HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignLOW PROF"ll.f; of tbt 100 block ot Newport Ceoter wtn look like thl1, acecwd1Dc to l.rvlDe Co. plana madt pubUc tllia week. Tbt view la from Cout Hl&bway, loolc:lDc IXrib. ' ,,, \ FUGHT OF KITES race across Newport Bay during Sunday's tlrst annual Kite eompettttoo, wbJ.cb has replaced the traditional FUgtlt of the Soowblrds. Boats that prmed to be wiJmers lnchlded number 808 (utreme right). .piloted by Phll Ramming, who ca.me LD th.lrd, a.nd number 728 (3rd from right in' far tackground), skippered by Martha Seaver, whO tlnlshed tlrst among the gtrls. An even 100 boats competed, with Rowland lohman ol Balboa Yacht Club finishing first, (Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce photo.) 'Old salt' wins in Kites .. gets Linda? U.S. government or the Irvine Co. Mu Sturges, retired New-The company's owoersbip of port Beach attorney wboclaims local lands dates back to a that Linda lsle doesn't really grant deed from the King of beloog to tbe Irvtoe Co., said Spain, which was transferred yesterday be expects to go to by Jose Sepulveda to James San Franclsco "within a week" lrvloe In 1867. The compra.ny to talk to Interior Department clalms that what Is oow Lloda. ottlclals about his cbarge that Isle Is included Ln the deed. RowlaDd Lohman, an ''old champion ot tbe 14-root Lido ber or Commerce, which spoo.. the islaDd is U. s. government JOe COSTA MESA BOB ASTON, right, oew president of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commer ce, gives outgoing presJdent Hal PiDchi.D a mounted gavel during installation ceremonies Last week at tbe Bahia CorlnthWl Yacht CIW. Mr. Aston is manarer ot the local orfl ce of Muhal Savings aod Loan. Otber new omcers of the chamber are Don Wood, 1st vice- president; Ron Robles, Znd vtce.presideot; and Joan WU- Uams, treasurer. New directors are Paul McC ara, Bruce Olsoo, Mary Pike and Clyde Zulch. (E nsign phOto,) salt" from Bay Shores, beat class, had ootdonemuchsaJUng sors the race, reared short property. Mr. Sturges mairD.Lns that the kids at their own game in lbe Kite. turoout when only 30 entries Mr. Sturges espects to go the deed "makes oo rererence co u N TV sEEKS Sunday and won the first annual Flnishlng 4th and 5th in the had been tiled by Thursday before a rederal grand jury at aU to any Islands," aad that "Fll&flt or the Kltes" race overall standings were John atterooon. However by mid~ ill Los Angeles soon to try the island was created tl'om around Newport Bay. McC lure and Hugo Schmidt. morning Sunday, 71 boats were to substantiate his claim tlllt a sand plt whlch was below I RV I N E LAN OS Mr, Lohman, 42, tq,ped a Don Pennington and Tom In the race and a last minute the ezclustve resldenHal area water at high tide, and thus tleld or 100, most of them Enos of the Chamber ot Com-rush put ezactly 100 oo the was never a legal part of the should be regarded as tide- teenagers, finishing ahead or merce Commodores Club pre-sta.rtln.g U.oe. laods deeded to Irv1De more laods under federal jurisdic-Qra.n .... County has ......,., to Jobn Da.igh and Pbil Ramming, sented trophies to the top nn. Don PennJ.ogton said the big thaD 100 years ago. He says tlon. ..~ eo~·~ PrescriptiYe rights are legal who were 2nd and 3rd. The lshers. Karen FreDCh, Miss turoout indicated that the Kite tbe Island is part of federally-Mr. Sturges• argument with court to U'y to get almost 1,000 rights galDed by contin~ use wlnoer led all the way. Newport Beach, presented race would become even bigger owoed tidelands in Newport Bay, the Irvine Co, also has personal acres of Irvine Co. la.nd which of land o•er a period ol years. Llgbt wlnds held the 13-foot Martha Seaver's trophy. than the Soowbtrd ennt, wbir.h He named deputy u. s. at-onrtooes. He leased a lot on ._ the coumy cootends beloogs to Tbe county holds that the pub- boats to a slow pace over Tbe Newport Harbor Cham-sometimes drew ZOO entries. torney ThOmas Kotoske as the Li.Dda Isle several years a.go ' the public through "prescrlp-llc galned such rights over the 5 mile course, which be-man assigned to handle the aDd souiflt to build a 2-story Uve rights." the lrvioe land by crossing g.lllandendednearBalboa.Pler. HARBOR VIEW'S lnvestigatloo o1 the case tor borne, but claims tbecompa..ny LDYolYed are about 1,000 it to get to tbe bay and by tbt pernment. would DOt allow 2-story coo-acres, including the valua.ble varlous ottaer uses. Mr. Cooroy M.r. Ramm':f came wllbin "Mr. Kotoake a.akec1 me to structioo. When bestoppedpay. ~~u.~~lands lD aid "several bmxlred" OOUD.- a boat leocfb o.ertaki:Dg'tbe VIEW Is SAVED keep details of my case secret meal:a oo the leaiJt, the lrvtne T DUNCAN STEWART who ~· ld &Ddaftbe,:;:-"' _Uua taft re~toa~ leader, but tided to 3rd place UDtll I preaeat 1t to the grand Co. bought It back at aactlon. bills hlmseU as the ',.poet ~ ot u:e:: rn ea.mp&ip to ftDd people woo U the boats neared the ftnlsh jury .. Mt. sturges told the Mr. Sturges bas a $.390,000 lariat" or Corooa del Mar C"'"""' d Y;~ IT haSove ased tbe Irvloe laads. line . Harbor VIew Hllls home-views r th --' ... A E-A•' "I ha n•-• aJ suit peDdlng a-1nst the com ' -~ ep ..... 1 counse om me of the land Lnvolved M Loh l be o e oeean &U.l un::--..gn. ve reu an -~ -reaches for another oftbef\m.DJ Conroy, woo is handling tbe Is in lit! tion as a result r. man s a mem r owners and the !nine Co. have bay. fadavlt with the Justice De-pi..DY over the lease. rhymes wtth whi ch be enter-county's ease, said the suit of a laOO gatrade made~-or the Balboa. Yacht Club. Mr. peacefully settled their argu-Construction in the zoo block partment and thataffadavttwill tatn__. st he C ~--Oalgh and Mr, Ramming belong ment over how mucb or a view • Tbe 68-year-old retired law-o:u rue s at t orooa was tiled Friday in S~rlor lnlDe a.od tbe county In 1967 to Newport Harbor Yacht Club. the homeowners are entitled to. of the center Included buUdiDgs open a few eyes when the gov-yer also cooteods that Irvine's del Mar Chamber of Commerce Co urt in Santa Ana, after county and revoked by the county ln that stuck IC) into the home. ernment makes its contents cla.Jm to the channel between installation banquet last week s!C)ervisors 2 .,eeks ago auth-19n. Irvine sued the COWlty The first girl to finish was th!The c~mpany was praised ow.oers' "sight plane," aDd known." the Island 100 Bayside Dr. Is at the BahLa. Corinthian Yacht oriLed tbe county counsel to tor breach or contract alter Martha Seaver, NHYC, who rot s wee by hUI residents and prompted an outcry U.t re-Tbe lrvine Co. says a pre-t.llse. The company dredged Club. (E nsign phOto.) go ahead W'fth legal action. the 1971 revocation, and the the William Inslee trophy for by the city or Newport Beach suited. in City Couoell review vtous federal lnvestlgatioo into he~~~r;ophy w~rs were ~~n p~~D~~~ :e!ev~~~:~ ~~ e:;~,.~:o~o::~~~~: ~~t~~e~~~;::s:s ~= :::ta:J~s~~~~~!2 COASTLINE IN IT I A TIYE IS ~~~er=1:~~~~::t:: :~ 13-year-old Judy Morley in lower Newport Center below the lrvine Co. to ret together tttle to the property. The com- youngest girl to ftnish; Mlk~ the hill-dwellers' sight plane with residents and expl&.lnthelr pany r efers to a 1953 stOOy StW'ges calls "an Irvine mon-ASSAILED AS DANGEROUS to see where UK! disputed trade ri~'!:~r~~v~~·Ze~~td':J to f::t:Yrtce-presldent Albert ~~t!c~ the st1U-tmdevelqled ~:ge~:!~~~~c~~:U:: :O~e..:rtth~~~~eo~~~: ~ :!c~~ti~ ~;:~edsu1i~ fln1sher at 43, and Mr. and Auer showed tbe plans tomem-lrvtne came IC) with plans munJcatlons director Gil Fer-that higher sUp rentals and A state coastline protection devek)p.neDI: guideUnes. overlap, but 1 tmderstand some Mrs. George Twist, who were bers of the City Council last that will keep the tap of tbe guson claims cooclOOed that reductloo in business com~~ett-lnitl.aUve, slated ror UK! No-The initiative, whi ch has Is Involved 1n both cases," Mr. ft.rst among married co~les. week after an earlier meeting tallest buildi.Dg 1n the 100 bloct "Llnda Isle has never been a Uon are by ..products of this vember election baUot was qualUled for the November hal-Conroy told the Ensign this Mr. Lohman, twtce fleet with omclals or the Harbor 6 reet lower t1an the lowest part of the public lands of the "monopolistic posture." called ''the most da.ngero'usand kX , woo)d Impose stricter state week. M I VIew Hills Community Assn, grOIInd level iD Harbor VIew United States." Mr. Sturges lives ln the Important thing ever to face cootrol over coastal develop-T es a Sa a ry Both the CouDCil and the U-Hills, Homeowner represeota-Bluffs. voters of Newport Beach and ment roop needs soclation agreed that the Plan. tive Bob Orman called tbe plan N B co other coastal cities" by Balboa Mr·. Wynn told chamber d.l- • when carried out, wl11 leave "an attractive developmeotthat NV ENT ION CENTER Bay Club president Dick Stevens r ectors that ''people inland feel hikes voted ~~:':!Y~0 from the hills to ~~~~ ct:m~~ .:"'.,.:: ~~,:,';"':;;..;ee::~m:!r ~ ~; ~m 7:CU: ~~ ::,':.~ scoutmaster Earlier this year, Harbor view of peq~ie UYlDg 1n Harbor ON p LANN lNG AGENDA Co mmerce directors. and warned that "inlanders out-, Costa Mesa city employees VIew Hills residents tad ac-VIew Hills." Boe.rd member Nolan Friz-number those of us in beach Corom del Mu s Boy Scout were granted pay ralses aver-cused Irvine of golna: back on At the direction at tbe City zeUe and city manager Robert cities, so this Initiative is golng Troop 330 faces dissolution un- act.ng 4 per cent Mooday by what the residents considered Co~mefl, city m&Ditel' Bob W)'QD A use permit request for' aDd Bayside Dr., adjacent to Wynn SlCJPQrted Mr. SteYens' to be hard to defeat.'' less the troop ca.n find a scoa - the City Council. Tbeir bosses to be ''guuabtees" that views sent a letter this week to tbe the planned convenUoo center Balboa Isla.od bridge. claim that passage of ttM! ln-Dr. Frlzr.eUe asked ehamber master. w --heads of departments and would be kept open, They Irv1De Co, 1.1raising the de-at the Newporter Inn tops the • SUBDIVISION of 39 lrvi.De itiathe would "create chaos endor9ement of a Local Gov-Unit leader R, · Hougu dlYistons --got raises averag-claimed that when they bought velopmeot plao as "a fiDe u-agenda ror Newport Beach acres soutb or Ford Rd., east and be a disaster for the coastal eroment Protection Assn said this W'eek that the 20 boys, Lnr 4.8 per ceDI, aDd parl-Ume their homes, real estate sales-ample of worttnr tocether to Planning Commissioners at to-of New MacArthur Blvd., and commtm.ltles.'' W'hicb he formed m April ~ ranging from 11 to 14 yea.rs worteu ciJ,ned 10 per cent. men had assured them that resolve a problem tbat has Hlllallgbt.'s regular meeting in Clty oortb or Eastpte Dr. l.nto liB The local chamber has gooe fight 111gb-level (:.'Overnment old, hue an acttve program Total tab tor the pay raises, Irv!De's development of New-fl'equentJy surfaced during residential kXs and a recrea-on record in support of a C!Oilst-controls. Dr. Frit;zelle, a local going oow, but wiU have to recommended by city manapr port Center Vt'OIIld oot b)OCk Couocll meetinp." Commissioners heard there-tion area. Donald Bren Co. l1De btU spoasored bY state optometrist, called the CCllil.st-fold "' their tents unless a Fred Sorsatal, was peQWd at B quest in May and postponed would be the proposedbulk:lers. Senator Dennls Carpenter. The Une lnltl.atlYe "an aHempt to local man W'lll take 00 ttw $128,960. Mr. Sonabal wtU cet ILL K RuMp HOLZ D I ES a deelstoo unUI Ute convention • UVE ENTERTAINMENT Carpenter biU, awalti.Dg final eUminate local prerogatives in leadershJp jOb, Tllelr present a ralae trom$2'7,900to$30,000. hall designers could come lC> permit reQuested by owners legislative actioo, would le.ave covernment." leader has bad to gtve It up Funcllnc tor the pay raises 'W1th a better tramc clrcu1a-of Cyrano's restaun.at in New-coastline cootrol to local goy-Moodily's ch.amber meeting because of the pressure of bust- will come from a city cub Private cransJde t\meral ttoo plan for the area. The port Center. ernments, wtth the state setting also approud a first·hall biXI-ness schedules. rtJene. services were hek! MoockJ ln city plannlng staff is eJpeeted ret report for the year and The boys are sponsored by MOlt department bMda: got PacUlc Vtew memortal part, to ask tonight for aooCher eon-G c h do 1 7 7 beard manager Jack B.ar~t's the Corona del Mar Kiwaals l nat 5 per cent ntse. Harbor VIew Hilla, for Corooa Uoua.oce of tbe use permit re-en us m a n I e s a report tbll membership is run club, and meet Wednesday Not IDcl~ in the pay s-et-del Mar insurance mu William quest to give them time to • nill& wen ahead of the budgeted nights from 7:30 to 9 ln the ace W.rt elty ftreman, who F. Kru.mpOOll, wbo died Jut stWJ oew t:ramc pat(erns. Ll. Gen. Thomas J. Cushman rloe ground action ill Ute war estimates, with s.fl 432 col-Comm11lity YolKtl Center • Co- art lUll conterrlng with Mr. Friday alter a lx'lef Illness. Also oo tonight's apDda Is Sr., WhO j01Ded the Marines 1111949, he became corrunand.; lected thus tar thro~gh mem-rona del Mar. Sor•tal oa are department Mr • Krumpbola, who wu 4&, a request to re-subd1vtde a ln World War I u a prtvate of all Martoe &lr 11lits In the bersllip tees, lncltdlng 99 new Anyone interested ln leadinl AlllJ IHtls, llfld at 615 Roekford Rd., panel on Clift Dr. in New-ud later held the Corps' tap Western u. s . and throughOUt members sioce Ute tlrst or ttM! the troop is urgt(l to call Mr. ~ tbe DeW rates, pollee Cameo Hlcblaodl. port Helcbts toto 4 residential aYil.tloD com mud post, was the Pactnc aDd Far East. year. or Mr1. Houpn at 615-0034. P&trolm*l ..Ul start at $US He was anaceatfor Farmer's lots. Tbe parcel, O'W'Md by Rar-burled yesterday 1D Sao otego. He retired 1n l95-l and tlld per moatb, pollee 88J'C"lllt• niDIIII'&IlCe2Gr8 OCII wttb local ot. bor W.Cfllaods real estate tn. Gen.. Cullman, wbo UYed at Uved in Corona del Mar slDce Ra U wt.U pt from IHl to $l OM CH at 18 E. Cout Hwy. nstor Carl Artborer, ls brelnc 417 Serra Dr., Corcxa Hlgb-tben. aad captaJ..at wW matt irom Ht bad worked b' Farmer'• .,..gtt by the city ft>r a Y'te,. la.Dds, died saturday at Hoac He is survi'ed bJ h.t$ wtt, Sl,HI to $1,5?S. • ~.':!: ..... boll wu born lD part. Mr. Artboler bopes to boe'llltal at ace ?7, He had Ele&oor; a son, Thomu Jr. Jotm W. RauofNewport Beach F'lrst Natloal-1 Ba.nt. eecood At tiM boUioal of the a1uy M&iaeb'*i. ltlr1 bu.lldlnr oa the kJI:s wttblD beea rt....,_. from Hoar oa. of ArUD(Ioo. Va..; a dlupter. hu beea •tected u president vice preatdeat; Autrey Hon. ICilt, ettr ballm•••acwawtll He ..., • u~A-~ -'~I abolll: 90 CI&JS, Frldly after tr•tmeat tor a Mrs. Lyle K. Loocloo ot New-of tbe OCt FOtldltlon. Mr. consulttat, City ol H~ btatl at tlta per moatb. --..v__. . Otbtr Paontll( Commlssloa. IM&UIJ lliDtaa, but suffered port Beach, s Cf'lDdchUdren Ra11. president ot Oe'f'td In-Beach. secretary; ud Geae CIIJ c-Umea a1oo ~ ID 1M Alr F•co r-.o. Dar· IILL lt.Uiii,M"LZ ...... Items are' a "'~ oa Sal'"'"" &ad wu ..., 001 D"'"'·cna<l<lllld. dutrlea, a c-Mea......, Adams, coo..-, Nowport IIMII a ••41ndor o1.. lttMt lAc World War D bt wu • ,.. • STUDY SESSION discu. ~CJaCate-.t dtld oa urin.l at IDm'wneot nwnActurer, sue-Beach, tree.surer. _ .. ud PfO tilt Job -r pilot will> 1M 100U. m•Ial--. c/o lfer. -of a ~ .. truth 1D tilt ~tal. WUTEitH ffDUAL ASKS eeocU Johll B. t.w-•-•· . . 10 Kollh vu llolt a1 filii Bomb oro., -Ia EaciMd. loa ~ 1501 lfallllooll real -to" ctdlDuce limed A IDUlluy -.J at Fort FOR TIEMPORARY OfFICf Uft nee 11<1,_ ot Aero-MDVI f TIME 4 T IYC .,.. ..a. • Be wu Wile CCHRmuct. 1:1r t..&M, X.wport a.c.. to tiM at hill cbclosare ol tbe ltp.l ROIIIC:r'IU •tloul. eemet...,. A taMPtrmttlorar-elocatab .... ce ud Dtteue S)attma, ''A llCfll tx memaritl:'' will · tilt 461 &UIUI-n,tartw-0""""" Pool F---ct roo!-wboo tt WU-.clbi'--Bor-llollldloc b> be-u a tom. PbllooFcrd Corp. be .. ld f'rlda1, l..,. II, al U C.UIT I MLIIU I JtOfl diRtll V-ootlloo•all,.llo.-..,, 111-ncl. otC.,._doiMar. ponry ctlleo 111 c .--dol Tilt OCI F-tlco n1-tilt a... Yuill Cliii.- C.. o.rda.••a-.11 of lfarcb .lFB. llo ftOI • IANit IX,AMDING • RESIDE!ITJA.L DENSITY, G&CIA,...Joilodtllt .... MarllllloiDc-bi'W-., &ad __ ,_tile-· of IN.-..... _._. ~ C.!~D.--oflllrof, = .. --~~~~~---~ cut-1o-Wl1 ~ 10 be--.. at-tiler*< 1111117,111111 -Ia r--...S.YiapudLouAaa. fttottboOCico-UdbolPO ..._ *,......., = .. -~ ·--• a _. 111111 ..,.._---••ldWorlludll,.,.Jor .. oti..ooAttol4o. ..-. uu.o aod --tile <Je.diRUI- lOlt w..ewlld -,..,--. .a,rtl.tHO. ••u•-11 11M 11 qlllded IJUI,.....,..,..tkB w.r.ud &.ca••rsa8alta W..ttn FtMrat 11u par • .-.... 11 ........ tbt •••• c.... d• .... 1'U1r * lllo •1-to tilt o...l Rl Ia ........ 1IJ IIU will, ·-·· ·-· ,_ IIIII tilt -~~--10 ud MI..,_ Ill 1M ltiCIL ehUicl tilt ..-r1J at I'Hf ud tilt -•ooll?. -p;ta••• .. _. ~ ~ ~~~ ft• ~--~~~~-;-.: -Ia llupwt _.., oc--CD_., .UI-He 1IU-of I lluiDHlll E. C.. H'wy. Wldch ..... <*--tr --..... C. ... -- ---, --, -· --UIIDin --"-?=--*· tlltl..,.l1 ""'••sUoc-~ 11> ao-prtftlo.., -........ .., ttoo c...aa ... _,,_.., .,... A .... -• ·awsa ud II ....... -lnlll-P'~ Ull ,a"-· Wu--no-.,_ JNIId-CIIJ c:-11. -' ruk. dol Mar NorMrJ, A .._&17 -of tile ..._ ._j c-, loo 'not Coo ' o -.o "" II Ala-llo IJ& 11'11 -~of--... tllo of&I,OOO 0 CJIEATJON of I...... O.llc tilt ..... WV 110 -· IIQUI)' Jl IOJ • I flnl -I"' I a 1; --r r .... IIII1Iiol -ll'ldiUt fll c._ dill Mar...._ ...... lllltr ?Sheellta.nu ..... lrrtM JIICI*tJ&ttlle oa.••ta2 t1Mlltllla.r1M'A.lt P""'ll U. ~• ,,.,.. ota L Wi11M dlf .. JJI •1•*-~ • 11&11-. ~ ... _.ldlaol. 'niiU.lJ:Jllura 1£1-. t1 .. tns,lt as rz•.._..,...,._ .... Wll& wttla: aw:wltda.DK&-.--....~: t.t"hh Jl'l12. t, Jaearacalllr* Cite .. "'-.., ••· •2· • heads UCI group a • SEX EDUCA liON IS USED AS DECOY ? What's your? opinio.n? TOM ANDERSON ..._Ct 4 0 +TO ........... t I J71U By Special Corr~ bt ._. •••ctl; tt, 1011 ..act PIC*' aeeo.ta, ''~ bteamt· ,,.. -1o ·,_, -.lllm-u.n.-.TIU·--•DIIUtltlo-.IIUctllllrl ....,U..· ...... )o<:l "' -., ~· ... oaJ1od tu--... ~ lilt -otu-' dleatloD.ID Ute ecbooll comu C*IDT, 01' 101n.W.C 11•1111r. diiU ,.., 1000 tD lJDmiMat • l'ME Of''ICLU •::z-0 r Sabota&ed Army to till -., a· lar&e l>odJ Aao1 -. -.. ---ol air ale-lap. (Tbo ol -" wiD draW to&etJ>er-_..,.,_, -lb tlllllqldry.-~ GO to Dtlll u. Some d lOOM amo -Ill 8&11 ..... ad-. ID "allerall"" .,. IIIIa all•-. OP THl City Of NEWPORT euat THE HARBOR AREA'S OFFSET N-AN.R Of&:. _. ,.Iiiii ..... ill .. '-ip ..... 11n e.. C.O..t ttwy., ecw-. 4d w.. Calt nus TELEPHONE: 173-4660 C-~ 714) ·~· ......, ia' tM llillory of ow 'lice uniform&. So tM>w the urn. ..,..._ bat tbe Ntt~Mrorthio form can be nUe 1M tool of -. IIIIOnll, dtec:tpUae, ancl ridicu.lc, tubftrlion ud tcdicion. I• t1 lhlp of our At1Did F01on Many ciYilitn orlll\iQtionl ...._ • lOw u It Ia loday. It wu work around the cloCi. to help 1' 11d tbal way; planned by the enemy and undermillt 111. ldlton in h6ah ec:htlona -Ont sud\ goup, Pacific: Counwl· SU.te Eirecltrtmtnt, the Preaid· Jn&Service,reported.tY backed by eac,, the Consrea and the the Unitlriatl tcM::all~ Church, ~. Dr• and netWOtks. air-drops planeiolds ot seditious 1). ... ,niW!I" media auci-Uter1ttuc into the OHland Atmy n. ...PitrioU .nd &lorif'•es traiton. Rue, our bigesl Wnt Coast ~ ~ of .. Amtric:ans" staJin& point ror Vielnam. The -lt•bo ..... aoYI-11, -porfectly 1-~aa Uoa.) Appanotl1. lbo -o-Tlola -··~loti: •ARE ud tftJ..Ded thtlr poeketbooka tctlcatbt clul at Rooe .... llt -.mall p: 10 Jtlrrtd ~. tbty YOU nf A MURRY 1'0 GROW D Ofl ftght to tht flDisb," )uDiOr ldP, tb1 ~a eoullla't tvo tt oft. ''Two JK .. UP?" Albd It tM IIIIi .. of. are llllall1 reallall!( !bat 11••1 clockled to brCoc Ill .,.. rt11 !Mal caj!pOd tbelr -lice Ill c..-del Mar aDd playocl rtibl Into llot baD!J o1 W. "waJIIIDc-tallolllr-Joo..,_ 11J 1oeiiiAc Ill u eoltnce '"' at loth St. aDd !be baJ, 80-. 1 the !ICbool !ldmtnt-s. Moaals" tor lboWaDdloUUmo. lllo lltrHI coroer as ocbool l'l'-.... '":"' ... l""' ntE NEwPORT KARBOa ENSIGN iJ; dM only ..................... pubU1hed in the Oty o( Newport Bead~, .ad the o.ty I..,. ~ Wbile the PtOPle toeuaed all stw.teata ban beta. taucM to wu bre1Dc cUim1Bsed,''tbeoew• Uoelr atteatloo on sex education, cbiU-loiatorJ IIJ Ullll( U!e 11om 1&14. .oo opuated M. ... pt.per in the Newpon ~ ..... Ana. hbiOOed wukly, on Thur..S.y. Second claM~ .... at· C.... de-l Mar. ~I if. THE NEWPORT HAR30R ENSIGN ... ~djudpd to ... • wa1c •• o( ~t•wn.l circ:ularion by cow-t decree No. A-20111 •...t May .l"-_ltfl, in Superiol" CoUI"t fot the County of Or.anp., Stacc o( Ctll .. ~ _..., raaoo thereof ia qua lifted to publish all pYblic node•• r' ' ... ..,. '-W. A.RVO E. HAA.PA . . . . . , , Owncnod Pll,., i PEG HAAPA . . . . . . . . , .AIIodl ......... .n workmg 41y and nighl to planet which do thla ahould, of •botate. dixouraae, subvert, counc, be shot down. and dlllttoy the cb:ipline, mo-On or nrar U. S. military rUt and ~Ueee• of our Armed buesareanestimated 144under- ' F~-. Federal Law (I 8 USC ground newspapers advocating 2381) decrees up to ten yean mutiny, "fragging," ttxual per- in piJon, I $10.000 fmc, or version, drugs. One such paper boch, for thla crime. Neither told readers: "Don't desert. Go tbl Jotuuon nor the Nixon to Vietnam and kill your com- Acbanil:tralion has even tried ma.nding offac:er ." tbe admlnlstn.tors were busy "seieoUfle lnQulr)' metbod'' Wboee t4ea was tllls1 Tbe idea lmplemeotlug pieces of a mueb (mown as probJtm~tol'liDI bJ was botu at oae of those "in- more dlastrous plan .... a plan tporlng the facta) They eYl-II!'Ytce.~tt&inlnc'' seulons, which uses techD!q~~esto ••mao~ deoU,y <:ectded to test tl'liJ: 111-wbere teacbers f1Dd out they tpulate" human being& into tern oo the homose~la wbo really dOo't kDow how to teacb eveottat robots, destlned to be were appeari.Dc, courtesy of after aU, and adm1Distrators eootrolled by a bandtu.l of pla.D-tbe Gay Counaellnc Serflce. Je&rn bow to smile. aers at the top. Tbe stntel)' Wben quest.lou from lbe atu-Who got the blame? No one Ls simple. It's Ute a pri.Je-dents rot down to "cut-level,'" dldl EYeD tbougb pareots m:1 ftghter. You "tike" a puoeb the homOSUlala:dectdedto,tell~ teaebers hit tbe roof ewer th1s . SUBSCRIPTION RATES KE\'IM IRIJCE In Hath« Arn: One yeu, SS.OO: 2 yean, t i.to Out of HatbOI-Ana: One yeu, 16.00; 2 ye.s. OO.M with the left glove, and wbea lt-tlke-tt-tsl From tbe news-lnetdeut, lnelud.J.Di one parent • KEVIN SPANGLER, 15, of who 1s on tbedlstrictattorney'a 1\2 Marguerite Ave., Corona statf, the SIJII)ervtsor of family del Mar, bead of the EDS1gn Ufe at Roosevelt junior hl&h maJUnr crew: ••No, 1 cloD't be- came cQ wttb tbe following ueve I'm ready yet to biDdle statement: the respooslbtUties of tbe out- AR:VO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of thf' Ens19'1 * TAXPAYERS DESERVE "WINDFALL" Last week's announcement of a huge jump in assessed valuation of property in the Harbor Area ought to show up In lower tax rates for us hard-press•d taxpayers. But from both Newflort Beach and Costa Mesa came reports of added city spending now contempWed because of this unexpected "windfall" of Increased tax revenue --if the originally estimated tax rates remain uncut. Apparently a deaf ear is being turned toward the rising protests against the growing tax burden. Only from the Newport Mesa school dis- trict came an encouraging word. Supt. John Nicoll said that the district wtll use the assessment increase to reduce taxes instead of adding new programs. That's the way it should be wtth the other taxing bodies. The taxpayers deserve the windfall benefit. • • • * WHO NEEDS ANOTHER NEWSPAPER? If there is one thing that Costa Mesa does NOT need, it is a city-publtabed newsletter. (The same goes for Newport Beach, of course.) The Costa Mesa venture Into civic journalism is a 4 page quarterly news- letter, budgeted at about $12,000aimually. Along with it goes the wistful thought that the news-starved citizens of Costa Mesa will shout with joy at this thoughttul gesture of the city fathers to keep them informed. If that be so, you'll find me first in line asking for the great secret of getting folks to read all about the big news of city hall, and the diverse other halls that make up the bustling civic household. Claiming some expert knowledge of r eaders' interests and tastes, I estimate that about $11,500 of that $12,000 budget will be going down the drain of disinterest. After all, however brilliantly written, the city newsletter will have no alluring photos of beauty queens, no fascinating stories of Frasier the lion-hearted, no comics, or advice to the love-lorn. The city manager's dramatic stories of how city government operates just wtll not cut the mustard. A friendly word of advice is to leave newspaper work to newspapermen --who are doing a pretty fair job of it. • • • to prORaJte a single one or the We now have companica in indivi~ traitors ~r treasonous the fJCid .et up for men who orpnwhons rnlking ~ ClleeJ , refW~C to go out into the fteld! oul or helping our enemaes. In Vietmun, we have whole w_hy1 units which have refused combat. Its because a large ~;~CTCCnl· Many enlisted men have shot 11ft of our elected orfiCLils and their officers in the back federal judses thenuelves are The Pentagon has c~ressed AGAINST winning the war ; are that in 1970, rraginga numbered FOR peace at any price, or FOR 209, compared wilh "only" 96 tlw Communisl enemies. the year before. Fragging, in For instance, in 1970, a case you haven't heard, is the ••patriot" named Andrew Stapp, new slang term for murder, or .who founded the American attempted murder or unp>pular Stnioeman's Union, had his un-or "eager beaver" orricers. News dcain.blc discharge revencd by of the death of orricers some· 1 federal judge v.tlo decreed that times brings cheers at troop Stapp's efforta to sub~rt the movies. Some officers even ha~ umy was an Moff-duty activity" bounties on their heads. In and thlt lhe army had no right Vietnam, thousands of Ameri· to disc:hroqe him. The Supreme cans consider their own "Brass" Court has e~n struck down an as the real enemy. oklllw which made it illegaJ for Many returnees have gone on non«rrice people to wear ser· the banquet circuit to extol the LIGAL NOnCE enemy and to damn their own country. Other "pacifist s" have act1.1.3lly defected to the Viet ORDINANCE Nb. 1452 Cong. AN ORDINANCE OF THE Drug addiction, dese rtton, em OF NEWPORT BEACH mutiny, permissiveness, immo· AMENDING SECTION 12.56.-rality, are rampant in our Armed 140 OF THE NEWPORT Forces, both aro und the world BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE and here. Only the Marines have held the line at all . TO PERMIT THE RIDING La st year, 1 \ongress tonal OF BJCYCLES ON CERTAIN Subcommittee report ed that 10 SmEWALKS IN CONNEC-to 15 percent of out troops m TION WfrH THE DEVELOP-Vietnam are on heroin. ~nd that MENT OF BICYCLE TRAILS drug use among them has reached Tbe City CouocU of the City "epidemic proport ions." A mons • RACE DRIVER Mike Hiss, left, Is welcomed to Corona del Mar's Kiwanis Club last week by Buck Schueller. Mike, picked as "rookie of the year" at Ind1anapol111 this year, Uves ln Tustin and drives an otfenhauser-eogtned "Gurney Eagle" for Corona del Mar resJdents Tom and Mary Pagt. Mr. Hiss informed local KJwanians on the technology, investment and training Involved In big-car racing. (Kiwanis photo.} LeHersto Editor of Newport Beaeb DOES OR-younz soldiers, needle hepatnts DAIN as follows: is not as great a menace u VD. • y AF FIGHTS TYRANNY are among the reasons why SECTION 1.Sectiool2,56,140 The race war in the army 1s Editor or the Ensign it is needed," --Henry Haz- ed tbe Newpoct BeachMtmlcJpal possibly even worse than at Have you ever wo~ered what Utt, ''What you should know Code 11 ameoded to read: home . It's always been bad m America would be like u a about inflation." "l%.51.140 OperatlDgBtcyele the Armed Services, but the totaUtarian form of govern. Apparently the thllted States oa Sidewalk. No persoo shall people tlllve never been told ment became established here? government has chosen to ig--•-1 the truth about it. In World War th u-t ned I ---orr de a bicycle. sur-II, black battalions had to be It wouldn't be a t&appy sight. oore e en 11 .. e examp e rey CJde, pedleab. or other Freedom of press ~h •e-of the vast maj(Jrtty of ttle "integrated" because under fire. • -r-~-• IMF t wa.Jed derice or COO'JI)'Uee the blacks wollld inYatiably run Ugton and so forth would be nations and o imitate the Uld tGrtraDiportatiooaodpro. the wrong w.~y. Having whites solelY in the hands of the s tate gold laws ot two non-IMF na - pelled bJ bumao power, 14100 both in front and behi nd them of which, most importantly: tions ·-U.S.S.R. and com- UJ' sidewalk in the City, e:z. helped. One can rationalize that criticism of government poll-munlst China. cept tbat bicycles may be ridden the Negro back then had less cles would be obsolete. Non-ownership of gold per. OD tbe sidewalks located as education and le5.5 to be patriotic ln order to travel, each in-mils poUUclans, whom we elect, folknrs: about. What ever the reason, they dlvidual would be compelled to produce (by deficit ftna.nc. Soatb ooe-ha.U of sidewalk havt, on the whole, been poor to r eceive permission, if al-ing) all the dollars they want oo Ocean Froat between sold~rs. Man y officers in World lowed to travel at all. Every to remain popular and be re. F Street and McFadden War II told me that the blacks person would !lave a job and eleeted. U our citizens could Place and between the were a net Liability: we'd have security but remember there own and trade in monetary gold, westerly Uoe of the Ocean been better off 'Nithout any -Is no un~mployment or tr'eedom the inflationary bubble, and the F because when the chips were be 1 1 Uf rQntParki.ogLotand36th down , they failed. or course , tnaprlsoneither. em zzement o e savings Street; anyone who would make such a It might be t.lsclst it might it creates, would burst and Jamboree Road, westerly statement IS aut omaticaUv label· be sociaUst or It 'mtgtlt be there would no looger be a side, from EastblutfDrive eel a racist. (A racist, as I have communist 'yet whatever It "monetary crisis," The poll- (Ford Road) to Bayside previously remarked, is a per son comes und~r tt w1U be totall-ticia.ns' speoding could be COD- Orin; who believes in history, genetics, tartan all the same. And of trolled! Dofar Drive, westerly side, ~nd his eyes.) course, 1t will be a cause that U you really wlsh to stop from Clllf Drlfe to 495 G. I. blacks now return wh ite wtll want to help the people's inflation., write to your coo- feet oortberly of the center ofricers' salutes wtth the clench-welfare however at a cost gressmen aDd to tbe secretary llDe of Coast Highway; ed fist "Black Power" com· • -a utue treedom' 'or a Ultle of the treasury asld.ng them munisl "salute." l· Eutblufl' Drive, westerly In some units, while soldiers more security, to legatue ownership of gold side, from tbe DOrtberly are now more afra1d to en ter America Is heading towards by all citizens, Corona del Mar HighSchool barracksalone at n1gh t than they tbfs soctaUsUc direction at hid! C. C. Moseley drtYeway Co Jamboree .1.re in the front-lint jungle. speed with polltlcJans like Me-Glendale Road; ''Head-h untmg·· blacks are more Govern at the steering wheel ~ the Bible Cutf. Drl•e, -·•herly side, .. c c. f 0 .. rom ~· ngerous t .. an t .. c ormal en· The youth of America is the from Kings Place to Dover emy. hope of the future to chan~re For Zion's sake wUl I DOt DrlYe; -Cop yr 11~:h t ! Q7 ~. Tht this situation. Young Amerl-OOld my peace, and for Jer- Fotd Road, soutberl:y side, Amew;an Way F<'~lu res cans for Freedom (YAF) Is usalem's sake 1 will not rest, between Jamboree Road DEDIC.A. TION TODAY the largest youth organization until the righteousness thereof and a point 900 feet east AT HEW BANK Sl TE dedicated to challenging the go forth as brightness, and of Newport Hills Drive A ktJlg-size bottle of cham-welfare and collectlvetbeorles, the salvation thereof as a lamp West; pagne wUI be used to "christen" on campus and in the com-that burneth. Ml.eArtbur Boulevard, west-United CaWornia Bank's new munlty, And the Gentiles shall see erl)' side, between Port Newport Center ottlce in dedi-Of course, being only stu-tby rlgbt~usness, and allld.np SWtloD. Drive and PaeUtc cattoo ceremootes scheduled dents, YAF l.n Orange County tby glory, and thou sha.tt be Vltw Drl'f'e; for 4•30 P m toda J 1 20 has little resources and oot called by a oew aame. whicb Plclflc View OrtYe, aotah-Tbe ~mce: iocate.l'at u~o~i. much equipment. we are trying the mouth of the Lord shall •11 llde~ between Ma.c-NewportCeoterDrtve,wlll~n to secure old printlDg equip .. name.(J.sai.ab 62:1~2.) * MORE ATTACKS ON PROPERTY ~ar JJ::':::•w:: ~ tor buslness Friday, July 21. meot; eveo a mlm09grapb rna-The basic safeguard for lndivicllal ......-R. c. Kimball. vi ce pres!-cl!Jne would be a big he-.. Plus Marpertte Annue; dent and manager of the of-other equipment that a regular liberty Is the right to own private property, ln1Do A ...... eut aide, be-lice, aDd Cl!ules F. Lehman, buslness omce would use. The only threat to that safeguard 1a the -S&lala&O Drl" aDd asstdant nwoa .. r, wiU co-loost Jo !he More we plan to enter power of government. -... tlldnr.U, Orin, tbe PI'Oiflm. more lotluenee ooto tbeeampus .::--~,to ~blldrobtloleo~s AD all-dar open house cele-to combat 'f'tolent elemeotssucb Favorite target of the attack In our _., -· with retreshmeots and as !he sns aDd to e .. aball1 community is the Irvine Co., probably « -· tricycles, -•-tree &)Ita, wtu 11o held Friday. pli!llsh our o•o campus oews-clllirt or lbtebou'dl." paper. OoJy ttma will teU U because it is good rabble-rousing ~ IIICTKI( z. Tlola ........,. LEGAL NOnCE ,., u responsible stud-can ., *II bt --ClDCO 111 111o " ~ t ban ··--·-u• to keep hitting away at a big lanu-ow,Mr. lfllda1 --., 111o c 111, FtcTTTK>m BtEJNESS NAWE ~':cu::. ~ A:.,1';; ~ ~ There is a double-barrelled attack colilc !U!!IIbo amollaU bt lllleU•• STATEMENT Yours, on right now --the attempt to tMII ._ ... ...,. -!be -ot Ito Tbe tollowlllc per800lsclolog Larry Samuels • ~ . r.urtness u: (1} Joint Veot1U'e Or COIJlltJ y AF from the Irvine Co. for ree . . -r• wu ~mo-Capllal r-., Co!1ll)all)', (2) P. ~Box 5004 and park sites along the cout il.ttraiD • .,.. ot a ropa.r IDHIIar ot Jolol Vtoture DoYO..,ment Fllllortoo caw. , .. Cl:i ~l 'ol 1M Ct)J co_.,, (S) Jollll Veaturo Ft-' Corona del Mar and Laguna Belieb, ~· i1 ••Pi>/1 Boaell bold coo 1M -lalSenlcnCoii!IJ&II)'.I007 ' HELP STOP INFLATION th eU rt t claim crtptive ·;.. ...... ·..., dQ-ot ~-19'11 IUid oaa. An Ba-tolud Editor ot 111o Eaolp, e o o pres • .... -... ad!IIDI .. Uoo loth 1101 11....,.,n a.;~~~, eaw. -; "The poriUJ!IDI 1s ti!IGIIIJ for the public in the Upper Newport Bay If ltolr, It'll, .., 111o tolJolrlac Malcobn R. Ellloll, 1007 801-·~ !bat can lab a - ea. Revocatio of -ership wtth-"' -.to ..a: b liYO., 80-J.olud, NIW--IDOdlty uu -· IIIIP ar 0 0 "" .,,.. ATD, COUIICILIIEII: RJ'CJooll, port Boac:b, IIUU. aome lllk 00 I~ aDd -Cl compenaation is the covetous obj~ve OZ.:. .. a.:J:'!":'~·· ~.;:;:;.~ --~Jooo." --~ In both -s. • :zaJ" ooiiii:ii'iml-lie-...,..... "•-R. EWolt. ''D lo snclltb' • ._ •-If theM land-grabbing SdWD ill tJl ... D ItA . n11 ......... lllod wtlb 1M ~ !'UIIat Ia -, lbol--.. coverameat atttctal.l are aueeNdd, tMD · .. ....,.._. _, clort., an.. c.-,. -• P•• •• ·-... •-•e~_._ u ~--... A _ ,..,_ ProToqore oa: 1-n. It'll • ..n-L .:f :-...,:-.. ''!.. •-"rlfl-• ~~~~~ ft -•-..-I....-~, -,....--.t.Jrui: Stl*,-,clon,IIJIIIY--• -101 -operty 1a eooeel'll8d. If t.o.a 1.e1100 •II' 1. Madolol, ~-* liCk "' .. _, "' aa vw I "'' ..-CIJ.i:: P-Ill!' II 10 11 Aor. diE IllS. , .. _, U!l II -tbe)' au ciD tllllll to the IniDe Co., tbeJ Nt 10 It'll, ta a& 1 It'll, Ia tiii 11.:.,.d aWtoor -.. l!d•t • ..-, ol au ciD.., t• All to aU o1 us. 11•-•-'"-• i~~~p. F-11111 ll!o ._,. nla. A.lll ~ " We never seod them unless side world." teacher s request them." • BROCE WARREN TICE, After agreeing to discontinue 15, of 912 SaDilcut1c Dr., Har- tbe bomoseJUal visitations to bor Vtew Hllls, EDSJ,gn maller: Roosevelt junior higtl, be cOD-"Yes. I'd Uke to pta a few tacted the Gay Counsel.lDgSer-years rapidly. It would ltiYe vice and ''served ootlce that me the opportunity for better hereafter It would simply have jobs and I'd be able to drive to send a higher class of homo-a car with adult ald." sexuals to spread Its ,.,,..,., __ ,.._.,. 1D the sebools." (From ~ ••se:r: teachers," by Guy Wright S. F. Examiner, May 28, 1972.~ Two members of the state board of educattoo requested an lovestiptlon of this and reports from other sebools ln CaWornia. The results were anno~meed July 13. The classes were cleired of any wroogdolncf STUART MIKE • STUART DOUGLAS BUR- LINf'.HAM, 16, of 120? star- board Way, Harbor VIew Hllls, EnsJgn mailer: "Yes. I look forward to new lob opportunt. Does this surprise you? It shouldn't, 1f you ba.ve kept track of the appointments that Go•- eroor Reagan bas made to the state board of education. The most recent shock came when he appol.nted Dr. David Alla.n Hubbard, who hasbeenanacUve proponent of cross-town bus. sing in the Pasadena -school ties and responsibtllties when district. According to reports, I am 18, and I'm trying to he has pushed sensitivity train-acoompllsh as much as pos- ing and has been connected slble to ~epare myself tor wtth Walter Bremond, former them." head of the mflltant Black Con-• MlK E TUPY, 12, ot 2120 gress. Seville Ave., Balboa, student Governor Reagan recently at Ensign school: "No. 1 enjoy appolnted Sellm (BOO} Franklin being young, and 1 don't Jouk to the position of judgt from forward to taxes aDd other prob- tbe Newport-Mesa school terns older people have." board, This is DOt the time be has plocked a· boud member from this trict. Tbe tlrst time years · ago When Lloyd pled was picked to be a Aod then. when U came Goveroor Reagan's "educa- tional reform" committee, the former superintendent of Newport.Mesa district, Wm. CUD.Dlngbam, was choseD. to be a part of that decisioo MATT BRANDON making group. This district bas • MATT CLARK, 10, of 1'758 a. reputation of being the most Plaza del Sur, Balboa, student controversial district in tbe at Newport elementary school: state. "No. 1 want to keep oo enJoylDg Governor Reagan was warned being young." by mauy people who were 1n • BRANOON ffiLLJS 13 of a position to know wtat was 2141 Ocean Blvd., ~. ~u­ golDg on. But in spite of their dent at Ensign school: "No. advice, he accepted these peo-Things are a lot easier when pie for appointments. you're stJU a kid." MEMORIAL FOR JUDGE CLARKE Board ot Trustees, am his fa.mUy has made substantial gifts in support of theCollere's bulldlnc program. The Chapman College library has been tamed the Thurmond Clarke memorial llbrary by the board ot trustees, booor .. tog the late Tburmood Clarke or Sbore Clitfs, wbo was senior Uotled Slates district jud .. lor EMLISTS I M C. G. the ceotral district of CaU-Coast Guard Searna.D Recruit fornla at tbe U.me of his death Michael S. lrwiD, 90D of Mr. 1n Febr..-y,l97l.JudgeCiarke and Mrs. Richard D. Irwin of had been chief U. s. district 4102 E. Coast Hwy., Corona Judp for the Southern District HJghlaods, has enUsted in the of Callfornia, 5\C*Ior court Coast Guard at the U. s. Coast judge of Los Angeles County, Glald Recrutting station, Long mtmlelpll judge for Los Anee-Beach. and is receiving beslc les. and deputy county attorney tra1u1ng at Alameda.. He ls a for tbe County of Los Anceles. t:»rmer studeot ot Santa MODica His widow, Athalla Clarke, hl&fl school aod Orange Coast Is a member of the Chapman Collep, -;("1•••..-.::a-...- MILLIONTH THUNDERBIRD car built by tiM! Ford Motor Co. is checked out by Costa Mesa dealer Theodore Robins, center; Ford marketing manager Frank Zimmerman, left, and JobD Hall, the compa.oy's district sales manager, during ceremonies last week at Ford's Los Angeles, plant, wh.lch built the millionth ThUDderblrd. Mr. Robins, currently celebrating his firm's 51st arudversary in the Harbor area, was picked to attend the ceremony because of his outstanding Thtulderbird sales record. Reservists are training in Yuma Nt.De Harbor ...area War-lDI atr reaerriJtl, UDder..,I.Dc tbelr !4 week &DIWll actin dl.ay traJ.D- LDc wttb El Toro resene unit. deplored to Yama, Artl., wiU retura Friday. Tbe 2-week sttnt tor re- servtsta: 1.a: augmemed by morC.ly reserve drllla at El Toro 'rith an orp.olzed unit. Traln1Dg wtt.b MulDe Attack Squadron 134 are Ma.)lr P. A. Krueger, 118 ~ St., West Nnpori; CapG!oDavldA. Mar- stall, 4902-1/Z Neptuao Ave., West Newport; Corporal Thom- as G. Heodrlckaon, U 7 45tb St., West Newport; Corporal Melftn Ketler. 304 Eoct.aa, tbe Jllufts; CaptatoJamesP. Casey, 953 Saedcastle Dr.. Harbor View Hills; Captain Rlebard N. Bloomberg. 487 E. 19tb St., Costa Mesa; Sergea..s:Jt Curry W, KJrkpatrlck, 423 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, and Sergant Rod- ney S. Tbompsoo Jr .,1042 Mis- sion Dr,, Costa Mesa. Spen4ing Z weekswtthMariDe Air SliiPOrt Sql&droo 4 Is Staff Sergeant Wayne F. VanLeuven, 160 21st St., Costa Mesa. NEJ!>ORT HARBOR ENSIGN PUil.JSIIEO WEEKLY -PAGEl Marllle Attack Squadron l:W BARBARA WILMOUTH or Newport Beach Is surrounded M.t.RIHE RESERVISTS GO OH .t.CTIVE DUTY Local Marlne ruen1sts are The)' are Cpl. D&nd A.. Prtt~ partklj>aUng In the anoiMt Z mann nt 611 -1/2 Car- weeks of actin duty for trat.o-Ave., a.od Cpl. Oa..td Mue ol inc wttb the El Toro based '705 Acacia AYe •• ear... del all~Reserve Hea.dQ\Ilrters and War, a.nd Cpl. Mtetael Rene, Y.ainteoaDce SQllldron-46 at the 320 VIa Udo Nord, ~. 1, Santa Ana heUcopter a.tr station. Lido Isle. "Who takes all those pills?" our phann,u.:y. Row on row on row of bottks. bo\C'>, can1~1crs. tulx~. vials, jars about .!,000 IICnl'\ 10 all (oood queStiOn. Who an• they for ? The ;1ns••er, of course, is )'vu. Say you go to a physici:1n ;md he wmcs a pro:c;cription v.h11.:h you bnng 10 us to llr litlcd. We can"t tell v,.hal the ailment v.ill be-then:-.1rc thousands, anJ we don't know wh.11 mcdi<."<~tlon the doctor , 111 prescribe. To pro\ ide prompt ph;.mnaccutical ~n 10.:1: we h;Jve to lx ready for JUS\ about anythmg.. Whu:-h we are. IRvINE To IRVINE, ACROSS THE SEA ;"jehetsaod~'!t"""sc:z~-n~ed~attoeEskt•T(;lor:o~. ~Lt~~~fu~o~~we:~ w~~e:r~oo~~~~~w~u:~r:~~o~~~ Sunday, July 23, ln Anaheim Convention Center . !'\ew to The cultlD'al e.zchange of can, 16, a student at the lr-Marine Air S!.CJPOrt Sqllldron the show this year ts a modular house whkh cau t..e Christensen lrvlne-to-Irvloe, a new towns eschangt, began Monday when 3 Scottish lassies from Irvine, Scotland, arrived In Irvine, CaW. teen-age ambassadors from the vine Royal Academy 4, also based at El Toro, ls constructed quickly and cheaply through new produrt10n twln Irvine communities, both During their lrvin:e visit, the coocerned primarily with methods. The house ls sU111ted in the exhibition tlall, master-planned "Dew towns," Scottish ambassadors wtll be grOUDd-to-air control of tac-completely furnished and b.ndscaped aod,will be au(•tJonM will involve month-long visits the guests of Mr. and Mrs. tical jets.. ott during the shOw. The home show Is open from 5 to 11 -~ L COAIT 11111' .. co.o•A DEL IIAa OJIJOLE ,_ISJI by the coeds to each others' Larry Littrell, 5412 Keoosha The achve duty period began p.m. week ni ghts , ooon to 11 p.m . Saturday and: noon to commwUcy. L~; Mr. and Mrs. c~resJ•uu~cy~8~·------------------~'~P-~m~.~s~~:&~Y·~----------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D NEW Frigidaire JET ACTION WASHERS • designed especially for Permanent Press and Delicate Fabrics • 1 lt'A&CO MA.TS STILL A. VAIL ABL I! FOR LARGER LOADS. Tbe program Is sponsored Mitchell, 17686 Ash Tree Lane; r by the University high school and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yunker, Puent, Faculty and Friends 1430 E. Mall. 0rga.n.Lu.t1on (PFFO) and the Tne American Irvine ambas- lrvtne Company in cooperation sadors are the daughters of with the City of Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langlois, The cultural exchange was 4051 Robon Drive, and Mrs. originated earUer this year Betty Thomas, 18031 Norton. wben two Irvine Company ex-ec~ves, WUliam R. Mason, LUCY RO YCE, PIONEER president, and G. W. Ferguson, TEACHER, DIES AT 88 corporate commiDllcatlons vice Miss Lucy Royce, a school president, visited Irvine, Scot-teacher ln this area for 45 land, as part or a European years, will be entombed today, "new towns" tour. July 20, at Fairhaven cemetery They suggested the eschange In Santa Ana. Miss Royce, who to the lrvtneDeveklpmentCom-was 88, died Monday at Hoag pany or ScotlaDd to fUrther a hospital, following a long Ill- bond a trleDdshlp between the ness. two cities. The Scottish com-She Uved at 362 Broadway, p:\DY responded with enthusiasm Costa Mesa. .lDd suggested a summer stu-Services at the chapel of the dent exchange program. ttmeral director, WestcUtr Tbus evolved a local cultural mortuary of Costa Mesa, are exctance committee wxler the scheduled for 10 a.m. The Rev. auspices or the University High Russell Clay wUI ottictate. School PFFO that included then Miss Royce, a native orlowa, PFFO presideot Shirley Palley, came here 45 years ago aoo AM!ette Bork, Virginia Kirk-taught at a number of schools ham, Ca.role Jackson, current here until just before her death. PFFO president Lou Frtd- handler, principal Vic Sher-GEORGE WOODFORD JR. reitt and Mrs. Gabrielle Pryor, OH NATIONAL BOARD Irvine City Councilwoman, who George L. Woodford Jr., es- was an American Field Service ecutlve vtce presldent,Southern high schOol exchange student calllornla F'lrst National Bank to Germany. t&as been re-elected to a3-y~ The committee, LPJn the term on the oatlonal board of recommendation of the Uni-Junior Achievement. He llas verstty b.igh !acuity and ad -served on the board of JwUor ministration, selected Sue Achievement, Southern Call- Langlois, 16, and Ela.ine Strutt, fornta for 17 years a.nd was 16, to represent Irvine, CaW., president ln 1960-61, He Is in the cultural exchange. They currently on the eJ:ecutive com- will leave August 1 for Scot-mittee of the local board. land. Junior Achievement is a non- Arriving in Irvine from Scot-profit program wll.lcb provides J.a.M are Carole Locke, 16, a teen...agers a chance to operate student at Ravenspark Acad-their own companies rrom capi- emy; Sheila Cherry, 17, a stu-tall.zatlon to Uquldation during dent at St. Michael's Academy the course ot a school year. in Kilwinning; and AUeeo Dun-___ :...:.:..,::.:::::_:,.:..; • ttr0 NEWPORT CO$T.t. MEU , .... ,,., LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOI.E BUSlNE~ NAME STATEMENT Tile following persons are doing busloess as: Tile Child- r en's Bookshoppe, 3'107 East Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar: Sara F. Brant, 2612 Vista Dr., Newport Beach; Florence D. Myer, 31561 Table Rock, 1106, Soogll La ...... Tbis busloess 1s being con- ducted by a partnership. Siped: sara F. Brant, Flor- ence D. Myer. This statement ftled wttb the county clerk of Orange Co~.mty oo.: July 17, 1972, by Beverly J. Maddox, deputy county clerk.. Publlsb: July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 1972, 1D tbe Newport Karbor F -19050 OUNG RIVER MALE· casel8·c;,_" ·-" ~ • ..,. !)...,.,...... L IAal LI""Ty /1,0/11(11 vN,,.,.sV~taD 111t~1a"T co-..caA4" .1131~ 7 CAN · •u • I ~·I -... • .. ,; ... .... -· I o . - UCB pays interest 11 times a year, not justA. We're th e only maJor Cahforrua bank that pays mterest monthly on regular savings So no w if you want to use your in terest instead of leavmg 1t m the bank, you don't have to wa1t till the end of a quarter to do 1t If you d on't want to use your interest. you can JUSt s1t back and watc h it grow. Month after lucra- tive month. C hances are. you can even get th e good news by mali Because o ur new. m ore mformative monthly statement -The Com- Every month a little more good news. plete Statement --can show the status of your savmgs account nght along with your checkmg account and Balance Plus account Another point of mterest. We not only pay 1t monthly We com- pound it daily That means yo u actually end up earnmg more. Say, for example, the current annual rate 1s 4% Compounded da1ly, that comes out to 4 08% Obviously, a UCB regular savings account does a little more for I INTED I BANK lhM4 ffliC your mo ney So bring your cash m. And cash m. I LEARNING TO KICK --Orange Coast College swim tnstruetor Raeleoe Hess of Newport Beach gives Mark Nass, 4, of Costa Mesa some lnltial Lnstruetlons ln kicking. The 3rd 2-week summer swim program l.s now UDder ny and wtll contlnae through July 28. A float session will be held from July 31 through Au1. 11. Registration wtU be neld July 29 in the gym. Classes meet for 40 minutes Moodly through friday, from 9 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. The fee is $-4 per studeri tor the 2 week session. The toddler classes, for 3 year olds, are priced as $8 per session. DENSITY RULES MULLED NEW'ORT HARBOR EII$1(J( PUBLISHEDWEEKLY -PAGE I lltURSDAY, JULY 10, 1!72 COROllA DEL IIAII, CAl. YOUTH COMMISSION IS PLANNED IN NEWPORT W. E. Kettler heads board A city JOUIIl «<lllmiAIOO, lbe clty ,....... told lbe Eo· Jnlde wp of )'t""'CC*II'I 16 to ai&n. ''&ad WI wUl bl.ft 10011 to y-.ra old ts be1DC pluMd auae.UOU for lbe COUACil oa tor Newport 's.ch. City COWl· that llld otbor ~-" ctlmto wt1J eet rec:ommeadl· Altenate n.JI to 1M youth tioDI oa tlMoommlul<lll'a mate puUcU.tloo 1n city pernmtot ._,, po'hl'J, rntetlq .tehldull neb u a mayor's ad\UOI'Y a.ad otber detalt. at u Aur. committee or tbe ~tloo o1 14 meettoa, Clb' NaJapr Rob· teelllgers to the city I regular ert WJlUlll1d ttaLI ..-eet. commlsslons, wiU also be Vlee-W:ayor Honrd Roprs stud.ted. suggested tbe poutb oommia:-Mr. Wynn said hls of1lce VICTOR R. ABUBO ot Costa •oo idea at last weelc'sCouoctl will probably suggest a mem-YeSI. tas been 111med vice- study seasioo, and directed Mr. berstlip of from 5 to '1 young presidert tn charge of market- WynD to eomellack.tthrecom-people on 1. youth commission, 1Dg aod ales for Salas-MulUns Jmenda.tions. Mr. Wyno M.a llad or the ~tlon of ooe or 2 Dlverslfted lnc. ~Costa Mesa, e~perleoce working wttl!ayouth youngsters to each present designer aod b.brleatoroi.•Ies commtssJon tnCorooado, where commission. complems for major boUslDg be wu city ma..ger before According to Ctty Clerk devek.lpments ln the west. coming here. Laura Laglos, one 18-year-old A graduate of Riverside Pob' "Just what powers the com-nu a.lrea.dy applled for a seat b1gb school and San Jose State mission would have is a key on the Pla.nnine: Commlsstoo. College, Mr. Abubo 'n.S em- problem to be worked out," to replace one of 2 e.rptrlng played by Lu.Uey Bros. of ADa- -------------terms there. The City CooocU belm before joLolog the Salas- LECAL NOTICE Is expected to approve sug-M1Ull.ns orp.nlzatioo, ·--------------gested commission and board fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME appointments at either the JulY GRADUATE FELLOWS STATEMENT 24or Aug.l4 meeting. SELECTED BY STATE '_l'he following persons are Ideas on tncludlng youngpeo-State graduate fellows for do1..0g business a.s: The Toy pie tn cUygovernmentarebelng 1972-73 have been selected by SOOp, 3101 E. Coast Highway, gathered from several Call-the state scholarship and loan Corona del Mar, Ca .: Joh.o E. fornia and Arizona cltieswbere commission, Selections are McNeUly, 608 Orchid, Coro01. such programs already exist, made on the basts of academic del Mar, Ca.; W1lma H. Me-..Mr. WyM said. aclllevement, potential, tloan- Neilly, 608 Orchid, Corona del -cial need and with reference Mar, Ca. LEGAL HOTIC:E to the estimated ma~wer Thls business ts being con-NOTICE TO CREDITORS needs of the state. dueled by a general partner-SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Local recipients are: sh~. STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR Jerrold Cohen, 3210 York Slgned : John E. McNetuy, THE COUNTY Of ORANGE Ave., Costa Mesa, at t.OC . Wilma H. McNeilly, No. A-?3ll3 Margaret Kieffer 2363-A Tbe subject of populatloo prl epared by the planning stafi corhl,s stal le,meloOrt filed wctth th,e Estate of WILLIAM E. Carlton Pl., Costa 'Mesa, at density --how many people or inclusion In the ctty's gen-un Y c er o ange oun Y CRAWFORD, Deceased. UCL per square acre --trill come era! development plan. Thegen-on: July 7• 19'72, by Beverly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Richard Ter.ak, 175 Costa before the Newport Beach Plan-era! plan, being thrashed out J. Maddot., deputy county clerk. to the creditors of the above Mesa St., Costa Mesa, at Stan- n.lng Commission meeting to-part by part, Is scheduled for Publish: July 13• 20• 27• Aug. named decedent that all persons ford Medical School. night, July 20, at City Hall. adoption sometime next yea r . 3, 1.9'12, lD the Newport Harbor having claims against the said Gregory Hayes, lrvine, Eulier this mooth, the com-Otck Hogan, city planning di-Enstgn, f -18887 decedent are required to me USC School of Dentistry, mlsston sent a "sliding scale" rector, said this week he will them, wlththenecessaryvouch-'li:Z:! build1Jlg height Umtt law to ask the Planning Commission MRS. M>LLWEBER DtES ers, In the oUice of the clerk ~ ..... _ ... - the City Council, which lotro-U it wa.nts an interim law to Funeral services were held of the above entitled court, or duced the measure last week coot.Tol density while the gen-July 10 in Costa Mesa for to present them, with the nec- ~lE::\ and set U for public hearlng eral plan is still being worked Elsie Wollweber, who dled July essary vouchers, to the under-:f Aug. 14. Most planners have oat. 6 at Hoa g Hospital after :a. signed at the oftl.ce of her L:l>--io-'.:7!; considered belgbt limits and "ll the commission wants long illness. attorneys: KEENE & DION, THE VETERAN'S MARKER AT MY GRANDFATHER 'S GRAVE IS ALMOST UNREADABLE. IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THIS EITHER REPAIRED OR REPLACED? Keep cool with CANV/lS AWNINGS Don t let tne sun spool your patoo •un St~ade w t\tl c:olorlul canvas for root comlor1 Cllll or come o~ lor tree est.mates. SAIITA W ltlR & AWllllG 'ACTO•V 2202 SOUTH MAIN population density as being re-an ordinance, we will go to Mrs. WolJweber whO was Suite 510 Avco Financial Cen- lated subjects. work on that," Mr · Hogan said. 83 lived at 2191 H~bor Blvd. ter, 620 Newport Center Drive, The city plann!Dg statf, In-"MeanwhUe, we will continue c~sta Mesa. ' Newport Beach, CallfornJJ., structed to bring the commls-to work toward density guide-A native of New York she .,.hlch is the place of business sion !{) to date at toolght's Unes for the ~era! plan.'' moved to .caUfornia in 11923 of theunderslgnedinallmatters meeting on wbat ls being done A density law· whether it and spent the last 15 years pertaining to the estate of said about density plazmiDg. Is n:-comes by separate ordinance in Orange County. decedent, within tour months pected to ask commisslooers or as part of the general plan, Services at Central Bible after the nrst publication or to hold off on the issue for would limit the number of hous-Church Costa Mesa were con-this notice. aootber 11 days. Oo Jul.y 31, lng units per acre in the city, ducted 'by Pastor i:d Beatty. Dated June 2?, 1972 a joint meeting between the and ls seen as an etfective Bell-Broadway directed the Louise M. Witten, Admlnis- Planning Commtssioo and the method of controlling the rate burial in Pacific View memortal trator of the Estate of the City Councll wt.U get a full a.od concentration of develop-pa.rk, Harbor View HUls , above oamed decedent. report on density studies betac m.eot. Sur'flvors are a daughter, KEENE & DION, Attorneys LEGAL NOTICE No denstty laws currentty Frances Jenkins, of La Mirada; at Law, Suite 510 Avco Ft- u1st her e, bat developers seek-2 sons Howard Dunham or nancial Center 620 Newport ing to build high-density pro-Carson' and Ralph Dunha~ of Center Drive Newport Beach ORDINANCE NO. 1453 jects have found the going rough AmeriC:W Samoa; a broth'er, California 92660, Telephone; AN ORDlNANCE Of THE when they have been unable Eltoo Turney, of Ari.zona; 2 644-8181, Attorneys for Ad- CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH to convince planners or coun-slsters, Mabelle Turney and mlntstrator. by EUGENE 0 . BERGERON It h •lrt11•ll• lrn,.ullt'e t• .__ ~h -~~-,_,.if•li H 11 lt• Me•-il ..... k•• .,,,;,,., lt11t ....... l!'lfrteltl c.lru_._.., It r.u IN repl.r.e4. If .,.Ill .. 111 r.•-lty ... , •I· fir.e, -will ,.,..,t.tt tM t., ... _ .... ,., t. re-•ont • ,,,._ ..... •' t~k sle"" ff•111 tW Offk• ef s..,,.n lerrir.on. Balt%·Bergeron Funeral Home COST A MESA 2 LOCATIONS COlONA 4ct MAl 646·2424 67l-t450 AMENDlNG SECTION 12,24.-cllmen that enough .open. space florence Lawson, both of New Publish: July 6, 13, 20, 2'1, 100 Of THE NEWPORT ~·~~~ln:g~te~ll-l:n~r=e:SI:de:n:ll:a~ld:e:-_;~~2~1~~~~~~~~1~6~~~1n~th~e~N~e~:::rt~Ha~r~oo::r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~ BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE Yelopments. TO EST A BUSH A SPEED LIMIT ON PORTIONS OF' NEWPORT HILLS DRIVE EAST AND NEWPORT HILLS DRIVE WEST Tbe City CouncU of the City of Newport Beach DOES OR- DAIN as follows: SECTION 1. Sectlon 12.24.100 ot tbe Newport Beach Mlllllclpal Code is a.meoded to read: "12,24.100 Prima. facie Speed Limit --'l'wenty-ftYe Miles Per HOW'. Tbe prima facie speed limit oo the fol- Lowing named streets or parts thereof sba.U be hre~-nve mlles per hour: Balboa Boulenrd from West Coast Highway to Alvarado Street. Back Bay Drive trom Its southerly lnterseetion with Jamboree Road to Its northerly intersection wtth Jamboree Road. Riverside Avenue from West Coast H1glrway to 250 teet west of Tust1o. Avenue. Newport Hllls Drl'e East be- tween Port Cbelsea Place and Port Laureet Place. Newport Hills Drive West between Port Seabourne Way aDd Port Hemley Cir- cle." SECTION 2, This ordlDlnce sbaU be publlsbed ooce in tbe offteial oewapaper of the City, aod the same sbaU bt etrecUYe 30 days after the dille of its adoption. Tbll ordJDaOce wu tntro- duclld at a reraJ&r meett.oc of !be City COODCU at tile City ot Newport Beleh held oa tbe 26th daJ of JUDt, 19'72, and 'W"la adopted oo tbe 1WI dly at July, 1972, by lbe following tote, to wJt: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Ryckoft', Kymta, Roprs, Croat, Store. IIOES, COIJNCIUIEII, N-. ABSENT COUNCILMEN, Mc- IMU:, Ooltal. Howard~· Ml,.rProT.._o ATTEST' Lura LAP>~ Ctl)" Clork Plllllll': 1117 JO, 1171, .. "'" ftwiPGit....,._E ..... A lot of people, watching our"""' building going up on Newport Cenler Drive in Newport, hove commented, '"Very impressive looking ... bul what ore they going 10 Q2 in !here oil day?" Wel l. for one thing, we'll be wrrting o lot of checks. Losl year, for instance, Pocific Mutuol paid i!s palicyowne<s and !heir beneficiaries more than $175 million in benefits. ThiS money helps people pay doctors and hospital bills, funerol expenses, and tax obligations. It reploces income los1 through retir.,. menl, sickness or diooblement. It helps kids go to college. Poys food. clothing and housing expenses for SUNiving dependents. And helps peopleoopowith financial emergencies in o1her ways. Because, first and foremost, we're a life and health insurance company: our career agents sit dO'/oln with individuals, familtes and businesses and help them plan for their financial security. Notion· oily, we're ron ked 32nd in assets oul of the 1,800 and some msuronce com- ponies people hove to choose from . Our customers currently own nearly $6 billion worth of life msuronce. Pacific Mutual is licensed to sell1fS insurance products 1n 49 states, the District of Columboo and Puerto Rico. And our customers are served locally by more than a hundred individual and group insurance, claims and mortgage loon offices throughout lhe United States . The assets of Pacific Muluollife lnsur· once Company exceed $1 billion . So many of the BOO people working in our """' building will be watching over the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Stre<1Qth and safety ore the most im~rtont criteria when we select the investments thot will stand behind our customers' insurance policies. They might be investments in new axnmerciol or housing construction. Or utility and induslriol bonds that help creole"""' services for people, like a 'h'Ofer system in florida oro lelephone network in Illinois. But lhese days Pacific Mutuol is more thon on insurance company. It's o family of finonciol companies oil related lo o single purpose: providing financial services for individuols, families and business. ® REDEVCO. OC As its norroe suggesrs. this is our roof estate dewlapment CXJmpOrl'f. Its role is to capitalize on short-term development opportuni ties. Redevco purchases and resells improved properties. ® PACIFIC LAKE PARK DEVELOPillEnT ComPAny This company builds and owns opart· ment complexes which otter great places to live.likeloke Pork Apartments in Lo Meso , near Son Diego. 254 orch e tecturolly interesting apartment homes are set amid tall pines. meandering walkways and ponds stocked with fish. More projects along these lines ore planned. ® PIICIFIC COflSULT!rlG CORPORATIOil PCC provides sophisticated morkeling services to agents all over the tountry. It concentrates on creative financial planning for individuols and businesses ond Iorge estates. Often combining extensive research with computer onolysis, PCC provides unique solutions to complex linonciol planning problems. ® PIICIAC EOLJITY SALES COil1PAI1y A company of registered representatives licensed to offer mutuol funds.llvJny ore life insurance agents too. and these men hove o portfolio of produc!s to meet 1he financial needs of individuals, families and business. ® PACIAC mUTUAL •• IIEWOit r MAIIIOR fiiSUlll PUBUSHED IEEJ(LV -PAGE 5 TltURIDAV, JULY 211, 1!12 COROllA DEL liAR, CAL. Camelot cast selected ' Illndlar Wllllt.m .. kl.u .. PaeUlo," ·~·-_ .. , ud oo.e tP .. a 1tr01c. n-"IIJ~II4J." ,Jor.....,._lllr<lrutoCGut Clalwollltloo-ol"Camo---Collltt'e ..,..., m.tcat. k:lt" an Eddie Rwldoe of Co- "CamaiDt," .e._.led lor AIC-. Ita II .. u Tom at Wuwk:k. 1-1 II l:IO p.m. 1D 111o OCC llldllrd IIOWiud ol8 ........ a-lUI. TldroU uo ~ ODd Boatb u Sir Dlllldul, ud 1<»- aJI...U are r-.111. ..,., Ftotcllor ol Gudoo "'-PilJlar 111o lMd role ol u llor<lrod. Anti• wUI boD-,..-<>IdAiu ~~ OCC budget ·up ss milli CGut Comm10111J CoUOIO Dtatr&ct trllltHI lut week re. eelnd a $28,410,0!3 budpt W tbo U'IZ-7S roar. Tbe bttclpt c:ompues w1tb 1ut JMr's tlcure ot $U.zsz •• 106. FIDel pabUc 11oar1nc ol tbo docllmOIII wUJ be Auc. Z at 8 p.m. 1D tbe dlltrlct buUd· 1D& at 1S70 Adams Bbd,, Co- G Mea. • • Meet tile Man •·••• ... Safeco w •. o AUTO o HOUS! o YACHT o COMM!RCIAL o INDUSTRIAL o BOHDS ~ 8APIICO INMJRANC8 Go-'ot Coro. dol Mar, He A N!W S!A SHANTY -Jed J, B. to C-'•111'0-Fruc1o M Dolaaey ...,.. dlletloD of ''J . B."m:l..,_,.ed of DeiiDty'l S. Sb&IQ11DNew. Ia "bxH&Da'' ud ''TII'hlftt.'' port Btacb, ud Rou W. He Ia a .ndut at Sua Joee te1e, preRcteat ot RoMmoor 8tate UDJ.Ytrltty, IDd ltur.tied C~ IDQOID"# tbtlt:Ut at tbe Lee struberc Iutttute o1 ooutractloD a1 a Dft' De- Correllao J. Tbompeoa. vtce. cbiDeellor of· bustDe .. afblrs, oold t1a1 preUmtoary ......,... l(A VY EMSI.GNMlcba.elR Hac1 n.luatioa figures lbow a U.S b\tllllud of the f«m,; y~ per ceo.t rLse. Tbis will mean Jadttb A. F~ ol 4IM ODd& an add:l.tioaal $180.000 lor tbe Newport Beach bu made tlb district. be sa.ld. Bob Paley & Associates J.a Lol Aaples. IIDeJ'• Sea SblatJ, wbtc:b will 474 I. 17TH mEET COSTA MESA Efttlleen-yeu..oJd Debbie opea 1n Roumoor LeJnre ADD Tbomu of eo.ta Mea World 1..&1'1* Hllls lD ScQm-wtU portray c-OTe. Mart bor. Tbo --to Z40Sl El SUrteo, az, o1 c-~~-to Toro Rood. 1a U>e ea~ar.,.s Laoeelot, Mark appeared u portbl of tbt M•nnlnl"s relt- Suta nmmer 1D OCC '• aaraat, formerly tDcrn u tbe first .,lo mctJi at Pensacola. The oew tax rate Is esUmated •-----SololD( Is a ma))r atep toward at sz.o~ per $100 assessed beeomlnc a oaval ariator. He val~n, compared wtth last ts a 19'71 cnduate ol tbe u.s. yeu s tlgure of 69.02~. Naval Academy. Anaapolls, Md. of "Fldd.Jer oo the Doa Qabote dlDDer bouae and LEGAL NOTICE UGAL HOnC! FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SNORKEL lesaoos by Tommy Tbom,p8011. ol U. S. D1Yers (to suqlasses) and Roo Attaoolo (holding float equlpmeot) are belng tau&flt during tile summer at Newport Oc-.ao- lfiPh,lc Institute in Newport Beach u put of the flrm's program 1D Introductory OceuograpbJ for youopters. Gr014t5 ot lZ to 15 studeots learn Back Bay ecology, soorkellng, flshlng. simple navigation and the tuodameotal.s ol salllng. stu Tbrooeberry, se. ot Suta Aaa wUI play Merlyn. He played the role of TeYJe ID ll>e Fullertco Cine UcJII Opera's prochtction of "Fiddler oo tbe roof," and las beeD lD a r.unber of OCC summer sllows, ID<:Iudlog "Most -J leila," ''LI'l AI:Ger," "South S14.2 million contract let eodilallbmp. FICTITIOUS Bt:EINE$ NAME STATEMENT BIKE THEfTS RISE STATEMENT Tbe to.-ur persoo lsdoiD( BicyCle lbleYea stole 54 bikes The follnlng person 1s doing business as: David Ma gi!, Magtl 1D Newport Beach durta& tbe bwl:loess ·u: Chip Sbafer, Ad-Company, 610 Newport Center last net of JtD~ aD1 tbe f'll'st ~erttst.Dg. 2855 E. Coast H'W"J ,, Drlve, Suite 445, Newport week ol JulJ, tbe pollee depart. Corooa del Mar: Jooatha.n J, Beacb. CaUl.: David Magilavy, meat reported tb1a week. Sb&ler. 328C Marperite A~e •• 1405 Clay st., Newport Beach, Most lltolell bikes were takeD Corooa del Mar. CaUl. from ua1oeted praps or wve This buslDess ts being coo. This business ls being con- bikes parked in pubUc p ... ees ducted by an tndhtdual. ducted by an 1Dctividual. wltboat bela& locked, pollee SiKDed: Jonathan J. Sba.ter. Stped: Da.Tid Magilavy, said. This statemeat flied wtth the Tb1B statement filed with the Poreb&.se of a ~cycle Uceue COWI.I}' clerk of Orange County COWJty clerk of Orang'! County at tbe pollee staUoo or any oo: JUDe 22, 19'72, by BeYerly oo: June ZZ, 1972, by Beverly The U. S. Air Force bas Louis F, Hellig. PbiJco.Ford tire station be~ tbe pollee J. Maddox, deputy couotyclert. J . Maddox,. deputy county clerk. awarded a $14.2 mlll1oo COO· ·n ee presldeotudAerooutroole to JdeDWY reccwered stoleu Publish· June 29 July 6 13 PtJbUab: June 29 July 6 13 tract to Pbilco.Ford's Aero-paeral,m.&lli.CV, IIJ.d U.t tbe bikes so tbeY can be returoed ZO, 1972, in the NewPort ~bo; ZO, 19'72, iD the NewPort H~bo; nutronic Dtvisloo 1n Newport dJvisloo s coatract 11 a 44-to tbeir owners. Ensign. F -18593 En.siga. f -18596 Beach for tun scale deveklp. mootb cost plus lDeeoti~e tee meat of the decoy segment of reteUch and de~eq,meot ef. the proposed subsonic cruise fort to prOY1de tbe electrooic armed decoy (SCAD), ·a small "b ... ck boxes" Deceas&ry to ,.. -· unmanoed alrcnft ilteDded tor make SCAD a ree.llstJ.c decoy -,..._ • ._ ... In cooluoc-wllhll>eB-52 to ooplllstlcated atr deiA!ose ~::,_;:__;, _____ .J strategic bombers. SJatems. Tbe majority of the MlssJoo of tbe new decoy deYelopmeot work wW be per. subsystem wlll be to coof'l&se formed at Newport Beach. eoemy radar. Each SCAD will ... «r ..... carry electrollic equipment to ---L EGA.L MOT ICE ...... make U appear slmllar to tbe ------------ B-52 on enemy radar sereeos SUPER!OR COURT OF THE to aid 1o peoetratJO&deleDSes. STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR Provisions for an armed option THE CO UNTY OF ORANGE ~~~;;;:;;;;;:.~wt=U:be:ID<::I::ttdod:ln~t:he~d:"":e:Jop· No, A-73281 meat program, NOTICE Of HEARING Estate ol NATHAN C. HUBBS alta NATHAN HUBBS, De· ceuod. -546-3205 NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN tbat Vlrpata B. Kllnr bu ftled herein a peUtioo lor probate of Wtll aDd for letters testa- mentary, relereaee to which Ia made *"' t\lrtber parUcu. lara, ud tbat the time ud place of beul!lc the same has beeD Jet for July 25, 1972, at 9:10 a.m., ln the eoortroom ol. Dtoutmeot No, S ol said court, at 'IOOCtTtcCeoter Drl~e West, ln the City of Santa Aoa, CaWornia. We could run short of electricity. I • "-j l1 .L I • GlAND PIIZE NIW '72 I'INTO LOADID WITH -·111111 50 RUiala.uP I'IUDSI YOU-NOT II l'ltllllf1' 10 WIN Wll._,_ ...,.. s.1m · i'tOI#.Y I Dated JUDe 28, 1972 WU.LIAM E. STJOHN, COUDty C lert KEENE &t DION, Attorneys at law, Suite 510 AYCO Fi- auc.Jal Ceoter, 6ZO Newport Cuter Drln, Newport Beach, CaiUornlo. ~. Attoroey(s) for : Pett.tiooer, P'*'llab: Joly 6, 13, ZO, 1972, 1D the Newport Harbor Ensign. PISTON PLANES LEAD AIR TRAFFIC GROWTH Air tralllc at OriJI&O Coomty airport coattD.ues to toc:reue but airport director Robert BreSD&haD says the 1Dcrease 11 altrlbDble to plltoo41Yen pD81'1.l utation. craft, DOt to jet planes. Eod ot tbe mODtb nrurea foz' May aboW tb&l: 21 per ceot more ~cera weal 1D ud oat ol the -durlal tbo moatb tbu ln. Kay, 1971. Air carco trame 1Dcrtuld ena more, ~ S! per eMit ewer May, 1i'71, Mr. BreSIII.bu saJd 94, ?57 JJUS.ai'U'I ll8ld tbl lllld tb1a MI.J, oompued to 78,050 a yeu aco. Carco wet.Cflt wu 115,0ts paiiDCII:, 'Ct from lut llaJ'I 181,114 poGadl, "ORlJ a 5 per oeat )It tnfflc IDcr-... --tbr Air Cal1l:lnla, •• Mr. Breiii&IJU poiDttd oat. ••ud .,. ue .Ull cb:amc Air .,.. tralllc QW)tl,8.'' !MUG!MCY INfO Tbl dlndura of the Costa M.. CoUDtJ wu.r Dtstrtct taow U..t a PII'IOD cu lin Olll7 5 mt.t• wttbolt .,-,_ Udcaa.,ll*>lllloetdllolo blood -!rom a ca oalJ' I loelllaoc. Ao • _...,--nee, tbe dlltrld'a 1 '7,000 eu. .. _. wUI bo ·-·toe. •tooc wUii tbelr 'ft .. bOla. &IIIDII'· _, --_... ,..... ... au,..._. tooalllau--. --'"'11111-.. 11-IIC II IIIIo& -wttll ... 8. ,..._ _ ..... -ciC<*lltaM-Ial ._. .. L n.r.,ratt.........-s "' .... 'Ill~ wtll a1oo bo •'~• ............. . C I I r1&1111tfc.ta...._ rW. IIATTaall&.l --·a.ac n ~ _..,. __ ... 0 .... ..., .... Remember that record- breaking heat wave last year? You weren't the only one sweating it out. So were we. The demand for electricity hit an all-time peak on September 13, 1971. It was 13o/o higher than the 1970peak. We met all demands, but our system was severely strained. But what about the years ahead? Each year the demand for electri city keeps right on growing. New homes kee p going up. And sc hools. Offi ce buildings. Factories . All will require additional electricity. So will the new equipment needed to clean up the environment. Unless Edison is permitted to build additional power plants and transmission lin es, it may become necessary to blackout blocks of customers on a rotational basis within two or three years. Yet permits necessary to build any new major plants have been delayed or blocked for the past four years. Conservation is vital. Willie 1 power sllortace did nol bee:-1 rulily ia 1971, the tllmt of one did . Edison is worliiiC willl illduslrillalld business lirlfts to conserve electricity in offices and factories . That's an immedi ate proble m. We're working hard to resolve it. The long-range problem requires fi nding more way s to con serve ene rgy and to use our nation's total ene rg,· resources wise ly. That involves all of us. In Edison's fossil-fu eled plan ts, for example, we 're now able to produce 30 '", more electricity from a unit of fuel than in 1~4 1'. That helps. An d by using higl wr-1·ol tage t ransmission lin es.~~-~ ·r~ also able to deli ve r ~lt>ct ririt,· more efficiently. Perhaps you can con;;l'rw energy. too. Have you considered way s to make ewry kilowatt count at home'? We'll be happy to ;;e nd yo u a list of practical suggestions . Write: Conservation. Edison. P.O. Box 800, Rosemead, California 91770. E E An foual Oooo,umly Em0101er • • : • '• ·~ .. IIN'OIIT "-·-· PUIUSHEDIUIILY -rAal Mrs. Gustafson head of Cinderella-Guild Mu. IJroald cue fleelfCo-Oltld •n••• will Ill" a ,_dllllarllu_h_llo4 llrW....t ___ I u DrtDIIIit olllt Cllllllllla ....... ftea ..,........._. <loUd "' c-·· -'1110111 '· • • ---to "'an.eo c-,.,.. c---ao 'II,..... . ........ , .. ,.. ...... "' .... Silo will be .... -"' ..... ud ........ OlrloJ, -· ,_. QoHo, Ill rieo-tnlt-<JI tile JUIII. 1 -ID cborp fl ft1l uol-----~--­ ,._, Yrs. Jolla -1>, LIGM. MOTICI lad flee..prealdelt, •mhlr-.... lldp; Mrs. Rlcllard Rda I• I • FJC'l'ttiOtll BtaitDi MAME rtOO<diDc IOCI'tlarJ; lito. BTATIIIIIIT llocer Peltnoa, _...,....,. Tile t.11oor111,...;. llcloiDI: ot<relarJ; Yro. Jac~ AdUII, --· u: Tilt IIGp &q.4, tr..-er. Yrs. 9om GwloJ 1111 W. ~ lhrJ. ll._t u lmmO<Illle put PI'-· Beach: -J. RoiiDer, Uti The CIDdt<ellr. G1W --W, c;.a lhrJ.IIfti)II<!Boach. ports tJ>o Chllllrea'a H.,._~ Thll *'-• "' bolac c:oa- rustnc moaer lortlleCJGip!H4!!1 -"' aalodlridllL cUnlc altho -llal. Tile <loUd Stpool: o.-J. RoiiDer. · preseoted $13,860 to tbe bo8-TbU lta.temellt tiled wUb tbe pltal durlll( lhe put ,.... • coaat)' clar~ <JI Oraooe eo.tJ Plans are ..., .-ny for oa: Jul)' 14, 19'1Z, by S..arly tbe Guild's a.anual wulen.bu'· J. Maddox,. deputJ couatJclerk. beque and daace, to be beM ~Usll: JaJJ 10, 17, Aac. 3, at Bommer Cau)'OD oo Sept. 10, 19'12, 1D tbiNewportllarbor ;r .... ~ 30, Eoalp. F -19023 FATHERS AND DEBtri'ANTES Tts1Ung the Cb.ildren'sHome Society ofDce 1D Santa Ana iochxled, left to right, Joseph Rleea aDd Mart& Rlcea, Dr. Frank Richard Herman aDd Saaa E1a1De Herman, Deborah Ann Mellott and WaHer Mellott, SIIAD Patricta Rolettl and Edward Michael Rolettl. DEBS, DADS TOUR ADOPTION OFFICE Tbe Cblldren's Home Society dlblllutes and tbelr fathers 1104 lbe OllPOl"IUD!t)' to got ltrst bud IDformaUon about the aceoey reeeotly wben they ID..-.d tl>o, Orao .. COUDiy <llil- trtct omce at 300 s. Sycamore street 1a Santa Ana. Mrs. June HeDdrlcks, dis- t;W;t director ot aiiUUarles, eoaducted tbe tour and e:a:- pld.aed briefly bow the district otftce operates. The debutantes aDd their fatbers were shown tbe counseliDg rooms; the well baby clinic, where audliary members assist the pediatri- cians with uamloatlonofchJid- rea wbo are lD foster bomes aft1tlne adoption, and the wait-tnc rooms for natural and adop- Cbildren's Home Society was founded in 1891, over 36,000 chUdreo bave been placed ln carefUlly selected homes. It has beeome the leading private adoption agency in the United States. He also mentioned that since we oo Jooger bue avail· able tbe Infant a~ve child, more empbasis is beln( placed oo tbe physically handicapped. cbikl, the retarded ch.Hd am the placement of oJder chiklren stJU in foster bomes and mixed racial cllildren. Tbe important work bas &Jill.llded into broader areas of cllUd werfare senlce. Tbe young women wOO visited the district oftlce wlll be pre- sented Dec. 28 at the Balbo& Bay Club. tJYe pu'eots. ----------Fonowtng thetour,Mrs. Wal-LIGAL MOnCI lace Gerrie. president of the . Newport Harbor Auxiliary, wei-FICTITIOtE B:tEINESS NAME ,_ the guesto up_ ....,_ • ST AJEMEiq d-John F. Pqrter.,o;_~-The lolloW>g per""' Is doing\ miD of the Onneeeo.it;' dis-busiDess.p!.'".l.C.L.U, Diversi ·• trlct board of Children's Home tied, 333 l?tb St., Costa Mesa: Soetety. Bruce H. ~Derrunger, 16131 Mr. Porter stated, "As you Bridge Ln •• Hw:tlngtoo Beach, experience the tuo and ezcite-Cal meat of tbe delxbnte ball aod This business is being coo- aU tbe pre-ball act1Y1Ues, you ducted by an 1ndivldual are at the same time partlcipat-Signed: Bruce H. Derlllnger. iDg 1D and s!C)pOrtiJlgtbeactivt-This statement flied with the ties of the Newport Harbor AID-couoty clerk of Orange Couoty illary of Children's Home So-on: July ,14, 1972, by BeverlY ciety, one of the most Important J. Maddox, deputy county clerk. cbarltable efforts in our com-Publlsh: July 20, 27, Aug. 3, munJ.ty," 10, 1972, in the Newport Harbor He also mentioned that since Ensign. F -19021 Al.SO PRESENT ~ Home Society ~were. left to right, Ted Fouts and hlS debutante stster,~(Ellen Fouts. and the following dads and debs: Willlam Carl Adams ud Scott LorraJne Adams, Susanne Evans Jackson and Robert Evans Jackson, Cynthia EUzabeth Verooo and Richard Colman Verooo. STUDENTS NEED HOMES Homes tn Newport Beach and Mrs. Krone, who Is local Costa Mesa are being sought manager for Pacific Telephone, for foreigu ezcbange students may be contacted at the com- who go to high school here pany's business offtce at 548- while living with local.tamilles. 4630 tor further information. Mrs. Pat Krone, placement A high-school student in the committee chairman for Youth family home is preferred, but for UDder standing, says the not required, tor homes hosting program, which is recognized the foreign students, Mrs. by the U. S. State Dtl)artmeot, Krooe said. has brought more than 150 foreign students irto Orange RUTH B. CUHDERSOH OF Cowty during the past 5 years. 8 . 1. DIES AT ACE 70 Students from Europe, ~uth Priwate Interment was pla.D- and Central America, Atrlca ned this week tor Roth B and the Philippines spend a GuOOerson of Balboa. tslaDci 111.::::::::::::;:::==--~sc~boo:fi~l :y;,oar-•be-re_.-_~r the wbo died Monday at Cetinela HospUaJ.. Inglewood, after a loog iuoo'Ss. Mrs. Guodersoo, wbo UYed at 114 Garoet Ave., was 70. Save 50%on Imported Swedish Handblown Crystal Drinkware GOBLETS CHAMPAGNE WINES COCKTAIL PAIIFAIT OLD FASHIONS HI BAllS Green Crystal Goblets $2.50 '1.88 Crystal Clear Goblets .......... CRYSTAL OLD WINE .:r.:. -. ........ . '6.95 _ .......... SS.t5 HIIAUS ..... ...95 ~ ...... ~. FASHIONS ...,..., ......... . ...... ow ........ . _...... ...95 ...... 7• COilD.IAL SITS --·-, ....... --•12.50 .. CRYSTAL DEC4NTERS ... ,..,.. ............... ...... _...,_. ........ ,... ... . =-~-'11" c:.,.llllll Amn ._ • a • ' Sbe was a member of the Order of the Eastern star aDd of Daughters of the Nile. Sbe is sunived by her hus- band, Victor; a daughter. MrS'. Gail Grammar of Arcactta; a son, John Gunderson of Santa Aoa, aDd by 4 grllldchlldreo. Tbe family has requested me- morial dooatlons to the Cancer Society, Westcllff Mort\8l'f, Costa Mesa,ts I.Dcbarceottheflmaral sentces. MARRIAGE LOVE MUSIC SEX MOVIES NEWS SUP£1l$.TMS * .. • --··- '" /1" PAIRS ...... TIIADmONAL PANTS REG. 8.50 to 16.00 • NOw 50% oFF 352 PAIRS IIIN'I FLARED PANTS REG . 12.00 10 15.00 NOw 50% oFF 205 PAIRS IIIN'I FLARED JEANS REG. 7.00 to 11 .00 -JIOw50%oFF Also 50%, a variety of Men's Shirts and Jackets, Boys' Shirts and Boys' Flared Permanent Press Jeans. Please be sure of sizes ... All Sales Must Be Final. Looking Forward to Serving You. •• .I • ... C. all fJ wml ftiU MOUf IIM'I ··-1._-*"MOUIIMIIII .. -·-------iJfi#CMIMIIIIf fWFIOM If •• .IG£1 en ....,..... • .,...... PI' Meelllnll* ..... ,, - IN AliTICIPATION of wub1Dc cart thlo --. Blidy Lueu, left, of Coata. u. .. aDI1 Ellen RoiiDberc ot Harbclr VIew IIIIU are pollsiiiDI "' a b>y ..-L Tbo lllp tcbool drla ue members of Ke)'liOtes, julllor elub of tbe CbUd Guldlnce Center, which Is apon.sortnga car waab at ·Martoers elementary scbool this Saturday, July zz, from 11 a..m. to 4 p.m. Crt.aa Sebrlng of lJdo Isle 1a tbe on preatdSlt ol the Keynotes. (EustiiD photo.) Amelia recipe chosen Amelia's resCaurant on BaJ. Ford Times aatloo&l moatbtr boa Island 1s cited 1n this 00 • month's ''l'lYorlte recipes from go.Ucatton of the_ Ford Motor famous restaiiHDts" section in Nomlrated tor tbe boDor by GEM TALK TODAY cd IIU~"";r.::;:~' •••C"ra /01' o/mo.t 21 )'ltOTr, II on ourhor/ry on r•mr o"d j._/,)1, DIAMOHDS STAR IN MOVIES For centuries diamonds have been surrounded by romance and lntrtgue. Although some of the stories told about famous diamonds are pure mythology, most artnllstorlca:Uy 'ferltled truth frequently surpassing the most lnrld nctton. ADd slnce hlstory began, gems have retained the interest of most people, this interest belng expressed through dU- fereot media ln succeeding gen- erations and LD d!trerent clvll- lzattons. Receot ftlms released trom most major studios are featiU'. LDg diamonds as the center of attraction for both crooks and heroes. Although these movies are straight ftctlon, they are tasc1nat1ng audiences of aU ages. Among such diamond oriented tJlms are "Hot Rock," "Tbe Cool Breeze," "Diamonds Are Forever," '•Probe,"and "Har- rowhouse," also centered arowxl. the lure of diamonds. Although we have always dealt with diamond facts, we enjoy these imagtoative movies aDd TV shows, You might Dod them equally lnterestiog. local Ford dealer 1'beodore Robins, tbe local restaurant, wbicb features ItaUaa <lUbes and seafood, 1s operated by Mr. aod Mrs. Grer Seatoo. Mrs. Seab>o (Amells) ts !rom tbo ltalla.o Isle of Capri. Sbe and Mr. Seatoo bave beeo 1n bust· DeS8 at 311 Martoe Ave. for more than 15 years. Amelia's favorite recipe se- lection Is lor "Amella's La.dy Sole," a sole-aod-scallopsdisb whteb may be bUed or broiled aod served UDder a sauce featuring shredded Alaskan ttnc crab, mushrooms, cheddar cbeese and sberry. Mr. and Mrs. Seatoo 'were hooored Moadly by the New- port Harbor Chamber of Com- merce aDd received a special plaque martiag their selectioD by Ford Times. The maguloe claims a readership of 7 mJIUoo. POPULA TIOH GROWTH IS TOPIC AT MEETIHG The effects of Oraoge Couo- ty's exploslYepopulaUoo growtb rate wUl be ezamioed at a cou!erence at OCitb.isSa.tu:rday, JulY 22, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. "Population Growth: Wlat Polley toe Orange Couoty?•' is the topic for the coofereoce, BPOI190ted by theOra.ogeCcxmty Citizens Direction FllxUDc Commlssloa aod OCI-Projeet 21, J.ocooperatioowtththeboard of supenlsors, BuUdlag In- dustry Assoctstloo, League of Cities, League of Women Voters, and the County Cbamber of Comm~ce. VET SOiOOL OKAYED The establlsbmeut of a scbool of veterl-.ry medlcJDe at a UC campus 1n Solabern C&l1- tornla, possibly OCI, may sooa be realized as a result of a bill authored by Se~WM Deonts E. Carpeoter (R-Newport Beach) and slped by Governor Reagan. other coateOOers for tbe fllcWty are the campuses at San Diego aDd Rlnrside. Senator Carpenter Mpressed bope that the sc.bool would eventually be 1ocated at OCI, In hts 34th senatorial dtst:rlct. • ~ B.,~!.v ~t~E ~ UCDTLY • • • Pit ud 1M -•• • to tbo - WID ... ..,_.,. lloll -· u wD u poltrall~ S.O ud & Nett 'I ..0 It ... Mail 0u GlfiJ.I I!Mtaa, BelcoD. BI.J; ltal • I Ill, 111r 1' Dr. W Jjluoo llid r-ae Y"dloJ 111, c-... -· T11o .... Cllll; HoloD ud Boot Cotloy, wu a ''10 , ....... ..., Lido; ala .IIIILD &ad Bab Yud .. t 7 II'" twa.-II t w, ....,, lf. B.; lfue)' uc1 JobD ..._ _,....,II" lie~ [a.. lAit. llarl')' aDII Tfldd7 A.leae, <1oo, Pw t "'~ -....., ••• KaUe ud Bud aa.-. u.e ud ollill' tt #11 -.,. 0. Woodward&, DorGtbyYud .. .., -.. 1:11111 1 a • 'ut 111 ud FnM Maller ••• pl• .... "BJ'e. a,.. &,.Cia., bel' 15 or o&O more • • • Botti Bob --._.....,._ ud airloy were ourprLMd. 4_ .. ...a-..... DluiWoodrull prnoalod tbom I'll oof Ted 1~ loiiJ fold wltiJ a small three dllt>eosJ ... I ._ ..,...,; 1':' -.eo.-lree-IIJio portrait ol Sblrley. ... Ft 'D:o. _..cud • • lllft,..., ...... -• .... Coli _, -s.m...; SWAYING BALLOONS aDd aU COli; ...._ ud Dr. Jaet nap of pastel coltws, rOUDd Poyu, Norma ud Bam Garley tables ceotered wltll eq•IIY But.ra c y d _.!WI LU-' colorful fre~ flowers I.Dd wltb *• adC•al u•&lblllu::la. Joe Mosba.J s orcbe,u&. tbe -Blc ~ -..._ ballroom at tile ~ lloJ lllo .-..-.. ... Bob Lpcb Ctab became a perfect 1M11t1D1 Jo Uld CUI Tre7 wbo ba'f; for BettJe llDI1 Uoote Herbert's bomlll tD. !1ft Y.k Ud Palm fabulous dual celebraUoo party Bllell u weU u lJida 1111· • • • their 2otb anniversary and Jtu ud. Bob Yucn., &lid th; the ofllctal cbrtsteDiDC of tbeJr Mart Glllrmu._ N. B.; Rttly boat, "Wildcat." Two busses, AM ud sw &u.r R&rblr eqWpped witb bus I.Dd music, lalt• Fru ud He.i Smltb brou&bl: the guests from Los ~ ud ...-.rt Erleboo' Aneeles, wlltle local trleods lJdo; .,,., ... lot ne: url'fed by car or boat! Amooc F'J'ueo. c.-..._. MlWe tboee 1n atteodance were the ud ,_ ...... 0........ Tom Thompsons ol KEZY, the ud ~ _.DIIII•••• McHenry's (Tail o' the Coek) -'-" --Loo • • • Bertioe Treot. COM. last A...... ~ Clair _. Lei bact from Europe; Lucy and Browa, EM 1 ...... (••mmy Doo Wooctn.rd, MulDe and Bob ..... t Mc ...-..>. llwiel Keller, Beve a.od Bob Reyaolds, Uorrtt Mil ..,. Md MoMe the Herbert's daughter and hus-H-... ao ftD u....,. pod; and Pal aud WtllBurtlng- mon &c:lttlac tiMtr • ..,.. bye" ham, Cell and Jack Sulllnn, to Ewtya. ' Jo and Carl Troy, Bob and • • • Shirley Guggenheim and of HAJ'PY BIRTIIDAYS? cw. course the Goldwaters ••• plus talnhof b' aboli: 120 more . , . r May tbe · ~ ' · ' c. a receat WJJdcat find ber sea ud sm-s.-y oipl,lbreoMoooCblld-r• were ...., .. b' a biiiPJ as the Rerberts ban fouDd blrt*' c.....,.a. ••• hiiJ' their ••• sea of matrtmooy. Go-. llort _,_ .... Harry A»ae wer• tbe nctpl- lllla of -wtsiiH, UgiJt-belrt.cl Md warm. ,., ... tad cual .-tr a .,_, a. JUII: 2 -~-------­r-. , . biiG ..,., bit tld.l time ~ (»ro. "-M) plu- Ded a ll*:llll " · r wltb r. gill• lo -lor tile eajoJ- mODI of all, -by-oa 1M terraoe o1 tMtr loftiJ LIDdlalole-. T-........ 1111 I.-red threesome were a.t's wtfe, Toni • • • tbe Rollonys, wbo are "at home" ill ~ as weD u Palm ne-t ... Bury (S 5 77.... Golllftter) ud of co. ............ . OIIMrl J 1 ... .. ... _,.._ ..... ..,... .................. . Mulllo ud 8Gb Kellor, ll<eot- wOOd; PUar ud Joill Wl,fDe, Geoe Wa 3 3 a a aad CJemellt Hlnb, ~ Tardloy &lid Fruk ~~~-. Uoo lAcy ud Doll ~ Eut Bllllft'; Katil ft: 1 t • (a.d ... .able ... n .... wre '' F'rull:ie'' -lhrtdetbSbl.de, Tlllllo, ... _ ... BWCrllll<-.....-,acowl)aw.. • • • FII1D4Y IV"£, a. IS. .•• SbJrley ud Bab Gaaeabelm, w'-o liiiWe )4lt I I& wd frOIII a 'IWIIt...,oi.Ece•.~ ca..., -. a ''wo.MI'-M" ~~·,...._ cllrtll ...... 1111 too lli"IO) portyat--tollooer Sllor ... ~ ••• Pea7 Goldwater's tlllfelbc of a ta- 1etdoec:llt, (If tllnlt ~ lical, ..... " bllibud Barry. ''diM'' by Clue la1WJ W-NamiJIC a lew of tbo rt ....... -. -(be- ( \ MRS. W, LEE SPENCER of Corooa del Mar bubeeDDI.med lODe ctatrma.n, ooordlDatinc rectJtnUoo and ret-out-tile- tote drl'fes 1D a bllf dolea. of the couaty•s beach cities llDd commuatttes for the Or~ up Couaty Commlttee to re- elect the presldent. An actin R.,OOUca.o worker in' more tbaD 20 years, Mrs. Spencer r.s doDe au let'els o1 precinct work, In 1952, sbe was a mem. ber of tbe R~llcao state Ceotral Commlttee aDd aer•ed u tbe orpn1zatioo's woman's 'flee cba.irmu tor Soulbern CaWornJa.. Sbe has beeo prest- d!Oll of two Feoleraled R-- Ucan Women's Clubs •• SaJD Aoa 1D 1957 and lrvlne Coast In 1969. HAWAitAH FESTIVAL Tbe Newport Harbor Senlor Citizens wUl stace tbeir annual Han.Uan festival at 7 p.m. Tbursday, Aug. 17, at tbe club- bouse at 15th St. aod lrTtDe Ave., CUlt Haveo. The oew uta: and crafts sect1oo wtU lw.ve nres for sale. Tbepubllc 1s ID'flted to enjoy tbe eoter- talnme!lf: and refreshmeots. Chrrstmas in JULY? TRY U$1 -I! A\ <,IDE 50% OFF! CHRISTMAS CARD SALE Christmas greeting cards mean so much more when they are personalized with your name! Choose here from a wide variety of subjects to suit every taste ... all beautifully interpreted . . . exquisitely printed ... worthy expressions of your holiday sentiments. A trlp to Lu Vegas ls plao-D~~rT•~.~A=~~U:.~:: .. iiii~iiiiiiii~; 561.80 on ead1 $1,000) You can earn this high interest on $5,(XX) minimum two year certificates. The first year your $5,CXXJ certificate will earn $309.15, and more for each consecutive year that interest is added to the account. • You can ·earn $59.17 on $!,(XX) minimum one year certificates, and as much as $51.26 on a regular passbook savings account of Sl,CXXJ. If )'OU think JOU can't aft'ord flood insurancr, c:hantts are you're all wet·. ma ll:'l ADd-.,_..._ rul' WI t..i3 More interest than banks ... more certain than stocks Plus&eeservic:es ... safedepositboxes,notary Plus personal service ... experienced and service, travelers cheques, trust deed and note competent savings counselors in each office collections,andmanymorefree·servicesareavail-to assist you in planning your savings program. Beaute DOW the fcdenJ pemrnmr:"t Na3 ricnal Flood lluwon« Prosram -odmin~ br ~ireman•• Puad American in th.iJ ate-is a«m., llood and ...tdlde ............. oharply ~lidtd r'llel. • l!xANPLB: .UJO.OOO poli<y oo a siapc- lamily home "* ..... "' -$40 per J<U ..,. neMI and ()OIW4Mi.... " J-. For-ill .... .....,_,_ ----.Hot11.-Mr .. ,.. wllelh«._.'an •it...-..J.r.;-.,. andlouw-ltwill-- llac clo.-"""' ... -..... ...w, ... _,_ .... llood<d. ........ • able when you have the required minimum You will find a warm, friendly attitude on balance in your account at THE BIG the part of everyone at Mutual Savinp. C...o r• W Mar. aM7.._ Crzn ., .. w.,/~7-G.-......,Jdre.•..-•t.._ OthttolkaiD:eo.i.a.WtllAI"CCMtia,Pall•m•,CI•dtle ... C ........ -.ocr wd fftU !t lOlLY -PAlE. I COMIIIA DEL CAL. On c9rrupting the Word of God ~ By ......... J• w....,., A.K. •--a.•mu •••coM .. CM.LUMIWOOD, N.J. Saxo• CXXXIIJ -p-.,...., UOVT TO ..... 1728 Phoh>cropbed (~led 11'0111 s-.... , ....... 2, from pul>liohod by Ca.u aod Jmninp) The first and great mark of one who corrupts the Word of God. is in- troducinr into it human mixtures: either the errors of otbrrs, or the fancies of his Own brain. To do this, is to corrupt it in the highest degree. To blend with the oracles of God, impurt dreams fit only for the mouth nf the devil! And yet it has ~ 50 frequently done, that scarce eV'I!T was any erroneous opinion either invented or received, but Scripture wu quoted to defend it. And wht:n the imposture was too bare factd, and the texts dted for it apPeared too plainly either to make aganut it, or to be nothinc to the pu :pose ; then recourse hu usually hem had to a second method of com1pting it, -by mixing it with false interpretations. And thil is done, sormtimes by repeating the words wrong: and sometunes by re- peating ihcm right, but putting a wrong sen~ upon than. One that is either strained and unnatural, or for- eign to t~ writer's intention in the pi:Jtt from whence they are taken. P~rhaps contrary either to his in- t~ntion in that vt!ry plact!, or to what he says in some other part of his writings. And this is H.sily effected, any passage is easily perverted, by ~ing recited si ngly, without any of tl,e preceding or following verses. By this means it may often seem to have: flne o;ense. when it will be plain, by ob- serving what goes ~fore and what follows after, that it reallv has the rlirec! co ntrarv. For want Of observ· in)! which. un.wary ,;ouls are liable to he tossed ahnlt with every wind o f r!N·trine. whe:-~ever thrv fall into the hand~ of those who nave enough of wiekNine~s and cunning. thus to :J.dttlte rate what they rreach. and to arfc\ now ;m,\ th«:11 a pl;lUsihle com- ment. to make it go rlow n the more e:tsily. PktDrial His· tory of Prot,statttiSM , by Verg11ius Fenn, Ph.D. ture of ~rrors to pollute it , ~erpretahon to perplex it : explained m t~ most natural, ob\'ious manner, by what precedes and what follows the place in q~stion ; and commented ~pon by the most sure way, the Jeast hable to mistake or corruption the producing of those parallel pl;u:e; that express the same thing the mo~ plainly. In the next place. the\' are as cau- ti ous of taking from. as 'or adding to, the W ord they preach. They da re not more. considering in who~ sight they stand. say les~. than more than He ~ath assigned them. They must pub- lish, as proper l)l:casions offer. all that is L'Olltained in t~ orncles of 0od: whether smooth or otherwise. ~~ matters nothing, sim·e it is unques- tionably true, and u~dul too : "For all ~aipture i~ given by tht' inspiration of God ; and 1s profitable either for doctrim~. reproof, co rrection, or in- struction in riehteou,ness." Either to teach us what we are to believe or practice or. •for conviction of error reformation of vice T~y know tha; t~re is nothing superfluous in it, re· lating eith«:r to faith or practice: and therefore they preach all p:~rts of it, though tho~ more particularly. which are more immediately wanted where they are. They are far frnm abstain- ing from speaking against any vice, httause it is fashionable, and in re- pute in th~ place providence has al- lotted them; but for that very reason they are more zealous in testi fying against it Thev are so fa r from ah- ;taining fro;H sPeaking for an y virtue herau~e it is onb~h iMahle ilml in dis- repute where they are placed, that 4J' my parish" know the terrors of the Lord, they desire rather to persuade men. This. method they usc, and love to uSt rt, with such as are cap- able of persuasion : with such as are not, they are obliged, if they will be faithful, to take the severer course. Let the revilers look to that ; it harms not the:m : let the hearers accommo- date themselves to the Word; the Word is not, in this sense, to be ac· commodated to the hearers. The preac~r of it would be no less in fault, in a slavish obsequiousness on one side, than in an unrelenting stern~ ness on the other. A third sort of those who corrupt They tlu·rcf,~re the more \·ig~"rous!y che 'Worrt of God, though 1n a lo-.~ter recommend 11. •'f'f!:ree-than either uf thtl fotlllifJ;--tfti-Lastty_. the) \":ho s:.peak .in sincerity, tho~e who do so. T'Ot by adding to it, and as m th~: l11ght nf H 1m who de- but hy ta!<ing from it : who take pnte:; them. sh•Jw thrtt they do io, by either the spirit or substa n« of it the manner in v. hich they speak. They awa.1. while they study to proohesv «pC'Ik with pi nne,;s :1.nd ho ldness. ~nly ~mooth thin~s. and therefore pai-:1nd ~re not nlnrer.nt··l to 1 ~1!1i:ue thf'ir lmte or colour what they preach, in r!oc trme. Ill rf'cnnnlt! 1t tn the ta~te of nrder to reconcile it to the taste of men. The,· enderwour tn ~et it alw:~.ys t h~ he:uers. And that they may do in a true light, whethrr it hf> a pleas- tht~ the better, they commonly let ing nne or not. T he) will not. they those pa rt s go that will admit of no rlare not. ,;o ften a rhre arenin g. so as ce>'rJur:ng. They wa sh their hands of to prejudice it~ strenj:!th. neither those stubbr.rn texts, that will not represent ~i n in such mild colnurs, as ben.ri to their purpo~e. or that too to impair it!l natural blackness. Not pbmly toxh upon the reigning vices that they do not choose milrlness. nf tile place wh~re thev are. These when it is likely to he d fectual. If then we have spoken the Word of God , the genuine unmixed Word of God . :tnrf that only; if we have put nn unnatural interpretation upon it, hut taken the known phrases in their common obvious ~nse, -when they ,,·ere les!'t known. explained Scripture by Scripturl!': if we have spoken the wh olt' \Vorrl. as occasion offered, though rather the parts which seemed most proper to giYe a check to some fashionahlr \·ice. or to tncourage the practice of some unfashionable vir- Ill<': ancl if we han done this plainly <~nd holrlly. thongh with an the mild- nes~ 'l rtrl eentleni"S» that the nature nf rhe cnh ier t will \ear : -then, be- liew· ,.e f1tl r works. i f not our wo rds: nr rather. helie1·e 1 h~m hnth tog«:ther. H rrf' is all a pre:~{· he r can do: all the e1·idf'n r r that he eitht'r can or n~ e-ive f1f hi.; Rood intentions. There is no way btrt this to show that he speal!:~ as of sincerity, as commis- .,;onf"fl bv the Lord, and as in His si~ht. Tf there be any who, after an thi ~. will nnt believe that it is his c-oncern. not our own we labour for ; that rntr llr~t intention in ~aking, is to point him the way to happiness, anrl to disenJr.!lge him from the: great rood that !earls to misery: we are rlear of rhe blood of that man. -it rests 011 his own head. For thus ~:~ith the Lnrrl. who hath set us as w<'l:tchmrn over the souls of our t"Otln trymen 1nd brethren ; "Tf they 1\':lrn the wicked of his wa y to turn from it ;" -nmc-h more if we use all rneth(}(l<; possihle to eon vi nce him that tht:-warn in!! is of God: -"if he do nnt turn from his wa v," -which rertainly he will not. if he do not ~­ lieve that we are in earnest. -"he ~h<~ll die in his iniquity, but thou hast fie li vered thine own soul.,. they exchange for those more soft :11• ·J tractahll" ones. that are not so apt to gi1·e offence. :'\lot cne word mu~.t he said of the tribulation and anguish denot1nced agaimt sinners in general ; much le s!l of the unquenchable fire which, if God he: true. awaits S('\erai of those particular offences that ha\e fallrn within their own r.oti«. These tender parts are not to be touched without danger by them who study to rcrommend themseh·es to men : or if they are it must be with the utmost catttion, and a nice evasion in reserve. But they may safely thunder a~ai nst those who are out of th«:ir re1l h. and ::l"3i"··; thv~e sins which thf'y suppoc«: none that hear them are guilt \' of. So one takes it to heart, to hear those prac1ice5 la ir! open which ht: is not concerned in himself. But when the -:t:-oke comes home, when it reaches hi!> own C'ase , then is he, if not con- vinced: displeased, or angry, and out o f patience. These ue the methods of those cor~ rupters of the Word, who act in the: sight of men, not of God. He trieth the hearts, and wilt receive no serv- ice in which the lips only are con- cerned. But their words have no in- ~er~oune with the:ir thoughts. Nor TS tt prope.r for thml th.at they should. For if their real intmtion once ap- peared, it tmm maJce itlt)f OtllucceSS· ful. They prrrpose:, it ia true, to do ~ by tho ~I of Christ, but it is to then-=lves, not to others. Whefe... u they that u»e tincerity in preach- ing the ~1. in the good of others seek their own. And that they are sincere, and speak as c:ommiuioned affictrs, in the sight of Him whOK commiu ion they bur, plainly appean from the dirl!ld contrariety bdwem their pn<tice, 1nd that of tho clio- ~~ above: dacribed. Pi,.; Coalider, it il DOt their own -...,. .,..m, bat tho Word of Hloo .... -thaD. ,..,. ...-it 6 I .. " d ... d. A. ~ ~ ~"': = :,nr ... -"' ........ -hiiD aD ... r' -._ -. wdttat iD it'!' tbey -,_,.., .... lt"' ........ Y• .... lllto c_. ,,_ .............. .,,. ~-...... , .... -.y;.... Will the Antichrist be a Jew? by the late Dr. K eith L B rooks From '•THE EVANGEL," Bo1. 25, Largo, Fla. We. a re unawa re of 11ny cl~>ar atat~ment of Scri pture to that e ffect. Some who regard the !ef'Ond bea:,~t of Rev. t3 as the Antichrist base the notion on the fact that this bea~t come! "out of the earth." claiming that the Jews are the earth people. They also sugg~t that the "two horns'· refer to Israel a nd Judah. The principul proof text used is Dan. II :37 '_'H~ shall not rt>g~rd t.h(> ~ o~ his fathen~," is the prophetic statement here. pc11ntmg to the Ant1chn8t, Th111 18 taken to mean that since Jehovah was the God of Israel. !he Antichrist must of net.~ity be 11 Jew. Why do 1M> few take notice ?f _the cor.rection of thill text in th~ margm to read "gods," not "God," wh1ch 1.'1 m keepmg with the IMt p hrage: "He shall not regard nny god for h~ 11hall magnify himself above all"? If the pa88age read. "H e 8h/IIJ not ~egard Jehovah , the God of hill fathers," the case would be a clear one for the 1dea that he must be a J e w. As it al.an<b. unlesa ther(' a rt' other clear 11f~1leme nt3 11howing Jewish origin for the Anti· chri~t. _lhf:! mo.<~t lhHt can be lll:llid i11 that h~ could be a Jew, but we shall eeE' that thL'I 1s ruled out by other prophetir sta lemen t.s. And what of the phrase in D11n. II :37-"nor the desire of women"-which .w;m~~ have t:~njectured to be. a refe rence to the vi rgin birth and the alleced ~ue of Jew1sh wom en to brang fo rth lht> Messiah? The statement i• not con- tined to J ewish women. The he11t a uthorities tell us that th.i8 1tatement iA the original, .in view of its conte~:l , must re fer to a ny gods desired by women, auch as Baalt1~. Aatarte or My litta of the Baby lonians, the Persian Artemi8, or the Syrian NamJea, or the "queen of ht'aven" of Jer. 7:18; «:17. It ;. apparently not 11 rP.ferenre to the vircin birth. Another proof ted l.llH!'d is J ohn [J:43. which reads: "I am come in m y Fa ther's name, and yt' reo.'f!ive me not: it another ahall come in hia ovm name, him ye will receive." H ow doee th1s indicate the Jewish origia of the comins one? It was a mid-western Bible teacher who announced that the Greek word fo r "another'' means "another of the &arne kind or race," therefore it ._-q argued that our Lord Him&elf clearly indic'ated that AntM:hrilt would be of the lame race. Many teachers have since quoted this statemenL Ploof. H . W . Kellon ~Is us that the G reek word here u!Mld ha1 no 11uch meaniJll' aDd citee its u.e 1n numero011 other pa11S8ges where such a meaninl!: would be ridiculous. Practically a ll prophetic leHchen &gree that prophecy &bows mo.t dearly a worldwide campaign of J ew.hate in the closing do.ya of tbill ap. Can OIMI imasin~ the Gentile world even of our day, givi.ng universal admiration to a world dic- tator known to be of Jewish orilrin a nd rallying the aupporl of International Jewry? And how often we have heard it &aid that no Je._-would 111eeive the coming dictator ncept he were of J e._-i.t. o riJin. Prophecy indicatM that the prorniae of ret from per.ecution eztended by this comina one. will brine the Jew. to hill banner. but he will betray the m. It ia the ...ark of a Gutile who will completel_y fool them by hie lyinlf promi~teS. We •ubmh thl!t the .llewt of the world today would ftock to t.he banner of a ny man -J-or Gentile -who waa in a poailion to ruaranllMI them a place of refup. • W-ldtl Bible School Lesson -z ,_., :tlol5 ......... ,. ..... •••co•• ' • • r ... ,., ~L ....... tlolo • Golde 'hd: .,N• -..., ..wdl 1 ••••l'rl4 1' JsfJ -*' • -t~ =:.t ,_., lilo; ...... .., ,..., ,..,. --... -.......... . (2 ,..._ 2>4). T-. _, ~ y wat cauuoncu not to U"' AUL refen to T imothy u which we have-any record, Wll to ashamed of hia Lord. nor of the dUciple.'" ''worlc:·ftllow •• thit younr diK:iple. afflictions and peneeutions of the "our brother," "'minister•, world. Christ had abolished death ._my own son in the faith:" THE HOLY SPIRIT WDS and given ete""l life through ~is "my dearly beloved /iOfl." Gotpel. For this reason Paul said, and "man of God," aD of Timothy shaulrl hfo "tudied by all ''I lcDow whom I have believed and which indicates the very fOUQf people. l:britti~ and its am persuaded that he is able to keep near and dear relationship fruita are not alone for roiddJe..apd that which I have committed unto In the fellowship or communion or the and elderly, Christ hae alw-.yt uted him apinst that day." He: wanted Holy Spirit which existed betwea~ yot.U'IJ people aa wen u old. It is Timothy to 41t:now,•• not to guess, or these two men -one considerably quite likeij that most of the 12 dis~ speculate, or philosophi&e. He even older than the other. In connectioo. ciples Wert rounr men. The teeret of told Timothy to .. hold fast the fonn ••ith Timothy we should also study this: matter of the u.eful an of Chris-of sound words which thou hast about Titus, who was .a preacher ·tiant is thil-the Holy Spirit abides heard of me ." This evidently referred whom Paul placed over the church in aU Christians to guide and kach to some creed which Paul had given on the Island of C~te and to whom them, and He ia neith~ young nor him in faith .and love in Christ. A he also gave similar careful instruc· old. He b just u wi.e and capable definite belief, or cr~. is absolutely tion. in a sanctified youth as in a sanctified aeceasary for every Christian, and es- PAUL AND TIMOTHY We do not really know a gTUt deal about Timothy. We 6rst learn of him in Acts 16 :1. We are told that, when Paul and Silas came to Derbe and Lystra, in what we now caU Asia !rfinor, on Paul's second missionary JOurney, they found there a disciple named Timothy, the son of a jew1sh mother and Greek father who was well reported by the brethren .at Lystra and fconium. About six or seven years before this, Paul and Barnabas had visited these cities and had made many converts to Chris· tianity and had established churches. h would seem from 2 Tlmothy I :5 that th«: grandmother, Lois. might have betn the first in that family to rece~ve Christ. then her daughter Enntre. :~.nd then her !;!ranrfson T im - othy. Perhap~ T .ois had bttn con- verter! on Pan!'<; fi rst ,·isit. and now, on the St'Conrl \'i!'it. Paul was de- li!<!hterl 10 lind the .c-rl'l.nr!son ~urh a S!Jlwart Chris1i:111 From that timt" Timnth1• w;~s n<n· do~elv ass•X'iated with Panl. :mrt we find ihat the la st in ~pir~d Jetter 1ni tt~n bv Paul of . . I" ROlli THE IIOLA BROADCASTER SSI S. HO .. E ST., LOS AHGEL£5 Q. Belmont. Calif. "As Christiaru, u:e knou: all of our sins are fOTgive n. l'et u:e are not to sin u:iltfully. Will yo11 then erplain Matthew 5:32 and 19:9? 13n't fornication the only bib- lical ground {or divorse? Does the situation app y if the woman put away her husband? One Ian ques- tion, if a remarriage results in an adulterous situation, is not God di3- pleased?" A. This is a very contemporary ques- tion. There are many strong opinions on both sides. We do believe that fornication is the only biblical grounds grounds for divorce. This situation applies if the woman puts away her husband and vice versa. Adultery and fornication are wed synonymously in Scripture several times. We respect the conviction of those who claim that there are no scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage. It does seem clear, how- ever, in these passages, and else- where, that there are these grounds for divorce and for the innocent par- ty to remarry. We're distinct1y told not to sin willfully. The innocent spouse would not be guilty in such a new relationship. While we con- demn adultery in the strongest terms possible, yet the promise of the Bible is that if one will come by faith to Christ his sins wfll be forgiven. Let us also be careful as far as judging others is concerned. In the sight of Cod there's gossip. hatred pride, jealousy, lust, anger, jealousy' and all the rest. Q. Fresno, C<~lif. "The Bible soys that if is appointed to man once t o die, and after that the judgment. But what about people whom j esus raised from the deod such as Lazorus? Would they thereby escape judgment?" A. It has bee n well said that, "A person who is born once dies twice, while a person who is born twice dies o nly once." Wjthout the new birth by personal faith in Christ there is both physiul <~nd eternal de<~th which must be faced. Thooe whom 1-.u> called forth fro m ~he de.td, ue of course, the exceptions to the rule. The basic prin<:iple is that "II is appointed un1o man once to d~ and after that the judgment". The Lord did not do 'LuanJs any favor by brinsins him b•ck to life, It was for the alory of God that the miracle was performed. Luarus had 10 die all over apln. He will not Jiven Jny resurrtclion body. Only our Lord has His at this point. Wo will receive oun at lhe adult. Paul is very particular to write pecially for a young one who accepts to 'Fimothy : "Let no man despise thy the faith of his fathers. Christiana youth : but be thou an example of who say that they have no creed are the believers, in word, in con'ftraa-simply talking foolishly. "Credo" tion, in charity flove). in spirit, in means "I believe." YoU must believe faith, in purity. 1'iU I rome, give at--in Christ as your Saviour and that is tendanc:e to reading, to exhortation, your creed. to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee," which muat ~fer to the gift of the Holy Spirit who came by the laying on of bands of the pres-bytery (I Tim. 4:12-14). THE APOSTATt CHURCH This is t~ instruction which all young Christians should follow. Paul ri!COJOized that the world was lost in stn; that the church was far from pure, but wu continuany slipping into apostasy because of the false, compromising teaching of ambitious and self-serving men. He always prayed for Timothy and reminded him of the faith of his mother and grandmother, and also called to his remembrance that gift of the H oly Spirit wa!l not of fear, but of power, and of love . and of a sound mind. T his is the true and safe path to fol· low. p~ DISCUSSIONS Rap ture. There will be a generation of believers who will n e ver die physica ll y (I Thessalonian<; 4 : 13-1 8). Q. Bell, Calif. "'In john 10:33 to 35, I om o little perplexed by the phrose in veru 34, 'Ye ore gods'. Con you tell me who! is meont?" A. Again, the context Is so vi tal to unders tand. The Jews were opposing our Lo rd concerning a very vital area relative to His diety. In this chapter we have our Saviour's wonderful discourse concerning the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. Then He stressed His relationship to God by positively asserting, "I and my Father are one". This the re ligi ous leaders cast aside as blasphemy. They could not sund to hear such testimony about Hi s diety . In the phrase about which you ask Christ quotes from Psalm 82:6. He referred to th e leaders in Israel who enjoyed a special place of authorit y. Note the small "g" which d oes no t denote a superhuman being. The Lord told them , "I am no t blaspheming at all when I said, 'I am the Son of God.' My supernatural works testi fy that I have every valid right to call God my F<~ther in this unique sense." Q. K<~nsas City, Mo. "Why do so mony preachers todoy use the expression 'If the Lord to"y', I do not wont to be crltlcol, but do you not feel this Is confusing? Hebrews 10:37 soys, 'For yet a little while and he thot sho/1 come will come, and will not to"y •. I haw always thought that the Lord has a perfect ttme.fable for His second coming." A. Although we may not person<~lly choose to use this ph~se, we would not be overly critical of those who do. Yes, you mily be sure that the Lord hu a perfect tlm•table. He aJone knows the end from the belinnlnJ. Only He understan<b all th1np. We do not k®W when our Saviour wHI come op1,., When that one last soul Is oaved wo wUI be taken lntD His pr....,... A .petJIJ!1 Ulina such Jan....,., "If the Lord tarry" ref on tD what may transpire If tho Lord d-not como back rlaht away. It li not that God cannot make Ull His mind. He knew the wry IKOnd of O.t111's rotum lo"' before this world -over formed. ' DOCTlliNES FOR YOUTH Paul wrote to Timothy just as pro- foundly as he did to the older Chris- tians. The great truths of salvation and of the body of Christ, the true Church, a~ for young ~pie as well <IS old, and I find in my own experi· enct: that young people are jutt u anxious to know all the facts which God has revealed to His people as .are older .people. ~aul taught aU the great doctnnes to T1mothy, and, while we have no record of any sermons Timo- thy preached or !etten which he wrote, yet we are sure that he taurtn all these "in season, out of season," as P.aul instructed him, that they might be .able to teach others also, and to establish an endless chain of evan· gelists. UNFEIGNED FAITH In the words of Paul, Timothy had "unfeigned fai th." There was no sham, pretense, or hypocri sy about Timothy, and he was not ashamed of lhe testimony of hi s Lord. neither was he ashan1ed nf Paul, the prisoner of the Lord in Kero's jail. He was willing to be a partaker of Paul's affl iction for the sake of the Gospel. He r~ali zeq , that heo. was saved by gra.ce and not because of his works, ,nrl that he had biiTt ailed 8f Ced rr• rio things accorrling to His pur· pose and not for his own pleasure. STlONG IN THE FAITH Paul admonished Timothy to "be strom~ in the grace that is in Christ Jesus," even to the point of endudng hardness. "as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." If it came to a choice ~­ tween the wavs and methods of Christ on one side and the world on the other, he must unhesitatingly . and unqt·estioningly serve J esw Christ who h1d chosen him to be one of H is soldiers. He also said, "If we suffer, we shall also re;gn with him : if we lkny him, he: also will deny us." Paul did nN c.uibble or even 5\Tggnt any compromise or apoeasement with the ~nemit's of Jestts Christ. APOSTASY IS INCREASING When •·e read the two letters which Pa"l \•·rite to Timothy we find the whole Gospel set forth -from orici· nal si n to salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. ou r Sacrifice. We alsn finrl thlt Paul explained to Tim- othy how the visible church would fall away from faith in Christ and have onlv the form of god1ine:ss, but not the power. because the v in their pride would be "ever leaTning, and never able to come to the knowledge 'of the tn1th" (2 Tim. 3 :7). And we lind that Paul definitely told T imothy what was the knowlMge of the truth Nh;ch a11 'n"t'S1 le-.m if they would be ;afe-I Timothy 2:5, 6, "'For there is one God, and one mediator betwMn God and men. the man Christ }6us; who gave him.telf a nnsom for 1U." We, today. are now in the m idst of this tra which tlas great and increu- in( knowledgt: of the useleu thinrs of the WO!'ld. fte!h, and Devil. but ia sadtv deficient in the knowl(dce of God's ~at and savinr truth. For this reuon our chu.rchts are rapidly hecom!ng more apOstate and power· leu. L~SONS FOR US Tht admCTni•ion to Timothv it for us alt ... Study to shew thy~elf apo prcwed unto God, a workman that H<deth not to be 11hamed, richt\7 divklin~ the word of truth." Is th11 what you are floin:. or a roe {.ou. arrpp- inr dnwnward on the .. atherhood and bro'herhood" trail of modem ,.,..h 1 Th<rt IJ no euy road to do God's will. The social ppol Jo empty and powerless to nye toUIJ, or to brill• the joy of tho Lord. God p•e Ria aD to Jl.n us. and ,.. art to surmltkr -.a to If"" •"ff ..... nfy Him in ooint ono1 'body, ftlctl .,.. Hit by n,t.t of -put<Ma by dol blood of 1-Chrltt oar Lon1, tohod for sin_. on C&lftfY. Aft ,... •' ..... ! in Chritt'l --,..,. otlly U I cll-1 M,.. .....tf From the Police Blotter • WIDfiiSDAT, JULY $ 00.W -... --1:10 Robot1 w..-Wr~&~~~. 14, p.m. ud 8:1$ p.m •••• s.-. ol Zl'J Via IIICU. Udo liM, bod)' IDI .. bld tbt froat wtldotr wu atrllttd at 11 :55 a.m. a.t at au-, boCSQut, 1610W, Cout llJa oome oo a WII'I'Uit er.r,. lhrJ,, Martaer•a IIUt, bear .. 1Dc b1m witb maUciowl m*blet Z:SO a..m. Uld !1:30 a..m. ID:I . . .... lpllloo boltory .. --1.1 dr-nlllld at at $25 wu Jtoleo trorD aecbool $1,120, the MOODd time wttbJD dlatrtel nblcle wbUt b wu a net tblt the .Rote wu ru- J:Ut.d at ED&Ip School t.rom acted bJ tbtft'tt ••. A dc-2~SO p.m . JUDI SO tdU '1 a.m. &rette Yeadlag macb!De valued 1uoe 5 .•• Somooooclldd&ma10 at $825, beloollac to tbe Call. estimated at $100 to tbe nsl-fornla IDdutrlal Veodlac Co. deftee of Sb.U'ley Marshall, 11!3 of ADI.belm, wu stolen trom E. Balboa BIYd., B&U.., by 880 lnl.ne Ave., Nnport c:n)'1Dc pallt oa tbe lrlterlor Hel&bts, betweeo 6 p.m. July Yt.lll of ber aputmG .,me-!I &Dd 6 a.m. Juty 6 , , • An Ume between 10:30 p.m. July tleetrlc type,rtter worth $416 4 I.Dd !I a.m. July !I , •• Keooetb wu ltolell from tbt oince of RuueU. 501 FerolettAYt.,Co-Leou's Interiors, 4222 Cam,pas rCIDIL del Mar, reported U.t Dr., Newport IDdutrlal Put, ~8.95 ....... ot liquor ,.. betoreec 9:30 p.m. July 5 ud ltoleo from his IU'IP betweeo 8 a.m. July 6 ••. ThieYtl took 2 p.m. July f IDd 3:30 p.m. l bicycles, n.lued at $!90, from Ju),y 5 ••• A car COYer fthaad Frut Bruder's unlocked car- at $74 was stoleo trom MarllyD age at 1221 W, Balboa Blvd •• Rll5Sell's car while It ns Balbca, between 3 p.m. aod puked at her resideoce at 1510 7 p.m •••• AnorleiUlwaterfall W, Balboa Blvd., Ceotral New-valued at $95 was stolen from port, from 9 p.m. July 4 umu Doris Hope's yard at 2173 E. 9 a.m. July 5, Ocean Blvd., Balboa, between • THURSDAY JULY 6 mldnJ~ a..od 10:30 a.m ••• , A bicycle v~lued at $140 was Somebody dropped Ughted stolen from Katberloe Lewis' matches in Thomas T~C~man•s prap at 1618 Aatlp Way wooden maU bos:, on the door • of his earace at 250 Pr ospect, Newport Sbor es, causlng $50 damage to the mailbos: and gar- ap door. BE AN INVESTIG ATOR I" ,•1< 'II ,.,, •! ¥1 \ ' , "··n ,, 11)800·426·02:12 • FRIDAY, JULY 7 A surfboard valued at $75 was stolen from Jeff Kassel's front yard at 1512 w. Ocean I CHIJRCHES I REVELATION VERSE BY VER5E DR . JAMES O'BRIEN COMBS TE!A.CHE!R 9,45 A. M. SUM DAY IH 5AMCTUARY ILLUST RATED LE5SOMS : 01ART5, SLIDES, OIIT1.1ME5 THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH THE CEMTER FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES 301 M ... GHOL IA ST .... T 9t 45 .... M. BIBLE CL ... SSU SANTA APU AVE. lhOO A.M. WORSHIP HOUR COSTA MESA 7t00 P .M. EV AGEL ISTIC HOUR HOME OF P. G. ME UMAMM CHRISTIAM 5CHOOL FIRST OfUROf OF OtRJST, SCIENITST 3303 Via Li4o Newpon Beach SUNDAY SQIOOL 9 L a, aa d lOtiO SUNOA,Y SERVICES 9 .... nd lOt iO .... W£DNESDA Y EVENING MEETING I U JIDIN<l ROOM Week day a.~ 9 a.m: • 5 p.m. Wednud.,.: 9 •. m.-7:45 lUetday and Friday: 9 Lm. · 5 p.m.; 7·9 p.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER .... -.. a.at:oh In- 2100-Vlow 0.. Corona dol-. CaiH. REV. WILBUR E. ALLEN lDtertm Paltor SUMMER SCHEDtn..E 10,00 A.M.-Famlli' w .. - NURSERY PROVIDI!D C0WU11 ftiEAL .U. ..... '*IIW =:;:»;1:~ .......... 6aa11rial III£1 F ) ~? 7 .. 12) -..SJd .. " 0.. a rfgll l'far ....... ............. = • bli ..... •c 1: ~~ Tr-.•• a{~~ ... ... h .. :t :.r. .. .: =~-:.=z.: •• -~ ..... ... ,_ .. _,I I J> ................ lit-1721 ('lOLL PIII·PIOM ll~ifiOI:r MA1801 "AI~) NEWPORT HARBOR EIISIGN PIJBUSIIED IEEIILY -PAGE 9 Tl1URSDAY, JULY 20, 1972 CORONA DEL UAR, CAL. UCB OPENS IN NEWPORT CENTER ~:<:l Rtctard C. KJ.mb&U bu beea ~ ramed rice preli4eal ud mu- apr &ad Cba.rlel r . Letlma.n IIC'ADt m&DICG' ol Ualted Catltorola-'•""POI'!Cn- ter olllee, -tblo Friday, Jub' 21, at &SO-A NewportC•- ter Drlvt. AD aU ..day apeo boule eeletntloo 1B ~~ehedWid lor opea.I..Q& cSI.Y, wltb retreabmeota aod tree gUts. Formerly vice presideot and m&.oa.ger of UCB's MartDers omee 1n Newport Be&ch, where be tad been assigned s1Dee 1963, Mr. Kimball joi.ned OCB lD 1949, and after various head assignments, wu pro-1 , moted to assistant mi.PI.rer of ~· LIFESAVING poloters from AI Fitzpatrick, right, and U!eguard Jobn Barret, left, help Bob Dense of Balboa fasten a flotatloo belt. Migoon Mitchell, a visitor from La Habra, lends a hand. A junior ll!esaving class for . ldds from 11 to 15 and a senior class for 16 and above is being hekl by tbe Newport Beach parks, beaches and recrea- tion department, with We guard assistance. A new session of classes bepn Monday, July 17. Classes are held trom 9 to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday at loth St. and the blly, Balboa.. Regi_straUoo Is Monday through Thursday at the Youth Center, 5th and Iris, Corona del Mar. For more lnformation, call the parlts omce at 673-3180. Hibachi sailing results II R. D 548·0146 1 20• C TU'STIN AVE . HEWPOAT BEACH ( J•$1 of I Cou I Hwy . S.'~•fll T•r••r Dr•t•' tbe Bell om ce In 1956. He mored ICl to manager ol tne Huotlngton Beach otft.ce when it opened ln 1960 and to man- ager of the Harbor Baker of- nee I..D Costa Mesa wben It began opera.UoD 2 years later. He ls a na.Uve of Altambra, attended lllgh school there aD1 studied at Pasadena City Col- lege before graduating trom USC. He Is past director of the Newport Balboa Rotary Club, a member of the Com- modor es Club of the Newport Harbor Cba.mber ofCommerce, past member of the executive board of the Orange Empire couocil, Boy Scouts of Ame rica, past board member of the United Ftmd for the Harbor area, an~ c lla.lrman of tbe membership committee of theSouthernCaU - fornla clla.pter of Robert Morris Assoclates. Mr. Lehman, who moves to his new position alter serving as assistant manager of UCB's Anaheim Main otnce, joined UCB In 1958 am served at various branch ofnces in the sa.n Gabr iel Valley a."ld In the Los Angeles Headquarters Credit department before mov- FlCTITIOUS Btl)INESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dolng business as: The Tree Farm, 17391 Marken Lane, Huntingtoo Beach, Call!ornia: Jerrel C. Barto, 1971 Ritchey Street, Santa Ana, California; Wtlllam A, vao der Plas, 1971 Ritchey Street, Santa Ana, Cali- fornia; Frederick L. Elker, 17391 Marlten Lane, HUDtington Beach, Call!ornia. This business Is being coo~ ducted by a general partner- RICHA RD KIM BALL UGALMOTIC! FICTITIOUS BlSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing business as: Rhoda MagU - Real Estate Consultant, 1405 Clay Street, Newport Beach: Rhoda L. Magilavy, 1405 Clay street, Newport Beach. This business is being con- ducted by ao lod.lvidual. Signed: Rhoda L. Ma gflavy. This ~temeot ftled with the county clerk of Orange County on: June 22, 1972, by Beverly J. Maddos:, deputy courty clerk.. Publlsh: June Z9, July 6, 13, 20, 1972, lo the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -18595 FOLLOW THE 5UN MEH U "Follow the sun," featurlog easy to tote menu suggestions for picnics, camping-and at- llOme patio parties, Is being offereJ by Carol Heinz, home ecooomist for ttle Southern Callfornla Edison Co. The free program .,ill be presented at 7:30p.m. Wednes- day, July Z6, and at 10:30 a.m. ship •. Signed: Jerrel c. Barto,,.,ll-Thursday, July Z7, at Ham A. van der Pias, Frede-House, Fastrlon rick L. Elker. brochures wUl be This statement ftled with tbl! coWJty cierk of Orange County on: Juoe 26, 1972, by Beverly J. Maddo.t, deputy OOWltJ clerk. PubUsh: June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 1972,ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. r -1863.5 _.....,..,.I Ia ....... , AI----.. ...• ,,. 'm I , ... ~..,.~ ~ CALL 41J·OHO . .,..lnt •• .,., &A.-PAINT 6WALUAPa H I 1-.rlt.QH PADI'i'l o e'nU.. f-NI TTr!ltMS ~ IML'-"-It •atLo..&lho7. 0 ... " saw (lla'r90~ .......... ft : e'I"NIII "'a. uauc Pl.aou '700 0 !RD1 • Aft. 0 oM._ • I" .......... DAT.N9CI?T W&'la-...DU -- CHA RLE S LEHMAM ness adminJstratloo. He also lla.d pursued graduate stur:ties at l5C and Callfond.a state College at Los Angeles. He Is currently active in the Kiwanis Club ol Greater Allilhelm, serves on the board of director s ol the United Fund 1o the Anaheim area, and is president of the Irvine UtUe League. Future pla.Ds call for reloca- tion oft he Newport C eoter bank- lng om.ce into an adjacent high rtse building scheduled for coo.- structloo soon. SERV ICE Jco>MI'\ I Tl I MOl, LU88 A•a AJID "• .. o••o ••P .uu 140 1 li:. Coaot Rlpwor Cotoa.a .d.al llu Phooo: 81 .. 4140 01'•' Loc•llo••: • U U 'II ... LI DO, MI WPOaT •h PA lM toM IILAM D e1111 la"f'IMI, MIWPOa T • a081MIDM"I DIPT.ITOa l PAJMIOM IIL ..... D PO"I LOCAL M 6 N II'W 6 UI II'D ~a~~o ·aleoloi -AII­ .n.dl'~ ....... , .... .,... COIIOIIA DIL IIAI ...... , UCUUMC .. TII &. Clolt.., .. .,..-.c ·111 • 4PORT ; ' ' \ ' '\ ' KATHERIN ( ROSS DUSTI N HO FFMA N ANNE BANCROFT SAILORS NIP SEA KINGS lAn7 Dllal -"' eor-bo-cot ".......... -dol Mu'o llalt WI-In a rolll.ac -llll<o -llld 1-0 pltobou• doll Fridll to b~ tbo Ollon lbrOIIIII 6 mon Nowport -to ..tl'!ln loolap. • lalt ..... ot lllt s.o 10op ~ mct>t, ar• -.... ill IJ&rbOr aum mer tii.Jebl.ll St.,, Bu'Dttt bid a 10kJr bomw nriiiJ play. ud • r•-~ !!loclo to llo*ol '"" aln&led In lllt lead £-·· EacJoo to .. lf..Dl•'• only nn. 8-S wiD OYtl' H'llt1rlctoD Belell. W1tb botb teama add1ac winl Eltaocta MWed 1t • wUb a MoDiily, t:M Sailors aow 8IJOrl 4-ruo ll)lurrelltbt.llutU.W.,. u 8..4 record, &Dd COM 11 Lut Dlgbt, Edaoo WUI)a4ed 8-3. to 10 apt.ut Fouotala v~, FoUDtalD Valley apUU pmes Estaoel& met Coroaa del Wu to stay lll third pla.ce, 2 p.mes Uld HIUJtfnatoo Beach played oft the pace. Each ot the S Costa Mesa. cooteoders tas 4 pmes lett Friday nfcbt, Huattnctoo before the seasoo eods. Costa Baacb bosts Corooa del U.U, Mesa, with a 5-6 record aod. Est:a.Dda meets FOUDta!D VU.IeJ 5 pmes remalnlnc. lnirtuallY a.t Costa Mesa Pa.rt at 5:SO, tUmlDlted trom the ra.ce. after and Costa Mesa bolts Harbor DARYL CRANDALL takea adftllb.te of a Redlec trlrow to setting the earlY pace. on the same fteld at 8, seeoOO t.se oo a delayed steal 1.00 comes hOme with outet held the Sea K1Dgs Monday, Costa Mea wtllvta1t a.nother Cub tally 1D Saturday's 5A (Jtmlor va.ralty) p.me to 3 hi ts ID Friday's cr ucial Edisoo, aod Costa Mea Park at Costa Mesa Park. Redlea: catcher Boegel n.l.ts lor the cootest, while the sa.t1ors were wlU be the slle of a 5:SO p.me , throw to home plate. Tbe COOs, leaders In the JV league, plcki.D1 .., 6 hits off Matt WUk-between COM IDd FoUDta.J.n MEII'ORTHARBOR !IIS!GM PUBUSHED WEEXLY -PAG£ 10 MOW! THURSDAY, JULY !0, 197! COftOMA DEL MAR, CAL !XCLUSIV! HARB OR AIII!A SHO WIM G AT UGULAR PRICUI NIGHTLY 7,00 &9tlll IN! won 7-2. (Ensign photo.) laaon, who struck ot.t '1, An Valley aDd Ill 8 o'clock CODtest 1 L I to b k lnfteld error, a wtld pick-olf between Huottortoa Beach and NO HIT BID by CorODI del ~;;.==================::;~. oca s con mue come ac attemptaod Ooket"sblorlesad-Newport Harbor. ,..; pitcher Bob Palmer wu I died WllkiflSOo with the Joss, Next Wednesday, Fooota.lD IPOfled Jut week oo WedDes 'Di Newport Harbor's American Ranebo PacUlca pttcbiog with althOugh oo earned rtmS were Valley is at HUDtiDgtoa Be&cb da)' wbto be pft 'C) a hit nners Legion baseball team, contlnu~ 3 tor 4, 1oc1udlng an RBL scored. aDd Estancia visits Costa Mesa. to 'tbe le&d-off batter 1n the ing its comeback after a dismal SUDda)', catcher Dale Ktmes-Last week on Wednesday, at Costa Mesa Park at 8. 'ltb lBolDc. Tbe s., Klnp: went early-season start, beatRanebo ka.'s 3-ruo bomer sparked a COM topped Costa Mesa 6-4 Varsity Sta.od.ings 00 to Y1D 6-4 a.od stay atop Pacifica 4-2 and Fountain Va.l-5-ruo Harbor I.C>fls1Dg 1D the and Newport Harbor bombed Corona del Mar ••.•• · 8-3 the Hubor summer ~U ley 10-5 last weekend. The bottom of the 8tb, bl'eakln.g a Estancia 12-1 to set .., the Newport Harbor •....• 8-4 Y&ratty stadop local youngsters have DOW woo 5-5 tie. Newport bad t:ra.lled b1g game. Corona del Mar's Fouotain Valley ••.••• 6-5 • -4 of their last 5, and staDd 4-2 going loto the 7th t.on1ng, Bob Palmer was worldng oo Costa Mesa· • • • • • • · ·5-6 B I d 4-2 In second-round Legion when shortstop Bob Dean's 2-a DO-hitter until he gave up Esttncla.. • • · • · • • • • ·5-7 ucs avore play, out tr!llle knocked In Z runs, a lead-off single 1n the '7th Edison •••••••..... 3-f> Complete game pitching ef-aDd centertlelder Mike Yost against Costa Mesa. Harbor's Huotlogtoo Beach ••••. 2-7 to Wl'n f"lfl e torts !rom Dan Quisenberry sln&led ·Oeon bOrne with the Carl Tahll lost a oo-hlt bid HARBOR AREA and Jim Dean keyed last week-go-ahead run. A FolUltaJn Valley aga..lnst Estancia on a second-· , end's wins. Qu.tsenberry 3-blt run ln the top of the 8th put 1nning stogie. A 7-run 6th Lnnlng BASEBALL C~~b 1':!ck ~;:.,~er:. er::e Rancho Pacifica Sahaday and the visitors back lnfrootbefore featured Newport's wiD, 0 e K8 es Ye 0 Dean overcame 3 error s behind the 5-rWl Harbor e:wplosloo put Tbe front-runners stayed • • • ~~ pr19=b ~=~ to blm to stop Fountain Valley the pme awa.y. Bob Dean's ahead Monday when Corona. del J .V. LEAGUE f e foott».ll hi. toes~: on Sunday. 3 hits led the tocaloffensewhile Mar was happy to get 4 un-erence c mp ....,, flrst baseman Jotm Palmer his brother, Jim, held Founta.tn earned runs and a 4_2 win (through July 17) by a vote at the SCC sports led •• H bO ~ k 1 t Vall yIn eh--k · rdl H bO ~-ed Darts Ctlbs., ••••••• 9-2-1 information directors. u•e ar r a .... c ap ns e ..... . over ~ son. ar r :.loi!IY R Dod 8_, The p•-t bo tied tor W'ld B'll k I bytakln aH9do ea gers........ .. .. .. es, w I I See S reye nge ~r~ from :o~mta~ va~l~: TeWtnlde Redlegs •.•• 5-5-1 tbe conference title last season Edison's Mike Alba, demor-Ensign Braves .•••••• 5-6 W"tth SaDta Ana am went on alized by 2 errors, walked 1D Kaiser Gla.nts •••••.• 3-5-2 to tbe state playoffs, ptd:ed •·Wild Bill" Cody, whO cap-Among the top competitors 2 n. th sld sh ld Llnc:o\D Phlllies .•• , .• 1-9 ~ 3 tlrst ptace fotes, a ZDd, tained the losing Irwlndale Cody must fa ce are Rick. Woods runs a er e e ou L E G U E a 3rd,. for a total of Z2 polots Eagles In last F'rlday's dehut and Steve Ba.st , the one-two have been out ln the 4th Inning A A A A Fullerton wu picked for 2Dd of motorcycle team radng at punch that sparked tht Costa against, COM. A mis-played (through July 17) 1o tbe bi.Uotiog, oabbla( 2 t1rst SERVED 5:00 TO 8 :30 P.M . MONDAY THRU SATURDAY SOUP•ENTREE•BEVERAGE ---=2=·:..=.9-=S _ __J . SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH DINNER • PRIVATE PARTIES DANCING FAOM ROCK TO BACH :1Kl1 E COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR 676.Q900 . TNI IImST SNOW D1 ITS QIO Of TttE IISSISStPPl! 1972 Orange county Falr~ounds Mesa Uons to a 40.32 win nelder 5 choice and ao error Ensign Braves ••.••• ·• 7-1 place votes aDd nckiDg ~ 19 speedway, will seek r~venge over Cody's Eagles last week. In right n.eld pve the Sea. Ensign Dodgers.,, •.• S-1-2 points. Coach Ernie Johosoll's l~~~~~~~~~.l~h~ts~F~r~ida~y ~ni~gt~tt ~a~s~<;r"ra tch Woods, capta.in of the brand Kings their other 2 rWls. Edt. Davis Cubs •.•••.•. , 5.5 Cerritos Falcons were selected and handicap racing returns new Lions, and Bast, Lions' son picked up 8 htts agalnst Kaiser Giants .•.•••• 5-5 for 3rd. be ' id led (h 6 Mallory and Wilkinson, tnellld- to the Costa Mesa oval. ~~~ r Me~ etr~am tot! vi~~~ Jng run-scoring hits by Lou JR. BASEBALL Defeodlng co-champ Santa In Its opening match. Woods Casselle and Mike Macoy. Ma-LEAGUE L. EADERS ~ ~s pic~ed for 4tb.,ta= ' •~~ coy pitched the last 2 innings ego esa wu: also beat Cody in a • .....,match and gave the Sea Kings their (through July 17) tor 5th aod Mt. San Alltoolo race. only 2 hlts. AA -8th graders 6th. , r&rh Annual SOUTHLAND & GARDEN ----- alcaurseQ Preliminary heats start at Home runs by Hook, Herberts Rea Dodgers • , .•••• , 12-2~1 OCC ha.s mucb of Its 71 8:15 • and Folsom propelled Harbor TeWlnkle Cards •••••• 12-2-1 Utle team returoiog, lncllldlng Team racing will be featured to a come-trorn -behlnd win Lincoln Astros .• , ..• 11 _2_1 q11U'terbaciF: Alvin White, who every other week at Costa Mesa. against Fountain Valley. five TeWlnkle PhllUes • • • • 9-Z-3 set a school single seasoo pas- On alternate weeks, tans will of the Sailors' 7 hlts were Ensl"" Dod-rs ••.••• 11-3 slng mark last year, completing see scratch aDd handicap &"' &~ 99 f 212 lals for 1 483 events, which built tile Costa for e:ctra bases. Six errors, Lincoln Cuds • • • . . • . 7-4-4 ° . aer • Mesa track lnto the most popu-8 walks and 2 hit batsmen A -'lth graders yard& • .. ~~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,_. u.r n ctng stte tn tnelipeedwa,y ~ded the Harbor cawoe. fouo-TeWlDkle Redlegs •..• 11.1 SEE TH E PRO GR&ODE RS Racing Assn., wlll.ch sanctions ta.ln Valley raked 3 Newport Enslgn Braves •..•.•• 11-! Orange County professional this type of cycle racing tn hurlers for 9 hits. including Kaiser Cubs ......•• 10-2 football fans will have an op- Southern Califdrnia. a bases-loadedtriplebycatcher Mariners Dodgers .... 9-3·1 portunl.ty for a cJose-IC) took SHOW JULY 14-23 ANAHEIM CONVI~!TION C INTII f•lr c onditioned J ••••••• ! LEE MARVIN& &ENE HACKMAN DUCK FEET FINS BLEMISH MEDIUM •• LARGE -EXTRA. LARGE - 695 PAIR SHOW MOUltS: 5-11 p.m. Weekdays Noon · 11 p.m. Satufdoy• Noon · 9 p.m. Sunday• ADULTS •••••••• •2..M JUNIOIIS • , ••••• 1.00 --··--- Cody, veteran rider from Clarence Austin and 3 hits and Kaiser Giants • . . . . • • 8-4 at someottbelr favorite players Garden Grove ts currPnlleader 2 RBI's by Jeff Churchwell. COM Redlegs ...•..• 8-4 when the Los Angeles Rams ln the SRA ~lnt ranklngs with fountaJn Valley dumped Co -BB -6th graders aoo San otego ctargers ta.o.gle 3SS. steve Bast's yo~mger bro-sta Mesa 4-2 last Friday as Zone 1 Braves .•..•.. 10-2 1n an uhlbltlon scrimmage at ther, Mike, is on his heels Bob Patterson fa ced the mini-Zone Z Astros .•••... 11-0 UC l at 2 p.m. Saturda.y,JW.y29 • with 347. The riders also race mum 12 batters In a strong Zone 3 Pirates .. , ..• 10~3 Admission to the event, spon- tor pri.ze money at costa Mesa 4-innlng stint, and Doug Zels-Zone 4 Pirates • . • . • • 7-4 tared by the Blc I Boosters, and other SRA tracks. sDer mopped ~ the last 3 Zone 5-7 Pirates •...• 8-3 Is $2 for adults and $1 tor ~· ~ tt nu rH ... ,. tvu Mfow Woods of c osta Mesa and tnntngs. Base rWlning beat Co-Zone 6 Cubs • • • . • . . • 7-2 students. ProcHda wW llelp r-----==::..::.=...;..::;..::_:_:;..:::;.::::.;__a Steve ~st of van Nuys' are sta Mesa, as 3 of the 4 rv B -5th graders floaoce the educattooofdeserv- both forme~ national ~way ruos got into scoring position Zone 1 Astros ••••••. 10~ 1n« Jtud:eot athletes at OCL 1.--::--:-------:::---:::--:--=====-=_J champions. on stolen bases. Shortstop Bill Zone 2 Cubs •.. , , •.. 10-0 Hattl.eld scored all the way Zone 3 Redlegs .••••• 11-2 trom seeood on an Infield hit Zone 4 Astros •..•. , • 8-3 to furt her dazzle the Mustangs. Zooe 5-7 Astros ••••• 10·1 Hatfield had stolen 9eCond. Zone 6 Braves •.••••• 10·1-1 In a game last Friday night, TOU RNEY DA. TES SET Edison rode Alba's strong arm a.nd the hitting of Wineberger, Macy, Selwood UM1 Alba to an 11-2 romp over Estancia. Alba. gave ~ 1 unearned run and struck out 8 In 5 innings. Set- wood cracked a 3-run homer. Newport Beach's city-wide tennis tournament will be beAd July 29-30 and August 5-6 at the Ha.rbor hJgh scOOol aDd Mariners park tennis courts, 1 Tl-2 Ti•• 3 ·Ti .. , spoosored by tbe parks, beaches home, turolshed, DUCK FEET FINS Edison dropped an extra- inning 5-4 dedsion to Hunting- ton Beach last week on Wednes- day when pitcher Mott singled and left field Stlmmler doubled In the 9th to win H. Edison had gooe ahead 4-3 In the top of the 9th after the regulation 7 tnnlngs ended In a 3-3 dead- lock, Edtsoo's Scott Desrosiers dJU eYerytblng but sell the popcorn, as the little infielder llad 4 bJts, 2 stolen bases and. and recreation department. AU » .....4a • len .............. I. ,I) 2., 3.00 may enter whO uveputlctpated 21 ...,.,, ,. 30 ...niJ. ...... 100 !.00 4.00 In the recreauoo department 31 ..,. to ., ..... ··-·· 100 .c.OO .s.oo tennis Iessoos anytime trom fech .,..,.4 ...,.. «) ~... .05 . 10 .IS 50' x 10' double expando. Nice adult park. Close to ocean. 642-1162. -REGULAR - -EXTRA-SMALL - • SMALL -MEO! UM - LARGE -EXTRA-LARGE - -SUPER-EXTRA-LARGE - ---· ............ _ .. ... _ .. _ All R .Arlcin •• a run batted ln. Doug Maosollno's 3-ruo summer, 1971, through sum-l~~~~~~;~~~;.-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-;-~-··~ GARAGE SALE --Antiques, mer, 19'12, Chillese lmportl:, carvlng:s, bra.s& trays, old draperies, LEGAL MOnCI commercial and pro~ ANONYMOI.S clothing, shOes, tntciF:- tesslooa.I oftlcea _ from $75 Pboae 542-7217. P.O. Iaacks, turnlhae. Now In ~ • on North Newport Blvd, No. 12Z~, Costa Mesa. storage. 27Z1 (rear) E. Coast opposite H·•a: HospttaJ. Jobo l-;;;o,;g;8EJffi,i£'ffiiiR.VAA":I Hwy., Corona del Mar, at Vop:l, 646 -1675, 1: BEFORE YOUR fenleal alley. on your new carpet-removej-:=:;::::;:::======= them wltb Blue Lustre. Rent e WORK WANTED electric shampooer, $l,OO, Crown Hardware, 3107 East SECRETARlAL WORK, inJmeo. Coast Hwy,, Corona del Mar. CfiPhlnc. ootar)', ud small bookkMPlnr acCOQDU, Call 6"13-4050 afteruoono. -lor .... ·. -. Newport Beach Ballloo Balboa Island Costa Mesa lido Isle ear-del ·- MINT CONDITK>N HOME wrt'H OVERSIZE SUN- DECK, VIEW OF lULLS AND OCEAN. $69,500 • • • • EXTRA SHARP HUNTINGTON BEACH 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, ELECTRIC BUILT -INS, SHAKE ROOF, NEW CARPET, REPAINTED INSIDE &Olrr. $34,500 • • • II! WE STILL HAVE SOME EXCELLENT SUMMER RENTAlS. l)Oii Y. f'RJliil<l.lii I Rt:Jll. TOR ' 3250 bst CGast ttiatJwly CDron• del Mar, Ctlifornil Phont: 673-2212 To sell fine property 445 Un•on Bank Tower Newport Beach THE IRWIN COMPANY REALTORS 610 Newport Cent ~ Drive 644-6111 W••·McC.rdle· Rultora BJI:IIPLJII BJI:.U. JI:BTATJI: IIIIJIDIINTIAL AND IUSIHBSS PROP!IITIBS --POi IHTBRBSTBD, PROI'BSSIOHAL COHSIDBJIATION Sl!B 5~1 IIUL ISTATI 21111. C..et Mwy., c.-• U - Ql-2101 LIGAL 140T1CI NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Notice Is bereby e:tven that the Plannlng Commtsslon of the Ctty of Newport Beach wUI bold a public beari.Dg oo the appUcattoo of Shark Island Yacht Club for a Use Permit No, 1617 on property located at 1099 Bayside Orin, New~ port Beach, to permit a re- locatable building aOO tbe sale of aleobollc beverages In con ~ juoctl.on with a temporary club- house. Notice is hereby turtber given that sa.ld pubUc beuing will be held on the 3rd daY ot August, 1912, at the hour ol ?:SO p.m. 1n tbe Couoc:ll Cbambers of tbe Newport Beacb Cll)' Hall, at wbtcb time aod pll.ce any aDd a.n perBOlll interested m&J ap. pear aod be heard thereon. Jaett.e He&tber. Secretary Newport Beac b City PlanDlD&: Commlll.l.on Publbh: JulJ ZO, 1972, iD !be Newport Harbor EuliD. LIG&I; 14011CI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARlNG Notice ta hertbJ ci•eo that the PllnDiDc Comml.uSoa ot !be City o! Newport Beacb will ·bold 1 poblle bolrlDc oo tile II>Pllcolloo o! R-B. Gnlll .Corp. m a U• Permit No. 1619 oo property locllld not- orb' of s..,...l.,. A.-t.od -IJ o! Wnt Caul Hlp- ftJ 1<> permit 11M! «&1>1101 of LEG.+.L NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Notice Js hereby ctveo that tl'le Planning Commtssioo of the City of Newport Beach will bold a public hea.rlng 011 the appUcattoo of Western federal Savings & Loan for a Use Per- mit 1618 oo property located at 2744 E. Coast Hlgbway, Co- rona del Mar, to permit are- locatable building as the tem- porary BrancbSafinpand Loan o.mce. Notice is bereby twtber pven thai sald public heorlll( wlll be beJd oo the 3rd day ol AaiUBt. 19'72, at the bour of 7:SO p.m. tn tbe CouocJl C!amberl ol the Newport Beacb City Hall, at which Ume Uld place lAY and aU person.s laterested mar IP· peu and be beard thereon. Jaekle Heatber, Secretary Newport Beacb Cit)' PilDDiDI Commlssloo Publlsb: Jaly ZO, 19'1Z, Ill tile Newport Harbor EasliD. LIGAL NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING Notice Ia blreby lfYto lblt !be PloaDloa Commt-or tile City of Newport Beach will hold l pobUe bolrlllf oo tile appUeatloa. ol Jam• W, Read, Jr. lor l llot PtratU 11o. 1&15 .. propori:J loelledat 114Aplo AYIIM, Balboa J.aiiDd, to Pll'• mit commM'etal dlttlopmtlit oa tbl llnt floor ud rlll- dtatlal-• .. tllo --Ia !be C-1 Dlltrlet. • ·-""'""· Hallet II borobf -~~·-HoUce II bortl!y !Wtlw ~~-IIIII atc1 peKe biUiliC wiU be tbol atcl pabKe bolrllc wtU be blld .. 1111 111'11 dlJ of ,..., bold oo tbt 111'11 diiJ of A ...... It'll, at tllo -" 7:10 ,.... 10'11, at !be -" 7:30 , ••• ta Ute ec-cs.l CIIUDbln oltM ta tile eo.eu C•re.r• otat 11-' -CIIJ Rail, at """"'" -CIIJ' Rail, at ,_ u.o ud p1oeo U1J IIIII ..-111M ud ..... U1J ud aU,.-....... .,_,.,_ au,.-... ·•mall t-.,.,... -ud IIIIIIU'd ... _ -~~~~ --··-lac*IIIIMn-ltc:rtllr7 .~act~e w.or, ••= t " • pa~t e.a'CIQ ... ,,., 8lldl Cltr .::.....c-·1_.. P...._C.•' I a p 11• hiiJ 10, 1 .... 1o Pril r•· llllr 10, 1 .... It .............• ,.. .. ....... , ..... a...., -NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN T!IURSOAY, JULY 20, 1972 ...... ' ·~ Newport Beach Balboa Balboa l5land Costa Mesa 1'\Jil.ISHEO WEEKLY -PAGE II CORONA DEL liAR, CAL •. ,_ c ;;._ __ ~Lido Isle CorOI)a ·del Mar i;~i;!;;; Real Estate '!' ~ -.. . , ... • ofuuk3J. JIIESTI&E WATERFRONT HOMEs SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 5J Lincl• Isle Drive Elegant 5 bdnn., 41h baths; on lagoon. New ~·~~· s~r:pe~ -~-~au_~~~~:-~~~~&~~ 3 Lind• lal•· Drive Open Sunday Beautiful new 5 BR., 4lf.a Ba .. home. Water· front living rm. & formal dining. Handsome oak paneled fam. rm., frplc, wet bar. Large master suite has frplc. & rory lounge area. View of Bay &:: the mountains ..... $179,500. 1 1 Linda Isle Drlve-Open Suncby Completely furn. 5 Bdrm., 41h bath bom_e. Lge. waterfront living rm. with. floor _to ce11. marble frplc. Formal dining rm., famdy nn., maid's rm .. Pier & ~lip ......... $195.000. 57 lind• Isle Drive Custom 4 BR.. 31,~ ba. home on LaJ!:OOn. Mstr. BR. has sitting area & frplc. Waterfront family rm w/conversation pit around the frplc.; lovely garden. lge. r-lip ..... $189.500. lOt Lind• Isle Drive Love\v 5 BR .. 4 ba. home with downstair!l: wateifront mstr. suite & lge. game rm. or study. Mex ican tile norm•. beam ceilings, quafity construction. sli p . . . . . ... $155.000. For Complete lnform•tion On All Homes & Lots, Pl .. se Call : BILL GRUNDY, Realtor: fd.ndtin Bktt. at Linde hl .. 341 BAYSIDE DR .. SUITE 1, N.B. 67Ut61 Curt Dosh REALT OR 64Z-&fi Z -en. 67 3·3648 1130 W. COAST HWY. NEWPO RT BEACH Newport lelch Townhouua Ltd. U01 Welt Coett Hwy. ( 714) 675-6120 Phone in Y ot~r Orcler for a Subscription: Call 673-4550 MACNAB IRVIN~ FINER HOMES EXCITING THEUERKAU~F DCEAN~RONT Spacious 3 BR. & separate guest bouse I overlooking cameo Sbores most secluded private beach. Lg. formal DR .. FR .• walli: in tret bar, private patio. Sparkling pool. ~:'::hoba:~:th in master suite. Luxury , " Appl. only. SPACIOUS SECLUSION Is yours 1n this beauUiul one--of-a-kind CUI- tom home. Room for your aranct piano. Swim a. IUD In oversized pool. One ollai'- IUIIollln Weslclill. Room lor your mol<>r liome a, boat -oil street parting. I BR'o., 31100 sq. ft. Borbara Aune MU2SS. I'M CYNTHIA •.• LIVE WITH Mil I'm a -I.J .... s BR. & den -011 o quiet -_Just tile p1..,. I<> nlso o family. ONLY.-,teO. : a ..... .....,a u a __ .......... -• aaa .. e au •••••••••••••••••••• BAYFRONT EXCLUSIVE . 73 FT. FRONTAGE ON BALBOA PENINSULA 5 BEDROOMS -4 BATHS $295,000 APPOINTMENT PN L Y I ORIGINAL L HARBOR VIEW HILLS ' HOME R Sparkling VIEW AND POOL. Close 8 to everything ••• except your neigh- bors. Call for appointment to see It! Newport -Corona •1 Mar • Ce.t• Mete CoRBIN-MARTIN] . --7662 BAY CREST PRICE REDUCTION CUSTOM BUILT AND SPACIOUS - Three bedroom, dining room home. Classic decor, beautiful courtyard witll fountain, large gourmet kitchen and breakfast room. Built-in tem- perature control. Priced now •••• $79,500 Offko Doon 5otunloyo & 54ondoys PETE BARRETT REALTY •• w-~~<-IIU. 642-52110 •••••••••••••••••• MLS SALES REPORT Sales through the Mulltple Listing Service of tile Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors totalled $72.9 million in the first 6 months of 1972. THIS IS A 35% INCREASE: OVER THE SAME PERIOD OF 1971 ! 2,354 new listings were processed, of which 69% WERE SOLD! 64% of the sales were cooperative. List your property with a Realtor. 1 ;t. .1 1 1 1 ,.~...,t-a;,.t.a. a. ....... ! I 1 1 -I -, when you want1o sell or buy a house JniJt Look fOI' this seal, which only a Reattor -a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics as a member of the local end state boards end of the Netionll Association of Rell Estate Boards- is licensed to dill)fay. MULTIPLE LISTING GETS RESULTS! BUYING or SElliNG, your best assur- ance of a good deal is the integrity and experien~e of y~ur REALTOR. ' • Taps fir fut ICIIIn \ CDM • PEOPLE OVER 30 AVE WITH FARMERS 30/60 AUTO PACKAGE I Phone 548.-5554 Tuck & Pete Rabbiu l'fi.J Huhr lhtl .. Cesla .lllf's• P4~!RS I~SURAMCI C.OUP PERFECTION We like to think that our new "GoldeD Touch" new car program will present to you the buyer as perfect an automobile as humanly possible. Every new car ia etpertly tuned, hand polished aDd then road tested for a mtnlmum of twenty miles to double check actual operati.Dc per- formance, Come In aod see for yourRll the dUference this e1cluslve service m&ket LD that new car you've been tl11nking of baying. Slocerely, President Vice-President ' MARINERS CHURCH Ill. ,. 'It!!'. ... 1!: ... Ill ft. D. .... :-:_au' • 1 1 ... _, ..._ ::':&. t =· ..JI!.i.':.lr.i·..,,.t-.. I 5$ -y ICIIIOL •••• , • , 1:011 Ul, warn• --.. 1:011• 1o,u A.M. lfUMO .. ftcl •. ..-. ~ . '1:00 P.ll. co•IIAD&MAII ... ,, ...... ls IAIIIUII.AJIO DIMW .. doallll -llle -aida IIIII---· llold al -. ... IIIII looolill, u 'hll u tbo IIDHI pruerlp- ,..,.. -• 1111 1o tldlk ot Uoo lltYieo aftllablo IllY- _..,. UU lllaYiaf. bot tbo wboro, Nit our fl1oaclly plar- talb' ,.., ... , ot -· 11 _,_ Yoo or ,.... doctor .... 1M .-alloo -wbleb moot -,_. prooerlptloo to I( IIUO -lllmiUar, BAYSIDE PHARUACY1 In Bay. Of DMD wbo lbiYI tttrJ ciaJ, aldt CtDttr, plloDt '"~3040, IDIDJ oompWn ~ lACfOWD &ad we'll blve it wattlDg tor a.Jrw. Tbut are calllld by 1CMl or we'U deUnr It, at DO too dOIIIJ, bf lb&Yiq tJtra CIW'IJ, ll TOU prefer. tbt: cratn or, Ja tpllt You abould"" our Jarp•Iec .. on meo wbo II&Yt Uoa ot tloe meG•s tolletrles, beordo. U,.. IO.IIap lo IOOD, roalt1r0111orn, y .. may HANDY HINT, CIIIJIIJlc llle to aa electric lA tbe bl.throom? Use an oJd eula lbe 1111r IDolbllrlllb ~ to rubbiJlc alcobol • • • ICJ'ubl, cleans l'U(W' ud keepsmlldnfromformlng. --(Adv,) SOUTHLAND & GARDEN SHOW JULY 14·23 ANAHIIW CONVENTION CINTII f•lr conditioned I SHOW HOURS: S.ll p.m. Weekdays Noon-11 p.m. Sofurday1 Noon -9 p.m. Sunday• ADULU •••••••• •2.00 ........ ----.. -.... --··---- ave a good vacation-- l.fT &it CLEAN AND RESTORE YOUR DRAPES TO LOOK LIKE NEW! EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEED DRAPERY CLEANING Orap•ry Cl.aning. Perf.ct regard/en of the oge of yo11r dtopery, or 100 Y. replacement if cleanable. • No WlftMNIHt .,..,..,,...,.... • ltautffvl Decorator 'ltatt • No Shrlnkatt • Hew or.,.,let with Cofrt bchnfwt 5 ,..,.,.,.,.,.," • Dr.,.nu ltMMt or • 'trlect fwtfl Htm1 Alterttl • Water Stain lamnal • Drtptrlts a.,.rrM Or.,.,.., Hlr4wtra h"taiiH aM le,.lrH BE UT COlT tNSfAU NEW DUPES w. !lowe • , ... ~,. llildiot! •f lot.rln to ,..~eo .. "'' _, '""''"''-''~· ''"'' DUPERY SERVICE 10% OFF fOil CASH & CARll 540-1366 "' ... CMI c...._. 642-0270 ~-·--......... u.,.r .. .... "" ........ _ .. _.., .... .w ... _ ... - .. , 'IIIRJJirJ-- -·1. •••n.uw liT • ... I effor -If If '