HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign• tiCIAM THIS ll.t.P .-s llle l oil- -routos,dnl .. •ted.t., olto Ill< Rill ""· rooto ·• lllo lrllond loop .,.... lo Cot- · I ood C, p-sed for Ill• Coo .... Fr.._ -Hlgll- -"' In HWIU!tlon Beodl Md lllrootb Newoort Beodl, ono del liM, desl.,ote 1 ood 2 on tile ._. Tht .outes •• desafbtd lft the ICCOM .... ,.. lot sto<y. On , • 'Rata WDI & .... ., dil· .. id b faYOMd a fre...,. o.uioa Moedey ...&at by' .. &~~ alalia Cout Hwy . He •• Newport eo-oil ... , ..t&M .. , it's pntty well ... ..croM.d W::C"!; _. qiMd dlat die , .. .., •• aM ler a , .... IIIIIIDld J,oop aJWDd eo-a &alllly Co•cita.l 11[...,6 •t Mer -.lbf ._ fO • IC.iiiJII., _. ....... ali•, PiM. Aft. .. Tki I ._.ell lib Wad-Tbete Ill' I l propotd lOa CCI ..... ia. to ••••• to .... tuoatb fle eoroaa del ,.., • a &eaway, al--it may ,, .. : .ot be la die beat iat.entt of 1. ne Piflh An . .,. .. , •r •••·" rcjoiai.ea Coast Hwy . befoDd "It" a oot bnMwathiaa." c~ Hiabluub. This'""' replied Mayor J-.as Sll>ddard.. woald c••• remonl Df 6 ''This it jut iafomaa1ioe oa 6wellinp ia Harltor View •• aeed for a freeway." Hilla. The stahtict prea•&.ed bf 1. na llll•d loop, 1Umi111 city traffic •P. .. r Bill otr Coatt Hwy. j111t euterly O.clu •cl ,.Wic wodlt of the lniu Cout .,tr director Ooa SiolpiiCID .-.owed coorae, a10and lhe Harbor ••• 1be preltlftl Coa1t Hwy. View Hilh de..-elopment •d .-pachy for ad~a&e moft-back to Cout Hwy. beyood _, or 1raffic ia 10,000 a CUMO Hi!lhluds. Thi1 roet.e ilay, aad traffic OCMt.U .,. would cause rcmonl of 2 11 kiF as 11 ,000 ia tbe dwelliaa• in Harbor View Mariner• Mite area •d 1.5,000 Hilh. Bill ~uoo or tbc lr- ia Coroaa del Mat. \'inc Co. uid that du: f'ihb The council ,_Tiewod the An. route would require DO alteraa1e rootea ptOpOid by chanac ill lrrinc c-~~ Oi-riaioo of Hi&hwayl. ney plans, but that Cbe iaJ•d azpr•••H prafer•oe for tbe loop wwld caoae a reloc• ialaad loop mete .,..d eo~ bon of •• iaitial lla&e or ... del Mar. _ , ..... -•• ... ,III•Cio11t •d· ~ MJ. 'ktaaeley ..,.eel • ..._, pi ell dl•a• of .... ....,.., •• loll or nl .. IU ._._, plan. tD dle dty if a (Heoway ca~ 1\ere are ) all.emat.aa ror lila city' ia balf aloa1 dae lbe f'reeWIIY route •to•P W.fta. He .. id dld woo.ld Cos&a ~eu .. d Newport dDn aboppers io tile Heiahte A. E.Dtcrin1 wut Coa&a to olber sboppiaa areu oo&.-Mesa at Santa An• Ri.er at 1iM of dlo cil)'. Hamilton-Victoria, 10 ~ 111a Coaacil •lboriaod tweCil. 16lh SL 1nd 17dl SL, Mayor Sloddard ., 0011for acrou lhc Upper Bay 011 a wida Costa Meu official a bi ab leul bridac. joioioa ie an aU1mpt to atrin at Cout Hwy . ncar the Bayside joiat apeemeat a-a toata. Or. iaternction. This plan At lha CorOlla del mar faces oonaiderablc oppoai· Ol.rnber of Commerce meer,. lion because it aon lhrov.ah iaa Tv. .. day momia1, Mayor lhc proposed marina devclop- SIOddud aaid be bad been ment in Coata Meu alona aj1qmoted in a Olob+-Merald lhe San&a ADa Rinr at Vic- •d Pilot b .. dlioe which toriL • Estimated IDU.I coat, not ieclodina hiab lnel bridae. ia f46Y.t million. The roate woald affect 69 baai- neuca ~d 111 families. FRANKLIN ENDORSED Th• district Repu¥ic• c.didate ltatearft ec.-i· ... llu •doraH ..U. H. 'flraklil, Co•• ..... " .... My, f01 *• a.,.Wioaa DOm- ._ • ._ l'or state Anembly ia .. 7ltt Di11riCl. '*'· E4aar Hill of Lido lela, cbaianaa of *e com-.. ue,, uid 6at 10 poten&ial c.di4a\lll wen .... mewiCI. •• b. f'raaklia, 54, of Ill Jade AYe., Balboa ltl~ad, ia aiiOCia&ed witll hit lOft, Stlim S. Praklio, ln a law fi• in Co•ta Meaa.. B. E.Dter Newport Beach fuouab the Bannina properly, juat below 19th St., ao bo- tween Horace Enaip School and Hat\or Hiah. duwah Cliff tla•• to lhe Casta- way• site, acrou &be Upper Bay oa a hiah lonl bridae, joinioa Cout Hwy. near the Bayaide Dr. intersecti0111 . Thia pi• faces a formidable obsu.cle ia the areat npenu of moria& the a .. inl oil welh away raom the free- way roa.te, alto beca••e lhe route aoet t.roup the pro- posed Kihuy-de•ol~ ment near Ho•a Ho.pillll •d throuah Cliff Hulll. Eati- mated cost, not incl•dina hiah le.cl bridae or mo~na HERITAGE lhe oil welh, i • MS.9 ,.;n- ion. ne route woold atrect 4$ buaine•u aad 114 families. MONTH SET C. Enter Newport Be.ch alon1 Coaat Hwy., climb op • 0> 1he H•i•to juot oootody 80• Newport Beacb aad or lhe Arcboa, between. Oiff Colti Meaa h•• proclaime4 Dr. •d Kiaaa Rd. ia "Cliff , .... .., •• America H• Hawoa, •d acrot• dlia Upper 1.,. "'-* ia .. .,ort of a., aboat •• .... u Pf• t:rc .cthiliea .,..~M~~rM ·a. .~•t •t i•clllcl._. •• • Aller\~•-eoc. -.nqe. ·•• •• .u..~ee~ •• •n.• 1 c-eil ol •• H_.. m.UUoe . 1\e tHta wwld ...., lffact 43 Wtiaaaaet •d 114 ec-.cit is aMiJI1 flftriliea. Aa ah1aate pi• eiiiW: OfiiDiaatioae, adloole duoap Cliff Ha•• would _. ct.rdl11 to Jol• ia .. craa\1 a l·l•••l Freew.y j•at Jltject lliJ Ryilll •• Antllric• below Kiaae Rtl., remo-ri•l ... ~ty, b,-.,.... .. , lh• blaff t.omat. 11t.it wa.ld ,.. •• , _, Mowiaa .... dena•• •• coat bJ 11.1 ..... ~. tafoaati• .., M millio., lffact 47 more baai- ....._.. at •• ,...._ aeues •d u -.re r..muas. ........ i• Co•ta ...... •• A. ••c:od ......... .. •• lttl IL a.u H-'or Bhd. cnau a l·ltnl p...._, at I loWft lt'fel, ~ad •• Mariaen Mila Wliaenea, ll'S SCDUT SUIIOAY 'lor-_, wiU ~ ••••,... at .. Ot-.a •1 C I I If Qloooll .. . --<111* ...... --.,....,. ···---" , ............. Ill •• lliap ad. dwelli•a• ••d. n.Ja WM-14 t.CIM .... GOit U .J It M.3 ooiiUoa, olfoot' -............ 2f leN r..IUOO- NEW PRESIDENT T11eo RDI>- 1 ns, repeating his ltonor of 25 yeats *· is shown here holding his gavel of offlu, Wltllle Judge Wlllla.n Christ· ensen, installing officer, ~d outgoing President 01 ck Ric~ ard 1 ook N ewport Marbor !A-- stalled were son 11\d Fred presidents, Aru~!'!!~l!.!~x . .~:~Y~~1o~teilll.h- Study Mode . Ttaa1ee HarTey P .. ae to14 lila Newport Beach l!len:~ea­ tary Sc:bool Diatrict Board T11eaday neaina that be bad localld an ' Edlllcatro. Codl p10'ri1ioa. wt.anby • area aeekio1 to mnu to •• di•- uict CMid be aakad tD .ole on aaiUDI.iaa ita abare of dae eU•tiaa boodld inclebtedben of lh• diatrict. BEACH He •de a moti011. dl.at lhia roq~.ett be made foe •e oom- iaa Mata 6 ••n aloctic. in tb• Upper Newport Bay area. Tbe JDDd.oa waa defeated 1 Jo 2 _ ~r. Paaae •d Or. SURPRISE recipient of the Da-rid Ni•l•en ">lUll Y••· "Man of the Yea~' award ~ot Preeidcet Mel lkrry, ~~~-tht M~nwal dinner meeting of Otallen Laadera and Dr. the Newport Mati:IIH CtUftlber Doaald Bri4tm•• ~cial DO . of Commerce Mrs. J .A. Beek The board tl• uastracc.ed ' ' Slapt.Roy Aadenee tout dl.e Is shown here with Mr . Beet., oouaty coaaael for a ralilla at left, U.e 195o5o M• of the oe l1p.lity of the moti011 , Year, Md Judge Robert GarG-- ·•d ifdle rv.liaa ia fatorable, ner wfto fl91red In on the -~ co call a epecial ·~ax" Owlt fooled Mrs. meot1a1 for today. Peb. I . 10 recoaaicler Cbo moli011 • Beek. (Ensl91 Photo.) llr.e wstaes rescinded lbe M H 1956 policy .......... which ore ope apec:ified lhat uy ... ~~. of a portioo of one scbool dia- lricl 10 aeolbcr WG~~Id be f Th I r • ...,...s only .. lhe •••• of or e ma 11bquiifild COQIODl of bolla hoarda. Paaae said dli• policy bt been diuoprded aad n. -..e ••t fall .. a- llcrefon aboald be: rnci.aded. Thelma PecWoct Hope of Mra. L111.den said lhat Ill• Co10na del Mar lut we•t a. .. uti• was not .ndlin Suaday waa of little con•• houd powars and dlenfore queaca oompued to the oewa the policy did oot apply . she receind fieaclay ftca Re-euniaatioo of dlc pol-Stephn •d 81Uy Hop& pw. ic:y oa optimam ac:hool aiac ••tH t.ar widl a aew little wea req~aated by die School paaddu.ter. Board. ne .... -· ···" ie at S.pt. ~ Aadera• •• ie-7 p.m. Ta•aclaJ', J•. lO , at ttmc.&od ta aak 0... Jr.-aa St. Vi•c.ta Hot:piaal i.a Los Mel'-of U8C te i• .. ••daia Aqal11, a .... ~ poua ... l-i• die -.ificttioa .. ,.. _.. wt• llriabt M t.air Ub .., lie will .Ue forlbe N..,. Mt ... .,. ae •n .._ cal· port BuG •d Coau. Man led ...... ,. M •••· El••~ -Hu~• Hi.. Mra. tlope wae at liar S. adtool dittrictl. Die,o C:O..t.J mout:ld r-.c* T•••• HatYty Po111 ia· ltonle willil a ftieH •• to,.. itially a*H hr a Nporl oa udo lite ..,. .. blew alar .. re .. iWiie, of i•«• .. iaa llile ... apiaat •• old llo.a .ad • ._, 1iae lS 10 50'1 to a· *ftd llile '-ihli•l ..._t • 1'0id,PI!rdlat• ar • .... aite. foot off iu ro-detioe. 0•• 'tNatMI Mject.. lO opociOc ;..,..., •d • oow FEB. 13 IIEETIMG ·-· .., Do. O..al4 Bri ... -· ...... ,... .. ••• mHhl er •e N•-n. ..... • ......... port a..c:e. a.,. C:O.cil wilt _._.a .. •llllt ... t"Nrn N •• 7:JO ;.-. TM .... •• P..Mt" aa 1 ta....ot *" PA U. l11 .... ef *• ne- j_oll_ .... -........... ..,. -~ ... .. .. --·"' aooll*o Ia .. , .... wiU ~ a--, ...... , ....... ..,.~-···· _..,_ 4 It ......... ,..., ~~ , ... a ......... wU1 ---~·-~-.. --. Tax Report Meeting Set The Newport Beec8 Tu Comnti uee Ilea call .. -._ ... c.- iDI for I p.o lbb C9tiaiaa. Peb. I, ia Cit. a0 1D fi .. a report of pro.,.,, on is. c:~mpaip for redactioe of lai aiiCIIImetltl. WiUiam Colemm of Shore Cliffs, conmit~e official, MJ' 1 that hi 1 poup hu beea ~ed by •e recnt Grand Jat)' report wtaich abarply criticited iaeqai&iea ia \U aiiCIIlllOIIt ror lhe Newport ..... He aaid ttal die cc..Dbee wiU caay oo ita lepl case tD lal*ior c-t.. t.e 620 .. r.e p .. i •• ~ .......... , .. preant C.... dill Mat •ai- •••• dit.;ct, •• lh• coat or ptOTidiol 6o•e tpiCM WCNid be ,..,., *l,SSO,OOO . Then 6pca were P•• by Jun Ray. ,..ti•a Cftllallll~ ICC cbai .... -· Ed Br~K:*o. committee !Mftlber, at Tv.-- day montini• bt'oakfut meetina of die Coraea Ml Mar Chamber o( Commerce at OlCK DALE, ~ctYred here. oer 1 InD . and the Del Tones a'e don•-A aiOro-~at!Me ........-.,. ting t!"eir musi c fOf • talent in ade by Mt. &.cko rena.lod show to bt g1ven •t 2:30 the followina: 1bc buainon p m Ttu.H sday Feb. 15, in populatiOft al~a Coaat Hwy . · · ' . . is 1 003; fl,are ue l.OSl oa· the Hatbor High auchto~lum, lite· partial tpacu, Mad 429 under the co-~nsotsh1p ol spa.cu oa 1be bipway and the KtY Club and ltw P TA.. tic aide streeta back 110 tile I l OK fn•t alley; (0'1' a 10tal of t S to 1,410; pre--.t basineuca aced 2.100 pad.Usa spaces T 0 JFK for employees aad cattomcn, Une In '"""' , _..,. ~r uo . In order 10 pm.-de tbne Man of Year 'Hoax' Mrs. J .A. Beck or Balboa Island proposed the aamc or Judae Robert Gardner 11 ... e ~-of lhe Year for 1961 wt.aa the Newport Harbor (lumber' 1 Maa of the Yeat c:oJDDittee beld ita iaitial meetina. 6S faculty members. It is n - pected ID reach i u capaCl ry or 27,.500 by 1990. be Ill d. He pniaed cbc aelccuon or lbc can1~1 aitc 11 1 pl ace wbere there ia Iitie rare op- poftiU.nity ., pi• lhcsd. He said that oae of the major pmblcms of this qc 11 bow to occupy l .. d for the bener- met of the public w1thou t settina 1n motion forces thai would mate the l•d 1 nau- aeatinl place on ..-t!.1ch to li•e. ~act1011 to t.e uc of da11 bale IO'Usta &O Prui-._t K.-ectr·· J.a. 12 tD ....... u. .... "''*-... --OIIJIIUII _, •• Ne...- port 8eaeb Elemeawy School Board. They WJOtC lO the board fl.al students aeed eYCty hour for bnic 1t11dy M d tbll it wu 1 waate of leamin& time to u.ke lime out durin& tbeu d.auahter's madt. cl111 at Horace £aa1p School lo listen to the speech. ~pt. R.oy AtldetHTI IDld tbe board Tuesday u ·cn1n1 dl.at 1ntenup1Jon of clau time 11 rare. but 11 deemed a1huabl e for ~a pufi caat e•enu. Board Preaident Mel Berry aad uuatec Pea L&nden apeed" With SupL Aadeucn thai the matter s-.o.ld be ldt ID th~ di scretion or the tiOT IN THE RACE "'I do no1 choose to run ror Ancmblyman {IOCR the 71 n Auanblv OlllnCt," E .J - O"Bnen ·of Ne~n Beach u 1d l:b1 1 week . '"The COl i or nmJllftl a campeian i• lOO put for an oppoMDII i ty to limited. It II di fficult for 1 pcr.o~~ WithOUI pnu te weallh to run for orfice-1r he ttfloal11. JO to Sacramento with ao obh aa- tJons other tb.a\ to ac,.e h11 100.000 oon sti•eau co the bell 1ntere st of sll." 620 IP!aFCI, 41 loU &djoill· '"I the lluaineu 1trip •ould ba"'c to be purdlaaecl. Pur· .-.. price per-t.rt-waa n - liaa.S at Jl~; colt f4· prepui•a •e ,..._, ..... S7S0 per lot. for a tetal coat ol 133.000 per lot. f'irannl 13 par\in& apacu per lot, lhe co st per ~ace u tlb· mated st S2.SOO . Mr. Ray 111d dut 1f lhe rt- c"nrcd Sl.SSO.OOO 11 pa1d tContiDuod em ~aac I ) BadhamSays He Will Run Repubhc~r~ Robert E. Bad- ham. 3 2-ycsr~ld coascf't'a- u ve hom Newport Bc.a ch. an- noun ced tb11 week lhal he u a candidere fnr d.e '"I' lat An cmbly Ou tr1 ct. after the Oranac County Republic. Central Commi ttee' a "acreea- m & oomm&uee" or 7S had aa- M ned Sehm Franklin of Cos ... '4esa. Mr. Badham, backed by tb e more than )00 membcn of Republi c.._ Me~~ and the Oran&e County Crmaer .. ti•c Coor&nabna eo-,c;ll is di- rccmr of Oranae County opeflbORI ror the Hoffman Hardware Co .. a Los Anae- lu wboleaale hardware """ He 11 • )-year Yeteru of the Korean War and holds 1 oommi 11100 1n the NaYal Ro- seore II a LICUteftlftL There ... di scullion or this name and of se.eral otbns before the mcetina adjourned. AI !be oornnittce mlllftloen were Tl'alktlll ••IY. Mn. Pbilip Burton aaid 1n an aaide tD Earl St.-ley. "There's lhc penon 'llllh o thould aet the nominatiota." pointina to Mn. Beck.. Mr. Stal'lley a11ced heartily, and. wilhout Mrs . Beek'a knowlcdac. ttaey disanacd lbe plot with the otltcr 2 membcn of the c:onwnittec.- Let Steffensen ud Wallet Lonpnoor. Students Give Easter Week Ideas The full oommittee held one more official mcetina. and Judae GarG!er'a name wu pNscoted and woted ~apon. Mn. Beak wu tina •• llliFJ"•t or ma.tlftl .e ,pnantation speech. Lut 'T'Itvnday nenina at •• iaatallabftD •d ewa.rda meedaa ef •e Q~~allcr, Lu s~~.rr..... called J.ap Gudnet • •• podillllft, ,.. jad .. 00ftrc11 .. tllat be WU .at lhc ,.. or •• y•ar-•d •• rauale4 •• IIIIPri aiaa news ., •• r.c:ipi•t. Mra. Beet, •d • dle •d.ince. Shariaa lo •e ... aem•t aad plcuare of 1be .. ,nu eward · wa• Mr. Seek, lli.m.- "lf 1 .;..., ol the bitta '-or i• ltSS. ...,._.,o( ....... , ...... Doole\ 414ft .. JL . roc•tly _.. ........ ool ... ol .. 11!11-· ol ColO lo •• -.. -will -io ~' wl·--.... - HiP, aciloot •d Junior oolleae •-*"t leaders joined .;e cil)' ol'li ci als . ci-ric leaden ud rcprcsent- ati•u of the Realty Board aad Chamber or Cotm!CfCC: in a rouut-&able 4iaaau1oa of Easter Wcet problems lut week -end. Guy Gal•sha repfeMII&ed Newport Harllot Hilll Sc*ool; Tom O.n._.r wu ... re fioM Oranae Cout Colleae. •d oaa alad.t• caae r.:wa Gl•dale. Dllwey. Anaheim •d. Ri.....W. lliP acboola. •d rto~t P•e ... a Ci 1Y Col· lese., Pall..,, S. Beaar- difte •4 Chaft'H junior oollc1u. All qned ••t drli a '"all&- llfDI aemiaat w11 a asefal 1taJt toward tnquo•M rei• tiou widli Eauer Week .,;si- ton •d ••ard • eol•tion of problema ..n ••• f~ •e ..,., iana:a of ,.._t nca- 1ioeen. City -.. "t -Coop Aid •• , •• s.Mat Abi•· .., a.. will ~ --.. ..................... . ..... "" ...... _ •••t•a. The studeets u id they 'fo'OU\d carry their reports back 1o lhcu 11chool tdllafl and hoped 10 naspire studen t e4itoriall on Enter tt'cck. The c1ty maaaaer's office Will aJ so send OGl reports to all school Jti!Pefl ill •• Southem Calib'aia are.e ie aduace a( Easter ""'-· Obsenatioaa .... et tbc week-end aamiaar bachadcd:: Ltndlordt who iacliae~rimin· atcly rent ., •'"'-ta. ch..- ina hilh ,..., an4 Wtina al o•ercro•diftl, an ~r oon- tributon to Che &11.1-r P"'._ lem. ltealton are .ot c:netuta the psol:tert~. a...c.wM altn01t no-.c o( •am will htndle F.aattr f'ftltelt. 1.11/ Some !Milord• _....-Tequ.ire a dqJOSlt 1M .......... hold ""-" •• .,.CJ •f•hty wtiCII'I .. ., .. ~ il o••r. M•y of dle cell ... ••· tt.h&n.,..lto .. -· .. i .. lbi• CDIIlina Eu•r .. d alto r ........ ceut; "6aaMI 1-t a.1•• h .... a ................ ! •• ..... 1.,-. Th e sllldenta who make trouble here arc the a..ne one'• Mto cause troable at school. Party cn.daiaa ia ou or •e major ptOblcma. Police Oue( Jim Glans told *• ••"-• not 10 hcaiaate tD call police. $2.1100 fOil Ulblfl' --laM 6d" •• ... _.. ol •• ~,._.. ot. Li...,., ,.. ..... • ...._ .... l. .... ...,.. ~-~ ................ ..... , .... Me.,ort Cilr c:.-otl ... ................ . ... li....,. ...... will .. 1oo111 1a -P"*-Qor "' ..... eHO.., ..... ......... m.-.-...-.., .. m • .., . 4M)U ...... -~y ,.._ s ... o-. _., ................ " .. l.c.-... -.alls1al - """'" -a • a....__ a .... \.J(1.A c:::.M.---...... ,.....-•• z£12 Dr._ .... __ ..... -••• ' t ... _ .. ' • I I 1-' If••• .......... ., c.-4.1 Mer! C.lll r.wt .. e4 ...... ., .. .,........ ... c.-. ........... cu, ................ c.lll. ..... -............................... 1 .. ~ .... _ 2121 L ._.. ~· c:..-. .. -. Celli. ,....._ ........ ....,._ • ~·=-·1011 .............. ~ ........ .. _ .................. ...,. ........ ....,c-t .. ... ..-. ....................... .eM • .,... ........... . ... _..,.... ...... MIMift .... CM.IfO ... AMIW • .M'II ..._l .. lftAHOaAT .... Aa4 el •• ..._'nOMAI. I .. TOMA&. e\SIOCIATIOM TMI •Aalel AatA•a'tPPUT ... ,.,Arll s .. H AIVO 1. MAAP4. ••• -................... _. __ ..... 4 rw~Uelt" , •• MAAPA. .................... -..... :. .......... -A••-•• .... , .... I.IT L. lltiiLI ..................... _,.,.,a ..... , 141•• MIL IM MOWLAMD •••••••..• ~ .•.•..• -........ -.A4••"'•1•t II•••" JGAII IWILL. ............................................ OHtce M••eer ......... ~010......, .......................................... .,, ••• .. CII •• .-.a.AY.-., .................................... ; P•,..•• Jlk cox ••.••• -..................... -....... ~················L••• ... ,..., --~,_TIOW llATII 1• •• •-.... ....._ ~ •• ,_ -"'"1 ._ ,..,. -ss.oe o ... ,4e •• ... .,.., .... o.. , __ ..._ .. , ... ,..,. _ p .oe • NOT AJOB FOR OTY Q)UNCIL An Ensl~ reader sent me two articles cut out of tht ffl)nt pAge of the Jan. 25 Ensign. One news Item said that tfle Newport Beach City Council asked the city attomey to stu<f1 and rep)rt on an ordinance to control the use of "for sale'' signs In residential areas. The other reported coun- cilmen's comments that censoring mov~es was not within the scope of their dutl es. And the reader remarked, "It Is obvious that the Cl ty Co unci I Is more worrl ed about fot sale sign eye sores than about I ewd signs which encour- age Immorality." Neithermovle censorship nor outlawing "for sale" signs I sa proper function for any city council. In both cases, it I s the responsi bility of the indi vi dual. The Realty Board should be so lidly in opposition to the proposed ban on "for sale" signs, because the first point in their Realtor's PI edge is: "To protect the indivi- dual right of real estate ownershi p and to widen the op- portun lty to enjoy it." • • • • • TIME FOR SEA WATER "BREAKTHROUGH" Senator Barry Goldwater has an interesting comment on a problem of the greatest i mportance to the Southland-('lot • politics this time. He says there will be a breakthrough in the conversion of sea water for public co nsumption. The cost of transporting water as in the Feather River project, wi I I continue to i ncrease; the cost of sea water conversion will continue to decrease; when these costs meet, the tide wi ll turn toward conversion as the ul timate so lution. Rtphl '' nghl th()uph ull m en {}(• u,.:utn.\1 11 Wtd "' r111p I\ u•runp th(JU!(h u /1 m en t CJ/P fut II /Jr fl,ll (lrd f . K er-hf/lt WHAT ARE YOUR ANSWER S? If you -N~re a "right w1 ng extrem1 st "would you "sic br ng1ng 11scred1t to the cause of conserva tism and pa tr~o­ l 1SIT1 by try1ng to bomb a few left Nlng radicals' If you Nf!retJ commun1 st would you no t mak e use of the stanJard ,,.,...,~un1st techn1oue ;I r.o,...rr tt1ng an act o f vio- l enr.e ana Oldffltng 1t on those Nh (Jm yr1u arl! seelrtng to dis credt t" • • • • • GOOD ADVICE FOR REPUBLICAN S Pu blisher Btll Drar e makes th 1s reasonable and logical observation n t he Yorba L tnda !)tar "!I the Reoubl i can Party wou1d ..,n1te beh1ndJoe Jhell, candi:lat e for governor i n the prt ma ri e-. they would have an excellent chance to defeat Go v Brown 1n the November election Shell would pull a l ar ge sect ion from Demo ra nk s, wh 1ch Ni xon cannot touch.J oe She llp1d ed uP a lot of support wh en form er Gov. ernor Goodie Kn rght was advised to qu1t the race on account o f his health." • • • • • AND SOME MORE ADVICE . The same can be said for the U S. Senate race among the Republicans. Ifthe conservati ve Republicans would all un1te behind Howard Jarvi s, a candrdate of unquestionable conservative principl e, they could defeat our incumbent m~ dern Republican, Senator Tom Kuchel, in the primaries and Mr. Jarvis would be our next senator. Loyd Wri ght tan do a tremendous service to the conservative cause, and thus to the cause of Americanism, by withdrawing from the race for senator and pledging hi s support to Mr. Jarvis. • • • • • Must Express Faith A COinnnl.aJtlt upltolch thfo objectlns of com~ maaJ.m aacl uUl.br. U)' 1DHM to aceompllah Ita IIOdallatk atma ud world eot~q.._t. 8trt It take. coara~,. toda to ~ ~ worct. "privat.e tdeFp,...,." Ia tbe taan. of COli~ ud .tate lecWat.rH fo~ INr of .,..... t'latltd u a I"MdicMMV7, or u~llben.l. We Mould e~ ow WW Ia prtvat.e ow.er· ..., of IM"'Pfr1y ... .., do &17, ud 11toat tt .. lotdJ ... ._ .............. tflelr .. u.ea,....... ..sallie. tJ.._ wr do elala, r.ow eu we ezpeet tiM I'Mt of tfte ff'fle ........ to haYft falda .. tiN! IIINer-~ef ..,. _,.....,. .,._ Oftr U.. ea .W .,..,_,.~, p,.. "'dllc A/16ilr• P~''-1'• ... *'1· IH1 awda11 -~ M••/tlelnnl Ml IICUIUM Tt• Joll...,, ,, .. ~• ... fl._ ., J•q• •ol~ ~•1- 1•~1•· • 8rolt•' 214. •IIH J-. II •••11•1 oJ It• O.I.W Lo~1• No. 1419. Tt• lui t( ••• ., •• ct ••• ,, .... ,.~ IQ ,.. B••lp t, c. /(. Clo .. o/ Cor•• ~.1 ,..,, • lo•,.lht• .... ., of It• Lo~l•· Whcft ubd to lped befol\' mr EJir.J todfr, I pt.ltely patriOCJc aM bmmtlftlt IOCldy, 1101 ~I ~-~ly American tn 11f rompos.ition o1 rrwmbt-nhip. I could think ol no •Ybtm ltiCift in.ioll. 1101 iAdHd OM more v1t1l IS 1 problnn fac:iO& lor.! AmericiiDS tocby than thr aub- 1«1 of thr Communnt Mmace . la order to -~t a first &nldinJ how tO ben~ In opposiftl lytltm of IOCial, ciwtl and rJitinl •ap ol lift ~ to .,.ror ,ow own. it ;, oecnsary that we know JU$T P'HAT I THIS THINC Fl CALL CONMUH/S/fl} Ptthaps Dr. Fnd C Schwarz. an AIUtrahan Ntchcal Doc1or "'.ho hal IJWft up hu ~ict to dnw hit life-to battlina Communum, bnt awnmtd up tht concepc .ol Communism l.ft hu rncimon, bdo~ dw HoliK Un·~iw'l Acuvitin Commitlft May 29, 19)7. "'* he told u• Commllftilln ll burd on thl'ft la'llll I qUOk lw wonla: "Th, t;st '""'' is, "Tb,, ii no GoJ." Th•J (tlu Co"""*"iJis) "'' ,MIIIJ, '"'41"•"''" 1 Mhtistir ;, tbt Ot'J •"" ;, fr~~ttiu. Fht• 11111 J'"J Gu, 11H1 sn..J- ,.,,oMsiJ "'"' '""' '""'" ,. IWf'J HlM 111111 oriti11M•s with GINI. re-, .,,, ,or.J l11w . Tbtl titnJ •hsol111' ltll'lllttr~J of lrlllb tl1lll ,;tbiiO*I111JI. A• '"''" rifldiuJ roJ1 of triOrtll 1111d tt/Jir.J v.l11ts is dlllro,.~ so IbM IIH] "" ,., to 1r1rf 111 thttr ~Uri ntw lfl~rJ 1111J ttllir.J 1111ntJttrtJJ 11J t/u OUIIJion ~1WUJUIJ. Tht suontl l11w of Comtr1111111m is 1h111 ,.,, i111 triMnt.l tr111tbi111. H1 is Wlllfl '" m mollo" •nJ notlnnt 1110r1. AfA11 i1 11 boJJ. 1111J h1 is rompi111IJ thsrriiHibl• m ''""J of tlu ltttvs of rh~tnislrJ 1111J ~hysirs MIIR hiiJ no so11l, 110 spirit. 110 Jit11ifi· rtml mJ""Jul v.l111, no rontinMIIJ of/if•· Ht is •11tirll] 1111 lflol•liolfllly ,-Otl•rt, th' spu11 Ho"'o st~pitns, •nti sllhJUI lo motitfirlllion, .Japtllliolf, 1111~ lriiiiJjo,llliDn by rh' •PPii,J, nt11bli1htti l11w1 of •m,./ h~tsbt~,Jry. Th, thiril lt~w of Com,Mnislfl ;, tronotr~ir tltt,,.,iMIIIiOif. II 11/1111 tb111 IIH f{MIIiitin of hlllfl41f tnltlltt"'fl· ptrsont~lity, '"'otioNI .,,J t~lrtiDIU /if•' ,_,,, ,_ flu/ tht tf()fiO,tt 'nallr011mllfl, thlll ;, tht hut •""'Jiis wbtu tH lt}d, whM '" ful, u•b41 u·' b'l'"''• whom WI lov,, """ whom w• worship is sifl!lpl]lllt .x,,JSio" of tht tnuronmtnl m u•h~th wt .,, rllilld, 1111J sittrl tlu.t 111fliron•hl is ~i/1 ronr,rntti wllh u o11omir forttl, ;, th1 {111M tlnM]JiJ, ""'" is • ~''""'"''" ItO· 11omir Htnt." "Th,, ,,.,,, h4J bun 4 sborl4tt of i11fonlllllifHI on Cotr111UIIfisfl!l. T.l Cotrl· mll11tlll rhttrutll•n h11v' fiU.IIIfltiJ nJ p11blid] ~Otlltri111I,J tb1ir ro.,u ... Co•· mil fill"' fro111 Ill ~~innint IJIIJ ~~~~ J,p/y bosti/, IO p1fllli/i111 F IJIInr fiiii'JI of /,f, .,,J trouiJ uuo•~4tibJ, witiJ 111/ o., •rrtpllti JINIITtiJ of HllllfliOt'. Y11 1/u IF Ill tnt rtsponll lo '' hllJ IH1n, tl11 tiH wholt, sp1Utr~Otlir, toln11111, t•llibl•, IMJf- u ttiMIOIIJ, '"'" mJtfftrtnl." KNOWING THE THill lASH: LAWS Of THE SYSTIM, WI NOW ,ASS ON TO THE PIJNOPUS IY WHICH fT ts SPIIAD: T~ fint pritx'lplC' n«nsuy to lr8lp IS that Communism i, not P"-nl, a auwiaA COftC'tpt. ... 1hou,lh we-tnnuably .usooatc-tht word "Jl...UO" .,1th "CommiiiWt " ....,., co.crin -rc»- tamtn,~t a Jre~tn populallon than the corobtnrd populauon ol the counllla ttiJJ [)m,ocrahc-hYC under a CommunJJI lyltcm o( ll'>>'crnrMOt; Chtna; Albarua; Cube (at our bed! door); the a~ 5atC'II1tn, an occasoon.al South Anwftran country, and "'«' could nanw mol\'. SECOND Thar Cummunum ll not pnmauly • syli!Nn ol IIP"C'n\IT)ft'lt, but 1 method ol tht c-nrhon of powe-r cold. nalud powe-r nc-ned by • fe-w over tht many. Ontr 1 small pucm'-lt ol I~ JtuuWU, IIICidftltally, &I mc-mbrn· oft he Commw:ust ranr. THIRD That tlw srstc-m, &n order ro alta.ln thr ,od of po ... c-r ol thr frw ove-r the rnaoy, suJ>prn~ 1n mank1nd all that u human and u D r. Sc-hwarz s~ud, wdu to mab twm mto 1 !Nidune. • m.chmc-Without human f«hnp or tmotton, thrnkmg l1lct a ma.c~; I1VI11A ltu a ma<huw; ArtiRI( ltkc-a mac'hu~. a machuw "'lthout God u ""«' know tlw ronctrt. but putt~& in 1U pia~ tht (J'O<.I ol Commun1)ITI FOCRTH Th11 the-J~tnn bt lJ>rc-ad by .. 11 .,, .. ,.1 uhlll'"' ••JUI"~'• by fa1 r mnns or foul, l1kt 1~ btltd o( tht Mohammed&ru of tht m•ddlr •11n. to bC' •r rnd by ..,.,, flame. fam1nt, murde-r and r•~•nt' but SPREAD FIFTH That all s~ltmJ biO<k•ng thu \r rud must bt dfttroyed, that thul all dc-mocratK Jy\tc-nll u wr know 1htm mu\1 bt utte-rly rvutnl ur , cut out and dntr~. de"rored utterly and abttllutc-ly, but Jc-struynl, Jntroyed #rom out or from w1thtn. but dnuoreJ. thai wnc-w1ll bC' rcq •. urnl to ~lmy rht Dnnouactn, but talu• tlw lime a~~d dntroy thtm, thai dt-\lNCIKM'I ol I~ l"t ~cw•~ r1f Onno<r•(Y 11 a.n abtolutt, a mu\1, the-y mu~l bt dntroy<'d ThuJ spnlu C.OmmunJlln &-fort you can fight an ~y 11 15 IIC'\nllry to havt mtC'Ih~ of his J>laru. tht JIOund ht hn t&Un anJ hold~. tht d~tpollhon of h11 troops. hu "'NJIOftJ, hu upuations. Hc-~rt Ph1lbnclc. for n1M ran an uodncovn FBI 'llft'C po.~n, "'lliwl tht Com"'unnt perry u • true Communnr. 111 h&l rM>rd, CYBEJtNETJC WAlfAA.£. bftna a recordrn1 of 1 •r«<h dd1vc-I'C'd 1n 1961. lc-11• us of tht rnc-thocb we-d by thtm in control!~ your t.hou,lht aod my thou,ftht rht battiC"S for communttatJOn of 1dc-u Ht tdll , for lnJlaiiC'l', .ho., a fnt by mm Ul a MWlpe~; <~Xllrul rurtly t.1w mfomuttOn you an dlo•rd to re-ad 1n your da1ly DC'Wlpeper. .how, for 1nstaocc-, whm tht !K>-<alled NAckmy B1ll-tht btll to t'ltabltsh an auckmy to teach Ktmh6callr how to hanJJc-alld CIYC'ICOfTW lhf Wflt<f IMOidt Commun1lln nukt'l da1ly Ill OW livn_ duri113 thf hfafiiiiJ un wlu(h Smator Dodcl ltiiN 11 mll(hl wrll bt lht most 1mportant btll t'Yn olfc-1\'d Conyns Ul hnunp rhar consunwd t~ bntC'1' part of r ... o wft'b. not otw s~Jk 10l1tary .,ord ol thr b11i or ul lht dd>aln surround1nl( II 1n commttt« ••s publ1lhtd 10 tht Lot An~ln Tunn (Cybtnwtac Wu(art), how tht TV tndutlfl~ graJually but lurrly arc-bnng td.tn over by tht Comm1n (CJ· Mtn('tlc V.'arfarc-). how, .,hm • lrw wrll·plact<f mov1c-producus ltkc-Prao.k~ StOatn and hil wrllrr, .sn,,... J>roducr a poC'turr. tu<h u ''The-Ennny Bc-Jo.,,'' 11 comn out favor~~ to 1 IJRtm uf JICUIOI'ho r and un(avnrahlt Ill a Dc-lnocrat:y (Cybtrnc11( Wnfare) Ev~o tht Saturda, Evtru~ Pott of Ot1 14 1961, tvroc-J an art1cl~ by R1n1 LtrdtiC'r. Jr . .,ho ,ou will 1\'rnftl'lbn-aJ one o1 tht HoiiY"'ood Tm blacld1sttd and ~ rultd lor mus1ng to tnt•fy bJort> ttw c.on.rna.ioneJ Comm1t1C'C'1,-an a.111d t> called "NJ l.tfc-on tlw Bla.ddut.. Althou,lh the PoM pma«d tJw 1na SECOND GIFT TO LIBRARY was ot. fertd b) mtmbets of the Thursday Morn- Ing Club as Mrs. Robert Roptt~ organizer of the group, presented Mrs. Richard Lawrence of Wtstcllff, project dlalrmln of the Friends of the Llbtlty, 1 SJOO check to purcltaM lft01fltr glass cabfnet as IM.wt httt fot Marlrttrs llbt~ty, to bt built on Dover Or. Th' Friends of lftr Library .,. eccetlerltlnt ltte drive for donltlons. Three r•n ago the Thur~ dl) Club presMted'lle cablntt pictured httt to lte COtOna del Mar BrMdl Ll· brlfJ. Sho• '"" left to rltftt: Mrs. Ltwrtftce, Mrs. ROf* of Sltoft CIIHs, president of the c.htb, and Mrs. Altttur El .. wortft of Corona dlt 1111, .,....,,., of .... growp. («Jflll;lf ,toiO) wl* 1 ... , \ "11it ... • -::.:1 II .................. ,_ 116. =......., ... •••~ tw _• .... ~ k .. ~ ........ ......, ,..willl. .......... ..,,... .... • .. --..,-......... CAr tr ..... ~. , .... wWdt ' ...... r-12 2 IIPIJ: ., ........ ..., ................ ~ ..,..... --·· ........ = cid.- aMO( be r 1FIIIIIa14 . • • to ---to 1M .. W •t ,., ... ......,. ... i.oc .... , .. ..... .....,. 00111 ' , • ....,_..., ..., .,._ ,. c 'a • (HUAC) w., ct.t, • maaortio1ta. M4 I WI it ... • .._ ol .._ ~ f.-ctbt .... _.. cW......_ "AI tMt poiM I coW4 Mil 4W .......... , fl/ll'1 ............. ,(lei die c.-c" plttf) widiMt confuaiat dw 1&1. ia flfl ... Of ..,.,_ .._., hllcil, •ltftt 1M .... ..,._ ..,..... foir ntw n,trt to ~ _, .... J.I Of ... ef Will• • ~ IIIJ ..... ., CMV!.oeot ............. " .... ....,..,, Ita ..., ........... to w. ............. w-, ........... . odlln: .U jliW ...t '-I_..~: ..... ......._ ...,_ .... o.a.. T ..... ; ~ Dm,uyk, AclriM ac.. ...... aa.. •. ~ '*· ..... OnMb. Ah--" ..... Mot .... t~ Y-., Girl Mot a (....ey lllldllitMid), M4 tllole...,. oalr die HoiJywoo4 eo...;. .e.o ha.ppc!IC'd to "' ia ~ not the who&e lot ol ..... ,........ • ... ~ to COfiClOI )'OW tho""" a¥ -· aad the thouahta of ow thildf'CIII -ueoc.Jee.. A.d tblt's oniJ pill ol the pact ute ol "Cf'b!rMtic Warlatt"; uide from ~ 6&urcs p&aated 1n tJw ~~r field, t.lw radJO, TV aod putodK.I irld. add all too man, wdl·p~ f..wr-~ded KhoohftChrn 1n ow Kbooh and 1:1ftlvtnitin. coupltd with JOmt ol thr plaeu ~~ td ow Sea~ iNplllmmt. and otlwt pernmcntal potlbOM 1M we have a more complete v-ol 1.-how, lrop die TIOfM Horx tacun ol dw Commllftdl plrty, we alowly 1ft be~ undermMWd io a war ol life~ ol rean 1A thr ~. le Ortc6tr. 19)91 I atood ill the &ritbll Natioaal Wusewn In Loadoft. lookiqa down throuah plete P,u It thr OOJJ CO«Dpku, nt.Mt copr ol ~ w.,.. Chana. Thr,.. it wu, tht kcyatoM to Dtmocncy, wrtated bJ the 8110D1 ol E.nalaDd from Kiq ~ at &.UM)'fMCie, Jww I), 121 ), with 6) da~~~n, pardy remedial, 1M partly. as CDb 11,._ • dlclatai_OfY ol ~ priiK1pal around. ol rhr fun.dAnwnttl Ia•• ol &lalaod.." a ttn.aN ol dw ~tr-cndiftl ilflt fOf human r~ahu I&JI.ftA dnpocum, dictatol'lbtp aad ~Jlai'WUMI tt•ncd wwftl llftd ont·half Ctftlwia •· today romin$ ro a hrad &ja~Aat dw ayatc-m ol Cofnmunum ,_.,"-iu datruocuoe JIUI as c*ect~vtlp IS Kint John t'YC't tho~ ol doiq 7)0 yean liD· AJid loolr.io.l at tlw Gmt Chartft thr" 1ft l.Dndon. I rouldn 1 lwlp th&alunJ, "HOw m&OJ Jft1J "'Ill 11 mean MJ- thinJ1 WiU its "fiii'\Cfammtal lawl wm out O\ct ttw Commwust Coocepct'' Thr &Mwer m~ ... eu depntd un JUst how )'011 aod I and lime arouod UJ RKl to the-cnNs raPMUr dneloptQa to<f.y. •'t.ra I wy "A nt)u r~ruJiy dt'YeloptnJ." I cloo't diMak I am a.ctJo, jUJt u an w,mut. ot ~comma nrit;d by thr w.a•t ur J*riOtt•m anJ IMJ-commWJnm nempllfied by thr ncmt Dr. Sthw1n aniHommwust schoub let • loolr at tht rr.ord: He-re-tt u Ill rart-not a preity p1ctun. but bett It U : 1 Al8"f H1u, a prO'Ied mc-mbn of a ConvnK ul~ H4tpwd Telephone No • at the Tdwtae Conf~rftKe wlwrt> phone numbe-rs w~r~ aS41/lAC'd in ordlrr of i~potUN~ ol thr Amc-ncan oaicl&b rrnmt . .,jth ttw Prn1dmt haVlllJ Phof\C' No. I. • H ury Duttr Wh1tr. anochtr f~llow.mtmbtr. an IIACitf1C'Crrtary ul State-, npowd shortly bt- fort hil doth as a dyed·ln-thr.wool Commte, 1 A Chad Exto~ttvt try1ns to ht.ad off thr H1J.t 1nvn11ptKM1 aod r«"·~latiOO by 1~ char~ of .. ~ HunAJ": • A Cl.be los• 10 thr CommuntJII, a pou.1blt m1udc-hue ul l uuta 90 m1ln from N11m1; • A sabota,K attem~ 1nHIIUI\ by retuou to rtpan CulM by our w1thhold1nJ ~~~ tuJ>port alrtr the Iandi"" 'Wert dt<t~J . .tb.andonliiJ thr tnvaden to their fatt, and J we-btlto c-1~ pa~n .. dy&QJ ltu flies toder wtth W C'ctiOUt htpatiiiJ l.ft Cubu piUOfU; • A cfrsna U. N., killed off by tht Commutust bloc whm 11 buarrw a pparC'ftC thr Commun1st Bloc oo loftatt could m1J11ta1n comF"'ft~ control, • The cfi..,.aful lp«tadr of our ACtually fumuhtnJ nvtr ont·th11d of tht l1lOM}' to makt ..,., on K.atiAJI to boep 1t 111 ~ c~ntralutd and prl).tommunr'lt cm tral p>vtrnmn~t, Kataop, .,h1(.b rrodu«d )9~ ol rht .,orld s cobalt •nJ 70"f, of 1h tndustu~l dtamonds and 90~ ul thr world'l J.C'frn&.ruum OXIde, tht m1Mul rcqutred #Of JYUiunjl tr.an<uton. and 7"-'-of tht woriJ' (Op~r aM ltpuliunt amounu ol unc. man~tltlnC' .and l~nuhum Who Jo ,. ~ want 1u ha"'c-the-w moMrals 1 How dad we-t"\-c-r Jtf murtd or tn thos lunJ ol mc-u ' Whl\h 11dc-u ~>ur State-Drpoartment liaflt· "'' on ' 1 Tht dj'lracc-ful )lght rrrSC"ntrd 1n OPERATION ABOLITION of ltuJmtJ. thmu.tlvn , 11 rrobably II INt. IIWI\' pawns of rrofnliOJIJI li(IIAICin. duJraung t~mtC'Ivn And lht Nahan al the-HUAC htaunp tn San francu~o. ~nJ tht tffort~ ol lht Comm1tl, and I am ashame-d tn wy. Wllh JOint JI'C'at deJI'ft of JUCttU, 10 dlkl~ll tlw film • Thr r«mt bluu. 1ncluJ1nJl wmc-1op p>vtrnlntnul ru,ullvn . At what the-y c hoo~oe to ull ··c-xtrnmtll or "r.J ttAb o( 1~ nj!hl \ll'lut art rhC'y ~fratd lt( 1 Our own AttorDC')' ~ral ullnl unt SC'IItnml of I~ rt.flhll\1\ niJ l.adan 1n tmnu shcxl. If thAI ttHr«tly ~rlbn tht r•~thtuu. why 1~ •1olmt atta<k on the-m • OIJ l.ad1~s 1n tc-nn1l lllOt• ntur hurt ~nybody Why hts •room 1 I R.~lph tk Tulrdano. synJu.atr ,.llttr w11h whelm I Jon I •I'" Jp a/(r~. but who W>lntllntn h1lt 1ht n••l t~P,t un tht htaJ s.•J. 1n hn ~" J•nwry I I rC'IulC' Tht PrC'1ttknt' bini 11 wh.ll ~ <hose-Ill call "ntr~rnt•ts anJ fAnAIHt r•tr~ly till· t•trJ 'Om<' to>hrr AnJ tt•~ct.tblr <I I tiM• Th1~ w•• •AAu•~trd .. hm lwo l'nurJ St.un St~l~ Dc- J'ilrtmtlll uffiu.ols bhc-lc-J A\ ·, • .,,.. AnJ ~xrrc-m•~H JAn,.:~wu• •nJ "sub•rnnt' tho~ who urrc·~J I Ollt'J ''•'"' •uprcnt "' lht' l nllt ·l ~.l ... n• ""' '""' Ill the-C..nn~.:•• Amun" lhiJV whu h•J ukrn 1hu stanJ •iC•tn•l th<' AJmoni\IIAIIIIf\ ' rulu ort ... rrc fniii\C'r V Jtt Prnt.knr Ru h•rd !'.o>ttn I" two If."' h. If 111<-Prr\ldc-nlt•l •olo tn 19611 ) AnJ forntt 1 P1"1Jcn1 Ht rbtrt Ho.xtH'r, (A notn hc-lmcJ h) nlllltun\ n( Anl<'fl14111•) AnJ . \olys D•• hi U"" r~n•t tn h" aulumn uf I~ -.amr d•tr .as .k 1 ttlt'J•nc>• 1hr1r • A •lr•n,ttr "lrn<t' h~ rhr ""'r OtpartrriC'nt .thtout r •f'io\IOjl: IIIC' <...ommunl\1 lnll•~tuc­ •n•J lln•n• ••I ~ulldu,()lrl) .,. hnh " ktr r on,ll tile' (.(lf'IKJ• ht11ltnl( .,. olh 1mublr · (,mil~. lhl' r rt"Vnl•l1un h•• nnr bct-n jCI\C'fl '"''h tlw lhuu,cht yuu "'••uiJ aJIIC'C' '"1!h ntry thm~t I have-yoJ nur u 11 u~.ri-d thai yHu "'Ill Un '" I llunk. •• Ht rbtrt Ph1lb1u lr c-•prc-~.c-J tl, ··1 h•t o11 h1jth runt "C' 'tutt'•l nlcm~t '""IC' l"llllltd qu~''""' II hA• b«n u1J th.al "C"trrrul ""llanu· " I he-1 fi<C' t•l lohc-rt~ . m J 1f I hi\ \f'<"<" h Joe. nurh tnl( t-1~ rh•n nulct you mort obttf'\. Ant. murc-•n.tlylu •I M\J 'rc-•ln 1n y.ou A <f•lrtl 11! tlt'rn•l '1,111b n<t· lh ~~~rJI rurp<nt "'Ill hA• t' bttn •llaln~J MUST BE EFFEcnVE Publinher of tho Enai111: It ia interentina to me to note who doea the ac:rumina when aomeone ia effec:tivoly riabtina CorM\uniam. If Dt. Pled C. Sc:bwan and bia Cbri A ti an All ci -Communi It Cruaade were not offecti Ye, be •ould be l~nored. Mn. Loia Salmana 2407 Holly Lane Newport Ho•ahta, Calr f. OUTLAW 111E REQI!I Publiaber of cho Enai111: Sinc:e the eatabtilhment or the Cali fomiu'a Committee to Combat Communiem, chou- aanda or patrloll throuahoul che atate have offered ua !heir aad. So many people have donated 10 muc:h, 10 often , that worda c:annot beain to upreu our tbanka. The reaponae we hue al- ready rec:ei ved to our proaram eo outlaw c:ommuniam in California mate• ua feel con- fident of aucc:eu. The let- tera, c:arda and telephone cal Ia •e have recei vod prove dlat the overwbelmlna major- ity of Califomiua hate com- muni am, i t.a fellow travel era 1111d ita aympalhizcn. If die people who bave con- cac:ted ua repreaent che eo- called "radical ri-l wina," I Ml aurc lbat WuhinJ&.on 111d Jefre,.OR fit inco che aame c:aleJDJY . t.tra. A. Rich- ard BroWD of La Habra, OW- 7-2111. ia aedoa chai~man for lhe Or• .. eoun_, DiTi- lioa. Wilh a compleu fallh in 1 IUOftl America. *e of'fic:era Md mtmbeN of dte Califor· liM' I Coftnlt... to Coal bat Comrmuli 1111, ••t y011. •urea,, D. W. fCillpalrick Or ... uda.ll Dheoeor lOS E. 11• k. Coaaa w. •• ....... Aa4 ..... -... ofW. .. , .. , .. , .... ..., -· ................. ............ .., Mie ,. ........ ,ur.:••••u niiM Wtl ......... , ..,, (IL ) .. 6:41.) AWAKE ClnZENS' Publiaher of the E.nsi111: I could ac:arc:ely believe my eyu. when f read an the paper that the Newport Beac;h Counc:il 11 cont.emplabna the idea of pauana • law FOR- BIDDIN G A HOMEOWNE R PR0\.1 PUTTING A FOR SAL£ SJ()I4 ON HIS OWN PROPERTY. After a qui c:k dou bl e-tak e ., ace whether lhi a waa ac:tuaJiy happenina 1n Amer- ica, or whether it wu in Soviet Runia.. ( and aome of my fri end• were aimply dumb- founded. It aeema that we ahould awl worryina about our own freedom here at home, when aomethina like thia can even be propoaed in thia U.S.A. The nimny uc:uae waa Jiven that a ni~n mi aht atllact a would-be killer. Thia would alao of coune apply to a Mark lbe Spark says: .. Can I help too?" When a boat is lyina helpleuly in breath'& wnea, that i a no plac:o for an 1-year~ld boy. • ••••••• The pJO~em of I?Yina a lifo ancllor ••Yina lbe craft '' one moat aklppera ue fac:ed wi Ill nery once in 1 1111alla. &aleS., lhlmoon Skipper Oor*"' H.Uhoa, 3411 Oc:e~a Bl'ld., CoiDfta del Mer, W frie..te for • o.i•a Ia hie lO loot Rl•a.Naoa motor t-• off lie Cotou •• M• ltat.a Put win• •• otaft atNcl a Ntf at ft1J low ........ ---ot .. ..._, wu Wtty toa o.t. ..._..aut, It ~ .. eo a.te -..... ,.,.... .... n. ,..,. et ••• eo ., ........ cillft., .. '" .. ,... ......... . .......... u ... .., .. ,.. ........... , ... . ..................... --- For Reqt liiJ'I , which •ould chen naturally hue to be banned. In o ther wordn, cit- tzena and property ownert would be prohibi ted from ofrenna thou property el ther for rent or fN aale. by placina a ai111 on their own property, and would be forc:ed to doal w11h a real eatate finn if lhcy wanted 10 rent or soli. As for the dll'laer. many people are kalled on the hiah- way-perhaps our c:ity ooun- c:i l ahould reatrict our driYina a car. or nen waltipa on lbe aueet for the aame reuoa. It aeema that wh ile we are wonyina about our national freedom, our local freedom i 1 10 be t.aken away from ua-if lh ia law abould be pat over on ua. Awake, c:itizena and t.aa.payera, before it ia too late' Mn. Patnck Henry Newpotl BeaClb he pat •• eoalnn Call ,.,.eel llhead eo r.-n the beacb. Within momenta lhe t.lt waa hlah and dry on the beach oC che State Part. The YOUDI· IUra b1arely tot dlelr feet wet aa lhey act~mbled .. bore lftd Ill lhe ~ny dfal wa• left was ho, 1o aa•• dae beacbt4 ctefL I wat llleN witb my eamera Md took •e•eral plc•Na. .. ._*•r• aader lhe cloodtd eky, llria 4i•tt•. •d J••t •!*at n..,.,.e load •• , way eo •• boat o. •• M.dle . Aa lie crew •-bart ,..,... II) lllfp •• cn.ft WI a1J helped •• n.c* •• poulbiL ..... o. ... ~. Mytn, JOM ar.a.. Dr., eo-a ....... --~· .......... u .. ,.4 ..... ••••IDI• •4•U•••••Wa.ltriftl .. .... ........... "1 .... . . .............. ....... ................... ................ _. ,. ......... .... ca. ........... . e W'A 'niiiPAIU.I e &ATI -~1 e IICitM1tVIIC1tl • .. ea WALL f'Ma UTIMATU C. I P~ C. PALMII IIN111 J. Scouts Observing 52nd Anniwrsary PID~• Chat will hooor tho loolat f.Uly •d cbmatiu *at • importaet fac:.t of AIHdca'e ureealb lie• in •• ea.ily. ••Scoatiaa i'-elf," u ya Jeck Peuey of Newport Beadl, Boy Scoot Week 108 Vall. ""R ,..,, ,. Claai••· Oraoae Empire ""' """ C.O.cil, · .. cootribotea to · IS ON DEAN'S LIS-T t.tily lilo io America. We IALTZ MOR1UUY 1741 SU PERIOR AVE. COSTA MESA Mldway 6-2424 J5%) E. COAST HIWAY COlOMA DEL MAR ORiole 3-4450 S"e• 1942 Friendly Nelrhborbood !Wrvtce BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway 8·3433. 8-3434 ec.ta M- FOR ALL OF RINSURANCE NEEDS COSTUME FOR CLEANLINESS Is being modeled by Mrs. Jack Schilling of Tustin, a member of the National Charity League, for their Tlcktocker Thrift Shop. Shown left to right checking the new smock are: Mrs. Russell Lund, ~ Beacon Bay, chairman; Mrs. Schilling, and Mrs. Donald Hayton, bOO Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar, co-chalrmin. (fruit• PNio) IK...olu ... : .. • Insurance Co. John E. S&dletr 3333 E. Cout Hwy. dellhr Oil J.B() 811Matbe 'roDAY To 'fte fllf •ON oaJ.y ts.ll y.., cauoaHIII IRE SALE! .... ~ ... . • J)8 DAYS A YEAR .......... .... ef S1 _,., WeU ... , .... , , .. -e•• ......... .. we'llteU '" Accaauly, yoa NEVER pay retail price• here; we mart 'em doWD rilbt from lbe 1tart. NEW TIRES RETREADS USED TIRES Pireetaoe -Pir•lll, O.lop Md ftDOUI other brand• in epeciall .cS factory eecoade Pireetone factory Method. We make 'em rilbt h•e - almoat while you waiL Oood par1n tood trad.-io1 at 11 .95 up Complete etock of domeetic .t foreip aiue We HeMr All Cre411t C.r4s J ~rry Hall Tire Service ., ......... 1119& • 10 ..... -c...·- • Newport Blvd. Look 1.-tM Tuaco Slp US-Plff NEW LIFE • 1n ur clothes 1 DAY CLEANING 2 DAY LAUNDRY (NO EXTRA CHAIOI:) ILET KJnor a.pet,. r.-ee J..t c:.a oa ....... • Ia 11t lltJ &. CIOAI1' mtrAT. coaolrA DaiiU ............ NAME a&.UD WA'n:HES DIAMOHOS • IEWELIY • GlM'S W. IM lt.. Clllli .... • 1 A I Uti ..... Amerlc!a'• .......... llll.'llleft loundadao.d .. ...._....,_ ........ -a...- Daughter for the Wesse lis The Douala• Weuolh, fonn•rty with the LulhenD Olarcb of the Maeter in Cor- ona del Mu, ••d word of tbe birth of a daopter, Marja Elizabeth, on Tbwaday, Ju. 11, in Suta Monica Lutberu Hoepital. The Rn. Dooalaa Weuell, Conner pastor or the Coroaa del Mar cburcb, is now wort- iDa toward hie Doctorate in pbiloeopby at UC..A. Little Marja received the sacnment of holy bapti 1m Sunday, J111. 28, at St. Pacal's Lu tberan Olurcb in Santa Monica. Open hone was chen bold at tile Weuell homo in Santa Monica. MAJ. ELIKER GETS NEW ASSIGNMENT Major Martha C. Eliker, dauabtor of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8 . Eliker, Corona del Mar, i • lbo aew trainina officer at the WAC Trainioa Batt.alioo, U.S. Women'• Army Corps Center, PL McClellan, Ala- bama. Major Ehhr reported to the Center recently from duties .. chief or the proaram• di- vision of Che field Teat D;rectoret.e at the U.S. Anny Electtonic Pro•ioa Ground, Fort Huachuca, An zona. ESPER IS HAMED AI RMAN OF YEAR Airman Pint t tan David E . Esper has been eelected Ainnan of the Yoar for Head- quarteu, Pacific Air Forces. at Hickam AFB. Hawaii. Air- mu Eaper, an lntelli aence apecialiu, was awarded t25 ud a tbroe-day pan. Tho airm~n •d bh wife, lho former Helen Aidoock of 117 46Cb SL, Newport Boacb, haYe l children, Caa,, Atteocina from Coroaa del Mar were Mr. a.d Mr1. Phil Oren, Mr. ud Nra. Wills, Mu. Pred True, Mra . Doaald Keil, Mr. and Mn. Walter ~cbtertircbeo ud Mr. •d Mre. Alao Saw:per, who were the sponeon. TROUBLE OVER ELECTION DATE Election schedulina oom- pltcationa hne beaet tbe Oranae Coast Colleae Board o( Trueteu in callina for the 1~-cent onr·ride elec- tion on April 17 . The colleae' • election oou ld not be combined wi lh either the April 10 city elec- tion or tho June 5 primary election because or physical impouibilities which would be eucountered. The colleae election date · also bad to be set to comply wilb a State law which says chat no election can be bold within 45 daye of a State election. llus meant lbat April 17 would be lbe last Tuesday before the 45-day period prior to the June 5 election . The colleae election will be held It tho same precinct• as re~larly used in school district elections, primarily an elementary schools of th e disttict . ":ll~-iD~ CUSTOM TAll OilS ~ ORiole ~Jill 313'7 E. Q)ut HJIIIwQ eo'"a ,.. ••· CIIUI. DaYid. aad T wua. &:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;,;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ANNOUN CI NG ! NIW~T WRAP & MAIL SIRVICI • INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING • COMPLETE PACK AGING • GIFT WRAPPING -BOXES e MAILING TUBES • INSURED MAILING e LET US DO IT FOR YOU Lll..,.l R.obert Villaanna. IOD of NCOJiliao tae contribution u -d u R J Viii taat r.ilie1 make bolb 10 ...... atl '""· . • a.,..a of Balboa l•l•d. haa , be• ~alia~ ..d tbe American · d lb D~· -., o1 i'•··· appotnte eo e eu 1 11t ... " at tbe Colorado I of IGG.ta i• •ifoan will at· Minoa at Golden, Colorado. teed ~ Scoot Saaday sor- To wiD lbil hooor, he carried Tic ..... aeir f...Ulies on ll Wlita or A •d 8 wort at Pelt. 11. aco.ta of Jewtab dae oollep lalt eemeuet. Cai• trill okene tle Boy He Clllterod the Colorado S.:O.t .ubedl Pdday nenana. khool of Minee wi lh a 5--yoar Peb. 9, aad Sa ~~~relay , Fob. ecbolarship in September, 10. Scoata of tae Ouucb of 19S7 . Jene Otriet of Latter Day Villaarana wae 011e of two S.U.ta obtene4 Peb. 4 as fretbmeo studeetl who made Scoot SaDday. ae •araity team in football GIRL FOR THE DOAMES dprina lab fre.a.m• :r•ar ~cl A dao .... ter wu bom Wed-chi 1 year be rated fourth an ... pontina in lbe Rocky Moun-nesday, Ju. 30, an .Hoaa t.ain Coofete~u:e with ao Hoapital 10 Mr. ~nd Mu. anraae or 33.5 yard a at an Proem an f' "na:aJI, 111 ODy x eod on tho •anity team. AYe., Bal. hl•d. ~~~~----~----------po--ra-b~-~---1-ea-.-.-.-.--r~- liGAL NCmC1 NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SALB Notice h bereby Ji•• ••t 011 Much 7 , 1961, at 10:00 A.M., Tbe Laaaldc Cor- poration, a Calilomia Cor- poration, •• TNetee by -~ eticaatioa bJ aa iD~•t in writioa deled J•a., 31, 1961, recorded m lbe of'fice of dle Couoty Reootder of Or- _,,. County, Califomia, oo february 2, 1961, io Book S996, Paae 846, which au~ atitatioo was mtde a.d pnn pareuaot to the tetma or lbal certain Deed of Truat dated December 13, 1960, .uecuted by Soalbweetem Distribation 1nd Sales, Inc., a CaJifomia Corporatioo, 1nd recorded January 18, 1961, io Book 5S94. Paae 7S of Offi cial Records io the office of tbe Recorder of Or.,p Coanty, Califomia, will toll at public •ctioo to bipeat bidder for c:aah (p.,able at time of aale in lawful money of the United States) at lbe main •lrance of the Newport Beacb Caty Hall, 3300 Newport Boole- nrd, Newport Beach, Coonty or Oraaae. Statoof Cala romta, all riabt. title and ioterut conveyed to ud now held t, it llftder s&Jd Deed of Truet in lbe property 11 taate in the County of Oranae. State of Califom•a. descnbcd u : A leaeebold estate an and m Lot 8, Block "H" or Tract No. 1219 , City of Newport Botch, as per Map recorded in Book 38, paaes 26 and 27 of Mia celt aneous Maps, records of sa.d Or- anae County, created by a certain lease dated Decem- ber9. 1960, executed by lhe 1mne Company. a Corpora- tion, as leuo~ and Soulbwes- tem [);atribution 1nd Salea, I o c.. a Califomie Cor- .. Andtf>'" Your Servings and Idle Funds at ... cordod -1 11. }Qf,'. in Book SS94, Paac 6'. · Official Reoordtlof 01'&1 County, Catifomia. eoaet' wilb all bailciaaa, •d am piDYCOH!Dta lbat may here- alter be OOllatnacted or placed aere:oo prior to lb e perfol!ll•ce of lbe obliaa- tioas eec:ared by Ibis Deed of Tnaat. SalAd ~&le 11 nc made, bot witboat oov~ •"'t ··r warranty, es.preu or ,.,pl. ,(.t reprcbna title, pou. .. · sion or encum- brances, to pay tbe unpaad principal lam or the note secured by aaid.......ntd »f Tnut., to-wit: 131,331.13 with intereat cberoor from Jaly 1. 1961. at tbe rate of 7 .2, per mnum, as io wd Note pro- •ided, eoaelher witb adn.nces under lbe IC11m • of eai d Deed of Trust; reea c:harau and eapeneea of cbe True tee and of tbe Tnast created by uad Deed of Tnaat.. The beneficiary uder uad Deed of Trust, by reason or tao bread! or default 10 cbe obliaations secured lhereby . beremfore e.a.e cu ted and de- livered eo lbe undcrsaaned a written Declaration or Dofaul t and Dcmud for Sale, and wntteo notice of breacb ud elecnon eo cause the uoder- saped eo aelt said property eo ... tidy aaid oblipboas. 1nd therealte:r011 October 30. 1961. the undersiped cauaed 111d Notice of Breacb and of Election 10 Sell to be re- corded in Book Sl96, Paae 407 of said Official Recorda mE LAGARDE CORPORATION By: Doris Croson Aulboriud Sipeture Date: January 31. 1962 Publuh: The Newport Harbor En lip Dates: February .s. 1Q62, February 1S. 1962. 1nd Feb- ruary 22, 1962 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS I I ...... ,.. ...... ,.. ..... m. ... ................................ ef ....... tf IIIUrt.altf ... , l y ............... acc...s ..... ... s....., ... u-......... 21,... ......................... c.., ............. .,... .. ........... sa-.s-r••~ .... n. , •• , -.ne u• 11"11-rn• TIH FIIST I I IIEWPOIT IALIOA SAYINGS All U AI AUICIATIII, r A. '"'•,.. c~--•I t~ s...rJ a.. v• ~ .... ,.....leech. c.~ ...... ........... c.-.......,.c-...... ' • ,a 4 e1 ......_. o..~e w•• IIIUffte ,_ t.w. el Sl..,.,..r Mlal ... .,.._.. n a ... a ' •• -· c-... -.CIId. LOSE A DISHR AG 1 Mo.t everyone has a lllle to tdl con.mjna wan C\II'CI One coes like thas-steaJ a 4ilhra&. bury 11 ""hen the raa rots. t~ wart wiN r,.tl otr. Abllw"d. of courv But the~ •~ ~hable -tmcntJ for waru.. thanks to mcdtc:al ICaenct Pb)o*ians know them. T<tkc ad".tnlage of the newer uatments and I'DIIIdica· tiOftl a"a•lable. They can mean 1M~ betwoeo p.~m and comfort . between hfc and death. Let your doctor do the dlalf'OIU\a and pocctibifta. Then ~orne to us for qualtty prescription .-vice. Clristensen n..acy 3021 L OOAft -T .. CC..A Da. IIU omOL& s.aa *CROWN HARDWARE * look -mo •••• i t's a t ralUii8tor PORTABLE Operate' on its own seH contained 12 \I'Oh battery . . . or 12 volt-cor or boat bottwy w home current. DIRECT VIEW POITAILE TV • Cl.or, Di,hution-F,... .. c•11tion • Co"'poct ... only I ' :w7d-i"chn • for l.och, Mou"to'"'• Yocotion, Anywh•N ...... • H_,.tY S. w_,.er, 7t • ;, Jlt Or.tl C•al, Balboa 1 .. tiM. •..t P•. 3 at Ilia -.. of a .. eatt attack. He ~~~1~MiRj,~~-~:•a ia L.•~ low 1M e CHOICI! STATION e CHRIS.,. CARDS -• a •tiracl fanur. He ia •m•ed by .. ia wife, H ... l~ a cr.t~ater, Mn. 1... ... V-• Putter of BalM t .. ' . l-4; • --. Pltitip of N..-. poJt BMda; l bro.... Dt. FraU. Pe*a of Coate Mea'a ..cl 0. 1 of Blai.aore, •• .. liatk Mn. Oertnacle Slaw etf Newport Beacll. Bal &a _.,,...., .. , ill cbaqe otr....t...,...ta. Q..ASSES SLATED m.a ..., clea••• • • Peb. U , a& Or.-s..- ·-· 2.CoaatHilllw.J. Cotou .. , War, '-eP.iaa at • '7:)0 , ... Beautiful to .. v~ excitinc to receive- Ru.uell S&over C&Ddiee, the fi.oeet, freebeet you can ~b~uy~·:_-------, r a-u &o .. r'• famoua Auort.ecl Chocolatea -with ValeatitMt decoratioua l ib. box 11.50 2 lb. box 2.9 6 ::l*c:l*c:I*CI*ICI: *C*IXICXX* X* ::X*:I*ZII~* A MINK WRAP will be ttlt Glamour prl ze at the annual White Cap Benefit to be held March b at th e Balboa Bay Club under the sponsorship of the Wom en's Au•ll lary to the Orange County Medical Assn. PORT - HERE'S a ell.., r•l• .. ........................ fuNoft ** tD Ill ft41d FM. 71 at OIJMriMCt Hit~~~ t1J It• NftiPOft Hlrbor 'service Ltll'l• Md Otange' CoufttJ PttlfhMitonlc SDd~. ~­ Mtl .. , "-left. Mrs. LIOJd Massey Jr., INStef callftdar C:haif'Mift b .. , Pt.llhamclftlc:; Mrs. JoM L .. Jt,, ctt•l'lftM of the Sym.- phoftles for Youth, whldl wtll baefit froln the fund raising t¥ent, Md Mrs. Clltt- bt ~nNft. COAST ............ ....u!MD()a .... ~ ........... 0.. ..... •-.saGBANTS ma!E'' ' MESA. .. .. ,.,. wi. L•U• c ... Alao Short .. Fo~ ia Readiaeu" SUP R GWE ME A Valentine MEN'S ATTIRE MARKET •' 3:M1 E. COAST B'WAY COBONA DEL MAll OB 3-3511 We Delhw-11 .. A.ll.-3 P.ll. 0,. I to ldO DaDr-8uDday I to I GRlrE RIES PRODUCE LAIG! AVACADOS 10( ... Z!! ,APEI NAPKINS 2 for 19( WESSON OIL 29( IUIY •I N.EAPPLE2 fo;'4sc GRAPEFRUIT ~1 FROZEN DEPARTMENT COIOIA i£l. "iii"PiAIMACY : Glimpses -n. PrMcrtptiea PbCII'ID_,.. • , AJfJf for the benefit of their scholar-., .. ,_ ... BIRDSEYE POTATO PATTIES 2 for 29C MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 5 for . 51 3127 E Coast Hwy. : near Jasmme Corona del Mar OBiole 3·91 JO ()pee EnDioga 'Wl ! P.M. ~~~~~~~' M~ FURNITURE ~ ... ··Ho"" to StRor; T IV Ely 0 eco , .. J~ IW,...IVK HIJ8MT , • the lwyftGite of thk -ell·-· ~t. -pen.ct for eny ,, ... c:.. r ...... c:lel room.• .... e iU i rK• lui 1"'--eM .. .,.,. ou• etor ... upeclty. Sl.r• 2llr ........ ~ .. hi .. ~ In .,..... ...... .w eoi4. fJ# ~oM c~~eny. -.... "' Mevtlful til,.,. ... eM,.._ ......... ly ..__ price. $99 . There' 1 tkirta aacl bloaua, aweatere, too, And dreuea -beiae. brilht oru11 or blue - We've be8Uteoal bats and paatcl beaa ... Style• from all dae fubion map; We'll MoW yoa malic fa• Dew, . M8de to deliaht yoa, yoo ud YOU! Y011r aifta for &irla, .wbatever yo.'•• , ... ed.' An at O'B~EN'S'lovely Val•d.ae laacl! ship fund for nursing Wid p'ar~edicai careers. Here trying on some mink wraps are, from left, Mrs. Hu~ Mc- Veigh of Laguna, chai nnan; Mrs. Donald Martin of Bay- crest. co-chalnnan, and Mrs. Wallace Gerrie of Westcllff. THE SYMIOL Of QUALI IEEf USDA GRADE CHOICE LEGS OF ·lAMB Ll. 69( LARGE LOIN lAMB CHOPS CUT AS YOU LIKE THEM FRYING CHICKEN Ll. 39( A SLICED OSCAR MAYER BACON ·~·59( . .. all of them practical, all priced wa~, way down J •m••-•--._.._. .. .,.,. • OIIILoer. lm.OII. ..... J_., ....... 1 ll--.... .. . .. .... .. ft..._ 'I'D IM1"CCe •• rw ........ ..._ .... ~··· ............ . ...... ............... ~ ........................ ·-.... cALL-.w~a "HAPPY IIRTHOAY!"-Wlnlhd S.C., •"''**' of Moat Ho5CHtal Md presl•t of ttle Newport Harbor Zonta ,.rty ""' ,_..., It 1M Jadt RtiiMft resldencJ In Westcllff. Mrs. BacM, at left, Is oldllred here with hostess PttW Rei lift ... ., .... , c.lce. ( •• ,. ,..,., Club, was' guest of honor At a lltrtWI1 GUILDS 10 MEET 'l"b• ~-Oailda will ... t at t : IS a.a. n.ncli!Y. Pab. u. a. •• pariala aa.n of ... ,... ~·IIC)C)p81 a..ca. Nnport Beadl. wi6 W..,Li-tu.,.Ua. THE HEART OF YOUR PARTY Our cobW ValeDCiM Plau+Party calller- .......... IMwt ol,., s-tY fuD wiG ita rnutkl ....... ctlf&. ...--.ache ~~Cea­ eories you ..eel for a C'llD plf1C puty! Villil ow ~ puty ., ud ICiect tM .... you Deed f« a Valattiac puty IMI's euy, fu. and ill the ftDat lUte! We also have a large se- lection of enchanti ng ind colorful Valentine table center pieces In styrofoam hearts and cupids sur- rounded by flowers. •• aa .. 11 .. aaa_.s....,. (0. .... ,._ , ... 1) fairty impoaaibl• tD ... lbNJia. TV Actor IUdlud o-taa ...S Ilia wife •d ct.Jitter ... • ll.ad 10 lend a11iatMce n• ..... he aaff.,.. a .iru _. waa told to pt beet iatD bed. They carriecS aadl off •• boaL Mr. •d Mn. William o•KNfa of Bruketa Dr., CoiODa del Mar. joilaad ia lhe pililal ai••li• wifl wtaat- '"' ~elp • ., coeld.. Mr. O'l•f• biDaJiat a toea liaa -~ wu aMcl ill • au.a~t tD .. _.baada,. •• boeL I waawaeriaalotla~~Waata, 110t •ce fliakiaa I wo.Jd be wadariaa ia• •• water to joill •e cli ... diaa of dae t.GIL We clid 'f_,Te .e radio before aal..aae atopped.. It i 1 certaialy • uci 1iaa eq)lrience 10 be rilbt oa bud •d aiYO whatner u - aiaa.ee oaa ia able at a time GUIDANCE CLINIC lite thia. OPENS AT HO AG lhe boat apent Slmday ai pt lhe Aa&.iliary of !he Solatia oa •• beach. Wan• tor- Co It Cb"lcl ~:ct.n Cl" · men&ed dae cnft at it weclaed 1 1 UUJ eo IDI C: itulr fadter iato tbe ••cl. opeaad !he doora of tbe A n · · · Ct. · • ( ·•· · · .a. OlbDI drawer lDIIdO IDIC: I DIW aca lllll ID 1110 1ma.hed apjDit wi.Jldowa in Conf~reace Center. of Hoaa tbe c:abia ad broke them. Hoap1 tal to 100 mtereated Mrs. Myon was atanctina membera ad peats: Aa fley talltiaa 10 Mr. Hamilton, •taacl. Mn. Leahe. P••r-owaa of the booda, •6 said, sen uhd eecb tO sap flo ••St.diaa ~.... ia almost peat book ~ Mn. John like watdliaa eotDebocly cie ... L~tape ptDDed oo a red Mr. H..Wtoa. replied, ••y 01 tul~p n.ne taa. ~e petaJ ~f it nrely ie.'" lhe boat of wbac:b wat pot •• a •hp a ia eype coati aboot t1 000 dc.c:otated . box for the door 1 fooL ' pnze drawana. AAd ao .,.. a Sanday after- Three OODference aooma 1 Doc.!. wit be aaec1 by !he clinic:, phu a small office room .. ~--------_---"', which will doable aa a cloak liOAL NOIICI room for larae ptherinaa. Mu. Winifred Bacon, hospital SUPERIOR COURT OF llfE adrniaiauator. spoke aboot STATE OF CALIPORNIA tbe nriooa boapitsl (ac:ili-FOR ntE COUNTY ties and utencied a wela>me OF ORANGE 10 the cliaic:. No. A 40115 NOTICE OF HEARING OF MISSIONARY TO TALK co•a IEL lUI PIIIIICY m~~i·oor:,;i~ B~:::jr:~~r·~ the peat IPeaker on Tbun-- PETITION FOR OF WILL AND FOR TESTAMFNTARY Estate o( CHARLES H. OESKINO Dec:eaaed. "T''aa PrwutptMa flwaaa~ day, Feb. 1S a t 10:30 a.m. 3127 E. Coast Hwy. -near Jasmine foJ tbe monthly miuiooary Corona del Mar mee~na of Hubor Triniry Baptaat Olurc:b. A buffet Olllole 2·1110 ()pea E...U.V• 'till I P.M. luncheon will be served by :.:::===================== !he Rebekah Circle. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Jeaephine Broae has filed herein a petition for probate of will and for lettert te atamentary. reference to which ia made fot fllf1ber pu1ic:alau, and tlat tbe time Md place of he.arial tbe ume baa bem act for Pebru- 81Y ll. 1962. at 10:00 a.m .• in tbC' courtroom of 0epar1- ment No. 7 of said court. at SOl North Broadway, in the Ciry of Santa Ana, Califor- nia. Dated January 31, 1962. L .B. WALLACE. Clerk Robert A. Sc:hwamb &. Gat.,;o R. Keene A tiOmcy for Pet.ttaooer 414 North Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, Cali(omia TAKING USC COURSE William R. Dana, tec:boic:al direc:tor for !he Corporate sales dept.. American P ipe and Conatnac:tion Co., wtk> resides at 720 Poinaettia Ave., Co100a del Mar. ia 1m001 !he SO middle man- aacment nec:utivea enrolled in a JO-week M•aaerial Po1ic:y lnalicote at dae USC Gradlllte ~ool 6f Buaineu Acbiaiatradoa. STUDENT HONORED ltic::bld Ko.treibel, 236 HeUotlq)e An., Cotoea del Mar, ra~de t.a dean•a liat for t.e fint aeraea .. ratHaatiaa• Coll•a• ia NallnakL He ia a iophomo.... To ean Ibis booof ....... t .... , bave • 1.4 ann,., 8 plaa, ia at least u c:nctit '•" or atanea. • 011 , r 2 1-.-~M-cnr 2 U.U•••ali•t O..rda, Coate ... .._ .. Are We Baottara? Yee • No!"' ia •• ttpic of W Dr. Cllarlea Bl•.eJt'a •• ,..,... -for 10:30 a.m. S.day. 1M ,.,_ .. c-... ... .._.~.eo ... •• ... Or ....... Die*.-• ... MI of 6e ad o( •• Pint c-.... tkaal Quell ol Loa Aaa.a... will ,..acta -"'11ai• •• a.u ...... at 10 .... .. .., . La·--c.:llludt of •• Me•*· Cotoaa del Mar-.. A .....taha ol E.,.n--". will be .. •--.pic of Or. Gerald kickl• for dae 9:30 -· 11 LID. Saaday aemcea. Pint Baptist Charc:lt. Cor- •• •• Mar-Or. Taoalu Welda will preac:la oa .. n. Meuue of l,ire.. at 11 Lm . Saaday •d oa .. lhe Cbrias.- iaa• a Po11eaaioaf"• at 7:30 p.a. Cali .... Sci•c:e O..rc:IMa. N ..,Ott Beadl, Coma• del Mar ud Coata Mea._ .. Wilere the spirit of •• Lotd ia, ttere ia liberty:• lllia • c:J ara1i• or Paal to dae Co~ inllli•• (D Cor. 3:17) ia tba toldae tnt of dae leaaoo- moe oa .. Spirit>• at tbia 8aa- day' 1 aenic:ea. St. hmea Epiac::opa) Cb~ c::b, Newport Beach-Holy c::onmaoioe will be at 7:30 and 11 a.m. 8aaclay, IJIOfDUal prayer at 9:30 •d 11 a.m. The Rev. Jolla Pate' a ser- mon &opic: will be ••What Chri 1 tiai ry Hu to Say to lhe Middle A,ec1." 01 ES IH OREGON Mrs. Ketura~\ E. Joh.oaon, 68, formerly o r lhe Harbor uea, died Jan. l8 in Ya- chats, Ore. She wu bom in McComb, Obio, and wu a lo.a time resident of tbe Harbor ana. She moved to Oreaoa 1~ years aao. Mra. John son is aumved by her husband, Melvin; 3 1001, lrvina of Harbor area. Willard or TDJunaa. N"ormm of La Canada. and a aiater. Mn. Helen Kinsman of Ore- aon. Gravea1de aervicea were held Fe~. l at Pae1 fie View Memon&J Park w1th the Rev. Loren Flickanae• offici- atina. Weatc:tiff Olapcl Mor- IUiry was 10 c:harae of ~r­ ranaementa. you dial! we deliver! Why put ItO wfth the in- l ll"ft•w••l lftet of ~·-et .,.,,., .-en Ill rou Nn do Is ttf..,._e • o'*t. t wtll bt CMtfvlly HIKttd, d "''"'" ., ,., t ltdttft t. No MOtt lrafflc, • wrttdlttt wl.. t.Nvy .. Uj~. • 110ft wua.d drt. ITS SO 1lfE HOUSE •. .............. ... .......... ~.~ ........... c:.lert.l ... rt alalrt ••. , ........... ~ .. ..., ............. . ..l.cta .... .,......,,. ~ ..... ,.,.ar~. -··· le .... • ala" s..M-L ..4 a.,• • I t1t 16 .._....._ -, ...... -o.. R•* -L.-cer MEH"S SPORTSHIRTS-Just 3.95 to 15.95 BOY'S SPORTSHIRTS-J•st 2.98 to 5.95 121 I E. COAST HWY .. COttONA DEl MAl lkmkameric:ard & ~ Cbcut• THE FINEST FOODS MAY BE FOUND AT U & I! Corona del Mar RUSS & OTHAL GOURMET SPECIALTIES! Try theM for 80IDedaiDg dihrent cmd delicioua BOILED HAM--FULL 8 oz. 59< Ll. IMPORTED fROli6 POLAMD SLICED TO ORDER I Groceries Produce IIRDSEYE ORANGE JUICE s fOR 51 aa fRESH CRISP LAIC:.! TOMATOES .. 6 01. CAM (SAVE~) MAMMIMC:. Ct )ffEE LI.S9C 2 ~as. POl SWifT PIEMIUN 29C BACON LI.S9C (WE IIMIVI TO LIMIT) IE SURE TO VISIT OUT MEW IMPOITED DELICATEUIM WI .AVI JUST STOCKED A MIW COMPLITI LIME Of tMPOITD NilS (30 ~ ... ,. t c•••"'••) .•• ,.~ ........ o ..... ~ ............... .. 4 Mlldll c:a.opaJAnVI.,.. Gl a lllli SIIQALS GOOD PIHDBJYDT ,,.., .. '--' ., ......... .,,, .... 01 J •••• WIMI I 1111 .0 E. COAIT HWT. AT UMPUI ca--.-..... c r ....... , ..... _ .. &&tit J-atY ...... ,..&a •••.4tt.m.6Sl ia •• Ciey of N.wport Beacla. ooaticSn- aWy Mlow •• •2.921.4~ .. corded ror J.,.., or 1961. n. Ia•• ... Mya or •• 11101teb pn •• •tal • bla boo•~ ......... 4 pelllllta for dupl•••• ia Corooa 4tl Mar. totaliaa tll9.200.-ud 24 penni\1 for ainale family "'•Jllap ia the Baycreat Dnelopmeat. total iDa t680, • 530. ne fiaal pennitl for Jan- gary were: COIIONA DO. MAa Mra. Dorothy Ouley, 2-c:u praae. 70S Jaamme. tl,500; Qa.rlea foote, repair aad pai.Dt fence, 601 Poiaaettia. U50; C. Re-a, 1.-atory ._ pleaea al Sl0.5~Sl4-Sl6 CHIJRCHES Chriatian Science Serricea FmST C11V8CII 07 CllalST. ICIEIITIST 3303 Vla Udo · N..wport Beadl SlJNDA Y SCHOOL J : 15 a.m. and 11 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 . 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING 8 p.m. READING ROOM 3315 VIa Udo. Npt. Beach Open week da~ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wt-dnesday, 9 a.m.· 7:45p.m Tu~ay and Friday- 9 a.m. to 9 cp.m. SECOWD CBUacli 0' amiST. SClDTIIT Wewpert a..tll til Conea del ... 3839 East Coa.st Hlrhway Corona del Mar SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 a.m. WEDNESOA Y EVENING MEE'TING 8:00 p.m. READING ROOM- 3839 East Cout Highway Open week days- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . You are cordially lnv1ted to anend Church Servlcu and to u• the Rndlnr Room. St. Jam• Episcopal Church 3.209 vIa J....i cto Newport Beactl • OR 5-0210 The ~'·· Jobn H. Parte., Rector SIJSDA Y SERVICES 8:00-Hol)' Communion 9: 15-Famlly Serv1ce and Sunday School 11 .00-Mom1ng Prayer and Sermon Nursery and small child care provided THURSDAY 10:30-Holy Communion and Healing Service First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa FIRST CHIUS'nAN CHURCH FlranJdln 0 . Bl.xler, Jr. Mlni.Aer U 8-4i78 Panona1e U 8·5.294 SUNDAY 9:4.5 ............... Bible School 10:40 .......... Cburctl ~rvlce 5:30 ............ Youne Peoples' M~tlng 6:30 ......... Vesper Service WEDNESDAY 9:30a.m ... Women'a Bible Study 7:00p.m. .. Prayer ~~tina 8:00 p.m. ... CboJr i'ractlce Nurwry and ChUd .Ca~ 'Provided First Chriatian Church 796 Victoria at Placentia eo.ta Me. CORONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY CHURCH co•auoanoxAL 611 Heliotrope Avt>nue Corona del Mar, Calif. MORNING WORSHIP 9:30 and 11 A .M. Church School classes ~ 30 a.m. Nu~ry for both hours. Edwin C. Gomke Minister Lutheran Church Of the Mcmter United Lu~n 0\ Ul'l"h tn America 3545 Eut Cout Hlfbway Corona del Mar Dr. Gerald Strickler. Putor Phone: ORJote 3·5022 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:30 A.M.-The Service 9:30 A.M.-sunday SdtooJ 11:00 A.M.-The Sefv1ce WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 2411 Eut Coast Highway Corona dt-1 Mar lrie, •s1.• 1119.-*i ..... , ..... ... diti• ............... ,.o-. W. V. Ha,t _. M. B. l.oJ. fold Jr.. 4ect •• ,.. of ct .. m ... MJ...-•• euo, Robert S.Ula, ... ....,., aoom. 5%7 Hua1, 12,500; L. A. . o-;.,.,, a~ .. nli••· loU Haaot, eu.ooo. BAII80a VIEW RD..LI Al'ri• Teay, r .. c:e. 1031 Sea La .• 1100. BALBOA ISLAND Mn. M. Doo ... erty , re100f dwtlliaa, 225 Coral, tlll; Dr. IHary C!oaier, eecloae pordl. l06 O..d c .... 1100. BALBoA J81Ht Hipoe, 1-unit. 1- atory dwtlli•• 1516 E. Oc:o• PL, 131.•: Balboa Market. •••~ 60t E. Bel- boa B1Yd.., UtO; L• .. Bi•. aemce wiaclowa, 60$ Eclao- water, tUO: Ooa Mc:tloee, remodel, 1220 E. Balboa Bhd .. t2,000; A. H. J effriea, feDc:e, 1304 E. Balboa 81Yd. t3SO. LIDO ISLE J oM 0u ff, UllOpy fOT IUD protection, 403 Via Lido Soud, *380. NEWPORT Robert Bailey, 2-atory du- plex, 500S RiYer, t29,300; Bert Coffey , demoli ah dwel- l ina at 500-502 Clubhouae, 1350; Bamea .t Roaen Inc., 2 flyina A ai p~a, 4625 W. Cout Hwy ., SIOO; Prant O'Conner, aip, 149 Rinr- llde, 1600; Robert Stephen Jr., demoliah dwellina and abed. 121 37th St., 1100; Tom Patteraon, repair roof. 2821 Newport Blvd., U80. NEWPORT HEIGlJTS Dun can Harduty, 2 aaana. 300 N. Newport BIYd., tlOO. UPPF'R f\AV AREA Ira Brummell, 1-ani t. 1-atory dwellan&. 194S Tradewinda, S2S,800; K. Sykes, acreen, 1201 \1arian, t6S, and wall and baae for fence, S4S0; Clifftop Dnelopment Co., 1·unit, 1-atory dwellina. 1500 H1ahland, 135,000; Baycrelt Development Co., 24 11n&lo-family , 1-aiOry dwell in&• on Holiday, Sandal- wood. Santiaao. Olcowood and Aahford.. ran11n1 from $24,100 to HS, 960, kHal 1680,530 . HOW TO KEEP 3 pl•es In the air at one time will be demonsttated by 2(). yur-old Keith Palmer at the National Orange Show In San Bernardino March 15-25. Here Keith is showing model planes to Captain Ray Thorpe, 78-yur- old skipper and general manager of Dav- ers locket In Newport Beach, who will supervise the 11-day marina program at the Orange Show. E. W. Finney of Cor- ona del Mar, who has promoted the Orange Show for many years, Is giving Captain Thorpe a helping hand. From The POLICE BLOTTER ---.J-.15 Thievea tried to pry open a pey metal safe at 3500 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, and attempted to locate val- uables 1n the boaineu offic:ea at chat addreu, left with no cash, bot w11b extenain damaae to the offic:ea ... Cbar- lea Wolcott. 70, of 121 Tur- qooiae Ave., Balboa lalm1d, reported the theft of a SJS fumi ture dolly from neu hi a bome ... John Hanaon liated atolen one 4S caliber JUft and a 303 from hia boat Apena]o at 2.27 20tb St., Newport Beach; the boat wu materially damaaed, cauaioa it to aink upon leavina the harbor ... a 10 foot alaapar boat "Lisa" valued at $200 wu atolen from Clarence McKinley, 112 W. CoaatHwy., Newport. .. W. P. Graa reported lbe tbeft of a $49 Oanfor1b aoebor port Bl Yd.. Newport. waa robbed of US in equipment .. The wallet of Robert Cooke Jr., of Honolulu, Hawaii, wu fOUDd on lbe roof of Curie Hwnptuey, 2.300 W. Ocean Pront., Newport, lbe owoer i a auumcd to be at Montana State Colleae .. . ,.......,, ..... 18 Merle'a Reataurant, 2344 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar, reported a buralary of •t742 ... John Crean, 2258 Olannel Rd. Balboa, reported lbe lbeft of an ootboud en1ine worlb s)()() from hia 14 foot boat. .. BB' 1 were abot into the win- clow of Mra. Samuel Mood, 1401 Priacilla Ln., Hubor Hiablanda, cauaina sso dem- aae ... Jack Hiatt., 19, of 6500 W. Coaat Hwy ., Newport Beac:b, waa c:baraed with ltatD&JY rape of 2 airh ... from bia boat at Oavey'd• Frtd~. J•. 19 Locker on Cout Hwy ... Pre Pred Henderahot, 69, of Munaon. Coata Meaa, r~ 610 Orc:btd An .• Corona del ported S20S w_orth_ o! b1a Mu, wu cbaraed with dnant weather and navtpbon 1n1t.ru· drivina and beina intoxicated menu stolco from baa boat in an aut.omobile ... A Stil docked at 301 E. Edaewat.et power aander Yalued at t70 Ave .. Balboa..· waa atolen from Stan Briabin, Tu~,JM.l6 201 E. Coaat Hwy., Newport. at Dney'a Loc:ker ... a tSOO antique Japaneae ceremonial hand wuhina bowl wu atolen from the front porch of M.u- pret Fo1. 1027 W. Bay Ave., Balboa ... John Oale, IS, of 1900 Haven Pl. Cliff Haven, reported bi a t120 aurfboud stolen ... and parked it in the Cbera Inn lot; police later informed Victor Mayo , 419 Poinaettia AYe., Corona del Mar, of lbe location of hia nhiele ... S.d~ ...... Zl Walter Pried!, 4030 E. Cout Hwy ., Corona del Mar, reported a bole in a window in dle Kirtwood Motel. .. Violet Mac:aam. 221 Momina Canyon Rd., 9sore Cliffa, lia~d 110len 4 concrete balta wired to the fence tn front of her yud, Yalued at Sl2S ... MoedQ, ..... Z2 Balboa Cleaoera, 60S E. Balboa Bl•d., Balboa, loat tlO in c:baoae in a dleft .. Robert Worsham, 24, of 1127~ W. Bay An.. Balboa. re- ((l»all•ecl 011 P .. e 1) r UGAL NOna NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OP ntE STATE OP CALifORNIA POR ntE COUNTY OP ORANGE No. A-39638 Eatate of PATRIOA ANN ~cCOSH alao known u PA TRJCJA \tc:COSH , Dec:eaaed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GJVEN ID the creditor• of the ~bo.,e named decedent lbat all per- aooa hnina claim• aaainat the aaid dec:cdent are ro- quired to file them, with Cbe neceuary voucbera, in che office of the c:lert o( the aboye entitled c:ourt. or 10 preaent them, wilb the nec:.- IIIW!aDISE -~INTEREST -Jill SIMS WILL WN! R....., ~ Accounta urn ally ln..,.. II the new hl&h rate of 3 J,<, CJ6 compounded quarterty. Annu.l &Mn1s Accounts earn 4 CJ6 Interest 1nnualty on deposits held for a yeer. The mlnlmun" .., 1'10unt required to open thll • >unt is $500. Open the one that's best for you, today. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK .., .......... , ......... •t~o~-....c:c , ...... , ... CORONA DEL MAR: 3141 East Coast Highway MEDALLION CONSTRUCTION sq per Sq. Foot and Up 100" Financing Complete Planning Finance Construction USE YOUR VALUABLE PROPERTY NOW. DON'T RISK FU TURE REZONING .G)!~ DEAN A. KEPHART ~CNUAl CONTU CTOII COioOPUTl "0 "" ~I.AHNI~ AHO CONSTIVCfiOH •JtO W COAST HICOHWAT H(W()eT U ACH, CAlli' (bd~pendent B1b1e Baptlat) 5.t nt a AnJ & \f.i~nolta Sts. Or. Thomas J. Welc-h, Pastor Sunday, 11:00 e .m : Morn · lnlf Service. January petmau, 17S 1n number, tnc:luded 38 aanale family dwellinJI, S1 .06S,SOS; 7 dupleua, 1224,260; 1 four- unit aputmcol, t39,978; 1 rowteen-unlt apanmen t.. S144,694; 2 JUaJel, S4,090; 39 fencea and walla, t 22,982; 11 SW1mm1n1 pooll. $28,100; 43 reaidenhal alterationa and addJtiona, SlOl,llO; 1 corrmercial build•na, 138,000; 12 commerci al al ~rations and additiona, SS2 ,800; 2 tnduatrial alteration• and addition•. $49,000; fifteen aipu, $6,S14; 3 boildin aa demol11hed, $600. \1af'Yin Jonea, 21, of 16ll W. Balboa Bhd., Newport Beach, wu cited on a cbuae or drinna with a revoked llcenae ... Ruda MacLeod, 831 Via L ido Soud.. Lido late, reported the theft of c:lothina, houaebold aotiquea and liDena valued at t800 ... Phil Vedde~ 19, of 400S Muau An., Newport leland. liated bia Sl10 surfboard atolen ... John Satur ••..... zo A US airt•a bike wu atolen from Mra . W. W. Hurat. 419~ Orchid Ave., Corona del Mu ... A S17.9S aun dial wu atolen from the (root yard of John Thomu, 1S88 E. Ocean Blvd. Balboa ... Jamea H. Camfield Jr.. Coata Mesa, atopped a runaway veh1c:le rollina down 3300 block of E. Coaat Hwy. euary voucbera, to the under-----------------------~~ aip~ed at Law Offic:ea of Evening Service, 7:30. ~.n am Su.,rl.-y S··h•HJI A rordial welcome is ex· tendt'd Cor all ages to at· tend Sunday School as well as Sunday mormng and f"Vt'nmg services. !! a m :0.1orn. n~ Wor.,hlp '· p.m Tratnu·~ L ntons A m1d -weoek serv1ce Is hel t1 evt>ry Wednesday ac i ·JO P m -pm E\l~ntng WoNhlp I WEO:-;E~OAY -:·~pm Btbli' S1u I\ JOIN YOU R fRif.."'I DS IN OIURQf TiffS SUNDAY " I v.m P r3)C'r .\tl•('!tng Harbor Christian Church :-JF:WPORT BF:AI H BerDGfd Burry, pastor m('f'lln~ ti'mpnr.trrlv .11 S1'1 f'nth Day Ari\('Otl'l! S.1nr tuary 1 krnarl &t U1,1-..1 on ( Ia\ n•'·H t lrcill~<'. N£'w,>ort Ht•1ghts 1 Church St·hnnl .t! ~ r.:; \\'nrc;hlp SNVIC'f' lfl l i 1 all ,Jl(t''l 1 nursery pr<)\ trl('d 1 'In Eso;Pntl.ll .... l'nd~, In Opantnns, L11><'rt~. In .ill lh111gs. Lo\ t•" Fur free ellrlanatory leanet~. ,." te ~314 ReJlanda, Cnsu \tesa EPISCOPAL MEETING Sueu, 37 , of lll~ W. Oc:em Front, NewpoTt. wu cited on Walliam M.utin, Byron far-'a charae of intoxication in well, James Johnston , Joaeph public: ... Carver and C. Ed Soule wi ll "edne•d~. IM. 1'7 repreaent St James Ep11-B. V. Simmona, 106 E. copal Church, !'l ewport Beach. Ocean Froot. Balboa, had at the 67th conventJon of the h1s home bwalui~ed of a Epi i OOpal DIOCese or Loa watch andmooey, total value, Anaeles Peb. 13-1S 1n San S17 ... Aibnt Hadley, 2010 W. D1e&Q. Ocean Front. Newport., Al'a UGAL NOtiCE Ep u copal Church Women Coffee Shop, reported the will hold thear bua~neu theft of S4.28 in ciauettea ... meetJna there feb. 13 . Local The aaraae of tbe Oac:e Con- deleaates will be \1mea. struction Co., 3700 W. New- \tarshal: Keeler, Paul Hanna, ,.------------. Wilham Lona an d Robert j Hetzel, pre 11dent or the NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OP ntE STATE OP CALJPORNIA FOR ntE COUNTI OP ORANGE IIGAL NOnC E Wom en of St. J arne a Parish. SUPERIOR cOURT Of THE No. A -40003 E1tate of fLORENCE C. HUNTSMAN, alao known aa FLORENCE MmDDLETON HUNTSMAN. TELETYPE TRAINING \1anne Pfc. Dennu S De Naut, aon of Mr. and \1u. Georae \1 . De Naut of 121 Opal Ave., Balboa hland, waa araduated Jan. 1S. from the Teletype Operator School at che Marine Corpa Recru i t Depot, San DteJO. STATE OP CALIFORNIA FOR ntE COUNTY OP ORANGE No . A-40077 NOTICE O F HEARING OF PETITION POR PROBATE 0 P WILL AND POR LETTERS 0 f ADMJNISTRA TION WITH lliE WILL ANN EXED Dec:eaud. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fO the credi tora of lbe above named decedent lbat all per- aona bnina c:laims aaainat the a aid dec: eden t ara re- quired to file them, wilb tbe Estate of LILLIAN f PHILLIPS, nec:euuy voac:ber•, In tae · office of tbe ~Jerk of the Dec:eued. ebon encitJed coan, or to SOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN preaent cbcm, wilh ae nec ... - That VINCENT L. PHlLLIPS 1 uy vouc:btra, to tbe andcr- hu filed Petition fo r cbe p10-aiped at c/o Harwood. H• bate of che will of die abon treman a Sodaa, Attomeya ac named dec:edent and for Cbe Law. 3355 Vla Lido. Ne• iuuaoee of Letten of Ad-pon BeaQ, Califo•la, wlllGitt miniatntioa with tbe WUJ ia cba place or '*•iaeu of Anneacd, reference eo wbic:::h *• aodelliped ill aU mauert i I made for fardler partic"DI&r• pet1aiAieJ to tat Illata or and chat cha time aftd place aaid cJaced.t. wifaia ala of hearina lbe aame haa ben mondaa after dat firat pub- act for Pebalary 9, 1961, at llcadoa of .Ue aodce. 10:00 a.m. in the coaraoom Oa&ed J .. .., 26, 1961. o( Depameot No. 7 of aaid LEONA L . MaGOilEOOR court. at 101 North Broadway, &.callia offae E11a .. or Cba in .the _City ol S.ta Au,· abo" ·~ .. cSaMdnt Callfomta Harwood, Haft.._ a So'- oa .. d Juua.y 16, 1M2 AIIOIHJa at Law L. 8. Wallace, Clert Jl$5 Vl_a LWD Oal•in at. K••• Nn,ort ._. caJIRla Ateo•.y for Petitioner OltJola 3-.-o ' 414 No. Newport Bhd. Auo..,. lei £aHitria Ne-..ort S.acla, CaUronaia Firat ,.Wl•dia: Pe~ l.lM% 5---- PraokJ in and franklin, 107 Eut Ulb Street. Cotta Meaa, Califomia, which ia dae place of boaineu of lbe underaianed in all mattera pertainina to che eatate of a aid decedent, wi tbin ai• montha after the firat pab- lic:ation of cbia DOdce. Dated January 15, 1962 Rnbea A. McCoah Admini • tra IDf of the Eatate of the above named dec:edeat FRANKLIN and FRANKLIN 107 E. Utb St. Coata Meaa, Calif. Attorney• for Admin- iatrator. Pint pliblic:ation Jan. 2S OOIMOCilWAY7 Paint a Bnght Future for Yourself wzih a ... BE f I ER HOME LOAN EEDEUL . I TlnMI ,,._ 1.10 20 __. or a.. -·-------.75 21 ..,. to 30 words -·-·--·-1.00 31 _,.to 40 __. 1.25 2n.. 1.25 '1.10 2.00 2.00 ~----------, &ch word ewer 40 worcft -.ol .OS 2.50 .07 AUTOIOnVE IT'S CHECK-UP TIME TIRES • TUNE-UP • LUBRICATION • WHEEL AUGNMENT • OIL CHANGE • • I Herb Miller's RICHF1ELD STATION 1 3631 E.Cat. Hwy. at Poln.eettla I OR 3-9728 • Corona del Mar JOHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers Uled Auto Parts. 'nres We Buy Cars 6 SCTap Metal l075 Pla~nUa Ave. eo.ta Mna · Uberty 8-7013 IBBYICEB Complete Landscaping Service FREE ESTI)(ATES S. H Green Stampa Free delivery CORONA. DEL MAll NURSERY OR 5·0160 • 27 .. E. Cout Rwy. FOR EXPERT PA.IN11KG -CALL - Sympson & Noller Newport's Oldest Estabu.bed Painter~~ OR 3-3630 • Eves. OR 3-MS4 Painting, Decorating SHAKE ROOF PllESEKVING Neet6Cian U~Died 6 lnaured M. Michael Painting Ml 6-}200 HELP IAMT!'D CASHIER aad Cooceuioaiat. Apply aft.r 6 p.m. n•laiJ. PQIJ n.aue. TOP OPPORTUNITIES DAILY Jko Sure To Ch«k Wkh JUNE FARRAR Employment Agency 475 N. Newport Blvd. N~po~ BN""' Mf 6·4481 WOMAN to do my irooioa io her horne. CDM area. Call Oriole 3-6519. PETS -SUPPLIES A.K.C. Black toy poodlea for sale; champion stock. Call KJ S-5262. 1137 S. Mohawk Dr .• Santa Ana. 20 YEARS L• WN & G• R DEN TOY POODLE PUPPIES • "SUPER HEAVY TACKLE" was a special gift for Ken Holbrook, first vice-presld~nt of the Balboa Ang- ling Club, at the annual awards meeting held in Jan- uary.Ken Is shown holding the award, iW'Id witt! him is Gordon Green, retiring president (Photo lry K ~"' Kitchcod) local eq)eritDce nterior and interior paintirta low winter ratea It MOWING A EDGING 9 weeks. A.K.C. \11 6·H06 It YARD CLEAN-UP _o_ro __ R~_2s_3_·-----1REAL iST.TE t POWER EQUIPMENT 1 ,.r 1 uTIMATII . o• ~on12 l _RJ_RH_. _u_T_s._FO_R_R_EN_T_1_FO_R_SAL£ ______ _ POLICE BLOTTER A 8 C P •INTING ~ ~oviNG? OT for ule by owner On Ml 6-7973 • KI 9·1726 1VJ LIVE AT Somcuct Lane 10 Yfestchff. .... I th $16.500. OR l-0590 ::M~U:..!SI:.C:::::.:..:~=--------We furniSh a Juce van and 1 · e NEW HAMMOND ORGANS 2 fast. uperlenced. lnau~ BEACH -------- NEW STEINWAY· PIANOS movers for only '11·50 an 2.31 Ac.-Back Bay hour up Co 30 miles. for As Little As Beautiful used STElNWAY M.a cout-to-coast Orand, Model "B", like new, I and overse.s. $137.50 replar SS.80, special tl740, nme MUta at your door. 3 years to pay. Pree Par1tina. No charge tor estimates. Electronic Oraans like new; Wurlitzer Spinet Oraan save, NEWMAN Thomas $295, Chord t395; Estey Electnc Reed t2.SO; sec our larac selection and I per month DDII::DIATE OCCl:PANCY I SHORE'f save money. Store full of sliahtJy used spinet and oon sole pianos; Stcinuy, Story & Clark, Wurh tur. Sohmer, Win tcr; from $345, tenns like rent. 100 New and USED Pianos to choose from. HA.\1\10ND SPINET real low pri cc on this w1 th bea u- tiful custom fin1sh. come 10 coday. Free Parkina. 11 fine Practice P1anos all in &OOd condi liOn JUar· antccd from Sll9. htdc as $5 a rmnth. F.s tabluhed 191-1 Best loved Hom e oraan- Tbc HAMWlND CHORD • we have one us ed uado-m, and one JUSt 1n from rental. very low pnce, flURRY . ACT NOW. Several fine SThDIO PIA· NOS like nev. includma Everett. Baldw1n, DcKalb. from S395. pay 1n 36 li ttlc payments. Free Parktna. HA.\i\10ND ORGANS lm· med1atc delivery on some hard to act new models. 13 lovely Granda all full y parantced, many like new from S485, rental tcnns. 100 Pianos to choose from. Amenca's finest Spine t piano 1n salem maple, like ~. with new auarantee, save •ru. easy tenna . Es- tabliahed 1~1~ Exqo11i tc Whi tc Gold dainty French Prov1 · I desian $2800 value fo r quick ule 1990, best terms or cuh. Pree Parkina. SCHMIDT-PHILLIPS CO. 1907 Nord\ Main at lOth. Santa Ana. Open Monday & Friday niahta-Pree Parltin1- SHOPPING FaR AN ORGAN? We have theJQ here at Oraan Headqurten -Chorda from tH. Spinetl from $495, end Contolea at t12$0 complete. Choose from a lara• aroup of lata model crade-ina. Enjoy the con· Yeniencc ofone-atop ahop- pina -we ban all meha lftder ooe roof. Piaftoa. too. Splut • from tl9S, and Ou araach. in- clodioa • a Stel•w•J io EIM»IlJ. Yoar Direct Pacto" Ou1er H~O OROAM ITUDIOS liS4 £. eo.et • oa w•• (.'Qtlt0f4 A 01!1:. MAA TRANSFER. STORAGE CO. "Service with a Consclen~" Phones: ~l6-2S28. M1 6·7202 ~slden~: LI 8-64.30 124 Broadway. Costa Mesa Carpentry Minor Repairs :-Jo Jobs 1'oo Small! H. 0 . ANDERSON 2966 Pepper Tree Lane eo.ta Mesa, C& llf. KlmMrly S-8175 Uno answer call M16-2372 INCOME TAX SERVICE G.\RDE~ PATIO .\P\RTME:"\"TS I 11 rnished or Unfurnished I CORONA DEL MAR • Comph~ntary Conllll~ntal Brukfast • s" IDlmlll~ Pool~ • Tt'MI\ lo-Jrt • Ut'luu Ch .. b Houw • :'1 t G A Pul lon~ Grtfn • ~hutrlr &.!rd Court l ~ecdHelpWi thTuProblems'? Phone ORiole 3-3445 Our Service Dooan•tcon You' 900 Sea lane We save you ume and aoubl e- Piua leaittmate, substantial cash o ver and above our fee• WE ARE LICENSED I PU BLIC ACCOUNTANTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SALES & PAYROLL TAXES at lhtt tniPrW'<'IIon ol ~lr \rthur Bh d & Hogh14 I ) IOl Ft.:R:-.!ISH ED bache lor ar t v.1th cooklnJ fa o::d111 es Separate unit 1n rear. Gcn· !Ieman unlv . S5S .• nonth. I LeadJna Our Field F or Over Ull l llles mcludcd. 60-a 20 Y EARS • SINCE 1141. Orch1d or OR 3·7305 Man~ Imitate • but very few' F UR.'liSII ED l ·bedmom art dup~1cate ourTAX SERVICE. 6 14 \taraucnte. CD\1 Gar- MAC FRAHKEL, LL. I . beac d1 sposal. fireplace. 12393 Chapman, Garden Orovej aaraae. pallo. Adults only. I(Juat West of Harbor Blvd )I no pets. Owner 620 Orchid. . OR S-0047 . . .... J efferaon 7-2002 . .... -- Open 9 to 9 INCL. Sat It Son. UTS. FOR RENl I Corne in atyour couenience· ONE:BBOROOM-APT. ln COM. LiTina room, bath, kitchen. aarbaac disposal; t80 month on yearly leau. OR l-32-40 AppoiotmeataNOTnecesaary. 1 MISCELLANEOUS u.t._ TYPES OF Photographic..._ Supplies • Fast color lllm ~rvl~ • Movie projectors for r.'nl • Model alrplan~ tuppllea Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd. Ca.ta Mesa -y 8=70f2 P•fflt Foctory Outlet BUY DIRECT AND SAVE 1663 Plac eotia An. Cotta t.4eu MIDWAY 6-7761 WANTED: coeae"ali .. pedi- atricl• to ea1abU•• • practice Ia dle Newpon Meu ar ... No oe .. worldera fteed coetider. Call Klm· ._,1, 5-1544 rot lafonMtioe. CLA .. FI a .40!1 TO T8f. r:N•n~ 0 ........ . DELUXE APT. IN COM: Larae livinpoom, bar kit· chen and email bedroom. Brand new tile ba1h. colored fixtur«•. private heated pool and deck orr livina- room. 1~ blocks from bay- beach. Fumiahcd with util- itiea, •us month year uound. -Nice three room apL off Coaat Hiahway. fumiahed with utilitiea. sao moada. aJao aurac:tiYe lara• office on Cout Hipway. U5 mo. Call Jorctan•a OR· 3-2430. OR l·mS.. HOUS!S fOit IIEMT NBA.Jt POilD •• Collloa, 3 be..., ...,.... llllC.f'o aiahM. Back Bay. f•~cl. firt~pleooe. doable ,.,.,. • alee Jard. 1110. Ll! 6-31'77. ..,.,_ Ul·llll. ............ [ .. ... .-.. -... 1'11 \ lt'W -Tf'rm• -t :;tl ooe Ex. ported the theft of SSO bike cht•l'll!t' far •mh .. lr' or l'Om~r· from hu patio ... Maraarct l o.ll Ill< OITW' 11 ~o NET I 11'1fko•Co o411 Blllllim.: lell§('<i (O ~ I(• 1 1 f' n.ull Sill f,()() C-1 LOT \ •" .,01 1 Bh c.l Mdr I. ol ~ 11.•11 30' h\ 101 Robert. Goossen Co . lndustnal & Commcrc1al Real Estate 250 E. 17th St. \f1 6-8813 Enckson reported the !heft of food "alucd at sso from her freeze r In her a•raae at 1209 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa .. rueed_,, Ju. Z3 The Cove Bar. 2805 W Coast Hwy .. Newporl wu bur a I an zed of S90 cash from amusement mach1nea Flor· 'ence Preston, 107 V1a Cor· dova. L tdo laic. lost a 14 ~nch bull bank conL•1n1ng Sl5 to someone who reached 1n throuJh a wmdo .... EJwasd Wheal 305'-l \iatn St.. Balboa. FOR SAlE reported a watch valued at Fl RFPLACE V.QOD-Phone-;; S20 stolen from h11 aparlmen L dc llvc rv nr come buv vour "e~f'sd~, Jan. 24 ., cu trunk full of seasoneJ \ira. '41111~ G1bson. 2.15 ftrcwonJ L aauna Canv nn Holly Ln .. .Scwport Hel&}lts, y.0 1,J Yard, 21431 'itan , reported her son. O<lnald 13 Lane IIY ~4447 has h1s S25 btkc atolcn from -=...:..:.::.~~-------·Horace Ena1an Jun1or lila;h Wl~PIELD CHI:'II A S208 val-Scboo\ part-ana lol .. James ue. sac ufi cc 175; )·ply low IWlutaker. 1)07\..: W. Ba) <\ve . heat Cookware, S35, Roacrs Ba lboa reported the theft of silver coffee scrv1cc. 125 a S25 bo}'s b1kc ... Charle1 VJ 1-1q94 (no colt). H1aley, .:!0. of Q)O 'It Balboa •tBivd .. Balboa. fnund ~nmct~nc DRY U P DAMP R00\1S' De· lhad stolen tuc cha1n' and a hum1d1ficr. atuac tlvt Un.l 1urc valued at S4l frl'm h1 by Fedder. Cos 1 SQ 5 00, car trunk \1rs Rarbara S48.00 L1kc ~c~ OR3-410"Brown . 115 )Qth St.. \:uport ~Beach . rcporteJ the th eft of Ca.ll ln Your a SlSO record player nas~UI~ .\ds · Olt l-0)5e LOS 1 A"ifl tnt ~0 FOUN£1 -One tccnaac stlvcr Peutan. Call O R 3-055Q . Call ORIOLE WS5e liD order a •Uc:rtpaoe To 'he ~l~ THREE JOIN ROTARY :'llcw members of lh~ \:e"'· i)(lft-Balboa Rntar\ { lub are lr11 Fnsbee nf L1Jn Isle. o::crllficd publiC aco.:,,untant anJ fonncr Rotan rre~1Jent an Beverly Ht lls. Gene ~ret· •unaer. manaacr "f \k>l'l1 le llomcs. :-.lcwpMl Beach . 41.nd rast prcs1dcnt of Laauna Rotar\. and \1u llnm. v.hn I has rcrlaced Jo e Steelman at \tanners branch of l ntted Cahfom11 Bank l eWt 'a Puty S•JJlha 35%t 1. Ctut l lrh&J P. O.Jut36 Ctnu ••l•u C&Wuaa VAl F,"iTI."i E OAl'. F~6. 14 V.JHti•~· 1 .lor ~y.s V.J-Iirtu for f '"/s ... fh' •' ffh!l~ •.Jioo•• ... ,,ro,.. •rlo•.s t-'or~ . . "*•Is •' c.'"' ... ,.,., ,..l"y roo'•· Hobie's Party Supplies How. cmd llmge J..oQd .. &. a... ...,_ c.-... -<*.a.,.._ lfut door to JeftU W•lt)' Flortat Bus Drivers Are Honored Forty-two Hatbor area school bus dri•cra rccctvcd safe dn v1n1 awards Sa cauday at the annual Oranac County School Bus Dn vcu "uocta: lion safety awarda b.nquct at the Costa Men Hiah School c afe~na: Those from CoJta \icu H1&b are: \illdred \ialhcws . Frank Fraz1cr, Edna Shelton, Henry Bnttatn. Irene Queen. Dorothy Oyk~ns. Edna Rousb. Be tty Scott. Audrey Bu II a. tt&mona Harlih•~m and Rose Borden Those from -..e~f'(lrt Reach tlementoU') Dulllct .ue •d l1am Lace ( r111 Pheoonl\ Bill Snyder. Don .lo a'htl:.tm Ralph Duke. Lora1nc ft.•lnJgc. PcaJY Ta' l1'r \lan.1nnc Washko. John I eele\ )olhr. \1om snn . Phllllr fuder Rnbert ~w,~r anJ <'<~u l lc• LaBorde fhu,~ fn,n . 'C'*'IX'II IIMixH lhgh ar~ Ru l'>ert Ru.,, l har· les Yto"'J D B l av.ren ~e V.dhano I v o l~ . ._cnncth U1ckmdn . J•''Ul Redlin, Jnhn Sllllarek Thet•..k•re PcJer•cn Homer \lc(orJ J "'ef'h \ ·•n· nnrs. Coel~rgc t J c' llr,· .. I L ll)\ J . VI avr c ·,~o~· erM'n Hart) f-re 1 Jhu~ I ,,erh R•lbm \1'11 ('l,;•ndiJ I n't)l.n Rnhcrt ').:h defr(r .rnJ locrr' .\lcunJer Books Sent Overseas '"P10ject Boot Di.,oaa1•• ill •• Newpen a..ca. PJ.,. .. ..., lcbalol Ditldct .. , 4,7U oho1eta. Jet u.We tesdlooh to • ..,..wtle .. 4 co.triea ....,. .... , •• wodd reccatiJ, aecl)dal to Joba Dean, direotDr of cu- ric:alam. .. n ... boota ... , to for--•i• c:outnea bJ U. I. Nny wualpa Oft pall01, will p10Yide a corapl... n..tiaa PIOIRift for wclQt.ely tboo- sand•," be said. "Several testa were re- placed durina cbia pa•t year, and we were atorina moun- tains or booka wbi.c:D could be used &o t.eac:D &ali ab ID people who are beina preaaocl by fore1p1 adeoloa.ies.'' Mr. Dean beaan lut Aupat by wntma 10 Repreaentatne James Utl e~laillina cbe poaaabthbcs of 111c:b a pro- anm. Mr u lt CCXI tactcd cbe Uni ttd States lnfoananoa Aaeocy w1th che 1dea. Aaenc:y official1 reported that the People to People proaram was beiJDDlftl a dnvc for aublc booka tn southern Califom1a. and saaaeated that Newport Beach become a part of that proJCCL Mr. U tt' 1 reply to the da· trt ct praaaed cbc project. and the oollcclioa was started. Hundreds of readina. sc1ence, aeo arapby, and haatory booka were prepared for abtpmmL CAPT. JACOBSEN IS PILOT INSTRUCTOR C apt Donald Ja cobsen. aon o f Ivan J acobsen of 5091.) Narcuau• Ave., Corona del Mu. oomplcled a couuc of 1n s truc non on The Dou~lu "Skybawk." a Nary and "iar· me Corps jet p10pellcd at· tack auc:rafl Jan. 12. at the "iannc Corps Air Stallon, Cherry Po1nl N.C. He has been aasaaned duuca as a palo t and anaauctor of spe o at weapon 1 WI cb \1ar· 1n c Tra1n1n1 Squadron One at CherT) Pn1nL GIRL FOR THE WILSONS \1r a nd \1u J Ytucht 'It d son J r . 461 5 H IAITIJl<ien Rd. ( ameo Sho res. are r•r· cntt. ~fa dau,tater born V.ed- ne,J a,. J an. lO . 1n Hl'll ll llo•r11a1 .................... _, ......... .,..,,. ... ~·••.r~a.~a a.... ... ..,, c.at ..... a CUSTOM FLUSH MOUNTED CURTAIN SCR.EE.NS lAHJA ANA 2204 SO. MAIN ST. ICIIfta..riy S-2719 ...... o-"', ......... WALTAH CURIE'S HAWAJIAJf SHOPS ,\mPrlla' 1.-ltl:f''lt !'f'lt' 11on r. .. u-.t.1 .Ja l lh t.. II.Jw&ll.ln Fashl•ln Opeo Su.o. & Efta. -OR 3·3030 209 MARINE AVE~ BAUOA ISLAJfD Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -Bun.DING MA TERlALS Uberty 1-1011 HOMES FOR SAL.F. CORONA DB. M•R AREA INDIVIDUALLY YOURS--- LIKE YOUR VIEW OF THE ENCHANTING PACIFIC ••. .. your home 1n Harbor View Hills pro•ides so many customi z.ing f•atur•s that it reflects your o wn tastu and personaltty. As your taste dictates, ,.ou may choose from a wid• rang• of orehi- tect\lre, lt •yed by the ultra-modern sporltle of o rock roof, or a picturesque shake roof. You may choou o double fireplace of Palos V•rdes stone or Horman brick. You may de cide on the drama of a coth.drol c•iling in your spocious l i•ing room or o luxurious sunken Roman berth. Yes, you'll find your INDI VIDUAL d\eri shed dream of o 1\ome in HCifbot View Hills . • ~II atll1hcs underarnund • Roof he1ahts conaolltd tn ma anta1n Y1ew ai tea • "" homes s tubbed out (o r elcctltc lH a•• pool boot•p • L andacap1na for sueet aade o f each bomc ineladed i11 price harbor • VI&W hills I HOMES PRICED FROM Sl7,SIO o,. 9 ........ 5 , .•• Selea Offlc.: ON THE OEVB.OPa!MT, COlOMA DEL MAl Seles Ae-t~ W-.. R"'" & t •• ..._, C.. IK ORiel• l-J710 ., O.le s.nu .... ... 0. L ·~· I ..... , ... . .,_ee ... ...,., •••• a.u. te ftla • ..._ .... ...._ -... Ia a -... t&..-.e. eu& ..... ~....._ ...... I I Itt efAI ..... ., ata .... ..._...._, ... ... \ ·-.......... .... ..... ~w.,... .. .. ......... .... t ..... ............... -. .., ... _ ...... .... ... Pill •t ..... t - ...... .,_. .. -.t .... _.. •• "''''le ..... -,. .............. ,_ ~ . .., ........ ,.. ,aae ... nia .a .... • ........ 24 ............ . y.,. Aa ,... -.. ......., NM .... ill .. ...., • ,.,..._ ,_ ._. ia. A l ............ a.t of Hale w.k OM!Ia. 11t• ldlea ir. Yoa pic* a .......... ........... to ~ 1jlllilat ,. wia ..... w ~ ... J .... l., &om ou Oift ~. ,. • lO per c•t ditoo.t oo .., item of yo.i dlloice.:.a., or. ot .•• taere ace. 100 dl•c .... . .., ~ ........ -·-... , ..................... ...... leek .......... .................. .................... Jewele ... MCer•••• aAa ...-. •• weu,.,-.& ........................ 111.-t ... ..,.., ..... , .. 7eat .. . THIS ~R>OT cabin crui- ser Is aow S&Jv•ge.. Sunc:ay Vtemoon Gordon Hamilton , 51, ski~, scraped ~ reef off the COtO«Nl del MM beach· ~d tore off the keel baa1d and rl~ open the ship's plankift9. The skipper sped full throttle to beach the boat and protect his passengers, Gordon LIPC)Incott, 25, co- owner; Mrs. Nancy Grier of Costa Mes. and her 2 child- ren, Steven Mid Cynthia. Thi • JDld look i • fuciaa.- tioa ... JOid baa• •d eoea _, alitter &om mor:q till niibt HE'S NOW A H~ ... Laab JDld baaa wi• 10ld lei1use ••dah ID match ... we mna it. .. what atyliah fixioaa to keep COCD.J*IY wi lh capria -od other all-day-tona wearablea ... It'~ Jeftlo .._., bn ~ liD,. loGl .. &&. ..,-.., CM tell 7CMI'N 1NMill& Jut year-•· .. Tllia s.u. Jac Roo RiUenath of 2120 Se Yi ll e A"·. Ba1 boa, 1 t.arted ham radio .._ck:aatina SUn- day Dipt after recei Yin a the neceuary clearance from cbe FCC md auembiina the tran1m.iUer be received for Oui1tma1. Ron•a call letten are WB6 WCl . *.,.;_ Ullll*' I'Gf older L.A. Apia a caa or RllllliL T .... Onat• C. . ... C.&., Apia a Vee • ~:·:-~lAM* ~ f'10m O"e!J lOOm. ) Wn, diaiaa ~m,l bee hCIIIIe. L.,.e rooma, 1400 aq. f&. ia all. Delue CIIWlJ • ..,.t. Qoice Q.IPP Dll locatioa . Aa.ciaa ID ...0,000 or more if needed. ShoWD by appo.ia&o- 1oaly. * 'J{VACAMT LOTS adulrial .t Comm'l. Wide c:laoice iD aizu. Priced from •16,000 up. ' * EAST 22140 ST.* l Jr. Eucutive home .t adja- ceat ncant lot. Roomy 3 bdr. 2 bath home. Plaaatooe firepl. Scnice porch. Hudwd. fioora. Cupetioa. Larae tit.c:b. w/"blt-in" refriaer- aaor. Coonty area betwecm Newport .l Coata Moaa. Pull pr. for both '26,250. nus IS OC!AN VIEW* •u.ooo. 10!. do. Well bit bdDn home. Quiet St. See . WATOIOUT* e•eo..-a ••• •... Aboat ••·•~•• .. •••-.• .... ., .... daUIIa or ...... .,. .. ••u .. tt.~ coo- ,_._ of llull•'• bollllies ._1U•1 011 •e eacl •.• •e 11Did beMb' I ptclled liP, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY OIU "POR SALE SI(JIIS"' oo lnduatrial, Cormlercial, Reaidential income propor- tiea and Home1. Pick one PARKING COSTS ARE TOLD :re::n~;JA~ TH~:~v .. :~ oot.t call ufordewla. ger Ken S~son , at left, to TIE u····· II. (Cootioued hom Paae 1) director for Newport Beach outgoing President Dick Ri- reviewed variou1 methods of chard at the Feb. 1 instal Ja- financina. and aaid that the 193 E. 17th St., Cotta Meaa Ml 6 ...... 31 loolled Uke U .atoald wet&lt ~·•·•~•• .. ••••••• over 1 30-year period by a toa. but wu Upt aa a INCOME TAX SERVICE means of aueaam~t d.ia-reaa.er ... PiuUe, ls the word 1 tric, dae coat would be U4S lor IL .. s..e IOU lor a bqe _ 13 OFF NOW~ to SlSO per apace per year, two-at.r.4 rope er ''peMia" -_ or about S48 per apace per nell alJIOIIt uiadl ~ .. FREE eatimated feea by month, or about 40 centa a Ran ma tau 'n 23 1kidoo... phone 2).4() Newpon Blvd., day. braceleta, acrea of 'em, tied Coal& Meaa. "h it worth that much to r>aecbcr with a ball and Lf 1-6814 •ytime Kl s..1362 you"" he aalted. c:Dain ... Cbandelier earrinaa. He aaid that failure to piO- aurora borealis. beautifully U FU vide the partina would be a pudy to pick up the tinta of N RH. APTS. serioua blow to cbe Corona a lady's cyea in the caodle-fOR RENT del Mar bo1iae11 diatrict in liaht .. Everythina and every-lhe face o f cbe J)10poaed body's twiatina ... Earrinaa. Irvine Center, which will the butr>n 11 out, cbe drop BRAND NEW LARGE 2 bed-bave adequate pukina. as '"· from the mereat dribble room PJ'&IC aparnent wicb Aa for benefita deri'fed of a danale, to a cascade of view of oeeen ad billa. from partina. be aaid that eloquent jool profusion... Built-ina, bar kitchen, wall other areaa had npericnced Arri ved in time for Valentine's. to wall carpet, and drape• aalea aain1 of 25" to 7Sfe Wuhmaton and Lincoln aod 711 Narciana Ave. C.D.M. when parkin& waa pro..,ided. In shine briahtly on throuah He uid that cbe problem ia 1pnna and aummer ... Red.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-' lo cal and bas to be aolnd wh~te and blue jewelry ... all by tho ae who benefit-by cbe the new looka and the new W buaineumen f1em1el..,ea , ltiht feels ... come ace it an lhroup asaeument die- JIVe your Valentine a nudae. #-1111 _1.. tricu . ~ Do co: bl' .. Aueument Oiatrict act of tion dinner of the Newport 1943 may be the moat feali-Harbor Chamber of CoiMl- ble mecbod. 8ood1 are iuued erce. The ship's wheel and aaainat each individual par-4 American flags are the eel, lbe arooant u .riea with main features of the trophy. cb e ben eft ta received, cred.i t call 0-.ol.£ Will tooNeraNII crt:JU..• Tone i • ai ven for ez.i ,·tina park ina (Ensign photo) Iota. ----------~~~~~~~~~g~~ "The only aolutaon ia the pad: ina aueument di 1trict," laid Councilman Hana Lor- en&, a member or the partina committee. "It will pay ofT in the lona run, becau1e the buaineue1 will be acquirina capital aneta, wb ich will retain their 'falue." In anawer to 1 queation from Prank Jordan, Mr. Ray aaid that lou would hue to be acquired cbroup coodem- nation 10 that inflated pricea would not be charaed. Mr. Simpaon aaid that pricea would thua be de- t.ennined from recent aalea of comparable property. OFFICES FOR RENT IJf C080JfA DEL MAll Conve nient <'entral location on Coast Hwy. on south sade of hlahway. Total area about 800 sq. ft., or can be divided Into 2 ~parate otfl~ rentals. about 430 and 350 sq. ft. LOCA'nOIII AnDde WIW.. 1721 .. c-t • .., .. c.... ... - Cali owner at EnsJcn newspaper, Oriole 3·~ tor appointment to Inspect the otOCft. Chum bfteeleta are alw.,s n .:xmpaon, po tc wo .... ni~ tok~~~Mn.e.-r-------------------------------------------------------------~====================~----------------~------------bered by .•• LO'fei,Y Mer1Ja1 bracelets ud • ell-ror every occaaloll ... Aaodaer P'MIP are ratber drea.y ... Pastels tn enameled Dowen, ln&enRtnped wtth peule, rtllnrstones and modaer of pearl .. F.:xci&Jnl cta.s Ill lte ah&~~e or a fan , wtleelbu!ow, jade Cl"e r bird ca1es, lwHw of pi eo t.y wt Ill uuuc:ha1 eamnu. VALENTINE VALUE The Valentines the kiddics an want for the classroom boll are the ooes tt.a bear the Hallmart aed Crown! And Noma like the s pecial •vinas and usual:!: .-any ~ Hall Peany and Mak• -Own Val- entines. Choose these 'onveaicatJy packed auon•c•ts ''Wbcn you care enouJh to send the ~ best.·· YleGt ..... a.,.a.._,. ce.A Bllll ,.._, .................... __ r"W 3127 E. Coaat Hwy. near iasmine Corona del Mar ~ ... .. .... , ...... .... You Get A Wagon Load At ... CANDY SHOP MARKET .. . . Th Bco•o•y of o .. u,., ( C..'t SEll-? TRAil IT! EXCHANGES OUR SPECIAL TV Art C. Kisder REAL ESTATE 0 RIOI..E l-.-oo l901 Newpo" a.len.rd Comet ltda a Newport NEWPORT BEAOI ''COUNISI UYIN8" .. 't• 4 ........ ~a~w._ .. ..... .,,, ....... ................... ... ,..,, b ........ ........ .............. 011111 .... ' UM711 ....aht.u ..... u.- IWO DIUM COlTA&E M. M. ... , Rllltor Hyeu'11 ...... ,, .... , _,..._. 220 I. 17th St. C.. Mila Lllerty 1-1 Ut ~ the ........ ,...... ... s ........ C...ter) E ........ Olt U1f2 -M1 6--1050 ..... , 1800 WEST OOA!fr BWT. l'fEWPOilT lEACH u 1-1354 Rlf.UIISMOv.&. TO ElM ' MilE ~ UVI6 IIIIBl IDI YAIIIS • AT EASTRIDGE Tire ~atige C ommumt 11 t/ Costa Mem (Adjaeent to the Newport Back Bay Area) A COUfCTDt Of 30 OOISTANDIIi AND UNJOtl 1 & 2 STORY tiNS $25,511 TO $2,,951 HERE ARE 3 AND 4 BEDROOM HOMES THAT FEATURE • Color co-ordinated iDtertora • Dtc:orator viayl We • Wood burniAI fireplace with gu jets • Del Plio tOe ID4 .marble entries • Marble Ylllidel and CCMlDler tops (Ceramic: 11Je ICltcbea Counters) • IOilALUON AWARD • Westfn&bou.M all.-:trk tltcbeas • BuJ1t..bl raqe aDd oven • DWnruher and dllpolll • A* cMl.aetry • n.c:.atar color fbtu.rel • car,.t1q ud tmperW waUpapert • o.er .... doable aar..- • PooHIIe Iota • Sidenlb, ltreet up.u ... letl't:rl (llftProHIDeJltl an lutallecl and paid for) • GeDerou me mtrran • J!ledltea1lJ heated balM • ·~ ltalr raa. : ~2~r:o cloon • Holllty I'OOIDI-BIG! • Fudfy J"'OODD • •~ JoaDa to qualifier kyen • aa. to ee'MII : = :-v:::.:ft=JIIj .... , ... • !Ill ........... e IIFI •"""' ··•,. • a _. .,_ .................. • jO pl.ltJT . ....,....,_liMclwater .... • J • ..... 1'1111 . • .. ~ • •• •• a1111Jir1Nocl f • Decoradft jllllc .... ---~tBIIl., lVI& t JORDAN ,...., & L., Inc., !alii ,.,. .. •