HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-09 - Newport Harbor EnsignTllll CAif.c:AJI LDr& will M • tep elbCiCtiua at tiM 115a Lido ,_ _______________ _.:.._ _____ _ s.a. -...ci·Vp. -~ wW be M14 f'rtday, Aag. 17, ill tbe •ldalty .. 1M ... --............. ~ l:aa·Caa gtrla. .... wtll ..... t111a Ww._ ecta of ... zl et .._~ .. are (left to rtpt) ..... -...en Pndley, ..... Dlntd ......... lin. J .... law· y.. ..._ 1 ... ......_...., ..... JMa DcmM. cmd Nra. Eugeae v.... 1 ... IJdo ................ pltoto) . Work Begins on Realigning Coast Hiway 1'be State BJpway Dept. has ~ preltmloa.ry w.ork on the proJect of re-aJicn lne Coast HI~ ln Newport Beach. Sur· ~ c:nwa are at work alone the hll!l•at. e.tabllablne points ot reference oo tbe prewnt hiatt· wa:~. Plana for the new aJJcn· mem ot the hlehway will be prepared f:rorn thete survey re· porta. Major re-allcnm.ent calLI for the Cout Hwy. to swine up the Clift Haven blurr from a polnt near JohnBOD 6: Son Lincoln· Mercury Aaency, with an over- ~ ov« 17th St. and a hlah level bridee crouJne the Upper Bay channel, re-Jolnlne the o~­ ent hlehway near the Marine A w. junc:tJon. T. DVJfCAif lftWAaT. t.nl of .. Eadp.. ,.....t of a.. cut& CIMtDr oC tiM epic. -na. .... -tbe ..ua.ro-FlOOI" ... ~ens Urged to H~lp ·Name· Queen Of Jubl1ee The Phase on the Bathroom Floor ••• Jack Bidwell in Iron Lung, Polio Victim I"'YE·ftu.OLD a-Mra m.. IMr daowwd Ia aau.. ..., .. day wta1Je -• "-It .... .... wttla ... blootiMw .-4 ....... 'l1a1a ..... let JlllctwaR .. -.atMaa. taba Ia • ....,. Aftllde ..... bot bootlt.. Proposal to Consolidate PO Studied The Post om~ Department IS making a study tCI determin-e "the ~aslbUity aud advtsablllty' ot consolidating the Corona del Mar Post Otfl~ with the main Po5t Otnce ot N~ Beech. Wllllam W. Prokxh. ~In · spector, .., ... In Corona deJ Mar Monday lntervtewm. bu1ness people and resldenbl. uklng them what they thoupt fill eon- solldation. He Is conductlne the mrvey for the chief postal lnspeetor In the San Francisco oatce, and will su bmlt h1a report and reoommen. dation there. From theft a reoport w1U be submltad to Wublnlfon. CorwoUdation would dlanae ttw ec.ana del w.u .... omce lade BJctw.U owner ot the into a .Utlon of the Newpart Bidwell Shops t:W lien on Balboa Beach PDIIt Of!lce.. ftllt ~Jd Wand, Udo Center and Lacuna ~e It atm.Uar to Balboa and la In an lron June at Oran~ boa Island, where the post of. County Gemoral Hotrpltal. sutler-t.lces haw been cb&D,pd to at&· Inc from the bulbar type ot polio t1ons. a.t1llctlnc the Junes.. Mr. ProJtwc:h AJd the chan,. would be feuJble. and would He bad felt IU tor severa_l days.. e&\Uil!! vey little lf any cba.naoe In but thoucht It was some sort of deUvey. Corona del Mar would virus. Friday he went to Hoae still retaln ·Its own can<:lPUatfon Hospital. and the next day was , stamp, be pointed out. Be u.Jd sent to the General Hospital that eonsolldation could brine Mr. Bidwell. age 42. lives at about ~nomles becauae of ~n- 1905 Haven Pia~. Cllff Hav~n. tn.llz.ed b~ak-down ot maJl 1n He Is past presld~.>nt of the BaJ.I t~ main post otflce. boa Island Business Assn. and Is I Advtsablllty ot conBOlldat1on now president ot the Udo Shops depends on local SE'n tfmeont. he Assn. I sald. Debate Policy on Teachers Operating Private Business \~-­ TAKE WOME TI-llS LOIN OF PORK TODAY AND ~E'AR T~E FAMILY S~OUT ~OORAY'~/ IIIJO••Ioelulas.w ... lOW OPEl SUIDIY SPECIALS for ThW'L, Fri., Sat., Aug. 9. 10, 11th * * * LUOWETnt FRYERS lb. 53t CUT UP STEWING HENS 33~ UAII 6 JIUTT ...._... Stewing Beef lb. Stc •• • . INSURANCE ''Be Sure--Insure'' WI"J'B STANLEY ~ .taacno._.ct ... !'bone Bubar ,.., .. 1115 &. Cout Blltnt'a7 C.Ona del Mar ._....._uaa PATCH'S BODY 6 PAnfT SHOP R. W. PATCH Complete CoUiilloa Weft Auto PalnUq ..... lllttmat.-TrJ u. Pint -Weetl"lth St. C....._. u~._ WHY YOUR CHILD .. SHOULD BE VACCINATED .AGAINST I ...__ , .POLIO NOW I PUIUC MAlTM MIVICI «IPOIT fiOM ) 22 STAtiS ANO NIW YOlK CITY .. 1955 . UNVACCINATED 29:2 cases Jill 100,oeo VACCINATED 6.3 CentS Jill , •• . GIT YOUI POUO SHOTS AS SOON AS YOU CAN ••• I CONTACT YOUI DOCTOI • 01 PUIUC HWTM OHICU NOWI To The Newport tiarbor Ensign a.-. •••ldr •••~~~*• e.. Bww .AiM Frill ...... ., ..... ........ .., ..... Tml .. 0"10 .._ ............ ---t .. tM &Mila , •• au. ...... 0....,. c..t e.tiiJ!L-_ ....... -~ • a.&4 ..., ..... &..-. ........... Cellep. .... , •• ol tile tou .-t'l' ,..... ... tile triMS 1• ... (left .. n,ll.l) ..... au-...... J1a. .._ ..._. o1 ._.. .a... 110.-IIIJdNd Wftloa ol S 12.8 Is Stolen From Church Oa I .. ~ ... 'ft-p•• ol ~ Dw • ....a-t -.utoll Fred R. Jacobs, Tl. a rettred ol ._. .,.... ...S Dw • ....._ Approximately $128 cuh wu pha.rmact.t owner, dled July 21 stolen In a burclary or St. An-~~ ~dt.~ .s:.u:r:.:rv; Pay L·1,ense by Aug 15 :~ew.:n=.~-:n c~r~~:. of Brac!tord, Vennont. and bad • 1 Newport pollee ·reported lut been • realdent of Newport Thursday. Beach tor the put nine yean. The church putor, ~. James ~ ~~.:r~:!~E Local Businesses U~ged ~?:n:f!1·~~£.~ port Beech. He la aurvlved by bla thJet pried open a metal tlle wUe, Allee;' two eon.a, Robert ot All bualneaaes In the City ot p rea en t ordlnance. Pendlnc cabinet and a metal cuh box Newport Beach and Maylon or Newport Beach are lnatruc:ted to adoption ot chances. the Clty re-ln.alde tt. found ln the church of. r.o. Anples; one brother, Jay pay b],lfineU Uceme tees by the quftll that you pay Bualnea flee. He left lle In the cuh box Jacot. of Loa Anleles; one at.ter, due d"ate, Auc. 15, on the bula Ucen.ae tees when due u re-and a quantity ot chance In the Mrs. Don Rot.lincton ol Vermont. ot the recently revtaed license qulred by the present Ordinance. rue cabinet, pollee said. Hol.7 lloN.ry wu rec:Jted July ordinance. Alter adoptJon ot chances. and The thld entered the church . ::&4 tn Our Lady ot Mt. Cannel In a notice to local bu.lneaes., eome tlme prior to Oct. 15, you ldtcben tb.rouab an unlocked Cat.bolk Olutdl, Newport Beach. Ctty Manacer Robert Shelton ad· will be notltled ot the Bualneu window. He took a can ot crape- R.equJem M.. wu celebrated v1aes them that the l~n.ae fee Llcen.ae tee applicable to your juice from a rebijDil'rator, drank July 25 In the cburdl. with the structure t. belnc revUe<~. and bualnesa. U the fee t. adjusted part ot It and lett the can on Bev. P'atber Tbomu JWey ottJ. adjuatment:a wtU be made when upwJrd you will be billed ae· the .tnlt. He round a n at lron daUna. the new ra~ are announced. cordlncly; lt the tee la adjusted bar In a noreroom oU the He-re s. the text or the notice: downward any exceu payment k:Jtc.hen. went outside and at- ''nle provlalorut of the Newport alrudy made wul be rounded. tacked the otnee door with the Beach Municipal Code retatJnc to ''1be City appreelates your tooL He &leo apparently used a Buslnea Ucenaes are currently patience and cooperation durlne .crew driver on the door but hla belnc revl.led to achieve creater the period requlred to modernize attack wu un.auoces.stul. He then .. -.l'C3~~~ equallz&Uon ln tbe appllc&tJon the CJt;y'a Bualneu I:Jcen.ae OrdJ· attempted to foru open a tran· of the tee atructure and easler nance. 110m wtndow on the north 1lde of admJnlstratlon of the license "Pleue direct any quMJon to the buOdlnl and tlnalJy calned ordlnanee. The City Council U · the Ucen.ae Inspector, City HaU., entry to the otflee throuch an- pecta to eon.alder and adopt phone Harbor 3131." other tr&n.aOm window. chanees In the ordinance In tlme ~~ effective about Oct. 15 • Fund Drive Volunteer Crews ''These chances may result In d .L ..... ~N44 elther upward or downward ad-p . d b c ·gn Lea er ...... w.. justmenta In rees requl:red by the raIse y amp a I ~~~~~~~~~~ , ....... , .. ~an ......... .-.thlle• val· •ble, too .••• ·Newport Harbor Bcalk The 8f:'Veral hundred volunteer l adulan. Mrs. Al C. Plecer, KrL workers In the 19M-56 Newport J. R. Hankey, Mrs. Wllllam Hu· Harbor Community Cbest drlve muon. Mra. Lee Jones. Mra. F. have received pralae trom Mrs. Hub6, Ralph Myers, Mrs. Doug· Kenneth Coollnc. last year's la.s Hoskins and Mrs. Yvonne campalcn chairman. She ex-~ve. preaed her penonal tb&nka and ------ that ot her orca.nlz&Uon tor tbelr J--1. ..... _. uat.t&nce and stated her hope nRill WI that many wUl once acatn part. A .take trash truck with a let pate In the 1956-57 drive slated larce amount of smoke comlnc tor early In October. from the load wu obeerved by MrL Coollnc said, ''The Com· Tratflc Officer Georce Koumann munlty Cheat drive for 1955·56 or Newport Beach on Cout Hwy. wu aueceutul due to the coop-at 11th St.. Newport Beach. at eratlon of more than 300 volun-9:12 a.m. Friday, luly 27. teen who gav~ unaeltlably of By the time the oUit'ft pulled thelr time. Because of their join-the driver over to the aide of the Inc together In th.. effort. all 1 road the enUre rear end or ttw 18 arenetes or the Chest are car -, truck was covered wlth n ames. rylnc on thelr fuU program or Newport Beach firemen were services to the youth of the area called to extlnculsb the n aming and aid to children and adults. truh . The truck waa owned by The Newport Beach United Fund the Bay Cities OS.~al Co. of bo&rd ot dlrecton jolrut wtth the eo.ta )fet.a. Hot charcoal wu whole city In being cratetul to blamed for the tire. all these many workers. We urge you now to plan to help again Bead Enstrn v. ant Ada. thla fall In the enlarged pro- cram." The Newport Beach United I Fund, to whlch Mrs. Cooling re-~ ferred, .. the new name recently chown by the CommunJty Chest. The United Fund baa expanded to Include the Famlly 86vtce Professional Directory A.uoclatJon or Orance County. r-----·-MUSIC:;;:.;:;=;.._----: the UnJted Appeal or Oeftbral Palsy Aaociatlon ot Orange Margaret L. Scharle County, and the Salvation Army. Teacher of Plano Volunter majora to whom Orcanlat • Accomp&DI.It thank.a wu t'Xpnued we-re Mrs. Evenlnl a.- Ray JUnderlmecht. Balboa; G. tor dulta Mark Entellce, Newport; Mra. :.rf GOLDEN1100 AVE. Marlan T. 01.-n and Mn. James '---;;;;;Coro;;;;-;na:-;-;~del;;;Ku;;::;;:;;;---' Beattie. LJdo lale; Mrs. Lee ~::=::=:=::~;::=:::;:::=~:=:::;:;::~~~~ ~on~ N~ H~cbu; Mrs. ~~~~~~~--~~~ ; H&rfy Blade. Balboa laland; and Friendly Nelchborhood s.rvtc. Dr. Ed MUum, Col'ona del Mar. p ARICES-RIDLEY • THE .,., U4ulri ~arpet-Drapery and Interiors 1D IIII:IICWAL 0~ 'l'lmm orra.,. ~ •SAJ..D .oc. TO 3422 EAST COAST HIGHWAY .. . CORONA DEL WAR PHONE HARBOR 6171 Capt.aiM of tbe v&rioua area were: Balboa-Mrs. WUllam B. Clark. IIORTUAU 110 Broadway u 1-M331t ~ Colta ~~-Mrs. Sam Joeeph, Mra. R. s. RidE· eta. lin. IUcharcl LllJenthal. Mra. N. C. Sturpon, and .Mrs. Harold ~========~ BoyYey. Mewport,-Ecl HealY. KrL Lars Lavaplno. Mn. Georp St.-art. Al Oet~M~K'eo -.,.. Ja--. Mrs. John ~. Mrs. Vale Jtild. men. Mn. J..,.. Abell, lloWWd , Wrllbt. Kn. leek ..,.._, &D4 llta.Cil .... ....... U. .... liN. ._ T. Dblwkt· &,llti.A.O.~IIn.B. .. ·~· lin. lteltb ~. andllrt..C.C.DoM. Jtcwpcwt l'&al'ta-lin. Karl lAwtl. ........ -.n7 ..... Ted N O W ... TWO BALTZ MORTIJARIES a.rvtq the Harbor .U.. Baltz Mortuary QIA.PEL IY '!'1m W Harbor. mm&.eoue-....., Oafona ..... Baltz Mortuary UMI1::J' .. IIIl t1'1l a a..,.w, 0111a .._ • AMJil.S 'AIKIIIO lOIII LOCAWC*I ~ ..... ....,. ..... .. ...... ... .... ,. ,._. '"===•m ...,. ...... _ ..... c. .. ...... ...... ,.,..~ ..... ~,... .......... .... ..... o.,t Kaw.. ... ...., ...... a.aal.-.. ... .. ... _, -liiiiL w ....... ...... aaocy ~~~--~--~------~~~--~~ ~M--·---~,~~~;=~~~~ ·- ••• of sodal nole BRUCE MARTIN AITI -, ... -ME-LIFE LOCAL AGENT 1183 NEWPORT A VI!., COSTA IO:SA OP'J1CE: Ubetr)' a..BC RES. UberC7 S.508.1 WALTAH SAY-- SEE WALTAH'S WASH-OUT F,.. I IIIIIMIIII 'MIMI (Dis Is A Sale Brucldah!) WaJtah Swab Down Da IMc:k E•ery Auguat For Make Boca FOI' Non Da' Kmda StuB From Honolulu ---• TEA nMERS DIIUI weN 119.95 DOW 112.95 1m1l •AJrn were 117.95 DOW 112.95 A Few Swim Suits o.. :.:.7'• 1185 •ow.. T MEN'S SHIRTS ......... ROW ........ ~lo- ktall Cotta• B'ftd J'rtated QUD..TED Colton Jackets & Pants ..... aus •ow'14• QUD.TED Silk Pedcle Pusher Sets ... ISU5 •ow '2'r Wontan's Collon Blouses =1~.~~.: •1• PEDDLE .pusHERs .... IUS s-a.... ·r MEN'S SILK ROBES ... uus •ow 'zr Men's Cotton Robes .... ••us •ow T SHIRTS llaad Sa•1••d .._ eou.. T Th.la Is • .._. laar9ada ... 114.15 ROW DRESSES HAND PRINT .... as.oo ROW .,. DRESSES~~= SUN DRESSES Irish Unen Dresses ,.,.... 135 MOW .,.... US.OO ROW . Silk Strapless Dresses ... MUS •ow '1 915 SUN DRESSES ·--==~~ ...,. 114.15 ROW T Silk Tube Dresses Skirt Blou~ Set ... ID.SS JlfOW . 11.-cl J'rtat .... CeiHIDe ...... sa.t5 Chl1dren's Moo-Moos _ aus ROW '1415 Childlen's Swim We• ~~!.lrl~--­ STRAW .. BAGS STRAW SHOES BOYS' SHIRTS ......... IIOW .... -.... Come ID SpiD Ice Cr.a IJJr.e Odda Do- Put Papa ID lar-Y ou Come Try Clothel 1'Mil Papa No Feel Pain! ALTAH CURIE'S NEW HAWMIAN SHOP BALBOA I tl#bul ~ eAwtdi ol 'IJmvt e/uUa -----IIIIIW ... _. EWIJ .... •• &t•ll Ill Y• ----- .wuaut waWODilf I ~ ........ a.... .... wnw rmr. ... _.. ._ • ...... ..wa. • .... a....,.,._ ... .-. Lw•• -1•• tr ...... -Jti~ ... ;-~·~~~ .. ;_IC~-;r~~~~-~ ... ~~ .... ~~·~·~-:;;--~-;~· ___!~~~Wt;6~).~D1~-~J);:;~d~C~IC~Id;aa~~-~1~1C;a;;WI~•~t~,_.;t _ ~ -~-. ..._ arutW. ....._ ._. &ook· ... ;IW 3 hi b ..... (a...-...... ) _..... """• •JC~t~CRilr .. • w A•d Ch ' h ~ j• • sunc1a1: •· .a.m ... a.ureh s'!". omen 1 urc MISSIOns clay Scbool. t .30 and 11.00 • C t R P tt• I t II d ._. 1• a.m.~ Wonhlp--7 p.m. ap ay a I son ns a e ..... tJ Collep Aae~ ~-1 Althourh only orpn.lzed Jut and Invite them to ehurcb; and e p.m. Wrb llchool MYl' Service; November, the Lutblmln Worn· the Altar GuJlcS. beaded by Mra. Me.leltary Order Commander , • ._.... 8 p.m.. younr aclulta fi'OUP an'a Klalonary Learue of Chrt.t Kenneth Dutro. whJeh takes care aervlce. Lutheran Church In Costa Meaa of Dowen and appointment& for Sept. 13 .. the deaclllne to Tim anraar or CIDJIT .. part of a natlon wtcle atfuta-the churcb Mr'VIeet. New oUicers of the Mlllta.ry sentatlve, at a meet1n1 of omcen rerlster to voti& In the November 1050 Q..-lt.. c.t. ..... tJon of women of all Miuourl Other om oen of the MtaaJon· PIDT UPniT caoiiCII Order of World Wars were ln· and commJttee chairmen held at reneral election. LDerty I ·IM7 UJ Learue are Mrs. Jtu-.ell ..... AM A.., .t II 11 rl" formally Installed last week by the S.hore ClWa home of Lt. Col. Deputy regtatrar of voters are D. a. •ant. 1Ciai8M ~ Hanvelt, Neretary; MJs. Shafer, C.... .._ Dr. David Nlelaen, past com· A. E. Stockton. u foUowt: In Corona del Sunday Jlervtces: 9:45 a.m. Bible ~~ treuurer: Mra. Lothar Turnow, .... •· a. ••-•• IIUlnder and now national repre· The offJcen. already preparing Andrew w s.mtth 3400 Ocean study~ 11 a.m. mornlnr wor· ~?!"f!E contact chairman, and Mrs. Wal· Sunday Servtce~: t :M a.m. Sun· ------------plans for their first ofttclal meet· Blvd.; Michael c: Healy, .as ;:]SJ.,~=' P;:y.~enl~~aervl:: ter H. Alben, aervtce chalman. day Schoo~ 11 a.m. Wonhlp Will-f•-11 Ul-1.1... tng In September, are Command· Momtn1 Canyon Rd.; Marna L. Weclnes<lay. ' · p. . Typical of their monthly meet· ~~~; uni~i .f;; .. p.~ n;wl -J ..... er Capt. RayUnn Pa.ttJson of Coro· Olton. ru Poppy Ave.; Mrs. Hen-__ Synod Lutheran Churches. Uaed lnp wu the one held Jl'riclay at wedneld 7 30 Friends who were neighbors of ~ta del Mar; Lt. F. B. Brandt, first riette L. Undaey, .00 Seml Dr.; CIDUIT C111JaCII •T Tim IU clothlnr .. rathered at the Costa the par.onare. The nieetlnr was ~~!, ~,=; PralM a:faa~le the Al Plegera In Corona del Mar vtce commander; Col. Howard and Mrs. Fay B. Reber, 216 Ore· . c-.uttr ~ Meaa church and taken to Loa opened with prayer and devo· Stucll. Monday: 7:30 p.IIL twelve yean ago during the Lagerqu .. t. aecond vice com-hJd Ave. lkl.llaM •• at l•tla lt.. Rewpen Anreles to be abJppe<l to foretrn tiona rtven by the chu:rcb mlnl· Men a Cborua practl~j 1:10 war renewed acq~alntances ln mander; Col Al ltlng. adjutant; Newport-In City Hall· Mrs. IIAdMw U. ml.talona, while money Ia aaved ger, Rev. Lothar Tumoy. Mta. p.m. Mn'a Prayer Meeu.nJ. • vt. fr N y k Capt. Hugh McVeigh treuurer· 608 W 'Ocean ,__, Jleor • ..,. A. c.IMa to help local J'Dialons u close a. Tumow reported on the women'• -July with a lt om ew or ... a""r John Upson , judre ad. Julia Ecaert, l . Sunday Wonhlp, 9:30 a.m. and Palm Sprtn----at plann__. •or the moun -IT. UDU,.WIIIIin-• State. .... zv ' • Front. 11 a.m. Cbui'eb School, 9:30 •-,,. .. ...,. wu &! ~ tavaca The famUy are the Henry R. vocate; Cocl. t.WlllEJdwtam HoGo1llmdka~, Balboa-Mra Eleanor C Thay· a.m. Mldwftk M=: 7:00 Thke wf o.~~ arlocale actlh~~-~n toothe ~~ .. ~e~-La~.~Arrowhea~ In l5tlllt. & lt. Ae 3 ow a lid.. lv1ll N surreon; ap n ""' · · p.m. Wednesday eel by wor o u .... u c """" , ~....,.-......... ~ report.,.. on .._ ...._. ~!~cox~e~o~e;a' mov.':t rroe: chaplain; Col. Leslie Soderberr. «. 1706 Miramar Dr. 6:15 p.m. potluck. explained Mrs. V. H. Hale. preai· vt.lt..Lnr the Oranp County Jlos. ~~ lsl'm .Acada and Second Ave. 12 yean hlst.orlan, and CapL Gordon N~ Hetrht.-Mn. MD· dent of the LWML. At Christ pltal and rest hornet In the ...._. .... 1--a. lkaat aro thelr .on, Henry m. wu just Uewellyn, enstrn. drecl cr. MnTell, 421 Holrnwood IT. JOACIIDI CIIOIICII Lutheran Cburdl they are dl· county with other Lutheran SUNDAY: )(CII'Diq wonblp, ~ t :30 four montba old .. Now he u a bll Com.mktee members for the Dr. liM 0...... A .... c.t. ..._ vlded Into two rroups-tb~ Par· Cburcb members trom thec:ounty and 11 a.m.: Cbwda lehool. boy of 12 comJnr bade to look new year are Col. C. V. Jobn.son FllSl CHUI01 Of' CHIUST LDertr 1s1•1 lab Worker&. headed by Mrs. and the rroup made tentatJve 9~30 and 11:00; Jr. B'f,h, Sr. over blJI native state. Also l In charge of publicity: Capt. Pat-SQINT1ST ....I.,~7.Ji. .:'1: ...S Arthur Shafer, who ro out and plana for Chrlatma.a festivities :!C and c:oll.ge~ ellow· member ot the famJly ls Marrte tlson. clv11 defenae; Col. Larer· ncB VIe Lw.. ...._. ....,. 11:30 a.m. Weekcla~: M .. at call on Luth«ana In the area for the abut-Ina.. atu~ ~~: l:30 .;[• Prayer. Willcox. are 6. qw.t, Oar chairman; Col. Soder· · A breftdl .f Tlle Mother Owreh, 1\e 7:00a.m.-Conf...ton: Satur· The Pleeen have sold their berg, armed forces; and Maj. A~ Churc.h .f Chn.t, Sciefttltt. ifl lol-da~ from 4:00 to 5:1.S-7:00 to home on Dahlia and moved to M. R. Kenney, me.mbenhJp. toll, MeiMChuwtt.. 8:30 p.m. Su1141ey Sdtoel t : 15 ..,., Bayview In the Back Bay area. liEU Sulldey Service II :00 eA. naT .....niT c:lnmCB Al hu already started his gar· GEOaGE SAJITI WedAetdey &.Ill ~ .. ti119 1:00 p..A. Or RKWIOJIT den and the family expect to be The George R. Santa have come l..di"9 l OOM 'tc':tec~ et ))15 VIe lcdJMa a19CL 1• & Coart Ita.. eatJnr ripe tomatoes very soon. to the Harbor Area trom thet..r Lido. N_,_t leech. .ft opell _. If~ La Canada home to apend the deyt from t:OO e.111. to 5:00 p.m. ~ ISL-n-1-.-:1 JCAmE KAT MOVES summer at their Newport resJ-Wecf~~etdeyt ffOf'll t :OO e.111. to 7~ .__., ~ G. o.1uuoa Marte Kay has sold her apart· dence at 129 40th St. 0 ,,., Fridey -"i"t' ffOf'll 7:00 PJI'oo t. Sunday aervlca: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· menta on Marguerite Ave., Co· ':00 P·"'-Cloted Hol'ldey.. clay School; 11:00 a.m.. Wor· rona del Mar, and hu moved to Pllone In your news lltorla to The public '' COf'dlelly ii!Vitecf to et-sblp Servtcei 1:3,0 p.m. Sundak 418'141 LarQI)ur Ave., Corona del your local newspaper, the En· tePid the ch~rch .. rvic• elld -lt!e eVen In/: Mr'Vlce; Kid-Wee ~--ai'"' Rarbor lll~ R..di"'ct ·-· Servfee: :30 p.m. Weclnerclay -· .~ Prayer M~. (Another In a Series of Mesaares Presented by the Newport Harbor EnaJrn> SHOP AT HOME • • "Do you ~now! I'm positively amazed! I've just been shopping down the street end I picked up some of the most unbelieveble bergains. And there were so many delightful new things too!" • ua.oa A.IIDDLT or aoD 117 W. Yldolt& c.e.JC .. Lu..ty....al . a...c.Ln.....ct Sunday 8Chool 9:45 a.m., mom· lnl worship 11 a.m., e-vening evanrellat aervice 7:45 p.m. Mld-week aervice 7:4.5 p.m. Thursday, Younr People' a Sftv. Ice 7:45 p.m. Tuerclay. CBDKII ot t1ae xu.aamn I.A ....... a. c-. ..... ..._, .... m .. wuu..· Lu..ty 1-7111 Sunday Servtca: Sunday School, 9:30 a .n Momlna Won.blJt at 10:30 a.m. Evanr.llltle Serv· lee, 1 p.m . Sun ay. N.T.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Pra)'ft meet· lng, 7:30 p.m. Weclnerclay. ·~A IILAJm COIC1C17JOTY IOTIIODJIT llSAfWieA ..... ....._Iaa..t ............ ~ ... IIAitter ... Sunday S e r v I e e • : 9;30 a.m. Church School ; t :30 and 11:00 .. m. Worahlp Service. Tim CIIUIICil or CIIIUiT l&tDIW DAY ADfDiiil CBOKII or 0011 LADY or liT. CAI!IDI. •"aw ...... ..-. • ...,... .......... Odd, ...... ~ .................... lt., ... a..,.n A.... •=rwt • ......_ c.otll.... UllioltY ., ... r...._a:=a.r·"'*• r...._ _......_ Llbelty 1-5711 Dllaw D. ~ IJ I W.. TCIIa ..._, Jr .. IUal8tor Saturday MornJn'" Servlcee: Sab· A • ...._ ...... Sunday Servtca: 9:45 a.m. B.ble bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Set· study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· Suncky w ... : 1:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Cont..SC.: lat· urda~ and ena. of t.t J'r14Q11 an4 Holy DaJP franl C:OO to 5:30 p.m. ud Doe '7:30 to 8:10 p.m. Dally 11 .. 1:00 a.m. JP1rot Pftday: 1:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Jf oven a (Pwrpetual Help): lee; 7:30 p.m. eovenlnr service. lnr: Wednaday, 8:00p.m. ~ .w.& CllnCB VJIJVDIAI.In' COIOI'Inlilrt o....e· Aft. at aid lt. ra.L0W111D C.... ....._ Uberty lelia Dell CI•MI .... A.A. ...... ...._ 11SW • ....._..._.._ Moaclay. 7:45 p.DL Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· ......_ V? 1 •• Wlm-wu.r lnl Service. 11:00: Evenlnc Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Mom· comlfA Da. liD Service. 7:30. Mid-week Serv· tnr worahlp, 11:00 a.m. COiiiiUMH't taUKII tee, Wed n e ad a y, 7:30 p.m. · c ~ Younr people meet 6:15 p.m. PDIIT AIIDDL.T or aoD lllE l.... Sunday. 2:1r14 lt. £&WoaA ..... c:.ta.._. .. .... R£1ROJIT ua.oa LOJMIIU CBOKII 1501 CUff~= ... ta .... a.a...t Qnai...S Oupllcate momtnr lltt'Vices -9 a..m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sunday; IOnderprWn and Pre-School Dept. Sunday School, t a.m.: tat Gra.de throurb Adult Sun· day School, 10 a.m.; bu.a pro-vided and Nu.rMJY provided for both aervteer and 10 a.m. Sun· clay School. ClliUiT LtrrllaUJf caoKII or COITA ICDA (lit I 1111 ~) A•_.:.. "= Jt.dL ........... l.ca4Mr ......... Sunday Selv1oes: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. Ullr ty l.ml .... 11 ... c:. a-le. ..... Jil&ton .......... a-a Sunday Wonhlp llenicea: t :30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 LID. Sunday Sdlool: 1 :30 a.m. W«· ship: "10:55 a.m. and en.nplbt aerVSce. 7:30 p.m. Younr ~le and CbUdNn'a ServiCe, 1 :30 IT. JAICD amco•AL p.m. Sun. )fld·,.,... Service: a..._ Ulle. ~...-.:--1 .._. Wectn.clay, 7 :30 r..m. Laclles' JIA.._ u:. ~ Cound, TbUI8Cla~ .... J.-& ,...., ..._ t:JO a.m. tor aU 417. Sunday oe~..SC..: 1:00 a.m. Holy • Communion; t:lS Famlly Serv· naT IOU liiW aAft1n' tee. ll a.m., wonhlp Mr'Vtce. cau.. 11\unday Servteea: 9:15 a.m. 110 W. -=-._C......_ Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. "'*'-n ~.:=--& ,_ IT. JOB 'f'Wflfn Sun4ayllehool. 9:45a.m.· church 11• ._..Aft.. ...... Jalarld • er vIce U:OO a.m. TralnJnc ..._ ••• Union 1 l.m. Sunday. EYmlnl ,...._ ,..,... .._.., • ...._ wonhlp 8 p.m. Sunday. 'l'udl· Sundq IIMIII: 1:10 a.m. It 9:30 en ancl omc.n ~ 7 p.m. a.m. Con......_,: laturda,. and Wectn.day. Prayer ce and ...._ of lit ~cla~ and Holy Bible atucJ)' 7:~ p.m. WeciMo· I)Qs; 7:30 t.o 8:10 p.m.: l'1rot clay. ftldQ ...._ 1 a.m. "Yes. end have I had my eyes opened lately! We've been in the habit of shopping out of town for lots of things --we just sort of too~ it for granted that we could do better somewhere else. We figured our 10<:41 stores couldn't compete with other cities. But we're Ieeming different," THIS SPIHifO.AL SEIIIm IS SPONSORED BY • Yes, our away-from-home shopping is largefy the result of habit. But you c.an actually find the items you need right here at home. Our ~orne merchants keep up-to-date stores, and they have ready access to sources of new rnerc.hendi~. And here's another thought: The variety and volume of merchandise that our local stores can carry depends on the patrongae of our•own towns peop&.. tf you want to keep our modem, well-st~ stcwos here, we'U haw to petron- i• them ... regulariy and I 00 per cent. No community c:.n hew eny bett.r sfofoel than ita citiZJtns de.,-,. by their pefrOMtJe. LET'S SUPfiORT OUR HOME STORES SO THAT THEY CAN 6fVE US WHAT ' WE WANT .•. ALWAYS! I •A.-I,...telhillte.-.rllll.,. ~ CARVEl CRAFT ,_ IVINIUOI OUTIOAIDS .-4 WIZAID IOATS S.....,tlle...,._JJY ... '"' H...w .... c.te .... LA.tr~ fARL W. STANLEY, ll..ttw s..t....,... ......... , .. ..... OM.et ......, 1771 ............ COSTA W1SA WOTOitS ......... u.4~ Cl tc J ••• I kslw ~..., .. ,......,.. '"' "C:!., -ta.c.. ..... IALIOA MY O.UI THE lAY OErT. STORE n.. ..._r.e. ,_1\e._..Y .. te-. We 5M SIH ca.-S...,. ....... se.... ...... HetW lOt .. ll FliTCHEtt ,n.. ......... ............ a--. D24....,... .... c..t ..... ...... ~l-422t [~~:~=] . ... ·-· Wllfa STANLEY INSUlANCl MCr. Ull L Ceolt HwJ. C..... U W. HefWJ474 ltaiAIIrS LIDO WAllET 0... e...r;,'• w.t C •e' tr * .., Yle &ow.-.............. ......,_ ,AlKE$.lJOUY MORTUARY ~ .............. Sen4aa ···~.c..t.W.. ~ .. )GJ lAY CfT11S Ru.sti DISPOSAL CO. ..... c ....... tt ........ Dew. tl M '"" tr r a4 ,.., WIMer Jwe.. c..t. ..... LJ.t,..-. The DAVIS MOWN Co. , ........... ... ... ........... ,.,,. .... . ........... c.... ..... LAiartr ...,.,, y.,_ Hn•n o.:.a4 .... MilL c..t ...... C:.... 4al W. ....... ~ L SADlSR. lMitor /IIJ ,.,... flf has I II IUJ L c..t H.,. C.... ... t.t. .....MD NEWPORT HARIOR ENSleN NIWSPANR Put I 1 Mswa t &f!:-: Nawt ... Lc..tHw,.. IWt.t. ......... IAMIOO RATTAN SIFT SHOP . ..... ~ ...... .. Da•tla4 ...... ... .. ........... .... HwW 1111 1111111'1 llll 111111 I ...... ,. ...... to win! W1Mft the Or· anp ~ Jalt ope'Ut IU&ft• 4redl of ,.,Uftl ~ wW 8bow tile .Uorta at tMlt f'P A project~ . • . Chlc:kena. lambt. hop and beef (I know I alloUid aay ~but our bUtchen aJ. ways lauCh at me "'hen I do) . . . !!acb antmal and fowl hu been ra.t.ed to wtn ... each t. a potentJaJ winner . . . Too bad there ean only be ., many reel. white and blue rtbboM and only one Grand 0\amplon . . . * * * ............ ~!:~* ...... eetrr .aJ be ..,. I. • • • lat.d_. .. ._ ...... ...., • a JJ.Wy .. ..-.y • ... w...r..~ ..... ..,_ Ia tlaita WJay ~ ,.. ..s,.. ... ,.. .. -t u... ... ..., ......... two• ....... ,.. bay .... ,.ta..r • • .T_._.,..._ .. bq .. wta • w.. rlllboa • • • AaT .,.. ..,.,-tl-wUl .... .,.. .............. ,... .... .... ..... ....... ••• ,..... ldd& ..................... Aay ' ,, ...... .w ..... ,.... ... _....., ... _,,.s .. ,... ... u,_..,._...,._ .................... at ..,. 0111-.. C'ewatf r• .. a. t18etaa&llt ••• * * * • • Miss Nan McColloch of 8.1 . Is. Married to Ted Andrews Ia .... Pi • a. 01 reta8v.e toea t.dl. ..... Ja.-kmltt and ..,. cloM ~ Ill._ !1-.. ot AJJLa.mbr Mra. 1 .__. _. ~loch And 'hcl D. ~ lta-*"1 a, ay -- ......... dwtl.r b'odl latwelay flllu..::!.. IOiai'.Uzabet.b ~ ...... na. Jwy • Ia a eanda.litbt ~ Mt<loUocb NOtfytd IQeltt -....ony at lt. ADdrMn Pl'elby· IJJ a U.. .,_n U:M:D ctre. Oil ~~~tea aa--. ..._ -.a. n .... tl'bDmed -·-10117' ........... taUMDA't', AOGGIT & a• Tbe a.v.1 ... s. lbwart Ned .-oaaoa a..c.. Wtda It .. tM """ ,_ dale JOUI'a CCM'PM ..,.. a ,_ OfdUd cor-.. &Del Ia & toubM dJaa ell vey.Tbe wtlJte MC 1 ..... ~ ~·· ..,.._ Ia tt.. .. .,..._ ot •· Ucl ~ -. a pUe Wue ltMD lin. Leland 1. llcColJoc:h Oil D cru.a..d wtcll peule and tttJM. OyacaJ AveH ...... ~dane~.""-..... a ..,.,Ja conaa• aACI poom's patftlta are lilt. '&J\CI Kn. Wbtte H c s rieL ji::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~ Donald 1. An.dnws 01 1881 Coftt1· JollowiAa a ,...-s botW7· I E II nental Ave., eo.ta ~ moon t.M new'~ are maldnc Kt. McColloch IIICCIS'tf!d bta th& hOlM ln Corona del Mar. I p I I LIT E Ill 1 daupw down the ~ a~ 'nle bride atterHMcl UCLA where •ttldl wu adomeel wtth •Un llhe Mlonted to Slama ~appa VJ? .,......., & lll_..e.ur • ...-ap and t.a.pera. White floweos lofortty. 'nle ll"'CD attmcSed Or· .~i. 1-CNl and e and eta bra Danked t.be Cout Colul·e~e~e::_. --:-----....:.!!!!!u!•!!•!·~~~~-..!!!CM!~..,~M~-~~ churdl altar. The bride wwe a - lllmpJe wb..lt.e orcandy co-n ot s .• de:-. ballerina lmJ1h. nero. of rum. enhanced the fullnea of the ak.lrt. The equare neck wu tr1:mmed with satln ro.etta. A Juliet eap. whJc:h matched her drea. held heF atloulder lenct.h vell She curled a bouquet of lUy ol the valley. Mra. John Wudae of South PU· adena wu matron of honor. She wu dressed 1n a pale blue waf . n e plque rown printed with Stepping ....... ,. fiowera.. She carried a bouqet of P A n o PARTIES art> ooe ot t.be blue delphinium and white car· aummer dlwni of th "d natlona and wore a rnatchlnc ona e anc· head bfnd. lnr Is tun" JTOUP at the Arthur Included tM owner·mana&en. ATrZJIDI AQUATIC ICIIOOL ~ J. k s h d d ae.t man wu Robert H. An· Murray School ol Danctne ln Co· Mr. and Mrs. Chet Funr (ahe Lynn Pease of Balboa Island re-Mi e mit an His Bri e drews ol San Dleco. brother of rona del Mar. Ira a Jot ol tun tor wu then l lll Smith), ln.Rruc:ton cently returned trom an American the 11'00111. and u.en. Included the student.l w~ they are BHJ RJppeotoe, Jean Cuoll, Wade aALIOA IILAJrD ..... ta _. ...,..,_... IlL -.4 Mn. M"'*-1 laliL (C..•• ... ~) . :=' ~u!,U.a!~~~!C:1.~:1!: Make Home on Balboa Island g:,~~c:~ =:d.~~:--a=: !e~~~n~ to dance-cfttlhe ulled o·aatn~ and Rqjna wwtam~. awarded a oertlflcate In wate-Inc• ol 1.-. Anple&. John Lat· 0 e atest step&. or bruahlnc PUPn.s A'M'ENDINC Weft Mt.. Ntety an4 lUe aavlnc. S~ Is The .on ot one ot Balboa establlah tbm home on Balboa fft'ty of 29 Palma and Klcbael up on their danclne. but moct M.ueumte Way Mr and Mrs. currently .teachlne twlmmln"' In Island'• well · known tamJUes. l&land. Smith ol Balboa Ialand. atudents have an lnc:reulne sat· PHd Lynde Ear~ K.~-'"'-' Ch . • .,,_.. 1 ,.__._U A blue and whtte color eeheme l.af J • ......._ ar U.e Harbor Area tor the Red -.n;nU ~....,. o Smith. 80n of The bride attended Ontario wu caniecl out at Irvine Cout act on u th.y art> ~ and les Mc:NeUJ and Kmea. ...UC:. Crou. Mr. and Mn. RaJ Wlll SmJt.b ot echooia and r r ad u ate d trom Country Club. where a reception more a bit-to uato thelr danclne. Drake. Betty Wamon. Mabel loa. ~de>r:~BalAvboe .. ~~ bdroutoeh_:_~ Chattey CoU..e and the Santa ,.,... held followtnc the cere· and move on a dane. Ooor wtt.b Frank O'Brien Gladys Stam· Glamour Glimpses e ... a ~an , ...... e Barbara brabdl of UC where ahe mony Tb blue ol tb del-•· dded ' their home at 106~ Ma..rtne A~ wu attlllated with 'Al h pbJ · e e .,.....,. a erace, poJ.Ito, and conlJ. b&ue;h and Jultetu KWillen ot , P • lum bouqueta wu captured with dence Our ...... t:lo 11\e new Mn. Smltb 1S tbe .orority. an orcudy over blue table doth · ..--pa parties Ole Harbor; Edwin Kw.ey and form« M.l..-Pauline Ann Lanon. Mike Smltb atanded Newport on the table holdlne tbe wed· haw ~n held at tbe homes 'nlomu Nldlol8on ot eo.t. Mea.. 4aurhter of Yta. Ernest Leonard 8Cboola and ~duated trom Or· dln• cake of Fran~ M. R.ayner, Corona Tbomu Lordan ol Ca.rden c-Lanon at Ontario and t.be late • · d · ·-·-Mr La.nlo Sb t. 1 t ance Cout Hert-. Alter II«V· Aai8Unc with ~ reee<ptlon el Mar, the Udo lale home ot Yta. Marjorie ChUd.rna ot Rolly· .:boot t:~cb; a:U ~-=:'~ inc two yee.rs with t.be army. be Wft'e the IJ'OC)m's .a.tft·ln·l.&w. Mrs. Cladya St.ambaucb. Dr. and wood. Mr. and Yta. .._. JtatMey ..__.. t. CUJ1"e''ll)y atudytnc b~ Mn.. Jlobert Andnws. and the Mrs. Frank T O'Brl • -o;Q. admJnt.tra.Uon at Lone Beach bride's COUIIIAI. a.u.. t...ynne lfc. · en s. home l:n of Catea MJ.lll. Ohio. and Tane- 11\e YOUlll couple were mar· State ColJetre, ColJocb and ll.t.a Ltt!tta lteld of Balboa Cova and t.be ~ ot aJd Napl ot o.aJt.a.. Jap&J\ . .u.o Smart pla ln and out of col· lied 1ut month ln a double rlnl Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Muuey. the attend1nc wu th prominent lep-the hou..ewtfe, the buq CIINIDOny at tJM PUptm Concre· Mesa R.anch e lady executive all are tumlnl p.t.lonal Churcb. Ill Pomona. 1'be All c·t• I •t d t B . leal !'..~tAte Broker at l.apfta admlrtnc clan'c. to the n.w ........ ~Wft ln IIWI1qe.,. I IZens •• v. e 0 e EAJU.Y nus StJ'IO(D our eo. leach. JUm Ccmtad. Our ~ .. Into tall" ward.robft now Mine ... brother. lalpb Lanon ot On· H ts t J b.l v· . rona del Mar ltUdlo held tbdr ewo.1Qc mded wtt.b dandac at unpacked at <>'BJUEN'S. Many of tarto. !be won a aown ot lin· OS 0 u I ee I Sltors annual .. DestJnaUo Unk:n .. the Wilton B<MI "Sky ...... Ill our ~ creatIons have ported 8wUa .,.wt qanct.y, n own , __ Beach. atepped rlebt out of Vorue mar· wblc::h baa a f\IU *lrt of l.&vlllbly party at Bob Dalton's a..t.aurant --. aztne's back·to-colleee Aucuat embr'OI-.cl U.. ot orpncly .. ..,._ M...,.,art ~~" ~ned '*'' Mereba.nta Ccmmlttee. on~. Ba,y. Studftlbl and t.e&cb· CHET .um m..L ClOI'dJ.ally lit· 'nle Sout.bem Becton of Future luue ... and belleve me, they cueadlq 1Dt4 a ehapel 'ei\Cth ~ ~~ ~d ~ t.pt. l.S·J&-..Canma del Mar en attended the mystery Junket. vtte J'OU to .utt the ttudlo and J'armen o( A.Jnerlca ~ look even prettier In the n.tt tra1n. lllatehtnil mltta and a am LI*IMr lab at tlw llla.ln -..cb. Sta.tt member. wltb th from Santa Barbara to El Centro, (and on you) than on the allck pl.ae.d tulle bonnet. bolcUnc b« ..-It tn tnvtttnc all 30•000 ,..s. 11ft. 1.5, U an4 2Z, 23-Yaeht e party Joln ln the awnmer tu.n.. ot wtdeh our Oran1• County pa,ea of a maruine. WuMoe wn. f!OID-pMMd .._ eoe· deata ot tile dty to .._. .. boiiU ...,., tn.tle and outMde the ha.r· Hlab Sdloola are a part . . . • m... B• ~ waa Cll'dlldll aa4 ~ _, ~ of ..,_, &llTaV'& IIVIIIIA'I"S IIUUIIC) .. &. c..t . ... .Q • M .._ ~ Dot Ju.t ()ran,. eow,ty, 'r---tM w -fwDY and Illy ot tbe YalJI!7 an4 abe vUiton durlnl the Golden JubllH hpt. 15 th.rou cs.per&t.Jy neecb tratMcl .... "-:. •• J"*~!-. •• • tM I WON a alnll• lltrand ot peert., a cele&radon. tournament. P D-rlahlnc d&Jt.t.t •.• Do you mow by 1915 Iii .. •L --•-wtt :--tM rtn ot the bcicteeroom. and cat· 'nle t.nv1tatJoo wu extftt<*~ by theN wU1 be 5 people tltt1n1 Mit._ ..... _.._ -· 11 • rled a lace hancfketehlet Rnt by lfewport Mayw Don Rlll. Cham· Sept. 18 -Pfatlonal Inboard down to ..,.,y table, wh~ there tM .......ay .... ....._ _. a cou.tn In Italy. ber ~!dent Ja.me. Van Dyke Power Boat races ln North Udo are three now . . . Our popul &· ......, wlnt J Mt .. --· Attendm. her were MrL K&Jph and Sanda Kadntyre ol Cllt:f Channel tJon pow11 and ult powa t.be u-tM~••~•c•le•• 1.araon. her IIA«·In·~W. u t.be Haven. who wu named ~fl• Sept.~· County Phil· aa:rk'Wture land d~ . . . ..., • ..._.. t. ....-. .._ matron of honor· M1D Joyce lfewport Beach by tbe Chamber harmonk cooc.t at OCC audJ. So Wf/Ye ptta r&JM man tood ..... Ia ..U k't'•• Marie Eut. a ~ from San ot Co~. toriun(' beeinnlna at 8 p m. on laa l&Dd ... Tbat calla for LIDH are allai*S to a new,.. Fernando. u maJd of honor; and Miss Newport wUI assl.st the Sept. 22·23-nsb Fry at 8&1· apecla.lt.b . . . Here in Oranee ~-aatterinc Emplre .Uhouette Mn.. Warren Manl\ of Wl\tttler JunJor Otamber ln namlnc th-e boa Parklne Lot. I'J)ONored by County alone our farminr acre· Ln many dreaes. shaped to and Kta Lots Norton ol Balboa QuMn of the C«ona ct.J Mar the lfewport Harbor V~erana are hu decreased trom 162.758 endow you wtth aU ttl t.emlnlne Island u bridemnatcll. Lot.ter Bake, who will alao be Orpnlutton.a.. In 1935 to 143.082 ln 1955 ... Co wUn. Ooetum1nl pia~ a major Hal WUJ SmJt.b Jr. wu his QuMn of t.be Golden Jubllee. Sept. 23--Awardtne ot 10 prtz.es on out to the Fair ... talk to role wttb little Jackets that have brother's best man. Uahen In· Tht-50th annlwnary eelebra· to flshlne tournament wtnnen th_. klda ... they'll all be a C\dtOID·made look. 4reaes .a duded Ted Andtewa and Donald tlon of the city ls belne conduct· at Fish Fry. there ... U you don't buy .OI"M.' ahapecl and understated that Cantrell ol eo.ta Meaa. Robert ed under the au,~plces of the Sub·commlttee tor ~ aaiN thtnr ... at leut ctve 'em a pat they are blta alone and colon RoblNIOn ol Balboa Island, Rkh· Newport Harbof Chamber of proaram Lncludes Rocer Hanna. on the ba.ek and say ''K.ep" up le&red to steal the ~cene on any ard Hutinr ol Loa Aneelea and Commeri:e. Kay Langenhelm. ford. Balboa; Braden Ftnd\, Cor· the cood work! We need you! urban at .ubwban level. Jqhn L&t:ferty ot Twenty·nlne manarer ot the Chamber and ona del Mar; Kenny Nichols. Sal· Palma. eeneral chairman of ~ celebra· boa Island; lack Blctwell, Udo * * * oc---.t~~e......-sllea't ..u.e.-T . ._.I._.f'lata ............. tMU .... ... .. ~ .......... ...... 1• • • startw • ....-Ia Other attendant. were David tlon, announces the followtne Shops; AJ Foreit. Newport; John _. -.u ""'b. IIOI't"' .U.C• Lanbn. the bride's nephew. as calendar of events: Boyd. Mariners Mlle. U. wta Ia tr.a. ,..... ..-rlne belll'ft, and the bride's little Sept. 14-Cala boat parade In piiiMdl _. _...,,.,._ U.. coualn, Cheryl W 1111 a m s. u the harbor, bertnnlne at 2 p.m .. .... oC ....... dMdla. ....... flower etrl. ~Suzanne and and lncludtnr the dty's Colden New Students aDd _....... ..._..1 ~tr MarUyn J'Uller, abo couatns. Anniversary birthday float . .a.ple. yet • 'fWY •,...W.t were candle llptera. Sept. 14 throu1h 23-Sa.les pro· ,._ ......... polat oC .sew. Tbe couple honeymooned at gram by Newport Beach mer· Can Reg··ster You'll love the tt"Xtured .-ripe Mlaion lay before returnlne to cbant.a. spo~ by the Cham· ..... -"' ... __ , __ • If you're slender but ~ippy Dill u.-.... --.1' .... ...., ... ......, ia-................. ..,.., -T WI M : Scau6!r s,-' '' Dy .._,_ . .-,.._,..__.......,,_ """ ...... -pafeca .......... , ........... ._ tWicWt ~ s...6r .._... ,_ ,-.-.~ ....... ,.,..ar.. -~---..... Stauffer det'dws ....,... far tMU ... ...................... t .. ._.,.rra .... De ta a.p. drea wtth slender s h a p I n e clncbed wtth patent.beltlne · · · Ed Hare Is Aga·ln Elected Hlrh achool students. n"" to • ·-& ••a the dlstrlct. may now rectste--a -OO.C.A Dn 11A.a ,:------- ~ ................ ,.. ...... ..... ,.. ....... --...-y .................... ....................... ........................ ....-. ...... -...... ........ k,_ ...... .... -.,.a .. ••ra ............ -....... .. -. ...., ......... .. ,.., ......... n.o • c..tr ftlr..... •• -( ........ ) ... a al' M ... I HIJf• A ..... lt ••• * * . . . . . . . Mr. Mort 1 pure silk underatated eleaance la found ln p • p • d ~:.:ae!!v.. wi:c.:~:.on~r..r:~~ As o1nt Assn. res1 ent 110ft u.ahtnr of band.eome foulard prtnt ... lila abe« pi&Jclla wear· Ed C. (Bud) Bare baa Men re· able rtpt aow. WbeMYW. where-elected prealdent of the Balboa ewr froiQd wtth a wblte mtnl· hftiNula Po1nt Aan. Mr. Bare. eoll~ and buttoned from neck to a ...Sdent on the Polnt for 3" hem with tuU ddrt that'• faney yeua, 1a In tile tnw.tment busl· lr'M ... n-. Oth• oltlcen lnclude Mrs. 1.-a few ot the Emoq Moore, vtce preGdeDt; AI new fublona. Come ln and Me <>'l.A*ry, t:NUUNr: and Ne the .-t! At O'BIUI:N'S. of coune. ''*' -=retary. Mts. wtnlbed Webft wu appointed 80d&J &ee· tttary: k1 Baxter, boat ramp and beech cltredllr, a.nc1 Mn. P'red ~ membenblp cbalt· man. Mr. Hare u,... all ~ta .t the h,nlnnla PolJlt to atteftd rneetlnp. l"at.uN .,..,....... 01 u.. d1Joee;. tea will be held on tiM eecond Thadd~U' ~ Mdl moath at 1:30 p.11L ....... Balboa Aq1lnJ 01lb, 8q' J'tant at A St.. llalt.oa. . . .). ' any week day t.rom 9 a.m. to JD. S.JIIll •• .._ lHI • 3 p.m .. tn Ne-wport Harbot Hllh m W. k 1 •til til it. 1117 L ea-t ..... , School. ":;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;~ This aervl~ ls bPinr otreftd ., r that neoN ltUdenta and th@lr tamllles wUl be able to ~lw cou~llne. Jterular ~tJon for •nJon wUl be held on Tuada)', Sept. 4; juniors on Wednesday, Sept. S; aophomot't!ll on Tbunday, Sept. I ; and freshmen on Priday, Sept. 1. Monday. Sept. 10. Is a ld\ool hollfty, Admt.lon Day. J'aJJ term ttarta Sept. u. ~LE IIIE , .. ( .. F .. ) .. PEllE'S a_gr ... ....................... > •• 11ft,_ , 2 2 ....._ • _ •...,. .... ......... [ .......... -.. ,_ .... ... 1 ta .................. ,, ... -...e,. 2 2 P'OI.MIIQ ...... 0...'1' .... HAitiOilliiAL1H POODI HIN. Mespat......_ (J ........ .,,........._, --------------c.M .,,, , ,.... c:.&a .... htde.J AJt. . .... aub Will laold a ....at ~ and .... partJ J'ftciQ. -.a. 11, at U.. dubbouM, .,_. .WW.. at 12:JO p.aa. ~ WW 10 toward a GOO annual eebolanhlp to a .tudent ent.erlnr tbe nuralnr fteld for a 3-year J*tod, Mn. Jay Wat.. Ia chairman tot the ~y. Tbe committee ln- clucte. M~ A. H. Small. A. R. Glneru, c. J. Fhldler, '11\omu Brown, E. t. Moon, lrvlnr Clark, Winona Sbavet, WUlud Klag~. Reuben Day and L. W. Covert. o..t .... wut.._I.,....Aft.j ... ~ • ....., ~t. A 1.-. .._.=Ill tM otMw-.... ..nou.~ylaJued.( ..... , ,e City ol Newport Beach Garden Party, Fashion Show DAVCUITEa roa oaa A.-daughter, Diane 14Jan .. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Omat Orr of no Avocado Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoac Memorial Ha.pltal on Wednesday, July 25. has initiated a "tult force'' aur-I d A •1• vey ot sub-standard and non-For Newp.ort, Is an UXI •ary conformJnr buUdiJII condJUona throughout the City. , N The object.Jve 1s to Inventory A summer garden party, lunch· Mra. Pollard, a former Wf· LOOK! '50 CHRYSLER KanD arooa of w .. t lfeowport. of Ba:dMI!r lli9h. cmd Lynn haM ol k1hoa lal.aad. wbo'U att.Dd UCLA: (rear. left to ri9bt), ...,_ly Luad ol West lfewport. of Barbcw B191t1 1 ...... Luad of 8eocoD kr· .bo wUl crtteDc! Scm Joe. State. cmd Vldd Joua of ImAe T~ wbo'U go to OraDge Coast CoU~ (Euiga Jllloto) pret~ent condltlona as a basts r6r eon and tasbJon show wUI be port Island~. Ia honorary mem · Instituting a rehabUltatlon pro-another social affair and benefit ber of the Woman'a Atpillary. cram desJgn!d to reduce. and to be given ton.'orrow <Friday) M.t. Donald Muncy, Mrs. Pol- where posaJble, eliminate the by the Women s AthuX1Jb~ary ooft lard's daughter from WhlttJ«, safety fire and health huards Newport Island at e orne which' exist In aome secttona of Mra. Chester Pollard at 387 Ra-wtJJ• be commentator, and mem- the City. mona Way, Costa Meu. bera ot the AuxlUary wlU model. New Yorker eedan. 33,001 ac- tual mUes. one owner -..,. clean. New plastic eo..-. ud like new Onlab, original lft1 color, good tires. A lot ol. car $695.00 Family Service Association Fights Juvenile Delinquency Co mbat In g juvenile delln-Ices was so much creater tha n quency ls aomewhat of a by-expected, the Family Service As· product of the work ot the Fam-soclatlon has needed two full lly Service Aasoclatlon of Orange tJme case workers as well u County, but the counselling serv-their executive director, James tee offered by the A.saoclatlon A. May. Consequently their bud· makes an e!fort to find and solve geted funds are short of thelr domf!Ctlc problems that are dis· needs and directors or the A!J. ruptlng tamUy llte. soclatlon are hopelul that more Although the doora of the aervice clubs In the area .erved Orang~e County FamJJy Service will see the need and help them A.aodatlon located at 3IJ7 N. with finances. Broadway, Santa Ana. have only The Family service A.uoela- been open since October, over tlon ba& been ac:oepted, along iOO tamllles have applied toe wtth other Community Fund counselling help. agencleS. and wiU be partially 1boe agency covers the entln supported by the UnJted Fund county and so tar about 16% to Drive to be made late this taU. ~!. of the eases handled have A small charge Is made for the come born the Newport-Costa counseUJne services becauae the Mesa area. according to · Mrs. FamJly service Ia a communJty Robert Wlllk.et' ot Udo and Mrs. professional organization rather Challen Landers of Balboa. Area than a charity group ( a nd Is representatives on the governing the only organization ot Its~ board. Alao repr~ntlng the In this county.) However. the coastal area are Mrs. GunnJng fee for Rrvlces Is ~~ealoed down Butler ol Costa Mesa and Mrs. In order not to work a hardship Mildred Donahue of Laguna. on ·many of the families In need Although a county-wide com · of counselllng help. munJty servtce aaoclatlon, Fam-In attempting to meet the Uy Service hu 10 far been sup-problem ot juvenile delinquency,/ '--•·'--,_tiM t. • ported by private donations and Including widely reported .ex wW1D9 atac~eeta 1a ......-t •arrta (Cit funds from philanthropic aerY· pra~lces In the 13-15 age croup. Ia pspuwtiwa fcw 0.. W9 a1tow to he gifta ke clubs. Because the lmmedJate FamJJy Service Association needs _:=-::::.::..::.::....=:...::..:::..::.=...:...:.:.....::.:=-~:....:::..:...:.......:...:.....:..:...:: ____ _:__.:....._ _ _:_ ____________ _ response to ttwir counseling serv-all possible support from the W T ~~-...,. ~;;;;;;;;;.; _____ ;;;;;;;;.._. communities of Orange County, • • w...-r~ 0 Pet Protectors Lose Plea To Prohibit Vivisection PROMPT I-DIY SEIVICE for the entire aummer You le'"e it ..• We wash it! one board member emphasized. ...... ~ IT. I "There Is no doubt that juve-..... ~ nile dellquency arlaes In the • home, but It Is not always the Mra. BeUe Richardson Iefler. fault ot the parents.." abe aald. son. widow or. the late harbor County supervl.aon lut week Db St.. eo.ta Mesa. president "These parents, In many cues. area developer W. T. Jetfenon. rejected a plea by Orange Coun-ot the pet protector group, aaJd would do better If they knew died Monday nleht In LeMa En· ty Pet Protectora to probtbtt use that Dr. Edward Lee Ruuell, how. That ls where Famlly Serv-clnltoa Hospital ln Pasadena at ot animals taken from the coun-county healtb ottlcer, bad ob· Joe counselling serves Ita finest the age of 8!. She bad been a t;y pound for vlvlaec:tJon. ta1ned perm..l.ulon from the au- purpose. It can give parents the resident of Costa Mesa before Mrs. Mary E. Baxter of 379 E. pervt.sors one month earll« tor key to successful home llfe, and she wu confined to the hospital the u .C.L.A. medJcal school to make a continued effort to cope aeveral years ago. take the an1mala tor vtvtaect.lon. wtth broken homes. parental Her husbytd died June 29 of Boy TurnS Up Mra. Baxter nead a p.rotestb'Om failures and the other factors last year aboard ship on hls way her ocganJz.atJon on the CJ'\J@)ty that breed juv.enlle delinquency." to an annual vacation trip to and brutality practiced on ~nJ- Europe. Mr. Jefferson, developer In Las Vegas mala by medical students and For lett«beacsa and envelope~ of Newport's Miracle Mile and asked that this late rullnc be re· 17th St. In eo.ta Mesa, had lived cinded. She gave lor evtd.!nce I CaU the Enslen. Harbor Wf.. for a number of years In Corona Richard w. Tuttle, 13, reported photographs with signed teatJ-~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ del Mar, at 3708 Ocean Blvd. mJaJng by his mother, Mra. E. mony by wltneue. to the fact. ..;; A. Tuttle ot 524 Tu.atJn Ave., She pointed out al4o that thla Vacat ion - - - ·VALUES &;ern. I ••r ...... ...... , lllllllrlll Wac:tinq Pook ___ __JUS cmd 19.95 Rb Paper Beach Umbrellaa --13..98 Balboa Swim Tnmb lt-98 Rubber Beach 1'boa9 Scmdals __J1.18 lcmd Pailll & Beach Tap ____jrom 3lc Can~... 11 85~ 112.50, 117.15 1-ft. l ellda Tcnrela 13.15 __ _....,1.00 R·lng Stolen Newport Helehta. showed up sate vJctous prac:Uce Ia contrary to In Las Vegas, Nev .. Newport po-the Christian prtnclplea which lice reported Wedneeday, Aug. 1. teach mercy and justice to all A man 's star ruby and dla-A Las V.eeu lady telephoned Dr. Ruaell had pret~ent a alze. mond ring valued at $4,500, wa.a Mrs. Tuttle to report she wu able group of doctors and teach- stolen last week. Newport police boldine the boy untJl Mn.. Tuttle en from the I'Mdka.l collef' ot were told by William Garland could come for hlm. He appar-U.C.L.A. who gave test:tmony re- ot ApL 12, 626-31st St.. Newport ently had hltch-hlked a ride on eardlne care and treatment ot Beach. , a freight car from JUverslde. dop and caLl at the collqe. Mn.. He reported the lou at 1:40 Baxter wu Invited by them to p.m. W.edneaday, Aug. 1. He aaJd PLYDfG IIOLmAT visit them at any t:1me. the ring wu taken from an Nancy Tritt, wac. hu been end table 1n the front room o1 worldn1 thla ~ at Lome's hla unJodced apartment, between on llalboa Ialand. wbne vaca-CIDJS'nAJf ICIDC& cauKII noon and 3 p.m. on July 27. tJonln1 from coUep, Ia md1n1 '11oly, holy, holy, Ia the Lord up the INmmer with a real boll· of ba.ts: the whole earth Is full DAV~ roa DOD day. She Is Oylq ·to Yialt of bls 1lory." These words of A daughter, Val«._ Lynn, was frtenda In BurlJ.nltian, Iowa. and IMJab (6:3), prlllalng God. an born to Mr. and Mrs. Andlew wiD alao visit eome ol. the lufer the GQlden Text of the Leaon- ltnox of 1901 Clay St.. Newport dtt• ln the eut. Kanq Ia Delta Sermon on ''Soul" at the ftew- Helgbta, In Hoag Memorial Roe· Gamma ruah chairman f« nat port Beach Cb.rlltlan Sctenee pltal on Tueeday, July 24. )'Mr. church on Sunday. WITH THE SMARTEST WARDROBE Reeervatlona must be made with Mrs. Pollard, general chlllr· man, by today ('11\ursday) at Uberty 8-6024. AliO on the com- mittee are Mrs. Art Cubbage, Mra. Woodrow Newbury, and Mrs. H. L. Aahabranner. AT- JOHNSON & SON -w. c-t lhry. .............. UI-MtS o•a &¥DDIGI • • If you're worried that your hair bu been bleached, mealted or dried by the aun, wind and water, come In and let u. offer you expert advice. We wUl refresh your hair and brine back Ita becomJne loveU- neu. For Appointment Phone HA 1876 JANE FITZGERALD'S Beauty Salon OPERATORS ASSIS11NO MABILYN SNEDEKER -ABDYTHE CIBSOK BEVEBLY HOWLE'IT 3732 E. COA!rr HWY .. NIL POPPY AVE. COBOftA DEL KAR ·Penny Pay-Less Sap The F'mHt wa.aa ATSO% OFF PAY-LESS Thrift.J)..J.ux Dry CJeaning Lauadramat ............. ("-Plllllil ...... , .... , 44c . ...... _....__ ... , -ota atat DaT & IIIGin' or 'I'D nar Jf.MDid Snyder of .... Corona cW ¥u Voael omce cUd It aaatat lie ta man of tM moatll I« ,..,. b MDlq tM molt KulUpJII u.tlnp. Aarina ban· ort ~ Jalm ta Maurie Jltkao, • wbo llllld tbe mo.t aold lWtt.qa. Hatol4l aold tour p r o p • r tl t 1 ~ multiple u.ttna. Maune u.t.ed u IOld llat!Dp. J'ollowtnl h1ID -Art Tlea with "" ao&cl .lJ.It.lqa and Dan DrUcoU with four. • • • A ...., member ot the lfe'WJ)OI1 Batbar Board of Realton 1a Georee WUII&JUOn. UIOCiated wltb 8eYen lale Realty. • • • A member of the llla.U ol Doria Bray, realtor, Stanley V. Mdten· ney. Ia now a new auoclate member ol the Newport Harbor Board ot Realtors. E. E. Newman of eo.t.a Mesa la a new actlw m~mber ot the Board and of mulUple Uatln1. • • • !felda Gibson returned from HawaU .. ylng Honolulu 1a just Uke Newport-you aee ao many people you know. Ev.:!n before ahe JOt over there abe met 1une and Paul Danlet. on the plane. Had lunch with another realtor, Clodm Fay, while 1n the Ialanda. 1011 80D TO XOOID A eon, Clinton Manville m, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Hoo.e ot 420 PolNettla Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoar Me· mortal Hospital on Wednesday, July Z. -~~ 8'1 IEEIII a-2 Lott aouaa of btrbway, Corou Ml Mar. 2 blocka to Carnatioll l!leacb. PBlCED IUGHT! 2323 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Uberty a. '7562 Ev-. Harbor 5154 .CUFF UVEI on corner lot larr~ enough tor ~Jnr pool. All cus- tom extraa. Full price $19.950 $3750 down •• ,.rt .... Realty 1799 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Ll 8·5508 Eves. Ll 8·7237 ..... ..L WulUpt. Zoning. Pr1eed rleht. • • • • ISLAID IEALn Cl. 498 Parle. Balboa laland HA :rn .., .. Then Me t h I a exeell~nt Corona del Mar v1ew home- 3 BEDROOM and DEN beautlfully decorat~ uoua- ual arran~nL Lar,e SlY lot. 2 patios. .lilt $31,1GD CUIIE VII ... .. ··:.':.~ CALL TBJ! DSIGJ( at Harbor REALTOR o• to order laWrbeada. eovel· ~ ~ earda, ttAtemenU. 2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8-42'T7 1 ld IDvttadoM, ,.._. ••. Remem-(At the Slrrtal) REPORT ON PARKS ,... ·--·· Q9lc l:IWI' .. .. llcwpwt ..,_ ._ ..... The only public noat Ia locat~ Maurfe Stan ey, past prH ent be, the l!:JWID prtnta lt better. Newport Beach at the end of Ruby Avenue. or the Newport Harbor Cbambef' -------------------------• tt --at1ldy .. 1111 pGk * * * or Comm~. was reported yes- ....... Ia t.aa. City ..... . • MTB STaEET PLATQROtnfD terday In Calr condltlon at Hoag ,.-t .................. . .W U. fladhap Ia • -~ • tx wnttea ....-to ,... ...... wW .. NAe't tM ...,.t Ia ..u. .... Ia t.aa. tint ... l'dh t. ThJs playground Ues between Hospital after auUerlng an ap- 36th and 38th Streets juat oU pannt heart attack Sunday Balboa Blvd. In West Newport. Jt night. Mr. StanJey Is a resident l.s adequately equipped, land-or Irvine Terrace and operates scaped, and maintained. The the Stanley Insurance oftlee In equJpmen.t and taclUUes consJst Corona del Mar. He l.s a nephew of a volley ball court. ahutfle· of A.aemblym~ Earl Stanley. The Park. ••ch, and Recre~-board court, jungle gym, alldes, 1/1 Uoo CommJttee of the Women • swings, tf!fter·totter, and basket· Civic LHeue have ~ engaged ball court. The toilet facilities durtnr thla put year In making appear adequate and sufficiently leltl a study of thla Clty'a Paru and policed. There are drinking foun- Playgrounds. Thl.a doea not pur-talns and trash cans. The volley. C1111 11111 port to be a complete report on ball net need& replacement and all Park areas 1n the City. We the ahuttleboards abould be ~ Elllll.ll have tried to exa.m!ne the major painted and weatherproofed. •· park areu u already Ht.ab· (lnnlnr June 1st. there 1a a full U. 1£111 •1 llahed In the City, and as eo~ time Supervlaor In thla area. --~-~ by the Master Plan now betnr developed, with the Idea of re· h portJnr on tbelr condition and y out Center potenU.alltl~ 0n17 tbroup galntnr know· ~~: :n o:.e;:m:r:~r:; Circus Friday 3-bdnn., 2 bath! Bdwd. noor-P&tl.o! Dble. Car.-ttreplaoe! Lot.a or Cl~. Poreh! otter .uaestJon. or c::rttk:tml of our Park Procram or to join In· There wUl be alde &bows and ~ Down! telllaent),y In future plana for games of aJdJl "under the big EXCLUSIVE -CALL NOW! the exp&Nion of thla program. top" tomorrow (Friday) evening We bave not examined future u the ~aUon Department ~bllJties for addlUon. to our stares a circu.a at the Commu· Park Qaem but recommend thl.a nlty Youth Center In Corona del as a_ fruitful field of .tudy 1M Mar. The bir ahow wUJ start rut\JJ't Park. .aeaeh and Recrea· at 7 p.m. tJon Oommlttees. -------* * * VJSn'DfQ TilE JOTJfED e ICIIOOL AJl&A.I House euesta of Mr. and Mrs. The Park. BH.dl. and Jtec:rea. Fred Joyner, 403 40th St., New· tJon Department hu obtained port. have been Mr. Joyner'a par- ~on to u.e the toUowtnr ent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Joy-areas: ner of Salem. Ore.; and Mr. and 1: Borue En.atrn S e h o o 1 -Jlrs. Perc Reynolda of Windsor. Pl&1Jr0unda and facUitle., rest-Ontario, CanadL Mn. Reynolds rooma, ttcware room. and clua b a ailter of Mr. Joyner. room. for Indoor tc:t.lvltf~ 1 Newport Elementary School TIIIEVEI GET CI.OTDS -Pl., areu anc1 fadlltJ-. rest-Pour outflta or women'a colth· room. .torap room. and a .maU Lnr. valued at $1~ were stolen bulldlnl behind the School. by ahopUttera. Marshall Shad- 1 Harbor VIew School-Play· doclc of 3412 Via Udo, Newport JTOUDda and facUlties. •ach, complained to Newport C. Mewport •ac:h School -pollee Jut week. Pl&7poand. 5u.m1ner baseball programa at W l 'oo Lme to ClCIMdY Roraee J:nalp and Youth Center plQ' u-..a wfll be conducted SAI..ESM.AN WANTED. Good op- .. , ...... ..., ..... REALTORS 1696 Nrwport Boulevard Costa Mesa, Ca1Uom1a u 8 ·1161 LITS F. UlE ..... Near Newport Pier $4100 • • • Newport Helght.--50 x 127' $1100 ... SIWD, REALTOR Jolntl7 with the Harbor Area portunlt,y for actJve aalesman Boy'a Oub. in establ ~al estate oUlee. 106 McFadden Pl., at Npt., pier 1n contradlctlon to 80me Ideas Homer Shafer HArbor 140, 106 • that the local lnhabltarlta do not McFadden Pl. near the Npt. Phone Har. 140 a11y time. BEAtrnFUL 35' LOT beaeftt t:rom our recreational =PI.,..er=. --=~~-:-=.,.-:.........,--,.-­ propua. recent mMtlnl at the SPACE AVAILABLE for lnaur- Yoatb Cmter and the Horace ance -.mt In well-equipped Eb8lp GJID ._.. .Uendecl by real estate otnc:e. Homer Sha· So. of Hwy., Corona del Mar. 100 ..,._ an4 their paNIIU •aer fer, Harbor 140. 106 McFadden Treel, fenced. water ln. to putJdpete in thll PIOifaDL At Pl. at the J(ewport Pier. pralftt owr a thouand boys FOR RENT: 2 B.R. tumlahed (Owner, 3700 Seaview.) are ...,.._ up for tbe bueba~ houae. Newly decorated Soulfl ------------ I*OCI~ of Rwy .. CDM. HArbor 349L Attractlve •·BR. 2 bath hoUR * * * P'OR SALE: AtteoUon Motel 6 Apt. ownen. ComplcW bowte- tul of tu.mlture. .U.O va.rloua tools. PNier paekqe dNJ. G3 ,_,ppy AW.. CDII. for rent. P A bee.t. IJttle laland. Avall. Sept.~ moe. t.a. Owner HArbor 1255-w. ln.IPEIIIU • Ill'S lEST IUYS l ........ Nr&ail! See thl.a three bedroom, 1 ~ bath home-less than a Je&r old. It haa large open llvinr and dlnlng area. ch~ kJtchen w1th natural fln.isb blrch cablnets. Jt'a completely redwood fenced. All this for only $1 0.800 wtth $1,900 d~ mo. ""you'll l.J.ke our friendly aervlee" W. L T..U HILT. Liberty 1-1139 400 E. 17th St.. Costa Mea U•U&ISUII 2 ~ CANAL! one 3-bedr .. on~ 2-bedr .. turnlabed. Very attractive. Owner wants action! • • • A'M'RAC'nVE 2 UNITS: 4-bed.r. bouae p1us 1-bedr. apartment. Good street. totally furnished. $34.SOO. • • • IIY SilliES On a rood street-3 bedroom home, 1 bath. $21.500. Unfurnished. Elll w ..... , REALTOR 2Z5 Jl(artM Aft.. Balboa laland Call Harbor 1m I 111£11111 I llanl ............ .. amall art1atlc home near Newport Harbor Yacht Club and beautiful Tenth St. swimming beach. Exterior: shake root. redwood, used brick; Interior: pine and plaster; Bullt around covered n arstone patio with BBQ. Vf!rf fresh and clean Inside a nd out. Furnished. ready to move ln. Can bulld a rental In rear it you wish. ALL FOR $15.500 • • • Ftr I ...... 1 ,_ have one 8 yrs. old. cloee to ~an and only asldnr $1.3.500, :ruRN. • • • •• H It's CHff la111 (and not a ld.8eholdl, juat drive by th~ lovely 2-bedr. home at 31S SJrnai Rd. and save the talk! PRICE $17 .S00 • • • All have good terma and will (lve lm.medlate pocsealorL 1130 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Beach Barb« 4072 or Harbor U83 -'-odate Cbarlott~ B. Robtn.on IIW D TIE TIE .. ·•···· ,.. .... , ,. ..... w-.-IEII.n• 'ni'D'BD&T, AVGVI"f • 1-ftWIIOaT IUDOII I M.a. f YOU WILL LIKE Irvine Terrace •• finl•••• "'•••• ., •-" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00P.M. ll .. lln ., llllil I V• H....t BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN THE FINES'1' LOCA TIOK VERY REASONABLE TERMS Pil111 $21,000 II $34,000 Your lnapect!on la fftpect:fully &allcited. • • • Earl W. Stanley On Wway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further lnformaUo.n VOGEL VALUE Clllll lB. Ill ...,_.. l••n SMreclilfa • 4 bedrooms, 2~ batha. Best buy in the area at $21.750. Expensive wall-to-wall carpets and drapea Included. Fenced yard, room tor swtmmlnr pool. Fireplace, pic. ture windows, BBQ and patio. BuUt-ln electric r&D81P 6 oven. Tb.la la extra nlc:e-ple&.R call for appointment. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Bwy .. Corona del M&r HA: na.; RA: am CillO lEI. Ill 2-Bl:DRM.., full bath, dble. ~arare. Oaptorw patio. bJodt and halt from P. 0 .. SU.OOO. 49{, FDA Loa.Q. t61.35 per mo. • • • 2-BEDRM.. dl~. cara,e. beautUully fumJ.abed. SO ft. &·2 loL $16,000. Cood tenna. Owner anxlou.a. • • • 2-BEDRM .. dbl~. ~arage with attached studJo apt. Cioee tn. 4.5' lot. $1&500. rood terms. • • • 2·BEDRM. Rou.w, larae apt. over dble. rara,.e, plu.a I\NIIt room. 3 baths. view or ~an and harbor tram apt. 5 ~ old. only $23.500 EXCLVSlVE Win1 ..... E. SHIRl REAL TOR lr INSURANCE Ivan W. Erhardt. Auoclat~ 3333 Eaat Coast Hlrhway, Corona del Mar ............ .... DB. Ill • HA24.ZI .... ......... fir •••••• ., l..lt-locatJon: 2nd-Desirn; 3tct-<'onstructlon; 4th- Floor .-p.aoe and anangement; 5th-Good taste in dee· ontfon. This home baa all of thew plus. The rooms are vey lar,.e and decorated by a &krued dK'Or&tor. The rrounda ~ beautiful. The view ts unwrpa.aect. Call tor an appointment to tn.pe.ct this ~tJonaJ home. • • • -liU~r.-111111 • • • CARAVAN SPECIAL .... ..,~TwiQititt ..... lll I IIIIIEI ... ,...~......_ ... ~..r- -ENSIGN ClASSIFIED CAlli U 118 1'08 D II?DI WAIIT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 wordl or Ia• .75 , 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 wcrda 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 warda 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .OS ·0? Cash must be reoeived ~thin 1 days ol first insertion THIS SID cl• ... "ecl acl 1D tbe EMip co.ta only $1..!50 for tll.rw 1Mertlona. Call 1D your ada to Bubar 1114. $175 mo: yearly, CDM, lumlahed 3 BR. Cl~ to bay and ~ach. Gorceous view. Not new but c:ha.rrnJn1. DUnklrk 9-2303 tor appt. or 222'7 Bayside Dr. Cour· tay to brokers. BY OWNER: V~ ciesirable 2 BR. borne, wall to waU c:a.rpftinc. venetian blinds. dble. garage, Iarce fenced-In Jot. Rear bach· elor-apt. rented at $48 a month. Prlc:ed 122,.500. unturn. Terms U desired. 311 Marteolc1, CDM. 3 BR. HOUSE. by owner. 2·ear g a r a g e • Jot 67' x 1.20' just painted. $9500, easy terms. 645 W. Wilson St., C.M. Ha 5677-R. FURNlSH:...ED==--:::B:-A:-:CH=ELO~~R~AP..-:-A-;:RT;;;-· -Apply- 8:30 to 4:30 1.22 west Third Santa Ana PACIP'IC TELEPHONE MENT. CDM. Cloer in, Clean. ------------ Yearly. S'TS:,.. ---,--=--:-::=---;;;-~:: ONE-OR TWO B.R. APT. Winter or part. Small boat landing. Near VIllage. 122~ Grand Canal. Balboa Island. DO YOU have a fu.rnlshedhome or Apt. to re nt! We wUl ~ perm. and responsible tenants. Call our agent. Select Realty Cno cha.rge to you). K1 7·3S06. PRIVATE OFFICES wtth phone answerln& service. Secretary 1r notary available. Ground Floor New Trident Bid& .• 2200 New· port Blvd., Newport Beach CAd· jacent South Cout Co.) Court· esy to brokers. HArbor 3028. W AJn'E1) 1'0 LEASE APT., SMALL FURNISHED for one lady. Permanent. COM. Ur~ently needed. HA 512~ BEGINNING NOV. 1 ONE BR. .. HOUSE OR APT. CDM unfu.r· nt.bed, with fenced yard. Ga· race wltb .torace ~a eaen· tJal. Single lady. OXford 7-5114. 81JSDfESS OHOfiOWttiEI WHOLESALE NAnONALLY AD· VERnSED Greetfn~ card bust· ne. for sale. $1500 merchan· d1le and South Coast fran· ch1M. 34298 El Molino, Capt· .trano ~ach, GY 6·5250. WE HAVE $15.,000 equity In wry nJee 2 Bll home. eouth of Bleb· way, to trade for larpr. wtth oeMn vfew. Marie x..y HArbor 5408. II.UUITES JUNIOR COLLEGE m GH SCHOOL Are you lookin& to the tu · ture! We art'! That's why we are oftertnc .teady jo~ with real C..r .,.,.IIJ It's to our own interest lf we can bl.re men who wlU make a career with our dynamic: bualness. We therefore ot1er: Steady lobs On-the-Job t.ralnJng Real ad'vancement pouJbllitles. 5-day, 40 h.r. week, Interview now t« lmmedlate openlnp for students lnter· ested in June openlnp. Mill· ta.ry status not conaldered. Apply 8:30 a.m. thru 4 p.m. 1030 E. lat Street UITIIII ..... -••a Ill .. MIICZI' -..zoua a, I l•zllll ......... ~ I.tcloD 215 UJtll .. I ...._...,u•~ , ...... Loeakl sidenha lnesse To &ltibit at Ca-.,lV Fair ...... lM•GZ'a .. ........... 1 ............ . IIOVU TO c::osTA IIUA Jane Petenon bu moved from S12 Polmettla Ave., Corona del Mar, to 584 Bay Ave., eo.ta Mea. camera~. fdm f'lllll lt!lm F ... •. STUll • JOin YOUR FRIEnDS TIE .. ,_. ORANGE COUNTY FAIR TEN THRIWNG DAYS Aug. 10.19, 1956 TY ENTERT .4JNJIENT lad ·,o...,.., ....... ., LA~ WB.K.sfADI COOLlY DOYI O"DDU Be......, ... ._,_., e TH1 HOOSIB HOTSHOTS. e THI SPOaTSMIN ,.,., ,.,., .,.,. ,.,.,. B..,..,... oJ •s~al~Hc. ·-· X ••Acrt ... • Q.-......... ~ • ' b bW A$ •• lUll htller ... WorW Clwwupionship la.eoUI ......... ,. ~ 11 & 1t A~Mi•••• ......... ,.,. ....... .,... ............... & ....... ,... .... dlk' .... .. yw. ...... -.. a.-.. c...ty"a ............. _... .... ,._ ......... -. Lsrllsll.ttM ...... ~ ........... .,..._ .. _, ..... a..-.. .......... RESTAURANT ,.,.. ................ .._ ......... ... aM ..... , ... 4*1 afWI ..._. ... -M ....,; ,_ I ,..,., 011 a-day afWI .......,. ........... ~ ·~ ,. l .flll,, ,..,_ ... .__ H.nM- Mil .U OJIOftO NCWYOtn' NACM.z CAt..t,.OIIINIA ........ L.Na ......... Ceft- UIIU TIIIB. IEIVICE IJIIWQ e UU..PS ........ , ... ._, ......... Ot tal&....,._ •..s-, 10 T- llJ 0... Aft. L 5 w .._. .,... ~ FU AT THE *BALBOA ·• OPEN EVEBY DAY-10 AX to IIIDtG'l'E e -lAY EVUY ._., e FREE BAUOONS -BIDES Sc 10 Jlll. to I P.M. a... W.s' s PVIf ._ALL "rD PAIIILT &t&at DAT FEATURING • Complete Dinner Menu •nd Servin• the . Flneat Food In the H•rbor Are• 0,. ENrr DtJv /n1M 11:00 AJI to J:OO AJI 'Y'.-JIIIW I • ta IF Mill: ... R F!SJ-.......... ._ ... .., . 1 \ ' . , . . . l ' 'I I ' I ---~- uyirHJ ••• end ~ ..... YIU Cll DO IEIIU .. ., ............ . A-..t DOW tbat btl MW eehool tbia ..-.on, At 1 a.m. tomorrow ot albMere lbould be In around Cf'ridQ) and at 1~ ua. latur- tbe 14·m.Ue bank with plen~ of da7 ~ ltttle a.b .,.. ala'*' Joq·~ lor .wry~ to put ln tbelr lut ~ At fbe tall •4 ol lut w•.k tor 1-. Jut hope tM little Gila tiM bi\Mfln tuna had fairly well can, flpt their wq uhor.t be· take ovw the 14-mlle· bank ~n tiM crowded lep of tbe .,.. With ., .. alMcOf'e around. huntea )amm.Jnc the buch-. Some ol the ~ta ._. runnlnr Ju.tt call me bitter. on down apln to the U·fathom area to meet the new eehool. At R 8 rt• I any rate, albacore are comtnr tn • a In e 5 every d~ ln amalw or larrer h • nu_:~:. deslrlnr to do their Mot er Dtes own aldppertnr to test their akiJl Funetallei'VIces for MrL Clara at f1ndlnr flsh take the U·drlve Francia BartlM, 80, mother of crulsen out of Newport Harbor Ruu Bartlnetof Newport Hetrhta. Boat Rentals. 201 E. Cout Hwy. were held Saturday In Melroae The U-drlvers flah the area trom Abbey Chapel with hv. Charles the 14·mlle bank to the eut end F. Hand otfldattne. ol Catalina bland. They report Mn. Bartlne died W!dneaday, the first achool of albles headed Aur. 1. In the HUde Nurslnr for the Santa Barbara bland, Home 1627 Tu.sf\n Ave., Costa bound up the cout. Mesa. after an extended illness. Port Oranee boata w~~ brlnr· She wu a native of St. Anthony, ~ lng tn more tuna than albacore Iowa. She moved to Corona in "'Il at the end or the wel!k. Many 1936, and In 1940 to Santa Ana. ~ hook·upe were "farmed out" u where she resJded until 18 ~ the tackle· busters took to the montla aeo. when a he came to ~ blue yonder. Port Oranre boata Newport Helehts to reatde with "'Il include the Mlssawtt and May her son, at 303 Lalolla Dr. • B. plus charter boats. She Ia also survived by a • The San Juan leaves at 2 a.m. daueh~. Mn. Barbara McAll· • dally for albacore from Seuport ater, now Uvlng in the Aleutian Landin(. Wands. • The Sport ltlne has returned Parkes· Ridley Mort u a r y of • to Norm's Landin( alter a jaunt eo.t• Mesa was in charge or ar· ~ of fiablne at Santa Barbara. ranrements. "'Il where It wUl return alter tbr ------ • albacore season. Norm's runs the EJ-RIIIft ....._ __ BlCBr AL T11'VDE-haaa Ilia 11 '-t of laelglat. SWt CJowa liar· ... Deacan Joob .... at wide .,_ --. ba • ..n.ty ol CIMtuae&. DeGarn w01 ..... daily ............ at tM .... ........ e-ta M .. clariag tbe 0.,.... Coaaty l'cdr, Aog. 10 tlt.NaP lt. Wltll -..a. Ue't'UIIe ll1•d189 oC ......... ... _ ........ _. .... .--.. • .,., •• .1Md1ur DeGano ... --.Wt--.l,k. 1A9 .S.C. be .._ L -.l Ia ""-ClldJed .... .. ...s.. TV aDd .......W. role&. •· JIMti7·1Dc:rMM ,..,.... ot reeneUoD acdvtdee lor J'OUBC aM old ,.... Ja liloqbt .., a-.. IIMm.ll ol ......... K.wport l.aaAd. MWI)'· ....... dWnDu ot tbe Newport lellcll ct~ bMcb aad ncneUon oom. miNtoD, Mr. a.rw. • ebeiDJca1 .......... IMicl8 ,. ...... Ja the dMmlcal lad~ raqtq boat paper, ~ a.nd dru ... Be holcte patent. on "No lqa K'. La~y." a abelt and dra ... paper Whld\ kUla ants. roaehes and allverflah. He worka cloee.l7 With the Max Factor Corp. phannac. eutlcal d,lvtaJon and Ja a manu· tacturftS representative and con· aultlnr chemlat. He rrew up In the Puget Sound country. He Ia a graduate of the Unlventty of Idaho and Ia a Uce!Ued chm1lcal en(ineft. He has been a resJdent of Newport Beach tor 11 years and a member of the Park Commlaslon tor one year. Mr. Sherrill points out that he ~ up In the outdoors With pl~nty of thlnrs to do, lnc'ludJnz rtahln~ and huntlnr. MOVE TO DlnaJ.AI. I&AQI The lrvtnf R. John.aona, who lived for a while at 1028 W. Ocean Ft.. Balboa, have moved to Imperial Beach. ''Now the ana Ia bullt up and aAa PltOJI C.UO every time a younptet turn8 .lust home from a week ~t around be la ltepplng on 10me· Ptlll'\m Plnec Camp are Patti one ela.e's propo!rty,'' he •ya. Baume, Suaan Hayden. .l~an ''The P. B. and R. k interested Brock and K1m Itu.ter of Corona In klda burning up eneriY 1n del Mar. controlled manner and keeplnf :;;;;;;;;.--------ott the toes of others," he aald. • "Our Idea la to make Newport Beach dellchtful to live In and a ~ of beauty." • Santa Barbara Spedal at 3 a.m. .... • and the Sport Klnr at 3:30 .r.m. Ills II Call 1111 EAitLT IE'T'T'LKU MOVJ: l'nU.U VACATIOifDfQ for albacore. All of the charter 1 Mr. and Mra. Wilbur MacGinl· 4 boats are busy fish1nr albacore Frank Wukawlt:z. 50, died July Ue and Mrs. Della Wtlllama of 'Fe Al~e'b ~Uea A of ~ An· ~ daily. 30 at hla home, 813 Congress St.. 428 Mareuerlte Ave .. Corona del re es an a a ve.. rona ~ Davey's Locker 1s runnlnr the eo.ta Meea, after an extended Mar have 801d their home and del Mar, are ot1 on another trlp. F • "'Il Fury at 2 a.m. and the .let at tllnea. He was a native of St. wm' move In Augult to the new Thta time to via!t their daurhter urmture. 3 a.m. u albacore apedala. Paul. Minn.. a retired resort Four Seasons Trailer Park In In Anacortes. Wuhlnrton, and • Davey ~rts that last week the operator. and had lived here 2 Costa Mesa.. Mrs. MacGinltle, then on to Mlnneapolla for a Phi •"'•Fa:na Complete Home P'urn.lahtnp catch was· down to around 40 yeus. former postmlmea In Corona Gamma Delta Fraternity conven· .a11 .. Ne lJitei1T 1-MM O.sh a day but .tarted plcklne up Survtvora include bta wlfe. del Mar has been a resident of tlon around September 1. Tbey ~~;~ii~;;;i;;;~ •• •..,..n A.., aeatn toward the week end. He A~ea; 2 sons, Thomas and Corona del Mar since 1929. ~ to be back early In Octo· aays the tuna have been puttlne Francis. and a dauehter, Mrs. • COSTA MESA on quite a sbow for the anglers .loan Schmoll.er. all of Costa ec.u:. ePAJrTY FAYOa eoP'Pia I'ODa with their display of jumplnl Mesa. Holy Rosary was recited antics. Aug. 1 In St. .Joachim's Church Tbe Weat.erner la leavtnr at 3 and requiem mus was cele· a.m. dally fM albacore trom the brated Aur. 2. Baltz Mortuary, Newport Pier. Ftahlnr hu been Costa Mesa. was in charge of good &om the barre anchored arranre-ments. off the Ne-wport Pie-r wtth hall· KOTICE_O_I'_P_O_aLJ_C ___ BE_ QDfG but. spanish Jacka, f 1 o u n d .e r · NotJce ta hereby rtven that the mackerel and aalmon pouper Plannlne Commlalon of the City belnr caueht. of Newport Beacb wtll hold a Wua-----:111111'1 Daylight mackerel tlab1nr hu public heart.nr on the appllca--0111•••• · been good (rom the N~rt Pier. tJon of Kenneth C. Kitchell tor IJdo Shopptnr Center Some nice halibut areal~ being a variance No. 307 to permit: caught. some anrters rettlnr ConatructJon ol swtm.m!ng pool a.ta. a• laO YJa Ude four or five averaging two to on tront " of lot. On Portion of ~~;a;;;;:;=;;:;;;;=:;;;;::~~ three pounds. A n ine-pounder Lot D. Tract CDM, 2JT/ Carnation -.zaac:y-was ca ught recently. Ave. .......... Ha libut are allo being caught NotJce Ia hereby further riven 1...._1 in the bay from the Balboa Pa· that said public heartnr wUl be POCIET UDIO vlllon dock. Balboa Pavlllon row held on the 16th day ol August, • (KO 'I"CBEI) boats are doing good on bau 1956, «t the hour of 8:00 p.m. In Wocld'• ._.,._. ._.. with a 12·pound aea bass caught the eoundJ chambers of the WZJGIII OJfLT II oz. necenUy. 'Ibe Frontier leavtne at Newport Beach City Ball, at .... oaJy r. s· •• .,.. 3 a.m. and the Jet n at 4 a.m. whk h time and place any and A New Concept In Personal dally from the Balboa Pavlllon all persons Interested may ap· RadJo. Ear Phone and Can7· on the albacore run. pear and be beard thereon. inl c.ue Optional. ExtrL Bay anglers continue catching RAY Y. COPELJN, Secretary Dlute •BOWl ca. spot1ln croaker. Surf fishermen Newport B.each City Plan· •~ are getting some corblna. ntnr Commission. LJ a.sG7 Grunion hunten have two ST1LL Df COSTA MESA Mavin Petenona or 6M Bay Ave., Costa Mesa, have chanced their adress to ~ La Canada, Costa Mesa. LEQAL KOTICE U:SOLUTJOK lfO. 4.511 aoa OVEUE.AS Rosa Gidley of 2382 Palisades Rd., Santa Ana Hel.ahts. hu chanced hla address to Fleet Post Oftlce, Sa.n Jl'ranclaco. JAMES D. RAY .• _ ..... M46 f. COAST HWT., COAONA Oil MAl HAtht 476) ..... LAGUNA FlOYAL SA VINeS I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To S.N Y011 LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLIMINTI QUICK M HOUtt SUVICI LOW LOW"I~" . INTEREST lATIS EASY WONTHLY PAN&m FRIINDLY SYWPATHmc suva ESCROW S8VICE. IFRCIENTLY OPEAATm LAGUNA BEACH m 0c.... AYe. PHONI HY. 4-11 n SAN CLEMENTE "' N. a c--.-... PHONE HYednttt 2-lltl • HY...._ 2-llt6 -----................... ___.... '-=1=115=11arboc===·=l"-==c.ta===M= .. =~~n~lll~h~ts~~re~m~alnl~n=g=:'o=:r:=::;h;:=u=n=t=ln1g KOTICE OF PVaLJC BE.AaDIC ;;; Notk e Is hPreby rtven that the . Beba11d189 L F. &CU....-nii1119Bc~~!~~i!l---::a~=m~;:o~~~ ~:~~~~ A RESOLtrnON OF THE CITY COUl(CJL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING ITS INTEN· TION TO CALL FOR A SPE· CIAL ELEC'J10N IN CER· T AIN INHABITED TERRI· TORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED THERETO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB· MI'ITJNG TO TRE QUAU· FlED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRITORY TilE QUESTION WRETHER OR NOT SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. AND FIXING A nME AND PLACE WHEN AND WHERE ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRJTORY MAY APPEAR BE.FORE SAID CITY COUNCIL .AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRI· TORY SHOULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED. PLIITE-.-..._ __ _ _ ___ , _,_ public h earing on the appllca. tlon of J. Herbert Brownell lor • M.U. w..,. llcla1 Oat.-Aay Tide a variance No. 308 to permit: :.C:-:: --LJaEilTT 1-5211--LmE.-rT 1-2012 Construction ol swimming pool EABL'I LAJO)IJIG, 2IZ7 W. Coast lhry .. Jfpt. aeada on front % of lot. On Lot 23, l•••••...;;;;;.;.;--~-~~~~~---•••1 Tract 1218, 7~ St. .lames Place. I VE SPIES NoUce Is hereby further given D A . t hat said public hearing will be MERCURY OUTBO • an MOTORS held on the 16th day or Augtut, n.nu 1956, a t the hour of 8:00 p.m. In We ~ Wbat We leU the council chambers or the aoATI & aoAT TllA" E" KUDIE IIAB:DWAllE Newport Beach City Hall, at Liberty 1-2512 1510 W. Coat .......,., Jfewpoct a.ada which time and place any and all peTSOns lntereste,l may ap- pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Plan· nlng Commission. JfOTICE 01' P1JILJC IJEAmKC Notice Ia hereby rtven that the Plannlnr Commlsalon of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca· tlon of Maceo Corporation for a variance No. 309 to pennlt: En· croacbment of 12' Into a ZZ front yard setback. On Lot 87,_ Tract 1701, r.u Malabar Drive, Corona del Mar. Notice Ia her.by fwtbeor ctven that aald public bearl.nr wllJ be held on the 16th day of Au~ 1956, at the hour ot 8 :00 p.m. 1n the eouncU chamben ot the Newport Beach City Ball, at Which time and plaee &n7 and all peraona lnterelted _.,. ap· pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COJ'I:LIK, &.m!t.ary Newpon Beach at)' Pla.nnJnc• Commteefcm BE IT RESOLVED. by the City Coundl of the City of Newport Beach: SECTION 1: That It Ia the In· tenUon of the City CouncU or the City of Newport B.each to call a special election to be held on the 16th day or October, 1956. In certain Inhabited territory con· Uguoua to said City, propoeed to be annexed thereto, tor the pur· , ........... -.1 ....... , ... .. ...... Orco Block Co. BUJLDJNG BLOCD-ALL SSI21D-:EtSS-.JALL TYPES Dwbldf...,.. IIIIL ........... A-. n..c. ...... -D t a .... .Mpbalt ru. -Rubber 'rue Formlea -L1DoJeum nJe aa•r•• u...o~ .... l?alt. c....._ LDD'I"'' ..... 22 Years tn ()rQet Caant7 0>-. -~ .. ..-..,. -~· • I ...... g ... 2 cJwe111aP ., ._ .........-. o .... (NI~-- ballt ... Ume 810 .., ~ .. ...... JloC!ftea• on ~ ~ • .... loel ta Oatna CoN. c.a.a • .. . ... .... .....a .. 2·1to1Y, 1·--a-.. Baccola o( 811 VIa LHo Ita S I lit 4M VIa Udo ._.., JoQ4 hu purebaeM tMiota flooaa --; MD IAun. 1._,.-, 1· lilt. Balf!n.an and Ia buUdtnl 2· unit .......... at 1a:l vta fella. .., cJwelllnp "'-· ,.... pa'• "''.. . mta were e.u.c~ lut week by • Ca.DII& JIICW! AJrDa • the lfewport leach Bulldlnl o. M WlaltiDan, renee at 515 partment. 8eewud. .-o: Ed ...... IM'lm· , Pennia l..ued durlnl the flnlt mtns pool at a Cortft CWJe, week ol Au,ut Included: ....- • CO_,. A DIEL IIAII e •w»>aY Geo1p Jhaccola. 2-.tory, 1-unlt 1llra. INM Ooup, addition at ctwelln1 at 2705 Sbell St., •.m. !m W. 3Ith. IUOO: Cbarl• and at 2701. St., ~,D); C.. P. Byrd, demolllll old eec:t1on hcMMie Behnborl. termite work at ~ on PE rf&bt ot way, m 30th St., Ocean Blvd... $0); M. H. Sher· $100. ~ man Corp .• t~ down old pra,e • aa.oa at az5 E. Cout Hwy., ~00. and W. Fullerton. replace earaee convert ext.ttn1 buUdln1. tor· dar at 940 W. Ocean Ft., ~00: merly Norman's Nunery, Into of. WUlJam B. Smith, altftatlonl at fica. $11.000; Howard Laurent. 1417 E. Bay Ave .• $2.000. 1-tltorY, dwe11Jn1 added at 31C e ~A ISLAJO) Iris, $12.000. T. C. Crossan. connect dwelJJnl e trlla& U.UCE to praee apartment. 120 Grand T. I . Elldna, fence at l2lS Dol· C&nal, ~.000: 1obn Hartleln, al· pbln Terra~. $200; Maceo Corp.. t.eratlona at 209 Aeate, $200. United Fulid Campaign CommiHee Is Appointed E 1 even cltlzena have been residents' 101lcltatlon; Mrs. 1ohn named members ot the pneral lohn10n, auppliH; Mrs. Harvey campatan committee tor the Somera and Mrs. Evelyn Gardl-~-57 Newport Beach United ner, advanc:ie llft.a; and the Rev. Fund which baa ac:heduled lta Dona.ld G. Sapp, publicity. d.rtve tor October. Dr. Robert Olander. prHident Heedtn& the campalan Ia Dr. of the boerd ot cUrec:tora; Mrs. Edward )(Uum. AutPant chair· Kenneth Coolln1. chairman of men are ltalph Myen. Jr. ·and 1ut years d.rtve; and ChariH Mrs. Lee Sdlonek-Ot.ben l.nclude J'ontlua are .n'inl the commlt- Mn. Bull Peter.on. part·time tee ln an advlaory capacity. LOOK! '56 CADILLAC Coupe DeVUle, atra Clean. Low MUeae~. doctOr's car, Jo· c:a1l1 awned. A 19&i·57 campalp loal ot $S7.00t. JDON than double that of last year, wu voted by the board of dlrecton ot the New· r::ch=c~~;s a:~:· ~n: Cards Lead 11•1•r loop; co,: ~=.:::~b~ new a~mc-~·~ SAVE AT-les lnto the United Fund u well ~~~N ~:-::.·~ .. ~Pirates. Braves Next D• 9 « ...... ' •. ,d,.. -nzrm# ll.e ...elL Aa ...... ...... --·--.. •• .... l!lf Rrl1 II ............ __ .., ....... Vandals Break Store Windows,_ Windshields •• pen .._. The new bud,et wu aubmltt.ed u ·a..-to the board by 0rrtn w. Wrl1bt ~ KIKK YAD.& Seot .. of the preced.lne Wftk's ea.. l 1 OI'D naiiiiGI lr .• cbatrman ot the bud¢ com· The Major Le.acue C&.rdlnala eamea Included the follow1n1: ....., ..... ':::;::;::=;;::::;::;::=;:=;:::;:~~mtttee. He announaecJ that fun<b manaeed to stay on top of the ln the PacUic Coast IAaiUe II ... S L Ia -: were recommended for tbe new loop atandlne• durlnl Mldld the Giant team tied twke -~1211 apndes: the Salvation Amly, uacue bueba11 play at the with the Dod,en 5-5 and the IIIPLIIE •••• 111111 ... Yiel't ..... ··~ ..... a.! c.-tiiWy-a&.,. c.-hi .... Bqin & Hamilton Watches Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER the AJn.eorlcan Red Croa. the eo.ta Mesa Park Jut week. wlth Cu~ 0·0. 1be Pirates won 3·1 All students In the Newport Cainptlre Girls. the Pamlly Serv-the Pirates and BravH following over the eu~ the Carda bMt Beach elementary llehool district Ice Aaodatlon ot 0 ran 1 e cloee ~hind. the Braves 5-3. the Cube whac:.k-wUJ register on Friday, ~pt. 7, County, the Newport Harbor Jerry R u 1 be r t pitched his ed the Dodeen 6·2, and the with I n s t r a c t I o n start1n1 on ==============--===-~=~-==-=~ Community Youth Center In lea1ue-l.eadlne c .,dlnal team· Dodgers edeed the Giants 9·8. Tuesday, Sept. 11. c..easz ' ....., 11500.00 -TUVEL .... Hart.. lUI Coll.M Gn.bOa.. Dor'oth7 Mdtenn&. Mup•lte Bu1ba C«. &. Coaa a.y. at Orchid ~ flrom P.O .. C))( IIIII ._..asp's YARN SHOP Corona del Mar, ¥d ,one other mates to a 3-h lt 4·1 victory over Scores In the American A&socl· aeency. pending Its approval the Braves. The second place Pl· ation were Dodrers 7. Cards 4 ; 19, Dodgers 10; Giants 8. Pirates from national headquarter&. rates downed the cellar dwelling Giants 7, Pirates 1; Cubs 6, Cards 7: Dodeers 13. Cards 6; Cubs 12. Ralph M. Myers 1r., a board Cube 6·1. Gil Sharp struck out 5: Braves 14, Giants 8; CarG5 13; Giants 1; Braves 17, Dodgen 11: m.ember and attorney for the 10 Cub batters In five Lnnlngs. Pirates O; Cubs S. Glants 6. Giants 25. Braves 3; Plrat.!S 23. United Fund. Informed th~ lf'OUP Stove Souder's clutch single International ~agu.e: Pirates Cards 15. that the State ot C&lltomla. with the bags run sparked a 8. Cubs 7: Cards 13. Brave 3: Western Lncue scores: Cubs under Ita law of lncorporatlon, thr~-run Plrate rally In the Cubs 7 (tie); Glanta 11, Dodeers 22. Pirates 7: Cards 13, Braves 12; bad on .July 19 approved th.e fourth. Braves 7, Cubs 7 (tie); Giant 11. Braves 9, Cubs 8; Giants 11, Dod· chanetne ot the organization • The Dodgers clobbef'ed the Dodgers 6; Giants 11. Pirates 1; eers 10; Giants 15, Plrates 6; name. The United Fund, prior to fading Glants 10-2. Tom Mark-Dodgers 6, Cards 4. Dodgen 7, Cards 0; Cubs 11, Its expanded propam. wu ham. Gary Plc~ns and Roy Dal· Eastern Lelgue ecores: Cubs Glants 4; Dodgers 9, Braves 8; known u the Newport Harbor ton led the Dodger attack. Carl 12, Pirates 10; Braves 18. Cards Giants 17, Braves 11; CIWifllll u.. .. •••••• ' PLANES-BOATS-TRAINS IIIB liS~· Community Chest. Bereeron and Larry Schrader 13; Cubs 16. Braves 10; Glantsl t3, Pirates 9. Charles Pontius. vice ch alr· teamed to throw a one·h ltter at -=====-=-=-=-=-----------------_::::;;;::.;;:;:;:;;::;;;.;;:;:;:::===:::::=====:::============= man. who presided at the meet· the Cubs last w~k and give the ,....,..,..,,....,,....,..,..,..,..,,..,..,.. ... ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.....,...,,....,,...,......,.,.....,....,..,..,...,...,..,..,..,..,.,.....,~ 1n1. 'expreSsed the board'a thana Bra\'8 a 6·2 triumph. t ~ to H. Payne Tha)'ff and mem· 1n the PacUlc Coast IAaeue, ..,. bers ot bla unification commJttee the Pirates won 7-1 over the "1111 who have been lareely respona-Cubs. The Giants moved lnto un· ~ ~ lble tor the re-organization of disputed tlrst place with a 7-3 ~ Jles~ We Do ~ the Cbest. Committee member~ win Avet the Braves. Fred Ricll .._ ~ have been Dr. Robert Olander. and Brian Uewts broke a 3-3 tie ~ ..,. Dr. Edward Kllurn. Orrin W. In the fourth lnnlne with bac:.k ., "1111 Wrl1ht Jr .• Mrs. Harvey Somers. to back aineles. The Dodgers ~ ~ and Mrs. Roeer W . Hardacre. ~at Ute Pirates 6·4 and the ~ ~ AppreclatJon wu abo expuss-Cards took the Cubs 10-5. ..,. ed to the budeet committee: Al Thoee up and coming Dodgers ~ "1111 Clemence. Dr. Olander, Mrs. of the A merl e & n A.uodaUon ~ p B I N 7 I N G ~ Hardacre, and Mr. Wrl&ht. alau1htered the Pirates ~0 and ~ ~ edpd the Cubs 14-12. Mickey ... ..,. S • ._. • • llkG.U. and mchard Hurls ., "1111 • _...-eambiMd to t.hrCJW a no-h itter at ~ ~ T • .._~ • ~~ ••• ., the Ptrates. Teny McW~thy hit .,_ ~ .-J • a pnd slam homer In the last ., A new ..n-ot IIIDAll craft lnninl to 1tve the Dodgers their ~ ~ cl..... to run two weeki wlll win aYft th~ Cut.. The Dodgers ~ ~ .tart )(on~ at the arance haw been paced by amazine ~ CHECK THIS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS ~ Cout CoUep bKdl between the little Tommy McGuire. who ls .._ : ~ Sea Scout Bue and lalboa aay battlnl at a .633 cUp. ., Club, ~ by the lfewport ln the lntemational LealfUe. ~ R&r'b« Blall .~~~a~~ the Giants won tbMe stral~t ~ 0• SINESS CARDS 0 WEDDING INVITATIONS ~ pro,ram and uae AI...,......... -=u and then drop1)ed one to uae .._ BU . ~ Croa An lntermedlat.e swim· leape-leadlnl 'DodJerS-Scores ., ~~~~~~;a=~~~~n~q eard 1a a prwequlalte. Bo· tut wee~t : Giants e. eu~ 5: ~ 0 I..ETTERHEADS 0 RECEPTION CARDS ~ laDcl Jlarcume Ia an.trudol'. Cardinali 23. Cube 7; Glantl U, • ~ earct. a· Pirates u. an.-I :.,. 0 ENVELOPES 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ t.~. end Most Complete .... IIIII. lla. Glanta 5, Braw. 1: Plraa U: ., STA~~~'I"'"C' MENUS ..,. Furniture Stor. in the /vM. .... carts t · Cube 14. Plratel 1• • 0 1 L.l¥1Ln a ~ 0 "1111 Jt8lrlj CDlbJ, t. o1 no 4Pte J)odpn is. olanta 10. • ~ A,._. ...._ ......._ CIOIIlp&aiMd ,_ CaJttonla State LHP ... 0 ORDER BLANKS 0 P AMPHI..ETS ..,. ol an = MllbHI llJ8 rtcbt eu l)odaen Mat the 1ravea 12_. and ., ~ .... ... ... tar ..... Olanta ....... tM PIH.tea • D CIRCULARS 0 BOOilli'S .. -., Wallace L. ..,._, -flf Jal. ~10. Tille CUtlll toak tiM ~ • l I I ' ~ ... lllaD4. .. adO .... ~ t•U. .... ~ turned Oft tiM ... 0 POSTERS D MAGAZINES I~ • l( 'I claJ. Mr • ..,_ laid tM boT _ to eoaa,U. tbe hliMit ., G • tl dart.4 out .,_ We-t.-o ---f!11 tM ..uoD ID eic*-• for honM. automoba. Ia ,._.. fll,. Qu. =::: ,.,. .. 3t..f. • dub~. yec:Mt. net Aft., ...._ IIIDd. ,.. . ...,. Dl tiM ,._.. ......-at tM • 1 w ,._ ....... ~ .... taa. • ......... t.r .._ a-_._ VIeW a.w Ill c.-a cW JOI • --......,..._,. ftlt MJ -.:a at M .;:.-tM Qlallta Ud ~ • ,,:;;;;; ........ ;;~·=,~·~iililiiiil!iiiJ!i.jiiiil~i .-·-tiM ........ al .... . fill ....... fte c;a.-,.... "" .... . ,.. w::. = ~-= • r. .. ~ .... ':::.= • ... ~ .... :.:.·~ ~· ·_-::: .............. ... ::... ,.... ........... c-t. ....... £lJt ...... 11•MI ......... :..:~:= -............ ... --: ...... c.-... :-' ............. ~ lilA ...... . __ .. -. PIIONE US AT IIADOa 111• ADd Ow •pu •r•l u .. Wll • Glllcl To Cal 0.. Toa ' r i .of soda~ note 1J na \ .. Not only wu there a COIIl· pJetety full houae 1~ both ,_. ~ of the •Pfllhtl7 mu.l· eat coaaed7 "South Padlle" f1Dr tbe ant UIDe In the Ora.np Coalt ()el' 1• Audltort-. but IDDI'e fllaa 1000 people ... tunMMI aw~ at eec:b ~· a.ace botb rrtda.y and Saturday llllb" Oranae Cout CoUe,e drama and music department p~ted "Soutb Paclfle'' as a aummer workshop project. No a~ wu eh&J'81!(1 u the mWidal eomecly wu declleated to the Ctcy of Newport Buch In honor ot their Gol*n Jubilee. The nearly 70 atn1ers and acton In the show were directed IUJI&'S A teal& ..._ '"loaa ...._. wtalcla ....., _. • ., rtlc, by Howard Kay, musical dlrec· ..-.aow ..,.. • tbe 0..... eo.t ~~ ... cn.dlwlw.ia a.t tor: James Fltzrerald, choral dl· -.IE. 'l1ala a. tile -w..aa tMtt --"-t e.t of •1 ....,.. -. rector, and Lucian Scott. sta1e _....,.._._~_u.. __ two __ ....., __ ....;._~w-A_•f~•-r_.-d __ a...t ___ .. _-... __ "-___ _ d1rec1or Patrolllze the merdlanta who Encb~nUng scenes were de· Ret·tred Auto advertiM In the Newport Hat· strne4 by Howard Clapp with bor En.allft. student ...utanae. Uae of th e LOOK! ·ss CHRYSLEB Wlnd8or DeLuxe, llardtop Cl'e. ~~..a.•wta· ctow.-Low J(Ueqe. Ceu .. new-Save at ~ AT- JOJmSOM & SOR •w.c..e~, ............ UI-Jal 0.0 &VDDial ama.U aide ata1es at the colle,e D I D • audttorlum kept the production e a e r I e S movtnc with no aoene chanetnl GaOUIID WAS JlaOID!Jf 1'1aanday ._ tbe..., E. A. ...... --her of a. a..D balldM9 lap. Howard W. Walnr, 73, tell d•ttw• of a. X.,..._t a..:ta l:beU Qab cd ~ arc1a.tt1act J. -.....t .... ..u.; lin. Vokes bad a prot e a sl onal whUe pal nUnc a brick wall Frl· SIS w • ......._ JU..S.. Jkdbo& n.. old dablroue WUl.IGm Tritt. m..u PI 1 'taL aDd Doll quality, act.lnr was uaured and day momlnc at bls home, 238 baUdbag tMrt bod Aood tJMre f« .aaay ,_... n.tc:bew. baJ.IcW, Ccietnlda * tiM baUdiD9 wltb aplrlt, and tlmln1 was SU· Evenln1 Canyon Rd., Shore Clltt.s, .lUST UIIYEI. I I a.-beea •-a-..d. IJww1a IMn at tbe VJOU.Dd· ,.... algMcl Jaly IS. ...-:Uy to,...... to tbe day perb throughout the production. and dled a abort while later. bncddDg an (left to rigbtl Mn. Fl'MIDCID aft. U.. I'8C*'d.la9 oC .....aalp of. tiM lint Le dl ., I dy Joyce Au"'er had A fir d FW... --'"'-t .,. tbe aa1or Ebeoll; Mn. 4 lots --CIMd by ~ (Eaal9a pboto) a n. a • e epa r t men t reacue r-• ..--..--a Mary Martin pbd-lshnea about squad and doctors were called .............. I her and a stron1 voice. Opposing alter Mr. Walker tell at 9:50 WOODWABDS GET SOif s •t A . t c·ty d p I. lead, Grant Bertolet, kept hll a.m. He was pronounced dead at A son, Phillip Lloyd, was born u I gaIns I an 0 Ice French accent about him 10:30 a.m. The family physician to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodward d • T • c throuchout hls many tlne songs sald Mr. Walker had had heart FEATURING ELEGANT QUILTED UPHOLSTfRY A lovely collection of quilted sofas and chairs . .. plus many other stars of the S:pring Furniture Show. of 437 Morning Canyon Rd., Co· Prepare In rautweln ase and apeecbes. • trouble tor the past 8 years. rona Highlands. 1n Ho~ Me· Show stealers turned out to be He was formerly president of m ortal Hospital on Wed~day, A clvU suit demanding $10,000 Saunders and Douglas J. Deln, Betty Kelly Stromqulst a.s Bloody the Walker Motor Co. ln Santa July 25. Mr. Woodward ls as· 1 Mary and the hJlarlou.s Dlck Monica and West Los Anleles. sistant superintendent of the personal Injury and $lO,OOO for I Attorney Robert Hurw tz an· Rossome as Luther Blllla, sup-He wa.s a former GLendale resl· Newport Beach E 1 e me n t a r y exemplary and puniUve dam· nounced last week. ported by some very tunny and ages will be tiled against the I The suit wut be filed for dent and had lived In Corona Schools. City of Newport Beach a nd New-Charles Trautwein, 18. of 1769 typical "GI" .se~b~ del Mar since 194.2. port pollee officers William Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, Survivors lnclud~ his wife. .APORT JA"<· ~ OIJONA OFl lttiAII·H.f~ll 11181' , •••• ------------growing out ot a pre·dawn has· When the Newport Harbor Agnes; a son. Carlton Walker, C h .II d Is Found sle with ponce on June 20 In Elks went visiting by bus to and a daughter, Mrs. Ellz.abeth Corona del Mar. the Lakewood Lodee a couple Wood. Services w<!re held yester· Dead in Bay An appeal should be decided of weeks ago, Bob Willmes got day In Forest Lawn. In three or four months In the his picture taken with lo~Jy appellate division of the Superior Miss Lakewood (not an Elk, but Phone In your news stories to Court of Orange County of a a welcome vtaltor to the neigh· your local new.paper, the En· technical battery charge against boring loclle>. atcn. Harbor lll4. (Continued from page 1) the Trautwein youth, the at· they joined with ll!e guards and I tomey said. The youth was found harbor depa.rttn.ent boatmen in ,ullty of the charge ln a court the search. trial before Judge R. M. Crook· At 11 :15 p.m. Sunday. Newport shank In Santa Ana Munlclpa:l police put out an emergency all· court on July 25. polnt.! broadcast on the missing e CLJUXS VICTOIIT child as possibly kidnapped. She "The judre's determination was described as 36 Inches tall. was a complete victory for Traut· 35 pounds, brown pony taU hair. weln and now paves the way tor brown eyes. one upper front a aure victory In a civil ault tooth missing. weartne levi against the pollee," the attorney shorts. blue top, and barefooted. pointed out. • DIVE llf aAT ·~e judre cUd flnd that he 2846 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar PHONE HABBOR 3009 The search continued through wu guilty of encouraginc Peter Monday and Tuesday. U!e,uards Penda.rls to scuffle wtth the of· dived with aqua lungs searching fleer and thus found that he wu the bottom of the bay. Off duty guilty of a technical battery." policemen started a house·tO· the attorney said. "This we have house canvass at 2:30 p.m. Mon· never dented, and we are proud day In the vicinity of Bay that he did after an officer of the Island. Pollee questioned all OC· law had called Pendarll derocat · cupants of houses on Buena ory names about the color of hls VIsta Blvd .. Edge-w~ Ave. from race." EXCLUSIVE -ALSO- Buena Vlsta to 2 6locks east of The Interesting pa rt ls that Chrlstlan·s Hut, all alleys from Pendarls wa.s never charged with Edgewater Ave. to Bay Ave. and battery and Trautwein was never the slde streets. Nonf of the charged wtth aiding and abett· people could give any lnlorma· Inc Pendarla, Mr. Hurwitz said. tlon. Another Lnterestlnl polnt Is that Officers then checked the resl· the court sustained our conten· dent! of Bay Island. Robert Lag· tlon that Newport municipal erhof. 8. of Los Angeles. staying code section 3401 on reslsUng ar- ln the George Lind home. 2 Bay rest was unconstitutional and Island. stated hE' had seen a hence dismissed that charge, the little girl answering the descrlp· attorney added. tlon wa lk out on the noat In The officers claimed that they front of 503 Edgewater Ave. He were justltled Ln striking Traut· stated he thought It funny such weln due to the fact Trautwein a small glrl was allowed to go·on had struck one of them. Now the n oat because his daddy that the court has determined would never let him do lt. that Trautwein was Innocent o1 The search ended with the re· striking the ottlcers. tt clearly port at 2:55 p.m. Tuesday that appeus that the officers were ...,.,.. .,.. .., ..., ..., ...,.,...,...,...,..,. the body had been found. not justified In striking him with ~===================:;:;;===J the fiuhllghl the attorney aald. ••sA TILLITE IN THE SKT' -0111 -~ ... -Oelw-WIUI -II.IEilNON MOOilE-LOIS IIAXWJCLL -AND-I II.ANDOLPB 800TT -GAIL at1SU:U. -la-ALL CeMr W.._. ••SEVEN MIN FllOM NOW" . .:f't • • 0 R IV E • I N • _,--lC TH f 1\ TQ I~ [II (OMI A\ YI)U AJ I · I N THt J AMt Lf L. ....... ........ ..... . ._.... -.... Hence, the clvll sult against the officers by Trautwein Is assured of betnr victorious. he added. e lAYS llEJIOIIT FALSE The otfloen atated ln their pollee report that Trautwein struck one of tllem, the attorney aaJd. The court has now deter· mined that Tratweln ll lnDoeent of th1L Jleonce. the oftlcen haw tiled a falle report, and dl~P· Unary actJon should be taken acatn.st the otftcen for ., dolnc. be charred. Aa a result of Traut· weln'a trail, It now concluat~ly appears that theoy WW!'I'e not justl· fled and committed an unlawful, unjustitled. unprovoked, brutal attack. Mr. Hurwitz charred. Pet.er Pendarts pleaded JUlltJ to cbarcea of rerlatlng a.rrat. maldng a loud and unuaal nol8e, UD1awful aaembly and tallure to dlapune. "A 'Court hu never found a pencm cutlcy of 801M'thtn• he wun't cbarpd wtth." the at· tarney aaJd. The munlc:lpal code -=tton 8401 on ..s.ttnc &rrM wu' ruled UJWAMUtudOnaJ t;r Judp Croobllanlr In the ..... a..,.. .... code ..... ... U8ed In tbe PenclaN CMI. Tbe Trautwein JOQt.h II dUe to appear In cocut on A•l-Ja t« enteftdnl. Altlar'M7 a...-.. .... he woul4 ~ .. -' ... =.ct.~= ... - We Now Carry A F'me Selection of Jama and Table Specialtiea From- KNOTT'S BERRY FARM rv.......-.eau UG. 2 F01r 25c I & W-1 lb... I -. Caa CAT-FOOD 2 ... 21( APPLE SAUCE 2 ... 37• I;JL~VE~"';JIOSE;;;;:;:;";ft:;;r;E--------;:CEIIT;·;;;;;U';;lED;;;:-:Q~V;;;ALIT'I'';7= LOG CAalll DIJTATJO•-M -. CIOUM I 81 R I C E lib. Bag 15• MAPLE SYRUP DAFT'S rUKAT-1 lb. ft9, a&Tn ~la-11{• Jh. ftw. ARCARINE 25t BISQUICK RATJOXAL aiiCI7JT CO OREO CIEIE SIIIWICI ... •