HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-23 - Newport Harbor EnsignP f'clal nowSjlapor of 1ho City of Nowparl Bood.. M NIWfOIT HAIIOI ICE CREAM EATERS practice for a oontllt at Coroat delMar bleb Kbool u put o1. tht. WMk'l "Ytke MoldtDblaer Week.'' stldeat1 aebec!a.Jed u tDttre wMIE ot 11*111 evtnta, .lDeladlllc IIPOrtl actt't'U1e• Ud a muatc eooeert to nt• moaey a tbt bcNIIftal ,..,_, of 17-JIIU'...Oid Moldenhauer, who bat been In a eoma a Coet:a Ilea Mtmorlal H01pUal 11Dce be .as bart In a motorcycle-truck accident Ju. so. TntJnc tbelr let cr•m eapactU .. are, b'om left, Scott Cameron. Dan Grtpby, Ken Carl8or&, Metaalt Salata, Mlte Sevier and Brett Muebes, (EDIIp photo,) SCHOOL TAX JUMP DUE :~;:;~,;:,:~~~ .. Jc~ ~.r':::in,c~::~ =r:cerd::b~e ~:e~~! ~:. UI.J.e watering (pumping water from Richard E. Bueer mann, ex- Ne-rt "-cb .~ '".11 In c ns tflal the city has taken the ~yslde con~-·~tloo site Newport.Mesa School Dls. trtct property taus will prob. abb' blft to eo ~ "about 28 to 30 eeats" per $100 assessed Tallllil.tlon just to keep the schools operating ne:d year at their current level, the s chool board learned Tuesday o.ight, Preliminary budget ngures presented to the board Showed a Deed for $32,215,269 -· more than $458,000 above what pro- )ected ta.1 assessments wtu bring in wx:ler the current ta.x structure. The present school district tu: rate is $4.72 in ~-~ ...... " a do -DOthlng attitude toward "' _,'"" ecutlve ofrl.cer of the regional Costa Me-.. PreUmlDaty as-cootroiUng pollutloo of NPW· to allow buUdlnC of the condo-water qualily control board, sessmeat estimates say thU port Bay. mlnlwn foundaUoo ) has al-Aid he felt that the cftiz.ens' would provide the school dis-Richard Bueermann aDd John terllltely used too much or Cf()tC) was ''overstating the f trlct with only $31,756,954 tor Zasa.dztnsld of the state's Re. not enough chlorine to oeutral-case" of what has happened WOMAN T LK 19-73 ••hool year -ration. lze sulfides In the 'Water they to the ~y . A occ~les Llnda Morse, left, at Balboa '"'-_. """" rtonal Water QuaUty Control .... l land l.nd H 1 Loto r ""·bo y The bc&rd will bold a special Board tor lhls area had said are pumping Into the bay, ac-When asked point-blank, ll [s s eetln.. ~: ~ o C r C lew Hills as they pla.a budget study sessioa April 11 Tuesday that potluttoo caused cording to Mr. Zasadt:tnsltl. Newport Bay polluted'l", he a m -. o e nge ounty hapter of tbe Natlooal ' '30 As the t board' t 1 Orp..nlz.atioo for Women (NOWl Linda Is chapter treuurer DUNES DEADLINE SET a : p.m. at Davis Scnoot. by de-watering -ratt-· at wa er s conro gave the quesUon a few sec-d H ••• 1 be ( T.. """ 1 be ,...... ...._ englnee r Or ··•Rt a.n e~ s mem r shlp cllairman oops! CbairPERSON). mee • ..., wt I open to the site of a coodomlnium be-ld r 1~r ;nge...., ver-onds' thought, s miled and sa1d, (Ensign photo.) the pubUc. ing built on the baytront 011 s e coun es, r. Zasadz.tnsld "No " The ·-··ty has throat--the restaur••!, but he Tuesday night, the school Lldq Park Drive should have has monitored the Trautwein N. EED A LADY COACH? to take "";~r Newport Dtmes t;;u claimed, thro~h attorney board also apprO¥ed, tn geo-been stopped by the city's har-pumolng since leunlng, several W eral, earner staff recommen-bor d-.. tment weeks ago, thai complaints were • aQlllil.tlc park unless the park's alter Cbalfee, that the restau-dattoo t ~ 1 1 ......-being made about odor and dis--r-•·rs ••• come ·~ ~th r••t had been sublet to another s or uans err 01 some A clH··n's gr-~ which"-· By " d Da · ..,... .. aw ...... ..... .. , .., ludeot ~ •-·~ 1 ..u.o: ........ ........, coloration of the ba.y water. ,r re VIs In the hOme," up Jaws Linda, a. SSlstaot. Why DOt a deat1st, a ••·· by Friday, March 31, firm, a~ that ~nkr.~cy r egu. s 8 a..., re-un ... ,og a -ducted a tour ot the ~Y Tues. They don t a t t '" r ••u ...... ..... ...... 1 -~ bo··-~-1 ""' About 300 ,.uons or water....... w n o p .. r oot-··aoo we support their rtRht to mstead of a dental assistant?" •-e..._nce UUUiU es. day lor water board members •-~,, ro th L A I Ra on how to Improve lhefactUty ... ttonshavemadeUimposstble Tbeboa d 1 minute are being pumped says...-. r e os ngees ms, be happy that W:ii.Y •• oot we She blames soctal cood!Uontog to attract more customers. for the park's ma.Dacement ••to • Adop~ a so: blamed both the harbor depart-M r. zasadzloski . ' but a couple of .'lewport Beach feel that women who want a for causing women to thiDk COWlty 5\CI@nlson, critical even get a key to the place." calendar. thesummerscbool meot and the city attorney's Tuesday morning. the water women. who are otnctals ot a career, or who seek absolute that way. tor seven! weeka of ttte park's Mr . EdeibiUCe has been 181_ • o.mce for lack of action in board had warned the Traut-woman s liberation ~oupwould equality 'A'IIh men on all levels Linda deplores the "unisex" management, decided Tuesday anllable tor any comment. Extended compleUOil date coruolUng waste dumped Into weln Company against allowing Uke to have the chance to man-of life have just as much r ight imagE-created by younger mea to glYe manager Graham Edel-A steady decllae In the coun-of a swtmmiDr pool at Newport the bay from bayside restau-sulftde, chlorine or solid waste age a Little League basebaU to happiness as anyone else." and women woo dress alike and blut '" 1 • ha Harbor hl&b school and marked rants boats aDd develnnment team h · grade• oothee ...,."';.ski. chance to ~-1Y,8S .!.,"wasor_z;eedcelpbylss•~rm-May 1 as the date to bectn suit Ficker or Balboa-wbos. contamlaatlon. ,, · Helen worked in the pubUc wear tell' ha.l.rthesameleogth • ..-..-. ...,. ....,.. nWn the 1 • A similar de-waterlog pro-The Little League lsalways relations department of " na -''It 's another blow to 1D- fatlure to keep a restaurant vtson Tue5dl.y. The Jantlll'y g poo • has spearheaded local clti.Jea ject at the lrvlne Company's sending children home with bro. tionally-koown fum back east dlvldua lity, •• she c)alms. • •J 1n opera.tlon, which 1s required return was only $4,103, • Approfed &dmlnJJtrattve ettorts to ret roveramentaction Promontory Bay development chures seektng tathers to ma..n -before she became tov olved 111 en,10y being a woman. aDd 1 Ia the park lease, triggered The si.C)ervlsora directed the arraoaemeats tor payment of on b&f pollution. said her gJ'OI.Il site across the channel from ap teams and mothers to do the feminist movement. enjoy the thlogs that make me tbe sf4)ervlsors' aetloo and re-county's real property services unemployment Insurance 00 has ootlfled the city attorney's Balboa Island ts also being the typing," compla.lns Helen "In fact, my first mkling dUferent fl'om men." suited ln a threat to cancel and harbors, beaches aodparks classlfted employees. otttce of IUtp.l waste being closely monitored by the water Lotos, who has a 3-year-old that something was wrong with Tllt Question of lesbianism, the lease. The county owns deputmenta to draw 1.1) a Ust J I dumped In tbe bay, A presenta-cootrol oftlclal son, ''a.nd I don't want to type our system came "sl1e recalls which has loomed dark.ly ln the tbt laDI1, llJld lea.MI lt to oil-ot commercial aodrecr•Uonal ayce es 0 Uoa was &llo made to the City Mr. Zasadz~sti said he has --I'd rather manage," "when I leuned Ul.a.t a rna~ b:il.ckgrouod of femi nist move- man D. H. Byrd of Dallas, faciUUes actually needed 1n tbe Council Jut November, Miss warDed thlllt the pumping of Little League ·'c hauvinism" dolne: the same job J h:il.d was ments and wbich sometimes Tez. Mr. Edelblute m~.~~area PIU'k. Tl'lelr claim that dtsuee sla I e tl"rcus Flcter said, includin& Photo. sUt Into the t.y from the ls tust one ot the ma.ny Uttle gettlog at \eut $45 more to comes militantly to the fore- the pule: tor Mr. Byrd. of tile pull: has resulted In graphl of actual pollution a.nd Prom·lll.tory Bay lagoon con-things --and a fe.,· big ones--hls weekly payc beck." front tn national cooYentlou, Tbe OcllllO Toad restaurant management's tallure to prop-"showing where It comes strucUon site m..Jst be stopped tll.at bother Helen Lotos and But Helen credits Oer hus-ls discounted by both Helto ck>Md Dec. 3 1n a bukr!C)tcy erly keep ~ tactuttes alao Tbe &nolllil.l Newport Harbor from ." Tuellday's tour of the bay Linda Mor se . Helen, who lives band wtth rea.Uy pushtne: her and Linda as not havtnr any proeeedtnc after 16 mooths of resulted 1n plaD1 to uk the Jaycees' circus will be staged City attorney Denols O'Netl attracted about 25 people in-at 16'74 Mare:uerlte Ave., Har-into the feminist tht.ng. strooe: for ce to NOW. opentioo, aDd tbt park hU county pii.Dntq ltltr to lllttt U.OQday lAd Tutlda)' at New. told the Enstrn yesterday that eluding a representative from bor View Hills, Is membership "He encouraged me to do . We reeogntu that aU wo. ~ w1tboat rNCaliOJllt~t o11011 mt.@!lqmeat 1D dtaw:iN port Center. b11 ooly lmowledp of the poilu-the Army Corps of Engbeers• ct.trman of the On.np County tblqs tbat 1 only tt)l)u&ftt about men are •~en,'' U Dd& u. aiGu thea. ""'r?t.lors •• ..... ~a • v.Miter plan" tor. tbf. $-dro'U, wbfcla ra...._ Uon _, c:ome from tbe Clty Los Aoples ?rtlce 8 mem-cba&lter of the NaUoo&l Otp.Ai. 4olAC bd:lre,,, lbe aya ... Act-pla.lDI patieo.Uy • •• and we be- preuurtd Mr. Edtlblute tore-park's fUture. mooey torU..Jaycees'scholar. COdii<::U preunt&Uoo aod from bers of the rt&t:Ohat w~ter uUoa forWomen (NOW.). Uoda, taally, I wu 11011 ol wt.tuo-Ueve tbat a woman's se1. lift ship hmd, tn.tures the 100_ the regtonal nter board, wbicb quallty control board lrvtne of 109 Park Ave., Balboa Is-washy 00 the subject of ..,.0_ 1s her own pr ivate coocera:· year-Old "1869 TrueUnc Clr-he said, told him that de· Company residential ;ngtneer land, is chapter treasurer . man's libe.ratloo until Raoul This position Ls extended to c us" wtth side sbows antm.al waterlne: at the condomln!wn Robert Snyder and members Both ar e In the~ thirties, urged me to express my feel-the controversial subject of NED RETIRES--AGAIN Edgar R. (Ned) Hill, wbO retired ln Newport Beach at the end of World War ll and was called out of retirement by a pbooe ca 11, Is e:otog to try It aptn. Mr. Hill, '78, w111 retire March 31 as vice-president of United Callforni.a Bank and manager of Us Mar!Der's branch at 2712 W, Coast Hwy., Martoer's Mlle. Mr. Hill, who resldet at 617 Vta Lldo Soud, Lido Isle, bas llved here since 1~. He Is a native of 1111Dols. He rrad•ted from the tJaj. nrstty of Wlscooslo tbt day World War I was declared in 191 '7 &Dd served as a Navy lieuteoa,_ oo couwoy duty dur- inc that war. Euuer, be bad come west In 1895 a.od .tayed long enough to be c&ueht to tbe San francisco earthqu&ie ot 1906. Alter 12 yuu with the U.S. Cypsum Co., be ltft Ilia: j)b as their works manarw 1n DttroU, U.l cb., lQd mot'ed to Los Angeles In U32. A year later, heacqulredhtsownbulld- tnc materl&ll and IUIJPly yard to Lot ADgeles and ran It UDtll World War a. Ourtog llKt war, he jotDid 1D the format1oo of tbe Ackerman Boat BuUdlnc Compuy ta Newport Stach. Tbe company built boats tor the N&Y)' until tbe eDd ot the ...... After tM war, ba•lnc turned hls butldlog •<c>Ply -.. over to a mn, be Mtt*l down JD Newport Beach "wtthDOthJ.nc to do." HED HILL "Then, one morniDg." he rtcallt, "Dick Richard (of Rlcbard's Markets) called am asked IJI~ bow I would Uke to be president of a bank. I told him, faceUoUJly, that I had walled all of my Ute tor Just such an opportWllty." acts and clowns ' site was "oow being properly of Miss Ficker's "Save New-are .attractive, irhculate and logs and stand up for the things birth cootrol and abortion. A $5 ticket· will admit an conducted." port's Only Bay" group. SQP~Jsticated. r be lieve ln.·· ' We feel," sa ys Lin~. "that entire tamlly or '7 chUdren Mr. O'Nell said he was under The citizens' group pointed L!nda, alter 15 years In the each woman shou ld have avail- with a.ay adult, Speetal $l per the Impression that all of the out numerous drain pipes from bustness world, is going to Lincla., after worldng In mar. able to her the correct in- persoc tickets will be on sale parties involved In the condo-ba yside restaurants, whJ chthey coll~gE-at Fullerton .s tate. She keting and communications for formation on the subject of at tbe circus mtnlum de -watering problem say emit kitchen wastes Into Is smgle, but not p~ilosophlc-Dlsoeyla.Dd, Universal Studios birth r-ontrol measures, In- Circus performancesw111be-"sat down and worked out the the bay. A "typi cal" example ally tied to the Single lite. and the Japanese Village and eluding abortion, and should gin at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Mon-solution.'' was said to be the d I lr Helen LS marned to Raoul Deer Park, has been standing have the rtght to make her day, and at 2, 4, and 7 p.m. City harbor coordinator the Bahl.a Corlnthlan::c~I C~~ Lotos, 11.'ho sells a women's on her O'A'n fe minine feet JUSt own deter mi natiOn on tt~se Tue!da.y, George Dawes said charges by on the Balboa Ctwmel Floatln clotlllng pattern system. She a little longer. matter s:· Jaycee otnclal.s say last the water baud's John Zasa.d-' g used to work, but is now what "I'm ooocerned," she sa;·s, What about the tr:il.dltional Jeu"'s circus raised $6 000 for &JilSkl that Dawes "did nothing 3 f Amer lcao sooety calls a ''with the loss In indlvld uallty pos!rlon taken by or~ tbe schoJa.rshtp f'tmd, ' tO stop pollutants from being reeway 'hOUseWife" •· a term Sbe 1n ~le, the lOSS Of COUra~ r eli¢on that women have a Ticket Information ts araJI-pumped from the condominium ha tes. ("I'm not married to a to be dillerent. T see girls place subordmate to men in able from Jim Plou at 675_ high-rise site" were talse. house, a.nd my husband is never at Fullerton State "''ho look hfe 0408 or 826-4750. "I .as on the Trautweto b1"ll S f1"led ca lled a househusband . ") as If they all just popped out "This kind orreURfousthlnk- Compaoy's back from the be-Both women insist tnat ~OW of a Mattei toy-maker --the ing ha.s held l4l women's pro- g1nntog of their operation is not trying to abolish mother -sameness IS trighteninl!." gress for years," Linda notes, WAHl TO RUH? there .. •t o laJ ed Three antl-treew:a.y btlls oow but rna od Ugt U • "' r · awes c m , hood, ma rriage, or the beauties She sees her feminism as ny m ern re ous you want to join the race "and was In cootact with the In the Iegtsl.attve hoWer In of femininity. an utenslon of her beltef and l~der s are ch.anging church for City Counclltn the April 1,1 state FtSil .~ '·me ~te Sac ramento are being watched w ~t<"Y to "'' ,5 be"er treat ....., ..... ,..,....... ·· ejustwantwomentohave taithtntherlghts andthepowers ,~' " -Newport Beach election, Its as weU as the water board tbts week by Orange County the same options that are open of the todlvldual human being, ment." still DOt too late to qtallty about what steps to take to coutal residents. to men," says Linda. This In-Sbe feels uwt SO<'iety'spractlcf' In the "man's world" of such as a wrlte-111 caodidate. correct tt " Assemblyman Robert Bad-lud 1 terms as "chick," '·broad," City CI k La La"' · c es the right to remain single o type -casting wo men and men er ura •• os ao-Mr. Dawes said that technl-ham of Newport Beach !"'ied without being urged to "go out In narrov.· roles restricts In-'gir l Fnda) ·" and ''house- nounced this week that &D}'body cal e~Use needed to deflne AB 1322 last week on Wedoes. and ftnd a nice man and get dlvldlllil.l freedom. wUe." the fem inists ha ve in- wanttnc to be' wrlte~ln caDdt-and correct the problem was day to stop tbe coast freeway married andralse.i ramHy.'' •. 1 have a.n lB-year-old r ela-troduced a few words of their dat~ for ODe of the 3 seats aot available tn his depart. from coming through Newport "We !mow plent}' of women the woo Is interested 10 dent. own . The appellations "Miss" up for election has unttl AprilS moot but that be bad -·ed Beach. •nd "'Irs .. ha•e bee '" ed , u wDo are happi ly marned and tstry," she says, "so she's " · n rep .. c to ftLe a de<:laratioa with her Jt&te omclals who do have the Semtor Deonts Carpeoter has •bo !eel that thtolr place Is thlnld.oa ot beeom ln~ a dtntal In ft"mlnl st )l!'goo bythe mysti. office. teeMJ.ca.llulow-bow. put Senate Bill 1087 In the ca l ··Ms." .. -..·htch idenUnes HOTEL COMPLEX OK 'D mal to klU the c .... root• WRITE BAN IN CHARTER, a woman only .. a ,.rna •• and all liM way from San Clemente leaves her marita l status 1A to thtOn.nreCounty-LosAnge. the dark. A ~ow preu release He became pres.Jdent of Mar- loer's Bank to 1955. Two years later, the b&ok became part or I be oc 8 e b&in,. and be has rema.tQid as Its manager and les County Une. ;llso identi fies a committee head as a •Ice-president of UCB. Fiaal &l)pronl was rt•• about 4 months, with comple- Mr. Htu Is married to the Mooday nlcht for the proposed Uon about 6 months later. Assemblyman Robert Stake HIGH RISE FOES URGE ":"~~~~~"·;, •• ~ •. former Don. O.ena, who tas Four Seasons recr•Uonal ltl otber action Morrla)' night, of HuntJ..o&ton Beach has intro- served as mayor of Newport comple.x In north Costa Me-. tbe City Council: duced a mea.nre, AB 1837, Beach. aDd for a new sbopptoa ceattr • REZONED a tract between asking for a state study of the An ad-hoc committee study-the City CoWictl on exceptions, 'Mtey haft 310Dtatxl '7 grand-at Harbor Blvd. aod VIctoria 19th st. and Hamlltoo St., route from the county Une south lng high-rise development coo-ratber than a referendum. cbUdrtn, &Dd ••w-e're ezpecUnc St. bordend by Pomona aoo Palace to the sa.ota Ana riYer. Senator trois In ~ewpor t Bear h has Ma yor Klrth chairman of twtn creat-eraDdetl.lldrea,'' Mr. Costa Mesa city eotmdlmta anoues, from R-2 to R-4CP. Carpenter's lecis)a.Uye aide, been asked b)' a citizens' KT0141 the committee, 'potnted out thf Hill coatldes.. adopted ordinances r....SD( • SET A HEARING tor April Richard Rob.rbach, told the Ea-to recommend putting st.r tnpnt $1 0,000 to $1 5,000 cost of Upoo retirement, Ht,d Hltl both sites for pl&noed com-17 011 the application of Quick sip yesterday tblt Assembly-controls oo building he Lghts In putting each limit exception to wlll ''sleep tor a week, thea merclal deYelopmeol:. Cab Co. of Santa Ana for per-man Burke bas 1Ddtcaled he ltH! city charter. a vote, and the approximate I ban DOthlof pla.DDed." Tbe four S..oas Vtllap mi.Jakla to operate a tu:t ser. woukl ameod hla bill to exteod Newport Residents llnlted got 90 -dl.y lkllay tn gettl.ng de- Marie Riedel dies at 89 recr•Uoa ceater ..uJ occii)J Ttet 1.a the city. tbe atucty area f\ather 8l()lft what was described as a ctsloos. 39 acru oorth o1 tbe San Dteco • SET FOR 2ND READING to Sao ClemtDCe. '•sympathetic'' hearing Moo-Allan Beet. cbaJrmanof New. frHW&J between Smalley ud a reeoluttoo to annex the so-day ni ght fr om the t O-member port Residems lht..lted said he 8-.r ltrttta. It wlll lnc:ludt called Red Hill une.xaUon area Mr • Rohrbach saJd Senator committee. The committee, lP-would takt this sugre~too be- "'(lW's Orange CoWlty chapter .:urrt>ntly has a paid-~ mem- ber ship of about 75 aDd Is cro..,·tn~. The f'hapter meets the 3rd Thursday of each month in an Anaheim ~'hutch. Hehta IS glad tO talk to anyone Who calls her about membersl\l,p (&44-7749), includ ing a local lady m her 80s .,.ho respooded to a re<:eot Ensign story abolll: NOW by ca lllng Helen aM ay. lng she wanted to )otn becau .. shf 111'as ''sick of the way thoee men 1n pernment are messtoc up the wcrkt" Marto Rlodol ot c..-del War wu buried lD Paclfte Vttw MtmOtlal Pull, Rubor Vl.ew HIUo, ,._dlJ IDGrllltlf. Silo ctted ..,._...If s.-, at Haoc llaii>Ual 11 !heap of "· Silo Is -"" bJ llo< -IIUI, n... J. Ada"" RlotiOI, 411 llarcloouo Aft., c- del Mar ; bJ a .... u.e a.. ., .. .., -· ol Flondl, n... L. S. Rlodol of n-., ... Dr. _, R-1 of c- HI.,.....,.; attr-,Pu!Siot- mu ol Fklddlf I ...... , Cll[f T...., ol Calando, I --olllltlree aat I _......,. ·-. .. ,_ ol II. IIJQooh 1111• 1 I C-Ia -''" au. ... ela .. Md" IM .... -Da .... llta. ·-.... -ol_ ....... _ ... .......... ,,..., ltAM I I IIDIL a major bottl. teools eowta, bordered bytheSaooteeoFree-Ca.rpent ... wut be ntcb.lnc the pointed last month by Mayor fore bts ~·s geoent meft- swtmml.ac pool. aa let rlall. waJ, OranRe County Airport procrtss of Mr · Burke's btU Ed Hlrth to come ~ wttb rtc-lnr March !9 aDd return to bOwlla& ud u cbery fll clllt:lu ud RtdbiU be. "-.ery cloMI,ytodetermiDewbat ommeadaUoas on he!Cflt and the ae:d ad·hoc committee aDd a ••b JP&. Tbe ... ~-furtMr lteps to taU," densJty cootrol for the city's m..una April 17 wUh a re- meot had orldD&llJ beeQ • CONTINUED to May I, pub. ''The seutor'a btU has beeD upcom!nc ceoeral deveq,meot !POGH. pla.IMd for tbe Or&np COdlll:y Uc btut.a.p oo a reQuested lAtroduced stmpty to bold a p)la, considered the following MaJor Hirth called a aid.h ~ F&lrP'f)UIIdl, but lbe lllt 011 rOOidJtc ot property JuJt •• p)lee for sucb ht&t••Uoo lD prOOOS&-I by Newport Res.tdents hfutb.l COUDdl YOtt a tbt eUJ'I DOI'tbtn ~dip ftl of the l.lt•..ctloo of ~ committee bearl.a&." Yr. Ul\lttd: "stacked dect" acatast mUtrtc t-tlnly olcaJed z -&&0 Cout Rd. OJOt Fatn1" Rd. Rollrbocb atresoed, "ud tbo ·-to .,_ 1M U It bJ tbt CltJ Co.eJL nt elb''a from acrklllhn.J to Rt-CP wor<~ac eouJd be ebanpd • Um.lt bulldlnp. to a maxi-aDd a1CI! bt f:i-rwa .:'o..~ Plulal.Dc Jt&ft' a. drawtac II) CttlMD eompl&iDta ttat u. rt: lit•." mum of 3S feec aboYt DltLir'll be afflcleot to keep strict ..._ repltaUoN l:)r tiM die--..uac WOIId enatt too miiC-b Atltftlb11mu Burke's btu lf"'''Dd lent. except tn the Hoac htlcs-OCIMrola .,._..... ~ P1"0411CM:td tiM COIIIUou-1I'OIIJd ~lJ e.n loea.t H_,.tat. Pbllco-ford, Emb.J-Some anu ",ctu -.,. dJ.a-. A LeckJ..._ <bccMt c._ uot. oftldall ot 0011.1ta1 comm•Ut:t CoiUu lDd NtwPOr1 Celllter e...._ b' Do lillie uctlltDI W Will -Ide 111o be ol • APPROVED o -..c .... sit lion ...,._ aal -":"'· to ltlp..rtao -an lito lito •lsslc-&1Bu11ar pll_bJ_llacW.Ptlll.., !..~~to do.--~melld otrw1q •ar•-cliJitall,lltoBoa- UMI ~ -~ hn vt. 1o a.tJd It lila IliAC ... • '--... __ , ·-· c-..-am-sm.-~ tbt al.IC otl Sll'tfll't1 11 tlrlt ciiJ'• Dlftl'lllltd OIJPt.c Cti*Wa U,MtO....,, W at US lfam. 1ftdltldlJ atcMofaut....,. rutrtc:tioM 1D tbt cttJ eW.. ., ...... OCII'Illr,...,..._.,., .... lac• a ""''" -..... II. lllo ~ BoocbCitJ"-11 tllld ._...., a -of 1M 00 C....,..;., ...... _ ""' ............. = . UP'IUIJ) to tall·--··•--tr 111-.-.d I fiiDtl ,.. .... .., PIGIIONd ·~ .................. ... .., Lilc:llr .m ...., Cora' ' llr ..._ ....., tioe ea1lllc b ....,.&. ...._, tklu to 1M tla1ta. n. ca ·••• -. 1111 ,. -...... -...... r 4 ·---.. a lo _, ... looal _. .. no _ ..... -.. -••• too .. _, wG..., • l 'n U,.tllt. • .,.... nat.._ oliO cnt cj a )ltlt ltldJ ot at .. acr• wttll a.,.,..., ,.._ pr1l._ wt .... ,.to-.. Ct 1 -"' .. • eo, 1 to ac IIIIo • N,IOO-••-to 11to "-Y ""'·~ _,. 111o1 """ .... ,.., •• _, 01 lito .. ,. -Ia "'"hllo ... 1o fool &I '!ftC=•• II. .......... -· ohtiJ, poled o JIJIII-••--of ...... IIQwlllrtll-. I ' Orange CoUDty NOW llrtld)' ct&Jms a g2.year-ald member wbo wu 001 of the otlctall ''iuftta-'"" woo marcbld tor tbe female •ott. GtttiAc more womta I.Mo potltks ll OM ot tbt &iiU of NOW, aecor41De to Lhlda Mot ... '•Twe an 4100 cteet.._. makl.oi: !olio ID lito -.J fill'· tnmlllt,." ..... 011111, ."'IIII __ ..., ... -. .......... , .. IIAitlf Clllt al .. J "' 3 ,. .. . ........... __ __ ....,. __ u...,.._ .. _llll tf tilt._ 8111 J ¢n ... ...., .. ·---..... ~ .. --..... u..,-. ........ .._ ....... _ .. .. t r :=r~:=.~~=-~-;-~t;..~·~~~~~~~~J:..!!..,.~;,!.-~-~:U~I':_~Z ~!!I!~~y ITIIAIGHT TALK al peril of PPBS ... ., .. ,.... er ~c.raa t 1 a. u S'n· ..etMIQ' • aeoow•ec wtee. aatblal .... -··· .. -TOM ANDERSON llrs.,_._ .. LACft--...... -'--·· Ytl ......... ICd IIY-.. -y-... ,,.... -... . .-I PPII8. .... -.not~, .... Ia-alllla board -rttM * .. .... ICd llllcllall, .... .._... •..U... -·-Ia _. .. ~-::::~ ... ::-;,.: ... :.~. : ... : .. ~ .. ~ .. =:.: .. ~.:: .. ;.---.. -~~:.:.c:::• ~= Profit Ia Good, Not Evil --s:.=..u;\:.~ ~== 272LLeo.attwp.,O. .... tW.._,c.llr.nus Ollt to ....... .,_., e•a• ..,.,_ .. po,U.doa eow chanctln fi"¥eNI.Jonwon'uun C&JIIDnla ud llUid b' 411trtctt-., lit tiM pro)ld:ott butdooblbUionlobjleUYte. TELE.-..oNE: 173-0110 (ANI Codl714) aioa Ud bit ol Ud .., caa ---10 .. ton. of income and one c:hance In two tMI &etl,._ Mtf 11de. Btcl.-tbt sro-:1. Mamtr0q1 wwt.. ud wtat iu beJ0D1S tbt Mlft b&rllit b'. It Ia ......, ert-••iat~ .. ppon t Mu•kJ• won't be the Oemocnt ot tbt ••warn of tM .... Aopl ., ... Mld to aoqllllt &ceou:lliDI and buttptln( flmc. diM f'at tiM lfta. ......._ r.4e;11• atlte, or 1!~: nominee. Of co_\l~, thlt IJic ~ ol uectaea.. eell:lol periiOMilwttbtbttMory UOCII dalmld lor U bf tbt U.,. to .....,tlletrbiUd-FftmtMDt. n. amount or preclude~ the poNibihty that UOO,,. U. £Mill tJ l*blliiiiDC' Ulf tec•DOJoa ot tbl l)'lttm,' AdYtlory CommlaioD. After llbmeat1 wttb WU. • • mone:y .,tpent on wdfara in the lhe cummt deprethon deepen• tbll utldt Ia tall. Htrt 11: Ud ntlu:IYt rt .. Cta1i11Ac of b~~rtac tbNt ptlbUeJtattmtntJ '111£ NIWJOII.T HAR.otl I!NSIGN it dte oftly ....,.,... ,..... .. al\4 ,..illh• M tiM: Oty of N-1•an ktdt, aM .. ..,. loully __, .-.,_.ted .._,.,., \n dw Hn.pcwt ~ Ml• AI-. PIIWillhd ,...kly, ~ Tburtcboy. Second da• ~ pUct 11 CotOM 4•1 Mw,Ca.li(. ~. P•ll ,..,. .. a. fitcal yea.r endina June 30 and/or 'that Nixon 1bdic1te1 tbt k'd 1114 flalloltaUmtM. tlacWI wu a.eeompJI:tMd to the Boud m&M tt oMI.r thl.l beowoa.t fD'NI'UII4IIt 11u 1 9?1, w.s m.or6 thin aU th~ the Preaidency in fnor of • • • .u .. u.tm to worlc UAd• the tbe)' w1Jbld no beh&flonl oo. THl N!WP'OflT HAiliOR I!NSICf\1 wu adjudpd to be a MW~ptpet o( pnc:rd cWculat:ion hy cOIII't ckctc• No. A-10178 dactd May 14, lUI, In Superior Cowt for the County ()r<>n.np, State ol CalUOl'nia. and by rr:.-. thcnor » q~o~~~Ufkd 1o pub~® •II publk notka ttqulr-ed ~y law. "4Ucrlmlated" &fll.llilt tbl protlta ot aU the corporations Chou En Lal . To dekrmlM bow liar · Wt .., format. jeetlftl uedlnUIOCii.Uoowttb rtclmt ol tbt Pd:IJrC iliiDllee in tbe United Statu for the Jimmy the Cretk •id that biYf tnOfed toward ID CIPII'&· T-.chtr1 had to lelrn a DtW' tbt PP8 ,YIIttm. dletUor.. WbUI Wt ll•t.bld ,.me period, One rcaton the the nut most likely nomlneca tioaal PPB JJRem tDt the phUoeoptsy ot leaebloc IDd td· Catuornil. State La.wrequtrH our ~~ ud •'hctlolr ta corporations don't do any an Gowernor RonaJd Rea~n tcbooll ol OV ..tloo, It w1U ~ Tbty road tMt UMy taeb k>c&l d.lltrtet to make a.o Ult Ma.oow ~ Wt better tbu that il that too and Senstor Hubffl Ho~lt.o be bt_.l to tDmlal tbt lbort Wtrt riQWNdtortUoqullbtn. uwal ftmDClal report to the f:aUtd rnlltrab))' to ....,.t m.nr, or their employees are Humphrey. Jltnmy r~ted Nixon b1ltory aOit prtii.Dt Jtatu ot dlttoaal Ule n.luta aDd adt(lt State Department ol EcNcat.loD tbttr eoGerpu1: btldal tM wellaren It hurt. As 1 bit of and ~umphrey even . He pwe PPBS Ja CaWorala, a lll:&lt uw ODH, IDI1 to UDder&O a on prescribed forms. TbiStatt bl.mtloo curtata, TM utt. snffltl I uw aid: "Millions Musk•e • 3 to 1 edae and wbleh Ll ooe ot tboH out froat f&Jt re-motcttoc process •bleb Bolrd empiMlalsed tbl.t tbey c.&pltalllt Wao..Cbou poWtcal aren't wortina but thank Humphrey 1 2Yl to I edaeover la produeLDc opera.Uooal mod-atfecttd tbetr nry at'.aa:iards Wllhtd OO.lY to rt¥1H the out- uta DOW W'&lltllo ...,., ..,. JOOdne• they b.awejoba." R~pn .. It appears to me tlut elsThe C&Uiorn1& Education 1D ot morality aodr.lcbtDess.Atttr rnoded aDd cumbersome &c.- of thai capita~ prOJPVtty to Ria Brother brftcb welfare NIXOn IS ~tron,er now th_an -tbe teachers bad ua-learned cowtlDc reportinc procedure bolster tbetr IMI.pr, Abal:-and crime. Ow social-planners then .. IS a McGovern, with torma.tioll System (CEIS) was old ¥&lues lDd were program-that hu been required ot tbt leoee eooaomy, would lbolilh J)Onrty by Muskle a~d Humphrey weaker. establlsbed by the State De· med wttb new ooes, they were local distrlcll tor so m&DJ Aa. VO E. HAAPA . • . . . . . 0wntr and PuWWwf PEG HAAJ'A . . . • , , , , . ,A,.odau Editot SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Harbor Arn; Ouc or H:ubor Arn: <>-year, S.S.OO ; l yr:an, S 8.00 One year, $6.00; l yean, tto.oo ~~-.etlf ~ .11-,. ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of lhe Ensign • READ IT --AND WEEP It is discouraging to note the adoption of the service station ordinance by the Newport Beach City Council. It Is appalling that there was not a single 11 no" vote against this gem of restrictive legislation --not even by those few councilmen who have expressed concern over the Increas- ing number of controls being voted Into law . The text of the ordinance Is printed In full in this Issue of the Ensign. Read It, and weep for the growing Infringements on the right to conduct business In the City of Newport Beach. There is not a single member on our City Council who would go before a court of law with the hope of defending the constitutionality of some of the glaring inequities of this ordinance. Here are 2 of the unlawful provisions: "There shall be a maximum display of not more than 20 tires" ... and "at least 15 per cent of the site shall be landscaped with plant materials designed to provide beautifica- tion and screening.'' U such controls can be Imposed on service stations, then no other business is safe from similar unfair burdens. Women's apparel shops can be ordered to display eo m ore than a couple dresses or panties. Hardware store windows can be cleared of but a few Items that would not offend the sensitive eye of the control- minded lawmaker. All businesses can be required to devote 15 per cent (why not 50 per cent!) of their skyrocketing priced land to fl owers and shrubbery to please the planners. The restrictions placed on improvements and on rebuilding In case of catastrophe can be extended to all business establishments In the city -- guaranteeing the downgrading and de- terioration of the older business districts. It is tragic that no one seems really to car e --except, in this case, the un- fortunate owners and operators of the service stations. Other businesses sit back in complacency --until it is their turn to face this attack. And you can be sure it is coming . The nature of planners is to plan, which Is a gentle word for controlling other people's property. These planners are clever enough to pick on small targets, one at a time, so that the outcry goes almost unnoticed •. , until we all find ourselves in a straitjacket of restrictive legislation controlling our every move. How long will we continue to put up with this continuing erosion of our free- dom? • • • • SO YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD SPELL! How did you do In last week's Ensign spell-down? That list or 20words certainly Is an ego-crusher, even for those of us who generally do pretty well ai the word game. Here are the 20 again --this time correctly spelled: asinine rococo braggadocio titllate rarefy sacrilegious pavilion mayonnaise liquefy Impresario vermilion Inoculate Impostor supersede moccasin obbligato accommodate desiccate COII.Ien8WI resu.cltate You ca be sure that I was WJ!ng the dtctloaary wileD I was recopying thoee ~ weii'CU. · Tllere 111 only one lllll'e rule t1111 J can qg88t: Wbep tn doubt, -IIIOtller word. Tbe U.S. Deputmnt otAr-multiplyin& butardy. Welfare But don t. roraet Oukho~sc; partmeot ot Edueatloft to de-tbeo )ldpd l'lt to teach under years, Bellevlnc that thi.J was riculture bu made aftll&ble checks and supplies 10 not to Teddy· He 11 always be honan nklp, maJDt:aln, aDd Improve the PPBS format. (lD several the intent of tbe Advisory Com- to tbe Soriet Unloo U mlllioD the children but to mothen around. . . a PPB sylltem. U ls funded local dlstrtets today, teachers mission, the Board adopted the busbell of oats, S9 miU. many of whom are aonrnmen; The chOices: president 1."1'1 by tec:t.nl PubUe Law 89·10 are required to attend sens1-PPBS model tor all Calitor'Dia bushels ot barley aod 80 mil-sponsored whores who s nd il v 1 c e . P r c 5 1d en 1 · w 1 (ESEA), Title V. CELS bas var-tlvtty tnloing sessions to en-local districts on Dee.10,19'70. lion busbels ot corn at prices on liquor , dru1spe and unquestionably be 5betwecn lollS sub-bodies, one of which able them to "ldeattty with" It instructed the State Dtlpu1:- well below tbe eurreat U.S. boyfriends. As Gary Allen. some of the abowe, or entlo_rs is the Advisory Commlssloo the PPBS format,) ment of Education to have PPBS market t&lue, ln effect, tbe reponed in A mtricQn Opinion, S~op Jackson, Fred Hum, 00 School District BOOgetlnc After the denlopment olthe operatio181 In all dlstrletl ln commuolsi iii.Uooa caa buy bid a former liquor store owner in Buch Bayh , Eugene McC4~hy · and AeeotllUnL created by the design, nine additional districts 1973-14, The Board also asked ud feed cr&lu from the U.S, a Negro area of los Anseles Charles Percy, Mark Hatfield ; State Legislature 1n 19S1, The were selected to test Its opera. the State Legislature to beiU' government tor about ball the told him : "The week welfare and GoHrnors Nelson AdYIIory Commission Is spe. tlon ln 1969-70. the expense of the local diS· amo..mt tl•l this eOUDtry'smeat checks came out , my business Rockcft·Jier and Reuben ellteaUy concerned with the de-The model having been de-trlcts tor Implementing PPBS. and milk producers can obtain would jump by one-third . 1 Askew ; Treasury Se cretary velopment of a PPBS opera. signed and tested, the Advisory The deceit by the Advlsory the same gral.D. U tbe Rusatan cashed many welfare checks in John Connelly· Spiro Agnew · tlollal model. Commission presented Its com-Commission Is documented In deal sets the J)lltero,Amerlcao my store. They bouaht good J 0 h" L 1 n d 5 a Y · and The Advisory Commission pleted operational model to the Its next '•PPBS Newsletter" tupayen are golng to beasked stuff, too. The most e-.pensive Co ngressman Wilbur Mills. selected slx IChool districts State Board of Education and (Jan., 1971) In wblch the state- to sublldlze DOt OG.Iy larp Scotches and Bourbons." Now aren't yo u ·•su ~r-pa· lo_ serve ID 196&-69 as pUot called for its adoption In 1910, menl is made that school dis· amounts of food aod feed graJo: Many welfarers compla1n tno ts" ashamed~ How could districts tor de.-eklplng lhe The program structure (PPBS trlcts wUl be required to re- tor the Red Cbloese txt raw they cannot get jobs which will anybody be a super patriot 1113 PPBS design, 1n each district model) presented was de-port ezpendUures In terms or material tor tbetr dotbtnc, in-psy what they're worth. True. cou mry where nobody but the the p1s aod behaflonl ob-scribed as a new framework subject-matter areas. Such re- cludlog mlllioos ot miUtary Many people arc no lon1er paid abowe people and neo-people jeetives were written, tbeeom-tor the budgeting. accounting, portln& can be accompUshed uniforms. what they're wo rth. Welfare, hawe 11 chance_ to b~com~ puter hardware was Ln.stalled aDd Qscat reporting system for only with tuonomle measure- Receotly the Senate voted to the minim~m wa1e and child t'rcsldcnt and VIce President . or otherw1.se provided tor • and the 1,100 CatUornia school dis-meat using behavioral objee- okay a bill to 1;KJost the debt labor laws prewcnt that. As a -Copyright 1972 · The geoeraUy the districts were trlets, It was described to the tiwes. celltng from $420 billion to young and inexperienced (at Amenc'n Way Features re-geared lo accommodate to State Board as an Improved The CaUtornla State Board $450 btWoa so the peromeot work. that is) JOb applicant L k I I c "I • of Education awarently ~led :~~tsln:~~rrowlng money :u~r~.c:us:ye~i'hu~,a~;~ gj~~ OW ey, OW COS OUDCI campaign ~~cu,:~r~ac:~~s:ln~~ Recently the Senate voted to "Work is much h1rdcr when (EdUor•s Note: This Is the to set these programs tall like does not understand that the okay a bill 1o boost the debt you don't know anything 5th in a weekly series ot cards," he c laims. "And It heart of PPBS Is "accounl- ceillng from $420 bUlloo to about it." articles proftllogthecandldates Is folly to think we can run ability" of the teacher as de· $450 blllioo so the governmeot The peo ple who built tor 3 Newport BeachCityCO\Il-to the federal and state gov-termined by the measurement can continue borrOYtnc money America were rarmen and ell seats !C) for election Aprll ernments to underwrite all of of the student's acblevemeot to pay Its bills. While all this businessmen . The people who 11.) • • • our programs; there Is no such In the three taxonomic do- financial hocus-pocus Is-meintain America arc: mains busineumen and far me•• '"' Har p be 1 thing as a fiscal Santa Claus." • on, the dollar value contlolaes vey ease says s Mr. Pease's strongest attack In education today the name to drop ootheEuropeanmarket, great "middle class." There arc: running his campaign for the on opponent Paul Ryckotf ap-of the game Is Innovation, and Flnaoclal hysteria and political no w about 205 miihon 5th district council seat the peared In the form or a letter many local districts other thao Idiocy cootinue 1o run ra.mpaat Americans, appro-.1mately 73 same way he thinks govern.. last week lo the editor ot the the mOdel districts have pro- in the oattoos capital, where million of whom are p infully ment shouki be run: "low-key En.sign, In which he accused eeeded to develop PPBS struc- eommoo sense Is LD sbort SIC>-empklycd. les:s than 5 million and Jow.cost." Mr . Ryckotf of "gross mls-lures even before the State ply. U does exist ln a lew aoe ~re in agnculture and more Mr. Pease, who Is runntnr represeotatlon" In saying that Board adopted lhe official de- heads in Washington bW It our I han 67 million are Ln other aplnst lneumbeot Ed Hirth and Mr • Pease favored commercial sign. These districts have tied Pursuits and enterpriSes Not lei'-Balboa Isla~·r Paul tbe 1 b ut 1 ••· natiooall.otegrlty Is to survtn, ..,.,_ ,....., deveklpmeot of tfle l)pper Bay. mse ves Y comp er o uro:: thelr number mustbelocreued countinl hrm workers, Ryckott, claims that the present "I Dnor balanced llse and betawtonl sciencedeput1JMI:It5 and hue tbe SIClPOrt of all d 0 me 51 1 c he 1 P • and City Couocll and his curreat deveklpmeot of the u ..... ...,r Bay," of kx:alltlliversUies.Somuuch self·tm pl oye d p'op\e , ..--..-..DIS have not -~ ~ dlstrl 1 ha •·tt t1o 1 ratio18l Americans who !mow .,......,.... .,...,.... he says, "so that all of the c s ve ,,. Y open na appro ., i rna tely 62 mlihon enou..., ''eosl-c,_,..,.io"-s" PPB te Slat ld st the score. f>'' ..... _... -~ people may enjoy tt." sys ms. e-'Y e, mo Arthur B. McQuern people are on payrolb or in deaUng with the luues. He He potnts to state ownersh'"' districts have finished wriUng thest., more than 12 mlihon are sees ••· ost f 1 ~ 1 Z40 MagnoUa St. w.:-c o peromeo of the area's tidelands as a broad educational goa s, and on federal, su te or c11y as one of lh z jo 1 be lett lh •··• costa Mesa e ma r asues tact that must be tacea by ot rs are comp ng e 1.a0 gowernment payrolls. These 12 tn ••· cam~Jgn hi Th ha ~ • CROSSROADS REPORT nnlhon are comparable 10 u...:: ,.... • HARVEY D. PEASE those who would ''build a t s summer. ere 5 '-""""'" I.Je:~r Editor The other Is eontrol of the barbed-wire fe-e a-·~ our great pressure on districts to fungus grow1n1 on a tr ee. lt "s city t H ..... ~V\0<.... 1 Ove1 St'veral centunes ~me h 50 ·' governmen • e accuses W:r Peaae tl•on a system city" and e:r:clude outsiders. complete the ~ 0 "goals t e muhon producer:;. plu s lhe City Council or being "lm· of bl,•ycle ~alls as -~ ol writing." Most "goals'' appear w~e man ·~ saymg that "b1rds the farmers, who made thts ... u _., "Thll Is the kind ollhtng." of " featht'r flod tL•,c:ther " has responsive to the wishes of the OYer-all ..... , .. pro-am he claims, ··that brlngs the to be harmless enough · • • • country ycat. the tupayer,'' and says he -flo& ' th I b oad tat been w1ddy .u:certtd .u a ~ltt The eghceds, ever since wUI try lo change that fa ... but wou~ develop the system state into a position of hartng ey are mere Y r 5 e- ut Law of Nalun: HutthL' taw Rooscvelt , hilwe downpaded , uu. on a ••pay-as-you-10" basis to ucerelse stronger controls meols of district Intentions. hai heen ru lt-d Un..:onstLtu · bulmeSli and profits. Business In the counctJ lf he selected. rather than by a suddeo outlaY over shoreline development," They are general and llmeless 11onal hy US court ~. :.nd and profits marie thLS country He also seeks to make Council ot public f\lods. He approves He favors public use of publlc and are not concerned with a NJtur.· m1ght a ~ wel t the enry of the world . My study sessions more relennt otgettlncthemost-oeededparts laDds, but sees no need for speclfle achievement within a .occo mmoda tt hc:rself tu bemg mam objcct1on to moll co<1ps by UmlUng subjects to be dis-of tbe bike trail system ready Newport Beach taxpayers 1o speclfled time periOd. utc:rruled It w1\l take 'lOme is that they deny the profit cussed. before this summer "U lt can have to foot the bill for thOse Mosl districts have begun dmng but uur coun s and our motiwe . To make a prorit is tht As prime examples of city be dooe ott ot present surplus wbo 'ti'1.Dt to come here 1o use or flnU>hed the task ot wrttlng hu~ ra cto nes Ht' equal to 11 . reuon ror bc1n1 1n bustnes.s. gover11meot lack ot respoase funds and not hurt any other the beaches. specirtc measurable ob~Uves :mtl h1rd famLil c:S such as robms Prorits are cood . not eYil. As 10 public teellng. he points at programs " He notes that both or his to attain these goals. Ob~­ may o;oon hawe tu get used to Win ston Churchill said · "It 151 the CoUDCU's original actions He doe~ not tuor the ~-opponents "appear to have tlves are desired aceompllsh- h:LvLng thcu off'>prLnA bussed socaltst 1dca thai mak1n1 on tbe coast freeway and loca-eomiD( boOOlssuetoreUyparts stroog flmnclal backing and ments whlch can be measured ewer)' d.1 y over to. -YY . a profits 11 a w1ct . I cons1dct th e lion of city admlnJstraUve t.a-Ln the amount& proposed. powerfld advertlslng cam-wlthln a specified lime, The card mal f.1nuly trammg scs.'iLO n . rul v1ce 11 makm1 losse:s." cllltles, "Wltboti: glfing any arbrltary palg:os," bul claims that "peo-wr!Ung and use of ob)ecUves ,,nd v~t .. e wer"" Next to gowcrnment. the "Tbey signed a freeway figures 1 would Uke to see pie here are lntelllgent voters is what deter mines the lnstuu. t ,.-e where rederal JUd!es &realest enemy or bul!ncssand agreement whlch the ~lethe ~tire program scaled aDd wtll seethrougbthescreens tiona! thrust and the wide ''re- have outlawe-d "omr '1C hoo1 apiculture is klsscs. overwhelmingly rejected, Mr. doWn" be says belng thrown up," forms" or the district. Be-ILn~n,m~ ,y,tc:m\ he ... au~ they She Spt'nt Hit Bon111 Pease note:J, "theo made plans Mr', Pease .;,.Jd he beUeves Mr. Pease, wbo ts a Realtor, havloral objectives are among d .. n·l rr"'>'lt.lr all 'iO.:htY'Is w11h Bi1 Brother IS not only to move clty ball to Newport lbe City Counen ''hal gone 1s a native of Santa Ana and the tools of the change agent .~n ~·P'·II JnL•ou nr .~r mnnry 111 pro fligate , 1nerfic1ent and Center and were apJn ttii'Ded about soh1nc our problems Ln hU Uved In Newport•Beach lD education. Power over lhe 'fll"n•l Wht. h ,,.,~up tht· 1lollar caUous, Bi.a Brother is also down by the taxpayers. They 1. piecemeal way, Instead of tor the past 25 years. intellect wd emotions ol the ,~, .m ~h..,liul t' me~~<ort• nf crooked_ He has deliberately should have .. checked with tbe lootin& at all of OlD" needs, He Is a graduate of Oregon cbUd rests with the objectives. t1u:ohl y umkr btw. Hrrcafter, I debased the currency , whi.le people first. aDd balanclng them a.,galnstwbat State University and has a Clll'rlculum consists of les-'liPI'"'~" Jll men paymJ, the enticinc widows .and other He accuses Mayor Ed Hirth people are wllllnK to paJ tor " master's degree from Harvard sons lo be learned aod tasks s.amc rn-.c for a marnage un1nfo rmed, unsuspec1in1 ~! ·~~~'!t"'! ~eeutlslood mUtn1 looglo" He feelJI that some stateme'nt Graduate School of Business to be performed in the class- ih.l'n.;c: w111 ht' guaranteed an •uckeu to buy sovernmcnt s m n e ee s of projected costs rorenlarg:lnc Administration, He has taught room, according to Dr. JoM t'llll~l qu;~l1t y wife , and all bo nds in the name of January lo vot~ In favor of downtown administratif& taeU-business administration at Goodlad, CIWrman,Deparlmenl loll c:•y ltCkc:ts cost me the ume p1trtDtism. keeping the c ity s pollee head· ittea should have beeo made Whittier College. of Educatloo, UCLA. According wLJI ht· ,,f rh e ~arn e: value. And Our dynamic debt wLII quarters In Its present~ before any bond l&&uepropoaal, He ...as a member for 13 to lhe PPBS documents. the 11 wLII be: Uncon•tituUonal ror continue to pow , and 10 will The mayor's CouncU vote at so ''lbe people would han some years, and twice president, ot lessoos and tasks required of ~ \~ c~t 1o he smarter than a taxes and inflation. And you thai Umewueonslderedplrotal ide& ol the total cOlt of wtat the Newport Beacb elementary a c)ass must be selected tor \50 dog will act smaller. Unlus the in stopping an effort to get they're being uked to buy" scbool dlstrlct. one purpose oaiJ: to modify A lol has ~Moen said and people rebel, we'll soon be u lh41 poUee ta.ciUty O'IOV'ed to "U we are not cost-~-He has alto nrved as chair-behavior to meet the stated wntten here la tely about the broke as 1 pkkpocket at 1 NewporiCeoter. 1a an over-aU way on etty muottbeNewport BeachCh11 Ob)teUves. No learntncoppor. d<pio••bl< ''''"I condt"t•o•• In nud•" 1 ••mp "Tbe ma1or ortpnaUy pr~ lh ~. s•-t•• ~-d. tunitltl (leuoas, ta.lb) mUll our Jails and pcmtentiaricl, But-:,,_ ~ull look on the: wanted tbe poUee mewed to ._. .. ms, en we are ........ , -H~ u;;:a wttb hl8 wlfe and be permUted whtc:b do DOl ln- cspemlly by people w~ arc: bri&ht side. Like the wife who Newport Centv," elalms Mr. LEGAL NOTICE 001 ot tbelr s eblldren a.t 304 JtiU "modlftcatloa ot bumatt stored m rhex place!. But my •KI: "It'• aure lucky 1 spent Pe&se, "but c:baapd hlJ miDd CoU1ns ..Afl BaJboa lsla.Dd bebl.vior in the tbrte dom&Ju, pr~gmat1 call o u s neiahbor Joe's bonus in adnnce thil attbeJutmlnute.'' -., • cop.ltlvt,alftcllVtladPIJ'tbo· doe,n't sec why 11 is ne cessary yetr. He didn't ICI one ," He ays tbt maror hal alto NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING motor, to mMf: IPfttfle bt- to 1mprove the acco mmoda· "The war on pon!rty •· rlftUad hll fttld OD tWa' Notice U hereby ct.,ea tbat R!MODELIHG STARTS baftonl objtetlves,"a.eeordiDc loo ns orrered at these klck-inns subltitutt:l welfare spendina 8&1 poUcy. "Ht orlctaaUJ til-tht Plaulq CQmmluion oltbe Rtmodtllnc Ia IIDdtr way to to oot Oraop CowltJ dlatrlet. bc:cause they are alre1dy for nalion1l detente spen4in1. f<l'"td tbt lud eJCbl..ql be-CttyotNewportBel.chwtUbold trauformaportioaotaColllns For two Ye&fl tile~ ~t:tt1n1 111 of the: business they The cornmunill publlctHons, tw'tta tbe eo.ty ud tbt J.rr1Dt a pubUc htutnron the&ppUe&· Radio CO, baJtcttnr D8lU' tbe Comll'llslloa aDd the Pat, Mar- ca n handle. In fact , he: 11y1, 1t the network•. and aU or the Compuy," •JI Mr. P..,, Uoo ot JAJC CODStraetloD CO. a1111ort LDto 4 nn court rooms wlet, IDd MttchtU !Inn hlfe pricn and taxes don't quit Livid Left are promotina ''bUt aow Wllltl the tuplyera for & UM PtrmU Mo. 1Si1 tor Oraop Coumy's Ka.rbor bMG boldiDI ll.ret wor~ JOin& up it won't be lon& untll continuins reductton of our to bay tiM laDcl," Oft property }Oeattd at toO~ Ar• W:taielpal Covt, &ecol'd· thf'OUihoUt the Statt to ttaeb the only ovcrpriwilesed peopte defenK apendinJ, snd the Mr. P ... ellaJma to t.fe Ed,...u.r ud lalmprortd laC to Rtca.rd ElOott, rlet school pel'8oaael the p!lfpiliN left in the country will be rhe uanlt'errln& of allthoac billions beta OllPOIItd ''tor rn&QJ Plrklar uti oa Palm A~ pr..td~Dt of Ooct Kotl Com-am 1\metionl ot PPBS, W:Oit pulb1rd1. to th~ .. .,., on pow.!rty ," Once moatbl,. to tbt l&ad tndt. betwtto Balboa BIN. Udl BllJ PQ1 lac., tbe lniDt aeaerat d.lltrlett accepted PPBS 11 u The standard ucuse Jiwen we diurm, thue will be He WOIII4 Rbcntt to pqJdt.r Af._ to permit 51 coado-eoatraettac ftrm. lRetttablUty. Tilt)' bepat.,cb. by the: politidanl fCir hOt·wild po"tny throuJhout , bf!CIUM tefer..tam tbt ...... ofldP,. m111um ... ta 01 two C-l pu.. A U,too IQ, ft. Md&oo of er rt·tntnt.nr t•tD bd:lnct. 10vernmenr lpt.ndln& these lhe Comrau wiJI tab oftf. rLM dtfe.ll::rpeeM ud IMID· cell. HeliN Ud lliCtacU Ia a. l~ol/1-J-.r-olcl, 120,000 IQ. tlcJal aeUoD bJ tht Stitt Board. days I• that the people d~mand And then, who wll they aet tioD oiMWu .. tolbtdt)'. bt tllllb...,tbro-PU.P•-.ft. t.lldilc at li?OO.Tambont Tbl ec:bool nptrlnttodlat fto •me. And II I• n•y to their wheat from? lit .. ...,.._. coopentloD mlt IIMrt:lp.. Bttd. wlU be ._..., .W a. flldl la•lt wtlb the JJittiD 1.1: u n d e r • t 1 n d how a A few months 1110. Jimmy bltW'.-dtiM u ''dlllnlblt'' Notte~ .... ..,~~ ... OIMI1 comptn eu"' Wl ran. Row.,..., ooe RCf1 pe n •ion ·hunary pollllcal tht0teeiS1det,lhaLuV•• 1a _., witll tM problt.a tWIUdpilblcM&rtiiCWUl .. Ott U t..ere porUoa ol Ute .clloot..II:&Wdrtc:-.,tblt, perslite find• It hard• to relist :=:":r..fte :; ::a!"!.~nOC:: ol ~ ud eGUial Mid • .. M 4lJ ol Apr:IJ. COiliiiJr•aty netlltlJ' ,.. .. uldl D'om De fMrl oi1111U1 the demand.s of handout· Do , _,__ ,_ ........... bit W'OIIIt pRd lt'll, It GIIIIJOW ol?:to.,P.M. c ...... bfO.~. cit"-ttat PP88 11 u u- huncry YDtera. What Is not 10 IDOCIIhC no-tJUII nd ••lilt ''INI at IDo&ICGIIIrol." Ia., CWitU C..,._. Dl trdM a. ..ea1 tyn., title undnstand•bt. 11 how come bett Nixoft ill tbe ,......._lial fie ...ad r..Uhr ~ .. ..,.... Bllt$ _CitJ lllllll. It .... .,.._ will IIIII wan, He-- our creatlud~' m .. ancell -.ctioe. (t.t dial •• befOf'l lldtlftn&'~,.._oaia-,....._MIIplleellfalltall ,,_ telde Otat Ia a,.ratial wtU 10 1owlnthiiCIM&ndtoldi:h Niaoe joia.d Mao T..c•-.) ._...,. tD Cllllnlla ...... II 'Pi Jatlf_,....,. 'nllrlhle-ldllllea..d bt •e._., COitlJ udla- •h<n k coma to .......... tho 11-y 1M Gntlt _, cale4 ... ,_. ...... will -1111"-.. -. God, ~ I IIJ • Zloe lor -11t11 :,_ties,_. demanch ofwort«r-ty.,..-oun 1 pettillmtkl ~ W1'0a1 rlr '.,. • ._, ,._liF t? ,Iter_,. a h v.-a .... , a trW ttwtUa.ntlfniN*MJataak 6emanctfnc 1 b,_., tU.-me ~~ Tn~ _,_.., ~ B1 ..... In'& , 1 1...,. •,.~ IIIIIIC _. ~ .... & 11 111'.._.__.-. • a. tE'rtiU. alld till .... .,keofwhetth-r__..., _.....,_,._ •r-•,.ar-oldllto._.._,__ -a~aar ._.. 'MJI:IIItlllltlM·wtllbt ........ •tzt Itt D.E.ICOn to I MI. •I liN 1o baloeet lila CIS Pll"d· -II, It'll, • lila -doll 1101 --· lon• sf Ill -sf...,..._ ao.ra f r, U.S.A. JU.•yaid dltlr.'• oily on• ""'' 1 .... I;QIIt *"-..... ().-AIIIIl:liJ Ulltr ID •:attM, • • NEWPORT HARBOR ENgGH ARST SECTION --P ... 3 THURSDAY, MAROI 23, 1911 CORONA PEL MAR, CAU f . ly JAII!Y IERLS Ha;lpJ laD: prent'-d •MD •b.lmltealyet eollptenlnc dls- AAJitlltol dl Oro Pl't.IJ, Betty count oo &OdJ&cal .IJCU b)' (Wu. Georre) Woodford of BurtoD Morrl1, well knowo u- 17 EMPIRE DEBS ARE INTRODUCED EIIVIIOIIIIIMT AW.UD GIVIII IY II.I.IIIXOM fa 1 ne..c "'*.._cere .. m(JIIJ, lira. Rtcbud Kt.pre-...,.., u. anrd eo·· Pv~t« Hann~a, Corp, ot tM tm.t lodllltrlal Compl .. tor ex.J .. leoce of laodtc~;pla( Uld ttl eootrlbatioa to the .cwtroameot by eoutructtac a ool•41:&Uac berm U'CMD1 UWi eompuJ'I new muld'lcturlnJ and telttnc tl- eUlttu, • Ltoo ISLE WOMAN'S CLUB MEMBERS are a.nnounclnr thelr a.nmal men's day, hooorin& the men 1n thelr lUe. Guests will convene at ll:SO a.m. Tuesday, Aprtlll, 1D the lJdo clubbouse for the luneheoo. meeting &Dd wlll hear state attorney geoeral EveUe YOUDpr talk about the criminal cUmate 1n CaUfornla. A preview of the meetlng Is depleted here by Rayleoe Cowley to the role of a court clerk, "Judge" Earl Hardage, a.od Mn. Hernaldo Avlla u the wttness, Decorations wtll follow the theme of law and )usllee, Mrs, Ma.rearet Meter, LIWC president, wtll preRlde. Mrs, Roger Brown, chair. man of the oomlnatlllg committee, will announce the slate tor the exeeutlve board of the club tor 19'72-73. BROWIII E TROOP 563 PLAII TS CEDAR TREE Gtrl Scouts from Brownie Troop 563 In Harbor VIew Hills planted a cedar tree Mooday, March 13, ln tbe Harbor VIew Hllla (Lulk homes) ueeo belt. fourteen girls took part I.D the tree planting as part of the "better environment" theme being follow ed by Girl Scouts this year. I:"' Tl HEALTH NEWS: You Could Be an Arthritic Do•er Shorts, hosted& IIIACMoo troloeer. HU talk DOt ooly ceo-Srteftteen younc women who for the Cold Boot Commttt" trated lntereat, but e¥Ok.ed a wtll tJ:Perlence a starrlnc role &.1 the Bahia CoriDI:I'Il&n Yacht uat deal of laugtater. Bidding 1D thelr Uves when presented Club, JOme days aco. Gay in-aDd playtnr were: Tinl (Wrs. at the June l 7Empiredebutante vttatlons read "Let's celebrate John) Blby of Park Newport; blU were Introduced Saturday a job well done." Hooored runt Blanche (Mu. WIIUam) Carl. at a mother-daughter luncheon was the Cold Book chairman, son, Trudie (Mrs. Edgar) Car-at the hOme of Mrs. Jotm F . Clair (Mrs. Walter) Cruttellden penter, Ada (Mrs. VUao)Couch, Vlttrte:~, Newport Beach. of Unda late. others sharlng Bea (Mrs. S. EdWard) Link-The Empire debutante ball the booor and happy talk wer e later, and Helen (Mrs. John) Is sponsored by the Harbor co-workers Betsy (Mrs. Rich-Payne, all of Corona del Mar; Key ot the Chlld Guidance Cen- ard) Stoddard, Ruth (Mrs. Ed-also Marvete (lArs. Carroll) ter of Orange County. Proceeds ward) Steen, Jean (Mrs. Ed-Hudson, Betty (Mrs. Richard) fr-om the ball are presented ward Jr.) Ward, and Vlrgtnia Schumacher, with ruest, Rose-to the Cfltnter. (Mrs. Hugh ) Wright, all of c o-mary (Mrs. Robert) Baroeson, Of U1e 17 presentees, 13 are rona del Mar; East Bluff's El-trom the Peninsula and VIrginia metuber s of the K~"ynotes, berta (Mrs. Wendell) Jones (Mrs. Almon) Lock.abey, Bat-Junior a uxHiary of HarOOr Key. Vella (Mrs. Jack) Hesnaull ~ boa; Balboa Islanders were The debuta.ntes .&re sele~'ted Mary (Mrs. Albert) Muted, Marian (Mrs. James) Linder-by the ball committe.-on the as well as yours truly, IAW>Ie man and Dorothy (Mrs. Wilbur) basts of service hours con- to join the gi'CMCI was Jean Reynolds, Dorothy's guest was trlbuted to rommunlly and (Mrs . Edw:il rd) Sha.rp of Lido Martha (Mrs. Robert)Cr owner, charitable work. Isle. Newport Bea.ch. More were Eth-Greeting the g\lests Nllh Mrs. • • • e llyn (Mrs. Thomas) Walker, VUt rlC) were Mrs . William H. I hear fr om Ruth (Mrs. Ger -Opal Mae (Mrs. Edward) Pel- Weaver. president or Harhor aid) Rapp of Balboa Island U.at legrln, Virginia (Mrs, Hugh) Key; Mrs. J•rnt~> C. l:.vaos, the kaleidoscope or fashion Wright, Fran (Mrs. Moseley) ball chairman, aor1 Mrs. Ivan luncheon, sponsor~dbyNatlooal Jones, all of Corona del Mar. W. Stur gis, pr Psf.'ntarlons Sorority, Psi Delta Sigma, and Winners of the day's door prl-chairrn:.n. staged at the Beverly Hilton zes were Jo May (Mrs. George) Two pos t debul•hles and their International room , was well Hoedlnghaus and Joyce (Mrs. mother s modeler! their pre- named . Not only was there a James) Rudy, Brid~ wtnoers sentatlon and lla!l I(OW!lS. They kaleidoscope of colorful t.ash-were, wUh-the·IUCk of the were Miss Leshe Jane Allen tons gUdlngaerosstherun-way, Irish, skilled players Helen Mrs. Roy Jeffersou Allen Mls~ but many of the guests were (Mr s. Edward) Lethen and Mae Michael:.i beltr KE-lle} a.nrl' Mrs. well within the range, inc luding (Mrs. Edgar) Allen, fir s t and Charles Elmer Kelley. Miss Ruth smartly attired LD a beige second, respectively, Needless Mary Lou Myer~. •!so oi post Norfolk ;acket Made s uit. to say, calendars are being detrutame. lr,orJ..,Ie<1 her pre- Peggy (Mrs. George) Cutler marked well In advance for the sentation ~wn. attended with her. The Cullers very popular monthly luncheon The 1J72 l:.m(.Jlr~ 11"'1lut.tntes (he Is r ecently retired executive a nd bridge days a.t BYC , aM I herr parents ,HP of Chrysler Corp.) were tor mer • • • Miss So~.mlra 1 e~:-W rker Mr Californians and have returned Just learned the cocktail d 'I '" lila · · .1.n ,. rs ... I rh I .. e H.r.rker after some 20 years absence, party (about a hundred guests) Sewporl ue4,..11• • ' having chosen Corona del Mar at the Tad Devines' Dolphin MISS DeiJro~. II IJ.ne Bibb, Mr . as their "home front." Terrace home, several even-and Mrs. Jolin ~lrAiplne Ulbb, • • • ings back, was actually a very, ~ewport Be4,..1,, Understand Judge and Mrs. very surprise birthday party Miss .\orrua Lynne Ctrkle Jesse Curtis have ha.rl hOuse ror Nancy Curci and was pla.n. Mrs. ~orrn4 n Cirkl..,, ~e·o~•por; guests the past 2 week-ends ned ln exacting detail by lius-Beact1, arlfl rtre lat.: Mr. Clrkle. In their Dover Shores home, band John. Helium rilled txt!-Miss Ctlet}l R\tcr. c .. uner , They were the WllUam E. Kings, loons gave the happy birthday Mr. and Mr s. !)o(l4 lll L,;.wr ence Interest in acUvUles that re-old, old fr iends rrorn CtLar1otte, touch, wh.lle banners and pic. Garner, Costa .\leSJ.. "Maybe lt's time someone Quire action. They 'don't get North Carolina, aDd Aurlr y and tures pointed up special events Mi ss Kattl) Ann r. ... rror •t, Mr. spolre frankly about arthrltts," around' a.s they once did. Gail Stockton of San Bernardino In "This Is your life, Nan cy." and Mr s. Willi•n• r re-rienck says Dr. Gary L. Couture, D.C., "Now, as I 've noted," Dr. MRS. WM. DARLIN C (their son Is Dave tn-the.news. Those in the hOnor line wl!h G!rtor d. Corona d ... l M.sr. of the Couture Chiropractic Couture says, "These condl-1 goU pro). When not lounging Nancy were her sister, Susan, Miss Steph:.l.m"' le<~.n Jones Center in Newport Beach. lions come and go. E opemen t on the waterfront patio, talking who new down from San Fran. Mr. and Mrs. J o~.mes ElaJones: Often a.rttlrltlcs are advised "But as time goes by," he old times, they were touring c isco, and their mother, Mrs. Nt>wport Be:.rtr. to restrict acttvllles ••• relax, warns, "the attacks become d the Harbor aboard Idle Hour, Jean Mangin, NeWpO rt Beach. Mi ss L)'rvla Muie L"'f{Tallll, takelteaay,don'tusethalpain-more frequent and last longer. announce Curtisesver y uniQlK!yacht.i'm John's parents, Mr . and Mrs. Mr . alld Mrs. ~r.,nk Edward ful )llnt and take pal.n p111s. In time the condition Is per-sure that wa.s their only "Idle John Curci Sr., Lido Isle. Some Legrand, Coron.t ,1.,1 Mar. "Quite frankly," says Dr. manently painful. Plans for an Apr il wedding hour," ror there is so much of the guests were the Richard Miss Cynthia Etiu beUt Mar- Couture, "that ad\1ce Is so "Arthritis Is actually na -we re rorestalled when Wllliarn in the area to Interest any ~erteas, ShO rE' Cliffs, the Wit. tln, ~1r. o~.nd Mrs 1 ,;.r l Lau- da.ngerous It frightens me. ture's way of compensating for Er ic Da.rlln~t and Miss Kr istie visitor. ham Hazewinkels and the Clin-renee M<~.rt m, :-:ewPort Beach. "So ofteo the 'take II easy' the bod y's stress and lrrlta-Darlene Skinner e loped to • • ton Hooses. Newport Beach. Miss Melinda Lou ),1 ye rs period rets so loog that a tioo," says Dr. Couture. Carmel and tied the nupha.l 'Twas a.wearlng-o'-the-Othe rs we re the Brad Millers, Dr. and Mr s. C har!e!'i Linco~ per.oo reaet.es the polot of no "I have always had profound knot Saturday, March 11 . green for sure at Balboa Yacht Llnd.a. Is le, the Don Rogers, Myer s Santa Ana retun. sympathy for the person suffer -Tile bride Is the rtaugtlter C lub's ladles luncheon and and the Keith GaedE'S from lr-Mis~ Laura Je~n Mf"'IOamee "And as for pain k111er s," ing from arthritis. Thelr suf-of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Skinner bridge oo St. Patrick's day, vine Cove. Some of Sewport Mr. and Mr s. Davls.Pa.tter~ AJI Dr. Couture, "the more ferlDg Is real and they are of Upland. The groom's par-Fresh bouquets of wh.lte and Beach folk wer e thE' Fr ed How-Mc:.lamee, Cor ona del M.u . they're taken tht less etfecUve often desperate to find relief. ents are the Lawr ence M. D.a.r~ gr een carnations centered sers. Richard Jordans, Antnooy Miss Lrnne Eve R nbe , they become &Dd the more they And there Is a greal tragedy lings of 602 Begonia Ave ., Co-every table and shamrocks were Molsos a.nd the John O'Donnels 0 M R ~se r~;. mtJSt be taken. It's Quite a connected with !his desperation. rona del Mar. everywhere. Bridge fo llowed a and the Carl Kymlas, .allbrinf!-~~g 4~~rorr!. de~~~~r · Rosen- vtcloua circle." ''These people are victimized The young couple's wedding ---lng be~ot bir thday wishes · • · Mt'ss Merle An n Pa;rish, Mr, "What Is IU'thriUs?" by so many,'' Dr, Couture wa s anoounced Saturday, March LIGAL MOTICI Sounds as II :-Janey had a .i.nd Mrs. Richart! Arthur P&T- "A number of causative f.a c. angrily says. "They're sold 18, at a dinner party aboard ~OTIC E OF PUBLIC HEARING wonderful night to remember , rlsh Costa Mesa Thornburgh, Newport Beach, and the late Mr. Tbomburrh. Mlss Lori Beth Thornqulst, Dr . and Mrs. Jerome TborD- Quist, Tustin. Miss Janelle Ltu.beth Wal - ton, Mr. and Mrs. CIJJtord C. Walton, Costa Mesa. Miss Michelle Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Weaver, Corona del Mar. Assisting the hostesses were other ball committee members, Mmes. Benjamlll C. Brown, Glen M. Keller. Theodor e Mar- avich, Jean B. Miller, Van R. Parker and Robert Wood. Cbu'lea £, ClemlDShaw, Par- ker Ha..D.Ilttln vtce.presldtotuel prealdeot of the Greater lrYlne lDdustrlal Learue, reeelnd the award for his ftrm, a manu- facturer of )et aircraft and aeroJpace components. The preaeotatton was made at the 19th ano~al laDdseape awards procram of the American As- soclatJon of Nurserymen. 11You know a good doctor for this?" It's a que!ot1 0n we answer all the trmc. Somcwnes it's some- one ne" in th~ nerghtlorhood. Sometimes il's an olJ fnend who JUSt doesn't happen to have .a (;tmrly phys1c1an. The boy sprarn!o an ankle ... ~~ bA b) runs a temperature ... Grandma has a Dad cough Troubled people often turn ro us for hdp, and nghtly so. We ~~ooork closely wtth physicians, pro' rdm~.; the mc:dicmcs the-y prew::nbe a.nd u~ rn tht'lr <.)if~~.:es. We know.,.. ho they cr.rc. ttlelr s~&al­ llc-,, th~rr office hours. In an emergrncy .,..e·rc g•'"."ld pe-ople ro ask o\nJ we 're alwa ys happy to be of -.c r\'K-e to our fn~nds and patrons. Christensen -L--7.-A-. .... ......u .... NOW OPEN IN NEWPORT, TOO The Academy of Languages Nalive-born instructors More I han 10 years in Orange County tors must be considered In useless home electrical )""", the Reuben E. Lee. The Skinners . N I I b ...c . thanks to husband John and M: R lh R S I a•-erln lh I stl " '"" ' ot ce 5 her e Y ~ven that lrlends I he De•lnes. Birlh-' Lss u oxa.~ a yer • J<O< v· l d 1 ·-ft C a Que on, says wonder pills, etc. And they're Invited close fr iends b-orn Up. th Pia nl c 1 1 1 , •. M 1 M J h • 1 l<l 1 o 141W. L'~" Dr Coutu "Th ndltl e n ng omm ss on ° the days are wonderful be r · •nr. rs. 0 n "'S e}' NN'port lk.rch A he · re. 8 co ons constantly bombarded wit h false land as well as the groom's C ity or Newport Beach will hOld ld h ld · · · -Salyer, Costa M,:.sa. 673-1500 7;!_,:::', tal ed U 1 Uf a. public llearinlil' on the.appllca-oul thern l rss u.uroi • rme rn-can be due to an Injury sus-tnformallon. parents and t he hooored couple. · !s~e~s:w~e~r~e~w~o:":•:e~be:•~l~lh~-~~::~~·; ·:~A::~T~~:~~=======~=======~~~~~===~ n ear er n e ···II "I don't care how chronic Mr. DarUng ls athir dgenera. t1on of Reubens at the Airport burl{tl, Mr s. Fr <iJW\s lrvmg could be as much as 15 years a persoo's case Is, most arth-tion Californian and Is a. gradu-Restaurant for a Use Per mit previously. Heredity b ctors or rltlcs can be helpe-d, But only," ate of Corona de l Mar high No. 1588 on property located a short lee may share the says Dr, Couture, "by the most school. He attendE'd Orange t 4u7 M A th llo 1 d blame." C ~ ""' 4\: r ur u evar , proper treatment r know." oast College and worked as a Newport Beach to per mit live According to Dr. Couture, We asked Dr. Couture 1·ust commercial artist on the H.a-t lal 1 nd d · 1 arUlrltls knows DO age barrier. tt en er nmen a anctng n It frtQueatly strikes people In e.zac y what he did In treating walia.n Island of Maul. He Is conjuncUon with a restaurant. a person whO has arthritis. now a commercial artist In Notice Is hereby further gtven tbelt SO's &Dd 40's. ADd the "I •just exactly' work to (I ) Costa Mesa and part owner 1 ·d bU h · Ill be number of cases DOW known ...... la-e tile body str·-ture, re-r tha s:u pu (' earmg ,. t "'" I ,. ..... '"· o Trolls of Calllornia, a silk held on the 6th day or April, 1° e n the United States moving stress to affected areas scr eening design company in 1972, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. 1 utrooomtcal. and unlock the affected joint; Costa Mesa. in the Council Chambers of the t ''ID tne •• ~ctnning, '' Dr· Cou-(2) restore tile proper blood His bride graduated rrom Up. NeiVpOrt Beach City Hall, at ure coou.uues, "the condition SICIPIY and nerve energy; (3) land high scllool and Chaffee which time and plcu:e a.nyandall comes and roes. Tbe )lints produce a consequent rellef of Junior College. She also at. persons interested may appear sweU, there Is soreness In the lrrltatloo; aDd (4) restore tended Orange Coast College a.nd be hear d lher E'On. the muscles. At a.a arthritic treedom of movemenl: to eUm-a.nd Is oow employed at the Jaclde Heather, Sf"Creta:y Coadlt1on bectna to make Itself tnate the pain and discomfort. Corona del Mar branch of the Newport Be;ch City ~all bodily funcUona are "There are two types of Bank of America. Planning Commission 1 • people affllcted wttharthrltls," The young COlC)le will make Publish: March 23, 1972, In tt';!l~~e Is freq\MilUY con-he says. "The ones who have their home In Corona del Mar. the Newport Harbor Ens!~. ·~ wu, dluJ.oeaa and often the cooditlon and know It; and h I .......... Cbeot .. , .. ,arm the ....... Who, yes, "'" N•'g fl'nga es elect pains, knee paJu • • • they arthritis and doo 't know it. aU can be related •. And Ire-Aod it's ••·t ·-ond cale~ry • tl lh I ~u ,...., ........ &" The NighUnple Chapter of the aM'"'I meetl to be h ld quea Y ere • ,. rue • • • tr.at scares me the most." -n~ e cl\ronJc f&Ucue , aDd ezhaus-Dr C Hoag Hospital has elected Mrs. at the Western White House Uon,'' ayaOr cut • ouCuremaintalnsotflces DanleiShepardsoocha.lrmanfor In San Cle mente on Apr il 4. "An arthritic ~::·to loee at %043 We.stcUff Orin, New. 19'72.73. She will be Installed Fift y Nightingales will enJ)y port Beach. Pbooe 645-5300. by Mrs. WIIU...m Schworer .at lunch and .a guided tour of r:----------J----------theWesternWhlteHouse. 1READ THE LOCAL NEWS IN YOUtV .. ~~::"' .. 7~~~r:.r:;,:'=~: 1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER •1 2r~.~:F~?.:~:s I I llrs. James Vlnston, recording secretary, Mrs. Corbett wu. soo; corresponding secretary, I Offl ciol ••••• of tho Ci ty of N.,.,.tt Boodl. I I 2'721 1!. COAIT IIWY •• CO-A DBL ....... CALIP. I I Send in I IY.. TODAY f II . SUISOIIIP noN ItA Tl> Clloly .... ,_. •• IWL .. ,_OIIID _. niU& aa::lt • CAlli TOOo\Y I ...... I I Al"'l I •~~~ • I L--------------------..1 putiamentarlan, Mr s. Sterllna: Wolle. RE DCOM EXERCISE U.S. Air force Airman Rob- ert M. COOdtn«ton, 9011 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Coddtngtoo ot ZHO Andros St •• Costa Wesa., pa.rttctpated lD a receat U.S. Ret.dtatss Command (RED- COM) )OUit MrYICt tninin&tX- trCUII at F1. Stewart, Ga. TN eaerdM --luotvln 1 more tM.D 7,000 A1t foree, Army, Air Nal..k:IMl Guard aad A1r Force Rdlnt periOIIDIII ---Ulo -Uty ud 0011-1111117 "' Ulo ••11 ........ RIDCOM, Wllkb noa.c:ed tM u.s. ...... Conlmul Ju. '· -~~~·----lilt wtllltllo'he-tk:al A&rC~rrtM'IIl1tll'hc-acat Air an ..,., at PGIII Ara, IC,C, Ill II a 11'11 .,_ ol 1-lliiiP.....OI. VOTE FOR JOHN STORE • Stewut C. Woodard, A.l.A. Henry A. Riedel, M.D. Elvtn K. Wi18oo Dr. Henry T. wtlleU Re•. £dwlrd P, Allen Lee C. Sammis Robert 0. CW'c l Philip R. WoodWorth, M.D. Tom lioustoa William ACft Anita Serous Roger T. Hughes Georp A.. Htutos I.. loyd R. Massey, Jr. Kenaeth S~Ch Robert W, Haulr B. T. Ullecrann Robtrt B. lblerwood Richard fl Co!Uer ' ' Vote For : EN DORS E M ENTS 14t k I Caldwell lotrn F. Porter \l.rlm Mf"KE'e-ver ~t.rr \' Andrews, M.D. Rtdi.Hr1 L. Strickler l o~•·k o Va.nce H4n k Por cella WJ IJa,·e-Caklerhead -\nnE' \row] .I.' a Iter Clark .l.'llliii m F. Hurst Roher! RothweU r·r~anl r nristensen :~ono~.hl Bo lton Robt!rt Cli ffor d l on nne Stovf'r Robert A. Ramsay Isabel c. Pea.Sf! Carroll Beek Harr iet Witmer Geraktine Stewart Marshall Duffield Rober1 C. Baird \'lrgm1a Fout s Thomas R. Young Douglas C. Wil.9on J. E. Ted M~tntoe lohn C. Dillon 1\e-nneth C. Br ownsberpr N ea. le E. Johnson De I Van Ornum Dickson Shlfer Carl w. Coabw Oscar G. Taylor Gury ShOrt Robert B. H.ar\aA, Jr. "PRO FE SSIONAL -011 APRIL 11 , 1972- ''· Vtocent Jorgensen John Killefer JoM B. Parker t bar Jes Peyton Frank Robinson ,\ 1illa.m Oootson llamel w. Emor y .l.'llliam Holstein Walter Koch t:dwln Finster lrJ. Smith Roy B. Woolsey 'lorman Rahe Roger Hardacr e :Jor is Sunderland 1<4 ~ F HHtel R. H. Blandford Wile) McNa.1r Joe M('(:ormlck Warp.ret Hall Robin Reese War(OC: Sk..lllin& Kathr yu Powers AU Cf Wi ckland AOUIOey Wolcott Constance M. F'rlsbY Georrt Friedl Cbrla Hewer Ruth Haabrll Albert DIY01111 Ror.ld Wllttrburn A, W, t..ewta R--liatJ M&I'IU'et F'luter Roy K. L&t108 a-u c. Grlllltlr LEADERSHIP " fJOHN STORE Co nsul ting Engi neer I X I NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL CITY WIDE ELICTIOII VOT£ FOR JOHN STO"E CONM!TTEE, «I !lABELLA TEIIL. COttON A DEL lilA" ·11··· ' ' • WHO IS PAUL RYCKO.FF? A IIUceeNM ~IDeNmlll, oaw re- tired, who wants to galll better repre- Hntatlon tor the realdents to the Newport Beach Ctty C01111cU. HE BELrEVES that tile ma)'Ol' (lds 5th 'district opponent), has not s~rted the resldeots' Lnterests as he has commercial and developers' interests. • • • HE W.\NTS to keep Newport residential community. HE IS AGAINST : 1. Coastal treeway route. 2. Spread ot high rise. Beach a desirable 3. Commer cial development of Upper Bay. 4. Denstty developments such as Promontory Point. HE IS FOR : 1, Retaining aDd improving lhe residential cbaracter of Newport Beach. 2. Limiting high rise, density and growth. Student reports on Agnew 3. Counctl responsive to the people. 4. Contro!Ung a.Jrport noise. HE HAS BEEN ACTIVE IN AIR POLLllfiON CONTROL AND FREEWAY fiGHTER ACTlVITIES. HIS BACKERS ARE PROMINENT DOERS ON BEHALF' OF' THE COMMUNITY. EXECUTIVE LYLE FINLEY COMMITTEE MARGOT SKILLING ALLAN SEEK MARSHA LL DUFFIELD TOM HOlSTON FRANK ROBINSO~ COMMITTEE DARLENE ANDERSON CARROLL SEEK URBAN BEH ELLEN BORCBSENIUS DICK CLUC AS LOIS COLLINS SUE FICKER TOM HYANS M. C. JOHNSON A. VINCENT JOR GENSEN WALTER KOCH ELAINE LINHOFF BOB LOWDEN WILLIAM MARTrN FLORENCE McCUE ISABEL ANDREWS PEASE ROBERT D. RJES JOOEPH ROOENER JR. FRED SCHNEIDER OORIS SUNDERLAND FWRENCE VANDEGRIFT R liTH WHITNEY COMMITTEE TO ELECT PAUL RYCKOF F 675.1311 675-9004 NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCILMAN 5311 CINTD ITitln • CDSTAIIIDA • P'-1 ~1919 SALE Basketball Shoes LEATHER UPPERS-WHITE .--~• WITH 3 BLACK STRIPES REG. $10.95 SALE PRICE QUANTITY LIMITED TABLE TEHHIS w LECAL HOTICE A LI'ITLE LUV? TODAY• S THE DAY I Cllevl*t • 2821 HARBOR-ILVD. COSTA MESA • funeral services were held yesterday for Henry Johnson of Corona del Mar, who died uneJ:peetedly Sunday at Hoag Hospital. Mr. Johnson, a real estate appraiser, had lived here for the pe.st 14 years. Ho:: was a nattve of Los Angeles: He is survived by his wUe, Ruth, or 270S Shell St .• Corona del Mar, and by a brother, John Johnson, of Los Angeles. Services at Pactnc View Me- morial Chapel were conducted by Dr. Philip Murray of the Corooa del Mar Congregational Church. lnterment was ln Pa- cific View Memortal Park, Har- bor VIew Hllls. AUNT FROM EHGLANO A vtsltor trom England ar- rived last week attheT. Duncan Stenrt residence ln Shor e ClUfs. Sbe Is Mrs. Brooks Dux- bury from Yorkshlre, aunt ot Mrs. Stewart, BEN GREEN SUCCUMBS Funeral services were held yesterda.y afterooon for Ben Green ot CUff Haven, whO died Monday after a long Ulness at Mesa Verde Convalescent Hospital in Costa Mesa. He was 78. Mr. Green Is survived by his wile, Laura, 2000 Hann Pl., and by 3 slskrs, Sanh Greenberg ot Canada, Frances Green or Los ADretes aoc1 Editb Zavod.ivlck of Los Angeles. Mr. Green was bon 111 Cu- ada and Und 57 years 111 Cal- ltornia, the la.st 3 yeus 111 Orange County. Rabbi Aaron Toftekt coa- docted services at PacU!c VIew Chapel in Harbor VIew HIIW. Burtal was in Pacln.c View Memorial Park. Wrangler gives you what's so hard to get these days What you pay for. . . end great fining jeans, too. has a lore for action! Wrangler action boy cut flare leg jean designed for going places and do1ng things. Always looks fresh because it 's made of usy-care rigid den im. 11 great colors to choose from : black, brown. white, light ·blue, blue demm . Sires as boys jeans. Inseams "and 34"; wain Ir-e.-26YJ. 27'h. 28'h. 30, 31 Y,, 33 .. $8.00 -d $9.00 Cool Tank top in mach· one washable 50% ~lyester , 50% cotton rib kn1t, navy, red, SIM/l $5.00 MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ,RIE fi'ARKUIG IM RIA.R a.JJ 1111 Dll. -all £. COWT ... _, AT - ~ GEt ACQUAINTED WITH THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ROAD SIGNS ••••• AMD LU US GIT AC41UAIMTID 111111 TOUI I 0 ANOTIIER SUGGESTED 90Ltm0N to lila lralllc prollloma w~eh plt.pa lbo COllll HW)'. Ia IIIIa ._ "" --... of tM Bllfrl, a "rttlttd llwy• •bo bU loal .,._ ICUYe Ia plbUe -•· Tllr.,.... lralllc -ld.,... ooa -• boiU ...... lila Ccul RW)'. lrolr Ja-to R4. to ,_. ...,.., lila-AM Rl••· A dnWWidpllllla-1o .. 1 ... • -brldiO 00 1M -lofel-allow blger -1a1o lilt '-Bay. no top lrdle -1-ba•• DO aecea or ellt ruDPI bMW ... Jambor• ud tbl rJqr. no 1onr llnwloc -~otiiM--Rl•• t.rada• crt tbl eiPfNilftY ·-or _.. fNinJ. Mr. hB'pa'•J• bt piu& to l'bnlt the pluto Nnport Beach trafllc •ctDMn. TIIURSDAY, MAROI 23, 1972 COilOIIA DEl MAl!, CAY F, AI.. F f I C. ~(--_,) Sportsman awards giYel ~ riOOpiiiM ·-~liDo ........... wtre prrtvttd to ~t ..,.. -. &-' ..,.......,_ 8ocllt &t tM: Mardt JJ ...... ol ........ lllo CIIJ ot ·--"A" '*'---'1111 aad .. ........ ._ ....... _..--· ~­Commlyloa m..U.C. Coma.._ Pair • Cdl 1ntD.. IUtQIIoMia- llooCIIIalrlllaDII&US..Irmodt -· Rlet -· Rid< tbe lll'tll • ttoe tow-....-. Rualtwc. atloeltd for ll>olr ~ ot ' GIRLS VOLLEYBALL lfll(ll't:.aD&., ~ "C" Dtfllloe --lrd a.-.1 poslt1Yt attlhde, wt.lJ.1.DcMta to fth ~fUN: Toll Moore, Pa- be" othersiUid albloll<: UIDIJ. lrlcla ll"lud. Here are the anrd ......,.,: 118" DtTtlioa --5th ud stb • BOYS BASKETBALL Cl'ldtl: A.mJ Corlty, L)'Dil "C" DIYlakm -· 3rd ud Drake, SWrlt c.ddta, Suu ~AFFIC. 0 t.lfffiPO(ff 13f~Cil At. 4tb ,......., Illite Banloo, Paw Gobler, Kim Poa.-. VIOe ~s ro or-u. ... ... T A L' A Bartb, Aoder• BerL lloo1D • WIIITER TEIIIIIB 1 " "'0 VT rr $'1\Ni 1'1 '"· r:: Carr, Da•klllellars,sto.ellla-Kalby Buru, lla•ld Coehru, A_ \NN'T'I ""rotJ Rl v~"' 17/( I D f, !;. lalllalao, Jobo Doaono. Grec Aao l<oelllor, Erie o._ Roa oq-13 ~ f'l C ~ '-1'-1.> Jobo801l, Ropr Jobllsoo, Rleh-Rul>orL Jim Roa, Jou Spel- 0 I • I d I LIG.U. ManCE ard KIDOOrf, Bruce McCorkle, leticb, Man& Tucker • 3UACREMESAPARK u er IS an s race se QulntooReleh,JolmR-. URGED IY SUPERVISORS I 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING "8" D!risloa •• St>IUid 6t> l T. TV SON I$ AIR 0nace Coaty ~a Paelftc YariDersYacbt Club eourll of 115 D&utlcal miles. Notice is bereby ctnn that &rades: Jim Addis, Ropr TRAFFIC CONTROLLER bl'fe llrm&UJ uted the state aDd Balbol Yacbl: Club will Tbt zzo mile coune s:lll't1llr tbe Pl&no1nc Commlssloo oftbe Brace Steve Esposlto John to set ulde SZ4 acres of lalld sponsor tbe 3rd annual Sa.at:a at Ma.rtm, Del Rey,pauesAaa. Ctty of Newport Beach wtllbold Gould: Brett Gtdsne.;, Jim U . Terry M. Tyam, -~ ad)leelll: to FalrTiew stateHos. MoDica Bay to Newport outer capa Iallod to port, Su Ntco--a publlc bearlDc oo theapplica-Mrs. Jotm U. Tyam of ZZ98 pttal I.D Colt& Mesa tor a t.slanda nee on May 26-29. 1u Ialud to port.Su.Clemeote t1oo of E. A. Weltzul 41 Assoc. LIGAL ~ Sam ADa An., Coeta Mesa, ASHBROOK IS cto 1 t Cluaes eligible are lOR Iataod to port ud 00 to New' Inc. for a Use Permit No. 1589 bas beeD rated f'IIUy qtaUAed reTM~ r:rue:te~ part of a Mark D, PHRF, WORF aDd port Harbor. Tbe red:IICed u5 on property located at 419 &00 FICTIT~~i::lBINESS .NAME as u atr tnmc eoo.troUer 10 1e this year, a new split ric mUe course leans W:arlDa Del 421 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa, KENT by the Federal A'ftatloo Agency A slate ol de .. ptn IIQN)I"t- lD& OMo coocressman John Albbrook tor presldellt wtU repre.at the Newport-Me• RepubUeaa Assembly at the CaUJarllla Republleaa Assem- bly (CRA) state cooveDUon oext ptes cboeea. to 10 to Palo Alto ,.:::i last cts~tt:e th pactage scboooer aDd ketches class. Rey pust.nc santa Catali.Daa.od to permit trlpleus to be coo-oo!::! fotlowloc per901l l.sdoinc at Selfttdre Atr Natlooal Gtard AprU 11 are Georce Broiate wee J e ~· For those seeldng tbe cbal. San • Clemente l.sluds to port strueted oo two C-1 parcels. 55 as: Plooeer Pool Ser-Base, Mich. ofWeltclltfaDCIDictaodMarcJe r!;!"::: seattotb~~ty~ lenge of long dJBta.nce racl.Dc, tbentoNewportllaJ"bor • NoUcetsherebyf\u1herpven ~e, 2901 w. 1st St., t23, The Ueute .. nc, asslp.ed to Aoder.eoa of Bayside Vlllap. Sacra at.o represen ves tb.ts is one of the more rtg-Paeltlc Marl.Ders Ya~ht Club tbat aid publlc hearing will be J ta Ana, Ca. 9!'703: Robert the 303lst Communicalioos Alter•tes ue Cbaries Browu The m:m • located beside th orous eveots open to Southern hosts a pre~race coekt:a.ll party held OD tbe 6th day of April, ~~~·~~· 2~)1 W. 1st st., Squadron at Seltrtdge, Is oow aod John Smith, both of East Santa Ana Rtnr lfeeDbelt core Cautoroia yachtsmen. WIJmer 00 May 25 Ylth lsSIJlDCe of 1972, at tbe hour of 7:30P.M. ihl 008~· ~· 92703, supen1slng his own crew ~ Bltlft'. rldor • lD '71 was the Cal 40 Blue race instr~Uoo packets at tbat lD tbe Council Chambers of the 8 88 5 belJ!.g coo-controllers. He completed 2 mOIIlh, / Tbe 3-member slate na elected IIDlldmoul)' by tbe local p-cq~ Iaiii Thurlday Dl&bl It a meetl&c oo LlDda Isle. Dele. Dick Dorsett, president of been := c::1!eS:,: ';: Marlln, skippered by PhllMur-time. Parttclpatloo troplllesfor Newport Beach Clty Hall, at d~:~ ~~Y;d;-1. years of Army serriee before tbe loeal assembly,· said a state ray, PVY C, and owRed by a all classes wiU be awarded which time and place any aDd • r • lppe. eraterlng the Air Force 'lD Oct- Yolee.yote of the 30 members Ach..! talr rna k 1 1 1 syndicate of PMYC members, at Bl.lbo& Yacht Club followiog all PeJ"80flS loterested may ap. T~s s:a':m~~ died wltb the ober, 1969. He is a 1962 grad- preseat Tbureclay Dlgbt elected th r e va ue 0 lOR Mark 0 and the split the race pear aDd be lleard tbereoo. coun. Y c er 0 range County ua.te of Costa Mesa hlgll school. tbe dtlegatJon. ate:~~~~ ~en 1:se= rig class will start oo May Tbe Outer Islands Race 111 Jackie Heather, Secretary ~:KrMar . ~.:.....,1!,72, by Arthur received an asJOClate of arts Tbe Nnport.Mesa assembly d ' Z6 to COYer a course of 220 also part of tbe Mac C&merCXI. Newport Beach City • ecer, ....,..._1 county clerk. degree lJl. eogtneerlngatOrance heard a talk by Realtor Ed Jseounta la.DCI by 50 per cent nautical mnes, with PHRF and Jones Series for OR aod tbe Plannlng Commlssioo Publl.sh: March 23, 30, April Coast Collep aod a B.S. de- SbabeeD, who spoke on "Fabian ~=t::;'cles seeldng r ec. MORF classes sta.rUng oo May Chuck Stein memorial series Publlstl: .March 23, 1972, lD ~~· ~9~· In the NFewport gree In marlr.ettngat LoogBeaeh soctauam." eage. 27 a.nd eonrlJ!.g a shorter for PHRF Classes. the Newport Harbor Eo.stgn. r os ID· -16597 State College. n. ~abo ~~r---------------------------~--------------~~-------------------------------------------------------------- MARINE PVT. WUllam M. Zuber, 100 of Mr. and Mrs. Edftrd A. Zober oU07S YlW»D., t Costa Me-. baa craduated from butc tra.ln.lnr at lbe Ma.rlDe j Corps Recruit Depot In Sao Dteco. He Is a rormer student ot Costa Mesa hlefl schooL FIRST IIATIDIIAL BAliK MOVES UP TD TOP 100 Southern Callforu1a First Na- tional Bank has moYed into the rants of the 100 largest banks ln the country, according to the banld.ng Industry's news- paper, American Banker. George L. Woodford Jr., SCFNB executive vice presl- deat and former chairman of Newport Nat1ona1 Corp,,potnted oat that the merger of SCFNB Ull Newport National Bank last September wa1 a key flctor lD ~D Ca.llfornla First Natlo .. l's adYa.Dce to98tbp)aee amonc the aation's commercial tuU lD dtpodts at December Jl, 1971, TM deposit total wu $717,141,t41. Lut year at trae ame tlmeSCFKBtiiDdll!tb. JudgM 1he moet felr Mllll~ktttMU.&.by prof I tlnMI Joumlllfstl ~.A ~Meting lm.tMdonlll daltr. One of ways ol aidlac t.be re-eleetloo of 1tate auemblymeo Robert 8adbam .... -Borke. Aaembtyman Burke Is SCh· eduled to apeak to tbe assembl;y at lts Aprtl 25 meeting. Further lnform&Uoo about the meeting ts available from Mr, Dorsett at 640-0020. CARDBOARD CARTDIIS USED IN ART WORK Transform log ordttll!"y card. board cartons lllto jewelry bozes Is an obseSSion wttb. Do- reen Slimett of Newport Beach, who dlsp)ayed her talents tor the Laguna Beach Art Al- ftUates at 2 p.m. Mooday, Feb. 21, 1D tbe G&Uery, 307 c 11ft Drtn. Mrs. StnDett majored lJl. art In Torooto, Canada, tbeo mOYed to Los Angeles In 1943. Sbe was eoeagecftn tree.laDce prO- ductlcxl klradYertlsi.Dcaceocifs before and after mortngtoNew. port Beach, where she Uns wtUJ ber busb&Dd and 2 daufbt- ers. lD 196'7 she became actin ln the art sectloa of UCJ Town &JJd Gown, from wb.tch her cur- reot illterest eYolYed. Vitally cooeeroed wtth ecoJo.., a she bepn experimenting with glue, tbrow...away cardboard cartoas and scissors. From these basics Mrs. SI.Mettcrea- ted mirrors, eaDdlesUck.s, waste bl.stets, plaques anct otber items, Sbe has written a book. "6 stardy bons," u:~ PlaJ.DiDc ber technlques. IIATIOIIAL SYSTE\IS CO. HOllO RED BY SEliA TE SeDate Resolution 550, lntro- d\ICed by State Senator James E. Wbetmore, bas breeD passed to boaor Natloftll Systems Corp., Newport Bea.cb, Oft Us loth &DDiYei"SIJ"J. Tbe retOiution referred to tbe aim as "aD outsb.Ddlng edacattoa orpntsattoa wl'llch bas acbl.eYed .. tlooal recopJ. UoD 1.Dd reflected credit .,a 0111' state." Tbe tlrm, at 4361 Birch St., Deal' tbe eotmly airport, II the lar,..t eduealloo organllalloo !D OraDp CoUDty aDd senes more thaD '75,000 students lD eYery ltata and maoy torellfl cocmtrtn, aid President Joh.D J. MeNa"CCII<<o. Natiocal Syctems lubsidl- ute• ue North AmerteuCor. reiiPQDCieDce SeW:Jola, ADtboQJ SebOola, AlluU.cSeboola, Nortb Atntrlcaa Sellool o1 C"cutl'ft. t1oD 1 Eco&ocr, Patricia Sl•· .... -~ .... -School crt .uro.atiel. ttte top thrMI\4wapeoeq L-•L -ncl . In the world ecOOf'dlr~g to • ..,. .._ )oumellelk: poUt. Winner NOTrE OF PUBLIC HEARING .. _,.__ Nalko 1o boraloJ ~~-lbal "',..,.., ... ,_.. lllo Plualllc Coaom-otll>o lnekldlfiO """ Pul-CIIJ ot N_.t Baaet wiD bold Prtn.. O\ler301X)~ a pl)lle baUIIC a tbeapplk:a. -adltOto _..,. Uoo ot KoD-IUtaou lloftqo. MontkN". mtllt Co. b a O• P•mtt __ ,.,_ No. 1590 oo ~ loelltd ,_ .... ••*Ill at JIM VIa Udct, Nnpolt --'1-JOUI 8-11, to pormll II.,__ ....... n•ln oftM •lal• .U. o. 1 C-1 pareeL lla:ibr..._.. Rllelilbll.• Md -..cb to bt w- DIIIUZIDfto =--11 tiiiOIIb O~t Pwmtt ----~..:..----· Mltle.11....,fllrtWctt- car. Many people pay $50 to $150 too much for cars. The money goes for higher inter- est. because the buyer didn It arrange his financing with us before shopping for a car. To help you save that $50 to $1 50 I Southern California First National Bank is intro- ducing AutoCredit . AutoCredit is a card that shows your financing is al- ready arranged . With an AutoCredit card in your pocket. you can shop for a car without worrying where the money will come from ; it will come from us. at low bank rates . Pick up your AutoCredit card at our Newport area of- fices today. You never know when you may run out of car. : : 111111 aid plbllc --wiD bo ::: :~.-::::.~:.oT.:t SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I Ia tlleCa•aUC'en•••flllllll .. N• part-· "loo""l -CIIJ loll, al -' I """ I "--&Ill .-. .... all U'tlml! OI'HCI: I -.,._I,.._ hi ttl!--'*I a.y.1c1e OrM I n.~• a I ulbo":"i! ""' Phonell42-1141 .... 101\ I ---,.,.,,., ~~~==~ "IPI''ICa I ----I ••-1-CIIJ OOUICII I --I ..._0.7' lit 11101 Wnlellff Drift I -I P t'O: llora a, 1 ... • -. ._...._ ... 1 ·-----------· ........ ..,.. ..... FtiOne ~· .. COSTA IIIlA OFFICI! 230 Elllt 17th Street Phone 1142-11180 Olhot a ... ~-1n OHo .... leeot\ ,.._. .,.. Wssts:l 10 • CR..V~G~ COUNTY Alft7CRT ceo a 2001 MlchMon DrM Phone a:n-3111 llW.UOCl 04 i!CII ----A-• ......... ,, • DIM Point. Nt b~). Hw; .. ....,., 8ttah(l), L.ai1uM .... a. Cti a*-e.n ,_. C•' 1 a I• ... AM. • THE SIX'TR LAP of Jbe ! mlle raee IU Mlke Rodrlqon of Neff ID tbe lead, toUowed by JobD Ol.swang of Costa Mesa h.lg:b scbool, sten Krause of LJDWood aad Tom Olswa.Dg, the other bait of tbe tw1D Mtlltu.C totrte1. SUuy Htlls' Jtm Salcido was the 1FIDDer 1n 9:10.5. Rodrlquer. came ID 3rd, Jolm Olnug 4th, Krause 5tb aod Tom Olswang ?th. Th.ls acttoa. came In the small sebools dh1atoo at the Htmt:tDctoo Beach relays. ...... w .. ......,. "PIIINOCHIO" S.rg•in MatlnH Wod. ot 1 P.M. THE SEA KINGS' discus strong man, Howard Royster, Fr" R•freshments is pictured ma.king his winning toss at the Corona del Adults 1.00, Child 75c Mar-Santa Ana Valley dual meet. He holds the top Orange • .:::::::::=~-~C!oun=ty~.!!'~ecor~~d.:ffo~r~lb~e~y~ear and has been consistently arotmd 160 feet au year. (VIc ~Jelt photo.) A t' ~q ( ~~, Tlo, c:~l<' BALBOA HOW SHOWING - - NI GH TLY T H ROUGH TUESDAY. MA.R . 28 2 SHOWS: 1:00, 11:20 HEW SUR,IMG THRILLS AROUND THE WORLD ! • CllOII CIIC TRAVEL TO PORTUGAL , MOROCCO, CEYLON, HONG KONG, HAWAil FOR A PERFECT RIDE ! A.LSO: SHOWING ONCE N IG H TLY A.T 8:20- THE MULTI ACADEMY AWATD WINNER- From the creators of "'TTle Bridge On The River Kwai" IAWRENrn OF ARABIA stiPill PANAYlSION 7ft EXO.USIVE RUN RATED (Gl ITS FOR EVERYBODY! I DI CK JONES LEADS OC C IN SWIMMIN G VIC TORY Freshman Dick Jones swam 2 or the best races of his lite as the Orange Coast College swim squad rolled to an easy 72~22 win over Cerritos Friday In the Falcon pool. He captured the 200 back. stroke io 2:11.5, the 5th best time In OCC history, and copped the 50 tree ln 23.0. OCC won 9 of the ll events, losing only the 200 butterfiy and the 100 fr eestyle . Matt Greer won the 200 free In 1:52.5. Dan Kent copped the 200 Jndlvtdual medley In a tine 2:13.4. Mike Seal took the 500 free In 5:35.0, Mike O'Brien won the 200 breast In 2:31.6. occ·s Gene Shane and Glenn Hayes were one-two in the dlv- i ng competition. .f.MMtt ~-OOl CJI lltURSOAY, MARCH 23, 1W2 COIIOIIA Dtl liAR. CAUF. =------t NEWPORT -MESA --------- SPORTS SCENE WITit VIC OPALD Tbe Bo&cb CIU.. Rela71 wlU -'lib wllb a i:17.8. Jim be olterbte tbe tn.et tbs a Salcido of SUDDy HUtJ; woa the rtal tNit u molt of tbe u.. eYIIIt with a apectaeular 9:10.5, bip .cboo• 1rll1 bt ..,..,DC Dour Madan pn Coat& t belr etD ltlr1 to puttclpate Mesa a flrst ln the mUe u i ap •att the top performers lD he came !C) with bJs best Hmlnr tbe.lr putleallr IPt(:laltlesthts yet when he 1\tt the tape at Saturday at Dntdloa tleld. 4:12,6. Terry Cottoo ot El ca .. Mart steYeras won tbe athlete joo breezed to a oow reeord of tbe meet awar d last year In the mUe as he was clocked wUb bls pertormaoee 1D tbe at 4:10.6. Doug was out Jocgtnc 1b0t aod perblps Ter r y AJ. uoW'Id Costa Mesa b.lgb Sun .. brlttoa wJll attempt to unez day keeping in shape for the tbe arne award iD tbe aame qpcomlng meet, Doug is tb& event. Tbe Harbor duo swept son of KWIZ sportseaster tbe 1-Z spots lD the CIF eemls Splkder MacLean. last year &Del the Mate flDals Kansas City coach Hank at OCLA. Albrlttoo toot the Stram had his Instant replay semis and stevens woo the state cameras there on a trial basis t1o&.Js. with Rudy Cross of and It caught an obvious error Crespi taking tbe 3rd spot 1n wbere Jolm MJies ot Coram !~~~~~ both meets. del Mar was given a 3rd place Stevens will be competing finiSh In his 100 yard Deat 1.n tor tsC at the Santa Barbara the small school class. Jolm relays on Saturday and bas was a good sport abol« the been a consistent winner in mistake that took him out ot the past few meets he has the finalS and erplained that competed ln. He was partlcu~ he was so sor e from that donkey lar ly lmpressiYe 1n the Long baskettall gameplayedthenight Beach relays at the Collseum befor e that he could bllreiy 1n Los Angeles, wher e be took move prior to the track meet. a first against the class of Miles found out he had muscles the major college strong men. that he never knew about before MATT HOGSETT of Harbor High breezes to a decisive win In his preUmLDary r..t In the high hurdles at the H\lltington Beach relays, with Jack Welder of Loog Beach Poly ftnlshlng a 00!4)le of yards behind. Hogsett placed ZDd Ln the ftnala: In both the hlghJ: and lows against top high school competition. (VIc ~lek photo.) Albritton and Cross both and they weren't exactly re- placed first 1n their respective spondlng to the gruelll.ngdashes competition last saturday. Each and relays he was involved tn. had practice tosses In the plus The Corona 440 relay team 61' range so were rather un-of Joe Tosti, Carlo Tosti, Matt happy over their ltnal marks. Cox and Miles were first in at lbe Huntington Beach In~ thelr heat, but the San Diego vltatiooal last week. Albritton Lincoln quartet just oosed them won the large school division out In the final tabulations. with Ms 61 '5-1 /4" effort while The featured spikesters sa~ Cross took the small school tllrday will have a lot of talent title with his tine toss or on the field and there will be 63'3-1/2". So It looks like the the junior high school events duo will be battUng all the that will give the parents a way to the state finals again chance to see their youngsters this year. In action also. The junior pre- A lot of the performers at preps have all of thetr track the Huntington Beach relays meets in the early afternoons will be at Davidson Field5atur-and the 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. day. Harbor got some great starting times don't give too perfor mances trom Matt Hog-many ol the parents a chance sett, who was barely nosed out to see them In action. In the finals of the 120 high The events start at 11 :30 hurdles a.nd the 180 lows. John and the s ite at Davidson field Holcomb hit a career best of attords some clean, smog-free 9:29.3 In the 2-mlle, but santa breezes from the ocean (hope- Monica's Curtis Seck picked fully). lt"s a nice place to watch Saturday to turn in his best the track and neld event!: and time of the year as he set a after yeah of enduring the ne•.v meet record with a blazing San Fernando Valley heat and 9:07.9, smog lt Is a welcome reuer The Olswang twins both espectaUy when that ocean clocked under 9:20 in the 2-breeze comes in to cool ott mUe run. JOhn grabbed a 4th the bluffs surrounding Newport place flnlsh at 9:15,5 and Tom Harbor. Sports Menu The track schedule for today -..-~ .... t::;;& has Harbor at Western, Es~ !l' tancia at Costa Mesa and Co ~ rona del Mar at Edison as all the schools prep for the Beach Cities Relays saturday at Davidson rteld. The baseball menu for Fri- day has Corona del Mar at Santa Ana Valley, Costa Mesa at Magno!Ja, Edison at Estancia a.nd Newport Harbor at Hunt. tngton Beach. The Estanc1a-£dlson game pUs both undefeated nines 11r against each other as both came through with ln!Ual wins In their league openers Tuesday. The Eagles got by Fountain Valley 4-2 as Jim Postel aUowed but 4 hits and whltred 13. Edison, behind Dave Whi te's .. -!..\~.,. 2-hlt pitching, downed Costa ~:..-"",.1.;:;o Mesa 3-2. Mesa Jum;>ed off to •• " ... a 2.0 lead in the rtrst lnnlng · but Edison got I back in the • 4th and thenMIIteSelwooddrove ' in 2 runs on a big double in the bottom of the 7th to give the Charger s the win. Los Alamitos scored 3 times In the first ig.nllt£ as Oa.ve Slawson blasted a homer with DotH!: on and Yle _J';I1fl'ins then ~ tallled single runs In the 4th and 5th to hold ott Corooa del NEWPORT HARBOR'S Joh.n Holcomb finished seeood In the 2 mUe race at the Huntington Beach relays, clock1ng ble belt· ever Ume of i :Z0.3, eomillg 1n 100 yardl abead of the 3rd place finisher, John Durham or Troy. Curtis Beck df SUb. Monica woo the evenl ln the new meet record time of 9:0?.5, his Ufetlme best. (Vtc Opalek phOto.) Mar 5.3. Corona countered with r------------------.. -.. 2 runs In the 3rd to make -· . . . . * CYF-NEWSLETTER * * * * It 4.2 but the Grltfs picked up another tally In the 5th BY VIC OPA.LEK and the Sea Kings' singleton This is the week-end that the CYF teams take otf from Orange County airport for their trip to san Francisco and their basketball week-end in the city by the Golden Gate. Coach Karl Stal wW be in charge of the 8th grade grolt) that inc lltdes Jim McCloskey and Mike Faulk- ner from TeWinkle, Martie Fe~ ducla and Pat Patrick from Ensign, Doug Kaneo and Tom Hawkins from Kaiser and Gary Gutsness and Rich Nebb from Lincoln. Henry Vander Ha will be coachlng the 9th grade, 14 year old team that Is composed mainly of Newport Harbor players, Lncluding Franz Van- der Ha, the Altman brothers Larry and John, Frank Visser, Jim KUngensmlth, Mark l.ou- Yier, Dave Becker, Dave Sey- mour, Mike Berry and Harold In their hall of the 6th wa-sn't Rich Branning from Ocean View enough to overcome the defJctt. junior high and Tom Ugland Newport Harbor was edged from Ocean VIew junior high by La.ora •-3 as both teams In Huntington Beach, How wou ld banged out a total of 11 hits, you like to have those boys with the Saxons getting 10 of on your future high school bas~ the A '·t lly by th Ta k tballt m'l m. .. e ra e rs e Pra tlea itme for th bo s In the bottom of the 5th netted c ce e Y 2 runs aod the 4~3 margin has been quite a problem due hekl tel for Laora In the final to the shortage of gyms in 2 innings this area but Frank Spangler • and Tarru Young have dooe quite a ~ getting the boys ready. It will be Interesting to see how they fare in the Natlonal tournament with the lnJUal pmes starting Wednes- day, March 29. Talent wise It Is just about equal to the 1971 tournament team but with a lot less practice pmes .mer their belts. Pairings will be RATES FOR Q.ASSIFIED ADS announced In the next Issue of the Ensign. 1 Tl-2 Ti .. t 3 ·T1 .. 11 z ................... _...... l !O 2.J) 100 Jack lemmon directs. He takes his talent "behind'" the cam era for the first time to add anew, fresh dimension to hi.s brilliant career. ANSWER PHONES: Answers phooe, records call. New $129. Complete terms, tree demo. Fact. etar. 836-1603. Z4 Hours. Cathcart. This team and the 1::.ii;iii~iiiiii;:;:~ 8th graders wUJ play at least I 2 games whtle Jn the Bay City against the San Francisco rep~ resentatlve team golngtoPhoe~ nix for the Nationals so It should be quite an interesting comparl.soo of styles. Both sqUids have been scr immaging the Beacb Cities team that In- cludes cage stars from H~mttnc· too Beach, Marl.Da, Corona del Mar aod Newpor t Beach. 21-· .. 3D_. ··-·· :1.00 100 4.00 31 -.. «< _. ··-·· 100 4.00 5.00 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS-~ Phone 542~721'7. P.O. Box No. 1223, Costa Mesa. BEFORE YOUR EYES- on your new carpet-remove them wlth Blue Lustre. Rent electric stw.mpooer, $1.00. Crown HardWare, 3107 East Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. The Pboeaix team has beea shapiDe "' wttb some lateaddJ- Uoos due to lDJuries aod some other problems: Tom Gould wtU be Corooa's eootrlbutioa to the team wblle Brent Kr use, Dan Brocbmeyer ud Dour Ecclel -.111 be represeottng tbe New~ port Harbor coottn coot. Jim Cable aod Larry Tatt• are from the RUDtlnctooS..chotler team wtlb Mark LoaL Brlu Jenk~Dt aDd Jerry Lawreoee comlDI trom Marlaa. A ~~~ other oatttl"'tnc JOWIC capra 1D- ·-Tom Lloy from E<111-, I NOMNATIONS e.d. _..-«1 _.__ .as .10 .15 AeAAAAAAA-AA-AAA ___ AA -.-F-O_R_$_A_L_E _________ 1 ~Ff,O~R~R E~N~T~~~;Ip~~ MOBILE home, furnished. 1965 50' 1 10' double eJplndo. Nice adult park. Close to ocean. &42-1162. • BOOK$ FOR SAL! "NONE DARE CALL IT CON- SPIRACY," by GuJ Allen, wttb lntroductioo by Coo- crearnu l otua c. SehmUs. Ia -· &pin. p .... ,. ... $1. ORDER FROM: A..IDIII1eU Opt.Dloa Book .... . 11M llarbot Blfd., Colt& .. .. '!:e..-: Nf-41145, IIIELP WANTI!D IXPDIIJiCID 11G t r s-ud _ ... _.._ Lift Ill. --1011--... -. bicycle repairing on all makes. Tlres, and all repLacement parts. Beach BI- cycles, 806 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, 8'7'5-?28!, Ud 333 E. 1 ?th St., Costa Mesi., 64Z- 14S&. BEACH PROPERTY for tttree hOmes ln Rtnrstde. Owoer ~-Hal Eny,35?South Van Ness be., Los Anplls. I -Your old bikes la lROlfJNG. Years of •JPer wee trade tor oew. Beaeh Bt-oa aU types or cklthina and llMD. Sped.atty _ men's cycln, 808 E. Balboa BlYd.. lhtrtl. $1.50 per br. Mable Balboa, 1'15-1111, ud W E. Whltmaa, 607 M&rllllflte, 17th St., Costa Me•, MI- Corcoo del Mar. I'IS·2114.1-1_4S_&_. ______ _ DEPEIIDABLE, oacctuNI la--1 wllb llocalaad 1*'- .... refM'Men ,aDd tecb- ldeal ud MIISJII te....a --·~•IIIJIHncu llld:MdaJ .atb bwf I II ud ...-:I allllra. Baa: 101, · c,...Ool llar,caJU.-. SEIYICES ID&IIT -.. ..__. vm.,o .............. eA•A--AA6AAA-Aee•AAA \ Well, I'll be darned ..... CORONA DEL MAR EXTRA CLEAN. 3 BEDROOM HOME. VERY WARM AND COMFORTABLE. NOT TOO MUCH, NOT TOO LITTLE YARD WORK. JIET LISTED, $49,500 • • • • HARBOR VIEW HILLS PORTOFINO MODEL. OWNER CAN MOVE QUICK- LY. CLOOE TO COMMUNITY POOL AND GREEN BELT.s$6 5 ,900 WITH LAND ••••• IRVINE TERRACE lJOi'i Y. f R.Tii'iK llX l ,!~.~t.:.~ .. ~ .. ' Corona 1111 Mar, Cautornit Ptlbnt: 673-2222 CORONA FOR DEL MAR RENT Spectacular Ylews for )fOlD' fa.mlly. From this Harbor View hilltop above Corooa. del Mar. Dramatic architecture, Handsome Interiors. Pr:lncy. Pool, gardens, pla.y areas. Close to schOols, sboPPln&. Two and three bedrooms, two blil.ths. From $275. Gas and cablevlslon 1Dcluded. Bayview apartments SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD, lAST OP MACARTHUR BOULI!VARD ~~~INFO NEII'OIIT HARSOfl ENI (lOj RRST IEC11011 --Pw 7 Real ·E oiJ,.J. !JJ. PUSMi WAT&RFRONT HOMES .liMN IY AI'I'CIINTNNT S7 LIMo .... Drl .. Cuatom 4 811., ~~ bo. home on Lagoon. l!str. BR. hu tittinc arae A: frplc.-Waterlront fam· il1' rm. w/converution pit around the frplc.j w lb slip ....................... $189,500. n Lind. Isle Drive Beautifully decorated 5 BR. home on lagoon. ~uge mstr. BR. ,w!beam ceiling, frpl. Lge. .ltv. nn. 6 family rm. Formal din. rm . Secur· tty System, d~k 1: boat slip ...... S230.000. 101 Lln4a Isle Driva Lovelv 5 BR.. 4 ba . home with downst.ain waterfront mstr. suite ,& lge. game rm. or studr-Mexican tile floors, beam ceiling!>, quality construction, slip. . . ..... Sl38,000. For Complete lnfo....,..tion On All Hemet & Lots, Pl .. ,. Call: BILL GRUNDY, Realtor 341 ld..-rs BW.. al Linda h ... IAYSIDI ,DR., SUITE I, N.l . 67UI61 Pete r/Jarretl Jeaft'l pre6ml6 NEW LISTING New deluxe 4plex with older duplex. On one property, eastside Costa Mesa. Closed garages. $132,500 Other choice Investment proper- ties. OFFICE OPEN SATURDAYS J.ND SUNDAYS t! PETE BARRm REALTY 160, W-IIH Dr., N.L 642-5200 ·~··············· MLS SA·LES REPORT Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $21.9 million In the 1st two montbs of 1972. THIS IS A 59% INCREASE OVER SAME PERIOD OF 1971! 823 new listings were processed, of which 65% were sold; 63% of sales were cooperative. List your property with a Realtor. • ••• MULTIPLE LISTING GETS RESULTS! MULTIPLE LISTING GETS RESULTS! MULTIPLE LISTING GETS RESULTS! MULTIPLE LISTING GETS RESULTS! Cal Your Realtor TODAY w.ttalllar • • TJtURSOAY, MARCH 23, 1972 COR!MA DELMAR, CALIF. Newport Beach Bolboo Bolboo Island Casta Mesa BACK BAY AREA Four bedrooms, family room, dining room, 3 batbs, 2,150 sq. ft. of living. Exquisitely decorated. Landscaping Is exceptional • • • One of the finest homes around. $51,500 ROY R. McCARDLE REALTOR RELIABLE ~F.RVICE SINCE 1943 MACNAB-IRVINE PINEit HOMES GLAMOROUS LINDA ISLE 4 1;1~. ~ hath. beach & tennis court. Slip for ~Jti9 .. i00. llave ('ook fHi-3:!35. ,\L."ir), ('1],!!!1\UJ~ 3 f':J~. :1 bath 'JedJlerranean :•1 lo·.1 lo.·, YJ~l 51'10 tor Happy ~:-.~frnnl LLV· 1 "~-Of'!·.\ Sl :\il.\Y 1-:'i p rn z JUfi Lm<i.J 1-'•· DAY & OCEAN VIEW .'·n.iip ~ 1:·:. :! twtil-lll''-~ e.-.:pcn:-1~c l:W· !Jt'll•"-! .•·-t:r:lp~~. Pool -undcr_ground p<trk· J•l<:! ~ huJt t' L:.1\ fran! .'.pt ;.oJI !>lip ;1\ailable. :-.)~ 01:\l ./nd ~:11. th tW~-;::!.::.i MACNAI-IRYINE REALTY COMPANY 644 6200 642-1235 Ho-Vl.w ~ 901 Do.-om. 1644 MocArlhur 11-..1. NEWPORT lEACH Curt Dosh REALTO R 642·6472 -eve. 673·3648 1730 W. C0.4.ST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Phone in Your Order for o SubacrlptiOft: C.ll67~550 Lido Isle E A L T 0 R 8 SELL T ONCII Not t.omorro mo~t ' Jthl1 outJtandin& .,'"'Doloru Model to , ' Let us sbow you thi y, then make. offer. Askin a: WATERFRONT · PIER Custom duplex, Newport laland .. this. is . a beautifuJ , weU kept property· loll of pnde Ln owneuhip. Owner wiH carry lit T.D. loan with no loan costs. Offered at ~.ooo. COUNTRY CHARM Trres. grass, shrubbery, htd. swimming pool ; lge. Easlstde C.M. lot, aU of those ex· tras in add ition to 3 lge. bdrms .. 2 bath1. Bring a li111e paint, sa ve at 137,500. HOME & SHOP • We ll located ('.M. small house & repa1r ga- rage. on C-1 lot. Out of town owner has re- duced to sell' at $27.300. YOU aE THE JUDGE Fef'l at home in t.hts lge 2.200 sq. ft . 3 BR.. 2 bath charmer' 3 Car ~araJ[e &. extra room : showplace kitchen thRt would make Mike Roy tingle ~ All surrounding )Jilt'. ht.d . & m- tered pool & brick .patio. Offered at $46,500. EASTBLUFF-VIEW A better bu y at only S49.500-4 Jge . bdrms , lge. lot. Call us: .-PRESTIGE RENTALS* Cameo Shor{'.~. 4 bdrm . :t ba . pool, \'teu·, carpets. dr~pc~. exec-ut11 e st yl ed home, avail. at Si:'i() .\1nnlh. leasf' Ocean & h;uhnr \ 1e\4.. nr11 t"-h 3 t-.d rm 2 ba M1we 1n bdnre summer. Ye~rly lease. A1·atl. RO\A : S."MMI .\lonth. CoRBIN-MARTINjl ====644-7662'===:J~ 3200 sq. ft. four bedroom nearly new home. Family room •... dining room ...• FEE land. $87,900. RONA DEL MAR CUTIE • . •• with nice pool and room lor iocome urut. To be rt'd@corated a.nd .90ld at $44,1'50. COM DUPLEX ;'\ BR fr'lfll a, 2 BR r"lr no f'XIra IIU lol So. of Hv.-y. ~ th~' S58.:-.oo. HO~i[ SHOW Rb\LT!)RS Onlytf~tlllllcll ~uick to reserve an apartment 1n one ol our new sections. (The qutcker you are, the better your chances of gettmg the ftoor plan and location that fit you best.) Park West apartments tend to fill up last W_ith ad~lts over 30. {And under 30.) They like the adults-only sect1ons with prtvate pools and Jacuzzis and barbecue pits. With Moms. (And Dads. And kids.) They like the tam1 ly sections "':ith tot lots. The pre-school. The teen center The Juntor Olymptc stze poot With athletes. (And just plain good sports.) They like Park West recreation. It outdoes every other apartment complell 1n the area. There's a three-acre activity park. Filled w1th sw1mmJng and ther· apy pools. Ntght-tighted tennis. Volleyball. handball A targe turf area lor JOggmg and touch football. There's a two-story clubhouse. Complete health club tac11ities and tra 1ned attendants. l ounges. game and party rooms. Full-lime recreation manager. Park Wes~ has something lor everybody. So. no matter what your age, or martial status. or athletic ability .. you're sure to lit 1n. 11 you hurry. 3883 ParkvMtw Lane. Irvine. Ju1t off the San Diego Freeway at Cutv8-r Road. Adults only, from 1110. Family apartments. from t1H. ·"""'---1 HOPING for a playg:rouM, which would be part of a com. m untty center planned for Balboa Island, 3lslaod younpters look tlu'ougb the fence surroundlngtheCommunUy Methodist Church on Agate Ave . The church sUe w111 be put up for sale and the Balboa Island Improvement Assn.lsctrcula.Ung a peUtlon to buy the sUe for a com munity center. Looking forward to the day when they can enjoy the center are, from left, Cathy HoU&f.Oil, 9, Cheryl Swain, 10, aoo Jeffrey Houston, 4. (Ensign photo.) Senator hits gerrymander "More than 1,000 bills were sentlng 1 mllllon constituents, s ubmitted Mar ch 15, making while his district should be a total of 3,000 bills presented around 40,000. Tbe new dis- to this state legislative ses-trlct takes 1n the northern part sion," State Senator ClaJr Bur-of S~ Diego County and much geoer, told membe rsandguests of the coast:UneofOrangeColll- of the Corona del Mar Chamber ty, lociOOlng Corona del Mat. ot Commerce at the VIlla Balboa lslaod, Balboa, Lido Isle Sweden restaurant last Thurs-and East Upper Bay. day. Mr. Burgener feels that re· The reason for the huge num-apportionment should be taken ber of bills was that March 15 away from the gerryrnaodertnc was the final day for orlgtnat-lnfiuence of the legislature and tog laws during this session put ln the hands of a special of the Catllornta state govern-commission composed of both meot. Senator Burgener , who parties and some lndepeodents. Is runnlng for U.S. congress People who have property 1n the newly formed 42nd Con-along the coastline m~y be re- gressiooal Distr ict, discussed qulred to apply to the state some of the state legislative tor permits to bulld on their problems, Including reappor-pr operty ll bills currently ln tlonment, welfare, the Calli-the state legislature art en. ornla coastline and the bill acted, 1\e said. He predl.cts to record commttt.ee Yotea. that a coutUne protectloo btU Sen. Bur gener feels that the wlll be eracted thls session, r eapportionment was a colossal BUls that 1:1ave already been failure by last year's session lntrodoced in both Senate and of the legislature. Gov. Rei.pn Assembly call for a stale com- rlgfltly, according to the aspir-m:sslon to supervise coastal lng candidate, vetoed the bills development with 6 regional otrered. ln desperatlon, the Cal-committees. Although the com- lfornta S~reme Court accepted mission would not have the the congressional redistricting power to tu, the bills lntro- ln or der to provide a basis duced give It very strong for the 7 new congressional powers, even though the com- seats which Califor nia has been mission will not be directly allotted by the federal govern-elected by the people. First ment, of all there would be a mora- His new district Is Largely torlum on all bul1dlng and de- a part or Congressm~ John velopment for at least 3,000 Schmitz's district. Congress-yards inland. Another bUt, s ug- man Schmitz. has been repre-gested by Senator Dennis Car- UGAL IIOTICE FICTTTIOLS B~tNESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as: Earth 'N' Ware, 3210 Colorado Pl., Costa Mesa: Stephen Woltf, 3210Colo- rado Pl., Costa Mesa; Wendy Wolff, 321 0 Colorado Pl., Costa Mesa. This business Is being con- ducted by a partnershtp. Signed: Stephen Wolff. This statement filed with the county clerk of Orange County on: Mar. ZO, 1972, by Beverly J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. Publish: Mar ch 23, 30, April 6, 13, 1972 , In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -16629 LIGAL MPnCI FICTITIOLS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as: 0 1' Boo's, 425 30th St., Newport Beach: Robert Glen Lunde, 407-1/2 38th St., Newport Beach . This business is beln& con- ducted by an IDdivldual. penter, has a state commlsstoo, but no r egtoaal borardsand woukl rely more on cooperation trlth local autboriUes. Aspiring congressman Bur- gener is concer ned about prop- erty owners. ''How do we compenate peo- ple tor their laDd which is restricted during 1 morator . tum?" De asks. "Dotuesstop? Obviously not." There are 1,067 miles of coastllne In Callfornia --408 miles ln publlc ownersh.lp, There are 602 miles or sandy beaches, 2 72 owned by the pub. Uc. ln San otego and Orance Counties, 67 of 117 miles of coastline are ln publlc hands; 61 or these are sandy beacha. The state senator says IUs mall runs heavy oo environmental Issues, but the writers doo't mention bow to pay tor U. He personally doesn't want to conttscate property, nor does he tavor spoillng of natural resources. He forsees a state bood issue to pay tor laod.s alonr the coast. Signed: Robert Glen Lunde. LEG .. IIOTICE Thla statement filed wtth the ---=~::-=-=c.:..:.=-­ coW'Ity clerk of Orange Cotmty NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING on: Mar. 20, 1972, by BeYerly AMENDMENT NO. 318 J . Maddoz, deputy coW'Ity clerk, Notice I'" tJereby given Uat PubUah: March 23, 30, April the Plat' ~ ~om mission ofttll 6, 13, Hl72, tn the Newport City ot dWP(Irt Beaeb wtllbold Harbor Ensign. F -16628 a pubUc hearing on Ameodmellt No. 318lolllatodbJtbePiaDnbl( LIG.tl. NOnCI Commlaslon whlcb pr-olo FICTmOtB BUSINESS NAME ameDd certalo HCtloDI of Title STATEMENT 20 ottbeNnport BeacbMIID.Iet- TM toUowiDc peraoa ladotnc ~1 Code to requJte1111permlta: bUlDea u : KelUnprC1eaD1Dc for aU ooo.maDUfaeturl.ac uu C-.etoro, Z321 Orchid Hill lD tbt M-1 Dlotrlet, Pia~, Suta A .. : I.Awreoee HoUce Llbtrtb'lturtblrc:l•ta Alu X.lllDctr, 21%1 Orchid tlllt aiel poi>Uc boulDc will Ill BW Plla, --· llold oa lllo IIIII dlJ ol AllrU, 1'llll t ' 111 It belae coa .. 19?1, at tbl ~ of 1:10 P.M. -bJ u l.ldtY!d1al. to tilt c-11 c-. o1 t11t aa.o<!: LA,_, A, Koll-N""!** lleoeb CIIJ llall, at wtldllliDIIIIII ploeeurlld&ll lied wlllllllo ,..._-.. ,_ udllo_d_-. --.--.,. Jfcspata.acatr ft; 7 JC..IIIIIIl p ?'$ ll&rca II, It'll, II ............. ...,.. N.H. diiS •• ed NEII'ORT HARBOR Ell I Gil FlRST sECnOII--hpl TliU IISOA Y; IIAIIOI 13, 1972 RADIO'S STROLLIN ' SAM LANE DIES Tllotlrllloc:r--.t• liM I. C-llwJ., c-COAOIIA0£1.11A" cAuF :nooiou -lAM, .... .. •••*• dlllll ... .,_ dtl Mar, ... told "' --... "t • ud I'ICOI'dlllc uu.e. .,. ... -od .. _, bJ tbo,Nooport lack -IJoot lllo .. -at 111.1 -lo c-dtl Bar1>or Clll-ol Commoreo mt-1 llpod ,._ -tilt LIGAI. IIP11C:I liar Poll, 10, -wU -board ot (llrecton. ftnt ot tbt ,., riiiPI' u t• u a .._..., poet Ud ~ Till Iocr-will DU 111o tbo W 111art oo ---NOTICE OF INTEitTION TO pbl"'-oo a dlllJ _.. ... lD wbal .... 111 hau -berlblp lD _. tballll JOUI. ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF tor _, JOUf, the Cblmbtr't ftrst detleltbud. A DMr IIDlll·bua!Dnl ~ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Wilt cout fu1 wtU btet pt lD blJtory. ID1W'&DC4 p.lu lor employ... a-zo..u remember b1J cbttry, 04flello, Aaa•l mtnimllm d!MI wtll wu .welled by Mr. BatDitt. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: lstllo ... )'body. thla Lt 10W co 1.11 trom tht prueat $48 Tbl p)ln, alrtldJ IPPI"'"Id by SUbjtct to Lt••oee ot. tbt o~ tr1ead, strollla' Tom,., &Dd to $10, OtNr 1Der .... wl11 the Clll.mbtr'a tuellt1Ytba&r4, Uc_. IIIPlltd tor, aotlce il btl tblme ..... "Youcutmlla niH thl JUtatrtWp or cor. I(Yn small ooc,_ .. aDd ber.O,. IIY• Uat lhl IDJir. whell ''* CID"t llY a word. u pontioa mlDlmum from $'75 ttl:ttr employees II'~ COf .... liPid Pf'OPOMf to .. u IJco.. Wllteb lln.Tt (ltiDid llla pro ... to $90, flrwlcal loltltutlou ''* aJmllar to that available bollc btW'erace• at the prem. cram oo ltatioD JCFWB. from $1ZS to $150 per braoch. to Jarce ftrma. Cbambtr mem-,..., ducrlbed asfollowt:ZIOO Mr • .l.ue wu bora 1D CleYe- publlc utU1tlel trom $!00 to ber1 will be able to 1ta.rt the W, c:»c.n Froat, Newport lud, Ob1o, ln 1886 ud beiU $250, and botell and motelJ an plan wttbout paJIJJI tbe Beach. hll llDctAc eatMr aa a teeD... from $.20 to $25 phu $1 per $50 IDJUatloa tee DCII'IMIIJ Pdi'IUUt to sueb IDteaUoo, apr. Ldtr be aq andiDttr- room, The DI'W' due. sebedule ebalpd b)' tbe luunoce flrm, tbe Ub:lerllped la IA:Ib1Dc to ta1Did Oil the Lyceum udCblu-. ateo ..U $ZSO u the miDJmwn wbtcb was Jdentlfled 11 Beot ... tbe Dcartment ot Alcobolle taaQU& clreutta Ill the major for a ~PeCial eatecory wtllch tlel&l Employees Security Beren&e CODtrol for tu.Ace clt1e1 lhroucbout tbe Utlltld !DehJdea l&rp corporations and Trust. of a.a alcobollcbeYirap !leeue stat ... FoiJowtDr thla he ~anc ebi.ID buaJ.oesses, Mr. Buoett &leo pn the (or Ue .... )torthe~epremtaee Cf&Dd opera and became nll Tom Slmandl, Cbambertrea.-board areportontbe Chamber'a II tollowa; 0a Sale her 6 moWn t0r h11 role 11 "Meph. 1urer, told the board of dl~ decision to compile a etYJc Wine (Bona Flde PttbUc E&Unc iltopbtlta" In the cpera rectors that the Lncrease u-d.lreetory of clubs. Place~ "Faust." In 1910 be atarred aures a b&laoced budget tor Excbanp hlP school stu. J..me L. Melwn on Broadway 1n the old Hl,ppo. tbe year. dents from Spain, Peru IDcl Howard T. Melum drome Tbel.tre 1.n Nn York Tbe Monday luncheon meet-Australla were ruesta of tbe Pubttsh: Marcb ZS, 1972, ln With the tamouaaetreu Lillian tor: Ln the Chamber ottlces at meettn~r. tbe Newport Rubor Eoslp.. RUUIU. STROLLIII' TOM LAME other ehUaeterba.Uooa ID· eluded hie "Uncle Happy" Hr· le• In Clen1and I.Dd New York. aDd a '1PlDto Pete" Cowboy aeries which was aired In the eastern United States as wen u Ia 41101rolla, Caada IUid I ..... Ho 1*-1110 -c, .. _., alrald or 111o 111, bOd ,olf." u Yocalllt oa "C&Uf· onii. Melodlel, ... IC.KJ ccaAit to -ndlo -will! R&y • •ODd' P ... , AI I piOMir ln ndlo bo .... troq-lJ ·-to tvo bla baek to tbe mtcro- JIIODN 10 tblt bJ.I bo0m1Dg bu.l yotee would atop "blowtDc tbe NbH.'' He •• ordatned ln the mln- tJtry at tbl Country Church of Hollywpod aDd mln1Nred lD maoy Southland eburehee tllrOU&b hll llDclDI· He 1.1 aur•tYtd b)' his wlle, WUlo l.&oe, who lbared tM III)OtUPt 11 tlla aeeo~ntlt durllc molt ot hla profeNional career. He a tao leaves a 100, Tbomaa W. Lue Jr., aDd 2 dauctrtera, Kathleen Mitchell and J~me SmJddtr. Private uavealde aervtcea were cooctucted by the Rev. Georp Uunalac at Paeltle VIew Memorial Park Ln Harbor View Hilla. ~AND COURIER PIC UP Come In and Test Drive The Two Newest BeHer Ideas from Ford! IO.NS IVIIYDAY VOWMI DISCOUtm SAVE YOU MONET! NIW. '72 F253 PICKUP AND NEW 11 n . CAMPIR r;c.~wp ;, C.nt. Styl•o+do with UO.VI, oir c.•ll4., owto. tr•~• .. r•dio. 1100 G .. w pk9 .• 1pf. c.utl. u ll, 11-1, Li,.,it &lip u l•, T-Giou, 7:50oll, Au• 25 t •L fvol +~~~• o11tl ,.,., •. St• •574. El Ooudo Sh••· 1100 c;.,.,,., l!ot 9u/oloc roftit . "'O~'~omttic toiltt, cllt t .. ., ,. .. , •. color cord ll,.p ... "'•ttr•u•• t ic. SU •1St. TIVI'f Ill•. P·9· throuthoutl PINTO STATION WAGON $1 ~o~c~~~~D;ISC;O;U~NT:., .. J::. r:r~:.. sn70.60 15 CAMPEIS 60 Cv .... of COURIER PICKUP NIW '72 GAU.lOIS HOW DtSCOUNftD UP TO The .......... , Sftl\1 ....... ....... 7V .... WIMtow ....... Loold111, ••••th Rltlln• lo-·'-···· '·'•"•"•"•'""-'•"•"•"•'--1 WIIJ To .. Thrifty! NIW '72 MUSlANGS NOW DISCOUNTID UP TO '500 """ WINlOW lfiCIII S...• !JiJOJMI Itrltl NIW '72 TOIINOS NOW DISCOUNfll UP TO .... SALI P&ICI AT sura c.m., . ·c· 'E •• TH. EM' ~~S~6;17~1~.~~~~D~I~SC~O~U~Nn~~~~~------~ I'~~ • • • YOU'LL LIKE THEM! '788 WINlOW ....... S... ll' UAIIHII U611 111+41 ; LEASING? "'.:::..=, .. 72 LTD HD lP 'I 02~·. «JJ V8. AlT. r,.,.·r ~~""' " do...c-<, ~4 \10 .., Ollr eond., radl11. !lilt ~l&.-.. (Jf'E,, E."tl 72 .IAN TOIINO HD TP :xrJ VII, An. 11""' •t .... r. 1od d..c. 1lr t'<ll"d, r•di!l, lin! ~~~·~· 72 PINTO IUNAIOUT 2000 cc f:n:r. AlT. d!tc bo k1 21 Mn WfW. •~•'<"~I ~troup OPEN I.SD U PII·DIIYIN MODIU AT SAYOt6S UU THIS! 94" .... 67'~. WI L1AS1 ALl POPUU.I MAliS Af COMPITITIYI U.TIS. WASH- OUT! ALi. 1971 DEMO. AND EXEC. CARS MUST GO AT SUPER DISCOUNTS! &IAUTIFUL. SHOWROOM fltESH. MOOILS THAT STILL CAllY IAL· ANCf Of NEW CAl: WARitANTY. HUUY FOit EXTRA SAYINGS ON THESE! • T-1-DS • GALAXIES • STAnON WAGONS • TOIINOS o MUSTANGS • LTD's BIG SAVINGS ON 2V2 ACRES OF NEW CAR TRADE -INS 5896 '61 Ltll J H. M.T. VI. l ulo. RaM. P.S..IIr (Oftd., IJPOd rlllJott, IWJG*I TRUCK SALE! EXAMPLIS: .. , ......... .. • SALE! 4 ,,. ... ,, I ,......, .. lt7t .. ltn"o I -•lie ...... ,._ s-. .. lllo .. ...,~_ ... I ~ 496 ~".~~ ... , ' """· St XlOO '"liM· 10011 m11n. -I '""""' Nlll .r. GilLY . ........ ~" 1 ? What 's your? opinion? • ntl 'WHk'l ql8tltioa: "WHAT 00 YOU PLAN TO DO wrfH YOUR LIFE?" Aa.d at Market Bulcat _,.,.._ ttr oa IIDd st., Wut Nnport, ud at tile-Club, NEWPORT BEACH 10< in rehearsal Tbl Chitter mtnclt play, "Noye's nudde.': Wlt.b a 'mual- e&) JCOre by Ben)lmln Britten. t1 to rebearsal oow at St. Andrew' a Presbyter laD Church ta Newport Beach. Thla church~commun1Cy pel· eant will feature 150 choir chlklreo aa tbe aotmala wbo co 2 by 2 toto the Ark to neape tbe flood, a 40 pteee orchestra, under the dlrectloa of Dr. Jooab Kliewer, ud Will be totoed by tbe St. Andrew's MAHCY SMITH bell choir aDd the Herald • NANCY KAYE SMITH, 1'7, Trumpeters fromNewportHar. • -eMu ~~u o-u . ....,..._, oot~· • ,.. "....,. &lilt& hires Jim Cooper The Cout CommwdtJ Col- lep diltrict board of truatees baa qlpOIDted Jim Cooper, vet. trao Orange County oe•s- euter, u d1teetor of com- munity .~errices. For the past 6 years Mr. Cooper has beaded tbe Oranp County Dft'S bureau for KNXT, C haJme I Z, aod has breeD the •otce of Oranp County oe tele- •tslon. ODe of h1a .,.. respon- sibiUUes wUI be to p.ther and report the news of Orange County for Chanoel 50, wben It bectns br~easting in the fall of this year. Corona del Mar, senior ac co. bor high school. A east ot 16 rona del Mar lllch schOol aDd wtu feature Robert Lilly as current Miss Newport Beach: the Voice of God, Joseph E. "First, 1 plan to maPr ID Gaudio as Noah, and Lou Pratt lanpges at the University of as Mrs. Notb. Utah, then I hope for a diplo~ The miracle play was first MAIN PROJECT of tbe Americanism committee of the maUc career with the State produced at the end of the 16th Newport Beach Juolor Ebell Club Is teaching home crafts Department or a job as ln~ century, Ordinary people trav~ at the Park Lido a.od GlenhaY"en Convalescent Homes In terpreter for United Nations." eled .from towP to town per~ Newport Beach enry 2Dd Wednesday aod 3rd Tuesday of • LYNN SCHOONOVER, 11, forming the play on carts. ln the month Here Karen Kovach Junior Ebell voiUDteer of 208 Albert Pl., Costa Mesa, 1958 Ben)lmin Britten set the Is gl¥tng 'Instruction to Neme' Smith and Paul PriW PrLor to settl.ag ~ the Or- ange County bureau for KNXT, he was city editor aod oews editor of the Garden Grove News, maoagtng editor of the Santa Aoa lodepeDdent, and as- sociate editor of the Orange County Evening News. He was named "man of the year•• by the Garden Gr onJuniorCham- ber of Commerce in 1965. pageant to music. It was first at Glenhaven. 6th grader at Lindbergh School: presented In England. "I want to be a teacher like The pageant calls for the K" f I k I . my dad. I think I'll become a bu1ld1ng of the Ark, the board~ ISS or uc rrocery cllecker while I'm going tng ot the animals, the storm, ' to collegt!, so I can have some and Qnally tbe peaceful scene d r lh •xtra mooev ." when God seDds a rainbow. ay s eme Musical director Ia Dr. Jonah Kliewer. Production direction Tile Junior Ebell Club of is Gordan , Adams. Per for-Newport Beach will pther at mances will be Friday, April the Ebell clubhouse, 515 W, 21, and Saturday, April 22, at Balboa Blvd., Balboa,atlOa.m. 7:30 p.m. "Boarding passes'' todaY, March 23. Theme for are available at St. Andrew's the day ts "a tlss for luck," Presbyterla.Jl Church, 646~ and lUDcheon chairman ls Mrs. '7147. Donation Is $1 . Evan Thomas. Achl·evemenl ""· nave soo•. oreslde•~ will Introduce the special . ruests, Mrs. Fred Loakes, • I d president or Ebell Club, and .. ~O;;;Tc;STC;;;.;~,iW:9, ~ g1an n·ame Mrs. James Barclay, coordlD· ator. Mrs. Larr y Ttayer, deaD 3'702-1/2 Channel Pl., Newport WUlla R Mason president ol chairmen, will direct the Is land, furniture mover : ~I w1~ of the m Irvine Co~pany ~~ chairmen's reports. Fedenttoa to be happy· Right 00 • "newsmaker dreamer and chairman, Mrs. Larry Mitc hell. sort of feeling things out. I doer ofdee<is'ona vast ~le'' __ will discuss the upcoming dts. want to flnd some work that 1 u 00 A 1 II Ilk nd tlck: with it." has been chosen ~Y the A mer -trtct conven o.n, a mer - I r ea Y e a s can Academy of Achievement cantsm chalrman, Mr s. Ri chard • JOAN ASSID, 18, of 303 as ooe of 50 ~ts of ac-Figge, wUI discuss plans tor 35th St., West Newport, pros-compllshment from America's the proceeds trom her com. pectlve student at Orange Coast great fields of epdeuor tore. mUtee's r ecent garage sale. Colleee: "I'm not sure yet. celve the golden plate award Mrs. Warren Fls, member~ I'd like to be an airline hostess during the llth annual salute ship cha.irman, will cooduct the or a omnut1c1 luttuctoc." to ucelleoceweek.eod,July6.8, lnltlatlon of 10 prov111ooats to • KENT BANE, 23, of 121 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, assistant manager of Market Basket: "I'm biding my time. I'Y"e had 2 years of college and 1 may go back, There's no rush. I !lave no idea what my future holds." • ROBERT FROST, 25, of 149 E. Bay St., Costa Mesa, student at Long Beach State Collep: "I am studying for a certitl.ed p!Jbltc accountant's certificate. I hue 2 brothers In the same ltlnd of work and I hope, some day, to work wtth them." at Salt La.ke City. ret*~' mtmbersblp, Tbey an Mr. Wason, an admlnlstra-Ymtl, Robert Janness, Mat. ttve eactneer, rose Ill 7 years thew LyoD, Robert TarUoG. to the top commaod ofablllloo~ James E. Rich, M, M. Stewart, dollar land emplre, the work1's Donald Goodrow, Tom Gold, largest (80,000 acres) private~ Terrence Bennitt, Alan Tracy, ty-ftnanced, master ~planned and L. B. Wilder. A transfer, area tn the fastest-growing Mrs. James Mears, .nu also county In CaWornia. be welcomed, The announcement was made Mrs. A. L. Hastings wiU by Lowell TtJ:Imas, renowned present the slate of offtcers pioneer newscaster-globe trot ~ tor the coming year. ter-author, past recipient of AEROSPACE DUTY the golden plate award, and Airman James C. Goede, now chairman on the awards In-law of Mr , aod Mrs. committee. Harvey, 2975 Mllbro, Oedlcated to the Inspiration Mesa, has graduated a t of youth, the Academy annually pard AFB, Teua, trom hooors extraordinary leaders U.S. Air Forc@ date .,:O~~ • ..iO;( In the sciences, professions, machine operator course l.odustry, arts, aDd service to dueled by tht Air 'ITaiDI.ngCom· fellow man. Onr 300 outstam. mand. He Is being ust.ped to lng hlgh school honor students Los Anples Alr roree StatioD ~ from across the naUon will tor duty wltb a untt ot the joln tbe serte1 of symposiums Air Forc@ Systems Command, and other tnlormal meetlD.p whl ch rrw:ages reseiJ'cb aad during the weeteDd "pthertnc denlopment ofUSAFaeJ'OCI&ce of the greats," which Is ell-systems. He Is a 1971 lftdtate mued by the buquet of the of Marl.Da h.lcb school, HtmliDC· colden plate awards • ton Beach. FREIDA MA LCOLM, R.N., at left, joins ln the projed of making paper mache chicks at Glenhaven. Seated beside her Is Gunhlld Nor swiPg. Nellle Sm ith Is staDdlng, and In the torecround 11 Lilly Lowe. AMY CHAMBERLAIN Is assisted by Carol Fell, Junior Ebell ¥oluoteer In the home crafts project. Tbese crafts include tissue paper wall hangt.np, mobl~s. pine cooe a.Dd leather turkeys, clay aOO wooden plaques, stain glass wladows 1D frames, and Uower pot decorating. EXCHANGE STUDENT Marta Josl Vlleuky from Chlle, at left, aad her Newport Beach "sister ," Kerl K.rooe, tell the Youth tor Understanding story. Exchange understanding Marla Josl Vllensky, Youth day by day living with a family , for Understanding u change It Is 1n such an atmosphere student from Santiago, Chile, that young people w111 learn Is one of over 250 foreign most about a. country, Us peo. teenagers now IIY"lnglnSouthern pie, and their wa y or life. Calltornta. At the present time the pro- ltlawltor laoto Ia Her Newport Beach sister, ua.m Is accepting American Kerl Krooe, spent last summer students ror both the summer ~;;~;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:~ Ln South America under the and year programs. There are t program, Both are students at currently many opportunities TIDE A- Corona del Mar high school for students ln Southern Callt. Office lu~~ • ~ and tave been relating their ornla to be an exchange student 0~ S-~ ~'f)' esperleoces to other local hlgtl In Western Europe, South #'" IChool classes aod service or. America, and Asia. ~ p.niutions. Last weekeOO they Also famllles are Deeded to -:t,;~ ::!'"""" ... spoke before a g:ro141 or several urve as OOst !amities for stu~ bUDdred Rotarians at their an-dents trom Europe, Asia, South ntal district conlerence held America, and Africa who wm in Palm Springs. be coming to the U,S, In August Pacltlc Telephone Company tor the 1972.73 school year. Manager Pat Krone Is mother For morelnformationonpar-3 l1:~ ...::...s. to oot only Marla Josi, but tl cipattng In this t@E!nage ex~ ~====·;:-~::··====~ also to Lena Jacobsson ot clwlge program, either as a Sweden, who spent 12 months OOst family or by providing with the Krones in Newport your hlgb school age soo or Beach last year under the pro. daughter with a. foreign family cram. Uvtng ezperlence, interested Youth for Under staDCilng Is persons may cootact Mrs • one of 4 State Department s141~ Krone on 548-4630 at the Tete. ported eschange pr ograms and phone Compa.n y business otnce stresses the Importance or in Costa Mesa or at her home. actual cultural contact -~·~l;h•~,_ ........ : .................... . ~eeid{; cY~~··- ili !OOr;LY K//VJ) VvE HAV/3. -,A _!f;'LE 6;f F tJE.5H£R :, 1-!l/:.....£ BJ r 8£71E?. r ~ '\ ~., ~ ;, 1-f E.:Kf E--JE: -.~ -r CHE.QR..Y TOMAT.0ESI3,.%.E' 191 CANT A 1-0 lj PEt; ''"5' Cf "'' W$0N 3 ,.l I CARROTS V •.'N' Mn~$nBc'KN> 3 ;:. 29 CE: LERY ~HJ 'UI\ . ''"-,pt. 0\:CH /{}! ~'-<· ~~.._ marKets LIDOCENHR I" I I \ I'< til M l 'I\\ f'( HI:! Rt '<( oO I "lll .,.:"""" '"-I "'""' HARBOR VIEW CENTER l oo>.,-111.\"l ._1!1Hl ~ "I~P()~I R!.-.(H {'<Ill •1,'.,...,.,·1.'1' Harbor Area .. ¥OU deserve better banking services were here to provide them! • The • ..,..._.._ . '• • J CHitiTIAN NIWI. MIW HAVIM, MO. ·-n. ·--.._; .... at .. -· ... ...., ___ ...., ..... a-.a,N. Ia tile Spirit ot Rio a.ly ...... ...,, ....... . nywl!lbodotoo", ~----... ... .._... -.1 01' woo-·. ·--God .. . daiNIOa-1." • Tllo p,.yor ot tile ~. "Falbor loillw them", .. aJoo • ~ ot Ute -.. -ol Tllo p,.yer of tile CNcU!ed, 'Talbor, lcqjve ._ _,. for a IIDflll w«<d. lila 10ft II them" II a teoUn>CJOY ol Ills -110 tbe "lOft all love excelUDc" bocauae It II aot luot a w1ll of RIO FoUler In bMYell. UouaUy a Cl\leitled -...,Umet!t, but ..-ODd ..-..., fD ..., penoo would KTNm ud CW"M tbole tbat cna· beb.aJt. He pn.ya rna. tiM OI'MI. Be ......... ctlled him, but Jesua P'-Y• lor th<m. Ol1ea evet1 cedel tor alrulerl botll wttll prayer ODd 10erl11ce. cblldrea of God In tllelr lllflerltla have cunecl tile ''Father, lorrfve tllem", He Pft71 with IMit· day of their birth u did Job ODd Jet'emlob, but atretche<l ann• and bleedlna bftd, olferllta, u , oot to Jesus. 'Ibere la not a wold d. btttemeu HJJ blood drips trom ba.Dcls .ad teet, to tbe Fa- or complaint oo Hll toque u He drtnka the tber tbe price ot our redemptlao that m. eterD&l cup of sufterln&' that H1a Heavenly Father pressed justice demanded. Ou11t haap on tbe crou as to His Ups. He calli tile God wbo bu dellvered the Mediator betweea God and olnlul mea. Al>d He H1m into thla: torture "Father, c:Jelr Father." CAN mediate, He CAN pray, "Fatber foratve True, He had ulr:ed the Father, lt It were pos-them", Md be .._..., becn=x Be lleltlll • B1a slbie, to take from Him th1l cup of 1Utter1Dg; but ..wrete._. .....,.. .. r n•• ._ -.r rlltnM, now that He ls 1n the mldet of the J\lftertng that "Father", He prays, "I bear and IUUer what the he feared, It Is oi1ly uFather, foratve them''. sinners deserve, therefore you mu.at fOI'Jlve His soul Is so completely resigned Ia, wllllng tbem." And tbia lnten:ftllon Ia< atnaon, bopn obedience to the suftertne' that the Father had on the cross, continues to thll cSay, and to the end la.id on Hlm, that Hts compassion went out to ot days. Rom. 8,3f. Wbat love of the Savior! those that tortured Him. The Cructtled prays: "For tbey Dow not what The Son knew why the Father had delivered they do." The soldiers that crucified Him, PUate Hlm. The wW and decree of the Father tbat He who sentenced Hlm, the Jews who platmed It all, . should dte for the sln of the world was clearly did not really lmow what they were dotna:, belne before His mind. God's eternal decree of re-blinded by Satan. l. Cor. 2,8. 'lbere was still demptlon was now .beln& executed, and the Son hope that they mJght be converted and saved, so says: "I delight to do Thy WUI, 0 my God; yea the Redeemer prays: "Father forgtve." There Thy law Is wlthln my heart." Ps. 4,8. There are many today who do not know what they are was In the heart of the Son complete agreement doing when they proclaim a soclal Gospel that and fultUime n t of the Father's wUJ. 1bls holy and ~ aot ,...,..... M.n "-tnol»W.'" is no Gospel or tamper with the authority of His perfect obedience of the Son of God even to a {From Suclay Selilool rnMerial fonnert)' l*bllahed bf Word; tor them the Savior even now Is plead· shameful death on the cross, corning from a man 'lbe Latheraa Ch•rch-MIINMMlrl SJMCI ud now available ing In heaven: "Father, forgive them, for they who Is God's eternal Son, was the sacrttlce that lrwn HoQ' c..,.. Lu&lter-Chureb, !813 Yale Blvd., St. know not what they do." He pleads for Ume that satisfied divine justice and appeased the wrath of Cbartea, Ml...,.rt lUll). they mtght com e to repentance and Uve. Luke a holy God that our transgressions had aroused. 13,8. And the Father hears His prayer. Is. 53, "We are reeonc Ued to God by the death of His redeemed trom wrath and justified tn the sight 11 -12. All who come to repentance and faith tn Son." Rom. 5, 10. But that death would have of God. Him, they are His trophies, the reward of His been worthless, it It had not been rendered free-Thls holy obedience ot the Son of God ts ou r suffering a nd death. Hebr. :ll-,2. · ly, w1llln.gly, and gladly. It was the w1111ng and pattern and dynamics to obedience in aU suffer-And when Thy face I see, perfect obedk>nce of the Son lrt all His suffering lng. Looklng In ralth to the obedience of the Son MJ raa10med IIOU.I llball be that made the sacrlflce pf our Redeemer so ot God tn our behaU, we can approach God, If Throu&h all etel'lllt)' pleasing and acceptable to God that by It we are ~-H_e_sees __ r_i_t _••_•_end __ u_s_su_u_e_r_ln..:g::·...:.pa __ rn_o_•_g:_rt_e_f.-:::-c=-:So':'-me-:::::th==ln..:l:=lo=r='ntee==· Wh" •• Heaven Uke? ,ROM .,CHitiSTIAM MI!WS.. u MI!:W HAYEN. MO. By E. P. Schube At his chapel In Freehold, .Jersey, U.s the bOdy of William TeDMGt, Junior, ooe of die out- staftdlnc Presbyterian clercymeo of tbe etgbteeoth century 111 the American eoloalea. Amonr the bsctnattnc eYeDts 1n Ilia tdocrapby Is the story of how he apparently died aDd came to Ufe ap.t.n. Whlle studytnc tbeoloey at New Bruuwid;, New Jer- sey , be was talldnc one dliy wttb his brotber Gilbert, i.b Latin. wheel M was sudck'DIY taken m . Alter aome time he appeared to die. In laJinc' him out, a sllcbt tremor was felt uftder the len arm, but the body wu cold aDd stiff. The time for tbe tuaen..l arne Ud tbe mour.ers were already at ba.Dd, but a pbyaldan, a frlead or Ttmntmt. pleaded that tlw obsequies be Mlayed. "What?" exclaimed Tenoeot's brother, "a man DOt dead when he Is cold and atiffua stake?'' But the doetor t\ad his wa y and t.be tuoeral service was put oU to ano- ther day In Uu~ mean time various .Uo rta were made to dJs· cover s l.gns of life, but DODe appnred ucept tbe siJrtat tremor under the lett arm. for three days and three nights the doctor nenr lett btm. The people came apJn to bury him, but nen then they could DOt obtain the doctor 's consent. He pleaded for an bour, &Ddwben that w:as gone be asked for AMtber baU bour, aftd then for 15 minutes · and at tbe end of that Ume Tennent opened hts eyes But suppose we let him tell bis own story. •·r found my fever increase," he said, "and 1 be· r ame •eaker and weaker UDUI all at once 1 found my- st>ll in heaven, aa I tboucht. I found myself 1n an instant in another state of exiatence, undPr the direction of a su~rior be-lng wbo ordered me to follow him. I was accordingly wa.tted alone, I know DOt bow, Ull I beheld at a distance an ineffable ctory the impression of wbich on my mind It Is Impossible to commlmic.ate to mortal man I sa• no shape as to the deity, but ctory all un- utlt>rable I ean say as St. Paul did that I beaTd and saw thlnll's unutterable I saw a JTHt multitudE> before the glory apparently In the Mtcbt of bttss, slnJinC most melodiously "I wa s trans ported wttb my own sltuatioo, vtewtn« all my troubles ended and my rest and rtory tJecun . and "2-S about to join the veat and happy multitude, when one came to me, loolled me rullln the face, laid hts hand upon my shOulder and said, 'You must 10 back · • ·These words •ent throuch mto . Nothlnc could han shock«! me more. I cried out, 'Lord, must I ro back?' With this shock I open«! my eyes In this world. When I saw that I was ln this world I fainted, then came to, :~nd !li.Jntl!'d apln several tlm«>s , as anyone protllbly would have done In so weak a situation.'' So Tennent was undoubtedly alive ap.tn, and he liVed for 45 yurs more, but the revelation of the glorl«>s h• had be-held With eye and ear long lingered tn his thoughts "Such was the effect on my mind or what I bad sHU and hHrd." he sa1d, "that 1.1 U be possible lor a human betnc to live enUrely abon th• ...orld and th~ thine• of It , for .orne time aherward I Wlii.S that P''""' ''So creat wen my ldeaa of beavenly ciory that nothtnc wtltch 41d not 1t1 110me mn.sure relat«> to It could comm..aad my Hrtous attmtlon. "F'or ttlrH year. tbe MDH of <thine thtn«s con- llnued so veat, an<l..,el")1binl•lse appn.red so com- plet«>ly wain wbea compared to beaftfl, that could I ha vt' had the world for .tooptnc doW'll lOr Jt I believe 1 should not llave tboetat Of doii!Cit. .. Tbt' rn-1s!Wtc ecMMitJ ol the aoaca and ba.Belu)lha that 1 beaTd, aDd tbe very warda tbat were uttered, were DOt out of my •ra, wbea awake, tor at lea.at three yura." One day wun I wu attll lD tbe parta mtftlatr)' a woman wbo tor muy montba laad biND lytac upon a bed of eteDeaa ud pe.IA Pft ..-euioD to a IJKJul&'t fttc h cloubleu a.. oec:~~rnd eo.....,-refi«U.,. Cln"Wt· tan: "I W'DIIder wlll.t .._._ 1e 1tke." 3M kMw tM way to ..._,..., ud abt wu 0111 tiMt .. , ...... blrt ......... to bow ... t It ... like. a.eaue 1M eJPKiild to 10 ,to ._.,.. It ne .ot u acaOtalle qllltltkle b Mr. a.t, of COVIll, uott.r q..-uc. 1e IRON lmport:ut ud lllllet !left pree.S- ~-'nllat ~ .......... ·-· J do to 1"!1110 ... . .. ? .. ..,..,... tllcMCil It _, .-.:1, tM ....,..,. 110 .. t q•__.-u,··~.·· Tl'w, ... ...., oa'&' s"J Ollllp ... to eo •••n- ua u ra•oiiiiUurst'J•........,.Il ... to .., .. mrs• rtzn• ., .. Lonl. latu -• ..,.. bW' a.t ca••"•.. I Nf...., • .... 01 ,,,.,.... a..t.'' ....... b 3 , ......... ~ --.. ~-..... -. .._ .. .., w a ;; ~,........ Lelt'' at111 .. -. ........ ~,_-. __ ...,.. ....... .... art ., .. -... ''' • .... ,..._, .• w .... ~=·~ ~ n tz.;·,:..~:..·,-: --·-~:.:. --_ .............. N . ••••••••••nwa .. t. If A Man Die Shall He Live Again? FROM "JEWISH HOPE," BO X 707, LOS UIGELES Mra. H. M. Ma•L in MlchiQOD Mlulonmy Whil~ presenting the claims of ChriM lo a J ew~u o ne day. she said she did not beli~v~ in a h~reafter, adding. "When you die. you are dead. that's the e nd of it !" But u we began to unfold God'a Ho ly lnapired Word, she stated: .. Thia I will say for you Christiana. you bave something we Jews do not have. You have a hope of seeing your dead again, but we Je ws do not have that hope." It put ua in mind of Ezekiel 37:11 where we read in part; ';Our bone11 are dried, our hope i11l o8t : we are cut off for our parte." She related udly that she and her father had been v~ry fond of each other and he had rettntly died. She added : "I never e xpect to see. my father again." We could not help but feel the hopeleseness in those word!!, "NO HOPE!" What a contrast to a true believing Christ ian who, at the passi ng of loved ones. do not &Of· row aa thoM: who have NO HOPE ! I I Thess. ,,13-181 . On another occssion, a young rabbi frankly admitted that he did not know if he would so to Heaven. Jews have no idea of what Heaven is or how one gets there. We quoted the "hope" of the Christian from John 14:1-3, ''Let not your heart be trouMed : ye believe in God. beli~ve ai&O in Me. In My Father's hou~ ar~ many mansions: ... I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again, and receive you unto MyM:.Jf : that where I am. there ye may be ai&O.'' That, w~ stated wu the HOPE of a true Christian. While trying to preM:nt th~ claims of Chritd to still another rabbi, h~ imrn«<iatf'ly tried to disprove what the Wo rd of God had to sa y on the matter . We pre&ented our own personal experience with the Lo rd and when we had finished, he frankly admitted, "I cannot dis- prove your experience." We related to a Jewns the story of Luarus and the rich man in Luke 16. It made a ve ry deep impression upon her mind, and in days to come, it brought her to the Lord Jesus Ch rist. The l.orfi used this Scriptur~ to awaken her to her spiritual needs. After Ahe thought the matt~r th rough. she reali.&ed the ~riousneM of the matter and said : "I had 110 much hell on earth here, I don't want any more hereafter." We _sne her a Yiddiah New T~ament to read. She had it by her bedside and read it every night before going to sleep. Faith wu inspired in he r heart when she believed God'a Wo rd and acted upon it . Not long after ahe accepted the Saviour, she went into eternity. w~ trual ahe waa a saved aoul. Thia Jeweu wanted to be buried beeide her huahand and ao she did nee have the courage to confe. Christ openly. Sbe and her huaband ktw!lw they would not be buried in the Jewish cemetery if the rabbi knew they had confeeaed Chritt aa Saviour. We aHended her funeral. Nothin8 could hue been more empty and hopek., but they did noc: die without hope. 'They were abient from the hody. but preeent with the Lon! becauoe they hod put thei' faith 'and t.ruat m Ou'ilt. Ancl oo we -tlud .Oilo lob •.u-1 the ~lcm. .. If • man die, .1..11 lae.llw .Un?" the Lon! 1 ..... 1'0d faitlo in hlo heut ....__. hlm the tnoe •-· "roll I KNOW 111AT MY REDEEMEII UVETII, AND THAT HE SHALL STAND AT 111£ LATTER DAY UPON 1llil EAR111 : Aad ....... .,._ "'1 aida .,.,._ claolr01 t1o1o ....... 7<1 ;.· MY FU:SH I SHALL' SEE GOb, 1VBOM I SHALL SEE roll MYSELF AND K1HE EYES SHALL IIDIOLD, Al'fD NOT Al'f. anu:R ... " (Jolt 19:25-27). n.. Woad ia the loopo of ......, -Griollu ..... _., tnoe, foitllt.J lfol>nw of the poll, occonllaf to JWo .... ll, ,\ .. lht· ,.r,w•l ll·fl Jf•<.u ~ away ,, lu• Jo·;~lll, :".I mom .,f l :)n·nr·, ,.]n• .. :a~ 1 11~1 , ••mm~ iutu Jr · ,u-.;~l•·m tr .. m 1h•• t"••UIIIfY. "'ll ~ f,,, •·tllo f.,ll""'·'·''nlu~Jr·-.u,.._· ,.,,~~. t :rr(tl ,.,,.,.,,j , lr;~rll"d al"ll~ l•dHnrl, "nd rn.rrn llfWf ,.1rwkt-11 ~o~unw n T ..... "tlwr~. , ru111n :•l~. "'"r•· f,.,j "", '" In• f'll't"utr·tl "1111 lrmt .rl .r plaf"l" r allo•d "Tlr•• !">~ull " Tho·ro• .111 llrro·•· "'"r<' ,.,, rl1• d ,.J,.,.,, "" tlw r o·n1o ·r r ""'· ,uu l tl"· 1~-o .. rtrrnrnal~ ••II ··rtlwr -ulr ·. ""t".r tlrr-r. f.,q:l"" 11,. ... ,. l'""td ... " Jr .. u• "!ud . "fur 1],.., d,m't ln"" ,.Jr.rt tiro·\ an• d"llll!" ·\nrl tlrl' .. ,fllio·r-. j.!8nlhh·d f,r h1 • l'luth· urj::, thr••"'rn~ rlrr •• lu1 r·aeh !'""''''· T lw, ,,,.,1 .... tt lu•d. •\rul dw) laujo!lwd .nul ,,.,ft,.,t --11 ,. ""' .. , 1!"'''1 at lrr·l t ""~' .. llro·r,," tlr••) ~:wl. "'lr·t'• .,.,. \rom •at•· horm•Pif rllw r• ro·.rll ) t,,,j",; (J.,. 1wn tlnr •, llw \l.·--uol1." Tlw suldio·r~ mw·ko·ol him, l oll, b~· .,ff .. rinj.! lum a drink .,,,,( ~ou r wint•. Anrl l lw~ o•allr•d l<i him, "If ynu art' tlrr· Kinjl ,f r he Jr•ws. ~ave yuu r~r lf!" A •ijl.nbuard was nailt'(l '" llw r ru~• ah•JVO' him with th~:~•· wnul~: "'Thi" is thO!' KinK vf the J ew~." Om.: of the 111 Co_l)t!nhagt'n M 11tatut> by Thor- w~~tldlu'n whkh depi('tll t. h e Lord Je-~us r hri•t r xtendinlt' th4> invitatif'ln, "(Amll' unto me, 1111 ye thal, labour llntl are hf't&V[IIIdt:n, and f Will give )'lrU ru t (Matthew II :~}. It Ia 1111id that wh(m thla 11latue wAll fir11t phu-.·d in tht-('hur•:h " notr1111 rt ••riti,-. r·"nh' tr• vl1•w It A rhil!l wh!• wrut !ltl<ndinJ( nNtrhy uw M dil'!a ppolnl••tl anrl di~t~topprovlntr cxprei'IMitm t:loud the eritko'a faea. The-~~:hlld .. id. ''MI•ter, 70u are not look· inrt at tha na.tu• tiJht. You han .to 10 c.lo.e to the at.toe: and lrne.l and look up ... Pol- lowl~tlf lht ad•ka of the ~hlld, the uttk fell on hla ltn.a b.- fore the marble ~re; a!'MI loekln1 up1 he eau t a fall .. .._ of tn• ~eul ared f•- Luraa. 'I'M erfUe a... ftl• tnDtH bp U.. lll•lika beauty aDd nreetueu of ~ fill« • Whethe-r or not t.hla lltory ll trut, I do not how. Bat k If.. t\dtra.,_a • mou Important m.t:h. • 1'/lloe•er .... I•• Ch;w, aril'ht must look ...., Rint wttl'l 1 h1.1Mble h•art. In thl• day whl!ft "l tt.UJI. Oh.rlt\ Ru~r1ltar" ht boltlntr t10 wldfob' o·riminals hanging besidr him ~cnffed, "So you're the Meuiah, a rr )'l m '! Prove it by savi ng your- "elf ... and us, too, while you're at it!" But 1he other criminal prntrsled. "Don't you even fear I :rrd when you are dying? We dt:M'rve tu die for our e~il deeds, Lui lhi& man hun't done one thi ng wrong." Then he said, "Je- sus, rem~mber me when you 1•nme inlo your Kingdom." And Jrsus re plied. "Today you will hr with me in Parad~-This is a solemn promise.' By now 11 wa" noon, and darkn~•s fell acro~s the whole land for three luours. until three o'clock. The l1~tl•t from 1he sun wu sone ... and sudde nl y the thick ~eil llan~ting in th~ Temple split apart. Then Je1us shouted, "fa- th,.r, I commit my spirit to you," and with tho!e words he died. When the captain of the Roman mili1ary unit handlinj the ~xe­ culions saw what had happened, he waa atricken with awe be- fore Cod and uid. "Surely this man wa1 innoc~nt." LUKE 23'21>47 from The Livin1 Bible tra.a.l&tion a«<aimecl--ev~n b7 .orne .o- ralled mlnlsten of U.e Go.~NI -It i1 more evident than uer t h a. t llumanlam alwa" ap-- proat:hf!a God'• Son with t.be attitude that Be ia a man. The humaniat, In the pride of bla 11 • n intclltd and rttandtnc 'llritlt hud erett a.nd filled with lhe pride of • n..laly hf'art, C:annot. PQMibty behold (;od'a Son u He Iii. lHWI Chrlat i• tiM oniJ' perfett Ku ever to ~ 'tblt earth; but K• Ia m\Kh MON U.U ...,. manii an4 tha lt_..tstie ......, of lm ea. ...., ba. the t.il and ,._~ ..taw. 1o ._..u .. Kio 1m...::l "Come .,. ..... .. eo. u U... to .... t:M lrritatloa .. lllrlllll ... ..,yoaolhoo.,-W.,-""""'"-.... ---~'"' wtMt e.-la ~~ =~-==-....--= ...._N ............ _ loot ........ ho --OM. Aartl ....... ,...,.. •• ·-.... ___ ..... _ ... =lite; ..... ..... Ut• t ... cu .... tllrl~ thtn lfn-.4 '""" fiW ....._ WW CluWf• ColflhaQ WIU Mean To TIN Worl4 of Tomorrow 1r llll. I. ICHUYU• IHLISM PIIO.tll _,.MI I¥AMDI&.."' lOX II., 'rAaoo. P&.O.IDA All who Ned 1he Bible wtth dftclrn.onent must Mt rn.t tb PfPI'OI'ooh<"lteoeioo .. Mint fiMIIIod -· Some ,_ ~ ap there IOPNttd, In one of the Wtll., m.P~PZinet., en ec- c:ount of 1 ,.....,. ln'IUI~ lncldlnt which Ult.»trttes Y1fY eptly tM IPitheUc attt-- 1Ude of 1 INIIt many Cttr11tlen ~e who ...., to rud thtlt Blbln with their ~ but not with their mlndl Or their hNrtl. . tt 111rm1 that In lJ3I. 1 men who lfved on l.Dni: ltllnd1 U.S.A.. WN 1ble to oatlllr o 1 ...... nbitldo 0, -..i,. ftlr hlmMif"a '"'Y •ino ba-. -.the m.trument wriYird It tt1t home. he was utrtrmely diuppolnted to find thlt tho lndlcatl,. -Ia -ad to bo 11uc1<, point!,. lA> tho --"'""IOUI". ·Aftw ahlkltll the bstromet• Yef'/ vlpou~ly MYtl'll times. Its niW owner Mt down end wrot. 1 scorchil'll. lettw to the atore from whlth he had pur· c:NMd tiM lnatrument. and on the tollowlna momina. on hit ny to hit off~ In New York. milled the lettll'. Thlt *Venin& he returned to Lon1 lsllnd to f!nd1 not onty the ~ter miMin~o but his houM 1l,to. Tt.. bllromflter't l'lledle nea bMn ri&f'!t-tMN ... • hurricane! We tmlle with lnctldullty, not Oflly It the •ccoont of the Incident Itself, but 1110 at the tho~Wtt that ln)'Onl would have 10 little t.lth In •n instrument which l1o _.laod .. 1-o onDIIIIh lA> porcl1oM ot considonlbla _..... Yilt how "*'f Chris.tilnl there..,. who seem to ...,.rd the clear finprs of prophecy in the Word af God with liD Indifference lnd dlsdlinl We realize full well that the com- . Ire of the Lotd may not be dated, yet we annot hetp but bel~ that it ITIIY be: '*)' lOOn. The Word of God tells us definitely of owt.lln phenomena whleh ,,.. to attend the necond comh• of the Lord Jesus Christ. and 1nyone, who rudt hb Bible with any disoemment, must see that its prophecies reprdin1_ the movements thlt will be In evidenc:tr before the Lord comes are seemingly beina fulfilled be· fore our very ayes. It ia necess~ry fof us to enumerate but a few of these ~· notnenl which ere prevalent in our own times1 WMS 1nd rurnDf'e of wars: n.hon risina apist .-.tion: the rise of dictatorships; Israel's retum to the lalld of Pal· e~tlne;; Mrthcluekes and pestilences; flagrant sin and immorality: and apostasy, unbelief 1nd blasphemy. We believe, and we do not for a moment under-estimate itl importante. that the lord's second comins will be in two phaHt. We are conv inced that the Seripturu tuch thlt He will come fl~t fer Hla own when, at the Rapture, ''the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be cau~~:ht up to eethef with them in the clouds, to meet the LOfd In the air" U Thess. 4:16, tn. Followln1 that event there will be a period known as the Tribuletion, of at tent seven years' duration, after wh ich the Lord will retlolm to the . earth in power with his own, when He will "smite the nations" and tread "the wtnepress of the ti•reeness of the wrath of Almighty God'', before He establishes His Throne, to reia:n over the earth durin~~: the Millennium as King of kin~~:s and l ord of lords (Rev. 19. 11-16). We undefstand from the Word of God that the judgment of the wicked dead will not be-until after the thoos.and years of Christ's earthly rei~~:n will have passed wtten, at the Great White Throne, all those who have died out of Christ will be judpd according to their worils, and whosoever is nol found written in the Book of [ife will be cast int.o the lake of fire (Rev. 20. 11 -15). OUr meditation on this ocusion, however, is not concerned with the details of the second coming of the Lord Jesus and the order of judgments but, rather, with the consequence of our Lord's return to those Who w11l be livinR upon the earth at the time of His appearing, and to those who will have died then in fa ith or in unbelief. WHAT WILL IE THE EffECT Of THE RETURN OF CHRIST UPON BELIEVERS? One da~. very suddenly a cataclysmic event will disrupt a very busy world. In a moment, 1n the twinkling of an eye, every bel iever in the Lord Jesus Christ will be taken away from the earth. A parent, a child, a husband or wife, a friend, a co-wori<er will disappear, and the world will be shocked into sudden fear and prsnle. All the livina. restraining influences for good hav inR been removed, sin will be rampant, and lawlessness will abound, for. wit h the rapture of the Church, that is, the body of believers, the Holy Spirit will be Uken out of the way as the ,.,tntlnina influence against evil. Tha on11 wltnass left will b• the Word ot God. Many who nea:teeted it before will turn to 1ts pages in despair and in hope .. From all this confusion there will arise a man, the grand monarch of the new humanity, the ultimate man of the evolutionists, "the man of sin, the son of perdition" who, for a time, will appear to be the savioor of a distressed world but who in lhe end, will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called ,God (2 Thess. 2, 3, 4). In that day, and befon thl Lord r1tums to the earth in povnr, $OITie will turn to Him, amid perHCution even unto death; but many more will harden their hearb against God. All those who before had heard the Word of God and had not re- ceived the love of truth that they miiht be saved, will not receive it now. "God shall send them a stroo11: delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be dammed who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 'thess. 2:1G--12). Not until attar the ,.ptu,. of the Churc h will the phenomena which will at- tend the comins of the Lord reach their apo. But then, llation will truly rise apinst Mtion, and there will be no peace. And th@Se are only the beglnn•ng of 50n0WSI 'There will be an Increase of iniquity and of hatred, as brother betrays brother, and children destroy their parents: and many fal~ ptophets will ariH . The 1.1nbel ieving WOfld will live in anxiety, men's hearts tailing them tor fear, and men will call upon the rocks and the mountains to fall upon them and to cover them as the end approaches. But the power of the beast will be on the increase, who will F ind the world be-neath his teet, and were it not for the grace of God througtl which those days will be-shortened, no flesh would be saved. Throughout all this destruction and death, however, tha Go1pel of tha KlnJ· dom, soon to be ushered In, will bt pruchad to the four comtrs of tht tarth. Here and there some will be found who will believe. Among this number there will be those who will need to die for the sake of their testimony to God and t o His Chri1t. Slain for thf! Word of God and for the testimony wh ich they will hold, they will be saved by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ; and they will go to be with Him and the saints in heaven. Others who believe will suffer grtat per- secution but will end1.1re unto the end when, at the coming of the KinK of kmp in power, they will inherit the kinRdom blessinR. There will be millions, however, who will not believe because of the deceitfulness of Satan and the beast, and because of delusion and hardness of heart. Surely there can be nothing to make you look forward to the comi ng of our blessed lord, if you have not put your trust in Him. For the believer the sound of th~ trump of God to call him to be with Christ is a blessed hope, but to the unbeliever that 50Und is the harbi n~~:e-r of destruction. The Word of God is true and sure, and it testifies that ''the heart of man is deceitful above all thinas. and despentely wicked" (Jer. 17. 9), and that ''there is none ri§hteous: no. not one ... for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God' lRom. 3. 10.2J). "The wages of sin is death, but the aift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our lord" (Rom. 6:23). God, in Iovins grace, has made provision for your sins. He 10 loved you that He sent His Son into the wortd and made Him Who knew no sin to be sin for you, that you might be made the righteousness of God in Him. He is the Way of life. He alone is the Way of satvstion. Devotional THE SAVIOUR ... lther Ia there utvation in any othar: tor thell is nont othar name under hen-en Jiveft IIMftl men, wht,.by n m1.1st bt Nftd {Ads 4:12). A visitor to the Copenthaeen Cathedral saw Thorllaldsen's Kriatus. The story of the famous stat1.1e i1 this: When the sculptor h&d finished molding the plastic ct-v of the model, ht left it to dry and went home. A dense foa rolled in, and when Thorvaldsen returned the next rnornins he thought his masterpiece was ruined. Tht hands tNt had been uplifted to bless were now stretched out invit- ircty, end the rep! head was bowed low. 81.1t as he pzed he saw a new Christ different from previous conception. This was a Christ to worship. TheAr is none othet to save us. let us bow before Him. His name was angel announced: ''Thou shalt all his name Jesus: for he shall uve his people from their sin•" (Matt. 1:21). His name means "Saviour." There may be truth and beauty in art and philosophy and many other things, but in Jesus Christ there is salvation. In CalcuttA a youna Brahman came to the home of a Christian teacher for an interview. He said, "Many thinp that Christianity contains, I find in Hinduism: but Christianity has one thma that Hinduism has nol." "What is that?" the teacher asll:ed. The reply wn strikina:: "A Saviour." In thiS. Jesus Is the Gtett Unique. "For there is one God, and one mediator between God lnd men, the man Christ Jesus: who piV1!!1 himself a ransom for all" (I Tim. 2:5, 6). Beina both Son of God and Son cf man, He came "to leek and to sew that which was lost .. (luk• 19:10). "To him 1iv-e all the prophets witness, that throop hit MrM whoscevef' believeth In him shall receive remission of 1ins" (Acts 10:43). We need to be saved, and He is the Saviour: 10 why do Wfl wait? Let us come to Him. Windows For Sermons .... WHY DID Tltl lll£ a•owr Tho to1...,1,.-in ono of tha 1-Amaricon dail~ ~.,.,._..1111 -fnm '"hlle¥e It or Not," Ripley or ~ At It ~ s..m. Hlx. we eennot MY but hlrll ft Ia. W. .aukl ll*l..t.Jive cndit If we kNwn In T_,n dN~ dlJtanca from 10~ Crota Station. In Enat•nd. ... ndt I .... four tNtl .,owW. out of e ...... Ita ~nu there hH ~::::-.... to -..,..cutotlon ......... --of that _ .... Tho --k-ia-ofUdy--11 lht tree 1 .........._ to 1 Women'l dlaMUef' or did It happen to pow 0.. __, __ , __ LMr llnM Gilt atm did no1 ltrlllM In ltfl 8f\w oa.th. When lhl ley cttt~ In '-- -... Mid too -"I INII not llw apln. It Is 01 ..,llbly -lillolll ... -·-·-""1--... -.· ... -_. .... --'llli---., . 1--.. -4-t , " ....... ,.. ..... v ........ the ..... illb -found • ... -. -,...., -~ _., .... aadl. -1--· 'lllo-1 ~~~-.... -.. -~ .... -· ---·----liao-thoraii ... OIII .... __ .. -Tloa-·Ucly-Oolll•ton'l-Ia -........... --:::..-_ .. _ .. __ ,~...,-::. :r: .=Ill ~:.:~. n:-.:: ==--~-::, -:!.,.,., ..:. ::= lt. • _ .... ._. = • I Judge Schmidt installed IOdft Calt1o P. lc.bm* ft -Aol; lira. -a.-, c-11t1 ...,. .. u. ~ aoa. '** llro. ...,. .... ·-~ ol lllo Girl -· tWUo; llrl. Pall -c-eu otorueo~. wan, ro~~~r~oo; lka. - JOIIp .......... -... -~-~ ,._, ll ... lr.b.U; ._..lOci wtllllllo c.,..u tor Had-Bollllo: J<mM ro~. 10 , .......... -·· ...... c-dOl ..... , -IIIIUI.~lJ tlltttd at Ole u-Greco, DIM Pot.atj WlW&m aoal -. ..... eh 15, lllllo Broe< It&T, ~ Nl ... l; J. Plrlt 8opUit Cbarch Ia -A. Louw, Orup; -1 A•. Pnclo, 'c:iudta Grote; Geot .. otber Dft'lytlecttdmt~nbtrl BI.YOI'd, Cypr ... ; RJcbll'd of tbl board of dlnetora are Waa.r, Nftport S.Cb; wa,_ Jamea Erteteoo, Yorba Llllda, Wedin. Br•: &Dd Dr. Omu l.t Tlet Phlidtot; Mr1. RJcb-Scbeldt, YorblLIDda.Kra.IOI.a -are Blaek, Los AJ&mlto., 3rd U. <>na, Newport Beacb, Ia tlee PI'Nidlot; and membtra-tbt outJI)Inl presideot. •_•·_larp, U:ra. Robert Krel~ ·---:-.::::cc:--== LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE -------:---:-. .,..,......... .. _,. ________ ~ RESOLtmON NO. '1144 Ya.c:atioa. elotiDc 1C) &Dd alu- A RESOLtrrJON OF THE dotuneat of slld port10D oli&Jd CITY COUNCIL OF THE street, aDd aid map Ia made CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a put of tb1s resolution bJ DECLARING rrs INTENTION this relereDCe to the same ex- TO ORDER THE CLOOING teot IJid purpo.a U 1f It Ytrt UP, VACATION AND ABAN-1nefXPOf&led berela 1D tuU, OONU:ENT OF A PORTIJN SECTION 2. Tbe proeeedlnp OF THE STREET KNOWN tor the clostnr l¥1 and at:Qdoo. AS BACK BAY DRIVE, meat of the a.foresa.ld pott1oQ NORTHWESTERLY OF of said street sball be had EASTBLUFF DRlVE and taken, aod the City C<Xmctl Tbe City Couoctl o1 the City of the City of Newport Beacb of Nnport Beach, purB\ILDI: to hereby .elects to proceed l.lDIIer tbe proYisiOIUI of the "street tMJ prov:IBAoos of the "street VacaUoo Act ot 1941", and Vacatloo Act of 1941", aod au ameodmeota thereto, belog aU amendments thereto, belor Sectlou 8300to 8331,1ocluslve, Sectiou 8300to 8331,1ocluslve, of the Streets & Highways Code of the streets & Hlgbways Code of tbe State o1 CallfcirnJa, OOES of the State of CaUforDJ.a. HEREBY RESOLVE AND DE-SECTION 3, Tbe Street Su- C LARE, as follows: perlnteDdent of tbe CltyofNew- • CIMDY HUMT MAMCY GICK QUEMBY HYMAM JEHHIF~R QUICK Mrs. L. Kent Wan/ass MIWS!MIORCITIZIM ACTIVITY AIIIIOIIIICID 'l'bt CoD M-teereatioe o1. bo1b ... ,...r1 2 F¢7 f. dlpu1JMIIl •w-e• • MW 11 ••n1u•, trOll tM ,.._ heads Junior League :r:.;:=..;:~·:=z ~.,.:~.*!:: pul oltbo roplul7 -lod ..-.... -~~' ........ Tbt J!Wor Lacue ol New-SmlttJ. Uld cw ... P, Ta110r. TbUrlday ~ Pf01nm. ebMI e•." port llart>or .. boldtac U. u. Board .._.. ... u• WmM. ..W<'r< _.., tor --CWMo Clll><_._ ••I WUUatioll "'Mttnc I, P .. JJot:t., 1.. Cllrk F•-.-.,~~Juts ot &U kot'ell ol IC· ue ,.......,.ty ICbldOed • TbtorlldlJ, AjlrU I, Ia U. ,_, Jollll L.llolmqollt, ~d -llotl-to ......... U T-1• from 11:00 a.m. to CU"OUMI room oftaeN~ H. KellJ, JOUIUll.-,RJebard aetltt ebeN el.a,," ltatll: S:OO p.m. ud naud&fll from lDD. H • .I.Aa:UDOil. SydDtJ A, Lucu, Selaior Ctttsea CoordlaW. DOOD to S p.m. at tbt CO.- The eucctn commtttee1r111 Robert s. MlDtoa., Rudolph Wilda Wrlatrt. ''Tbtreer•UoD miiUtJ Rec:r•ltoa c-.(....t be beaded by llrJ. L. Ktat Parker, J&ek n. Perry, wu. ·deoartmeot bas reeelltlJ ae-pill -Orup Cotmty fatr. WUlul, preJ1deat; Mn. Ll-U&m A. Tbomp100, WUUam T. .QIIlred u outstaDdlnceolt.ctSoa lf'O'*ll}. ODII M. West, Ylet PI"HSddat; Wb1te m lAd Edward H. White-,. ___ ..,._,_.,....,._....,; ....... ,. ....... ""!11""._,. ... Mu. W. Pet.r Helfrt.cb. H-bout. _.,.., ' A-fiJ ,fl ~ 'f'~IJ;e cordial -rotur; lk<. Dc.a Spoclal .,...,. at tho ... ,., '"-41fic4 4 C""llll"~" I R. Adtto ... , corr-'"1 m ... ll>& ud luneh ... wtu bo ST"P OUT FOR IR"•KPAST •• LUMCH •• IRUMCH secretary, lAd Mu. Robert L. tbe toUowtoc community ad-.. ..,.., T. Smltb, trou~~ror. noon ol lbo Jtmtor .... .,.., NOW OPEN SUNDAY . Thlt board ol direetora la Mu. WlUJam Bemu, Miss Ar- eompleted by tbe cbalrmta ot aes B~, Herbert 0. tbe lltudlnc commttt .... Tbl7 Brayer, Walter Burrougba:, u e Mme1. Arthur B. Btrteber, R&ymood L. Curru, Dr. JohD Colemu P, Colli.. Georp Q-.o. Mrs. Byroo H. Farwell. Draytoo m, Kae A. Ewtnc. Rob-Sellm S. Fnokllo, Mrs. AodreW' trt Hlrach._ f red A. HowJer, U:ortbli.Dd, GruY1.1le c. Peo- Wiutam W. McDowell, Mlebael plel, &Dd Judge Broce w. MuWn, Jack V. Pastasblo, Joo Sumoer. W, Schroeder, Robert L. T, Newcomers at Hoag • MONDAY, MAR CH 6 Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Warren Boy--Mr. aod Mrs. Leutnc Halpetln, 1310 Estelle La.oe, Sliver, 1820 Port Sea.bouroe Harbor Hteftl&nd.s . Way, Harbor View Homes. Glrl--W.r, aod Mrs. Michael Giri--Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam J. Murph)', 3615 Blue Key Drive, ALL OUIIII ,..000 ~l'ti:~AIIIIC:o av MAI'tiNA, A COfi:OON aLI:U Gl'tAOUATI: Treat yourself to Mart .. •• Ulbt, dtlectable rolls lhd putrl... A n.rltd meou wttb a ooattneotal tlalrl 2721 L COAST MWV •• CO.aMA DilL MA.IIIi AT GOLDI!N.OO LIOMT MON. -aAT , I TO • 67·-··· aUNDAY 9 TO • • !ln.surance, !lnc. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE WE C ARE ABOUT YOU -YOU R FAMIL.Y- YOU R H OME-YOUR AUTO -YOU R B U SINESS Toews. 218 HlJblaDd Street, Harbor View Hills, ED EGGERS Bo M od M J h n 1 • €All coA•l "'G""""• NewportSbores. Y--r. a r s . osep ~;·;·;•;·•;o;·;·;••;,;•·;•;••;•::::::=;;;;;;: SUilf. 101 • TUESDAY MARCH 7 Wagner, 214 Z2nd St., Costa G1rl--Mr.' aDd Mrs. WUUam Mesa. Walker, 2949 Pemba DrlYe, • THURSDAY, MARCH 9 Costl Mesa. Gl.rl--Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Stepberl Snaver, 473 Abbie Way, Costa Drummy, 424 62DdStreet,New-Mesa. port Shores. Glrl--Mr. aDd Mrs. Paul T. SECTION 1. The public In-port Beacb shall cause to be terest aod convenience require coo.splcooua:ly posted along the the closlog 141 and ataadoo-Uoe of the porUon of sa.td street meot of a portion of a certaia proposed to bevuatedootmore street known at Back Bay Drive, tban 300 feet apart, but oot northwesterly ot Eastblutf less than three Jo au. notices Orin, 1o the City of Newport of the vacation of saki portlon B81lcb, aDd U 1JI lbe tnteotioo of said street. Said DOllces of the City Council of the City snall state the passage of this of Newport Beach to order the Resoluttoa of lDteoUoo and the followlng described portion of time and place of tile Dearing said street In the CJty of New-of an persons interested 1D port Beach, County of Oranre, or objectlng to the proposed State ot CaWornJa, to be n -vacation of said portion of said cated, closed 141 and abandoned, street. SaJd ootlces sball be to wit: so posted at least ten days March Zonta girls are honored guests Boy--Mr . and Mrs. JoskoJ. Lindberg, 2728 San Juan Une, Go jdanJ.a, 30 Harbor Island, Costa Mesa. • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glrl--Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Williams, 2450 For dham Drive, R. Ibey,1S43 Pomooa,tB, Costa Costa Mesa. Mesa. • FRIDAY, MARCH 10 Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Alan W, G!rl--Mr. Ud Mrs. Cllarles Tbat portion of Block 51 befor e the date of said hear- of Irvt.ae's Subdivision to ltle log, a ll as required by law. City of N"'PQrt Beach, Coun-SECTION 4, Notice Is hereby ty of Orange, State ot Calli-rfveo UW the City Council of ornia, as per map fiJed ill the Clty or Newport Beach does Book 1, pap 88 of Mlscel-hereby lb: Mooday, the loth laneous Record Maps 1o the day of April, 1972, at the hour omce ottheCou.ntyRecorder, of 7:30 p.m. ot said day, In described as follows: the Council Chambers of tbe Tt.t portion of that cer-Newport Beach City HaU, as taln strip of land 60.00 teet the Ume and place for he&rln& In width. described to Parcel all persons interested to or 1 of the Road Easemeat to objecUD( to the proposed Yaea- tbe City ot Mewport Beach Uon of sa.Jd portion ol said recorded JLDiaZ'J' 28, 1964 street, and the cuy Cooncll in Boot 6901, pap 207 of at saJd time aDd place will omcW Records lytog out-hear the evidence offered by side o! that certain land de-any person Interested 1n tbe scribed in the Grant of Ease-vaeaUoo of said porUon of said ment to the City of Newport street hereinbefore described. BEach recorded febrl1Uy14, SE CTION 5, This Resolutioo. 1972, 1n Book 10,000, page of lntentJon shall be publlsbed 891 of 01fl.clal Records. at leut ooce ln the-omcial All ttat porUoo of said street newsptper of the City, and said to be vacated, closed up and pubUca.Uoo shallbemadebefore abaodooed Is more clearty the date set lor lbe hearing shown on a certain map ap-of all persons lntereited in or praYed and adopted by the City ob)ectlng to the propoaed Yaca- CotmeU ot the City or Newport tion. Beach tor saJdncatlon,closing ADOPTED Ibis 13th day of liP aDd abi.D::Iooment, by Reso-Much, 1972. lutloo No. 7643 dated Mareh E. F. Hirth 13, 1972, a.od which saJd map Mayor ts on ftle lo tbe omce of the ATTEST: City Clerk of the Ctty of New-Laura Lagl.os port S..ch, C tty Clerk RefereDee Is hereby made to ll1d ~ for further pu-PubUsh : March 23, 1972, to Uculan u to the prooosed the Newport Harbor EosJcn. Zonta girls lor March, choseo trom the 4 area hlgb scbools, were honored guests,aloogwith their mothers, at the March 19 luncbeoo meeting of the New - port Harbor ZOOta Club at the Senior Citizens recreation cen- ter. Her e are the 4 honorees: • C[NDY HUNT, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunt, 3128 Lincoln Way, Costa Mesa, has been a member of the school orchestra aDd CSF all 4 years at Costa Mesa tllgb scbool. Other activities have LDcl~ed the drill team, GAA, Pep Club, Art Club, string quartet, llla.drlpls aDd coocert cbolr, She Is nrst vice-presi- dent of Ca.racb:strtpers, mem- ber of tbe cbolr at Newport C IU'lsttao Center, taugbt Sun- day scbool there last year, and putlctpated In a church spon- sored crusade to the West lodles. She bas received a Bank of America award foroutstand- lnc music student and woo su- perior rating for cello at the district and regional solo eo. semble festln.l, She ptans to atteod UCJ or USC medical school to study tor a career as a pedtatrida.n. • NANCY GlCK, daugflter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwlgbt Glck, 1 '1Z3 E. Oceu BlVd,, Balboa, Is senior class secretary at Newport Harbor h.trh scbool, clllirm&.D of the aenJor gradua- tion committee, member ot tbe ueciJtln couocll. Other acttvt- Ues ban 1Dc:luded aqta show, 4 yeus ln GA.A, AFS, Sid Club, SpanUb Club &Dd Pep Club. Sbe Is a sem1-flnaJ1st tor a CaUtornla ltatescholarablpud PUBLISH YOUR . . ... FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT IM THE NEWPORT HARaOR NSJGN Official nowspe~~~or of tho City of Newport Beoch. ONLY $25.00 (Plua $10.00 for the Orange C01mty tulng -fee) We wW take care of both the fWng and the publication U you aend ua tbe 3 coptee of the Ftcttttoua Buatneaa Name Statement, tuled out and algned, and· accompttnled by a cbecll: for $35, Or you can come to the Eulgn oftlce to tu1 out the forme, Notarislng Ill not neceNUy. 2721 E. Cout BWJ,, Coroaa del,....,. (at Fel'llleat An.) T...-: m .. oaao a CSF gold sealbearer. O~side Jones, 1974 Wallace, IE, Costa Yuel, 2109 E. Ocean Blvd., acUY1Ues havelncludedTr i-HJ-Mea. • Balboa. Y, Head Start volunteer work Girl--Mr. aDd Mrs. Thomas and youth gro!4l at St. Aodrew's Gibbons, 405 38th Street, West Presbyterian Church. She plans Newport. to major ln soclal science at Boy--Mr. and Mrs. Melvtn uc Davis. Feldman, 1814 Toyoo La.oe, • QUEN BY HYMAN, daugh-Baycrest. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldoo Glrl--Mr. aDd Mrs. Ralph Hyman, 1890 TahJU Dr., Costa McComb, 182 Costa Mesa st., Mesa, Is secretary-treasurer Costa Mesa. of the senior class at Estancia. • SATURDAY, MARCH 11 high school, president of the Girl--Mr. and Mr s. Robert European Club, member or flleder, 327 E. 21st Street, , a per GAA, AFS a!XI CSF. She has IH, Costa Mesa. also been active tn the Gltls Glri--Mr. aod Mr s. DanJel ~~c •~-~~~-··~~ Club. Durillg tbe past summer lrrtne. Painting & 'Decorating ~T1NGII she taught tennis for UCI's BoY·-Mr, and Mrs. Richard r ecreation department aDd baa T. Wbitmore, 2768 Lo ren10, attended the Los Angeles County Costa Mesa. Medical Assn. medlcal •m1-• SUNDAY, MARCH 12 DUs. She represented E.stan-Glrl--Mr. and Mrs. Edward cia's scieoce department ln JAMES mLL, a new resldeot L. Brumley, 904 Dopood, Co-l~;i~~;;~~~~~~~~!!~ Soul:bern Callforola Edison's In Corooa del Mar, is otrerl.ng st.a Mesa. annual youth conference ooscl-an evening class in oil plli.atinc ence and the. environment. She at the Home Improvement Ceo-. plaru. to teach tennis again this ter, 2919 E. Coast Hwy .,Corooa summer at UCI aod will enroll del Mar. Mr. HUI balls trom tn UCI in the fall as a bio-Colorado, where he received logical science ma jor later both a BA degree and a ma.sters attending medi cal schooi to be-degree ill fine arts. He bas come a doctor, been a tree-lance artist and • JENNIFER QUICK, daugh-art teacher for the past 10 ter of Mr . and Mrs. Pa.ulQWclt, years, both In Colorado aM 3500 Suri'Y'Iew Lane, Harbor Callfornta. View Hills, lsprestdentofMad· JR. EBELL AHD ECOLOGY rtgals at Corona del Mar high CLUB PLAN BENEFIT school and member or the coo-The Junior Ebell Club of cert choir. She has appeci.J'ed Newport Beach and the Ecology ln a number of musicals and Club of Newport Harbor tligb sbows here and also In high school wtu spoosoratllmfesti- scbool lD ArUngtou Heights. nl a.t 7:30 p,m.Saturday,Marcb Ill1Dol.s. She Is choir di rector 25, tn the tllgh school audl- aod Sunday school teacher at torium. The cost of admlssk:lo the Lutheran Church of the is $2, and all proceeds will Master 10 Harbor View Hills. go toward the devekJpment of She is studying votcewtth Rich-the Environmental Nature Cea- ard Raub at OCC and plaoo ter. wtth Mrs. Sue farraOO of Co· Tbe films, donated by Wac. rona del Mar . She ls a CSF' (1111vray-Fr eemu Films, are seal bearer, member of the "Free 'n easy,'' IDd "Evolu- sentor hooor society and of tton." For st1 bufts, a moYie Modero Music Masters, and eotltk!d "Ski" will also be wtnner of the DAR good c!Uzeo award. She plans to enroll at Chapman College this b.ll, ma- )ortng in voice alld choral coo- ducting. aiming for a career as professional singer or music teacher. MEW VICE ·PRESIDEM TS ARE HAMED BY AVCO A'co Flnaoclal Senlces, the lllternaUooal coDSumer ftnaoct: Cornp&QJ beadQLattered ln New- port Center, has elected tbe fo1Jootr1Dc vice-presidents: What n y111r duties as a funeral dfectar? by EUGEN! 0 . BERGERON "--•' a' 'ael"-.c._,_..._._..cdell.,....,,._ "-., ...... c_,-...... _ __, ................... ~-·-I. ., ...... 0. ................... _.....,. _....... ............... .. ... ,_ ., ,...,.. ........................ , .... MW4 ... ......... _ ............ ~ ... ·· ............... """" ... ,...._ -· 1 .,...., .. ,_.,... -s tns.i ........ h . c_._,., w. -ct.rp.ll ..... •• •• ' .......... .t. '-"" ...me.. ~ -··"~ Ssclslll _....., -.1 ...._ ............. r -nc.. IMrMf • ~ ,...,., II ICot ............ ...__ .. _.........,,. ••••• rl ""'"' A ._.. It ..... S ....... WI .... .__ sf ... ._, --........ e CMIM&th& .......... ~ .... ,..... rl , • ...,._ ··-........ ..,.,.... ....... _ .......... ,.... .......... , ........... ..wttty ... ..,.._. ..................... duftW ..... ,..,.. c.-.. flf 6 ...... --., tf ,.. .._. • ..,..._ .._. ._.. _,.., ""*--1J-., c.tl. Wllsw•• ,....._ ............ _ .... , ..... ...._. Balt:-Bergeron Funeral Home COSTA MIS.f. 2 LOCATIONS C:OIONA !lol MAl Mi-2424 6n-Mso Your •ate countsl But yoa can't •ote, lt you don't regtsterl Dlua Valley, Service Represeut:at1Ye to our Newport -Mesa o mce, ts helPtnr re(lster bel' fellow emploJMs and the pubUc, too. Since ber IYtU't.Dc 1D ceremooJ february 4, 191%, Deputy Rectstrv OWII bu rectMered IMilrlJ 100 people at our ot'ftce at 1796 Oral:ap ln COlt& Mea. Tbe usual fee p&ld per repstrat:loa II belle 'ftl•ed beci~~M she Is rectsterln( roters u a commGiltty Jer"'tce. If you're DOt rertsterf!d, come to IDd .. Diaa between B:JO a .m. ud 5 p.m., Moaday throu&fl Fr1daJ. B. P. Da.ley, the co~)''s dlreetor of marketiDL Ybo )Dined AYCO ln Canada 1D 1951, ls currently In cbarp of lo- nruce marketlDc. merchu-d1al.nc aDd employee motln.- tloDll procnms. Tbe eut-otf date tor re(lsterillc to .. ote tn the 1117! Callf- Gtorct E. Hoops, director of operattoaal sentcea, )olDid tbt comp&IU' ta 1953, Hla back- c:ro-2 Includes ellOit" •- ptiTlltoa lD optr&UODI aDd rt- 8MI'clll. Du A. SIPVI, with lbt _.,....,.1955,-- ot bla c.weer 11 tbe "" York- "" l • .., ~-.,..,... ti"UU-........ ll._t s.a lui ,.... 1h-, .......... .... ...,_ s.m-•IIOIIr-_...,. MATTBEIIES ... _ .... , .. ~~ ... -~ CIOifA _ .... _CO. ..... " .... ~ .... onia Prtm&rJ 11 April U. You may Deed to re~er : 1. U pou b:ave eballpd your reatdeoce slDce tll:llut eleetloa.. 1. U JOI w1l1 be 11 or oldt!f' b)' elecUoa daJ,l-6. 1971. l. If J'W ban cbl.aced yov Dame 81Dce tbt lut eltc:UC.. 4. If fW ailed co 90tt to tbe NoYember, 1110 t*HoL Ill order to mMt Ute Mate rn:ideoc:. r........._ J'OI mut ba"e U..-.d lD Orurt Couaty lbr at lalt to dlfa prklr to tbt J ... I elecUoa. You muat bel"• U...S lA tM pnelact 11 wlalelr: 1011 pliD to '"* fOr at I•st S4 diiJI; Prior to tile ·~ So It )'Oil aa .. ea't teciMWed to Y'Ote Jtt. 0tua Valley t. H14J to ~-Remember, tbe ~ daf II Apr111SI ~ATKIOIE YOUR mEPttOWE tWMG0 Ill N EIPOIIT IEAOI • From th. P~t.·ce Blotter· ·=~~=R·~~:. local scholm advaace Ptc ...... ".;.n~=-.~w:: !WI& .., 'lltURSMY, MAROi 23, IS72 Br4'11:11Ur • 'ftii!IIIIDAY, 11411CIU poriod •I"'OC-... _ --lp.• ...... dl OODAOB.IIAR, CAUF.. Mtuolli-.llla,....... ._I. Hor-110 llloill Tllo-J*-Iadolll 4 bleJclo ,..,.. al $10 wu o1 -~ 411 --II ud II a.m • ...,.., 11 • • • fi,OOO -1~ ...,_ ._ Clll! Ita-XI~ wt o• u : t-Pr- .. ._ ftoll lMIIRIIoiJ .... Lue. IIIIIO&.betw .. I:JOa.m. A 1.159 Mtre•ya-, liN .. be. • ..... II ~ ter.ooll RUbor.._ telllool. 0CJII"'II.,., IN(I) Gnot Lui, Zolllor, I'IU Ploa dolllarto, Ud i p,-. •. , 4bleJcia..-1ooc1t1r k1 Rlcltord 1Co11or o1 wan ----lo --Pula J. ~, 'Ill C-X..: .lad C. Cltoo, Bal>oa, ---• al hiO -... -IU 410 .. .._ Aft,, ~ -lit -of Aolorlca'o 1111-A•Jtoo 'hJ, IMB-1"-1._ Leo ·-Cll'., , __ .. • • ~-,clo ••I --•--del liar., .. ocltool, -·· Yi"'~ p.tll. a • p.oo •••• A -11uJ .._., IIUOP a1 -Bollltlo, -aklllil -lllo ....---•· Worth -fll WU ._tal W, 00.0 Froot, Wool Newport, ---5 p.m. llarcb cnoo. '-llai!Q, 1044 Pr-T1t1a-Ia botnr--•• _._ -bJa --ao -~ 1 'heel W~t~Ddlac ........ or., eo.ta .... i coaa ~~-__._-·-...~.....:..L mw-wuOI -· •• -•-I:JO p.m. llarcll I I a.nd ? a.m. llarob II , , , otlootod Ia 4 _.,. _, lll&tlocbooL ·--"' II-·- J, H. Se-, 145 N. Bay lUid 7 a.m, llarcb 10,,. A !At Jordao ot 1101 Tab,_ t•-~~·ol·-~• , SCIEIICE • llpod:lad!C, Cbou. Proot, Balboa lalalld, dtlrlllc llllel --.....,_ Ttr ., lnUto Tomeo, I'<IIOI'Iod UMI co ·~ -_, • llATH 1'1111 otale-t ftlod wUb lbo lilt pmlous niP! , , , AD aakl wO<tb $1!5 -lbo -of tbal more tba.D $Z,OOO -a. r.-d, ---Udl*-.1 SI(OIODd FldJb, 1111 G... .-,. clort c1 0ruao c:_,. .~ u 1·~ 1 •too c ebuacter ...U.U•, wt.U re-Mclu, eo.ta Mea, Elt:t.ocJa ....... • It-_ -~ uuuu or•m.-.. n.. -a • br1l Gn.ee at 505 Po&uettta of jewelrJ ftl Jtolell from e1 a.clMft ora: -• "'• , .. , "' ~ wu tu:ea from Paul Mc:VQ'a Aft., Cot'C*. del Mar, btt.,... bis bome bttweea s:•s p.m. ' c '' mtet awud pia.. bilfli acboot. J, Maddox. dep\lt)' ooGJc•t. ear while It was swttd over-8 &ad U:SO a.m. Mueb 11 IDd 1:15 a.m. Marcb quu ucs morN oo to a npoaat RuueU Greloer, !Q 1.«-Publlab· Marth t ll IS 10 al&f\C neu bU a.putment at • SATURDAY, MARCH 11 tz b7 a. Wet who pri.S opeo uml-flal ,.,&tal to be btld tUO AYe., Colt& Mea; COlt& tt?l lD ira. NewPm • ~ tho Balboa Bay Club. Ould AluiUme, II, o14!0? a door , • , A TV set worth :.::..~~~~~~~ ~n':.: v~:,.htg' =~b, 1744 Sic)'-ADIIIAN Vtcbatl E, ..._d, EuiF. F -I&S$9 • THURSDAY, MARCH 9 Patrice Rd., Park lJdO, wu $85 waa takeo trom Dltllel LaC~M Btaeb, lark Laae, Bayorest,· N..._.._. .oo ol Mr. IDd Nr1. 0, Lot-LJA•• -TICI Pollee arrested Rlcba.rd Ar-ebarpd wltb dtiYlDa: Witbout Dawea• home at !$1-C-8 Marl-At tbl eemi-ftDill WiDDerJ Harbor hlch IChool .... ...,.. ford of ISS Roe. l.&M, Cotta --~~-~:..!:-:.:::::::,._ thur Gurule, 20, &Dd Mulooa & Uceue when poUee stopped cold AYe,, Coroca del War, wllle&rUmlAimum~award Valerie Lee MariaKrl& 2106 Mea, bu compltted bta U.S. FJCTrriOt.E BUSmESS NAME Von Gurule, 19, of 109 25th bJm at ll:SO p.m. at S2Dd St. between 3 p.m. aoc( 8 p.m. of $Z50 aod adn.oee to tbe area Wlndwud Lue, Baycrest'; Co. Alr Foree bulc tn1D1Da: ~ STATEMENT St., West Newport, at S:l5 p.m. ud Balboa BIYd,, West New. • .. Jewelry, a sbotcun. a tape tloals scbtduled for Kay 18 rooa del Mar bJ .... school. tbe Air Tralnlnr Comrn&Dd a The foUowloe peuoa lsdotnc at the pollcestationaodchlrpd port •• , Glenn Moore told recorder aDd household Items at tbt Cea.tury Plaa. Jkltel In ... Lacklaod AFB, Teas. He hu buslnell u:PboaeSitten,21S1 them with possessJou of mart. poUee tt.t $387 in currency with a total value of about Ceatur' City. Secood, thlrd &ot! JOINS AIR RES! RVE beea aaslped to Chu.,re AFB, North Fr•man La.De, Santa juana ..• Dale Oral Morrtsoo, wu taken from his home at $795 were stolen from Normu fourth place Jtudentl 1D Mch Martae Rueru r .. --... ... 1 m., lor lr&inJDI In aircraft AD&, Call!,: William Wayne 54, ot 1605Sher1ngton Pl., New. 455 San Bernat"'-AYe,, New. Lewis McBride's OOme at 2036 STAFF SERGEANT Charles E. • ....._...,... malDtemnee Altman ' ............. d """" ftekl wW wtn .,100, S"aod$50, Robert D. MaaoD, l<l, of 21!0 • .....__.. MaSHJ, ZU7 North Freeman port Heights, was stopped at port Hei,nta, between 6 p.m. VIsta Cajon, the Bltllts, between Kllllngswprtb, brotber of Mrs. atteoded C~ Me• h1cb 8 t J •· A a.nd 9 30 .... IO a.nd 5 -of C ~-ll respeetlYely. 16th St., Newport Hetgbts, baa Lane, Santa ADI, Caut, p.m. a asmu•e ve. aDd 7:15 p.m. , .. Ao auto. : a.m • .a&~ ch p.m. Mary 8 o-esa, studeata JO .t.ftw the $l 000 beeome a member ol tiM! El tcbool His wife, Dt.ue, Is the Tbts busl.Deaa Ia bel.DC eoo. E. Coast Highway In Corooa maUc ptstol Yalued at $200 wu March 12. bas recetYed tbe U.S. Alr Foree $750 aod $500 top 3 prise~ Toro Martne Air Reeerves 00 daueflter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. duett.d by a.n lDdlYidual. del Mar and charged wUh driY· atoleo from a dresser drawer • MONDAY, MARCH 13 Commeoda.Uon Medal at Mather in each category In tbe ft.nals, a prior semee enlllltmeot. , cH•ster of 3025 Hardlns Way, Slped: WUUam w. Maseey. lng under the lnfluence of at. 1o the home of Leo (J)erste, James Calvin Barnes, 2f, ol AFB, caut. He was decorated osta Mesa 1 r I k 2 Here are local eootestants: A former member of the u.s. · This statement ftled wttb the coho ... A e onychec charge f808 Seashore Or., West New. 04 "A" St ., Balboa, and Jack tor meritorious service as a • VOCATIONAL ARTS Army for 2 years and. the Air K county clerk of Oranp Cou.nty was lodged aga.inst Darrelle port, between 7 p.m. March 10 Lee Slpult, 2f, ot HwtUngtoo machinist at U.Tapao Airfield, Robin L. Chard, 1100 Clay National Guard tor 8 YMfl, MRS. WIC MAN TO TALK on: Mar. 13, 1972• by Beverly Deane Krumweld, 39, of 4fll and f a.m. March 11 • , , A Beach, were arrested at 1 a.m. T~lland. He Is OO\f at Mather St., CUlf Haven; Newport fiar. be hUi been asslcoed u a. ReservatiOns tor the April J . Maddoa, deputy county clerk. River St., West Newport, when bicycle worth about $50 was at 29ff W. Coast Highway, in a unit of the Air Training bor hleh school bot ber lth Marine Air 13 a.~muallwtebeonotthe Forest Publl b Mar h 16 23 30 pollee arusted him at 3:10 takeo from the pra.l'! of Mart. Mariner's Mile, aDd charged Command which provides ny. Deborah AM 'cook, 121 Abll-~se0Cctron~.f6. He wtlldrlll Home Women's AUJ!Uary may April 6~ ~972, ~ the' N~i p.m. at Harbor and Adams lD lyn Moore, 2912: w. Oceaa wttb burglary ... Pollee stopped tng, techDical and baste mill-lone Ave Balboa lslaad· Co ek 00 mooth od be made locally wtththe chapter Harbor Eosign, F _1&f61 Costa Mesa . . . A bicycle Front, West Newport, between Alfred Albert Alcorta,' 37, of ta.ry training tor U.S. Air Foree rona del Mar high school.' • ~~~~t~ !nee a a Yfl&/ lD~; etatrman, Mrs. Charles Steak valued at $50 was stolen trom 10 a.m. March 9 and 11:15 108-1/2 11th St., Balboa, at penonnel. Beverly Newtson 827 Pine squadron's annual 2 weeks of of Balboa, 675.3987. The event ---,L-,I!_G_.V.. __ MO_,.n=c==t=--- the garage of Lu Daley at 2626 a.m. March 11 ••. A bicycle fl~tbmStnt utandes altBaelboar m8tdn1vldghtandat Costa Mesa; Esb.neta high active duty for trainln"' eachs wblll ~R heHid a 1 t t 3 b 0 eUnl Universal 1 FICTITIO'~ B'~INESS N '"E Vista del Oro, the Bluffs, some· worth $80 was stolen ftom Alan .. • ., LEGAL NOnCE school summer. • enu.HI ole , Yersa ~ ~ENT ~ time between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Clark's garage at 1757 Plat.a charged him with driving under nem:a Vlsk 31378ostonWa City Ptua, North Hollywood. STATEM ... A television set and other del Sur, silboa, between 8p.m. the influence of alcohol ... FICTITIOUS BIBINEm NAME Costa Mesa· 'costa M hi~ LIG.AL MOTICI Tbe speaker wUI be Mrs, Melva The followlnl peraoos are household items wtth a total March 6 aod 8 p.m. March 11 Kitchell ftxtures valued at $100 STATEMENT school • esa Wieluna.n, who bas sened at do~g business as: C1Decolor value ot about $692 were stolen , .. A pistol valued at $100 were stoleo from a home COO· The following persons are • LIBERAL ARTS FlCTITK>l5 BlSINESS NAME Forest Home women's retreat No. 102, 17155 Brookhurst from the resideoc.e of Andrew was taken trom the residence structlon site In Harbor VIew doing business as: Ad Vantage, Vi ett C k STATEMENT uxt bas cooductedBibleclassea Street, FountaJn Valley: S. Frederick Spatzier, 1850 16th of Richard Underwood at 2040 Homes sometime between 5 444 N.Newport,NewportBeaeh: Pom~oa ~.,. r~~= .:!· .1~ The tollowlngperson Is doing 1n Newport Beach. James MeKOW'll, 2617 Ames St., Ne wport Heights. Stltpway Lane, Baycrest, be· p.m. March 10 and 8 a.m. Mark Leysen, 20051mAoahelm, tancla high s~hool. sa, s-business as: Alert Alarm Co., Clrcle, Anaheim; Shogo Yama. • FRIDAY, MARCH 10 tween 7 p.m. Jan. 25 and 8p.m. March 13 , .• A tape deck and Costa Mesa; Stephen C. Johns-John H. Farre 212 VIa 1004 .E. Grove, Orange: Carl PILOT AI OS RESCUE moto, 665 Ferrar Way, Santa Randall James Slmalds, 19, March 11. tapes worth $75 were stoleo ton, 432 Westmtnster,Newport. Koron Lido 1 1 . Nr, rtH Robert Fisher, 1004 E. Grove, Barbara. of 41 5 N. Newport Blvd., New. • SUNDAY, MARCH 12 trorn Nancy Mae Sevisoo 's car This business Is being con. ' s e, ewpo ar. Orange. Navy Lieuteaant Com mander Thls business Is being coo- port Heights, was arrested at Jean ~ Courtois, 47, of while it was parked at her dueted by an unincorporated bo~hlgh ~hool~ 2364Sa Ana This business Is being oon. Robert A. Johnson, son of Mr. dueted by a General Partner- hi s r esidence at 5;15 p.m. a.nd 4J5 N. Newport Blvd., Newport resideoce at 12:6.1 /2 42nd St., association. ren ea nta dueled by an I.Ddlvidual. and Mrs. Robert Jolvlsoo of ship, charged with possession of a Heights, was arrested at 11 :40 West Newport, from 11 p.m. Stgned: Mark Leysen. Ave., Costa Mesa; Costa Mesa Signed: Carl R. Fisher. 184& Lamar, Costa Mesa, was Signed: s. James McKown. fraudulent check ... A bicycle p.m. at Vla Lido aoo Newport March 12 until March 13 at This statement lUed with the hJ~i1~1·P trl s mood This statement filed with the the pllot of a helicopter from This statement filed with the valued at $100wasstolensome. Blvd,, and charged with driving 8 a.m .... William J . Dopuie county clerk ot Orange County 2408 Bonnl Pala eec Y M s, cowtty clerk of Orange County the Naval Air FaelUty In Stg-county clerk of Orange County ti me between 4:45p.m. and 6 uDder the influence of alcohOl of 221 35th St., West Newport, on: Mar. 6, 1972. by Beverly e ee, osta esa; on : Mar. 13, 1972, by Beverly oneiJa, Sicily, that transferred on: Mar. 6, 197Z, by Beverly p.rr1. from the garage ot Mrs. , .. A bicycle valued at $90 reported that a thief took $130 J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. ;o~~ ~lTSMar high school. J. Maddoa, deputy county c lerk. a man on emergency leave from J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. Cla rk King, 1924 Beryl Lane, was stolen from Paul Edward worth of stereo eql.dpmenttrom Publtsh: Ma.reh 9, 16, 23, 30, J h C d 1812 Sa Publish: March 16, 23, 30, the destroyer U.S.S. Lester, Plt!Ush: March 9, 16, 23, 30, Harbor Highlands ... Silver-Remer'sgarageat210Golden· hishomebetweenlOp.m.March 1972, in the Newport Harbor 0 t n C~~· . E mar April 6,1972, tn the Newport 90 miles out in the Medlter-1972, in the Newport Harbor ware worth about $50 was re-rod Ave., Corona del Mar, 2 and 7:30 a.m. March 13. Ensign. F-16340 hi~:~oo:~~ esa, stancla Harbor Ensign. F-16462 ranea.n, back to the tactUty. Enstgu. F-16338 LEGAL HOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ORDlNANCE NO. 1411 servicing of motor vehicles, A~ ORDI NANCE OF THE including those activities and ern OF NEWPORT BEACH operations as specWed in See- .\DDI~G SECTIONS 20.02.032 tlon 20.43.050, but eaeluding AND 20.02.225, AND ADDING major automobile repairs. CHAPTER 20.43 TO TITLE (b) Major Automobile Re- 20 Of THE NEWPORT pairs -The term 'Ma)>r Auto- f:IEA CI! M LJNICIPAL CODE mobile Repairs' shall mean any Et-ITITLED "AUTOMOBILE extensive work Involvin g the SEll VICE STATIONS" disassembly and/or overhaul The City COWleil of the City of the enJ"iDe, clutch, trans- of Newport Beach does ordain mlsaloo or ditferell11al Also, <iS follows: body, trame aDd fender repair, SEC TlON l.Seetlon20.02,032 painting, welding, ~bolstery i s arlrleo l to t he Newport Beach work, tire recapping, glass re. MunJctpal Code to read: placement or similar aeth1tles '"20.02.032 Automobile Ser-shall be considered as major vke Station. The term 'Auto· repair work. mobil~? Service Station' shall 20.43.030 Use Per mit Re - mean ... retail pla.ce of business qtdred. Automobile service sta.. en~.th't"l in the servicing of tions may be permitted In the motor vehlr les, including those C.N, C-0, C-1, C-2, M-1 , ' ~tv!lles :.nd operations as M-1-A and U Districts, s ub. sp"'r•ltler! in Section 20.43.050, ject to the requirement ot a Lut exL"!uding major autom >bile use permit for each develop. repairs." ment. The procedure govern- sEr !'ION 2.Sectlon20.02.225 lng the Issuance of all liSe is .ldd~l lo the Ne wport Beach permits tor such developmeots Mumr·tpai Code to read : shall be governed by the pro- '21J.!J2 .225 Major Automobile visions ot this chapter and !~o:.pJ.irs . The ter m 'Major Auto-Chapter 20.46, entitled 'PER. rr1ohdt· !lr-pa!rs' shall mea n any MITS.' e.\"t•!nss v•· work involving the 20.43.040 APPlication Con- dssa c,sewbly and/or overhaul tents. An application for an of th~;: engine, clutch, trans. automobile servlcestation s'-ll misssor1 or dstrerential. Also, be in the for m of a use permit botty, fra me and fender repair, application aoo shall be ae· pa intsng, welding, uphOlstery companied by the following ln- .,.ork., lir e recapping, glass r e-formation, maps and plans: pid rPn,ent or similar activities (a) A plot plan of the prop. s!Ja !l bt considered as ma)::)r erty, drawn to scale, shOwing repair work." location of all buildings, cano. SEC TI0:-1 3. Chapter 20.43 pies, on.sue aeeessa.nddrlves, is oidded to the Newport Beach pump Islands, storage tacJU. \l unin pa l Code to read: ties, pla.nUng areas, e:rterlor "Ctlapter 20.43 lighting standards, signs, walls, At.:TOMOBJLE SERVICE parldng spaces, enclosed trash STATIONS areas, curb cuts a.nd driveway S""r·tlons: approaches. 20.43.010 Intent. (b) Elevations, drawn to 20.43 JJ21) Of:-finillons. scale, Including all bulldlngand 20.43.030 lise Permit Re· sign laces and materials, tex. qui red. tures and colors. 20.43.040 App liea.Uon Con-(c) A grading plan, Indicating tents. hOW the property lstobegTaded 20.43.050 A<'tiv!ltes aoo ()p-and drained. erations Per mit-(d) A landscape and irriga- ted. tlon plan showingtheslze,toea. ::!U.43.CI60 D e v el op men 1 Uon and variety ot plant rna- Standards tor New terlals to be used, fne ludln&" Service Stations. the botanical and common plant 20A3.070 Existing Stfue. names of each, and the Oca.Uon, tures and Uses. type and deslltfl of all lrrtga. 20.43.080 Discontinued Use. 1 tlon systems. L!GAL HOTICE (4) Brake adjust meat andre. placement. (5) Automobile washing and poUshing (not including me- chanical ear wash). (6) Front-end alignments (unless fa cilities exist outside th e building on the effective date of this ordinance). (7) Soft drinks, candy and cigarettes sold via dispensers at stations constructed sub.se~ quent to the enactment of this ordinance. (b) The disp;enslng ot gaso. Une, oil, air and water trom pump islands, and the follow- ing activities and Items of- fer ed for sale or rent are permitted outside of a build· ing: (I) Six (6) rental trailers having maximum bed dlmeo. sions of 6' x 10' each, only provided such use was In ex. istenee on the effective date ot this or dinance. The toea. tion and screening of trailer storage shall be approved by the Community Development Dlrector. (2) Automobile rental, pro- vided that the automobiles are not parked on pubUc streets. (3) Tire dispLay as follows: One (1) rack containing not more than a number equivalent to four (4) tlres per pwnp Island, plus not more than four (4) tires, In racks, on each pump Island. There shall be a maxSmum display of not more than twenty (20} tires. (4) Trash areas. enclosed by walls, to be integrated wttb the design of the service sta- tion. (S) Public telephones, pro- vided they are well lighted, are In a loc.a.tlon which Is visible from the street, and are accessible on a twenty. tour bour ba.sis. (6) Any testing or servlelng ot automobiles which necessi- tates a rUMing engine. (7) The sale aDd installa- tion of batteries aod minor automoUYe accessories. (8) The ale, mounting aDd repair ot Ures. (9) The tasttna:, adjuJtmeot aod replacement of puts. ==:--LE_G __ Aj..-~-=-Tt_c_E ___ --:-:::-L,EGAI:_!«<T_IC!_ ___ . _ _,L,_,!,_,G,.U.=MO=n.:.:C:.:!'-_ ----~~~_I:__H_~_TI_C_E ____ _,:,LI::GAI=iL:..:IIO::=.;T:.:II::;CI:._...,..... site unless in the process of of PtJbUc Works. lines. (q) Additional Requirements as nearly as possible with the being serviced. No vehicle shall (h) Noise -Bur.zersa.ndamp. (I) Ughtlng . All UgbUng • It shall be required as a sta.odards tor service stations be eoosidered to be In the Ufied signaling bells are to fixtures shall be located so condition of a use permit that on new sUes set forth In Sec- process of being serviced for be located wtthlo the servtee as to shield direct rays trom tbe grantee provide the oU UOo 20.43,060; taldng Into coo- a period longer than ODe (1) station proper aod shall not adjoining properties. Lumln. eompuy, the property owner slderatioo stu or the property, week. generate noise beyond that of aires shall be of a low level, and/or lessee each with a copy location ot the existing strue- (3) Guoline tanker trucks a normal resldentlal telephone lndire<:t dlftused type and shall of the coOOIUons embodied in lure, and other similar eon. shall not obstruct the public ring when the service statloo not exceed a height ot greater the permit, and reeeiYe a straints. right-of-way during delivery. site abUts resldenliaUy.zoned than twenty (20) teet abcwe written receipt tberefor,sothat 20.43.080 Discontinued Use. 20.f3.060 o e v e 1 0 p m e 0 t property or property used for finished grade. there sball benopersonoperat-Notwithstanding anything to the Standards tor New ServleP Sta. r esldenttal purposes. (m) Permanent E x 1 er lor lng the premises who is not eooirary ln this Chapter, 1f ttoos, The tollowtnr deYelq)-(I) Architectural Oeslp -SIF, . A mulmum of se"fen aware of the coodltlons of op-any senlee statJoo Is abaJJ. ment s'--"~·ds sllall annly to The siting aoo architectural (7 t 1 -•·11 be eratton. n, durin" any IDS~*· doaed for a pertod of IU: (6) ........., .,.. permanen s gns ~.. • eonsec.lltlve months, the Plan-all automobile service stations design of a service station permitted 00 a.ny sentee sta. tloo of the premises, the City constructed on new sites sub~ building shall be, at a mlnJmurn, uon sUe as follow : shall ftnd violations of the r e-nlog Commission, after pubUe sequent to the effec tive date compatible with existing or (1) One double-faced tree-quirements of the use permit, hearing, sballhavetheauthOrlty of this ordinance aOO to re-planned Improvements and the standing sign, not eaeeedl.ng It shall notify both the oll com. to revoke the use permit and modeling or rebuilding eaistlng character of the area In which a height of twenty.flve (25) pany and tbe operator of the ~a~::~~e a~e:~~. == stations as provided In Sectloo It is to be located. Unique feet and an area thirty.slx (3&) statloo In order to assure com- 20.f 3.070 (d). design concepts are encour. square feet tor each side. pllanee. tures ftom the sUe. (a) L..ocation -All service ag1!d. (2) Two wall signs to be Jo. 20.f3.070 Ex Is II n g Struc:-20.43.090 "weal. A . .l.nl.tia - station sites shall front oo (j) Landscaping -AI least cated on the exterior facades tures and Uses. The provtstoas Uon of Appeal. ln case the '"""' d 1 ted jo tin n (15) ..... r eent of the site t lh bulldl nd 1 ot Cha~er 20.44 entilled 'NOD· automobile service station op-s ........ s es gna as m.a r' ee ,..... o e ng a oo ex-.,. erator is not satisfied With primary or secondary on the shall be landscaped with plant eeeding ten (10) square feet conforming Structures and City M;t.ster Plan of Str eets materials designed to provtde each. Uses,' shall be applicable to the acUoo of the Communtty and Hlgflways unless the sites beauttlleation and screening. (3} One sign adverUsing the automobile service stations as Development Director lo any are part of or In conjunction Planting areas shall tnclude price of gas aDd not eaceedt.nc defined i.n this el\apler, except ~=a!".~~~!; ~~r~ with developments such as but not be limited to thetoiJow. eight (8} SQuare teet. The slg:n as ameDded by the following writing to the Pla.noJ.Dg Com- shopping centers In residential ing: shall be of materials ln ba.f. teJUiatl.oos: mlasloo ,.., fllio" a Notice ot areas. (1) Five-foot wide planters mony with those utlllJed In (a} Existing Uses -Cessa. "'' • (b) Site Site • The sHe shall between driveway approaches, the building. Uon of Use -The lawful use Appeal with the Secretary of be of suUtcient size and con-separating pump Islands for (f) One sign ldenttlytng the of land or building or both the Plannlng Commission with· figuration to satisfy all re-their enUre length trom the operator of the premises aod tor the purpose of operating ln ftve (5) days tollowlog the ul Is t t1 t t k sidewalk or public rlght-ot. ddr I bulldlo '" be an al.tomoblle serYtee staUon, decision of the Director of q remen or o . -s ree par • a ess o the g. ""' Commwllty Development, as lng, setbacks, curb cuts, walls, way. located on the butldlnl aod wtlieb I&St ls ln e:dsteoee on prOYtded In Se<:Uon 20,58.010 laOOscapingand storageaspro-(2) A planting area at the not eaeeedlng a total of stx the etfectiYe date of this of the N__,rt Beach Munlel- ''ded tn this chapter. 'exterior' corner ot the site (6) square feet. Chapter, maybecootlnuedwttb. .,w,.... (e) Puking - A mlnJmum from curb cut to curb cut at (5) All small signs adnrtta. out oompllaoce with the re-pal Code. of live (5) puking spaces for the intersection. lng products for sale, trading quirements of a use permtt B. Decision. Upon receiYlog b t ba hall be (3) A series of tree wells, edit d a.nd ••~ provided that, U any sucb use Notice of Aweal to the Plan-eac serv ce y s pro-stamps, cr car s , .. '~' lllnr Commission, the wrltteo vtded. All such parking spaces each located a mutmum dls· Inspection of pollution control shall e..se for a conUnuous ftndlnpoftbeDlrectorofCom· shall be marked clearly and lance ot thirty (30) feet on deYiees, lamps and btakes, as perlod of slx (6) monthS, such munity Deveklpmeot s t.ll be shall meet all City codes and center along all interior prop-authorized by the State, shall use shall be considered abi.D· submitted to the Pla.oD1nrCom. sta.Ma.rds as to size and ac. erty lines, having a minimum be clustered into not more lhi.O dooed aDd the Pla.onlnl Com. eessibtUty. J.nslde dlmensloo of four (4) three (3}slp grolC)logsloeated mluk>o aball hi.Ye the author-mlukmiO(ether with aU maps, (d) Setbacks -All bulldtngs teet to any one side of the on the buUdtnr taee and a total tty to require the property letters, exhibits, aDd other hall be set ba k ft 1 t 1-plantln"' area and cootalnln"' ht h hall t -~tw 1 owner to remove aU ea:tstt.nc documentary eYldenee could. s c om n eru.rr • • ot w c s DO taCt:UJ e Ye ered .... tbe Director ot Com-property lines a mint mum of at least ooe fifteen (15) pllon (12) square teet in area, ea-structures from the stte ur "' ei(hteen (18) teet and exterior tree of an approved variety. e lusive of the addJUonai~~J&,Ce obtain a UH permit puriUlDt munlty DeYelopment In reach. ty lln In! t Plant materials shall be ulred 1 1 ~ u 1.... to Seetloo 20.43.040 of th1s ID& his de<:lsioo. The Pla.aalnc proper es a m mum o req or s ens au,.er s-. Commtuloo shall reader Its thirty (30} feet eaeept thatpuf11' chosen ror their screenlnc State-atAhorized serrieea. Tbe Chapter. declakla wtlhln tblrty (30) doJI lslallds may be located a mini-quaUUes, beatty aDd durability. sign baekgrouOO shall be ot (b) Reston.Uoo or Damapd mum of twenty (ZO) feet rrom Plantlnp shall lnclude a m1J:. materials ln ba.rm~withU.O. or Destroyed Buiklfnl • AAy after tbe be&rlDC of tlle appe&l. aU nterior property Unes, and ture of trees, ahrubls aod utlUzec:lln the bulldillg. buUdlnf 1n 11M 1.1 an alllo. C. Appeal to the Clty COUD· puq, Island canopies may pro. CfowdcoYers. (6) One ctouble-flced alp, In mobile avtlee llb.Uoo oa the cU. In cue a.n appl1eut Ls jeet to within nn (5) teet of City parkway areas shall be a permanent frame, DOt ••-eftecUn cllte of thla C~ not attslfted With the aetlon exterior property lines. prcwtded with grOUDdcot'er aDd eeedlng a.n a.r• of tweiYe (12) •Mcb U cit maced or de-of the Plaa.Dinc Commluioo On-site driveways all sbould street trees u per City stud· IQu&rl feet tor each sJde, tor Jtroyed by ft.rt tJPiolloa. on bla appe&l, be m&J wltbiD be a mlnlmum Of twenty.flYe arda. promoUooal purpoRS, but ex. ll.l"thqaa.ke or otbU act, to &D tweaty..ooe (21) daJI r iD (Z5) feet for two-way trame All plantlDc ar .. •'-11 be clucUnc anr reference to price. exteat of ..,.eaty.n•e (?S) PH'· wrltlDc to tbe Ctty CMidl. or elctlteeo (18) teet for one. pro~ with a permaoent No rotaUDc, tluhlrlc. bllnk· eem ot the IAift).Md ntut . u PrOYided lD Cblpter 20.58 way clrcal&Uon. wxt«crouod automaUc ~~»fink· inr or slplnc wttb utatlon. tbertiOI a.ceord1D1 to tbt u. of tbe Newport Beach MUD.tcl· (e) Access. Driveways shall ler lrTiplloa aysttm ol a de. flap, b&JlJMJU or otbeJ' attee. aeaam-b)" Utt atiiiSOI' b' pal Code dt&I1DC wlthtppeala," be 10 dtstllttd and located as liP, sultallle tor the type a.acl Uoa..attraetl.n& dtt"leee ftU be the beal ra.r durtnc wblcb SECTION f. Thlt orcM•oee to tnPf'e a ate aod efftettot uruaemeat of tbt pta.nt ma.. permitted oaaperm&DIGlbuil. aueb deltruetioe occurred, en&' thaU bt ~Uibed ODCI 111 tbe 20.43,090 Appeal, (e) Such other plans, draw. 20.43.010 lntent. In order to IDJ"S and lnformatloo as the I promote and presern the pub-Director ot Community De- health, safety, eonveolenee, 1nklpment reuoaab\J rna, r e. · wellare and poeral qulre. (10) The ale of IJOft drtoks, caDdY, eJ.prett .. , leeandslml- lar Items Yla dttPtn.sera at ltatl.ooa cooltructed prior to tbe -ameat otthlsordlnlaet, (II) The oerY!clng of alr- eooditloDtr 1. moYement ot tramc oo ud terla.ll Hlected. Attea&too-attncttDc dtftee~ DOC bt rtlllored wltbo.t tbe offtelal DIW.-per of the City, off the au. to aDd from the I ~Ad~ pJaotinc a.od ma1 bt permuted tor WrtJ rtqlinmeet of a ue pwmu. ud tbl ame ltall be .a.ctm 1aoe of trat.ac Dnfnt thecarb. sprl.lltler lrrtptioa piau ud (SO) daya, bow .. tr, wbea coa-(e) MaJat•nce, RtpairUIId tbtrtJ (10) days alter the date AU driYOftJO obaU be localod -'ftca"-oball be --otcltd ...Uhac-'IIC« <ba.Dao Stroel-1 AI-• llaltl-of Ill o.q,tloo it is the lnteDt of 1 20,43,050 AetlYIUes and Op· tll&t automobile I eratiool Plrmtttect. ActivtUet: stations shall ootereate and operaUoq ahaU be sub~ p@destrlao and .,._ to tbe followlnc rtttrteclona: tralftc har.&rds aDd &hall (a) 1D addlUon to the dl•- be df!lf:rlmeotal to Ultordl.n· peoslD&" or p101tnoe, ott, a.1r malntenuce, deveklomeot &Dd water, the tollowlof opera- redevelopment of tbe Ita"· Uou art permitted IWtl wbtll as r eflected bJ CODINeted ePllreb wtthlD u Zonlnr Re&· eaeloeed buUdta.c wttboul the -:illc plaao ap-... ol .., '""" llaDit a.nd In fteb ~ 10 II DDt to be ':~0:; ... .. ... _ « ot dtltriJnG to ct lbo lol-u..occ...-.oftd--- lbo •lloo: f~::==~ (I) Clttt..,.. of toC1D1 oU Sor'flo081a-udUon. Tbt wm 'A-Jo (I) ..,....,._.,_••-l;;;r~oo -· olloU -a lllelo ...... ,_ cl • I I -(*)Tile c-. cl -- 11 ... -"' llloJ ....... ..,a. (12) The .. nlelog of alr polluUoa. cootrol dmeea. (IS) ~.&q> ootjullmoDI. (c) Operatlar prcwlalo .. 1haU llletw!e the tollowtllr re. otrlcllcM: (I) Parldac co olte Ia pro- bllllltd -II:Jr -h •obtcloo &I &H ill tbl proeeta fA bible HrYictd,-lleloocltlr to •1110..,.. ud eonlct lndto ....,.,. .... _, R-.t can udlnl-- bo ......., .. .0. lll>jld liD lila --ol-10.-u.oso (b) (1) ud (I~ (I) 110 -....... lor -· tMII bo ......., lor • ......., ._ -lftlll1- -~>-••Dollalloo and eoutructed a.ccorcU.nc to mttted by tltt at~PUeut aact lD OW"Dtr"lhiP or ~&'liMit tecuce rC~Ur• ud ttnet..._l Tbla ~ ns J.Dtro- the Clb' of Nnport Beach apsworld bJ the Commllftlty 0.... of a. Mf"ftt.e ltltfoo. a.llentk.. eu be m&dt to &111 due«! &t a replu metUstc of Drl .. nJ Ai>l>roa<:b Polley, YOiop-Dlrtetor prior lo (tV ROll ROOOio -AU root beiJdlac Ia -ao a -liM tllo CIIJ C_.ll of lbo CIIJ ol Drl'feways lor Ml'tlee Jta. tbt ta.DCe of a bldk11Dc PM"· room~ IMU be toeattd. to u. ..-rice ..._ oo tbe tftleUM Newport S.Cb OD the lab d&J tloaa wtdch an de .. loptd aa mtl. aide 01' ne..r of tbl tcldlac date of tlda c....., peotidtd oC FtbrarJ, 1011, ud wu put of or to coajla:tloa wltb (k) P•lmeter Walla -S.· wUb all llltr'Uete ICI'IIDed tllat ncb ,...._..,.,, rtpl.lt adapted oa tbt Utb S7 of ootjocool-au be-Ylco -ollooolalll!"--1n1n1-,..., "'-. or llldWtl ..... --·llarclt, 11?1, bJ U1o ro.-., u put ollbo lola! clrcoll-anlad --~~ nil-Ia& or a 111 (e) loot 11JP wau aol ncoad, 10 UJ -1111•• •.co. lo wl: alomtGI o1 -~ td)oclot-_..,. __ ~ or 'of -lllo 10 bar-WUII molfo(IJ)-I*Iod,-4\'1:8, COUIICILVB":Vc-., -lor co..allt-.. pr.-IJ -lor -Ill --lit 1M ........ (II) I*-cl 1M ,. ... ol· K,.la, Roaot.O. Hlrilt, C.-I, tac.._aUIIe-. '*""" bJ ~~~-111&11 (o)-.,o • .w ..-1M ........ "" u ---~Par-. (f) WIWH • All .Uutlll ....., waDI wM'"'II ... ud ......_ ...... u alillll bJ t• trrrr.C ..... WOII, COOMCIUIIII: "-a. ololl bo -llod -..-llrlaloollDllotlltcolor,-f'lti'-11 ....... -.1110 ._ .. -~~ ... --4111DT COUIICILME":- wlbia lila -lor -ly utd -lo -1111-()~ tM11 bo --1M •coo' I-(11) I*-cl E. F. Rlrtll U.O. of 1ba .... Ia lila ........ ilecll ftlloiltOU 11111........ , lila --waltta will M-"""' (I) Oralap. All-.. lle=r-lo trw• (I)~· (p) Dlo1o,. Ma•IIIIJ • ~~-..... ·-u .~~:.._ 11o 111o-tt1t111 bo.., --u -td)leottol ocr-._., ...u bo --,., ••••••• 1 •-c=c.;r- ..-•-• 11o •'* ...... ---·tlloballlillllorur•-ltoc -Air••lot-boltttr.., =:=::.O:u":.»:: :O."'orlit.=.noe.-;::.:= : ::."":..":, ::.:.•=~ =~~·:=.:;.=.::".:a ... ~~ •::: Ill jldlo-.,albi'IM~ alraadl' lllol •-111'-IJ o11oo, let 1111--. llo I IJ 8 • u II -'1 , 41 NEWPORT HARIOR EJISICJI SECOND llCTIIII! • • P ... ' lltURIOAY, MARCH Z3, U7Z COIIliiA DEl. MAR, CAU F. TMAH «O'DJII • 1770 N!W,ORT COST4NIU '"·n•s APP REN11CE5 GRADU4 TE Nuy Seaman Appreatteea Gary L. Lane, SOD of Mr. aD:t Mrs. Robert 0. Boyles of 1634 WtdtUer Ave., Costa Mesa, and Richard P, Terrace, soo ot Mr. and Mrs, Woody W, Wolf ot ZZ2ll Avaloo, Costa Mesa han graduated from recrud traLntng at the Naval Tralnlng Center at San Diego, I CHIJitt:HES I F I R s T IN THE NEWPORT ·MEU AREA POR IN SP IRATION 9:45 --Btble Study 11 a.m. & 7 P.M. -Services DR . JAME5 COMBS Pastor Sa,.ta ),,.a ,A.II«. at ,\IGt noll'a 548-1733 COSTA MESA 548-1733 BAPTIST c H u ~ H HOME OF P. G. NEUMANN CHRI5TIAN SCHOOL FIRST OfUROf OF LUTHERAN CHURCH OfRJST, 5CIEHTIST OF THE MASTER .)303 Via Lido Lu ..... Oturch tn ~ Ncwpon Beach 2900 Pedflc VMiw Dr. SUNDAY SOfOOL Coron11 dill Mw, C.lf. 9 .... -· 10130 .... SUNDAY SERVICES REV. MARTIN C. OLSON 9 a.•. ftd 10r80 ... tnterlm Pastor WEDNESDAY EVENING 9 :00A.M. family Womip MI!ETINC 8 p.m.IJICU)(l A.M .· Church odlool READING ROOM I :00 A.M.· FestiYe Wonhip Week d•y•z 9 •.m .. 5 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED Wednetday: 9 a.m.· 7:-U P·"'·l'---------~ Tueld.y and Friday: 9 a. I'll. • 5 p.m.; 7·9 p.m. Sundey: 1 p.m. · -4 p.m. SECOND OfUROf OF CIIIUST, SCENTIST Ncwpon Beach ac Cxona del Mar ·3100 Padfk View 0.. SUNDAY SOIOOL 10 a.m. SUNDAY SEll VICE to a.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING Rhclina lloom: a P·•· 1100-B r... CoutBwy. r... ... e••• Narda• .. 3282.!==~ Newport HeithU Fru •"clJndcpc"d•"' Co"t'•t•fional Ch dsti•n CluHcl. REV. NORMA!< BROWN MINI StU THE NEWLY FORKED Bank ol Newport wtu bost a.n open. LDc day celebn.Uoa Saturdly, March 25, starting at 10:30 a..m., f•turlD& the first a.nnual Ba.nk of Newport long dllt&Dce laUoon race competition, Four thOusand 16 Inch hellum fllled balloons will be released at noon, with return tdenUflcatlon cards attached. All those attending the cere· monies are lovtted to e~~ter the race, and the contestant whose re&tstraUoo card Is returned from the greatest distance before Aprll 14 will receive a fully equipped 14 foot Hoble Cat aatlboat. Don Picca.rd, world altitude record holder for hot air balloons, will give a demonstra- tion In a 70 toot higtl balloon, asceDding with the 4,000 small racing baUooos. Another celebrity, actor John oNayne, has the honor of being the first depositor at the Bank of Newport. "Duke" Wayne is shown here, at left, with bank president Rooald L. Rodgers, Verna Johnson a.Dd Bernice Ballard. The Oscar winning actor, who makes his home in Bay Sbores, opened his acco.mt early since he was leaving for Mexico to make his ZOOth-plus Olm on location. Tbe Bank of Newport is located at the lntersec. tlons of 16th St. aDd Dover Dr., just Inland of Coast Hwy . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITlNG BIDS SEALED BIOS wUI be received at the omce of the City Clerk, City Hall, Newport Beach, California, until 10:00 A.M. on the 4th day of Aprll, 1972, al which time they will be opened and read, for performi..Dg work as follows: ALLEY (MPROVEMENTS, BALBOA ISLAND 1971-72 CONTRACT NO. C-1405 Bids must be submitted oo the Proposal form attached with the eootra.ct documents f\zrnislled by the Publlc Works Depart- ment. Tbe addi.Uooa.l copy of tbe Proposal Form is to be retained by the bidder tor hls records. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certltled check or Bidder's BoDd, made payable to the City of Newport Beach. tor an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the amount bid. The Utle of the proieet and the words "SEALED BID" shall be clearly marked oo the outside of the envelope containing the bld. Tbe Contract Documents tbat must be completed, executed, aDC1 returDed lD tbe sealed bid are: A.Propostl B. Deliptloo of Subcontractors c. Bldder'a Bood D. Noo-coUusioo Aftldavtt E. statemem ot Financial Responsibility F, TecbDlca.l Abi.Uty aDd Ezperleoce References Tbese doc:umelltl slW1 be afft..J:ed wtth the signatures aDd utle1 of the per9011S stplng on behaU of the bidder, For Cor. pont1oos. the stp.tures of the President or VIce President aDd Secretary or Aasistant Secretary are required and the Cor. Recruiting change made Kt'llpOirt ll&rbor rD•ftO.IDiD IOMud!Wflda, TbiDtWSaatl. tbe Mar!MI .lOW lMwt tor boot AM JWioD DOW COt'tn a $ ... eamp a-om -.Aaa, --ara Ill Sootllorll Calli. Gl LooAoploo,lbolocallllarloo onla ud lllc._lbo rocnlt- r.ert&tu •......-aced t111a ..._ t.ac omee lD w v, ..... N•. -Str&OUI Aco-Tllo local recrolUD( omco -l -llarlllo r-..w.r Ia ll 5<Z VI, 19tll st., Cool& ~·~~~---~~~--proc-rocrulto ud-lURK! BILL DEALS lbem lA> S.. Dtoco lor-WI Til fAIRVIEW LAND camp, Howenr. _ medk:al ••· Auembtymu Robert H ami.UOU art 1t111 btkl lD Bl.ll'tt (R.HUAtlD&tonBtach)~ LOI AD&'tlea until • aew 0 • iDtrodttced AB 1088, a bill de.! &mlalac .ta.u.on le opeoecl 1D liped to Ht up proceduree 1 :=-:::· ::,*_~~::: t! wblcb will authorlr.e the state ! S ' to Jeue Ule surplus property t ll· Ma.llDe. Recruit. art located at Ftlrvlew Sta.te Hoe-1 ~Aale~eeo S&.ala ADa Ud ptt:al to any of the I.Dterested Strput Ma.11.oe said tbe local public entiUes. fac:lutJ at 1600 N -oro.::: "HopetuUy," aaidMr.Burke, 1D SuQ ADa 11 pari ola llltioo~ ''•hea tb1JI measure Js ap. wide deeeotra.U.&ioc of Marine prOfed, It wtll set Ja moUoo reerldUoc area tbe pluAlDc and de•e)Opmeot UoUI Mooday~·Ult Los AGee· by the local ageaclea wh.lcb lea rtcrtdttng lta.tion was re-will be necessary to assure IPOUfble tor an area from the people of Western Orange su LuLl Obispo to tbe Mexican Couoty that the Fairview sur. border aDd westward into Ari· plua laDd wUl be a regional park 1a the ll8&r future. LIG.\L IIOTICI ORDINANCE NO. 14Z9 "Baat.caUy, AB 1068 says tll&t the state may enter into a leue agreement, provided that the deputment of general services, wh.l ch t.s tn charge of mainta1nlng the property, finds tbat certa.ta sta.ndards have been met." ~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDlNG SECTION 11.08 •• 040 RELATlNG TO SLEEP· lNG lN VEH ICLES OR ON BEACHES The City CouDCil of the City GOP BUTTOH CONTEST of Newport Beach does ordain Aaemblyman Robert E. Bad· as Jollows: ham (R) Newport Beach, an- SECTION 1. Section 11.08.040 oounces that the Republican Na. ot the Newport Beach Municipal Uooal Committee is llolding a Code Is ameDded to read: CODtest for designing the 1972 "11.08.040 SleeplDg 1n Auto-coo..-ertloo button for lhf' Callf. mobiles Vehicles or 00 orn1a Republlcan. The contest Beaches. It Is hereby declared is open to students enrolled unlawful ror any person to sleep LD a h.lcb school In California; in any automobile veh.lcle entries must be accompanied parked a.oy place Jn the Clty by u eotry blank provided by of Newport Beach, or to sleep the committee, or a tacslmile on any beach, publlc orprtvate, tbereof, and the designs are between the hours of nine p.m. limited to 2 coW>r designs, such aDd ntne a.m. of the next day." as wh.lte paper, red and blue SECTION Z. This ordtnanee colors. shall be pubU.shed once I..D the Prizes will coosist of ofllcial oewspaper of the City, sebol.a.rships: first prl.z.e, $500; and the same shall be eftecttn secood pr\.te, $250; th.lrdprlze, 30 days after the date of Its $100. adoptloo. COMBAT EXERCISE This ordinaoce was lntro. In the pre-dawn darkness of duced at a regul.a.r meeting of a Mediterranean morning late the Clty CoWlcll or the City last mc>mh, men of the 34th of Newport Beach held oo the Marine Amphibious Unit wer e 28th day or February, 1972, making a final check of their aDd was adopted on the 13th combat and survival gear before day of March, 1972, by the hitting the beaches. fol)owing vote, to wtt: Marine Pfc. Carl L. Martin AYES, CO UNClLM EN:Mclnnis, Jr., son ot Mr. aod Mrs . Carl Kymla, Ro~rs. Hirth, Crout, L. Martin Sr . of Z3Z'7 Tustin Dostal, Parsons. A•e., West Upper Bay, wa& NOES, COUNCILMEN: None. amonc those men, a.nd stormed ABSENT COUNCILMEN: NoDe. ashore before tlrst Hpt W'tth E. F. Hirth more than 500 other Ma.rtDeS Mayor in a mock assault oo the ATTEST: "eoemy" at Carbooeras, Spain. Laura l..aglos Wtth lleUcopters and powerhll C ity Clerk amphibian tractors they 5e· Publish: March Z3, cured the beachhead in 3 days the Newport Harbor of·.;;;..;,;;.;;;: porate Seal Sahll beamxsd toalldocumentsrequiring signatures. i~~~~~~:~~~ LD tb8 case of aPart.Dershlp,lhe signature of at least one geoera.l portaer 1.& roqulred. our many frlenclt w • .._._,..... """'-ef ... 1(\ WORLD'S LARGEST fib SPECIAUZI. II TIE ClEAIIJII & FltiiSIII W IWEIIESI&Y .. ,..... .. .... ·i--;,.tj .. ..... 548-1366 642·0270 EXOJJSIYE GUAUNIEED ~y BYIQ 20 ~,.r f ()l-' (1\'iH r ~ C t.PP'f' B3 1702 NEWPORT 8L VD. at 17th for the best in service MoD.·Fri.: 10 a.lll. to 5 p.m. 'l'\1anday nocttoinP: 7 to 9 Sat.: tO a.m. to 4 p.m. You are c•diaU:y inYit~d to SUNDAY SERVICE AND CHUROf SOIOOL AT lmOOA.M. Nwrsuy c~~N proftd.d PHONE' 64:1-:17-40 No blds will be accepted from a Contractor who has oot been licensed 1D accordance with the provlslonsotCbapter 9, Division m of the Business and Professions' Code. The Contractor shall st:ite hls Ucense number aDdcl.assiftcatioolnthe Proposal, I Pluu: a.ad Cootn.ct Documents, lnclud.t.n&: Specl.al Provisions, ..---~~ may be obtal.oed at tbe Public Works Department, City Hall, ii ·,,;;;;.• Newport Beach, C&lltornta. at DO cost to Ucensedcootractors. AI ~rehlodable ctw'p ot $Z .OO will be required for eacb set of1 Plana and Coatract Documents issued to others. It is requested tba.t tbe Plus and Coatrad Documents be returned wtth.ln 2 weeks r•••-u•SJ'S ... ~ .• ~ ••. :.~Llsl~z~rs~l3~~~~~~~~ attcncf 5erYiu• and to U. Jt.oom. Central Bible Olurch 2SitD ST. ot Olt4MGI, COSTA loiiSA -!M._..J ._.., lllloolli • 11ot*11 ••• t:OO •• 10:10 a.a. .. .., ............... 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 _,:oo, ... __ ..., 11'111• .. ., •• .., .... 0 • -,:00 .... .. ....... t ') ........... ,.. , $ 7 ' CHURCH OF RELIGIOU5 SCIENCE. OF CORONA DEL MAR lLI!AMOR C, JACKSON, MIMIJTf.R Stmday Sentce , •••••• 11 :00 a.m. SllDda.y School • , ••• , , . 11 :00 a.m. 2411 !. COAST HWY, 6Uo10l2 after tbt bkl openl nc. Tbe City tu adopted the StaDdard Specitlcatlons for Public Worts COG&tructloo. (U'IO EdiUoo and S'"'lements) as prepared by tbeSoutberoCallb"DlaC~softbeAmertcanPuhllc Works AuoclaUoD aDd the AsiiOCIIte<l Geoera.l Contractors of America . Cbptu may be obtalDed from BuUdin' News,lDc., 3055 OVerland An., Los An .. les, CaW. 90034., (213} 8'10·9871. The City baa adopted stamard Spec1al Provisions a.Dd Standard Drawt.np. Caples of tblee are anllable at the Public Works Dc~Utmeot at a cost ot $!.00 per set. III accord&Dee W'ith tbl prcwl51ons of Article Z, Chapter 1, Part '7 of tbe Ca.Worala. l...abor' Code (Sections 1 '7'70 et seq.), Ule City CouDcU ot tbe Clty ol Newport Beach has ascertained the geoera.l preY&J.IJ..q rate of per diem wages I..D the locality tn which tbe wort ls to be pertormed tor each craft, cla.ssitlcaUon., or type ot workman or mtcbuic Deeded to eDCute the contract m:t bu set fortb tbese ltem.J 1n Resol~ No. 698Z, adopted FIRS., BAPTIST CHURC UayiZ, 1068, A "'PY ot-ruolutlools aY&llal>le In U>e otllce ' I o1 tbe City Cl•t.. All pans.a to tbe oootract shall be KO•eroed UOI CLIPP D•IVE, HEW !tORT aiAC:H by all proTi.l1ou ot t.b1 CaWomJa L&bor Code r elating to pre- •-Beauty SliiOfla ~~. BEAUTY NOOK 2732 E. Cont Hwy Corono del Mor Phone 644-7338 • Bicycle• A NIW CHUIICH WELCOMES YOU ftlllD(....,. ntu (-17'70-1781lllcluslve). THil fllllV. DON I..., INGLE, P'AITOfll CrrYOFNEWPORT BEACH, CAUFORNlA ~D&SI!.VD SUNDAY SCHOOL., •• , f1U A.M. ala&. I STUDY laura. Lagloa, Ciiy Clerk 420 1!. lnM ST. COITA MDA L....:,WO~O~SH~I;·;·;·;·;·;·;';';•;·";·~-~·;7;·;·;"·;;.7;•~10ii.'i"'iiW~I~O.~.:~;P;ub;llah;'~llar;c:h;.;Z;S,~19~'ll~, in the Newport Harbor Ensign. U6--77'N -, ....... JAZZ FESliVAL FILM 1--~-~LCI"~~~~~-~IO~I~CIIT\8~~~ ... a. .......... Jimmy Lyons, director of ••._...oa-r •••• ...... tbt Wooterey Jan Festlva~ wtll prestnt a movie aboUt U..t ftltlval at 7:30p.m. Tburld&J', Muc:b 23, 1D tbt Orance Cout Collect Audttortum, The public: bWtted to atteDd the fUm ~····· ....... -· OM. QAY lllPlVICil DAILY l OUNOAY ....... . ..... euc;E THa,.T INIUIIIIANCil 311 OLD NI!'II~IT ILVD. HIWf'OitT IUCH I'I.Oaln'S Nil I ..... -;, .... a.-.JriiSIIissill .S7U5 2113 IAIIIIILYI. ". CISTA IESI-142·1111 DIRICTLY AC.OSS PROM TH 1!0 ItO • HAL AEBISCHER IJ!!!:J. Proper Fitting Auuted 3408 E. C<NU Hwy Corona dtl M..- 175-3133 •Decoratol'l Dh t -~~-• ... , ....... ................. _. _,..._ ,_ llltferM&t ... c.l OwhtJp._ -··7·527-...... •1111'-IMff-AMIA • DrJ Claanera DIMMtTT f' -.-~of~ 1 ha ···-·-1r t J ... ___ _ asJ m • NuneriiS "T". T•t•l S!ti'f••ti-1 ... ............ ... SINCERE SEWING MACHINE 1171 HarM< ....... C.M. ..... 9741 • Shoe Repair ANTHONY'S SHOE SERVICE CO•~tLITI SMOI, AND """DaAG RlltAIRt 1401 £. Cout Hllll•ar Coroaa .del Mar PboDe: 67 .. 4140 Otlll•r Loclltio•a: •UU VIA LIDD, MIW!tO•T •74 PASMtolllllL.uiiD • 1111 IRVIN I, IIIIWPO.T • ROaiMlOM0 l Dlltt.ITO.I ....._CIIal!lll.8eb • '1 PAIMIOMIIL.uiiD fK66 ~V£RY l':l~~~~~~:===l Corona del Mar NuneT}' 2144 E. COMI Jhry. 61S.()I60 .Paint Wallpaper A. L M.t.UAC Pl .... . ?GOO a·sx .. .... o.Mttil .. • F' b??l ••••• DloT.IIICIIT W.t.taliSA'I'IIII ftl.-- POl LOCAL HEWS OI<LY U.tO A •N EW •USI!D • ltloll6 s.ntco-AII- 11 TEARS' I:XPEIIIIIICS ............ Dallr c:.GIIOMA DIL loiAI .._,, 'fACUUiol C .. Til .. ~..,. ~ J & J UPHOLSTERY 142·1171 UGAL IIOTICE LEGAL MOllCE BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMtsSION OF THE STATE OF CALtFORNlA lD the Matter of the Awllcation of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. a .corporaUon, for authority to lacrease certain intr.astate rates and clla.rges applicable to telephone services furnished within the State of CalllornJa. Wll11am M. BeMett, Consumer Spokesman. aDd Consumers Arise Now, an association, Comp~na.nts, YS, Tbe Pac lfic Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation, Defendant. 1~ SPANISH-SPEAKING TELEPHONE SUB- SCRffiERS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, SO- NOMA, AND IMPERIAL COUNTTES, THE SPANISH SPEAKING/SURNAMED POLITI- CAL ASSOCIATION, THE MEXICAN -AMERI- CAN POLITICAL ASSOCIATION, THE HEALOOB URG AND WINDSOR LOCAL AC- TION COUNCILS, Complainants aDd (Proposed) Protestants, "· THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH COMPANY, a corporation, De!endant and Applicant In Proposed Rates lnc rease *51774. WILLIAM 'M . BENNETT, Consumer Spokes- man, and Consumer s Arise Now, anassoda- tlon, Complainants, Y$, Western Electr ic Company, joining Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and American Telephone and Telegraph Company as Interested Parttes, Defendants. Investtg;atlon on the Commission's own motion Into the rates, tolls, rules, charges, opera- tions, separations, practices, contracts, service and faciUtles ofthe Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. A. 51774 et al Investigation on the Commission's own motion Into the rates , tolls, rules, c ha.rges, operat- tlons, sepa.ratlons, practices, contracts, service and fac iUtles of the telepOOneopera- tlon and certain telephone corporations. Application No. 51774 {Filed March 17, 1970) Case No. 9036 (Filed April 13, 1970) Case No, 9042 (Filed April 2, 1970) Case No. 9043 {Flied April 6, 1970) Case No. 9044 (Filed April 7, 1970) Case No. 9045 (Filed April 7, 1970) NOTICE OF FURTHER HEARING (Order Reopening Proceeding for considera- tion of alternatives to method approved by Dec. 77984, etc. and for receipt of evidence regarding possible refunds.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Utilities Com- mlssioo of the State of Catuornia has set the further hearing In the above entitled matters before Commissioner Sturgeon and Ezamtner Caley for Monday, Aprll10, 1972 at 10:30 a.m. to the Commission Courtroom, State Otnce Bul.ldlog. 107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CaUfornl.a, at whJch time and place all Interested parties may appear and be heard, BY ORDER OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CO MM&lON, Dated at Sao Francisco, this 13th day of March, 1972, WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Secretary Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Publish: March 23, 1972, to the Newport Harbor Ensign. MONTEJlT ALUMINUM Price , Qual ity, Reliability ROLL UP AWNING The Balboa Yacht Club will ·•say It wtth orchids" Satur- day evening, April I, with cock- tails at 6:30 p.m. aod dinner at 8 at the clubhouse, 1801 Bayside Drive. Dress will be "spring" Informal. The orchid ball Is tbe "brain child" of Vice-Commodore HoedlnghaliS, who along with Staff Commodore Ralph Deaver aod director Ed Letheo, raise orchids as a hobby.Mrs.James Tyler is Chairman of the Dec- orating Committee. Mrs, A. Loc.kabey Is chair- man of the ball, a.nd music will be by the Frank F"lynn Orchestra. The followtng morning the Balboa Yacht Club w111 aga1o feature the a.nmal Easter br..-.cb from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tbe children's Easter egg hunt wtU begin promptly at 11 :15 wUb the 2-4 year olds meeting at the patio, and the 5-8 year olds meeting oo the sun deck. The 9-12 year olds ..,. ... ~c::;."c. VIJITIO fOI: u , ••• YA(AnoN nAIII .. I UJYUP I AJY-A-"'f ._ .......... v---.. ...._. _._ ............ c.rt.IM. ,.. ......................... .,. _ _., ...... Cualom wi ndow & patio awnings available • ... -'-....... _, ..... _ --- in all sizea. 13 decorative colors available in aluminum . Mmty colors in canvostoo. SANTA ANA TENT AND AWNING EH Teach your children . these safety rules: 1. Don't cross stn~ets or highways while flying kites. 2. Don't fly a kite with metal in the frame or tail. 3. Don't U&! tinsel string, wire or any twine with metal in it. 4. Don't fly a kite over TV or raclio antennas. 5. Don't fly a kite Hl'!\1" ch.'t:tric powc1· lines an{J rlon't t1·y to reh·ien a kite caught in power li nes. 6. Don't fly a kite in the rain. Southern California Edison