HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-16 - Newport Harbor EnsignJ
•Leave C.D.~.
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• • •
I ua QR1 DMd to tile Coroaa del 1bJa Ia to proteet &1\Y change
111u Pall oasc. Mc:o~D~•r a tn our Corona del liar Po.t Of.
branc:b ot the Newport Beadl flee or method of ftl&1l eervtce.
Po.t OCftce. lOS. UY WENGD
IDS. GO&DON ILUIPTOJf 3812 Ocean Blvd.
214 Bellotrope Ave. • • •
• • • J am acalnat the propoeed
1 ua t. favor a1. nmablt.al the merrer ot the Corona del M.v
way we are; no amal1amadon.. Po.t Oftlce with that of Newport
Tax Up 10c;
ater Cost Hiked
ANDREW llae&AY Ileac~~ ~~'t,. C'pona del Mu to Newport Beach City Council
t:M Goldenrod Aw. bep fY. gave the tax rate a net boost • • • MilS. ROY MA mER We ue apin.lt coNIOU4ation. 2511 Seavtew Ave. of 10 centa Monday nirht. and
IIIL 1r MRS. BOCEK HOPE • • • tncreued the minimum water
211 Dahlia Ave. Am against the proposed mer-charge from $1.30 to $2.55 a
• • • • 1ft of the CDM Poet Office with I month for the average user.
1 don"t In any way want a that of Newport Beach on th~ fol· 'Th.e general tax rate wa.s In ·
chance ln the Corona del Mar lowing grouncb: Slower deUvery ~cre~ 11 centa, from 78 to 89
Po.t c::>ftke. No pa.t oltlce ~uld -will have an extra atop to cents. Advertlllng tax was re-
gtve better aervice than ours. make <Newport): and wtll tend duced from 2 centa to one cent.
Ple....e no change. to cause CDM to looee Its lden-Other rats remain the sam~
' BEA SPENCER tlty and lndJviduallty. Besides cents for parlu, 8 cents for u.
613 Begonia Ave. that, I don't llke the id~a. brruy, 11 centa for employee re-
Urement. 7 cent. few bonda. 1b
total '-$1.24 per $100 assessed
valuatJon, compared with $1.14
lot the pa.t &cal year.
A great voJwoe ol protests by
taxpayers ,.Wted In CounclJ
lowering their atrhts-trom the
lnltJally pro~ Zl-~nt net In·
crease, down to 10 centa.
City Manarer Robert Shelton
explained that a tax tncreue ls
necessary to mafntaJn a reason-
able reserve at the end of thi.
I am deflnltely and empbatJ-
cally oppoeecf to COMOlldaUon..
The poatal aervlce Ia of para-
mount importance, and the real·
denta ol Corona del Mar do not
want ft made (eu effective, u
we fHl It would be by auch a
CATHERINE C. SMITH am Goldenrod Ave.
2511 Seaview Ave. • • •
It seems that the CDM postal
service is one of the few public
aervlces which Is satisfactory. So
unless a considerable economy Is
to be had, I ~ll~e we ahould
leave the station as U ls.
419 Ma rigold Ave.
ART TORRA CE • • • • • • We wish to exprea our utt.s. Arthur Torrance of Balboa 1
11fE POS'J'KASTEll GENERAL faction with pre.ent Corona del Island, pu t president of the
Aa a property owner ln this Mar postal syatern and to vote Newport Harbor Com m u n I t y
lovely Ylllage tor the put 8 against a change. Chest. died Monday • afternoon
yean, I hav.e tint-hand knowl· DAVID 6 MARGARET HALL while pickJng up some Items he
edge of the loyal and ef.Odent 245 Heliotrope Ave. had purchued Jn ClW Haven.
service dispensed by the post· • • • Be wu 54 years old.
aJ yeu. Reserve as of .luly 1
w~ M58.000; It would drop to
J146,000 by the end of thla fiscal
yeu with no tax Increase, he
"We should maintain a
serve ~~ at least $200,000,"
He 041tllned the following pro·
jerta lor which funds will be n~: dty t:Tailer puk lm·
provernents, $ll6,000; enlu(lng
the pollee station, 165.000: new
fire hall, $50,000; tire aJann for
corporation yud. $2.000; pur·
cha.w of Channel Park lots In
West Newport, $8.000; addJtlonal
funcb for Rocky Point purcha.w
In Corona del Mar, $10,000; park
site near Harbor Highlands, $27,·
500-t.ot.&J S278.500.
Cou ncilman Jay Stoddard i B • as~ that the poll~ department US I ness proj«t ~ delayed another year
to prov1 de that additional end·
of·the·year reserve. Council ac. 1
cepted his suggestion tha t the
fire hall pro.J«t be deflnltt>ly
Identified as an U~JX'T Bay fire
station. not one on Bayside Dr.
To Be Set at $25 near Balboa Island.
During the discussion on watl>r master and bls ata.ft ln Corona The present Post ~ce set-up Mr. Torran~ and Marton Dodd
del Mar. May I, therefore, add ls very satl.sfactory. We do NOT of 461 Seaward Rd .. Corona Hlgh·
my letter of protHt to thoee aJ . want any ch&nge. lands. were carrylnr mats from ~ady on file. and stat. that I MR. 1: MRS. E. F. COOP the quarters of Contractor Ro·
vigoroualy oppose tbe movement 21S Fernleaf Ave. land Lagerlof, 15th St. and lrvlne
to m.a.ke OW' Post OUioe a sub· • • • Ave. Mr. Torrance complained of
station. I am against consolidation feeling Ill and fell to the ground.
MRS. WILLlAM A. BAKER with the Newport Beach P. 0 . Dr. Arnold Naegeli was called
Sl6 ~an Blvd. H. G. THOMSON and administered cormlne and
charr.-s. Col. Andy Smith of Co-Mayor Dora Hlll announced I to PI"'S«Ute tor late payment
rona del Mar, former council · Monday evenlnc that the New-ln other word&. bldtne~eM that
man. said It was not falr to port Beach City Council hu are tn doubt of the amount of
merely raise the mlnlmum. wfth aereed on a r-Mslon of the buaJ., the f~ can delay payment unW
no lncre&$e In rate above the ness license ordinance -mab-the DE"W fees are announced
minimum. This 1s not equitable lllshlng a straight S25 fee across This would do · a'IV&,J with ad-
for the small use-s. he uld. the board. I mtnt.tratl~ problema of making
City Manager Shelton and She said that the n~ ordl· rdunds later.
• • • 301 Irts Ave. ad r en all n . The doctor pro-mernbfors of the Council agreed nance will be Introduced at the 1b1a new ~via:lon of ~
that Col. Smith's criticism had next m~lng. Aug. 'Z7. fees Ia the ~t of die DWDer·
merit, but the new ordJnance was Yesterday tAur. 151 was the ou.s protests t.rom ma.outac:turen
Pused Without rev1sJon, wtt~ th~ lega l deadline for paying 1956-against what they termed dis·
understanding that Counclf had 57 business license t.Hs. How-crlminatory and a:orblta.nt fee~ ~ powft to change the above-ever. C1 ty M&nacet Robftt Sb~-of tM eclat:lng ordtnaoee.
mJnlmwn rate by re.olutlon any ton uld Monday eovenlnr that lt No deftnJtt-ded.ldon hu yet
tJme It wished to do 10. wiU not be the policy of th~ dty been made about run ~ 11-
I am ap1n.st the pro~ ~n-• • • noun~ Mr. Torrance dead at
80llcktloo. We are not In favor of eonsoll· 4:10 p.m., and the coroner wu
JOHN 'SEARLE c!atlon with ·the N.ewport Beach called by Newport pollee. The
217 Goldenrod Ave. Po.t Office. body wu taken to Baltz Mortu-
• • • MR. 6 MRS. ELMO R. ROPER ary ln Corona del Mar. •
Keep tile Corona del Mar Po.t 308 Marauerlte Ave. M.r. Torrance. who Uved at 216 omc. tM way It 1a. • • • • CryJrtal Ave., wu ..-,dated wJtb
MIL 6 MltS. 8AIIOLD WD.IOII We ue quite conc.waed aboat tiM Padfie Mutual Lite Wur·
3U5 IIQiiiM Dltve oar P. 0 . belnl t.'Oftallldated wtftl ance.Co. ot Loe Anr~es unt1l a
• • • Jfewport Beach. Our 8erV1ee hu few y..,.. aro. when be joined
11M .enloe of Corona del llu been excellent and we want to Jay and Bentro Insurance Co. ot Mr. TofT&.be'e bad tabn an ac·
Po.t Olmee b utbfactory to me. continue havtng a ant CS.. ol-Newport &Ncb. tlve lnt~ In community af.
I .e nothing to be gained by &c.-DEF11UIELY!! He was born In Harrlson. N.Y., fairs. He wa.s president ot the
eorwolldatlon. MRS.. MICHAEL P. CARL on July 8. 1902. His mother, Newport Harbor Co m m u n I t y
RALPH SMEDLEY 214 lrla A~. Mabel Van Ness Rothe, of Har-Ch~ for two years and cur-
320 Orchid Ave. • • • rison, N. J., wu a lineal d~d-rcntly was a member of the
• • • We feel that the Post Office ent of Capt. WUUam Sandford, board or directors. He wa.s also
We ue against the eonsollda· should be ldt as It Is, Can't Me who purt'ba.sed a luae part of an active member of the New·
tton. that there would be any aavtng New .lers.ey {rom the Indians In port Balboa Rotary Club.
KR. 1: MRS. H. COilNELWS to chance lt. 1667. His father, Robert E. Tor-He Is survived by his wife,
:r701 Seaview Ave. ROBERT L. NICHOLS ranee. was a natJve of ~. who Is assoclat~ with the Hal
'Knight of the Batli .
Jnto the chamber th~ council rush("(! fearing
The Mt>ssage ttom Sht>lton; its ominous h~arln~
They knew would be v1tal. but wfth studied aplomb
They sllenUy sat wishing solace and balm.
• • • 402 Heliotrope Ave. England, who came to New Jer-Will Smlth Realty firm: a son. Then Into the chamber the manager sallied.
1 bellve the preRnt Po.t Otflce • • • sey as a child. Anthony, a junior at the Unl· "I deeply regr.:!t that you had to be rallied
clualficatlon should be contin-Our Post omce ls ~lng con· Arthur attended high achool In vers1ty or Calllornla at Berkeley, But since rve been given by )'Ou certain Powers
ued at "Oorona del Mu. I do not dueled ao perfectly by our Post· Kearney, N. 1 .. and later Fawcett and a daughter, Dana. who at· 1 I've but minutes to act where I rull , N'ed h bellew con10lldatton wtth New· muter and all his employees Art School In Newark. N. J. and tends N ~ w p or t Harbor high >' ours..
port would be as aatiltact«y u that we feel It would be a ter· the Art Student Leaeue In New achool. He also leaves nln~ ''The volunteer rationing, whU~ pretty a 'l'tute.
the praent let-up. rlble thing to change lt. Abo we York City. He was married on brothers and sisters living In the Is much. much too lenient. tor things are acute.
MRS. S. S. GRIJI"P'ES &rf! such a fast growing ~mmu-Aug. 1. 1928. to Fern Lawrence. east. Th~ people still water ... 1 ha~ to harass.
300 Goldenrod Ave. nlty we feel It best to leave the ln 1942 the famlly moved to Call-Funeral st"rvlces were held But oddly t>nough there's still green In their grass. -------------I post Otllce fn Corona de] Mar. fornJa from Bethesda, Maryland yesterday morning ln St. James Thelr youngsters get grubby, but glumly I glean
MR. 6 MRS. N. H. COX and came to Balboa Island ln Epi!K'opal Church. Newport. with That their faces and clothes are rt-markably clean; Bus•lnessmen 304 Larkspur Ave. UHS. the Rev. John Parke oUidatJng. Their autos still shine. and I simply confess
SUE w. ROGERS That unless I crack down we ar~ In for a mess."
Vote to Keep 302~ Larkspur Ave. Th El R s s "What mor~ can you do. Sir!"~ council Inquired :rz 't.,~pur Ave. e mo opers ee on As they sat contemplating the man that they'd h~.
P 0 'A I I • • • • • I"My order. no doubt. will arouse lots of 'Nt'alh • • s s We ha~ read In your paper At Convention v.a TV But duty requires my CONTROu..ING THE BAm~
ijn&J111moua oppoeftJon to eon-that once mon the question of "We may hav~ to stop It entirely ... but first
80Udatlnl the Corona del liar eoniiOlldatlng the post otrlces of Especially tnt.erested In golngs papers and is associated w ith the ~t us try to enlighten the people through thirst.
Po.t otiJee wtth the Newport Corona del Mar and Newport on at the political conventions CBS television stat! at both eon By bathing but once a week ... now Just think
Beach Pollt OUice wu voted yes. &Mch Is beln• dt.cuased by the are Mr. and Mra. Elmo B. Roper ventlon.s. We'll permit th~ consumption of aU they can drink •
terday IDOI'Ilfn& at the moDthly autborttJee.. We wiah to state' our Sr. ol 308 Marauertte Ave., Co-His parents will have the op. ·
breakfut meeting of the Corona _,ll.UC eppee~a. to such a rona del Mar. portunlty to see blm when he "Now here Is the process ... all seven of you
del liar llercllanu Dtvlllon of cbanp, whlc:b would deprive OW' Reuon Ia that they have a comes to the west coast tor the return to your dlstncts and each, here-unto
tbe Jfewpart Harbor Chamber of community of Its Identity and chance now and then to see thelr Republican co nventIon next Deoclare what rve told you and tu:rth~ speak
OM •oa. n.e JDeetJ.q ·wu would aoon requl.re a cbanp tn 80n lntervtewtnc convention per-week. On Aug. 26 they will leave ot each district's ablutions ... One Day In the Week!"
h -'d Ia ,.___,_ l.n.D ·--....... t. ....... ad'"-w ... --no -aJ n-'" IOnaUUn for televtalon. w1th him for a month's vblt In Th o:a •-------· """' ..u-. "'........ '"' """"' th _... t h'-..., _. t e council was stunned, It wu ~mine up short ,.._ ~ ..... _ -•u...a--pro-•or .... _ ----. Tb'"'lr ...... n •-..,.._ Ro....... .lr., e e...... a ...,. eoun .. " ~,a e F I ~, -~ ._ ""'"' ~' uu. ~..... "' ..., .. ..........., ..-Rid n ld Co or appo ntments on~ made l~a~ anal I room for M!'tort. ~ b7 rraDk Jc.daD, wU1 be RUTB R. MAXWELL the not.d publle optnlon analyst neElmoar Rge e J' .'!."-.. • Then In ra~ Stoddard bounded, "Now listen here, Bub! ._--..... ..... ~----.... _ ~ ... _... B. • .aey and ~_.. --who m-•-. oper r ... a nauve o~ Wh th .. _vU ... __...._ ""'~-•--• •a.. ,_ .--..."u ..... _.... ..._. u.....a... N --'-tt ... _.. th o e .n: 's to say who wtll draw the first tub! .. Utt aDd tiM._,. Ollkle Depart· lOt~ 1umlne Ave. tainl oll'k:ft In ~eller Plaza ocvron. ebr..,...a, a en~ e
JDeDt ID w-..a.t .. ..._ • • • I N y k a-d h University of Mlnneeota. then 'Tve IUIVeyed the whole matt~ ... said Shelton. "At 1--
. · --.-·.. I am not ln favor of the pro-~an~ "!taft ~ uln m:! studied at the Un!Yastty of Ed· ~sun ha.s a w.,-of arlslng out N.at. ... -_
IJrl I .. a I poNd dl.aJlce tn the Po.t Otllce field tnburgh In Scotland. He Is one So we'U desipate Monday ... Corona del Mar. f IIRII I u I caDDOt -. wbere we would · the pioneers ln the field of public: Th~n Tuesday the island ... rQy plan ts blz.a.rre!
..... I llll.ll ~ flom the COMOUckUon. During thfa polltlcal _.uon. oplnjon analysis and ha.s been Wedneaday all scrubbing take. place ln the Befcbt.-
•••• • -•••••• IDS. MAJaAN DAE be fa wrtt.lq a IYftdkatM polltl· In that business for more than From noontime, of ~one. untll nine o'clock nights. ~-,.u-old Krtlda 8ta1, • librruerlte Aw. eat analYsis column for M"n· 20 year. Thunday, Balboa-the Yft'7 aame hours.
4au,._ ot Kr. aJM1 Mn. 1An • • • Tben, on l'riday, the Udo populace lhowen.
~:.~~"~.;,~ ,....::., .. .;o:~ .. ~a. Franck D Minor on Program :,:r~~.==.u:::.?:~~~ Pwr7, aa1o. .......... Will CIDII• 110 llalt...ttlt Ave.
--.. lillloOUftl ... ~ ....... • • • wn-tiM !oath Oout 0. We fa,. -~ our Poll Of. Quill. ace .... tt..• It .. emlnentl)" A.t· openlnr
A-. -tiM --.. Ju«r ll(ildar7. .... c~aaaw-ol a.... ... 0. B&AI'IBWA.m
pa ol llt 2la It, Calta ..... 118 ,_.,.. Aft. ,.,. line tbe .._ 1181 a ab. co.• • • ._ I)
' •
cnwe&• F\m Zane c••ewlons now ..,.. operaUna ~ a ...,.
prieoft... unW Oet. J. lllf1. ......
tbe 1SO and SlOO.per-came tees
~ suppoePC! to co Into effect.
Rape Vidim
An attractlvf' young Beacon
Bay girl, baby sitting In a Bal·
boa Island home. wu raped Frl·
day nlgbt by an 18-)'t'ar·old
youth who came to vbit her.
Monday morning at 3:«; Santa
Ana pollee &JTest~ La~n~ L.
Toomey of Santa Ana a t h.ls
home, and Nt!WJ>O"t poll~ booked
Tbomey on the rape charge.
The BE-acon Bay girl, ag~ 16..
was baby sltt1ng at 23) Abalone
Ave . Balboa Island. whf're Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Norlns of Los
Angeles ~ vacationing this
month. Thf'y lett the girl In
chargp or their 4 ~ year.old son
and Wf'nt out tn dtnner
Upon their return about mid·
nlfbt. they noticed the llghts
were all out In th~lr bo~. and
the front screen door wu locked.
When they went In, they saw the
TV set was playing, and the
youtb was In the living room.
The baby sitter was found In
a hysterical condtt.lon lh the
bathroom. with her clot.bJJac tom.
Mr. Norln.l attempted to qu.tJon
the youth and hold hlm for po-
llee. but th~ youth ned out ol the
front door and broke t.be front
yard p~e otl the bottOIIl h~e
u he paahed throulh ft.
Tb.e cb'l wu taken to Hoe, BCM~pltal. where an uamtnatlon
dbcloeed that ahe bad been
She aid that abe bad ben In-
troduced to the >'C*tb ~ a lftl
friend ju.t a abort wb.Ue qo. Sbe
aaJd be had called bel' twb dur• Lr-a the ct.y aaldQI ., .. COQ)d
eame and -. ber. She told blm
be eoukt, and he ardftd Moat
10 p.m. He ~ her do -
diiiMa a.nd ~ a C!D1111f1e af
drlDb from Uqa.. In -....... ,.. JWth ....... .......
....... 2 .......... ...
~ .......... n. .... ....
lbe chair ooe .._. _,,.-t flf
......... '*l ............ .
'"Met• ............. . ,_ ........... ....
ba4 ............... ......
out-lamltK ... ...... toaa.dr._ .• ,, .... ......__.._ .. ,,.
--~ .... ,;,;;,;;;,;;;;;::....;;:= ,..._
.P• ., ........... ~--:'t-11'-.Jl'
e\ll i~-
• • • n. N~ HAltol INSf&N ... .._.. let-Ill~ t. ~ e
....,.,., ef ...-.a c!NIIII.tlell "r IIMI.-..t of tt.e 541,.,.., c-t •IWI aw
,.._ tt-..f It ... IHIM t. ~ .. ~Wlc ...tlaa r~•lt~ '-f l.w • • -, IUIY STIVINSON.. __ SMl ... ,.,
""''"'"?J;'l!of""~:· " .......
M F M 1 M M M i 1 M M i 8 h 8 I M:M I M i F M 8 +:M I M i:M E i 8 t
. Everyon~ ~e~ the right to he stupid. ,4,nd that goes for Ted W il·
Items, the sp•Htn slugger of the Boston Red Sox. Of course, there's
& catch: Everyone also has to be willing to to~e the consequences of
stupidity. For his own g~. ond for the good of the gome. Terrible
Ted hod better start grow1ng up, or he'll become o bitter old ~id.
. It is omoztng to see h_im insulting the guys who have helped make
h,m g,reot . . for who '" heck would core a whit about Ted 1f it
we~~n t for the boys •n the p~ess boxes writing about his greet h1Hing
. You might soy that he s sp.tsophre,.,•c
saymg the~! he has e1 sp t penonelity.
O•IJ Choice leafs Still H•e
SPECIALS for Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. Aug. 16. 17, 18
* * * CHOICE
LEG of lAMB lb. 69~
Chu'k Roast lb. 45~
RUMP ROAST lb. 79f.
SPili RiBS lb~ s~ !
lb. ~ 1
,., .. ,
IS Mile Scenic
Oc..C ......
'-.. o.ll7 111M .... , ......
_.. .... 1M -«'N''rw ..
2 ~. ••Ill SAPITYI
Newport H~ Baalk
IOS&.c..t .... waJ
==~~~~-;:;;~.-;;;;;;;;.John Coopers
Make Home in
Harbor Area euava n . AD& • rt wem ~ a.. .acJe .,.. J •......... 12. fll 111 ..Uboet aacl ... .. .. . ....._. .... c.-a dill Kat, .... WILlie .. ..a w moored
,....... ,._ ~ •ll••ldoe ln Via LWo ._. ud la Or· An. a boiwJIDOOb ln 1M ...._. aura CIMII &an, Corona vt.to ••. A 11M Md n&D dam· v...., ..... ,..... lb. a.nd Mra.
Ml Mar: liN. lalltncn., 1&14 a. apd tiM ear., K.a ol Jolla T. Cooper are maklq thm
11-•Dd wu all ,qbt WIMil ol· 1715" W • ...._ Jll RawpcA't. home lD the Rubor Ara. Tbe
8Din antW • . . )(. Latta. fll aad tM ou of fhl ol La. bride a. the t.orm. Ill* Terryl
..... pcwt llvd.. lhwpor t .upa., bath;..,._. tiM ceo--r..maa. clau1ht. of lb. and
...._, Jh,r•ort IMdl. OOID· cUVSMr tiL -.Jbc Jllvd. Ill Mrs. 'I'INockln T-.aan ol Lido. P'•'W &bat • aaeoee ...._ a troet ol 1115 W. 8al Bl•cl. at Tbe IJ'OOID Ia tile .., fll Mr. and .,.... ,sa. wtDdow o.-wtt1a a 2:14 a.aa. •.• Mia. SMr-. Kn. Harold E. Cooper ol Mew·
.. ·lbot ad lolce4 Ol*l tiM of 2525 VJICa Dr., Sbor-. port ~ta.
fNat door, llnaldq .. lllllkle retumecJ to a.. tram the Partldpeu.r._ ln the wedcUn ..
IDOUlcUq aad ~ tbe lock Mada to ftDd ..... ILa4 been wbJeb .... held at 9t. ADdNwa
•tell loole hCD tbe door JuDb ..-.cl &ad _, .wen ... ~ Olureh. were Ill*
tNt faWDa to pia eatry lteeau.. JIMIIr fll 10S·15th St.. Shet.Ja Gl .. u lwd of honor,
the door .tuck •.. Kn. Lulu -...e:b, plalned that Samuel Cooper u h1a brotber'a
Cole ol '7110 W. Cout Jh7., Jf...,. ~~lop ..... three bathlftl bellt man. and hter Wrlpt and
port Beacb. npol'ted at 10:35 p.m. aul bJa , wen them Bruce Nott u Uiahen. Ray Ewlnl
hearln1 a 1Uft lhot and ot.erY· and then aent the Huct.on read the marrta~e vows.
tQ a pl runnlq toward a trunks by er boy . . .
parked car In the area; oUicen Chari• ot :so& Alt.o Ave., IEIIYDIC IW JDAII
who checked the area could not Newport Bt.a.. M'pOfted the theft Marine 9PL Lany D. J'raz:ler,
ftnd tbe lft'l . . • Mrs. llaudJe of a ltainl-.teel barbecue 10n of Hr. and Mn. Emeat J'ra.
Veale ot 5301 8ealbore Dr., Wst ahleld ~ hill JUd ... Ray z1er of 281 E. 17\h St.. eo.ta
Newport. reporUd encounterlne Sparllnl o1 ltk:barct.on'a Land· Ilea&. a. MrYtn& u a metalanJth
a number ol ..,ba,. eana left lne, reported a white and blue with a t11hter attack ~uadron
alone Seubore Dr. at 10:30 p.m. dinehy mlald.nl . . . ol the lit Marine Alrcratt Wine
. . . A lhopl.ltter took a 190 eiiODAT, A~G. I at the Naval Air Station, Atsulf.
woman's wool drea from a .tore· l ames Hallldy, 13, of ].28.29th Iapan.
room at Shaddoeb Inc., 3C12 VIa St.. Ne-wport Beach, ~lved a ------
Lido, Newport Beach ••• Irene cut rleht hand when he rode 1m L&QAL lfO'ftCZ
Syk• of 4CM E. BalbM Blvd., bicycle Into an aoddent with a Mo. A 27 t!199 _.
Balboa, reported the theft ot an car driven by Kathan Varney of •anc:z TO CllmiTVa
S8 earden hoee and ~ray nozzle 616 Center St., eo.ta Mesa, at ESTATE OJ' RAYMOND E.
... A So250 canoe wu reported Lake Ave. and &1rd St., Newport WENGER, aka RAY E. WENGER.
trom the Sea Explo~ Rue, Beach, at 6:30 p.m. . . . L M. aka JL E. WENGER DECEASED.
W. Cout Bwy., N~ Beach, Holbrook of SQe.36th St., Newport N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEM to
owned by the Boy Scouts .•. Beach, oompl•lned that 10meone the credJton of and all penon.a
1be car ol Mary Sulllvan of 111 wrote obeeetle tii'Cit'da on hla ea· havtne claJm.t aealnst the aa.Jd
bu t PAUL McCOBB:C0uld $:1ream
We .. .....,. ot .. -...... ••i"ili4""' ........ .'iar~
'•ppolnte.r.;;ht "8 "-" 110 werry eMtlt ~l hw1 ',Mc:Cobb ......................... ,... ..... ftnt .'ft .... ,
CIN ted ftw JM u-e ........ ~ Qre.up ef coordl•tM(
CIOfltllmpcwwy ....,.....,._ lh ....... .,. _.. 11M beeldlfulrt
mede ••. but ......... -~~~ prtoet th .... ,ou .... lft. ·~··nd
dtf'fwwlt wevst S.lt .• -.,..u'l aow. It one~~Mt ~ CMnt
lade Aw., Balboa llland. wu rap door ••• Olarl• Wlntield deeedent or aa.Jd estate to tlle
~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i .truck b)' a car driven by actor of 605 Carnation Aw .. Corona them with the neeeeary vouch· ii Dana And.rew of N. Hollywood, del Mar, reportAld the theft of the en ln the oftlee of the Clerk of
at 10:~ p.m. cauane about 1150 two rear t:tr. ~d wheels trom th9' Superior Court ol. the County
damal• . . . Tom Toon ol 415 hla car, whldl wu ~ resttne of Oranp, State ol Calttonda. or
Edpwater Ave .• Balboa. reported on Ita front wbeela and rear to praent the ume. with the
the theft of a $35 kayak rented brake c1ruma • • • D. R.. Terrill, neceaary wuchen, to the under·
to a lfrl the day before . . . Roy telephone company apedal ae~nt. alped at ht. or he.r place of bus·
Chests from $36.00. Dining chairs from $22.95, Occ. table.
from $15.75, Beds from $~ .95.
lnr•IIJ .... ,., ••.•. , ..... ..,
1100 Coat Highway
Carver Pontiac Apncy, 1400 W. reported $U5 euh .tolen from lnea. to wit:
Cout Hwy., Newport BHch, re-a pay telephone at 62)8 w. Cout c/o la.ph S. Dubin, Unlvenal
ported the theft of. a 1950 tudor Hwy., Newport Beach .•. Robert City, Call torn I a within m
~an . . . Ruuell Ban1ert of Hill&. of eoo BeeonJa Ave., Co· mont.M after the tint publica·
411·3bt St., Newport Beach, com· rona del var. reported the theft tJon o1 th.la notice.
285-4 E. Coest Highw•y
Corona del Mar
Harbor 5-437
plalned that 10meone wu lteal· of two whee&. from bt. ear dur-Dated luly 30, 1956.
lne a wheel and tire: It wu 1n1 the nlebt . • . K A. WENGER --.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-found to be a prank played by e WDIIDDAT. AUQ. 1 Executor of the Eatate of aa.Jd r
"friends." l ack Prlee o1 the Roy Carver decedent. e SVIIDAT, A17Q. 5 Pontiac a,eney, 1400 W. Cout A. IC. PHELPS
About $lin dimes were atoloe:n Hwy., Newport Beach, reported ATI'ORNEY AT LAW STROOT'S :snos:.~
·~ *Pabati ....,. .. .....,u ..... c....ar-
from a aoda pop machine broken an addJUon Jd pellet bol.e tn a 3429 E. COAST HIGHWAY
open at Balboa Boat Sales. 300 dl.splay room plate 11aa win· OOBONA DEL MAll, CAUF.
W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach, dow, which already had seve-ral Publl.ah: Aue. 2·9-16·23. 1.956
durlne the nlaht ... A. W. Don· boles ~m an attack the prev· In The Newport Harbor EnaiiJL ~~~m~a~-u~~~~---~·~~pn.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Isle. complained that a marble 66, of 618 Poii\M'ttia Ave., Corona Go· -OD ~D wu filled with such force that del Mar, suffered a two-Inch cut
In her forehead when thrown
~AL XOTJCI! aea!Nt the wtnd.shleld ol their
~= ~ ·::::-~~~:a-:.:~=~:;,~":: RAGAN'S RESTAURANT 1'H1!: tnmEltSIGNED does here· car .uddenly when a nother car
________ __..,ll
by certJ.ty that be a. conductJne .topped ahead 1n front of the
a MODEL'S SUPPLY buaineu at All American Market. Corona
2842 E. Cout Blehway, Corona del Mar . . . Edward Hess of 2601
del Mar under the flctitio~ finn W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach.
name ol PACIJ'IC MODEL CEN· complained that someone took
TRE and that aald tlrm a. com· about S45 from a cash box In hls
~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::! poeed of the followlnl penon oUiee wbll.e he was ln hJa shop Whoee name ln full and place at the rear . . . llm l ennlnp of
DINNERS ----·~
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • :· • ~
lfamburgers "deliciously done"
fa 2112 minutes-
,r.en you cook electric:ally!
,_.T MOiiiiWG COOU PAI1'D tba•a modena
~,........_a cold -.rt wtda a cold pa.
t 1&1111_....., .. _. Ia 2K ..._,Hot
... ..... I DIIIBaiDOa ..... 3~ ......
-........... ,.._. bk*y ._lt ......
,....... IIIOU: JOV lJtcllea Ia cooler. Aa•
.... ............... ~ Jllrrcw..btlalat
...... D ilK .... Ioot ,_ ....... a ..... .._.n,n•,_..,......,......_. ......... ............ ...... ............ _ ..... ..., ..... ...,
~·-,.aillla\-.. _1H ........ ,_ • .-,..aS '......-.; .__ ... ,....£ _., J f ..,,
• • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
of NUdence are u follows, the MobUe Statio-. Ba~fde Dr.
to-wit: and Coast Bwy., N..,.,ort ~ach,
NORMAN RUSSELL. ill·A laa· reported the theft of $18 worth c,f
A • LA • CAJn'E
Y IESTIUIIIT mJne, Corona del Mar, CalU. spark plugs ... Ward Pearce Jr.,
WITNESS my band th1a l&th 17, of 514-38th St.. 1Wwport OPEN 11:30 A.K. TO 8:30P.M. CLOSED TUESDAYS
day of luly, 195ft ~ach, mlajudpd hls distance DINNEll SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY FROM NOON TO 8:30P.M.
NORMAN RUSSELL whJle drlvlne a car ott Lake St. ISU &. c.-t .. c..-del .._
STATE OF ~~ ) ---~tOm~~ttn~~~~on~~~~~lO~)~_J~~~~~!!~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!~!!~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~ OOUNTY OJ' ORANGE ) a.
ON TRIS l&th day of July,
1956. before me, a Notary PubUc
In and for uld county and state,
resldtna therein, duly comma..
aloned and IWOrn, penonally ap·
known to me to be the penon
whose name ls subscribed to the
within Instrument. an d aclmowl·
ed,ed to me that he executed the
sam e.
WITNESS my band and oftl·
dal seal.
Notary Public In a.nd for ·aald
County and State.
My CornmJuJon expires Au·
eust 19, 1959.
Publl.sh : Aueust 2. 9. 16. 23. 1956
tn the Newport Harbor Enaten
J'rtecQy !WIIlbo~Mod ~
110 Broadway u I-MII • ...,..,. ec.ta ....
BALTZ MORnJARIES .. ~ .. ...-.. .....
Baltz MortuarY CBAPta. ..,,.. .. .... . _ .. a.. .... -...... -., .. a.-a ... ..
1-~Z::::... ~·dDfO _,.. LOCIII ..
.. a...., ....... a.-. .... ....., ....... ~
Work ch•JDps of 8V8'Y ~ight cla•s!
Stop bJ tor the low prtoe and
..... lowdown on the r•ar•a
taateat work•,..
Tbey bria& you today•• most advaced f~ta:r'cs
lex f.ut~ peak d&cicDcy oa aay tind of job!
T'bey'le JOl tbe most IDOdcm abon-ctroke VI ce-
~ men power per pouacl tb.a ..,
competiti¥e enact V1. (Sr1adard iD many lllidcDo-
weiJha ..t al heavies; optioGaJ at extra COlt ill
ocher models.) Tbey'le aot tbe iadusUy'a peMelt
tiDeup of trananjajml.l n.ey•re fully loaded widl
ID(ft ol tbe lhiDp you wuatl ~ you do. ..
our low price bdon ,ou buyl
.... ....,... H.t.r ... ,,.
..... OfleM ...... 1771 ..........
2 lii~C....
0 L • -0 . c " .! • = .. IPl .. -...... .....
THE lAY DEn. STOU n. .... , ... ,., ..... ., .......
w.~SIH.._...,. .............
IIU R..ETQ4R ... ,, .......
............ a.-. U24.,...,.,. .._c.. ....
...... &a.tr ....
leS.. I u . ..
STANI.Ir INIUUNCI ~. a• L Cllllt ....,_ Cllilillit ...... .......
....,Nr'tt.tul....._ .... ~ ... c.. .... ......,...,.
., .. , o .... ...
... .. c..t ..... c.:.. .. ... .........
JOHN L SADlBl. a..ltor
/Jij .... ef ..;., I Rfl
... .. a..~c-.. ....... ........ ,.
INSI8N HIWSPAPB ,.IJr(z,, ....... ' ~ ..... -I.O...ftllr.. .. ... ..... .....
..... ,,,
'me Oraa .. Couat, Fair Sa on ...... ~ . -. eo... Coale to
the hlr ... We alteacty pur.
ebu.d our Pr1le WluiDfl a.et
•. • Wily don't youf You bett«
bop out there or the cupboard
WUlbebaN ..•
* * *
'11111111 ............. ..
wd'l a ...... tt an,...., ••• o.e ........... ...... ................ _ .. .. --. .......... ..
Valtld ......... aet t-1 ..... ... .... ...... ... ...........................
.... , I Jl tllla tMIMdbMI· _ .. -...., ......
.Wtan a.ncd.l'f ....... t tUm·
...... at ov .me. ad are
,tftll ......... --••• Ia ad ... .. .... .. tltn tlae
.... ..-. ........, cat.dDg
ld.._, _, .. ,.... u1:111141tioe ,___ ....... ~ .....
tlatD9 .... ......, bdDp
fOI'tlt • Jot ............. wttla au. .................. cdl
..,. .. ,._ ••• V..U., It ......... ,t ...... latM a:ss ..e Iliad ..,.. ......, ... o..., .. ~a~o...-, ... 1M Ia • ...,. .... pta ...... ~ ........ ....
· ad apal'i o.c1cwldNJ ad cd1
••• ~ 8Cdbe wltla .. • ...
....... tiMit ...U·wllcd·do-.,...tlaJU ... Ia ... .,. •••
.......... ad load ••• .._,, I ..._ ....S -ytlala' .................... ,._,
* * *
........... I ' lla"tnOIIT ., ... IPI-I
18UWY, UGW I a -A Yialt« at the hame of Mr.
and Mra. Harold SWanaon hu
been Mary K.uaJ of Pocate.l.lo,
Idaho. Ml• XuaJ hu bee-n a
(Conttnued from pare U We objeet to consolidation. f~ow dancln1 teacher wtth Mra.
Poelt ~ Dlpettment VICI'O& MOJt.r.:L Swanson tor the put three sum-
Biln & Homitton
Mountir19s Buneu ot O,..tlorw 432 DahUa Ave. men When bot!~ o1 t.bem were w~ D.C. • • • plc:bd for country-wide teach-~: Jam oppoeed to couoUdatlon. lnJ tou.n tor the MatJonal Acad-
We Wldenl....,. JOU are eon. Corou del Mar fs now tbe nu-etnY of Da.nce and AfDUated Wallace Calder"'--..J !fdcrinl COMOI&daUn1 the Co-mMc:a1 ctnter ot populat.lon of A.rtfstL, 1&GUU
roea del .....,. CaUtomJa, Poet tbM area. ADy COMOlldaUon wtth )l(t.c Kua.l'a apedalty Ia mod-JEWEL.El
Oftlce wlda tM Mtwport leadl 11..-part 8eada would be only em da.Dce teadti.DJ. Whu. abe
Pott oalee. detrimental to our prMent wu ri8ltlq bot.b ot the teachers JID E.t C...t ~
We are o"a.d to thfs eonaoU-..-vtc::e. att&lded JFI ~ ot dae aced-c-.,..,..,
dation. We waat the Corona del · W. G. PDJtOW -~17~iii~LIII=~"'~--~~;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;::;;:;;;:~==========rd
Miss T aia T ohill of Lido .
Is Bri.de of David Hughes
Mar ro.t Oftlae kept u a MpU· 211 Heliotrope Ave. r
ate...,_ Oftlee. We like the bet· • • •
ter aerviat one Jets from • a.p-We are aJa.lnat coD80lldat1on. arate PQJt oftloc. A. CIVE!'f
We are new reddenta to this a Goiclenrod Ave.
area. For many years we Jived In • • •
and OWMd property ln Beverly I detln.lt.ely am aJahwt the
HUla. Callfornla. We liked the propoeecf con.olldation of our Co·
Jdea of Ita ..,.,ate PMt otoce. rona del Mar POitt OUSce With
Jua about t1aree month• aro the Newport Beadl Post Offlce.
we bouJbt an ocean front house Corona del Kar should retaln Ita
In ~ Clift eectlon ol Corona Identity by keeplnr Ita t1nt clua
del liar, We like this dlatrtct Post Otnce.
VftY much. aad among other KAJtGAR.ET SCHA.RLE
thJnp. were wry ..U pleued atTT Goltt.nrod A~-
when we ~ the separate • • •
Corona cJel Mar Po.t omce. We I wUh to protest the coruoUda·
ret a lot ot maJ1. wnd out a lot tlon ot the Corona del Mar ~
of mall. Office with the ~ewport Beach
Let's keep the Corona del Mar P.O. u I would Uke Corona del
as a separate ro.t OttJce. Thla Mar to retain Ita Identity.
Is the eomln1 section. The cen. IBMA L. WOOD
ter of populaUon of Newport ~ lrla Ave.
Beach fs mcwinJ this way. • • •
Youn very truly Undentand there fs talk of
Harry A. Lasure maldnJ the Pa.t Oftke In Corona
Faye B. Luure del Mar a sub-station ot New·
177 Shoreclltt Road port Beach. We and the 50 or
Corona ~~ Mar, Calif. more people we ha~ eontacted
• • • are oppoeed to such a mow.
As permanent resident and DR. A MRS. F. N. DAVIDSON
pl"operty owner of Corona del 224 Irls Ave.
Mar. I wtsh to upress my oppo-• • •
altlon to the proposed conaollda-J wish to protest tonsolldatlon.
tlon of Post Otflces. We app~late the good service
I..ESTER H. ARDrN we are getting.
306 Marc-uerlte Ave. MRS. MABEL McCLARAN
• • • 'JtTI Irls Ave.
Wurlng a wblte lace aheath Mrs. Tohlll wore an American 1 a.m oppolled to the coruollda·
dress and a jeweled whJte Julin beauty red taffeta dress with tlon of tb~ Newport Beach and I am not ln favor of consollda·
• • •
cap with 8C&lloped ahoulder matchlnr coat and black acces. Corona del Mar post offi<:ft. tlon.
length veU, Mt. Taja Eliza To-IOrtes. Sh~ wore a white carna-i:,;:c U.!!~n~al Ave. IESSIE F ARCHER
Heliotrope Ave. blll became the bride of David tlon corsage. • • •
Franklln Huebea 1n a late mom-The rroom'a parents were un-No! No! No coruJOlldatlon with
lnr ceemony at St. Andrews able to be present because they Newport Beach p o.
Presbyt«ian Church on AuJ. 2. are on an extended trip ln the c. PENNYFEAnfER
• • • .
We a.re agaJnst consolidation
307~ Heliotrope Ave. Rev. James Stewart read th~ eut. but the tamlly was repre· • • •
double rlnr rites that unJted sented by the rroom's maternal 1 am very much op~d 4o The present service of the Post
the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. grandmother Mrs David Hodae consolldatlon. Ottl ls ••.J-et r d
• • •
E. Tohlll of 108 VIa Antlbes, Udo She wore a' beige linen dr~ HARRY W. WOOD not :ah :ncr; c:-~ ory. o
Isle. and the son of Dr. nad Mrs. trimmed with lace and matching 'JHT 1r1s Ave. NELLE c. HAGENBUCK
A. G. Hughes of 701 Clltt Dr .. accessort.es. Her corsage wu • • • 215~ Fernlw Ave.
Clift Haven. baby red rosebuds. 1 am op.....-to the consollda· The bride wbo wu escorted . vv-... • • • to tbi! altar' by her father car-Following a honeymoon In Yo-tlon of the aeveral post o!tl<:ft In By all means. I object to the
rted a bridal bouquet of ~hlte semite the young couple are the Harbor Area. The center of coruolldatlon ot the Post Offices.
rosebuds and wor~ elbow length making their home at 340 Broad· population Is fast moving from Let's keep our . efficient Corona
wh ite gloves. Mn Dean Harwood way Ave .• Costa Mesa. The new Newport Beach to Corona del del Mar Post O ftJce a.s It ls now.
of Santa Ana w~ her matron of Mrs. Hughes Is a graduate of Mar area and wlll conUnue to do STEPHEN DE' AK
bonOI'. She wore a Jlme and ~ewport Harbor Hl1h School nnd so from now on. 211 Marigold Ave.
white abeath dress with whJte attended the University of South-COL. A. W. SMl'nl • • •
aoce.ortes and a coraaae of pink ern California, where she be-3400 Ocean Blvd. I am In favor of keeping the
rc»ebuda. Mr. Harwood wu belt lonred to Alpha OmJcron PI so-• ~ • Corona del Mar Post Office intact
man rortty. She wu Invited to be a U.S. POSTAL INSPECTOR wtth the aame e.tfident manale-
A ·luncheon tor the weddlnr CbtJdren'a Home Society Debu-Pleue do not WMl.ke the Corona ~nt we now enjoy. •
PartY and immediate tamtJy wu tante In 1955. del Mar ~ omce a subsidiary RABOLD E. BBOWN
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : More and more : • • : people aay •
: SEA and SKI ! • • ~ NSmYELI : • ~ PIEIEITS
i Sllllll • • • • • • •
........,,.......~ ...... ...................... ....... ...............
GUA,_ANTaa ... -~~~-..... ..... &a! ................ .... _ ..... _......._
• • • • • • •
-rD ~ cdp,.rr ~ = .,-
JlJ1 E. c.-...,._--J .... c-......
., ....,_. s.w-. ~ ,,..... DlrMtw
.....,._ .. -.aa. __
&-Sc.6r ,_ .... ..,
~ Aad i&'1 JICIIIIIble 1D ... ... llinWc._.iDnw._a-. ~ n8,--,-· • ..-·~
md ck a-~.,_..-.. .-._or--.,_--. .u.r all. .UIIOc* yaa .,._ aa't•
0.. --'cdial .... abo.lle.&r
• dial die liiDr it taka to dim .,_
il bzJdy ap to yea.. k'a cbc ....a.a
o{ -.ilia daat c:o.a -,_ ...,
COIIIIC ia • o6aa a JOG ...._
held at the Santa Ana Country Her husband Is alao a New-of th~ Newport S.ach omoe. Our 505 Poppy Av~.
Itvlne Bowl In Laruna Beach Club tollowlnl the ~mony. port Harbor High School grad· mall delivery Is W!rY 10ocf now. • • •
Is th~ place to be thfs Sunday at -------------uate and a rraduate of USC. I hope It wlll stay that way. The We are against consolidation.
..... .,.,. d 6pn ~b will
-.lyar yaar fie-... ldl y.. a.ow
!oat it wiD cak to~ lk"'" ,_-.c-• ..ct-wtay
Sbu&r a die WW'id"• !.Jar ......
izilal dw.a. 8:30 1n the evenlnr ... The Or-Blebway Po.t Otrlce passes MR. A MRS. 1. w. KRAFFT an,. County Phllbannonlc ls VAUIU.IS C•••lflll.ll ...... through here on the way to La· 319 Heliotrope Ave. atartln& on Its third year and ---••••••------• guna Beach. so I can 1M!Ir no rea· • • •
will otter ttl flnt concert of the ... YS A& liP r. 8 ... .a. a lt...J f-•r son for changtnr th~ status of We are against coru10UdaUon of ~-57 aeuon ... Frieda Belin· ..... r 1 .._ AIIW • our Post Ofttce. the Corona del Mar Post Office.
fante wUJ conduct ... wbo else! MABEL FITZMORRIS DAVE 1r JEAN ROBBINS
... And ahe h un't improved a Committeemen who w1ll help 3135 E. Coast Hwy. 3M Fernleaf Ave.
Stauffer System
bit durtnr the Jut two y~ars, be· A day camp ofterlnr a dally the youth of the church prepare ------------------........ ------L\Jn'A AJIA ~A DEL JIAJI
cause abe wu the m• when for the Labor Day Back Alley f ~ I n 3-7'010 ......_ 17G
Sh• started wi~ldlnr the baton or weekly schedule. Private Fair at the Balboa Island Com-• • • 0 --~a 001/C • PEG ... ......_. ._. • Ill W. S.••haatlt St. 3117 E. 0... llipway ... there ls non~ better ... You Instruction given In swttn-munlty Methodist Church are ':;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;=:=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;:;==~ know we females. when we do announced by Ron St. Clair, gen------------------------.................... r
anythinr a man does, we rotta mlng, tennis. flablng, rldlnr eral chairman. Mrs. F. H. Bates of 324 Orchid Miss Helen Spann of Corona
be just that much gooderer to and other sports by acbool The thlrd annual fair will ben-Ave.. Corona del Mar. whose del Mar has been chief cook and
even make a dent . . . It you eflt the youth activities fund, the mother has been very Ill since bottle washer for her father.1 h aven't attended one of the!!e ~aches. parsonage fund. and the Dear-the first of April. reports that she Judge H. Spann. at 2731 Se•ward
free concerts presented by the MR. K. THERIOT born Hall re-decoration fund. is somewhat better now. Ave .. Corona del Mar. for part of
Orange Coun t y Pbllhannonlc Adult general co-chairma n Is • • • the summer while her mother
and you like tine music, that U 8-8642-KI 2-0826 P. F. Baines. Other co-chaJrmen There wUI be a Scotch family has been back In the mlddt.e
dark cloud above your head wUJ are Otto Hoetr. finance; Burt C. reunion Friday In Corona del west visiting relatives and old
be Bach, Beethoven, Chopin and Lowen and Matthew V. Walde· Mar and another sometime next family friends and attending the
the rect of the boys. glvlnr you Jlch, booth construction: prizes, month, says Mrs. BUJ Davidson 97 -year birthday anniversary of
the bil frown ... And there wlll Mra. C. T. Coane and the Rev. (Mary of "Mary and Bill's") her father.
be a Juest soloist for the first Donald G. Sapp; movies, George Mary's brother Charles Miller.
tlme! Chris Lachona, from the B r I d 1m an ; candy, Mrs. Vern who came from Scotland with .... .&. ft.-.11.......11-
San Francl.c:o Opera, wfll slnr Smith; popcorn and lemonade. Mary In 1950. came out from w.iill UWI~
Carmen and Tosca In his best C 01 p L £ T E Mrs. IAonard Graves; makeup Brooklyn. Nt"W York. where he OL-f 1 :&.-
tenor YOtce . . • booth. Mrs. Clyde Shooter; darts. had settled, for a bit of a vaca· ..._.. I ...... ,
* * * •
.,... 1 Clllll au .... Daall
•• • ..... C _.ue I A& iato _, ........... ..., ..... .,_ .................. .
........ wttla ........... .
C. DouJlus Perry; sponge toss. tlon.Jn July and liked It so well A rock collection ls on display DIu a Robert Guenther; surf board ride, he got hlmsell a job with Bethle· at the Neo.r.rport Beach Public 11 · eamera booth. Mr. Lowen; enter· hem St~l and ~Dt.ed a house brary through the courtesy of
S' II E a tahtJIMnt. Mrs. Harold James; at 430~ Heliotrope Ave~ Corona Euge~ and Leo Koch of Corona
flllb ~ Mrs. Robert Bonn~! del Mar. One of the tamtly re· dal Mar. In the display are cut
t •· n r•. r 1: II' r ro-....,
WlaU. CoMtractioa ...... C..pleted Ia
Ow ... l.occtioa. 341 ~ Drift
Watch lor Formal Opeamg
1fte Uund~
............ t rt ... ...
... a-,... =•· ~ ...-y ................
~ ~-~l '
lee C1ft1ft. Mra. Waidelich; cafe· unions wtU take place hlday and pollshed agate. Australian
terla. Mn. Steve Smith and Mrs. I when Cbark-s' wtte and two opals. Obsidian c Apache Teanl, ~ B. Haulft; and publicity, daurhters, Brenda. 3. and Irene. Malachite and nger Eye from
r,lrL Morman Buck and Rev. 7, arrive by plane. Atrlca. and M 0 J a v e desert
Sapp. Mary's other brother. Alistair Geodes.. There are al80 sp«Jmens fr!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mlller. came over to visit Mary of petrified wood and Indian ar·
......... • hd
• •• AM I tldM c ... ..., ........................ .................... ,..
.allld ............... .
o.-............ ..... w.-lllnal!l ••• ,._....,. .. . ....__.. ..,..._ .............. _ . ....., ........ ~ ..
•• • A ... ef a In•...,.
. .
........... IIA*I ........... ... .,........,._...,. ea--. ...
_ __. ... ,_ ... ..
• ... • • • ftlir ............ ··-=-lliiiii .....................
.. _,_...., ..... 1 a ,.. .......... ,.... ... ..................... ,.. ............. ......
* * *
and Bill from Gr-eenock. Scot -rowheads found In the hUla sur·
land. on the Cly~. tn February rounding Corona d~J Mar.
a nd has since found himself a During the later part of Au-
poaltlon tn the deftlopment re· gust a display wUl be held 1n
aNteh department at Rellpot. honor of the Golden Jubilee of
Dr. 'Jbeodore Clarke will haw Now bls wife ud two·year-old the city.
charp ot nat. WHit's program 80ft have tJwlr ~ to come to -------
when u.e 0pt1m11t Club meets America and wtU aaJJ sometime aauows GET SOR
1\teeda7 at the Villa Marina. this month. Wilen they arrive A son, 7 lbs. 14~ oz.. wu tlorn
Mew mema. !'fanun Brown th~ will be anodter Seoteb cele-to Mr. and N.ra. Wllllam l . llen-
.,.._nted th1a W'Mk's travel-lor. bntlon. The AllltaJr Millen will bow ol * "A" St.. Balboa. ln two cobed mews. wbJcll be Uve at US Golcllnrod Ave., Oo-St. Joeeoph B~ltaJ on 1\tellda;f.
took btm.elt. one around M'ex1co rona del Mar. July 31.
City and tiM otiW In the H.llh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:===;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Slenu and o.tb Valle7. ~
...,. lD eo1« wttb a moaical
~ On SaturdaJ the, Opt.tmJ.sb
held a fa~Dl~y rtt·totetb« break-
fat at tiM rafteb bome ol au.
old &.trtc:tl lD Santa A.na Rta.
A WOIID ••• t.
.. WD&J
~ , ... , EIJ•rl••• .............. . .. ,. ........ _" . . _.._,.. ...
""C ut•ll aa n a _. .. n 1 ..... , ...........
.._., 2 I --2-a 0 ?I I
15 Debutantes Are Named
For 3rd Annual Deb Ball
1Wftapn wbo lla.-e been •· Mr. aad Mrs. ltarYy Campbell; *'-' '-tbe QUdren'a Rome 1111111 Jfuey 1.a11» Cor »e t t ,
1o$C;J to be tntJofteed .t tbe claalb• .t Mr. and lin. 1!. G. UaH aDDUI ..,........ MU Ia ecwtr.tt: 1111111 JucJWa Leona Cole·
0... ... wUl be bollonct 'fltll .......... -"*-ot llr ...........
tbeW IDG(IMn at a ... aat Wed· W. B. Co'-en: .0. Jycly J'•·
~. Jab' 23. at tbe home ot ............... ot llr. ad .......
J1Ja. 1. a. Caklwell Ia Sbon ~,.........:Ill* JoAnne
ClUfa. llaten. daulbw o1 Mr. and ~
'I'M~ wt.o bAYe beea •· Norman Hapn: lll1la Terr7l Jay,
._.. u tM Barb« Awdltar)'a da .. lht• ol lfn. Mary Jq: M1M
.......,.... far !a, u. Ma. Iennie Santb>a IAancl, da .. lhter
Ju •um. da!.lgbter ot Lt. Col. ol Mr. and Mrs. Ru..en Lund;
and lira. A1aJl Blum; .C. Toni Mlas J(aney Lee Masten, dauch·
14n11 a.to~ daYchtew Off Mr. ter of Mr. and Mra. B. B. Masten;
and Mn. Waft. Bw'ro"Ugha: Mia Mt. Susan Jane Nluen, daugh-
Nanei Ann Campbell, daughter ot ler of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nla.en:
Largest .nd ~ott Complete
Furniture Store in the AtM.
llb.rlv 1-5511
Bats~ ... Gar~~~
Furnishings for homes.
dubs, yoehts.
l017 w. eo.st Hi9llw•v
Newporl S..eh
Mia EVelyn Lou lei! Pease, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mra. llarvey D.
Pease; MJ.u VIrginia Ann Smith,
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Smith; Miss M.uj«le Louise Sto-
vall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Stovall; and Miss Joanne
t..ynne Suess. dauehter of Dr. and
Mrs. 0 . G. Suess.
Mrs. Howard Lawson. presi-
dent ot the local a uxtllary of
the ChUdren's Home Society, an·
nounoed tha1 the Debutante BaU
will be held th1s year at the
Balboa Bay Club on Friday,
Dec. 2&
Wednesday, August 22nd
• . ~iss Ann Sutherland Is Wed .w.,.1 !!-!:!.11
MliiiMDw-Ne ... ,,.._._...._.......... -I •• J-
..... _ .. .... .. ........ ...-....... I' 0
I ...... ot ,.. Little 1\wt, • -ol1 c.c... CiiUII ................ ,... ,_, .... v ... ... ....... IMll 00 .... .....
...... -•• .., .... lliiiid ~ ................ ,..... ......... , ....
SabiiW -........... OoiMe ........................ ot bome, -~ ...... . at tt. ....._ del Mar ,..._u. JIM '+xrwa 'ftllr ~ tbe port lleiPta. Be wu a Maw ot
nl\7 Cll•• llltdft ...................... aro.lt-. AriL., CUDe .. Caltfana.la ,.... ................ of ....... ,.... ........ eo. 1D lt1t .... ..,.,... ...... ..,._
• Mr .... J(a WDIIaa a. .... ,_ ... llu uid .... -B. AIM 11 ._....., ... .,_ V•· s~ .. ....., ., c.-a DulleJ ., c.-a ... Mar, tbe tun. •
del .......... UwtDa........ ........ ...... S.tiNn tadude .... ""' woo4. .... ~-... CdiJ .. ...... .. .... IIWl ......... and • IGft. , ... of tM
the-of Mn. ..._.I. eam. llllllllt Dllld of ean.a del Mar. bome addrea len1e• wtll 1te
of 301 llalllll Dl' .. C.OU ... Mar, UIIMn ,._ WIWalll eaw., tiM beld at u a.a todQ (ft.....,)
and tMlat.e lit. caw.. =~ -....; Ou7 ~ ot at....,...afcn.y lilclltUUJ, 01*&
.... Sutberlan4, wbo wu .. ew&*"t ... W)Ue ...... ot eo. .....
cort.ed to tbe altai' Clift tiM -ol ..... clel ...... Little 11181 a.rs.. ;:;:::;::::::=====::;;;;;:;:; h« taU.., ,.... a tndiUoeal tiDe caw., tbe ...-·• ..._,
white JOWil ol QlantWy lace...-.. now. ...
and nylon tune ovw .. un. 'ftae Ill* lilalpnt lcbarle ~
lace ol the bodJce wu repeated weddtn• IDulc at tile orpn of
with 'applique Off lace oa the twl tbe cburcb. rono.nn. tbe double
tulle aldrt wbldl eaded In a rlnl ceremoft7, a NeeptSon wu
bndb train botdend wtth a ruf· beld at the cburd& pulon.
fie of pleated tulle. A.n lrldeectnt llw.e. Jluth Duclle7, DlaDe GU·
coronet beeded wttb pearle held .on and LynD bley, frlencll of
her wat.t-1-ath veil. She car-the btlde, ..s-tet~ wttb the re-
rled a bouquet ol whJte ordllda c:eptlon.
and Wy ol tile van.y. Followinl a horRJibOOll at
Serving u matron of honor Santa Barbara and Carmel, the
was Mn. Jade !Widna ot We.t youn1 couple w1ll Uve at 714%
Anaheim. She wore a waltz Larapur Ave., Corona del Mar.
-----------Tbe new Kra. Ca.Dla lftduated
from Hlp School ln IUdpwood. lhiiKI CIFFI ..... New Jerwy, and attended Or·
ange Cout College. Tbe croom
Forest SmJtb'a El Peacador al8o attended Orange Cout Col-
Restaurant on 17th St. ln Costa Ieee after graduaUng from New-
Mesa often a special aervlce for port Harbor Rlgh School.
football fans. Tickets to all Los
1H7 &. COAII" aiCaiWAY e-............ ..,
Angeles profesatonal football Isla Peck Wed gamee are avallable there, ac·
MilS. aO.EIIT CAt I IS, tbe ,__ ADA SutiMdaDd.. (Zilluaer pboto) cordlng to manaeer Keith New-~ A recepUon was held Sunday man. The ticket purchase price evening at the home of Mr. and
P• Wi N He Includes tranaportatlon on a Mrs. Dan Drlakel of Corona del I rates In 0.• IHer specially chartered bus, leaving I Mar In honor of newlyweds Mr.
from El Pescador and returning and Mrs. Raymond Agar, who
there Immediately following the were married July 9.
Big Gil Sharp , pitched the
MJdget League Pirates Into un-
disputed fiTSt place last Thurs-
day night at the Costa Mesa
Park as he tossed a no-hit shut-
out at the Cardinals. 3 -0. Sharp
struck out 16. Card chucker Jerry
Hulbert gave up only two safe·
ties, but his teammates com-
mitted flve'errors.
two hits but again were helped eame at the Coliseum. The plan The bride Ia the former Mrs.
by errors. lerry Hulbert and goes Into effect with the Ram-Isla Peck of Corona del Mar. Her
Pancho Rlos combined efforts to Redskin came tomorrow (Frl· husband has been a Udo rest-
throw a no-hitter at the Dodgers day). dent. but since returning from
to pace the Chards to a 2·0 wtn • •· • thelr month-long honeymoon,
over the Bums. Key hitters for IUchard Loveland has opened they have decided to live In eo-
the Cards were Hulbert, Gary the Pay-Less Laundromat at 308 rona del Mar. Mn. Drlakel 1s a
Clark and Doug Trapp. Newport Blvd., Newport Heights. cousin of the new bride.
across from Hoag 'ltospltal. This
The J. M.. Miller real estate of·
fice and the property upon which
lt•ls situated have just been pur-
chased by Bay and Beach Realty,
~ the latest of 14 laundromats 1-.L.-a .,.__
operated by Mr. Loveland and -···· .... often complete laundry and dry-FJnf ...__ If Fair cleaning service. Thla Pay-t.e. F"JIM
c.t Aau ' drlr
Harbor lUI Frances Norton Shop
213 N. Broadway, Santa Ana
1be eame was 8COI'eless untJJ
the last of the a1xth Inning. Pi·
rate thlrd·sacker Steve Souder
got on base on an error. Sharp
alngled, moving Souder to aec-
ond. Pete Featherston singled,
.coring Souder. Sharp and Feath-which already baa offices at
erston came acroa on three Newport, Costa Mesa and Corona
Cardinal m.l.lcues. del Mar. The Mlller office Ia lo-
In other Major League Wu catecl at the corner by Newport
last week, len')' Lawrence and Pier where Newport Blvd. ends
Stn-e SlmeMOn batted the Cuba in Balboa Blvd.
Is manaeed by Mrs. Beverly John W. Cameron. the canny
Uent:z Jr. Mr. Loveland was for. Scot ot Corona del Mar, wa.a the
merly an attorney ln the dty at-winner In the &.mafjeW claalfl·
tomey's otflce In Beverly HDlL cations for ngure pieces (ol.ls) at
B~ moved to Newport Beach In the Orange County Fair. Lut
1.953 and now Uvea at 420 Via year Mr. Cameron was aweep.-
Coline GJbboftl, ~ lldtftna. ~ Bujbel
Cor. E. eo.. Jhpy • .t OrdtJ4 ~fromi'D.O*
* Presented by Verna Miller Charm School
Luncheon From 12 Noon
to 10..\ route of the Giants. The ------------
Bay Side Drive at Marine Ave .
Braves al.lo clubbed the Giants
to remain ln second place with
the Cardinau as they ouucored
the Giants 12-5. 1'r1ples by carl
Bergeron and Larry Schrader
paced the Braves' hitting attack.
The Giants lost another one to
the Powerful Pirates 10-4. 1be
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Plr~a;t;es~w~~~~a~~~~to~g~~==~~Y ~-~~~~~of ti-summer clothes! wen. you know
East Coast Highway at Avocado
Corona del Mar
Reservations Now Harbor 5451
Preeented Through the Co-operation ot the
Jamc;dca Inn Restaurant Vema Miller
cmd the Follcnring Diatincti•• ShopL
3410 Via Lido
. Lido Isle
'U$1 E. CoaBt Highway
Corona del Mar
448 Coast Blvd. South
Laguna Beach
1767-A Newjat Boulnard
Colla Meea
I think the. nice cool foggy
mornings do that to ua especially
down here at the beach -and
moo assuredly It does It to us if
you just step Into O'BRIEN'S and
see tho.e wonderf\ll transition
cottons that are here -<welL
some ot them are still here)-
And tbe girl& awely do like
All4 I .... •..t ask ,_. tiD
a.le -.1 .. .. tlala week.
(T-ac..., n. ... ot tbe
WU!II'M-a Ia tbe wtadowa at
<naJZR'S.) C... I fMl eo
smart CIDd ~ Ia my
DeW Carl.,. d,..a tlaat tbe bou
la ~ ae ,...... U:Lia week.
It's bJadr Jeney, ct.. Ia tbe
laJIDttable way ot ~. cmd
with a toacb of wlalte 8Citla
at tbe tJa.roat...-4al W'Oalda"t
you Jut bow a..r woaJd Jet
me w.a:r oae of a.... loftly
DeW wbtt. eoa.aJe laatal It
really Just flnl•'-my oatfJt.
do came and -. ...., pntty 1
Hope you got to tee our !khooJ
Fashion Show Tuesday. We really
had a lot of fun and the glrw
seem to be ever ao excited over
the smart new ttema ... and
aome of the mothers who were
there expreued the optnton that
tbPy were happy to aee the good-
ly number of Jtema wtth such
eemy weenay prieea.
Did.,...'" ......... .. u.... .................. .
... ..... eel at ..... ... ...... ,~ ........ ...
Cllddty ........ a.ov. ..... ........................
Ors-• • • J'daly fall ........................ ....... ~.or-..
-•••• ..UI I tldl* ~ .u ......... l .........
...._ • .._._&YDY
---~-Don't wute all)' Ume comlnl ovw -. .... o•aa1aa.•a baa
.... ot ~ lbiW tlcbool ~MWIIIJU& ..... CIOl· ..._ _, ...., WI-. I laJOW It-....,. ......... . .............. ,.. ..... ... .................
-tiMil ·,..11 .... ...,.,.. ....,~ .. J!L
Udo Nord. Udo lale. stakes wtn.er at the Fair.
'New Look' Plaids
In Mission Volley Gingham
There' a 0 porode of~
headed bode to adtoof. RJcNr
co&or.d, boldly~
aubtfy toned, oM wtth brond
new fashion Importune..
On Big Sbter: the awing-skirt
• style with novel bodlcle pockets.
In brown or green. little Sister ~
the bouffant with llneny collar and C\lfb,
In teal or bin.rsw.et. Both, e~edusJve
!Cote Greenaway plaids In Mita6on Valle(a
pre-afvvnk. creo.-reslstont combed "MMNt
gingham. Each, as ww, w1th a pocket,
Sizes 3-SX, $4.98 7-14. S5.91
., a
City Workers
Get Pay Hike UAL DTA'ft 6 aarTALI
-----------fOR ~EDT: 2 .... fum.WI.ed
11J001aJ IWm ltow and Nfrla, ....._ Jf~ ct.canted. South Newport CJtJ Coundl adopted
1100 lor both. Call SuDdaJ ot 11w7 CDM. IIAttMw Mf1 a IMW ealary 8Cbedule for dty ~ ...... ~ . • ...,..,... Monday event.nc. Po-iii:Uoli 00.-00. BEilVJCZ STA· AP.umi0.1tt wltll JW!•ate •· &.. fire and harbor clepartment
11011, Cout ~ JD DuLa ::::--=: ~ ~ ,_,AMI nceiwd a 7"'" in·
Point. GYI*7 1·5* ew&. « btac:b ancl towa. ~ a3a1. a..: derteal belp, 5": a.n4 11ACX ' SAY LOI'-tiOxlOt', GYs-7 1-5250 daJL IDOit otiMr poettiona, 2"'" to~. ~ et aay, _, t15Q0 Qm.
KuJttpJe Zontnc. Priced r1cbt.
Wjjj(jjffjooD'ii'i' iAiiGi &Del . .aT, Gara~ apt. 1 beclr. .Amnaal COlt ot tbe ~Jaon• venlent t.wm&
• a1eep. four t!S6 wMk au~. wu ..um&ted at t50.000. Colt • • •
::;a.:;u...: wubl: C:::. or wtll conalder yearly 1 ..... We a.caJ ,..ar, beeauee ot ct.
bclal ll(lriDc and~ .... 8A 1585. I 1117 tn putllq tbe ...... in
eellent con4lttoll. p J a tf or m roa IALI! ft OWN'EiO very .._ ~ wW be about •ooo.
rocker an4 ot1Daaan. 431 Aea· ......... 2 IL1L unfunlJ8IIed • OalJed an •~«UoD ,_ Oct. 11 da. Corona del Mar bome. Bachelor apt. tn ,.u b the 1'Wit1n Ave. -22IHl 1t. • nnttnc tor _.. month. Dbl& &llMJC near BU'bor BllbJancb. JR.Am.Y JO:W Rot ~lnt IU· carace wtth apaoe tor 2 apt&. • Awarded the contract b In· baa-d'IIPOMI 135. m IN. tenced-tn yard. a b..-nl few .talllnl water pipe llne to Rar-~11. RA C1J3::l. W. IIID&ll c b I J ct r en • hl1 pice bor KJPJanda &Na to Wm.
P'l1Ul111U.lut 80lct my home. ~. ·Open tot tn.pec:t1on DeMott Inc. ol Stanton on the
tuml.lb.lnp conallt of ctay bed, daUy 2·1 ex.c:ept Sun. 311 Kart· low blct ol 114.985.7t. .
platform rocker. chair and told, CDM. • A«ept.ed the resJcnatton ol
ottoaaan. Monterey B.ll. Mt. SEPT. 1. New oeun view. 2 B.R. clvU len1ee comm.ll.toner 1o·
Norp Nfrtcerator, S.uty Bat unfumlabed duplex. ~ Avo-.eph Guerin, who hu moved to
Matb u 1, mlac. hoUMbold cado, Corona d~l Mar. eo.ta Mesa. and approwd the I~ variOU8 toot.. 423 Poppy, 2 ... R. n1"-'-hed b Adulta appointment ot A. JC. PbelJ)8 of
CDM. ... u '"'"'" ou.M. Corona del Mar to replace him.
AVIAU AND CANAJUES, ColO!' only. U 8·1632 01' evee. HA • Authorbed the dty attorney
• • •
lnc 100m wttb .Udlft&' doan
to patio. Open beam eelllnp,
2 lull batbt. -3· Mdnna .• wide
lot, dble. can... only $13,.
!100. U you Ulce It we can ar.
ranre tertna to suit.
• • •
Ave. Cloae ln. cood soU. Buy
lt tbJa week for $3SOO.
... Ceut
~~~.m~ IW.n ca.
<tSe Pat1t. Balboa 'laland B.A. m
CIITIIESI bred and recuJar. HA Be 1 llBl-1·-to uk continuance of Pad tk
01' 2M lam\lne Aw.. CDK. FURNISHED ROOK. attractive, Eleetrle condemnation bearing
outatde entrance, Sl9 Marcue. for s montlw beyond the ICbed· 1857 N~rt Ave .• Cosu. MHA
rite, CDM. HArbor :~~aS-K. uled lfov. 7-8-9 dates. u 8-1632. Eves. HA 1181-J -DIUII
Camplete llne of all 5
modd& Hammond Chord Or·
pn ~ ElectronJe Organ
u.ect tfl5. $15. a month re1ts
a )Iammond Spinet Organ
and s-ana.
"-~PractJce plana. 11115.. tl35., $195. eulest terms
or wlU rent $5. per month.
Spinet planoa repouMMd
from 1395. Lovely Grand ta6. many others.
I ' hit·~ Big Ptano
and Orcan Store, •lnce 1914.
Al~ 100 planoa to ebooee
Do YOU have a fumlabed home e Approved tbe appointment
or Apt. to rent? We will be of Calvtn C. Stewart. 30. of Ana·
perm. and responalble tenant8. helm. u park foreman to suc·
Call OUT apnt. Select Realty CHd W. C. <Mae) MacDonald.
<no cbarp to you). IC 7·3506. e ~jected the $220,000 ela lm
PRIVATE OFFICES wltb phone for damares tor diving InJury
answerlnc MrVlc:e. Secretary II suUered by 1-t -year-old Benny
notary-avaDable. Ground Floor West of Rlventde near Rocky
New Trident Bldg .. 2200 New· Point May 12; ret~ the claim
port Blvd., Newport Beach (Ad· to the lnaurance carriers.
jacent South Cout Co.) Court· • Received a letter from "a
esy to broker&. HArbor 3028. lone Juferlng croup of Femleaf
and Seaview Ave., taxpayers" ~ WAWr'ZD requesting something be done
SALESLADY ex p e r 1 e n c e d tn about d a n g e r o u • , coocested
~~eady to wear. Permanent five beach traft'le; referred the prob·
day week, aalary plua commia· lern to-traUie eommJtt.ee.
slon, Brandt'a Dept. Store. • ~lved a letter from Mra.
3321 E. Cout Hwy., Corona d~ William MeLaln, 610 Aldean Pl .•
Mar. Newport Heights. expressing con·
270' x 400' C om me r c ial
"Swing'' comer at intetsec· •
tlon of maJor highway and
through boulevard In Costa
Mesa. Ample room for major
compa ny le ue and drive-In
reata uamt. Priced at Less
than $1!50 per front foot on
highway. An exclusive with
2 IMMirt••• Ill• IIIII
on tree covered lot 66x305'.
R ·4 zone. $18.000. Terms.
MOdred RJgp and
Sylvia Thompson, A.s8oc:lat.es
301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Harbor 2658 or 4600
BEA.t111FUL 35' LOT
520 No. Main WOMAN to chart and a.uemble cern about chUdren erosstng the ----~ta Ana band ltnlt.l. Call HArbor 0880 street.a to new crade school; re-IIJ I ...... •••11. 2 LOTS. Jl-3, ..... tn. -.r for appolntJ:nent. ferred the problem to traffic ...... ,
CatboUc Church.. eo.ta Mea. committee. INCORPORATED
So. ol Rwy., Corona del Mar.
Tree, fenced. water tn.
(Owner, 3700 Seaview.)
Owner wUl aaarUic:e. HA 1565. SALESIIAN for adwrt:l.alnc prln-• Called fol' bids for 10 motor
tlng. Good cornml.a1on deal. vehicles.
av5DfESS O~aTUJIJTIE.I Ask for Bob Nolan, 3635 E. • A~pted the low bid of An·
WHOLESALE NA1101fALLY AD· Coast Rwy., Corona del Mar, ctenon II AnJch for general lla·
VEJl11.SED Greettnc card but· Sat. Only. 9·~ &_:m. blllty lnaurance for the dty on
ne. for aale. 11500 men:han· BOUSF:IF!£Kf:IL COOit. 6 daya the bid of $7.301.32.
1875 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mea, Ca llfor nla
R. F. Geddes
R. W. Goossen
Worthlncton Lee en. anct South Cout fran. for employed couple. TWo • Adopted 0 r d l n a n e e 796,
Attractive 4-BJl 2 bath bou.
tor rent. FA beat. Uttle
Island. AvaU. Sept. 9-8 ~DC&
lease. ~ HArbor 125S-W. chbe. :M298 E1 Mollno. Capt· meals. laundry. live out. BA· wbldl exeludM dop from bay Day or nlgbt Phone Ll. g. n14
mano S.dl, GY 6·52SO. rbor 261 or HArbor :1815-W beaches and park&. ----------------------
POa uu o• ft.ADIE _:Ev:.:.=en=ln~gs.=---==------::--
WB RAVE $1.5.000 equity In YetT 111111 .......
DJC» 2 BJl home, 80Utb of Blgb· 7 ~ 8 3H9
~. to trade for Jarcer, wttb ... ._. ~~ •
II* Marilyn Coleman, lot·
merly o1 the dty hall staff, hu
mowct from 24n ere.tvteow Dr.,
Bay Shores. to Loe Anceles.
CHill lB. Ill ............. , ocean V"w. Marl• ~ay RL 58. 1~ DIPLO'fD u:'J'AJlO:D
AGDC'r ~ iiOOiiN'G tor:. PIC. NO FEE collec:ted from applJc:ant ! lEAL VILUES I
Needed Immediately. TUdra UO Tu.st1D Aw.. lfewport Beach 4.·drawu Steel PUe. Key-lock
A tine 2-bedr. home plua guest room and bath SOUTH
OF HJGHW A Y on a 45-tt. level lot. Attractive~~ and quality conatruc:tlon. plus a low prtae ot
ahould cau.e a qulclt aale.
51.38 Coil~ LA. 9·5 4a11J. ~ drawers. Only -·--·-·--··.$24.!50 _.. Larce .a. chrome d1Mtte aet. • • • -
Insurance Companies~ IIIIESEJI .._,liY
"Be Sure-lnsure"
Phone Harbor 24'74
311!5 E. Coast Hlgbw-r
Corona del Mar
a.. Phone, BA 5232
ot our tremendous crowth
and numerous J)I'OmotJol\1
• Full pay u you learn
• Frequent in~ e Advancement actually en-
-OPENINGS J'OR -, ............. , ....
8:30 to <t:30
122 Weat Third
Santa Ana
Are j OU looldnl to the fu. ture. We are! That's why we
are oUerln' Jteady jobs with
real ........... •IIJ
It's to our OWD Interest If we
can b~ men who will make
a career wltb our dynamJc
bustne.L We therefore otter:
StucSy lobe
On·U..·Job training Real advancement
5-da7, 40 br. week,
Intenie'W DOW f« 1mldedlate
opentnp lor ltude:nt. inter·
eSted ln' June openlnp. MW·
tary atua not con.aCMncS.
~pl)' 8:30 a.m. thnl t p.m.
JJaO 1:. lit Street
IIITIIM ..... _..
Ill ..
FormJca top table 36x..S tn.
Top extenda to 5 tt. 4 chain.
foam rubber .eata. Only $57.50
Cloee out brand new bedroom
lfP. Mr. and Mrs. dresllu. alld·
lnc bookcue headboard. large minor, 3 pes. Only ___ ..J69.SO
Small abe Slmmona Hide-A-Bed.
Innerspring mattress, good COV·
er. A ~ndy, Only ....... --S8'7.SO
5-pc. Walnut bedroom set. A
dam good value. Only ... .$47.50 s;E table-model ironer.
Only ..................................... .$24.95
BendJx Automatic Washer. Used
but abort time. OK. Only t69.95
StucUo couch. Makes twin or full. a1ze bed& Only _______ .$27.75
PhJlco table-top electric ra nge.
A1TRACT1VE 2 UNITS: 4·bedr. hou.ae plus 1-bedr.
apa.rt:ment. Good street, totally tumbbed. $34.500.
• • •
lAY SilliES
On a eood at:reet-3 bedroom home, 1 bath, $2l.SOO.
Earl w ..... ,
2Z5 Kartne Aw~ Balboa IalaDd Call Harbor 1715
Eves. Call Edith Maroon Hyatt 4-6222 or
Louts Boynton Harbor 2878
5-speed burners. large oven -----------------------and broiler. A dandy. BELP WAJn'ED-P'EKALE BELP WIUfTEl)..-FEJlALE
Only ---··-·-···-····--........ _$819.50 ------------------·----•••n FUlUf. II APPL.
1SOO Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa
SlrR Green Stamps
Free dellwr1
BA 1038 2'744 E. Coast Rwy.
Pmntmg -Decoranng
~ ODirtJ'acfOI'
In Costa Mesa requires services of following otfloe
personn el:
1. PBX operator-reclptionlst-typist.
2. Sales and service cashier-dally sales sum-
3. Contract glrl. hew and used car sales. re-
lief aervtce cashier.
<t. Bookkeeper, accts receivable. relief PBX. Auto
experience essential. ~neraJ Motors expert.
ence prderTed. Hours Mon. thru Ftl. 8:J0.5:30. Alternate Sat. 8:30·12:30.
Please ~ply fully to Box AS 16 Ensign Newspaper, •
Corona d~ Mar. givln.g complete history of ex:peri@Dce
and back.pound. 1.-r 0ra.Da-Aft. eo.ta )(-
Ubert1ua8 Uberty 8-66321---------------------CAal PO. SALE CAliS ro• SALE ........ )lc ...
roa a:ENT IJ.MK 16-IIM 35-MM
and 11101 SoGD.t Projecton Theodore Robins Ford
Model A1l»laDe &q>pllel 'IG PIITIII ._.., IJ*salle, 1-1 $ .. ~!·~.!'.Z:~'tt~.!. ,.. ,.. ••••• ''*' ........ , ...
_...:..: ...... :.:.:~~~-~--10G __ 'IIIlO ........ ., ..., ,. ........ .
_...;.CAD;;.;;;,;_u_a_aa __ ,•_a....,• ___ ..........,_,..~~~ ........... --·-•.••
~-____ _.;,;., .• ... ·:__--=-----=----'·· -~ ___ , .• , .•
--·-ROW.S Fold ..
18U..,&T, &DGOII 1&. a.l WIEWIOIJY....,._I111.9
Irvine T etiace
....... , ......... , lit •••••"
OPEN t:V!!MNCS mntL 8:00 P .II.
........ .., .... ,. ••••It
Your tnspection 1a respect:tully 10llclt~
• • •
Earl W. Stanley
On Rlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the
new Irvine Cout Country Club.
Phone Harbor 4448 for Further Information
2 •••• • 1 Ellrlt.p 1.11 (M'IIIr).
(1) 3 bedroom borne and (1) 2 bedroom home. South
ol Hlabway. Uve In one and rent tbe other. nli.a 1a an
exceptional buy! Full prtoe $23,750. Please call for ap-
pointment to aee.
B.A.: 11c; BA: am
LI+Wc F• I C1 a&nlll ...... 1
Let ua ahow you the potentlals you have by can-
vertl?'l these two nearly new 2·bedr. homes to .wt
your need&. The trontare ls 9T by 150' deep. The Joca.
tlon ls the best In town.
wltb halt down.
400 £. 17tll St.. eo.ta Mesa
Where ean you find a better buy than this 3-bedr.
and d~n home. 2 fireplaces. 2 baths, h ardwood noon.
dinette. nice street. 45-tt. lot. double ~ ab 1 rei for a pt. above for a quk:k sale at $21,'750--and $7,500
down will tak.t> It! •
• • •
Another best buy! A 2-bed:r. beautifully tumlsbed,
mostly maple home. double garage, SO·Ft. lot. with amp!~ room to build another hom e or units. Asklnl
S16,000. Owner very arudous. See thl.s!
Ivan W. Erhardt. Associate
3333 East Cout Rlrhway, Corona del Mar HA 2-t22 ---------------COIDIA DEL llR
"Happy Hou~" for a couple. 1 bedroom and den
opens onto outdoor llv1ng room. Close ln. Nloe yard.
prage, workshop.
26t7 E. Coast HWT~ Corona del Mar BA 882 ..... •..• , .....
A Nal fam.Dy bollle bJlJ and ocean vtew-3 Wn..
1..,.. ru.mpua room. larJe u.t• room. 2 balM. 2 br:ldt ~ 2lOO ~q. ft. x.ar,.. Jot wttll eballl Unk reooe.
ASK:mC PRICE $.12,500 WITH
Far pr-eview: lobn Kc:Rab. BA H41. BA sa
EIIL W. , la .. r
• • •
.,... ........... = ........ =a I I II 1 1 •o . &Ida",.,_--....._ ..,...JJ if.-Mia 1 111 llila ·~·•u1 ... .......-.; .,.... • .._teAnrtrC. Ql .... ....._._. ....... .a. aN........_ Yet JJa .. ,._ a.a. QCIIII-=---.... 117 &. CIJit .... AlrADIII 1111-F....._ a.. ... II& ....... ,.._. ..a. ......... ~ .,.. ... ---. ...... o. ,.c • ...,..a...t .......
.......................... Lt~ ..... tlttiM ....... to....._......_ v.--. .............. a..-.. ..........
a Complete Dinner Menu
and Servin• the
Finest Food In the
Harbor Area
Optn Ewrr Da11
from 11:00 AM to 1:00 AM .. -.-w.,... .... .._.,...,.,
YOIIII--~Ho.C:~ ..... ,, ..
....... 81r: .......... ~
came ras . film
TEA nMERS . wr!-:!n =: ::::: ::~ * A Few Swim Suih o.. ...... w--;-· •ow .,.
MEN'S SHIRTS -~~ :t= 13.95
woaura * Leallaer Thotiged Shoes .... •ow '1 ..
Pedcle Pusher sets a:..-:: :.:.. ..... :.. l; . * PRINTED TAliS ..... ,... •ow .. ·--··~--9 cc:n"'l'o. ~
Lounge J.P1ece Sets --.a. •ow. ___ 'lT
0... P• y._ Gal FIW W... WU. a.t LMM"9
Mcaidaiin Seh ... ~ .... IIUI •ow_'lo•
--Ctftae -· ..... QOJLftD .
Collon Jackeh & Pants ....... •ow'14• QG'IL'I'D
Slk Peclcle Pusher Seh ......... ow'W * W011IGII's£ollonll0uses'""..!:~.:W'1•
PEDDLE PUSHERS ............... _-__ 'T
MEN'S SILK ROlES ....... •ow ........... ~2r
Men's Collon Robes .... 11us •ow .. _ .. ____ 'r * SHIRTS .._.."" ·• .... eott. 'T · 1"'lia Z. • .... k:tnla ._.. 114..15 ROW
DRESSES HAND PRINT ..... as.oo •ow .,-
DRESSES-::.,-:: ..... auo •ow .. _'lo• SUN DRESSES JIAJft) .....uct...s 114. , taaam ..... as wow ____ _
Irish Unen Dresses ..... KUO wow ________ 'l r
Slk Sltapless Dresses ...... •ow .. _'lr
SUN DRESSES ... .= .:-..... 11us •ow T
Slk ,Tabe Dresses ....... ow ____ '14•
eLL& e...;...a ........ · •1~• ~ ....-a.e.. Clitia ..... -. •ow • Chlclre~'s Moo-Moos ..... wow.___ '7"
Clllclreil's SWIIii We• -::!~:'".: .... '1•
STRAW 1~5S ........ •ow __ '1•
STUW SHOIS ..... wow __ •r
liE .....
... Lau.ndromat 20c
Fm.e.t Dry Qecminq
-.. wpwt II..S.
(aa-r-11oc1t Ba.,ltld)
DII'D-...... -·.
... .
F.,_,a PllcJ --~
FUBNJSHED MODEL HOMES /Open 10 ~P.M. E.....,._Day
C. A J!IIN*'HIAII b , , I ............ '" ......... +'s = 1/c •==• P. -..,.n. Jr .... elc.L ... I(n.Jiew.
-.~ •. ~ ........ ... c:aa,.. .... c... ....... ,. .....................
...._. tM ....., CNI8ew VII
.u-r, . .,..... ...... cd ......... ,, •.-t-'-~ .. _ ...... tndala9 Ia ... . ....., ....................... . taw to pep .. ._ .. .._ tMt
wW ,. ... -• ..,. z .....
.... 91£ di..U.. ~ ooDege.
Son Is Fined
IIIWIIc Ce1lrlclor
)446 E, COAST HWY ~
HAitNr 4763 ... ~.~_, HA.W ....
Costa Mesa La•berCo.
LUMBER -BUILDING MATEBJALS I • ...-~ ...... c... .... La.tr a.J•
~-...-, ........... -.I ........... ..
Kr8. Mll.Lar4 llcl8u. Jfewpon
illliil;iiliil;illllii··~ ......... JIIIOtiMr al trlpleta. eaJDt bome ftoiD tbe aa.pltal l'l'lct.r,
but bad to ... v ..... ~ babJee
1n the iftQUbator untll they pt a Utt.le biller.
'!be bab1ee. bJU.erto called ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:..._~~~--------=-~:__:_ __ .. A. .. T and "C, .. haw now _
been named, ln order of their ap· · ' , 5~ce~=.~~~W8: From the POUCE BLOnER H~nry Eggert
At birth John we!Jbed 3 lbe., • 4 ' Dies Age 68 15% oz.; Rlcllard 3 lba., 11% oz.; I and Thomas 3 lbe.. 5 oz. At f.lnt <Continued from Pap 3) boa laland. reported the lhett of
all the bablel 1~ wetabt. but onto the Newport bland brtdre a $75 tire and wheel from the Service. were held rrtct..J at
then atarted to retain. 80 that and .,Jmoclted out a 8ect.lon o1 trunk . . . JohMon and Son, Patkes-.B.lcfley Mortuary for Hm·
the middle one la bade to bJa railldc at the aoutheut c:wner Uncoln-Mercury Acency, com· ry &aprt. as. who died Auc. 8 at
blrthwetght, the olde' one ls just of the brldce at 9:45 p.m. . . . plained of a BB ahot In a win· bJa home, 1808 w. <kean Ft.,
an ounce leu than he started M8.1V Vrallk of 714 Goldenrod dow there . . . M. Kelly o1 113 Newport. He had been In poor
and little Tommy ls now up to Ave .. Corona del Mar, ~eel Ma.rtne Ave., Balboa laland, com-health for aome time, but hla
3 lbs. 8 oz. at 10:39 p.m. that abe saw a palr plalned of the loa of lunace pual.n& wu unexpected. Th~ Ho ans. wboae triplets ol banda on her fence ... Two from her 1araae . . . Wade S.: He wu a tJcket a&ent for Pa·
were born 1uau.st 4 at St. Joeeph juvftlile boys, 15 and 16, from Randel. 18, of 518 Dahlla Ave., cltic Electric In Loe An1eles fOI'
H ttal have two othe-r c:hll · Costa Mesa were charied wtth Corona del Mar, r~lved minor 40 yean, a veteran of World War ~ P~tty ace 11 and Ginny petty theft and curfew violation Injuries when hls car was In an I and member of Newport Harbor
6% '1belr 'rtrat baby boy they for talrlnf a hub cap from the accident wtth a car driven by Leaton Poet 291. He came to the
lost at the ace of 2 wtth cysttc car of Les Blakesley of Jamaica John M. Klrat, 65, of Pasadena In Harbor Area tn 1938.
fibrosis. . Inn at 11 :54 p.m. · · · Ken Mlae-front of 3945 W. Cout Hwy., Survtvon Include bJa wUe,
They· purcha.aed their Newport ner, 15, of Garden Grove suftered Newport Beach. at 6:40 p.m. ... Julla Mae Euert: aona Robert
Bel hts home at 515 Redlands a cut rleht knee when a car ln eiATVaDAT. AVC.. 11 and John of the home addrea.
Ave' 1n July but have Uved In ' which hoe was rldJnc. driven by Mrs. Norma Fltzgerald ot 468 and a dauehter, Mrs. Bonnie Bell
the · Harbor ~rea fat some time Vincent E. Lee, 16, of Santa Aria Serra Dr., Corona Hlchlancls, re· of BrawLey. Interment waa 1n
fOI'merly In Costa Mesa and unui was 1n an accident with a car ported a two-foot slit torn ln her Harbor Rest Cemetery. ~§~~~=====;:::~ u H 11 A Co driven by Joseph R. Thorpe, n . front window screen ... Graoe recen Y on e otrope v.e.. · ot Udo Park. Newport Beach. on s. Wmksa, 52, of Long Beach. LEGAL •oncz
rona del Mar. Cout Hwy. 35 teet east of Hello· received a cut head when hit by ROTICE OP POaLIC DUDfC
··~ rJlwa
CllB.ISTIAJf SCJEKCE CIIUllCB trope Ave .. Corona del Mar. at 3 a sinker on the tlshlng line of Notice la hereby etven that the
The Newport Beach Chrlstlan p.m. · · · James A. O'Neil. 44, drl· VIrgil Lee Bass ot El Monte on City CouncU ol the City of New-
Science church wlll have aa thelr ver, and his wife. Ruth, were In· the Newport Pier. port Beach will hold a public
Lesson·Sermon topic on Sunday, Jured on Coast Hwy. Z75 feet • StJJII)AT. AUC. 12 hearing on the Application of G.
"Mlnd " This subject relates to north of Mominc canyon Rd., William D. RJchardson. of Lyle Harbour, 604 Via Lido Nord,
the ~lsdom. knowledge, and Corona Hichlanda. at 3:15 p.m. 2476~ Nt'Wport Blvd., Costa Udo Isle, for Use Permit No. 253.
understanding of God and Hls when they stopped for traffic Mesa, suffered minor Injuries to permit structural alterations
gltt of consciousness to man. The and a cement mixer truck driven when his car went out of con· to a buUdlnf on Lot 70, Tract
Golden Text Ia trom the 147th by Dwayne A. Phillips. 30, of trol at 12:13 a.m. on Pallsades 907, Lido Isle, R-1 Zone.
Psalm "Great 1s our Lord and Santa Ana hit the rear of their Rd. north of the Newport city Notice ls further given that
lJdo Shopplnc Center ot cre~t power: hls understand· car when the truck brakes failed. limits. went oft the road and said public hearing wUl be held -;;;;,;~:;;;;:=;;4;;5;;·~~:;;;UO;;:;~V;;:;Ia~Lido;:;;;;;;~~ln~g~ls:_l;;,;n~ti~n~lt~e·-=· ~(1;_;4;.;,7;:5~>;;,· =-:=;=:;o""""'l e TBUIISDAT, AUC. I turned ovq In thr~ feet of water on the Z7th day of Au,ust, 1956, il A display window was broken In the bay ... Dallu W. De· at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M.
"Your Neighborhood SerTel Dealer"
3 Consider these
JillerMt from II otbtts I
with a crow bar at the Water· Vlnnt')' or 2632 Fairway Dr., In the Council Chambers o1 the
wear Corp., 6904 W. Coast Hwy., Costa Mesa. reported that a hit City Hall o1 the City of Newport Co~ona del Mar. by a thlet who and run pickup truck damaged Beach, a t which tlme and place
stole a $30 C02 gun . . . Dee hls car at Coast Hwy. and Mari· any and all persons Inter~
Burnside reported that someone gold Ave., Corona del Mar, about may appear and be heard there·
attempted to break Into hi.! serv· 12:15 a.m.; he chased the car to on.
Ice staUon at 2300 W. Coast Lagufla, whe~~e the driver atop-MARGERY SCHROUDER,
Hwy., Newport Beach ... Robert ped but refuaed to give his name City Clerk of the City of Newport
S. Scobey, 46, ot 225 Ogle St., and address . . . Beach.
Costa Mesa, was arrested on an
lntoxJcatlon charic after his car
hit a parked car registered to R.
A. Murry of 514·29th St .. Newport
Beach . . . Officers warned a
group of boys for making a race
trade ot streets on the Balboa
Peninsula at 11:30 p.m .... e P'IUDAT. AUC. 10
FrankJin L. Roberts, 39, of 1534
Orange Avt'., Coata Mesa, was ar-
rested at l :15 a.m. at Coast Rwy.
and Begonia Ave., Corona dd
Mar. on charges of car tamperlnc
and intoxJcaUon after alleaedJy
teartne the wtrtng from the car
of Sea Medes of 704 Carnation
Ave., Corona del Mar ... Robert
F. Stover of 323 Crystal Ave., Sal·
.PORT ?X .,/.
CMIO/ftl OFl NAN HA#~ 'R/H/9
I , • ..., 01: 't .. T t I H Y
PfO< [)I( 1\ "' <" I, r ( r·: ,
\. ' .
A ... 0. I _,., 'hi ... ) .... ~
(T, .~ ,t r ' • , 1 •. u
,, ' .. , , I' ·I
·~ ~ DRIVE -I N --(t~.{i lC T H l" HH <, CJ
-I IM l JAM1~ . .-
'Jln,.bodv up
lh• rr-l1l.t·• me
.. ;•' .. '
18. 17. 18th
I A.M. to 8 P.M.
1. AUTOMATIC ICI:· sum 1 OniJ Serwtt
... llld .,.... lee
Cllbu IUtiUtictiiJ.
flo triJI to 111PtJ I
dots • tilly ;a n-..lce .. cold.Jit
IIOtor' • !lOise I
3. TU·TUa WU·
IWfTT1 Only SeMI &as
hfrlaerator co111u
w~ I ().yuf wwrlllty I
., t.IU lts17
7-BONE ROAST lb. 45( lb. 5, SWISS STEAK
... ,.... ..............
YIM'I ..... Y ....... ................ ......... _
................. 1
Yo• ........ a UdlleiYH in the
Dew 5erft1 Gla Ice-Server Refrilentor p/111
..,, .tlfn /ultlrl Yftl IHIII: Bi' eeparate
freaer. Automatic defroetinc. Color-bal-
acect 1Dt.erior atylm,. Dew-Malic frelbeD..
en. Ia-a-door ahelves. RoU-<nat abdves .
Sold drawer. Visit JOW' Serft1 dealer or c. Compeny today .
Onl7 GAS • aha JUU such modenl auiGnlltic: lll!lliances I
I IIIY•Iiwl.lllnll
AT ...
..... 0111111 e 'a ...............
lllfte~ ....
·-.... pwt BIN.
S H 0 R. T RIBS lb. 25C lo;d or Steaks lb. 79f.
RUMP ROAST lb. 69f. fRYERS lb. 59f.
Porl; Loin Roast lb. 49f. B A C 0 N =:::: &:-.::... --1t =: