HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-09 - Newport Harbor Ensign!UIEADY JADED wtllllllo ~ at IIIII( 1111 llr• Hw Year'• blbJ' ID be ben at Boac Hotp4t.L at 1:41 Lm. Ju ~-11Dr11ce Jl"ftl l.a tbl arru of Ida motblr, Jult Sboot. Tbo praod -. Gony -· 105 AY-Corrlloo, But BJ< na lormerlr wtlll tile Da11r !'tlol . u4 Ia .,.. wUII U. Pilot'• puG orpnt11t1oa, tbe Loll Allplos Tl-. -.......,._ "' lllolr tlrol --clllld u e -ud Wlol-al Lido !ale ud 1M Eupoe HoTWCW of Wtlt Mt ... t. Jllde 11 a fOrmer Mia !few- pari--{!OIIp -.) CM Green Beret killed in combat • Tree burn • • p,1zes g1ven I j • .. is set • stra.:l.gh t 1r Tocn An~.,..,. lMI orPIOM.IIPI~AN,II or lMI O'IY or IIIWPOIT IIAOI ATH.RNS, G JtEECE: 1betc arc few eivW:zed ma,eddoo. PIIOliCT GIIICI; SAVI ntl MIDI1DIANIAN THE HAII8011 A/IliA'S OfFSET NnSPAPU Offlea ... pri•l .. pl .. ia , ... E•ic• lh.IW.~ ... 2721 E. c-Hwy .. C..·-........ c.w. -92625. Dations io the world where ci~ are u .fre8 Wby all the furor about the Mediterraneu and bappy as here in Gruc:e, undu wbac the and the MM.Idle East? Why don't we pull out "liberal" Americao presa describe. as "thai and tend to our own business? 'l"bC real rca-. vi<:ioua, fascist military jun1a." Evidmce lndi. son ls not Zionism but the unaltenble fact TILIPMOMI1 67W550 (ArM eM. 714) cates the Greet people are far more cnthusi· that the Anb statca are strateaically tbe most THE NE.....,..,. KAI.BOR ENSICN Ia the o.Jy ;.. ,.,. prl•ed astic: about their lea.ckn than we Americans are important in tht world, and are the key to eM , .. u .... Ia tl.e City ol Newpoft Be.c::l!, ...t U. oAI)' locaNy about ours, Our "libc:nls," in aovuoment and control of the Meditc:rTtlnean. In the 4,0()().. o-..4 aM .....,.. ....,.,.. in tltoe Newpon H..._..Co•• ..... out, are never friendly to ar~y stronJIY anti· mile area from Morocco to the bead of lhc Aft. .. P .. lw..d w.ekly,. oo TluarM.ay. Second el-po•-ee pe.ld Communist government. Funny thina about Persian Gulf lies the Middle East 4;0rridor • C.... •I Mat. Calif. that. through which trlllfu: puaes from tbe Par TIE NE~T HARBOR ENSIGN •-adj~ed to be • oewa · Last September 29 G reek voters pvc over. East, Australia, India and east Africa to Eu. ,..ft of .... _. cirealaUon by court decree No. A-20178 dated . . . . , Mlly 14, th"l. Ia S..,•icw Court for the Cooaty of Ora , State of whelm•na: approvo~~~ . to a new consutution ro~. AI~, a luge port10n of the w~ld s C.IUor•i' Ad by reaMta thefeof ia qualified to pl&bli:r aU public drafted by the m1htary leaden wbo seized knnwn oil reserves are there. Thf: Med1ter· .. _.k!ea reqUred by law. power 19 months ago to prevent a Communist ranean is infinitely more vital to us thao Viet· AllVO E. HAAPA ................................. OwQer ud Pl&bliaher take-over of the country. About five million nam. If Russia takes the Mediterranean, she PEC HAAPA ............................................... .Auoeia~e Editor voters went to tbe pol ls, and 92% of them will probably take the Middle East, and vice Starts 10 a FRIDAY, January lOth oc~\o60% DISCOUNT! SUI SCRIPTION lt.t.TifS agreed to replace the abrogated 19H charter. versa. If Russia takes the Middle East and In Rubor Area: Oa $4 00: 2 17 00 0\ll of H•bof Area; One 7"•· s&oo: 2 re••• 19·00 ""There is no longer any doubt that the revo--the Mediterranean, she will probably take e 7"•• · yean, • lution and the government have the fuU coo. Western Europe. If Mediterranean, Middle ..,...,...,...,..,. ______ .,...,..,.....,.,..,..,...,.......,..., fidence of the Greek people," says Byroo East and Western Europe "dominoes" fall, Stamatopoulos, director a:eneral of press in-Russia will take America, and tbe world. formation. Establishing Gre«e as a "crowned The Soviet navy has recently taken over democracy," the constitution deprives King part of Egypt's major port at Alexandria. lbe Constantine, who is now in self-imposed exile new Russian hellcopter caJ"Pier, MOSKRA. oow• in Italy, of most of hi s powers under the 1952 cruises off the Turkish coast. Soviet ships are chaner; increases the authority of the executive filli ng the seas east of Malta aod in the Oat· and gives the armed forces a new role in de--rows between Sicily and north Africa. Could fending the "existing political and social sys-it h~ that the Soviets will use their fleet in the tern agai nst any insidious attempt," and delays Adriatic to try to force Yugoslavian and Al- many individual rights until the government banian capitulation? Or, would the Soviets thinks it has had time to complete the "aims Jare re-open Suez, thus po!lSibly bringjng about of the revolution." lsr1:1eli anacks on Russian vesseJs-:aod a Rus-- Women's Wear *CAR COATS * BLAZERS-Woolen * NYLON QUILTED PARKAS * SLACKS--Sets * SKIRTS-Woolens ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign TIME FOR PROTEST BY PARENTS If parents would learn about the shocking information already being presented as sex education in the nation's public schools, they would rise up in angry protest against the program nowbelngpreparedlnourown schools. * SLACKS-Woolen, Nylon * SLIP-ON SWEATERS-Woolen * SWEATERS-Cardigans, Woolen * TEE SHffiTS-Stripes, Solids *FLOTATION JACKETS • DECK SHOES MEN•s WEAR There is small comfort in the claim that the "family life and sex education" pro- gram in our schools "will be different" under local planning and implementation. This is just a foot In .!he classroom door for intrusion of material that is already being taught in s chools in other areas of the nation. We can't afford to let the Communists take si lln -American coofrontation? Would the Rus-- Greece. h is the southern anchor of NATO. s1ans have Cfi'Cllrd this tremendously expc;nsive If we lost Grtece, we would probably Jose fleet unless they planned to use it, for more the Mediterranean and southern Europe aod than just ''show" purposes? the Middle E<!st. If the Kremlin gangsters were Our "liberals" are doing all possib~ to puab. allowed to turn Greece into another Cz.ec:ho--Egypt and the Middle East, Greece and tbe slovakia or Cuba, the result could Dot only Mediterranean into the clutches of the R\15- lead to another Vietnam, but possibly to Ar· sian bear.-American Way Feauues AA Sales Final * DACRON & COTTON SLACKS *NYLON QUILTED JACKETS *FLOTATION JACKETS *FOUL WEATHER SUITS *DECK SHOES Opet1 Sundays THE CONSERVATIVE CORNER By Clarence Strong be considered LS presideatlal United states bopelessly 1s in "1, the Lor d thy God, am a timber in 19'72. tbe rnl.DOrlty. It Is time to get jeakms God, visiting the In-The oezt great lssue facln& out. The time 1s DOW, Tbls is a. tqulty of the ta.tbers ~n tbe President-Elect Nimo should fundamental proposal made by cttildren unto the ttlird and be the e.u.mina.tlon and re-the New Right. fourth generation." Exodus evalua.ttoo of the great mus of The children of today are 20:5. executive orders which have being punished tortbeinlqultles * MELTON CPO SHffiTS -* SPINNAKER SHffiTS -*YACHT CAPS * ORLON TURTLE SWEATERS OnMariMrsMie 2930 W, CMSt Hwy. 111 NEWPORT aEAOI 548·1722 Sex education in public schools has sud- denly emerged as a prtme objective over the nation. The organization that appears to be the prime mover Is SIECUS-Sex in- formation and Education Council of the United States, which is aiming to t each "sexuality" and to demonstrate raw s ex to children from '<indergarten through high school, in addition to maintaining a clos e personnel tie-up with a magazine of sophisticated pornography called "Sexology," and with several organi- zations cited as communist fronts. The election is ovtr. Richard accumulated over tbe years. of tbe Wilson, UteRoosenK, tbe Nimn won by a total of 499,704 Many of tbese oo longer are Truman, the Kellbedy and the votes. Now comestheinaugura-relevant to present coDdJ.Uons, Johnson admlnistratloos, tor Uon. Nevertheless the un-Many are dangerous. Ott~ers the Lord is a jealous God. It derlying questions are oot set-also should be revolked, Chief ts hoped that our neighbor, tied, Ther e is a great mass of among these Is tbe order wb.lch Rlctw"d Nlmo, with cooser- untlnished business to be taten brought about the diplomatic re-vattve ~rt may restore the care of. This Is oo time for cogniUon of the So¥1et Unloo. couotry a.od lead tbe way to conservatives to rest on their Prior to this recogDJ.Uoo. tbe rnal~lo~nal~~r~eet~l:l>d~e.~=--=:_=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oars. We must keep on rowtn;;::. Ru.ssia.n ambassador assured Dick, no doubt, will do his best. tbe late Presldeot Franklin D. However he will be lnflueoced to Roosevelt that communist sub- take a safe patb through. tbe versioo aeUvlties would cease. pollttca.l jungle. He wtll be af-Tbe&e aet1Y1t1es didr:GI: tuml- fected by the status quo, poll-nate, but grew in lntensl.ty, tmW tical and economic expediency, DOW, aoarehlstle movements and international involvements. pla.noed and operated by com- A matter of coocerntouststhat mLtnists or communist dleles he Is Wd to favor the strength-threaten tbe very We of ota ening of the United Nations. country. Inasmuch as the dip- During the campaign he announ-lomatic recognition of Russia ced that he advocated the pas-was obtained by traud and sage of the Non-Prolllerattoo deeeit, Uds recognition should Treaty, but more recently bets be withdrawn. Is the public school the place to teach about sex to children? The answer must be "no" from parents who know that moral teaching must be the foundation for sex education. Morality, which is grounded in the Bible, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, cannot be properly taught in schools where the Bible Is excluded. Instead of strengthening morality, ther e will be e r osion of modesty, privacy and standards of conduct. It is incredible that this new program should be initiated in our schools at a time when there is a g r owing crisis in meeting school costs and a gr owing reluc- tance among taxpayers to vote additional funds. This program would add to the cost, and will generate new opposition, not only for economic reasons, but also for r easons of righteous indignation. said to have anoouneed that the Our economic situation has time Is not ripe for the immedi-become UDbalaneed partly be- ate consideration of the cause for eign nations have oot measure. repa.ld tbelr war debts to us. The backlog of tmfinislled We sbould take steps to en- business began to accumulate force collection. Then, too during the Wilson admini-foreign a.ld disbursements have stratton, 1913-1921, when the eo!Ulbuted to this Imbalance. allegedly uoconstilutlooal Fe-Tbe program should be recoo- deral Reserve System was sidered aod the amount of the created. By Its adoption we payments reduced, it oct alto- surrendered to a private cor-getber ellmi.oated. A third por ation, said largely to be ope-reason for our bavlng a gold rated by international bQnker s, shortage wtlen our gold hoard the control of our monetary at Fort Koox rapidly ls dtmin- system. Inasmuch as tbe lsbing ls that we dismantled our government has the option of gold mlning maebinery during purchasing the Federal Re-World War D, and sent It to serve, it ls r ecommended that Rusia. Slocelhenttlenter level this purchase should be ef-in many mines has risen to the tected, and our mooetary point wher e they would be system restored to the people inoperative unless they were to ot the nation. be pumped out. During the Wilson era, aeon-The smart thing to do would stttutional amendment was be to start pumping right oow, passed providing for tbe elec-to begin the mantdactUTe of tlon or .u.S. senators by popu-modern gold mtningma.cldnery, 1ar vote. The lntquity of this and to prepare for the opeDlng method was shown during tbe of our gold miDas. SW1 smarter last electloo when Alan Cran-would be tbe repeal of the ltoD defeated Dr. Mu Rafferty recent leglslatioo whleb made for U. s. Senate. Tbe sel».tor our rema.lning gold at FOI't 11 said to have anmanced tbat KnoJ: subject to be w1tbdTaWD eod sbould be pm to "Rat-at tbe demand of foreip baD-'in~sm." That ls a challenge tars. As It l.s, our pc&per mooey to cooservat1ns, as it was the no kmger bas a gold backing. oplnioa of many tbat Dr, Rat-Perblps tbe greatest problem fert7 was tbe tlfellest """most f>eloc lbe oalloa Is to got out of wboleiODle cbaracter ln tbe the United Na.tioos, llld to eet ORANGE COAST Civitan Club was assisted 1!1611 pollUcal arena, """sbould 1be Uallod Nattoos out of America. At tbe outset, DeUlJ in the holiday sale of truttcake by the From the Bl.ble •quarterot•'"-''""·'hls Mardan Sc~ool of Educational Therapy. ...,ld orpotulloo """ com- Newport pollee captain Don Oyaas at 0 death, whore i~ thy ~,:_~~?:•loY: ' st.ina? 0 paYe. where 11 thy ... • .... pu left, Clvltan president, is pt:esenting a Yictooy? saa:., or lbe r~~r•1 K tu ....,...., donation to Dave Eisenman, school direc-. Tbe atlna or death Ia . ai~; :::, ~ ~ tor, for the sale of more than 1,700 and I he auenafl or 110 11 lbe co111111111111t ~.ODd tho law. ltJ .,..cJief&YOr10etallamud pounds of fruitcake. Clvitan Club meets But thanta be to bod, a _ .. .....-, a, a for lunch on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays which ai .. lh oa lh• riclmy "~• ..,_. a C 1 flroup. our Lord haoa R-ta at lila -o1 lila at tbe Costa Mesa ountry C ub. OlriaL (1 Corinthlana 15:55-..,_ _. 11u ootOI- RIOISIA IDCE'IY TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS 57.) --IIWiol7 _.-omc:.. wtlJ bt lftltllltd at Co.ta ...._; membtnblp Me-«'Pt ...S .._ t1111 ......u-lllal&ll-ncolll>a~ rliary, lira.-K.llall, TltEfTLO$SIS$3,~ -o1 1M_..,- --lily Cl-Fuc-Soc-~ ~~--•-'Inc 'l'IUooa Wlro -$1549 aOd aU .......... ~ - JaiJ .... ...., ..... Lom Dona, wwtlloi ... ....,... .. Cirrtal_ --Ira--lotMa hal K'MR1r ,........., wtll COitl ..t..r r"* ' t'•• ... .,._frola JWfJ' E:nrta,lll t t • •• o.1lc _.,.,.II .,.._ ...._ .;..,.,. -.. ~ --aJaao.-Aaa. ..i Lido Pvlr, ....-n, Lido ~ron~,*' c--Ia - _,-~ .. lila ............ SIJu ,__ lla......t ......... --"' --......... ., ;;a;; •;;,• ~ lilt a.ca, • ,._.._, ..-..... CiWJI'F$ I' WM IDcdlilll 8airtlt -u.e.., IIIM-F11t11 18kw'• In:' floe pr......., .Jollll......,_ o1.1rlldldlrwt.U bccl-ta.e wu • nsret.. .. wr ,._ ..... .., .... lfn.Doo Do.ia, __ : ...... ''Tira earo aod col-1111. CWJka, a.-_ )loalrJ, ·Jill II IJM-'nla- f-At ...... .,, 11r.: tin ol ......,,, 'ht MI..._ ~bqllarWWt ....... tDiiiiiY'I tllll ... flll Zflrl ...... -...... --.---aiUOp.-.altlla~ -earrledootllllr.Etwla'l--... ,_1M--_..., lin. .,_ ,.,._., .,_ An ..... IAI'Da IIIli. s fl :a.... a '*-. ..._ ...... ese s as our • . . eon 1 You might even choose several. At Bank of America we keep your best interests in mind. Personal circumstances are important to us. That's why we've tailored a wide variety of programs to meet your needs. P ersonal Choice Savings or Personal Choice Checking-you can just about write your own ticket. That's the way we do things at the world's largest bank. Personal Choice Savings 5'1' ln.eston Passbook Account $500 opens an account. Interest is paid every 90 days. Additional deposits can be made in $100 amounts. S'!'TimeCertific:aleofOeposit.Bank ofAmerica time certificates also earn 5% annual inter· est. They mature every six months and are issued for $1,000 or more. 5" Fm:-,.,.rGuaranteed Certificate of Deposit. ProVldes abeolute certainty on your future rate of return. Certifio;ates are 1ssued for a minimum of $1,000 and in multiples of $100 above the $1,000 minimum: Five-year guar- anteed interest at 5" per year paid or cred- ited quarterly. ""Rq.lars..inp. This is the maximum rate of interest allowed by law foe this type =. Interest is computed daily, C<Jm- or pa!d quarterly. Deposita made y the «:nth of each quaner earn inti!! est from the farst. A very flexible plan. Personal Choice Checking Two/One/Free. With this plan, checking service charges are as simple as two dollars, one dollar, or free. Depending on your monthly balance. Two;OnetFree makes it easy to predict your monthly charges. Thnplan. Designed for people who write few checks. Statement 1s sent every three months. You pay 15 cents for every check you w rite plus a small maintenance charge. BasicCbeckin&Plan. The one most widely used. Your service charge depends on your minimum balance and the number of checks you write. Baai<Americard Thnplan. You can reduce your checkinl!: charR:es by one-third with this account.llanki\mericard users pay just lOcentsper~and there's no main- tenance charge. Statement every three months. , These are just a sample of the personal choicesavailabletoyouatBankofAmerica. Any ooe of our 9.50 branches will be glad to help you with your fmancial needs-large and small. BANK OF -.. ------COLI'&all ~~ u. .. ·-u.-·-L--_ .. _ ... __ Chapel D• .,_,. dNnine. P•rfect --of ....... of ,_, ._,.,.,, or 100% ,... ,__If doanablo. e No Sl,..lftb..- •NoWIIoociHooch ., ___ .. ·---• w_.., Stelft lef'IMW'DI • OUR EXCLUSIVE .S~IRVIIc;""!!;; e Prof••lonel IMNIIatioft • PNI"Wottal Remo••l • T•nns Mayle Arranvecl • frH htimotes • he. Leon Dropn 200/ Off for co1h & c•rrt 10 642-0270 540-1366 1702 NEWPORT BL YD. at 17th, Cuta llosa OPEN 10 ntE P\IBl.IC COOKIES 1-LB. PK. Broccoli BIRDSEYE Spears 10 OL 2 .. QT.IIASI(IT SOLID HUll LETIUCE BAll AliAS WB.OIAOE GRAPE 320L 29( HUNT'S omalo Sauce 3-29' PET FOOD MilS.. IUTTIIIWOIIlli'S IUTTIIII!D 12 0110:81 Of nilE SU ICLID WI TIE ALBACOI!IE 7 OL TUNA 37C PEAS & UBIY. ••n ; "Vou know a TltUIIS~Y, J/111. I,- OOIIOIIA DEi: liM, CMJf. good doctor for t h ls7H lfs a qUC$(ion we answer all the time. Sometimes it's ~~oDme­ one new in the neichboftlood. Sometimes it's an old friend who just doesrft happen to haw a family physician. The boy sprains u ankle ... the blby runs a lempen.ture ... Gr.~.ndma bas a bad couJh. Troubled peopM: often tum to us for hdp, and rishtly so. We wort closely with physicians, providina the medicines they Pff;SCribc and use in their offices. We k.now who they are, their spec\111· ttn, their office hours. In an emerp:ncy we're toad peopJe to ask. And 'tlllo't're li1Wll)'1 bappy 10 be of service to our fr~ ~ p;~troru. Christensen 1D1 L COAST -T. -A Da. IIAII 08101.& a ... FU don't miss this I • lowest prices of Terms ••. of course the year t'lU-ortN WMDATS WUUATS 104 MOM & fll, 'TI\ t INTERJORS 1925 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 0 ANNIVERSARY th SALE Open 9:30A.M. Wed. the 8th JANUARY CLEARANCE lADIIS DIESSES -SUm: NAill IIAMDS: PINI PAIRtCS, COLOM S.... It. 1'1 ...t C.... IWfl Slla ..,AIIOUS lUND"" WOOL .IACUTS. PANTS, .... UIAS, SlUR'S AND SUm smns: WOOLS. KINK. 111m. COllOM. _. IOIATIOMS SWIA'IDS: .U.c:un _, COAn: LCMUIH JANAS. ......... LA-U-· ltfSC:Otm•IID COLOIS: ....... liAS, Plm PA.-TS ........... .,. CII.U.T IWC8'" ... LAII ITOCI ••us .u. IUS. -AIIIIOn: ...,_,CtaiiA..S lf'ai.GIW WHa ---............... _.11M .... lii&tJ ........ ...... IWnl I ......... ..... -1111-: , .... a.DIIIL ...................... lOOfo, 40o/o, 500fo, 60o/o REDUCTION lOOfo to 400fo OFF lOOfo, 40% AND MORE 1/3 to 1/2 OFF. 1 fl to 1/2 or more Reduction REDUCED 40 ~~ 5.00 .... . . ........... .. . . .... .. .. NOW l ." 4.51 .......... -.-.... ·--.... -...... -Ut l :ot .IIDU ... _ .... -.................... -'-" ,.............. ·-'"" Reduced 40% to 50% Now5.99cMUt l{J to 1/2 OFF I&AMIIS-.Ac:atLAII -... lUI -lUI 91 t 1ot .... U.M ... -........ -U.tl n•IIAL •.JJIIIIS 1e.tf . . ........... -Ltl PAll: COWOUUILf M CMIIIU DfiiT ,.._ .. 'N' DIU NILY ...... ,_..,..,._, .. • .... IICOITA-ln ---• -- '• • .-r IWIIO-EJU!Gij flirT st:CnOII -.-..... 4 lliUiiii"Y, J M ... - COIOIA DEl liAR. CAU F. I C:HIJRC:HES I NP' er tulfwu11 ~ .. 0• , •• 8/•fl$ Onlrloo4irtt ."icu•fH'tl H•r.Dr'' a•o • c~'"" O~tovc • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH a:JO a.m. to '1:30 a'.m. -wcitshi p ~ervl ce Q:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. -SunCS.y School 11 :00 a.m. to 12:00 noon -worship S'ervice RONALD L. RODGERS ot 11te ae~. JIUIIH 0 .••• , •• Putor Harbor Vtew HIUs lru been lbe Rev. Georac J . Buadiccker, Visill.tion Pa1tor elected exeeuUve Ytee-presi. Phone 541-3631 deat of Newport Natioal Bank. ~~===:;::====~~=~======~ He bas been atnll.ated wttb 'be r Chriatiu Scl•nn F bank sine• ita orpnlJatioD tn S.•lu• irst Boptlst Ouneh 1983. He served 2 years wtth -' of Colt• M.so the U.S. Army 1n Europ6durtna nuT. ( ,._. ·•(·11 o.. a n~•sT; scu:"'nsT R"rti.u Bibl .. rellow•hip 1Wor1Jd War n. Wembersbfps JJOl v;:.. Lul<• ,,.J~putlut _ Aa~IOJtO.on DC ude the exeeutlYe board of Ne-lli "'"'" L & " 1. c. Boy Scouts, the board of t.be -.~ -• OfM •• .,..,_ Harbor HIUs Home Owners st:NOA. Y SOIUOL 'u • ... .,.4 11 •.., Dr. P.G. Neumann, putor Assn. and the board of Newport SUNDA''I" SDt\'ICfS Tomorrow. 9 IS • I I > .., WEUr-. I:SI>A l t: Vl-.:'111 1~• , ~II::F."I'INfi I ,. "'· Rl:.AUING R(X)M ..... .., • ' • "' -s ..... .... ,..uler · '•·"' -7·4)" "'· r ...... , .... f,, •• ,. ....... -s ...... , ...... . S....4.,. , .... -4 .. ... .('()ND ("•t.:ac• OF C.IUIT. SOI:NTIST Newport Buch 0111 COfon011 del M011r SUNDAY SERVICES 1:45 a.r 1. Sunday School :00 a.m. Mom ina Worsh i1>l 6:00 p.fn. Train•na Unions 7:01.) p.m. Eve·nin& Wonhinl WEDNESDAY 7:20p.m. Bible Study 8:00p.m. Prayer Meet1n1 CONP'IO.!NTIAL Af'V EX- PEIUENCBD BOOICI:EEPING AKI TAX SEIWICES !'Oft SMALL 8USINESS AKl IN- DIVIDUALS PEU'OUtEO PAOMPTLY Af'C) ACCliJ.· ATELY AT AEASONABL£ t.ATES. CALL. SEA VICES POll. SMALL BUSINESS, 419 EAST 17TH STII.EET, COSTA MESA, Ml-9:W:l. Newcomers at Hoaar -J'H!IISD.I.Y, Doc... llof • lllr. ud ..... Wllul lloJ • lllr. ud lllro. llorrJ ::_ 114 Tqou A,.., W-U10 Boa VI* Dr • '8.\TURilAY Colla II-. llof • lllr: ud 01<1 • 111r. ud lllro. Vld« Koc:ll, 10111 ~,;;,;~Hij~j; =· IIMSM-Dr.,Colla too Bllell. 01<1 •Mr. ud llro. Rlobord llof ·Mr. ud Mrs. AIYta B. Belli-ODd, 11101 Br-St.. H..,. Se-, .. Ull, Vld«l&st., ~ Bllell. Colla M- Ilo)' • Mr. ud lllro. Jobll Do. lloJ • llr. ud lin. K ... - •lot Oak St eo.ta Me-. PUtt, ,, CbeyeDDt st., ' .. .. ... Boy -Mr. ud Ur1. Erie Boy Mr &Dd Ur :~· 1Z8 Yer1.110 Place, Ir-Galdo, 5o71 Bereu LA!. HIID- G~l -Mr. aDd Mrl, RodDeY tlDCtOD Be&cb. Nuke, 2020 Fullertoa Ave,, Boy .. Mr. aDd Mr;.•;;·~~ Costa Mesa. =~~, 170 B. st., "' •FRIDAY, Dec. 27 Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Robtrt Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Edmwxl Howar4, 2821 Harbor View Dr,, Moates, 2048 Royal Palm Dr., HarbJr View Hills. Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Ronald · Boy -Mr. ud Mrs. Robert Clarll, 900 ~cKeoale PL, R&J.o.y, 149!5 CO¥eDtry La.De, Costa Mesa. H\Uitio.gton Beacb, •SUNDAY, Dec. 29 Boy -Mr. aDd Mn, Loren Boy -Mr . aod 14rs. Harvey Barnes, 11!0 PaulariDO, Costa L. Hines, 734 James St., Mesa. fA, Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. aDd Mrs. Alleo Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Eueeoe MWs, 9091 Gettysburg Dr., R. Norden, 2873 Aua Lane, Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Girl -Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Clarll, 2417 Elden Ave., Costa Goad, 1078 Mission Dr., Costa Mesa. Mesa. Girl -Mr . and Mrs. Lee Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Le<ow·d Olhoffer, 2415 Holly Lane, New-Herring, 2080 Newport port Heights. Costa Mesa. Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Modica, 248 Driftwood, Shore Butusco, 8101 La Palma Circle, CUffs. r' Huntington Beach. Gir I -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 3100 Paciflc View Dr. WNDAY SCitOOL 10 .... SUNDAY SERVICE 10 .. -. WEDNESDAY I::':VENING A TTEHD THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE REGULARLY GET-ACQUAINTED Cohen, 1218 Cambridge Lane, WestcWf. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wood, 3202 w, Ocean Front, West Newport. MEETINC. 1:00 "·"'· READING ROOM - Mutual Buildtn& 2863 East Cout Hiahway Moll.. • S.t. W :. ..... to 5 p.m 1\uNday f''O'r llilljl-7 to 9 Yrou an cordtally 1nvued to aut-nd Chwch Srrvtecl aiWI 10 u5e the ReadtnJ ltoom. CfNTIAL IIILE CH UICH _, 1\ l,..t.Mi.rifta TM KM o4 Cod The l'<tnCM of Chmr The ~ oi ltw liofy Sptrir wnd..,. ..,.....,, ""'""' ""'"""'"-w ....... ,. t ~n.d tn 111 "'"' t ... n•llll k•~•H 1 f"M MEN 'S WASH & WEAR CACTUS CASUAL SLACKS ... aEG. st. so~ su.n LwtMr• Gwrch OftM ...... , L...ther• O..rd i • A.eriu 2900 Pacific View Dt. Corona del Mar, CaliroaU. Wrdii<"..U~ lt,hlfo ~hod~ •lid ,,~,.,., 1 ,..,.. KNIT TUKTLE NECK SHIRTS Or. WilliiiTI R. Eller Nvt~•• u .. .,,.. """''~' Phone 644-2664 • MOCK TURTLE l :t5 •·•·· Family Wor•hip 9:45 •·•·· Ch1 n:~ School.., 11:00 •·•·· Feative Worahip NURSERY PRO\IIDF.D A ful v-th l'rop•m Cm. o4 Or.,.. _. 2Jnl. $1. c ......... '""" H ( )<t"f"', 1'(4 ....... 1/3 O_FF flp•rtlt ·-· » ti••l Gll!ard! 3»2 1...4 -· N_.. Hololtt• A Fru •tl I•J.,ntlnl Cor.t'•tMi.Hfll CM•Ii• c••rd 'f\el.-. ...................... . a-day Sct't'ice ud Ourch Sc:ltool at 10:00 Lillo Mr. TOM'S~~E~OR ,4t~.t)~ ,.._64·27· 3424 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR PAINT & WALLPAPER Pittsburgh -Dutch Boy Paints -com plete line 13,000 PATTERN S ,... ••• y .. , ON. .......... crt,.....l Coli 671.0550 Coli in Your Want Ad 673-4550 ( ~/--7 ...... 1 .... ·-~· OF WALLPAP ER 0 PET SUPPliES ~ ·•·-•«··~• ......... ,u 2'919 E. Coast Hwy . Co~• dol "'"' TROPICAL FISH ::;: . ,...Ji111J! I1<4EXT TO PORT THEATRE) We llrtve the largest and -~.--,lluio-, .... -·····- Phon•: 67>2033 mos t beaut iful se'ectiOfl of .,., • ., 1 -·----=~~;::.:.,::.:,=::=:....--1 ~~-~ OfOt(l \U~ .. y tO< !roptca l hsh 1n the area. I I.,;;;;~~~~==~ •BEAUTY SALON We also c<tr rv a full l1ne of 1 f' , ilQtlarturns. and all acces· ..LO't'lailu. i sor 1es neede<1 for the hobby. • HEARING AIDS Sou lh Sea Trop•cal 218 W, Wdson Strf"et Cos ta ~cset 548-7961 SHI RLEY OLSON 1Cil38 ..... ".Ooii'Bl.VD. CO.T ... Mil:-. C "L I"0 "NI .. HAL AEBISCHER HE.RING •IDS Proper Fitting Auured 3409 E. Cooat H'*Y• Cof'Dno d•l MCII' 675-3833 • SHOE RfPAIR ;:.:c:_ _____ 1 8 ::kl A .M. TO !5:00 P ,M, s-.""-tt.•C-•I CLOSEOSUNOAY 6. MONDAY I\1ABERRY"S Shoe Repa1r Purse and luggage Rcpa1 r -Dye Work S&H STAllS ONE OAY SERVICI 1890 Herbal' Bhld. ..... , ..... ", c--· & .,_,. IHict-S.,.~c• c ....... a-t..tr:: .,._ qoolllr .,. "'-~ on lbeprM ... -.. ~ All--·--........ m.rs -LC.....,.,C:.. ...... l'l.OWERS Fell ALL ClCCASOfS ~-iT-' .. I Coste Mesa -WI &-l311 • HEALTH RESORT f~~=~~-l ........ ._ ............................... .._.. ...... .,.,.......... . ............... ........ ................ ...._ ........... ,; .... • CDSTA MESA s.9-3361 • ORANGE 639-2-"11 • ANAHEIM 826-0311 ' •MONDAY, Dec. 30 Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Mait- land VUUard, 671 Goveroorst., Costa Mesa. Girl -Mr . a.nd Mrs. W111Jam Miller, 5021 Pheasant Circle, HunUngton Beach. Boy • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker, 126 -46th St., West Newport. Girl a Mr, and Mrs. Edward Valentine, 1213 Donegal Pl., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Henry McKowen,. 20691 Cllaucer Lane, Huntington Beach. •TUESDA Y, Dec. 31 Girl -Dr. and Mrs. Randolp Colley, 1912 Santiagao Ave,, Dover Shores. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. Lars Larson, 9911 Voyager Dr., Hun- tington Beach. Girl • Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoddard, 3040 Grant st., Costa Mesa. Girl • Mr. and 14rs. Swlft Torrance, 327 62Ddst., Newport Shores. aoJ" ·llr. ud Mrs. Emorty Bu-apr, 19905 Shetf1eld Lane, Hwtlncton Beach., Girl -Mr. and Mrs. Victor 869 Gover nor St., Costa Mesa. Boy -Mr. and Mrs. John Park, Z09 Narcissus Ave., Corona de 1 Mar. ' ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 lhru JAN. 10 tJA'ere 'ltJtl /.Jtl/1/e aoe4 mtde a dilrer~ae 5% per annum compounded daily current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • in multiples of $1 ,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND L OAN ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 2117 EAST COA!!T HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIFORNIA 1212$ TELEPHONE: 175-5010 HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, Calif. 91109 telephone: 449-2345 1 Tnn. 20 word1 or leu uo 21 words ro 30 words 2.00 31 words lo 40 words 3.00 Eoch word o .. er 40 words .05 ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 2 Timu 3 !.me~ 7.10 :!.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 .10 .15 NEWPORTER MOTORS 2036 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Glendale. West Arcad1a Corona Del Mar STORl&f &WGE $20 MONTH (nr. Zlnd 6: Ntwpott, CM I ReaJtor ~~ • MISCELLANEOUS SPOTS'before your e yes .... an )'OUr new carpet -r• move them with Blue Lua- trc. Rent electric eb~m­ pooer t1. Crowri Hardware. 3107 E. Coa1t Hwyo, Cor- ona del Mar • ... eM. E _,,_IQ~ II 2 '1 . .,...a ·,,. ~~ - ' Tars upset Marina 62-52 Mrs. Ricard , ..... t--.. -_., ..-. c-.•--· .... ·.rie-succumbs •s I'U Ill 1111t b u,.. Lte lla.-. ICCI II f lar 14; ..... ~ WM•• ..... II aMI (~led) IUcud o1 a.~ •-t -._.,.,11 ·Jo1f "'"'11(1, ..11; •1a Tololl, 111 H; Bl""··•" Bood, .,._.. P~ac., eo. "- --...---l,lldDuU-,1. -.,..-1 lll.GIAIIDI-IIIt~et ... ,,,.,.._, 'nltlalllwa-wlllbeplaftltw.....,,._.., . ~ , will! a II-II...-"-'.,.. II -.ba Yalior II I p.-, ValloJ, -- ·-llartoa. -Fl'ldiJ to -lid Loapo --ttoo ..,_ .. lloo -lool II to 10 at t11o -• ... _, llllwclt1 !!lcM J!7 ode· toalf 1111 -lit"'· r....ro~ c-a oa .. •-·· 1111-lar lfoll Hlll!otY-""'-tor 11 :.Pui;':IW~-~~lool~,!tl!l~;·~t!:w~loor::_:lla=•~to:.:-:.:"':.:-::•::IA~ttoo:: !50 Ill 41. Ttoo Y-loam lool bo1 ·1 llliOit ol .... ..,, 1lltU Du 1 . h . . 14,.,..... IUt a......, lor a. OWta e~m, of ft1cb • C Urch Ne. WS · G-41 load wtao ·~ to 10, ;,:;:.~~ .,"' , Tbe eo.ta Mea MMhnp ..... lbt wu 1D. cllu ·-.. ' --Wullotallorodi.l--~~~ lrd plaee wtlb a 115 lll&ldtor qullto tt ellll<lr:O Flrll t llllollll Cbarea, 101 -.,. ttoo 11 a.m. _.,tee, Tile, to 15 •let«J "'er El -oa. Fatn1ow llolpiW. Ft .. ...,_,11& st., eo.ta Mta-Dr • WOIDID ., Ull eburcb wt.U lllve Coroaa del Uat woa tbt eoa-~ were made a Jell' tor P, G. MtiiiD&ID'I IM'IIIOil topic ' IO.IItJoa booora bJ defMHnc " lllla.m _, wlnlot"Wbot a potl!lclo -.at e:ao p.m. Y 'II to II ,..,.., IUid abo ... quito are •• ~ll toGCJcl?f• At?p m Ju. 11, tDUond bf tbt moatb,.. ';;! c • del liar Sea prour!" tbat sbt cut oat au tbe bto tcple wtn lot ''Tbo ... • 1r ~ aoooUtoc. Goost .._ llrlll!llr ootorod _.. .. "" bairOil """"111&11* 101 e~: _..,. 1f!U lot Mar Tolto-. ~ ":t:'• ~~b~~-,_qallto,Sbo wu alooaetl•• peel." presldeot of !be east ----. o r lA !be c-»aoa lnDeb Wu ooalereoee ottbe Amert-55 to 43 Tutsday. Tbe«lDpled tbt Homemaker's, fromtbe WC • • • eu Lutheru Ctwrcb Women. at tbl •11• 20 to 1 '1, but 1 Looc ellelladca eenice a.ad wu Cftb'al· Bible Cbareb, Oruce • • • Beacb rail)' swaq)ed them 1D cblrter member oi tbt Newport ATe at Urd st., eo.ta Mta Tbe Latberu Church of the tbl 2DCI baU. 8te¥e Leeeb paced Beach Floreoce Crittenden Pulor fL E. JODN wUl briDe Mutu 2900 PacUlc View Dr the Sea Kine scorLag wttb 18 Home orpntutioo a messap OD "A mlnltMf'l Harbor' View ~ Wti~ poiats, followed by Kim WU-Mrs. Ricard WU b:JrD. Dee. coaeera" at tbe t ud lO:SO 11am Eller ..w. deUYer a mes-bnebt .Ub 10, Mike McWU-z, 1898, 1n Datrolt, Mle!'IC'~ a.m. SWidaJ ~~nt.c... At 7p.m.. _,. oa "RtDMmber your crea-Uam.t wttb 7, Cbrll Tbompsoo Ud UYed LD t.bll ar• tJr be will IPeU OD "Tbt ap..._. tor" at l:45 aadlla.m.Suoday. witb 4, Nettles 4, and Wiese, years. tioD of Penti"'M" Tbl..-.1 Atteraooa deYotJons for Hill-z. Surrtvors ue ber daaebter, eoocrepUoaal bas!Dea meet-laYea. eoeYaleaceot home will Estancia, aleo 1D DDD-leacue ~oette Fredrlbeo of Colb. iDe w1.l1 be btld at 7 p.m. Jan. be bl)d at 2 p.m. Dr. IDd Mrs. competitioa., woo over PacUlea Mesa; 3 graDdchUdlen, Ford 15. Eller wtU entertain !be I~ T•&day 59 to 49.SidpWliUam! Brown, Pamela Morin, IUid Doc • • • members of tbe ebureb COUDCU and BUI Dugas led tbe Ea.cles Fredrt.tsen, and 4 great crand· PlJmootb Coacrepbooal and tbelr spouses Mooday eve-wltb 12 po.l.Qts each; Mite Hayes children. Chur~b, 1262 Broad st., New. Din& Jan. 13. made lO, O:ctll and fk>yt, 7 SerYices were held Jan. 8, port HeliiQ-hA Cup call • • • ~h: Barnett, 5; Sbaugtmessy at WestcliffCblpehrtlhtbeRe•. , to prayer" will be U. R"· Mnport Ullity Church, meet-iDd VaUece, 3 each. Edward Smith, former mtniaer Norman BroW1 III'IDOD tople 1Dg at 15th St. and Irvine Ave., sua IM 3RD PLACE of Cbrtst Church by the Sea, tor tbe 10 a.m. senlee this CUff HateD-The Rn. Loren AFTER "~S WIN now of the La Poeote Metbo. SUDday. The annllll eoogrep. Fllettnger's sermoo topic for · The Or Coast c _11 ll. di.st Church, as omclane. ln. tiooal meetJ.o& will be beld at 10 a.m. Sunday will be "The l.n 3 d :~theEa.sto er terment was at Harbor Rest 6:30 p.m. Jan. 16 Ill tbe bJlaod tr~ of tho~gtlt.'' • ter:OC.: wit~ a 2•1 rec::: a:; Mem:n-tal Park. bouse at Fashioo lslm:l. ""========I • • • Tbe Chveh of the Cross. defetJ..lnc RlO Hoodo 99 to 8~ - Cbrl.stlan Science Cburebes, roads, meeting ill the ebapel -=y evelling 00 tbe losers Corona del M.ar,Newport.Beaeh at 3500 Paetnc View Dr., Har· The Buc aod Costa Mesa--Tbe 1essoo bor Vtew Hills--"Failh or an-H odo' 47_!0 ~'::me • .,.,, to I sermoo tor this SUDday Ls titled xlety" wUI be the serTDOG topic 0 s me ·~ "S&--eot," -~ tile IOideD of Dr Vincent Gottuso Jr at win their ZDd conference ........... ...., ' . Mtke McCartin wu te.zt ts from I Samuel: "Sebold 11 a.m; Suoday; • scorer lor Coast wttb to obey Ls better tbusacrtnce, aod to bearkeD tba.D the tat of st. Mark Presbyterla.n Mike O'Flaberty rams." Church. 2100 Mar Vlsta, Ea.st Turley, 14.; Steve • • • Bluft-Tbe Rev . James Kirk Phll Jordan, 12; Rich st. Michael's and All AD.pls' will preach at 10 Lm. Sunday ~C ~ take a break Epl8copal Church, 32SS Pacl· oo the topic, "The body 5 ftc VIew Dr., Harbor Vie'w Hills speaks •• 2od ill the series Jan. 1-4, wbeo Golden -Holy commUDJou wtllNcele-oo the 'Letter to tbe Hebrews. comes to the OCC gym. bratod at both !be 8 ..0 HO Partlelpotlllg In tlleoemee1fiU MENTAL RETARDATION Lm. Slmday senlces.Tbl aD·. be Ray Amllng, Doll HlldeD-IS TOPIC AT FAIRVIEW ntal parlab meettnc wlU be brand, Tom Hladson, Mlke Mental retardatlon·l~~i::l held at 7:SO p.m. Jan. lt ill tbe )faMtolw.n Geoe Graham and Its •--1e • ' e~~s OD peop S pariah tall. At 7:30 p.m. Jaa. Cbarles Sword. bow u 1s bel.ng treated 15,~ the 'Znd ill tbt lllils of abroad--wlll be discussed at serrdoan oa "Raellm Mil u" GO TO OtUR04 SUM DAY pubUc lecture at 7:SO will lie lleld In tile pattaloall. Job's Daugb!ers, Betbel Sl3, T J 14 Fa.tr>tew l N_ ... n-h ..... A,...1.,,. uesday, an. , at Goorre Eotwars """' tl!o LGo --~ • -e.., are ~w--stat 11o !tal ~ Its hl I ... .._.,s Co·-.., .._ ... -.... of St. Andrew's Presbyterian e sp "1 c e ._ -• ~-J)S)'ebotocr, '"IAgR.Stooe. Tile Excllllive ,., 1111 Jt-Rn !'1mlh • 01stom hu•U 4 bd nn. • family rm • nowin:;: 111'101-plan ph11 Pfl · t!Q cntr:rt&lnmcnt an-•. Sli(l- int: glus doono! Jrom a II bdrm' · lower 2 bdnrn1 ~ad 10 g;u"{k>n • ~ta~rer txlnn. all(l third bdml. UJlllihlil"!'! ad· lO'""Y.: blacony. naek Bay. 'ii:!,:01 • • • Sltti ftCJ on Top of the Werlcl 1\'ilh wr 'lt-w of 1~ a~"'•"· 1 hdn nl' .. ~ bath.~. :! rwm J.· balh :=uf'sl art.. pool and r'U.....-p1Vrn. ,..,..... .oumpk on hw lol,;. t9'i. ·m. JEAN SMITH, Realtor NEIPORT IIARIOR EliiGII ARST SEC11011 - -P ... 5 811 Emerald Bay 1-1/llletl!o. Beallttflal mtrn>rod l>O"dor room. s -ftrepta<:- electrie BBQ cttrdQ( room with wet bar_.._.,.. room HelfJ abate roof wttb cooeealed gutters. Larp litc:berl wt.tb aeelleot ~~onCe. paalry,electrlc ladlt-lDI ud treat. llsl IIOOit "'erlooklllg prdeA. Separate "'"r-olled laomotry Oceaa rlew from UY1DC room, diD1.D& room, muter bedroom suite ud larp deck. AU tills. IDclucliDc Emtn.ld Bay's prtnte beach, temtls club aDd pool club--tc:R ODly $85,000. FEE SOIPLE LAIID. p. a. palmer Incorporated Til DM10P£RS tJ UDO SKI t935 3377 Vio L!olo -.. U. M-rt --F-flleL.A._ .... HOI •••••••••••••••••• educatloa wtllJI)e&koo''CaUHs Church tor tbelr BP-to.cburch lectare w1U be beld lD Room 643155 of lfMtto ccwUttoas." Scmday, J.aa. 1Z at 8 a..m. Fol. 1017-ot tbe ·~Z50=1~~~iii~iiiii=iiiii;~~~ \ • • • kJw1Dc tilt cbareb ienices Harbor BlYd., nt II.._, Hubor '-· tbere ..W·IIf'a' ....... O. bru&-Tlebtsll !be door rao Church, 2501 CWl' Dr., ·*-t, opett •to U. peUc, IIIINt· fi ·ts seeoac1 ill a 'CAMEO ~ORES-­ VIEW Newport Helpta.-.Putor 1D tbl SeatarlD&: Muoole Tue8d&J eG1Dc ~~=~~ S25 . mi.llion total aalu James Bla1nwUlapeatCil"Ept. Temple across tbe ltreet from meatally ~~. throuJh the Multiple Listina pbany 1969" at tbl 8:10 ud 11 tbt Newport Harbor High by Ullinrstty of CaWorDI.a Service o f The Newport a.m. SUDday Mnlce1. HolJ ScbooL teosloa.. • bor Coala Mesa Board of SI MPLE SAVI NGS ... NOTHING COMPLICATED AIOUT THISE PRICES ••. THEODORE ROBINS' MDDERH METHODS AND VOLUME SALES MEAN EXTRA DOLLARS IH YOUR POCXET YEAR AROUH HEW 1969 MUSTANG HARDTOP HEW 1969 T-1110 ORDER TDDAYI $2398 ORDER TODAYI HEW ENGLISH CORTINA $1883 100 MPH -32 MPG DISC aRAK ES, ETC. '61 FOIID '"" C.~ I o ... o.. 15111711. tO '.Co 4-" •, trM .. $695 ............ $29 ..... _ • '64 CHIVIIOLIT MALIIU WA- Wi-. IIHtw, ,._ •IIHri ... IC)MJ ?til. Jt~ ..... • er.h. $795 ........... $2t ... _ '67 IUNIUM ALI'INI . .,....., .................. (UO¥ ..... 201. ..... .... $14ts --. $4$· ............ . ·~ .... ~ . til , ........ ....-ilt:ti"i..-.;., ..... -..~ ·· ··a1 ..... t_ RABIES VACOHAT10H Realtors fo r the first 4 O.IHIC SET FOR JAM. 14 ooon!lu of 1968. Tile':'::~:~~~~~~~:~~~~;~ THIS IS OVER 4 MILLION cllDJc w be hekUrom OOLLARS PER MONlli IN p.m. Toesday, Ju. 14., at main flre statloo near the PROPERlY SALES! port Beach City Hall. The O p will 11e $!.50 per do<. A rabies I LIST Y UR ROPERlY certUlcate will be Issued. Volunteer members KJW'Uls will ust.t. New dog llce08es wt11 anllable tor a $5 fee. 1fiU lie a '""' pe..U, U tile Uceose ts not obtaioed before Feb. 1. UPPER BAY GROUP WILL HEAR HARPIST The LWer Bay Philharmonic Auoclates wUl meet at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Ju. 13, at the borne of Mrs. Robert Smith, 1821 Sabrina Ter., lntne Ter- nce. Tbe business meeting will be coDducted by the chairman, Mrs. J. s. Pike Jr. A musical program wtU be ciYeD by Elilabeth Elgin Tur. reu. a Darplst. $910 PROPERTY THEFT Can't sell it? .•. Trade lt7 For Faat Action A Reiulta Call '!HE DOYLE CO .• Realton 168 RNitor 642-6472 .., .. 67,.,... 17l0 W. Cooot Hlwoy "~ ... ._. Jut a little orer a moatb after sbe moted lito 4.101 Hampden Rd., Camoo Sboreo, Beleo G. Welll told Newport 8aeJir pollee Moadt.J, Dec. 30, tl!at abo ... -ot $g1o -a>"' prapertr. I..;;;;;;;; _____ _ Sbe said tbaJ: lbtr placed a camera. ~ oqolp- meat, lllYer, &Dd ui.,Jr'Jmab· tooc -· In .. _, ball eloott NoY. 18. ~ ebtc:IIIDc tbe cloMt Dec. U, au were mtutnc. A PANORAMA YEW ... _, Clna dll ... -.. -.,. .. ,., •....... ::·:·=::·~~~::-:: -l!ll1l -II M .. lllllla _., 1, •tttrld .... -. .... ,... O ,. .. s 1 1 • ... ~~~~~ -:a .. ---~~~t.J/ .. $52,500 •••-•'lll'lltnaa~a wan ('71•) 111 .,. .. ....... , 't .,.. •• ,...--.aa--411 • This Ls a magnlllceDt cl&om-built bome by IYU WeUa, wttb awm...ung Ocean View. EYerJ coocetnbie tbottJt1t to elepoc.e aDd luury. FOUR Bed Rms plus Dtn1Dg Rm, am Four BaUISI Water softeoer, automatic spriDklers, ppoo~ beated/ftltered Pool. This Is truly a deUgbtftll home ft::c' tbe dlsc.rlmina.ting. Open House 12:30--5p.m. Sunday JAN U 4639 GORHA.M DRIVE, CAllED SHORES UIII'LE REAL ESTATE 2515 E. C..ot c.-. ... - Wells-McC.rcle Realtors Rtlillblt Strvict Siou:t 1941 1110 HEWI'ORT . ~ -~ . e-. 11-11. ~-''­ REDUCED to $56,500 • 4 BDRII., PROVINCIAL HOllE, BUILT Ill KITCHEN, 10111., I BT!l IIOioiE ON BIG oaiCIIA BEACR. I OW!IIIt WILL ntWICE AT l.ll Jill iitill'l. $15,0001100. 111URSOAY, JNI.!, Jtlt QliOIA 0£1. IIAlt, ljALI.f'. Corona del Mar DUPLEX 011 QUIET STREET-2 BEDROOM HOUSE PLUS A OIIE BEDROOM APT. PRICED TO SELL AT $39,950.110 • • • OPEN HOUSE SAT. ft SUN. 1-5 p.m. IELDW 111E HIWAY DUPLEX O.OSE 10 BEo\CHES l BEDROOM FRONT HOUSE, 2 BEDROOM UT. SEE--~ IECOHIA, CDROHA DEL MAR • • BEAUTIFUL BAYCREST LOT ---$21,900.110 1120 Cillllestick LMe -Baycrest (TAKE SANDALWOOD OFF SANTIAGO TO CANDLESTICK) OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-5 p.m. Gncioas 4 Bedroom 3 Bath Quality Home. Open beam('Q ceiling J.n Living Room, Dining Room, KitcbeD II Family Room. AU Elec. Blt·ins. Heavy Duty Central Vacuum System. l8s36 Heated &: Filtered Pool. Owner has built anotber OOme ---lleoce the good pr1ce of $65,000. Bay & Beach Realty Inc:. ni-•n 2407 E-COAST HWY. C D M WE'RE MOVING!! RANCHO LA CUESTA a.L Hamilton & Bushard in Huntineton ~ sold 98 homes in six montha. Our new unit as about to open and we must tell tbe lalt two homes here at genet"OUS dilcoUDti- MOOEL HOME, 2 BR. 2 IIA, b... nampao can be eoaverted to 2 man bodrooma. E.qaWa~y -aled •tandlcojood. $21,'1110- diJco!Uiled psoo, • INVENTORY' ~ BR. 2 BA. diDiJI& ......_ car- poled tbruoul $2$.0!50 -dilc:oiiiiiOd 111110. 10% Dawn c. ........ lMM Coli-...... , 1, .. ,.., ........ , ..... ,... __ .., ___ __ ___ .,.. ... _, • I 111'.111 -~~-­- liST DltKTOI NIW YOlK Ct1T1CS AWAIO PAUL NEWMAN IF"PII!:DI'IIC M .t.I'ICH-I'IICHAAO 100111 1 •• "HOMBRE" "'·---.~~ Rei I FrayS Baby --Jam~ ~->....-.......... _... ......... ~'t'O--~~ .. E:.3 -siCK CALL Audrey and Bill Murray are tbe latest casualties in the Hong Kong Ou epidemic. When I cal- led tbem I Deld tbe receiver a foot away from my ear for fear of catching what they had over the phone. I hope they feel better now; they souoded awful OD the ptr)ne. I dropped in oo G.l Fero- strom at Wadsworth VA Hos- S.. .... f-ofi ..... I•W6 UII NOW PLAYING IEII•~ "DOCTOI oounu" '" Coltw PENNSYLVANIA TENNIS BALLS-doz.7.50 *RACKET STRINGING WEII'ORT :W.R Elllllll fiRST smio:: --,.I llli!ISDAY, JM." ,_ OliOIA DEl. Mil, WJF. RALEIGH BICYCLES *PARTS *TIRES *TUBES REPAIRS Sunbeam Vacuum Cleaner INDIA BEDSPREADS, handwoven, 100% cotton 90x108. Reg. $9.00 72xl08. Reg. $7.00 Now s4u Now s3aa (1 ONLY) in Carrying Case SPECIAl. . $49.88 Now NDREDS & HUNDREDS OF WANTED ELECTRIC PHILCO "Hipster" Phonograph .. les<some lill:hter nutd boldet'll: S2988 'GENERAL ELECTRIC cordless slicing knife •.•..••.. Reg. $39.95 SUNBEAM cordless slicing knife .••...•.•••... Reg. $35.95 SUNBEAM deluxe slicing ... ---I .-::.=:... I -- '-In i --' --! - ITEMS CLEARANCE PRICED! knife with fork and storage case ....•••..•.••.. Reg. $36.95 RIVAL shreds and slices, gray handle knife .•••.•.••. Reg. $24.95 RIVAL Ivory handled knife, slices and shreds ••••.• Reg. $27.95 2Z CARAT GOLD oo Porcelain din1nc accessories, vases teapots ser- Ylng dlsbes, etc. Priced $3.SOID$io.95. HAND CARVED WOODEN decoratin items owl. rl*l rwmer, wba.le, soan, dest .t P<leed $13.95 1D $22,95. Now 50% OFF I ooi1 IIANDCARVED TABLE trom INDIA -llonllll&y; 15" dlalllotM··~'!tOI! Ror. $11.115. • .,,.,.,. BEND electric sKILLETS were $16.95 to $22.95 WEST BEND Electric Broiler-Toaster Reg. $19.88 • FLAVO-RITE, REG. $29.95 ELECTRIC BROILER-ROTISSERIE Now S1899 (1 ONLY) CHILD'S HOBBY HORSE with spring action Reg. $29.00$1411 72" ROUND TABLE CLOTH, flannel vinyl in gay floral patterna, with fringe. Reg. $10 .• 95. Now 56• PAIR OF CANDLES were $3.00 Now S118 were $4.00 ·were $6.00 "Yew ,.,. lAST CORONA-. .. Ill,. I , n Glenda Rae Warren • IS GIMda au Wur. oltcw.. petd Ut!Dd .. lbe rectptloa, Tbe bride ls a 1965 IJ"(luate port Bl&cb ud Ccald D. Katt beld 1a tbe churcb teUowsbJp of coroaa del MU Htlb Sebool, ol Tatua UCIII.Deld marr.._ bill. aad 'rill reeeJn ber decree 1Jl ..,_. w.-, afteiDDCJD. Dee. FoiJowtDc a boaeJmoontrlpto aeteoee ud math out JUDe at If, It St. AodriW'o PrN-Palm SlJrlDp, the -lrwoda Cal Po!J. Tbo croom, -lo bJt,lrlu Cbarcb. Dr. Charlo are mat1oc their home lD San lbe .oo ot a&r. a.ad Mre. Harry 4 DW-Id rlld !bo-lo riDe Lola Oblopo, •bore tboJ are B. Kalt ol Tar-. Is ..,. WHILE IN MEXICO CITY for the loth international "~·- TROPHIES -• anrclod -··Doe. 1&, to CIDdy ilaDd, -· bolll ..._,.Cal Poly. tU1oC ~ IIOfk ID ma1h. I t -' u, • 'Ill> lh4e -~~-Eutp~~mhor Tbolirlde,wbototbodaueb-c eaners conven ion, Hazel Dimmitt and her brother, Max 11«7, "Loala'o -M Cllrlotnlu," Wltb a _,to tor ol Yr • ... Yro. w. C. War-Dimmitt, owners of the Quick Clean Center in Corona del M z1 a-to 'nm ,..,. .. ,_ 14, IIIII -~ -fl"'l.-r• ol UZ9 lnJ.IIIt' An •• Wtlt ~'"b.::, o1 .;;;;·a-~,.. o;-...,, .. ~.;;u ~ aa1, ..,. • tn<U-' Mar, attended a banquet held as part of the People to People c:oonp," wWI a Poty•oudu ..cu.c. (Eulppbolo.) IIIJio .... o1 _. de ..... program initiated by President Eisenhower. Pictured here, featurtnc a catbednl b(JafflnC Story_·. w•"nners ' ·.announced trw 11111>-wttb ·~ from left, ·are Miss Dimmitt; Tgruo Takagi, president of tace. Osaka Drycleaners In Japan; Max Dimmitt, and Kenohl Her st.ter, IUs. Tom D. AD- WIIMra ban bltii•ICtOIJDCed tsoaroolymeansottransporta .. drewaotco.ta *a,NrYedu Onae, also from Jap:,:an;;,;;·:,================="':! by tbo Jlllllor Fr-. of tbo ttoa. matroaolbooor.CalhJ-11 STRIKE STOPS MAIL It UbnrJ lor tboa-ewrttlac "Popal Papal ._ 1.1 oort. of Corolla del Mar, Soole Kalt TO SOME COUHTRI ES coatut. ously lnlrtJ Can yoa ride IJito of Tula.Dl and LJDdl Holmea Corooa del Mar, Newport and Gnde I-Taman. Colt, HeW-tbe Ytnace lor bQ)?.. or Mnport Beach were tbt Costa Mesa post otllees, a.Joog port Hetpta Sebool, "Fables.'' Papa weot In aM kloted a.t brldesmalda. with post offtces throughout the Grade ~letJ Pappu. Cor-bel' 10 !lOber aad Ill tears. William L. Beet. Jr. ol New-country, are r efusing to a.ccept 112 ~T 18TH ST. 001 del Mar Scbool. "Nlebolas' 'fb1U:iD& to tllmself, be knew port Beacb. was tbe best man. mail to England, E1.1.ropeaadtbe rwne dl.y." wUb tbe the lack or mooey Ushers lAcluded Tom D. AD-Middle East and parts o1 Atrfca. Bt•o...~ . a ootca . -....c:"•o R~o"o• • c-oe GIII'T. • CAND~ • F oo...Ool 8T"I-6. II'"L.Oia• Grade 5--Kuy Lou Heimer, tbey would DOt be able to pay drews of Costa Mesa. Harry because of the dock strike oo Cardeo Sebool, "Tbe Uttle to!" help, But they must take Siedman of Corooa, 1.ou1s WU-the East Coast. Because of tbe btro." tlrlt cbance fofl Rosa's sate. llama of Sa.o Luis Obispo and 1Ddeftnlteness of the lay otf Grade 6--Robert Larsoo. MaPuel arrived bome oo Rick Jacoby ol SaJU Cruz. and the possibility of tbe strike Write for FREE Semon. Sebool, "The talldDg an old sebool bus. He was tbe Warli)'D Lewis Jeanoette lasting for a long time, an Brochurt! & Cata.logut! drum.'' ooly ooe 1D our family who had ~~·-~~U~I.IId~~loa~·~L~f'lll""'_~sa~ka~----~GL~EH~D~~·R~·~E~·~u'!l'..'~~~n~ .. '!IC'w~·~!! ____ _;ma~l~l ~to~t~l>eQs~e~u~ea~s~LI~I>e~ln~g~===================~ Grade 1--CI..Ildy Ha.nc1. Horace a &OQd educa.Uoo. When be put "" ""' """ ~ ft."' returned to the sender. Eoslp School, "Luisa's woo-doWn his boots he beard tbe derM Christmas." fali'IUy lD the otber room . Papa Grade 8-Tlm Cauley, Our told himtoburryandrldeAmlgo LadY Queea of Aqels SchOol. into Tuco for help. "Call It oourap.•• In the heat of the day irouM Hooora.ble meatJoo wtnners mld-atterooon Muuel arriYed are: to Tu:co. He saw a ma.a starxttng Debbie Jooes, crade 6, New-lD a small doorway and port School, for ortpaa.Uty. asked ldm for help. AnD Park, lfade 6, Out Lady "You look worried, do you ~ of ADpt. Scbool, lor Deed l>elp?" 1ma.pnation. "Yes, slr. M.y sister, Rosa., Weody Plecard, p-ade 7, fell from a ladder and is Horace Eoatp Scbool, tor st1ll serloosly hurt, Cu you belp?" 1n upresslng and deYek:Jpln.g a "Well, U you mean you Deed mood. a doctor, I think I can help." Susu Tooge, grade?, Harbor "We must hurry. It's a long View Seto)l, for I(IOddialocaod ride if we take Amigo, our story developmeot. dootey." Doui Carpeoter, grade 8, "We can get there faster in Horace Enslp School, for my truck. We will put Amigo kzlowledre of tbe country. 1n tbe bact. Let's burry." Here Is ooe of the winning ODe b.aU bour later they ar • stories, "Luisa's wooderM riYed at tbe dirt path leading Cbrlstmu," by Cl.ody Hand, up to our bouse. • • • Tbe doctor was surprised •INTRODUCTION with Rosa's oood.ltlon, leg aM Y.y oame ls Lu1sa Lopez., 1 bead IPJurles. Tbe price was llYe in a muddy adobe bome oo DOt to high, but for a family tbe outstirts of Tuco, U:elico. kw oo mooey It ooukl be a prob- U:y fatber, Papa., 1s a potter lem. Motber m:l Papa kept a wltb a YetY Jmall salary. I secret about tbe a..mouut tbey bate hfo J'OUDCW ataer'l Ud ond tbldoctorb'blltroablel • ... ,. Ql .. ~.. ~--........... ,. M4 .... Sic-lir!Dp troablo IJid 1lotii to tbo -'tal, almoot bad Deia. No Cbriltmu.I must tbt Wbole famlly ttemed to pt san CbrLstmu, but bo1r1 sleL SickDess became a big • • • problem tor our famlly for "CHAPTER 1 -An Accident sooo Papa wa.s sick along with ODe warm starry nigbt in Manuel. Neither of them were late November, I was ftx1Dc my able to wort. Motber andlwere WOYeD straw mat tbat was my Yery busy tati.Dg care of tbe bed. 1 beard a sbrW scream rest of the family. We did DOt wb.lch pierced the sUence. I han time to work for moaey. d:r'oiJped mJ mat and rao quietly • • • outdoors. Here I sawmyllttlest •cHAPTER 2 -Startllng News slster, Rosa, sprawlad. on the ~ knew the family could grOUDd. Rosa bad talleo from the oot Un on ooe sllee of bread ladder outside tbe stall. Motber a day. Motber and I were too came &Dd helped me carry her busy caring for the children lDto tbe bouse and Ueber oo her m:l Papa, to wort.. So Papa mat. bad a long talk with Motber Soon Papa arrtnd home about tbe problem. oo our old dookeJ, Amigo. This GARRETT'S 12th Semi-Annual FURNITURE NOW IN PROGRESS! SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS on Such Famous Brands as: • HEIIITAGE •-SVILLE • lOIILIHSOH • tolcGRUTIIER <XIIIRADI • fAIIOIER • STONE & PHILLIPS • HEOCMAII • <XIII AliT IIALL •111111 TI!N • CIMTURY eUIIGU. • JAII!Sro.l •SMIOMI • toiAIIIIIO • P-SYLVNIIA •STirPIL IIIIUSI Ull Hatd11~ a~ COSTA...,_ .•. ,. .• ..,. ... ; t ...... I ,, £I • per ecting • ve years o 0 Appreciation can cover the spectrum of man and nature- appreciation of life. appreciation of a friendly smile appreciation of a rainy day . the aroma ol steaming coffee. the vibrant color blending of flowers. the mischie\'ous giggle of a small child. the breath-taking tx.>aut,· of fluffy clouds, and even the mysterious sparkle of an e,·ening star. Here are simple. everyday si~hts that can make a d..1y rich and enjoyable. In the mixed pool of human natur<'. appreci- ation has become a way of life for us. and is something that we belie\'e in and practice. Appreciation can ma ke a day rich. pleasant. and cnto~·ab le. Why not use this every day? To us. appreciation is a very real force. strong and vital to our ever~-d~y lives. It ts governed by a law th at is almost as direct as the laws ol physics-'"We di-aw to ourselves the good of ever)·thing we appreciate. but the evil of everything we belittle .. We know that in banking. people represent the n·r~· core of success or failure. and there is always somethin g to ap- preciate in all people ... if we look for it ' "Appreciate. and you prosper. Belittle. and )'OU lose~. Because of this time· proven principle. each person's fate is in his own hands. We appreciate each employee in his own way, and the~·. in tum, appreciate each depositor tha t enters our bank. • • This month marks the culmmauon of five years of applymg this vital force. Five years ago this month . our doors opened for business. and it was a challenge for us. a very competitive challenge. at that. We had a roof. floor. 4 walls. and a small safe. But. we realized then that these material assets were not going to be enough . tf we were to be suc- cessful. We needed to have that somethmg extra ... the '"Art of Appreciation~. We started b,· hiring that certain kind of employee who had this baste quality inherent in his personality. The people of Orange County have responded to our kind of a ppreciation. In five short vears. our success is being real- ized because it is ba~ on. this strong and vital force. Our assets have grown from zero to over 55 million dollars in that time. Certainly we appreciate this growth . However . we appreciate even m ore the fact that our depositors appre- ciate our many services and how our people have worked with them. The ~Art of Appreciation~ really works. Let an~· man try it for one ordinan-day. and that day will be differ- ent and more rewarding than any he h as experienced before. If you are not appreciated where ~·ou now do your ban kin~. please pay us a visit and trv n11r brand of appreciation W e'd npprrciate it1 -------- . -· ~tWPO~r ...,.\ ' SATJOSAL · ' ~r._ BA!'OK ~~ -... ~ "· .. . . . In Triumph, Humilie, UW'OR'T HA_,R EJiliGII SEOOIIO SECT1011 --P ... 2 For 1\pollo 8, Only Book of Genesis • Gnat IY•ta il . le ON .T._t ''11aeCCIIIIM -M-t Cumel"-lltiap 11 ., ..... ,., Jfartla Encompassed Vastness of Space p,_ ''1M I IWORDO' THI LORD"'_ ........ ,.,., ... 0 •• T_. it1 •• • ll)r MEL VIH lt. 'lt'lllJ'IUA.THU ot••-~.., Tllio -·· coltbnllla ot tile ~ juot P'-wu a lint If ro. DO Oilier -tlwl that -Won 11811 my ot Ito -.. .... •• II:Dtatl.. ol ~ -.. deep In lbe ....... Butltwuallnt -------.. there--. IIJiirlhlal C h r Itt- mas, aDd thll ..... nit of tile Apollo ••• tranomialoll -ot lbe cmorrf Ilea awareoeu of the finite state of man. Borman, Lovell aDd Ancien could have reported that during their loll& journey they found abeolutely no evidence of God, as a Soviet cosmonaut scofrmgly did on a much shorter venture Into space, and their report would have been passed over in silence. The message that came from on high. however, was a qui te dif· ferent one; it lifted the spirit and lltirnd tile -........,. U DO _ _.., al 1M Aplllo'o- ---l•t -""""' ~~a .. -. lnhabllanto ., IIIIo ---..,.., ... ___ _,_ to lluo--to lbo TV tubo blorderDOtto-·-"' the TV opoctaculan from outar IP'""· but lloe1 --tot.ll)r - prepared to boar cm~lq '""" Apollo I tbo Blbllcal ......,, ot the creation ot lbo ....., .. aDd the earth, the tun. moo11 and atan u contained Ia the -ot Geoaio. TluA...:imtAcc"""' "Ia the he&lnela&. God created the heaven and tbe earth. "And tbe earth wu without form and void; ucl darkneu was upon the face ~ the deep. Alw:l the spirit of God moved upon the face of the "aten:. "And God said, Let the"' be light; and there wu light" As the one-after-another read- ing by the three men iD the light of the moon came through loud and clear, it dawned in bomes throughout tbe land tbat these St. Thomas Bible Lesson GOD ANSWERS HEZEKIAH'S PRAYER II Kings 19 lesson 20, Serieo II MEMORY VERSE: II Kings 10:10. SL Thoma,., Press ---.. f. 0. Box 35096 -HoU!fton. Taas 77035 Chapter 19 of Second~ Kings brings to a climax the long 1ucceuion of crHkaJ events that brought the invading Assyrian annie. to the very gates of Jerusalem. The three important eiementa ~f this chapter are the prayer of He:zekiah, the prophecy of Isaiah, 'lnd the miracle of God's redemption o f the city and the judgment that fell upon the Assyrian host verses hid never carried anater mea nina . Plainly evident it was that the three men were feeling deeply every word they read so movina:ly from their cramped quarten in the vulnerable capsule buffeted by the unknown. Their pbysieal equipment on the perilous voyage they knew to be a:reat. but they were also keenly aware that it was not THAT great. Science Has its Voids The association of the Biblical story with the Apollo's scientific discoveries and observations wa.s a particularly 11tr11Wt1 leuon that lcience, with all ot Ito wODdero that defy lmaaination, otlll ,does not Jaunr It all. The meuage ln>m the Apollo had to do with the aWHOmenns of the power bebind the universe. The people listened and ln.tead of being cowed by mystery, felt refreshed. with burdens lightened in spite ot a shadow of abame for past behavior. Time and again the astronautJ spoke affectionately and lottgingly o( the "good earth." Lovell called it a "grand oasis in the great vastne!'S of space." A LOOK AT THE BOOK By Dr. Bob Jones PREPARATION WITH PATIENCE .• ., .................. u......, .... (U-,.,_.PM ie. ....... ----nUy wW 0.. lona4. ia I aa..tl} lfOft: ..... ,...lllqalt~ ...... ~ .......... n.. ttr.. ..... wtU ... -... ...... iplddy. a.ua Ac:aota I • dtr .t , ....... ____ ..,_. (Je& 15111} ..... ._._, ___ ... dj .... ~ .. _ .. , .... ..... ot-... r(}MI!I) _.Mr ... <-.... "• s ..u. .. A.u ..,. .. __ ,. .,..., <a... •n) ~ .. ~ ~~LU.~-....... II lAIII cllil4 IMnw -~ l ,.. ._.,..... c-. n l ., ... -....,. tJt,q ... w.-(I ---'* ca-. 15:2} s-. u11u) •u. •u "----WI,._~-IT~ .t a. .. --4 -"" Jht ,r .. 14 "~ -----Wkd: .. 11--17~ m ......... tt..-,_... ... I. . ....,.. _.,,. .~ ____ ru..-. ...... . • ,.,. ----~ .... ia ....... (I a... 1 .... , (I s-., 1714) 21 , __ th tiM>-.. ~.u...JU1 '"IL ... -tl ....... a..r --------o1 ~-,_.1 ol ... ---tw. ... .,,... __ _, - It ......... ~·. ,... ........ 1 ..... (If-. ·~) -(G-. IIIII) 2:1 • -·-· ... .M I llll.U M .Wiw tt... _,.. .. (Pn. Sl:f) u C:! ~ ~-~ 15 -..-.. --· .... iU·'--" u _,. wtaidr. • .,. • ._ ldM dhl ectt np liMo lldt ... -. let -,.._ ... ~ ... w.. ill Cod. Ida. .. (G.-. 41 :21) ,1' ---(Pn. lrJ) 21 ~ call ---· ..... ·-••.. • ~ ... .__._ .-4 -.. n-w, (D .... Js14) II WMt Alr.alt nHh Ia ciOWIII 1M ...... •17 ~ ..... llalt .,_ INtw ... ----11 -wko W4 ltPI• i. JaridM \Vhen the taunting and threatening words of Sennacherib's officer, Rab- Shakeh, were brought back to Hezekiah, he rent his clothes and donned lack· cloth, a sign of penitence and helpleasnese before God. He ibm sent: bia servant Eliakim, Shebna the scribe, and the priests to the prophet Isaiah. cell r u-.LS.4) " ... God led them not through the way of process, spiritually-they want to_ deve~op : =~;! : .. ;.,. ., U.. llw. II -o._.... t.M:-~ .. cltM pn'*· the land of the Philis1ines . although that was their wings before they develop the•r landmg ...... wftll a,. -.u..., .1 oiL ... td4 U... · · · ia n ----.. God d I I I c ho~ \ •-•-X .. _. t.er ----•• to li9M • ••. near . . Lest peradventure the people repent gear. oes not wan you 0 a .. e any s ,. --u.. leN .,.._..., v.ato loa'" when they see war. and they return to Egypt" cut that woulJ short-circuit your usefulness to 3S nol:_...._ ., ,......,, J•. l;l (Ad 1;1) Hezekiah was no stranger to Isaiah, who was an old man now nearing the end of a ministry that spanned over half a century and four o f Judah'a kings. During the reign of Hezekiah's predecessor. Ainu., Isaiah had predicted the eventual invasion of Judah by Assyria even before Samaria had fa.Uen in 721 B.C. "Now therefore, behold, tl\7 L~;-JlilPifih UP. u.Ji(m them the waters of the river, strong and many, ev.en..::lbc;kinc ot All•yria. and all hJI glory: and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all hi!f banks. • Isaiah's work is noteworthy for th e character ofhis writing. in whK:h are found not only remarkable prophecies of temporal events, like the fall of Babylon to the Medes about a century and a half before it happened (Isaiah 13: 17ff), but also prophecies of the coming Messiah. The real mark of a prophet is not his godJiness simply. but his God-given capacity to interpret all events, present as ..-ell as some future, under the sovereign control of Almighty God. the Lord. of h istory. And most important is his capacity to be a spokesman for God's coming Messiah to Israel. Jesus Christ. who would fulftll (or end) all prophecy. Strictly speaking then. there are no more prophets. John Baptist was the last (E.,odus 13 :17). God's people were out of H1m . Mbd!MI. M '-~-lfn-.,J-.JIIIrylncMI'•...W ( if h " d de the m;•ta"e of ldiW lrr tM --(G-. 4:1) ..._(Goa. •:s. I) the st ubble fields and the clay pits o Egypt. you ave a ea Y rna ~ .. :17 ...-. ., • ,.......... acl • .... • '"da U. __ ~ GM M ...,... To h:::ve taken them through a land such as running ahead of the Lord, do oot worry u ..-c::·• t. (0... 1:•) .,_ _.. a:.n 11:14) that of the Philistines who were a strongly about it. Forget the things of the past. Ask • ---l ...., .,_. ._ •,• -" .. 1 9 'II CIMid. , __ _J armi,d and well-defended nation -would-N .... ~ the Lord to forgive you for rushin& ahead of ........ ...._ *r' -"-t ... ' (h. lld7) · .. .., .. r • .,._ -~ .-,. ..... ._ tent Israel flying back to Egypl in terror. 'CoH His lime and purpose. and pledge yow:setr _to ............... --...... ---H ua.. 1.1tl . . . • • . had to prepe,re His people to become a nation. do your best from now on to follow His wdl. fa _.. 41 ""•• • •• *aU -..-1 ~ and it took 40 years in the desert to do it. Someone asked Mr Edison "Are you oot 6t .,. .... ..,. • • cnMI • dM te .. • ---P witlk "-rw.:~a· · · . _.. ( ..... W. Ill) fNatt, St41) There ~ no shortcut to the place of God's d1~couraged by all the unsuccessful ex pen-•a. ..,.._. -.~.~t.,. ...._._ twe a:~..., tltM •I .u.t. ____ .... ,.- purpose for your life. God knows that. aod He ments \'OU have made?" Mr. Edison amwered. __ r .......... _ __.. ___ .. '--~· tD}ol (·-•J ) (J ... • . ld d d I h ·. · · · 47119~-•---•..., , .... ..t ~• • ta..es ••me to mo a man an eve op c ar· "I thmk th1s IS the forty thousandth hne of Cnln. (c.&. 4tl) fi :l) acter. In the military -.ervice ou r boys go experimentation thai has not worked . But 1 a '"n ___ -.t W.. 111r .... ...,. 41 ,.._. took twotn .._ ac· through a ,.,..riod of "hoot" training. I oheo d. d 1 ·d h 1· 11 -' ..... w.· C1 .... IS:U) car&~' .. til. · · · __ _.of~· .. .--am not tscourage . cOns/ er I e 1me we ~ --~• SO ·~-L o1 ... ~ -' think of paratroopers and the long grinds they t1 -• • m _._ · · · -....... .......,. spent. The ne)lt time perhaps it will work." Ill .......... __ .,.. "'-wWdt. ~c--. (C... have 10 endure to harden their hodies. They ._.. lit•) AND IT DID! May the Lord keep us from JUmp from a tower before allempting to jump II ...._ -.I .. ...,. it-tM.w ANSWEI TO LAST WHK'S from a plane. It is not a quick process. They the sin of impatience. from the desire to (~ U:ll) have to be taught to fall properl y befOre they achieve ahead of H i~ ume.-American Way 12 ~~·.;=t .. ~)U.. can JU mp. Some people want to reverse the Fea tures 53 w----It 6o .._,. tlnM'" o ne. C£111'1 DO.,.. Isaiah's reply to Hezek iah, found in v;rses six and seven, encourages him not to fear, for the event is in th e hands ~f bPd. that the blasphemies of Sennacherib will bring a ~blast upon him" (the pestilence), and that he wouJd die violently in his own land. Once again a message from the Assyrian was b rought to Hezekiah, ~Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shaJJ not be delivered into the hand of the King of Assyria." Enumerating the cities and nations he has conquered, he asks: "Have the gods of the nations delivered them?" The Dispensation of the Spirit I '"Eiijft eM -• . • -w ulo Alta .. (I m,.. l7:1) 2 .. ___ .. ~ tkya-lll.-.tlt. ••. - ' ...... ----... IIIIi' 4 iaUioll ., two ciiKI"• lfelta U11l1 llldL IO:J) By J, MacNell (ProphetiC' Witneu) S"'M .. it ........... wa..-.~an Hezekiah turns not to Egypt, as the northern sister kingdom disastrously ,...,,., JEWISH HOPE, Be11107, Le• Noe •l•• I .--;.._. J.u. ---• (D a-. lit') , ............ wt.o eMU•• ... had a decade earl ier, but to the Lord God of Is rael, "who dwellest between the Far away back in hi st"r) the "ords were cherubim." that is, the sacred presence above the ark of the covenant In the spoken, "Until Shiloh cuml"" 1 Gen. I1J : 10'. Temple. But God is no local deity, as Sennacherib fancied h im to be, but is Through long 1·enturies of weary waiting Rth e God. even thou alone. of aJI the kingdoms o f the earth; tho u hast made Shiloh w_as expected . At last He l·ame.-~nd h d rth ~ N · th G d ed f Hezeklah' ln the proml§e was fulfilled. After accompltshm~t eaven an ~a . 1 ohce e o -center ness o s prayer . Hi s work 00 earth. "H~ was taken up." but Verse 19. It IS not a craven prayer of one who seeks only the saving ofh1s before He went He said. "I will cume again." skin. It is a prayer that will s the glory of God, and that h is honor and ma-Through ninettt!n mntr ),n~ centuries of jesty be vindicated before all. It is the clear trachlng o f Scripture that God'a weary waiting. He has been a~ain "expected" sovereignty and glory is exaJted and triumphs in the events ofhiatory. Prayer on the ground of this 1-'tumi se. The cry fur is not to be thought of as a kind or human leverage upon God, but rather the thh< lohng-e~pected Jesus is_ still gboinkg • 1 P· whlh·l, , . t e c eermg response nngs ac rom 1 e expression of our souJ s des1re for God, and an ordering of our willa in ac-heavens that recei\·ed Him, ''Behold, 1 come oordance with hi.s ... Not my wUI, but thine. be done. • quickly." Just as surely as the promi.w-of His God bring11 words or strength and prophecy to Heukiah through laa.iah first cominf{ was fulfilled in an exact moment in Verses 20 through 34. God speaks (as to Sennacberib ). "Whom bast thou of time, so surely will the promi!!C' of His reproached and blasphemed? And against whom hast thou exalted thy voice, xcond coming be fulfilletl also. and lifted up thine eyes on high? Even against the Holy One o f Jarael. • Befc;;re the Lord Jesus ascended. He gave The pagan boa.stings or Sennacherib an dealt with in laaiah lO:l3ft. yet another promi!e, "If I depart, I will send Him unto you"-that other Com fort er. who Assyria is no more than a,. rod of anger· ln the banda orthe Lord. "Shall the waa to abide with them for ever J John 16:71. axe boast Itself against him that heweth therewith? AI. if the rod 1hould shake On the d•y of Pentecost thiJ promi!e also w•• itself against them that llft it up!" Isaiah declarea God't intention thai Judah fulfilled by the Holy Spirit's deM:ent. He Juu wW be spared; amidst an atmosphere of wupeakable horTOr and ten.e of come. While Christ is in heaven, the Holy impending doom, the prophet declares that the fruJtl of the earth would come Spirit repreaenll Him upon earth. The dis· pent.ation of the Holy Spirit began when the forth in due season, and the people would enjoy the plenty of the land. He then e:ulted Chrill ~~ent Him down to enth al Pen· comparee Judah, typically, to a plant, which ahall .take root downward, and tecost, and it will continue till His coming bear fruit upward." Not only is this suggestive o f the life of hollnesa of btdl-•«•in. The purpoae of the Holy Spirit ie "to vidual•. whose root. In God bear fruit in righleow:neaa, but mo~ importaDt. It take out of the Gentiles a people fur His name" pointl to Jmu1 Christ, the righteous branch out of the root of Jeue, who, Paul I Acb 15:14 t; it i• to form .. the Chu rch. which would write, was a "ftnl fru.ltl or them that alept." llalab'• uauranee that God i• Ria body" I Epb. 1 :22, 2.3 I : it is to prepare the Bride fOr lhe comins of the Bridegroom. would nol permit the AAyrian hosta to lnve.t the dty wu recanted by .ome,. The word ,.church" ia in Greek ~/r4/(!JitJ. which over • cenhu y later. as a kind of •upematural •Mactnotlme• durin& the literally .q~UM .. coUJ OUl." The Spirit's work Babylonian aa~uJt God would not be mocked, however, for when lbat time it to form'• church; nof to convert the world . came be•Hf bll face aaam.t the city fo r evU. • (J~rmUoh 21 : 10) hut to call out • peop~ from the world. Although Jaaiah proml.eed deliveraDO!, 1urely oo one could haw: bem The Holy Spirit bepn Hit work •t on« at prepaftd (or the dramatk: aewrtly with which God' a anpj of death, In one Pentecoe; He hQ been at work ever aince. AI the repture. the Bride, the myatienl Body, nlcht. emote oM hund~ etshty·Rve thoueand men of the At8yrlan army. ft " will be completed, for the latt aoul necetNr)' juet poqlble thai Auyrla never rally rtiiDOvered from thla cllluWr, for altho~ to make up the complement will hnve been Seonec:herlb escaped with ht. Ule. he wu murdered by hll two IOIU DOC aoo• called out. Ho-.oo,. tht. may be, we cennot afttnrard lo Ma pt.«an tlmple b1 Nlnewb:. 'l1te M\lcntb century B.C. ••• the poe.ibtJ tell. Sooner or leler lhet liour will pw!ual break-up of Aotyrlan dominance. Nl--~-.-by ... -. ud !hen "'he Lord H;-11 ol>all de- ..... 11J 812 8 C. acencf from ltaftl'l witlt a ,bout, with the Yoke • of the udlonaeJ. and .nth 1he tnomp of God" OUTLINE: S.U.-nuudt• on JUVMillm; Houlrido PfGYO; S.... II n-. 4 :16). The Lord ;n heawen knowo ,.-rlb'o army-., by God; Smnat:Mrlb munhrwd whol the Spirit ;, do;nc oa .. m, and .nn come down imo the: elr to meet Hlt Bride. .. -·oheheobMo -., ... 1/twHU.. The Brideg room l'lill nul dt-la y the hridal union nne instant lw~11ml llu· apfx ointt'd timt-. The Spirit and lht-Brid,• !'oa~ ··Come" to the Hride- p:room: and 8" In tho· «inner. "whu~ver will" IIlii) l'Onll'. Tht• "Bridt-'" "ill t.~ compnsed of tho~. an;! uf thou only. whu are "callt'11 out" ht·fore lhe t:uming uf thr Lurd into the air. or of thOM: "bej!ullt-n again" be/nrt-the Rapture. Blessed indeed is the condition of the post-rapture saints ; but still the\' attain not to the un- speakable bli!!o$ of the saints or the church veriud, for the latter onl y constitute the "Bride." AM!ttodM~ .. "ta. ddll ---........ (II a... Ill. I) D,.. Bill Says ,,._ .. nt! SWOIIDO' TH! LOIID"' _ ........... .._ • ....._,T_ Dear Dr. Blll: 'WOMW I'C* ,__ auweT tAia qlloal""' /or tM: Arr tUn! ctee•-· a. BeDr ww IO'M8 peopltt N ,.._.,. MOre tAG. oe.t.- era Mt Belir P.__ .. ppor1 ~r aliU'WI!tr tott-. tcript•ra.l ~-cllucl tMic4 ~ "' U; m.cJ Mot._ Alwwer: Yts. theft will be de-_, MD 4eliue?wcl t1p fk ._, Now, il must be t"xpressly noted thai this ~tee~ of punllhment ln Hell .... tom1 flit lMa: _. fa., coming o r the Lord for /liJ Jaini.J is a perJotUJl Hell .. not IOinl to be any Sun-...,.. ~ ..,.,. ..,. CIClCOf II I cominl!. "The Lord llinu~lf shall deacend.'' day School pic::nk for anyone wbo to IW-twrb . ..iM ...,. _. ... This is thf' Par01.uia, whi ch simpl y means ICieS the-ff!. But aomt' conckmned tom~ '*" "''o ,.. lrUit 0/ ,... Pr~Jent:e, as contrasted with "personal ab· :::-~ .utter II'IOft then oth-:::;:: !:, -:;" = ~~ sence." This is the word alwaya used of Christ's U a penon 10ft to HMvm it 1M aoo1r of:..,..,.. OMit '-lo,., coming for , nol of His coming with Hi• saints. wiD not bt> btcauae he dNerwd to .,. of,.,..,. Note further that He onl y deM:ends into tM 10 theft but beelu.e ot. the p-ace AI 8 mattft of faet., It • not only tJir-not to tM ~tJrtlt, but only into tit~ tJir. and rtWft)' ol God. MaJQr ver.s acriptunl but good common tenR If so, what for? Not to judge the world nt the make thAa dH.r. For ~. to beJWY-e the-re wm be &peta of general judgment, but to med Hi1 own, to Ephesianl2:8 anti t laYS. •rcw bW puoiahment in Hell. Otherwbe, "receive them unto Himaelf' (John 14:3). ~ crrw ~ •vM t.l,..,... toil•; -• ··-· , • -" .. how couJd ea~au..r. &:7, .... _,_ Not to "take'• them to Himself, but to "re-•--1110 01 JI01I' : ct:ive·· them. To interpret the plain atalement. to\e ,.,. of Oorl: 1101 of warb. ,_, _,.,.. •,... ~ t.lot *" ~ _.. _. • .._.. ...... .r.o ,......,, .. be trueT Alter aD, "I will come again, and receive you unto But e'Yt't)'GI• w111o .-to Hell theft are ~ drt:reet ot .- Myaelf," as having ill fu161lment in the com-wiD pt exacUt wt.t he dun,..._ Su.req JUdea 1eeulot, who Uvwd ing of the enemy denlh II Cor. 15:26J, is to & wiD 10 to Hell ...__, bt Ia wttlrl C1lrtat • 8 ~far tbrw twist Scripture to make it mean anythin!· At a ~ ...., Ia ....... to tum ,.an end heard Ri&n tftdt .... death saints go to Him ; lie does not come II'CIIIl bll .... to tM a.vlour. ..,. Jill ...u.det Uld 1m1w Jlk for them. 'l'llllnf4ft. IaBeii M .-t..,,.. Mart. wW IIUfr...-...,... thu ....,. I P H .. H 'dbeltlo-.-------~~~-~,_, n eraon e 11 commg, h e sat It ... to .,. ,. ' ' J ~ 2 1 __, _.. u. ._....... would; •nd for thia we are lookins. Whet to .... ......_ "'ltttll.....,. ~ -tiiM a.ut 61 DDt....,.._ Olltlt. could be r.lainer than the joint rnetM«e of the a •••tlla 2D:U.1S. Nodle .. We .....U, think of aoao.i·•_. two •nsea It the Aece.ntion ? "Thit NmeJau. ....... --. ·ua In ... G ........... Gil: two -.1. .hnll ao oome i.n like mtnner h ye have teen ~ _.._. · .... .,__ :e::a' ..:-..:. ~ *,_--: Him JO into heeven'' IAcb 1:11,. ..t::.'::::.,,._.,.. ... at__.." 111r-. !',.,. .. Cou.ld the object of Hit comins be mo~ ,_ ., ... _, a. ..._ .., 6t ,._, .. lw I I t • U... ••plicitly elated than it i• In lhe:J';el*! of .._ ..,.; ..r-.-,_. • ,.. ... .., tMt t E •• .,... ,_ ...... ~ .. , ...... the Ten Vilf·nt? .. Behold, the 8 ' ooml" ,.._ #fir ~ .... I .... p '.P 1 -•a~-·•· J·..l-1" ......__ ·•·• - - ---... ·-~. ~ -:-o· ,_,-wer::-~-.. --... ____ ... _ rndJ went tn wllh H1m to the m~rrla,e fNII, '• _, • C ._. - -It Wlllll lll -.... taiMIIII ond butanlly "the door ... ohut" IMott. 25 : ,: 11 • -It.,-11 11t1o: tw ,.... ---... 1·13. a.v.). h it thm for the comint of tile..;~..,..,.,...._. •., a • _. •-;=~='0~.~;::: Bridt.:poom lhet we ne bkJdra to ........ " -........... _. wnba • ~ fill ~ ._ 11 t 1 no< lor the jud«-l of 1he • .,... wlrile • • -If -Ito ., - - -_. -,.. Lhrone." __ .. __ ,. ........ • ,, Story winners announced • (Cclltlaaod-pasel) 1 .....,.. ., ., _.,..., Ill .. --roclt lolllo ...... flllllo, u :", .. 'lr7 _...,.. 'hll~t_. .. _...., ··~ .. ~ .. ____ ... ..,_. lol'eallbo"'-'4Dr--Ina• ....,, __ ,.,_II ........ udllla .. -104 looloop • ...._, r...., ~~rb' u.~~~t ..,.,.. Dt *" a -. br•tbl ud tac IIIII U.llbtd my Motber'• aid, "l'll>o ud I ~ -11ft ud ldd lt. I roclt '"' Atalp U w cu ban a Chrlltmu lMo lbe nuap, Tau:o. wb., -,....... pte -... Ws limo to""' ''MGtW, wby?'' c:r1ld u. DOt III'IL --1D loon. T1loy -· AI -boolb I plekod out 1ft ftr/ IPM bJ btr lad DIWI, kwel)' dretal llw Ill)' Joac- ''W't ban DO 1D0D1Y tor tood .a.tera. ID I.DOtW llocJGI ud ... to PIJ b' thla -~ Rndels sattu.d Wra ~~~~~~ podod 1<01deol IIIII llloMa. I leelber. I -tllree polr lor &ID YIO 1/DUJ.'' repUeclMo-m)' brotller& &Dd PIIJL -· I opotll r.lloftbe_,_. 8lle 10ft tbem 1o -•lor abo lliiJ -· Tboe lr_.._ -DOt calm lllem ud tt wu tbe Plaala ID wbleb I-- lliO"'IIl ,..., 1110. 1 bed 1o1. t1>e ""-· n wu ....,.s Woo towed lllotMr ud bid .... u.. a cb*ey. It bid aeblneter I1U _ _., IKM --AmlF, worm ud lrloodly. lold Diem U. 114 ..,,. 1 antredbomeatm14-daJud "I mat belp oar lamUy. I btd !be pillala ID lbolay. aullt ••• Cllrlltmul" • • • • • • ~llAP"''ER ' -Tbe Tnlftb *CHAPTER S -8at1Dc Christ-Day ol. O.Cember, Cbrutmu aau CtrUtmu cameuclhllaucl CORONA DEL MAR residents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burger, attended the 13th annual Mobil dealer convention in Las Vegas. Mr." Burger is owner of the Mobil atal:lon at Jasmine Ave. and Coast Hwy. Highlighting the program was a panel dlscussion by 3 of the Western dealers on sales promotion, ellpense control and the effect on service stations of compulsory car Inspection and state Ucenalng. Pluolor .., my mat tbaiii1CIJI. the chlldreo -• -wltb I tllooPifl -lblllp I coold p>od bMllb. Pill* wu amuod do. Wldlo -aJid l'ajll wore wbea I tJrvoc11i oat el&fll plraU uiMp I stolt cpdetlJ to my ltlekl, a mutcu c:aadJ. Tbe 'ftrJ on b1dlac plac:e Ia tbe eblldrea. INCted tbt e&DdJwbile Jtable. Here I la1d my aleeplnc Papa told tbem tbe Cbrlttmu mat. story of apnant boy wboaw Tbe Dl:d enDlDc wu an lm-tbe Vlrctn of G..del!C)e. p •. II H --.l•onstrawbals "Apeaaaolboy-UYid-0 ICe 0 er UCl mats from tbe bay. BY bUIId:red years aao did not moniDc' I bad ft't'tD leD mAts be.Utn tbat tbl CbrlsUao God •FRIDAY, DEC. zo ud 8tfiD ball:. I stored tbem beard b1s prayers. He tbou&bt llichael McClurg. 19, ol%959 careflally 10 I could sell tbem tbeiJ' God dSd DOt tab aDJ DOUce Bater St., Costa Mesa. wu lD U. 'flllart later. Sleep n.s of tba poor pea• at•. Hewuted picked ~ on Sack Bay Road·at DDt J.mportaDI to me IK)W'. someoae wbo coold !DderstaD! 10:55 p.m., and booked oo tbe Belore dan I loaded my bJ.m. cbure ot lntoxlcated ill pub.. COST.t.IIU.t. POLICE SE!K NEW ,.t.TIIOLMEN CGita 11.-.PoUetC!&WR. E. tioa ue aYailabJe at tbl _. ._ •-o-e• a colll)I(Wn PoLice FacUJtJ, tt Fair Drlfe, ••IMHoe tor pwJOU: IIMk-or by ealUDI PI .SUO. AI!PllCa· 11(-upolro'-11---mut be rttlll'llld ta llle -1o< g,oo a.m., Ju. 1&. -bJ Ju. 16. T'll ,., IUII.DIMG 1L0CD • AU • trW • AU TYPIIII ,,~, ... AI!PUcatiool tortbeeamt• .. KIM 11 ,-?ilperiiDQIIIb. _. ........... COMPLETE FUNERALS ..... 245 COMPLirl FUNDAL AND IUIIAL CINTil ~~ stmittsttr Jar Mer&a•ry-t::e Elletel y CIMETUY-MAUSOLIUM FUNEIAL HOMI CHAPELS-CIEMATOIY COLUMIAIIIUM YIIIIANS LAWN 213 GE'neva 1-6577 .. E~ in One B.aulifal Pia' Because the £uuml and burial Cfflter ~ elimin~tes the need for processioas thmugb heavy ~fie o~ ~etaowded highways, flmily and fnends alilce IMf now pay their full re- $p«ts by attending the burial service, as well as the chapel service, all at one heautiful place, at less cost and more comeni~. 14101 -1410liiACH ILYD., WESTMINS1D 714 ~ 3-2421 warts OD Amicos baell:aDdrode ODe day wben be wu drh·tnc Uc • • Jerry DeLucta.. 19, to tM YUI&p. Wbea I arrtYed tl1s doake1 oa a stcoey path, be of 219 34th St., West Newport. dan n.s 1.-eU:iDc IDd a goldeD passed betnea hro rocts oa was booted on a taJ.lure to AJ 1t1rrn lU: pory. bu'ea land: .ntbmanycactua. He appear warrant ••• Jobn De lilt my wares IDier &rose· beard a Yolce. It ,....calliJlcbis Motte 20 ot 312 Alnrado wood tree. lbD)' people bouCbt aame. "J-.a.. Ju&D Dt.e&ol" ~. ~ bel..nc cited tor ~ my · bats aDd mats t:Jr a &DOd Tbe sk:J ll.Ued with a won-riolatloo of the nhicle code, prlce for lbey aw I 'WU 10 dertu.l llgtlt wblcb frlctlteoed when It was discovered tbe.re J'OGIC. AU my mootJ. tlftJ blm. were outstaod1nc warrants ,._,., I put lJI a small goats "Do DOt tear me, Jaa.n. 1 apinst bJm, so De was booted bide bl.&. am tbe ODe JOU oeed for at the station ... Dooald Frank- Wben 1 urtYed oome Yother pldaDee. Go ud tell tbe BU!q) Un reported tllat someone Uted aDd Papa were jQSt wU1Dg •· u..t tbe Vlrgtn of Gtadel~C~e b1s liquor barrel ot oUed oat, Tbt lily went by ., quietly for bU eome to BI.Ye tbe IDdl&Bs. wltb bb.ck. rings and a brass I,..., happy. A.1t htm to balldlcbarcbwbere spigot so much tbat they stole That eYeBIDC J worked tuter J'OUI' temple ooee stood." it fro~ hls realty otnce, 350 for many W:exlCIDI 'ftJUd tbe Wben Joan Jooked ICI be sa.w E. Coast Hwy., CorooadelMar; ba.la or mats. AloDg Yitb tbe a bed of roses growiDc in the be can Jdentlt)' tbe bu'rel eas11y mall ud bats I won hro small path. He fllled b1s cloak wltb a.s Jt Is ba..od made, ooe ot a aenpes. Tbat cJ&y 1 had aheered roses &Dd took tbem to the k1Dd, wlth "Don Franklin's my &bNp. Bishop. Ukker" burned on t.be front of FREE ••• at Glenda 1: Tbe oezt monlDctapinrode 100oo:'t bother me boyl" be it •.• A $94.50wb1teboatCOYer 1J1to tbe rillqt oa Aml&O wttb yelled, UDbelleriDc in tbe boy. was stolen from ber 251oot boat 1Wen.l more wares tbaD be· As be prepared to lean be at the BabJ.a Coriath1an Yacht tore. This tlme J made more and tbe Bl.sbap sa• u.t OD b1s club, 1601 Bayside Dr., re- mooey, 1 blmdred pe.,s, My doak &lowed a picture ol. the ported Mrs. Wllllam Holstt!iu pta bJdet.cwumac:bhe&Tler Vll'cta of Guldehlpe Just as Sr ••• BasU Farrell, 1510 w. udJt .-.de.JDe Jll'oa:l. prettJ U .lau bad MeD btr • Balboa BIJd., Apt. C, Ceatn.l WbiD 1 arrlnd bome b'om tbe A ebereb wu ballt wbere Newport, dlslD't P&1 a,ttenttoo to Yll1ael tbelrdhpaay."Imat tbe rosu crni.DdJuanDteco's a '•clunk" be heard at 9:45 &0 &Dd work a,. tbe cblldrea cloU. wu laid ewer tbe altar." a.m.; aow be wisbes be bad. are so sad OYer tb1l JD1I.. Pap& elided tbe story Yitll a because It might have occurnd tortuae.'' wum smile. during ttle time hls $100 three "Papa. please, you muststa.J We au ft.lked to tbe Ytllare speed manual transmissioowa.s weU. We won't 10 buDgr'J,'' I wbere many people were roam. stolen from the Chevrolet 1.n Ills remarked ulldttecltberoom. inc tbrouefl. tbe Plaza. Along carport •.. Merrtlee MJ.Uer •-see it's au worklnc out. .. tbe sides of tbe street stood said that at 4:30a.m., she was 1 sa.td to myseU aU day long. booths of food. I bought some ankeoed when her ch.lld cried, tacos, eoeblladu &bd tamales a.od d.1.scovered the froM door of r---------, for my tlmUy, n4 Fernleaf Ave., Corona del We walked 1Dto the catbedraJ Mat, was open; tater oo sbe aDd we coald see the boly cloak. dlsconred that $Z4 ns mlsslog or Ulma OYer tbe altar. Here from Der purse a.ad bet bus- we were blessed by tbe Priest bud's wallet . . • Rlcbard tbrottgb tbt Vlrgln GuadellC)e. othmer, 311 Heliotrope Ave., Tben we ntcbed. a colorM Corooa. det Mar, said a $50 featber diDee. Tb1J was pre. tire and wbeel had been stoleu formed by coJorhllly dressed from h.l.s VW while It n.s lo peasants. his pra~ ... Robert Allen Tbell we nlUd OOme ud I 3801 Marcus An., West New. bad alreadf blmgtbtpaaataOY"er port, said for the secood Ume, 1. rafter ocUide. Tbe eblldren b1s Ford EcoooUDe was pried were YerJ netted. EYtr}'ODII open a.od his $50 stereo took ...,.era! swtDcs to try to was stolen ••• Daniel Hammack bl'-.k iL Rosa Pt'e 0111 m1JbtJ W, U, of 609 PlumerSL, Costa ,._ ... Y MIMI C.WIIIA niDc aDd • • • Mesa., was taken to Hoag Hos- NOW AT Crubl Itbroke.Eweryooeran p1ta.1 by Seal's ambu.laDce &fter l710 N!WPOlT a. VD. for a IIU'priae. be wu lavolved in a car ac- PH. 646-fliJ<.:o"a ••1-Wbea my family bad tbt gifts cldeot. 5:30 p.m. at tbe in-r=ji;;;ii~~~;;;il IIIey ftllled IIIey toot aottce at ter or s.a Jooqulo Hills me orr lD tbe coner ud asked Rd. and cArtbur Blwd. with J'ltr 11y ...,,., tt:11il me what I cot. car drl¥er Ea. a_ .,.._ "I ncelftd tbe ))y ol blip-HeUotrope AY • C del BEU. FIROADW A Y IDe roo loa YO a ......tem1 Christ-Mar .• WORTUARY mu, ".1 rtpUed. "SATURDAY DEC 21 110 Brocxlway r:.:" v:!""":..,. t': Robert Du;..way: 22, of 2658 tU~I~~~~-~~~~~~~~NXCoo'~·~N;(>-(X;c;hr;:lstmul;o~~":X><>O<X>~ Ora.o.re AYe., Costa Mes;L, was lloo L-ot lli~lo Oeealo tloe H~r -''" lrri ... ,.. ...... ~y ......... Tillis 1.-y S l•t .. ..a., -t.U 1o 14hllll PLACio PIIIST IAPnST CIIUIIOI OP CDST A IIISA A rARII fE(COIII! AWAITS YOU! BIUHG YOUR CHILDREN! picked 14) at 3 p.m. at Westclift Dr, ud lrflne An. a.od booted oa nrrants ••. Douglas Kircb- oer, 3607 Flnley An., West - Newport. drOYe tbrougb 1 stop sip. bit tbe center dh1.der, b1led tbe sotc'lety test &lid -'II Ill jail -011 tile cblrp of driYLDc UDder lbe ln~ tloiDce ot mtcmcuts • • • Roy lrlablck. 53, ot 2.414 Les;arre, eo.ta Mesa, was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital after 1 tnmc accident at Tust1D An. aDd lloate VIsta at 7 p.m.; fteD lle refUsed medical treatment, be wu placed UDder arrest 011 the eborl!'l of IDiosleatod ...... uc1 ,.. traasp>rted to Oraare C.-y HOSI>tlal for trao1meal aad oblerntlonol1 coaeussioD; COMPUJI INJUIANCI SIIVICI --I a73-88&0 I ' een 2,001 hOUSehOld hints d -stretcher ideas. Gat one! Ohhl>, no!!! I spmt $3.95for a book like that. What a nice free book to have. In it you 'll discover a new recipe lor pie crust, some marvelous decorating schemes. clever budgeting ideas. 2,001 handy and helpful hints In all. It's yours free at any of our 18 convenient offices between January 2 and January 10. And when you visit us, why not choose one or more of our Ump'-1 -ys to ssve. Accounts earn from the 1st if received by the 10th. alter the 10th from date of receipt I MYINQII; ..,., L.ONt M80CtAT10M /lk»> IEEN OFACE.I TO SAYE .. ,..,._. Of'lltCI: Cll..BDN.E ""11001'11 aoDND 1.-r m>IIW./ASIVS .._.,lt lMWON ft CUMINT AIOHt.IAI.IIAR /I.M CUIIIIENT AIO*W. YIEUI/111\ I YEA11 IOIIUI NXlOUII1a , 111111111AV, JNI. ' .. CIIIIMDB.IIM CAU,. ,._.,.--n • •.. A noo ..... ,._ ta. If 1J1 >'.-Pi., Jrri1o, -oll.lodl -qotalllllol01, -·* ....... ""'"'·~-mulelo!Molllcoo ill & ..... Wlnpa& baaftMclil at SN5 Newport Blfd., West ••• -d Wood, It, o1 1901 It-t. II wu lloloo • . • SM ... Dr., Wilt Ktwport. Bart Webster, U, ol 105?-C wu llooUd • tbt cblrp oC Wa&llce .&.Ye.,Co.U. Mea. ar--Ia u1o It lbo Boy-liD Hl!llwod blm .. u It lbo stauoo 1111:55 Lm ••• WO. ~ aaprdJ lbollwarraot ••• AD- MOl Vlolallopr, Eut-. _, Determan, II, of Ul -· BB caa __ ..,_ La Jolla Dr.,llewportllelllflla, oat bU Cbrlltmu UciU bit-_,.eadered blmself oo a war- twM 5 &Ddllp.m ••• LuiCU-rut for bustnes• and pro. Dlao, lU letb st., ColtalilM&. tNiknt1 Ylolatloo •.• A 3 wu rldlnc a bib at Palm St.. 1aot Christmas caDdie was BaDg-belool-11111 -from ber froot porch, toll all, lllrlklac tile -Gilds -ed Helea lllllelt, 1700 !au; be .... tr-11 11oq Dooor Dr.. Harber mp.. ~llal Jor laeentlooo otlbo -• • • Elalae Unbolf, 17W loll oy-IIIII -• • • E. Oeeao BIYd., Ba1lloo, re- SmaU pup wtrtac aa cut parted lbat some of ber Cbrlst- u.ra.bout a boUM -*' eoa-IIMI Uglts were missiog , •• at:nct:kla. at 108 SIN St., Well WtiUam MacFarlalld, 919 Bay- Newport. a.Dd it Y1ll cost blr .llde Dr., Apartment K3, New- $30, aid Sta&UDe RoNneoo, part Beach, stated tbat Z wire 100'7 Balboa AYe,. ~ 1a-wMel covers 1rOrtb $50, were laDd , • • •• from b1s car wbile It was • a prl1'1le parking lot • • • .,.UESDA Y, DEC. 24 'SUIIDAY, DEC. II Jerry C~ ZO, ol 306? Ricbard Gerard 31 of !32 K.t.llybrooke, Costa U:e~ was PolDsett1a Ave., 'Cor~oa del picked ~ at 7:45 p.m. at 11u was booked on tbe cba.rce Newport Blvd. and 15tb St., of cirt.ving under tbe lnflue<.Ce Newport Heights, oo an cd-of tat.oztcants after pollee standfne warrant ... Pollee a 1o00 crash at 2:40 a.m. ea.Ued to tbe sceoe of a Udo looted 141 to see a car lea••llu< lsle tramc accident at 11 '1 Vla tbe scene A.ot1bes at 2:30 a.m., arrested edce of tbe roadway at Ytcbael O'COilDOr, 22, of 2Z8 An a.Dd E Coast Hwy Via Koroa, Udo Isle, on tbe del· Mar 'and h.ittlng.,2 state Chargt! ot druat to. auto; OYer reflector~ and a SJ)eed llmlt _. .• $ZOO damage was dooe to tbe stgn. ••• A $75 cut glass bowl '!'~,.,... •.• lep.Uy parked car of Cbarles was stolen from tbe Mary Quinn ,._, 'i Hostler, 120 Via Udo Nord ••• AAt1que Shop at 2'721 E Coast · \ r rl~~..!\., Roy McCuUougb, 1229 Bayside 11wy ., corona del Mar. • . • 1" '} . Dr., Newport Beach. reported Twenty-four street llghts k>cat- tbat someone Wted a camera ed 1D tbe center portion of Udo :· .. ,• ~.· ,. . •.' ., '· j._-:: •. ,.; I •''> ~J -i'l''' f l ' .. J:, ' .. i,· . .. . . · ~ and tire gauge, wortb$110, from Isle were broken possibly by his Mustang parked In tbe cal'· DB guns and r~ts port ' ''William Sherer, 4110 •WEDNESDAY DEC 25 .•. Seashore Dr., West Newport, Rt .. ~-o Ha!... '37 f 414 sald someone stole his Cor-Cu.u uuen, • o vette ••• Leooard Vest. 817 E. Ocean Front, Balboa, was Darrell st., Costa Mesa. was booked on the c hargeofdrunkin treated at Hoag Hospital for a public after making a dishu-- sprain afterhesteppedonasand b&.oce at 6 p.m. on tbe side- bag on tbe dead end ol Sbort nlk at Palm and E. Bay and in a beer bar, by threatening St., at tbe Rlalto, Central New-to n...,, A 5 tootdtam t port, and turned his ankle • • • ,f>'"' • • • -e er Clint Hoose 1Z of 1 '730 MarUn ship s wheel was stolen from the • • eMrance way of the Dry Doell, Way, Ba.ycrest, was playing 1n 2601 W Coast Hwy Mariner's tbe front yard of 2000 Ancbor Mile · ·• Way, when a German shepherd • • • dog that tins at ttw.t bouse .-rHURSOAY, DEC. 26 bit him; Clint went to the An automatic dishwasher was ooctor and the dog weot into stolen from a residence under quarantine • . . Robert Nasbu. c»nstroction at Lot 62 in a 663 Vista Bonita, East Bluft, tract at Port Channel Place, said bis auto stereo and guitar HarOOr View Hills ••. A brand had been stolen •• , new $60 barbecue was stolen ew.ONDAY DEC 23 from b1s tack yard, said Melvin Royce Gruruh 47 of 258 Grabam, 714 Orchid Ave., Cor- Coltoo St., Newpoi.t ~res, ran ooa del Mar • • · a step slgu at 5 miles per hour LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CRE DITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE at 12:50 a.m. ooMariDersMJle, west of tbe Arcbes: he ns ar- rested for driving Wlder the in- nuence of intoxicants . . ,A BB gun possibly, was used to shOot a.nd break light bulbs on Udo Is le streets, a $50 budget E.-•A No. A0-161025 ,_ .....au: WILUAM wss . , , Tbomas Jeffries of STEPHEN SMITH a1 3429 Seabreeze Dr., Harbor • so lmOwn View Hills told pollee be had as WILLIAM S. SMITH, JR., drq,ped a 'white envelope wUh ALSO KNOWN AS W. S. SMITH $90 1n the enve}ope chute of the Jr., Deceased. night depository of the Bank ol NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N America at 3300 E. Coast ttwy., to the creditors of the above Coroaa. del Mar· tt wasn't named decedent tbatallpersoos credited to his ~ccount be-bavlag claims against the said cause bi.nk people stated tbey decedent are required to file did oot r eceive u • • • Her tbtm, with lbe necessary borne at 213 Via Cordova, Udo vouchers , in the office of the Isle was belllg remodelled and clerk oftbeaboveeotitledcourt, couicm•t be secured between 01" to present them, with the Dec. 19-21, and during this Deee~y vouchers, to the un- time, a $50 llatch cover ~le ders1gned at c/o Thomas E. was stolen, said Janice Bar-HefferDall, Attorney at Law, BA.LTZ MOR1VARIES 1741 SUP'ERIOR AVf . COSTA MESA Wldw•r b-2424 J51D l . COAST HfWAY CO-A DEL MAR ORlolt l-'14'10 J'i.c. 1942 A CONSERVATIVE .,.,,..ch to h•M,_U ED IIAIID off""" 6 R'"/ro """""' 673-9m 350 East Seventeenth Street, SuUe 210, Costa Mesa, CaU- I:JrDla 92627 Which is the place ol business of the Wlder signed ln all matters pertaining to the estate of said decedent, with.in s1X months alter the first pub- lication of this notice. A W, STEPHEN SMITH, lll w. Stephen Smith, lU dmlnistrator of the Estate o! tbe above named decedent. Dated December 16, 1968 T bomas E. Heffernan Attoney at Law . SO E. Seventeenth street oil< Z10 . :osta Mesa, Callfornia 92627 -C-3ZIO ' &*lrney for Admtn.Jstrator >utllish; Dec. 19, 26,1968,Jan. • 9, 1969, tn tbe Newport larbor Ensign. CUST. MADE FIREPLACE ICIEENS INSIOI AND COIMII WOUNfS Csu: phla..U.. el ... ;' 11 AI :ntrlaw ..... ~ ............ ·-DIImlf • c ..... ..... ...... I ' . . . ' .·. . .. ~·~ . ..\, .. J. '' • ;· ' • • • love us for their money I There is something about a ski trip you have · really earned, and deserve because you saved the money. (You might say we advocate saving.) We furnish free travelers checks for your convenience. And free safe deposit boxes, of course. There is one thing that makes us truly different -our environment for doing business. Come in and see for yourself. ' @ MARINERS SAVINGS and Loan Association Westcliff at Dover, Newport Beach NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION -1968 ANNUAL REPORT Supplement to Nlwport Harbor Enatgn, January 1969 TABLE OF CONTENTS Highlights of 1968 President's Annual Message 33 Years of Community Involvement The Newport Balboa Savings Story Customer Services Financial Statement Dividend Announcement \ 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 10 Page 12 Page 14 \ I __) II J I I HIGHLIGHTS OF 1968 The year 1968 was an e>tcellent one for Newport Balboa Savrngs and Loan Assocrat1on Buildrng actrvrty 1n the Newport Harbor area zoomed to a level sub- stantially above that 1n other sect1ons of the country As a result. our volume of home loans was most satiSfactory In growth of savrngs accounts we also expenenced an em1nently satiS- factory year We are grateful for the h1gh degree of confrdence wh1ch our account holders cont1nue to express rn Newport Balboa Sav1ngs We "explored'' dunng the year a form of budder loan wh1ch may have profound significance for the future Thrs IS a type of loan under wh1ch we part1c1pate wrth the budder 1n the successful development of his building proJeCt. It has many advantages for the butl der and for the lender It can prove to be an rmportant source of new 1ncome We also 1nnovated durrng the year a marked new customer conveni- ence. Th1s is the ''black light" passbook s1gnature In effect. tt makes the customers passbook s1gnature rnvrs1ble except under "black lrght" surveillance. Its advantage IS that an account holder can now make a withdrawal at e1ther office The end of 1968 wrll f1nd us close to one of our goals This 1S the offtcral opening in the Frnancial Plaza. Newport Center. of our Corona del Mar office The openrng of thts new off1ce wrll permrt us to serve greater numbers of persons tn the Orange County area w1th greater eff1c1ency than ever before The year 1968 was marked by the elect•on to the Board of Otrectors of Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Assocratron of one of the few persons not directly connected wrth Its 1936 foundrng Thrs was the electron of Berton B. Beek to succeed hts father. the late Joseph A Beek All other directors have been essoc1ated with us since our founding J PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE If you have l1ved 1n SouthPrn Cal1forn•a long enough you have l1ttle capac•ty for aston.shment left 1n your makeup Some 33 years ago we started a l1 ttle bus1ness tn Newport Beach w 1th one employee and $1 3 350 1n cash The area had some 4.000 people In the ensu1ng 33 years we have l1ved through some pretty remarkable changes Newpo rt Balboa Sav1ngs now has 70 employees and $110 mdl1on 1n assets and our bustl1ng l1 ttle commun1ty now expanded to the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area has a populat1on of 11 7 000 I call these startl1ng stat1st1cs Not onlv has the growth been 1mpress1ve but the qual•ty of that growth has been outstandmg Remembenng that 1n 1936 there was no 1ndustry. most of the res•dents were here only durmg the summer season and for culture the na t1ves sat around swapp•ng stones Now the are::l has a group of maJOr 1ndustr1es qualtty names 1n the world of bus1ness and •ndustry These bus•nesses are pnnctpally devoted to employ•ng h•ghly pa1d techn1cal and professtonal skdls The affluence and capabil1 t•es of these people have had a profound effect on our area In 1936 w1th a predommantly seasonal populat•on the bus•ness cycle was best descnbed as un1que In Newport Beach the populat•on was some 15 percent permanent res•dents and 85 percent summer rest - dents W1th the recogntt1on of the advantages of the area and the busmess opportuntt•es. that percentage ha s reversed 1tself Thts has brought many welcome changes to 1ndustry. to small busmesses. to merchants to real estate markets and values These changes have been extremely benef1c1al Newport Cer1ter Home of AIIOCIIIIOn'e New Corone del Mer Offtce r In 1936 our educational facll1t1es were f1rst class but l1m1ted The mtro- duct1on of the excellent and grow1ng Orange Coast College m Costa Mesa offered new opportun1t1es for our young people and adults Now the splendid Un1vers1ty of Callforn1a lrvtne has dramat1cally erolarged our educational factl1t1es The ult1mate effect on our young people and on our adults has not begun to be real1zed In 1936 our nat1ve ·w inter league conversat ons may have been most pleasant. but I am not sure that they had any last ng benef t W•th tbe ever-expandtng honzons of our populat1on and the ded•cated people we have as members of our commun1ty slow ly and surely we have expenenced the cultural awaken1ng that •s so mportant The cred1t belongs to the dozens and dozens of hard-work1ng men and women who have ennched our l1ves through exposure to the arts All these changes 1n our lives. II"' bus1ness and tndustry 1n employment opportun1t1es. tn our permanent res1dents. 1n our educgt1onal facd1t1es and tn our cultural actiVItieS have contnbuted m1ghtdy to the growth of our area The changes have come so pamlessly by small degrees that 1t IS worthwhile to stop and reflect and note how fortunate we are to l1ve 1n such an area We at Newport Balboa Savtngs have through the years supported acttvely and readily each opportun1ty to serve that 1-tas come our way In our busmess dealings we have been ded•cated to the soJrd eco- nomiC growth of the Harbor Area and to tile we'fare of ts peop1e We are not only proud of what has happened to our com"""'" ty bl, are deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of t May I w1sh you all a happy and fruttful 1969 6 PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE If you have ltved tn Southern Caltfornta long enough. you have ltttle capactty for astontshment left tn your makeup Some 33 years ago we started a ltttle bustness tn Newport Beach wtth one employee and $13 350 tn cash The area had some 4.000 people In the ensutng 33 years we have ltved through some pretty remarkable changes Newport Balboa Savtngs now has 70 employees and $11 0 mtllton tn assets and our bustling ltttle communtty now expanded to the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area. has a populatton of 117.000 I call these startltng stattsttcs Not only has the growth been tmpresstve but the quality of tha t growth has been outstandtng Remembertng that tn 1936 there was no tndustry most of the restdents were here only dunng the summer season and for culture the nattves sat around swapptng stortes Now the area has a group of maJor tndustnes. qualtty names tn the world of bustness and tndustry These bustnesses are pnnctpally devoted to employtng htghly pa td techntcal and professtonal sktlls The affluence and capabtltttes of these people have had a profound effect on our area In 1936 wtth a predomtnantly seasonal populatton, the bustness cycle was best descnbed as untque In Newport Beach the populatton was some 15 percent permanent restdents and 85 percent summer rest- dents Wtth the recognttton of th e advantages of the area and the bustness opportuntttes. that percentage has reversed ttself Thts has brought many welcome changes to tndustry. to small bustnesses to merchants. to real estate markets and values These changes have been extremely beneftctal Newpo<~ Cel\ler Home of Auoctellon 1 New C0t0t11 del Milt Off•c:• In 1936 our educational facllrtres were f1rst class but ltmrted The Intro- duction of the excellent and growtng Orange Coast College tn Costa Mesa offered new opportun1t1es for our young people and adults Now the splend1d Untvers1ty of Calrforn'a lrv1ne has dramat1cally enlarged our educat1onal factl1t1es The ult1mate effect on our young people and on our adults has not begun to be real,zed In 1936 our nat1ve "w1nter league conversat1ons may have been most pleasant. but I am not sure that they had any last ng benef1t W1th the ever-expandrng hoflzons of our populatton and the deo cated people we have as members of our commun1ty slowly and surely we have expenenced the cultural awaken•ng that 1s so tmportant The credtt belongs to the dozens and dozens of hard-worktng men and womer who have ennched our lives through exposure to the arts All these changes 1n our lrves '" =··"::-,ess and Industry tn employment opportunities, tn our permanE.:r•t res•dents 1n our educattonal facdtt1es and 1n our cultural acttv1t1es have •:ontnbuted m1ghtdy to the growth of our area The changes have con1e so parnle::sly by small degrees that 1t 1s worthwhile to stop and rdlect and note how fortt.nate we are to ltve 1n such an area We at Newport Balboa Savtngs have through the years supported act1vely and readtly each opportun•ty to serve that has come our way In our busrness deafmgs we have been ded1cated to the sound eco- nomiC growth of the Harbor Area and to t'1e welfare of ts peop e We are not only proud of what has happened to our com,.,._~n ty but are deeply grateful for the opportunrty to be a part of t May I wrsh you all a happy and fru1tful 1969 PRESt!JEI\i. 6 a 33 YEARS OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT There has always been ·a delightful rapport between Newport Balboa Savings and the Newport Harbor community. This stems in part from the fact that we have been growing together for the past 33 years ; and the growth of each has. in turn, contnbuted to the growth of the other It has always been a policy at Newport Balboa Savmgs to 1dentify closely w1th the community's needs and projects. The Assoc1at1on has taken a keen interest m furthering educat1onal opportun1t1es for the area's young people In 1953 1t began givmg scholarship awards to outstanding students, h1gh school and college, m the area In all a total of 398 awards with a value of $82,240.00 have been made to date. Newport Balboa Savings considers this investment in the future of tomorrow's leaders as one of the soundest we have ever made. To st1mulate interest m our commun1ty by newcomers and visitors, Newport Balboa Savings has prepared, printed and distributed street maps and gUJdes to the Newport Harbor area. These attractive pieces Popular Ar .. Golf Court• .. have been produced 1n full color They feature many handsome Illus- trations of our area's outstand1ng pomts of 1nterest. A sixth pnntmg of these gu1des has JUSt been completed A total of over 250.000 are 1n ctrculat1on Officers and members of the staff of Newport Balboa Sav1ngs have given generously of thetr t1me tn serving m the area's ph tfanthrop1c educational and serv1ce organ1zat1ons Not the least of the contnbut1ons Newport Balboa Sav1ngs has made to the community has been the number of fme homes it has helped ftnance Currently 67 percent of our loan portfolio IS 1n s1ngle-famlly homes 1n th1s area and 18'h percent m apartment house proJects It has also a1ded in the ftnanctng of many commerc1al and mdustnal installations now located here. contnbutmg to the local economy Of our total loan portfolio, 11 percent is tn th1s category. The remainder 1s 1n special categones such as vacant land and churches Yechl '" Dry Dock South co .. l Piau Populer ShOPPI"'I Center 7 THE NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS STORY Newport Balbort Sav nqs ar d Loan Assoc•atton w~s founded on one prem se-that t could cortrthute a m•ss1ng element to the growth of the Newport Harbor ar~.t Bc~ck tn 1936 the ye<H .n whtch Newport Balboa Savtngs opened for b1tS1ness there were no sav1ngs and loans tn the harbor area No f1nan- c al tnSt1llll1on extstf'cl chartered to promote thnft and home ownershtp 1r cJ to provtde <J source of funds commttted to the home buyer or budder No bilnks local or out of tow• t1ad fatth •n the areas future for they would make f'"IO loans here Or1gtnally n federc~lly-chartered savtngs and loan assoctatton m 1953 the d1rectors votPd to convert 11 mto a state chartered assoctatton Account holders were thPreby assured an even greater measure of securtty for their sav1ngs Reserves were tncreased by the new capttalt· zn tton In addttton to .lll of the federal safety reqLJtrements the Assocta· t•or1 also becamP subwct to the savmgs and loan law of the State of Ct~ltforn1a whtch 1s generally agreed to be the f1nest tn the natton Thts tn addtt on to ar annual audtt by a Cert1f1ed Public Accountant Tre Assoctatton began bus1ness wtth $13 350 tn assets Today those assets are rn excess of $110,000 000 00 The Assoctatron currently has reservPs m excess of $10 000 000 00 one of the htghest percentages of reserves to assets tn the natron Newport Balboa Savtngs has had constderable rmpact upon the growth of Orange County Stnce 1936. loans made to home buyers builders, and tract developers have totaled more than two hundred and e1qh ty million dollars At the end of 1968. thP Assoc1atton patd tts 92nd consecultve dtv•dend to savtngs account holders Th1s brought to more than th1rty-four mdlton dollars the amount patd 1n dtvtdends s1nce our foundtng One of the most stgntftcant contnbuttons Newport Balboa Savtngs made to the growth of Orange County was the ptonee~tng work we dtd 1n leasehold ftnanctng The leas,ng loan agreements orrgtnally concetved and drafted by us. have tmplemented f1nancmg the constructton of thousands of restdences. tndustrral and commerctal developments on the leased land available tn much of our local area The poltcy of sound conservattve lendtng has always been the keystone of Newport Balboa Savmgs· operattons As a result. delrnquent loans are substanttally below that of the statewtde average --practtcally nil At present the Assoctatton owns through foreclosure one piece of untmproved property We own no homes through foreclosure. This not only speaks well for our loan poltctes and the personneltn loan appraisal, loan processing and loan servtctng. but also gtves an insight into the e quality of the customer we serve l Cash and Government Bonds 1188 Newport Balboa Sav1ngs Ten Year Growth H1ghlights loans on Real Esrare 11181 1MI Sav1ngs Accounts 1MI Guara ntee Stocl< Reserves a"d Surp us 1MI 10 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS OFFERS THESE MANY SERVICES AND FACILITIES THROUGH THEIR TWO OFFICES SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS lnd1v1dual Spec1al Purpose Jo1nt Tenancy Club Corporate Church Trust Credit Un1on Surplus Jun1or Savers BONUS ACCOUNTS MONTHLY SECURITY ACCOUNTS (Monthly check plan) ASSIGNED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (Secunty 1n lieu of cash or bond) Contractors State L1cense Board State Board of Equallzat1on REVERSIONARY TRUSTS (Tax Sav1ngs Plan) TAX DEDUCTIBLE RETIREMENT PLAN (Keogh Act) SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNT LOANS Quarterly Extended Meon Offoce ol Newport Belboa Savonga from the Bay CONVENTIONAL LOANS Purchase Construction Improvement Modernization Res identiai-Commercial-lndustnal TRACT AND MAJOR DEVELOPMENT LOANS ESCROWS (Bonded in excess of One Million Dollars) Sales Loans Exchanges SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES AND VAULT Private Booths Conference Room AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES MONEY ORDERS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS Sale Redempt•on COLLECTION ACCOUNTS Complete Serv•ce INSURANCE AGENCY (Lido Insurance Agency, Inc.) Newport Balboa Sa..,.nge at F•nenc•al Plaza Newpo<t Ca,te< 11 ~-- STATEMENT OF CONDITION After Payment of 92nd consecuttve Dtvtdend December 31 1968 RESOURCES Cash and Government Bonds Federal Home Loan Bank Stock Loans on Real Estate Loans on Real Estate Owned for Development Loans to Factlttate Sale of Real Estate Loans on Savtngs Accounts Real Estate Purchased for Investment Real Estate AcqUtred by Foreclosure Offtce Build1ng and Equtpment Accrued Interest Rece1vable F S L I C Secondary Reserve Prepatd Expenses Unauthortzed Investment-Com Collectton at Cost· Other Resources • Appr., sed •r '"t ,.~s c.r CIM' na I rro oo~ dollars NOTES TO STATEMENT OF CONDITION RESOURCES CASH AND COVERNMENT BONDS $ 10 759 870 00 1 061 800 00 91 957 489 00 920 229 00 968 733 00 1.679 506 00 811 890 00 87 323 00 I 903 501 00 567,642 00 1 060.001 00 87 084 00 325.666 00 80 420 00 $1 1 1 • 771 . 1 54 00 Mostly government bonds payong us an average yte 'd of 5 oao Cash bPCi)U~P ,, •8 non· earntng os carefully adjusted to our day to day nPeds and l<ept c1t .~ ..,,.,,mo;m FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK STOCK Thf' amount of bank stock we own t!l est<lbl tshed bv taw as a f,.ed oerc er,tage of our home mortgage loa"s LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Thos IS the present total unoa•cl balance on appre~ttmatety 4500 loa,.s t>" -arf'f,JIIV ~" er.IAd proper!IPS pr.nctpally ow~Pr occuooPd homes LOANS TO FACILITATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE These •re loans on propertoes acQuored by the Assoc•at•or and resold LOANS ON SAVINCS ACCOUNTS Thts IS an e•CP ""' cuc::omer servoce plan used by us for mar>y years perml!tonq our ~BvPrc; to borrow uo to 9QC ~of the•r account balance wtthout ross of earnoi"QS REAL ESTATE PURCHASED FOR INVESTMENT Occas•onally we ltnd a good buy tn undeveloped la"d who('n we put tnto •nv~ntor-( for later re sate to some of our good buolder frrends REAL ESTATE ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE We have only one property on the transttlon between acauosotoon and resale wttn a ootenrtal proftt to us OffiCE BUILDINC AND EQUIPMENT The net Investment after deducting oeprecoat•on from cost nus tncfudes 340 feet of bay front land purchased for $JOO a water front loot. now valued from $2 000 10 S3 000 a water front foot plus a personnel parktng lot for 76 cars now valued at 50% above cost ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE Thta 111 the Interest due us calculated each month on outstandtng loans F.S.LI C. SECONDARY RESERVE This 111 prepaid Insurance of ar.counts premtum pard to the Federal Savon9s and loan Insurance Corporatoon on whrch we recetve en earning PREPAID EXPENSES There are some ellpenses advantageous to us to pay m advance UNAUTHORIZED INVESTMENT -COIN COUECTION Thts 111 our rare money collection et cost. which Is fully reserved Thot collection •a now 12 velued In excess of one-half mtllton dollars LIABILITIES Sav1ngs Accour ts Federal Home Loan Bank Advances Loans tn Process of CompletrOI" Other Lrabtlrtres-Escrows Deferred Federal Income T a.• DEFERRED INCOME Loan Fees and Prepa d lntere~t Prof1t on Sale of Real Estate C APITAl AND RESERVES Reserve for Unauthorrzed Investment- Corn Collect•on at Cost· Guarantee Stock Reserves and Surplus NOTES TO STATEMENT OF CONDITION LIABILITIES SAVINGS ACCOUNTS .. ~f"C\rt a"'e> tr-e 'I)CI.,.,'~Q~ tdu.\.,. :lilr""'f' " ~ t.S.S 1'-\tl ,,. So t-U' •p r~ "'r:t' v·s t , 'P'P-;' --+ • ';:a t,..,.,t nrn 'U' ..-~ '· u-,~ Bc.,. ... s ~f'C' Jt pern , .. pd ·oar t»P• FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK ADVANCES $ 87 049 726 00 11 547 10000 620 076 00 866 358 00 330 053 00 $10041331300 $ 315,014 00 395.500 00 $ 710 514 00 $ 325 666 00 10 321 66 00 s 10 647 327 00 $ 1 1 1 7 ~ 1 1 54 00 f"e ba 8'" @> r •h1t0t ;tcCOur' var•PC. h~f'T' "fT"A • • rl'o.f' rjPQP,.d•"'Q or*ty ,_..-;.••eo, t • i'tftt ",)r ma~P mo"t'Y woth borro,..Pd mof't'V 1 wp , • """ :10 .. 0"" f nP -J~ • .,PC LOANS IN PROCESS OF COMPLEliON -~ese ar<> fu,.,ds from toa"!; a,~va v r,. o•r11'd bu! •o• d·sbur-.;ed "il : --"·-... u'•" "' "O"S!•uC! 0" dosburseme••s or IO'II' >JI es r.;w OTHER LIABILITIES-ESCROWS Tnts s proncooa , !'Scrows Th 'l I 9ur1' , 1• ""hom ""0"'~ ·o ""0'1'' DEFERRED FEDERAL INCOME TAX Our accoul'lo"O rprords art' ma•"'" "I'd on ar-a~cruat blSoS and our •a• 't''u'ft c; I P:1 ~ ... il "lSI'I bii'IOS 1\pre'ore t~>•S iiCCOU"l 'I Sl'! '-'0 10 ''!I 1'0 ;h!' DO'l'"'•il •a• -on{C'n':F •p "O•dPO un rne Assocoatoof' boo~<s a~"d "0t on€: udt'd , ... '"e '"'~ 'l'lu'" DEFERRED INCOME LOAN FEES AND PREPAID INTEREST Th•s total reorese'1tS fees end InterE-st collected bt.t "OI recogrozed as "CO"'f> "' ""' books until earned per gent'rally accepted accoun11n9 Drt~"Ciples PROFIT ON SALE Of REAL EST ATE These dollars are also taken 1nto current ear.,onos over a oer od ol veers CAPITAl AND RESERVES ThiS 1'1Ciudes our Cuarantl>e Stocl\ whtch IS 11 l~ttod amount plus our Rese·,tos whoch Increase y ear by year Also tnctuded t! tl'le prec1se amount at cost that we have onvto~trc1 tn our co1n collection We as an Auocoa110n do what we preach namely put a!Pde '"mt' o! our eamtngs each month as sav1ngs They are 1ncludt'd under the general r.eadi"Q or Reserves and Surplus 'J 14 DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT We paid our 92nd consecutive dividend on December 31 , 1968 for the quarter ending December 31 . 1968. The next divi- dend will be paid at the base rate of 5.00% per annum March 31 , 1969. This is an annual yield of 5.13% when com- pounded daily and maintained for one year. Our V...% bonus certificates in multiples of $1000 currently earn 5.25% per annum. Newport Balboa Savmgs pays the highest rate in the nation on insured passbook savings. Newport Belboe Alee from the '"' 'Mini Replfce of the Queen Mry " Entry In ~~>• "Ch•recter Boat" Parade ()I the l1te lo•eph A Bleil. NewPOf'l Belboe Sevlnga Oorector DIRECTORS BARTON B. BEEK AGNES BLOMQUIST RALPH P MASKE'/ PAUL A PALMER WAL TEA S SPICER OFFICERS PAUL A PALMER. Cha1rman of the Board AGNES BLOMQUIST. Pres1dent SPALDING B EASTMAN. V1ce-Pres1dent ROBERT A HIELD. Vice-President-Treasurer ALAN A NICHOLSON. Secretary DORIS CROXON, Assistant Vice-Pres1dent CAROL FRENCH. Ass1stant V1ce-Pres1dent GORDON REDMON. Ass1stant Vice-Pres1dent MADELINE DAWSON. Ass1stant Secretary MARGARET GILBERT. Ass1stant Secretary FLOAIENE LAUNT. Asststant Secretary CA THEAINE KIESTER. Ass1stant Treasurer DOROTHY ORWIG, Ass1stant Treasurer AUDITORS Cnngle. Sw1ft, Grimley & Co. MEMBER Federal Home Loan Bank System Federal Savtngs and Loan Insurance Corporation Untted States Savings and Loan League Cal1fornta Sav1ngs and Loan League The Savings and Loan Foundat1on . Inc Amencan Savmgs and Loan lnst1tute Soc1ety of Sav1ngs and Loan Controllers •~ I . • !:"' NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO CI ATION Mam Office· 3366 VIa Lido, Newport Beech. Callfom1a 92663 • Phone (714) 673-3130/Corona del Mtr Office Financial Plal8. S50 Newport Center Ortve Corona del Mar Caltfomls 92625 • Phone (71.t) W.1461 A plus One Hundred Million dollar locally owned Aaaoclat•on dedicated to the sound development of Orange County and to the welfare of all Its cttlzens 15 Thts 1968 annual report •a publ1ahed in place of the December 1968 11sue of our quarterly publ1ca1to.1 "Dividend ·· The publication of "D1v1dend" w1ll be resumed In March 1969 Newport Balboa Sav1nga and Loan Asaoc1al10n. Newport Beach. Orange County. California CO"'VIt!OHT teee