HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignITIO FREEWAY FIGHTERS wl»o are carrying on their campal&n to eUmloate tba eout freeway route trom Newport Beach and Corona del Mar potm out this aketcb as an ezample ot the tremendoua area that would bt wiped out by an 1Dttrchanee a1onr the cout. This shows tht orlctnal propoAl tor a.o lntercbazlp j\m abon the Arches, near Hoac Holpltal. A later cbup tn planl bas moved thla eoormoua lntercb&ore weatcly to SIC)trlor ATe. Aoother, ot tQt&l 11u, would be at MacArthur BlYd. Dear Coaat Hwy. 1n Co rona del l4u. The IWmberl tn the photo ldeoUf'J the tollowinr locattona: 1. Arches onrput at Cout Hwy, S and 4. Hoar Hospital 5. Hoag access read overpass. 6. Catallnl. Dr. 7, Clltf Or. 8, Off-ra.mps conaeetin& coast ~ trte1lt'IY and Newport freeway, ! ij City manager aide named • . ' •• •• ·. ' Signature drive is on Tbe Citizens CoordlnaUng caUed for In the petitions Commlltee and the Harbor Area "would be a bad mista.t.e." Freeway Ftgbters wtll begin However, Dr , NoW! F'ri:t- thel.r massive petition driYe zelle, another board .nember, thls Friday to stop coostructtoo compared the "almost ir- ot the COilstal freeway througtl revocable situation" of the Sal- Newport Beach, boa Bay Club to construction of The Freeway Ftgbters trill a freeway: "Ooce we commit begt.o. d.Jstrlbutlng petttloos tol~ to the state (concern1ngartgtlt- lowi.ng 2 assignment meetings of-way), that 's it. There is at 7:30 Uld 9:30a.m. tomorrow reason for br inging the matter at Bayside VIllage, 300 E. Coast before the Yote ot the people," Hwy., Newport Be.ach. he said ln supporting the call On of the peUtlons seeks to tor a stUdy on the matter. c.ncel, either by the City Coun-A report on the stUdy Ls ell's action. or by a vote of expected during the board's the people, tilt freeway agree-October meeting. meots slped between the city Ill aoother related actioo, a az.S the state. gr~ at about 74 t.om.owners The other petition seeks an LD Nlruel West, LD Lacw-Ni- tltction to vote on an &mead. tuel, llavt attend support to ment of Ule Ctty Charter that tht treeny f1ibten 1n their would Ioree the Couoc:U to call move to ellmLD&te the tree- an elecUon wbtnevtr a treewa.y way. 11 proposed to be built ln the H. Perctva.l Ct\ase of Sl '1U city, Iale Royal, l..afl.l!li Nlruel, a Tbe Citisens CoortU,.Uor spokesma.o for the uoottlcl.al Commtnee 11 a IP'OI.II aWed lfO\C), sald, "We think U..t wtth the Harbor Area Freeway 1f the freeway can be ltqlped Ftptera to stop construct1oo this 1s the best way to do It, of tbt coastal treeway. (Re!errtne to the petitloo drive.) Tbe Harbor Area Freeway ADd 1f there's any way •• cu., Fictaters, throup Assembly-we 're here to lend a hand." Phtl.llp F, Bettencourt, u-rna.o Robert E. Badhlm, lost a He said the gro~ Is &1m betteBCOurt btd to pt the led,slature to seeldllg to ellmi.aate the tree. Pb.llllp F. Bettencourt, ad-ellmlnate the Newport Beach way from their area. "Tbu'e'J ml.ni.stra.Uve assistant to tbt put of the route from tbe sys. just oo reason for a freeway city manager ofNewportBeacb, tem earuu this year 1n a. to be so close and parallel tw.s been named to succeed .seoate committee Dearlng. to the San Diego Freeway," Ja.me1 DeCI'llJne as ustst:aDI Wben tbat batUt n1 lost, he said. JOHN WAYNE, Oscar w1.on1ng actor and resident of Bay Soores, Ls pictured wtth Clement L. Hlrsch of HarbOr ls- lalld, holding one of Z a.ntique pistols presented to Mr, Wayne at Chapman College's "challenge '70 runner" at the Balboa Bay Club friday night in apprec iation for nts sup- port of the college. The pistol, "PpPperbox," from the J . E. Wilkinson collecUon, Is a .31 caUber guo with ro- tating barrel, made in the U.S. about 1850, Mr. Hirsch 1s member of the Chapman College board of trustees and cl\alrma.n or the primary gilts dtvlslon of the cnal!enge '70 committee. The Chapman trustees l1onor ed Mr. Wayne with the l1rst patron's award of ''Ar etil.s Megtstas" (Greelr. for "most mer itorious deeds") UJ recogrution for his "dis- tinguished service t.o the private system of higt1er educa- tion." (See comments lo the Log on page 2.) BOB SHELTON OPENS CONSULTANT OFFICE ROBERT SHELTOH Robert Shetton of Corona. ctel Mar, for mer Newport Beach city mana~Ifir and later ctry counc.ilma.n, ha.s formed Ms own business u a i()Vernmtotai relatloD.5 consultant. city ...... • lbe JI"'4C)S lllO"''td to force -vr.LliCliUne--riDHilgbec!to a -•t'weedum oa. tne l.ssae. take Ofer as city manapr of Walter J. Koc:b, cbairman Belmont LD the San Fructsco of the CCC, said yestercta.y, As of Oct. 1, he will Ill· tabUSh his office ln the A.Umutb Equities building ln Newport C eater. He says he t\as 2 cUenls who, he espects, wlll keep tUm tully occupied, He is belni retai!led by the lrvlne Co. for advlce on governmental relations. He wtll also cootinue to provide consuWng services to the La.ntaln Corp., a Los Afli1!!1es firm that coordinates 1and ptannlng and mana.gemeot activities for major landown~ ers ln tr.e Sa.nta. Aoa mounta.i.ni. He has r es.l~Ded from l..a.nta1.n after SUY1Di as Presldem .dur- tng the past 9 years. N.B. MAN ESCAPES SUB "My first asstgnment for OU City of the General Ocean-the lrvlllf' Co.," he told the graphics Co.,l79 11 Bascom St., Ens1~. will be to ezplor e lrvule, strWlg lines UDder the ca.nd1tHy wun Cit} and county sunken vessel. oftlclals and ·ommunHy lead- HARRY HULBERT ol Newport lolalld, a1 left, a bo .. plak Uoa. lad Fred Miller ol Coro-. del Yar art all looting forward to the Lobster Bake to be beld lbis Saturday aoo Sunday a.t the Corona del Mat maJ.o btacb UDder the aUIPlct5 ot tbe 8&10011. Ba.y Uons Club. Mr. Hulbert Ls treuurer of tht club, aOO Mr. Fuller, member of the board of direct- ors, ta LD cllarre of ticket sa1t1. The pluall animall.s ooe ot Mveral that will be d,ven afty u prlus. The chow Una wW start at oooa both days a.ad cootlnue to 8 p.m. Tbe big ennt wlll bl cUmued by the award ot the crud prl..&e of a $500 savtnp boad Sunday ntpt, (Ensign pboto.) Bay area. He wtu lean tbe "Tb1s freeway route was of- city lor Belmont on Oct. 14, ftcially opposed by our clty aD:1 the same day that Mr, Bettetl-by the state engineer at the court will take over a.s u . Ume of Its adoption in 1963. t.stant city ma..oapr, However, by a ma.rpoat vote City Ma.nager Haney Hurl-of tbe blpway commissioners, burt sa.ld that Lo making b1a the route ns adopted, deelalon it "ns DOt a matter "For the past 7 years, the of automatically promott.oc tbt City of Newport Beac b has at- per lOa. I hue evaltatad PbJl's ftcially ttled to reopu this put pertorma.nce a.ad rnlewed PHIL BETTEI'4COU RT Pacl!lc Cout Freeway locatlon thJs wtth a oumber of key de-problem with the H!Jli'W"'.Y Com- partment beads as well as city Beach tor 3 years. mtssioo to oo avail. During couocU members a.nd Mayor Ed A replacement for Mr. Bet-the put 5 years, oo 2 oc. Hlrth." teocourt as uslsta..ot city ad~ cutons, Newporters have had Mr. Bettencourt, born aD:1 mln.lstrator ls DOW being soupt, lectslattve billa tm:roducad to raised to Bakeutleld, !sa. Uid-The sa.lary ranee tor tbe po. stop tbe freeway, but eacb time uate ot Call1ornta state Col-sltton is $12,420 to $15,096. they were stDpped Lothepower- Iep at Long Beach with a BA tul SeDI.te tra.nsportatlon com- degree ln public adml.ni.stn.-mtttee brtcause of obvious lob- Uon. Re ls preseatly a.tteDding BAY PLA.to4NINC MEETIHC brtoc by nsted laterests. UC I a.nd ts working on bts Georee Da.wes, Newport "Now~-we can either roll Pendleton airport urged maH~·r:r:~:!!n~01 :-~~ =~~~~:c~:;!; ~: =:ylab~o~i=s1~~ present postttoo 2-1/2 years week that there will be a meet. study trap, or we can defend Tbe City ot Newport Be&cb a ooordl.aated IJrll'ouod trans-ago a.rxl his present salary is ing of tile Upper Newport Bay our rl&bts ooder the due pr o- bu wrltteo to Us ai.rport con~ portatloD system .. $1 5,096, The salary range for cooperative pla.onlng project at cess of law and make this an auttut. Wilsey and Ham of A spokesman for the MarlDe tbe assistant city manager po-3 p.m. Oct. 14, at the Wart-issue that the voters can de- San Mateo, Ulat U faYors es. base refUsed to commtol 00 sltlon ls $15,438 to $18,804. oers l1bnry, 2005DoYerOrin. c.ide. tabUsbment of a. eommerc1a.l the recommeodat1on made by Prior to coming to Newport Items oo the agenda include "Let's work togetner to re- ..mce jet a.1rport at Camp Mr. BetteDcourt. "We llano't eeach Mr. Bettencourt ns an a progress report and coos1der~ mOYe this issue trom the po- Ptndleton MulDe Corps base been omc.la.lly Informed yet of assistant to the city of Seal atloo of a sea grant program. Uttcal arena, a.OO rrom the reach 1n DOrthern Sa.n. Dte,o County. Newport Beaeb's J)OS1Uoo so ot 'special Yested interests' by lD the letter to Wilsey and there's DOth1nc •e can~ at Cl"ty bares nude problem placlng the decistoo of thJs Ham flee pre-alA. W, Colllj)-this Ume," tbe 11l0U1111W1Ald. Issue lalhe baOOs o! UH! •oters too, PhUllp Betteoeourt, ad~ Newport Beach bu been r:.t. wDo would be permanently al- miAI.traU'ft asststa.ot to City tUot the Ora.nce County Air~ The Newport Beach City "I am recommending that the teeted." MaDqV Haney Hurlburt, said: port for !lOme time be<:aue Couocll wtll consider Monday City Council reYtew tbe Deed Kr. Koch said that any issue "Newport Beach la of lbtl aplo-tbe take-oft pattera tor tbe nlcttt a.n awllc.atloo by Ktnen tor tbe lss\aOCe of this par. "so IP"'.Yely Important, such as ton tb&t tabu denJcvmeotmar facllltJ' runs OYer tbe DOI'tb. Productions to operate a nude tJcular Uceose," the construction of a treeway ba'ft pl"OII'tlltd too far Ioper. south lencth of the c:tty. pbotoertphlc stOOlo open to the The city attoroey, Tully Sey-through the heart of 01a ell)', mlt a det'e)npment ol 1 DtW la u6a tbe Newport O..Cb pOOUc. mour, Is preplli'Ina; an emer. wttteb wtu permanently a!tect jlt-<:aplble ai.rportwbo11Jwttll-City CouDcU ~td The studio, wb!ch would be geDCJ ordlnaDce des1ped to most of 01a Uves and the 1D On.ace County wttbout re. tut1oo. ~ tbe ~r-=-operated at 3848 Campus Or., regulate thJs type of busloess. charaCter of our commiJillty nl1ac ~.'fironmeotal lDcom-yeq,meot of a major oe! m: D8U' the airport, wouk1 turn-foreYer, deserves the same at- pallbWty. tarNttoollairport lsbll&lllemodelsandeamerasto APARTMENT PLANS tentloo d,Yeo to other matters Mr. -ll>ld Mr. • J)bot<lcnj>b lhem. WILL BE DISCUSSED laoor city thai &Jr"'dy rOQUire Coqltoa tbat elty cwmcttmea LYLE POPE OF BALBOA Mary F. Waper, 31, ot Pla-Yultlp1e family coostructloo the 'tOte of the people such as: "'* -,.. urp tbo IV-SUCCUMB$ AT ACE Of U eeolt&, ftlod !be lll!>Hcatloa, wtU be a topic of dloc:uaslllo a1 "1. Ally leas< ot city .. oer 1001 c:oqaoy to ctn .eerlou' Ustlne: herself as tbe oal,yprln. the meett.nrol tile Harbor View troot ~ty for ovtr a %5 coa.,dtratioa to a PIDdletOD LJlil Robert Pope. M. of elpal ot Kitten Producttoos. Hills HomeoWDen Assn. or the yeu pertod. (Such u the e.z - .U.." 51 'f EacUd An., Suta Ana. Clty lbal.ter Haney Hurl-Lust tract at 7:SO p.m. today, tensloa of the Balbot BIJ Club Tbt ~ u . Par.u Co. torm•tr ot 305 P&lm An., bart satd tbt appUeatton 1a Sept. z.t, at lJDcolD sct.»l. tea.se .} ot LN Allp:)ea bu bMa b1ted 8&lllol. died Sept. U at Or-bei.D( 11Dt to tbe CotmeUratber L&rry Wllsoo, Newport Bel.cb "%. AlJy clty cootnct tor bJ tbt C0U11tJ to reeommead a Ulll c:o.a&, M.Ueal Ceater. tbU betDc routlDitly approred p1a.anlllc cUreetor, aadJlrn fay. oYer a periOd of 25 years.. .., )It &1rport lilt bJ 14pt. Mr. '-• Wbo wu bora ta b7 the buslDtn Uceoae d6-1or ot the t:rnDt Co. hi•• bHD ··s. ou weu drllllD&. 10. -Do-, bod -1D tbo · putmolll ''boca... of lhe ..-11> taU .-tbo 1..-y "I , Tbo oale ol aar clty &aru.r t1111 IDODtb, 1.1 a real • .-, a..ce Ull '*-ebln.cter11tiea a.ttll!dant 1D tb1s aputmMil .uta tbat art betDc nt• rroot or belcb prtii)U'tJ. l.u.r to COUAtJ ~1&, molllJe twfXII 1ll NfWPOI1 type ol buliaea.'' pl&JMd by tbt b"f1al Co. 1D ''Wt CODtead a.nytblD(JOpet. u fn1DI co. ueelltlft aid Beacb fDr DU!J ,..,... He Aid tbat prUtllt elty tbe Harbor Vtew Hllll ar-. ma..at u a b'Nn.y dalnes b.tl 41'• ''r..:ommeDISid..,a.IMt S.tltorl iDoladl I brotber, ordlaaDcH do IIQt IDrtJ&d tb1l lftiU'tJJ etY1e ueoc\atlou an IDd ilboQld requlre tbt YOte ol tbo ........ ol UJ a1rp1rt Cllorloo o1s.a1o, WUII. 111>0 ol --·· bolt -"11 lllfltad 1o tbo ..-or. nlel lo lhe -le ...r !bal. Is •bat trl.. jot COilOWU7'' 1D 1t1o F-.1 ....... -· llold 1t1o --acUYIIJ 1o ~ btlll( CDOrdllliod 1>7 Marollall tbt I lllltlalt" ptlltloas 'IIU ... ud a1oo arpd 11ui1r 8tP. D,ol ~ ~ --11111 tbo piii>Ue lltollb, llloll Falll al tllO _ ... S.-aebl .... " aiC..-, ~:.· -----ud nlaro mJc111 be o-. •leo Co. 11..-llo,lhe Nnportllor-'"he """'-Co. NI'C'II"W atF ... c.lttr,. be CUJ Coadl ta tM 0G17 bor Cb&mbtr o1 Commti'CI 1t1o -llrllloqllltalrtru· -tr o1 tbo e1t7-eu TRUSTEE$ TO NI!T bDOHDi cllnetoulald-J wt X M __ ..._ M!.W PHOMI MUMallt$ nlo •ltlo ~-" Tilt b111H o1 -111 1t1oy trill-o llollf Ill • til , .... ., .. Orucll ,.... a 'an wm-... Be .aid tfllt -lo ...... tM ...,.., ., .. .clooldl.a-..... tbt cba!Dber tboUd c:..1J I '' 'o," --lo ._ Ill ...... Mf llr.. --•od II pollco to. Irk! trill -ot 1:10 p.m. -u olllelal poblle -aN A. -. .. ar. ....... carr-......... til ,,. " ...... Ul4 tlile ....,...at ,...., ........ n, ... .., • Ole e•r• ...., •• drift. ......... ,llllii."TTIoCuv 1>7 eeut...,._ ~A .... pollco oro lloo--be -·• • ... -PII-•· Tilt llollr-calJod llrl7 ..,. 111 ....., • ....... ~ 4•JL Ulllllec..liUIIII' 8liPIL ••..., tD,JJ/U tJte olac.. ..,. lllllo••••• ... .....,. tM ._..... IIJilDI1Ic c pe~tc ..,.... • Wlllla,. ta.-.. ._ .. .._..,._ tl..'MJ.uftltutMtra .. R:I JaJ .-..n..tr-wUlt.•tMa•ll tlf tile...,.,.,_., .. d Mr. Ia -· On I t ·-I '1'111 .. IIW W... .. ...._..,an._. to ta a. strb'#.Uft .._ JI'T ..... Rir ... C'wTeJ,dlllt -llo ....ar ...... -. 11o lo_._., .. _ln, alllo.,_l ___ lloloi-:IIIIOioltllO- ' ' A Newport Beach llWl, Rlcb- ard Slater, esc:ap@d death Moo- day. but a.oother man was killed when the small submarLDe they were operating during a saivap operation ott Catallna l.sla.nd was riCJ(ured at a depth of 250 feet. Larry A. Headlee, 32, ot 26892 Preclados Drive, W1$sion Viejo, cUed In the ml.shap, Mr. Slater, 40, ot 3410 SeashOre Drtve, West Newport, wa.s listed In ~ condttloo yesterday at Ank>D Hospital wtth broken eardrums tad possible 1.nter- nal lDjUries. Tbe men were opera~ ooe of 2 small subs in t.n attempt to ra.i.se a sunken cabin cruiser off the bottom of the ocean when the accident occurred. The 2-ma.n subs, a.ioog W'ttb their sister sl\lp, the 100-!oot UDder their own power, the ers their attitudes towa.rd the 2 subs lifted the vessel to com;wty, !t s pollcies and Its the surface, where because of pla.ns. I hOpe this can lead to wave actioo and the weight of a strengttlenlng: of communica- the water-tilled curlser, one lion and understanding between of the Unes snawed. ..x.aJ governmenr a.nd the com~ The slnkln& vessel became entangled trith one of the subs, the Nekton Beta, pulling it back to the bOttom llM rupturing a portbole. Authorities sa.td the Nekton Beta quickly nUed witn nter but Wr . St&ter W'iS a.ble to crawl out of the portt10se a.nd he ShOt ,., to the surface. Mr. Hetdlee's body wa.s re- covered from the ruptured Nek- ton Beta by the other submarine, pan)'. "Muctt of what lrvioe h&s dOne Is wtdely acdalmed, but 11 Is obvious that locally there are some problems. One of the oeeds, I thtnk., Is for the company and pubUc agencies to better UOOerstand each other's position on matters of mutua.l concern. City dump report aired ''M> }Oll w11l be a Ua.Ison Us~ an adVISOr's role, aOO one of th(' most challenging I've underl:l.ken. I'll begin by gomg to publlc otticLals to bear th@l.r s1de of the Issues." Mr. Sht>lton, wnose ancestral Uneagt> wciOOe.> ~athan Hale &nO Jonn A !den, has been a Corona df'l Mc~.r r£Osident stnce 1956, Wilen he wa s na med city manager of :-.ewport Beach, serving until 1361. ln 1965 he was ~intM to J. va~ncy on the ~Pwport Beach II) Coun- cil a.lld was PI~ ted wttl'lOut 0(1- posttion m 1966 to a 4-rear ter m. He did not run for tf'~ election taS1 Apr il. Tbe Newport Beach City C OWlC l1 wt 11 tai.e up the prob- lem of what to do with Its "dump sUe" pr oper ty at the eDd of 19th Street nea.r Costa Wesa during a study sessioo Wooday. The dlscuss1oo •IU be on a city sta.tt report oo the various aU:er.oaU ves, whJch InclUde the sale, lease or de'reklpmeot by the city itself. There haYe been severa.l of- fers to buy tbe property, Ooe ol the offers bas oome from the Cootemponry WobHebome Corp, ot Newport Beacb. The complQy bLS offered to buy the 43.-cre parcel tor $18,000 per acre. a total o1 $756,000. Jaek W. Mullan o1 Mulla.n Realty, Newport Beach, apnt for tbe Wotlt)ebome Corp., saJd yeslerdof !bat be Is dlsap- po.llhd tta.t the Couod1 ba.s taken 8 montbs wttboat any answer on the proposal. ··The} .1.-ppe:a.r to be shop- ping around for the best deal." he scud. He said that ~ appra.lsal b) Cedric White placed the value of the property at $12,- 000 per acr e, "$6,000 less than our ot!er .'' The Mobllehome Corp, would tike to develop a dehae mobile hOme park consisting of a.bout 7 to 9 spaces per acre, wtth clubhouse facilities, extensive landscaping aad other recrea- tional tac1 Uties, The estimated coS1 of such a deveklpment, according to Mr . Mullan, 00( Including the purchase price of the land, ts about $2 mu. .... Mr. Mullan sald a den Lop- meat ot that kiDd woukt 11Ye the clty ''more lDcome per yeu 011 ta.ns and HT'f1ce1 tbu U ccxtkt make oo any leue." Water rate hike slated • He servE!(~ S years In the U.S. Nav)', most of that time oo duty with the amphibious for ces in the Pacific, durlogthe combat phase and also after the surrender of Japan. He held the rank of ensign. Before comlna; to ttlls area.., he Dekt positions as cblef ad- mt.n.l.strt.Un otftcer ot Sa.ota Barbara., assistant city maO& • gar ot Modesto, fteld r..,-e. seatattve m Ute County s~. Yfsors Assn. of CaWornia, Jd. mt.n.l.strattn analyst m tbe state cjeplrtmeot of tlnanc:e lDd. all "intern" ln several federal arebcles Ln w~ D.C. JOhn Wayne, a conservative who survived Hollywood, .and cooquered it, starred 1n lil IDeal production Friday nlght, sharing the spotlight with another local celebrity and plooeer actor, And)' Devine, Andy was master of ceremonies at a Balboa Bay Club dinner, wblcll was a fund ralsi.Dg enot for Chapman College, aod John ns the special guest of Dooor ln recognition of his s~rt of tree enterprise In 1\lgher edu- cation as well as tree enterprlse In the busi.Dess world. There was a Lot of joshing a.od j0t1ng as Andy cracked wise with his r emintscences of John Wayne escapades and accomp- liShments. indeed, Andy took some credit for the "True GrU" Oscar award, DOting that "the first time John plays one of my parts a s a fat old man, he wins an Oscar!" But the true message of the evenJng was r~ognitioo of the "true grU " of loya.lty, indivldiJa.l etrort a.oo initiative . This praise loclOOed a resolution of appr~latloo trom the state leg:ls laUve, presented by Assemblyman Bob Badham, com- meodlog the honored guest's devotion to the principles or Americanism and his adamant opposition to totalltarlan.lsm. In a brief speech to the blnquet aodience, Mr. Wayoe demonstrated that he lives aM talks his movie roles or indlvidua.Usm and patriotism. "You must build, not destroy, freedom," he sa.Jd, as an admonition to the youth or the nation. "Dissent If you must, but do tt honorably--with fa ith and oot 1n despUr. Spea.k. out for what you believe in ••• 1 believe In my country, my family, my fellow man. aM my God. "Speak out tor freedom. FREE Is a tour letter word that we all should honor. I beUeve to equal owortunJty based on equal responslblllty. We should aJI say, 'This ls my country; let us do somethtog good for H.' 1 say every day of my ll!e: God bless Amer ica!" By Tom Andenon THE KENT STATE DISGRACE K..:vm Moran Ever he ar of h1m? Probably no!. Wh~n th~ ~t uden 1~ )et fire to a Bank ol Ame r1ca br~nch 1n Cahfornta r~Cl'n tl ). th~ po l1cc shot <tnd k11led K~v1n Moran. s~n1or '1udcn1 . A r~\·olullonary"' No. A ~atnot Kevm Moran was atlempting to l"~'~'f'nl the ar~n Mart yr'! Hero? No, The press VI rtually tgnored "cv111 .\loran No h1gh offic1al attended h1s fun~ral . No fbg\ lowered on an ~· campus. N o presidenual proclamat•on Po llet· hrut<J IIIy'' No It was an acc1dent . La~l May 4 , .:!.()(M) ~IUdl·nt' congregated on the Kent campus m v1olat10n of an emergency decree hy the Go\'ernor of Oh1o. They were admom">hed by bullhorn to d1~per!oe They were pled w11 h The y v.ere OCgged to d1~hand and go thetr ~para te ways Fmall} te;tr go1' w;-1s u~ed Th.: student.s Mill refused to dtsperse. James Young. 'IUdenr. who v1ewed the seen~ from a nearby I;IUJid •ng. test1ficJ !hat the <:~ngry mob lobbed pieces of con· crete, rron p1p..• .m d other le thal ohtects mto t h~ small ba nd of (HJard.,mcn "'' the moh do<.ed tn Young sa1d the mo h would ho~ve torn the ft:w Cou .. rdsmcn l1mh ftom 11m b. Fma lly, tn <k~pe nu tort and ;1ftcr repeated w:.~rnmg\, the G ua rdsmen fi red mto the adv;mcmg moh Four ~rodents dted. "Martyn.'' Heroe~. -, V o~nd ncv.'\P<~J'Cf~ !Old the world they w~re slam tx:cause thC) were .. ncrc1~mg thc1r nght of d155enl." Kevin Moran v.a' d111nf,: nght courageou~ly trvmg to prr\·~nr a cr1mc None 10 that mob W.J\ mnocent They were delibe rat~ly break.mg the IJw Bll! 11 IS 100 bad four stude nts had to be k.dled. Befler th.1t four of thc1r Marx 1st professors had been k.rlled tn~h.'.Jd In toda~·~ Ameru,:;,. a na rch1~ts. cnmmals and mh1lists who ""ould hurn down tho: Establishment are martyn and heroes. Wh(' The root ca u~ IS not w11h the students. The chief c rr m mal~ are rhe unrvcrsr ty admmrstrators and teachen who prnduad the revol ut JOnancs And the "liberal" press wh ich glorifie~. applauds and encourages them. You've seen Kent Sa te on TV and you've read about it in the "ne..,.< magazme~ :.nd papers. But you pro bably haven't heard the trUih . because the pro-Marxist press is. as is cu!-- tomary. h1dmg the truth. K SU ha~ been a chief Communist target for years. The SDS and the Weathermen hav~ been busy on the campus for a long tnne. The admmi~trat ion and faculty have been exceedingly permis.•ive and sympathetic to the ''honest and rdealistic dis..~nt of the students.~ Three weeks before th~ shooting, Jerry Rubin. Communi~! and one of th~ convrct~d "Chrcago Sl!ven," told 1 . .500 KSU st udentJ : "Murder your pa rents ... act, act, act! Do you want a diploma or to take th1s school over and use it for your own purposes?" h~ asked. H~ a\!10 said in all frankness: "Giv~ us an inch and w~·11 take a mile. Satisry our demands and we ,ot I 2 more. .The war i~ nol in the ghettot; ifs on the campusn. .If we clox the universrhes, we d~liver a body blow to !IOC-iety. . " Shortly aft~r 1hat bit of treuon. on April 30, four Kent State SDS members who had be:en Krvina jail terms for no t in& in 1he spring of '69 , wer~ re:l~ued on probation. On "''-Y I. lhe United Stoates Constilulion wu buried oo the ~ehool commons. With our entry into Cambodia the atudenl.l rampaaed throuah the: town crutina areat destruction. Martial law was declared. Your favorite T .V. commentator is probably sympa.tbe:tic with tbe acudents and their "riaht of di~~e:nt." But in lhc town of Kent, population 20.000, more than 10,000 people have alanccf prttitiona aupportina the NationaJ Oua.rd. Now tMrc: is ''peace" at Kent Stak. Juat like on the laraell· Jonloft bonier. 'T'be umo Mjonlot adminll<taiDn and ManW< protcaon .ctvi•iDJ and alic.atiaa tba ume Man.Jtt ttudenta. Tbe aame Communtec aptakenr come to prciCb ~volution. 'l1lo Federal Oovom-helpo _. lho IWYOiulloo bJ ... ,.,.., WI rnoooy 10 pn,.;de load ...,po I« tbo MarUIII .......U rrhtn Way Fuwr. LEGAL NOTICE L h Ed ·~ NOTICE OF AWARD OF eHers to t e 1 or ~~~~/;; .. ~~'ic'i":g • OPEN LE1'TER To William Hashimoto and State Hi ghway Department and to La- guna Beach: The people or Ne wport Beach am particularly of Cor ona del Mar are adamant that no ''view'' treeway will desecrate our community, The alter11ate route, leaving the San Diego freeway ooar its junction with the Newport freeway, and going underground along the souUterly end or the Orange Cot.mty Air- port (as Is now shown on the maps of the lrvlne lndustrial CompleJC), and thence across or und er Ma cArthur Blvd., 141 the canyon or arroyo toWards Sommer Canyon, turning south- erly am easterly, up over the coastal hills to the coastal side; thence r unning towards Laguna Bea ch, at least one mile DOrth of the present route of the Coas1 hwy., to join the pro. jected route aroulld Laguna Beac h, Is beautiful, cos1s less in time and mooey to build , and is obvlous . The cost of this route would be perhaps l S% ol the rout e tllrougtl the city. The exlsHng Coast Hwy, should be doubled In siJ:e from MacArthur to the Santa Ana. river and as a rna ]or bOulevard wtU carry all the necessary trattic when the state )olns with the Cit} of Newport to bUild ooe additional bridge spu~ to the oorth or the existing spa..o., rlgtlt oow (like this year, Mayor Hirth, please!). NEWLY ·ELECTED Blalo- tor DemdtCarptDler addreued tho llfWIJOI'I Harbo< E~~:bolleo Cl.., at tho Stull Shirl lui weM: ln ooe of bis ftnt ~Uc appea.ranc:es st.oce retaratnc from Saua.meato. He told of btillra lll&le MD&tor 11>r 01117 a low da.Ja -· a4Joatn. meal, &ad tho tulc ol IOdar u aftii.Dcbl ot. eome 100 ~tee~ ... • ..-billa -Wlllell "" bod to cut .... -· ,.... .... ... 1..-., w111--c .. . __.., & .. yllf term "'""*' aa CIIOirmd' ol tbt Ropi>II<U Slalo C-.J Coalm-ol CaJilaniL This ls known as economy, or shOuld we say ECONOMY, Mr. Hashimoto, aDd should tla.Vf been pre-planned as an alter- ll3.te r olte S years ago. U It llasn't been done, doo 't Hut your planners nome, b~ get them busy and let's get this coast tteeway built, and let's build It where common sense dictates. Why, ther e Isn't even one house tha t needs to be torn dowo! It may r uin your ret>utatlons but that Is wher e the voters want the freeway, aoct you might r emind Sacramento that this Is an election ye ar. LET'S GET ON WITH ITI! Robert Stockton Corona del Mar UNICEF's gifts of $51 mlllloo 52 lN THE CITY 'OF NEW- worth of food and drugs to PORT BEACH Cuba, where 'undergrouM Pursuant to the requirements sources in that unhappy island' of Section 5248 ofthe CaWornia reported that the drugs are Streets and HJgtrnys Code, DO- already aooa.rd a Russian ship Uce ls hereby ct:ren that a. on their way to the Soviet Ub-contract has been a"ftl'ded by ion." This Is helpl.ng children? the Ctty Couocn of the City of UNICEF Is Incompetent. The Newport Beach to Smtth EJec. UNICEF pubUcatlon, "Ctdl-trlc Sl4lPlY for the eonstructloo dren of the developing cotm-of a street Ugtlting system tD tries," admits that in 1961 certa.ln streets in that area ol UN ICEF had 575 employees and the City of Ne-.port Be&ch di.str lOOted about $25 mllllon. known as Harbor Hlg.blaoda:, In contrast, the Catholic Helle! District No. 52, and rela.tiog Services tor that same year to the real property shown on distributed $125 mllllon In ald the map as property atteeted with a sta1f of only 130 em-by or benefited by or to be ployees . assessed to pay the costs a.o:t Where was UN ICEF when the expenses ot said worlt a.od lm- p!Uful Btatran children were provements In Assessment Dls- (and still are) starving by the trlct No. SZ, which said map • MORE ON UNICEF thousands? Of course, the Bla-Is entitled "MAP SHOWING Editor of the Ensign, rrans were strongly a.otl-eom-BOUNDARY OF A$E~WENT An open letter in reply to munlst, so their children could DISTRICT NO. 52 IN THE CITY Mrs. Herbert printed in your starve. No pollttcs? VF NEWPORT BEACH, OR. Sept. 1 '1 edition: I could go on and oo with ANGE COUNTY, CAUF'OR- The r ecord of U.N. [nterna-rk>eum ented evidence, but ob-NlA," ldentlned as Dr&wlnc tiona! Chi ldren's Emergeocy viously space Is Umlted. But No, ~-5135-X., dated June 5, Fund Is r eadily available and for those of us who eao discern 1970, which map was bereto-- tolly documented for anyone !act from tlntas y, UNICEF if lore approted by UleCityCouo. who cares to take the time to just one more •·rroot" which ell or the City of Newport r ead it. the International communist Beach at the time ol the anorO- Thls UN ICEF money dOes oot conspiracy is using In Us drive val of the plans, and wbicb map go to the needy, but Is ad-to enslave the world. Is on ftle in the omce or tbe minl.stered thr ough govern-Laura McClella.n City Clerk and In the ortlce of ments. As any student of the SZ7 Westminster Ave. the City Public Worts Director. communist conspiracy can tell Newport Beach, Calif. This shall constitute notice you, food aM med lcine are used to ill persons tbat all pro- as poUtlca I weapons to keep fROM THE BIBLE pert}' wtthi.D the bouod:arles of enslaved peoples "oder sob-the proposed assessme.-dls- jectlon. Remember the com -I et not your beart be trou-trict sbaU be assessed U tbe munists' brutal use of U.N.-bled: ye believe 1n God, believe time of the eontlrm&Uoo ol the R.R.A. siC)I)lle s In the late also iD me, ' assessment tinder Chapter IS 1940's in Poland? In my father's OOuse are (commeocing at SecUoD 5160) Remember the U.N. a.ggres-many mansions: if U were not of Part 3 of DttlsloD 7 ot. the slon in Katanga In 1961, when so, I would !lave told you.Jgoto Cautorn.ta Streets am Htcb· hospitals and civilians were prepare a place for you, ways Code entitled "The lm- indtscrimlnately ldlled? UNI-And 1l I CO and prepare a provement Act of Ulll," to CEF helped finance It! Quoc-place for you, I will come again, pay the costs of tbe tmpron ... tog from a column in the tn-aod receive you Wlt.o myseU: ment ln proportlop to the beoe- dia.napol1s News for Jan. that wbere lam, there ye maybe nts wt\leb said property re .. uary 26, 1962, by St.a.ntoo .Liso. (St. John 14:1-3.) celves trom tbe lmprcwemem., Etans· "WbeP the U N was ootwtthstarwttpg tbe acqut•IUoo out oi mJney for it~ (:oogo HOW IH THAI L AHD of a.ny such property bJ tb1 a.ggresslon, tt borrowed $10 Sgt. Gayle l Clark. son of State or a.ny of Its apoc~t, mlWoo, earmarked for UNJ. Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Cluk or by a.D1 county, city, mUili- CEF, from the u.s. gotern-of 3040 Clenlaod be., Costa ctpaUty or other publlc or m.a- ment. This ns UNICEF mooey Mesa, 1s OD d!Q at KoratRoyal lllct»&J corporaUoD. --ballded onr Y:itb UNJCEF's Tba.J. AFS. Tba.Jiaocl, He La an Rdereoce 1s made to tbt etpress consem:. Ill short, UNJ. aircraft acceuorles repatr .. mhdes of tbt ac:Uoa tU:eD. CEF mooeys were used to am-ma.a, Is uslped to tbt 388tb bJ tbe City CouDcll ol tbt CUJ aldlse theKataop.anresaJoo." Combl.t SlfPOI1. GrQ~C~, a llldt of Mnport Bl&cll oa all 1ll In 1964 UNICEF seat castro of lbe Pac:Ulc Alr Forces. He my omce !Or M1 putlculara.. $115 000 to tPeDd a.moo1 other p-a4t»J.tkk J.a 1988 from Costa Dated: Stptembtr 11, U?O. thtnis, 00 1 ~ of trueu Ve• bJ.af'i tebool. H1a wtfe, L&ara lA.Jkw, City Clerk and ,...., pl .. the spare JliZU JIJIOI, .. 1be <Ia ...... ol Mr • CltJ ol MfWIJOI'I Bead~ to -!hom 1o cooc1ttioo. Tbls and llu. lAW HII<IIJ ol 2ee PC>u.tl' Sosit. 14, Od. I, 11'70, wu 1D &ctiiUoo to tnfiCEF•• Ctcl.l Plac~ Cotta Mta. 1a tbt "nport llarbar E .... emerctDCJ ~roprtaUoa to ri""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ii commum-. Cuta tbl.t.samtJIU' o1 $!05,000. The D.A.R. maco· sooe tor ~u.. 1969, cqntatn• a.a artlcle abOut UlfiCEF -.mJeh -" ''Tbo ~ pol>lk Jooded YUb )lWieed eye 00 Chapel MARINERS CHURCH Or. G-0'11111, PI'<' I w at Talllat ~ StmiarJ, I.& llllrodl, II 1M pq.JI •lot.._ t>t 1M 10 a.m. ud 7:00 p.ao. _, _..~on, no .... WUII&m Actoo 1.1f -.,.-ud II ~ a """ttoe udi ca •1• ... llllmAT ICIIOOL. • • • • • 1:00 A.M. -HIP IIR'VEB •• , , • I~ A.M. & VBIIIIIG SIR V1CB ... , • 7:00 P .II. 2l00 I. CO AIT HWY ., COlOMA OIL II All .. • SEPT. 2Z TO DATE' $580,000. TAX SAVINGS IDEA FOR THE WEEK ' Do you know tha.t you can save probate eJ;~enses by P~l aU or part of your estate Into a llri.rl.g trust? RAY N . Gmss & Assoc iATES 4340 Campus Dr., Suite 108 Newport Beach, Cal. 92660 714-546-4230 -•·•·o• ~~· IIOV HO .... L. •• GUARDIAN Llf• lr~•ureftc• C•, •I AMIIUCA • BIG SELECTION for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • fLANNEL BACK TABLECLOTH lOO\ COTTON flANNEl lAMINATED TO VINYl fASy TO ClfAN LABEL MAI<.ER THE WORlD'S FINEST lABElER Can't fiod thing~! Label your books~;e~t:t~~55~~~~~.?'~~~: Astro prin~s roused, eas~~~~~:ad~t use. Just insert tape (extra). selhdhestve label tape t . r release select ne~t symbol, etc. select symbol: squeeze ~,•ue • ed and ·..~ ..... odable tor long lite. Quality matertaiS make I rufi ....,,.. " ~d44" tape refills· black, blue, red, areen . . . . . . . . . . ~ ••· $1.98 --Complete with Roll of Ta e! ~ .. . -' . -. . . - WITH DAMp CLOTH ' / UfrOIII.I 3 SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM 54" X 12"--$299 Rfc. h.95 54" X 90" REG. $5.95 S397 REG. $7.50 WHILE THEY LAST J ST PRESS Oishmster NEWPORT HARIKJR EII~IJI ARSf SECllOII --P•l.f 3 THURSDAY, SEPT.1~ 1970 COIOIA DB. liAR, CAU F. Bette Burris Hewitt weds Hans J. Lorenz lANK WILL LOCA T! 1M MIW,.ORT CIMT!~ c.-.c-_, _ ... ...,.. ........... -10-aiMjorbrucll lD AYCO Ft•l(itl CeiUr, tbe $10 mm.. lt.ltclrJ renee .. "What om I bid?" Mule dtreetor Jotm Scott Trotter wt.U wield the pnl wben the WOO Isle worktnl committee ot the Orange County Pbl.lbarmonJc Society holds its amual giamour auction oo Oct, 12 in the ba.yftoot home of the Thayer Crisptns. For tbe 9th consecutlveyeu, members wtU preseot their bandma.de and decoratin arti- cles lor auc:tloa to tbelr lD- Yited guests. A silent a.ucUon wtU be featured durt.o.g tbe punch bowl hour, being ar- ranged by Mrs, Rtchard PU- tersoo aM Mrs. NeUl Darts. Again this year the commtttet> wtU feature the grab tap, glamour gourmet recipe oozes and decorative ldtcbeo aproos. Mrs. Andrew Dossett ls ln char~. assisted by the Wmes. William L. Morris, Ooo Mett- pr and John H. Scruggs. Proc eeds realit.ed from the event wtll be used to turtber the program of bringing the finest music from all over tbe world to Orange County, ac- cordlng to Mrs. Richard Mc- Clure, chairman or tbe com- mittee, and ller co-chairman, Mrs. Cedric Roberts. other otftcer s are Mrs. Donald Tip- pett, secr etary; Mrs. Willia m McGee, correspoodiog sec- creta.ry, and Mrs. Earl saw. yer, treasurer. Hul J. Lorenz, former couo.- ctlmaQ ud Ttce-mayor of New- port Boocb, m:bucod ...... riap YOWl Mooday, Stl)t. 14, wttb Mrs. Bette Burris Hewttt, partber lD a Santa Ana legal llrm. Tbe Ref. John Rogers Davis performed the OOUble ring ser .. Yice at 12:30 p.m. at St. MI - chael's and All Angels' £pisco- ~ Church ln Harbor VIew HW.. The bride, wllO moved trom Shore Cllfts to a Balboa Bay Club ilpU'tm.ent la.st year, wa.s atteo6ed by her 14-year-old daughter, Heid.l, a sophomor e at the Bishop School ror Girls in La Jolla. James D. Bood of Cameo Sbores served as best man. The reception was held at tbe lrvlne Coast CoWltry Club. Guests at the weddi ng in- MILDRED HORN DIES Mrs. Mildred A, Horn, 79, of 694 Center St., Costa Mesa, died Sept. 18 at Sunllght Con- valescent Hospital, Costa Mesa. She was born July 30, 1891, in Pasadena, and came to Orange County 6 years ago, Survivors include Z sons, Thomas of Tustin and Richard of Newport Bea ch; a.nd 5 grarv:l- ch.lldren. Funeral services were held Sept, 22 at BeU-Broadway Mor - tuary with theRev.L.V. Toroow ottl.cl.atlng. Inter ment was at Good Shepher d Cemeter y. Bell- Broadwa)' Mortuary was 1ll charge of a.r rangments. Church News TDe First Bapdst Church ot Reldar Kalla.nd, the western re- :ostJ. Mesa, 301 Magnolia St. gtonal CEF' director, will talk. --Dr. P. G. Neumann wtll talk The CEF mlmstry tor ch.ildren the subject, "God Is my takes the form a neighborhOod clOOed Y.r. Loteu'• ADr•· iP-law, Mr•. Jad BlalDe ot Lquna I!JU. ......... lleorJ Lane ol P&1o A tto, aDd tbe1r nust»Ms. The oewlyweds are DOW OD a trtp through Europe,1Dcbi:S1DC Zurich, Sal.r.burc. Parts.. ud Loodoo. "' about • ....., lboJ wtUbe at oome atW.r.Loreu's )llore CUffs resldeoee. U.t puo~--"' Kowpori C... Oe< ... ..,, Is .eM!alld Jar .IIIII Marc:b. 1'be baUdhtl wtll be tiM LD. .... ~ lloodq\larterl fl>r bco Ft.audal SerYice•, and Ute bomt ot.ace lor Bllbol. m .. auraoee CoJDPUJ, A•eo sub- stdlary ud bulkier of the ft- .-oclal eeoter. In case you think you might be stung tha t prescnptlons arc out· rageowly pnc.cd. The truth of the matter I§ this : Last year the avcra~~:c A~ncan bought about J pri:~riptions for a rota/ cost of around 57.50. An average of less than Sl OO per prescription. Surt:, some drug., cost a lot So do television tubes-for the same reason Thcy'rt: tll'lpcnsivc to manufacture. New and Improved production methods. ho~vC"r , brmg pnces down. Pcmclllin. fo r c'l.amplc. cosu only a small fracuon of what 11 d1d when 11 tirst came out. Your pharmacist has a prof~~1onal knov.ledgc. of drugs and can tell you th1s . They arc fauly pnced. You &et what you pay for. We arc: aJways pleased to serve you. Christensen D1 E. (X)AI'f JniT .. CO .. A DD. 11.&8 oarou 1·1111 I helP<•," at the 11 a.m. Sun-Good~~N~•=•~s ~t \~u~bs~·----~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~~0 service. At 7 p.m. Ills .., wtu be "How to lcnow wtU or Go<l." • • • St. Andrew's Pr esbyterian Church, 600 St . Andrew's Rd ., CIUl Haven--"Dillerent this year" Is the sermon theme of Or, Charles Dlerenfleld for the 8, 9:30 and II a.m. Suodayser- Ylces . Baptism o1 infanls wUI be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, • • • Newport Uojty Church, meet- ing at 15tb St. aDd lrvlne Ave., CUU Haven--Tbe cburcb will becln Its lOth witb a 10 • this suooay, by Ute Rev. lllren • • The Lutheran. Church of the Ml.ster, 2900 Paclfic Vie• Or., Harbor View Hllls--The church school and Bible cla.sses will hold promotion day at the 10 a.m. Sunday service. Dr, WII- Uam Eller will deliver a mes- sage entitled "Walking the hlgtl r oad" at bOth the 9 a.od 11 a.m. • • Wo,{J o/ ':ban cinrl ' WHERE YOU CAN DO YOUR OWN THING! Danc ing br ings coordination, poise, timing and grace. At Dorothy Jo Done e Studio you study the donee of your cho ice taught with the notionally recoqni nd techniques of the-Dance Masters of America combined with the latest Dev~lopmental Grad~d Systems. BEGINNERS THRU PROFESSIDH.IoL ••• ·. COURSES IN • Cecchetti (graded ball~t) • Top • ,._odern Jan • Acrobatic • So ton • Tahi tian • Ba llroom • Hawaiian e CL ASSES NOW FORMING • HE BUTT 0 N '"'raptc-. wastr.s ~~s in For Hot, Sudsy Water--Relea;;;qufu;'Rinse The Plymouth Congregational Ch.urch, 3Z62 Broad St., New- port Heights--The Rev. Norman Browo .n.u preach a.t 10 a.m. Sllllda.y on the topic, "WI'Iat is the church'>" \ \" ) St. Michael's and All Angels' Individual or Group Instruction e C H IL D REN !I NCLUDIN G PRE-SCHOOL ) 500 LBS. HANOI STOOL REGULAR $2.(9 ---HOW Q-H.L-Y ew Low Price $39.-._~,",· ~ for the "Queen" of all Dishwashers! t we're repeatin& By li;· POWiR MOWiR SELF-PROPELLED '\., Episcqlal Church, 3233 Paci!lc View Dr., Harbor VIew Hills·- "Surnmary of the law" wtU be tile ser rnon topic ot the Rev. John Rogers Davis for tne 8 and 9:30 a.m. communion ser - Yices this Sunday. • • • The Orange Coast chap(er of Child Eva.o.gellsrn Fello•· ship wtll hOld a breakfast meec- lDg at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 30 at Harbor Trinity Baptish Church, 1230 Baker St ., Costa Me.sa. • TEEN -AG ERS e A OULTS "OUR TWEN n ETH YEAR" Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 2515 Eas1 Coast Highway , Corona d~l ,._or CALL FOR APPOINHIENT -673-3420 A Sleek, Classic Masterpiece! S4l~ .. sn~, .. X)(£ 2 + 2: JJ~U~r' for tht farntfy. Domesticated only by rt~r wat tOf the k.i<h. and comfQJ1 option\. JAGUAR 1970 Aln ..OIIIZ£1 ..,._u.. FACTOIIY DWEll 234 E. 17TH ST. P._E 541·77H I . 4 4 '• • \~~ :.·. .,;:, .X· > .•• , .•. ;. 'I c·<.; ;!•···· ' . -"1-;, t· .;!Ji>~ ....... .... • ..., . ' SPORTS BDITOR EAGLES TOP GRID PLAY The lOCal eleveas ha<l a bus)' week-end iD games that saw Estancia dJsplay a powerfUl of- fense tha.t rolled for 209 net yards on the ground atd 136 ttu'ough the ale to roll to a big 30 to 0 wln over Tustln. rem11DlDC 9 yards oo tbe next , play wttb just 57 seeood& re- mlining on the scoreboard. It was a btg win for the Tars aDd the statistics gave them the sllgtlt edge with 11 nrst doWnS to 10 for Corooa and a total of 226 yards to 193, Newport Harbor recorded 8 nrst downs rushing and 2 by passing, wtllle the Sea Kings had a single tlrst down rushing am a vta lhe aJr route. ---A~W.*""' _..,_ --Barbra Stlelsm'ld Yves Montand lltURSDAY, SEPT. 2\ 1110 OORONA ~EL MAR, CAUF. MARK BUKJCH makes a key interception for the Newport-Mesa Cowboys on his own 30- yard Une 1n the Junior AU American game With Westminster. He returned the !SaUlS yards to the 45. No. 86 near the sidelines is Phil Tupy, end for the Cowboys . Earlier in the game, Mark scor ed the oo.ly TO of the game on a 65-yard gallop. The 12-year-old gridder l.s the son of Rudy Bukich, former grid star at l..SC and outstanding Quarterback for the Rams and the ChlcaBO Bears. Another Bukich, 14-year-old Steve, Is a quarter- back for the Harbor High frosh. (Vic ~lek plloto.} Newport Harbor made Ernie Johnson's debut as coach a winning one with a last minute 7 to 0 squeaker over the Sea Kings from Corona del Mat. Both teams displayed some awesome defensive strength that nuiJJ.tled each other's of- fense. Sailor Mike Easterling r e- turned Shields Richardson's punt 38 yards to the Sea lUng 9, aOO Ale• Moad blasted the Bob Tripp and Gr&DI Gelker provldl!d nne otfenstve line play tor the SaUors and Trtw came through with 2 key sacks of quarterback. Keith Samuals to halt potential scorlng marches. Easter llng, Moad anrl Rich Simons carried the of - fensive load for Harbor, and the passing comblnatlon of Keith Samuals and Karl Kllleler ac- counted for 6 completions ard STEVE BENNET, Harbor High senior, who ls the 19'10 "Tom- my Tar," ls shown with the Waster Ma.rlner trophy pre- sented by the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Ctlamb· er of Commerce to the wtnner of the Harbor .Cor ona del Mar football game. Harbor ha.S On A Cfear/JII"'"'s.ra.. -..t:: ...... ,_OftAQMr~,._Cifltlt'-[111 Bob ,..,....,,,.,., F!JyWI/Simon Cllidltlt /Ja ~endJohn~ .... ,,.,....,._ ~...,L.,.,.tlttMIIO.-,~ P'!ottoadt.rHowerdW >(ado o.-tldl>1~ ..... ...._..,.,...a..t~by~l\dl;ll GREG WATSON of the Corona del Mar Cougars \.staking otf oo a 44-yard jaunt to the Orange Ram 2-yard line In JW\lor Pee Wee action. On the Dext play Greg went over for the score, but his team lost 14 to 6, (Vic Opa.lek photo.) OCC Bucs lose 13 to 0 Golden West College jOlted intra-district rival Orange Coast 13 to 0 Sa turday at Le- Bard Stadium ln the tirst shut - out lo the 5-year histor y of the big series. MEW IALI .. THE.t.Tl\ =""--- "''""' el ltednn. Cll•" lot•• t..ft>oe l'enl,,..uleeUJ·-40<'1 Child W •llt l'eunl O nly e Ope" NitMI, .,.s e HOW -ENDS SEPT. 29 F F Ll. PH'S '\14'A.RD ~'f.\'Sf.\G \of HfF.RPf ECF. "JULIET OF THE SPIRITS" IN CO LOR • ALSO \oi1R CFU0 \H \TROI 1\\'f fhf' Clan" C'.o111~d\: "DIVORCE - ITALIAH STYLE " The Rustler s thus recaptured the bell donated last year by the Huntington Beach Exchange Club as a perpetual trophy , The series oow stands at 3-2 in favor of OCC. Midwa y thr ough the 2nd per- iod, Golden West forced a fum- ble and took possesston on the Pirate 22, Four plays later , a.o 11-yard Steve Gri!filh pa ss to Kurt Dedr ick. hit paydirt, and Fraok Ha.nss kicked thE: ex- tra point. With just minutes remaining In the game, the Rustlers re- co vered a rumble on I he Pirate 12. Tailback Charlie BucklaiXI moved the ball to the 2 w 4 plays, Quarter hack Gr llflth took It In around left eOO for the fina l 6 points. Coast will travel 10 Haroor for an a p.m. game this Sat- lll'day. ....... ,.y.,o... fw e W.•crl,..•= C.ll673- <LSO THIS FIRST RUN /liT ROD TAYLOR-SUlY KENDALL "DARKER THAN AMBER'' "TOUCH· IT PROVIDES NEAT JOLTS OF VIOLENT ENTtRTAINMENT" EVE. SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. CONT SAT. & SUN. fltO~ 2 IAic;AIN MAT. WID. 1 PM U T. ANO SUN. PRIC£S ADUlTS & JRS. 1.50 TJ.. S P.M. r.-tl.de' 1!1 ljTrll Dti m•al AlSO THIS TH itllLER (GP) CliNT EASTWOOD CARROL O'CONNOR ........ 01 1111 cons 1 Open Nlfhtly •• 6,45 p.m. "'ATIH!E AT I :·Up.m. JUNIOR ALL AMERICANS the trophy 7 out or a years, In- cluding last Friday's 7-0 vic- tory. CDM won only in 1964, by a score of 20 to 0. (PhOto by VIc Opalek.) •MIDGETS Coach Al Dies' CABALLOS will open the r egular season at Garden Grove wh en the}' tackle the CentralGardenGr ove Panthers In a 2:30 p.m. game Saturday, Sept. 26. Both squads appear to be up to their usual team strength, with the Cabal· los fresh from a 74 to 0 romp over a weak Banning Raider team last week-end, PatShagh- nessy, Bruce Sharp and Ted Wills ea ch hit pay dlr l twice. Tackle Pete Richardson inter- cepted a pass and r umbled 35 yards for another highlight of the game. Marc W!Usey and Da ve Gibbs were JUSt a couple of the outstanding delensive linesmen In the Banning game. The COMANC HES enjoyed an open date last weetc and w1U travel to Tustin for a l p.m. game with the Tustin Rams Sa turday. *JR. PEE WEES Ill yards. The Sailor s tate on Costa Mesa at Davidson field Sat- urday nJgtlt. Corona del Mar will entertain Santa Ana Fri- day nigt\l at the same field. The CHAR GERS continued Both games are at a p.m. their winning ways with a 9 Coach Phil Br own's Es- SURFING CONTEST to 0 victory over the potent tam;ia Eagles got some 514)et The 3rd annual west coast Huntington Beach Raiders. On performances from Quarter-open body surfing contest will the 4th play of the game a tnck Curt ThOmas, Jim SchuUr. be held at 18th St. In Central 38-yard Char ger punt by Terry and Bob KaJser to upset Tustin's Newport this .. eek-eDd wtth the Peter son wa s downed on the potenll.al power house. Thomas top body slll'fing clubs In the Raider 3 by Forrest MetcaU. hit Kaiser on 75 and 26 yard west coast sending contestants. :In the next play Charger Uoe-aerlals and a one -yarder to Sponsors are Clark's Surf backer s Ben Rhyan and Robby Lee Frlederdorf to cllmu a Sllop In Newport Beach and Brant tackled the Raider back brilliant evening. Kaiser roared CYF, Callfor nla Youth-Sports in the end zone for a safety. back with a punt return from Federation. The CYFisworldng Heavy penetration by the Char-the Eagle 15 to Tustin's 45 on a program where the schools gers defensive unit had Ben and Tnomas guided his team to and the Newport-Mesa parks Rhyan, Pete Lueck and. Terry a TD with LeeJoyceandSchultz and recreation departments *JR. M lOG ETS Peterson conver ging on the providing the oUensive punch. mlgtll become Involved. The Newport -Mesa COR -lUcker with Metcalf grabbing a Estancia wtu play hOst to Defending champ Jefl Daley, SAffiS will entertain the West-blocked punt and rambling 28 Buena Park this Saturday at ta, graduate of Newport Hac- minster Lions at their home yards for the only toughdown Or ange Coast college with the bor high school, ts expected to field at Costa Mesa high Sat-of the game. The conver sion at-game lime a p.m. defend his 1969 crown. Mike urday at 1:30 p.rn. Both teams ~mpt .wa s b~ed over by Dan The Mustangs from Costa Israel, 1970 winner orthe Coast usua lly provide top conterxters uddndge. C r ger coach Bob M esa dropped a 19-13 decision Body Surfing Asso. aOO New- for the league title each year. Gilbert's tea m travel to East to the Katella Knights. Benito port Body Sur fing Assn. con- Coach Jerr y TriPP's squad hung Gar den Grove for a 10 a.m. Ricardo booted 2 field goals test, Is also entered, as are on for another close one last game with the Mtcro)E!ts Sat-for the local eleven a.nd a 1-John R\evers, Jack Briggs, week, edgt ng the East Gar den urday. yard burst by JlmHohlwerethe Gary Br ewer, Jake Swaner and Grov e Lancer s 18 to 12 Bo The COMMA NDOS lost a well total scoring efforts of the ln-Jim Ray, who placed In that teams got TDs In the 2od.·q~ played 24 to 0 decision to the spir ed Mustangs. Ricardo order in the contest. ter. The Corsair s 6 pomter Orange Cardinals la st weekand booted 43 and 25 yard tleld co:~.me on a quarter back. sneak tack!£> the Huntington Beach goals a.ocl a PAT and engineered with Tom Haz.lcas bushng in 49:s at H. B. at 9 a.m. Sat-a steal of a Katella hand-ott from the 2. Baz.acas hit Jotul ur Tt COUGARS 1 k th to highlight the Costa Mesa Randall for a 21 yard scor ing e 00 on e oUenslve attack. The Musta..ngs pass in the 3rd Quarter and the Orange R~ms, who boasted a will have It out with the New- final winning mar gin came in 4.4 to 0 wm in theL.r first game port \{arbor Saturday night at the 4th period on another pass and featured the runnJng of Davidson field. to Mitch Barnett good for 35 Rickie Moore, w~o scored 5 • J .V. HIGHLIGHTS , __ T~'/lo.l"-.rt!l'an"G"·M .... ~a..<ai ~- Pius SECOND FEATURE W...., ,,._, ,. •• ,.,.. for •n ouf.of.tcnunn, ,,._, r••ll:~~ ,. .. ,.,... JACK l.EMMOII SANDY DEIIIIS Allll 11111011 mHil THE OIIT·Of.TOWIERS 1ttl .. c.-"...,., c..... .... '-,...,..,,. 67J-ttM , ___ , ..... ______ ........ -.. .. ya rds. Excellent team blocklng touchdo-:'ns ln hlS previous RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS t PETS FOR SALE was the deciding factor on the Costa ;o.1esa appearance. The HARBOR 8, CDM 6, After a scor ing ;,unts for the Corsairs Co ugars scored ttrsl w~enGreg ~coreless nest hall both teams ~"" • Watson carried to the 2 a.ocl scor ed In the third period, The 1 Ti,.,. 2 Tim•• ~e~J':,~ o;er y~~k51_' ~~~c~: ;:•~;;;~':;. H~r:~b ;,~'~slr:: lO wo•d• •• leu . ............ l.lO 2.~ 3.00 Rh~;;:.. "':ld~~ .. :.~les The CO WBOYS shot down the Moore scored on a brilliant Dan Seals blasted !rom the 6 21 word• to XI word.t 2.00 ,,00 4.00 JORDAN>S PET SHOP 3 Tu?~U •PEE WEES har d hitting Westmlnster Fa!-42 yard run ror Orange and Pat a couple plays later for the 31 words to «l wotd• 3.00 4.00 5.00 18 years tn Corona del Mar cons 7 to 0 In another hOme Mumfor d scored a TO and initial TD. For the P ,A. T., Sea.ls Eoch -..ord over .tO woo•d• I .05 . 10 .15 quality pet suwlies game Saturday. Mar~ Buklch P.A.T. to put the Rams ahead came righ t back. with the same 1--,~--:c::---,.---i 2732 E. Coast Hwy. 673-2430 scor ed on a 65 yar d gall~ of thE> fighting Cougars, who play for the 2 polntsttlalproved " ~~-~-~·!·_-~·-~-~-~-~-~·~·-·_·_·_· __ 1.~:-~-;, master charge ar ound his left end and out are Improving with each game. to be the wl.nn1ng ma.rgin. _!0Rk AAA ... A ... AA~~AAA A~-- ran t11e Fall:on defenders for scott Brosseau played well John Stebbins took. the Hat-CROSS AND THE IRONING. Years otez:perlence ~I SC ELtANEOUS the lonetouchdownofthefier~ly on defense for the Cougars, bor kick-off on his owo l a SWJTCHBALDE''-by David onalltypesof clothing& contested game . Brtan Whit-whOse defensive team held and rambled down the right Specialty, men's shirts. ALL THE FINEST in imported for d tacked on the P.A. T. ~1 ike Moore and Ward Dotson of the sidell.nes ror a br illiant 82 yard :~lrk:~fa\~!~~~~cg:r~ per hr. Mable Whitman, 507 bicycles. Sales and service. Mc:.ieese directed the offenslve Orange squad to their lowest scor lng jaunt. An attempted fight a...,•nst teen-age cr ime Marguerite, CDM. 673-2774. Peugot, Steyr, and American team and played .good defense otfe,sl<e to•Al thls•""soo.Kurt pass from QB Reed Johnson to r.-Eagle. Balboa Mercantile C ... ~ In bi6-cily slums. Paperback Sto 806 E Balboa Blvd fo r the owboys m the evenly Brochman did a nne defensive StebtJI.n.s tailed to cllck for the SIX-re, · • matched game. Jeff McBr1de job on Moore most of the game. PAT and thai was the total SECRETARiAL WORK, mimeo-at M.ain st., Balboa. 675-7282. and Brtan Wh!Uor d both OO.ggefl The cougars under Dick Suess scorinf( effort ln the tradltlooal graphing, notary, smaU 9 Falcon ba.cks to lead Coach take on the' Santa Ana Cardl~ bruising JV classic. keeping accounts. Call SPO]S before your eyes - Ro!Ue Pulaski's Cowboys in nals at ooon Satur day at santa The fourth quarter saw lots 4.050 afternoons. on your new carpet-remove de fensive tackles. Ana of action with a blocked corona them with Blue Llt6tre. Rent The CORONAS travel to East The first year CARDINAL pw:i on theii own 10 by Bria.o e MUSICAL I'OI SALI eleetrtc shampooer $1. CrOWD Garden Grove to tackle the team took a few more lumps Gately but the Sa.Jiors couldn't tANTED Hardware, l101E,CoutHwt., tough, high n ylng Jets at noon last week when they went up eapltallze on the break. Corona Ba.ck. to Sebool Specllls Corona del Mar. Saturday. Coach Doug Dreyer's agalnst a ve teran East G&r-pmbled and lost d~ 1n their H.ammoOO orpns --new crew dropped a hard fought den Gr ove Mustang eleven anc1 own territory by DOt ldcldng, velope' used, trom $395; special 13 to 0 contest to the rough, dropped a hard fought 2S to and then threw Harbor back to stamped, console w/LesUe, $1395, hard hitting Tustin Antelope s 0 contest. t.1e 18, where they took over. velope. l...a.Prd!m Yamaha spinet w/rhythm, save l.ast week. The Tustin defense Newport Ha.rbor ta.kes on dera, P. 0. &I $200, Corm Church orpn, held the usually potent Corona LANCE McCABE WIHS Huottngton Beach a.t Huntington Redordo Beach, Ca 90278. $1295; many others. eOffiCES FOR RENT or·flct: Si'Al.t. 10t rent at 2721 E. Coast Hwy •• Corooa. del Mar; $150 a. mooth on a year's least. Call owner at 673-'l551 or 673-ms. otfense to less than 100 yarJs Skipper Lance McCabe of Beach at 3:15 p.m. Monday, f-;;;,;;;,~;:;;;::;;;1 Cklseout of Cable-Nelson in a floe defensive display. USC , a resident of Bay Shor es, Sept. 28. Corona. del Mu takes ~ badly needed: pianos: one wu $325, now $595; The COLTS bounced back sailed hls 30-!oot Shields s~ on Santa. Ana at 10:30 a.m. Address envet.opes ln .pare other pianos from $495. 1,:;;;;:;;::;:--;--=:=::-=:-;:::::- from their Huntington Beach en-to victory In New York and saturday at Sa.ota Ana. ESA time. Mtnimum of $14 per plano w/speeta.l flllish $495. 4 rooms, oar Hoq counter arw:l gal~ed off wUh won the 3-day "Little Amari-T ANClA and COSTA MESA dis-1,000. Send &DYtl· Bald1rl.n gnod, like oew, ":::la~06:$~7~515.montl:l, Jobo a Jl to 12 win over the Pla-ca's Cup" race. He won ooe continued thelr JV programs. ope for de .. $2395,, • .&! others. v centia-Yorba Linda Doiphlns. race arx1 sal led cooslsterily ta.tls to Matico, SCHMIDT MUSIC: ~c~o~,·,.,,, t;-;-;;~;.;-;~;-;;---- Kyle Bischoff returned a punt In the others to amass 41-3/4 • SOPHOMORE RESUME Stre«, Suite 27, San Fran-HammoOO -Yama.lla - for 50 yards and a TO, and len points. His cr ew Included Jack ESTANCIA 21, TWTIN 6. cisco, CaUlornla 94102, 1907 N. Malo St. Santa CARS FOR S4.LE half Larry Englehardt weot 75 Jakowsky am Oden Braathen, Chuck Boetell scored 2 TDs Est. 1914 CAR FOR SALE.l968Flrebtrd, yards on a flare pass and scored also of l.EC. AU are members for the Eagles. -----------1 creamputf, ta,ooo mtl.es, a.nother TO to hlgtlUght Coach of the Balboa Yacht Club. Bud MESA 6, KATELLA 20. ~~;;.~;;;~;;::;:;--;;;;~~ PROPERTIES FOR RENT $2250. Terms possible. 64.2. Starkman's out of town game. Woll of the New York Latch-COM 10, HARBOR 6, Robert~ ;:;;~~~·;;;c;,~;-:;::~:;~~j 6147 or 646-STIS. See at The Colts ta.keontheSan Cle-mont YC was 2nd and Carl Felller took a pass trom QB -MUST SELL! u RENTII 1, 2 and 3 bed-419 E. 17th Street, Cost& mente Padres at Costa Mesa Reinhart of Newport Beach ns Joe Tosti and a safety set up Wbirtpool nsher, room aputmenl5 througbout t.t:esa. tbe wtnning margin for the Sea years old, white. Also Frt,ri.l OraDp County. From $69.50 ---------- COROllA DE L WAR quartorbock Kollb Sam•II,No. 14, bu ~~~ lalert»d to Sbleld!l Rl-11 rl_,.., lo< o l-yard pin to U>t COM 10 Ill llrll hall aettoo qalnll Harl>or Hlp. IIUIDC 1110 toetle II ROO Trflll>ollll08ollors. (!.l*lok pbolo,) Kings. daire electric dryer, wblle.l to $lS8,50, tura1sbed or..,_ The Estancia sophs tate oo Both for $75 or make f\aolsbed. Ask ror Jodi, 832-!':a~. ~~'!:u a:,. 3~~~~ ~c:a~U~5~~~s::-5~3~91~after~~~~~~~71100~~· =~=-=~~=~ Yesa for a 3:15 pme, CorOllA RENTII 4, S I.Dd Z bed- meeta Santa Ana there at 3:15 room bomes lD <>ranee Frld&J, COUD!J. Relllals fl<lm $US •• SERnCES LEE'S . MOVERS -110-ld IJid ptaooo. Lie...,. IDd 111- surlld. Same r&tes 7 _,... Tlme Rartl at your p1aee. Elllmale by -14 boon. p,_,545-6Ui . e fROSH 50,-or unfllnllollOd. -Dol IJid Cor-dtl Aat b' BooDle, W-7800.1---------- YlJ' tattled to aD 8.8 tll. EIIIADCI& wu td..,S b7 Sor· Tile IS to 0. Newport HarbOr loll a doee IS to 7 bolllo wUl> st. Pul. A l·!'fd pus lroal SleYt Bo. Newport Ita - Mta 18, ~--·c~· quartor-- lbtc.G --""' ... lllrl•._ Uld bolb ....... --1110 trl!lllllr Ilea loom. . ?. ();-c-.-. FIVE IN TRUSTEE RACE Tbe Srandldateafottbeboud polltloo opeo In the H""J'C)ri- Mesa \lll1led scbool dJ.Jtrtct are btllmlna: to shaPe .., their cam&J&Jgna: for the Nov. S alec· tloo. Tbe 5 candidates tor tbepost, created by the restpa.tioo d. Mrs, Elilabeth Lllly, are: Jo- sepb Dully, Z4Z5 Bo-Pl.; CalYtD c. Buck, zass Portola Dr.; Beverly K. LanptDo, 901 Sooora Rd.; Richard D. Han- chett, 811 St. Clalr st., and Carolyn M. Klmme, 45'1 Ebn- hurst Ln., all of Costa Mesa Area 2, Mr. Hanchett and Mrs. Klm- me tiled for their eaDdl.daey oo the last day for DUng, Sept. 10. Mr. Buck, who Is 44, Is a self-employed consultiag engi- neer, who has Uved or worked 1n Orange County for 15 years. He ~s a ptqXJ080t of sez ed_y- ' Curt Dosh "EAL.TO_, 6-'Z-6472 .... 673-3641 1730 W. COAS HWY. Hewpert 1-ch Sll'VATID ON TIN ACUS SPACIOUS I A 2 IIDIIM. AI'AITMINn , ..... a UMum. ,,_ s1a • Pti.,.·ate Patios • Fiteplacu • POOLS • 9 Hole PuttinJ Green • Tennis • Separate Flmily Section • Adj. to School a 1nd Playasound 900 s .. L••· c~ "'-cM'-r ,. .. , c .. st ltwy. cine t. Fuhl• 111•4 CXIROHA DEL MAR I SEMPLE REAL ESTATE Rl!SIDBNTIAL AND BUS I NE!SS PROPERTIES ···POR INTE!R.eSTE!D, PROFESSIONAL CONSIDE!RATION Sl!E SEioiPLl REAL ESTATE 2515 E. C.•at Hwy., Co,...• 4.t Met 67S.ZI01 NEWPORT HARBOR EN~GN RRST SECTIOit --P 5 Lovely Family Home NEAR ORANGE COAST COLLEGE o FOUR BEDROOMS o THREE BATHS o SHAKE ROOF • fi REPLACE o HEW CARPETS AHD DRAPES $37,500 Wells·McC.rdle R•1tON Rclialc Sct11kc Swc 1!10 Pele IJarl'tiH JGa/ftJ fHMnfJ !l!YINE TERRACE-California Livinq Enjoy f o r m a I dinin~ with sparklin g Bav Vte11. or 1nfnrmal BRQ arnun d the pool. Thts 1s an elegant but comfortable 4 bed· !->orne v.•1th spactous plan. NEWPORT HEIGHTS tim maculate fompact . adul t occupied. near-new 3 bed· room. family room home. 3 car j!ara ge with bo at doo r tf) patio VIEW ·FANTASTIC! From a high P<lint m Cornn::~ Hit!hland'>. Pant>llrd ramitv rHnm!! room. butltm kitch- el"l . Z bedrooms l.:. 2 bath!'. \an•free ~-ard wt th complete pnvar1·. fre land . .S5i ,500. WATERFRONT SPLENDOR Panoramic' Ba y View on fee La.nd in ll un t- inE!"tOn Harbour Large ma!'ler sutte and 2 other la r2"e bedr()(lm.~ \"tew dinmc-room. g-our met kitchen, brf'ak!a~t r(H"lm. den. sen·· ire room. front de::-k WJth 50' dock S135 ,· 000. Call fo r appt to see. 0111oo o,.. _.....,. a SoNoya ~ PETE BARRETT REALTY 1605 w-Dr. N.l. \... 642-5200 Horse cab pioneer dies Rl LOT WITH GUEST COTTAGE Tbe man who started the f1rst hOrs J...drawn cab company 1n Los Angeles ill lbe early HIOO's, Warren E. Epinette, died 1n hls Balboa lsl.aod home Sept, 19 alter a long 111Dess. He was 89. Mr. Eplnette aM h.ls wtte, Wary, who survives hJm, cele- bnted their n st wedding an- niversary at the home at 212 Ruby Ave. on St • .,Patrick's day. He n.s born 1n Teu.s and came to Southern Ca.lUornia when be was 3 years old, 1n 18&4, He met his wile in Azusa when she was 1n the Zlld grade and they were married l..o 1899, when she n s 15 and he 18. Only steps to Ocean Blvd. A beautiful level building slte with 30 foot front- age graduating to 36 feet In 'he r ear with a comfortable 2 bedroo m guest cottage with view situated In the far rear, Live In the cottage and build your dream home In this prestige area. Call 673-8550. MRS. WINSLOW Dl ES OF TRAFFIC INJURY Mrs. LlDda Jea.n Winslow, !0, of Z659...C Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, t11ed Sept, 19 U Tustl.a Community Hospltu 1n Tu.st1D., as a result ollnjurles suff•ed lD a tramc aceldeat .. -Aoo Sept. 9. Sbe wu born Ja.o. 24, 1950. in Kassa.ehusetts, and e..me to Ora.nce CoiW}' 4 yeus qo. SuniYOI"S lDclOOe bet bus. bud, Jact ; bu' .,0. Bury ot the llmlly home; her pueols, Kr. aDd Mrs. JOb.D c. Rlley, B&lboa; a brother all1 able, Mlcbul &Dd T«ff Lee of B&J.. boo; bor ...--.Mr. aDd Mra. Alft HarWnc ol Mua.· ebuetb. TE CO-A DEL MAR 613-8550 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 52 Lindo Isle Dr. Cust a BR .. study, 5 beth home w/3 frplc.s., circular ltalrway; decorator aelected carp. I< clropes. Sbown by oppt. .......... $210,1100 60 L-lolo on.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 1!10 CORONA DEL MAR. AUF. J CBeautj{_uL Point, !fJiieuJ. •• Whet her tt tS the ''Lap of Luxu ry" pomt of 111ew you gain ltvtng •n exclusive Dover Shores-o• the unobstructed potnt of view reachmg from the Pac•f•c Ocean to Saddleback Mountatn- tt's beautiful Add-pnvate whtte sandy beaches -Newpo rt 's excellent schools-and you have presttge living. Choose one of the exquts•te $100,000 to $190.000 Welts ' Bay- crest homes or select one of the few rematnmg la rge homes•tes in Newport Beach and Ivan Wells & Sons wtl\ build a quality custom home des•gned for you r family. Ready for the best7 LIDO EXCLUSIVE o • BEDROOMS o FAMILY ROOM o 3 BATHS o 50-FT. LOT o EAST BLUFF BEAU11FUL FOUR BEDROOM VIEW HOME WITH FAMILY ROOM AND OIHIHG ROOM. LARGE PA 110 I I EASY CARE LANDSCAP- ING •••• FEE LAND CHARMING RANCH STYLE HOME. SHAKE ROOF· VER11CAL SIOIHG ·OWNER READY TO loiOVE LET'S DEAL I •••• FOREVER VIEW FOUR BEDROOM CUSTD'o\IZED BEAUTY WITH ROOM FOR POOL OOX Y. flUXKl.lX I Rt:AJ. lOR ' 32!10 last Coest HtfhWty CorOI'II dll MM, CalifOfll•l Pllont· 673-2122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Salea through the Multiple u.ttDc Service ot the Newport Barbor-eo.ta Men Board ot Realtora totaled OYer $54 mUlion for the TWELVE montba ot 11169. Tb18 repruenu 1,2114 unit aalee and a dollar mue Increase ot 4% over the same pertod ot 1ut year, which wuarecordyear. List your property-a Realtor today. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A Realtor" is a member of his local board of Rea ltors and hence of the National .-\ssociat ion of Real Estate Boards. He is pl edged to the observance oi the highest ethical stand~rds in the field-those embodied in the Association's Code uf Ethics. FUDen.l senicu wert IMIM S.,C, U at BoU -Bnloftay C-1 wltll t1Jo R ... WIWam A-olllcloUac. HELLII! RIMMt:LL DIES ...... NoW. Rlmoll, Ill, "' 1101 s. Bl1 ....... lldg Newly listed. ~ wate.r1ront home. 4 utra 1(. Br. 4 bo, p-. rm. Ll•· liv. rm I< den; ! cor pr. lloouL patio/Janlea. Dock I< dock. By Appt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ra!,ODO 107 Lindo Isle Drl .. S BIL S bollla: family rm. • formal din. rm. 2 ..U.pl"'*-Room for pool. Dock. 11J opp't ,1411,000 In the course of your everyday iving, whenever you make a purchase, you usually rely on burd names which have proven themselves over the years lllud, died St!>L II at Boac HooPtal. Silo ... bon Doe. w .... , ... ..... II, 1110, lll&octuil. aDd -No.-44: 1• Pl .. wolllr ........ · ... t!IO,ODO loOnllt~-IOyaro IF-No. 71: Wide lac ta 111,_ . . • .. • • . ... .. ,..._. ..-m-.,., lillkl llw 1 ,taea klue•,_, ... St!>L a otPoclllc """~~ • ....., -a 1o1o, coli: _ ...... WUIIoaA.Ilrttw • .....__ ~~ ••.,_ .. ,. ':!'..!' 1.:· ~B=U.~L~G~Il=VND=-ti:~Y~,~ll:et:--=~--~~ ·-""" ._, ---·~--~ . ....: .. _.,. a.a.. .. ......, ~-......... Ia clUJ~ af II'I'IJIW P¢1 l.f you're buying a house, see a Realtol a professional in real estate. N e w p 0r t 11 a r b o r ·: : 'J a M e s c1 8 o a r d c. ! P e id t. ( 1 N 0 0 N UIPORT HARBOR ENSIQI 'lliURSDAY, SEPT. 2~ 1970 ARST SECllON --P. 6 CORONA DEL MAR. CAUF. ' 'TIL 8 P.M . • IS a ur a ••• 00 a ! SEPT. 26 & 27 • main beach Corona del Mar th Chor ce of LOBSTER or GROUNDS IRLOIN STEAK (COOKED by LIONS for PEOPLE) MENU f THRILJ-S tGAMES f RIDES t EXCITEMENT ... siulin; hor, & •"•"r deHci•••' Choice of LOBSTER or GROUND SIRLOIN STEAK,..-------. Plenty of "COURTESY" PARKING . , .with pi••' ••••lew-,.u.. .... ... , -,-,h•t Mt c.HM -•Ilk -.... •CNP '···-'sg oo I'ULL Dlte!U Rl DES -SNO-CON ES -COTTON CANDY -I HAMBURGERS -HOT DOGS- -GAME BOOTHS - YOU MilO MOT 81 'USIN'f TO WIMI Proceeds to Orange County Charities ( \ NEWPORT BEACH I()( THE NEWPORT HAIIOR NSJGN ..,. ...., I.OCII.J.' o-a. aw a 1 ......................... 10( COSTA MESA .:2::;3 R':'D::....:.Y.::E:::A.::.R•<...::MD:::;·:..;7:__,5,_,!,Q)=M~D~5:!:E:!:C:.!T~I O!!M~.!T!!H~U~R!!SD~AY , S E P T • 2 4, 1970 SATURDAY & SUNDAY BAY FRIENDS SCHEDULE 2 FILMS • The ttrst b. II meeting of tbe Friends of the Newpor t Bay open to the general publtc w111 be h.eld at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, a.t Corona del Mar high school's Uttle theater. Students "''all ages are wel- come to attend the free soow- lng of 2 films: "Cry of the marsh" and '•Our estuarine heritage." Both films were released In April, 1969, by the U.S. Department or the lnter- lor. "Cry of the marsh" exposes wetla.ods destruc:Uon. "Our es- tuarine heritage" covers the role of estua.rles as nurseries for ecooomlc.ally Important species such as shrimp, crabs, oysters, c lams, menhaden, and other t1nfi.sh: as the habitat of waterfowl a.oo furbeartng ani- mals; and as a recreatJonal and esthetic resource. Major threats to estuarine r esources are depleted. Lance Gilbertson ot Orange Coast Co Uege wUl open the meeting. Dr. Donald Bright, professor of marlne biology at Cal state Fullerton, will answer questions about the tllms, Friends of Newport Ba.y wtll sponsor environmertal tours begtnnlng SatlU'day, Oct. 17, at 9 a,m, at the bllltf over- looking the bay, near the for. mer Salt Works, at Eastblutf Or. and Back Bay Rd. The general public Is lnvlted to at- telld the walk, whi ch lasts a. bout 2 hours . Binoculars are r ecommended to catch the 20th Annual BALBOA BAY LIONS B k • d closel.4) views of the blufts, oo rev1ews resume \~~ ~:: "~~~~~ '":.:;: LOBSTER BAKE WILLIAM A. CO ULTER, at left , outgoing president of the Newport Balboa Rotary Club, thought of an innovation for retiring presidents of hls club. Instead of giving awards to members and a gUt to Rotary, as is the tradition, Mr . Coulter donated a transistorized retinal detachment unit to Hoag Hospital in the name of the Newport Balboa Rotary Club. Self-contained rechargeable nJckle cadmium batteries provide a compact source of radio frequeocy output, and may be used a full operating day without r echarging, ac- cording to William R. Hudson Jr .. at right, admLntstrator of Hoag Hospital. (Dave Ross photo.) Bethel goes to church Bethel 313, Newport Beach, all Masonic homes in Calllor- ot Jobs Daughters has set a-nla. side Sept. 27 for their go-to-Sept. 28, Bethel 313 wtllpu- church Sunday. tlctpate In a )olnt rileeting has- The gtrls will meet at St. ted by Betll.el 157, NPpOrt Andrew's Presbyter tan Church Beach, and tnclud!Dg Bethel167, In CUll Haven. Followlng ser-Laguna Bea.ch, Mrs. Lucy War- vices, a pancake breakfast wtll reo, grand guardian of the state be held at the Seafaring Ma-of Cautornta, and Kermit Hal- sonic Temple, the seml-annl»'ll lenbeck, associate gra.JXI ruard- acUvlty for the grand guard~ la.n, wUI make their om clal La.n's project. This yar the visit. The meeting, beginning project Is for the benetlt of at 7:30p.m., wtlllnclude initia- tion. R! AH Miss Karen Robinette, han- A CAMERA SHOP" ored queen of Bethel313, also harbor hoto Ia ••••••• ... _. '1r-oo-...... announces that there w!U be a trip to a dude ranch 1n Oct- ober. NE XT OH PLAYBILL The lrvine Community The- ater will present Ayn Rand's courtroom drama, "Nl~ ot January 16th," Nov. 27 and 28 a.nd Dec. 4 and 5 at Newport '::~===~~~~~~=;;~ Harbor lligh school. Readings 1"' will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. MATTRESSES this Satw-<~ay. Sept. "· a.oo 2 MEW -JlEIDILDIJrfG to 6 p.m. Sunday In the Island Irreaular Shapt>S House at F'ashion Island. The Ilmenprl.ag -Cetloe director Is Jack Holla.nd, pro- COSTA MESA -..An n ss c o . lessor of speech and theater 1 rso N•wporllfvd. Ub.rty 1-tlOJ at Orange Coast College. Carpets l1y CA.I.oL 6&6-027 5 ,.0111. A~ EXP E RT CA.III.PE~ CO~SULTANT WHO WH.L COME TO YOU~ HO M£ WITH SAM,aLEI WITHOUT A.NY 0 8 LIOATION TO YOUI H.J~fUI\N~ 2211 HAUOR a YD. COSTA MESA. CAliF. The South Coast Alumnae Club of PI Beta Phi wtll hold the first of Its celebrity bOok reviews F'rlday, Oc t. 2, at 10 a.m. with Miss Carlotta Wil- liams, reviewer, and guest spea.Jce r Gwen Bristow, author ol "CaU co palace," '•Jubilee trail" arx:l "Celia Garth." Carlotta Williams na.s led a career lo motion pictures, radio, television arx:l on the stage, as well as being a noted book reviewer, Three more literary pro- grams "'~~~ be headed by Miss Williams and Mr s . Howard Means, series chairman, in No- vember, F'ebruary and March. Season and individual tickets may be purchased at the door. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Means at 548-6108, As· slstlng with preparations are Mrs. Ri chard Elllott and Mrs. Lawrence Kittle. The annual Arrow mont school coffee will two held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 8 at the home of Mrs. Dona ld Cooke, chairman of Arrowcratt sales, at 464 Ogle Street, Costa Mesa. Assisting her are Mrs. Evaogt~­ llne Ctu'lstJansen, Mrs. N.J. Egll, Mr s. Y.S. Kerans, Elea- LEGAL NOTI CE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FlcUUous Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certil)' that they are con- ducting a wholesale drapery cleaning business a t 660 West 17th St., Bldg. 21, Costa Mesa, Wlder the ft ctltlous firm name of Jet Drapery Cleaners and that said Orm Is composed of the !allowing persons whose names In full and places or residence are as follows, to- wit: Polly H. Bleeker, 255 Prospect St., Newport Beach, Calif.; Glen C. Becker, 320 Prospect St., Newport Beach, Calif. WTTNE~ our hands this 21st day of September, 1970, Polly H. Bleeker, Glen C. Becker. STATE OF CALIFORN IA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ORAN GE ) ON THIS 21st day of Septem- ber, 1970, befor e me, a Notary PubUc In and for said county and state, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per- sonally appea.red Polly H. Bleeker and Glen C. Becker, knOwn to me to be the persons whOse names are subscribed to the within lnstrum.mt, and a"- k.nowledged to me that they executed the same. WIT NESS my hand and otfl- clal seal. Mary A, Haapa , i'l'o- ta.ry PubUc in and for said County and State. My Com - mission expires Dec. 13, 1971. Publi sh: Sept. 24, Oct. l, 8, 15, 1970, In the Newpor t Har- bor Ensign. PURDUE GRADUATE David Ross Cairns Jr. ot 405-1/2 F'er nlea! Ave., Corona del Mar, received his master or science degree in irv:lustrial administration In August at Purdue university, lndiana.. TEMMIS "CARRY-ALL'" ACRYLIC SWEAT . SHIRT Ba ns REG. $9S5-595 ~ WHILE THET LAST Sweaters 495 ennis Dresses Tennis Shorts 1395 to acket MEH•s • aovs• Tennis Balls IUY '!II IY THE DOZB41 VAMIA WILSOII XTRA DUTY nor Abbett and Betty Fulmer. flaged therein. BU'ds migrat- On display and for sale will tng down the Pacific Flyway be the traditional crafts tram from the Arclic area are an- Pi Phi's Arrowcratt Shop tn ~lclpated visltors during the GatUnburg Tennessee S!Cl-tall and winter months . An- ported nationally by ali Pi Phi ditional tours are scheduled chapters and alumnae clubs. for Nov. 14 and Dec, 12. • • mam beach • Corona del Mar be a friend-finder and receive a have your friend open an account at Newport National Bank and do both of you a favor ... (OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY) IT"S REWARDING AN D FU N TO BE A FI ND ER ... Ftnd your fnend (a relat1ve will do0 ) and bnng them to Newport Nat1onal Ba nk' Atter you have tntroduced your fnend to our New Accounts g1rl and your fnend opens a new 5 3,4 OfJ Trme Certtf1cate of Oe pos•l Account for $1 0 .000 for 60 mon ths or longer, we will g1ve you. as the "Fn end Fmder." a FREE SONY CO LOR TV SET Your frr end wdl recetve a FREE SONY AM DE SK RADIO for opentng h1 s new account. wh1ch pays a b1g 5lfaOJ'o rn teres t co mpounded datly . patd quarterly or FREE TO FINDE R: • longer at your opt ton (the htghest ban k 1nterest allowed by law for commerctal ban ks) Certd•cate may be used as collatera l for loans SONY Tron otron l :1-d•agonal sc•~en A.utomat•C COlOr control greate• brogh!ness.. sha•Dt'' focus ,1,.Cl Your SONY color televiSIOn set and your fnend's SONY AM desk radto w1ll be many ot ner soecoat featu•es (a~o v mo v~!l !tom room to •oom FR EE TO FRIEND-DEPOSITOR· g1ven immed iately when the new account 1s opened wtth cash . cash1ers check tel!e rs check. or certilted check Other passbooks brought 1n or sent m wdl be translerrM free (Please allow other checks and passbooks t1me to clear belore clatmmg g1tt s ) Accounts may be opened tomtly. '"trust SONY AM Desk Rad•C' "'111 ""<Jut' for d1fferent tnd1V1duals. or as slo de tunon g and volumt' c~~,.t tOI for gr~ate• On!C•s•OI"' ao!l brol+•o:tnt o.-r1orn)Jn(~ B~a ut1fully fon,sne(l .n rocn ""alnut l a.,.s flat o• l •lls up custod1an for m1nors Pnor to rnatun ty no pnnc1pal may be drawn •Not • m~mt>er of your household 3% 4 PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED DAILY YIELDS 5.917% PER ANNUM ----,------~-~ I . 'NtWP0~7' ~ (·'\ NATIONAL 1 · ·~.fL.BANK _.l ,--~ ~--~ ~/ ;;;;;:::=-..:..:· . --. - \ FREE SONY COLOR TV SETS AT All 9 CONVENIENT OFFICES Alr,lrtlffta llldlellofl 11 MKArflwr lll·llll •..,.... ..._ Blys.Mit Mmboi"M U 2 1141 C....,. hrtr: ............ It C.....••ufttl 111 ·2t00 • = Mill .... Hlftoor It lru 171 72t0 ............. ~It,....... M2·t511 • ••sa"b ll'lict ut CNPMM It Sltlt Cofttrt 179-4140 ........... Wtstdift It 0.. M2-J t ll Sui hlodllllct ltiWf'l W.W, SNI INdl 'SM-2711 • U. ..... """' leiwre W. ... Ul\lfll Hti iiJO ]200 ----------------·-SPECIA L INSTRUCTIONS IF OPENED BY MAIL N£WI"'itl KATIOJW. IAJQ. Ptust open my Time Cert1hcate ot DeDD~II Account {Accourrt1 "''' bt open~tl ro•ntty +fl trust tor d+lltrent lfld•v•dutls or u custodiln tor minon -'11 t CCOUI!b OOtMd by m1ol musl havt liltS P+C~ed UP II ll'tf ofltOI wher. a.:rounl os OOt~d by the frttnd f tnder •flott 111111!Urt IPPIIB below ) Sony, "'f c•n't shtP 11 We wofl nottl} F fltnd r +nd•• when IP pick up 11ft1 Dtposttof's Full Ntmt ------,.,;;;;-;;;;;;;;-------IPI•••• ~tnnU .-ddrns. ----=:--------..:;:-----;;;;--Cit)' St-'• ll~t Sot+t l Security Numt..f _______ EitdoMCI II S ---- 0 110.000 fot &0 rnoftttiS. or 1on111 C Pn~ tM:IIIMd Ft!IOtl''t NIIM -------==:-;;:w;------1,.._ .. ~ ~-----~--------~~-----,&~--1 Cit)' , .. e. --............ _____________ 1 AfiW'•...... • • J for ... A .. Jly E . P. S.blllse R•,"•'•~ fro• CHRISTIAN NeW S P.o . so.-J68 N u11 H 1111••· ~o. (Co•IJ•a•J fro• T ruth may be atrancer than ncunn, and uaed lumber disc:ovend on treele1a Ahlrat speaks mor e eloquentl:r than mere words. tn 1829 a Russian physiciall, Frederick Parot, the n u t to ascend Ararat tn modern times, cltmbed the mountain and round wood. In 18?6 James Bryce, Brlt- lsh Ambll.ssadnr to the United States, 191'7 -1923, and author of the perceptive vo lumes, "The American Commonwealth," tolled up Arant alone and at an elevation or 13,000 teet discovered a larJe piece of hand-tooled wood. In the 1930s Hardwtcke Kni&bt, upon his release from a short capttvtty by local bandits, started for the village of Abora by way of Ararat Ctrcllng th e Ice cap of lhe mountain, he db- covered a la rge neld ol hewn Umbers. During h1s climb in \955 , Fernand Navarra dfos- cend¥<t a deep crevasse where he chOpped a hOIP In Ulf' tce of a frozen lake A beam 150 feet long floated to tht> surface He chopped otr a piece of II about hn feet tn length and four by stx inches in thickness, hand-tooled ll.nd apparently imprepated with pitch. Thc.ugh (perh2ps for reasons that should be perfeeUy obvtous) tht> agt> determinations for this wood have been disputed, fourfold h,stS made at Bordeaux University and thf> Madrid lnsUtutt~of forestr y indicated that It was abOut 5.000 years old In 1969 SEARCH Foundation sent a par ty led by Navarra to the sue of the find of 1955, and on July 31 this Rroup 1lug up additiOnal pieces o f wood at the placP Th1s wood ts described as "dense and reddish black" and "Identical to that excavated by Navar ra m 1955 " Thest>. howPver, were comparatively short pieces or tour by onP half Inch planking. As they had bt>£>n s:.~tuntf'd with water contamtnatmg them with sulphur and tron they could tM> dated only as tM>r,.·een 1.500 and 5,000 yean; old SEARCH F'oundauon dec hues· "Since 1946, an Im- mense collection of h1stoncal reJlQrtS, eyeW1 t.ness accounts and legends has been gathere<1, thoroughly ex;Hmnf>d and evaluated All the collectt.-d Informa - tion potnts toward the t-Xts tt>nCP of an ancient wooden :uuf.1CI of tremendous s tze locked tn a sunonary ICe pack at an :.llltude or H .QOO reet '" In vlf''<ll of the far ·re ... chmg 1mphcauons of the dls- covl"ry, 1f madl", 11 IS small wonder that lll recent years many have been Inspired to search for the Ark , that numerous expt><iltwns were planned, some of which werl" earned out . and that the search Is fast becoming a !asctnaung. i! unultzing, parallel to the quest for the Holy Grail But whether the Ar k or a ny p-.lrt of It has bt'en round or ever will be round, the Christian knows that ""by faith Noah , betnc wa.rned ot God of thmgs not seen as yl"t, moved with fear , prep3rt'd an ark to tlie savmg o f his house ; by tlie whi ch hP condemned the world , and became heir of the rtghtt-ous nf'SS which IS by faith" (Heb. ll:7) Back to Scllool The great return to partlclpate tn the learnlng expe-riences which are beLng offered young and old heglrts once again this September. Blessed are those children and young people who will have the prlvUege of attending scbool where the Word of God ru\es. T helr bleuina: consists not only In having dally lnstru<:Uon 1D God 's Word. but all subjects are taught trom God's polnt of view and under the Ulumlnatton ot the brlghl light of God's W ord. Also, (and this 1s lm portann the pupils wUI be Instructed to apply knowledge and sktlls to the glory of God. Bul let us face the fact that most or our chll· dren and youth wUI not be entering the klnd or school where God's Word Is the touchstone of all Instruction. The reality Is that they will be taught and guided by teachers who themselves have been Pducated In schools and colleges 1n which a wor ldly philosophy prevaUed , institutions which have embraced Ideas and Ideals at vartance with Scripture doctrine and hostile to GOO's Word . What can be done about this? We should, of course. seek to establish the kind of school for ou r youngsters which has been de- scribed In the second paragraph above. However , this cannot be done during the flrst week In Sep- tember. Plans must be fonnulated car efully and prayerfully. Due consideration must be given to all aspects of thl.s worthy .endeavor . Much of the success of the school wUI depend upon securing qualified Christian teachers. What can be done In the meanwbUe? We shOuld emphasize and streqthen our pre- sent agencies of Christian education: Sunday School. Saturday School. Released Tlme Classes, and Confirmation InstrUction . The Young Peoples' Society should plan a program for developing" Chrl<;tlan knowledge. There should be an intensive effort to enroll adult members ln Bible C'la.u· es. !The more we have known In the past, the more we have forgotten. We need to r evtew and take refresher and retraining courses In the teachings of God's Word,) We shOuld also be aware of the many false prln· ctples and erroneous Ideas which are being taught and clrculated In the schools, 1n the presa, on radio and televt.ston. Material wbk:h presents the truth and exposes falsehood should be provided. Parents and Sunday School teachers and youth workers should take note of the varkNJ wrona: notk>ns and false Ideas to wbtch our young peop~ and children ar e exposed. They sboukt counter· act the evU l.nfluences by beina: ready to present the clear teaching of Scripture. Some of the FALLACIES WHICH CONTINUAL· L Y BESET US !N THE WORLD TODAY are tile followtng. You will, no doubt, have aome others to add : I. That all rellglons are good; 2. Jt makes no dllterence what you believe u long as you are sincere; J. All people wU I go to heaven; 4. There Is good In tbe worst of UJ; 5. Little babies are ln.DOCent 6. You have KUUty teeUnc• becauae you Uve bt>en taught to react 1D that way; 7. You can do"whl.tever you waat lO u kina u you do DOt burt .onwbody ela; 8. If you tlllnk oomethlaa II Jiijll lor you, It It rl&ht; 9. That good tnteDtiona or aood objectsves ex· cute WI"'fl&doln&; 10. Tbat tile Bible It a collecdoll ot bum&~~ WTitlnJI. lncludtoc lepDd.o A mytba; 11 . Tbat there 11 ao dnU or beU: 12. That tbe untv-evolved owr a per10d ot biUIOcS of yean; 13. That mao ancl tbe prtmatea are - from a oornmon aDCe&tor; lC . -n.t Jn:UJ wu a mere man wbo died toe wbat be believed ln. RA!prillt.ed from ONE ACCORD. st:COND,SECnOtl - -P!a 2 THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1970 Gmt br.ts il tM New Testuleat .. ., ""'-................ .... a-. .. CS.It..IN) "Juua Cleaneea •.he Temple'' Matt. 21:12-17 c:ura-a-. __ ...._.,. ...... ....-t-... __ .,.,,e r...._ ... _. .... ..,. ....... r tJeM .... By Ro .. r u4l Jor MartU. J ..... _........ ......... .. ~ .... , .... .... . .., ............. ._ ..... Uw ........ .,. .... _-t ..... ltdet I "rk......., .... -_, 111WW .. -tf ... ..... ·~.,.. .... ___ r 7 ----., ... 0 ft -~ co.. lldl) I ..... I~ 0 caw... 4l2) .-.,--.-a ....... ~ ........ ,..,..,. lt..._ ...... ,...~ ... , ..... , IJ Mt'-.. Polllldt.. ---Halt. (D D..., II1U) 17 ••• , ... _ -.u --c-aw 1M ---.. ,..., ..... II '"~ U.. ..... iato •Y ·-" (Matt. 12131) II ._ of J•co~ (~ D 11l) Z2 --.. tM ----ca4 ~ }-. ~ .. Ilia ill ~ ,_JIM_ l3 (I -.......... ..:.___l (~ tl:ll) Zl ·-~boW. u..,. ........ ----lng lor _____ IQ .. (Ea.k. lilt) 27 "0.. ---Jill"--... ~ .... ~ ._.....t..l....._. ....... 21 pat .. .. ---_.._, lbocL ti:M) 32 "~ llio Wiad -~~ 0.. -·-~ ea.• to Ilia" :U bf'OtiMr o1 M-o (Qo,., 14:131 3J G beUo•• crt a.... --~ yw.paa (lo-. II11S ) 35 ··~~-~ ll.olgbt. aor dopL a• _, otlr.or cncrtv•"' {..._ l t:tl) 31 iaida.a. •I • laao-eoa.,.,. ~ •iaclk.t• ..,_,. wllidt. lor-. tho by •-r U ao roloroac:o bl gl.,.a, th •-•ot .... ally will be loiiAd ia tll.o Scripw. a~••· a dty •b•ro llo dwoh (AN l rltl Cl llir.U Mid Jrr I--la 0.. f-plo C2 "a , • .,., oJ -·--_ .. (nt. 1:11 Cl b!.itiola ol two ol Ptnll'o -- a.ua Acaosa •1, •1 "'lHHI -~-~ -·---do 11 o "-• .. tW..-~ 32 lnldat. of 11 ph.,.tdotl ••d a cllllof cuptU (Cot. 4:14; 21 zll) dcrto• (Act. U tl l I C.. 11111) C7 ··--·-of tiM _ _. ... ol kN. tAI4 o.acldia .. ~ d G u .. u ... U tiC) 2 .... o ~ ddol priHia _ .. oc:rUio. ....-~ ~---\Ilia.,. tlaat 1M tilL .•. - l3 -ol liaa11L ____ dJ«b Cl "lMy ___ ..wa eold ov.t ol ... I:S3) ll iaiti.U oC J-pb.'o old.oll Wot.lro.et- -d --~~ Nil (Goa. &1:1. 2CI) 11 ..U.C.l oC .. crUk. -t.a•c"• ........_,.,to (Goa. 22:1SJ )J "..cl Pill ~---tlaoea th•i.r ciotll.- •~ (Molt. 21 :7) ..... (loa. t£:1) 51 "'I 1111\le .W aU yo.a --·-~ .. (Mett. Jl :24) 3? o •• •I AMI•r (I Cb:roa. ?:30) •Jt ~,. M•• ••II• it a _ -·-•I tlaio.,. .. " $3 '"aacl ----loft 0..• aad woal 0111 al •• city'" SS • dty. ----9'141 (,..._ IS:It) U Gr..k .._ •J H ... a (1-. 1:25 ) IC , •• ., M .... \do IW"Of'd, ..... ' -1• •If lu. ~---.. (Mcrtt. 21:51) II -----· •••t'f -• tlurt tltlnietb •••• -{ .... SJ:l) CO --· wont .•. i.alo loU.at~y: -d ll..o ---~ tllooto-5I "U CIIIT •-tWr.t. loi ..._ - 11ato ~~·--• ~ (,.._ 7127) 43 iaitiabl ot o !lolollol• molll..r aa.ll o Pfof'lloi-(Lub 2t5. 311 « initial. ol two frioad.o ol Pov.l (Col. t:7r I Cor. 11:17) 11 ·., koliN a.lrooU lao c.UH: Ill• IMIIM _ol pr.-y..-: --·-.,.,. lao<o-o C.S ploc• wh•r• lobab hid •lri• H....._ 2:1) II t.itkda of o ida9 DW.I .. ...-.d .... r>.ai.oJ'a ot.lro•r •-(Daa. l :h 11:1) • ldng of Syria (I 11a.vo ____ . .lroadad " ~-Ill ail taa1 ba11dJo tho (E..ok. %7:21) 20 o -of l•11111ab (Goo. 11:71 21 ..... -·--·'" (I s-. 30:1) 2l a -• oi »... (Goa. IIJ:t.21 SO iaili.tl of tW"D ..-oaaon 1:11 : l11tll l :C) •tc -,. -.... -·-il o d•n of tJUo• .... •st. •57 ~,.. ~··• .aad• 11 o d•11 2.5 ..u.a od --~-· ••tl Aola_ .. (fooL 15:42) 52 ~... will _, \IIIIo ·-__ " {Matt. 21 :25) 21 --·--~·-.. ". tw. ., .. two-(Mort. ld.C.) 53 .. d-crtloa of .lro-(Job 31:2.5) S.C tu.t ..__ of Ad.. aall E••· tllo• G.rd•a •I ----·a.,. ...,..,. ~wn-...... . 51 '1 .a.. .w -.It J'Otl ••• OWitJ • •• oC aw. ..... -wtich tl yo toll -~~-'" )1 Dhro•. •I 0. t . lablori~ Moll {Matt. 2li1C) A LOOK AT THE BOOK hut he wa, not free from ~nrr''"" ..~nd sullerzn,.; H•' lift· wa' often 1n J,..nget. anU he kne"" what 1t meant to bc pUI\UCd h) ... n cnc111\ anll ilh c temporal P•''scssll'n' One uf the \X· c ,,,con~ when . from the human \t.~nJpu•nt, he ~houiJ have heen in the \(l""C~t cmotton:.~l 't:ttc •~ rccorUcd 111 the thtrti..-th ch~piN 11t I Samud O:tv tJ had rcturncJ ""'i\h hi' 'uiJtcrs lu hzs Ctt y .,{ l.1klag to finJ 11 zn rums. The Amald.ztes haJ earned a\Ooa} thclf ""'"c' ;md thc•r chtldren .1nd thc1r posscs'''111 '. H1' d!'- C<luragcd fi.)JILI""cr<o l"orokc inti) open rcbclh•.ln In th" hour thc 1c t<o no record of dtscourdgc- mcnt on Da \1J '~ p:Ht On the .:ontrar ~ we arc told ·-n:wtJ e n~·,,uragcJ htm-.clf in thc J onl hi. (,oJ"' !I S.~mucl W fll (,od was real an.! pcr'>On:tl to Da\1J ( ,oJ w;~s his (,od. On\~ tht man ""ho has c~labhshed a personal rcla- lum -th ( •••d ~~ rrcpartd to meet the lm~ of lov.:J one~ ,mJ poo;-.e·mons as Da\ 1d met 11 Onh the m.m Y.ho has made (.oJ hr~ own can cncouro~gc h•mself m God rn such an ho~H The (roJ whom Oavrd knc"" a~ ht ~ (,oJ \OollS the (,oJ of 1\hraham. ls;~ar.:, and Jacob He wa~ the < ,oJ ,,f hrael. hut m tN unrort:mt of all tu Dav1J He w~~ his (JoJ [I iS well eno ugh h l rec,Jgntle the extslcn.:c uf GoJ tn H IS UOIVCT\C, but Y.C need to knnw Him J»Cf• w nall). We m.:cU to make Him ouf (,od. HI.' want\ u~ each tu cornc tnk> pcr~onal relation· sh1p With Hzm '"But If from thence thou shalt seck the Lnrd lh~ C o<)J. thou sh;tlt find Him By Or . Bob Jones Y.llh J th)' heart anJ 1'-ith all thy soul" f),·ut<'fOil<lnH -1 :!QJ Thc lon J Jcsu~ Christ. \Ooho '' ( .v<l C<llll C 111 thr.: lk't> .1nJ th.: Wa) h) \Oo hl<"h tiiCII lllliV ClllllC h l (,oJ. Sliid , "fk. lwlJ I ,t,md ;zl the dcx•r. .. nJ knock· tf <In } m.m hl.'ar 111\ \!lll:t:, and optn the doo r. I will C<>mc 111 l<l htm . .-nd ""ill sup with him, .md h,· Wllh 1\ll' .• f l{r.:vcL,Itlllll I 20J ? ? Question Box ? ? Fro"' JfWUH HOP E. S..• 707, L .. Mo-'•• J, John 16 ·:! .!lillfwur,.? P A" .• 1l'iduw. KS Th·· l.mr! J,·.,u~ Chr l ~t prnpht"<>wr:l arrordinjl to thi.~ H•ro..• !hal all -..ho hrlif'Hd in Him ...·hrthrr J•·w~ nr l;t·ntilt"', -..oultl !lllfff'r 1""'"',' •·utinn and ~o~ f'Yf'n '"' kill,.,!. Thr pNo;rru - tioH :tJ!Ain-..1 (Juil>lian~ ha~ luo•·n ,l!flin~ on down thrnu~th 1hr a~··~ and ,. ill !.r inrrea"""rl ron.si•f•·rahl}' r:lurinp; 1!1'" timt• of tho· Grt:at Trib11latiun. whic.h i~ )'"t fu!urf', ~·t: John 1''33. What~ th,. lltgh Sahbath mm.lion~d in j()hn 19:31 . G. M. F., Su lplu~r Sprtng.t, TX. Tht" H i,f!:il Sabbath reftr._ to the day ifl whirh th,. PII!I!IO\'f'f Fra~l was c.df'loratt"d. Thi.~ dav wa~ con!i1lrrrcf a« a Sabba!h ina~mud1 a.~ .no IO'"rk Wa<; to hf. dorw. This m.-an.;, !ha t r:lurinl-' th•· Wf'rk thr l.ur,l J eo.us Ch ri~t wa.• rruf"ifi .. d tlwn• "'"f'' two SahLath:-, tlu• l'a~"-­ oyt•t Sahl.lllh arul th,.. urdinarv Wf••·kl)· Sail - hath . "FOR THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS I~ THE BLOOD" By J. I . Tw-'•' ,_ Jt: ..... HOP 1. ... 1'07, Lo• .......... Only a r,..,.. hmm aft~r thf' hirth of "Bah}· floy" tthr namf' of parr-nt!'. wa!' .... ithh,.ld ) in the &m·ral Hospital at ()sha ... ·a. Ontarill, 1.anada. thf" infant de\f'lo~d alarminj!: in· dication!l of a r[f"adly jaundicf"rl cnndilion that vnt the ml"dical spuialists into high ~J>f"f'fi In lry to .saw· the haby·s lift'. T hry SPnt thr haby to thr Hospital for Sick f.hildr,.n in Torontn There it W/1.!1 di~covf"red that "Baity Bfly's"" blood wa~ of ~uch a rar'" IYJM" !hat tht-r,. wa e Mne on hand with which to IZ;,.,. him a blnotl tranefusion. f-lo.,...,.,.,.,.. th~"y krpt thr bahy ali\'f" hy usin~ a mix ltm• n( variou~ typr-~ of hlootl in an rfTorl to approximalt" to h i~ ra rr kinrl. 1l"len they M"nl a long d i11tr nCf' telephonf' plra to Or. 0 . I. Rud1anan. who ie the J(("d C:rn!lll medical director in F:dmonton, Albf.rta. Ca nada. Dr. Buchanan had di~ver<"d thi11 rr rf' typr of blood t hree )'l"&rll before when an Indian woman. Mn . Clarr I'H irondrlle, had brt-n hrou~ht to Mi~~ericordia H~pital in Edmonton for r n oprrrtion. What made thl" blood t10 ra rf' wu thai a number of ch mmoeome11 wt-rl" miMing. Aa lrr u thto doctora knl"• thr~ 'NI"ft! only four t)J~D in tht' world wi th thrt tame type o( blood. Two of them livrd in thr United Staff'S. and two in England. ~ tMy ll':arMd that thl':rl" werr 23 in the Indian wom~n't family with the ume kind of blood. Dr. Ruehanan and • nurw d rove 400 mile. owr rou gh and 'W)untainou• ro.da tn I~ foot· hilla o( the Rodcy Mountaint to Mn . J'Hiron- drlk'a horM. Then they hurried thto prf'eiO\IS bottk of blood to Edmonton and pul it r boud a Trana-Ctlnada Aitlinf'"!l night plant". whf'H' it wall fiown 1700 milt':!! to T orontn. Within JR hours o( the baby'! bi rth th,. doctors !(SVf' "Raby Roy" thr lran~~ofu~ion that ~Vf"(l hi~ lift'! Shortly af!f"r the dawn of hiatory ~ in- fnrmrrl mankind of this wondf-rful fact wh i1·h !'cien('i' ha111 only rect:ntly discovl!'r('d for itSP!f -thrt tht' lifr is in thr blood! "f or thf' I iff" of lhf" Rr11h i11 in the-blood . ." ( l...niticus 17: II ). Thl!'rr is a t y~ of blood that ill even mnrf' rare than that o ( the Indian woman. It i1111 hlood tha t i! pu rl' from all taint, all ~in. Onlr onr Be ing in all the univrrse haa it. An( thi11 Blood cau clra n!1f' ~;v,·n t h.-moat dt>:fi led from r vr ry Blain of 11in ! h cannot be hough! 11nd carrif'd in a bottlt-. It i11 p reciou11 beyond price! It is !hr bloOO of God' a Son! "h i11 tht' blood that malr.Nh an rtonf:lht'nt for the aoul" (l.rvit ieull 17:11). '"The blood o( Je.ttl! O u i&l: hia Son dun .. eth 011 from all •in'' (l John 1 :7). Like that baby would havt' died without a tranduAion, thr t innc:r will au~ly die in 11im. unJe.r he acccp~ the blood of Jeaua Chrirt by timple faith. It mull be r pt.r.onal acetptanoe before it beoomt"t elliuciOWI u lhe divine blood trrn•fuai.on that Aivet l"tl"mal life and ~iritual -.isor ! Cod .. y .... Come now. and let ut retton t~her, •hh the Lord : thousfl you r aina ht u IICF.rlet. they ahaU be •• whilf at tnOW ; thou1h they be red likl': crl m~C~t~, they oholl b<., wool" l luioh 1:18). A"'"P' the offe r today, freely given by the Lord of life Himtelr, the Rt<kemer, l~u• Chritl. St. Thomas Bible Lesson CREATION Gonui• I: I -2:4 Lauon 21 ; Sarlos Ill The word "Geneaia" me •n• "odsina," or "be8inning•." The Book of Ge nui• ia the re~;ord of the Besi nning of oil thins•· ,-\11 thing• hlllVe thei r bes lnni ns in God . TliU• we may well ar}" th at thir book ill the book o ( Cod : more than a ny othet it reveals Gnd 111 mun . It ill the p! .. ce to which •II l11ter Biblical writers a nd all commentrtors muat turn fM authority for whr tever we lr.now a nd underswnd of Cnd, even tO lr.nnw C hrist. It waa pointed out in previnua atudie11 nf the pamble" •lf Jesur that the Kins dom of Heaven ia ne ver likene d to u thing, bu t i" likene1J Ill a narrllti vl" of events cente red on a person: it is li ke a certain ri<:h mnn who did so ""d so ~otnd so a nd 110. In the u me way we do not leorn from Cene11111 that Gnd i11 likt: S<lme th ins: what w.e know about Cod we lettrn from th,. npenins linea, "In the beginnin@; Cod mAde he11ven and earth." Fron1 this we learn who Cod i•. lle i•. in the J,.nKungt of the creed•, ~1a ker of all things, visible and invi11ible . To undenuand tli i8 a nd rrally ~e~ Gnd. wr mu~t cons1der (urefulty wh11t it me-ans that lie is the mz1 ker of heaven andearth.lt mr.u.nsthat Cud IM elilsentiall)· kn own . not bec~tuse lie is li ke the things we •ee und h~ar .end kn ow. but lie 18 llnl lh all el~e . Cnd Uj u nlike !l is Crea tion precise[) in that evrqthtng 18 td Itt• ma ldn~, lie; d1d not and could not make; [1 , m s I! I f. an) mort' than ,...e ~:nul d. a a the t.:\'nlutt ontst says. have made ourselves. ThC'rdore God alone t8 Un created H1"1ng. 'Jutice that to U) mOI"e about God than that lie i5, i& tt) SU) what ll r is not: (;n.-1 HI Mt creatrd. Grant1ng tha t it is bc:yond t~ur powers to imagute ,, undenuand ~ternttl. uncreated exiatence, it is no real strain to know that 11 ts so. -\ small t•hdd m11y ask, "Who m11de God?" lie i~ perfec tly satisfitd w1th the sam~ unl'twer that must be given to the most learned philosopher: "Gnd ts nut made; Cod always is." <\t th is point we must consider tht n1anner of gt•)Wtn~ 111 tht l..nnwterl~e and underat anding of God . h chiefl y must be done by whAt a ~teat thtnke r ha~ calletl the "W111y 11 f l lnknowing." l11e greotf"St Christiotn ""mtl'i and tea.cher~ know and follow thts w11y . It is, s tep by step, wlule ftrnd y holding on in fatth to God's u:1stence, to den)· every m11nner of kn o wmg eveq thtn~ el"e. Th6!1e means by whic h we know &.nd describe all •Hher things are precu•iely those attnbutes and qualities Cod has not f.verrthing has a beginning. lt!i beg•nnlng, th.en, 1a the f1rst, fued anti knowable hmit b} wh1ch it can be dtfined, or br.undtd \.nd ha!> no b~g:nn:ng. God IS alreadr lht:rt at all beginn•n~. "In the beg1nn1ng God ." Thus w~ ulso know that God has nnt a bnd), s1nce il !J,,d) mu5t be madt"; M parts, o r pas~ti ons .. -\s fi e ha11 not b.::genn1ns, :l•t lie has nn end. He 1s znfinite , mean1n~ ht> has no boundaries or l1mit". The;sf.: are snmP •1f the w&\8 111 wh,ch we know Cud by what we know He is r'lot. h.nm ... tn ~ rh1s much, we IIIII) 11 0 1• turn our attr n!lnn tn ,t nntJ,,.r qu•te diHI"rent Will nf l rarnin~ 10 ~l"t" God m.ue nod rnure t·lcurl\. C;tllt'~l.!l I contutns ~h,. inf,rnwtenn from whH:h we learn thut r;,,J 110 11 plurulit) nf person!'! -thtt•· per11nnN -111 nne G11d . ~Ot1 C'e thf: "''t)fdtnl(: nnt. "'Thrte pt>rsun!> 111 "lit person:" l;mt , '''I hrer ptrsfln8 til one God ," F,&ch and u\1 (I f thcst: Persuns, bf'mg (;,.d , ~~ un l"ft"llttd ltnd en!<ils 111 rtern111 ""h Cud ·11\t" Sec ond P trson . ~'-'h"m wr c ~tll th,. f \,.rl~tst•ng ~nn . nr the ~:tern&] Chrt!it. 16 li e who muntfe!';t!t (, .. d 1n \"IHI"u~ wu•'" Ill man It IS II" ,.,.h .. !11 akr<~ God known to us. not b, unknowtn~. but b1 Tl"l"f"lott nn. l"o kn""' the ~·•n ts H> lou" thr F tllhrr. and the llol) :::.ptnt wh1 ch pror,.rd~> ffllm bo th . R) examm•ng cardulh GtnesHi J, l!1tt'r Aibliral "'Titertt huH bt-t'n able Ill t:kptt.nd great[, on l\hat IS relf"illr'tl of thr "')II . Three tt11ng~ liT!' t"'pH tllll~ tn be noted: God made all th1ngs l l b) h1li 9nud. and .!) 1n thf' Oa); and:\) Uc made mun in IIi" Image . Word, or 'i\'isdnm. Oa1, and lrnllge arr knnw11.ble to hum11n be:ngs. A careful l'lnd thorough knowled@ie o ( the§e .... ords re,·eals God to u!l tn ll wa) different than that of unknn.,..•ng. -,c rtpture makes mu ch use 11f f.enrsis l in f"IIC\. o f these ('Htegories rh.e rrcnrd of Creation . Itself sh~wln~ thr 'ifl l)td n( \.~Xi , shows thl\t God nuu1t.: ever~ tiling that was made-by Ills ~ntd "\,,),\ u id, l.et there bc. [,~ht, and there wa~ l1ght ." God spa!..e, Hnd Jt was St) )t. jQhn ... ·rites, "In thc- be~t nniOR wu tht 'A"ord. and tht '1\ord "'as .,..·ith God . 11nd the \\urd was God ~II thi nKs were made b~ him "Other Scr1ptursl writers llllC'H~ uf the Wi!".dom of (',,ld. pointing to the same mor:anu1g The F:trmnl Cl1n~t 18 tht t\ord ... r t\t-!>d om: tht.:rdort.:. all things "''ere madr b) Chri!lt (;eoesis al11o speaks. in Chapter 2, Hrse 1, as follows: " in thr day that the Lord God made the earth and thC" htttlens ." God madt all things by h1s \\ord, and in thr Da y . Or, li e madr. nil thing!t by Chr~st, and in Chnst, 11nd t:lmst ts thr l1gh t in .... hich light was madr b) ll i11 \\'ord whf'll God made l1g;ht Its we \.now it. and called the light 1.1.y . "'In htm (the Wurd) was ltfe," tont•nue <~ ~t .lnhn , ""und thr ldr "'"!" thr' [,ght of men ." St. Paul dwclls more on tlte lmagt nf C.ml '"t;o God crt.:.Jted man in ht!S o""n tmttgr. 1n tht 1mage of God crea!ed he h1m ," 11a1 s C.enf'SI8 . In his pmlogue to thC' Epistle tQ the Uehrt.:I'IS, he "'rttes thltt C..-.d hal'l "spol..en to us b) h1s Son (hut Word) . b}' whom also hf' made the "'orldl'l. wh o being the brightness of hHJ glory (his Oa~ ), and the exprua lmagt o f h1s person." etc., etc . \1an. made in the Image of God, is madc in Chnst. Chr1at, the \\1ord of Cod, the Light, or Oa), of Cod , and the lmagc of God, was made flesh in Jesua. Genes1s i8 the Scriptural authorit~· fnr ~tll this and mnre. Plamlv Genesis is fundamental. ."it. Thvmcu Preu • P fJ litH l.'iWUi o ffuu ~lofl 1.), Tn1.1• ()Qvotional PROM ''THI !VAHG!L.'' lOX 25, LA.RGO, PLOIIl!DA '-IUL TURf• APPETrTUI If ,. then be risen with Chrift, sae1t: tttne thine• which are abon, whare Christ stttettw Dn tiM riJht hind of Cod. Caltn'-"t lt1 Drivina: alona: the hilhway in the South it Js not •t 11/ uncommon for one to see wltures 101rina hilh above the ten-ain, swoopina: ctown1 rnd then ritina up apin with the air cumnts. Every so often, a sm~ll lfOUP Of them wiU be found s1ttina riaht on the roldway Itself, tearina ~rt ~~~ aobblina up the CII'Ciss of some unrortunate creature. From my obsemtUon of these usly birds, I ret the impreulon thlt they are on the lOOkOut continually for that wttich is l011thsome and repulsive! Many people &«~ like thi&. Nothine: seems to Sltitf'y them more than look.lfll for the blse thinp in life, and featina on the sordfd and dlst.stefuL They relish the sinful, the corrupt and the immoral. The books tt..,. Nlld, the mqazlnes they buy, tN pu~ltl they follow for pl•sure, the sub}ects of their eonverutlonl ond the television proc;~ams they choose, all seem to suaest that tttty have 1 vu ture- Jik• appetite! How much batter ts the spiritual "diet" the Blbla suunts In Philippians u , '"finally, twthr.n, what1oeYer thlnp are true. wNtsoeYer lttinp are honest, whatsoever thinp are Just. , . , wtlat:sototer thlnp are ot' ROOd report: if there be any praise. thlnli: on theM thlnp." What kind of '"food'" do you prefer7 Don't be like the wltutel Rather, "As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the WOfd, that Y• may 1f0W thereby" (I Peter 2:2). QUA COUNTRY"I fOUNOINI FATHUI The foundi,. fl'thlra of our c::ountfy bepn their colonlzll'll with prayerful and lf'*tli'ul ~ upon God, the al..., of ..-y aood and petfect tift. The SuP'WM Court hn rubbed our children of this riiM .•. ~untary prtytr Jn our aehooes. Shltll .,. permit and alloll' tiberela on the SUc:wtmt Court CO rob our d'tllchn ot' faith In God, the 5uprwrle R*rc of thai univwM7 ft it ont of the ~ tflttlld* of out tim., thiC ttMt m~~Jorhy dtcilbl. In ....., eaooa -. tho s..,._ Couol. hal -tho cnmlnal; not tho taw abkllnc c::Hr.n. T~. we .. wttne.lna .. tot.,.. 1nc1 crime .. ,..., Wore In a.. h._., of 0411 Ntion. The riiMI of crlmlr*s .,. ~ until U., hido tooftlnd ....,._ Court Odidl ..,ldl -_.., "-lie•• and 11.,.,.. CrWnfMlt can commit ~ of 'rio4enc:e ~ no ,.., ol tM Ia. Uni __ ....... _ """--""l•and ----Qod, I ,....Sict, In --.... -"' Qod, tho! -..., -..,. ......... ...--ltr ""'" _ ...... -wffl --....... IIIIo ., .... "'_...,-will 1-.., ... 0.. --""" ....... . _. .._ 0.. on1t -Ia to fiU£HT AHO COHfOS OUR SINS. "Let not your beart be troublld ••• " COUNSELING--All PHASES REV. L. II. GAUNTLETI", D.D. By Appolnblleat Dtl'l-11111 ML1Z MOR.1VARIES 17 41 IUP • ..,. A YL C:05TA IIIlA llldwi)O .. :142 • .. L C:OAITIIWAT ~DILIWI OIUole H4!0 lllonlfU 'OVILI~t.TIOH' FILM SHOWIHG ~CHEDULED Tbe Newport Harbor Art Museum aJlOOUDCes that student aDd faculty Ucketa for Str Ken- Dell! Clark's tUm series, "Ch1.Uat1oo," wtu receive speclal dlscounts. Clark pre- sents 1n the fllmo; a persooal t'lew of tbe for ces aDd eveots UW have shaped present da.y western clvlllsatioo as seen lD the artistic achievements of tt1e past 16 ceoturles. TbJ.rteen 52 minute segments comprise the series, to be shcJWn oa 7 consecutive Sun- day allernoons at the Balboa Theatre, Sept. 27 through Nov. 8, Ther e wiU be shOWings at 2 a.od 4 p.m. ~EWPORT IWteOR Ellll!lll stCOIIO SfCTIOII --l'!p I l11URSOAY, SEPT.!~ 1!70 OORONA D£LIIAA, CAUf. WOMEN ~TEll EACH OTHER AHOUT l."II EJR f'I.F 1\NF:RS! FAVORITE BECAUSf: OF TI!El" CU STOM CLEAN ING. SUPERB LAUNDRY SERVICE AND TiiE TINY R EPAIRS A~JJ ~WTTO~S SEWN AS A FREE SERVICe. OF COU RSF. IT'S VALET CLEANERS 3137 E. Coast Hiway. Carano del Mar WE DELIVER -67S~JIO EGGERS INSURANCE, INC. COMPLETE INSURAII:E SERVICE 2711 E. Coast Hwy., Su ite 10 1 c.-Dol ..... C.lltw.l• a week more you in the hottse. Does it cost a lot to live in a Medallion All-Electric Home? Without gas? To get the facts , we compared utility costs. Our study was based on 8,000 homes. Bills were typical of families of four living in 3-bedroom homes. Half of the homes used both gas and electricity The average weekly cost for gas was $2.27, plus $2.61 for electricity That totals $4.88 a week. The other half Gas were Medallion All - Electric Homes whe r e everything was ru n by electricity The average weekly cost of electricity was $5.44. That's a diffe r e n ce of 56¢ more a week . And no gas bill. And n o fl a mes. no fum es, n o by -products of combus tion that dirty wa ll s and window ~;. F or a n ave r age of 56¢ mor e a week , wouldn 't you rather live the good cl ean life n a me lessly? sCE Southern Ca lifornia Edison Medallion All-Electric • o o' , ... .., ',._ • ---.... --..,.----~~-~.,-.''I ~ •' o • -.-., o -------•· .. • From the Police Blotter ~Elii'OIIT HARBOR EIIIGN SECOtiD SECllOII - -.... I THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1110 CIIRO~A DELW. CALif. UGAL MOnel! LIGAL IIOTICI LIGAL NOTICE OBJDAIICE MO. IJ5l Wtst JOII.U lteiiO boi!Jiolnc Alboct troma .. lltrlor-- • WEDNISOAY, AUG. U ~"""" 11o.J110 Sin~ 16, ol IOOl PO<t Brlllol, lie ...... B.U1e. wu arrested at 4:SO p.a. a1 J .W. Roblnloo'a store, l Fubbl lslud, 011 a eblrp ol -Willi& . . . BurJIUs oal•ed lbo Jolm B. Crooby -oOt. IZ7-1{2 35lll St., West Newport, by PfYlnc out a screeo oo a downstairswi.odoW', aod el<:aped w!lh $7,700 In )oWelrJ and $220 In cash; ln- clucied 1n tbe jewelry theft. was a custom made dt.amoM rtng valued at $5,000 ••• An esd~ mated $380 worth ol boat ac~ cessotles were stolen from a. parking lot at the Hatters Co., 811 Productioo Pl., West New. port Heights, between 5 p.m. Aug, 1 and 9 a.m. Aug. 10 •.• Two T, W.A. hostess unJforrns a.nd other clothing, valued at $108, were stolen rrom a clothes Une at the Andrea utlgar<1 resi- dence, 115 4200 St., West New. port, between 6 p.m. Aug. ll and 8 a.m. Au g. 12 •.• A purse coota.lnlng $95 cash and some credlt cards was burglarized from U1e Kathleen Sweet resi- dence, 110 35th St., West New. port, between 10:30 p.m. and 11 :30 p.m. Aug. 11 .•. Six s wimming suits valued at $87 wer e stolen !tom a c lothes llne at the Sylvia M. Roberts resi. dence, 125 43rd St., West NPw- port betWeen 2 a.m. and 9 a.m. .•• Sixty teet of electrical cable valued at $75 was stolen from the CalUornJ..a M Uling Corp., Los An~les, while stored at the Lido Yach t Anchorage, be· tween 4 p.m. Aug. 1l and Ba.m. Aug. 12 .•• Burglars escaped wtth a bicycle valued at $60 trom the garage at tne John Quinn r esidence, 2914 w. Ocean f ront, West Ne~~o1>0rt. LIGAL HOner: LIGAL HOTiel! ~ All OBDIIIAIICE OF THE ol a cu'YO ...,.. •• Sooolheost-.,, o1 l&ld roal p<operty. bolw"" CGnl aod ~ .. OW1IOII b)' B. W. Wlllor, Ul? R·~· ol -u r-.-~-• Crrt OF NEWPORT BUCH UIJ bl.""" a ....U.. ol SOO.OO SECTION 5. Ttu. a<dlllueo 8aw. bJud, '"' a ciuge ol C-1 Rd., Bolb, w1lUo It ORDIIIAIICE NO. ISS! ---_, --ADOPTIIiG A SPECifiC teet; -.,Nierly zaz.n r..t abi.U bo pllbu.btd once In lho J.Jitoste&UoD ill publlc •• .ste. ftl: s-rkid lD troal: ~ b1l AH ORDDCAHCE OF Tit£ &I udt oliO• sa• fl"i UWIDee PLAH OF DEVELOPVEHT aJoat ll1d C:III'YI tllrouiJ,b an ottlelaJ oewspq~er of U.. City piMa . C-.rlls TalleY. 25. ol ruldeDc:~ d:wl.DC tbl Dipt . •.• CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Sodb aa• OS' 10'' Ealt Ul.-Felt THAT ClftTAIJ( PROP. ua1e of a:• IS' sgt•; South ud tM aame aball be etrec~ tbt Heidi ApartliMIIIU, llamll-Burllfars eccapod wUb S200 In REZONING PROPERTY AliD 14 ltst -'ollll( ..... _,. £RTY DES u• 51' J7" West 19 gJ 1 toa St., COita Mea, wu ar· jewelry from tbe Jobn Wu-AMENDING DISTRICT MAPS e-.... UIM; tbeace Nortb 1~ JGHATED A3 ' eet UYe SO days after lbe dale tested at U::SO a.m. at Z&b ren l.amprni.D resldeoee, HO NO, 00 Ud $1 56' 50" £ut 14.00 fMl; tbMce "UP'PER HARBOR VIEW : ~ :0 t~U~ent~ Une of ita adoption. St -~ w ~ ... F....... w _. w Bo-81~ ....... bo Tbo c•~ c--u ot••· ct~ N·~• , •• m 55'' £aJt hi.U HJUS APARTU£~ SITE o&q u ·rw.s ordlauce waa lDtro-• ...... • """ • ...-, elMo • ~.. ~ "" "1 -..,.. •z IIIUU • ....,-• li' 05 18" lhowll OD aJd map, said polDt duced at a reeular mettlac Newport, on a charp ot pos. ... tween S p.m. a.od S: p.m. of Newport Beech dots ordal.D feet; tbeoet North 15 .. , The Clt)' Cou.ooU of the City belllgooacurveconcueNortb-of the City CouncU of the City sesa:loo of marijuana • • • • · · • Vandals used. a roet to •• JoUo••: West Z26.54 feet CO tbt po1Qt o1 Newport S.cb does ordat.D erly baYlnl a radius of 2200.-of NeWJIIC)tt Beach beld 00 the Jerry c..orce Cbramcow, Z7, shatter tbe wladstl.lelci of a car SECTION t, Tbe toUowtoc of btpna&ac, u .z.owa oa. Dt.t-aa follows: oo feet, a radt.aJ to satd potot Z4tb day of Aucust 1970 and of 72' 18th St., Costa Mesa, owned by Geo.rp Saturea.U:J, described real property 1n tl:le tr1ct Waps No. 50 uti 52, r•-SECTION 1. stateme~M of bears South u· so• 3%" West; wu adopted 00 lhe'14th day of wu arrested at 111 lb.lll st., 2063 Wallace AYe., Costa Mesa, City ot Newport Beach, County ferred to iD Section 20.01S.OSO Purpost thence Easterly 405.M feet a. Sep«<mber, 1910, by the toi- Balboa, co a cbarge o.f unlaw-of Orao(t, State ot CalUOral.a, of tbe Newport Belch Yuntc.l-The Clty Coww:UbertbytlD:b loD&: saJd curve and center line, lowln" •ote, to wit: tuJ entry • . • A ra410 valued to wtt· pal Code, aDd by neb retere.oce and u 1 said • at $115 was stolen from the Tba't portioo t 8loet 96 lr mad a part of Title ZO ol aDd cMtermiDII tb&l U la 1n the center De o AYES, CO UNCILM EN: Mcinnis, '"' 01 James L, lUc"·, 1ZOZ 0 • -sald.Code, is .... reby rnooed the best J.nteruta of tbe City Su Joaquin HIUs Road as de· Kymla, Rogers, Hirth, Crout, ...... a.:. vlne's SubdJYlaloo to tl\e Ctty ..,. ud lU ret.tdtota tbat a IPtd· scribed 1o a deed recorded in Dostal, Parsons. W. Ocean Front, West New-of Newport Bfll.ch, County of trom ao R-3·8 015tr1et io &.a tic plaA be adopCed tot tbe de. Book 9060, page 934, otnclal NOES, CO UNCILMEN : None. port, wbJ.Ie It was parked at Oraop, State of CautorBla, u R.3 District, aDd. aid Otstrtc.t veJopmeot ot the property ben-Records of said CouMy, through ABSENT CO UN CILMEN : None. 3812 Marcus St., between 1:30 per map Uled In Book. 1, page Maps Nos. 50 aDd 52 are here. ~er described tn this ordl-a.a ugle oliO" 33' 42"; thence E. F. Hirth and 10 p.m •.•. Burglars eo-88, Miaceltaneous RecordWa,ps by amemed to shoW th11101l1Dg na South 88" 03' 10" East 118.-Mayor tered. the Marjorie L. Hamil-to the omce of the County Re-chalice. p ~~ ordinance u enacted 14 teet cootlnulng along said A1iEST : ton r estdeoce, 1940 Highland, corder of said County, de· SECTION Z. The laMJ.ng pursuant to tl'le pro't1aloos of ceater u.oe; thence North 1• Laura Lagtos Harbor Hlgtlla.rxls, and escaped scrJbed as foUows: D!tector of the City of Newport Article 8 of Title 1 ot the Cal-56' 50" East 64.00 teet; theoce City Clerk during the night with mor e than Bepnnt.nr at the intuuction Beach 1s berelly instructed and Uornla Go•ernment Code, eo-North u• 40' 55"~ 582.82 PubllsJJ: Sept: u , 1910, ln $7,000 worth of jewelry and ot tbe cetter Uoe of Paeutc directed to ebuce Dtstrtet Utled ''Authority For and feet; tl'lenee North 75 19' 05" the Newport Ka.rbor Ensign .. other \terns, including a tele· VIew Drive with the celi:er .Maps No. 50 &Dd 52 so as to Scope of Speclltc Plans" as West Z26.54 teet to the point vision set a'nd a sliver tea Une o.f Marguerite A•eoue as sho• the zonin&: cbanges de-authorl&ed by Seet1on zoo of of beglnntng. SAMUEL DUNL A.P 01 ES set; entry to the hom e was shown on a map tiled In Book sc.ribed in Section 1 hereof, lhe City C'"·ter. SECTlON 3. Ado pt to 0 0 f S 1 .. 7 •• p 1 u.. ..• said Dlstrl 111 ball ·~ amue nowell Dunlap, 66, made through ,a window . • • , page ..... , arce .....,s lD ..... , as c apss SECT IO" 2, Descrlplloo ot S.....,.itlc Platl l 23 N I I Ill -1 1 c R ba bee oded ... _ •• r-v o 59 ewport Blvd., Costa An 8-foot saJJ boat va ued a e OutCe o sa d ounty e-ve n soame , uoc same Property No btdld.lngs, structures or w Se $40 W'd.S stolen lromJoanHodg-corder, thence along the center shall be ln tun force and ef-The real property subject to otbu lmprovements shall be H esa{ ~le;: pt. I S at Hoag kin, 1562 Pegasus, santa Ana Une of said Mari(UertteAvenue, teet and be a part of Title 20 regulation uooer the pro't'lsions constructed on the real prop. 1=. ~ Te~:a:nd~~:~~Or1~ Heights, while it was stored the following courset and dls · of tl'le Newport Beach Muntcl-of th.ls ordl.naoce is described erty described ln Section 2 of ange CoWJty In 1962• He had in the boat rack at the west lances: South 14" 40' 55" West pal Code. as •·uo-s·. lhls or••-·-·e which do oot be SECTION 3 Thi A~--~ w " \W.M.lJ\.0 en employed as a malnte-side or the Bahia Corinthia.n 55.00 feet to the beglDnlng • s or~e That portion of Block. 96, conform to the regulations Yacht Club between 10:30 p.rn. I of a curve coDCave Northa shall be publlsbed once in the Irvine's Subdivision, in theCUy shown on the Specific Plan which ~~e th:ng1Sa"!~:r fo:e; ,r~: Aug. 9 and 10:30 a.m. Aug. westerly tlavtng a radius of omctaJ oesspaper of the CltJ, of Newport Beach, Count)' of 1s attached hereto :l.Jld deslg .. Costa Mesa. 13. 330.00 feet; Southwesterly a.nd the same sh&l1 be elfec. Or••-State of Ca!Uor·•· as oaled "~tne Plan No. 2". s · In 1... 1 I 30 •· all Ill ••t 1 .... ,.. ,,_ ....,...... urvivors c uue his WI e, • F'R[[)AY, AUG. t4 229.49 feet along said curve t ve ..... ys er e ,_ e 0 per _;. •ted In Book 1, oa'.,.. Tbe regulations shown on satd It .-~.-.1 .. _ u b " Leda; a daughter, 2 broltlers, Lloyd Douglas Schmidt, 22, through an angle of 39' 50' s a"""" on. 88, Wl5cellaneous Record Maps Speclflc Plan shall s~rsede 5 i te 3 d J'"-nd of 300-1/2 34th St., West New-41"; Soutl'l 54• 31' 36" This ord1oanc.e •as Lntro-ln the office of the County Re· and replace the Zoning Dis-on! ~:a.~:gra~~i~dh. Uj.J en a port, was arrested at 3:30a.m. West 209.83 feet to begino1ng duced at a regular meetJ.ng of corder ot satd County described trict regulations which would Funeral services were held at 1338 w. Balboa Blv!l., Cen. of a curve concave Southeast· the City CouncU ot the City of as ~~·-s ·. otberwtse be aN'IUcabte, ex- 1 ba I dl l 300 ()() N 1 Bea h h ld the 24th •v Ill• .,.. Sept. 18 at the Bell Broadway tral Newpo rt, on a charge ol er Y v ng a ra us o • ewpor c e 011 · Beginning at the Intersection cept that said Zonillg District Chapel. possession of dangerous drugs feet; Southwesterly 222.88feet day ol August, 1910, and •as of the center Une of Pacitle regulations shall conUoue to • •• Vanaa.ls used a can of along sa.Jd curve through an adopted on the 14th day of View Drive with the center control the use of land and spray paint to mark up a car angle of 4.2• 33' 59"; South Slplember,19'10, by the follow-line ot Marguerite Avenue as bulldings. owned by Richard M. Gregory 11' 57' 37" West 89.93 teet lng vote, to wU: sDown on a map tiled ln Book SECTlON 4. Minor Devl.a-CAL STATE PROMOTIO..-S ol 107 7th St., Baiboo, causing to a point on the center l1De A YES, COUNCILMEN: Mclnnls, 7, page 42, Parcel Maps in Uoos about $10 damage while It was of San Joaquin H1Us Road as Kyrnla, Rogers, Hirth, Croul, the omce of said County Re-The Planning Comm1ssion, President Stephen Horn or Cal State, Long Beach, announ- ces the following pr omotions: * THlffiSDAY, AUG. 13 parked in front of his r~si-shown on sa.ld map, said point Dostal, Parsons. corder, thence along the center without amending this or dt- dence during llle nigtlt • • • being on acurve coocaveNorth-NOES, COUNCILMAN: None. Une of sald M.arcuerUeAvenue, nance, may approve minor de-Helen Gitde, English depart- ment, from associate professor to professor. Sl'le Uves at 4229 Hilaria Way, West Newport Heights. A camera v:Hued at $2 10 wa s stolen trom Cl.iry R. Goent he r, 210 Onyx, &lboa lland, while it ~~o•as on the OO..ch at E. Ocean Front, Balboa, at 5 p.m .•.• Mlctlael Lee Pom- eroy, 21, of 3413 finley Ave., West Newport, was arrested at 2;15 a.m. at Park Ave., Thieves took a purse and $50 ~ erly haYing a radius of 2200.-ABSENT COUNCiLMEN; None . the followtng courses and dis-vl.aUons, alter public heating, in cash from a car owned by 00 feet, a radial to sald polDl E. F. Hirth taoces: Soutl'l 14• 40' 55" West from the Specltlc Plan wtth Irene M. Da!Con of 2920 CUI! A FINAL DAY or vacation was bears South 12• 30' 32" West ; Mayor 55.00 teet to the beginning r espect to the location ofbo.lld- Dr., NeWJX~rt He1ghts, whi le enfo)'ed by Karl, 8, daugtller thence Easterly 405.54 feet a. ATTEST: of a curve concave North· togs and other structures or It was parked at 19th St. anti of Mr . and Mrs. Bill Rush ol long said curve and center line, Laura Lagios •esterty having a radius of improvements, so loog as said Ocean f ront, Central Newport, Balboa Peninsula Potnt. Karl and the center Une of said City Clerk 330.00 teet; So uthwesterly deviations do no1 res ult tn a Arm Heck, worneo's physical education, fr om instructor to assistant professor, She U ves at 230 Prospect St., Newpo rt Shor es. between 2 and 3 p.m .... An Is about to throw a flying sau. San Joaqulo Hllls Road as de-229.49 teet aloag sald curve change in the height or area automobile luggage rack valued cer, giant siz.e. (Photo by EU-scribed ln a deed recorded in Publlsh: Sept. 24, 1910, ln througt a.n angle of 39" so• of a buUdi..ng, sttuctureor otber at $20 was blen !rom a car nor Wood.) Book 9060, page 934, Otncli.t Ule Newport Harbor Ensign. 41"; South 54• 31 ' 36" Improvement, nor reduce any ------------------------------------~ __ LE_G_A_L NOTICE LEGAL NOTIC_E __ --=L:=_EG.AL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE __ L_EG~L t~OTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGU NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 1355 5.50.020 Permit Reqwl reot. It (b) The two previous ad- A~ ORDINANCE OF THE shall be unlawful for dny per. dresses Immediately prior to CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH son, a.ssociatlon, firm, or cor-the present address of appli~ ADDlNG CHAPTER 5.50 TO poration to eng-<~ge Ln, conduct, cant; THE NE WPO!lT BEACI! or carry on, or ro permit to (t) Written statements of al MUNCIPAL CODE, REGL'. bE engaged m, conducted, or least nve (S) bona fide resl - LATING MASSAGE PAR. carried on, In or upon any dents of the City of Newport LORS, OATHS, SAUNA prE>mises wit hin tfle Cit) of Beach U~at the appUcant Is of BATHS, A:-ID SlMILAH BlEI-Newport Beach, the business good moral character ; NESSES or a massage establishment, (d) Written proof that theap- The CUy Counc11 of the City or to render, or permH to be pUcaJJt Is over the age of eight- of Newport Beach does ordain reOOereo, massage services at een (18) years; as follows: a location removed from a {e) Appli c ant's height, SECTION I. Chapter 5.50 1s massage establi shment wHttin weight, color or eyes and hair; added to Ole z.;ewport Beach the City of Newport Beach ln (f) Two portrait photographs Municipal Code to rea11: the absence of a permit issued .1.t least 2" x 2"; '•C hapter 5.50 pursuant to the provLsLons here-(g) Business, occupation, or MASSAGE PARLORS inalter set forth. employment of the appUCllnt for Sections: 5.50.030 Except10ns. There-the three (3) yursimmediately 5.50.010 Ol:!flnllwns. quirements of Section 5.50.020 preceding the date of the ap- 5.50.020 Per m1i reqUlrefl. et seq. shall have no appUca.. plication; S.S0.030 Ext epuons. lion and no eUect upon and (h) The rnassage or similar 5.50.040 Application, F£:1?. shall not be construed as a"-business Ucense histor y or the 5.50.050 AppiL cauon; Con. plying to any persons r:lesig. applicant; whether such per- tents. nated as follows: physician, son, In previously operating 5.50,060 FJ.I'Lillies Seces-surgeon, r hlropractor , osteo-In !hiS or another city or state ary. path, or an) regtstered or h-under license, has had such 5.50.070 Perrrnt Pro1·edures. censed vocational nurse work. license revoke<! or suspended, 5.50.080 DispLlJ of Permit. ing under the s uper vision of a the reason therefor, and the 5.50.090 Change of Locauon. phys1clan, surgeon. Ch iropract. business activity or occl4)at1on 5.50.100 Unlawful AI'UV!tles, or , or osteopath duly l.lcensefi to subsequent to such action ot 5,50.110 Employees. practi ce their respectiVP pro-suspension or revocation; 5,50.120 lnsperuon. fessions in the State of Cal!-(i) All convic tions and the 5.50.130 He<.orrls of Tre::tt· fornia, nor shall t!1e r"QULn .... reasons therefor; ment. men ts or SE>ctions 5.50,020 et (J) A certificate from a medi- 5,50.140 ;-.;a me of 11usmess. SetJ. awly to lny treatment cal doctor staling that the ap. 5,50.150 IV•vor at1on and Sus-administered 1n goo.1 lailh m phcant hds , within thirty days pf:!flSlOn of PermH. the course of the practi ce or immediately pr ior thereto, been 5.50.1 60 S.1lf' or Transfer. any healing art or professiOns examine1 and found to be tree 5 .50,1 70 A p p I i 1 a IJ 1 ll 1 )I of by any person llcense<1 to prac-of any f'Ontagious or commun1- HE>gulations to E:<1slinf! Bus;. lice any such art or profession cable rttsease; nesses. wnder the Business anrt Profes-(k) Applicant must furnish a 5,5 0.1 80 ~·Jo i4tlon .1nd Pen. slons Code of the State of Co£1!-diploma or certtlicate of grad- a it). fornia or of any other law of uatlon from a recognized school 5.~0.0 10 fJe hn1t1ons. F'or the lhLS State, Practical nurses or or other institution of learning purpose or lhf' provisions reg. other persons without quatifl-wherein the methOd, profession u!.1ting bel ths, sau na baths, mas. cations as massage te('hnici.J.ns, anr1 work of massage tech~ sage parlors and sLmilar bust. or other persons not oiiJerwisc nicians Is taught. The term oesses herewatter set forth, licensed by the State of Cali-"r ecognlzed school" shall the following words and phrases fornla to practice pur suant to mean and include any school or shall be constr ued to have the the Medical Pracllce Act, institution of learning wh.lch meanin:;s herein set forth, un. whether employed by physi-has for Us purpose the teach- less It Is apparent from the clans, surgeons. chiroprartors, lng of the theOry, method, pro- context that a dlffer ent mean-or osteopaths or not, may not fession, or work of massage lng is Intended: give massages or massage pro. technicians, whi ch schOol re~ (a) Massage: A method of cedures. quires a resident course of treating the external parts of 5.50,040 Application; F'ee. study of not less than two hun- the body for remedial or hy -(a) Any person desiring to ob-dred (200) oours to be given gtenic purposes, consisting of taln a permit to operate a In not less t~n three C&lell- rubOlng, stroking, kneading, or massage establishment or to dar months before the student ~1ng with tile haod or any perform massage MJrvices shall be furnished With a dip. Instrument. shall make application to the lorna or certil1cate or gradua. (b) Massage par lor or mas-Director of finance whO sha.U tton from such school or lnsU- sage establishment: An es-r efer all such applications to tul1on of lea.rnlna: showing the lablisbment having a liz~ place the Cttlef of Pollee for an in-successful completion of sueb of business where any person. vestlgatlon. An application to course of study or learning. association, firm, or corpora-obtain a permtt to operate a SchOols offering a. corres. tton engages In, conducts, or massage establishment shall be pondence course ooC. require. carries on, or permits to be accompanied byanlnvesUgatioo lng actual attendance ol class engaged in, conducted, or car. fee of One HWldred Do llars shall DOt be deemed a "r ec- rled on, any business of gtving ($100). ognlzed tc:blol." Tbe Cit)' of Turk.lsh, Russian, Swec:llsh, (b) Each application for a Newport Beach sball have a vapor, sweat, electric, salt, permit to permit anlMJvldua.l right to c:oatlrm the tact tbat mapetic , or any oCher kJnd or to perform massage services the awUcaot has actually at- enaracter ot massage, ~ths, shall be accompanied by an tended cllaes 1n a reeopl.lld ak:Ohol rti:l, tomentaUon, mana tnvestipUon fee of Ten Dol-schOol 1::1r tbe atoremtatioaed tpulatlon of tl'le body or simi-tars ($10.00). mlnlmum Umt pe.rlodl by rt. tar procedures. (c) Permits and tees re-quirlna: the awUcaot to ~ (c) Massage technJc.lan or qtdred by this Chapter shall mU to a wrlttta eJ&.a\I.Datioa techlllcla.ns: ADy perSOCl., ma.ie be to addition to any Ucense, lD the ftek! ot massa,. l«b· or female, WhO administers to permll or fee required under nlques. uotbt.r per.soo. for a.ny Jorm lJl1 otbtr cbap(er of thls code. ln lleu of the fore~ ed\1. of consideration. a maasap, 5,50,050 AI!Pllcati.c:l1; Coo. c.atiollll riiiJiiremeot a.a Jill'li· a.k:obOI rub, lomtntat1on, btth, tents. M'/ &~~PUeant fOI' a pet• ct.m rn&J N>mtt WTlttea ptODf etectric or mapattc mull&" raJt st.tJ IUbmlt tbt foiJow-Uta1 !at or _.lht has adal}J l)I'OCOdart, ....,.,.lltJoo o1 tbt lA~ llllormatloo' bleo OQPiOd In praeUco u • body, or otMr slmUar ~)~'QUa W n. full D&mellldpresent mua11 ttc:I'Ulltla.D tor ... ., clai'O. -.a ollho owUcant; lllao ..,. (I) Jtu lA lht City of Newport Beach, or five (S) locker shall be capable ofbetng lf all requirements for a tnlls-person employed as a massage der of such P4!rmtt, or against years elsewhere, preceding the locked, as well as a minimum sage establishment described techn1c1an shall first have ob. the business carried 00 by the date of awucauon and sball of one i.oilet aDd one wash-herein are met, and shall Issue tal.Ded a valid permlt pursuant permittee at the massage es- successtully pass a written ez-basin, shall be proY1ded by a permit to all persons who to this Chapter. tablishment, and shall state the aminatlon in massage tech-every massace establlshment; ha•e awuoo to perform mas-Any massage tecl'lntcl.an aide time and place where such hear- nJques to be admlntstered by provided, tw:nrever, that U male sage serYices unless 1t ap. shall comply wUh the require-lng wtll be had. the City . and female patrons are to be pears that any such person has meots of Section 5.50.050, Said notice sl'lall. be served (I) Such other tdeotlrtcatlon served slmuiWleousty a.t the deliberately f.alsl..fted the ap-5.50.120 Inspection. The Dt-upon the per mit holder by de- and Information necessary to establishment, separate batha pllcatlotl or unless It awea.rs v:tston ot Building and Safety, uvering tile same to such per- discover Ule truth of tbe mat-log, a separate massap room. that the recor d of any such Fire aDd the City Healtb Of-son or by leaving s uch ootice ter s hereinbefore specl..fted a.s or rooms, separt.te drrtUI.ng persoo re't'81.ls a. coovtction of fleer shall, from Ume to time, at the place of business or required to be set forth In the and separate toilet ta.clllties a. felooy or a crime of mon.l and at least twice each year, r esidence of the permit hol- appllcatloo. shall be provided tor male a.nd turpitude. The City Ma.nager make an lnspectlon ot each der 1n the custody of a person (m) Nothing contal.ned here-tor female patrons. may r ecommend to the City massage establishment 1.n the of suitable age and discretion. tn shall be construed to deny (1) All •nils, celllng, floor s, Council that an lodlvldual bust-City of Newport Beach for the In the event the permit holder to the Pollee Department of pools, showers , bathtubs, steam ness estabiJ.shment shall be purpose of determining that cannot be found, and the ser _ the City of Newport Beach the rooms, and all other physh:al subject to a pubUc hearing am the provisions ot this Chap-vice of such notice cannot be right to take the fingerprints lllclUUes for the esta.bllshmeot Council approval, when in his ter are met. made In the manner her ein and additional photographs of must be In good repair and Judgment any such businesses-5.50,130 Re.;;ords or Treat-provided, a copy of s uch ootice the awllcant, nor shall any-maiota.lned in a clean and sanl-tabUsbment 1\as an effect lpXI ment. E•er y person, assocla-shall be mailed, postage fuU y th.tog cont&lned herein be coo-t.ary condition. Wet and dry the puDUc health, safety, or tJon, t1rm, or corporation opa prepaid, addressed to the per- strued to deny the right of heat rooms, steam or vapor welfare of the oommunlt)'. erating a tnllssage establish-.n it holder a t hts place of busl- sa.Jd department to contlrm the rooms, or steam orvapor cabl-Any person denied a per. ment under a permit as herea ness or residence at least (ive height and weight of the ap-nets, shower compartments, mit by the City Manager or in provided shall keep a rec . (5) days prior to the date of plicant. and toilet rooms shall be thO-his designee pursuant to these ord of the date aDd hour of such hearing. 5,50.060 faeilltles Necessa-r ougbly cleaned each day the provisions may awea1 to the each treatment, the name and 5.50.160 Sa le or Transfer. ry. No permit tocooclucta mas-business is in operation. Bath. City CouocU tn writing, stating address of the patron, and the Upon the sale or transfer of sage establishment Shall be Is -tubs shall be thoroughly cleaned reasons why the permit should aame of the technician ad-any interest In a massage es- s ued unless an inspect:onb)'the alter each use. be granted. The City Council ministering suc h treatment. tabUshment, the per mit and U- City of Newport Beach reveals (1) Clean and sanitary towels may grant or deny the permit Satd r ecord stlall be open to cense shall be null and void. tnat the establishment oompUes and linens shall be provided tor and such decision shall be f1naJ inspection by ofllci.als cllarged A new appllcatlon shall be rru.de with each of the following min-each patron of the establlsh ... upon the appllcant. Also, the W'lth the enforcemeDt of these by any person, firm, or entity !mum requirements: ment or each patron recehtng City Council may elect oo its provisions tor the purposes of desiring to own or operate the (a) A r ecogni.z.able and read-massage services. No common own motioo to re't'iew any de-law enforcement and for no massage establishment. A fee able sign shall be posted at use of towels or linens shall termination of the City Mana. other purpose. The tnlormaUon of Ten Dollars ($10.00) shall the main entrance ldentify1ng be permitted. ger granting or denying a. per-furnished or secured as are. be payable for each s uch ap- the estabUsbmeot as a masa (k.) A minimum of one sep. mit. suit of a.ny such tn.spectlon shall plication Involving sale or other sage establishment; provided, arate washbasin shall be pro-All permits issued herewt-be confidential. Any unautoor . transfer of any Inter est to an that all such signs shall com-tided in each massage esta.b-der are DOD-transferable; pro-Jzed disclosure or use of such existing massage establish- ply with the sign requlrements llshment lor tbe use of em-vided, however, a change of Information by any officer or ment. The provisions of Sec a ot the City of Newport Beach. ployees of any such establish-location Ofamassageestabllsh. employee of the City ot Ne•a Uon 5.50.040 and Section 5SO,- (b) Mlnlmum Ughttng shall ment, which basin shall pro-ment maybe permitted pursuant port Beach shall conStitute a 050 of this Chapter shall ap- be provided 1n accorda.oce wtlh tlde soap or detergent and hot to the pro•tstons Dereln, misdemeanor and such oltlcer ply to any person, firm, or the Unifor m BuJldJngCode, and, and cold rum1ng water at all 5.50.080 Dtspla.y of Permit. or employee shall be subject entity applying for a massage In addition, at least one arU-t'mes and shall be located wtth-Every person, assodation, to the penalty provisions of establishment permit for prem. rtclal Ught of not less than in or as close as pra.cUcabte t1rm, or corporation to Whom this ordinance in addition to tses previously used as such 40 watts s ha.U be provided to to the area de't'oted to the per-or foe which a permit shall any other penalUes provided establishment. each enclosed room or booth forming ot massage setflces. nave beeu granted shall dis ... by law. Identical records shall Any sale or transfer of any where massage services are In additloo, there sball be pro-play said permit loa co~c-be kept of treatments rendered interest In an existing massage being performed on a patron. •lded at each washbasin, sani-uous place so that the same off the business site, and in establishment or any appllca- (c) M 1 o i mum venttbtioo ta.ry towels placed in perman-may be r eacUty seen by per-addltton, shall describe the Uon tor an ertension or e:xpan- s hall be provided lo accord-enlly installed dispensers, sons entertna: the premises address where tl\e treatment stoo of the bulldtng or other ance wlth the UnUorm Bulk!a (I) Proof ot compUa.nce wtth •here tbe massage, bath, or was rendered, Said r ecords place ot business of the mas. ing Code. aU appllc.able prOYisions ol the treatment is ctfln.. stlall be ma1nta.lned for a period sage eatabUshment shall re- (d) Adequate equipment tor Newport Beach Munictpal Code 5.50,090 Cha.ngt of Locatlon. ot two (2) years. qld.re tospeetlon and. shall re. dislntectlng aOO sterlliz.inl LD-sba.U be pr<Wlded. A clla.Dp of loeaUon of any 5.50,140 Name ot Business. quire com,Jliance with See. struments used In performl.Dg 5.50.0'10 Permit Procedures. of the atoremeatiooed and de-No peraoo Uceased to do bus!· Uoo 5.50.060 of Ws Cllapter. the acts of massage shall be Any awUcatt tor a permltpur-scribed premises may be ap-ness as herein provided sba.U 5.50.170 AppUcabtUty of prOYlded. sUllt to these provl1lons shall pro•td by the Chief ot Pollee operate tmder any name or Regulations to Elistlnf Busl- (e) Hot and cokl rUIIJI1ng present to the Pollee Depart. and Ctty P1ano1nc Director, cooduct his buslness under &llJ' oesses. The pro't'tsklns of W. nter shall be pro•lded at aU ment tile tPPllcaUoo cbntalDlna: prortded aU orc:U.Darlces aDd deslgnatioo not specWed 1n hl.s Cl\apter shall be awllc::allle to times. tht aforemeotiooed and de-reaulaUoos of the CUy of New. permit. all persons and busloesses de ... (f) Closed cabtnets shall be .erlbed lnformaUoo. The Chief port S.ch are complied With 5.50.150 Re•ocatloc and Sus-scribed hertlA, whether the provided, which cablnets JhaU of Pollee sball ba't'e a reaaoo~ aDd the ctanp of loeatloa lee pension ot Permit. No permit berein desetibed aetivlties be utilized for the storap of able time ln. whieh to tmtsU-of Ten Dollar• ($10.00) ls de-or Ucense stla.U be r..,oted were established before or at- clean Unen. pte the IIJPUcaUOn aDd tbe poidted wtth the Ctt)', d.Mll after a f)ea.rlng sbalJ ban ter u.e etrecUYe date ot this (cJ In any estabHsbmoot lA bl.cqrOUDd or lhO appltcalll. 5.50.100 ~-ACU.Wee. boea bold btfon lhO CllyCouo-ordlalace and lncllll1lne .. , "'bleb rnassap sentees au Buecl oa sueb 1D'rtatlp.tion._ It sta.ll be Pi&Ol&wf\&1 lor til) cU to Mttrmt.Pe just eaue tor person or persons whose IP· reodlered OGtJ to membus ol tM CbW t:A Pollet, or h1a rep-ptriOG to lfiUII.p a111 otber aueb reYOCaUoo; prOYtded, ho'1r· plication Is presently tmtter the same su t.t uy ooe time, rttrtata.Ufl, lbaU nod .. arec-pei'IIOII. or 11.,.. or ldmt.olster e•er, tbe Ctt)' Ua.aagv or hla coo.stdtntlon or tnniUpUoa ncb Dtr'IOU ol tbe arne liP ommendltloD u to Uleapproni ID1 bltiJ or ~:laths, or to pn dlllpu m&1 Order..., per-by the City. Howenr, those may be pll.etd lD a IinCk. or cSIGial of tht prermU to the or adrn1ai.Jitr aoy ol tbe OCIIer IDUI nspeocted peodlae JUCb buslneSHs operat:1n1 prior to U~>U&!t room, or lht _.. CIIJ ...._.. tlllap -In W. Ctlop-beulltc. aod It 5bl.ll bo ua-lht dalo o1 •-on o1 lhls ton o1 lbl musare Mlab111h· Tbt Dlrt.loo of SuUdJDc &DIJ til' for tmmcnl pwpoees. or l&wtnl tor U7 pet100 to cari'J ordlluct uOOer a vaUd U- meDI. may elect to place IUCb Satety, tbe Ftrt ~ lA a mauer late~Kted IOUC*81, oa tiM budDea of a rnuaee cea. cnated by tbt City ot periODS ol the arne Ml 11 u:l tbl Clt7 BlatlbOUietr lba1l JA)ell to 01 .,..ut)' Cbt bult tecbalciU. or to optntt as KfW'POI't Beach wUI bue alto-ses:uate toeloMd 1"00011 or J.a.aipec:l Cbt prti'D18ts propoeed or Jllllku or -.naJ drMlr-. a mLI.I&Ct eltl.bu.bmllll. de. day cra.c• PQ'Iod from tbt dat• -.""""'-·--to bo dat-10 lbe-AQJ flolllfol ol ~~~~~~ pefiiiiDs-lhtputteulariJIIO otldaplloow!lhlawbtcbJooom- IaUoo 10 u uoa -aid -1>11-ud lllall -*II bo -~ for o1 pormll Wlltcll bu boeD ,.._ Pb' wllll aD 1be eoodlllou ud room or boolll whllo !N-_.u. ,_.,_ 10 lht .........., ol lht pormll pe-. ..Ullht-Di116por-f'«<''lremoota ollhla <><dlll&nee -· uo bolar porfor-. tbt CIIJ ....... .-.nlaC .,.---· mtt bu boeD rt-b)' tile u lot fortllbort ... "'"'•· (JU ~to bi.Wor, dt----lht fDrOCOillc S-'OJIO E..,..,_ .lbl.ll Clb' e-lL llollco o1 -'> 5.50.110 Vlolatloo Lod Peo- laf. -· ud 1Dt1o1 ... ---. bo tb1. ,... -IIIJ ol tbl. ooutoc ..U bo P"" to wll-atty. (o) !Yery per-••ctl>t al1oll bo --'for ,..._ 'hit CIIJ .......,., or bU -of tbl. _pon.lt b' tbl. Ill ud -al 1oast D•o -per .... wbo Ul IICIOC· A mlntmam of ooo bob • d..._, allor ..-nac 1t1o ••11 ..,....._, • tbl. (5) 11a1o pr1or 10 lbe datt o1 lllcall1ut..,.ed b)' w. Cbl.p. -· _....,.,_ __ --ud -... ..,.of.., por-por. ltlo -... lfttr-Tbo -to<, -'"""' u .. ln- ....... a _.alo -for ·---· llall lftll portllr 10 I<IIU --~~-!leo 111a11 -1M _. ol di.-I, -, --ol .ell patroa to be Mfnd. wtlk.JI, I ptl'a\tt to tiM ••aNtMD'IIIt lleii'W, to ~ tlllt Jl9 tbl CCMIII'IIllt qa1.aLit tbl laol· u :;o"''T1N\I•o OH NUT ~AU) LEGAL HOTlCE ORDINANCE NO. UM AJI <miXNANCE OF THE Cm OF NEWPORT 8£ACH AlfEHDING SECTIONS 10.- 48.040 AND 10.48.100 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH IIUHICIPAL COO£ TO 0£. LETE PUBLICATION RE- QUIREMENTS IN CONNEC. TK>.N WITH WEED ABATE. WENT REGULATIONS AND HEARIN!l: The City Council or tile City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows : SECTK>N l. Section 10.- 48,040 or the Newport Beach Mun!clpal Code Is amended to read: "10.48.040 form of Notice. Such notice st\a.ll be In sub- stantially the rollowlog form: NOTICE TO DESTROY OR REMOVE WEEDS AND OTHER NULSANCES NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that on 1 pursuant to the pro- visions of Ch.apter 10,48 or the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the City Council of said City passed a resolution de- claring that all weeds anclother outsances as defined in Sec- tion 10.48.020 thereof, grow- ing or located upon a.ny pri- vate property or In any pub- lic street, alley, or sidewalk constitute a public nuisanee, which nuisance must be abated by the destruction or removal thereof. LEGAL HOTICI SECTION Z. Sac:lloo 10.48 •• 100 ol the Newport Blacll Muo. lcf»el Code 1a a.rne..Sed tor-.d: Nt11!'0RTHARBOR E.N~GH SEOOHD SECTION --Paae 5 THURSDAY, SEI'T.l4. 1910 COIIJNA DEL MAR. CAUf. "ID.4UOO Notice ot Coot Report Tbe City Clerk nll post a copy ot rsucb report IDd J usessment Ust oa tbe bu11et1D r • board oeu tbe erU&aet door at Ebells to . ' the c 11y Hau, together -• go notlce ot tht f'lllilc thereat and zoo ot tile time and place WbeD ud Tbe Nnport a.eh Junior where It Yill be s!Jbrnt~ to Ebella wUl bokS tbe1t ftrst the City Council tor bearlnc meettq of the oew clob y-.r a.nd con1lrmatioo, DOtltriDc at 10 a.m. toctay, Sept. u, t.o property owoers that they may tbe EbeU ClubboUse. Mrs. Eu- appea.r a.t sucb Ume aDd place, poe Kon.eh, president, wtll am object to any matter eoa-preside over tbe buslnesa par. lained thereto. The posting ot Uoo of tbe meeting. The theme sa.Jd notice shall be made and for the ltDCheoo meettnc wlll completed at least teo day• be tbe "San Diego Zoo," which before the Ume sueh report Is tile tlrst stop on the "path- sh.aU have been submitted to way to procress," tbe main the City Council. Sucb DOUce, theme chosen tor the year by as so posted, sbaU be sub-the presldent. Mrs. Stanley stantiaUy ln the following form: Chapnun ts In cb&rge of the NOTICE Of HEARlNG ON luncheon. REPORT AND ASSESSMENT Mrs. James Murar, llrst fOR ABATEMENT OF vice-pres ident, will direct the WEEOO AND OTHER NUlS-chatrma.o reports, to be gt.wen ANCES by Mrs. Larry Thayer, edu- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN caUoo; Mrs. Richard Bechtel, th.at on JOutb; Mrs. Dan McSweeoey,lne 19 -. the Flre Chief or arts; Mrs . A.L. HasUogs a.od the City or Newport Beach ftled Mrs. Larry r.tltcbell, ways and with the City Clerk of saJd means, City a report and assessment SAROYAH EXHIBIT on abatement ot weeds and other nuisances 'KI.thin said City, a copy of wtuch is posted on the bulletin board at the entrance to the City Hall. NOTICE ts FURTHER GIVEN that on 19 , at the hour of 7;30 o'clock p.m., In the COWl· ell Chambers of said City Ha.ll, said report and assessment Ust will be presented to the City Council or said City tor con- sideration and contlrmaUoo, and that any and all persons Interested, and !laving a.oy ob- jections to said report and as. sessment list, or to any mat- ter or thtog contained therein, may appear at said Ume and place and be heard. Date:-------, Fire Chlet City of Newport Beach." SECTION 3. This ordtnance shall be published ooce Ia the official newspaper of the City, and the same shall be e.ttec- tlve 30 days alter the date of its adoption. This ordinance wa.s Intro- duced at a regular meeting of the City CouocU or the City of Newport Beach held on the 24th day of August, 1970, and was adopted on the 14th day of September, 1970, by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Pbotographs and commenta· ries oo America r:rom a new work by William Saroyan are now on eltllbit ln the Orange Coast College Ubrary. Saroya.n collaborated oo the book wtth Arthur Rothstein, technical di- rector of photography for Look maguJne. Saroyan, a native or Fresno, won the Pulltzer prize tor "The time or your Ule." LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE No. 1208 On October 9, 1970, at 11 :00 A. M., stan-Shaw Corporation, a CaWornla Corporation as du- ly appotr:ted Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust dated Aprtl lO, 1968, executed by M. H. McKenr.le, an unmarried wo- man, and recorded May 3, 1968, as lnstr. No. 2980, in bOok 8593, page 89, of Official Re- cords In the otrlce or tlle Coun. ty Recorder of Orange County, CaUtornia, WI LL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH- EST BIDDER FOR CASH (pay- able at time of sale In Iawflll money or the United States) a.t t he lront entrance or Stan-Shaw Corporation, 1600 East Mayfalr Avenue, Orange, Calllornia all right, title and interest cou- veyed to and oow held by It under said Deed of Trust in the property situated to the City of Newport Beach,lnsaldCoun- ty and Stallt de5crlbed as: From !he Police Blotter • S.ATlROAY, AUG. 15 port Pi• at 11:45 a.m.; tbt Ill $125 wu stoleD from a P· Jo!\D Rodcv Slnel&1r, 21, I property beloopd to Rosy rqe II the Br~.tte A. Cutoa tn..Dala, wu arrtllld at 1:45 KlMII'DI.M, 15S5 W. Wllsoo st., reatdeDet, 10'7 t?t.h St., Wut a.m. -at Jum.Lrte .be. &Dd E. Costa MeA . • • BIU' glars Nnport, durlDJ the nJpt ••• Cout Hwy., Coroaa del Mar, .tole a boaC motor valued a1 Va.ada.ls usedawbeellurwreoeh oo a ebarp ot htleb.b.J..kiJic La tbl $1S5 from the p.rage of JOhD to amaab l:be wUdshteld ud roadWay •.• Jack Jttfarmn SkinDer, 1 '724 Hl~Jtlaod Ave., a1de 1J1DiOw of a cu on«! Moort. 47, of U4 Newport Harbor Hl(thlands, beht'eenJuly by JohQ R. Wllcoi, 20!'7 Oeb- BI•d., Newport Helc:btl, waa 15 aDd Aug. 1 ••• Burglars orab Ln., Harbor Highlands, arrestlel at '7:%0 p,m, at S5S4 totered tbe l...akewood Wartoa. wbUe U wu puked at his Coast Hwy. on a cblrp of ZM)5 W. Coast Hwy,, Marl-realdeoce . • . Moaey and bel.n& drWlk LD public ... JOAph oers Mile, during the nigbt stamps totaling $12 in value Emery Fra.nk, 18,oUOl4 West-1011 escaped with $3 ln coW •ere stolen from Dr, Anatol wtoo Way, Baycrut, was ar •••• Thleves stole a 1964 T. Cbarl's olftce at 400 New- rested at 5:10 p.m. at 23rd st. VolltBWJ.gen owned by Jerry port Center Dr., Newport Cen. and w. ·Ocean Front, Celltrtl Paul Lehnertz, 306-1/2 Coral, ter, durlog the ntgnt .•• A Newport, oo a charp or pos. Balboa Island, wllile 1t was stereo tape deck, speaker IWd session ot marijuana ••• Bur-parked at 2600 W. Coast Hwy., cas can valued at $100 were g.la.rs escaped wttb more than Mariners Mile, during the stolen trom a car belonging $960 worth of otnce 5\C)plles n1"'1. to Cr:a..lg Robert Shaw ot 230 and eqlllpment trom the New-• SUNDAY, AUG. 16 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa, wtule port lnteroa.tlonat Co., lnl.;,, Bruce Leon Roberts 23 o1 U was parked at 20th St. and 3333 W. COQ.it Hwy., Mart-212-/2 30th St., We~ N~W-Balboa Blvd., Central New- ners Mile, durlng tbe oight port, was arrested at 12;15 po __ '_1·---c--=-=c-.,--c-c=c=c,-- •.. A wallet a.od $27,50 ln a.m. at 2600 w. Coast Hwy., - cash were stoleotromtbebeach Mariners Mile 00 a charge --~L~E~G::A::L:__:H~O~T_::IC~E- at 23rd St. ilDd OcM.II Froot, ot striking Ge~ald J. Roach, P-38510 Central Newport; the nllet manager of the Cave Bar 2600 CERTIFICATE OF' BUSINESS belonged to Tont Griggs of2304. W. Coast Hwy., In UW: face F'lcUUous Fir m Name Ocean Front. · • Vandals rip-following a verbal alterca.t1oo THE UNDERSIGNE Ddohere- ped orr an outdoor porch U"'t .•. A boat motor valued at by cer!i.ty that t~ey areconduc- at the Wllll.a.m F. Love res!-$154 was stolen from a boat ttng a boat building business at deoce, 1806 W. Oeea.n Front, belonging to Tooy A. Turner, P.O. Box 2007, Costa Mesa, Central Newport, causlng $10 214 Crystal, Balboa Island, Callf. 92626, Wlder Uw rtctJ- damage • • • A tape deck and wtule lt was docked at 506 S. tlous firm nameo!SanJty Boats, 2 speakers valued at $'75 were Bay froot Balboa lsWld be-tnd that said firm is com- stolen trom a car beloogtng tween Aug: 9 and Aug, tO ... posed of the following persons to Eric Drake Weloort, 2530 BW'gl.ars escaped wtth more woose names Lrl full and places Monaco Dr·· Laguna Beach, than $3,000 In jewelry from of residence are as follows , wtule It wa.s parked at 152 the Ethel A. Moss residence, to-wit: Richard S. Sargent, Via Undine, Lido Isle, between 208 Kings Place, Clitf Haven; 22141 Malibu Lane, Huntlngton 10 and 10:30 p.m. • • · A purse pollee said two rings were Beach 92646; 0. Keith NichOls, cootainJ.ng a watch valued at tUen one of them valued a.t 2000 Republlc Ave., Costa $15 am $9.50 In cash was $3,o00 •.• A ure and wheel Mesa, 9262 7; Howarr1 A. Tyr- stolen !rom the beach at New-valued at $25 were stolen from rell, 2S4 :i Serang Pi., Costa a carbelongingtoGeorgeBeaty, Mesa, 92626. LEGAL MOna 1544 Mtramar, Balboa, •h.lle WITN ESS our hands thl s 31st NOTICE Of TRIETEE'S SALE it was parked near tus resi-da~· of Au gust, 1970 . Rtchard S. No. 1209 d~nce .•. A surtboa.rd valued S:agent, 0 . Keith Ntcnols , On October 9, 1970, at 11 :00 Howard A. Tyrrell A. M., Stan-Shaw CorporaUon, LEGAL t40TICE STATE OF CAL1FORN1A J a Caillornla Corporatioo asdu-)ss. ly appointed Trustee under aDd P-38549 CO UNTI OF ORANGE ) ptasuant to Deed of Trust dated CERTIFICATE OF BUSrNESS Of\ TH IS 31st m.y of Aug- April 30, 1968, executed by M, F'ictittous Firm Name USI, 1970, before me, • Noun H. McKen:J.e, an unmarried wo-THE UNDERSIGNED does Pu.bUc in and for said count) man, and recorded May 3, 1968, hereby certily that she Is coo-and state, residin g therein, duly as lnstr. No. 2982, lo bOok ducUng a Fabr ic MaU Order commissioned and sworo, per- 8593, page 92, of Otrtcial Re-and Accounting Se.rv1c.e bust-sonally aweared R1 chard s. cords in the otflce of the Coun-ness at P.O. Box 326, Corona Sargent, 0. Keith :\ichols and ty Recorder of Orange County, del Mar, Calif. 92625, UDder Howard A, Tyrrell, known to Cautoro.J.a, WILL SELL t.T the ft ct1Uous firm name of me to be the persons whost> PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH-Specialty fabrics Company and names are subscribed to the EST BIDDER FOR CASH (pay-thai said nrm Is composed of wtth.io Instrument, and .Lcknow- able at time of sale In lawful the following person whose !edged to me thai they executed money of the United States) at name to full and place of rest-the same. the front entra.nce of Sta.o-Sh:aw dence are as follows, to-wit: WITNESS my h.and and of- Corporation, 1600 East Mayb.lr Dr ucllla G. Kraft, 2252 Vista tid al sea!. Ma.r y A. Haapa, Avenue, Orange, Callloro.la all Huerta, Newport Bea ch, Cal-Notary PubUc In and for sa.Jd light, title and interest con-· llornla 92660, :::ounty aoo State. My Com- veyed to aod mw held by It WITNESS my h.and this 3rd mission expires Dec . 13, 1971. UDder sa.Jd Deed or Trust in the day of September, 1970. Dru-Publish: Sept. 3, 10, 1 i , 24, pr~rty situated in the City cilia G. Kraft. 1970, In the Newport Harbor of Newport Beacb,lnsa.idCoun-STATE Of CALIFORNIA ) Ens1p. ty ud State described as: ) ss. Central Bible Oturcb OUHGE AVENUE atlUD STRUT C05TA t.IESA PHOHE o 1<11·5303 Suud.a.r Sobool ~ Worablp ..• 9:00 aad 10:10 &.ID. Buoday Eveotnc Worabip .•......•. 7:00 p.at. Wecloeaday Bible Study &: Pnyer .•.•. 7:00 p.lll. MUUIIY ,01 ALL UIVICU P tiS to,. Yo11116 Ptuto,- FRED R. MORSE RICHARD REED Ao iodependeot church wltb Bible teacbinJ mloSstry ra LliTlllllAH ~c .. OP -'!_l!E 7." •.•ft nM'I'C.V .. OP CII~.MJDIWI --"'""Dr. JJOJ Via Utlo c..-dol -· CalL N._tlleodo lUNDA Y ICHOOL mt. Wll.I.IAM R. ILI.oll. t :ls •.•.• ,, .... an<DAY SEAVICI!S ftMr. ....... t t1S -11 •. -. W£1JNI!SOAY EVENINO 8:00 A.t.l.-FaaiiJ --IEI!TIIOG ·~-· 10;00 A.ll. -~-ltEADING ROOM u:ao A.M.-r..un .. , t -~ .. .,. ......... j ..... lfJittiERT~ .......... .,,' .... - 7 45 jl ... T ,.••4•r -· f .... .,. ' ...... s ....... 7-t ...... 5.... .. ..,,,,. ............. .. -• -..... cai..C. tw • .......... GJ~ • ,....,.... Beach a' c.o.a .. , ... , 3162 Broad Street liDO P..,.ll~ Vlow Dr. Se:wport HeilhLa aJNDA Y SCHOOL ,._ A. F rt t and hdtptndtfll lUmAY SEitVICE ..... W£DNE!DAY EVI!NING (o ng rt8atio'laf t.IUTINC. t :OO ~··· Chr1 s ltan Ch,.,.ciJ a ..... 1 a-M•••tB~ ar.v. NORMAN BROtrN ·1111 Eeet c. .. t a.,... . 'tll.'l /'iTER ....... Fri.! 10 ...... ~ ~--· SU NDAY SERVICE n. .... ., ··-·-= 7 -AND C HURCH SCHOOL S..: 10 .... to,, ... You •« ccwdiollt •n.,ited 10 AT 10:00 A.M. ••c~ ~· Servtccs and ,\J,us ~')l cart proviJrj eo au R....,. PUON F.: 642-2140 ~ow ~' •~w ~ ••~ 7ft QOYEit OliVE, A.T \6TH Sllti!T ~ .. T ei:·ACM, CA.Lt,.O-IA TH£ AMI:ffiiCA,. LUTHI:.-AN CHU .. CH 1 :00 A.M. SUNDAY -EARLY WORSHIP t ·U A ,W, SUN O ... Y -CHRISTIAN EDUCATION I SUNOAV SCHOOL) IO:JO A..M . SUN OAY -FESTIVE WORSH I P 'll'LI' ~v. Jamt"a G. Bb.in, Puttn lbc ftt'V. Ronald Wblte •. o\Ni._latH Pu&or Phone:: MS-3631 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "T HF et=:,,rFR POR BIBLIC AL .~TUDIE S" DR. P. G. HBJ .. AHH PA.STORS DR. J MIU OJOtBS q;45 A.M.-Si ble School, with our 15 buses serving South Orange County 11:00 A.M. -Moming W¥Orsl'l ip 7:00P.M. -Evening Strvi c.e 301 Magnolia St. Ho~t~• of P. G. H-•••• (At s.,.,, -\ou h •ot .J Chrlatlon School COSTA t.IESA K.i,.dtrt•rtt'f -3 1. Gr•Jc ....... 54-1733 Phou 54-21<40 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all property owners shall without delay destroy or re- move all such weeds, ano other public nuisances as defined ln Section 10.48.020 of the New- port Beach Municipal Code, from their property and !he abutting half of the street In front of aM alleys , lf any, be- bind such property and between the lot Unes thereof as ex- tended, or suc h weeds and other nuisance will be destroyed or removed and such nuisance a- bated by the City authorities, lo which case the cost of such destruction or r emoval will be assessed upon the lots and laMs from wtuch, or from the front or rear of which, such weeds and other nuisances shall have been destroyed or removed; and such cost will constttute a Hen upon such lots or lands until paid, aocl will be collected upon the next tax roll upon which ~neral municipal taxes are collected. All property owners h.avlng any ob)ecUons to the proposed destruction or re- moval of such weeds and other r..ulsances are hereby notlf'led to attetx:l a meeting ot the Coun- cil of sa1d City, to be heW In tbe Council Chamber ottheC!ty Hall in said City on ---- !,__~ at 7:30 A YES, COUNCILMEN: M.clnDts, Kymla, Rogers, Hlrth, Croul. Dostal. Parsons. NOES, COUNC ILMEN: None. ABSENT COUNCILMEN; Nooe. Lot 55 of Tract 4692, as per map r ecorded In Book 16.4, Pages Z2 to 25 ot Mlscel- taneous Maps, RecordS or Orange County , Calllornia, topther Vflth an undivided 1/98ths Interest In Lot 99 of sa.id Tract 4692 . Lot 61 of l'ract 4692, a.s per CO~TY Qf OR AliCE ) map reeor dPf1 in Book 164, ON THIS 3rd day of Sep- Pages 22 I of ldlscel-tember, 1970, befor e me, a la.neous Maps, Records or Notlry PubUc 1n and for said Onnge County, Calllorflia. county aud state, residing together with an undivided therein, duly commlssiooedand SHOPS and SERVICES o'clock p.m., when and where their object111ns will be heard and given due consideration. •Da~t:·-~· ~------------­" . Fire Chief City of Newport Beach." LEGAL NOTICE E.F. Hirth Mayor ATTEST: Laura Lagtos City Clerk Publish: Sept. 24, 1970, ln the Newport Harbor Ensigu. LEGAL HOTICE ting, conducting, or maintaining a massage establishment cou· the owner, operator or em-trary to the provlsloos of this ployee of the operator, ... r Chapter." whether acting as a mere he!-SECTION 2. Emergency or- per for the owner, employee, dinanee etrectJve Immediately. or operator, or whether acting This ordinance is declared by as a participant or worker In the City Council to be oeces. any way, whO gives massare sary as an emergency measure or conducts a massage e:;tab-. tor preserving thepubllc peace, llshment or room, or who gives health, safety and welfare, am or administers, or whO prac-shall tate effect Immediately tlces the gtvlng or admlnis-upon Its adoption. The folk:Jw- terlng ot steam baths, electric tog ts a statement of the facts Ught baths, electric tub baths, showtn" Its urgeocy: shower baths, sponge baths, Within r ecem mooths there va.por baths, fomentation, sun has been a marked locrea.se 1.n baths, mineral baths, alcohol the estabUshment of massage rubs, Russian, Swedish orTur-parlors in Orange County am klsh baths, or any other type In particular, Newport Beach. of therapy or who does or prac-It appears that many of these tices any of the other things estabUshments are merely or acts mentioned In thJsChap-fronts tor prostitution. Th.ls Is ter without first obtaining a evidenced by the a.rrests arer per mil and paying for a U-the past few months or opera. cense so to do trom the City, tors aDd employees of mas. or shall violate any provision sage parlors doing business ln ot this Chapter, shall be guilty Newport Beach oa cbarges of of a mlsdemeaoor. prostitution, and lewd CODduct. (b) Any owner, operator, An unreasonable burden has manager, or permittee in been placed on the Newport charge or in control of a mas-Beach Pollee Depa.rtmeut due sa~ establishment wOO know-to the number of arrests aad logly employes a person per-investip.tions In CODDeCt1oa forming as a massage tech. •tth massage parlors. Tbe u- Dicia.o as dettned In this Chap-tsting ordinaDces in Newport ter wbo Is not In possession Beach are loadequate to rec- of a valid permit, or who al-ulate the ~.mla1Ff'bl cooduc.t lows such an employee to per. sometimes associa.ted with this form, operate or practice type ot business. n Is, there- •tth1n such a place of business, fore, In the best lnterest of Is cullty of a mi,!Jdemeaoor. tbe ciUzens of Newport Beacb (e) Aoy massage establish-that this ordioaoce become et- meDt operated, conducted, or fective lmmed.iately. maln&a.loed contrary to the pro. SECTION 3. Tflls ordin&Dce risloOs of tills Chapter shall sba1l be published ooce 1D the be and the same Is hereby de. otneial oewapaper of tbt City, cla.red to be unlawfUl aOO a. This ordi.Duce wu llllro- pubUe oulsaDCe and the City dUeed aDd &c:IOpted u a.a tmer~ Attorney may, In llddltloo to pocJ ordl.llllDee at a rep)lr or to Utu ot prOHCGU.nc a meeUDa ol tbt CltJ Comcll crlmlDIJ action hereunder, rt-of the Cit} ot Newport 8Meb Yoke tbt bUioeu UceDM pur-beJd oo tbt 14D dl.y of s._ al.allt to the procedure .etlorth tember, 1910, by tM *>Uowllr to StcUoa 5.50.150, oommeoet YOtt, to wU: u acttoa or aetlou, ~-AYES, COUNClUI£H:M~ laa or proceadlop, ..,.. Ilia KrmJa, ~·· ~ Crool, abltemtlll, rtmonl a.ad ta~ l)ostal. hr-. jo...,_ U.eol, II tbo maa.. IK>ES, COUHCIURN: -. -prcmdod b7 law; ... llall ABSEIIT COUIICILIOUI: -. 1Ua --........ ttioll E. F. run. II!Pil' to ncb ~ or oo.u ... ,.. u 111&1' boft )Orlatldloo to A TTt:ST: rr ... -rtUol u triD aiUt IAtn L1C10tt or remcwe ncb ••It 11-CitJ' cmt tabUIII-... .-ala ... -S..C. 14, lt'IO, II njola ltU' por.,.. frotn _... tlla 11owport -"'oop Save Time And Money-Call An Expert Said sale wUI be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or Implied, r egarding title, possession, or encum- brances, to pay the remaining prlncij:al sum or the oote se- cured by said Deed of Trust, to-•U: $3474.48, with interest from Aprll 1, 1970, as in said DOte provided, advances, it any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and u- penses of the Trustee a.od ol the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Tbe beoeftda.ry under said Deed or Trust, by rea.soD of a !reach or default in the obUpt:lons secured thereby, heretofore executed and de- UYered to the uodersl.gned a written Declaration of Default a.nd Demand tor Sale, aod writ- ten ootice of breach and ot election to cause the LJilder- stgned to sell sa.td property to satJsty sald obllga.tlons, am thereafter, on June 9, 1970, the undersigned caused sa.ld oot1ce ol breach and of e lection to be recorded In book 9311, page 793, or sa.1d Oftlclal Records. Date: September 10, 19'70 STAN ...SHAW CORPORATION, a Calllornla. Corporation as sa.ld 'rrustee, By Ma.ureUe Shaw, Secretary SPS...Z4915 Publish: Sept. 17, 24, a.od Oet, 1, 1970, I.D tbe Newport l:larbor Etullpo. l /98ths Interest ln Lot 99 sworn, persooa.Uy appeared • II.AUTY SA.LC* of said Tract 4692. Drucllla G. Kraft, knOwn to sa..ld sale •111 be made, but me to be the person whOse oame withOut coveoant or warranty, Is subscribed to the wtthJo in-BEAUTY NOOK express or Implied, regarding strument, and acknowledged to title, possession, or encurn. me that she executed tlle same. 2732 E. C ~st Hwy. brances, to pay the remaining wrTNESS my hand and of-Co,onl drt "'' · prtnc.ipal sum of the note se· rt clal seal. Jessie R. Hill, Not-Pl'lonr e.n·7H6 c ured by said Deed or Trust, :uy PubUc In and for said ----------- to-wit: $3474 .49, with Interest :ounty and State. My Com-! Cotoi~_RETE _ from Aprtl l, 1970, as In said -ntssion expires IO~Z4 -70. e . .• ... ..... , '"• c •••.• 1 oote provided, advances, uany, PubUsh: Sept. 10, 17, 24, ~ •·•• __ .., Q....1,,, under the terms of said Deed )ct. 1, 1970, In the :-o"ewport -::::. c. ... u ••• & "·-~· of Trust, fees, cha.rges and ex. Harbor Ensign. •• ~ £u .~, ... , '•···u penses of the Trustee and of ... ••I•"'• c ... ~·••• the trusts created by said Deed FILM SERlE S Sl A. TED l'HI s.. Jo"q~~an Rd .. u 8·l3JIII ~f Trust. The beoeflciary under The aOOio-vtsual program of P .0 . lkn Ul roll~ 1111ua said Deed of Trust, by reason the Ne~rt Beach library 11111 ot a breach or default in the toclude a ftlm series to be pre-• DRY CL f ANIHC -n obliga.Uons secured thereby, sented on the last Tuesday of heretofore ezecuted and de-each month, The Qlms wi.U be Uvered to the undersigned a shown at 8 p.m. in the Mariners {)aa!. /lL written Oeciaralloo of Default Ubrary multi-purpose room. ~ and Demand for Sale, aod writ-The features tor Sept. 29 will CENTII ten ooUce of breach and of be Jacques Cousteau's "Coral electlon to cause the under-jungle" and a travelogue 00 f'in est qu.a..hry dry C'leamnJ.! sigoed to sell said property Ho llaOO. on d1e prenuses to saUsty sa.ld obllgatloos, • thereafter, on June 9, 1970, the Setr-service IIWndry uOOersJgned caused saM ootlce All new -latest model or breach and of election to be Frtgida.ire washers recorded ln book 9311, 194, of sa.td o m ctal E. cout Hwy ., cOM Date: S~tember 10, 1970 ,..one: 113-950$ STAN -SHAW CORPORATION, a CaWornia. Corporation a.s said Trustee, By Ma.urette Sllaw, Se<:re<:on s.PS.24914 Publisb: Sept. 17, 24, and 1, 19'70, 1.n the Newport lb.rbc~l Enslen. ..... ....... """' FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCC ... SIONS DtMm/ ToJh OIRJIIh f11111nb o.t Lea It • ........, COWUII IIIF*L AM IIIIIAL CIIIIM fLORI.ITS I'IIOIIE, 6~79 2431 Mew,.n llv4, COSTA t.IESA ;:;~1~ ,..... .• ,....., armorial .Jiu 1 an ) C:uuau, ~., ....... 0.. II lrl/ill,.... HAL "EBISCHER ~J. ,__A .... A•• .... -LC._K.,. r._ ....... ~ • HEALTH RESORT -------- ~ &ti~! .~.?.!_mSPA . t * w; .. ,.r s~• ~n.-e' • Utt.•·"'oel•' s-T•-a-* F;...,;u. s.. •• s ....... ._. * r .. ;_.,; •• fle<tnul .......... * O..oert Orw I'l-l •-* 1•1•"~" W••iw""'•' w.,...., * , ........ Tile4 SteH s-.~ * ,.,_., S-·~•.o- o COSTA t.IE!oA U9-336l • OIIAU4G! 6JN411 o AHNII!III 12~-GJ~ 1 oHUMTINGlOM UACH Ul-1451 • NURSERY ShrUbs, lntenor Plarrts 1'To{l1cal & Trees lnsecnnde:s and Feniliter ......_ o. .... & ..... _ ... ~ FREE DELIVERY Corona Ml Mar Nur.er'l 2744 F~ fbul HWJ ., 6lHI60 ·~ ~ ~QU I PMEN T CJff. .. ::; __ ,., .. ------·---~ o P.iiHT & WALLPAPER HARBOR PAINT • WALLPAPER Ptttal>ural> -Dutdl Bop PalDte -ooaaplece UAe 13.000 P.A '!'TERNS OF WALLPAPER a11 E. o.o.t ... . a... .... ... (Nul 110 Pon Th.,..l ,._, .,,.., P'UILICA TIOM LIOK W£ CAN Pf'INT YOUR ~CHU~E~ ~~PHL~TS AGAZINI!.S,. L~A,r'l.ET .. N~PAPERS AND HI!WS LI!:TTI!:IU CA.LL Ul '01 IITI•A.TII 61J-tlll I!MSIGII PUBUSIING CO. 2721 E. Coe•t Hip__,. Cor-o clel Met, Cellf.,.i• Coli in Ye•r W•t A.4 to th.e E.ulp 673-05,50 ........... , .... o..r lw • ~acl'lfiiM•: C.ll~ ""Ba ••r n. ...... IJPWOIXI1:-0 •(8)' E•~• .. Crfl/1.,. .. 1 IIDIODU. I ... lOOt OIQ, I' --·-caD .. _,.. .............. --·-..... , mi-.W-= at I ..... D f:! !I --------1• PLllloiiMG -., llliiMc: • eu cue I:Wk!liA .... lrl t .. .., -:.rf .. llil .. .,....,.. ..... ..... .... .............. _ ....... ...., ·----I h 3, , ...... IUQI ....... 5 - 111•tni(10LL Pitll PIIOM MIINIT KAaiOa diA) A.&. .AIUAC ~ '100 Oeet"a Aft. ~ .... • f"'M'CI ......... DAY • IGCIIT WA'Iaii&ATIU ltl·- Pa.CtALI•Ta IN MANNa CA .. DtTIIf\' • I'IH I! CA.NI!TI • ILOODCJUAna • aTC. P•IIDU.-. ..,..,_., ... eu-.., • ..,.. ............... CIAI'l\.111 NOW .H 1780 NEWPORT 3LVD. Ph. 646-938) Co1ta Meu II A GOOD MIIGIIIOR U you ue a newcomer, or know of • newcomer 10 ~he llatbor Ar .. who hu noc bMn w•lcom•d, do htr a favor by callina lha Ha rbor Vi.itor bct•een I and 10 e .m., and lht oM II call on your friend •ith val uable in form•ti t..• and aifta from rriendl)' bu1ine u • f'irm1 ..,.h1d1 &land ready ~ help her become acquain led -.ilh her new t utroundina•. THE HUIOR VI"TOR PHOH !, 494· 9361 •• 644 ·0174 BEll BROADWAY MORTUARY II 0 Broadway U 8·3433, 8·3434 eo.ta Mea LOBSTER BAK E ' \ -:: ~""" 1 ' . ' 1 -~, SONGLEADERS for Newport Harbor Hlgh School .sre (from the top) head songleader JLRIY New, Jody Scnwarz, Sue Blac k., Mary Lynn Neimeyer, Ter i Dunlap and Kathy Eccles, 1Il the wheelchair. K..:tth)', now in a walking cast, sutfer ed a bro- TH I S W££K.·Ei"iD ken right leg and a sprain£"'! left fool just before the end of • Er SUN., SEPT. 16•17.1 the schOOl year last sprtng BALBOA BAY LIONS when she was struck by a mo- torcycle that went out of con- trol at Westclitt Dr. and. Dover Dr .• where she was starxtlng ln a tramc tsla.nd. BOO K SALE OCT. 2 President Vance Roberts of Mariner 's Uons Club anooun- ces that the 2nd book sale of tbe year Is scheduled tenta- tively tor Oct. 2, again at the Westci.J.ft Piau shopping cen. Iron +Tin + Zinc = Heige. If you have a beige t.e lepho ne, that's the formula used La make it that color . And these aren't all the elements it contains. Your standard phone has 42 of the 104 known chemical elementK , ranging from precious metals like gold. silver and platinum in tiny amounts for electrical contacts to more plentiful cop- per, iron and lead. The elements are in l·hemical compounds -suc h as the hydrogen a nd carbon that form the plastic housing of your phone. That's the formula for your basic black set. And making telephones other colors is nnt a chieved by pain ting them.Adding merc ury to the compou nd makes them red . Cad - mium makes them yellow, and chromium. green. United Nations Day is October 24. Presi- dent Nixon has asked all Americans to ob- serve the U.N .'s 25th anniver ~a r y this year as a reminder that the U.N. is the chief rallying point for those who seek world peace a nd world economit: and social stability. Do you have plus of remodeling or palnUng yow-home'l Does your present telephone color or loc.atlon prove uOOe- slra.ble to your oew Ideas? Our Ins tru- ments a.re aYa11able In many colors tor better coordination of IDierlor decor. Often busy housewives find a rlnging telephOne lnconl'enlenlly out of reach from the Immediate kitchen or work area. For one small charge PacUJc TelephOoe can cha.nge color or moYe your tnstrument to a more desirable location. Call your Newport -Costa Mesa Business Ofnce, &4.241101. We want your telepoone serTI.ce to be a CODt'enleoce. @) Pacific Telephone s;:::-.. ').?. ~ R. S. McP!II!Jidje Your Telephol'lt Manager tJ, NeWJ>ort·Cosla Mew NEWPORT HARBOR E~g~ THURSDAY, SEI'T. 2\ 19111 U:CQ!ID SECDON --!'He 6 CORQNA DtL MAR, CAU F. ' Newcomers at Hoag • WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 9 Ctri--M.r. ud Wra. P!UUp Gtri--Kr, 1M atu. James Roboer, lli-1/! ZSrd Street, Waper,l05! CooeordSt.,COI- Colt& Mea. ta MtiL Boy .... ,, ud Mrs. Edward • SUNDAY, SEPT, e Doraan. 2715 Co•e St., CorOOl aoy •• W.r, and Mrs. Salvatore delllar. Capontmo, 'l%5-C ShiUmu Boy--Mr. aDd Mrs. Robert Or., CoiCIMeaa. Mor ris, 482:1 Rolbury Road., • MONDAY, SEPT. 7 Cameo ShOres. Boy--Mr. and Mra, Thomas Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Wlllli.m Duncan. 339-B Cabrtuo, Costa Vas, 2301 Clay st., Newport Mesa. Heights. • TUESDAY SEPT 8 Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gtrl--Mr: a.oo Mrs. Thomas Rareschot•, 1556-C Caraway Co lton 2220 VIsta Dorado East Dr., Costa Mesa. Blurt ' ' Ctrl--Mr. and Mrs. David ckt--Mr. am Mrs. Arntl'!t.., Lenton, $03 J St., Balboa. Sutu' 1134 Austin St Costa Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Millard Me~ '' Jackson, 152 Melody Ln., Costa aoY--Mr. and Mrs. Law- ~5esaUII.DAY UG 30 renee D:.ly, 2819 Frances Ln., , A • Costa Mesa. Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Byron Garcl.a, 1916 Wallace, Apt. B, Nelson, 4234 Patrice Rd., West Costa Mesa. Newport HetgtJts. Boy--Mr. a.od Mr s. Walter Glri--Mr. and Mrs. JohnS. Yu, 1999 Aoa.hem,Cost:aMesa. Gregory, 4320 E. Coast Hwy., •MONDAY, AUG. 31 Corona Highlands. Glrl-Mr. and Mrs. AOOers &y--Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Folkedal, 1927 Mariners Dr ·• Austgen. 124 Turquoise Ave., Harbor Highlands. Balboa Island. Glri--Mr. and Mrs. Charles • THURSDAY, AUG. 27 Johnston, Box 752, Balboa. Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Weldon • 1 UESDAY, SEPT. 1 • I :II I 1 I .. a•1$' trw!!~ . , ............ ., - • • • •• •(J •• - ~· Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Sm ith, 2270-A Miner St., Selby, 378 La Perle Ln., Costa Costa Mesa. M Girl--Mr . and Mrs. Carner-VARSITY CHEERLEADERS at the Newport HarbOr High • ~~iJNESDAY, SEPT. 2 on Hamilton, 357 Ogle St., Apt. School football games are (at top of the iX>le) Kathy Kawa- Giri --Mr. a.nd Mrs. Eugene A, Costa Mesa. mura, left, and Jennie Farber; (center of photo) Terry Urschel, 1818 Viola Pl., Costa Boy--Mr · and Mrs. Larry Amles, len, and Marly Moore; (on the ground) Sandy Te- Mesa. Shaw, 820 Center St., Apt, 12• desco, head cheerleader. Gir 1--Mr. and Mrs. Charles .,:C:.;o;:';:"':,.M::;.;,•sa::;. ____ -:::----:=~--;;;-:;::----=:;;---------~~L~~;,!S ::.hl:o:."~: From the Police BloHer Sc011, 109 Park Ave., Balboa Island. • MONDAY, AUG. 17 • TUESDAY, AUG. 18 Polega, 18, of 2183 National, Boy--Or. and Mrs. James John Christian saylor, 24, John APPlegate Tobtas, 31, Costa Mesa, was arrested at Wamsley, 18781 SanRuflooDr., of 387 w. Bay St., Costa Mesa, of 132 w. Wilson, Costa Mesa, 1:10 a.m. In the 1200 block Irvine. was arrested at l :ZOa.m.at 700 was arrested at 5:10 a.m. a1 of W, Coast Hwy ., Mariners Girl--Mr. ~ Mrs. Peter J. Larkspur, Corolla del Mar, on Hospital Rd. and Newport Blvd., Mile, on a char ge of reckless Stulik, 31 5 Cedar St., Newport a c harge of dtlvtng under the Newport Heights, on a charge dr iving .•. Joseph Cla.rence Shores. lnfluence of alcohol .•• Stewart of lntoxtc.aUon ln publlc Sulllvan, 20, of 2316 Newport Boy--Mr. aDd Mrs. MUlar d Slykhous, 75, of 301 Cerritos Robert Joseph Wa.k.ama.tsu, 19, Blvd., Costa Mesa, was arres- Hamel, 3273 Washington Ave., Ave., East Blutf, arx1 Ralph of 2121 Yeraoo Pl., Irvine, ted at 5:30 a.m. In the 2100 Costa Mesa. Ernest Onn, 407 39th St., West was arrested at 12:50 a.m. at block of W. Ocean Front, on • THURSDAY, SEPT. :J Newport, were treated for ln-CoroDa del Mar main beach an Orang! County hubor !ud- Girl.-Mr. and Mrs. Phill4-juries at HoagHospltalafterllle on a ciW're of contributing to ictal district court warrant Bemis, 231 Orange St., New-car Mr. Dean was drlvtna: struck the de!Jnquency of a minor ..• ch.argtng him with sleeping on port Shores. a car driven by Franlilln Hale Burglars entered a g:uage at the pier •.. Jewelry valued "'FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 White, 2245 Arbutus St. East the Deborah Donnelly r est. at $3,100 was bura:tarlzed trom &y--Mr, arx1 Mrs. George Blutf, at 2 p.m. on Jamboree dence, 319-1 /2 Amethyst, Bal-the apartment of Betty L. Gra11, 1810 Oriole Dr., Costa Rd., one-quarter mile south boa Island, and escaped with a O'Neil, 4705 Seashore Drive, Mesa. of PaUsades Rd.; pollee said bicycle during the nlgflt •.• West Newport, during the night. &y--Mr. and Mrs. DanJel both vehicles we re southbound A wallet containing $140 ln .• Tools valued at $335 wer e Thompson, 2700 Peterson Way, on Jamboree Rd. when the col-cash was stolen from a car burglarized from the open P.· Apt. 52-D, Costa Mesa. Uston occurred .•. Tllree dol-belonging to Richard L. Jw-. rage ot Del WtlUam Freeman, &y--Mr. and Mrs. Robert tars 1n cash a.nd $11 worth of thugtl, 2914 Ellesmere, Costa 609 Jasmine, Corona del Mar, WUltams 2450 Fordnam Dr., clothing were stolen trom the Mesa, whlle it was parked at durtng the nigtlt. •• Stereo Costa M~sa. jX)rch of the Ufegua.rd statlon 4805 River Ave., West New-equipment valued at $500 was • SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 at Newport Pter between 9:55 port, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.rn. burgla.rl.%ed from the apa.rtment &y--Mr. and Mr s , Lanson a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; the prop-..• A surfboard valued at $150 of Steven Ales.ander Fryman, Lee, 1053 Valle;o Circle, Cos-erty belonged to Jack. R. H.a.U, was stolen !rom Hal Gregg, 1895 Sherrington, Newport ta Mesa. 256 Rose Lane, Costa Mesa ..• liZ lOth St., West Newport, Heights, dw-ing the night. Permit denied by Council Newport Bolch Cllf C<>uocll -lf ullerod bJ poD-. decUed a riQUUI 1ut , .. It "-rlhl. Thomp*Ml. wbo l- for e'lf*'*'A ot a use per mJt deot1tled benelt 11 a "frttDd to permit Un eotert&J.Dmeot at ol ooe ol the OWDtn," -.Ad tbt the C.Uory, 810 E. Bolbol Gallory "00<11d oolboroJI)OMI~ Blvd., Balbol.. ble tor urthlnc tba.t occurr«l The nlcbtclub, OWDid by outJide lbe bulinet5." Br UDO H. Moeckll and Herm&M COWICllman Howard ROKV• 0. FlO', bad been p.-en a dJagrefld, and aid tbe bull-ust~ permit oo a trial buts MIS was responslb~ tor aoy- tor 90 dtyt last June 011 the thina: that occurred u a result coodltlon that exteosloo. be sub-of the bwsinesa btlJlC cooducted. ject to council review and that CouoeUmen Richard Crou.l there were oo complaints from aDd Milan Dostal Yoted against nearby residences because or the motion. Mr. Dostal felt ootse. the nllfitclub should be gheo Since that time, pollee said another 904y trla.l perlod to they have received numerous recttty the problems outlloed eomplalots ot noise aDd or otane 1n the complaints, ..~················· Now Open oNEEDLE POINT o KIT5 o RUGS o CREWEL o STRIII C ART 10 A .M. TO 4:!0 P.M. TUESDAY THA:OUGM SATU ~OAY • &•-IN HI L LG FH~N SQUAAE ............................. FOR All OF YOUR INSURANCE HEEDS ROBERTSON~SADLEIR Insurance 3333 E. Coos I Hwy . Corono dol Mo• -Tol.,.hono 67~3UO BoY--Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tools valued at $144 aM an whJJe at the Santa Ana river :=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!~ McMillan, 3017 Fttlmore Way, electronic garage door opener )etty and Seashore Drive ••• Apt. 119. Costa Mesa. were stolen from a g2.tag1! at Bwglars entered the Alden the John G. Pralsler residence, Gtft Shop, 600 Edgewater, Bal- 3608 Lake, West Newport, dur. boa, during the night and es- lng the night.,. Vandals used caped withmore than$142worth rocks to break. 13 windows at of miscellaneous Items, In- Mariners school during the eluding Z portable radios ••• nigtJt; da mage wa s estimated Twenty propeller shafts, valued at $175 ..• Sportlng goods, at $500, were stolen from inchJdln g a set of goU clubs, Blackle's Boat Yard,2414New- total value $1,060, were sto-port Blvd., Central Newport, len from a car belonging to between Aug. 13 and 18 •.• , Willia m W. Nebb, 3907 Top-Stereo equipment valuedat$230 side Lane, Harbor View Hllls, was burglarized from Ke011eth while it was parked at the Bean's mobile home at 2940 Newport 1011 parkJng lot, 1700 West Coast Hwy,, Mariner s Jamooree Rd. Mlle, durtng the o.lght •.. A -----------tire aoo ·.vfJeel valued at $25 LEGAL NOTICE ORDINAN CE ~0 1351 A~ ORDINA NCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SEC TION 7.~ 12.010 AN D REPEALING SECTION 7.12.020 OF THE :-;'£WPORT BEACH MUNICI- PAL CO DE, RELATING TO THE KEEPLN G AND STAK- CNG Of LJVESlOCK The City Council of the City of Newport Beach does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 7.12.- 010 of the Newport Beach Muni- cipal Code Is ameOOed to read: "7.12.010 Keeping of Live- stoc k.. No per son shall keep any cow, pig, goat, norse, mute, poultry or any other anJm.a.l not commonly thougflt of as a household pet, wUMn the Clty except where speclllcally per- mltted under the provisions of Title 20, P\annlng and Zoning, of this Code." SECTION 2. Section 7.12 .• 020 of the Newport Beach Mu- nicipal Code , r elating to the staking of anJmals, Is hereby r epealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be published once In the ofncl.al newspaper of the City, and the same sh•ll be eUecUve 30 days after the rU.te of its adoption. This or dinance was intro- duced at a regular meeting of the City Council or the City of Newport Beach held on tt\e loth day of August, 1970, aM was adopted on the 14th day of September, 1970, by the foU ow - lng vote, to wit: AYES, COUNC ILMEN ; Mcln.nls, Krmta, Rorers, Hirth, Crout, Dostal, Parsons. NOES, COUNC ILMEN : Nooe. A~ENT COUNCILMEN : None. E. F. Hirth Mayor ATTEST' Laura ladOs C ity Clerk Publlsh: L EGAL NO TICE '*er e stolen trom a car be---=-"c-=-c__::__:_c_::_::_ __ longing to Lee Carl Spath, 510 CERTIFICATE OF BUSL~ESS Tustin Ave., Newpor t Heights, THE UNDERSIGNED do here-lt'hlle Jt wa s parked In front by certify that they are con. of his residence durtng the ducUng a Furo.lture business night. at 215 Riverside Ave., New- port Bea.ch, urx1er the fl ctlt-• WED~ESDA Y, AUG. 19 lous name of Bayside Interiors Noel Glbb, 49 , of 1524 Prls- aoo tllat saJd firm Is composed cilia Ln., Harbor Highlands, of the foUowlng ~rsons whOse was a.rrested at 9:10 p.m. at names tn full and places or Finley Ave. and Newport Blvd., residence are as follows, to-on a charge of drlvlllg while wit : Ellwyn Hughes, 215 River-under the Influence ol alcohol side Ave., Newport Beach; Bev-•.• WUUam Ken Traxler, 26, erly Wasson, 710 Lark.s;Jur, or 212-1 /2 E. Bay Ave., Sal- Corona del Mar. boa, was arrested at 3:35 a .m. WITNESS our hands this 16th at 5 Canal Clrc le, Newport day of September, 1970, Ell-ShOres, on a charge of pos- wyn Hughes, Beverly Wasson. session of marljua.na ••. Roy STATE OF' CALIFORNlA ) James Hannah, 23, of Z98Joa.nn )ss. St., Costa Mesa, wa s arrested COUN TY OF ORANGE ) at 9 p.m. at Clay St. and Bolsa ON THB 16th day of S~-Ave., Newport Helgt\ts , on a tember, 1970, before me, a charge of possession of stolen Notary PubUc In arx1 for sa.Jd property , •• Timothy Lawrence county and state, residing O'Hara, 25, of 119 Z3rd St., therein, duly commissioned and Central Newpor t, was arrested sworn, per sonally appeared at 5:40 a.m. at Irvine Ave., Beverly Wasson, Elhtryn Hugtles aod Marlners Drln, Westcutf, knOwn to me to be the per-on an Orange County harbor sons whose cames are sub-tudlcla..l district court warrant scr ibed to the wtthln lnstru-cha.rglng him with fa.llure to ment, and acknowledged to me ~ • • Larry WUUam that they executed the same. r-:7.:--:-:-;;-.,-,:::---:-""1 WITNESS my band a.M of- ficial seal. Earle R, Corbin, Chapel Notary PubUc In aDd for sa.Jd County and State. My Com- mlsstoo uplres Oct. 31, 1971, Pli>Usb ' Sop!, 24, Oct, I, 8, 15, 1n the Newport Hu- SUMMER END SPECIAL! Carpet Steam Cleaned 10% Off Regular Price CARTIER'S CARPET CLEANING PHONi: 548..0807 FREE ESTIMATES Guaranteed Coit Drapery Cleaning /9 , Order Drapery Cleaning !VOW and get Bedspreads & Blankets cleaned for only !~each! Now ... dean and freshen your drapery end bedcllnef For only 1 ~ Colt wi ll clu n up to 2 bla nkets or one bedspread for every room of dreptry d•Md now. Important Pvlnas from America's larJtlt-most expe· rienced--drapery eleaninl speei slilts. Your drapery will look MW qaln and lilt ,..,,. tonaerl Phone now for frM estimates. liT con IMI'IAU. NEW DRAPES w • ._.. _,.... ~ ...... lu .. ,..... ....... fllwl•IMfl~~t ..... DUNRY IIRYICI 12.00/o OFF ~~ I ' .. ,.c.IIC... 642o0270