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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignVOLVID I. IIVIIKa Sl
C .Scientist
Is Lost Di~ing in France
Silky Hopes to Save Others
T1da lett..._ .. ~ bat It le e.l·
cleat tMt It -. ,.._ tile pl-. ...... all
.-c1 Uttle clop to ..... tMy ...... us.
You see, I had 10 many friends like the
Broerinc children, the Jarvis children, the Neall
and the Gazlays, who always looked out tor me
that I a.uumed every~ was that kind. Gary
Broerlnc even wrote a n essay about me for his
school work one tJme. So, It wu probably my
fault and I JOt what I daerved.
Search Is
.. lOSS OF THE YEAR .. for 1959 i' Ted Hc!lm·
broo~. " righ•. rnll"\llger of ,,. Pc!lcific T ele-
ollone Co .. who Wc!ls ~onored ot the &tlnuol BosW!s
Night of the Newport Horbor Busitless ond Pro-
fes,;o.,lll Womlln s Cl~o~b. M~. AI Forgit. club
president is presenting the liW&rd. At he left is Aus~in Cole. who received e spec.•lll liWllrd of
M&n of the Yellr for e\\isti"g ;,.. Chnstrno!>
Preview preporotions for rnc!lry yeers. (Ensign
Dear S r or Ma~m :
Sute.Jy you do not remember me, bat J am,
or rather wu, the Uttle black Cocker you ran over
and killed last Friday niaht on the Coast Hich·
way near Polnaettla Ave. In Corona del Mar. My
name wu Sl1ky and I lived with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur V. Jone. and their family, Jeffrey and
the new 6-month-old twia., Arthur T. and
Mary V.
J know you were Jn a h urry because you
were driving very fast a nd J had no right to
be out on the hlchway. In fact, I have been
scolded for Juat runntnc out on the street ln
Shore Cliffs or on Poinsettia. They kept teJlln~
me that this would happen, but I wouldn't Laten'
and since everybody was 10 good to me, I could
not believe that anybody would be that careJeQ.
But summer will aoon be here a nd there
will be other dogs and even children out on
the hl&hway from time to time. So, if you read
this, try to remember me ·and drive a UtUe
more carefully. Corona del Mar Is a wonderful
place to Uve and there are quite a few families
In the area who want to continue to Jive. So
even lf you are In a hurry to get home or to
a cocktail party, you won't be too late If you
keep your car under control. and pay attention
to the cross-walks and signals. You will feel
happier too, that you did not hurt some child
or deprive little children of their pets.
Very truly yours,
Biologist Conrad Limbaugh, a
former resident of Corona del
Mar, wu lost Sunday whlle on a
diving expediUon In an under·
~round river nea r 1\1arse1Ues,
Navy frogmen joined In the
.urch fQr the 36-year-old marine
biologist, but the search was
called ott Tuesday. It was be·
Jleved that he had been pulled
under a rock by the swiftly flow.
lng stream.
Mr. Limbaugh was the 110n of
Mrs. Jack Florer, who used to Uve
at 615 Iris Ave., Corora del ~tar.
but moved to Del :\far several
years ago. He was associated
with the Scripps Institute of
Oceanography at La Jolla, where
-------------~---------------------------'he was considered to be one of 1
Builder Fined
on Charges of
Code Violation
1the top skin-dlvln& marine biol-
ogists .in the country.
, He was en route home from an I
International meeting of divers •
In Spain, and had stopped ott at
:..tarsellles. There he went on the I
diving expedition with 3 otht'r
expert to study tht' Pon :\liou
River. The other 3 cam" to the
VIrgil Crawford of Fullerton "If there's a great demand for the beach, and completion Is surface.lbey reponed the lnci·
has been found guilty by Judge It, we will consider the advls· scheduled for the end of .\fay, dt'nt to'authorlties when .\lr.
Willlam Lee In Municipal Court ability of a ponable food atand so that the food and gear rental I Limbaugh had failed to appear I
on charges of violating the New. aa the Corona del Mar beach facll ltln will be In operation in an hour later.
port Beach municipa l code and during week-encb," City Man. time for the s ummer crowds. Mr. Limbaugh Is sun.-!ved hy
buJJdJng code. ager Robert Shelton said t h is :\fr. stlelton Kid tha\ the hl.s wife, ~an, their 2 daughters, 1
The e-. lDv~ved wHk. beach may have to be closed ~. 3, and Nancy, 2: hu son .aoa ei , He ... oaaunentlng on the complelelJ 1o e&r uattk for a 'Y a tanner marriage, hi• wife's
A new traffic control plan has 1 lng on to the Marine Ave. bridee.
txoen worked out for the Marine 1 There are only the next 2
Ave. entrance to Balboa Island, week-end~ left before Easter
and It may eet a pre-Easter te t I Week dumps Its annual hordes
this week -end. or vacationing youth on the
Don Simpson, theo new publl<' Harbor Area. and panicularly on
worka dire<."tor. has drafted a I Balboa Island. The vaneuard of
tratflc control plan for the Bay· the Easter vacationers will be
aide Dr.-Marine Ave. lnterse<'·' arriving Fnday, April 8. The
lion. The primary rontrol ft'a · last big day of Easter Week will
ture conslsts of 2 tra!fi<' "Islands" be Saturday. April 16. the day
ot 5-eallon cans painted whitt' before Easter Sunday.
These 2 Islands will be 1nstaiiM:I
just ott <'entt'r at the tntersf'<' N rt Bl d
tlon. near the land-ward sldt' ewpo v •
of Bayside Dr . rather than to· I
ward the bndge t'ntrance. H • A •
Trame can flow normally 1 ear•ng gain
when there 1 no congestion. But
when Balboa Island is about I I p t d
filled up and th(' tramc starts ' S OS pone
backing up from tht' Marine Ave. I
bridge. the CQ!lowing mea ure The ~ewport Beach PlannlnJt
can be taken: Comml ion decided again at
.. u• ·' ......... -.-........................... ~ ol ...... da.ap'-by a fpl"'DU l•to a ....,..bfe ,_"""-. at the the tramt' circle af l!le balltom ma.rrra,.: hts modl.r,11ft.1"h:Jftr.
turaJ cha,... wJthaut • buJJd. JAM WHk alllout tbe a b-of tbe ramp. and his step-father, Mr. Flo~T.
• All ...,ude Or. can ce.· last Thursday's meelin& to post· ... .._ c.-clel .._ wW pone the decision on widening
.... • tma • -dflat _. Newport Blvd. be~n 23td St. ~~-·~ .. ~ St.. ........ kedL
• ~ II& Will ._ 111ere &re 2 bask plaM for the lng ~Wrmlt. The defendant wu wnce of food faciJIUe..
fined $25 oa each of the two Last Wftkend was a busy one
counts. at the Corona del Mar beach.
'Judee Lee s.~Hpended the sen-, City HaJJ records showed that
tence and placed Mr. Crawford there were 623 paid car admls·
on probation for 3 years. Con -slons to the parking lot Satur-
ditlon.'i of .the probation were day and 963 on Sunday. The
that he pay a fine of S25 f« charge was 50 cents per car.
vlolatine the bulldlne code, $100 1\fr. Shelton said tha t he ob-
for the z.onlne vlolatlorut, and served many of the beach
re-conversion to a duplex. patrons leave In their cars to
... lrlllllrllll••
buy food, undoubtedly at Corona
del Mar stores, and then return
for a beach picnic.
ct....s • ., C.... IIWy. • eU.mfnatlon of .theN~ Blvd.
tMt DO tNffk c.._..... traffk botUeneck : widening the
t.wanl laJboo lalaDd f..-tiM street by moving ba<'k the busl-
hl9bway. . 1 ness buildings on the southerly
• llayslde Dr. wUJ thu• be· side. or <'uttlng through a nothPr
come a oae-way road f• can stre-et along the Pa<'lfl<' Elt'<'trH'
SONORA COONTZ. 1 215 De-camJ119 from Jfewport dine· nght of wa} to make 2 one-wav
"Explosive!" per cent during the ne~t 10 •="' ..... 1\'e:·-:. :: .. ::...,:~e·e :.~ tu~ ~~~-~':~ C: stre-et. .
d Th~t 1 is S~p~ ~Ire ~usse~rs years .!1 schools He to be adt'· ..., .• , ~-~e• O·e~ge ~ _ ~ ~ . 1 Rwy. Cl1ld the ri9bt-aide lGMS :\1ost or thf' busine .. owner<t
escr pt on o t e s tuat on t at lquate. bel!J··e :::r ·re .. e :)" :ueen C'CID be MJlt oa straic]bt tGW1II'd 1 h.ave t>Xprt>R'>ed approval or the faces the ~ewport and Costa • ..-.. eo---_._1 Mcrr. !trst plan, hut the Planning Com -Mesa high schools be<'ause or the .... HIP H retl O! ·~e v·li~Oe c ~~~·~ --ic-rne ·-.... . . h h
I r
S -' '"'fflcers mannln<> lh"" traffi.C' mtSSIOn St't over t e t'arlng so rapidly rlslna enrollment brought ~ ::w :)'1 ·~e ::~ce--Q :::~· :l. '' .. ~· • . islanf!s wil l ha,•a radl"o communi that tht> businessmen. property about by the population arowth. f Scie ... e "=N V/e:::-e<~o A:• 6 "" own C' "J It d ., p ,·nuon with ht>al'iquant>rc; and er!', a ounct comm IN> an
"It isn't a question of what I lriCI recr-,. ·~e ~.>a"se '--~~·' r!l r. with pollee vehi<'it' on Balboa commls!;:loners can stud~· thf' Construction of a concession
building is now under way at w e want to do." he told the 0':::--:::. E .ch·ee~ ,t'~·: ::J S-:.,. matter•funht'r • City Clerk Margery :)chrouder S C 1-<lanrl. A che<-k point will bt' announces that applications for B Cl b s I Citizens Committee for High tockton ollege has t'hoscn c<e "':!"" ~c ds ''"e .. e _; ~ ;s establic;hed at lhl' Vllla Manna Also ~~ ovN last Thursday
i 12 ay U a e School Bonds a t a meeting Tues· the Harbor High School st:lence . New,:':!•" 8e~ch. rornt'r 10 <'Ontrol the traffic turn-was tht> ht>arlng on th{' tt>ntative
absentee ballo~ for the Apr I day evening at Harbor High program for study as one of the -------;-.------------.....::.:__:__:_.....::.:_:....:..:._:_ map of TraC't 3702, the 723-Jot.
munlclpal election In Newpon Approval Due School. "h Is a question of outstanding programs In high 'IT'S 232.6-acreo de,·elopmt'nt planned Beach may be made at her necessity " S<'hool" In th(' state, according HIGH Tl ME FQ R 10 thE' art'a betwe-en tht' Upper
oUice from now until AprU 7· The hlgh school enrollment I to John . Johnson and Robert Bay blurr and the Wt'!'tdlff, Har· AppJicatlons for a~nt~ bal· Forma l approva.l ot the trans-H h lots for the High School bond fer of the Balboa Bay Club least' was 2,450 In 1957-58. has now ou e, sctence teac ers. 'FQRC EFU L ACT I QN I bor Highlands and Baycrf' t suh-
elecllon and the Newport Beach to Wrather Investment Inc. Is grown. to more than 3.-J:;Q, and Stockton College asked perm is· d1vislons. Tht' plannN « will hold
elementary school bond Issue expected at Monday evening's wiJI reach 6.500 by 196:5-66. Supt., slon to study tht> sch>nce clas..<;es furtht>r study sessions wit h the
and tax over-ride eJection should Newport Beach City Coundl Russell reminded the committee. bt>cau e of the exten<:ive USt' CoadJUoa.s OD Balboa IslCIDd lloa to tiM bcqard created by 1 devf'Joper
be ubmltted to County Supt. meeting. Councilmen expressed stresslnc the critical ne-ed for made by the biology tudents of an pttiJI9 WorM eadl year, bicyde rid.lDC] OD tbe baytroat --------
U nton Simmons. 1108 w. Eighth their approval of the transft'r at the third high school that would ,the outdoor rt"'oUrN><~ or tht> CIDd the bome oWJM.n 4llld reaJ. walb. ·u•s IU9b ttme to take MooPe Named
St., Santa Ana, by April 6. last week's meeting Monte be provided by passage of the community in flt>ld trips to the ct.Dta bCI'lre leu rl9bta t.baJl forceful actioa before sotDe· 1·
Livingston, Wrather vice·presl-1 bond Issue April 12. 83ck Bay and the Coronn del , aayoae elM. MUtoJl StcmDard tbJDCJ bappe.. of tfo9k DO·
.OAT 11 SUJfJ[ TWJCE dent, proposed an lncr~ase In "The Stanford Re earch ln. 1\fnr beach. I Jr. ot 201 A.baloa. An. boa tun." be wrote. M f
A sea cock was opened .twice the annual minimum rt'ntal stltute report for the county wrltt.a to the Jfewport leadl Be CDbd f« a 3·poi.Jlt pro. anager 0
on his 33-foot bo~t "Island from $31 .000 to $15,000. supervlsol'8 says that the major· LAtJ11fDBONAT aUJICLABIZED j City Ceu.dl 9raaa to eliaaJaate the PIOb·
Queen," moored at 510 . 38th St., The committee studying the ity of persons migrating into About $-;6 In nit'kels and qunr-lie called partkuJar att.Jl. 1 .... caused by tbe ~ ... Bank .• n c D M
West NewPQrt, John W. True-proposal5 for operating the con· the county are In the chlld· ters were toleon from <'oln 1 Owe o1 Yisiton:
blood of that add ress complained ceA!on at the Corona del Mar bearing age group or have chll· changer~ in tht' Payle!':s Laundro-11....-..... 1 C 1-1. Ellforw all lcnn by cita-
to Newport police at 5:45 p.m. beach may have Ita report ready dren of school age." he said. 1 mat, 308 ~-~ewpon Blvd .. ~ew. .._. 111••1 Hoea or aad Dot by
Monday. The flrl!t sinking occur-for ~londay evenlne. In that l"The ~port says there will be port Heights, Ramon G. ~fa<'hado. wana.i8p.
red at 1:30 a.m. Monday and the case the Council may award the a need to increase present !aclll· Santa Ana complained to ~ew-2. ,...... traffic coatrol at
SKOnd at 4 p.m. contract that evening. ties in the county by over 100 port police ~1onday. the bricl9e • coftnld la tM =======----------....;. ____________ ...;___;;,._ ______ ;__ ____ ...::..._____ Se\'en ton!' of P•JX' for ba<'k· reaetly -.!1pted•rce
stop and light tanf!ards are 3. ~ staf~t polkle-
"heduled to be delh·ert>d to thf' IDU to tab care of polata 1
Corona dt'l ~far Youth Centeor cmd 2.
ground tomorrow undt>r a r·
rane('me'1t made with \la j Gen. Terrace Assn. Carson Ro~rL<~. rommandinJZ
l =~n~J~o~. ~tarJ:'le A1r Wl nf 3 El t G bb
This plpt-. \"alut>d at Sl .300. ec S ru
comes from an aiJ'('raft <'1\rrler I
hangar, and will ~ another W. AJien Grubh, 1821 Sa\' ~Tt> Ter.. lrvlneo Tt>rraN', w" as
f'lectf'd presldt>nt or tht> In Inc
T.-rra.:-e Homrownt>rs' n. at
the annual meeting W<'rlnesday,
\t arch 16. In Irvine Coa!H C'oun
tr) Clu b.
step toward preopoaratton of the
new baRba II r.t'lt1 for n1ght ball
th summ{'r
.. , nn.a •• ,
Tllillllll. ,....
·--...... 0.... -· ._ ,_, ..... lillY• tbet
.................... rt
-~--........ ,... --alii will M ~ J'ltld
Othf"r ofti<-en t'IK"ted an-Jot\
Hop-.·ood. ;o; ~falabar Or .• vice
pre lckont: ~rs Gforae Weedon,
Ramona Dr .• wcrt'lary.t:lf'u • I urer: Wendell Jon~. 1.907 8a ••· de~ Tt-r .• and G4"orce FntehUnc.
1201 Dolphin Ttor., dlrt>ct~
Tht u.oclatlon held a u
Offil'lal announcement came
veotterdav from Los Angeles
ht>adquarterc; of S«urlt\'·First ~alional Bank that Raym-ond J.
~foort' ha,. ~n appolntt>d man-
ager of the Corona dt"l Mar
~1r. ~l oore I<~ a nath·e of Mal'·
achuc;ett., anrt has heen In bank-
mg for ~ 'Pnrs -10 Pasadena,
Alhambra. Lons: Beach, and the
~1n f<'rnando VaUey. He i.s a
\t>IPran of World War ll. and a
pac;t vlrt-Prt'Sident of the-Ameri-
C'an lnsttlutt' of Banking In Pasa-
HL hobbit'S a~ rolf and bad-
minton. He and his wlfe, Inez.
live In Long Beach.
:\fr 100ft' !!U d Ralph Mil .
ler, Who Jgned to enter th<'
real e tate and J.nvHtl"Mnts field.
\tr Mtllf'r I presJdent of tb~
Newport Harbor Chambfor of
...... & .... 'nlllt .. tM ... .................. ...,
..... II Sir' ....... -•· .......... _ ......
•utr I W 1 1St II M 14 ... a-..,._ ........
t1111111t ...... "'u' I,
............. I) •• a ................. ._ _ ....... .., .......
a.. ... .....
CUI membershJp dri\·C' In F•btu·
ary cu.l.mlnatlnc In a unuau~ Nf'W commander ot Dlttitet Val~ntlnt' VI s I t 11 romm unl~ 13, U-. ~~ Squadron. a. r .
pan •. Hall of thC' m m~r M>llt Arthur ltlnerrath. 212) s.rille
o~n hou~ tor hale the afttor A"~.. Balboa He wu elertNI
noon while thf' ot~l' half v~-Sat-urday at thf. umuaJ .....,
Ht.'d. Thrn the ont.r ••• ,... ~ ln W.. IIIMtL '~· niaklftc 41•11. a t'CIIft• H....W n.c:t of ....... ....
munt'Y aatMrinc. 'nMo .-oc~a. Otivlfd • ~ M .. -.It •
tion .wa. orp"'-'d tn K&rd\, ~ ...._ttea ..._ t1r ..
l B . pe~~tw.,_,.. -
Burdett Family
Planning. TriD to Mexico
Mr. and MIL 8urdett Harr\.on '!'My will stay at the Guaymas
• DON"T IMPERiL THE SCHOOL IONDS ol Bay Shoree 'and children, Inn 2 weear. willie Mr. Harrl.loD _.., .a.. ,....._ • • c.-..., Mer, c.llf. ,. ..... ~ __..,, • Loulee and Kent. are porine over and Kent flab' for marlin and
Our High School trustees are again discussing ,._..,. a. c.-. 4el w.r, a. tt. City ., ... .,.,. ... ..._ c.IH. OHI• oMI rnape In antJclpatlon ot a trip aallflsh. Tbey wlll be Joined
federal aid to education. The occasion this time is ,Wittt ,a... '-tt. ...,.. ._... ... .,..... ~ 2110 L c-t H~l.-to Mexico. 1'he)L are pJanrune there by Mr. and 1tra. Huold S.
ed d bill
.. ,. C..... 4el Mer, c.&lf. , ... ,,. .... : oaw. l-4110. to leave ahortly before tJM be· Harrlaon of Garden Grove, .,and .
cons)deration of the Murray-Metcalf f eraJ ai · n.. NIWPOIT HAIIOa ENSt&N ... ..,~ te lite o ... '"IN,_.,.-elnnlne of Euter vaeauon eo parents of the children. Slde
now being discussed in Congress. Our trustees have orol cWu&.Hea ltr _. 4_.. N.. AJOIJt -' tt. s.,.n-c-t a. s-to that the children may obMrve tripe r:are planned, Jndudlna
taken no official stand on the bill, but they are Aao •'"' ~ty ,.._ .._... 1' ~~~ellflod te ,.ww. oil ,_w~c ... u ... ,...IMN4 the relleloua aipWcance of the Navo&1oa and Alamo-. where ~, low. Holy season IQ Cathedraa. and they will see the ruins.
scheduled to put it on the agenda again for their ARVO f. HAA'A ·---·-··---o.-•'"' , .. w-..w amone fa mUles south of the The Harrison children have
A ·1 4 t• 'lW HAA'A -·-···---·--_Auoclo .. Wlter bo d pn mee 1ng. MEh41Eit ef tile CAUFOlNIA NEWS'A'ER rUILISHEitS ASSOCIATION r er. been aavlne their owh money I was pretty riled a year ago when the High And of tile NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION The Harrlaona will drive to for this trip and each has about
S h 1 Boa d ted t 1 f f d 1 f d t
SUISCitii'TlON RATES Tuc.on, Ariz., the tfrat day of $12 for spendine m oney. They c oo r vo o app y or e era un S o their trip, to stay at Gho.t also are takln"' th'"'lr old toys to
M d ·11 111 tile Newpoti Horl»or AIM: 011o yeor -$),00; twe '"" -11.00 • "' establish a counseling program. y stan is stl Ouk14• of the Horl»or AIM: 011o •••r -54.00: ._ ... " _ 17J18 Ranch Loc:lge. The next day wlU Mexican children.
TIDE .... =· •••BW•IIL•ss_...._.
JAMES D. RAY .. the same, except perhaps more so. Let me quote a find them In JITombfione where ----·-------• NOVIXQ TO IJQGE .. SITE STUJ)TJKQ FOB DEGBEE the old haneouts of Wyatt Earp
few words from the Log of a year ago: The economic consultant firm Sandra Pettit, 514 Beeonla wiU chalJe nee the children's in· .... "-lr "Perhaps you can grasp the utter folly and the of Hay Lan&enhelm and AssoCI· Ave., Corona del Mar, Is among terest away trom TV. Then tt ~~ Ill -11111' · · 1 d f d f thi th. lled 'f d a1 ·d' ates will movt-Aprll 1 from 3345 381 students completing work for will be on to Nogales, Hermo· 1.;npnnc1p e rau 0 S mg ca e er at Newport Blvd., across from the degrees In midyear a t Lone slllo, capital of Sonora, to ob· 1446 L COAST HW\'.,
when you consider that the bribe is being given by Newport City Hall, to larger Beach State College. Sandra serve t he Cathedral over satur· 111 .... a. a. c.111 ._. ~ONA DIL MAl
a federal government that is in hock up to its ears, in quarters at 3416 VIa Lido. in the earned her bachelor of arts day and Sunday, and to visit c-. .._ ,._ 111 WtU ~ 1 .. 11
debt more than all other nations in the world com-~Uidioi.iahioip~p~ln~e~d~ia~trl~ct~. iiiiiiiiiiiiii~d~e~g~ree~~in~h~ls~to~ry~. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. -~~t~he~U~n~l~ve~rs~l~ty~o~f~So~no~ra~.==~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~t!~~~~~~~~~~~
bmed . Consider the preposterous fact that the 'aid '
is being tendei'ed to one of the wealthiest commun-
ities in the nation. And the final bitter pill is that this
'a id' is our own money, minus a tremendous b ite
taken away fo r a political brokerage fee. I
"I had held the hope that we might remain a
bnght spot in a nation of outstretched arms of beg-1
gars, a nd stand by our firm resolve to take care of
our own responsibilities and not surrender any of
our privileges."
Let me now adc;:i this word of caution: It would
be a grave mistake to imperil the coming school
bond election by any hint of dipping into federal
funds instead of r~lying on our own "do it ourselves"
e NOT YET I fun we used to have every April
I haven't started my season's 115th. But I've got to pull my-
fishing-yet. But 1 do notice a self together and get back to
definite thought-trend. W I t h Gallfornia. 1
!>pring here. officially. I find my Recently. a lot of friends keep
mind bnnging up all sorts of calling me. They're about to
toothsome goodies -like new visit other new fishing holes.
lines. new rods. new reels. new Latest one was or Pappy IJ.
lures -and new tishlng holes. Wayne) Ha rrison of Santa Ana.
It is a definite warning. All of a sudden. he and his
In medlcin~ these are called little shamrock. Katey. decided
"prodromal symptoms." They to go places. Their Itinerary
are the early signs of a disease sounded terrific. Firs t fl y to
before you actually come down Mazatlan. Next day, go to Puerto
with lt. Another early symtom Vallarta and put In 5 days fish · I
Is noting, every time 1 look at lng for those wonderful fighters I
April, that the 15th of that called Los Callos -rooster fish.
month always was and still is Pappy said they ·were biting
a most memorable day. For now. After thaT. on for some
years and years. back in sight-seeing 'In Guadalajara and
Pennsyltucky, that was Opening Mexico City. Back on the plane
Day --0-he first day of the trout and on to Guatemala. flshlne
season! Rleht up to no~. I still I here and there and gradually
get a little Uncle-just remem· working their way back up
bering. along Mexico's gulf coast, where e OPEJIDfQ DAY neither of them had ever been.
To a (!sherman, especially to The quarry? TARPON ! !
a dyed-ln-the·hackle trout fish-West Coasters mostly know
erman. the opening day was just little about tarpon. r don't
about the same as a pilgrimage know too much. but I have seen
to ~tl."cca. A lot of work and just enough of tht-m to agret'
worry prPreded It; you fre-with tarpon fa ns that they·re
quently suffered from cold. snow. one of the greatl'St of all the
sleet. wind and mud whilL" you game fi sh. WNt' putting In that all-im -Ltke marlin. thL"y run big. Tht'
portant appearanct>: you ha rrll y all-tackll' IGFA rt'cord is 283
evN came back with anything pounds. caught in 1956 in Lake
worth mention ing Maracaibo. Venezuela. Through
But . wht'n you have surft>rPd the various tackle classes. from
through thr opening day, your 12 to 130-pound line test. most
!'OUI wa" at pNH'('. You han of thf' record fish run from 150
m .11lf' lhl' journl'y anrl had pounds on up.~llat 283-pounder
hO\\I'tl at th(' 1.hrine. For an· ahove was cauj:!ht on 30-pound
othN -;«>ason. your anRiing s ptrlt test line!
had hN.'n !'.anrt !fled. I hones tly These fi sh are among the
ht'i lC\f' that. hac! I heen c-on· iumpin~est of their finny clan.
f,nNI to hNI with a rrac·tured They also have hard mouths.
pl'h Jc;. kirlni'V stonPs and doubiP which makes II dltricult to set
pn!'umonla, r woulrl havl' somP. the hook. wtth light gL"ar. Even
hn\\ rnuncl a way to go through the llttll' onl's -5-pounclt>rs or
th•' rit u<~l of wl'tting a lin(' in so-arp top sport on a flv roo.
th«> ,tlmost-always muddy waters There are fishermen in Florida
or ~pring CrPek. who won't fish for anything
1 hacl an emergency plan all eiS{'.
workPcl out. ju-;t tn ca-;e. It con· Hert-·s wishing Kaley
'-i..,tl'd simply of putting me In Pappy a wonderful tim£'. rm
thf' amhulance with my head not worrying much-for rm sure
,1nrl casting arm nearest the it will be a ball.
rt'ar doors. At a certain spot :\>feanwhile. rm a w f u 11 Y.
along Spring Creek. a watering awfu lly glad I have t hat trip
c;pot ror c-ows. the ambulance to :\1azatlan arranged for April.
could hack up to within inches Being the month that It Is. I
of those sacred wa ters. A nurse don't believe I could live with
would take a big juicy night myself, otherwise!
crawler out or the can and bait
mv hook. Then I wou ld s imply rL-1111u--........ lo~vN the morsel Into lhe water, ~ .... ...
fu ll of hopp and tingling with Mrs. Loulse ~eteer. women's
thP thrill of that first line-wet· editor for the Newport Ha rbor
ting. Shucks ! I believe I could Ensign, will present the mono·
have done It from the plastic Iogue story of .. The Life of Jen ·
shrouds of an oxygt>n tent! nifer Lee'' for the Senior Ebell e NEAitEB ROME pot-luck lunc-heon at 12:30 p.m.,
Honest, J get all shook up, to Thursday, April 7, In the club·
this day, e very time 1 recall the bouse in Balboa.
* HARDWARE ASSOCIATES * * ----------~~--~-----------
REG. $15.95 VALUE
TV Antenna
New Imperial DISHMASTER.
. . .. . . . . . .::. :a. .:. - - -
2 FT. X 4 FT. ---~ ---~ .::.. ..... "lt.ST ,tiODEL CHANCE ll'V lZ YEARS
Oi~l\mucer, always the world's most popular disbwul\er,
now wasba even faster, deener end more economteall y
New and laraer Deteraent tank. (Less than an oui\Qe of liquid
deteraent does two days' disbes.) -
Ref. $9.95 ••• Faucet valve is diamond bored bronze castlna!
Full-flow tip aiiOWJ more water pressure for disposal operation yet
retains enti-splash feature! Aaaorted colonl Modem
style. Smooth Sonftary.
Plastic eo.·.e<t
New po~itlve 1t0p valve handles elialiaate drippina.
C p's .. Sis* ef hlta A'NIIdtls ._AU .......
HOSE REEL .......... 398 ........ ............
Spring is Redwood Time!
IEIEW ... IUUIFY ... ' --. 2 in 1 . FINISH
Stalna and beautlfi .. '" one easy oper:JtiOft.
fences -Sidings, etc.
Extra Special!
A 13.50 Yal•w
20 o.-...
Trash Can
110. $4.ts
Cabinet Catch 14·
&.Qt. Capacity
Galvanized. sse R~>g. $1 1.95 Yalu.e
3 cubic feet full ai ze.
Lorge Square Front.
Knocked Down.
Reg. $11.95 value.
A Pint to A "er.,e Roo•
• with aoch gallon purchasod
Thins w ith Water, Wcnhobl.-Odortou, Water ond Waother·
ttroaf, Easy ta Apply, Ioiiar 0t lrwh. ieautffvt Modotn hocty-
Mi-.d 2~ Colon with Matching !nomeh.
lOTH_. .... I ........ .....................
A 11.20 Value .
WHh 6411on r.w.. of ..
ooet VJRyl , ..... I te • _...
• ... $1.29
Y al11et to 12.98
1..ad1everal oltbete
bleuliea lo ,..., ~ liaa.No_ .... _
.... price,... .....
~ ~--~--~--------.-~--
Mollday &.Step
hr:tt't'd In Precincts -18 and No. 48.
POLI.JNG PLACE shall be ••.:c•~ I
GHford Residence, 122 . St r~t. Ne wport Beach. Cal,'!·
OFFICERS OF ELELMON · Jm pectot, Mrs. Mamie Havice
Judge-, MN~. Ma rtha Strolsee
Clerk, Mrs. Florence :O.t. Glf.tord
Clt"rk 11-l rs. Ada Orth
Et.£CTION PRECl:"'Cf NO. 4
Shall lncludl' all the a rea em •
· In Oronge Cou nty Votl?g Newport Beach No.
'41 14
1*•••111 '295 •••
Acr-ompaniNI by sC"ience In·
~rruct o:'li :'olr. Rotwrr House, :\!iss
EllzabNh Rf'eh and :'otr. John
Johnson. thl~ studl'nl!'i studied
nmma] MnC'IUdTY In the AudU·
hon Cl'niN, and~ iewr-d a garden
of tree:; tn the ;\rhoh·tum.
u 1·1361
It takes talent to point a b right future ytith tM
aeCU.!i !y o! savL'"Igs ... but you'll find that you ccm
aeate a real "masterpiece" when you save regu-
larly at Laguna Federal , .. where your saving.
earn more in sa!etyl Start now!
0••"9' Cow"''' l••gnl lndept~d•"' F•d•ttl s. .. ;"9' & L91R AuociatiDfl
' SAN cu:MDI1!:
101 fit. II c--. .... LAGUIIA IIEACH , __
HYadooi6o ..... ...,.. .. nn
Orco Co.
JAckson 7.ZlJ9
IOU Katella.. Staatoa
J:lmberJf 5·6122
2320 ~ NatA. Saato ~
No, ••I raaUy.
S.COad tru1t deed.l ha-.e aU the qucllltin of a.a exetlleat
la-.tmeat. Secured by quality property ID growlag o,....
Cou.aty -where la:Dd 9Giun are .steadlly rtslag -tbey cncrt.
aa exc.-eUeat addiUODGI IDcome.
10o;0 Interest Per Annum
Short tenn maturities cmd Slll.Cill aote.s lor dJ•enUicaUoa
make pouible n..lbM ill.ablleat propaDU.
Evans G. Parker .&
UD If. JfEWPOaT .0111..EVABD
p. D. ( ... ) Clll •
(Aiao ....... -, ...... Ia c.-..a-A.Ne)
WIMI••• .,_ lift iD NewjWWI leacb. V'* ~ Cook lor ('.oomdl
~~------~--------------------------~------~------------·--~-. --~·~.
& ............................................... ., Mrs. Plumb Is
Harbor WOmen President of
LOUISE. METEER. Society Editor Junior League
c.a hi. -....... ,_ ............... .._.. dl~ll ...... ,.no ... J ...... ....... -... ..4 ~ •.. .,.. •• LCMfiM .... _ ...... btlt tt ........ ~. c-4W Mar. Tale,._.: Olie&e l410.. '''''' ...................................•......
Mra. Huah Plumb, 200 Vfa Bar·
celona, Lido lale, accepted the
gavel as prt>~ldent or Newport
Ha rbor Assistance J..eoaaue .Jun.
tors Tuesday at a luncheon In
lr,:lne Coast Country Club. Re·
Jlnqulshlng the prt>sldency After
serving tor the past year was
Mrs. Edward Chapma n of 122-1
Devon Lane, WestcJICf.
Officers who w ill serve t!te jun·
lors during 1960·61 Include Mrs.
Six hundred tickets sold tor Ha rbinger of spring were Walter Spicer. first \'ke-presl·
the luncheon and more than 400 great whlte ·urns filled with pure dent; Mrs. B. T. Lillegraven, sec·
tor the cocktail hour spelled an white plum blossom s. I ond vlce--pre.sldem; Mrs. Eugene
unprecedented success' story tor Russell Carpenter of New York Charles. recordinJ: secretary; Mrs.
the two . performance fashion commentated the show Flower F r a n k Herman. corresponding
show sponsored a t Balboa Bay arrangem('nts were by Jewell "ecretary; Mrs. Rolx>rt Badham,
Cl ub by the Newpor t Ha rbor Serv., Welty ot Corona del Ma r and treasurer;. ~1rs. Edward Chap.
ire League and Orange County music was by Charles L.a VNe. I parliamentarian. and ~rs.
Philharmonic Society last Thurs. Committee members were Mrs. I \\ Ill lam Manning, llal on oCfac-er.
&19~ ........... -tiM ... , Nra......-eauac~......_.....,,
Wltla .......... .,.. ad Mit ,.... Nlftl.
W1tla OaaiLlllt ... .... ftlly Mil.
ADd I wbo lOft b•r. loo'd,. a.ctr., _......, ...... .-~ .. -.
.. warm. 110 -alL 110 .........
Bft becnaty DOIM but I could ....
1 took her hOIIM aDd 101Ped ~aft wen:
.&. J taagbt ber bow to pat·a-adlle,
ADd pkact ber up wbea abe feU dowa,
ADd ldaMcS each bump aDd UIUil1 becut·ach ..
Tbe tilDe baa came tbe wodcl d8cnes
That ab•. to 11 sWDmera 910WD.
A womcm la wlth womcm'a ways,
Who letcally may ataD4 a1oDe.
Cotillion Dance ~arties Are
Held Monthly at Yacht Club
Thoee Junior CotllHona at New. son were wlnnera at a coachlnl
port Harbor Yacht Club are In cotillion, with Uut Mmes. Stan·
fUJI twine every month now u ley P. Sawyer, WlUJam Buttera
boys and 1l.rb learn the lateat and John Gurley .. patroru .
dance atepa and aoc:laJ deport· Sixth gradera had a backward
me nt with a party air. sport party with dance contests
April 6 la the date for the next In which the Jlrl.a led the boys.
serlea, be1lnnln1 at 3:45 p.m . for Lealie And~w• and Thomaa Taae
fourth gradera, and ending with won thla one. t>r. and Mra. Bur·
the "grown-up'' eighth crade af· nell Forg ey and Mr. and Mrs .
fair at 8:15 p.m. Donald P. Hart were patrons.
At this month's partie~ Ma rch The Junior Cotillion also was a
16, fourth graders who won prizes backward a!talr with Nancy Tit·
for the lucky spot dance were ley and Bill Salvin winners and
Lynn Hart and Lawrie Cunning. Mrs. Alan Gray a nd Mrs. E. C.
ham. Mrs. Fra nk Marshall a nd Martin as patrons. Member hosts
Mrs. Robert Loud were patrons. were Larry Porter, Alan Gray,
Lauren Tooley and .Jack Nlel· Jan Martin and Candy White.
Kamaaina Klub
·Aids Fairview
"It's Fun to Dress
In Fash ion"
day. To benefit from proceeds is Cotlon and Mr . Mead as co-Hostess for the day was Mrs.
the Symphonies tor Yo uth Pro· I chairmen; Mmes. Ahmanson, Ed·j John Penney. Guests wc.>re Mrs. Kamaaina Klub has sent out
gram. Jer, Richard Loveland, Scudder, La"·rence Brown, retiring senior a n SOS for va rious Items tor pa·
Mr . John Mende welcomed Harvey Somers Warmington and pre ldent; Mr . Ann Lewis, In · Clipping tht> apron strings i" not entirely a matter to be deal! tient11 at Fairview State Hospital
guc'tts seated at ta bles gay with W11liams. ' coming <;f'nior president; )tr-. with by the mothers or sons. Girls, too, must be set tree when lts project for the coming season.
tht> St. Patrick motif. Center·! John Boyd, formN liaison arlvis· Towels, s turdv toys. phono~rraph
I the right time come11. , .. piN'ec; were gre«.>n top hats tilled T PI t d or to Jun ors. and )1rs. Roland The law ays that this Is a mattt>r to be judg<'d by blrthda.yc;. records, picture maga zines, play
with tlngeJ hair and supporting re e an e \Vr1ght, who ta kes her pla<'l' dur· When a girl Is 18 she m3y marry without parental consent. Pa rents yard equipment, clothing, shoes
tiny white flocked trec.>s on which l ing the coming year. who are not faced with this emergency are lucky Indeed. I'm glad and children's books are needed.
evmbldium orch ids "grf'w." All , M I th3 1 1 am one or them. Persons whh Items to donate
of the on:hldS as WI' II a .. cham· At a riner Is FIIILY FIRE As for the clipping of apron strings, this Is no matter tor s ud· may telephone Mrs. Roy Keene a t
pagne for the c-ocktail hour had jden a<X'om pllshment. It is made up of year a fter year snipping Uberty 8-9080 or Mrs . .Jack Swart
be<'n donated, the flowers by Mr. eoo~-Up away at the tles that bind, loosPnlng them by degree!! from the at ORiole 3-3207 to have them 1\nrt Mrs. Arthur Williams and There's a beau tiful new black ....... ld r h lC hi h picked up. thE> Jatter by Mrs. William's fa . pine tree growing on the ca mpu By LOUISE METEER lflrst early decisions of the me re tot to dec e or erse w c ~~~~--------~~~~~~~~~:S:~~~~
thcr, Sam Mbsher. or the Mariner's Elementary color or socks she will wear.
Appearing w 1 t h professional St·hool near Harbor Highlands. H f 1 Bv the same token, ti\P girl who can take responsibility a t the o_,w ~o y~u usc your re r gPr~ a~e of 18 Is the one who had her sm:tll s hare of it when she was models ln the showln~ of Paris It's a gift from the We To Ma ator. \\hat ts an It thas m inute. coming along through the tender yea~
!.1 hions w£'re the ~1mes. Wit· Check ·camp Fire Girls. who pre· Like as not )OU aren't {'\'en cer-11 1 hlld r
li.1ms. Howard Ahmanson. Ver· sented It on the 50th anniversary lain. Or maybe you realize with Many tears have ~n shed for ~he poor tt e c ren °
non Edler. John Meade. Ed War-l o r Camp Fire Girls last Thurs·l a s tart that you real!\' s hould working mot~ers, andl~lghhtlly·soh But If ttlhere L~ a brig~~ sidedt~
mington. John Scudder, Harvey day. throw out tho e dabs of this and I thP picture, I m sure t s ' s. t a t a mot er w o some mes £>
Som('r;, Audrey Cotton and Ooro-The fact that this also wu St that and start O\'t>r. ~lend-. upon her child brings out u ndiscoverc.>d abllitit>G a nd strength h y dl M · 1 p t ·r k' o d th gllt f in th"' r oungster In depths that many tall to plumlt. t Y ar ey. · any wore prace ess a n 5 ay ma e e 0 Have you evN approached this The little girl who can s ay with pride: "My mother needs me,"
jew"'ls estimated. a t n worth of something green of special In· • mattt.>r of left-on•rs from another Is not too I)OOr. And she Is mosf apt to grow up Into the kind o f
more than $3 million. tet(•st. 1 angle, such a planning to ha\·e d<~ughter who. at 18. Is so S<'if reliant that there Is no real know!·
Christensen Pharmacy.
Beauty Specials
Satura Cream llr Dorolhr Grar
Free 10 day Trial Size Sample
with Req. $3.50 or $5.00 Size
Also with $3.00 Lotion
Colo1ial Dames Roral Bee
Come in and See Our Complete Selecti on
of Easter Eqqs Plus Bunnies and Chicles
ORIOLE 3 ·2550
them whc.>n you prep.ue a meal? l.'dg(' of ,,hPn the apron strings wt-re s evPred.
l it's o c.>asv to doublE' up on l'\'e sc>"'n a lot of sci( -sarriflcl ng, m artyr-tyP<' mothers In my c-ookln~. so tll'lt you rl?ally work timl". wear1ng old rlothes to buy new on<'s ror tht'lr rhildrt'n, doi ng
oply £'\t>ry othN day. Here are the housework alone with no thnught of help rrom the famil~·.
l>Ome ldt.•as: proudly lh lng hy th(' fooll'lh thinking of "my child didn't ASK to
Wh<'n you prepar<' potatO<'~. he born." Yes: l'\'e . c-en th<'m .. :llld I round ou t where thf'y Wl"rl'
cook t•nough for 2 ml.'uls. Ea'ile.;;t hl.'.uied. Tht'y hecam<' the l<'glon of forgott('n women, overlooked by
\Ll)' now that nf'W pot:ltO<'.., are thc1r chililren in the fanal l'ount.
on th<' mark('! i" ro boll them In These a re the door-mat women of tht' world. and who could
their j.:lr ket.-. I The minute they do a n)'(hlng mor<', with n door-mat, than simply 10 wipe one's
.Itt' d<IOe V)Ung<' thl.'m into COld (('et UpOn Jt?
water to pr('\l:'nt tht•1r turnang --------------------------
ct.~rk.l \\'h('n c·vol v~·(•l. ,lnd pre· • I. d y h .. !~~~: .. : IJl one of tht.· fulluw•ng ,Hospata 1ty an ac ttng at
~~~~;§:; 8:..~~= .. ~~~.~~~~~~.'u ~m~~:?:.~: .. '"''I
aballow baldDCJ dllb, top with b1l.ty failt.>•l to rla m r><'n spirit· ror .starts boomed off were: Vice
butter cmd parmeacm cbeeae tht' B 1 h 1 a Corinthian Yacht Commodore and Mrs. A. 0 . Mac-·!
aDd run under the broUer to Club'-.. lntN·rlub raC'e Ma rt.'h 6. Lachlan I ~Irs. )lacLachlan t'n·
brown. .\lore than ;::; member· and tertaln1ng new rc.:;ldents In the
UM for potato salad, either gur<ttoc kept th"' official hostl'sses.. area from Encino. the Tim Me-·
bot or cold. 1 )trs. Tom )till iron of Balboa Is· Laughlin family 1; salty sailors
Add to 'lf"D beau with 11and and ~trs. Ray Carlisle. of \Babe and Lloyd Massey or East
whkll you~ coobd a bam Lido lsle, busy handlng out cot· Bay Front; Mary a nd Clyde Sher·
bock. I fee and doughnuts In the main wood w1th their lovely d aughter,
Cbop.CIJid bash lwOWD with Bahia Corinthian Club room un-Diana; the entire Len Lilly Jr.
qn.eo ooloD top&. (Jfner throw til 5 p.m. prize gl\'lng rolled and Jam<'s Laws Ill families ot
these oul Uae tbem for tlcn-or.) 1 ;tround. Bay Shores.
I Wht>n c-ooking spina c-h. broc·l C Also,. ERel neB and HRIIl TIGghe.
l'llli. gr('('n;, ZUl'('lnJ or sum -cash D t d apt a n on rown. arry ra n · mN qua._h, ('OOk l'nough for 2 0 n a e RN and rtaughter, Shirley, who
mcals. SN\ <" hu tiered at on<'. and I crewed their Lido 14 togethN;
a couple of rtay-. l<llrr add the F 1 d• Mr. and Mrs. FredNic Button. ac-
t r('matning \'l'£f'l.l hit> to unSW('Ct. 0 r n Ian s companied by their daughter.
1'1'1"1 ruo;tard anrt on<' c-up of grat. ~l('phanie of Lido Isle; C:lrlos
rt •h · B k 1 , I Ray; Dr. Marshall Brown of Co· ~II ;l t-e'~; a 1.' in s ow O\~n un· )Ju Epsilon Chapter ot Beta I rona del Ma r; John Gettle of lr·
0 I ~l·h out r,.h~n pr"'par('t .t e s:c-· Si~ma Phi met at the home> or vine TNrace; Mrs. Hyde Bra ly, nr "" a <' samr imc )OU :\t r;; Thoma'! Canepa of Laguna h Bill 1 h i
rto thl' tin-t. kf'Pplng II in refrig ·I Bea~h la'>t Thursday night Cor Its ~I losel:on, d yh was rlac-ngoods
I r•rator until baking timf'. bi-monthlv se<~slon St Patrick's I r ~I .L an t e Sent rer g 'I .
Whl'n you buy a rump or othN Day provided the the-me tor dec· oo ~g awrcncc traw ami y.
bonrl<''" roa!llt J:"'' a bla one Slic-e . b I I h .JS \\ell as many others were · ., · !orations at t e soca our. thNe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~ h,llf ln<'h sllcl'o; ~rom one end The Chapt('r made a donation · ---and tf'nrleriz~. Rro1 l thf'stt for one of money to Danny Day for the J-fos t boat fur the day "~as ~ m<' 1 d t th t 0 c-ut Commodore and Mrs. Howard J. a · an roas e res · r: 1 bt>n('fit ot Indians of New Mexico. • ~ 1 • 1 1 1 .[: p • t s • • L the meat Into <'Ubes and broil on A troctor to a c;slst thc.>m In farm· ..... ng ey s catama ra n s a n g r: rtva e Wlmmtng essons a Sk<'Wer alternated with mus h· ing will be purchased. s loop, Sha limar lit. Here snacks r: rooms. and light refreshment revived r: Y 0 U R p 0 0 L It your roast Is a tougher va. IThThuersdCahyaftaert ~tvhlell hmomeeet otofnMigrhst d ropf-alboadrdsgtarothm nedoon oltnh. Latht·
[ riety, pot roast it, but cut off the · er, r en s er w e r. I most sin('wy part.o; for stew. Try Richard Ramon of Costa Mesa. Langleys nt their apartment to r: Red Cross Certified lnst.ructor u ing a little Imagination w1th Mrs. Sigrid NefJ or 410 Santa Ana enjoy the hospitality ot a race r. Teachinq All Aqes I hilt St<>W. adding green IImas ~"'Vn('I .• PNI'ctewu poe rtlidHeighr~-a w ildll pare. n1Mghtrchbu(8fet. h hi I h C and chunks or zu <X'Inl w 1 t h a ~· r s es o ~ n n v. a at t e mont y n g t
Reasonable Rates And bf" su rt> not to overcook the summer. modore La ngley found himself
\3 .6"
1 6 4.8 7 1," s l J 0 1
Taxation without
Champion Adding
Machines -lowest
prices in 10 years!
No. we can't make puyln& it easier, but
we can sure m.ake your fiturint easier,
faster end more accurate t>~ttb a new
Vtctor Champion. 18 hand and electric:
modeb including 9-column tolll lina and
automatic credit balarce. I O.key or full
For your office. store or bome. see
V1ctor's complete new line today-and
pve at lowest prices in 10 yean!
225 Fol-ert Ave.~ ~:HY 4·6544
for a SAFE
lr~~~t~, 2t07 rnt Coett MI.....,., e.,., h i lll~r • Ttl.,.._, e.ll tltitn, Oltielt Will
pays 4 50% o•_I.SUIII All~~~t(:ln • 0 SArl••s
ftLUS "extra dividends'' becnse your sav1n&s s~y rl1ht here
In Oranp County to Increase payrolls, sal .. •net PfQperty values..
Resources in excess of $50,000,000.00
I whole tomato cut Into pie<'es. ian cou ntrle s he visited last Club Committee meeting, Com·
1 vegetablf!S. Top with dumplings In the surprise spot. Members ipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia ~ Mn . BobbJe Yocum Littlefield Ml 6·3103 1 made from biS<'u lt m ix. How LIYC s I t presented a birthday cake a blaze
long since you've made dump· e ec s with the appropriate candles and P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lings? Shame on you. They're so beautifully decorated tor the
,:;; easy! R Off• • I festive natal occaalon.
SEALjjSHEETS c/ llo1'111111*lf?
4"D I. 17th ST.
I Ha ppy Jeft ·OVCrs! ace ICia s Among tbe gro up of 32 present
s inging Happy Birthday were the
P rty M t
•f LIYC's Race Committee Cha ir· FranciA Warren.a of Ha rbor Is·
a 0 I man, Bud Worthen, will have Bill land. whose family crew or five
Morris as VIce-Chairma n for the youngsters will ~tart the You th
IS H •• coming season. progra m of B a h I a Corinthian
a w a II an Member!! a ppointed to serve 4n April 2. along with the Harry
the Race Committee will Include Granger and Robert Wilcox fam.
Ha rold (Aidy) Aldei'IIOn, .Jim Ad· lllea. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Res·
3542 E. Coaat Highway
CofoDa del Mar
OR 3-0380 COSTA MOA-
MI ......
Hawaiian custom set the mood
tor the very young set last w~k
when t)@edee Slve, daughter of
Or. and Mrs. Lloyd Calvy, 805
VIa Lido Nord, Lido Isle, cele·
ams, John Glasa, Walter LJer, Jim ter of Santa Ana Helght.a we~
Martindale. Lee McClellan, Rerb preeent During the evenlng,atarr IJ!~~~~~~!!~~~!!!!I!!!~~!!~~!!~~~~!!~~ Morrey, Platt Preston and Dr. Commodo~ Don Bu.ssy dlsdoeed, =
wm. O'Rlelly. he Is number one entry fol' t he
brated her ninth birthday anni· ·~~~~~~~;~~~~~;;;~~;;;~~;;;;==:=~======!! versary at her home. Hostess and
HandJing LIYC's Night Flight up-coming Enaenada race claulc.
Serlea are Bud Helltand and Jack
Sayers, co-chairmen. Newlyweds to WATCHES IY:
guesb wore muu-muus, alpped
CO<'Oa nut milk through straws
aad learned to hula and talk
with their hands. Sandy Swan·
• WYLlA son was their teacher.
The Night FJighll will atart In
.June again thu year and wlJI
<'Ontlnue through J uly and Aug·
ut. every Tueaday evening. Be Honored
• ETUNA An autograph hound presented
• HAMILTON to the little girl by Milly Tracy rDIT AID CLAD 1ft ~. ancJ Mrs. Raymond AJt!r ~ and Barbara Benton from the 'nMt American ~tied Crou will of 4.30 Poppy Ave.~ Corona del ==========================; Children's Party Servl<.'t' at Rlc:h· be1ln a standard ftrtt aJd tla11 Mar, wUJ e ntertain durJn1 the ard's waa aimed by all p,.ent. next Thur-s&y, llareh 31, In the SWNtlwart laJJ at lalboe a.y
CIIILDIID I 10 a• na.
SmaD Q• •• • Art cmd Craftl
Sport cmd GaiDe ~
1'1 •• ... • II 1 F I
Ill WN ftii'A CIOftA ...... CAUP.
ftl tO I I ... dl ... ..
Low tables bore HawaUan dee· Scout hOUM at Anaheim Ave. and Club thll Frtct.y nl1ht honortn1
orations and a birthday ealut Plummer St., Cotta ...... The new~ Dr. and lin. twter
decorated In the manner of the cl._ wtu be btlel from 9:30 to Treleawn of loath &Acuna.
lsla.nd.a wtth Oowen and aa. 11:.30 a.m. ..... batSon. may be 1'11eTNa..._ WWN,...... of
Gueeta Included HQM'Y ~ IUdeb)'calllftl Gaawty 2·1131. the Atlft Ia laa11a17 at tM..,
Christine Jem~en, Pam Melftft, Chlb's Lu ~ Jflllt~ .,._
Diane Plumb. Tony A.-t' 11a ,.,..,..., the._.. wu ...._ ....._ ....
P'ro.t. 11n.a Ro.o. Xrlltlne IAun J.,.. Dillon. 21. 80ft of llrt. Lll· .........,.. hllniMj a 0.. ...,..
and~ lien Tripp. 3'7'GI5 W. ••• aa.d .. wwtt .. tllil -.J LM Y ... to w..e Mewport. ._ bMn pi'CiimGt· • ....._ ancl u._ ..., ..
0.,.. __, Wta l ••• aa: ala,aa. eel to apedau.l • at Oldn.lwa. ..u,r .. ,,.,., ... ..........
Jleh I ... I II IIFU ................. fw Ia a ... ..., of fM ... ,_lit ........ .... ..., c.t ............. .., 'l'll."--~ ... .., ·~• wW .. Mr .... lla ,.... ... .
,........ 01111. ...... .........,.. ~117· .-rt.
A•tA••t~ ...... ., c... .. ...
.... &Me OR,...
. .......
French culina ry lore hu It ...
a chef to be truly ,reat muat be
In Jon. U he !alia out of love
his haute r ulslne tumbles and
his petits plats alnk to the level
of a blue plate special ... There
are only a lew true· restauranta
Jere In America where the epicure
seeka the artistry of champlona
In the aophere of gastronomy . . .
Kara m's 11 one of the select few
remaining . . . And you have
only to see Jimmy Karam and
his lovely wile, Lucille. your
co rdial and discriminating hOflt
and hostess. together to know the
reason why ... Very proudly we
welcome the new Karam's, two
years from the dreaming board
to an e xquisite reality, as a n~
neighbor . . . Walter Holbrook
was given a tree hand an d as
I marveled at the richly n ocked
red wallpaper, black marble,
smoked mirrors, luxurious red
carpets and glltterine crystal
candelabrum h a n g I n g from
gleaming w h I t e ceilings, I
thought, "Here Is a. place to re·
lax, a plare where time will
stand still. Here J will enJoy the
ri<.'h herltaee of culinary lnnova.
tJons trom all over the world."
* * *
J bcld jut taba DlJMU OD
le 9nmd touz a few days be·
foro tbe opeei119 twa P'ridaya
090-WbJJe I ,... waitbag fw
Jta.y Ia tbe c«tmdl ........
tbe fzoet dool' ope...s CID4
II.... "Wily it
loob Wre llcaiaanl" J'-·
my wooJdD't let aae !Jet a word
ia ......,_ ••. ""You baYe
• 11 c b a woedftt11l aa.arket .................... ca......s
..-..& ....... e...tte...ut .....................
y_._....,....~. .........................
Aad liD ................ .
........ Tbey--. ..... .
t.paftallt ......... b ... , .. ,
b11yi89 a loaf of bread.. Wbeo
l'aa tbed It rMta aae to c-.
"'" to you_~ pl.n Cllld look
arowad ••• " See? Why, ODCe you-.. eliDed at ICCU'CIID'a. you'll
dot1Dar 50 aa1ln out of your wcrr to .taU tbla fiDe natcna·
raat agaia •••
* * *
Anrl how do you like your ap·
pies? ... Which form of sav·
ory pastry do y ou like tbem
wrapped 10? Do you like a pple
rolls, apple dumplings, apple
turnovers or apple strudel! hp·
pt>rld~tt> Farms has romt> up with
all the~~e ·delightful nibbles of
the flaky pastry repertoire, froz.
en, of C'our!l4'. c.>aC'h Individually
wrapped In aluminum foil. When
you take tht>m out of the foil you
find a droopy little triangle,
11quare or round of lnbaked
dough as the sha pe ma,y be ...
Pop in the oven and Aavory to
the delldous smells of tan~)'
apples a nd rich buttery pastry
baking ... Open the oven door
and what a surprl~ ... They
growed ... Big puffed up n aky
puff paste JZoodles thr~ tlma
their original size ... and the
bultE'r oozJne out all over ... A
dream to ~rve either warm with
confN tloners s ugar sprinkled
over or with Ice cream ... Also
Cherry Rolla and Raspberry or
Blue berry Turnovers ... Pepper·
ldge Farms Oatmeal Bread u
new too
* * *
s-etblD9 ~t ·-.... .. , Udo ..... -1.-1 ...... f1U .... ..tty. y ......
,_ • --... beGt ••• Ov
awaUde .......... _.
H· d ~ wttla tM
d9•t ................... ,..._...._ ..,_, cr•c~ar
a• !oe ~ ... IQJie ..... .......... -.... , .. ....................... wtaa ••c••• _. ....._ ........... ...
* * •
Here at RJchard'a, where tM
Lucky Bucka art-allll n y1nr ..•
Thla WHk ·end you can buy
.urar. baCOR and awt"adoetl wtth
tbe-,..U'vt .. we~ ..• ol. thil 1Me ..... ,...,.. 8Ntb;
aoaarr 8AJC CUDUATU ,.IWIOft ..... &Iii .. I
Rot>en N. Halg, aviation tl~r· 1"11VBDAY. MAIICII II. ••
tronk te<"hnlrlan airman, U 'N, COIIOIIA DILIIAIL ~
so• roa 110 LUID ,
Sunshine Box
Raises Funds
• : : AJDoag ,u. Girls •••
•• Stifflers to
Tour Abroad
eon of ~r. and Mr . Alvin N.
H&l g of 1418 Irvine Avt>., Har·
bor Hlihlands, has graduatt'd
from tht> Aviation Elt'ctronl<"s
Technirian School at the Naval
AJr Technical Training Center,
Mem Ttonn.
Mlrh1h.~l and Diane Kane, 1900
Clay St., CllU Hav~n •• ,.. parenta
ot a son born Saturday, March
J9, In Hoag H08pltal, weighing
5 pound~ 9 ou~
Proof that a UtUe can ma ke a
Joe b found In a report hOm
Mra. Xarh*" Gleullch, publl·
clty chairman tor Senior Cltlzen.e
ot the Jf.wpon Harbor a rea. She
aid tht. .._k that about taO
has been contributed by the
oraan lzatlon for upkeep at the
Coron a del Mar Youth Center In
the put 2 yeara. In addition
another $36 haa been rafaed for
purchu lng card• to notify mem·
bers of meetings.
There are no dues for the
Senior Citizens, who have been
operatln& since October, 1956.
All moneya raised has been In
amall contributions to a Sun·
shine Box. which wu atarted
In April, 1958.
U.S. Marsh'al
To Talk Here
By Louise Meteer
:D~ FAS:nON BREEZ.ED fN. ~ft. a.y..ur ~Ira of ;,:.;..-Uavlng th~lr home a t 1136 1
TO TOWN Thuraday by way of del ,._, ~ abe la ,..... Somerset Lant>, W~stCIJ ft, Mr.
St. Patrick wlth a party that al. wltb • ......_ f41r a-'fODd her and Mrs. L. H. Stl!fl~r wllJ tak"l
m08t turned Into an International Y*D'III ....._ .._ ie bacnatifuJ a jet MaN'h 29 from l o Angele•
affair. wi .......... ,..._...abe 111 International airport on the first
The right • • accessor1es
The lrlih were there, a wearln' wttbaot .....aty1 lap of a trip to Euro!)e. A high·
of the a reen; the models wore ....._ abe 1a ..a..tad ...s light will be a visit at the home j
French P'uhlona, tbe delectable roUte. a.padaat. wta.oat a of tht>lr son and his bride, Lt. for Smart Fashion
luncheon was something called touch of •lf·~•t1 and Mrs. Robert ~orse Stiffler
Turkey Marco Polo; the com· a..-... alae la a tbolou9b· of London. 1
m~nt, especially at the Press ly ake Pft1101L They will sail from New York
table', was typically American; • • • on the Holland Amf'rlcan Une's 1 and some of the clothes were JUST WONDERFUL to ~e Jan lfaasdem to London, and after
more than a little "out of this Davia CMrs. Charles H.l, former a visit at their son's home will
world." owner of the little book s tore on 1 go on to Germany to buy a new
• • • • the Lido, lunching at Berk. h lrt>'s ~fercedes tor a tour of the con·
AS SOMEONE REi\JARKED, "I I Friday. Jan Is making the long ,tlnent.
liked the looks of the women at· way back from really serious Ill· They'll return home a board
tending better than l did the ne.s. With J an wa~ Bunnie 1 ~1 r the Orlt>nt Lines' new ('rulse
models." Definitely I a s h Ion· Harvey 1 liayt>r, anrl thf' two hart h lp, the Orsova.
fla vored was the attire of those I ' heir heads toge1 her planning 1
hand bags by
Jewelry by
Na pier
Grandee g loves
Leslie James hats
present. Mrs. Howard Ahmanson, the program for th~ Sorop tlmlats IEATTT IAIT AUlVES
petite and llamboyant In a burnt forth('oming Cherry Blo om Ball i • • j
orange spring suit with big white to bent>fit the Girl~ Club at the A daugh ter ~elghlng 5 pounds, J 1
Robert Ware of Los Angeles,
U.S. marshal for this district,
will speak a t the noon luncheon
of the Books 'n Stu(l section or
the Tuesday Club next Wednes-
day, ~arch 30, at the Irvine
Coast Country Club.
straw hat; Ginny Smith In bll· Bt>ar hcomberll In C apistrano 4 ou nce was born Tu(' day, ---2
lowy black tafft>ta de!!lgned s he May 13 • • • l l i ar<.'h 15. to John and Linda Telephone 335:) Via L1do
confe88ed, by the' same d~rlng j' Till[. WEDDDfC WILL IE Of Beatty, 415 ', )1arlgold A\e., OR1ole 3·15i0 Newport Bea<"h, Cal1t.
hand that was responsiblto lor 1UlfE, .ays Dorotlry Jo Swaa· Co rona de I ~Jar, In Hoaa Lido BuU~Ina Lobby
that naughty and not very nice aoa of eor... del liar. COli· I Hospital. ====''""""~"""!""""""'=""""~==~ !!!~~~~~==~~=~-·
black gown with the plunging cera1e9 ber .S.U,btor, Saadl.
neckline. TIM ..nov• .... ori9tDally
The men folks are also Invited.
and a separate table Is being
set a side tor them.
• • • plcnaaed for Nay, but It ..... I H A R B 0 R FOR SHEER DAR J N G you tltat IGDdl'a t1cnaae •ut apeDd •
couldn't overlook the canary yel· cuaatbor aaoatb tJI tbe • ...,.
low suit and hat with real can. Uacle ScaD is ,...tty ......... t
aries on it, worn by Eve Hurtt. about WD9• Ulre that. nmaace The program will a lso Include
songs by Mrs. Robert Flane gln
of Corona Highlands and her 13·
year-old daughter, Terry.
And did you see the white hat aatwttbatalldiJ19.. M A R K E T that looked exactly like the d ust
caps under which Mother used
to conceal her kid curlero? • • •
do they walk that way! Reminds
one or t he Jines from Robt>rta,
the musical <"Omedy. "Don't Winners at last Friday's du · walk," said Roberta to the •
plicate bridge sessions of the models. "Just ooze along."
National Charity League at the • • • ••
Balboa Bay Club w~re: Mrs. WE'LL TAKE D 0 R 0 THY
Helen Waggoner and Mrs. Fred YARDLEY for dash a nd pol11e,
MacDonald, f Ir s t north-south, especially in the two piece s uit
and )fr,. Ra lph Holden and Mrs. with reversible red coat. r. E. Vandervort. SCC'ond; Mrs. • • •
HarvE-y Pt>arson and Mrs. Allen AS FOR JEWELS. imagine thr Cri~ell. fi rst east·west. a nd lfrs. spectacle of $3.000,000 worth or
Thf'lma Sma ll and Mrs. Alire dazzling diamonds. pearls, and I
Fuller, f:econd. Play starts at emerald~. all worn by local wo·
9:30 a .m. each Friday. men under the watrhful c.>)'e or
lEST IUYS • UDG I Pinkerton. • • •
IT llELEJf THI:iG! That's what Wt> rle,.idt>d.
StTo!Jing down the Llrlo, wt> ~trai2htPnlng our ow n pink bon·
fi nd an a bundance of intPT«.> tinsr net with the top-knot of
Items to buy .. ~ At Rlrhard's ·pon lt .
Ucio ~arket. there's a selection • • • of the fines t avocadoes for a
fa mily treat for only "9 lucky
bucb .'' which you have been
collecting during their annlve>r·
sary ~lebration . .. . At the Lido
Wi~dow, Jt>an Dahl has aC<'essor.
lell that makt' th<' lady''! heart
flip all they t'nhanre thP heauty
ot her ('OStumP; who wouldn't
love a ha nd·bag by Ro<wnft>lct. I or a bra('(' If'! rle~ignE'rl by
:-.Iapie r., . . . Jf you wis h to get
WE"aB TOUDfC A .OU· oun (...s .......... ancu.
lt)toJ ................ ..
Livinq Alone?
dinner easily and quickly. stop The very lont-llcs t thing In
In at thE' Harbor ~arket for one
of thOSf> ~onderful barbe<.'ue the world Is having to turn
fryers, all ready to cat . . . For
beauty, see the cosmetic rle·
partment at VIncent's Drug
Store: futured this week 1'1
Elizabeth Arden's Velva moiS·
ture film for the skin "that
thirsts for beauty ." Stop in and
gtot some.
Sally Eymann. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ja mes Eymann of
412 Piazza Lido, Lido fs le. Is tak-
Ing part In the "Solreoe Fran-
C'a l e.'' being pre~ntE'd this Ftl·
on your own light~. U>t us
light up your home a nd op<>n
your garage doors cleC'tron·
k ally and automatl<"ally.
Once you've had a n El(.'{'t ronic
Garage Door Opener, you'll
never be without one. Call us
today! Lido Sale.!\ Co., Packard
Bell Garage Opener'!, 324
day evening at Scripps College Newport Blvd .. ~ewport &-at·h
under the auspices of French 1
classes at Scripps and Claremont
Phone lJ 8··1491.
MfVt's College. Sally is a fresh ·
man at Scripps. ·
~ for your skin that
tbii'StS for beauty ...
v elva
moisture f il m
Velva Moisture: Film is
an invisible protecti\c: film
that moisturizes slon,
leaving it smoother,
younger-looking. Tt) it
under Bas1c h~n or·a-Crc mc and sec: ho~
rJdaant }OUr mJkc:-up •
ta~ s all day. "ath no
"fade-out". 5.00. 10.00
and IIU O a ll plu!> tu.
Fimshing touch: EhL<~bclh
Arden's ln\lsable \e1l
'· .. the finest powckr
in tbc world !
Pbcllle: Oasale 5-0UO
Phone OR 3-0954
3420 Via Lido.
BEEF ROAST l•ll•s• • ... r.
Swill' a
U C:.•l•
u ••i• Swift's u C:.lill
U Clllice
BAR 1-0 (Cooked Just Rite) A.ort.d
FRYERs· 89:. Lunch Meats 59:.
Sliced Bacon 49:.
Swanaon'&-Any Kind
Grade AA Lcuqe -
Ranch Eggs ··· 39(
Swift' a Butterball or Poppy Brand
TURKEYS J!!) 45:.
llfllltUIITEIS ,,.
• IEEF •
Y2 BEEF 59:.
Loin of Beef 89:.-
Cut. Wrapped.-Sharp
and DetiYered at No Extra
A FREE Side of Bacon with Eae& Hind Quarter of Beef.
of Beet receiYe a 4-lh. Canned Ham and the Bacon.
Ground Beef Richard· a 39 Lucky
Lean Style Bucb
Sugar C &H 39 Lucky
Can.-5 lbs. Bucb
Orange Juice Birdaeye 20 Lucky
6 oz.. luc:b
Avocados Jumbo Siae 9 Lucky
Fuerte Variety--each lw+-
Biscuits Pillabmy 10~ Buttermilk--.crda
l I •• a A I I I ''
M33 VIA LIDO oa uaa
------· ----~-----------.
A HUGE CARRY -All is being pushed by a 0-8 grader to pick up
a full load of dirt during grading operations ot the Corona del Mar
Youth Center grounds. Jock Riley of 2695 Boyshqre Or., Bay
Shores, donated the use of -4 pieces of equipment from his con-
tracting firm in Anaheim for this mojor job of levelling the boll field
ond tennis court oreos at the Youth Center. The carry-oil is round-
ing the corne r in the general vicinity of home plate of the new boll
field, which will be furn ished with lights for night playing. The
Youth Center building is in the background. (Photo by Lin Sheely)
Geo~e Qul~rt Jr., 2e. Ana-
helm .• was Injured when ht. car
wu Involved In an accident with
a NewpQrt ~ach tlty motor
aweeper on Marruerlte Ave .• 35
feet .outh of Cout Hwy., Corona
del Mar. at 11:10 a.m. Monday,
Newport pollee reported.
Mr. Culbert had atarted to
pau the street sweeper as It at-
tempted to ma ke a u-turn. The
sweeper was belnr operated by
Gua Ritter of the s treet depart-ment ..............
Emery Hanson, vice-president
of P. .t\. Palmer Inc.. Newport
Beach. reported this week thnt
the Rosenbaum family has sold
170 acres of the historic Trabucco
Ranch near San Juan Capistrano
to Newpor t Balboa Savlnrs and
Loan Assn. Mr. Ha nson repre -
WINGS 0~. 60U~ ore pinned on Navy Lt. lawrence 1\lttell ot the
Novel A~•1l1ory .A" Stotion, Kingsville, T eJtas, by his wife, the
former M1ss ~onlyn Hokes of 236 Via Mentone, Lido Isle. Lt. Axtell
eorned the wmgs of o navel oviotor end received orders to report
to ~fto~k Squodron I 25 ot the Novol Air Station, Moffett Field Col1forn1o. '
sented both the buyers and c I d f E
sellers ln the transaction. which a en ar 0 vents J lilt S •11c 1ln oc totaled more than $500,000. =~ .. ~Y. ~ • PO~~~~ •. ~~~~~ ~!~·~~~~~ .. forHi~os':::!:sS :..~~.~~:. ::!:~:--· o~~ uno .•• ·~·-····•"
Officers could not locat«! a a drunk driving charge at 3:53 nearly hit by a speeding vehicle Math Meet day In Hoag Hospital a t the age 12=15 P.M.-Newport Harbor KIWANIS Club. luncheon, VIJla Marina
group of Juveniles who had been a.m .... Joan Howland, 2203.,. on Coast Hwy. in the Corona del of 80. Oraveslde seTVfces were Restaurant. Joint meeting with DAR. Kiwanis Lt. Gov.
dropping gou.rds on cars on Bay-~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach, Mar area at 2 a .m . Wednesday. !From the occ Barnacle) he ld Tuesday in Fairhaven Mem-David Nielsen will speak.
side Dr. from the Goldenrod Ave. reported that twice during the March 16. Sixty students from 15 nigh orial Park, with the Rev. Edwin 12=15 P.M.-Newport Harbor EXCHANGE Club, luncheon, Newport
footbridge, Corona del Mar ..• week a pane of glass had been Police gave pursuit to the schools In Orange County will Gomke of the Corona del Mar Harbor Yacht Club. The Rev. Fra nk Argelander mls-
Officers confiscated a sUng shot removed from a door and the vehicle, which was doing 75 participate In the Fourth Annual Community Church officiating. slonary, Is the speaker. •
from a Newport Beach boy, 15, a screen cut by someone attempt· miles an hour on Coast ~wy. OCC Invitational Mathematics BeU Broadway Mortuary of Co.ta 6 =00 P.M.~orona del Mar NIXON-FOR-PRESIDENT Club dinner
suspect poulbly responsible fo.r lng to enter her hom~ ... M$. east of Corona del Mar. It was Meet on Mar«t 25. Mesa was In charge of arrange-meetlnr a t the BaJboa Yacht Club. FUm on Nixon's
shooting out street lights on the Harold Young, 2527 Elden Ave.. fina lly forced orr the road 2 miles Teams of four students from ment. trip to Russia will be shown.
Ocean Front between 15th St. Costa Meo;a, reported the theft of east of the city limits. Two each school wlll compete In Survtv9rs Include~ daugtuers, .FRIDAY, MAJICH 25
a nd the Newport Pier . . . her son's bicycle from the Lido Costa Mesa boys. 13 and 11, solving problems coverlnr alge· Mrs. J;.eJJa Gentry• of N•wport 10;00 A.M.-Marlne-A·Rama Boat Show at the Balbo. Bay Club e TB1JJIIDAY, MAKB 10 Theater, Newport Beach . . . were occupants of the car, owned I bra and p lane trigonometry, ac-Beach a nd Mrs. Gertr ude Dalley grounds continuing to 9 .
Ralph J. Rupp, 33, of 3901 E. Lights were s tolen from the car by a father of one or the youths. rording to Barron Knechtel, ma-of Fullerton. 7:30 P.M.-Sweethe~rt Ba ll. dinner·d~-~ at the &!boa Bay· Club.
Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. was or Miss Diane Jelley, 608 S. Bay They were held on curfew viola-thematlcs Instructor 8:30 P.M.-KEY CLUB of Harbor High wlll hold Its third annual
charred with driving without an Front. Balboa Is land ... Mrs. H. lion charges and were released The flnals will take place after fr11·-IS J..&a Spring Swing in the high school gym.
operator's license a t 2:25 a.m. at W. Hayward, 301 -A Gra nd Canal. later to their parents to appear a dinner to be given by occ. ....
Coast Hwy. and Avocado Ave .• Balboa Island, reported the theft In juvenile cou rt. I High schools which are com-"Freedom Is Up to Me" Is the SATVBJ)AY, NA.aCR 21
Corona del Mar ... Nadine Mc-j of a metal table. garde~ ho.e Officers found a rifle. pistol. peting Include Santa Ana, Ana-topic of Dr. David Nielsen of 7:00 A.M.-Chrt.Uan Business Men's Committee breakfast at Ed·
Crary, 110~ w. Balboa Blvd., a nd plant, valued at $48.50 · · · ammunition. a nd a j ar rontain-helm. Western, Newport Harbor, Lido Isle at the joint meeting wa rd's restaurant. 512 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa, pre.
Balboa, reported flndtng a hole e MOifDAT. MAllCB 14 ing $16.13 In the car. The rifle Fullerton. Ora nge, Rancho Ala-of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis ced~ by ha lf hour of prayers.
In a window In her home, pos-Mildred L. Deaver. 53. ot t.p and ammunition for It were mitos. Garden Grove, Bolsa Club and the Col. William Ca -10:00 A.M.-Marine·A·Rama Boat Show at th~ Balboa Bay Club
sibly !rom a bullet; Investigating 20th St., Newport Beach, and AI · alleged ly stolen from the home Grande, Wes tminster, T ust I n , bell Chapter of DAR at the ground$, continuing to 9 p.m.
officers believed It was caused vln M. Sisk. 47, of 203i ~ewport of Btll Clausen, Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach, Ca pistrano, Villa Marina restaurant at noon 110:00 A.M.-Ba -Ll Regatta opens at the Balboa Yacht Club with
by a BB pellet but could find Blvd., Costa Mesa. werp cha rged • I Lalguil .. na BeJalflllch and
a lencla. today CThursdayJ. Dr. Nielsen, Lido lsJe Yacht Clu b as co-sponsors. none ... Cars driven by Delbert I with intoxication in auto at Sa l· 48.000 If ..... past president of the local 7:00 P.M.-Ba-Ll cocktails a nd dinner dance. Balboa· Yacht Club.
A. See. 19, Garden Grove. a nd boa Blvd. a nd 20th St., ~ewport • Kiwanis Club, is lieutenant StnfDAT, MARCH 71 Edward F. Pitts, 40, of 604, Beach. at 2:30 a.m .... Cars driv-AS ~-Ill ~~~~ governor of KJwanls District <1. IO:OO A.M.-Marlne·A-Rama Boat Show at Narcissus Ave .• Corona del Mar. en by Richard L. Thompson. 2132 upt mw I Private family funeral services the Balboa Bay Club
d AI B 1 d .. oooo h d 1 d f 1 od grounds, continuing to 9 p.m. were Involved In a n accident In Seville Ave., Balboa, an an · An est mate '1.0, ,ersons are sc e u e or I a.m. t ay CHtJIO FILM TO BE SBOWJf 10:00 A.M.-Ba-Ll Regatta continues. front of 900 W. Coast Hwy., New-Hubble. Westminster. were In· WE're on beaches In the harbor I !Thursday I tor Milton E. Tore II, The Christian Social Action
port Beach ... During the night I volved in an accident at Balboa area Sunday, Newport Beach 65. of 2510 Carnegie Ave .. Costa Committee will pr-esent a free NOifDAY, MAaCB 21 .
someone entered the car of ~-Blvd. and Coas t Hwy., West New-llle guards reported. Mesa. who passed away Monday public showing of the film. "Un-10:00 A.M.-Senior Citizens Club meeta every Monday m orning at
Thomas Malone, 535 Riverside, port, at 6:20 a.m .... David Lew· Thlrte<>n persons were rescued after a brief lllncss In the Palm chained," at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday the Corona del Ma r Youth Cen ter.
Ave .. Newport Heights, put the is, 16. of 270 E. 15th St., Costa from the surf by guards, and 9 Harbor Hospital, Garden Grove. at the Corona del Mac Commun · 7:30 P.M.-"The Unchained," feature-length film of Chino lnstl-
contents of the glove compart-Mesa . was bitten by a Npwport cases of firs t ai4 were handled. Mr. Torell was production man. lty Church. This Is the story of tute for Men to be s hown at Corona del Ma r Com-ment on the seat of the car. but Heights dog, which was q uaran· Two los t children were located.1 ager for the Los Angeles Ex· the Chino Institution for Men munity Church.
nothing was m iMing ... Nina tined ... An amplifier found at City s treets were jammed with I aminer for 18 years a nd prior to and of Dr. Kenyon Scudder. 7:30 P.M.-Newport Beach City Council In N.B. City Hall.
Means. 2939 W. Coast Hwy., New-FernleaJ Ave: a nd Bayside Dr .. visiting , with parking space that time was with the Los An ge-now a member of the Corona del
port Beach, reported that a sus-j Corona del Mar. was turned Into at a premium. Polle-e beach Jt!S Times. For the past two years Mar Church, who was warden at TUESDAY. MAJICB 21
plclous man attempted to sell polite by Mrs. John Grunewald. patrols Issued citations to many he had been with the Garden Chino<>for 11 years. This u a full-12:15 P.M.-Newport Harbor OPTlMIST Club, luncheon meeUna a t
her a watch but departed ... 505 Carnation Ave., Corona del persons on charges of drinklng Grove News. He was a resident length movie, produced by War-the Villa Marina restaurant.
Robert F. Hletbkemper, 35, West. Mar ... A set of golf clubs wu alcoholic beverages In public. of Balboa l.sland for 3 years be· ner Brothers. 6:30 P.M.-Newport-Balboa ROTARY Club, dinner meetJnr, Irvine
minster, suUered a dla~Uc at-stolen from the car oC Charles C. fore movlnr to C.U Mesa about Cout Country Club. •
t.tck while work on the Corona AJbrlght, 1312 Dolphin Ter .• lr· a year ago. PJLM AaOVT JESUS 7:30 P.M.-Balboa Bay LIONS Club, dJoner meetJnr at the VUJa
del Mar main beadt, wu treated vine Terrace . . . The ~-Edwin C. Gomke of "I Beheld His Glory," a 90. Marina restaurant.
by a doctor and eent home . • . A padiM em-. ,..._...._. to the Corona del Mar Community minute tllm on the crucifixion WEDJfESDAY. MUCH 10 Robert E. Miller, 5400 Rlver Ave.. Elale 11. Uanab. 22'1 l)rtftweod Congregational Church .will of-and resurrection of Jesus. will '--6 00 p M -0 C --,.._ r1 h 1 1 Bal ...: : · · range ounty Assn. membership dinner meetln .. at Wes t Newport, complained at lid.. Sllen CUffs. ali---c-are at I e serv ces n tz shown at 6:30 and 8 p.m. Wed· • • ... t Ch 1 c t M the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, celebratlnr appoint· 7 :50 p.m. of a bad odor comln.. bl'clbs OD 5ecoDd ""·· aear Graveside ~t'rvices for William ~•aor uary ape · OS a esa. nesday, April 13. at St. James "' ... _1 ment of San Clemente Publisher Karl Wray to the from the nearby bluff; officers PolDMttia An.. Coroaa .... ~-Pols ton. 1628 Newport Blvd.. Episcopal Church, Ne w port State Park Commission.
were una ble to determine the Mcu. CIDd bit a DCIJ1lecS car "9· CO!Ita Mesa. are scheduled tor 2 CREASE CATCHES PillE Beach. The family night pot-luc-k
cause but felt it camp from a iatencl to Arthur J. Saliabary. p.m today !Thursday) at Fair-An oven fire caused $10 dam-supper will be moved up to 5:30 SfllleJ Bell 01-Friday In the same church.
nea rby oil lease . . . I 2i4 JfCII'Ci.u1d A••·· ConDo del haven Mf'monal Pa rk. a~e ·in the homp of Harry E. that evening, ... Mr. Bell was president of Strait e FIUDAT. MARCH 11 Ncu, Jmocktaq It lllto Clllotber ~i r. Polston died In his home Westover. 2305 Pacific Dr .. Corona --------Line Products Corp., 2045 Pia ·
Mrs. W. H. Kirby, 21 Beacon pculr.ed ear Je91atered to Ellia last Sunday following a heart del Mar. a t 7:09 p.m. Tuesday, 801' STEALS LUMBER Stanley F. Bell. 1967 Irvine centla Ave.. Costa Mesa. He
Bay. reported the theft or a $751 J. Zcmder. 500 Polll.Mttia Aft.. attack. Hp had served tor the the Newpor t Beac-h fire depart· A Corona del Mar boy, 14, Ave .. Costa Mesa, died yesterday served as a commissioned officer
jadt> combination bowl and ash c.-a del Ncu • • • A IZ50 ra· past 5 years as custodian at the mPnt rPported. Mea t was being caught s tealing lumber on the In St. Joseph Hospital, where he under General Pershing during
tray In September, 1959 ... Ruth dlo was stol• from the boat. I Christian Science Church, New -broiiPd In the oven when grease Corona del Mar main beach Mon· had been a patient since Feb. 2. World War 1 and received , an
SwPtl, 41, and Lucille Bach, 44,1 Jfom ada. moond at 3101 W. port Beach. caught on tire damaging the day, was turned over to h is Services wfll be held at 9 a .m. honorary citation.
both of 7000 W. Coast Hwy., Weo1t j COast Rwy .• JfewporJ hacb. HP is survived by his wife. oven. Firemen f'Xtlnguis hed the mother by Newport pollee with Saturday In St. Joachim's Cath-·The Bell-Broadway Mortuary In
1\t>wport, were booked on charges 1 oWMd by Jtoy If. Wblte, 130 Ma ude ; a son, John Polston, fire using baking soda provided no petition made for a juvenile ollc Church, Costa Mesa, preced-Costa Mesa ls In charge of ar ·
of intoxication in a uto at Coast Poppy A••·· CoroDG del Mar ··· Costa MPs a; two daughters, Mrs. b_y:::;jijjtihie i ociiiiciuipainiitsiiii. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooiiiiiiiuiiiirtiiiiiiiia;;p;;pe;;;a;;;ra;;;;;;;n;;;ce;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====~e;d~b~y~H;o;;ly~R;os;;a;ry~a;;t~6;::JO~;;;P;·m;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;========--Hwy and Walnur St., West New-1 Hillel Ha rwick. 1101 _Som<'Net Lillia n Van .Horn, BoiSt', Idaho,
port. at 2:22 p.m .... A disturb· Lane. WPstcliH. compla1ned that and Mrc;. Bettijane Williamson.
a nce was reported in the area of "' building at 502 V•a Malaga. Anaheim. Baltz Mortuary of
21 I AgatE' Ave .. Balboa Is la nd. :-Jew port B('ach, had been s plat· COSill Mesa was in charge of
and j uveniles created :~nother tPred by egg thrown over the arra ngements.
d1 turhdnce at the corner of Dia -week-Pnd ... D~an Vance, 216
monrt A\·e. and Ba lboa A\'f'., Bal-Via 'ICn •nn. Lido Isle. report~d a I ....... _ .... c.-.lh. Dla•
hoa Is land, at 9:49 p.m .... Of. mail box damaged by fir~>.: . · ... ...,. IWIIJ ...
fi<'Ns quiett'rl a party in Ap t. A. Juveniles trespassing at 44 • N. Luther Crotty, 79. a real estate
1116 \\'. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. at Newport Blvd .. Newport Heights, broker associated with Chester
II :23 p.m. . . . were released to their pa rents SaiJJ!bury Realty, died la st Thura-
• SATUitDAY. MUCH 12 .. T. T. Sha rk, 2201 E. Coa.s t day at his home, ~ Center St.,
A party creating a d l turbance Hwy., Corona del Ma r, reported Costa Mesa. Requiem mass was
wa, rPported at 215 Abalone Ave. thE' theft of a roin box from a t'eiPbrated Monday In St. Joach-
Balboa !~land. at 12:18 a .m ... : soda pop mac~ine · . ·v.rrands .;· lm' Catholic Church. Interment Occ-upant <~ or a ca r knockPd over Horvath, 116 35th St., E'St Ne · was In Holy Sepulche Cemetery
a garbagp ca n at 216 Poppy Ave .. port, reported that a fnf'nd had under thE' direction of Bell Broad-
Corona del Mar, at 12:18 a .m .... 5een someone enter ! house he way Mortuary of Costa Mesa.
ing J04'1 Helin Apt A 309 Fern· A $60 portable radao and a 22 COMIIfC TO ST. JAMES
A dog was quarantined after bit· ha~ for rent at 212 _35th St .... ,
lear AvP .. co;ona ·dPl• Mar ... cal. pistol In a hols~.e~ was stol. The Rev. Edward Wlnckley, as.
Mrs. Hugh Hulr\on 2641 Bay· en ,from the boat. S1lver Lady sodate wa rden of the Order of
shorP Dr.. Bay Sho~es. reported 11." owned by Richard J. Jones, St. Ja mes and founder of a spirit.
th(' thPft of a bicycle ... A $3.95 52 Balboa Coves . . ual healing cent~r In South
tras h can wu taken from Robert e TUESDAY. MARCH IS Africa. will visit St. James Epls·
Maxwell, 216 Poppy Ave .. Corona Susan Maxey, 6, of 124 Collins copal Church, Newport Beach, on
del Mar . . A radio antenna was Ave., Balboa Is land. was bitten Friday evening, April J. Thla
found at ·32nd St. and Newport by a dog, her grandmot her. Mrs. meeting, beginning at 8 p.m .•
Blvd .. Newport Beach, by Robert George Loynd. also of 124 Col· will take the place of the regular
Nealy. 273 Evening Canyon Rd., tins Ave.. reported . . . Flood Ma rch SO heallnc service.
Shore Cliffs ... 0 . D. Carlson, lights valued at $60 were stolen
19Z7 Bayadere Ter., Irvine Ter· from the Village lntl, 129 Marine
race, reported the los.c; oC hls Ave .• Balboa Island ... Lumber
wife's wallet containing credit valued at $12 was stolen from
cards and her operator's license the Corona del Mar m ain beach.
... Two cotton dres~ and four the David Young Construction
blouaes were ~ported stolen from Co.. Laruna Beach, reported .. ·
Ml'S. Ann K. Haney, 439 Golden-Ja mes D. HaskelJ, 2018 Tahuna
rod Ave., Corona del Mar ... A Ter.. Irvine Terrace, ~ported
t93 .urQMMard was stolen from tha t mlnor damale resulted ••
Woody Brooka, 6508 w. Coast he hit a tralllnr wtille dr1vlnr
Rwy., West Newport ... A dal-out of h t. drlWW~~J ... Donald
matlan doe reported &ost by Ma:x W. Wrlrht. 910 1!. Oce,an Front.
Dillman. 1322 E. Ocean Front. Balboa, complained of hit and
Two Altadena boya, both 12.
were charred with rrand theft
auto and u runaways by New-
port ~"ce at 3:40 a.m. Jut Fri-
day •• Main St. and Bay Ave.,
Balboa, after their ~r ran a
boultnrd stop. 1'tw car beJonpcl
to C . E. Trivera of Altadena. 'nae
beya we~ rele&.led to their per-
.nta to appear later Jn .s.wnue
Balboa. wu returned ... Berrie run damage In the "B" parklnr at the ~ar ot bla property •.•
L Johrwon. 31 7 Goldenrod Ave .. lot. Balboa ... John Carrlll. 128 r.ter Weaver, lJ.D: W. Balboa
Corona del Mar, reported the IO&S VIa ~ntone. Lldq Isle, reportH Blvd., Balboa, reported the theft
ot a ,..., l~ plate ... A 2(). the theft of 2 fender skirts, v•l-or a ... rac:tn1 blqele . . . An
lndJ yellow bicycle waa stolen ued at S40. from h is car parked unahaven man, wtth 2 dol• In
from Evan Koppe, 1703 E. Ocean In the 3400 block ot VIa Oporto, a dt~ eld car, wat eourht In
l'roftt, 8alboa . . . Newport Beach • . . the vtclnlty ot the Harbor Island e IGIIDAY. IIAJICa JJ e waDifaDAY. MAilCII It bridle ...... he 1\ad taken tM
Can pttrko!CIIn front of 521 Cliff JuvenJies were believed re· hand of a Jlarbor laland ec:bool
Dr.. ,:Jltf Haven. rqt.terf'd to sponslbl~ for aprudlnr filth on alrl aftd a~ about flahlnl •.. ...., a. IIlli. •~t ~· Dr., the noor and walla ot the Mor• l!.....u Van ln,.ll Jr., 44,; a., ....... and...., V. ~peek. rnon chu~h under ~ruetlon luella Partr. waa boalllld on a
W'lattder ..,. da.....,.. .... bit at Do\ler Dr. • lath St. M...-pon ~ tt.n dlar,. In c.Metlcwl •• _,·.,.._ -OrWIIII ..... INdl ... T. I . IAdciJ, 21e"' wttJa U.. burllal7 ol ,.,...... eiM11L • II ,_,._ .C .. a.-. OnyJK Aw., Balltoa laland. N · .. ,._ leaUan In .. .._ •
• • • DIWaJd 1. Ran11J11. •• Vla ported nndlnl 2 ,..,..., rub Marc:b lL •
• , ••
USE Tlli UIT~ TIEl U' I 1111
D ..
·~ .0
. ·0
aaww ....,. •-;-..: .................
iiiYIC!S Ef!f.** or CIUiiiY,
13011Vla Udo , ==G~M-3315 Via Udo. Jfewport lleada OpeD week a,._
t a.m. to 5 p.m. Wedne.days 9 a.m. • 7:~ p.m.
Tueldaya and ll'rla,.....
t a.m. t..t p.m. I&COIID ,.ca-o•Kii-or CJUUIT,
IQDIIdt ............ c-......
38.19 Eut Cout H.lahw•y Corona del Mar
3838 Eut Cout HJahway
Open week daya-
10 a.m . to 3 p.m.
ltO'TII cancaa
SUNDAY SEJtV1CES 11:00 a.m.
KE'E'nltGS -1:00 p.m. You are~ 1Dvtt.d to
attend the Clnaida
and to ue tbe a.dlnc locm.
"&Ill OF THE VEAl" AWARD was presented Friday night at
BPW Bosses' Night to Mrs. Richard Lilienthal of Cliff Haven (at
right) for her work in the Christmas Preview and the Mar~h of
Oime.s, 2 of the club's ma in Mrs. Al.forgit, BPW pres•dent,
i1 making the present .. ion. photo)
on his
·~A. .,... ..... D.D ......
e Sunday Service. at 11:00
a .m. and 7:30 p.m.
e Sunday School and Nur•·-
ery Care during 11:00 a.m.
M..U.V Ia IAgwla .._. Art QaUely
(Adjoining VIctor Hugo Inn)
12th anniversary
of business
mr. roberts wishes to extend personal
and sincere thanks to his friends and
customers in the newport harbor a rea
for making his business possible.
all sh~s
given a special trophy at the
BPW Bosses' Night &t the New-
port Harbor Yacht Club for her
cooperation wit h the BPW presi-
dent during the past year. M~.
Bates is first vice · president.
(Ensign photo)
Candidates' to
Be Presented
The Demoeratlc Woman's Club
of Newport Harbor wJll honor 3
candidates at a noon luncheon
Saturday, April 30, In the New-
port Beach Elks Club. Mrs. Paul
Local Visitors
c:..... dial ... c:-...&ty
Qudl-The Rev. Lester Smith
Many paths croued at Palm ot Tucson, Arlz., wiLl preach the
8pr1np lut weekend aa New-Mnnon at the 9:30 and 11 a.m.
port Harbotltes found each other Sunday arviees. M'r. Smith ttas
here and there enjoylna un. Juat been appointed to a new
MuonabJy hot deM'rt ~ather. church project In this area by
Mr. and Mra. nm Gennaln of the Congregational Conference
Bay Shores apened their '"'blg or Southern California and t h e pink house to entertain their SoUthwett.
dauahter, Pat. and Mr. and Mrs. • • •
John Nel8011 llurtt, LatlaoNa Clnucll ol tM .._.
lt. 1--Eptaocapld Qlll'dk.
Newpon-The Rfov, Edward AJ.
len will preach at the 9 :15 and
11 a.m. Sunday servl~s. An In·
qulrt!rs class will be held at 8
p.m. Tuesday In Parish Hall. The
Prayer Guild wtll meet at 9:15
a .m . and a healing service will
be held at 10:30 a.m. Thur day,
&larch 31.
Youth Panel
On Program
Mr. and Mn. lferb Miller of e.r. Corona del Mar-The Rev.
525 Haul Drive, Corona del Mar, Douglas WeueU wlU preach on
and their aon-ln·law and daugh· the topic, "What God Puts up
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Plane· Wlth," at the 8 and 11 a .m .
gin of 509 De Anza, Corona Sunday services. The mJd-week
Highlands, were In Palm Springs I Lenten topic at 7:30 p.m. next A teen-ager panel will dis·
with Mr. and Mra. Jack Bayer of Wednesday, March 30. will be cuss "Count Down ror Commun-
Corona del Mar.• '"'le Nature of the Ministry." lty Action" at the tJrst annual
Tavern Assn.
to Meet Here
'nle Oranae County Cha pter of
the california Tavern A.aan. wlfl
hold a dJnner dance Wednesday
evening, April 'n, at the VIlla
Marina, restaurant.
Frank Blla, owner or the Kettle
Restaurant In Anaheim and
chairman or the Orange County
Chapter, said that the dinner
dance will be attended by on ·
• mHt lng of the newly formed
U .. .....u.t Cluucb. 1259 Vic· Harbor Area Community Coun-
torla St. "'coast Mesa-''VIctlm ell at 7 p.m. nut Thur day,
or Victor?" Is the sermon theme MArch 31, at lhf' Villa Marina.
or Dr. Charles Clare Blauvelt for Panel members a r e John
the 10:30 a.m. Sunday ~w~. I Gaee. son or Mr. and ~1rs. Jamf's
• • • Gaae or Beacon Bay; Newt>ll
......,_ Clui8tiaa CIa u r c b •
Stk:kler. son o( Dr and Mrs.
meeting in the Seventh-Day Harry Stickler of Corona del
Adventist sanctuary, Newport Mar; Nant-y Mangan, daughter
Heights -The Rev. Barrett of Mr. a nd Mrs R T ~1angan
Whiteley will preach on "Left· of Westdltf; and Sa-ndy Watson.
Overs" at the 10 a.m. Sunday daughtt>r of Dr anr1 Mr :'\orman
service. The choir. directed by Watson or Lido Isle.
Mrs. Merle Valdez, will s1 ng "My 1
Cod and I.w and Bill Blankenship R t Cl b
w11l sing a solo, "Penltent'e" by 1 0 a ry U
Beethoven . .. le licensees In Oranae County • • • El t• S t
and the Long Beach area, officers I Cbriat Cblli'Clt by tile Sea. Sal· ec I 0 n e
and directors of the state asso· boa _ "Thou Shalt Love Thy
claUon, representatives of the I Self' Is the Rev Edward Smith's The Newport Balboa Rotary
Department or Alcoholic Bevtr· sermon toplc at· the 9:30 and 11 , Club will elect 6 directors T ues.
age Control, a nd auests from he a.m. Sunday servit'es. The text day evening rrom the following
11th Naval District of El Toro. Is !rom Luke 10 and Matthew 22., slate or <'andidates: Bailey Ab·
There will be entertainment a nd • • • bott Kenneth Albnght Pete
dancing after dinner. Cbriatkaa scI e D c. Cit~. aan=er '· Edward Chapman: Nolan
Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Frizzelle. Ted Hambrook. An·
, and Costa Mesa -"Reality" Is drew Hedbloom Dirk Johnson.
the subject of the lesson-sermon John K~IPr, Edward Pellegrin,
thls Sunday. The main tht>me Jerry RJC'hard Jr. a nd Joe Steel·
of the ~rmon is that spiritual man. The <'IUb mef't<: at 6:30
uoderstandlng roresees and be· p m every iut-sday at the In lnt>
Glimpses holds divine reality, detects and Coa t Country Club.
for1!italls evil, and brings pro·
gresslve improvement to the '
They're here. they're here ...
human footsteps moving toward I LUJIEIIJI CHURCH God, good. The Golden Tut I
from Psalms (119:12, 1 •.
• Yes, they are . . . We've been
prom ising them to you . . . Oh .
we are so excited over the new 1 Senlltb-l>ay AdftDtbt CbW'Ch.
Vanity Fair lingerie for s pring. Newpon Heights - Mrs. Henry
You will be too when you see Armel, Sabbath School superln .
It ... The most glamorous col-1 te ndent, announC'eS that an offer·
ors . . . Walt till you see the lng for a new Adventrst col~egt> 1 Leghorn s traw color. just de· I In We t Nigeria w111 _ be re<"e1ved
Jtghtrul under greens, blues, at the Saturday s~rvrt'e. Ground· I
browns, and then see the powder breaking ceremonres for the new
The Rev. D. Wessell, Pastor
Phone: ORiole 3·5022
purr pink with ecru lace .. I college have already been held. I
Looks for a ll the world ha nd a ccording to word from Nigeria. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
made. I S t. Aa~r•;• ~ria:a ~
8:00 A.M.-The Service
9:30 A.M.-Sunday School
11:00 A.M.-The Service
-.... -.. • --· ~-Clift Haven-••Just FO< a.. ef ... ..., .... Jl6lllr ..a ks" wUI be the sermon .ub·
f.._. poada. ....... .._. of the Rev. Charles Dler1!n ·l
pUdty J8 tlao _,,.. *-· field at 8:15. 9:35 and 11 a.m.,
....... 9"'11 Ja ..., blae • ..a services Sunday. The text is
......_ blae. wltb aat1a rib-1 from Genesis 28:16: "Surely the 1
boa tria. CIDd J'OU wW adOre Lord Is In this place and J knew
tile aew bani .-. of Dyloa it not." Mid-week Lentt>n sen·i~
U~ · h •••,. UI·5ZN
Bible School Robert's Jewelers of Lido
3440-A Via Oporto Newport Bead~
OR 3-4860
tricot. will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wed·
Gruber Is chairman for arrange· Really, 1 can't fathom why
ments. Mrs. Fred Joyner Is in they call It a travel robe, then
chargt> of table decorations, and I it would be ju t the th1ng for
Mrs. Clara Axtater is ticket chair-you girls who jump out or bed
man. and fix breakfast for the family
nesday. ~farch 30. 10:40 Churc.h Sen•lce
5:30 Young Peoples' ~feetlng
6 :30 . Vesper Sen·ice
9:30 a m. Women's Bible Study
The candidates, endorse-d by in a hurry Th1s looks more like ~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~iii~~ijijiijijiijijiiiiiiiiiii~~~ the Democra tic clubs In the 28th a wrap dress than it does a at 9:30 and 11. a.m. Sunday. S~n· congressional district. are Earl robe. It completely covers. and 1 clay sc-hool WJIJ be held .ar 9:30
Calhoun of Fullerton for Con· is heavy enough nylon that It I a .m. The congre~alion will 'rsir C R 0 W N gress. J ames Dutll of Fullerton is completely opaque. We have the Sout~Nn California Sc-hool of
Balboa WaDeS M e t b o d I s t
Cbun:b-'"The Foolishness of rhe
Wise·· will be the sermon sub-
ject of the Rev. Godfrey Gruflln 7:00 p.m. Prayer !\feetlng
8:00 p.m Choir Practice
Nursery and Child Care
-for state senate. and John Lybar-it in colors that match the I ~a~eolog) '7 Clarrem~nt ~or t dect:;
-ger ot Costa Mesa for assembly gowns. so you can have an ~ f r~n s:nrv ~es ~r t e rs un
Flnt Chrlatiaa Cbucb
796 Victoria at PlaceDtia
Coeta Meea SALES. SERVICE for the 74th district. ensemble of it. o t e s oo at p.m.
FILM AT POT-LUCK Do ~u ~ a bride-to-be and RENTALS A !lim. "Dig a Furrow Deep,''l l.n yourJ CIIIlily uu. 'fMI'? You
will be shown at the family do? Sbe wW be 10 pMaMd
MU Eat Coat IIJtbway , ~ Oatole 3·5155 night pot-luck meeting next if you .. Wet U.. .. beorta aDd
COIIOIIA DEL 11M Wednesdav. Ma rch 30, at St nowen• Mt for bel trou.ueau.
. .
Your Easter greeting
expreued in tasteful
design and thoughtful
rhyme ...
Easter Cards
Th«e's a 1H a II m a r k
Easter c • r d specially
designed for each of
your friends and kwed
ones. You c.en choote
from· reli9iout themes,
cute bunniet fof ct.JI-
ctr.n, " well .. mod-em Contemporary
Safe/ Gentle/ Tested/
1\e OM .._ pem , ...... co.
Mit ann .,rdsMr• to_,. a ..a.
.............. T ..... _.PfO"CI
...,~...,.bcrnl iN,.,.._
Hair' ~onw ••• c.-Wft'ia&
Loaion ... ••• Cre•• N .. t--
d.a'e alreMy __.-.. JW ':l
lt.S. ......... kll'•~·
.. fir~ ......... Wr ...... ... ·=' *
James Episcopal 'Church. New-,IDdudeclla tbe petticoat _,.oup
port. Dinner w I ll s tart at la oee wltb Jut a b.lft of full·
5:·15 p.m. aeu wltb batterl'Ues Ooatia9
I up llr.lrt. ra bopiD9 I ~t
2 COUPLES JOIIf CJIVJlCB to ..._ oee. of U.... aadft a
New members or the Lutheran IOit·akl.rtN ct... oee of U....
Church of the Muter In Corona clap. U I do, yoa Jut watcb
del Mar are Mr. and Mrs. Don· -. ••• M1 pall u~ ay ak1rt
aid Bowman. 973 Arbor, Costa I 10 yoa caa ... lt.
Mesa, and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Johnson. 2025 Centella Pl., in the You've been asking about new
Upper Bay Art!&. hats., and just a line to let you
know that the freight man just
Fer •• ,_ ,"t ".-4' ce• tM a rrived with 3 huge cartons of
hUp W.W.t c.., ORiel. ,...., hats. We haven't e\·en opened
Coroaa dol
Mar DMda cr .............
...... ih ......... ,.
~·••• coa-........ _,_
....... .,_. ....
lervi~ now at Baboon Reale;,
~. Cout HWy. near
Gellltnrod NCh Sunday. You
are canllaJly lnvia.d to attend.
them yet but by the time this
is printed, I bet these girls will '
have them ready ror you to try I
on, so why don·t you rush right
over so you <'an ret the fi rs t
choice. You know Easter Is jus t
around the corner. And when
you come to look at the~. be
sure and see the oew Crt!scendoe
gloves that are belnr unpacked
thl.s very minute. Hurry~
Jill 10
llap ,., ...
during our annual
........ lilt.
..... tl , . ..... ......
n. ... ,_,. ..............
..., .. ,.. dleict
.,...,.. ... '*·
.._ ....
Now 11.39
.... 1 ......
Now 11.29
.... 1 ......
Now 11.19
Ofa ,_.T ..... "'I'lL ... O"a.OCK
-· 0 ..... a... ...
Four Inducted
a1 .. ~~~~!!e ....
the Newport Harbor Exchanae
Club by board member MarJJn
Johnson at a recent rneerlnlf at
the Nt>wport Harbor Yacht Club
were Roben Brldee from the
Bank of Amt>rlca, • propooed by
George Jones: Georae Robertson
from the South Coast Mortaage
Co., propoaed by Dixon True -
blood: Gino Sebastian from In·
terlor Decora lions, prop()l)t!d by
Tom Cox, and Georee lvey from
We.stem Blue print, propo&ed by I Al Rottmann.
. . . . .
. . . . • .
. .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
. . .
'1 J • • • t' .... ..._ .. t • t '
·' . .
the •wHI•-' w•y to uy : . • . • . • . . • .
. . . .
tl.--~~r.:::::~ , : .
1 doao uaoned eandy ea• :
Alled with ~ caDcli• :
3 chocolate, 1 butter boD
. . . . . . . . . . • .
. . . . . . . . . • . . . .
cbocolate f\ada• ce:ntu :
1 cSoeee c:bocolate covered
. . .
. .
. . . • • • •
. . . . . .
• dipped iA ai1k c:laocolate :
. .
. . . . • . • • • . • . . . . . • • . • • ~ , ..... l•t40) ~/ • • :~tao CMOCDI ••: . . . . : .......... 70 : • • . . . .
: CHOCOt.ATt AND ~':
: IONION~ •: . . : ............. : . . . . . . . •
............... • • • • • •
...,..:. & 10:311
et ...
Adlalta 11.15. Jr.~ ClaUd 35c
Sidney Poltler
Dorothy Dandridge
Sammy Davis Jr.
Pearl BaJJey
'11\e ~ of Kina Nep· BlmM. ways and rneau: Mrs.
tune will A~aJn be the lllahlJiht Eel II_...,.,, Jnvttatlonl; .Mrs.
of 1M ewnlna at the N.,.une Joeeph Wi&.t, prlntlna; .Mrs.
ball, aMual' benefit f« aputlc d.oi,. JoaM. •NMrVatJona: Mrs.
c~ to be held Friday, John Kilroy, ~tloM; Mrs.
AprU 22. at the BaJ~ Bay lemard nu, ~; Mrs.
Clu.._ Gear,. W • • d on ~ttoneea'a;
ltllll N.une wfll be t'hoeeo Mn. WIUiaiD ,_1ft, puWJdty;
by a c.wnmlVH ol ... dlnl cltl· Yra. EdwJrd Hard1n1. raffle.
zen., but bla identity wUI not be .-~~--.... ------.
reYftJed uatU the nJtht of the ~end Molt Compl.te
ball. lie ~11 be Introduce,!! by F}amitut. $toN ift the /vee. Mn." William J'laur, prealdent
or the eporworlna Newport Bar-Cell fw ftw
bor COiftmlttee of the Spastic DECOlA TIN& SfiVICf
Cbllmn'a u arue. • LIMttv e.ss11
KU&Ic will ~ tumlahed by the
··~trocresalve Ftve ," led by Dun·
can Stewart ol Shore Cliffs.
Proceeds from t he' ball last
year made avaUa ble a 4-week
sumnaer camp for the cereMal
palsied chiJdren of Oranee
County a!Jd the Carl Harvey
School n us yur the ca mp will ~~~~~~===~~=
be held again, but will be ex-
tended to 6 weeJul ..
Mrs. Edward CrouJ ls chair-
man fpr the ball. Her commit·
tee chairmen are Mrs. WaJlace
r ,~
\' . ~~..._.I \ ' I I I t \ '
THE SWEETHEART IALL, a social highlight of
+he week. will be held this Friday evening at the
Balboa Boy Club. J\mong the member hosts are
the T. Weston Jays !seated} and the J ohn Web-
sters. Joe Moshay and his orchestra will provide JO. llf CIIJL&
the music for the dinner dance. (Terry Boris pho'o)
~. kOD.'.K * SECOND FEAT11Jl£ *
with Pabllto Calvo
THIS SIZE ckulfie41 ocl i11 the
&.1i911 co11 cod you •• little •• S I .10
for J l11 .. rtlo11.t. Coli ORIOLE l -0510.
Sukiya!tD!~!!! @)
Food. Atmoaphere and Serrice
SUIJYIII (lief).
TEIIYIII (lief • Filii)
TEIPUU Dr .. )
Tea . Rice. Soup, Rice Cakes, Deuert
Se"ed With Aboft
5 P.M. 'til 10:00 P..M,. OONd SUDdcrys
Telepboae JD•Mdy 2-1D
1231 South Main St. Santa Ana. CaliL
7 New Teachers Are Hired
By High Scho_ol Trustees
Sevt'n new teachers were to locate a sewer line shown to
hired Monday afternoon for the be In the area-accordlne to 1943-
1960·61 year by the board of 44 army a ir base ma ps.
trustees of Newport Harbor St/S)t. Max Russell reported
High School District. that new construction a t the
They are James Henderson, I high school Is scheduled for
English. formerly of Temple completion In June.
High School, Alhambra: Robert 1 Walter Adrian, district busJ.
Wetzel. social science and physi-ness m.anager, and Floyd Ham-
cal education, a graduate of man, coordinator of councilors,
Newport High School; Mrs. Doro-were appointed agents of the
thy Duddrldge. girls' physical board for the April 12 bond elec-
educatlon, Long Beach ; Robert tlon. Mr. Harriman will be on
Francy, Industrial arts. now fin· duty at the Newport Beach city
j lshlne school at U.S.C.; Robert I hall that evening to receive pre-
Myers. social studies and jour- cinct election returns. ~1r. Adrian
nallsm. a new instructor; Mrs. will be on duty at the district
David Maypole, son of Mra.
Roy May pole, recently of Corona
del Mar, now ot Bay Shores, will
not get home from colleee thla
summer. He has written hla
mother of plans to gq to Chile.
where he wlJl work on a student
scholarahlp plan. ·
, .
,• 1 ·~
!he Very Finest in Dining
• Coc:ktaila
• Piano Bar
• Open 7 Days
• ORiole 3-7726
Kite Safety
and fun
check Hat
LancW .. PM-Opea r.eJd
away from O¥ldllld wiNa.
D.t"' Ce• ... ••• Mab
sure k.ite hal DO llldal put~.
.--------------------------1 Lois DeCot, girl · physical edu-oftlce, 120Q.]5th St., Newport cation. formerly of Boston and Heights.
Niagara Falls; Donald Lowry.~ Supt. Russell and lf rs, Zoe
social sclenct', from Azusa. Barlow, trustee. reportt'd on the
.,..... Ceatrel Dry cott.oa
atrifta OttJy (IWM' wn or metal-
~t n ~a rJ a tt i 's
3801 E. COAST HWY.
OB. 3-9970
The best in food, service
and gracious hospitality . . •
In a charming Old English Atmosphere
~ When you're In the mood tor good food, remember you 'JJ al-
~ ways find It here. Luncheon and dinner prepa red In our spot-
les5ly clean kitchen. and temptingly served t o you i n Old
woRrid aOtmospShereS at lre~soSnabte ,f~~N RESTAURANT
2325 EAST COAST BWT., COBOKA DEL MAll. oa S-237'0
r ...... leiPI•t liP 11t1 uw w•r
Light Firures A )1.-lol;d Figures P.M.
2.S Friday
26 Saturday
27 Suadcry
28 Mooday
29 Tuesday
30 WedDeaday
3 I Th u rsdcJy
] 49 ( :;
2.2G (•2
3 1.@ (II
3.-16 .( 1
4 2~ (,.,
:; r '' 2 5.::.3 r.. ;
•·.;9 5 ~
-3fJ 5.3
!.-! :1 5 (I
~ "J! ~I :r Z:l 4.2
:1 n-3 7
12:" 3.3
2:14 -D.5
2:41 -U
3:11 0.1
3:41 D.5
4:16 0.1
4:43 1.4
S:IS l.J
1:2& 5.1
1:51 u
9:25 S.3
1:54 5.2
10:24 5.0
10:54 4.1
11:21 4..S
1_, •....-t Aft. e-ta ....
Crult PNc:..,._Ab&ndon
k.ite ,_.,ly il it catc.bcl
.. lllfY trirt1/ Trustees also approved a proposed :'\1urray-:'\fetcalf federal
change order to install a man-I aid to education bill but took no
hole and 250 feet ot s('wer line action due to undNermlned
to connect the Costa Mesa High status of the bill at this time. ~iiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ School agricultural b~ildlnJZ. They plan to take action a t their I
now under construction. into a nE'xt meeting on April 4. It was
s('wer lin<> on Fairvi<>w Rd. at a explained that school teacher
cost of S1.227. The line is needed Mlarles had been dropped from
becau e workers were not able the bill. lt'a\'ing only school
house construction, but other
S h bl amendments were expected when oe Pro em the bill reached the floor of the House In Wuhlngton, D.C.
Sent All Way I
From Illinois
An unu~ual problem in shoe
rt>modt-hng cam(' all the way
from llhno1s to the attention of
Larry :'\lodH a. owner of An· thon~·._ Sh()(' &>rvice In Corona
dE'I :\tar and at Richard's Lido
:\lr~. Sandra Crispin of Arthur.
Ill .. askt'd the ~hoe repair man
in her town about covering a ,
1 pair of pumps with a multi·~
1 colored fabric. The fame of An·
1 thony's had spread to the Mid·
west. because tht' shoe repair 1 man referred :'\Irs. Crispin to
Anthony's of Cor6na del Mar.
So ~he wrote t'o Mr. Mod ica.
!'<'nt along a mall piece of the
1 fabric. and asked if he could do
the job. He could, and he wrote
I her so She sent on the pumps
and sufficient material. and the
job was done.
Spring Swing
At Harbor Hi
The Harbor High Key Club
will hold Its third annual Spring
1 Swing this Friday evening in I the gym, beginning at 8:30. 1 Rich Watson and Dan Denison
are In • charge of decorations:
Dirk Eastman. tickets: Terry
II Clarkt', publicity; Jeff Glas.-;, rc-j
fre hment!l. B a n d chairman
~flke McClellan has a{Tanged for
I the HI -Fives to play for dancing.
. (
FRI. • SAT, • SUN.
MAR. 25 • 26 • 'II
10 A.M. TO 9 P.M.
at the
0 •
.... M -1P.I.'TI ~ VIVE! -UTili
Enjoy Our
PenonaUy Prepared by ADclrH .••
II A .M.
TILL 3 P.M. Andree's
5 P.M .• IO:lO P.M.
' •
' .
Tbe MariD•A-Rama will be lauDcbed with a Gala Dilmer Dcmc:e cmd Fawbiaa Sbow. Proceeda
will .,. ...-ated to the loy Seoutl Orcmge Empire Couac:il and Sea Explorer BaM.
* FlEE ... .• ,
80'1 IIV8T • rALL Man S~ffers Burns Fighting
Fire in Balboa Island Home
"' --; .
DaVId A. Scbwartt, 9, oll!nclno.
fell hom a dodl at Cabanu
Marinu. 6l6-31at St., Newport
Beact\. a.nd auffered a tacera ·
tlon on the back of hla head r and complained that hla riaht C. L. Petennaat, 8 Emerald truck owned by Newport Harbo
elboW wu acwe, Newport pollee Ave., B&.lboa laland. IIU&red hl&h achool dlatrlct at 1:36 p.m
reported at 5 :31 p.m. Sunday. The teCOnd and third decree burna Jut Thursday. The fire ~arted
youth wu taken by ambulante on 2 11naers of bla left band from. an unknowt~ cawte In
to durtn1 a tire In bla bGme at trub In the ITUCk at ·15th St
CLASSIAED AD RATES witf. ord.r or wit+lin 10 d.yl
I Tim. 2 Times 3 Times
· 20 words or a.u 1:2:5 p.m. Sunday. the Newport and IrvIne Ave., Newport ......... ··············-·······-··· .75 1.25 1.50
Sympson & Nollar
I· I Fitll I File• Tr1 .. ll1
.. CD Tl lfll .. ! ......
Beach fire department reported. Helahts. The truck wu picking
Mr. Peterman was attemptlnc up· truh at the hllh achool
to remove a namlna oventutted when the fire waa dlacovered.
chair from an us-ta!n Uvtna 'Mle driver wa• Robert Ruu 331
room when It became jammed RalOOna Pl., Dleta Mesa. '
Jn the door. The chair waa
tlnally depo~Jited Into an out· UGN. WOTICZ
door patio. A aarden ba.e waa NOTICE TO CREDlTORS
UMd by the occupa nt and tire· No. A·351.20
men to extlneulth the ~. which SlJPE'RIOR COURT OF THE
caused 1200 damaae: The STATE OF CALIFORNIA
a lso damaged 2 blankets. a car. FOR TilE COUNTY OF ORANGE
pet and 6 a.sphalt tlle squares Estate or BEATRICE ~1AE
In the Jiving room floor. COWAN, alllo kn ow n a
An ovt'r·heated fan belt in a BEATRICE COWA~ and MRS.
furnace was blamed for a $150 BEATRJCE COWAN. Ot?cea<~ed.
fire In the Bal·Port Mo~l, 2830 NO'nCE IS HEREBY GfVE:'i
W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. to the creditors of the abo,·e
a t 8:21 p.m. Saturday. The flre named decedent that all per·
was conflned to a furnace room sons hav1ng claims again,t the
2 I WOtett to 30 wonk ............... -···· .... I .00 I. SO 2.00 N~a
~ to 40 words .... ................... I .25 2.00 2.50 Oldest FAtabJI.Ibed PalDe.N
otd 40 words .................... .03 .05 .07 OR 3-~-Eves OJ.J.SfM
.. I' Professional
a&AL aTAft WAnD DAL UTATE & IIEJITALS and Business
WANTED: Two bedroom, THE Two DeANZA PLAZA bath near ocean, between Directory Santa Barbara and San D1ego. Spacious 2 bedroom Apts. WIU trade San Franclaco prop·
erty. Kl 3-7333. Just otr Santa Ana F reeway to
IIIUSICAL Df~ beachPS and L.A. Family and
adult buildings with large heat· SOUND.CRAFTERSJnc.
ed pool..,, lau ndry racllitles and
Organ and Piano Sale carports. Furntshed & unfurn· 2626 EAST COAST HlGHW A Y
ished. $i5.00 It up. CORONA DEL MAR
Hl)2 E. Frutt St. OR 3-831:>
....._ -.... r...s-auc.
wlaltMrall U....
power st8ei1.DI ...S ......._ on top of the motel units and c;aid decedent are required to
was extinguished by firemen. rile them, wath the neC't"'ISary
The rurnace fan belt had been I ''ouchers, In the office or the
s lipping and overheated. Frank clerk of thp abo,'e entitled C'Ourt
S. O'Conner, 1700 Kings Rd., Cliff or to present them with rh~
Haven, was listed as owner of necessary \'OUC'ht'rs, t~ the under.
the motel. <;l~ned at the otfict' of Ralph M.
one only.
spinet organ. used,
Jate model Rent a SA~TA A~A . . KI 3·00..?0 BOOKKEEPERS & CPA ...
'&4 Fenl 4-tlr. ...... 1!\COME T~'i:
with Internal Re\'enue
en.tliDe. Auto.otk
'II 'CIIIt. Wp. $211... 1 A fire caused $250 damage to ~1}·en, Jr., Attorney at Law
tht' bed ol a atake·bed dump 3800 Ea t Coa t Highway, Coron~
Hammond $5 a w~k with les·
sons. Used grand pianos. Stein·
way, Knabe, Baldwin, Wagner, 1
from $425. Uprights from $95.
pay $5 a month. 18 spinet pianos!
almost new. Maple, Cherry. Ma.
hogan)', $390 up, pay balanct> I
l~ke rent. Cash ror you r plano.
BE:OR00~1 apartment 1n Co·
rona del !\l • .r N I< el~ fu rnt hed.
Year Round lA'ast' a t $8.1.00 per
month. Call ST 0 9833 after
6:00p.m li82 Newport Blvd.
dt>l Mar, CaiiCornla, which IS the
LEGAL .O!'ICE I place of buslne or the under·
CER'I1F1CATE OF BUSINESS lgned In all matters pertaining
ncnnous nRM NAME I to the estate of said decedent.
11fE UNDERSIGNED does within six months after the Clrst
hereby certify that he ls con· publication of this notice.
ductlng a leasing bualnf!SS at Dated March Zl. 1960. Since 1914
Costa Mesa, California under the J AMES A. COWA:'i
fictitious name of NEWPORT Exe<:u tor or the will or the 520 North Main
LEASE COMPANY and that said above named decedent.
f ·Door. ....._beater. wlal.._cdls. Oaly _,.a..
'II Fenl VIet. $t11 ... ......
$1 ....
Santa Ana
1 1c 2 bedroom apartments
Nicely Furnished
Uberty 8.1672
Residence Liberty 8·5664
Furniture Refinishing
Antique or modern. Custom
cabinets made -altere-d -
firm Ia composed of the follow. Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. attorney
$1.... lng person whose name In Cull at law, 3800 East Coast High· ELECTRONIC SOUND
and place of residence are as way, Corona del Mar. Phone
follows. to· wit: OR 3·5110. Attorney for Exe<:u· SYSTEMS
•. .,.. ....... PU1 ,..,.,..
'51 Fenl Wp.
I repaired or rerlnlshed. Fine
I "'orkmanshlp. Reasonable
prtt'e. Albert Holm .
LI 8.9679
Children lc Pets Welcome
SEA CREST MOTEL -.c~aw..-.Au~
power ......... wlaltewall.L
'&I F•• 4-lr.
Cus'-• -r Cyu.del' •••-1' ...,.... Onrdrtn Cllld
6 Half Ton Pickups
. ...., .... !
TilE Y.l CI.CE
PliED nil $II
TheOdoFe Robins Ford
3100 w. c:oar. ... Uberty 1 ·3471
OPEif MOif. T1DU rat. 'TIL I P.M.
Costa Mesa L•••erCo.
....................... -, .. ····-~ ltand -· tM ...t,o....., ,....,m Md ,..ullt
yot1 a.~Mifln tM Welt. om. 1ft II tM ailft of 1M lt. WMIMr,.., cer"" • ,.......""'or reovter ... ollne, JOU •now you 'I gee 1M flnMt.
-eM.IPOWIIIA WD·U. .... ,..stt..-,luf •
HOWARD CARSON 1201 ~rk· tor.
shire Lane, Newport 'Beach, Cal· Publis h : ~fal'('h 24. 31. April 7
ltornla. 14 In the Newpon Harbor
~ESS my hand this 3rd Ensign.
day of March, 1960. --------
COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I Fictitloaa rlna ·Ra.e
ON THIS 3rd day of March. The und~rslgned do hereby
1960. before me, a Notary Public certlry that they are conducting
In and for said county and state.' an Apartment House bu.;lness at
residing therein, duly commls·1329 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del
stoned and sworn. personally ap· Mar. California, undt>r the Clctl·
peared Howard Carson known to tlous Clrm name of Corona Pacl.
Stereo, Hi·Fi
Sound·Crafters, Inc.
2626 E. Coast H1way OR 3·8515
Corona del Mar
Used Spinet Organ, 2 :\1anu<tls
i'ull Octave f'oot Pedal<;
~31 .East Coast Hwy.
Corona de( ~feu _
O Riole 3·6370
Be Sure To Cht'Ck With
Employment Agency
402~ 32.nd St~ Nt>wport
ORJole 3·4680
Home Repairs
Remodeling · Cabinets
& add1tlons.
Ray Nlt>lsen u a.saaa
3131 Harbor Blvd. at Gisler
Costa Mesa
me to be the person whose name I ric Apartments, and that said
Is subscribed to the wlthJn In· firm Is composed or the· follow.
strument. and acknowledged to lng ~rsons whose names In full
me that he executed the same. and place or residenc-e are a$ foi-
WITNESS my hand and of· lows. to·wlt: "Open Fri. nights 'till 9:00 p.m." ----· CLEANERS ... Uclal seal. William A. Bennett, 329 Mar·
PATRICIA M. JLlFF g uerlte Ave., Corona dt'l Mar,
Notary Public ln and tor said California (~pt. No. 1 L
County and State. My ,Comml.s· Ruth I. Bt'nnett, 3.29 Marguerite
slon explres Jan. 11. 1964. Ave .. Apt. No. 1, Corona del ~tar,
2620 E. Coast Hwy .. OR 3.~
Corona del Mar
In Sant~ Ana · KI 7-4459
Publish March 10, 17, 24, 31, 1960. California.
ln the Newport Harbor Enslan. WitnHs our hands this 16th AUTOIIOTIVE SUVJCE
$2.:;1) PER IIOL'R IS the currrnt
1\\t>ra~{' e:nntngs ot our tele·
phon{' sal~ state. Room for
two more pan timt>. Experlen('(>
unimportant a:. we tram. Phone
OR 3 ·0550.
All Estimates Free
Orientals. Nylons, Wool~
v~. Conons, W/W • day of March, 1960.
THE UNDERSIGNED do here· State of Callromla 1
by certlry that he Is conducting County or Orange lt>S
look as attrae11Vt" as you 'd M1 6-'1636
a specialty contractor . heating On this 16th day or _:\far<'h,
1 business u nder the fictitious {inn 1960, before me. a ~otary Publk
name of CAPISTRANO HEATING In and for said rounty and state.
COMPANY at 34192 Hlway 101. residing therein, duly C'omm t.;.
Capistrano Beach, and that said sioned and "worn. pero;ondlly
firm Is composed of the follow· a ppeared William A. lk'nnett and
lng person whase name In ruJl Ruth f. Bennf'll, known to me to
• hkf'., If not, why not lt>t me '=:-~::::-~~=~~---__J
Improve lt. Ray Haws, OR 3 · F'l'l\ERAL DIR..ECTORS .. :
MOTOR TUNE.UP 1086. Fnendly !\'elghborhood Servi~
* * M OVING? * *
and place of residence are as be the persons who.w name<~ art> rollows. lO·Wit : subscribed to the within ln!'trU · 2 Fast insured mo\'ers =tnd
ROBERT A JACQUES. 34292 ment, and acknowled~tt>d to m(' 1 Camino El Molino, Capistrano that tht>y t>Xe<'uted the>. 13636 E. Coast Hwy. at Poinsettia arge \'an S
00 an hour
Herb Miller's
Beach. WllnC~oi my hand and oCCIC'ial OR 3·9128 • Corona del Mar Time c;tarts at you door ...
WITNESS my hand this 5th I seal. \\'hy pa) more~
day or Ja nuary. 1960. EDWARD J. RABSO;\". LECAL lfOnCE
ROBERT A JACQUES. .2828 E. Coast Highway, C'orona JlfOTtC'E IXVITIIfC BIDS -Call-
STATE OF CALIFORNIA l d<'l Mar. } ss. Notary Public 10 and for l'aid :'{OTJ C'E IS HEREBY CIVEX :\E\\':'<tA!"
COUNTY OF ORANGE l C'ounty and State. I that th~ Board of Educatum of TRAXSFER & STORAGE CO.
ON THIS 5th day of January, My C'ommlssion t>xplrt•s Junn the Newport Bea<'h Elt>mt>nlilr\ ~ .....,., ~ 1 S C' h o o 1 Distm't, of Or,1ng£. Mldway 6 2:\28 or Liberty 8·6430
1960, before me. a Notary Publlc 1.1. '""""· f ~-11• c . in and tor said county and state, Pubhsll: ~farch 2~. 31 ; April i , 1-1 s ounty, California, Wi ll H'<'•~1't'( 1968 Harbor Blvd. Co<:ta ~1esa
residing therein. duly commis· In the Newport Harbor Ensign. 2~;).td ~ds up 10 and lnl'ludtn~ 1------------
l'lloned and sworn personally ap. · p. .. on tht' th li.t~ ofl r-
peared Robert A 'Jacques known CEilTIFICATE OF IUSIIfESS I ~pril. 1960. at the oChce or .. ;:wl , ..._..arpe;;~ry
to me to be the person whose rlctlttou.a Flna ·~ !)('hool . Dt.strl.<'t. at which tlnlt' Minor Rt>pa tr<:
name Is subscribed to the witl\ln Tht> underslgnt>d do hPn>~ "<lid btd!' Will be opened .. nd No Jobs Too <:.mall'
Instrument, and acRno"'•1edged to ~we are ronducttng an read._. for thf' fn.<:tructtonal Sup H 0 ANDERSON
me that he exeC'uted the samt>. lmport·export buslne. at 1682 pile.· '" a('('O~dan('(' wtth In l~i Fu11enon ,.\H•.
WTTNESS my hand and of· Foothill Boulevard Santa Ana . ~_tructtoM, C'ondtttons and Spt'<'i Co ta Mt".a. C'ahf
flcial seal. <;,allromla. under 'the Clctittou Cl<'·~110n" now o .. n Clle In thf' l\tfdwa)' 6 33H
A. K. PHELPS. rirm name of GANDER CO and ofCit'f' or -atd • 'hoot Dtc:tr.d rr no ans" f'r C'all :\ll 6 2372
Notary Public in and Cor said that l'l&ld nrm i composed ~r the locatrri at 2l'n1 _Chtr. Orin• ;\"!'\\
County and Stalt>. )fy Commls· Collowing pel'>ons. who...<w namt'" port lk'ach. C'al1 forn1a
slon expires June 9, 1961. in Cull a nd plar rc; of rt'~ldt>nc e PrtH', rune.;;o; anc1 qu.lllly ~'w-an .: Publi~h : March 3, 10. 17, 24. 1960. are as rollo"'s. to wit: (q ual. P~ferenC't' wtll ht' lll\'f'n
In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Bennett Berkhauqon, 1&~ Foot I to th~ J?roducts or the State or
hill Boul~,·ard, S,lnta Ana, Cc<· C'ahfornla.
DO YOU WANT o job, o rick, o fornla. HARVEY D. PEASE.
re..tal. 0 INI.y .atw? 0t tlo you a..,. Diane Bcrkhau~en. 1682 Foot C'lt>rk or the Boatd, hill Bou ll'\'ard, Santa An;t C'.tlt X~wport Beac-h Elemrntar\'
..... tt.i"t to ..111 Try Entit" cletli-fornla. ' S.·hools. · H. J. Call, 13il Foothill Boule Nc"·port Bea<'h, C'allfornia
W ...... Olllele J-41110.
F_'U,.n • .,.r,.,.. .......
vard. Santa Ana. C'a llfornln. I Publt~h ~tal'('h 24, 31 , 19M. In
SuJ:annt> Call, 15i1 Foothill I tht> N.-wport Harbo< Enstfln
8Gulevard. Santa Ana. C'allfornln I
Witness our hand this 27th LECAL lfOTICE
day of January, 1960. :\o. A 35262
DIA~E BERKHAt.:SE;\" StJPEaJOI 001111T 0~ Tll'.E
State of California \ E.<:tatt' or
Ucensed Contractor
1897 Oranre Aw. Costa M ..
UbertY 8·8628
Mesa Au•o V:reckers
U~d Auto Parts, Tires
We Buy Cars and &rap Metal
LJ BERTY . i013
207S PlaCt'nda Avt'_ Costa Mesa
Complete Londscap:r.g
SAH Green Stem~
P"ree ct.Jivery
110 Broadway
U 8·:H33 ~ 8-3434 Costa Mesa
Y0 l'R l;\"St,;RANCE NEEDS
Sad:e~(bsurance Co.
John E. ~dlelr
:nJ.1 E. coa ... t Hwy. OR 3·3850
Corona dt'l Mar
l'RtWwELL \\'EEDON 1c CO.
P.H'Ifll· C'oast ~tock Exchange
Rurrll'tt llorri-;on. Rf's. Mgr.
n h'k Rurkl't Tt-d Paul!'On
Lojs Fennl'll Ruth Baker
Mtkr Mym
Prl\lltr Wtr~ Servl<'t'~
:.'6tH E Cnast Hwy. OR 3 ·i005
Corona dt>l Mar
('IPT01\1ETRIST'S ...
County of Ora)lgel " HAROLD A. SC'HliSS1..£R.
On thl!l 27th day ot Janu f). ~a~.
OR 5 0160 · Zi44 E. Coast Uwy Dr J W McCabe, 0 .0.
A. D. 1960. beCore mt-. Robe-rt Da· XOTIC'E IS HEREBY GIVE.'J
vis, a Notary Puhlir In and Cor that DOROTHY ;\f. SCH 'SSL.ER
the ~ld County And State, rHid·l has f1led hel"f'ln a ~tit on for
lng thel't'tn. duly romml8tilont'd Probatt' or Will and for ~ttt-rs
and $~orn, ~rsonall\' appear.<! Test.a.mentarv reft-n-n to whtC'h
Bennett ~rkhau~n. Dlant> ~rk· b made for· 'turtht>r particulars.
ha~n. H. J Call and Suzann~ and thAt the time and plaN' or
Call. known to m.~ to bt' the ~r· h~riO,J tht' same ha" ~n !let
tona whoet> names an suMcri~ tor April 1 • at tO:OO Lm ..
to tht> within lnstnamt>nt. and In t~ t'O'lrtroom of ~part.ment
acknowledged to m~ that they NQ. 4 of 8&1d ('()art. at Court
OKUtf'd the same. In \\"ltM HoU81t. 8th It Broadway l.n the
W'Mteot, t haw Mtf'Unto ~ my C'Uy of Santa Anll C'alliornla
hand a.nd amlted mJ'otnda) Wal L. ll WAt.l.AC'£ Cluk.
tbe ~ and YMt ln tbi.J Certl· Oatf'd March 21 . 1960. ' ·
~kate nm aboft written. A. K. Phelps, attorney for Petl·
JtOtiDT DAVJ tloner. 3429 C'out Hllh·
My C'ommiltiOft ~ M~ 6. ~. C~t'Ona df'l Mar, Callfomla.
l Otiol~ 3· I~==:====;=~ 1 Publlsl\ ~Marcll 11. It, 31: AprU Publish: Mai"Ch 2-t, 31. April '; • In the • ..,_, Harbor '£Mlan. In th• Newport Harbor Ens fn .
Photogroph1c Supphes
• Fut Color FUm Senlce.
302~ E. Cout Rlghway .
Corona ct.l Mar : == ~=s~..::-A~ rrom Chrlat~nMn'• I>na•
11'13 Newport Blvd... Cotta»-I
PboM Uber"J' ·'lOG '::;:::=::::-------...1.
CROWN TV ,P_Rl_N'n.;...;.;....NC;;...;.;.;.· .;...• -----
SALES -SERVICE ror au YCMir and RENTALS Prlntlq ~ THE ~IGN' CALL a.AUDE 0 1 Dl,_ ~
roa IXPEltr 'IV RDtAiis Publiahing Co.
3422 £.ut Cout Hlthwa)' <*lie a.-
Corona Otl Mar 21.'50 ll Oliilla SJ' 4
Phone 01 3.SSS CGnllia .....
Patrick Sullivan was Introduc-
ed at the St. Patrlck'a Day break.
faat meeUng (naturally) 81 a
Mw memMr of the Newport Har·
bor-Costa Mesa Boerd of Real·
tors; he's wllh Marina Really ...
Bob Hoyt, public relations dlnc-
tor for Orange County Title Co.,
announces an elementary escrow
Branch Plan
Turned Down
courae starting April 5, from 7:30
to 9:30 p.m., at the title otflce,
421 N. Main St .. Santa Aoa; the
course Ia f~ and wll) continue
tor 4 weeks ...
THE CHIL.DQN'S DEPT. ol Haythorne's Depalt-
ment Store in Corona del Mar suffered consider-
able domage when this car rammed through the
rear wall ,of the store on Monday of last week.
Mrs. Olive Mc~ary of 309 Larhpur Ave. lost
control of the car after it hit .o4 other cars in the
Cocut Super Market parking lot. Mrs. Leone
Wasson, soles· lady. narrowly e scaped injury.
The State Department of
Finance has turned down the
application of the Newport BaJ .
boa Savings & Loan Assn. to
establish a branch In ,tfuntlng·
ton Beach and Instead has
authoriLed a charter to another
The Realty Board points out
that 68 per cent of all Harbor
Area multiple Hating$ placed In
1939 were sold by realtors other
than the lis ting broker; this
speaks highly for multiple list-
Ings. .says the Board . . . Bill
1\ln,, chairman ot the Educallon
Committee. says that the 13th
annual sales conference ot CREA
will be held Tuesday at the
Ebell Clubhouse, 625 French St.,
Santa Ana, starting at 9:15 a.m.;
toplc Is "Selling In the Soaring
Sixties.'' .,.,., ........ ,
Telill .. •• Is Sthlll u.. EMlt• d.MHW e4t fw ;..
.W... C.l le ,_ e4t t. OIIOU ,....
nw -IIDa'II.Dala r -•"u lrftlular a.&:.
2110 New.-t ...... ll .........
• F .... I•••• • ......... • ....... • II••••• • 2111rJ
Tests Are Made to Determine
Cause of Mrs. Tooley's Death
group to establish an association Waldo I. Russell. 118 VIa Quito,
In Westminster. Newport Bal· Lido Isle, reported his telephone
boa Savings had a lready &e· and 20 feet of cord mlulng from
Jected a site In Hunllngton his home last Thursday.
Beach for Its branch office. Mr. Russell said that he was ~rs.. Francia Tooley, 39, of 5117· Harbor Spastic Children's League The Huntlnaton Beach News working In his earage about 11 VIa Lido Soud, Lido Isle, was and acllve leader In the Heart • .~o s tated In Its report on the a.m. when a ma n asked to u~ found deaa In her home last Fund drive In Newport Beach. Finance Dept. dedslon: "The his phone. Both men went Into Thursday. She was Orange County chair· h h M R 11 She was found by her husband, man of the Heart Fund drive In Influence In depth utilized to the ou~ toget er. , r. us.w
FrankL. Tooley, In a guest room 1958 and worked on the Lido defeat the e tabllshment of the I didn't check"the phone or see the
of their home about 7:30 a .m. Isle section of the 1960 drive valuable savings anti loan unit other man leave. He noticed the H t t d th t bo 1 6 "" J 1 d 1 Sh at the corner of Olive and Fifth I absence of the phone about 6 e s a e a a u p.,,... us t comp ete recent Y. e was wa~ too extensive. calculated p.m. He contacted the telephone the evening Mfore .she had born In Oxnard and had Jived
fallen down a tllght of s tairs that here most of her life. and far reaching for the civic· oompany a nd they reported no
led from a guest room over a She Is survived by 3 daughters, miQded citizens who had hoped knowledge of authorized remov-
t against hope that an office al. Nothing else but the phone garage to a n outside patio. Lauren, Kathleen and Mary, o would be built In Huntlnaton was missing. The mystery w&S The husband said he aided the home address; her father, •
her up and that s he walked up L. .J. Baash of Los Angeles, a nd Beach.'' cleared up Friday when pollee
were notified by Mr. Russell that the stairs under her own power. a sister, )irs. Grace Dickmann. Rllf Fl.,. II "---..1 the telephone company employee
He told Investigators that the of Balcersl leld. •• --had removed the phone In a mix-only Injury s he sustained was Holy Rosary was recited at 8:30
a light bump on the head. She p.m. Friday In the Baltz Mortu· lly FII'IJIIICI ....... up of orders. .
retired about 9 p.m. ary Chapel, Corona del Mar. The C F.. • ~~~
A physician who was called Rev. Westwell Greenwood of St. Sparks from a fireplace were I an n ... I Thursday morning expressed be-James Episcopal Church, New-blamed for a roof fi re which
lief that )1rs. Tooley had rup-port Beach, officiated at memor· caused S50 damage to the home A small foreign car driven by
tured her liver In the fall and lal services at 11 a .m. Saturday of John Cooean, 3411 Finley Ave., Pete C. Maxwell, 1:0 ff San~a
DESI'"If & PI.A.X IEIIVJCE . hemorrhaged during the night. In the chapel. Interment followed West Newport, at 7:24 p.m. Sun-~nak went ove~ abo . ootRde . .., A police of ficer said he observed In Pacific VIew :\femorlal Parle. day , an ment on am ree . a
1001. rDfAJICUIG I a small amount of blood on her The family said that contrlbu· The fire burned a hole 8 Inches qua6rtel r1 mile s,outh ~fldFordNRd., h d r..._ d 1 th New k at : p.m. ast r .-ay, ew. FI.EE ESTIMATES ea . tons may ~ ma e o e · In diameter In wood sha es over -11 rted Th tor · . The coroner's office reported to port Rarbor Spast ic Children's com~i tion shakes c a u sl n g port po ce repo · e mo ·
Cutom Bomes & Apcutmeata the Ensign this w~k that t he League. B a I boa. In lieu of I slight char In wOOd ~heeling un-1 Rladt. tr,avellngtsoluthf ohn Jamboree
HilliS A. LEE
COROllA DEL MAll oa ,_,..
f d ath 1 pending the fl f . ost con ro o t e car on a ca use o e . s j owers. derneath. A small amount o cu~e went Into the
outc_ome of a toxacoloalcakl ex3am· melted tar fell Into a chair In Jane 'skidded baclt Into th~~ht inauon which may ta e or 2 11.1-•-A..a RIICII..I the Jiving room ·
-1 wee~. The body was r£>moved ,_ ••C 0<-C"Upants we~c not home when lane broadside and sUpped onto
1 \I t Corona del •---' the shoulder and over the em-to Ba tz . or uary, II .Itt F.. ..... the fir~ broke out. Firemen founri bankment. He was not Injured. )far. d !a tire burning In tht> screened , )1rs. Tooley was founder an Two EJ Toro marine airmen flrl'place In the home when they
past president or the Newport were rescued from the ocean I arrived to put out thP blaze. All-Stars Are c•··· ·=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~_:_--:~::--::,:=-s=------one mile southwe.'lt of the New· Among 88...county high school CAMEO SHOR port Pier last Friday a fternoon Sllicitle Call £1U U• seniors nominated for the ~c ·
a fter they were forced to para-r ond a nnual :-.lort h -South All-Star
chute from their disabled jet, 11 lttkJ•• ., Plllcl football game, 'to M played :'\ew V1t>w Home Just Completed. 3 Bedrooms, Dining
Room 3 B.llh'!. 5hake Root.
A Se~riflce at ~9.500.00; Lowe-.t Priced View Home
In Cameo Shores.
Exc:-ellent Selection or VIeW Lots with Private Acceu
to Ocean Cove ..
ORiole 3· 1901
1()n Coa r H1ghway Just South of Corona del .\-tar t
which cra<~hed Into the ocean. -. Aug. 18 In the Santa Ana Bowl.
An El Toro rescue helicopter Loran W. Hardy, 39, of 546 are the following froro Newport
plckeri up Maj. G. B. Parker and San Bernardino Ave.. Newport Harbor Hleh School: Dan Cas-
flew him to their b~. Lt. R. .J. Heights, called a Santa Ana tele· ~1. Dick McMillan and Joe Wll-~avlno was taken a..board the phone operator Saturday a n d j son, for the South team. harbor department rescue boat ,said he was a bout to t"ommlt
685 and brought Into the harbor suicide, then hung up the phone.
1 department dock. The "chopper" The· call was traceti to his home,
returned and picked up Lt. and a hort while Jatn ht' went
.\J;n ino from tht> harbor depart· to the pollee ~;tatlon anti wa~
ment parking lot and tlew him booked on a c-harge ot mtoxlca·
'to the mari ne ba e. lion 1n public.
111111 .....
1569 ~iramar, duplex S33.500
2006 Paloma Dr., 3 bdrm .. $25,900
2 mountains In center ot JUST COMPARE THE VALUE!
Newport Beach $40,000 f'a.
Balboa Coves, pier 6: noat 160,000
678 W. Wilson, 1 acre ....... $24,750
2119 Monrovia ···-· ............. $14,750
824 Governor. 3 bdrm ......... $11,500
Npt. HgiG., 65x125 Jot ........ $7,500
Do It yourself, $10,000 discount
on unfinished luxury back bay
home, 430 E. 20th St.
2070 Orange Ave. R-4 ........ $16.250
1~ down on C-2 Newport Blvd.
Frontage. Bulldlngs ........ $37,500
MAn LABORDE, Reaftor
Bay and Saddleback. Very lovely new home with wall
to wall carpet and aponge rubMr pad. Beautiful corner
JlrepJace, built In dlahwaaher, shake roof an!_ many
other fine features. All this with Three bedrooms and
two baths tor only $3,000 DOWN. Sef'lng Is believing,
so call us now for further Information.
OPEN DAILY 1:00 to 5:00 P.M.
M. M. LaBorde, Realtor
"you'll like our friendly Mrvice,.
220 E. 17th St. Coata Mesa Liberty 8-1139
(A'Crosa the street !rom Mesa Shopping Center)
Evenings Call U 8-8693 . Ml 6·1050
Is tile IIIII II lilt
Y11r Salt 1r R.tal
• • •
Make those dollars worlc harde r by Inves ting In col-
lateral loans on excellent Harbor Area 2nd trust deeds.
These deeM-never have been sold or discounted. 2 to 1
ratio of security. Also, trust deed.s boueht and sold.
( 15 years ume loeaU. and dolnc buelnesa
under my own name)
2117 W. Balboa Blvd., l''ewport Beach, Call!.
ORiole 3·0670
VIew Lets
Large Lea~hold estates with !1nest ocean view.
Private entrances to three beaches.
481 E. 20th ....... -................... $2S,SOO Newport Beach
123 • 43rd St. <DuplexL. .. .$27,000 -------------------------
308 W. 30th Street ORiole 3·4400
$28,721 • $23,7 •• --·-....
e 3 It 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths e Large Family Room e Fireplace with log-lighter e Beautiful llv1ng room
e 100 amp. electrical service e 220 V. wiring to washer & dryer e 100% virgin nylon carpet e G E. forced air heat e G.E. garbage disposal
e G.E . built-In range 6: oven e G.E. built-In dlahwuher e Nutone Hood, Fan It Ught
e Large ceramic UJe ahower e Formed formica cou.ntertops e Heavy Shake Roof or e Colored Large Rock Root
• Sliding gl ... patio door e BUJit·ln TV amal
.................. A__.,_Adf. ..... ""'-...
c:.l AD·a.tltc
Sal-. AgeDt8
Doa Hart cmcllob Nortoa
o-utY cu. -····· .... ......
1746 E. Ocean Blvd .............. .$34,!500
464 N. Newport, C·L ......... .$19,!100
440 Holmwood, 2 bdrm .... .Sli.!IOO
309 La .Jolla, 4 bdrrn. --· $32,500 m La .Jolla, 5 bdrm ........ .$37 .500
408 Holmwood, 3 bdrm ..... $26,500
545 Plummer, 4 units -.$36,000
LOT 968 Cress In Lacuna ..$5,500
Over 40 Years In the
Harbor Area .... , ........
400 N. Newport Blvd. CO~Jte Hoa1 Bo.pltal)
Kl 6-1675
10:00 A.M .• 5:00 P.M.
$47 .SOO 1Y OWND a.T--. ..... , •
.... H ........ ,1111 I ... ..
Rill PUI IS .-r PUT
W TIE ...,.EI
Many home buyera spend montba looking for a home
that haa a tloor plan to their liking. When they find
It, an other conalderatlon.s are for1otten and the deal
Is quickly coqtpleted. Thu Ia not the smart way to
buy real estate. In many cues, deala that are later
reeretted could have been avoided had the buyerw
aoueht the advice and counsel of a c«npetent and
trustworthy REALTOR, for every real estate broker _....o
can call hlmaelt a REAL'roR Ia a member of the New-
port Harbor·Coata Mesa BOARD OJ' RJ!A.LTOJtS, and Ia
bound to Jive up to the atrlct requ.Jr.ment. for mem.
beflhlp. He is qualified to advbe you on the many
matttora which should be conaldered before you buy
In order to lneure that you ret tbe mo.t for your morwy.
... nn••••r -
.... IT ... ., ....
Mi!WIOIIT aAa1 • U ..... .... ·-._, -... J.eOO WDT OOAIT HIGHWAY