HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign•
P.O~ Heeds
CDM Views
The U. S. ~ Otnee Depart·
rnent In Washlnaton. D. C .. has
Inform~ th~ E nalgn t hat the
Department h u tllk~n note or
the opinion~ expressed by Corona
del Mar residents eon~mlnc ttv>
Independent atatua of their post
otrlce. From the San Francls&
regional oftlc~ cam~ word that
the local oplnlona will be con·
slder~ In arriving at a decision.
The Aug. 9 lasu~ of the Erulgn
carrl~ the tront page story about
a study being made to determine
''the feasibility and advisability
of consolidating the Corona del
Mar Post DUlce w ith the main
Post Office of Newport ~ach."
In that same laue of the En·
sign. the ~ltor augJ'('Sted ln his
"Log" that Coro~ del Mar resl·
dents exp~ their ~ntlments
In writing. More than 60 post.
cards and letters were received
by the Ensign, and every single
one of them favored leaving the
High Praise
For Publi(
The watft" crista 1n Newport
Beach Ia over, and the vol untary
1 rationing can now be d!Jieontln·
u~. City Manager B.obert She!·
ton announa!d yesterday.
He said that OOIDVerutions
with MWD otflclala and the U.S.
Weather Bu.reau resulted 1n rea·
sonable usuran~ that the dty
can &gain permit nonnal water
He stresse-d, bo~ver, that ciU·
uns ~ still asked to avoid
carelessness In lawn a nd garckn
watering. He not~ Uu.t the moet
common water waae results
from over-waterinc tt> the point
that water-Ia allowed to run Into
~ ana cutten.
H 1gb 11r .:.se ca.me from both
city and MWD oftlclah for the
cooperation or the public In VOl ·
untary rationing of water Cor the
past 7 ~
Mayor Dora Rill said. .. We ~
d~ly crateotul ror the nne co·
operation shown by all water the eighth annua l Corona dell 16, at the main Corona del Mar situation "u Ia." retaining an
Mar Lobster RAe. beach. Opening event will be the Independent 1ltst class Post o r 12 I I I G The big event will be held Sat· Treasure Hunt early Saturday flee ln Corona del Mar. 0
urdu-and Sunday, ~pt. 15 a nd morning. ServiJl6 of lobster and In addition to all the letters '
----------------"''-------------steak dinners wlll begin a t noon and post cards. the Ensign also
'111~ merchants and profes·
lllonal people of Corona del Mar
are extending a n Invitation to all
o1 Southern CaWom la to come to Ab d users In ou.r dty durtq t.bl.s crltl·
cal time. A pnulaely serious I problem hu been temporarily oar avert~ with ~e'· help."
Ettectlvenesa of the voluntary COM Re sident Will be Voting bo~e:;Y:,.n be entertainment ~~';o~h~ t1~o~~o~~:a~~: A total of 12.000 visitors wt-nt l tbe SS2·f.oot -.1e decJr ..._ rationing is shown by t.be aver·
tnadi.Dg oU tbe poa1 lide. _. age daOy cormlJ"D1)tlon nnres
CllbUDog tbe a--t to kiDd aDd releued by Mr. Shelton : A 16.~
a......ctl a:t.ra.tt .-.~err ...ay. lntteue In June. from 3.747.315
both days In th~ afternoon and partment. carrylag 182 "Signa· aboard the Aircraft Carrier Hor·
for 19th T·ame for Pres·tdent evenlng. HllbUght of the Satur· tures. This petition stat~: "We net during her f -day stay otr 41ay eoven1n1 tntlvttles wUl be wiD to add ow .ject:kms to the Newport ae.ch. There we~ no
ttl~ l!Of'Onat!on ot xa. Gc)lden 6thert"~~ --'~ aboot llllsh.aps, other than Wftral caRS • • • p.l.lo.ns ln 19155 to 4.501.118 this
A. local ..a.M-nt who w1ll be ln ottlce. Be h u been a staunch
votlq for hl.s NINET'EENTH apppartel' or th~ ~ubllcan
'MilE for praldent ls maklng a Party since voting tor the t ltst
apedal appeal to all ~llglbl~ eltl· Ume ln 1884. R~ vot~ for l ames
urw to regLst.er by Sept. 13 ., G. Blaine In that election. BlaJne
they can vow Nov. 6. lost to Grover Cl"ela nd by only
He La Clark A. Wood, ot 60'7~ 37 electoral votes (23,005 popu-
Femleat Ave., Corona del Mar. Jar votes). This dose margin
who wtU be celebrating his 94th prompted Mr. Wood and others
birthday anniversary thls Sun-to work hardeor to get peopl~ to
day, Adlnta1on Day. Both he a nd the polls. He recalls his partlel·
lubll~. Nancy KJmberlln. who cooaolldaUoc the Olrona del Mar of .ea&fdmesa.
Is also Queen of th~ Lobster Poet OUI~ with Neowport Beach • • •
Bak~. Thls will be be at 7 o'clock. Post OUice." 0.. ~ dl~tmea.t was
Drawing tor the grand prize, The Ensign forward~ all com· tbe al.lp-ap lD plcuu f« getUzuJ
a color televt.slon set. will be at munlcatloru to the Bureau of a ...Ucope. lD tbe air to plaoto-
8 p.m. Sunday. ~pt. 16. Post omce Operatfons. Post Of-9'fCIPil tbe '"IlL Jlf.-pcwt ......
Ot.htor lmprovements w~ the year; and 8.9~ I~ In July,
hurTicane bow, to protect Pft"· from f.!'i9t.169 to S.OtO.D; and a
sonnf'l and the ship from w vere 3.3~ ~ In AutnJst. from storm~. and t.hc d«"k ~~e ele· 5,116.932 down to (,948.313.
vator. capable of transterrtnr a1r-l '1 would lflte to add my thanks
craft from the hanrer storage to all concrm~ for thelr p&·
dtoek to the night deck ln 25 tl~ and undft'Stand ln1."' h e>
seconds said. Reo caution~ cltluns to watch
Next week's Ensign will In· noe Department. Wuhlngton. ~ t;pei.J.ed oat Oil tbe
elude a complete program of D.C., and also ~nt copies of the fi19bt cleck by tbe aon..t c.-
events In th~ special Lobster 1tSsues of Aur. 9 and 16 to the while appioodl1D9 tbe Ba:rbo!'
Bake section. I San i'ranctsco Regional office I F'rtd.ay. Jlfo plaDe arrt•ed. cmd n...•a .-oap ~ oe tbe
Mrs. Wood aat 1alth1ul voting pa tlon in 1888 as a torchlight j s h
cltlz.eM, and they made sure to beirer during the era when ~n· 0 p
re-restster when they moved re· Jamln Harrison campaigned suc· at Home
Contest Set
Her~ Is the reply recelv~ from 1 ao p6c:ture was tcalll'eA. ftiOnDOU8 fll9tat cleck • p1.ay
N. R. Grant, director of the Dl\1· • • • two football ~ Cit tbe
slon ot Postmuten. W ashington. ~ the big ship dt>parted Tues -• u.m.. It La I!D teet. 11
D.C.: day mornJng. Capt. W W Holll lDcb.-loa9 cmd 200 tMt wide.
the weather and to ea~ up on
consumption If there Is a pro
Jon~ hot s~U during ~.m
Baby Asleep cently. cesstuUy from bandwagons.
Mr. Wood wa.s born In 1862 Sunday's birthday celebration
dutfna Abraham Uncoln'a term wtll be at the horne of the
Judge Sp·ann
of COM Dies
luda~ Ha l A. Spann , 77, dl~
un~xpect~ly Thursday morning.
Aug. 30. at h t• hom~ at 2731 ~a
view Ave., Corona del Mar. Fu·
neral eervtce. .ere held Sunday
afternoon at Baltz Mortuary in
Corona del Mar and. a craveslde
RrVfoe w1ll be held thJs w~k In
Anna, W~ his former home.
Judp Spann was a retired at.
tomey from Anna. He aerveod l'>r
12 yan u aupertor oourt judp.
He wu at.o a county judg~ and
a d.1atrtc:t attof'M7 In Dllnola. He
wu a member ol the ma.sonk
locl,e and a ahrl.ner there and
a member o1 the First Presby.
terfan Church in Anna.
Woods' son and daughter·ln-law,
Mr. and Mrs. U oyd Wood, for·
merly of Corona del Mar, now
living In Long Beach.
2 C it ies W ill
Air Problem s
C.Oac11 ......... cmd other
dty oUidala of Rewpwt lleacla
aDd Coder lhea wW bold a
lQdllaa ~ tomonow
IIOOD (l'ridlq) at tbe BaAboa
...._ Ill e-ta x-.
P: INllty of Jo'llt act1oa oa
tbe pre p oaecS 1..100-acn·foot
...... .. II wU wW be OIM of
tbe ..... oC tbe IDJonDal dJ.a.
"nf• 0U.. ....tlap CIIDOil9
tiM effkt«JI of tM I dU. wiD
Willy .. bel4 Ia tbe tatca.re ·-~ of ••he~ JIII'IIIIMIDs.
This Saturday m ldnJght Is
deadline for entering the shop at
home contest being conducted by
the merchants throughout the
City of Newport Beach.
Local shoppers are asked to
complete the following state·
ment In 25 wordS or less: "New·
port Beach Is a golden place to
shop because "
Entry blanks can be obtained
at local stores and are to be
mall~ to the Newport Harbor
Cham ber of Commer ce. 'Mie
prizes will be $100 for tlrst. $50
for second and $2S for thlrd.
Awards wm be announced at the
Corona del M ar Lobster Ba.k~.
Boat Parade
" On Sept. 15
He la survived by hla wUe, M~. and a dau1hter, Helen, A boat para de In th e harbor
both of the home addlesa; an· Saturday wtU be one of the blg
other daughter, Mrs. Mary Davia; eventa o1 the Golden Jubilee
and a granddaupter, Laurie celebra tion week for th~ City ot
leal). both of Corona del Mar; City oUiclaJs will meet at 2 Newport Beach.
"Th is will acknowl~ge your ster radioed the following mE'<; Tbe abip La 225 te.t bl9h-l!bout
letter of Aug. 15. 1956, transmit· sage to Mayor Dora Hill at 9 tbe a..tpt of a 13-atol'y baUd·
tlng a number of postcards and a .m : "As she heaves in hl'r l.D9.
letters, together with a copy of anchor. all hands extend to you • A t H rt th~ Newport Harbor Ensign. re· and all the wonderful citiuns of Tht' llornt't'S rompL?ment IS In u 0 u
q uesting that the Corona del Mar Newport Beach a fond far£>we ll. 3 200 mt>n Displacement Is 41 000
Post Office be ron tlnued as an Our short visit to your d ty will I tnns Draft of the ship Is 30 fcet A badly cut f n r e h t' ad and
Independent otrlce. I long be remembered W~ Sin · Speeod Is over 30 knots.. It can bruises wl"rf' c;ufff'rf'd by Harvt'y
"Your statements and the l c£>rely rl'gr£>t that conditions c:lld carry about 80 aircraft. '&hrOf'dE"r Jr . 22'' months old.
statements of the patrons of the J not pNmk taking aboard thf' • • • of ~nta Ana In <'In acrldl-nt on
Corona del Mar Post Office have 1 many citlun;; lett In line each A particalCD"ly lilt-ted 'rill· Carnation A\'(' 70 feN north of
been notl'd and your views are I afternoon. We extend heartfelt tcw Oil tbe llonMt was flMt. Ba\-slrlf> Dr . Corona df'l Mar at appreclat~d.'' thanks to you and the pE'Oplt' of foot.d Demay Derry, tbe Uaited 2:30 p.m Labor Da,·
The fpUowlng reply was re Nt-wport Beach for all the rourtf' Pa:rce1 deU-..y mcaa. wbo -c-at Thf' baby boy w as aclN'p In a
celved by the Ensign from Verne sles so generously glvt>n to oftl 3 combat ,..._.. Cllboar.s a car· parkt"c:: c~tr rP~IstPrc-t1 to L' It> F
Scoggins. regional dlnctor, San cers and men. Good·bYP and rler durlD9 Wod d W• n. Ward of ~ant a Ana ... hrn it was
Francbco: I good luck ·· • • • hit head .on b\' a rlrh ~r lr'l~ rar
'"Thank you !or your letter or • • • Babe Orbon. co-ownf'r of Coast after a JQO.yard run down hill on
August 15 and th~ copies of the Tbe BonMt had Ju.t CICIID · Supt"r Markt't In Corona Ml Mar. Carnation Avf' Da,1tJ F. Ha mann.
newspaper which you forward~ piMed a n.DOO.OOO 09Wbaul mad" a couple of landings on the 16. of Santa Ana had parkf'd the
giving views concemlne the Co cmd bapn'NIIMilt at tbe PacJ-t
Hornet dunnr the war. when he runaway car wtth thP brakM not
rona del Mar Post Otrk:e. SoaDd RCI9'Cil Sh.tpyarc1. 1'1lle wa~ a Marine combat pilot and set but with tlrr<: rTamJ)f'd to thf'
"We art-pLeased to ha~ th~ ..a obrioaa bapiou --t ._ m1r om~ In the South Pacltk.l curb. poll~ said.
expressloru which will be re·
taln~ In our flies ao that they
will be consider~ l1 a decision
Is made In this om~. 'n\il' Postal
Inspector has been enpg~ In
obtalnlng facts tor a report
which will be submltted. We
have not yet recelv.ed the report."
, ....... .., Wll
le IIIII Fer ..... and a brother. William S. Spann p.m. today (Thursday) In City Boats wtll form at the east
ot IUtnola. , Hall wtth rMJnben of the Balboa end ol Lido Channel, and the pa·
'nM Spanns boUiht their Co-Improvement .Aun.. to dbcuu rade will ltart at noon. The pa· 'Mie Costa M-·BaY ClUett
rona del Mar home tlw yean plantJna &MU In the Balboa rade will feature th~ Happy Branch of th~ CaJttomla National
qo and ..tabJI.Ihed thelr ,.J. b"*'-dJ.Itr1ct. Birthday Cake float. and wW PUch.s1a Society wtll be 1\c:.t to tenee hen In 18M. City Manacer Robert Shelton allo Include all types and me. 30 Southern Calltomla br'ancha
:rtM Rev. Jamee Stewart ot St a.ld tb1l ooald be t.be ttnt tn a of boats, accontlna to eo-cbatr. at their annual pic::Dk and boud
A.ndNwa .._.,)11ertan Onareh eerlea ol meetinp with clvte ... men Jam• Edwards and Capt. meeting Sunday noon at eo.ta
COftduc:ted the a~~ .X. SuDda7. ladatiou. Cy TUcker. M-PulL
• LIT"S TAU A LOOC AT PRoiiiisriiii 4
Thete Wt1 be • lot of proposit1on. to vot. on at tt.. NOV. 6 et.c.
fion. It's ,-ot too Mrly to st.n tol~ittt about t._, ond I wont to 'tt t::~~~~~~=~~=~~~!=~~~tt:::::~:J you ie 011 -r. tlt_irtlrifMJ .bout one in ,.tieU.r. Thet'a No. •· which is
usuelv idenh'tfed •• the 011 eonservotion or unitfzation rneeWN.
1he?ment for the propotition is based on the ~nown fod ~ cc.tNitd drilln4 of an ettti,. pod as • ai.,le unit wtJl procM;e
more oil then if each individuol operator tockl.d it eomP.t•ly on
his own. n.. pt'OJ)Otiiion woufd forCe o given field to be ~oped
•• • aingle urut if 75" or more of the interested ~rties ogree.
H.i9'a the way one suportor of the froposition puts it: "You
heor' """'Y .tranqe things frCN"n enemies o conservation. Pay no at·
tentiOft to them. They are people who do not wont to be regulated."
.... ... ~ -t. c-t......... .. ...... c.lfwM
T'R..lf'HOHU: ~ I t14 M4 1111
~ .. ~ a. • ......., ..... ,... c-. .. c::--. ~ .. .,. e.M.
,._,.,..... ~. -~ ....... City .................. Celf. OM.. ~ ,n.t'-9 ,._.a. tt.. .......... ~-L c-t ~.C.... .. .....,.
• • * Th. NIW'ORT HARlOt INS .. N ... ..... ........... -~ e _,.,_ ef ,._.1 ciN .... t'-.., 1~.-t ..f tt. S..W c-t t.io
,..... ~ • .f .. -.Mtl'*l .. ,........ .. ,...a. --, • ...,. ~ .... • -:} RUIY STEVEH.SON. .. _____________ _.._...,...._,
e C. ~ laAci fNID .hla JV'IDC JIOft. It wu llO
Expect to beat an fnaoeue hl plcllk, etth•. We IIIUI'ed Now there's a statement thot speaks millions! Include me in
among those people! I have o strange fancy to protect my freedom of MEMill Of THE ehol~ and action eoncerning those things that are my own. I went to CALIFORNIA NEWWAPD PUIUSHERS ASSOCIAnON
Navy Uaao beftebouta atoce tbe weflbed 12:5 Jk, Aa my ·
vtaJt of tlae cam. BGI'DIIt. which of the day, I brou1bt
created the bJcr-t tumult Jn .home wtth me. 'nloee
loeal drelea ld.nce the Scout Jam· haw aharp teeth, even be f,.. to m•ke my own mistakes, or to enjoy the rewards of my own ~of the NATIOfllAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATON
wis. decisions. That is the system of incentive end freedom that hos Lec:4ll IJU~pttofl ,:!~R'r.!?~.oo: ... YM,.....J.OO
nwtde our country great. Ovttid• ef ttt. H•..W AtN1-T-~7.00: ... .,.... 14.00
I firmly berieve that fr.. people will more consistently decide ARVO E. HAA'A I blltw Mil "'WW..
bone. Uke many of the crew, they'nt dead. I've wom a bandaJd
not nclud1n1 an elu.alve youn1 on one flneer tor a coupla daya. man named Sourbeer, we were • • •
"on the ~acl:." th1a Labor Day e TAIL&a
week·end. Shortly aftft the &hark action.
wisely end ad in their own lonCJ-range best interests, than can people 'EG HAA'A.. · -~.. .....,
who are bound in the chains of state ond federal regulations a nd WAllY IAXTEl -.Yver+W!tt Mau~
restrictions end quotes end controls. ::H:U:G:H=Mc=M~I~UA=N=====:;:======~N.~-.~~~=otf'=•p~w;::::
As long as I have the will to spook ond write I will stand agoinst < •
Durine a Yiltt to a West Cout I 1ot the aalt ott my eoecles and
Hwy. hardware .tore, a petJte apotted a taJlet. Tbla one, u they-
and attractive blonde reeretfully say in Mex1co, wu "no bambre."
told us that they dldn't handle So we ju.at rode around and •·
window elaa any more. But abe joyed the blue ~acUlc: untll
reeoiJllzed t.hla tale·teller, even when Larry yelled "Taller!"
the proposition that ''the ends justify the means"-the historical cry ~ _ J• ~~ el~
of all would-be dictators and despots. Certainly it is desirable to con-C CJ4j N c'>~
serve oil. But not by force ... not ot the risk of loss of even a little
bit of our liberty ond freedom of choice. While we may be saving o
whole lot of valuable oil, we might well be losing o measure of invalu·
• • •
a ble freedom.
,A,gre.d thot we would not become slaves just by voting Jes on
Proposition <4, but we would hove token onother6 step bad:war . And
it is the cumula tive effect of a lot of Proposition -4's, eoch with its
little surrender of liberty, thot con lead us to disester. • • •
A letter from Mrs. Howell Baker of Pasadena: "I do not approve
the sentiments ••pressed in the enclosed cli pping. Please concel my
subscription to your paper."
The clipping wos the lead item in the Ensign log of Aug. 23,
which remar~ed thot there's not much to choose between the Republi·
cons end Democrats. and os~ed loyol citizens to coli e holt to the
dongerous drift leftward by both Forties.
We can't hope to please al readers, bYt we do stond firm on
our convictions until ond unless we ore proved wrong. The threat of o
ca ncelled subscription is no argument that we ore wrong.
Mrs. Baker wos polite, in spite of her displeasure. But not so with
another communication received lost wee~. This one wos by phone.
~rom a. woman who biHerly oHoded tho Ensign's practice of publish.
mg pol•ce news. She spo~e with vituperation ond invective thot rivalled
the worst• I hove heord. ond she ended with invocation of the wroth
of God upon the publisher. In between curse words she soid thot pub-
lishing police news is cheap end ''hurts people."
Of course it would be ideal if we didn't hovo to publish ony bad
news. There is one perfectly simple woy to mo~e sure that we wouldn t.
The solution is: Just don t let that ~ind of news h<'lppen .
That's the only rolution. Newspapers don't e~ist to mo~e news, ~ut to publish it, good or bod. We would not be fulfilling our oblige
f•on , ond we would not long survive. if we were ro cow<'Jrdly <'lS to sup-
press ne ws because of o threat from on irate reoder. • • •
I heard <'l story so sod thot I can't even bear to tell the nome
It's o~out o loco I ellec.ulive who ordered <'ln impressive I OS inch des~
for h•s ~rand new off•ce. So ca reful was the supplier thot tho desk
wos del,vered to the office · knoded down," each piece separately
~opped to prevent any ~omoge. The lop was unwrapped. ploced top
s•de down on some podd•ng. so thot the four legs could be installed.
The I 6 screws were core fully fastened, ond then the des~ wa s gently
turned right side up .. All l b screws had come through the top!!
~ ..J6u12ED ./
In work:tne duda. She said <and Uke the other ~arly one,
we loved It) '1 liked your column marUn charaed the baJt before
e UQJITD n SEJT. 13 • WHO'S JIAVT LEACUEt about marlin fiabtne. I've never we were even claee. Elmer took
It La ab8olutcly impossible for How many of you noticed the tried Jt. but I eot so excited read· the rod. Latty the controls. It
me to over emphaslz.e the 1m· 5·llne news Item to the ettect ln1 about ft. I'm just about ntady looked Uke a unall one, but It
portance of tald~ advan~ of that the City Council "allocated to eo!" furnlahed me w1,tb a really ter·
your rlebt to vote. By recJ,stertng $1.200" of your tax dolJars to de· Chiquita, you should have rltJc 8et of pictures, u the 11tr
and voting, you eatn a ahare In tray expenses of the Aircraft been out with ol' Jose last Thurs· action was all cloee to my perch
the stock of the government; you Carrier Hornet visit. u requested da,y! Those pescadoe, they really In the brid,e. Larry, I notloed,
obtain a lloenae to "squawk" by the Navy Leaeue. put on a show. Sit down here, handled the bll DeDe like a
when thlnga don't suit you. Here are 80me questions that take ott your zapatos and relax. maater. The Old Maestro bad
Tell me one thine: Without have ~n tossed at me: Who 1s Fishing, where I wu, lut Thura· done a swell job tntnlne hla
thls license, just what right have the Navy League! ~lr purpoae day, wu muy bonita! boys.
you eot to gripe about the way &nd aim! What Wft'e the ex. · • • • At 3:46 - 1 h6ur, 5 minutes
the city, state and nation are penses to ~ defrayed, other than • LOOKI JIO aODI after the hook.up-tbere were t
belne run! those In connection with the UP· I needed some action pictures I marlin aboard the DeDe. Rlchard,
lt'a lnter~lne to no~ the par· keep of naval vessels In any of marlin flshlnc. It wa.s a toueb who handled the nae depart·
ticular are pup that seems to port! Are 2 of our councilmen, decls.lon to make, but I bad to ment. bad a ertn ao broad, u he
have the greatest Interest in ex-who are ex·Navy, mem~rs of choose ~een a rod and a cam· put u., the double nap. that I
erclslnr the voting privileg..e. 1 this League! era. Then too, I had to tak;e • could eM tJae braaea on h1s mo..
can best Ulustrate It by Deputy Unquestionably it wu a tiM look In the crysta.l ball and de· Iars. We pa.ed this nab at 120·
Registrar Ellen Travis' story of a show. Great publicity for the clde who seemed most likely to 125 lbL At the club tt welehed
couple who are 95 years young. Navy. It should ~ a boost for produce the action I needed for 136% and was No. 5 marlin for
It seems they walked a distance pictures. With three marlin to the DeDe. the Navy recruiting program. edt this th • • •
of 10 blocks In order to re·ntgi· Newport Beach was very fortu· c~~ll'ce ~u ~vioua. ~-=· ok.: Iter &her chanetne thelr address natA! to get such a show, but why • ~T IIDPT and prec.hsct number. They are should the taxpayers of Newport with Elmer Hehr, and Thursday The chlmea rane loud and long
the type who have voted In every Beach pay for the entertainment found us aboard the DeDe II with at the Angllne Club. It was the
election since the time they of the welJ .pald personnel of the the members of one of Newport fJnt double take of the seuon came of are. Hornet., Harbor's tlshlneest families. for Newport Harbor. Everyone
Now let's compare that with · Larry, who at 15 La an experl· was happy. I had a fine set of
the record of a ~In 21-year-I wJll attempt to ret an an-enced marlin skJpper, took turns pictures and a ttrrn conviction.
old lad who, in the space of 3 swer to these question for you at the controls with his dad. The latter I can pass along to
month, barely found th.e time to I by next Wet".k. Richard, just 12. proved early the petite blon~ In the hard·
sign his name to the affidavit of • • • that he was a rood cook. when ware atore. Yo• don't have to
registration made out for him e WAJTIJf' AT THE ELBE the hot coft~ and bacon and catch marlin to enjoy them!
before the deadline. Had it not I eRgs came up. to the brldee. Time wu when I wun't happy ~n for the ronstant urging of Lest some one Is left In the There were guests aboard also. If I wasn't fishing. But last
his par~nts. who knows whether dark by my reference last week Sammy Cordeiro, well-liked skip· Thursday, I swear I had u many
he'd have been bothered! j to our anny being stopped at th.e per of the Sport King. which Is thrills and as satisfied a feeling
ln<.'ldentally, It might Interest Elbe t!lver 1~1 Germ~;Y tso ~h~! now operating out ol Norm's at the end of that wonderful day
you youngsters to know that Lf ~k =a c pres ~ ;" J Landing at Santa Barbara, had as I've ever had when I wu on
your 21st birthday anniversary e i on 8 prom 0 oe brought his son. 1lmmy., and the rod·end of the mlng.
falls before the Nov. 6 election, Stalin to allow the Ru~lans to they were on the DeDe for a b\ll· e CBACI.AS. SEJIOll
you may register now and up advance to Berlin. Jet • ~ It man's holiday. Seenu like Sam -Thanks. Elmer! It wu a ,reat
until the deadline which is mid· clear .. Our edJtor and boss wu my knew whom to go fishing da.y. Thanlu, too, for that new
night NEXT rnURSDA Y, Sept. there at the Elbe RJver w1th our with, too, for four previous trips name you rave me. You told
13. and be eligible to vote In ~:n~ ~i' ~e ~f!-':at t~ with Elmer had netted him two some of the pther boats that you
November. n ro 0 e """ w~ marlin. had the "Solunar Statistician"
Wher,. can you register to before the end of the war, even • • • aboard. lt'a a compllm~. both
vote! The county office at Fltth rusheg s:c~ b a."d adva~~ e ACT101f MOW to me and to Jack Knl&ht, wbo
and Blreh. Santa Ana; the New-owar r n. u were pu Sammy was scheduled for the publishes the Solunar Tables.
port Beach City Hall from 8 a.m. back because of that terrible first strike. I found a spot on the Just ln cue you were too busy
to 5 p.m week days: or for those deal with the Russians. bridge, where my Rollelflex to look at 'em. we had aU our
people whose employment makes could pick up everything that hook·Upl dur1ne the predicted
It dlUicult to make It to either of Folks Urged happened and I made myseU as feeding periods. The one I these two places during open small as possible. We \)Ut the spotted that wu "no hal'1'\bre ..
hours. there Is a llst In last balta In at 7:15. At 7 :40 sharp· came alone at recesa, a little too
wt'Y'k's Ensign of deputy volun-eyed Sammy spotted his quarry. early tor the afternoon action t~rs. who are authorlzed to regt. To Re 9•1 ster a taller going places. the up of session. ster you. This category also In· hls black sickle barely showlne P.S. The Hehrs went flshlne
eludes all those whose age. dis-now and then. Elmer headed hls again the next day. Larry caught
ability or lack of transportation The f 0 1 1 0 wine proclamaUon, way. Before we even had the up to Elmer with another, for a
makes It hard to go to the regu-calling on citizens to register tor baits In front of him. he came total of 6 on t.he DeDe n, 1956
Jar plaoes. I voting. was Issued Ju t w~k by In like a torpedo, spumed both season. One of these days 111
In addition to the above there Dora o. HU J. mayor of the City Dying fish and took an Hawaiian tell you how Elmer does It-
will be a booth set up by these of Newport Beach: knuckle head that wu close to after I've snage~ a splke·blll volunt~rs In the Corona del Mar the boat. In the center. His strike myself.
O.lr Choice ... Sol~ Here
All ·Amerlcan Market from 3 to PBOCLAJIATJOK was wickedly t>eautltul, right P.P.S. Coneratulatlons to an·
7 p.m., beelnnlng today IThurs-WHEREAS. It ls the privilege under my nose, but I'm subject other little lady. Stephan I e
day) to take care of the last of each qualified citizen of the to that malady known 1n hunt· Batey, flahlnl with husband
week stragglers. United States to vote-In each lng circles u buck fever. The Doue on the Javelin, welehed In
• • • and every election; and camera was all set but I wasn't. the blgge.t loeal tuna of the
~~ .-an
llA lMD
''Be SUTe-Insure ''
Phone Harbor 2474
3315 E. Cout Highway
Corona del Mar
Res. Phone, HA 5232
' Sales. Servt~ and RepaJre
Tenn.s, 10 Per Cent Down
Phone Harbor 5330
1014 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa . ....... ~ ........
..... ll&iq
and Insured
L L lt'EIDE e JAil FOJICE :aEUlnOif I just stood there like a dummy aeuon Monday. It went 40 lb.,
About 60 retired Air Force of -WHEREAS. a General Election and yelled, "Strlke!" 9 oz. Some bluetln! ...._.OilS ...._ e
flc,?fs attended the get-together 11 being held November 6• l956; This fish wasn't for Sammy. ,;;;;;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~;;.~iii
Specials for Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.. Sept. 6. 7. 8th
C1J1)AJI1"'S-..SSaa -W1llole HAMS 57~
a:atu CUT
we planned for last Friday at and Everyone dld everything right, r
Chef s Inn. There was a sprtnk-WHEREAS. the au~ of our but after 4 minutes of wild ac·
ling of stars Cgeneralsl, and a system of eovemment depends tion, which tncluded every trick
mllky way of colonels (a dime a upon the fullm partklpaUon In In the marlin acrobatic l1lt. he
dozen). They seemed to enjoy lt. Ita processes by all cllluns; went "puh·tooeY' and got rid
That'a what they aald, anyhow. NOW, 11:IEBEFORE. I, DORA of the knuckle·head.
and thent were many remark& on 0 . HlU., do hereby declare the • • •
what a 1ood idea It wu, and week of Septem~ 6th through • MOD AcrtOJI
many expresaJons of hope that September 13th, 1956 u w~ pollahed oft 80me more of
we repeat every 3 months. VOTER'S REGISTRATION WEEK Rlchard'a pod hot coffee and
Incidentally, ~ dtd not re-and 1 urge all cttlama of the City kept eyes open. No more taU.. It
queat an "allocation" of tax of Newport Beaeh, who have not seemed. We had ju.t about
funds from the City Counell for pte'Vlously rect.tftecl. or whoee calmed down from that om
entertalnment purposes. It wu reeistration hu been dlsquall· ahow, when No. 2 hlt. It wu a Du~h treat all the way, from fled for one reuon or another to blind strike on a flylne flah. AI
aperUlfa to beer, from soup to reglster on or before September Sammy took the rod, Elmer aaJd
nuts. 13, J.9S6. out of the comer of his mouth,
'1'11 bet 100 to 1 It' a a &hark."
It sure acted like one. No fut
runs, no Jumps-Just enough lln•
atolne ott the reel to know theN
wu 80met.hlna oJa the other end.
Finally with everyone pretty
sure It wu no needle~, the
alack llne wu taken up and a
couple of lu.ty Rrlk4!tl ~ ad·
mlru..tend. Tbe Up of the IU.a·
fJa beat. Jamtr IIIUtte'ed. "Well,
tiNIN'a ~ • liMn." 'nMn. au ot a ....,.. a bl&.
lileiaU:ttf\al ~ fllb came
out Ia a ..,._ GC white wee..
"''t'a a marU.. • aoe~ ,eiJed.
... bQq 1fltb tM eunera, bcit .....,. that Sallull,. • .,..
~oat • tun 2 lndMiL
An how and za mlauw law,
~ bad .. tllW .., .... ,.
1M DIDe. lt ._ a --· We ...-...tt ..... 1ao--...a ,... ............... ..
...,. hlftill a.~ ~~~e ..-
ml16. • •
1M Eu, Way te s,ee.i U, Y• Day
UICilll'' MOP ''
11'111-oP· TR-IIOITii
..,. .we-~ ....... '--.rat ... ,..,. MCorcl to .................... ........,. , __ ... tlwl • lll1llJGII
..... .. ... ,.., .. .... ........... ., 1ut ,.,.
LMe ...._... .. ,.,.._ laduded
C h W. . lJ .... ......., dwltltqa, tarf •. ~=~~~~~!!f as 1nner m; ..... s..wt chNUblp, wr.· r f~ IJi'-"j .,d I ::.:....~:~:.,:
101 ISTIMArl CAU •••
o ~o y ·me a :..,~-:-~= • s·h • 2 OOIIUDerdal bulldJnp, ...,; In ootlng 3 Npalra to commerdal buUcl· lQp, .,.7.500: 2 alpa, t1.858.
J1nal perlllJW tor Aupat ln· A econ of 176 out ol 2)0 woa eluded:
the aareaate rold medal tor • atw& TXDAca
Robert CUb ot 410~ W. WU.On L s. Jtowbeny, 1-.tory, 1-unJt
St., eo.t.a Mesa, at the recent ctweutnr at 1317 DoJpbJn Ter-
platol matches at the South Coaat race, $31,000; Maceo Co.rp., 1· ~un Club. He at.o .. won the ltory, l ·unlt dwelllnr at 724 rue. your handicap mat~ by Malabar, $23,100; W. P. Bonner,
accurately na.mlnr h1a handicap. 1·atory, 1-unlt dweutng at 1.223
John B. McPhee, AllC, USAF, Dolphin ftrrace, $50,000.
formerly ot Corona del Mar and e c:o.o•A D&L IIAa
now stationed at IUverai~. won Lola Vogel. 2-atory, 1-unJt
the gold metal wtth a 1100re ot dweUtnr at 2718 Sbell St., Cblna
851n the muter cl .. of the <:en· Cove, 116,590; 1. P. Ingram. addl·
ter tl.re match. He alto took the t:lon at 319 lumJne, $3.000; Leon
muter class gold metal ln the Rhinehart 1-atory, l ·unJt dwell-
.22 ealJbre match wtth an 89. lng added at 3CT1 HeUotrope, 113,-
A.ahby Powell ol 319 Pot.n.ettla :100.
Ave., Corona del lola.r, wu e ••rwzwW"IO""'IIT IIEIGJITS
awarded the aUver medal 1n the lohn Vogel, 2-atory, 1-unJt
expert class with a 800re ot 88. dwelllng at 3011 Beacon St., $18,-
llr. Caah won the aba.rpahooter 800.
bronze metal with a 100re of .90. • a~A
Pistol match .. are 'held the Hale J'f~ld, alterations at 503 La-te Reg·•strat·.on fourth Sunday of each month, W. Edgewater, $5~.
atarttng at 9:30, at the range lo· • lf&WIOIIT 111.. A QCC S f
eated just ott MacArthur Blvd., Mrs. H. L Grey, alterations at t et or Sept I I 14 lnJand from Corona del Mar. 2430 W. Coaat Hwy., $2,000; H. A. New deputy treasurer of the • -C. I rmoa Plana are now under way for Meller, shingle roof at 107 29th City of Newport Beac:b l.a Lee
tn.tallation of turning ta.rgeta. St.,; E. Rossen, alterations at 125 (Mrs. Arthur) Macdonald, who Orange Coast College an-Sept. 11, but certain claues will
CICIOalltll. ...... a..... of It Is expected that they wUl be 35th St., $900. lives at 455 Legion, Laguna nounoes a specia l late rectstra-stlll be open, &aid Dr. Donald
ldlld of dlbtll -tn operation for the next matches, • LIDO ISLE Beac:h. t1on for classes from Sept. 11-14. ,Pehlke, dean ot students.
bllric& ·-.:::•:._:~::::::-1 Sept. 23. G. L Harbour, alterations at She and her husband c:ame to Classes start next Tuesday, Regular registration c: 1 0 5 ~ d
-. • We edtuaw .U --. 604 VIa Udo Nord. $2,680, and de-Laguna 2 yean ago, after Uvlng yesterday. Enrollm~nt has al-
CBEDIT BUREAU .. w ...... a.-.. c..aty
( fonnerlf ol Newport Beach
Laguna Beach A Costa )(esa)
1M 1Utwill6t A.._IO ...
1.lbelty ~, ...... pwt ....
Pope Is Head
Of Builders
mollsh bath house at sam~ ad-In San FrancliJco tor 11 years. I .-..-..-.1 c.-.. llbr ready sw~Jled way over a 1.000.
dreu, $200. Mrs. Macdonald auc:ceed.s Mrs. ~ -r ._ OOictaJ.a predict an enrollment
Richard UUenthal ot Cllft Haven, • ftl.l ft.... ... J close to 1.500, almost 250 more
Por letterheaaa and envelo~ who bas transferred to the city UIW U. -than the previous high of 1250
Call the En.aiiJl. Harbor llU. lloense department. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Baker, students who were ~t.t~ last
3616 Ocean Blvd~ Corona del year. 8 •1d• C d • S f d Mar, will participate in th~ Dr. hhlke said he was ex-Max w. Pope, eo.ta Mesa Ul •ng 0 e IS a eguar ~urth B~nnlal Reno Tour to be tnmely pleased with the way
builder and realtor, has been held by the Horseless Cardage rectstratlon has run at Orange
elected aa the first president of For Res·. dents of our c·.ty Club of Nevada. at Reno, Nevada. Cout thla year and d~lbed the JAM E S the newly organized South Coast Sept. 11, 12. 13. and 14. sfgn.up operations as having run
Chapter of the BuUdlng Contrae-1 They will drive a 191.2 Pleroe real smoothly. Most ot the stu-• D. tors Assn. ot Calttomla. He wu ltr a. A. GLDW. Dtnc:tow other large jurisdiction. The Arrow mod~l U.U., roadster. 'l'bey dents kept their appolntmenOI.,
er and had been aervtng u tem-Qty of •e.rpon 8eada represented at Jll Bulldlng OUI-Horseless Carriage Club mem· lines. students hav~ been ex-
one ot the orranlz.era ot the chap· Dapaba•t of 8alJ4Ja9 & Safety state Fire Marshal Is always well I w11J Join more than 500 other there were nev~r any real long
R A Y pora.ry chairman. The 19C9 Unttorm Building clals Conferences. bers trom several neighboring tremely pleased with the per.
Carter Clark of Costa Mesa Code, which governs all buUdlng The structural tequlrementsl states. who have entered more sonal attention and concern ._......_ C 1r.......a was named secretary-treasurer. construction In this City, was c:aJled for In the Code are the than 150 antique automobiles In shown by Orange Coast College
........ ... The Board of Directors Includes adopted May 9, 194.9, by Ord. No. "minimum'' for aate and sound the tour. All ot the cars wtll be counselors. and students have
Frank Blase! of Costa Mesa, Oean 594. construction. However, It they 1 from 1900 to 1915 vintage, thelr h ad a good choloe ot classes to ~~-~~~ ~.. Kephart of Newport. One Young The Uniform Building Code are compUed wtth the building I drivers and passengers will be tit their curricula. he said.
of Laguna, Jo.hn Douglass Jr. of was flrlt adopted by the Pac:Wc will be aa1.e according to the 1 attired In authentic costumes Although ma ny cia~ hav~ H~ 4761 San Clemente and Ken Bone of Coast Building Officials Confer· most modem engineering design appropriate to the year of th~lr been closed, ther.c are still sev-~~~·~""'!!~·-!!:~H~A~~~~·~·~ .. ~~!I Cor<Jna del Mar. MUM Thomu ence at Its 6th Annual Meeting and calculations. cars. eraJ open for late registrants, Dr.
:: of Laguna la vice-president. In October, 1927. It might be well to keep In Pehlk.e said. He urged stud~nts
CALL 11IE ENSIGI'f at Harbor Mr .. Pope saleS that Immediate This Conference, of whJch your mind that your own aatety and H--L "·fchll ley to sign up early, before Sept. 14,
t :U to order lett8'beada, •wl· chapter plana call for .. latlng City la • first class member, the safety ot your Immediate ._, uti • In order to avoid missing th~
opel, bu.atne. earda, 8tatementa, the eouth coaat dt1M to establish meets annually to d1acuu and rwlgbbors, u well u the aatety 11 .... .._ If 11.........1 start of classes. In~ ,_.. ... • ......_. buUdlnr eoct. and mor• con-consider revlaJons to the Cod~ ot the entire City, are concerned ._ --Students Intending to still reg-
tier, m. EMirn pdJrt8 It ~. al«ent and ev~ry third year votes on In the R:ructural provisions. and Two pron,p ot a three-way lster should rt'port to th~ Admin· ,_ ____ ._ _____________ ._._. ... ililliiiiillii'"t thotfe revisions and the results the fire preventive and contain-hook ·became imbedded In th~~lstratlon Building at Orang~
F be are Incorporated In the trl·an-ln~ design, of your building. back of the head of Donald E. Coast Coii.Pgt-. 2701 Falrvt~
I bert Or S nual ediUon. Matters of a tecll-Thus to obtaJn fire protection It Newman, 10. of 1~·26th St.. New-Road. Costa Mesa. Th~ campus 0 nlc:al nature a.re referred to a la often necessary to go beyond port Beach, whJJe fishJfag on the Is located betweftl Falrvt~ Road
highly competent and etfldent and above the requirement. for Newport Pier at 3:15 p.m. Tues. I and Harbor Boulevard. a f~ BUILDEB
•arlter ••• JIOI
n.. Ct•wtall -Dt ' ) I <i
Alpbalt TUe -Rubber TUe
Form.lc:a -LlDoleum nJe oaaTIIS' I.Df~
lJI &. IM lt. C... ..._
I..DZAI I a.a5l ..._
22 Yean 1D Oranp County
reeea.rcll committee compc»ed of mere atruc:tural stability. day. Aur. 28. mlles north of Pacific: Coast
members of the Conteren~. The BuUdtnr Department la The youth was fishing w1t.h a Highway and lh~ towns of New.
The, one vote of Newport lftponsible for enforcing all re-friend. ,Bob ~ Latham. same port Beach and Costa MK&.. Ilea~ • rept'ftentatlve ea.rrlM as quirementa of the St4te Houslnr address. Neither boy could dell-CoU~ Pt\one numbers are
much weight u the one vote cast Act wbleb a.re more reatrlctJv~. or nltely say who actually handled IOmberly S-1151 and l..Ex!~on
by Loe Anples County or any are not covered. by the Bulldfnr the pole durlnr the accident. The 6-<IO!H.
Dr. Bridgman
Back at OCC
Code. hooks were remowd at Hoar ============
A "CertJflcate of Occupancy" Is Hoapltal. All your printinq n--.Js w'•ll L._ required to be Issued by the -------h ...., oe Building Department before a LECAL lfOTJa andled convenienilv and court-
buUdlnr may be oecupled. 'lllla •onCE OP PUaUC BEAaDfC eouslv in the completely-eQuip.
appUes to all commerclal and Amendment No. 27 ped Job Printinq Oepertment of"
. To S.V. Yo.
mo.... A ...
PHONE HY. 4-lln
601 N. 8 c..ino ltMI
fiHONE HY.a..tt. 2,1191
• HY.antft 2-1196
Costa Mesa Luna•erCo.
h The En$iQn,
Dr. Donald C. Brh.lgman, coun-apartment ouse structures. An Resolution No. 604 =~;;::.::.::..:_-=====--=====::i_============~ aelor and payeholoiY Instructor, apartment ho~ la defined as a Notice l.s hereby given that the --
has returned to ~ge Coast ~ctu.re with t.hree or more PlannJng Commission of the City
College after a year's sabbaticaL dwelUng units. All buildings In· of Newport Beach will h old two
LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS During bJa leave Dr. Brfdgman eluding ainrle dwellings must public hearings on the appllca-
recelved his doctorate at the have a final appro~ lnspectJon lion ot Planning Commlss1on
UnJverafty of Southern Callfor-before gas or electricity may be Resolution of Intention No. 604 ·~ ...._ c.e. .._ nfa • turned on. to amend Ordlnan~ No. 635 to ~-······················~~ Bela one ot the faculty orJgl. A Building Permit li required provide tor a new zone classitlca-
PLUMBING HEAnNG .. -U.Hr. ~ Senice Bepaias
........ l"r • ..., • ... .......... Clllla ....
nals, and baa been at Oran,e to erect. construct enlarge, alter, Uon to be known as an M-1-A
Coaat CoUege a:1nee the .ehool repair, mow , lmprove, convert. dlstrlct.
started Ita full·tlme day program remove, or demollab any buUd-Notice Is hereby further given
In 1948. lng or structure In the City. A that aald public bea.rtngs will be
Dr. Bridgman Is renowned tor BuUdlng Permit Is required for h~ld on the 20th day of ~ptem
ploneerlng the .Marr1ap and any work eost.lng $31.00 or more ber, 1956. and the 11th day of
Famll)' Btiatlona course at Or-for labo.r and material. October, 1956. at the hour of 8;00 anee Coast. He baa worked wtth A separate J)6!nnlt J.a ~ulred p.m. In the Council Chambers ot
the nationally famous ma.rrlap tor electrical plumbJng, plaster· the Newport Beach City Hall. at
coun.elOI' Dr. James Petenon of tnr. lathing, masonry, and tile which time and pia~ any and
the Unlwnlty ol Southern CaU-work. aU persons Interested may ap-
fomJa, and baa conducted bla Further lnfonnatlon will be pev and be bYrd thereon.
own re.a.rdl on tbe reactions of gladly given at th~ BuUdlng De-RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary
atudenta to mama .. education pa.rtment ln City Hall, Harbor Newport Beach Ctty Plan-
COUI'8es given 1D California jun-3131. ninr Corrunlalon.
101' colletft,
Dr. Brlqman recel~ hl.a AB
at Chapman and h1a Masters at sc.
A trlcUd tictr Of I ,.....
rhino lftiY bl '"bii ,.... " but
neither offtf1 ttlf IIC~ inter·
tst your "dozina dollars" do.
Now's tint to hunt tt1em out of
ttll sur• bowl, from undlrttlllftlt·
tress or In same low ..,...lpll
~, •• l(tKJ of tht ftdtrll
lllert's a bic pfus s,ttlsflctW.
too. Your ftiCIMY Ill till • ff
lOins builds ••• "-ts-rt-
models llis--...-... &GOd people to ,. .... ....
...,.. till .,.. ff ...... ..
focused-in Or1111 Couty.
Theft's .. NeW ••+ nt.,.
....... il ........
tt's .., 11.,.. • , __ w,_-..._,.., ___ ..... ,.. ... ... ,,.. .......... .. ........... _ --·bt•-. ............... ,. .... ,...
f luKy summer cottoru
may "cover a multitude
of mu" but this fill you1J
want to be slender.
Yoo an ~e that
new figure so plc:asandy
the proved, scienufac
Stauffer Sysccm way.
Stauffer ddiven weight
Joss, ioch loss and a more
beautiful posture. Maude
is also 6rmcd so Wn 6ts
unoothly across your
new contoun.
And each and eTt:ry
Stauffer visit is a JOOCb-
ina and delightful expo-
nu11111. wsrr. CaD today
£or a 6gare ...lysil md
CW illtSJ de111 !C•tcim
Stanfler . ., . ., ....
~ADD.JU'a ..... ,.
We al10Gfll
go s. P."
................. --_____ ..__._. ..
Ftre Chief lan Brltcoe at Mew·
port Beaeh attended tbe 6l.lt an·
nual conference of the Pac:ttle
Coast lnter·Mounta.ln ~atlon
of Fire Chlefa 1n Sac:ramento
from Au1. 21 to Au1. k Sublefta
considered at the conferenee In·
eluded volunteer fire departmmt
probleM. eomnnndcatloa Ill the
fire aerv1ee, anon. control of
natural ru ttr., PI)'Cholor:Y In
the fire 8erY1ae, pablle re1at1ana.
problema of a new ebJef enrt.neer
and mUUon dollar tin..
ri. ..,, L rss
t ; '
~· .
IT I Ill
ll&iul ~ eluvtJa,· ol ~ e.J'uJke
-----nil w• _.I_, WMk ••••• .. Y•-----
rml'l' caoaca OP aDJIT
ICI&Widf ,_.._i:::-' ....
Sunday Schol: 9:15 a.m., Sun·
day Service: U :OO a.m. Wed·
Mllda)' ~ Meettnr: 8:00.
R.eadlna Jtoom. 1315 Vla IJdo. Newport' ... ell, open 9 a.m.·
5 p.m. week da~ 9 a.m.· 7:45
p.m. Wettn.daJ'I, 7-9 p.m. Frl·
[=~~~D~ :]
_, WIIAID IOATS .,...._...,._DY_..
.,.. ......... c.... ....
Uilerty 1-2062
~....,.,. ..... a... ... .,.OM.t......,,m ...........
IDIW.c-ttl .. ,,....,... ....
THE lAY OErr. STOU n. ..... r.s. ,., n. ...... v .. L.w.
WeSMSIHe-..... ................... ..........
IIU. A..ETa-tER n. ............
............ a.-. .,. ....,.,. ..... c..e. ....
..... &.....; .....
,......, ............. ,...... ....... ..,.a.. ..... ~NGI
,.. • Cutrut Ut at, ..._ ..... ,.,,... o4 ........ ~ ..... • &J.tr
, .. "•••O ••• w
.-LC......,_C:... .. W. ...... ..
JOt.lif I. MDLEIIt. 1tM1tor AI,__ •f-4 a n•
nn L c...t ..., .. c-...,.._ ......,Ia!
!low It can be 80ld •••
-atbboa ..., lrOilll the ~
County J'air ... So batten....,.
your bar-b-q'a, ablne '-'P ,ow
broOen, your frylne paru~ and
chew ott a hunk of thla aolcl
plated flavor for 4lnner • • . IM·
llew me, bed never had It 10
beautttull Aged to a T for ten·
~ and tant&l~ t.ut1D1 ... ., lwlfb~ 80 red. 80 wtll
marbled wtth velnll of fat
through tbe lean, 1n vivid eon·
trut to the out. layen o(
c:ream,y •bite . fat . • • It' a all
yoUJW . . . a whole llhow c;a.M full
... T · b ones, Chuck aout..
round llteak.l, rib routs. even
cround beef ~ar the Bb• JUb-
bon .aJ of approval for a once
In a ute ttme best beef buy ...
There wUl be plenty for every·
body. All three daY' tbJa Tburs·
day, Prlday and Saturday, all the
bed you will be able to buy
bere wUl be Blue RJbbon Bed
from the Orange County Fair . . .
And here l.s the nicest part of all
•.. There w1ll be no lnc:reue ln
CO IIIMG Tim CAD eat till* • t t•"9 11 pttc. at -A....SO • .... c.... del ........ --~ IlL __. ll.n. Jolul a-u I PCIIto ,.. a.w,. a. a.. ........... llacy wa~w. (P~ ,._..>
Nancy Lou Walter of COM
Bride of John RusseU Fox
John Russell Fox and Miss Mother ot t.l}e bride received
Sguare Dance
.UnitS Merge
ne ~ an4 1....-. dt·
ate -auare claDoe d.-llflOD•
eared b)' the w..,an .... ·-.e.
re.doD ~ .... -•• " an4 &N DOW B IMf.ftl f/ftl7
'ntunday eYMIDI fNiia • .., 1.1.
The CIOIDblnM pou,. .,.. eGG·
tlnulq at the hatl!n'Wdlatw ~eft~.
at tbe (:otDnnUlltJ Youth O..W.
Fifth '"· at Irta Ave.. Ccl'oba del Kar .
.A1 Lockahey, Who bas ~
u tn.struc:tor for botll ~
wtll continue u ea.Uer and lD·
.uuctor for the combi:Ded clua.
Experienced equare dancers who
h.aw been wattlnr for the eta.
to advance beyond the !Jeelnnlnl
lf'WI are lnvtted to join at thla
wu..zLII1'S Ill co.TA IIDA
'nle Harold Wllhelm1a have
moved to • E. 20th St.. ec.t.a
Mea, from 515 Alt.o, Newport
* * * Nancy Lou Walter exchanged guNtl 1n a apl~ cbJt(on d.rfts, ~=========;:=; weddlnr vows. at a double rinl with ~tchlng ahoes, a white ;
nao. ... yoa wlao 11M. UttJe .......... .,.....c......-
.. taY ..... bata.s tlboat
It • • • H yoa wWa to fW ap
you e.-... TMy .... ...s ................
* * *
Sherrill Daughters Recite
Vows in Double Wedding
wore an American beauty allk lleMce performed Aur. 2S by the cloebe hat with spice colored
gown with pink a~rles and Rev. Edwin C. Comke at the Co· veU. She wore white orchids. Mrs.
a white orchid corsage. rona del Mar Community Church. Fox wore a blue chiUon and lace
Alter a honeymoon In Oreron. Tbe voom Is the son of Mrs. dnss with blade mv~ hat and
the newlyweds,• Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fox of West Springfield. a coraage ot spider orchids.
Ehlen, will make the~ home at Mus.. and the late Mr. Fox. Mlu Pollowtnr a h on e y moo n
At a double-ring ceremony 1n and Robert Pestolesi of Long Martinez, where the voom will John S. Fox of West Springfield. throufh the northwest. the young
the late afternoon of Auru-t 26, Beach. be located ln bwlness. WhUe Mus., and the late Mr. Fox. MJ.ss couple will llve In South Pas&·
the two daughtas ot Mr. and Mr. Owsley bad Douglu Kirk· there. Sharon wUl do her practice Walter'• parents are Mr. and dena. The new Mrs. Fox La a
Mrs. Georee Sherlll were united patrick of Garden Grove a.s hls teaching ln nearby Walnut Creek Mrs. Hamilton Patton of Alham· atudt'nt nune at Pa.aadena City
1n marrJage by Rev. James S. best man and Steve Schowler of In order to complete her degree bra and 408 Avocado Ave., Co· College and Huntlnrton Memor·
Stewart at St. Andrews Presby· Newport and Jerold Eckels of In education. She hu nearly rona del Mar. tal no.pital, Padden&. She cnd-
terlaft Church. Miss Sharon Grace San Marino a.s uahers. Uttie completed all her college work Summer fabrics and blue and uated from !fewport Harbor High
AA yoa lmow, all beef IOld ln Sberrlll wu wed to Jack William Danny Lacy of Udo served aa at San J~ State. Her husband La white color .cheme were chosen School and attended the Unlver-
our meat cues Ia chol~ ... Ehleh ot Martinez and Mlu ring bearer and Karen and Carol a graduate of the University ot by Mia Walter for her weddlnr. stty ol Colorado. where she wu
Tbere Ia none finer except prime Darlth Mae Sherrill married Wll-Crawford, nieces of Mr. Ehlen. New Mexico. The eandlellt church wu decor· amJlat.ed wtth Alpha Chi Omeg_.
•.• Now prime bed 1.1 few and Uam J. Owsley of San Marino. were nower girls. Wedding solos The new Mr. and Mrs. Owsley at.ed with wbJte asters. stoclt and Sorority.
riG &. COAST mGIIWAT c-dal-.... .., far between and not avaUable to Parenti of the brides Uve on were rendered by Robert Eborn, will Uve at Bedlanda alter lhelr gladioli. The bride. wh~ real The groom graduated from the
all to the publJc, becaUtle lt Ia Newport llland. Mr. Sherrill La a c com P a n I e d by Mra. Ralph honeymoon 1n Santa Barbara. father Ia deceased. was e-lven In University of Massaehusetta and
matched up by ratau.,antl and chairman ot the Newport Beach Deaver at the organ. The groom ls a senior at Red· maniare by her step.father, Mr. Harvard School at Bwlness Ad· Patronizle tbe mercbanta wbo
botela ... However, I've e-ot a Parks and Recreation Cornmls· Following the duo ceremony, lands Unlveralty. Darlth. who Patton. She wore a white em· ministration. He wu a member actwnae lD tbe Newport llu'·
meaklnc auapldon a f~ of alon. Mr. Ehlen t. the 80n. of Mr. a reception for 400 guests wu craduated In June !.ro~ewport boldered Swt.u organi:ly ,-own ot Theta Chi Fraten.tty. bar Enld&'D-these Blue RJbbon ~auties and M.ra. Edward P. Ehlen at held In the ehurch parlor, where Harbor Blgh School, •ill also wtt.h a boutfant aklrt of waltz ________ .:._ ______________ _
mJcht j\dt happen to fall Into Tustin. Kr. o.v.Jey Ia the 10n ~ white gladioli and cltrysanthe· enroll at Redlands this fall. length that dlpped to the Qoor
that prime catecory . . . We'll Mrs. Robert o.ntey and the lite mums provided a weddlnr atmo· In bac:k. An imported orcandy
never lmow and neither wtll Dr. Owaley ot San Marino. sphere. Mlu Karybeth Kirkpat· \ Juliet eap outllned with aeed
but mould that ·lltea.k taste The brides wore lMnt.k:a.l rlc:k of Garden Grove and M1u .... W1l IIIII pearls held her fingertip veil.
IIQ1Dethl.na you · drtve llllM8 to J'O'WM o1 white ehantllly la~ Carol AnD Edwa.ra. ol ~ She earrled a bouquet of white
80IDe ~al reataw-ant for . . • ovw .. ttn. ,_.., tlncertJp vella llland prealded over the euest ,._... llat'nz orchids and stephanotla.
you'll lmow the nuon · · · were held by anall creKent book. d Mrs. ... .... Mia Phyllls Lake ot Balboa
* * *
ba C11U little ...... ..t Ia
tnat 111 • A'•'"' illf r red bf tlile0.Wflc..atr~~ a.t~ea ... _..,, w11at It Ia
cdl ... t ••• h .......... .............. ..., .. __
..... a.-.... toW ........ It --r -w ..... ell ...... Ia
..., way ••• h ...... tiUa ., ........ ..u. ....
•Jot .,.. w.. lt ........ -...to..-It.-!"'_. tit
.... --..... CIIII'IY -wltla ..... ,..., dal* ......
c.-.. .....u .. tlala --.. • waf U.ply let ._ ...
.... I d Dr. ILl)., -Odlo-pcltla ....... I8 ...... W. .. ..w ......... ........... ............ ~--.......... .._ ... o.,.
eo.atr Cllqlw ol ... ~-
-~ Aaltdatiea ••• ........... ..., .... ......
.. INead .......... ..
..... d ............. lt
••• Al8o .......... ...
Ulalt.cl .. liMit ...... .
* * *
"Newport Beach Ia a Colden
Pla.:e to Shop beeau.e .... "
Raw you enteNd t.he Golden Ju·
bUee eonte.t yetf You mlJht wtn
"-00 or t!5() or $25 ..• Tbe con·
teat cl<*e September S. thla
Saturday ..• Jl'orma an avall·
• • •
llhaped ea~ Darlth carrlH a Gr~:: .=~ a~:::f ;: brides. Chrht Church by the Sea ot Island was maJd ot honor. She
bouque;t of wbJte roMS. while aaJsted with the reception u did I Newport Beaeh w1ll hold Its fall wore a bouftant white Imported
Sharon • bridal bouquet wu Mrs. w D. Klrpatrkk and Mra. 1 planning con£erence Saturday, volle rown with a square collar
pale p.lnk ~ and ea.rdenlas. Kl!t'bert.IOeppe Mra. Sherrill re-Sept. 15. at the church. The acs· trlrnJMCI with comfiower blue at
Both gl.rl'a attendantl were celved . esta in a mauve lace slon will open at,9 a.m. with a the bodJce and endlnr In a baek d~ all.ke In princess atyle ~ ~tchlnl aC'ceSSOrlets brlef wonhlp and 80ng service. bow. A blue headpiece and del·
JOWDS In ballerina len~ ~ :::n wearing a corue-e of gar· Tb~re will be a general dl!lc:US· phlnlum bouquet matched the
matching la~ picture all. e denlu and pale pink roses. !l6il on the central purposes of trimming of the dress. Brides·
maida of honor wore pink ~th The voom'a m 0 the r, Mrs. a local church. and then the five maids. Klslles Jean Foulks of
the brldesma.lda an even pa er Ehlen wore a blue lace gown commissions will meet u work· San Frand~~eo. Audrey Adams of
shade and they all carried n:e· and h'at with mauve gloves and shops to develop plans for future San Marlno and Jeanlnne HUt of
gay bouquets of pink and w te an orchid corsage. The other prorrama. A covered dish lunch Long Bead\, ~ stmllar dres3es.
carnations. voom's mother. Mrs. Owsley, wtll ~ served at noon. Serving as best man was Allen
Attendlnc Sharon w~ Mlaa Kaufmann of Pacific Palisades..
Kaqe Fulbrteht of Corona del d Ushers were Lt. Richard Patton.
Ka.r u mald of honor and MJ.a Fash·eon Show on lues ay u . L. E. RobUlard and Melvtn Roulle Rocca ol San Jose and Eldall. The bride's young cousin.
Mlaa Joan KJnaes of Clltf Haven Craig Quarles of Costa Mesa. was u bridesmaids. Miss Janice A luncheon meeting and fash · heads given Thursday at the Bal· rlnr bearer. Little Patricia Eldal Wlt.l~ of R.edoncSo Beach wu ton show on Tuesday will open boa Bay Club by the new presl· of Covlna was Oower gtrl. Wed·
Darlth'a maid ot honor and the fall elub aeason of tile Lldo dent, Mrs. Martin J. Lockney. dlng music was provided by J ~ Suaan and Karen ~ley Isle Women's Club. Marshall Officers present Included Mmes. Leslie Steffensen, soloist, and
of San Marino, the groom I al.s· Shaddock will commentate on PhUip Stambaugh. first vice. pres· Miss Mar<>aret Scharle, organist t~ w~ brldeamalda. the new autumn atyl~ !dent; L. R. McCulley, second •
J11bert Crawford of San Jose, Plans for the coming year were vlce·presldent; C. E. Vandervort. Following the ceremony a 1'1!·
brother-In-Jaw ot Mr. Ehlen. recording secr~tary; Les Little· ceptlon was held In the carden
llel"Ved u hls best man. Ushers dlscu&sed at a brunch meeting john, corresponding secretary; of the bride's family home In Co·
wen Wayne Hughes of Newport for the board and committee ~leld Dinwiddie, treasurer; rona del Mar. Her two aunts. ~;;:;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;=; and Thomas Letto, pariJamen· Mn.. Mark H. Gilman and Mrs.
• tarlan. June Peterson. assisted with the
C VW,. Q.ellty)
INCIAL , ... ,..
•as na li&RIIIiiP ......... ~. ---
Mrs. Lockn~y also Introduced reception .
her chairmen and asked them to -~---------
give a report of their respective
committees. Reports were given
by Mrs. R. K. Mlchel.len. bridge
section; Mrs. Jerome Rleland,
evening bridge; Mrs. John Un·
son. courtesy; Mrs. John Glasa,
eharm; Mrs.. John wu.cm. decor·
atlons; Mrs. Leon Ware. hlstor·
tan; Mrs. Ralph Bolden, hospl·
tallty; Mrs. Earl Sawyer, report·
lng for Mrs. VIncent Salmaela.
house and garden; Mrs. Kenneth
Snoke. house committee ~
sentattve; Mrs. Joe PrelnJnpr.
luncheon: Mrs. Ralph Tandow·
sky. newspapers; Mrs. William
Christensen. publleationa; Mrs.
WUllam Morrls. reeervatlons;
Mrs. Donald Hart. reportlne for
Mrs. Gene Ross on special events:
Mrs. William Grundy, reportina
for Mra. John ear.on on Sunday Butf~; Mrs. Juliette Mllllkd.
.. llhutt.erbug" t rave I e r 1 ; Kn. ~eJth CordreY. welfare and child
CALL THE ENSIC!f at Harbor
r14 110 order lettatteack etwl-_... ...... n.-eardll. ... , ...... ...
htvttattona. ~ .......... .
... tM I:Mlp ....... It .... .
ElcJin & H....1ton
................... .. · .... lAST ······ ...
.·· .....
.... ._. ..... -... --·*• . ~ .... --___ ..
For comfortaWe good looks
Pltyen L~olr
FOr Marilyn _ • ____ .~".!!! •• !II• lll:~......, ............. c: • ...., ..._.~ ............. ;ow.~ ~.., .•• ~ ~·~:r::~~~ ~..::..~~....: ......... . ..... ~ "£~--.... lol...t~ ..................... ......
,..... _ .. -aat ...... :-.:::-.:.......: ~==~= .. :ra·::c=
baw ...U, -:,blto tMir 0:: fall Jll t U:F ~all A ... wu...,... lt'n .., ... lilliil&
• • • 1"'tat * •--...-t1te ,... tr......_ ... lJIII.:rrwtn..,.,ttebr~= wm-..._.cl!!::O.... · ~-:;:_~~-•bcr
on ~ .. -ib. ldHl dt· ._..., 1T M ODut Col· "You l~tef:IJw :Jr., lte 811Ubtedawa)'. ':=w ,_ • ~one ntt ...... ·~ar:::.. wm "' UJe tbat wbat,... came to Wli eanccua to .,r
tDI D 1&'1'1110 ftiAT -held Mat Tbur'ldQ, 1ept. 11, at B• had me, I DOdded aad I~ "':.u _, ~ MINt. O'UI&W8 .._ _ ..... __. 7·10 p.m. llm W_.. at UbertJ Wb8'e the pr~ GC wat.r an •
oe!'' #me .. ..ate au "*17 a:l'r.M can ctve ~ blfclau· Y"PPeueou _._J't'tptv !::!t~f?!, :-: .::' J:voU:. • .. .-.. _. ...e · · · tlon ..... ' ct r thla a. tru
ftat .., .._.. f r • • ... Jbrjode WllllaJMOft. formet W. ~~~~: !t•;..-:,an~ ~heWU be :C.. tCtt you." eeftn nt * rw '* R1t dJ.rec:tor GC the t..l'\lfta ... c.h ,
..... -'.....,sly stlaple little theatre. wW dlleet the "I'll vote for the tblna," I ... ured hlm, 'bu\::ra ~ b'f Daftdsw • • • 'I'IMd openlnr play o1 the ....._ Wlth ratlontnr: so close don'~l~u1tt.eeltomelnd 1 t ll ._.,......,. Ill a At waterln& thls etuH iu.t t._ was SlW I , ...;. '..::. ., .a..1 as-. And the tourt.ts were J\OJ'ne Mvtnr up !or their runrr
,....._ ......... c • It oa ...U of ---e.al He coolly replied, '1f the taxpayer ?to~» Ul sa-... tiMit tllo ,..._. ._., • • • ~ What wtll happen to all of thll pink c:oreo~?
t.-tM h • ._ ll tt h note It you, 1tr, continue to manUest qualma -'ll ,.._ th ..... _ • ., ...,.. *' _... ._ ..._ wUia Do you know what wtll happenT ... w... -~ up eM..........-.
a lboft ci.•t•ll ......._ • tlae • He wu hl&blylndtcnant. but loyal to the en4.
n.ltlt wtlll tllo ..... , Uh9 ay na And I found my position quite hard to defend.
ad ........,. wa:tsllteebtp -" • "My lavender tuchalu have loll& Iince ctec.ued
,_ .._ .,._ tiM*ed'* tlae Labor r!!' WPaASl ba 1~~ol~Y Ancl my mother· In-laW'~ taken to smoklnl the leaves:
fliiMt. tor the ::r-.. u ou-.. n But I'm eratetul to you for Mttlna me ltralabt.
.__ ---tlun-tb fll'lii!St Costa Mesa. Tb., were dolna ~d I'll 10 now, 1t'1 damp here, and .,etttnr quite late." ·-• •• -•-e some N!decoratlnr ... "en put· ·' materlalJI are woven for the.e Una up wall paper. He amued as I left and called throuab the drizzle,
suits: Belalne tweda. fine Leaur • • • "I hope I've .. td nothlna to caUM you to alz:zle
cbWon wool tweeds, L 1 n to n A lee blrthd eak d But eon.wrvlne of water, from my point of vtew
tweeds, 110ltly draped wools ot visit s~~ her rela~~ea u: ~ Should exdude our department ... we water for you."
Hll rea110nlng'a valid, tor, by and Jarae
He waters while I pay the minimum charae.
I wandered down streets and It then became clear
Wby tall would com.& early to Newport thll year.
all types. wool jerseys and some Angeles way and many, many
mixture fabrlca treated for re· car<b and good wiahel made a
slstance to soU and wrinkling. "happy Birthday'' 81-t annlver·
You'll find they're ado r a b 1 Y sary for Mn. A. A. Stafford of
styled ... Spectator suits with 514 Marigold Ave., Corona del h 1 g h tltted or little box-type Mar
jackets, softly bloused s u I t s ' E~en nature turned out for M e L B
deftly bowed or trlmme~ for fem.: the event by presenting Mrs. GIOf eague raves lnlne allure . . . the blouson StaUord wJth one of the bltaest.
suits, a special French mode to It n<>t nrE biggest. crops of
give you a French accent peaches ever ralled In Corona
You'll W.. our 1M« fa!aklll del Mar . . . elbertaa welghlna
autt at O'BJUEK'S • • • mCide u much as 13 ounct!'ll!
wltb au tbe ...., trtc:b tbat The biggest surprise of her
tla1a I"NDch fashloa art1at bas birthday, according to Mrs. Staf·
pat ill his ori9illals. aucb aa ford with the cake with oodles
tbe ldiDODO·type ~.. tbe and oodles of candles. which her ~ trtm, tbe wSdM' collar. tamJly brought from the big city
We tJa.iDk you11 be cbanDed and then llgbtl.!d In the car be·
al.lo wltb the ...,., colon ill tor bringing It to her front door. aa.lta-c:naaberry, e a p l e l D • • • •
(wiLic:la baa a rich rust toae), Gala and guys rushing to the
.....,. CIDd rich qr..,. altar seem to form a bigger mar·
Lest )!OU think we have noth· rlage stamped In August than In
lng BUT suits, come Into June of thls year-and signs are
O'BRIEN'S and see our entire pointing to a continued popu-
atore filled with lovely, lovely larlty of the ancient custom even
new falJ merchandiU'. We're during September. One of the re·
pleased as punch about a new cent brides was Miss Laurie Crl·
special shipment of rashmeres sell, daughter of the Allen Crl·
Just arrived with fabulous hand sells of Lido Isle. who became
embroidery. Even our "just brow· the bride of Ernest Cantu. Miss
sing" customers Insist on having Gloria Chapman. talented plano
one--so come In and see them player substituted a formal wed· ~n. whlle they're hero('~ ding tor an elopement.
• • •
Win League Crown
The Major League Braves and the aeml-flnall the tables were
Cardinals walked of with top turned aa the Dodgen emeraed
honors during the Labor Day vJctortout by a 10·4 maratn. In
week·end tn the Harbor Area the finals, how"er, the Brave
Boys' Club post-season playoffs hlttera really came through u
and tournament at the Costa eight of the nine Brave etartera
Mesa Park. collected bue hits. They were
In wJnnlng the tournament, Bill Durante, Dan Kerr, Mike
th.e Cardinals shaded the runner-Lange, Rich Lockwood, 11m Pat-
up Pirates twice during the terson, Bill Scott. Tom Toedter,
tourney by ldentlca.l scores of Tlno Tovar and Russ Young.
1·0. In both contests. Gil Sharp Trophies were awarded last
of the Pirates a nd Jerry Hulbert Friday night to the official bat·
ot the Cards displayed marvel· tlng champions of each league.
ous pitching performances. The tollowtna players received
F R.l DAy I s E pT. 7th
We have also received good shipments of Fall and
Winter Mdse.-Just in time for baek to school.
Shop early for best selection.
DeauVille Lingerie
370 So. Coast Blvd.
4tguna Beach, California
Mary and Bill Davidson. foun·
ders and operators of "Mary &
BUl's" wee scotch cafe on Coast
Hlway In Corona del Mar. are
movtna on to new helght5-they
are going to the mountains to
operate a new ealefle, In the
littLe mountain town of Lake
Arrowhead. The already estab·
llshed restaurant ls a comblna·
tlon cafe and cafeteria.
The final game of the tourney trophies: Major Lea~e Bergeron,
saw Sharp allow only two hits to Braves, .415; P a c It l c Coast
the Cardinals and still lose. In League -Ron Palaferrl, Pirates.
the fifth lnnlng. Card first-sacker .409; Arerlcan Association-Tom
Gary Clark led oU with a triple McGuire. Oodeers. .561: Interna·
and was squeeud home by out· tlonal League -George Austin,
tl.elder Wally Getchall for the BB~~v~es.~~44.2~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ only run of the ball game. The _ra · ·
Pirates collected five safeties off ----------------------------------------------------, Hulbert but were unable to put
2515 E. Coast Hwy.
JIAJt:)or ...
* Harltor
* Harllot
COIOIA DEL MAl PHARMACY -niE,_a..,._........,...
1127 L eo.t • .., .. -J '-'C..... del.._
Prom-StaN at ':II Doen 0,. .. I :II o.no.. OanJftl rrt ... ._ 1M. a ..._ o,.. aa u:11
''1101' &OD Glal." ---.a..I'INII••• ,_.._....
· ~' • • DR IV E -IN • -r-lC TH(t\TPF'· [J
L fJ M I A' • ., -.... v •••
H • 1 J A,_. I f
~:r. •
~ .. :•. ~,. ..... .t~ .
them together for scorlnr pur·
By defeating the Pirates for
the tourney crown, the Cardlnala
earned the position' of meeting
the Braves In a playolt game for
the league champloruhlp, which
ended In a three-way tie tor first
place between the Braves, Card·
lnala and Pirates.
The aame and league crown
wu won by the Braves 4·2 u
chucker Carl Bergeron hurled a
three·hltter at the Cards. Lead·
tng the hitting attAck tor the
Braves were Frank Rivera with
three hits In tour trips to the
plate, a.nd Larry Schrader. who
banged out two for tour at tbe
diah. Ot~r key Brave hitters
wJth one hit each were Beraeron.
Butch VIneyard and Larry Holma.
The Pacltlc Coast League tour·
nament title went to the Pirates.
The Glanu, who had won the
league crown easily and were
the pre-tourn~ favorites, were
upset twice by the Cardinals and
Pirates. The Pirate~ went on to
defeat the Cards In the tourney
finals by a score of 10-1. Gene
La Perle wu the big gun at the
plate tor the Pirates with two for
tour while driving In four of the
Pirate runs. Carl Cotton, Ron Pal·
aterrl and J6r)' Queener each
had a clean •lnale tor the wln·
nina Pltates as Harvey Gran
drove ln the only Card taUy with
a alngle to rlaht.
Queenu, Pirate mound ace, al·
taw.ed, the Cardinals only two
htts, althouah be was helped out
by 1lx Cardinal erron.
In the B Leaaue. the American
Asloclatlon Braves finally won
out ovu the American ~la·
tlon Oodpra by a ecore of IH. In
.PORT ;;~, j.
r <1/lONA Oli /lriAi; ~oA•IJ 'IUM/'
Friday, s ·aturday, Sunday
SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9th
Formal Opening of
Our New Building
First Anniversary
in Newport Beach
I • •
Four Hurt, Boat Destrolecl
in Upper Newport Bay ,Fire
, .......
~ ... .,_. ... tT, o1 aao .... ~e..: ... ._
• IUoatd .... Mao~ ....... .... ........ .....
toot -., wu W.U, ._...,.. aiiMit IMr tilt. U. C'Mitt ... to-wall oarpet~q. Ja.rp lot
Ia a a.. Ia.,. ~·W ..... M,oiD & UltacM. •
at aooe LAor ~. RfWJOI't ,o-a. Ba.-. a ...0 -. • IMr (WDr a l•lll*d), ~ P · I*,.,....... ltllat le& ,.._ . ...._ A... ,..._ • .., ldMaiC cMan .,
Jaek • .... .. ol Lou .......... ..._ --u. ._., .... ol tiM t.oat. J. ol 211 .. .,. A-. ....._ ....... a wtalltJ&
1--s ..-....,..~on bla lldp,. IWm ... Jfii!Md·
,_ ... ~Dub bUrM Ia& at ................... -...... ........ IMt; ..... Dadd:a ,... ..a. ol die ..... ..., ' • .._..._ ... ,........,ae.
VIIIIIFI ··-IIIII :=-t;,-=.,u...n.a•: -Ill-
..... li
.,... Jeunec~. ~ ooeu· aw.:roa ,..,., cledcled to jump IDto tM • . . wac.. 1'he boat iac1 a-n 2731 W. 0out BWJ. U 1-427'7
'I'M ,... boiM ol ......-. launebed at 10:45 a.m. and ,.. (At the IIIJW)
Jtaal1 Dnlll Ia npldly _,.. taiMft·on but none wu beu...d llf_,art lleadl
COIQPiedon 011 Cout Bt......,, to have .,_,.. epmec~, Jt wu ,.. .
near !ria Av... Corona del Mar, pottAtd.
and movt,.. In o1 auppU. Ia ------e 1·oo Lme to CJ.e •• 't
u;:::.~ Jll7ant ~· ,... IPF.I FOil SALE: ~ Autoette. rood
=.,;s~~u~:O::I :,.~ Ifill If ..... :;~::.~· ~~ ~,:!_ ~
week, and that they wt11 be
dolq ~ tzom the new lo-VandaU cauMd from 150 t o
catJoa tow the ~ Jake 175 dama1e ln the oftlce of Dr.
week·end. Sept. 15-18. Grand lobn Allen of 900 W. Balboa
opentn1 wW be held Oct. 4·5·8-T. Blvd.. Balboa. IIOtMtlJDe lut Tbe MW location. wtth 10,000 'Phurllday nJJht. Rewpon pollee
~quare feet ol noor ~ace. lnclud· report. 'lbe narcottca eablnet wu
1n1 the buement. 1.a about I )eft wide open but no narooUca
ttm. t.tner than the ~ were taken. A doctor'a bal In the
..,.. at KarJ'Uerite and COut ballwaJ wu left untouched. No
BW)'. money wu taken.
lftCIAL CLOU OUT 011 lfrGIIKGOa IIAU-1'01!
POO'ftALL a ou ... ., ..
Get a Porcl Dealer
'A-1 USED CAR ...., ....... ...
'II, .... ... , ...
'II Flnl2 ... s•• -'10 ..... 4-lr. -THE •• E .. IS
()pea ..... .,.,. -ru • •.x.
~-ru ......
a-el l .....,.
n OR& Lu.rty I-M71
villa mar1na
· Reservations .. Now ... Harbor 3930
thzou9b the co-operatioll of the Villa Marina, Vema Miller
cmd the toUowing cti.tiDcti~•llhoPL
2701 W. Coast Highway 2659 E. Coast Highway
Newport Beach Corona del Mar
1767-A Newport Boulevard 204 Marine Avenue
Costa Mna Balboa laland
* * v ... ,.....,oaota.m-11IB IBAT IHOP
Commentary-Fashion Modela 1909 Newport Blvd.
'£/ N. Broadway, Santa Ana eo.ta Meea
Luncheon from 12:00 Noon
Jftlt Ucl .. 117t. y..,,....._. .... and
COIIdolta... I MdnD&.. 6 ......... ..., be OOift·
"WttdtoJ...., ae .._t.
aoc.tloa. ..,.. ....... Prb --•••
Completely duarmlnl 3 brm.
2 bath bolM-UIId br1ck fire.
place, wood aad paper In·
tenor COIDPlMe thla delllht·
tul provtndaJ home, Jarae
1ara1• and patio.
306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland
Harbor 0502
.... £11111 ...
Starts 'lbun., Sept. 13
7:t5 p.m., CDM Community
Church, 611 Heliotrope, CDM
.. , ....
Harbor Hiehlanct. home, 4
B.R. 3 bathl. brick patio,
forced a1r beat. Space tor
pool or playyard. $26.000,
1806 Beryl Lane. N~
Margaret L Scharle
Teacher of Plano
Oraanbt • Accompanllt
Evenlnf Claues for dulu
Corona del Mar
Ftfendly NeiJhborbood Service
110 Broadway
U 8-3433 6 IJ.KM eo.ta Meu
Sefv1n1 the Harbor Aru
Baltz Mortuary
Harbor 42
352> E. Cout Hldl"ay Cocona del liar
Baltz Mortuary
Liberty IJ. 2111
17b 6 Superior, eo.t.a Meu
Harbor Blvd. at Glaler
CMBEllL Y 5-11!51
• •·•• Qllattfte4 c1JeaU
' •
d8 Park. Balboa lal&Ad RA m
. THE GllEAT ........
40 ACRES ~ meet from
eo.ta Mesa d ty limit.. Prked
at farm aerea., all aoon at
IN bdlvtalon prtoe. $3!W)O· acre
with unall down and 10 pa..
on balance.
• • •
lnr comer Newport Blvd.
Best aulted for olfice for doc·
tor. dentist-or retail outlet
and hom~cell.ent 3·bedr.
-dinlnr room -breaktut
room, home. 'Mled pullman
bath. ttled kltchen-otf meet
parklnr. p),OOO. Term.a.
• • •
HOME OF 3 BllMS.. 1 ~
bathe on comer -all 1m·
provement. l.n and pd. Bu.Ut
thla year-patio, landacaped
cl~ to IChoola. $1642 down
makes you Home owner.
Total price cut. alsc>-
• • •
HARD TO FIN'D-acr~ zor.ed
A. 1, acroes st. from store . . .
Should be rezoned for t;raller
park -oldt!T dwelllnr 6
aheda. Barraln. Priced at
• • •
R 2 LOT -Catalina Drlv~.
Newport Helchta. ~· Cor·
nt!T lot on Elden. l ·blk. to
Newport Blvd.. ~. 60x140
level lot. rood nelchborhood,
1857 Newport Ave .• Collta Mesa
u 8-1832; u 8-1400 ews.
c..a .... , •••••
2·bedr. with attached small
apt., dbl. aaraae. 45' lot.
close ln. $18..500, Good Terms.
• • •
2·bedr. bouse plu.s larae
apt. over dbl aarace plua cum room. 3 baths. So. o1
Hlway. VIew of Harbor Ana
from apt. Bldp. 5 yrs. old.
$23,950 . . . Terms . . . .
2·bedr. house plua new dbl.
l'arage and a p a r t m e n t
above, $23,000. Convenl~nt
EXCLUSIVE WITH ... E. ..... ,.
3333 E. Cst. Hwy. Corona del Mar
Harbor X22
'Ibla lovely home wu a.rehltecturally dea~ed for Ita ownen JUit two yean ap and hu never bern tor aale.
'Ibe owners are not attanptlnJ to take advantace of
the lnc:ruae 1n markiet value that baa OCC'Uft'ed within the put two yean. but lnatead bave priced It at thelr
The utt!Tior of tbJa home la ntrenely attractive and Ia
Mt oft with a.rtl.atJcally planMCI lancbeaplnl. Tbe llv-
lnJ room baa a hutw flret>lace around which deep toft cbatra may be IJOUped for wtntt!T pleuUN. TWill alld· ':~ftl&M cJodn open Into the patio from tbla room. Tbe f y alzed dJnlq room hu an antique chandellft
hanJinl tzom the ceUinc. TWo ov~rslzed bedroom.'
ead\ with a bath, .,. on the JroUnd level. A dewrly
planned mute.r bed.roorn Ia onb' half a atory ~.
Tbe alldlnt tlaa doon open onto a d«k from "lUcb you have a View ol t.be enUre ocean. May be shown
anytJJM. Oa1l now. Price~
01.& RAJif90M CO. MA.llf ACEIIII:l'fr
1100 w. t'OUt bJp~ beMh-ss:JS 'f'la lido
Uberty 8-tllnJ bartlor 1510 •. ,. .. ..
f 8 UMIDA1'. ADIIMI I I t. ·-W&W..., ee.-. I • f
Irvine Terrace
• • •
111.-llrl ~ ... I I• l•••rt
"'-$21,381 II AI-
Your lMpection Ia respectfu.lly aolldted..
• • •
Earl W ! Stanley
On Hlway 101. Newport Harbor, op~te the
new Irvine Cout Country C ub.
Phone Harbor 4448 tor Fu.rthe.r lnformaUon
Three bedroonu and lanaJ. Larce lot. vtew loeatlon.
Hardwood floon. flr~plaoe. forced a1r heat. Wlred D>.
Exceptional lanc1lcapln1 around a delllf\UUJ patJo.
Mor• than ample .tor ace throu1bout. Priced to •U! ~11 now.
2667 E.. Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar HA: 174.1 ; llA.: CTI'5"'
UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front. home plua ~ ln~etlt
ln pier partly furnished 4·br. borne. 14 batb.L ~.:;oo. • • •
A'M'R.AC'11VE 2 UNTTS: 4·bedr. ho~ plua 1-bedr. apartment. Good nreet. totally turnl&bed. Pt.5QO. . .. . c•eu lEI. 111
A 2·bedr. home on 45·ft. level lot. SOUTH of blc,hway. $22.500.
• • •
• • •
BeautJtul 3 bedr .• 2·bath house. Good dlstrlct In Santa
Ana, $25.000. WIJI exchanre for comparable fee pro· Pt!'rtY In Harbor Ana.
Earl w ...... ,
225 MartDe Ave.. Balboa lllud can Barbar tm
Eve.. ~U Edith Maroon Hyatt 4-6222 or
Loula Boynton Harbor 2878
Only alx y~ara old. 55'x130' lot on improved, quiet.
dHd·~nd atreet. Clo. to stores a nd transportation Jm.
mediate pouH&Ion.
Priced below mark~t valu~ at S9.500
Low monthly paym~nt-F.H.A. loan on proPf>rtY now.
.. ,
211 "Mari.De Ave .. lalboe ~net ll&rtlor lO
'1'1111 liD deeettled ad tn the ........... _, tuO I«
.... b:J lhllll Call tn )'Our .... ....._.we.
DAL DTAft & ....,.ALl
.uDlSJII:I) 1,7f, 2 B.A. Water SOME l'llEE-0010 J'EE
paid, AftOa.._ 8ept. 1.5--lune AppllcaDta Deeded. IIWl7 ottlce
15, 1957. 810 month. 307~ Rul>y jobe, a1lo restaurant. and do-
St.. Balboa bluul. Phone OX-IIMIItlcs Many lob~~ tc. qu&11fled
f«d 4,5ZM. Whittier. men. <Rect-ter now.)
BALBC)AISLAJCDAPT. Lovely 1une Fanat Empl. A,aeney,
north b-r 2 B..1 winter rental. 402 .. !2nd St.. Newport
Good beat. Lara• Uvtna room
with ft.replacle, aara1e. $100
month plua utJUtiea. Inquire
"DAJJaD. ftie '-OW 1 18 duuall ........ 'I'IMII'a tM ..a. a ...... ,i!= ,,:==' -· ........... ~ a.-... PIN · • ,. ••• • a little at-.., 1r .... llat ......... ( .......... )
ZM Gamet, Balboa Island. rd
2 -STORy--FUJlNISHED-HOME. 1~ EMPLOYER RETAINED Oity 0 . 7 u f =~~:-:~f~t~~~ NO FEE eoll=~m appUeant ers nsa e G!si:::::.:::· ~;nAve. N~Beaeb Buildings Demolished
Sept.-June. 16:5 month, elec.
and water Included. Private
patio. 614 ~ BeaonJa, CDM.
Lone or abort terms
C·1 Paved Lot 7CY x 103'
Downtown Cout Hwy., Co-
rona del Mar. Next to Mary's
House of Maple. DAvenport
6·6019 or Box 306, Lomita.
C&llt:... . .......,~..,.--:;..-::::--::=== PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS
oUioe autte. Blrtcher Bldl ..
2515 E. Coaat Hwy., CDM. BAr·
bor 1535.
FOR RENT:-: -:Ba::--ch...-:-:e l'o-:-r ~A;-:p:-:t.,--.:Y.-:e=ar
around basta. Close to abop·
pine cent.er and beaches. HA
3336 or HA 1876:..... ----=--
FOR RENT:--2-BR. House. fur·
8:30 to 4:30
122 West Thlrd
Santa Ana
nlshed or unfumlahed. Must-----------
have references. 417 Heliotrope,
DO YO:::U:-:-h-a v-:-e--=-a~tu=rn:;l-:;sh.:-::ed::-T'h~o::m:::::e
or Apt. to rent! We will be
perm. and responsible tenants. can our a&'ent. Select Realty
(no charge to you>. KI 7-3506.
arawerine ~ervlce. Secretary lr
notary avallable. Ground Floor
New Trident Bldg., 2200 New·
port Blvd., Newport Beach (Ad·
jacent South Cout Co.) Court·
esy to broken. HArbor 3028.
IEL. male. Honolulu lJ<:en.w.
Answers to Gus. Lost vicinity
Udo Isle. Reward. HArbor 1767.
VERTJSED Greeting card busl·
ness for sale. $1500 merchan·
d lse and South Coast fran·
cblse. 34298 £1 Molino, C&pl·
strano Beach, GY 6-5250. .
•usiXESS JlEifT ALS -------
port Blvd. near Hoag Hospital.
$65 mo. Possession about Sept.
15. Phone Liberty 8-Z772 or
Liberty 8-4214.
WAifTED TO Jl£JfT ___ _
Mar needs unfurnished 3 B.R.
or 3 and den house lmmedl·
a tely In CDM up to SLSO. Lib·
erty 8-7961. •
SOLID UGHT OAK dinette table,
2 leaves, 4 chairs with red
leatherette seata. $20. HArbor
56(17 .J. aE.-~A:-:UTO=~MA=n=c:--oEU!CTii:;-;.,:;;;;;u:C
Ate you looking to Ute fu·
t~? We are! That's why we are offering ateady jot. wlth
Ira to our own Interest If we can hlre men who will make a career with our dynamic
business. We therefore oUer:
Steady Jobs
On-tbe·Job traJnlna
Real advancement P«*i bUltles. 5-day, 40 hr. week,
Intarvtew now for Immediate
openlnp for student& lnter·
ested ln June o~nlnp. MUI·
tar)' status not conaidered.
Apply 8:30 a.m. thru 4 p.m.
1030 E. lat Street
SIUTIIEII coumES us co.
One-half Siamese. 427 Larks·
pur, CDM. PORTER-HEAPS~=-.....,G=-r-ea-:t--:::0:-::R~G=-=AN~
CONCERT for the borne organ-
Ist. Santa Ana. Tuesday night. ~~e~~tl~~tA!d.Sch~~~~: Rugby Star, Native of Iran, =ps Sanlf! 1~~~40• 520
No. Turns Out for Coast Football
FOR RENT washer. Good as new. One year
a-uarantee. Terms. HArbor_ 0393.
TION, Cout Hllhway tn Dana
Point. GYpsy 6·51~ eve.., or
GYpsy 6·sr.z50 daya.
ll·MM 16·MM 35-MM
IPFFII ......
Complete line of all 5 models
-Harnmonc! Chord J995. Elec·
t.ronle 0r1an uaed $475. Try
a new Hammond Spinet for
5 weeki, only 125 plua cart·
-., Jeuon. tree.
PIANO SALE-Practice pl·
anoe ~ ~. $195. or wiD
rent 15 p« month. Spinet
pla.noe repoeaHMd hom $385.
Lovely Grand tMI5. many
others. J!MieR terms.
Sdul\ldt-PbllllPI B11 Plano
and tqan Stan, Dlt. 111'-
A!WaJa lCIO plaDol to d\ooM
,.., 110 Jfo. MaiD. !uta
and lSMM SounJ ProJecton
Model AlrplaJtie Supplies ... c ••• ,._
1782 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta ..... Phone Uberty 8·TOC2 * ...... *
........ ..... n:a D'I'IIIAftl
IHONen ..... ~..._.,.,
CI080WA Da. lid wu.a!
.. ... .. c-it~.
Pdc·Midll C•tre
(Another ln a Seriea ot Meaaaa-Pneented by the Ktwpellt B.atbar Eula:n>
A Message
From The Ensign.
In our last Shop at Home mes-
sage, we pointed out that the En·
sign too is a local busil"'ess. and
it too des.rves the shop-at-home
courtesy that we have been writ-
ing about for the part s.veral
We ~now from the response of
local citizens that th. Ensign is
en imJ)Ort.,t pert of our commu·
nity life, because it is the local wee~ly newspaper. Here are sofn.
When the citizens b.come con·
cerned about wflat they believe
to be an unfair tax incr .. se, they
don't 'take their ~ts to the
big city newspe~. th.y come to
the Ensign, the 1ocaf peper, end
~ have taken tfte iuue. to tfte
Council floor. Result: A reduciion
in tfte proposed tu increue.
wt. ,:x:., busi.~. object
to NOtbitent ;,p. .. , '" business lic.nse f..., tt.y don't voice t*'-ir
compi.Jnts to tt.. out-of-town
doilY newspepen « to tfte ~lei
Orange County teetions. 1ltey
speet to the toc.l f*b'i"* end e.l: their locel ,_,.f:* to hetp
1ft ._., ce•9" itw trHf-
ment. Retult: A ~ of tfte
city'•-..... '"*'-otdil)eftc.e .
There are many other examples
of community s.rvice by your
local newpaper, the Ensign . . .
Sueceufulfy opposing the attempt
to wt ow community in two with
a Freeway . . . Campaigning for
traffic safety by asking for a re-
duced apeed limit on Coast High-
way and reeling more stop signs
and traffic signals in our town
• . . Opposing the indiscriminate s~read of oil. ~rillin9 within our
c.1ty .... ~s•st.ng the campaign
for edabl•shmg and financing our
Community Youth Center.
In e~ditlon to tftese ~jeds.
the Ensign offen its ~ cov--
erege of eN irnportent focal
events. careful ~"9 of whet
C}Oes on et the City Council ses.-
sions, end the ,.,......,9' of the
School Bo.rds, Ptenning Commis-
sion, P-* Comrn;ufon. tt. Civie
end lmpro,..,.,.,. A.sod.tHwK.
We do this beceuae thtt ;. our town. We belie.. 1n our ....,.. W
we wil continue to do el w. CM !o me.. it • better piece to M 1n.
•• Airft PAYC8
c.n few ,,...
llb.riy 1-5511
Honse ... Gar~tt
Furnishings for hom.s.
d ubs. yachts.
3017 W. Coeat Hi9hw.y
N .. port ke'h
c • .., •••• , .....
..... s.,t.IZ
The Oranp County Branch of
the American Cancer Society wiU
hold Its annual meeting next
Wednesday, Sept. 12. at the New·
port Harbor Yacht Club, beeln ·
nlng at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Cllngton 'Iblenes. director
of the Institute of Medical Be·
sear c h , Huntington Memorial
Hospital. Puadena, will speak
on "Problems and Aocompllah·
me nts ol RMearch."
• ..
W Creu II lwlit '*••• ef Cnnfelp
............ , .... ••••a ..
u.s .•• n-w..w.. a , .. .wiWI
c-pl.t. LulHicatlofl SeMc.
* TIIIU'I ,_, ....
....... 1
• 111'1 IIWLIII •
JOin YOUR FRIEnDS Southern Orange County Chap-
ter of the American Red Cross ls ~~~~~=~~~=~~;;~;;=~~~;;;;=~~~ awaiting the outcome of the ~
United Fund campaign In New·
port Beach before acting on any
more requests for Red Cross
branches to enter UnltM Fund
Directors of the chapter ap·
proved the entran~ of the New·
port ~ach section of the New·
port -Costa Mesa branch In the
Newport ~ach Unite-d Fund. The
Costa Mesa section hu sub·
mltted a request. an d another
request ls pending from the Gar·
den Grove branch.
you lecrYe it .••
w. wG.h it!
Acroa tbe street from
~---c..tllwy.· (Comer Orebld)
C..... del ....
'"l.eelll .............
Sn.t11 tell you
touae the
claaified ada
.. ~ a.. aecdllll. ............. ra.. da.lc:ba. da~
eM VW. M-'-•-. .. 01 11 c:-aty'a U..t ,..._.
.-a a-.r-t ,... .na 11111 • ... L • aw 4lt eM ~
.. .....,.. I.Uaad. v.... ...... _ ..... -tM a.q. .. ............
r ,, .. _.
.... (WI ....... _.._.. ................. thl ....... ..... ..... .. = ....... n.u..r...ta...s'-try ...... .._ Ql ._-....... ::1::wi .
.,_ ••• II' a a a • .._.. .. *'li'V ........... ..... ~ ftU='I'O co-Ill ...........
o.a DAILY-• 'Oet"t: Cl~•;•;ll-~!!f!._ __ _ _ _..;;..;;.;=-l!.ti'IIEIJIIII Fill
,_ ....... ~· .......................... .... ..... .. ..... , ....... ; .. 'fit ..... 1W\e' .... .. ~ *''*~• ....... ,-....; .......... ~ ••• ....... -•......... r so ............ ....
•• ali.; ltlcr:' ,... •) ..... ..,.. ..... zr .... ....,..., ~~~;:~~~~=.!!J!!!~!;!If!ui2!C:; • .. ....,.._ • .ao ... aarll IIIIMrt & QOMit ., 511 Putl •" •• ., • .... ....... ,._
.......... blaDd. ............ -"Wllllui c. ._. ot ......_ ....... IDbJacarduriJta • ..,,,, •• .,.. ud ~
..._ qapt ... Mn. A.Uoe..,... aa-..•~•-.eo. .. ol -16 Poluettla Aw.. Co-,_. .W .._ ........ Ldla
rcaa cW Mar, owa. et tiM. of • CJNM • CU.... ..._ Ja. aoo.. ---..... Wu4. .... Cl l'eht8 ., ..... ol =:e;; ~= ~-= • ao .... ~ ......... t.
Boq Memcwlal llolpttal. wb .. U... pad and JIDow ,_ Ilia
11M NCOtered and waa able to JO = ~ 1'!: ==bon to her own cJoctor few treatment. 1o1m Sibert o1 JOI Tapu AVe ·
eiATVIIDAT. laPr. l lalboa Ialancl. repor1M the theft
Clarence B. Trombly, 42, ot B o1 Ilia .., ractq bleyde ••• Mn.
BJwntde Ave .• Newport Belpta. Wallacle 1'1-. o1 310 Col.lJ.u Ave.,
wu a.rrested on a drunk In pub· Balboa Jalancl, repGI'tecl the theft
lie chup after !WI ear wu In· of a $15 ..tm aiUlt anct a t:a towel
volwcl ln an accident wt\}l a ear from a clodlee 11De and that a
driven by Raul.Ht'n\andez. 20, of week aeo a $25 padcJleboud wu
FuUerton at Balboa Blvd. and stolen •.• Bnbert Holden of 705
Illand Ave., Balboa.. •t 1:02 a.m. Poppy Ave., Corona del MAr, aald
.. .Jetlry C. Sims, 10, of 201 Em· that at 5:30 a.m. be heard a
erald Ave., Balboa Illand, and not.e and aaw two or three boys .. ••••••iiiiilliiil•••liiiiiiiiiliiiiiiil•••iiiiii&•••ll Downey, au.U.ered laceratJona to attemptJng to alphon au from r
hl.l Jeft. arm and a poulble left hl.l ear •.. Two you tM, about 20, ...
ahoulder fracture when he ran wearing awim ahorta and loud Bell -
from an aUey Into the right ahirta ran out of DeMie'a Cafe,
QOLDD JVm.D et t111e City .c •owpwt 8eada .... a. ....t -. II& A. L ltllldef • ...-tz headlight ot a car being driven Corona del Mar. without paying In Our New Location
wW be tile U.... .C t111e -..at lllllda._ aDd lin. Z.O. liNd. ,... dl d -, Mn. 1--a. by David Schopmn. 20, of Pua· their brealdut check.l and left IU _,...... Dr,. .. ~ ...._
~ .C tile CoL WWJaa CllbeU c:.taapter, Taryloc • ..., al ...at ....,.r= _ _..,.. n. dena on Park Ave. between Gar· In a aporu car ... Charles Hanft Jf..,......,.
llcatMI« ~;::-~ ~ ~l.,..g':t ::..!~ :•~~~ ~ ~~~-= = net Ave. and Emerald Ave., Bal· of 120 E. Bay Ave., Balboa, re· ,.. o-aa-. Ia ... 0 EJ'IIII boa Island. at 1:40 p.m .... Mrs. ported the theft of a tlre and w-L "--F .. Op ._
JIOTJa or DUEIITIOJf quired to be and appear In l)e. CDM COIOIVJfiT'l CIIVJICB Spencer Rauber of Q~ Acacia wheel from a plek·UP truck at ~ ... ~·· I
TO DGAGE Ill TilE SALE or partment 2 of the above entJtled Aa the sermon topic for Sun· Ave .• Corona del Mar, reported Ba Ave and .Montero St. BaJ. 6J
ALOOIIOLIC aEVEUGES Court, at the Court House In day aervices In the Corona del the theft of her 1955 four·door oo! .Eather L. Devine •62, of lu Ua®
September •• 1956 Santa Ana. Orange County, CalJ. Mar Community Church, Rev. aedan from her ca.raae and wu n4 Mid Ave Corona d~l Mar .
TO WHOM IT MY CONCERN: fornla, on the 11th day of Deeem· Edwin Gorn.ke has chosen "Ac· told that her car had been In · ~ recelvl~g minor Injuries:
NotJce Ia hereby given that beT, 1956, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of cording to Your Faith." A nur· volved In a cha.a In the Coata on Au 18 when her ear wu In·
fifteen days after the above date. said day then and there to show sery room with an attendant wlll Mesa area during the night and volvect'in an accident with a car ~:.:::;::::::;;::;:;::;:;::;:::;:::;::;:=;::=;:::;:;:~~==~~~=~;::;::;;
the undersigned proposes to sell cause. U a ny you have, why the be open for both worship aervlces had been abandoned by the SUS· dri b Mart E Ll dbe r
alcoholic beverages at these petitlon on rue herein to declare at 9:30 and 11 a .m. pect, who e.c.aped · . . 26 v~n yy::{ Po a;: · ~ ~gj
prem.laes, described as follows: the above named child to be free • Stnn)AT. IEPT. 2 • 0 PPY ve., na e
2344 Eut Coast Highway Co· trom your custody and control CIDJST CBOacB BY TBE SEA Charles S. Eaton of 4<lJ Vl.sta Mar. at Third Ave. and Poinsettia
rona del Mar/Newport Beach. should not be eranted, accordlng "God's Way In Our LeamJng" Baya, Costa Mesa. reported the Ave .• Corona del Mar.
Pursuant to such Intention. the to the petlUon on tile, to whleh l.s the Rev. Roy carlson's theft of hl.s car from the Hurley
undersigned Is applying to the relerence 1s hereby made for fur· topic for Sunday at Christ Church Bell pa rking lot. Corona del Mar, ....._ ·-TMIJ
Department o! Alcoholic Bever· ther particulars. By the Sea In Newport Beach . later tlnd1ng t he car parked on ....
age Control for Issuance of an Given under my hand and seal This Is the second In a series of Haul Dr .• Co1'ona del Mar . . . Open house wlll be held from
alcoholic beverage license (or ll· of the Juvenile Court of the sermons for September on the Mary L. Turner of 5:50 Hazel Dr., 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today
cen.ses) for these premises as fol-State of California. In and tor the mea~,tng of the "Kingdom of Corona del Mar. complained of (Thursday) at St. James Day
lows: County of Orange, this 4th day God. The Sanctuary Choir will the theft of a gas eap from her Sch ool, Newport. Clauroo11U wUl
NEW ON SALE GENERAL of September, 1956. return to Ita regular place of car and the hose cut on her front be op.m, and teachers will be
Anyone desiring to protest the L. B. Wallace. County Clerk musical service this Sunday. lawn during the night ... Pa -present to anawer questions of
issuance of such llcensefsl may by D. Perry Maynard, Deputy line, oll. T.B.A. supplies 6 equip. trlcla Shedaker of 329 Potn.ettla parents. The Rev. RoUo Boa&. dJ.
''We're no crwa tae bide ada;
We'll aye come back and ... ye"
"MARY & BILL" want to thank their many,
many friends in Corona del Mar for all the
kindness shown to them whl:le living in this
wonderful community.
tile a verWed protest with the (SEAL) ment of a certain ~tall Guo· Ave .. Corona del Mar, reported rector of the school, will •peak
Department of Alcoholic Bever· Publish: Sept. 7·14·21·28. Oct. 4· line FUllng Station busln~ one o! her ldftena killed by &r· at 4 and 8 p.m. on the advant· •
age Control, a t Sacramento, Call-11·18·25. In The Newport Harbor known as DB A Erie 6 Clyde'~ senlc · · · ages and purpoees of a churctl
"The Lord bless thee and keep thee"
fomla. stating grounds for denial Ensign. Rlch!Leld. Se~l~· and located at • NOIQ)AT. SEPT. 3 day achool. B.eptratJon day Ia
as provided by Jaw. 3636 E. Coast Highway, In the ~A~S~tu;;d~lo~C;;Ity~;;bo2y~,~~~~~to;;morrow;;;;;~tro;;m~9~to~3~. ===~~;;;;:;;;;;::;::::::::::::::==========~=:=-:7 Merle F. Afflerbaugh JfOTICE or IlfTEJfDI!.D SALE City of Corona del Mar. County •
NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN: o! Orange, State of cautornla.
lN TilE JUVENTL.E COURT OF That Eric C. Und.sey It Clyde E. and that a sale, transfer and U ·
THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Holllday, Vendor, whose addr~ sJgnment of the aame wUJ be
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Is 94.51 Maureen Drive. in the made, and the consJderaUon
CASE l"fO. J11424 City of Garden Grove, County o! therefor wUl be paid at 10:00
CITAnON Orange. State of California. In· A.M., on the 19th day of Sept.,
In the matter of BABY BOY tends to sell to Robert H. HUlls. 19!56, ·at the escrow department of
LANTRY, (Birth regl.stered as Vendee whose addr~ Is 600 Be· Thomas.EJllaon Escrow Co. at
". . . Lantry.") A person under gonia Ave .• In the City of Corona 1711 Atlantic Ave .. In the City of
the age of twenty·one years. del Mar. County o! Orange, State Long Beach, County of Los An·
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE of Callfomla. the following de· Ides. State of Calllornla.
OF CALDORNIA. acrlbecl penon&! property, to-wit: Dated August 31. 1956.
To: James C. Angell: AU stock In trade, ttxture., Eric C. Unct.ey, Vendor
You are hereby cited and re-equlpmeont and good wlll, guo-Clyde E. Rolllday, Vendor
East Coast Highway at A•ocado
Corona del Mar
Reserv tions Now Harbor 5451
PreNnted Through the Co-operation of the
Jamaica hm R.eaurcmt Vema MiBer
cmd the FollowiDg Diatincti•• ShopL
3410 Via tido
Lido Isle
21~1 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
* Vema MID-8d.tool of Cbarm
Commentary-Fashion Models
3ffl N. Broadway, Santa A1XJ
2743 E. Coast Highway
Corona del Mar
1809 Newport Boulevard
Costa Mesa
* MARILYn FASIIIO~m ' 1767-A Newport
Tomato Catsup
KW-1 lb. 1 -. Ccaa
pple Sauce
lwnor'inir CIIAIDI-lGO ft.
..---ILL liED IEEF BEEF--...
IllS-..... -·--·-···-······················-···-···········1.. ..
alii i --.............................................. --·---·-· .. u.
un ---···-············-·-·-···-· .. --··-······· 1.. ac
OEITEI II.IGE ................... , .............................. 11a. ..
BACON • • lb. 4~ •
57¢ fi•fi R '5: ...•. 59f.
~--~----~~~-• • •