HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign• • ' 'AU At See' With The TheBigG~ys Ate Out There &e Lifestyle THE IUWPOBT ENSIGN •ISTABIJSHID 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 25 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL O F NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1982 • 25 CENTS o-ris C.pwwMI "-'*)and SupeMtor Tom Riley breek up at quips from Dr. Sammy lee (left•. Carpenter NaDed At Hoag R~ .. .., ........ ,. UO...ia~~Uda IIlia ...... woaJd .. iD Jb,g V r ;;riel Bc.pil&l'a Waocl ........... ~eo.. clay. Lib--poblSQl ~. laowewer, 1M ~onae~ ..... -.uor-DDW Oraa~ Cou.a· tJ"• s.cr..-oto lobbyi.t- -able to t..b the barrage ci but. dispatched at tum Moeday me)ht, and return u qood .. be ... CJlfttD. Cho.en as the t.u~t lor the 5152 Club's .. Sec:cad·Ever Coed ao..tn'out, ... ll.iAJhljght of 1M club'• e~ghth uaaul O..wbake Week to " ... fuDda io~ Ho&g. the Neapor1 &e.cb attorney beard h1m..Jf cte.;dbed lD glowmg lenDS-af glowing ~ Ullply beat lt wu all m fun-but at took ooosederable po.e to laugh at .am. al .the mon n.ba.ld m.sulb To Stuarl Speooer. Ius dc:.e busaaea MSOC'Mte, Carpenter "as bestc&lly a l&t, ~ --... Tb.at'a ..... tMy ...... br bR9 Paul SMeu. master of ce~emonies. drops another one on Carpenter. SWf ~oa by Bob PetefSon CJOYerDJDSDt." f ormer UC Irvine buket· ball ace ()aye Baker, referr· mg to a mythical car .. r ,ratb Carpenter, said, "We knew which way to CJUard lum by the cane m bJS band . . We couldn't beheve bow old be wu. He crammed four ,.an of educabon mto eu~bt ... Wath him on the squad we eYen lo.t a game to the Braille Institute . . '' Dr. Sammy Lee, tntroduc· eel by master of ceremorue& Pau..l Salata as "a former (CODtiDued OD page 2) OfMJeel"41 a.-FCIPII• New BatUe Empts .Ov~ Rents; Realtors Offer To Arbitrate by Roger Angle The Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors bas of- fered to arbatrate between mobile home retridents who say they can't meet skyrocketing land-rent inc reases and the owners of De Anza Bayside Village, a Beverly Hills corpora hon. "We'd love to" help the two sides settle their disagreements, Diane Pattison, public inlorma· tion of1icer for the board, told The Erwgn. Pattison later left a note for Mayor Jackie Heather, respond· ang to a suggestion made by Heather at City Counc il study ...Uon Monday ~emoon. He.ther ... att.mptiACJ to b.q, ~deat. of lhe 11t0bU. holM pulr. wAo told COiu;.C'u,..Lil4R!"""" ha• been Utable to get tJae OOT~ poretion to DSCjOUate with ~em. "'We heft peqple who.,.. OJl tt..d mcome1 who bu..nt into tMn every time you mention th ... increases," Arthur J. Sullivan, preatdent of the r..tdents' asaociahon, told coun· cil. - City Seeldng USC vse Corona deJ Mar: To End Art Talk-But No Retreat "The corporabon made Sl million off that property last year. Now they want to make a million and a half," said Sullivan. Group Fight A group of Corona del Mar residents contmued to hght tba week against proJected oaqht a.nd weekend UM of thear vacant qrade school. the restdents to stop tbe USC use The rents have qone, in one cue, from S75 a month lut ye4r to $290 a month, and then to S380 a month th1s year, said Hadd Rl.nq, of Harbor Realty, who toJd council be was the broker m the onCJlnal develop· meut of the property "In eome cases, that's 80 per· c ent of the person's tncome," he added. "Th ... people are not asJong fo r rent control," saad Rinq. "Rent control lS a dirty word "But you do need to be aware that th ... people are fac mg a very difficult situation." The mobile home owners, who (Continued on page 5) Breakthrough Hinted Over Leaseholds City Coullcilatepped m Mon- day to halt a war of words be- tween the city Arts Com.ma.uton and a pnvate qroup fo rmed to rat.N funds, the Fnends of the Arts ComtDJ.aion. Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Hart, at councu meetmg Monday DlQht, asked Mike Miller, the new caty attorney, to attempt to cancel a meeting called for to· day to c:haba.nd the fnends. The meeting bad been called by Madeline Rose, chauman of the cornuuaion. Rose told councu earlier, a t 1ts afternoon study .. uion, "the friends ta not, will not, and can- not do the job neceuary to raase (CoatiDued OD pege 6) Although .ome local res1dents were bopanq Untverstty of Southern Cahfomaa oihcaals would permanently move thetr Orange County operahon to a new site, a USC spokesman satd at still an tends to use the facthty, leased from the school dastnct for $69,000 a year Reaadents and ofbc tals wtll continue to ducuss the wue, saad Bill Mann, USC Oranqe County prOCJram coordanato r The residents and USC offt clA.ls agreed last week to postpone a court heanng that had been slated yesterday on a lawsuit that had been hled by "We .ue hoptnQ that USC wall relocate tis operauon to some more appropnate place." said Joe Stewart, a spokesman for the resadents. "We lmow that as what they are hopmg," saad Mann USC has stopped remodelmq the offtces and classrooms and temporaruy moved tis classes to Corona del Mat High School, a few trules anland, and to the lm· penal Bank Bu1ld.mg, near South Co~st Pl.ua USC faces a beanng 10 Marc h before the state Coastal C om· masston, whtch "strongly re· que&ted" the pnvate uni..,enuty to stop tis ac ttvtlles at the leased (Continued Oil paqe 6) WIIIIODO...IIelp NeilletgAD, of luoho Santa ra, ~ of Praeklant ftea9an, aaaowacad ... will be co- cMlraan of Pete WU.C.'• ~ campa.lQn for the u.as.u ... Wil8oa, San Die;o't IUyor, n.,... the 1a0et tiqht-fitted city in AJ.erlca/' taid Nail ReaQU, who wU1 ah.ua the chai.nuuhip with John Hurit, FretDO raoch- ar, and Gary Sban.aby, praeicl.nt of San Franci8co'a Chua!>a.r of Co-JDArce. One mora co- chainllaan, who will hancDa the to. ADCJal• area, t. to be an· DC>UA<*l. laclham Jolu DeukmeJ,lciD ConqrettJD&D Robart Badlaa.m, Newport Beech, hu bean Hilled among the leadarth.ip of the statewide orqanisation cam- paiqllinQ for Attorney General Gaorqe "Duke" Deultmejian in hit race for governor. Badh&m ia a co-chairman of lhe Oruga Couoty committee with Chulotte Cleary, Villa Park, and Wiliam E. Cooper, Anaheim. Republican C ongresaman Clair W. Bu.rqaner, of San Dieqo, who Mrvad with Deukmejian in the atate Anambly and Senate, will .. rve u tlalewide campaign ch&U- JDa.Jl. lun.s.lcholanlalp AS800~._..._ a"-nnad to tJt.a Cautnac:tloD r•DOioQJ ~~at Oiu9a Coate Col&a9a (OCC) by tM NatioDal A.ociatiOil of Home hiJden (NAHB) Sch~ ahip FOUDdatioa. .. Jack B. t.ua,. NAHB national ~tativa for the State of CaliJonaia a.od a home buil<Mr in Fair Oeb, praeentad the check recently to Henry Reel, prol .. or of conltruction teclmoloqy at OCC and Mich.aal ~ ... ltudeDtp~nt of the OCC Couuuction Club. S.Dlor Swimmen Wore and mora taDior citbe111 a re u.ai.ng the Orang• Cout YMCA heated twiDuD.in9 pool, accordinQ to Gladya ltan.aten, maabarahip director, who pointed out that iDd.ivlduala 65 and over receive a half-price annual YMCA membanhip for $70. "Our pool t. heated to 83 daqr .. , and ucloead in the winter moatha, which .u .. it ideal for olda.r'citis8J11 uoabla to joc;r or play racquetball," said E.nttan. The Y, which Mrv.l Newport Beach, eo.ta W.., Irvin• and other .out.h CO\Ulty arau, t. at 2300 University Drive, Newport Beach. lnfonnation: 642-9890. Sq wen we. but that •• before we beard about (-) DIET CENTER• ~ YOU CANI>O IT TOO! LOSE l7 TO 25 POUNDS tN JUST 6 WEEKS .._ A .... Wr .. T-h v-tta. Te K..,.lt Off'~ We L.-t A ToW Of 146POUNDS Q.id&..,_.~ tu "•" IOYt··"' l>t.1 (."' .... ,,. ... h."'lfuwulutM"f l OO(H ... ·"•~--• • ""'' Ill• llnoh'fi St.~ ..... w .. t C.w•d.• w,. ~·· . ..,,_, thr.l"!j. 11\& f,..,., .... '"·· .......... rt•o...,.Nt lh. ()we c,•uh,-P'f·~oWn WUf"'t Y• •• .... ~ ..... _.,.thl '""'lily .on<! ... ol..ty hut wll.~·, mun• 111'1'tJIII't.ttU ._,. ·1 h:.tt hyuu tlltWtulu .. 1tfl ufttWh."tlyuucir\.drht ~ ..... ..,.,.till • .ol l>o.1 C••IUo'f tho• L.,.l---,iw ~ .. ~1.,9""'11UU1 ,..,.._ Newport Beach project~ in- clude wtd.n.in9 Cout HiQhway from fow to u 1aDea &olD MacArthur Bou.levud to Dover Drive. Irvine projectt include: -Con.atnacti011 of an inter- cha.nQe at the Santa Ana, San DiACJO and WQ\Ula U..waya at a co.t of $7.2111Llllion. -Reoonatruction of the Jaffrey Road ovarcra.inq at the Santa Ana Fr .. way. --Con.atruction of ovarcrou- inqa at Yale and both the Santa Ana and ~ Diaqo fr .. waya. -Coutnaction of an ovar- crouinQ at Harvud Avenue and the San Diaqo Freeway .6 mil .. aorth of Culver Drive. • •"-h"c ... Cti'tllw ... MQor Molde ButMr 008l· ••Mel•~..,,..-... .aM u.t..alty Ddft acl Upper Bay cc:abo•enl•, Jill VI.Wen oa..Ncl tUI Caipeater u a ltata Maalw IYd be..lmon woc:tuhl flactiD9 twmalt than li9.hle at tM -4 of ~ ... ud Gaol'9A Hoe9 D, a Wlow board m.-her, aoe.cl tlaat, "O.nnla U.'t doaa muc:A lor the hOt!pital, ~. COUDty, or the city-1M Ja.ua't ... been tick., Gaozva HPee, Sal.ta noted, wu ~"a com- operated ma..ift car. unit" for .tlM~tal. Tlaa crowd ..timatacl at tome 240 iDdlYiclaala who had con· trllMatacl $100 a plata to the fuad.raiM.r thea eejoyad Carpaatar't ~-Tboee pri.n· tabla: Of the IDAJOI', "Jacltia hu Mt IRA beck 20 yaua ... ~obrln aw-plitiel the JMd,anhlp of 17Je lleglttler, which didn't p.rint my IUliDa lor Diaa yean bacau.ae I weDt to a pu))Uc tohool-an idea they dida't support . . . Jud.c)e ~ 1a hk:linq bahiJld u powa'dt of ayablowt, and ..tt ... ~ hair. He' a ~waya b.. ideAtifiecl M a cpMt sudar. HJ. wiie K.aty th.rowt him. in . . . oe .. ..._? 1__.., pa..y baih41aeU _. a ... tiiiiM» .... ONf-po ] ... ad.lt111 ........ NIOMd ~ •. • .Stu S., ••ow cloMa't ..,, au Ia pUalk: ofMe ---to ... , pecp&e dWiM ILia. • ... .\114 Paal ....... .......UJ ccatfthtNd. tM Jilil ~te udleMt~--- Newport al.da. It'• a trdNIIe to the A:laerk:AA ~ aut u can ...... il dJG9ia9 .......... The Cra.by &oatllln Pro-Am TO\lf'IWDat, c•t•~ of Cla•bd• Waak, will draw 72 proe a.od 72 aaataun to lrriDa CoUt Couotty Club Tlaunday and Frlcky. The 552 Club't CJ.ambab Waakt h.aft ru.dmor. than $390,000 for Hoa9 W.IDOrlal in w.u,..n. Ca 4JPd•Oir JGI••··Gna ,,, n. oowaty ,.....,., put off for one weak coamderba9 a sug- ~on by Supam.or llalpl1 Clark that it join four other govarnmut ~a. in a rac,rional a.Uport ttudy 9JOUp. Suparvito.r Tom Riley, of the Rubor Area, taid he wu dubiou.a about the ability of the toiJlt powara committM to ac- tually bu..Ud auch an airpo.rt. The group include~~ rapr .... tativ .. hom the couoti• of to. An9al•, Rivanida and San Bar- naiclino and to. An~ city . (Coauaud OD p&9e 6) CHECK US OUT on your next shopping liM-- we offer over 40 fine shops, services, restauran~~~::a entertainment-all with ample parking near eac ... • Newport Fashions- Hong Kong TaiiOf • Ruby's Boutique 'RESTAURANTS • The 8arct8y Inn • Gin Ung ~ant • Ham's Country Cookery • Jasper'• Restaurant • Swaneen'a Ice Cr4Nitn- • Ken's Korner SERVICES • Anthony Real e. .. Schoof • Home Savinga & loan • Jim'a $hQe Repeir • Or. W.. KohU, ()ptometrilt • Mlrina F.-. Savings • NM!tilus Travel • Osteo. PhYsicians Medical Weight Control • Republic Realtors • Security Pecific Sri • Weight Watchers • Mclaodl Personnel Service • South 'Cc?ast Chiropractic • Quick-Quick Copy Print FOOD STORES J EWELRY & OIFTS • Briatol Meats • Shapely Sweets • Arctpal• Je\'tJelers • Country Lane €NTERT AINMENT RECREATION • Edwetd's Cinema IV • Holubar Mountaineering HOME FURNISHINGS • C.fomia Acc ... owM • Elaglnta lighting Canter • Grut Eaetam EnterpriNs BEAUTY CARE • Sheer Metro CMin'a Heitstyting) • lontreYege Hair CWomen'a bNutv ulon) • The HM SurgeoM tWomen'a Nirstyting) • Merle Norman Cosmetics • Winter' a Beauty Supply OTHER FINE SHOPS • The Book V•ult (old, r.,. boob) • Henn 1111 y & Ingalls ....... ··~"<~ ':4s $INJI1 in the Jan. 11 U. of /Wpjl ~, • Tony' a Nutrition Cantw • F.,.,. ~ • Cleln Mila Photogr.phy I • Photo Ptece • Sheet Muaic Shoppa TWO CONVENIENT lOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU •v. AYl-CliTD MESA W. _.PlAZA 11173 1rMeAII.•ll71U t..S..f 1515 ... V..E. .... 201 • Vectorie'a Gokt Mert • South Coaet Audio • WC)ftd'a lMgest ~ Cant• over 40 fine shops town & CQQJUry SHOPPING CENTER (Cox repr• Tb repn Spe& lM.M .aid . Tb allo" mov• newa n~o caa he<Ji: Agn A11 coun to cc c1lm1 on a from dent gesh Com NeWJ IS tht tenta Tb unre dire< an a1 Th ed tc expa urge ''put I spok. ItS la pany hrst c rea: for r• I L The compuy U.. ofiered 12 •• es perceo.t fta•adno to buy lMNCl lob, with the 1oe.u uleulated (ContiDued from pe9e 1) fox 30 yean but due in full in what the Committ .. called a rep,...DtiD.o the 1..-lloldera. "bun.t" paJIIW!lt in ..._ ,..,... The Comm.itt .. ia "the "Th.y ue Qettino more repreMAtati.e body beet a.ble to r..u.tic emU.. renta," M.1d Mu. spe.ak on behalf of r..tdenu.l "But th.y ue lti1l UDreuonable lea.aeholdera," Aoru'a J.tter on purchub:lo. We wut fair said. marbt valu. that are truly l&ir The recoonition "will, at last, ud a 50-percent credit to the allow thU important ialue to be l .... llolder on hia purchue moved off the front pav• of our price." newspapen and onto the Under Friday'• rental of1er, neqotiatino table where the pro· after the first year the annual cea of orderly dilcUMSon cu land re11tala would go up ac- beqin in fa~ to-face m .. ttnoa." cordmo to the ColliWiler Price Agran wrote. lndez. Maz said, "In a relatively Aqran aaid he would uk other ahort time, eight to 10 yean, coUDoU membera iJ they wiahed there would be a crouover point to oo-aiqn the letter. Coun· where you would be payino cilman Bill Vardoulia alao liv.. more than the oriqinal in· on a ~mpa.ny lealehoW,. crM.M," prewmino the CPI -The Committ .. ahied away continued to rile. from a ~ent by ita preai· -Nu addreued the Newport dent, Balbara Youno, IUCJ· Beach City Council Mond&y oestino oppoaition to the Irvin• nioht, ukinq it to form a joint Company's ezpanaion of committ" with the city oJ Irvine Newport Center. The eapa.naion to "do everythino in ihl power" is the aubject of a referendum to help reaolve the di.pute. tentatively set for June 8. The Comm.itt .. wu orqaniaed The two iaau" "are totally ill October to protest land rental unrelated," said Lou Scott, a and purchue price iller ..... on director of the Committee and 25-year-old 1 ..... that have run an advertising execubve. as hioh as 4,229 perc ent. The board of directors "decid· Mayor Pro Tem lvelyn Hart ed to take no position" on the told Ma.z the iuue will be on the expansion a week after Younq council'• Feb. 8 aoenda if the urged a rally of leuelaoldera to Committee will mail coUDcil a "put the expADaion on hold." letter makmg the request formal. -The Irville Co. made what -Lea.Mholdera have con- spok~an Jerry Collins called tnbuted more than $75,000 ill its last offer. Friday the com· checb to the Committee, toward pany of1ered to cut ill half the a 1982 budget of $220,000, said hrst year's annual rental ill· Malt. reases on leases that come due "We are just starting to raiN for reappraisal 1n 1982. funds," he said. ----~~------------------- Old-Fashioned, Family-Style SWAP MEET AI ,.ar ead, tM Center Camp hd NOeived $20.6 million in 0011firmed pledq .. and o1fta towud the oonatruction and endowment of Oranqe County'• new perforapno arta center, Henry S.Oerstrom, chairman oJ the tru.t ... , baa o!lllllOUDced. "Thi.a be.nner yea.r of fund· ·raiainq waa topped of1 by aucc...tully m .. lillo the cub challeno .. ..ta.bliahed by the Jam .. Irvine Found.atioD and the S.Oentrom Family," he stated. More than S2 million ill cub wu received durino the latter pert of 1981, far ezceedi.no the lrville r ou.Ddation'a challenoe to ra.i.ae $1 million in cash between July 1 and Dec. 31. h a r..Wt of meetmq this challe11oe, the foundatioD will now contribute $1 million in cub of ita total $3 million pledqe. Cub received also exceeded the Seoeratrom Family's clenge to raiae $1.8 million ill cash durino the calendar year. Thia challenge was part of their total $6 million pledge to the center. "The cub comnutme11ts from 1ndividuala, corporations aDd foundatioDa were most orati.fy- inq," Seoeratrom Mld. "It ia eztremely important that a por· lion of pledoes be available in cub u we move illto the con- structioD phase." EVERY SUNDAY, 8 A.M. • 3 P.M. Starting February 7 Or•nge Co•at College Auditorium P•rklng Lot Fa1rv1ew & Arlington. Costa Mesa Space for Sellers -$8.00 Fret Parking -Fru Admission to Buyers! RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW!!-556-5880 A convement alternative to hospital emergency rooms: The EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE A Fully EQutpped Medical Offtce for Emergency Care: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appo1ntment Needed e Immediate Attention Given OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 3U DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 Pll. (714) 752-e300 ...... Q.MCY DOCTORS OFFIC. 4030 Birch St. Suite 1 07 N' Newport Beach I - n.. .. wport Enelp Wed= dny. laDaary 11. 1-Pep I StiD Oat Ca•111 nlgnlng While bJ.a Wlow-leoi.alatora ataDed over whetller or not to ... k a cen.aure motio.a agaJ.nst him, State Senator John Schmita kept talkilaq and politickino over the WMkend. He ~peered S.turday Ill Sacramento before the Califor· nia RepubUc61l Auembly, a or .... ~roota con.eervaUve oroup ill which he holds memberahlp, 41ld traded jibea and WlMCracka with five other Republicans who, like Schmitz, are ... ltino. theu party's U.S. Senate nominatlon He bad l.Jttle to say about a $10 mill1on law!Juil filed fnd.ay against hun by femuaat attorney Gloria Allred, who claLm.S that he libeled her Ul a presa release which termed her a "sl.Jck butch lawyeress.·~ The Corona del M&r reaident said he will talk to hu attorney before aay1no anytlung about the Allred su1t. Then, ap· parenUy unable to resut a qwp a..bout the situation, be M.ld he J.S "thinking of hinng her aa my campaiqn publ.Jc relahona c htef. "All of tbes. people are help· illg me get elected," the dapper Schmitz sa1d of his detractors. Later, as be and the other U.S. Senate candtdates sought the primary elechon endorse· ment of CRA, Schmttz told a luncheon qatherillg that he makes no apologies for ba statements an recent weeks about Jews, homosexuals, m1htary coups and abort1on advocates "I've made the hnest group of enemtes recently that anyone could want," he satd. He wa.s qreeted W1th IOIIle applau.ae by C RA memben at the luncheon The nezt day, two propoeed CRA .reeolutton.-one CODdemn- inq Schm.all and one prai&tng hun-were quuhed before they (Contillued from ~9• 1) f onda was "that there was no of· fictal declarahon of war ag.unat North Vietnam." Doman also attacked the Campaiqn for Economtc Democracy (CED). beaded by Hayden and funded by Fonda's hlm.a and other resou.rces "Jane f onda's exerctse studto alone turns ov~.r about $30,000 a month to the CtD,'' be cla1med Doman lS one of e1qht an· nounced cancLdates fo r the Repubhcan nomtnahon to the U.S. Senate m the June pnmary Hts congresstona.J dutnct 10 the Santa Monaca area bas been re d1stncted to g1ve a strong ad- vantage to Democrats. He ia a former racLo per· sonaltty. Before that, be was an Au f orce ptlot. Dunng the Vtet nam War, he 1s credited w1th creatlllg the "POW bracelet" tdea. Some Amen re bracelets beanng the nam t POW unbl that praoner came home. Dornan warned Thursday that the CED lS "a racLca.J group that will grab any LS.Sue that works for them." The organtzahon back.s the anh-nuclear move- qot out oJ the qroup'a neolat.JaD.a comiiUit ... Schmita, wllo aa be- lDO accuaed of belDCJ pu.blicity- happy, JOked that "u ~.a not m.e that I wu behmd both ~u­ hona." REP ROBERT DORNAN St1H photo by Bob Petersnr• meot, 6Jld was mstrumental an getllng rent control laws adopted an Santa Monaca. Dor· nan says CEO has helped elect ma)Onlles to the Clty councib of Santa Momca and Chaco. A CEO member helped orqan1ze the Chem1cal Acllon e1ghborhood Assoc1ahon among ne1ghbors of the Narmco Matenais plashes plant on Vtc· tona Street 111 Costa Mesa The group has pressured Narmco to move tls operations out of town He urged local Repubhcans to back any Democrats that are runn109 agamst C EO candtdates m prunary races * 1111•1 *-* ~ *-* IIHU ''LIGHTS, CAMERAS, ACTION!'' * SEE HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN IIOVIEI +TV SHOWI * EVERY PORT~ I IYITUI UT W POll VOU TO 11IV 3.000 In ~toea G-2 X-Aa'-d ---.." " I J ' PUsh For A Payback There is bi-partisan support in Sacramento for a bill that would crack down on convic'ted burqlars by making them repay their victi~s. and by ensurinq increasingly- Jt.iff prison sentences for repeat offenders. This newspaper would like to add its support to the bill, which is identilied as AB 2371, introduced by Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle (R-Hunlington Beach). As Friuelle points out, burglary is a crime of calculated premeditation. It involves one or more human beings carrying out a definite plan to mvade a home or business to take the property of another. What is stolen is often worth far more in sentimental value than in intrinsic worth. 1""" The Frizzelle bill would add the payback penalty onto whatever other penalties the court imposes. The con- victed burglar would remain a ward of the court-even aJter serving his time-until he has paid back to hts vtc- tim the full value of what be stole. A first-deqree burglary conviction would carry an automatic penalty of 2V2 years in state prison , with automatic inc reases in sentence severity for repeal con- victions. A first conviction of second -degree burglary (which generally means that breaking and entering was not involved) would carry an automatic 20 months m the local jaiL There is a growmg trend in our soctety to do somethmg fo r tbe victims of c rime while, at the same time, ensuring that there will be proper puntshment of the crimmal. We strongly support that trend, and we believe it is properly expressed in AB 2371. We urqe other local legislators tQ support the b1ll, and to put prop"ltr pressure on the Assembly Cnminal Justice Committee, which is a notorious graveyard for anti-crime legislation. A companion bill, sponsored by Democ rats m the senate, would further ensure the safe passage of lhts Im - portant legislation. " -FLO Writing Your Representatives following are the add{!!IMII Robert 1. Badh&m. 40th t>Ytnct. 1649 for qoyemaumtal repreeent.ti•• W..acldf. Newpon BMch, CA 92660, Mnino Newport Beach. 631-0040. UMIUD STATIS SIMATI AMa Craukla, 10880 Wu.tw. BMI .. a-120, Loe A.Dqea., CA 90024, (213} aat-7641 S. I. H.ayabwe, 523 W. 60a St., Swlle IU, Loe ADve&-. CA 8001 •• (213} &a«J&l r UHITU> ST A TIS COHGUSS STA'n ASSXMBLY W&na.D BerQ.OD, 4!100 C..pu. Dnve, Swte 344, Newpon 8Mcll, CA 92660, 641 ·7441 STATI SDIATI Jolul G. Scluluts, 36th Dwnet. 4600 Caaapu Drive, Newpon S..ch, CA 92680, 97S-9610. CONSUMER~ORNER Dear Consumer Leaque: I was 10 proud of myself! 1 had worked my way throuqh fo~a yean of coUeqe. qraduated hfth an my clus and manaoed to w•• enouoh money to pay cub for a brand new car E~ry hrm to wh1ch I had .. nt my resume had uked to mterv1ew me . Iuctly 45 rru.nutes alter the oraduahon ceremon1es, 1 oave a caz de&ler~hap a check for Sll.S.72.80. My hfe w.u oomq to be .a perfect Patty, m e1qht months tlus car hu manaoed to rwn my entire life. Would you believe that I have h•d 33 difJerent parts replaced m it, that one part has been replaced Az limea, and that I wu locked out of my car for two w .. b ? Y "· the loolu joi.JIUDed . Fm&lly. the dealership "broke into" the car, took the inside panel off and bzed the loeb. J .t&rted k .. pino a diary on thJa *11"&1 •r car. Can you tmao- iDe the mconvenaence cau..d by a c.ar tlaat only ran sia days m the mon.lh of February? The car spent tbe other 22 claya waiting to be towed, or at the dealenhap w&IUno to be liaed. Need! ... to NY, I have aot been able to 9•t to the job mlervt.wa. 11aa ... ~~*'' da" talkiao to ~ ~p p89pkt, the dilln.at pe...-..1, this eouuaaer ~bat cl.arilioD, alae beyen' bOaril. etc. n..., Of co.,.., t.Mre are tM laourt ud boun of letMr wrl~. Add to thla the cia,. tryta9 tO CJet the car to 1M tor~ aacl • ........... WWietMbalpec· ... -~~ .... ..... k» ~~-.. ~ ......... ~---·; .... J DearMs . G: The League cannot help you. We tried. We went through e~ry channel the manufac- turers oHered. Of course, we 'have never been able to Hille a new auto comp/amf-so we were not surprised at tlus failure. 1/e.l your only change lor help is to gel the Lemon Low passed. This is A.uembly B.JI 1787. Bo.Jcally It~Qys that J a car cannot b. bxed alter lour tries by the manuloc:turer or by its agents, or the vehicle is out of service by r~n of repair lor a c umulative total of more than 20 days-YOU GET A NEW CAR OR YOUR MONEY BACK. This ts the pohcy lor every other product you buy. I per· sonally do not understand wh y automobiles have ~n the ex- ception all these years. Some have SOJd that the Amet~can auto manulocturen cannot al- ford to replace their "lemons." 1 .ay they cannot allord not to replace theu problem can Would 1t ro~ the price of oll new aut011) No-you batgom with the dealerahjp-leorn to do the l'eMQrch QtKi compo.r1110n .~topping and rou will t/111 gel a ''good deal .. , Pot Blow Consumer Leo9ue ..... To the Reader: U you wont 10 /eorn more abOuJ thjt bill or support II, pJeo. Coli 551 ~~ or write to S.OtiiOi lfobeif PNiWy. &ale Qapilol, s.:,....alo, CA -.,4. X Letters~o The Editor SPON Ads To the Editor: Re: Jan. 29 i.aaue, SPON, "IJtrty, Barefoot and Lonqhair- ed." The position of the SPON arti- cles in your newspaper is very stranoe. Are they commercials? News items? Unsigned opinions? Does The Ensign have any con- trol over their contents? Some control? No control? The Jan. 29 article ia a case in poant. The article reMmbles the doublespeak, bra.iDwuhing technique used by all tyrants. Specifically: Paraorapb 1-"coa:unercial stnps to be built in residential a reas." The atnp m question hu always been a commercial strip. Paragraph 3-"fMla.that more booze ... " The Red Carpet, a very noisy bar. bas occupied a portion oJ t be lot in que.Uon for an eterni- ty. and is open hom morning to niqht. The restaurant in qu"tion will only be open d~aing the evenmgs. Ar. a 16-year resident of the area, I know the new restaurant waU upgrade the area. I certain- ly hope 10. B. V. Wehrly (Ed. note: The SPON "orticle" IS an advertisement.) f Brothen, Hoag lbpital foWl- dation. Sputic LM9ue, Cerebral P&l.y A..odation, Frienc:la of UCI, hu •rvecl on the City Pl.aaD.bao Commiasjon, and la now pre.ident of the Oran9e CoUDty Cout. Aaocia- tion. The citilen of the year awazd wu ineuqureted ill 1949 by the Newport Harbor Chawber with the eelec:tion ol Bob Murphy. The award hu beea pr..ted annually aince then. 'nle ..a.c- tion committee ia OOJilpti.Md of put wiAD8r'l of the award. I hope Ulat thi8 will CJf'N your readen an qpluetlon ol 1M man.aer in wiUch tM choice ia made. n.. M.wport Harbor O••her la greteful foz 1JJe ~·· coverege oJ ch••ber enne. ud for the eacel.lut NpOrtiDO of tbe new. of our OOIIUilWlity. Arvo I . Hu,pa CoronacWMu Bed-Tax J.ue To the Editor: (A copy oltAe lollowing letter wa. MDI to The IDaign.) Dea.r Mayor Heather and Nemhen of the CouncU: lllDder•l&Dd that the qu•- tiona of a9al.n placill9 the bed· tu increase on the ballot la to be cli.acu.ecl b, you t.llly IOOQ. I wrote \o you about this on No.. 9, 19tJl. Since then, I have talked to variou.a people on th1a aatter. and find that there is a Joe ~ m..iainfonnaUon about hotel ret•, the eatent of competiUoa ill this ....,., the~ of a lu illCIMM upon relati•• oc:cupa.nc:y rat., and even web euily ucer- tainable data u the becl-WI rat• lor adjacut clti•. I encloee c:oplee of the Newport Beach and Co.ta W... liatinga taken from tha cu.rreat Hotel & Travel IDdn-tlae tzaftl a9enta' "bible." from theee you will ... that the Newport Beech a.ree ia aened by hot.Wmotela in lniAe and CoMe W... u well u in Newport Beacll. ,.._ note abo the wtde ranoe of room rat•, ooia9 u low u $22. In- quiry oJ eo.ta W... ud Irvine 'cities show that they llaft • 6 perc•t hed-tu rate, u f.ndeed do mOlt oJ the cltiel ill Orange COWlty, the two ma.t aotable exceptions bein9 Santa Ana at 5 perceat and WqunA BMch at 8 percent. W1l1le cleuly I can.not ~ for the l&r9er hotels, I can UI'Ure you that, part.icul&rly ln t.M wi.Dter JDODU.,. the unaller motels ill t.hia uee are lD direct cc.petitioa with t1leir eo.ta ..._ COWl .. rpuU, ud that an lac,._ ill our hec:l-tu would ha,. an adM.ne effect upon our trede. To thoee of you who t.hi.nk differeUy, I can OD.ly uk you to couider the .U.Ct of an in- cr ... ill tu on yow own butri=-, whatever it may be, but not on that of yow oom· peutor. The hotel buin .. il no different hom any other in thi.a reepect. Finally, I would refer to my contention a year aqo that there alight be a neqative eft.ct on total revenue if the tu il ln- creued too much. Coaaparison of flac&l Yeu 1979-1880 reveDuee from hed-tu for Newport INch ud WquDa IMch lndicete that wh.Ue Newport INch had 1.5 tim• •ore botel tooaLI than WOUJl&, it coUec:ted 2.9 tiaea JllON reve:Du.. Pezhapa Lac,u.na Beach wu DOt all that ma&rt to iDe~ ita tu rate. · Victory G . Rumbellow Newport Channel ¥m JOORNAUSTS JOURNAL by Jlm FeltOD U the dhief ezecutive of a lar9e corporation takes credit for hia com~y'a performance, i1 atanc:la to reason that he should take the blame for his firm'• misbehavior, and Peter Kremer ate crow for the Irvine Company lut week. It wu a cluay ap~rance. and by the time he wu throuoh it ... med that the future of the Irvine Company-at least in the city of Irvine-may have bung by a hair, a hair in the hand of barber Jim Richardson. Ricbarc:laon owns· the only barber ahop ln Irvine. But a abort time before Christmas he received a letter from the lrvane Company tenainatino hia lease in the University Park shopping center on Dec. 31. When he chec:k.ed, he was told the bvme Company wawnted to uae the apace for aome shop that would brino more traffic to the center than a barber ahop. Jim Richarc:t.on let people know he wu upeet, and he became a caUM celebre. The Irvine City Council ezploded and threaten· ed to have a new look at the city's General Plan. Well, when you own virtually all the undeveloped land in a otty, u the Irvine Company doea iD the city of Irvine, an unhappy city council is the last thing you want. You may own the land, but what you do w1th 11 d..,enc:la upon the city counc1l lven with a disc problem m b 1s beck, Peter Kremer, Irvine Co. preeident, knew what be bad to do. Without advance fanfare, and not on the aoenda, he arnv- ed at the Irvine City Counc1l m"ting. When Peter Kremer talks, people listen-at least lrvme Co. people. A. be wallced mto the councU chambers, the a udi- ence about doubled with Irvine Co. employ .... It appeared that everyone ezcept Joan bvine ' Smith wu there. l hadn't seen .a many pinatriped suits since the RMoan lnauq~aation or a Pierce Broa. funeral. Mr . Kremer Mid the lrvme Co. had ooofed when it came to barber Jim Richardson and a few other buaineu tenants who had been cuHed .round . It won 't happen in tbe tuture, he a.ud. Tlte company will quarant" needecJ city •rvac:es, and tenant chano-will be reviewed by a coJIUD.itt" of nice ouys be ap- poiDted and who report to h1m. He talked about the chano1nq economy, the problem of hnanc· ing, of capital and intu.t rates and • tu•bulent market. He doubted there ever would be another Twtt. Rock or Wood- bridge developm .. nt. He 9ave tM city five &Qr• for an animal slelt.r and Mid there wu more where that COM from for future city uec:la lf the clty would favor lrvme Co. plana. A ma9nificent cvtot. It .U to\Ulded 10 me• ead frieDClly. Theft he left beauae hJI allin9 spinal c:li.c wu 9inao him flts. 1 know what lae ........ lor yNn 1 had to ..u a lllrCJic&l co1set for a frac tund ciJ.o &Dd •Y doct01 c.U. ay lower aplM • d.iMater arM. So I applaud Wr . Kremer for c:oel"9 cnat at all. H.la •P"Ch wu ..U~wrtttea and .. JJ.read ..d ..U-•p&.auct.d. Nearly baU tM •--•oe Wt when Nr. KnllerWt, aa.e ....._~I wrote tbet· at ~ k» so.e ptq)le before ~ U..t tM liWae Co. Ucllole louob wttb tM oolll· ...uty. At the lrviDe City Coun· all ...eillo, it loo)ecl u tf the a aapaar WM tryf.D9 to make up Iii a ,.., • .-..recce wUh a .......... ~I.Llb• .,..._klllieMMIUIIaia ···-· ,.... ... .,. ...... tMI .•t•••ll •• * + cootro-._ .. .._p,..aad _. ........ ...,.tor ••••ulk.~uy ... ......... lrltMCo.lt -..... ...,OO.a· ......... I 2011- ,, (C• reo vill &1 the OWl lan rn J the rn the inc w. 1 the an ' da1 de• sen Ul. the ( be B T Cl , ,. ,. I (ContiDued bela peo-e 1) A vtce prtmdent of the cor· poratlon, K..n Carpenter, aor..cl to the arbitration of the board oJ rHlton. "We. are lonqUme mveatora," rent l&nd hom De An.u lD the Carpenter told the council. village at Cout Hlqbway ud "What do you plu to do there Bayside Drive, are In "euctly (wit.b the property), other than the aame poeitlon" u hou.ee raiN the rente?" uked Coun- ownen who leu. IrVine Co. · cilman Paul Hummel. "Do you land, Aid Tom Waten, another • have a.ny plana to cbanoe the rfticf.At, after the m.eetinQ. land UM ?" Adam Mu, ata.ff member of the Com.mitt" of 4,000, a reeidenta' oroup iormed to floht the lrvlDe Co. 1ental and price increuee, anet with Sulllvu and W a ten after the council IIHSion. The mopile home owoera and the 0. Anaa corporation "have a m .. tlDo acheduled for thu Fri- day," Wattbew Gemmill, a ntai· dent, told council. "But they are aendino a lawyer to m .. t with ua. They won't meet with ua them.aelve1." Councilman PbU Maurer &aid "We have no other plana, u I ala.nd here," Carpenter said. "AI I atand here," .omeone m the audience echo.d. W ater1 later told a reporter, "Every time anyone wa.nta to eell their mobile home, they have ~o notify the corporation. It senda out a letter saymq il won't quazantee them a space there put 1985. "You can't sell those mobile hom .. ,'' be aald. C.rp.nter told counca.l, "We (the corporation) own 16 mobile home pub in Callfornla, norida and llli.nola. Never baa anyone bed to l .. v• one of our pub becau.M they oould.n't pay a rent lncreue. "lh 10me of thoee cues, we pay more of their rent than they do." "I hope you continue to do that," Mid Heather. "The .. peo- ple are faced with .ome mcred- ible lncr ...... " Earlier. when abe bad uked Carpenter to .-pe.U before the council, 1be had eaid, "We are lryinq very bard not to be forced into tOme form of rent control." Sullivan told a reporter that Carpenter had s~ud to h1m repeatedly, Ul prev1oua m .. tmo•. "lf you can't afJord to llve m Newport Be&ch, then move out.'' Path•on told a reporter, "Tbi.a abould be wrly euy to neqotiate. We don't tht.nk th ... people ahould be yellinq at each other. "There ue many 1tema to COD· a1der; the lenoth of the le.ue, for one tbmg. Alao, the two a1dea are realJy lryUlQ to do the aame tb1oq. "The people who bought mob1le homes for SlS,OOO are now trymg to sell them for \100,000," she s<1ud . Some form of proht-shan ng m1ght be worked out, she added. 1'M "-wport Enalgn Wednnday. laAuory 21. 1-.... I MEDICAL WEIGHT REDUCTION S20MO DOCTOR VISIT WITH ESTABliSHED FAMilY ~CliCf MD MEDICATIONS ALLERGY TESTING WITH SIMPt.E BlOOD TESTS NO MOPE _ PAT 1-t TESTS AllERCl' Of .Ft~StTIZATION Medi-Cal, Med•c•r•, tneur. Otc No conrrocl) no ~~1t,r.• ~ o sf!lf .,ypnos1• MAJOR MEDICAL.CENTEII 972-2273 be will attend the ~eetlng . IIERE"S YOUR PAR;JfT MAID! ~ Orange Coast ~.. College St. Valentine's Day Fashion Show 1IRID or •••• a: 111011 C1.011111t -LET W DO IT POll I r AIIII.Y WAU. ri.urr AII'D • • . ~""'1.01-. , ......... -........ W"'IIMC' r•~cw..a..w......_. . COROifA dellii.M LAUIQ)ftY IIIILC....Ihy ..... ,.. ......... ~ ............ 0 ,..._ ll l\ I h' 1 o ro1.1 REMEMBER VALENTINE~ DAY with a special gift JUST GRAPHICS II ... REGISTER NOW!! Clesaea begin soon! HOW TO REGISTER -Regtster by matl or tn person at the OCC Commumty Serv•ce Offtce (OCC Adm•n Bldg ) 2701 Fatrvtew Road. Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626-0120 No telephone reg1strat1on OFFICE HOURS 8 am -7 p m Mon-Fn 8 am . 12 noon Sat For Information. Scheduln & F ... : 55&-5880 COLLEGE FOR KIDS M ost classes will be held on Saturdays. starttng February 20 for 3rd -8th grades. Classes m the following areas DANCE CALLIGRAPHY FRENCH SPANISH TUMBLING WRITING READING DRAMA ART FlTNESS MIME SWIMMING MOV!MENT PHOTOGRAPHY PUPPETRY ANIMAL CARE TYPING. WATER POLO YOGA ptA NO GUI'JAR SIGN LANGUAGE ADULT MINI-COURSES , Age 16 & Over Classes in the followinq areas: OFFICE RECEPTION MEDITATION. PHOTOGRAPHY PERSONAL LAW TIME MANAGEMENT JEWELRY MAKING CALLIGRA~Y PAINTING HUMAN SEXUALITY STAINED GLASS COIN CQLLifTING PUPPETRY 558·5880 YOGA HAJtG GLIDING AMATEUR RADIO SWIMMING W£LOING WOODWORKING for men only featurirQ:~~~/J/1{//j ' r ) :_:__:____/ ' THURSDAY, FEB. 4 AT 6:30 TO 9 PM e WITH LIVE MODELS • FREE CHAMPAGNE • DRAWING FOR $100 GIF ....... , ~ ... ATE For that Essential Gift for Ev~erv sweetheart in your life. For Info. 644·1169 N~t.Dport Ht/Lc ( P fl If t 2614 Fnrd/."an \fqp • I /J•t • Newpurt Hf'cuh . rA ~.!'lM• 36<1 I B £ Coct\t Hv. 'V Coronel dt>l \t.Jr C" Russo's World's Largest I • '' t .... 'tUU '' t 11' , IY USING ANY OF THESE OPTIONS: Deily... Earn S'h% compounded daily on your balance m an INTEREST- BEARING CHECKING ACCOUNV.1f your balance as S7SO or more, or if you are 6S or over. there is no monthly charge~ otherwasc. only a nominal fee. On every month's staterr.ent. you'll find mterest added your checking account arows tvery day! • • e•• •MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES. with a SlO.OOO minimum investment. earn simple interest at rate set week)y for 6-month penod. ee •TAX-FREE SAVINGS through 1982. rates ~t monthly for a 12- month term. You may cxdude from your Federal taxes up to S2000 mtercst if you file a joint return. SIOOO if you file individually. •• • SIOO minimum in a VARIABLE RATE CERTIFICATE• earns interest compounded daily at rate determined every two weeks for full term. •• Every wacc earner. with or without a pension plan. 1s ehgibit to open a UNIVERSAL IRA ACCOUNT.• Depos1t up to $2000 for an mda- vidual. S22SO for a married couple with one income. S4000 for a married couple when both arc waae carnen. These tax-sheltered funds earn interc t compounded daily. When you withdraw funds durina your retirement yean. pay tax in the bracket of your 1ncome at that time -probably muc:h lower than in your cam ina years. •tnterul pcnalhca for urly wathd,.wal CALL FOR CUaiENT COMPETITIVE RATES AND YIELDS! JANUARY CLEARANCE up to I { \FEW $$$ off most items in store INCLUDES DOG & CAT BEDS e FLEA COLLAR & SPRA YS e BIRD!:. ~o '\Jt ~ r AGES • AQUARIUMS e PET SUPPLIES C •• , .. ,...,._t.ll-.e.. •••~en __. ....... k ............ , \or~ .... ... 1-31 .. 2 • "' ,._ VJII!IM . '\.,;'Q • ----WHITE WASH SPECIAL:.---.. $1 0 loc ft ~"' II !<. rntditlll1 \llt r\totJ\ I ' h I f.ltS $13 long ht~c cats lntfoductOfy Offer $1 5 1114' l,ug Jog' CALL NOW FOR ApPOI TMENT ,. • ----...... IYI r/, 1-1M .. wpwt E dp ''W• -.,.,. to fiDd otlwr -~.H .. adclecl, ukiag .,..Dedi to ...W lA ftnding __._ fuirl..railiiacJ ...... •rylW.U••olf, wJ.o fonnerly --.-1 oa tM com•1"'o'b with ... ucl DOW i8 ideatifMd .. p ..... t of the ,,...., 1ut week callecl a p,.... con.fennee if .... ~ ud ~ tr••r'Mt bed. an • pop~ler u tMy ~wa,. belia. n.. ......... ~ ....... two.tWnlil of the .. tO PMf, wu CWMtecliMt Nou .... -Met , .. ant haD·tiiM abpolt WU'11cK, X•ne'll Dllliao. Mala· clay Del.iDo ...... the .... MO,OOO..-yeu pa.t to &pt couty ezpeutoa of Job WaYQe Airport. 11M city piau to lUre a eec:retary and ~ a total of $70,000 a yeu OD the job • ' at Mr Lido lale home. Sbe -.ked U..t J'rieed8 ...ben write in -Put off UD~ , •• 8 voting on the controvenial Weet Newport BMco profecl, a $1..0 lllillioo office, ligbt indutri&l and nGdellti&l ~top­ poeed by the Weet Newport Al.lianee. laer ..... m.t.ad of Bme'a on a blillot ... led oat by Roee Jan. 19 Mkiag that Roee be identifiad .. ~ .. Jleanwhile, in another Arts Co-•ieicm i8aue at the a.ftw- AOOD llbacly IIIIi®, Cou.ncilman PaW Hwamel and W.yor Jackie Heather arvued over the com- .-on•a arta-in-the-echoola pro- gn.a. "I doa't tb.i.nk it's proper to spend tupayen' money for such a program," HWD.Jael Mid. H .. ther and Councilmu Phil W.urer diagreed. "Newport is only u oood u ita educational system and this is a qreat aid to leun.inq," Heather said. "I tb.i.nk the Am Com..miuion is doinq just what it ahould do. I love it," said Maurer, a retired t~her. In other actions, council: -Voted 4-1 to uk the voters June 8 if they want to increue the city's 6 percent bed tu to 8 percent. The increue would bring in some $666,000 a year, WE PAY TOP ss FM .. ClEAI UIEI CAIEIAI lrtnt YOAII C... Olflt'l Phoeoari!P* Eqylp. tnforeFAt£_. 'd. WE.FKIHYS IOA\1 . Wt:EKfNI)~ t:30ANA ~PM ~niot From tht' ........... A reMrendu.m drive bu been threatened if coUDCil approv• the project. -Put off until Feb. 8 Mtting the date and the bellot wording of a referendum aheedy decided by a petition drive 011 the lrvi.na Co. upanaion of Newport Center, General PLan Amend- ment 80-3, approved ill Auquat. -Put off until Feb. 22 are- qu•t by the Nuriott Hotel for a new General Plan Amendment that would allow ita addition of 165 room.a ud a 5,000-square- foot meeting room. An identical propoeal is wrap· ped into GP A 80-3 ud would be tcrapped if the voten decline lhelrvine Co. eapanaion. -Appropriated $76,000 to build a pipeline that will con· nect its 13 oil wen. near West Newport to Long Beach refineries. OR. STANFORD GRE£N O.....ToLe•d AI I .,.e..._ CoiDJilunity involvement will be the prima.ry theme of Ilia ad- ministration, said Dr . Stan.ford Green, Ne~ch ~hoi· oqiat who receAtly ~. president of the Oranqe County Paycholoqical Association. Psycholoc;riats "have a Ull.ique and valuable contribution to make to the welfare of our com- munities," said Green, former city beac hes, parks ud recrea- tion commissioner. "We mu.st com.mit ourselves to an ongoing, permanent involvement with the g overning bodies of our cities and our county." A recent chairman of the cou.nty social programs advisory committee, Green has been honored by resolutions froiD the Board of Supervisors and the City Counc il. MEN'S,..IONS (ilttar....O FINAL JANUARY 4 CLEARANCE DAYS ONLY Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. I ~~70Z1r MENS SPORT COATS SLACKS SPORT SHIRTS OUTERWEAR SWEATERS ALL WOMENS WEAR 1/2PaiCE HRS. SWEATERS BLOOSES SKIRTS CORD8-NEW MAN JEANS-:-NEW MAN THE SELECTION IS STILL GOOD HU.RY 1ft TODAY MON-THORS I 0.6 FRI 10.9 LIDO MARINA VILLAGE 3439 VIA OPORTO NEWPORT BEACH. CA SAT 10.6 SUI't II·~ I usc Cuaatioo Street d.ool J*ldinCJ lta applicatioe tor a cout.al ~·­ ait. The a.-denta hope to con· vin.oe the Newporl·W... Unified Sdlool Dt.trtd to ..._ the site to a private, Ch.riMian dAay aclaool, wllich had blct on the • ... 11M bWldln~ would ~ave tlae MJDe day-tilDe u.e, With ...U ~and 1 .. cu traf- fic, that It had before It wu cbecl. "In the nezt two to tbr .. days, we will attuapt to iieet wtth Job Mk:oU (nperintendent) and Mn. (B.J.) Skillinq {board p,.- cleet)," Mid Stewut. A City Council hearinq ou ue coodit:ion.a and a curb "CUt b upected feb. 22. -Rog.Aiagle .. IVDY1HING IN TDINIS" JANUARY. .. ·~TO~EVVIE»I£ ' 10% to 50% OFF ([.ac.pt B..u.> FINAL 4DAYS Phone 642-6U6 BIG&TALL January CLEARANCE 20°10 tO 50°10 f SUITS ... 2 & 3 PIECE reg. 165 ... to 365.041 lOW 134.• to 291.• From Hart Schaffner & Marx, Blllny 500, Palm Beach. Eagle , Allyn St. George a Eagleson' I . In blends of 100% pure wool , wool/polyester & 100% polyester. .. Solids, pinstripes & plaids , browns, tans , blues & grays. Reg : 46-56. Long. 46-56, Xlong: 42-54 Portly : 42-60 SPORT COATS & BLAZERS reg. 95. • to 245." · NOW 75.80 to 195.10 Fr•• Hart Scuff., I Marx . Pllll lucll, lllany 500, Biorgio lt. Allglll ' luby. OUtstanding selection of classic ~erns & traditional blazers. wools . polyesters & velvets . Tic weaves, herringbones & shetlands. ll'L"~~ Reg : 4~. Long: 46-54. Xlong: 42·54 a'!H~!l,_ Portly: 42·60 .. ,~13 P155/80fU3 P16S/tOA13 P1e5fl0A13 P185170R13 P185170A14 P1W aoA15 -The aviatio.D work oow•lt· t" of the Soutllena Caldonda A..ociAtlOil of Go,......-ta •oted to delay Ita fiAal recom- aumdatJoD 011 a r~ airpoat alte for three to tou.r ..athl10 It can ccuider ll Toro Wuine Corpe Air Station u • site. $48 10 5040 5385 57 25 1315 eeao M OO Size P156.'10fU! bleetlwell, ptue S1.3t F E.T end old tlfe ,._FLT. ........ St 36 152 1 67 148 1111 185 t79 N•WPOIIT n•• c••1•R 1000 .. OOUT IIWJ. COROllA ... •aa. CA -· ~ . ' • l r.., Jubi&atlof' at by Narc Wheth of:fenM il buketba that hu . qame'a iJ There't answer, I caM for ' definitel1 stderlnq squad, n Sea Vie• the MUC For the Sea IC.inQ the beat 1 Oranqe 4 oppotailio a game. tng that a 12·0. In fact, week oft Sea Lnq ... I Is A lt'a hm second h. Leaque t which be Some t mo re of • staqe of I reasons c qamM. A to have a pack wo.: For ala the MCOJ! relatively back (toll day niqh' qam•ar probably a proble1 the coml:l w"k's os 2-12. Neatw ha.t ..... before viJ Irvine. Tl S.Uon' t. second b. MUOD fil aqain.at & tender . Of cou tNJUeol byllary DoD Ac for Lt. G who.,.. recutS.. durinv tla Caaalina apok. to • theN.~ lu1 Wect. Ac...,.. muMt~ Santa Caj for the D4 State Ld canc•llt fltlt ..... TN .......... z.ap W..t=~·~·~·IIIY~·~~~~~~!.!,. Faller WI.,. UFE HoaglO.K by Daa l.ogaD While IOilM wiDter racH -.m to be plaqued .ach year with uy of a variety of unplMM.nt winter COJlditiona, the a.nnuaJ Run for Ho.c;~ hu one. aq&lJl QOtlen the Dla.f p}eaNDt day on the calenda.r. liQht hundred runnen, even- ly divided betw .. n the SIC and lOit race., took advantaoe of blue Rift and a warm aun to charoe a_round the atr .. ta and bi.kepatba behind the fluor Corp. Recreation Center m Irvine. Snow-laden mountama made a dramatic backdrop for the race. benefithno Hoaq Memorial Ho.pitaJ oJ Newport Beach and aponaored by Cali- fornia Firat Ban It and KEZY Radio. Winner of the men's SK wu 23-year-old frank Oauncey lD 15:23, followed by Tom Burna of Co.ta Mesa m 15:59. Burna, who prefers lonqers races 1Dcludlno marathons, w.u runnino his he~t 51{. Nineteen-year-old JuJ1e Ooer- inq won the women's divunon of . . . ecoring the last-second basket to put this viC1ory on the the SK m 19:02, followed by scoreboard. Photos by S1eve Cancoan Sherry Liqbturne of Corona del • Newport Harbor's qlrs.' ' basketball tMIIl .._, .. ia'lM bottom half of U.e S.. Leaoue stan~ by drc .. llll~ Thunday eveu!Do g..,. Eatanc~a, 59-33 . • • • Kings Have Half A Crown Mar in 19:46. CraJg Fuller waa overall WlJUler among the runners tn the lOK, hnl.Sbmg an 31:06. John The Corona del Mar -., soccer tMJa coa~ iii for tint place i.n lbe co.w~ Sea V1ew l.eaCJl)8 witla a --Qif;~ lllarcw Dleta r~ae,Ulttr qood defen.ee or il the decidino factor in 9am• il a qu..Uon hu haunted man ainc. the inception. no epy, aimple , that'• for sure. But a for 9ood deten.. can be made, when con- Cozona del Mar Hiqh'a , now 7-0 and leadinc;~ the View Leac;~ue at midway of the put 12 games, the IC.inoa, who play perhapa man-to-man defense in County, have held the to 50 points or leu in . lt'a no wonder that dur- atretch, they have oone fact, not SIDce the openino of the .. aaon, when the IC.inQa dropped deciaion.a to . HWltinqton Beach (56-53) and Nuiu {60-52), have they allow- ed more the SO poiDta in a oame. Th ... atron9 def..Wve efforta have come aoaizult .:mte qood teams, too, aucll u la.t week, when Cozona del Mar atopped MCOnd-place latancia 40-35, and tiftll-place UA.iveraity, 45-<tJ. Both IAtucLa and University, miAd you, feahll'e a 9ood, quick, offeue that oenerally .cor .. a lot of point., but aqaln.lt the tenacious Sea ltinq defeDM, both attacb sput- tered. Still, it took a little offeue, too, •pecially aqain.at Universi- ty, to ...t the wina. And that offen.M wu provided by a numb.r of different characters, mo.t notably CJUUda Chria Lyuch and Nib Heu, and for- wud Kurt Petenon. e But Newport Harbor A Strong Contender time to look forward to the half of the Sea View buketball camp&iqns, beqin t0n19ht. teams are goin9 to have oJ an advantaoe at t.hi.a of the year than others, tor of achedulino and road And one team that ... m.s a marked edoe over the would be Newport Harbor. atarlen, the S..Uora open ... COllld half aqain.lt two WMk teama, Seddle- (tonight) .xld El Taro (FJ1- ni9ht). And thou9h both are on the road, that won't poee too much of IOI>Jelm for Newport, aince a.-vJQUIUJ•u record of tlu.s opponents, in Iuque, lS w .. k, the Sailors will alwaya-touqh Ca.ta MeN, vialtiD9 aixt.h-plac. . That meau that oJ the four road oam• in the llalf, only one, the finale at latancia, lS a bonafide INque con- courM, non-contend.inq tomeUmea ue the on• who pull off the bi9 upeeb, and in hJoh eohool ba.abtbalJ, there b defin.iteJy DO aure t.hiJl9. But if Newport can uoid the upeeta, then it can make 9round on some oJ the better teama, and can do ao at home, yet. Newport Harbor, after lut week's 56-45 wm over Ulliveni- ty, and ita 58-46 lou to Estancia, b S-2 in l .. que play, and 10-6 over..U. The record la qood enou~ ior third place ill the lMCJl&e, be)tiod UDct.fNted Coz- ona del War (7 -0) and latancia (6·1). Oftenaively, the Sailors have h6d their pl"'blem.a of late. Althouc;~b they did 800Ze a lot of points aoatDat UA.iv.nity, led by Steve PelleUer'a 16 point., Newport ahot JUil 36 percent fzo• the field •9ULtt latancia, which conaeoted oA 53 percent oJ it. attempt.. ln additioQ,, Newport .cored just two poiDta in the tint quartez and jut ei9bt ln the MCODd, uad trailed 26-10 at the half. In the f1nt period, the Sailon CODnected on jldt one of aine ahota. •Ahe•cl Pew profit oa tla ... uau&en. He ..Ud that the C.ta.llna Noorin9 Colapuy wW M¥e har_bor patrol boats stationed ln Hoell of the •ooriD9 areu and the IQOOriD9 owaen will be re- quired to DoUty U... when they wlah to \Lie lbetr ~ri.Dq. &oaten wlao.,. Dot moorinQ owners cua write or phone the COIDp&DJ ancl wilJ be .... 91*1 one ot thAt •eca.at •ooriDQ'I. • • e Lynch, the veraa~e, do- ewrtthino quard, scored 10 aoatD.tt J.tancia and 20 aoaiut Uniftraity. 1'-.cored 24 poiDta l.ut week, inCluding 14 and the oa.me-winner against University with just two aeconds left. Al,ain.at Eatancia , Petenoa led all ~ren with 14. This combination oJ effectiv• often.. and aolid defen.se baa left Corona del War in an envia- ble pocition. Barrino a complete collapse, the Sea Kino• have already all but uaured themaelv .. of a err playoff berth. They have not, however, uauzed themaelvea of another lNque crown. Even though Cor- 'Y'Swmmers Silk VIsitors Oruqe Cout YWCA 'a young awimmen ended the reqular- aeuon competiUon with a 4-1 NOOrd after cW .. tin9 Bewerly Hilla, 287-73, in the local pool last week. The tN.Dl Dow p reparee for the YMCA preliiU Feb. 27·28, and the finals, Ma.rc::h 6-7. Lat w.ek'a firat place local finiahen included: I .... ...._ QIJU.S: ntll H Webb Ut62; IRIAST: N. Noaher 27.05, BACK: Jt. Nichola, 23:00; nY N Webl», 2t.03; INDO Jt. N~ebola. 52 27 10!1: rRU. L. l..JWD.me, 19:39; IUAST: C. tt.dley, 30.85; BACit: L ~. 23.74: nv s lahotf. 23.8S; DfDO: D. Newm&~a, 1.53.54 •10 QIIU.I: PRU: S. Rlillw, 33.56; IUAST: C NJc!W.kt, BAC Jt· 38·05. fiT: H. Webb, 3970. INOO L lmholf. 37.10. IOYI: 1RU S Moore. 32.56. IRIASTY: D. La.oce. 39.23. fiY: S SWidhled 11-11 GOU.S: FJlEI K Plullipa, 33 96; IRIAST: L Ne-an, •1.33; tACit It PhiWpe, 42 01, INDO· It Pt!lllipe, 1:36.44. lOTS: BRIAST A lldeT, 44.68. 1~1· GOU.S: J'RU K. Fl&ll.r, 37 72. UIAST: P La.oce. 1 20,61. BACI 8 luf:fml, 1:25 0 (No bo-,.) 11 Gad 11iP lOTS: FRD: J. Sperber, JO.al; llliAST: J. S~bet. l.JO.iO IIIDLn ID.AT, GDU.S: (11-12) V a.cu.,, J. Rllftuat, L N__., I . Saath, 2:38.36 80YS: A llckr, J ~~. S. Wo.ta.r. J Ruffuu, 2:38 IN. GDU.S (ll-14), P. Lance, I Ruftuu, T. Sperber, w. w.w.. 2:20 57 PillE III.A T, GUlLS ( 11-12) V. H.cU.,, J Rlilluu, L N.waan. R Sa1th, 2:J0.8S (13-14) ~. l.&ace. I Rul- liai T Sperber, N Webb, 2.08 57 JIIOOI'Ivea Deve Taft9ler (UYC) h.11illhed U\ t.h. lop l!pOI of the Lido w.nd Y*=fll CJilb Acllllt &..bot s.,_ wllll W.de O'Kora (NHTC) ~eeoad. hm Jterno•• (ICTC) thnd, and Don lened1ct (UYC) lourth Wane O'Hor• eJ.o woo the Goldte Joeepll Perpetual Trophy lor the top wo-• MOOr 10 th~a evDol 1"'-Lehman 12 F1M4 1\ekt lheu Cor !teet Jt.v•tt• at Newport H.rbor T•cht Club th• -JJetld w1tb J~ luck1a9ll .. COIDdiCJ ua hnt, Charlft a..t. e.eoncl aod Pal Seever lhord AU are 1rom the hOttcM, ona del Mar went 7-0 m the hrst Rothrock fuushed second an haU of league play, there were 31:51. An unidentafied wheel- lots of close gamee that went its chan racer hn1shed the course way-games that, with a bad in 29:32. break or two, could have been Winner of the women's lO K la.t. was 17 -year-old Laura After playmg three tough McCracken 1D 38:37. games in a row, Corona del Mar In the men's 200-plus-pound fiqurea to get somewhat of a d!vu1,n of the 10K, vi.s1tmo breather toruqbt, when it v1s1ts Olympac sculler Hans Svensson Irvine, which is 1-6 m league. of Sweden-all 6 foot 6 mcbea After that, though, the gomo and 235 pounds of hun-ran gets a little tougher, with a tnp 37:47 to beat his host, Brad to Costa Meaa scheduled for Fn -Lewas of Corona del Mar, by 25 day everung. seconds. Brad's lather, Dave, The first time around, Corona rounded out the tno's trophy del Mar thrashed lrvme, 62-45, coUechon by wtnnang the men's before edging Costa Mesa, 60-plus WVlSJon of the SJC an 42-40. 22:27. CITY'S YOUTH BASKETBALL ......_., w .. k't ~or• m c1ty recrNhon de~menl Boyw Buketball 5th cmd lth gTOdes Buffalo RILDJUDO Wed , Heu~hla Jau, 33; NB Warnon. 2•. Mannen Mu.achen, 14; CYC Sw!Shen. 21 lutb1ufl Bl.u.re. 19 3rd cmd 4th grod.e Bulla1o Hilla 76en, 28 He1qbt1 Bu11eta, 8, Heu~hta RWinmq Rebels, 21, Buffalo Hilla SWnmen, 18. W.naen Allstue, 21. NB L&bn. 4, He~Qhta Rg. DIDQ Rebels. 9. CYC Sw11her1, 8. cos as victory over ~. 2-1. The s.. ltmq., who ... aa thud place behind !mae _.. ·~twlf.~l:'­ Eatancia r.-pectiv .. y, ... by the QO&lie play ol W1 JaOI--r. ud the 8COrinQ of Scott McCrimmon and VIDoe NcGwn .... Coach Robby Coaa ... ...-.-IIR" IMID'I victory WU the r-.lt total tMm effort, for the •tbe game. • • I ~n.~ ocqu.iaitioM, ~ ment bvr-out. tmd public ..... company or keep u ooi.DCJ? While it may be true that aucceu ill fJnd- iDQ venture capital can 80JD.ti11Me boil down to knowing the riGht phone · number to dial, or llmowmo the right per.an for paeentation oJ your plan to venture upita.liata (we provide capital to entre- preneu.n who don't have accftl to c:on,_tiollal.a\lJ'Cee of fund. iDQ, aucla u bank loau or .tocl: aubt ofteriDqa), there are car- laiD by element. which, alonq with lillllinQ, market me and deaaand, can briDq the proba- bility of your~ ill obtaiD- iDq WDture capital to almoet 100 percellt: lint, the company muat have e unique product or •rvice to offer wllich filla a special need in ita iDduatry. Thia element appli" to any coaapany, r-oucn.. of ita buin ... oriutaUon. S.CC.d, tM ~puay mu.st menta, the memorandum Will usually be wid.ty circulated and subject to careful scrutiny. Therefore, it is very important it be comprehensive enouqh to wilhltud qu..tJoni.Do from varlecl fronts. Fo.uth, the company .. kloQ oapit&l should •lect 'a bJohly- qualifiecl qroup of adW.On- iDolud.lDQ • reputable CPAJ auditinQ fJrm ud u attorney wbo ia lmowledQe4hle in private placement• and aecuri.t*. Here, where dynamic o-rowth and the aolid buaiD .. mix of tecluloloqy, aQJioulture and computed-related c:oaapaniee Oouriah, the opportunity ia ~· both for the manaCJinq venture capltalilt and the iavestor tyD· dicate to ;oin tOQether with a qualified company to invest in Oranqe County's future. Sometl*lg New In Siver This coin--like ingot, containing one troy ounce of silver, was manufactured by the Royal Canedian Mint for Monex International, Ltd., Newport Beech. Founder and president Lou .. rabini, at 1n announc~nt ceremony last ~·. pr~cted that the pieces will prompt a "two-way market of tndividual trading. The company said it .sold 15,000 the first day of trading, closing at $8.23, the price of silver, plus $.50 each, in lots of 500. have a QOOd JD&DaQemeut team. In the real ..tate industry, the key to aucce.ful inv .. tment is "location, location, location." In the venture capital community, potential capital inv..ton look for "manaqement, manaqement, manac;aement." Th• JDAD&Qement team must haft an iDlpeocable track r~rd in its industry or a parallel industry. U the manage· ment team ia entering a new field, it needs to prove that ita particular backqround will pro- vide the company with an unuaual advantage. TAX TIPS BRIEFS THE VISlTING EXPERT . Third, the company mult have an investment memorandum. Thia is a comprehensive, highly detailed synopaia which should include the nature and purpose o{ the buaiDesa with attention to specific economic or social needs to be fJJ.led. Tb.U anyopau should contain the operating b.i.atory, including backgrounds oJ by penonnel and aionificant accomplish.menta; market poten- tial and strateqy aupported b y quot• from independent aqen- ciea; forecuts for product sales and finally, financial projec- tions. Since the venture capital/ investment banlring community will typically syndicate invest- TAX TIPS is o service sup- plied by Rudy BaroD,· CPA of Boron A ccounlcmcy Corpora- lion, a Newport Beach-based accou11ting firm specializing in tax and accounting services lor smoJJ and medium bu&inesses. DON'T RETIRE BROKE How much money do you need to retire, and how do you· plan to accumulate it? lt ia a fair bet that your Social Security and/or your company retirement plan will not be adequate. It's essenua.l that you develop an investment plan with a rate of return (cub return and/or appreciation) greater than the curren t mJlahon rate. Failure to do 10 means that you could have lea purchasing power on the date of retirement than the total purc hasing power you gave up I.D all your years of savings. Consider for a minute the • efJect of inflation at various perc entages over a number of ·years. Rent a sp8CIOUS. lwcunous house or condomtnium. So . REDUCTJa. Of IVI\CBASIIIG tOWER lnJJ.IlOO N~tofYM.n Rate l 5 10 15 20 6q.o 6 26 -45 .6Q ·70 a•. 8 33 55 70 .so LOC~;o LO 40 60 ·18 ·86 L2q., 12 45 10 .SJ ·9l Please note that the loa in purchasing power at 8 perc ent for 10 years 11 55 percent. This approximet .. the loss IJ1 purchasing power of our dollar in the lut 10 years when mfla- tion has averaged about 8 per- cent. lf our c urrent higher inOa· lion rate contm ues, the investor 1S faced Wllh a.n even g reater c hallenge. S1nce permanen t and total dtsa..btbty could be the one factor wruch k .. ps you fxom carryu1g out your f1nancial plan, see that you have a proper disability msurance program. The c hanc es are substantially greater that you wall be diaa.bled before retirement age than they a re of your dyi.ng _!>efore that time . luaiDMa ActiYity Petroleum lutitute, Newport Beech: Nembenhip hu been opeJHKI to the Q*leral public at a one-time rate oi $300. for ill· formation write the m..titute at 120 Newport Center Drive, Suite 145, Newport Beach 92660 or call 640-1812. ford Aerospace and Com- mUilicatiOD.I, N.wport Beach: The International Telecom- munications Satellite Orqanisa- tiOll will buy three more IN- TilSAT VA international com- municationa sat.Wt .. at a coet of $75 million. JQ..raha.U lacrow Co., Studio City: A procpam to franchl.M acrow offic.a ia beillq oHered by the firm for a $10,000 license fee. Accordinq to Marahall Wwer, pra.ident, this is one of the first tim• an eecrow com - pany h.u oUered franch.i.es to the public.· American PaceMttez, Newport Beach: The firm ha.a purc hased 133,700 oJ ita outstanc:lmq shares at a cost of $685,100, about 5.5 Carib Dory Corp., Newport Beach: The Carib DoJ')', a boat which bu both ~r and aail, ia now ready to be marketed, ac· c:ordinq to Anton Emmerton, prnident oJ the firm. Nor• ill· formation is available by calling 759-8059. King Advertiainq, Newport Beach: Western Pacific Com- mercial Brokerage ia a new ac- count. Teleprompter Co rp., Newport Beach: A new satellite tranamit- ter is being coDJJtructed to beam programming up to aateWt .. for distribution nationwide. Teleprompter serv• Newport Beach with cable television. Firat Interstate Bank: The Newport Center branch will relocate to the new Civic Plau complu by the end oJ this year. Glona Ziqner and Aaaociat•, Newport Beach: New clients are Per10nnel Nanagement Servic• of Newport Beach and Har· ria/Ragan Management C orp of Loe Angeles. HammOlld C o., Newport Beach: A branch office of the mortqage banlrino firm has been opened iD Danville, Calif. ... ONE JUST RIGHT FOR YOU much nicer to come home to after a day on the slopes The two-bedroom condos sleep stx people and the three and four- bedroom houses can eastly steep two or more whofe famtltes Roy Rog~r!o & Dale Evans Far West Savers Yll An authenticaUy restored silVer mtning town right out of the 1800s. Park Ctty IS the hottest new cokS spot en the West. Easy to get to by pllne or train. Onty 30 qute* mif\Utes from down- town Salt l.Ue Cety For more Information and our weekly rental rates. JUSt contact Park City Ac:commodatJons., P. 0 Box 2025. Pa~ Ctty, Utah ~ (801 ) 649-6201 and (8) 11 649-5333 . Retaftt.tiw 1-25·1N2 Rate 1s effective fo r ent•re 18-mo nth term annuM rteld current rate 16.127% 14.750o/o KEOGH RATE* Rate Eftectlve D-0-1982 Rate ts subtec:t to change on the t.rst bustness day of each mont h for the 18-m onth ter m · ennual yield current rete 14e607% 13.450% . . I "f I 1' 1'0 .. Now IS the tame to open your IRA/KEOGH Account for the 1982ta.x year Stop tn TOOA Y' Ftnd out how you can get an tmmedtate $2.000 deduction on your Federal income tax and pay no Federal tax on your earntngs unttl rettrement. wtth an IRA Acco unt If you are self-employed. lOok •nto a KEOGH Ac :ount Wtth thts spec tal account you wtll be able to pu1 as much as $15 M away annually tor your rettrement and pay no FederaJ Income Tax on th1s money unttl you retire f!AR Thel Cool! Cbacl: 2 who breast lb..) 1 1/2 mush1 lb.) o: oz.) n andp 1 can dense ch1ck· l /4 c . muk 1/4 c . 0010 0 1 tbsJ: pa rsle 1/4 Is leave In: balu n ch1c k Wllh f lowa r: d1sh . plash Mu 5 to i dtsh ' ch1d Add bme d1ent chtd M1• 9 to. mg d Le mtnu mgs Ca and : can I 15 m m1c r Th Spd<; heat• spee lime IS b.J burg Spa~ 1 2 ( l sm m10c 1 tss: c rus I t b~ mcHC I C d burc; 2 (" l/2 I can• G ra cha. In glas bme or~ Mtc to 4 JU.SI SOUJ tom. gl.u HlG unh let m1 n cheo c up lnal ToU m1n 2 11 l/4 c ry I 4 '" eac 4 Is Wh ~ CUJ: C<>4 mtr IDQ cry Me stet 1 II Ql• ape hot ape ma Tot ere lt\Q Me Tot bo l L p8! •• l < 1 t'be lf.wport E ..... Wed-. U,. ka..,-17. l-.... I aoup. Cook, covered, proof IDUfle-JlO ~ TOTAL COOCNG crualted pei'IMy, Wo~r- ce&.r,. 2 tip. • to wuh. ror MCh •rv---·~ •• IUGH for 10 ID.iAutee TJW.I: 10 IDiDul• l cup cherry tomato., ahlze Muce, ud bull. FOOD ~cw ... uct 114 . or uatil botlinq. Cook, lDo, ~~ 8 to 8 oa. 4 h.l.lbut ......... '16 halved Spooa OYer filh. ~~-Cook. co..red OOftreci, •t WIDIUW llliJ.k or w•ter (follow 01.) Sprinkle t1ab wit1l •t IUGH lor 15 -.bautee 1ne rema10mg mc;~re­ lents; pour over h1cken Re-cover Microwave on HJGH to 11 manutes, turn· dJSh once Let stand, covered, 2 mmutes. Makes 4 serv· Casseroles cooked served 10 one d1sh can be prepared m )USt 15 mmutes w a macrowave oven Thas recape lor Sp.1gbeth Supper as heated covered to speed 1 he cook1ng lime The meaty sauce as based on a sarlom burger soup Spaghetll Supper l/2 c chopped on1on 1 small do.,. garltc, mmced 1 tsp oregano leaves, c rushed l tbsp butter or marganne l can (19 oz ) sarloao burger soup 2 c c ooked spagbeth 112 c dramed c hopped canned tomatoes Grclted Parmesan cheese In I l 2 quart round glass casserole, com bane onaon garlic. oreqano and butter Mic rowave on HlGH 3 to 4 mmutes or unhl )USI tender Stu m soup, spaghetll and tomatoes Cover wath glass hd Mlcrow•v• on HIGH 7 to 9 mmut .. or unlit hot, shrriD9 once Let stand. covered, 2 m10utes Serve w1th cheese. Malt" about 4 cups, 3 servmgs lnsb Cotfee Total cook1ng hme· 6 mtoules 2 112 cups water l /4 cup mstaot coff" c rystals 4 Jiggers ( 1 J/2 oz eac h) lnsh whaskey 4 tsp sugar W happed cr .. m Measure water m 4· cup glass mea.aure Cook at HJGH for 6 m1nutes or uohl boal· 109 Shr 1.0 coU .. crystals till dlDOlved Measure whitkey anto -4 stemmed (Jiute•. Add 1 tap IUCJAr to MCb qlua Place met•l spoon m c;~le•: pour bot coU .. onto metal apoon R.I)Mt with r• maanano ol ..... Stir. Top wllh wbapJ*I CtHm. Mak .. 4 MtV· IOQS. Mormon Split PM Soup Tot•l ~9 tfme: 1 bout, 19 •lllut• for 20 lai.Jlu ... , or ut11 peCUQe directio.ae) Ua• 1/2 t.p. aalt aalt and pepper. PlAice Cook, C0'¥9fed, •• or watil boJIIa9. Cook, peu ad potetoee ue toe IDUQ. Heat UD· Dull pepper bah LD lebbl ~-inch MIDIUW IUGH for s CO't'ered, •t MID!UW ta<Mr ud ... tb&Ua covered et HIGH for 2 1/3 o~ chy white wine b&ki.Do dish. Add WlDe. aa.inutee. Add caeny 314 t.p ..... forlO.uaue.. W....•hlle, coaabine ..,. daDe, ltirrtAo llliAut ... Add 2 to 3 1 OlliOA, aJ.iced Cover and m&rUlele lD tornetoee. Cook, 1 e.p. pepper OAC.. 8euoA to lUte. t.p. pr..-...teAed W · 112 cup abced celery refrioeretor for 2 covered, at W!DIUW 3 ..diu.-pOtato., 910\Uld pork,· Mc;,e, 314 t.p ....... .act 1/8 t.p. Mabe 10 to 12 .,. tot cocoa powder ud 4 tblp. butter or boura. In 1-quart bowl, HIGH for 1 llliAute or peet.d ud dJoed (3 pepper. Nul bup. atir. Top with • mer-maroerille cook onion and celery until filh nu .. ...Uy cupe) NJCRO TIP: Hot ahmal.low or wbJpped 1 lh.p. aup.,.d pamey LD butter, covered at with. fod ud thotouohly. Shape into cocoe la cleUcioua cream. 1 t.p. Worc b .. terabire HIGH for 4 to S tometoee are b.ated RiD.ee peu. In 4-24 1 -lDch balls. Drop uytlme ud it'a easy to Muce mUlut .. or until tender. ~rt ~ole, m.i:z ba.l.la ud pot.etoee into make rioht in hMt· H&libut in Wine 1/.C tap. dned buil, atirnno once. Star 1.0 throuob. MU .. 4 •rv· inoa. UTRITIO ITIIAL liT Ill, a&MPOOI, DIEIIIIIII· IIICII MAft A lUll Ftl fiUM MJI ITtU ..... feU CM ...... lMI AI •vae• Ul1U AI YW WMl' flY, .. 1UU1 fiMI MCl ... WIII(M tAM!tS 'lUll fAWOIIll m•s ~lY UMCIAYII WOM MlAl'" fOOl n•s OT Ill SOUUZED DAILY AT THE STGaE NO f'HSE"VATIVU. IIOTHtMG AODED ............... s Oran11e Juice ~Bulk Raw ~Trail Mix Tl8•r'• Milk ~Nutrition ~Bars ....... _ m ltallaa Herbal ~Dreaiac • 29 H! NEWPORT'S OST CO PLETE OT FOODS DELli .. mPwc,""" ~,..,, ..... ........ .,.,...-.... ~ T•I'IL•' S2.S9 ~ ....... '····· ~ ....... me•••••" 'm'(:la ... IE PORT'S cow--........ •ra.. 98e •• , ..... La. I '-"'. s,.c... ~-~ ..... cw.ua.,.., t' om-IAIIIcla ... -., 'I~ '"'-ca.-... _. M.:J -~.-·---· ...... ,, ......... ... are ad ""' 01 . ,,.,_ ..... fttG.98 • e • All Verleu ....... Tllra•••n .& ,,., ...... , 'l .... c ......... Al•ead ~.,....... . "-" Cake u.. CMftll CMff fllf fll(lll!IMUI AMAY Of .. TUIIAl s•.ccs •aTUIIAl IIYtiiMI.S .AlUUA. ~S UO .. TUlAl DAiaY ,_CWCTS AU .WAILUlf f Oil YOUII P'fUOUl l Uff &lfAOf .. NOOUCTS AM A GMAl flAJUII( Of lM( QlllliOUl SliM 1DO-CT Ill WITH NlNEitAlS Tbompeon's 1/b. Mulltple • Vi tan~ ins Celedlal ........ Mornln1 s••9 Tea = & MUIC....k ~lc::poo . •Ul(l IASill S IUUY Will OICOUif & CMl fOil un $Ill CIAI. IICCASIOIII f!IOM •••TMOAYS TO WlDIUtGS IMSII WM IS DAILY TEED I Jru• .... .,. .. ........ ~ ..... ............ u: .. POUCEBLOlTER at.o of Santa Ana, were an..t.d on Nlplcion of carryiDo a C?OD· ceeled WMpon in a vehicle ... SUt motoriltJ were arr..ted on IUIJ)lclon of drunken drivino, includino two from Newport Beach: Madt GreQOry JohM<m, 31, and Duane Raymond Ooarecker, 21 ... Daniel Thom.u Braaeau, 20, of Dana Point, wu arrested on aupJcion of reckl ... drivino. lloiMiay. )aa. II CRDOS Tom Weeley Saitll reported bemo robbed by a p~ who alubed at him with a bite, at lhd and Balboe, W.Uey loa $4.2 cuh ... Nine silk ctr... worth $1,458 were Nported m.i..t.Do in an inventory at NeimaD·Marcua, Fashion Wand . . . Tl'H.IUry coupon~ and other item.t worth $384 were reported stoleD from Jean ltathym Wcl.ean in a burolary in the 1900 block of Sherrinoton ... Ta dloital deek clocb worth $200 were reported stolen in a burolary at Mlcrodata, 4000 MacArthur Blvd .... Jewelry and stereo equipment worth $7,500 weN reported stolen from Gary Lew Tyer in a burolary in the 2100 block of 16th Street . . . Jewelry valued at $2, 120 wu reported stolen from Dia..oe Gill Ha.ll in a theft from her home in the 2100 block of Miramu Drive. Tueeclay. Jcm. 19 CRJMES Two ba.a fiddles worth $2,400 were reported atoleD from Newport Harbor Hiob School ... Clothino and jewelry worth $1,062 were reported stolen from Suko Creative De.iqn, 1803 W..tcliH Drive ... Jewelry and other ite~M worth $883 were reported ltolen trom Nancy Alyn Voot in a car burglary at W uh.inoton and Bay. WedDMday. }em. 20 AIUliSTS Randal David Re ... l, 26, and Douolu Jamea McGaugh, 27, both of Coaa Nesa, were ar· reSted on auapicion of poaulino b.aabi•b for sale ... Robert Charl .. w..dowa, 31, and Kenneth Charlea Rich, 32, both of Newport Beach, were arrested on auapicion of poue•i.Do oocaine . . . One moton.t, Paul Harry Buaby, 35, of Newport Beach, wu arrested on auapicion of drunken drivino. Friday. Jcm. 22 CRIMES Ro.d aDd luthluff Drive North onl\llll)icion of carrymo a lo.d- ed fiJ'Ml'1D in a fthic:le. Hla two companiou, b.ilio Rico Cort•, 24, and Pedro Noren Zarate, 33, THE 'I'P,I,EPHONE POLL ThJa ....-. qn• Jt1olu Thu. will be DO rino. There II no aeed to t&lk. The "hag Do you aupport the economic up'\ .ound yoJ hear il your vote program charted by Pr.tdeDt ~0 ftCOrded. R..oan in hJ8 State of the Union J.c8l week'a qaMtloD: addrea Tu..ctay nioht? To ftrte YES .. call 875 tltO. To .ote KO. call 875-7020. Calleytime betweeJl DOW and 8 a.m. Monday to cast your ,yote. Do you agree w1th U.S. Supreme Court decis1on ruling that death sentence for juvenile ia unconshtutiona l? YES NO 2% 98% •••••••••• IYIImiUI& YW"YY AI.WAYSW .... 10 IIIOWAIOI'TPAT· nann• it~) WIIIAIIAID TOASI. CHICIGO. OfTAOIT, NEW VOAK. IIOSTON. ATlANTA. Jiive maonuma of cbampaone worth $150 were reported broken in a burolary of Rothchild Cheeae & Wine restaurant, 2407 E. Cout Hwy .... Jewelry And caah worth $8,088 were reported stolen hom Euoene Mark V r .. land in a burolary 10 the 300 block of ~tallna ... E.M. Sm1tb reported 12 dead duck.a Ooetino m the bay oU Lido ule. He auapected they bad been poLIO ned. MIAMI Thowtends Patd &00 To Anend PATTERN FITTING CLINIC Saturday. Jcm. 23 CRIWIS A would·be robber on the 1tr"t pointed a OWl at Malcomb L. Crump, 58, of Newport Beach. in the 400 block oJ San Ber· narclino. ne robber, • white male, au-foot tall, thin, with brown hair and abort beerd, pul.led the trloqer but the 91Ul didn't tire. He then 8ecl the acene . . . A raDCh aink jacket valu.d at $4,000 waa ' repo:rted etolen trom Ida Watha in a theft at a reoeptk>D. AJUliSTS .. In Cooper• toon W1th The ........., .. , A• ..... To F-1 ....... _ -w. Wtll Not Ae- (c) IIR. OUYAR 1171 ITTDI_3_U..C ,.. .. , 15..00 ,..,l-AL--ClaULTUT L... .......... ,.,..., ............. ...... '"" .. -.... ...,,... c.rect .. ,....,. ................... ....,. ....... ~ .......... ..... ...., • SeW ... '"' -... .., ... • ...... , .................. L... _ ............. ~-···-... ,,.. .. cniiM ' h_.. .... , ... ceMewe4 -. ,.... .......... I-···· MOIISIIYAftOII ....,, • MIAit Y fOI am SIAl'S. a, ... ,.... ......................... ... .. II ,....... ,.. C. 4rwft .. fit J8ll!f ........... . AIM• ........ titttlll ..... Mon.t .. c._...,. et 1D:.A.M.-E..,.; .. c._ •t 7:10P.M. , .. ,.. ............ A4. a.. ..... iall. NO EVENING CLASSES ON FRIDAY OA SATURDAY c , "" IIIONOAY JM n ,_.HI:\~ W(Qii(SI)jiY fQ 11 ...__._.. ..... .._ .._... . .._ ~ ... 1100 f ....... c.-OriN 1'100~ ... IIOif .... ........ ......, ... c... IUISOIIY JM Jt IAIUICIIAY HI I ~YHte .......... ............ ~ ... _,__,OriN ~., .... -~-....... ~,._,.....,. ........ ...... , ... 11 .... ,.... ,..,"'. .......... ...... ... I f I I f .. ...... ,... ........ a.GCIIIIt ... IOOf---0.... ......... ... ..... 0... -...,..,.,, JM ,. fllftM• ,. •• , SA~Yffl 30 .......... ......... ...... ... 1JIQif __ .... ...... *' ......... ....... ........ ..... , .. , ... ,. ..... ,,..10 IIOIIDAtffln ......... ......... ... ........ ,, ..._ »M!Na ... ,., ........... ... c:r...~e ..... ...... tllcll feature. Home Box Offw:e• and CINEMAX"" are The Perle(.; fore1gn fil!lll> A wunderful St'lert1un of nl<l\1e~ ~nurel) Double Future.•lllat's because together they're the different eac:h month from tl'lllSC ,hown on the two premiwn services on cable TV that offer rompletel> HBO -.f'rvice different featurea 24 hours a day. every single day. Now. wnh 1180 and C l:-.lE~1AX. t~re's alwayli HBO ~all the hit movies like NiM ID FiPt and '>'lmt'tlung tt'rrifil to tum to. \oo ran turn from a r~-ent RQI(i"l/ Bt~U. And bag movies you11 see only on HBO smash mow: on HBO to a smashing Hollywood mUSI(;al this wi nter like Fort A/lacht. TM Brrnu. But on HBO. or class1c on cr:-; E~I.AX. witch from an HBO superstar great moVleS are JUSt the beginni118. HB0 bnngs roo Pt' rformance to a superb foreiKJI film. or a "'ondt'rful entenainment events you'U see ndWhere else. Great ftlm for the whole farrul\· nn C J~EMAX. With Tile sportJ ng evenlS, tp"eat superstar specials and great theatt'r. Pt-rkct Doublt' ft:Jtur~. the res always something great Like Ca1ftllol "Aith Rkhard Harris. All 24 hours a day! to watd l no matter when yuu watch. CINE MAX is the new premiwn service featunnll Each month. HHO and C I~E ~lAX run mo~ than all movies. all the tune. See a glittering array of 70 different n\OVlt'l>. pi~ -;pons and speo a.l$. au uncut outstanding movies frorg all·Ume classics and pi'OVOC4IUve and wnhout ttlmmt'mal mterrupuon. So )let the two contem~r~ films to wonderful Hollywood rnusinls pre:mium ltef'\1l't'S that work together to g~ve you the and sophisticated modern •w perft:~·t dliHn~ t'\'ety single da~. romatll.""eS. See action-packed lf<)~~~~~~~~~~~~,_ ...... l'i'lt. t'\'t'l")' smJde month. HBO and adventures.spine--ullSPing CJ:-.:E~1AX. Totcether. they'rt' thriJiers and award·wmning Tile Pt·rft'l.'t Double Featurt' The Pea feet DoiiJie Jature; CALL TODAY! HB0 AND CINEMAX ARE AVAILABLE IN: • NEWPORT BEACH, CA Community Cablevision Co. 644-4471 LOS ALAMITOS. CA U.S. Cablesystems, Inc. 596-7456 aysto BREA.CA Century Cable T V 529~4918 rn JU ORATE CERTIFICATE t20,000 Minimum 90 Day to One Year ~ ANNUAL RATE Interest Penalty Ltm tted O ffer For Early Wtthd(,(:Jw a l &MONTH MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE 90 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE I BASED ON EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD ANNUAL RATE Effechve l ·2~82 thru2·1 82 M frumvm S 1,000 lntet~st Peno/ty lor f orl y W•thc.-Jrowol l lmtlftd Olf~r \ • I • 4 • • I One low tar cigarette continues to challenge higher tar smoking-and . wtn. Latest research offers new evidence confirming MERIT as the proven taste alter- native to higher tar smoking. "t~ In impartial new tests where brand identity was concealed, the overwhelm- ing majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and g90d taste: Taste Snders Turning To MERIT. In a second part of the same study, smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in com ... pleting their successful switch from higher tar brands. Confirmed: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn ,t give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best- tasting low tar they 've ever tried. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven tast~ alternative to higher tar rooking-is MERIT. • • • n.. W.wpon £-lp Wrhxday. lcmYCUY rt. 1112 P~ 11 MERI 'I~ I()< )s • BANK 1HE LOOKING REWARD BANK OvtR 600 OfftaS IN CAUFOANIA 2501 EASTBLUFF DRIVE Newpon B••ch, CA 926$0 (714) 759-4070 F I I ' J I 1'be ... wpolt EMip Wedar hy. Jcm.ary rl. 1-.... II ' 1 Long lens is ready on camera as Todd Schowalter, of Irvine. waits to snap a surfacing whale. Helen Mulletta pointa out a possible sighting area for Kit Muhs, both of Newport Beach. Barb Haddad, Costa Mesa, searches the sea for signs. Flukes mark the spot of a diving whale. L From November mlo Marc h, an eshmated 11,000 CalUornia qray whales miqrate from their summer feedinQ qrounds off Alaska to their winter breedmq laqoons off Baja California. Their northerly migrahon begins m April. Daily whalewatch10g expe<htaons-such as the one pictured here-sponsored by the Oranqe County Chapter of the Amencan Cetacean Soc1ety set saJl dauy from the Ba.l.boa Pav1hon m Newport Beach Special educational tnps are booked dunnq the week lor school qroups, as well. Lecturers aboard the vessels departinQ from both the Catalina Paaaenqer Service and Davey's Locker provide authoritative mformation on the miqrations. ~~- The whal .. swun about 20 ho s a day, accord.inq to ac1enhsts, at an ave aqe speed of four knot•. Th1s m1orat1on as an e1qht· mon th , 13,000-m!le roundtnp, the lonqest m1grahon of any mammal Staff pbotc. by Bob Pete~n 'All At See' With The Whalewatchers "Knuckles" 1s the term for those protuberances on the back of th1s mammal plowmg the sea off Newport Here's what they want to see: Spouting whale surfaces in Catalina C ~~====~-===================~ HARBORLITES by Dlna •on Bu.rger Have you ever heard of FOLAP? )t 1s the acronym for The Feshval of LearnmQ and Perlormmq, a qroup wh1ch brmqs tOQether the qreatness of the profess1onal art11ts, such as Dorothy Kusten, w1th the aspu· inO younq talented performer workmo m collaboration Wlthm a 'learnino and performino' situation before involved audl- enc ... Recently at the Riviera Rea1aurant, South Cout Plaaa, FOLAP'a founder-director and chairman of the board Susan Brenner, held a luncheon to promote this non-proflt, tax- exempt educational foundahon's filet feahval of the '82 .... on, w~ch will be held at Loyola· W.rymount'a Oranqe campu.s, Feb. 13, 1•. 20 and 21st Handicapped Cluldatn's Clm1c at the LA County-USC Medical Center and Rancho Lo. Am1QOS Ha.p1tal. Eiqht of these memben are hom Orange County, ao the Loe Anqeles con· hqency drove down to La Strada restauzant in Corona del Mar for theu January meelinQ. Lucy ArtukoV1Ch of Fbntndqe and Newporl Beach is the '82 ball cllairman for the 44th annual Las Floriatas Headdreu Ball, wh1ch will be held Apnl 30 at the Beverly Hilton. Lucy advtsecl that the preview event, wh1ch traditionally presents the parlicipatinQ Southern Cali~­ naa florists who deaion the spec- tacula.r floral headdr .... a for the BaU'e Narulequin Parade competition, will fonn.ally be announc.d Feb. 5, alonQ with the names of the members who w11l model the creahona. lnJo1maUy, membeu who have been •lected u '82 ID&DDeq\liDI bom N.wport 8eeQ ud CQroU cW Warmly-clad passengers crowd this deck section of the Catalma Holiday, waiung to sound out "Thar she blows " Suaan Jarvae and Diane Kord.ick, respechvely. Also selected from CdM 11 freelance Oonst, Dick Saeltins. The theme trus year for the ball w1ll be "La.s Flonstu SwlDQI Throuqh the Fabulous Fort1 ... " Let's hope that the proceeds from the '82 ball wu l exceed the record donation m '81 The Newport Harbor Repub- lacan Women held theu January meehno at the Balboa Bay Club. Amonq those who came to enJOY the dinner and ... a film on the subJect of the controver· s1al Campa1qn fo r Economic De mocracy-and hear Con- qressman Robert Dornan attack CED and 1ts goals-were Joan and Joe Acone, Carol BJan· c hard, Lee and KlDQ Bur.tem, lrvane Chapman, Dee Edwards, Ell1e and Berry Faber, Donna and Paul FrankiiJl, Nanc y Fulton, Evelyn Hart, Karen and Jack Hocb.cleJ, Ba1b&ra and K;nt Johnson, Barbara and Peckenpauqh, Evelyn Reed, Emma Jane and Tom fWey , Georq1a Spooner, Ruth and Ed Steen, and Dottle and Glen Stulwell Le Grande Cosmo Comm1tt" recently honored Jac quehn and Jean Claude Murat, v1s1 tmo from Pans, at a lovely cilnner party Amonq thOM attencilng were Judy Humdall, Jo Mc l...un (Bob was home m bed Wlth the Ou ). Jud1th and Cra19 Jensen. Rosano Aqu1rre, Glona and Stan Stanul, Lucille and AI Adams, Lomax Study, Barbara Bu!by and }ern and Ja ck Dwan The Newport Chapter of C h1ldren's V1llaqe, USA. a prO) ect of lnternahonal Otphans, Inc , Wlll have a beneht lunch eon and f.uh1on show a t the Balboa Bay Club on Feb 4 Co·cb&lnnQ th11 fund ratser ue Pat Coll and Pnacula Morn· son. Asatahnq them LS Conn1e Olson, £Ueen Saul, Ann Cas· pers, Lyda Pearson, Vugm1a Thrash, Mac Anstock, Olqa Ellis, Fran Owens, Mary Parke r, ManJyn Pantuso, Beth C arlson Ann Hall, Helen Sm1th, Tern Berreman, Manan ne Hanlon. Carolyn Clark and Helen C1rllle. who IS the pres1dent of the Newport C hapter Saka Fthh Avenue wsll p resent the Dav1d Hayes' '82 Sprang Co llection Arra ngements have &lao been made for th1!1 desaqner to make a personal appearance 1n order to .us1st the chapter an ralmDQ funds lor thss very worth whtle puot proJect C hudren's V11la ge. USA 1s a cns1s core center an Beaumont for v1chms of c h1ld abus4" In 1981 over 325,000 c hsldrPn actually ciled from abuse Auth onhes beheve at least a malhon cases ac tually occur and th4t ch1ld abuse ts the leadtnQ caus4" of death among c htldren und4"r the aqe of hve m the Umtf'd States Ternble stat1 shcs If you are unfamthar wst h thss top1c and the a1ms of C haldren's V11laqe USA, do watc h "A Tame for Love" on Jan 3 1. 8 10 p m on channel 11 Another qroup contnbutmg the proceeds from theu beneht to au1st 10 combahno thu malady of ch1Jd abuM 1s the National C hanty Leaque Ju01ors, Newport C hapte r The Jun1ors have earmarked half of the mon1es to COPES, an e me rqency aerv1ce wh1c h &alliS the ch1ld under hve and the parents The other half w11l be donated to H1qh Hopes, a rehabahtataon center for neur· oloq1callv hancilcapped younq adult" Chaarman ot thas annual bf>nf'ht whac h will be held at Maqac Island on Feb 1st 11 Mrs Thomas W aiiPV Assashng her .HP Mrs Brookf' Bentley, Terry Aune HanPs Mr" Martm Krupoll, Mr!: Donald Lockwood, Mr~ John Pa rker Mrs R.tchard Taketa and Judv H Weaq htman Moqtc-Island also wul be the lcx·atson of the Otanqe County Chaptttr of Mulhple Scleroall READaTHON Celebnty lunch· f"On o n J<'ln 31 Th1~ beneftt attended by sport'! and thea ter celebnh• rf"coqn•u~ more than 110 Otdnqe County students for thesr outstandmq contnbutloo to MS leU D. Pabur ol .. wporl '-ell Mel K.t D. ~tlwa ol r...-. e»JaJ.o ...... IIUriecl ..,..t)y at St. A.Jidrewa ~ Oudllll Newporl a..ca. Waicl of hoaor wu cu.dy Saile wllile bJidM!Nicle were Lbada Tate, LiDda De Ford, &Dei Becky Whitham. a..t .,.. WM Martm TravioiJ.a ucl.Mn ... Dr. Job c. PU..r, Robert C. P.-ez ud sa.. CrlppeA. rtow.r (Jirl wu Hannah De Ford uct'r1D9beuez wu Nat- thew De Ford. FollowlDv a receptioD at the Newporter hua, they hoaey- mooJMd iD North.rn Califom.ia. The bride Ia the dall9hter of Mr. ucl Mn. CWlee D. Palmez of Newport BM.ch. She ia • tpadute of Newport Huboz Hi9h Sc!.ool ucl Oral Roberta u.u .. nity ill hla, Olddoma. SM wozb for 9aud&rd Oil Co. mf'1&laa. ,... 9l'OOID ia the 801l of Nr. uad Mn. !)Que Whith&m of TW.. aDd Ia abo a fJl'adute of Oral Roberta. He wozb for R.public Buk iD Tlllaa. TMy plan to live in Tulsa. Tol*t Becomes Head Of School Dr. Rickard Tobia au unm- ed hie new duU. u clizector of the Laqu.na BM.ch School of Art. Since 1980, Tobia Ud lec- tured on art hiltory at the ~ehool. He baa abo been a viaitinv proAM.or iD art hiltory at Pomou Colleqe ud lut July cocllrected the art proqrua at Bryn Nawr Collev• in Rome, Italy. Jt. received hie AB iD ct...tc:. hom Fordh.ua University. I I b •• Aaae Odll ol eo.-. .. w.; ud Gt•••..,... ......_.-a~o. ,_....,, .... Clrllcl reotlllliJ .. Ou ... a. •• oi~Quda ... pDCt~WD .... .......... liJI9. ...... ol Jw.clo-....... TCMiu o1 T.c:.ola, ~. Wakt ol t.a.or ...... White wla1le a.n.i1 I ttd. were Qulotte ............... Add J.udud!I.W. ....... .......... Dwlgllt Jaard ................ Geoe~. De. Ped:iu, Lo,d WJ191lt, ky LutiQ uct Douv Wannck. Followiag a NOeptice at tM ~ .y Chab, the ooup&e • k•IJaw.:ID•tcl ia lM c.nw..a. .,.. ........... ol ~ ·--Ortlt ol CoroM cW Mar ud DaWJlee Orth ol Newport~ ..... gnc~u .. ol NortJ.en ArlaoDa Wr. uad Wn. KenMth L. Allen of Newport Beach have annov.DC*l the envavement of their dauvhtw Nuy Thereee Allen to Lawrence Jam .. Jtiaaer, eoa of Mr. ud Mn. Rudolph K.i.uz of Delray BM.ch, J1orida. The UDOUDcemeJlt WU made durinq a a..l party for 50 pez- SOILI at the bride'• parent• home ill Newport BM.ch. Mi8t AlJ.n Ia • cpada&t• ol Newport Harbor Jliv)a Sclaool, where U. woa a Natioaal W.rit ScJaolanhtp. SM attenc:la Notre 0... Unt..nity iD South Bend, Indiana, wheze .U Ia u lnvliah major. ~•z woa a echola.nhip to . Notre I>a.Jne, where he il Oil the vanity ~ teua uad win.Dez , Uan.nity Ucl worb 1D the epedal .. me.. deputment for AiiCal. ......... lOG of Mr. udMn. Raw ....,._of COroea del Mar, •• 91 .... ol the usc School Oi hrtn• Ud worb foz Gnahb Uclll&. n..y are now at home iD Coz- coa cW War. MARY THERESE ALLEN of the JleriD9 Award. Jt. ia mazbtia9 m.uaqez of South Bend radio llation WSHD. Jt. il .. jorln9 iD buatn .. with an emphuia on IIW'ketinv. They plan to be ID4rrled June 12 at St. Joachim Church in eo...w.... OCC Swap Meets Ale Scbeduled Oruqe Cout CoD.qe ia tta.rt- inq WMkly --.p ...... to raite fuo.c:la foz the colJe9e'1 COIIUDU· nity ..me. acti.W... OCC 8WAJ) JDMb ue ~ehedul­ ed foz Sunda,., be9luJa9 Feb. 7, ud will nua th.rOQ9hout the YMl'. They will be h.w 1a the colleqe'• audltorlua parkba9 lot, located oJf Fairriew Road. .... apect th.il to be • Y"J'• round acti.tty," Mid Georqe Bl.uac, occ·. a.ociate dean of comaWLity ... ricet. PenoJU willhin9 to r ... rve Mlllllv ~ JD&Y do eo thzouvh occ. CoJDJDunity Service Of. fice. Rental ... il $8 per ... p meet for two pa.rkinvltalla. Sellen may uee oae pa.rkinq ttall for their owa vehicle, uad the other for Mlllaq ~~paCe.· The 8WAj) IDMt will'be opa MCh Sa.nday hom 8 a .m. to 3 p.m. Sellen may arrive to •t up •• 7 a.m. For mfonaatioD about the ewap ..,..., phone 556-5880. STARifS . TODAY! J ... a7thradaa. ' IZOD&OP shirts for boys size4-20 9.98 to 11.98 VALUES TO $21.50 . IZOD • IZOD jogging suits for boys Ree. ••s m.l.nd xl jackets for boys Reg. $32 QOIKSILVER PANTS size 26-36 Reg. t31 'STUBBlE PANTS FOR MEN , Reg. t28 STUBBlE PANTS FOR BOYS Ree. t22 OP & IZOD CORD PANTS VALOES TO $24.50 . JOOQINQ SqiTS FOR MEN & LADIES ·• Reg. t25.98 25.98 21.98 te.H 18 ... 13 ... 13 ••• 14 ••• QUIKSILVER, CATCH-IT, & OP SWIM TRUNKS FOR MEN & BOYS • 7.98to 13.H BOYS DOLPHIN HAWAIIAN SHIRTS Reg.~ 13.50 TUBE SOCKS Reg. t2.00 .. Hours: Mon .·Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-5 4529 Campus Drive • 7 52-1844 Irvine THREE~ YS ON. Y THURS., JAN. 28, FRIDAY, JAN. 29 SAT., JAN. 30 " 5 ••• ga• • ( Uc it. PI to M •u to PI w) yc ac di ec b\ ta CROPBegbJSSpring Coutlme Reqioul Ooclape· npnuaNci.Jaro&bMat priority Uonti PJOQTua (CROP) becjlu 11 9lv.a to ~ .c:liOol ...UOn, ita apriDo Mmeeter Feb. 2. Jwaion, ucl to &DJOM 16 ,..,.. CROP, u occupeUoul tr of ~ or older p...._tly Nlid· prooram, is pari of the Hutiao· I.Do iJa U..·ti" fUt'dpetbaq ton Be..ch Unioa Jliob, Newport-IChoal clilt~ .w .... Irvine, S.ddleback Valley followino ill a lilt of occnape- • a.nd Tuatm unifitd .ahool tloa&l tr~ procpama that diatricb. will be offered lpriDO Mm..ter: Primary purpoM of CROP 11 A.ld"'• Truaportatlon Ocoupe- to provide occupational tralDlDO Uou, Altem.tiw Enerqy Oecu- proorama above and beyond patiou, An.imal Groomino what ia already available to (Sm.U An.imala), Animal Health youth and a limited number of Care, A..iatant to the Diubled, adults in the participatino Automotive Counter Parta S.U.., diatricta. Moat proorama are baa· Automotive Oecupatiou , Bank- ed in exiMino faciliu .. of local ino/Finucial Oecupationa, Boat buaineu and induatry and are Coutruction, Broadc ut Media tauqht by peraona from the trade (Television), Building Main· t ... uoe, •·•a .. Office Oe- cvsa-lba• (t.cl..a.. Word Pro- CI 1'-0), Ca.btnetaakmo, Com.· puter ..... ad Malat•aace, ec-... cW An, Co.~Nter Pro- o:r~ta latry, Coutruc- tioD/CaiJ*ltry 1 Colmetoloqy 1 O..tal A.lde Oc:cupetioaa, Draft· ino Occupeliou, Electronic S."ic., food S.rvicea, For..try/Puka and Beaches, Graphic Arta (Printing). lnter .. ted hioh IIChool atudenla may contact their achool coUJlMior or the CROP ouidance tecbnicia.n on their campua for additional informa· lion, or ca)l Coutline ROP a t 979-1955. fRANCI~-ORR fine stationery corona del mar 2823 East Coast Highway 675-1010 Start out the New Year by seeing and looking well in glasses from ' -EYEWEAR ... with the fulln In sight! g~zndi- Quallty ClottW'lg a. Accessories In excellent condition on ~onsiQnment. ( .... Acc:ounel WI I corn.) f•; INFANTS. CHLDRENS. TEENS AND ADUlTS 336 POINSETT A AVE. ~oaMAR 67HI2J M-T, Th...Fft. ~~ wec1 a Sot. Noon-6 Learn how to ~ make up your face-free. Tnda.,. ~ Norm..n anvaw .. \'OU &o learn the dfttp and rolono of vour o•n bt>auloful (""' Our ,,.,ned S.euly M .,...,..,. wall ~ach \OU hnw lo Opt•n ,ow-t'~t"' wath t'Ob Sha!)f' vour lap. ... .nh Cunlfaur \OUr feft t.t our Beeuty Adva..or-l.fttch '""" had..' r'"' The 'IOII4U ff'IJU llORffRr ........................ c:..-...... lyAppt. ~ 211 ust 17th Street, Costa MeY Fashion & Service EAST BLUFF VILLAGE CENTER }~3 A EAS TBLtiFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH b40 'JCWI Europeato ...._ Colortnc F011 tto&N•chtonc HaH" Pw\t"'l I ~ Gluanc Sharnooo Cut I S& viA! Bnodlnc T I G I -"olicr Seu r~ Lone H~ar lnno .. aiiYt Ptnn Systemt US toU~ S15 ao US \IS ....,.,~ .... •"""""" Sll ~s .-s•o SIS S4S CJe J.~~ Uiiil .'t ~ ~~ EXTRA SPECIAL • '-"-" SAVINGSONBOYS ANDMORE oft (,'\.~ Levi C=i~!ANTS on winter merc handise ~ • G4fts' Sportswear lncludng ~\)' • Ofeaes • SWeaters ~ RUSS GIRL t(f) • Todclef ptayweor &. Dressel CALVIN KLEIN ~ :. : • cater's Sleepers ASTON ""Y' CHt-.OA£WJ SM0P .,.,. Peggy CottOD Our queet for Thai cuiline took u to Weet Cout Hiobway ill Newport Beach, where the Royal Thai opened a few months aqo in the build.iAo which tormerly boUNd Howard's Cof· t .. Shop. Tbla ta the Orano• County couain to a re.tAurant of the Mme name on Pico Boule· vard in Loe Anoel", one which hu receiv.d fine reviews from that city'• pr .... We were impreaed with the tran•formation from the pedes· trian and plutic cof.f .. lhop to a eophiaticated, "rene dininQ room, tutefully done in dark QTHn with qold and pale apricot accent•. Nanaoer la Sumeth Tilaltamonltal, who uya, "Pleue call me Sam," and hia brother ia the chef. ...... ,... ... c.can•-· Filii wrA • Ill£ ...... 2 FIIESM YE GET AIUS Ill()( "lAF AIIO COFrEf There is a warm or .. tino at the door, and a pleaaant entry. There will be a cocktaU lounqe aoon, with mirrored bar and tablea. The dining room offen privacy with banquett" around the room, divided by palma in ;olden pota. Above· the fireplace bano• an impreaaive temple ornament of carved teak wuhed with oold leaf, and on the hearth is a tall candleholder of bronze. On one wall i1 a dellohriulananoementofhuqe fan1, and on another band· painted stylized lotus bJoaaoma. On a table stand• a marvelous musical instrument called a "pin," shaped Uke the royal bark of Thailand. The menu liata some of the d.iahea by their Thai namea, and othen only by a description. A laro• .election of appeti.Mra Ia priced between $4.25 and $5.25. My choice waa Mea ltrob, 1M crlapy noodle dish, made here with shrimp, bean cake and chicken in a mDOOth qentle aauce. My companion cboee Shrimp Superb, wbicll promht.ed the hot spices he admiree eo . much in Thai cuiaine. The diah wu attractive and tasty, with shrimp fint grilled, then MUOn· ed with lime, coobd with veo• tabl", but witllout that riaino slow heat that com• hom the chili peppen adftlti.Md. My aoup wu a well-loved Tom Yum Goono, made with lhrimp and muahrooma, soured a bit with lemon qrua, and. hot with apicea. Thia version wu qood, but aq&in I m-.d the delicious delayed beat. Ny com· panion choee a crab salad with onion•, cucumber, tomatoe1 and ;rHn onions, ""ed on a bed of lettuce in a fine pun;ent dr ... iDQ. The Royal Thai menu ia a la carte, and aoupe and aalada ranoe from $2.25 to $2.95. We ordered Ginoer Pork u one entrH to lbare, and Royal SIEIK .& - 1J1stmctive Waterfront Dining Oy ter Bar· Coc.ktails \.ill W Pacific Coast Hllthway, NB.• 642·2295 Dining and Entertainment · Guide 673-0550 I I I BEEP' BARRON BVf'f'tt A lllaeUoe ol Mel ee-u-, po&llo, fnlll ........ .... u1ad ...... Tb.ai , ... (leta Ludprik) - another. Tlw pork •• fiDe, reclol .. nt of 8pSoy fl*a9er, pretty with little button •ualuoolu and oreen oniona. The fish .. outstandiDQ, a whole ...U pompano, flown ia from J'lorida, quickly and cn.ply frMcl and topped with a qaioy Muce. Entr ... ue from $4.95 lo $10.95 . With our entr ... we enjoyed a dish called Royal Tb.ai Noodlee, made with rich eoo noocD. in a silky Muce laced with oniou, mushroom and bamboo alaoot.. We are pleued that another re.taurant Ml'ViDQ Tba1 food baa come to our nelohborbooc:l. The dinlno room la .. ,.. and comfortable, the prlcee are moderate, and the Mrvice and hospitality are 1uperb. U there la a fault, it 11 that Sam and hia family, iD a dftire to pl .... , are ~mericaniaiDo their national cuisine. Lunch ia eerved T'*lday throuoh Friday from 11 a.m. to 2:30p.m., and dianer every eveniDQ but Monday from 5 p.m. Soon there will be a Sun- day brunch. Royal Thai Cw.me la located at 4001 w.a Coaat Hiobway in Newport Beach. Call 673-3322 for r ... rvatiou. 'ROIDCIDtlc Comedy' hyBo'-tW.Kieg "Roaaaatic Ccaedy'' by Jern.arcl Slade, DOW at the L.oua Moa1tce Playhoue, la a I'OIDalltic coaedy about wrlten of rcaantic COIUdy. It Ia a .elf. indulCJeDt pWoe of flu.ft that CODtribut• WI'J little to the illlpl'09Uaellt of the huau CODclitioD but doee jut what a roa&lltic comedy aboWd do- pnmde an ....tn9'1 •tertaiD· JMDt. You'll 9M yow ~•1'• wortll froa UU. production and that'• a tor·..,•· 'naia piece iollowa Slecle'a plaJWritiD9 tormula: two major chu.cten, Iaroe amounts of tilDe .,...U.9 betWMD ecen•, cosavoluted relatlonlla.ipe, a aomewllat weak plot, and dia109Q that Ia chuacteriaed by "oooc:l ;lib. H It la, to uee Slade'• wordl, "a coaabi.Datioll of Woliere ucl Wary Tyler Woore." It worb well, but Ollly if the two major chuacten (who are on lta9e abDo.t coutantly tor two boun) cu ...._, actiAo ttyle chu~ ina~ to car· tooD. ~ and Catherl.ne Rowe certaialyau matyle. Wr .... paa,. ~ c.r.u. chael much lUre Barrymore in the ecrew~ comedy, "The Twentieth Century." Not a bad model, Barrymore. He certainly bowa hia way about the stage and ia a pleuure to watch. Mrs. Rowe really lela us believe in Phoebe Craddock with all her wacky war-. TOQether their che..u.try act8 u a cat&lysl for our amUMJDeDl . The •t, by Barbara Myers, hu a nice preNDtational quahty to it-eort of .. mi-conatructivisl ia nature. It works well, drew applau.e on first revelation, but it wu dl.concertiDo to have half of it shake whenner a door was opened. Ron Coffman did • fine, undemated liobtino d.ign, even confronted with a •ttino of biob contrut and the · problem of a real mirror on stao•. Ninon either reflect the darkened bouae and ... black, or throw weird reflections everywhere. A amall point, but a bit of the art nevertbelea. "Romantic Comedy" playa at the Moulton tbrouob Feb. 13. for a theatricAl evening that does DOl need to find ita S&Vl.DQ Ql'Ke in the quality of the roast beef •rved thia one will do . AWAaDWIIOfli18 · ;-·· New York Style W _ I , CHEESECAKE -=··--~ "" Tlla e•••'l' 8lrl' _. PUTYftiU'I' .............. ........... e CHEE8ECAXE CO. TUaDAY ~ MJrn:r s .... , • ...._. ............... ., c.n Dn& (JI ,... • ....,, Charbroded to ~rlection. this skewered combination ol thick top sirloin steak and plump shrimp is served with rice pilaf and a broiled skewu of fresh mushrooms. onions & bell peppers. plus '{'OUr choice ol darn chc::JINder. soup ol tht day or milled wun salad and a half loaf ol warm brud & butter . -_..,AST • 1UJICJI • DINND Go · are Tir Su J J Kn Ob .. J: I.e. 1 I.e. Na· Or. Co Kr• Ao he! p . .J uc c au oh Co s.. -·- -- ' Going over plans for the Junior league lecture aeries starting Sunday a~e. from le!t·. Mrs. Rod E.mery, Junior League project chairman; Mrs. T1mothy Heidinger •. president of the Natural History Foundation; and Stan Cummings, d.rector of the Orange County Marine Institute. Juniors Plan Lecture Series A lecture by Dr. Edwin Krupp, director of the Griffith Ob.ervatory, will atart a lectuze seri .. apouored by the Jun1or Leaque of Newport Harbor. The ,.riea i.l pr ... nted by the Leaque in cooperation Wlth the Natural Hmory Foundation of Oranqe County and the Oranqe County Marine lnatitute. The first lecture, featurinq Dr . Krupp di.scuaainq "In Search of Ancient Aatronomiea," will be held Sunday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p .IJ1. in Crawford Hall on the UC Irvine campua. Other lectures in the series are: -Jean Mtchael Cousteau, son ofoceanoqrapher Jacques Cousteau, on "Project Ocean Search" Sunday, Feb. 28 at 2 p .m., and -Dr. Robert Enqleltirk, well- known for his reae.uch on earth- quake~esiata.nt atructural enqineerinq, on "The Earth- quake Problem" Sunday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. Admiaaion to the seriea is $25 with tick:eta aellinq for $10 for individual lectures. Tick:eta may be puzchased un- til Sunday, Jan. 31 at the UCI bos office or by senc:lioq a check to the Junior Leaque at One Park Newport, Newport Beach, 92660. They will also be available at the door. "The 1eries is beinq presented to increase public awareneas and appreciation of our Oranqe County natural resources," ac- cordinq to Mrs. Rod Emery. chairman of the project. ~u of Newport Beach. eo.tA W... and lmne bave ben elecrted to the board of dlr.ctora of the Oranqe Cout YMCA, accordi.Do to Ji.m de Boom, executive directoz. ~heel J. Aahe Jr .• reh.red IBM executive and IJdo ble reaident, will chair the qroup. Vice chairmen are John SaUa- day. an enqineer wtth Baste Four. and Ray Schnterer. business manaqer wtth the Newport-Mesa School Dtstncl, both of Costa Mesa. Irvine reaadents Davtd Oberbeck, CPA, and Dan Beals, personnel dtrector of the Irvme Co., will serve as vtce chanman and secretary. respech vely . Other VlCe chanmen include Jennifer Wtlson, of Pnce Waterhouse, and RoUte Brouaard, manager of Pacahc Federal. Hal Joannmg, of Pacihc Mutual, was re·elected to a thud consecuhve year as treasurer. All are of Newport Beach. Ashe, who has been active an the YMCA for more than a dozen years, bas served as 1975 campaign c hauman, secretary, treasurer. and chaarman of the Famtly Cnsas Center Commtltee He succeeds Davad Tosh, CPA, who completed a thud term as board chauman and wJl remaan a member of the ex- ecultve commttlee "Gina's is a family-run pizza~~~~~~~~~ business, and the product is excellent -crispy yet soft crust available thick or 1'be .. wpon Eo&ign W~needcry . Jqn"'crry '¥7. 1112 Pag. 17 Adult High School Is Offered If you ue 18 or older and have not completed hiqh echool, call the Newport-Me.. Adult Educabon Department at 760-3302. You may have your hiqh achool recorda evaluated, and reql.Ster m apnnq clAues. If you cannot qet your luqh achool tranacnpta, the Adult Education staff wtll help you. The trana- cnpta are not requ11ed for reqistrataon Most adult students are able to complete thetr credats Wlthtn a year. Credtt for work expen· @fel.ido . . 1s now se rv1 ng ence and the General Educahon Development (GD) eum plua any former hiqh acbool c recilla u.U&lly cpve studenll more untta than they thmlt they have urn eel, accordinq to Mn . Fay Har biaon, duector of Adult Educa· hOD. HtQh M;hool dtploma cow.. artt betny held a t Estancl& Hiqh School, Fub I throuqh June 18. All cld~Seh are scheduled hom 6 30 to "l 30 p m Ctvt~,;s u. ~;;ntoduled to rn.et oo Th ursd,y ,,, rO<Jm 223 at Eatan- cta H1gt t' Salty's It's understood tiMt rtw Beachcomber Restaurant In Newpon Bt>ach serves the "best breakfasts m tol.4.n .. But I think min(> d H ' tw .. t <15 good. I do aot st>fV(> h •It'll ha.,h browna wtth my egg omelette dt'>l"'' I stan with a fresh potato and '>trllllll'r 11. Then tt ia peeled •. sliced dnd .... suh•...-d with chopped ou1ur1 Try us!! Serving breakfast-lun< h -dllll••·r 7 days a week from 6 a.m .-10 p m featuring omel'"'t 1, • .,, fish and chips Please stop b~, .?~UI 1 t t>d...,l lll:.'i 1· .• ( :orond I k ·l \1,11 • • •-·~ I<'lq >IHHW ,,-;-;I I ••• 4 doors hom 1lw Pnn 1 ~<••·•''' O~l(l 10 (~llorwt <,ntttl• I I ) thin, well covered with fresh ingredients (we liked pepperoni, sausage and double cheese but were tempted by many other combos), and a tasty sauce. The wait Is well worth it." Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails LOS AIIGI!LIUI JIAGAZINE, DECEMBER '81 ~or'~(a{{ 673-6363 :... ·~t •l'Hl fHtaHH f :. ~ TWO FRENCH COMEDIES COUSIN- COUSINE {PG) and COME HAVE COFFEE (R) MONDAY Ali SEATS S2. 00 for reservations: 675-2968 Ample parking at 2900 Nf'wport Blvd. (cornE'r of 29th and Nt>wport Blvd l Newport Beach SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO OUR PARTY PLAITERS, l.a~agna and Super Saadwkhes Are All DeUcio.s! ......... _., willa a ~IKtkHt ........ , ••• 1, , ... ,~., ""'" ..... ~ .. , -··· For all Your C ale ring l'i COMt~ TO SAM'S STARTS FRI THE BORDER MODERN PROB LEMS l)tu• SHARKY'S MACHINF STARTS All WHO'SUfl ISfT ANTWAY CAPTAIN AMERICA One nf Amer1ca's most famous sailors 1s p.Jr • hometown plans for controll1ng thP developr11e••t Amenca's Cup w1nner Bill Ficker. w ho 1s the ar c'"'', Mamott Hotel anterests. wants the b1~1 sh1p M or 11nt · ttJ away from the rest of the Newport Cer \ler fleC't """ !It center's qeneral p lan ref erendum Th1s of CCl ur St' w 11uld ' ' from ab1dtnq by the dec1s1on o f the cittzen r efeq•ndlll'' panston Obv1ously, 1f the M arrtott ts allowed tn char t ·•~ •'w" ' •I other proposed proJects wtll feel that tlwy 100. sl t~u lci tw ""''' So what's the use of having a genetal plan refPrt'•ldunl 1 1 W hen Capta1n A menca races. surely he dopsn t ,lsi.. 1 • • t hts vessel leave the line ftrst. .,~ uttle ~~nter . Beach • ·,1 break ' r••n the Metrrtott o•nt pr ex· 1 1·, pt>rs o f '' ,.., prt\.tlege '" qnored7 , ''f't' to let Any comm1ttee member. or any C1ty C0uncll mem lwr ..,.. ' • .\ ld 1 • fo t that type o f proposal. should be made to walk the plank "' t1i• ', "'" It ts ptecemeal development th4Jt has caused the q u n d pt'lll' 1 .t Newport Beach to mutany an the first place For too many Yt'ctr w• ,, .. , • t'ettd the captaans of the land development industry coo "' o w ,.,1,., , th,llt I• 1w "JuSt one more httle project" won't have an ampac t on our 11.1ftt. .111 h.•\ ,, "' o ur daily hves Captaan America's friendly crew IS tl'PC..t tlllll tllcsp li n t'S now . soundtng like an old sbilor's parrot recttang a sea chanty .h1:-;t ('"'' rnore httle hotel " but tt 1ust doesn't wash. Instead. Captatn America and the crew <..t th<' htq c;h~ Mar11ntt should know that the people of Newport Beach w ant all of thC' ~h1p ~ to sl,ty in line unttl the stgnal is qivon and that th~ J)N)plo of N4~wpntl 3rt~ l"' lling lnt signals. Ia T••--•• is a new group offeNd by Oasis designed to offer guidance for~ recently widowed. Meets Thuradays. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Center. More informa- tion, call 494-2025 A .. U .. ta..,.8acw· will be held 6 p.m. Sun· day, Jan. 31 at the Center Club in Advanc- ed He8hh Center, 1300 Bn.tol Stteet North, Newport Belch. Admis- sion t6. reservations not necesury. Information: 9~0700. Dene---s••• dltftl Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information. call 754-3643. Tlle ........ t ..... a.of••PIIil't Beach will meet 9:30 a.m. Jan. 28 at the Ebell C1ubhoule. 515 W . Balboa. luncheon and gue t speaker. For information contact Valerie Sexton. 673-3900. Tile Or .... eo..ty O.• of Scripps CoUege Alumnae Association has formed a professional alliance of working alumnae . The network meets 11:30 a.m . on alter- nating Fridays, at the home of Hiroko Ogata. 1014 Mariner's Drive, Newport Beech. For in- formation, call Ogata at 752-2197 or Barbara Stewart. 545-5464. Adventure ...... .... scripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Com- munity Room. Westcfiff Ptaza in Newport Beach. CaU 493-0296 for days and information. NeW11D11 •••ch Kiwi ~ will hold a lun- cheon meeting 11 :30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 30 at Houlihan's Restaurant in Newport Beach. Ftee .......... .... at the Newport Beech Public library. Newport Center Branch, 856 San Clemente Drive, 4 p.m . Tuesday afternoons. In· formation, 640-2246. Features will include: -Feb. 2: "Otto. Zoo Gorilla" Lectures ............. worlwhopeatOrange Coast College this week include: Frlday,JM.28 -"Positive Families"; Or. Charles Ara, lecturer. 7:30p.m . in Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission $4. -"Your Personality Style"; Evelyn Oefunas, lecturer. 7 p.m. in Fine Arts Hall 119. Ad~n$4. -How To Interview For A Job; seminar. Marjorie Stl'adinger. lecturer. 7 p.m. in the Science Building. Admission $8. ......... •-""- Integration of Human Structure," by R. Grant Powers. certified ~. Wedneed8y, Feb 3, 7 p.m .• 488 E. 17th St., Suite 221, Coeta Mesa. Information and reservations call 640-7661. CooldneCI ueof- fered by Fasaero's, 2919 East Coast Highway. Corona def Mar. (673-2343): -Thursday, Feb. 4: "Fear of Frying" class on Nouvelle Cuisine, Betsy Mouhon will in- struct. 7 p.m .• fee is $20. Call for reserva- tions. MayaAft8elou., ...... of .. IKnow Why The Caged Bird Sings" wiU speak 8 p.m. Wednesday. Feb. 3 at UCI'a Crawford Hall. TICkets are $4 general, $2 UCI students. $3 other students, seniors, staff. faculty and Alumni Association members. Information: 833-6319. uDIIIIIUian 1ft Old ~-ceu.-. Up the MiKonc:eptions" • Dr. Uety F. Jarvik, facilitator. This is an elective coo,. offered by the UCt Extension program. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 29 and 30 at UCI, $66 fee. Information: 8J3..5414. ....... of Ancient ..._ •• Or. Edwin Krupp of Griffith Obeervatory. lecturer. Co-sponle)red by UCI and the Junior league of Newport Harbor. 7:30p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31 in Crawford Hall at UCI. Admission $10. $4 for UCI students. Information: 8J3..6379. .. Citld1en of Aloohallllu workshop, 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28 at the Advanced Health Center, 1300 Bristol Street North, Newport Beech. Cafl97&-0700 for re.ervationa. M'er11any_ ····-· ....... . .,. .... It, end..,. BatcWn.~-• men of Pine MinOr Cot- • ,., ao.tOn, Mile, wiM ,_ with protpeC-w. atudems MOl Idly. Feb. 1 at.the heme of Mrs. Henry Durkee. For informetion calf &40-1413. ............. CINe wiM be held at the UCI Medical Center through Feb. 4. Meets 7 p.m. Mondays end Thuradays in Building 44. Sponsored by the American lung Aleociadon. Information: ~t. C.W.Mtla,.. ,., H1luew IIIIUU..,.. , being offered by , Coastline Community College at Mesa Verde learning Center in Costa Mesa. Beginners clMs will meet 6:30 to 9:30 Mondays beginning Feb. 1. For registration information call 861-9994. Or ..... County Red Croea is offering stan- dard first aid courses through February at Red Cross Head- quarters, 601 N. Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana. $9 materials fee for the course. They will be held: -6:30-10 p.m. Tues- day. Feb. 2 and ThUt"~-­ day, Feb. 4; 6 :30-10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8 and Wednesday, Feb. 10; 8:30 a.m.-noon Tuesday, Feb. 16 and Thursday. Feb. 18; and 6:30-10 p.m . Monday, Feb. 22 and Wectne. day~ Feb. 24. .......... A ........ a nine-WMk educatiooaf· e~J)erientiel program to. aseist women in .. , ph-.. of making' a c~ of life. Starts Feb. 1 and will be hetd Moodavs. 7 p.m. to 9 p .m. at The Study Store. Information: Rosalie Kfoury, &M-0375. Musk ''The ....... a ........ ., .. by Moliere, 8 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, Feb. 10..12 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre at UCI. There will be a 6 p .m. showing Saturday, Feb. 13. Tickets are $5 general, $3 ttudents. and may be purchased at the Fine Arts Ticket Office. Information: 833-8617. -A D•lt08 Coftcert witl be performed 8 p.m. Wednelday through Saturday. Jan. 7:1.30 IJ\ UCI's Rne Arts Concert Halt. Tickets are t3 genera&. $2 studenta. Jn••h ...... n# wll condUct the tMnl Symphony Orchestra In Handel't "Israel In Egypt," Sunday, Jan 31 at 2 p .m. at the Turtle Rock Community Center, 1 Sunnyhill, Ir- vine. Free. P ..... vlrtuoeo Nakyong Chai will per· forma at Saddleback C~lege's South Cam- pus Main Theater Jan.· 31at3p.m.~ (tonS or information call 831..-6 or 496-27'90 10 a.m. to noon or 1 to 3 p.m. Theater .... ... Moulton ~will stage the California premiere of "Romantic Comedy" by Bernard Slade. Show opens Jan. 22 and wiH run Tuesdays through Satutdeys until Feb. 13. Tlcketa are $8 and t9. Reservations: 494-0743 or 494-8)21. ··n. ~·Tile Thlnl .. by Ferenc Molnar. on the South Coast Repertory Mainstage. 8 p.m. Tuesday through Satur· day, 7:30 p.m. Sundeys and weekend matinee~ at ~30 p.m. TlCkets .e $16-$10. SCR Box Of- fice: 967-4033.. .:= -=-19 ..... u .... -· J __ .... .......... --~~ c. ::::1 ........ ~Oil ,, ... .......... ......... ............ c.-. ......... L f..-y, ~·----'· ......., J .......... ~ " IIOIICit ..anca• City o....e . ._. ..... 1Jelonu7 I. 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IU771 PVaJC .OTICI ..... nclliiOW._.. U.ITAt...:wr ~ ........ -.. ........, "-.. IIIAC'I IIWUJPT lilt Parrilli. MOO Y.. ()porto, 11o l ........ ~C.'*J w,,.. 2llkll ...... ""-· c. G'114 'nolo ~ • .,......, .... "' .... timdul ....... a.lly IIQ n.. --, ......... ,~ .... c....., CIMt. .. o.-c-ar, -Ju lt.ltiG ........... loJI n. •• 1 10 11 111:1 ..~~'-" , 11134.2 lfD!I5 PUIUC IIOnca ...... w ...... U..ITA,_., n. ........ _ ......... ..__ • DUll w. au WllllcWI On .. ......_.~ CA ... ._, o..a.. 1000 ........ 0... ....,.,_,c..., T1lll ..__ .............. ~ .. 1ft ~ ........ MaeyA 0....., n..--............ c-., Clan .. o.-c-.,., -Ju D llll ,........ a.. n ,_. J. 10 11. 111:1 _.,..........,&...., ,... Nl1.0 ......:IIOnca PICbiW>W-MIIIn&_, """...._-..... ...... -., ICW'POaT IU1L.08tO COMPAQ, 1>1 ..awiOII'f aua..r.o ~~a....,.-•• , c-..... c..., .......... . Ma4 '-'" Wey, C.. ...... CA ..., n....__,.~ ....... ..................... .._ ,... __ ...., ....... c-, Otitta .. o.-eo-, .. a..D,liU ......, ..., n .r• 1.10.11 1112 .,.... .............. ..... ...,. ...::IIOJCII 8 ANNOUNCE- MENTS GOING OUT O f' BUSINESS Mcory Kttv co•metPCs .sl he'll pnf'f' C•U Jont &40-8855 PU BLIS HER DOES NOT ACCEPT lt•btl•lv lor tncorrect spelltnQ QJ•mm•hc•l tnaccul6 ctn , or typoqraphPCel orJors 1n any adve1 hsemenh published '" the C0<1st M~•• News GroW> BUUGASOUNE loc•l d1slr1butor sells un.»r•nd.-d quohne an all 4 qr•dn ttnd d.e .. l fuel et rompehltv• pr~c" Pttced dtt1lv S.Jes COD wlcashter'l chec~ or load to I~ C'fedll With SJO 000 deposot eccl Call Bob (714) 752 16n or 8111 (213) 966 3685 Lton Mk:a Co IAnORMEY ROGER C. TURNER lncorporehou, .,.lenla end bustn-m•ll•r• 548-5649 . I PERSONALS SASSY LADY Be I he ltrll tn your c •rcl• ol frol'nds IO 1!011 lh1 S...v La4v Home Pe1tv an I hi' prtvecy of your ho"'• Adult ton . q•m•' lohon~ end hnoer.. G.ntorou hocl q1h F'or .:t p•r•v d••• cell P•l lll101 848 2866 tPEUONALS AIOitTION AND f'REI PJft9a.tiiCy I•HnO ht IIOGaJ •nd conf.-ohel c•r• Low f.. IDcJ\Id .. eounMiutq, leb I 11. IIIO•tv. aedace t10n end potl·op•r•hve ••eta G.oer•l (etl .. p) or loc•l •ruNth..,. •veil •ble Ret.rr•l for bend ••-' 11• ttl•••••on (l•m•l"') vu•cloll'l• (m•J.). •nd Litle abor ~-~.~· f)r«..tw• M.dt • •nd .n•ure•coe .... Clll c.ltlonu• f••••ft Co..•_.._ S.rv~ • tOt '"~'lftehoa 01 1f!llied•••• eppo1n1 ••"' fn Newpott I.NC;h ('114) 7S2 OOSJ. In S.ft•• Atua (1l4l 972·3104 STEEL RADIALS COMPACTS...;fMPORTS ON OUR FULL LINE OF TOP NAME BRANDS RADIALS LIGHl THUCK POLY:, 60 'C SE.RILS BELH D ·o---"'9 ·Aoao .. , • I I .... • ._..: ... c ... -f=~I3~_J OH to 11 Qood Star\ Tht Classifed Way 6 73-0 5 50 NA UG HT Y LA DY Home p.,,,.., Bonu• k r parlJ" belo•• lha 14Ph S.sles reps nf'ed•d Peqqy 170·5162 PILOT WITH AIR PLANE nNe:!. tlv,nq comp•n•on Lov• to tr•ve l dm• dance Townhou" '" lrvane Uoencumbe•ed hon eat, ""c•r• on• wom•n m•n. 6', ISO lbs . len•nctally wcur.e Love to h•ar from peht•. unencumbered non smolr1oq l•dy 38-46 lor lr .. nd lover wtl• 851 8293 aher 6 pm PR O FE SS I O NA L WO MAH 29, -u w•l tnq partner Wall sh,Hl' ••P"-Ann (21J) 628-6546, (213) 380 5808 • 1 SCHOO l<\"" INSTRUrTJON PAk£NTS I • chaldren tbw -... ..... """... ... .ducale lheu bod.et T111y Tot• htn•u and 9Ylrulatllca Boya quia, aU ~-Enroll now h v•n• G vmou tPCs 546 I lUI 11 satOOJ.S .. lMITIUC'nOit TUTORING C reden, h.Jed. •n your home £..,.nenc.~ pat141tll W~ .JQ.b,.. qeo...- try, ''•ItCh ,.,. •• "' rMdtftQ, wpelllncJ E. li,th, •ll proftc .. ftclel, c~~e boards 673 tiOll MUSIC INSTRUCTION -G1utar, woodwtn •ltd br.. M~'<' tlteo~ end W.m Jo •mprova .. Glen Tllortoo Tru111p 1)12~ PIIVATI FRINCH iflMil* Wllh n•l•'l• rrenc h petiOli C.ll ,•h••I Jm , lUlt AXC GOLDIN Retr .. v· er pupa. Escellenl pedt qrM 108 c h.mptoo h tl" AU shades 493 . 6861 MUST SELL AKC 1 M11hes• puppy male, 8 weeks old Hu h6d fuel shoPs r&qJslered w1th pepers SJ00 N~.~o qood hom• Pr~v.sl«> p.or tv 837 6309 I f ORCED TO MOVE 10 lt•wnhouse w11h no verd. • d we musl t.nd • horn .. I' . OUI l.tq bel by HI''• • I vear old blttclr pur• •I'd Royal S••ndtttd . tOdl• wh o loo~ lth ot •'l•ll hor~ H«>'•" qood \lc hdoq •nd love' k1ds S75 tf h• lair ... voo 493 &416 fRE E PUPPIES Ret t~ever Shl'ph,.rd m1a 6 w"'l'l" hcov• 'hola. •w-• &61 ~ l5GARAG£ SALES HUNDREDS Of AN TIOUE ITEMS 10 wll Sold larqe old hom• uulled w11h qooda ... Old trun~ SIO o•k school df'sk SJS •h•v IOQ mtrror SIS. v.(" ton .. n b aUoon baC'k ch•tr SIO mahoqttnv tond 1.1bl• Sl2 oak bPd SJS c h.un SIO 1o S25 round m.sq qame rt~biP SEQ, lcUQf' dnk S65 PIC Pure prtnl~ .snd lrame' Sl Po SIO f rodav ttnd Salurdo~v 4 lc 5 lb22 Monr<'Vo" ''· all•v t.o>l Wltl'n lblh .. tnd l?1h s lrNis C0<11,1 MP.,.. CL&AR ANC£ Auslr,.ltdn 'heep•~•n ruq• I""'•'• ctnd do•JI:>I" coav lor wt\ll"hmQ TV Mocc6srn• n~optl'n• sol Apr.. '"' c .. ,., bool ........ • .. ~r ... , C•r ,oel<ov••~ t.ued ar n•te..,al form Satu rd•v 8 II 2836 Carob S1 '" E.ulblull H UGE RU MMAG E SALE Lo1s ol lrNslu es All chettp lot• of mas cell.neous 10 to 5 Salurday len 30 Mor• stult on S.lnd•v 1241 So Maan , Sant• AM 16HEALTH GOING OUT Of BUSINESS Mary K•\ co•mellcs a l hall pr!CP Cttll lona 640 8855 LOSE WEIG HT NO W 10 1o 29 lb~ '" 30 d•v• oa vour SJI 75 loa I rnonth s supplv return ed Call HERBAU fE d•str~bulor M•chelll' 645 S423 BOTHERED BY LOtiO nol-from ea~orl lrNway• loud mus1c barlttnQ doqa or anoranq spous.s ~ Solve your nO&sl' probl•m now C all vour He•r~nq HNhh Care DISTRIBUTOR 551 9604 We're Bloon~lngl In our new home at 3641 E. Coast (at PolnaetU.) and have some blooming good listings to offer you! w~~· DCIJtUXE8 owr«•u•o•<u Sl3s5l3~ JMtniM •ZJS.OOO 710.710 Vt ,.,... .250.000 HOJIIU ON OACHtO, one ~~~ to 0Cjat1 Thtee a.dtoorn... 2 blithe, • oem-•360.000 230 A.HO 232 GOLDEN- ~.1~·!10.000 end .... OOO COSTA MESA, 2291 £lden 8iQ R 2 lOt 3 bedlooma.. 2 bat~ lovely y,lfd U48,500 8CI8tNa••• JAST FOOO. eo.t Htof• way, Cor one dlf ~. MIS.OOO ' 17 1'RAYEL/ VACAnOit WHY TRAV!L ALONI? Take IOIIl~n• who would al)p~&ate ahar· lD9 your lravela wlto cunot afford the fare £njoyl 119hiMelDQ, WlD· dow abopp1D9. fWIIft and bah, elc Refer encee .. ch&Doed. (107) 425-2376 ~ 18 DITERT AIN PARTY BALLOONS UoJqu•. ~no11alaaed qlJt O.la.-.-.d locally Order today "Balloooa of NeWJ)Ort," 645-&MS THE BELL YDANCER Studao -CdN ollen entertau1ment tor all oc: CUIOIHI &Dd cla-1 U\ the ut of bellydanc• CaiJ 731 -4574 PUPPET SHOWS lot very apecaal barthday partiM, club or cbuccb parttM Call Pat Wilton, 547 1090. 891 3765 19GIFT SUGGES-noNS LOVE BALLOONS S.nd .omeone you leve • bouquel of JO heltum b.lloona Perfect lor Valentine'• day Per .anal m-ve We de· laver 673-4419 S.ve th•s ad 17J.GIIO Cla1aiiiH 23BELP WAlfrED LIARN TO IAilN S180V~k Wor~ 1-2 b01111 dally thatfi.J19 eDv.lo~ S.lld ..U· adclr~ ~~&aped ... v.lope to 1\eval, 424 w... eo-onwealth, ~. L. Fu.Uenoo, CA OLAMOUll )01 l.oMdioo c:o.aeuc com· p&Dyl Full-time pay. part·tuD• hovnl WW train Sta.r1 now, talre ad· V&DI6C;le of 1812 biW· n-. Call SS6-W774. C ANV ASSUS tor .alar water h-Uno. $5.00 par hour Call Patrick at 645-8938, after 6 p.m. SECRETARY 2 yr1. word proc:- 8UIQ 1-oal e:aper. Super farm and benet,ta Sl8,000 SECRETARY General ollace ConatruC:IIOn , atrenoth 1n purchu- ano, S A. Super people. S20,000. CODULTAMT OUROmCE r ,_'QI J I~ l~ ....... .. ,., ........... , tllthdll ....... ..... 1Jll 111 Ill t,._.tOII ..... , .. PEOPLE W HO LIKE talking people will love th1a job! We need energetic, articulate peQple to call from our ofhce. Full or part time. Day or evening abift. available. Starbnq aalary Wbour. No ~r- aence oeceuary. We will trai.o you. Call betw .. o 9 a.m. aod 5 p.m. for detA11.a. CPN R~reb, (714) 545- 1458. EARN $925.00 PER WEEK We are a National Company specializing In Hot Food Vending equipment fNturing National brand name tooda such as HOA- MEL, Campbells and the like. Your ma- chtne~ will be loc:ated by professional lo- cators In factories, schools. hospitals, In- dustrial compte••• and stmllat high traf· fie locatloos. Your machines have a one year lactOtY warranty plus a location guarantee and company e•panslon pro- gram Wtth a twenty-one (21) machine minimum purchase for only $25..015.00 with just 16.5 aaJes per day. your route will Nln M4,100.00 gross per yNt It you haW 125.000.00 CASH a_,...._ NOW and can atatt unmedlatety. have a aenlceable 1uto and CoM oper1te from yOur hOme. CALL NOW TOLL FflEE -TNa oftef •~ ..... F.ewu.ty 2&. t 112 1·800·535-2115 IIIIIU WAifiiD HOUSIIIIPIRS PART TOO la...U. opea1llql 'ID yow-· No ...... withheld. Nab S4 to se.lS .-a.ou. Call o.o.· •. 750-0826 SOL.U SALIS. nos ONLY. Ale u.r. UJ s.tt out ~? We a.re a Juobly ~ IOl.u markeUa9 co•P••7 ~ for liM aho.e. U you .... ov nperi· ence requlre•eate, you1l eGjoy . . p-ty of attODCJ q11alilled leeda. be.-11Da.aciA9 available, earolao pot-tial of $10,000,... year (coam.). Call Job.Jl, (714) m .1 Ule. IACHEIMC. A IMdi.DCJ ltloek broil· er&Qe lira pla:u to o~ office• Ia Newport J.ecb. POIIiliou avail· able: • S•cretarlal • Wu• Operator • ~­ coW1tin9 Clerk. Wu be ab&.Jo work !lAder p,_ Ill,., be ~...Ooable, worll weU wltll people. Wu type eo wpa, ~a. .. lmowt.d9e ol aad be able to ue ofllce aachm•. s-ci r--ooly to W.. Terry B...boDy, 800 B St., Swt• 1'00. S&D Oie9o 92101. lqu.al opportwu· ty-pklyer. SIClln ARY I Opera- tiou Neol9", lacttuaCJ c.,..r opportv.IUly lor bnQbt. -tQebe penon &.ater.-.d Ill i.nteraa- bola&l travel, laa9'UV• &Dd J0\1.09 people. Jta. plcUy ~ I'IUO- peao-b..l.d lhld.lt ··-chanQ• pf09r... kl- ca.tecllll 1.aQuDa IMch, ia -kino penon atrooo Ul ..c:retanal akilla but ao:aao111 to rapidly aMu•• maaavarlal reapoaaibalJIIM wlaale d~Q With 'l\llti.DQ ttllci-t. from Seaa· d.a.ll&via aDd a.-,. St&rtinQ ..&ary $16,000 pl111 be11ehta. S.nd ,_. or letter to ASSI. 228 Nottll COUll Hwy., ~a Beec:h, 92651. sacuT ARY JUMlOJt -la:rak, to Sl,200. a.alt •uaqe r aad ...._. 10 SJO&. s.lel aad~..c:.....-, to S1,l00 -tiL a.o-- terecl tiaaDeiAI pnaci· p&e, teraa Wo.q91 N.l· eon AQeecy, lnc . 835-3083. DPDIINCID N~Lr&M Aut.. 21 lacNn • .-k Coavateaceot and oenatrac eapeneac e preJ.ned. 951-1»80. HAJtBOI' WUNJCJPAL COURT bu OpeeiAQI lor -and womea. U you type 40 wpra aod are 1.nte1'Mted lD n - celleot benefit. wltll a ltartUlQ M.lary oJ $5.38 ~r laour/40 houn per week. call 833-0411. est 332 lor tar.rnew. 4601 Jaabo,.. Blvd . Newponleeclt. 10.1 CHILD CARl -Stu cleat or ape~ 10 care lor &.alaot Tu.ad&J aad Tluu.tay &.D my Co•ta NeN lao•• ,__ call 549-7658 AUTO MECHANIC. e:a· r.rMIICecf ud OWlt od toole. Apply Newpott Ta.re C.ter, 3000 I COMt Hwy . Cor-del War JOBS OVDSL\S -li4 _.,. ...... 120,000 to !50.000 pl\11 pe-r ,.., Call 1-716-84.2-toOO. ••• ..aos. ...._vowc:..n I CaiOa ,.,.. 873-0550 STATI LAW lti- QUJIIS lll.at . pedOAI wlt.o prcmde c:lUJd C&N Ul &WI a.o... be~ eel. for ia.lo,....&. 011 lt.ow to obtaia u.e.o... i.JI Or..,. Couty. c.U (714) 134-51 n . LICINSID CHILD CAD -lrriAe. Swi.JIQ ucl ...... ,&«~ .tUft Chlldrea'• ~peclalt, S..... su..t uciiDOre Ykieo rec:oJd.iA9•. "IJ). dlyidul a..ctW' reqwre ladl•ld~aal att.ahon. (714) 857-tO:lt. 21 NODYTO LOAJC WIDOW HAS WONn for True o..da. $10,000 IJp. No credit ohecblno ~. Call Dem.ou A..ociat., 673-7Jll. I HA VI WONIY to 1oaA on yow bo-. Low i.JI. te.e.t, t... apprai.MI. 7- clay ~ credit no prob&e.. i111. (714) 914-31115. 2MD.3RD IIQUITY~ Ollidt ud coafki-Ual. Call ToaNS-4118 CALL US LASTIII S\ar· p~~.::-... 2Dd ,.,... a•ail&ble al ~low ooet Wllll COIDpetitiv. mw.- ••'-ud ~pt..,.. a . We IA.U. you to obeck ov ..-.,.__ 30 ,....., ..,pen.c. Ia tM leradJ.D4 iad\lltrJ. P1ucbe. or equ.itJ ioaa o:ra 1 to 4 Willi. Wialawa loan arran,ed •• s 10,000. ca.N i.n&Dci&l S.rnc.. ll a penonal property broiler n-oo· tlator. Allloana are col· Jatoral.li.Md by a COni· biMUoa of real/penonal property. c.u s-.. Tlao•peoA, (714) 836- 59G de,., (714) 552- 21108 ..-.l:raCJ•· JUWBO UCOHDS - Coapetllhe rete• lrobr &aqllinel tovated troar, N7-IOOI. WOICIT, WOICIY. ~ Lo&Da bJ ceh.!t.~~ yow lltiiAboD or oeecb C.U Jua. clay, IUQhl, w..--t. !JI6.i127. 301USOU.:SS OPPT't'S WOU AT HONIII le Oooded with oJJen o....u.. ...a. llaiDped addr....d eavelope: Sle'Y.....,n IAterp,.., Dept. N -1. 11711 l1awa, A,pt. 4, Loa AAoet-aoo.e 31 OfVESTJIENT owns OIVILOPMINT Opportv.ll.itJ -1119-· ~ 13 e<:NI bJ cov.alry cha.b ~.000 (!Ol) 8-157! 2987'9 Hea.th.et Qa.k, hUicboA Caty, Oll9'7448 _ 37% Comp Annu•llv ~ur.cf non rHI ,.,..,. wath l1qu1d atv Ca ll Mt WaJdron (213) ~-4SSO 0 n. •=PtN1 ,...., ., ..... ~d'~•· ..... _' 27. 1-..... 1 HOUSING? READ THE ~f.IEDS UEITATE SALES ISTATI SAL&: Vlc- lori&D ao-•. -.rbte lop tabJ., Orleotal nave. Nt. a Wn. chain, lera 1tand, barbe r cb&U, l&ape, coro•• cabinet, 8 Geonpaa d.1al.ao clWD, Shericlaa ~ ..roJChaD· tilly .. .,1.!.;9. Ro,.&e Doultoa llCJurlae•. dlaiMe. Airicaa diu, baaketa, artifacU. Wuc:J, 100,.. )&D. 30-31. No checb. 24921 C&Dyoo Rim Place, Lab foi'Wit (Lab ForWit oJJ Toledo). RUUEBGURS wa.w.-lloQDa•ad to th-7 THIY'll BAa. Boy. 8 tto 80 are eajoy- mo o&d lea!uo-..1 luD with tile oriqioal na.bber QUDA. For 1... bro- HOTOFFEIU OOLD CASBJ TO EDIIOIC COS TOilERS Get S25 lor yoiU opera· bla eecoo.d refn9er etor It' 1 CGIItiaq J'Oil 11p to S144 or •o,. • ,... Ill et.c:tnc: bllle. DoiMtte yow opetalio9 ..c:ODd reiriQerattor lo on. of liM chari.U. lltt- below, aDd be 111.re to -boll t!Wt ~i&l ott.r wl.ea JOU ... liM &n&DQe!D-tl. Get ~t. aad South.era nUa ldi8oa will 1 you $2:5. Yollf oaatioa ll l&a ct.diiC- Uhle. ,,.. pickup by the cherlty. Th11 apeei.al offer upare~ W&rch 15, 1812. Jor d.t&Ua, pbooe: Calvary Luth.era Church (714) m-4687 Cb.Udr-'e Hoepata.l ot &DQeCoWity (714) m -124l . Vi.Daat de PauJ (714) 633-SUSIO Sal•atkm AfiDY (714) 547-0831 IIAIIINE SUPPt.IES? NN Cfe ulf#H ~GOING OUT OF BUSDQSS-Mary Ly ~ at halJ pnce Call Jon.l, 640·88!!8 I PUIUSJUR DO IS NOT ACCUT habwty tor &.DCornet .pellm9. Qr&aa•hc.l &.D&CCur· 1 IIC\AI, or typoo rephiC.al erron 111 any adv.r tieemntl pl.lblaabed 1ft U.e CONI Wecba Newt G.ro"'p IOOICS-OLD. RARE I&Dd out-ol-pnot We I bt;ay and .u ''QQa-oJ- prmt boob our •pec:aal- ty." Nahonwade S..rch S.rYlce , B9ok VauJt, 3882-A S Bnllol, S..nta AAa, 54i-11548 UDWOOD 2x6 deck- 1110 -4·20' lonq. 25- aeall loot. hm. 646- 11885. &D ytime. UDSPUA.DS. MA.N\1- F ACTUURS OUTLIT LarQeal •• Ora~:~o• CoiUity. a.ddJ.nCJ & Bed.lpread Hou.ae, 1440 S. N.aus S. . S&Dta Ana. ldlooer/Waan 83!1· 16811 chure, write or c.U The ~ ~ G-1~----------~ JANUARY SA VIHGS - AAJt.lu:rao a lv.rytluoo Thnh Store, 2Sfl75 Tal.adlo. W&aaoa V&aJO, 581·7112 CoUec:ubl•. wuqu.. uaetul ..c:oad- hancl tleiDI, .ome oew (Off V&a Fabncante ) Oonahooa accepted s.ddleback Comrawuty IAterpnMI -Sheltered Worbbop, Unated Way Aoency Co., 1548-D Ad.a.Ju, Dept. N-1. Coeta W.., 926ll, plt.oAe 641-l214. NIW HANGGUDD. SUOO. Hew TV, RCA ~lin• color, 19'', . Joe, 494-4119. •Aifi'IQUES 2 AJmQUI ART DICO T ~-(oa..klbeot qlaaa). $1,000/oller. 497·4622. 49'7·5378. OLD ANTIOUK Player Pla.no. S.erlflce $7,500. 7-plec• oek ~--=== ..... .a.ct .unor. c.r-1 aoak'a beac~. IU- ~. ~FVJUQTURE Sofallo•-•'· $300 ledrooa. S540 hab. $200. GJ.u.-top dinette, $225 W.tue-albos IIPrinO• qu-S1JO. hill S90. twin sao. All -r l&8ed Roll, TJO.. 0801 DICO RATO R bu .ow, reclioen, &nd nnv.l rocken leh from aaoc:lel bom• at l•etory pncee. Call anytame, 835-2596. UPRIGHT PIANO . $400 Dark brow:ra YlDyl .ola, S?S wro• d..k eod chau, Sl25 486-5807 W COUCH -VlDyl Dark br<nnl, ~rieet coa~ $175. 1.,._ IUDCJI, 4M-32'78 u APPUAleCES SIAIS W_...• alld Or,., coa.tu.tioll 1 or &.D.Io, c.U 840-5422 TAPPAN OV-IN RANG&, 9... al-d color, ._, ued $699 a-4801 . 1m PIANO -~w&J !1"9''. prole.~onal p1a.o· lll/i.JI.IInactor movlno $4,600. Llod•. 493· 0556, 496-!1767 est 14 uomCE EQUIPJIEIIT IBWMAGCARD D word proe-.9 .,-.tem laceUelll coodalloo $4, 45'J Ot be.-o!lef. Call Sally. (714) 7'80-0100 DmULGS YOOJISIU: loU-top cleall ucl c:lwt.in AMo Wmolta cop .. r, ..-oably pnc ed Call L.e or Wart~, (714) ~10. (714) 962-81 omCI rtJJtNITUill. 18 .ontAI oJd Copy ~b~. d~. c~n. bl• l.w.ceUent conda hOD 493-4821 U DIANONDS• JEWELRY ISTAn I SECOND H.AJm JIWILRY and atedmo O.tware ooet1 auca '-•• lendey'a, 220 I 17Ua St Coeta .. _ 645-6585 GIICUIKI Coloabws •-rald. YCHAr cho1ce. o,U, SlO ~r atone 1 ~ PROFISSIONAL DIA WOND C\1TTDS -Ja. perle ta recvthao dwaOIICb. aU th.pea, .. .-&..oa.t.ble rat• Call 4918-8436. 855-9249 after 5 p Ill lor COD auJt.ahoo IIAUTlFULL Y CUT h-.rt-lhaped .ohtaa,. cbaaolld noo Appro• aaatelJ 113 carat S1,l00.~ ALL NEW • • RACQUET CLUB ol 11V111e taraily mero.ber- lhtp Tranaler 1.. Ill· eluded. $400. 830-4105 1972 CHEVROLET El CamillO, CZ cl.u1 balre. SO-Qellon equa11um 314 ton truck bed, aeuba o-r/tank 496-0808 IILTONG FOR SALE Homemade. 493·2173 PINBALL MACHINilor ea1e Wkie-body tu.U .... eMc:t.rolliC!. S4SO T)'pe you -ua an::..6e. <AU tolUree n--r l-I00-532-387l. M.la lor P.-yNYer Adwatch NS453 51 WANT TO IUY W AlfTED O LD GUNS raJlea, lhoto\111.1. pocket welches. mllatary a-worda S.no11.1 coU.C - tor peY11 roore tb&D IDY d..Jer 581 8870 WANTED FURNJ. TURI. appllaneM (r•· lno•r•to re. waehera, dryen, TV's, worln.nq/ noD -workulq, An11qu•, p~&~~oe. othce lun~tture SSCAS. (714) 9157·8161 W A.NTlD USED FU1t NtTUI'I. IDoden~/aa· hque RelraQeretora. wuben. d~n (work- lD.Q DOD wof'klDQ) t... 957·81D WA.NTID TO BUY 14 UOO ~t wllh traaler lD e:aceUent c-oe ciahoD 49i-44S4 W A.NTID 1929 onqi.D.al dre.y c klcluaq for raan wo .. ao boy Q UI rt-eall633 1921 W MrT1I> S..n Open Hearth t .. o bedroo,. «:1 dr-r o t d .. l! 77()...3352 • COAST HOUSDI.A TIS -Convement room- IDAile ~..-.ooa.l profile •JVlce. C..U tolUr .. nii!Dber 1-800-532 3972, u1r lor Pennyuver Ad· watchC080 QUliT non·amokano male, 2().«). wuted to there l-bechoo• tur aaahed bvuae bo111e Poolan.d llti.Lau. lDc:lud ecf. $27S IDODth f.en. SSl~.evecunoa 3-BIDilOON. 2'.., BATH bo~~.~e, Wood bnd9e Pools. ,.CilDll, lake., teonw, elc Pro· 1~. qlllM, non ..obr preferred S250 pi•• 113 ulllahee Avatlable anytime 552-7117, 8 • ra or ~ NIWPORT OCIAN nK>NT on the ea.lld Roommate tO abare 4· bedroom. 3-bath hollM Ptol-•onal bua1neN penoo, oon·emoker S4J3 pl11.1 utWIJM Call lira at 645-7557 L.UGI 3-BIDROOW. J.betb lownho~~.~e lD Turtle Rock to ~here wtth noD·IJIIOk.Ulq lady, no c!Wd or pell. $2!0 per raooth plu 1/3 Uttabbea 851-8293 MEWPORT lEACH -Share lovely H.arbor v-h.ome, aU coove- na.eoc.. ooo--o.lunQ pro~al ledy S350 aucl~adee ~atalallet &M-4136 CHRISTIAN LADY ..U ledy to there l bedroo•. 2·betb a~rt meal oear South Coatt Plua $.225 plua 112 utWta. Call ~ da,., alter 6 p m. 545- 6101 Need eomeone by Jeb l. ROOWNATE TO SHARE larqe wollll• Hilla ho me Full pr~vtlequ SJOO T10·4564 ROOMWATE WANno -Prof.-.onAJ pereon, Ma.uaoa V~e)Obou• wath )eciiUl Room/pnvate bath 1300 month pl\l.l 113 utilib• Call tollir .. nWDber 1-«X) s.:g.Jm. uk lor PenD.,...,., Ad- watch M3161 FU1Uf1SKID L•Qvna leech IQunolll ttudto Spa, TV, mead •rVIce, phone SIIS w .. llly 4G8·2227 FUIUflSHID sum: Bed, belh, lav&.ao. p•ho No klte t..D Pnv•te 1111 tra.oce $450 phu depoe at Utilita. lftctuded Rea~ Non-amok IDQ 556-eo33 WOOOIJUDG& LAND CNG, lrnne l..arqe •• ecutave 4-bedroom bo-with all.-m.. Sl,JOO ~· .. o:raU., L--.' opboll 552· 7322 OLD COIIONA OIL WAR Architect'• 3-bed· room cultom horae I..., blocb to beech W... wtth ophon to buy 11.400 per month 556- 1810, est 72 DANA PODIT DUPLU -Good OC:e&ll ,_. 1640 aq. It . 2 beclroo .. pl111 coovertib&e deca, 2\1\ beth, loed.e of cloMot I)MCe $675 IDOIIthly C.U toW,.. awaber 1-800-532-J1172, ull lor PoAyaaver Adwatch )Q()45 RDrTAL, LAGUNA IUCH -Spec-.cl&1a.r ,_. 4 bed.rooiD. 3 bath. deD, ci&DID9, declla, d~tbwuber, 11te¥e, Q&r~ $1,050 rDOnthly Call tolltree a umber 1-800-532 .JI172. uk lor PeruayuYWr Ad wateb~ 3 BEOIIOON W&aao n v .. )O bo-. lantubc vaew For lea•• 855·1510 EXJ:CUTtVI HOME lor '-....__ v,.10• 5 bedroom, 2900 aq It , panoreauc vaew ~ beeuhfully decorated Sl JOO IDOntb G.rden er 10dvdad 831 3J25 SICOICDOS/ TOWJOISES FORJU:Ift PUILJSBU DOIS MOT ACCD'T la.abUaty lor IAC:OfftCl ~. oraaaa.beal lA&CCu r· ec1M or typoqraplucal errore an any adver- h•meatl publ~ed 1ft the Cout Wedt• He- Group $3APARTMENTS FOil RENT or 1-2 t1NFUJlM bedroom. den on S.. Joaqw..n Golf" Cou,_ NOW lt!NTDIG 1 a.nd S900 per moa11l AvaaJ 2 bedro om qe rden able March 1 7S2 8561 •partmeata Clow to tr .. way beac h and TWO BLOCICS to Poche will to ahoppUlQ Hvnt S..ch' wroe 2 bed rnotoo S..cb AJN (714) room 2 beth condo 847·6064 Sun declt. do .. bl• qa r•q• • pool. apa S6SO UN IQUE APART p1ooth 6 month pl111 WDITS and townbo\l.lft 1_ 496 9'786 wtlb calhadra.l cealinos. hreplacN WM bare lllr RENTAL w qun• condahonanq pool• M•ouel 2 bedroom con Mun.u ~vm lenn.s do CK-n v•-pool, courts Lm.mecia•t• avatl tenoaa apa 1595 advha able I bedroom and 831 6249 dn, 1 bedroo.. 2 bed UASI On We Nta roo m 2 bath town ft<>n Vae1o S..uhh•l hou-Sorrv DO pet• br&Ad new coado 8eel 2400 Harbor Blvd vtew unit Sl lOO BlOntb COI:I• W... 557 8020 ly C all toUt. .. Du .. ber OCXANTIIO NT RIN I 800 S32 YJ72 ult. lor TAl. Most •leq•n' PellnYHv•r Ad watch •partmenl b utJd1nq .n NOIHS l.aouo.e S...Cb Ftn-FOR RIHT f ovDt•an locellon 1ft town v.n • ., J bf'droom B.L-tllta.kUlq v1ewa All I townhouw 5 pools bullt tns bN ied pool newly deco rated S700 Subterran-11 9••6<1• Avaalebl• Feb 20 Cell elevator t...w onl'f tollfr-number I 800 S8SO and up lJO Cl,JI 5Jl m2 uk lor Pemay Dr . 494-8083 w..,.r Adwatcb N.2832 Hi w Ali O()t(J)() JC.a.oapallleach, W.uJ, MPapalt ... " 2 beclroom. 2 beth, c:omp)...ay tur· 111Ahect, lleesM &. sao ruvht Spec~&~ .-. lyiiDODthlJ ratel lro- cbure . 851-0108 NAWMOTH CON'DO at Wt 7, 8, 16 aad 17 wtQe 2-becUooa. tu. place, JIIIC!TOWeft, colcrr TV. J&CIIUll, ... -... courteey v&D S.S.lJO:l. 545-1304 SOUTH LAD T AHOI -Lo'Niy coateaporary 2 bedroom. I..., -beth u..p. 6 Tahoe K.,a. 5 IDIO\Itel to lkiiDQ euuaoe S751ruCJbt (714) 646-2183 RENTAL --a;q Bear cab111 Sl~ 6 &.on able W&.ater w•k-4. ud ekUoq. w .. w..y cUacOWIII 497-2248. G.!' lA T BlG BIA~ c.bi.D 1.11 the Uy Lovely 3-bedroom wath .,.,.,. thlDq Color TV, h.re- place, MC Only S5() ~r day 646-8181 PAUC SPRINGS hu- DMbed I~~XIIty c:oudo St.e.pe 4 Swtm.uto. te<:UUt. teDJU.~. A•.ul· able _ _. or looq- tena "-nab&. rate. 54!1-7568 or a.&-3188 -SKI VAIL s. .. ~ Beat cluect l101a __,. New 2-bed ,_, 2-ba.tll, b.reap!.ece, color TV. Jac~aua 5t..p. 6 60 IDC-... ~ Call lalpJa, PALM SPBDCGS larQe hecleod.a lD oJd Pal.a Sptl.IIQI Pnvate cO\lrl yard wtth pool, )<K'Ulll S200 ~r clay 4 bedroome, 3 baths 675-722!5 SICJ ...::::.RESO;:___R_T __ So_u_th Lah Taboe Ooe bed- room condo. completely lun~uhed, sleep~ 4 Avlll&b&e trom Feb 26 $.500 -a.iy Call S.m, 832-4851 after 7 p m Sltl UTAH -lleQ...;i 2· beclroora/2-bath coodo co•p-..., ha.rrwrbed SLC _, Snow Bud &Dd Alt.a m pet day Optaoo --Su.ba.lll 4-wtw.l d.n..,., '10 per clay 545-0381 r.-- uomCEJ COIINERCIAI. • #I ...... c....~.o­"' .. 0... ~· -.-.~ .~o-. .ec..-...n.l .... _.. .... Mail ... ._.._. ._ .......... IIIIPU ....,d._ .... C.UWiy rYJ4),... A CKAJU(D 1 Haslo nc bncll bwlduaQ o._, N.wport "-1,100 lq It plh ieacecl ,.,.:i ew-r ·~t 673-s:Mi& LAGUNA BUCH - 3 1'00 lq ft If 15!50 5o COMII Hwy Wlll cia..de to n.at I 800 1.-.. ,_,. '-el. 1 100 tt lower level Call aollfr-a..o.r 1-800-532·3872, ..&lot,_..,.._, Ad .ettct.w.-.. Newport Harbor ' .. ~ •cua ftiYATIIIOIG CAD lor .... ., .... Wocy. Lk •• ..ur.c~ ...... ,..,.., ~= .,., • WAIITIIIIIIT OBDI&WZ BOUUIUAHM&WT w AJn'ID. • _ .. .__ ,,,. hh .. ,.., .... a J: M ·~ c # ......,. Cell ........... 1 ... 53:2-3172, ........ ,.. _...Ada ' UOIU. OCUJff'llOli'T BOla ...... ia ssoo.ooo ......... Ob, 10 .... beck. No r..Jton, pi••••· 481-3357. ,..NII5. • ICBDUIU2 OCEUYIEW S30,000 .._ .. ..... ,... .......... .. lN. Sl:J!I,CIGO. a.-~ ..... 2 .. -.alii .1 .. 11 .ACBDUPLD h=="=• ..... SeDer will &u.c. at lN. SBS,!DD. c:a...t. a.alty ..... , 2 .... -...111 ISI_.II • IIOUSES FOil SAlE J. M. nTDS LAJm.. ING 1'\u 4 -2.!JOO eq tt.. 4 bedwooa, 2~ batt., laaJ.ty, ·~ m..tar a~aate. 1••9• CO\UltfJ Into-... bay Wlodow, 2 ~. &a.. bMvtlhll~ '-d- wceped. A--w. •· II&IICW9 S291,000 CaD s..dJ s.Jb. aov-f, (7l4J -..o791. lfOGDOIICK n.a. .. d w., a-low .arb~ No clo.dat beat bu, Ul H.wport a..ca. Lovely 2·&toJ'Y lDdltd. 4 bochooa. 3 betla, taa- &1y rooa, f\llbc e&oc:tnc lntcta... dlJI UlCJ rooaa. )a~ plaJrOGm for -· terlauu.DQ, 2 b,..,a..c-. co.....d pabo WJ'Cie ...... llhlddocl lot Pleo.ty ftV parlraa9 12165,000. 1~ dowa, owe beJ&Dco a• SJ.aoo per -• u.w...w. 631-7215 -Of 546-5181 A ROUSES FOR SALE • 80Uii i 1'08 Ul.l DCit I DT BUT ia New pod leecll S..... a-.. 24-..... p&.rd- ...... .... cout.. pool .... 3 ........ 2 ~ ......... 6--=- ... UIS.OOO. (714) ?a-1511. (714) 7Sl· ~ OWJIIII WILl. CA.UT LARGI LOAif •t 13~"· C11111aa Twb ~-----.. .. VieJo. wtda .,._. &aile .. CCNDe, ...... ud ................. 5- becbooa. z.aoo sq. a .. loecMd willa l...ted ..... ,~bey wia- cbn, oak. sa.aoo . ., ..... ,, •• -.. (714) Sll-332!5. 3-U[W()()M, 2-llATH. tireplec:e. taait, wooa • boaa. rooa, 2--car CJ•r•,•· beaatih11 aeaQilborlaoocl. Good tenas.718-3805 ...... •ROUSES FOR SAlE Olf TID LAD &a WooAndae. J.M. •• ten,_~-"-et oc· c~CP*l. 4 a-.-plu .._._ S311S,CIGO. Jac.l. let llauci89-0..•1 ..U.r. Put eecrow. -.esl7. RVMt-.'< ()CQR'tiEW aPOOt Li.IDe .... luv• 4 ~ witll boau rooa. OoiJ $421,900. A.aae 11. N . Call P.mck T-.. tMJ-t. 7!9- lm. RVMt-X YJnfll VIKWII VIIWII n.aw. liau!c:ia9. 3 becbooa. 2 betll, la • _.. cle.ir.W. -ia Lev-8illll. A --lioMJ ,.... .... &all• ._. ..... A,_a Nue, cuu-. (714) .,..1221. RVM~ • HOUSES FOR SALE ONLY $9,500 DOWN I Quiet, sate condo In great locattonl Seier may pay some o1 buyer's feel. Don't miss this great OA)OrfunHy. Cal tOdayl 646-7434. Steve Riddle. GOLD ITAR, IIALTORse 646-7434 CASILI Dl • IIOUSES FOR SALE .... , On app-oaiml~ l /3ar. in mo&t prat.ilioul. priwte Newport com- community. A custom-built home tohcue ~ ctre.ut . CAU.tO-,r 1BOYD J. -. . IJI ... MaY L C:OAD tftn. coeoeea-. M.U • nne\ I ,,, I; .... ...... -·····-----.... -..... ..., ........ J .......... .. J ....... , ... t1 .... t7W50 IICOJU)()S/ 10WJUISES FOil S# . .:::LLE=-- •<X*D081 10WHIIBES FOil SAL£ $7,000 DOWM -Owaer IIIU NCrifice. 2-bed· room, l~·beth, o.w cerpetsA.!:; Q~. o1.u. seo.ooo. 30-,..,. 11 ~ perceat. ne.ooo. 1-661-1137, 'l'utia. SPIUNGS CONDO - Plaa c. 2 bedroc ... 1 bAth, &ow dow&, lena&. Brobr, (714) 832-0890. 'f7 lUI. liT AT! WAIIIID/ EICIIAifGI ., MOilLE IDlES RINT TOO HIGH? Delue tr.U. lor .... oa etaok:e ~ .... . BY OWNER -South Oraoqe eo-ty c:oado. w.., COIUiidec &ow dow& 1 .. -------.1 paya-t. 496-2876. Walk to IOWD. be.et., ............. 123. Spec:a.U, cMGQDed ualenora, 2 ldr • 2 Ba.. 2 ear o•rtMJ•. 1 bdr. conv.rted to )41Cuata room Tenn.w, pool, ~ .c:urtty CJ•t• 1 265,000. $25,000 down. 11 ~" fan.anean<J. Brll (213) 421-0447 1RY Sls.cxD .. Sh&rp 3 bell. coodo -. Swth Cout Pleaa. Oo1, $115,000. Aoeot htnclr T-ore. 7'59- 1221. R&'M~ EASTBLUFF Spac.o~&& 4 bdna COildo. A BIAUTY Lrv. pabo wtth .... berl C..U tor tenu Ow-r wiU fmanc:e. P•tnck T.aa .... tMJI. '15-1221 R&'M~ PRJVTE BOllE 4 bel. w/pool. Fully f~U"D.i&hed. lmmed. n.U $329,000 wath tarat Patraelr T-o .... aQe~Dt 799- 1221. II ROUSES FOB SALE ro~t SALI: M.~.toD Viejo condo. lsbed· rooa. 2-beth, Sll4,000. No •4Jee•, 58S-4l'N. TRYSlS.OOO Sharp laro• 2 bed· room, 2~ beth. New Turtleroek eoodo. c.ll tor d.- tail a P•trick TeDOre. ·~ 759-1221. R&'M~ 11 LOts a ACREAGE • FOR SALE BT OWNIR -11.5 ec:.-. app!. and ~. 1-becbooa laold&, all eqwpped. 3SO ft. H wy. 'iTI froatt~CJe. SUi!S,OOO. AJ.o 7 build· iDQ lots, ...., aad water inJQatioA, v.U., aad nver ,_ l/2 llliJe lo l&ke. S13,000 .. ch c.n 1-(509) 758-5381. II HOUSES FOR SALE COUNTftY ATMOS, PHIR&I 2-bedrooa. 2s b&t)a, bentihl aobdlt ll.oae. lO.foot ... bu. 1.!00 sq. ft., low nat, edl.lk pull iD ftho.enkM. $34,980. ···3018, .,. 3510. NOBILl BY TKI SL\ -3 cove bMclt•. pool, aecure, ceriao commit· alty. S36.SOO. 499-3848. SPORT nSHJNG 111 •mm/lrnllllf' 15' N~qnum M"""'' uno r ... ~ dH"k a:.d llllf'r!OI lo-'dl'd Bouqhl propt•r l v mu" •II S68 500 A llf'n 8 nrk11f'r 12131170-5333 MIOATSa EQUIPII!In 1m CUTTY CABIN 24' -Depth fiadot, radio, b4lt .,...Ill, 3SO Clle¥J. VoiYO 280. sa.aoo . 951-1918 II HOUSES FOR SALE Roben A Eilerbea (ll ************ • WAvt*. JOHNSON • EostbUf Speclalst p~e~ents 4 BEDROOM on FEE LANDt Erfc>y you secluded sparkl- ing pool. VIew of city lights. Assumb6e 1st of 5125.000 at 9.75~. Ortv 5325.0001 Just listed so col673-8550. 2M5 EAST COAST HWY • CORONA DEL MAR. CA 92625 ***************** MUST SACIUJICII 26' T~elt c.WO c.W.r. lltceUut coaditloa. Neoct. .,.. woodwork. .......,_ 27' T·BDlD SLOOP 1D 0... Poial ellp. Need& --Mil, top p&iDt. $2,000. l•elliQDI, ••. a... .110108 BOllES 1Ht OPIM ROAD aotorboiM. a-.. 6. Fully J<*led. heeU.et coaditioc. 493-5699. IOSERVICE/ REPADl UITISH AUTO JlE. PAIRS: J'"J\1&1, J- HMley, Trhuapta, NG. Triumpta Sta9 aad llloel otlwr Britlab &vt<». 1995 Harbor Bl•d., Coat• N au, 548-6226. HID'S GARAGE. AUTO lliPAJR Foreiqa I Domeme. lll9iDe o..rl&aw. Tuoe '-P· b.rU.., electric:.I. c.n 832-'1377. MARINE SUPPLIES? read Cleultled 91 MTRCYCLF.S/ MOPEDS HO.HDA CB80, 1911. ~~··-nm.. 831-8317. 1976 HAJU.IY O.vwiaoo Super Glide. Rvaa oood· $3,000 or belt ol· le.r. 951 ·09'74 . 1979 YAMAHA XS 650 Specl.al. 15.000 Ill a.le&, u ceUe.11t eocdlhoa. Nut .m Nuy .. u ... $1,600/b..e otter. c.n tolU.ree oWilber 1-800- 532.3972, ..U for PeDAY· .. var Adwaleh N1314. VISPA BRAVO NOPID. Low malM, u - c:.lleat· condal.oD. $298. 10-~. 17" heme, S65.494-'N78. 92BJCYCLES SCHWINN -Ladt•. girl& enuaer. Blo lirM. AJ.o men'a 5-apeed. Both look &nd nut lilt• new. Each $49 548· 8066. 93 VANS/TRCIS FOR SALE 1976 DATSUN PICKUP Spob wlleel&, ahdLDQ ...., wuadow, Dew hrM S2.200. 586-1178. .... Y .... Y __ a........, ... bpi •••• ON! ._ .. M-V•• .,.. ol C....M..t. ..... lnllbee, ......__, av MlC*I, lofti.J ,... ........... 111)4. .. " I Jilin C.wulw4• HJ.t•t• 13 VAICIIDCIS FOR SALE lase WILLI! 4a4 112 TOM TRUCK. 2 .... of n, ... $1,100. Evening•. 661-2488. 18'19 CHIVY 1-TON vAN. J..oad.d, iiiiiii&CU· a.... Nut -to •P· ~··· S5,600. 494· 1963 CHEVY STEP VAN. Ruu qood Body ln good eooclitloa. New ta•. $1,!00/bMt ofler . 497-5255. um FORD BAONCO Ranebr. P!l&lh ualerior, quad atereo. power at .. rlag/br•k... mint condition. S7 . 900. SSS-4801 1971 VOLJCSWAG!.N Pop·Top Camper h · eellen I ooadllaon. S3,200/beal offer. 494-5639 MTRCUIVANS WANTED W A.NTED: 1977 or 1978 Chevrolet C•pn~. 2 or 4 door. Wall pay cuh. 494·5089. 88 HOUSES FOR SALE ISAUTOPAilft/ AOCISIU!S. sn. VD SJJDLD flU· dud AM pkhp cover U..d 2 111011tlaa. 1325 495-9655. '¥1 AUTOS WANTED USID CAllS WANTED -Up tc. SSOOpald . Ru.n ainQ or oot. Alao WTecb. Ad tor l•elt, SJ6.9197. AUTOS WANTED H.iob.l caab &allied· ••tely lor can. t~b and va.u. AD mall• &nd aod&Ja, foreaoa or dom ... ic. Trade okay 551-8285. PUBLISBIR DOES NOT ACCEPT hability tor lnconec:l apellinQ • gr&IIIIIIMlC&J IUCCitr ec:t.. or typooraphae&J erron ua aay edver· tJMm-* pubn-ect lD the Cout Mocba N...,.. Grollp. JEEPS. CA.RS, PICK- UPS from S3S. AvaU· able at local Govern· ment Auchona. For cllrec:tory. call Surplua Data Center, {415) 330-7800. . IIBOUSEIFOR SALE Pete Barrett Realty THIIUY'OFTHI NIW YIARI $91.500 wttn ~ 8'1. loonf Three bedrooms. l'h baths wtth remod- eled kitchen and new point thru- out. Huge fenced yard Conven- Ient central location In Costa Meso. CoU to see. 842-5200 PET BARRETI REALTY . AUTOMOTIVE AUDJ It'll 4-DCX>R AUDI '!1000. 38,000 ..w... 5- tpeed. on&.l8& eoatrol. air c:oad.. A.MIFN eu- ..tte, or•J metallic, ••· calleat eoadllioo. $1,!100/obo. (IZV6SS} Prl•••• party. 857-1401. aJt.r1 lSIO AUDI -TURBO '-doc~, like D-. 11111 rooi. Ia w•nuty, mlllt ..u. 830-fM83. um aww 530l. ~a. -..ew.l.alll coocbboo. aJ. .. , ... o. ...d leath.r. •~aiO • h.ill ~. •ar. ala.ra, .uo,., Blau· puakt. IIUIIOOf. W.900. (244ZTD) Pnvate party, 4tt·t1'58. 833-aolO. l 'iTI7 5JOa .... -S&Wer. nto .. u.celleDt cooc1 sa.soo. (1S2TRS> Prtvata p•rtJ. d•y• 547-7103, -963-2055. l-BNW 200().A. 4- door • ...d wttla blec:k ua- Wrlor. MW Urea. 11,200 (aAQX) Prtveto party, tQ.CJIIII. l_, BMW. &leek. 1\Ul NO{, &it, s.~. ••celleat eoodlbqD. 112,500 (SPAJUCS!J) Pri .... DartY. 532-2176. 1971 BNW 3201 R~~~t color. 4~1J1aed . 111 oood . AM/PM ~to lac.IJeat buy (301 UPA) PP 634-8771. a •. ,.... CllllYSLER 1976 CHJITSLD Cor· doba. hoell&nt concL· lion. hill po-r ace ... aort•. Bronae, be1oe top, broDu LDieraor $.2, 750/obo. OnQao&l owner (795'YZT), pnvete party, 551 -8058 Whal ' bl<~t~ """''~ ard 'C~~ • ..,,.,.• w GAnmw S«'- 17l-1Sst DATSUN UIIO DATSUN 200SX 5· speed, to.ded With e• b .. , &U COI:ld., IWlfOOf, low auloaQe JO lllPQ (4MZEH} Pri .. le party, 493-l4,2g DATSUN 1972 DATSUN 240Z 4· .peed AWIFN ~ue, maQI. aae.llent eonda· h OD S2.97S (1BVN017) Pnvale ~Y· 522-4173 FIAT 1973 nAT 124 Sport Sp.der convertible N- loteu o r, 5-apeed S l.~ oUer CaU toWr.. number 1-800- 532·3972, uk lor PellDy• Nver Adwatcb W8445 1979 FlAT SPlD&.R Con vertable Cb.enahed and drlveo ooly by orand· mom Famaly grew, now rolllt .. u S..lo beheve1 W11l dM.I C..U loWr .. nwa.ber l-800-!32-m2, aak for PanaJMV.r Ad- w•lcb W0312 FORD 1m FORD T-IURD Town Landau. h•• e•erytbanQ. 26,000 ail• Alwayw k.pt ua 9"tiCJe· Slaowroona con-dillon Like aaw. $.4,800 751-&ilf57. JSIO MUSTANG GKIA 3-door ~u. IICOQ t-cyl. Silver witlt red ln .. rior plua AMIN o-tt•. Blue Book $7,230. Wall NCrthce for S6.500 SSl 8445 1966 C LASSIC MUSTANG V .a New p•tntllateraor/ea t ret $2,800 4~ 8718 1973 PINTO lu.nebout LceU..t eoodJIIOft, •u, louftf wtndoa, Ofl(ltul OWMf 11 .491 831· flfl77. MERCEDES BENZ 1 UO MlRC IDiS 300SD 5, 000 mU.., loaded, au.nroof, lllver meta.li.K!/blaelt 1nlenor . facto ry w•rraaty S32,800. {1BCB709) Pnvate p•rtv. (714) 831-1341. WER CEDES 'BENZ 300D. 1980. 27 .000 mmiiM. 'eh•mp•on•. aunroof, muat eondllaon Aakaoo S24,2SO (lACI 760) Pnvate P•rty, 494-8380. 1974 MIRCIDIS 450 sn. N-p&IAI. .et.~ lie blue, loeded wath ac eeeeoriea (LOY1i9) Pn .... party, 831 -57451 15180 NDCIDIS 240 latre aharp. · ••tr• eJ..o l.aQbl bol9•. low 111..._ S18,000 (MARTI) Pnvat• p•rly, (714) 493·1-. -----1971 NDCm.ES 2000 4-cyl.. ~tick aluJt. low aalea. S7.0001obo (HW354) Pravate party 830-1600 1m NDCIDIS JOOD Sal..,, 64,000 •.l)aa. like •-· Take o,.r ...... S4001moath. ~) PP. (714)ae1· . 1m NDCIDIS 8DfZ 01.-1. CleeG, COlD fortable, rei.Jable 30 IIIPCJ SS, 50() 67J.SJe8 NDCIDD 1.1iiil1110 Turbo o....1 .... ~ ••••• 26,000 ••l•• l29.000. pp. 4al-8081 tllit_ WIRClDIS Au, ~&tOOl. AWIJ'W -'eteo, J..tbt ualenor. .-.fl&nl ClOt' d.at.oa $16,000 C.U toUJr .. number 1-100· SJZ-3872. -tot rna, .... , AdWak .. MOn . ImCOUI- IIDCUilY 1877 MI8CU~t Mofl&IC" 11,000 aiJM, AN/FW •ono. ~· •t .. flaq/luall... ••· c•llenl condtlloo, $2,!00 C.U tOIMr• ~a-.m.-z, ••It lot ... YNV.f Ad· watc .. M20C) I • CAfJ. a.ASSWI£D IHVUTMfHTS 171.11 11'13 JIOIICHI a. -~.o. ~--,.-p, AliiJM ........... tu..-1!!~ .aa.m . S4,JGD. (1~11) .... .... pan,, f1l.ll4l. WUIT S1. ... 1111 1111 POUCHI a. ............... $S 000 ......... . .......... -"!!'... l,iii .... .._... ~=r•·-...... ~ ttad•. (lDHr;:r; ~.fdftae ,...,, rn.... ,..,.,, (714) 837-QII. • 1171 ~ 11l.SC. ~ ........ ....-.o. • ........ cmaa.oo.-;;1, IMwra a• OCIIMl· tioll. $21.100 ... 1421. l_,POaCIII TUUO IIM.,.o.Jy 3,171 .... ••• llet Ul, 710. nos-...,~~.....,. I ,_,.-.rrioe OIMrect. ............ JIOUC'HI. IIPUCA. 5,100 ....... ~ coeci~Uoa. $12.~ oler. *·1817. POIIISCHI 1_, tllJC c..,. G.,. '"'* 1 ...,.,. ... , ...... ....._ an '1001, .a......w-....~tt •. COYer. W•et tell. sa.oao . .,..11. 1111 POIICRI 1124T. 1"'7 •tr• iacl~ .... &.1 w-pe.&at, ..wa ....... ~ ..... al .. .IIoy wlaMle, 10,000 .... OWMd tp, .a aoaU.. Truly bM .... Wllldow .etch!r ... m.ooo. w .ooo. (1CJfZI13) PP, 874· a:M4 1m"' POliCH& a.. 1m JIOUCJa e11 a au...~~a~Mk ~1 ,._ ~ .. ....... ·~--· . ...... • "-c.ll rool, ........... w .. . .......... .-a;; ·,..,. .., cleu. $17,000 S32·3f72, _.lor,_,. (ANDISON) Print• • ..,M~NJOil. c=~•Wl-wro, liiUOIICD .. -lte1 POUCH& l:t..k: ~ -..... -..... (oo.p}Me) ... Par WJ\u ...... ~. tia1ly ,.. ..... S3,800 ~ . .0 .. ..w. Alt.r5p.a .,a.'1181. optioM. Sl,IIOO f*I.Ao .,.._. 14,000 .._, TOYOTA .a.owrooa coocUUoa. Sl,C* -~,. (lCIG 1t14 TOYOTA CoroUa. t43) Pn•• ,_n,, call •• 000 ..U.. 1 owur, -...:z. 00011 ~· $2,300 . 544-1-. 1'M Newpon Ea&lp Weci.Deedoy. JQouary 27. l Page 1:2 1f79 TRJUMPH TW1 ~. V•ry cJe,u, aUy «<ltfM, _., OA vu. low .U..1 eo~ .. rm. NCOtaa $5,500 (332ZAP) PP, 871·5!1115 1il0 TBIUWPH 11'7 Co•vertl.bJe laaa c:vla... A.M/FW Mreo c-11•, e lr c:oad M.!IOO (lAC1U30) PP • 552..80Jial:ler 6 -------a..._.vourc.c? C .. Clu.alfted 673-0550 VOLVO VOLUWAGDI lf74 VOLVO 1154! 10,000 aile~, qr .. nlt•n. ntoc .. t~e, .u. AWI'W $2,100 N•goltebl• Faolaahc 1 831 5li6, 168·11815 VOUSWAGEM llrll VOUSWAGDI Coavett~le. WeteliiC red Wlt.ll.twb.ue c:U. paqo1 acr~-JII Au 18,000 mil. Superb c:o adtlloa \8,500 181-8275 1 VW lUG. b · e ell•at eeadltloa, Sl,JOO CAll tollfr• ftumbe• 1·800·W 31'72, uk lo r hli.DJM¥el Ad watcb WS454. J VW -MUDS body work Ovetl!.ulecl enqtne, nun vood 1 1.000 offer Call 1oUir.. aura.,., l-800 532 Jm, ad for r-ay Mv•• Aclwatdt M~$0 linD VW BUS Muv ealru 855 92'33, aak fur Rudy DIRECfORY OF BOSINESSSERVICES AC'COUWIIWG IOOKEIU .. Q TADI-...,..._- ....U ...... ---__ ... .....,. .... .. tCDIM· 0..W. .... .............. r ... _. ,. , 1:•~ coa-,.._. .me-. laroU preaMoe .....,.. liS. ....... A00081'ICAI. CI'D'"Q' CUJQ'i IPIATID AcousncAL CJD.. INQI ....... v.., n•nulala. r,.. alii· ...... (714) Ul-7210. CAIHIHIIlY rJWICH DOOU- Co-r'zta '•llalletioll ta • MW opeatag or to NPI.ace va.. aiWiaCJ doon ucl ~. Work vu.ruteecl. Je. t.nalll. l.lceuecl COD• ltector, 173-'1383, Toa Hoopes. CAI.PINTIY won -Patio c:o¥en, clecllil, ,..,..,. .,..,. IUIJAI, te.c:e repair. All .,.,.. of caJpe8lry. No tot. too ...U. Toa, !151·2!13. CAIPINTD: SWALL JOI ~. Cab- lMIII, ..u uila, ,..... illCJ, aouJclia9, vu .. • Mraqe, clecb. laftred, .,.. ......... Wader'• Kaaclyworb, 142·3718. MAD nt• Cl.AMIND CALL PIU &M fin&> . ~; ...U ous-t--AIIl______ ll.L. ~,::U <~v OORDI1IOIUMG lrilll), m.eon. .,. OH ULI . . . CUS1'0W rt1JUfm1U JAJfUAIT oabl ~tAl DISIGJfiD ucl kilt to .U OCIEd""•lCMJ .,... ~ ...ct -wall -.ltl, ...._ LAaMed oltw. Call tlooltc-. a.W.., c:ab- J,uca, 133-4421. illata, etorav• wta, AOJAIIUM -VICI _..._._ ..... or omce. • ....... le , ........... ...... fNIIII or eaJt ....,, C.U ..,... .•. AaemiiCIS AIPIIALT IIUJ. C()AftiiQ/ iMi'fiWAft AUIIALT ... .AlB ~~u!J , ............. .. MI-ll II AU.ITA!I PA...OCO. Ali0118Y Dm5iCI-wD .ator· .., .... $111 -.col!• ...... ~ «**Il) ... . ......., ............ . c·· ........... ,. ..... b!IIU1. MO..U. IO&T COYDI lOAf COVIll: ........ n..c.. •• ...... _ ... ......... ..., ... .,.., ..... ,.... ..... .... a& .... ben. C.U Joiua at "P\lr· Dihue Wooclorelt.'' 1155- 1411 or 138-7al0. CAAPIHTilY, ALL KIMD8. ~or ot)l. erw1•. l•J•ruc:ee. Smoa 1V11. Wucua Co. C6rpeatry. S45-22SO. THI J1NIST ill c:oa· ..a.1 ud Nlllkleelial c&btaetry, elt•l•laQ, ben, coWIMr ud v-· ual woodwork. JO Coutnactloa. lJceua GO. 350878. (714) all· 4210. CAUIT UPIIOLSTIIY den'DCJ -Juu..ry/ r.a.nery apec:lal. H)'d....._., ..._,rile, cWtaa: 2 roo ... S13.!t0; I roo... W .!O; eo!a. Slt.1S. C&rpeil, II'*'• ... .., clyeAaQ (80 yarda), Scotclatarcl, prw-colld.i· ~ QI)UoU!. Carpet ~ ... , .... CONCIITI WOill: Patloe, drl.,•••7•· Woclrw.U., rooa eclcli· asou. lcma4.tUou, ... ~. ~. Pa~. ns-3383. 711-1311. COIICIITI PATIOS. DmVIWAYS, woodee peHo ~. all .,... No ~ 1o0 bki/...U. No. 21123&. AM lor Jt=, Tri·C-C:O..U.Ctloa t.c., ,.,loa. COIII1BVC1'IOif •· WII.SOit a aoa-I.Uden. r,.. ..U· ....... 30 ,..,. apen.. e.c. ...... lJc. No. 357417.141-1740 . IUILDUfG CON-STJlUCTIOII-Jl.eaocl. eliav uct r•palra. Sp.cMJt-ill haa.iDQ, ~. fr.ela doon. bey wi.Dcl-•. ~tlo eoftn, cMc:b. Joiua Gecek. m-1002. CONSTIUCTION SPI· ClALTJIS. Patio doon. wlAclowa, akyllvlate, FftiClCb doon, patio roola. Oaaitea/Jut.U.· tioa. Joa Martmu, (714) IG-0137. COMMDC1AL -.... ct.atW -R-ocWa. POIIt Coulnaotioa Co. PilliM work, redwood decb, peUo coven, laoae iapro•••••ta. Very reaeoaable. ~ fr• lllti· ...... 857-a.. HOUSING? READ THE CLMIMFII.DI COifi'RACfOBS OIRDAL COIIftAC. TOa ..... &o ....-w. rebW1cl or bWld ... clllkla }w)-. lac*· -.~c. ....... call Scott I . ftil Coa· ltnc:tioD, aJJ.SQt. CiliA TJON CON· STilUCTJON -Qu.Wy ca~atry, r•palra, ....oclellDQ, eclclilklu. patioa, lidlraQ. .... . ~. tr ........ . ll•••oaalale ratee. ~ 4134.22. c.n 541-4181. DRYWALL DllYWALL. ACOUS-nc soVlCIS. s..11 ~ 1o rooa adell· tlou . rree -=··· All work ~ua..cl. Lie. 411528 aDd hoed· eel. 548-1871. DllYWALL: ~. tapUlQ and c:rMtiYe t.ud t.llhar•. &.Pert work. C.U J.tf, 631· 5113. ELEC'lR1CIAif lliSIDDITI.AL I COW· WlllClAL -ltac:tdc 0\lf aped&lty. a.-. quick, dep .. cla.bl•. w. do .. , ... job Pet~r S. llocltere, Property lapro••· ..... 131-a:MS. IJCIHSID ILICTIU· CIAH -Da1111 .. 1W.. qulity work . .._. .we ...... , ....... aeta. C.U T-. 131· 5072. IIAIIDYIIU • DtCOME TAX IIASODY PAPER DGDfG POOLS/ SAUNAS/ TILE INSTALLATION PATIICK'S HOWl Re· TU PIIDUA11011 ~ WHDLOCK W..0JU'1. =.:a.Dcllapro•--ll. ..7 ldc:k, block, •oae, -• __ ,_.__.__ eapert pTOta-~. Ap-.. --· -~ Door tile, decoralJve, carpaatyy, alectrical, polalaeat •n••v... cll.atilactive ilderlon, n · pl~-to..~--nt cla11 or ....,...., JOill -· COliC • PI· }w)JHiay ofBoa. RM· t.rion, walla, plut1n, Ucla ucl walb. Holllly IOD&Wa r..... 1'\eua patloe. Reler.ncee, li· rat•. No jo.b too .-all. "----cenaecl, booded z..u. (714)f46.3793. bd ~ call Art, 8S7-0ll3. mat•. 551·1370. TAX Jlm.JIUfS by ap-uaun~•"' _ Car· '-'---t ___ ... WW. H AHOU.SON RAn.,.&-.-n pc>JAt-.1.. ,_ • ........,.. u_...__ J JoeL b Ia PRICJSION WALLPA· PD HAHGDS. hpert c:raflamaG&Ialp, low ralee, f%M uttmat• C&l1 1&.1 ud aave 20t\· lOt\ On YOIH purc;b ... of wallpapeT Commer c:W/Reeideahal 642 2047 HOT TUBS/SPAS POOL SERVICE. S35 mooth Spa .. rvtce, S25 month Guaranle•d C•U lor free tnepechon 631·2720 CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION 0\a.uty and court..,. at reuonabl• prtc" f rM "uuant)' GARNER TILE 545-6344 peatry, p&illtia9. rooJ· 1tiQ11 ql&&WJ at a ,... _,.,: "· nc • -•-~--• l··-'----'-Ia __ ~ .tone, fence., peboe, IAQ, _,.....,.., p .......,. ....... ....._. • '--t -"-'-t mn, -'-. V•-a...& -··"ty •cad c:oaav.kaal w Ia p .... e,., w..... w •r· ., ... ~ •uv .,._.. aor/e~tenor Pr.. •· worbaULilt.ip. All work eorou.ct to practice tlm&t• (Lac 380921) vuar&ateed. lleaaoo· ~... lb. IllS. 54g.. BoDded, U\11\ued 642· a.ble. rree ..tUut•. DfCOIIE TAX l418. 9898. Cal1Rey,646-2328. I ~~~~~~;.-..L.------.. d -------1 ~NRY OUR SP~ m .tT SlllVICI -•• --~ rw • MAG. u CIALTY -Tile -Con· R.p.ir, lia, build, re-a.n.ln~ &' &.oftn nn cnte -Block ut4 build. Pl\UilbiziV, car· ACC011NTIJtG • Briel!. Qwdt, cleu . ~try, ~al. etc:. cMpeocla.ble. Peter S rut. etficMDt .. me.. TAX SERVICE ·-~ p 1m Ucea-cl ud nperi· -v--. roperly • eeoec~. Meticulo~a.~ Wott, • Sml & Med. Sue Businesses P,__t,131·2345 951-8061. C p shi • "MASONRY SPI· • orporation artner ·ps CJAIJST•· o-tta., c:ou· ISLAHD SDVJC&S -• Individual Toes crete, brickwork,lhOCO l.oGQ recovlUMd lor ucl aore. lioee_.t aDd depe .b y • Financial Statement• boadecl. ~UU.r w... local boaa.owoenlbua-_..,. Por aore IAMr· ill-. Pull •rvice: • Payroll aaUoa, caH 1·800· pllllllbi.Dg, carpentry, • Quarterly Tax Retuma. 532·llm, uk for P-· electrical, palotlov, .,...,.r Adwatc:b C476. rep&in. 548-0288. For 19/Jl Tax Appt. Call INCOME TAX MOVING• STORAGE THI ST AlvtNG COL- PAnos WOOD PAnO coven. deck.., cooc:rete pahoa Ltceo•ed, toaured Greq Milla, General Contractor, 549-2733 -PAnOCOVERS PAnO COVDS Redwood Decb Coo· crete, bncla, ~nnlllera, aocl. Reaeonabl.e U· c:ea.d. ..,.... 537· 3829. PET CARE/ GROOMDtG DlAL A GBOOW Wo.biJ Pet G rooroioq S.rYlCe Profa.ioDaJ fJfOOIAID9 doAe ID our van •• yow bome All breeda (714) 535-3425. PHOTOGRAPHY t.. ...... DYNANJC C£RA.WlC HI• tll.ltallahon toter to r eate nor a11d a LIGI STUDINTS Wov lll9 Co. bu 9rowo (Lie T·l24436) s.r.. vood eervice. Call64l-8427 1..-::~~--=-~.....--.,1 pant ''" fiShmat• (Purchue aU mal1!114t HAUI.ING• IIOweG HAULING -Y AllD CLIANUP -Ho~&.~e aDd Q&reve Trub and 1-.k reaOYed. fut, eft!. c:l•at •rYace. rr .. eal:iaa .... C.U uyUa.e, BiiJ aDd ... ., • &41-2328 110111 IIOIIOYDO:Ifl8 TOUCH or CLASS Ho.e lap~l .••• tlol, 00".... ftllaclt ctoon. wlado-. fu. p~ ... t •• C:-· c:. .... , IIIICCO 2S ,.. .. A,..~-lo.b, ... SZII. 'Iii e: CAU (714) 151·2400 11ti4.Y fAIIaYD. sum 141 • ., ... a tt714 BOUSE CUAJONG HOUSICLIANING . Coaplate ~lean· IAQ, .-ro-ata. boa•. coadoe Reaaoaa.ble , ..... ReleMDCea. c.u .her 4 p.a ., 162·2531, Daborah. HAPPDOSS IS HA V. lNG :n:w1 lor )'OW'Mlf. LM u ~ yo11r c)Ma&aCJ ....._ Wa do it alii 1a b.,._ lillCI 1VIS. Tllte Woppett~a, Mf.l300. CL&AXIHG UNLIW· ITID. for eac .. ._.... 1a J.o ... : .... '"9· pro'Jid,. lllCJ all ..ppUea UM:lawl· 1•9 •ac:•... Tn .. t· wortlly ucl .._, nd·hle C.U ttode.y Jor ..._. .. ,.312t. HOUSICLIAHING· OWMf oper~Md. I do .U lite work a,..U. WtodoWI ., .p«:Lalt)'. Allo coaplaM ~~ cJeuia9. Call Daftd lc:bn ..... 7281. IIOUUII1TIItO • I I .... • IlLJA. ILIUCI.-...... ••· ... ~.o•-· '-cal ,..._,..cal .. " Maa or~ ....... c.or- al 133-G21. lN.,. ... .. 9a~_.~-------- DICOilA TIHG AND IHTUIOil DISJGN !l.lp Ia 01l lite way r aao\ll Naclweate~D deaqDer, 30 ,...,.. ... perieuc., will es-ad r e.bnl&t)' on Balbo. W..d with Ilia wtle, p&i.Dll W C:AJDUa. fie will work with u lia.aled c:hentele 011 • ·-buia for oa·the-IPCM 110lu· tiou. C.U S'1S-62il lor appolllt..41111 WOVIDI? DOBorHt lfAPitll INTilUOBS C&ll Mlp yo~ =I (11 ,..n Wlth W4J Slo&M ) 541-VNS, ...... Ma-1.1. ABC MOVING lltpeneoceel, proiN· 110nal, lowMt rat•. lr• Mtim.atee. Quick, care· tw .. rYlC. S52..(M10 STARVING ACTORS' NOVING COMPANY Ct.uvlllO c:Mt~ee? No ba.l.l We bWille wllA OW IDVo.~C::lefl Uc.aMd, m-reel. 673.()853. PA.IJI'T'DCG · loteuor/ bterior Loweet rat•. prompt, DM I .. rv\Ce lJI .,... lor 10 .,..,. rr .. eabm•t• (714) 843-5684. (714)~7149 PAINTING Beaullly yo\lr bome lor '82 Col· oR edd new h.le and protect your &n....c:me~~t Qu&lrty work end m.ter tal.e Pree •hmat• Preel, 536·3411 PAINTING =-l.ntenor/ eatenor Reatdenttal commerc ial, prol-1oo al, clean. ltntl qual1ty All work qu.araoteed ~n&bl.e pncee Fr .. u hmate Call B1ll. 646-2328 SPICTRUW PAINTUS -Cuoa &ntenon and uWrion Gu.araot .. 2 yean. W.reoc•. lr• ~ C&l1 (71 4) 964-4828. a.-.. lll- MV• STIVINS PAINTtNG ta back! Now apectahaioq U\ .... non tree tteab· eel ....._. Call lor -a>po~l DOW A..k lor CUrlee, 64$.3348 ~4561 BRJTJSH PAJ.NTiJlS - G.t tbe "beltt• lor '-' lnenor ~\II E.a -u.a• ,-.,_cell Call 855-1508 PILISTlU PAINTING -E.atenor, tnlenor, apartmeota, bou-. ol lice. lutc:he11 cabmet reJ&nwunq 'lSI ~ COAT Of KAHY COL ORS PAJ.NTtNG lo t e rtor t eater oor acoueheal c:ethoq• Sei'VlD9 lrvln• and wr rov.Dd..ID9 areu Call 540-0240 (Ltc: I 58400) -PUXOTT'I PAIKTIJIQ Reead.otialiCOfCI••reoal lnlenor/btenor W&nler Ret• 5 YMr Guare11t .. later101 wood pr-r vehve Sluno .... a.d.l119 .od fe~~eee Lie No 411710 loachd and tO· 11ned r, .. ..a .. t• IS7·1115 PAPDHROING O llC KAJID WALL COVUIMG lap••' ••, '''' atltaetallat ton .._. .... , .... "• •••••• C&U lmte Ill 4S7I W'EGAU IIIOULD liMO ~ ow...,._ CGW> ........ _ ... GEM PORTRAITS Ml--1'114 m cow) Mewport 11•4 ..... po,....,~ (~M:r~tro. PLASTERiftG RI·STUCCO -lnler lorllatenor P•tc luno 30 .,..,... eapenence Neat work C.U Paul, SU-117'7 PLASDIUNG· Patch plaat•un9. lelbtnQ, p&iDtlDQ and rMtucco· lnQ. Super low Mh mal• 836-5429 Pl.ASTEII It STUCCO Repatr No rob too null 645-4203 645 4199 PLUMBING SANCHEZ PLUMBING -RNJdent..I Commer c~&l Sl>Kteltzmq tn copper ••P•P• and repaus Llcen.M No 360997 Call for !rN •llmate 642 3394 AAA I PLU MBI NG Heat&DQ Rotor S.rv•< • S.rv~ce c all low u Sl2 SO W• do 11 •II J nd Mve vou mon•v' 71 4 962·6534 (7141 611 3006 DR.AINS CUARID Prom S4 SO frN Hit IDAlN AJJ worlr QU4f aoreed Rea~on• ble pnces No "rv1ce call obarv• o,.m ....... .. lnexpeDSiYe Peace oJ Mind Commerc1al S10qle Fa.m1ly Homes M•yerMgmt. 549-1366. ROOFING RAY S ROOFING CO S.rvmo •II ol Or4llu• County All IYPH Fr" eet\Dlatee, &Dtured ttc 361042 All worlr quet anteed 559 9369 ROOF L£AK reroof when v u CIU repau •• a Ira.: It n ol tht co. I Ratn v DAv Root Repau Serv cto Ot • (211 596 3817 K"' n 714) 646 \47 HUBER ROOfiNG Alltv~ N .. ,.. rt" dech Ltc 4I,HI.I ~8-9734 QUALITY l<1r If'~ 011, I'''"' conslruL ,, r l wr ~I tnsurt"d •~ 1 > I• ~ R•l.,..r•r P"i J t i1f ""' C'oll K.,.,, ~ •. •rm• t>4C.. -41 ROOf tbrouob me Up to 40'• dtsco\lllt ) Honf'Sl w<" • 964 'i041 TOPSOIL TOP SOIL OlS COUNT PRICES• Extra c.l4!40 B v.uds, O!loY SS6 99 l.vcal dehvvrv n haro" Mtl<e 631 l61,S TREES NOW lS THE TIN £. to ptUD8 'fO\.Ir ""' Call "The Exper " 30 V4PU& aervtc:e Otanqe Coo.~ntv 'i48 323Q l.i""''l41 }4 hour11 EXPERT TR£1: SERV ICE TrH •nd shrut- r ~r.m.nQ cond reme>Y••I Y u I l,.anup f rON w "',... C'.\11 <jj;>J 5982 RON S TREE ~EFVICf Tr -r•m• '1 •opr:tll\1 f ••.• nle rRHS r, mrn• •• ..~~ 4"'' Wt tl IH~· V! [ I • • fiF t prob,Pm 'l • n ,_.~., .. ~ ·~r ' r .J .. ""' 'an tOOl df'('• <>'I o.J .J tl f 1 ,.,, f('IW01iiipl Jh "••• wnAblt" Qu.lt .nt••"d fr•• "'' tmAlf' B& R 646 .2J]fl TYPING fl l~I Nf'>. '\( HOC 'l (714) 638·0953 ROOFING DRAINS CU:ARED I All 'VP'" ,.... I !rom SlO ToU.t m••n• '"P••r• It> •• "'• .. , from S20 Fr .. plumb P• "t .. l CallS ·1:- JH, .. r' IVl; 'Q , -lRM s., .. 1.119 repau Mllmet.. 548-0769 Gu.ranleed worla Call 4J6(•u aoyttae MN 6t W 642·9033 f1lEE FAUCETS tor th• home P&P or equtvelent w1th copper reptp# Ja:auaary ~I SaDehea f'lumbtng c.u 642·3394 GUSTAVSON PLUMB DfG 6t H .. ttno R.- ~n remodel• •• plpea. varb.qe d1.1~•• al.e, weter lteet•re A•k about bome w•rrantv Uc: 409526 548 8666 131-4805 PI.UMIING ftEPAJllS Dr•rn. cleared ln•alla hone Garbave d •• poaal w .,.. h ..... Gu. totlets leul'•l reptp•nc; llarc-ello'e Pl\l•blng w•J POOLS/ SAUKASI HOT tva/SPAS ZII'S POOl SUV1Ci Compl .. e metnlenanc-e end repair '"u••llfllt r~Phable worll SO Owner operated Call 131572$ KIV AN S POOL BJ:RV lCI ~"""tu.t Apatt 111111 lafCo• CCI•t ~l•l Ac:lcl w h ... ,.,.U!I Hon• aM de~ada-.le --4037 ROOM ADDITIONS ,l t•u••r•~' f .. dt"'h A 1 ROOM A! PlTI< •::; ~I'H •I h t h frll: ~ 1 and r~'" C ,.,,11 1 1 I I •· r; .-.c\Pf'th~ •n rvtn .. C·'O""' ,,,,, '""' \ ., t-.. 1.., own•<i •nd I'"'~""* f r-,.111m«••• It ,.n TYPI NG TRANSCRifl tod bcn<i..d Sut r • ~) (f\1(' [.dt•tr• J 4nd W "' qs1 026q • •v,..,... AI. • , fl\1~ '1h1"' ,., m•"iit R()()M ADDITIONS I W l<JIWt "'~••r r• Ktt hen O..tht -on • "'" h ~tl lk'>4 b4" pahc• Ma nrv •lf'<'lnc•l p.,,.,, 1:\ Rodgf'<' Prop•tl'r lrr. prov.,m•n· b.ll 2J4S Snl.IGHTS SKYLIGHTS SAVE ENERGY All worlr Qu.aoantH<i One dav tn•t•ll"ll(•n W"ton Conatructlon (714) 913-7737 SJCYUGHTS orr .. httoh•• .. r,. •nerqv on •••• value Soler Skvhuht Lt<"Uted 498 5112 4 2.181 UPHOLSTERY '·.~ Off All Fl\8 RICS" · llpholstAtP• ol It llnclt<'fl Anhqu• I 1 m,>drrn Frf'f' P•' ~'•P l •nd d•l•"'"' v S u~~dl\ I nlf'll"" r~ I lll :.!~ WALLPAP~G I em • SMOOTH LOW TAR lOOs ) l iju .. -lr _itf•_;:l .:,: ..... -,.,~j'·~·_!lftl•· . N . :1 ,1. .,, "' . . . t f , :t : ·f: ·.1. -. 1' •tl·l'('':l ll'rt~rJ:_r. . ~ ~:i .·" : --J:r:fl · r._:· ~"~f 1· . . , -'·~.~~ . . .r_ ·J· !t' r·· I• ~t ·· r · · _~ . ,... ·I ;r-_:1 ~-~-~" . .~,~--~~--~ ·~· ~· -\~ J ,t ·_ i' lJl '' I I . ']' ' ;. . . . I •• ' I ,.~. -~ . ·--. . ·~ I, . :~ ·., I . • r l I, .• . I j • ' I -t 1,· I • •_b•IJ: .· .' . . . . Utlu I :w .' + .: .. ! J l:"t'ft lr 'I '_....... . •tf•IJ! I r i . ~ 1 , L j .... , " 1 r ~ C N i . ' J : ~~L. i I I •j . "' •" :"' I I' :.lift~:· _· •. ,1 , l d: ; .. · I . ' ·:-i ,: :':r .. ~r~_::t ~-1" 1 :.~ _;_-~~ ~~~:,; : ·-. .I . 8 . .... I ,I :1, . -1 I ·t 'l' ~ !I " _lif''· . ~ : .. ~-'1 : • ~·· r-"1t, . 1 ~., ... ,~-110 ~ ·]. ~ ~l ·lf~f-• 1J-tr~f~ ~<~ t, ,r~ ., ; _. , ~ . ·r.: IJ"l,tlf=-I,,. , 1 !IIf !·iii , . . ' ~ t t , ,.. . .. tl .. l -~ . ~ ~(nJ·f . ·. "''·"··· ·. · ·~r•J· .· -r: j·'· . I 1 .. ) r .... 1 ,.J : = ll, .. ,, . ~ ~ . . . ·rl tH . -< . ~-~~ .. , • D . --I , 0 .. • • I ' l .· I ~ ' 1 : --4 l 1 a·~f'. ·~ · Jt{}rl§ ~-· ~ l~~~~ ~~~ ,f l(li 1··-s .11.1 1 II j 1-:rt :f'_. ·1 • lh}UG · B .r 1 . I . -. a r r .... o . ::l ~ , I " .. ~ .. • ......., :::a IJ·itl· ; · .. · } 1!1 ·r~l . ~"J\il J:l,lr(J· -, ··:fJil :5 .. 1 ~-~~-,,,_. _ ·wJ ,I :J • 1 1.' I ' ' l _', • -~ .. • .r .• 1 -~ -.. _, -~ ----~-!rlf'l ;..· ·--.. ~ ~ •. 'f,li ,i,, u l :l ;ll. J},· Jlltr · .i ·lll1ll !l:tt'l l.iU flilfl "'r !c '. ,Jit l}t J l .. t .. ''J!Jl. UHnl ...•.. - i!Hlt Jflj.i lllil I [tlfa H•rta . I 11Jij ,., l~ illi1! .. ·. 'lJ,1hil· '}l[,,. I I&J:!; wf IJ }rl'1lrl· · ' t' I II ' •.. lr flr,f;. ,,,. 'j. ·u I·· .{·I 1•.;.•: l J!•/(1 rh.tl rtul lrtlJ . l(lfjJ U1h!l 1 ,JJr•1 rJ ·1· '•lira lt,ll fllft. .. f''f)! ' r' ..,___ i1r1 I ,s 't l•!Jhi II'tl LlJI! ... . ... ('\ ~ r--tt, •• ::::::1 § ~ .....--4 ~ (;!: --1 ::::l g ........... r-\ c::> ::::l -, :::::::-~ I I [ i I . l r J ..., :""' -CD CD N i w ,. •• 0 ,.. .. u.aMw 1ft ....... , .... ~ .. $279,500 Fee. 0.... ......_, .... Mutt ..... nw..........,. ... '...., ..... COUfttry kl.._,....,,.... ~ ... -. .,tth .... fW••I•c• end Moll COI4M ....... A-. 642 ... {1»). ,..UCUISIVI.~I *G ,,ot.ably the beat buy on "fEr lond In ~Nine Terroee. Two "1 I OOo"M. 2 both.. ""' deck with vi~ of ~r. ltlnf ''tenct..loo.oinf «<leu wit._ yovt oH• today. $250,000 Holly Morkol ~6200 (.31). HABC» VOIW HCMID Ccwmel Model he 3 Mdr...-, 2 )oih, faMily room, ~ loc4ltloft-9reot privocy with odcAecf lkyllthts. Lor .. 1tt YO. $245,000 Fee ... AnwW ""'-'200 (Ut). . I : • f t : ·. 21•aOOM~O ...... Hlt!Wr '"I ... ~ ~ wMh c..._. itt,...._, Gr ... .._._, ... IMM-••te $107,000 letttMitc:he'l 662-USS (a47) . ..-n:.•• CONI£ ,Pc:aMY 1ft ....., v .......... -....... with .... poe.ntlol a.-...,..... .• ·~·-' .... .....,~,...hoMe wtth rln!al•hil kltc;h..-, NW eer ....... ,_.. __. c•emic tile. Mini omen view. 1399.500 f ........ 0.... lee ... _.. (154): ...ANa YOIW SI'A ,.,.«1 fotc for.-! Oftd lnformol -~ ... Mepifkeftt view of ... C.,.. Goff Coune ond city llghtt. This •ponded o..MJ1e leaMw S • I I 11a1 ..... ..,.,t moater w l ... lllwoty and pdefl kitchen. Motw.Hoors. ~,.... wiJ111..,.. I"S,OOO lH Lynne Volentine U4-6200 (US). aA8 OPPOn'UMrY_.. CAliFON 80&1 ~ I.Of lultdyow._.__ on tf"-prhne eo'f Cevi'M !of with~ 100 .... of hMIQieft the 1~th .-.en. ~owlor views of moumoins ond niehf llthta. $1,050,0.0 Calli* ct.faile Ooucfio Dine Muetler W-6200 (U6). "'lon ~ .. MautifvJ two stoty, 4 "1cl oom. ~ 1/2 Wh, ~rOOM ..t ton.~ 4lf""' room home. Shows like o model with proftalonoltoncMc..-eenct ...._ ~ ~ to s-to lllno ond s-oe.eo ,, ... .,.. ust.too,.. '-ct o.n... G1 •• .., ...u~~ (U7) . .-~ GMAT Nfei--#.UWOUI lOCATION ON HAMO. laA,_ .OAO c....-.~ rem•••..t ' .... ""' hoMe turrou,... by million doUcw ~~-· n..r. le • wOt..,_. .... lfttt ef .,.,,.,,... Oft the ... wtth .... ~ ~ ............ ,.,,000 lftclu4. lond. C._..Difte....,..._ ~ (Ul). ' MAIIDII_., ..._ ....,..,.., A__.w .. -.. C......._ wleh ... ._.,._view of •-4IM city ........ o.t.d coun,-4...., ....... c. ............... -.. ... ....,.. Gf-..t • .-. ... le f~Mnc~nto tsJS.OOO WI Pwtc:h ~ (a22). .... DeWIW..UMD<.aA1Doe b,....__.CUiliJMa. .. .,........ ............................. "'-ch4oon ..-4 cer,.e.._. Ge.,...... ......,_with,._, .,,.It~~ .... ~ ,........_ .._._, wlte ............ ,.,._ ........ ..c ................ ".000 LYfW'e Y.tenfN ~(123). ,..... ~ ... S ~ I:JIMWI llj .................. Twe. '£idEM, 2 ~uda m'u .... -...,_ ......... MDI-) . ...,...,. w.a~aeiRtiiiU .. J..., ......... ,.,IPIJtta.,.... ..... $$,.. 2 ........ ..... IIIMt.fJII'I ...... ,... .............. ;'II,.....,......_ lee. fad ..... ............. ,._.........._ .. tta'd _.....,2MCUI). MfCA li+_,8UY ....,_ w.~e • • 1 ..... a._.~.._.-.. .... ,_..,._..,_,, ... Ccu ae:uNty loc.ta.n. au .. 11 ••• _.. ~ •• --.. ,._-"---. •...,. .... Ovt· ...... •••• llft~t .. II .. OIO. Nlt.-II_.RI.......,. ... .MW (.,l). AVIIWUif8. ,.,_ ••••• -.111'2'-"' a... ......................... fN., ........... . ~ •• , .... ....., ....... ------...... "c-. ....... a..~ ... ........ f.-.cW.. 0... ..... .., .... .., .......... .., ..... '"' ...... ,..... cw ,.,,., ... ~ ('UJl. • "MAON"IOUI" 8A .,PftONT CNATIAU Thit uniqu4t ._.. appro•. 1.000 eq. te. It Oft ente«olner't porodiae L<»'ge ei.., bayside town. pool, 3 flreptocee plu. hit and here baehtoome. den office/art room. librory, .,.,.,..'""'· Unuwelly deep lot witt\ oppr-lmately 7• feet on the bcry A tunny olry .....,_.home only •,.-• old. U .250.000. Jolwt Mocnob 642·1235 (RII ) . HIUTOP ISTAN ,._hom. to be built on custom ktt ~S..i,. N~t loy In the .. cJv••,... com- munity of .....,, Ridge. lulktlnft ped •-112 .,.. "-'• for thie CI!Pt)ro•Wnotely 10.000 eq. ft. r..W..V•-_,,.._ '-lfuputloft S3.900.000. Lynne Volentine '"-6200 {lt-12) . C'CMONA .. M•• OGANVMW A. dle....,la,_. __, epocloue hoMe .. ill-' with,.._,.,.~ from _ __, '-el fow "'*-·........, ,_, __... roeM with_,..,_'-'· ~ P"i¥crt• most• evil• Cf!ftw roof,..._. tllylitMt. end ttw.. ..,.._of llllterior decking. S3.67S.OOO Lynn Y.._.lne~(ltiS). ''NANYUCXIr" ON J'NI8A Y' of Ne01Up«' leech r•Wencewltt\ ~ ~ "'-· Fomlly ,_with_, bot CM4ttr.ptoce. s,.c-.. ....... •~ne ,_,. ~-·· 3~-goroge. Gate euord.d c.GMMuftlty with two COfUIIUIUnlty MKhe. ond ediocent -lno. 12.000,000 Including '-4. C...., Sch uei!Mo •2-IDS (a1•). -....,ON MAIN M Y'l 70',.., ........ ellCelftffll ......... ,......-. hOt~ s ..... -... 5 1/l ... .__ wtlh ......, ,..... --............. f'OOA hour ___ ..., ~~ SIMO,OOOO....~UU235 (IllS). -· .... NOIII tO' .. ...,.,.,._ ... ow.• ................. """"'"-----.... ._ ........ .... .... O..., ... certy .... ~ ................. ...,.,.,., ..... I.ID I . ... 12 ...... 2 ~ ................. "' ....... 60 ..... 11..200.000 ... ._. o..w-an.e m•> ••• uoo c•1•>· w ..... Dwle t• -""" ....-. .... "' SS' ~t. Tr .. t$c1e .. tty ... ._....!Nine end .............. .,., .... ......, ............ '-'*'...,., .... .....,. 1 .._4cryateldwz •••••· ....._ .,....,............._,........,., e'•tet .. ..-. .......... I'll .... , I I S.l at, .... etlf00.000h•tt h' Seiler ---~----c...e. .. ,,...,....,... &a11'). -- ............ -..... ..,hOt ........ PICe In .... JWNtk ,.., .. I'ICIL o...----- ............. ..,._. wttt\ .......... -rore4 ber .withe ,_t.ct ...... ~ • ,_... ... NeM ~ '-Wy w•oap..t.....,. with pool, ..-e __, _....._., '-r h ........ 4en en4f fvlf MCWtty t plefft. .. 75.000 iftC'Iudl,. '-4. c.thy Sc~ e~lr_,, ...,... (llt). ...,Oft lllMU U.,IWONT Qwtet ......_ ...._, ....... ••• ...._with 11M .... ,_ fir~ ond mor ... ....................... Oft ,._. ..... , .. .,.., tloet to. 25 foot boo1 ..,., 500 Jee, ..,...A-. .... 235 1120). PVT i&III'COUIT a fOOL lulh4111MI .. 4'1a ......... , ........ 2 ..., .............. IIOOM, 2 .... .... --.......... -ta,ooQ ... IDw ............ --Cll a.ECT .. C111a111 MtckTiftONlM-1221. •V 'l• t • • tf'M t e <~ .. tO.. .. t 0 ""-• , t h # t e • t "'•"" .. , U ~t. '-"':91,.,~~~~7V.!'.:-JQII,j,.l..,..~tlll;lfJI_......-:.J~II7 . ..-~f'Y'fiZ:'rsr:r-»w •• ... •V'. •. ~.~~ ... ,., •• ,....,. w ....... v • .,..-•• ,........, • ,....,......___......., ..,...,........ .. ,.,.,,..,......,.... •• • • • • .--. • .--. ............ . 81EAT STAlTER Remodllld 2 bedroom, large lot. $88,900. Cotl Craig....., &ll-0213. ...otT MlllllS IICUI)ID CIWIIEI A pttwale conllmpOrCiy ...,.....,... home .... 3 .......... ceneral ~ waoclly -...... " ..... .,,.....,._and ... ADorn to ......,.a 1ft oncl CU piUs allf OCCIII a.t ..... 1n 1111,._ Prtcld at onl¥ •m.soo. ca1 Craig._, l3l0213. HAIIOIIIDII SI''I'IAL Show~ .. 0 lftOCIII .... _,... ftnan. :.\ =r' on "' lldge. Cell ()Gig OCUli YIIW WITS Four ......,_2 ,_. ._. lt"DPII 01t ftnanclng. ... to ................ Clll CI'CII8..., 13l-021l . New,on Harbor ANI Estlte For S. ~ 27. 1982 P. 7 SEE TIE OCEAN From lha gorgeau~ caumy charmer. Spadous 4 bedroom and brand new tarn1y room. Only sm,soo. 0wn1r w11 finance. CroiQ Bani¥ 631- 0213. LOW DOWN lEACH HOUSE fNIC lit TO for long t1rm ot I'ICIIOnCibll "*- Spacloua 2 11o1y blodiiMM'nl wilt\ family room plus bonUI room anct .._.. Two biDcb to IOn4 ~ ••.ooo. &lbml your ..,.,.,. ,.. Cratg '*¥ l3l-0213. 11ACH HOUIIt131,100 1'1 alftiM .._ •• paiiM, applancll ond rnart1 You ""* -1D ...... l 1lnl ...._ ...... 2 .... -...., room. o.n. .... ..... .... Oft .......... Clonl waiL Cal ()alg 1111¥13Hm3. .-o~~•••ns lWOfiaWM ..._ ._. .... ._ N-....: ......... ONr *l2UOO. Cell Cnllg...., 13). am.. REALTORS• ,.._ 8 -...,.n ,.._ Rul Estl•• For S. ~ 27. 1982 FR .. ·--· Have you w• been inside a mobile home?? They're adorable and just like a home. We have 1 and 2 bedroom units available in"waterfront communities" priced from $29,500on up! AJFiaiiA .. -LA •• Only 1~ cash down! Beautiful 2-story 2 bed- room plus den condo only 1 year old. Owner tOUst sell fast. $1~500. 631-1400. IEACII ConAM-CII_A ... II Only 2 blocks to ocean. Owner out of state and motivated to self this 3 bedroom, 2 bath horrie. $136.900.631-1400. $1. ...... __ , Glwt CJI)pOrtunity to -own this 3 bedroom, 2 blth home with fireplace and open bums. Walk tD t.ch. Good assumable loens. $t35_900. 631-1400 ........... lMII ......... 2 ...... 2 ......... .... Woad ...... er..unar paol lftd ..... Owner .. C8n'Y ....... $21t,000.131- 1400. -Y---OM callinlll. ...... *-~ ...... .., ,...-llld ~ top quelity. Spllncld 3 bildiOOM comer hoMe on a quMt ltnMil. $215.000. ... ..- ~...-.-Grelt kation With 4 .net 2 bedroom units you couldn't duplicate today. Affordable at $550.000. -······ .... Worthwhile value in this 3 bedroom home with south patio on street-to-street tot OWNER WILL CARRY financing at 12" interest. $369,900. 110 Via Genoa. · 0wni1r IQI •• ,.._. the POet on one $50JJOOI" You c. ..-........ of this super opportUnity to own qa 1''tt ,_, the a.y Mel a.ch. ~by and ... tt.. units Ill 211- 215 19th 9t. Off a.tboa ll¥d. Prad from $31 "000. thele units .,. ._..,. than most hofMI with 310-roof ~ and 3-car ........ • • • .. CAllY•-All taW VlfiW from all roomsl OourtyMI 4lntry to this townhouse with 2 bedroom plus den. A"iYKY and serenity. Belutiful decor. Tennis, pool end spa $350,000. CLOSE Yl LAII. Lei. fB Exceptional view property with llrJe lot and room to expand. Ptans ior home plus cuest house. Has two 2 bedro6m units. In en area of lovely homes. $415,000. FEE! CLiff u va llfLD Charmina 2 bedroom hofM With ~ts. Plus 1 bedroom r.rtll unit. Both have tlrlpliCes. On large tot. ScAr helited pOollnd spa. Th,.. patios. Super locltion. Redue.t to $325,000 0 T HOMES, INC. REALTORS Sales. Rentals. Pro~rty Management Newport H~rbof Re• Estate fOf Sale J.ooary 2 7. 1982 P~g~ 9 FROM AFFLiml II AFF.DAIU • • • WAia -IAL. IS ... FANTASTIC large condos ON WATER with 1rut VIEW. A "rarity" on Balboa Island. these two townhouses have boat docks and are lar&- ., than most homes. Each unit has 3 bed- rooms. 3 baths, 2 car garages and patios. Sold furnished. Great rentals or for year 'round residence! Owner ftexible on financing and will sefl one or both. Will consider exchanges.. 1,100.000 FEE. 673-6900. ~-~~.a-•....-s• .... I Unobstructed wide "watet fnwrt" view from this open and spKious home with larae brick pitio and pier for two 55' yachts. Convenient loution and especially larae living room, elevated dinina room, lar1e bar, family room plus island kitchen. Huae master suite with marble firep&ace and breatht akina view of aU. A very comfortlble floor plan with a feeling of privacy! $1,950.000 tncludes land. 631:1400. Quiet beachfront with Of'icinal owners who take pride in their home. Suptrior "u-«Mn" ocean view from this 3 bedroom plus bonus room home. Superior construction. OW carry first TO tor the richt buyer. $725,000. 631- 1«)0. WA -CAPIC.. This is an authentic Cape Cod residence by decorator including stained and etched~ btick and beams. Totally coordinated with lux- urious amenities throuahout this 4 bedroom, family room home with 2 patios. spa and VIEW. In a quiet little lstand loc«ion. n.up tor 2 boats. $850,000 FEE. 673-6900. Linda Isle home with e.tepnc:e, open fMtin& and 5 bedrooms. Boat slip tor 2 boats. Own• w II exehanae for commercial ~. ranch or submit. $2,~000 indudes &Ind.. 631-1400. ·····--.. -..... 180-VIEW of &.y. OceM and nWrt lights. Mqnificent qualitY and dlltail thfoulhout this S. 700 sq. ft. residence. Fonnal home with 4 bedrooms. library, formal dinin1 room, immense tam~ room and llamorous master suite with fireplace, sundeck sauna and spa. Impressive and custom tor the particular homeowner. in the best tradition of this Louis XIV Manor house.. $2,200,000 tee. LIDRY ••an. Interior is richt out of Ard\itectural Diaest and offws dratNtic quality livina th~. Spacious 2 bedroom plus den with seductive master suite with fireplace. Brass. leaded glass and antiqu. acc:ents. eo.t slip avaiable. This is only tor the cbcriminltinJ. $725,000tee. IAIRIID-f& La,.. and specious with torw• VIEW near y.::ht dub. l'WcHtory 5 bedloom plus patio and areenery. Assumabte loan of $900.000. $1,550.000. FEE. Own. win uchange. D IIAIRY Enclosed minl •tate for privacy and security desi&J'ted for Wttertainin& with dignity. Beauti- ful thro~ut with pool and brick pMio: 3 bed- room formal dining room plus family room. $699,000 tee. LINDA ISLE 2-story with 4 bedroom plus maids room, formal dining room, large family room with step down bar and country kitchen . Landscaped to periection plus bridge over dip- pool and spa. $1,395,00 Slip for 3 boats. Financing: 1~ cash down payment and owner will carrythefinancin1at 10 3/4" interest. CIIARJI-v•• Premium street with estate size grounds. 75ft. frontage, 2 legal lots and panoramic VIEW of ocean and jetty. Early Newport resKtence with the charm and quality of bygone days-wood panelin1. moldin1s and large rooms. $1,350,000. 631-1~ •••unaam- Only 4 years new with appealing interior. Large 4 bedroom, 3 bath home ptus 1 bedroom apartment. Three firep&ace, cathedral ceilings. 30 year loan for approximately $250.000 assumable at 13.75" owner motivated. Submit all offers. $4 75,000. ISLE-...AA11CI Versatile ftoor plan with security and privacy of courtyard entry. Large main rooms for enter- taininl in and out. Lovely 5 bedroom st~ down famity room with bar, pier and slip. Aexi- ble financing or submit exchange. $1,595,000. EXQISIYE v•w •111 Panoramic close up view of bay, ocean and night lights. Spacious, open and potentially for- mal home with large living room. family room, tormal dining room plus 3 bedrooms. Marble bath master surte and 2 large view decks. $795.000. Fee .. WATa $595,000 IALIS. Best priced decorator COf"ldition 2 bedroom plus dock for 2 boats. Many extras. lovely '" every way WATERFRONT HOMES,INC. REALTORS Sales, Rentals, Property Mandgement 2400 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 631-ltae 315 Marine Ave Balboa Island 673-6900 p191 10 Newport Harbor Real Estate fOf S. Jenuarv 2 7. 1982 Dalebout Bay& Beach Real Estate \ REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COllE WRH US •.. TO NEWPORT ISLAND Boyfront Meclllrronton *· Rtgot IMng room witt huge fireplace. Pan1l1d dlnlnO room conCICIIIIft.. trtgulng wine lfol'oge c:ablrl* OoiMnllnt country kltctwt with wtndow -~ "" bay. Hand paii!IM cobiMtl and Clllng. Soda fountain. Ave bedroom~ and family room. Molter IUIII witt klrge tiling arto and v11w balcony. PrMIII ttc*- COII to patto spa. Th,.. car garage. Etaborote sound .-n. Felland. Avollabll by ~t . . . . . . . . . $2.100.000 CO. WITH US ••• TO SPYGLASS HIU Prtde fl OWMIINp .. yaura In "* pNIIIgtoua Englllh TUdor hom~. Two 1t01y Hng room. Formal step«Mn dining room. FM bedroom~. FM balhl --gold .. tbdurtL Four ..,..... Two -ben. Otl*ot vacuum sy~~em. 8cumlt lclchln witt Jenn Nl cootltop. MlcrowaVI. Rnllhed tow car garage witt ltofOOI cabinets and QCifOOI link. Ru1b11 ftnonclng CMIIklble. WI conlldlr smollef home In exchange. Available by ~t . . . . . . . . . $1,500.000 COME WITH US .•• TO IRVINE TERRACE EvtfYOM 1ovt1 "a window to h .a" ... TtU5 ~three bedroom. family room home has 72 , ... d wlndowa ~""harbor and blue Poclte. The ..-changing sun1111 wt1 prcwkle a daly ~. ~ ~tory. HUge bltlotdl room and famly room. lmment~ patto wMI gazebo and spo. Fee land. 1301 Dolphin Twroce. Open Sat./Sun. 1-4:30 . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200,000 CO. WITH Ul .•• TO DOVER SHORES Ellgant ..... bedroom holM. Wollrfront witt pter ones IMp. Spac6oul ~ room wlh voulld ClllnQ. Formal dining and brealdall rooma. Oon'IOftabtl fomlly room Wllh Wlf bar. fabuloul*-11om molt d "" lwlnQ cno. ,...... ftnonctng. 1031 Poklt1l Ortve. Open SUnday 1 to 4:30. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,125.000 co• WrrH Ul .•. TO COSTA MESA (WESTSIDE) ~......._ ....... eo bU¥ rea~ ~~tat~ ..... oi .......... ,..Many~ W.... do not........_. ....... OCIUCII COlt~ a .......... not ai .... 011 mafappear on 1M ufacl. The oppr8CICIIIon In vo1ut ~ real property may ~tor 1M ~ loon COlli, au the chill ..... eo molt pwc:Min 11 that 1nt1re1t paid II tax dlduGII*. Your net COlt may be • than half the ra1e lnciOGftCI on yow pay- ment book. CO. WITH ..... TO DOVER SHORES OCU*y ft'lftcft Ill bedroom hom~. Slgalllly .. signed. -~··· mGiflr .... COfnlll .. witt ,.,. ploce and ....... alccM. CNichn~. wlnt lndudel a ftrlt floor .......... foW ...... bedroom~. For- mol .._ room. t.erarylden. UMCI tNtck ttnoce and POOL Fee land. Vtly ,..._ flnGndnO. AYCJioble by appointment . . . . . . . . . . $950,000 co• WITH US ••• TO DOVER SHORES Majellc hOrM-tMit cozy 01 a IIOIIdl cottage. Feu Mdlooml. lOCh .. ~ baltL Fomly room .. blomiCI OlllnO-Huoa pGio Witt pool lPG and ........ lJMiy • ..., tom~"' .,.. Mme. Vety ••d'M t1Ranc:i10-1200 Poklrtl OfW. ()pin SatJSun. W:30 . . . . . . M26.000 Felland OOW Willi •••• TO DOVER SHORES . COllE WITH US ••• TO DOVER SHORES Molt unuull home wll\flldlna "* In .-.m. Comblnlllndoor~ ... leamld Oiling In IMnG room. fflnch doorl. ,.._. wlnciD-. ......_ t1on ......... eounn.t IIIOMIL Hand AMid oak CC~b~Mffy. Extra large CMmblrl ......... BlcMc bafbiCUe. alc:rOWCNe CMft. v.. -" PIQPIItY hal pool IPQ. .. and .,...._ CC.IIftti; upgradld dut1ng pcJit lnl yas. 1101 8aloly DrM. Open Sat./Sun. W:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . MOO.OOO CO. Wmt ..... TO HARBOR RI)QE Nlw on 1hl mcn.t. ThtW ....... ....,... sance·· ftoor l*n A llbroly IOIMdlolll ... Mtg room. Wit bar. nw. dlcl& __.c.•lront row vtew ~ flllnolr, mcMI1Iolnl and ...... Available by CIIPPC*•n• . . . . . . . . . . 1510,000 CO..Wmt ..... TO BALBOA · lmprllllvl tow biCiroom home, OCIGn ond ~ toln view.'"'"' ..... Quallr ~-­"" chok:e location. Oclk OCIIIInlll. ,... doorS. nne t~np~oeee nv.. onc1......., ...._ ..._ fbc!ur•1hrouQhol.f. Cenlralwcwm ~ Slcw- ltysyttem. A¥allable by appointment . . . . . . . . . . M81,800 CO. WITH US ••• TO LIDO ISLE 001• WIN Ul •.. TO BAYCREST Dale bout Bay& Beach Real Estate Newport Harbor Real Estate F01 Sale Janu.~ry 2 7. 1982 Page II REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 CO. WITH US ••• TO NEWPORT ISLAND 111 felt of walllfrcn. nw. bedrooms. Lorge c»en or bonua room. Ample ~poet for billiards 1able. Huge polio. Ycu own pier and noc.. AYCJiable by oppullltu... . . . $479,000 fM Land COPR WITH US ••• TO BAYCREST •~ tow bG'oGm borne. AI rooma en u - ~ ~ ~ lMng. torniW and dining roomL 1Wo ... tlreploctl Wet bar. Pool -yard. .... Oft ... marut. Avalal* by~ .......... MG.&OO co• Wmt Ul ... TO BA YCREST Spodoul tow bedroom home. Four .,...., AnroQ- -Span~~~~ ........ Wood blamed Ctllng In IN-Ina room. bnly room anc1 m01t1r suite. two nr• plocel. Formal dining room. Convenient kitchen • IGIIng cna and famlr room wlh wet bar n-. for ICIIf •--*'a· Moltw .,.. has ace• to pooL etcelllnt ftnonctng. 1412Solllago~ 01*1 Sat./SUn. l-4:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . M20,000 co• Willi US ... TO BALBOA 1Wo n. dUplex~ on Balboa 8oWtvotd wtlh lVII and two bedrooms~ 1M atMr on 48lh sar..t ""' two ond 1Wo bedroonw. Both just OM blOck 1Iom ocean. Offtrld W1uatt Cf buAder's COli. Avalallll by CWC*•n*" . . . . . . $388,500 lOCh co• Willi ..... TO CORONA DEL MAR Julf a '*" Clftd a put from ocean loUIIWrc1 Vllw of ~ and jlly. 1Wo bldroOml. TWo bcllhl. Wood ............. M\groom. ~ A.-.. by appolillln""' . . . . . . . . . . $315,000 co• WI1M Ul ... TO VLLA BALBOA IN MEWPORr IEAOH TWo ..... •octtwe c:ondoL Modem IICW· tty..._. o.:.t -.. 0nt beca'oom and conwr· *' c11n. -..n IIICftln Wit\ CCIIorlc mlcrowavt and ellis..,.. two cor garage pcnang plus .... Adlltll by appoli*•*" tl62.500 and $179,500 CO. WITH US ••• TO CORONA DEL MAR South d highway. Two SlofV two bedroom dcMI ~ k\ front. One bect'Oom unn In rear. TWo cor gcnge. A~ by appolnlmlnt . . . . . . . . . . $299,500 CO. WITH US. •• TO TURTLE ROCK VISTA nne IPOdOUI bedrooms and COIMfl)le den. Famlr room. Property In lrnmoculale concllon. Conwelllll• to comiiUIIy pool and tlnnls courts. VIew of rnouniGinl and ely .._. AvaMable by appolntniMf . . . . . . . . . . $279,500 CO. WITH US ••• TO THE BLUFFS Front raw vllw ~ the ba¥. ldiOI home for tMrd ond nature towrs. lbrtt btdrooms. Customlzed "Doa•" plan. Complttefy upgraded kitchen. TOINfully ~ 2181 VIlla Enlrado. Open SUn~ W:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $295,000 CO. WITH US. .. TO HARBOR HIGHLANDS Famly Ol1tnNd ntlghborhoocl Four bedroom home. Three and on.fd baths. Vtry prMJie upGaln masllr sun.. Proptf1y tocoted on quiet tr•lntd··· Avolablt by ~t .......... $270,000 CO. WITH US ••• TO HARBOR VIEW HOMES Tht popular ''Oormer moCitl nne btdrooms. .... CCirPIIftt. Copper plumbing. Spodous pcflo. lUXUflent gcrdln. Proplrty In 1op conclllon. AYCJiablt by appoWmtnt . . . t288.500 Fee land co• Willi ..... TO WESTCLIFF OofMnllnlf locae.d ttne blhom, IWO bath, dltactttd home. Spactoul open 11oor plan. DoUIH thpka. ....... ar..-ont In--room. Copper plUmbinG .... CCIPIII and.,.. tfUOUIIhO".leaM optton or'* 1011 Dowr ~ Open Sat./S&a W:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . t~.OOO ca. WITH Ul ••• TO BACK BAY oue of 1M • pa~~~m. tmrnoc:ueafl four btdroom. 1tnt ....... at~ COIWWMnl ftool plan.~ ... IMIC*pd and pooL Molt docn In the hOfM wll occornmodaiiWbtel ctM*. 23111ay F<lrm Place. Open SUftdO¥ l-4:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •• 700 co• wmt US .•. TO MESA VERDE IJMINit 'Wodld ~ home. Four bed-roome. Formal --room; ,..,.. .... conlnJI. ~ ltd wN room. Huge --room. Pool -yard wlh tOOm for boCI or -..~n~~~r. Ava~~*~ by~ .. ,.., . . . . . . . . . . t2SO,OOO 1817 Westcliff Drive. Newport Beach. California 92660 (714) 631-7300 COME WrfH US ... TO THE BLUFFS The much sought aft• "Delor•" model End untt. Mo~ and greenbelt w.w. Nellral ltolkln ... In entry, IMng room. dk\tng room and kitchen. nne be«ooms.. Conventent to school and shopping. Avatklbte by appcMntment . . . . . . . . . . $234,500 CO. WITH US ... TO THE BLUFfS The popular "Ff'Cindscan" modlt condo. ThrM ... clous becRoms. Second bedroom can open Into most1r ~ sulle. Alrlum entrance. Two tiled P<'tos. Top quolly carpet and cvslom drapes. Shows ltke a model. 685 vtsto Bonia. Open SUnekJ¥ ~:30 .............. $232.500 COlE WITH US ... TO RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Grtot opponuntty. Fabulous vtew ~ gol COUI'1t and QtMnbel. TWo bedroomS and den. End unit. Flex- Ible financing. Priced just reduced $15,100. Avotklblt by appointment . . . . . . . Now $199,900 CO. WITH US .•• TO COLLEGE PARK nvee bedroom. two bath. do• house. Beige corpet and hardwood noors. New llneoleum In kitchen. Used bOck ftreploce. Avottable by oppokltment . . . . . . $136.500 CO. WITH US ... TO OLD NEWPORT Exceltrf vtsoblllly. (}3 zontng OCean vtew. 120 ftef frorfoge. Use of uJsttng building of 4.000 sq. n. or buld 10,000 sq. n. Own• wtl nnonce. AYOIIablt by appointment . . . . . . . s ns.ooo COlE WITH US .•. TO BIG CANYON ''Monaco" modtl Three bedr~ two and on&- halt baths. Jacuzt off mGINr btdroom. large ~ en wltl brtolcfalt room. Three e« garage. Avalablt by appoWment Year 1t0se $2.050 mo. CO. WITH US ••• TO WEST CUFF 9round ftoor 1WO bectoom. 1WO bo1h apartment. Neaety dtccm.S. MUral co6ors. Adablt by appole4ee*'t Ytof1y leoti $670 nY ~WITH US ••• TO NEWPORT TERRACE Na ttnt bedroom oondo. Prtwcy onct oceon "'-· ~ ftnt INSt deeC1 Many U1rOS In"* ~ Nlt..,art ~tach""*'· A~ by ~""*'t .. Reduced 10 tl-49.500 r.> AUSTIM. TEXAS Chok:t parcet \3.M ocr& Sludy comP'tfe for 55 dupleqs ~ feu per ocre. Usogt . dup..._ condal. aportment~ or lndus1rtal ~ment. Ntar n.w hotnll and ~g center. eo• Ronntt MorcMc:h for CSteolll . . . . . . us3.ooo ,... 12 ~ ......... htllt Ftr s....., 27, 1812 ~ Good loc:Mionl Good pricel Good COidlionl Good t11rma1 AM in ~ 2 bedrOOhi ... ct.n pkture ..,e.ct tlame in old Colona dll ..... U..JQO. • A TRUE FillS II An~ OCJPOf'Unily 110 pufct.e a brand MW New Engllnd _.,.. home on a.lbcNi'a ._. baecheal Cua1om built by the ....._ Corpcnaion. &naedil•t c:twm ttwoughout. Gl-au.ntton l*d 110 the ~ detail. A ~ 3 bedroom.._ den. t1,100,000.. LIDO -.E BEAUTY awn. found.,.,.._ ..,___wty ~ ... The gourmet u.cNn and IMng room .,..n ttwouP hnch doota to ftow. •ed (lllrdln ~d. lMgl formel clning room .-. 12 -.iy ..... ooo.. ~K.UFNCONDO awn.. ...,. ~ price 10 ... ~ and wll Qlry financing. Owming 3 bedroom ~ with open beamed c:eillnga end ptMne .., ~ tree lheded gr.....,..lnd pool Now .. «211,100. EMEMLDIIAY o..ireble tor ... PfMie a...ft, lila ..n. COUita. ita~ end ~ Daeireble-... of tt. ..,...._ OCW\ br---. 8nd famifv .... o.nw. ..... thla home with-4 bedrOOf'N. famit room and tormlt dining room~ tt. ...-io tor~ IMng. Ml6,000. WHBI YOU WAII'f TO STAY Fof •....., ,_,..,.... we'w 001 ........ for you in Enwtlct -.yt Ita uncon~~Wttionell, ful of._......._ .. ..,. twd ....... fNnc::ft doors. ~-Ollilnga. ~aro ,..._..,and a ~ beech. ..,.,. cour1a end poe& nw.. bedloon& --.ooo. TERRIFIC PlaCE CUT Vou'w ~~tor thia. atlDO,OOO ~on • ..w C..,. Cod~ with pier and lllp. SWIIP.IO Ylewe end ligMa. t1.200,000 will newt ..._, au*~· TOPRCMT A NEW t• bevffon1 • and llip C.,. Cod with~ tng ..,....,.. ~ IMI1ar .... t..t time....., unct.. mil 11on. ••.ooo -t" good ftnenemg. aUFFS I EAIE OPTION Or low down. OwNr • 8IWOU8 to go. Ewrythlng flam ~­ .ng room to t.nlly room in U. 3 t.droom, 2 ~ biiCt\ condo •171.!100 LH. ' IIAftHCIMe-GMAT .UVI ~_.....__..,...._IINNr p:art-.y;.._,. flam your ftonl ..... DrlgMfut ' ...... 00111, ct.n. ' beth home with....._,.... ...... .... IIIIDWAlCII-- YOUIIAI i&ITIOII ... , ••• Thia....,.,. 3 .-.oam . ....-... .s.-.. ~ lhe acologk .. ..,_,. .-l*d ~ ......... action ial A.n and unit, ........... ~ and~ C*ptltlli v-v dleiillble fir.olnciltglnd priDed JuM right • 131$.000.. LOCAliON -LOCAl"'IN ~ !Nine r.,.. CUllOm home. Four IMdroome and t.mty roDift........, ~ ........... T....uy dec :NIIe4 Move In concldol1. t31Q.OOO Ut IIAYFIIONT ON FEE LAND Cusaom 3 badlool" Jtl"flont holM In gllled ~­c:omrmntv oha ._......._in Indoor udt w ...... The ~~and dick•• ilwM ~The ..... fuJdacor..,_..aclean-.~.~~ '' HL tUOO,OOO. TWO STORY TRADITIOIIAI. s..--,....., a11tr lelndudad in e.-4 bedroom W-*liff ColonW. Huge ~ roam wteh ~ and Mrbec:ue. F'OOl. and ... Form~~ clnino and _...._. .... ~ for • Woe t.m~ . .-,sao. A VIEW FROM THE TOP EliCiting 3 bedloom home wllh ,..,.... -Mw of hila. ......... end~ ~woock. bw'rl ~ ~ dcxn, lwnd ....... ... enNnce ... aedllct.d ..... .1.125,000. NewPOrt Beach Office ... 644·9060 CAJIIIO.IO-COIU' :• <>wrtooldfw Aldl Aodt.,.. c.IN _. ...... --.. EJrgn 4 bechome ................ ,..... ... -a. 1'00191 off-............. POOl and ............ .... kM:Nn.. Sec:uly .,..., and dDe """ ,..... c. ~too. t3,780,000. P ... EUDO aE LOCA110N Eleglnt and ll*ciol• 4 bedloaM ,._ t1m1t 1'00191 on ... ......... ~ ...,._.. ........... ....... ~ IMng jult .... 10 •• ~ .... and ..... Owner wll ..... ftNncing.IG7.-. .._.MAA IIAYRtONT bQu'-*lbedroom wflh piJr, •· ~ t.ch ,._ ._. lot. t1.100,000.. ._.DA._.-.. UIIIJ8 A lov.tt M¥tronl wllh ..-n tor 3 ..... ...._ ..... dec*. .._.~...-prtw.,......nw.•u' ... ..... ,..... ....... 3 eddldoeel ........ ar.y and....., room. Feu ful bllllha-el U. ... ._ 111e1e llric:e on tN ielllnd wtlh good~ fiMIIdr:lo. ~-LH. OCEHIVIRW Lovett c.m.o ~ ......... -·· .... .. ,._. caa T.o ._.,._ p11a 111ft. U.. ..... ._. lendeci!Ped. ....... far pool ... -. .... ,.. 110111 H l.MUNA s-. .....,,.cw .. .,..,..,.....ailS .-v. r.~ J1CUZZ1 end ... 11M a..:t\. *2,2!50.000. EASTRUFF, ., .... GNM po_,... end prb in diiiil..., ~ of Ea5t bluff F.mily I'OOft' with ~ 3 bedtoomt. 2 ~s. Sunny petio, L....eAt built. ~ to ~ and ~.~finenang~. THE BlUFFS nw-bedroom condo O'IIW1Dc*~ng gr~ end '*" ~19 900 Good ho~ IIA YFROIIT -DOVER SHORES ~ MOD,ODO Bligllnl 5 bedioom. t.mifv room Wllh a.ve --.. o.n. .. QI'IY .. filwtdng. t1.3150.000 ...u•DII NPCIE-VIEW Lone ...... L....wfllllldill .. I ,._e9lfll'end,.,. ..... (MI ....... , ............. dlln. n.. Mdi ...... J.J'I ,.....,fOCWIL&hlllgtt..-.... .,.,.... Cllfal •• IIJgJIDUALJI'Y ..... _, ..... on: ,......__.o* ............ .., ........... ~ .............. _. '•• n c, r na n e _, a r nc • a , n.. ••a • -~ ..... t~Fe!Lu..t .,..._ o... ...... C#.N COD • U.ftiiOIIIS .... iEniiiiiM ........ llric*. wood end .......... f1eiHy ......... ~-.-.. .. nw. ......... 2...,. Oul· .., ..................... --lnd gMilna. Good ...... .. YAC:IfniiANS COVE ..... ~ , \ ... '-'.....,_,Four ~1'1 ... din, ......, for 2 a.ve tll*l.. .. .... ~""'*Rill Est• Fer s......, 27. 1982 '• 13 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES ·• CHAMI.aLY REMODELm Smell home wiCtl NW ldtcMn, ~. bey wlndo-end !Md- ICI!Ping. Artftt....,.. Nrdwood ftocwa end even • hot tub Enjoy~ of prtwt. ~-to beKNa. t315,000. UDOISLE T•tefullv decotated end~ 2 bedroom tn tdealloal non Owner an.sted fll\llnallg. $346,000. BALBOA PENINSULA n ... oceen 11 the fTont yard of tM fabulous 3 bedroom 5 bath CUSIOm $1,100.000 I UMTS EXCLUSIVE COVE Owners plt.tl ..,.unent. nor1h ~ Bnck er>try In p&ecea. JKUZZ!. -. and ~ Oiecover thts ultwnate loclitJon. Pnde of ownershtp. Owner will finence With IINIII down t2.2!i0.000. THE BEACH ~tront ctup~a. ~ ~ 3 plus2. t67S.OOO. TODAY'SMJY- TOMGILIOW .. SECUMI'Y u...-•••...,....,........,..._.._ltWbonthe ~ Two ._.CICifNf. 2 .._with 3 • ~ Priwte fto•"'*• lndudlno • ~ca.-. ecm.ooo. ~ KJJ£.011 VIEW 1•18 Four beSoam an .... f& 1M ......._ ~ end t.v . ........, Newpart Beach Office 644·9060 2161 san JoaQuin Hills Road EXCELLENT FINANCING Before buying you mtat .. tt-. c:ompAitafV rernodlled cu. tom 4 bedroom home. Vfl/fY ..,.00U. end brigtttl A huQe pri- v-'• ~., IUite with own ~y. Idee! tamly home t525.000. OWNER SAYS "MOVE IT" And dtops prtee $9 500 on thiS 4 bedroom on Tu.-tleroclt Assumablt! loan and n wner ...,.14 catty With low oo~ Fee land now at $199.500 CORONA HIGHLANDS Complete!\-remodeled 2 bedroom New ~•tcho:J bdlh Jnc:l bay wondow Pnval'l gates to bMches SJ 15 000 LIDO ISLE SPKJQUs 4 ~oom plus femtly room on ovet'li4led lol SeO lded PIIIJO With greenhouM tS37 ,500 SORRISO DEL MARE" MecM•~ viii with .. the ct\arm of .,..aeryeer. c~ struc:ted on • tpyg&eu Nltoe>. thia ~twa -.-ound ""--. Four eo t bedroorN. study. !llrwv . .,..,.nmerc cent. end euehentic: c:entina. POOl. uuna end 2 .,.._ A ~ COfl'ltMrwtion of old end new with a-teet pnwcy t:Z.G.OOO. CHJLDREIIt WANTED By thl8 ~ .._ M-' ~ t..ne .._. lt-w onlly ~ 10 lf4IP o..a the door to fW\. .... ..t or jDg on the ~F-. ..... the tow !Nii .... WCA end matt. th8 ~~end tamW dining 100m. Ma.OOO ,_ INVEST •tHE Rll LIG SUN ~ .. ---lind .,...,.. ~~w ....... NltUme ...... you In thia euperb 0Cl8entl'ont dupla 5peciow unb C3 bedtOCIIN up. 2 down '*'-au-a.thl Tu wme offw end ...-t.ma. Priced to _. now M75.000 MOVE UP TO A DREAM. u~•ed .a.g.c:e diKrtlel t1'M8 ~ 4 bedroom pg t.ntv room a.,cr.a bNutv 8oew6ed '-f glas .,..try ~ end entlrgl8d IOtd\en W11tl g~rden ~w _. tn9 ... $per1ding POOl end tpe Auumable flrS1 end owner Will CMV 18rge -=oneS 1386 000 f I NEWPORT BEACH WN-&EMS-TRADES C1Mtiwt ..., wilatNcturt ,.,. just for you • tllil ..., 4 .... Smlau flftily .... dllict carw lot OfftrM 11 t525,000 call now! 840- 9900. IEWPOIT STAlTER RR~to ... ac.f0ftlllll3 ...... 2bath ......, Y-• .. liN for lilly $224,950 CIIDIWI WAITIH FOI A IAIUII Thil *' 3 ~ 2 .... ,.. f1llity ,.. in HlrMr View,.. cOfMIIJiity poet-. tDOd .... .... -.IMilpraltolll. t237,950. snLE I SOPIIISTICATIOI in this qltCIWt Spyl' I 3 M*ll .. faRily fOIIft with ........... -..nain -city ..... ... $549,000. SeN .... CUlT-IIIME PlUS .ITAl ,....... ...., ..... 3 ·-.... , .... -fir p' Ill il till c-.... MIJ. I* • •· ....... CfiiiM • yw .... -effwM ... t347,500. c.~ ... , SAVIt2 ... T1lil 5 M* ... fMity,... 4. ~ '-. ,. .... $mila .... llllla,...,"' ....... .._ ... _._ .. ,., .. ~ .... , ... to $595.000. Calfw ........ .., .. ywlift. SANTA ANA Affa.AilE Willi TIIMS Tfi.IMII c:eMI -Seua C... ......... 3 ...... widl ... fil•IC• tllr $112,900- Hwlyl - TIY LESS TIIAI1K ................ 2 .... -.2-....~. PrieM to ... at t73,000. . Ull YESTEIYUI ~---3••• .. 2 ........ s-a Au ........ , ........... .. ....... l', ......... u. ........ ;.. uoo.ooo. COSTA MESA • IAW.C.C. ..................... 119 0 .,z ... _ .. ._, .............. .... ... .._. .... _._ .. ...,A ... -, ... 171. ....... ...,. FUSSY? let us .... s. .... 3 ...... fllllily .... 2Y. Nda. ••• dfuly ...... filii¥ ..... ..,,... .... CI J' • .... iaWat$229,000 . PAlM SPRINGS AREA IAICII..aR CIIIJIY a.•UVIII ,... ...................... dllic:t s.rill ~C.. F._,....._ 0.. 21M3 ... ................... -$105,000. Cal 1714)~71. .. • Newport Beach, (714) 759-9100 Crestview Realty Thstin, (714) &32-3910 Beverly Hills, {213) 272-3456 Arcadia, (213) 446-4656 Encino, (213) 783-3513 Hitchcock Realty San Marino, {213) 283-2536 Brentwood, (213) 826-4521 .. - HOitSE COUN'I"RY eram.tic ~X. 213 ~bed­ r..rtty- park 8 cars plus RV-If'llt katian-an kelp 3 heM ses. tn11ybe more. on ~w own prooerty.~ WESTa.JI'F lEASE/OP'TlON OR SALE. Uke new 4 bed- l"'OOW\ 3 blth home in bellutitul Wlltdift- dltached home on '-'-'d bou own it~ owner tewibl1 price. only~ In Irvine 18124 Culver Drive Irvine. CA 92715 (714) 562-7600 I , l.o .... AJICI IIIIIN two ye« old c.-om home on one tA UdD's btlt ...... TNI4 ~. 4 belli home hal brick ~My, lnCtolld palo. br'a. ....._,, t1tgant ftxhnl. a bcJ¥ vllw and generous u. of golden oak. OWMr .. lnciM:e. ...... to M45,000. l • ... ._. •• • M•ACIII awn. w11 cony w TD on 1NI ctonet CGtll., .... 3 , .... 3 ......... AI'MI ....... ew.Mood ..... ..... ... .. , .......... 2 • ,, ... and ...... ....., lltck pale& tw,500. Professionalism and lntegrl1y ln~Center 2 C~te Plaza, Suite I10 ~Beach, Ca &2M) (714) 844-9880 In Irvine 18124 Culver Drive Irvine, CA 92715 (714) 562-7500 QR£AT lQREErt 1BELTS~ ·See:::thla '3 itNJd~; 2 bath alntle atory cOftclo ',In ·~ -'uffa. if':wo ~· aftcl (the O.ner ;·~Y ~~P finance. •21'57,000~ 3 BEDROOM, ,f1RErtCH !DOORS, F..r.iy ~ •.. uaecl 'lwk:ka •near the ~--~y, ;c~i·i~o ·~ping and freeWay :~•.21 .2,500~ HANDY TO 'EVERYTHING 'LoCA· TIOrt. Three bedroom~ end unit, skylight. ~~ carpet. financing. S135,000. .. BAY '·VIEW 'Itt BAYSHORES. ~~, ·~Cietans, ec»¥nnet , :kitchen, ~floor plerL·:Ait~thla and a bay view •• 725,000: P.RESTIQE AND PRIDE of'· 'OWrtERSHIP. Four bedrooma . ·in Spyglass, 2 ftrePiacu,:spa. Finan·' clng •.• 4 79,500. DUPLEX ON~ ·1~RIME BA YFROrtT Itt BEACOrt . BAY. three bedroom up .and 3 bedroom clown. This Is one of tJ;ae moat 1prlme apotl on the bays. S1,250,000. ;o. 3 ~-~MS. ·45' 1lot ·in old ·CdM .,ah · of ·highway. ·R·2 zoning, owner~flnanclng at 1400,000. UttiQUE. lrt HARBOR l VIEW HO~ES. This 4 Mdroom Portofino model is one of the lowest priced and you own the land! Fire~lace, bonus room. owe. $335,500. BRIGHTEN YOOR DAY. See this ~onaco model in Seawind, Mex- Ican pavers, fruit trees and low price. 5269,500. IJNIQIJE;IN ·NEARBY I LOCATIONS HUNTirtGTOrt BEACH COZY ·aREAT · BEGINrtiNCi HOME. Two bedrooms, fireplace, tundeck and more. rtear beach. t92,500. B~·A C:H E L·O R 'S RET~ EAT. Studio fireplace across t85,500. PARADISE with kitchen, from beach. 8ANT,AArtA SUPER COrtVErtiErtT LOCA· TJOrt. Woodside Village condo, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, new carpet and-good flnandng. &86,900. COZY CONDO lrt PARK BRISTOL. One bedroom. 1 bath, clox to South Coast. Community pool and spa. owe with 15~o down •t 12.5~ •• •74,500. UIIIQUEJIN ~_...,~n~eaQm SEC~ODED.'" .. !Ert:r·RY, l"I!W CA~. EftD \O"IT,:.fMkel ,thJa 3 1bedroom, 2 .toiY TriM model In 1"he Bluffu a good deal. • 249,500 • ·~ l'"~l . _rl ~ t Z 1 Lir ,. t s I ~ •tl(t~ ~ ~~h,·h i '--t r· • r-f' Jr .rl~~ ~ m I • %·~ ltjr! 8 e fJ1f! ~ f,f ~ tl LOVELY FAMILY HOME. Spa, patio, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, fireplace, akyllghts and new carpet. All this and you own your own land. t329,000. IJNIQlJE IN IRVINE riiCE,.IN NORrttWOOD. Spacious 3 bedroom, family room, fireplace, spa and near • 20-.acre park. owe with 45K down at 12~. 1209,900. LEARN ABOUT UNIVERSITY PARK. This condo on quiet greenbelt has 3 bedrooms and ear- thtone decor. Call now to see. $139,500. COMFORTABLE ArtD WARM THROOGHOOT. Three bedroom and den, on Balboa laland, dock. View. Income unit. 1650,000. MAGrtiFICErtT WAY TO UVE. Five bedroom Nantucket model In Spyglass. City light view, flnanc· lng. $695,000. ... BEST OF ALL LOCATIONS. Four bedroom, corner location In Harbor VIew Hills. Ocean view. $449,500. SENSATIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Three bedroom plus studio. Master suite, in Harbor View Hills. $450,000. UNBELIEVEABLE PRICE FOR SO MUCH. Four bedrooms, Broad· moor in Big Canyon. Pool, spa. $685,000. QUIET AND SERENE. All will ap- preciate this 4 bedroom Sandpiper model. Great decor and yard. Private location. $459,000. NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ArtY WINDOW. Bayfront duplex overlooking the Pavilion. 10 years new. S 995,000. VIEW ArtD PRIVACY IS YOURS in Irvine Terrace. You can overlook the bay or swim In your own pool, all for the price of $53,500. SHARP IN SHORECLIFF. Just listed and ready for your approval. One of Newport's best areas. Hurry for this. S5 15,000. i, PACIFIC COMT HIGHWAY AT MKAR11IUII .atn..!\IIUlD IN CORONA DEL MAll REALTORS, 675-6000 .. I f f i • • l i I N :"'4 -~ N ., t -CD DIRECTORY RETAil TIIS DIIECTOIY, AIID l-IT WITH YOU AS YOU 10 HOME VIIWM TWO BEDROOMS THREE BEDROOMS . THREE BEDROOiiS AVE OR