HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-27 - Newport Harbor EnsignI . , ory of Trag I . Is To d y By Eye-itness 8y ao• .U'US Bay. It took them an hour to get who was a few fet-t beneath the An eyewitness account of the back. People on the boat Imme-l surface of the water. sea dlaa.ster that took the life of dlately notl!ted the coastguard, e FOC BEAVT h is father and brother was told sheriff. and the fire department. 1 Some people watching from a to the Enalcn yesterday by 17· Mr. Walkt>r got In hls car. An-cllff stat.ed that they had ~n year -old Anthony Roesch of Co-thony and his family got In an-a man and boy adrl!t but that rona del Mar. t'--d h ftftA ' Do 1 J 0 ___ ._ o • ..,..r C'ar an t ey s~ down by now they were some 150 yards ug as · nuc!oUJ, SO. telev1-the beach. farther out The fog was so heavy slon executive. gave his IUe ln · an attempt to re;cu h ls 9 _ _ A roa.stguardsman, with a line that a helicopter would h ave old son Norman. e year se<-ur~ around him, went In the been of little value In the search. Mrs. Edna Soebn 1~ ~~ w~ I water and said he saw a blond-1 The Udes were romlng In: whirl. lJ-year-old Danne 0wat! 0 a n headed boy anoat. Anthony pools and rocks along the rout of the skipper. Y er, son stated 1t mu t have bfoton No~ added to the rompllcatlons ot Mr. Roesch chartered a 40-foot man. On h!JI way farther out Into• rescue. flshlng boat, Sharon n. at Morro tt\t" water, thf' swimmer bum~ bodSuny d~yMmor~hat 2:30( thed Ba bo S L •-Ob'-l I h I O• • r. """"""" was oun y, a ve an u.... ...po, a.st nto t e body of Mrs Soehnet IContinued on p.ge 6 ) Saturday. He planned to look at -----__ _ some property In an ~a 4 mJI~ south of the bay and possibly eo Into a partnership with another man on some 450 acres. e 15 ABOARD BOAT Among the 15 persons a board the boat were Mr. and Mrs. Roesch and 3 of their children, CAIOJUQII D ADQOAS'T&D ol tbe lf.wpcwt loeGc:b Uaited FUDd ted Fuad UaWcatioo Commit'-; ~ Mywa. a:utstaat CIIIID· the family of Mrs. Soehnel. the .,.... ~ ~ monabl9 at the office of the lfew· palgD c:bainDalu Auati.D Sturte.aDt. 'rice ~t of tbe E.aapU9 kl d hi lew License Law Sets Fee of $25 -Beat.. . ~ .,. ___ -....-pal-to·• ... _157--.. •~ a-._.._ .. •-· 8 _..._ 0 _, ...... p--.. ~ s pper an s son. and friends ~....-• wW be -...._..._ .... ·---• ._ ....,. ---r ~-: _,., ....,.. __........ ou,... --.. uuouw •~· of the Roesch and Soehnel fami- JcnndMd wt8a Clldck-oU bncddaat at' CLID. Tuesday, bert MIL WUliaiD 8 arftT• TJICA boCD'd meaabec: Nn. Sid~MT lies. The boat was about 2 mt·l..., t. Ia tbe lrriDe Coaat CoGaby Qah. Showla beN wit to ript. Scmden. ~t of tM Harbor Area Clrl Saouta; MIL Lee "" bela1Dd tile laQ9e tratt.cl FUDd baluler, are WUl1aJD FCII'UW"'rth. Sc::bo~Wk. r.ldMatJal ~ chainDcm for Uaited P'UDd: Dr. J1obert south of the bay and 200 yards ~ of the Oa JIB,. Coaaty c..bnd Pcd.ly AM&.; Tom de For· 01~. ~t of Uait.d FuDd. cmd Dr. Ed KI11111L cmDpcd9Jl from shore when the tragedy oc en. ...-acs-t of Uae ~ Area ~ a u&: WWJam O'Bryoa. claainDcm. Al o ...... ce asatnec1 LD putUD9 up tile Oait.d FUDd 1 curred. ~JI.s~~Cr~~oe.~~~~~a~lll~d~•~"*'~~ber~;~B.~!·~a~fDe~!..:n.cay.~~~·~cbainD~~~CID~~o!_f ~tbe~~Uaiai~·· -~bcm~~.,..~·-----------------------Here ls the acrount as given by Anthony Roesch. REST AURA T -BAR · IS PROTESTED At 4 :30, It was ver). vt-ry foggy and the swells were about 20 feet high. The skipper started to turn the boat around. Anthonv men tloned being scared and sug- gested they turn back They wen• A petition agalnst the proposed restaurant at the main entrance t o Corona Highlands IJJ being circulated, and as of yesterday 165 slcnatur~ had been ob- talned. ward Rd. All signatures thus far motel project planned by Walter"extend the complet£> width of tht> headine the boat in the direction are from Corona Highlands pro Mellott, owner of the propeny vacant property along Coast of the bay when the first wavt- perty owners. Mrs. J ackson said trontlng on the highway. The Highway from Morning Canyon struck the boat broadside and yesterday that she wouJd also restaurant-bar Is proposed to be Rd. to the Seaward Rd entrance turned It around. circulate a petition In Shore located at the easterly entrance Mrs. Jackson said she Is par When the first wave struC'k. Cllfts. just across the Hlehway. to Corona Highlands, at the cor· ticularly opposed to providing tht-boat picked up a lot or water A new buslne85 license ordl-1 Th~ noew ordinance closely fol- nance. S4.'ttlng a basic $25 annual lows the rerommendatlons ot the let-, was lntroduC't'<l at Monday ~ev.-port Harbor Chamber of evening's meeting of the Nev. C!>mmerce. which beean a study pon .Beach Cit)' Council and of tht> problem when the reoently passe<! to St'<'Ond reading Ftnal revtsed fet> schedule brought pro- appro\'al Is expected at the Oct tests from local manu!acturen. 8 meeting City Artomey Karl Davts f'X· Pub lic Works Dept. Is Set Up by Council Clreulating the petition are Mr. and Mrs. LH Jackson, 44.5 Sea- The restaurant and bar are ner where the traffic signal has additional temptallon to the No one was thrown overboard by part of a proposed million dollar been erected. The motel would young people of this rommunity. the first wave. Newport Beach City Council ------------------~-------~-----------Shepolnt~out al~th~a~a -e s~no~BOAT w~MM~yn~lngw~ab- plalned there w~ ff!'W excep- tions trom the S25 fee. These In d udt>: Auctions. $25 a day, C'ar- nivaJ and circus. $100 a da} : each sideshow, S50 a day; for tune tellers. S25 a day: houSf' to· house soJicttlng, $100 a year : games o! skill, S2S each a yf'ar: penny arC'ade. $300 to Oct 1. 1951: merry -go -round. ferris wheel. glldt>, swing. etC', $25 ~ach. Restridions Sought . aurant at the main entrance A seeond wave struck. tearing llsh a Public Works DE'partment. would create a traffic hazard. the rail oft and sweeping Nor-This new department will be Going on Trip To The Orient Arthur Miller Dies Visiting in Long Beach On 'For Sale' Signs The petition Is dlre<:t~ to the man Roesch off t he boat. At the headed by Ben Webb, under the City PlannJne Commlalon and same Ume, Danny Walker was ne'IIV title of public work& director ata.tes: "We request that you do ~ept throueh and off the boat and city enginee-r. lt will Include DOt allow the vartN'O" for a rest-1 where the rail h&d been. Kra. the Eneinftrinc Department and a urant requested In Corona Soehnel must have been thrown the Water and Sewer Depa.rt- Hlablanda on Cout Hlebway. We ort with the sa~ w~ve but no menta. • Mzs. Alexander Renner of 436 feel that a restaurant In thiJJ lo· one saw her go into the water City Manager Robert Shelton Serra Dr., Corona Highlands. wJJI Arthur F. Miller of 3211 Broad Further restrictfora on use of on their property, prohibiting ali i cation would create a public Immediately, Nonnan·s dad said that ''this ronsolldatlon. leave on a 2-month tour to the St., Newport Heights, a retired .. for sale" signs were sought by reference to broker or agent. nuisance and thereby lower pro· jum~ In the water for h1s son without any addltlon to the start, I Orient Saturday. aC'COmpanled by printer, died Sunday evening In the Newport Harbor Board of City Council referred the re-perty values In our rommunlty." There were no llnes or ropes on has the advantares of rorrela -Mrs. Dorothy McKenna of the Co- Long Beach, •here the Millers Realtors at Monday evening's quest to City Attorney Karl Davis Mr. Mellott Is requesting a the boat. The people on the boat, ting under one head the admJnl · rona del Mar Travel Bunau had been caring few a coualn of City Council meeting. to see If a satisfactory ordinance variance to allow construction of who had Jlfe pr~·er.; on by I stratJve. t'nglneerlnr:. operations They wtll fiy first to Hawatl. Mrs. MJUer. Members of the board now rould be worked out. a restaurant and bar on this R·J thls time, began throwing lite and maintenance activities rela · then to Japan, Formosa and He wu a native of Iowa, where operate on the policy or using Council al~: property. A hearing has not yet preservers to the people in the tlng to the city's water and ~er Hong Kong. They will ny baC'k In he operated a prlnUnr buslness "open house" signs only, with a • Adopttd a resolution favor-been set on this request water. 'T"ley saw Norman. his systems.. November to Honolulu. "here Dr. tn Waterloo for many years. licensed salesman In attendance. lng a y~ vote on Proposition 5, dad. a.,d Mrs. Soehnel grab the Renner will meet them to acrom When he came to Ora nee Cou'!ty, Hub Powers, chalnnan of the Which would allow sale of liquor 8 b s h preservers. c k I B 'pany them on their trip baC'k h e -:u employed for a Ume in Realty Board's sJgn committee, w ithout sale of food. and would a r e r 0 p As the Sharon IT drifted toward 0 C t a i a r here. the prlntlnr plants of the New-aald this policy Is upholding pro -prohibit juveniles from places the rove, Anthony could see his Mrs McKenna will take travt>l port·Balboa Prea and the News· perty values. but that Intruders wh~ liquor Is sold. brother and dad In the water. PI D d pictures whUe in Japan They nm-. before these papers com-are comJng In from other cltl~ ·~lved requ~t from Udo Charter N•te but was unable to reach tht>m an roppe will not ~ able to go tJ the blnHed.b 1..._. 1 th 1 t to place "t or sale" signs on pro· Isle Woman's Club asking for a I Danny. who was a good swim · Chinese mainland, which Is Com· e e ...... organ u e pr n . peTty here new ordinance requiring hauling mer. was seen lying face down b I r . c munlst-occupled But Mrs Rfon. Inc abop of the Enatcn In March. The Reaity Board asked for an a\l(ay or cuttings and debris; re-w·all Be Nov . 3 In the water, apparently uncon -y VIne o. ner will st'(> If thPrP Is any 1950, and for 2 years handled amendment to the city ordinance !erred letter to city manager. s<'ious. The radio gear was out C'hance to rt"rover some ot the the printing for the En.aten. 10 that only legal owners of pro-e Approved a business license of order after the first wave A request for a u~ permit for property and valuables that ttw> Later he was UIOCiated with the peTty can place a "for sale" sign for Robert Hillis, new owner of Charter night for the Newpon struck the boat. a restaurant and bar on Coast Renners had to lf'a\'t> hehlnd Credit Bureeu oUlce In Newport. Richfield Station at 3636 E. Coast Harbor Chapter of the SPEBSQSA e DIUFT TOWARD SBOilE 1 Hwy at the t>ntranc-e to Bay wht>n they lett Shanj!ha• In 1948 He belonged to le'Veral Ma-T Hwy., Corona del Mar. <Society for the Prese-rvation and Anthony said. ''we ·tad all bt>t Sho,.--s wac; wlthrlr~twn at last They had Jtved In Shanghai more IOnic grouJ», Including the Ma-oastmasters Encouragement of Barbor Shor; ter get out o( here before all or Thursdays C'lty Planning Com· than 20 years. gntn~ there from aonlc Lodae, the Royal Arch and DILl 11..._1 ..._L.__ Quartet Singing In America, InC'. I us get killed." mtsslon meeting. in thf' faC't> of tht>lr native Hungary Knights Templar, and alJO was Qff•ICe IS Set ... •• r-... .-. wtU be held Saturday evening. The boat was continually drift a roomful of prott'st from Bay a member of Eastern Star and • ....,, _ _. ., ~~--a•l Nov. 3. at the Newport Harbor lng toward the rocky sho~ Tht-Shores resldt>nts CDI li~lerl Cl .. the Eaales Fraternal organlza-01•... UW.. High School Auditorium. skipper got the boat ht-aded About l:SO pt-rsono; CTowdNI tt~~ wu member of the official Up •In c D M The Newport Beach City Coun-The local chapter was formed towardh the waves.. headon. linto t1ht-:-:_~-pon Ciry \Hhambers Will .... Plf-llck • • • ell again on Monday evening less than a year ago, and this Ant ony said that lt another to ,.o <'t" tr..-tr ptntt>St'\ CM't-\'er. board ot Cbrlat Church by the con~ldered the request of the wUl mark the first time that an wave had hit them broadside. William SpurgPon Ill of the Ir Joe Canzont-ri or Parifi c-Tt-le Sea ancl ,.,... former cbalnnan ot Toastmasters International Is Lido Isle Community Assn. to event of this nature wUI be held the boat would Probably have vine Co anoun<'t"d that the Irvine phone will dl!ioe'u~c; and dt>mon the pa.ton.l relations committee. coming to Corona del Mar It was allow bicycle riding on the Lido In the harbor area, according to sunk When t~ boat was mak· Co with wlthdrawtng Its appllca strate guided mLssiJpc; at tht' pot Services wUl be held at 2:30 announced yesterday by Ralph C. Isle bridge sidewalk as a safety Dan Wedman ot 108 VIa n or-lng Its way !rom the coast to tlon. luck dinner meeung of the Co p .m. today (Tbund&7) ln Chrlst Smedley. resident of Corona drl measure. It is the Association's ence, Udo Isle, president of the out where the first wave struck. He explained that thf' property. rona del Mar Community t hurC'h Ouucb by the Sea. with the Jteov. Mar and founder of the Tout· contention that this would keep ch apter. A n t h on Y again spotted hls which tronta on the C'hannel at Mlddlers Club l'u~a~ Th<" Boy Carlaft Clftldatine. Burial ma.ster organization blkoe riders away from the path A half doz.en ot the finest brother and dad In the water. Ke the Bay Shorf'S entrance, will be met"tlng will be at the church. wUl be at BooeeYelt Cemetery ln The Department ~ Education of the cars on the bridge. quartets In the West will appear was almost abl~ to «>ach bts dewl~ as rommerclal pro-beglnlng at 6 :30 p m Mr and Gardena. Kott.U .. and~ Mor-and &e.earch is to be housed ln Council members polnted out at the show. along wtth the local brother, but dldn t ha\·e anythJne perty. Bay Sho"" ~!dents wUI Mrs. George Weedon and Mr. and tuary t. 1n ebarp ol arran..-an office at 336 Polnaettla Ave. thiJJ would be lnconalstent, since chorus and the famous Arcadia to throw to him. be notlfled by mall of new pl•ns.j Mrs. Nornuan Brown art> chair- menta. The work to be done ln thls of-bike rtdlnc on aldewallts IJJ pro-chorus. which bas won national They headed back to Morro he sald. men for the ~nine. ·'Street Ends' Plan Studied flee IJJ the revtalon and Improve-hlblted by ordinance. The Ttafflc recognition at SPEBSQSA con- ment of present materials and Committee wu Instructed to ventlons for the past several the creation ol aew matft'tals study the problem as It relates years. and methodl for use by mem-to all other bridges In the city to bera. The offlce stat! wtll conallt .ee If a tolutton can be worked tor the present of Mr. Smedley, out. A oommJttee was named at who t. educational director, and lut Tllul'8day nllht'a IDNtlq o1 Mila Gtace Phllllpa, ht. eeere-•-•-• .. .. , litlll c. .... Tl ltlhl I .... the Central Newport Com.numlty tuy. rniiiRi .. -Aim. to work out an amka~e The tlnt Toutmutu Club was 'rhe Newport JJNcb Pollee o.. Doria Jean Walker of 438 Gol· IOlutton to the problem of the orpnbed ln Santa Ana 32 years partment ~aUon wUl bold denrod, Corona del Mar. caused atreet cl&. qo. Now there are 2.235 clube, a tamUy picnic at the Corona del $75 damage to her car whUe On :;:. committee ..,. Dr lr-located In rvery atate In tbe Mar ~ Sunday. Games tryinr to avoid hJtUnr anoth« by Allttn J'ran.k Wood Union and In more than z other and other planned entertalnment auto at Dahlia and F«nle&f :!t'!f l:. 11,Yell. ,.'q .,. to con· lane&. wUl becln at 10:00 a.m. Tu=y ::!:;'· wu trawllnc tact the ba.y flont proJ)el"t;y own· .auth on the Cout Blrbway ~=:-~th.cSJotnA-=~~ Lewis Baltz Dies at 46; ~-roetb=b:nd= n .... uut U7 •. --~~ Elk c d F I ...... She IWIII'Ved to the rtpt. that th• cou.ndi·•PP'Oftd '"but· s on uct ·•na R·.tes .,. Clll .uuet the~. cltmbtd te" lbtP plantlnp would be un· onto tile sidewalk and then oil r.eo 1 "1 wheD the 0001*'&~ aptn Into the at:re1t. l\elllrlborboocl plan tor poUeh\1 11M R • w Port JlattM)r Elb He wu a uUw of Boope~ton. and matntatnJna the beac:.t.. Ia LodJe concluct.cl _....__._ 1ut ll1lno1l. ·~ the Unf~ ... 1 ... 1 wor1ce1t oat. * S.tutclaJI.or._. o« tMir dWtel' of ·nunot.., cracl'clated bolD tbe -IIIII '!be l""lP wu un&DfDiou tD mem-.. C. IAwtla a.ltz. owner Calltomla o.u ... of J:mbalmln• the belle( tlaat the C·fooit plant· of tbe Balta ~ tn eo. In Lol A.npla Be waa a ebutef' fill tn• DGW..-~ bJ die CoD· rona dll lfv aDd a..ta lllaa. memlle ol tbe lftwpOI't ~ dl wouJct,r.-..oa.ty eultall the fte .......-.._..billet tn the Mooee LodCe. a...._..,....,. -.. l:lbabeth J. Boa• b.u bMdl ueu of the »toot ttreet Oarona del Mar .lalta Cbapel. ol. U.. lfewpart·lal'-~ fDid ..tt lor d..,._ -aatnst e'ndl. wtt.b Ute bY. Sdwln Comb ol Cl put dWnlu ol. tM W ~C. HoarD o1. Udo bJ tllie ~' cW lfu Oom.mu.nlt7 en-. --2--Oh tM ...... ~ utrw:rne c::nelCJ. QUJda ~. J:ntom ..... t pod 8Hcb ............ Oleuftla. .. ..... b c.-., ~ tMir 11M x..et~a atmM ..a .. 101c1 wu 1ft J'aJitaa¥C C~tDttery. .son. a +n ' • au._ IDt ..._., ..., WaagMNt lll&M ~ ftq IR. klta Md ._. Ql eor a at 1a IU'ftftd.., .._,.. .._ &ftd allo a u.., apiMt ....-a) .,. --a tran. Ulid ti111i1i111 ~ ft.DI. ~ fll aut Wililll .._ D1l -. C. t..t. Jt ..._.. ........,.. &Del I tn1t ,_... .. ..... .... ,.,. on..r: .... IIIIi.... • .. .. ... ....... ... . . Wiillr6 ...., ....... ...,.. .... ~ ll•fVM•• ......................... ~). of ... ....._. ................... Lilli All- ..... 01111 ............... _ .... .., ..... -o.l -"** ~ c...il .......... u.. Me ...... . ...... . ...... ..... ......... • s..-4 ca.;. Wettw J.i ... ,_ ()M.e .. c:...M .., Mer. Cell ,_. ... •• .... .,, • ~ ... te. Qt., ef ................ C.IH. OHiee ~ ...,....... ,.... .. • ._. ww-.. 1110 E. c-t..,.._,, c.r-.., ... .,_ • • • 1\e NIWPOIT HARIOl ENSIGN . .._ IMMI ... ~ *• tt.. • ,.....,.,.,. ef t-•1 .Wc11Mtl0t1 "' IMtiMflt ef tt. S.,.,W Court eftel "1 ,_ ....,.., .. 4111ellf*1 .. f"'WI .... p11Wie !MitJ-re4111htf l.y J..., • A Melllllt tY.H..: 2110 E. c-.t Hrtlt"'•'f· Cerot~• cl•l M•r, C.llfonlle TELEPHONES: HAliOl 1114 •..cl 1111 MEMt£1 OJ THI CALIFORNIA NEWS'A'El 'UIUSHElS ASSOCIATION Alief of tlto NATIONAL EDITOliA1. ASSOCIATON AlVO E. HA.VA ............ _ -·-·-.. --.. -·-... -... -......... -.. Liltor e..cl rvt.litJier 'l4i HM'A -·-.. ·--·--·--·-.. _.......... .. .. ·-·--··-·-............ AMoc:J.t. Editor WALLY IAXTEA. .... --.. --... -............ -.................... _... .Advertlti~~t MeM,.r 'AT FISK. --·-.. -·-·-.-... -... _ ...... -....... -... -.... _ .. ____ Offloe Men•t« 101 IVINS --. ---·---... -........... --·---............. _ ... -... _loportor HUGH McMILLAN ·-·---··--...... _ .................. _ ... _ _........ ,...,..::l'•.,t.y w. G. filii) ruaow __ ·-.. -·-·-·-.. --.-.... -.... -.. -. Su ,....,, lUIY STEVENSON ...... .. . ...... . ..... ·--·-. ~"IMI' SUISClt"ION RATES: L..cel ... btcrlpti-..... : Two Y••f"t-$5.00; on• ., .. .-u.oo Ouitldo of rile Ho.W Aroo: T•o y .. f"t-$7.00: -• yo•.-$4.00 ...... ·~f~7!"d9" .. ~:'"'ii~ ..... + e *, + a + + + ; * * * * •:• + * + e a • + j 1 •:•:• • + + e + + + • e CAST YOUR VOTE FOR UNrTEO FUND Most of you folks must feel ebout the seme &s I do about lhe number of eppeels for funds for worthy c&uses th"t c.ome to our doors. We ell want to do our shere, but too meny is too meny, end the 20th or so time that some new request is mede, thet sense of .,!truism does get e bit strained. • • • lly COL AJQ)UW W, SMITIL ForJDer Member of City CoaDdl e ELUSIVE .OOK • • .,_... ..... -n.ta.-WtUt-..eouneU ,.,.......... Wbo ine to make Ub .., ..._ j0lttk4ana · baw ,tv.n .. •bot to ·~ tlaat ...., aft· nounced plan,_ a CttaaeN .u . vllory Commtn.t ot ruty. ht a U..Jt..WM ........... to look J..LI&a U.. eouDdJon were Juat a Uttlot tonY cww tha ~ au, ... ol ~ Ucen8ee, trailer parlc and wbatnot-&nd w.. Pill to turn ovw a new leal ucl run tha dty b the Phew! The noea IIIla doMft't the Jnabore wa-.. ''IM G&lloe." beDiftt o1 the people. You know, want to aet back OJ\ theee artnct-u they' are c:allecl, ha" a repu-publJe ~ta and all that eort .tone after a weekend trip to tatlon tor betna epoo_,. We o1 thine. Paradt.e! never found them, but ~Mat~· After all, who wanu :so eour- Paradbe. ln thla tnmnce, wu while, cauJbt ambetjadc. ea-taeed tupay.,. looldna over Guaymy, Mexfco, ln aen«al brUlo. .terra and dolphin. Thoee their abouldca wh•n they are and thf, out-of·thl.t-world en· dolphin! ColOfed Uke ~e crown bu.y IUnatna around tbe tax vtronmeot ot the Hotel Playa de ~l.t ol an .utee kina. 'lbey doUan? Cortez In partJcular. took tiny lures on apJnnlnt • • • Mamma C.Q. and Youna Truly tackle. For a I'Ml tbrtU, try a 10· It Ia ltartlna to aiJ\k In at long wer.e the happy recipients ot aU pound do 1 ph I n on 12-pound Jut at City Hall that the dive this through the never-to•be·for· mono-tlla.ment and a splnnlna lnto pl'lvate buatne. at the gotten courtesy of Tom Jamlson. outfit! traU« park Lt a real atlnker. director of aportllshlng for lhe At 2 p.m. we decided to run ~r three montha ot opera. Hotel. &nd Mrs. Eldred Tanner. farther otlahore and try for aaU·' Uon, there are only three paylng the charmJng manager ot that tlsh and the larger dolphin. We guests In ~ plu.lh $1.!500,000 exotic hostelry. It happened 10 put the balta Cmulloet) in at 2:40 alxty-unlt establlah.ment, and It quickly, and so much happened p.m. In the time between that cost. more to pay the help than that It all seems like a wonder-and 4:20, the acore .tood at a comes ln at the gate. ful dream! dolphin apiece, both 25 pounds By the end of the yeat' at thl.t We lett njuana via C.M.A. on or over, thrN aalltlah strikes and rate the joint wUJ ~ 10 deep In Friday a.m.; 2:30 found us In two salls cauaht on 3/6 t-.cltLe. the hole that city councU may beautiful Hermosillo, where we Mamma'e, her first, weighed 82" have to declare a new defJctt and had Intended to spend the night. pounds, mine went 95 pounda. ral .. taxes qaln to keep Ita big Tom Jamison figured It other-Try and duplicate TIIAT any-whlta elephant In hay. wise and had sent Frank, a where. But what 1 atarted out to say Guaymas taxi driver to meet us. • • • Is th&t there are atans that aome· Before you could say "tequila" e MOU COXIlfQ one Lt ftnally pttJna wt.e. 1be we were-en route to Guaymu In We'll give you a lot more de· lanct.cape job bu been cut trom Frank's 1956 Dod~. tall.t next week. Meanwhile, If an estimated flO,OOO to M.OOO 1\ solution is et hend, &nd its success will depend on your re. sponse. This ye&r we ho!lve & Newport Beo!lc.h United Fund, which con- solidates " number of c&mp&igns into one. They've done e fine job of consolid&ting , with only three egencies "sitting this one out ' &r~d goong it alone. sort of w&iting to see how this un1ted drive will come out. So. when you dig in your purse for the United Fund wor~~r. you &re, in e way, c&sling your vote for the success or f&ilure of our Un ited Fund. If you give enough, you cc!ln mc!lke the United Fund e re&lity, be- c&use the other egenc1es then will join. &nd you will heve to give only once next ye&r, end e&ch ye&r thereefter. Spent a lot of time and effort Jut week trying to lay my h-.nds on a ~rtaln book. I found that It Is hard to come by, using the regular procedures, like public libraries, book stores -.nd such. from the Amf!rlc-.n Le1lon Maga- zine. August, 1951, by William LaVarre-"an analyala of F. D. Roosf!velt's betrayal ot all the Amerlcu to penetration by com· munl.sm.'' bearing on the baalc qumlon of recognlllon of Soviet The 88-mJie drive to our de.tl-your hurried existence In these and part of the propoeed u:pan· nation was beautllul and excU· Estadoe Unldos aeta too trantJc. slon hat been called ott and the lng In Itself. 5:30 found us being too borlnr. or too lntolerablf!l get area will be used u a public ushered Into Cuarto (room) Uno. In the family jalopy or bop auto park-for the benetlt of out- just oU the swimming pool. aboard one of t~ excellent of-town guetta, no doubt. What beauty! It was hot In planes ot C.M.A. or Af!ronaves de • • • Guaymu, but the hotel ls 10 Mexico at Tljuana and treat U yov know of a rood anti· perf.ectJy alr·condltloned that we younell to a great big bit ot surwy aerurn. plea.ee ord« a cue didn't mind the heat-or the hu · ¥aradlse. You'll be there In little or two aent to City Hall. mldlty. over 3 hours If you tly. When you A f.w well-placed lnoculaUons We found ourselves. next day, get back you'll feel tu.t u we mtght aave thl.t community thou· as contestants In the 9th Inter-do. Mamma aald, ''Pinch tne. aandl ot bucks. It's up to you. • • • There Is a very good reason for this until after election. I judge after reading this book that there l8 a demand by Republicans, anxious to read the book. and a Ruula. Here are some algnlllcant quo· tatlons from the article: "Titf! very apeclal agent from Moscow sat victoriously at the White House desk at midnight, smiling at the Presldf!nt of the national Fishing Rodeo, put on Daddy, l'll swear J've been In th~ put year coundJ hu each ~ason by Guaymu. Almost d ... amlnr all the time!" frittered away nearly $15,000 on at ont'e we met two other Orange e JfO IIAT MEJOa elaboratf! survey or plana which Countlans: Dt. RAy N.wton ot We've got a good alogan for It did not put to etrectJve u. . Laguna alto there for the tour-Guaymaa. stolen from a cerveA For l~ tor a aal- nament and Peplto Pft'ez. of Pe-(pearl advertl~ent ~.long the ary survey. f4000 for traU« park plto and Joan's Dance Academy highway. The slogan l.t "No hay original plana. $3000 for a license demand by Democrats and Com· e COUNCIL MEETING ENDED TOO SOON munlsta to burn Jt. It reflects h I bed d · · N great discredit on both Demo· T ~re were ~evere .pertur persons ~~ Mon ey eveno~g s ew. crats and Communists In separ. port Coty Councol meehng-when the meet•ng ended, thet IS. For the ate sections. first time th&t I c.on remember, M&yor Dor& Hill fe iled to &sk if there At our public lJbr~.ry 1 was were &ny questions from the &udience before &djourning. The session told that t hey ha d bought a w&s over before " group of Cenlr&l Newporlers could get to their copy, but at present It "was not feet They w&nted to re·open the discussion of b&yfront street ends-available." No, It wasn't signed speci ficelly the revers&! of Council policy in grenting ., permit for street out. It had just plain duap- end plenting, efter heving voted to remove plantings so th&t street pe!red from their !helves. ends could be used by bethers. They wented to question the pro· • IBOJf Cl7liTIUJf . cedure followed by Council in gr&nting the pl&nting permit. Oh. the name of the book. I L • "Iron Curtain Over America," by Better uc~~: nerl t1me. John Bea~, and 1 recommend It THE I-4USBAND AL\VAYS ASk'S FOR MORE, WJ.IOSE WIFE BUYS MEAT ~E~E AT THIS STORE Specials f« TbUI'L, Fri.. Sat.. Sept. 27, 28, 29. DY OUR III-IE-QUE CIIC~EIIS IIIII lee~! t:BOI.e Steaks lb. 98~ t7. S. CHOICE .OIITEUOtJSE STEAKS lb • .,. OSCAAMATEa Rolled Sausage IUC&D lJ OZ. n;Q. to every American who likes our way of llle and who wants to keep It the way It Is. This book may bring about a change In the apathetic attitude of 50~ of our eligibLe voters who do not register and In the atti- tude of many registered voters !who may have ~et'ed be· cause they got home service In registering) who wtll say on election day:: "My vote won't make a ny difference. 110 why go a couple of blocka and 1.11 that trouble?" It might just wake a few peopLe up to what Communism will be ll.ke If we don't destroy It In our country before It destroyw us. I am not accusing the pret~ent Democratic Party of appease· ment toward Communism, but along with John Beatty's book 1 accuse the two Democratic presl· dents In thf! period 1932 to 1954 of appeasement and stupidity al· most beyond bellef~r was It duplicity? The ~mocratlc party ot today admlres and defends both of those two presidents. e llED LETTEJl DAT Joh'n Beatty quotes a lengthy factual article. "Moscow's Red Letter Day In American History," L&rgest and Mos-t Complete Furniture Store in the 1\rea. C•ll for free DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 1-5511 Hause ... Gar~ en Furnishings for homes, clubs, yachts. 3017 W. Coa1t Hi9hwey ... ell United States. "For 15 deceitful yeana the-cor- rupt Kremlin had tried to obtain a communist base, protect.ed by diplomatic Immunity. within the United States; four Prellldent&-- WIIIIOn, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover-had refused to counte· nance Moscow's pagan Ideology or Its carrl.era. But here, at last, was a President the communists In Santa Ana. mejor" -which translated Into fee recomm~ndation that was • • • our native tonRUe meana. ap-worse than u.eleu, and theN are e t11fBELlEV Am-£ proxlmat~ly, ''There just lm't others. The fis hing was 110 good that any better." Which briefly, but True It t. that Newport Beach we can't bellevf! It yet. There most appropriately auma up our hu a lot ot municipal problem& l~n't room to tell of one percent Impressions of Guaymas. the But thl5 plethora of lnaane .ur· ot It, but for now, Wf!'ll give you Hotel Playa de Cortez and the ve~ mltht be a aymptom that 1 hour and 40 minutes u a tine people who make It that city council dON not really un· sample. way. denatand what theM problema could deal with. This wu Sund.ay, September Adloe. amigo! And te-ll 'em , ar~d la trantkly blrlnJ ewry 23, and we were bunUng the elu· like Groucho aaya. that C.Q. told ••expert'' that comes aJona. • PLEAD&D WJ'1'8 FDa ''Many patriotic, well-Informed Amf!ricans, In the old Depart· ment of State, In thf! American Le· glon. and In 1M Am«lcan Fed· eratlon of Labor, had belied slve rooster.flsh whJch Inhabits YOU. X.ybe what we need la a aur· Food and Clothing Sought ~:.nk:!~d=;e~~ro:h~ ~~~~to Help Navaio Indians States for the aggrandizement of an evil. dang«ous and pagan Donations of food and clothing In addition to the food and guest. for Navajo lndlana are reque.t.ect clothing, two trucks and volun· "But Franklin Roo a eve 1 t • by the Costa Mesa Roughroadena tee driven are needed to trans· piqued with the power of hls Club. Club members wlU leave port' the donations to the JCat· new ott1ce, .tlmulated by the on a week'a trip Friday, Oct. 5. teoed Nava)o ReservaUons. clique of Marxlan and Fabian with provisions tor needy Navajo Staple food ~tem.a su.ch u cof- IIOCiallats posing as Intellectuals Indians In Arizona. New Mex.lco, fee, corn meal, tlour. c1.nned po- and llbera.._.nd by radlcals In Utah, ~.nd Idaho. tatoes, canned mllk, IP&ghettJ. labor unions. unlvenaiUN, ud beans and canned aooda that his own sycophant bu~aucracy c·.rcus Funds conatltute a meal are the ehlef -had signed hla name to the need of the Navajoe. Slnce It Ia Kremlin's franchlae. winter In mo.t parta ot the res«· "Without the approv'al ot Con -To A .. 1 d Clubs vaUon, donations ot warm cloth-gress. he made an actual treaty Ina will alao be of great help. with the Sovl~ alvlng them Pertons wlah.lng to contribute the right to establish a commu-may leave their donations at 7(11 nlst embauy and conauJatea In The Girls Club, the YMCA. the Center St., Costa Mesa. or. dona· the United States. with full dip· Boys Club and the OptlmJat tona may have their articles Jomatlc hospltalWf!e and lmmu· Home tor children will aU r@-picked up by phoning Liberty nltles to SWin'a agents, the ~lve 110me of the proceeds from 8-8037. bloody bolshevlkl . . . Sunda.y'a performance of Rudy ------- "November 16. 1933---at mid· Brothers circus. which played at R F nlght! That Is a date In Amerl· the Orange County Fl.lr Grounds eturns rom can history our chJidren wUJ under the au.plces of the Optl- long have tragic cause to re-mist Club of Costa Mesa. Foreign Commlaaar Maxim LIM· buy toys and baskett for the . vey to nnd out what needa to be surveyed. EWe lllt••sP'• YARN SHOP ................. ftH/1 a. COAIT aaaWAY c... ............ .., yp~tTER ALS 1'IDB otflall..,, -.we. ..... .. .u ................. .... mf!mber. That w .. the day Soviet Proceeds will a1ao be uaed to Wyom·1ng Tr·ap nov sat down wfth Franklin needy at Chrtstmaa. 'Jbe clrcus T v Roosevelt. after Dean Achet10n Included the Krlateneen Troupe Althouth ~e'a been alck with -----.. had done the IIJ)adework of pro· o1 bareback rlden .., -.ell u ed-a cold atnee retum1na, Mia Irene - paganda, and made the deal that ucated bears, dop. ponlea and .SO.Omworth of Corona del Mar hu led the American people. elephanta. hu fond rMmOrlea and colorful and our once vut reaourcee, Into alldetl of h« aummer vacatJon tn a aoclal and economle calamJty ... A--a.. F•lll• Stoey, Wyo. In W)omtna abe to the VftY brlnk. now, o1. na· -•IIJ --lta)'led with a friend, MnL loee-~~~· and lnternattonal dl.t· .. 1111.1111. .. r_:n~~u:"·,!s':,~ :,:~ I drcMt back to Cautornta wttb • • I lfrl. Francia 0 . Cantu. 63. of ){._ Boeomwortll .to attend to I .,._ 11111 II an Otinae Ave., Santa Ana, and bush.-here. 1 _ .. 1&..1-formerly of Corona del Mar. dJecl ._.clee enJoJtnc the m!Je·btrh ... • • .... Tuesday, Sept. 18. after a brief clfm.ate oi St«y, whldl la at th• BOLOGNA aetumJnr trom a ao.ooo.m11e lllneu at Oranp County General eel,. o1 the ... Born Mountabw, ~~~~~~~===~ ~====;====;;=~ trtp tbrouah Africa, Dr. GUea Ho.pltal. ltequlem M.. wu .... ao.omworth leunecl how to r Brown, Oranae Cout eou..,. So· M1d Frlc!ay at St. Joaehlm'• catdl trout tw llreakfUt b'OIIl a dal Sctence heact. la .,._.,tine Catholic Cburdl In Colla M ... atream that ran at Uae bade o1 color alJcte. and mov1e1 o1 tbe and lftt(II'IMftt wu bt Holy Mrs. QuiJ'ch'a horne. v. L c:aosca ROUND STEAK ..a.al RUMP ROAST ~h ;.)'( .. IIIPLEIE II II IIIII I trwnda ot thla awaJraon.lna' oontl-Sepulcb« Cemetery, wtth the :J'hey took ......nJ tripe from nent. A portion ol aeh ewnlnr Rev. J'r. 'lbomu J. Hevtn otfld-Story, to eee the IOdeo and aU Ia ~ to a dSieuMion and atJna. Amlrfean lDcllan ~at SbeJt. enhaatlon o1. the c:ut'NDt Inter-Mn. Cantu wu a nattve of dan, W)oo. The, aJaO wat to the ft&tloDa1 ...._ San Antonio, Texu; Sbe Uftd 1n Bladr Hilla ol ao.th DUota and Thla lecture _._ .,_an Tu•· Corona del Mar prior to mcw1nC ~ O..wr and ..._ IIIOGA· ct.,~ le tiM Oralia eo..t to Santa Ana tltNe ,..... ap. taln ....U. 'J'Mi ..cur1lfC1 to CGIIep ADell--. tad wtll C.Oft· She Ia liUI'fl.,.. • * 101111. loutiMrD CaUiioraJa by tiJnM a.cll ~ .t?:30 p.m. Joe of COlt&--.; ,ti..,-of Or-Dill-. .....,. 1M$' toaft4 Ei9in & Hamilton Watches OieMOnda Mountings Wallace Calderbead JEWEtQ IIU IMt c...t ....,.,._ until !Me 11;. ,All . a.wr. .,.. an.-. .,_. Of W... YGrll atJ', IAdoal,,...,.. ~e.awJGN." put open to the pubUc without Arqtur ., .... a.·•·· ..,., CaiWINwl ea ........ bome ..,. eta.t,.. wtt.o .. Wldl Clli ua I* ~ at Wll7 CJf ........_~ii~fliiiiiiiiiii~iifi~iiiii;iiiiiiiii ;::=:=:=:::::::::;::=:::::::=~ w~o.c. .._. ..-ot ._iMii I A ::::r=::~-TD CITY ootnraL or ~ CITY o• OOftA JaaA or J Jf T I! R T I 0 l' TO AJC1fi:X. AJfD GJVIKO MOTJCJ: 'fiilildX)r. WRDEAa. th.. II ll&uMd outllde ancS contlJUOUI to tbe City of eo.ta Mea a certatn UD· inhabited .,_ u Mtelnatt.r IDON partieW&rl)t deecrlbed; and WHEitEAS, the OW'Jlen ot owr one-halt ol tiM land and t.be •· rltory by .,_ and bJ ur ••II valuation u abown on the 1ut equallzed IJJICOO*it roll IJt the County ot Oranp hafteQ~..-IedJ themaelves u "-lrou.r ol ..... ,.,.". the same annex.ecl with the of eo.ta Mesa. Abel WHEBEA& tt would be for best lnterem ot the City ot eo.ta Men to anna the aaJd herein· after d.:rlbed pwpetty, and WHEREAS, there hu been aubmltted on or about the 13th day of Au~Uft. 1958, to the Or- ~nge County Boundary Commla- alon a l~al deterlptlon and plat of the said heoreinatt.er unin- h abited area, for Ita approval. pursuant to Section 35002 of the Government Code of the State ot Calltomla; and WHEREAS, the approval of said Orange County Bounda.ry Commt.ulon hu been aecured and reported upon by the Bound- a.ry Com.mtuJon with respect to the deflnlteneu and the oer· talnty of the propoeed bound· aries; NOW, mEREFORE BE rr BE· SOLVED, by the CJty Coundl of the City ot eo..ta Mea. a C1ty of the S1xtb c--. to annex the nld real p10pert:y u hereina.tter described, WbJcb saJd reeJ pro. pert:y Ia oonttruoua to the pte~· ent boundar!• ot aaJd City of eo.ta Meu. and wbldl propat)' Ia. at the pret~ent Ume. unln· habJted. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that It Ia propoeed by the aaJd City of Colta Meu to annex the the herelna.fteto d.:rtbed real ~ to the CJty ot eo.t.a Mesa. which aa1d real property shall, In theee proeeedlnp. bea.r the name "BRISTOL NO. 1 AN· NEXA'MON." The ipedtlc de- ac::rtpUon of the bounda.rles ot the ten1tory propoeed to be annexed are u t~: Betfnnlnc at an anale point In the e.xt.tlnc bounda.ry of the City of eo.ta Mesa.. aald point belnc the lntenectlon ol the northerly prolon1at:1on of the westerly llne ot Lot 17. Block B, Berry Tract. .. shown on a map recorded In , ... I ~. .... .. ~ u.., ..... ..... ID.CJO ... bt wYth; u..a. ..... ., aJoq MJd llOI'tber17 1IDe ot .......... lo ........ UDt ol Lot 10. Bloc* ~ ot 1&14 -.ny Tract; ~~l,&Jou ll&l4 .......,. u.. of Lot 10 ud Lot 1, .... ' of ..... Berry Trad to ...... .., feet 80\1~ ol tbe parallel to the c.nt.U.. olPau.LarlDo Avenue; tbeDCit e a • t • r 11 alont aatd parallel Une to the ..... lJlJDe ot NJd Lot 1; thence~ .... the ... 17 11M ot l&ld LoU 1 and 10 to NJ4 ~·y line ol .... BtNet; tbenee eutarly aloftc aa.lcl nortber}y line of Baller StMet to the --..ty 11De of Lot 4, BIDdc E, Berry Tract. u tihow1'l on a map recorded In Book 30, pqe 74. Mboellaneowa Bee· orda of Loa An,~elea County, C&llfornla; thenoe northerly alon1 nld westerly llne ot Lot 4 to a point. aaJd point belnl 412.!50 feet northerly ot the .outherly Jlne of Lot 5 of aatd Block E, Berry Tract; thence westerly along a llne parallel to sa.ld aouth- erly llne·of Lot 5, &80 feet; thence northerly parallel to aa1d w..terly line of Lot 4 to the 10utherly line of Paul- a.rl.bo Avenue; thence eut· erly &lema' aaJd IOUtberly l1ne ot Paularlno Avenue to the eut«ty line ot the w.t one acre of the northerly one·ba.U ot Lot 3, Block E. ot aaJd Berry Tract; thence 80Utherly alon• aaJd eut Une of the w.t one acre of the nottha'ly one-halt at Lot 3. to the 80Utherly line of the DC~rtb.-17 one-halt ol. Lot 3; thence wettMly alon1aald 10utberly llne of the north· erly one-halt cl Lot 3 to the euterty nne ot aattt Lot 4; thence 10utberly alon1 aald euterly line ot Lot 4 and the 80Utherly prolongation there- of to the 10utherly line ol aald Bak• Street; thence ~ly along aald 80Uth· erly llne ot Baker Street to the euterly line of the west four acres ot Lot 9, Block E. ot aaJd Berry Tract; thence 10utherly along aald eut line of the west four &cres and the 10utherly prolonea· tton thereat to the centerllne ot the roa.d between Block E and Block F ol aaJd Berry Tract; thence euterly alone sa.ld cen•Une of the road Your DRY CLEANING r CAN BE 6 I nMES CLEAN-R _ SANITABTS NEW ELECTRONIC Tnae-CIHn Dry Clecming Syatem, Ia Oranp County' a Newest cmd FIDHt. T0t7 WIU. SEE TD DII'FDDCE JlboRe Per,._,.. c..n.o.. ttck Up ...S DeUftJy ........._ 01. FtiUf-Jfewport ~ ctrt.l Mrl __.. loaD ••ndt. lt, ot 405 wwe nant trfaMN In tbe Sev· Coldeonrocl. Corona cW Mar, aod ant.n •PJtne•• -cSonal law auth Studle)', 1-c. ot m w. wn. the atUclnn Federation Doll 10n, eo.ta ...._ Cone.. wtaJcb Ia held ewry year Suaa.n wW haw her doll ~­to~ JOOCiwUl abroad and ter~ ln the ftnAI conte.t whkh provide l)ledy cbllclnn all owr wtll be held at New Yorit early the VfOI'ld trlth dolla at Cbrlst· 1n October. Gr&M prize trom the mu. Seventeer~ m•1az1ne 11 an aU- Grand Pfl• wtnner few there· expeue paJd tl'Jp to Europe laat· AM* J: of ...., TtMt; ~ ....... ., ........ nardl8t7 prolonpdon an4 ll&l4 ...... , l1ne ot Lot 2 and tbl ~~ PfOlonP· tson tbereol to tM ceat.Une ot the roed 80UtiMrly Oil Mld Lot 2; tbeDC.'e ....... , &lool NJd eetterUne Oil U.. road and the euterly proloaaa· Uon tb...ot to the IO\Itheut· erly Une ot l'ewport Boule· vard; tbenot 80Uth'ftllterty a1on1 NJd 80Utheuterly nne of l(.wport Boulevard to the euhfly prolonaation ot tM .outherly Une ot Bloc:k r of Aid Beny Tract Nlcl point allo belnl an analoe potnt In the edsttftl boundary of the Clty ot eo.ta Keu; thence we.tetly aloQJ aald euterly prolonptlon and aalcl 80\lth· etly llne ot Bloc:lc r.to the .outbeuterly eome.r thereof; &ion wu Suaan Porte.r, • -.e 13, Inc alxteen daya. ot 16 Harbor Ialand.. Susan al.eo f============l!..--==:::=:.:.--~--1 won t lrst prl.ze ln the e.ha.racter thence northerly alon1 the lftCU'IIT ._... _,_ •-. westerly Une ot aaJd Block ---.._ - F to the .outherly line of old L. ••llld'f, II. -., Ell· aald Block B. Berry Tract; Jcda K. -.....ty, 1171 0.1'011 thence weRerly alonst nJd Dr .. C.... ...., Ia • aM c:Mdr 10utherly line of Block B to la •••dt'.,...._ Anly ADU· doll ~tecory with a colorful entry of her cSolJ, Pllppo the Clown. Patrtcla Palne, 13, ot ~ Holm· wood Drive, Newport HeJebt.a. wu a aeeond prl.ze winner In the contest, it Ia announoed by RAnk- In's Department St«e ln Santa Ana. Among the thlrd prl.ze win- Prlt• c. c. o-.. ..•.• , ....... the westet'ly line of Lot 17, cdraaft CwR •d ct Eat AU of aald Block B; thence FOI'Ce 1-. Celli_.. lpriap. Army Private CIa r en c e C. northerly alonlnld west.Hly Spedcdlllt •u•ty. • •• ... aa who.e wUe, 1udy, resides liM ol Lot 17 and the north-ot .......toe Ia a..a.y. Cit· a t 513~ Goldenrod, Ave., Corona erly prolongatlbn thereof to -..s.cl OI'CID9e c-t eou.g.. del Mar,eleft the U.S. Tuesday the point of beJtlnnlng. (t7..1. Aray ,....) for Europe u part of Operation P"UR'111ER NO'nCE IS HERE-Gyroscope the Army's unit rota- BY GIVEN, that on the 15th day tlon plan. of October, 1956, at the hour of Postm·lstress Prlva~ Clarke, a clerk In the 7:30 P.M. on nld day, or u 100n Service Battery of the 18th In· thereafter u the matt.e:r may be I H d fantry Dlvlaion'a 28th Field ArtiJ. hea.rd, at the Council meeting at $ onore lery Battalion, was prevtoualy the 1ustJ<le Court of Newport stationed at Fort Carson, Colo· Beaeb ludlctaJ Dlatrlct, 567 West by Mesa B PW rado. Hla division Is replaclnl 18th Street, Coat& Mesa, Call· the 9th Infantry Dlvlslon In Ger· fornJa. a hearing wtll be had, at many. which hea.rlnst the City Council Postmistress' H a z •I GIU of Private Clarke, a 1956 endu · shall hear and pus upon all Costa M~ wu honored lut ate of the University of Southern written protest. tiled at any nlJht (Sept. 26) u "Business Calltorn.la, wu employed by Bal- tlme before sa.ld hour let for nld Woman of the Year" by the Costa boa Originals before ent~ng the hea.rlnst by any penon owning Mesa Business and Professional Army Ma.rch of thla yea.r. real property within the terri· Women's Club at a dlnl\er meet- tory .o propoeed to be annexed, lng held at Park Ave. Cafe, Bal-KAJOa DAO#IIDIE OVZUEAI and at any time before the hour boa Island. Major George Dauphine, for- let for aald hearlnc any owner Three Harbor Area buslnea mer Shore Cllf!s resident. Is now ot property within the territory women, who spoke at the m~t . In Korea for a year's tour of duty. propoeed to be annexed may tue lng were Madelyn Platt. a1xth a written protest a1atnat the Jlade teacher at Harper School, CIRT PADU o• VACAno• annexation. The prot est shall who Introduced Mrs. CUI, and Chet Fura.r, owner of the Co· aet forth the name ol the owner Winifred Bacon, administrator rona del Mar Arthur Murray of the property affected and Jtlve of Hoag Hospital. and FranOH Dance Studio, ls ln Ohio for the a description of sald property In Lawrence. Instructor ot business month vlsltln1 hla mother. geMral t~rms. admlnl.sttallon at Oranste Coast The City Clerk of the City of Collece. Costa Mesa ls hereby authorlzed The award meeting was tht> and directed to cause a copy of climax of the observan~ of Na- thla ReaoluUon to be published Uonal Business and Pro~tonal once a w.eek for two weeks prior Women's Week. September 23 to to aald hearing In the Costa 29. Special JUesta invited to the Mesa Globe Herald, a newspaper dinner were Earl Gill, husband of Jer~eral circulation, published of the honoree, a nd Mrs. 1ohn In the City of Costa Mesa, and Nuzum. her daughter. a l10 ln the Newport Harbor En-Martha Taylor Bea Whittlesey sllft, a newspaper of reneral clr· and Daisy Grtnn~ge, members of culatlon pubU...hed In the County the Santa Ana BPW Club which of Oranee and outside the City Installed the officers of the new of Costa Mesa. 'J'be Clty Clerk Ia furthe-r au-Costa Mesa club Jut sprlnJ, thorlzed a.nd directed to mall a were also Invited. u were repre- wrttten notloe of the propoeed sentatJves from a ll 25 BPW clubs annexation to all periON to In tht> Orange County and San whom land propoeed to be an-~mard1no County dlatrlct.s. nexed Ia 1 tnnd In the lut avallable eq11.u.d a•rMJ'!-ent F.., 1111 ... roll at the addrea shown there· on or u known to aatd City If l11f1•1 ,..._ Clerk. -•1 A C. SWARTZ Funny hats were In order Frl· A . C. Swart%. CJty Clerk a nd ex· day nteht when the Orange otrldo Clerk of the Clty Councll Cout Chapter of Sertoma Inter· ot the CJty of eo.ta Mesa. Cell!. national held a party at the 1be above and torecotng R.Mo· home of Mr. and Mrs. William lutloJ\ wu duly and regularly Krumpholz at 618 Tustin Ave., pa.ued and adopted at a rerular Newport twlgbta. The ma!n pri)· meettne of the CJty CouncU ol stram wu a backya.rd Ba.rbec~. the Clty of Costa Mesa, held on the 4th day of September, 1~ by the following roll call vote, to-wit; AYES: Councilmen -Ma.rUn, PlnJtley, Nelaon, Meyers. ......... llr••··· HaM 1 .S., AI tlr. a.. uuco. 1t"PUTI. ... ,IUTltl PUTt ~ ...... Mlo1 0.., a......o.., o-o... ..... ..._ 06-. c.-,__... ....,u.. ... Dad, if you're having • t.ttle "labor" trou- ble and simply haven't got the extra cash, give Mom a chec~ing account and watch hf'r stretch the family income . Trv it! Newport Harbor Bal* sas &. c..rt ..,. •• , NOES: Councllmen-Nont>. Mr. a.nd Mrs. 1ames Raymond ABSENT: CouncUmen-Smlth. Klrchen of 211 32nd St.. Newport A. C. SWARTZ ~ach. have a new son, 1ames. A C. Swartz, City Clerk and ex-1r., who wu born at Hoag hos· officio Clerk of the City Cound l pltal Monday, Sept. 17. He of the City of eo.ta Mesa. C&llf. welehed 7 pounds. 9 oun~ at Publish: Sept. 20 and 27. 1956 birth. ............ ........,. In the Newport Harbor Enalp. The Klrchens have one other Patronize the merchant. wbo child, Beverly. who was 14 last advert!M ln the N--..nrt R . Sunday. The Klrchens moved to ~-,.... a.r Newport ~ach from Santa Ana ~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~;;;~;bor;;~Enat~~JD..~=======. over two years ago. Mr. Kitchen ;::. recently became employed by a Here's your cbaDce to •Jay tM fiiiMI1 advaota.ges o£ qtMIIM~ Melmac dhwwae iD yow home ••. at teD- satioaal avaap. Woden. oobNl Royale aad Cob- Ftyte dizmerwa. .. ...,...._ for OM full y.t' ap.lmt dUppMc. cne l:hc • lnakfDc ID DOnDAl 018. a t.utiful co1an to .. • ....-.. pleuet ~wee. YOUR NEW \ BUICK CENTER OffPJIS YOU • Fair \ • Fast • F.riendly Service STANSBURY BUICK I • • machlne company ln Glendale. nz•' EU. aETOU Mr. and Mrs. lobn ~ler haw moved from their Ba.yview Ave. home In COrona del Mar back to thelt winter ho~ In Los An,eles. Their 100. Per ~ler, ls enterln1 Pomona Colleee thla fall . ..... 110ft FIIOII a&WIOIIT The E. T. Beb.ra ot West Bay Aw~ Newport. have mowd baek to their Paaadena balM. ~...-......... .......... ~ .......... , ... MIEllO .. 4 IIC· Pia Slttil .._ == --Nowfar ..... _,__ ...... _l a' t' .,_ t -.... ' .... -2 ...... $' 0 ... ... • ... a eS 7 ..... , t (' I ........... 8 ··-· 0 ~ ........... twill• .._,_ h I' • .... a....., t • 11a ..... ,__ .................... ... .. ., .. I M~ Beaut, gaJ,o,. EXPERT STYUNG-SHAptNG PERMANENTS-TINTING All WOC'k aupervbed by VIOLET 117 IIAJUid AVE. !lAm. 151 ~A Faculty Wives Welcome 13 New Members •• ~n~-C.iliialweds Gerald ·Myre of Costa Mesa A ._.. rtq ~ I*· aJcbard8oe -' Mra. ~ack can.. toni~~~ .... u, by a.v. 'l'llomu all ot c.ea X... ••'"'Mee with x.-at a. IOKhlm'• CatboUc tbe ........ ell--. eo.ta liMa. unltH tn Mn. Ce•UJ•e wore a na\7 blu. ....,._. ..._ Vtrpnla CUillu, face ctn. and a oonap oL pink .. ..., ., Mr. ADd 11n. r. 11. ,.... tor 1w clauaJa.,• ....un,. Cai01u oll1'7 Awcado at.. Colla na. poom'• ...._, wu *-'d ..... aad a.ald L M1re ot 1n pink aacl wb.l ... eo.ta ~ 1"bblt lfC*a .. tbe rouo.tq a botwJmooa ln San 10ft ol Claul• 1!. 11119 ot ST6 Dtqo aDd tbe eoutb, the JOUDI HamlltGD at.. eo.ta .._, ADd couple are melrlnl tbett home Mrs. I. L. Law ot eo.ta ..... at 2366 Eldea Aw.. eo.ta .. ..._ The bride -... a fonul white Both the bride aDd p'OOid are wedd1nc IOWJl ot tulle and lace N~ Harbor Rich School over aatbL A ftUed laee bodJoe craduat.ell. 1be croom abo ""d· extenct.d down Into the triple led at O.ranp Cout Collep. tleNd tull~ skirt Mth polnta ot chantilly lace. Laoe appllquea D t Ch d adorned the dres. wblcb wu a e an ge made with a scalloped neckllne and lone pointed aleevee. A b F II h • flneertlp illusion vell was held y e ows tp with a crown of pearls. rhine· stones and tiny aequln.a.. The The Women'a Fellowahlp of bride canted a bouquet of white the Corona del Mar Community orchids and carnations tied with Church officially chanced their satin atreamers. meeting d.ay from the fourth Serving as matron of honor Wednesday ot e~tch month to the was Mrs. Rudy Caslllas, the third Wed.needay at their meet· bride's slater-In-law, who wore Inc held last week at the church. an aqua formal gown with The earlier monthly meettne matchlne headpleoe and a bou· was arranged ., as not to con· quet of yellow carnations. Mlu ntct with the Southern Calltornla Esther Castuas was her alster's dlstrtct meettnea of Con..,eea· bridesmaid along with Mlas Ann tlonal Women. Hawley of Costa Mesa. Both at· Also durlne the bualn~ meet· tendants wore yellow formal Inc, presided ovec by Mrs. Stuart eowns with matching headpieces Diehl, president, the IJ'OUP ac· and bouquets ot aqua c:amatlona.. cepted a budeet ot $ll'T7 tor tbe sh~w AIJ~~?~ shoe advC.nfaaes in cln ad this size-? impossibl~l GoettL b!0U1 ,... a t.y 1M ..... o1 .... ,...., a... -.r .... ........ .. ;.,ltM ..... Cl ......... ol ...... taMI•proJteM-. In..._. and~ that ........ poe-to ...... whole ttoty. ._,.... cao.e • and ... Uf rN¥w '(041 how ~Mart faiHoft hat bMn CGnlblned with foot prot~ In Pled "'*' Shoea. Wl~ ••• ............... ............. The bride's brothel', Rudy Ca· comlne year. The proeram In· • • • • • •·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The Faculty Wives Club of the aUlas, wu best man, and an· eluded a talk by Mrs. James • • Newport Harbor Union Hleh other brother, Manual, alone Price chairman o.f the Woman'• 0...-' .... -............. * .II. IIIE IIIIE , * • WHI*:w-... • School welcomed 13 new mem· with Gene Myre, the croom'• Glft ior the Con I r eea t I onal NU a. c.-Jlwy. ft. IIJl 1177 • • bet's at the first meetl.ng of the broth«r, served as. ushers. An· women's Fellowship tor the BAJl8iOJl AREA'S ONLY CIDLDBENS • • school year. other slster-ln·law ot the bride, Southland. Mrs. Price apok.e on SHOE STORE-CORONA DEL MAR • • Greetlne the new members Mrs. Joseph Casillas, presided ''11le Ktnedom ot God Cornea." ~:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;:::;:;::;:;::::::::;:;:::;:;:::;:;::;:;::::::::;:;:::;:;::;:;:::::::;::::;;: • • were. Mrs. John McGowen, new over the euest book. . Mrs. Arthur K em p er sane • DOl NG • presldltnt; Mrs. Chester Wula, Followtne the ceremony a Je· "Prayer Peifect." Mrs. Wmt.am : : secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Cutler ceptlon wu held In the parish Howell deUVf'red the devotional • • Dlppell, aoclal chairman. and hall of the church, where white rnesaaJie and Mrs. Edwin Gomke Pacific Model Centre • • Mrs. Charles Funnell. publicity streamtTS and wed dine bella pre • en t e d the prelude. ~-• T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manaaer in Newport Beach • chairman. Other hostesses were deoorat.ed the table. There was Gomke closed the meettne with e • Mrs. Joe Hamblet ana Mrs. Leslie a three-tiered wedding cake with the benediction. Followtne the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Miller. yeUow ~tnd aqua deslens. Mlsa procram tea was served by the Dlhfllll U. If 1•••11 PLANEYOATS-TRAINS "T eletrainers" teach best phone use Any day now that hleh echool you.npt.er ot youra qht wr- priae you wtt.b 10me ~ood U.. oe how to u. the te.lephoae. He'll get hla ideu at echool from telephone equipment ca.Ued a ••Teletralner." It's a device th.at wu created by telephone people especially for high achool teachen and puplla. It teachea the 11tudenta how to develop a good telephoDe penoDality, how to use a t elephone directory and how '*t to place out-of-town calla. Above all, it teachea good telephoae habit.. the kind of habita that help everybody eet better eerYice from their tele- phones. The men and women of Pacific Telephone work to make your telephone more UMful .very day. • • • Color phones wll *ess up your home When you're dreaaing up, color's important. You want your shoes, hat, dreaa or IIUit to com])lement perfectly. When you're dreaalng up your home, color's important. too. That'a why additional phones i.D color at ri&'ht lD.. They come i.D eight excltJ.ne ahadea-red. yellow, green, blue, brown, beige, gray and lvory-u well u "two- tone" combination.. The ~! Only $1.00 a month for each additional phone after a aincle' lnatallatlon charge. Why not call ua rlcht now and aak about addJnc phonea i.D color! • • • • • Dear Customer: Yes, there comes a time each year when the dlrecto,Y hu to be closed for chances or new llstinp In ordft' that the printer can print the new book or we just could not have a n.w book. That tlme thla year la Thurad.ay, September 2'7, 19:56. U you think of a chance that you should have made ln your llatin• or your telephone wu Just lnsta.lled or is to be lnatalled eoon, and the date La September 28 or later, pleue do not ull ua to put Jt ln the book. Aa nwc:h u we IYJilPAtbbe wtth JOUr Deed for lndentWcatlon In the DIW book ,.. JQ8t c.mot re-open the cloeed date. 'Jbe reuon we cannot la becau.ae w. are Plnl to print a book consa.ttne of nearly 100.000 namee and I am 8Ure you will apee that it ta no amall job. Ulou are one wbo la too late to be Included you will understan won't youT I knew 700 would. Thank you. Your local llanqe'r, T. II. Bambrooll ·-.......... --,. --·- The 13 new members are Katherine Bonds, Miss ponna Friendly Service Group ln the Mmes. George Badger. Leeland Fellowahlp Hall. Beckett, William Clarke, Edward ---------..,.----Conway, Dwight Dorman, Jarfa FlltSl CHUltCH 0, CHRIST Fowles, VIncent Rants, George SC1ENTIST ~~~~1~~ Jo;a~ Pr~:.· g:~a;~ Mrs. Charles Lamb ot 224 VIa A ~~!c~ '1h~ =:c=~. The ••= us•ID Smith and William Bums. Orvteto. Udo Isle, ls plannlne to Rrst Ch..rch of O~rist, ScJe,.titt, ;,. b The next meettne will be held leave by air next Tuesday for to11. Meuedtuwttt.. Tuesday Oct 9 Juneau, Alaska. to vl.slt her son ~~=! t",::! ---....-11 :00 e.lft. ' · · Charles .,Jr.. who ls on duty In • More than 150 tickets were sold to the Corona del Mar Lob· ster Bake by the Young People of Corona del Mar Co m m u n I t Y Church and their leader, Dr. Nonnan Brown. First prlu tor ticket selling went to Carol Denner. who sold 32. Anne Humason was runner up with 26 tickets sold. The youne people. under the supeT· vision ot Freddt• Shannon, also were In charee of the servine Une. Freddie took on the vo~· unteer job wben Mary Davidson was called out of town on busl· ness. • Ira. la1il •••lee Dill at&p 11 a Funeral services foe Mrs. Annie Florence Greenlee. 83, of 400 Tustin Ave., Newport Helghta, were held Monday in Parkes Mortuary Chapel. Costa Mesa, wtth the Rev. Roy A. Carlson, pastor of Christ Church by the Sea. oUiclaUng. Mrs. Greenlee died Sept. 19 at Corona Naval Hospital. She was a native of Mason City, W. Va., and came to Callfomla In 1947. She had Jived In Newport for the put 6 years. She a survived by one son, ¥/Sgt. Georae w. Greenlee. sta· Uoned at El Toro Marine Base; 3 brothers. lames Tucker of Indio. Charles Tucker ot West Vlrgtnla and Frank Tucker ot Ohio; 2 sisters, Mrs: Ethel L. Cowan of the home address and Mrs. Winona Sattler of Tennes- see. CIIJUITIAJf ICI&IICE CAUIICB "God bath not liven ua the aplrtt of feer; but ol power, and of love, and of a eound mind" aaeru the A.poM.le Paul to 'nm· othy In a reference wbldl la tb~ Golden Text of the Leuon·Ser· mon on "UnreaUty'' at the New· pen leach Chrlltlan Science church Sunday. (D nm. 1:7) L. IIAII'tL&Y ..... I.&Aft The L. Harde7 lm.ltha haw J'DOftd frOID tiMir .....,.,... bonae on tbe Gran4 CaDaJ. Balboa Ialucl. tO tiMtt laD llartno home. Alaska with the U. S. Coast Wed,..~.Y Evel\i"9 MMtill9 1:00 P·"'- Guard. ltHdi119 Room lo«ted et ll I 5 Vie l ido. Newport S..ch, it 0~11 -' Youne Charles has just re-deyw from 9:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m. turned from the "dew line" pa-Wedneldeyw from 9:00 e.m. to 7:45 trol ot the Arctic aboard an Ice p.m. Fridey -~~~~ from 7:00 p.m. to cutter, which approached within 9:00 p.m. Closed HolideY'- 125 miles of the magnetic north The public Ia cordiefly i11vlted to ••· pole. He has been on duty In tend the t:hurch aervic.. elld .,.. the Alaska since last May. ltHdi11q Room. attend tlk el'uvtdi of, 'lJowt etroke. -----TIIIIW ..... EIIIJ .... •• J'•ll .. Y•~---- COWUMift K&'TIIODIST aa w. 1111a lt.. c:-tc~r ...... Llbelty 1-4551 ~. , ...... w. llc::la.- Sunday: 9:30" a.m.. Olurcb Sun· day School; 1 :30 and 11:00 a.m. Momlne Wonblp-7 p.m. CoUefie Ace MYJI' Seivke -7 p.m. leh School MYF Service; 8 p.m., younc adulta e:roup tervice. cau ..... ._ wu•..-. aat&aJa DAY ADt&al&t ~-~-.a....--.................... .... ......... atft '""'-· ......... .... -Llbeltr .. nea LD 2 .. Sunday ~: Sanday Sdlool. a. D. -= 9:30 a.m. Mominl Wanhlp at Saturd.Q K«nlnnl : Sab· 10:30 a.m. En..nje118ttc Serv· bath School: I:JO a.m. -k · Ice, '7 p.m. ~-K.Y.P.S... mon: U:OO a.m. Prayer mftt· 6 p.m. Sunday: PraJer Jaeet. tnc: Wed.Deeday. 8:0CJ p.m. tnc. 7:30 p.m. Wectneeclay. UJUYCMAI.,. ccaJIUMift ,... cau.,. or CllildT ~ Oddi'.U.......... .._ ...... IT. UDII&WI n:anTiaiiU ,.ca .... ur.a:a- a~aaa&-.,a , ... .... _.._ ... ...... LD tv· a.:trn ...._. ~.~-L 1-.wt SUM>AY: Kamlnl_ wonb.l~ ucS 11 a...m. i Clawdl 1:30 aD4 U:OO; h. RIP. Sr. Bldl and colleae qe hllow-lbf~ 1 p.m.; Ttianday. Prayer, stuel)' poup, t !30 a.m. TilE CBUIICII OP CIUUST 1150 c::lavcla lt.. c:-tD .... Llbelty .. .., 1-c:::~"--GSE.1ftfllt..C::.O.,._ CAD** OP 00. LADT Dr. C'P ..-II wit l.lbeltr .. STU Sunday Schoo• 10:00 a.m. Morn· or liT. CAWZ! D. a. Bant.o M'•'.._ Sunday eervlces: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. momtne war· ahlp; 7:30p.m. evenlnc service. Midweek service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. CIIIWIT CII1J1ICII rr TilE au C...aalty~ kDMM1 ~at 1M a. •....-t ~sa. hnon ~ • ..., A. t=.t.. Sunday Worahlp. 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Chun:b School, 9:30 a.m. Midweek Meetinl: 7:00 p.m. Wedneac~Q' prece<led by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ,._ ..... ·~ ........ .. lt&J w ............. •.....-t Sunday Sen1ceS: 9:45a.m. &ble tne wonhlp, 11 :~ a.m. ...._ 111• atudy; 10:55 a.m. wonhlp lei'Y· PDI'f AIIDOI.T 01' OOD ~''?"...!...:::..""2:-t:._ lee; '7:30p.m. eventnc eervlce. 11114 lt. &DIIIII~~c;--.._ ~sd lml ...._ c:arnuL maL& caUKB ...._,.~n c::..1c. ...._ SUDCIA)' ll.-: 8:00 and 10:00 Oa .. A .. • Did lt. Sunday School: 9:30 a.,m. w01• and 12:00 a.m. Conf.-lon: Sat· C::.. ...._ l.lbeltr 1-5101 ahlp: '10:55 a.m. anct evatt~ ~and...._~ ~o3*: Sunda:-A!:tr"45~ Mom· :reaJi~-.~ =~J8 5~;:: ~ 7:30 tO 8:30 Inc s.vtce, 11:00: Ewnlne p.m. sun. MJd-WMIIl ~-p.m. ,..._8:00a.m. Ftrst Service. 7:30. MJd-week Serv· Weclne.da. y '7:30 p.m. Lad.J~ Prlday: 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. lee, Wedneaday, '7:30p.m. M.lamonary'Coundl. Tbundafl Ko•ena (Pwpetual Help): Youn1 people meet 6:1.5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. fa~ all cl&y. ll004fa7, 1:.S ».m. Sunday. •awJOaT IIAJIIM)a IT. JOACIIDI CAUKII LUI&CaAif CAD** 1 .. 0..... A"--C......_ 1501 Clift~ ........ JWPta Llbelty 1-llll Llbelty .... 1 1' .... ft -J....... ~ ....... a.-IMd ••••.,. .._ • '·I. I. It_. OupUeat.e momtnc 8Bt1cea-11:30 a.m. W~: Kue at .. 11·•"' Sunda: '7:00a.m.-~: Satur· a.m. ADu d., an~~ daJ'I from 4:00 to 5:15-1:00 to ~ Sc:bool. t LJIL' 8:30 ».m. ~~lh AAlult ~un= ,...,. ~ cauaa~ cSu Sc:boal. 10 */J~ OP UWtoiiT 'lldecl aD4 If~ for ..._. ....., ._ & ce.t ...._ both • ...,_ a.n4 a.m. Sun· day ScbooL -=eel 'J f':': IT. JOIDI YWnm' ... _ ... __ ~ ,...-... _ .. , ............... ...... ~.:::.-it£ .... w.: .......... , .....,. Mal: t:ll ......... . ~ ....... 'F:JO •V = r.e.. us • ....,...... -.. wtoe: U:OO .... w..s. eYeniD ...... ; lllci·W lwtda7M• IJ! ~:JOa.a.•t:JO ~~ ......... :.8~ s.r.tc.: T:IO p.a. WedDieda1 a.m. O•rfrrr.aa. =-:.:r: and lhl ~ - .,.,_ Jlr "rc . Q;; 1Jr torrr::r p.a.: J: J'lidaY.._ ..... , ' ' Miss Nancy Adams Is Bride Of Police Officer Valenti ~;-.!-:=.:"1. Ita)'· l:t"'tD.= = I mood ..U. ..._ Clyde Maynard &Ill& a.. 1LU I Wil and a.v. Ud Mn. Edw1n Gomke Alpha Ce•me Nta Ala_... are &eo~~~ tiM poup from tAe o1 OraQ8e Cow11tJ wt11 bold a <:::oron. dial Mar co • m u o I t y eont.IMDtaJ ._...,.., and flub· Jf...,.art a-ct\ 'Pollee omc. B. ID Jfewpart foUowtq tMir late Chwdl wtiO a~ the flnt 1on &bow at 10:30 a.m. ........,, 1. <....-> v.-u crl 8alboa and Aui'Uil I'IW11qe at the Jk. fall .....ana of thl hUowtb.lp ol. Oct. 1, at the 1uta ADa Dell ..._ Jlf__,: •••.,. dauellter o1 'nOCftU Aqu.laM Ollurdl .. Palo Conp ... duiial WG~Mn ol Souttl· du~ Proceed~ of tbe ..,_t Mr. ud IIIII. IIII.IMt B. .A4aJDI crl Alto &Del a boneyJDoon trtp ctowo ern CaJJ6Jn1ia Wd ~ at w01 benefit the a......e CIMIIII:1 PaJO .uto. wm aa11.e their home u.. aout. fLoJc§~ ... ~di~PJE.,.§:~o~ar§dt.§::=:~§•§o d§MitY§:~f«~crt~pp==._.=cw:; .. ;•:&.:;:=; 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET Thla II lundl!!! Bob o-lton cbowed clown the Lhlo C.nc e.t Hilla Koon lut J'rSdQ wtth tbe tolfowtnc • . • Frutt • • . I limply rtfUae to call The WWe WIIIN a blue .Ok S • • t ebeath *-wttla matdlllq coet oropt•m•s ~~ba~·-=: Club Is Now :':.:=.--=:ra!.«.:::~~ ()n. Year Old ~ra. lane A. leyl ol o.mtnr. M. Y .. wu her at.tere matJon ol Jlfewpart B a r b or Soropttmblt honor. She wore a betce Jllk Club ,...dent. Kra. 1. ll Law. &heath dtea and jadtet and an 801\, wtll retr._nt the local oranee bet wtth matdlinc ale.d· ~apter e.t the dlmict meettnr ot loU c:onace. the Son>ptjralD at Phoenix, Arl· •B. B. (Bud) Harvey of Sonny· .,..., Oct. U and lt. vale, a coU~ trlend flf the No. 1 of a Series For the Month of October DREIJ8E& ••• * Mynette * Korell * Georgiana * Vickey Vaughn-Tony Todd bll' hunka ol peacht!ll, pean. pllleapple, 80IM deUeately apleed. othen tinted ,._ ••• Odrt&D •.. On the beele of the Fruit!!! s.Jad, the liU. of which I know never crc.ed Caeur'a Us-. . . lUcht at thu polnt I ooul6uv quJt e.nd not bad a alnlle coned· oua calorie Uocertnl' on •.• n. Blue Plate Special of Boned Squad stuUed wttb rice. keepllll' company with green pee.a, lla· vored In a hammy eort of way, twt.ted mY um . . . Even tb~ muffins carried a little extra thought, savorled up with tlny blta of chicken ... lust Ill cue there happened to be a tiny crevtoe down there left tor the bree~ a treeb mawberry par. fait wu wtnde·upper ... Tb.e o nly thing mlulllar' wu the alesta that ahould have followed the third cup of cof1ee ... Ka. Catol Powers of lAcuna croom's. wu betlt man. A reeep· Beech JpOke on ''AMtmJlatlonu Uon tor the we44t.nr party and at the meettnr Tueeday at the cloee rrtencla wu held lmJnedJ. Jam.aka lnn. Tbe Newport Rar. ately tollowinc the ~ny at bot Chapter ol the Soroptlmlst the bride's parents home. The Club became one year old last bride'• mother received ruests ln Saturday. a beige coat dreu, turquoile hat BBAS & GIRDLES The loc:al chaplet' re-ported and brown aCCiel80rles, and a · • • • • their booth at the Lot>.ter Bake coru.ce of tlrer Ol'Qblds. Both of * Peter Pan wu h1ahty IJ\lCOeaful and the the croom'• parents are de· * Warner Bros. procee&a wm 10 to the Newport ceased. * Ex · 't F Rubor Clrls Club. n.e bride attended Palo Alto qulS1 e orm JeanM-Queen Is Bride of Hlch School and San ~~ State * Jantzen College. She was employed u deputy clerk at the monJdpal court ln Palo Alto. The croom served In the U. S. Navy, crad· uated from San Jose State Col· IJNGEIUE & SUZ:P WEAR •••• * M. C. Schrank Co. * Luxite By Kayser G G 8 h lege and served a year ln the us eac M.P. divislon of the u.s. Anny HOSIERY . • before Joining the city poll~ Making thelr home at 125 to~. * * ..., Dclltoa'e. -,... klaow, .. tbe eatlag ........... .... UdoAope ••• fte ...... oC Agate Ave., Balboa Island, are newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Gus (Augustus George> Beach. 'Mle couple were ~tly m&rrled at Capllta de San Antonio and after· wards took a wedding trlp to Lake Arrowhead and Ensenada. Book Review Series Slated Mrs. Beach 1s the former Miss The South Co;ut Alumnae Club * Berkshire S .M.L * Larkwood S.M.L. also stretch SWEATERS . * Bobby Brooks * Hedy Knits all tbia 1a • tldde you ""1 laana't bad &a.. -t t. a Miss Judy Woodard of COM Is Wed to Donn Alan Calder Jean Bryan McQueen, daughter of pt Beta Phi will ~In their ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack McQueen of third annual book review 8erles SK1R'l"S 229 Avocado St.. Costa Mesa. Her at the Newport Harbor Yacht new husband 15 the son of Gus Club at 10 a.m. Friday. Nov. 9. r. Beach of 37S E. 21st St., Costa Other book reviews, which also Mesa. and Mrs. E. N. Tegland of wUI follow a cof1~ hour, will -. tt..-._.. ... ~waft at lt.taob~·····~-­............... ,__ .tart ··"····· ,.... ....... ....w ...... .., .... ... tift ... .._ 11 .... - 'lbe fall flowers, bronz.e e.nd and CharLes Peacock of Laguna Oranre. be held at the same meeting gold chrysanthemums. combined wet"e croomsmen. Mrs. Wallace 'Mle bride Is a senior at New· place Jan. 11, Feb. S. and w1th gr~nery and bronu satin LongrJdge of Costa Mesa sang port Harbor High School. Her Mueh 8. pew bows to decorate St. James ''Panls Angellcus" u the wed-husband graduated from Orange Tlckeu for the seT"Ies are 16 Episcopal Church at Udo Isle for dll'\.1 solo. High School. and may be purch~ from Mrs. the weddJng of Ml• l udy Wood· Following the ceremony. a re· E. G. Corkett of 304 Buena Vista. ard ot Corona del Mar and ceptJon wu held at th. e Balboa Dlll+lar Ia II-Balboa, or from any ~mber of Donn Alan Calder of Balboa Bay Club where fall fiowers and -• ..... the South Coast Alumnae Club Iale.nd. BeY. John Parke per· orchids adorned the tables laden T a-t-L F..., Nursing Scholarships were pro· formed the alllrte rtnc ce-mJOoy with bon d'oeuvres and wedding I ,..._ v1ded for two Orange County whJc:h wu held late attemoon cab. Mrs. Woodard received u.. Ann, newly e.rrlved daugh· girls. ln addition to a SlOO don· on ~ptember 15. ruesta In a cocoa brown and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marco P. atJon to the ocxupatJonal therapy The brlde is the daughter of beige chlflon draa wtth a cor· Anlch, 520 Seaward Rd., Corona fund at the County Hospital. u a Mr. end Mrs. Cluence Woodard sage of green cymbldlwn.s. The Btghle.nd.a. wu born at Hoag result of the book r.vlews last of Nowata. Okla. Kr. Woodard is croom'a mother wore a mauve Hospital Wednesday, Sept. 19. yur . ueoclated In buatnea wlUl E. H. eatln ault and e&r'l'ied a purM Lisa Ann weighed 8 pounds. 11 * Collegian Preview * Bobby Brooks-Dyed To Match Outfits COMPIErE LINE MATERNITY WEAR. Blouses-Skirts-Lingerie Slzei-Jt.eculu 10 to~ ft. 4" and Under Ball S.lzes 10~ to 241.s-Junlor 7 to 15 * C.... I I • .....,. ••• ..., did .. "*" ................ , ........... -.. lllleSit ... --.. -.... ................... Skinner and Ralph Schl.ler of conege of lavender cymbidium ounce. at blrth. The Antch.s have •of'I'IIJU(S TOft EAST Balboa lsland. He e.corted her to orchid-. a eon, Peter. 1.3 montha. The Lelf.erts Hoftmans of Co· 1• •• .-t lll'ftL C.... X.. tbe altar. She WOI'e a point The young couple ue ma.klng The Anlche moved from New· rona del Mar ate vtsltlng back -~ l..tll4 ......................... _..,._ ..... a .. 6~~~~~~·~~~m~~~~to~~~~~~~~~;~~:~:~::·~~~a~co:u:p:l:e~~]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~ dlellcht aat.lD. whleh wu trim· Ave., Corona del Mar, foUO'frinl ln Corona Bl&blancla 1ut July. ~nth&. ll)ed ttith white ftlftt. 'nle a honeymoon at Palm Spr1np. Kt. Anlch u an 1niUr'aDCe broker molded bodJce dipped to • point The brick attended Stephens Col· ot the flrm A.nden10n 6 Anleh. In front jointnr a bouUant aklrt. Jere ln Mta.ourt and the Untver· Newport Beach. Her cap ot matchlng point slty of Oklahoma. She h;u ~n -::-::::::=--=:::;;=::; c..t C'ellt,_ Ct bfDr .....a _... ........... . * * * d'esprlt e.nd velvet held a shoul· workJni u a aecretary at Dr. SAJITS LEAVE WEWPOilT dn-lencth wll. She carried a Allen Cottle's otrlce. Corona del The George Santa have re· shower bouquet of white orchids Mar. ~ rroom attended the turned to La Canada after spend· and stephanotis on a white University of u,. Aneeles and tng the aummer at 1.29 40th St., Another boe-cJowB that IW!t Btble. · -" 1 th Arm Air Force Newport. whOM • wbo aDd what· &tvea 111ra. James Newton of Beverly ~aerv~.,....~~n~~e~~Y~~~~·-~:::~=--------- toncues •·waa:IDI from Hunt· Hll1s ... matron of honor. She w·tl H I d 'l.ncton Beedl to Lacuna e.od wore a bronze-gold saUn aheath Kappa Alumnae I 0 crosa·W~ from Colt& Mesa to l'own with bat of bronze·gold Newport Beach et envt.rona wu vel'YI!t e.od eanted a crescent b M t an open hou. at the Harbot bouquet of bronze mums. . A t• t N e r e e Hlghlancla new model to omd· lack Calder Jr ..... his broth· uc IOn a ovem ..Uy open the ltaJt of their fowth ere be8t man. Tbey are the eoM unlt of over 100 new houses · · · of Mr. e.nd Mrs. la~k Calder of Here is a part of Newport Beach Lacuna Beach. Peter Fleming that Ia new, excltJng and dlller· =~=-~:..:_ ______ _ ent . . . Larae lovely lots with a 1 p b 1 touch of country Uvln& ... Stun· 1955 e nJng welJ.arranged hom• ... 110 ctoee to that Upper Bay · · · I E d which we all know some day and s ngage 3uet got to be . . · * * * Tile ............... ., .. •...,..t ~ C=•PY• MUtMfaiJY =zA-W -....... .._ '"' ••• -n...p ........................ hl pi ... .. .. •• f'-.lly ....... u.-. ...... -~ .• ;.--.... ~:! ~ Ehell Noles Tile ............... ..... ....................... . .... -...... ~ CWitl. ............ _ .................... Of ................... -..... .._. a..,... .. . ---....,... .... __... .... ;ita '-II_. •n•.:,.. ............ .. * * * * * * O!J R JPEC/4 Lrr --- ; SPONSORED IY AUZJLIAIIY Hoav ... ,;. .od llc-q4MJ IUDil&aiAir * LAilGDT W&IE £I.EIIIRAift SAt,£ Dt OUMGE OOUNIT .._Ptr: ._ • ..,. e ~-~ Be Slender by Christmas .X.'.uar : lovdict 6gure for :1e ho~ys? It's youa if ou st:ut now Wltb Se2ulfer '~sct'm! rJulfc:r ~c!Ueves weight loss, • ·b I())S ( iust where you nc:c:d II) .1Jl;J posrure beauo- 'lC~Oon. rhc: slendcrizi'lg is tUiored co your Sp«<hC 6gure. ~ 'u!ts :arc: usura!! Vuwlaze the slender figure vou' d Wc.e ro h:a ve by Cbrut- nw md call St2ulful We'll m.ake those drcuns come tnJe. Free trial,risit and 6g- ure analysis. No oblig:uion. ' 3117 E. Coat Blpway COJlOif A DEL 1IIAJI JIArbow 17U . . . • • • , 11 .1- Sally NewU.n'a daupt. new '1"M B. A. llartahorna, lormer!J • COW? t ..._ ,_ U ...... : a .._,._.... ......... ..... «=** .. tM 0ok1en lD from New Yorit to cue for ber ot Balboa lalaM. bave .....S to • • .. • • tile......: ww.Gut Mmi41, aM Art •· ._.. ill J\a..:Jiit. 811hlq ...,..,c .... ~ ~er, wbo Ia convaleeclnt MexJeo at Lake Cbapa)a .., ~~ Jl JM. ~ .,... .......... ,., ..,.. ..,.. a •-•~ ...,. .....a wen bOlD her NC.Wtt surpry. Guadalajara • .._. U.., baw -211 ,.,, 1M,. •• ..., IW ... ......_ .. a ._ _. a ~ b H. & Orela•• N8 • • • moYed l.nto a tb.ree·I'OOID boUM wu ••-._ ... • b)-tiMt ..u.a Ia ... c.... ... lllir ... Otle 8t.. eo.ta ~ Dorothy Sutherland la tt.naUy ~ with two raalda. The I"'OIiM. A..._ aid llr . ....._ ~ ....... 4rttiiiJ aM Mal)"De Cluiltopber, au 4lva- up and &IOUAd .. alnafterapend-four chlldMn are .ent-.cs IJt b .. ..._ ._. Oltq about JO ......_. ... ,.a 1i1a1f '-tOW. aoo rado Pl., Wboa. ~eeutat the -Lnc four IDODtU flat OD her back nearby CatlaoUc: 8Cbooll Wb .. mJD.-lucl ...._. e1 CDtttn .. aill a btn-l n.la Ia Ge iaiall• .n.h lettlnJ a back operlltlon beal. they a.re ~ ~· • U8 ~ .oc:D balf ...._, lfla ~)....-dtvt.loft wttb a 3-lb •. c:roaar. We undentaftd that Betty Bandy cau. thf')' don't a:pNk Entl.lah ~· ..... Mi. ltoeleb _. fll 0!•1rlt -Lara-& Mq ... WU c:auaJtt la MOD to •llderJo a almllar ln the ~boola. r&.D lntD tiM roclla ud IOit hta ,_ ._. faiJIQy .....,. tD by Lilt 'ftoal,.._ !117 ., fit., operaUon. SpealdnJ of operations • • • lU. ,.._ ... be 0.. WMimodc· Calona del Mar .. ~ ,._ lu eo.ta Meaa. T'be l&rpM wblt. -Edythe ltmlper Ia alnelnl Tbl.a la the time of the year ed unc:euc:~oa, ClrUtM out. and G&llrMI Jut,._.., Kr .._. ... ba-. a1mo.t 1 Jb., wu qal.n after ber unuaual opera-that the Greek alphabet replace~ clrlfted back to Mon. eold hi. X.. ::::.. oft. and landed by Han\r Warner, 853 tton .everal montba a10. Her sur· Encllsh on many coUeee n..mp· Th• famlly atQWCI UJ» all ntcht 80und equlpmeot ftna. Dou.su Con"'"' St., eo.ta Mea. cery was said to be the !llst ot uaea, and I beeln to wl.ab I had .contl.nulnl the Mardl. Later Sun· Roe.ch, Inc. He wu a IBUlulact· I'J&ftk Taylor of Santa Ana Ita kJnd ever performed. learned my Greek symbols better day mornl.nc. he.lkopten and unr ot Douctas 'IV Mta aad won the tuna da.u wtth a 3'7~ • • • In pledae clus aeveral YNI'S a1o. coaat.-uard.atnen were .tlllteareh· wu pounder. Runner-up was Burt Dwaln Gatterdam ts matrtcu-ao that, the leU-era rve hurriedly Inc for the two boys. Members a vtoe.p....s<~ent ol the Rall·lcon Dorrl.t, 1707 Ocean Blvd.. Balboa, latlne up at the University of taken down In quick notes of the &oe.eh famUy aave up Enetne Co. of Lola Anael• with aM-lb., 10·0&. tuna. CalHorl)la at .Berkeley-ctudytng wouldn'• look so muclt like a lot le&l'Cb Sunday afternoon, with In the role ol forelen affairs. ot "Greek" when I try to trans-little hope of tlndtne Norman Mlke Valle is studylne at Santa late them Into sororltJea. alive. Ba~bara branch of the University For teenagers around colleee The fa.mlly was Informed ol of Calltornla. • a,e and their trlenda, who an underwat8 reef extending • • • pledged what Is a prime topic from Santa Cruz Island to near Mrs. Stuart Diehl of Corona del ol conversation-so here are blta wbere tbe lnddent occurred. They Mar took oU Sunday evening by ot the Greek alphabet a.s apelled ~&lao told that the'whlrlpool, plane for Hawall to get a peek out to me. ca~ by the reef, will probably at her new enndson, Daryl WE HAVE HEARD . . . that take the bodies of the boys undu Stuart Lay, ~ho was born Fri· Mary Harvey pledeed Zeta Tau and It will be approximately 9 day at 11:4.5 p.m. In Honolulu. Alpha at Cal In Berkeley ... days befo~~e the bodies are HERE'S THI :MOYI YOUR SA~INGS The baby Is the first tor Marine Al80 at Cal, Gall Collins pledged waabed uhon. Set. and Mrs. Eugene Lay. Mrs. Alpha Chi Omega, and an un-• UDICES TODAY Lay Is the former Peggy Diehl. confirmed rumor puts Jan Blum The Roesch family returned The wee 'un, just missed being as an Alpha Delta PI pledee. Monday to their Cor;o{la del Mar born on hla grandparents' 24th Judy Sleeper pledged Bl Beta home at 2628 Ocean Blvd. Fu- weddlng anniversary, which was Phi at Idaho; Lynn Bosley, at the neral services for the father and Saturday, ~pt. 22. same school. went Delta Gamma. son will be held this afternoon • • • At UCLA Lynn Pease pledged <Thursday) at Forest Lawn In Miss Valda Winters and Larry Delta Gamma; Pat Kelter and Glendale. Wright have announced weddJng Sue Nissen, Kappa Alpha Theta. Swvtvors inClude the mother, plans. They are both Orange and Sue Dussler, Alpha Chi Coast College graduates. The Omega. New Officer Is Introduced bride-elect Is the daughter of Mr. Joan Hagen, Margie Knox, Toni and Mrs. C. C. Winters ot 2609 Burroughs and Tina Huehes all Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, and are reportedly new Alpha Phi her fiance Is the son of W. F. pledges at usc. And a grapevine Wright ot Huntlneton Beach and report said that Debbie Coleman A new treasurer, Mrs. WIUlam Mrs. Richard Metz ot Santiago Is also Alpha Phi over there. Pat Melcher, was Introduced at the Canyon. Ml.ss Winters also grad· Ritchie went Gamma Phi Beta at Newport Island Auxiliary meet· uated from Newport Harbor High USC, while Jackie Wataon Is a lng Thursday at the home ot School. • • • Gamma Phi at the University of .... _ m.no. Arthur Cubbage. Mrs. Mel· The Walter CoLes of Newport Arizona. Judy Ferguson la a cher replaces Mrs. Arthur MUJer, spent the month of August cruls-Kappa Alpha TI\eta neophyte at who plans to be away much of lng the briny blue In their boat. SC. while Betty Beck Is a new the year. -It's the smart move-the winnin& move. Do as hundreds of far-sighted fofks do. Jump to bi& safe earnings fOf your sav- ints. Put them to WOft with us. With other families and boats Delta Gamma pledge (It says The auxJllary retused to accept belonging to the Blue Water here I. Nancy Cargill Is working the resignation of thelr presld~nt. Crulslne Chtb they ducked into toward her PI Beta Phi arrow at Mrs. K~lth Rima, who announced the Santa Cruz Islands and put SC. and Carol Baldwin ls an Al· that she ls moving from the In for a steak bak~ at Santa Bar· pha Gamma Delta and Harriet Island In October. Mrs. James bara, wh~ they were lnvlted to King an Alpha Omega Pi-both. Edwards..vlce president, will pre· Population and industrial alao cruise around Santa Rosa I think. at SC. cide It Mrs. Rima ls unable to We invest principally in prime first lnOf'tllltS on home$ in flbulous ~ Cowlty-the Mltlet's ~l&tltnt s,.t. Island and land there. So far the boys seem to be att~nd all the meetings. crowth Is lllCttdint oational At Santa Rosa they carne up slower at rushing than the girls, Mrs. Charles Za.mura of Costa records. It Js ~ ~ against some winds of terrific or maybe the boys aren't so good Mesa., a former Island resident, sioft, the rnutt of MVII tdnn- veloclty and Mary Cole said she at writing letters home. Anyway dbplayed her Chrl.stma.s cards at can see now how those coa.stal we understand that Pete Schul-the meeting and donated her tireS for buaiMis, for Industry Islands take some of the buf· berg Is shining shoes. or what· proceeds to the Newport Island and for- DESERVE DIPOIIII •ICIIYID W100CTIID 10nl .......... 1ft Your dollars urn more in this healthy, vi&orous ICtive aru. Why be satisflld with 2~% or less when we pay you much mof't? Move your funds over to us-start an account todey. Call in person or by mall. Scrvifttaup to $JO,OOO fluor· ClnfMcl by "" CJOMCY ol ,.. u~ Slotu GO¥Wnment. feting that keeps Southern Call· ever they make the pledges do, Park Fund. Co-hostess tor the • ... ,. Cornia's weather mild and "bragg-for Kappa Slgs at Colorado, whUe meeting was Mrs. Charles Hart. NIWPORT •a• •0• J AVINGI able." Chlet hands on deck, ot .Jat-k Smith Is a new pledge at .. R RW course, were Walter and Mary the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Ira-P'IDT aAPTJBT. •BWJOIIT T 1 0 N Cole's two aons, age 11 and 16. ternlty house out that-a -way. The Rev. Herbert Thompson A N 0 -l 0 A N A S S 0 C I A • • • More next week-lt the Greeks will preach on "TakJng th~ Splr-PAULA. Pltl..Ml!R, Pr.sithfu Doran Suess of Balboa Island cooperate. ltuaJ Otfense" at the 11 a.m . l:or 20 "t--r1 ,·, NIWPORT IIACH, CALifORNIA has returned to her senJor year Sunday service at the First Bap. 1 • .1 ~ ... at Redlands and Edith Grant of la tat Church ot Newport Beach. 3366 VIA LIDO. TILIPHONI HARIOR 4200 Balboa Island and Los Angeles G ~~'T The 7:30p.m. sermon wUJ be o went back to her senior year at IIM.fM "WorshJppfne God." Coro11• I.•J MM 0/fic. • 2407 &11 CoiUI Highw•y ~ona CoUeee ~ w~ Bmh r=========================================~==============================; gtr .. have just returned from an Gl,·mpses extensive summer trip to the Brltlsh l.ales, Seandlnavian pe· nlnsula a nd the continent wbJch started June 15. Besides covertne most of the continent from Ger· many to Spain, the gtrls went to Yugoslavia In company of friends trom Oceanside. • • • Rooming togethet' as new jun· lora at San Dleeo State are Ellen Smith of Coro na del Mar, Carol Ludl of Costa Mesa and Virginia For the lady who would look eala at a party, tor the one who prefers the slim and casual look, for the woman who wanta a smart costume effect tor fall club meet lnp--ESPECIALLY for tash· lon·wlse Harbor area women who wear petite or cu.tom halt• sizes, O'BRIEN'S have a newer _____ ..... --• C.... .. --------~-~~---·-· Ne!Jion of Cocta Mesa. and blaeer selection-a stunning new good.flttJne hl&h fashion group of lndJvldually chosen dresses. J -·- IIIII lTO ,, September 26, 1956 Bear Harbori tes, We. here at Bob Dalton's Restaurant. take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful reception accorded us this sum- mer. It was a good season, thanks to you , who were so patient with the problems w hich we had to iron out during the "shake- down cruise." Now that we are set on a steady course we feel that our per- sonnel, from stem to stem. can make your visits even more en- joyable. With the a:trival of the current season we are pleased to announce a NEW POUCY in our dinner service. Effective now, Dalton's will feature a complete dinner for $3.00. This menu includes soup or salad, choice of eight entrees, vegetables, potato, dessert and beverage. This is in addition to our regular ala carte servi~. Dalton's famous Brunch will be of- fered on Sundays and Holidays starting at 11 a.m. Another feature for your enjoyment will be entertainm~nt each evening, excepting Monday. The popular "Carousel" Bay service will continue daily, excepting Monday and Tuesday, weather permitting. Again, thanks to one and all for the warm welcome and yow- consistent patronage. P.S. Bob Dalton Ken Cawthra Sincerely, Arthur Lickers Ray Hill, chef Wbm you are planning an utra .-c:icd event for bi.rth- dcrr, annivenary, enwtainment ofVIPI, etc., be IW'8 to oallu.ln adw:a .... Our chef. Ra,r Hill. cxm oonjlri up 11»0.t atrt kind of 8p8Cial dinner b ~ ple.alure! 114my of U... an U.. OM- tuM loOk • • • ... c1r-. aDd .... ~ tc.wlalcb yoa.._ .._ ....... IIW&IM ....... • • • --wtaa aUk -.....s dnMee to .... yoa tw.tc.--. .......-wty. s....t ~11119 ..... .,.... wttla cdl tbe Jot.t tcd1 COlMa -............. ...,. ............ --. ...,.. bl-. .. -..... n.c.. ~ Ia aDd ... tiLia a.. .... lectlea ., cute. Mlf • .a.. aDd ,.w... For those who appreclate a sk.lrt with a truly well-taUored tl( we know you prefer tbe pre- mium taUored Sloat ak:lrt, but others may never have realJzed that tbe c11tterenoe ln lldrta la really the precbe planntne and careful cut ot the deiJper. Bow-ever, once you baw worn Sloat lklrt:a. you auddenly real1%e that tb!ere "11 a c11tterence." So .now we want to announce that O'BRIEN'S hu jult received a blg new beautUul ablpment of fall Sloat ak:1rt.a. ,... ..... 11 ..... ... ...... ... ... 'd'1' 1 ,.... .... lllldltlt -a..... ,.... .. , ...... ........ ...... ........ lillktll. ..... ... ...................... T..-u ....... a • ., .. ....., .... ,..-u ....... .. .a.tl. , ....... ... ,..._, ... ,_,. eo ••• ........ ··-· ..-' ......... til& Come 1n and --nMr Sloet llldiU aad 117 ........ to aDderrltaD4 wbat .. ....., .... Uout at aftd .,..... ,.. .. to .. wtaa tiMm -Gl oar..., fall ~ ud ...... tllat C'O• onUDate • wt11 at OMDI'S. II 0111 Y11r lllull•• II 0. •• Qartn We haYe added to our atoc:k to giYe you the b.at buys on summer and faD merchcmctiM. Come early .for hem aelectioaa cmd ... our new quarterL Coats-Suits-Dresses Original Price SALE PBICE $85.00 .... __ , .. _,,_.,, ________ us... $69.00 -·-··--·--·---.... __ ___.139.01) $59.5o ... ·--·-· m• $55.00 ~H-• $45.oo -·-·-·-·------m• . $39.00 _________ , ____ ,__ 115.18 $35.00 _ .. _· -··--·-----···-···--·-+-·--'15.98 $29.95 --·-.. ·--..... -.... ____ •• 2.98 . $22.95 --··-·----·-·--···-----.JlCL98 $19.75 --·--··-·-------·---••a.. '$17.95 -·-----7..11 $14.95 _. .... $12.98 ---• 5.00 Many one of a klnd Jtema ••• tome lmporta •.• .ame broken atza . . . au at below eo.t. We wt.IJ coetlllae to otler you the BJp Publoa ttemt wb.1dl you have l1ked., ftu t.n the put. SWIM SUITS COTrONS and LASTEX ro .. n•:r .1U5to ... IS $5 & $10 JEWELRY SPECIAL 25c S~ARFS 79clll Head of FFA Is Going to Nat'l Meeting 'J1uw ~---.-pp~~ea. tiona WhJda .... -.a .......... to ~Pollet Dlputnleftt few ta~­ lptloft came up apln ...,.... tM J..... ....._ lfe:n-t ....._ Kewpart leaeb aty Counct1 Uhlon Blab .kbool l"utuN Par· Monday ewnlil• and,flled wttb· IIM!r preelclelit. wtU ns n • mt tiM out objection. Soutbem CalMond8 ~ at ,._..,.the appllcatlona ot tile Future ,..,_ 01 A.merk:a Merle At!lerbauJb fot a MW on. a.ftventloa Ia Xure at:J aut Ale aeneral lleen8t at Merle'• rnontll. ,.. ......._. ._.. ud Drt•·In, Corona del Mar: Lola T. the Bau o1 ~ e.dt eon. Vo,el. for new on-aale .,eneral tnbuted ttoo an4 aa. 1eca1 dlap. lk:enee a_t am w. Coat HWy., '*" donated a&O to pay tbe ex· next to the Mariner~ Klle Vo,el Pf'I18H ol nDl'a tltp: oUJce: and Paul Ellton, on-aale The )(artften Bank 1Nr'ked beer u~nse for the tllhlnl barp out a t'baUen .. tcw tlae local J\l. ~rela, one mlle otf Newport ture Parmen. '~'h.,-ofte!Nd ~tor Pier. ._cb blue 1'1bbon tbat NCb New. Mr. Atflerbaueh Informed the port Bllh Future Parmer wt>n at Council that a new bulldJnc Is the Or~ Coun~ fair and t5 planned acr~ the lot from the far each Grand Champion and preaent Drive-In to terVe u a Sweepstakes w\nner. Tbe local coclrtaJJ bar and poulbly u a ltUdents came out With '3 blue steak house, and that no liquor ribbons, one grand champion, wUJ be sold 1n the Drlve.Jn lt.wlf. and two .weepstakes wtn.nen to have the lft&test partklpatJon r ............. _ of all Oranee County ttudenta at Rlla the Fatr. AW 'llllllfll lay' 2.-YEQ.OLD aoT DDS Two Corona del Mar Shell Serv · David Dodd Stanford. 2. 80n of Ice stationa wUJ join 4 other Mr. and Mn. Gene Stanford of Shell stations 1n the South Coast 703 Hlehlanda St.. Oranee. and area 1n "Hospital Day" next formerly ot eo.ta Mesa, dJed Wednesday, Oct. 3. Sunday, Sept 23, In the ChU· lose Rosan. chairman of the dren's Hotpltal In r..o. An~es South Cout Community Hospital atter a brief lllnesa. Services Fund campalcn In this area, an- ~e held yesterd~ at Baltz nounces that these stations will Costa M~ Chapel. donate all proflta from next D•clac Cia~ lqlola Sarllrll Teacher of many well-known dancers. announces the open- Ing of claUH for cblldren In advanced ballet and crea· ttve dance. on Frl. alter- noons. at the Cornmu nJty Congregational Church, CDM. For Int.: Harbor 4931·MX. Wednesday's businese to the fund. The local dealen helping the eampalen are Art Wood, at Gol- denrod Ave. and Cout Hwy., and Morry SmJth, Orchid Ave., and Coast Hwy. The hospital, to serve the south coast area. will be built In South LaeunL ellAUOa BlCJI PrA The Newport Harbor High School PTA memberahlp drive wlll begin on "Back to School'" night. to be held Tuesday eve· nlng. Oct. 9. Mrs. C. Mor1an Fltz. water is membenhlp chairman. Parenta v.1ll bave fUrther op· portunJty to ~Met teachers at 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~teacher reception teas to be held F. TIE FI.EST at 3:15 p.m. Oct. 22 and 23 In the social hall. The first faij meet.tn& ot the II PTA Board was held Monday with Mrs. Harvey Peue presld· •• EIII uw• ina. Principal Joe Hamblet aald ---the enrollment Ia 2.1.56. whJcb Is 106 more than had been planned •-...._.. tor. ... •• Ne'W board memben. ratllled .. ..._ I at the meetlne. Included Mra. ,._. Robert Beauchamp, record book; Mrs.. Raymo n d Kent Harvey, 1• II leap newwtte; Mra. Horace Parker. arts and~: lbs. John Haas, claa repretentatJve. All voor printinq needs will be handled conveniently ond court- eously in the completely-eQuip- ped J ob Printinq O.PGrtment of The Ensian. IVY TillS ~.umt.NC OOUD ••. rMP tbe bene· fttl ot tree adwrt.lalq. Th:ree IMMy ttavellecl artery's on M4iwport Blvd ....... Excellent 6· roomed borM, 3-BBM.&.. Llv- lnl and D J n I n c ll.ooiM. W·to·W carpetinJ, tiled pu.U. man bath, tlled k.Jtchen ••. for the merchant, tfadMman or profeutonal man who needs horne and bU!DeM Jo. catloa. 11\la wUl !Jt your needa. RA!duced ln price for quick aale. • • • ACRE PLOT on V/. 18th. Good older 3-BDRM. home, tlle alnk, electric stove, fire- place, large llv. room, break- fut room overslzed double earaee w1th laundry tray._ blg abed. Build units, sell oft Iota. many, many good pouJbllltles here. Sale price just $14,500. Terms. • • • BEST PRICED INCOME PRO· PERTY: 8 units. 8 garages, 2 laundry rooms. separate me· ter1, cement d r I v e w a y s. downtown Costa Mesa. $4.2,- 000, full prJce. EquJty $21,000. trade for vacant C-2 or M·1 or sell. Always rented. • • • P 0 S S I 8 J UTIES TO PRU · DENT INVESTOR-1.20 tt. on W. 17th. 330' d.Mp. Manufac- turing zone. Buy today for $15,000, or buy 1Jt for $7.500. Never wlll you be able to buy 80 much for so little. Terma. • • • ACRE -Ag-riculture are a , close to corner tha t's sure to develop Into business. Make smaller trailer park sJte ll rezoned. Back Bay area.. Im- provements are rented but of little value. • • • CO RON A DEL MAR'S BEST -Hazel Dr.. view 2-BRM. home, unexcelled canyon-- lurf -ocean view. Large Rumpus Rooms. l FP. Newly bu Ut. Best o! everything, P>.OOO Dn. • • • BASE DOLLAR INCOME - This one really fleures. $11,· 000 full price $3,000 down, Collect $180 month, if'OSS ln· come. Room to build· 3 more rentals. • • • Lar88 lot 60 z 344 aJte for 6 unlta. Can dlv1de Into 3 lots. Total prJce $7500 cub. hu f:rontaee on 2 meets. 1.85'7 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa u 8·1632; Ll 8·1400 ews. Ill llll.sn .. lallllln! li P.rlss• ..... Ear t ... AT FVD1'I"UU & APIUAJf~ 1501 W&WIOIIT &~ COSTA IIUA WUT ••• a good car? • • • a Hb-oew waDer? • • • a he ride to H. Y.? • • • a lllgbtly-ued ltpewdten? • • • a haJI..doeeD ..ct trailer? ••• allixi'OOID._.iD tbeCM ... tf .oa TDa A11D DC'eiM or OIW,._ .............. annou~ Saturday camp procram. Sta.rtlng Octobe. Private Instruction In ath- letics. "MR. W. MORa Liberty 8·8642 Excellent C-2 comer-In heart ot Costa Mesa on major meet. 193'X.253'xl63'. Can be dlv1ded Into 2 large lots. FULL PRICE $26,400 .. , ...... ..., .... REALTORS 1m Harbor Blvd. eo.ta Mesa. California Day or nlcbt phone U 8-TT14 Fll IEIT ......... UnfumJahed 2 bedrm. apt. Untum.lahed 1 bedrm. apt. wtth ~ and rebla. Phone 'lllU'boc 4623 <K Harbor 502 eva In au tills worN t1tere are few~ u beautifUJ and ~tfUJ .. th.. CWitom· buUt 3 • b e d room , 3 bath home. (been 11 ved In only 2 months) whiell .. one of the PNedom u.aa.. Cloee to abopptnc. all lmprovemet~ta tn a.nd paW • • • .wn wau to wall carpetJ)lc. This won't l.ut! E ll c eptlo.nal areb.tt.eetu.ra plannlnr ancl clalp have etlectlvelr c:apJWIRd on tbe vlew and potenU&llt1et of th.la auperb loc:aUon -from the ocean vume. to the .weep of the surroundJ:n.l bllls. PIJ&IPII..., .... The wtJmate 1n charm, and Uvablllty a.re reflected 1n th1l or1ginal-owner·oceu· pled home. U you w1ab noth-inc leu than the BEST, then let us &JT&nee an appoint- ment to ln.spect thla out- standlnr bome. month, Ind. \axes and Ins. c. E. Js1sa, luller .... 1999 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa LI 8-3333 • Exquisite 4-bedr. plus Mr. and Mrs. Servants quart~rs. 4 bath home. PanoramJc view ot bay. Large t~rrace, beau- tiful landscaping, c a r pet s and drapes Included . . . 3 car garage ... CUstom fur· nlture $7.000 extra. Prloe- Ullll· IIVESTIEIT CO. REALTORS 30th lr Newport Blvd. HA 1600 NEWPORT BEACH 1/1 c._ ..... Smog·free 11 v I n 1 In thla cheery 2·BR. comer home with FPL.. plus 2·BR. and sundeck apartment over 3- car garaee! Priced to se ll at $24.500 DEAL wt'Ill REALTORS llrllll .... ..., Corona Del Mar Branch 3S30 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 5563 ... .., 3-bedrm. home with 2 baths large living room-waJl.to- wall carpet-near Balboa Bay Club. $21.500. CWIE VIII .. REALTOR 2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8·UT1 (At the Slpal) Newport Beac:b lcs• Yilw 1.11 6AI x 100'. UWIUes ln. $2500. Sl.OOO down, $SO month.. Club and Beach pclvlleges. • • • OREGON STOCK RANCH $32.50 Acre . . . fenced with b u 11 d I n g s, springs. pond. trees. On highway. J.l VMfl •••-IEALn 367 N. Newport Blvd. opposite Hoar Hospital Phone Uberty 8-1617 IEFIIE YMI IUY •••• TIY FU.a J ••• ,.TI, .... Harbor 1428 Uberty 8· 5101 on busy Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa . . . Good Inter-· section. 140'z121' with an additional 56"xl40' on sJde atreoet • • • Income bualneu now o n part ot property. No drug store ln thla populated area tor mlles! See us now for this good buy. • • • IEWPIIT IEICI Commercial otflce buUdlng with lovely 2·bed.room home on seoc::ond noor. ou highway In lood location near new po8t ott:tce. 1056 sq. ft. In om~. 960 ln apart· ment. 2760 sq. ft. 1n 5-earace-wa..rehouse units. Also lot for otf-ltlftt parklnJ. Must be seen to recognize advan. taees. • • • ......... ,.111, ...... 3GO W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport B1 vd. Harbor 1428 Eves., Harbor lS6S Uberty 8·5101 One of the trul)' bMutttul homes In Sho~ Olffs. Cor - ner-, 3 bedrooma. 3 bath.a. dellchttul Uvtng room look-1~ out on attractive patio. Modern In every ~ Priced to aeU! • • • UNUSUAL BUY: South Bay Front, home plus % lntfft:St In pier partly f\lrnl8hed 4"-br. home, 1" baths. ~,500. • • • A'M'R.ACTIVB 2 UNITS: f.bedr. boue plus 1-bedr. apa.rtuwnt. Good ~ totally turn.labed.: $M.500. • • • -lEI. Ill A 2-bedr. home on 4.5-ft. leftl lot. SOU'I1I ot h .. bway. $22!500 • • • .. ,_. YOU WILL LIKE Irvine Terrace 1 ...... r~•t••nllll ...... tc ..... a.fllle I C.all • • • AN EXCLUSIVE COIOfUNITY of LOVELY HOMES IN AN EXCLUSIVE AREA ADJOINING IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB. .... ., lacce" llterllta ., llltll I Y• ls•srt OPEN EVENINGS UNTD.. 9:00P.M. Pricea $21,380 It $31• Your Inspection u respecttuJly solicited. • • • Earl W. Stanley On Hlway 101. Newport Harbor, opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. Phone Harbor 4448 for Further Information VOGEL VALUE 3 ... ns•• jill ae •"-' 11,118. ..... , .... LiYilc ,.... (13'121') with MW aU wool ca~ts.. Lots of We. Natural finJah cablnets. built-In range and oven.. Lar~ SO' lot. ~sure to see this~ THE VOGEL CO. I 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar H.A: l7tl; HA: fl'm Ss-II Law l.n .... tf with terms of % on weU·Iocated 40 acre tract. Water- ae'Wer.-c&n annex lnto clt;y. Best land value In coastal Netlon of Ora~e County. You wtll pay capital gafn tu on thls! 1857 Newport Blvd" Costa Mesa ll 8-1632. Eves. U 8-1400 RL 'S lEST IUYS Then 8ee this top quality home with massive fiagstone Fire-place -tor ONLY- $1,460 "You'll like our friendly senice .. lsszr-.. lllw A rH1 tam1Jy boiDe ~ and ~ v1ew--3 bedra.. la..rp ~ I'OOia. 1a.rte Uvinc I'OODl. 2 bath.a. 2 brick flrt-Placa. 2JOO 8Q. ft. L.arae lot wJth chaln l1nk fence. SI:E THIS ROME WHICH MUST SELL ASK:DfC PacE ~ wtTH c.uPET Al'm DUPEIUES. Fresh air-low axrt power~ation by land. sea and air -happy emplo,._ living minutes away-center of expa:nding marbbl -no freeway tie-l.q)S. See a member of • • d •••a.[s •wca v-.· ...... _._ ......... dhtJu ... ~~ ............. ue Ia IUD ... faa;ij -Ailbcl ~to~ .. ., • ... tM ., ·-eanaiYal to .. 1q .... slel*&nta u .... .. 3 Tim• 111111_..ed ~ bJ llclnei Bn· old IUIIII .. lit ............ eold 1 SO ~~p ......... ,... a••ary tD tiM "'Dad batt.' ... booth. ".._. ..-.-• ......-..--·--J • tl . rTA ... -~~ • latUnler ~ • ' --. --. ..,.._, ... a er. 2.00 Oc:tiDMr J? • .-J to I ..-. .ft • WW'CW tW Pra f:~W.:~ ~ = .......... ~ Jam•• .-. 2.50 the S..... ...,_ eeboo1 p~q. fte ....._ ...._.. PI'.A -.a---_... e •-111-lol_l!ll;l_.,. . pouad. tl a .............. tM ...... to~ ...... 't...... c. .. c:.n. . .......,. at - Each wOrd Oftf 40 .03 .OS .07 .... , ..... wW .. u..s tor PtA. ... Glllra. ,.,.. llllldalt, JWI1 ...,. ........ ....... ---~ ':~J!: IrMa ,.. Cc.h l:ie noeiftd within 7 days f first lnaerti ...,.,., ~ tn our ~ com· Circle Drtft. la7 ...._ wm ._ --. •• .. •• ar 1M ..._. IDUIIt 0 on munlt;y and wtU 10 to "u"" conduded Oct. 1 t.b.roua:h 5. wUh ~ C: "';.. • .:• ... -., _, CIIM 1WW..U. ... TillS liD dw•..s a4 tn tiM mUle. hot lundlee, dental care, a ltoc:U and bonde UMme. ''Your ..,... Ia .. ..._ Ud • ._..run II& • .._. Vllta. Eulp coa oa17 ~ ftlr and JDedtcal cue tor MedJ ehU· 1M -=-t Ia tile PrA .....,.__.., ......._... ......___... .,_; 0. T • .,_.npltn. 2· ltiar7, three m..tioD& Call ln 70W' d.reft. GNet Dlvtdeftda." ·-------... -: .......... , .... at 115 &. lalboa ada to ~ lll~ Krt.. Prank Manhall and Mia. Back·to-IIChool • JDMtlqa ue e M&WIOfi .._. mYd., 111.000. SydMf Gaynor, co-cbaiiiMn, ICheduled Tueeday, Oct. 9, tor POliter 6 net.., 811ft at eoatb· ..... .,. WAD I roa s.au have ~ that the J'OWll· alxth trade parenta, and Tue.· we.t comer o1 Balboa Blvcl. ud T. ~ euace at ue aters In thelr colorful RalJoween day, Oct. 16. for the pann~ ot Cout Bwy .. _,; loho Bomer, T\U'quolee, a,JOO; 1. G. <>nn& 2.u:oa. 6 DJ:N A.Pl". unfu.r· FOR !Cu.£ BY OWNER. V«y de· 1arb wru aeatn eompete for ~eYenth and eJehth lf&de a\u. demollah portion ot ~ at .....,.. ballnola at 112 & Bay .;:..__ ___ ~ __ ___:___ dent& A pennant. f•loned by 105 10th St., tiCIO: B. ~ t -ft., teOO; M. A. Ball. altentJorw Dilbecl w/awve. patio, BBQ. P · &lrable 2 BR. home, dble. ea-LL KETIIODIIT CII1JJlCII Mrs. lack Bradbury ot xrr Mira· .tory, 2-unlt ChfoeUJq at 18M at llf OoiU..,. ....._ rap, flreplaee. 185 mo. Inqulre uee. Alao 1:fS.::S bachelor mar Drive, Balboa. will be and SIOC% Park LaDe. JLS.OOO; • WWW u 11 at 81.2 Gol~ CDM. =-· f:mf. ,!, ..:te~~ Rally Da,y wUl be obeerved awarded monthly to the clua L. R ColUer, 1-.t.ory dwelllnt at lin. e. w.u., IMta1l alldl.nl 2 "diJlul•-"'n•~t. WateHrOpalUSE.d. Open bou.e dally 1 f .m. 311 Sunday by the Balboa lsland havtne the blehe.t attendance 131 eth St., fl2.125: !f. Pan48· door at flT1 ~_,.C. a.r • .,_ -...-M'arlaohl. COM · P Community Methodist Cburdl o1 parent.a at the PTA meetJQgs. eon, wall at Mil Seubore Dr., bet. bobbJ I'OOID at X. ~ ~ mo. Call HA 3271-R for · School. All puplll who will be A Horace En&Jen PTA board $300; ~·Paelt.le Yadlt SaJee, tuOO. 11De7. 'Sf OLDS HOIJDAY 88. Power enrolled In the Church School meettne will be held Monday, showroom at 2'7Sl W. Cout llwJ., .. -~~~~~~ ............ PBJV ATE OPP1CES with phone bralles. 2$.000 m.llts. Private du~ the tall term are ez. Oct. 8, at the home ot the presi-SR.~; L. R. Kelley, !'e-lf& vel aD.IWWlne le!'vice. Secfttary 6 parties. HArbor 52-W alter pected to be pre~ent at 9:30a.m. dent. Mrs. Mel Berry ot 50l CllU root at 131 4.3rd St., t96; R. Set- notary avallable.. Ground Fir., 4 p.m. tor reetstratlon. Cbu.rcll School Drive, ClJtf Haven. rano, alterations .t 422% 3llt St., new n'fdent BldJ., 2200 New· IJTUATJOKS WAJITED teachers and workers wUl be ln· '"The Enslen~" is the new $500; War4 Shennan, deft at 146 port Blvd., Newport Beach. $~led by the hv. Donald G. name adopted by the Hocace En· 47th St., $2.000; Mrs. Hazel Red· (Adjacent to South Coast Co.) IRONING 1n my home. SLOO P« Slpp at the 11 a.m. service ~f afgn PTA newaette. ln1. demolish eara~. 125 27th <>tt1ce. from $30.00. Semi,prl· hr Please brln han 2524 wonhlp. St., llOO; A. C. Conner, cabana • vate desk apaoe $25.00. HAr· Se. view CDM. I eers. 'I'M Rev. and Mia. Sapp and 5 .• ste r From at 26 Bolivar Lido Trailer Park. ··=····· bor 3028. a • tbelr eon. Greg, return to the S3 000. • 2 B.R. HOUSE. furnished or un-WILL DO IRONING ln my home. chwcll tbJa Sunday alter a three· • ·coaowA DEL IIU ~ lilA I ••~ - furnished. 417 Heliotrope, COM.. ~·00 pets..=· Brine hangers. week vacation 1n Nevada. Utab, Rome v·.s·.ts Karl Bonawitz Jr., 2·story, 2· ·~ ~·lill FURNISHED ROOM with outside BABY ~ITI'ER.. Ret1ned elderly and Arizona. unit d~elllne at 613 Larkspur, ''Doc·· RAMBEAU entrance. Phone Liberty 8·54.25. 1 d --· d k ds LEa·· JfOTICK R 0 u dot Here 114.490, l anet D a vI d s 0 n. re-w a y, ev'CJUnp an wee -en -shln.,le d--llln, at-• ·-ksp FURNISHED AYr. 2 B.R. ater preferred. R e II a b 1 e, won't IN 1l{E 1UVEN1LE OOURT OF ~ ...... • vuo..... w, ftU .. C.'IC J1AD0a ..... paid. Available Sept. lS-June smoke or drink. References. THE COUNTY OF ORANGE ~· Eduee~ M~~ 2 ·Unlt. ~~~~--~--~-·~··········lllil·~ 15. 1957. $8) month. 3a7% Ruby HArbor 41.26·1. STATE OF CAUFORNIA Recent ove~as euests of Mr. ·S ory we n• at 31 Hello- St., Balboa Ialand. Phone OX· MA'nJRE WOMAN wishes baby CASE NO . .JU424 and Mra. Joe Roudot, owners of ford 4·5224, Whittier. sitting and care ot those con· CITATION Rossi's Cafe in Corona del Mar, ------------ PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS tined to hofbe. Day or nJght. In the matter of BABY BOY were Mr. and Mrs. Dragul Niko· ll.lll.a.. LJafllll' otfkle suite. Blrtch~ Bldg., HArbor 3192-M. LANTRY, (Birth rectst~ as lltch, brother-In-law and sister of --.....- 251!5 E. Coast Hwy., COM. BAr· AM RETDlED. Would like to ...... Lantry.'') A penon under Mr. Roudot. ------------ bor 1535. have par( time work. Salary the age of tweaty-one years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Nlkolltch New members ot the Newport DO YOU have a tumlshed home not too Important. Phone RAr· THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE are emplo)led by the qrtcultural Harbor Realty Board are John or Apt. to rent? We wUJ be bor 36S6 w OF CAUFOR.NIA. branch ot the United Nations In Flood, ass o c 1 ate d with Stan perm. and responsible tenant& GARDEN WORX wanted. Phone To: James G. Angell: Rome. Joe's alater had Joined the Smith ln Corona del Mar, and Call our a1ent. Select Realty Ha. 1038. Phil Brooks. You are hereby clted and re-branch In Wuhlngton, then was l ohn Harry Fr-ederick. astocla~ (no cbaree to you). to 7-3506. qulred to be and appear 1n De-transferred to Rome, where sbe with Newport-Mesa Realty In ~ ~ WAJI"'"D partment 2 of the above entitled met Mr. NlkoJitch. Costa Mesa. Eugene Vreeland WJUn'ZD TO JlEliiT SALES LADY OR MAN, sell toys Court. at the Court House ln They have one ehUd, whom has taken over Lldo Realty A.s· and gttt:s. No delivery. oollec· Santa Ana. ~ County, Call· they lett home whUe they came aoclates. GARAGE FOR STORAGE. Must tion or dooc to door. Need car. tomla, on the llth day of Decem· here for a visit to the states. • • • be clean and dry. Snack Shop. Full or part time. Kimberly ber, 1956. at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of They are acheduled to aall today The other side ot the oil conser-_Coron~~ ~ar. HArbor 1737. 3·5895. said day then and there to show from New York on the Italian vatlon Issue 1s belne clbcuued 2 OR 3 BR. HOUSE. partly fur. DISHWASHER. Hurley Bell Rest· cause, 1f any you have, why the liner Chrlstopbet Colombo. at tbb momlnc's ('Ibur8dqa) ~---~===-=~----==~·i.iil nlshed, wtth yard tor young aurant, 3801 E. Coast Hwy petition on tue herein to declare breakfast meetlnc ot the New· coupJ.e, 2 chJldren and small COM HArbor 2716 ·• the above named child to be free 11'1. ... .._.,. port Harbor Realty Board. Milton n.. Clio p 1 _ D p '~•• doe. HArbor 1033· W . • · from your custody and control •p• • Kramer wtU be the apeaJret OJ'I LOCAL BUSINESSMAN wants to NICE MIDDLE·AGED WOMAN to should not be eranted. accordtnc Of •• rf .. PropoatUon 4. 1n ~buttal o' the ~halt nle-tubber 'me rent room with bath or will 11~ in ~ddo ~ for 3 :"~1 to the petition on file. to whlch Jil talk on oU conservation held -' FormJea -u..oJeum 'ftJe share house. garage. Days HA. !orkJn~ widow ou;:::;: a:~ releN!Dee .Ia hereby made tor fur· Mrs. Grace Beth Myft'S, u, of an earlier breakfast meeting. GIK ,.. ~ 1457·W evee. HA 6009. . th~ particulars. '»7 29th St. N rt o-h dl • • • J-&. a-a ...._.... ' board ud salary. LIbertY Gtvm uncftio my hand and eeal • ewpo ~ae • ed Voeel Company's Ed Babeon ot -,_ &.Daa'IT • -· -.._ P'OB SALE 8·7149· ot the luvenlle Court• ot the at h~ home after a brief Illness th~ Corona del Mar ottlce made - .A1TRACJ'IVE ONE B.R. with den WOMAN 25·40, permanent posl· State ot Ca.llfomla.ln and for the ~~s?t·wS:!i a~8.thS:~f: ~ record Multiple Llatlnl b.latory I-••••••••••22•·•¥•..,.••1D•Or•aqellliii•·•eowa••I:J••••.C bou.ee. South ot Bwy. Flreplace. tlknon with Intern alnt 1 '!..~ ~ County of <>ran~ t.bJs 4th day Mesa Chapel with the Rev RolJo by seUlnc the Iarcest IlL today h d ood n b t. 417 own company ...,a .. ~r ot September, 1956. • · -a $118500 aa.le He also won ar w oora. asemen business to work In Corona del L a Wallace, County Clerk lou ot St lames Eplacopal the $38 cash P~ for betn at Dahlia. CDM. Mar. Good tJeure and pleasant by D. Perry Maynard, Deputy Church o!flclatJng. Interment Jut week's breakfast. I 8~ CU. FT. Box Flrestone Refrlg. personality. For appt. and In· (SEAL) was ln the Harbor Rat Memorial erator. Good condition. Real terview, call Klmberly 3-'7010. Publllb· Sept. 7·14·21·28. Oct. 4· Park. • • It • bargain. $70._!!_Arbor_0514._ JR. HIGH SCHOOL BOY after u .u.Z: In 'Jbe Kewport Harbor •-M~ Myersd whud a11n~11veh ot Loath • rJb.l£ Jl MAJOR-OIL co. SERVICE STA· lldlool or Sat. momJnp. ear· Ensfen. 41''~" an a Yon! ere e • a .... " TION', Coast Highway In Dana den work and chores. HArbor .. • past 1!5 years. IJ ___ •JJMIIJ.-."1 ... • Point. GYpsy 6·5182 eves., or 4698. 8DSDWESS OPIOWf uJUTIES She ls survived by two sons. GYpsy 6·5250 days. ~ WHOLESALE NA"nONALLY AD· John LIvIng • t o n and Glenn Dr. Donald Peblke, dean of -• • SOME FREE -30ME FEE ~. of the home addresa, bel' student per a on n e 1 at <>r-anee ltAFII .....,. Appl1eaDta needed. many o!tlce VER11SED Grfttlne card busi-parents. Mr. and Mr11. Glen Cout Coll~. was amon1 ~.eel· __...., ,.,.._ al8o restaurants and do-ne.~ tor aa.le. $1500 mereban· Martin of 4.20 E. Bay, Balboa; ucatora Who flew to Pensacola. mestie& Many Jobs tor qualltled diae and South Cout fran. one m.ter, lira. UlUan Jetfny of Florida. last week to stucty the Complete line of all 5 models -Hammond Chord $995. Elec· tronlc Or~ran used 14Th Try a new Hammond Spinet for 5 weeks. only $25 plus cart· age, lessons tree. PIANO SALE -Practice pl· anos $95, $135, $195. or will rent $5 per month. Spinet pianos repossessed from $395. Lovely Grand $495, many others. Easiest terms. Schmldt-Phllllps Big Ptano and Organ Store, Est. 1914. Always 100 pianos to choose trom, 520 No. Main, Santa ~ Ana.) IIISCEJ.LA.Jn:OUS loYie Prljectors FOR RENT 8·MM 16·MM 35-MM and 16MM SounJ Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane SupJ)lles lunCIE irl .. 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 8· 7042 * ........ 1 * Clfb P• AU 0 'm• FIN1!! WATCH REPAIKING "Prompt Setvtce-- Reuonahle Pr1ca" .... 1. .,. &. Cit. lhy .. c-..... .......... s,. ...... A.merte8n Lqton 215 l5tta St. VM'tinn 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. men. (~ now.) chlee. 34298 El Molino, Capf. Lakewood, and one brot.het. Glen Naval Cadet tra.lnln1 pro,-ram. June J'a.rrar Empl. A&ency, strano ~ac:b.. GY 6-5250. llartJn ot Manhattan Beach. He stopped at Dalla. Texas to 402% 32nd St.. Newport 8 tee the Cnuador, the alrcratt us in e s s n •••• ,. lllffllr which ~ntly broke the world's IIMII ,..._... record at a s-peH of 1,015 mUes Uberty 8·3449 1~ EMPLOYER RETAINED AGENCY NO FEE collected from applicant 120 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach llrts ot our tremendous growth and numerous promotions e Full pay u you learn e Frequent increases e Advancement actually en- courag-ed -Apply- 8:30 to 4:30 122 We-ft Third Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE TD Directory Df CDI Dill II • perhou_r. --- Theodore Statner, 60, 512 ~· PJLEI POa IIAIIn'DAIICZ eonla, Ave., Corona del Mar, died A suit for separate main~· at Hoae Hoepltal Friday, Sept. ance was ftled thS. month by DISVUJfCE REPRESEN"nNG- J\ebta -and- ~Ontt Insurance Companlea AIIIESEI CIIPIIY U4l E. COAIT IIW'I'. COaoJIA DEL IIAa IIA 1540 INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrru STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Hlehwa~ ~ Corona del Mar a.. Pbone, IU 5232 21, alter a brief Illness. Private Hazel H. Sprtne aealn.t services wer.e held Sunday In Co-P. Spring ot Balboa Island. rona del Mar at Baltz Mortuary. Mr. Stamer Is survived by hl.a wife. Ethel, a eon, Ted ot La· fayette. CalJ1omJa; 2 step sons. George Nlcheraon ot RJverafde, and RJchard Nleherson of Stock· ton; one atA!p daueht~ Mm Bet- ttanne Cherry of Los An1eles, and 9 grandcbUdren. Mr. Staffif!"f was a native o1 Santa Cruz and had been Uvtn1 In Corona del Mar for the past 20 years. PROMPT 1-DI Y IE I VIDE Prlenclly!ftlllbbaf~ !evtaa p ARKES-RJDLEY IIOtmJAU liD Broadway u a.K116 ~ Colta ~~- CostaMealu•MrCo. L1JMJBB -B1JII.DING ICA!11111AJ.8 •••.-rt ..,_ caae. ... "Cube Steaks" from freezer to ta ble in 31/2 minutes- when you cook electrically ! • LAGUNA F£0£RAL SA VIN&S I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICII To Sene Yo. LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLEMENTI QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERV1CE FREE CUSTOMiRS' PARKIN& ESCROW saVICI. BIFICIEHTl Y OPERA TED LA6UNA BEACH m 0c.en Ave. PHONE HY. 4-lln SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. • c.mino RMI PHONE HY ecinfh 2-1191 ., HYeciftth 2-1196 ..-niB '10 IDD' Wln1.tNd aa.on wW entert&i.D ~ .t Soata Club at a din· ner meetlnc at her horae at • ac..an View, eo.ta Keu, tonlalrt ('nlu.ndayl . Marcaret .Belru!rt Ia ln charp ot tbe dinner, wblcb wlll have an HawallaD motltt. Bead Eaatcn Trant Ada. Corona del Mar SHELL DEALERS WID Daaatil ~ Day' a~ Wed. Od. 3rcL to 'l1ae &PIIikd FuDd FCK Caa.lruc:tiOD of A New a....-w F• D. ea ••• , Oauage eo-.... , ANa-(South l.aguDa) ( AitWoocl · · Cee Gridders Local Griclders Now Playing Seeking First on Long Beactl State Team Victoiy Today ..:.~'t.:.::.:: ~~ .,.. ... c.u"::.!:::..=-.wo:: ~t~=..-::-.= JD.II MN 1ut rrtdQ, WW .-b~ ..,. a ...,.. • .._., ,_,....._Us.* taleta at LoQ ~ beiiN ~ occ. Kubm Bl'a C. football ,qucJ ~ ~ Oollep in Pirate fCII'W'e4·~ tram aoctliltt ~ .._. lUte Ool...._ -•~ at -. Cit tM tecJ JO- W'ellt tbroup rtcwou-tra.tnl.q Stad&al Ia tile annual Uou Qrowr to t'uUbedl 8Q ~~ ~ ~ ot Jlf..,..-t .au.. u Loa( a-da ..... Ke· tadd•; and rtabt end. Terry thta ..-In pnpuatJon few th* football aame tomorrow (rrtclay) man, p1a1q lf ~ • 1M ...,. aDd ._. Woo6o(-. for· ned;J tip~ tbe lraJ• at 110; be Ia J1AD0a U'CS' •108 Jtaaan. pme toclay (Tlnar..tay> at 3 nlpt. Game time wtU be 1 p.m. GlendaJe 11. Jlantaon IUdlt 4. _.,.fit "-JCWt .._. ucJ __. a l ·toot.. JI.J'tnt clowM __ 1 eo.dl auma· Tara pt ot1 to o'dock wtth Mollte~ at the After tbe pme, tbe Lions WU1 orv.. cSrGYe t• 1 '!'1Mb ~ 1hiac ta IAq ~ botb .,. 221-JCet yatda .u.blnl __eo a smootb iltut Jut week when SaJlor'a fl•lcl. Tbe Cee • w1ll be h•v. dbuMn In tbe ......,, ~ Into tbe ftCI -.., and -~ ...._ n .Jac:lc Ken-------~--....._-............ _... 7-.Net yarda pua~na ---29 th~ ~ OQt EK~lalor lf·6 at eeeldna thm that wtn after rooma few pla1WW o1 botb ~ Story eaupt th• MU ~ott a TO DtdY ot c.ta .._. wW be pi~· W.. ....,._...., ~ attempted --.14 the POc:IW bome tteld. tutlna a ~-6 defeat lut week Saturday morialna the uona wsu u be wu talltna c~otm. 'Storr• ina hta ttnt JI8UOO wltb the ID • ·o~m 3.~ completed ___ ' TWo bac:kfielden, n•lt~ ot at the banda of the Exeelator Pl· fete playen and c:oac:hM from ldek was blocked, and It wu ..._ .:;)a.; '• •:a..\. 2. .. .Int.aepted by ---··· 1 wbom had vanity Upftlen~. lots. both tearna at brealc1ut In the 13-7 tor OCC. Woodho~. who pln~ Ida -----""·""·------80... .. l'ards penall1.ed .... --C:S sc:ored both touchdowns In the In the game last week, the College Student Union. The Ed On the kick-ott, the Glendale ex pet Je n ce at Harbor Htah 82 ... .Puntlnl avera.re ... -.... 40 aecond half of the aame last J'rl. fumbllna Cee team .coled In the Milum trophy to the oubtandlna receiver threw a -..11d latera) aa School, OCC. and Colleae of Pa- day nltbt. !.eft halfback Herb 11e00nd quarter when halfback "neman picked by the preu box he wu belnl tackled. and occ clfJc, wtll be one ot the tint • TVDDAT. aan . IS Yee reached paydlrt first when Tom Sandoval took a kick-oft on will be pretent~ at thla time. recove-red on the GelndaJe 27. atrtn1 tacklea. He Ia alto CO·e&P· MnL C. H. Barry ot 302 Even!nr Harbor Blah's Varsity football he carried over from the 20; Bob the Tar 20 and ran It back all The Pfratea came up with a ~derman and Barrhlon aJtft. taln of the team. Woodhouae, a Canyon Boac!. Shote Cu.tt.. re- team will play h<* to the Mont· Hendershot added 6 more polnb the way. The Pilots had already well-earned victory ove-r Glen-nated ln earrytna the ball over 23-yev-old Juldot at Lon1 BMeb ported the theft ot two plaatlc ebello eleven tomorrow (Friday> to~e Tar score when he ran the racked up two talUes and added dale last Friday ln the tlrat eame ln 10 playw. Aderman aolnt Stat~ Ia e feet tall and wellhs aoakera ••. n.e automobUe be· nltht at Davidson Field, aeeldne bau ovel' from the ExcelsJor 15 In two more ln the second hal!. under the coachlna ot AI lrwtn. o~r from the 2-foot llne. Story'a ~ pounds. longlna to RJcbard M. Sherwood. their aeeond victory ot the sea-the final quarter. ~ Tar'a Inexperienced Une All the .coring came In tbe kick was eood to make the score IUcb~n lOt hb football ex-421 ~ Goldenrod. Corona del Mar, aon. Game time wm be 7:30 p.m. Excelsior aurpr'l.ed the Tars held fairly weU and Exeelaior last halt, but there waa one spec-20·7. pei'lence at Harbor HJah. OCC. wu .tolen from bla re.lden~ Montebello wm be t_ac:lne 'the wtth a fine pus Ina attack and urned their TD'a on wtde end tacular run and a near score juat Glendale engineered a 53-yard and Santa Barbara. He Ia a 24· . . . An u ndlacloeed amount ot Tars atter aheUacldne Citrus Jut set up their atnale acore, with sweeps and through the atr. Tbe before halt time aa Pirate Half· touchdown drive that hit pay YN1'·9Jd SenJor. RJch~n. who money wu atolen trom the front Friday ntrht by a sooze ot 30-0. passes, In the second period. Th• Tars tumbled 13 times and ~-back Dave Tamura. a Harbor dirt just before the run ended la a vetftan haltbaek, weJ&M 180 otft~ o1 the Pay-Lea Laundry, 'lbe Tan, who bave ~n work-Tars started off at:rona ln the covered their own fumbles only High star last year, broke the game. . poun<la and meuures 5 teet, ' 308 Newport Blvd., Newport Hts. ina on down field blocking and opening moments ot the game, twice. Harbor HI coach BJIJ throufh trom the Glendale 35. 'nle Pirates held a sJI&ht edee lnchea In height. tacklJna thla week, beat Monte· but Excelsior became more all~ Strawa commented on the out· He wu In the clear. but a Glen-In fltst down, 14 to 12. ==J=a=ck=K=e=n=ft=l!d=y=·=24=·Y<=e=ar=·=ol=d=l=un=-===Re=4d==EM2~="'~~-~a~n~t~A~da.~=. beUo Jut yeu 18·0. In ~ second period and doml· atandJne pertonnan~ of end dale tackle!' tl'lpped him from 1- Coacb Don Burna hu been nated the play. Dave Gtbl!on and guard Frankie behind and Dave fell down on Travel. Talk runnina b1a team against the End coach Georee Hunter wu RJeverra. lhe 4·yard line. 'nle touchdown ~ont•bello del~ playa 1n the well pleased wtth his men on Excelator uaed a single-wing threat wu ended u Quarterback earlier part of the week. Only thetr tlrst night out, and pral.sed formation which wu new to the Bob Crock~t tumbled on the next On Program one player, Dale Martin, wllJ be the perfonnan<:e of Bob VIlla· Tar ttquad. play and Glendale recovered on out because of an Injury. grana, who caught thr~ urlals, Montebello wtJJ employ the T the 4. The camera lens wUl be cht.ef FWre 1s the tentaUve line-up and Terry Ragan who turned In formation when they Invade The Pirates wasted no time In mode ot tl'ansportatton when Dr. for tomorrow nlaht'a eame. Doug some very tine blocking. Charles SaUor field this afternoon. Coach tbe second half. GLendale kJcked CUes T. Brown of Oranee Coast Bowler wlll be replacing Injured Vandervort wu named the out· Stl'aws stated that Montebello al· ott. and Halfback Bill Harrison College takes the "Shutter.Bug" Dale Martin at fullback; Bob standing end of the evening. ways haa a good Cee team. returned 9 yards to thE' 19. On1 Trl!velers." newly-formed section Hen de r a h ot, left halfback; the first play from acrlmmage he ot the Lido Isl e Woman's Club Geora~ Thompson, rleht half. Bee Squad To Meet Tough smashed through from 11 yards on a 30.000 mUe trek through back ; Gene Hubbard, quarter-and a first down on the OCC 30. Africa. The program wlll be pre· back ; Charles Vandervort. left On the next play Ha.lfback Dick sented at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow end; Ron Thome, left tackle; Montebello After I 3-6 w·rn Grover broke loose, sped down (Friday) at the Udo Clubhouse. Gary Deem, left euard; Bob Al · the lett sldellne, wu almost Rdreshment.t wiH be served by len, ~nter; Jim Bento, right caught a t the 20, but went aJJ the Mrs. J. Dandridge MJUlken, chair· guard; Dennis DaJebout, right The Harbor High Bee football pla.ys and moved to the Pilot 6 way for a 70-yard touchdown man, and other oUI~rs lnclud· Till BesfF•Lial II .APOR T;? ... ~. ' r1110NA l'{ I. MAll h .fAil<'IUIJl 'i •• nn SaL .---_,_ --.. squad will journey to Montebello after 9 minutes or play. Terry run. AI Story's kick was eood. lng Mrs. Kenneth G. Klngsley, tomorrow afternoon I Friday> and Bagwell found a hole thru his and OC led 7-0. co-chairman· Mrs. Gene Ross meet what coach EmU Neeme re· right tackle and went over tor After an exchange of kicks, treasurer; Mrs. 'nlomu Cro&ler: eards as a real tough toe. Tomor-the TD. For the conversion. Glendale started from Its own 10 reservations; and Mrs. Albert row's clash will mark the second Schllckenmayer took a toss In and scored In 10 plays, the pay. Cloud and Mrs. John Deering, test for the class B Tars. who the end zone from quarterback ott punch coming on a 45-yard retreshments. overpowered Excelsior 13·6 Jut Ronnie Koren. touchdown pasS. The kJck wu ------ Thursday on the Tars' home turf. A strone dt-fenslve line kept good and the score wu Ued. tnfiVERSALJST P'ELLOWSBU Coach N~me has been run· the Pilots puntlne the ball on As tht-fourth quarter opened. "On Being Truly Mod~" wtll PAY~LESS 10. Launcbamat 201 Jc. R...,.t Sl..S. (AClllo.l noM SOAQ BO&PITAL) Thrift-D-Lux F"me.t Dry Clacming At Volume Prices 44c lldlta -~-l wa...Ma ~AT C;ertain FEELING ning bls players throueh a few fourth downs ln the S«<nd quar. the Pirates started a drive from be Sunday's sennon topic of Dr. single wing plays In an effort to ter. After th.e ball exchanged their 23. Fullback AI Garcia Charles Blau~Jt at the Unlveru- set up a better ottenslve punch hands twice, fullback Stan Lewis made 5 yards. Then Halfback Bill Jlst Community Fellow.hlp RrV· against the fast Montebello and right hallback Robin Swin· Harrison broke away for 34 lees In MO<IIIe Hall, 435 E. 17th I "'OnJI &VDT DAT & lf'lG11T OF Tlf& TEAr team. This afternoon, the .see. ford moved from their own 49 y~ar~d.s.~~g~o~ln~e~o~u~t ~ot~~bo:un~da:-~~S~t~ .• ~Cost~~a~M~esa~~=====~;;:;;:;;=:;;==================::;;;~ with Bob Hope PLUS culminate four days of strenuoua to the Excelsior 25. An off sides practice, Including down field penalty put the Tars back to the blocking and tackling. u th~ 30. Dave Hammond then broke get set tor the game tomorrow. away for 20 yards and put the In the game last Thursday, the baU on the 10. The Tars tailed to Tar Bees unleas~ a fine ruah· take Jt over. Excelsior tried to lng attack tn the first hal! and get out of tl'ouble but lost the '' ft..... Sea H '' reached paydtrt twtce before the ball on their own 8. Koren scored 1 • riel Olr Pilots of Excelsior c:ould rack tor the Tars on third down from __ ..._ ................ ...__.. ........ ...._ ......... _ __, up a score. J{owever. early In the the 2-yard line. The Tars' conver- One W eek~tarts Sun. fourtb quaner, the PUots' lett ston attempt was no eood. halfback. RJck Alvarado ,Inter· The Pilots' effort at a come- ceptl"d a toss from the Tara Ron· back In the aec»nd halt wu nle Koren on the 42 and ran It dft'rlOn.atrated by 29 pass at· all the way. tempts, two of which were com· Excelsfor took the openlna pleted. ExoelsJor de.fense tfcrht. kick and tailed to move the baU • down field tn three tr1~. The ened up In the second balf and Tars. after a punt return to the both teams exchanged ~era} 50. ran a series of quick opening punts. Tar Tattles-~~~ e B·B·O BOMEOONIXC They were: Terry Dallas, Mickey 'nle American Field Service Hukell. Don Red.ln£t0n, Norman Student Committee held a bar· Hess. H e J m u t Beran, Dave becue at Meg Andrew's home In Vaughn, Roland Barcume, Janette Newport Heights to celebrate Baird, Marda Davis, Sally Gould, Meg's homecoming and to weJ. Ann Lardner, Pat4)' Ktnpley, colne Helmut ~ran and Khrls-Robin Hill, Lester Karr, Cathy tena Sangt-to Nt>Wport. HoUmann. and Khrlatlna Sange. The purpose of the student • • • committee Is to help our foreign • BOOUT WE WOK I exchange student.t get acquaint· I can th1nk of no better way ed. 'nley .also help choose the to start a achool )'t-ar than by Newport Junior who will go wtnnlng our flnt football game, abroad. and we did It! Fourteen to slx .. '-'4 an UIIW Attlltl Tw.enty people attended the Ia a nlce atrona begtnnlng. Be &.&.&..a....a...&.&A...&.&A.A barbecue-get acquainted party. sure to c:ome out tornor;row nlgbt -=~~~~~:.::::.::::.::::.::::.::::..::::__ ____________ tor the horne game with Monte- SUY MADISON • PATltCIA .... '-.,. M lllll • leloiM4 IIW UltltH lt1lltl A L 8 0 ~f • ' DRIVE -IN t ~ '·' tC THIATAIS I' t:II (OMI A\ ~OV A•l bello. Our first dance is alter th• Montebello came, In the social hall. Let's wee everyone there for a good ttme. • • • e CE'rTJXC ACQ11AD'TED Glrl's League held their first meeting Monday. Foretc:n ex- change atudent Khrtatlna Sanee was Introduced to the ,UU ot Harbor. Th•n various membera ot the cablnt't put on tJuoH amaJJ humorous dance ak:ft.a to 1ft &c· qualnted with th• new atudenta. • • • • SCIIOOL ELEcnon Students are now V}'in£ tor t.be dltfe-rent IIOPhoJnOft, JunJor, wen· lor clua otfloen. Electlona are October ruth and we are au anx- Ious to wee who w1lJ be leadlna the acbool'a busy year. • • ILL liD IEEF ILL IIEI IEEF CHICKENS ..... ~ Sliced Bacon lb. CaponeHe Fryers lb. 59c • • IBAJflt ... THIGHS • • • • • lb. 69c HAMS • • • • • lb. Drum Sticks lb. 69c LVD"'-1 a.. ftlt. • • • • FRANKS BREASTS lb. 73c • • • • • • • • • • • ....... WINGS. • • • • lb. 29c Luer Bola9• • • •