HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-28 - Newport Harbor EnsignCOM youth IN AFRICA, David Gray, at r(3ht. of Cameo Shores, crosses the Black Umta.lost River with fellow hiker Dave McKDI«ht of El Toro and Zulu guide Masuku. The Fullerton State student spent 2 weeks to Africa's bush country on a spectal Scoutl~ scholarship. New arrest ~'-.l!t19 ., .11op i n dope case -<A~R<V~Oa.-Ec:. ~H~~::A.,...AcP.,...A;::,,.-.:o;:,.w-c;n~e<r ~an<:d>'Cpu,..bc:::l~i s~h.,...e0r ..cof;:,..c:th;:,.e<E~n<s~i g<n>"' A South Lake Tahoe bar- tender Monday became the 6th person arrested by New- port Beach pollee aDd other agencies investigating a.n al- leged multi-mUUoo dollar intematiooal cocaine smug- gllng ring. Newport Cletecttves ar- rested Mark Stephenson Haller Jr., 28, on a fetleral warrant charglng him with smuggUng cocaine, con- spiracy and raclteteer~.lle was arraigned Monday be- fore the U. S. magistrate in Santa Ana. Newport Detective Sgt. Darryl Youle' sald Haller Is one of 11 persons Indicted. Pollee say coacalne from· the A odes mountains of Peru was smuggled to Tahiti, then to the U, s. and Canada through Hawatl. There have been 3 arrests In HawaU, and 2 of the Indicted persons are stUl being sought, Sgt. Youle s:ald. Arrested earller this month were Newport rest- deals Joe AvUa. 30, of S42 6%nd, Newport Shores, and bJs brother, Serclo AvUa , 26, of 109 41st, West New- port. former Newport resi- dent Stephen Granat, 26, was also arrested, along with Joy Marlene Chaban, 26, of El Toro, and Steven Lloyd Chula, 27, Irvine. Student drop estimate cut Local schools now have 399 students less than ex- pected, the Newport-Mesa Board of Education was told Tuesday 013bt. Earlier esti- mates had run as high as 2,500. Deputy Supt. Norman Loats explaloed that late en- rollmeats have changed the figures. Supt. John Nicoll noted that all school districts 1n Orance Cou nty, except for the booming Saddlebact Val- ley area, are show inc dec lin- lot enrollments. He sald en- rollments ln prlnte schools accounted for oDly a very small part of the public school decltne, Enrollment ln dtstrlct schools was placed at 22,- 993 this week, compared wlth 84,09'1 last year, according to Dr. Loats. He said the~ are 2,2-44 seniors, 2,423 )ullors a.od 2,37 8 lotb grad- ers 1o the hleb schools. The bluest enrollment drop ls amonc lecood-craders, wbete there are 113 fewer tbaa pNCUcted. AD averse• of 2$0 l)lroehJ.al and prlnte tcbool etb-craden loln the dlltrtct'• 9th rrade classes eacb year, be added. '52 Harbor reunion set * REPEAL A BAD LAW Just about the most preposterous and ill-conceived ordinance approved by the Newport Beach City Councn is the so-called Atherton park initiative, which is generating a tremendous boost in the cost of new housing. Dr. Gene Atherton, who, I am sure, is a bleeding heart advocate of low cost housing, has succeeded in doing just the opposite by more than doubling the park requireme:1ts. When his pro- posal was fir st r eveal ed in November, 1975, our City C~uncil received expert testimony in opposition: Parks director Cal Stewart said the plan was not realistic for Newport Beach. He cited a study which showed that the city would have difficulty just maintaining the parks called for in the long range general plan of that day. Tb18 Log also objected, suggesting that the petitioners and others favoring the initiative be required to r eimburse land owners for the property being confiscated by force of law. Of course, I was not at all hopeful that such a safeguard for property ownership would be enacted. But I was rather confident that there would be ''enough sensible and informed voters who know that the park land would not be for free, and that the burden would not fall on the developers, but instead on home buyers and renters." (Contlmled on Page 2) Fireman of year named Captain Jerry Strom, who helped negotiate tbe recent pay locreaHs won by ctty firemen, has been picked by rellow flretlgttters as Newport's fireman of the Year. He wUI be honored Oct. 20 by the Newport Harbor E1cha~e Club at a special luncheon at the Babla Cor- lothian Yacht Club. fire Chief Leo Love, 1n announctnc the choice this week, said Capt. Strom won the award '•for his dedica- tion aDd contributions" to the department, aDd for ''loyalty to his chosen pro- tessloo." Tbe awardee, who is 34, was born tn Seattle, oot grew up ln Sa.ata Ana . He and h1s wile, Yarte, a~ active In n cquetblll and tennis, and Jury ls a recreation leader t.n his com munlty. He Joined tta. Ntw"POrt flre ~mtftt I.D early 1965, Ud came up tbroqab the r&Db 1o bls preHot posi- UoD I.D 1~2. He nrDed a n~ ~eleoce a.uoelatf arts eSter" from SUI& Au Col- lee• I.D 1Vf0• and lt DOW woriElac toward a BA lo pub- lic ad'mJDUtrtUoa. He boldl attn IDitnctor'aratiJ:ICaad lJ a certified bet C roa ftnt aid a.tndlor. Be bU lill"Nd u u acUar battalloa claW at n.rtou um .. dl.rtJIC tbt pUt I ,_,., ud Ia at a- lii ~ beeoaltllacbief o111cer ta tilt IIU llltln. II tm. Cllllt. Rlom wu l)klrad U COIIIIIU1 omc.J' of u.. ,.,. ., 1M toea~ rtaltJ ....,.._ II lfl .. till •oeatto-• lldUtrt&l Cllbl ot ..... 111ft_... .. C APT. JE RRY STROM award for his cootrlooUon In developing s1lldents for careers In Industry, CHUTE JUMPERS TO GO OVER OCC OCC physical ed\lcatlon Instructor Dan J. West- pard plans to cet the )Imp on hls OCC teac~ col- leagues on Tuesday, Oct. 11 ... A sky diYq taltl.latut witb more tb&ll t,eoo Jumps to hls cr«ut, Westpard l1ld 5 other d!Yera wlll jump oat of a Cbtrok" StJ at DOOe. Tl\t Cherokee Su ..w brtJIC the divers over OCC oa tbrM JIUMI. Oot dlnr ww ult oo tbt nnt...., two oa tbt MOODd., tad tb.rH CMI tale third, Tbe Wtd (IOGp wW JDlD 1A a stu ud wtlJ tMa co IMo a '' .eart:.nt.• • TH Its dlftn wU1 )IIJIIP from 7 .soo ,. ud wW free flU IDr s.ooo ,.._ n.,. ww tllln ftoet 1,500 felt uder tM ..... wtlc-tJPI pane--. on ly ,RE ~ Dl~IS Tbt ma!D tbbC Dtl'ld Oray learned f.rom blJ h1b aerou part ol Soattl Atrlea wu that '•Coro• del Mar sure a. a ntee place to lin.'' Dntd., 21, returned tart week from a mootb-looc trip wtllcb locla~ a couple of weeks tn Atrtca 'I bush coun- try, wdchtnc the wlldllte and battling ticks, spiders aDd cblggers. Tbe outiog In- cluded a 35-mlle forced march. African Wbat wu a clean-cut Co- roaa delMar y~ster dol.Qr tn a place like tbat? Dtfld, alooc with 6ttllow-member• ot the oatlooal Explorer Scouting movemeot, wu cnnted a scholarship to the International Wilderness Leadership Foundation Sc hool. The school, run by prominent South African eonservaUonlst Ian Player (brother of top golfer Gary Player), gets young people close to African wlldllfe. ••Mr. Player·•~." ay• Davld, ''is to try to eave the wtldl11e by dtVeloptnc a CI'QlP ot followers who will mow and appreclate tta. a.o- lmals and their eavlrooment, and wbo wtU work toward conse rntion.' • David was cboseD for the trip beeause, Ulte his 6 fel- low Scouts. he had served on the aat1C¥W board of the Explorer Scoutlng move- ment. He ls a put national president of Law Enforce- safari ment Ezplortr ScoutJnc, and Jut Y•r's vlce-prt&tcSe-ot of the toUn oaUooal Ex- plorer procram. He wu a member of the local New- port Law Enforcement Ex- plorer Post, sponsored by tht' Newport Bea<'h Pollee Dept., and as oow the post's assorlate advLSOr. Mr. Player, credited wlth saving the white rhino from extlndlon, began his wtlde r- ness school In 1957 wlthhtgh school studb!ts from South Africa, eii)Uded U to £u- opeu studnts, ud ..,.. takes Amedeu )'VIIIbt tbroach the Seootl.Qr ~ ment. "The 7 or as left New Yo rk on Aug. 25. At our llrst stop to the c.,. v.~ lslaDd.s, we got our rust clue that we were away from home. When 1 tried 1o tate a couple of pictures l.I'CJUD4 the airport, a guard polaled his machine gun at me.'· (Conttoued on Pace I) .--------oFFlOAl MEWWP!R Of llt& OTY Of NEWPO RT "IEAOf ______ llllllill_ .. NEWPORT THE NEWPORT HARIOI BEACH JOe lMI CIIU .... ..,. ,_,.. MtO ~--··· IIMJt TO( COSTA MESA 30TH YEAR, MO. 6 "1ST S ECT IOH THURSDA Y, SEPT. 1 2!, 1977 PH ONE: 673-0550 CD-*A D1L a&AJt, CMJP. I -,.,,. . ~ I. . . FIRST CASH GlfT to the Friends of Oasis is represented by a facstmUe of a $1,000 check preseote<i by president Jean Conner of Newport Area SoropUmlsts to Friends president Grant Howald. The $1,000 will help buy equip- ment for the new Oasis Center for senior citizens at Fllth and Marguerite Ln Corona del Mar. The Friends are volunteers who serve the center. The Soropllrnis t club Is the first servlct~ club to contribute to Friends of Oasis. Council to act on new sign law Arguments over New- port's sign law, whJcb have gone on for more than 5 y~wUl be taken up..aptn Oct. 25 WheD the Clty Coun- cil studies the Plam~ Commission's latest recom- meodatlons on the matter. If the Council goes along with the planners' thlnldng, a new ordinance would cause the following major changes: • A LfMIT of one per- pendicular sign (roof, pro- jecting, or free-staQdtng ) per ooUdlng. For Instance, a business with a Cree -stand- ing sign would not be per- m It ted to have a roof sign. • ROOF SIGNS would re- quire special Plannin.t Com- mission approval. " HEIGHT LIMIT or 25 feet ror free-standing signs, and a slz.e limit of 200 squa r£> feet. • WALL SIGNS would bt> limited to 3 per frontagt', totalling not more than 40 per cent or the business fa ce, wit h a 200-square foot maximum. (The current law has no limit on oomber of wall signs, but restricts total square footage to zoe n.) 1n July, 1972, the Plannlllll Com mission recommended a new algn ordinance for tbe ctty. Sl.oce then, ordloances hue been proposl!fl and okayed by the commission, only to be shot r!own llv thE' City Council. · Io Februar) or this year, the City Coun<'ll Ins tructed the Plannin~~t Cornmlsslon to '• re -codtry" existing sign rules, combining all regu- lations Into one ordlnanre, but without any substantial changes. Chamber of Com- merce reprt'sentatlves have worked wtth the pia~ staff for st-vPral months now in drawing up the latest pro- posal. In pas t yt>a rs, Cham- ber membero; have partlcl- patt"d In sl~n ordinance t1ls- russlons, wt havt' later at- tacked the proposals beforE' the C lty Couno'!l. In June of litis )'ear, the Chamber oH&l lally agreed to cooperate on the la test sign law drnn. The Oct. 25 hearing will be held l1l the City Council buUdt~ In trout of C II) Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. WHICH OF 3 SCHOOLS TO CLOSE? Heariags lllat cou!l1 l£>ad to the closure of at least one local elementary sr hool w Ul continuE> tonl~~tht, SelJI. 29, A special citl2.ens •·om- mlttee appointed by lh!' ~ew­ port-Mesa Boarrt of Ertura- tlon will convent' a puiJJir hearing at 7:30 p.m. at Whittier sct.ool on Costa Mesa's West Side. Eit her Whittier, Wilsonor Monte Vista could be closed within the no!xt year or 2, with the dlstrkt c-ontinua- lion high sc-hool moving !rom Its present McNall) campus location to the elementary sr hool picked for closure. More than 300 parents antl students turned out last Tuesday night at Wilson school to ob~t to thelr school bet~ ~'losf"ff. Last nigh t, at a hearing at their S<-'hool , Monte VIsta parents madP a simtlar pl(>a. Stro~ communit)' support Cor keep- log Whittier open IS e~· ted to come at tonJ~ht'c; hear- Ing. T he r itttens l'OmrTIItt et> IS due to make a reeommenda- tlon la ter thls }ear to the Board of Education, whtctt wUJ havP to make thE' final decision to close one of thE' St'hools, or to lt'ave the con- tinuation htgh sr hool at 1ts present location. One possible alternJtiVP ts to oolld a new s• hoOI bulldinR behind the presPnt McNall y srhool, and c;ell off the rront pa rt or that prop- erty to prtvat~ IIllerests, That c~lternattv~' •us al- readr bt>en opposed 1 \ the Costa Mesa Chamber of Com me r e and the Costa Mesa Tomorro~~o oo•·htov.·n businessmen's ~roup. Th£> entire 7-a~re Ml':\aJI}· sttP Is lnrludE.'<l 1n ltlP f"lt)'c; t1owntown redt'velopmenr plan. Th(> Board o! Educ-a- tion tlect 1P<1 last rear that tht> ~11':-oalJ} sit(> would liE' sold, an 1 tha t th(> hl~~:t• sr:Jool wou h1 lit' movf>d to anothPI lo1·auon b\ September, 117!l. Ue<: linin~ enrollments, WhiCh ha V(> a}rPa•1\' rPSUJt€'(1 tn some Plementarv s• hoot ~'losurPS, elf (' expe~'ted to •:onttnu£>, lrr·ordl~ to sc hool •hstrict proJections. Present s<-'bool board plans ar£> ror on£>elementar)' sr hoot to be dosed ea ch }ear ror the next 5 years. Elementary school attend- a ncP bouodanes wtll be rt- t1 rl'·n. aod students who don't · live w tthln a saft' walking distance of a •·ampus would be oossed, sc-hool officials say. Slim majority for Fifth Ave .. A Corona df'l Mar C1v1• Assn . {C DMC A) traffic su r- ve) ls JUSt about completed, afll1 It still shows that a thin ma)Orlf\ or those re- spollt1tO£ .1 rl' aga mst ex - t ent1tn~ Ftn h Ave. J~'ross Jasmtn(> ~;UIIj . Bur. 1t also 500"" that an over~~o·heln.ulr numller of rt-spoMents llv<' north of ( l.last H"'\ ., wtterP antt-f'lrtt. Ave. sentfmpnt IS ·Stronc ... st. RPsults rat(JiatPcl Tuest1:n It\ 'PMC A SPr rptan !!(>len W~1ss show thesP.anc;~·~>rs m the mail '>1J rvey: • \\pr" you rontariP,ldur- lnc the official \p~'P()rt liea • h traf!tc c;u rv• \ 2~2 \It, ·H 'ES. • r avor F'tfth .\v~. £1\.- tE'tLSion" 123 'ES, J";8 \0 , 13 f>lt hl'r nPutral or no answ~r, • 'Woul•l ltw ext .. nston bt> wortt tho> tn• on\ em"'n e to thOsP llvtnr near t Uth 11 4 ' ES, lO'l 'll, b8 no •1ertnflt' answP r, • Shou\1 st~nal<: lion.: Coast Hw' be toettt>r S)n- r h roruzt>~1'' :?46 ' C:S, -tl -;( '· 11 no rlPhrutt> anc:wPr. the Fltth Ave. e1tenslon, ~od on restrirtl~ left turM off Coast Hwy. The oUt eta I clty SUrvey W1lS ronducted S<' ltD- tlltcall) b) a professloaal fi r m. The CDMC A survey 1S b)' mail to CDMC A members onl). Mrs. Weiss said 560 questtonnaues wer t' sent to 280 households, ~~o•lth 220~o­ li1l' to addresses north of the h~.ghwa) and 340 south of th£> hi~hwa). ThE' surve} questtonnalres wer t' malled I)Ut tn late August and have hf>en trtcklin~ m since then. Onlr about 33 per cent of the south-of-ll.lrhway mem- loershlp, whll h would be ex- p~>rted to more readily favor t hP F 11th Ave. extension, has respond eel to the survey. Howt'vPr, about 84 per rent of north -<lf -the-hl4th'W1.)' resirtents h.avp respooded, Ja) Smtth, prf'sldent of COMCA, Is Pxpected to call 1 ~eneral meet!~ soon to evaluate tht' survey results aM decldf. what a<'tton, ll an)·, CDMC A v.·tJI take. The official Neltport • MAlNTENANCE rules would be tightened to help Improve physical a~ar­ ance, aod removal of signs no longer needed. Cannery hearing Oct. 6th • Should IPft t\1 rn.c; off <. oast Hv.). lw:> rt>strll'te•1 to Sl!'naltz('(l t ntPr~·, lions 120 YES, I: t '0<\ -rl('t rte!imte answer. He:l <.'h surve) ts now bel.ng studlerl h}' the ctty's traffk affairs c-ommittee and traf- fic eng1neers, to determine .1 priority for ra rryi~ out projects suggested by thE' poll. • BIGGER SIGNS wou ld be '"llowed In admlnistratlve- professlonal zones (office buUd~s, banks, etc.} and ln neighborhood commercial zones (mlni-shopplng cen- ters, barber shops, retaU stores, etc.) wbere the limit would be raised to 100 square n., lnstead of the present 35, aDd total s1«ns would be restricted to 3 per oosi- ness. • REAL ESTATE signs would be permUted on resi- dential and commercial property for ale, but could not exceed 3 square teet and could not co rUin the oa mu or buslness 1dentlltcat1on of l(eots -~st phone oum- bers. Tl\ls last restrlct1oo on real .tate sips wUI prob- ably be attack«! by the naJ estate lDdastry. Last week's '•Sc:uttltbltt." tbe omdal MWIItCt•r of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mea Board ot RMUors, coatt.ads that ..,_u• •mu lbcNld be al- )owtd, Ill aecorduce with ncs coart nlill•· Mew- port cay AttorMJ o.-ts O'Mellcblrr ... AIIDCMr 11'"1P ot nal ... tat. ......., led bJ Jl• Wood ot Con. cW Mar. Ia..,.... UJr.ltllll.tellpl..-r-111 oe ......... , praptrtJ, Hearl~s on the future of Central Newport and Can- nery Vlllagt' wUI contloue at 7 p.m. Tuesday, 0<'t. 6, at Newport Beach C tty Hall, The city PlaMlng Commis- sion ls drawlng up a •· speclflc art'a plan'' for the area's overall future de- velopment. A coocept plan wlll serve as the basis for future zon- Ing chaOIZes and off-street parking. Overall goals of tbe plan, arco rdln.-: to city comrnumty dc?velopm£>nt th - re<'tor Rt chard Ho£an, llr£1 ''to rtevPiop a plan to resolvE' exlsttng orientation, al cess and parlu~ prot.IE'ms, to lmprov(' the vtsual environ- ment, to de\•elop a plan to preserv(> the ma rine ser- viet' and r(>palr oosint'sses In Cannen VIllage, and to prohibit eocroarhmt'nl of separate resldE.'ntta I usts." Messy trees to remain Those stately -but messy -eucalyptus trees oo fourth An. ln Corona del Mar wtll stay, the Newport Beach Park$, Beaches aDd Recrea. ttoo Commlsslon dtcldf'd Tuedy ntpt. The dKlstoo to ltlVt the trees a.-•t poplllar wttbJ&M Kerr, 400 Martcok1. Wrs. Kerr AYI tbt ,_.llnllavu make a mea of btr oetp- borbooct. h tYIO Weal 10 tar u to aJ.st tbt help or a radio statloD to try to ret tbt ~ nmoftd. ~ '•ombadlm&a" •nlee ot KABC, tbt ••ta~t n4io"ltl-t._ ta Loe .......... wrot. a ,....., to CltJ Hall oa Mrs. K.,..., btllall. ,.. \titter' ... ~ "htud&J .._ bJ tM PBR c .......... tilt ..... mous I1P<'Islon was to leave the trees alone. ln 'keepl~ wlth city poli<'y on keep~ as many trees as possible. COM C.C. TO HEAR HEW POLICE CHIEF Ne1fll0r1's new pollee chief, Charles Gross, wlll address a noon lunchtOn meettnc of tt..e Corona del Mar Cbambtr of Com men-t today, ~. 29, at th• IIlla SWeden l"dtturaot. Hls topic, "ln search of • »»" wtll dtiJ wttll bls obMrntJoos of tM com- 1111.aty ud hu 4tc11rtmtll'a •nteeto tt.RtliPPKted to talk abolft niiUoM 1:11- rw .. ~ ud tbt eom- ....atJ. ud dlftM aomtloll "-1111"101.&.~ • Do vou ltvP no rill or south of l oast Hw\ 184 ~orth, t 13 Sout11. Th£> :"l ewport BPac h sur- V£1\, takf'n earlier th1s \ear, showerl a dtffer£>nt result on Re-synchroniting th.- < oast Hw). traffic signals and elimination of some lett- turn lanes were suggested b) the CityCouncU as highest pnorlt)· Items. Downzone drive goes on Promoters of a voter ln- latlvt' t~t would bQll apart- ments In part or North Costa MeS3 went ahead this week with their pt>tiUoo drive, In th~ wake or a SUpertorCourt JUdge's decision that thetr pt>tltlon Is DOC lllepl. l"o rtb Costa Mesa Home- owner A~~. vlce-presielem Paul Otehl estimate<! that 4,000 voters ban already slgot>d up. Only 3,600 a~ needed to quaUty the mea- sure for next Marcb's muru- c lplll baJ lot, but Ur. Dtehl said hls group hopes to rtt 5,000 si(oa.tures. He said be tJI*tS to tun tbt petttJoo OYtr to Ctty Clerl EUttO Phlaney wttbLD 2 w..U. M•mrhUt, Anti Dt- velopef'l ll.ld they wru CO a*d wttb plau 1o t.Ud 5U apartm..u Met 1!.1 SlDClt-bllJ bDmM CMa 48 acrea •ltb of S• OMeo Fr....., ud .... of bth Cout P1ua. Tbe ~ all.-' UaG pro)lct cc.ld bl ...n aar ftJ battDn tbt lllal'c.b el(>ctlon, uDl•ss the North C ost.a Mesa Homeowners carry out a threat to get a temponry court ln)lDCUoo haltl~ de•elopment.. Costa Mesa Clty CouncU apprond the ~ntrourstal project earller this year, onr the ob}4!<'tloM of lt.s ptanrur. st.att. Arnel's attempt to bn• the pet1t1011 declared Ulepl was deated last w..t by SQperlor Court In Sa.ala Aaa. Arnel's attorneyr l&ld CbtY wUl now fO abti<S w1tb a $Z.5 mmtoo dam&ee •U actlnst tbt petJtioe IJ'CIIIP. PUBI.oBiliD WEEXLY, 01 Tllatd.J, Seeoad Claas PNtac• Plld a.l Coroa dtl Mat, C&Ut. Ntw.,_r offtc. aod prllllar piUI IAIOO Eulp O.IJdblc, !'!tl E, Coul Hwy .. Coroaa del Yar, Calli. 9!625. PHONE: 873-0550, THE NEWPORT HAR- BOR ENSIGN ....,, ad)J.d(td to be a MWJDII)tr of IIQ· 1977 tral elrculatton by court PIU~~~~~: decree No. A.ZOti8, dated M.ay .14, 1951, lD Superior Court tor the County of Onpge, Stlteof~allforDJ.a, ud bJ riiiiOD tbereof Is QUIIltlf!d IO publlsh all pub- lic ooUces rerJ&Iredby law, THE NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN Is the legal oows- paper for tbe City of Newport Beach and publtshes all public notices for the c:Uy. ARVO E, HAAPA , •• , , , ••• Owner and Publisher PEG HAAPA . • . . . . . • • • . . Assoc late Publisher ll:epreW!"'ed No1io-.olly b~ ...:1 ~ U.S. SUIIUII:IIANPIIESSINC.~ AUDITED IY ~t SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR SUBSCRlPTION ••••••••.•••• $ 6,00 TWO YEAR SUBSCRIPTION •• , • , • , ••• , . , $10.00 ~~.. .I!Of "' .!lop ARVO E. HAAPA, owner and publisher of the Ensign (Cootlnued from Page 1) I was quite sure also that tne proposed property confiscation ordinance would get a weir deserved licking at the polls in an initiative election. But I was not counting on the abject surrender of our City Council, who approved the Atherton scheme as an ordinance, without letting the voters decide. Now there is a rude awakening. The enormous added cost of coc1plying with the ordinance has come as a shock to the Council members, who also, I am sure, readily give lip service to the need for rower cost housing. While they are seeking a way to get out of the dilemma, they should tour the parks already in our city, and marvel at the amazing lack of use of that vacant land. They probably won't find even Dr. Atherton at any of the parks. Then the Council should check up on our beaches, and disc,over that our city has plenty of park area there, and that's where the crowds are. F mal action: Repeal the Atherton Initiative ordinance. • • • • • • • EPITAPH FOR LES ISBELL Les Isbell was a member of the New- port City Council when l started reporting the doings at City Hall in 1948, at the founding of the Ensign. Les had already been on the Council for 6 years, and continued for 6 more, for a total of 3 terms, always keeping a sharp eye on the way tax funds we re handled. Looking back to those years, my most vived recollection of his civic responsibility was his oft-repeated ques- tion, ''Where's the money coming from ?'' This was in response to money-spending proposals. The answer he wns expecthg was NOT "a handout from Uncle Sam." Those were the days when we paid our own way, approved the essential im- provement programs, yet kept the bonded indebtedness down. Those were the days of prudence In spending, and concern for fiscal soundness. How we could use more of that good sense on City Council these days I . . . . .. • • "REMEMBER THE CANAL" Our John Wayne fought to the death for "The Alamo " and for "The Sands of ' Iwo Jima," also for "The Cowboys" and for "The Sbootlst." But he has knuckled down In favor of "The &lr- render of the Panama Canal," follow- Ing the scenario prepared by Jimmy Carter's administration and his left- leaning State Department. However, despite the defection of a once stalwart defender of the Amerl· canlst cause, the battle for the Canal goes on, and reinforcements are join- Ing our rankS, Let's carry on the attack . in the good old American manner that all polltlclans can understand: Just let your Senators and Representatives In Wuhlngton !mow that a vote for sur- render of the Panama Canal means also the 8\lrrender of their seat In Congress. • Lml:lt COMPLAilfT Door Hop' I tllllllt lllloo Ultor wool< t. a rood ldtt.. I ollJ •liD U.t ecMM of Ute people wt1o Uttu 1111 1n1 prdtl woaJd boor al>oot U. IUid I wlalilbot the uti-Utter law bad teetb In II. I r.v~ I bnuWbl prdtL It 11 OQ a coner aDd ta aurroardtd bJ a wtde tud ot abnbl aDd trees. Thue pro¥1de lovely cool sblde oa to tbe street, Muy people park their cars to eat tbtlr lunches In thls cool shade. They repay me by throwing their beer bottles, soft drink cans aDd other trash in my shrubs. I am my own gardener, so I must creep Jnto the shrubbery to dis- pose of the trash. You~ fellows who deUver ad- vertlalag and other ~pers often park lD the shade to fold and package. They also leave Utter. Empty cigarette packages irritate 1ne almost u much as beer cans. Boys ac ross the street onen have an accurr.ui.J.tion of halt a dozen frleods' cars parked ln my shade. I re- monstrated with one of these boys for the lUter they aDd their friends left. Later 1 saw this boy, when llalf way across the street, turn and throw his son drink can Into my trees. Persons who throw their tras h lnthegardensotothers a re trash the n.selv es. Whit e trash, black trash, or brown trash . , , Just tras h. I have put out "no-litter" signs. These ha ve been torn up and thrown Into thE' garden!! Yours, Thelma Paddock Hope Newport Heights • C LEAN-UP TIME Editor of I he Ensign, Litter is everyoae 's con- ce rn, and everyone's re- sponslbllily. Dog litter, too, Is ever yone's concern, bu t as a dog owner 1t Is YOUR responsibility. The ctty of Newport Beach has accorded dog owners the privUege of beach walk- ing hours during the winter months. Le t's not abuse thls privilege!! When the beach Is clean it Is mo re enjoyable for all of us. So PLEASE SCOOP up , It's so easy. Hunter Hutchison 122 Apol ena Balboa Island • MORATORIUM&: HOUSING Dea r Hop: Many res idents we contact dally appredate your fine editorials in behalf of own beloved tree enterprise economy and especially you r report concn nJng Pastor Chuck Smith 's Bible prophesy oC Russta Invad - Ing Israel stated In the Book of Ezekiel. We found your report capUvattng and an ex- pansion of Hal Lindsay's ''The Late Great Planet Earth." Your llewspaper has the courage to print what ou r ''large dallies'• dare not, plus your type and pictures a re dlstlnctl y clear, truly a work of art. Ou r Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Board of Realtors heard Council man Paul Ryckoff speak In be- halt or his proposed 4 mont h build!~ moratorium. Sev- eral of us adm ire Paul tor his integrity, llrm convic- tions aDd especially his role as watchdog of taXpaye r fu nds. Too ofteo he Is cast as the '•Miserly Villain" who refuses to solicit and accept fed eral grants-In- ald. We complimented him for his consistent s tand against revenue sharing; If our voters reallyuoderstood OO reaucratlc waste and folly ot federal control that accompanies these give- aways, Mr. Ryclcoff would be the only remalnJng Incum- bent next AprUI The majortty of bomeown- ers we see belle.,e Mr. Ryckot1, however sincere hJs lnteotions, is wronc coocernJ.Dg tlls WUd- Lng morator1um. GU Fer(U- so o, director of C EEEU, stated the standard fiXC\Ise, Uke Corona, for a mora. torlum Is a sbortace of re- lated services such as sewer COQQeCUona:. SPON's do- JOQders are a •oc&l miDor- Jty brtllevllll In the llnJte reaouree theory, Go.,ernor Brown's pet Jream, Ud de- sire to create Newport Beaeh U thtJr eiCiuiiYI eoaotry club. "We bl'f'e.oars .a let's close the door I" Dr. Kecmetb McFullod c&UJ theN iDdi.Yidaa.J.I: w. Let them !mcrir that we wW not stand M-Z'•:.,.n ,......,. "" for ..tvtng I.IP American territory wblch wOOlly m!Mtd1 ~ cr-.. pUMr&'ftllllDIIotpTREM lJI .o .,ttal to .our naUooal eecurtty, ,__ pollltlllll, -. •• "'• nor 1rill· we ... ft In to threat. of black-Tfllll an blolr on elllld- .. of roo. O.u 501 of oor --mail from tile pro-MarlllJit dictator -. .,. "· 11 * 11 Pla•ma. r•r• old; ,. Mid 11,000 - -.. u4 ..... lDOr-.... eo.., ......... .. ror 111o otlll 10 ,....., lbo Midi ot Ollt ... people. Ov dlltmma -llncllt bomt to me a. I wu ·-trodlleed to u attncttte, ---·rt-eetllly tnl(lloytd by a Coota Mesa firm. TtLey ll'tl accuatomed to a ertt1cal hooolac llborlact, -thooch hideD ... u abm- daoce ol rocb, lrHI and water. Tbttr toclau.t go.,ernmeot baa created tbe problem. UDforbaaately tbeae ftne you,_ people, with DO cbi.ldren or pets Jan n- strteted capital tor tanllf:- ment because their conro- ment's b1cb, coaftseatoryln- come tax steals taypayer cash resourses. 1 volunteered my services 1n flod1og tbem a residence; It proved more of a task than 1 Imagined. Promontory Point Is tao% tun with 60 people waiting tor one possi- ble opening October 15. The VersaUies had two possible vacancies. Corooa del Wa.r was full, two major Hunt- ington Beach aDd four Costa Mesa apartment complexes are fUled with oo Idea of proposed occupancy, Our young married couple took. the only available apart- ment in Oakwood Gardeos. They !lad a serious problem; what would It be for a tamlly wtth chUdren and pets? BuUdlng moratoriums only complicate and decrease the supply. Wherearepeoplego- tng to live that work In New- po rt Beach? Oceanside tnd Corona have moratoriums; perhaps our citizens may llave to commute to Sao U:lls Obispo via Amtracll: on weekends, stay1ng with !rfends during the week. Gil ferguson ezplatned building proieets ta.ke 3 yea rs from original con- ception. pubUc heartngs , city, couoty andcoastalcom- misslon approval aDd 4-6 month construction period to complete. Our Orange County cost of housing survey rt>veats a l-l/2%cost Increase for each 30 day delay ot the building per- mit. First American Title publishes the average price or a brand new s ingle family Orange County home: $121,00:1! Our local environmen- talists are not oniJ cost foolish and seltlsb bit apparently cue leas lor pro. vldlng freedom or choice for their owo ctilldt'en. Sincerely, Rod C alderhead Corona del Mar • LETTER FROM PRISON Dea r Editor: I'm writing this tetter In hopes that )'OU will print It ln your paper. t am pre- sently confined at London,. Ohio, s erving a ten to twenty- five year sentencetori.rmed robbery. I don't have anyooe on the outside with whom to excha nge letter s. I'm thirty years old, White, 6'1" tall, and weigh 190 lbs., with brown bair and eyes. It gets very lonely In he re at times, aDd this would greatly brighten my days behlnd bars . I will answer all who write. Thank you ve l")' much, I'm ho ping to hear from some of your readers soon. Respectfully, Donald Slaven 1139-492 P.O. Box 6!1 London, OhJo 43140 • CONT ROLS vs. FREEOOM Dear Editor: The reclamation act of 1902 Umlts use of water from projects aided by fe- deral fuDd.s to 160 acres per owner and requins re- sidence near the farm. Such small farms meaD higher food prtces. Why should the consumer be de- prived or the adn.Dlqts of large farms? It governmeG Is to decide the stu of farms, it should encourace larger farms! Why shOUld ronnmtat control the slu ol farm• (except to pre'f'tat moaopo- Ues which woald ntae prt- ce.Y? Those -.bo farm .a protHably ascoaeqalremon land are more UhlJ ttw.o gonmmeG to""' tbt pub- lic's best 1Dttnltl. Why sbc"lld a tup&Jer be dl rerlmllllltd ap1oot llllllo use of feder&IIJ-ftDI.ocldfll· cllltles becauM ll1l rMI- dence Is DOt •r 1ud .ened? Thert la oo n.lld reuon. Tbo Depart-of lll- loriOr pluo to tpply 111o .... ..-to '-1&1 VaUey. n.tn, tarMnUid Colorado --. fod.. ,,.. -aldtd c-•••u (lll>joclo aod-lor projocloto __ _ MIJ aftiH•W MUI .... 1110 _,..,., af-11111 IIIOU•--111 .. PlY. Allar • ...... ..,..,_ The Birch Log -. ior Ull ottttoc lud Ia n- Uuct oa tbe anUabtlUJ ol water, owau• wW btfbretd to •UI Correcting Inflation Gibberish Do. pet"lld .. l pa:r- poaauy maa tbt tuacU.. tocollbolrMtiUrp- IJIItm dltf)calt laorderUJat It wW product IHS80 people wUl lbl..ldon It ID ll)lte of ita llilfll:l& created a biCb ltudard of tiYioc, low per- c.at:ap of poor people lDd cap.clty for uopreeedettd btlp fOr fon1Co and dom- Htlc poor? Do burelUenta toloY taldJio p...,.rly trom those who bave been sue- ceut\il? This Is a re- minder of the tale of the fool who cut opeo hls roose ''. • • not a stncle golden 811 d1d be ttnd, and his prectous goose was dead," And we pay bureaucrats to enforce these restric- ttoosl Gonrnmeot sboold con- trol only to serve legiti- mate aDd beoeticta.l objee. ttv.s; taJdnr from one to give to another ls oot such. Government sbould prevent, not perpetrate, stealing and other unfair t.attqg of prop- erlY and llberl}'. The repeal or these ar- chaic and unfair restric- tions wUI be a tong over- ~ue step towards free- dom aDd 50Und ecooomlcs in public Interest. Very truly yours, Roy B. Woolsey ll3 VIa Venezia Lido Isle .,_ ./oluo F. lllo-.. Stlmon.t, M~tl -A rew wteJll qo, US.. N_, • WMid R•pon Ill-12. lfTII ,. .. covtr ... tof)' ptOtDineDce, &o yet another round ol aitie.L. about l.nflation. It did to btcaUIM both the prol•IMal pollt,.n and it. own national ~taft bavt ~ered that lnOation ia qa.ln the number one concern of the American people. Juat ... btlore, however, ud juat aa tht othtf maa cireu.Jetion newt meaaa:lnet continue to ~ LT. COL. Jaet Forn, aoo USN&WR. told ita readen that of Mrs. Pauline E. ForrY, no one' really knowt whit c.o· do 322-1/2 lrls, Corona del 8 00ut inflation. "Even tM U:· Mar, ts attendtnr the U.S. peru .can"t firurt~ out how to lick Army War College at the problem," eaid the bold print Ca rlisle Darracks, Pa. The immed iately below thf headline. 10 month a.rrtcutum pre-Seemingly, our nation and mOlt pares officers and clvlllan or t he other natioru of. the world federal oUicia.ls for top level are caught In the rrip of a diaeaae command and statf positions ·which will become fatal iJ not with the armed forces arre-tted, but for which there ia throughout the world. no known cure. KERRY TODD KAHN OF C.M. DIES AT 20 Graveside services for Kerr)' Todd Kahn, 20, of Costa Mesa wer e conducted Monday at EI Toro Ceme- ter y, by Rabbi Garson Good- man of Laguna Niguel. The you th, a student and a native of Ullnols, died Sept, 23 at U,C,I. Medical Center,' He lssurvtvedby hls mother , Lynn Kahn, and 2 sister s , Ka thy Kahn aOO Ka lly Kahn, Laguna Beach. The Lhrust of 1uch ribberish is t hat t he hume n race is the cap· tivl' victim or economic forces wh ic h cannot. be influenced. Karl Marx said theMme thing - only he called it economic deter· rninism. It mat ter11 little who mouth11the theory , however. It ia pure bunkum in any case. Spreadin1 Confuaion MIKE CURB, 32, SEEKING LIEUT. GOVERNOR POST There"s nothing mysterious ubout. inOation. It is simply a Yery clever scheme to enable rov- t:rn ment.s fi l'tlt to steal from the people and then to destroy their freedom. The process has been employed by would-be tyrant& lhruu~~:hout history. We are the current vi ct1ms of one of bis- tory"s oldest con games. After readin~~: USN&WR on inOatiun. it is perfectly obvioua 1 h1tt whoever was responsible for such a confusing and hopeless analysis never had any intention of s hedding real light on the sub- ject. The articln generally relied on th~ t>rroneous, but never stated. belief that inOation and tl<'fl lati ng prices a re synony. moos. Then, like a blindfolded child try ing to pin the tail on th~ donkey. the report succesaively ,Jaid t he bl ame for innation on lut y•ar't eold WMthtr, the llnba, SoYlot .... ......_. llmorkao wop cltaw>do. ebtop fmporU. bad luck. aDd the ~ ., ....... ...., .. ppty. How tot-tine thlt t.be eorreet. choiC8 .,.. lncludtd In tbt con· fuainc mlahmaahl Wloat .. lalla-? tnnatJon Ia in fact nothina mew.' nor I• than an inc,... in the quantity of currency. ln the United States, the rov.mment -throufh ita Feder-~~1 Rettrve SYttMD -ia toUilly retponaible f(W Inflation. When the amount ~ currtncy incre .... , the value of all cuntncy decreues. Hence the wide.pr11ad effect called tit· ins pricn. How much better for all if we called that effect, in· 1tead, the l~rinJ of the value of currency. lnOatlon eteala value from savin1a, penaiona, inauran~e policiea, and Iota of other thinp. The real thief Ia rovemment, the creator of inflation. When the thievery reachea a point where the currency approachea worth- leaane.a, ractoriea clou, joba evaporate, commerce ceaaea, and chaoe prevail•. It happened in Germany in 1923 and it ('41n hap- pen here. "The surest way to deetroy a nation ia to debauch itt cur· rency.'' said Lenin. His .enti- ment wae later praised and im- plem~nted by John Maynard Keynet, the Britith socialist whom Rooeevelt befriended and who put us on the road t.o ruin. The way to fight inOation is to stop deficit spending, put an end to expansion of the money aupply, and tell the truth. That kind of recommendation will cauae es:perta to howland prompt USN&WR to insist that the pro b· lem is too complex for easy &DIU· tiona. But Lenin, Keynea, and many othen had it fi gured out . And the reigning powen1 in this nation have it fi gured out too - which ill wh y the dtofi cit.a get worH, and why innationary dis- u ter approaches. Our nation is being Jed to destructitlr'l by our own leaden , C. 1971 ~Joillllllrril .su,,~,, ,·~alilff> M:.te Carb, who at the age of 32 w.lnlstobe Caltrornta's nut lieutenant governor, w.l s In Newport this week drumm;ng up support for b.J& candidacy . Thus tar, Mr. Curb, wbo bUts hlmr.etf as a conservative, Is the only announced candidate for his party's nomination In nert June's primaries. He m:\y end up being the only Re- publican candidate for Lt. Gov . M ~rvyn Oymally's job. 'Crosby tourney plans set ''A II 5 of the potential Republlcao candidates for goveroor have endorsed me," he ezplaJns. Mr. Curb, who w.u Ron- ald Reapn's state campaign maucer In last year's pr•ldeMial prtm.utes, ls a member of the national Re- publican committee. He also co-chaired Pres ident Ford's genera.J election cam}ligo In the state last N"ovemller. A Los A~eles resident, he owns Warner -Curb Rec- ords, which has DonnJe and Mute Osmllnd uDder ex- clusive contnct. Before that, he went to Los Angeles schools and to San Fernando VaUey State. He crashed lnto the business world as author of the '•You m ~t the nicest people on a Hooda •• com . m n cl.al them~. Why politics? '•I've just always been Inter ested In the Repubtlcao Party,'' says Mike, ''and I'd like to see more conservatives In gov- ernm~nt." ln a quick Ensign inten lew this week, he ezpressed the following viewpoints: * BUSSING-'•I'm not op- posed to ha.vlag kids ride busses to schools In their o'ifa oelghborhood, but I'm against forced racial bussing from one oeighborhood to aoother. As people's eco- nomic sta.Ddards Improve, our neJghborhOods will be- come Integrated. I believe ,PUBLI C N OTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH E STATE OF CAUFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A-93109 NOTICE OF HEARING Estate of ELIZABETH UPTON, Deceued. NOTICE ts HEREBY GrYEN that Galvtn R. Keene hU ftled herein a peUUon for probate of Wut aoo for luua.nce of letters telta- meQQ.ry to tht pet I Honer alld tor UthOrlaUon to ad- miDllltr UDder the ln- dtpeDdeat AdmlnlstrttiOD of Eltattl Act, refertoet to whlcb 11 made for hlrthtr partlcut.au, and that the tJ me ud plaCe of hnrLDc tbe ame ba1 btto Itt tor Oc- tober 18, 1971,atlO:OOa.m., Ia ltiO -rii'Obm of lloparl- m• No. s 01 ald court, at 100 Civic Ctater Drln Wool, lD lllo CIIT al Saola Aa,C.U..-.· Dll&ld lfiJte.mtltr n,tm. WILWII £. Sl JOHJrf, C-Clon 1(.-... Dloo, -w. c.-""""'· ~~J """ port._, CA -:!!J.Tolo-.,.,_. (714) .. _Al_ lonol(a) lort 1-r. p ,, ...... "'Oet.t u, 1m, 1o 11oo lle..,.ii Hullor loolp. I MIKE CURB ln equal education as the best way to tmve an tnte- grated, bala.ocE'd soc:lety," • OEATif PENALTY - "I believe In capital punish- men t, and I'd like to see thE' present Ia"'' s trengthened, so that It will cover, not )Jst murders connected with othe r crimes, but mu rrters that occur without such con- oectlon. When we didn't have the death penalty, t he murde r rate tripled, ·• "' ILLEGAL ALI ENS: '·The federal gov ernment ha.s the responsibility to o1o a better job of patroll ing ou r border. Al so, the Mexican government has been far too tax in this regard. Our wel- fa re system discourages Americans from ta ki ng fa r m jobs , so we've created the Illegal a!lenproblem through welfare,'" 1 • HOMOSEX UALS -Mr . Curb did not go on r ecord for or against legisla tion that wou lr! outlaw homo- sexu al school teachers, OOt said: ''We've made It Im- possible to fire anybody . U principals and school bo3rds had proper authority, we wouldn't have this problem. ll something Is out or line, it shou ld Le handl ed lor.all)', not as a matter tor s tate la w.'' .. LAETRILE • Use of the controvers iaJ cancer treat- ment "shOUld be ten up to the Individual, and KOvern- ment should sta)' out of the controversy, unless taetrUe is proven to be harmfUl." Willard Volt of Balboa heads the loca.l Curb ca m. pa.lgn committee, He listed the foltowtnc Harbor Area residents amonc Mr. Curb's announced supporters: John Wayne, CorcrtssmanRobvrt Badham, State Senator Deo- nls Cupenter, Mar cla Bents, Don Koll, Carl Karcber, Al tx Bowie aDd Ed Ward. HORACE P. LINE OF COSTA MESA DIES Gransidt nnlc.es for Rorace P. UDt, IZ, ofeo.ta Mesa. were eooduct.d lloDday by Pastor w..,.. P. Mllllea of lbo Firat B""lal Cllareb...r Cool& M-. Mr. lJ:ae,aaatiYtofC.,.. c1a, -St!>C-a 1a 11ooc ........ Bo !lad UHII Ia Calllo-lor ?0 yan aod lo~~loriO ,..,... A lln*n worker, ... .. llllnl""' by lila wile, Clan, aod a.,...,...., Ella- .-LIM. Thd 4th aomal Southern Bing Crosby Pro-Am golf tournament at Irvine Coast Country Clu b Is stUI almost 4 months awa}·, but a volun- teer group ls already at work preparing tor the event. Tourna ment cba.lrman Maynard Fra.at!.iD says YOI- ,unteers are needed to serve on hi! committee, aDd ur. PUI;JLI C N O TI C E FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followtng person Is do~ business as: Marc 0 ' Polo Me.nswear,21811ar- lne Ave., Balboa lslaDd, Ca. 92662: Paula Vlviao Bena- bou, 309 Marine Ave., Bal- boa Island, Ca. 92662. This busloess Is conducted by an Lndlvtdual. Signed: Paula Benabou. This statement was flled wJt h the county clerk of Or- ange Cou nty Sept. 26, 19'77. Publish: Sept, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 19'77, In the Newport Har bo r Ensip. F -82643 P U B L IC N O TI C E S-89%8 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEl:ENT The following person is dolng business as: Newport Precision Products, 849 Wes t 16th Street, Newport Beach, CallfornLa 92663: Newport Precision Stamp- logs, lnc,, Cautorn.la Corp •• 849 West 16th Street, New- port Beach, California 92663, This business is coDduct~ by 1 corporatloo. Corporation Name: Ne-w- port Precision Stampt.Des. James E. ReadnJ,Secretary, This sta.tenteat. waa ftled with the county clerk of Or- • .,.. Cowlly Sopl. zs, '"'. Publish: Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, zo, 1977, 1.a tbe Newport Harbor Enslp. F -82607 P U BLI C N.OTICE S-8996! FlCTmOIIS BUSI!IESS NAME STATEMENT Tho lol'"llll permo Ia doq ""'-u: s. ..... Street Mobtlt Home Put, 24922 llulrlaada BIN., Bl Toro, CaJI,t)nla trZOO: Dr. Allaa A, Plftlel<, DIS. Alllla A"te., Loa Aacelft, CaUt. 90049. Tbia '-•h IFF ia COidlc:tad by • ,_. pullaa ... Allu A. Plftlel, llarUyo Plftlel<, ~ Pltlllocl<, "-'_,....Dr, AUuA..Pitllet. na. •••• wullltd Ylllo lloo ....., -.. Or-~~1\:r.; 11,10, l"'.ola .. = Butler lgqw, r ges anyone loterested to tall him at 64.2-1463. Proceeds go to Hoag hos- pital's 552 Club, which spon- sors the tourney. The men's support group wUI use the mooey to buy needed equip- ment for Haag, Wb«& the 2-dty event tea& ott on Jan. 20, pros wW compete for $1 0,000 lnprtze money. Also, the top 5 ft. o.tshers automa.tlcall)' quail- f)· tor the San Diego Open, which follows soon afte r- wards . The Crosb}· Southe rn Is a branch or the annual big- name tournament at Pebble Beach. Pros who have com- paled In the Crosby Southern tn past years Include Pete Brown, Tom Purtzer, Dan Eichelberger, Bobby Wal- zle, Marty Fleckman and Fuzzy Zoeller. Ne&rly 100 volunteers are reported to be at work al- ready. Rudy Baron and Ray Haas are haOOllng llck.et sales. Neal Lakenao and bud Holstein are co-chairmen of operations. BETTY HAMIL TON OF C.M. Dl ES AT AGE ill Fuoen.l ""ices for Betty HamUton, 49, of 100 Clear- brook Lane, Cosb. Mesa, were held Tuesday in Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel with Rev. Bruce Kurrle, Presbyterian Church of the Co.,enant, Costa Mesa, ottlclatl~. Mr1. Hamilton, a secre- tary, died Sept, 23 at com Wesa hosplb.l. A nattveCaU- torDian, she had Uved In On.oge County lor 19 Jet.tl. She ls survtved by a 900, Hurh Talman. Lone Beacb; 2 daurhters, Debn D. JOhn- lOG, Vallada, Cal., and Holly ADil Cbapman, Costa Mea, her motbtr, F.uceala M. Cn- ble oiOrecon, and two cnDd- eblldrea. Cremauoa and burta.l at sea wu uDder the dtrectioa of Btll Broectny Mortuary. PUBLI C NOTICE.: FlCTlTIOIJS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TboloUowtocporaooaan doLic lot.._ u: O.tr Tlle BW All-. IUS 'll' Vle• Ioria, ~ M-'""'' Sborrta L. A-<1, MS ... ~aea W&J, Colta lltla, Ca. _,, llarpnt lloylo,- T-. Clrelo, IIIIIIILic- lDeti.-. 11U twfNIIlaCIODilleted .., . _....-.... ---·--TIIIa ..... , ..... m.:l -lloo-cloftafOr- ·,:..c:ll IIIC. 11,1m. IIIC.II,Od.l, u, 10, 1m,~aa.•­.,.. •• "' r.dlu • CORI?QVA TO HOLD COMMUNITY FORUMS Assemblyman Ron Cor- dova will begin the October series of community for- ums this Saturday, Oct. 1. The first session wm be held In the Newport Beach City Counctl ~hambers from 10 to 11:30 a.m. L ater t hat day, Mr. Cordova will meet constituents at the Laguna Beach City Councll Cham- bers, 505 Forest Avew e, from 1 to 2:30p.m. ••CHANGE" wtll be tbe theme and cha.Dglng clothes for ao ever-cbangtng We-style wUl be sbown when the Junior AuiJllary of the Assistance League of Newport Beach holds a fall fashion luncheon on October 7 at the Marriott botel. Cbeeldnc over a leather trimmed coat fo r the fall season are. left to right, Mrs. Richard MUler, chairman of the event, Mrs. Patrick t:Mffy, invitations co-chair- man, and Mrs. Robert Ball, who designed the tnvttatlons and programs. (Ensign photo.) 'Changes' is theme of fall fashion show "Feedback from the forums Will enable me better to present tbe views of my constituents in Sacra- mento,'' says Mr. Cordova. The Assistance League of Newport Beach. Junior Aux- ll1ary, will bold Its annual fall fashion show Oct. 7 at the Newport Marriott botel. The theme wlll be·· changes'' Luncheon • Dinner Brunch • Late Supper Romantic old world atmosphere in the Capn· Lounge ReserJ~ations Honored {714) 642-9434 3300 W . Coast Highway at Newport Blvd. Newport Beach and the anginal Amelia's on Balboa Island OPEN POR LUN CH EON AND DINNER 311 Man.ne Ave. (71 4) 673-6580 and wUJ feature clothes suit- able for our ever-changing life-styles. The second annual junior woman of the year award will be presented by last year 's winner, Mrs. Louis Kurkjian of Fullerton, There ar e 14 nominees. Mrs. Richard Miller is chair man of the event. She wlll be assisted by Mmes. Patrick l:Mf!y, Steve Fenley, Schuyler Joyner, Lawren Rittenhouse, James Thomp- son, Kent J..ohnson, John Ire- land, and Daniel Guggen- heim. The invitations and programes were designed by Mrs. Robert Ball, and the woman of the year award is being organized by Mrs. Robert Harrls. Mrs. Wynett Bedall Jr., chapter president, and Mrs. Jolln O'DoMell, Junior Aux- iUary chairman, will wel- come guests. Pro<reeds will help to sup- port the League's tllrUt shop, the chlldren's dental health centre and the chlld dar care centre for working mothers. BADHAM CO-CHAIRMAN IN S.D.; FORD TO TALK Rep. Robert E. Badham wUI be honorary co-chair- man of a dinnt>r at which ex-president Gerald R. Ford will speak In San Otego this Friday, Sept. 30, at the State Republican Central Com- mittee of California conven- tion, He will also speak this Saturday, Oct. 1, at a legis- lative plaooing conterence' of the Escrow Institute ot C alUornia at the South Coast Plaza Hott>l, starting at 10 YOUR SPRING STARTS Now · Haw Armlo.dl Of Tutipe 1"bii SpriDc Tl"IJP~ I ~C)H .99 2.69Iul!.. Finelt No. 1 GRADE Bulb1. ~ ...... ~ ...... ~~ Other bulbi to plant oow: DUTCH IJUS e FREESIAS DAFFODILS • RANUNCULUS • SP ARAXIS HYACINTHS FREE Bulb plaotial pide. INurtery SPeciOll RlchmODd BEGONIAS ill bMutifUl bloom. Ill redwood t::!: . ~ •• 14.16 I 1.').) IFIOrut Specioll Frelbly-c:ut CARNATIONS norilt wnpped, =~:e·· _...., lA•IId tD....., • ~ .... 5411125 THE BEE LINE a, /Aitf I!Y aa•LI Held tilts year at tbt Newporter lu, Pe~eock Alley of tuh.lou JPtlled aoothtr labUioat 6aDd day tor Madncltufloly FamUy Aalillary. Moate Carlo room wu fWed to overtlow witb membtu a.nc! cuests gathered to eajoy the dellclous luoehtoo and dellghUW parade of spectacular yet wea.rable tuhlou. There were day to even.l.Dg ••• dresset, pant suJts plUs skirts, feminlDe and gorgeous formals; coats and c•pes . . • all worn by Florence Smales' models. Florence tmartly commeotattd the sbow. Mrs. James SmithSon, cbalrman, welcomed all 1n atteodaoee, extended thanks to tbe committee tbat had ginn ., much of tllem - selves to make the alfatr a success. Mrs. Carl Holmberg, chalrman, was introdUced adding ber appreciation. Drawings for door and table prizes created a stlr of ueltement, bringtng thrills to the wlJUiers. Bernadine Ullman's tables (she had two) had three or four wtnners. Ruby Hall was the first winner of tbe day. Hers was a lidded sbtny brass bowl shaped like a duck, from the Bower's Museum gift shop. Dor is Law!IOn and loa Eadie claimed the table prizes. Mrs. Eadie was a triple wln- ner, for she also claimed the let or 100 one dollar bills, plus the beaut!tul Madonna sculpture by OJUe Fisher, who gives one each year. Mrs. Wllllam lmhoti created thP lei and the hat trimmed with hundred one dollar bUls. She told £ert1ne Treat, wiMer ot the llat, 1t took two months to make th~m. Scanning the room we gltmpsed Nancy Hedloff in pretty lace jacket, Emma Jane RUey, Jo Toma ••• she won the lar ge basket of magnificent sUlt Dowers. Winnie Short, Mary Allee Ayres, Virginia Lippi were at Helen Waddell's table. Elsewhere were Rosalie Ingals, Evelyn Lowell, Helene Rosan, Gretchen Moore, Vleet Malouf, Vic- toria Beyer, Frances tdathes, Gayna Harri- man, Ruth Walsh, Geor gia Parker, Pat Allen, Faye Dudley, Sue Agajanian and Virginia Daniger. Do Hughes modeled the money hat and wa~ sorry she didn't get to keep It, Betty Porter, looldng lflte a French model her- self, llad contributed several pieces of jade, emerald and diamond jewelry which she desig-ned. Betty's daughter is a model. More along the runway were Faye l:Mdley, Adelaide Kingsley, Connie Morthland, Kama Rousselle and Judy Roellm -and ever so many more. HAPPY W~ERS at the fashion luncheon: Ruby Hall, at lett, with brass bowl~ and triple winner loa Eadie, wear~ the $100 lel and holding the sculptured madonna and the table wine. (Janey Berls photo.) CHECKING reserntlon.s at the door ror the Peacock Alley luncheon of the Madrecltas Holy Family Auxiliary are Mrs. Hubert Rousselle, at lett, and Mrs. Lory Roehm. . . . ~ . The Robert J. Swansons, back from their honeymoon, are settled in their Anabel rn apartment and Bob is baclt to work at Llbrascope Electronics. The new Mrs. Swan- son (Mary AM) Is the daughter of tht> Edward Pellegrlns of Corona del Mar. Theirs was a beautltul w~ing • . • they were married at twUJght, Aug. 13, In the Garden Grove Community Chun·h, where they llrst met. Departing da)' left a few stray rays to sparltle the fountain as it splashed into the pool aroood the large statue of the Good Shepherd just outside the glass partition of the churc·h, Candles on the huge candelabrum were llghted and the expansive sanctuan· camP to l ife, beautiful, serene with a prevaUlng atmosphere of peace. From the organ came the soft accompaniment to the arias sun(! by the church vocalist. The bridesmaids, to identical aqua silk gowns, led the way for the matron of honor, Jan t:Mgan ••• she ls the bride's sister . All eyes oow focused on Mary Ann, ae- •·ompanled to the alur by her !ather. ThP vows were spoken clearly as thP rlru(s werf' exchanged ••• and they were ··happy we~Js ." Ma'ry Ann's lovely Valenrlenneslact>tr im- rned wedding ~own. of peau de sote, flowao into a graceful traln as they left u,e altar. Her lllusion veU was held In plal..'e b~ a pearl head band. She carriE!(! a tJouqut>t of white roses aod stephanotis. The recept.lon wa s held in the ptcturesqu~> church court • • • tables were set under the olive trees. Guest line inrludert frit>nds from here and away ••• Mrs. Frf!(! Menken from San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Roy I Curl, Hemet; the Paul McKt>ltveys (owners of the Bradbury building~ Mrs. Samuel S. Bowlby and the Paul Welleins, all of Los Angeles. Also llfe long friends, ''the Jerry Kaufhold tribe," from south Pasadena, aortl Evelyn Hood, who taught piano to both of • the Pellegrin daughters. Some friends from here lnrludet1 Mrs. Lee .9oHn and niece Carolyn McCulloch; tile John Boyds, Robert Crowners, WUbur Re y- nolds, WUllam MUlers, Thomas Walker, Louis Turner, Mrs. Lee Hubbs, the Gus Brellns, the WUtred Berls, aod Willl.am Berla. Also Admlra.l and IUs. Nicholas Frank ••• not forgetting t!le t:Mgans, Jan and Dan from Houston, with their t'fo sons, Matthew and Peter • • •• the Pellegrins' ta vorlte grandsons (tl.eir only grand sons) plus ever, ever so many others who came to wish happiness to the ne'flyweds. EASTBLUFF PARENTS GO BACK TO SCHOOL East blufr sch:>:>"s annual tnr k to school nl!.:ht w:ll llf· held at 7 p.m. W ~esda}. O··tober 5. !< Puent F acult) O-ganization m••eting will ' precede the C'lassroom lisl- tatton. NEWPORT KARIJ>R EMStCJt PUILIItED IEEKL Y • PG. 3 THURSDAY. SEPT. 21, 1977 COfOtA DEL MAR, CAU f. I New F RQS FO RM ULA 2 AND FORM ULA Z SKIN CARE NEW FALL FLOWER COMBS ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTION OF ALL OCTASION C'A RDS WE H AVE ALL THE OUTRAGEOU N EW F RAGRAN C'E BABE-CABRIOLE-ESSENCE RARE MAXI AND V ves Sain t Laurent FOR \tEN &. WOM EN 4 CALL US FOR RX PRlfES ~ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED? DAYS A WEEK 9 -9 WEEKDAYS e 9 -7 SUNDAYS SOZl E. COAST HWY., COROHA DEL MAR (/olden west :Dry Cleaners , .t ,Caundr!J CLEANING SPECIALS CASH AN D CARRY CLEANING SPECIA LS I DAY SERVICE IF I!\ BEFORE 8 A MJ.,. ME~'s & L\DI ES 2 PC' Sl11TS-$1.99 DRJ;" SSE:S fS1.RF £T LENGTH ~t.~9 SL-\f'KS OR li\\P-\TVRS-99t 3 P C'. SI 'ITS-~2.98 129 AGATE AND P.>\R I\ AYE. BA LBOA iSLAND I BLOC K FRO~ FEF.RY ENTRANCE OFF CORNER PAhK!NG LOT 67 5-2006 FROM FINL AN D STE RLI N G SILVE"R (WITH GOLDI Chain & Pendant REG. S2 0 00 SPECIA L ... $995 Gifts. D.-ish Fumiture . Chtne. CtyaNI 240 HEW.-c>,.T CEHTE .. Of\,, OUON .-&..AZA UO CAC,.OIS ,.,.OM "AIHtoH ta.AHOt 4JW\ 1\\ tilL i"tet-tcn • '"'* t& Tel: 644-71~ ,t ll ft AltiiNG ~alifornia Jaguar MASTllt CNAIGE a ANI AME ltiC A litO PersonaliZed By C~uck W1sniewsk• 775 WHt Seventeenth StrMt, Coata Mua 548-5141 The Look of Fall for Newport Women MARY ANN and BOB SWANSON, newlYweds Arab bishop to talk here The Right Reverend FaJ.k Ibrahim Haddad wlll ad- dress a dinner meeting of the World Affairs Councll of Orange County at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, at the Balboa Bay Club. His topic w-Ul be ''Christians ill the Holy Land." Bishop Haddad is the first Arab bishop and tbe 11th 1n succession to the Epis- copal See ln Jerusalem. In addition to Jerusalem, his diocese includes Israel, Jor- dan, tbe West Bank, Lebuon, Syrta, and the Gua Strip. He was born ln Tulk:arem In the Samaria District on December za. l9H, aDd ns one or six children. His early education was tnJeru- salem and he was then ad- mitted to the American Uni- versity in Beirut, where he graduated wtth a bachelor of arts degree, followed by the awarding or his theo- logical dlploma at the Near East School of Theology, also 1n Beirot. He has also earned a master of arts degree at the American Uni- versity at Beirut. DR. MORGAN WIHN OF NEWPORT DIES Fuoeral s."l ces are scheduled tor today, Thurs- day. for Dr. Morpn Quinn of Newport Beach In the WlcJI.DI Fllneral Home, ValleJo, CaJU. Dr. QulnD cUed Su.Dday 1n Hoec boipttal. He ls sur-mid b7 h1a wUe. MUdr.ct; IOU, Camei'Oil J. QIW.. Mnport Bead\, ud RIIU'J .... o.w. of Sub Ala;· 0111 cn~J~tehlld; 2 st.ten, 8ettJ Gati'DtJ. Ww.rt C...-, ud Btl• McCIMleJ, Daly CIJ. llhrtMit Will bt la tM ••eoak ud Oddt.UO.S C....,, Valle~ A atiYt " ltocatoa. Dr. CAlM bid UY..S • Cruce c~ w liJtan.. O!f £illi )HH fFORMI!RLY ANN FOLGERI #I l FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEAOt I \ · ROGERS TO OPPOSE RILEY Tbomu llopra, Sl, ~nllon by GoY, - Iormor Lido Jolt -.., a..,.. lA 1974 tQ ""' •-actd W. -IIIII bt tl>t ... ll)lHcl tnm of Lido wW na Dtlt 111ae tJr tbt IIJt',l Roaa1d Cupen, W. COIUity 8otJd of loptrYIIon WU loot to I -.. ... --. btld by no.... el4tlll otr a.Ja Clllfonta. RUey of Dcwtr horN. Mr, Goftnor Jerry Bron n- RIUy rep_, lilt Sill --him to I IriS, ud Dr.irlet, Which ltntcbel 1 WbiD the OrfclDil C•tpen aJoac the coast trom Coata term exptred, btwu elected Mesa to San Clemente. to the seat ta· 19?0. Mr. Rogers, wbooowUYes In San Juan Captstruo. blamed 9Jpenllor Rlley for ''UDdisclpltned deYelop .. meat" In the soutllem part of the district, Mr. Rogers ts a former chairman ol the Onrce County Rep.~bllcan Centnl Committee. He clauUles himself as a polttical eon~ servattve. Mr. Riley is also a Republican. Ex-officer is suicide Graveside mUttary sefYl• ces for Colta Mesa sutclcie Ylctlm Lloyd E. Wheeler, 59, of 2000 Parsons st., were beld Monday at El Toro Ce- metery. He was a retired lleuteoant coloDel wtlh the U.s. Air Force. NEWI'ORT HARa:lR Eli$1(Jt PUBLISHED WEEKLY·PG.l • THU~Y. SEPT. 22, 19n COIIJHA DEL MAR, CALl F. DANIIY Bl88-of 18 Shoal Drln, Jumlae' Creek, carded rounds ot 74-80-80- 77 for Sll total aJXlcaptured tbe 7th alllllll BIC Canyon Country Club golf cbamploa- shJp bJ' 3 strokes over bJs nearest rlval, Paul Rekers of 31 MO.oteetto, Spjglass Hill. Danny Is the flrst-ever Harbor Area golfer to bold club champlonsllip ttUes si- multaneously 1n 2 golf clubs, tlavlng won the 1977 clu~ cbampionshtp at lrvtneCoast Country Club also this year. (Rich Bassett photo.) Last year, Mr. Riley ut an all-time county record by spendlng almost $250,000 on his suceeutul election campaign. iD wbicb he de- feated Mu Btnswanger of Big Cauyon. He called Costa Mesa po- lice at 10:17 p.m. Wedoes- day, Sept. Zl, to report a pending suicide. When Ques- ttooed who was eomml~ suicide he ezpla!ned he was. He provided tbe pollee dis- patcher wltbo..hls name and address. "I've got a shot- gun," police quoted him as saying. Bobby Callis dead at 40 'ANNIE HALL' . Mr. RUey. a retired Marine general, was ap- pointed to the Board of Su- Vesta KedmoJt B.A.. ~ .... COLLEAGUE DEGREE M. T.A.C. TEACH ER of SINGING SPECIALIZING IN VOICE BUILDI NG SO NG COACHI NG Au di tions by appointment TELEPHONE 552·7883 ..................... , ..................... . PresentJ ng PATRIC IA KOVECSES Irvine 's 3rd Annual Harvest Festival Saturday, Oc t. 1st 1;30 P .M. SEE CHRIS EVERT & MARl INA NAVRATILOVA IN PERSON American Mortgage 1 Big Slatera Tennla Ct>allenga Saturday, October 1-1 0 AM Newport Beach Tennle C lub 2801 Eaatbluff Dr. Newport Beach Reaerved Sea-S 1 5 & S 1 0 General Admlealon-$8 Tickets a vailable at: Newport Beach T ennis C lub 844·0050 Big Staters Office 834·1 118 T lckatron FOR ALL 01' YOUI IHSURAHCE N!EDl ~bert son Insurance c/fssociates V '*' f,.M ,.J .... I••~• ~' J711 E. Cout Hwy .. Suite 100 C orono del Mor (7 Sea King Korner 3916 E. Coast Hwy ., Co ron a del Mar OPPOSITE SAM'S SEA~QOD -=--1 TRY OUR SANDWICHES 8ACON-$WISS BURCE R ............ $1.75 DOUBLE CH EESE BUR CE R---·-.. 1.25 . t SUBMARIN E SANDW ICH ............ 1.25 'f' HEAL THY SP ECIALS AV OCADO "BL T " ................... 1,60 lAVOCADO BURCER ................. J.75 tltN We4., O.ct. S -BURRITOS - ETC. ' He fired one round from a 12-gauge double-barrel shotgun through IUs mouth. pollee reported. Poltce found oo suicide oote but a pur- chase order for the weapon from a Costa Mesa gun dea- ler. He died instantly. MAR Y LINCOLN DIES Memorial services for Mary F. Lincoln, 78,ofBal- boa, were held yesterday, with Father Rod Stephens · offi ciating. Mrs. Lincoln, a former school teacher, died Mon- day. Bobby Callis, wbo grew up In Corooa del Mar and attended local schools, died at Mt. Diablo hospital in Concord Sept. 20 at the age of 40. He failed to survive open heart surgery follow- Ing a heart attack. He had been associated for many years wtth Far West Services as a main- tenance supervisor. WhUe In the Harbor Area, he had operated a service station in Costa Mesa and also was Involved In petroleum dis - tributorship, as had his fa- ther, the late Robert L. Callis. Bobby Ca!Us also was active in Scoutlog whUe he lived here, and he was one of the' first newsboys de- livering the Ensign s hortly 'How to start a business' Seminars on small btlsl- ness operations, sponsored by the business development committee of the Newport Ha rbor Area Chamber of PUBLIC NOTICE S-89977 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE MENT The following per sons are doing OOslness as: A & H Enterprises, 317 Dah lia, Co- rona del Mar, California 92625: Stephen Arganbright, 317 Dah lia, Corona del Mar, California 92625; John A, Herrera, 317 Dahlia,Corooa del Mar, California 92625. This business Is condueted by an llnincorporated as. sociatlon other than a partnership. Signed: Stephen Arganbright, John A. Her- rera . This statement was fUed with the county clerk of Or- ange County Sept. 14, 1977. Publish: Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 1977, in the NeWJX)rt HarOOr Ensign. F -81883 PUBLI C N OTICE S-89983 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE MENT The following persons are doing business as: ASD In· come l.nvestors, 21921A1Pont Drive, Su ite 104, Irvine, Califo rnia 927 15: Steven Gumpert, 4 Deer Creek, lx- vlne, CalUornta 92?14; Den- nis W. Smith, 27 A~arlposa, Irvine, Cal.Uornta 92714; Al- lred F. Lustbader, 90 Pine Valley Lane, Newport Beach, Calltornta 92660. This business ts conducted by a general partnership. Signed: Steven Gumpert, General Partner. Thls statement was fUed with t he county clerk of Or- ange County Sept. 14, 1977 . Publlsh: Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13,20, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -81881 Co mmerce and the Small Business Administration. •111 begin next Tuesday, Oct. 4, in the Chamber's ne.,.,• building, 1470 JamOOree Road , Newport Center. Seven seminars wUL be held on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The subject or the first session Is '•How to start a new business and deal with consumer realities." other topics are: '• Raising money the right way," Oct. 11; "Small business reco rds, bookkeeping and cost con. trol," Oct. 18; "Small bust. ness taxes, insurance and lega.J const<lentlons," Oct. 25; ••small business market- ing and sales,'' Not.1; '·The making of a sales super- star," Nov. 8; and "Small business security and loss prevention,'' Nov. 15. Cost of the total series Is $50, or $10 per individual seminar. Reservations may be obtained by calling the Chamber, 644-8211. AN ITA DUNN. 54, OF COSTA MES A IS DEAD Mass ns held Saturday for Anita B. Durm, 54, or 31 85 Bermuda Dr., Costa Mesa, In St. Anne's Catholic Church, Santa Ana, fol- lowed by Interment in Good Shepherd Cemetery. Mrs. Dunn , a native of Colorado, had lived tn Or. ange County for 20 years and was a secretary at Long Beach Veteran's Adminis- tration Hospital. She died Sept. 22 in Hoag hOspital. She Is survived by 3 daughters, Linda Smith of Alabama, Pamela H111 ot Or egon and Denice Burks or Carson, CaiU.; her mo- ther, Orpha Roberts of El Cajon, and a sister, Ione Ure of Santa Ana-. Bell Broadway Mortuary directed the luoeral. .... LINA WER TM ULLE RS PLU S SW EPT AW).Y STARRING GI ANCARLO GI AHNIHI ENGLISH SUB .. TI TLES RATEO -R- after the Ensign was founded In 1948. Services were held in Con- cord by the Elks Club. Survivors Include hlswUe, Sally; 3 children and 3 step- children; his mother, Doro- thy Malcolmson of Solvang; 2 sisters, Carolyn (Mrs. Carl) Sherbondy of El Toro and CbrlsUne (Mrs. Scott) Rho rer of PhoeDil:; Ills bro- ther, Bill ot Tustin, and 3 graodchUdren. Girl, 11, dies after crash A tratflc accident victim, Monlque Amelia Redi, ll,of 30 Burning Tree Road, Big Canyon. was Interred Mon- day 1.n Holy Sepulcher Ce- metery, Orange, toUOwlng mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catlx:~llc Church. Tbe Lincoln MlddleSchool student died Thursday nigbt in Hoag hOspital from head Injuries suffered when hit by a car while attempting to rid' ber bicycle across San Joaquin Hills Rd.atSan- ta Rosa Dr. at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22. She re- portedly was attempting to ride her bicycle across the 6-laoe road against a red light when hit by a car dri· ven by Ann Hench, Laguna Beach, who was not held. Rosary was recited Sunday in Baltz Bergeron Funeral Home, Corona del Mar. Monlque Is survived by her parents, Mr. aod Mrs. Ralph Reda; a brother, Lou· Is, aod a sister, Tamara. OTTO THOMPSON DIE S Cremation and burial at sea have been arrqed for Otto D. Thompson, 56, of Costa Mesa, who died Tues- Mr. Thompson, a native or Oklahoma, had lived lD this area for 19 year s and was leasing manager at Va- lencia Bank. Arrangements were through the Neptune Society. PUBLI C N OTI CE s .89984 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST AT EMEN7 The following person Is doing b.lslness as: Huggins Shoes, 99 r ashton Island, Newport Beach, Cal.lfornia 92660: Huggins Shoe Co., lllc., of Newport Beach • incorporated In Calilornla, 400 So, Lake Ave,, Pasa- dena, Calif. 91101. This busllless Is conducted by a corponUoo. Corpora- tion Name: Huggins Shoe Co., Inc. of Newport Beach, Doris Talley, Secretary. This statement wa s filed with tbe county clerk or Or. ange County Sept. 14, 1977. Publish: Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 1977, in tbe Newport Harbor EnaJcn. F -81948 'PLUS "THE MAN WHO SLID DOWN 1;~~~~~: .. ~~;~;·~~~~~~!'-~j.,j. EV£R~ST" THX 1138 l} HARBOR AT ADAM.'!;:;~::;r zt21~LUS ~~ cos·; A MESA -.... ..,. . -... :([ ~ l-4" • EDWARD S CINEMA 546'3102 '> <> '> SILENT RUNN rNG Try PLAY IT COOL ... fNE 1/UI'Et fNN 675-20 51 440 H!LIOTROP! AVE. JJI'at l .. l•d T ... P•rt T ..... ,. Ia CORONA D!L MAR Our Superb Quality Di nners ; .... AT LOW COST!!! 7th Annual Barber Shop Quartet Show 8 PM -SATURDAY, OCT. 1st ~'BARBERSHOP PLUS" • • The Manhatters • The Marlo Singers • All-American Boys' Chorus ' ORANGE COAST COLLEGE AUDITORIUM 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Spon10recl by The Exchange Cub of Newport Harbor -(BENEFIT-YOUTH . ' GEM T ALK IY J.C.HUMI'HRI!S J. ( .IIU11ifllt ,, \, ll ltfJ 'iit' ,,,,,.til I IC !I ~t ll/lurt IHt d. lttH h t ,., u t ,, (f a W ,. ttl landm nrll ftJ r mo ,,. tltfJn !'I \ t'Or\, 1 ~ art nu thu nl) ''II k • 111 ' lin d ,,., ''''}· FROM OUTER SPACE One gemstone that can be accurately described as '•out ot this world" ts the peridot (pronounced perry. dough). This pale green beauty sometimes rets here by Lnterplanetary space travei.Sctentistssay Us the only gemstone that is sometime• touod Im- bedded In meteorites. Among otbir things, the peridot is considered to be a symbol of happy mar- riage, especiall~ tor those born in th e peridot birth- stone month ot August. The ancients claimed It warded of! evU spirits, and con- quered tlmtdltyl Egyptians once wore It as a night taltsman, because lt cap- tures and holds even the dimmest light. In tact, though the stone Is usually yellow -green, bottle -green or leal-gr een, It appears darker at night under artificial lights, .earning it the nickname '•evening emerald." Peridot Is found on St. Gals sings for Guild I The Muslea.l TM&treGaUd of Newport Beacb wW opea tbe 1 f117 .-.on Oet. 5 wttla a procram of Ucbt elulleal soars by Rooald Glttla at Bahla CorbdbJaD Y aellt Cbab, 1601 Sa.yalde OrtYe, Coroaa del Mar. CottH at 10 a.m. wtll be followed by a busiDtN meeting at 10:30, cooclucttd · by Mrs. Michael Braun, president. ln his procnm, at 11:15 Ronald Gattis, 22, from BloomtDcton, lodJaaa, wW slLig IOIIICS from the Bl'Oid- war show "PillP1D" u part of bil repertolre. He gra- duated from 1Dd1aDa UDiver- Sity, majortnc in 'IO{Ctv theater aud daoce. He ls presently teac~ daoct.ac privately aud at tbe &dd Schwimmer Dance CUntc 1D Costa Mesa. Mrs. Braun wUJ be assist- ed by Mmes. James Brooks, Robert Coats, Lee Jordu, Marvlo Marks, Edward Schumacker, Ralph Ta.ndow- slcy, Elsa R. Wise, E. R. Remkes, James McGowan, James Aynes, Darlene Wblt- lock, and Deborah Oaynes. Luncheon reservations may be made in advaoce at the yacht club office,~- 9530. SOCIAL M EETIH G FOR N. B. TEMPL E I SAlAH ONE OF TUE GROUPS, professlooal and nearly so, tbat wW play for tbt Music '77 Festival betac spon- sored bJ tbe On..nce County Ptillb.armonlc Society th.ts Sunday, Oct. 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Is the locally formed Newport WoodWlnd Quartet. The group, Wbich I.Detudes attorneys, teachers aud a home""'ker, bas been plaYl.Dc tocether tor 2 years. Shown here, getting ready for a practice session, from lett, Holly Henderson, nute, a homemaker, wbo is a member ot the Upper B17 Ptillbarmoa1c Committee; Spencer Covert, bassoon. an attorney; Carlta Conrad, French born, wbo Is sec- retary of tbe ftne arts division of Orange Coast College; Tom Heodereoo, oboe, who Is an attorney and a member of the Newport-Mesa Board of Education, and Carol Maoot.a. clarlnet, instrumental music teacher for the Newport-Mesa schools. Festival '77 wUI be held on the grou.ods ol the Laguaa Festival of Arts. The event Is a tuod raiser tor tbe Philharmonic Society. (Ensign photo) NEWPORT HARBOR EHSI~ PUBLISH EO WEEKLY· PG. 5 THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1977 CORONA DEL MAR, CALl F. Rasputin author to talk Ga..t llldker ror the Oc- tober 18 mMtJQc of tbe f'rleada ol the Newport Beac:b Library wUl be Patte Bamam, wbo rec:eotly co- authored '' Ruputio, the man bebJDd tbe mytb'' wttb Marla Rupattn. The 1 p.m. des- sert meeti.Dc 'flll be In the Dour Sbores home of Mrs. Ricbard Haasman. Patte Batbam, who Is a aecoDd geoeratlonpobllsber, journalist, and · author, Is also Jmown as tbe youngest reporter to cover the fouod - l.Dc of tbe UDited Nations. She was a war correspon- dent cllrlnc tbe Koreu War. Sbe wUl tell ol the lUe of Ra.spuUo aud bls assas- sination in 1916. She wUI relate her diseoYery of a secret sect 1n Paris th.at worsblp Rasputtn as the Cbrlst, and the curious relic SCHOOL Newport-Mesa I H lcb Schools: • COROIU DEL MAR N • COST A MESA • ESTANCIA • McNALLY • NEwPORT HARBOR E Reporte d by GLENN GILBERT Local high school students seem to have dictated a dis- trict cut of llberal and floe arts stan for next year. exam received the highest scores ever achieved ln that school's ten-year-old pro- gram. arouod whieb thla -worship focuses. Mrs. Robert E. Hll cbey, president, announces that new members are welcome to Join the Newpo rt Beach Frleods of tbe Library. Mrs. GUbert Ferguson, hosplbuty chairman, wUI be asslsted by Mrs. Edwin Ramsey, Mrs. Joseph l Johnson, and Mrs. Walter Goecgel. Reservations are neces- sary and may be made with Mrs. Joseph l Johnson, 1053 Dover Drive, Newport PATTE BARHAII • John's Island In the Red Sea, from whence many Crusaders brought back early specimens. But most perldots today come from Brazil, Burma, Au stralla, New Mexico and Arizona. Temple Isa.Ja.h of New- port Beach (Conservative) wUl hold a Stmchas Torah soclal on Sunday even1111 at 7:30 o'clock at the Newport Riviera clubhouse, 350 Riviera Drive, Costa Mesa. The last portion of one year's cycle of the five books of Moses will be read, aDd a new cycle Is begun wttb the reading of the first porttoo of Genesis. Mrs. Elmore introduces her slate of oHicers According to district ad- ministrators, enrollment has shltted considerable this year from liberal and nne arts to hard science and math courses. This academic stlf!enlng is es- timated to be a result ol the recent uproar over de- clining scholastic achieve- ment. Whlle the shift may be beneficial for both the students and district as a whole, It suggests the elim- ination of some liberal and fin e arts teachers by a Board of Education already· faced with th e need to cut per- sonnel by 20-25, due to re- A score or 5 being the h.tghest possible, nearly half the class of 60 received scores of 4 or 5, twice the national average Cor AP stu- dents wbo take the exam. • • • HAIR *CUT *CURLED *COLORED * COIFF1.JRF.D lt-"CETERA Worship Is held every Fri- day night at 8:15 at the Har- bor Chr istian Church, 2401 Irvine Ave., Newpurt Beach. Hebrew and religious school wtll begin at 4 Thursday alternoon, October 6. HAZEL POIN SETT OF NEWPORT DIES AT 7S f'ina Hair Specta.hsta * LORRAINE'S Private funeral services have been conducted by For- est Lawn MortlJary.(;lenda.le for Hazel R. Poinsett, 75, wbo died Sept. 17 1D Newport Beach. BEAUTY HOOK ON THE BOULEVARD Corona del Mor Phone 644-7336 E ST. 1962 Mrs. Poinsett, wbo Uved Ln Newport Beach for 33 years, Is survived by ber husband, Larkin; 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The greatest gtft you can give a bed· wetter (and the rest of the femily too). is a DRY BED. Bedwetting is a serious problem. It can cause complic.ated psy· ehologtcal problems mat last • lifetime, and tt's so needless, because, when not caused by organic defect or d isease, 11 can be ended. Phone or mail coupon for our f ree pamphlet, "Bedwetting - what 1t's all about and how to end it", a repo rt by three medical doctors. No obligatio n. Our 2 7th IOUALLY 111fCTNa '011 ADU&.ra Ytar ··---~~.ro _____ .,. .... ''"out coupan completely- PACIFIC IN TERN ATIONAL CltO LTD. I Staaford Profnalonal Centn, LA. No.l2131 M3-7000 •-.an-. us 2 I 770 Wdch Road, Swtc 154. Palo AJto. Ca. 94504 I Parents 1 Name _ --------------- 1 Address --------------- Coty State Zip --- Phone Child'a Af/1 --- C 1977 P.:1fic lnternetlonel, CRO Ltd. I.Aee8 4 ·SOl • WUKOA'tt1M •'n'-tF...OAY , ..... ,. ONN~uteOA'I •• Tbe Newport W?men's A•JzUtary ol the Artt.ritis Foundation of Orange County held the first meetJni of the year at the homo of M.:s. Richard Fuller. The new president, M:s. Lester P. Elmore, intro- duced the lncomlng of- ficers: Mrs. Alexander Campbell, vice-president; Mrs. Harry M. Dodson, trea- surer; Mrs. Millard Jamo- son, recording secretary; M~:s. Randolph ~u. ml!m- bership; Mts. Gordon Ber- lin, parliamentarian; M ~s. Bryan Bueoden, press; Mrs. Robert Bell, tele- pbeoe; Mrs. Marsball Beck. corresponding secretlry, LIDO WOM EN PLAN CRU ISE The Lido Isle Woman's Club will charter a cru1s1111 boat, the Tiki, to take mem- bers on a cruise of Newport Bay, Oct. 11. Club officers, Mrs. Eugeoe Melinkotf, program chairman, and Mrs. Robert Beechoer, membership chairman, aDd other ezecu- tlYe board members wUI greet new and old memf>ers. A luncheon meeting wlU fol- low at theW arehouse res tau- ra..at 1n Lido Vlllage. Fall fashleos ~Ul be sbown dur- Ing luncheon. USCG AUXILI ARY TO MEET HERE OCT. 4 The United States Coast Guard Aul1llary wUl cooduct tbe moothly meeting at Los Angeles Federal Snlngs, at 3201 Newport BlYd., across from the NewportBeachCity Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 7:30p.m. Members may lnnte new guests to the meetings. For addittollll information con- tact Bernerd Granlctt, (213) 440-3'720, or Los Aaceles Federal Sulnls~ (714) 675- Save $118 Set 42" TAll!, 4 CHAI"S GLIDER.. CHAISE and Mrs. J. Ray Fortune. historl.an. Mrs. George Ander son, a new member and wardrobe coordinator, demonstrated ''bow to buUd a very versa- tUe wardrobe around one basic color, starting with the Important garments In the wardrobe. '• Mrs. George Andersen, is a past vice-president and fashion director of Talbot Mills ln New York, and vice- president and sales m;l nager for St. John Knits, Los Ange- les. duced enrollment. • • • Advanced placement English students from New- port Harbor h.tgh school who took last semester 's AP The Corona del Mar high school Key Club ls sponsor- Ing a family-oriented com- munity lecture series, wtt h topics ranging from con- sumer protection to )u- ven1le )lstice. Thomas RUey, chairman of the Or - ange Couoty Board otSuper- 'lisors, begins the series next Wednesday night with a discussion on airport noise. Programs are scheduled Cor 2 a mootb Lnto March and audience participation is encouraged. Lectures will begin at 7:30 p.m. in COM's Little Theater. Admission is tree. Program Information Is attainable at the COM HIGH ST CRIMA '0011-IURIAL AT SEA The Neptune Soc•etv prov•des a s•mpiP rl•Q' ·'•ed crematton servoce w1th d1ssem1nat1on at sea T • f.'' s no need for embafmtng. cosmetology cas~et · qravP Vour Soc••' Secun ty or Veterans Aon.nostri!I•O' oeatr beneltt may cover our complete se•v•ce Ov •tt>ratu•P tells the complele story ol our soc•etv v.. '''"or <.al THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY 646-7431 24 HOURS 2400 W. Coeat Hwy, Suite 9, Newport Beach Member Belle r Busonesc, Bu•P<U Send Free PortfoUo to: NAME ------------------------------------ ADDRESS ---------- CITY T.ATE C EM BKRE FUN TUBBING" WITH Serendipity FACTORY CIRECT 71~73-61 :>2 all . 30th ..,. 'li[1l PUitT 8F.4C H ~~ OTHER DEALERS ··--... ······~· 7 14-~97-27 12 MRS. MARTY LOC KNEY of Lido Isle Is the jewelry de- partnmeot buyer for the ''gift shop on parade," to be presented Oct. 10, 11 and 12 In the Hoar hospital lobby by the Hoag Au1lllar}. Other buyers and assl.sbnts are Mmes. Leonard South, Charles Clements, Bernadette Goetz, YUan Couch, Ella Stevens, E. L. Beahm, R. Ford Bulloch, Edgar Hill, Dennis Ahern, R. S. Pattison and Jack Hetzler. Mrs. Beahm ·ls gi.tt box chairman, aod Mrs. Bulloch Is Auxiliary president. 11 ~3 H . COAST HWY LAGUHA lEACH ~tui-1JA.U •••• 7 1~7 US 25705 \AU HE.~ET •. AUF. ~2~3 Workshops · for couples Three workshops for couples only will be otfered by the Orl.nge Coast YMCA aod Coastline Community College this fall, according to Jim de Boom. YMCA ex- ecutive director. The pro- gram Is called "positive partners" and ls part of a national YMCA program to strengthen marriages, Mr. de Boom added. Dates are October 7 -8; October 28-29; aod No- vember 18-19. Hours are 7 to 10 p.m. Frlda.JI aod · 9 a.m. to early evening Saturdays. Enrollment can be made by calllng Coastline College at 963-0824 or Mr. de Boom at 642-9990. INTERN ATIONAL YM SESSION SET FOR HB The 197'7 lnteroattonal YMCA session wUl be held at the Newporter llln Sept. 29 tb.roQ(h Oct. 2. UD!ted States S«<atorS. L Hayatan will be tbt featured tpeaktr at the Oct. 1 tuocheon. That eYtDIAC, the croupwUl booo" Harbor Area restdellt tn1JI C. Cbap""'n lor h1s eft>rts u put chllrman of tbt blitenaUonal Committee of YMCA'•· MRS. AUDREY EDDY OF COSTA MESA DIES Aadrty Gtrtndt E4c1J of cotea w--. Wbo cUect Se&Jt. 11 .. St. JoMpb .... tal. Orup, wu barttd Frldl7 la Rl..m.w ~ CetM- tery, '•••w1ck. ,. ..... ....... Mn. l4dJ laid lMd Ia c ....... ,,.,.. ... •""-' .., .... t cMw, leU .. ol COlla Ill-. WH'v MIT FOR R<\IN "'Prtllr ~ D·, Doc coat~~ so flattemg u o•eel'y sunnv Cf')(j ramv weatnt"l ~ .-.r r 't"'1 ~, supple Sertlln KIO t" walt>! ,-.rlll ·,tc~•n repellanl deans w1tt , • 1 i.-In p t 1 , .. \Neat ltle hood ur• 01 dovv1 Bon,• Br()IIM'), Navy, Vl/h tP P liVI.J•t 1t1 H'' face, vtnyi hlltng. cothxl h~ ~trlU ,1r1C1 completelY hned ~~~~ 8 • ~o. Style 0945 .. .• 84.00 OTHE R S1VLE.!t I' ADM 7&.00 I / \ NEWI'Otlf HAIIIDR EllS! Gil p PU .. ISIIEDI£EIILY•I'U ;, TIIIIIISDIIY, SEPT. II. lfll co~A~LIIA~rAUF. Tars, Eagles top local foes M1n1-muscles · •• TODD ••can 1111 s. Kine• .... -· "' -1a eady t ft8 I Yltkeid tor Cf'OII....,.D rfnJrJts 1 attempts. are r U NOIIIJOrt-Meoa l<booll laeed oaeb otbor O.toto..U., <loi-ITt plarou lor lbt Soo • lo Ute aec:oDd w"k ot aoo-ltllllt toobll KtDC• were Mart BUer. Tolay Moore, Scott '•Mtll-ma.tel•" rootb&ll acUoo.. Predleted: tnorttes Newport Bar-Mc~$~.7 Ud Bruce BatebeUOr. llarlk VobotU Hl.:»a ~ JabardaJ, Oct. ' bor and Elltaaela both .steaded their wJ.Dnlac recOYtred 2 ftlmbl• tor tbt Sailor. oo 41- 1, it! NtwPOrt Bet.cb. Thlt's atrttb to z pmea wUb defeats over Corona feDit wtille O..Yt Rltstl ud PIUI Heltrtcb wbta kt.dl 5 tbroueb 7 ltl.rt del Mar lDd Costa Mesa. toot erecltt for tbt Z taterc ...... a oew footblll leacue IPOO· Newport Harbor tnYet. to Loara lllab sored bf the city reert~.tioo School at 8 p.ro. todi.J, Sfipt. n, wbUe departmfot. • NEWPORT IO-CORONA. 'l Corona dtl Mar tDterta.lal Su. ClemeDtt '•Tbey'U use the little A tenacious Sallor defense held the Sea lD tbelr first league club Frl.daJ lllcbt •oerf' footballs made of Kings of Corona del Mar to a net 35 yards at DaYid.,n Field, toam," eq>l•lns recreation ga1D, whUe Newport's offense did its part • • • • • director Garey Black, ''That and posted a.o l0·7 victory to a game plagued • EAOLES 21 -MUST AN OS 0 way, we don't tlue to worry by Oags and fUmbles. Newport Harbor was Quartetblck Dave Jeraollo scored twice about them being atraJd of pena.ll.zed 105 yards to Corooa del Mar's ID the third quarter aDd led Estancia to a the foott.tl." 55 yards, wttb both teams tumblt..Dg 4 Urnes. 21-0 Ylctory OYtr Costa llesa Friday Dlcht Practices are being held The first half saw only one score, which at Orange Coast CoUece. 1bougb the score on Mooday aDd Wednesday came on a 24 yard field goal by Sailor was one-sided, tbe atat1stlu were almost afternoons, and pmes wUI Mark Hales with 4:25 to go in the first equal behreeo the two teams, but tunovers ~~:.~~ be played on Saturdays in half. Though Newport HarOOr clearly con-kept the Mustancs from putttnctbenecessary city parks. Registration for trolled the tempo of the half, the 3.0 score points on the board. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE HALFBACK Dan the program, which costs seemed least damaging as Corona turned The nrst Eatancla score came 00 a4-yard No. 33, breaD loose tor 1 12-yard plclcup lD 1ut $5, Is stW open through the ball over 3 times, twice lD their own run by Andy DomlD&'uez alter a JeraQko. day night's cla.sh wltb Saddleb&ct Collere. OCC tirtlt eod Oct. 5, Mr. Black said. territory. The Sea Kings couldn't seem to to-Gleon Hicks pass that wu good for Manny Torres blocks for Duddridge. Saddleb&ck won Teams are bein&: formed tt.od the handle on tt.e ball as they fumbled 3_2 yards to tbe 6 yard Une. The big plays tbe pme 17-10. at tbeCDMCommuoityYouth twice on first down and threw a pass Inter-a wtill th ame .,.5 stUl u 1n the Center, Pen.tnsula park,Ma-ceptton. ~~:O~arly ~n t~e g secood baU, Th: Eagles TOUGH VI KINGS rtners park, Eastblufl Boys The secood half saw much of the same were looking for less tban a yard to give Club, Butralo HWs aDd New-as the SaUors out-played the Sea Kings, them a rtrst dow near midfield Jeranko ~~P~:~bt~~~~-simple, ~e~r:e~~o::.'Y Tah~~e :mr:n~~ 1~nln 1f~~Y~~~ ~k P11':s ':8'1 r:::r: ::~ -:! ~~~;:.~= N EX-T FOR OCC and every boy wUI get a run by Bryon Ward with 6:3S left ·-the for his first TO. A 2 point connrslon was chance to play," says Mr. final play of a 53 -yard drive engineered by added aDd the score waa 14-0, One mlDute Black. ''Most kids just want quartert»tck Craig Lyons. H,ales booted the and 20 secoods alter the score, Costa Mesa to play. They don't care, extra point and the score was 10-0. Co rona fU mbled the ball on their own 29, Jeranko and often don't know, who del Mar's bright spot of the game came on stepped in aod threw to Mike Camp for 29 wins, so there wUI be no Bruce Batchellor's 63-yard punt return for yards and the ftnal touchdown to make scorekeeplng or standings. a score with 3:04 left. Kurt Brockman it 21 .0, Every boy wm get a chance booted the extra point and the Sailors were ThOugh Costa Mesa was able to move to play every position. The thinking twice about victory. the ball on the Eagles most of the game, coaches will point the play. Newport Harbor foiled the Sea Kings ' 4 lost tumbles, 3 intercept;tons, and very ers downfleldandchee rlhem plans, however, as SaJior linemen he ld 011 untimely peDalttes worked against the on ." to the ball in an obvious on-sides kick Mustangs throughout the game. Quarter- RECRUIT TRA INING Navy ~man Recruit Tl· mothy P. !l.ulllga.n, son ot Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mul . ligan of 558 Traverse Drive, Costa Mesa, has completed recruit training at the Na. val Tnlning Center, SanDi- A 1976 of Cos- be Join- 1!177. situation. Newport went on to drive to the back Jerry Cribbs kept the Mustang attack Sea King !-yard line before the f~nal gun alive, completing 15 of 33 passes for 148 robbed them of another scoring opportunity. yards, Early 1n the second quarter Cribbs The game ended 10-7 In favor of the-Sailors passed to Mike Ziegler on a 53 yard scoring and to the delight of at least half or the strike, which was only to be nullUied by a 6,000 spectators who attended. clipping penalty, thus typifYing the lu ck of 'Fhe statistics were not as close as tM the Mustangs. score, however, as Newport totaled 9 first Jeranlco completed 7 of 14 passes tor downs and 314 total yards, compared to 106 yards and was the Ieadlng rusher with Corona with only 1 first down and 34 yards, 58 yards, Co.ta Mesa totaled 251 yards in Lyons completed 5 of 17 tor 92 yards while total offense whUe EstaQCtatallted26!yards. -~ Thom•s Jefferson, the U.S. presid ent. wu · • redheMt . "we just might be f.ac~ Tbe Bucs turned the b&U the best JC football team in over 6 times aDd had 3 poor th tat • • punts. Tbe Pirates lost 2 ~~ange; Coast College head tumbles aDd bad 4 passes D T Intercepted, football coach lck ucker • Th OCC d 1 died was discussing this Friday's· ree r ves battle with Long Beach City deep In Saddleback terri- C 11 Tucker's Pirates tory. The first ended at the ~st~~· Vikings at 7:30p.m. 9, the second at the 4, and in OCC's LeBard Stadium. th~.thlrd at the 5, Lo 8 h with a 2_0 rec-We should have scored dngst~ a rag'"ed Cer-on each of those drives," or • o......,.. l!io Tucker said rttos team 31-16 Saturday Despite t'he lack of of. night. fens ive punch, OCC's de- The game Is the final DOD· , fensive unit played well. conference test of the year Sophomore outside line- for the Sues. They open backer Paul Radish led the South Coast Conference war-charge. Hetlld 18 tacklesarx:l fare on Oct.8agalnstGross-3 quarterback sacks. occ•s mont College at San Diego other backer Mike Musso Stale University's Aztec had 9 tacltle; one QB sack Bowl. and 2 blocked punts. Middle After winning th ei r ttrst gUard Rick Batterby tlad 16 2 games of the sea~n. the tackles. Tackle Dave Pirates dropped a 17-.0ver. Sanders bad 14 stops. diet to Saddleback College OCC's passing game ·Saturday night at Mission 84 yards on 11 Viejo high school~ .• llllll.;;~-~ 1 2 Times 3 'nmes BALLS SOCCER SHOES SO CCER SHIN GUARDS 81\SKET BALLS 81\SKETBALL RA CKBOI\RDS WATER POLO BALLS SOFTBALLS BASEBALLS ~.~~~::\~G sHOES R G & RACQUETBALLSHOR FOOTBALLS FOOTBALL SHOES FLAG FOOTBALL FLAGS & BOLTS MITTS & GLOVES '74 DATSUN 1210 2DOOR 4 cy1 ., 4 speed, radio, heater. Lie. •e96JJU StOCk 129A. '75 MERCURY ........ 11.0 MX STA. W.... auto. tr•ns .• eir condltlonino. POwer llMtlng. pOWW diK' br'MM. rldlo. tMMter. lUg. r.ac.. Uc.1P383LWS 8todc. t2n4. 53399 '76 PIMTO . STATION WA~ .. cyl .. 4 IPHCS. "' condlt6oMig. r.t~o. hMter. tow mtlilage •PI)r'OlC . 11,140 mil". Lie. t3181'1<£--. s cyl .. 4 eoeed. radio, heater. luvo-ge ra.. 11 12MNN Stock 13010. '73 AUDI FOX 4 DR. 52499 • W words or less • , . 2.00 . , •. 3,50 .... 4.50 ~ 2f to 30 words ..... 3.00 ..•. 4.7 5 ...• 6,00 ·,31 to 4tl words .•••• 4,00 ... ~ 6.50 .... 8.00 Each word over 40 • . .10. . • . .15. . • . ,20 • MUSIC IHSTRUCTIOH FLUTE INSTRUCTION •• Former faculty member, Oberlin College Con. se"atory, re·located in Newport Beach. Call SUsan Fries, 640-5686. • SERVICE S ALICE'S HOUSECLEANING, reasonable, rellable. Ref- erences. OWn tnn.sporta.- tton. 646-4871 anytime. I WANT to be your GARD. ENER. Call ''Charlle the Clipper" at 759-9294. TRAVEL TRAlNEE, Trani Ageocy, Fashion Island, N. B. Non-smoker. Typ~ log requlred.-Wewllltratn ln travel. Full beoef:Us. 640~6111, 955-2222, any- time. I· FOR SAL £ THE BOD Beauty, barber supplies •• , Jhirmack, Sasson, Trt, Hi, KMS, Redken, Shaklee, Uni- cure, Heads. 369 !::. 17th st., Costa Mesa. 642-8910, (Licensed.) p a1 bo -erson , me, car and Industrial ·pro- BOOKKEEPlNGtrAX SER-ducts . N'trrRILITE food VICES. We are business supplements. Call 64%.:. consultants who specialize l~0~84~3~fo~r~~}~d~el~lv~e~ry~, in small and oon-proflt • businesses. Call for an appotntmeDl. Steven R. Hlads, 557-1041. : • BICYCL ES wearing a lied with a string. Lost on Iris Street on Inland side. Call 644-7262. • H EARIIIC AIDS HAL AEBISCHER 2i~.v~~-~"INO AID8 Proper Fin ing Assu red 3409 E. Coast Hw y. Corona del Mar SAILING student would Ute to crew, Open weekends khd some weekdays. Call 548-2113. SERENELY free to e~lore new vistas? Care for your home, yacht or crew? Mlrtam, Bo1 854, Corona del Mar, 714-633-4077. • --- pSYCHIC CAN (mesmerize) loved oDes, vthers to do WrtteJamll, Ore- FOR SALE FIDe Selectl.oo •• Superb Values --E-Z Terms. PIANOS -GraMs, cOnsoles. uprltes, used but great. Stetnway, Y amaba, Cable, E'erett, Balc.twln, Cur~ rler, Janssen, Johnson, and lots more; prices from $595. ORGANS -U you buy your organ delJberately, you'll buy a Y AMAH AI HERE aow the all oew (roora lbead; Yamaha -· from $695. SPECIAL • Uled Yamabo eet110le plaoo, $1395, RENTALS -S!Jtoet plaDoa from $15.00/moalh. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO, 1 Stelony • Yamaha 1907 Malo Saola Alii • PLU MBtHG·HEATIHG SALES & SERVtCE 420 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa . 646-7706 -646-6855 1 __ ..::67:.::.5-=38=33-----1liJ u st PI u m bing MALCOLM (I!IUet) CUTLER • f lORIST FLOWERS FOR All OCCASiONS DeMur/ Tosh FLORISTS PHONE: 80& .. 79 2C38 Newport Bl'lfd. Cotto- • DRY CL lAM 1111 DIMM ITT ~~· rtoeotcaoanl!'dt7<-.c .. 'lllo , ........ 'SELF SERVICt LAUIIDRY .w----1 FrJcldlln .....,.ro COM • Clothtnc: -Nautical Cllta Marint Hardwart Open seven t\lys a week to Hnt you better goo W. COAST HWY., N.B. PHONE: 645·1711 a STATIONERY ----~= OfPICIIUPPLY IM. "lOt t NwwpoNtl'ld, N .... OI't ,, & Heating water Heaters, Olsposals, Oralns, Faucet~, Copper Rt-plpea •••• Rueoaable prices ••• Day, nlcbt, or weet-eodsl JU ST P L UMBING Telll>l><iot: ua.ml Ltceue No. $00948 Conner Plum~ing .............. _ '640·7444 u •ova •••'!'11;11 Ull COA8T HIGHWAY DI:L MA• Newport Beach Balloa Lido Isle Corono del Mor ' Costa Meso ,-Balloa ildand Make Offer .... Newport Beach Yours wUI be the ftrtt bld tn probate ale. Fast escrow • -Four bedrooms, custom ~cor, ,ery Dell' ftter. Secluded sun.wull6d l)l.tlo, many trees, automaUc pnge door-opener. T«<D1s courtaodpoolan.lllble. Asking price ·$129,500 SALES PERSONS Tired ot small commission splits? How al>o<lt 90'1> to you --10'1> to the Broker on all deals? Call US! 'I-V ~urflina c2a alfy ---=---~ --~ "WE CARE. ABOUT TH E BES T fOR VOU" macnab/ irvine really -... H arbor View Homes - Outstanding Montegol Highly upgraded and lD per· feet tocationfl . . . near part and recreational &.cllltl.esl Four bedrooms plus tamUy room; pri- vate brick patio; garage door opener. $161,500 - hurry, won't last long! Paula BaUey, 842-8235, -----------~·----------- 901 DOVER OIL, 64).1235 I 1U.4 5AH MIGUEL. 6.4.._6200 45.45 CAMPUS OR., 1S2-1Ht 180° VIEW J Bdrms .. den & family rm .. 3 full baths; in Corona del Mar's pre- stigious. v1ew an~a . The best of everything in this immaculate, custom homt. Luxurious tiled jacu:u.i, with extensive patios + large view ter- ract ... thruout. a feeling of spacious- neSs & quiet good taste. Fee land. $310,000_ OI'IN SUI4. 1-5 2907 HARIOII YIIW Dl. Q: Orange Coast Q: 2&00 E.Coost Mwr .• Con~n• del l or lEAL ESTATE UH UI SITUATED ON TEN ACRES SPAO OU S I & 2 BEDROOM APAR TMENTS e Private Patios • fi ,.,laces • POOL S • T!MH IS COUR Ts • Separate Fa•lly Sectlo• • Adlecent to Sd•e•h •d piOJt'!f••-~ 900 S.e Lano M•Arthar ,..., C.ast Hwy._deao .. , '•eltf• ltl'• CORONA DEL MAR (7 14) 6 ~26 11 • Dovllt' Dn••· ..... ,., Htwpor1 a..dl, CaiU.- T ......... (ntllll-t ., ·I ' 1 j r .. NE.aRT HARBOR EJfSIGN lMURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1977 Newport Beach Balboa Island PUBUSHEO WEEKLY-PAGE 7 OOOA DEL MAR, CAL. Lido Isle Corona del Mar eal Estate Our b~yer's kit is a better way to find your new home Here's real help to become a better buyer. The CENTURY 21 Home Buyer's Kit. It gives you a guide for looking, information on 21 ways to purchase, and several Decision Maker sheets to help you keep track of possible choices. Call a participating CENTURY 21 Real Estate Professional for your free copy. We're here for you. UPPER BAY HOME S116,CJOO Features seldom fouod in bomes at twice the prtce. Spacious deo or ••pool-table" slzed famUy room. Regular double pnce, plus added two-car taDdem garage, Yblcb 1s "ftntsMd ott,., creattac a oea.rly dust-free room. (n currently bouses two a.otlque cars.) Add these features to an alr.eady lovely thrM-bedroom and for mal dlDlDc room borne wttb meticulously maintained grounds, a.od this coald be the borne you'n always wanted. Wby not call today for a no obUptloo appointmeut to see lt. Call your local Century 21 Profes•Jooals at WestcUtt Realty. WE'RE HERE FOR YOU! WESTCLIFF REALlY CO. h 33 WE$TCLI FF OR. H EWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 Upgraded Beauty This lovely home features 4 bedrooms, formal dln1Dg, tamUy room, sunken UYlng room, brtct patio, low matntemnce yard with sprtnklers, block wall, two patios --one covered. Call today for appolotment to see. $108,000 ~-~IDO REALTY _, 3377 VJ• a.w-. M.wport ~Net. 673-7300 ACOBS REALTY 2919 N ewport Blvd. 675-6610 645-7221 \Wre Here For You. TV IM.h afflc:« 61 iiMkpr ndc:ndy CJIW1WCI and opnatrd. Prime -Prime TWELVE-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE near Dis- neyland; $295,000 full price~ $75,000 down. Owner wlll carry remaioder at 9%. Private parties, only. Also.... c~ 4-P}ex. $195,000. ED SPATRI SANO ORANGECOUNlY INVESTMENT PR OPERTIES TELEPHONE 534-69.0 "Dynaatc PropertJ Maaa&ement,. We may DOt ban IJl1 farms in Newport Beacll bat JOU can b&Ye your own guden and orchard 1D Corooa del Mar •* you see this lovely 5 bed- room borne. Enjoy seulde llring with the charm of the cowtry. Call 640-6161. / Call 640-6161 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MLS SALES REPORT Sales through tbe Multiple L1.sting Service of the Newport Harbor-Costa Me sa Board of Realtors totalled more than $386 million during t he first I months of 1977. TIUS IS A 26-1/2 INCREASE OVER T HE SAME PERIOD OF 1976. 7,443 new listings were processed, of wblcb48% WERE SOLD. 77% of t be salea were cooperative. ~ your property with a Realtor_. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . CAt.OSHOUSIISTYAL .. - FAMTAST1C OCEAN YIIW Elegant 3 bdrm., 3 bath family homt: with formal dining rm., brttfst. rm. & ga.me rm. with frplc. & wet bar. Larg~ yard with room for pool. 3 PrivatE: ~acht:s. A must see! $315,000-· or.e 1·1 4141 eoetAM H. CALL 673-7040· . Q E CAII£0 SII01t£S •eSIDBNT W80 ALISTS Reduced $10,000! SPYGLASS HILL ... noM TBlS BEA17'11FUL 4 BE[)R()()M PLUS ,..._1' 11100111 8C*I. POOL .urn JACUZZl ..... . A.RTP'ULLY LA!Uik:APED. NOW ONLY $289,500 Just Listed CORONA DEL MAR---CUTE COTTAGE ON SUPER R-Z LOT. l $125 ,000 ,q/MAiinN ~ REAL ESTATE .. L<DAIT ~WAY.·CDIDIA DB.. Ul I iE: 110111 BLIINS ~Q. . :o_y};~ 10 Y.EA~f 0 F SER\!Il~: Coron·a del M~t TOWNHOUSE WE JUST SOLD' ANOTHER Vll!l PROP!RTY . , ... : !.:.~-.T LimN~ YOUIS!r' . I I • MAURY STAU~­ SEA LION REAL TV I U1~.M. aWT Hr( ... I.ACUtA ~,: ~. • . ' NEW LISTING!! CODA DB. MAR . Lonly Z bedroom and deD home wttb Z taU.. OD SO ft. R-Z lot. Owotr wtll1Utall DIW e&.r'J)et1.lc. Only $129,500 •.• I 8 ... OWNER SAYS SELL! 011 Of A KIIL .. W(II)IIftl BUY Three bedroom, 2 bath condo ln best of tbe Blu.tfs. Exceptionally good investment. Clean u a wblstle wttb brand new carpets. Only $99,950 CALL TO SEE-640-7000. •••• L 0 0 K 4472 PARK GLEN, IRVINE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 A 17 x 20 famlly room wltb ftreplace 1D this upgraded Irvine 3 bedroom borne within walld.Dc distance of Heritage Park, schools and shops •.• Priced at $79,900, FOR·QUICK SALE! .-•···-~····-~ido Jsle Newly remodeled, 4 bedrooms, den, 4 baths, Uvlng room with cathedral ceilings. Large master bedroom suite. $224,950. Four bedrooms, two baths, newly decorated, large ~tlo, beam ceilings, hardwood floors, 48 foot lot. $225,000, £uKury Waterfront Condo Two bedrooms, Z-1/Z baths, pool, )acuui, 24- bour security, brand new, completely furnlsbed. $220,000. Peninsula Four bedroom, three bath bome. All amenities lonly area. $195,000. ' PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES FROM $900,000 _ BILi GRUNDY, Realtor ,,,.,.,. aw.. •t Lind• rate 341 BAYSIDE DR., SUITE 1. N.l . "U 161 SERV ING NE WPORT BEACH SI NCE 1960 759-0226 anytime EARLE "BUD" CORBIN, GRI BROKER A Pleasure .... ENJOY YOUR HOME .. • • Also your investmE:nt ! Ov~r the: ptriod of many y~ars it has bt:t:n pro- ven that proJ>E:rties appreciate fast~ that are located ON THE WATER OR NEAR THE WATER! This prestigious ho~ is located just one door away from Oc~an Blvd. or a "4 Wood Shot" from Little Corona B~ach. Ther~ ar~ s s pacious bdrms & 6 baths + loads of h ving & ent~rtainin~ ar~a. A total of 5,000 sq. ft. of living s pace. which must tell you som~thlng. Tbe proJ>E:rtY ts located on 2 full sire lots that ar~ fee-no leas~ hold-a realistic pric~ at $350,000 YOU'LL LIKE OUR ESP ... Ea,erieftcect Set •• p.,. ...... t 759-0811 I H) s 33-9 1s1 Hester-Brown .____ R~ALTOR < *******.**** Raehelle Robers, ~ltor . ~333 _E. Coast ~i~~way Corona del Mar 67 5-2373 ***** ' .• I • ' / ' . Nfiii'ORT IWIIIOR f.HSI(Jj "lliURSOAY. SI:PT. 29, 1917 CDM vou· TH oN· SA~""AR PUBliSH EO WEEKLY-PG.a OOROIIA o~L MAll. CALl F. r, 1 lnterfol.th walk Oct 3 <~'•' nod-.... 1) -~· llllllllll-Wop '""""' ................. . MARITAL TALKS AT CHURCH .Aa adult dan dlJCUNtoa at 9 a.m. tbU Suldl.y OD tbt commttme:Dt dtmtDIIoa. of murlice vowa wUJ bt lollowtd at 10 a.m. with tuehlrlst, a;ermon, aDd a pubUe NneWJI of tAelr own marrlare vows by tbe eon- r rep.Uoo or st. James £pts - copat Church. Newport dncl puftbtoatn aDd a •IIIIIDc 141m ol 40 Eploco- ptl taymtll aDd yoatb from throuctlOUt SoutMrnCautor- nll •UJ bold dlaDer m•et- loct both eYt AlbC:s, toUowed by separate,pror ram s tor tdultt, )'OUth t OO Clllrth IChOol C:h1l9!eD. • Afttr' IWitehklc pb.DI1 It DOW '" ~U 11.0 aa,rben U broUa U... AD 1Dtt rl;dth walk spon-laaUoo at UCL no110rec:t Jobt~rg tblci'OUPDR aDd doUJttdlri .. J,totbtUm... ''ODe diJ. u •• wallDid 10rtd b)' Ctwrcll WQmen cuestawUI belottr1a.Ubstaa to Durbl.n, wb.tcb Datjldde .. talosl p.me preM"tla the dowo a roQ. we •ert.at.u'· United Mooday, Oct. 3, •ill members f ather BUt Me-ac rll>es as •·a beacll r..ort Zutu COUDtl'J of South Afrl-tled b1 a·bup crowl 1 ,.., bt(JD at 1&.30 a.m. at Luth... Laughlin, Rabbi Bernard town on the lodlan Oeaaa, ca~• Natal rt~ttoo. A Zulu teet away, Our IVJdn IIWUR( erltl Ctwreb of the Muter, kh~rt:, the 6 ev, Lawrence simila r ln many ways to CUldt, lllud.lilu, ud a wbltt arouDd Wltb tbtlr rtnu at Z900 Pacific View Dr., Ha r-RouUla..nJ, the Rev, DonStur.. Newport Beach.'' Weatbtr-Eacllab-bon plde, Coltn the ready, but a leopaM. bor View HUis. geon; also the lolertattb late ..rt nter there • wasntee. Jotulloo_ accomJ)lllleCI the whom we had appereatly The seeorl(l ctru rcb on the FouodaUon president, Mabry Two days Ill Durbl.o were group as tt hiked arovod the awakeMd, simply. seam. tour Is across tbe street, Slelnhaus, a00 United Mtn. a shocker. ''The ractal dl.s· game preserve tor 5 days. pe rf(~ ott into the brush. A ''faith alive" weekend Is set for October 7-9, acc:ordln$ to Peter Coppen, local chairman. Stunt Wo- The Or, Franc:Js Schaef- fer series of turns and dis- cussions will continue on Wednesday evenings thrnu~th the moothotNovemhur . St. Michael and All A~els tstry Campus Minister c rimination was terrtbly ev-Uuulliu, 64, IOQktd to be '•We arrtvtd In Utabatu. Episcopal, 3Z33 Paclflc VIew L)·nne Fitch. tdent. Black people who wat-in hts forties, David says, ba, a Zulu towu. oo market Dr. Then on to St. Mark Reservations maybe madE> ted on us at the hotel actu -''Tbe terralD Is about the day, a Saturday, and bad Presbyterian Church, ZlOO by calling Jeanette Wood, ally cowered as U they ex-same as the Irvine bills, heard tbtre was a reJtaur- Mar Vista Dr., East Bluff, 675 -7103. pected to be struck." This wrh scrub brush and lots ant there. We looked tor- and Our Lady Queen · of . aspect ot the trtp kept con-o dry grass -In tact, it ward to a hamburcer, after Ang els Ron.an CathO lic ~:'({b~/ /• = fronllng David almost every-loots a lot like the area days ofeattngdriedtraHtood Church, Z0-4 6 Mar Vista, where he went. of Lion Country Safari 1\et:t~ out of our packs. But, the where luncheon wUI be ser-'·When you get awaY from lD Ora.nge County. hamburger turned out to b6 ved at IZ:30 p.m. in the the big towns, you ttod peo -'• We saw rhinos, both of soy meal, or some such, pa r ish bali. The Purple Heart medal was piP living iu squalor aDd black and White. We walked and waso't very gOOd. Tbe origin•ted by GeOt"!Je W11h· po•er ty. While South Afrl-slngle .. tue. CoUo told us to restaurant was a disaster. Lunc heon tickets are ington in 1782. Only three or be d t 11 b w 1 $3,50, procef!ds lo benefi t four were awarded during the cans gave us strange looks rea Y 0 c m the near-e were the on Y whites In the stu dent [nte rfa lth organ-American Revolution. too.'' ' est tree U a rhtoo got ag-town. I felt uneasy. Zulus After visit ing the Durban gresslve. With a pack on looked at us as though to poltce :lndexchangfngaNew. my bact, I wasn't too sure say, why are you look!,. at port Beach pollee s houlder I could climb a tree. ·You'd me as thOUgh I'm ln a zoo?" patch for a Du rban patch be amazed at what you can Aft er 4 days In the Trans- Da vid and his pa rt •· set out' do with a Z-ton rhino after vaa l, the llttle group was with z guides, ror fhe bush: you,' Colln assured 1ne." driven the 300 mil es back 'lOt peoplt WI'IO lrl'lo ... ' collar '.n cull 333 E. 11th Sl • C11t1 Thev drove .J hours in a The Umtalost menagerie to Johanoes burg. VolksWa~ten v:tn ("I ha veaL-al so included ugly warthogs, '·We went t hroul'(h th£> fa.· Channels Dri ven into B Ohms. 20-20.000 Hl) Wllh NO More Than an Incredibly Low 0 05% Total Harmon1c D•stortion• ·xww · tor American cars 'zX' ·zx· lor Imported & compact Car~ rr.-cosionalitnmentby HOW THRU OCT. 8kolkd mrchanw.:.. who will !ll't cuter. unJ~t.DI'\d I~ m to 110:11'\Uf•rtu!t'r·• ~~i:fl'lf ~p«ilit~tiOM. JtO EITIIIA C:MAIIGE fCIIt FACTOIIY .1.1111 0111 TPS..,.. Mil C:US c..ll ,., • • .,11 ra:eutt. • ., ....... ..._ ..,.. Mr'riltl .... ,.,. .... If ....... WITH THIS COUPON ONLY-OFFER EXPIRES Q(T. 14 , the graceful Impala, zebra, mous Soweto black suburb, baboo ns and crocodiles, and and .c;aw terrible, terrible lots of birds. "The crocs, slums, Johannesburg, lts£>U, IJ)IG 1000 8 to 15 feet lonl(, would lie was much Hke Los Angeles; around in the inland swamps. just auother modern cJty." Co lin recalled that a Zulu At a de -briefing, ian Play- had strayed too r tose once er llstened to the hikers a few months ba rk a.nd had tell about the ir expe riences been k1ll~." and what the)· tlad gotten r .. st W> __ _, ··-·-"" .. """"""""" ~•• ""'' , • ...,,,,,o•·•• '"• _ ................ .., .... _. __ , __ n~o•••••• '*"•••o••o •• ""<~ •••• ,. •••·• ..... ...... ..,_.,. C L<eono 11 n conl •o•~ .••;•;:,"ic'~~.~;.~ ;IIIOwonQ cal)aOol oly l ncl t1t;'I H •<' *.tiOUI OiiSf! co~"'' and Gratlo Fl • SuO"' Flu•-BI•Ilge• 11oamond o::..ttfidge Nights were sometimes out of the trip. eerie, David recalls. "You David summed tlp his tm. would be sleeping In your pressions: ··When you're at sleeping bag, and you'd be the mere}' of the ani mals, a.,·akened by a.ll kinds of you don't reel very Lig and animal noises. So und travels powerful • , • I was lmpres - so well in the open courrtry, sE>d by the deanl tness or that you couldn't be sure Du rhan and Johannesbur~,. how far away the anim als . . I was shocked by the we re. fl..':llity of racial dlsnlmi. NEW! JBL ChCIIICJes The Picture of Sound Til•• L2 tJ, • tot•lly "•• plct.re of IIIIth ,..... Cl' .-d, ~ tlw ...... wM wrote ........ f11 $1 you noloce that unouue lhord soe•ke• The Ultrabass 11 ,..115 dosogn&tl 10 do one th•ng oerlec!ly •&Pioduc;e bass luoda'fl~l'\1,.5 dOwl'\ to the th•tnnold ol lluman heBio"Q-ba$5 you c11n !eel as much as hear Bul The Ull•abass ·~ Ol'\ly oart ol lho5 no-bade-elf o;~lem Come hsten 10 the l2'12' vou .. e newtr heatd ar,'(!h•'ly 1•1<.1:1 •I bt:!IOfe Nol l•om JBL Notl•om anyone '·We took turns stayinl! nat ton , •• You hear abou t up for an hou r, so we could J>Ovr>rty, but until you see keep a fire going all night. how the Zulus li~·e, you can't That he lps keep the animlls understand II. No thfng can away. There was al':'irlalong prepare you for tha t.'' hc..,.......Tr....._ ...__,o. ... -ow...., .... on the trip. Tina, 21, from In his prlvatP .:onversa. Indiana . She woke everyhod\' tions w1tt1 while Sou th Afrl - up one night ~~o·itt1 11e r t·ans, David ,..·as told that sc reams, but she held U(' ··H is just amatter oftime," rea.lly 'A'ell during thP hi. llf>fore the vast black ma~r­ king. Noborly !li:lde an)· pas-ll y ta kes over. ''The whites ses at he r, because she is are leaving, and the blacks enga!l'erl. a n:• multtplylng," sepmed to All BLANK TAPES- CASSEmS- REEL-TO-REEL- 8-TRACX- ARE ALWAYS SOlD AT COST! OR BElOW!· · · "It was r1ark at 6 and 1.!.:! the simple consensus. we 'rl usually be ltl our slee-Dav id and friends retur- ping ba~s tty 7. It gave a ned via Rome an(J London. person time to think, 1t marie As David Gray gets re;t. rou realize :-.ow small and dy to go back to Fullerton insignificant you ar e -and Sta le, l1e rloes so wit h a little it makes you appreciate lletler understandln~ of the home:· rPst of the world. One morning, after sleep. And, with a heightenedap- i~ along the Black Um fa -predation fo r wha t he has losi river, the group wo ke to ftnd leoparrl tracks alo!lll the edge or their camp. Ano- tller day, while taklng an aft ernoon nap on a ~rass hill, they awoke to fi nd a r hino abou t 8 feet away. · We were petrlflec1. But, he walked on past as though we weren't there. lie was headed for a mud bath at the river 's ed~?;E', We had been told that rhinos see only vagup outl in es, and that tt we didn 't wea r brig ht co- lo rs, we would not Ue all that noticeable to them.'' A dar \11 a Zulu vUJage was a pleasant Lreak in th P S{'hedule. ''They weresoge- nProus, although th ey obvi- ously had very little. They offered food and wate r, and seE>med Int erested In ou r ca- me ras and in whether we we re en~ylng ou rselves. "The Zulus gresented no Kreat da nger, our guides told us, but the white animal poa che rs were another mat- ler. WP. heard that the poa. c:hers (Ill egal hunter s) had been known to kill other huma ns, just to keep from being repo rted to the au- thorities." Next , the hikers we re g!. ven their toughest test of all. Their guide pointed them toward the coast, 5 miles away across a mountain range, and told thE'm to hike to the Indian Ocean, then turn southward tor 35 miles along the beach, He would pic k them up after Z4 hours, at a point where a river runs Into the ocean. They found the beaches beauutul with huge sand dU nes run. nlng right down to the shore and Sand crabs 2 teet across. "II was quite a test," Duld recalls. '•It put us to a sltuaUon of having to de· pelld on each other, and to keep going at a strong eoougb pace to reach our goal on time. The girl, Tina, had some problems, as dld ano- ther member of the group. I rot a sprained ankle, my. Jell. But, we muddled ll'lroucb, by walking most ot ' the a.lcht. lbd nac:bed our dtttlaatlon on ttmt. We were nry tired." ADOtbtr Volknlpn rklt loot tho ldqro t""""bSwa-••laad to tbe Tn.n&lar-•· ··n. COIIIIbraktt looktd about tht amt, bat wat drt .. If. •• bad to diC IDt' ..... •tor. A -pldo, AIU, -........... , pnffel, ..... ...., ud ..., ... ....... •• llld bOpod to ... ........... bot _, • IIIII CITY HALL MATH How many people are on the beach and where do they com e Crbrn? Getting a straight answer to that question ain't easy, They use something called City Hall Math to tlgure the answer to the above question. First, If you ask the boys at City Hall, they will answer your question by asking you one: ''Why do you want to know?" You see, it all depends on whether or not It's to City Hall's advantage to give you a low number of out-of-towners or a high number. For example, If the County Health Department wants to know why there aren't enough toilets on the beachers, the answer goes something Uke this: "There are only 36,000 people on the beach during peak summer weekend periods, and hal! of them are from Newport Beach. or that half, a good percentage actually ltve within walking distance of the beach, and can go borne to the toilet. So, we don't need any more toilets." Now, If you thtok I'm just making up thai silly answer, go back and read a letter that the city sent to the county bock In late 1974. That's just what II says. Okay, oow let's ask City Hall the same question • bow many people on the beach and where are they from? This time the question Is being asked so that the city can get a subsidy from the state to help pay for the cost of administering the bea- ches. Here's the answer City Hall comes up with: "During the 4-year period ending In 1976, 10 per cent of the beach users were Newport residents, 51 per cent were !rom other Orange County cities, and 30percent were !rom outside Orange County." Now ain't that cute? Our city speaks with an omctaJ forked longue. There's an awfUlly big dU!erence between saying 50 per cent of the beach crowd is local, and saying that only 19 per cent Is local. If City Hall can spread the statistics around like that, doesn't It make you wonder about bow they handle your l:u money? We sbould rent out our stattstlctan to other governments that are looking lor some. fUMy tlgures. !d! Amln would probably pay a bundle to learn that 99 per cent or the people of Uganda love him, but that he would need to ldll olf 40 per cent to get rid of hts eoem!es. If our guy bad been working for Bert Lance, ol' Bert probably could have proved · that bls bank overdrafts were really underdra!ls. Tbl.s thlng has all kinds o! possiblllttes; mloortty groups could end up being ma- jorities, and Ang!e.Saxons who can read would be given equal treatment In the job marlcet. Come to think of It, our stattstlctan must do oo me rnoonltgbt!Jlg work tor the school district. Those folks haYe been tolling us that a deelln!ng student enroll- meal l.s bad economic news. In other words, It costs us more to aooeato fewer kids. Pardoo me, I've got to go. Thera's a fellow at my door who's seU!Jtc a "Newport Computer." He says you can pmch the kaJ•, then put earplloDes on your bM.d and this computer wt11 wblsper dU!eront an.swora IIIIo each oar. AI Forglt Down at the store, thlllc• always add up rtcbt. Let us help you tlgura bow much COIOIIJ Paint you Deed to do lhallnsldo paint job, RGIT HARDWARE I • COlOMA DI L MAR , CALl,. 'Barbershop plus' Oct. 1 JOHN H. GJ VIN of Costa Mesa has been oamed work experience coordloator tor Orange Coast College's Ca- reer Development Center. He has taucht avtatlon coor- ses at OCC tor the last 6 years. In his new posi- tion, he supervises OCC's cooperative workexperleoce education program. The pro- gram Includes some 1,200 OCC students who are gain- Ing college credit by wort - tog ln on-the-job sltuatloos in the commuoity. Good eleu eatertatam•t tor tbe 1tbot• tamUyta bow tbe Hewport Harbor Ex- ctaaac• Club bUls tta 7th aJUIUil Barbtnbop Quartet show, Ht for 8 p.m. Satur- day llJC'bt, Oct. 1, In the Oruc• Cout Collece audi- torium. Tllla year•-. a bow. called ''btrber8bop plus, •• features Marlo's Sqere from Coro• del Mar, Fatber CoucbllD's All-Amertca Boy'a Cboir, aDd the Man- batten comedy bardersbop quartet. Harry Babbitt, Who sang with Kay Kyser's be.Dd be- tore retirtng to Ne1rport Beach to sell real estate, wUl be the master of cere- monies. Tickets at $3 and $4 wUI be on sale at the auditor- tum on the OCC campus at 2'701 Fairview, Costa Mesa. Proceed& wtll go to the Exchange Club's youth activities fuDd.Inpast years, the fUnd has aided such Clopper rail stalls major sewer project Chalk up another big win for the light-footed clapper rail. The tunny-looking bird, which was Instrumental ln causlng Upper Newport Bay to be turned into an ecolo- gical preserve, has stopped a major sewer project. • SchedUle constructlonof the lloe around the oestlng season of the clapper rall, so as not todlsturbthebtrds. • BuUd a temporary 8-fL acoustic reoce to keep con- struction sounds from up- setting the oest~. • Pay $10,000 to hue an ornithologist study ways to minimize sewer construc- tion effect on the clapper rail. But, the Commlsslon said no, anyway. The clapper ra11, an en- dangered species of long- legged bird, can live only ln Udal marshas and shallow estuaries such as the Back Bay offers. ADd, where the clapper rall lives, sewers are forbidden, says the Coutal CommlssioD. causes u tbt Spastic Leecue aDd the Harbor Area Boys Club. ''l'm convlaced this wlll be our but lbow ever," ays Coro• del Mar a.I- tor Grec DtDDLs, who heads the Excbaoce Club commit- tee stacl.Dc the sbow. "The Marlo Slagers are recocnlz- ed as ooe of tbe top pro- fesstoMI croops anywhere, aDd Father Coacblin's boys are the best routh musical group we'Ye fouod. Tbe Man- Newport PO bid awarded The United States Postal Service has awarded a con- tract tor construction of a new Post Offtce in New- port Beach, Ofrtcer-ln- Charge Mason Teter an~ DOQDCed t.his week. J . Ray Const ruction Co. wUI build the fa c1llty at Camelback St. at a cost of $1,279,'712. The successful budder was one of five to bid on the project. The buUdlng wlll replace the fa cUlties now located at the proposed buUdlng site. The new brick building wUI conserve eoergy with use of high pressure sodium Hghtl~, bronze glass and alr condUioni~ desl.gned to cut air conditioning loads by 10 tons. The facility Is e~ted to be ready for occupancy ln August, 197 8, and will have about 34,700 square feet of interior space. PROMOTED TO SGT. Marine Seraeant James M. Conrecode, son or Edward J . Conrecode ol 240 E. 16th Place, Costa Mesa, has beea merltor1ously promoted to his present rank while ser-nnc wlth the 2Dd Marine Dlvlslon, Marine CoJl)s Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C. He joined the Marine CoJl)s in June, 1975. California's Coastal Com- mission voted 12-0 on Wed- nesday of last weelc to block construction or a gravity se- wer llne along Back Bay Dr. and across Big Canyon, and the maln reason was the ef- fe ct commissioners thoUght the llne would have had on the Hfe of the clapper raU. The llne •111 have to bunt, Instead, beneath Jamboree Rd. Construction costs will be the same -about $600,- 000, but there wlU be annuaJ operational cost of about $30,000 for a pumpt~ sta- tion that wW be Deeded to keep the sewage moY'lng. Tbe pump station would not han been needed for the Baclc Bay gravtty Une. Big order for boat lim County Sanitation Dis- tricts manager Fred Harper thought he had covered all bases in his attempts to pro- tect the clapper raU whUe buUdlng the gravity llne. He had promised to: STOPS HEAT, FADING Protect Your Draperies Mylar-Poly ester Window fi lm Saves f'umlture, Money Applled to the lnsi<Ms or suo tJpOMd windows, solar-control tUm pos- Itively rtcllees solar bart lnput up to 81,, stops clare, sues the colt of additional atreondltioatnc, a.Dd re- duces heat loss ln wtDttr. The mylar ftlm al80 makes class shatter ..proof, stops bd1Dg up to 1001, aDd permits · an uDd.ls- torted ,, .... Alter .,lar coatrol ll appUed to the ctua, tbe wlndow claas wtll '"*r tM 11me trom thll.ulde, lettl.Gc tbt ame amoaat of liCbt lD U ~fort. Solar coatrol fUm le an.llable throaCh Soeltb- era-CaJ Solar Compuy. Ttlepbooe ('714} 770-0&01. Soat!Mn..Cal ollenpro- ftaloGIJ fMtall•UHI IDd rr.. e.attmatM ID J08f owa bome. Congressman Robert E. Badbam {R-Newport Beach) announced this WPelt that the EMBLEM PLANS BENEFIT .PARTY Newport Harbor Emblem Club 394 wUJ hold a fund- raising barbecue and salad dimer party at 4 p.m. Sa- turday, Oct. 1. Mrs. Ted Dlsberry, 893- 5424, is handling resern- tlons. Emblem Club membership consists of wtves, widows, sisters and daughters of the Beoevolent and ProtectiYe Order of Elks. Business meetings tte held tbe rtrst Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge. N.B. JAZZ ENSEMBLE SPONSORED BY CITY The Newport jan ensem- ble, directed by Jobn E. Llodfors, wW come uDder the spoosorsbtp of the City of Newport Beach parks, beaches 6 recreation de- partment th.Ls fall. In addltloo. a companion group, ''The Newport blc band," wlll be formed for the less experienced pDJ- ers. B'HAI B'RITH WOMEN FORM HEW OtAPTER AD llnitatJoD is uteoded to tbe WOIDtD lD the Jtw- ltb oommuAity to attend a cbtpter tormaUoo meett.acot B'IIIJ B'rlth Womu at tbe bom• of Mn. Besa K.adler lD Park NtwpOrt at 1 p.m., October 11. lat•nsted wom• an lDYlted to ea11 MS-7111 IDd ISI-5709. Willard Company of Costa Mesa and Fountain Valle) has been awardt(t a $63,753 contract for two prototYPE ship's rescue boats for thE U. S. Department of Com- merce. Upon successfUl evalua- tion of the prototype 18 foot diesel-powered fiberglas~ boats, there Ls likely to 1>€ follow-on requirements foJ tutur\3 quantity orders. wu. lard Is also currently buUd- lng 32 root patrol fireboatl aod a 30 foot prototype sun rescue boat for the U. S. Coast Guard under contract! in excess of $4,000,000. GERKEN IS ELECTED TO EDISON BO ARD Walter B. Gerken, chair- man of the board aDd chief executive oUlcer or Paclflc Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, has been elected to the board of directors of South- ern Caiifornt.a Edlson Com- pany. He flUs a vacancy on thE Edison board created by thE August 23 death or Staotol G. Hale, consultant and for- mer board chairm~n of Pa- cific Mutual. MAY A, 4NCA, ·AZTEC DISCU SSION SLATED Wary L. McC bemey, U- slsta..Dt bead or tJie d1Ylsloo of literature aDd tucua&ts ~t Orance Cout CoUece, wlU be ruest sPelter Oct. 6 wb• the Utenttare, ere- attn w rltt.ac a.Dd drama HC- tton of the Costa Mesa Wo- meo's club meets lD tbe clubhouse. Her topic wtll be "The Y&Ja, IDc.a uad Aatte clYUluttoos." A salad pot-tact laochton .W be sentd ~t II001l. Autlteatic ladillH-jewelrv Fund Raiti"' Source SIQICID, BANDC'RAniD IMIIAl' JBULRY DOtiCT AOM CLU"'''IGK TO TOUR QXT FUJfl)..JtABNQ &VEifT. PCJUC8t TO IIILP YOUIU.R IIOJmY FOR A CBARITABLI CAW&. c A•-QtJALITY itaooocTs-IF'VN-FOL&Loa.: M.• RlO'S SINGERS, a favorite Corona del M~r group, wlll be featured Saturday night at the Newport Harbor ExcbaJlee Club's annual '• Barbershop Plus" show ln the Oraoge Coast Colleae audltorlum ln Costa Mesa. From left are Jote Buclmum, Linda Barker, Janice Knowlton, Kevln Henry, Mary Hurzeler and Armando Sierra. Show time Is 8 p.m. Tickets at tht door are $4 and $3, Topic is water pollution of Governmerus (SCAL 1. The wat er t·ontrol al.!e nn representatlves ha vt Ot>tn asked to identify sources uf water pollution In NewpPrt Bf>arh, to outline hO'-' tt. .. , h3 ve l>een treated 111 the pa st, and to project wllat their fUture short-term and loog-ra04te goals will be to dean up the 1Jrol.llems. Tickets are $6 per person. For additional lnlorm.ulon <'all 673-2618. Tuck & RABBIT Pett> Our zou.. Y tar Auto Home fire INSt;RA NCE 548-5554 1914 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa F .o\RM E RS INSU RANCE RENTALS AND SALES ROBERT 'S TUX SHOP LATEST FASHIONS & COLORS FOtmal Wee• •S Q,.r Only Bvs•neu II Matters MOH. -THURS. 10 to 6 HO URS:FR I lO tol; SAT .9toS KING OF THE GRANDFATHERS SAVE MORE THAN 1,000 ON HERSCHEDE CLOCKS .. , I I I You Dare Not Me~lect So Gr•at Salvation NEWI'OI(T HARSOR ENSICJC PIJ ILl!lt EO IEEKL Y • P G.l ' TICUIISIIAY, SEPT. II, 1m COROllA DEL liAR, CAUF a LOOK aT Tl\e :aooo: .· ' .... .,., .......... .... ,,.,,.~._. ....... ...,. ...... v.._.,,.....,,,. .• ,,., PROM .. T111 _!WOJID !I!· TMJ ~A2,:!.. COIDII ... UU. the Word .out of the Mart and men 10 on wtt.hout fCOMTINUID f'aOM \.AST WIIC) payia.c Mec1 &o that wbleb God .. How tlaGU ,.,. acapc, if WC' ...U &o them i.n eome wey or M~l«t 10 ''"' HluoiUM. . • 7" otMl'. 11Mn, people M4d to tab · W • h h' heed. How cellout people are lvt. 3). ill you nottce ere. t •• about t•~ l•ulhl And bow •hey wonderful talvation can be ... • -•~• I ' I 1 th" letihllp by! ._., sn & t e' ranp tnt Jn luleh 1:18 the sweet '"t J*)ple ean just,... by and command end invitation ll. nqlec:t. the mo.t important h ld' 1 • · "Com~ now, ond ~~ w reo~on t inr in the wor . In t tt lotether. 10;1h th• Lord: tltoUih •trance that anybody wOuld holl trine with it and expect eo me yoUr •Ill brt tu •corlet, they • . day to be uved, and yet not to be brt Gf white 01 now. . · · " I tuppoee people 10 to Hell .. vect? But that's what happens. be<:au.e they just let it slip, they And here the Scripture ~aye, don't take it to heart, they don't "The~/ore we oQhl to Bive the come and reaaon about it. they more earntst heed to th~ thin§$ don 't con sider it. The which we have heard, lest at any implication ia that anybody who tina~ we ahould let them slip." will sit down and honestly (ace Every Tr•n-areMion. Every Sin Must •• Punlah.cl Notice the term "ousht." There is a solemn duty. The man who doesn't listen t.o the Bible, the man who doesn 't pray for light, the man who doesn't seek God sins becauae of a wicked heart. Men "oullht to IJive the mon earnest heed" to the thin11 we have heard. Earnest heed! What thi.n,P have we heard? We have heard that man is a 11inne r. We have heard that everywhere there is a curse on this . poor, fallen race of men. Do I need to tell you what is wrong with society? It U. sin, everywhere. People say, "We will bring a n end to poverty in this country." Not as long as men are sinful and wicked; not when men would rather loaf than work; not when men would rather gamble than earn honest money: not when people would rather spend their money in lewdness · and drunkenness than in the fH"dinary needs for a family. As Jonr as sin is in the world you will have trouble. And so why don't people heed "the thinss which we have heard," that •in is a blirht everywhere and there is a need for foraiveness and a need for a remedy for the awful sin that is in the hearts of all people everywhere? "Thereto~ we OU/lhl to live the niore eo.rne1t heed to the thin11 which we have heard." We have heard that God rave His Son. We have heard that there is so «reat a salvation that God loved the world and J&Ve His Son to die for it. I talked to a little girl nine years old in Toronto the other -~~ri'~t i\ieft.*how JOhn 3:16, but she soon found that she was a sinner. I told her that "if our heart condemn us, Gt1d •is greater than our hea1-t" II John 3:20). I said we k.now it, and God knows it, doesn't He? S he saw that very soon, and she was ready to pray and to asK Jesus to forgive her. Put this down: the things we have heard about sin and a Saviour. and that God loves us and we don't have to perish and go to Hell -yes, that is part of "the thinas which we have heard." The amazing thing, there is a Hell of eternal torment for sinners. Oon"t dod1e what the Bible teach~!!>. Don't try to preach a H eaven without Hell. Don't try to preach love without God ".s wrath against sin. Preach tht> whole truth. both sides of it. And thesf' aw(ul "'thin~( . ., which we have heard" -you have heard it a nd you uu11ht to .. Rive the mor~ earne.o;;t heed ta the thinss which we hove heard." We have heard the plain command or God, that God "commandeth all m en every where to reperat" IActs 17:30), that God ill "not willin1 that an y should perish, but that all 11h ould come to repentance" (II Pet. 3:9). You have heard the word that Jesus haA invited: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and ar~ heavy laden~ and f will siue you ~at " (Matt. 1J :29). Don't Let the Word SUp, Don't Forget God'• Warning Surely you know the call of conscience and you remember what you have heard and &he im~reuions God hu m.Se on your heart. Well. now, men ''oUIIIII to 6i1Jt: 1~ mon earneat heed to tM lhi~• wlakh we hove htord, lett at any firM Ill« •hould let tltem •lip." Give heed? Yn. You knowJetusot'ten .. id, when He pve ~raW. aDd taucht truths to the people, "Who ltath eara to hear, ld him heor." Do you know that tome people didn't really hear? Yet; the tru&h tlipped away and they cot only the outward form of the parable and cot no meaninc to it at .tl. For example, wh•n they Mid to J•u.. "What tip are You eoinc to -'" that You an &.he Son of Oocl?'"'-Jj~ e.aid. "Datroy 1/U. k..,;k 111• -•• Hio bodYJ olld in thrY• claw I wiU rwlJit up. •• They MNI;,."Do )'OU -lhlo T ....... ol Hwod.lhlo ._..t Temple at J•u.-lem'!" .....,. d.Kln.'t .-&h• ~DU.ni.nr at .a And oo wllh IDOral q-'"'"'• --liM -aniAr .Uppod ....... and ~~~-....... , 2 as.._''j; tMy dkln't .~ ;c'" .Lerd .............. t ......... _. ••r• lht 11111111 -.-clt-aood ...... =., ............ -~-·-­.. £-.. And .. dlo Dnll this matter: I'm a poor. lot~t sinner; I'm roing to die. I do not know when: I've got to race God: I've rot to be judged for my sins, oh. 1 need a Saviour: when they find that God loves thern . tha t Jes us dit>d (or tht>m-a nybody who takes that to heart 1uHI in his m ind [;u-l'« it. SllTCI)" he " ill hlrn and ln ve iinol tru ... c thi• Sa\"iour a nd ht< ~u\·ed : God Back•d Up the Prophets . Sin Was Punished Hack in tht' Old Te:.tanwtH •t worked, a nd now that G<141 l•a" sent Hi.; Son. do you think that God wouldn't back up His ~un . too'! Gud backtod li P the proph<'l:i back ~'nnder ! Yuu rt-member that E li jah one time said to Ahab, when Jeubel. that wicked queen . h ad Nabolh stoned so Ahab could have his vineyard, "Ha!ll thou killed, and also taken PQSses.<tion?. . Thus saith th e Lord, In the plac~ where dogs li cked the blood of Naboth shall doss lick thy blood. even thine "" !II Kings 21:19). Jezebel had seen Ahab looking displeased because Naboth wouldn't sell his property to Ahab, so she had letters written to the elders and n obles of Jezreel saying. "Proclaim a fa !l t, Ond set Naboth on hi1h amons the people: And set two m~n. sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness asain .~t him, sayin1. Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, thot he may die." So they did, and Jezebel told Ahab to go take possession of Naboth's vineyard. Ahab wanted that vineyard. and he took it. It ca me to pass just as the Prophet Elijah liaid. tha.t the · dap "thould titk-•the· blood of· Ahab yonder where they killed Naboth. And he said, "Of "J ezebel also .•pake the Lord, .,. Mn. ,_ ...... I" ROM "SWORD Dl< THE LORD" Since the Word of God is a prac- tical Book. designed to help in every single area of a Christian's life, it ought not to be surprising for WI to di.sc'lver that the Bible tallu quite a bit about money. It is an amazing and wondt>rful fact that Bible prin· ciplea about money are alwayA con - Aiatent and they n!;&lly do work. Here, for example. are some very 11pecific biblical teachinp about money that will help every child ol God be successful in the UM of -all material bleMings: l . God honors those who tithe. "Honour the Lord with thy tub- stance, and with the fiNit fruita or all thine increa11e: So shall thy bamA be filled with plenty, and thy preues shall burst out with new wine" (Prov. 3:9,10). 2. God honor• t ho1e who worlt hard and are diligent in their uu of mornry. "He becometh poor that dealeth with a alack hand: but the hand or the diligent maketh rich" (Prov. 10:4). 3. God honors tho•e who au rifhteoUA. "The Lord will not sufFer , the aoul of the richt.eous to famiab: but he ca~teth away the subltance of the wicked" (Prov. 10:3). 4. God honort tho•« who or• gmeraw with tMir moM)'. ''The libeul toUI shall be made fat: and he that watereth shatll be watered alto himtelf' (Prov. 11:25). 6 . God h onor~ ••utn thfl grondchildren of thoH who Gl'l' f'ilhteow. "A cood man lellv.tb u. inheritance to hia children'• cbildnn: ud the WMlth at the lin· ner ia leid up for the jult." (Prov. 13:22). 6. Som~ povtrty ill du. to poor plannlns and poor ·~~:: "M""h rood "' "' the li 01 the poor: but there " that ie bywantoljudrmenl" a--.18:23). 1. MONtY toU.1! "'llw pooi ie hal*! .-,.., ~ hie own &N:hbout: but the rich bath many ~· (!'nw. IC:20). 8. It lA IHCCtr to wort thon. to u./A. "In all labour. ~c: bultho I01k ol tho Upo on1J 10 poo>iuy" (PJ.. 14:23). t . 111....,, wi""'"' ""'• and 11\o • ,_ ol God.;. -w..o .. ._. IIUio tr1111 lloo ,_ 01 tho IAN-· 1~•t treuuu a.nd t.roabl• U.:cattts: a.tMr it • ._, ttl .....,._ ...... -....... OS oiid hotM -lh" (!'nw. 11:11,17). .. ,.,.,. Tile ,_,, 1lwiU .. t .,...., .. ,,.. -of"-~ .. A.nd ao lt carne &a '*•· .. ,, ••• ....y _ ... b -" ..., IIH,..I [and God becbd II uil. ond cw-ry ,,..,..,._loA olld' d .. ob«J;,,.Cf! ruciued • j.ut ncomptn« o( reward; How lfholl we e•ca~. . . 1" You remtmber when D•niel did to Nebuchadnn~ar ... You will tay, 'Isn't thi• •areat ci&y that I have built, Babylon?' Attd you will hf proud and haurhty, You will fOrret whet God hu done. God rave you thi1, and God will live you '.even timet.' seven yeart, to live like a wild beast out yonder, with your mind rone, until you come to 1Y 111.101 .. 1111, CIV.ftDB , .. -.... IIIIM,_, .cS.ne.. a ... ....-u.a. heartache, and ,..,.tL WHAT IS SAVING FAITH? '"What lilhh uw Sc:ript\H1 ABAAHAM BELW:VEO GOO. AN) IT WAS COUNTED TO HIW FOt RIGHT· EOUSNE$$" (Rom. t :l). Tha Apoet lt> P111ul utds Hie 8bove qllOWtlon from Gen. 15:6 to IJ"OIIe thrt "to him thlt WCI'keth not, but ~lltlvtth on Hlm U•t juatlrieth the Uf'IOOdly . nit felth is counted for righteo6&ren " (Rom. 4:6). It Is wonderful that Gad doet not ~uire-indeed, dOll not pet· mit -hUII'en workt for salvation ~ but only faith. But u-. question Ia: whtch IS foiiOIIMd wilh the wardt: your senHI aaain." who i1 a slave to And don't you remember sold hlmulf for Not only does mu ftod bba· Mlf a slave to atn; 1M alM find• that h• eannot atriea'- hlmlelf. Is tM eaat bopeiMI t Is It posalble to be t'rMd from thla slaftQ'! Thank Cod tt ll possible. llut tt It not br worb of rtfhtMUneN whk-h •• can do, but by the thed blood of HI• Son. Jeau1 Chrtst, "W'bo wtlltnrlr rave BlmMlf • .,....,. som for manr. God'• Word ... elares, I'It the Sou thentor. shall make you fn!J re lball he free indeed." YoUr OW1l poverty as a sl .. a to 1tn mak• you a undidate for the ,.... demptlon whieh I• In l•a• Christ. We are redeem1d not with corruptible thin&'• such . a1 silver and gold,~.., but b.r the precioua blood of "nrtlt leeUI. He suffered "the rlahteous for the unright.eout.'' Whtt is uue ft ith1 What kind of be· lieving ....,,1 ? "And 1-. believed In thl Lard; tnd He cOUf'Ctd II to him for rlgtltflM:· ,... .... ,(Ver. 18). We do not '""" to Imply ttwt thlt was ttit rlrtt ••· prenlon of Abtehlm't feith , for In Heb. 11 :8 we read: ''ly ftlth Abrt· him, when he was ctUtd to go out into a pltce whleh M thaukl after receive for tn lnhtfilii'ICe. abe¥'1d; 1..:1 he went ~.not "''CMing whith· er ht wam :· This tOOk place eon· tldeflbly before thtt Gennls 15 incident tnd we ll't spec:ifictlly told tl'llt ll'w"'41h hit ftlth he "'Ob· tained e good repm-t•: tHtb. 11 :2), when Be:lthauar. \he younr hear men arrue drunken monarch, called for of sin. They blame There is no indication in Scrip- tin thin "the gcapel cA tne grai:e r:J God" or "tne Pt"elct.lng c1 the crou " wu procltimed to Abral\am. W1 must go back. to the passage which Paul quotas to see what Abral"lem believed. Gen . 15:5 says : From Ill thlt it II C le.,-thlt Abraham believed "''li'llf God told I h1m tnd was counted r.i_ghteCIUI - 11 ""' now know , th-ough • ,_....,_ tion stilt to be •rought by Christ. We , now, mutt believe 1011i'llr God tell• us -and this is nothing lata than tile account of the all·suUJ· cient fin ished worfol of Cl'wilt wrought in our behllf on Calv~ry't Crots. Daniel when the fin1en or a everything from inh!bltiona m~m·B hand wrote on the wall of and complexes to heredity and th · '&lace and h is "l~nees sm ote environment. Although we ean. 0 1e. u.saira~t another." and he · not di~ount these thina1, the . "Wh . . I" A d D . I truth 11 that eath man te s Sb!d, .. at IS It n , ame himself into bondage to sin. sa1d, Th~se terms meon: Thou Sin is not forced upon any art weiahed in the balanct's, and man· in the final ana Iyaii, each art found wantin1.' Ah, th~ man' is to blame for hill own kinlldom is divided and your wrongdoing. When we se~l our- days are numbered." And to sel.ve• in'? sl~very to ltn, we that nirht Belahanar died and gam nothing m retur~ t'J:Cept "Darius th~ w~dio.n took the a debased nature, a gu1lty con· kingdom "(Dan. 6:31). · Put it down: "if, .. ~very tronsareuion and disobedience receiVotd a just recompen~ of reward " in the old timea, then "How shall we uca~ ... , .. Oh, put it down: sin always reta punished 1100ner or la ter; as Numbers 32:23 says, "bt: $Uri' your sin will find you out." And Proverbs tells us that "the way of transsressors is hard." So you can't neglect this salv~:~tion and get by. Nqlect, the Shortest Way to Hell You notice the Scripture puts neglect along with other matters or sin, not just some incidental matter but like deliberate, wicked sin. Do you know why you neglect salvation? Evidently because of a bias .and a prejudice and an enmity against God: you are not a rriend or God and you neglect salvation. And so the awful neglect is the way to Hell. Neglect is the shortest way to Hell. "Ho wshall weesca~. if we neslect ... ?" That's how most people 10. Neglect is the .. hortest way to Hell! "}-low shall w' e"cape, if we neglt'ct so flrta t salvation. ?'' Why don't you who hear me uy, "l"m going to turn to Je11U1 now and be 10av"d whilc.> I can"''! 6ay, ""This a-re1:1t salvation-1 won't turn it duwn: that would be wicked '" \\'ill ynu l.:tke Christ'! Bible Principles About Money 10. Spiritual understandins i• far m ore uoluable than wealth. "How much bettt>r it is to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chO&en than silver!'' (Prov. 16:16). 11. Help for the poor U con- -~~dered o loan to the Lord and He will repay. "He that hath pity upon the poor lendPth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again" (Prov. 19:17). · 12. Laziness tench to pover(y. "The slug1ard will not plow by reason of the cold; thenfore shall he beg in harvest. and have nothing" (Prov. 20:4). 13 . Extrav agance tends to pouerty. "He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor m.n: he that loveth wine and oil ahall not be rich" (Prov. 21 :17). 14. A good reputation i. bt'Uer tluln money. "A aood name i.e rather to be choaen thAn peat riches, and loving favour rather tban tilver or 10ld" (Prov. 22:1). 15. Humility and tlu fear of God tend to wealth and honor. "By humility and the fear of the Lord are richea. and honour, and Ufe" (Prov. 22:4). 16. DOn't make "gett&n, rich" yow chief aim in life. Weolth U {lt'eting. "lAbour not to be rich: ceue rrom thine own wildom. Wilt thou aet thine eyes upon that which it not? for richee certainly make themtelvea winp; they ny •way •• an eq:Je towerd heaven" (Prov. 23:4,6). 17. Wealth aotten in tM WI'OfW way will com~ to nothi"l. "He that by usuJ)' and unjust gain increutth hil aubltance, he &hall pt.her it t'OI' him that wiU pity the poor'' (Prov. 28:8). 18. A mon wlw U (oichful in aU hill dealinl• will lllw~ oU M nft'Ch. "He tbottlllolh hlo land ebal1 hove ~'::t "' brood: but ... lhol lol· lc after-vain PIIIOM eball haft -.,_,.., A lollhlld .,.,. ehall abound with bl: dnp: but hi ..... --10 ... ri<lt-....... .._, .. w-. 28:1t,20). 11. TM ,... tMo ;, too ..,., to k ri<A will {all Wo M. "'Il lhot -10 ... ri<lt ........ ..u .,., ... (10 ldllwtb DOt u.t. potWty --·-W.."(PN9.28:1J) . 10. h • -"' .. -ond ~ ~-.... rido ond ~ ''A litde tW a ..._.._ _ ................... ....... "'-__. .. (PO. 11:111. II. ~ ,_,. llolfw, U.. <W/v -,.,. lho Lor& ................. ... .................. = v ·-~ .............. ~ lloaiP" (Po. 1.,, .. ,. . "Lord Jeaul, when we stand afar And gaze upon the holy eros a, In love of Thee and acorn of self, 0 may we count the world 111 loss!" Known "And He {God) took him {Abra"<<m l forth abrc»d , and said. Look now toward heaven. and tell (COI.JDU the stars. if thou be able to nunber them: lnd He said unto him. So shall thy seed be." It 1s this s im· pte, wonderful promise about tile multiplication of Abraham's seed "Who was delivered Ia our of· lercu . and wu raised tgtin for oor J~t ilication" (Rom. 4:25). by Mart. E.ll!lchard the school. The poor not only received Cree "DECISION MAGAZINE," Ml..tmeapoUs, MI.Dn, 1nstructton, but twlce or thrice each weelt .Augutua BenD&DD l"raDcke waa bora ill alms were distributed among them, which Liiblck,lu lho aorlhora pari ofGol'lllAQ, oa served not only for their bodUy comfort, but lho &aa4 48)' of llarah, ltMIII. attached them to the school and their lessons. Ia ltMIIII'rauake look lho 4oltreo of-Francke saw to his sorrow how many of Arlo, an4 t>oaaalo l-ure In Lolpa!C a.• hopeful chUdren In his Poor School were loot "prlwat--docent." But DolwltbHaDdJ.DIIlt. at length by reason of 1m proper surroundings earne1t tbeolo&icalatudy, be aaya of blmHlf and lack or care 1n the home. In the autumn ot 1u lho foDowiDC ,...,, "lllroublo4mo lhalllll;l' 1606 he determined to take some or the lhoolo&Jaalllutly wu oo oallroi,J a --of chUdren entirely under hiS own ca.re. • • and pure rouon au4oolonce.l I>OitiD 1o -lhall this," said he, "was the r1ret move toward the allDDol&l•tllii;I'HIIIo a publlo ofllce an4 establishment of an orphan house. without opaDly loaah olhoro aonaornln& lhiup of having the smallest capital as a beginning. which I am DOt oODYIDoed lD ~ OWD beart." ''When I mentioned this project to some Be ten on\0 bblmH• and oried out lD tbe friends, a good Christian consctence was soon 4artmooo of uni>Oiiof lo Go4 for licl>l, lhal ho moved to In vest the sum or 600 th&lero, ' ol m.J.Cbt be reacu.ed from b.la mlHrable aftuaUoa. which I was to receive the interest each year at "ften," aald be, "the Lord hHrd. ... aDd Chioistma.s.' • This interest brought Francke 28 oo aroal wu b.lo J'alher~ loftlhal ho 414-th&lers annually, and was the first remon 1D.7 doabta and r .. r• U"l• Q UtU., endowment of the orphanage. He at once wilh whlah I wou14 haft_,. abUD4aull,y sought a poor orphan who could be taken aatiatlecl, bat be h .. rd me 1odde~. &11 under his-own care, and for whose comfort 4oublo 4lnppaaro4.1 wu uoaro41u 1111;1' and education this money could be used. But hearl oflho Graao of Go41u Juuo Ghrlol.l-four lather less and motherless brothers and onl)' aou14 oallhlm Go4, bul abo J'alhor." sisters were brought to him that one might be J"raooke aow preached wtthjeJ7, aad from chosen, ''whereupon,'' he says. ''I ventured thla time be nckoiMd ~ ,':"H ooawraloa. n~,~~~~-vpo~iAli4f.lo t•Abe:mall~(; ,~:,.,l itH fal\h of l'rU>Oke wu llQJf Ill<! .-,ri'a 4oC"lrlo -'PIP POQ.~ ~hool W.n0w...,..•~e41lll the 1>0 betlnt4, lnllallft li1WI~~ ....... ~. -spAlle tod1n li\ thep&1'80Tiage·;11.n11-Udmon&l oplril roaahln& 4own lhro"'-'!.~-ocl. ~ llad been rr>Med•ln ·lhe·mn~<?f"' yeara. q neighbot:"'This house was for s&is, ai\d1 It was the custom of the poor In H&lle to visit Francke bought It for $365 . On the back part the doors of benevolent people once each week of this bUlldtng he added two rooms, and to to receive alms. There was a. day appointed 1n thts house Francke brought the Poor School each portion of the town for thle in-gathering, and the orphans whom he had taken ln and ln the vicinity of the Glauchau parsonage charge. These were now 121n number; but 1t occurred on Thursday. Francke always seven weeks after the occupancy of the new caused bre&d to be distributed among these house, 18 were under ita roof. people; and it soon occur red to him to dtvtde In his care for the young Francke did not also among them the true Bread of Lt!e . forget the older poor. They received all this In regard to it he says: "As I saw them ttmemost helpful aid, and many more than before the house. awaiting alms. I bade them rormerly partook or his bounty. all come in, and began to question the younger "Before Easter of the year 16961t came ones, 1n a pleasant way, from Luther's about that almost every resource was catechism concerning the foundations of their exhausted, and we knew not how to provide Chr1St1antty , while the older ones listened. I for the following week. At that time I was not dtd not occupy more than a quarter of an hour accustomed to such severe testa of faith; but at In thiS way. closing with prayer. After this I the right time God came to our aid with distributed among them the usual gifts, gtv1ng unhoped·for help. He moved some person them at the same time to understa.nd that in (who it was: whether man or woman, and the future they should receive spiritual and from what place, ts only known to the Lord) physical food together." to pay to me by thelhlrd and rourth hand a He discovered through these weekly thousand thalers for the continuation of my catechtsms that the tgnora.nce of the poor was work, and I received it at a time when there so indescribably great that he did not know was nothing more in store. where to begtn to establish a solid ChristiAn "Had I brought this before the Lord In foundation. It troubled h im especially, he publlc prayer, doubtless there would have says. ''that so many children, because of the been those present who would have hastened poverty or their parents. could neither be kept to my aid with the necessary funds. But one in school nor receive tn any other way proper would rather gtve God the honor, who turns brtngtng up and eduoatton." no man from his door empty, since he is The need or ths deserving poor went to his mighty enough to help In thle way, and when heart. He bought a box which he circulated trusted Is able so clearly to show his among Christian students and others. by provtclenoe that one can thank him with which means he collected about half a dollar gre&tor gl&dnees. Thereupon I gave myseU each week for the poor. But though people anew In prayer to God, with lOY In the gave this em&ll &lmo cheerfully. they WBf" or a certainty of his hearing me." cl&so who had but little themselves. and It AI \he uma or Francke's death In l7a7 the seemed after a time to become burdensome. bulldlnga for the Orphan Houao and Its The rich gave nothing to this from their supplements were 111<e a long street. BesldH abundance, and Francke uked nothing, since the chief Orphan HoUIIO there wu the farm. they showed no evidence of trus charity but the book -re. the printing houae. tho drug seemed only desirous of fl&lnlng credit""' atore,laboratory, hosplt&l,llbrary, the art especially good ChristiAns bec&uao ol their mueeum and the eohoola. abU!ty to give more than others. Theeelnllltutlona formed a little olty within Francke, there! ore. oeaaed to take up thle ltaoU and sheltered a. em&ll oolony ol the poor collection, but caused a box to be put up In the and helpleee. It aiBo ll&•o employment to many living room of the pareonage, and·over It wrote mo,.., and ltept In time an open table to th-word.l: "But whoeo hath thiB world'& hunclreda of poor and llruUUnlllludents. good, and -u. hiS brother have need, ancl But Pranolte .. ve10 Oocl alllhe honor. He ~hutteth up hie bowela or oompaaeton froiD uortbecl nothing to lila own ro .. ICht, aoun~ him how dwelleth the love of Ooclln hlml'"' anclle&rn!ng, bul oallt4 h!JMeU an unworthy when th18 box hac! been In """ for about ~en& In Oocl'o hand,, who hac! only three month8 eoma I"'""n p1Aioecl1n 1~ 8f. one loolr.ecl upon what. Go4 W 4one . time, a awn amountlnC to about U .ea.'" Aa 1 •. TIM hlllll&llW&IO .ldM W no P~ In J\la took thla 1n m7 hand," eaya Franolte, "l•d work, an4 eo olaal'~ dl4 he c1-.. Oocl'o Will to my10U wt.lh lhe Jo7 or ral&h: ·~ Ia a f&IJ' .tor men In alllhaUie -bllabt4 and ' capital. Wlth thai. onelho!J)d rea117 -b!Mh aooompllabed, ~ ba h&cl an alJnoe\ ' aom.U.~: 1 ww b8Cin a Poor 8ohOol wi.\h ~ d..a.l of hla own fame, a&JinC th1a , , , I lha& 0o,s -.Jd ~brine hie worJr, 1o naucJI& x*J'nDoke YI8IIM....,. ot hie~ and hiJn..ulo aiiNM. OniJtn the Dfl!leof wbo re,IDioa4 wi.lb h!mOfttl' hie lll&le ~ · Clbn. would ho latlor. In all hla ~hie and-· f-doi'INalo IUIIUppoft;. lflllell-... lo llrinC all, bolD lhe ~ plefW! -e!J lUlU In lha box.lloli*of JINIIaiS& aldl4 to U.. IJIMIIl•bolar,lnlo tho-. II line boW O&NflaiiJiha poor o'-......... lo .Jeaua Clluolli&. <::>< ~ -~~.-&&b&lrownandJMIIS torlbalonelfi*IIND' ~lha-.ll.ll,r ·aumm ... u-.,... fiOm 110 eo eo tolloiAI'IItn R: iiiiOUI MMN .jMI ... ,........, 'ht ........ ..-a. ...._ h*•n ...... c-....,,MI .. IlCa- iatM ...... c ...... ...a: "• .. w.n.on. .. , .......... La. ,_ a.e, Calif. -1. nu hdnt Jla c tut-.. " ................. Mlftiiii'WII'r.GI'IIIIII. nu ., .... ,..._. ,. ... 0111117 cleft ol Or- .... CGUtJ Me. 11, 1r7'7. ........... 11, Jl, at, 1m, ta u.. W.wport lllltMwl"lp. F_.UOI PU BL.IC NOTI.CE FICTITIOUI.,.... •.um 8T A Tlllllf'l' 1'1111 tDIIoeillir .,..... .. ~ .... I u: I.I.T. . ....,... .. ......... c .... Dr., ... ::S.o.. Jeew-JOit Bt.clt. Cal. • Mn. lftlla Teller, UH ..._ ... Twtrll. tec-SW.. CII ... U. 'flU t.•un 11 caldtct- tcl bJ .. ldYidla1. ..... I"Jla M. Ttlltr. 'l'la&l ltatemelt ,.. fl1td ......... ..., clerk ol Or-.... eo.o Aile· at, 1m. MUM: Sept. I, 11, U, It, 1t'7'7, lD tbt Newport aa.r lllltp. F -11101. PUBLIC NOTICE FIC'JTI"'IUS BOSIDSS MAim 8T ATBMEMT TMIDUDwtJIIper-are dolliJt.IIDIIIU:ABIJVI Man.t, 101 Wllld8Dr Pl., luta AM, CaUl. 11705: Pa- trick Mleblel RJu. IOf-B La I..,..._, 8u Cltm-- te, Cal. IM?I; 1 .. Eft.M COUld. 14061 WIDdlor Pl., S&lb Aa, Cal. W705. TWa t.ltDIII u coDdac- ted by I Umltedpart:Dtrlblp. llptd: .Jeu E. Coand, Pat- rick MlcMel RJU. Tbla ~tattmt~~~t ,.. m..s willa tbt coatJ eltrk ol Or- &1111 CoutJ q. !9, lW'1'7 • Mu.b: Stpt. a, 15, za, at, 1m, tD u.. Newport BI.Jt)or EIUdp.. F -11118 PUBLIC NOTICE S-INM ncnmus BOSDfES8 KAME STATIMEMT Tbt~pt,...U'e daUc ....... u: -.,.,.uy. LeanlJL ZSi01 8prtc 8tntt. M&atoa Ylt)), Cali- ltnla -75: laMl Deu MWen, 111'1 ......... fl. R.-port Belc-. Cll&M • • ~ Terry ec••r. laiOl Spric Btnet, Mt.loa Vt.jo, Califonla 9H75. Tbla ._.,.,, ta coldllct- tclbya,_.ral~ llptd: ,__. Deu MWtn. nu atateaM~~t wu a.ted wta tbt coaJitJ e1m o1 Or- .... CoutJ Stpt. 1, 1W77. Mu.b: Stpt. 1. 15, U, ••• 1 '". til tbt Kewport Bllt)o~ EDJtp. F -SlUt PUBL IC NOTICE "i -tN70 FICTmOUS BUSIKESS NAME STATEMENT Tbt lo1Jow1.ac ptnDD ... doliC buiDea u : Mar1De v..-... l74G Marp•rtte An., CoroM cW Mar, Cal- lL tul$: KenD J. Blmmtr- .0. 174t Marpertte AYt., Co,.,_ del Mar, CaUl. IMIS. '"'-.,. ...... 11 C08dilct· tel by .. ldYidlll. 8lped: K..sa J, Slammenll. ,... lltateiDelt wu ftltd wtaa tbt coutJ clerk ol Or- .... COUIIJ '-1· IS, 1m. MH* Sep. a. IS, a, It, lt'7'7, Ia t111t Newport llutlor £DIIp. F -10'7SI PUBLIC NOTICE ...,. PEftTIOOIIWIMIM IWIII II' .i'IDIUI" ,.........,...,... .. .... >• I U1 Q. C • 011 .... "1.. lie.. ,., . ...._ , __ .... ,..,, c ... .... . ....,..., ....... . .. de II ... ~ , tr. ,...,,Cal& ... ,....., ......... . _..,., Mt 1 ...... ........... 'NI 1' ·---............... c.. ..,.CIIIIIr -... ""· . , ..... '~=2: ... 1"!, .. .. ..... ~ .. , MEft«T HMIOit UIC. PUaJII£D I!BLY •PO. S THURSDAY, SfPT. 21. fl17 OOIDA OB.IIAA, t.AU f. ftUaLIC MOTICE • WiiiilmAY, I&PT. 14 Mudl LJia AU-. 10, tl -Waa.t. Newport f'EnTIOUI·--· ............ duled ,... ..... ft'Aora.wr •lldJFMMr dnM drtY&II 'he ......... ,._ Ia at tsiO a.a. a tMIOO tlloell: ..._II d n • DMr· oiPnllret....,.rtlllloNI ..... ........_ IJ•rrr, ... Tl'tllt Au. Tora....-. .oa ... 1U ..... .... 14, ol UOIW, 811'-Bttd., .... , ... 111, Cella Me-llaa., Wll C ..... td with -. Ca. .... Mle-.& W. .... lrleDIScated ud cUt- TleliJ, ll5U"a 1J(M LIM. orcleriJ at I p.m. at UN ... .hlu CapMtruo, Ca. ud 8a1lloa • • • WUUam tl(', I. Ala. ladwll, U, ol ZM Tldl 'Winrn a. CMdlct· ltoe._..r, C.ta ....... wu td -, u ........,. aa.-tz · arni!Md at 10 p.m. at Ktw- MlaMI w. leiiJ. port ta.r oe a St.a Dltco na. ltl'ts..a wu IJed warnlt cbu'CSII l\lm with W'b a._., ettn oC Or· fallln to proYide tor de- Up CoatJ ._. '7, 1rrf. ,....._. ••• A hOO colo MU..: ... 15, U, It, coUeeU. wu bllqlulsed Oct. •• ''"· .. tM Jtewport froiD tM bome of Dbrll 1M Banor IMIP% F -115U Sclrnrtl, 1717 W. Balbo& 81Yd., Ctltral Hftport, bt- PUeLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BUII.KESS MAD STATI:MIIfl' n. IDUoWliC ...... .. till hrtena u:btllw..a G...... 71$ W. 17tb St., IF, eo.ta M-. CA. 112a7: ••r ron~~ Bowtt. 5111 8eallllll)n, Mnport S.Cb, CA. IIMS. TIU ._. .... 11 COIIIIIIet- td bJ u IDdlfldal. Ste-t PtMrBowte. TIIU ltat.m..a wu ftltd wttll tbe eatlltJ clerk ol Or- up CfutJ Stilt. 11, 1W77. Plb&Ub: Stilt. 12, at, Oct. 8, lS, 1W77, 1D tbt M..,..-t Haatm EDiip. F -81150 .. . P.UBLIC NOTI.CE CP-ftl'l FX:TJ'I'IOOS BUIIMISS KAME IT ATI:MIIn' n. tobowllc """ .. dolac ..... I I U: Ber- IIU'd'..-· -uo1 Eut Cout BlctlftJ, Coro. del liar, CalUonla la15: La MulDe Fr.aeel•~ aCalUonlaCor- ponttoa, Mel c~ Dr., IC....,rt Beacll. Call- to..-11111. Tbla ....... 11 COIIdld- ed b)' a oorpontloL La Ma- 11De FniCIIltt. BJ: Benard Rlcol.t. PI'MIWIIL Tb1t ...... ,.. ftJtd wltb a. C01.11tJ clerk ol Or- &1111 caae, -.. ao, 1m. . tw ... 11:10 p.m. &ad 1 p.m. •• , A It-bud poUc:t JCU- oer radio wu .COlto from MU. tlooet'• truck ~lie lt .... parted at bU :·. 'le at 1710 Marl.la, Bay' reat, btttrtta ~ p.m. Stilt. 1.; aod 7 a.m. Sept. 1• ••• Two Wllltt IDil .. Ia tbtlr early twtlltl.. art •spected of .._. .. $110 from the cub dnwer of tbt Book Sbop OD lM lalaDcS, 101 MarlDe, Baltloa bland, betwteo 1:30 aDd 2 p.m •••• Rob Law- reaet, 2115 SberlllctoD, Oa.k- wooct apartmeata, reported a $,1,15t lterto r.c:tl¥tr sto- ln from hLt bomt betw"o 1:10 p.m. &ad mldDlcbt ••. A $1,000 ltUIO lod $10 cub wert .toleca from the boiDt ol u.o Robluon. 5511 Sea1bort, WMt Newport, be- tw .. 3 p.m. aDd 3:30 p.m. • THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 Prol.,.,ore, S.Crow Ser- Ylc-, 1tll JCortl 'J'utla AYNM, Slllta Aa, Ca. tr701, E~erow No. 77-0101-. MG. Lee RaymoDd otls, 35, of 267S Suta Aaa, Cotta Mea, was charred with be- lle latollcattd lDd dtaorder- ly at li:.S a.m. at 900 New- port Ctattr Dr •••• Judith Lollbtt, 10? AbaloDe, Balboa lalaDd, report.d $271 stolen from btr purM at her home bttWMD I:SO p.m. Sept. 14 aDd I:SO a.m. the 15th ••• Ao tltlmated $300 damace waa done to JllltDt Jucar- lck'a car wbile ttwaaparked Dear btr borne at 4%2-1/2 Larbpar, Coro• c:lel War, bf 10meooe who tbJ'ew a Upttd clprtt tbrou(b tbe wladow, ltartlDc a nre, be- twteD 8 p.m. Sept. 15 ar¥1 7 LID. lht l&tt\ ••• A pls- tol aad bot.ter, a rlac aDd clotblJc, nllltd at $1,350, Wtl!t .W.. tro• Gl-HW, 10? 21th, Wetlt Newport, bt- twMD 7 p.m. Sept. 13 aod 7:10 a.m. tbe 15tb ••• Fra.a.k Enest GuUerre&, 28, of Ul Bay, Cotta Mesa, was arrtllttd at 7 p.m. at Dover aDd ~at. Westclltr, and cbaqed wltb baflluy • •• Du Moody Holloway, 51, of 1815 Sberirlc1on. Oak- wood apartmtllh, wu char- led wltb auaDlt ~eo pollee arruttcS him there at 8:30 Plblllb: Stilt ••• 15, u, It, 1W7'7, Ia 1M ltft'I'Ort a.-r &~ r.alJN PU8LIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE s..-a PlFJC.,......lf""'l iOUS BOIIMESS MAMI8TATIIIBICT 1'IM tDI.lftlar per-an do&ll """MSI u: M 6 B O..rt ,..,..... ., orrtip. 11oe4. eoroa dtl Mar, CIUa)l"'la ..U: Ro- bert L. IIIII. ., Onill- toD Rol4. Corea dtl liar, CalUonda tillS; Manbll1 L. Mc.DI.Idel, 1110 &lit lm- pertat BilbftJ, .... 111, II lltp8dD. C .... nla toi4S. p.m. • FRIDAY, SEPT. 16 A euaette tape player, ftlued at $200, wu stolen from a Tlfb.Q Tnuporta- tloo Co. tnck 1D tbe park- IJII lot of tbt Balboa Bay Chlb betWHD 2 p.m. Sept. 13 aad 11000 Sept. 16 • . • COD1 McArdle reported a $300 tape player ttoltD from btr car WbJle It na parked ... r btr Promoatory PolDt bomt bttW .. 2 p.m. Sept. 15 aod 8:10 p.m. Sept. 16 • • • A TV At ud sttreo equipment, nlatd at $500, wen lakeD from Marjorie Boyle'•. ear ftllt lt wu pa.rttd Dtar ber bomt at 185 SeqaU, Newport Hti~JU. ~ J a.m. &ad 10 p.m. • • • A cauette pltytr, nUtt ud cub, ..... St,lll, ........... tro• ltll Leu ..._, rrs Pr~ry Dr., bttw .... p.m. ltpt. IS ud I:JO LID. Stpt. 11 , • • IUe .. nl Wal- ter BueoD, ao, of U$-1/Z Grud CMIJ, a.lbo& lal.ud. wu eJIII.rttd wttb mt.clt- IIMIDOr dtuk drlvtJc at 5 p.m. at Cout Hwy.&adJam- bone ••• Artlllr Lewt• H..atap, .0, of 1018 Sa.ott- cutle, lla.rbOt Vln HUt., wa• cbaqtd wtth milde- meuor cSI'UILk cSrl•lDc at Z:05 a.m. at 801 Baya1dt. • SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 A NIY tuk coDta.llllnC an ntlmattd $100 lo coloa waa l&oltD from the bome of Roraald Trf&lp, 5S Moateclto Dr., Sp1Jlt.. HUI, between 8:SO a.m. ud 5:20 p.m. • • About 100 plecea of!x4 ham- ber, vaJued at $500, were stolen betWeen 5 p.m. Sept. 17 aod l2:SO p.m. the l8U1 trom behlad IAlchaelMadzo- tft'a boule at 211 Marigold, Corona del Mar • • • Two chalra and a table, nlued at $1SO, were stoleo from the troot porch at the home of Doaald Norman, 3104 from Ocean Bl¥d., Corona del Mar, betWeeo mldnlcht Sept. 16 and 7 a.m. the 17tb ••. Fred Robert Ewald, 4Zl Ser- ra, Cdrooa Hicblaods, re- ported $1,450 1D cash stolen from his borne between noon Sept. 10 lDd 3:30 p.m. Sept. 17 ••• DanJosepbCarvalho, 19, of 209 ColtOD, Newport Shores, was charted with glvl~~g false Information to a poUce omcer at 2 a.m. lD tbe 100 block of 18th, Centnl Newport ••• John StncbaD Bodrero, 26, of 435-1/2 Caroallon, Corona del Mar, was arrested there at 11:30 a.m. and charted witb marl)la.oa possession ••• Douglu Gordon Faw- cett, 21, of 1737 Bonaire, West Upper Bay, was char- ged with beiac lntoucated and dt.orderly at 4:30 p.m. at Balboa and Coast Hwy., West Newport. • SUNDAY, S~PT. 18 . Michael Herdan, 3010 Park Newport, reported sportllshln& gear valued at $3,045 mleo from hls stor- age area at the apartments, between 1 p.m. Sept. 13 and 7:30 p.m., Sept. 18 • • • Mlchatl Joseph Farr·ace, 3513 Seashore, West New. port, reported a TV set, stereo equipment, records Ul1 ~. valued at $4,210, atoltD b'om bJ.s home be- tween 7 p.m. Sept. 16 and 9 p.m. Sept1 18 by thle¥es wbo pt"led opeo a window ••• Jaodt Lindahl, zen Aba- lone, Balboa lalaod, reported a cassette tape playtr valued from ber car whUe lt was parked neat" her home be- tween 6:30a.m. and 1:30p.m. ••• Jorte Rlcbardo Oublna, 25, of 2221 Heather, West Upper Bay, was arrested at 11 p.m. at Bobby Mc- Gee's restaurant, 353 E. Coast Hwy., oear Promon- tory Polot, lDd charged with approprta~ lost property • . • Soreo Jobanoes Suod- berg, 35, of 229 LaJolla, Newport Hetcbts, was char- ged with mlsdemeanor drunk driviDe at 9:15p.m. at New- port and Catallna, Newport Heicbts • • • Anthony Alan Horntb, Z3, of 329 Aliso, Newport Hetchts, was c bar- ced wtth ridlnc bls bike acroas a roed dl•lder at 2oth and Court, Central New- port, at 4:30 p.m ••• Rooald Edward Clolty, 46, or 2277 Harbor, Costa Mesa, was arrested at 5:30 a.m. to the zoo block of Gra.od Canal, Balboa IslaM, and charged with burgl~ry. 1'1da ._ ...... II ooadllct- tcl bJ a ....,U putMrGtp. lipid: Manllal1 L. McDu- 111. John W. Redelfs, M.D. 'nu .e.tla..a wu IIJed ,.. ....... c&enoiOr- .... eo., ... '1''"· ,........_, s,a. n, tm, ta a. -..,o.t BI.IWIIIIIp. F-11Mt ftUIILIC NOTICE . I M1t f'EiiiiOOI8UiiHUI JUMIITATIIIIII'I' .................. ..,. ....... < •• c ...... A8llr ......... c.ru. ... c.-..... c.-..• _,, fte Mllr hll p;P -.~n~.,actWr* ... ,.. .... c--..c•-ea--.~,,.,.._ •. -..-~ .... ...... Ca?M I 1'MI II 9 F II I &d- .. 'faG JFJ ...... :.• .. ':-,::.= 'NI 11 .. _ ... .. ........... Qr. ~-;-. .. lift. ~.._.._ .. ~.---.. .. l:b~· ftnl · C..W I ~....... 0 PAS'& ...... = . ... lift. .. .. ---~~.. , ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR TREATMENT OF OVERWEIGHT PROBLEMS IUIT. A, CA ... ILLO W£DICAL BU ILDING 21•1 I:AIT COAIT H IG HWAY CO .. ONA DI:L WA ... CAL.IF. it262& F8££ CONSULTATION HOU .. Ia thOO A.W. TO t :OO P.w. TI:L. I:~HON l:t 17S.OUO • MOlfDAY, IIPT. lt Cbrta t..ia BIA~Da.A. U, of 2UO Maple, eo.ta ..... wu ~ tllitrt at 1:10 bd cbat(ed wttb btlDc ta- toiSctttd a~ dl10rdtrl)' ••• wuuam Perry Holdta, 10, of tbe Balbo& lao, wu cbu- ctd with btlJir l.Dtolieated aod d110rderly at 1:10 a.m. at 2Srd aDd w. Octu Front, Central Newport ••• D&Yld Wead Sykes, SO, of SU El Modena, Newport Htlchtt, was c harted wltb mlldemet- nor drunk drlvlftC at 10:50 p.m. at Rtveralde a.r¥1 A•oo, Newport Hetchtl ••• Da¥ld RUehle Negley, 26, of 1M5 l"lne, Oakwood ap&rtmellb, was charted with mllclemea- oor drunk drlrtoc at 5:30 p.m. at lrvloe and Untver- slty, Back Ba~· ••• Treat Allen Torgeraon. 24, of 1203 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, was arrested at 2;05 a.m. at 21st aDd Balboa, CentnJ Newport and c ha fRed wttb possesslag the drug P.C.P. ••• A wooden buslDus 02me sign, valued at S200, was stolen from 1n front or the Yogurt Cooneetlon shop, 3408 Via ()porto, Lido VIl- lage, between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m •••• A $500 pistol and reported stolen from the home of Donald Dice, 3010- 1/Z W. Balboa, West New- port, between 6 a.m. and mlctnlp:hl. • TUESDAY, SEPT. 20 Richard Walter Jarrosalt, 34, of 106-1/2 29th, West Newport, was booked at po- llee headquarters at 10:45 a.m. on a graon thett cbar- ~te • . . When DeMis Gagg parlte(1 his Porsche Tarp car 1n the driveway of bls home at 4718~ashore, West Newport, between 6 p.m. Sept. 20 aoo 10 a.m. Sept. 21, someone stole the radio some cassette tapes and ttw car's top, valued at $1,015 ... A wallet aM contents, worth $100, were stolen from the home of Frederick Bal- ley, 6908 w. Ocean Front, West Newport, between 10 p.m. Sept. 19 and 4 p.m. the 20th . • • Hugh McCon- nell, 1Z7 24th, West New- port, reported all 4 bub- caps, valued at $400, sto- len from hls ear whUe lt was parked In the 200 block of W, Balboa Blvd., Balboa, between 5 p.m. Sept. 18 arw:l 7:30a.m. the 19th. NEWPORT HARBOR ENSHJt PUILlatED WEEJ<LY·PG. 3 THURSDAY, COb A DEl MAR, CAU F. new • • APPIOACH TO PIOIUm. OAmAGlO HAll locofttllvc11flt with l'olvclol« o (ldt, new Mo~'•••" o11d Polt~•••• • • PIOFESSIONAl Pl-mANINT WAVING Cvtlt ••• boclll Soft. thlftlj. vndo••t•d rotvht new Sho•poo, let d•»· o11d brvth • • ""UCUIC HAll COLOIING "•'II od•onced colotlnt . tlol"l"l· hlghll9h11"9 whh o hool\1111 the•"· • n.(,• WE HAVE 6 \\ ~ o co•pletelll NIW S 1 p•raonollud opptooch ._ \.("\.., of Moklng ond keepl"i ~ov'' vo• b ... •tlf•ll .......J.... b FREE ••• conaultotlon a onol)ltla Lo-r Coli fot 0 ·~ Minute oppolnt•ent HOWl ' ~j__ MASTCV Orr 7lt/673·66~ 3434 VIA LIDO , liDO VllLAGl. 2nd floot, t.UWPOaT llACM • • • IIOW'rfiW. I'ERY.., STEAl RI'ET CLEAIIIIIG CLEAIIIIIS WITH THE ADDaD C<>'l lhe worid s largest. wtll restOfe the t'lldden ' be .. uty tn your dr&J>efleS Cott rtmOYeS and cleans c1raJ)efleS rehangs them wtth perfect pteats and even ·hems And a Cott cleamng proklOis drapel'y hfe SAYE20% ON CASH & CAin PltOTICTION OP • •._-_....., .sc~a!m HOMES • A"ARTIIIIIENTS • Me). M1 HOM£S • OffiCES • WAll TO WALL CARPU. f\MNrTUitf. OftAPOMS Cl£AN£D IN YOUit HOM( • DUP IOtl £URAC· / TIC*MAK£5 YOUR CAitP£T SANI- TARY CLEAN! Why House of Windsor is Red Skelton's favorite cigar. Red Skelton's tried some cigars that are more expensive than House of Wmdsor Palmas, but never one that's better. The reason is that our Palmas are made from only the choicest imported filler tobaccos and then carefully wrapped in specially selected Honduran natural or candela leaf. The result: quality and value rolled into one rich, smooth-smoking cigar. House of Windsor Palmas. s hapely Sportsman or full-sized Panatelas- they've got the kind of taste that could make ~---..... you forget you Look far t.hla H_...a Wir .. nr d'apiQ • .. ,....~. 'ct . ever smoked anything else. \ I J P\JBL.IC NOTICE: .... ",- FICTITIOus BIJ8UIESS li.UO: ITATEIIENT 1'llo -.or penoa lo dotiiiC builf11 I I : l~tt. ter CtateroiBna-Lambert. 110 Newport Ceattr Dri•e, Newport S..cb, C&Ulomla 92660: Ltakletter Mlbt.ge• meat Corp., 180 Newport Center DriYI, Newport Ba!b. Clllloraia 92660, TIWI bwllaoN Ia coodu<t- ed by a limited s-,rtnerstllp, S.lped: Jack D. Jellkills. lor Llokletter Management Corp., GeQtral Partoor, This statement was rued with the county clerk of Or. aage County Sept, 12, 1977, PubUsh: Sept, 22, 29, Oct. 15, U, 1977, 1n the Newport Harbor Eoa~.&:n. F -81739 PUBLIC ,N O TICE; s .:a9s3e FlCTITJOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The loUowlog persollS are dol~ business as: 1. Link- letter Ceoter or Santa Fe Springs; 2, Linkletter Cen- ter of Santa Ana-McFadden. 160 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Ca!Uornia 92660: Linkletter Manage- ment Corp,, 180 Newport Ceoter Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660; Wilbur D. Layman,. 755 Vla Lido Soud, Newport Beac h, Calilornia 92663. This business is conduct- ed by a limited partners hip. Signed: Jack D. Jenkins, for Llok.letter Management Corp., General Partner, This statement •as filed with the county clerk of Or- a~e County Sept. 12, 1977. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 1977, In the Nev.'J)Ort Harbor Ensign. F -81741 PUBLIC NOTI C E S-89940 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMEN T The following persons ar e dol~ business as: Linklette r Center of Santa Ana- Edtnger, 180 Newport Cen- ter Drive, Newpo rt Beach, California 92660: Linkletter Management Corp., ~80 Newport Center Drive, New- port Beach, California 92660; John Yelland, 1076 Skyline Drive, Laguna ·Beach, c aurornla 926S 1; w. C. l.Hrams, 3 Lagunlta, La- guna Beach, CalUornia 926S l. Thts buslllf,!:§~ I~ conduct- ed by a ttn1iteai)a.Mfte1Stttp:· Signed: Jacf-D. Jenkins, for Linkletter Mamgement Corp., Central Partner. This statement wa s til~ with the county clerk of Or- ange County Sept, 12, 1977. PubHs h: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 1977, In the Nev.'PQ rt Harbor Ensign. f -8173& PLrSLIC N OT I CE S-89938 FICTITIOUS DUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following pe rson Is doing business as: Linklet- ter Properties, 180 ~e·NpOrt Cente r Dr ive, :-lev.'J)Ort Beach, Calllor nia 92660: Link Properties, 180 Neto~.·­ port Center Drive, Newpor t Beach, Ca lifor nia 92660. This business Is conduct- ed by a corporation. Corporation Name : Link Properties, J ack D. Jenkins , Secretary. Tttls statement w,•s ftleol with the county clerk of Or - ange County Sept. 12, l'J77 , Publish: Sept. 22, 2~. Oct. 6, 13, 1977, In the Newpo rt Harbor Ensign. f -81738 P U BL IC N O TI C E S-89'J39 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAM E STATEMENT The following person is OOI.og business as: LinklPl- ter Management, 180 New- port Center Dr iv P, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660: Linklet- ter Management Corp., 180 Newport Cent er Drive, New- port Beach, Ca. 92660. Thls bus iness Is conduct- ed by a corporation. Corporation Name: Llnk- letter Management Corp., Jact J enklns, Seer.tar y. This statement was fUed with tbe count}' clerk of Or ~ aoge County Sept, 12, 1977. Publtsh: Sept. 22, 29, ()(;t. 6, 13, 1977, In the NeW')X)rt Harbor Ensign. F ~81737 PUBL I C N O TIC E" FlCTITJOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe toliOWifll penon 11 dolo~-•• u:-rne Pubtieat:loaf, 2020 Fullerton Au,, ISO, Cottallua 92G2'7 ; P. 0, Box 155L~-lilesa, IIIU7: Eolllct waDap Land- llled. %4110 FoUortoa, COola Ill-tNt~. TIU--14--t.d "' u llllllfilllll • ..,_, ·-w.n.., I.-. 'nlo --IIIII -.. _,.lorlof0r--~ ... 14,1m. -U,II,Oct. a. u. am, 111 111o Jlooport liuloor Eootp. P.aam PUGLIC NOTICE CP-51Sl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAlliE STATEI<EMT Ttat ~~~~ P.noGI art! dol.ia t.•IIDHI as: All11 H&ir Buaar, 46! Eut l?lb--. Co.ta .._ ... , CaUt>nu 9ZSZ'I: Ilea "· Pool, 11159 Sa ala CtcUla, FouataiJJ Vat. ley, Calltorn.La 92708; Allee L. Pool, 18159SilllaCocUJ&, FoutliD Valley, CaUfomJ.a moa. This ba.JIQes.s Ls c~et. ed by aa lDdlYldual. S1cbed: Ben w, Poat. Thta Jta.tement was nted with the county c lerk of Or. a.age County Sept. 15, 1977, Grover Escrow Corpon. ttoo., 111 South lliJnols , Ana- helm, Ca. 92805. EscrOYo' No. 10771-01-AR. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 19'77, In the Newport Harbor Eosign. F -82074 ~UBLIC NOTI C E S~89923 STATEMENT OF ABAN. OONMENT OF USE OF FIC- TITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The follOwing person (per~ sons) hav e abaodonedtheuse of the rtcttUous business na me R. H. Dana Academy at 34512 Embarcadero PI,, Suite B, Dana Point, CaU- fornia 92629. The ncttUous bus iness na me referred to above was rtled ln County on January 2-4, 1977. Ger- ald F. Troy, 34S1Z Embar- cadero Place, Dallll Point, CA. 92629; R. Date Cor- neU, 33602 D Dana Vista Drive, Dana Point, CA. 92629. This business was conduc- ted by a genera l partnership. Signed: R. Dale Cornell. Tills statemem was rtled with the County Clerk or Ora/'f:e County Sept. 7, 19'17 , Richard J. Schwarzsteln. ESQ., Attorney at law, Man- ufacturers Bank Rldg., Sixth Floor Pent house, 1201 Dove St., Newport Beach, CA. 92660. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 1977, In the Newpo rt Harbor Ensign, F -70&47 P UB(I C NO TI C E S-89924 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person ls doing business as: R. H. Dana Academy, 3S102 De l Obispo Street, Dana Point, CA. 92629: Ave ntura Sailing Association (Callforni• corp.), 3S102 Del QllspoSt., Dana Point, CA. 92629. This business is conduc ~ ted by a corporation. Co rporation Name: Avpn. tun Salling As soclatlon, Ga- ry R. McAvoy, President. This statement was filed with the coontr cler k or Or - a~e Cou nty Sept. 7, 1977 , Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 19'77 , ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. F" -81631 P U BLI C NOTICE S-89934 FICT ITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doar:u;: business as: l. Link- letter Self Storage or Irvine; 2. Linkletter Self Storage of R lverside, 180 Newpor t Cen- te r Drive, ~ewport Beach, Callrornia 92660: Linklette r Manal!:emE'nt Corp., 180 ~ewport Center Drive, New- port Bearh, California 92G60: Arthur G. Llnkletter, II 00 Bel Air Roar1, Los An- l!:e les, CaH!ornla 90024; Jade Linkl ett er, 67 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, California ::12651; Wilbur D. Layman, 755 VIa Lido Soud, Newport Beach, C A. 'J2663; JotrnY~>I­ Ia nd, ICY'/6 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach, California 92651. This business is conduct - ed by a general partnership. Signed: Jac k D. Jenkins, For Linklettl!r Management Corp., General Partner. This statement wa~ til ed with the County Clerk otor- a~e County Sept. 12, 19'77. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 19'77, In the Newport Harbor Ens ign. F -81740 PUBLIC N OTIC ~ NEWPORT HARBOR EM St GI PUBJ..IIHEO WEEKLY -PG. 4 lllURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 19n CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF PUBLIC NOTIC E f'JCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe touowinc pe:rsooa are dolfll business u : Sylvan Oatl, 21 Whitewater Dr,. Corooa del Mar 92625: Erie C. Bollinger, 21 Whitewater, Coi'OD3 del Mar, Ca. 92625; CUI B. Causey, 1933 Bays.. dere Ter ., Corona del Mar. Ca. 92625; G. Te rry Causey, 1933 Bayadere Ter., Corona del Mar, Ca. 92625, This bus iness Is conducted b}' a generaJ partnersh.lp, Signed: Erie G. Bollinger. This statement was flied wttll the county clerk of Or- aJlgtt County Sept. 12, 19'77, Publish: Sept, 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In lhe Newport Harbor Ensign. F-81768 PUB LIC NOT IC E FICTITIOUS BUSINE~ NAME STATEMEN" The following person Is doing bu siness as: (1 ) Kaleldloscope, (2) Executive Rostrum, (3) Naughty Yo- Mos. 3810 East Coast High- way, Suite t 4, Corona del ~ar. California 92625. Miriam Nickelson Miller, 1830 16t h St reet, Apt. R~ iOI, Newport Beach 92660, California . This business lscondut'led by an unincorporated lis- soctation other than a partnerslllp. Si~nert: Mi riam Nic kelson Miller, This s tatement was filed with the county clerk of Or- ange Count of Aug , 26, 1977. Publish: Sept. 1S, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In lhe Newport Ha rbor Ensign. F -81072 ~UBLI C NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAM E STATEMENT The folloYo'lng person Is doing bus iness as: The Cover Man, 1222 E. EdlDge r, Sa nta Ana , Ca. 92707: David Mi- c hael HeUec k, 7310-1/2 Oce.11 F"r u•lt, Newport Bch., Ca. 92663. This bus iness is conducted by an individual. Signed: Dav id Helleck. This stat em ~n· was fll tvl with the county clerk of Or~ ange County Sept. 12, 1977. Publis h: Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oc.t. 6, 1977 , In the Newpo;-t Ha rbor Ensign. F -817 46 ~U BLIC N OTICE S-89885 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA ME STATE MENT The follow!~ per sons a re doing business as: Kentu cky F ried Chicken, 695So.Coast Hwy,, Laguna Beach 92677: Larry Joe AMer son, IS72 Klmberwlcke Drive, Sanl3 Ana, Ca. 9270S; CaUl)' El- len Ander son, 1572 Kimber - wicke Drive, Santa An.1, Ca. 92705. This buslnPss Is conduc t- ed by a general partner ship. Signed: Larry J. Ande rson, Cathy E. Anderson. This statement was fil ed with the coullty cler k of Or. ange County Sept. 1, 1'377, Publish: Sept, IS, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977 , In the Sewpo rt ~I arbor Ensign. F -81342 P UBL I C N O T ICE S~89834t FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMI:: STATEMENT The following person Is doing business as: Arevalos Pre-School, 19692 Lexington Lane, Hu ntington Bea ch, Ca- lifor nia 92646: Talbert Pre- School (Ca!Uornla corpora- tion), 91111 Brabham Drive, Huntington Beach, Callr. 92646. T his business Is conduct ~ ed b y a corporation. Corporation na me: Tal- bert Pre-School, Mantle Kunreuther, vice-president. Tbls state me nt was !lied wtth the county clerk of Or- a nge County Aug, 29, 1977. Publish: Sept. IS, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977 , In the Newport Harbor Ensign. f ~811 66 PUBLIC NOTIC ~ S-89889 S-89935 STATEMENT OF WITH- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS DRAWAL FROM PARTNER- NAME ST ATEMENT SHIP OPERATING UNDER Tbe following persons n e FlCTITIOUS BUSINESS doing bustoess as: I . Link· NAME letter Center of Brea.-O.lk The followtnc person has Place; 2. Llnktette r SeUSto-wlthdrawtl as arenenlpart. rage of Founta in Valley, 180 Dtr from the partnership Newport Center Dr1Yt1 New-operaUoc under the t1et1- port Beach, Calltonda Uoua lMaltAeU name of In~ 92660: Link Properties, 180 teraatto•l Real Estate Net- Nuwport Center Drtvt, New-work -Tb• Bol.rdwalk at port Beteb, CaUJoni& 17U4 Beacb BlYc!., "'-Dttnc· 92&60; John Yellaad, 1076 ton B•eh. CaUJorlda 9%&4'7. SkJUot Drive, Laguna Tbe ftc:Utloua blaiDeSsMme Beach, Cllllomla 92&51. ltattmtat tor the putner- Tbll batlDen 11 cotKiuet. ship wu ftltd oa October ed by a UmUed pertnerthlp, 4, lr76 In tbe Couaty of Slped: Jack D. Jenkl•, For Oruce. Ft1.U Mame ud J.d .. LIM Properties, 1 Cen.nl droa or tiM Pe,_ Wttn. P&rtMr. dnwtar. RocwJd T. ems. ftlo --wu IIJod 17114 Beocb Bltd., Jlallllll- wllllllll CoaaiJ Clork ofor-. 1oo Boto;ll. caW. oop Coolly ... U, lfl7. 111poclr--T. Blllo. -...... 21, n, 0c1. MilD: lltpl, 15, II, It, ~ u, 1m, 1n 111o Jtooport Oct. 1, tm, 1a 111o llnport ,. .... Eoolp. F .en a Hari>Dr Ellllp. P -01:1481 PUBLIC NOT ICE • FlC11TIOUI<BUIIINISS NAI<E STATEIIIBIIT The tDUowtll pertolll are doiiiJ ""''-' ... 1<111 EaJ. erprtMI, U411 Ospny, £1 Toro, Calli. 92110: LMt.oo- ale T .... IJia, U411 Otproy, £1 Toro, CIJ, t2UO; no.. Maddlrra, 2SS22 DuM Year, El TotO 92630; Patttcll A. fabl~. 23S42 Ouat Weer. El Toto, Cal. 9%630, This buslneu ll eotdlct- ed by a 1ebtttl partatrsblp. Slantd: Lle Lollalo T. 1<111. This 5tatemeat was rued with lbe county dert.: of or. aflie County Sept, 15, 1977, PubUsb: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 1977, lD the Newport Ha~r Ensign. F -82026 PU S LIC N OTICE 8.89913 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dol~ buslaess as: VIdeo En- tertainment Center, 369Eut 17th Street, Costa Mesa, Ca- lifornia 92627: Gary c. HUI, !HI Verano Place, lrYiDe, California 92715; Randall A. Hill, 1221 Marian Lane, Newport Bea ch, Caltfornia 92660, This business Is corwlJct- ed by a general partflf"rshlp. Signed: Gar)· C. Hlll, Ran - dall A. Hill, This statement was riled with the county clerk of Or- ange Count)' Sept. II, 1977. Publish: Sept. 22 , 29, Oc t. 6, 13, 1977, In the Ne·NpOrt Harbor Ensl~n. F -81670 P.UBLIC N O TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAfEM ENT The folloYo"tng person Is doing business as: MarshA's Brother, 665 Parle Dr,, t48, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 : Douglas C. Gilford, 665 Park Dr ., ,.48, Costa Mesa, Ca. '32627. Tills business Is conducted by an individual. Signed: Douglas C. Gilford. This statement wa s fUed wilh the county c lerk of Or- ange County Aug . 18, 19'77, Publish· Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In the NeWJ)I)rt Harbor Ensl~tn. F -8063tl P U BLIC N O TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ~AM E STA TEMEN T The !ollowlng person Is doing business as: Colon Therapy Ma.rketlng, 4500 Campos Drive, Suite 630, Newport Beach 92660: Jack L. Lane, 17532 Cottonwood, Irvine, California 92'715. This business Is conducted by an individual. Signed: Jac k L. Lane, N.D. This s tatement was Uled wltto the cou nty cler k of Or- ange Count y Sept. 12, 19'77, Publish: Sept. 15, 22, 29, On. 6, 1977, In the Newport ~lartJor Ensi~?;n. F -81767 PUBLIC N O TICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollowl~ per son is <1olng business as: Photo In- ventor y Systems, 1491 West Raker Stree(, Costa Mesa, Ca. ~262:6: Ed'lo'in W Smith, 1-133 Superior Ave,, "22 6, N~>wport Beach, Ca. 92663. Tlois bu-;lness Is conduct- erl b)' au lndlv\rtual. Sle-nerl: Edwin W, Smit h, Tlr ls statement was filed with the county cler k of Or - ange County Sept. 7, 1971. Publish: Sept, IS, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In the Ne'lo'po rt Harbor Ensltn. F -81624 P U BL IC N O T ICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The followllllit person Is doing business a s: S<:.o lllew llomes Real Estate, J59 San Miguel Dr., 1102, NetrpOrt Bear h, Ca. 926•iO: Gerrie Investments 1~ .• Califor- nia Corporation, 359San Mi - 1t1Jel Dr ., 1102, Newpo,rt Heach, Calif. 92660. This buslneu: Is conduct- ed by a corporation, Co rporaUon na me: Ger - r ie ln•estment.o~ Inc., Hope>· Gerrie, Secretary. This statement was fUe<l wtth the county clerk of Or· 11.nge County Sept. 7, 1977. Publish: Sept, 15, 22, 29, Oct , 6, 19"17, In the Newport If arbor Ensign. F .81585 PU BLIC N OTICE fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tbe followiUI pertoO ll dolJw buslnn:a u : CardeD C rowers. 835 S. Cll.l LaM. C-114, Newport Beoell, CA. i2&6S: ROQI.Jd Huea lbc· Qaarrte, ISS Sea GuU Lue. NtwpOrt Beocll, CA. _,, C-114, ll ...... rt Beoell, CA. t2HS, TIWI bo-lo-- od br •• --· 8JcM* ~~~-wltll 11oo ...., c1o" of or-..,.. c.., ... v,1m. Mlloll: ...... II, II, n 1 0c1. e, tm, 1a t~oollnpon Hari>Dr EaoJp. F -IUSI SEMINAR lOOKS AT LASER IMSTRUIIENn A oee-dly· ...a&aar 01 ttte latett de¥tklptn1Dt• ln arytJIAc till lutr tutn. m•Dtl ued 111 collltnetioD wru beotrendSatudly,Ocl. 1, from a a,m, to 4:SO p.m. IJl OCC'a tclenc:t ball. Tbe nmhar 11 eo~IPODJOnd by tht Constn~eUonSuPtrloten. dtDll Ann., the District CouiKU ot Carpeateu. tbe Koll Company of Ne wport Beach, ud CICC's Coo- str11etlon Tecboology Dlvt - , SloD. Pre ~reglstnUon lee, ln- eludi..Dg a luncheoo, is SlO. ResLstratlon fee at the door is $12.50. PUBLIC N OTI CE fiCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as: K-Baros, 2480 Monaco Dr., Laguaa Beac h, Ca. 92651 : Cather- Ine (C rosby) Foltz, 2480 Mo- naco Dr., Laguna Beac h, Ca. 92651; Eldon Leroy Foltz, 2480 Monaco Dr., Laguna Beach, Ca. 92651. This business Is conduct- ed by a general partnership. Signed: Catherine C. f 1ltr.. This statement was n.ted with the county clerk or Or- ange County Sept. 7, 1977 . Publish: Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 197 7, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -81578 ·PUBL IC N OTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ThE> tollowing person Is doing business as: Jordan's Pet Shop, 27.24 East Coast Hwy., Corona de l Mar 9262;i: Carole Abate, ~4112 Castlll a La., Mission Vle)o, Ca., 92675. Tttls business is conducted by a 11:ene ral partne rship. Signed: Ca role Abate. T his statement was llled with the county clerk of Or - ange County Sept. 12, 1977. Publish: Sept. IS, 22, 29, Oct, 6, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign, F -8175 1 PUBLIC N OTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing bUsiness as: The Mis- sion VIejo Business a nd In - dustrial Part. Directory, T he PeMy Pincher, The Saddle - bact. Marketplace, The Sad- dleback Shoppe r, 369Cypres s Drive. Laguna Beae ta_ Call· fornt.a 92651: wpuam Kim Conklln, 369 Cypress Drfte, Laguna Beach, CaHforniJ 92651. This business Is conducted by an Individual: S!gnert: William Kim Conklin. T his statement was tiled with the county clerk of Or - ange County Sept. 12, 1977, Publish: Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. F -817G6 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing-business as: Ftregua rd lnsulatlon Co., 133 E. Alton, Santa Ana 927 07: James Marshall KUDe, 18S02 Em- bury, Santa Ana 92'1 05. This buslness Is conducted by an ind!Yidual. SlgnPd: J. M. KUne. This statement W3 S !Ued with the county clerk ol Or- a nge County Sept. 6, 1977. Publish: Sept. 1S, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 1977, In t he Newport Harbor Ensign. F -81509 ~UBLIC NOTICE FICTIT IOUS BUSI NESS NAME STATEMENT T he following person Is doing business as: Haiku Music, 31612 .;anta Ro sa., South Laguna 92677: Jack D. Mltler, 31612 santa Ro- sa, South Laguna 92677. Tills business Is conduct . ed by an indlvtdual. Signed: Jac k D. Miller. This statement was flied with the county clerk of Or~ ange CouM.y Sept. 16, 1977. Publish: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 1977, In the Newport Harbor Ensign. f -82149 P UBLI C NOTICE FlCTrrJOUS BUSJNES3 NAW.£ STATEMENT The foUowl.og periOD Is dotnc business u : (A) Im- maculate CleanJDcComptlDJ, (8) Immaculate Ct...a,. Prvdlc:ll, $01 Cuche Dr., M....,.rt Baell, Caltfomla t!MO, P.O. Borf2N2, Mtw· port Btlch CalUorlll t2MO: Tho 8uc1Ury Fou- <lllloa, Lou .loll-...... 951 Proi'DOC!tory Dr. ••, M-rt Beocb, Ca.-· 1'1111 borrl-Ill _,_ od 1>7 u •-rponlod u----r Jlu I part. -Slpod: 11.-. Dr, W0. .Jot 11-., PrM. Tlllo -wu ftlod Willi lilt ""'"" cloriiOf or--eo., ,.. aa.am. Mliiiii ... U,It,Oot. ~ II, lfl,, Ia 111o "-' ..... lzdp. r..am • TUESDAY, RPT. IS TU.. cuts of mtD 'I lOtti., ~ at $125.01, wen acolea ttom a waril- hooM at JS5.A Paa.brltG Ave., property of Stuerelt ProductJ, !1~9 RedhlU }Yt. • , • Jamea R. Llndvtltt , U3 Co•ernor st., eom. plaiDed tbet a burclar en- rued bl& nsldeac e through a kitchen wlndo'W, tlldtll S4 ln eolM record albums Ylls ued at J2o and rnlseellane- ous papers, Including pink sUpa to Yeblcles and his wedding Hceue , , • Mark E. Singer, U:e E. 18th St., reported the $520 t~tt of a cam en from his car left for repairs I t 2060 RarbOr Blvd ••• , MlcheUt R. Bur- ton, 1291 Anaheim Ave., suf- fered cuts on her arms and ra ce after being thrown to the ground "'he n her bicy. cle was htt by a car dr1v•n by Kathy A. Farley, 20, or 525 Fairfax Dr., tn a drive - way at 1927 Harlx>r Blvd. • •• A CB radio and spot- llg hl covers worttj$140were stolen trom the car orTe rr)' Williams, 984 Presidio Dr. , •• Peter J. Bactran, 26, El Monte, was charged Yo'ilh drunk driving after hls ve- hlr le, northbound on New- port Blvd. at Bay St., hit a motorcyciP ridden b}' Tho - mas .>\. Broo ks, 24, ot 927 Arbor St., eatbound on Bar St. ••• A thief stole S36S cash from an ort!C'e desk drawer at Gold Key Real EstatE' Co., 3013 !lariXJr Blvd ••.• A box of tools valued at $369.~5 ~·as sto- len from Hen ry D. LNhC'r, 3009 Babh St. • WEDNESDAY, Si':PT. 14 Linda L. !licks , 2·1, ol 2323 Elden A\'C,, was chargt"d with rlrunk rl r lvlne at 22nd anrl F:lden Ave . il l 1:30 a.m ••. Grant D. Mc- Nt!f, 1783 Kllll!let Court, re- portPd the $100 theft of a br ief ~-ase llt"lth miscel'an- eous papers aurt dOCUI!lf'Ois from his tr uck in his rlrlve- way .•• A bur~lar cut a kitchen door screen 10 l!aln entry to lhe residence or Ka thleen Il. Coli', 973 Con- gress St., ransacktn~~: bec1- rooms and taking jewPtrr va lued at $3,500 ... A $1~0 refrij!'erator and a $~0 door were stolen from an ap3rt- me nt of David Kelly Devel- opmenc Coli)., 55S Paular- 1oo Ave~ ._, •• Dorothy Mae Ltftdb.ri, 5t1-'B Vlr lo rla St., reporte<J a StOO rln~ missing from ~r hom~> whtle- she was ~t"a rfienl~ • , . TOll\ D. Ba!P.s, 27, Placentia, and David C. HollenbC'r k, 28, of 111 39th St,, West Ne~-port, we re cha.n!E'd wil t! takiru; J Sf 9 "A'eatlrer stallon frow :1 display count~>r at Se:~rs anrl Roebuck Co,, 3333 Bristol St., pladnc It In a S~>a rs shopping hal!, then eont:tc - tlng a rashler for a rE>fuOO • , . A thlel fon·f'<i open a plck-uo truck sun roof or the Delphi Auto Desl~n, 75S w. 17th St., takl~ a C"B radio, a stereo ndio and fervle r pa rts, value(( at $100, • THURSDA'\', SEPT. l fi A $160 l.~elt sander anr1 a $250 pneuma tic staple gun we re stolen from the open shop or Waico woooworlcinl!:, 1835 Whittier Ave •••. Deb- hiP Ann Lett, 19, Huntington Beach, was taken to Costa Mesa hospital With contu- sions anrJ lacerations alter he r vehicle hlt a traffi c sig- nal at Adams Ave. aDd Pine- c reek Dr. and rolled oYe r a 8:00 a.m., "''hen her two mont h old son screamed loudly In the car and she was startled ••• Steven M. Ul- loa, 1250 Adams Ave ., re- ported the $600 theft or his mo ~ped bicycle and the chain and lock wit h which it had been secured In the r·a rport under his apartment ••• Vandals caused $300 da mage to the car or Jose P. Cortes, 858 Center St., ln his car- port, denting doors anrl brea- king orr the a nt enna , •• Da niel M. Guggenheim, 39, ol 4 f3eaCOD Bay, was char- ged With drunk dri•ing at 1901 Newport Blvd., at 11 :35 p.m. , , • A burglar cut a porch screen, a kltctlen screen •nd broke a window to 1altl entry to the rest. deoce ot Leticia Lara, 1t66· A Wallace AYe,, takfnl $20 cash aDd aD onrn1&bt make· up cue ••• Chtr1«te Ana Goulet, 2!, ot , .. Victoria st., lost eontrot of ber etr, nleb bloc:kod -· 1 IIIIIIJ pole oo l:lartor Bl•d. 124 root -ot VIctoria St. • F'RlDAY, SEPT. 18 '-ld Smltll 44, ot 130 B. 111b st., wa1 e"'qecl wUb -drt .... 00 817 St. -of "-rt 81Yd. II 1:00 a.m •• , Dlnl L. Wldlo, 1e. ot lUI PJo<oo.. Ua A"• Well M~ ...... _ ... ....,_ ......... ol clulpna dnp Ill .... 100 -of W, -a. ... AI* ell ..... ,,,.....,,.. .... IH t.ro• u.. JNCIIl eear •I KUJfl>.-SeiiDol, 3155 KUJ~ ~, •• Tbo- mU' It "-''>4•A Jo- aaa St., reporttd tlllr tl,l$0 ~>orallrr or ... ...., oqull>- meat, a ndlr rue• aDd TV sec rrom his l'Uilcted re- •ldeoce ••• Bruc::e B. Me~ FarltJICI, 5t, A•beim, was taUt to Colli Mna hospital wUh iD)Iriel u ht attetnP· ttd to walk acron Newport Blvd. 1t Harbor Bh· •• at 11:20 p.m. sAd wu htt by a car drfveo by Monica J. Hayden, 25, or 38 Seasldf' Circle, Newpo~ Beac h , , , Terry Rhodes, 21, of 2152 Ocean Front, Balboa, was ta keo. to Costa Men hOspital wUh lojurles after bts car hit the rear of • car driven by LueleD E. Beaudoin, 49, Blue J ay, on Adams Av e., 36 fl!('t easl of Mesa Verde Dr. West. • SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 Vandals caused more tllan $100 dama11e at Stax Bur- t:ers, 899 W. 19th St., dur~ lng the nJght, breaking wi n- dows and scatterlog food ta- ken from refrigerators .•. Robert w. LIDd sey, 2154 Newport Blvd., r•ported $23,50 cash s lolen from hlrn at that adr1ress, a door beinl! - pr lerl open ••. Glenn D. Johnson, 12, of 1818 Ortolr Dr., reported tht> S2l0 thPff of l bag of golf clubs from nert to his blq-c le on lht· dr iving rangP at lhe Cosu Me::;.a Golt Course; 1t1e r lulo are useless to an adult , ben~ fo r ll to 14-year olr1s , •• Vincent H. &nfanll, 132 Cf·- :il PI,, reported the $130 burglary of a watch and v.·311et wilh S20 cash from his vehicle parked at Or- ange Coasl <.oll ~e; a wlnrl- wl nl( was priPd open whlh· l1e was pl ayl!l(! racquPtlmiJ • , , A sod3 pop boUle (·on. ' t:~lniflj!: S100 ln dlrnes :ux! quarters and nickels was stolen from the residence 01 JanJce L. Dorsett, 720 W. Victoria St. , , . An an- llque' shotgun .lnd ::a 22 r!OP we re stolen from t he ho m<- of Juliu s M. Cbtlstlansen, :i34 Bernarrl St. • SUNDAY, SEPT. 18 K:tthryn E. lllnds, 23, of 165 Merrill Pl., Costa ME'- sa, was ta ken to Costa Me- sa hospital with crltk3l in- jur ies aft er her va n, north- hound on Newpo rt Blvd., north or Del Mar Ave. 31 I 2:40a.m., ran head-on Into a southbound r ar tn !he no rthiJotuxl la ne driven hv Donna R. Telles, 22, Ana - he lm , v.·ho was takcn to the- s:u ne hospital wit h less se- rious lnturles .• , A bu r~­ lar used physical for r:e on the !root door of Karen St·huster -Dumomt, l!l57San- la Ana A\·e., stealing sterr-o ~u lpmenl wo rth $990 .•• 1\ $77S ~'ellow gold necklare set with a 520 Arner lran gold coin was s tolen from Ma ry Susan Miller, 63S Ra- ker St., whU e she wa s In the laundr y room o r hf!r sa partment complex. • MONDAY , SEPT, 19 J3spe r E. Sm it h ./r., 2:l, or 192 4 Whltller A~·"·• ~uf­ ft•red a two -hwh r.:hln lar·pr. :tllon at12:30a.m. whller1rl- vlng on WUson Sl . WPst of Fordham Dr . whpn he !';wcr- ved to avoid anoncomlnJ!.c:lr In his lane aM hit the pu. ked cars of il'.uq·l B. Clark and Stt>ven ~i . Mila n. 3-J'3 W. Wilson St. , , . Keru1etll II. Chang, 563 Traverse Ur., reported the $20 thE'ft or a water pump from thP pond area In his rear ya rl1 .•• A 1970 Ford ptrk-up truck wtth a cab.over campe r was ~tol•n trom Victor y Dodge, 2888 Harbor Blvd ••• , A 10-s.,eed $100 bicycle was s toll!tl from the of Maqot lAYitb. 4ft Mtrrl· mac WIJ' , • , A $100 i•t•~ phoae reeonter wu A:lleo n-om a cub r.,uter eou.a- ter at Sean ~ck Co., sm Brtet St •••• • ""'· atar stole $420 cash trom the t}tdroomotDoraraR. Bat .. dwln, Sll QlarQe Coart • , • A thief pried opeD a wlod- WIIJI ID lht YaA of Da.Diel 0 . Tubbs, 251 Brentwood St., tlkt.ng curtalDs, 1 first aid ldt, tire seataDt ud a nuf'lllgM • • • Sharron s. Staoul, 30, of 34.1 E. Zoth St., waa char&ed with cut. t1v1Uon of marijuana. • THURSDAY, SEPT. 20 About $70 cash, a case or beer and carton of cta;a. rettes were stoleD by two men, one armed wttb are~ votver, after threateD~ Clerk Grecory Giesbrecht, 19, In the U-Tote-M Market, 1913 Pomona Ave., at 12:01 a .m., both suspects neelng northbound on toot on Po~ mona Av•. , , • Susan T. Poldomanl, 26, or 2424Sant:i Ana Ave., Yo"as charged with drunk driving on Harbor 81 . sout h of 19th St. at 2:1 ~a.m. • • • A IAlrglar removed a sC'reen and climbed In through a sliding glass win ~ dow to steal a $400 color TV set from tilt' homtlofWJI- !i am D. TucO:t>r, 3028 F'ltl- mor e W;!)' • , , J ewelry, mont>}' and kitr he n ~pplla n­ ''E"S mar1e up the SI SS 1.-ur - ..:Jaq· from Re-bet'ca V, Hrown, 2l t13 Miner St, .•• Phonot::raph records and ll1ref' Iron skillets lt.'E're sto- JPn from the apartment or Brenda Sanrlf'rs, S55 Paula . rtno Ave .•.. Gli r)' L. Hess, 2152 National Ave., rt>pOr- tPd the $1,400 theft of a rlnJt 1u :"l t~vtrn at 2394 Newpo rt lllvr!.; hf' shOwE'd It to a no~ 111 .. r ma n, .,.,,ho wen! lnlo .1 I'PSt roorn and faller! to re- lurn wlttr lhP rlnll. . , , R:t l){l)' J. H:twklnson, l'J, or 3005 B:lhh St., was Ia ken to Cost:t Mesa tx:tspttal with Injuries aft er his rnoton·~·~ , 1!-an•! :l C'<l r !I riven IJ~ Susan M. Klllpatrlck, 34, r.ranarta !lllls, roll idM on Baker St ., Yo'PSI of Coollr1i!f> AVl', COMMANDER FELTY IN WESTERN PACIFIC Lt. Comr1 r. Jns£1'ph W. R Felt}', whose v•lfe Jane Is th~> dauli!h ter of Mr. anr1 Mrs. Robe rt F. Bruns of 3 Ht>r - rn ltarp Lane, Bi~ot Canyon, has o1cpa rt~>•l fo r ·au exlen ~ •le<l deplo_mwnt In lhf' Wt>s - tPrn Par-ifk. J~e 1., a mf'mher on the staff of Carrier C..roup three, home 1-"!sP.d in Alame- tla, Calif. His stalf is em. barked alJoa rrl th-e ;l!n·raft carrie r USS Milt\.,.ay, 1\'hirh v.·IH be ol)t>ratin~ot :ts a un it of thE' U.S. Seventh FlP(It. li e Is a 1966 r rat1ua h~ or thP U.S. Naval Acaderny, All - n.1polls, Mrl., 1\'tth a ha t h- ~>lor of sdenr f' dP~treP. HARBOR VISITOR U you are a newcomer, or know of a newcomer to the Harbor Area who llas not been welcGmed, do her a favor by caUtng I he Har- bor VIsitor between 8 and 10 a.m. and she will ca.ll on your friend wtth valuable Information and gifts from lrteodly business nrms whic h stand ready to help her become acquainted wun her new surroundings. HARBOR VISITO R PHONE : 646-6107 Burglar~ HOW MUCH • CAN YOU AFFOI\D TO LOSE . IF A BURGLAR DECIDES TO BREAK INTO ·YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS TONIGHT 7 Sea Co!!st will plan your: home or bualness aecurlty ayatem. Phone. 642-'3490 Now! &fA ~ AlAIM SYST!MS , ....... , ... ~~ .... "'1 "•••tl• ..... c ....... .. . Warning: The Surgeon General _Has. Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. NIWPOIT HAINI INSIOM -PAOI S -llf'T. It, tt1f The spirit of Marlboro · · in a low t~r cigarette. om LIGHTS LOWERED TAR & NICOTINE Lighter in taste. Lower in tar. And still offers up the same quality that has made Marlboro IIIIODL '----------~12mg "a•:·o.7mgnicocinuv.perciganne.FTCReponAug:77 • • . ; -I I II • ' - HARBOR FELLOWSHIP BIBLE C!!UROt 23RD ST. ot OIIAMGI, COSTA IIISA • 645-5050 Dl. f.ltiNTOI4 IUHOIE, PA STO R ' Sudl.y worabip •••••• , ••• 10:45 a.m. IDCI 6:SO p.m. Sadly tcbool -t:SO a.m. Wtdlndl:y Mn'lce • 'J p.m. Aa ~ churcb wttlt 8lb1t t"c:lltDc mlabtry AlTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE CHRISTIAH SCIENCE IERVICES f1UT CIIUilCH OF CIIIIST. SQ£Nn8T 3303 Via Lido Newpo1t Beach SU!Miay Scboot -9 II 10:30 Suncky Service -9 & 10:30 WEDNESOA Y EVENINC MEETlNC 8:00 p.m. R F.A VI.'H, ROO,'l WHk daJ&: 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Wednesday: 9 am. 7:45 pm Tuesday: 9 am . 5 pm, 7-9 • • • . R:COND C"lJiaCM OF ClllliiT. SCIENTIST Newport S@acb at Corona del Mar • 3100 Paclttc Vtew Or . SuDday School • 10 a.m. Sunday Service ~ tO a.m. Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. R l: t\ Vll'U; IOHJ '<l 3500-B E. Coast Hwy. Entrance on Narcissus Mon.-Fri.: 10 am to 5 pm Sunday alternooo: I to 3 Saturday: 10 am to 4 pm • • • • You are cordially Lovlted to attend Ctl.lrch Services aod to use Readtog Rooms. Wt liWUe JCIII lo wortbtp LUtHERAN CHURCH Of THE WASTER, LCA 2900 Pacltlc VIew Dr, Corooa del Mar, CalU. LAWRENCE D. FRUHUNG Putor •• Pbooe 759-lOSl SUNDAY SERVICES: Cba.rt:b sebool •••• 9;1$ Lltufllcal senlee • lO:SO Nursery and Coffee Hour AC•• .. w•••• Cosla ..... I'IIST~ ,....,_STCHUICH 18th St.& Harbof81Yd. ............. ,..,.._f:)l w.....__,,:M..,.._ CHARLf:S 0. CLARK ~AUL H. ALEXANDER ASSOCIA Til: GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Veterans Memortal Bldg. 565 w. 18th, Costa Mesa REV. TOM TYREE. Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. aDd 7:00p.m. CffiLDREN"S PREP SCHOOL, 10:00 a.m . HOME BW LE CLASSES: Call 552-0092 1 Teacl\ing Bible Doctrtne• THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "THE FRIEIC DLIEST CHURCH ill TOWN" If'/\} ..;f:' 1'. \4 U I /.1:"'1 , I'A\I OJ< 11t 0D A.M.-AOUL T WORSHIP & SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:00 P.M. -EVANGELICAL HOUR 101 MAGNOLIA AT SANTA ANA AV E,, COSTA MESA Jllymoul~ <llongrr!1Uiioual <£hurrh A FREE AND INOEPENOEHT COHGREG4TIOHAL. CHRIHIAH CHUR CH 111 1: 1><1:v. JlJ ffN ·\. u..;tn·\11. '>l i•u ~t .. t.OO A.M. SUI'IDAY• IIILE STUDY 10ol0 A.M., WO.SHIP JEII:VICE. SUNDAY SCHOOL 3262 BROAD STREET, NEWPORT HEIGHTS NUII:SERY C ARE PROVIOEO PHONE: 642· 2740 ENSIGN SUBSCRIPTION ORDER READ ALL THE LOCAL NEWS SIHD IH YOUR 5UISCRIPTION ORDER TODAY I ONE YEAR, $6 .00-TWO YEARS, $10.00 ---------------- NAME •..... , ••••••.••••••••••..••••• · ADDRE$ ..•....••••••.••..••••...•... I CITY : .... , •.. , . , .•..•....•••. ZIP ...•. liMO IH THIS ORDER WITH $S.OO TO , H!WPORT HARBOR EH$1GH 2721 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEL liAR C. M. Harper )fesa euitHCCfiPH IDES OF SEPTEMBER Nut llarcb 11 otoetloo Umt 1o c-ll.., .1... z or 111e dty'o 1 c.....,u -wtll ~ op tor ~. Tio'or an ..,... occ:vpted by Mayor Norma llert:q ..S VIce- MaJOr Jack Hammett. Both ban doDt a pretty 10011 job tor tH city Oftt tbe )'IU'I, Mr. Hammett 11., tbl 'deaD ot the t..:ouDCU, baYI.ac Hn'ed aiDet lr10. Before ~ bt wu OD the PJUIIIac CommlllloD. He Lla tmart articulate wtte..._. of tbl local poiUJcal proe.,.~ ud bu bed a COOCS m-. to bin 1D CoRa Mua'• corDer whiG the city hu run up aplalt uafair treatment by the state ud otbtr Ju rltdlettoaa. Mra. Hertq briDe• to the job a motberly eompaa- sioa, bualDelswomali'a adminiltrathe know-how, aDd a teacher"s lllqulsltl'f't mlod. On tbe other aide or the ledger, Jaet 1.1 .omettmes identified with the town's poUUcaJ ''old guarcS" ud Mrs. Hertaoc wttb the Mesa Verde ellu.ts. So, why are we worryt.nc about all thla, Wben elec:Uoo Ume 1s 6 months away? Wei!, U wu a slow weet arouod Dere uyny, aod besides, 80me potenUal ca.odldates are starting to surface. U we eod up wUb anything Hke the Ust of 17 hopetuls who fought ot•er 3 CouncU saats last year, thea It's be.t we start early wtth the process of ftcurtnc out wbo thfJY are. By Marctl. the list may look Ute a roster of Napoleoo's army • Thus far, besides Jack lDd Norma, whO may or may oat run agaio, Rame& we've heard arouod town lnclude Don Bull, Mike ·McLauehlln. Arlene Scbafer and Chris Steel (lo oon.committal alphabetical orderll Doe of the blg luues may be the wnt.ag matter north of San otego Freeway. That's unfortunate, because the sound and fury of that loocl teapot may be so Shrill that more important matters • such as the quallttcattons of the candidates -may be drowned out. Mike McLauehllo is a leader of that North Costa Mesa petition drive. He would probably win a lot or votes and lose some others just on that ooe issue. Lost In the stJJf. ne would be the tact that be Is doing an e:zcellent )ob of chair~ the Redevelopment Agency. Don Bull, who ran a pretty good losing racP last election, Is also tied Ln with the petition group. ' Chrls steel Is a member of the county Republican Cen- tral Committee. ts that good or bad -or does It mJ.tter In a local non. partisan race? V.rs. Schafer, chairman of the Plaonlog Commission, wUJ protably be glun the blame, aod the credit, for what the Commission has dooe right, and wrong, over the years. And,. although we uormally get only a 20 to 30 per cent turnout In local elections, ao unwieldy maJority of that number may be coming to the polls just to vote 011 the zon1~ Issue, II that Issue gets on the ballot. The polot of Ulls rambling esu.y is this: Before the political bog- wash starts o•ernowlng the gutters In February aDd March, start looking these folks onr right oow, when a degree of relative sanity sUU prevails. And, start maldng plans to register and vo te ne:zl March, so that ALL of the people will be properly represented at City Hall, B'nai B'rith slate named Coastlh:ae B'nal B'rlth Wo~ men No, 1596 have elected t he followllllt officers for the coming year: JoaD Perla, president; Jean SchW&Jbe, admini.straUve vlce..presf. dent; Helen Yoongerman. program vice-president; Edythe Stroller, mem. bership Ylce-presldent; Audre Soller, fl.lndn.lsing vice-president ; HUda Greenberr, communicaUons Ylce..prestdent; Shirley Chess, treasurer; Shirley Deutsch, liOIIIClal SIC· MATTRESSES JIEW -SUUILDIWQ lrre1ular Shapes · ......... -.Ott.-. COSTA.tftSA MATTII!SS CO. 21!111 ... .,..,. 11 .. 11. .UI·IlO) reu.ry; Eileen Frledenberr, correspondi.Dt: secretary; Joan Wolberg. recording secretary, a.nd Dlnae Mark- ham, coosulta1111:. ln.stallatlon wUI be held at the Marriott Hotel, New- port Center, at 11 a.m., Oct. 2. lnsta.lltng otncers wtu be a mother a.od daugh- ter team from Sao otego, Gerl Kalb and Ellie Nadler. Instituting the chapter wtll be Jean Roseothal. chalrrun of Pacific SoUth West Region 56, The charter will be avail- able for signing durl.ng the l.nstallation. Conta:ct Joan, 640.1203, or regional alflla. Uon, 534·5880, for further lntormatlon and reser- vations. Donation Is $7.50 per person. I ' • 18 Prlv•t• Pools • 3 C .. ~ Tennis Courts • 82 Lu11urlous Bunplows, SuHes •ncl Rooms wHh • s.n-tlon•l VIew • Sixty-two tuxunous bungalows . su•tes and rooms command a sensational view from a hill-slope tn the most eJ~clustve section of Acapulco. Guests may select unobtrusive privacy of their own cottage and pool. or sunbathe with the "jet set" at the famous Villa Vera pool and bar. where favorite tropica l drinks can be enJoyed. eilher in or out ol the water For the tennis buff, three clay courts are available both night and day For the gourmet. international cuts.ne and MeJ~ican specialties prepared at your request For the romantic , privacy and seclusion. Fo r everyone, unforgettable memories ... THE VILLA VERA. ,_ _____ -·YIIOON PAC*AGa ~----""'111 5 Days/4 N ia hIs Per~on• '119.70 -EFFECTIVE FROM tJAtl tat THRU NOVEMBER 30th---Air~Conditioned Double Room with Private or Sharing Pool • Welcome Drink on Arrival • Full Breakfast Every Day • One full Dinner (fo• Two) at "EL PATIO" Restaurant • 1/2 Hour Tennis Lesson Per Person • Two Ticke1s for "LE JARDIN" Night Club Including One Drink Per Person • One Free Dally Hour or Court Time • Gratuities NIGHT ON E.P. U.S Reps. JACK HUGEN INT. and HARRY JARVINEN AND U.S. Naiional WA TIS 1-(800) 421 ·0767 Write or Phone For Package Rates and Free Color Brochure IO 'Vl1la'VearA HOIKL A IIACQUKT CLUa P.O. Box 580, Acapuloo, Mex. Phone 4-()3..33 CRASH KIW MESA MAN V.atnl MnlceiiDrCo.- ta .... tnme aeeldeahle- tiiD Jam. P, Btt:l, 25, or ZSlO WHtmluter An., were beld ToudiJ Ia St. JoaeiWD'a CatbOUc Cbartb. IIU....., wu Ia Rubor Lawa Memorial Put. Ht wu 1 plllell(er to a ca.r ftleb bit a utility pole Oct Broadway, 77 fMt tut of lfewport BIYd. at 1:45 a.m. Saturdl,., pncttcally lo troot ot tho Boll Broad· Way Mortuary, The driver of the vebtele Qed tbe sceDe, • ._, Costa MHa pollee-are ltW lonltlc&tlac to deter~ miDe wbo was drtVIDC". Tbe vlcUin was taken by para- medics to Hoag Hospital, where he was prooouBCed dead. Yr. Bies, a carpenter and native of Ca!Uornll, 1s sur- Yived by his wUe, Darcie; GOP COMMITJ'EE NAMES FUENTES TOOmas A. Fuentes, 28, of Newport Beach, has been appointed to the Republican State Central Committee of California (RSC CC) as an associate member from Or- ange Coonty. He Is the assistant vice- president of Robert Beln. WUHam Frost and Associat- es, professlortal environ- mental engineers and plan- ners. He was senior uecu- tlve assistant to the late County Supervisor RonaldW. Caspers and served on the State Committee when he was a member of the Orange County Republlca n Central Committee. a~,-,lrooiiBI­ P, ol OrtiOil; tnadfetMH Bol"'llJ'd B. Bill, -b Da- lrola,' ..., F'"'* J- FtMatala VaiJey,Udtw.u&l .. ten, LetA• Prott tad •• Jaru. boal of Colta M-. Bell &_, ........ .., ... 11 cbarp of arrucmeatl. ' S6,700 loss in . burglarjes . Burrlfr• took office IUP-. DUe• n.lued at more than $$,100 oo WedDucll.y GIC:bt or last we'ek from s omces at S720 Ca.rnpuJ Dr .,.oear Onaa:e Couoty Airport. lutlnnce broker Thomas Caney. of M'Uum a.od Ca.r- Yey, told pollee he opeo8d for business at 7:15 a.m. TburSday and fouod that his firm's offices had beeo bur- glarized. Thle•es took 10 electric typewriters aod 2 calculators, thea cut a big hole In the plasterboard wall to get into Heritage Real Estate, where they took a calculator and a tape re- corder. David L. Roberson aDd Assocl2tes reported a porket calculator missing trom their offtce. The thieves alao drank most of a bottle of wine that they looad in Milum and Garvey's coffee room. The OOrglars got In the building by breaking a glass wtDdow in, an area that was shielded by bus hes and a wall, pollee said • He Is also the director or communications for the Ca ll In your Roman Catholic Diocese of CL~SSIFI EO ADS Orange aod the producer and hOst of a w~kly radio pro-TO THE ENSIGN NEWPORT HARBOR EllS I GH PUBLISIIED IEEKCY ·PC. 6 THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1977 CORONA DEL liAR, CAU f. CUSTO~ and THERAPEUTIC SPAS Au.belm ?7Z-S401 OPEIU D!A~Yijl.~alfJLJ:IIII.alo , A<G~AIJNRIADEN GROVE .... NJGUEL Fullerton 871-8020 ~a\rstyl1ng fi-ov just for ~ ch1ldran F"OA A.PPT. G-4.4·0838 • ~ARBOR '/J[W C'-NH.I?· on San Joaqvu., ~dis llo ed J"'~t Soulh J MCK Arthur a1~0. gram, "Catholic dimen. 673..,5~ slon~s,~"~o~n~KY~M~S~,,~d~io;,~S~an~-.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~iiiiiiii ta Ai. childten • ....,.,.ne.., ..,...., e~toetroniCtllrY triCU ancl .,,....11 !'-TV ~o~gnel befO<e ~ becofo>n 1 poet"~ on 1'<>"' K•- • "'-'tometoc. Colao Con~<ol end Flftl>lontl COrfKIIOn 1~1.,.. I"IOidl ''""~ •n<l (lll"let c.olorl 10 the .. wn.gs you se'-el___, ......, rv ti-gnel -..~ or you e.,.~ Cl\annet• • ""lometlc Conl•n tiColor Track•"Q let1 yo" .,tust eont••ll. cotot and brlgl"lt,.,.. w•lll aor.. control rn11Md ol ''"" • Automl ltC Lt(lllt SlmOf ldJUitl Pltlutot!Of ci\I"QH '" room !IQht • RCA S...pitr Atc"F!her ptCIIIfl lubtt 1111 linl«< phospi"IOrl to ..... p •MC> eolo•• tii•ld . ....., '" onotu room liQIIt RCA colorTrak 25" TRADE ALLOWANCE lor your old color TV (<egardress o f age m111t.e o• cond•1+on) to~rd tne pu<chase Ql any o l these Coto•T•ak moaels G87?0R 12-Hl 72~R 728fl 830 IIJ5 BJ6 838 840 9350A 9360A 9380A 940011 TradtJ In, trade up to ColorTrak ... RCA't mott adwtnced, most -I automatic color TV '275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa· .... .....,.,,=-......... ::.. PltoM642-1112 S11n HOUfl 01111' H Sot J-5:30 ....... ---·-