HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 - Amend the Membership of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee<C SEW Pp�T CITY OF O � z NEWPORT BEACH i FO City Council Staff Report < RN January 10, 2017 Agenda Item No. 6 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Kimberly Brandt, Community Development Director - 949-644-3226, kbrandt(d_)newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Brenda Wisneski, Deputy Community Development Director bwisneski@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3297 TITLE: Amend the Membership of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee ABSTRACT: Membership of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee (BVAC) includes a representative from ExplorOcean, the business operator of the educational facility located at 600 E. Bay Avenue. Discovery Cube's OceanQuest (OceanQuest) took over operation in early 2016; therefore, an amendment to the BVAC membership is necessary. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine the action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"); and b) Adopt Resolution No. 2017-3, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending the Membership of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no fiscal impact related to this item. DISCUSSION: The BVAC has met monthly since December 2012 and has made significant progress in implementing the strategies contained within the Balboa Village Implementation Plan (Implementation Plan). Priority for 2017 is to oversee development of the Peninsula Shuttle Program that is expected to be kicked off in June 2017. 6-1 Amend the Membership of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee January 10, 2017 Page 2 With the change in operation of the educational facility, it is necessary to amend the membership of the BVAC. The City Council appointed Mike Wheeler as the representative of OceanQuest in October 2016. The amendment is reflected in the exhibit to the draft resolution (Attachment A). The revisions are shown in the Committee description provided as Attachment B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: This action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING - The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Draft Resolution Attachment B — Committee Description with Revisions Shown 6-2 Attachment A Draft Resolution 6-3 RSSIC LJUTION N C . 20'7- A 0'7- A R9SIC UUTIO N CIFTH E CITY COUNCIL CIF THE CITY CFI NS" FIC RT BEACH, CALIIFORN IA, A MEN DIN G MEMBERSHIP CA THB BALBCA VILLAG13 ADVISORY COMMITTEE WHEREAS, c ri SeptE rribE r 25, 2012, the City Council adc pted Resc lution Nc . 20'12-85 creating ll' a Balbca Village Ac visory Cc rrimittee (Ccmrriitlee, io oVErseE the timely irriplerrienlaticri cf reccmmEndaticris provided in fte Balbca VillagE Irriplemental ion Plan (Implementation Rlan;; WHEREAS, ll'E Ccmrriitlee is made up of sE�en (7) rriErribErs consisting cf h&o (2, City Cc unci) rrie mbe rs, one (1; of w I• i& shall rE prE sent Distrial 1, one (1) Balboa Village Business Merchants Asscaiation Board Member, cnE ill,' representative cf ExplcrOcEan, cnE (1; rEprEsentali\e of the Balbca ReninsLla Rcinl HcrriEowners Assccialicri, criE (1; rEprEsentalive cfthE Central Newperl BEach CcrrirriuriityAsscciation, and cnE (11)atlargE merriber; WH ERBAS1, BxplorOCE an, Ic catEd at E 00 E. E ay AVE nue, N Ewpc rt Beacr, , is Urrerilly operatEd by Discc�ery Clbe'S OcEanQLest ilCceanQuest;; and WHEREAS, on Cctc be r 11, 2'10E, the City Council appc intEd a rE prE se nlatiVE frc rri OcEanQuest lc the CcrrimitlEe io fill ExrllcrCaean's vacant rIcsilicn. NC", THEREFORE, the City Cc L nail cf the City of N ewpc ri BE act- nest IVE s as fc Ilc ws: SIECTIC N 1. The City Ccs ncil amE nds the membership of the Balboa VillagE AdviscryCcmmillee io rEplacE the "rEprEsenlaliVE cf BxplorOCEan"will- the "nepnesEntatiVE cf Discc\ery CLbE's OCE anGuest." SIECTICN 2. ThE City Ccuncil apprc\es ll•e revised cEsciriplion of the CommitiEe, which is atta& ed as Exhibil A, and inccrrlcraled r erE in by neferE nce. SIECTIC N 3. With the exce FIl ion of Slectic n 1 c f Resc lutic n h c. 201 E -50, w hitt- shall rE main unchangE d, the C ily Cc unci) l• erE by repeals the remainder of Resor tic No. 201 E-50. SECTION 4. llr a recitals provided above arE 1rL a and cc miecl anc incc npc haled into the c pE rat k a pari of this peso IL tic n. SIECTIC N 5. llr a City Council finds the adoption of this rE sclutic n and the arriendment of the C ommitleE is nc 1 subject tc the California Eng irc nmE ntal Qualily Act (°CIECA") rIunsc crit to Secticna ' 5060ilc; (2) (thE activity will ncl rest It in a direct or neasc nably fc resE eable indirect physical ch angE in the a rivirc nment) and 1506011c)(31; SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. ADOPTED this 1011 day of January, 2017. Kevin Muldoon Mayor 1,11119:--16 Leilani I. Brown City Clerk APPROVED A5 TO FORM; CITY A EY'S OFFICE Aaron C. Harp City Attorney 6-5 Exhibit A BALBOAMILLAGB ADMISORIY CCMMITTEE A L IHORIIZATIC N : Hsilablisl• ed by REISoIUlie ri N e. 2012-85 adc plead c n Sleipiembeir 25, 2012. ArrIE ride d by Reisc lution Nc . 20131-58 adc ptEid c ri July 9, 201;;1. AmEinded by Resc lution h c . 2016-50 adc pted on April 12, 2016. Arrienc Eid by REIs01l tic n Nc . 2017-_ adoptE d on JanL ary 10, 2017. MEMBBRISH IR: -Iwc merribers of 11' Ei C ity CC nail, enei of whom shall represent Cc uncilrrian Districil 1, whc sl- all C 1• air the Cc rrlmittEe. C nE Balboa Tillage Mercl• aril Associatic ri BusinEiss Board ME rribEir. CnE reprEsenlalivE cf ❑isccvery Cube's OcEanouest. C nE rE prE sentai ive cf i l• e. Balbc a A e ninsL la Roiriil HOME ownE rs Associatic n. C nE reprE se niativE c f the CE ntral N Ewpc ri BE acl- Cc rrirriunity Assc ciation. CnE represerilativE selected ail -large. All appeintrriEnls are made by ilhE Maycr and ralifiEd by the City CCL ncil. Ciiy staff SL pport shall cc rrie fuc m &e Cc rrirriunity DEvelc prrient DE pari ment, Public Works Deparimeril, and cthers as neEded. TERM: perm E rids Decerriber 311, 2018. MEEITS: ThE Committee shall meEt regularly with 0e schedcle cEtErrriined ky the CommiitEe. PL RPOSB 8. RESPONSIBUTIBS: A. OvErseE ilhE tirriely implEmenlaticn cf recemrriendations prcvided in the Balbea Village ImplErrierilalicri Plan appuovEc by tl-e City Ccuncil, inch ding the establishrrienl of apprc priate pric ritiE s cc nsistent with City, Council directives. B. RrovidE reccrrirriendalieris ilo ilhE City Ccuricil uegarding: 1) ilhE adcpticn cf specific prcgrarris or projEcls ccnsislentwift &e IrriplemEntation Plan; and 2) allocation cf funding for Balbca Village prcjEcits derived from a prcpesed Parking BE nEfil District and cther seurcEs. C. RrovidE recc rrimE ndatic ns tc &e City Council regarding the addition, modification, crelirriinaticn cfreviilalizaticn strategies. D. .5:11, ch Chu matleirs as dirEcleid by the City Council • • Attachment 6 Committee Description with Revisions Shown 6-7 BALBOA VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AUTHORIZATION: Established by Resolution No. 2012-85 adopted on September 25, 2012. Amended by Resolution No. 2013-58 adopted on July 9, 2013. Amended by Resolution No. 2016-_ adopted on April 12, 2016. MEMBERSHIP: Two members of the City Council, one of whom shall represent Councilman District 1, who shall Chair the Committee. One Balboa Village Merchant Association Business Board member. One representative of ExplergGea- Discovery Cube's Ocean Quest. One representative of the Balboa Peninsula Point Homeowners Association. One representative of the Central Newport Beach Community Association. One representative selected at -large. All appointments are made by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council. City staff support shall come from the Community Development Department, Public Works Department, and others as needed. TERM: Term ends December 31, 2018. MEETS: The Committee shall meet regularly with the schedule determined by the Committee. PURPOSE & RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Oversee the timely implementation of recommendations provided in the Balboa Village Implementation Plan approved by the City Council, including the establishment of appropriate priorities consistent with City Council directives. B. Provide recommendations to the City Council regarding: 1) the adoption of specific programs or projects consistent with the Implementation Plan; and 2) allocation of funding for Balboa Village projects derived from a proposed Parking Benefit District and other sources. C. Provide recommendations to the City Council regarding the addition, modification, or elimination of revitalization strategies. D. Such other matters as directed by the City Council.