HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-22 - Newport Harbor Ensignt
VOL t, •o. 15, -rrn CElfTI
Castaways Club Fire
·Is Under Investigation
,... 11001' ...... ~ Ia -a-.. ..... tluou9Jl tM •fiN Caatuwaya C111b OD tbe Up-
Protests Pour in
Against B.l. Bar-
An avalanche of prot eat a
aga1nst a n~ cocktail bar on
Balboa lsland Ia routnr In on
Newport City Hall. and by yester·
day about 100 letters and post·
card11 had bHn received. A total
of several hundred Is expected.
The protests are almed at the
hotly contested 3 to 2 decision of
the City Planning ComrnJulon
}ast Thursday to approve a use
permit for sale of alcoholic bev·
erages at the restaurant at 226
Ma rine Ave., owned by George W.
Lee McColloch, president of the
Balboa Island Business Assocla·
tlon. described the protest move.
ment as a spontaneous resent-
ment throughout the I s I a n d
against the action of the Plan-
ning Commission.
to ~lay in
Potato Bowl
OraD~ eoa.t Col1ep baa bMJl
la.tt.d to participate Ia tbe
Potato Bowl .... crt aaJton.
f1el4 n....m,_ 1 crt I p.m., it
was ~ lloaday after.
DOOIL Their oppoDeGts will be
Stodrtoa Cou.p-alg I Coo·
fenac:. dlampioa. The game la
apouond by the Iena Cowaty
ShriD.e Club fow tbe beoefit of
crippled cb.tldhG.
Rules in Favor
of Hodgkinson
Mesa Father
and 7 Children
in Need of Aid
He told the Ensign that laland
residents are writing letters to
City Council, a nd are asking their U S. Judge Thurmond Clarke
neighbors and also property own-of Los Angeles has ruled In fa ·
Furniture, appliances and can-ers who live away from the Is-vor of former Newport Pollee
ned foods are needed for N. c. land to write Letters of protest. Chief R. R. Hodgkinson. who is
HUI and his seven children. The The letters and petitions wUI seeking a refund of $25.000 from
Hill home, 2163 Oranee Ave .. Cos· be officially acknowledged by the the government for overpayment
ta Mesa. wu destroyed by fire City Council at the next meeting, of Income taxes from 1944 to
Friday &ftemoon. Mrs. HIU died Monday. Nov. 26. At that meet· 1950.
over a yea.r aeo during child· lng the Councll wUl undoubtedly The judge has signed a minute
birth. scheduLe a public hearJng on the order In favor of Mr. Hodeklnson,
Father Thoma.s J. rkvln of St. protests, probably for the Dec. 10 who Is now a ~dent of Guada·
Joachim Catholic Church aaid meeting. A decision on reversing laja.ra, Mexico. Monday ls dead-
t:rtb t1 ~ .. _... h 1 or upholdJne the Planning Com · line for filing objections to the con u ona are n~o:u to e p _,__._ ~-• wU1 be de findlna defray tbe coR ot feed.lna the • ........,n app.vnu ma •·
chUdren. 1\lnUtqre, hou.Mbold upon oonclualon of the hearing. -------ap~ and canDe4 foods wW 'n'le piOtesU were baaed pr1· ,.. fiN Clllll be needed for aetttna up ~-marll1 on the plea that the Ia·
keepine when a new ~-fabr1· land Ia a place fc:w cbUctr.n and IID•D ---.... ._ ·-· cated house Ia moved ' to the site. famllJ-. and therefore anoth« .,...._ •
PersoM wbhlng to contribute cocktaU bar wu not wanted. A fir,e of an undetennined ong.
can call Father Nev1n at Uberty Parklne problema also were men-In broke out In the dwelling at
8-1091. or leave the &J"tJcm at tloned. 433 Iris Ave., Corona del Mar,
1264 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. e VOTE IS 3 TO 2 shortly after midnight Saturday,
The Planntne Commission com-and dJd S30 damage. The res!·
U • d F d mtttee that atudted the use Pt!'f'· dence. ocupled by Robert McKin· n I te U n It 1•-ti ded d ley, Is owned by R. C. Pomeroy m app "'a on recommen e-I'DIEXEJif ,...... a.DCib1e to bait tbe oam.., wbldl 911tt.d tbe nUn r.taa~G:Dt.
nlal of the permit. A motion to _of_132 __ v_ta_w_az_l_e_rs_. _L_I_do_l_sl_e_. --------------
Appeal Made ~:I:.~~;; *~:·a=~~~r:::~~ Left·lst Trend Cited• The Newport Beach United Voting "yes" were Commission· J
Fund hu closed lu ottlce ln the ers Galvin Keene, George Lind
Chamber of Commeree buUdlne. and Don Hayton. Voting "no"
but the fund campalrn ls still a were Ray Copelin and WesLey p •1 t u s little short of the $57.004 goal, ac· Smith. Louis Briggs pa~ his er1 0
cording to Dr. Ed Milum. cam-vote. Commissioners W a I t e r • ~ Seen
palgn mana~r. Longmoor. C. B. Rudd and 0 . R.
He urged local residents and Rand were absent. Alarming Leftist trend In think· scored only 481 peroent. Mr. Lintz
businesses and also local proper· The Commission a lso heard two lng throughout the United States commented t h at an averaee
ty ownen who Jive eltewbere to other requ~ for use permits to was pointed out In a speech last score. If blindfolded. Is 45.7 per.
send ln cont:rtbutlona by mall. allow saLe of beer, requested by Thursday evening at a joint cent.
The following form can be Doug Buell. meeting of the Newport Harbor Surveys reveal that the public
used by those who have not t>Hn e AcriOM DELATED Chamber of Commerce and Bus . In general bf'llev(>S bus.lness prof.
contacted by a volunteer aollcl· A 3-3 tie vote caused the Com· lne-ss and Professional Women In Its range from 25 to 50 percent.
tor and tor those who wUh to mlsskm to delay final action on the Newport Ha.rbor Yacht Club. and that about 15 pereent Is a
Increase their contribution: the application for 3436 E. Coast The speaker was Harry Lintz. fair profit. The actual fact Is that
• • • Hwy., Corona del Mar. former lo· California dlstl'lct manager of the profits averaged only 3.4 percent
lfewport .._. Ualted had. cation of Mary and BUI's Cafe. U. S. Chamber of Commerce. last year. and one out of three
tr.t 0tf1C1e ._ 152. This application will be taken up He sald our economic system Is businesses failed to make a prof·
11cJboa ~ ltatloa, again at the Dec. 20 meeting. made pos.slbl.e by the freedoms It at all.
lf..,..t a..da. Ca11f. The Commission voted unanlm· written Into our ConstltutJon, and Among the socialistic policies
ously to deny the application for If our freedoms· dluppear, our which are being promoted. be
1 wtab to coatribate 1. .................... Doug's Doe House, 3512 E. Coast economl~ system wtll eo too. listed the following: more public
to tM UaJt.cl FGDd. Hwy .. Corona del Mar. A number He saw a danger to our llber· power, public bousine. federal aid
ot letters. a petition and objec· tJes In the "ple-ln-the-slcy" pro· to education. repeal right to work
Kame ·-.... -.... -.... -.... -.......... -........... ton In penon protested the ap· posals of well intended citizens, laws. government health lnsur·
plication, saying that Doug's Dog who are promoting soclallstJc ance. sharp Increase In social se· ~ ,_ ......... -... -.... -.... -·-·-· ... -... House was a teen-age rendezvous schemes wtthout realizing the curity bent>flts. 100 percent parity
and thenefore a beer license consequences. for farmers.
aty . ·-·-.... -... -...... -... -... ·-·-··-should not be granted. He cited muy examples of sur· Mr. Lintz urged groups like the
veys showing that the American Chamber of Commerce to promote!
system of free enterprise is not a grass roots program of teaching
fully appreciated. In a ~-ques-1 the American way of life to the1 tlon test on fUndamental prlncl· people of America In order tol
pies, 1.285 high echool tenlors halt the trend toward 80Ciallsm.
Route Adoption Is Urged
Cause Is
A Mystery
Inv~leation is under way to
determine the cause ot the ~·
tacular. 2·alarm tire Saturday
morning that demolished the
castaways Club. a unique land·
mark atop the bluff near 17th
St. and Coa..st Hwy.
Frank Coburn. proprietor ol the
resuurant and bar the past sev.
eral years, estimated damaees to
hi11 holdings between $50.000 and
$75,000. The buUdlne. property oC
the Irvine Company, 111 beliewd
to hav£-bern worth $25.000. Both
the bulldlne and Mr. Coburn's ~
lonctngs were lnsured.
Mr. and Mrs. Coburn lived In
the apartment on the second
Ooor. Mr. Coburn. a fonner Ne-w
York band leader. said he wu
I awakened by smoke from the Uv.
lng room at approxlmat.ely 3:30
Lm. · I He awakt>ned Mrs Coburn and
esrorted her and their doe to
ACC'Ol'ding to report from the
I Ftre Dept .. Mr. Coburn clOIII!d the
business at 1 :45. watched 1V un-
ul 3:00 am . and then retired.
Newport Beach Fire Dept. dis·
patcher Hugh McMillan said the
fire was reported at 4:39 a m. e OUT OF OOifTBOL
Ftre Marshal W C. Noller said
the fire. which luted ~ than
3 hours, wu out of contTol when
f~~ an1wd. W. H. Spurpon
ITL lrvtne Company ottlclal who
wu notttied latt"r, said the build·
lng was about "marshmallow
stu" when he got there.
Items saved were Mr Coburn's
c&r, a garage. a bin for garbage
cans. and a long stack of wood
for a Clre-place. all ot which Wft'e
~parated from the main build·
ine by a driveway.
IContinul!d on ~ 6)
II&. .,... -.. :~~~!:591 c..ttt,r 4 ,c...., w..e.• • J ....._ ... to tiM.-. ...... IMt ot .. 111M ••
....... ._ 1114 ... tl• that If ,.. ..... ' ,....... LuctU8 .... la Ilia .... .......,. ,.,..ruaa,~:n~.
• • • ..._ NIWPOII J:fiiiO& ...... ._ .._ ..... b' .. "-• a Mt • tM ••ln ... _. lat· lfeJit '"* ru tab up •••111 • 1 ,.. ef .......... .._ "r I •r t' fill • ....,._ o-t fia4 'f urda7. coold--....., la ................. el,.... ..._ ........ .., ... • • fta& ,......,.........._ ..at -...n.. ._. ....... s-.~a..~......., .. .,.,_.OMM.,C....*'W..Cell. taw~~ ......... ~ Hale'a leebe: ~·A-::;,~ ::~~ ~ :;._.0:.: ~'C= =.~ o-z , Mia• 11 N boCia ,.. to .... , "11M cllelr7 .,... lz ...,.
.... be~Pb la ...... .,_.. tM 1 ctraalaa.d tlaat a... IDMI 11M ··-Of THI . top .... Ia tM .. 10. dl•e-, boN,.._ a.d rbDllu ...... CAI.If!OaNtA NIWWAI'H PUiliSHRS ASSOCIATION ~ _, ........ ot lOeb· frOWin aalltilnt ,_. 8N DCiddl!lll
lttl.4 ef ttle NATIONAL IDITOliAL. ASSOCI4TON • J'IC1'V'U y._ ftllll -. aa. .. JIIIU tpn to 1M ... Bowl. better tban aa bmtadoD • llli
AAVO L HMP ....., ..,. ,......_ EvHY once In a while, I take a ........... nd mine. Loot be7aad '• • • unct.rtaker and nDt aa.ell MeW
,.. HAAPA. .. ~let. Wtt.t picture tbat turna out to be ollt tbe wblte wake on u... w.. • IIOW TO UYa ~ than 10 much areenk: 10 tar u
WAUY MXTII N•...W.t ....._.., of the ordinary. I took ~ dlat. wa~ver thla cw any world. .llllAPt bav.labeled tbll "Row tbe buman .,._ lz ..._..._ 101 IUlNS. SUISCii;:Ji'ONuns: ~ at the time, Mmed hU'dl) wonb wtde borlzon tl'aat IP'M. be· to ll¥e ~ wr• tUlle tM au.~ ..... On tbe word ot the r.ct.radon ol ...._.. ...... ,..._ , • ._, r-.,..,.....a.oo:-r--tue the effort. We weN JUit trolllq neath the brim ol JOUr old flab· claim. lut t~,.t. wbo would UJr.e Amerktalan..._~~ EQed·
CW.W. ef tile ...,.,_ Aretr Tw. ~7.00; -.,_ e•.oo alona In one of thoee quiet pe-Ina hat. n..a you wUl know that to Uve to that a,.T And, Me0D4. IMft ____,, -llftMito iCiCi:i·CiiicxiCi: i:ii:ia•:i•Ci•a•:i•Ci·Ci·;ca;c;ea•:i•Cl-i:i·:i·CiCiCic•a•:i•o• rloda that ate a part of the aea. tbla •• a picture ot every fllher· who would like to live Jlke,. aua. ~·· .. ~ -:': .. lllrltkNt I had my feet, clad ln old tlab· man wbo lJv---.or haa ever lived. alan beyond cblldblrtbT :ru tab .,. orte aH
1M ~ Ina lhoes, propped up on the lt'a a picture, too, of mJIUon.a wbo Al\)'hoo, It you like to Ht. and ~acrr.::-b ol ~ tala 'llf.! ... lj .. lil[llllliiillllllll ~ Hop tranaom. The rod I wu holdinl will do u we do-who wt11 enjoy who doesn't? .•. just follow me w uaaan-WI· f
· wu there, too. In the picture. The th._ prJcelea treuw. -lonl and I'll catdl you up on dletl, •la and lead, lUre u Do---.,,
backaround wu Juat blue water, after we have cut our lut Oy to outdoor oookJna, etc. to ul~ COJOII&I7 ~ .....
• C* • • • z • the white wake of a trolllna boat a ahadow under an o~na 1 CIUl refer you to any ldnd o1 damapd brain ctlla &Dd ewe'Dtu· e WAJT 'TIL NEXT YfAitl and beyond. the d.bt.ant horlmn. wtllow, or have felt the lut mike diet tot Nduc:~Jw that )'OU waat ally we.plna wWow8 and tile
Y 'II L-h t L-th t th' 'II beth I · f f t I don't know why I turned the ol aome blue.water warrior. to uy. I'll ..u JOU before we aet worm. ou ~ appy o mow a IS WI e ast mention o oo . camera toward my feet and lt'a a picture of peace-tar from ~ tbat U... t. DO JOTalro&d "All dlJ8 acMat:Uk Jloom ~
boll unt.il next ~uson . . . ind uding mention of my Golden Go~rs. pullhecl the button. t.be .:nem o1 br&a. on hot dty to loeJna wel&ht or keeplna that u eomethtna ot a mock to toUr ~i~~~5~~~~~~
They d1d oil n<Jht Saturday. exadly as I ordered--but Ohio State On my eutem trtp, l .topped ~treeta; of contentment--.nme allm ncure (It you bave one) who for a couple ot pneraUona ~
failed to cooperate, and so Iowa is coming to the Rose 8owl after all. to ... Art llutt. Editor of t.be from the clant of teWpb~ and You Ju.t can't have your c~ now have been told on equali,-
Just the same. we at the Ensign are not all desolate; at least our P'laberma.ll llqaz:lne, w b 1 c b. the clatter of typewrtt.en; of and eat lt. exalted authority and ln the mo.t
shop foreman, Paul Lund. is hoppy~'s from Iowa. And I'm stillloolt-come January, wlll bave a ~· dream.a come true-tar from the For the healthy tndJviduaJ, auatere medical terma that a
ing f~ one consolation: C ol. Andy's Mid\igen boys will bop Ohio tacular new look. It wUl be bl&· dln of lndult:ry'a endlftaly turn· welpt control Ia a simple mathe· hlah protein diet wu a aure p ..
State this Saturday to give Minnesota second place in Big 10 stand-1ft and completel,-new, tun of lna wheel-. matlcal problem o1 llmltln& the to lon,.vlty If not actual tmmor·
'ng color and tlne art work. And It TWa Ia • p6ctue .. .,.., ,.... calories to a point that result.a In tallty. and that a natlon reared
I s. A d . t 't 'fl t ' looka ll.ke thJa picture I ~be ---• De,... ruapr••" ... , control. Sounds simple, but It on mllk. eee• and t.rnh meat wu
n JUS wo1 1 nex y:ar. • • abo-. will be ln tt. Of all the • • • takes gull to atick to tt. One of not only the ~ fed Jn all bla·
plctur• I ha.d abown to Art. th~a 10·24·'56. our tralltlea ta proecra.atlnaUon. A tory, but practically proof aaalftlt • VISITING THE GAS WORKS wu the ope he liked best. I don t Thaf'a tbe word picture. The common allbJ ta. "I'm aolnr on a most ot the Ula to which the flesh
The fantastic proc.eu of storing gas in beat up old oil wells was know what title he wUJ u~~e for other one, ln color, you'll find tn diet Monday." Trouble Ia they Is heir.
shown to a group of us O range County newspaper publishe" lost ll Alona with the pictures, I eent the 1957 model of the Flaherman fall off It by WednHday. "Now lean beef and pork and
Friday. blm a write-up. It came back 1n Maaa.zJne. Too ~ad that eating ta auch a Jamb elve you aomethln& called
We went on a tour of the new $13,350,000 underground storage today'a ma~ with a brief note Jot of fun. Aa l ohn L. Sullivan cholesterol In the blood meam
project of the Pacific lighting Gos Supply Co. in Montebello. That which aald: 'We all feel that !!'e 1'11111?#• ••• said, '11 It waa aa much fun tak· which Ia not far ~moved fro.m
firm is an affiliate of Hie Southem Counties Gos Co .. which serves plctur~ n ... NO explanation. • tna It ot! u It Ia puttlna It on, belne the equivalent of embalm·
H rbor Thla 11 what he aent back. 1 1 ti 1 1 • l'd be dolna one or the other all lng fluid. our-0 area. ll.ke lt. But perha~ like Art.ltll JUII th~ time." "But hold· u.lvatton may v.t What's so difficult and important about storing gas, you might you'll Jlk~ th~ picture u It la. · ,_
ask. Here's the problem: Those costly gas pipe lines, Hlat bring the Alter all there are ttme. when Mr. and Mrs. Doualu Holt and The experts tell us that u a be achieved. There Ia an equally
gas all the way here from T eaas fields, must be used at full cap4city worda ~A't TOO neeaaary their aon Crea (wbo'll be one nation we eat too much. Maybe learned and preelaely aa well ac·
to get full value out of the tremendous investment (and thus k"pJour I'IC'I"UD OF TOll . year old next Thursday) have lt'a because we have too much to credited school of 1 c 1 en t 1 f 1 c
b'll d ) 8 · · .o..L f 11 1 · _J_ f ......._ " .. , ..... • flctue e1 ed fro 424 F nleal A eat in thla country of oura. We thought which holda that alcobol, gas 1 own . ut 1t s e.uy to see mot u vo ume IS not ne-or 70'1, dolnc what 'every lover of ~,;,a de~ Mat, ,: Hollyw~: eat too htgh on the hog. 111e hitherto touted u th~ unlveraal
the balmy summer doys. ond also fhat even a whole pipeful of gas lake, atream or aea alnce l.aaac They hope to be back tu~re aeaJn, trouble with that 1s that we even. aolutlon of damnation. tenda to
won't supply all the stoves and heaters that a re turned on during the Walton hu ever done-in realJty boweve-. Mra. Holt Ia the forrne,r tually muat come to the head. r~move cholesterol from the aya.
cold days. So a lot of storage space is needed. in order to take care or In the wannJna. pi'Omile·fllled actJna clty clerk of Newport The variety o.t weight control tem and thus to counteract the
of the summer.time surplus. and so there will be plenty on hand for the dteam.a that come to you-and to Beach. dlet.a recommended ruru the full malign effecta of Porterhou.e,
heavy winter demand. Obviously. it would be mighty expensive, and every flsbennan. lenath of the menu. Hollywood, flleta and hambureer.
not very attractive, to construct a lot of surface tanh for dorage. You u.y aay: "'Ibla cannot be Rockefeller. rabbit food. hlath "Take enough lack DanJela or
f<IYS Aile FQI.
CA.Ll ...
~· IITIIIIE a. ........... c..-..... .... ....... .... La.ty .. ,., LDedy ..... .
lYON VAN UNES AeENT Someone got the brillia nt idea of storing gas in old oil wells. •Y picture! Thoee aocks. thoee Gla auaar to burn up the fat low lim Beam or Gordoru or Smtrnotr
as much OS 0 mile ond a holf underground . Not in some enormous cove shOH never belonee<t to me." mour auaar to prevent lt. hleh protein. or whatever solvent of aalvatlon ~~iiiiiiiii~ii~iiiiiiiiig You are rleht. friend. but. In low protein, and so on. Around you p~er, and cholesterol Ia 1 down there. as we first thought, but in the sandstone formation from the same breath. you are wrong. she roes. and where she stops no· banished and with lt hobnail
whic h oil and gos hove been removed in the oil drilling process. The Look Inside thOM socQ-tnsld~ Gl • p body knows. liver. arterloeclerosla and any
formation is perme.sbJe ond is able· to absorb gas forced down there those battered old ah~ed 1m ses Thll merry.go.round I• 10 aU· number of other undertaker'a de·
under pressure. u they are with aalt·water. spat-thorttatlvely and humorously de· lights."
The Montebello station is the second lar9est natural gas reservoir tered with the atalna of happy 1tr AJfW
in Colifomio and one of the 5 l.srgest in the world. Storage cycle conquest. Discard the.e, It you
capacity at Montebello (the .s mount that can be delivered from stor· will, for they are not the real pic· The loveliest thlnp for the Letters _________ ......... ________ ...
oqe irt one complete cycle of oper.stion) is J21f2 BILLIO N cubic feet. ture. Replace them with your own loveliest people ... that' a what
Thot i~ enough gos to supply the needs of 200,000 people for almost warm wool eock.s and the wadena we JUte to apeclallze In here at
3 years. that are never too heavy to let O'BRIEN'S--Juat atep Into our
The enlore operation is a tribute to the ingenuity of man ond the your souJ delllht In the feel ot aparkllna ahop and you'll find the cl~a.r cool waten ot the Beav. lt'a already a fairyland of atftJL resource full'less of private enterprise. erklll and the Neveraln.k. or the
• • • roarlnr current.a of tb~ Roeue or e MEETING AN OLD FRIEND the Yellowatont'.
During the inspection trip to the gas WOf'h. I had the pleasure of Or-<hange to hlp booU and
meeting on old friend-Ray Todd. long time residel'lt of Corona del stride. with your eyes wide and
Mor before he moiled over to Whittier several years ago. We served hopttful, across the sand and Into
together on the board of doredors of the Corona del Mor C ivic As· the breakers ot any well·loved beach from Ptovlncetown to Key sociot•cn 7 years eqo and Roy wos president of the Association in West-from Cape Sable to Aran·
1949. He s a veteran me mber of the Pacific Lig hting Ges Supply Co .. au Paaa. lt your fl.aberman'a
o"d now holds the t tie of v•ce president ond eAecutive enq•neer. He heart races to tbe mJghty, scream·
was t:•ne of our hosh for the irspection trip. and described the techni· lne aurgl' of ocean giants, steel
col details of gas storage. ' your every muscle! Brace these
u., ......... a..u.., ciRd
.. ay1ea tlancded wta rt•ll ' ecl9ad wttll ._, -llr•lds IICl
... tne ........ a...ty .. .
.......... I'Mily ......... .
.... ctt;ectt .. -...... ,....
-... ......, ... yeuat 0.. .......... ~ .... ..
• cleUciMe ,aa.lr ..,... by .... .
enJdr wttll • bod&c:le ....-lcdd
wttll cdtltdate .... of 1.-. .ad
.ahloldend ~ rra .-pay becnatihll .ad ...... y
...S.wttll·~~ cwt ._.., ....... wide b.-da
..... tbe alloqk'eft.
Roy st1ll looh like o football player, which he was-with the qreat aame f.eet aralnat the footretlt ot
Stanford teoms of 19)).).4.35. All ) of those teoms went to the Ros. a Nova Scotla lobsterman u a
Bowl (but won only once. 7 ·0. over Southern Methodist in the 1936 atant bludln makes your ree.l
game). Roy ployed the fullback position. subbing for All-American ~I !~!n'~C::: :n :01dc!,-':1~J
Bobby Grayson. I guess they weren't very happy about Saturday's marlin rallea a mlabty sword Exqul•lte halt-allpa In altm
game-particula rly after they had pid ed it for a 20-year reunion and amaahes your batt oil fat· rleh nylon aatln wiU dell&ht the
get-together ot Polo Alto. C heer up; we know how you feel! away Cabo Blanco. moat particular lady. Made el·
1J your aouJ nee<la peke and peclally tor 'neath the popular
the contentment of placid wat.en. aheath dreaaea, they are alit at
foreet ahoes, foraet boots and the aldea to allow atepplne free·
waden. Let your bare toea. )'Our dom and aome are deftly edaed
ankles. feel the 1ent1e ~ of with embroidered scallops and
a warm-water lake where a luy appllqued with the moat delicate
cat.flah makes w1denlJ1C rtpt)les pastel aatln n ouncea at the hem·
8A.NTA &NA w..-•tat ... lUll .. aaoADWAY
8IIIOw 8tarte at , :M -MaU... 'nMirs., SM.. .... at 1 ..
, ..... ~~
• y, • ' DR I V E · 1 N -)lC TH(ATQf-0
( 0 .. , .... '. ·' •• '
-A I
~ CleniYal .. All »•••• ~ ftlla
Wed., nar... rra., a.t. a .._ -..._ ....., .. ••
...... bee. ............. ,.
' "'' •, _.,.__
r,. e 41 e I' Ill f. • I ••
. . . .. 11
with your bobber u be nibble. at line.
the batt that dantl• from your E..-,_u.. ...._ • apedG old cane pole-the one on whleh
a dtaaon-Oy aoaka up the same
auna.hlne that drtv._ away your
.iPORT ,
f. ~if • '.( t • f o I
CMIIra••..._l ..... ......
gUt ......... ,....--...
Uttle ..... .-a wttla •c~~a. .....s..--.·•• p&er ••. AM dea't ..._ tMt ell tiiJa
aqa.~a&te ua,..... .. dul..,..ed
bl&utowly, • 0 ' 1 1t paw..._
........ PIJIItll•lll ....... ..... ,.... ... diM -... ..
... rtpt ... Wf~F.
UPIILITEIIII v .......... & Ds .. ll'f .... =t..'1!.. ....
:--"I ~ , ,' ', '
.... .. I -
t ... ~-..
\Ni l-·· ....... ~~Er~ :=.:m~ 11 r rrlik1 ~A MI:I.A o.-iiidHI'iOII to tbe ,.._at Mllftot••· AiliyMrstHPetara. w....--~.AIII?f. .utD OlfDfO JtO. ruataa •onca • _.-v 801\ ot Xr. arid ..,., ..._ Wtleao ·-A ~r. G~VD. u.aa • .,.. l'lG ..,. o1 •· o1 Udo ,.,._..._ Partt. w..,.. W*1 *1 AI. there e.ttaatlld D••••w. ~ at 1M bour at IMdl. aDd DUa C. llarria. eon ot
....._Udeoe..,.a .. todwdty 7:30 P.M. on .. ad day, or u 80011 Mt. and Mi's. Evw.tt .IIOrrM ot at e-ta .._ a eilltaJn UAlA· tMreafter u the naaU. may M 121 Via VftMZ&a. Ll<lo IJI», AN
b.&biMd .,.. :f. :an-JDON b-.rd. at u.. CouDeU ,...uq at u.nderaolna I w..u ot comkt
putleWarJ7 ; U4 the 1utlce Oowt ot Jf • w p or t tralnlna wtth the •th A.n:nond
WIIJa&AI. tM GWJWe of ovw leach JudiCial DUtrlct. • We« Dlvfalon at fort Hood, Tau.
one·half ot the Janel and the ter· 18th ICNet, 0o1ta Meea. C&lUor· Tbe 2 IMtl are amona ~
rtt«y by area an'd by amuuiS nla, a hH.rtne wU1 be h&d. at tr&lneet .vtlo wtU Jeplue mem·
Y&haatlon u tbown on the 1a1t which heartna tiM ctt)' Coundl ben of the 3rd AtrDored Dlvialon
equalllled au! uw.nt roll tn the ahall he&r and pau upon all In ~rmany.· Private Welaan
County pt Ora.nte have ~ wrttten prote.ta It*' at any time araduated &om Newport Harbor t.hfti\Mlve~~ u ..aroua ol havilae blltore aa_ld hour eet tor aald Hlch School In 19158. Private
the tame aaftAIIIed with me City Me.rtne by &ny penon owntna Monla Ia a former atudent at Po-
ol eo.ta M .. ; a., r...a proputy within the territory mona ColleJe.
WHEJlEAS. there hu been aub· 80 propotled to be annexed. and -------
mltted on or aboat ~ lit 'ct.)t ot at any tJ:me betore the hour 8e\ ......
November. Jllie, to the Oranae tor aald heartnr &n~ owner of
County lloun416Jy Co~lon a property wiWn the territory pro· T. Benton Eden-. 64, 934 Sunset t&AKA• .,,... IICZ C..,.
le,al dncrlpUon and plat of the poeed t o be ~ may llle a Drive. eo.ta Mesa. died Nov. 12 A. ldltdtt, wM ,... ant ..,.,.
aald berelnalt~ deKribed unln· written protelt aa&lnat the a.n at Hoaa H~ltal. )rfr. Edens, a ..-ted: liS .t •....-t •~
bablted area, tbr Its approval. nexat.lon. Tbe prot.t &hall Nt native of North Carolina, had JUtll s.t ,._, .._ beea ~
pui'IUant to ~•n a6002 of the forth the n ame of the owner of Uv~ In Loa Anaelea tor the put ...._ --el W. Nendt tnda·
Govemmeftt-Code ot the State of t .. e property affected a.nd ,tve a 40 yean. He had been Uvtna ln lll9 J ••r .t tiM lfCIYIIl
Calltomla; and deacrlptlon of NJd property In Co.ta Mesa one week. Survivora ~ c.•, a.a Dlevo.
~·two 5N I:JI»bfta re· dlnoer followed. attB a tour o1
celved award.~ 1\a.S.y nlJht. the 48-foot power qulaer .
Nov. 13, durtna a •td•• ol Honor Skipper l erry C~e. CommJt.
at tbe SQ Scout Sue, Newport teeman Ralph Duke, and Commo·
Be.aeh. dore Wlll1a.m Spur1eon, lU, prt•
Prior to tbe preaentatJon of aented awarda to the followlnl
a warda. Sea Ex p 1 o r e r 1 were Sea Explor~: David AtkJnaon,
aboW'n around the S. Scout boat. Jllehard AtktnJon. Don&ld Borja.
IES .. JobA JL Poole." A pot-hack PhUJtp Dyke. Davtd Fein.tein,
~bert Bale. PhiiJip Helm:, Ropr ........ lnl Johnlon, Stephfll XlnJ, RJchard -•J 0• Lundy, and J ame. MacCubbln.
... ...a· f Other penons recelvlnc award.l • ..., I'll. were Jarn.es McCullar, Doualu
Navy dtlef electrooJ~ technl· MacLachlan. William PhUll"'
dan llenbel A. LIJhtA!'r arrived ln G&ry Popejoy, Robert Rodman,
Brett. France, recently while on WUllam Rodman. Ronald Smith.
a Jood·wtU and tr&fnlna crulle Steven Smuck. Kenneth Snoke.
wtth the Navy'a Hunter-Killer WUUa.m Stursbera. &nd John
Croup 2. Wb.Jtman.
Chief Uahter, station~ aboard Sea Explorers Ship 210 Is spon·
the aubmartne USS Haltbeak. Is sored by the Newport Harbor Kl·
the 80n of Mr. aod Mra. Curt N. wants Club.
LJehter of1&6 Rochester SL. eo.ta -------
Mesa. WREJlEA.S, the approval. of aeneral terms. Include a ton, James, of Costa ••-• ~tt. cnNitla9 -·
aald Otanae County Boundary The City Clerk of the City of Mesa; one brother, Ralph of San ct.n to ,_ •••r 1111, l.a tbe eoe GmL roa TilE JCOIITELLI
Commlulon baa been aecured Coeta Mesa Ia hereby authorized Francisco; a sister, Miss Daisy oC ..,._ V.,... L lcludtt of lal· A T·pound, 8-ounae Jlrl, new
&nd r.ported upon by the Bou·nd· a nd directed to cau.e a copy of Edens of Wu hlnaton. D. C. boa IIMDd. dauahter ot Mr. and Mrs. Bernt
lee• ..... , ....
Part II l•anera
&ry Commiulon wtth respect to this Resolution to be publlahed • h Montell of 2175 Falrv1ew Ave.. Army PFC Roger Welsh. ton of
the deftnlteneu and th~ certainty once a week for two weeks prior M-1-A Zon·•ng Establls ed eo.ta Mesa. wu bom Wt'dnet~· Harry M. Wel~h of 2201 Water· of the propo~~ed boundarlee; to said bea.rlnc In the Cotta day, Nov. 7. at Hoag Hospital front Drive. Corona del Mar. re·
NOW. 'nlEREJ"'R.E, BE IT RE· Mesa Globe Her&ld, a newspaper LEGAL •oncz "Section 9103 93 B u 11 d 1 n e cently partlclpat~ In a ualnlnt
SOLVED, by the City Council of of eeneral clreulatJon, publlahed ORDINANCE NO 804 H Jght Limit. FU'ty (!50> f t In the Newport Harbor Enalan a exercise with the V Corps and
the City of C:O.ta Mesa, a Ctty ot In the City of Cotta MeN, and AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY ~'Section 9103.94-B u i le;l·n g newspaper ot general clrculatfun. Seventh Army In <Armany.
the llxt.h,Clau, to an.aa the said alto In the Newport Harbor OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEND· Site Area R.equlnd. printed and publish~ a.nd clreu· PFC Welsh, a clerk In IN 60lst
rul property u hereinafter de· Ensign, a newspaper of eeneral INC ORDINANCE NO 635 AND "For each maln buUdlng-Mfn. lated ln the City ot Newport P'teld Artillery Mlsllle Battalion,
scribed. whleh saJ4 real property clrculatlon published In th e THE MUNICIPAL COD.E OF THE hnum of 10 000 Square teet Beach and the same shall be ln entered the Army tn February, Ia contlcuous to the present County of 0ran1e a.nd outsJde .. · · f 11 t 1955. He Is a eraduate ot the boundaries of said City of eo.ta the City t eo.ta Mesa CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BY Section 9103.95 -Yards Re· u orce &nd ettect 30 days after University of California.
M _.. •· t 0 . . th ADDING TO ARTICLE IX OF qulred. this pa.saace. esa, a nd whku pro~rty -a The City Clerk 1.1 further au . CHAPTER m OF SAID CODE "A A minimum set back of The above and fore,olna ordJ th~~t 1~m~E~~~ab~ =n ~~~lc:~:::pr~~U-.n~ SEC'nONS 9103.9,9103.91,9103.92. tltt~n (15) teet &om a~y street nance was lntroduced at a reau: 2M 11'1'1• f•
that tt 1s propoeed by the aald nex.atlon to aU pet"IODS to whom 9103.93, 9103.94. 9103.95, 9103.96, or hlcbway property Line shall lar meetlne of the City CouncU of ... n..&.W
Clty of eo.ta Me.. to annex the land propoaed to be a.nnex~ Is 9103.97, AND 9103.98 PROVIDJNC ~. requlnd. the City ·of ~rt Beach held . ., .... ,
herelnaftn described real prop· aaeaed In the last available FOR A CONTROLLED MANU· B. A front yard area adja· on the 22nd day of October, 1956.
erty to the City of Costa Meu. uallzed useument roll at the FACTURING DISTRICT. cent to the front property line and wu finally puaed and Mollie. le<'Ond daughter of Mr.
which said real property shall, In :cldress ahown thereon or u The City Council of the City of and extending across the prop. adopt~ on the 13th day of No· and Mrs. Dwl&ht Phillips of 129
these proceedlnp. bear the name known to said City Clerk. Newport Beach does ordain u erty from the aide lines fifteen vember. 1~. by the following VIa Mentone. Ltdo Isle. was born
"TALBERT ANNEXA'nON NO.1." follows: fl5) feet deep measur~ from vote, to·wlt. Saturday. Nov. 10. at Hoag Hoe·
The specific d~lptlon of the PASSED AND ADO~ this SECTION 1: That Ordinance the front property line shnll be Ayes, Councilmen: Hart, pltal Molly weighed 7 pounds. 5
boundarte. ot the territory pro· 5th day of November, · No. 635 and the Munldpal Code provided. Said property front MacKay. Stoddard. ounces She has a sWer, Ann. 2
posed to be annexed Ia u fol· C. M. NELSON of the City of Newport Beach be yard area shall be approprl· Higbie, Rldderhof, Hill. years old.
lows: Mayor of the City of amended by adding sect 1 0 n ately la ndscaped and maln· Noes, Councilmen: None The Phillips' have ~n living
Beglnnlne at a point In the ex· Costa Mesa 9103.9, 9103.91, 9103.92. 9103.93. talned ncept for area required Absent Councilmen: Wlldn here lor 5 months. Mr PhUUps
lstlng boundary line of the City ATTEST: 9103.94, 9103.95, 9103.96, 9103.97 for walkways and driveways Dora 0 fltU. Mayor Is employ~ at Dean Witter, an
of Costa Mesa aald point being A. C. SWARTl and 9103.98 t? Article IX ot Chap· tor Ingress and egress to the Attest : Margery Schrouder, City lnv~nt corporation In Los
the lnter~l~n of the North · City Clerk of the ter Ill of the Municipal Code of property. Said walkways and Clerk Angeles
erly line ot Gisler Avenue with City of Costa Mesa the City ot Newport Beach to read driveways shall not use more
the We~~terly line of Harbor The above and foregotne Reso-u follows: than 40% of thls front yard
Boulevard· thence Northerly lutlon was duJy and regularly "Section 9103.9 -Controlled area.
along aald westerly line of passed and adopted at a regular Manufacturing D 1st r 1 c t Deslg· "C. Building sites fronting on
Harbor BoulC!Vard to the North· meetlna of the City Council of nated as IC·l·A Diatrlct. one street and havtng a !!Ide
erly llDe ol Talbert Avenue, the City of Costa Mesa. held on ''The t 0 11 0 w 1 n 1 regulations property line adjacent to a side
alxty teet 1n width; thence the 5th day of November. 1956, shall apply In all M·l ·A Districts street shall provide a yard area
Wnterly alone said Northerly by the following roll call vote, and shall be subject to the provl· tltteen 05> feet wide measured
line of Talbert Avenut" to the tO·Wit; !lions or Chapter 5 or this Artl.e. from the side property line and
Ea.aterly line of the Santa Ana AYES: CouncUmen -Martin. except that where connlct In rea· extendJng from the front prop·
River, aald euterly Une belnc Pinkley, Smith, Meyers, Nelaon ulatlons occur, the reruJatlons erty line to the rear property
the Euterly line of the twenty. NOES: Councilmen -None specified In this Section s hall ap· line. Said side yard shall be
five toot atrlp conveyed to the ABSENT: Councilmen -None ply. appropriately landscaped and
Oranae County Flood Control A. C. SWARTZ "A. M·1·A Dlstr1ct.t may be maintain~ except for areas re-
Distrlct. by deed recorded June A. C. Swartz, City Clerk estabUshed In areas where It Is qulred for w&lkways a nd drive.
8th, 19m. tn Book 2197. paee and ex·oftlclo Clerk of deemed de~~lrable to provide tor ways for Ingress and egress to m of OUidal Records. Oranp the City CouncU of the limited manufacturing taclll· the property. Said walkways
County; thence Southwesterly City of eo.ta·Meaa. Call· t ies of a deslan and type which and driveway!~ shall not Ulit"
alone said Euterly Une of the tornla. wLil enhance the area and not more than 40% of this aide
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Golden-brown pancakes
in 2 minutes-
when you cook electrically!
• • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •
be detrimental to aunoundJng yard a~a.
property or the City. "D. In cue. wb.el'e a str«t
Usea permltt~ In the M·l ·A or alley don not exist to sepa.
District shall be planned, de· rate thla zone from any other
veloped, conducted and opu· more restrictive zone, a zone at~ In such a manner that separation area ten I 10) teet
noise. smoke, dun.· odor and wide and extendlne the entire
waste of any kind Is confined dlstance said zones adjoin each
and/or purified ., u to control other shall be provided.
pollution of air. 8011 or water Said zone separation aru
to meet the atandarda or re· shall be appropriately land·
qulrements of the Planning scaped and maintain~.
Comml.sslon and In such a "Section 9103.96 -Ott Street
manner to eUmJnate any detrl· Parking tor AutomobUes Re·l
mental effect to the public qulred.
health, safety and welfare and "Ott street parking and load·
be In harmony with the objec· lng on the bufldlng site shall be
Uvea of the ceneral pJannlnc. requlred In M·l ·A DLstricts ac·
"B. The Pla.nnlng Commission cording to the rollowlnc formula:
may deatanate such conditions "1. A minimum of two !2)
u It deema neceuary to fulfill parking spaces shall be pro·
the purpc»e of this aectlon and vlded tor every thrf!f! (3 I em·
many require auch guarantee ployees on the shlft having the
&nd evidence that such condl· largest number of employet"S.
Uons are beln1 or will be com· and not less In any c~. than
plied with. one space tor each 2.000 square
''Section 9103.91 -Usea Per· teet of ground or floor space
mltted. a~a used for sales. warehous·
"1. Adm1nl.ltratJve and Profes· lng, storage, manutacturlflg.
atonal Ottlces. acceuory to UM!\!1 procesaing. or related u.es.
permitted ln this District. "2. Location and layout of off
"2. Residences tor Watchmen street parking aru &hall be
or Custodians employed on site. provided by the Plannlna Com·
"3. Employee. Cateterlu or Au· mission.
dltorlums. "3. All loading and unload·
"4. Raearch Laboratories and Inc operations and parkin& or
Inatltutft. trucks shall be provtded for
"5. Electrical &nd Electronic and perform~ on the prtomlses .
Product.a and In.struments Manu · "Section 9103.97-Manutactur·
factwlnf. lna and Storaae Areas .
"6. C&rtopapby. "All manutacturln1 and fabrl· -r. Bookblndh11. prlnt1n1 and cation operations lhall be ron-
lltholfapby. ducted wlthln bulldlnp. All
-"8. Fabrication ol Plut.k: Prod· equipment a.nd material storare
uct.a. areas shall be screened by 80Ud
"9. Stora1e warehou.we. e.xclud· walls, fenaes. or by adequate
1n1 l.n11am.mable materials a nd plantlnp of not less than slx (6)
truck termlnall. teet ln be iJht .
.. 10. EdJtorW and DftlanlnJ. ''S«tion 91~ .
"U. stau appw1enant to &QJ "All d~lcated stMets wirhln
permlted UN located on property or borderlnc this M-1·A Zone
of u.e. &hall have a mtnJmum rlcht of
"Seet.lon 9103.92 -U.a Per· way sixty (60) teet wide.
Open Fridays Till 9 P.M.
8:30 Till 5:30 Frldaya-12 Noon 'nil 9 p m.
2854 E. Coast Hwy.-HA 5437
Corona del Mar
"Where cood taate oost.s no mo~"
I N ADDITION to being
patdul fM ow blessings at this 'J'bank.s..
Ji'rinl .. .,, let us abo feiiM"'Dber iDdj •
riduab wbo haft belped us recaady. Surely
a few W0f!1s of chub aad apprecisrion co
dial, wriueJ or tpokeo, ~cl be 111101t
T1lia blulk will DOC be opeo OG
Newport Harbor I-*
To S... Y•
D2 Oceen A~
PHONE HY. 4-11 77
601 N. 8 C.!Nno R .. l
PHONE HY.Ontt. 2·1195
er HY.dnttl 2-1196 • • • . •
l'ODAT lfOIBiNO ClOOU PAITb dwa & •odem
ellddl ~ From a cold start wtda a cald pu.
,._ p : tm are JOldeD-browD ID l •h • Hot
1CNP ._ tfiiCCIDCIL BacoD aDd .... 3K .. uta.
Pry, ..... bfoll ot roM-~ .. ll bcttar.
. • •
m ltted. aubjed to first aecurtna SECTION · 2: This ordJn&noe M1S .. c..t ..... , C.... del.._
a uae pennJt In each ~&om ah~~al~l~be~p~u~b~l~~ed~~a:t~Je~aa~t~o~~~~==============================================~-=====================~ the Plannlnl Cornmt.alon. SaJd -u.-must comply wtth the Um1·
tatlOftl and nltrktlona ol the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
,....... xoaa: yow tltcbea Ia cooler. ADd
cJaMr, POll u.d pua keep that alrror--briJht
ab1De. KlldMD walla loot t.nab ud MW' •ucb .... AnD WAU.Uen.,...r-. ... ~
....... ,. t .. .,,.,......, .......
b 1WU ftii.J. ClOOIDMO tbt old way, yoa ......-.-.. -~,.....)'OUr'~ _ ......... --.... -.ow.., .....
Nit',_ ...
. • . • . • • • • • • .. • • • • • . • • • • • • • •
1M tmii-IUimUUJI
• • •
M·l · A Dbltrfct Zone .
"1. JumJture UphoUter1:nJ .
'"2. J'urnltuN Manutacturlna •
"3. J'tnillbed Paper Product.a.
.U..Oblinl &nd COOl t r u c t l on
paper prod\MD W'lth ft.D.LDiled
paper stock.
"4. Garment Kuufactunnr .
"5. Laun4ry and 'PIT Oean1I\C
' r,&nufacture ol NowlU.. oro,. ancl Small ~..,..._
";. Meclkel aD4 Dtatal omc-
anct Cltnka. ....OtMJU..~ ......
Son at P'a_.. OIWP'm'• IN ca..,.tiWI_._....._ .. ._. ....... _,. .......
tiM Dllitlkt ... --0 b' .............. .... ....
"-.. , .,... ........ 11·1~ ......
., Ill ,...., I
Qlly • Dec.· IS
.... ,... 1:11 ,... ....... ,. 11:11,...
• ,
3 New Members Are Initiated IlL ladJ Tlllll
By Legion Auxiliary Unit 291 1!!:~• ~~~d E. ~ a Nil-o1 tM Gould wu recen~ paduatild • cue Wi&G • m TAal Balboa Jalud .,. .. •• ..._ fw 11nL ,..,....,. OwnGft. Mrs. montbiJ' parf¥ tor bollpitaltaM trom the I.ntantr)' Sebool'• ..,.~,
aob lleiAellbot Barbor'a C. A.. B1 Tara filA¥ be 4Jabanded If bttter truh eollectlola. N...,.t &.~all laor aa4 MnL Job.D Me-wtenM D'OGl ~ ~ which Ntreeber C»WM at J'ort Jtenntnr.
& c. repumtadve and treuur· Ita memben do not have an ae· City Coundl a.ld at 1 .. .,..... 1111P ... new memben lD.Itl· wu beld Oct. 11 at tiM IAIIoD Gtorcta.
• of U.. cltltrlet c.AJLC.. an· t1ve )INI tb..ll year. The put few meetJ.Dc that Jocal Naldtnta ..,. a**l 1ldD ~ IAt1oo Awe· Ball. Mra. GObert Op.l wu Colonel Could. 80ft ot Mrt. J:t. DOU...-a JDMtlDa oo Dec. 3 at rears the boya have not bad too requl* by or41n&noe to u.e D.l.u7 2111ut week at the A.merf. ehatnD.u,. ....s.tH by IAiton· fte D. Gould of 508 &nwarcl Road, ~ c.. Collep. It wru be many actlvtm.. Their treuu.ry proper containen tor traab and eu LecloiD Ball tn Newport. natr. Walter Matbewa and Paul Cofona Hlcblanct.. entered the
a Nl'&lu c1IICrict meetlng to dLI· hu only t'l50 this year, when gudn clJpplnp. Au.alllar7 prea~Mnt, Mil. Robert Gruber. Anny ln 193'7. Re 1.1 a ea. ftve toplc:a. auc:b u the lm· only a few yeara •eo It bouted City Manapr Robert Slleltoo ..,..,.. Initiated tbe memben. Mrs. Geoqe Stuart ol Newport o1 the University at Wyomtnr. pocta~ o1 dtlver edueation in $2.000. The HI Tars. among other said that an experiment L1 now Put ot the meetl~ wu • played the plano d. utlna' lunch· o..e ~~ehool. thlnp. bt~Y an the tropbla for betng conducted on Lido Iale, and workabop to let re4dj for the eon. entertalnlnl' the more than
Tbe Ca.lttornta A.uoclatlon of the ecbool; the trophlet for lndl· ftom that ~ may come a rec· 29th Oimlct American Legion 30 veterans and Amertean Red
StuMnt Co\lnclla ts a wonderful vidual pJay~ and all the med· ommendat1on for • proper con· ~uxlllary meettn.c whlcb wu Croea worker~. Vet.ans Included
way for the echooJa to eet tq· als for the track meets and other t•lner. A cardboard box Ia not held Tu4!11day ol. lut ....ell at the Harry Maxwell of Newport. now
gether and dlacusa common prob· sporu. adequate. be sald. Newport Let'k>n Hall. Newport cn.charged trom the h011pltal. M ·
lema and ld~.s for their solu· Last week the club had a meet· Harbor UnJt 291 wu ho.te.. to alatlnJ with the party were Mra.
tiona. The meeting wlll begin lne to discuss the year's program. PYLES IIAVE DAVOIITEa the meeting. A committee beaded Harriet Vance of Corona del Mar
around 1:00 and w111 end at 8:00 Those at the meet1ne Included: Mr. and Mra. Cuter Pyle of by ~ Kenneth E. Jobi\IOn and Mr. and ll.ra. J. Edwarda of
that evenlne. The meeting wUl Tom Atkinson. Denny Dalebout, 3046 Warren Lane. Coeta Mesa. aerved luncheon. Newport and JUverslde.
open wtth an usembly, break up Charlie Vandervort, John Henro· have an 8-pound daughter, .born Members of the Au x lila r Y Hallowe'en wu allo the theme
into the f1ve dlscus.sJon groups, tin. ~ne Hubabrd. Stan Schones, Thursday, Nov. 8, at Hoae Ho&· dreaed 1n costumea for the of a recent ward patty given by
and then come back lnto an as· Buddy Thompson. Bob VUiacrana pltal. Awdllary members for a ward of
aembly to make recommenda· and Bob Alle n. KappaS . Hold elderlY women ln Orange County Uons. The dlscuMions wtu be led We all hope the boys do well TBO'JTAS RAVE DAVCBTEB Hospital. Refreshment. and gUts
by speaker. from five dlf!erent t)Us year with thelr varied actJvJ. The new daughter of Mr. and for each of Ute patients, lnclud·
schools In the county. Alter the ties and I am sure the atudent Mrs. Lewis Trotta, 645 Cove St., A t• p rty 11'\1' hair ahampoo. were 80me of
second assembly a dinner wUl be body and the administration will Costa Mesa. was ~n Saturday, uc I On a the treats. Women In charge In·
served with a dance following. back them all the way. Nov. 10. at Hoag Hospital. eluded Mrs. Fred Joyner and Mra.
U all 13 schools are represent-Mrs. James B. Stoddard of Co·
ed there wiU be 152 students T • d rona del Mar entertained mem-Gilbert Opel, CO·chairmen.. Mrs.
present. About 14 of these stu· ustln Annex Is Approve ben of the Kappa Kappa Gam· Robert Briggs and Mrs. Kenneth
dents will be Harbor's represen· rna Sorority Alumnae Association E. Johnaon.
tatJves. Bob Hendershot is not of Southern Orange County at ------------quite sure of who will be going, LECAL ltOTICE Newport Beach and the assump· her home for an auction party
but for the moment these people ORDINANCE NO. 803 tlon ot said indebtedness favor November 8. Mrs. Stroller White Flm CH~f,~·Tl~: CHitiST
will be tht're: John Henrotln. Judy AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY annexation upon the terms con· of Balboa Island acted as auc· JJOl VIa Ucl•. N.wowt keel!
Lleb. Charlie Vandervort. Lynn OF NEWPORT BEACH AP· talned In the question submitted; Uoneer and was assisted by Mrs. A br.rv;h of Tl•• Mother Churc:h, Tho
McFarland, Walt Howald, Laurie PROVING THE ANNEXAnON a nd, Jack Hilton of Santa Ana and Arrt Churc:h of Chriat, Sc:iontirt, .n a-
Hendricks. van Pomeroy, Bob TO THE CITY OF NEWPORT WHEREAS, It appears that saJd Mrs. Robert Straltltt of Newport ton, ._.ouachu&ettt.
Hendershot, Mtke Johnson, George BEACH OF CERTAIN INHAB· special election and all proceed-Heights Suncloy Sc:hool 9:15a.m.
McFarland and Ann Lardner. Bob ITED TERRI T 0 R Y DESIG· lngs relating thereto have been Proc~ds from the auction will Sunday Sorvic:o --·---11:00 o.m
hopes to have all of the Board of NATED AS "TUS11N AVENUE conducted strictly in accordance be used for "CampershJpa" tor Wedno$(foy Evonln9 MNt;nq 8:00 p.m.
Control there' representatives AND 22ND STREET ANNEX." with law; crippled children of the county Roodinq Room loc:etod at 3315 Via
from student council and from WHICH IS CONTIGUOUS TO NOW, THEREFORE, the City Preceding the program. dessert Lido. Newport koch, is open -.•
student court. THE CITY 0 F N E W P 0 R T Council of the City of Newport and coffee were served by Mrs. ~!:J,.1:;~ 9i~m 09";oo t:.m~:~ ;;;5
Ano Lardner. a senior at Har· BEACH. UPON THE TERMS Beach does ordain as follows: Stoddard a&sisted by Mrs. R. P. p.m. Friday ovo11inqa from 7:00 p.m. to
.SYSTEM WILL. Jt.c-. .. BM7 .,..,..,. •
gauat -a hlgud look wt6 .. ~
l'CIDiiD iD aD die Wl'Cal p&..l
11.e amaziDa Staa&:r Syam remoW.
your 'rrc. i& Clia»--..........
ADd apert 6pn ow-.+•w
pct"'"'*Uy sapcnilc yoar ~ fm:rl ,a-.,ot .... ....,. -.t.A.--A----·· ANAL-
bor, holds the distinction of be· ~o;JAINEI>s IN THE QUES· 1 SE<JI~N 1. ~a\ ~e ~nnexa-Merrlll of Corona del Mar and 9:00p.m. CIOM<l Holid•Y"·
lng state vloe-presldent of C A. UBMITTED AT A SPE-ton ° at cert n n ab ted ter-Mrs. Robert Blackmar and Mrs. The public: is cordially invited to et· '117 a. C... ....... , s. c. At a meeting of the state CIAL ELECTION H E L D I N rltory contiguous to the City of White of Balboa Island. tend the churc:h &ervicM end .,.. the ....._ IYG ~ln~~~3~~~~~ S~ ~~H 00 THEN~~ Be~ ~~na~ as ~~gthe~~~~alu~~~~·~d~~~o~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~A~D~n~~~~~~~~~~~~ the whole constitution was re· SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCJ'O. ''Tustl~ ~venue and 22nd Street attending the meeting from the 1
vlsed. Before. the state was di· BER. 1956. Annex be and the same is here· Harbor Area were Mrs. w. B.
vlded Into five regions and the WHEREAS. pursuant to the by approved upon the. terms con· Dlcldnson from Corona del Mar;
regions Into dis tricts. The state provisions of an Act of the Legis-tal':led In the aloresaad question Mrs. Paul Bernhart and Mrs. J. E.
cabinet was composed ot two rep -lature of the State of Calltornla. whK'h was submitted at the spe· Kelm of LJdo; Mrs. Walter Hatch
resentatives from each region. It known as the "Annexation Act of clal election held on the 16th day and Mrs. George Yablonsky of
was found that information was 1913." and purs uant to Resolution of October. 1956. ~ld territory 1s Costa Mesa; M.rs. Louise Galla·
not getting back to the districts No. 4531 passed by the City Coun· described as follows: gher of Balboa. Mrs. Barton Beek
and separate schools as It should ciJ of the City ot Newport Beach Beginning at an angle point In of Santa Ana Heights. Mrs. Don·
because of the size of the regions. on tht' 13th day of August. 1956. Boundary line of the City of ald Caine. Mrs. Mary Lou Tonne·
The new system will completely a special election was held on Newport Beath. said angle son of Newport, Miss Audrey TURKEY DINNERS 111
eliminate the regions. The new th e 16th day of October, 1956. In point being the point of Inter-Bechaud of Balboa Island and
state cabinet will be composed that certain Inhabited tenltoey section of the northwesterly Mra. Dick Drake. formerly of Co·
of the presidents of the districts. contiguous to the City of New· line of that County Road known rona del Mar, who now lives In
We hope this new system wUJ port Beach designated as '1'ustln as Irvine Avenue extension. 80 Laguna.
bring the state cabinet closer to Avt'nue and 22nd Street Annex" teet In width. and the south· -------OTHER DIIIEIS $1.80 TO $2.1& the Individual schools. and which is hereinafter more wes terly line of Lot 298 as OPEJiftllfC COJtCEilT StJJfDAT
particularly descr ibed; and. shown upon a map of Newport The Laguna Beach Community a Lergest end Most Complete
Furniture Store in the Area.
Call for frN
liberty 8 5518
Hou se u~ Gar~ en
Furnishings for homes.
dubs. yachts.
)017 W. Coast Highway
Nowporl Beech
WHEREAS, at saltl specia l elec· Ht'ights recorded In Mlsoellane· Concert Association opens Its
tion the following question was ous Ma p Book 4, Page 83. ~-1956·57 series with the appear·
submitted to the qualllled elec· ords of Orange County. Cal11or· ance of Paul Badura·Skoda. Vlen·
tors resJdlng In said territory: nla. said a ngle point also being nese plano virtuoso, at 3 p.m. -
. . . OPEN 11 :30 A.M. TO 8:30P.M .• CLOSED TUESDAYS
DINNER SERVED ALL DAY SUNDAY FROM NOON TO 8;00 P.M. ''SHAlL TUSTIN AVENUE AND In the . northeasterly line of Sunday In the Laguna Beach ~ND STREET ANNEX BE AN· 22ndStreetasshownuponsald HH~Ig~h~Sc~hoo~l~A~u~dl~to~r~iu~m~·====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXED TO. INCORPORATED TN map of N~port H eIghts; .,.
AND MADE A PART OF THE tht'nce northwesterly a 1 on g
ClTY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND said northeasterly line of 22nd
THE PROPERTY lN SUCH TERRI· Street to a point of Intersection
TORY BE. AFTER SUCH ANNEX. with the southeasterly line of
ATION. SUB1ECf TO TAXAnON Tustin Avenue as shown upon
EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY said map of Newport Heights;
WITHIN THE CITY OF NEW-thence northeasterly along said
atund tlie eJuvu:lt ol ~ ePuUa
PORT BEACH. TO PAY THE EN· southeasterly line of Tustin ~====:z~~~::;:::::;:~~~~ TIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Avenue to an angle point 1n
-----Tllla Week 1111 Enrr Wllk ........... Y•.------
Elgin & Hemilton
Wallace Calder head
3123 Eerl Coed Hlghwey
Coro,. dol Mor
OF nn: CITY OF NEWPORT the boundary line ot the City of
BEACH OUTSTANDING OR AU· Newport Beach; said angle
TIIOIUZED AT THE DATE OF point being the most northerly
THE FIRST PUBUCATION OF comer of Lot 104 aa shown
THE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR ' upon a map of Tract No. 300.
ANNEXATION. FOR THE ACQUT · recorded In Miscellaneous Map
S IT l 0 N. CONSTRUCTION OR Book 14. Pages 11 and 12, Rec·
COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL ords of said Orange County;
IMPROVEMENTS?" thence southeasterly along satd
WHEREAS. It appears from the City Boundary line to a potnt
canvass of the returns of the of Intersection with the west·
votes cast at said special election erly Une of the aforementioned
that a majority of all votes cast Irvine A~enue Extension, 80
In said territory on the question feet In width; thence southerly
... w. lttlt lt.. c.na ..... ~-ADcdaema lt.. eo.ta .. .. Llbed7 1-4551 ..... : .... cu.. ......... . aw. J..._. w. 11c:a.... Llbertf a.7111
Sunday: 9:30 Lm., Cburdl Sun· Sunday Servic:es: Sunday Sdtool1 day School; 9:30 and 11:00 9:30 a.m. Morning Worshlj) at
a.m. Momlne Wonhlp-7 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Evan~c Serv· College Age MYF Service - 7 1 7 s N y .s p.m. High School MYF Service; ce. p.m. un ay. · .P ·• 8 p.m., young adulta group 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· __ .. ing, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. ~~e~ ... ce.
TRE cauaca o• caaJST 1050 auuda lt.. c-t. lleea
E. C. }...-, lllal.a*
TBE cane:~~ or CIIJIJST
Odd Fellows~
1MI Jfewpol't A""' eo.ta ..... LJbewty 1·5711
• ....... aiM. ....... lt.. n&Di i&aiAII c:anca
•sspwt •• 1• lt. & lt. Aal ••• 114.. 1.111'*2.. -.... ~ ... SatuMa~~t,'==: Sab· ....., ~~-....... .
bath Sdlool: 1: a.m.. -Ser· stnm.A.Y: )fOI'lllq worahlp, 9 :30 mon: ll:OO a.m. Prvw meet· and 11 a.m.; ChuY'Cb Scllool. tnr: Wecm.da.y, 8:00p.m. 8 :30 and 11:00; Jr. RJdl. Sr.
JI1C and eon._. a,. 'hllow· Ulilt'".!!~ift .U~ 7 p.m.; Ttluncla.t', Prayer,
·---mltJ:t poop, 8:30a.m. ............
GS&.IMIUC...._ Dr.. Ch-'M •• 'f8ll CMUKII OF 0011 LADY
Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom· OJ' MT. CA'IMZI
of said annexation to the City of a long said westerly Jlne and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~ along said City Boundary line
to a point of Intersection with
the southeasterly line of said
Lot 104; thence southwesterly
Sunday aervloes: 9:4S Lm. Bible
study; 11 a.m. morning wor·
ship; 6:00p.m. evenJng aervtce.
Midweek service. 7:30 p.m.
,._ -.... 1~ .. llbalaw
Sunday Services: 9:45 a:m. B.ble
atudr: 10:55 a.m. worahlp aerv·
Ice; 7:30 p.m. eveninJ aervlce.
1nr Wonhlp, 11:00 Lm. IW W. ~ ~ •....-t
rmrt aaiiiiLT or OOD ~.e£!!i:==•
along said City Boundary line CIIJUST CBDIIC1I IIJ..."': lEA CEJnaAL amut caoaca
to an angle point; said angle ~~.:. lt.. .~ Oa .. Aft. 4lt aid lt.
point being distant 52 teet , IIAitMII' 1m eo.t. ..... Llbewty 1-5101
northeasterly from the most Paaton aw . .., A. ~ A. A. Kaden. .....
westerly corner of Lot 318 as Sunday Wonhlp, 9:30. a.m. and Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom·
shown upon the &foremen· 11 Lm.. Chuidl School. 9:30 l:ng Service, 11=00; EvenlnJ
tloned m a p of Newport a.m. M.Jctweek lrfeednc_: _7:00 Servlee. 7:30. Mid-week Serv·
Heights; thence southeasterly p.m. Wedn-ay preeeGed by ice. Wed n e • daY, 7:30 p.m.
along said City Boundary Une 6:15 p.m. potluclt. Younr IM:OPle meet 6=15 p.m. rDI'I' 1001--...,.... cx.r:.a Da. IIU
to a potnt of lnteraect:lon with Sunday. CMUW COIDIUam C808Cii
the aforementioned westerly 1.l ... ci.':t::..:a..... -··-r.71••r..a...... af!!i !!?l~
line of Irvtne Avenue exten· Llh tt a:-1•1 ,_... DL a......... Jiiii.~1'irj
sJon; thence 80utherly and r.-.. n • J. lf..tll 1101 aaa Dr.. .........,. ... ..,.. Sanda7 ecbool. 1:45 LJD.. c:bardl ...._, .... lrftla a-.. soutbw~ly alone the west· lacllar .._ • 7. I. I. 10 ...S l.lluttr .._. lee U:OO ~ .... Wallall Cllrte'a llw.U.
S.~HIIJ • I • JOU look ...... ,
12M lt. & Ddea a...., Caltll..... M•lt•t •••••~ = ...._ Sunc!U M._: 8:00 and 10:00 Sunday School: t:30 a.m. Wow· andi2:00 a.m. Cont .. lon: Sat·
lhtp• 10•!115 a.m. and eva.nreUat , un1a.Ys and..-.. ot t.t Fridays ae.rviee. 7:30 p.m. Younr ~· ~.! -t:li;BBol7 -~~7 .... cto:oo8·30to &Jld Chl)dJ'en'8 ServiCe; 8•JO fiJI.qv aDU UVRI • ._ •
p.m. Sun. M.ld·.,... SerYk.· ~~ P M .. 8 :00 a:m. rtm Wedrl.-day _7:30 p.m. Lad~ ~: 8 :30 Lm. and 8:00p.m. lrft.lonar7 'ooUneu. T!l\ll'ldQW Jf o v • n a (Perpetual Help> :
9:30 a.m. tow all cky. Moada.J, 7:~ p.m.
erly and northwesterly llne of 11:30 un. W~: ..._ at .,.; 1.._..... ••r• ee · a.m. -Sunday Wonb.Jp s.r.tc.: 8 :30
IJOIITIWEU ,._ WAIEIKJ said Iivine Avenue extenalon 7:00 a.m. -Ooate.too: Satur· DupUc::ate ~ ~ _ 8 ~=: ~~~~~ ~ 11:00 Lm. Sunday School:
Swim Suits, Saronp, Dr-. Jrellda ~dren',.. and alol'\1' aald City Boundary dayw trom 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to Lm. and 11:15 a.m.. SundaJ; en aDd omo.. ......sn. 7 p.m. 8.30 a.m. _
Thlnp, Muumuua, Luau eo.tuma, Men 1 Aloha line to the potnt of beginning. 8:30p.m. a .... A.-School f, __...__. WedneM&b Pra}'W .....vke and
Sblrta, Gltta. DecoraUon.a, South See Party ~a~~cf SECTION 2· Thla ordJnance ~ or .....__ qe · 45 D. IT. JAIID &J'IICO~AL 1•toatlaeo.tamt. (Md ..... ) z....-o . . . rDIIT IAPi1IT eauw ~at 10:00 a.m.: Nuftlery BtbJeltu 7: p.m. wectne.. ,.. .....................
• MAallfE AVL a.AL.oA IILAlrD shall be pubUt.hed at least once or a:&Wtoft pnwtdecJ for both~ and cJa7. ....._ ._
MQIIMuj 8MH"' g~
All WOJ:k au~ by VIOLET 127 KAmiiK AV&. ~ 151 AIILAJrD
tn the Newport Harbor Enslen. a aau... lll'fd.. 1M & c:-t Ita. Sunday School .... J ... & ...... ...._
newspaper of general circulation, ·~ s printed and publlahed and clrcu· ~ ~ ty 1-..a ft. JOIIII ~ ___ • ....._ .. ,. .__ unday MrYtett: 1:00 LIIL Boll
lated in the City of Mewpott ...._. ....._. a. J•' aw aac --. a-... ...._ ..._. -·-;;;:a_~-CommUillon; 9:15 h~D~.Jy SaY·
Beach. and the aa.me mall be In SuncJay .. nc.: 9:45a.m.. Sun ....._ ••c Sand .cJaOa:f.15 Lrl., 8a ~..,.::,~,:~ ~~ ';.:.:~ effect 30 days after ::{p =~ ~ Su~=;,r,,:~~8~~'T::JO cJq ...,._.,.; ti:GO a.a wJ: :::... OuUd; 10:30 Boly O>m·
\be above and foregoing ordl· ~.".f:ao p..m.'w~ a..m.Oont..ton:Satur:r:nd $~m'.:li:
nance wu Introduced at a reau· Pt~er i.fetunr. ...._~1:Artorrr~ Aft.= Jf ~ t a.m.· ._.. Ml'mT C808Cii
lar meetJng of the City Counc:U • ~--8 p.m., S p.m. ,.... d~ 8 a.m...-7:45 ._.. -..... • ••• 'le of the City of Newport Beach held -a.m. p.m. W~ 7·1 p.m. Frl· C.. .._
on the 22nd day of October. 1956, U7 ..........., ..._ '· a. 18rea ..... a
and wu finally pa.SMd and ..,.. Su~ Ill,.,_: 1:45 a.m. Baa·
adopted on the 13th of Ko--~._"'ft. •• (JJI ''f;i5'fl.a. --= :H:L.r tr..::-'J..f' ::=:. "~ vember, 19eiS. by the Sunday IChool t:• a.m.. IDOITI· -... Ina Ill ..... a..,. ..._ ..._. ~ UDJoa 7:10 ~
vote. to·wtt: lq ~ 11 a..m.. ~ C.... K 7 1a; .... D It-., n1a1 ......_ W~t 7:10 ~ Coundlmen: Bart. Mac· ~...see 7:45 p.aa. ......... ....._,._. ....... &I'IQw, ~·Bible
Kay, Stoddard. H~b.le, ltlc:Pdabot, Mld·WM71t _..... 7:• J)..m. SuDdu a.rrtc.: Wonll!D a... lunda.Y. ler•leet: •• a.at. • _........,: 1• p.m.
Hill. ,_.......,., Y~._..,allrv· b t a.m. lluJI4..-, ldaool at Cla.tdl ....a· ._ ad U:OD a.. ~· 1:10
Jif04S. Coundlmen: None. D T:• .... !! 1' f· lo:t.S L11L '................ .... ...... ,.,. .....ana.
Abefonl Counc:tlmen: Wllder. !IIIIi -nora o. Blll Ma)'Or. mB ...mAL MAD B ..a.oaa• IT • A11D INDIVIDVALI Atti!R: JIU'187 khrouder, C1tr • ClerJt. .
WL-w. JrNUY, ....._ ...................... ,.. ............. "' .... ,....
Llll IIIIEI ........ ,.
• ........, to flit to ......... tMCV.'aaw•.-•-· .. ,.~,...... ....... ,..._ ..... .._ ........................... ....... o.....,a.oe=e..
81114 .............. -Lido ..................... INIJ4.
........ ..-y ...... _ .... .,..r ... c--.
we'll ...... ,.....-•• , ... ... .
* * •
0.. Saadcy wbUe w 31-tD'I
by tlae -.-1 IIIIP abaeat, tlwf _. a toaa to IW .. , •••
..,.mtwdwa wuk •d Ia 1.-
v..-... au t11.t. •t.'" a~Pt ................ by
.. llrlrw Aa1t1oa KCOP ad
atclt '• IICIIIDM ••• S. tlae aa-............ ...., .........
-.... caytlalag Ia tbiU Uftl..
WJ,ed Ia .. blaalc Clll4 pat lt
Ia .. Uttla -...... ••••• .............
* * *
* * * Fooa.cl ,_, dlcWt HI ht
n-• .. t• ........ s. ..-........ -. .. _.to
.......... _-rw-a.ttu• _,m wltla _ _... .....
clcd .... ....... IDt .....
....... n-..-ply ........
Ida ................. . ~ .............. ...
Jld~·· ... ,..... .. t ,.. ••
_,., •Y a· t nu. ..._ · · ·
* * *
Mr. and Mn. Fr~ Hamilton
of 1529 W. Balboa Blvd, Balboe,
ue parentt of a .on. born Sun-
d~. Nov. 11, at Hoea Hospital.
wetahfna 7 pounds, 5 ounce&.
NJfnt ••• end
~ ...........
This PrldQ' and Saturd~ ln
out lobby you'll eee .ome of our
local Harbor B1 P.T.A. ladlee Mil·
lnl tlclroeta to the Mill« cl ..
play. It'• an exeellent ~y
called "BemanUne" by ll&rf
Olue ..• You knew "'l&IWY" •..
1be 13 Mill aU tab plaee tn a
eollep town. and all 1.3 of th.-n .W be dlanlfd rtpt ln front of
the audience wtth d1mmed lllbb
• • . If all thlt won't ~.r.!'
8P«<ftd a dollar to buy a ~ •
m.ayM this .W . , . P.T .A. men· t
Mrtblp alWaJII drope waJ' ~
..... tlwt tddll ,.... ...... ;:.; ~~~~BarW.
Bl P.T.A..'• oM 81111 GlliT WQ fA ,.,...... tuM~ to ....at our ·MC
..... ...,.... ....... Ul ........
• tiM1 a..t " --...
* *
•••• ... .... ... --'-"'"' . :.r:..... • ....
~telectlea ef
We ha¥e a ca .. lata talaction of tklmadc
. Challleu• c..k . . • 1ft a.-.., aiMM ar for ~ lnchlclual II II~ plus •••fihlng .. HaQ. men oe w....-fof ,._ Clwhtlaal gift wrapping
nMch, tool Shop now, while you can haft 'fOAl' ....
Say "Thank You" with a box of tJx.e
delicious Ru.eU Statw CM>OOlates (from $1 .35)
* * * ..,._,
Ellie ........ .
858 So. Coaat Highway Hyatt '-'016
Monday cmd Thundery
Ffl .. lllllk•-•• lief-.... ---···
Tue.day cmd Friday
r., liltlil •• I' ar-II.M
Christmas 9ifh in ~d. white and
gold . . . to be seJected. without
CA!Ire of size. for every woman
on your shopping list!
Voeue says: ''Rhlnestone cuff-
a lltt« {or a Jon&. dark &l~ve" bracelet. $15•
Vogue says: 'RhJnestonH -the look's three dl.mensiona" pin, po•
Vogue aaya: "Fot a S5 bUJ-&lJm
bUlfold for &lJm' pocketbooks"
billfold. 15-
Vocue A,JS: "New gUdJna for a
tw'ftd suit-lobbed waist Chain. .. ao-. matc!bfna bracelet $15•. ear-rlap...,.
...... ..., ...
. ....... ...
..... ...., ....... 0'] ......
~t .............. b .. .
-.... et .. .
.. & .................... ....__
Closed Wednesday
niE'S IEmiS
For ord.eriD9 youz
persooaU.Md Chrtatmcu
carda . . • from our
complete aod UD1UUal
Mlectloa . . • Jt'a hlCJh
time to cboo.e yours
2653 E. Cout Highway
Corona del Mar
Phone: Harbot 1373
& c..t ..,.. -..... .,
IDDTJCAL 1'WIIII ...... .-4 c.aa. ....... w. fall ..
---~ ...
Fish Looter
Hits Market
BUD'S ..
Salon of Beauty
... v .. _ .. ,,.
MNII I ._Lftllr
Complete Hair Styling
$40.000 Pennit Issued
For Bayside Dr. Home
lrad Bella., ceneral mana~w e .UC:Oif UT
ot the lrYlne Co.. Ia bulldlnl a Edmond Dou~lu. t1re plaee
StO.OOO <1\nllln~ 111 the new Wb· and dllmney at 8 Beacon Way,
dlvtaloo on Bayatde Drlvt, near .00; Robert Bod.-, addition at
CarnatJon Cove In Corona del 33 Beacon Bay, $2.000.
Mar. Mr. and Mit. BeUla now live e LmO IIU
at l280Z . S. Panorama Cre.t ln E. Sheeta. addltJon at 118 VIa
Santa Ana. lJdo Nord, $3,500; Harry Taylor,
That wu the only major per-remodellln~ at 1..25-127 VIa Orvt·
m.lt '-ued by the Newport Beach eto, $:100.
Butldln• Department dW'In~ the • au..oA
put week, u bulldlnr llowed Edwin Draper, ~modellln~ at
doWn ~nerally durin~ Novem· 810 E. Ocean Pt., $125; 1. Slm·
b«. mona. alteration~ at 109 7th St.
Followln~ permlt.l were Issued: $200; Bert Plroah, alteration~ at e COitOifA DEL IIAa 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., 1800; and
Buahard'a Harbor Pharmacy, toundaUon at aame location,
llan at 3301 E. Cout Hwy., tl.300; $1,400. ------Earl .Stanley, repair dama~e
ea\UN!d by ear, 3301 E. Cout Hwy., Fach 12,000; Robert Ftah, addtUon at I
310 Jlarltold. 14.950; Quality
'lbrtft oeanera. .. an at 3005 E. 6 . en Cout lhry~ ~; E. H. SkJnner, IV
altaatlonl at Snack Shop, 23015 E.
Cout Bwy .. t850; Ray Construe-SUchtly more than half of the
tion Co.. move hou.le from 301 .tudents enrolled at OCC are
MarKUerlte to eo.ta Mesa, 13:50: plannln~ to tran.ter to four-year
W. B. Bel.lJa, <twtlllnc at 2001 coUep~. With 13 per cent of the I'LAII'I .oa • _... a .-.-. ~ • S-llecba-... u.. 111.-price...,.._ A -·
Bayside Dr .. -..o.ooo. atudents cba~~ln~ tu.cb1DI It Ia In 1 .... pup tv 1a W..t •....-t -. be1D9 aaatty reaMtioa --w1t1a ..-..... pee~ e mv111a nnacw the lead amon~ careen wbkh te· ...... .,.. Mn by (left te n,llt) .......,._ '"· wtll be et u.. .. ......., ttp of tbe tr.t. lb. J•·
Maceo Corp .. add playroom at quire tour yean ot col),fp. ... C. ,...._ o£ I.-b .. IM, ... , ty .,... daa, wbo Ia ••detecf wftla Wela s...ta of ._
1330 a--•·--Ua, -ooo. En.,.-eertn• ranka .eeond with a...y a ,.. -.4 P'J& S 1dr E. ~--· Diego 1D tiLla dewleJ •t. Ia .-t pu&U&•t of
• ~-;;"' ~ 11.3·;;;,-eent..Other ttelda ehoeen ~ fte 'la.u.a Ia-lll/a-GCN lite be· tbe la.lld.la9 Coabw:....,. ~ of CGJI._. ..
ll ........ al ..... 9 t bua ...._. c..t Jtwy, ad ....._Aft., ........._ Gad Ia .... ..,...__.. ...sc..,..,..._. of tiM If•· A. H. Buck, add apartment at are: ..a ... .., per een: · .._a........_ aJM.. J1111Ctiea t. Sftla lt. ~ u..a1 A..udatioa of ._. aa&ldla. ll.r. JDa.
210 Buby, ~92:.\. tneu admlntmation, 6.~ per cent; wW be two ..,... of .... ~ ....._, ._... • --.. Ia • •-ber of tbe Gdlitecta.nd t1ma of
eJOaT IIDGIITS mectlclne, 2.6 per cent, .aerkul· • ~ ~. ,.. ...._ wW be ...oy , ... & Emaaaa o1 1.-~..._ (Eui9a pboto.) ~HMa~~~d~l~llpereentand~~3per -------~---------~----------~-~~~~~-~
shed and lath houae, 523 West-ce~ 882 transfe6 atudtnta. 372 T Ba ketball T TIUISIIYI .... mJrm.T, $100. plan to attend state c:oUeca 'nle ar s eam
• •ZW'fOIIT choJees of the remainder are dla· S. L. Bur1ea. fence at 1808 W. trtbuted u follows· Untvenlty of More homes . . . automobiles
'I'WVWIDAT, lfOtCMWD II, 1-lrK1n08T &ADOa I
(2) 2-bedroom apartments with fireplaces and l~e
rooms AND (2) 4-bedroom, 2-bath ap_artmenta. South of Hlrhway. At very low, low price ot ~.750.
R·2 LOT-So. of Wchway-Good location. Only $6,950.
87 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar HA: 174.1; BA: 0757
E.xpanatve ocean v1ew •.. attractive modern home ...
2 bedrooms, 2 baths ... designed tor lots of llvlnc and llnle work. Priced to sell! • • •
One ot the truly beautUul homes ln Shore Cli.U.s. Cor· ner, 3 bedroom.s. 3 baths, deU~htlul living room look·
lne out on attractive paUo, Modern in every recpect. Priced to seU! • • •
UTn..E ISLA.ND-Near East Bay. 3 -bedrm.a., 1~ baths with a 2-bedr. apt. Ex.cellent home or Income units.. Attractively prieed. • • •
2 vacation hou.eee one at $19.500. one at $19,950. • • •
For larp family, aome view of the water. Large lot, 6 bedroom. 4 bath home, ~.000.
Ellt ....... ,
REALTOR Ocean Ft .• $200; Miller Chevrolet, Callfomta, 101· uci.A. 148· Stan· I I . F .d . . . household appliances . . .
algn for uaed car lot olflce. 700 ford 16· use. 85, and· other p 0. ys A umnl n ay turkeys ... just about anything w. Coast Hwy., S640: Ceoree Pick-tch~ iu tangible you can name. We In Eva cau Edtth Maroon Hyatt 4_6222 or
erlng, alteratJona at 2611 'New· Amon~ students term.lnatln~ America have more than the t.outa Boynton Harbor 2878
2Z5 Marine Ave.. Balboa Iala.ad Call Harbor 1Tn5
port Blvd., $1,500; Ruben Amerk· their education at OCC. bualneaa The Newport Harbor varsity 'of whom are now playing college people or any other country. It __________ _.:... _____________ _
hanlan. demollah buUdlng at 107 with 13 per cent wu cha.en by basketball team moves Into the ball, wUl ~ve Coach Jules Cage's ls no loess true ot our lnun~ble B I L L I s B E s T B u y s _23rwd~, ~~w.wwwiWiWwww. twice as many aa the ~~ec:ond aport apotllcht thla Fttday night men their tint tat of the ~ason. asuts -freedom of P r e 1 s .
'Ill choice selection ot fine arts. Third amonc echoes of smash I n r The Tars, Sunset league cham-speech, religion.
cholce Ia electronics with four per tackles, 60-yard runs. and the plona last season. are fortified FRANK
FilE la.EITIIL ..
cent. Other flelda with three per puslna atrldlron season. with 3 retumlnat lettermen, Eddie May me join with you on
cent and under are: al'f1culture, Two games are on the docket. Pope. Cary C~n. and Tom Hous -Tha nksgiving Day. 1956. to butldln~ constructlon. dr=f· A prellmlnary pme at 7 p.m.. ton. Other players and their ex-promise to assume the obllga-
mechanlcs. meW trades. n ~. between the junior varsity and perlence are Jerry Kemper, JV; tlons which such beneficence
X-ray and petroleum. 1 015 t the Bees. precedes the ma.tn John Renrotln. Bee: Rich Pala-places upon us Individually and Men outnumber women • 0 t ferrl. Bee; John Lewls, JV; Roger
.. .,o A oxJmately one fifth of even · lbe ~ as a Nation . ..._ ppr ·led 781 The Tars' vanity five wlll meet Peterson, IV; Jerry Ru rt. :
the student body ls marr • · t Newport alumni at 8 p.rn In a Dan P1erce. Bee; Gene Bryant.
per cent slnele and ~7~~-6-quarter caee duel at th~ hllh Bee: Rich Tarnowski, ~; and •
R·l lot 60' x 102'. Close In -----·-····--...$3.Sl50
Choice Restricted Back Bay Lots <starting at)._.$5,.250
C-2 Lot 90' X 150' ·-·--··-··-····--·-----·-----·-·--·-·-·· ..... 950
M·l lot approx. 3 acres ··-··---·-·····-··-··-·----·-··.$28.000
2tl2 W. COAST HWY. divorced. There (e ~·Jewish and 8Chool IYJlL Alumni players from one new player. Randy Hill.
NEWPORT tEACH ~·.~de~~~~ ~er faiths at the '54, '55, and '56 teams, many nl~e~~l:· I~l~nel::rabf~gal~r::: ISUID RULn co. w. A. TOBIAS I Realtor ..... ~::!'..!":1 1177 OCC. Veterans on campua num· le~gue center ~n Newport's '54 AND ASSOCIATES ~iiiii~::~:ii:iiiiii bel' 315· LEGAL ROTICE team and now playing varsity at IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Occldental: Paul Neumann. 1st 498 Park. Balboa l.sland HA 3T1 "you'll like our friendly service"
Pot letterbeac28 and envelopes THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA d f 2
cau th. EMScn. Harbor Ulf.. string All·h~ague guar or Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mea
IN AND FOR THE COUNTY years In high school and team ------------EVENINGS CALL UBERTY 8·8566, u 8·5665
• 1•00 w --to ,....._ OF ORANGE captain, a varsity eager at Stan-SEJIVICES
&on.,. ~-• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. a ford: and Denny Fltzl)atrtck. who ------------
BIINIII c.tnctor
HAitNor 47U a"w-c.· HA~ ., ..
Showtnc a atood profit -at
less than rel)lacement cost.
Why work all year when you
can make It In 6 mo&. Small
down---emall payments.
.Kl. 2-1825 KI. 5+4048 eves.
w ANTED-L.ady for cleanlnat one
day a week. Own u ansporta·
tlon. HA 6205.
Swimming Pool Service
• •
Chemicala A.ailable for Pick-up
Purex Chlorine -45c Gal
CorODa del Mar
3500 E. Coast Hwy. (at Narclaua)
Harbor' 3716
Costa Mesalum~erCo.
• ..,._. ...._ C... .._ L• If a.tOil
PLUMBING HEAnNG --.. -U.&. Z..VeKY.... Bepcdm
LD-I!Wf ....., -• .. ..... c.. ....
Municipal corporation, holds a 4-year scorlnr record at 1111 HAll'S
Pla.tntift. Newport. now playtnc for OCC. A COMPLETE winter Electrical
ORANGE coJ:r.r IMPROVE-Additional alumni players and Tune-up for $10, Including new .,....,..,.,..... • .,.,I'V'OY •no N, a dl.ssoived their schools are Fred NH bftt. plugs and points. SllgbUy higher
m..o:uH ~&A UCLA : Blll Kelter. USC: Ted Mar-for S's. corporation, MRS. E. ABERCROM-tlnez. OCC: Wylie Keeler. Callfor· 409 E. 29th St
BIE. MRS. 0 . T. HOSACK. aka nia· Bruce Knipp occ· Bob HA 4720 Newport Beach
CRACE ADE.AU SHAW, DOE I to Di ehl, OCC: Frank' Nava~. US Aulhorized NASH Servi~
DOE XVI. Inclusive, Navy; Denny Harwood, Pomona: HA 6204
N 68931 Defendants. and Dave Tamura. George Mabee.
SUMMON;· IN EMINENT Paul Lorentun, and L.arry Hat· WHITEY'S
DOMAIN • per. all at OCC.
rnE PEOPLE OF TilE STATE Incidentally. the alumni beat
OF CAUFOR.NIA SEND GREET· the varsity last year _by a score WISIIIIIft
INCS TO:o _f_83_·7_4_. --------llllla
DIIEIS, corporation
as prayed for therein within 10
days atter the service on you of
thls Summons. If serv~ within
thls County or within 30 days If
served elsewhere. ADE.AU SHAW, Defendants You are hereby notified that
SDYICE The above entitled action ls unless you appear and answer as
brought by the plaintiff for the above required, the aald plaintiff
purpose of condemnln1 the £ee will apply to the Court for the re·
simple title tn and to the follow· Uef demanded In the Complaint. 3141 E. Coast Hwy. In~ described property lying ln GIVEN under my hand and the City ot NewJ)Ort Beach. seal of the SupeTior Court of the Corona del Mar, Calif.
County ol Oran~e. State of Call· County of Orange, State of Call-Bernard Whiting
1 fom la. more particularly de-fomla. thla 15th day of June, ------------
scribed .. follows: 1956· WilD 1m11 01 Lots 1 and 2 In block 145 In I... B. WALLACE
Canal Section. City of Newport County Clerk and Clerk of
Beach, County ol Orange. State the Superior Court of the S£111. PIIPEIJY of Callfomta, u per map re-State ot Calltomla. In and --·.-• •
corded In book 4. page 98 o( tor the County of Craner.
Miscellaneous Maps, In the ot -By Leslie 1... McCartney.
flee of the County Recorder ot Deputy.
aald county. NCYnCE
ALSO that eertAJ.n parcel of APPEARANCE: "A defendant ap.
land situated ln Section 28. T. pears In an action when he an·
6 S., R. 10 w .. San Bernardino swen, demurs. or c1ves the plain·
meridian. City of Newport tltt written notice ol bla appear-
Beach, County of Oran~. State ance, or when an attorney ~ves ot Calltomla, dacrlbed as tot-notice of appearance for him."
lows: Be,tnn~ at the north-(See. 1014. C.CP.) Answe.r8 or de-
eut comer ot lot 1. tn block murrera must be In writing, and
145. Canal Section; thence tued with the Clerk.
westerly alon~ the northerly . • •
Une of aa.ld block 1'5 to the CAliS .oa SALE
northwest comer ot lot 2 In
block 145. aa.ld Canal Section;
thence northerly alon~ the
northerly prolongation of the
w.terlY Une of said lot 2. to
the llne ot ordinary hlp tlde
ot the Padfte Ocean ln New-
port a.y u dest,nated u -scxrm LINE. .. ln ftDal deaft
entend Aa.,..t 22, 19:11 In Su·
pertor Oowt Ad1oD 33688, •
catUied eopy tllenol beln« re-
eanted ~ 19. 19:11 In
w.ooll -.... -ol omctaJ ......... ; tbece ..... lY aloft&
1&14 tide 11M tiD till IDts-..don
wttll Ole ..... ~ JtOioqatloft
oi ........ .,U..olaldlotl
Ia ..... 1. Canal ledioa; a-e. •••••• ,., ...... = IIDI tiD a. polld .,.
.... bll ....... , ..
••• Nlllr • ,...._ rucu• .......................... ........ _ ......... .,
-~;::, ..
'IOU.A8 == ........... _ == :..• ....... .
'55 T-BIRD
Equ\pped with power .teoer·
~. power brakes. power
windows. pow« IMt. fordo·
matte. radio. beater, n~
)K'I9DJum white aide walls.
fender ahlelds, tor\MaU COV·
er, Unfed class. full chrome
wtre wbeeb. 3 cub. Edle·
brodr manitol4.
Entrust your r e a 1 e s t a t e
transactions to a REAL TOR.
IV Is trained In h1a protes.
lion, knows values. ttnane-
ln£ and ls bound to lle'I'W
you etblc:al!y, h~ and
courteously. HEAL TORS a.r.
memben of a national or·
~a.nlzation eom.torm~t~e to •
rtricl ooOe of etbJcs. ....... --
$2t8l ....
Very atuactlvt.> 2-bedroom home on an R-2 lot near
Ocean and Bay. Lots ot room tor addJtlonaJ units. Asking just $13 500
• • •
llliltler's Alllllill!
Four R 2 lots. 2-bedroom home on one ~ ot them
ready to b uild on. Ideal localion near Ocean. Full pr1ce
2001 W Balboa Blvd .. N~rt Beach
Harbor 23l3or Harbor 5920
See a ftr .,eciaiiiiiWIJ real est• , • ..._
"Bay Front Specialists"
2091 Newport Blvd .. Neov.'PO'rt Beach
Harbor 5226, day or night.
Perfect hidE' away or home for
rt't f.re.d coup I e 1 b<'d room, 2
baths. lanai room, u~>able Jt&·
Harbor 3344
308 Marine Ave., Balbo:l Island
CAliS roa IAU
XX • UO Moclltled Roadster.
Wlre wheels. ln JOOd C!On4l·
Zoned for 16 units.
2323 W. Coast Hwy., Nt!WpOI't
Uberty 8-7562
Ev~Jnp HA 5154
'tlllllliEL ..
4 bec:ltoorna plu f~
room. 2 bath.&. eom.r ....
lot. Oonttq Oft two ......
wtdl .,...maneat ...........
2 ~ 2 pa_u._. ~
'Complete Une of all 5 model•
$995 to $3800
PlANO SALE -Uprlehta from
$95. Grands trom 1685. ~ed
condition. Splnet pianos llkoe
new, rent return-eome repoa·
aessed. Maple, Blond. Fr. Pro·
vt.nclaJ. aome traded ln on
Hammond Ore&JU from $359,
$395. etc. Some save $1.20 to
$265. Easiest terms.
0 R G AN SALE -Electronic,
beautJJul Mah. console, full 2
keyboard with 25 pedala $875.
One blond for less, llke new.
Blg P1ano A Organ Store
Established 1914
520 No. Main Sl . Santa Ana
1932 Harbor-Costa Mesa
1957 FORD -$1495
hll '-u Y• '-Ill .............. ........ ome.
Mr. and Mts. Dean Skallenad
of 963 Grove Place. eo.ta Mna.
have a new .an. bam Saturday,
Nov. 10. at Hoar Ha.pltal.
I '
s.viJll tbe llarW Ana
Baltz MortuarY
CHAPEL BY 11m 8tA Harbor a Ja)~Jj£,'"7
Baltz Mortuary
Ubert7 .. 2121 11h • Superior, eo.ta ,._
801'11 LOCA'nONS
Harbor Blvd. at Clll•
JDM'8IZI y 5-1.1.51
POIIIII'Oyr Ricketts and Joi.SOI Win NUaDAY, M>fiiGD .. 1-DWICMt ..... IN K I
Van fom.t1J, Dean llcattl,
and .lob JollMOn won the omc.
fA ~t rot the tenter, juftJ«
and eophomon du.es tow the
year l.SM·'ST 1n the all·.cbool
electloM beld du.rtnc the weell ot Oct. 2·5 at Harbor~
~Van u vlce-pnlldent
of the MDklr d .. wtll be o.w
Brldmer. Karen Waper ~
over u MeNtar7 of the clul.
While Joyce Alben wU1 ad ln the
capacity ol creuurer. LJnn Me·
Parlaad and Walt JICIIwald ...,..
choeen to ..,_.t the d .. u
members of the Board or COntrol.
In a run·oU wlth tbe lnalm.
bent, Larry lbracler, Dean IUdt·
etta wu w~l In hJa bid for
the pre~~ldency. He wl11 be ualat· ,.. weekly Au.trallan atncles .0. J~. • • • • ...,, ed by Glenda Price tn the vice· tournament on the Municipal wW IMII ,,.. ... _, ....._ prealdent'a omce. Glenda came ,
f) ~Uwu;
n.uu.u lawn bowline ereena attracted 25 • up throul)l the ranka from her
Harbor Area bowl~, last week. ...... I a111 f po~~ltlon u leCI'etary of the d ..
WlWam G. Penow of Corona del J lut year YAir fOIDitOY ...._ ••u DKA• D::&i!iil, • ,..._
Mar, with only alx montM ex-, .. ~~~ Pin••• 11 ,,;. ~ .. •n••... ...._.,..._.._prutd•t. ,. alf•t.--. ,.__
r....-. a.. ...,,,~~, ....._ Jll't.e ...._at, -..., .. vw. ............. OnJti9e c:o.a..,.. a.... ......
perlenoe In lawn bowline. won te .. .___ ~ ld In the tournament w1th the hllh of Mra. Elbabeth G. Wolf ot Co· tw ...._ ,_ Inc the only cand ate the Harrla for that PQIItion. Mem·
11 potnll rona del Ka.r Is maaacer ot IIUI· at. ,_ --• • •••· runnJne. lohn Haakell. who fol· ben of the Board or Control for
._.._ I~-..... q .. -. La~dsd tit tM ......_
.. ....._ w-.. u.-... wW111Up • .-a...-• r..u.n...
Mn. H~Jd Wblte or vaneouv. cular Dyatrophy hsadquanen lD -..._. wtlllrdsts D'-Iowa the family pattern aet by tbe co11.llne year wlU be ------.;;ii;iiiiiiiiM--.tP'A.-aAi..------
8. c. won MeOnd place wttb Santa. An.a and wlll ..tat 1n «· W .. _..Ill •· ..... bla brother, Mickey, wu ch~n McParland and Barbara Llllen· ~ potnia. Mn.. Walter Peanon. pnlzlne worker~ for tbs aMual ... lr..a. _. ,..._ &-... • vlce-p-.ident. thai.
DeWitt Bauer Walt• Wood and drive the Jut week or November. __ ._ .. 1M ..._.. .r C.· In a club I« treaaurer'a poet. Until the tresbman eJ&M hold
Roland BaUeY tJed for th1rd place Volunteer workan •bo ... aWe blsL Pat Buah and Pat WUrox were elect:lona later tn the year, a ..... ........................... =-=··· .... ....... 1 ••••• ~ .. ... .. ...;at --
wtth 11 potnta each. 1n the play. to cSevote tiJne to the eampatp lob lob.n8on won an euy elee· de!Hted by Bob Ueb. Pat Pruh· oommJttee of .tudenll eeleeted
ott Mn. Pea.non won third and may nodty lira. Wolfe at Kim· Uon u prex;y ot the .apbomore line w1ll uaist the dUJ u tec· by the re.pect:tve junJor hlp
Mr. Wood took fourth prtze. berly 3-8073. cl.., wtth the cUst1nc:tJon of be· retary, wlnntne out over KAy .:boola will handle d .. atralra.
.. .... • ... _ ..... ......,; .... rltillt .... ·--· IM.---JIIId-..._1 I ...... _... ......
.... elL
11171 V. I. ....... 101 -.. AIIEDI UiiiO .. ~
• CoM~ete Dinner IWenu
•nd Servin• the
Flweat Food In the
Op.l)wry fur •
from 11:00 AM to !:00 AM
,___,.,... •••• '--IY ..... I
YWT Jolr &.an• •• lr Holt IC.eftll N.-maa
Serving et the-a.r:AJ and Shep
the <>th« Famoua
Forest Smith
Olympic A Santa Fe
401 r.t 17 .. Sb'Mt, c ..... _ TUabtt~ 41laDsw ..... ...,... ...,.a ....
., A ........... .., IHcnN
to 12 .....
Hearts of Celery -Green Olives
Soup -Chicken Supreme
Pitcairn Mixed Green Salad
Roasted Turkey-Oyster Dressing
Fresh Vegetables-Potatoes
Minced Pie-Creme de Menthe and Chocolate
8illt:~e_Dinn __ e_r __ .;..._ ___ $L~
Combination Seafood, Shrimp Cocktail
Creme of Chicken a la Reine
Chef's Salad with 1000 Island Dressing
Young Tom Turkey stuffed with walnut
dressing, cranberry sauce $2.00
Roast Prime Rib of Beef --2. 75
Baked Virginia Ham, candied yams,
pineapple sauce ------··--.. ----····· 2.00
Roast Young Duckling with apple sauce -·-·· 2.00
'h Fried Spring Chicken, unjointed ---··---· 2.00
f op Sirloin Steak, mushroom sauce ·····-···-···· 3.00
Broiled Fresh Whole Lobster with
drawn butter --·-···-··--·--·--···-··-·-······-·· 3.25 3roiled Fresh Swordfish Steak, maitre d'hote
tartar sauce -···-·--··-············-····-···-·-·-·-·-····-·-····· 2.00 vVhipped Cream Potatoes Garden Fresh Peas
Hot Mince Pie, Pumpkin Pie,
English Plum Pudding
with brandy sauce, Ice Cream or Sherbet
Coffee. Tea or milk
Sam' & S,ea !1~
"At the Sign of the Swordtiah"
112'11 S. hdftc Coast By .. Sad Side
(1 mile E. of Seal Beach)
Por ••• 1; vutlou:
D•'oclr 1·1405 « I_.,
Appetizer or Soup
Shrlmp Canape or Fruit Cocktail or
Consomme ~Jestlne
Cher s Mixed Green Salad. Sour CrNm Dresalng
Oven Roasted Broad Breasted Turkey.
Oyste r Dressing , Giblet Gravy and
Cranberry Sauce ---··--.. ·--·----···-·· ......... -2. 75
Roast Prime Rib of Beef. au jus, York-
shire Pudding -···-····-····-·-·······-··--······· ....... ···-·-3. 75
Baked Sugar Cured Ham, Cumberland
Sauce ----··-···-------·------·-2.75
Broiled Center Cut Swordfish Steak,
Maitre D Butter ----···-····--·· ... ·············· .2.50
Broiled Top Sirloin Steak with O nion
Rings and Mushroom Sauce ____ . -·---·-3.50
Snowflake Potatoes or Baked Southern Yams
with Marshmallow
Fresh Frozen Peas or Cauliflower, au Gratin
Home Made Rolls and Butter
Bot )(IDee Pie. ""-ndv ~•nr-or Pumpkin PI~. ::-r:sl~arn
~'s Liquors
Surprise your hostess by coming in and letting
us help you select something for her.
a . .
I .
Prompt, free delivery to BOTH home and boat
l7N •.....-t 111-..L <•--... •••> c.-...... • o.-e ...... a .... -7~••-* • •. .,...., .... , .......... ,_
T n.tllhl•c••••
Choice of Fruit
Mixed Green Salad
Carrot Sticks Olives
Cocktail or Seafood Cocktail
Cream of Com Soup
Chef's Special Dressing Fresh Cranberry Sauce
Orange Sauce
Sweet Potatoes Jamaica Peas or Brussels Sprouts
Pumpkin or Mince Pie Chestnut Sundae Cranberry Sherbet
Your Ho.ts-Andy Mcintyre and Bud Gaston
JArtAirA fNtt --.=::~
1788 NEWPORT BLVD •• COSTA MESA u 8-2189
Thanksgiving Dinner Menu
IOYE.a 22. 1 ..
SERVING FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 7:30P.M.
Fried Combination Sea Food. tartar sauce -·---······················-2 00
Fresh Sand Dabs Saute, butter sauce -··-·····-····---··-·-·-····· .. ········· 2 10
Fried Deep Sea· Scallops, Remoulade sauce ··---·-····-···-····--··--2.15
Broiled Swordfish Steak, anchovy butter --··--··-······--·--··-·· 2.20
Fresh Salmon Steak, garlic butter --·------··---2.25
Roast Young Tom Tu rkey, dressing, cranberries ---·-·-·-· 2.50
Baked Sugar-Cured Ham. champagne sauce --· 2.35
Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, mint jelly 2.25
Fried Spring Chicke n, southern style 2.35
Broiled or Grilled T-Bone Steak. mushroom sauoe 2.SO
FALLS 31-7
4 hard bltttn. Ora.np Cout
CoUep waJbcl away trom On-~ lut J"rlday nllbt wtth the
&M1R Jqttlmate Eutern Confer-
ence dM.mplonahlp in the l'fld IIPOrt Ia occ ht.tory.
Paeecl by hanl hitting fullback
Ita)' Adermann. the Buca drubbed
Qlaftey 31·7 before an estimated
3,000 tans. to gain a bowl berth.
It wu the fulltllment of a Ule-
ttme cJream for Coach AI Irwin,
wbo had never coached a cha.m -
plonahtp team. nor an unbeaten one.
1be only other time In Coast
hi.Kory that the Pirates won the
c:hamplonahlp wu in 19!51 when th~ badted into tbe title, when
San Bemudlno wu forced to for-
felt all o1 tta cames.
Adennann put the Dues in the
lead. mJc:hny in the second pe-riod. when he raced '-1 yards up
the middle to PQ dlrt. He abo
added the PAT to make the score 1~.
" 11 aaww ....._ DISiCIIt taowY, ao¥1""• • ••
The llfewport Harbor Cee foot. out of downs and kicked to thelr
ball team beat Orange Friday 45, where Newport took cww. On
nl&bt and 1alned a tbree way tJe toutth down, and 2 yarda tow a
with Fullerton and Huntington ttm at the ~. quarterback Behn
tor th-. Sunaet leaaue swept lett end hutled to the 8
cb&JIU)lonahJp. The Tan, playlnc before he wu broucbt down.
thelr Jut p.me ot the eeuon at Aaaln. on fourth dpwn. t.hl8 time
Orange, 1ave the Panthers a con-at the 6, Bryan Lucu ICI'ambled
vlnclnl ~-7 abellackfn1. over center few the 'I'D. Tbe ldclc
The tumtng point of the eame
came with two seconds lett in
the flt:st half, when Adennann
IIE.&T 'l'lllt CIIAIOI lla wa aboft Ia 0....,. eo.ra Eader~~ C......__ ctaa.ploe lootball ..__ Ia a.. INat..., ••Itt .. tiM
footbcdl Ia .._ oephda JCidr AabbcnaP. 1'lala .,...... Pilate YCIISit J -pUecl ttae t..t noocd Ia the laJ.atory o1 t1ae grid split at OCC.
Coach Bill Straw'a spirited wu short and Newport led 12·7.
eleven took to the tleld and 'lbe air-mtnded Tan Nt up rack~ up 6 points before the IUr· their third 800ft •h.n ~n.
prlMd Panth~ had tt.me to or-paDed, from the Oranp 32, to
ganlze an effective defen.ee. The Bob Harbt.on just over tbe line
Tars started a drive on their 35 ot 8Cflmmap. Barblaob ran to
and gained more than 20 yards the 2). On eec:ond down, Tom
when Cary Picken. connected Huber ran around lett end. Altep-
with a long pea to Ted Haddock. peel o1 20 ya.rdl tor &DOtber lOOft,
The Newport runnlnc bacb ad· The Jdck wu abort and Newport
vanced the ball to the Pantbera' had the Panthen 18-7 wtth 1-
3, where Jerry Hehn completed a than 3 mfnur. ln the came.
short aerial to Earl Rapp, who 'lbe ~ly unt1ttn1 ~
stepped Into the end mne. At-bottled up the ottenaJve move. ol
tempt !or the extra point failed, the Panthen, who ...,. forced to
and the Tars held a temporary ltlck on fourth down. Tbe punt
lead of 6-0. landed on the Tars' 38. Bob Har·
0 r a n 1 e retaliated about 3 boon. on the wry flrlt down.
minutes before the half ended, found a I&P In the center ot the =e::. ~ :~~e~: =.~=BEES ARE CHAMPS halftlme score 10·0.
Chatfey roared back to score
a touchdown the first time they IN SUNSET LEAGUE &'Ot the ball In the second halt,
to make the score 10· 7.
Darrell Jones returned the
kJckoff to the 1.5 yard line and '
In ttve playa the Pirates hJt pay Coach Emil Neeme's Bee toot· over for the Tars. Koren complet-
dlrt. with Don Jones ~g ball team made extra sure they ed a short pass for the extra
the final 63 yards for the TD. The were the undisputed S u n se t point. Newport 28. Orange 0.
key block for Jones' run was league champs Friday alternoon The Tars started another romp
provided by Tom Harmon. when they held field day with up field before the halt ended.
With 1:55 gone In the final ~-Orange and blasted the Panthers but a penalty sent them back to
rlod, AI Carda broke through 54-8. ThJs marked the first time the one. Orange tackled the ball
Chaffey line on a fullback quJck In 20 years that a Newport Har-carrier In the end zone and
and aped 75 yards for the third bor Bee team had bagged the marked up two of their total
Pirate tally. AI Story added the Sunset league title. eight points.
point after to make the score The track meet got oft to a de· Newport took to the air again
24-7. ceivtngly slow start when the In the second halt. Mike George
Bruce Knipp engineered Tars launched a running drive at compl~ed one to Dave Ham.
final Buc march of the n ight. mid-field. Dave Hammond, Robin mond on the Orange 35; Ham-
with Coast travelJing 42 yards In Swinford and Stan Lew1s took mond ran It to the 29. Ron Koren
nJne plays, with Knipp going turns pulverizing the Orange JJne slung one from the 22 to the S.
over from the one yard JJne. and moved to the 2. Lewis nudged and Frank Rlos made the grab
OJIAifCE COAST .................. 4 0
Scm --.stDo ................... I
lit. ... Aatoalo ................ 3 1
Scmtcl ADa ............................ 2 s
hu.taa ............................. .2 '
BJ...tde ............................. 0 4
over through th~ lett guard posl-and the TD. Hammond made the
tion. Ron Koren passed to Dick kick good. Newport had 35. Or-
Schllckenmayer for the conver-ange 2. alter two minutes of play
sion. as the Tars marked up 7 In the third period.
1 points. The Tars added two more scores
1 Orange handled the ball for 3 In the third period; Koren shot a
0 downs then punted to the New-jump pass to Paul Sandoval !rom
0 port 47. The Tars' backs ran the Inside th.e 10. The kick was bad II baJJ to the Panther 35. Ron Koren and the Tars led 41 -2. .Orange lost
threw a long pass to the 2, where possession on a fumble at the LAST WEEK'S SCOJlES CTaJg CadwaJader made a tine 39. Koren heaved a short pass to
OLQICE COAST, 31, Cllcdt.y 7 grab. Robin Swinford m 0 v e d Schllckenmayer, who threw a lat-
P'a.Uer1oa 2, BJ......S. It through his r ight guard for the eral pass to Robin Swinford;
Scm a..ard1Do 216, Scmta ADa 20 TD. Ham m 0 n d • s boot went Swinford ran to the 9. Koren
through the uprights and the passed to Geor,ee Myrick In the
PDlATES' JlECOBD FOB 1956 Tars had l4,-0 range. zero. end zone for the TD. The conver· 20 Glendale . .. .............. 13 slon k ick was good, but a penalty
42 American River ........ 12 An Orang.-back pused from necessitated a second attempt
39 Santa Ana ..... .... ....... 6 h is 15 in the opening moments a nd this time. the Jdclc was short;
41 East Centra Costa... 0 of the second period. but Mlke Newport 47, Orange 2.
35 Fulerton ... . 7 George Intercepted and returned Coach Neeme emptied the
7 Mt San Antonio 7 to the 10. Ron Koren scooted .__ h d Or !I all red . . d 1 :ft d r 6 Ham .....,nc an llnge n y sco 20 San BE-rnardino ...... 19 aroun e en or more. . on a running drive that started 26 Riverside ..... 26 mond converted as the bewlld-th 35 CTal Cadwal d 31 Chartey 7 ered Panthers trailed 21-0. on e · g a er
· Orange got to their 47 on the racked up the final score when
261 97 ground, then took to the air. On he broke loose fTom the ~5 and
the first pass play, Mike George ran all the way. Hammond s kick
grabbed the Panther toss on New-went through the uprights. like
· the Tars' offense went through
(JC R.cords)
1-Compton . . ......... 8 0
2-0 range Coast ...... 6 0
3-Coallnga ... . .. 6 0
4-Antelope Valley 7 1
5-MenJo .................. 7 1
6-Stockton ................ 7 1
7-Yuba ...................... 6 1
8-Pasadena .......... 6 1
9-San Jose ............. 6 1
10-Citrus ... . . ... 6 7
11-El Camino . . ... 6 2
12-Long Beach ....... 6 2
13-L. A. Valley ........ 5 2
14-Tatt ... ... .. ... 5 2
15-Santa Montca . 5 2
DR ~a
000 port's 37, galloped 53 yards to the the Orange line. and Newport ~ 1:875 Orange 10. Stan Lewis, In two ended up with 54 points, Orange
2 .875 short jaunts. carried the pigskin js.
0 .875
g :~Tars End '56 Season With
~ :~ 26-7 Victory Over Orange 0 .750
0 .750 Coach Don Burns' varsity foot-
0 .750 ball squad closed out the '56 sea-
0 .714 son in t:lne fashion. beating the
0 .714 Orange Panthers 26-7, and wound
1 .687 up in sixth place in the Sunset
N~rt 26, Orange 7.
Anaheim 21. Fullerton 7.
Hunt Beach 31, Santa Ana 7.
La Habra 19, Garden Grove 13.
14 ExceJsJor ..... ~ .............. 18
Newport finished their erJdiron
schedule with two wins and five
losses. The Tars beat G a r d en
Grove 20-13 and licked the wfn.
0 Montebello ...... -...... ~ .. 13
20 Anaheim ............ ..:......... 38
Jess Orange team Friday nJght at 20 Garden Grove .............. 13
(ConttnuM from PaKe 8) the Panthers' field. 0 Huntington Beach ........ 20
6 La Habra ---............ __ 19 e WEDifESDAT, JfOV. 14 Doug Bowler and Bob Render· 0 Fullerton ··---· .. ·--·--23
0 Santa Ana .................... 20
26 Orange .......................... 7
Several articles were stolen shot started the scoring spree
from the MJss Muffett Shop. Z731 when they alternated carries from
E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar their 45 and adva nced to the 10.
, . . A bicycle was stolen from Bowler went through his left 86 159
the home of B. M. Wolte, 417 Iris guard position tor the Initial ------------...
Ave., Corona del Mar . -. A 14· score. Hendershot booted for the the AI\ where he fumbl-.a Bud foot boat w1th a motor washed tr point as Newport led 7 0 -.v, eu. ••hore at 18th St. and Bay Ave., ex a od Bo j · Thompson picked up the ball and .... In the second peri • w er ran to the Orange 1.5 Bowler car Newport Beach . . . A coat was and Bud Thompson did the lug-rled over on a Une P. lun-bo~ taken from the car of Mrs. H. H. glng and moved to the 6, ending -
Henshaw, 435 VIa Lido Soud, Lido a 24.-yard drive. Hendershot took the one. Hendershot booted
Iale. whlle the veh icle was parked Itch ut and drcloed left end through the uprights for the ex·
A I T a P 0 tra point. Newport 1~ 26-0. tn he-r garage . . . peep ng om tor the TD. The kick wu blocked Orange took the kick and ran
was reported looking In the win-and the Tars had 13. Orange. 0. out to the 16 but a penalty 8eDt
dow at 418 Marguerite Ave., Co· After a sene. of punts by both t.hen back te the one. The Panth-
rona del Mar. teams, Newport launched another en moved out to the a. and ald·
e i8UDDAY,If0V. IS driPanveth~~ctbDeallre45.M-~ou~de ~by a penalty, adv&ncled to the A bicycle wu stolen from ""'"• ..., a.Hua £ 2ol. Oranp toolc to the air and
Bryan Ftaber, 202 E. Balboa Blvd.. a gap in the Orange defensive completed an aeortal to the Tul"
Balboa ..• Eleven pain of pan-line and~~ yards to paydlrt. 40 Another penalty Mftt
tlee were .tole from the cl~ Henderabot made the kick JOOCS; hnU.. to the M..wport 25. 11M tJl Kn. Lole l[nlght, 330 Newport had a halt-time lead ol Oraf\Ce'a Garlola went onr bOlD
11o..-o Aft.. Balboa ··· Mrs. 1. 19·0. the one tar the PaDtben' lone y ..U.11XJ7 Seville Aft., Balboa, The ~ped up Panth~ took aeore The atra poJnt wu pod 1~ two equlclortan succon to the field and looked u If they and the .,._ltood at 31•7.
(col.n8 that raemble quarter~ but Wlel'e going to penetrate Tar t«· Onft,. .ta.rted another driYe ._
an worth one penny) 1J\ Balboa rltory. J'rom the 2), an the ftnal period. but tiM
....... back broke to.e and made lt to lifft1*t cltfenldve pie)' .ucJecJ
Pant.IMn' tlnal th.rut.
-.... ,. ~-• ., II ,.l rlll ftAIAIU ...... ,_ ooc .,..., ._.... ..... ,.,..a and pl-.,.d one of a.1r 1 J'lnt UV'l~..___.._,&1
• df ..... U-5 ... "'"'• hl· bMt pme. of the 1ftr tn beat-lt2. __ y.,. ~~i5~~! _ ftw1n4nm ,.. na IIi JIM ln~ S..n Antonto u..a. e_ ,._ --_, loe K»eel'l ........ ltll1 0 ..... 1111111 Jilo( ti .._ .. ar ! * • rbe runna,. ,_ tM ~ erawn -
'W..IIIMII! ...... '<lftit __ ... ••• J :.::."'fW raDIItaiD .... ~tli:::::;r:~=.=::iEt:!: ..
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nesseth of
1878 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa,
have a new daughter, born Mon-
day, Nov. 5, at Hoag Ho.pltal.
P'E.ITIVAL DATU lET IICOrlnl from lnalde Newport's 10, Orange line and ran 62 yards t or The 1957 Laauna Festival of and ending a 65--yard drive. 1be th tin 1 f th pme The
Arts hu been acbeduled tor lab" Panther~ converted and held a e a score 0 e · ,
20 through Aug. 18. one point ~dvantace at ha.lt-tlme. ltlck wu blocked, but Newport •
En.algn cl...W.CS ada cat resulta. In the third period. Orange ran total wu ~ Oranp'a eeore. 1.
II :011 1.11.-3:011 P .1.
"RED HOT" Values for Tues., Fri.,~ No•. 21-23-24
Store HoUJ"a: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
~waac:nr. and 9 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
range Juice 2 ... 37~ Broccoli Spears 2 ... 4
• aa.,.d 11·0.. nv. IWAIIIOII T.Y. DIMW&D-U -. ftw. PINACH 2 '"'29( CIICIEI t r
UTB at.ACI: IIAWK.-Wlaole • llcdf IWU i I PIIO*'W CTO I U1. . ~ft t. 1\!_ 55 " Junior Turkey 59:.
Sliced Bacon 57:. iiOiSin'g'l\id(eiiS 59~ UTB~U~·~ ~ ~!l.!.k!! Sausage 35~ ~!.Roast 63~