HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-13 - Newport Harbor Ensign'Networking': A Way To Advance Your Bl•siness Goals VLWlg Expert Sioux Harlan Discusses Promoting Yourself See Business I The Future Of Corona del Mar Chamber President Jim Wood's Ideas See Page 3 , .......-----'E~•-D_d_R_I_''~•' ..... To CoJODa del .Mar High Temporary SoThBis Winter ••• The Midwest is frozen stiff, the East bundles up, the northem part of our state 1s trying to dry out -end in Newpon Beach the legendary climate brings out the sunlovers. At right, Kristen Bjorklund, 18, a Corona del Mar High graduate now attending San Diego State, jogs at ltate beach here while Cindy Corcovelos (below). 19 • .of Corona def Mar, relaxes in the environment. Staff photos bot Bob Peter~ Airport Muddle Brings Secret M~j:ing County ofbciala were to ... t a third h.me to dl.cua in ..cret today la.at w .. k'• court deciaioD which stopped the planned $100 million upauion of Joh.q w.,.. Airport. The au1t had been brought by the Clty of N.wport Beach and SPON (Stop Polluting 0\u N.wport), a citilen.t Qroup. S~pervdo.r Cla.lrm.ua Bruce Neatande Mid yellterday, "There a. notlung to NY.'' Supermen Tom RUey po~ out that, "We are under conllic· t:illg deciaiona from a county and a f~al court." A federal court reJected the county's accea plan on the limlt and number of llightt allocated various airlin .. , and the county court restncted llighta to 41 per day. T~y the auperviaors were hopmg to he.u mo.re alternahvea than the two 1t teemed to have: redo $375,000 worth of en- vuonmental studies ruled made- quate, or appeal the case. Ctty ofJtclals and SPON leaden were ecstahc over the ruhng, wbJc.h, Mayor ladue Heather called, "The biggest VIctory the ctty's ever had" 1n ats bght agamst auport noase. Supenor Court Judge Bruc e W. Sumner ruled two county en- vnonmental ampact reports v1olated state law . Shift For Satellite Campus byR~Angle The U01veraaty of Southern CaWorrua Wlll go ahead wath controversaal naght and Saturday classes here-but move them to a new locahon Beleaquered by protests from remdents near the vacant Cor- ona del Mar Elementary School plant it had arranged to lea5e, USC announced at would bold the c~ temporanly at Cor- ona del War Htgh School. Will1am Mann, program coor- dinator for what .LS to be the USC-Orange County Center, said d&UM would beQm at the high .chool tut rught al alr .. dy- enrolled at ldenta could be reached. Weanw!ule, City Councu a.uud other ·~ d.l.ay~ untu Feb. n eonan:l.tation oi a.n aqree-- ment wath USC for the use of the ~. . . ln an \Ultelated move, couJfcu alao put off another much - chaputed alem ·It delayed untu Jan. 25 set1ang the date of a caty- Wlde vote on the controv•nstal lrv1ne C o expans1on of Newport Center The annou need USC use of the old grade school prompted the restdents to fear mcreased trafitc, DO}ae at ntgbt, bnght uobts from the parlung lot and thtt loss of recreational use of the playoround "It would become a c ommer c1al u.H," satd Golda Jo hnson, a nearby res1den t "Who Vf&nls to come home from a hard day at the olhce to that?" asked Joe Stewart. a spokesman for the protestors Delighted at the honors. Lyman Faulkner (from leftl. Julie Sturdevant and Eric Renz hold then awards at the N8'NPQn Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors annual banquet Steff !Jhoto ~~·~Slob,., "Su.rpnaed and overwhelmed" by the honor, Lyman S Faulk ~r was announced a..s Realtor of W e Year for 1981 by the Newpozt H..rbor-Cost• Nasa Board of Realtors The award wluch crowned the 51st annavenary awards banquet Saturday nt<}ht at the Marnott Hotel and Tennll Club was presented by T Vlfg101a C1ec lc last year's recap1ent Involvement an comm unnv allaars as well as servace to the Realtors' board are among the c ntena faulkner. owner of Motel Realty Corona del Mar I prevaously pubhsbed a CIVIC actiVISts ' newsletter. and .:-u r rently ecLts the &och Meso Realtor a monthly JOurnal Ustmg .. rvlce actlV'lbes and educahonal proqra.ms for the saleemen members. aceorchnCJ to Hal Pmch1n, the board's uec- utave v1ce presadeot who chaued the banquet comrruttee The Affthate of the Year was Erac Renz, of lawyers Tatle Insurance Co whose c hauman- shtp of the board's Prtvate Prop erty Week p rOJE"Ct drew declaim LeqaslatJ ve Ctvac ·a"ld busaness persona htaes Ulcludtnq a repre sentallon of na11ona l a nd state olhcers of the ass~--tahon c~tt ended the recephon and dmner dance-Tht"V mcluded Sh;rle v C ommons a na t1onal darector a nd 1981 state pres1 dent Art Goda Some 60 atudents have reQUtered for courses an busmeu tuahon and a revaew for Cerhhed Pubhc Accoun (CoohDuod oo poQe 5) I Juhe S Sturdevant, a Costa Mesan alhlaated wath The Real Estaters, was c heered as Redltor Assocaa te ot the Year A two term darector of tbf' boc~rd she had been act1ve an multaple HecJcf !able g uests a lso anclud ed Charles R Ferguson of C..,..ta Mesa wh~., was ms\,a.lJE'd 111 Decemb.r a.; the 1962 prest ~ Conbllued on page 8) Jane Fonda Raises CED Funds Here • afte.r the rally. "I Wldentand why." Mid Lou Scott. ..tY.rtiaiJUJ fteCuti'le and a dincto.r o1 the Com.lllitt ... ''Tiley would rather deal with t.he leiueholclen ooe 011 ODe. AnJ individual wowd.n'l bave the blow-bow that the whole 910U.P would ... Scott WM abo 4119fY about orlticial of the coiiUIUtt .. by Jia Wood, pr.id!ant of tlae Cor· ou del War Cll.aber of Com- , Not surprasangly. polatacal achvlSt -actress Jane Fonda "probably" w11l support Jerry Brown m has race for the U S Senate. but hasn't decaded whether the Campa1gn for Econorruc Democracy abe leads Wlth her husband, Tom Hayden WllJ back L A Mayo r Tom Bradley for governor These bnef vaews were g1ven to The En$/qn Monday nagbl--es Fonda appeared at a S50 per penon CED fundrauser that brought 40 gu .. ts to the Coro na del Mar borne of Marty Jones and K1m Cl.rv Jones The ac tress then chatted Wlth $10-per·hcket theate rQoers at the prenuere ol "On Golden ·Pond" 111 wbu::b abe appeara wtlh her f&tber. Henry J'onda , and Xatherine Hepburn, and helped auc1ion autoonphed po.ten, photoe, her enrcwe book and e ..... t ..... and the filia acnpl. Proc.eda ..um.ted al more da.aia SlO,OOO hoa tkia eveAt, at ld .... Newport c-.-. c ..... U.O w.1t to CID. T1le political ~tiee ~ tMIUa. -~ .... ,_.pro · ~. ~ pJO'rided .. t.Metet "'to J*)Jilici -u.. lila, wa.iclll ...-M.e JMury 22. •• MidJia~~DJY .,....... . .., ' .. .... I •• + I • 1 ,. Jaa.-y 11. ·-n. ....... =ad .. I I I . • I ., ....... . HoW ... iec)a •• cMcl o8icW la tM 3llll ... s-. .. Dilldct . -wlaiCiaiaChiltiWcwpori Chi-iber To IMta1l Ma-..-ltagu, oaDdkiete b ea.. QOP noe•••tlca b U.S. '"t'or, will be IMha.Nd ..,..,_r rnc~., aic~lal • ea.. Newport ~ArM Clwabex al Cc.a- ~ -...u. Cuol J. South ... U.. flat ,.en p~t ba it. cWi....t cliNctly ~ ~ ao ..._ tMa tlaat k» he caa- -....4eo.w..u.~ lnbio .... .boat ......... ~~t.p.tate Sea. Job G. Sc:Uuta? ......_ -tM 13 caM aDoca-taaa ~will..,....... 01M AD ...._.,. to vet auCh e ~ oa the puhlic nc:ord il 11.Jldtrway today b, Women'• Network Alert, after a weebncl ....tbao bolted by Leonore $25,000 oatiAr«hag awucl, hfo $12,500 tpeditl ,...... awuda, 10$5,000 ad !10 $1,000 oat. gwya...._ 7$-,.., hletory. . n..fOI'Jau TH ch•mber'a 'IQtise:n of tha · 'Yeat'' .leo will be aJmowaced at tha buquet _. for the Newpon Muriott. A cocktail rec:eptioD at 6:30 will pr.cede the dinner. a-rnti0ll.8 at $25 per penon IMJ be IUde by calling the chamber at 644-8211. Jua.,... a.cu arubeu ad lmie Watt. will perlomt with ioar Ora9e Cout CaUeoe jua ••mw. QIOQPI Suad.ay aftem~n. 17, ba tha OCC Auditoria.a. Jane fODcla, Tea Baydea, and thar C&apeip for lc:oaomic DUaocncy will be the t.uvM of Coaor--an Robert Doma.D (R- Sa.ata Woeica) WMD M brtnoa hie ceepMo~a b tM U. S. the OODc:.rl will get Wldetway at 2 P·•· · DlaeylGDd DeaclllDe Organiutidu applyiDg lor a thaN al • record $150,000 to be diltrlhutecl thia year by Dimey- land'a 25th Aza.niverary Com- munity Service Awards ProvRJD have a deadline of midnioht thia Friday, Jan. 15. Ticbta, pricecl at S3 ~. are Qll .... iD tM occ Tlcbt OH:ac.. na. alllce, locat.t In the coU.cJe'• AdmtnWiatiCIIl Build- mg. ia opu Mozaclay UuoQoh ~Y froa 8 a.aa. to 7 P·•·· Qd Saturcl.aya from 8 a .m. to DOOD. s.n ... nomtutioD k» the Rubor ArM nezt 11uanclay aiQh~ Jan. 21. Qom,u it ech.eciUtd to ad- d.reta the Newport Rubor ~ Wom. at 6:30 at the Balboa Bay Club. Do.m&a, a ionaer radio and TV com .. ntator, il ~to dilcu. CED'a role iil oroanizing The application• must be Tickets will· abo be dd ~ the door. rSole Storts .kin. 13tti to 30th U. !/~2~ SALE • 20..0Ff ONSWCT~ (Does not 0«11'1 10 marllc:JOwre) INFANTS. CMI.ORENS. THNS Afii>AOULTS Clothing a Aceessortes 336Poii-"IGA~ Corona dtl Mar. CA 92625 (71.) 675-6623 e 15 PEWTER ~~ SILVER ~I. r-AR~ET ALE Beautifully enllJ' .tved for all occasiOns ANNIVERSARY ~ GltAOUATION IAIY THINGS MOM a DAD IIRTHDA YS ( WEDDINGS EXECUTIVES NOACK TROPHY 110 E 17th StrMt. No. 117 Cost~ Mesa 646-3l4J ,~ .. '"''""""'" \~NC.I Ia I 14.2 5°/o IRA Everyone sHms to be talking about the tax ~ant~~ges of opening an lndi· vidual Retirement Account. At laguna National Bank. we're talk· lng about high interest rates and secur- ity tor your retirement investment. Open an eightHn month IRA •nd we'll pay you 14.25% simple :;terest. Pluswe•ll9ive you the security know- Ing ttaet row depOatts.,. ~ br u. FDIC up to $100.000. The new tax laws make IRAs avail- able to almost everyone (even those already co'Vered by a company pension plan). With the new IRAs, you as an indi· ftdual may deduct up to $2.000 a year from your taxable inconM. You pay no federat taxes on principal or Interest until you start withdrawing funds (mJnt- mum t~ge:·S9112). Then. when you retire. you'll prob- ably be in a lower tax bracket paying lowwtaxes. for c..-te .. alts about 1~ or other savtnp plans. talk to the profes- sionals at laguna National Bank. We've W the answers. i/11/1/(11\/111 HI lt.t \\Ill \Ill • tt•t•• ... 11 111 \llt/UI/1/t ' ... ' ' " . , '"' . Rowerdale Cordially lnuites YotJ to Attend PRUNING Demonstration SATURDAY JANUARY 16 SANTA ANA TWO SESSIONS 10 A.M. AND 2 P.M .. SUNDAY JANUARY 17 COSTA MESA TWO SESSIONS 10 A.M. AND 2 P.M. LEARN HOW CORRECT ROSE PRUNING MUL TIPUES BlOOMS Bigger and better ROSES . from your own Rose Garden can be yours by attending Flo\vercJa&e•s Rose Pruning Demonstratjon ~you the easy simple ste~ .. tM ,C!Ia...UCal Neighborhood Ac- tioD, a groQp of W..t Colla W...~ta who IMk ~m­ JHDl actiOD aoaintt the Numco W...rlale pl.ant oe Victoria Street o..x .u.c;,.d pollution of tMU MiQia.boxhoocl. --~ .......... ~Of Woa. Voten, the NatJooal WOIMD'I Poijtical C.GCM, NatiOilal Cowacll ol Cbla'CAwo .... Women in Busi· n-, Had• .. h, the Jewiib WOialfD'I Of9W&aUon, the Am4trican Aaociatio.D of Univer· aily Women, the YWCA., the Interfaith Council, and the Republican and Democratic p&rti.ee. Alto, the Academic Senate at by Tom let:mett Brio. Gen. Richard Cooke, commanding officer at El Toro Marine Air Station, aaya i.D bia pHMmm~mkmJouWa~e AiJport'• problem.a can be eolv- ed by advanCed teclulology air- craft, not by tranafentno thoee problema to El Toro. ~k~.Where Schmlta ued to teach, pUMCl a uapi•OQII ntobaUoo deploriAo hia ~eat., accordilao to Bill Schreiber, i.Dfonutioe director. WNA dl.patched JD.Ailoruu y..terday to elected otficiab tbrouohout the cldtrict, includ- ino Congr.-man Roberl Bad· bam (R-Newport Beach) • .tate leoisJaton, county officitJs, mayors and city councilS. {C01ltiDued 01l paoe 4) callinc;r upon the county to pur· cbue El Toro and the Marine helicopter .tation in Tualin u ait" for futwe commercial air- porta. The panel appointed by the loud of S9perv00n auc;r- o .. ted the Marine air ataUons be moved ''wberner d .. med ap· propriate by the Qepartment of O.fenM." Alto tchedulecl ie the ecnen · iA9 of a flba, nwhatever Worb," a critician of CID pro- ~uced by a group of con.r- Yatift Da11u bu.aiD.-men. Purtbex lAiormation may be heel by caWno Nn. Donald Sloper at 673·3553. Cooke waited only aix daya to call a prea conference at the air .tation Monday at which be ' rejected lut week'• BJue.Ribbon Regional Airport Commit!" preliminary recommendation However, Cooke told bia brst press conference Iince tahno command of El Toro wt May. ''l can.Dot ... any limitations to our continuino to Uve and wor~ hPr~ •· and. a FREE GIFT for you! t ' 'r' 1Y00 AND YOUR <SPOUSE can deposit up to $4,000 in either a· fixed or variable rate IRA at Universal Savings and defer all taxes on the ' amounts deposited, and the interest it earns, until you retire. $2,000 deposited at the beginning of each year will grow to over $604,000 in 30 years. Deposit just $100 a month in our variable rate account and in 30 years your balance will be over $343,800. GET ALL THE FACTS -Pick up a copy of our very informative booklet which will answer all of your questions. It also contains a. number of easy-to-understand charts showing how quickly your IAA grows. NOTE: The examples above are based on an average annual Interest rate of 12% compounded quarterly. Of course, that rate may not.be available for the tun term of the account . ., I I ...... ~~a~aqrr. ta.aary 1t. •• ,... a CciM's Cha1m, Says New Cbalilber bFiartaa.. .... dbn Oocl .. Ccmma del Waz bat r character and c:h.ana du>uld be PNM~ &Dd .b ced while bWlcli.llQ " coh..tve- n .. p.onQ tla. illter.ts " and en aqiDQ "cultural 1." ' Th .. were &ZDOD9 ..vera! vt.wa outllAed to n.. EDIISgD recently by Jim Wood, newly- elected preeident of the Corona del War Chamber of Commerce. Woo4, founder and o~~of Unique Hom•, Inc., • 1 Q .., .. r.at ..tate brokeraqe, .... the mile·lonQ, commercial atrip alonQ lut Pacific Coast Hiqh- way u "the heartbeat" which could Qjve life to a atronqer community .pil'lt. There ia e opportunity to take another direction here ~::ather the "succumb to shop. pinq malls and the appearance of crua commercialiam," Wood said, and he would encouraqe movea toward creatlnq a compa- tible individuaUty for thia ahop- pinq area that would have the same unique quaUtiea of a Ne- tucket t.,land or s.n Franciaco's Union Street-without "loainq the .... nee, the spirit of Corona del Mar that ia ao difficult to define." ''We have to be rea.lishc," be obeerved. "There's no way you can close oH the hiqhway, or take the parkinq off, like they did (to create a mall) in LaQUJlA." But he supports a concept of an array of 'attractive storefronts, compatible MUOnal decor&· tiona, Mlf-policinQ in the uae of h.tu:len, and r .. ponaible main· tenece ("For example. clean tree wells"), and attitudes that would "contillue to attract tint clua merchants ed tint clua merchediai.nq." While acceptinQ the leader· ahip role which Jerry Stewart held the previous two years, Wood "wouldn't mind" if elements of tlUa proqram "evolv· ed from the CJroup," and be said • encour~9. oo.uaualty a.e oi -..ryoue m town bow. wWe th. ec:bool auclito:riWD for IDeet· QOiaQ on, everyone will Wolben. J ... Hill oontlnu• u cb.amber eecretary. New di.rec· ton are Fred Forster, Barbera .. The Jni,ne Co ... ,. tlt• Pehcan Hill Ro&d that J.a Ul aa. plan will L..en tnfflc on Paoific Coast HiQhway. That' a • aafor element of our atudy-and bow they caD aaure ua of that." JIM WOOD he welcomes c1v1c as well as commercial mput. Some of the cultural enrich- ment he sa1d could be develop· ed miqht well sprmg from the Un1vers1ty of So~ Cahfor· rua'a recent-and no.w contro - veraial-leasinq of the vacant Corona del Mar Elementary School plant, Wood explained. Some res1dents, particularly 1n the muned1ate ne1ghborhood, and Counc1lman Paul Hummel. have expressed conc ern over poe~uble parking, traffic and noiM problems, and aouqbt to block the lease arrangement made by the Newport-Mesa Um hed School Dlstnct However, Wood dtsclosed that after WiU1am R. Mann, a USC repreaentahve, addressed the chamber board of dtrectors recently on plans 'P establish a hmited busmess school curnc- ulum at the school plant, Wood sent hun su<Jqeshons for proJects "as a means of m1hqatmg the opposition you have encounter· ed to date". These included allowmg . e ven I.D91, 91aeet appeuucee and benefit.") perform.anoee oi a cultural -Fourth Tueaday, ~ euly nature; inclwliDQ ec:hool co\U"Me eveninQ 100a.al blender, al JC. Jacbcm, Jean XiQer. 0.. 0.. Nuten, Ryan, Alan Rypinaki and Wolbe:n. Holdovez directors are Luvena Hayton, Grant Howald, Mtchel, FrAllk Robert· eon. Jeff Scll.U.U., Jerry Stewart, Wood and Clyde Zulch. that would be nallable and various buai.neu locabona. attractive to the mrrouoclioQ community, with euch ~ibll· lU.. u cultural appreciation, hUtory, politic.al Kience, and topic• of co11temporary inter .. t; replaciDQ, ana poai.bly expand- inQ, the previoua playcpoUDd faciliti .. , with a Mparate entrance; and improvinq main· tenece of the bw.ldinq ed lanc:bcapiDQ, ed addiDQ tr ... ana shrubbery. 'The purpoee oi our orqaniza· hon (the chamber)," Wood wrote Mann, "ia to promote the c1v1c and commercial welfare of Corona del Mar. Tbia letter 11 wntten with that m mind." IAasing of the plant by USC "has bec ome more of an iuue than J thought it would be," a&ld Wood. But be saw "intereahnq" poss1b1hties m the combined uae of the school plet and Sherman ubrary and Gardens ac ross the street for cultural events, suc h as 4l1 enlargement on the cham· her-sponsored Baroque Festival\ last year. "It could qrow to somethinq hke they have 1n Aapen," be sa1d. There will be ample oppor· tunity for the 275 chamber membera to mtroduce ideas, comment and Qet mvolved m programs, Wood sa1d, in pr•s· entmq a schedule that calla for : -F1rst T~sday pf each month: a board of directors meelinq, Wlth all c hamber members invited. · -Second Wednesday, an 8 a .m. "breaJdut table" fot apon · taneous, mJormal discussion among any who wtah to attend. -Thud Tuesday, 7:30a.m .. general memberalup m .. IU19 m Sherman Gardens with interest· tog speakers and a chance to "ahowcase" businesses. ("If The chamber's annualliUitalla- hon banquet 11 aet fo r Janu..ry 27 at the Balboa Yacht Club. l(e be1n9 billed, m typ1cal, free· form Wood style. u "The Non- Proqram Proqram." We'll qet the bua10esa over u quickly u poutble, and qet back to what everyone enJOYS the mo.t-talk- 1nq amonq themselves," beNld. Jo1nmg Wood 1n oU1ce will be: Ftrst v1ce p res1dent, Cra1q Ryan; second v1ce prea1dent, Mary M1chael, treas urer, Joe ft.ecJa.rdinQ another Newport Beach controversy-the referen· dum COminQ over the projected bwldout of Newport C.nter by thelrvine Co.-Wood Mid the Corona del Maz chamber 11 qoillq to "take a rH.l cloee look at the effect it will have on Coroca del Na.r. The board ia qoiDq into Uua study with an . .open mind, and will make a dec:iaion, and push at. Wood made 1t ciMr he wu aware of the enstence oi fac:. bon. m the com.mulllty wao are divided o n thta and oth.r majoz diU... So far as the ch.eaaber II c oncerned. ''We'd like to Hnl the nqht to be the QJOUP that speaks fo r Co rona del Mar." he M1d. "Our mLU1on 1s to promote the CIVIC and commerc1al wel.fa.re of Corona del Mar. It's beautiful." Wood said . "It's Main Street, Iowa. on a bl uH overlooltinq the Pac1hc Ocean It's qood-an~ it could be better " WHAT DOES IT MEAN? From thts point forward, developers can no longer conStder the e nvtronmental tmpact repon as JUSt a bothersome piece of paperwork that must be completed befo re they can stan building. Judge Bruce Sumner. in ruling last week' that the county a~rpon mas ter plan EIR was woefully inadequate, made it very cJear that EIR's must be realistic repons on what will happen to the total e nvironment of all of the people a projecl will affect He made tt clear, too. that an EIR must look at alternatives. That means . for e xample, that the a1rport EIR should look at REDUCED FLIGHTS and thetr impact . or. tn the case of Beeco-Bannmg (an upcom1ng project). at mOfe homes and fewer 1ndustnal off1ce buildings than proposed. In Newpon Center. an alternativ@ would be to provide hous1ng for people who work at the center. thus reducing employee travel. instead of building more office buildings and adding to the congestion. Judge S umner also ruled that the CUMULATIVE effects of a project must be conSidttred 1n other words, the effect of a project 1n combination With other things already bu1lt 01 be1ng planned We see a glanng daily example here in Newport of cumula tive effect as we barue traffic The Beeco-Banmng EIR. and the EIR for the Newpon Center ex.pansion P'an, both cla1m that each of these projects would add onty "slightly" to the already-Intolerable congest1on Yet the congntion itsetf has been brought about by the CUMULATIVE effect of such little-bit-at-a-time additions Judge S umner has done an excellent job of explaining what ma ny of us have been trying to say for years . We thtnk the c1ty should be p~oud of the quality of its legal presentatiOn that won the a~r· port su1t We are proud of our anomey Clem Shute's effectrve contribution. Not everyone agrees with us: Supervisor Tom Riley IS quoted as saying, "The ruling appears to be setting a precedent that might be very dangero us 1n the plann1ng process of the county." We think the o nly danger is to those who place growth. wealth a nd po wer above people and the way people live DAVIS· BROWN A compu tertzt!!d burgiN MMm f'«lUiTW no inst.JI•tion MJd prot«tl your horn. or bus1fHIA It 1s t~ f1rst rHI -'r.,.tl~ to • thousand dollar or mort profession./ sysrwn. The concept '' samc;~le PrOII,I(H 1141 etec:trOfiiC luncttons of • orofeuoo~l wa1"11d t()9ethef wst"" Put s.naane and control onto one eesv to uw d., a Ute 1..-Qe tc-'c '"'19'1hon of tOiad "•'• comoonents to .:ha.,. eo-con and !)r"Nter rela.r>tlatv tie•~ .,, some of I~ e•catan9 feo~turft ltwo...,_ Pro-.cuon The M~· S5 orotKtl vour l\olne us.ng tu c!lv the ~ tect>noloclv lh•t POhU •ilda, u• to c•tch soeed•ng c..-s Mld trucks When vou .,, not et room.. ttlt Mt<M• 55 91t"41r•tn • low -rv'Y ,.,., field th•t detects <lt'V0"41 who ~ an 1 dftt9 n•tiKI lrt• of V'>Ur IIOUW The P'OWCtl()l\ !MIItm '' ¥1 .t01u\I.Oie t-"'00 "'Cit woth "'•-•mum dttTWnl>()n' ol 15 • 40 '•t LCM>d "1...-n w~ lhe ,~,..,.. OeiKU en nt•u<»< 1 turon on • loud oolac:t~ l vPe •lact•onac ''''" Tt-.e -.nd '' loud enou~ IO c-.w 1)4tan It t\ loud tnou9h 10 dfayt I ou•ol•r •w•v bf'fo•t ht ctn lltll or ~Mmeoe vour vll4uM>,.I 11 '' IQ\Id ef'OUql"l 10 alert \our ntaQht>o•' ~nd ''""• •mPOrltnt loud I'I"IOUC)I"I to .,..,.., vuu not to .,...,., vour ~ ~tort 1M poltCt .,, .,. Compu.,ared COfltrob lo lu"' ll'>e IV\It m on you punc-h n vour penoneltliKI 6 da911 K~ Code Vou now ...... J0 MCOnlh 10 •-• your home or ott~ When vou ,.turn vou tnttr end l1a111m the fV\1..,.. woth your .cceu c()(H Vou ~'~.wt 30 l«"onda to do ,,., ·~ When the M .O.a -'" <It' ani/Vdet 1 ftn'\ltM '"~' lo• 30 MCondl '' then \OUndl the ~I'"' untal 8 """"'*' ahtt the buf91• !e-. The •111m then lt>ull ott end '-11. ~ ••" reldy to cto •tl ~ Thai tlf\ut ott ... lu•t not found Ofl -v tllotni>Ve tVtt- ,.._.,.,, thlt YOur eterm won I 90 *"hflO Ill ntql\t 1ont wtlale vou'rt twtv StM6y ....,_, Should "c oo-te~l or 1 ""''' bui"Qiat Cut vOur AC OOWif Ia,_ ll"le ¥0.-Sf! IUIOINIIUlly -tchn 10 ~ at,IL SAF ( OCWfii>Of\ vltftt 1 buolt an rach~tNDie Nltef"'V Pldl YOu .,. CliO*,_, no I'Ntte< wf\et EX~ABLESYSTEM You can •t UP ttle llii.O.• tn \fOUr 0"'" 1\ome '" rn•nv~ It loolls lakt • lttf"eo tomoOnlf>t Jull pl119 •I tnlo ewell .octlet .. m end ad1u11 au protectaon 04tl tem end cOflnect two ""r*' to the -tut ""'"' blesl 1\orn sP 30 I I VOu ""'"'· vau tM' connect twO ll•m bl•t hOm& If you COfln«:l 1 bla1 '-nt -rec(lmfftlf'l(l 0"41 outsock end O<W tntade A tftl 119'11 <lllows vou to eaaly o.-m•n# ttlt erq ol covtrete of the orot«t•OI' 04tttem A thumb wheel lets vou MJ~utt 11 to your needs As en ••tre teeur•t \1 meaure vou tM' con nect oneor ~ oenac button• to the lliladfA The I)II"IIC bultont ICtNell the ""'"' .,_., .,.,,h the r.,., Ot"OlKtoon tAnem t .. rntd oil llut -of vou don ' uM '"' t aoer>soon fNtvlft the ¥.0.. '' comolete ....Sy to protect vou. tull as n ,,,,... an ''' -II Prot«: ted CArton I( ••• _j n. --.wteballr ~tr.m "• • ,..,. v:tJ to 75 ,.,, t110 IIIOAI FALSE "LAAMS Compered With other buf'tlet """'' like ultriiOtiiC IYI1WfN the Mlde• ..._ ~~ 1\0 ~of f.._ eltnl'l\, ,,_ 11 11 not ett.cted bV tretftc no..-. oa.n. notte. "' c:ondltiOMt b.lrtlu'-"ol -~ ~ ttront Outlide Wtndl Ot\IV ttlt I'IIOIIOfl of tt1t bllrtler -"'"' ~ tt.e rider field CM\ wt '' off COIIIIMAIO AGAINIT OTMII'I "'-~-------.......... the ... tre I ... ........_ .,_.... .._. ,, .............................. .... , .......... _. ..... . ...... - I , ...... ... ...... _ .... , ........... ...... .., ens "w .............. o.; .. ....... ,..... ............ ,.. ......................... , .. ~ ,..,.,.....,,...,... , .... ~ ,.,,.... . ..,. ........ .... ,.,. /tii(Ju 56 ..,.,. IYfr.tl't-- only 4' ~ 10 ,. by ' • .,.., ,!W'OIIIeft 10U ,.. "MMCCt ~ Mil ··~.cunry IYI,.,._ U l A,.AOVED SVSTEM II vou """~ o""neo a t>orgt., et¥m tor morw tl"l<lt' ~ v~•r ,..,,,.. t • QOOc:l cnence that at 1\a liQuored _,l(f Tf"le tlila<Jea , r.o-, .. W)lad 11114! end """' ,,,., ... the -'-" dutv comPO~"'' " •ndullraal ~ The Mode" •• m~ l"lv Sotlat> S~te<m. Inc tt1t .. ~ '" Ill~ I''OCIUCitOfl Ol red• 0ttec10f\ lot commHc•.o tnd tndunroel -=utotv fVI 1""'' So••., ,.., m.ot mort men t\alf • mallt<.1r' noust•·•l reoar lletltOn end oYef 10() 000 M•"-• 55 W•ll t~ Mlde11 -need WN >et ' "'o or t<lu<l '' oerttc:t II yOu - .,..,, 1 I.HOO .. , c 1H us 01> our toll f,. ,..,,, n" "' soo n1 8167 The Ot"c>c~Uct .. 8\. "' 1!'<1 1 Yt'ltf Oltftlend llti)Ot Wltlanty STANDING BEHIND " PAOOUCT Th.,; MOCJ~• o•nti'<U "'ore than 100.000 -'m.,rac•n "omn But ll"le tn.•• tilt of how II oeriOfmS '' n vuur home or offa Tl\et I& ""'"" -OI'Ovan• • Cl'\f month traet oen od W. ~"'' vou "" <>Pt>Ortun tv to -"ow fell ~ft r <l '"'" ll> ~»•~"'•" ,..,. Mt<M• rn .., It .en<1 ~ II"IOtOu(lf' • I DtOteCU V0u end vour toYI!O o,.., 01'C. \Cit attt• one montta whether o• no1 ~0: • ..,..,.,, to lclto '' If vov O.C:Ide 10 I<MO •I vl:'u II 0-' The bftt If not retur n vour ur"t •o• a full end prort\C)t refund Tt>ere ,, no • ,,~ Pur~:h-thfo M•"-' !>!I nuw fOt 1118 86 end the SP 30 nltKI "01 n tor SJi 95 Wt rKOtl'\ mend tile ourcll tHIP a• 1..0 ol•t hOrns To ordf!• ""'Piv \4'1"1(1 vo..r rhtclt. to ttle _,.,,_ shown btlo... t "' •o•"•• ....o.nu edd ft Y IM te• Cr.O • .e•d buyt" may .:.11 - toll tree numbf• t>tlow The,..,. no DOitalf Of llendl•r>Q c;h;w!ll't The untt Will be-" to you comp .. tt w th all anttrvctoone Madew qrllfl vou wtt•vtt>anv you ~ld PIM t•blv t ocoerl hom a burtl., Maml t1 • Of'O,_I()I\.1 qr~ \Yitltfl'l tl • l4fY ,._., IDit P<IQe 21 toll ''" teleptloftt ....,_ lt the ~ to buy • untt m ~­c:onf~ kno...ant that vou m-v "'""" at of tt. "CCt .... tty *"tt VOu _, Y-. cen"t toilt Comout41< *MOiofV 1\a ~ .,_ ulhma. teeurttv tVIIilm 0/"CMf veur _.!db II wltl'lovl oblitti>Of\ t~ \ Twice, iD all-too·recut memory ao far aa the Oran9e County Board of SuperviJton ia concerned, it. plana to e~d John Wayne Airport have suddenly hit a atone wall. · The latest cruh cuae when the city of Newport Beach prevailed in a coun that ruled the county hAd failed to conCiuct adequate environmental studi• befo.re it adopted ita highly·controveraial muter plan. This plan, compiled after conaiderable re&e4rch-and expenae- oalla for an ezpenditu.re in the nei9hborhood of $100 m1llion to increue the facility's capacity. l&rUer, the county's ace ... plan, which allows the au.mber of fli9hta to be increued u the noile level d.ropa, also bombed out. And an appeala court upheld this original U .S. Diatrict Court verdict, asking the county to come back with a plan the court would oonaider more equitable for all the airlines operatinq out of John Wa~e Airport. • Adding to the diveraity of opinions that exist around the county and op up to federal· level about this airport, the federal judge aort of left the door open on 9radually iDcreuiDg the number of averaqe daily lliqhta-but the county judge slammed it on the number of fliqhts, keep- ing them at the pr ... nt 41. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather can't help but feel vindicated for the unawervinq position she has taken in aupport of a constituency that is set aqaiDst expansion o! that airport. Letters To The Editor t Et.ewhere in the county, of course, very few-if any-rftidents are concerned about the noise and traf- fic impact of that facility upon the cities of Newport Beach, Co.ta Mesa or Irvine. In fact, many of those . untouched by the impacts would like tp see the airport grow. But it won't, for awhile, because of those court deci- aona. Whatever the Board of Supervisors decidea to do- appeal the decilioua further, commission a....new environ- mental impact report, or both-the mesaa.qe to this point it very clear; Ita new plan must be a better one. -BRS CONSUMER CORNER DM.r Couu.aer Leep.; Tueeday moJ1liD9 I got the alaook of my life. I wut to • local va ltation t" pick up my car and the billl.ft me IJ)MChl-. I peid the bill, went home Utd tmmedietely called two auto dealers Utd o•• other va atation. I rNCi MCh of them thia U.t of thin91 that the vu atation had done to my cu and uked them what they woWd cbanJe me for t.hia work. I am 100 perc.nt aure that I haft been overchar9ed, becau.. th .. eeti.IDat .. ran9e from $1 70 to $201 t.. than wb.t I paid. I want to fi9ht back! What do I do now? I.JC. Irvine Dear/.X .: &clo.d you will lind tbe name and odcJrea o/ the owner of tbat .tation. Li.t tbe n~ of tbe place. you bow colled and their ..umol• lor tbe wod. S.Dd b.im a copy of 1M bill you poid to bU m.cban.ic. Then 08k lor o ~ic •ttlement. IL you /eel you .bould bove UOl bock, 08k lor tbe ezoct aa.c>unt. U you /eel a /ajr ~u· tJO. would be to have the ONJ"CCgge of fb. fbrH OlDOunl» returned, tbon 08k tbat. Jloke your letter .bort, conci6e, polite, buJ /Jna. It won't burt to. menJiolJ tbol you are a memb.r of 1M Co.a.tu.m.r lAogue and wi.J.J.Jng to /JgbJ lor your con- •WHT dgbJ.. Pot Blow Con.umerlAague /./{. ~ Ieifer to 11M gat .totion oMMr wa. ellective. He return- ed the owrcJg~e ol tbe «Win~, bod .be bod tbe work done ol ODe of the otb.r ploc.- $182.15-wllh tile up/anotJon tbot tbe mecACJIJJa at AU .tation work on C'OIDlll.iaion ODd Mlllletilll• one wJJJ try to earn a "little utro." He we. glad to be inlormed of tb.J.~~H~Cbonic .. oc- tion and IIOid that the ~DeCbanic would be deolt witb. • The eo--L-91M '-a ~ ot ••ud-wboll.a .. ~. tOQ«her to MtW llaDclle tMu COQIIQ- coaplaUI. n. 1M9-.. ,. 11 of taplaiat a. .. dli119 writla 'IJ'OUP do.!. .... nal ..-rice, ~a. arvac. &lid • .......... TMte Ia • -.all aulaal '- lor •la.all1 ~. n.. leaqu. w a a rv10e CJfOilP tlaal•rwee U1 ow-o. TUM are eo maad&lory ...U.V. or project•. Add_,_ ~~~quito *3 Walaul, 1~. CA 12714, or ~-551-31117 SUN m11. eo.t lhry., eo.-. cW .... CA taas._, P.Nt••d ~ 011 w ........ , ldJkmelMCI ..... plklee-~ lnaccuract .. ' To the Editor: In your editorial "That Beeco Plan" publi.ehed Jan. 6, 1982, there were aome inaccuraci• which thew ... Newport Le¢a- lativ• Alliance would lib to correot. You aay, "There ha.a never been a U.tin9 of prof..monal pla.D.D•n utiliaed by the Alll- ance-U, indeed, any b.ve ben conn.lted." In actualf.ct, the U.tin9 of the profeaion.al plan- nen utiliaed by the Al.liance hu beell made available to the City CoUDCU, menticmecl ba ~ t..umony at City Hall, ud Mel been 9iven to 1!a. Newpon 611- .Jgn reporter coveri.Dg 0\ll ltory. We hive had th• profuldteal COWlMl oJ "PlannJ.A9 AMilt:" a pi.annlnfl finD wor~ed o\A of the oWoe ol Shute, WiUl~. uwi W.uabe~r, a law finD wltJch wu Wtrumental in wiJulin9 the recent judqment of the city of Newport Beach aQ&iut the OTU941 COUilty Board of Super· vWon on the propoeec:l npa.n- aioa of th' Joh.n Wayue Airport. It ll of gtMt interelt to note many of the argumnta that won thll fAvorable decilioa for the city are the NJDe 011• the Al.liance Ia u.lin9 to limit .tb• preeent Lnn1n9 Newport Ranch development propoeel. At for your statement that the developer, William Hancock BanniD9 n, "aaya he ia wil.linQ to U.ten to waya that tome oJ the Alliance!• objectiona llli9ht be met," we are hopeful Nr. Ban· Din9 will do more than lllten and take it one atep further, and that he will act. We have met with Mr. BaJmin9 OD IDa.DY OCC:.• aion• and he h&a not indicated a wil.linqn .. to yield &om Ilia orl9iDal propoN.} in any way. At you know, the w ... Newport ~tive Alliance propoea.l ia a oompromiae from the uilt.in9 General Plan which requir .. all residqti&l development at Jour to five dwellin9 Wlita per bu.Ud- a.ble acre. We would welooae COIDIDwUcatiOD froJ:D )(r. 8u- Din9 to d.i8cuu how Jome of 01U ob)ectiOA.I, particularly to a~ deuity iJ:uluatriAl park, C«D be met. Thank you for coatinulo9 to kMp our W..t Side Story he'ore the readen of The Ne.wport Ezuign. LouiN S. Greeley, Chairman West Newport lecJialative Alliance Rec:cmt View To the lditor: rn. lollowing was sent to the Newport Beach City Council and a copy to Councilman Jtt,u] HuiiUDel.) O..Z CoWtcilpeople: We fervently hope that the at· titude that Paul Hummel preecrt.bed to you, per attached editorial (com.mentin9 on Hwn· ..J'a ... teJMAta), ia untrue. We req\MIIt that the riew be recanted officially, and quickly, wiU. U.e Public Advt.ory Com· ..,Stt ... Paul HUI.Il!Ulll indeed the "watc.bdQ9H for the city; that is, Ia• oppoeee .U chua~, bat he ill DO tra.ff;tc eDQiDMr. At preeent, Route 55 ia a bot- tleJ!eck. It doee not permit a fut floW of traffic in1o Newport BMch, whicb Ia what Paul Hum- mel wants. But, he for9et1 that a bottleneck worb two waya, and, et pr .. nt, Route 55 trape traffic and won't let it out of our city. We badly need to complete the Coeta Mesa fzMway, the MacArthur freeway, and the 5th AYeAue by-pau. Until th ... thin9• are accomp)J.ahed, Newport Beach willalw&ya uve tzaffic problema. R.W. Wolff P.S. Remember! I wanted the Pacific Cout hMway. CoDtraat In Value To the lditor: Recently, a spob.peDOD for the Irvine Co. ateted th.at U.. firm had IIOki SU .c:ree af land-&t a 9IMtly recilleecl value--to the atate lor tM t1»Pe• ., wt.ldiJJe pr .. ne. At d.e • tiJu of Ute ale, IIOIM people had beUeved tkat U.. &ud tJia9 waderwater, eva al DMP tide, ahould uve *• «Wined .. atate-owned Ude&uacll. But J.t ua ...._. U.. correct-»-Ott u.. 1m.. eo.·, ....... -..t: "Po• ita 547 ac.-, the cc.pany clid inclucl recelve $3.4 •lll'oa whic.la wu on. a1litll af tM land'1 M1 I& I d vai\IAtioa, u or $20 •"ltoe. What beuvolenoeiBUT it d.elrvtM· Co. ill eo very ch&ri..W., wily .. doem't it ahow a UmJla.r concem for leueholden, people who have coabibutecl u much to the well-bein9 of thia oomaWllty u b.ve ita fee..Jaolding I'Mklenta. Many lee.Uo&cle:n woWd prob. ably jump at the opportwUty to pay on•mtll of the value that the company ia C'Unlltly claim· in9 for lta lee•hoklland. SomethJ.a9 bemd.l the bay amelia baby Mre: lither the company ahowa e1aJlu OODCerna for the city's oitinu-iDcludin9 lee•bo&den-or itiiiUAy CW.. to la.r9-, lAd~.,._ ~ tM Upper •y, aut be 8otloD. b7JlaFeUOD . Anywey you look at it, we had it euy and com.fortable.~m­ pared to the r..t oJ the ute and the nation. The tint bed weather of the winter aoa.bcl ua a little and brou9ht eDOU9h colcl wind to topple • few tre.~ and crack out • few overcout. But the Coeta ...... lrviJ:l.Newport Bvch coutal belt had DO floodin9, DO icy alreeta, DO d.nf· tin9 mow. It wu 10 nice, com· para lively. that you alma.t felt uhamed to watch the TV oewa Utd ... the devutatioo and wf. ferln9 to the north and eut. Still, it waa cold-cold enou9h for the fireplace, uain9 wood purchuec:l on an impW.. at the wperma.rket. Of courae it was " eatrava9Utt way to buy wood-a d.inky Uttle bundle 9ood only for • couple of even· inCJS, and abort eveninCJS at that. What would a vood supply of wood C08t? When I telephoned the A-1 Firewood Co., the man Mid a cord of wood, delivered. would coet $168--eucalyptua, pine or avocado. A cord ia 128 cubic fMt, or four feet by fou feet by ei9ht fMt ttacked. And audden· ly I remembered how I lMmed 10 much about a coxd of wood- almoet 50 yMn ago. In the heart of the Great · O.pr ... ioo, we bved io a remote. aomewhat wildem ... MCUOD of W .. t Seattle, and wba the laaily car, u ~ut old Plilat with a Colll.aa•tal motor, COlt too mu~ to opeute, O.d bou9hl a MCODd·hucl Nodel A Ford. He tolclmy JOWl981 btother and me that we could •ll the Pll.nt and keep whatever. we oould v•t for it. It aoundecl like inataDt pro. tperlty. Welaoa..Uy ba1ieNcl the Jluat wu the aa.t IM91Lilt· cut oar..-built. It ... a toudiiCJ IDOCW, wtth ""'91•• 0'\lrtai.DI that anapped on the aide. to bep out the rain. On Sundaya, we would bundle the whole family into U and drive th.rou9h the 91'Mt for..t• of the Northw•t. alwayt bonkin9 a aalate to any other J'lint we Mw on the ro.d. YMn later, lleun· ed how eacluive a club it ,..Uy wu, eiDce not vezy IDUlY people bought Plinu and U.. oompeay -.etoutofbu~" ... But my brother Fred an.cll wen ar• we couJcl ..U it euily. We told ..-ryone at W..a Seat· tJ. Hiv. School, ud tluouvhout out ... hbod1ood, ud put up .... at the )oca) 9M ... Uoa and cpooery ..... We bpi chopp-. iA9 tM pnc. util we ball, . poltecl a .... otl.riaq tM cat ior S2S. (C.tmued m-paoe 1) u.ld 0.. uteaa.eut. by compeny tpOUmn•n Jerry Colliu. Yowa9 COUDMM, "All over the U.S., cl.v.lopen areiD&ki.Dg iAtereM-b .. loaat" becaue real ..tate AI .. .,. utremely tlow. Col.Una' utemeat Mid, "We al.o pNW~De It wu d4Weloped before we came up with our fmuctng offer, which hu onerated a llood of telephone ·calla." fridAy, t!e company had of. fered loana at 12 to 16 percent inter .. t with Mven-year terms, for a one-percent f .. , on 80 per· cent of the land value or 75 per- cent of the value of land and hO\IM. At Su.nd.ay'a rally, t .... holden ac:oUed at the pro- ~-... The company }l(onday laid it won't qive previoualy offered rent deferrala to tha.e l .... holclen who join lD a cla• action lawsuJt planned by the Committ ... "It wouldn't make aense," said Coll..ln.. "The lono· term litigation could put a leqal cloud over a property." Young aaid, "He i.a leqally correct, but morally wrong." She called Monday'a company statement "another attempt to bully us." The company •lao objected stJongly to a proposal that the leaseholders share 1n the value· of the'land when it is sold. Attorney Ray lkola, repr ... n- Cooking Up A Clambake Encouraging "participation in annual Clambake Week wh1ch will raise funds for Hoag Memorial Hospital, Supervisor Tom Riley prepares to fire the shot heard round the Harbor Area. Ralph Berke gets set while Gene Baum, Clambake Week chairman, and Superior Court Judge Mark A. Soden lright), chairman of the VIP "Walk for Hoag," want to slow him down. The 1.2 mile walk, for those wishing something less strenuous than the 5-K and 10-K runs, is set for Saturday, Jan. 23. Those who enter by January 18 will be eligible for a special drawing. Clambake Week sponsored by the 552 Club has raised more than $350,000 for Hoag facilities in seven years. ting the Committ .. , told the raJ-whoM land rent has increued -The "BW of fli9ht." iAclud- ly the clau action law.uit will be from $1,600 to $67,666 per year, eel an eumple of • Dover tiled the w .. k of )an. 20. told the rally, "I can't qualify for Shoree lot that woulcl..U tor The suit will be hued partly the lease or for the loan. $113,328 to the leueholcler. on the pnnci~ that the "If you don't atop the Irvine The Mme lot had been oftmed le.ueholdera deserve a ahare of Co. tonight, they'll never be by the Irvine Co. for $34S,Ooo, recent akyroc:kehng land vatu .. , atopped," Baker said in an emo-the proposal aa.id. [kola laid. tional speech. Collina aa.id such an anange- "You contributed to the value -The company an.nounced ment would "amoUDt to an of the land by building its that lNMhoJders whOM housing outright gift of a couple of hun- hospitals, giving to the cultural costs are more than one-third of dred thoUMDd dollan to the life of the community and con-their income "might pouibly leaseholder." The company tributing taxes to support Us qualify" u harclahip e&aea. U wouldn't consider it, he Mid. achoola," he uplained. they did, the company would of--The other Committ .. pro- "You have paid for these fer some form of delay~ profit· posala included a one-timet .... things, not the Irvine Co.," he taking. negotiation, a new appraial, • added. The crowd broke into Asked if Balter might qualify, leaseholder's optional ca.ah pw- applause. Collins aaid, "We wouldn't like chase by the Irvine Co. o1 houe Collins said l.ater, "It would to comment on individual and land, a "50-SO aplit" in land be very diUicult to determine cuee." and bouae value betw .. n the how much any one lNMholder -The Committ .. •a propoeal.a compeny and thel .... hold.r, contJibuted to the community. It incluc:t.d an eumple oJ bow the 1 .. expenaive leuee, and a rent would depend on how long they pricee of leued lota would be tr .. ae for b&rd.ahip cu.. had been here and how much affected, if the·oompe.ay ao-The ColD.IIlittee, organiMcl in they had p&id in tuea and other oepted the "Blll of RJ9)lta." One October, hu been prot..UC9 contributions." Dover Shor• lot that llad ben land-rent and purc:ha.M-pnce in· In other lHMbold actiona: offezed by the I~e Co. for cr•uea on thelong-tenn -Ha.rry &Mr, alNMholder $345,000 woulcl .. ll i.D.It..d for r.uclentialland t.u... --------------------------~$1~1~3,~~~·~------------------~-----------·-·-·~~~-· I IV USING ANV Of THESE OPTIONS: Drl't••• Earn SV..% compounded daily on your balance in an INTEREST- BEARING CHECKING ACCO NT. If your balance i $750 or more. or if yo u arc 65 or over. there is no monthly charge; otherwise. only a nominal fee . On every month's statement. you'll find interest added -your checking account grows every day! 6• ee e *MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES. \\ith a SlO.OOO minimum investment. earn simple interest at rate set weeki~ for 6-month period. •• •TAX-FREE SAVINGS through 19K2. rates set monthly fora 12- month term. You tnay exclude from your Federal taxes up to $2000 interest ~.f you file a joint return. SlOOO if you file individually. ••• SIOO minimum in a VARIAILE RATE CERTIFICATE• earns intere t compounded d a•ly at rate determined ever} two weeks for full term. •• Every waF earner. with or without a pen ion plan. Ls eligible to open a NIVERSAL IRA ACCO NT~ Depo it up to $2000 for an indi- vidual. S2250 for a manicd couple with one income. S4000 for a married couple when both are waac earner . Tbese tax helle~ fund earn interat compounded daily. When you withdraw fund durin& youF retirement years. pay tax in the-bracket or your income at that time -probably much lower than in your Qrnina yean. •lnkrt 'penalties for early •athdrawal ' .. 'I'M ••port Ea.ip Wedn 11 111.,. JN _., IS. l-Page I usc (C.UDucl froa ~ 1) ........ W&u .... ,.. Newport- ,._ UaiW 8olao01 DiMric:t ap- PIOftd tM U9C .._ Nov. 24. 10.... wW !.e Ia t.D ..mo at tl.e ~b-** tollolaow lli9ht, Mama edd.d, aad wUl CODtiAue tJaere at leMt utSl aa Oranve County Saperlor Court heerlng ,._ 31. The MaftA9 M the ant ltage bl the ptot.t by ana r..tdent., wJao have lonMid Oitiaens For TbeB.ptwetbleU•ot ~ Sc&oola to fight tile USC PIOQJ&ID in CoroJl& del Mar. The OfOUP loet the lint round MoDday wiMm 11 ... deJUed • teap«uy ...uaiJLino ord.r to halt the piO(Jrua. The group a.lle9ecl that USC failed to qet Couta1 Com•••ion pe111Uts, Yiolat.c:l the C&lifom.La ID- Yi.rosuMntal Oulity Act and failed to ~jve pe~on of the city tcu the proqram, said Stewart. . ( The reaidenb &leo have pro- t..ted to the Coutal Commia- lioD, which ruled the PJ'09T&m cunot proc:.ed at the elemen- tary cool unUl usc receiv ... development permit, Stewart · Mid. But Wan.n Mid, "It isn't clear ,_. whether we have to have the Coatal CoauD.iaioc penait. We apect that to be clarlfiecl the 28th." Yeeterday in a bneJ gatherino at the .-.otary .c:hool, the r...O.ta voiced confidence lD th.eir cau... "We h.ve a very good chance'' of .topping the USC program, aa.id GoldA John..xl. "We ue gathering momen- tum," aa.id Stewart. The 9athering included Coun· cilm&n Paul Hummel and O.vid Dill, a resident who appeared at COUDCil m .. ting Moud.ay niqht. In other oHicial actions Mon- day, cOUDcil: -Allowed Pacthc Mutual We Insurance Co. to occupy its new twin towen in Newport Cent~r, even thouqh its reqwred roed UDprovements aren't hniahed. County road delays aze at fault, city officiala aa.id. -Approved a new r..t.aurant and b..r at Palm and Balbo. over the objections of a YOC&l and grumblinq qroup of nearby re&~dents. The Red Carpet bar and a ahoe repair ahop nez1 door will be replaced. -Decided to widen Jambor .. Road, from Ford Road to Eastbluff Drive North, over the prot•ts of several azea residents, who complained about noise. -Ta.Wed b alleut thrM moatM maDcleraUoa ol the d · ty'e tint tiJM...U... vacabon CODdoefnlu.m. The Pl&nnlnq CoJwwleloe ia COMklenng AD ordinance to regulate I'UCh UM, aa.id CU, Wau9er Bob Wynn. -Appro'Nd remdenttal QMI in tae Wart.ner'a W.W. Specific Plan Dl8trict. -Appoiated John ~uzl.nder to the Pl•nning ColllmlSiiOD. Dedded to call toT open, competitive bids for operator• of the city's 13 o&l wells, acqwred iD a legal battle from former l.eaee Anutlong Petroleum Corporation. The wells are now bringing to $3,800 a day, Wynn l&ld. -Delayed untll Feb. 22 con- aJderatJon of the land UM plan of the loc41 Coaatal Proqram. The atate Coastal ColiUillalOD wanted the ezie11.a1on of Uruver- saty Dnve out of the plan and the city wanted 1t in. -Voted to extend the term of the city-estabti.sbed Orange County A vaabon Comnuttee to the end of 1982. Counc&l named Clarence Turner of the Mariner's CommUDtty Assoc:ta- hon and Vm Jorgensen of the Airport Action A.oc1ahon aa mem..bera -Voted to loan Newport Har- bor Ju01or Chamber of Com- merce $13,000 lor the comple- hon of a memon.I statue of John Wayne I MONTH MONEY .. ARKET CERTIFICATES 90 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE • , •• 71% .....000. , •••• % EFF£CTIVE 1/12-1 I 18182 .•.. ., ..... 13.17% ....000. 13.00% EFFECTIVE 1/12-111 8182 .. ...... , ... ....... . ....... . . . . .......... ..... ••• m ..an ... .,.., ..,...awa1 ~a... •NI I ... M n Mit IAa'f ..,._AWAL INVI8TMENT CIIITIFICATES LJM~w.O.... South Coast • 20,000 or more. 90 daya to 1 ,.., wnt. C•ll tod8y tor ....... ,. .. quo-.. Thrift and Loan Association 1421 Wftl MKA"'*r llvcl. ..._ • .,. ..... 6 ~I s.rc. Au U784 979-7081 ' • THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER • ........... c.w Jai·Ha•OW, We olso offer ta• free certtfecotet H'l 1 bout to r Roberto Durin 11 Ill INIItles defending cha~N~,. Wilfred BlniiiZ tor the BC Super Wllllrwelgllt crown. Get ucluaive live coverage of th is knackout fight, plus a whole month of It movies, sup•specills 1nd more m1jor boxing events. 24 hours a diY . SullscriH 10CUIV. . ., .. .. . . ' . / ..... I Wet 'llf· ,_. t 11. •• fte ..... 'tzdp POUCE Bt01·1 ER lloa !lay. Jcm. 4 CRIMIS 'hro bucbt IMla, CB radio, lteNO and other itema worth $1 .030 were reporteclltolen from lloyd Nelaon Gro-th in a cu burcJlary in the 1000 block of lut Cout Hi9hway . . . Jewelry valued at $1,300 wu reported atolen from Jacob Syr- qutn in a theft from hll residence in the 2100 block of Vi.talntrada ... Jewelry valued at $1,280 wu reported stolen from Nark Anthony Cherry in a bur9lary in the 200 block of La Jolla . . . Jewelry valued at $830 wu reported stolen lrom Billie Mae O'Connell m a thelt from her home in the 300 block of Eut Cout Hic;Jhway . . • Two w.tu colon nlued at $1 ,025 weN reported ltola from the finD of Coopen & Lybrend, 1301 Doft, in a bur9lary ... An liN Seaectric typewriter val~ at $1,200 end en electric b .. ter valued at $40 were reported ltolen from Victor Temporary S.rvicea, 4341 Birch, in a bur9lary. ARRISTS Three motorilta were ur•ted on wapicion of drunken cirlvino. includinc;J one from Newport Beach: NartlD Thompeon Shaw, 26 . . . A married couple, Rote Lynn, 23, and WU.liam Frenklin L.e Jr., 23, of Garden Grove, was arr .. t~ by detective Mike Hietala on suspicion of robbery. The women wu IU.IpeCted of 1'u II HJ, JelL $ caoas Pa..rboat equ.lpaANliYaluecl at $3,2!0 wu r~rted llo&eD froaa Geae P. ltraua ia a boat buJ'9lary at altar~ lot ia tile 4100 block of W..t Cout Hi91lway . . . Pl.oto equiJ)IB•t valu.d at $1,014 wu reported ltoleD·from Robert Thompeou in 4 cu bur9lary at Fuhion bland ... ,.,.. bicycl ... di equip- ment and four beach ch&in worth $2,550 were reported ltolen from Javier Rick Rllb lD a qua(jJe bwvlarY in the 3800 block oJ Seuhcue ... Eeveo Oriental and Navajo naqe valued Arrv leaseholder whose lease comes up for reapprollal dl#tng 1912 Is asked to lrnmediatetv contact Barbara Young, president, Committee of 4,000. ' Phone: 640.1031 c We wont to hold a meeting to discuss overall legal strategy and the development of Independent appraisals for the approxmotetv 60 lease- holds due to be reappraleed this year. COMMinEE OF 4,000 Phone: 6.C0.1031 al $4.•--•••arlell..._ troa Teny I. l.aQJ Jr. Ia a ~-tM .... Wooltol w-· ., Cbcle. .............. Cl8al . A WaitiM &alia C..,. ~.aa-~a.w.,.. eoa, ... .........., -..n ua- c:oucto. .... ~ wi~ a CJfMP ~ ~ wilDa••• u ~ ........ tt ocCvr.d at lui .. y Ucl C,p~-... A car .. .._ OMIIIte player val.-d atS3eOwu~ . ..a-~ ..... Nocno·~·-at Balboa ad Well CotllJaPway ... A ...... ~ ..tMct •• SS92 wu r~ec:l.W.. hom u lr- VU.. hcltic o. ........ COil• ltnactioD ... ill tM ft.nt bloc:k of Noatepelliu. n. .. ny.Jaa.7 cmas Burvlua att..pled to break iDto iou ofbcee at 381 Ho.pital Road, enteriDcj two oi U.... At- tempta to nter fi11D9 cabiaet. end iDteriol' doon fallecl, ac- corcliA9 to report. to police . . . Silverware end a watch of unJmowo value, plu $20 cuh, were reported ltolen from Clif. foJd Mil• Fulkenoa iD a bur9la.ry lD the 4200 block of Shorec:r..t Line. ARUSTS One motorbt, not from If you're shc:lppil~g. lind out If 1 con save you money Come r1 or~ me o col The 552 Club Invites You to Laugh-While a Fo~r Senator Burnsl DENNIS ROSENE All W. COAST HWY. NIWPOIT IIACH 84&-8470 I.JIIlc a.... .. .... •••• aJ'attar. ...A... ............ ......... Cruises WEEKO-\YS I lOAM WEEKF.NOCi IUO AM & 1:30 PM lnvtn, from thr Mia., ..... Adults S8. Chiktru SS. ti I ~167:1·5245 17141673·1434 MOndcJVi .Jcati,ary 25 MarrloH Hotel. Newport Beach ~State Senator ~IS E. CAAPENlER wJII be .,_ .. Roaltaa" . ..., Corpenter will be done to a turn by paul Salata's r001~ a.,, In-.. cludlrO Joey Bishop. Justtce Robert Gadner. George Hoag .. ~Tom Riley. Mayor Jackie Heather. C<:l!Vessman Robert 8ocJhcm. SenotOI John SdYNtz qnd Or. SarTvny lee. Cocktala 5:52 P-!1\ • Dlnnef: 700 p.m. Contrbltkn $150 per~ $76 per penon For lnfonnotion oal (71 .. ) 760-5917 ROAST/TOAST Is presented by the 552 Club as a benefit for Hoag Memorial Hospital Prelbyteflan. Advertisement sponsored as a corrrnurity aeMc8 by AVCO Pit I llf• •J.w.,v . A oeu ..._ ..... ct at $Z50 .... epoitill .... .._Wit- eMU J.y ...... tiM 1300 block otno.. ....... ~t ..... at S63S ... NpOttecl .W. tn. ~ Xuuoeo iD a oar buvluJ lit tM 1100 b&oclt of~ .•. fu.it\u'e, cii.Me ucl O.atwue •.a.d at $l,IDO were reporteclltlol.- froa Do.91u GordOD Clark iD a . bwvl&ry 1a tta. 100 blOck o1 A9ate. a~.Jaa.IO CltDOS A p&lr ol w.W...W.. uad other u ... vahaecl at $510 .. ,. Nportecl atoJ.m from Loia lla1M JnMD ucl Qooald Chart. DeWIIOD iA • cu bw9l.uy lD the 1900 block ol Sherrin(jJtOil ... A NU cat wtDdow uad ltereo worth $4!0 were reporleclltolen from Cyuthla Coat• in the 300 block of Muc;ruerite. . THE 'I'Et EPHONE POLL 'nda ...... qallll•t TheJ'e will be no rin9. 'nlere it no need to talk. The "h&ll9 Shoald USC be penDitted to Qp'• 80UDd you. hear 11 your vote 1eue the ncant Corona del Mal' ~9 recorded. llementuy Sohool for ni9ht and ,.._ ..M"a queMIODJ Saturday bui.n-echool c..._? To YOte YES. call 175 .... To 90te RO. call87S.7020. Call anytbu between now uad 8 a.m. Wonday to cut your ~. Do you aCiJr" with President RM9en'• decwon to replace Na- tional S.Curity Adviser Richard Allen with William P . Clark? YES 81% NO 39% A rose is a rose. A florist is a different matter. There's only one dark Kennedy. Clak~ 641-0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa n.Dorwv a~~an c:u:n.t? -LftGI DO rr:;=oo• FAIIILY WM& nvrr A11D ... ............ 1$_ ,. o.y a. .,. a...sc.. ... ONE JUST RIGHT FOR YOU Rate is subject to change on the first business day of each month for the 18-month term. ....... ,..... CUINftl ,. .. 13.450% Now is the time to open your IRA/KEOGH Aocount for the 1982 tax year. Stop In TODAY' futurher for Oily Slill IU l.'CI· hllc ~n:..m wi\M.:tl Jive' yuw ~'" 1 refre"""'· l-.,ul (cclrnJ tmd hdfll' rn.&kc~~p alrde on ful' .. ..,.,.., 1411111 Helps bktCYp CJI~CU tril, mtnrm~Jo ftM trnc ... and WrJiC purn and amooth OVI MIJJI. pllldry UU'\!Otlff\"11!.1.2.~11.SA.OO ,..,.... Ule, I he hJhlN ,'1(• m.'lb.4wil.L-n, C.'tlfttain .. nn '"' kt 1nten.rf7 ttle 1ril in YY"' own ~ompktd(lft, ~ fi"IYidell ni:'-'\:"..Y humcctenh Ill"'"~ mlaM 1\itvo k t t~rw.1 .. 1._. fiM.klf'l "'""' CftYinwtmeM.) IV .. S7 .00 • ' Find out how vcnrcan get an immediate $2.000 deduction on your Fttdefal Income tax and ~V no Federal tax on your earnings unttl retirement, with an IRA Account H you ... ~. look tnto a KEOGH Account. With this speca&l IIOC:OUnt you Witt be ab6e to put as much as $15.~ &WJV annuaJty f« "//AJJ ~and pay no Federallncome Tax th•s money until you ...... I •• n. ......... r-.e .. W..treeojiiJ'. Jaa--r IS. ....... f J.aat-. PaysOffForCcllll by Ileac• Dietl Witb all ol the ICOuliDtJ uad pl•nnl»9 U..t 9oe1 l.Dto prepar- inq for a bublballt;Jame. there buD, alt.a.ou ... a bu c:ca- cemed wilt. the beiCJ)at cJ.iad,. • vantave. But 1t tumed oat OK, J t;JU ..... r-~~~-~-------------~-------------.!!,... ____ . ahouldn't be too many aurpriNI It wu a bl9 9am.e lor the S.. ltint;Ja, IUlce Ca.t. W... ia G.D· Coach Tandy Gillil' Oran9e Cout ColleQe buketball team hopes to pick up ill tint South Coaat Conference victory UU. w .. lt but, with two ru99ed opponent• on the achedule, that won't be an eaay tuk. Gilli•' Pirat•. who are 0-2 ln South Coaat play and 9-9 on the year, are scheduled to play at Cerritoa tonight and will boat Nt. San Antomo Saturday. Tip· off for both conte•t• il 7:30 p .m. Laat w .. k the Pirat• dJ'opped a pair of conference conteat. to Orange County rival•, Fullerton and Sa'nta Ana. Fullerton topped OCC last Wednesday nit;Jht, 70-59, and Santa Ana edqed the Pirates in overtime Saturday, 89-84. 0Cerritos carnea a 9-8 record mto this week's achon, and Nt. San Antonio is 14-4. "Cerritos hu a very qood club," G1llis saya. "Before the season be9an they were p1cked tp win the confer- ence cbamp1onahip and, though thelr record im't aa oood .. some people predicted, I'm atill very 1mpressed with them." Thouqh the Pirat .. lost twice last week, GUU.. f .. la there were some briqht spot1. "I thouqht we played very well aqainst Santa Ana, and deserved to wi.n the qame, '' he said. "I juat hope our kicb don't get their heada down and qive up on them.aelves. If we k .. p battlinq, we'll win aome Q&mea." SallonJFeel AtH I I I , ~ After~ ,..,. b.t- tlia9 1D tbe Suuet IAet,JUe, Newport HatboJ' H19h made l...U fMl fi9ht at home lut w .. k when it bec}AD ita fint eMIOD ln the Sea View l.eetJUe. n.. Sailon ~ed leaCJUAt pJa~ lut week with a oou,ple of ..., wiu, beatWJ s.d- c:Ueback, 84-44, aDd ll Toro, ~.~. . But it wu the Sailon' thUd 9aJDe th.at everyoAe fitJured woWd allow how they ataoked upaQaiut heleau9e'a top ...... ADd Wonclay ni9M, Newport Harbor pc»ted a 70-62 win over Coeta W..., ODe of the preMuon favorit .. for the leet;JUe ch&mpion.ahip. The win ran N.-wport'• Sea View mark to 3..0. Byron Ball, the Sailon leadi.n9 acorer durin9 the pr...a.on, continued to pro- duce in league play, hitting for 21 pointa againat 11 Toro, l.f in the win over s.d- dleb.ck and 25 aqain.at N .... After tonit;Jht'• qame at;Jain.at Irvine, Newport will be t..a.d by croeatown rival Corona del Mar, another early favorite for the leaque title, Frida~ night. The Sailon will ho.t Irvine, while Friday's abowdown will be on the S.. Jtin9•' home court. Both 9am• are .cheduled for 7:30 p .m. "They're a talented well- coached team," Newport Harbor Coach Jerry O.Buak Mid of the Sea Kin9•· "Their CJUard play ia their atronqeat auit. And they don't make a lot of miatak•. I Newport HMbof's Byron Batl is fouled by Saddleback High's Todd Cage as he tries fOf two of his 14 points in last week's 84-44 win over Saddleback. StaH pho~o bv Bob Pete<~ The Pirates are Jed by 6-l sophomore awingman Chru Beasley. Beaaley ia the leadinv scorer in conference action with ~~~=c~::~; ~=::uty Col. CdM GJdla·a.-. Week nect FOI' First leQe acorera with a aeuon by~ L~ Ca.ta Meaa. Tuead.ay night, the 1 pomllapiece. averaoe of 21.5. The boya area't the only on.. woan held oU a tough Irvine Pr ... ntly bed Wll.h !ataDclA when the ~ atarta. Deteuive AMicpuaellt. uad of- feUlve patterna are pretty well Mt. That'• the theory, anyway. · However, Corona del Mar Hi9h'a bubthall team found itMH forced to make 80me 1aat minute cb.an9 .. in lut w .. k'a pivotal S.. ''iew l.eat;JUe tJ&m• aqainet Co.ta W..., and they paid off with a G -40 win over the Wu.etanqa. The S.. b9a were havin9 trouble containi.nq Ken Bud- aley, the Muatanqa all-l .. CJ¥• forward, 80 Corona del Nar Coach Jack Errion made a det.naive nritch, UGqnintJ CJUUd wa. a.. to alow down Barclaley . And Heu, who 18 five mch .. aborter than Bud.aley, abut him out i.n the fourth qu.rter. · H ... ' defeDM helped Corona del Mar reboUDd from a lartJ• deficit a9&Wt a team that many picked u one of their bi99 .. t rivala for the leatJu• champion- ahip. "Garth (Ooon) had covered &rdaley ~11. but he ju.at wun't quick enough," Errion aa1d. "H .. ia quicker, 10 I went to quectiou.bl~ one of th.e ~·· top teams. No.reover, th.e ~ wu at Co.r011a del War, aDd a home defeat to a team J.iket the Nu.etant;Ja would have hurt the SeA Klnqa' chance at the ~ title. The WlD over eo.ta W.., coupled with 1aat wwk'• 62-45 wtD over lfVl.De, uad WoackY• 51-30 W1.D over S.cldlebeck. Corona del W&r il now 3-0 in leat;JUe &nd 7-2 overall. The, can unprd've both marb with a WlD ton1qht at ll Toro. "El Toro'a a well-coached, .b&ll-control team," !rrlon noted . "They could be trouble. And if we don't play weU on any t;Jivea nit;Jht, in th.ia league, we can loee." For the brat tun~ thi.l year, Corona del Mar will plav thr .. qamea in a five -day period, the S.. King~' other op- ponent beinq Newport Harbor on F'nday n1qht at home. But aince there 18 a day off sand- WIChed betw .. n each qam.e , [r. non doeen't anbc1pate any p.ro- blem.a. Santana 30/30Tol'lake Its Debut In Febnuary byNmy Wa~ "It doesn't ... m poulble that we hav' produced two new boat a in one year," NJd Jane Schock AI abe watched the brand new Santana 30130 drop· ped mto the water recently. nu. neweat edition to the prolilic Schock family of boall wu desi9Ded by Bruce Nel80n and Bruce Marek to be raced w the Mldqet Ocean Racmq Cl.ua (MORC). Yacht Club. Schock wu demqnated u bullder becauae oi 111 reputahon and experience 1n butlc:Ung offshore and ooe- d .. lqn boata. . . It waa a dnfter for the handful oi 1ntrep1d Sabot l&llor1 who turned out for the Lido We Yacht Club Adult Sabot Senes 1n the r&l.D SUDday morning. The r&lll qu1t but 110 chd the wmd and only one, very alow race wu held. r The wmner of the over...fO clue wu M&rw O'Hora of the Newport Hubor Yacht Club with Dave Tingler of Lldo W. Yaclat Club COJili.D4 1n aecond. In the Mruor Sabot d.tvislon . Sophomore quard Greg with a aucce.dul buket.b&ll team, 48--43, u Mn1ora LJsa for fust place, the q~rla now KrohnfeldJ 11 OCC's aecond-team on the Corona del War Gr .. nber"' and Cmdy Kendall enter the bus1est aechon of the leadmg scorer wtth an 11.2 Hioh School ca.mpua. The q~rla led the S.a JC1Dqa' in 8COring. Sea V1ew League achedule. AI A few of them will be ready to make their debut m the thr ... day Corkett Trophy Mi.dqet Oc...u Racin9 Ch.a.mpiouhip which will be ha.ted by Newport Harbor Yacht Club feb. 26-28. Amono the lint owner• ue Newport Beach'a Bob W.Uh&ll, JCe1th Ray and JeH Bates ol . Newport . Nlke Pinckney of Bahia Conn- t.htan Yacht Club I~ hnt place Wlth Anita GiJJette of UYC iuu.Juno aec011d. rn4rk are off to a fa.at atart, u well, aa they play thr" qam .. tlna w..Jr. V181tinn rival Co.ta Mesa Aft M ..... ' t they entered lila w .. k'• play at , •r oouay • oam• ag&lna The other newcomer offered by the Schock Boat Co. is the New York 36, wJuch was lD· traduced Jut January. T1u.t new clus was designed by B1ll Cook at the urqmg of the New York Beasley leada the Pirates 10 the top of tbe S.. View League Thur11d.ay, CdN jumped out to • 1 ~ddleback, they ha.t E1 Toro rebounds w1th 5.4 per c.;ame, atandinqa with a 2_0 record. 11-0 lead, and heJd 011 for a on Wednesday and travel to The next racl.DQ d.aya 1.0 the Mn• are Jan. 16 and 23. and soph ,q uard Ronnie Calhoun 53-4-f victory. Greenberg, Ken-Newport }{arbor on F'nday. All The Bal.bo. Yacht Club reqat· ta was cancelled because of a lack of wmd 1s tops on the squad m ass1ats The two CdM victoria• came dall and Heather Estey led a games are scheduled to atart at w1th 4.4 per qame. last week against Irvine and balanced CdM offense Wlth 12 7:15p.m ------~~--~------------------------------------------------------------- , ' CARPET, DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING COWLETE. K"VtCl Peck-up a Detherr. ~role&IIOMI ReMon~ a.....,.. ..... ...., 20% OFF t 710 SANTA ANA A VI. COIT4 .... Partv Hel'"ra, UnHd . . '•rty COofdlna ..... ANNOUNCES Exciting ~New Ca tering • Banquet, Buffet or FaiDily Style e Intimate Mea for S.uU Gr'P!~P! • I n.;()ffice Luncbeou • Fondu Parties Rush Event s. Theme Parties fW" also coordingt~ ev#nts ot ltoteu. ,.....,au rant .. ciiAb$. "tc.J • entertainment. • ~apheralflorist • '*'··', e bartenders/waiter .. SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Tests Set For Newport Bea ch ELEcrRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Jan. 13, 14, 15 9 a.m. to 5 p .m. Hearina tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid SpeciaJist. wbo ia Jlcenled b5Califomia State Board of MedicaJ Quality Alam-ance as a · Aid Dispenser. Anyone wbo bas troub e bearing or Wlderstanding is welcome to a tst em~ the latest electronic equi~ent wbich will determiDe his or ber particular loss. You will see a modem bearin& aid so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CENTER 1100 West Coast Highway Newport Beach 646-8266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO AVOID WAITING TM YDOCTORS A Futty Equepped Medical OffiCe for Emergency Care· IllNESS INJURIES ,. FRACTURES Thorougt\ Prof ... tonal a Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No ~nement NMded e Immediate Attention Given ~~©~'if$ ~/J{J©~~ BASEBALL& TRACK SHOES NIICE • MIZUNA • ADIDAS • PUMA IC SWISS • CONVfRSE • TIGER NEW BAJ.ANCE • PONY BASEBALL & TRACK SHOES (S ... ICI-111 PUMA TRIPlE PLAYS .41 .95 MIZUNO PROS •53.95 AOIOAS RBis .20.8 6 (Molded I PUMA SU PER SPORTS .,8.6 5 ADIOAS TRs .,5.25 Tro.n.ng Shoes NEW BALANCE 730s .66.95 NEW BALANCE 420s .44.95 LADY 'S NIKE TERRA .43 .95 M THRU S 10-6 PM 3 330 E. Coat Hwy., Corona del M ar 01' phone 8 73-48841 Rent a spaoous luxuriOUS hOuse Of CondomlntUm So much moer to come home to •'* a a.y on lhelk:lpa The two-bedroom condos sleep s.• • ........ ~ ..... loud wiUcla M. ._. 2,!00 • hMa. Paal &. fruklla, of IMl .... ~ ....... 1•1t.oud pnitdvt .ad • BuDding Your Own Network -. Dr. Sioux Harlan, Bebovioral meone elae it influenc• their plecee. ... ~ ctu.cto.; ;..iftd C"'"'=..datiou'froiia ....... t IM9u, Coe911 MD Jobert a.dhe111, A.eahlYWOIN.Il w.n.a •rv-cm. ruth I>Jitrict Superri8or ThCNqU r. Rile, ..-p,....tiD9 the couty board, Newpol't Beech Mayor Jackie H.etlaer ud eo.ta W... MaJor Ar.Schaef.r. Sclenn.t, J. the direclor o/ likino you into wanttn9 to help 3. S...ch converMtionally for Sioux Harlan Enterprlllea, o you. com1110n 91QWld in which you Schaefer SJeid tribute to Fruklm'a effort. to further the "bria9·U.1()9ether'' apirlt .... Mid ia 9rowin9 between the two Paul Franklin, paid tribute for hi8 service • 1981 president of the Newport Harbor-Coeta Meu Board of Realtora, has an award for ,-: Vtrginia Cieck, who ...-ved tw'O terms • presidef\1 and. was 1980 RMitor of the v ... ~r Jile plonn.Lng progrom in could be uaeful. · Newport Beocb. Or. Harlan lee-Networkin9 ia the current 4. u.ten for uperlile aad twa. locally on ..U-iaoge "buu" word for our mo.t other connectiona. ciU.. • pqchology cmd ;. on the faculty valuable COIIUIIodity--ow fund o/ l!Divenity Without Wolh. of h\llll&D reeoun:.. Puttin9 by Dr. Sioux Hadaa toqether whom you bctw with In life it's whom you ought to bow ex_, whom you know panda your opportuniU• u well that CJet• you u Y1>u awaren .. of event. ud plac•, but ait~ona. Information ia power. mo.t people ~e ue atil.l the 9fMleet report they aowce of infomaation. don't know anyone. Accordino to some recent 1urveya, everyone knows at lMat 200 people, and whom you need to know i5 never more than five connections away. Networltin9 ia a theme which focUMII on brMkino throuoh iaolaUon and fmdin9 the teeret to developinq and u.ain9 con'- tacts. It all comu down tp relatino. In our fut-paoed, qet-abN.d society, we have come to value poaiUon and poueaion over peo- ple. The majority oJ relation- ships in uyone'a We are an mch and • half d .. p. Networkinq calla for a diJ- ferent approach to relatino. This approach I call the win/win at- titude. It •uooeata uaociationa be approached with double comm.itment-How-can-1-help- you?/How-can-you·h•lp-me? The first 1tep in davelopino genuine, significant relation- ships is to tranaform f .. linoa of competition to o.nes of collabora- tion . Ju.at becaUM someone elM got a new Cadillac does not i.m· pede you from having one, too. Bein9 aincerely mterested and Joyful about 10meone alae's pro- sperity attracts 1t to you. Aa you allinn: support and advance 10· THE VISmNG EXPERT P.,cholOCJical r .... rch •owa that none of u.a lik .. to deal with a stran9er. In this heavUy populated arM, where over- choice ia the norm , a recom.mendabon to peo- ple, placea aAd events i.a atzon9- ly .. lcomed. liohty percent of all jo~ ue not publicly adver- tiMcl. A word-oJ-mouth search it all that 90. out. Who you know i.a once again the key, or who you bow that knowa who you need to know. Remember, you ue never more than five connectiona away from yow 9oal. '"" Even with a recommendation that opens the door, there ia still no IU.bstitute for bein9 ... n u 9ood at your work. Comino recommended aavea you from provino and reprovino younelf b·om atep one. When you have met a new contact: 1. Let the peraon know what you do and how well you do it. 2. Convey that you are 90in9 You can't be everywhere, ... everytb.Ua9, read every newapaper a. book, attend every Mlllinu or bow every bit of newa. O.V.lopin9 and uain9 contact. cu: 1. Brln9 you inside i.afonu. tloo. 2. Give you advice &Del id.u. 3. W.• you to leadt aDd "oa9ht-to-b.ow'e." 4. Gtve youmoralnpport. s.,Provic:M. confidante. 6. Cut throuqh remata.noe and red tape. • 7. Refer you to whom to call about what. 8. Link whom you know with whom "they'' bow. 9. Lin.k you with outaide and behind o8icial chnnela of com- municatioo. 10. C1oee the 94P betw .. n what you bow ud what you need to-bow. Su~ ia a tMJD aport. No one ill\l~ a.looe. Havin9 a support squad to cheer you on, to aay, "You c&n do it!" and "How c&n I help?'' i.a a vital component of 9ettinq ahead. H..ther, in aalut1D9 Frukli.D'a coatri.butiou to city activiU., li9Jltly 1U99e.ted a few Myin(Ja to be b:acluded ill "Poor Paul's Alma a eo": "A penny aaved ia crMtive finaaciD9 . . . ~ IIIII ion ia Dille-teutba of the law ... A fool ud his moa.., .,. ou leu- eel }ud." The latter obeervatiop wu a wry ud obviou. reierenoe ' to the cunent controversy between the Irvine Co. ud muy leueholden ill Newport Beach ud Irvme. The eveuill9 be9aa with aa illvocetlon by Glean Nartill, and "Uncle Geor9e" WilliaJUOn tzaclltionally lMclia9 a chorua of "God m... America." Franklin made apecial awarda to Cieclt, of The fox Co., who •rved twa tenu u board preci- deut, aad Mary AilMn Natheil, r~ioul vice pr..O.t. Comm;tt .. chainMn aamed to rec.ive Fran.ldin plaqu• illclud- ed Paul Ware. AHi.U.at•; Art Giovmetti, BudCjlet ud Finuce; Pat Bauez, Collllllu.nicat.iou; Paul Ware is recipient of eMtrd as chairman of Affiliate Committee. Francis Horvath (left), an honorary life member. gets a hug from Franklin. In upandill9 your network, be sure to illclode people for their jobe, their uperme, and their con.nectiona. Set a 9oal of lhzMlunch• or after-work drinb per month ior the eole pwpoee of networkin9. No.t im- portantly, when a new connec- tion ia offered, follow throuQh and write th&nk-youa to yow contact foz th•ir tilDe and uaiatance ud to you reaource penon for openin9 up tia.ir net to include you. Roy Wc:Cudle aad Curt Do.h, Coutitution aad By-lawa, and by-lawa illterpretetlon; Paul Beloua, Education; Glenn Nartill, Equal Opportunity; Helene Joy, Grievance; Nary Jank, lnv..tment Dtviaion; Ma.rCJazet Adrian, Hoepitality; Dou9 Hockett, Local Govern- mental Relationa, with Cbria Stevena, Co.ta Mala, ud Dorothy Hudcutle, Newport Beach-ud lpeclal award and atudill9 ovation to Frucit · Horvath; Holm• Taylor, Lon9- lla.n9e,Piannin9; Jou Lively, W.mbenhip; Dan Wallentioe, Charles M . Ferguson (left), 1982 president of the board, shares the pleasure of the banQuet with Art Godi, outgoing state president of the Realtors' association. Staff photos by Barrv Slobon Irs sleek. brushed stain- less steel body and the futuristic Gulwlng doors tefl you this Is not your average sports cor. Standard luxury appointments Include leather bucket seats. tun lnstn.mentation. otr con- ditiorW'lg, mutfi.-speoker. high output stereo sys- tem. power wtndows. and ~able steering wheel just to nome a few. Multiple Liatino Service; Ide Rena, Private Pr<;>perty w .. k; Harry Wintera, m. Proqram; Carol Pqqbum, Realtor/Real- tor-A.-:»Criete, ud Ninfa Ja.rvia O'Brien, Women's Council oJ R¥1ton. • Performance items Include a 2.85-ltter overhead com V-6 engine, 5 speed transmission (3 speed automatic trans- mission opttonal), fuly ~ndent sus- pension. rock and pinion steering and 4 wheel else brakes. The De Loreon Sportscor. on expression of lrdvtduolty, excitement and odVen- ture. Auistino Pinchin on the banquet committee were Nar9aret Adrian and Lynne Mueller. Dance music was pro- vided by Realtor Jack Howell'• .,orchestra. FOOD Pun, vlroin oUve oil u pecbcl today by the utiaa'e la.rg..t oUve oUcom~,au been a eecret llaore- diut for oourmeta, datllao beck to Roman daye. Salad dreeeinoa made 111ltb olive oU oan vary amasinoly. From aweet or tanoy, erMmy or clear, tlUek or tkin, .. ch dr .. iDg adda new flavor, new character, new ezeUe· ment to any ealad. Ita unique ability to blend without cooking oiv" oUH oil ita maoic. Ea.Uy stored, oUve oil can quickly become a cooltino habit in almoat any food preparation. You can work maqic for everyday aa.lada · too. Chicken, Orange and Red Onion Salad 4 cups diced cooked chicken 1/4 cup diced water chestnuts l/2 cup sliced celery 114 cup sliced pitted black olives 1/2 cup olive ou 3 naval orano ... peel· ed and ali<»d 3 red onions, .Uced Juice of 1 lemon and of 1lim• 2 tbl. chopped chives 1tap. ealt 1 tap. paprika Bii...Ue ealad or .. na Combine chicken, water ch..tnute, celery and olivea. Pour half of olive oil over chicken salad and tou. Place orano• and onion• slic" in ainol• layer in shallow ~· Pour re· mainino olive oil even· ly over alieea. Chill for 1 hour. Combine lemon juice, chivea, aalt and ~prlka. Pour half of mixture over chicken and half over oran~ and onion die ... Toa Uvlltly. Line pla.-.r wita bite· ai.&e QT .. U . Heap chicken Dlizture in center. Surrouad salad with altematiDo orano• and oniOJl alicee. Chill until r .. dy to .. rve. S.rv .. 6. · Table salt, chemacal· ly eodium chloride, as about 40 percent aodium. While iJ plays an active role)ll many important pe~olooical funcUons, man~ health prof .. tonala bell'• Americus consume far too much eodium. In the put JMr, the U.S. O.~rtm•.nt of Aqrleulture and the U.S. O.puof Health and Human Ser· vicea t.lued joint dietary ouidelin• ad· viai.Do American to " void too much eodium." The Senate S.Ject CoJIUilittM OJl Nutritiou ud Human Needa propoeed a dietary 9Qal of S orams of salt per day, tile equivalent of 2 qtaJQs of IOdiwn. Alaerica.ne cunenUy ~• 6 to 18 qraaa ot Mit per day. muca QTMlez than the phyeioloqical a.ed. Cuttino clowa oa our aodlwa couwaption doee not IDMA t.Jlat OW' diet wtll b.c:o.• bland and lifeleA. Judicious u.ee ot apicee, herbe aocl ot .. er 1ow-eodium lngNCiiata .....u tll.- w.caakMp the eparkM iA our • .u.. Tb.C.U.WCkiebn r.alp. N991!11fed lll•r• laa~•u.pa.ota low·IDdiaa CIWa t~t Ia ............. a,PpMI. •Drj I'OMI..t uiaMIIicl ~·Ia 1 •• add &Mlr owa ciMd_.w Oavor to ..._c ..... a.~o• .. ,..... liULWucl. Ca+••~ Mwukifl · ru ,:·'"··· ..... 2 •. .,...., 2--.. ~··· ~!~ ..................... . w .... 41t.tllid • 1 cup finely chopped dry routed u.n.aalted cubew. 1 cup pea.nut oU BMt eooa aliohtly. Add flour, auoar, water and dry sherry; heat until amooth. Dip chicken piec" in eoo mixtwe and then ooet wtth cahewa. Place on wu ~per. Chicken may be covered and refrigerated unlU ju.at before MI'VUlCJ. Heat peanut oU 111 a larv• akil.let over hioh heat to 375°f. Brown chicken in bot oil for 2 to 3 minut ... or until liohtly browned. Drain ... s .. • 1. 79 Ill 1.69 The llewpoft t:-lp Wed.D I I clay, lcmtaary 11. 1112 Page t in ~per towela. oruo• Uqueur. Chop-2 l/2 cu~ cold mtli toppiDo ~ with 1 cup Transfer to ahallow make-ah .. d-and-du.U ped touted almonds of tlte m.illl u dUected bUino pan and beke at pae owea •t• Uoht &nd are folded mto the m.iz. 2 JWl(:kACJ• ( 4·MfVl.DO OD the ~bqe, C&.llDCJ 325°F for 20 to 25 fluffy texture to whap· ture belore all t. chill· u .. ) vAJUlla fl..vor uu-larqe a.i&er bowl. Add minut .. , or untU dOJle. ped toppa.no mia-the ed for about low taat pudcli.ag and pae r.,.inlno 1 112 cupe dry mur that com" an bouu. Garniah of lilllDo aulk, the pae fil.huo mu You c&n count in envelopee. All you qu&rlered orano• alic• and llqueur. Blend; aim_plified make-ahead need ~ one m.uuno ia a clue to the flavor 1/.f cup orange uqueur then bMt at havh ...,..0 d .... rts to ... you bowl to blend the wbap· of the lu.acaous pae. l/2 cup chopped for 2 IIWlul•, 8CTapLDCJ throuvh ,-.Y entertain· bowl occuion&l.ly. Fold inCJ. Conversation ma.t ped topplDQ m1.x II touted almonc:la LD a.laaooda and spoon directed; then, beat lrl FluHy Oranqe often Unoers over a addihonaJ malk, vanalla 1 baked g,.inch pie into pie shell. Ch1U at or .. t d....rt-Fluffy Almond Pie shell, c90~ leut 4 howa. Garoiah Oranoe Almond Pie, flavor mstanl puddmq 2 envelopes wh1pped Prepare whapped w1th qu&rlered oranoe for example. This and pie filhnq and topprng mu alic•. if desired. 99 I.S·LTR. BTL. ~~ 3.99 7So-ML. BTL. ................ J•Da• ~TI•eaeleaH 491 m-Cap•ule• ~- .._. .... _11 ~Spike Seasoning !~ . 99 ... , Carob Coated Raisins .. 2.49 GOUIUIET MEATS! OlefOf.....,.T S~,Mg$1 UHtT.,..S 01 tWill€ I •utS .. , II JCIU'IO Ill •UIIl U SUT oua Jl'lfiiOl' •lar c:unu Will CIITU 10 •oua SPfClAl IIlli$ PAaTY. TRAY ! Fried •s S Chicken ~H:&. "="" ,,.. 0.. WIM aa. ,.._. ,..,. 0. Co'e S'aw -1.98 •. 79 ZO MENTHOL CIGARETTES Salem 4 SMOOTH LOW TAR 100s .. . On any qiven SundAy, S.d- :U.beck Park i.l wh.J'e motocroa fa.na and •portamen oather to eke in one of the many rec:rea- ional opportuniti" Orano• :ounty hu to offer. The 750 acr• of traU., hill.a md diit play hoet to Mveral ma- or competiUcma over the yeu. the park aJ.eo i.l the •ite oJ MVen 3.aja Croe. competition. for off- ·oad vehicl ... But motorcycli.at. can .U.O try out theil •kill.t on the 500 acre• reserved for public uae. Two w .. kenct.. aoo, top-rated rider• hom around the country showed up to the first race oJ Sta/J photos by Barry Slobin the yeu in the Golden State Motocroe. Series. The park, the only in Orano• County, &llo hosts national competition. Saddleback Park i.l situated in the hill.a above Oranoe a4jacent to Irvine R89ional Puk on pro- )?etty leued from the Irvine Co. Aa well u a motocroa coune the park featur .. a oame room, ' concea.iona and, of courM, a first aid clinic and ambulance Mrvice. ( ,, / AT THE -Motocroa fans take in the sights and sounds of the Golden State Motocross ~ries at Saddle back Park. Number 15 · I takes a bump. HARBORLITES by Dina •oa Burger Helen CoUey apd O.bbte G ray co-hosted a deltqhtful champagne r.c:ephon hononng CaJ'ol South, the very fint woman elected as pt .. ldent of the Newport HaJ'bor Area Chamber of Commerce m the history of ds 75 years! Our Mayor Jack.te Heather pr ... nted Carol With a key to the CJty of Newport Beach. \ Emma Jane Riley on beha.U oJ the Oranoe County Board of Supe!'Vi.lon qave Carol a plaque, whic h also made men- lion that Carol is now an honorary member oJ the previously all-male Com· modoJ'e'a Cl\lb. AmonQ the 100 ladies who watched the pr ... ntatiou, enJoyed the mouth-waterino oooc:lies c.ter.d by the ca,nery and were deliohted by Helen'• oollection of •tuffed animals (eome u tall u 6 t.etl) were Dora Hill, r.tMr Qwck. Helen Cukle, Barbara Aune, Dot Clock, Viclo lrvme, Evelyn Hart, Ell1e Faber, G.inny Frova, Juhe Edwal'ds, Nary Hirsch, Jean Ltetchy, O.rlene Youno, Ann Palmer, Jacque Schaar, Dori DeKnuf and Dor .. n · Marshall. Other commumty leaders honored by the Oranqe County Chapter of Charter 100 were Oranoe County Supenntor Harnet Wieder, who was named "Woman of the Year," Mayor JacW. Heather wu rec:oqnized as the "Wajor Contributor to the Community" and Chulotte Gany and P899Y lckroth for theb out.tanc:hno .. rvice to Charter 100, which i.l an o roanauUon oJ buaan ... and profea1onal women. • • A chamuno Harborlite couple Natalie and "Bud" Winterbot- tom deput our m~ lor penaa- 'Dent' restdency m Palm Desert Recently, MiU1e Oyer, Norgy Graves and Manlyn Kaun hosted a farewell luncheon for Natahe attended by Mlc hael Perkms, Jane Connell, Madelyn Rose, Sue McGowan, Esther Ou1ck, Cork}' Dossett, Carol Lmcoln, Mary Jensen, AnnaMary Jordan, Barbara Gibbons, Joanne Larson, Altce Enqhsh and Elite Knox Mudred Mead, who recently returned from a SOJOUrn m Hawau, advtses The FashtOn- a.bles' meetmg on Jan 13 at the Balboa Bay Club Wlll present a program enhtled, "Look Ahve, Me and You tn '82 " Patr1c1a Groth and Suzy Sutton , who are chaumen fo r the day, have put toqether an mtereshnQ program featunng three well-known authonhes on fitness Donna Cucmato, duec tor of Ballet and Dance -ctse at Chapman Colleqe, Monte Sm1th, assoctate professor of phys1cal educat1on and duector of Sports Med1c me at Chapman College, and Or . Frances Mead-Messmger , national lecturer. It mould be a fun m .. lulCJ .. - n. •wpali EMp Wecta &zy. Jaa.-y as. •• Pagell RIDE ON THE W·ILD . IDE Mlldred, founder and chanman of The F ashtonables sugqests weanng JOQgtng su1ts lor those who want to acllvely parttctpate 1n the lectures Whlle on the subJect of health and htness The Hart lnstttute has a grand openmg of tts Newport center on Jan 14 The program developed by Or Dan K11kham IS a un1que method of wetght reductton wtthout dtetmg1 (What cl lovelv way to lose those few extrcl P._Ounds acqutred over the bohdays ) Speakmg ol whclt IS umque ctnd the holidays , the l.oesch- horn Runnmg Club (named after the great Amencdn Runner John Loesc hhorn) dectded to c elebrate the New Year w1th a race The men were to dress as Father Trme and the lad1es to wear d1a.pers (mcludmq a top of course) When the m1dntqht hour approac hed, 40 of the members met at the des1gnated spot and were surpnsed by 800 other run ners1 No doubt 11 wu dlSap- pomhnq to the unmvtted as only one male chose to wear the attire The Asststance League o f Newport Beach and laguna Beach are presenting the1r fourteenth season of Town Hall Celebnty Speakers The senes begms Monday . Jan 25 at the Edwards Cmema Theater. Fash1on Island wtth Pa1ge Rense, edttor·m -ch•el of both A rchlleclural D1gest and Bon Appet1f He r toptc of d1scusston wtll be Celebnty Decorators and w1ll be followed bv a lunc heon at the lrvme Coast C ountrv Club The Urange County Mu!>tc Center has formulated a new group for young people entitled The Perfo rmtnq Arts Jumor C hapter P A J 'a pnmary purpose ,., the c ultural ennchment and mcreased a wareness of 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth, llth and 12th graders for all aspects of the perlormmg arts To quahfy for members htp, the you ngster must be the daughter, son or grandchtld of aq actiVe member or patron of one of the Newport Harbor gutlds Upon complellon of the program members wtll be hono red at a ball gtven tn the lover of the OCMC Suscln Strader prestdent, and her comm11tee of Ma ry Ann G oldman, Janet Aengst, Evelyn Oan1el and Ann Saddmgton advtse thts vear's members are Peter Aengst Hetdl Becker Brclndy Bennett, Cornne Callaghan, Elena Chamaras. N1cole Capretz, M10dy Dalton, Alexandra Otckson, Ro bert D1c kson hll DuFour Charles Edmunds. Ttftnl Ferrara Julie G1vclns Jtll Goldman Matthtow Greenberg. Lucv Hdrtford, K1mberlv Hemnchs, Shannon Hewlett John Hochadel. Stacev Hovee Marlo Huqhes Ktmberlv Jo hnson Channmq LeFebvre Heather Mac beth , Demse Mallos, Karen Mtddlemas GrPtc hen McChntock, Jenmler Noonan Jonella Pyane Claudta Prev1de Jordan Saddmgton Stephante St rader. Mtchael Sto ry, Eltzabeth Tester. Lnda Wtlls and Charles Woods MRS. ROBERT B. MACK Ame Layman, MackAreWed Anne Gale Laymu, d&UCJhter of Mr. and Nn. Wilbur WJ1Dan of Newport Beach, and Robert Beuon Mack, 1101a of Capt. and Mn. Willard Beucm Mack of San rruci8co, wue married in a do.able rin9 ceremony recent- ly. ' 1'1ae 9J001B't fAther, a Navy cbaplaia, officiated the cereiDOily held at St. Wicbael aDd AU AaQela church iD Cor- OD& delMar. Cia~ Laymu, the bride'• a.ter, wu maid of honor. Bric:i..-tide were Xristen Cuper~, Loraine Wack, Wu- jorie htboay, C.ny Oliver, JMnina o.lia, Cbrittine Sivertt and Cecily ~n. Betl IUD WU JteYin Me· CloeUJ .. u.Jaen were Ted Wack, Job l.aym&D, Robert Hucli.D9, Gary flood, AdAm ~n,GUenPMenon, Ke~ ReaD.r, nomu Adamt, John ~9haa ud Brian Flon. A Soottiall pipek' ended the cereaany witJa a traditional playiD9 of "Am&ain9 Grace." The bride 91aduated from UC Santa Crus i.Jl Studio Art and studied i.Jl the Panon'a School of Design i.Jl New York and in Florence. The groom graduated from UC Santa Cru& with dgr ... m both PJYcholoqy and politict. After honeymoorung iD <Abo San Lucu, Mexico, the couple plana to live in San Francaco. 145·1431 •anaqe...t. TU brld.-to-be'a father ia a ma•ber of .. Ualtecl ··-Roue of~ ... wb!J. tM 9J'O(D·lo-._,, tata.er it .. naqer of eutJa WOl'b fieW ope~atioD.a for t.M Mllmon Viejo Co. They plan to be married i.Jl PHYLLIS BAOHAM AND September. BRADLEY OSTMAN ~Slack, R~Many Sara SlAck of Corona del W.U ud Richard Ro.utock of Brentwooclw.re reoenUy m.a.r- ried in a double rin9 cetemony at the Hotel Bel Air. Matron of honor. wu Llnda- K.ui Sto:r•B.ret.ch9er and maid of honor wu Deborah Doolittle. Beat IIWl ... Jlalvey Boeeutock and .JMr wu Boy Teicher. · · The bride, dauQhter oi Wr. and Wn. GeorcJe m.ck of Cor- OD& del War, • a 91' ..... of Corcma del War Hi9h Sclaool ud attended San Diego State and UCLA. SM w a •-her of the Screen Adora Guild aod ia an actr.. em a.lrriakm and iD commerciala. . .._lltock ia a ...her of the ScTMl1 Writen Gu.ild ad ia U· ecutift wrl .. r lor Work ud Win- dy. They are DOW liYiAQ iJl Brent· wood. Next Opper Bay Tour Set For Saturday, Jan. 16 The fourth in a •"-oi toura of the Uppe.r newport lay will be offered Saturday mornin9 Jan. 16 by the Frie.Dda of the Newport Bay . Tour qroupa will d.part hom the inter..ction of Jut Bluff and Back Bay driv., off Jambor" in Newport S..Ch, e"ry 15 minut• between 9 and 10:30 a .m. The tour tak• about two houra. For JDore information em the toura call the J' rlencla of the Newport Bay at 879-6265 o:r the Oepartm.nt of Fish and Gam. at 590-5126. NOT R{; PLAC{; II l(ltg lrfm Mid-Winter Sale EXTRA-SPECIAL SAVINGS on o special group of fash- ions including many of your favorite designers. Come in today! 1M8 ld CCI ell . u.Mt C Co••• ....... c.m. ea21 Howl 1().4 lilondclr ftlru Fltday .............. 110 l171H IT • llllt 211 COSTA II8A. M-3035 JOANUPPMAN lYNNE KOFFUR ... • • ). ,.. 0 0 . ~.. o1 • I ;~·~·.·~'· ' .• ; . J . ..:: • , , ..... \ . r· ··.'!~. ,. . . •" . ~ . . , '.. :,. ;,; . '\, ';' R THE REGISTRY HOTBL ,_ AN AI1UNOON Of fl fGANCI. ..-M fAa -FAJMION SIIOW Sundly.~ 17. 19el Doort Qr:.l 11 noon ,...,Sftow,. UIOpm ._ .. ,TRW' -c• 1 ..... ..... __ • .., c-• Gat.-..a • ·. A~ lrtdllllwcn'Me courtnyol ~ AIM.IMW.S ~ fOAAW.S MRS. JOHN W. DANIELS U.r Unioo High Schbol. followin9 the weddinq, a reception wu held at the Anaheim Wurlott Hotel. The couple hoa.yJ~~oonecl in tlaw.U and will live in Ce»ta ...... rtHA T To Present 'Division Street' Nucy Ebe*a'a Newport Har- bor Actor'• TWtre will pr .. nt "Dlvidon Street'', a COIMCiy by Academy Awud winD.in9 acreenwrl .. r St... Teeich, Feb. 28 at the NHAT JltAyhOUM. Perf011Daacee will be9f.n 8 p .m. 'nlurtdaya, J'rldaya and s.hlrdaya and a matinM 2 :30 p .m. Sundaya. "Di'f'iaion su .. t" chronic! .. the difficulti .. experienced by a CJTOUP of 601 radicala tryi.nq to adju.at to tile i.Jl the SO.. For ticket information call 631-5110 w .. kdaya between 1 and s·p:a . · S...ral Newport Betch and Corcu del Marcou.,-have had babi• bon rec:enUy at local ho.pltale. Amon9 thoae Boag Jlemcaola1 Wr. and Nn. Raymoud lt.in9, tirl; Wr. and Wn. Jam•.Go., boy; Mr. and Nra. Aluuder Grendya, boy; Mr. and Mra. W1111am Clark, qlrl; Mr. ud Mn. John Hollern, qlrl; Nr. aod Nn. Patrick.X.lly, boy; Mr. and Nn. Randal Cochran, boy; Mr. and Mn. Ralph Venuto, boy; Mr. aod Nn. David Arnold, boy; Mr. and Mra. Robert S.YAQe, qlrl; Mr. and Wra. Ran- dall Lowe, hoy. Mr. and Wra. Jam• CeJalia, qlrl; Mr. and Wn. Robert Pranqe, girl; Wr. and Nn. DouQlu fabian, boy; Wr. and Nn. Shawn Thayer, boy. Wr. and Wra. Said Sllolaian, (Jirl; Mr. and M.ra. Jan Penon, Qirl; Mr. and M.n. •Christopher Downey, 9irl; Mr. and Mra. Phillip LucbMi, cprl; Mr. and Mra. Robert Loa, boy; Nr. and M.n. Robert Bader, boy. FIIALWEEIUI WI~ER . LEABf\N(;E SALE r Podloa2.ll r Clwtillt.• 8" Dilffel--3.11 8"~wMJ:It 10'"Mcl,..14... 10''C..fltlllt111.H 6" Hoyu 3.H 6" Cuiti13 .. 8" AnOWIUI 8" PotMa .... 8'' s.-rs .... 8" Bolton Fna 1.11 8" Ala P .. 1.11 8" Spethiphylum .... ...,. TMfY ,_.,$1 IEIB,_I SME EIIIJJS JMt II. 11#1 5Q%0FF Ill C....._ items a··~··" 8" Cflineu E..-. I.H 8" Dwarf Sdltfflefa Ul BIZARRE BAZAAR ' .; The p/~1d 1s ae-nti«Nn/y but'' PKfcs s<>tM .wthoiiiY H wid 8/tiS •bout h1s 8rrt1sh woo/ spor1c01t rn l11s s,.~tur~ Coll«lron The ~~~lllttt's su~b I'd ~•~ 11 u;,~llfl& •nyw~~. 11's 110( ~ lot olpr~c~" A rN/ p/NW~ to WNf ind i afXXl C"-t"'e /rom 1/w thrft.&H«~ Ullt .i ~bteasffld pmstr.,;w ol wool wont- ed .,_ IWI lias. california's Largest Selection of Bridal Fashions AFIUC OIRISTMAS SALE • Yves Oan~l Oesianet Pants • Jackets • Blouse-s • K"edceo -AII Colott • WaNcina Shorts And Much Mote' r Tlae •=rwt !sdgr WM rfsy. lwu=t 13. a• .... IS Blass: IDENTITY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL byMMedMNd BILL BLASS MEAN S SHU Perhaps more than any other American des1gner. he •s re~pons1ble for endmg the long years of European 1m1tation and g1\.1ng men a strong sense of indivtdual 1dentitv tn clothmg ''There's a new stronger lt>elmg for style tn AmeriCa now.'' he satd "No more of the o ld-ccHd1gan. dow~home look " And 1t's true. 1f you look at some ot the men today They are putting th1ng5 together more freely, and ~o:t>tt1ng a feel for dtfferent fabncs and for quality '" fabriCs In 1968. Bill Blass won tAt> f1rst Coty Award for men ever gtven. In 1981. Gentleman's Quart~rlv chose h1m as the ftrst reetp1ent of 1ts style award And in June he rece1ved the Cuttv Sark Spectal Award for "consistent ld~h•on leadership and contmumg contnbu- tlons to th~en·s fMh•on tndustry " Asked about h1s most rtoce nt honor. th1s strong. outdoorsey- looking man of tremendou' energy repl1ed. "I'm pleased. naturally These awards help focu<. p<•ople's attent1on on style and the md1v1d- ual look tbat expresse' 111-ho wf!' are For th1s season. Blass hch put together a look w1th a lot of flex- tblltty He thtnks the doubl..-breasted su1t has a kmd of freshness to 1t now, plus authonty And I ve me luded thmgs that used to be thought of a_s country clothes outdoors clothes. but I l1ke to see To compl~tr 1~ t>•etu~ \~ •nd )()Cf.s b• 8/~u Shrrts •nd tres """~ such \it>My now ind CMI Jl~ you SO tn<J<h \Copf' Pirtreu/¥1¥ ~by Bl•u -.,.. .,..,r4~ ~ tnt ,,...,. 'O •MP\4 '" _, ~~·,.. ~ ..-ht<h """~ t'IIP l .-pl•t• lotuh \Uiw.._....~ ~~1.,.'t"'Uf\l•ltt•Ut'lrf\ M l r*.t..~J/I'ft ~~...,.,. '-, ~UUI ("-"''til I '..t"-~'""'"'"" f'fWbtt,. ""' 110 ~~ vou• ·-" •tldo~octu.l •4...- fRANCI6 -0RR fine stationery corona del mar Start out the New Year by seeing and looking well in glasses from ca.~taDL EYEWEAR ... with tM fut&n In light! Fashion & Service EASTBLUFF VILLAGE CENTER • ·...\ .... them tn the City. too I'm outdoors a lot myself football games and .. runn1ng the dogs at my place '" ConnectiCut But I havE' to tf!'el good tn my clothes-they have to be rtght and of qual•tv tabr1c s good des1gn •· Thts New York des1gner, M well known tor h1s women s fashto ns as h1s men's, thinks the feeling of a fme pure cotton sh1rt and the contrast of a good s1lk tie makes 1t a pleasure to select them '" the morntng "And a man who cares about style. about thE' 1mprt>~'>1on he makes." conttnued Blass. 'chooses h1s shoe~ and socb "" carefully as h1s sh1rt They have to ao w1th the total p•cturf!' Somt> people feel you can always 1udae a man by ht s shoes -and they may be rtght .. Note the BB monogram on the socks. some ot lamb,wool some dress socks of cashmere B11l Blass never lets h1s name be used on anythtng that doesn't have h1s "touch" on 1t He knows people can sense ~ desianer's personal stamp. h1s v1ewpomt And that goes for everythina-sleepwear. robes, outdoorwear 1ackt>ts su•a sweaters and particularly h1s eleaant l1ne of everung wt-ar ··Bec~use," he sa1d, "1f a man h~s style. he has It all the t1me At a formal dinner party or trampma throuah the woods '" a country 1ac ket Buicallv 1t come1 from ms1de the 1nd1v1dual and evervth1ng he wears becomes a part of 1t ·· Saturday, January 23 ENJOY A PlEASANT 1.2 MILK WALK FOLLOWED BY COCKTAILS AND BRUNCH PRESENTH> 8Y M 552 ClUB AND CAUFORNIA RRST BANk AS A BENmT FOR HOAG MEMoRIAL HOSPITAl PRESIV I ERtAN. • • BON APPEI'fl' recipe. Aftal' appreauelaoia Italy, k• wu quaUfMclb a polltioa wtth Romeo Salta in New York aad tbeD at Toey'a m St. Looia. He ... 1w.cl &om )lil own aucoeeaw r..tauraat in St. Louil by Helmut Weill, uad helped him create "~cl'a" in COJ'OU del Mar. Leal tMa a year aQO, Aadrelao ud )l1l thr• aou were drivlaCJ in San Clemente, where they iouncl the penec::t tpOt for their reltaurant. They cleetvned aacl decorated the buildinq thaJDNlv•, ~ the cl.c::dptive menu, aacl opea- ed lut Nay with Wichael; 23,. .. mu.aCJer; Antionio, 22, aou- chef; and Dino, the youno-t, 20, who il a W&iter when he 11 not atteadinq c::olleve. brhencOaoe Ou "ffacl" ol the uw 'JMr i.l A.cl.re6ao'a, a ~ Nl"ria9 beautihalltaliu toocl ctowa Saa Q...-.. way. We weDt tint for ~er, about ....... th.a after the re.tauut opeaecl, and after we ILacl Meltvecl C::.U. ad priAMd rftiew fillecl with prai.le. Jut be-,oQd the pleuant eatry il a lobby area fumiahecl with eoafortable couch• and a wide ~ •here patiOD.I may lip an aperitif u they wait for a table, aad whicla aervee u a clivicler for the two diaiav areas oo either aide. The cllninv rooma are waiuc::otteclla fraqrant red- wood, and vreen plu.tl eclcl to the woocBy f .. linq.-Windowa are luropean with their tied lac::e c::urtaiu; there are fine oil paintiaCJI on the walla, and marvelou. antique aideboarcl.a ddplay cryatal ud silver. The peiiOilality of the reataurant com• from the owner, Anclreino, a chaniUnv, w&OD, ho.pte.ble man who lovea wkat he 11 doinv and yeame for you to love hil reataurant. He will vilit your table aaveral tim• durla9 the meal, check to be ..,. that •me• il proper, and be Oil huad to call out aiiDiling "ciao" wtlen you leave. He il the chld, uatated by lOA Antonio. He hu choeen the win• for the c::ellar. He buya hU puta from a lady in La.vuna Beach who mak .. it to his ificatioEU on a machine macla·in Rome. Hell And.rein· o'a, and hil is quite a .tory. Andreino Di Santil, grand· neptlew of Alfredo, ''the king 'of Fettuccine," and one of five brotlaers from Rome (where each of the other four still operat• hil owu riltorante), came to the U.S . in 1956 with a linqle 1\l.it- c ... , not a word of Envliah, but with Unc::le Alfredo'• famou. From the muu we ~ reoom· mend the Antiputi, froa aoup to Proec::wtto with Meloa. Our favorite aalacl ll one made with · freah epiuch with a clreeainv of proeouitto; muabrooDll, varllc, whit• wine, reel oniou, olive oil and lemon juice. One aalad il named for Al Capone, and another for Andreino, and all we !Lave tutecl have been memorable. The apec::ialtY, of the hou.ae il SAM'S ITAUAN DELI PIZZA A FOOD TO,GO YUMMY PARTY IDEA . OUR "IUPIR SA .. WICM" This 6-ft. SUbmarine teeds approx. 30 peoca It's loaded with your tiYorite meets and d\11111. a·tJellt8ndln,....lll ,., for ... nlgllt and.....,.tllenextnlgllt PRill I For .U Yo• Caterllla Nee• COME TO SAM'S IM9 llarltor Blvd. at 19th St. . Costa Meu • 548-7822 r~e Anclrel.Do, an adapta- doil ot tlle fa.ally recipe famoua lor 7S ,..,.. It .. rio)l .. OO.U, 10ft Mlilk, ..0 With ...... eft aoocllel, ..... )aeavy creaa, b\atter, 9%atecl parmaMD, pepper aacl tile .. 10Dia98 .:..~---...:... ................... ---- THEATER wlalcll otve it a bit more epice thea tile AlfNclo, ancllt ll laxter'1 Street . youv uqen. There i.l a1.1o • nperbl br Rollllt W. &lat • backup baacl oi CJOOCl quality, Other putu malucle PavU. & There aa cliaDM tlt.eateD-aad either c:liNctor DoD TroaeU J'leDo (Straw and Hay}, a heav-ucl there are cliaaer theeten. or Kathy W.JI•ncl oa the p&Ulo. Mly cliall ot vrea eel white So.e !Lave nperlative loocl uad It i.laa ad.qute ebow to eat by. ~. with Nuteecl ahrimp, Miequte .a.ow., otMn ..,._ The cl.odOCJfeplly here ialilte claaa, crab, freeb muahroom~, the Nrvice, or Mae llal'l Ia the "K1cla ot tiM KbuJdom" abow aite willa and parmeMD. The their procll&Ctlou ... u..,. are at ~-Not bed, aot meau liata alx more, uclwe're aU cliDaer l}teolw. Iuter'• IWPI'iliDCJ, uad very vola9 to ~ aU. Stnet, ~ bi1leci .. & clilmer .echaalcel. The JOUA9 uoen llatreee are chlckea, veal, theater, i.l Nally a reatauaat !Lave eaerCJY, but uatraiaecl beef and fra.h fiah, with with live •tert.alluMDt. That'• voic::el for the-* put. preparaUou liated oa the meau, all Ji9ht, too, but J01l .J.ould There are ao llaacl--outa, or lA chef'• spec::iala of the clay. bo" the cltffereoce. , atranvely. hrkapa cloub,lmv and Veoetahl• are criep-atMmecl · 'llae lbow at Buter'a Street ll triple CMUJlCJ pNMDta thi.t, aa.cl freeb; fn&ita are Nrvecl with c:loAe cluriDv the clilmer tlour-thouvtl the aoloa by mcllYicluala a fine •lec::Uon of ch ..... , with waitn••• aacl buboya cloo't juap out at you, either. IWMta are creative and made on ac::urryinCJ about. TIMy're Marilyn )l.apu clld clo a cute · tbe'prem.ilee, and. the coff... d.t.trac::tmv, to aay theleut. The vamp-type a..-r at the very are clelicioua. pr.v.ram il a revue of old •---..a. --..a --L too 1-t --..a .. ..a. ...,. ~ -·•-.e,...ua..u· hclreino'a is located at 1925 way atuclby aad ao .. aew eace ......-n vot to putic::ipate ScMlth 11 c..mtno Re&l in San muaak/pop tua• (plu. Ia a klckiao chon~ llae that Cleaeate. Pllone 492-9955 for Chrt.tmu c::arola in MMOD), clnw applau.N; tMa A(Jaia, that r ... rvatiou. aunv by a revolviaCJ c:Mt of alwaya chaw applau.N. ~------~----------~----~~~~~==~-- Salty'·s lt'a _..Mod thM The a.iaca.ca.ber Rl •-Ia N;wport 8Mch .awe the ......... , ............ .. . .............. Ju-t •aoocl-...... ....,. fro•• a..hl.owaawhh ~ ............. letartwleha ,.... potlllO ...t •mer tt. Then It • p11llll, tlcecl aacl...._. ....... 11 oaloe. Tty..n ....... .......... -lundHinna 7 ....... frolaiLa.·lOp.•. 18111udllla.lllat-. ...... ~. /.Mi ... ~ .. --~.~, 2Sl3l E . Coasl HflhWay Corona Del Mat e 92675 Telephone 673-o921 ....................... . .-to c.a.:.l Sm 1 • Wrtcome 1982111 Paradise. Alter the hustle and bUStle d tht riOIIday SMSOn pas:5lng. Mlmott' s ~ta~n SNdow.s trMteS ~ to unWind by SWimmmg 1n tht ttnf faDub.ls pools. :Nytng tenntS on one d etgl'lt hght~ courts. r¥ CJOif on one of our two 18-hole cNmponshrp courses Of ?Uf 18-"ol€ ~x!< ;tr~ C?IJ"SE El)py graciOUS ::•~·-; 3 .. ; '=·~~ ·;; :; .·-~::·'=: entenan"'*"t ~· ¥;~ • Premium WH'Ifl. lmf>O!t!d leen, GourrMt hems Call us toc.y '()• ,.-,-:, -~ 1ntormmon 1-8()0.228-;& Wi . {"~.. ... .. :c.QM ~ IQe ~Qtry = .. ...... ANUARYSTORE~DECLEARANCE PRICES REDUCED zttJf.-4~ ON ALL WINES < Eltc.pt Collector'• Item.) SAVE~~ ON ALL WINE GIFT SETS Beringer 1980 Cbenin Blanc $2.19- Los Hennaoos Light Chablis $3.11 ULri'D @feU,do ... is now serving ftel.t5.00 ftel ..... Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails for reservations : 675-2968 ' • -- . ~ ~·~ ~~ Jr~ ~ ~ ~· ~ . ~~~ ~ g -~ f1 .:::! ~ , .. ) )\~)I) ...J ,,~ JJ J "'::"> ~ 1 .... "':"\ I ._,.,; -"\ '-' ,..-, ~h ~~~ -~~h~ ~~~": ~~ (._},...c~'~ ,J llB.._ - · r ,. • I Ill "•l'e 1 11·· p• i i I c • • . I - E ~ 0 ~ -~ '~' w~~· Q :t: .... I~~ i~~ ~ ~t zE.~-·to ~ i i ~ ~ • • •• I .. ~a ~CI ~~~·· I !:.~~ •l · :t ~ _,, •.. ; § ; .,1,·1 il ~~-.·~1.,1· "' .·. --.~ --I . ¥1··.' .••. il 'i ~ fl:" ··~ :1 ~··s .. • p~nrm:ttllf!JI•t!t~;i!fif!jiFilli'rHi;Ht lH fi f1 Jf! 1 't1lii!fi lil fU!J·; liH ;HI~!; I r HhH 1 Hi F tf t f(!Jil rjhl 1 ~1 h I 1 t•!t' ttH Ui n ~ u a W ~; Hrl! H Hrl H~tHhi ~;~;mmJ:;mm•mJilfl;llijlil i!!!i!UH~nht~thfumntM!Ik H ~f ~~~!1 ~h;h;Hi!h~hrhtr~i hHimlh!~Hf!Ur ihi!!ill!r irll!t HUrhl u ~:u!hltdH!h!HHf l;tJ!!IHf~i!~! HhUWJ m ffff H f~! ~r~:~f~! . ng;i!ii~~~i.~i~litlili~mj~W!1;i !lt;~n UtfHHii:rt~J ~fmr m ~H mmmnrn nw !H!~,~~iF i !:nr ~·~1 F m ~~ ~u!W!1 Fiat ~;~!~t;l r~w· ~ii'iW ri:~jP r I ;l f H f91!1gl , f,allnrtJ&I:"ft .. l ~.f.t&tf[,l .. rth.tftl~l r .frt LHfffl!hth.trni!.t~!i rhrn l~~n,~.i,:r: rdd rt ~r, rf:[~ .t ,, r rt .r ft rr ftt .Hl ,frl l!rt lt l ~il t_ lit ,tf l, .. l ~~rll .u ~. l !l I r ... 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Oii.: t>'i -[ G.f'~ ~ e,-tt !. ... ,_ oC 0 ;<f!l ;r. n !E ~ B :: :~ L: ~n !PE: a I 1: if~: ~~~ ~~.:i ~a , ri X$ ~lt ~~~=;~ ~i : d !'t'r~;:l~!!_!l~ ~r t.~~~o ~~.~a f flf x0 L:;~!r ~~ ~in :!!ri :qltv:~~~K ... al't ·ll' 2 r 8~!3l~R ~i·i • 0 .... : ... _l •• ,..2 ; •• ·~ ll ·Cc "'r !M 3 ..,v: "' &: • • r-r ltc ~IS 0 ~o "' & ... ,.o ,.,ill •o! a:o" f"-. •""'i '" ••3. §l G 1iZ.oQ lt : n : :·="-~ .: =-?~~ "-..... r ~ ~~.4: !~r· ~ f ~r r~ id& :~t !t ~i . t~ ~~E. ~r • ~ ... 2~ ... • 'f r ~-f ldi !=-~t ii ~ ~ q ·s ~1 .... 1 ;g a eiO~~ 1 ·-·! ~ .. •. j ·~;, . i ,: .. >:~,, ~~ !· ;; i ., '~··, "'; a·;~ u ;: HI •t!fdril.!' ·i" §d ~~~~Q ai ~~~·IS ;u ~: d '-r .,g, ~~dtHh .. ! .ft .. a.,~sa~ i l -... ' M ... Tl ...... is. ,... group ohed by o.is ...... , .. , ...... dnigned to offw guid- ---~-t~nCe b pet"88M recent-coaora biv su.n Andtel-IV wldou:led. Meets son wil run through !hu~. 3 p .m. to 5 J8n. 28 It the Newport p.m . at the Center. S..Ch Ci~ Hett Gallery. More information, call 3300 Newport Blvd. 494-2025 Gehry hours ere 8 a .m . o.ncan-........_tl to 5 p.m. Monday Tea Dances-Concerts through Friday. are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community ~ltyby Center throughout the BenooF~n. spring at 4:30 p.m. throUgh Jan. 30 at Su~. with the ex- Suun ~Gallery, ception of Sunday. Jan. 3336 V~a L~. Newport 17. which will be held at Beech . .Pbofle 673-5110 2 p.m. Admission is $3, for regular ~ltery $1 for students and seniors. Information. hours. call 754-3643. upaycholaiiD .. PM•dnea: The Personal VtSion of Jon Serl", Newport Harbor Art Gallefy through Feb. 7. Phone 759-1122 for gallery hours. G.._..A.._i$ ()Mia ...... currently exhibiting an Cltben'a Centw will Old Masters collection. be holding a get-Phone 641·1011 for acquainted mixer party. gaUery hours. 7 to 10:30 p.m. Satur- day, Jan. 30. ••• ......,...,. Prtnta'' Newpart .._.or byJanet8. Meckaig and Martha Matthews. Towta•euuC... and "A Photog~ extends an open invita- Series: Concrete" by tion for a luncheon Mihoko Yamagata will m6eting 11:15 a .m. be exhibited by the Arts ~.Jan. 18atthe and Crafts Center Batboa Bay Club. Galleries in Irvine Nominal luncheon fee. between Jan. 22 and Call 645-3677 for more Feb. 19. Gallefy is information. located at 4e01 Walnut Town end Gown of Ave. at Yale. Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p .m. UCI meets 10 a.m. Monday through Thurs-Monday, Jan. 18 in day and 9 a.m. to 6 UCI's Social Science Tower. Room 220. Or. p.m. Friday. Mary P. Ryan will speak ''A ............ Streem about ''The Explosion of of Ylahora"-graduate Family History". Free group exhibition at UCI parking in lot 1 . Coffee Fine Arts Gallery. to will be served at 9:30 Jan. 16. Hours: noon a .m. to 5 p.m .. Tuesday Centel' Club Slnglee through Saturday. meet 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16 at the Advanc- Poi1111'Puv .-t by ed Heahh Center. 1300 Italian artist lucia Bristol St. North. Foouny at Mildred Newport Beach. Ann Seamster Art Gaflery. Martin will present a 3341 Newport Blvd. Call lecture. "Beginning 673-0400 for gallery 1982 Single-eyed." Ad- hours. mission is $3 for non- members. Information: c..,...,~...-Marge Davis, 975-0700. by Eric Masterman now on exhibit at the Belson Coet8.._Art Gallery. 3120 Campus L••...-meets 7:30 Drive, Newport Beach. p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 Gallery hours: 10 a .m. at the Costa Mesa to 7 p.m. Monday Neighborhood Com- through Thursday. munity Center. Kwok Qubs Wet Lau, acrylic painter, will demonstrate . . ,.... .......... ~ H..ttorSing .. Meets Women'• Club meets Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 11 :30a.m Tuesday. p.m. at Presbyterian Jan. 19 at the Hungry Church of the Cove- Ttger. 2101 E. Edinger, nant , Fairview Road, Santa Ana. Judy Mayer Costa Mesa. Anyone witt spealt. Reservations who en;oys singing and should be made before can carry a tune may Ja.n. 15: call Unda join. Further informa- Doyle, Offtee of Stu tion. call Joyce at dent Affairs. UCI, 548-2733 or ~ 7660 or 833-5461 Pat at 494-8119. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~ramounl cJi,orla "'EVDTTKIMG Dl TDfNIS'" 10% to 50% OFF ~-.... - TheUCI .... 8o1l1ty will ~t "Nenook of me Nonh" 11t 6:30 p.m. and "Aparajito" at 8:15 Saturday, Jan. 16 in the UCI Social Science Hall . riCketa t2 general. $1 for atudents. Lectures .. ........__The Integra- tion of Human Stntc- ture." by R. Grant Powers. certified rolfer. Wedneedey. Jan. 20, 7 p.m., 488 E. 17th St., Suite 221. Casu Mesa. Information and reeerv• tiona <*1640-7881. ..... , ..... nt ..... .... for the blind and their famines is subject of 10-week lectUfe series sponsored by BraiMe Institute'• com- munity center in Corona del Mar. Classes will be held 10 a.m. Wednes- d8ys at the Oasis Senior Citizens Center. 800 Marguerite Avenue. In- formation: 663-1111 , ext.~. .. C•••• end Control of Occupational Cancer" symposium to be hekt at the New- porter Inn, 1107 Jam- boree, Newport Beach on Jan. 14-15. Hosted by UC Southern Occu- pational Health Center of UCI . Fee ia $125; contact Joe Brown, 833-7241 for further in- formation. From Them"; 7-10 p.m ., Rne Ana 111. ,_ t2. -FticMy, ~. ~It "DiYofce-Your Op- tiona''; Pit Herzog, llctuf'er, 7-10 p.m . Fine Clll I. CIMUI Ana 118.,. t&. offwed by F....-o'a, -Fridly. Jan. 1&t 2919 &at Colat High-"Cr•te The Merriegl 'Mif, Corona del Mar. You W8nt"; Lou Millr, 173-2343: lecturer. $ecx)nd Jn a -Thuniday. Jan. 14: four-pert ...... 7:30 Pheelentl, Fox-tails and p.m. Sclence H ... M French COW'Itryside; per pet'IOn. $6 per Diana Heiser rtructa couple. class on Fren Provin--Friday. Jan. 15: cial Feast. 7 p.m., fee Is ·wo"'*' Aren't Sup- $18:50. ean for reserve-poled to be Alcohol- tions. ica"; Mitrv Lee lvnch. Offered by Williams-lect\nf. 7:30p.m. Sonoma Grande Cuis.. Science 1•. Fee M. ine, South Coast Plaza, -Friday. Jen. 15: Costa ,Mesa, (751-1166): "Family &tate Plan- -Monday. Jan. 18: ning"; aecond in a Recipes from "The Eggs four-pert .n.. 7:30 Act"; Roy Pingo, in-p.m. Science Lecture structor. 6:30p.m .. fee 102. Fee .... is $20. -Friday. Jan. 15: Offered at Sherman "lncreeaing Our Enjoy- Ubrary and Gardens, ment of Self and 2647 E. Coast Highway, Others"; John Robert Corona del Mar, C1arke. lectUfer. Second 673-2261 : in a four-part seriea. -Tuesday, Jan. 19: 7:30 p.m. Chemistry Food Processor Work-Buildihg, Room 214. shop, (first in a four-Fee $4. part Tuesday series). 11 -Friday, Jan. 15: a .m.-1:30 p.m. Fee is "How To Write a Valid $20 per workshop. Pre-Contract"; Cherie~ registration required. McKee, instructor. Sec- ond in two-part series. 7 p.m. Science lecture 101. -"Ftght Back ... Consumer Protection"; Pat Blow, lecturer. 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts 119. Fee $4. -Saturday, Jan. 16: ~end work-"Celebrate Yoursetf- lhopa at Orange Coast learn To Be Your Own College this week Best Friend"; Sharon include: Fleming, coordinator. -Wednesday, Jan. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Science 13: "Japenese Man-Hall. Fee $8. agement Systems: -Saturday, Jan. 16: What VVe Can Learn "Personal Profile lnven- tor('; Dr. au:te ,.,...,, CIOOfclwOMOr. I a .m.-noon Student c.n.. ,...,&. -s.turdlv. Jen. 1 e: ''T .. 0.. Training''; 10 e.m.-noon 8def'lce lee- tUN 102. fM t20. Pre- Ngietretlon Nqu.ted; eel .. ..,. -Saturdlly. Jan. 16: ''Wood~& SheMng''; ,_,k Oenleon, lecturer. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Science Lecture 101 . Fee t6. -Saturday, Jan. 16: "Buy, Maintain and Sell Your Clr''; Oscar Taylor, lecturer. 9 a .m.- noon Fme Arts 116. Fee t6. Mlvrllpny_ AuMaMtorthe ............ a.-. witt be held in Orange County 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16 at the ~ Harbor High School Auditor- ium. CaM 567-6661 or 49&-1 fJIII1 for information. ........... " ......... P....-am for women re-entering the work force tpOnaored by the VVomen's Opportunities Center of UCI. lnforma- tional meeting at noon, Jan. 14 in Room 106 of Administration Building. lntermhip fee is $50. Phone 833-7128 for information. The ..... of Raw. Dr. Marllll~King Jr. wilt be com- memoreted in a aeries of special events to be held at UCI Friday, Jan. 15. Call 833-5410 for a full schedule of events. ' ............. pr ... ntlld bv Buaoeb WlltM 11:30 a.m. Frl- <My, Jan. 15, The Salon, NevJport Beech. 1112 Spftng Conection by Albert Nlpon wfth lnfonNit modiNng. Cllllllfer~ ... u ........... of- ferad in EngMeh end Spenllh 6:30 p.m. VVedneeday. Jan. 20 1n Building 44 at the UCI Medical Center In Orange. Information: 634-6015. Au•ll•• tor "G..-" are being hetd 10 a .m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16 and 10 a.m. to 12:30 p .m. Sunday. Jan. 17 at the Newport Theatre Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Call 640-2271 to schedule an audition . Music . "Tite8nowQueen" by Hans Christian Andersen will be prnented by the ,.._ewport Ballet in cooperation with the Newport Beach Recrea- tion Department 2:30 p.m . Sunday. Jan. 17 at the OMia Senior Ciri- zena' Center in Corona del Mar. TICkets are set at M general, t3 for children and seniors. Calt the Baltet, 642-4068 or NBRD. 640-2271 for ticket information. • • ._.Ill 111M of Wer' by Haydn will be preeented by the OCC Ch<de and Chamber Singers 8 p.m. Jan. 16 •in the OCC Auditorium. TteU. are M end •3. .._ CoMert fMturing fNe occ luz bendl wtth "'*' 8ttillte o.cer BtMhelr. trumpet, end Enw vvana. tenor ux. 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 17 in OCC'a Auditorium. Tlckete t3. Tha .......... ., D.,... C0111111ny will perlorm Thuedey, Jan. 14 through Saturday, Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. at UCI. Tickets t5 general, t3 UCI students, M other students, seniors. staff. faculty and alum~ ni. Ticket Information: 833-6379. Theater Ellubelh Howard'• Curtain Call Dinner Theater presents "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To the Forum" beginning Jan. 14. The theater is located at 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. For reservations call 838-1540. StegaRMdlnge.two one-acts by local play- wrights 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 17 at OCC's Science Hall 101 . Admission is free. .. The Play'a Tha Tl*tg'' by Ferenc Molnar. on the South Coast Repertory Main- stage, 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, 7:30 p .m. Sundays and weekend matinees at 2:30 p.m. Ticketa are $1S.t10. SCR Box Office: 967-4033. • ...:IIO'IICa ncmnooe-u.au,_, ,......,.._lo ..... ..__ .. ,..,.. aoov DUIGifiM. 41 c.-A .... Jte, I, co,_ .a Mu. CA tala g.,_ p w.u..a-, 4ll c • ._._ A,.. • ... 1, c-.w M.u.CA ..a n.. ~ .. __._,., "' ..... 4J..W..J ...... a.,., w.u... ,.. --· ... laW tfldo !be c...., 0..~ ... Or-C....ry .. O.C JO, IMI ~ , .. 11. 20. 21. r&~~ J. Ita .,. ............. Pl7W73 IID74 PVIUCIIOna ...... ncn,.,.._ UIIIITAn.DT n..~ ... -.......... """'-.,. ntC PA11111IJISKJ7 0 o C.lllono.o ,......., penae......_, ttto c-.,... Oro•• lle...,.n IMcll, CA e3Ml He..--.cl ..... , Corp .910 c_.. Du.. K.wpo" IMch CA 112113 S..•u• O. .. lol'•••• Co 5SO Pat~cealor o..... s..... 110 ,. ... AlM CA!n'IOS nu_. bfll..M.... '' C'Oftd1.6Cted b, a t..,,_. pertn•""•P Soqn_. n.o,. .. T Kaaaoad ,, .. ,d.at H••.o•d "-"h~ Coop nu ., ...... 01 ••• f\C.d Wllf't ift• Co"'••,. Ckt~ ot Or.nq• Co""'' on 0.. 31 IMI , ....... ~ '•• 13 20 l7 , ... ) 1812 ,. n. "--port l.nwqn Fl7982t> Nrti17 PUI UCNOnct fiS.IUOI ncnnoua eUSI.IIal NAIU ITATDUIIT TIIOI lollo•oeQ .-•-lo dolt19 lo..a••-•• I liD OIVICLO,MDIT COW PAHY 4041 W.cArt~•• llvd "a F'loor No•poor ... ch CA $2IMO ,.,. .. II O.Wo•~o 4041 Nac-Anllur II"" 5th """' lle•porr a..ch C A ~ T1u. bv,IAMt ., C"Oftdu.cr.cf ., ~a r• rL•orl .... l Soqoed 1-I DeMarco ~ Mef•••1\f WM ha.d Wl\. IN C:O..ty Clar• ol o ... ,.. Co .. ty oa loa 4 IW.Z r..~a ,.., ll 20 n ,. .. l ltll • T\e "··-• t.o.qa PIIQOW lfU. PUIUC II011CX ...... JlC'TtT10US IVIDtDS II.UU U A 1'DCDn' tk tot~•••• p......o.e a,. dot•t~ .,....,_ .. .UIIItl 6 IUIIIIS CO 110 M.wport c.,.,., Ot St..1t• liDO S N."'PUrt llaach CA 92660 Toca l •ru 819 a.norlo Dr K.wporr a..ch CA 91660 La Voro l vrn• 519 W.tqv•rue Coron• ~.1 ... , CA 92525 T\1t b-.tlft... It CHdYC1ed by • ~·•••I P-A''"•''~•P S,qn.d Toa l utk• T\tt .,•••••"' ••• IJ.ci •till rh• eo•••• Cieri ol Oren.,. Couo1t oe 0.., 28 18111 Pwbl,.l> I•" I J 20 17 '•b J 9112 ... T11• N.wporl 1-...o" "79411 H.uM PUI.UC IIOT1CZ ........ ncnnooa avaacu llAIII ft AT'IMDIT n.. lol""'-9 .......... 4r• ..... .., Ito_._ u ltAHSAS DIVILOP'NDn' PAJTNUS LlD :1100 ........... c .... , 0. s.., .. lOI N..pon ....... CA ti3IC WrHIAr E-rn N..._W_ I.e .. o.&a-. -···-liDO ........... c..~.-~ ... ..A~ CA.-- n.. -,. two~...,. "' • .... , .... • •••••"'"'" SoQo_. O...W C WriQIII Pt .. o6oa• WrHIIII r:-,., ..., w ... ~ n.. ...-.... -·· ...... """ .... Cou.ty Clar~ ot 0.•fiiCJ4' Cow••• oa o.c 21 ,.1 ,....,.h 1 .. I ) I{J 11 f.t> ) IMJ •• 'l"'w llf••porl lfttJ4A ".,.... I'VIUC I'OTICI nc:TmOVS IUIIJfiU NAJU ITA TDCIJit n. lollowtftQ ,..,..... ••• dotaq bu01oa•• •• WIJIIDIAWWIII IN VUTOIIS .112 1101 Do .. II Souto 810. ll••po•r a..c• CA tlMe lot1 Sc-lt .. ~ler 1:101 Do•o St Sv•t• 110 Jll.,.po•l a.och CA 9:1610 nu.. "'"'"..... •• coad~te1.d by • '•••led partn•rtlup S.9aed Lo" Sea. ...... ,.... ..,."'." -·· ,,.... ...• '"'• Cowai'Y C\et'-~;~I o, • .,q .. Cownlt OA '•• • 1812 P.W.41> ••• ll lO 11 ,.-, l till • Th "••ro•• IA•.q" f ll0514 PUIUCIIOnc& ncnnow tVIII'III I'AJU I TA 1UIIII'T ra.. ,_, ... , • ., ,.,_. .,. ...... av-u liNACD~ WJ I loor4 So S.a,. A.. CA tnOS C J WeN•••• al>4 "-c..._ l<>t • c.~ ...... <or,..•••-lUI I ....... S.a••A•• CA~ flw~" oad~~ .... , -·•-,..,... C G ... ...._.., .... "-»'• lor C"•• •• 0 WeN .... , ......... T111M ...... ._, ••• li.... •tth tM Co.,_..r C .. tlt ot Otte4• Co.••• oa •••• llll ...._.. 1 .. u ~ n '•" 1 ltt:l PVIUC IIOT1CI f"'CTmmiCM .,._. IIAJd ., .. ,...., NU71 n • ..,,.,.,.,. ,....,., ... ""'~ ""'••--•• COLOIIIUIIT ONI NOUII PHOTO Jl~ W .. ._.II.., M.,...,, ~h CA ..,.., N r To•, H.,..t 21J a. .. ~~••• ......... loiAMI CA '*l N• 0... o......,. 1011~ 11 .. ,,,_, lo..,_lalrtad CaWMJ ,.. .... _ ................. .. ,.,.,_ t.q..,. r .. , ......,., ,.,_ ..... ~tw· .. ()ro.a ...... ,_ 1\l.t ......... , .... hW •"'-,.._ C..••• Clork <I O.o,... C..oty • , .. '1112 .....,_ ,.. IJ lO n '•" J 1112 • n.. ........ ··-"..,. NCIM ..,.;~ ..... ntiii---- IIAMIItATIIIDT n.. ......... ,._ ....... ......_ .. rc• co .. ~~ WM.A,. ... llw .• a.Me *· ._,.." ....... CA ._,, ll.pMa C Jlt-7· UtQa ·-CM!o. lu , .... ~-. QA Gt'JI; , .... , llt ... ,, • m1 y_,. 0.. W..... ...., ... CA -1: ,.... c ~ :Mal .................. -..,.n ........ CA -= A&M 1 wu.. ... ,...... A... "--' ....._ CA -ll_.,.. r Mat· .-. llt71 G-........ W... -...a. C.A ta7f. ful IC W&II&IM. 10 ,_..,.... C..n. lleotpott ~. CA t1MO: W o....a-a-. aGIS La c-. W.... HiJio. CA _, ~ ......_ .. .-..~-by a -"" ..,._...,.. ~ , ..... , 1.1-..lr ,.. ·-· ... bloorl ..,.. 11M CG<laly ON\ .. o.-eo ... , ... Dac ». IMI ,..,. '-• u. lO n. r.... l . tta ... ,...__. ..... ,1~ lflaJ "*'C~ ncJIJIOOI- II.AIIIITATDIIIIT n.. ~~-......... 9 "'-.. l'HI ncDT COIOfiC. T1011, 2012 S I lnaool. S...te All. S.eta A ••· C A tl707 s. ... ea lohA W ordle, 1!14 Goo• reo• So , Coooo MM.. CA 12121. W.•tuo a.•unl Wot choU, 2365 a.,,.,.,.. Dt C-. ...... CA9M26 n... ..... ... _ .. c:oaduclad by • 9 ..... 1 .,.,. .. '""'P s"'.... .. ..... a w.tch.U Th.&l M••····· .... Wed .. u. llw Co...,l'f Clar~ of Or-Co~aly oa Dac 13 ,., Plibhdi I•• IJ 20 21. fM> 3 llll ,.n..N_n.....,a , 11t.221 lfUI2 PVIUC IIOTICl: IIOTK2 CN tWGaiU:S &AU , ...... .. Oo ,.-,,_.., 5, 1112 ... 9 15 ••• mu 5111V1CD. .. .. ..., oppo•• .... T-.... _, ...,_ 10 DNd o1 ,,... _..... A,.... a. 11110 ...... • lte lOUf ...... IJ714, -1117 ol Othaal .......... 11M ........ ol 11M C....a~y .......... ol o. .. .,. eo...,. ~ ol c:.wor-. _,.,., by JOtiJf S LOCUa _, PATIUClA N LOCICD ................. woie. •111 Mil AI ...,-•-to ....... btcWer Jo. caah (Joe.ya.W. &I l-ol oak ,. lewhll ._., of , ... u ....... Slat..) &I ... ,_, -·-... 11M old o. .. .,. eo...., e-n""-. local..t-S..ta Aao aYd . '-'-s,..e.-..,_ ud •--'••Y· Saata A ... c.lllora>a .U roq.,t, o.U. •--' .. ,.,. """""" ro •114 u• "-W b1 II oodeo ....t o-.1 ol Tt ...... '"-_,., ............ .., Cooaty ud State cleacnb..l M . Lo1 7 "' lloc~ 45 o1 llfVP SIC TlON. 111 ,.,.. Col'f ol llowpon ..... Ill. C_.,, o1 0.-. Slate ol Ca!a*> .... . ....... _ .. ·-·clrtd "' lloolo •• ·~· :t5 .C W..c.U..a-W..s-. •• 11M 01 '-ol oho Co~••• kooder of oa;d c-"'' n. ureal addr-ud ....... , -.... ...._.,_ ~ •• ,. o1 .... ,..a .. ~ ...... ~ ......................... ... .. .. 114 •• "·-· ~ loo.dl C-"lo,... S.rcl Mle •Ill be ........ .. ....... ,. ~· 01 .. , ..... ty. ····-OC' ,. t>loerl ..,. ...... htle. -o• ........ ....,. to ,., 11M - ~I-ol 1be ...W _... .... J.y oarcl o..t el T.---1> ,._ ......................... ~. ... _ ~.~ . ., ........... _. _. o..t .. r ... ..._ do<>-_. .. _ol .. ,,_ ... ., ... ••-c ....... a.., ...... D.ooloiT,_ n.. -.l ·-... lbe ......... ~.,. t ... ..W..at-we•..,. b. •lo• pr-ny to be ...W oM -w. _ ..... ~.~ ...... ·-., ,.,. tua• ol ,.,.. lll.iiiAI puiNtcal-ol ·~• Moooee of a.1a 10 \7l,to7 17 n.. ..... OCt&., .......... o..t ol Tnoat IIOI..Wio<• .. .., • ..., ud .U•· ..... ... .... vw.......... . . ..-. O.C .. <al-of O...wlt •od o....d ..,, Sale ..... wrttte• Not .... ol o .. n1t •ed ll.c-t-•• loll T\e art ..... .... •• ~ .... II& ... llot oc:• ... Dol .. II ..... llac ''" tO W to M t«<ict.d 1a lM cou•· ., .a. ..... NoAl ,_rtf .. I_... o. .. o.c •• a.., a ltll Tllla S.n-.. .., T-. a S.at• Wototca ...... llo 401. S...oa Moa~a. CA 10401 !21l) .,_,_ ty Kat...._ n.o.-. v-,,_,._. r..W... lu 11 10 27 Ita ,. n.. "-"......... ,..., """"IIOT1CI ---PICIIDOGI-.... uAtamrt no.......__ ... ...., -• ~ CAL.UOilHlA DNU.DIQ PAJI'NIIIIIIIP .0 I. 4211 W..CAnllvr ..., , ..... JIM "--' ~· CA UIIO .... C. .-..._ ...... ,., ......... JIM, ~11 ....._ C. U110. I I M ,._.. .-.._..rtber 11.4 . Soli'-JIM ............ a..c1o. CA t:IIMO. ... ..-.... -tc.lle-. ~ CA tl7 ... ·-...,., ~ ~ ... !.lot w.~ .. lf..,..J CA ..,., ,... Wmoa. Ill a... CioN. c-.&.1 Nar,CA.at ,_. '--.. ~ ... ..,. ....... """ .................... .. ... .._ ..._ ... ,Pan-t .. .... c. n .. .._._, ... hW ..,,., tbe C...ftty Clol~ M Ota-C..aty - OK 34.1.1 ,. ..... lu u JO n f.at ), IMa ,.,. .......... ._ft rt7W11 ,.,. f'IIIUO II01IC1I tW::Ii ..... -.... IU.,._., ,. ......... ,_ ....... .. ,..,._ •• C~ PAUCI artAuaAiff. _,. W c-......,, ........., ---. CA -,,.,.., .......... ,_ .... -, .. ~ cam.., • a, C.. a..... CA t:IU'J ,......_ ................. .. _ .......... o.t.MK.~ "'-..... _ n. ---"""" ..... lbe c_, ~ .. en-c:-.., -o-ll.J.l ........ ... 6. IJ. J0 27, 1812 • ,. ....... ..... ,._ -. ~Mmell .... , ·-.... ""-' n.. .............. Ia .... .,_ • ~ A.DWDI~ ~., .......... c.-..- ..... C. ..a loidtoM '-,...,_. It , 7&1 ...... 0.... ... -c. -,_~ ............. .., ... ........................... ~. ..... ,.. n.-t-lrW ...... c:..... Clot' .. o.-c.-&lt -.... , ... .. .._.... ..... u ... "·' .. "'" ...... .... ,._. .. ....: ..... -ncr111006-.... .,.,....., n.. lllllowo-. ,..._ v• ~ ....._ .. c • c IDfTDNIIU. JlZJ ~ ................ ....,,, c. ~ lie..,.. D c.u.ala. 2122 ......., ..... ~....,"·c.A ..a. Qooo..W L Canoll. 2122 ............... ~._II,CA .., n.. .._ .. -..1\K...t .., • .-.a~,.-.... ....... ""' ...... D c.u.ala no. _, -...... wlllo 11M c-aty o-~ .. o.-c-., oa Doc II, ltll ~. Dao Jl. 10. IMI, Jaa ' ll, Ita Ill n.. llewpolt .._ ,lliOQ ..... fVIUC IIOftCI rcntiOM-,....ITA,.._., ,.. ........ -... ..._ "-.. UCYCUD u.as. 2731 I CoM tt_, . c-tW w,., CA GI2S "-'1 .. , ,_ .......... 427 C&.-..... c-del Me,, CA m25 au, •• ,.. !be ...... 427 c .......... Co,_.dei ... ,.CAUIZS , ............ co..t...,.... "' • ,_.a ... ,. ....... ~ ......... Gary w ..., ............. ., ... _ flue-· .............. ~ llle c_,, e~..~ ol o....... C....aoy on Dac II, 1•1 Pv.loll.o.l.: 0... Jl, 30. 1•1 Jan 13, IM2oan.Mewpo~~ ..... a "7I'7IIS lfl630 PVIUC IIO'nCI rcnrtoe~~~­ u..nA......., 1'M ............. ,._ .,. doreQ .._ .. lll'ILAJID IAII Ull IIAJIDDK>, 1140 S 01...t A" a..1e A. Sule A.., C. .,.,.._..70 Hyelud Pacllic. IS.O S O.u4 A ... s.. .. ...... c. tlll'DI-4470. ...... Lot. ... IS40 I . c;;,_, A .. , s... .. Aa.a Ca tnGS-4470. ·~' ...... 5172 Gloelooa-A .. , 11--., C. n... ..__ II ...... .aool It) • _.t ............ ..-) ... 11 ~. ,..._, Hyoo&ucl Pooabc no...--........ ....u. 11M c-., a. •• ol o._ c-... oa Dac za. l•t ,.... ,.. • u. JO n ~~ .. ,.~._. ,-1,._ PVIUC IIOnca tCIIIIOW- IIAMIITAn.IIT n. ~ ,.._ ••• rlooaq ...... _ u ITAn COLLIGI HSJGKn. 1&40 I CM...t A" lkl,. A. S... Aaa. CA ~70 Odecl T....,_.,_., IT712 Woto-..... '""" Ia'-V.U.,. C. IVOI. Paul z:-l>e<~a. M:al )._ a.-CIKia, ro ... , ... VaU.,. CA tnOI, lf)oeloAOI Su a., aarduoo. 1S.O S CM...t A.. • 5 .. ,. Aa.a,CA ~70 n .. -..... .. eoeo~...-ood by • -·al ... rt...... s-... 1 .. H,_.. nw. ........ , .... ha-d •••h. lh Co..a" Cleo• ol 0.-CO\laty oa Dac 22.1.1 h.bll.ol> lu • IJ JO. 27 1812 •• ,......_,.._. ",..., PVlUC II01'JCZ ,... ... 11.1 ~UT.:mts ... ~ NIOfiDTT •• POll£ ~ .cADa \'08 AM Jl&. _, • YOGa PAftaln'L n UY • 10&.0 wnmvT .., oooaT ~ .... ,.. ................. .......... .,.._ ..... ................................... ~ ............... _ ... _. ........................... ....... --~·---"· .. n...-.. 11 ...... 1-ol INIOM'f I. Ita. u4 wtll --•••O ,_ -...._ ....... , ... _,_ ....... ..., .... ...,w....,..w _....,,... ___ ....,.. htD,.,.... .-f t 0 a...,... __ ..., .. _, ..... .-... .......... _ ............ .. ·---ol ... .__. l•lllc .. ......... _ .. _.,....... __ ) ....... .wlee ..................... .,._,...a •• ..,...,......,, ... ....... -"' 11M r._.l ~· ...... ... ._._..loy~ .... -·"· _ .......... ..,.,.. ......... . To ..,. -• lllre -.,_ ••• ..., ............ ..,....., ...... .. -..1•• .... u,...-"a. ...... ~ .. _,...,_ ...._. .._ WWt...., P O ... •14 ...._. a..o. CA -· 11141 .... ,..,... .,.,.. ...... ,~., ... .-...-.-.,.. .. ~~~re..,... _....,.,..._, ..... ~ pw a.-. • hr. TOO MAY ~ I.IOoAl IIOIIft tr 'I'OV DO iiOT 'LUI~ ACne*. IIOTQ0/1 ,.A at MOTlCl II MDDY GIVD T\o ""' /Vaeltru 1'ldw ._, ..... c-_, ..... ..., ... _ lo ...,., _ •• ., r ... -•••• .. All la.et• .... o....~"' , ............ , ...... ~ ,., _ ..... lrt lA8 I ........ u ....,..a,...ol ..... •• T•••• •• k w.t .. Attto" W...tMf a1 .... ,, ...... U t.J ..... IC.... _..... ,........ ll 1•1 • _,,._, M IIMtJ. •• looo~ 1,..,. ,.... 112 of Oillocoal ._,d• •• 11M OIIIC:'O o1 liM Co ... ., ._,..., ol o. .... eo~"" cahlooor.... -~""" •-..... , ot.l .... -. O.e (IJ All ilo<>l.." -~I) fo< 1 ... OfOQIIYI ••• ol \101.000 CJO tbet .... a... .. _, '""'"' ..... -· o..t .. T .... •11>4 ·~· .... ... -_ ....... ...., ... ,,_,,, ~.W lrt ''• ............. ,..,., • lot..,ch ................ 11M otto~..,.,_ ...... •tlliO"~ W C" ~ .. Ttv• t.a MC'IItHfY ................... ,.,_ ..... - "'-"' ...... .. ,.. ...... ·-·· .. 0410"' ........... wlwll hra-all ..... •114 ,. .. w. .. ..._.... ll 11" .. ,......_ ....... ~., ....... " ........ ,_ .... _._ ... ..... ,..., "' -......, ........ , ... . ... _ ...... ......., ...... ~ .. Doo44 .. Trftl "-•-..w •"" <kit_... ............ _ ..... ,,_ • ····-O.lat-•• o.kell """ 0..•11>4 ... Sea. .... .... ..._.... ....................... ... T••-well Doo44 al f••• ..,;& oil ........ h ····('··· ....... , .... . --.... ....,, ............ (. ..... ... .......... Ia ......... _ .. ,... ,......., ··~ ,_ ......... w. ............................ _.. .... _ ...... -··· .. be ..w .. .................. __ ...... , ....... 0.... ~t I, 1•1 ,,,.. "-·-T• ......... c-,...,. • c., . ..,... _,.-at-.... ,..__ l \.to..,,. A .. u..,.._. Of ·-· ....... .... 1). XI 1? t-' J ltll ,.,_ ........ ,_. ~~~- ""'--e leO'nCa Fri(;JIIIOC8._ IWIIIIT.TDall? n.. ~'-' ,..,_ lo .sou.. ......_ • AUDIO DISIGII. U7 G-..l•-It , l..6qaaa ..._ CA '*' u-H•rt '-do m ne eM....,_ It . ~.aq,.,.. IMch CA IMI n.. -..._ " co,...liCMd Illy u "' .,..,..ow~ ..,.... ""'"' H '-<11m n.. --· ... hied Wllll .... c...., Oo.rk ol o..... eo.. • ., ... Dac II.IMI Pwoball 0... 2J 30 1.1 ,.,. f I), 1112 .. 'l'loe ,._, '--• r I 1Im IIIIJf PQIUC-.mc& PIC:1I'JJOW- •.u.ITA~ n.. lollow\a9 -... ""'~ "-u UOI.AJlDS..COL TOll JO • c.wo.... '-*' ........ nloip JOG ......_ C..... Dn-S..Ooe :t.S II •-CA ml5 a...,. ~ 14 P•oaHIIIa ln•u. CA 92715 ............S......ZIIIS~A .. w-v .. ,., CA CAo.tow !k*.&l> 1a w.. .. -.. o.. ..... ..,...,, a-:11 CA n .. ....__ .. co.doet..l .... loa>,... port-ro.loop Soo11od Jllt.,o K"-Tlu. ........ , ... ltled .,,h t~ Conty Cl.r~ ol 0 •-Co,.oo~ oa 0... ~1·1 Pv.llllall 0... 30 J.. 6 I J 20 1M2 .. n.. .. _ .. trwQ• Fl7t372 lft629 PWUC IIOTICI PIC:1I'JJOW IUIIIIIU II.AIIIITATDIDrT n.. ~ .,._ .... cio<oq .. _._ u •) lt1WPOtiT SCltOOL or Plf01'0GAMHY 1>1 AL ensot~ GAU.UY. :n10 c.,...,.. Oro .. ........... ...., .. c. II2IMO N..po<t 8o~ ol "'-•eploy Lac • c.t.lor -eo<por-. 1111 5 eo... On .. Mo 1102 . ....._. IoMeii CA Gll2l n... "--.. eoedrocMd by • coo po•-S.._,j A.l ..._ Pt...d.al lle•porl Sc .. ool ol Ploocoqraplly lac n... ..... _ ... blood ....u. .... c-.11 c~a.~ o1 o.._ eo-...... Dac l1 1.1 ~ , .. 6 IJ 20. 21 1!182 .. n..l!.wportlaaoqa 1110079 lf£628 l'ftUC IKmC% ltOTJCa Ol'l'1lOST!I"S SAU ,.., T ...... s.-o. ,.. n 1812. •• 9 15 0 clod • • " rnd..y •• , .. f"root w tr&Ac;• \o 11M old 0.-Co.ary Courtlo<NM loc ..... -,. ........ Blvd ...._ s--·· s. uc1 a.o..~ .... y. s... ... A.a. C..W WUTDlf WVTUAL COil POU T'IOH, • Ca!a*>nua oorporatooa .,. Tr-.. or •ultet.J.Iuled Tr~ ... .............. ol ........... wed by LDOY P 51\10111 AND INOGIHE N mJDIJI, h.._d .,., ..U.. ao JOt•• ...,...... liM.-.,.. C4lled Tr\l.llllor ,_.w Or; 29, 11110 .. l.o.olro._ .. , No 434ll ...... 13810. Pov• 516 o1 Othc..J lleco_. ol 0.•-eo ... ,, C..WO.-...... will ..U .. pQ_bhc: •Khoe to 11M ."' .. t.cklou .... c .... ,..,U~e .. lawt..J _, of 1M Uau.d s .. ,.. •• 1M .... ol wle 11M ........ ,_ .. ,., 10 .... -~e.ld .., -.1 ··-...... -.1 ...... .. ,_ .. ••• p<o.-11l ..,.,...., .. -c-Aow~ s. ... ~ ..... oo 1M 42 ol Tr~ :!Ill M ......... ~ ......... _45.47ol ... c.. .. ., ~·. olhce o. ..... eo-.,. c.w...--....,_ .. """· ..... ---.. ..... ...,....,.,.... ......_.,.. ..... · ~ .......... ~~···· ..... ·-.... ...._ Of ... ood. -*•.,.....,IMd~·~ol • ................... ........._ .. ol ,.,.,~ n.. ol,_ ...,_ U<lloo ..__. -...a-ll uyoo~oobe W7Avocacio eo-~W.r CA I&Ml .... •111 be -.d. ..,,..,.., .... ruty .. tg UILe ....-.oa Ot n .,.,...._, hor th pwopoow ol penoq .... ........_.. _,, ... ~ ..... o-.1 _1 .... 9 Uoo '-Aad • ._ .. ol lloo ,,_ .... of ... ,,_., ......... by Mld cMed, ... _ ,..,_ ... , Wlth •• ..,.. .... ,.....,.,...,. ...... aad •lt•ua ~ pnactpol .... ,.,., .. , oo th• eote(o) ~ a.., ....t deed •o '"' Ul.tatll w-.. ,.,.,,...!c ... ., 100 s r .... .. . , 0 ... ,1'0, o...,v. c..w a.l (714) 771 4100 ... ouch t,,... .. _, VlfQIAIO ,..,.. ,, ..... S.looo 01 ·-· Deo..l 0... II 1•1 P..bll.olt 0... JO 1•1 loa 6 ll IC .. nollo..,_.a..... !laJf> ~IlOna ncmiOUIIURIIDI IWIIIITA,._., n. ........ ~-,. do<aQ ·-• DfTDJOU IY T'KI 11:1 IOl lcMU "-• lie 22• llewpc" IoMeii CA GeaJ ... ,,_ I 11. .. ,. 101 lc ..... """ ... 224 llewpcr• a..u.CAiall ~~ • ._..~by .... ~ ..... ..! ........ rncel a,,.,. n.. ....... , ••• hlt4 Wlt.il 1M c....ty 0..~ of o...... Coout' oa lu 4,1ta ........... ,.. .. ll ~ 27 11112 •• r ... te..,....C...• fiiOOIJ lfi65S PV-..: IIOT1CZ nc:r1nooa.,..... ..U. ftATDIIJI'f Tbe ....... ~ -.. d0184 belleMo a1 IDD PAIIICS AlfD AIIOClAta. IJS W a.. A•• .. ,_ CA .-1 lldword Phi '••h eiiW .. ,&,. a.JM..CAe.a n.. ..._ • ,_ .. ..., .... by •••• ...,.,..I s..--1 ldward P Perko n.... ..__ .... ., ........ ~ ... c. •• .., o.c• .. o. .... c-··· "" , ••• ltl1 ,_......., I•• • u JO n 1812 '" ,. .... ~ ..... "~ """ PVIUC I'Onc& netn'10VI-U.ITATDdllf T\e t,.u,._ ,..,_ " "-'"q ..... ,_ .. DC ~ 1 l•o Ma•n .. •• Co-.. •1 W..• CA ~ O.u•• '-Ct. .. _r 411 ""' -c-•• .... ·CA~ !) ............. , ............... ,. ......... , s.. .... o.., .. a.. .... . ,. ..... ...._ •• M ... •attt. h-• c.-., a-• a~ Or•-Ct·••" _. 0.. 11.1.1 ~ 0.. l) JO l.l '·· • I) ltaoan.. ....... ia-... ",..,.. PftLIC.mcl nc:111100t-...... ., . ......., TIIOI lol'-'-9 ,..._ .,. ~ ~~-• 'hm DIVAOP....,. co ' ~I .......... 11'14 • llo 210. ......... rt ...... CA a.G· Vuu "-! ....... Ia~ LW ' • C.auor- _.,.,..._. ~I .._. ..... , ll"d ,.. uo. ~ ..... ~.c.-rw. ..._ .. ~-.... by ..... ,....._ ....... Aa ..... y W Ytttl ~ V!llo "-! ........ ,..,,_ Llotl ,.. ..... _, ... bled .... • ... c-t, Cl.r~ ., Or-c..,..,, o" Dac )4 1.1 """""" ,.. • ll ~ 27 llll .. ,. ............ .._. 1 17929 I 111648 PnUC IIOTICI PICft'IIIOW IUallfDt IIAICIITA ftMDn n.. ~ ... -••• do..q .......... " POWONA AVINUI RVD UD 3 Co•po•-I'Lu. On .. , s..o .. 100 Newport IMc~ CA 13110 Alae L A.U.. l Co•-••• ,... o. ... s ..... 100 "-po•i ....,. C•i:IMO ,.. --.. co..!-by • haul_. pert .. roh•p S..,a..l Aloo L A4.&JU fUe 1\at ..... l ••• hled Wt!h I~ C.....t, Clort ol Oroo.,_ Co .. •• oo , .. 4.1812 l'lr.b&lo loo 6 I ) 20 27 lliSJ •• n .. w....ortlA•~<~• 11100M lfl658 I'VI UC IIOTICl: P'ICTmOIIS IIISDfQS IIAII:I IT A 1'DCEin 'fll• tolJowtA<I Pf.-.otl ~· d ;)lOQ ..........., .. aJCitAJIO L HAEVSSLVI 6 ASSOCIATIS ~ S &r .. ool St S....a 205 S.noo Ano C A !12704 "-c ... rcl l H-o..J.r J'500 S lru• l S. Sulle 20!> Sao to Aoo CA 92'704 n .. btl .......... cv.dwrt.d by •t\ ,,. d•••d••l SiQD•d flltrt.•rd l "--!.• n .......... , .... M.d • 1h '"• Co...oty c ... _. .• Or··~ Cc,wAI1 til o.c 18 , •• r..blalo Doc JO 1.. ~ i l\ till ... n . N••'PO'"• u ... "" rt71717 PUIUC ..OnCE ...., IT ATDCEWT CN AloAJ(DOWMJ:Jn 01 ou CN ncnnoua IUSIII'DIIUJG Th-e o-r_,.• ~~•• kv• b.tc. dotOQ b-.. WIWAWS 6 0158011111 • ".,.,.._. ~rth•nl.up a t -.JI T•U.• Avo lfo llO llowpo1• ll.e<h C•hlot••• 9':2660 Mr•b• ab,.od n ~h• loUie ol ... al hC.!IUOIU bw ...... naaa fh• hcHiiOIJt ~tift_. ··~· ttala n.••' ,.a.,,,.~ to h• l~•tt.ov• b\lt•n•u n••• Mt.MI •,t,..ndtoa.d .... , hl..ct .A A~otQ 2S UNU lft Or•no• CQwn•v C-.lllota.t• T'ha n.•m" and b\l•u• ... •d 4r.,.... ot rh• Q•n•raJ pattD•n ....t th• tuJ~t..htpat• larn W ~h•no• In• •611 Teller A .. a Mo l.W H••SMit' S...,. .. l\ C'A 92660 Tb• o.bout• Cmp 4f.H T•l"-' A.. llo UO lle,.por• lie• ·lo C A 1126ti() 5+Qqed &.tt... It Wtlh•'""' ._., .. d.at a.th w.u..... lar O.n•·• Ot.borM pt .. td.-ol Tilt• O..bo••• Corp Pubab o.c zl :10 t'l@ t J.. " I) IMliATI,.Ifewporo lru.qo rtial47 lfQ.n n. I ... -.. ..,..q bttot•-•• IIOIII.JtT THUII!Pf'OM 6 ASIOCIATI:S l05 v... lod~ S....d "'-" a..c~ CA -..661 ll4ber! n.~-~.,_. J05 v .. Lode So..4 Nowporl ~~ C• '1266 I rh~ b\o..tt~• • C'Ood-.. .d b, en •'- d , .. .dHJ S.qa.d ADO.t T w~ '•"' ttu, •• a .. m•" .... t 1.-d .... ,. h. Cc ... cr" C"l.r~ .f O••nv• ""'" JC! lfo• 24 .~II Pwb~ .. b O..C I I r< ·011 l•• II l'ollll on T ... Ne,~· o [r fl~l Hl'-1< PVIUC I'OT1CI ncnnoua 1uaoraa IUUG ITA T'DCIJfT Tho. toUoW\ao ~· .,. do••ti bu., .. n •• LIAIIIY VIIi DOUT1'T'INS 240 Ne .. poo C••••• Droft S...!a :1100 lf"'po" .... ~ CA ~ L..M..I~ Snt ... C •fporeho• • C.......... _,..,, • ...,. 2.0 M.-pvll C••••r Ortw '""''• 20(; N ... po,, ....,~ C.llMO n .. ~ .. co.d~ ~ b~ • or por•t-loQa..l llo .. d 0 "•""" c 10 L-.,,.,.. ... c ... P n.. ".~.... .... , 'ed .. , ,. ·•· c.,._.., Clor~ ol Or••~ C ••'• "" , ... 4 Jill ~ , .. ' ,) 2\ J1 812 ' n.. "-··c....,. r~..-liiM PVIUC IIOT1CI nc:TmOVIIUIIIIUI II.AJCIIT A T'DQJfT Tlae ..u.-v ,.,_ • do.a4 •-w SD1101 CntlPIS P'IIISS JM c.a-............ a-ell CA Ulll L.o a.., ... ,.. fo~~ ~ Coltoa llo-poll ~~~ CA aletl T\.M tN...-. c....to,c, ........ ................. "-• '···-1"\Ae .._. ...... •M f•W wtlh •• CCN"" CS.•• o4 o. ... q. (' ""r. "''" o-. ,.1 P,.~ 0.., JO 14 r ' o) .1() llll'ta n.. Jl'•ttport L•14"' Fl l'i_. PVIUCI'OTIQ nr:rrnow IU&llltal U..ITA~ n. toiJo•~~t• ,..,.... .,. .JOlG41 •• .,.... •• UJIO PIST$ ··~ "-...... , It c .... N-CA lUton c-.. .... w., .. MoJo.~> ,., 11-.c~- s• c ... w-c. ~' w.,. ... Ho.••• JOlO r~tlt.rtoe M ,.. c ..... ,._ CA~7 f)rr.,t ......,_ • r.,.... ... _.. b.-• J~tel .,., ... ~." S.....ct Chat• W••••H .... ll n ........... , ••• ...... • .. ~ c..·-,. •• c ...... 0t··~ ("'~ .. ' {W" ~·· • •-.J ..... 1,... ,., • '~ ;'\: . IliA ••• , ............. ~. "1('(111 11'-»f PUWUC liOnel riCnno..- tiAIIIIlA,._., ,..............,_ ......... ""•-.. P r1MA.IICIAL W Vte'D 130 CI?IMI A.. ..... a•... c. '*' c,t. A•·• c- rt~ 1• c ..... , A.. ..,.._. w. ... C.t*l , .. ., __ .. ,.,...,.>11>4 "' • -··· ...,_""-P ...,_ '''-A .... c_..... """ ··-·· .... .... ....~ lbe c.. •• , o..• ., o. ...... C' ..... l .... ,. ...,_..,. ,_ • 11 • n 1112 •• ,........_.,_. f\IOOM th. ••pwt EDI&p W•vt~~a~•III..,IY. Jaa-t lt.l• .... 17 fVIUC IIOftCI PltCftitoGI-......,ATIIDT ""'-~--....... ~~-.. UAIUY IIIOI U tn'I'Da. MO .._,.,. C..... 1><1 ... Ieite ICO, ...._. a.-~. Ca 13110 t-I t .,._ Corpouuo~ • C~~-MOll_.! c-.r Dol... ...... 200 •-" a..c~.CAUMO ,....,.,.._._....,......,._ --........ aa..w 0 ,._ c l 0 L-a,.,_ Cotp ,.... .. _. -liW wtQ ... c-ary a..• o1 o ._ eo-... .. lea • 1812 ~ 1.. • ll :110 27 1812 .. n..~~ewpon ._.. ,1_ lfiMO PVIUC IIOftCI hC:nttoe~~~IGIDIDa IIAMIITAtDa:ft n.. ~ ... -.. cio<oq ~~-ao IIUS'TC* DIV1:II'TUIG AND NAJIUTDIG (IIIV) 1101 1M S. No D llewpon a..ch. CA t:al6l Pootol a...,_ P•rk.et 1101 l"h S. lfo D II~....,, CA 121113 ,.. -lO eoedl0C11od ..,. ••••. d .. .., ..... St9Md .... 111-PIUO.. n... ... ,. __ , -".... ..... 11M eo...., C&.r• ol 0.•-Cout, oo , .. 4 111112 Pobuu I•• a JJ. :110. n. 1~ ... Til• Mowpon ~ , 180011? lf16511 I'VIUC II0'1'1Ct III-IIUO nctmOOIIUIIft:SS ICAJU IT A 1'DCDn' n,. \ollowa.-q pefiCJIIr,ll .,. doanq b••••-.. MONA.IICH 011. 6 GAS L Ttl lttiO lil•wpo" Center 0.••• llo lOO ,._port Ja.ch c. 92660 fllu:hol.a T.,,_,. JW M Tv.eu1 A•• lfo D T_,. CA 92'101 s,...., W II,_,. lol 0 JSOl H r.,..,n A .. lfo 0 T•••• C. 92101 n... bt~...... .. coodiiiC"•ad .... • 1,,., ed p.noeAil•r Stq~a.d )il.c:-hc;>l .. T•tpc•r• n.. ............ ..... hW •1•• ,...,. r "ntv c~e,.-.,, o,.,..,_ Cwa1' ora 0... 'I l!ll!l P.~>~ .. • o... JJ .10 a•a Jar • • } I~ tD llte N••P'O"' l.anitn f . 1-nP.J lf£62!> PUIUC IIOTICI ncTmOUIIUaiiiiSS ll.UO: IT A T'IIIEWT r~. toHo•••9 ~ .,. doiftq bw.,eo., •• MIWPOIIT l EACH VIDEO 1954 Po<1 O.a~etqh lle...pou S..Cio C• 9lWO I 1-Slooopo ro 11100 1 l url.r St \"'••• CA 9211S e.rt D.Qhoro 1954 Pon O..oJ.1q~ N.wpo" ll.e<ll CA 92fi6CI n.-.. l W.CDonold 211102 sa .... laO.• lah ro_, C A 92630 lohn I W.tor 20IS LoooO.uplloo O.h,. Woac 54115 Th..-bul1ft.-~ ~Qd:wc'..t b., • qeneta~ p.•nD•rlfttp S.,q'D.cf 8 Jem• Sh•v., Th'' a.tet•m•et .... h&ed ••'f\ ••• Co"'"'" Ci•r• ot Oraaqa Couf\'" "'" Do< u. 1981 Pubh•• 0.., 13 .10 l'oti 1., 6 : J l qsz •• n.. fil•wpot• lu'q" " /8504 If l6o0<1 rvauc: II011Cl nc:nnoo. IOIDIDS IUUG IT ATDIDT T'h.. ~ ,...,...,.. •• ,. 6oeaq b .... _ .. ai()IITl(PAIIIt o'nc' IUIUlOIG U Lltl I• C.t.lora.o L:.a~ fan .. ......a.p) 3 Corpor••• f\aw S..11e Jill ..._, IoMeii C A .... ~~Ia­la< f• c...lalotft .. COfpot•r....a\ ) C'"or put• • P1..u Jw,t• A M.-r;.;.r· S..C• CA~ 1'\v ~ • ~~~~~('" .4 "' • h......t P'lt1••nA•P Stq1t.ct 1/~• ,, • .,..,., JC,..pot1 S..r.,., ... , J,. .... lur. Ia~ n .. •••'-••• ..... t.J..d ~··#~ ... Cot.aaly c .. ,~ t Or .. q• Co~o~" , Doc 18 1981 PubiiOit Doc Zl lO '*· 1 .. • J : Gll2 tr n . M.wpc.tt lt~ • .tqt r111,.7 NUl~ PVIUC ltOTICI ncnnoua ~as IUUG ltATDIDT The tollowtDQ pencwu ••• do.nq b~•••-u W\JLTI w.JDIA OISIGIIS ,lO &out 17'~ S• Suuo f c-• W.W CA ~27 W II••• T S.Jw•c llO 1 7•~> s. s.. ••• r c-· ,._ CA ~2617 lo~. H w, .. ~o,~ P 0 ao •• :10 1111"' llo•po•' I ;•.; c-. ,.._ CA 'UtM Tht~ h-N"-•• oed.., .. .a b., a ~·n••• ~'·••uh.~ S ~ ad H w,.,..,r f"ht.t .......... • ... l. -.4 • If\ 1\e Co ... ,, C'-h 0•••~ ..... ., o• Dec •••• , ......... 0.., .J 10 .~. b I ) t tel' .. T\• tri.--pc: ' l .. • ~ · , . "'"' "'"'" PVIUC IIOT1CI IIOTICI 01 AI9UCA 1'lOII roa a&AIIO& 1111 oWJrDU~ Of ALOOeOUC IPDAO& UCUIU To Wt.oelt w... c-c.rn NAIIICHAL p,.....,...., ' .. 4 ~ • A • ..-. aJJ~q o .,.. o.c-.~~•" t Ak~ ..... ,.,.. c\)J!I ,o. ,<', .:>-So.•• ... , ud Wtoo PUI UT PL 41 ~~ ... u 6Jeot":Jo' ••• ,.., .. •' MOl ,__ l l•d i'-d ....,, "•....,,.IoMeii C A ,.,.bU.. 0.., u JO •• •• 6 ,l ,..z,.n.~.-•L•.qr PWUCI'Ofta PiC II itoOI anDtDI IIAJaiTA TDCIIft n. lollo~ pe,_ ... ~OIOQ b........ .. atOMASS run PliO cs:uo-.5 t TO m1 l Coaot """ 5""•• I Co,.. rkl w., CA ~ 1 •• ,., co. .. n e1tO• lAc • c.-.tot ... l'Oopooa._ l7l1 l Co.ar H-. S..11a • c ... .,....., ... , c.~ n.. ~..... .. C'oM.ct-t "" • ~~••·-4 ~""~'r k4-.cl At..• K.,..... ............i r l'l.,.4"' c,..fll •• ,.,. ... lee' l\t• ....... "' ••• h ···~ ~~ t ..... , C\e'\ ot Vu r.,. •tt•• ~ 0.. 24 IMI ,.,.b,... t.. ••• 1\1 •• 1 • T~~M.-'-• rl~lSI "14'~ PVIUC IIOTICI rtCIIIWIUaDIDS ......,Aft111Jn T\e ~ -... <AooroQ -ao •J SIACOAST lt1lUll:aS ~'f t.l SIACOAST SIC\IIIm nt1'Dtla t) IIAco.ut .U..UMI 4J sucout DI'TDI*t$D rNC a• ...... ~ .... c....w-c.~ s..-tor-..-t. a ca~ ........ -···-~ ........ rt ..... e-...... C.Uiol7 n .. ...._ • ......,~ .... "' • .... _ .. _ ....... a.,.,,. w-. ""-• ...__Ca .. ,.. .. _ hoc ...... ---· .............. c-.,., a..• ., o.-c;...,.,, "" 0.. ••• , .............. • 11 » n IS •• ,.....,_,r-.,.. """' • 'It ~liOnel ... ,,,.,.__. ... ..,..,..., n. ...._ ...---... ...,._ • .-.nG& nooucTa • ww.--o.-. c--. ... w.. •. C.A-~._-... ... .. OIAollo o..-.. Mu CA ~ ............. -ou .... ~ ..... ·CA-no. ...__. ... _ ..... -... ....... .....,.,_. ...... ftCIIIIOCa.._. .... ..,.A.,...., ,.~_ .......... It-.. OOIOIIA W 6 Q 110 I JIOI r\.lt .. , lntaa, C. 12714 .._..,ta-t C. DOl o\llcMo ,...,.. CA 12714 U I G, .. , Co.-, • ~ --40110 MacA< tb<.... ...... .000 ....._. ...., .. CAUIIO n.. ...._ .............. "'. -"" ,........,...., ....... a, ... , a.a-,,_,_ u • Q, ... c... n..--hlod ......... e-rr C._. el o...,.. c.-,, oa 0... 1e IM I ,...... 0... 10 Ju ll JO 1812 .. n.. ~ la.oOQ• F17WT.l ~4 PVIUC IIOTICI P'ICIIIIOOI....-al iLUG ITAn::MaT n.. ........._ .,.,_ .. tSoo•• ~ ... PL-''A UAL DTAn AlfD llfVISTWDITS 101 w.cr ...._. PI ....,.., INcll CA t*l I•H••'I' w Lew .. 1!04 o.: ... o alvei a.lboo CAtall n... "'-• cood..cwod It• •• • rlmdul ....... lellr.,W t... .. n. •• ,..,_, •u tu.d Wlltl rh• Cov..ty C'-r• ot Or•Doo-Cot,~aho at Dac ,, •• , Pul>llol> o.., 2J :10 tee: ••• 6 IJ ltl2 •• TIMo ,._,po,lo•~<~• rt7171J lf&.6.11 PV'IUC *>T1CI ncTmOUII I.SWDI U.CU ATDaiiT Tt\• tollow.aq ,.,.,, ~• do,aq b_._ •• NOIIL.IT'S OIIAPHJC OISIGif 6 VISVAL COWWVICICA notf 72._. r .... , w.,._, ... , CA 'I:IA3 J....le T Wora.. 72 .. f••••• w ... ..-., CA 'ii3M3 'T'lu. ............ -. C"Oed~c'-d kn •• •n rLvortv.l Sorped I.. ado l Wor l.t n. ............. hNd: Wt'h ,.,.. Co.et' Ckt• ot ~ ... QIIt Covaty Clof] o.c ..... ~ 0... 21 1(1 Ifill lu 6 I} 1112 .. Tbe lfewpor• Woqa , 171771 lfnll PVaJC II01'1Cl nctmOVS IUIIIftSS IIAJIE IT A TDUJI'T Tbe lollown"" perooa ,. olo<aq ...,_ •ISLAIID WASH Ill Aq••• A•• loJboa lolaM CA il'l61 WLlt~ L.. P'l...et.a lli Tlllrq~,..,­ A.. lalboa laload C A ill62 n_.. -....... .. • C'OIWiht•_,... by •• 1ft ch•orl•al Soqaaci W,u ••• La f\aolo n._.. .. • ._ ... , ..-.. hW wtU. ,.,_ Coua•• Cieri <>1 0•••~ eouart Doc II 1!111 l'ublial> Dar lJ lO 1'181 ,.. ~ IJ llll •oTIIeH-,&o..•or r t787M llt6lll I'VIUC I'OTICI ncnnoos~UU~aa RAJa ITATDOXT T&. ~owuu1 pertetl ~• clo-no -.,..,_ •• S'TAII aAY llfT'tiiiOtiS 1811~ s.. w.. ...... So ,.,..., .... v.u.~ CA 97701 ~' L a.an.,, 1167!> Sao W..rC"''e S. rounta"' v.u., C A 02101 nu .. b"-'l.... ... ~-.~cted tt-. ·" 191\ d••wl...! S...-~' L a. .... , nu. .. t .... t --t..a..d -th "'-• Cowaf• Cl.r• ot Or~ C01o1at'f oe 0.C II 1•1 ~ o-2J ~ 1... lo• l 1M2 •• T\e ........... "'·"'· Jl"'"' lft6 )«> ~IIOTICI nc:tmOVI .... ...~~ n. ~ut......-... ,.,..,. .. ~ b-•-•• 00111 JltVI.STNIWTS J8IO w-,, PI s... .• l4D ~ • INc• CA iUNP Do ..... I St.a,..., 4 8och ,_, Co._. 6rrol W.r CA ~ n •• ,.. .... _. .• (lood-.,c • ..-~ .c. dr•odwol S.., .... 0. ..... I St., .. , Tlt.. .._.'-_.« ... kW •Wh 1k Co""'" c .. ,~ ~ o,...., C...e ,. ~r Dec ..... , r..bt...ll o-lJ )C .... ··~ h , l ltll ~ n. • .,..._.,..,, ta...o~ f .71711 "11.6)J I'VIUC II011Cit ncnt10UII UIUIIN JUJG ITATDIDT ~... lollo-ta9 peraoo• .,. do.o~ bwo eon •• l OLl PAIIIIII ASSOClA T'CS ..et0 Voe Ito,...•• A•• llowport heclt. CA w.; '.lteoo Laaol Co r o Doe~•NI M ltoo toll v,. Udo !!owd M ... p.>,. ..... • CA ~ D P Worlrl».... , H•·' w-le• ~><~•• Co.-o •1 Ill•• CA Q~ , ...... 0.·· m .. S.odw•• La.. Co-• <MI Woo CA ~ T .... ~, l 5>·.0.• liS (.,..,,.q C o ••or ll6eol C..-. rki W..t CA 9261S .... ~., , .oc..... s ..... S..r Dt .. C• .. <»~ W.r C A 9J6.11 ~o .. , A II -• tol a.J,, 'i ~~o..,_• ...... CA 1M« M "•• l ....._. ,.. No-• •·• ".o.ta wo_.,. .... A CA iolMO 'o.tlo If H•r•onc• li.Z Vot•e a.,.. ~••'POl" a...c,., CA 'i1I60 W...t••• '"'"" u IJ.c-~t~ .... t" 'VIW CA r.... b......... . toM-.l'lea ,..., • r,.•""• ,.,..,..,_,. o S.tt,.d T flllo-h , ........ h\.1 ~......... .... ........ -... ,._ CO\In"' ca.,. I (lt.fH~ c""''~' Doc 11 ••• r..bhoh 0... lv lon 6 IJ " PUI.UC IIOT1CZ ..oncz ro OOin1lAC1'0III s...Jo4 .,,_.. • .u ... ,_,_ •. ••• D.p.tt"'••' of T••a.t~PCNt.hOf'" U(l 5 ,..... Sr ...... 1000 lot A•~l .. CA .,012 oar.l l eel«• p • •tt lal\ l l 1•2 •' -~· " •~•• 1~ .,,. M p-. ... ~l't o~n.d •"4 , .. d 1• Aoo• l •• .. ._. • .,,... lo• t:~o• .. t.rltOt'> 0. St.la "••h••Y f'1rd•n"'"• • t• '"'• •P<M t • ,..,n, '"·'··~· Ct •"•< .. ~ .• t ... , ... ( ... .. ... ••kWio-o Ouflt.. Co,.•t't ~... l'rt••ro•• ... " •1 leA·• A"• "••• I • .... 01 Ote l I • .., •11 ... "'0 bro4o--to ~ •~H •••• 'Hiab.t C'Ofi41!H.., ·~ J,)t • bt" ... •• T" • ,....,... A14 P'" • "' \ to-~~~~~· J!IUflltr<•l•t• .. _. ... _, ~"' • ., .. INrloC" p.~!.- H c-•• ~--.... ~~·· • -,....., ..... I , .... PI ,.,.~ W• •r-• ·~··.-.4 b ew ..... ,,,. •~·• ....,., ............. . ,.._ ..... ""'·-·--· .-.. "" ~ .. ,.. .... Wd .. 6. , .. _.. .. f....C~ •• ('~~aPt" .. ....tJll.. .. ,..,. o.,....,. ..... ~. -4 l te •••ert•holll! ''••• ••4 l td ~ • .._.. a... W Ttefll.,_•••t ~ ....lei ... lllO " It , 0 .... 1 .. CA HIIOJ ....:.cmc~ liOnel 0/IWIW'**tO DIQ.AOa. ftW~O/I ·~·ICWVVIUW le w ........ , c--. ...__ 10 -ol ,.,. ""-........ ... _ .. ......,,._ ..... ~~ae ...... ....... _ .. ..u~ --...... ,__ .... ~ .. lol'-e •• ,.. 0. ... ca...w.. 110 ...,.._c..-Dol .. ..._. a..cll CAtJIIO ,__,o ...,ll- lloe ............... .-.,... .. 11M o...n.-.. AleoloMlc ...__ C..IJ'ol lot -.... ~IC "---'-.. -~~­H .... ,._ hWaoll J-6 IJ J0 ltl2 ra Tile ,...,..,....... lf&Ml PVIUC IIOTICI P'ICJIIW,..._ IIAMIITATDIDrT n.. ...u....... -.. .so ... q -.. C1.A.SS1C OUoGCS 1157 I ucio St S.Uio 144 ......_, IHca C. ,_., w..nt.. A ~...... 291• Carob Sa W....On IMclo c. i3e60 T\• bw.aa-.. ~ btl ••• , d,.,d.,.J Saoa.d W•n••• A Stoc- rtu• llltac..-~ ... , • .., • .rh •Ill• eo ... ., Clerlr ol Or-C....or, "" lu S 1812 r..bltall 1.. 6 13 ~ l1 li82 ·~ Tloa N-rt ln•u "10217 N'I:Btl4 PWUC liOnel -ncnnovs IUSDUlll ....S ITAT'DUIIT n.. loii-.. Q pe-.,. riotaq .. ....,._ .. IOICHll !U.S GIIOIJP nJNO I 21112 II Laoo Laq,.no 11..,.... CA 9281'1 La•" V Dlo P 0 ... 2227 "'"'""" S.••• h CA i:20ir1 1... Lao~~e 1411.1 lt.c:W'•o l..Q••• Hollo CA 92li6J a:...,....lllo Group • po..-..a.p l7812 D La., laqu .. M.,. ... CA92677 nc:a w~ .. oad .. rr.d 0\' • h•l...S per1Mr•lup S..C,D.-d &..• l ... ... Tl..J• ....... a. .... h~ • Ill 11M C~ty C•trt I Otu~ Co..Dt' o.c 21 1.1 r uba... Doc lO l•e 6 I] lfJ lll2 •• Tho llo-pon la.o.Qo 1'179JMI 1116.1.: rvaic:IIOna PICIIIW_.... .._ITATDIDrT n.. -u..... .. -.,. ~ .,_ .. GOLDaiWlST ClOI"l COWPIJIY '"* Gow.. w-w-CA S131a3 T-"*- Jr 7...s s.M&~..-Woy S....- CA IIOMO S..a W..na ...01 II••., A .. ~"IoMeii CA93113 .,. b-.. c:oood .. .,.... by • -••al .,.n .. ..aop S.,....! S••• ...... nu. 1\a ..... , wu holM ..... lh. COt.Utt' Cl.r• ol Ot...,qe CoWl;., ..... lao 4 I~ l'.bbo.l> 1.. 6 I J 20 17 111:1 •• ,.,....._~ao.q. rteooe. HI&,. PV'IUC IIOnc:t flCTI"nnUUIUSIIIDS .._ITAl'DID'T T\e ~-.......... q •~•••••• •• TIIAII5WO II LO NAIIXI"nMC 474 I , 7\lt. Sr s,.,,. :l:liS c-. -CA QU'7 1.11 I c.nor 1n ' .,_,_A.. ......_, laecll CA 9M3 let 1' .. ~ lOMe/ S.a t-•-•-V,.;iey CA U7la --,_ 2521 --s,.,y.., .... 5&••4 Aa. C A t:l70o .,...,.,. &""........ .. c:ca4.c-"" • -..a ,...._.-. ,._ loU I c ..... , -n..... •• ~... •• t..-cl ·•i!! c:o...n C._,., .:>~ Ourao-c~"''• 0.. 21 ,.; P.JN.... Dec 30 ,, .. , 6 • M2 •• T~ ,.._poe1 llt•.q: ra 1tl7. Nii>JC. rvauc IIOnc:t F'IC'!11100a IUSDID$ IIAJUITATDII:IrY T~ to.Jo..~oq p..uo•• ar-. o~·"'4f b,..,._ .. ltJifl(tt ILI.S GIIOUP 17111 El La.. Laq~n• ll..,w•l C: A ezcn L.. .... v w. IDe • Co.lilo• • orpout1011, TlM l~nl\ .. Co.,.,_n,. • C a.ldottue r"Orlf!Or•'•.:>n ~" •u1ft.... .. ('Oftl'jucted lrv • g.,..,., lJ.et'D•nl'llt StOned TM a;,, Gte Co l•n k ;ar•• ,,~a_.,. nu. • .• , .... n• -·· lu.d lllt&11-! ... C4N.,, Clet. ...,. o,.,.:w C'O\oA ' J Doc J8 iill ,,.aw,.. o.... .... ..") • fill U\ T"-.... .-p ... , l all.IQt r ,"9J7C IIIH\o rnuc: IIO'T'Ia IIOTICE OIP ftOI'ftrS SAU TS!IIeiOJIM fN.-. Ca•b.n.ae ...,.,... ..,_.., 0. , ..... ,. lt lti:Z .. 9 ; s .... SICU'IIJTT AWED SIIIVICIS • :1• 1 appotat.C ff\6.1· .. ~ttoac:f.,r aad ~~'"'' ..... ~ to o....~ .. t ,,.. ,.OHJ .. I•'~ a -.. ... ~~~ 7 • J -)}4tl) - -.... Otlo<".a -..... ........ ......... .. .... c ..... , ~~ec...-.. al o.._ eo-., S..·· ol co~.-.... wu.L SIU AT PVIL.IC AVCT1011 lO HIGHIST 1100111 •o a CASH .,. .... b ............. ~ .. . •oe•" "'' iM U •·•-.d St• .. • 1 ._ bo. ••• ,e.t'l<". o ... * o .... v. Cet ...... Co-.."Mv• .-..c•ted a S..,., Aaa lonv•...,ar4 '-'.....o S-.c•aoiP s.,..,, •ad l ro.cl••• S.a'• A,,_. C.£~~" ... .u r.qt.l '•' • •M ,.,.,.., r" r~ ..... 1:1 •A.;t ,.,... &•W .,. t '"'ct.t .. ad o..d Af !fwe ~ •tr... p~~· ••~••eel '" ... .ct -""'" ••d S.•t• c:M.crto.d .. A t.-.. ...w ........ ud ... lO' .... h •c' Mo ~ • ,.._ Cih o~ N••s>v" 'a..ac~ Coue'' t»f O.aD" Sa• • •I C.t .. to•• ..... •"'""' pret -..p •...:ot'-d •• ...... 110 -~ l! .. ~ l't w . .c.t..a.~.o ..... ,....,.. •• • ..,. .:>H~ ot ,.._ c ..... ,. Rwor~ ol o, • .,.. C •• .. c.,, ..... ~ ,..._....e4 ....., • , .... ~ .._.. c&...-A•o 1. tM.\ .,._._. ... It D" •M tr .. ,.,. CC" • w ... ~ V•"t~•a•• CtJrPDf•'f!On •• ....._,~ •"'4 l••aw..-.-.. larod c •.. t--. ,... .. .-0. l Jllt.J •• .,.. .,.. ~ \1 .. ~ l"('a..l ........ o4 o,.... c ........ c.~ ...... .. TM ,.,..,.. .dd ...... ,.cj 01••· ~ --ft .........,,. •• .a. •• &e~ of ... • .. P• .......... ...._ ........ •tao.. .. .,...,~, .... "'""*a a....-s· ~·· -or• C'ab ... a • f1rrr.-•·4~ r, • ...,. 4 ......... .... .._ • .,,.., tot &a't IM'Of,..-:"....,_ ~ , ... ··~ ............ ,. ..... f ....... .......... 1 .... , ............... . S.od .... .vi .. ·-....... , - \ .... .,h ., ..... =zl3..l_t'M ..... %dp AIUIOU1tCEIIItTS 1 rw..ral NotK:H l FWleral Direotora 3 C...tery Crjpta 6 Loll 4 W..Orial 5 JloriiD & Azaaoucemeot. 7 Accowala.rltl I Attomey ,,..__. 10 Lo.t aod foii..Dd 11Sc~ 12 aum.-PenoJlala 13 Baakia9 14 P«a ud Lav•oc:lr 15Gul9e SaMe 16 Health 17 Tre...VV~&boa 18 htertaiuteot 19 Gilt Suw-tlona EMPLOYNERT 23 Help Wanted 24 lmploYlSI•nt Aqcy 25 Co~U~MIIn9 Svc 26 Llee~ Chldcra 27 Situhona Wanted nN.ANCIAL 28 Nooey Wanted 29 ~oney To Lo.n 30 Busin-Op_por 31 Investment Oppor 32 Tr\llt o..da and Mortq•9• 33 Auto Fineoc1nq 34 lnaure.oce MERCHANDISE 35 !.t•t• s.t. J6 Sporhoq Gooch 371u1 J8 ~tlq\IH 39 AuctiO.D.I 41 Funutwe 4l A.ppllaoeee 43 r.~o~&.reo. 44 Wuuc:allun&JIUIII 45 OtfH:. lqwpmeot 46 sw.. .. ud Coi.D.I 47 Sewtnq W.Cb1o• 48 Pebric• 49 Diemooda/Jewelry 5o Wa.c:ellueoua 51 Weol To Buy R.Eit'TALS 52 Reotela To Shue 53 A.p&rtmaot• Unlrn 54 Aputraeoll Fum 56 Hou.Me UnJwn 57 Ho~~M~ Fuml&hed 58 Condoa/Twnh- For Rent 59 V ~oeehon Renl•l• 61 RooDU For Rent 62 Ofhce/Commrcl 63 RMI Hom .. 64 Bo.rd and Care 6S G.reqe For Rent 66 Wanted To Rent REAL ESTATE 67 Jtealt:Nta 68 Ho-for Sale 69Colld~ For Sale 71 Loti ud AcTM9e 12 Reeort Property 73B~Ptoperty 74 lncoJH!Comarcl Property 7S Property Nn~J~~~Dt 76 lncoaellDdutn&J Property 77 Real IM1e Wuted/Eacbaoqe MOilLE HOliES 80 Wobt1e ao- 81 WobU. Hom• WADted 82 Nobile Home Prb BOATS ... ao.t./Eqp;ant 85 Boet Chuter 86 Boet Slip• AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholatery 88 Motor Hom .. 89 R~oertn Vab1cles 90 S.rv1ce/Repair 91 Notorcyclell Nopeda 92 Bu:ycJ.a 93 V ana/Trucb For Sale 94 Trucb/Vana Wanted 95 Auto Parts/ Acc_...- 96 A'utoffrclr L-mq 97 Auto. We.oted 98 Autos For Sale 99 Anbque/Ct..Jc c.u 5f1.0RJSTS snCIAJ. CARl-ww t&b uperl C&l'e of your bouM plaJlta. Call fewy. 986-9173. RODGER TUilKER bcorpor&tiou, patent. aad bl&li.D-......... DAY OR NlTI APPTS ACCIPTID "'*' RANCHO SAN JOA- QUIN/Ranc ho Waaa Verda Athlehc Club trall.terr&ble member· ahtp at a ducoiUil. S1SO or beat oUer Days or •"" b.lore 9 p m . 833-3344 IATTORMEY DPIRT 1.o acc:idat c... r .... ~. lion. Wr. Suauela, 8S1·!a)2. ltiCBOOLS• aamiOCTIOR PAIIN'I'S: Ql,. J1DV ciLIWrea tM c:t.uc. 11o -~ tMU bod.Ma. Ti.Dy Tota W... ...t 'IJ'NM"k-. .,... 9idt. all eo-. laroU DOW: Jr.. vt.e GJW'IIMtk=l, !We- 1211. TUTOUNG: Cndea· ~ur~. • PDt*at. w.th, ~ra, ~ try, r.-.:~a. Sp.pa. IIBEAL1'B IPEUOIWS ~ ~~: ABORnON AJfD nu co0eve bouda. 673- prepaocy ta.ti.D9: hr· 6013. --.1 ud caat;d,ti&l [)' 01U Or YOU1l N- c.re. Low lea bac.l~ Y-.r'a reeohttlocul » to ~. WI t-... -'· the piAno call Doll IW'qery, a«lic&tioa ucl ..-J .0.14. ' . poat·oparaUve aaaJD . u .l57 14· 23 HELP G.11eral =ul .. p) or LOVI WOilltiNG wUJa WARTED loc.l ............ 1 a -•• _.._,u-? Traia lor a ah;_ 8:na1 tOr ~d: =l:'v car-• at UA.IN TO IAB.N aid aterlliution ROIIIOD lnatitute. raJ. $180/wMk. Work 1-2 (lamala), vaaectomy lowab.ipe availeb1e. houra clail)' 1tulfua9 (male), aDd late abor· RaqUitratioo clo.a Je. eavelopea. s-ci ..U· 1•-n proc:·-'u-u • .>. 22, 1882. 831-0961, addr-.1 ae&.apad •· "" -·-· .,...... veJona to •-al, -4.U Cal ud W\lraace IIC· 1 862.:.::=·5521===· ====:., .-._ cepted. Call C.Woml& '' W• Coaaoa.-lth. PtecJD&DCY COIUIMliA9 Depe._L. ruDenon. CA S.rvtce for uaJonaaboD APPLE saiOOL 92£12 or l.m.Jaecfjate appoi.DI· A u1que &aammq ea-CI.AIIOUit JOa mant. lo Newport ,..,_ t.dlv.diiAI· 1..eadiD9 -«ic COlli· B.ech, (714) 7S2.Q053; I.Md Pf'O'II'-. P&JIJI 11111-U.. pay, ua Seat& AM. (714) APPLE SCHOOL part·U.. !toual WUI 972.J104. tu.la. Stut DOW, l.b ecf, SDfCIU ~~Uee-looklllq 557-1753 •utaqe of Ul82 bali· white aale, 30 ,..,., Ul· --c..n se6-m4. leNited iA oJdef WOlD· It PETS • MDD BABYSU 1 D &a· ea, aOIIlly 401. Allen, UVESTOC::!K aedi&tely. Full-tiae, 5:34-7650. ...we.,., tma. ..... P R 0 F ISS 1 0 N A L AIC GOLDIJI R.atri.eY· IW-oea. 857-5324, hoaeact.&.lllnq_: "The •r pupa. lacaDeet padk •---==------- How To'a 6 Do'• e.od 9'"· 108 c:U.pioa ti· CAHV ASSDS tor aolar Doll'tl of Starti.Dq Your tlea. All ..tu.d.. 4fB. •• 00 ,...__ B-----.H 0.-..1 •1 • ..., U.tiDcJ . ._. per ...,.,.... -._ · bolu. Call Patrick at S8.85 to A.JJc:. BoDecto, PAJliOT -Do.abJa , ... -_....__6p a S.14-C Wahaut A ..... h · ydow-beeded A..u.oa. ~. •-. . viAe. CA 92714. YOIUlq, .._, with c&Qe 0 U AD 81 P L I G 1 C IOLOST• FOUIID NALI BASSITT. black, browo &ad white. Faaale Hulry, IIIW!ed Clr&J. MaJ. Poi.Dter. li,. aod white. NAJa aiaed Coc:lrar. broWA aod white. Wale t..b, black. r-a~e l.b&M Apeo, white aad gray. W&1a Dobie. red. Newpon Shehet, 125 W.. Dr., 644-3650. ud playpea. saoo. ~ hall.U.. aide. ~ __ ... lo..al... c.D aoms-nwaber _o.._.., pape ..... -7 1 ....., 532-39'12, aak lor tiac:Jl wi~ -~ CDQe ---__ .... d &-Pe-.,..v•r Adwatch ..... 11&11 • • ....... WOI'11 3800. AIC DOBIIlWAN NIIDD>: W-thlq oe PUPS. RecU ud blac:b. 1uve lUll. $4.00 per $300. Cal1486-U03, ... llour. Call710-903l. lorWiollMI. IS GARAGE SALES Jo•lt••vt:RilnMdl, •nd JaiiCIIll nemty 88,000 homes! 2 721 E. (Odst Hwv lorooa d~l Mar 6 73-0550 1WE£K 6WEEKS 13 WEEKS 26WE£KS S2WEEKS Open 6WE£KS 13WE£KS 26WEEKS S2WE£KS 1 WEEK 3WE£KS 6WE£KS $1.24 pet hne 99 pet 1m. 89per hne . 79 per line 66 per line $12.95 1046 1020 940 850 MIYAftltAII"fY -·-S595 tor 18 words 10'11> DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT ,-----------------------------------------------------~ Classified I \.lit compute yow o ArD cmd chop It lD the mall. ---~-----~-----1 ------~-------~------1 ~------~-------+------~ ~------~-------+------~ ~------~-----~----~ ~-----~----~----~ ~-----~-----~-----~ r-------~-------+-------4 (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) (11) (21) (24) (21) ()()) (33) (36) ~ . . ,._,_..,. .. ______ .,....... --~------~-------L------~ . ... • • • ' ' • I • • I • ' • • • • • • • • ,,..._...._....._,_ .... l -------~---~ ......... .,~.... .Ot ................ . ........ ........ __ _ M <'he..,.-. ..._ __ _ ... "--------- ~ a., .... ,. • ......,,l,. a........ ........ _ .. __ ....., .,.._AI......_._. .... _ ....... ~-.....; ....... , ....... c.. ... ... • • I I I I I I I I I I ' • • . • I • I • • • • r • ·-····--··--·--------·------·-----------·------·-·-·--· 2721 E.CoatHwv .. COfonedefM.r673·05~ PEOPLE WHO UU: tal.kinq people will love thia job! We need enerqetic, arti<:ulate people to call hom ow office. Full or put time. Day or eve.nmq ab.ifb available. Startinq aal&ry $4/hour. No upe~­ iuoe aece.ary. We will tc~ai.n you. Call behrMJl 9 a.m. and 5 p .m. tor det..ila. CPN R...arch, (714) S4S- 145fl. ~~NIO~ IN~t-'tCl~J~ MAr ~IN~n PAOT~ ....................... ·~e tb 'I till F ... "I'IWI ..... 0 .,..,. coMoc:lof ol .. tpoce ..... halan..c n ·~-an~ ~--,..~~111 "*"' .. INp«. *I al ft1GCM'*' oarta. Yau'l,...._....,.._cns-.-• IOclf ~ .... Clll1l ~ ""'*"'*• and ~ .. 111m& Your .. 111 II* lfQIId ..,..,. ~ ~ ~ .... kllllal~ ~0 liOn~ ............... ..... lngcoadalali .,....-a~--.~ ~ar--.and~ conto.A I PUPP11' SHOWS lot ¥UJ ..-:W bltt.lwlaJ perttea, du.b or cbrclt pertiea. c.u Pet wu.oa. 547-1010, .1-37e. 18ClfT SOGGES- TIOD LOVE - u APPI.IAWCES WASHDIDRYD. SlJIS ••c:h. RafrlqeTalor, $225. s..rmv ruc:lU.Ile. as-oea c~eys, TJ0.6586 ..,..i.D9L a ta.EYISIOIIS/ SIDIIOS liiU SONY 36" Tri.lulroA couole coJor TV. Brud •-coodi· llOa. $898. 49S.J647. ••• •OONS PIAIIO Georqe ~ Steelr, con.eola apmet. Seiad -eoaa_ 10• lo,.. eacelleot cood1tloo . a bouquel of 30 ha)j\1111 • S ballooJll. Pert.ct lor neaaonebla. 1, 900. .,..ry occ&.doa. Per· 483-l998or496-7189. acmal ID...,q&. w. d• PlANO -1918 A.obqua liver. 673--4419. s.,.. Eimball Upriqht. Some thil ad. M.adcuvi.DQ. laceUaot coocliboD. Ra.aoo&bla. • UCEIISED $950. 581.e43. am.DCAilE GRAND PlANO -Nuat ST ATI LAW Rl· llaiC1'ific:e. BIM:l e.bo~ay, QUIIliS tUI ~ aaceUeot coodlhoa. who provlde chlld C&l'e $4,500. Call.-tollfr .. ua dMU hoae be lac-aaa.ber 1-«10-532-3972, eel. For i.DJo.....aioa oe aalr lor PeD.D.,..,.._r Ad· bow to~~ -tdlW059!5. Or~ Coii.Jity. call (114) ~112 t5 OFFICE 2tllom:YTO LOJUC EQUJPMDn' IBN CORRICTlHG S.1ac:tnc D. $800. llec:· IJVIUC typewuter, $800. 8otla lib .... axel· !eat. &31-5817. • WIDOW HAS WONn lor Trut o..da.. $10,000 \lp. No cNdit c~llO peuJty. Call o.u.oa ~. 673·7311 . a D1A11011DS • I HA VI WOMIY to loan JEWELRY Oil your llo-. Low lA· tereet, bw appraiaal. 7· ISTATI I SICOND daJ .me.. cred.it 110 HAND JIWUJlY ud prob&aat. Bill, (714) ..... li.Aq O.tware C:Oih 8M-31815. ad 1.. at Berltley'e, 2lO I . 11\11 St., Coat& 2ND. 3RD ., __ &e&eas. iQUi I i 10A.RI GINUDfl Colombia ()lUck aod ooot;d,ti&l. --.Ida. Yow eho~ce, Call Toa, MS-4lte OlllJ S20 per ~tone! CALL US LASTIII SW-~­ priaJaV)y u.... ..,. 2ad 50 MJSCEI - Trlloll Deed~ a..u..bla at " • __.,US eac:eptioully low COIIt ~ ~~i.Dt__. PUBLISHU DOES r.-aod proap4 .en• NOT ACCD'T li.ebWty ace. We IA'rite you 1!o lor iDc:orNC1 ~. cJ..:tt ow ~ 111 .... tlcal mec::c::\lr· 20 .,..... ~ '-&eiae, or typoqraplucal tM '-d.1.av i8d.....,. -n i.D uy -*-· Pvc.._ or ecrwtJ Joana ._._ pu.bbabad m Oil 1 l!o 4 IUlit.. Wmuaua 1J1oa Cout W.CU. News loan arraa,ed 1a ,. __ _ lM.Dc:l&1 ~p. $10,000. CAN --. .. e "LD, D a •1 S.nic:ea il • pe-,-1 ""'-AJ___, ftft.R propeftJ hrobr a...,o-e.od out-ol-pnal. We bator. All Joana &re col· buy ucl ..U. "'ut-of· lal!oralllaed by a coa· prial boob ow apectal- bia&t.lmt of ,..UpenoDAl r;,.::hoow\de S..Uc:h ptaperty · Call S.... ._.... A 's BookB '!~~· n.o..--. (714) 8J6. -· . riltol ....... ta 5812 cl.eys. (714) 552· Au, 549-81548. 2908e-U:tq.. DDWOOD 2&fi deck· la9 -4-20' loDq, 25-• ARTIQUES c:.ata toot. Jim, ~- BABY G8AMD PIANO, _, uaytUaa. St..,....ut UW. 13.000 IIDSPUADS, WAN\1. lira. A.atiqu ~ PACI'UURS OUTI..IT: roll-top dad, staG. L•r9 .. t tn Oruqa ,.,. • .,. 511-GIO. CoiUity Beddinq & tl FUR.IUTUJlE Bedlpr..t H-. 1440 s. w..m St., S.Ot& Au . Nrill USID: Sola. ldtaqer/Waln 835· to-..t, $300. ~ 1611. ~=-e~ ~: JAMUAJIY SAVINGS - tr .... a/boa apruaCJI: A.oyda.mq A IYW)'t)UDq twm, SIO; ht.U, 590; Tllrilt Store. 2Sf7S ~· SJ.JO Wo .. ll T.a.dro. W.111ioa Viejo. llloe, 7'10-01101 511·7112. CoU.ctiblel. DUDL P"'lDDCH Pro-aaiqQe. ~ eec:ood- Y18Cioal ~. $200. Mad de-.-- Poker tahle/eaata (Oif v.. Fahnc:aot.) llfoldawaJ, $75. Oo•at10u •c:cepted. •l.QII53. Suldleb.c:k Coaallllity ~aterp,_-~ L.:U=:AP:=;';;;W;;AI::;ItC::::;CI::;EB::;=.I Worb.bop, UDded Way AteKJ. . ~ BOTOFnlll OOI.D CAIIIJ 10~ CUSTOIIER8 so 1118CEL- LIUIEOUS NJ:WPORT BEACH Teootl Club laJDtly ~lor .U.. ~~ 'llome, 9&t- 8222oHK:.. SIWAKTTO IUY WANTID: FURNI· TUBI. appliaocel ( ,._ lriqeraton, wauare, d.ryera, rv·.. workillq/ DOD·workillq, A.otiCl\1", p~. ofhce turaltuN. $SCAS, (714) 9!51-8161. WANTID: USID fUR. NITtJJtl. modern/AD- tlque. Relriqaraton, wuhen. dr,.n (work· IA9, noo-worlrmq). lAa, 957-8133. PJUV ATE COllECTOR wa.ota auhtuy aouve- otra, 1890-1945. Alller· leAD, GermAD, lnt.ah, )ap&n-. Jt.al.iaJl, elc. Rata, IUidonu. daq- qera, .-dale. UIA9DID, ate . (71.) n&.0494 evtbae. 52 REif'fALS TO SHARE COAST HOUSIMATIS -Coll~t .--. mate penoeal prohla aernee. "Sh&naq equla b.tter livtn9." DD.ey, 494-1294. OUliT DOD·IIBOklaq male, 20-40, wanted to lhara ~bed100a tu~­ lliahed ll'"rioe bo~. Ho-pool, utllJtiea lA· eluded. S27S aooth. Lll, 551-8578, •v• llinqa. ROOMWA Tl WANTID to share 2·bedrooa dopla~ w1th pool $225 plu 1/2 utllihaa. Available ..... ed..-te)y. Debby, 642-7477, 831·6290. ROOWNA Tl W ANTID -Walettaa&Ja ao lhare 3 -badrooa bouae, ~HUla. Wuhtnl d.ryaz $.240 ph1.8 113 ullhb.. Call toWr .. ouabez 1..8QO..S32-3!172, ... lor,__.,..,... Ad· watc:~ WOSI. BOO.WNATI WA.NTm -Pool, pnvale laiUI· dry. HBO. S250. T Ollll9 DOil·llDOirlAq profal· eaonal, llhadeat 761- 3633. IF YOU UVK 011 tba be.cb and you .... • ,....., apec:lal penon who would Uka a 11011·aaolr· IDQ lady to ehare your home, call 499-1S.7. Let's barter SHARI laQILIIa Niquel h.illa.da coodoauua.a. Pool, )&CUUJ. S300 plua 112 lll.l.l1ll.. 483-4288. 496-9510. CONDO TO SHARI -NalaJleaala, 2-bed- rooa, 2-be~ Newport S..Ch lacaJJeat loc:a IIOll OJl Petu.D.~Ula. S3SO per mollth. Call Inc:, $58-0841, 675 17i3, af1er6D a UNIOUI APART · WDITS&IIdto~ Wll1l c:athechal ce~. ·~.wetban,aiJ conclttionl~,. poole, MUGU, ~. ... • courta. Laaedaate evMl· &bJe: 1 ltlelbooa and dee. l bedrooa, l bed· rooa/2 bata. towo· hou.e. 8of1'Y, QO .,... 2400 llubor ll•d., CoN ....... 157-IOiiiO. DANA POINT IDTAL -ac... new. 1&..-2 + 2, fitepl.ec., ..... "'"" ep&n..l. MOO -.ern&. FUIUUSHID L&quna a..ch luurloua atud.io. Spa, TV, aald •nice, phone. SUS ~y. 4""222'1- fOR JlDIT -Sao Claaenta l ·badroom fuml.tled apartment, utii.Jtiea peid Walk to bead~ e.od ahoppta9. No c~ or pet.. S3'15. 492-1120. CRARMIMG RENTAL: l.eqii.Jia Beach North End bo-Unfumuh· eel Flreplace 1 OT 2 reapoaaiDie •d u Ita . $650. No p«a/cluldren. Call tol1lree nWilber t-aoo.m.J072, uk lor PeDJlyuver Adwatc h. W02.82. RINT AL: L.tquna Hilla bo111a, bred new 2· ltory, 3-bedroom, 2~­balh. vt_.. Sl,2001 monthly. 643-1796. RENTAL: Ocean v1ew. llawlen arc bttec l· de119ned 3-bedroom, 2- batb home Adults 494-6703. 496-9786 Sl,JSO month/1- HOUSE RENTAL - Penor&miC ocean v1ew. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, un· hmuabed, San Cle· aeota. S9!50 C&U toU· bw number 1-«<()..SJl. 3972, aalr lor PMtnyaaver Adwatch W0583. FOR RINT -t,;91L114 Niq•el 4-badroom h.oaa, 2-bath . braplaca. bullt·IAI, Ylew S775. .firet, last, aecu.nty 831·2569. RINTAL -Lab Perk (La911na Naquel) 3 bedroom, l&mUy room, hiqbly upqraded. AvailAble Narcb 15 831 -3800. 51 CONDOS/ TOWJOISES FOR REin PUBUSHift DOES NOT ACCEPT ~wty lor iDcorrKi ~lmq. qramm•tk:al 1o~cur acl•, or typoqrapiucal anon ua any ad,..r lilaaenb pubhahed ua 1M CoMt Wed!& New. Grotap. WOODUJ:DGZ GL.EN 3-beclrooa, 1 ~-b.th, 2· llory coado wub lue· pt.ce, llpqraded, near p&rk and pool lDd IUIIt, by row of ~yptua ,,_ lln.mec:b&te poa- bQ1l. No pete Sns per .. oath. Cal11-244-7848 RENTAL -8..\ltaJul tum'ahed N1qual Shore~ condo, 2 badroom. qreal v1aw S750 760 8680. 497-4844 NOOORT -BEACH condo rental -31q. bedroom, 3-bath. ocean vaaw, S1,000 montllly Call toUlree nwnb.r 1-100-53:1-3972. aalr lo r Paoaya&ver Adwatch. WOlOO PIUNI N-port Beecb coedo WeJ.Iri.Jlq d .... lu.ce to beach and aar\aa Pool. spa, •ua. rec: room, J.rqe 1-becifoom SSOO per -~ lor real or ..._ optioo Call Todd, (213) 240-10Tl. 519.1CATIOR RDITAI.S BIG IIAJI CABIN Ski· laq, ~. lukln9. 3 b.clrooaa, 2 baths. u..p. 8. Firepl&ca. coapieMly lurruahed w .. \1, ..... d , ••• Moa·llaOhft &31-~. d2-295l PA.LW SPRINGS lur ftt.hed loury condo Sleapa 4 Swu11na1Jlq, j&c:UUl, leJlJUt Avail· ..W. wwlrellda or loft9· 1era. AN.aoa&bla r&te ,.,_,.. or 146·3188 -- 58VACAnOJf REifTAI.S PALN SPRINGS larqe hacienda Ill oJd Palm Spnnqa. Pnvate coun yard w1t.h pool, j~u&i. S200 per cUy 4 bedrooma, 3 baths 67$-722S. HA WAD CONDO - J(aao•pali Beach, M&w, "P&palr ... " 2 bedt\)()a, 2 b.th, complelely fur· n..hed, sleeps 6. S90 ruqhl. Special w .. Jr. ly/mollthly ra... Bro· c:hure. 851-0909. NAWNOTH CONDO at Ut 7, 8. 16 and 17. L.trqe 2-bedroOm, hre- plaee, m.tcrow•'"· color TV. }6CUIIII, MUD&, court.-y van. 545-1302, 545-1304. SOUTH LAJtfiA.Ho£ -Lovely contemporary 2-bedroom, 1 ~-bath. aleepe 6. Tah~ Keys, 5 m1nutea to alrunq, cUJDoa. S751mqht. (714) 646-2183. Sio TO UFTs ~ -Park C1ty, Utah C ondo. 2 bedroom, alHpe 6. Ov· count S99 ntqhtly. 499-1526 MAMMOTH CONDO: Snow -Snow -Snow -2-bedroom Wtth loh, •laepa 9. Sunday· Thura- day 1pec1al M1crowave. 1acuut, aaiUia, hre· pl•c•. underqround parlr:utq Call833-0717 GREA T BIG BEAR cllbm 1n the airy Lovely 3-bedroom w1th every· lhmq Color TV. hra· pl&ce, etc. Only SSO per d•y.646-818l 81ROOMSFOR REin' FURNISHED ROOW. pnvate b.th, lnlcheo ADd laundry privilaqlla. Coeta N.... S265 per month Mala over 30 Wllh QOOd Income . 642-2533 BOOM FoR RENT - L•lr• f orest S250 moathly wtth prtvete batb Call l.athy. 71· 4710 ROOW RENTAL -Mil- -Vte)O. NMZ lalta, baeutUul home AU utWtt.. $250.951-3745 IK>OW AND BOA.ID aYallabla ua w.-oa Vl.jo. Call &th at US-6738, 545-1421. &U-4096. MIOAR.D •CARE PRIV A T1 HOWl CARl for aldeti'J ambulatory. LrceONd, rettred nune 540·2562 17 REAL ESTATE EQUAL ROOSIRG OPPORTOftiTY Pu.bll8ltler' •ltotklet All .-I .... t. ad'rarbl-ed Ul thta ..... per. au.bjec:t to tba r ederal r.., HoiiiUiq Act of 19e8 wluc:h aabe lt lJ. t.cJal to edverllM "any ptef-ce, luaut..UO., or ci.sacnJrUD&boo b..d oo r~•. c:olor, reli- 9toD, an, or ~~~ Ofl9111, or AD uat-uoa &o ..... any NCll pre- t.r.ca, luataaboD. 01 ddcrial!l&tioD ... 1'7 REAL ESTATE UALTORS -lana 100~ COIIliiUIIlOn, daU lea II..Dder S100 per moo_tb. Space avaJJ.abla lor two aora a.qentl Call Suahow Realty. 631-2242. COUNTRY LIVING Spac:&oua 4-bedrooa oo 1 acre OD PeraltA• RUia wnth pooJ ud tpa. Rooar. lor leo-and bo~. ~· 10. 7~ IO.Ia .... Owner will C&JTY. A. dYCDCI to $4 1•. 0001 Call fanck Tenore, ReiWu a..lton, 759-1221. • -• -• tf • 0 .. i 0 II • n • ~ z !J. I 0 b 7l N b Ill • ~ s II d .. 3 I I I I I I • ~IIDIKX>W. 2-IA TH. ......... ..-. ~ QWDM". t.c.D.t llaaac-iaiJ. Soutl Whoa. (714) 744-22G. NO OUA.I..IrTING -3. beclrooa ~ aa Tu-ua. $101,000. O...s .oti..-1. c.u .... 235!. SMOIWONTH Wood· bridGe 3-t..drooa COD· do . .__til ...... Pri- .... yucl. llo J*L ... 31M, IIS7-1133. 5 BIDJtOON. POOL ..ct lip&. Want, lwnu· 110\la ho-. o-.. wtU llaa.ace ..... ._ .... Slfi.OOO. C.U Patrick Teoore, ReiNaa R..J. ton, 758-1221 OCEARYIEW .POOL Lab .... lu9e 4 '*"-witJl booN roo a . Ooly $421,100. A..v.ae U .N . C.U Patrick t-n. ~t. 7!8- 1221. PUIUIHII DOD )lOT A.CCIPT ~WtWay lor laconeCt ..,.w.o. CJr••~ .-.cc\&1&· a.. or typocJr~ enon .. -J ..-.,.,. ......... poll l+scl .. tM c.o.t ............ Gro.p. •IIOUIII POll IAI.E 4-lmlOON, 2-balh boa.. ,,~._.. CW· ct..e. $180,000. 897- .....0 dayt, 831-1837 .,... OPDC HOUSI: Sail&•· day/S11aday. Owaer ..U.. Price reduced. 3- beclroom, view. 661 Nya l.aCJu.na hac b. •COIIDOSI TOWIUIBtS FOIIIALE 1BYIWIIDml BUrp 3 bcb. c;oDdo uu ScNth Co.t Piau. 0D1y $115,000. Aveal. P~ Teaol'e. '7!8- 1221. R&'M~ EASDLUFF Spadou 4 bclna coDdo. A UAUTY. 1.19. patio widl ... ball C.U fol' tenu. o.-will tiaalc». Patrick Teoor.. eqt. 75-1221. R&'M~ BY OWNU -3- bedroom, 1~·battl, $110,000 lowaboiLM. Lab Por.et Sun & S.U CIQb. Take over $70,000 10,.. ueuJilable. S'1S4 Pm. You aame the lenu. Ca11830-5358. UBOUSESFOR SALE Lorge variety of many chOice rentals avalable Jan 1st. 1982 Newport Beach. Corona del Ma. The Bluffs and Irvine. r.~BOYD 1..:. • . • .. lOIII ILIIIS CD OVER 55 YEARS Of. SERV1CE FR131ASA BOIJOlJlT oro~ Modet ;J ~;;i,-C•nyon Crest condo for only S173,000 Two bedrooms. 2'h b.th. dinine-den. two p•tios, two fir~ places. lots of m1rrors. new carpetina. Enjoy the lovely pool. tennis courts and are•t neiahbors. (P.S lot i5 avail· •ble at $80.000. No down payment. 10'h" interest only for five years) nom' AILE PUNT AND IASnT SHOP Super Costa ~a loution. s.tS.OOO. lncludina Inventory fAST fOOI.DIJVE IN Busy (()(ON del ~' loution, SSS,OOO .:AtrnSALON Well established. •ttr ac live. Htahway (OfOf'la del ~r SlS,OOO 1 •OOIIDOI/ TOWIOISD f'OBIALE •OOimOSJ II CORDOS/ 11 LOtS• ACREAGE 10-.-zs TOWJOISES FOB SALE FOR SALE DIVILOPNINT Oppor1W111J -EuqaDe, Or-voa. 83 ac£M by eoi&Dif'Y club S275,000. (!103) -1571 29979 H .. lur Oak, huact'ioA City, OR 97448 t1lY 11$.000 Sharp ~ 2 bed- roo•. :Z\ot bath. Maw Tllrtlerock coaclo. Call tor cle- lalle. Patdck TenoN, eqeet 75- 12:11. LMGI 1-ID>ROON SACJU71CDIG The a.. ccado in S&eta Au. ~ke N.auaoo V1e1o N-ly paiDted in quiet, w•terfroat Coaclo - reeid.ab&l atM. Priced OGly ~ ol re&L.Iac: lot' quick aa1e u ow-r c~l value. with lmy vef'Y anaio\&.1 to ..n. Dowa -d ao qu.Wy· ~;.-3':;783~. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-...1 anq. Appl'~ Auou..t 11 1881 -S2S3.000 S.U IIURTIItGTON S199.ooo wuh ss.ooo 72RESORT PROPERTY Rf(M~ JIARIOR Down You ..u-•• CUSTOM illtlDQ 5169,000 tmanc anq aad qav• ma a FU'RJI1SBED S'2S,OOO 10~ 111ter.et· oaly note total monthly WA.o40TH CONDO -2-bedroom plu. loh. J bath. IIIOilDl&lll bac k 1,700 aq It , br&Ad D-. by Cb&Jre 7 aad 8 S.waa, 14M: llUl, hilly hu · n&ahad Superb ua.al C.U833 om PIUnEBOJIE 4 bd. •l»ool rv.Uy ~. laascf. ••ail. $329,000 with te raaa. Paluck Teaol9, ao-t 75- 12:11. Spec..Uy desiqa.ed pe)'llleDt.a $2,495 'Own mtanora, 2 Bch , 2 ar, (714) 170 I 140, Ba., 2 cat ou-o•. 1 951-l017 bcU coovaned to 71 LOTS • )aC\IUJ room. TaaDJa. ACREAGE pool, lp&, ..eunty 9ate $265.000 VIEW LOT -I.acoa· 3 CONDO TINE SHA.JtiS lor aale ua Pu•r1o V.U.n• Under tUrket Call 499-2355 Rf(.M~ $25,000 down. 1l ~~ cbdo S..utafw 2 acr• baaaciDq. Brk. (213) With •pprox 90 avocado 4l1-0447. II'-$75.000 837 UBOUSESFOR SALE ~.~BO=USES~~F~O~R~ S:BousES FOR II HOUSES FOR SALE SALE SALE Roben ~ Eilerbeli TheWelton-=~228 (D 21651. c:oa. Hwy. • Corono dill Mar (7U) 675-2373 .. ... --~ CHARMING NEWPORT I-EIGHTS $190.000 Secluded shing- led 3 bedroom partialty re- modeled home on pool size lot. Triple garage plus alley access RV storage. Paula Bailey 642-8235. Newport Beach PENINSULA HOMES 2113 MIRAMAR Newly remodeled, redecorated. Troclttonal 3 bedroom. 3 . both h0me1 mast• bedroom. ocean .... s.us.ooo. Welt lay Ave. bayfront. Slips tor 2 large boats wtth this remod ala d 3 bedroom. 3 both home. $1 ,200.000. LIDO ISLE 214 VIA ITHACA Newly remodeled 3 bedroom. 2 both r:*J1 large reaeaflon room. beam c a ling&. $420.000. LINDA ISLE BAYFRONTS Me*\ chani'lef vtew fran • bed-room. 5 both tmdlflonol home -\Miftpool $1.495.000. -L'I.II\.1-tagoon vtew from custom 6 ~lrnnm 5 bath. pkJvroOm. dartc -H"~ den.$1,350.000. CARNATION COVE .SI::MtCtocUIOr bayfront harbor view .... _ • bedroom. ~ bath. 2 boat $2.060.000. II OS N. Co.t Hw~ 494-1177 IRVIIE TERRACE CORIER $20,650 cash down for this open 2 bedroom plus den home. lovtty pool and p1tio. $295,000. 1536 S.~nldt Ttnece. BALBOA ISLAID OPPORTUIITY Drastic prica raduction on tillS ldoflble 2 bt6- room home. Spotleu and tumtShed. In super wtion. $295.000. 117 Marine Ave., Bal. !* ' WATERFRONT HOMES tNC REAl EST AT£ ___ .._.. __ _ .. c.. ..... ---.._,_ --.......... ,.... Pete Barrett Realty presents OVERVIEW MORE FOR YOUR MOIEY: Newport BelCh cn«IQt. uetnent condition. Two bed- rooms, ftreplact, formal dtntng room llld built in kitchen. Tile root and new ptumtMng $155.000 MORE FOR YOUR MOIEY: Central lot• t10n .,. Costa Mesa. Tint bedroom. 1 ~ baths. II rtfurmtled: PWtt. floors. kltchen. baths. drapas, etc. Full pnce $98 500 MORE FOR lOUR MOIEY: 0Uttt street in Ntwport Custormtd 3 bedroom. den. 3 bath home With 5 g~rages. concrete rtlf v•d few equipment. etc One of a kend oppor· turvty-tcw $175.000 MORE FOR YOUR MOIEY: -ssumlbN fifst and owntf w.tl carry 2nd TO. lrnm~Culate and redecorated 3 bedroom home weth huve Cit*' beamed ,.,.._,, room Nece arta conven- •n to schools. S 135.000 642-5200 A P£Tf BARREn REALTY k.. . • • ~ A SANDY O'SUWV AN LARRY W1l..SON T opt "' Salee Tope "' L •t!.._. JHDUSTJU.AL BUUJ). DIG -Llb o.ew pll&.l local 1 5 ac~a. 28,000 aq . h . buildaaq. S1 ,350.000 Try SJOO.OOO dowa C.U Patnck TeaoR, ReiNaa ~Walton, 759-1221 80 MOBILE RilES RENT TOO KJGH? Deh.uetr&l1er tor .at. 011 cbo.ce Lall'l-nte Walk to Iowa. ~b. .......... 494-6123 II HOUSES FOP SALE ., lfOIILE IDlES ltDfT AJ. -Prtvate bead! -· 2 bed ,_, 2 batlt, l.&nJe •ob.U. hoae, O&aa POUlt. $QO CaJ.ltoU&.e a u.aber 1-800-532.Jin2, uk for P-.aJMver Ad· watehN0009 COUNTRY ATNOS· PHIRI1 2-bedroom, 2 · bath. beaublul mobile boma 10-toot wet bar, 1,500 aq h , low rent. adult perlr 10 Revereade 534.950 681 3018. 685 3510 ae.ng YOVI C41t? Ca8Ca...lned 673..()550 II HOUSES FOR SALE 34' LAPAZ TL\WLD. ru.tvlua. cbMel • ...,. lrle .-cia, VH7. mr. ... cf.mqlay. 20 lloul -~IDe 142,000 642· lZ:W. 36' GRAHD IAJID. A ~rf.ct 1973. AJt ublll. twin cit-a.. 900 boun $64,800. lD Hooolalu Tolllree, 1·800·367 5314 1966 ROGERS SAJL. BOAT wa.lh ebp 111 0..0. Pomt Harbor. Graet coocbboD. C.U toWr .. au.mber 1-800-532·39'72 uk lor P-.aJMver Ad· watch ND451 IIHOU~FOR SALE IN NEWPORT CENTER 2 Corporet. Piau Drhe .... po11 .. Kh 844-9990 NEAR LIDO VILLAGE 3338YlaUdo 0~ Newpottleach R£NlORS 780-0835 BIG CANYON CUSTOM HOME Country Fnmc.h executive home oo the beet golf course view. This 4 bedroom and den home has a large private courtyard enby and is a true bargain with the financing available-with 1526,000 down the owner will carry for 6 years!! 11.950,000 . UNIQUE LIDO BAYFRONT Unbelievable 7 bedroom Colonial home oo the water with sandy beach in front. With an oversized lot next to the greenbelt, this location can't be beat. Owner will usi.st in financing. 11,750,00. GUARD GATED LINDA ISLE Exquisite home with prestige. privacy and LOCATION. This 5 bedroom home bas its own pier and slip on the lagoon and the finest in finish det.a.ils. A must to see. 11.600.000. LIDO ISLE ELEGANCE This beautiful 2-year--old custom home is on ooe of Lido's best streets with 4 bedrooms and encloeed patio. Marvelous use of wood. brass and finish fmt;uree: bay view. Owner will assist with financing. 1696,000. BALBOA OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Four bedrooms. 2 112 bath upper unit with panoramic view; 3 bedroom. 2 bath lower unit. Excellent income~ perty in top condition. Fully furnished. AakiDc 1695,000. SPYGLASS FRONT ROW VIEW Highly upgraded Tradewinds model with a spectacular ocean and city light view. This former model home bas 4 bedrooms. family room. and huge yard with spa. Priced at $629,500. SPYGLASS RIDGE This Sandpiper model is situated on a large lot with 4 bedrooms. family room and formal dining room. $529.000. VI~, VI~, VI~ Charm. grace and sophisticated living are yours in this unique 4 bedroom home in Seeview. Extensive use of oak, brick and tile make this rennovated home extremely in· viting. Flexible financing makes this an appealing package. $525.000. LIDO LIFESTYLE Remodeled Lido Isle home with 4 bedrooms has good financing and the owner may consider a lease option. En· joy the classic living of Newport's largest island. S.95,000. A VERY SPECIAL BLUFFS END UNIT . .. with Back bay view. Tastefully remodeled custom patio with jacuzzi used brick. french doors and lots more. Fantastic assumable financing. 1400,000 . COUNTRY FRENCH IN BAYSHORES Charming country 3 bedroom home bas private master suite with balcony. The gate guarded community has two private beaches. ExceUent owner fmancing makes this a great. buy at $349.500. FEE LAND CONDO IN ORIGINAL BLUFFS Three bedroom. one story condo in low density area of the Bluffs. Large loans are a8Sumable at 12 percent. This is an exceptional opportunity. S344.500. BAYCREST -PRICE REDUCTION A super buy at a super reduced price. This 3 bedroom home is situated on a huge lot. with swimming pool that bas been professionally landacaped. $339.000. RARE OFFERING Single story Bluffs home in outstanding condition and location. Three bedrooma, central air conditioning. Must 9ee to appreciate. Reduced to 1256.000. BLUFFS ELEGANCE Split level Trina plan offen custom. well coordinated wall and window coverings. Three bedrooms. 2 baths plua powder room. Location offen eeclution. vitality and view.I2S5.000. TERRIFIC LOCATION This Plua model in Turtlerock bas it. all. With 3 spedoua bedrooms. family room and formal~ thia private end unit overloolu expansive creenbelta and trees. 1261.000. LEASE OPTION IN BLUFFS A toW~ pechp of approximately 12 p~~UDL ia.ter'M\ with ~ than 20 pel'(*lt. down. Or OWl*' wiD COHider 1eue option. nu. s· bedroom end-unit. with ...... patJo wiU not laat. wtt.b Uw.e sr-t. c.nna aDd a ~ ol 124~.500. SPACIOUS BLUFFS CONDO Fteah1,y paint.ed with Dew carpel tWI • ..... .,...,oca- Carme}la.a plan bu catlaedral ~ ud • ~ VW.. LoU of tun aDd ju..t ._.to .... pool u.u.ooo. L.AKEFORDT ,... • MdroCJID .... .t.ntl_ ... • ......, ... .-.....r ....... IMC:IIalllt.et, ,. ..... c-...... .. ..,ma• liP Ud ..a..._ 'Nil ....... lrl • II& ..... will~IIMLtlea.IOI. ' hr. Jcmu r aa. •• n.. •wpon '-'P PmSR AUTO Rl· PAIRS: Jag"~· 1•~-1) HeaMy, Tmuapl\, NG, Tli-.ph Slag and mo.t .0..1 8ntW\ aut~. 1995 Kubor l lvd , eo.ta w.... 548-622 6 . HIRJ'S GARAGE. AUTO--REPAIR ror.tqu I Oom..CJC 1D9..-overhaw Tune up, bnJt... eleclraeal Ca11832·2371. AUTOMATlC TRANS· wtSSlON pro blems? I 91v. bon .. l &JUWen Don't rebutlcl uahl you tallr to me Don, 545 · 0109. 12JICYCLES WINS OR BOYS 10 SPII.D. Name brand H•• e1eclfle horn and Ugh!. Lookt/t~des new lxtr ... 548-8066 13 YARS/TitCK.S FOR SALE JIEPS. CARS, PICK UPS Irons SJS Avail· .W. at loceJ oovern· •ant auction• For clu-.eto,y, ea.ll Sucplue Data Center, (415) 330-7800. 1m DATSUN TRUCK Good coadtiiOn Sl .800 or beet olfet 493-4867 riAUTOS WANtED US£0 CARS WANTED -Up to SSOO pa•d Run· naDSJ or not Alau wrecks , Ask lor Jack. SJ6.9197. IMW 1978 B~ 530. lm macu.late coodthon. Ill· ver wath red ~eather, auto. hdl power. au . alarm. alloy•. Blau pwt. suorool S9.900 (24.4ZT0) Pnvate party, 494-9759, 833-9010. 1977 530. BMW Salver. euto . excellent eood S8,500 (152TRS) Puvate party, d ays 5-47-7103. evM 963 2055 BMW 1975 5301 4-door au, sh•rp S4,895 (1687) Prtvele partv. 879-2275. A U T-OS WANTED BRADLEY H1obes1 cash •mmed I letely lor c•••· trucka 1975 BRADLEY GT 4 and vMS All mekes ond ape.d. totally rebuah models, loreagn o r motor, custom mlertor. dom .. hc Trade okay AWfN. S2.900 or trade 551-8285 apd c ... h (822UAL) Pn vete party, 779·2168 AUDI 1979 4-DOOR AUDI 5000 38,000 mtl... S- speed, crulll8 coa.tcol, a u cond ANifM cea aette, gray me\all1c. ex eellent condttton $8,500/obo (X.ZV655) Pnvete perly, 857 1401 alter! BUJCIC GOLD RIVLRRA 1979. Turbo AU Ophons and eslres. £11.ceUen1 cond• lion $8.800/olfer Call tollh-number l-800· 532-3972, ealc lor Penny· ._.ver Adwetch M0102 AOTOMO'I'IVE CADILLAC 1979 !L DORADO Salver grey an and out VerY pretty Wuh cover. S12,900 494-9880. CHEVROLET 1978 MALIBU -Low nul ... automahe . aar, 8- trac:k 81eceo lxceU.nt lor student S3. 795 830-2902 CHRYSLER 1976 CHRYSLER Cor doba &xcellertt conda hoo. tull power ace .. tort.. Brorue, be•qe top, bronae mtenor S2, 750/obo . Ono•n•l owner (795YZT). pnvete pe rty. 55 I 8055 CONTINENTAL 1973 UNCOLN MARK Load.d. New eao•n• Good 5hepe Sl.850 Musl Mil 855-6778 DATSUN 1975 OA TSUN 280Z fully loaded. low mues S5,300. (LOREEZ) Pn vatepany 826-8467. 1972 DATSUN 240Z •· ap•ed AM/fM cusell•, mags, ucell.nl conda- hon. S2,975 (IBVN017) Pnvete perty 522-4173 DA1SUIC 1976 DATSUN 280Z 4 speed. a u cond. Cen lerlanes wat h T/A 16dl4ll, C'UJIOm p<!tOI and tlll•r~or luw mal4"1 S.. to bela•v• (611PPT) Ptlvate parlv 997 0965 lQ80 DATSUN 200SX 5 1peed, loaded wtlh .,._. u ea. elf cond nol. low D'IIIM9• 30 mpq <•96ZEH) Ptwale party 493·8429 1975 DATSUN 280Z New S\.lnrool, II rea. wb•l•. paa.nt AM!FM c.-t\e, perle(:l •n tenor (459XSU) Pnvate party, 760-9031 1980 DATSUN 510 Hetcbbeck Au cond auto , AM r4dto. low maleaqe, excellent con dthon (.SSZCZ) Pnvale party. 963-3622. eves 1979 280ZX GL BlaclcJ oold. 5-•peed. su.n roof bra. 17,000 mtiM, beau llful car Sell o• trade fo r 79 or '80 2 • 2 auto (953ZEP) Pm••• party. 641-0664 1980 DATSUN ZX Mtd ntoht blue sunroof. 411 power, low m11e5, load· ed. best offer (424ZEF) Pnve.leparly 996.-0118 DATSUlC 1W18 DATSUN 1210 Sacelle~t cond,hOil, A.Mif'N e._....te. new 11,..., more. SJ.m . (IVJ221) Pnvate party, lohn. 857-8422 •• , .. , 8 1880 DATSUN 210 Hatchb6ck. Au cond .• euto . AWFN. low m•l· H oe. wan enty, exa.l- leot cond111oa Lac IAS6390 Pr.e.d to Mll Pnvete party, 9'75-0476. 1973 240Z Auto mehc, ett, rac k $4,000 710·1367 1979 280ZX Gl. Show· room shatp Only 15,000 m•l•• Loaded Mull sell $9,800/t.rm 495 6663 1981 DATSUN iilozx. G L 5-apeed, e~r, T-top, AM/FM c .... u.. louv eca. &xcelltnt condthon S13.900 830-8238 flAT 1976 FlAT Xl9. Blue, AMIFM c.-lie. new tues $3,400 (331TG1) Puvale party, (714) 597-4612 1978 flAT SPIDER Excellenl condthon R11ns gre.st, new radtala, many eatr as SS,SOO 495-1269 lt71 PDn'O -$320. laeen.at aecll.aaca.l oondUioa. Ml-88.12. 18117 MUSTANG iS~ reetor.d. Au , power lt•nDG. e\lto- matte, loecMd SJ,SOOI oiJer. 831-tMM. HONDA 1979 RONDA Accord Very c'-n. Au, 5- apeed. C.tl ~S·354S. 1978 HONDA Accord A-1. reguler oaa. automehc, au, AWN 8·trac lr. Sac uflce 951-8050. MERCEDES BENZ MUCIDlS IINZ 300D. 1980. 27.000 ••il••· chilllpaone, tuoroof, must concLho11 AikiDO $24,250 (lACJ· 76()) Pravele pu ty, 4~-8380 1980 MERCIOIS JOOSD. 5.000 mtl•, loaded, au.nroof. &Jlver metelh co otenor. fac tory warranty S32.800. (1BC B709) Private puly, (714) 831-1341 . 1110 NDCIDIS 2.0 IJitre eherp. exira c:IM{I. L\qhl ~l9•. low ..U... SIS.OOO (WAITl) Privet• pertr. (714) d).UI86 1 ~74 NIRCIDES 450 Stl. New pe.ll:lt, metal be blue, to.d«t with ec· e-n... (LOY 198) Pt•· v& .. party, 831-~49 1188 NERCID!S 190C Very good coad1hoa. Pl'lc.cl to .. u et S1.800 4 .... 128. 1180 LIWrTI.D EDmON WGB. O.Uy 200 lo USA. $9,000 Very low •&lee9•. 1 OWAer. Cell tollfree !lUmber 1-t00- 532~3972. u.k lor PeaJIY· Mv•r Adwetob Wl496. l9"17NGIReatored. ver1 . low lllileage 14,500. C..U toillree au.mber 1-80().532-3972. a&k lor hanytever Ad· watch N 1497. MGI GT urio:-c ollec· tor'e •l•m 12,000/make oUer. AJter 6 p .m , 482-1104. 1969 NGB GT Excel· l•nl concliHon. Rebu•ll eooll:l•. good treupor· tehon S2,800 951·5238 1m TJlANS AN W.ny exuu.low ~. ••· e elleat coadthon $4,400/oUeJ 768-7504, eovea.USqs. 19f0 l'ANBLU SW lnom• ov•rhauled Partly rettored, need• tnteuor. beltery Melluel trenam11110n wtlh overdnve Good 1urlec lreluportellon 97'1-t641. $2!50. PORSCIIE 1873 PORSCHI 824 - 2 0. appeerane. oroup, AMIFN c.-tt•. new II,... and brakM, alloy1. $4,200. (1GCW019) Pu- vate puty. 6"·5845. una PORSCHI9 t1SC Leather Ill, stereo. etr, sunrool, Cfl.tlll8 con· trol, •bo wcoom cond•· lion. S21.500 493·7•21 197S PORSCHE 914 2 llt•r enqtne. 7,500 m•l•• on rebutll •no•n• AN/FM 8-traek tape Excellen t cond llaon 673-7528 alter 4 p m TOYOlA 1978 TOYOTA Crea1de Weoon. 45.000 mtle• SS.500/be•t offe r 498-8619 TOYOTA 1977 TOYOTA C..bea lxcelleDI coadlttoo AM/'N lftereo. au. 13.200/olt•r. 402-4868. 4g(l-lsr24 VOLDWAGEM 1m VW Stetionw~on Rebutll eav~.n• S3.000 C.U673-l721. VW BUG. 1970 Redtala, A.W/FN c ... eette. S1 ,800. 493-9152 1972 V'(l BUG Good condttiOil. AMIFM •ter· eo $.2,350/a,.-t offer 710·2105 uiio VW-RABBIT C oil· verhble. 17.000 nu1 ... copper colo r. eaceJI.nt condthon S..l otter Call toWrM nu.mber 1-800-532-3972. a•k for Pennysaver Adwetch M0823. 1980 DASHER 01-1 StatiOn Waoon Low IIIUMQ• S7.400 499- 2930 ANnQUEJ CLA.SSC CARS 1962 COMET 2-door Mdan Good 6-cyhnder enom•. Needa brelc ... hr• Auto . Ila na. S250 979-8648 DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS SERVICES AOCOUNTUIG lATHL!EH f LANA- GAN: AocoW)tiDO and r.. s.~. lor smell ud aedJUJII IJ&e biiSl· ...... corp . partner, illd.lvtcha.al tncome , .... P1ne.n c•al atatemeota, peyroU, quarterly tax r•hun•. CaU now for Ul81 tu appoll:ltmenl ~12 IOOEJCEIPING TAXIS -querterhes - ...U or IIUrtJag b1.1.11 -and I.DdJvtduels ...kolae. Dou.ble aev· 111911. .-flable re.tes ua.cl p..of~oDAlly com· petent MI'YICes 'oroll {UK~ befo re IRS '!52-8394 ACOUSncAL CEILJMQS C RAIG 'S SPRA YEO ACOUSTlCAL CUL INGS Repa.n Very r-nebl• Fr• "'' ...... (714) 526-7290 ADD mONS GIBWICIC & SON BUILDERS 11nce 1~7 AdcWtons. Remodeling. Ooon. W1ndo-. Pe110 Covers Pies fr .. es1 R... "'" 549-2170 Ltc 310942 APPUANCES APPUANCE aDVICE on aU mall.. end mo dell R•lr•o•r•ton lreenr5, 11ov" wuh en, d rye rs, tresh com pKIOII, dalsweabeu Cell 5-49-3077 AQUARIUM SERVICE AOUARJUW SERVICE aod .. lup lor home or olhce Reuoneble rates, ellenllve Mrvtce ''ash or wit wat•r Cell 645-4616 ARCIDTECTS DESJGNER wt th loc•l ftrm -h moonhghl work on cu,lom home• condo• small commer ctal Day or eventng W•chael 675 6562 AS]) HALT SEAL COATIMG/ DIUVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAIR s..J~hoq • Strappanq Coemerci.4VR.Ident••l ,,.. E.a1 L•c 397362 M$--8111 ALLSTATE PAVllfGCO. AnORNEY OfVORCI wath allor aey from SI9S uneon 1-..d (plua COlli) In tUne.!euto aec.denta, ~CC4at.eq• of r«:overy O.vid a..t ... Allor11e y, 54().6441 IUUTYIVCS/ Iii .... IA&.LY'S IIAUTY lk)()C. 1.1 17th St . c......-, ...... ,,.. su.to Ulll Tu\tloQ, • 00 119 D-.POO a11d .... 14 so r10e11ai\Q, CAIJNETS THE FaHEST •n com 01oerca.el ·and rfttdenual ceb1netry. ahelv1ng bars. counter and g•n erel woodwork l&B Coautruchon, Mtllworlr O.v11JOn L•cenM No 350878 (714)631-4260 ~y SPEC1ALTY K1tchea1, Bethrooms .ad Wet Bars No JOb too ameU' PETER S. RODGERS Propet1J' laprov.aMnl 131~2004 CARPENTRY fRENC H DOORS Complete anst&U.hon an • ne w openang or to replace glea sladang door• and wtndows Work guar•nte.d Re lerrala l1censed con tractor. 673 7393 Tom Hooper C ARPENTRY WORK Peho covers. dech, qaraqe storage unlls lenc~ repau All typ•s ol carpentry No tob too small Tom. 551 2583 CARPET INSTALLATION BILL'Sc---...sPEf snv. IC E ln111.Uat10n and repatrs Quehty worlc, el feu pnc.. Call Bill et 552-~~ eveo tno•--_ CEMENT CONCRETE WO RK PahoJ, d11vewa ys, blockwalla, room add1 hans. louodahoos, saw c uthno Ltceneed Paul. n5-3283. ns.8371 CONCRETE PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, ¥tooden pallo coven, all types No 10b too bag/smell No 291235 Ask for hm, Tra Con Con•trucllon Inc 548-7102 CONCRETE AND MA SONRY PatJol, decks. bnc lc 1nlay, d nvewaya wath upha\1 removal. planten fuer I "'9' blocll walla f ree estimates Dan 536 74-40 (L•c 393-422) FREE ESTIMATES on cement. block or buc k worlr new con5trucl10n or r•paus ltc 294622 Call996 0639 anvt•m~ CONCRETE CARPENTER SMALL JOB specl41 .. t Cab aneb wall unlls panel •ng mouldano oarage t 1 SPEClAUZE m )ack. hemmer work and re sloraqe decks Insured, movdl ol cone rele tree estamates Mader's Handyworlra. 642 3789 (pahos sadewalkli .snd dr~vew.tvs) Also culhng C ALL PERK the Faxup and handuwmg Not Mao small cnpenter •lalt> he Wee~'s Con and odd repau tob. rete Removal 631 A L Perluna (Scol 1 2610 l11sh). 979 9047 cusToM ruRNrTuRE coNsTRucnoN DES1GNl:D Md bu1h 1<, 8 WILSON & SONS - vour need wall un•ll• Bualders free er.h boolrcU('s tables c ab maiM 30 ye.u •xP•" tneta storeqe una•• ence Bonded Lac No bera Call John al "f ur 357487 646 1740 nature Woodcraft " 855 8417or639 7560 BUIL DING CON STRUCTION Remod C AR PENTRY All •lang end repe11s KINDS Rep•us or olh SJ)«talmnq m lramlDg, enuae Relet•nc f!' atdtng french doors, Smce 1976 Mereu& Co b6 y wandows p4IIO Carpentry, 545-2250 rovers. deck• John THE f'lHEST •h com Gacek. 675 6002 merc•al and restdenta•l COMMERCIAL Re&~ ca btnelrY. ahelvtng, denllal Remodel& bars. counter end oen Post Con'<lrur tton Co eral woodwork I&B f m11h wo rlt r.dwood Constn.aC110n LacenH dac:lts patao covera no 350878 (714) 631 home mprov•ments 4260 Very r•••onabl• C ARPENTER for R .. lerencM Fr•to Hh maca work, custom c ab motles 857 2989 anets boo~ ~helve' qaraqe cebanets lan1Sh CONTRACTORS work 23 yHra ••~ r~ence Call evenanq• 963-9056 963 5982 Thanlt vou lerrv C USTO M CARPENTRY GDfi:RAL CONTRAC TO .. w.sn11 lo r•model rebl.ltld o r bu.ld ntow c uttom hom•~ [ac•l lent referenro• Pleaowo , .• 11 Scull E Phal Con "ltUCIIOn 631 1).474 DRYWALL r uepl•c• mantel• decoratave mouldang~ french door~. gazebo~ d e(:h and patio coven References ava•l•ble Anthony o .. Ros.a 837 4226 DRYWALL. ACOUS C ABINETS Custom ll'lede ktlehens book c•-· bars, o•rages end c hair 16tls 64! 6927 days &40 7154 eve nmq a Aslt fur Tom f iC ~RVICES Sm•ll p•tch .. to room eddt hon• J'rf't' e\IIIIIAIH All wor~ gUArani~ Ltc 411528 and bond ood 548 1871 rdrywell hangano . te pano and c re .. llve h•nd leatur" lap4-r1 wor~ Ce ll ltt~ff, 63~ !I~JJ EL£CTIUCtAN ft£11/COMlU. 1l«;tnc our tPKI41hy Cl.en, q11aclr . d•pen ~blft We do any •••• tob SII.OD ._. H.hcYttlnq. 1.----------, ..,. 162·7642 •na I . ROOGEIIS ,,.ot*'Y..,._... ... 131-1004 FEJfCDtG nNCQ GAT IN CLOSURU, •11 ,,.... ,.... • ..-. ,..,1~ .... -.. re~~e. 1Ntt8""' AU worll 'IUI'•"tMd lS ,..,. ••pene.ce ,,.,. •••••• c.n ,..,., M-mt ~~­t , ... "'rl GARDENING COMPLETE GARDEN- TNG SERVICE Weekly, bt·wee kly monthly m&Jnleoaac• Spn.akler repau , tt• work and hauhno . f rH eatunatft 549-4991, 9 a m IO 10 p m ROTOTILLING DONE DlRT -:bNp GeJdena. flower beds le wu landseaptnQ Re.son able retM Fr .. adVICe 646-7819 anyllm• DOWN TO EARTH lawn and G ard en S.rv ace Complete mstella hOn, renovation ~ond metnten•nce O ualatv serv1ce at down-to- earth puce5 Satasla.d custom•rr> our lust pnouty CeU anyllme 646-7819 HAHOYMAH PATRIC K'S HO M£ Re p411 and Improvements Genere.l memteoance, carpentry. electncal, plumbtng concrete pa taos and Wdlkr Hourly rates No 10b too small (714) 646 3793 HANDYMAN Car p•ntry, paJollnQ, roof tnQ eleclnc el plumb ang etc H•gheaJ quallly wo rltm4nllhJp All wotk guaranleed Reaso n eble f r~ esllmatPs Cell R•y. 646 2328 fiX IT SERVICE Repa11 Ita bu1ld r• 1 butld Plumbanq cer pent ry 4.'1ectncal . etc f ut elhe~enl serv1ce Lacensed and eKpen enc.d MetiCulous Mort 951-6067 ISLAND SERVICES Lonq recogmz~ lor dependable w rv1ce bv local homeowners1bu' .n~ f' ... ll "'l!rv~ee plumbmg carpentry elect neal pa1n1tnq r•P••n 5-48 0288 HAUUNG• MOVING HAULING Y.AR D CLEANUP HouM end g•r.tQe Trash and aunlt removed Fasl ella c aenl servtce Free • lam.ates CAll •nyllme Btll and Ally 646 2328 HOME INPROVEMEHTS TOUCH O r CLASS Home Improvement Pa 1101 covers, Frenc h door~ wtndows h re pl•c• ment•l•. con crete. 11uceo 25 Y••n Area releren'" Bob 636 5298 BOUSE C'l.£AJQ:NO TOP BRASS ClcHnmo Serv•c.. Hou...,.•part rn•nt.lcond~ Alford ebl• ret" lllenu\q et US &42 0190 S.rvaoo Ora.nqe CouJ\1¥ HOUSI Cl!ANING Prol-aon•l. complete, de\elled ltoUKIMnu1" ••rvtc e R•f•renc•• upon r6(tii..C c.l1 Jail, 548 4037. ot Ryu. 646 3089 HAn TO CLIAN) For e r p.r11011eJ tCNCll u ll 573.7814 • .,.. or 546 8121 O.n Vt~•n .. Ou•lity worlt WI WAJCJ rT SHINI Pro leNio••l lloe ... caM~~,.. wilt • .,.,.,n&J touc lll ellalec ho• l v••a•leed a.~n•r r011 ClM••o a.,. IC ... 545 31!1 HOUSE CLEAHlNG HOUSEC LEANING Complete houMCIHn · IJlQ, apartmenta hom ... condo• Reeaonebl• retn. ReJerences Cell aft e m . 962 2531 , Deborah. HAPPINESS lS HA V lNG TINE lor yourseiJ lAt ... hand le your clHntnO need• We do 11 all! In buame .. smce 1975 The Moppells, 966 1300 C LEANING UNLIM !TED For ••celleoce an houae<:leanmo. prov1d 1ng all supphes mclud ano vacuum Trust worthy end dependable Cell today lor .. tamale 546-3726 UMOUSINE SERVICE Selling Yow Cat? CaU C\ualf\ed 673-()550 LANDSCAPING YARD REJUVENAnON :1ee11up • Tree Tram mmg • lawn Renovation • Relandtc:api.DQ • Serv 1119 Harbor ArN ntne yean . State liceneed. an· su r.d. Jr• estimates CAll BOB ....... WINTD SPECIAL Complete L.andtc:apanq Lawns. plants, tree tnm· m1no. spnoklers, laght IDQ and more Reason able pr~cei f ree esta matH. referencH M&T undsea~ang. 953-8264 UMOUSINE SERVICE EXPRESSO . HOUSESITTlNG EXPERiENCED REU A BU: UCI qraduat• stu dent Eac ellenl local rel••ences Short term or long term Call Tom el 833-6229 luve mes wge Off to • Cood surt ThcCI ... If~ Way 673-0550 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX Account •ng lor andJYtduels, p.ul nerslnps t11nd corpoa lion& Av61lable yea r round Local olhce R•.uonable 751 5040 Unaque Ar·counllnQ SerVICe TAX PR£PAilAnON bv expert prot-lonel Ap poantment arr•noed day~ or eventngs. yout home/my ofl•c• Rea ton4bl.-rales PINM call Art, 857 01)3 TAX RETURNS bv ap potntmellt, vear round Haqh queltty &I • rea tonebl. coel by ••peu enced coftsultant who ·~ enroll.d to pracltce t».fore th& lAS 549 2418 NOVID11 DOROTHY NAPKII INTIIUORI can M.tp you qet 11 ell tovethfl CONPU'TI Drcoat c 11 """ "'"._ w•J Sle~o~n• ) ,.._...,., ~·kll•l OICORATINQ AND INTERIOR DISIGN help 11 on ihe way '••ou• N adweel.rn d 10•••· :lO Y""' ft• ~r-c•. wall ~d rebnaery o11 LJ~ l.l.end ... ._ .... ~~~·~. p&lnte •nd ceMer• He ..n wo,11 ..... • a. ...... el-l$ Qn • &.. ...._ fo," oq .... ..,. " 110ft• CeU I'ISGil lot .l.'imoi.tiin..e.~ Cfwu/{Lu t.LJ MASONRY WHEELOCK Muonry Buck block. Sloae floor hie decorative d .. hnctave mlertors. es tenors. walla. planters. pahoa R•l•renoes. h censed, bond.d Ea11 mel .. 551 1370 WM H ANDERSON Meaonrv Block, bnclr. stone, leoc... pahoa, plenlers walls lnt•r 10r ealenor Fr.. " ttm•t.. (l ac 380921) Bood.d. msur.d 642 9699 MASONRY OUR SPEClAL TY T.le Co"crete Block and Buck Ouu:-lr. cle•n depend ablt> PETER s. RODGERS Prope«ty lmprove-nt 631 -20CW NOVlNG• STORAGE G REG 'S MO VING F' .. t. carelul .. rvtce Owner operated (714) 848-7928 anyhme rr .. esllnseiH THE STARVING COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov ano Co h .. orown (L..c T 124436) &.lfte qood Mrvau. C.ll64l-M2'1 AICMOVUIG lapeueaced, prof., IIONl, low ... ,...., ,. .. MhtJOI... Ouack, c&Je fuiMf'ltce 552-0tlO MUUIBGCAR£ NUlSING CARl Of HOMI N11r.,... ••· bornem<lk•n. loecW. ·~•••ned, •••ur..d A•ella~ 7 d.llysl .... . ,. "0\l"'d. .. .,, w ... .,. w.d•c•l S...niC•, 834· Oi58 • PAINTING · Beauhly yo ... r home lot '82. Col- o rs add aew We and protect your mv..unent. Ouahty work and mater· aels Fr.. Ultmat• Fred, 536-3471 PHOTOGRAPIIY ~four ,_IIJDC~ Old ~ ............ _.... GEM PORfiiAITS ~ PAINTIHG -Jntenor/ JSS(~~:~"" ••ten or Re~tdeatlel, tocr-1.-"-"-••..tl commerca.el, prol~n-''-~..:...;;;.;......--..;..:..:.-...;;......;..:.-J el, ciNfl, lu• quallly All work ouerut..ct. Reuonable pnoee. frM eatuaete Cell l ilt, 646-2328 SPECTRUM PAJNTE.RS -CWitom tnlerJOra and eatenors. Guennl.. 2 yHra. Relerenoee. lree eatUlllet• CaH (114) 964-4828. t.-ve m•· uqe STEVENS PAJNTING 11 back! Now speca.eltllng 1 1n eaterJOrs Fr .. tlelllll .d .. hmat.. C all lor •ppotnt.ment now Aak lor C hari••· 645-.3348, 546-4561 BRmSH PAINTERS - Get tbe "best" lor leu1 EKte nor fP41C14lL1t Ex ceUenl refereoc• CeU 855-1509 COAT Or MANY COL- ORS PAJNTIHG -In· tenor /ea t er tor, acoust1ca l c ethoqs Servmg lrvane 411d sur roundmo erHS Cell 540 0240 (lac 158400) iu:sootn PAIHTIMG Resadenta.eliCommerctal Ioteno r!ExterJOr WmterftetM 5· Y .. r Guarani .. E.xteraor wood pr-.r ve11ve. SbmQIM, 11d1aq ADd fences WC. No 411710 . Bonded and m lured. Fr• ... ,mat• IS7-1115 AVI PllOrESSiO NAL PAlNTIHG -lntenor/ Eatenor Wallpape r temovel 'r" ealtmat• L1c-8121 P 0 Box 235. Soulll Laqu.oe, 49&- 2647. PAPER HNGING ORCHARD WALL COVERING lapert st upptnc,h netalletaon Re.uone.ble ret... lrM eslllllat• Call Ern••· 631-4576 WE GALl SHOULD liANG TOOETIIIR W&ll~r uutallalaon and~Jfth09 153-lOM.at-0730 PR.ClSIOIC W AWA PIR HANGOS l •pert c relhm•othlp , low retee. lr• ••m.aM Ce.U ua •net .. voe ~. 30~ OD your ~uJellue of wall~.,., Com••r C1ai/Re••den11el. S42 2047 HAtmlNG UO A. JIOLL Pepef llupp\119. Q\aallty, ,,.. ........ Owwt~l-~....,... p~ ...... C&JJ=m25 pf.ASTEJWiG' ROBII&S PLt\STER- ING: The be« 1.1 good enouqh R.ucco, u ntque p.ttchino. tbm wall lelllun nq. wat•r d~a.oe. room edd1 hou 836-5429 RI-STUCCO -lnt•r 10r/Utenor Petcbll:IQ 30 yM18' expenence NHt work Call Peul. M$-21'77 AU. PHAS.IS ol PUS TUING re-st\.ICco, lea lu.ru:aq, aoteraor/e111enor patchwork Room add• bona end euatom hom•• FrM eetunele. Ltc 388781. Joha, 960-3786 PLASTERING Patch plaat•rlnq, lethtoq, p.tutlt.nQ aOd rMIUCCO· IDQ. Super low esll m•t .. 836-5429 PLUIOJNG SANCHEZ P LUMBING -R .... denheVCommer cl.61 Spec~abnaq an copper rep1pe end repe•u L.cen" No J6C997 Cell lor free •hmet•. 642 3394 PLUIIIlltO IEPAIJ\S DYa~u clened ln .. •ll• llooa Garbeoe d 11 powl Water heater Ge.s, to1leta. faucet reptptng MclreeUo'• PhunbiD9 w•• DRAINS CLEARED from ~10 T01let mams hom S20 free plumb taO re~r "'tmatPI G"rant..d worlr C•ll anytam• ... 14 .t W" 642-iOOJ FREE FAUCEtS for the bo,.. P&P OJ equtvel.nt wtlh copJ>41r repape Jaa-.ary SNc\al lcaacbea thaablng Call 642-l.»t POOLS/ SAUJfAS/ HOT TVIS/SPAS ZEI'S fOOL SIRVICl Co111plete rnetalenance end Jep&u l•e elt.nt reliable work $39 50 Ownet operated C all 631·5725 KIV AN'S POOL SEI'V ICI "-eec'-nh•I/Ap~u• 111eala/Comaefc1a l Ac.ld •m ud cepe.m H~ ud 4l.pendebl• $48-4037 POOLS/ SAUM.AS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS POOL SERVICE. S35 mon.h Spa ~~ervace. $25 month Guaranteed C ell lor fr-tnspecltOn 631-2720 TILE IMSTAUA TION DYNAN1C CERANIC . tale tnalallahoo. mter tor/exterior. end re peue. Fr.. esltmaiM (Purc bue ell metenal throuo.h me, Up to 40~ daaco ... ot ) Honeel work 964-9041 TOPSOIL TOP SOIL DIS- COUNT PR ICES• Eatre cl .. n 8 yercb. only SS6 99 Locel d•hve ,y L-....2~!£!!2~~-JI no charo• Make. 633 1665 ROOFING QUALITY ROOYlHG lor '-· Old and a- conltruchon L•ceriMd, anaured end bonded Reler•n.c.. eva.tlabl• C all JCeaoy r~.~.nJce. any lime. 64$-0193 ROOf LEAK ' Roof problems, all lypt~~, repetrs, reroohnq, n- rool. deck coelmq QUI ters, down1pout1, r .. tonable. ouara.nteed. tr.. ••hmale B&R. 646-2328 ROOFING All t~. new old. repairs, decks. w.aler prooltnq Call Bob Ml-0769 (40tkm) RAY'S ROOFING CO Servtnq aU ol O reno• County All types F'rM .. llmales. 1naur.d Lac 361042 All work quar anteed 559 9369 SrtLIQBTS SXYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY All work querut..d ::>ne day anatalla hon Weetoa Co011n&c1ioo (114) 913-7137 TILE OCSTAJJ.AnON C USTO M TIL£ WORK ' All types arutellatao~s •P•c•altung '" 1• modehnq lulchen and bath Ouahty workme n •hap ftee MHmeln Re ler•ncea lton 8.)1 7791 CERAMIC TILE IMST ALL 0 \Jeltty 11nd court..., •• r .. ooonlll.,. (1-tc. 390312) 5-U-.1344 CERAMJC TIL£ &..ullly end uP9ra68 .,our borne wath C.lllii'IIC ule Uoor~ Cell An tor hM ... 1m••• SSl 0470 TREES NOW IS THE TIME to prune your tr-Cell ''The !aperts " 30 VMfl serv1ce an O ran ge Co ... oty 5 48 3239 Georo•. 2• hours EXPERT TI\EE SKRV ICE Tree And shrub llllliiDUIQ and remo~el Y•rd c;IM.nup Fr .. es llmatM Call 963-9982 RON'S TREE SERVJCi Tnmmano. toppmq. sh•panq lrH removal 1111.1mp removal Y erd c leanup Ltcensed and maured OuAltiV work Free ~t•t•metes 646 2328 TRE!S RE-.tO ViO Tnrn.man~ and tpravmg 549-4991 TRU TRIM flRi WOOD Movtng. aturap QIIDclAng NHt deper~ deb!. Fr.. eslunet" hm. (714)636 4680 TYPIMG BUSINESS SCHOOL end ~nona! typmQ don• on •Y liW Selec Inc U 1ypew111er Dtene. 552-1499 CONPUTE TYPING S&RVJCES on IBN Elec tronac 75 plua .d111nq lor spelhn.q punctue hon, g rammar, ayntea Me•t•u end Doctoral• work plus all bus1nes• w ""no Jlahtl ·~··· SpaniSh. f'r•nch tranala holl )Nnelle an lrv•n• SS2·61U6 AC CURAT' AND SPUDY TYPrNG Can ••lr• d•clat•on over the phone P.oleasto lla l work, baroa an r•IM Lynn, 545-0108 UPHOLSTERY • ·25•. OfF Al.L FAI RJCS" Up'->l•teutft ol dtshnrlton Anllquf "' rnod4Prn f rH ptc kup .,d d•hvery Sou .... n lnt•11ora. 957 0128