HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-06 - Newport Harbor EnsignC. C . Offers Yule Awards .. ....., ..... 10 ... , ..... AI fill IIM&A Four new paqoolmen went on duty Monday momlng, brlnlfng the Newport Beach Pollee Deput- ment to full authorlz:led strength for the first time aJnce July 1. Pollee Chief John Upson said yes. terday. .. The new patrolmen are George Boa. Robert Slaco, John Forgie and Enol Greenleaf. c• 1111 ,,, lrlwe Corona del Mar Cub Scout Pack 8 wtll collect tO}'II between 9 a .. m.. 01'111111 IIIN lees . ..., .......... and 12 noon Saturday In the A croaslng guud went on duly area on the north ade ot the Monday at the Newport Helghu highway, Including Corona High-School. Pollee Chief John Upson lands. Thoe toys will be turned aaJd yesterday. The guard. Al · over to El Toro ma.rlo-. wbo wtU fred Amirault. wfll be on duty at distribute them to needy famlllea Red 1 a n d s Av~. and 15th St. prior to C'blUtmu. throughout tbe ~ool year. Water Shortage Is Protested • H IT L ILL I 7 ,OOO,OM PAY OLL Fireworks Due Mon • LOCAL BOY BOB MILUM MAY PLAY IN ROSE BOWL GAME Opening Set Next Fall Community Yule Slated for COM Program on Dec. 21 the Community YoutJl Om-. w~ th~ wtll be entetalA- ment and rdlehmenta. ... , ... u_,_ ............ .. Wilt --... -... ldl mfn._., If.,. • tJae atr ca a ud 1M '!~;:l:!!!l!!t!~!!!!!~=~~~~!!!!!!=•!.,~ etiJt aen•r _. • -..r•• ~ tall .., ....... Will all .. lft .. Eit .. lna..-.AM...-~·IIQiil:... ......... u addJUonaJ C!barle aaa1Mt tbe .,. 4llldiW • an .._-. .. ·-...., .., -...: ._.. ol •· ...,_ for uy purpoee. 06 ew~a iiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiii!i!!!iii l l••••;trrinie!llttilil ..... ~'-fta·.., ..._ utnr the .....,. bW ·tor I.Q1 ..._.. .. ~._._.,~ cbarp . . :::::: .. • aa v.........,... IMek. It lu.t the ......_ wh.U. acknowl· ..a .. .. ...... 1ft ~ tM IIIJu8dce ot lt. th., Jull~tn. thl8 metbod ot IDODeJ elap 11.25 ...,. Oil the mlnlmwn. =Deeded by tbe Wat. De· 'l1aal Ja a ... 1" a. ....... b nt wllkll you pt the same '700 eublc lome monthl bade, on the OC:· 1tet that .....,. o1 you do nat cu6on ol the ..eond Nadl:nr of u... Your eoet Ia now 38.4 eenta U.. new water rate ordlna.nce, I tor 100 eublc teet • Filii n.-. ant. w.. ~. ...-t Ia· Invited the OMmcll's attenUoa to A 3 lnda ~ U8el' ,_. l.IOO 'nlla colu._ bu meDUaned • lied ln tboee tidwta, and we the rlartq lneqult)' and unf&Jr. eubic: · tMt, whleb ot e»une be pe before. Mot allen. we'U II•,. ...up ftsh1na par aboard ,... ot ..._ .-unr meter ch.,... admit. but ~ wu at leut tD oud a 811lall dq boat out of to the ~~ waw UMn, who ...._ In a few day.. It ClGit JlbD one lnat~ ._.. .. Walt Balder· aey Jlupott landlna you can add '(p eo ovw.,. ot all watar 21.5 centa par 100 eu'* 11ft. -.at ...... .ton tent ua a J'8al beauty de-:name. aUT-we L 0 V E llsh ......_ I produced lnct18putable heN Je the joUr: .& ,... C11Q plcttn~ a beautttul striped mar-.tortes. We love to ~ad 'em, hear np,. u ~Woof ol \JlU blJuadce --~~~~~~-~.,....~._..; lin In mtd-alr on a New Zealand 'em, and tell 'em. tAat hu been 10iq on 101 30 ~~~--.. ·~~~~~~~-·~~~·111'·111 ~ . •• M • • • ~t<t-Hop • • • • • • • • ''' CE:*' e LOOK WHO'S IOASTIN6 It ju.si qoes to show you ... it doesn't pey to be boosting. lost w .. k's 1ssue of the Ensign corried the proud words in this log obout the excellence ond fine oppeoronce of this news~per ... ond whot hoppens? The pictures come out bodwltrds! Result wos thot o bunch of nomes under the pidures jot S"'itched, ond quite o few folks tumed up with their ho ir porte on the wrong side! (Still first rote in oppeoronce, however.) • • • stamp. We can't ~member ...,. Al\4, alonr the Une ot the tell-yean. Now to 1ncNaeM the meter Ina any previous UnJted Stat. 1n1 end or the above Mntence, rate a flat 11.25. WhJdl thJa ordl· stamps that allow flab. The oom· don't be too 8W'Prlled It 110me ot nance did. h.u doubled thla un- memoraU• luues of recent yeara Ben'a "Golden Momenu" have a ta1r cb.,... have shown just about every-famlllar rlol to the readers ot We u cltbens are not tnt~· thin~ et.e. thta mlumn. Calllnl C. Q. to you ested In tbe fact that the water If phUateliats ~ad this col-via Ben Hunter on KFL meter has been a whJppLna boy umn, we'd like to be advt.ed It It's tJme we "Rtt the Road"-ol the City Councll. W~ are not any prev1ous U. S. stamp hu toeetber. intere.ted In what's been done been Issued that abowa a tlsb. tn the put or ln other dUes. We We do have one now. which c D M c h • are Interested IJl payinl for tbe brin~s a prideful aur~e to thla 0 Irs water we UN and at the same frame. It wu first Issued last price par cublc foot for aU. month and l• one ot a aeries o1 w·111 Present )(y contention at that time. three put out ln the Interests of wu. and It stUJ Ia. tbat tbe WUdlJte Conservation. y 1 Water ~ent rev en u e The first one was a beauty, u e Program lbould SUpport all phue. of with our native wUd turkey in Water Department eJCpenM. by full ru~ht. Next ot the fine aertes 'lbe combined choirs of th Co-applylna the same prlnct,ple u.Md was a prona-hom antelope. Now e b1 U. S. 9tMJ, pa or anyth1q • MURROW AND McCARTHY we have the Kinr salmon, leap-rona del Mar Community Church elee we bQ. 'lbey ..u at a price Th b b f I Ina Its way to the spawning Wa· will present t Wa halt-hour of Chmt· that ..__ the b···•---ao•-. ere seems to be o tempest rewin g in o teopot o out i ms • mas mus c -.a--day ~ 19 ..__ ......,,.... • Jll, ters. over the rapids of a western .,.,...,~ • ~-• At the t!me I IIOU:nded ott In shown to students ot Horbor High School. The trouble. if it c;.,n be river. 1'h4! stamp SHOULD have at the Snow Ball, Disneyland. the CouncU Chambers 1 was sure coiled thot, storted when comploints were voiced about the showing shown the same salmon vainly The proaram, which be~lns at 6 that a majority o.f the Council of O'] Ed Murrow film oboui Senotor Joe McCorthy to senior English trying to climb the hl~h concrete p.m., wUI be broadcast throu~h· and the city mana~er verbally closses, os o sort of on exercise in logic-the business of sound walls of any one of too many out the Yllla.,e. Jndlcat4!d that 1 "bad 110me. thinking. power dams that threaten Its ex· Appro~ately 60 members ot thJnr." Later the City Enalneer There h&s been some hint of chorges of leftwin9 slonting of lstence. the church s Chancel, Chapel and brought out slmllar tJgures show- ideos. There wos o f,roposol thot educ;.,tionol films be first screened I have, at last. a suitable .Junior choirs wUI partJclp,~te u1n1 In~ the injustice of th4! char~e. stamp tor my piscatorial corre-the presentation. The musn.; w and we, the u.en, felt sure that by the Boord of rustees before being shown to impressionoble spond4!nce and I hereby request consist of C.,·Uion Hel~h·Ho, Thls the Council would adjust the students. There w&s enough clomor thot the School Boord held on our Postmaster of Corona del Nl~ht. Stan Lead Us Ever On, In water rat• to correct th1a mant- inform&l meeting lost week to discuss the motter. ond there"ll be more Mar to lay In a goodly stock That Lovely Par·Otf City, Chrtat-featly unlalr char~e and at the discussion ot this coming Mondoy's officio! boord meeting. of these colorful stamps. A lot mas Bells. Cradled In a Man~er. same time Increase water rates Sentiment of the boord oppeors to be thot they will stond by of other an~len will purchase While Shepherds Watched Their and keep the department up to h h f hool d d them It they knew they're avall-Sheep, Christ of the Snow and .tandard. t e ir c oice o sc a ministrotors, on . in tum, "'41intoin their able. In reum, count on us for a Jesu, Bambino. lmaefn4! our d 1 5 may that foith in the odministrotors' judgment in choice of teoching stoff. A Cbrtstmas Eve Vesper pro- Thofs os it should be. Our school boord certoinlbeshould hove the loud bleat of protest any tlme will be ted at 7 p m nothln~ has been done. Two ot they try to rob us of the name of gram presen · · the Councilmen bad the lmpres-gumption to toke necessory oction if their trust is troyed. our Post Office We are aoUdly Monday, Dec. 2C. In the church slon that aomethlng had been It is obsurd to orgue th&t students should not be &llowed to and militantly · tor Corona del sanctuary. Members and friends done. view such films os Murrow on McCarthy. I personolly hove no quarrel Mar just as It La. and we'll fllht ot the church a.re Invited to thls Is It possible that the Council, "th th h · f th .. f"l S f 1"11 1 "th th H. h any~ne who tries to chanae It special program In observance ot whUe recoplz:ine th4! charge as Wt e c o•ce o e I'Vlurrow I m. o or go o ong WI e •g We stand tlnn in our .._11.6, rtaht the Christmas aeuon. unjust and fn""'nslstent. ·-re-School st&ff. But I hove one reservotion: What wos the menner in ""'" oa • w """' h. h h f 1 d h h or wrong. that quality ls not en-luctant to admit It? w IC t e i m wos presente to t e students by the teoc e rs involved? hanced by bigness. consoLidation. H arb 0 r De m s • UXJUST CBAJIGE On thot score I must owoit more explicit informotion. Incorporation. or by makin~ big To give you a clearer picture of If it is true lh&t the leechers hondled the situotion with the anythlnga out of little ones. M D 1 2 your unjust meter charge, let's implied or expressed conclusion thot .. everyone lcnows th&t McCarthy "Small town boy," someone may eet ec. take the %-Inch water meters is descredited, onywer, and Ed Murrow is e greet Americon ... then sneer. Right, friend, and that's . and compare their water rates. we hove o reel quorre on our h"onds. Such on otiitude is " prejudiced the way I like It! The Harbor Democratic Club There was, aa Of lun4! 30 of thla d I d f h k d e FJSB STOIUES wUI have a potluck dinner meet· year, a total of 8, 734 actfve on co ore presentotion o issues to our young t in ers, on our Thls ls the ttme of the year inl at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. meters. ()( this number. 8,3.10, future leeders. The very use of the term, .. McC orthyism, .. is evidence when ftaht,ng, hereabouts, Is at 12. at the American Leeton Hut. 0~ 95%. were 1li ·lndl. Thta a1.ze of prejudiced thinking. I consider it o port of the broinwoshin g Its low. Our major sport fish have 15th St. Jll.t oU Balboa Blvd., Is generally used by homes. technique. thot is underminin g the efforts to combot communism. gone, unUJ nut season. The mf· Newport Beach. The old char~e o.f $1.30 mtnJ . In my book, Joe McCorthy stonds os o symbol of determined ond gratfon to Mexico will not ret Charles H. WU.On of Loa An-mum for the first 700 cubic feet unwavering combet egeinst the subversive forces thot constitute the Into major proportions untU after eetes. state Ulemblyman of the cost YOU 18~ cents per 100 cubic g reotest threot to the U. S. ond to the e ntire world. As o rugged the holidays. But fishermen are 66th Dlatrlct. wUI speak on "A feet. A laree peroenta~e did not Americon individuol fighing the communists, our greotly moligned always fishermen reeardless ot Democrat's Approach to Calltor-use the minimum amount. 110 you Joe slonds heod ond shoulders •bove Ed Murrow. the season. One of the perennial nJa ~ctalatJve Problems." were payln& for water you dJd "' joys. when you're not flsbJng, ls Members comlna few the din-not UN. I wont to see this film thot was shown to the students, ond to talking about lt. ner are asked to brfnl table set-Now comes the water depart. leorn more ebout the monner in which it wos presented. If you're an early riser, as I tJng and a cas.aerole of meat or ment needln~ to raise money. happen to be, tum your radio ve,etable:s cw a salad. Desaer1 Did they rabe the price of watt>r! dial to 640. which will be radio and coffee wUI be served by the Oh, no! They picked on the water station KFI. At this tl.me o' the club. meter, wbJcb has been done so DICK MACI Pri'es Drastkafly Reduced .lilT II 1IIE .. ~ ··---THROW RUGS e BATH RUGS FURNITUBE e LAMPS CARPETS e FABRIC BEMNANTS GifT ITEMS e FOR THE HOME DECIUT. PI.I.IWS • Fill IZ a All abape. & .U.. • Foam rubbe; & kapok IWed MOTHERS-Fcx Dolly' a HOUM FREE-Carpet & Fabric Bemnan• b Scmta'a * DECOBATOJl JTDIS * At PrieN You Ccm A.Bord! ·----· Lilli's •••111 C.,.., lrlflrJ I "••l•llrr .... day, a platter-spinner by the often In the past that people are name ot Ben Hunter will enter-e ....... ~---~Le aUer~lc to even a suggestion of ._.,,..,,.~IIJiil~-~lliil~lliil~iltllliilt'lliil~il.-. .. lllliiliJ taln you with his ''Hit the Road" ...-.• • ~-- ., IPEJI SUIIIY Specials for ThW'L, Fri.. SaL. Dec. 6. 7, and 8th U.S. CBOICE ROUND STEAK U.S. CBOica, .OifELUS RUMP ROAST Short Ribs .. Beef .. ~ iETF STEW on OWJr IOU DOUl.DD S·AUSAGE . Grouad Beef pr~~:~~ry special feature of this Ia 11lllr •• ••• O U HHDHDDDUD halt-hour Ia a dally fish story The Willis Sanprs entertained called ''The Golden Moment." Mr. anG Mrs. Frank Ruder ot Pas- Tune In on time, t<W Ben tells adena Jut week-end at their new this dally story soon after 6:30. home at 925 W. Bay ·Ave .• Bat- He ~eta his "Golden Moment" boa. The Sanaera just moved a tales from his listeners, by way week ago from thelr Balboa home of a fish story contest. Each day. at 912 E. Balboa Blvd. from the lett~ Ben receives from p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; his fans, he tells th4! story judged best. The analer who submits the told tale gets two tickets tor a half-day trip on a aportflshlng boat. Each week. too. the best of the six dally stories gets the tale· teller a salt-water rod and reel. You don't have to submit a lo- cal story. or ~en a salt-water story, but we're wamln~ you that It hu to be tlle TRUTH. Ben's "Golden Momenta" lm't about to become a Uar's contMt. Our penonal neeUon to the propam ls not tbat fJI a cam.t· ELGIN & HAMILTON WATCHES DIAMONDS MOUNTINGS ....... .~ .... c.-·-··· a... ..... ·TIE-IR INA lOOK FOB IIIII Husband, father, son, brother, boy friend -Wife, mother, daughter, sister, girl fri:end !I I Aunts, uncles, grandpcaeuta, ooum.. friends, etc. FIREPLACE mtu•a I YOU ARE "GIFDIG" " • 11'1 Llll IIIIET ........... ........ Building Fund Is Given $500 Ftve hundred dollars tor the Ebell BuUdJnc Fund ..., donat· ad by Ebell Carden Seetlon alter their meetiq IMJct lut wMk on Wedn8clq at the home of J11ra. Raymond Henna. eo.ta Meu. The money wu rat.ed by aue. ttonJq ott aD ordlSd broupt to the meettq by Krt.lame. au~. Mon1 Kolbo, local norta. pre- letlled the proeram.. lndudJnc a clemon.etratlon of Cllrl.ltmu a.r. ranprneata. Mn. B.erma and her co-hotwte., Mn.l . A. Cant. aerved eoftee and cake to the 20 mem· ben preeent. JOE BOIIYA'ID UVK QDL -----. • • • ofsodal note .., ftG The eoxd tlnl hoUday. wJU be spent on a letsurely crul8e for the D. ll. Colecrows o1 200 VJa Cordova. IJdo. nrst they wW 10 to Miami and tben 10 OoaUnr around the C&rlbbean. The trip was a rec:onune:ndat1on by the doctor for Mn. (Jiftil, Roac Aux· lltary president) Co~ .,ho hu been under the weether for quite a apell Tbe Colegrowa ex· pect to be badt around ,an. 15. • • • • Chrbtmu and trac1Jt1on · • · Mr. and lira. loe Horvath, 2117 'nle one Ume of year when mo.t E. Oee.n Blvd Balboa. have a Evelyn Cardlner, after .Wnr her aay Shc:na bou., and uvtne eYef')'Wbere from co.ta ..... to th~ Bay Club, 1a now settllne In her newly bunt horne on Kings Bd. ln Cl1ff Hawn. Evelyn hu pretty much gtwn up her pro- Jected trtp to Ruat.a. in view of the dltflcult foreJp rela1iou, but abe bas 80Jne leu pret.entlou.a trl~ planned . . . 80me ricbt around here 1D watem United State.. where ~ wU1 continue to keep tat. on Bepubllca.n worn· en. of ua lltop ln our "what' a new " " .. ulck d .. "abort cut" new ctaucbter. 'lbe lntant wu tr~cka, toanae~~~ the vtbraney ~ ~~~ay, Nov. 27, at Hoar and warmth of what we diet Jut :o.p=========== year . . . Everybody hu an "at Chrt.tmu we always ..• " .ta.ahed away In thelr memortel ... Sure t1me1 bave chanJed, bat u new famUJes are formed. we all try hard to build up a aet of remJnJa. eeues for the ~ that will follow ... * * * ,. c::lalw.. ......... .. ••• , .......... Willi ... .... ~ a tnlllltloa • • • rw II YMIW .......... n...S Jnh drrvt ._.. ~ .. ............... .... . u...a wpalltM ....... .. .... ANa ....... -... tWIT~ .......... ~ roof at u.. ... 5ce'lftaa ..w r.-lD klbo& * * * Gla:rnollr .... aEVULY JEAJf c.urnzu.., c..... 611 ~ear"' • lin. c.h1a Pred.dc:k llardt at a • .....,_ 011 •Y beld Ia GUmpses Mi;s Beverly Jean Campbell • • • It's not hard to find celebrities around the Harbor area ... wher· Those exd!:-;:ckaees that Is Bride of Calvin F. Barck tell us Chrlnmu 1a oomlne are ever you go ... even at church. beltnnJne to plle up here at Wedding vows of a Corona del two sisters, Mrs. Fred Hilliard State ~nator and Mrs. John Mur· O'BJUEN'S. At nleht when every. Mar couple were solemnized In and Mrs. Donald Scheidt, both of dy, for lnatance. were among the thlnc 1a quiet In the window, Fresno when Miss Beverly Jean Fresno, attended her u matron congregation Sunday at Christ where I. u a manikin. am mod· Campbell. dauthter ot Mr. and of honor and brtdesmald. They Omrdl bV the Sea In Balboa ... ellnr 80me of the beautiful faah· Mrs. Arch B. Campbell of Fresno, wore matchtne gowna ot emerald Kenny ..-r. famous radio and ion creations here at O'BRIEN'S. became the bride of Calvin Fred· green oreanza and lace made In TV personality, slnp at the local I try to lmaelne what Is In all rick Barck, son of M.rs. Harold princess atyle, and carried bou-Christian Science Church. those fuclnatlng, glittering paCk· Barck of St . Paul. Minnesota. The queta of Upt rreen chrysant.be. James R'oyts <Mrs. Hoyt Is the ages ln the store. bride Is a counselor a nd lnstruc· mums and stephanotis. fornaer Mary Tuller Topperl en· I, ._ -. would ........_____ • tor at Orange Coast College, her Their husbands Donald Sch ldt tertalned a visiting celebrity trom ~ ,......, ••=-ii' 1 new husband a partner at Orange and Fred Hilliard, served as ~ Jamaica over.~ "':eek-end. ~ --.. Cout Nursery. man and usher. Also members of -...._ •Y -...r w-The wedding was held at the the wedding party were Mrs. Irvine Coa.st Country Club was ::.at wbat Ia lD a ~ chapel of the First Presbyterian ' James Dougherty and Mlsa Elaine a busy pia~ last week-end. The WMt woa.Jd be .._ • 0\urch 1n Fresno with Rev. A. Muon. who were cendle U b Mike lrvlnes entertained around The theme this year Ia Sa.nta's 111N1110fil-tat.-thaD a lo9eJy ay... Bryce Sldebotham officiating. A and Earl Scott, weddl f :_s. 200 Wends Friday night at a Workshop ... Friday tbe 7th Ia ..U.. fw lDRnDce, lmee dellp reception followed at the bride's ng 50 0 party. and Alpha Phi sorority Children's night ... The klda wlll Ia 1-. aa4 ....-..at.l'f bma· parent's home. . Fresno friends who assisted at held a winter formal dance there enjoy the show '"Mle l'flc:bt Be· ..,.. at U.. bod'oe bat at a. Mtss Campbell chose a white the reception were Mrs. .ftuthl Saturday night. fore Christmas" In aeveral luda _. U... .. ..........,... c.d princess style gown ot la~ and Waterman, Mrs. Edward Owens. A Sunday morning brunch In ... Also a talent shaw ... I've ~ t. d!y1 Of ODa.JM it ,_ net over taffeta of ballerina by and Mrs. Roy Blackburn. A honor of Ruby Stevenson was heard tell that the highlight al ,.._ ..,S. tltc.t. • ayt. length toT her wedding. The special wedding guest w~ Mrs. I given at I CCC by Velma O'Brien the Fashion Show on Saturday _. .mt. tiMT aN __.. br neckline. sleeves and bodice were' Hany Hanten. the rroom s alstE!f' ot Corona del Mar. The occ:a.slon night will be a mink coat for 'P'11 a • too, aa4 ww ....._ ._ edled ln satin and she carried a !rom Fredr ick. Wisconsin. was Mrs. Stevenson's birthday- men that will be modeled . . . Ia aa..t • well • ng1llCII' lace rovered Bible with white Mrs. Campbell received ruests which usually runs too near th~ "Dream Fashions by Santa" they leagt.ll.._.. _. Ia a llllDa, al1ID orchids ed stepha.notls. A la~ In a charcoal ITaY organza dress BPW Christmas Preview and the call the Fashion Show ... See. .... ¥WJI a, .at fw walk-cap trimmed with pearls held her' with turquoise satin suh and I Christmas holidays to get much men. th~~ Is a Santa Claua after .... fingertip veil. shoes and coraap .ot small white notice. The brunch table was set all ... Attend both niJbb lar That box with th U 1 .___ Besides her father. who gave 1 orchids. The rroom 1 mother wore I for ten friends of the honoree. $1.20 ... With door prtz.es trom e IUie u""" the bride away. Miss Campbell's a dlor blue ~pe gown with bead Among those golttng at the all of the 50·odd merchanb who -l can lm&Jine that that has an trimming and silver beads at the club on Sunday morning were are represented with Chrlstmu e-xquisite Saab blouM for me . . . neckline. I the Dr. Jay Rhodes Longleys and booths . Plus a $100 cash one wtth the priceless looking Betsy Fryman Alter a honeymoon In san Mr. and Mrs. John Lleb. of Shore prize . . . band applique detail, and of Francisco and Carmel. the newly· CUffs. course It will be made In the 1 B • d f weds are making their home In • • • * * * lovely no-~n Saabalon nyl~n S r1 e 0 Corona del CMar. The bride Is a Mrs. John Quinby of Orchid that doesn t cllnJ. Of course I d graduate of Fresno State College Ave .. Corona del Mar, Is recov~· .., ~ ................. tMa ..._I ttliall....t .. • IMI tMt .. ~ c.da __ ., be pleased with a lovely nylon w A w • ht and received her masten degree tng from a broken arm. which eeoreette blouae too. with that m • • r19 at UCLA. She wu a member of she suffered recently when she very feminine looklnelaee at the Delta Sigma Epalloll. pt Epsilon. fell In her Uving room. M n. yoke. or a nylon or dacron cbal· In a small tamUy-atWnded Takalon and wu listed In Who's QuinbY's daughters. Mary Lou New from DuBarry Nectar Royal Jelly of the Queen Bee in wondrous liquid-cream So now •~d ao ~~~Royal Nectar by Du.Barry . A IQIC!tous liquid-cream it cootaiaa Royal Jelly-the youth ud beau~ diet of the lons·li.-ed Queea Bee. U~e Royal cctar da_iJy I&Dda-mako-up. A fou.odatioa and akila·~t in one-it combat. creep~ ~Jpt ~ the time it keep. you looking your prdtielt! Royal Nectar ... 15,1850 plua tax Corona del M• Plwa •IGCJ "'TBE ~ IIIAJDIAC1""' .Ute .............. tiMT ..... a~leal-U.. Melt ••• Tbe Z·rwy lllolalJ. tlaat will be Ia fnat .... -bt ...... ,........., Ia .....,.t.., ,_ Ue ceremony Betsy Frances Fryman Wh · of N~ HeJ hts became the o In college. He-husband at · Cordelia Le Mon. were down from IIA.dMw 1171 _ 11.27 &. c-IIWy. 'I1Mit ._.. ._ ••• u.. _.. hrtct. cl WllHa~ A. Wright of te~ded the University ot Mlnne· Apple Valley visiting over tM 1 .. . .. •. .. .. _ aoatala a 90'111 ..., ...., ~ewport He1Jhts. The recent fall so a. week·end. ' ~~~~~~~1 .. 7Ja ... fi: •.. , ... IIJ.-.;lk .,... •.. all 8111 te .. • .. caemony wu performed ln the ~·s .._I di'J'J .. Jfewport Rarboc Lutheran CbUJ'Ch au...p yoar ~of aanm.ae Ieaia ... Ia ..... MIN br tile Oa r c.urty 'I'UeraiJoiU ......... A-. ...... AIId .. .,...,.. .. ....... wW be ..... rlllat .. -w e~Pt .. ._. ..- tlaoatll .. wW .. ~ ba ..... JlaU • • ......-..., wtth the Jln. Robert Gronlund Y..r'a •;a; at. • .. ..: rec:ttiJ\1 the double ring rites. .JL a.r-..... n. 8llll c-•.-The bride Js the c:laulbter ot ?t" It ..ty). Alld a .... lie._.. Mr. and 1l!n. Clytl~ A. Rosa of ............ -.... ................. ~. ---··· ........ , -~ ~ . .. -.:.-.:"~~ z• .. !Q0.4c<• <•0.41~ 4.4l0.4i0.4c zi4:4!ila ... lit..,i ~---. * * * te dKide whlda ..._.. N DIQ'tml, Ohlo.llls. ao. was here ..... flad Ia ., a 2 1 for the .ceremony and was her llrr tlae ••• .-..... dauchter's onJy attendant. 'lbe .atia wltla U.. I,, 5 1 .,_s'a father Ia Wllllam Wright ....... draped 2 2 • .. .. al Slrnta Ana. craWte tift oe -• -.. ltandbla up with the groom a.. ...._ tafl• ... ....._ wultd Set. Arthur Courteau of or course the nicest tradJtlon .._ -raa aet *Of .._ camp P'Mctleton. Al80 present 1 can think of would be for every-willa ..atclala9 taftet. ClpiOD were tbe rroom'a father and his body to do all of their Chrtatmu sflla.......a.. blmt"9 Nd ftl~ brother and slster ·ln-law, Mr. Shopptne at you know which a. atart11D9 ... Jald taffeta and Mrs. Orley Wright o! Orange. market . . . Thla year we have triiD..a willa ..,.1&. The bride wore a grey suit with the beachlest • lookJng maUIQC To make )'OUJ' heel danoe, your white hat and gloves and black cartons for our fruit packs that feet ~ BIB ~ auce. come accessories for her wedding. She ever broueht a ray of sunshine to O'Biti'P.:N"S for PAIV dre&SH-wore a white orchld corsage. Her through the eastern snowa or the and C'ttrbtmu eesnts. mother also wore a grey sult and northern drizzles . . . Complete pr a corsage o! pink gladioli. wtth palm trees buklnl In the Alter a h oneymoon at Sacra· ocean breezes, lazy aaU boats and mento. the couple are making a eaJ water akllnr ... We cllt their home at 547 Allso Ave .. wrap, we deliver. we mall . . . Newport Belgbts. All of our cttt packs are eathered toptheor In the front lobby for concentrated bl'owslng ... Every- thing ln the food llne from a complete dinner with turkey a.nd all the tlxlnp to a jar of jelly In a cracker bUilt~ * * * ~ flw.lt ..... .. .. d ........... .. .-..a ........... 0.. .... ..... ., .,. --. ......, Gil ... IIIIIDet .......... -· ay .... trait .... d -·= ... ... .,..., ............. ,.. ..... ~ ........... . , lllrr ......... ,....... .. ... ,.... ............ ...... ....... 111• .-a ..... ................... ................... ..... -c::~wt~•• .I ..... * * * aaAIIDKOiW AGADI Mrs. Stefano Thrre of 223 Agate Ave .• Balboa lsland. rea!ntly be- came a grandmother for the Uth time. Tbe baby Jirl, named Bar· bara ltqtna. 1a the ftfth chlld of her eon and h1a wtfe. Mr. and Mn. Jack 1'orre. who Uve Jn CbJoo. TOYS -TOYS -TOYS for CHRISTMAS IELEGllll * Ill Fll YILI .. E .r -I• ()De TieDt GiftD With Each 50c Purchc.e ••• WE FEATUBE: GINNY, ftRRLID DDmT. SBUJ:O. PLAftaiOOL, VOlT , LAY-AWAY fLAil * gan1R a_"See Corona del Mar S~~S fl' Pharmacy ... for Gifts, Cards. Decorations!"* ~ A Distinctive ond Useful Christmcn Gift f'Of' only $1.75 .... ~········· ... ---. ·-~ friends ond IOYed ones will opptedo .. • • ~ this combination DAit Y CAlENDAR wi1t1 handy pockets to ke.p o supply ol HaUiftar\ for the dcry lh.y1l be needed. . ~ . * . ~ ... Gift ....... ~.ctMn of l7 .... _.~ ..... , .. , -.•• .....-$$.00 ...._ for $3.75. Y•11 WOIIIt -fw ,_ pw 1 rt -. too. * * * * * . ... ~ ·.: --~·-~···~~··r -~·-~··: (y ...... '·-·of!. .;~:-... , . -.... . .. ~···· .... ; .. 'C\ : •" ..... ,, -~ . . "~-. \ ... ~ :·....,. lftCIAI.I co~a~rtdrrn••~~~•• -. u.tat. Clteg. 88cl 67 ..... .. a..._....., VL Ass , .. ---·-· C * ', ,.,., .•.. ....... ,:; -. ' .. ___,. •••'•AB ....... .. .... 11.511 IGUI~~ ·--· *( ...... ... .. ••ll•r ..... ·-··· Christmas Cords imprinted with ,_ ......... ... tlty4Meof ..... ..... carch. There ore fllleflly thefMt.. too. religiovs. ,..._ tionol Oftd ~. COliN 1ft eorty 10 that ~ CGfll .... leisurely eelect yovt ctwt.t • .... CCifdl ......,_ ... "-"-· SIMI Ji.-Chritt••' Cer4 ...... l!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!~ .. !!L~ I .. I ...... · Sailor Quint ' '• 11 .,. ...... Wins a Thriller Coacb J:m11 "....... ... ...... ,.. ........... kbool ..... , • ketball tam wiD ~ to UtMll .... wUJ • ..., ... to R1vealde tomocJow afternoon atwnlde tomorrow nlaht (f'rl. OGI1 ua t1 tile &wpwt &arbor wu elec:tH eetfttaly and Ma. (J'rlday) to malle • bid far tiMU day) oa tiM 'hn home court. 4 Ci .a t1 a.~ tar 1117,... Clara Kolli~Miedt. treuu.rer. third con..euttw vtctcry. Game eo.c:t. 1..-a..-'• boopRen wtU ....._. ..._ tbe aaaaal -..t· n. oouDdl'a new ome-n. wW time Ia 1:00 p.a:L be 11 e-,.. tMir eecond v1etcwy ot .._ Ill •!W~Na lalud Jleda. be tutala.d at a dinner meetln1 The .._ routecJ St. Antbon)' tbe -•n . ... aa...e.. Tueeday enntQa. Jan. 22, at tbe 7•·'75 Tueedq att.emooD. FonUue 11M 'hn dumped St. Antho._, ••• ..... .... 8dwift Goaab, put« Corona del Mar Con,ecaUonaJ cot red bot and buelcatM 21 s.sa In • t1lrt1ler 'nlelda1 .,... vI . a mar. In a .. tl tile a.-a del Mar Ooaunwa. Cburd:L polnta. Cary PSeUna dropped lD nocJil. Slx·foote' Jeny Iempel' ~ ..,. a. ..... eJacted ,.....~ 18 polnta. lead tb• IC.'OI'ina honon wtth 11 b ~= .... a.v. Donald .... pal• , ... I ..... .. Coach Neeme'a ftve .Upped polnU. JGiul Benrot.IA dropped In Reservat·.ons Now Har or 3930 ._ tl tiM lalboa lllaa4 Com-lccuen put Exc:eUJcll' 55·52 Prlday after. 12 poiDta and Ed Pope and Gary -• • • · •• ..._ CINueb. •u ~ .-.. noon. ronuue made •n amaztna Greft Mda bad u WEDNESDAY DE~ 12th J1 11•L lh. IIIJdled W'rllllt .. lllfll , ... ,. 21 ~.~ =~ tn an Tbe Tan dropped tbeJr eecond 1 \J. fall.,II.,W..,W..Jtall!.iltd_erc Mr. and Mra. Georre Yardley ;,~:· ~~:~ ~~: ::"a': :!er::,~~~ ~ Pr .. ntecl St. lllfCeJved news yeaterday that wtth 9 potnta. Tbe .core wu Ued ~d Cary GNen paced tbe loeen through the eo-operational the ViDa Marina. Vema MIDer n... ...... _. fly ... twin dau1htera wer, born Tues· at 28·all at the end ot reauJaUon with 10 potnta each. and the lollowiDg cll8dac:ttYe llhopa. ....... Ill• day to their eon and daughter·ln· playtnc time 'nle lV team Cldced out St. An· LOD~ Ve--~~~--School of,.,__ law, the George Yardleya Jr .. In · thony 42·33 Tuellday afternoon, .nn~ ·-~ ii-~--IXK--'-'UUDIII tJI!!!!!....-J..I! Park VIew Memorial Hoepltal, W .._ I u Eu,ene Bryant racked up 10 204 Marine Avenue Commentary-fashion ~odela Jll .. ;>p&C4 Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The twlna. ... II .u~J 11'1 poJnta fM the Tara. The IV'• Balboa Island 307 N. Broadway, Sanla Ana who weighed ln at 5 pounds. 3 Kenneth Ru.ell and family subdu~ Euebior 4.2·24 Friday. THE rD auCES NORTON SHOP. 213 N. Broadway, Santa Ana ~-~ ..... Jl! ounces. and 6 pounds. 1 ounce, have arrived In Newport Beech. Dan Pierce took top acorlne ~ nnA't' , have a sister. 19·month·old Marl· from Honolulu, T.H. 'I'bey are honors with 12 potnta. Luncheon from 12:00 Noon I lynBask. etball playlna Geo,....e a staying, for the prese~t. at 1704 GIIIL ro• 'l'llK AUEJITNWEWif • ·• ' . w Ocean Front. The Ruudla are Mr. and Mrs. Albert ew 0 'R-:...1 -Dri M • A rr-Bal Llcmd) high-scoring star for the Ft. l~klng for a h<KUe 80 tbey c:an 1402% w. Ocean Front. Balboa. w r..;u. "ye at Cll'lDe y e. \MUtrance.boa • Wayne Pistons. was away at AJ. b«ome permanent resJdenta ol have a new daughter. born Tues· Newport Beach bany on the day the twins ar· tht. city day Nov. :n at Hoag Hospital. rived. The Pistons lost 97·96 In an · • • overtime game with Syracuse, and maybe the twins can be ~ blamed for that. The junior Yardleys formerly Jived In Corona del Mar. and now call Anaheim their home when George Isn't playing for the Pistons. The former Harbor High Gin •HOP WHEN YOU and Stanford star Is an engineer -e e • for Robertshaw.Fulton In Ana· Z:~~ between basketball sea· GO TO THE MARiln! . S4 ...... ,.....~,~ ........ ...,.> .. ,.....,_,... It...,.,... .. ~ ........ ,~ ~ Calderhead's Jewelry 3123 E. Coaat Bwy., C. D. M. Read Ensign Classified Ads. KanD ICCD91etG iD.S ... J'O'I OPEl IIUSE Friday, Dec. 7 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. THE UGHTS CO ON IN CORONA DEL MAR'S COLD AND WHITE CHRISTMAS DECOR Gltts !rom all over the world and demonstrations Befreshmeata Come and have a tine evening with us: SWEDISH CRYSTAL. DANISH CHINA, STAINLESS STEEL. CARDS 2653 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Phone: Harbor 1373 Open Eves. '"nl Christmas Sundays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. MfOTHER VISIT TO MONA TALBOT"S Additional Cbri.tmaa gift idee-= Pictured above Ia a "Dream Puff" wall tree. We have white with red balls and gold beads; also plnk with aold balls and aold beads. Dream puff matching hanglne ornamenta; nqulalte n1lon n~ Christmas trees. Oh Yes. thoee ... out of tht. world' pink "Dream PUff" center/Ieee. l&lld candle holders deu>rat.ed with pearla and aot balla! The latest arrival In tht. distinctive mirror shop -a hanclaome cuaom framed minor and match.lng eoiUOie table -four brandt polydtrome mlrTOI'ed eeonce. Allo tba.e beauutul llfe·llke Cberube. JfO OI:DEaS TAD:lf AP1'D DJ!CD111ER 1 D iscover Richard's Home and Gift Shop . . . today There's a veribble treasure-trove of giftJbles at the top of tbe sb.ircase in Richard's Udo Marttet! YCK~'II find Christmas sboppit\& is simple indeed, when lift list and rrocery Jist can be filled at one place. We'n gift· wrap for Santa and even handle mailing, if you ~ke. • • plain or fancy ••• gifts to please "hims" or "hers" with homes for the bar ... a fabulous collectJon of a1asses, lncludina Belford Hand Etched Bar Glass .•• atl sorts of blr gadgets and accessories. A complete selectlon of Westmoreland Milk Glass, Blenko Hlndblown Artware, unusual hostess pieces. Everythlna for the kJtchen •.. from gadaets to pots and pans to Sunbum small appliances. And a deligtrtfulassort.Jnent of costume jewelry by Renoir and Matisse ••. just for exampfe. Hallmark cards, gift wraps YCMI1 lnd II the Httle .. utra,. 1het ~ Chr1nMI atr......, ... '-oul Haftrnln cards and Iff\ ...... plus I ... rful tmi'J of holdly dlcorltiMtl NA 1M tr ..... for the tMe .t tree • • • I ..... ...., fl OfMIMitl. ,.,., ,q 111111, • IIIWp • • .. --~ ___ ...........,_._ OCC Cagers Talks Slated on Unjfication .... Score 2 W •lnS A m.t:Jnr to d.t.c:u.e the IM*l· Newport Beach and eo.ta Mea ble unWeat:lon o1 the Hewpon ~ool di.Rrlcta. • 3-bedroom and dim home Coadl Stu lnmu'1 Oranae lleadl and eo.ta Meaa xt1oo1 db-The Newport Beach ~ Cout CGUep ca,_. ~ ott trtco wUl be laeld Tbu.nclay Indicated th.U d.l.aapprovaJ ol e m-d double cara~e Clencla» fJJ4ay flllbt bf a eeore nllht. 1u. 10. at tbe Jf.wport unlneatlon lut Match by dUne of 73..et. Dlftay J'lbpetrtek, the 8u'bof u..-llllb lcbool. theM dlaadvantac-: • 45-ft. Jt.2 lot team'• JeaciJna ~.dropped In The H.wport J1Meb aem,n. 1. A ..noua loa ln educational 18 polnta for tbe Ptrata. tary School 1)s.trsct Board ot advantaaee to the cbUdten bf The OCC fJn downed Lonr 'J'rullteee at tho JnMtJna Tuelday Newport Beac:b. • nJce atreet leach City C.OU..e 75-• 1\lee. nlfbt. ... JA&onDed o1 tbe 2. A llfllllleant 1ncreue In the day. nlcbt. Denny l'ttzpatrick meettna by a Jeu. trom Rlfh educational taxee to the t.a.x- apln JPIU'ked b&. tam'• vldary School Supt. Sidney Davlct.on. payera ot Newport Beach. wltb a total ol » Bou4a anc1 lkapertnC...denu ot .... :e~ eo:-ea:~ ~oo~~ I .. L11111 ObMrva.nae of National look lnvtt.ed to the IDMt.lnl tor "fur-Meaan, newly a.rrlved dauchter Very Jood terms at teO per month Jti!ALTO& 6 ll'fSULUfCE Week II contin\dna In l'fewport ther dt.euulon of .unl.ftcation ot ot Mr. and Mn. J'randa (Pat) Beach thl• week, and the public IIChool da.t.rlctl." Waldron or 'f\5 Poppy A.Wt., Co- la Invited to Vlllt tbe loc:aJ 11· The unlllcataon ptopONl orlet· rona del Mar. wu born Monday, brarlee. !few boob are on dlJ. nated In J'ebruar)' when the Coe-Nov. ~. at Hoaa ROIIPital. Me- play at the maJn llbrary 1n BaJ-ta Meea Board ot Tru.lteea pet~. can, who welcbed 7 pounda, bu boa and the branch ln Corona Uoned the Oran,. County Com· two brotben, Donn. 18. and Mike, JVAI'f W. J:IUIARDT, del Mar. Spec:JaJ bookleta With mlttee on Scllool Dlltrlet OrcanJ· 10. Mr. Waldron II a real estate ~ate 250 book tltla tor cbtldren are zatlon to formulate p1ana and brokft at Waldron ae.lt)', BaJ. 3333 E. c.t. Bwy. Corona deJ Mar available. I recomm.endatlona for unJty ot the boa llland. Harbor 2422 ~16l-.:ffl•.~t~•.~t~• .. ••llll•.••·'•'•·•!iii•,..•·•ll!!ttle•.~t~ll!!fii!'!Qal'.!lia_. ________ _ REITIU: Balboa Island. yearly rental. furnished, Bayfront. 1· bdrrn .. $100 roo. Bayfront, 2-bdrm., view and aundeck. $125 mo. WIUROI RULTY HArbor 3344 308 Marlnt-Ave., Balboa l.aland SIGlE CUFFS PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL! $1l.liG ....... W1te t. $IUD Panoramic VIew lot on Morn- Ing canyon , Rd. 120.000 Includ• haircut and reconditioning treatment Telephone HArbor 2187 • • • REALTORS 30th It Newport Blvd. Harbor 1600--eves. Harbor 4344 ·1 GIVE A CURTIS GIFT PACK The mom talked about of all ChrinDaa ...-nta! It'a the gift tbat am be enjoyed by the entire lamlly. NIL ALBACORE ill the apeecH.t GDd greate.t game &.b booked by California tiaher- men. He J. "'most a 111~ • Mr. Saata Claua hlmMH. We o8er two pacb ... Mildly Smobcl cmd Natural f'11noao. Ylae ........ meat Ia Pl'llln ed m 7-GUDC:e ccma by a unique poe•• 8CieDtitlc:aDr •••loped .. tldl ...-dal padr ••• ~ly gift boxed. wa WILL GLADLY JIAD YOGa IID::Pidllll AI I'OLI.DWI1 , Ordet b Your Efti'Y Gift Meed Mow! ..C...PeGl ........ AIMw ll..C. , .. ~ ,.,_ 6-CM P ... ~AMr I $1.11 .... o.. ..... Ia ... V.a.&. PM .... ··----------------------~ To W..e.na Ccm!'M'I Co.. Hewpwt ~ Calif. For Owlat;;w Arrival 0 At Once 0 ---.. --·--0111 r I -.e.. ,_.ltehmal ~ _, .. _ ...... _._, __ Qtft ... lJ.c. .... JtetwaJ n..w --·-·-.. -· .... ·---·Gift • ... t-CIIa .... 11114 ....... ,..._ TohNMe~a-'••att....,_ .. ~ •• ~~ .. ,., .... fw '·-----· -·---. 0 S..Y.,.Sfftc.N ~ ____ ..__ .............. ____ .._ __ __,~---_...- Tbla la no ex.ae&enUon. We have a 2-atory. 3-bedroom, 2- bath.s, a 2· bdnn. apartme t plus 2 addJtlonaJ bedrooma wtth bath .•. partially fur- nished, on BALBOA ISLAND. And best ot all-tor only ... ... See It today! • ISUII IEALn CO. 498 Park. Balboa llland BA m --------------------- CROWNIJfG 1956 BARGAINS 5 acres Industrial comer-promJ. nent. rlaht downtown, thla 330'x660' Is priced ~ low that making a profit la c:ertaln. $52,· 500 with some terms. • • • 4%% INTEREST Wall·to·waU carpet:lnc throu~h­ out. 3 lae. alry cheerful bdrm.s., ball and Jlvin& room. ftedeoo . rated kitchen with electric ran~e. landscaped and fenced. $950, or maybe less. will move you into this FHA financed and constructed home . .All lm· prove.ments are In and paJd. • • • SOUD Acre with home. gara~e It barn Favorabel zoning action thruout neighborhood. Assures added value. $6.000 dn.. lmmed. pos. aaowY. D..,...a t. •• aaww .,..,. • •' b L • VOGEl VALUE -~~~... ~· IIY • TIE YEIII Lara~ 2·bedroom ra.ncb home. 12'd8' Uvtn1 room aad full ranch poreh acrou front. Beamed ceurnp. All room. larre. 60'xll8' lot. New 24'JC30' bloclc 1aratte ready for apt. over; plana lnc::luded. Owner uys "Reduce price to $16,500.00 and aell thla month!" The 2 Iota alone • are worth $11,000. LET'S TillE • We have a nice 3-bedroom. corner home on one of tbe , best ltreeta In town. R-2 lot. Room to buUd another unit. Encloeed paUo. Beautllul tlaptone fireplace. Total price $22,500. Owner wW sell or trade for smaller 2·bed.room home. THE VOGEL CO. :1667 !!. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar BA: 17U; HA: CTm An outsta.ndlnc year-round home-Lar~t-Uvlnc room with aJidln~ alau doors. Dlnin~ room. ~n. wet bar, muter bedroom with fireplace, bath and extra ward- robes. Three addJUonal bedrooms with bath&. Sunny kJtchen. loads ot eupboards. breaJdast nook. le'f'VIce porch, oversize furnace. Two-car garace with hobby room. ~n or maid's room overJaraae-rouched ln. Complet.ely a nd lavishly fumi.sh lncludinar five 'IV sets. HI-FI In all rooms. Owner wUI acoeP.~ smaller home In exchance tor Balboa Island or BolllnC HUla. Full price $115,000. For further details or appointment to Sft thla lovely homr. call Mr. Boynton at HArbor 17'76 or t-venJnp at HArbor 2878. 225 Marine Ave . Balboa Island HArbor 1776 ~Jon given. 3 bdrms~ dinJn~ -----------------------room. breakfast room. ~ porch. •lee. ranrt-~ tJJt"d sink. fireplace. Possibilities from aU ~n,!~ t•Jlld 11 units. ~11 ocr lots. etc .. etc. • • • NEWPORT BLVD. 3-way corner. tremendous visual advertising possible tree. 6 rooms up to min. dwelling. OU street parking area. Location and home would convert into Idea] office with living quar· t~rs. You will never find a better one-$20,000 with ar- rangeable terms. • • • 3 FOR 1 $22.500 with terms. LeaSt"d build lng and 2 ren ted dwellings on , ll'Cf'e, Newport BJvd_ not t, developed. Some remodelling Should make all rentals rom mercia! & Increase the preSE'nt $185 monthly incume. • • • MO:-ITHL Y I~C'OME 8 units. 8 garages and checks a month 2 laundry rooms rl!'('('nt ly rompleted. Downtov.-n. Will show better than torr lr rents now are most modest. $42.000 Submit on payment. lrMPC.IIIPre,ll'llll 1857 Newport Ave~ Costa Mea U 8-1632; U R-1400 eves. OFFICE FOR REIT SEE MR. CASEY 2721 E. Coast Hl&hway. C'DM HArbor 0846 WIIEII am• 11 IFI''• PIIPEIR IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH A Entrust your rea 1 e 1 tate transactlou to a REAL TOR. He II traJ.ned in hJs protee. alon. kDowa values, financ- ln£ and 1s bound to lft'W you f'tbleally, hoDat1y and cowteoual.)'. U:.U.TORS are ~ben ot a national «· pnlzation confe11111Jq to a riald code ol et.hJcs. • 3 bedroom&. 11., baths: 2 years old; beautltul front yard. Sacrif ice at $11.900 fumlshed. IIIVESTIIS' SPECIAL 58 foot on Harbor Blvd. near 19th. Best businHS loca- tion lett In town. Glad to show you. M·l LEASE M 1 ACREAGE MORE. OF COURSE IW W. PIPE, lultlr It ASSOCIATES 1~ Harbor Bh·d. C'o,-ta Mesa. U 8-1142 IIIDUICIII the opening oC a new oUice ALBEIT E. Dl noll, Rea.._ and I rs. Brace D•JIH SPEC'1AUZING lN RE:-.'TALS. SALES. PROPER1T MA NAGEMENT ON BALBOA ISLAND •·we·d like to say ·hello' to old friends and wiU appre- C'Iatc making the acquaintance of new friends. We are looking forward to st'rvlng you from our new office at 320 lariH ln., a.ea 111114, Hlrlttr 4--•-z" 1/1 COlE TD SEE OUR CHIISTIAS TREE Thc-n rom<' inc;id£• and S('(' our Holiday S(><'<'iaJ!' just mt':tnt for you 1 Shorr C'liCf c; lo\'cllc-st 2 bdrm .. den. !aMI and hu~t tropklll patio Oct-an a nd canyon ,·u~" Ju-.t rrou<'t"d for q ulrk ... a II' z RrAnd ni'W l'rovlnl"llll b(>auty !'outh or tlwy 3 heft T'fJOm!l. 2 b~tths. llll·elt'ctrlc. twill In kltcht'n. PTI<'t"d right and tffms IMCS than rent 3 Itoml' and lnromt' on qult>t rorn<'r Spaclou" 2 ~­ room hous.-plus !Iunny two bedroom apt with sun- d('('k. ~ 520 Orchid-Open dally 'til 80ld. 1·4 p.m. 4 0<-c-an and sh~ vlt:'W In exclusive Th~ Arch Bay. · 3 be-drooms.. 2 baths.. shake root. ProvlnclaJ luxury at a down-to-earth price UY I lEI. IEALn, IIC., IULT .. 3530 E Coast Hlehwa.y. HArbor 5563 CORONA DEL MAR 111& .. 111~ ••••• .. ~~~~· • !!!:"*!! !'1!!!! ! !!!! !!! : !!· ~!!! ..... Song_ Brokers to Entertain At Ebell Club . Tinsel Tea' ....r~ ,.. "Soft' ...... " • ma~w ww1am 'hitt anc1 Mn. Fom.t ·~m~~~ :.n~=~~fUM, Alltndllr,.,....,bflltheSenl« A =~t·~ ,. .... ••''lEI PO ~~~~~-----,iam fw tJM Decem._ PI'O· 1M lun.l« CJube, wtll ~de a.dJo..., ftODe aM Cul7· 4 IWM ,_._ -~ ~ an B Elam WAin' Al)l WAnD 10 ~ Club meetlna d Dell fllller tbe tee table, tDa cu. Opda"'t ....._ , -el all. a .. .:~a~d ~~-II&HKJ:D l:lfOL8 cou_.• mu tea beln an annual aut.t. Mft~Mn have ben ubd to ... .._ • •• ..._ an .._..;b s:;t; 11lme 2 Times 3 Times to ....,.. ............. ,_.,. noon ~unct~>~~~ brtba blanbbt and canned roo6l ....-w• a... to --. ttoaa. tbe CON. 20 words or less 75 1 25 1 50 CDM ..._ n .,.... 1Aa1on Clubboue tn Newport. : ~ Ropl and Navajo In· " U ...., :.:<:.~~ = 2~ to 30 words 1:00 1:so 2:00 au WAftD ev!:~ of'": .:'1u~n..:ra::!• ·~=~h~V~~~d~~atfta~!!Ba.p~tor!!!:tta~~!pa~tt.nta.~Lona~~=-=::;:..._===IIIIL=::=a....::;:=•::•::rr~ II 0 D K '-tiM, lovely uwe 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 WOULD LID! nJc:e mJd4le . lor clubla. UnunaJ Cbn.tmu dec--DIW.!!l_ an• tJae ..,.. popular Ea h --2 40 03 woman to llve tn an4 eare oratJGM are featured and ttult CBOM!ii liODEL for tbe tradl· c wom over . . .OS .07 3 mW.l ,Ula and do hou.e· cakea are dlap~ before the Uoaaltaomea. AU have 2 man· Cash raust be received wifun 7 days of first insertion work IGr Wlftlna widow. Room Pl'OIJ'&m. In dlarae ue Mn. 'Ua1 ~and foot-pedals. and board p~Uwa.-ua. Oeorp Hoopft and Kra. RJChard PQ~Mftta ltart u little u ~ THIS S1Zil clulllled ad In tbe lOIII fill -·lOIII Jti Holder. IDODth. we dellwr tor Chrlat· Enaip eotda only ~ for A,...._... _. .. 4. IMII7 amc. llernbels of the featured atna· 1D&L S c B Ml D T • PHD.LIPS three tnaerUoM. Call ,.,_, u.o .....,.aruta and do-Ina aroup of the afternoon are I'IAftOS • o.GAJifS. a> No. ada to Harbor Ulf. lD your IIMIItks ll.aQ1 Job1 for qualified ~~<!e Badpr lr., Arthur Me-Mala. Santa Ana. ..... (..., 11 ..,..) -..u.uodl.. lalln KC* and Arthur 1-. 0' · 1uae r.nv llmpL ~. Bradley. After the ~ Mrs. ~ MEIUUTl' range roa IJU.& II&AL aT Aft & a:DTAU «DI4 ::.. ~ ~auto.dll~ GENUINE AN'nQUE 'i u • alan 2 Dad a. lf.wport ..,IW tit ISk.JC M• .. G Wq. Paid.,;;: to it.e.:.7~ samovar; bouabt In Jerusalem; :~.:..,fro~~~ 111111 Pin IIIII PI~~~~: ~!tge ._..payment Pay onlY SS.63 $1.25. CWitom made love aeat. blodt llttflll'l dlllbtel 32l·C a.. of Newport Beac:A ..,. w• ~ ,_ montb. Alao Callen a: Sat· ~~~ ~o~~U:::U~~ Marauertte, CDitl. £CCIIJ pobJJc heartn&' on .. ._..Uon t1er 19ei8 ranp. Bta a wtth world tour; antique Japanese PlffiiAft 0Jt1C1B Wi1l jllone Top Job~ 1leldL ol R. B. and Clad}lll.. lfca.. fOit ptddla. Paid down to $138.08 brocades; Chinese Jlnen.s; erya. anawertnt terlloe. 'Sec:lle\&ry a: )l'"e and Women a variance. No. a. to permit: Ko down payment If you pa.y tal chaJn, fire opal pendant. notary avallable. Grouncl Flr.. uo Tu.ltln-Mewport Beach An encroachment~ two (2) reet c=s~:O~: Cameo. etc., etc. HA 1046. CDM. new 'trident Blda .. DJO New-... (aero. from All-American Into a required flont Yard aet- ..---W. 1-.. St.. ,.__._ C H R IS T M A S TREATS. Clve ~ BlVd, Jfewport Beadl. parJdnJ lot) lbaek ot twenty (~) feet to aJ. ~ -, .... ....,... (Adjacent to So~ CoaJt Co ) aw for extension of aaraa-e on x-_ 1 Wodl .-of van•a allJbtly u8ed Electronic plano, omce. ft'om $30.00. SemJ.p,.i. Ill L S Lot 14. Tract 121& 725 St. J~n Bowt.lal AIJe7. Store houn: $295. Beautltul tone, never need vate deak ~ 125-00. BAr· Road. IICIIL.·ftt.. t--1: Sat, 9-6; Sun., tunfnJ, fold llke aultca.se w1th bor 3028. Notice Is hereby fUrther .Mven 11 5. 1.1 8-3181 only 85 lbs. we have 2 only ... ,.. th t aaJd bll h •• • . Schmldt·Phltllps, 520 N M 1 FURNISHED A.PT.-No chlldren; a pu c earing will be CIIILD'S DESI-It.oll top, maple Saata .Ana o. an, no pet.a. 610 Marauertte, CDM. held on the 20th day of Decem· and _...~t ehalr Llk . VI ·-,.____. .. an .. Pro t1 ber. 1956, at the hour of 7:30 · · _,,..,. · e new. ELEC. C. E. STOVE-:14" with £'l'f IU"" &.,. '"vw'" u mo ona p.m . In tl1.e Council Chambers' of eo.t p , Will •U for $15. BA auto. t1mer, llghts. push but· -r.:o=~~wv:;.an ranae have created opentnp the Newport Beach City Hall at Ml&, 10 a .m. to 5:30 p.m . ton. Used 17 months. Excellent rt • I room; which time and place any ~nd 2 BUNJ[ BEDS, sprtna. mattrea, condltlon. $100. HE 4·913:S, Long P v_ate ~ock108 or declca; car· for all persona Interested may ap· ladder (1 dama,ed); $10. Iron Beach. a,e, one to beadl.· lfew. T 1 L .._ pear and be heard thereon In&' board $U50; new dOl bou.ee HOUSEFUL FURNmJRE -Jn . ~-s!':i,. l-.e. 3Sl.O Seaview. •lfxlll .... lllrl RAY Y. COPELIN. SlO. 703 Goldenrod CDM. eludes for ltv. room beautlful · Secretary, Newport Beach City OUR C REATE s T CHRISTMAS sola-bed divan and chair; 2 ~~AL OR BUSilfESS Full Pay u You Learn Planning Commission. TREATS, Stelnway Grand mag· lamps; 2 step end tables and ~ E ~ 8 Blrtdl~ Bld&'.. Pnquent 1ner.ue. niflcent condition most beaut!· coffee table; 5 pc. dining room bor 1535. wy., M. BAr· Pleuant OftiCH tul cue. can be bouJ}tt on 3 group and complete bedroom ~;M;;~:7--;-;;;====:::---yra. time. Muon 6: Hamlin group. Only been stored. Paid 2 BEDRM. tmFURNISHED apt. -Apply- Sptnrt aave $400 the world's down to $292.32. Cash or PB.Y La.rtre Uvtnl room. South of 8:30 to 4:30 very finest spinet. Another payments of $3.11 per week. RJghway, CDM. Adulta. No 112 West Tblrd wondft'ful buy a Knabe Spinet BAUGHN'S FURNm1RE WARE· peb. 315 Larkspur, CDM. HA Santa An Jlke new save $279. Lovely HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. Costa 2402-W. a Baby Grand In light tlnlsh Mesa. 1 block west of Van FOR QUICK SALE-Attractive 3 IUVJCE.S $575. Ebony grand only $487. Bowling Alley. Store hours: bedroom home. Excellent neigh · ------------ 10 others from $495 to $3075. Mon.-Fri., 9-9; Sal, 9·6; Sun., borhood, East Costa Mesa. Wall COMPLETE PAINTING Up to 3 years to pay. SCHMIDT· 11·5. LI 8-3186. to wall carpeting< large llvtng PAPER HANGING SERVICE PHILLIPS Pianos 6: Organs. es-LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN and room with ttrepla<!e; pat1o with HA 2976 established 1914. 520 No. Main. track on plywood base. Excel-bar-b -que and fll"eplace. Terms Sam 1 __ ,__., •-Santa Ana. lent condition. HA 1106 after and C. I. financing. LI 8·5192. P e ~-uon "' your home. COMPLETE MAPLE household. Saturday. Owner. EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS JncJudlng 5 pc. din. rm. aroup; SEASONAL TKAILE1l PARK ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED 500 31st Street. Newport Beaeh complete llv. rm.; sofa. bed dl· Show:tng a good profit -at house. Rear, with private patio. . . . van and chair; 2 lamps; 2 end less than replacement cost. CDM. Also furnlahed bachelor Pcnnting -Decorating tables; coffee table; complete Why work all year when you apt. t~SS. Incl. utiJitle.. Inquire PA.PER HANGING bedrm. group with box springs can make it In 6 mos. Small 500 Jasmine. CDM. After 5:30 GEORGE BURKHARDT lfOTIC. OP nm.JC DAIIDfG Notice Is hereby Jlven that the Planning Commlaslon of the ctty of Newport Beach will hold a publle hearing on the appltcatJon of Stuart Babcock for a varlance. No. 329. to permJt: An encroach- ment of Z 6" Into front yard aet· back to allow for extensJon of eave overhang only. on Lot 889 and ~ of 888. Tract 907. 213 VIa Udo Soud. Notice Is hereby further Jlven that said public bearing wUl be held on the 20th day of Decero· ber, 1956. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and plac• any and all persona Interested may ap. pear and be beard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, IOONIR Tllost W. t1 the fabn witll sound business and JO~ drt• Mlt-lti•e Safety. ..... adtinl trMI.Iducl-....... how tiGR for ,_ *• • old Ills If It yow money ... CGftlfort. Ma-J. ....... ... ,.. It is eamina • pitiful ..uw • ..,... • 2 or 2~ percent That's st.t .Will these *-tftOUIII to dlscour•1• any c:o1nt true. .,.... Mlr. Give it a chance You'll be surprised how to sllow you how much more your MOMJ IMested in our it Cll1 fllllle for you by open- HIIh Dividend Slvinp Plln ina an ICCOant with • HOW. exptditn surer tnd faster Conte in person or just mail realizatlon-U 1rows and in rour money-your Pass 1rows and trows. Book to "Drums Come True" We know ltow to make will be sent you immediately. lnOMJ won lwdtr to urn w _, ••,•• 11J 111 men. so wt Cln Pl1 you the 111' tf tilt llltltll tarn hlplst returns consistent frt• ... 1st NIWPOU •aUOA IAYI.GI AND lOAN ASSOCIATION P.A. P ALMBR, PmiM.I {" 20 ,YtllrJ it1 NIW,OIT IIACH, CALIPOINIA 3366 VIA LIDO • TILI,MONI HAIIOI 4200 Ctlfo•• lll MM 01/itl • 2407 &.11 co.JI Hithfll., and mattress. Paid down to down-small payments. HA 6974. Ueenaed Contractor $488.94. Cash or pay payments KI. 2·1825 Kl. 5·4048 eves. 2 BEDRM. 6: DEN APr. untum. 1897 Oranp Ave. eo.ta Mesa of S4.31 per week. CHRISTMAS TREATS S l w/ltove, patio. BBQ. rarage. • .-..-BAUGHN'S FURNITURE WAllE· · ever a fireplace. 185. mo. Year 'round. __ ...,. - ~.N~BeacbCity ~--~~~~~~~~~----~------~~------~ Plannlne CommJ•Ion. used Spinet pianos $359. $425, -----,.------- HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. C08ta S495 and many others, rent re· 612~ Goldenrod, CDM. Ph. ...... ..... Mesa. 1 block west of Van's turns. trade-Ins, repossessions, Ryaelnth 2-5«73 San Clemente. .-&W WW Bowling Alley. Store boun: closing them out for balance Mon.-Fri .• 9-9; Sat., 9·6; Sun., due, most all like new. terms .... 1111 IPTS. 11-5. LI. 8 -3186. like rent. some Maple, Blond. BURROWS POOL TABLE with French Provincial. Mahogany, W~~L~ MONTHLY folding legs. sturdy construe. etc. save $90 to S250 up to 3 N RATES tlon. Adult size. completely years to pay Schmidt-Phillips • Dally Maid Service equipped; only two months old. Big Plano lr Organ Store. 520 • 24-hr. Telephone Cost Sl~ll for $110. Wltl No. Main St .• Santa Ana. al· • 24·hr. Desk Service deliver. HA 5586 10 a.m. to 5:30 ways 100 pianos to choose • Room Service p. m. from . • Heated Pool FOUR ROOMS FURNTTIJRE-Jn. • Restaurant FOR SALE Firewood. Liberty cludes everything 1956 Phllco • Coektall Lounge 8·9589 after 5 p.m . ZW1 New· refrlg .. lOll~ cu. tt .. · 1956 Wedge· • Colo,r Televtslon port Blvd .. Costa Mesa. "2 FREEZER-Brand new Norge-:ec;r:; ra:,~:: ~~v1W,:t ~~ J I Ill C I II I big 14 ~ cu. ft. Holds over 500 group; 7 pc. din. rm. group; ev· Corona del Mar lbs. of food. Pay down to erythlng for bedroom. All new. Harbor 5076 $197.87. No cas h down If you Paid down to $681.16. No cash pay payments of $2.28 per wk. needed If you pay only $6.10 UNDER conatrucUon on blurt. Also 1956 Admiral. Big 11 cu. per week. CDM, 3 bedrm. 2~ batha, ear· ft. freezer. Brand new. Pal<! dn. BAUGHN'S FURN1"nJRE wARE· peted. Unsurp&SIIed vtew. OPEN to $189.64. No cash needed lf HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St., Costa at 3415 Ocean Blvd. Call C. W. you pay payments of $8.63 per Mesa. 1 bloek west of Van's Mutera. Bar 4140 or Bar 6440. month. Bowling Alley. Store houn: BAUCRN'SFURNITUREWARE· Mon.-Fri .. 9·9: Sat., 9·6; Sun .• HOUSE. 660 W. 17th St.. Costa 11·5. LI. 8-3186. Mesa. 1 bloek west of Van'• AMERICAN FLYER electric train BowJJng Alley. Store houn: for sale. with trestle aet. Good Mon.-Frt.. 9·9; Sat.. 9·6; Sun., condition. HA 1.279-J. Business Directory 11-5. LI. 8·3186· REFRIGERATOR -Brand new CHRISTMAS TREATS. a new Pl\11~ chest-cpace for __ ........, ________ _ Hammond Chord Organ for the bottles. Patd down to $131.36. "'";;;;:;;;;DD;:;vaAif;:~-CE-·---- whole family, everyone Mom. No down payment lf you pay R.EPRESEN JmG- Dad. Brother. Sister can play it. payments of $7.59 per month. fl .. ._ .. It's so easy. S29 a month pays Also 1956 General Electric re· ~"" for it. We deliver for Christmas. frig. Has cross top treeur chest. _and_ we have one used Chord Organ Shelves In door and everything. at aubstantlal sav1ng. Schmidt· Paid down to $158.28. No cash ~OUt! PhiJJ ips Big Organ and Plano needed lf you pay payments of ln8uraDce Companlel Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. $2.44 week. BREAKFAST SET-Table and 4 BAUGmrS F'f.JllM'nJU WARE chair& Formica top. Like new. BOUSE. teO W. 11th St. Colt& $30. 418 Larkspur, CDM . HA Mesa. 1 bloek weat of Van'a 5886. Bowllna Alley. Store houra: Mon.·Frf., 9-9; Sal, 9-6; Sun., U -5. US-31 •. FOil TRE.:-::B=tS=I::-::z:iUYS==---,......,.,..CAD'D_....,......,*.;o*;.;;.* ... :...e..;;;;;;D;;;;;;.;;;";;;•:;;. __ -m USED FUDI'1'UltE AlfD API'LI.AlfCI!B--SD! . l~q~s I I Pla1R FUWIWE ~ Satbor Blvd .. eo.ta ll'eaa ..... 0 .. ,...,; ..... .... u 8-2121 ..,..I!Mbw proteeiSon aplDst tooal-cleeq! cau. uaan .... ,. '-• Llsi c P111111 IT'S AKEIIICA'B PIKE WATCH ' Reappointing Of Steiner to Board Asked Ia to~ commended." a.&C'I'IOir IIUYIIIG IKT The Women'• CoauDJtt.ee of the Cornmwdt:F Youth Center. Corolla del Mar. wUJ meet at 9:30 a.m. Monday to elect a aecretary and treUUJft. k's ~dwarjs trim little shoes for pert little ladies Here ore iutt o few of ovr fiiMMY .... styles tho: will cOMfottobly ftt oftd ftotter g rowing f .. ,, • •! , •• . . . . • •r # . . . .. . ( ~ .. • Men Only FASHION APPAREl . ... . . ... " , • t . . . . • • • • • • ·~· ,• ~ • • I • I • \ I • t .a :# • • • ·~.j·'. .. ,\ . ,. , . • , ... .,,~., u ,,. ,r ,, ·' . See O'Brien's to adorn your for Ornaments "the look thot melted Nopoleon's heort" ... the emphosized bodice ... the heightened woistfine . . . the groceful, sweepin9 lines ......,...,. wowa w i t• •u....r.--.n..w• .... . .... ...... ··-·-···· Friday. December 7th during the cocktail hours from -4:30 to 7:00 at the Jamaica Inn Lobby. Corona del Mor WHERE you may sit bad comfortably ond select the perfect g ifts for the lady in your life . Lovely models will show fabulous gowns. furs ond lingerie by lead ing designers such as Werle Pola ... Walter Boss and Fuhrman's Furs from Beverly Hills ... A llie Moe . . . Don Loper ... Wallace lingerie ... Also delig htful accessory gifts . . . Nettie Rose"stein Perfum, Tionne end Odolisque .. Hand decorated Cashmere sweaters , ~gs and je¥t:elry T reined Personne' will be on hond to assist you ~-.: • .. 4-·· ... L •• ·• ·t '' nt e ' .._ ..... LUlU! -. CIM.IS IU£IOT --·--.s---Uriea • ..aiWMJISltll ll. ,_----;-=::::::-·- ALSO llf THI GOlDIN HfU 01 nfl HIGH Slf.aAS I ALSO "THU.ERSTOII" ......... 0 .... 0 ._. !: • t -.OCC Enters Hoop Tourney BakersfieiC:I Gym In New Oranp Cout Collep wU1 re-Kext 'I'Uelday evenJnc, the A pllJikel~ bau.red dlam· die bot8J. lome til tbe ,..,_. tun1 to ......aeld thla week-Buce return to their own IY1n pion Oranp co.c Coli ... foot-..., attended a dance at the col· I end. boplnl to do MtW In baa· f~ an 8 p.m. matdl with uaually ball , .... llltU.r'Md 1\ome SWidaY ..._ --~-...-~--_......, ________ _..~.._.......,_1 Utball thaa they cUcl ... week-1tr0na El Camino. ~~~~ m:=.=---bodl~.:: YOUTH CENTER TEAMS ~;:::~~ws:!.:.'; fteld ,.,._to .,.,llaturdoq D!Pl ~ a baDq1Mt and ~ WIN IN 1!1 & I!!. FOOTI ALL ~~. n-~.play ln Ballien· AJthouah dllappolnted that wfth eardtna1 and coJd Jacbtl ~-~ &-U ., ... .., ... they didn't win, the play .... knfiW with the Potato Bowl .mbleml. 1 'nle event thla Friday and Sat· they had been beaten by a aquad Coaeba AI Irwin. IIJD Stance-Community Youth CentM teama 51 ·1. 'nle Browns took a n earl¥ unSay Ia the annual Baka"lfteld of larrer and often futft players land an d BW Poore are looklnr defeated the Hortce E n 1 1 1 n lead when at.ewn Sbadd int.r-tournament. Oran.p Cout dNw who wfte hlttJna harder and toward next year. Oranp Cout Sehool leaJue winnh'a In both the cepted a .,._ and ~an 36 yarda fteano u their first o~nent at quicker than the Bucs. wlll loee only four playera from "A'' and "B" city champlonah.lp for a TO. The Colta took the le.d 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. The wbaner Pirate center £d Ba1n wu out the 45-man aquad via cradua-eames played Saturday ln flaa later In the quart• u Dan John-w11l play In the eventna aaatn.t much of tM aecond quarter with tlon. football. eon went around left end to 8COre the winner of the Harbor va. San a swollen hand, but still ma de In the "A" Leal\le. the Youth and Chris McLauplln added tbe l011e rame. Flnall will be pl&y*l the mo.t unassisted tacltles. 12, UOAL lfOTICZ Center Rama rolled over the En· PAT. Saturday ntrht. and continually h anaued Stock· lfO'I'ICE OP SALE slrn School Eagles 24 to 6. The In the aecond quarter Me· ------------ ton ball carriers and punters. Bob lfollae ., Bale ., PI ; 1 rty Della· Rams tallled first on Pete Yould's Laughlin ra n an Intercepted pus ... ~~:-;;--:;;;:=;;;:;:;;:;;::;~- Crockett, All Eastern Conference qgeat ,_ • .....,...._of a...t 8·yard run. t hen added two more for 44 yards and a toue!hdown, ID•o, I I Em q uarterback for the Buca, made lfo. Ul, ._.. lfo. •· 1-..d points when Drew J o h n son and Davtd Connell paaed to J..ar. ~~ L~ 11 tackles. ,_ tile JIDpcoo-•t of Saata trapped ·Jim Butler behind the ry Broerlnr for another Colt TO. ------------Stockton h ad a 9-man llne that ADa Aft. Clll4 OtMr Streeta Ill goal line lor a salety. The halt-Connell uncorked two TD passes • <Continued from Paee 11) stopped the famed Buc running th• City of lf.-.poct hadL time score was 10 to 0, after But· In t he third quarter, tor Tl and 8 port Beach .... A burelar enter.e4 attack and poured throur h too Default having been made In ler again was nailed for a safety, yards, both to John Richwine. and atole aome elothlpr from the last tor Crockett to get away any the payment of the following this time by Yould. 'I'he llne·upe: Colt.--Dave Con-residence of Pat Manilln&. Apt. B, passes. named coupons: 'I'he Eagles made their lone TO nell, Larry Broerlne. Chrla Me-1240 W . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa .\ .. In turn the Mustanr backs Interest In the second hall when JeU Laur hlln, Jimmy Timmerman, A bicycle wu atolen from the weren't being tackled untU after Date Coupon Number Amount Lowe scampered around right Arthur Kloepplnger, Mike Green, home ol Mrs. Fredericks Russey, they had broken throurh the Pi-1·2-54 10 $6.46 end for 32 yards.·The Rams re. John Richwine. Danny Meehan 117 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa Island rate line. Fumbles also hurt the 7·2·54 11 5.38 tallated with a J7.yard TO passl and Dan Johnson. Brown~Tar-e IIOifDAY, DEC. J Pirates. ' 1·2·55 12 5.38 from Yould to Dave Gauley. Boyd ry Lomax, Wllly Lalch, John A trailer belonrtng to Allyn After a scoreless first quarter 7-2·56 13 4.31 Bailey added the PAT. In the fln-1 Kirkpatrick, Pete Esplau, Steve Lorraine Jr. was damared by ftre Stockton scored two touchdowns 1-2·56 14 4.31 al perlod.Yould passed to Gauley! Shadd, Freddie Boyd and John at the Newport BNch dty traller In the space of a few minutes. 7-2·56 15 3.23 for a 51-yard scoring play. Tatum. park ... A $129 camera was stol- T'h.e Mustangs drove 21 yards In Principal The Ram line· UP Included Drew All 18 ~ams In the Newport en from the residence of Dale five plays for the first score. Then Date Coupon Number Amount Johruron, Roger Johnson. Boyd Beach Recreation Division spon-Deckert. 829 Bayside Drive. New- they recovered a Ptrate fumble 1·2·54 s $35.89 Bailey, Dave Gauley, Butch John-sored youth flag football league port Beach . · .. $264 In money on the ensuing kick-off. drove 49 1·2-55 6 35.89 son and Pete Yould. The Eagles will take part 1n a football field and property was stolen from the yards In slx plays, a ll on the 1·2·56 7 35.89 were Jeff Lowe, Mark Ritter, Har-day at 8:45a.m. this Saturday at home of Mrs. Leroy Fay, 1543 20" WREATHS Dill 11111 • • 14.25 ; ... 30" WREATHS DIU cW • • • W• laaft ~. hcwrcat ......,., cl...... WNCUas .. ............. (1 ; ..... tlfally tied wtU. ..ua ~ CDd,..... ceuecl to ... Ina ctrytaw .. t. JEWB.L wnn JS2I E. eo.t Bwy .. ground That made It 13·0 at And the holder or said bond ry Stanton. Jlm Butler. Blll Bur· Pirate Stadium. The Harbor Area Serenade Terrace, Irvine Terrace half-time. having demanded In writing that nett and Barry Ross. Sports Boosters Club Is sponsor· ... A bicycle was stolen from I Conea Ml II~ IDOl T'h.e Pirates got back In the the City Treasurer of the City of Celn the "B" League, the Youth lng tht. competition In passtnr. Henry Brooks, 6508 W. Ocean ball game after half-time deten· Newport Beach proceed' to adver· ~n~t~er~Co~ltl~d~eJ~ea~t~ed~th~e~B~r~o~wn~s~kJ~c~k~ln~g~a~n~d~ru~n~ni~n~g~.~~==~~Fro~n~t.~N.ewpo~~~rt~J)e~ach~~· ======~~~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~ slve adjustments were made. In Use and sell the lot or parcel of a.i the third quarter. Buc tackle Ted land mentioned In said bond. Dlnkler recovered a Mustang Now. therefore, I give notice that pltcbout In the end zone for the 1 will on the 27th day or Decem · Pirates' first touchdown. T h at ber 1956. at the hour of 11:00 narrowed the score to 13·6. o'clock A.M., of said day, sell at Stockton added another seven public auction t he lot or parcel points In the final quarter for a of land mentioned In said bond. 20·6 lead. or so much thereof as may be Crockett finally was able t o necessary. In the Coundl Cham· loosen the Mustang defense In bers, City Hall, In the City of the last quarter and completed Newport Beach. unless 10 out of 16 paases. With just 59 amount due on said bond and seconds lett In the game. he the accrued Interest thereon to- tossed a 15·yard pass to end Jack gt>ther with the rost or the publl· Mahlstede Cor the second Buc TO. caUon of this notice are paid; Stockton made 12 first downs and that I wtll so sell the same to 11 for the Bucs. outgained the I to the person who will take the Bucs 335 yards to 228. least amount of said lot or par- A crowd of 11.780 spectators eel of land and pay the full watched the two teams, both In amount of unpaid principal and their first bowl bid, and 15 bands Interest on said bond, together and Shrlners put on an impres· with costs or publication. The Jot slve pre-game show. About 1.000 or parcel ot land mentioned In Southland rooters followed the said bond and to be sold, Is more Pirates to Bakersfield tor the! particularly described, to wit: game. Lot 1, Block 36 Newpo r t After the game the Shrlners Heights Section, N e w port treated the players to dinner at Beach, as shown on a map thereof recorded In Book 4, "RED HOT.. V aluea for ThU111.. Fri. Sat.. Dec. 6, 7. and 8 Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. SUDday and Holiday. 9 A.M. to 6'P .M. WEDEUYER 11:00 A.M.-3:00P.M. PH.HA3588 vu rau&-1-U. aox RACKERS CJUCXEJI OF TBE SEA-WJUT£ IIUT-11/a·OZ. CAll 1~. Chunk Style Tuna 33 NEW BROADWAY Page 94, Miscellaneous Maps. records of Orange County, Calltornla. 'J1w> amount due on said bond IIEllfZ....l4·0Z. IOTTI..E 55~ Tomato Ketchup 21 UIICO AlfllrnJIIUT ASSORT. OOKIES I -LB. BOX PHONE IU t -nST SANTA ANA betweea Ub aa4 Gtb oa BROADWAY &bow S tart. at 1 :00-Mattaee Sat.. s .... •* t:W up to date of this notice Is as follows: Due on the Principal thereof, Two Hun· d r e d Fifteen and 34./100 dollars ....... (215.34 ) Due on account of Interest. Forty and 69/100 dolla rs ..... (Interest Is rom · pounded semi-an· nually> Due on account of Pen a It I e s. Thirty Two and 55/100 dol· ( 40.69) Jars ......... . .. ..... .. .. ($ 32.55) )loa. tbru T1aun . S tara.. at 7:01J CARTOON CARNI\'AL Fri. Sat. A 8\I:D. Starts at 6:00 EVER \' F Rf., SAT~ St'X. Total amount due on said Bond... $288.58 -AND - SUB IIUMAN MONSTERS O N A RAMPAGE! • HJIA.N BEAST" BOCK JIADISON VIRGINIA IIAYNO& Holiday Fashions in IITEIIIIS • Provincial • Contemporary • Early American -ASD - In order to avoid this sale. pay. ment of the tota l a moul1\ above named will be required together with the rost of publications made before such payment and the additional Interest accruing up to the date of payment. Bond may be reinstated upon payment or amounts due, interest, penal· tit's, and tees. In the manner pro- vided by Jaw. Frf.-S.t....SiliL STAATS At t:OO In the event o! sale, such sale will Incl ude Interest in addit ion to the above total amount due accruing up to date of sale. the cost of publication of notice of sale and one dollar ($1) for the Issuing of Certificate of Sale. The Newport Harbor Ensign Is deslr · nated as the newspaper In which this notice shall be publlabed. • , , ; ' • :, J ' I/, /1 1/ TH E GREAT • AMERICAN PASTIME Dated December 6, 1956. MARGERY SCHROUDER. Treasurer of the City of Newport Beach. WATCH OUR WINDOWS! Unusual Suggestions for Holiday Gifts . . and Your Home Now Showing H•••u••• Plmlll ltp OF INLAID PUR •.. VICUNA. ALPACA. LLAM.A Many lntmstlnc atzes and patterns. Tntly fabuloua! OpeD Friday Nlgbta ,-u Cbriltmaa RY'S HOUSE OF M.apk PI..AifTZa c:oc:KTAII-711.-0z.. CAJf EANUTS DAPT--QU.AaT IRACLE WHIP 3~ CHOPPED HAM 47~ 4~ iiYNOLDS WRAP 51 lmDSETE-10-0Z. PJtG. •occou SPURs ILL liED IEEF BUnER'S CHOICE MEATS ILL liD 1EEF LEA1f IIEATT CODIIIAI UTIIIILAC:Z IL\WJt . SPARE RIBS 49~ SLICED BACON IIAJIWDfQI UTD aLACK IIAWE-e·OZ. PKQ. ROUND STEAK 79~ BOLOGNA UTili 1LACK IL\WJt RUMP ROAST 79:. HAM IIAinfDraa UTili aLACK IIAWJt 7-BONE ROAST 45:. FRANKS ...... ONIONS CABBAGE Grapefruit IJ.s-LLS. 2 •J,. WIIOLE oa JIALP 59~ 29' ss:. 47~