. uneventtu.l. U ttrtnc. llleht from who have purchased a home at the BrfUib Iales, where Bruce m BeJonia Ave., Corona del wu ltatfoned with the U. S. Alt Mar. The Amet come from Car· Foree. They are now hou.e hunt· mel, where they lfved for ten lnl ln San Bernardino. yean. Before that they were Los • • • A.nplenoe.. Th~ have returned 'Ibe Ward ll. Parten ot Corona to Southern Calltornla to be near del Mar haw just returned from thelr married dau1hter and son a tabulou. trip of about a year and thelr ta.mJlle. In La Cres· ln Europe. oenta and Baldwin Park. • • • Orpba Hocan or m Poppy ao• roa aEZTOxs Contrary to' popular belief · · · Ave., Corona del Mat. la ott on A 10n, Jame.. 8 lbs., was bom nedarlnet are not a crou be· a tlytnr trip to Colorado. She'U to Mr. and Mra. WUllam Sexton tween a peach lib plum or .J:.:: be 10ne a couple o1 weeks. of 624 Poppy Ave., Corona del and apricot. ut a 1 • • • Mar, In St. loaepb Hospital on peach ... Some say nectarines There were a lot ot "Do you 1\tesday, luly 11\ Mr. Sexton Is tute Ulte a peach, but more remember when'a" IOlnl on a~~tstant &abler at the Newport peacbJer •.. Mlcht be worth a about Jtanau City, Mo., at one Barbell' Bank. treeD wtth all that. added extra ot the tables at tbe Jamaica Inn :=:====~=====::; tlaVOI' •.. ThJa year'a 'IbomJ*)O pre-openlnl' dinner party ~n-~ 11a~ a.re extra .. e.t eored by Zonta Jut weelt. Mra. ... Don't know who done lt. but Martha Rartzl«, a vtattor from they m.a1ce miJbt)' JOOd munch· Iansaa City, wu renewtnc old 1nl · • · t1meta with Mrs. LU.llan Lee ot JeweD ~~ * * * II 7' I ...... lay .. ..... ,.... ... ., .. - ............ a ..... ..... ............. -.......... ~ ....... Corona del liar, wboee late bus· band waa buatnesa manacer ot the ~&n.IU City Star Newspaper. lira. Hartzler hu been vtatUnc f« two weeki wtth heor atater, lira. Faye Beber ot Corona del Mar, who wu a1.lo a former bnaU Cttfan. 11o1te11 at the table wu lira. RubySte.nneon ot Col'ol'la del Mar and uotller 1"*1 wu .,. Velma O'BrSen. welty n.oRIST SHOP ............ """"""- If you're sl••r but hippy Dill..._ ...... --. T_......,._ .......... __ ,.._ .... .,...., ... ___ ..... .,_ I IS ly .... ,.. ......... ,...._ .... ,.. ...................... ..., .... , ................. ~ . ..._ ,..,_,., .......... "' ... ................ ... .,. ... JEAN McCALLEN'S SPORTSWEAR LOCATED IN THE filddmJ, JubJ 27tli WHERE YOU WD.J.. FIND A HAND- SOME COllECI'ION OF BALBOA- INSPIRED SWIM WEAR. BEACH WEAR, .mD CLOTHES FOR CASU- AL UVING- .IArtAirA I EAST OOAST HIGHWAY AT tb:lR1HOR ILVD. CORONA DEL WAR TElJ:PHONE HARBOR 50'11 CJ'rom The IJdo blanCS.) 'lhe IJdo laM Pl.,..,_ lunlor production, '-na.r.. For Your Money, .. wlll be pneented at the Chabhouee Th"tre on AuKUat 8th and 7th. Under the pld&nce ot drama c:oacll Blll Fuclk, the junior memben of the theatre rroup are eoverln1 every phaee ot producln1 their own abow, actlna, dlrecttna. ha ndllna ot eets and prope. c:o.tumtna, pro- motion and ticket sales: "'Jbree For Your Money" con· slst.s of three one act comedies, "Sweet 16," "Ch~ A La Mode," and "Proarelalve Education." In the cuts of the three playa are Diane Hoyle, Jlm 'west, l ohn Arnold, Mary Jo ReUly, Llz Ware, Sandy Watson, Anita Til· ley, Karen Betz, Su.aan Frost. Sue Sibley, Pam Lerner, Pete Pres· ton. VIcky West. Tim Mana. Pam ROT ~G Ia the ~ ooet.t. bat W ol Cliff ...._ Dr. aD4 J1n. 0 . G. .._ of Peterson, Richard Matthay, Diane ....._ • •••'fill time at tbe A.Miatala.ce acdbocl ~ woa the walb ooet.t; IlL aDd Rteas. Bob Wannlnaton, Cyn thia l..eclpe 1--.-lanDed were (left to fl9bt) Mn. llanbcd.l ... ......._ of Lido woa tbe Currier, Jlm Martindale, Dave lln. -...rt a. 'ww aDd Jadte Ca:rclaw of rba.aba. (Nonie Price pbotlo) I Glb8on, Randy Hill. Ken Snoke. Don altfa _. .. Jr. Laplol cmd Mn. t.ager. ~==::..:...==::.....::::..:...:::...:..:..:..::.:::..:.. _____ ___::_____________________ Working wlth the production A SEI'TDOD WEDDIKG la beiD9 .... -.d by KiM Mary Alia ... -. .._._ of 11:1'. CIDd ............ A. ........ CIDd Jlart Ape& Jr.. aoa of llr. CDS lln. Iart ~~ of Laguaa 8ecllcL 'l'be bdclo.to-bo. wbo u ... at 510 •• Jr.......-t alYd... Jrewpon S.tvtata. la a padu· ate of Orcmp Cocat Coi.Jo9o. wbere the grooaa-oJ.ct abo weal to edllool. Tbe wedoiiiD9 la plceeed for St. ADdrewa ....._ bytedaa Church. ( E a yo t t e pboto) end of the show are Ma ry Plans For Gardening U CA Rothaermel, Diane Waggoner, Gay Keyes, Susan Arant, Cathy OH d T C l b McCleod, Sharon Brle1a. lane Properties ere 0 u s ~~~~! s~:e~ow~~~~~~ll~~= !From The Lido Islander ) Park and Beaches Chairman ot the Board of Directors. George B~o~ccola. has addressed letters to the Lido Isle Woman's Club. Lido l"~le Yacht Club, Lido Players ~tub, Lido Isle Tennis Club. the Wine and Food Society and the Lido lsle Tennis Club a.sklng each of thf'S(• or~anlzatlons to undertake two welfare projects. First. in his letter, Mr. Buccola asked the organizations to plan a means of fund·ralslng, and to label the earnings to go towards establish ing another garM n and play area slmllar. but much larger, than the new VIa San Remo Installation. Sufficient pro· perty ls available In some of our lareer street·ends. or beach easements. Secon d 1 y , the Park and Beaches Chairman asked the same clubs to undertake the In· stallatlon of a garden as to be designed by Mr. David Cunning. ham or the committee upon hls return from Europe. These gar · dens would be In the sm aller being abroad keeps cost fi gures from being available at this time. However, President Mrs. Georie Michaud of the Lido Players Club has responded to say that s he approves the plan enthusiastically and asked to be Informed of details aa soon u they were known. The Board ot Directors spoke their approval of both projects at the July 12th meeUnr. Sheetz, Sue Kilroy, Crall C&d· walader, Dana Cordrey, Burke Sawyer, Rodier Shay, Mike Sha· plro, Ted Von Hemert, Ml)ce Ml· chaud, Pat Feeney. Joan Waggoner w ill be Miss· tress ot Ceremonies for the pro· duttlon. The three short comedies have been well chosen to give an eve- ning's fun and entertainment and the Junior Straw Hat theatre ot the U do Isle Players prombe value In fu11 with their own show ''Three For Your Money." Doors will open at 8:00 and curtain Ume wtU be prompUy at 8:30 Tickets will be ~ and tJcket sales are beln1 h anclled by aU j unior m~bers and may be purchased at the door It seats are still availa ble on the nlehts of production. GEDDES'PAIItLT UIODI ============ street·end easements and each The Randall (Pete) Geddet family of Clllf Haven have just r e t urn ed from a three.week jaunt to the Roeue's Ri ver a rea. Part of the time they spent at a ranch home of t he J. Sta nley Andersons of Bay Shores and part ot the time they were camp. lnJ out and rouahlnl It alon1 would be dedicated to, and called by the name of the spon · JArtAir.A I RESTAURANT ' . Ea.t Coast IUghwcrr at A•oeado Corona del Mar FRIDAy,· JULY 27th R~servations Now Harbor 5451 Pr._nted Through the Co-operation of the Jamaica Inn RNtaurant. Vema Miller and tM Following Diatincti.e Sho~& FllANCES NORTON SHOP 1808 South Main St. Santa Ana * RULES Of CALIFORNIA 341 0 Via Udo Udo Isle * BRAGG'S UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar * MARIL YlnS FASHION APPAREL 1767-A Newi:x>rt Boulevard Costa Mesa LIDO FASHIONS 3423 Newport Blv<i Ne\vport Beach * THEA TODD 448 Coast Blvd. South Laguna Beach * SPENCE HANDPRINTS 3845 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar *. ELLGENE CASUAL FASHJOI8 1883 HarbOr Blvd. Costa Mesa Vema Miller School of Charm Commentary-Fashion Models 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Luncheon from 12:00 Noon F'ust of A Seri• of Fashion Shows E•ery Friday ; Glamour Glitnpses sorlng club. No definite answers to these requests are expected before early fall because some of the organizations s uspend business during the summer months. or I NBS. Jl08Eft IKGLUI. the •-• Jecm llcCallea of a... edy IIWa. la cmDO'IIaCDcJ tlae «<P"ID9 of taer Jecm llcCalleD'a Spwtawecll' Shop tomorrow (Piidoay) 1D the ....., JCDDcdca llua at the eatraace to Coroaa del Mar. 'l'be ataop la locat.c! oa the 9J'OUild floor, just badt of the 10Q.D9e 11'00111 aecu tbe maiD ectnaace. Tbe abop will tacaadle •8aJbocr lD.Iplred"' nrtm ....... boacb -...ar cmd ~ l« caaUGI llnD9. LYDD Co111aa. wtfe of Jamcdca llua ~ Joe CoUl.Da. will be IDCIIICI99I' ot the ataop.. ( ED.aJp photo) Roeue's River. '-------------------------------------1 By ADD concentrate thelr activities, llke I the yacht club. to their seasonal Watch with Interest the look purpose; also. Mr. Cunningham's of ~9 togflher. lf you are Intrigued with what's new In CliJl1ST CBU11CB ay THE SEA fashion. <And what real. live, Rev. Roy C<lrlson will return smart looking woman Isn't' 1 Not to his pulpit Sunday at Christ only are s uits and ensembles 1 emphaslzJng this "go·together" Church by the Sea after a vaca· CHJUSTIAJf SCIEJfCE CBU11CB look. but even your casual sport tlon absence In Colorado. Last I God's love for man and His thin will have that extra S!Jnda~ the pulpit was filled by I care of him Is emphasized by sma'f: touch 1t they look made Rev. Edward 0· Goodell. 8 for· Christ Jesus. the founder of t h lh mer pastor of the church. Christianity In this Sunday's or eac 0 cr. Christian Science Lesson·Sermon T-. thla Teal' you cau be CDM COMMO'JfiTY CJIUilCB on "Love" when he says In sure you'll be able to flud The Rev. Norman Brown will Luke's Gospel 112:Z7. 29-31), aweaten d.,.cl to matcb our speak on ''How God Helps In "Consider the lilies how they lO't'ely wool akirta at O'JIRJEJf'S Fear" at the Sunday morning grow : they toll not, they sp in __...... 1D our beautiful cash· services at the Corona del Mar not : and yet I say unto you, men l1De -the cardigan la Community Church. that Solomon In all his glory teamed with a aldrt. for ex· was not arrayed like one of these ample, cmd aport1D9 a COD· . • • And seek not ye what ye trastlDg l.Dalde .Up.oa sweater GIRL FOil wtJfCELERS shall t-at, or what ye shall drink 1f yoa wish. SomethiD95 nry A daughter, Lynda Toni, was . . . Your Father knoweth that new an the Uttle b~ cmd 'born to Mr. and Mrs. John ye ha ve need of these things. But alrirta "'made tor each otbel"" Winckler of 1124 E. Balboa Blvd., rather seek ye the klnedom of .•• tlwy an nally adonlblel Balboa. on Sunday, July 15, In !God ; and all these lhtnes shall People will thJ.Dk It wa your Hoag Memorial Hospital. be added unto you." owu c:Wfw b~9 that CITY OF NEWPoRT BEACH t.amed up a Uttle cottoa priat STATE OF CALIFORNIA bloue cmd a ~Ud color DaD· JrOTICE TO COin'aACTOU ael aldrt that brla9ll out the SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City major color of the prtat. It's Clerk, City Hall, City of Newport Beach, California. untU 7:30 •cia a caaaal matclultOt·v o'clock P.M. on the 27th day of Au,ust. 1956 at which time they will cmd.. oC coa.ne. you may ,....... be publicly opened and read. for performln1 work u follows: tbe lilldrl with loada o1 oa.. For the Conmuctlon of bloe-.•. bat to11,,._ _ Wood Fence and Concl'ete Wall ID.IDID. they're d oil cl 0 11 •. at the City ot Newpolt Beach 0 • a a I z Jr 'I -•--...._ ....,_ Trailer Park. . -~ _. No bid wlll be received unle. It la made on a propou.l form ...... .,.tepa aDd lat..lt Uirta. furnished by the Clty Endneer. Eacll bid muat be aecompanJed by d,.t • IDatda. Alld a ..w ClOt· (cub, certWed or caabJera check, or bldder'a bond) made payable taa ..t1a witla aurtddD9 prlat to the CJty of Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at leut ten aldJt. percent <10%) of the amount bid. auch ,uaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract Ia awarded tall to enter lnto So many of our v1.slton were the contract. thrUled with the preview of fuh· In accordance with the proYialona of Sectlona 1770 to 1781 ot lona that are on their way poll the Labor Code the City Council of the Clty ot Newport Beach bu haste for the comlna eeuon. at ucertained the reneraJ prevalllq rate of w..-applkable to the OW' fashion show at Jamaica Inn WOI'k to be done u fo~ ....., ...... last Sunday, that we tboueht cz 18..tloe w ... ._.. w.,. maybe you'd like to see them, Brtcldayer and Stone Muon ·--··-·····-·--·..3.10 30.40 too. Come ln and ask for a sneak Brldrtaclft ---·-··-·-·-·--··-····--··----2.SZ5 2LOO preview-we'll be clad t o Jive El~ -----· --3AO .., you. too. a fl.nt rlance at thlnp Bruah Palater --·-·----··-------..3.01 X08 to CCI8M. We want you to aa:r, Spray Gun or Sand Blaster ---...US aOI ''Y• we aaw them tlrat at <::arpeftter ------·-·-.3.00 Jt.OO ,_ ___ .. eem.nt rtnlaber • 2 125 21.40 O'llltlltM'S. Pham~ « Cemat Caunr... i525 a.J0 DOrl' ..._, Tllen'a pa..ty ., .... j\Widlllij ........ ., ........ La bonn. a.-aJ or ConiCrudloa 2 • 1IAO An:r ~ omlltied .._. .. not ~.-t1wt -.....,. 'ao u.• All Met~ .,. to be~ ....... tbe .... ., tllle Ot:1 .,.....,. estimate ol the~ ......... ol wartl to ... .... Jfo bid WID 1M IC ...... ,_ a~ ... lau Mt .... 1JeeMed Ill ............. a. ~ ol c. .... I, DltWuG JD ol. lata-ud PnC •=• ,._ -.q ..... ... .,........, ........ ~ad - r. .. .. .... om.., tiM at)-~. =-::T~~:;:t:r.:o~·.:: liNt: ..= ...... ::::=t: ,_ .. ~.,. aD '*I& NoW" Open In Our New Location • 1•1 S8UTII 1111 STIEET -SIITIIII- ACRoss FROM SEARS AND MAYFAIR MARKET Feat.llc ••• A ComP.te LiDe of Quality Maple F\ll'Ditun cmd llama f'umillllap-Quality....s.mc. vema.. .,..:'*~•·.. w.srtr:~~ ........... ~.........,~~.......,...,....~ .,...,_~•·• ..,,,. .. J................ .._~~lllil!!!l~•-...,.-~ ......... .-.~..,,_ • ...,_...,.....~-......,.,...~~..-.~ .............. ~~~~•w IIE.AJIDfQa 011 1be lf e • port Beach Parka. lleecbM and Recreation Commll· aion bu .t 8 p.m.. Tueeday. Aug. 7. for an open public bearing ln City Hall on tire areu on ocean 1 Mdr. aad .a. bome. South ldde ol .....,.. Cood t.rmL , .......... ~ ... a:&ALTOR 2715 J:. Coelt Hlwa7, O>U llatbor 83 ......... Ill from this f ·bedr., 2 bath. 1 story home In beautiful Co· rona HlgbJanda. It has brick fpl .. Bdwcl. fioors. F. A. Heat. Priced rtabt at -'2:9,800. TERMS. DEAL wrrB REAL TORS .. , ...... ...., WEEH .BilL Choloe BUSUrESS lot Jn rapidly developing Dana Pt. Size 50xl'75 ft. Extends from street to street. ln best Ioca· tlon. Owner wtU ~11 tor only $7500 or wm trade and as· sume moft&age. See thla! • ~ IEII.n ca. front beathes. c d d • 1·-Lnte to Claomly ar s Keep League Lea i :-c:::::.: :~::: 5563 498 Park. Balboa Island BA m a.. ...... WAJn'E'D: BROKER to manage ro'F :.":c:.::: .. , ·:: Pirate Ace Hcis No-HiHer aleepe four $56 week summer, or will consider yearly lea.se. RA 156.'5. ONE B1l. APT. Nicely furnished wttb garare. All utilities paid. Near post oUice. Bank and store&. ldul for onepenon 18) month. 32S Ord\ld Ave. Har· bOr 512·1l By 1110 VJULil Cardinals downed the Cubs 11·2. The Major Lea 1 u e Pltates The American Association saw came elose but not cla.e enou&b the Brans take the Pirates 13·4. to the league lea<1lng AA Card· the Cubs beat the Dodgers 20·14. lnals. who m~ged to remain and the Giants edged the Cards on top of the league standings 4·3. In International League In the Harbor Area Boyr Club play, the scores were: Dodgers Mld&et League race last week. B. Pirates 3; Braves 2. Giants 1; The Pirates moved In on the Braves 14, Plrates 11; Carda 6, .. Elclllhe OutstandJn& modem 2· bedr. A den home. 2 baths. Beau. Wul patio, and land.lcaplng. Ocean view. 2·bedr. furnished boule. Dbl. &arag~. l&r&e encloeed patio and yard. 50' lot. choice Jo. cation. Incl. a.lmoct all new and ~Y maple fum. Room tor l&e. home or units In tJt. $11,000 Payments $75 per month.. GEHERAL OFFICE work. an· ..erln& telephone, typlnc. fll. ln& and 110me bookkeeplnJ. ~ty. appearance and experieoce lmportant. Marrl· nen Stationers 225 Forest An .• Lapna Beach. Cards Monday .. Pirate mound Cubs 5 ; Dodgers 7, Cubs 2; Cards ca_~-VII ... ace Gil Sharp twirled a no·hltter B. Giants 6. _ ~ ...-E. Sal1lr REALTOR It INSUllAJfCE at the Giants to beat them 5·2. In the Calltomla State League. REALTOR Tuesday saw the Dodgers clob· Claa C. the Dodgers and Card· IV AN W. EJlBAlU)T, Asaodate bered by the Braves by an 11·4 InaJa each won two earnes. The 2731 W. Cout Bwy. U 8·(2T7 margin. Dodeers took the Pirates tar a !At the Signal) 3333 E. Cst. Hwy. Corona del Mar The CUbs sma.sbed the Giants ride on Monday. 14-1. whlle the Newport Beach 16·1 on Wednesday u Steve Sl· Braves out$1eced the Giants ----__;;~------------------ Harbor 2422 Theo. Robins FORD '13,.... .... mon.wn and Mike Stewart paced 15·11. On Wednesday, the Pirates IEf.E YOU BUY BY the Cubs wtth three hits for edged the Braves 7·6 and the • • • • three trips each. Cub Cbuc.ker Cardlnals beat the Cubs 8·5. On FIIICIS J. HDIVAO, leak tamed the Glant3 with a cool Friday, the Cardinals SJ'Dashed three hitter. the Giants 16·3 and the Dodgers Harbor 1428 Uberty 8-5101 The blg eame of the week snuck past the CUba 8·7. 2 Or. 'IIFenl came on 'Mlu.rsday wben the PI · Western League scores: Plrates rates and the Cardinals tangled. 6. Braves 3; Cards 5. Cubs 3; For the first five Innings, the PI · Dodgers 6. Plrates 3; Giants 14. ...... rates were beaded for an upset Braves 8; Dodgen 5. Cubs 0; and • ..U victory as the lnvlnclble Sharp the Cardlnals tled the Giants Ranch Wagon had h eld the Cards to Just one 10.10. ... r--a .... hit. Ea.tern League .cores: Phates U. r'WW However, a pitcher Is llmJted 16. Dod&ft'S 11; Braves 10, Giants Ranch wacon to 10 lnnlnp per week. At the 2; Pirates S. Brave. 1; Cardinal! .a PI IL 11• end of five lnnln.p. Sharp bad 4. Cubs 0; CUbs 10. Dodift'S 9; UU J•l£& gone ten for the week and had and Cardinals 11, Giants 0. Club coupe. to be ll.fted. Tb:1s proved to be In the Ploneer League ln Co· ,.,. • Ill •••• the downfall of the Pirates, and rona del Mar. the Pltates won VIII -ltrl·-• the Cardinals won 5-2. eully over the cellar-dwelling Convertible. The P a c 1 f I c Coast League Braves by a score of 13·6 on ,.,. pt IL $1•8& Braves battled to a 2·2 deadlock Thursday. In the other contest of .. J•ID ..U with the Pirates. The playoff Is the day, 11\6 Cardinals swamped Belv. h·t. scheduled for this Saturday. The the Giants 17·10. 'II F~ -• v.s Pick up. % ton. Recounts H1story of Foundinq 'II "!"Ton Pick up~l2ll Of The Udo Isle Yacht Club Theo. Robins FORD OUB 35'm YEAR OF SERVICE IN THIS COMMUNITY 1181 w ...... .,. U~ll Business Directory INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WJTII STANLEY JlfSU'UlfCE AGDCY PbOM Bub« ,.,. &n5 E. Cout BllflWQ Carona del Mu ._ ~'bone. IIA DS2 ......... WATDII&AftM ................... ...... • NEWPORT BEACH 3·bedr. frame "oldie" on 2 lots. R·4. $10.250, Terms. . DUPLEX. comer. Newport lsland-2 bedr. up with wtth view of ocean. park a nd bay. Rents toT ~ mo .. un· fum.; down has 3 bedrooms. rents for J}OO wk. summer rate. Owner very anxious. $23,750 terms. Commercial ottlce bulldlnc with lovely 2·bedroom home on aorond Ooor. ott highway ln good location near new post~. 1056 sq. tt. ln ofttce, 960 in apart· ment. 2760" sq. ft. ln 5·garage.warehouse unJts. Al8o lot tor otf·street parldng. Must be seen to recogn.Jz.e advan· tages. • • • COSTA MESA CHALL.ENGE~ CHAU..ENGE! CHALLENGE~ 70' x 140' Newport BJvd .. C zone. 3 buUdln~ need ~pairs to code. Key lot. OrJginal price $27.500. Will now consider all offers under $20.000. Owner unable to make repairs. • • • 2 lots In Costa Mesa. 173·175 E. Walnut Pl. R-3. on sew· ers. $5500 to.r botb or $3000 each. cash. FRliCIS J. HIIVATH, Realtlr 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd. Harbor 1428 EVes.. Harbor 1565 Liberty 8-5101 I lillY IUCI lOUSE 125 feet from the aparkllng blue ocean, beautiful beach. 2 bed.rm. tum. home. 2·car garage. Lot 25 by 90. R·2 zone. Pa'{ed paUo. Vacant. W~ have key. Drive by and see at 1~·31.st.. Newport Beach. Price $11.500-Terms. Owner very anxJous to sell. • • WAIT QUICI ULE Duplex. approximately 8 yn. old, turnlsbed. close to ocean. Price $13.500-good tenns. See It now! ..... •..• ,..... •. A real faml.l7 bom&-hUl and ocea.n vlew-3 becJra.. larp rumpua room. larp Uvfn& room. 2 baths. 2 ~~ric* ftreplaOMo 2000 ~· ft. Larp lot with chain Unk tmee. SD 'nUS HOME WHlCH 1oft1ST SELL ASIImfQ PlUCE $.12.500 W1TH CAJD'ET AND~ rc. paeriew: John lfclfab. IL\ ..-. RA 535 __ .. C.bedt ....... J ............... ...u ~ ..... ()cMn ....... Wodlr to *wtlc ..... . ~to.O.-- • • • YOU WILL LIKE Irvine Terrace .. .... ~ •• ''I•••• " •••••" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. ......... , larll I V• Ha•alt BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN THE FINEST LOCAnO!f VEJlY B.EA.SONABLE TEBMS P1l111 ..,_,II $M, .. Your l~on la MSPfl<.'ttully 10llclteod. • • • Earl W. Stanley On RJway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the new Irvtne Coast Country Club. Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further Information Corner locaUon on one of Corona del Kar'a nJc.t streets. 11·2 lot. modem desJrn. Flaptone fireplace. Encloeed patio. Total price J}S,SOO. Owner will take low down payment. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Bwy .. Corona del Kar RA: 174.1; BA: 01'!11 1&1. 'S lEST IUYS l=a•cill 6 Sllr 11.11 nr.e ............ ., 2 ~ ••••• ., Forced Air heat, Garbage dlspoaaLs. 6-hau.st fans, For· mica counter tops and 1enufne Ash Cabinets. streets. CUrbs, Sldewalb. Sewer linea and water ln and paid for. THREE BEDRMS. AS LOW AS Sll.450.. tfi95 DOWlf FOUR BEDRMS. AS LOW AS $12.4SO ····-·-S195 DOWN w. I. TilliS lf.AI. Til Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St.. eo.ta llesa TIE IIEIT lUilE ClAST 3 Homesltes. Sl'xl25' ea.--nl~rlce. only --.. .$7,500 NEiden AvHe. CornRer-g2 ood loc. x140' ···········-···-A500 ewport gt.s. • Zonlng-Ba.rgain. pri~ ..$5.300 77'xl00' Comer. Back Bay Area. 2 units her~ ~-.= . .$4.000 SHut. Home Loc.-Mesa Dr .. Water View ....... ...$7.SOO End BanJo St., Large pie shaped. Back Bay VIew ..$7,500 TnMII 100 acres alfalfa Fann (Mojave River Bottom Land) EquJpt.-3 tractOI$-7000' aluminum irrlg. pipe - 3 weUs: 2 lrrlgatlonal. 1 domestl<'-75 acres lt>veled for sprinklers -2 room house. Trade for Income. motel boat, or submit. Value $500 acre, with $11.000 mtge. OIAIIE CUST PRIPEinES __ 1_85i Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. U 8·1632. U 8·1400 t'Ves. Ut 1 11 ISUID SPECIAL BAY FRONT. cute tropkal home. Extra large Uvtne room. with bar ldtcben. fireplace. slldlnc glu:s doors open to patio overlooklng "beach and boat&." Abo hu 2-bedr. small home on rear of lot for 1~. • • • lAY liliES OPEN SATUJU>AYS AND SUNDAYS 1 to 4 ~WAVERLY DRIVE A fine bu~ a 3· bedroom completely tumlahed bol:m-~ri~~ ~~o fine beach. Ex:oellent terms on uldni Evenlnp-C&U Edith Maroon, l{yatt f-6222 or Lend• Boynton. Harbor 2878. • • • ALSO BAY SHO~n COOd street 3 Mdrs .. 1 bath. $21.500, un1\tm1abed. EM W. a ri•J ltEALlOa WHAT IS A REALTOR? Knabe Grand Just like new, re· ~· nud; pay out ba.lanee t1185-aame u rent. tt1S. buye IWHt tone4 Grand. many otben llke Ft.acber, WurUtzer. Kuon fr Bamlln. etc. All wonderful ~alns. Scllmldt· Pbllltps Die Plano It Orpn Co .. :s,20 N. M&1n. Santa Ana. WurUtzer ElectronJc plaDoa from $319. See It at Disneyland or here. Schmldt • PhUltps Ble Plano fr Orcan Co.. 520 N. Ka1n. Santa Ana. MAPLE BUlOt BEDS. co m p l . IPflnp and mattrea. $29.95 .et. MAPL11 Dfi'IIE'IIE table It 4 chaJn. S14.95 .et. MAPLE DBL BEDS. sprinp fr mat· ~ $18.95 eet. Ph. 1eUenon 7·1.853. 1l352 We.tmln~. Gar· den Grove. B.AIOtfOND ORGANS all models. wonderful chan<» to buy a lood used Hammond Organ; aao. one only, a Hammond Chord Oraan. hurry and see the. at once, bta aav1nc. Schu11dt·PhUll~ Btc Plano I& Orcan Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. Spinet Plano beautlful cue and ~. aave OVft Sl!JO, on tbm. Another ba.raatn Knabe Mb'ro· type Spinet $195. Many otber peat ~uya.. SdunJdt · PbUltps BJg Plano fr Oraan Co.. 53> N. Matn, Santa Ana. FOR RENT ROOM. bas space avatlabLe In atz.e 24 ~. Ex· pects to vacate completely and oocupy a1u 14 soon. U you can't r~acb me at home. I'm at Stautff!f's. RA 1742. BALBOA lS1ANO AYr. Yearly. Avallable Sept. lat. WeJJ.fur· ntsbe4. tub and shower. ~ MOU: 'lHAN SOO GIRLS w1l.l 1ta.rt local Telephone Company careen tb1e month. WU1 You Be One ot TbemT • F\ll1 Pay u You Learn. • Frequent Periodic lncreUH. -()pen!npfor- TELEPBC>NE OPERATOBS -Apply- 8:30 to 4:30 122 West Thlrd Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE roNIOR COLLEGE JUGH SCHOOL Aft wu looldnc to the tu · ture'f We are! Thar• wby we are ottertnc .teady jobl with real Career O,liiii•IIJ lfl to oW' own Interest 11 we can hire men who w1U make a eareer with our dynamtc buslnaa. We"'theretore otter: Steady Jobs On·the·Job tralnln& Real a.cfvancement poutbllttles. ~d&y. 40 br. wHk, Interview now for Immediate openlnp tor ltUdenta inter· ested In June oDe.n!.nD. Mlll· t&r7 statua not-corufaered. Apply 8 :30 a.m. thru f p.m. 1030 E. :t.t Str~ UITIIU SIUTIDI IIUmES us ca. block to shops. HArbor 3045·M ......... , ... ICE-..... , ... , .... ..._ .... 100-.... 0-1------ between 1·9 p.m. 2·BR. DUPLEX. with garage, walled ln patJo close to stores. $85 mo. on yearly lease. S90 monthly buia. Chlld OX. 430~ WILL GIVE FITnNGS and U · aUrt.a.nce with your home aew· Inc. Phone for appointment. HA 5896·W. Hellotrope. CDM. $5. a month ~ts atood practice DO YOU have a furnished home plano; apply term rent on PW'· or Apt. to rent! We will chase. Cood used pianos $89. penn. and responsible tenants. S125. $187, SteIn way $295. Call our aatent. Select Realty Eulest terma on any plano. Cno charge to you). 10 1·3506. Scbmldt·Phllllps Big Piano It FURNISHED ONE B.R. house. Organ Co., 53> N. Main, Santa CDM. $75 l1 tenants cares for _An--=•~·r.:----:::--=:--........,-~-­ amall garden. Shown by ap· iL I 11...&.--.1 polntment. Evgs. call U 8·7127. ...... ..... PRIVATE-OFFICES with phone .,.. fir lllf answering service. Secretary It • notary available. Ground Floor .American Leaion 21!5 15th St. Ne-w Trident Bldg., 2200 New· Meet! 2nd th W 8 port Blvd, Newport Beach (Ad· np -4 ed. p.m. saDliDT·PBILUPS. PIANO 'or j aeent South Coast Co.) Court· OltOAK SHOPPERS. drive to f!SY to brokers. HArbor 3028. '6~ It Bush Street, Santa Ana, CALL Edna Craig. rental lpe· tor FREE VALIDATED PABX· ctallst with DorU Bray, realtor. lNG. 216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Ialand SC'HM.IDT·PHILUPS BIG PIANO HA 20 or BA 64. It ORGAN STORE. 520 N. Main FOR LEASE St.. Santa Ana. Est. 1914. Open Long or short terms. C·l Paved Lot 70' x 103' Downtown Coast Hwy. Co· rona del Mar. Next to Mary's House of Maple. Call DAven· port 6·6019. ~day nlgbt&. Rent Hammond Spinet Organ $15 a month. wtth free Jeaons. Schmldt·PbllJips Blr Plano It Orran Co .. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. HOME· LOANS lAGUNA FfOHAL SAVI~S I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICIS To hrY• YM LAaUNA IIACH AND SAN CLIMINTE QUICK 24 HOUR SYVICI LOW LOW "UDUCIN&" INTEl EST lA TES EASY WONTHl Y PAYMENTS ' FRIENDLY IYWATHfTlC SUVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' rARKIN6 ESCROW SllVICE. ~ENTL Y OPERATED LAGUNA BEACH m 0c.en A.,.. PHONE HY. 4-ltn ..... f«IO da P'• Ill tile ,_iN ,, .... tilt U.. latta· ,_ ~&-•·--...,. 117· Total -of the project wUl ...... ,..,., ................... 5000 ., Ill ftl-. ..,. flllilled ... ....._ penDlt r.or a ~ ... -tM "'*Jiwt ..... 011 the Celona .. ... ... ., ...... Dlpertzd to tiM aJoq Oeean .Yd. --... .. AUitin 8bartlwant C6. ....._ a.ar&M ...._.. r. fNIId. 'l'llla wu tbe 1arplt ~ tac a J..llb7, 1-unJt clwtWq at •==attoa Ill ~ IWJctlq IC15 Ocean Blvd., nev the foot DlMd~Mnt b~ -n.. pn¥1· ot Marilold Awe. Peak ot ~ root .U .....s wu tiM~,.. qt W. 11oue ,w be more than mit ....... tD ...... u4 tJ1rieb 15 ~ Mlow the top ot the bluft Ia ~. 1111. fGir tbe con-J'ollawtna swmJU ... IMUed: ltrUc:tion of Roq M.Darla1 Be»· e.._ ._ '"DI pttaL ,_ few that ,..at wu •...an stwtevant. eo clwel--. *r. ~ pal~ ,._ u._ Ill W..tcUft ckvelop~Mnt, totalllnl more than e .ooo. hm $18,100 to -~5, total 1b._ WMdJft permits p~ 11.808,4So. the 19M total well ahead ol tba e COM*A DD. llAil J~;:;~;~~~;~::_~~~~:_~~~:_:~~ l uly total ot lut ,..r, wiMn the c. A. Maddux. enlup bath· aU·tiaM bulldlnl rtCIII1t wu Mt. roaa at 101 A¥0C&do. t&GO: Pred , A butldlnl permit wu JMued lltiew•t. eowr patio atZ4 Kart-s lib T I Sl t d ·-·wee~r to St. 1emee EJ*DPal aoJcs. t'IOO: Chari• Muten. 2-ma ore ourney s a e OuD"dl. at the ...tranoe to lJdo fi«Y, 1-unJt ctweUtnc on the Co-• ~a~., f• CONtr\aC:tSA ot a chok :: .. ~~:b~:!. ~~~ At South Coast Gun Club 0 t th • .u.y, 1-unlt dwelUnl at 43C A anallbon lhootlnc touma-Cout Gun Club ranee on Mc-S eopa IC Femleat. $11,1.25; .... 8. Nahu, ment Will -held on 13 auce:es-Arthur Blvd.. 3 mlles inland from 1-atory, 1-unJt dwtillnl at 211.5 uve rrtda,111 In Aurust. Septem-Corona del Mar. Group ~ jeets Bayade Dr.. MI,!!OO; Evelyn ber and October at the South lhtcbetl wU1 -IOVemed by lVI Jlrebnao, foundation under ra-National R.1tle Aax:tat1on rules • RC»t,.!l f« th.-dinner meet-~7DI~cl. S2,000. st•all r•lme to for approved tournament.. The. ln_c ol the o.teopethlc: MedJeal D Abram., adcUtlon.a at 330 wUl be o~ matches. and entry AJalatanta Aleoc:latJon beJd at knlnl Canyon. $12.6'70 1.1 not reatrlcted to members of tbe Villa Ma..rtDa ..Uurant at • C08C*A BJCHU 'liDS. J . To rne any «p.nlz.atlOD. Entrl• are to Bal..,. laland 1ut week on Tu•· Sam Eautlman. ;&ution at U1 0 In u y be ~nt fo the RUle Competition ,... ............ = ......... Q ' I 1 1 -· day were M.lldred Ccnwllu.. Seaward. a5,000; WUJJam Poirier, Younc anllera still have Ume Commtttee, 5lt Marfcold Ave., •=ec:r...tr· .. ttld• ............ ._.. mem b .uahlp ellatrmara. ud eompletedwelllnlat41118DeSola to Join the annual Balboa Anr· Corona delMar. diiW .,.... • m .. ..._.,, ..... .. Helen Smith, ualltant publlclty Terraee. ..,.!500 Unr Club junior fllhlnr touma-Flrlnf will becin at 7:30p.m. W. • ...... lag ... Q ' 1 ttl .. chalnnan, both from the Rubor • LIDO Di.a · ment. which runs throucb Auc. on the followtnc Ftidaya: Aur. 3. ~ _. -It 1 N& Y• Ua II ,._ ~ Area. . WUla.r4 Chot:lner add abower 18. P'l.sh may be welfhed In at 10, 17, 24 and 31: Sept. 7, 14, 21 _ _!II7~~&.~~~~J!~ A fashion abow of model unl· In 1 ara,e, 213 Vta' Ithaca, t&SO; all harbor area tackle Jtores or and 28; Oct. 5, 12. 19 and 26. forma wu praented to the a 1 e hard RJce, 1-atory, 1-unit at the Balboa Ancllnr Club. The courM ot fire wtll com- rroup with members of the Oate-dwelllnr at 128 VIa Havre, The hleb boy aneler ao far 1a priM 2 matches. each 40 ahota. opathlc Medtcai Aalatanta IJ'OUP 123 520• Thomu Crozier eover Dennis e&rpenter with 21 varl-Competlton may enter one or u mode b. I n c I u d I n I Ruth paUo, '118 VIa Xanthe: $300; etles.. The hlch ctrl ancler 1.1 both matches. Jacot., president. and Dorothy Franda Dawson, lnatall window, Jean Van Dame. with 17 varltles. Medaa will be awarded In lloddox of Garden Crow, Haul 232 VIa Eboll $500 The r~d catches so far In-eech Individual match u fol- Colbert and Carole Mt:C'Iure of e IIEWIOIIT' · dude corblna. Danny Ostl. 3 lb. Iowa: Overall winner. cold med- r ... ...._ a. .... ,,IL ....... ..-.. ..._ c1a1 ._ ..._ tiM YIDII M ..... -.. ONIIIilll ~· ..... ...... ............ _ ............ ~..-, ..... ...... ~ ...... ~ v....-. .. , .. ---ca..-• ~ Anahetm. Dovle Gordon of Santa E. Charles Werner, cabana at 2 ~ oz.; bonita, Frank LoPresti, al; hlch muter, s11ver medal; Ana and Help SmJth. Karcaret 14 Annex. Lido TraJJer Park. 7 lb. 15 oz.: basa, Richard Nobles. hlch expert. al.lver medal; h lch Mtmn. vice president. from $2.000· R. A. Pederaon. aldewalk 7 lb. 8 oz.; white aea bau. Den-sharpshooter. bronze medal; hJcb w.. ,..._ 1a ._ __. ._ _. ....... Santa Ana won the door prize and planter at 3614 Park Lane. nll ~nter. 6 lb.; spotfin marlwnan. bronze medal. Med-..-"D =· ... It ._..' ¢ • • ...._-' QKII of a Don Loper unUorm. $400· Barry Parr sign at 282'7 croaker, Bruce Ru111ell, 4 lb. :z oz.; w will be awarded In each Ia ._-..._ WO-••• _. :: fr _.,.. She a n no u n c e d that publJclr NewPort Blvd. $4()-L. Hedpood barracuda, Gary Cordak, 8 lb. 1 team match u follows: Hlgh r::r .::.. -:...o;-M ~ ;a ;; ·1~ ~ ••• ~ help Ia belna sou,cht f« tbe patio alab at · 4005 Marc:us. 195; oz.; Paclfic macket"el. Walter Pet· clus A team. 2 allver medaa; '..___ aa 1 .., .....,. ~ pbllantbrople project of furniah· L. z. Burkholder. aldewalk and troU, 3 lb. 4 oz.; jack mackerel. hlch Cla.u B team. 2 bronze -a.-... ._ iDI equipment for the Santa Ana c:urb a,proaeh at 4007 M.arcu.s. Jean Van Dame, 3 lb. 3 oz.; yel-medala. Class A teama are thoae r=;;;;;;;;';'";;r:=t;:;c.=t;;;;;;=·~-=W;;i;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Community B o • PIt al nureery. $75; St. James Epllcopal Church, lowfin croaker. Danny Ostl, 1 lb. with a team averace of 2.!50 or Bono~ ,ueata of the ev.ninl cholr room and addltlon to aanc-3 oz.; halibut. Dennla Carpenter, hlcher: Clus B teama are those were Carole Mondlke ot Lon1 tn ... v _ VIa Lido ..,c. ooo · 16 lb. U oc. with a team avera,e below 2..50. Beach. newly ·e~eeted charter -~· ..-.-• -.... • preslck!nt of tbe Calltomia Oate-John Royce, roof over patio, 501 I I Ia •-~ opatbJc A.-x:latiou and Mare&· 36th St.. $250; Georce Turner. ,.. Is J ..... IHII 41 1 J ..._._ ret Van Ambwlb. prealdent of demolish bulldl~ at rear of lot. ._........ fw I 4& the Lonl Beaeh ehapter. A.lJIO 417 29th St., $100; Robert Fender. Jn fir •••• fill ..._.. 111-&U preeent fmm the Harbor area 1-atory, 2-unJt dwelllnf at 123 • • A DeKol b ald.ut b bee wu I a n Obert of eo.ta Mesa. 44th St.. $13,000; John ~Ieiwe. A thief .ucceeded In ateallnc tJ·-'~ a!~ ;~ Saturda u A n I.MMi&li.iiiiliillliililii~iM wall at 5110 Ocean Ft., $200. a purse wtth S2S cub from a tent& •...y _.. or y, ue. • aALaOA ISLAJfD boat while the oocupanta were 25, In Costa Mesa Park. Sponsors I E II Harold &obertaon, repair fence asleep but failed to ~ret a small will be Heinz Kaiser and 0 . W. I at 333 E. Bay n .. 125; Harvey radio, Newport polle& reported <Dick) lUeh.a.rd. U PII LIT E Ill Pease, demolllh carace at 411> Sunday ot lut week. Plana were dacu.ed at a ,, ........ • Dll$ t rt Park Ave. ln connection wltb Arnold Maculaay o1. San Ber-meettnc or the DeMol&y advbory LD: It ...,.. IY1n and awtmm1n1 pool ptojeet. nardlno reported at 9:03 that be councll lut week at the home =::::::::;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;··Ill~ .. ~~~~~~--~~ ... .... c:...-. reuoA ~ ~~~ f::e :.::=:. or Sam Ein&f&th.et, c;o.ta Mesa. -=-$_ • 'II' I I •• Llll • Fred Jones. addltlon at 510 W. moored at 3101 w. Coast Rwy.. CDIL roa a&.AIS" OJID M ... • o.g -....an al.. •1111 Bay, 1200; :rrederlclt CUe, fence Newport Beach, the nilflt before. A dauchter. 7 lbs.. 13 oz.. wu ,_ k . U 17 K -•-p•••• at 130C W. Balboa Blvd., $:100; Durfne the nlcht eomeone appar-born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert I'VU.Y A~ .. AI IW A. F. Levora, 2-.t:ory, 2-unJt mtly used a flab apear lett on Glass ol. 209%-33rd St., Newport * COi'fU _,. * d'welllnc at 217 E. Balboa Blvd., top o1. the boat to reach throuch Beach, In St. Joseph Hospital on 1711 =.:.tl l~~••L-orwa $19.3:10; E. P. Backs, .add cuest a window to hook the purse Tuesday, July 10. COITA IIDA hou~ at 1613 E. Bay Ave., am.ldshlpa. The radio, aoo amld- ATTEit'DDiC: COLOUDO U. 18.000. abtps. had been moved to a wln-1 .I .. MIRII• • ltEWtoiiT IIDCIITS dow but couldn't pass throueh -•• p • H. llJchardson. fence at 31.9 due to Ita size. Stanton W. Betta ot 231 VIa Flrenze. Udo Isle, Is attendlnc the University of Colorado sum- mer .aston at Boulder. 1111 &. c.-..... wuy c.-c~e~-. ..,_.... IAa 1 U l-'lal7 IIA IllS- ...... _. ..... 4 .. Irvine, $45. e JatlliE TED.ACE P ADDIS IIi aALM>A Maceo Corp.. fence at 730 The E. V. Farrlrt1 or Los An· Santana, $500; James Rubel, geles spent mo.t of the month .wlrnmlnc pool at 1406 Santa-or June at 616 W. Balboa Blvd., n~lla. S2,000. Balboa. Tips Are Given For Saving Your Life on -the Highway La DECOUTDfC: PIIOaLDISt r..tva._Y_ c.a ...... l,. ....... 291.9 E. COASTBWY. CORONA DEL MAR i)osla ···Tiw~,., .. FEATURING • Co111plete Dinner Menu •nd Servl •• the Flneat Food In the H•rbor Are• ~Bwrr/Da1/ /'rf;lm 11:00 AJI to !.«J AM .,.. .......................... . .......... llr.._ ... ~ ... ., l ' } . r ) .... . .... .. PV1IJ) & I"''UUO& GENERAL F.UND Exf!m~:no:.~al-·~~..$449,956.00 Dlstrict eontrlbutlon to State EmJ)loyee. Bet.lftment D~C:trlbutlon to---·-····--7,300.00 Bettrement Annuity Fund·-20..375.00 4 ~:~r~~~~ .... :=:=~:=:= zs.m:~ Net General PurpOse subject to tax rate llmJtation ............... 421,524.00 lnterest and Redemption Fund. .. . .()6. Cno llmJt> .05 .09 .0156 .005 .0016 .9000 .9607 Bond Interest and principal payxnenta .................................. 104.854.49 .2238 The Tax Rate LlmJt for General Purposes ls the Statutory llmJt or Voted Umft, whichever appJles u shown below: 1. Statutory Llmlt. The rate authorized tor this echool dl.strlct Is $.90. JUfALnES OP GEifEJI.AL FUJfD TABS EBICPT from w SUBJECT to .. ECIAL. TU UTE LDIJTS ITEJI PVDOSE EJULOTEES llETIBEKEKT-Ifo Limit Dtatrtd Coatrlbatioll to Xoe·C.Wlccrtecl EmployM'a Jlet:lnmMlt t7Ddft Stat. Employee'• Jlet:i.reluDt Syatem. 1. Restricted balance July 1, 1955 ··-· ............................... $ 0.00 2.. Computed tax receipts 1955·56: a. $47,997,180 (Se-cured roll 1955-56) tlmes .0243 b. ~r~~~;~>rou'i955·:ss) .. ii0:{e5i oooo ..... 11'663.31 (Excess rate 1954·55> . ....................................... ........ 0.00 J. ~~c:~ b;f~~bf1~~--~~~--~~~~-~~ ....................... -...... 11.663.31 4. Actual expense 1955·56 ...... ........................... .............. 9.517.94 5. Restrlcted balan~ June 30, 1956 .................................... 2,145.37 6. t>lstrlct taxes on unsecured roll estimated for 19"J6-57: l . $7,734,996 C90% Unsecured roll 1956·57) Urnes $.0243 (Excess rate 1955·561 .................... _.. .............. 1.879.60 7. Rest:rlct.ed balance plus district taxes ................ h...... 4,024.97 8. Amount budgeted 1956·57 ............................... -....... -.... 11,325.00 9. Maximum amottnt to be entered In the Summary o! Current District Tax Requirements for 1956·57 to be derived by levy on the .ecured roll -·-.. ---7.300.03 DI.I'LO'I'EES ll.ETJU:JfEn Dt.tdct Colatrlbattoia to c.rtlflc:l*d Elllpaoy....' a.tinaaeAt 0~ Jt.etiNmeat A.luaaJty Pa.d 6. Dlstrlct taxes on unsecured roll estimated for 1956-57: a. $7.734.996 (90'70 Unsecured roll 1956-57) tlmes $.0000 (Excess rate 1955·56) .............. -.............. -... 0.00 7. Restricted balance plus dlstrlct taxes ....... -.............. 0.00 8. Amount budgeted 1956-57 ............................... -_ ........... 20,375.00 9. Maximum amount to be entered In the Summary ol C\lrrent District Tax ReQuirements for 1956·57 to be derived by levy on the secured roll ................... 20,375.00 COIOIOlfiTT SEBVJCES-SPECIAL PJVE.CEift LDIJT Com.ID1l1Uty s.mc:-1. ae.trlcted balance July 1. 1955 ....... _ .......... -....... ___ 0.00 2. Computed tax receipts 1955-56: a. $C7.997.180 (Secured roll 1955·56) times $.0046 CExeess rate 1955·56) ..... .......... ..... ......... ... ......... 2.207.87 b. $8.348.740 (Unsecured roll1955-56) times $.0000 (Excess rate 1954·55) ........................... -..... .. 0.00 3. ~~~ b;f~~":t,fl~. ~-~--~~lp~ ....... ...,-·-· .. --·-·-2.207.87 4. Actual expendJtul'e 1955-56: a. Charges to Class 9-Community Services b. Charges to Class 10--Capltal Outlay c. TotaJ ... . .. ........... . ... _................................................. 1.320.40 5. RestrLcted balance June 30, 1956 .......... _._.............. 887.47 6. District taxes on unsecured roll estimated for 1956-57: a. $7,734.996 (90% Unsecured roll 1956-57) times $.0046 (Excess rate 1955·56) ..................... .............. 355.81 7. Restricted balance plus district taxes ......... ·--·-·-· 1,243.28 8. Amount budgeted 1956-57: a. Charges to Class 9-Communlty Services b. Charges to Class 10-Capltal Outlay c. Total ... . ·-·-· ............................................................ 2.000.00 9. Maximum amount to be entered In the Summary EXPENDI'I"UltES AND 'l"'tANSFERS 1-AI>MilUS'I'RA TIOlf Sa.l&dea and Wares _____ .. ...._ __ Other ExpeDM .. ·---·-·-·--·- Total ___ .. _ ....... --... --....... ~INSTRUCfiON 2a-Certillcated Salaries ot ln.ttructlon ....... _ ................. . 2b-Otber Salaries of ln.struct.lon ----·-·-........ .. 2c-Other Expenses ot Jnatructlon .. _ ..................... . Audio visual education ~rvtce ...... _ .. ______ ...... -.. Ubrary ... _ ........................... .. -··· 3U38.06 546.809.59 11.862.55 26,972.21 ----Total Instruction ... -....... 585,644.35 3-AUXIUARY SERVICES Salarlea and Wages ....... ~ .......... .. Other Expense .............................. .. Total ............................................ .. 12.597.91 4-0PERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT Salaries and Wages ................... _ Other Expense ............................... . Total ... -........... ............................ 85.699.08 5--MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANT Salaries and Wages .................... .. Other Expense ................... -........ .. Total ............................................ . f-.FIXED CHARGES (1) District Contribution to (non- Certificated) Employees' Re· 12,600.03 9.517.94 tlrement under State Ent· ployees Retirement System (2> District Contribution to Cert· lflcated Employees' Retirement under Retirement A.nnulty Fund ........................................ .. (3) All other Fixed Charges ..... . 7.288.38 -----Total .................................. .. 16,806.32 7-TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS Salaries and Wages ..................... . Other Expense .............................. .. Gross Total ----·-·-·---· .. . ----Net Total ...................................... 36,466.18 Total Current Expense of Education .......... -.............. -. 784.251.93 S--FOOD SERVICE Salaries and Wages .................... .. Other Expense .............................. .. -----Tot&l .... _ ....... : ............................ -5.703.14 9-roMMUNITY SERVICES Salaries and Waees .............. --Other Expense .... -............. --. -----Total ................................... -...... .. 10--CAPlTAL OU'TLAY ( 1 > Civic Center (2) Other Capital Outlay a-Land ....................... -.......... . !::~~~e~~-~f -~~unda d-Equlpment .............. --. 1.320.40 -----Total ... -..... -........ --... 30,490.91 T-TR.ANSFERS (4) All Other Transfers ·--------Total Transfers ............. ·-·- UNDISTRIBUTED RESERVE ··- TOTAL EXPENDmJRES AND TRANSFERS ........ -... - V. ENDrNG BALANCE. JUNE 30 Cash In County Treasury .......... .. GENERAL RESERVE JUNE 30, 1957, for 1957·58 ·--·-.. -------·- 821.766.38 257..891.59 Total Current Assets _______ __257,891.59 Less: Current Uabllltles .......... _ ....... , 87.341.53 Net Ending Balance ______ ... 170,550.06 of Current District Tax Requirements for 1956·57 to Vl. be derived by levy on the secured roll ........................ 756.72 TOTAL. EXPENDI'IVRES AND TRANSFERS PLUS NET ENDING GEJfEllAL Ft1JfD BALANCE ... _ ............... -................. 992,316.44 ...-oo 11?.22'7.00 UOT,m.OO ' ss.aro.oo 5.855.00 u. 40,725.00 64.2,455.00 18.!81.02 73,0'l1,,9 148.00 14,000.00 Total -·-----·--•• 780.51 m. TOTAL. NET BEGINNING BALANCE PLUS TOTAL INCOME ·-·--·--94,005.55 28,750.00 3,000.00 IV. EXPENDITURES 8-Food Service . 688,205.00 13.450.00 1,650.00 15,100.00 69,140.00 31.550.00 100,690.00 8.000.00 12,100.00 20.100.00 11.325.00 20,375.00 ~-Rei\J]ar Meala Salaries --.. --.. -·-·-·-.. --Food ...... -............... ·--·-·-· Operatlne .upplles and expenses ....................... _._ Repairs and Replacement and/or Depredation of Equipment .. --.................. _ 'l'otal ................................. . TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE V. ENDING BALANCE Cash In Bank of America, Newport Beach. "()peratJnl'' c:a.ah ..................... . Accounts Recelva"ble ....................... . Stores and PrepaJd Expense ....... . Total ............................................. . Le&s: Current UabUltles ........................ .. VI. TOT~~~~~~~~~cePi::us.riEi ENDING BALANCE ......................... . 24,466.76 !59,223.13 1,.200.00 300.00 85,189.89 85,189.89 5,333,2; 3,890.68 1,348.92 10,572.86 1,717.20 8,855.66 94.00.55 I .,,.,.00 ,.. ............... will ..... ----"I'M OD Ll4lo .... b tile .... uunaal J.Jdo ...... up, wta.ldl ·~ wUl be Ul4 ~. Aq. 11. ...... All dec:wadoaa wUI ... ta tM WUd w• 1Ptrtt. UIMII coetume ..-. wm ,. p..n tw u.. .... ~ floet'-pt.upe. a.aoo Paul -.au.r wtll ........ tbe l,Jtt.OO ...,.-a1 oJWnDan. B .. eo1D1DJttee cba.trmn tndude Mr. u4 Mn. ll.C),872.007l'l OO Hal Dike, 1c. ~ -...oe-1__.. ' dance OD the VIa Sa.n a.Do ten· --.-_..-00-ala CI()QIIQ; Gene a.. ud Ned HW. tlnanee: Dan Wedldul. dec· orationa: Col. and MrL Matt Ober, publJdty; Bob Barrte. booth& and IUDeai ~Bart. 18.400.00 tlckeu: Xt. anc1 MtL IWl Grundy, '75,000.00 advlaon OD bootJ\1; 8 U D It e t Creely and Harry Kello,. coordl· 91,400-00 naton; Du.ncan Me.\Jp"" lllbt· lnl fDit the dance. 1~.00 .. j••ll llla•ar, .... , ..... , .. 25.000 00 Mia Jen.nle M. Butc.ber, a re~ 60.ooo:oo tired teacher, whb lived at 805 • Irvine Ave., Newport Heights, UOO.OO died July 15 at the ap of 83 in Hoag Rocpltal alter a btlef UJ . oesa. She wu a native ot New 300.00 Jersey and used to teach .chool 86,600.00 there. She bad lived bne tor 3 86,!500 00 yean. · She Is survived by a alate1'. 13,755.00 100..255.00 Helen DoWQS of Newport Heights. Services were held July 17 In Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. CAUtraETOII Pl1lE Loren R. Mt-ans of ~70~ Santa Ana Ave . Costa Mesa. sue· ceeded In extln~ul-.hing a fire In the carbun•lnr of his car In front of 2901 W. Coast lfwy .• Newport ~a<'h, bt>forc flremen arrived at 12:02 p.m . Sunday. 9.187.00 -----------------------LEGAL XOTtCE 40.887.00 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 37 _,. OO STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,~.JCJ. XOT1CE TO COJITWACTOJIS 10,245.00 SEALED PROPOSALS wlll be received at the office of the Cl~ 47 .soo.oo ~~\~~:~iut c~!yofor~u':t.~~ ~~!!~~~-~~ U:~ ~~ocbe publicly opened and read, for perfonnlnc work u follows: 47,500.00 For IMta.llatlon of Water Pipe Line from 11th Street and Cllft 953.l07.00 Drive to Irvine Ave. and 20th Street No bid wlll be received unless It S. made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by 5.000400.0000 (cash, certJfled or cuhler't check. or bidder's bond) made payable · to the City of Newport Beach, for a.n amount equal to at least ten -----~cent (10~) ot the amount bid. .uch euarancy to be forfeited 5,400.00 should the bidder to whom the contract Ia awarded taU to enter Into the contract. 1.500500.0000 ln accordance with the provtalom of Sectiona rno to 1781 or · the Labor Code the City CouncU of the City of Newport Beach hu ---000--00-ascertained the general prevaUJne rate of wages appllcable to the 2. · work to be done u follows: a..rly ... .,... 10000 oo ~ ..................... -.... ---............... ~~-~ w24~ 5.•000·00 Laborers, General or Construct.lon ··-·-·--..... .2.30 18.40 · Operators It Tendera of Pneumatic It 6,000.00 ~ect:rtc Toola, Vlbratlnr Macblnea It 24.000.00 Slm.Uar Mechanical Tool.a. not separatel;y 45 000 00 cluaified herein ........ _. ___ ... _ ................. .2.51 . • · Cribbers and Sharer• --............. --................ .2.66 ~ 00 A.lphaJt Raker It Ironer ....... .! .... ___ .......... ___ .2.51 ,,JV. Cuttlne Torch Operator <Dtmolltlon) _____ .2..35 --ss.--~--~-~~~~a~~~ <~~~~ay;·,;·:st;;;;t'·P'a:viili·-·-·.2.59 . Only) ...................... _ .. _____ .... ______ ............... .2.40 ----Gu It OU Pipeline Laborer ........ -........... _ ..... .2.30 ()61,357 00 Guard a nd/or Watchman .................. _____ ... .....2.10 1, · Cement Flnlaber ... -...... -........................... -. ..2.925 A-Fr~Boom Truck ................ -.. ·-·---.. .2.68 46 420 00 A~u!:.t1~e~~:~.~~-lu~~ .. ~~~_:. __ ,.2.35 • · Air Compreaor Operator ................................... .2.49 A.lphalt Plant Fireman .................... _ ... _____ .. .2.65 A.IPbalt or Crusblnc Plant Enetneer .......... _.2.81 46 420 00 BoXma.n or Mixer Box Operator (Con· • · crete or Asphalt Plant> ................... _._ .......... .2.65 Concrete or A.lphalt Spreadlne, Mechanical Tamplne w Flnlshlne , 1,107,m .oo Machine Operator ·----.. --~ ...................... .2.81 Concrete Mixer Operator-Pavtnc Type 20.08 21.28 20.08 1&.80 20.72 19..20 18..0 16.80 23.40 2144 18..80 19.92 21.20 22.48 21.20 22.48 NO. A 27658 lfOT1CE TO Cll£DJTOIIS ESTATE OF FRIEDE C. L COULD, DECFI\<;1-:D. NOTJCE lS II F.RFRY GIVEN to the creditors of und all person• having dalms n~:raln!!t the aald decedent or said estate to file them with th,. n~!'lary vouch· ers In th.e off'"" of the Clerk of the Supt-rlor Court of the State of C:rtlrornin. In and for the County of Or<H'""· or to present the samf'. w tlh the ne<::es!lary vouchPT!!. to the undt'rsigned at his or her plat'e , of business. to-wit: e/o Ralph M MyP~. Jr., Attor· ney at law, 2721 East Coast Hl~h· way. Corona cll'i Ma r, California within sbc monthot aft~r the first pu bllrn tlnn of t h l!i notice. Dated July 13. 1Q-Ji. /11/ MTRIAM C".O IJLD BENDER E'x('('Utrlx ol the Estate of aald dl'<'edf'nt. Publl8h : July 19, 26, and August 2. and 9. 1956 In the Newport Harbor Enalll\- I. BEGINNING BALANCE. JULY 1 1155-58 Actlaal liY·S7 •ad9et This district Is not a member of the County Library System. lt.Mobile Mixer ..... -...................... _,_ ............. -3.06 Heavy Duty Repairman .......................... _. ___ .2.90 2'.48 23.20 18.80 22.48 21.20 22.08 22.48 21.20 20.16 2lA8 Cash. In County Treasury .. -· ... .S $ 257,892.00 257.892.00 87,342.00 I. IIOXD IXTEII.EST AJfD .UEJIPTIOX P't7JfD Heavy Duty Repalrman-J{elper ·-·-----·-·..2.35 IIM·S7 Pavement Breaker Operator ............... -... -...2.81 Total Current A&sets . .. ....... 191.742.99 Less: Current UabWtles .................... 83,532.48 Net Beginning Balance .. .. . 1c.ul0.51 Adjustments to Current Uabllltles 115.00 Adjusted Net Beginning Bal- ance .. _... ..... ...... .... ...................... 108,095.51 n. INCOME Basic Aid and Equallziatlon Aid 306,616.00 -Mentally Retarded ................ 2,400.00 A;-R~~e~fc!rlaG;;;..;th:::........ 8.031.00 ~rst Period ...... _ .. _ ............ _...... 18,946.00 Second Period _.......................... 26,(777.00 Final Apportionment ............... -.. 1,022.00 d County Subventions Taxes on Solvent Credits; and TraUer Coach Fees --·-· .. -·--l Other lncome ......... -... -.... -.... - f. Dtmict Taus Prior Years' Taxa ·--·-.. -.... --.20,148.08 Received In 1955·56 ----·-·-·-74,839.9t E.tlmated tor 1956·57 .......... .. Assessed Valuation __ . ..8,594,440.00 170,550.00 u. 344,760.00 2,400.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 m. 18,600.00 BEGINNING BALANCE, JULY 1 ........ INCOME · Dlstrtct Taxes on Unsecured Roll Prior Years' Dtstrlct Taxes ......... . Current District Taxes on Secur.S Roll: Amount nce1ved 1955-56 ........ Amount Required to Balance Budget lfi·57 ....... __ .......... . 1155·51 Act1la1 77,023.47 24.283.15 2,145.56 120,363.29 ---- Total -·-·--·-·------146,792.00 TOTAL. BEGINNING BALANCE PLUS INCOME -·--·-----223,815.47 300.00 J.!!hJ.OO IV. EXPENDrnJRES AND TRANSFERS 6o-Bond lntereat ----· -- b-Bond Bedemptlon -·-·---· 49,o&88.75 99,000.00 20,000.00 n .ru.oo if: -----Total Expenditure. and Transfers .. -.. -·----ENDING BALANCE, lUNE 30 -.. TOTAL. DPENDmJilES AND TRANSFERS PLUS NET ENDING BALANCE - 148,4&'75 ~.72 STROOT'S :m~ I. BEGINNING BALANCE. lULY 1 Cub In County Truawy - * *A~ *Pabdl --........... u 1oM& Clllell--Total Met Bqtmalac BalaDce ----- - ·= 72 ~~~ o~~~i-·M'icili~e .. QPeralm:'~:::-.=:J:~ Roller Operator ...... _ .................... ·-·-----.2.81 20,074.00 SkJp Loader Operator-Wheel Type ____ ..2.65 5,961.04 Tow Blade or Grader Operator ............... -..... ...2.52 Tractor HI·Llft Shovel Operator ............. _. __ ..3.06 Tract• Operator-Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper or Dra1·1YPe Shovel or Boom Attachments ··-·· .. -----··-...... ______ .2.68 104,854.49 Trenchlna Machine Operator --............ _._ .. ..2.9() Unlveraaf ~nt Opera tot (Shovel, 130,889.!53 :!tf~h-ane> --~~:~~~-Clam~.-.3.06 206,216.25 Driver~ of Dump Truc:u of 1-than 4 yda. water level ____ .. _ .. ____________ . .2.405 -----Driven ot Dump Tru~ yda. but 1~ than 8 yda. water level ---· 2..4315 51,801.25 Driven of Dump Trucb-8 yda. but Ieee 1.12,000.00 than 12 yda. wat« level ·---··--... --...2.• -----Driven of Dump 'J'naeb--12 yda. but 1.., than 1& ldl. W J. ---:-..2.!15 183,801.25 Driven ot DUmp TrueU-16 yda. or more · 42,415.00 water level -·-·-·-·-·---·--·-....2. '785 Drtven of ~leaal payload ea~ Ieee than S tona 2 a D,%16.25 Drlwn ot ~al ~d eapadt)' bfltwwn 6 • 10 toM _______ ...2.415 ----Driven ot TrucD-lenl payload~ betweeft 10 It 15 -r. -2.-......., Drtven of 'l'rucb-lepl payload ~pac«y between 15 • 2) T. • '-!115 ...... Driver~ ot ~al pa7loacl eas-h7 .,.otOAO ~ ~=..--~ nuea ___ill _AM\..,. Drivers ot nan~~~t~ ~ a,_ J.MS .,,.,_.,., Drtven of Tra~IX Tn¥:b- --------..,.-3 yda. « maN --·---;::~;:;;;;-'-·· - _._,__., __ Cu lt 00 ptpe~me W~ 1"nac::l Dllua1, lnduciiAJ WIDell TradE Ud aD .... ot OaL • 21.44 23.20 lt_,. 1t.48 tt• . 2)..52 ... 11.72 IIDw "s fi~lling? ., ..,. MdCJ! I •• • Loa of 8Chooa ot aJMCon. one lonr·llft. Kwde wtlh more movlnr tn all the a.m. Ume, are keeplnr the ancJen ODe o1 u.. EnaiP badc·thoP and eldppen happy thae daJa. &rm·c:ha.tr an,... hu c:om· 'nle Jo,...nn. are ott the eut ment.ct tbat havtal blue ftn end ot Cataltna ltla.nd, between tuna mbr.e4 ln with tbe &Jbacale there and !aft Clemente laland. ~oola » o~c.y JU1t u lonr Blue-fin tuna are mlxed In the lldpjMk keep away. Be wtth the a.lbaeclte. SkJpper John· clalm.t the llktpJa.ek ftipe all the ny Baa. brourbt the Su·Za.n Into food from the lonJ·ftnl and runa the Balboa Pavtllon lut Ftldq 'em awQ. Okt')'f ()by. with 32 albacore and 17 blue·11n e ~1:11111 ~Itt tuna. He neur .. the ~boola wlll JUt Olraap Ia runlltnr the move up the coalt between the Streamltner 01 tM Dora a fot two lalanda l.n.ltead of comlnf albacore at 3 I.DL da.Oy with Into the 14-mUe bank. "Iota of aJbuote'" oomlnJ ln. •-"Can't complain now, lota of Flshlnr local waten dally from ~lab, Iota of albacore wlthln 35-Port Oranre are the Mtauwlt mlle. of Newport," excla.lms 6 a.m. and the May B a1 7 a.m. Davey at vley's Locker. Tbe Sea.aport ta runnlnr the San FuJ')', with U Tozer at the Jw an at 2 a.m. dally tor albacore wheel. lea t 3 a .m. dally and with the week-end tripe booked· the Jet, with Capt. John Taylor up ror a lonr Ume. Seuport at the wheel. leaves at 4 a.m. Landlnl charter boata are &lao dally trom Davey's Locker on deep In the t hJek of albacore albacore runa. Albacore special flsh.lne. boata available eveey day at For three daya 1n a row Jut Davey's Locket Include the Sprle. week Bill Wick ot Anaheim Happy Landlnp, Ramona D, caught seven spottln croaker a Sldp-AlLonr. Lea n, Kallanl, day, then went out ttie next day caper and ~,Jerry Widow. and eauebt 12 spottles and went e -.ED BO'I'"" out the next day to catch 12 The Westerner, from the New· spotfln, two bass and a h alibut, port Pier, fllhes albacore each reports G r a h am • a Bait and Tuesday, Thunday, Sa t u r daY Tackle. He was flshlne near the and Sunday, leaving at 3 a.m. Balboa lsland brldre and In a and fl.shes local at 6 a.m. on boat off the Coast Guard dock. othe days of the week. "Red hot Graham's reports that surf flah· albacore t lshlne" ls the word lng has been "remarkably good" from the Newport Pier Pl.ahlne all the way down the coast to Fleet the City of SAn Clemente. A ble run of spanish jacks, Last erunlon runs of the aea· four to flve.pounds. moved ln son are scheduled for Aue. 7, 8. around the ba.rge anchored of1 9 and 10. the Newport Pier last Friday. ------ Now'a the ehancr you spanish ll ... rf IIIII D•••r jack fishermen. Salmon erouper tnd 80rfte halibut are alao heine Dies • ...... Trl• caught on the baree. A 200· .,,.. P pound blue shark was landed Funeral services for Herbert Ray Hearing Is Scheduled For Aug. 3rd James D. a..,, c:oatractor and IC:bool board mem._., who Uws at 5H S.Ward U.. Corona Bllh· lands, t. due to appear In New- port Beach ~ court at 9 a.m. Friday, Au,r. 3. to ~ter plea to a ~ of taUve to llbow ha operator'& lkelae 01' prov1de lderlUftatJon afte:r btinr ln· YOl.-ed ln an acddent. :Mr. Ray appeared ln the court lU\ Friday momJne. at Which time the Aue. 3 appearance was ~eduled. r- ScmFr~ Jcmuary 1, 1157 Harbor 1246 The chUff\ ift!'N out of a foar· car aeddent at Cout Bwy. and HelJotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, on the evenlnr of June 23. Mr. Ray wUered MVere tee lnjur1es and euta on the fordlead and near the ricbt eye and ear. Mr. and Mra. Arvo Haapa. publllbera Co1l.ne GJbbona, Dorotb:1 of the Newport Harbor EnaiiJ'l, McKenna. Mueuert~ Hudl• received Jer and foot cuta and Cor. E. Cout Bwy. at Orch1d bruises wben their car wu bJt Across trom P.O .. CDM In Ute rear by the car drt~n by F~~~~~~~~~~=~ Mr. Bay. The Haapa "ehlcle, stopped waltlne for a lett tum from Coast Hwy.. was knocked Into the oncoming lane of traf!lc. lnto a ear driven by Vlneent Dalslmer of Bellflower, who had oome to a atop to permit Mr. Haapa to tum. The car driven by Mr. Bay swerved to the lett to hJt a car driven by Anthony Yeoman of Long Beach, headed west In the outside lane of Coast Hwy. Mra. Marianne WeJla Barnes of 602 Narcissus Ave., Corona del -u!CEJIC\'"" TIIIIIT. P8CIET IIIII (ItO TVIU) Wodcl'a SIDal'eat lladJo WElCIIS OIILT 12 OZ. Stae oaly r x s· x 1•1 ... A New Concept 1n Personal RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry. lng Case Optional. Extra. IIIIS-IIDWI CO. u a..SC7 1115 ~ al..S.. e-ta .... Mar. suffered facial lacerations !!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!-!1!!!! .. _~----~ In the aeddenL She waa a pas· a ~ITER sencer In h~ own cu. which YPt.'"' waa heine driven by Mr. Ray. ~ Neither would admJt to drlv1ng _ ~t'f AL5 the vehicle. Newport pollee de· 1:11~ clared Mr. Ray was the drive-. 5AI.B TIDE baalne their charge on physical I .-nALS om.. lapply last week on the bar~. Allen Zimmer, 49, of 325 Flower 5 p•t h B b II pI d Greenback mackerel are being St .. Costa Mesa. were held Mon· -I c ase a aye sox IIOU TO Eaz.JIS ,.11 Wcaport aL •.....-t .... caught early momlnp and late day ln Parkes-Ridley Mortuary c evenlnp from the Newport Pier. Chapel, Costa Mesa. w1th Sea· 8 L 8 II T Charle-s R. Berger. 69. of 2187 A aon, James Mic.bael, was MilE I Cllarles Berpr Dill evidence and witnesses. sa'<IQ .....,_ .. All nleht fishermen are catcblne farlne Masonic Lodee 708 otflcl· y -eague a earns Paclflc Ave .. Cosu Mesa, died born to Mr. and l4ra.. John Ecke-r aable flsh, alias sea trout Pier atlng. assisted by Rev. Charles last Thursday after an extended of Bayshore Park. Nt"W'p01'1 Beach. MYERS aneleta are also snagging her· F. Hand. Flve·pltch baseball will be ln conventional baseball the Illness In Orange county eeneral In Boae Memorial Hospital on UmOil rln" and eakhln" a rew small Mr. Zimmer passed away Tues· used for the balance of the C emphasis ls on pitch Ina In five· hosptt.al. Monday. July 9· whlt.e sea baa. • day, July 17. tn Bend, Oreeon, leaeue season. Rod MacMIJIJan pitch the team at bat •has their Mr. Bereer was a native of Read Enatcn Want A&L Sernce Tbe Frontier leaves at 3 a .m. hla wtfe, Mrs. Elizabeth Zimmer. Area announces. Each batte:r e•ts five pitches. fornla for 40 years and In Costa u. S.. Roy.~ n,.. e JU.WAMD •n where be was on a vacation with of the Boys' Club of the Harbor I own pitcher pitching to lhem. 1 Sweden and had lived In CaJI. ------------- daJJy on the albacore run and He beeame lll and dled suddenly. Flw-pltch baseball apeeds.up and no balla are counted. No Mesa for 15 years. Be 1s survived Dr..--A....-._. Westli!MJ l 'oli•flill9 the Jet n at 4 a.m. dally flshlne He was a native or Eaat Bocton. the eame for the youne players. umplre Ia needed. Ten batters by hts wtfe. Lillian Mae; a son. ._ 11• Complete LubnQtioft SeMce local trom the Balboa Pavilion. Ma.ae., and came to eo.ta Mesa aays Coach MacMUllan, who de· come up In each Inning. I Charles R. Berge:r of Santa Ana; ,..._. ....._ 11,. FREE PlCK-UI' a DELIV£«Y Tbe Jet n hu been brlnrtne In In 1946. He wu employed by the veloped the new method. The pitcher throwing the balls two dauebters, Mrs. Lola Ward .. lilliE' ""'-Hert-1094 amaJl yellowtail almost every South Coast Co. of Newport b not &llowed to field the ball. of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Florence day and the Frontier albacore. Beach. tor the put • .,. years .. B F. The team In the field has • King of Costa Mesa; a slster, m~N'f'~ w · 2201 E. ~i9~:! ... __. of co\IJ'M, every day. The Jet fi a welder. oat on tre pitcher (who doesn't plteh l Mrs. Ebba Walslneha.m or Elsl· haa also seen barracuda .decked Mr. Zbnmer was a member of standlne behlnd him to do fJeld nore. on .ome d~ plus calico bUS. the WWlam Sutton MuonJe F I AI work. Funeral services were held N CAR SERVI Dock an1len at the Balboa Pa· Lodge of Saurua. Mus. Beside. a Se arm Coaches and parents picked Saturday ln Baltz Costa Mesa villon find th-•-eatc:hea ran..t .. , h1a wife be 1.1 survived by two th tlv• pi•-.. v--'---• 1 \Ch ............ th .. ____. p--a-• .___._ e AJlw:l' c:u _.., h d A boat on flre one or two miles e "'. u :n ...-••• , VA Pay a~ ,..., ~.ate Pastor ..uw Ut ~ ..-cw ..-.....V....M.:.........&:..I--from hall but. yellowfln croak•. MN. Donald of the orne a · at sea oU the Santa Ala river after all four C leagues held five l Rev. Clyde Ervin of the Costa ---we-ur;gu-. E eome sea trout, oceuJonall)' a draa and B•belt Jr. of ~· jetty, with an airplane drcllne games ol conventional and flve Mesa Co m m u n I t Y Methodist I FIR-... Cll .... ~~~spotfln~· Mesa;adau~-Donna.of ethe~~wasre~ed~New·pmes of fl~·pl~ baseb~.I~Ch~~~~o~m:e~l~a~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~J~~~~~~~~~l~l~h~'i~·~w~~~~~~~~ The Santa Barbara Spedal Is borne &dress; three brother • • port pollee by Cecil Walker of Statistics kept on a eame ot 30 ~ J .. a ... _.,. at 2·.30 a.m . these days Arthur Z1Jnmer of Mabant. Mass. mlnut-r ....... v tl al d 30 "' vm. n --6307 Seashore Dr .• West Newport, ... ~ o ~vn en on an I on an albacore special run from Charles Zimmer of South .,...ton. at S:2S p.m. Monday. I minute-s of five· pitch showed two Norm's Landini and Ia brJngtne Mus. and WllJlam Zimmer of Trattlc Officer Don Munson Innings of conventional and lD the long-fins. Norm's LandJne Docbeste:r, Maa; three aJsters. conflrmed the report and re-I three lnnJnp of tl~·pltch game. dlarter boat. are averaglne from Mrs. Allie Dacey of ReadJne. quested that the Coast Guard be Durlnc that period nine boys 1S to 25 albacore a trip. DudJey I Maa.. Mrs. Guy Stnma of Mel· notltled. The Coast GulLrd dl.s·1 batted un~r conventional and Elle:r, akJpper of the An dele. rose BJehland. Masa., and Mrs. patched th~ local S3·foot patrol 33 boys batted under rtve pitch; went out from Norm's one day 1 Leonard Scbloeaer of Costa boat, a cutter and a helicopter three boys made base hits In recently after a l ~a eo r e and Mesa. and one rrand.ton. to the ~ne. Flares were flred conventional and 22 boys made brought ln 17 tuna, each weigh· Interment wu ln Harbor Rest from the Coast Guard vessels base hits In rtve-pltch ; the out· 1 l~f_:m~ore:.~th=an:_~:.>~=:.:::;__:a~n~d~M:;emori:;:::.;al::_~P~u~k.;;._~~~~., to UlumJna~ the area lo an at· I field handled the ball three ~ ·~ jfc~r;:lwc Day..... tempt to locate the burning boet. tlmes under conventional rul~ 1 .,..., The smoke had attracted the at· and 22 times under five·plteh.1 s ..._ tentlon of m any people on shore. I the Infield handled the ball rt~ k. 1; • JET A paaalne boat. hav1ng seen the I times under conventional play l _,.r~ -J.·~ 4..... smoke. also radioed the Coast and 13 Urnes under flve.pltch. I •• -.--Guard to report a boat fire. I A dlscusslon held after last 1 832 3lat St., Newport Beach 9 Charter Boats At 10:25 p.m. Monday Coast aeuon by coaches brought up Guard headquarters In Lonl the . lnactJvlty of play ln the C I Beach reported that the boat fire league and the problem of get· wu a false alarm. A Navy patrol tlng umpires. KacMilllan aald plane bad observed bubbles from be thought up the tJve·plteh Idea the sewer outfall and dropped a trom a modified basbtball game smoke flare to mark the loea· Idea he developed for youne tlon, causing the false alarm. players using lowered baskets. Five-pitch Is only uRd In the 1 c leaeue or younarer playns. The older teams use conventional b~ball I A ear driven by Charles R. TO.OJIITO VJSJTOa o• LL Cozad of Santa Ana hit a legally Vlsltors ror the month at the puked ear rerlltered to PbDUp home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ralph Brownell of 413~ E. Bay Ave .• Schisler. 1:102 S. Bay Front. Ba.J. Balboa. ln front ot 400 E. Bay boa Island. are Mrs. 'lbomu Ave. at 6:14 p.m.. Monday. An James Ryan Sr. and Kiss Caro- arrument wlth residents of the lyn Greensldes. Mn.. Jtyan b area raulted. Mrs. Schisler's mother and Mlas Tbe parties dJ.reet.ly concerned Greensldes Is her nJece. In the acddent aeemed uttsrled ii:~==~~~==~~ with an exdumre of references and money. Howewr, reaclenta ot t.be area were quanet.ome W1th Mr. Colad. becaUM the area at.ounct. wttll reddeaa driven fJoln ttme to Ume, tnvestlrattne ome.n commented. ea.. •• a.n FA~· DOI'T IE LATE • • • COli EST CLaES -~ • • tn prtzes plus other gifts , ..... ,. ... clrll ..... Ilia ... , •••list. All you h~e to do ia 6niah this sen- tence in 25 words or less: "' IEEP IY SHIES 1IEU. a11.. IECIISE " It's Easy! Get Mother and Dad to Help You. Ill Prize IIIIPthi ~Pthi ...... .. ·---·--·--· .... ·-····-· . --·----··-······--·--·---·--- -·--------.. -· .. ---·----....... ...... ..... , ..... .... , ..... .... 1111 Two aadonal jun.lcll' ~ 100 4lurlDa ~ ma~ .,.. 111 by -.aMn ot. the twa· ftn4 8aturda1 at cu.p ._. .. .. ..... ot. me SOuth OoMt ... ,... Soutll Cout Ju;ftlor bar· Gun a. Ia matc:liiM ftred ~ ma.a tMm tb-.4 a 1M out of a tiM ...--eDd. ~ble 1000 owr tile naUonal or.. __..._ M J d d J • to • matda evune. ..-11 ldtll m • ,........., ot. 1AIIIII ~ Mt a the eent• ot. lO·rina tupta. 1n MW JalcW olf·I&&Dd ar 8t&Ddlq .80 caliber. 'l'be bJP IDdlvidual teec:n et • out ot. a J*Gb&e ot tbe Jun.1cr .30 call)er tam -~~..;,.._;._..:..;..._,_....._ ___ wu Barry Mc:DeaD ot. Lon1 Beach with a 8CCie ot. K1 out ol250 . .. a •• ........ th~:Ouo:'~~ ::::.r~~ are Bill Martin and Stephen Mn. ftm ~ett. 52. of 924 W. Graham. Georee ~E*Jn. chief Balboa Blvd.. Balboa, ~uttered junior m.truct.or and a director minor tnjUrlea ln a t.bJoee:car at'· of the National RUle Assn., cldent at that address at 3:15 coached the team. p.m. MondQ', Newport pollee re-Jtrt.stln St&l of Corona del Mar ported. and ludy Reean of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Pellett wu ma.klng a wtth Brea clrll. set a new junJor rteht tum ln1o a ~Y at her Women'• record for the 100 meter home when her car wu hlt In the any aleht small bore flrlnl 1n a rear by a ear driven by Lynn D. match Sunday at the Brea Gun Ream. 16. of 34.11 E. 15th St., Club with a IICOre of 791 out of N~ Heteht.s. 1r1rs. Pellett'• a poutble ~. car waa knocked ahead Into a The junior small bore team puked car re~ to lohn V. from the South Coaat Gun Club Walp, 48, ol 721 Marteold Ave., placed first ln a )()().yard any Corona del Mar, pollee aaJd. Mrs. sight match, second lh the 100 Pellett wu taken to her doctor meter any sight match and see- by her buaband. ond In the 100 yud metallc sight Phone tn your newa stories to match, the latter won by the your local newspaper, the En· Brea junJors. Members of the ld~. B.arbor 1114. junior small bor~ team from the ------------South Coast club are Dave Kimes ~PORT ::<,,,~,. ((lfi(INA D[L ftUil Hf U .'IUHl'l ••• Slllwilc "....... .l•cllol" -pia.- "Tile Sea Sllall llot H.IYI Tllela" of Newport Heights; Karl Stal and Bob Ballinger of Corona del Mar and Harry McDean. AMOWG tbe receat JMwcoaaen to lf.,..,..-t Balboa S«ftDp CIIDd Locm Auodattoa'a ltafJ lD Rewport Jeocb ere (left to rlg:bt) Dcme DoUoL of tbe accouat1Dg dotpcubu ... t. lladcm Joluulola' of ..aowa. CIDd Betty Fon. loaD MCntary. New Vehicle Grounding Law Explained by State Director The new statt> motor vehicle "grounding" law, which became eUectlve July 1. Is part of the State's effort to protect the reportable accidents occurlng alter mldnleht June 30, 1956. IJnsung Com~nudab Treuure Book coupon draw· ln• 2 p.m. Satun1ay. (July Z.> Brine or Mncl the Ray FJelcla, Vlllta Jeweler eoupona to \d wttb )'OW' name &ncl adctre. on the back. You may wln a valuable prize -a ata.lnlelll 8teel flatware ~ for elpt plus chat. To be &lven away • PRE& 1.J 8·8t88. 1m W. 19th Beacon Per a o n n e 1 Aaency Oranae Inn after the Coast Hwy. St., eo.ta K..a. Rerns to want to keep tabs on detour near Laeuna diarupted the Newport Post Office wherever It .. h;e;lr::;;or~l&in;;;al~o;per;;a;tJ~on;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=;;ltay~;;Fl;;;el;;da.;;;V;;;llta;;;;;lewel;;;;;;er;;;~ they are ... .a they have moved. ;:. Thelr former location wu on 1 3bt st., just back of the former 1 poet office location on 32nd stret. Now they are holed ln and 1 worktna at 120 Tustln Ave .... a block from the new post oUlce 1 site at RJvera1de Ave. • • • Customers come even by alr to the new Oranae Inn, just a mile 1 down COast HIJ'.hway from Co·1 rona del Mar. Ownera Leo and Ida Cross said that the day alter they opened at the new location a 2-wlndmlll helicopter came by. circled around and landed near· by. The pllot bou&ht an oranae Cor each crew member, and took oU. The Croues relocated their A CoaaDJ,ete L1IM of FDfi!CAUEn Wool Carpet • low a 15..15 yd. BON lARCHE' HARBOR 61'76 2919 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar * Harhr 2212 * 01/R SPECIAlrr -. ---- * Harttor 2212 * COROIA DEL MAl PHARMACY ;"TIIE .. Ma ... ~ IIAU01l 12'12 1 • motorin& public from damagea suffered In accidents that may be caused by financially Lrrespon· slble drivers and owners opera · 8bow Start. at DuaJt I Cartoon <.Janllval Yrt Sat Sa.a Doon ()pee at 1 :16 SaL & 81lD. .)pee &l lt :tl *Sow Sbowmr at Two Tbeatree * calling al • • • • l u o11 Il l 1>'"'''.1 1 I I t1 t . ·'· .. llllll·fQIIB·MI- -AJ.o-----"EDGE OF HELL" -st.arrtar- B~o llaaa &ad .Jaae &.ammenteln * New 8botrillr * IUBTIN & LEWIS .... A&DNI:R8 .. "TB1: L&A TBJ:R SAU\T WflCOME AIOARDI • • • • .to Newport Horbot'a finest water• front rendnvoua ... Leisurely dlntne '" a dlatinctlve Enollah T crvern atmosphere. tlng on the highways. Paul Mason, state director of Motor Vehicles. has Issued a re· mJnder to a ll motorists that fall· ure to observe the accident re- porting, financial respoMiblllty, and security posting require· ments of the Caltfomla Vehicle Code may reault In the auspen· slon of a car owner's vehicle registration and lice~ plates, a.s well u suspension of a drlv· er'a license. The new provision now tak· lng effect 15 the vehicle ~gistra· tlon suspension feature, which also requires t he owner to store the car at bls own expense whlle u nder State suspension. The director said the accidents that must be reported under thJs law to the Department of Motor I Vehicles' FlnanclaJ RespoMI·I blllty office In Sacramento In· elude all those In which any one person suffers Injury, death, or property damage In excess of $100. The report must be made on Corms provided by DMV and must be submitted within 15 days oC the date of the accident. The drivers Involved In the accl· dent must make such reports. re· gardless of blame for causing lt. These reports are In addition to any required by local pollee. Mr. Mason said that drivers and owners may exempt them· selves from the security postlnl and s uspension provisions of the law by establishing their flnan· cial responsibility. The most common method of dolnl thls ls to show on the reporting form that the driver was Insured under an auto liability Insurance policy for at least $11,000 at the Ume of the accident. He aald the department has prepar~ a leaf· let explalnlng exemptions and other features of the amended law. available from all DMV of· flees. Dealera. banks, and auto fl· nanclna firma throughout tbe State haft bern notUled of a new provision llmlttng transfer of title of a vehJcle whose reti· stratlon and platea have been suspended. The d1rec:tor aald the amen4ed law wlll operate with respect to .. RED HOT• ValuH for Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. July 26. 2.7. 28th Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday and HoHdays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. SWU I 5-ADaw•t. l Jh. 2 ,_ 27¢ MARGARINE JLii' BE lmttaU• a. oa. aow. WESTOifi-llaplt I OL 1'1£9. Maple Syrup 3~ Creme Cookies "'• CaD QAJJIES-1 Jh. CaD OMATOES 2h<37( DOG FOOD lb. 6~ lb. 4s- lb. 55~ ..