HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignON HAND to welcome ?5 new teachers to the Newport Yea tmlfled scbool dlstrtct are,
left to right, Dr. Norman Loats, asslstallt superlnteodeot; Dee Dee Pennington, Miss
Newport Beach; Mar~ Shea, chairman of the Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce
Women's Dtvtstoo'.s teachers welcome committee; Jack B&rDett, executive manapr ot
the Newport Harbor Chamber; and Dr, Hilda McCartney of the sebool district stat!, woo
ls ctWrman of the teachers welcome committee of the Costa Mesa Chamber ot Com-
merce. The new teachers were treated to an orlenta.Uoo cruise on the bay--aD am!Al
pro )act ot the two Chambers ol Commer ce. {Cameo House photo.)
Revised plans for a higtl rise
apartment oo the historic Ren-
dezvous ballroom sHe to Bat-
bcQ are ~ted to be pre-
sented to the Planning Com-
mlsslon at Lis O<:t. 1 meeting.
An appUcaUoo tor an 11-
story high rise apartment on
the location wa.s removed fro m
the PlanrdDg Commlssloo cal-
eDdar lastThursday,after com-
mlasloners said they would oot
awrove the pla..ns because of the
bu1.1ding's ttelgtlt aDd dens:lty.
Architect Rolly Pulaski said
u a result of dtacuuions wltb
the cornmlssioo that he would
redeslp thebuUdingaJooglllles
that "would be moreacc~ble
to the commission."
He sald tbe buUdlog would
probably be redesigned to
.omewhere between 4 aoo 6
stores "maybe something a-
kmg the 11Des of the Carlbe,"
a slx-story apartment In the
"1 don't know ezactly what
the ultimate height wtU be uo-
UI we ngure out just hOw many
units we'll use," he sa.ld.
The plans rejected by tbe
Planning Commission called
for 56 units with two levels of
off-street parking which would
accommodate 68 cars, plus ZO
orr-street spaces outside.
floors 3 through 8 wollld
have had 8 ooe-bedroom apart~
ments. floors 9 and 10 would
na.ve b.a.d 4 three-bedroom a~
Comm1.ssion Cb&irliP&O John
Jakosky told Mr, Pututd·I!Jat
the eommlssloo would be Tf!U-
lng to coos1der a shorter build.
1ng wtth less densUy.
The commission l.ndlcated
tl'lat less ooe-bedroom apart-
ments aoo more 3-bedroom a~
pa.rtments would be better slnce
H would attract a more '•per.
manent type" of resident.
Officer Mike wins medals
siness license
fee hi e in .B.
The board of directors of
the Newport Harbor Costa Mesa
Board of Realtors voted Tues-
day to oppose any cha.np lD
the preseot busloess Ucense
tu structure.
The action came folloWing
the board's civic aft.urs com-
mittee recommeodatloo to ac .. floo.als a.ad services, nas been
cept a compromlsi on a com-mod1fled.
rntnee reeommeodation a.od a The ortp.nal proposal, whJch
::uy of Newport Beach proposal. was based oo a combined flat
FoLlowin( the meetings wltb. fee and employee tu, business
the ReaUors' committee, City tn this category would llave had
Manager Harvey Hurlburt sald to pay a $50 minimum to cover
the Class1ttcatioo ID, proles-ODe professional person :wei
one ooo-professtonal person,
such as a clerk. An additional
$25 would have been levied
for ea ch additional professional
and $5 for each addJUonal clerk.
The cha.o.ge provides that al-
FOR MASSAGE PARLORS tboup the n.rst $50 levy r e-
3 years previous be provided; ma.lns, there wou ld be on!~· $10
and a.ny lntormauoo relaUve to cba.rpd foreach addltlonalpro-
prevloll8 business l1ce0541 his~ tesstonal, or rea.! estate sales-
tory 111 any similar type bust-man, lnstead of $25.
The Newport Beach City
Counc il will coo.stder l.Dtro~
duct1on ot aD ordinance Mon-
day that would control the li-
censing ot massage parlors 1n
the ctty,
The proposed ordlnaoce
stems from several raids that
have been made on local mas-
sate parlors where employees
have been arrested on proSII-
tution charges.
The new ordina.oce, which is
designed to control massage
parlors aDd help to prevellt
situat1ons involving prostitu-
tion, would require a $100 po-
llee investigation fee.
It also would require the ap-
pU<:ant and employees to pro-
a written statement of at
least S bOlla fide residents of
c ity tl'lat the appllcant Is of
moral character; that the
1 busi>ess, occ~tlon, or em-
ployment of the applicant for
ness be supplied, U, however, there Is mor e
Probably the most rest:r!c-UWl one prloclpal or corporat~
Uvu part or the ord1oa.Dce ls ?ttlcer actually working for the
the paragraph which provides company, there would be a $50
th.at the awUcant and any ma.s-charge tor each of them.
sage technician must be a grad-Regular rea. I estate sales-
uate from a recognlted school men would h.ave to pay $1 0 a
"or other Institution of learn-year. ThlsschedulealsoappUes
log wherein the method,profes-to protesstons and services
sion and work ot massage tech-other than Realtors.
ntcl.ans Is taught " and that The Ctvlc Attairs Committee
"the schOOl requires a r est-t""d recommended that only $5
dent course of study oot less be charpd for each addiUOnal
th.an 200 hours to be given 111 professional, or real estate
oote less than 3 calendar salisma.n. The $10 figur e was
months." a compromlse.
The ordinance also provides A motloo to accept t_he com-
that any lUllawful activities mlttee recom mendatlOn had
partlcululy Involving acttvt~ been made at the board of di-
Ues for Immoral purposes rectors meeting, but It died tor
sh.all be g:rourx:l.s for the revo~ lack of a second. Tile motion
cation ot the permit. to oppose any change followed.
Glen Martin, the board of
Realtors execuUve ottlcer, said
the board "felt there W'i.S no
real rea.son to change the tu
strllcture. The. Ume to ha:re
talked about this would lla.Ye
been before the budge( was set,
oot after." He a !so said tile
board 'W'i.S f'PPOsed to any in-
crease in property tax to meet
city spending demaOOs.
A check Into the history of
licensing In Newport Beach has
shown that the or igina l Ucense
ordinance, adopted in Septem.
ber, 1906 , caUed for a gross
receipts tu for retail and
wholesale businesses. The 1906
or dinance also provide-d that
each real estate broker and
each agent wa s charged for a
""' -· LO(M.t,.Y-.... =-... -..... " ................
Ficker at helm
in America Cup
Bi ll Ficker of Balboa wtu
put the 12-meter intrepid on
the Une Tuesday, Sept. 15, to
defend the America's Cup, and 11
will be the first time In the
11 9.year hlstor y of tne compe-
titiOn that a westerDer has been
at the helm of the CupdeteOOer.
Mr. Ficker shared the helm
with Briggs Cunningham of
~ewpor t Beach, aboard Colum -
bia in the 1967 final trials a-
gainst the intrepid, doing all
the sa!Ung at the cr!Ucal starts
while Mr , Cunn.ingna.m sal led
the rest o! tne race.
This year Mr. Ficker 1\as
a crew cons1sting of George
Twist and Jim Titus of the
~ewport Harbor Yacht Club
and Joo Androo, Santa Barb-
ara YC.
Mr. rtcker, O)' profession an
architect, won the 1958 star
Class world championship, and
the 19M cha.mpLoasb.lp ol tbe
Fltth District, toogbest at rbem
a ll in the lnternationaJ star
Class Yacht Racing Aseocl.a-
tion's org;llliuttonal tn.me-
He was born In Pomona In
192i. J-Us father was a Huoa:-
arta.n Immigrant who became
a successful architect and u-
tremely respected for b.1.s rae•
committee ...-urk at Ba.lbo&
Yacht Club.
Thus it was oo accldeot tbat
he became interested in saill.nc
at a very early a~. He started
otf in an 8-loot Balboa dlnctJ.y,
a ¢·rigged versloo ot wblt
Is oow the Sabot. He later
crewed in Snipes and later-
natloaal 14's for oatt.oaa..l
c hampions such as Darby Met-
calf a.nd Peter Serreu.
He moved Into the Star clus
while be wa.s getting an engr'\
neerlng degree at UC Berkely,
where he graduated In 1950
along wlttt 3-tlme star cJ.a..n:
WOtkl tltllst and U61 OlytJ'C)lc
gold medaUst Lowell NCII"tii ct
San Dle&O.
Pollution report denied
Geor ge Dawes, ~ewport color w"s t1.rst s igtlted ln the
Beach harbor aM tidelands ad-bay over the Labor Day week-
mlntst.rator . sa.id yesterday lha.t end and is accompanied by what
the milky color ot the ~ter a-area residents call "a terrible
long the Rfline c naonelrn New. stench."
port Harbor IS oot cauSed b)' Mr. Dawes said yesterday,
sewage trom a br oken Une. that the mi lky . colored con-
Mr . Dawes sa1d an Orange dillon 1\ad cleared LJI some, Count~ Health Dept. inspector oowever ,
chec ke-d the water earller this
week and con!trmed that there JOHH w. TOWLE, SS,
was 00 se-...·a~ draUl.ing into OF COSTA MESA DIES
the ba:>.
p~ report of possible sew .
4t-'e prt.Ulems stemmed from
R~tne .Uft mer chants, who had
sa.~rl the~· thought the mllky-
coloreotl water wa s caused by
\1r . Dawes sa.id mor e com.
pret1ens1ve tests.u-e bemg made
b) triP Health dept. to deter mine
tl'lt> .1.use, but Ulat oo r esults
art )E'I available.
It" theorized that the mi lk)
·o\or mi ght have some re.
latlonst\lp with "-red tide that
·,1.·a_~ w the cha.nnel last week.
HP s.ud a red tide (which
oc IJ!S when there is a lol
of lead plankton) was seen off
the coast and ln the Rtlioe last
Cit) cr ews were out Mon-
C1.a y to check sewage lines but
fowld none broken or draining
tnto the channel. The milk}'
JofUI WHilam Towle, 55, of
1150 Pau\a.r loo, Costa Mesa.,
died Sept. 3 In Los Angeles.
He was bor n Sept. 15, 1914.,
in Oh10 and came to orange
Count~ 36 years ago. He tw.d
been emplo}e0 as a e&rpeoter
tor South Coast Construction
Co .
Surv1vor s wclude flls mother,
Mrs. c.eneneve Towle of J....ooe
Beacll, llis wlle, VLrginia; 2
d.aughters, Carol}'fle a.nd Barb-
ara, both of Costa Mesa; 2bro-
thers, Ted Towle of Huntitlgtoa
Beach and Etter ..on of Toledo,
OhiO, and a Sister, Mrs. Vlr.
g1ru.a IAntow of Long Beac h.
Funeral services were bekl
Sept, 8 41 tile Bell-BroadWay
Chapel with the :-lewport Har~
oor Elks so. 176~ ottl.ciatlJl&.
Interment was a Pactnc Vtn
Memorial Park..
sso,OOO gift for YMCA
The Orange Coa.st Family
YMCA hmd drln ha..5 received
a $50,000 boost from the James
lrvtoe F'oUDdation for a Multi-
Purpose Room.
Alan C. stooeman, co-ctalr-
m&n of tbe "Y" c.a.mpAign's
foundations dh1sioa, anoouoc.f!!d
the donation. tbt larpst sin.c'le
cUt thus fllr iD the $597,000
derl .. s
tts lDcomt
lareety tt-om Us 53. 'i'\ aba.rt
of stock 1n the trvtoe Co~.
pledged the capital \one aco.
to bt presented when tbe biJ.
IDee bad been raised thl'oq,tl
local cootrtbutlons," sa.ld Mr.
Stonel'niJl.. •
" Under the leader lhJp ol
John MacLeod, the iDdlfldal
gills commltteeba•euown1Md
mon Ulan enouib c..ptt:al--orv
$100,000-·to siCII)J,tm.at tbe
toll~KkUoo's •ery liptftcaat
o:omr lbutkML ••
Realtor AI Snyder dies
11iUIIIOAY1 SEPT. 10, 1970
n2t & toe• a..,.., eoro .. ct.l ..., c.w. -92~.
THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSJCN Ia t ... oaly ..... .,_ pthud
a.d pabllahe4 la ttMr Cky of Newpon &.cb, ud tM oaly loclally
ow.ed aM opatr•<M -~_,., I• tlte Newport H.._..Co..a lieN .v ... Publiahed W..kly, n Thur.day. S.Cood c:l ... po ... paid
at Coro•• dal Mw, Calif.
THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN Waa -.djltlfaed to be a ......
pepar of rner•l cifc ul.aion by court dec::tee No. A..2Dl78 Uud
Nay 14, li)St, In &aperior Court lor the CoaMy of Or•:r· Scata of
C.lllornla, and by ,..._,. thereof ia qualified to publl all pablic-
ltOtk n requirecl by t.w.
AR'VO E. HAAPA ·····-······· ...... ._ ........•. Owner ud Pu.bliabet
PEC HAAPA ............................................. .Auochate £.d:hor
In Harbor AA'ea: One ye•. 14.00; 2 re••• 17.00
Out of Harbof Area; One ye•, IS.()(}. 2 year .. ~.00
<fl. .etlf " .1/ep
AR\1'0 E. H AAPA, owner and publisher ot the Ensign
I! there still breathes a man who
looks upon President Richard Nixon as
a conservative, let him consider what
Nixon calls the most important piece of
domestic legislation in 35 years: his
guaranteed family income proposal. Here
Is the m ost dang erous breakthrough In
s ocialistic lawmaking in our nation's his-
tory. I! enacted Into law, it can be th e
de cisive step that pushes our nation over
the brink into full-blown s ocialism, and
ultima t ely into totalitarian dictatorship.
Und er President Nixon's plan, 24 mil-
lion people would receive welfare pay-
m ents in the first year, 12% of the popu-
lation , mor e than doubling the present
welfare r olls. The cost for the first year
is estimated at almost $11 BILLION,
m or e than doubling the present $4.5 bil-
lion in assistance costs. And that would
just be the beginning. Each election year
would s ee anoth er increase in benefits,
as is now happening with social s ecurity
paym ents.
Who is going to t end to the stor e lf all
are guaranteed a minimum income? Who
is going to do the work that is required
to keep our nation in food and clothing
and shelter ? The inevitable result would
be a wholesale shirking in productive
effor t, a neve r-ending increase in weliare
rolls and weUar e payments, le ading to
fiscal disaster, ration ing, e conomic con -
trols , and fi nally dictatorship.
• • •
T ht f'rcauknt"s Commission ()fl Pornoaraphy h.u concliKkd
th11t pornography Is all right. "There is no ~~ide nee to sussest
that expoture or youngsters to pornogro~phy has • detrimental
1rnpact 1.1p0n moral character, sexual orientation or aultudes
Research indicates that erolic materials do nol conlribute
10 the development of character d~fccts nor operate u 11
51gmtk•n1 fllclor in antil()(:ial behavior or in crime. In sum,
thcre is no ev1dence that exposur~ to pornography operate'
as a cause of misconduct 1n ~ithcr you th or adults," the
Commin 1on reports.
No. dear r~ad~r. the rnc n1ben of the Comm1ssion are ab·
so!ute:y no t d~a f , dumb and b md eunuchs. They ar~ po1 111c i~
ani. Po!iUcJan~ ;m.· thcm~elve~ so polluted lhal nothmg ~~
pur nogn .phiC to them
* * * ··Freedom of Spel'Ch"' and ""academiC frel'diJm·· now Incl ude
the nght of "'pe.rfonncrs'' m the mght cl ubs and har~ to
~1mulat e se~ acts. In Hollywood and San Fcrnani..lo Vallcv
n1ght spot~. ""performers" now ""commumcate·· acts of se~.
no~tural :..nd unnatural, With comp'ete ommunlty from arrest
Why'! The Supreme Court is gu1lty In th e "Barrows
DeCISIOn,"· lewd conduct can no longer be applied 10 a '"the-
atrical presentat iOn" bt:caus~ the: theater IS proteCtl'J ll y the
f 1tst Amendment. guilra nteci ng free spe «:h and the ··n ght
to communicate."" The: same Obscene Court decrs1on also
made !I legal 10 say the most vile words-anythmg
One of the most vile phr ases 1n American usage today I'>
··supreme Court.""
* * * A g;r l\up po!l reports 1h"t _\ <JUt uf 4 people lhlllk 1 e\1~11.m
111 the Unued States 1~ lo~mg gwunJ. (,oot.l What w~· nc~·d ~~
il"\S ··rr:l 1g1o n"" :o nd more ( hmt1anJty. The pol! say' th at lht:
t hluch 1~ !osmg 1n tluence too Na tu ral]~ l<"'<' many ch11 rch·
e' h:1~c been preachmg socta.\ go,pcl mstcad or Chmt
* * * 'St1'p the war 1n A5111 111 o rJ.:r I•J )av.: A1nc nca1"" lhc
'hhc ral'· c:nlummst.'l cry. ""Puttmg. il!>ol.le the mcnh or demerit\
u ( th e V1etn am mtcrvt!niJOn. ill! ~an agr~e that 11 h""'' provokcJ
,, crut•l ...... r 111 the U S thdt Cdnnot h..< 'toprx-d unti l the ..... 1r
111 A"·'" 'tnppt:J.'' Jl<llll!fit:.t tl'' lcft1't v.nta ( 1.1)'ll"~n Fntd"le\
I r1 teh..:} " c1the r ''11r1d , l'Oillp kr~·h 1111\lllll"lllll.:•l ''" th~
~tmlmur,l\t cunsp~raq. IJf l)1ng M a}'ht' lltl th ree .
I ht' u n~wl•rv mg 5.0-y~a r goal uf .tTl ComnHJOJ<;t~ every·
"'here ha~ been and 1\ to d~stroy cap1t""'h'm and the Unllei..l
Sto~t('' If thc~L· were no ~uch .hmg ;a , ""' NegrO, or Vte tn.lm.
or a c;unpu,, f>r a m1~8U1di.'J nllnl\tcr. or N H( or CBS.
l'•'llH<~h .,..ouiJ ht' u'mg thr nc"'t ava1lahk 11Ch1de' t1J htm}::
Jo"'n 1he ··f,tllhli~hm~nt"" ;md 1-mng ;ahr •ut C1 vd WM II
Kccfl ~our powJ er dry-und your eye ltn th e '"l.lill.'r<ll,.""
* * * A' Hlll proha bly !..no.,.., ( ongrcss recenl l} vvtci..l lu nu ~e
thc1t u.,..n '"la nes from SJO,()OO a Yl'ilt 10 $4 -!.~l "i o1 yc;ar. A~
ynu mol\" not know. o1 Congri!S~ma n can now rcttrc ( a1ter '!
ye.1r' I ,1t SJ4,0HO a year fo r hfl'. Or. at age 50 :.nJ alt er 20
\Colt\ OJ( '"Sl'rvlt:t'."" the y can rclrre w>th half pa) They voteJ
th.tt stc.1l for lhemsc!.,.es and tile bc'l recourse ~to e h ;~vc 1i tn
vu te them who vot~d 11 oul
In Cbe 01 man 11 not a good enough har and TV performer
hJ get ~le<:ted, he can work for a Scnatw ll\ h" N1.1mbr.:r <Jne
itlde al SJ I ,3 17 .a ye:u . Scn:~~ors can pay two other aS\IStanb
""'' much as SJU.CXXI each A. Rt·prescntol!IVC''~ ch1cf a1Jc
l m)(!k\ i..l1'"'n. !cgall}. ~2'i.795 <~nnuaHy And 'ecret ;ane' get
trom Sf,tlh l) to SI 2,U410.
'II"' 1lu H>U uni..ll"t~tand 1nn at•un •• l1 tt lr.: hr:lter"
So!>l•-!lrot, t1>o t1aJ o1 lddlUoo ,. --wllldl b&o -~aLomy,eamo Ud wenll •bleb lhoy-mally ... ld...U bt101 -U b)' the f'CC, uti
wu tbl day wbeo lbe Fed-to mttt tbe IJPIDMe of b1l wttb dll.tJa tbreata beJJ1.C maiM
CommUDlcaUou Commta-radio lti.Uoa.a. U lJ: a erbll a.u-t Dr. UclDtlre. f\ola-
had tltcroed that radio ota-wblcb -.no alai Cbr._lau moalal Cbr-art 10<111(
WIUR was to ao otf tbeair will faet &.Dd are faclDC. IIW ctlHI, UX1 lltt CbrlJtlan
tllepd violations of "Tbe Dr. MtlDUrt 1A004iDetd Moo-wut1or1 they ue meetlDc tht
Fatrotas Doctrloe," tU lD tbf day mora1D1 that radio ttatSoll thrl&tl with renewed determt-
dteliiOD wttleh wu reodered K.A YE, ln tbe TlelDlty of Seat-aatloll..
IIYtral molllhl ago, the ltation tle, WUb., DOW ta flelllc the · Dr. UelDUrt fouDd Ume oo
wu to be permUted to coo-same attack u tblt wtlJ.cb wu KoockJ moroinc to awe&l for
tlnue to broadcast until the made ap.tnat ataUoD WXUR. mort t.ho11and1 to take p&rt
courts bad decided to sustain or Bravely lle stated thl.t bt, ttP-In the victory march to be held
overrule the FCC verdict. resenUnc the 2oth Century Ref-tr:r. WalbtnctoD, D.C., oo Oel.
Thus, tbezoth CeoturyRefor-ormation Hour, not oo1y would 3. He aonouoeed tbal deleP,·
matton Hour, represeoted by go to tr1e rescue or KAYE, but. Uona are eomtna trom all
Or. Ctrl Melntlre, wtu have would defend every staUoaover parta ot the United states, am AIRMAN ThOma. W. Harris.,
to meet the e:.penses of the which hmda.mental mlntsters that a lfOI.W) of Free Chinese 800 ot W.r • aDd Mn. Ja.m01 A.
trial, aDd if necessary, the broadcast their messaps to from Tapet hope to be present Harris ot &8 Bilbo& Cofta,
expenses of successive appeals, the Amerlca.o people. with their Bibles am banners. Bas completed bUic tra1Dlnc
until the tlnal decision Is made At tile same Ume, the p>d He urpd that as many u 500,. at Lackland AFB, Tuu. He
by the S~reme Court. Conse-Doctor related that durlng a 000 or enn a milUon people has been assJped to l...oWr)'
quently t he friends wOO have so-called "open mike" radio go to Washington to take part AFB, Colo., for tn1nlnr u u
stood by Dr. MclnUre, trom broadcast over WXUR, he had ln the Ylctory parade, to prove Intelligence ~P&ClaUst. He ls
all over the country ard trom r eceived telephone calls d\D'· to PresldentNUon,wboseWhlte a 1966 cra.duate o! Newport
all o~er the world, will bave to lng which !'lis We was threat-House omce 00 4 asserted oc.~ Harbor tdgtl schOol aM atten-
raUy to his suwort andprovtde ened. Thus, wtlh stalloo WXUR c.uloos bad refUsed to meet !Sed San Diego state Collep.
me2.sure or the past lack ot !)orlty of AmerleatlS are no Mrs. Donald V. Franklin. 'lftfe
competence in the CouncU looger silent, and that they de. of the commodore, wUl creet
thinking I ma.od victory Ln Vietnam betorf Balboa. Yacht Club's Flrst
Edltor of the Ensign,
It was wtth dismay that 1
lear ned that the ban. on the
setung ol UNICEF cards ln
United States post ottl.ces has
been lilted, The colldJUon that
existed when this ban was lm~
posed still exists. That con.
dltioD Is that UNICEF does NOT
help children anywhere tn the
world. Thelr funds are used
to help communist governments
all over the world.
If this s ubversive or gani-
tallon Is to be allowed to sell
tlleir greeUng cards ln our
tax-supported post offices, then
we taxpayers dernaod an equal
time and space to se U greeting
cards for our various chari-
table and patriotic organiza-
lt wou ld be worth a great deal
to the Cardinal Mindzenty Foun-
dation, or to Dr. Mcintire's
Twentieth Cent ury Reformation
Hour, or to th.e J nh n Birch
Society lo use the post oftlce
lobbies to sell their brand ot
Christ mas cards. Th.l s Is U'!e
season we are celebrating the
birth of Jesus Christ, not pro-
mot ing God-less atheism.
Laura McC lellan
527 Westminster Ave.,
Ne~rt Beach, c aw.
Let the City use the ps-tu we withdraw our for ces from -~ates and their guests tor
tunds for something cooerete the war r.one. luncl'leon today, Sept. 10, at
(like a brldit!?). Why wait tor Dr • Mcintire pointed out lha.t the Bayside Orin clubhoUM.
a rerereDdum? How ma.nyUmes victory 1s easy to obtain U we Mrs, Leonard J. South, pro-
must the people speak? Actton close the port of Ha.lphong. gram chairman, has arranpda.
Is r elatively simple, and Mayor through which the Reds getthelr fa..s!Uon show tor the afternooo.
Htrth--and really Ed being war Sl41Plles, and stop the ene~ The social hour will beglP at
Mayor Is not Just' pre~--my trom gettingthelr munitions 11 :30, and Chef Tom Pay118•s
can just call tor direct action el~where. luncheon wm be ser~edat l!:SO.
by caiUng Pollee Chief Glans •u the North Vietnamese are Bridge tables wtll be set 141 tor
befor e the Council and staUng stOIJP9(l:, It will strengthen our the allernoon by the bridge
that the city wants the tratftc hand. However , If they are DOt chairman, Mrs. s. Ertwud
problem r esolved at ooce am stopped we wiU be humtll.ated 1 Llnklater.
his recommendaUons for lm-all over the world," he pre-
mediate acUon Locluding the ,dJcted. 1 MOVE FROM MESA
construction oi an add:tUonal Tbe Conservative CorDer Mrs. Beverly Rush aDd her
br (dge, are aeeded. hopes to be represented, not children, Denise and Laura.
Tile esteemed Dal.Jy PUot only Ln the parade but In the nave moved from U'leir Costa
mentions 5,000 signatures. we seminar which Is to be held the Mesa. borne to Saota. Ana. The
would suggest tha.t 15 000 to previous evening under theaus -Rus hes were formerly rest-
50,000 m.lgtlt well be ~ured. jplces of the Liberty Lobby. dents of Corona del Mar.
Education for the future Maybe we are too old tash-
ioned but we thlnk the people
should speak and when they
speak, we think newspaper edi-
tors and publishers should lis-By Special Correspondent doing so, tne word "God" was
ten. Isn't that what the First To continue Last week's col-mentioned ln a ntce way a}Ong
Amendment Is all about? umn on PLANNING, PRO-with their pleas. The loudsnlc-
We don't think "oegotia.t-GnAMMINC, BUOGETINGSYS -kers In the room every time
log'' ls called for. Let the TEM, we would like to remind the wor d "God" was meot1ooed
Hlgttway Department buUd the you that lt ls the overall pLan mad e you reallze hOW far we
freeway where It should be in educa.tion that locks In all nave come Ln th.i s "clv111J.ed"
built, around our city, anc1 u the thlngs parents are trying to world. Th-., "social sctent.lst.s"
we seem a bit Impatient, build remove trom education today. whO have Uken over edtacaUon
It oow, Quick.ly , before the CUy EducaUon for the future will cram the "humanist reUgion"
Council, the county supervisors have our chlldren ln a round-down our children's throa.l.s, but
• LET PEOPLE DECIDE and, yes, even the goveroor, shaped room, wlth strobe Ught s we are not allowed to meotion
Editor of the Ensign, face a r ecall. The people, slr, tlashlnrwti<Uy across the cetl-the Crea.tor of this world with-
Our esteemed and illustrious u e aroused. U we may be ing aDd walls. These are called out being snickered at.
eroS5-to'n Dally Pilot's ed.l-prophetic--''Sic semper tyran-"mood elerttors." Utbecbuge For lntormatloD OG PPBS
torlal page calls for "Facl.ng ots ." We happen to feel that 1n atmospheric eoodlUODs seod 50 eeats to CTA, 1?0'S
the Hard Facts .. and before tne ~le should rally to the doesn't work, they will )\ave Wurchlsoa Drl•e, BarUnpme
we could get ~round seeing votlng booth aDd the petttioo, piUs that work on the b;'Wl. CaUl. 94010, and ask for "Re:
just how hard the tacts were rather than the bll.rrtcades. Let to change a siow learne( into port No. 104." For "mood ele-
we noted the "Equal Rlgtlts' us see who is right a.m:1 U •e a more "pepped up" version, vators" or pulsatlng Ugflts,
LIIJerty under the Law'' Lo~ may risk being redundant, let or ----It Is just as possible contact the lOcal 3M Company
Angeles Tjmes editortallt.ed the people decide. to "calm" OOwn an i"llli.sitive, (Minnesota, M!Difli & Mfg.) and
11 • • that "Planning Could Get Us Robert Stockton active youngster. These are the ask for thelr 1969 catalog on
Places , and we nuote "The Corona del Mar students the teacher used to educational materials· l:lr
h1•ul i..l v.e to1Ap<~}'l.'t~ ,;a~c the Penn (cntr.a! ro11lr(Jad"' • "' • control bymak!nghlmstayaller memory pllls,contactN~wnnrt •
I II " "I k 1' 11 If Times beUeves the desires of '" INFLATION CAUSE ~-1 "'I pmn;~n y 1.1 c _01) m1 tOn the r;a1lroaJ goc~ uni..ler, Edt school, or slt ln the corDer or Mesa guida.nce department.
11 " p~~.~Jic tt.',! that humlr ei..ls of bu.su\C~c..' the Penn ( cntr,.! tile pubUc--not the Interests of tor or the Ensign, something equally as bad~·.:"~;u~~trf,;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;,;,;;;;;;;,;;;;:;;;;;,=j) <liH'~ muncy to ~to l l/ alsu go under tile high way lobby--must be Don't ~ suckered into be· now that teachers have~
Th e vuvernncnt !lll\pa~L'r,\) ~houl'' 1101 ,.,,, .. I"" ,,,.,, ... paramount ." The Daily Pilot lJevLng high taxes a.nd infla-lui W\1 behind th =-J v ~ n~ ~ " feels tha t taking the treeway lion are the result of the VIet-ons em;
( cnlroll--"llr <~lho:r roulroads, a1rhncJo. :mpl:me manufacturer~. question to the voting public nam war. The real culprit ts don't have to put up with
•If <~I I\ tither hu~mcs~. T hat· 4 re Mime th1n gs v.·orsc than would hinder , and we quote "Health, Education and Wei-overactive TUEY CAN
ll.rnkn.1prcv One o/ them ~~ ~uh~1J)' Suh'ldy llreci..ls and "·--r ender the c(ty government far e," for whi ch the spending JUST CALL THE
rwrpctu.1tcs ml't1 JtJerh.:y, fosto:r~ mflauon, mv1tes cont rols. nnJ impotent and without creden-between 1953 and Qsca.J year GIST!\
t1nJl'rm1 ne\ capitalism. rhl! g~wernment has no conslltlltlt1 n:t\ ti2ls in any eUort to deal w1th 1971 jumped 94-f%, •hlle de-Many parents appear to
lh I 10 0 b I b
. afraid to learn about what
,,11 011) us~: Y ur money 10 a1 out any usmcs' the state, county, or neighboring tense spending only Increased T••~ll
l'rl'J IC tH.ln !'-ti? I w1H bring h1gher ta.~es. mo re mn auon, cities on matter s Invo lv.lng the 49%1 happening In our schools.
!..:" prohl,. more "rcces.\10n." incrr~d ca mpu' rev,)IUIIOn Coast, Newport or Cor ona de l SpeDiillng for social purposes ~~~:a.~:.~~: ~~ider
KNXT EDITOR IA L: "Neutnnrt Beach re,1·donl" lla"e be •n .ani..! more prnmi\CS hy !he N1xon Admin1~tratron about hm• Mar freeway s." must ill: conta.Jned before It -,...... ~ • " lite. Tile alternative Is
fi ghting plans for a freeW'iy through their city for lO y.ea.r s v.dl ~~~ econom1c po!ICI~ ul! v.orkmg JI;J71 could hnng Well, th.is Freeway Fighter bank:r\C)CS the country, "Spen-
rhey've gooe to the state legislature twi ce to bloc k the .!"! ,,n ·•H-ow i..ll.'p-e.'I\IOn Wall-to-.,..all h;.n kru ptcoe' Moncr.1ry regards the petition and refer-ders" In Congress must &QI ~~~~ Y~ ru:ar.::r 1~;!;
Her e are s ome more arguments back-
ing the Freeway Fighers' campaign to
keep the freeway out of our town. Station
KNXT br oadcast an editorial Aug. 25 op -
posing the coastal r oute, and W. E. (Bill)
F1 ood of Bayside Village s et forth his
opinions in a letter to our state s enators.
wa y, the first Ume In 1965 and the second this year. They 1 lnll.or'e Whole'·''~ unemploymen! Kcvnluuon Amt"nc.,n endut'l proposal as a near last C.C. Moseley, to belp your chtktren.
IJQth times. Starting In a few days, Newport Beacb resld nts \\ ·'~ I ~·;otllr~·, ditch etrort to put a tackbooe GleOOa.le, CaW. "planoers".~~~;~E~~~~~~~
111111 circ ulate petitions to ll ght the !reeway anothe r way. The} f' K . ff• "Jlnto the City Council by giving HORSE SH OW SEP T. 13 tbelr plans,
will ask the Cit y Council to revoke the partial agreement for now your 0 1cer them livlng proo! t hat the de-TED THEM, a.nd tt PRO D U C Tt O N GOA L : tne freeway, signed t..etween the city and the state. Also, they · s lres of the public body MUST The Cops and Cowboys wtll 2 MI L.. LION DOLLARS
wi ll try to amend the city charter to r eq uire a vote of the BE FOLLOWED--NOW, AND present their l6thannualnw-cb pletely out:~o~t~y~o~ur:r"';"':.•?:.:l l
<>nnle on any new fr eeway· a...,.eements. San Franci'""co s u--s ALWAYS. The fr eeway route of Dimes westernstylebr"eak-tar as your TO DAT E: f HO,OOO ~--.. ~ ;> .... ergea.nt <Ary L. Petersen, r st ~ bo bo s·-.... Before you TO GO · r 1 '10 ooo
es ,ull y e I Yed I 1•--" U •· halt t 1 11 tbrou-Nc~rt n--ch -~co-a a.... rse s " ~y, · • • • ,. s mp o s m ~&~ .. c cs ...... a r eeway a ong s 29, has been with the Ne-.nrt li<" -..-Dt:il ...,.J Sept 13 1 lh Or c tnat pll'-
t f Th nt ed r -~ rona dol Mar IS A DEAD IS-• • a e anee ounty ...,., wa er rot\! . . . e prese route adopt or the coast tree-Beach pollee department since Fal ounds 1 c sta M want for your,~"!!~:~~~·;~~~~
wJ.y drops down to the heart of Newport Beach. The resident~ July, 1962, He is currently SUE. The people have spoken 8 ~'!.';-st tllnbe
ed lresa.. future. Is lt the
j tl"-bl t N 1 B h "d t 11 --~ will _,, a-•n, e••• u re....... "' serv om are us Hd. Y upse . ewpor eac res1 en s ca th e pro. assi""""" to day watch ...... '"""'1 ......... ~ r;...... ·~ 7 .. ~1 1 ... A"'"'" have ahrays noted lor """'·II -~ f I B lin U ~.. t ,...... ~v It '"kes a r ecall of each A""' a.m ........ noon ° u~ ,.........r po~. r~way t 1e er wa , ~use o the way It woulc.. ss a tleld 5tC)entsor. ... ....... -tbtt bulldln or have you ~oe aloo•
II I th lr I W
-~ hll every City Council member who e...... c. ~-.,
1 v de e c ty. e agree, ou ... we s uggest t t the Division Gary was born in Coocord, Hor ·"-~ "-·-the "de -~made yourse"
H r falls to follow the deslres of se ......... auu gym ... -w. u ' • • ....., u
o tgt1ways lnd some other r oute to move the traveling pub. CaW. He attended too&: Beacb the pubUc. wtu start at 8:30. Lm. 1n the tdapt to "new ways," reprd-
!!c oown th e coast." Polytec:nnic hl&:h schOol, •here two are-· The eveot Is.-... less of •bethel' you think they The new Coast Freeway rOill:l ...... _...
BILL FLOOD'S LETTER: "i ..rite as a proud citizen who he was •ell knOWn tor Ills -• red b lhe Or"'"""' ,..A,_,_ ue rt...,• or .-ron"'? Have you _. \ properly wtll separate trom the 50 Y --.............. 1 ..,..
5 '
loves hi s hOm e town, and does not care to see !t delerloraled athletic a.btutles. He earoed ,_. • S"•rtrrs Reserve Ulll'· -~ lhe ,, •• ~your td.-'·? San Del"" freeway at the june. '"' 1.11 ..., ._....... -
hy his fellow man. That Is the sole reason. I will suffer no varlsltY letters in nter polo, •· Associated a•~••• Club As an e:a.mple of boW Urln ... --"et-" -~ -.. ~... tlon of the Newport freeway, ~-•· --financial loss or p.In--onlY heartache aoo dlsawolntment U L.ToL-. ~......, .. ...-...u have cbanged, at a recent meet-this freeway spUts Newport Beach. Put yo urself In my placf. After bleb scbool be atteoded iO underground across the FRAtC K SIMMONS Dl ES lnc for parents 1n tbe Newport
IN YOUR HOME TOWN. Would you vole for a 16 lane freeway San Jose state He cur. southerly end of the County Frank Herbert Stmmoos, 81, MIA. aebool district, tbepeople
with 2 huge cloverleafs 1n YOUR ctty? ... Famlllarlze your-rently attends Loog Airport, ~ the canyon aiong or Z012 Donr Dr., Bl.ycrest, wbo do care eoougb and eoOJht
self wit h a map of the area in question, and the arterial h.i gb-Cotlece &Dd 1.s only a. the road leading to the dump died Au,. 28 at Hoar Kospt.taL lor their r lcbls were pleading
ways that we uow have servtng the population. It Is my belief away from h1.s B.S. decree 11. aUe lad 1.11 and over the hills, He was bOrn Fib. !0, 1189, lD with dJstrld oftlclals to call
tha t Improvements to these existing highways, particularly crlmlooloCJ. aM oown along the coa&t side Cedar Rapldl, law'a, ud came halt to the uperlmentattoo
at certain Inter sections , wtU handle present aM Mure trattlc Gary bl5 !lad uperleoee 11 of the Laguna Hills, about 008 to Oranct County lS years aco. thelr ebUdren tn scbool.
tor some time to co me •• , Tbe San otego treeway Is only pa.trol, detect1ves all:! trame mile north ot the present Coast He bad been a Hll.-.qJlored
In ooe mouth I wUl wrtte
2 mlWoa dollars of DI'W
ordlnarY We. Tbe a.bore
total represents 18 days of
RAY N .Gmss
& Assoc u.TES
4MO Cunpus Dr., Suite 108
Newport Beacb, Cal. 92160
hu v,."c• Ce. •'
5-1/2 miles north of Pa.cl.llc Coast Hwy . Along a 6 mile diYlsloOS. He Just reeeatl)' Hlcbway. It wtU bother oo ooe; real estate btoktr.
stretch of the Sa.n Diego treeway from Harbor Blvd. to Culver placed ftrst OP thed8()1U1meat•a tbe dlstaDce tack of the Coastal SurYlYOrl locludt b1J fife,
Rd., there are 7 oU-ramps feeding the Harbor Area. Improve-promoUoral namtoatloo b Htefnray wUI enable Irvine to Hilda; Z dauehtera, Mra. El-
ments to these arterial hl&trnys would mean a savings lr UeuteDllll. properly denloptheocea.ntront eanor Tocid. of Saata ADI. lDd
the mllUons as compared. to coost.ructlng a new treeway. F01 In bia pre time GatJ -... loto 1 M.ll doceo separate, a..od ura. Mary K.uea 8fO'WD al
lns:ta.nce, one lmprovemert, a new Coast Hwy. bridge over tht joys water atU.nc. hUDti.OC ud btply proft.t&ble, resort com-Guetarta, Spaln; &ad 4 crUIS-
bay, rertaclog tf'le old wooden plllng ooe, with beHer oo and c:.amplQc. He beJoa&s to tbl muniUts, each of wbleb will chlkJren.
oN acetss ramps at the Oonr Dr. I.Dlersectloa, wouklsolfe 0ra.ace Cout Y.M.C.A. aDt1 GARY P ETERSEN Cput loPortolloo, Nice, and Moote Fuoeral tenteea wer-e beld
one of the more crltlca.l problems • , • While ecology ts coacbes a Little lAap ball at to Sllamt. 11 at Paclfte Vtew Cblpel
r hi b'· ·~--~-1101 n1 ••· n1 ••· tam IJI c..-tltll<w. Now lho Ctty Couoctt had Dr. a.,.-l -.
in the En r.l WI Building
nn 1. Cent Hwr •• ee ... •11 ••
Tll ... llllHIIl
.. ooa ~ -Y. our··-are 0 y -~see c se~c. , __ "'" ~·. ·-·---~ From the Bl'bl'e bolter build • secooo ~·-i~==-~~~111111111111~=== beautiful bays, harbors a.ud coastlloea, but more lmporta.otly ..__.,. .-.... , ~-........ --.-..
2 ·"'~ ~ ••• -~~--1 •-Ide lho eld-·· brtd-our people --people who anou.ld be tbOU&fd o!tlrstwbena ...,M_..,._, ... u &Mol..,_ -.. ....
16.lane mooster e.JP6Uinc" fUmes, pollutlon. am trash ta 3, 11•• 1n tbe '&rbor Ar.:., BetJalre)Ktethmoe,udte-&ad directly lnlaDd tbtnto. SUMMER END SPECIAL! •!!~~to~bt~t>~r~cl~bt~yip~Lao~ted~IJI~tbeir~~~~..:.:·~· -------"""'-----:--. ceJ•ttb DOt my worda. b&tb cme Sotfbbolmd t:ratfte 10 11M tbe ir lhti Joi1110t11 lila" tllt -d lhti .exlstln& lllructare Ud -
Ul l f. CoootHwy., S.lto101
i. a&W~cdili, •
"""~'!t'":.llball :om~"''"':~=-~ Carpet Steam Cleaned
I boft ,.. ..... ol br14110. fit .,_ cl 110 -100 .;.;;u,boi ... ':,:O:.:::-... ~-=w:~--: %Off Regular Price
~':~ wlllt 1 --.,, CaiUaniL Wbat a d!•-llllll
;;; -~ -IIIIICll -· H -llat -tlllt 11111-maad-CUy C<Nodl &Dd 8l&lo IIIP'ft7
Ia ldt _lull.., ,.. DIIJU!mlllll'• ----.
-· 1 _.. __ ., ... w totiiJ, a-•'"'-
U. r.-aid-110,., oopact llDd -_...
1 ~ (.8t. .1o1o1 IHI-50.) ln>m tllt &-J ft&lil U a
0 0 00 TILL fO.t•70
club season·
W'ltb tall acth1ty qJpi'Oileb-
lar. tilt Tuooday Clul> ct Nw.
port Harbor beld their ftrtt
baud meet1Dc Auc. 17 at tbt
home of Yu. Lucas Betts lo
tne Bltdl's.
Thls meeting, with tbe oew
president, Mrs. Donald Ohms,.
presiding, la1d the foundatioo
for tt.e pla.Jla of a oew year.
1t Is the poUcy tor the chair-
man of each seeUon oot to plan
their monthly eveots UDUl af-
ter the flrat milo meeting In
September, which faiLs on the
lZnd this year wtth a brunch sltuattoos. SmaJJ and Ugbt,
~Elii'ORT HAR90R EllliGII
RRST SEC11011--P•l •
TllURSOAY, SEPT. 10, 1'70
at the Balboa Bay C tub. through heuy tramc and can
Mrs. Claude Cottoa, program small parking spaces. Tbeodore Rob1ns ford
cbaltma.n, ha s selected pro-will Introduce tbe 1971 PlDto Sept 11 at tbe
P"a.ms of Interest, beg1DD.l.ng showrooms oo Harbor BlYd. 1n C~sta
with Robert K. Dornan, whose There wm be a oea.k 1 to .. o~ topic wlll be "Medta: the third 8 pre.,. ew D.t t, ..........
parent." Mr. Dornan has a
weekly TV show empha.sl.z.log
the current eveats pertinent to
the listener of today,
MRS, CHARLES RIPLEY of Balboa JslaDd, at left, and Mrs.
Sam Gurley of Dover Shores, Assistance League members,
a.re restocking the racks and shelves of the newly reopened
Thrift Shop wlth tall mercl\andise. (Tom Jones phOto.)
Among · future programs for
the sea.soo wtu be Geor ge Stu-
art Illustrating his talk on
''Queen Victoria" With his Dg-
Dr. Arthur Bietz, philoso-
pher, wtu bring a message ''The
truth about yourseU." Mu
Thr'"ft shop re-opens Cryer, Aostrallan humorist, will bring light entertalrunent
wit h "Max's American a.lpha-
The Assistance League Thrill
Shop, located at 505 32nd St.,
Newport Beach, has re...q>ened
wtth a collection of nearly-new
budget -priced fall merchan-
Members of the Ass1stance
League have been busUy work-
Ing at r estocking and refurbish-
ing the shelves with a 'lfl.de as-
sortment of fall c lothing, fur-
nitur e and household goods.
Each AtWtiar}' offers spec-
lal Items for sale on certain
specltlc days when they oper -
ate and sWf the shOp. The
Junior Aux1Ua.ry dons red
smocks on Saturdays trom 10
a.m. Wltil 2 p.m., when they
offer bargains for their Red
Carpet Days.
The Asslsteen Auxillary fea-
tures c lothing for teen-agers
at their patio sales held on
the 2nd Saturday of each month.
"Tile French Room" orterslbet." O.H.P. King w1lllecture
a collection of designer's clo-on the present condition l.n
tiles aoo ts operated by the ':hlna, his subject being the
Las Reinas Aux.lllary on the 'Tall of the paper tiger."
first Thursday of each month. The ~ual dinner dance w111
Mrs. Lawrence Pfister, :>e a hol.:2ay atralr held at the
chairman of the toys and he r new Santa. Ana Country Club on
committee work year' round at Dec. 5, chai r maned by Mrs.
a Santa's workshOp, repa.lrln g Ruth Kermedy, speclal projects
and assembling toys lor sale chairman. She will also be In
at Christmas. charge of the main philanthropy
Proceeds from the Thri.n event on Feb. 23.
Shop help to maintain andoper-The carr1 section, with Mr s.
ate the League's main phJlan-Wayne Helmick as chairman.
ttu"opy, which Is the Children's wtll hold their tlrst party
Dental Health Center luncheon at Don the Beachcom-
According to M~s. Edwin ber's In Corona del Mar on
Wachter dental chalrman the Oct. 13. Mrs. Stewart Nollon
Center tteated over 350schoot. will hold the Books 'n' Stuff
aged chlldren last year who meeting In the clubhouse in
other wise could not t:Lav'e af-VIlla Valencia Park, Tustin.
forded dental care. The Den-Mrs. Fred Dunn wtll show pic-
tal Health Center Is ln opera-tures of their African Sa.ta.r!
Hon during the school year and on Oct. 12.
will re-Open on Sept. 21 lor Mrs. ~targie Baker heads the
Its 13th season. bowling section, playing every
Mooday at Mesa Lanes. GoU
will start on Oct. 7 at Laguna
:ountry Club with Mrs. Benja-
min Modest! as leader. Tee
otf time is 9:30a.m. with tour-
naments a.Mptay-awaydays ad-
dlng to the run.
Mrs. Robert Uhltk will start
travel section wheels ~tng
ln the dlrectloo of Tl juana by
bus OD Oct. 6, With shopplng
.nrt Mextcan luncheon ttlllng
day, Mrs . Louis White has
functions planned for the
.,ler .. fl',. Supper Club, be-
ginning with dinner and danclmr
Ute Balboa Bay cr uise
Mr s. Fran.k Long Is chair-
man ot the Fine Arts section,
whi ch meets every Thursday at
the Youth Center In Corona del
Mar beginning Sept, 24. New
members are welcome tn the
Tuesday Club. Contact Mrs.
Perc Endsley for appUca-
tlons Instructions at 673-2980.
concerts set
will season
a schedule of 3 perfor-
ma.oc,,. in theOCC music butkt-
Joseph Pearlman Is con-
The first concert YlllbeSun-
Oec. 6, at4p,m. LosAnge-
vtoUnist Ronald Folsom wtU
soloist In the Be4rthoveo
concerto. Rema.J.nder ot
• Large Door Storage
program wUI Inc lude the
Bersteln Overture, "CandJde,"
and the Cesar Franck Symphony
ln 0 Mloor.
The Znd coocert, on Feb. 21
•.,Smooth -Glide Rollers
• Twin 'Hyd rators·
• Holds 'h Gal . Cartons
Hurry 1 You won 't want to miss th1s ·
offer of a Frigidaire at a price so low.
at 4 will feature Spanish l lru~::f;: Blttett ln the IR "Fantasta." The pro-
will alsolncludetheOYer-
fantasy, "Romeo am
" by TchaJkovsky and
No. 2 by Howard
The 3rd program, on JUDe 6
8 p.m., will feature Tom aDd
Whltney ln Mozart's 2nd
concerto. Alsooo tbepro-wm be the Prolof'lefl' 'c"'"'cal Symphony" and so-
by ftrst chair members
the orchestra.
Mrs. Ida F. Ru1h, 81, of91 ~
Balboa Coves, died Sept. 5 at
ber resideoce. She na: boro
Yay 30, 1889, In Omaba and
came to Onnce County l6 years aao.
Sun1.YOts lDclude a~ Kto-
Dttb oiOranp;adl.uP,ter, Mrs.
JUI EYerttt of S&crameato; S
puclcbUdrtD am ODt cr-t-
lf'Ude"'ld GraYutdt .rYlC.
Wt:re Mid 8 at Paettlc
SETS RUMMAGE SALE Safari warden to speak
The Costa Mesa Junior We-
patterns. Last year he made men's Club will ho ld lis ann ua l
lntermUonal headlines by sue-rummage sale this Frld.ii~,Sept.
cessfully breeding the rare ad-11, at the Co sta Mesa Wonr~n·s
d.ax at the Florida Sa.t.a.rl. He clubllouse, beginmng at !J u.m.l
Y. ht n ~our gr.t nd mnthcr "'·" ,r ~Il l lOH"n drpJ'I(d
m bl.td . pepper .oru,l '"<.:t:t ud .. '" ht· r f, 1 {\I riC' .:aradtc
remedy Th.tnk' to mnlK.tl x rt"nH· our C'.lf\ f.trc
much ~tlcr lOd.l ' V.c: •c m.tr1\ L"lk,to•t· rncdrl'atrun~ The annual tuod -raising
membershlp luncheon for the
FrieDds of the Newport Beach
Library 1s scheduled tor Sept.
25th at the home ot Mrs. War-
lin Lockney, 801 Vla UdoSoud,
Lido Isle.
The speaker will be Bill York.,
chief game warden of U on
Country Satari, Born in Sudan
and raised In Kenya, Bill York
has spent vlrtually all of his
!He In close assoct.aUon wtth
Atrlcan wUd ute aDd Is rec-
ognized lnterna.Uonally as a.n
authority on wtld life behavioral
reports 14 lion cubs have been Mrs. David Melclter , way s
r.·uu~c uunptr~.1trun'
\tr . dun ·t rei, on ·r,,,m~: IL"f'r•··ltt'' .. he n ,uu rc rlt
Your ht'.tlrh '')OUr nt'"' pr ~:,'"ll' l''"'>(''"'ln 1 rt,lt
11 ..~~ \uch let )uur ph"'''"" rrc,,·,l"ol tnc lllNlrnnt \
th<tl ~~>rll bt mo't ~~f~l..t "C '''' ' , I her• ''"lllt'm!-oc-r
u~ for qua lrt)' prc~rlpt<<'ll "'!""flf'<' ,r .. t m~
born her e since mid-June. and means chair tndn, say<; the
Mrs. II.B. Benjamin, pr es!-sale Is a maJOr !unrl ra!siDg
dent, amounces her co-hos~ pro}ect for the support of tl•e
tesses will be Mmes. Walter club's phltanlhroptes, wluclltn-
Whlte, Bert Cottey, Henry elude Fairvie w st<~.te IIOsptt.al
Scllone, ALan Andrews, Stan-' a.nd the First Step House ror
ley LeLievre, Peter Dobbs and a lcoholics. Asst sttnr.:Mrs, Mel-
Stanley BeU. cher are Mr s. M J r·ll.:~el Moun•!,
Christensen Pharmacy
OJUOLE :J -2550 Luncheon reservations may Mr s. David Streirlon .wrl Mr s.
be made by ca iHng 673-1480. Michael Byrne.
Now ... Newpo rt Balboa Savmgs and Loan
Association and Investors Savings and Loan
Association w ith assels exceeding $215
million ha ve jo ined together w ith a new name.
It's the name of its parent organ1zation .
Imperial Corporation o f Amenca, the natio n·s
third largesl publicly-held sav1 ngs and loan
holding company wilh $1 A bill1on in assets.
Come in. You 'll find lhe same friendly
management and personnel. the sa me fast and
efficient se rv1ce. tnsu red safety. plus the
highest earn1ngs fo r you r savmgs mvestm ent.
So get logether dur~ng l h,s g real geHogether.
Vis it one of o ur six conventent offtces-
stretching fro m the mounta1ns to th e sea ... now .
becutive offk:e : 3366 Via lido. Newpon Beach. 473-3130
Mek\ offk:e: 81 South Laka Avenue. Pasacsene. 7'95-6441
Branch offJca: S50 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beech, 644-1~
3810 Eaat Foothill Bou~erd, PaNdenll, ~7
134 North Glendora Avenue. Glendora, 335-4043
Ventura Boulevard at Oakdale. Woodland Hilla, Sot&-3a20
Sailing race scheduled
"1"111 lloclllc: Yaelll ud llll· -lllo -1 lll!lll ol ...
-· CN1 will bold lla "1111 u-OIIOWblrds lias boon dlaco .. ln-.. , "all ot tbt llbOU" tb1a uecl, thU: ta tbt majOr race lD
Satwdly, Sept, 11, at UN Htw·· tbe b&)' b' lm&U boats,
1>0<1 • S.eb Sea Seoul -.
'l"bla raeolaopeatoaUboJI AARI' MEETS SEPT. 17
and Clfl.s UDder the ap ot 16, The ftratpoac-vacaUon meet.
and tbere are prl&es plore. lfli of Newport Chapter 121,
frte botdo(s, ch111 and soft American Association of Re·
drlllJts W'IU be served alter tbe Ured Persons, wtu be bekl at
race, oooo Thursca.y, Sept. 1 '1, at the
Entry blanks are available Seolor Cltlzeos clubhOuse, 15th
at most ol the local yacnt clubs St. a.oo Irvtoe Ave., CUff Haven.
or m&J be obtained from Ule Eugeoe tUte Sr., AARP's dl·
Paclllc Yacht aod BalloooClub, reetor lor Southern California
P. 0, BoJ 1542, Newport Beach, aod past president of the local
Yacht club aCf'lliaUon Js oot chapter, will talk about actloo
necessary. that was taken at the oatlona.l
Starttng aM nntshlog Une will convention in Oklahoma City.
be ott the dock at the Sea Lloyd Morrison, chapterpresi-
Scout bll.se. Starting Ume h dent, will cover the convention
12:10 p.m. hJghllghts.
{( \'l,trf COMEDY-RATED "R" ~ Tllr&tn No One Under 17
:";:: " 671-6.261 Unleu With Parent
HOS -c:-Hwy. Corona del Mar
get his.
m:ru:TIOO CJJtiPIJ(f
-.BEAU BRIDGES lEE GRANT DIANA SANDS 11CAOlO"lfY .. ""'"' s...-,p~,,tJr &...1""'-"' -rUV\ M .:..,. #l. WJP[R ti•ll GUNN t~l£i1U IUH[R '
• .....,._, !;If' "'-'"':! "'
1 NOOMAN JE'MSIJN HAl ASHBY !Xl.OR by Oel•P~ Uodoll .....
~Cf» 1-"""0t I'C'I-__._ ... .....-, '""-'ID """'u' •-J,
... ,,. ,....,iiWJ
stem .. J ... • • .._. -.1 '"" D:lud
tbe-rnesa T· 3•· · .. ·. A~,_.,_.,,.. ~··~
N £,'1/P VRT .v.r t•,'.'-'f';('JR IN CO STA ME SA
01' L.AUGH5 •
PH il H.&UII • I.OUIS ~.H,oA
REFEREE Frank Smith gives Instructions to co-captains
John Clark and Mike Sodder s of the Westminster Hornets,
at left, whlle referee John Davis briefs the Newport Mesa
Comaoche co-captains, George Ouellette and Mark Wang.
The Hornets won 6 to 0. (Vic Opalek photo.)
By Vic Opalek has aoottler capable gro141 ot
Witnessed the Rams-Hous-youngster s to work with and
ton game at the Rose Bowl In in their scrimmage with the
Pasadena saturday night when Co ronas from Corona del Mar
Gabriel aoo company won their both teams looked enremely
5th pre-season game to remain well coached. Sunday's game
undefeated as bo th teams put wlll be against Garden Grove
on a tremendous defensive Bear s at the Central Garden
s truggle , , . be for e the Rams Grove Park at 2:30,
put ll away with 17 p01nts In Coronas: Coach Doug Dreyer
• '
10 i~in USC .group ~Et~;~1!~n£~
He wu bonl Yarcb 17, 1804,
to New York aDd c:amt to Or· anp Couoty U yeatl aao. Ht
•u • 1&l11maa wltb tbt W1aeoD
R~alty Co. ot Costa Mea tor
12 years.
Tbe SkJUner m room ol tbe Jam .. Youaa &Dd Brtu ZIDI
Alrpor1er lao 11'111 prcwldt tbe of Newport Beacb; Mra. C.'ltd
&etUDe lor I 1001&1 bour and RobertOQ, lrYlM1 and Mrs.
luocbeoo boaotln&lODtW'mem-CUbert Strosebetm, Santa Ana.
bers ol U1e Oranp C~ AccotcUn& to praaldeot, Mrs.
cbapter of USC's T01rn am Edwvd C. Brumleu Jr., ot
Gow11 Junior AU11l1ary, Costa Mesa, lbe Orange County
Preceding a socJal hoar at c~ was founded just ooe
11:30 a.m. tbe oeW' memben year l&O to assist tbe 1..CE
W'lll meet wtth lbelr orleota.Uoo Aagelea chapter ln tuod-ra.ls-
cbaitman, W.u. Robert Lac enots. Each year Town
Brownsberger of Corooa del aod Gown Junlor ALIXIU&r)' a-
Mar. wuds scbolarsblps to asplrt.og
Memberslllp cha.lrmaa. Mrs. senlor womeo at l.EC.
Randolph Parker of NeW'pOrt
Beach, wHl Introduce tht DeW
members: Mrs. Taylor Rich-
ardson and Mrs. John Barbee
of Huntingtoo Beach; Mrs. Da-
Yid Berg of Long Beach; Mmes.
Richard Cramer, Dirk East-
man, Franklln FlorenUoo,
Sw-vt•ors loclude Ms wtle,
Constaoce; a daughter. Mrs.
ConnJe ADder100. aDd S c:raD:S·
Funeral services 11'111 ba tttld
at 3 p.m. tod&J, Sept, 10, at
Paclltc VIew Chapel. Entomb-
ment will be at Paclftc Vtew
Memorial Park.
the last l ::i minutes. has had several scrimmages ~~·
Enjoying the 20 to 3 Ram VIC-with the Cowboys higtJUghting J;-!.'".~
tor y with us and serving as spot-tile pre-season activities. The
ters and photographic assis-:::orooas will open the season
tants wer e Gar y Confers, Rod at Costa Mesa high sc hool Sun-
Royer and Craig Millett. Gary day at ll:30, when they enter-
12, has a couple older brother s ta!n the San Clemente Padres.
who wtll be playing a lot of Comanches: Will travel to
tants were Gary Conler s, Rod Orange for a 12 o'clock game
Royer and Craig Mill ett. Gan with the Orange 49er s. Dropped
12, has a couple older brothers season opener to Westminster
who Will be playing a lot ot Hornets 6 to 0.
basketball for Estancia this Colts: This will be another!
year, Buddy on the freshman capable team under the tutelage
team and Doug on the "Varsity. of Coach Ron Starkman, so
Rod Royer is a member of the there shOuld be plenty of offen-
Fullerton Hawks, the Pop War-slve fireworks With quarterback
ner 1969 California State Jose Pette at the he lm. Their
championship team in the Mid-tentative starHng line up could
get division. Cralg MU!ett Is be the followin g boys: Center,
a member of the Troy football Steve Wyatt; r ight guard, Randy
team, a ta ckle on the defensive Constant; right tackle, Doug
t.;oam, Ooth families, theRoyers Wrlgtlt; righ t end, Jeff Broker;
and MUletts, ar e West Newport left guard, Matt Clarke; len
r esidents in the sum mer and tackle, Dave Gallagher; lefteod,
frequent visitors during tile Gr eg Metcalf; quarterbi.ck,
other months of the year . Jose Pette; right half, l..arry
The local Junio r All Ameri-Englehardt; left half, Scott Co-
cans opened their season in show. K~·le Bischoff and Brad
Huntington Beach Saturday when ThOmas are battling tor the
the Comanches dropped an ex-flanker spot so both wUI see
clUng 6 to 0 defensive battle to plenty of action Sund2y aga..lnst
the Westminster llornets. the Huntington Beach T -Birds
Coach Jom Grant's Pee Wee at HunUngton Beach; gameUme
team displayed a lot of p(nse I p.m.
for a season oppner against a The Junior Pee Wees: The
tough Westminster elev~n and CO M MAN[)()) will open at Gar-
with a couple br ea ks could have den Grove against the West
been on the scoreboard so Garden Grove Crusader s;
should field a competent team game time 11 Sunday morning
this year. This Sunday , Sept, , , • The COUGARS take on
13, the Comanches travel to the Westminster Tigers at
Orange to lake on the Orange Westminster at II Sunday ...
49er s. The CARDL~ALS go against
All other Junior All i\meri-the Orange Rams at 11 :30 Sun-
can squads had s,..&tmmagesand day at Costa Mesa ..• The
will open thetr schedules thts CHARGERS travel to Huning-
THE ONLY TOUCHDOWN lo the 6-0 Westminster victory
over the Newport Mesa Comanches Is belng scored bere
by Hornet halfback Robert Gohr, whO is out-running Co-
manches George Ouellette, No. 75 , and Mark Wang, No. 88.
(Vic ~lek photo.)
Starts Wednesday
"**** Hlgheat Rating!" ---Alot.Ml W.l(ocft ...... .,~ _....,
Barbra Streisand .
0 oJoJJC6JS.F-. 1l A Clear/Jill,..
... LCICII ........ ,....On=:.o:..--:::::-.... ~n ·-Bob ,......,&.My BI)Owi/Siftln OINind
/J¥:Jr. Ni<::hobon Md Jdln R~
~bf.-W... ~rcll'l'l:lbf-Jitt~ ~lly~ISW l(odl
Oooec:Mdbf~ ....... .__...,_...,_.~lly"'*'"~
,__, f«<nrrab'AI'--.rtl"ldlft"G"-NAeei~Gerwlll~
Surx:tay, as no off icials are a-ton Beach to tackle the Hunt-1 Ti.,.. 2 Tim•• 3 Tim••
vallable Saturday, because of ington Beach Tigers. Coach Bob SURPLUS STORE FIXTuf<ES,
desk and chair, $45; iron sale,
$'75'; plate glass shelves, $1
~r square foot; fouodallon
gun, $50. VIsta Hardware, 805
W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa.
the CIF Officials attending U1e Gilbert reports his tentative 20 word a or leu ........... 1..50 2.,50 3.00
CIF indoctnnations. starting line 14> as follow s: Kirk 21 words to X> word11 2.00 !.00 4.00
Here's a br ief run rtown of Langdale will start at quarter-31 word1 to .C) wotda ado 4.00 5.00
next week's activities and pros-back, Dan Duddridge at fullback, Eoch word over 40 .05 • 10 . IS
pects, , , , halftQck David Molllca, Steve . _,:.,. .. ~ .. -..................... !!.
The MIDGETS: The Caballos CUssold at stotback; on the Une, • IOOK5 POl IALI WORk IANTEO
under coo.ch AI Dies have Terry Peterson at left end, 'l scri mma~ some exceUent Forrest Metcalf at left tackle, ·"CUBA" --tralnlng ground ffiONlNG. Yeus of ezpertence· ALL THE FINEST in imported
teams mcluding Pasadena and Bob Brant at lett guard; start-for American Vletcoog:. By on all types of clothing" Un.e_a. bicycles. Sales aOO service.
Anaheim and look like another ing center Is Mark Gauthier, MICHAEL J, STEADMAN, son James T. Irwin. Paperback, Specialty, men's shirts. $1,;.50 , Peugot Steyr and American
IX)WerhOuse with a lot of strong r ight guard Is Mike Gilbert, jot Marine Corps Lt. Col. and $l,50. per hr. Mable Whitman, 60'1 Eagle.' Balboa Mercantile
OO.ckfield men plus a sturdy de-Matt Campbell at the right Mr s. Henry w. Steadman, 3069 0"'-' ..._: Marguerite, COM. 673-2'1'14. Store, 806 E. Balboa Blvd,
tense. Have an open date this tackle IX)sitlon, and Ph! Up [r. Gibraltar, Costa Me sa, has en-••-Gal 'n ... _.. SECRETARIAL WORK, mlmeo-at Main st., Balboa. 675-1282,
week, vln w!U open at right end. tered the U, S. Air For ce Aca-.ltM • ...., .,.,
THE J~!OR MI DGETS: These young athletes are our de my class of 19'14 He oow ~-.... -..... •• •• graplllng, ootary, small book-SPOTS before your eyes -
Coach Jerry Tripp's team has •· stars of the future" and With begins a 4.year cour~ of study -;;; ;;; ....... x!' ......... ":-~22"' _..,.,,. ~log accounts. Call 673 -on YQW' new carpet-remon
held scrimmages with Fountain the exciting and extremely well leading to l.l1 Air Force com-t HELP WANTED 4050 aftelooons. them with Blue L.tre. Rallt
Valley, Orange and Huntington coached teams competing, they mission and a bachelor of sci-J.HOMEWORKERS WANTED(eo-.• MIJStCAL PM SAL. el~trlc shampooer $1. Croft
Beach, mor e than ho lding their are well worth seeing. Stop by ence degree with an academic J veklpe· addressera), Rub HardWare, :1107E.Cc.&tffw1 ...
own. Another line team In pros-and watch these teams in acUon. maJOr in one of 2'1 fields o! stamped sell-addressed.· eo-Back to School Specials Corooa del Mar.
pect, strong in the key pos itions. They deserve your support and Interest. Cadet Steadman Is a feklpe. 'J...an&d9o World Tta-HammoDd organs --oow & 1 ·--?"r..;;~.--~---·-."~.-~ ... .:.J:;:';I
Their opener will be against after a co~Ie game s you will 1970 graduate of Quantico, Va., d•a. P. o. Bes 11Z7~A26, used, from $396; special "8'' OFFICES Fg.~T •. ~l
Buena Park at Costa Mesa hJgtl In aU protablllty be an eD1hus-high school, where he was a Redoildo S..cb, Ca 902'18, console w/LesUe, $1395. Used __
school atl:30 Sunday. iastlc fan Cor the rest of the member of the national honor Yamaha spinet w/rhythm, save I OFFICE SPACE tor rent at
PEE WEE DIVISION : year. These kids are than good. society and leHered In basket-HOMEWORKERS badly Deeded: $200, CoM Church orga..o.. 2721 E. Coast Hwy,, Corma
Cowboys: Rollle Pul.asiJ Is The annual photo day is Sat-ball and football. Address envelopes ln spare $1.295· many others. del Mar; $1SO a momh • a
back In the saddle again and urday, Sept. 12, at Costa Mesa Ume. Mlnimum ot $14 per c~ut ot Cable-Nelson year's lease. Call owner at ~~::===~~=~~~~=~~====~~===~ High school with lhe seasoni CARL MILLER DIES 1,000. S.Dd stamped eDYel· plaoos:ooewas $825,oow$595; 673-0551or67l-5855. opeoers Sunday. Try to take 1n Ca.rl J. MJller, '19, of 666 W. ope for 1mmed1ate tree de· other pianos from $495. Grand _ _ . _
''-·N" W.J .MacCARTNE"f DIES 3at Couotry ClubConvalescent Street, Sulte 27, S&D Fran. BaktwtD grud, like new, only ftoCiltal, t'l5 ~ J. some of lhe action. 19th St., Costa Mesa, died Sept, taJls to Ua.J.leo, S40 Jooes 1pla.oo wjspeclal finish $495, rFFlCE, 4 tooras, oeat .....
Ho~ltal, Costa Mesa. He wa.s clsoo, CaUforuia 94102. $ZS95 ••• 'others. VcSpJ.. ~-11'75. ~~
DAI'If:-rft: UftVft-IV.-
Gym Pants pa Basketballs Shoes
&ym Shlrts 235
Sox Sf', 19' r BasketbaU -
95' J25 151 • •
Walter Joseph MacCartDey, born March 9, 1891, ln Mtnne-.. .t ..... • ... .:.. ................ .-. ...... • ...... .;. .... o~ 1 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO. ·~ . _ _.
49, of 185 Broadway, Costa sota and came toOrangeCotlllcy PERSO,.AL ._ ,,. 1jHammond _Yamaha_ stelnway !PRIVATE carpeted croUDdfioor .
Mesa., died Sept. 3 at his rest-10 yea.rs aeo. He had been em-.. _____ __ :-.......... ' 1901 N. Maio st. Santa ADI. a1r coodltioDid oftlce oa buy
dence. He was born Jan. 26, ployed as a school custodian 1n ALCl>fiOil:Si. . AJIOHlll~ , Est, 1914 Eut 1 'Jtb street lD Coat& U.e-
1921, lD New York and came to WblttJer, 6U.'lll'f. _ P. O; Bor 1111,•
............................. ~ .... ,;. ___ .... _ ..
sa., 'fritb &ft'IPie Pll'kiAI &lid
Orange Couoty l.n 1~6. He bad Suntvors include adaupter, Cut&~~-. . • PROPERTIES FOR RB4T • Qllt\o«Wl rectptloa,. IMCI'etarlll
been a sell..employed electri-Mrs. J. M. Scbaffer ot Costa ---~A~ ... _.--;;. .......... ~~~.. &ad copy maebtDI flcl.Utlea ..
cta.n. Mesa; z sons, John of SeatUe e WAH TED TO REH T . . FOR RENT : We represetlt 18.-: M2-6'H7 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
SurYlfOJ's locludehlsmother, and WUllam 1D Johannesberc, . . 000 relltalt throupout Or-•Hkdi.JS
W:rs. M.abelW:acCartDeyofCos-South Africa. WIDOW with I J1rll0 8tb aDd. anp County. Housu, lt8l1•1 -·,..,c.;.. .. • ............................... ,.,
t& Mesa, fuoeralNrrlces•ere Funeral Mtvlces were be)d · lltb vades. wtabu bQISde meota. Furlllabad, uoftaa-I!.. OPPOR'tiJHITIE$
held Sept, 7 at Beli-Broadwa.J 8 Weatcwr w:orttary, JtuiJ rfiiDl. HI.Ye realM-llbtd. All prlctll. Mowe to. ~--=="-.~:_::..:;..~....:_;.;.::::_
""'""'· Interment wu at For-, n• at Harbor Rest tate Uceu.; wvu1d con1kltr da,J. CbUdna ud pets O.K. WA.NT .To E.JJlX Ia ,_. _.1 !lS .... $1-llM. CiulnJitMcl plac.mellt, 11 tlme? Ita hedrlC'I wtct.n ~ OrllliOCouatyolllceo. '!'tit-GlrL\IW.rtlo P; 0. ·Ba lo, ~ Troad.UZ-7800. LobooiF_.__c...,.
:-• LAIIDLORilll' Vacaaer pr<>b. _P_OIII,-•Iod.-...~--'1.--~, leu 111111c1. Fr" putidpa-' Uoa ta maii:IIPM lLit1.Dc rllt&l •'-...................... -... ...... _ ..... .., ......... ~
ool-k.. For dolalla, Tolo-j!lt:II'IC~ " w • ,
THilL au-MOO. LU11:110vas -IM2siahW
Ur «df.JM( lib , .. ..;. .. -;;..;;. .. _.. ............. _......... ud ...... Uc•..S ud, ...
-. 1,000 BTU, $I H.~ '"ANTt:O -= --::-"-' = a-c. blld .n.r macM•• • •-
:tJ:.r•· ~-p-r..,~t!"~·~~~!·~·::n~-~-:U~--~~~-~~~~~~-~.1-:'~~:~-~t.~~~~~·:__ .. _~~~_·_·L-''
·, • ·;
Joins Home Society board NEWPORT HARBOR E/t~()j
A RST SECllON ~ -P .. S llro, JOllA KJilofer of Sbore 111o dlllrlet olllce 100 -cwr., wtll !Dio 11M Oraap Sycamore streot, 'Suta A& c~ baud ot <llr-• at Special .,.... wt11 11o ..,oo~cblldr.,•o Home Sodol)' of ..... of tbo u Onop Cooat7
CaUJcnla at the dtltr1ct auDUU'Iea 1t'lllela -..part Ctt.U-
baud'l lint flU meottoc lloo-droo's Home Soclol)'. 1---..;
day, Stpt, 14. otbor baud ollleoro lor
Wn. KUJettr hu beeD an 19'70-71 ue Jotm F. Portt:r
&etlYI member of tbl Newport of Newport Bel.eh rie.-dllir-
Harbor Aullllar)' ot Cblklr•'a IIWl, ud Wn. lri. Smith ot
Home Society a.ad al8o _.,.,, Corora del War, aetttbry-
wltb the Newport Harbor Ser-treuurer.
Ylce Leap. Returaioc board memberalD-
St.J other aew baud mem-elUde Mrs. Samoel GeodeJ. Dr.
bars to be welcomed Sept, 14 Fred H. Kay,StenNIDCt,Judce
ate Mra. KeDOetb Browa of James 0. Perez Uld Howard
HUDtlll&too1 Beaeb, pres1deot of Treacher, allofFullertoa;Mrs.
tbe CouncU of Auxillarles; Howard B.' Lawson &Dd Robert
Adr1aa KuyperotLaeuna Beach; Baroes of Newport Beacb;
Geor10 L, oUCYJ'OS of TusUn, Fruit G. lllebelalla of Costa.
a.od Kenneth W, CarJ.aon. Rob-Mesa; Mrs. Loo Peek of West
ert L. Laraoo a.od Dr. Robert minster; WUJard R. Pool of
H. Scbuller, au of Santa Ana. Garden Grove; Robert W. Vet-
Joseph H. Dantrer ot santa oon of HuntJ..ngtoo Beacb; Robert
Aoa, boud chairiiWl ot tbe Turner ot Laguna Beacb l1ld
local district of the statewtde Santa Ana residents James R.
COWlSellng ser¥tce and adop-Moore, Wll.Uam Stauffer Jr.
Uon ageocy, wtu preslde at and members-at-large Walter
tbe III)()Q luoeb«MM meet1DC at J. Markel and WUllam J. stauf-
fer Sr.
C.M. Dl ES AT AGE 54
Hal Wilson Rhea, ~. ot 186-
1/2 E. Rochester, Costa Mesa,
dJed Sept, 4 at Long Beach
Veterans Hospital. He was bora
Oct. 30, 1915, 1n Oklahoma and
came to Orange County 3 years
OR Outstanding contemporary home will!
2 bedrooms and den ••. beautifully 8 pegged hardwood floors. Fast move-
In possible. You own tlle large lot i
Priced to sell at $64,950.
ago, He bad been employed as
a mach.l.n!st tor WUUs Machlo-c M 1 '~,;.vlvors lnclooe his wUe, I~===O==R=BIN-ARTINjl
Thelma; a soo, Dono! HWltlng-,L 675 ·1662:=====J~ I ton Beach, a stepson. Garry
RAY K. SETTLE of Mission
VIejo t\as been promoted to
assistant manager tn charge ot
operations at Bank of Amer i-
ca's Newport Center branch,
a ccording to vice president and
manager Charles Scriboer, Mr.
Settle, wllo has been operations
ottlcer ot the branch for the
past 8 months, joined tlle bllnk
In 1965 as an oU1cer trainee
and was promoted to assistant
cashier 1n 1966 when assigned
to the Fountain valley braoch.
Prior to assignment at Newport
Center, he was operations of-
fleer at the 17th and Bristoi
branch tn Santa Ana. He and his
wile, Judy, nave one son, Tom-
my, 3-1/2 years old.
Newport Mesa schOol district
trustees awarded a $l.44 mll-
Uoo contract lor remodeling
and elpa.nS!on of Newport Ha.r-
hor h.lgtJ school to the J. Ray
Construction Company ol Costa
Mesa Thursday night.
Tbe remodellng wtll expand
the capacity of the scbool by
550 students and will IDclude
a oew two-story building to
be erected on 15th Street adja-
cent to Seek Hall and a 'lfing
addition to the maio buiktlng.
Beek Hall wUI also be re-
modeled to accommodate more
students as wen as a number
of smaller pro)ects Involving
gym dressing rooms and lunch
Miss Angelyn Dantuma,
Cate of San Clemente; a step-
daugttter, JoAan Shepher d of
Huntington Beach; a brother,
T. Z. Rhea of Oregon; and 5
sisters, Mrs. Elsie SmUll and
Mrs. Una Mtus, both ot Ore-
gon; Mrs. Geneva MHIId: of
Balboa., Mrs, lDu WUardoiRi-
verstde, and Mrs. Coertrll1e
Busbee ol Lorna Linda, and 3
Funeral services will be held
at 1:30 p.m. today, Sept, 10,
at the Bell-Broadway Chapel.
lnterment wtll be at Harbor
Rest Cemeter y,
Two young Dim makers, Greg
MacGillivray, 25, a.nd Jim
Fr eeman, 26, are presenting
their surtlng Dim, ''Waves of
chance," at the Balboa Thea-
ter at ?:30 and 9:30 nightly
through Tuesday.
The film shows llow the
changes to surfboard styles and
the surfer's ptuiosophy llave
permitted the surfers a ck)ser
r elaUonshtp wtth nature. World
cllampton surfer s Mark M.art-
lnsoo, David Nuuhlwa, Nat
Young, Billy Hamilton aM
Corky Carroll are shcnro 1D
France, Portugal, Cautorn1a
and Ha.wa11.
Maryon Henrietta, a local
artist residing in Turtle Rock_
Is displaying her art work
during September and Octobt>r
at Newport National Bank's
Bayside otrlce at Bayside Dr.
and Jamboree Rd. She U.s pre.
vtously worked ma.1nly 1n oils,
but her present l..oterest 1s
painting In acrylics. She also
eojoys malc:lng collages and
worlc:lng with wood and metal
1n 3-d:l.menslona.l for ms.
author, teacher and public
speater, will teach a women's
Bible class from 9:30 to 11 :30
a.m. on Mondays, beltinnlng
Sept. 14, at Mariners Church,
2200 E. COilst Hwy., Corona
del Mar. This Inter -fa.ith, 1nter-
church uxt Inter-community
class will begin with the study
of Ephesians as compared to
Joshua aod wHI continue wltll
a comparison ot Leviticus to
Miss Dantuma, a graduate of
Wheatoo College, ls tor mer
dean of womeo at Moody Bible
Institute, Chicago.
Golden West AlrUnes presi-
deD Fred L. Austio, annouoces
the move of corporate general
om ces from Jts previous lo-
cation at Long Beach Munici-
pal AJ.cport to 4200 Campus
Drtve, Newport Beach, near
the Orange County Airport.
Richard Sewell was granted
awroval Tuesday night by the
Costa Mesa City CouncU to con-
struct 27 apu-tments at 2311
Elden An. He needed Cooncu
~ronJ because the area 1s
zooed for lo.-er density bousi.Dg.
Curt Dosh
642-urt """"-U.. 1n0 W: COAS MW)',
Me_,..;, .....
"Excellent •.. breathtaking ... hypnotic ...
may even be better technically than 'The
Endless Summer' ... artistic and entertain-
ing enou&h to appeal to those who haft
never gone near a surfboard."
MIGHTL Y, THRU TUPSDAY -7•30 &. 9•30 ~.M.
411141SSIOH• SZ ... ADI.tL TS1 51.10 CHILDUM.
Corona del Mar
One-half block to Ocean Blvd. A
rarity --67 feet frontage on Orchid,
Plus a 3 bedroom home will! formal
dining room, guest house, cabana
and badminton court. With a little
remodeling this could be one of Cor o-
na del Mar's finest properties. Call
673 -8550.
Fabulous Family Buy
FOUR bedrooms, 2 ba.th5, just 2 years old! Custom
buill with carpets, drapes, electronic a1r titter,
dishwasher, sprlnklers ux1 BEAtn'lF UL HEATED
POOL. Near Costa. Mesa Country Club.
UnbeUeva.ble at $34,5001
Wella-McC.rdle Rultors
Relllble Strllitt Sl"'t l!UJ
{Jek /JtUWti f<.alhJ
Priced right! Newport Heights area.
Near new, 3 bedroom, family room
home. Three-car garage with boat
door Into patio.
011111ea.-•••u..,, a r ••••
IIPIDft~ Alii ....... PNPUftll
_,.. ~nun .. ••••,..•At..
CWifSIIU ... I ...
T11U RSDol Y, SEfT._ !9,. 1911!
CO~A DEL MAR,'f!AltF.I • Newpart 81adl Ba._
•••• Island Costa Mlsa
Lillo Isla eo.-del Mar
26 Linda Isle Drive
Corp. owned. 5 Br. 5 batb home facing Harbor
Island. Jacuzzi & sauna. Comp. tUrn .• for
immed. occup. W /doct ............ f200,000
60 Linda lsJe Orl.,.
Newly listed. Prestige waterfront home. 4
extra lg. Br. 4 ba. pwd.r. rm. Lge. liv. rm. &
den; 3 car gar. Be.tuL patio/garden. Deck
& dock . By Appt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rno.ooo
Waterfront Lots
No. 44 : 108 Ft. on water ........... $150,000
No. 76 : Wide lot on lagoon ........ $85 ,000
No. 88 : View. With plans .......... $145,000
For compl•t• lnform•tkwl on
all other homes & lots, call;
IUO..WDr.-J;N.I. ~
410······'C:);~ ...
~~al ES11te. 875-6000, 2U 3 E. Cout Highway,
Corona Del M•r, C•lllornia D2625
A frame. beamed ceiling Living room with
one ent1re wall of nch panelling. red bnclc:
fireplace and wann parquet floonng. Opens
mto lush trees and lawn. Privacy. 3 Bed.nn
or 2 ..J.. sunny sitllng room.
Best buy in unmaculate Irvine Terrace oe.igb·
borhood at only $39 ,950.
2 Story fam 1ly home with 4 bdrms. two fire-
pl<~t:e.~. lar ge fam1Jy room and 3 bath. In un-
macu!ate. almost ··un-used."' move-m condl-
t mn. Feature<> include automat.Jc garage door
opener & $prmklers. cedar lmed closets, fa~
ulous wme cellar and corner lot landscaped
and 1mprovec! m the finest of Amencan tra-
d1t 1on .
Located in manicured ~lesa Verde neighbor-
hood. Offered at $54 950.
~ul Esta1~, 675-«100, 2443 E.eo.t Highway,
Coror1• Oer W•t,Calitomlal2525
Bdrms .. like · an estate
A coWltry estate atmospbere 1n the City at Newport
Beach. Many large trees and u u:tra large 1ot --
room ror an Oiymplc-slse pool Se"ren bedrooms,
3 ba.U\s, 2 tamlly rooms, dlnJ.n.g room, master bed-
room sutte --a truly custom built Dome, e~lally
designed for a large tamUy,
Owner must sell lmmedlateb'. so price ts reduced
to S88,000
108 McFotldH Pl., thwport
1 'At H•wport P ier"'
Salu ~h tile Moltlple uett,.
Sen1ce at tile Newport llaztlol>-eo.ta
MNa Board at Realton kbled
OYer $54 •nu.. tor t11e nva.n
maDU. at 1Na. ,... ,..,.....
l,lN IIDU aJ• UJd a .Wlar ..._
IDcreue at ce~-1M ,...,. pertoc1
at 1Mt ,...., vtldl .... noolll,....·
LUt ,_.. prapertf ...... ~ ...,. -
Just reduced--$48,500
e RU .. PU S ROO"
e 3)> Bo\ THS
PoinL yfiew. • •
Whether it IS the "Lap of luxur) ·· potn ! of v1ew
you gc!ln liv,ng '" ex clus,\le Dover Shores -o •
the unobstructed pomt of v1ew reachmg from
the Pacific Ocean to Saddleback Mounta1n -
,t·s beautiful. Add -pnvate wh1te sandy
beaches-Newport·s ex cellent schools-and
you have prest1ge llv1ng Choose one of the
exquisite $100.000 to $1 90.000 Weus · Bay-
crest homes or select one of the few remammg
large homes1tes m Newport Beach and Ivan
Well s & Sons will bu1ld a quahty custom home
designed for your family Ready for the best?
....... ~... . •..•
THREE. YEAR-OLD Suzanne Halderman ts surrounded by
"ldttlts" KJm Carr, right foreground; Robin Carr, rear,
and Allee in WoDderiaJld, who Is Mrs. Donald L. Carr of
Costa Mesa. Kim, 10, Robin, 12, and their mother were
characters lo the Children's Tbeater Guild presentation,
"Dlseochanted witch," and are telllng Uttle Sw.anne, who
is tbe Clauet~ter of Mr. Uld Mrs. Richard Halderm:ut at
Balboa Island, that sM ls a Uttle too young to join the
creative dr:;.ma workshops that the Children's Theater
Gut ld ts presenting this tall. Registrations are oow being
taken on a flrst come, first served basts. Inquiries are to
be directed to the reg1strar, Mrs, Gerald Hayes of Newport
Beach, ~8-4711, or Mrs. Franklin Goodenough o! Hunting-
ton Beach, 968-5632. The workshops Will be neld at the
Guild headqua.rters, ISIS Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, be-
ginning th.ls month. (Ensign photo.)
Art contest announced
The Ch.lldren's Theater Guile'
of Newpor t Harbor Is sponsor.
lng an art contest for children
In the 3rd througtl 8th gra.de.
The contest wUI run through
Sepc 28. The WiMers will be
announced during October.
3-week session at the creative
drama workShOp sponsored by
Children's Theater Guild, aM
tickets tor their Immediate
family to see the musical pro-
duction. Second place winners
will receive tickets tor their
faml!y to the play and will rtav e
their poster displayed wtt h the
other winners before <~.II per-
foriTWi ces at Or a.nge Coast r al-
lege Nov. 27, 28 and 29.
Contest rules are available
at the Newport Beach and Costa
Mesa Ubranes. Children are
asked to destgn a poster Illus-
trating the forthcoming pro-
duction, ''All Baba a.nd the Fo1 ty
Thieves.'' Judging for Children's 1 nea-
ter Gulld will be Tony De Lap,
UC I professor of art; Georgt>
Wlllla.ms, art instructor at
Santa Ana tu:gh school; a.rt col-
lector Jack Glenn of Jack Glenn
Gallen·, Corona del Mar, a.OO
Tom Garver, director of the
Newport Harbor Art Museum.
The special award's poster
will be used in the promotion
of Children's Theater Guild's
musical production.
There will be 3 flrst pr ius
and 3 second prizes as well
a.s the sped.a.lawa.rd. The 3 ftrst
place IViMers wiiJ receive a
Town-Gown to mee1
Professor Clayton Garrison,
dean of line arts at UCI, is
the featured speaker for the
lirst general meeting of UCI
Town and Gown at 9:30 a.m.
Monda}, Sept. 28, In the new
concert hall, fine arts vJHa ge,
UCl Dean Garrison will also
lead a preview tour at 10:20
a.m. of the newly bu!U tine
arts village, whi ch inclUdes <UJ
art gallery, concert lla.ll a..nd
theatre, to be otnct.all}' openec1
In October,
Town and Gown begins its
6th rear as an interest and
supi)Ort group tor the UnJ.
verstt)'. Assisting Mrs. John
Connolly, president, are Mr s.
Edward Culver J r ., lst vice-
president; Mr s. Robert Weed,
2nd vlce.presldent; Mrs. Hal-
dent; ... rs. DameJ G. Ali1riciJ
J r ., eX·Of11cio. Mrs. Edward
Steinhaus will serve as nts-
tort.an, Mrs. Peter Dtxon will
edit the yearbOok, .t.rlll Mrs .
Charles Cnngle wlU serve
as auditor.
The following Ctl.lJr men !or
the interest groups wJIJ be a-
vailable tor informatiOn and
r egistration at the SPpt. ZS
meeting: art, Mr s. 8.:-.. De sen-
Jerg; beacnwalklni;, Mr s. Erl-
,.ard Cul,.er Jr., txx>ks (rtr-
:ulatlngJ, Mrs. Richa.r rJ Wai-
Us; books (di scussion), Mrs.
Harry Goelltz. foreign l.an-
gua.ge, Mrs . Angus WTlgflt ; p;olf,
Mr s. Edwa.r!l ArquJ!l.ii., and m-
terna.tiona! student servtce,
Mrs. Janes Jamtson.
vor Vermund, 3rd vice-pres!-TROTH IS ANNOUNCED
dent; Mr s. Frink Gaines, re-Mr. a.00 Mrs . G.M. Ce)k..
cording secretary; Mr s. Keith ot Costa Mesa entertalrl!YI SW1-
~elson, corresponding secre-day, Sept. 6, to announce the
ta.r)'; Mr s. Richard Kredel, engagement of their daughter
treasurer; Mrs. Joe Dicker-Janet, to Charles La Mont
son, town crier; Mrs, Donald Rougfl Jr., son of Mr. and
R. Sperhng, press :wd public Mrs. C.L. Rou l(h ot Orange,
r elations. The young couple are allen-
Other member s of the ex-dlll€ Cal State Fullerton, Tt1ey
ecutlve committee Include Mr s. nave set their wf"1dln~ rta.te
H. 0. Durne, Interest gro~ for Jan. 29 at St. ,Jonn the
co-orrflnator; Mr s . Bruce Me-BaDtlst CathOitr Church in
Cartney, lmmedl.a.te pa.stpresl-lCosta Mesa.
Genuine gem in
Well over 100 persons were 1
present Saturday and Sunday,
Aug. 29 aPd 30, to wltneu
a world permiere ln the qui~
Uttle communit y of Corooa.. del
Mar. The pta opening wa.~: ,
held at tile "Okl SheUoo Thea-
tnt" on Ocean Blvd., res1deocE
or former Councll.ma.o Rober1
Shelton a.Jld htstamlly, Tbepro.
duction was "The GeouiJM
Gem," a oew musical wi th bool
and music by "T. K . .Beebomer"'
a.od lyrics by '' Alblna Bunk.
Tbe e.rtravapo.u -starrred
Rullnka PtDker aa: Madame
TllfJIYad, Er .. ll DeBIJ>ky u TOM SH ELTOH
SerC81JJ1 Jerky, Rasbe'reSber-
bet a.s Priscilla Tleflttrad, Ep.
eom D. Ptaot u Fr ed Hl.rYef
1M ftaturlnc Xuter McRubtD·
ltelo U Ttat.er.
£YeD tilt llta(t manapr 1I'U
t11o •• u.-. (to5orl-lo)
ll&rrJ Hammorbood, Willi
tM:bDlcal U ..... DC't bf lrm&
lrWDab. Po1llac tbo -otr1ap wu P,B., PII1J'DO,
11-.J ,..,.. of cui IllEr-
g Bllellnll, Tom ~ •
• ., ........ Pot '""' ...
Dn1d Zll""<J. Tllo '*' 1111 __ ._...,,_..,,.. ....... --..... ~~~~~ 17r1eo. IIIN ILACUILL
Rebekah Lodge meets
OHr a b-rout• ..,. llro. ~~ ~ II
Cll>lld formal llrtllallocl to ll'ud o1 11-tol; lira.
courttiJ Dllbt, Sept, 1. u u-Cook, n~ lflldi Mra.
DUll aftllr or Rtbeb.h Lodp ima.U. cbapl&ln: Mn.
No. fOt. Costa Mesa, beAd at Zuidema, JwUor put
tbe Odd Fellow a meeUnc place, craod. Mrs, At . Dizon 11
1'718 Newport B!Yd. aaoctal secretary; Mrs.
Tbe larp crowd attending Lolmaugh, treasurer.
1ocluded district orrtcers, and
muy elective otncers and ap ~
polDtlve offtcers and members DOHHA SCHOW TO WED
or the nloe District 50 lod~s CAPT. JIM PITROLO
Church News
Tbl P)JIIIOIIIII~IIll 11011, a-1U10 loeturor. Ho
Cburcll, UOI llr<>o4 81., N.,.. WID allo -alibi 8th llllll·
F.! liST SECTION -.,f ... I
TIIORiOAY!..iEPT. m, 1970
OOIDIA Ou.IIAII. CloU,. ..... -........................... _ ......... . Kti&bte·-TbiRtt,Normu verary blnquet aJ: 'I' p.m, S&m·
· 8<..,. Will pr•cb at 10 a.m. oay u 1b1 Nnporter laD. FO R RI!NT
Sunday oc ''How to CODQUtr
• • • City Clerk Laura J..ecto-ot Geatlemu, prutt,. .,117.
Tbe Lutbtr&D Cburcb of Uw Newport Beaeb hu rtturDed th1liC. pool, teDille, refrtpra.
Master, 2900 Paclflc View Dr., from htr ncauoo, put of tor, Y1c1nlt)' PaoUlc Cout
Harbor Vttw Hilla·-The 11ruo1 whtcll she IPIDt at tbe lJnl. Hlatnr&Y Baeb Boultward.
cboir W1U otter ,~peetal must.c verslty o1 sn.acuse taJdq a $$15.8518, Sale ot turlliture,
of the Independent Order ot
Odd fellows of the state o; The engagement ofM lssDoo~
CaU!ornta. na Schow of Santa Ana to Capt.
at 11 a.m. Sunday, when a oew course toward tbe proreasJon~ 2 .:~flu. chaira, mt.c., mtn1-
orpn will be dedieated. Dr. rallJa--tlo-:-o-ot_her __ .m_,_._. _____ b_lte_. _______ _,
WUllam Eller w1U preach at
9 and 11 a.m. on tbe topic, Uanaa.tERS CHURCH The keynote aOdress, fol-James L. Pltrolo Jr. of New.
lowing lodge business session, port has been a.MOuncecl by Mr.
was pven by Dorothy Morgan and Mrs. Paul SchOW of Los
president of the Rebekah As Vegas, parents of the bride·
sembly, Lots Rebekah Lodge to-be. Capt. Pltrole Is the son
Anaheim. of James Pltro~ of F'alrmont,
other kxtges represented West Vl.rginia.
were Acacla, Huntlngtoo Beach; Miss &hOw is a graduate of
Aloba, Westminster ; Busy Bee, Sacramento Dental Asslstatlts
Cypress; fullerton; Lots, Ana-College. Her fiance graduated
betm· Mesa 402· Ruby Orange· from West Virgtni.a. University, Syca~re San~ Ana' and To~ where he was a.Hillatecl with
rosa, sanb Ana. ' Kawa Sigma tnternity.
"From death to lUe."TheSun. ~ _
JAMES DILLERT FREEMAN, day church scbool wtu open .&MMoc••cwa
loleroatlonaUy koowo poet, lee-lis tall prooram with a rally """ -_,
turer and author, wtu spea.k day service at 10 a.m. The
at the 9th anniversary banquet senior high youth wttl hokl a
of Newport Unity Church at 7 beach retreat at 1:30 p.m.
p.m. Sunday, Sept, 13, at the • • •
S@nlor Cttlzens clubhouse 1n Newport Ullity Church, meet ..
Cwt Haven, where the church LDg at Jrvtae Ave. and 15th St.,
hOlds tts r egular ser vices. Mr. CWI Haveo--Tbe guestprM.cb.
freeman will also address the er lor the 10 a.m. service thia
coogregattoo at the 10 a.m. Sunday wUI be James DUlet
Dr. GIM8 O'!IMI, ... _. aa w -ullfllll
Bomlou'J, 1.& l<lrada, ..w tio pq>ll --..... to a.m. and 7:00 ,.m. -nee. tb1l s.diy.
s·mmu SCHOOL AT e;oo A.M.
81 IIAIT CII.UT IIWY., CD~ -llo\ll
service that SuDd.a.y, Freeman, lnternattona.lly !mown '----------------------1
loU. NEW
•.• Ill• -t talked about new car of 1M y-... wll bo ahaWII
pubHdy for 1M lint 11 ... ,....,,.,., Friday, 5epNmlN< 11111.
"' z n -
IUT ...
YM're iii'IINd to'" It TONiGHT at .. r special ..... ,..lew
fw ~ A-loslclom.
NEW 1970
SAVE s400
NEW 1970
tOJhJC ,.,141
SAVE s1000
NEW 1970
I 0514N \421]0 I
SAVE s1299
NEW 1970
THIN ••.
001 woek from tonight, Tloursclay, S.ptombor 17!11, yoo're In·
Ylted to a second e1citln9 pte view showin9 -this time of the
Mtire fine of all new Fords for 1971!
15 to chooM lrom. '65 ll'!ru 70 rr>OCMk Ceupo;t, h.rdtopt, Cllfl•
vert obit •nd "2 + 1 Fntbuh. Sorn. •ilk 4 tpeed't , •IM 1ir con·
diloorung 1nd t ulom•tic mod1lt.
10 to choote !rom -'M thru 70 ,..,....\,-V, ''"'' & 'tt teflt,
tltml•rtl, l utomtllc, o(J t!JIH'CI lrtntmi,.IOftt. Sorrle with t lr eort-
tfltlonirt;~, umpen 1nd Ul?lptr ;hella.
f.n loc•. oh ,_tool o. ~'''"'· lu•o•y ••"••ly .,,.lo~lo. IXi JJI I
. 69 ~:~~~~~~~.;','"'' 52295
'65 ~.~.~.~~~~. ,~·,!-.-.. --:,-,-7-9-5
lolo>1l•••· J.,!ly ,,..._., •••·• .....
i•olv4•"t oio u..,t. !DI:'Ill]l
SHELlY 2 plus 2
~ ............... ~ ........ ..
I•••'· oocoflo"' u..t. 1UfHSJ o1
0,. ...... llGJI161
c.-... _ ....... ,_.. ........ ..._ .......
-..... 'UIS ........ _, _. • .._ ..,_. .. ...,.., .....
~ ........ , ••• ..., ................... ~. ... hoi .• ,~11" ...... __ _......,, , __
• • •
MR. AND MRS, JOSEPH DE FRANCO of Cameo Shores, at left, were honored on thelr
25th w«ldiq annlvarsary Suoday, Aug. 30, at a party held at the home of Dr. a.nd Mrs.
Hueh McVeleh, at rlebt, al.ao ot Cameo Shores. The puty was a surprise arranged by
the De Fraoco daulflten, Jean and Susanne De Franco a.nd Barbara, who Is Mrs, Jerry
Fllrchlld, The celebtaUoo. wu double lor Mr. De Franco, who celebrated hl1 47th
b1rtllday 1.1 well u hlsstlver weddlnl anniversary, (Terry Borl1 photo.)
Weekft ltavs
California 351h District
Anaela Davis, an admltteo
member of the Commu11ist
Party of the United States of
America (C PUSA ) and darling
o r the liberal pr ess, Is oow on
the FBI's ten most wanted llst.
She Is charged wllh first de-
gree murder In the vi cious ldll-
lng of Judge Harold HaiP.y. Miss
Davis ' action has once aga..tn
brought to Ugtlt the tr ue nature
of the Communist Party so aptly
characterized by Whittaker
C ha mbers In his superb book,
''WUness"--''The Communist
Party, despUe occasional pious
statements to the contrary, Is
a terrorist organlt.aUnn."
Many older Americans have
forgotten what the party actua II}
Is a.nd many young Americans
were never taught about It In
muntst totaUtarla.n dlctatorshl.p
In the countries throughOut the
wor ld through the medium of
a world-wide communist or -
(2) The establishment of a
totaUta.rtan dictatorship ln any
country resulls In the suppres-
sion of all opposition to the
party In power .•. and re-
sults In the maintenance of
conttol over the people through
fear1 terrorism and brutality.
(4) The direction aM CQn-
trol of the world communist
move ment Is vested In and ex-
ercised by the communist dic-
tatorship of a foreign country.
(9) ln the United States those
Individuals who knowtngly and
wilfully participate In the world
communist movement, when
they so participate, tn etfect
repudta.te thelt a llegiance to
the United States, and In effect
transfer their allegUnce to the
foreign country In which Is
vested the direction and con-
trol of the world communist
CAII.L ...,0171
lltl Qllt..T MP,....tll l'ltiMTIO lottO
23RD Y!AR, NO. 5
The 4th annual Newport Beach
Historical Society d.IMer meet-
Ing I! scheduled for Thursday
evening, Sept, 24 .
President G. William GrWlCSy ,
Mrs. Wllll.a m RUter , Mrs. Wll-
Uam BertuleH, James Rubel,
Edwin Finster , Mrs. Joseph
Seek and Mrs. Mar lin Sheely
are on the arrangements com-
Ttcltets a.re available at tile
3 city Ubtarles and Ule New-
port Harbor Chamber of Co m-
merce otttce. The evening will
InclUde a bay cru!S(o aboard
the new Pavilion Queen as a
grand ttnale.
The run begins at 6 p.m.,
when members and guests will
meet the ferry on Palm St.
in Balboa for a free ride, com.
pllments of the J. A. Beek
Co., With Uve music by T.
Duncan Stewart aM the Retro-
gressive F'lve. The ferry will
proceed to Balboa Island for
the unveiling of an historical
plaque commemorating the n.rst
ferry servtce In 1909. Dinner
will be served at the B&lboa
Pavilion following another free
ride back to the Peninsula.
19th year for League HOURS:
10 .-..M. TO 4:!0 F'.M.
Ellen Lee's new book, "Old
Newport," about the early days
of Newport Beach u seen
through the eyes of Ramona
Duarte Castle, an early settler
now over 80 years of a~rt, wtu
be on sa.leat Ule dinner meetin~~:.
Appellate JUdge Rober t Gi.rd-
ner wtU preside as master of
ceremonies, which guarantees
the reviewing of salty yarns
ot the early ferry years.
The Woman's Civi c League
ot Newport Harbor will begin
its 19th year of educational
and cl'llc servtce at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 15, with a meet-
Ing In the multi-purpose room
at Mariners library.
Mrs. Paul J. Gruber,
uam cha.lrman, will pre•se•Ol
Mrs. Eleanor Smith, past
sldent or the League, who
report on her recent Interviews
In Washi ngton, D.C., with
tor Alan Cranston, an aS!;tstant
of Senator George Murphy and
With Rep. John G. Schmitz.
Mrs. Leo Marchand, presi-
dent, announces that Mrs. Ellen
Lee will attend. Mrs. Lee II;
VISITING AMERICA for the nrst lime, Dr. Helgt' Hans
!::i trobl and his wife, lnge, of Kuehl, Austria, are shOwn
here with Shelley Spurgeon, at len, while visiting at the
hOme ot Mr . aod Mrs. William H. Spurgeon 01, 436 Snug
Harbor Rd., Cllff Haven. Shelley met the Strobls wttile
study1.ng ln Salsbur& aM will be returning to Austria to
Uve wtth them tor a year. Mr. and Mrs. Strobl bot:h are
teachers ot German and history In Austria. Shelll!y has
Just graduated !tom the Univer sity of Redlands. {PhOto by
Elinor Wood,)
Program theme: 3 R's
the author Of the recent!} pub-~ TUESDAY THROUGH SATU RDAY
Ushed book, "Old ~ewport, the
"'""'"'. years," of which tho CJ'fu ~titd:..c,u dlfook
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ben IJid IIU<SIS. ... ..................................... .
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for tM All
By E. P Sebnbe
R•Prf•i•tl fro•
P. 0. Box 168
N•w Hllvc•, Mo.
"'l'llle Ar1l rM&eod .. Oile MYellill motiUII, 00 tbe MWID-
....... 4aJ ot \1M I'IICIIIt.b, •poa the 1DlMIIDt•1 .. of Arua&.''
Aft appeal trom tbe otltees of SEA.ltCfl Foundation,
prepartnc to quest for the great sb!p or Its remains,
ealls attentton to the somewhat famlHar statement
made by the late GHbert H. Grosvenor, tone editor of
u.e NaUoD&I Ceorrnphlc lof.acU1ne: "If the Ark of Noah
1a ever discovered, 1t wtll b@ the createst archaeoloc·
teat ftnd tn human hiStory and the rreatest event s ince
the resurrection ot Christ; and It w:UJ alter all the
current, of sclenUtlc thought." This Is hardly men
hyperbole, for the Ark, discovered, would sthmce
akepttcs and demoltsh the theories of the Wltforml-
tarlan reoloctsts as no other ancient arufact could
What 18 Ararat?
Ararat was orlJinalty a wtde term. It is employed
ln Ute Hebrew of II Kings 19:37 and Isaiah 37:38 as
stcnttylnJ Armenta, and tn Jeremiah (51 :27~,1' Is men -
ttoned as a kingdom. In that c.ountry lte the moun-
tains of Ararat," on a high plateau. The Tigris and
Euphrates have their sources in that regton, and the
Araxes flows through Jt. In modern times , however ,
the name came to signify a two-peaked mounuln, one
of whose summits Is )7,000 feet high and the other
13,000 feet above the level of the sea. These t'minences
stand on a plain which Itself is at tht' respt>Ct.able elf:'·
vatlon of 6,000 teet above the oceans Their site-1s
In eastern Turkey, near the junction of that c:ountry
with Inn and SOviet Russia .
Cai\Pd by thP Turks Aghrl Dagh -the Pamful Moun -
tain Ararat Is of volcanic ongm Setsm1c dJ s turb-anc~s are common In Its locality. remmdmg ot the
scripture (Gen 7:11) which informs us that at the ume
of the F'loOO the fountains of the deep were broken up,
whtle thP limestone deposits and pillow lavas found on
the mount.am testifY that it once Jay unde r watPr
Timberless. Ararat's higher peak rises 3,000 ft'et abovf'
the snow !me Avalam:hes occur lh{'re :&lmol'it d:uly,
V\(i ever y year some ILves a re lost on that forbidding
Where Did the Ark Land?
TraditiOns as to the s1te of the Ark 's landwg havtl
vaned As s ynan mscnpu ons place it con.<;u:le-rably
farther south than Arar:~.t , on Mt NlzJr, 1wnerally
tdentttied with Plr Om<~r Gudrun According to thf'
Koran. the Ark came to rest on Mt AI Judi. commonly
locat(>(J 250 miles south of Ararat, yet posstbly iden4
ucal wLth Jt A legend of India has the Ark Iandini!: on
Mt. Hlmarat ln the Himalayas, whJie theGrPek and Ro·
man traditiO ns bnn~t it to Mt. Parnassus
The Claims of Mt. Araral
Armt'nJa and Ararat. however , have much bettf'r
auestation ThP histor~an Abydenus {c 250 B C )
mentioned that remains of tl\e Ark were to be spen on
an Armentan mountaLn His contemporary, the Baby-lom:~n htstortol!;raptJe r Berosus, related that penple
climb@<:! the mounutn to procure the Ark's bttummous
wOOd Nicholas Damascenus (30 8 C I said that when
the Deluge subsided the Ark was stranded on a moun tam
of Armenia Josephus (A D 37-100} !Jkevnse placed
the termtnatlon of the Ark's voya~~:e m Armema HE'
wrote {AntiQ 1. ili.5)· '"The Armenians call thts pla rP
Apobatenon, tht' Place of Descent. for , tJH· Ark bemg
saved 1n th3t place. II.<; rem:uns a re shown th~re by
the mhabn.ants 10 thiS day '" William Wh!SWO, edJtoT of tht' standard t'd itLOO
of Josephu s · '"L1fe a.nd Works ." tells us (AnWl !, tu
Snl '"This Apobaterion. or Plare of De~cent. 1s the
proper rendPrtng of the Armeman name of thl!'i very
City II LS •·ailed In Ptol£>my Maxuana , and by Mosi!S
Chor£>n sls the Armenbln histonan. ldshenan. but at
the place' 1tSt>lf Nachtdshenan, whi ch Signifies !.hP
F'trs t Pl<~CI! of [X> scent and Js a lasting monumPnt of tht'
preserva tiOn of Noah tn the Ark upOn the top of th.11
mountam at whose foot tl wa s bUilt as the first c1ty
or town alter the F'lood '·
Armentan tradition says that Noah's descendants made
a trllll to tlu? Ark and made annual pilgnmages to II
for worship and prayer until wt cked men came to del-
<;ec rate thf' great s hiD and God sent a mtghty storm,
ouryln~t the Ark m 1ce a.nd destroying the trail An-
other Armenian account relates that tn the fourth
century a monk reached the Ark and brought down
some of Lts wood, which was placed Into the cathe-
dral of Etsmlads)I.Il as a relic EptphanJUs, Bishop of
SalamiS, m the fourth century of our era wrote, "The
wood of the Ark of Noah Is shown to this day tn the Ca r-
dl..an (Kurd) country." Marco Polo (c A.D 1254-1323)
undoubtedly referred to Mt. Ararat when he wrote "In
the central part or Armenta stands an exceedingly
large and high mountain, upon which, II Is said, the
Ark of Noah rested, a.nd for this reason 11 is termed
the Mountaln of the Ark ThP ascent Is lmpracti-
cabiP on account of the sno w towards the summit "
The Persians call the higher pea..k of Ararat KuhJ -
Nuh, the Mountain of Noah. anrl Armenian tradition
locates the resting place of the Ark on the southe rn
nank. of that peak
The Ark Found?
ln narrating the reports of the s lghtlngs of the Ark
It Is. somewbat attttcuH to separate fa ct from fic -
tion. It therefore s~ms the part of wisdom merely
to recount them with as little comment as possible.
Ac cordlng to one narrative, In 1840 a team sent by
the Turkish government to erect barricades apinst
avalanches on Ararat, which that year was spltt by
an earthqu.aJI:e, discovered the prow of an ancient
ship Jutting from an Ice pack Of less apparent cred4
Jblllty, perhaps, Is the s tory alleged to have been told
by one HaJJ Yearam or Jearem, who was born about
1840 at tfle root of the mountain.
Wben he was 16 years old, said Hajl, three English
scientists, bent on dlsprovtng the tales about the Ark,
lt.lred him and hiS father , both of whom knew the way ,
to tab them to Its stte. To their dismay, the nrc
led them dlrec:Uy to the Ark, protrudiJ:l« from a cla·
cler Cbqrtned by this concrete refUtation of their
skepticism they made frenzied ef!orU to hack to
plece.s all Ita wood that they could reach, but 1t waa
too toup, tben tried to burn lt, but without suecea.s.
The accounts of this e-vent vary In detatl. Aecord-
ln« to oae version, the three w1th their two cutde.s
awore an oath that lf any one of the p&rty told of the
ftDd the otliera would tdll 'bl.m . In a vartant or the
story the .scientists merely threatened the cutdes wtth
dire c.x&aequence.s It they revealed the truth. Then
ttley wnt bome and reported that tbey had found no
nldence of u ark oa Arant.
About UU !5 Hajj waa 011 hi a deathbed ln a nuts inC
bornt ftftr ADcwtn . California, wben be told the atory
to a Harold WUI.lama, WbO tn ooe account Ia described
aa a p .. tor and In a.notbu u the operator of UM
nuratnc born•. Two or three y-.ra later WUltama,
tMD tn Me..Naebuutts, rad a dispatch trom London
W'b.leb atated that one of the tclea.tu:ta -.bed dytaC
llild COillHHd that they bad IJidHd found the Mil: aDd
..on tbe oe tb.
.A.ceonttnc to l(IDdnn IWIJ'apapr.-of tH day, ln
IIU hrtub commlaakiDIIra, MDt to l!I9'Ht1pta tM
MbacUO. of ttlrM \11 ... bf an1•ac"" oeA.ran.t,
came .-tiM rematu ol tM arlt, "• ctpatlc •true-
tar• ot "1'7 dlaJ* wooer,'' sartl7 nbatnftd ta • rta-
cMr. fJiutMMQMCIUJ tMy orp•'* a .peclal nplldi-
tkJe Ill tM COW'H Of ft&eh tbily made rneuuntDtatl ot. tts protnd1nc porUoD IDd .... ,., ...,.raJ of lt.
room•. !Cootl••fNut Wool:)
Great Evetts it the New Testuleat -'10--
"Jeaua CiYea the Parable of the Pounda"
Luke 19:11-27
'--ntl IIOtlO Of THI ~OlD, •• tM, ,_ ... ,~. ,,, .... -. T-
lly Rorer ud Joy M.,tln
"w~Mr• IJI,-fC"...C _, Owu
•Y .... , btoto U.. --·"
2. oW.. ... of h•d-' (Qea. )IJS)
S piau Pcral .aUH te (Act. Jl:ll
• --DoaUI (.WW......) S laltkda of a kiDv CbMI a propa..t
(1M. 111)
I •11• wtlo wolb4 witta Qo4 (G.a.
i 1U)
7 '"t.laoi • • • I -'PI ._en-. ----.me owa w:IUa IIIWY"" ' H..... ... MGod. ~ .. lD ---• beda..l (Gea. SS!'P)
I ··-4-~ Y• lDto lh ...ul11p" (L..b It:.)
II "wbidto I -..,.. bpt; laid ~JP la
cr ---..
•• ••• C'DVIll all ~ ... ,
{PlUL 3tl)
U -oa.lr wtUo t.W.. ----M11lt U.O.
bohid. • ' .~ , ... 11:1)
17 Cl .... ~ hi• (0 ~ 717)
II "and tAa.. wia• S. ___ MI .. (N.t
22 ''"llillnUI~-----(Gea.ll113)
•tndic:a\ .. -a wbicll '-tlt.• -y ,._.., U -r ... "QC. ia lfi1'•t~o tiM
11-w•r ~ally will be loMDd iD the Scriptww DIJ.o"f'o,
23 ......... ----krt.d. Ida'"
24 '"at t:.. .... bd el 44 •• H (I Clu-oa.
CLUE8 ACROSS •3CJ.•S(. •• ~O<tai!Pf •••• 4*44 --4-#
2.$ Cillo Qhar ol w:l..._ (JoN.. 22tU)
21 UUUala of til• ar.t COMpl•
"I l•or•d di••· ----thou art CLll au•t•r• maa"
31 "'t.bey -t• him 01:1 t~ !Mod
with cr •••• ~ (Ma:rk IS:III 21 ,.._..-ooa of Riel (I Em ..
1 '"•• wUJ DOl bene thia ID<IIl IO -·4-o•er ~~a"
32 ~ 4 ...... com• dowa .,. IDf child
... ~ (Job 4:-t.l} 31 ... D aa It ••• with a ~ ----.. ('-. Jill)
II o -oa oJ God (G.o. 41:11) lS ----· ..... ,. oa• that thinrt•ill"
(1M. JS:I) 22 chlet ndw •I tho •YD....,.•· •••• m.D .. (Act. 11:17) 12 ·n. Ftmt .. 4 .... -a Cluimaoa
co:rol 37 cr la:IM .-pb•L -· .lrio.k (I DDp U :ll) 33 "to ,.c.i,.• tor bimMU 11 lda9"'
do& -• to ----13 laitiala of aa boUMbold 911.,.,. H "'l.o«L tilT poWld both 9oiD~ 31 iDitlata of two ~ (DaL IG:l :
tea --·-~ DOl" crud a ~ ldn9 1M
.. "" (l n..,.. 11:3)
14 "oDd -·--• I -wlt.h TOM Cll·
woy" (MGit. 2:1;20)
41 Wtiot. ol ftavmi'• b-.ba"Dd oDd
Ruth'• -ad hv.ba~:~d (Buill
1:2: 4:13)
I : I)
31 INVIlt of nt'IIII.Dg (IHMt. 2711'1
41 -excep I .~~all -lD W. t.aMa ... priDt .. .. ._...... (Job
20125) li .i.p ol b.troyal lty )udoa
(Matt. 21 :411
42 ··•.a that -4--hcrtlt. &baH be
tuba GWUT &--him" ... , ....... Mt~u..-.. ...
at G. ---of ~-(Job
•11 ---·-!ill I com•"
20 UUicrl.l o.l two tamili-ol len·
la:min (Nu.m. 21:31)
43 Wticrt. of two jud9" {ludv.
4:1: 12 :13}
21 hl9h pri•.t bftore Soxau•l (I
Scna.. 1:1)
44 laiticrla ol Abn~ham'• •if• and
citT th•T l•h (G•n. 11:31) "" laJI:Icda ol two -oJ l>eWl m ao-. l3:t) 4.5 Syri-b..ol•d of I•PI""'Y (U C7 -u.crt at ----_..., J .......
......... ,...Ued. ., ·--23 "b. thou o•M li•• _4 __ .. liD9S S:U), ___ em
21 ""i.mmedia\ely aft•r th• lrihMIO· tion , , , abaJI Ut.e _4_ be .m .
e11•d" (Matt. 14:11)
41 ··a. -ol M..JsiU•Dllt.h.. th•
.01:1 ol __ 4 _" (I Cbtoa.. 1:12) u "I II-• -t loUMI ----~~r.-t lailh-(Lake 7:1}
27 "on• of lh• -4--popliN wa
riMn opitt" CLub 1:1}
Sl ~u.-mU.• •n•llli" ... brlsl.9
bitll .... Glld ·--4 tb•m" lO '"llcr,.• -~ oa ----~ (LUre 11:31}
21 fonD ol Aalr.er (Lub 2:31)
S3 "a cwt:Gin ----••at iolo o lor
couldi"T'" Sl i.aitiala of cr ~~r crad .... r
(E:&od.. U::ZC. 22)
By Dr. Bob Jone~ Pr•oid•nl ol aob Jo~•• u,.,,..,.,,,, c, .. ,.,..n •. S C
I ul..~ tt:lh u' th..tt the I orJ ,p(1~c one 1.11
H " p..~r.thlt•, tu con•·cy I•• HI' h.·.ncr' the truth
th .• t uh.'n ou~ht .ti\Oo,t)'' II• pr;~y .tnd not Ill
I,Hnt 11 ukc I~ I 1
W t.: th1n ~ of prayer d' .t pn•dcge. "'h1ch
ll'II.Jinl• 11 " One ot rhc grC.>l mlr..tcfe, •11
(n~>~.h gr..tcc 1\ the f..tct th..tl mo~n m<~y enJO) Jn
pr.>)t"r Ct~mrrlUniOn \.<olth (,oJ, lh..tL In pr..t)Cf
m,q1 m,,, ru,•kc hL' Jc,,ro:' knu"'n unto (,,)J,
lh..tl hc m..~y m prayer di\Cover (,olf, .,.,dl ~nd
'"I. (n•J' lfliCr,cntiOn 10 h1' o~tl:hf\
llut pr.,~~·r " m\JrC 1h.1n ..t prn•Liegc It I\ an
nhhgJIIO!I !-,JCh LlllflltJUd! Jfl !he UlliVC:f'C ha~
., re~r"n'd·>dLI}' to dtl h" bc't. lvery lather
.• ,.. , rc"f".m'•hdlry h> he the ht.·'r pO'i~•hle
,_,,h,·r 1" lo" chold 1-•c•~ .:-h.tJ ha' ;, re~pons1
billt; "' hi .. r:.rcnh .... tuch ,, '" hi\ Juty to
mc..:l In Lh1• hl'\1 of h1, ahdny i:'.<Jch hu~me~~
'"••1'1 h,t, .. n llhllt!dlt{>n 1.11 honur :mJ mtegru\
11d tr.thl\.f\ .~nJ 11 I\ the pl..tul tl·.u:hmg of the
\\'"'! ,,, <Hotl rh • .r 11 '' ,, ,,n tnr J m:.n 10 do
'•·" lh,, .. h" ht''' '-lo <tnt' c.~n Jn hi$ beM unt•l
he r.1p' the rc,ourcc' {If Dell) anJ ~eb divine
gu •J,Jnl"\' Pro~yer ''· therdore. an obhgation.
( hr"t'.J I'\ .,,.~ comm:mJeJ to '"pray w1thout
co:.hLnJ!!."" cho~t h . to mJ•nt.>in a constant alll-
tu,k ,,, pra)cr, to l etp m con~tan! communion
,mol lcll•l"'\hlp "'11h The Father. Paul more
Lh,,n (Inc~· ur~l.'d the "atnh to pray for him:
.Hid 111 l •ntorhy. tm 'on m the Gos~l. he
dc~IMl'll. '"I \OoLIIthcrcforc that men pray cvery-
.,.,h~r..: )dung ur h••l)· hand,, Wt lhout wrath
,mJ d1•uhtHll? .. I I TlmOih) 2 K l .
l'r.tycr I' Lfl~tmcti\e Ml.'n \Ooho have pro-
Jc,\nl 1<• dtluht the C"I.Mcncc of Ot:Lty rn che
llll<hl M !:real h.•n k or 1n a 'torm &t sea have
~·ro· J ,1u1 tu (,od when dc:.th seemed Lmm•-
fl\'11 1 Ho"' much hcqer to be 1n constan t com-
nll n tin and fello.,.,~hrp w11h Hrm. a regenerated
Lhold 1'f (Hlll m.tkmg our dcs1 res ami requests
Lnlll>ol\ u11ttl l·hm \1/ho ~~ our Father, as~u red
tho1~ ·J 1l c "' a iather pli1Cih hi~ chiklren, -.a
rht.: I orJ pH•l.'lh them lhar fedr h•m"' I Psalm
,111 111 Amencan Way Fcatun:~
By L. D. La:n• {Blhl• Ad.,.ocat•l
I F••"' "'• J-l•h N.,.., J,,...,
w~ are on the ver ge of the greatest even! of
all the 8!!t'5-811 event the: dfe:cts of which will
'"''" m(H1' far r~achin!! than anything that has
e•er takt'n plac,. Aince the beginning of time;
an t>\'t:nl that will de<:ide the destiny of this
W!Jrlrl ami ,,f the human race, and that will
mark tht' rnd of counting time and u&hering in
nf t>!Prnity Thi~ event is the coming of our
Lord and Saviour Je!U! Chri111 in the clouds
nf hl'av,•n arrt>mpanied by all the holy angels,
If it wer,. not for.thi'5 great event the future
would Joe hn ~Jeless. A life of hardship and care
would end in eternal death and oblivion, with
no hope beyond the grave, no hope of ever
11/l:ain m~ti ng lho~ loved ones who have
pa.!!!!>ed •wer to the silent shore, never again to
see that ~ray-hai red mother or father or the
lillie ones that we parted from with achinF,
hearts. But. "blessed be the God and Father
nf nur Lo rd Jesus Chri11t, which according to
his abundant mercy hath begotten ue again
unto a lively hope by the resurrection of J~us
Christ rrom the dead" 11 Peter 1:3), "which
hope wt: have aa an anchor of lhe 10ul. both
~u re and steadfast" IHeb. 6 :19),
Be:for~ Hi! crucifixion and death the Sav.
il)ur made this promiee: "In my Fath~r·a
hou!e are many mansions: if it were not eo, I
would have told you. I go lo prepare a place
for you, ... I w&.ll conu t~~ain, and receive
you unto mreelf; that where I am, there ye
moy b< olw' (John 14,2-3).
He waa crucified and died. He bunt the
fetters of the tomb and came forth triumphant
ovt.r death and the pne. He ucended to Hia
F'ather. and a.s He waa rccei•ed up out of aight
two angela confirmed the S..,iour'a promiec
with theae wordt: '1'bi1 aame Jeaua which i11
taken up from you into heaven. 11wJ.l 10 com"
ira Wee rn411ftt'r u ye. han .een him go into
keaven" (Acta 1:11 ).
There ia no poeaibilhy of doubt that we are
on the eve of thia ve-ate~t event. "Surely the
Lord Cod wiU do nothin«, but he re"'etieth
hia aecrd unto his aenanta the propbeta ..
(Amoe 3:7), a.nd u we atudy the lons fine of
propheciea polnttnc down to thil eoreat, we
cannot but come to the conduion that the
rime U cd lwwl.
On the yrth we have "di~ of nat.iona
with perplesity" (Lub 21 :2S) Co an nttftt
never known before. l.n the polidcal world
all iA turmoil and oonfulion. ,.., -.:fins
1964; IH• 101, L .. .A"t•l•• 900Sl)
diplomats and statesmen of the world are
frantically !ltriving to devise mea111 to !lop
the l~rrible cAtaclysm which they all realize ill
inevitable, and at the same tin.e the world
is l~inp: bankrupted to build up armament!
in antici pation of the coming atruggle. Some
unseen puwer, like a mighty whirlpool. is
rapidly drawing the nation! to their destruc·
lion. Everywhere !he r~ is a feeling of dread
anrl uncl"rtainty; men's heart! literall y "fail-
in~ them for fear. an~. for looking after those
things wh ic h are coming on the earth'' (Luke
21 ,26).
James, in !peaking of the la.st days, aaya,
"Go to now, ye rich m~n , weep and howl for
your miiiCries that shall come upon you ...
Your gold and silver is cankered : and the rust
of them shall be witness againtt you, and .shall
··at your Re!h as it were 6re. Ye have heaped
1 reuu re together for tht! la.st darJ" ( J a mea
5, I. 3).
In the busineM and finanei.sl world w~ 6nd
the !lame condition existing. The .stock market
is vaci llatinft and uncertain. More and greater
tU.I':S are continually being levied upon all
kind! of bu!lineu enterprises. Truly in our
day the miM:rlea of the rich are many.
A!l we turn to the religious world, what
conditions do we find? Confution everywhere!
A multiplicity of the creede and every con•
ceivable wind of doctrine, "having a fonn of
godlineM, but denying the power thereof'
(2 T;m. J,5).
On the other hand, we ace beautiful llrUc-
turea dedicated to the worship of Cod but
where the wo~hip it only a meanine;Je.a
We .ere all the latter-day conditiona brought
to view in the Scriptum exilt:i.ns in the world
today. The Sniour, in mumerat.Jns the •i&na
of Hia comins, uid: "No .. leam a puaWe of
tho 6s u..e; When bU branch !a , .. .-.
and pultetl\ forth Jeuea, 'fe bow that IGJ'ft•
mer ia nlsh: .a likewise re. whe:n ye ab.all .,.
all the. thinp. .bo. tNt it ia near, '"" •
tlo. doo"" (Moott. 24,32, 33). Ro doa ...
uy lha1 we are to think tlr..t it iA oear, or to
suaa •• it. but .... are. to be ab.oltatelf certain
of it: wtt are to ~ U. We han -.U
"'-thlnp. and wo .,. relylns 011 the Wcml
of Rim with whom k lo 1-lble to llo
(Rob. 6,18).
SECOND SECn()(j---P!l! 2
The Bible
Ran .. wt.at _. ..,.at .... haft ..aJd aboul dM Blh .. :
DANIEL WEBSTER: '11\e Bible fita man for life and prflparet him for death."
W. £.GLADSTONE (Prime Min~ter of Ensland): "I have kna,wn ~5 peat
awn ol the worJd in my time. aAd of Ute., 87 wtlftl followen of the B1ble.
OOLERIDOE (£ncliab pcl;!l): "For more than a thoUM.od yean the Bible hall
IOfM hand Ia hand with ctvilb.aUon, ac::ience, law: in .hort, with the moral and
i.nt•llec&ua.l cultivaUo.n of the apedee, alway• 1upporting and often lead1n1 the
PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT: "It i• neceuary for the welfat'e'
of the aation that me:n'• livea be bued on the principlee of the Bible. No man,
edu.eat.d or u.nedueated, can aJford to be iporant of the Bible."
PRESIDENT JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: "I have for mAnY yean~ made lt Ill
practice to read through the Bible onoe a year."
LINCOLN: '"The Bible ia auited to .,;en in all condition• of life and inctudM
all the dutiea they owe to their Creator, to themaelvel, and to their fel\ow.man.
It ia the but lift God haa given man."
THOMAS CARLYLE (Britilh writer): "In the poorei!t t:ottaiM are booka in
one Book, wherein !or .everal thouaanda of yean the apirit of man haa found li,Jht
and nouriahment and an in~rpreting retponse to whatever ia deepeat in him."
JOHN RUSKIN (Teacher of art); "Everything J have written, whatever sreat-
nt!M there hu been in any thoua:ht of mine, whatever 1 have done in my life, hBI
•imply been due to the fact that. when I waa a child, my mother dajly read with
RMJ a pert of the Bible and daily made me learn my part of it by heart."
GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE: "The Bible ia a Book in compariaon with which
all olhen, in my eyes, are of minor importance and which in all my perple:dtie<-
and diatr-hu never failed to 1ive me light and strenJth."
GEORGE WASHINGTON: "It ia impo88ible to rightly aovern the world with-
out God and the Bible. Above all, the pure and benil{n li1ht of Revelation ha• had
a meliorating influence on mankind. and increaM!fl the bleuinl{l of 10eiety."
ROBERT A. MILLIKAN (American scientist); ··J contider an intimate knowl -
t!dge of the Bible an indispemable qualification of u well educated man. Conhllcl
with the fine:tt influences which have ever come into human life can be obtained
only in this way."
JAMES HAMIL TON: "The Bible u1 a trea.!lure It cont.ainll enough to make us
rich for tirru!! and eternity , It contains the secre t o f happy living."
PRESIDENT WOODROW WIJ..SON: ''Amon h1u deprived himaelf of the belli
there i• in lhe world who has deprived himseU of a knowledge of the Bible. II ia
very difficult, indeed, for a man or for a boy who knt>W< !he Scripture:. to get bway
from it."
HORACE GREELEY: "rt ia impo ... 'lible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-
reading people. The principles of the Bible are the 1roundwork of human
CAFTAIN EDDIE RICKENBACKER: "The Bible is One Book for One
World. Today 1 realize that 1 probably would not be he re had it not been for the
!!opiritual light and the moral power learned from this Book. which ha~ carried me
through the many cri.se..~ of my life."
MARTIN LUTHER: "The Bible i!l God"! m0:t11t e~:<'ellent girt; take it 11way, and
you rob the world of the sun. While it has been well uirl, lettl"f'3 of kings ought
to be read aeveral timet~, how many morl.' tim~•. thf!l', are God'a !etten to be read
and atudied, thHlf!, ten, a hundred, yeJ, n thouJUtnd timet~ and more! For the Lord
!!opealu wiaely ; He Him!lelf ill etern11l Wisdom. He. therefore, who reada and
~arches the Scripturt'tl ia through them made wiiM' unto salvation ··
GENERAL OOUGLAS MacARTHUR: "Believe me. never a mtht goe~ by.
be I ever~ tired, but I read the Word of God before I ~o to bed."
-Awana Sipal, 7511 W Belmont Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60634
The Chri~tian & tli~ J>ur~e
by Dr. William l . Pett.ln1111
Tithing is an Old Testament law, rather than a New Testament rule of giving.
Un<M!r th@ law the Israelites were commanded to give not merely one-tenth, but
much more. First. there was the tithe (thai is, one-tenth) of 1111 produce as well
liS of all flocks and cattle, which was claimed by Jehovah, aT"d wh ich was paid
m kind, or if redeemed one-fifth of its value was added. The Levltes received this
t1the, and they in turn paid one-tenth of it to the High Priest. Then there was a
second Mtditional tithe of field produce al one, used for celebrating the sacred
te.asts each tint and second year at Shiloh or Jeru~lem, and every th ird year
at han"le, with a feast to the levites, the str3nger, the fatherless and the widows.
Some wrllen claim that there was also a th11d ttthe for the support of the poor,
though !his is denied by others. w~ hold that the second tithe on every third
year was shared by the Ll"''ites with the poor.
All this WfS required. It must be done to obey thl!! law. These tithes included
thfL t~~aelito's taxa Whatever he desired to bring as freewill offerings must be
added to these required offerings,
The New Testament plan of givinf is in I Cor. 16:2 and 2 Cor. 9:7: "Upon ttle
fi~t day of the week let every one o you lay by him in stOf"e, as God hath pros-
pered him": and "E~ttry man, according as he purposeth m his heart, so let him
give: not 1rvdgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a chl!!erful {Greek. hilarious}
It goes without sayintr that Christians should give as much under srace, or
even more, than the Israelites were required lo give under the law, But il rs alwavs
to be a matter of the heart-"according as he purposeth in his heart." Otherwise
the giving will be done "1rudgingty or of necessity," wh ich is hateful to God:
for He "loveth a hilarious giver,"
All this is not to say that Ctlristians ought fCi give 1n a haphatard and slipshod
'ltoay: far from it! Otlr arving should be systemat ic, regular, proportionate-"as God
hath prospered" us-and soontaneous. with a glad heart. Such giving br ings de-
ligflt to the heart of our Father.
And He promises to remunerate us for our givmg. and in du~ proportion to
our giving. What else can mean th~ words of 2 Cor. 9:6, 8, lH "But this I say,
He which sowoth sparingly shall reap atso sparingly: and he which soweth bounti-
fully shall reap also bountifully . . And God is able to make all grace abound
toward you: th11t ye, always having all suff iciencv in all th ings, may abound to
every good wortc: . , . beinlj: enriched in every th ing to all bountifulness, which
c.auseth through us thanksgrving to God."
And beyond everything. in connection with Chr•stian g•ving, tel it be remem-
bered that it must be a matter of givi na from a loving heart. The heart is the
thing. "For if there be first a will ing heart, it is acceoled 11ccording to that a man
hath, and not according to that he hath not" (2 Cor. 8:12).
DevoflonaJ •••••
LeBBon From An Almost Olympian
by John Dixon
Do you feel like quitting. you also-rans? Do those second, third or last-pl11ce
finishes make athletics s.eem worthless?
Then Iiston to Ll Cliff Cushman, a 1960 Olympian, a 1964 almost-OI)'fT'Lpian,
whO wrote this letter to the sympathetic home folks in Grand ForMs, North Dakota.
"Don't feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for some of you .
"'You may have seen the U.S. Olympic Trials on television. If so, you watched
me hit the fLfth hurdle, fall and lie on the track in an inglorious he.ap of skinned
elbows, bruised hips, torn knees and injured pride, unsuccouful In rrry attempt
to make the Olympic team for the second time.
"In a split second aU of the many years of tnlning, pain, sweat, blisters lind
agony of runni~ were simply and irrevocably wiped out. llut I triad. I would much
rather f11fl knowma 1 had put forth an honest effort than never to have tried at all.
''This is not to say that everyone is capable of making the Olympic team. How4
f!'ler, each of you is c.apebte of tryinf to make your own peBOr\111 'Olympic team,'
Whether H be the hi&h SChOOl footbal team, the glee club, the honor roll, or What·
ever your ROll may be.
"Unless your retleh h~ds your grasp, how can ~ be sure what you can
attain? And don't you thiN< there are things better than cig.areUn., hot.f'Od cars.
SChool drop-outs, exeenM makeup and ducktllil gruse-cutst
"Certainly, I was disappointed in fallina flat on my face. Hc:Jwevw, there is
nothina 1 can do about it now but pt up, pick the cinders from my wounds, and
take one mort st-o followed by one more, and one ~. until the steps tum Into
miles and the miles Into success.
•t daN J'OU to ~ your hair eut. I dare you to clean up your languqe. 1 d.tre
you to honor your mother and hither. I d.tre you to 10 to church withOut t.vlna to
be comJ)tllled to ao by your parents.
"Who knows7 You may be surprised at whot you can achle"'e with sincere
effort. So pt up, pick ttto cinders out of your wounds and take one more stop. ., ...,. ,...,.
by Francts R. HIV\tf'PI
TIM atept ef a rM41 ,..... M ..-.....r Q ttu &...nt -h. 211%1.
Take my teet. and let them be
Swift and bNutlful for thee.
Thee f..t ot ourt .-. to be Christ's ttrlnd runMn. ... Shtlll tN world haw
the UM of ..,_,7 Shill! thay C8nJ us wMriL tN llfOtfd is ptf'M'IC)Unt, and the Matt«
cannot be evwt rwned., ._.,.. tht mention of his ,..,.,. 'IIQIId bra 10 c:brio!Aiy
.... of ploco? ~-.... --, ..... bo '1lopl ""Joouo"' Lot-.,mp&e word~. tor ..._,., • rt,..-out next tkne Cf'le dlncirc dlfflcuftY Ot" any
othow dlfflcutt.r of 11m11 lllnd cornea u~ and I know wMt tht Ntult wfll bel . , •
Tho Lon1 will -many ,_ Ia< .... , b .... Ia< h ..... ll.
"How -..11u1 .,. tho loot of !hom ttoot brlrw .,.., tidJ,.. of -..,1.,..1"
TNt Is the beliC ~ of all .•.. TMn there .,. cuol of cold ...._ to be c.errled tn
111 d~ not eo thl poor ont1 -mlnlttln ot to.. .. oftlrt .. much ~
Oy • rtdl -.•. "*' -. .. 1-·'"'=:::~-juot .. --~ ...
IN! f.Jl::,·-""---., -thl .. --fltlt of loot. -...., .. ·-lndlcftld ...... LOn!'l will "" .. to do, Oy tho 1>00ltlon In ""lei\ hot ,_ ~ I& -"I<OI>t Ia< tho -. 1Joo. •
Now •••11•1 I• o•r ••w d•rd "•••.:,_.,.,
...... Qin "K-At;M, C:ALI~CINOIA
1 :00 "-W. ltJNDAY -IAAL.Y WOft-.IP'
10:10 A.W. lUNDAY ,. ,.IUTI\11 WO .... IP'
'Ita• &el'. , ... G. Blain. Pu&or
The tlel'. &ooald Wiatt. • .u.&lltMC Pu&or
Pbone: 041·3131
OrloM•Io'-o .......
n.rcm>-or c.wr.ea•••• ,Jill Vh Udo
t 11s •.•.• n ....
IllS -11 ....
ME.I!TIN<:i I , ....
READING ROOM ..... 4.,..: ....... -5 ..... .
WM"••4•r; 9 •·•· -1:4$ ... .. r .... 4., -4 ,,.4..,,
' ..... -5 ....... 7-9 ......
S.. .. 4•r· 1 ., .... -• •·"'·
IKCOftD caiKII or
" l .ea&NIWI
Mlwport a .. ch at eoro.. dal Mat
1100. PICIG.o Yin Or.
MEETING 1100 •·•·
...... loo.t ...... t 81~.
Jl61 [u\ t:Aut Bwy., CDM. ........ ,,.,, 10 ...... s, ...
n .... d., .,•Ia• 1 to ' S.t.: 10 ..... kt ,, ...
Ynu •e ~;:ord i all, invited to
auend Chwch Stnicu and
10 uu the Readi•l Room.
The of
The ,....,... of Chritt
TM Po.fl of the-Holy SsHrit
........ ClAY •CHOOL • A.M.
AHCI ....... V.ft "PoOO ....... .
A fuH Youth PfOI'Am
Cm. of OrM&e and Dtd. Sc.
Costl Meow
Pastor Fr.:! Morse
LUTH I!IWI 01111101
Of TKI! MASTI!R L .... c._,.,,. ._.,..,
ltOO Pldllo VI• Dr. eon-dllllar. CalL
mt. WfJJ JAM a. &LLD _ ... _
9,00 A. II .• F0JD117 --10'00 A. II. .c ..... -1
1Jipoutlf ~ Gllfurd!
3262 Brood Sfr .. t, Newport Heithts
A Frltlt 1111J llldrprt~dit"l
Co"K'Itgatio,a/ Cbrislit1J1 Ch11rch
n.. R•v. Hot'"an Brown, pNochlng
&lnday Service and Church School at 10:00 a.m.
Phone, 6Q-2HO
9:45A.M.-Bible School, with ou r 15 buses
serving South Orange County
11:00 A.M. -Moming worship
7:00P.M. -Evening Service
THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1970
COROllA DEL ~AR, CALIF. From the Police Blotter
• TUESDAY,l'ULY Zl the b'oat dom: "W1DckJiw at tb1 rrom I ear beioQclDc CO Del
ln.a o.. NetlUe, 39, at 119 JobD Albert Howell r..tdeoee, Carlloa at 3117 Yllloa Ave.,
Apolen.a. st .• Balboa lalud. wu 1101. Mlt&mar Dr •• Balboa. <lur-Costa Mea, wbtle it was c:arll:ed
urllt4lcl at his rHidloce oa. ao 1Jlc tbe ZDOI"DiD&, ca1111nc $30 m tbe 2100 block ot E. Coast
Oru.p Cotmty barbOr ;.nelal dlma&e • , , Bur&l&ra elt•ed Hwy,, Corona del Mar, betweeo
dietrleC court warrant cbu&inc tbl apu1.maDC of Georp C. 2:30 aDd 4:30p.m ••.• Hllbeaps
him wtth no dr1.'1er's Ucense. H&rril at lbe Newport.e.r J..DD.. valued at $30 were stolen from
, • Burglan eocer.t tbe Certt-du:rlq: tbt nlcbt, and escaped a ear beklogt.ng to Kenneth Ross
t1td Testing Equipment Ser-wltb a tape recorder Yalued ol 1230Somerset Ln., Braycrest,
Ytee Co. omce at 3843 Blreb at $90 ••• An au Get va.ILaed w~le U was parked at 136
St., Back Bay, between 1:30 at $Z wu stolen at 9:30 a.m. Via Havre, L1do Isle, betweeo
p.m. and 4 p.m. and sole a from a cllDghy beloogtng to 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
$500 air press\D'e guage •••• Scott F. Ross of 101 N, Bay. • FRIDAY, JULY 31
A tape recorder valued J.t $150 side Dr., wbUe U was dockea A battery valued at $30 wa.s
was burglarized from tbe Oc-at b.1s residence. stolen from a car beloogi.D(
cideotal Life Insurance Co. of. • WEDNESDAY JULY 29 to Francis M. Delaney, 2585
Ph . 646-931lJ Cott.l Men
lice at 4533 MacArthur Blvd., Steveo Carl 'schulte 19 Of Tustia Ave., Costa Mesa, while
between April and July • , • 280 Mapolia Costa 14 ' ' II was parked at 630 L1do Park ~;;:;;~~;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:~
Burglars escaped With $1,033 arrest.:! at I 10 a m ":; ~ Or., Lido Peninsula, during the r
worth of business machines residence 00 a c~~ ot fX)S~ night . • • A purse a.ud its TIDE A~ / ~ from the Dura Turf Co., 3737 sessloo ot stolen property cootents, valued at $26, were = ~~ .. ~~· ~
Birch St., Back Bay, during Josepb F Damon 21 ol. 3,412 · stolen from the car of Diane L..,.. ~
the D.lgflt ••• Tools valued at 112 Marc~ West'N....;...,..rt ; H. Richards, 967 Lansing, Costa .s..
$137 were stolen trom astor-• ~--'1n! Mesa, while It was parked iD ~ '-:~
a-butl.-Uftoo al 919 Bayside arrested at 9:15 a.m. at ttl~ the 3100 block of E Coast h""' e~"" =-.......... ~~ ..._ resideoce oo a chuge otpos-· -~·· Dr., Newport Beach, the tools sesstoo ot marijuana ••. Jim-Corooa del Mar, between 9:15
belonged to Donald Canfleld of mte Date Hicks 35 ot&6SP k a.m. and 11:15 a.m •... SW'f-
Huntingtoo Beach ••. A 9-foot Dr., Costa Me~, .:U arre:ed board racks valued at $12 were
STATE TREASURER Ivy Baker Priest is pictured here at dlngfly valued at $200 was sto-at 3;15 p.m. at 2703 w. CO&St stolen from the garage at the
right with Mr s. John Howard Scruggs ot Wdo Isle, whom len from Jack R. Morley, 2601 H Mart Ml Douglas Salisbury residence,
she has earned as ber Orange County chairman. Mrs. VIsta Dr., Bay ShOres, durlng F~sco ~rU:e, ~J:: 214 Narcissus, Cor ona de l Mar. 3011 "..-port 11-.d..
Scruggs, who handled Mrs. Priest's Orange County cam-the night •. , Burglars broke him wltb l.a.llur to between noon July 26 and noon ~;;:;;:;;";;•wag;po;;";;._..;;;;:;;:;;;'j;:J
palgn lo 1966, ts a past president and founding member of tnto a garage at the EJ.J.z.abeth Gerrard p lU~ 2~ 6ii, July 29 .•. Burglars entered
the Newport Harbor Service League, a member of the Ward residence, 2401 Alta w Ba.lboa ·Blvd • sa.t.boa the garage at the Joseph c .
Orange County PhUha.rmoD.Ic Society, and has been a.cllve Vista, East Bluff, and stole a ar.rested at 5.o5' P a't ~ Gallont Jr. r esidence, 424 St.
on the board of the welfare planning council and the Junior $50 bicycle during the night. r e.sldeoce 00 ~ Ora·n~ C~ ~tldrew's Rd., Cliff Haven, dur-
League ot Los Angeles. She ls an honor graduate ot OCLA. Vandals thew rocks througtl harbor judicial dlstrl t ant lng the nigtlt of July 30 and
(Rich Martin phOto.) --~ Charging blm wlth ~7::: to escaped with $505 worth of
SEA POWER IS TOPIC LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE awear ... VliJldals broke win-tool> ... Vandals placed suJOU
FOR B.Y.C. MEET IN G NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND rate of 9%, and late charges dowsa.ttheHomerB. Robi..nsoo ~n the gas tank ofacarowoed
Balboa Yacht Club's men's ELECTION TO SELL UNDER as set forth tn said deed of residence 5200 Seashore o Y Russel c. Taylor, 4600
lunch wi.U be held F'rtday, Sept, DEED OF TRUST trust, and together with any West Ne.:.,,rt causing m:r·~ Wayne. Rd., Cameo Highlands,
11 wttll COCkta.ils at 11:30 and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: and aU s ums advanced by the than $55 damaire ••• Thieves ;~da:O! July 8~· ~usmg
lunch ac 12:15. that HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS Beneficiary under the terms took $65 In cash trom a purse .. ~ .· · · g s eo-
The speaker, a member of a AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF and provisions of said deed of at tbe restdeoce of Kay E. Ger-tered an otf!Ce al SSO Nf!wpott
trained presentation team t:rom SAN OtEGO, CA LIFORNIA, a trust, and delinquent tues, as-ard 1704 1/2 w Ocean Front Center Dr·· Newpo rt Center •
the o.mce ot the chief ot naval corporation., 1s trustee under sessments andinsuranceprem-CertraJ Newpori durlng ~ occ ~led by Ptull Anshuts and
at•-·-deed f 1 .. -•-t A st • ••• 1 escaped with $4~ worth of oper MIU:>, will talk about sea a o trust substituted iD urns, u any. ~r." · • • ereo ...... tee-busi h bet 8 15
If yot.~ ilfe 1 ne•comrr, or
k.no~ (>( a ne '*COmet tn
!he llarbor Area •ho hu
no1 been welcomed, do
hrr 1 favor by calhn& the
Harbor V11110 r bet'*eltn
" and 10 a .m .• and shr
.., 11 c•11 on you r fr1end
""1th valuable 1nform•t1t..1
arul arfu. from rntTidly
bus1neu firms whu;h
uana reac:ly to help her
become •cquarntec:l *'th
her ne ~ surroond.inas
power and how it attects the place or HOME DEED & ES-That by r eason thereof, the vlsioo set valued at $.470 were ness mac lnes ween :
security or our country. He CROW CO. OF SAN DlEGO, undersigned, pr esent bene-burglartz.ed trom the JOhn a.m._ and 5:30 p.m. July 25 · · ·
uses coloc slldes to Ulustrate a Corporation es:ecuted by fl cla.ry under said deedottrust, Perez: resi!Seoce 425-1/2 Or-~~~~~v~~ aa~;~ =~ PHONt: 49 .. ·9361 his taUt wlll ch concerns the C A.M.ILLE A. GARNIER, a has executed and delivered to cb td, Corooa del Mar .•• Stereo longing to Jan De~u 111 37th ~~~·~·;6~ol6~~· 0~1 7;•~:;;:::-:-~1
tact that we are confronted married mao, dated May 9th, said trustee a WTltten dec lara. tapes valued at $25 were sto-~t., West .'o'ewport, dllrwg the i'"
by an expanding Soviet chal-1963 and r ecorded May 21, tion ot default aod demand tor len between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. night M 14. T T RES 5 E 5
leoge to our tradtuooal 514>-1963, tlle no. 16984, Page 836, sale, and has surrendered to from a cu belongio.g to Jottn · REW _ aEaotLDtxC
remacy at sea. book 6555 of otttclal records said trustee said deed of trust Wilson, 425 W. VIctoria. Costa SEPT. 12 PARTY' J~gular Shas>H
Ed Lethen Is men's lunch in the of:ftce of the r ecorder and all documents evldeoclog Mesa, wbJie H w-as parked at The-Newport Harbor Senior laaenpn.g -c.tt-
chalrman and Don V, Franklin or the County of Orange, state obligations secured thereby, 2168 W. Coast Hwy.,.Mariners Cltu.ens will be entertained at COSTA MtsA MAnlln co.
is commodore. of CaWornta, am given to se-and has declared and doeS here. MUe ••. A surf mat, valued 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept, 12, w1th ~~soN ... ,_. ..... u.._.,. .. llOl r--.;o.:.:..:;;_ ____ _, cure payment or a promls-by declare all sums secureo at $10 was stolen from Chris a Hantia.n party at lbei.r club-
D A LT.Z sory note for $75,000.00, dated thereby Immediately due and JOhn Lama, of 115-1/2 ZlrdSt., hOuse tn CU!f HaYen. There Friendly N~IJ"hborhood
llfl May 9, 1963, payable with In-payable, aOO has elected and Ce ntral Newport; the sur! mat w!U be OOor prh.es, refresh-Service M OR TIJ.' ARJ r:: (' terest thereon as therein pro-does hereby elect to cause the was lying In the front yard and ments and a white elephant BELL BROADWAy
./1 LJ Vlded, in favor of HOME FED-t~roperty described In s:aiddei:!d was stolen about 5 p.m. sale, The public is invited to MORTUARY
1741 SUPERIOR AVE. ERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN of trust to be sold to satisty attend. Oo Sept. 29 the Seniors IIQ B d
ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO, the obligations secured there. • THURSDAY, JULY 30 wU\ leave for a few days in roo w ay
COSTA MESA a California corporation. by. CtLarles Warren Barrickman. LLa~ke~T"-ahoe~!:._· ______ _::u=a=.J4=33=·=·=·3434==Coota==M=..,=~
Mi dway b-2424 That a breach of the OOU-Dated August 12Ul 1970 41, of 124 Kings Pl., Cll.U r
3520 E. COAST HI WAY gattons for which said deed Lot 7 Block 1 iRACT 626 Haven, was arrested at 1:10 301 Mognolio St. Home of P . G. Hev,..onn of trust was given as security as soo..:n on a Map recorded a.m. at 36th and Marcus, West
(A t Suta A.,a A.vr.l Chrlatlon School COROMA DEL MAR has occurred tn that the tol-in Book 30, pages 40 and 41 Newport, oo a charge ofdriv-"Let not your heart be troubled .•. "
COSTA MESA K.i,ulrrtartu-8th Gr•J~t ORiole 3-9450 lowing payments due~nsa.ld of Miscellaneous Maps. lng wb.lle UDder the latlueoce
Phone 548·1733 Phon• .548 -2840 S6tc~t 1942 note were oot paid when due, HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS of alcohol · • · Patrick M.. L..:c...::.::::::....::.:::c:..:.:..:::_ ___ ....c:...:;:::,::._:=~==---..J ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~, and still remain due, owtng and AND LDA.N ASSOCLATION Of Brasnan, 45, of 717 W, Bal-
~d: The monthly instal-SAN DIEGO boa B!Yd., Balboa, was a.rres-COUNSELING --ALL PHASES
Save Time And Money-Call An Expert
27l2 E. Coast Hwy ,
Corona del Uar
Phone t. n-1 336 --------• CONCR ETE
o DRY Cl f .t.NIHG
F'\nest quality dry cleamnJ.!
on tJ1e premises
• Self-service liwndry
All new -latest model
Frtgidaire wa.shers
3200 E . COut HwY •• COM
Phone: 613-9605
DrM11rl Tom
PHOHE o 6oi6-U19
2•31 Mow,... llv4.
~J. ,.,., , ......... ...
Ul9 E. c.• Hwr· c._ ........
~~!!~SPA t * Wl-•1 "A W'tilrt""" * Ultf".o·Yiol•t s-Tu t-* l'iHloll '--• Sf.Nf!l ...._ * r .. l...-•tl .. l .. cctrlul lrlh•N .. * o ..... 0..., ..... .._ * ..... ; .............. 1 .,. •• _ * Priu .. nw St.olt s.a.-. * ,.,_.1 s-,.,;"*"
6l'N441 • "'""'"liM
SllNbs. Loterlor Plaots
TrOpical &t Trees
lnsecdc:l.des aad FerUlJzer
........ a. ......... _ ........
COIOIII del Mar Nar.err
:l744 E. .a..& Hwy., 61HI80
qr... :J--·~~ ----·-·----
PlllollurF -0.1011 Bor
Pllllll -.-piotoiiDo
13.000 P.A 'M'I:IINB
•u & CMel R.,.
(Nut 1o Port T•••,..J ..._:n••u
A. !1. MAUAC
~au 700Cw·-•-_._..._
• , ........
W4'1811SA'l'UI , ......
~:~~;~:~~ PAMPHL.I!TS ~ L.I!A..-t.E,-:s
CALL Ul f'OI IIT1MATIS .,, .....
2721 E. Cooet Hlthwoy
eo, ... , del M.r, C:..lifemlo
Calli• Your W•t Ad
to tho Lai•
......... ,_~
W • s.llac,.,..•:
C.ll~ -------
, ..... :r
(8y 8•~«-,,..,, •• d )
__,DO. I ... -Olft.Y
.... -Call .. ~ ..
au-.II.L--1·1 r•• ••t-
e fi'IN. CA•Nna
• WOODCilA"a e llTC.
DTWAT-ei.AD&..Y •rvDI •• aa •• ua. 1194
••whte .,....
lment of principal and interest By : William Schelling, Ass't. ted at 10:45 p.m. at 608 E.
due' June 20th, 1970, and sub-Vice President Balboa Blvd., on a cllarge of
sequeot Installments due there-By: Louella Griggs, Assist-being drwt io pubUc .•• Ronald
alter, thereby declarl.ng the en-Secretary Lee Wendt, 25, of 940 Irvine
tire principal balance of $65,-Publish: Aug, 20, 27, Sep(. 3, Ave., Newport Heights, n.sar-
124.96 due aod payable, to-10, 1970, in The Newport Ha.r-rested at 7:30a.m~ oo an Or-
gether wttll interest thereon bor Ensign. ange Countyha.rbor judicl.aldls-
trom May 2oth, 19?0, at the trict courl warrant chUging
-------,..-,-,---him with t:a.llure to appear , ••
LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL t«>TlCE A radio valued at $20 was
NOTICE lNVITING BlDS : stolen "[rom Ba..rbara G. Olhi,
NOTICE L's: HEREBY GIVEN that the Board ot Supervisors 2025 Ocean Blvd., Co rona del
ot Orange County, California will receive sealed bids l1p to Mar, while it was on a printe
2:00 o'clock P, M, on the 28th day of Septe mber , 1970 beach at the 2100 block of
ln the oftl.ce of the Clerk or the Board of Supervisors, 5th E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, about
floor, County Administration Building, 515 North Sycamore 7 p.m. · · A tennis racket,
Street, santa Ana, Callfornia, at which time said bids will be attache case, tire a.ocl wheel,
publicly opened and read for the following: all valued at $176, •ere sto-
O'NE ILL PARK RESTROOM NO. 10 len from a cu belonging to
ALL OF" SAID WORK to be performed in accordance With Paul McCask.el.Ls,32Z-l/2Mar-
Dians and specilicaUons which are now on file lii the office ~ne Ave., Balboa Island, while
of the Clerk ot the Board of S~rvisor s, m the County Ad-It w~ parked at the Mar~e Ave.
ministration Building 515 North Sycamore Street Santa Ana and · Bay Front parking loC
By A;>pointnient
COSTA MESA 557-3531
a per
Painting & Decorating
Califor nia. ' ' ' on Balboa lsla.nd during the 536 CI!MTEI ST.
MINIMUM WAGE rates for this project have been deter-night • • • Tools and a tool COSTA MESA If M. ,;..,..., S.17.0
mined by the Board of Supervisors by Resolution 70-891, bobo~I~V1l~l~ued:"_a~t~S«l~:w~er~e~st~o~le:•J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a copy of which Is on tile in the offi ce of the Clerk ot the r
Board of Supervi sors .
BIDDERS' ATTENTION Is called to Sect1ons 1770-1777.5
of the Labor Code which will r equire them il awarded the
contract to pay not less than said general per diem rate of
wages set forth to all laborers, workmen and mecha.n.lcs
employed in the execution of the proposed contract .
ONE AND ONE.HALF Urnes the prevailing rate of wages
shall be paid any working time in excess of eight (8) hOurs
in any one caleodar day and for Saturdays, Sundays, and
legal holidays, unless otherwise noted. for less UWl eight
(8) hours per day the rl.te shall be that fnctlon of the fore-
going rates tbat the number ot hours bears to eight (8).
EACH BlDDER must submit •tth his bid a satisfactory
cheek certitled by a re5;1011S1ble bank or a bidder's bOnd made
payable lo the order of the County of Orange ln an amount
oot tess than nve percent (S%) ol the sum bid as a guarantee
that the bidder wtU enter into the propo~ contract lt the
same is awarded him. I.o the event of failure to eater loto
such cootract, the proceeds of the cheek will be forfeited,
or in case of a bond, the fUll sum thereof will be forfeited
to sa.Jd County of Orange.
EACH BID must be on a blank for m furnished by the County
THE SOCCESSFUL BIDDER shall be r equired to turD.I.sh,
at Ume ot signing agreement, one (1) surety bond wbtch
shall protect tbe laborers and material men and sh&U be tor
one bUDdred percent (100\) of the amount of the contract,
in accordaDce wltb Section 4.202 of the Governmeat Code,
and ooe (1) surety bond ln the amount of one hundred percent
(10(") ~ the contract.. p.ranteelng the fa.Hhful perb'mance
ot tbt cootrad; sa.ld bollds to be ftrst approved by the otftce
of tbe County Counsel of Orange County.
THE BOARD Of SUPERvtSORS reser..-es the right to re-
ject 1.a1 or a.ll bids, a.nd not oecessarlly accept tbe lowest
prlee bld, and to wa.1'1t auy lntormallty iD &.11.)' b6d rec:eiYIIl.
SECURING DOCUUENTS, Plans and sc>eell!ealloos wtU bt
aQJ.II.ble tor eacb bidder at the o.mce ot tbt Dlrtctor of
BuUdlJac Senten, 6!8 Nortb Sycamore Str~ Sub. Aa_
Colllnlo, ud m&J bt -....o ""'" tho -ol $2$.00
pot oot. nt;: -•It wtD bt rolllrood ..,. lbt Clnwtllp ud
tptcUicatklGs ue nt-.Dtd l.n cood coodlUoo.
llatod, "-n, mo W. E. ST JOHJ<
Coaly Clerll: udi u...olfteiO CMrt
"' ... Boord "' ~· "' Orup COOIIIJ, C&Ut>nl&.
By -1 1.. C>otol .. lloptiJ (SEAL) ,_, H--boa.., Sc>L 1 11111 10, mo.
Deadline Midnight Thurs. September Tenth
• .. •
The followina offices will have reg:istrars avallabl• on
the evening: of September lOth:
,_ .... h_, w....-4
·~ s..-.. U }n (! 1.,. It (It ... --............... ""
1110'S ...... ""
-·-.._.,._ c... .... c-11-.
ISM I c .....
-..~ .. Clooii.._Oooo ---.. ..,.... ~ 11 ,... .. ".. .... ...,..._ "-Mil-CIW>tli SM ~ ........... l U I llo $-ll.o ~Millo 1111-f 0.."'"" 1•12 ......
For addit ional lnformetion, call 547-8006
I '
GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONIES were held recently for General Dl.gltal CorporaUon's
35,01Xl sq. tt., $25,000,000 oftlce and manutacturlng plant building-at Red Hlll A\fe, and
Baker St., ln the lrvlDe lndustr1al Complez_ near the airport. Particlpants tn the ground-
breaking included, from left, Roo Btrtcher, uecutlve of Birtcber Pacitlc, lnvestment
aDd constructton firm 1eveloptng the plant; Rtcha.rd Smith of Pacltlc Investments, Who
neaotJated the deveklpment; Dr . Rtcllard C. Slrrioe, vice-prestdlllt of General Olgttal,
in charge ot research and development; Albert B. 0811, vice-president Ln charge ot mar~
kettng, and Alvin B. Pb.lll.lps, pres:l.dent, cba.irmaD and chief er.ecuUve ortlcer. GenerU
Dtrttal, oow operating out or a 3,000 sq. tt. taclUty tn Santa Ana, is ln the metal ol.lde
semi-conductor and l&rge scale lntegraUon products field.
at Our Store
Enroll by Sept 10
1st Class 7 p.m. Sept. 151
'' ••• I f
411 -·· ~.., ........... 70
Earl Montgomery, 52, of 22'7
Pl., Costa Mesa, died
a.t Costa Mesa Mem-
Hospltal. He was born
29, 191a, In Michigan,
came to Orange County a
1'··-·· ago. He h.ad been em-
ployed as a grade chec ker for
Robert E. FuUon Co., working
on the River side Freeway in
Santa Ana C:lnyon.
Survivor s Include his wile,
Frances; 2 sons, James olCosta
Mesa aoo James Roberts ot
North Hollywood; 2 daughters.
Mrs. Beverly Powers ol North
Hollywood and Mrs. Uoda
Lewls of Freeport, Grand Ba-
hamas; a sister, Mrs. Marie
Arnold of San Bernardioo; a.M
a brother, Leonard ol Foatalla.
Graveside ser vices were held
Sept. 2 at Mont ecito Memorl.al
Park, San Berna.rdlno. Baltz
Mortuary, Costa Mesa, was
forwarding director.
Complete Funerals Cost Less AI Weslmlasler
p..., $46)
liltr Stmnrinl Jark
"Et~erythins in One Beauri/ul .Piau"
Bea.W< the fuoml and l!uria! centrr concept
eliminat.s the need for processiOtU lhrougb
heavy traffic on overcrowded highways, family
and friends alilce may oow pay their full re-
spects by attending the burial service, .as weU
as the chapel se<Yice, all at one beautiful place,
at ll'SS cost: and more corrnnima.
' ~
Your home is
where our heart is.
A lor of peo ple think we'r(' only interested
rn selling offi ce bulidmg! or shoppm8
Thar 's not so . Every monrh, we help
hundreds of familres all ove r rhe Wesr buy
or se ll a home. Nobody does tt beuer chan
we do.
If yo u're looktn8 for a home, or wanr to
sell yours. you could save yourself a lor o(
ume and rrouble by ~
calltng us. Coldo-..........
W e'll pur our hean ~;.._ _ __...,...
tnro your home -.-
HO Nt•pon et"'~' Ot•>'f
Nr•pon (tnfn
• SATI.RDAY, AOG. 1 lor an l""'P'J • • • v-. . , limy OOit, II, ol Ull I~ llatbow YOUIIL '10. f.I.IRGROUNDS loiAHAG!R
-..,.,._ ... Yalood II ~ .. •-loci ••sa --w. 1111, ~ NOWI>Orl, ,.. o Tlcol>dtrop, Coota Alltod G. Lot...., _,u $110 ...,. Mc>leo from a bcol ap to lllo uta.,...d ._ ll ur-a1 11:11 p.m. lll41b "-· dlod Auc. Sl at Hoar ......., ol lllo Or .... Coool1
onad by S..-d Wuaormu, W. Oc .. Froot IJid Uod 81., 81, IJid Qc.-troat, Collin! HoiiPitll. He wu born Ftl>, FIJri"JOIIIIO lor lll4l .... S
101 N. lloylllde Dr • ....,_ WOII Newport, doriJ>r lllonljhl. Nowport, oo a cl>Up ol poe. I, 1900, In 111ehlpn IJid eame Y-• IUballllod lit. root ... .
July %5 aDd Aq. 1.,. A JIUI'M • MONDAY AUC. S ltfltm ol mu1,Juua • • ,Sili&D to On.net Cowty ln lM4. Ht Uon a't tbl boar~ of dlrtttol'l'
and Ita eocteDta ••re .stoleo Arthur Aw"" Datu, za, Ar11De 'aDdldlle, Z1, ol tm ~ bteo tmploJed u a clerk wwal mMUn&. ttetct!Yt Oet.
trom a car btl~ 1o Elfr.a. ot Huntt.ncton Beacb wu u. Vi& Udo Saud. Lldo lilt, wu or tbt Lol Aoplta Metro-3l
beti Berry, ot 60'1-1/1 U&rl-rested a.t !:50 p.m. ai the Nnr-arrested at DOOa &t ber ttll-po~!:1 Autho~:r ~ Y~•· He pve u r•JOD tbl DMd
cold, Cotolll del Yar, wtltlt port Seaeb Pollee, Dept. oo a deoct oa I.D On..opCouatyttu-von • 1 '• tor rnUi.Dc a clwlct 10 u to
U was puked iD fl'ort of Mr cbarge ofreee1Ytncstoleopr~-bor Judicial dlltrlet court war-Hester; 1 daupter, Mrs. Pat-"4Dd lncreued opportuolty b'
residence durLOC the night ••• erty ••• ThornasCeorgeTriiU, rut chlrgtnc her wlth failure ~!~~er~ ofu ~~; ..0: creative outlet." Prtor tobtlDI
A stereo tape deck valued at 22, oo address listed, was ar-to appear • • • Gary Wayne PbU 'c tlSst 0 named pneral ma.DliV of tbe
$126 wu stolen from a car rested at ooon at 15th St. IJid Klnkade, aDd Mark RonaldPu-M Of aWorllia; 2 stJten, Fa.irii'OUDds In 1967, be bad
beloneing to Cbarles C. WJlUs Bay Ave., Central Newport, oa ta..D., 20, oo address Usted, H u. VIola GreJser and Mrs. held editorial position& wWl
Jr., t214Ba.kerSt.,CostaMesa, a charge of possession of a were arrested at 1:45 p.m. at a!:~l Barnes, both of Oh.lo; several newspapers, IJid bad
wblle lt was parked at Zot.h St. stereo wlthOut a serlalnumber. tbe El Rancho Market, 2127 rw!~~hl~en. ere 1\eld op..:rated h.ls own pboto~hy
and Court St., Central Newport .• John Lonergan Pellam, 19, Newport Ave., West Newport, Sept 2 at ~ ~~~ of the buslness 10 HoUywood.
between l2:15 p.m. and 1:40 of 12<1 Vla Lorca, Lido lsle, on cbarges of shopWUng. C hJ~es, lngle~ood Cemetery.
p.m •••• Burglars entered the was arrested at 10:15 a.m. at .. 0 .u DEN IS •::::---:~:--=-:~ a&~Utment ot John A. LeMar, the Newport Veach pollee sta-~ ~"' H Dl ES
1945 Sberrington PI., Newport uon on anOr:wgeCountyha.rbor Adam Dennis, 53, of 2013
Heights, between 4 p.m. and judicial dlstrlct court wa.rra.at Contlnental, Costa Mesa, died
8:30 p.m., and escaped with charging hlm wtth petty theft, Aui. 24 In Long Beacrt. He was
$120 1n cash , •. Burglars •. Stereo tapes valued at $45 born Jan. 20, 1917, in Penn-
entered the Michael McClellan were stolen from a car belooC-sylvania, and came to Orange
resideoce, 700 Narcissus, Co-tng to John w. WUUams, 2286 County 25 years ago. He had iiiiOir!GI1 0 1•111~
rona del Mar, and escaped wtth Canyon Dr., Costa Mesa, whllt been a lead-man for Douglas .....--••
$159 wortll ot sport.J.n& equip-It was parkedatRich&rd'slllar-Atzcraft for Z1 years.
ment duriq the night ••• Burg-ket parking lot between 4 a.nd Survivor• Include hts wUe, E.Coe.st. H~t~J~;J Corona eMf Met"
la.rs entered the H. f. NichOls 5 p.m. Beverly; 3 sons, Robert of S:Jt Teh 67.J-21f0
restdeoce, 2815 Pebble Dr., PhOtoJ.J:, Arlc., and Martin and (J~~~~~~~,.~5~~~~~~ti~A~-~Muhr~~~C~....,.~~==-Huoor VIew HUla, during the • TUESDAy • AUG. 4 llarlt, both of Costa Mesa; 1
nJiflt and escaped wtth a sll-An estimated SZ55 was sto-sister, Mrs. Anna Stratous,
ver mur valued at $30, a tele-len from a cash bor. at Rich-Long Beach; aDd a brother,
scope valued at $150, aOO a ud's Glft Shop, 2433 VIa Udo, Joaeph of Uoeoln Park, Mich.
wlne glass valued at S80 ... between 11 a .m. and 6:45 p.m.; Ro~~.ry was recUed Aug. 26,
A pair o.f stereo speakers val-Investigators said a key had and mau was celetlrated Aug.
ued at $50 were burglarl%ed been used to open the cash 27 at St. Joachim's Catholic
from the resldeoce of Oradlord box. · • Two paintings, nlued Church. Inter ment was at Good
Hall Blakeley, 2140 VIsta Dor· at $500, were stolen from the Shepherd Cemetery. Baltz Mor-
ado, EastBluU,durlngthenigtlt. Park Lido Convalescent Hos-tua.ry, Costa Mesa, was 1n
pi tal, 466 Flagship, West New-charge or arrangements.
• SUNDAY, AUG . 2 port Helgtlts, about 9:45p.m.
Thieves entered the Balboa •. Sandra Kramek_ 7, ol 209 MEETING CHANGED
Inn, 105 Main St., and escaped Cypress, Balboa, was bUteo
with $105.49 from the omce on the b ee by a dog at 207
between 3:30 a.nd 5:<15 p.m ••• ()'Press; she was taken to Hoag
A blcycle valued at $150 wa!. Hospital for surgery and the
stolen !rom a prageattheW\1-dog was QuarantlDed at the Ed-
ltam Anthony Tass!.o residence, ward Burt residence, 207 Cy-
209-1/2 38th St., West New-press . . . Sharon Penelope
port, between 8:45 a.m. and Glass, 26, ot 2669 Orange Ave.,
4 p.m •••• A wallet and Its Costa Mesa, was arrested at
contents, valuOO at $155, were the Sewport Beach pollee sta-
stolen from a paper rack at tioo at 9:50 a.m. on a ha.rOOr
Balboa Blvd. a.f¥1 w. Coast Hwy ., judicia I dlstrtct court warrant
West Newport, about 3:30 p.m.; charging her with child neglect.
The trustees of Coast Com-
munity College District will
meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday,
Sept. 16, In the new district
building at 1370 Adams Ave.,
Costa Mesa.
The board oormally meets
the 200 and 4th Wednesdays of
the month. This month's dates
!lad to be changed, hOwever .
The board will meet on th e
regular dates next month, on
Oct. 14 and 2a.
OF COU RSE IT'S the wallet belonged to Rion
Stalwtck, 10 MJlbrace, Costa
Mesa .•. Vandals Ut a tla.re
on the porch of the Charles
E. HoiUster resldence, <133 M
St., Balboa, causing the house
to nu wtth an odor a.boutll :IO
p.m.; damage caused to the
porch was estlmated at $1 0.
•. , GWls va lued at S<l6a were
burgtarlzed from the James
E. Ceilings r esidence, 111 41 st
St., Apt. A, West Newport; tne
burgl.ary occurred sometime
between 6 p.m. July 31 and
1 L p.m. Aug. 2 •• , DonnJ
w. Haglew, 13, or 312 Mar-
guerite Ave., Apt. C, Corona
del Mar, was bitten on the.
rlgtlt torennger by a stray cat
about 7 p.m.; the cat died later
aod was taken to a veterlnarlan
Fictitious Firm Name
by certify that they are conduc-
ting a boat building business at
P.O. Box 2007, Costa Mesa,
Call!. 92628, under the rtcU-
ttous firm name or Sanity Boats,
and th.at said tlrm is com -
posed of the following persons
wtlose names in full and place~
of residence are as toUows,
to-wit: Rlch.ar d S. Sargent,
22 141 Mallbu Lane, Huntington
Beach 92646; 0. Keith NichOls,
2000 RepubUc Ave ., Costa
Mesa, 92.6Z1; Howard A, Tyr.
rell, 28<15 Serang PL, Costa
~esa, 92626.
WITNESS our hands this 31st
day or AuiUst, 1970, Richards.
Sargent, 0 . Keith Nichols,
Howard A. Ty rrell.
ON THIS 31st day of Aug-
ust, 1970, before rr1'e, a Notary
PubU c In and for saJd COWlty
and state, residing therein,. duly
commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Richard S.
Sargent, 0 . Keith Nichols and
Howard A. Tyrrell, known to
me to be the persons whose
names are subsc ribed to the
within Instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they uecuted
the same.
WITNESS my hand and of-
tlclal seal. Mary A. Haapa,
;<;olary Publlc to and tor saJd
County and State. My Com-
mission expires Dec. 13, 1971.
Publish: Sept. 3, 10, 11, 24,
1970, 1n the Newport Harbor
Flctttious Flrm Namt
heretly certlty that she Is coo-
duct1ng an t4)holstery and drap~
er y busioeSI at 3014 Nestall
St., Laguna Beach, under th6
fl ct111ous firm name of Crown
Custom Upbolstery &Dd Dn.pery
Co. and that saJd tlrm Js com-
posed of the tol.lowl.ng penon
whOse name 10 tull and place
ot residence are as folk:lws,
to-•·tt: Loura Tyler, 1824 Port
Stirling Place, Ne-wport Stach,
CaWornta, 92660.
WITNESS my tlaod th.ls 12th
day ol Ao(IISI, 19'10. Loura
ON TillS IZtb day ol Auroat,
19'10, before me, a NotarJP\D.
He In IJid tor said """""' IJid atat•, rollldlnr lllorelo, dal7
eommJ..a.soOid a.D1 .w«D, per.
oonall1 -od ._.. Tylor,
lnowD to me to bo lbe .--
·--la-lbodtolbo wtl!ll.a .-.moat, IJid --
lodpd to melllallbo--lbe-.
WITIIESS my-lllldollldal
..t. lluy A. ~ NotarJ
PIII>Hc In Ud b' aid eo.)'
111111 Slate. lly Comm1-a-
plr" Do<:. 11, 11'71.
Plll>llatl: Aile. 10, 17, Sopl. I,
10, mo, 111 ... "-'Hat-
Tuesday, Sept. 15, wtll mark
the date for the first orga.nlz.a -
tlora\ meettnr to form a.
women's club and a junior wom-
en's club tn the lrvlne area.
Mrs. Alvin Smltll, 18661 Vla
Palatino, Irvine, will open her
hOme at a p.m. for the meeUng.
Interested women wishing
further information may con-
tact Mrs. Fred Fry at 833-
3137 E. Coaol Hlwoy.
Corona del Mar
W! DELIV!R -675~310
For a limited time you
can become a Charter
Member of Centinela Bank's
new regional office in
Newport Beach, and get
a free personal checking
account for your entire life!
Free Business Checking Accounts
with minimum balance.
All accounts insured to $20,000 by the Federal
Deposit Ins urance Corporation.
Services of Centinela Bank
CJ Drive-in TV Teller Banking-soon
o Boat-in Banking at our 65-foot dock
o Dock-to-Dock Bank Customer Pickup and
Delivery Service
o 24-Hour Local Yacht Race Results and Daily
Fishing Reports -Call 642-1440
o Extended banking hours: 8:30-5 pm Monday -
Thursday, until 6 pm Fridays
o Free Bank-by-Mail Service