HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignThat City ShowdOwn -And How Corona del !1\ar Won lt See S porting Lile THE NIWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 1:1 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10 1982 • 25 CENTS Why Irvine Co. Retreated; Beeco Faces Fight New Effort JllacleTo Aclcl Flights Leoal briefa seeklng "open comJMtihoa'' at John Wayne Au- port were filed this w .. k by two airlines, PSA and Western, and the federal government-all ... k!nQ to take lucrative daily flight "alots" from AirCal. Aaiatant CoWlty Counsel Bob Nuttman aaid, "We are Just wAiting now for the Ninth Cir· cuit Court of Appeala (m San Franciaco) to rule." At atake c urrently is a mohon for a ltay that would preserve the .e.tu.a quo until what Nutt· man called "the m&lD event." a ruliDQ on who Qeta the lliQbta. That ~9 ia ·~ted in _,.. ~tt..a. Ill .-poaM to an appeal ba.a • clec.alon by Mcleral court Jud~ Terry Hat- ter, who hu ruled the county c&ll't protect AuCal's 23.5 Wohta a d.ay out of • total of 41 . Hatter ruled aoalnlt a "qrand- fathering" prov1sion of an alfhne ace ... plan that had been slated to oo mto eJfect laat Oct. 1. Meanwhile, the collnly has received letters from three ai rline• whtch aay they are QO· mg tD add fhghls at John Wayne Airport w1th or without the county's approval. They are PSA; Amenca West, of Phoerux. and Continental The thr" comparu• aay they - 1nlead to add u many as 17 more fughts at JW A after Apnl 1. bringlDg the averaqe da1ly total to 57 o r 58. PSA aaui it wt11 add toll r flights Apnl 1 to the two 1t already &a allotted. and two more June 1. America Weal u1d 11 will beqin flying Mveo 1••• a day here startlno June 1, but didn't MY how many tbghts a day it would schedule. Continental aatd it will start (Co.oUDuecl on pa~ 2) With the help of Arturo Lopez aa a Pennie Rhein demonstrates how she applied Heimlic;h Maoeuvef. For A Choking Patron, She Was Pennie From Heaven by Burt Sllu "Help. Someone, pleue help." The woman'• voice wu low, but urqent- borderlno on panic. tier male compaaion wu hunched ~roa the luncheon table, gupino for breath. At a nearby table two mea stared, gesturing helpleuly. Thia wu the ~· momenta after PeDDie Rhem, a wAitr .. at Muldoon'• restaurant in Newport Center, ltepped ~to the lounge to pick up • Mrving from the bartender. "I didn't really ltop to think," Pennie Mid later. "I walked over quickly. The woman wu reaahino aorou the table, tryinQ to sl~ ber friend on the back, tryinq to knock lOOM whatever it was he wu chokinQ on." Training abe bad received tow yMn AQO when abe waa teachino da.nce uerciae m the famed A.apen Club in Colorado returned nnftly. "Back theze," PeDD!• re•~zed, "80 many peo- ple wddenly were akiinQ at altUudM u.nWaili&r to them, and pl,aJi,A9 racketM.U ud eurcillDQ at a Q,..t rate- ud they'd Qet lato ~eart probl .... So llae p!lyaig&l tMr~iet at tla• ol\lb t.ad all • of ua on the ataH take CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resus· citation) Training." Thia training, atandard throuQhout the oountry through the apon80rahip of the American Red Crou, the American Heart Auociatioa and other auch aQencies, in· dud .. a procedure advised to dialodo• food caught m the wiDdpiJM. O.viMd by a phya1ctan for whom 1t bu been named, the Heunlich Maneuver involv• rNchi.ng &roWld the victim from behind, placing a hat m the uea of the eolar plexus. covering it with the other band-thea suddenly uer· ting tore• inward and up- ward. The ruah of air uaually forces the object frN. "But I bad never tried it before," Mid Pennie, "ao I wun't lllre I could do it." There was no time for doubt; the man m1ght lo .. conaciou.sn ... at any mo· meat. The wom&D wu cry· inQ, "He'• choking, he'• c hobno. " It chdn't crou Pennie '• mind that abe wu about to JMrfonn what often ia • li.feMviao procedure; abe aim ply acted inatmetively. (Conttanwd Clll ~ S) Buldout Issue Was Clouded By Leases Dispute by Roger Angle The Irvme Co .. aaymq 1t wtsh· eel to avo1d a "bitter, emohon· charged campa1qn," early yesterday ga.med the repeal of its p)&.DDed $125 aulhon expan· aioa of Newport Center. The company thlll avo1ded plllling the IISile to a Newport Beach referendum that 1t aaid it couldn't WUl. The vote had been tentatively slated for JWle. Ron Covington, a leader of the referendum campa1qa that had aougbt the vote, expresaed diaappo1ntment at loamg the chance lor the c1ty -wide vote. "I wanted it (the taalle) to be cleared up," be 1a1d. Bob Shelton, a company Vlce president, wed Newport Beach City Cou.ncll lor the repeal of Geo.ral Pl.a.n A.Juncbaent 80-3, puMd lut Auo. 31 Tbe requ•t wu "an unhappy coaelu.slon" to 14 montha of pubbc *nnga and debate on the proJect, be told a OOilDCU m .. tmg atill ruaniaq aJter 1 a.m . Tu..day. Shelton blamed a re11denltal leaMhold c ontroversy for turn· aug the hde of pllbltc senhment agamat the expansion. Leadera of The Commatt .. of 4,000, a lea .. holden group BOB SHELTON which has been at war wtlh the company over sJtyrockehnQ land rents and pllrchase pnces, had publicly urqed voters not to sup· port the expanaaon . Later they pulled back from that position After nearly ao hour of debate Tu..da.y morniDQ, the counc u qranted Shelton'• request, on a 4-3 vote. Mayor Jackle Hulher, • aup· · porter of the expanstoo, moved for repeal, aayUlg she wu "prepared to swallow all the blood, awHt and tears" tt took to n~otiate ro.d UDpaow .. •ts required loY the~· Councilman John Cox, another supporter of the e.ap&.n· atoo, npported the repeal He aaad, "11ua &a too amportaot an iaue to su.bnut to a mob tcene " Cox and Heather made • lllr· pn.slllQ allianc e wtlh Colln· ciJmen Palll Hllmmel and Don Strallss, who had op posed the expans1on from the start (Continued on pao• 5) Residents Vaw Referendtm On Banrlklg's Plan by Rog. Angle Le&den of a w .. t Newport clhzeas qroup aay they will .... a vote of the people on a $140 muhon mduatnal, office and resideohal development ten- tatively approved by Newport Beach C ity CoWlcil Monday n19ht . Cbns Hansen, a director oi the W•t Newport Alliance, pro- auMd a petihon drive for a referendum although council Qreatly redllced the acope of the 75-acre proJect, wbJch would be located on the border of Co.ta M .... Low.. Greeley, chaum.an of the Alliance, aaul coUDcil com- pmm•eed "about h&lfway bet· ..-n" wbt the Alh•noe wu ...ada~i and what the developel' ~. ~ aut .. wwe W!happy -.nth the oomproau.M. Bill S..nmn9, pread.nt of Beeco Ltd . wblch had propoeed the 238 condomLDJum dwel.l.mg units and 700.000 ~,.. feet of ltqht mdustnal and offtce space, walked away from the meeltng shaJtmq h11 head. "I am daappointed," he ~&~d. (Conti.Diled on paqe 3) Music Center Gets A $300,000 Boost Edward and Florenc e Schumac her have made a con· tnbuhon of secllnhea valued at more than $300,000 toward the constrll chon and endowment of the new Orange Collnty per- formmg arts center. Henry Seqeratrom , c hanman of the truat .. a, announced Monday The Sehllmachers a re well known tor th•u support of Cllltural programs and theu ef· forts to expand Cllltural op portllmhes durmg the 18 yea rs they have hved m O ranqe CoWlty Mra Sehllmac her 11 a member of the center'• board of duectors and serves as v1ce presadent for spec1aJ events She has acted as qeneral cbaar man of the pOpllla r Chnstmas Ca odlelaght Conce rt lor the past tou r years ThiS year's concert at D1sneyla nd Hotel was allended by more than 900 q uests She as a member ot the Metropolitan Opera Nattonal Counc1l. acting as co-darector of the Metropohtan Opera Aud t lions tn O range County She has also been actave on the board ot the Oranqe County Phalhar mon1c Soc1ety and the OranqP County Symphony A'>soclallcm The Sehumachers are thP former owners ot Global Van Tougher Law Credited For Drop In VIolations More dnv•rs are th m kma Instead ot dranlunq Tbat Sllml llp Cahfornaa Haqh way Patrol Interpretation of the drop 10 Janllary h1qhway tatal 1h .. and arrests for drllnken dnvmo. "We delln1tely ... a llt--10 betw"n the redllc tloo 10 acc1· denta and arr•t• to the tollgher JMnalu .. for dnvtno llnder the inDueoce of aJcohohc bever · •o ... " Mid B11an ()pqu .. nel. pubhc affaana oJhcer a.n the CHP'a Santa Ana command Th• command covers aome 70 JMrc:enl of th• county. and tacho~dee uate high1ftya Ia Coeta W..., lrv\.o• ud Newport 8Mch. St.tewtde, bk)llweJ ietelm• uve cho.,... ., 100 .,.., tbe .... PeriOd ea.. Pl'ftlOOt JMr, DU..-ael a....,n.4 • ..,..,. ..... • latauu .. m Ju..,., 01 ·-~ -lD Jaaury ·-·" M ..W. "AI • ...... ~ ............... . ... .., ...... a...w.~ ,.,..,......... ....... .. , 'llrh''tl il ... ., of 1•. • Arrests for drunken dravana ha ve fa llen off more thtHJ ' th Hd compart"d wath ld~t YPcH. he reported In January of 1981 tht- Htqhway Patrol Mreo;tf'd 412 suspectE-d drllnlren duvero; In Janll,TY o l th1s vear the hqur.- 11 269 "It can only m•an tha t pe-ople are a lot more aware of what ktnd of penaltaes they can qet If they bruit tl\11 l•w." Duqueanel a&td , "so they're not brHIUnQ • Lmes m Anaheam, and EdwArd Schumacher contmues as presJ· dent of thP hrm Mrs Schllmacher sa1d . "The dream of a mator perlo rnu nq a rts center 1s oow very close to • reahty thto arch1tecturaJ plAIU are hnala zed the contrac tor &a a t wo rk. the acoushcaans are teahnq tht-des1qn , &ad qrou.nd w1ll be broken by thts fall. And althouqh wt-are close. the pres~anq n~d conllnlles to ralM the estimated $59 mtlhon necessary for ronstruchon and t>ndowmenl · (Continued 011 PA9• 5) • llldMri ......_. Ylcdlia Ow. lbcl.anllctw.lcl HM~. n: .. o1 W.yor ~ H•t*, WM a.. ftctla of a Mr9IArY aut ..-. pobce ........ Dr. KMaller ud hJa wlte, Df. WDda Lo, botll!WGdnta at llamd6ty of c.ufomla, Irvuae, U11boel C.ter, 1oM a TV eet ..... ....,. n., ~ lD the 4300 block of Slaoncn.t. The bugl&n qUMd •truce bY removing ....,a) lou.-recl wmdow pu•. 1lcne A a.art• WorldaQ iD cooperatioD with tile Aaericu Reel CIC*, the RepuWicu Youth A.ociat• will ooacbact a blood donatioD clri.-Saturday, Feb. 13, betwaa: 10:45 a.m and 3:30 p.a . The BloodmobJle will be &ooatecl at the Zoata Club of Newport Harbor, 2101 15th Street, &eft* from Newport Harbor High. "He.-a Heart, Give Blood" ia tM caape.lqa theae. Tb.oae wiah!Do to putlcipate are asked to call ~6101. A voter re¢1tration table will be Mt up u a puhlic •nice. The ... nt will be followed by an e..U.o 80Cia1 Q&thering at the r.-..ce of JaDe Rumu.m, A.ociat. ~ pneident. Del )UDco To Speak R.ervation.a deNfline ia thia Friday, Feb. 12, for peraou wWUDo .to hear Dr. T1no del Juco, cbai.nun of the Califor- nia R.pu.bllcan Party, addrea the Newport Harbor Republican Woma. The $8.50 lWlcbeon will be held ba the Sbuk bland Yacht Club OlD friday, F.b. 19. Infor- mation: Fran Sloper, 673-3553. PcrriDg The Way Lead-off oift for the 1982 Orange Cout YNCA fund-raia- iag caapaion wu $10,000 from the Dorothy Grannia Sullivan foWldation, reported Jim 0. Boom, Y ezecutive director. For five yean, 0. Boom Mid, the of9Uil&tion bu received 1upport from the Sullivan FoWl- datioD wll.ich bu been dhectecl totfvd bel~Uo J.WO. aac1 ..am hiP acbool progr .... ~ c:a.pe.Sp tuv-t Ia seo,ooo. ne v a1ao receDtb ut.Dclecl ita u.ulra to the J'lu.w Corpor- • ~for a $6,000 dozaatJon which ftn.uced maior repair and rMwf.acing of theY pukbag lot. Heavy rains bad taken thelr toll of the 13-year-old lot, Mid 0. Boom. Carl Veoemao Dl" Pri•ate funeral aeniOM are being anugecl b Carl Cook v .. eman, 87, loooUme Newport BMcb r.adent who moved ba recent yeara to Su ~. Venem.&Jl died IMt Saturday, four JllOJllU after the death of hia wife, Muie. He wu the foWlder of Tb.in- Une Furniture m&Jluiacturbag, u well u the Home and Garden furniture store here. A member of the Jonathan and Wilabire clubc in Loe Ange&ee, be belonoecl to Irvine Coast CoWl· try Club and the Balboa Bay Club ben. He leav• a eon, Richard Venema:n, of Corona del Mar; a daughter, Eloi.M Edinger, of San Rafael; nine cpandcbJldren and two cpeat grandchildren. Corona del Mar Chamber Headlined "Panel of Publi.ahe,.," with ne-..paper eucuU.• cli.acu.ing upecta of adverliaing, a general meeting of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce ia ~ebeduled for Tuesday, Feb. 23. The ...aion will begin at 7:30 a .m. in Sherman Ga.rdena, 2647 Eut Cout Highway. Heather·• 'Update' An "Update on the City" ia the title of a talk ~eheduled by Mayor Jackie Heather before the Marine Division of the Newport Harbor Area Cb~r of Com- merce at 7:30 a.m. next Weclneaday, F.b. 17. The brealdut m-ling, at $4 per per80n, will be held lD the Balboa Bay Club'. main dining room and ill open to the public, aaid JobJa Rader, IMrine diviDoD preeident. Reeervatioaa may be made at the chamber, 644-8211. Forgk H.-on-bulding, Ill a..o. .wJ 22nd, e ~ for .,..,.., had undefgone ehengee which Mlryor Jeckie Heather (center) has hMed • "the beginning of redevelopment" of the Old Newport.,., She congratulates Peg Forgit, former co- owner of building with lete husband, AI, end Rush Hit, the new owner, HiK-Oanielson Architects occupy most of the renovated structure. S1.n photo by Bafrv Slobin byTo.a ..... H Irvine Meadowa Amphitheater ia "analyaing options" and predicts it will atil1 have a 40-50 event MUOn in 1982 d.-pite a Marine Corpe ban on w .. lmioht concerts. Eucutive Director Mark Jtooan Mid thia week the pro- moten are "analyaing any type of optiolll available to \1M for any type of flelti.bility during the MUOD" in the wake oJ a Jan. 8 letten from the Marin .. turning down Irvine Meadowa' requeat for 15 weeknight. concerts thia year. The two parUea aioned an agreem.ent in Much, 1981 in which the muaic promoten pro· miaed to confine concerti at the facility, one mJle off the main 11 Toro Marine Air Station ruDWay, to weekend n.igbta. Jtooan alto revealed Irvine Neadowa bu acz~ped plana to build a new .taoehou.M. He laid performen in the inaugural MUOn expreaaed satisfaction with the fiberglaa ma-king 1tructure uaed on the stage lut year. "We foWld it wu not really wanting," ltooan Mid. "We could put on any kind of pro- duotion needed and· were very lucky ill developing good sound from it. It giv• a good feelbag of open-air atmoepbere. We've decided not to buck a oood. thing." A Lo. AngeM nm-U · cbitecture orltlc Ja•b .. tecllr- vine W.adowa' plana for a per- manent, two-levelateel and con· crete ataoe.bOUM, office and dreaaing facllity. "The main thing ia the acta who pla.,.cl here liked what we have. A.J.o, .. willuve a good deal of money," Eooan aaid. Performen will once again uae modula.r \lDita for dreaaing. MrR2rt (Contbauecl from page 1) Oybag four limes a day out of JWA. JUtb Diat.riot Supervisor Tom B.iley baa repUecl to PSA and w .... m that he doem't approve of their plana, NuttJD&D Mid. The Oigbt.a are worth $2 million apiece a 'year, .AirCal bu Mid. The current allocation ill: Air· Cal, 23 .5 0Johll a day; Republic, U .S; PSA, 2; Fron- tier, 2; and WMtem, 2. ooc oitk:iYw Ud bopeclto beoUa ~ ....... r with 24,400 etudeat., the .... nuaber of atuct.Dta that were enxollecl when tprbaq oluaet began • year aoo. Tbe colleoe hu bad to triJil ita eta. eobeclllle by 200 o)a ?II this 1pring beca\lle of lba.iteclute tw.da allocated for coam\lllJty colleoe cpowth. Under new 9Q.idaHa•, com- a\lllJty coJ.leoea are penaliaecl for Ql'owUa9 by IDOJ'e than 2.5 pel'CMlt ewer 1980-81 rec)iatYa- tioD fiouee. Or&Doe Cout grew by 3.6 percent 1ut f.all. U OCC• IJ)riDg aem..tez ·reJDAin.a equal with Jut apring, the college w1ll abow a growth for the 1981-82 year of appf'Oldm.ately 2 percent. Thou9h thil..,ri.D9'1 ...,..,.9 day -.rollaent aha wad a 3.8 peroeDt growth ewer OI*''JUJ day a year ago, OCC cleu of Ad•'eeioaa and RecoccM, Ken- neth I . Wowrey, t .. ll the col· lege can .U.U !Uta its 2 percent growth target for the yea.r . "W ... normally bold late registration for cl...-during the firtt two w-b of school," Mowrey said. "Thia spring we're elim.inaling our second week of late regilt.ration." Mowrey aaya it ia hoped OCC'a finaliPrin.g tally, which will be computed after aecond nine-week c ...... begin in April, doea not top lut year'• final nrollment flour-of 31,517. fteoiatration for aecond nine-week cla ..... will be con- ducted on a tint-come, fint- •rvecl buia on Monday, March 29, and Thunday, April 1 in the OCC Admiaaiona Office. College PlaDs Satellite bwnpo•ln Paris, Fnulce Oranqe Cout College 1a about to open a •tellite campua in Puis, France. ·An &IUlounoement from the colleoe aaya the campua will open ior the Spriao 1983 •IDMter and will be hou.aed in the famed SorboiUle UD.i•enity. The campua will ofier eiqbt to 10 co\U8H per •IDMter, the &IUlOUDcemeDt said, with about 100 atudenll enrollino each .. mester. The new campua 1a Wlder the direction of Dr. )OMph Tomchak, an OCC pro!eeaor of anthropolocn aince 1958 and a foi'I:DAr member of the Coeta W... City CoUDcU. He bu done extenaive study and reaearch in France. "Nothing quite like th.ia bu beetl done befOre," ·Tomcbak admits. He said be anticipat .. that students will Uve with FreDcb fuUU• during their entid ltay in Pan.. "The French .min.latez of eclucatioll h.u unr- eel Ul ~ hia minilt.ry' 8 full OOQPelatioo in plac:bao at\Wienta with inter .. ted fam.ill .. ," be saya. CoW'MI will DOt be ~peeial "fielclltudy" or "tour" ca ...... saya Tomcbak, but will be taken directly from the college's regular curriculum. "The advantage ia, of cou.ne, that U atudenta bappell to be 1tudying the bi.atory of World WarD, they will be able to visit the Normandy beachheads on a field trip," be explains. "General humaniti" and art c1 ...... will have available to them the Louvre Museum and bundrecla of art gallerift. Many of the cow ... that interest ou.r students, aucb aa anthropoloqy, physical geography, fiDe arts, or creative writing, ·can very ...Uy utiliae France u a laboratory." Tomchak aaid coeta will be kept to a minimum by uaing charter Oighll, placing students with local families, taking advantage of atudent excWiiOD rat•, and uaing a Frencb- apeaking faculty hom OCC. Succeaa of the pilot prOCJram, he not•, could lead to fttabHabment of future OCC ".....ter abzoad" campuaea in Mexico, China and }apaA. Peraou iDtez .. ted in the Paris program may call Dr. Tomcbak at 556-5800. town & CXJIInfJ'f brings you --- , Rent a spaciOUs. luxunous house or condomtn1um So much niCe( to come home to dfter a day on the slopes The . two-bedroom condos sleep SIX 'PeOP'e and the three and four- bedroom houses can eiSIIy sleep two or more whc*t famllies. Cl1l MARCH • APRIL-STAY 7 NIGHTS, PAY FOR 6 An authentecally restored s1lver m1ntng town nght out of the 1800s. Park C1ty IS the hottest new COld spot en the West. Easy to get to by ~ane or train. Only 30 qu~elc m1nutes from down- For more 1ntormat1on and our weel(ly rental rates. JUSt town Salt Lake C1ty. •••y OI'IT contact Park City ACGOmmodations. P. 0 . Box 2025. Park C1ty, Utah 84060 (801 ) 64~6201. and 1801 I 649·5333 W£ THINK YOUR HOME SHOlJLD a£ THE NICEST PLAGE YOU GO •• , • MevW&"t -f Hetdwood 1 Softwood) W-.4 ''""'"t' lteJr •erte -f Oek & H•mlod J O.lle, lell -"ctwre P,e•e• -a.r lellt Chelf,..,. -...... CfOWftl -0111~ VCICt Our Showroom lft& from the art ' I Beeco (CoctiDaed from pao-1) "Th ... ere compUceted ChuejlW," JS&nniDq added. "We'll hAn to pencil them out to .. if we can do the project. "But we have to melle more than $4.6 million in reed im- provement•. We bad propoMd $3.7 million, with our (larqer) project." Couacil, ln a complex and confuainq Mri" of aome 22 ''atTew" vot" that ere expected to be made official March 8, ap- proved 3'/9 dwellinq Wlita and 400,000 aquare f .. t of office and induatrlel a~ce. The lut 100,000 aquare t .. t of commercial ~ce lS continqent upon Bannino putting Bluff Road through to 19th Street, aomethiag urged by the c1ty of Coeta Mea.. A. part of 111 approval, the couacil aaid it will cona1der Coate Mesa'• concern• agam durino tentative tract map review. To offer the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dlatrict, whach owns 11 acres in the project area, "the proapecl of dlakinq more money." council adopted a chanqe auooeated by Co'-'0· cilman Ph1l Maurer, a retired school teacher. The chanqe juq- qled the commercial and reaidential layout oJ the proJect Tbree Senlom ReceheAwanla Thz" Hazbor Area haoh school Mniora have been packed to receive annual Youth Cihzen· ship Awards from the local Soroptomiat Club. Winnen to be honored at a March 10 luncheon aze Kerry Clevedence of E.stancaa, Rebec- ca Martin of Costa Mesa and Jody Becker of Corona del Mar. Soroptomtst President Barbara lncardona announced the awards tb1a week. The winners were chosen by a panel of local Judoes, who baaed their decasaon on such cntena as communaty mvolvement, academtc achaeve- ment and uaderstandanq of com- munity needs. Mia Becker wntes for thas newspaper as an mtern. 10 the di.tnct land would have both typee of ct.YelopiiMftt. At one point in the three-and- one-ball hour debate, e move by Couu.cU.man Paul Hummel to deny the proJect altooether wae def .. ted S-2. At another potnt, the au- dience applauded loudly when Hummel aaid, "J am here to pr ... rve the ~dential character of this city." At another point, Hummel and Councilman John Cox eroued over whether the houstno in the project would be "aJfordable." "I voted for the ll.S dwelUno units per acre to help keep housinq coals down," aa.id Cox. "Maybe they will be $350,000 per unit, but at least they won't be (as high as) $500,000." "I thought we were talltinq about aJJordable bousino here," saad Hummel. Greeley, notinq she bad ad- dressed the council ebr tim .. on the project, arqued for a boua- inq mu with smqle-fanuly dwell· mgs rather than .ome of the in· dustnal and ollice space. The Alliance'• hired profes· sional planner, Terry Watt, ad- dressed council, complaininq that "citizen input gets buried." She urged the couacil to bridge what she called "the citizen credibility qap" and suqqealed a Specific Area Plan be dzawn up for the project area. Wall, who lives in San Fran· casco, as the d•uqbter of Jean Wall, president of SPON (Stop Pollutinq Our Newport), wrucb opposed a.nother proJect acroaa Iowa, the expansion of Newport Center. Seven area resadents address- ed the couacal m oppos1hon to the project as at had been pro· posed. RlleyKic:U Olf C.mpelgn The re-elecbon campa1qn of Filth District County Supervisor Thomas Riley of Newport Beach will be kicked o:f Saturday mor· n10q at Alfredo's restaurant tn the South Coast Plaza Hotel. The rally will featuze hve musac. Rtley supporters from c1hea m the dastricl will be on hand to beqan qathenng s1qnatures nommalinq Riley for a new term Owners Wanted Some of the 449 hubcaps prcked up •n a pollee ra1d are d1splayed by Newport Beach Oe1. Lavonne Campbell Owners had cla1med 85 by end of last week. and rndividuals who thrnk 1heu m1ssu1q caps may be 1n th1s headQuarters collect1on may make an 1nspect1on apporn1ment by calhng :he property oHrcer De• Robert Hardy sa1d Robert Forster. Hun11ng1on Beach. was arrested on susp1cron of rece~vmg and pnssess1ng s·nte11 pr oper y The hubcaps range 1n retail value frem $85 :o $170 ap1ece Four Harbor Area residents were amono 19 individuals who were pr ... nted the "Silver Beaver" award by the O ranqe Couaty Council, Boy Scouts. The ceremon y witnessed by some 600 queata at Disneyland Hotel last w .. k conJerred acoutinci• b.tohest volunteer honor on Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr .. UC Irvine chancellor; Robert J. Fluor, of Irvine'• Fluor Corp.; O&Dlel Scboenmehl, of Newport Staff photo bv Sob P~terson Beach, an execuhve watb North· rop Electro/Mecharucal dtvasion, and Robert C . Thomas, of Costa Mesa, president of Thomas Financial Services, Inc. Guest epeaker wu Gene H. Sternberq, Sr., of Granite City, Ill., a member of the national executive board of BSA. The "Silver Beaver" 11 ofJered by the nahonal scout council upon recommendation of local couactla. The Newport Ena&gn Wedoescloy. Febn.aary 10. 1112 Poge 3 Newport Cow•ndl U.W. by ~log.. ADgle Newporl Beach Caty Couacal mem.bera Monday ruoht JOmed their Irvine counterparta m urq· inq the Jrv1ne Co. to m .. t wllh The Committee of 4,000. S...lrinq to repr ... nt aome 3, 750 leaMholdere 10 Irvine and Newport Beach who face alryrocketinq land rentals on 25· year-old leases, the Commattee hu been wanhnq recoqnthon from the company Barbara Youaq, Comnuttee pr .. 1dent, had sent a letter uk- mg couacil for help. She ad- dressed couactl Tuuday about 2 a.m. at the end of tis Monday ruqbt meellnq. Jllee••• aorl of da.loque Wlth them u we m .. t wtlb lDdavlduab who ere mem.ben of tbe.u oroup," Shelton uad. Counetlmen John Cox and Paul Hummel uqued over the word.t.no of a motion to urqe the two aid" to m .. t. HWillllel moved that counc:U appo1nt a )Otnt com.uutt .. watb the caty of Irvane to help reeolve the conOtct and "recoqnise the Comm1ttee of 4,000 aa lecptunate repr ... ntahves of the leaseholders." The lease mcre.ues will "im· pact everybody'• property-you wa11 and ...... Hummel Mid. The Comrrutlee 11 not the The Irvine couocal two weeks legal, neqoiJallnq rep..-... ntahve aqo sent a letter urqmg the of all the leaseholders, Cox company to negohate wath the argued Committee "at the barqa1runq Told that the caty of lrvme table, not 1n the newspapers " does not b.ve a comm1ttee An btstonc confrontahon named on the leasehold tsaue, aeemed about to take place as Hummel wtthdrew that part of Bob Shelton, a company vace the mohon president an the aud1ence on Councal members fmally voted another matter, was asked tf he uoan1mously to send a letter to would meet with the Comnuttee the company askang 11 to "meet "We have, we thank, valad w1th the Commlltee oJ 4,000, reasons why we don't recoqnaze which represents some of the the Committee as the leaMholders." negotiating agents for the Four members of the Commit· leaseholders," Shelton told tee, bankrolled by ats members, council. Jan . 28 hled a class acllon "They don't have a lease, lawswt an Oranqe County there are SO different lcmds of Supenor Court to slop the in· leues; and we feel we do have a c reaaes. Pacific Mutual Offers ChDcl Care For E111ployees A new frinqe beneht whlcb may become a valuable recruit· aoq attracbon bas been mtroduc- ed to the labor muket here. Subs1dtxed chlld care lS be1ng provided for its Ounqe County employees by Pac1Lc Mutual Life Insurance Company, poasl· bly the hrst employer 1.11 the state with this proqra.m, the company announced. All employees of the Newport Beach-based hrm are eligible for a 20 percent d.tacounl on tuthon costs at Lnder-Care Leaminq Centers, Inc. "We're of:fennq tblS proqram 1 ln an effort to mmamtze the 10coovemenee and anguish of iocatmq quabty profeu1onaJ and aJfordable care," aaJd Ed Lehman, aecond Vlce president of the company's human reaource• eection. Centera moat acceiSlhle to employee• in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine include three lD Irvme-2611 Lake Road, 3661 Mlcha.elaon, and 1 Bear Paw-and one near South Coast Plaza at 2515 West Sunflower Avenue. Care lS prov1ded for chtldren 2 to S yeers, bnderqarten 1.8 oHered and after-achool c.ue ta avall.able tor children to a.qe 12. Gary Cempton & Co. c reate A FRESH NEW LOOK FOR SPRING! HAIR CA RE AND STYL ING • A hatrcut that IS custom1zed for you and your ltfestyle • C hotee of permanents and body wavE'' for carefree matntenancE' • Color. wE'avmg and ht>nna kdlfullv applted for a natural look PERSONA LIZED SK IN CA RE A ND MAKEUP • Custom blended makeup base e Make up lesson') e Individual lashE'~ • Waxmg e Permant>nt H aH Removal COMING SOON Jazz • Exercise • Dance Classes Massage • Body Wrap 161 7 WESTCLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 642-6164 GIANT JEWELRY LIQUIDATJt)N 30-80% (.,ff Estate and Trad1ttonal Ptece Tiffany • Cartier • Ptaget • Omega • Se1ko and more QUAUTY JEWELRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES Otamonds. Pearl . Rubt t'S , Emeralds Sapphtres, Aquamarme'. Amethyst,, Topa1 . t'tc Valentine Specials Sate ends Feb. 18-0osed '11 Feb. 27 Brng ad for Free Gift with Purchase Custom Orders Welcome Everyone Wants and Con Afford Jewelry from Wnston's Wecd'10 bO. ~ Atnga. ~-. ~and tadlloiiClll ...,...., ~ flloclllt WoiC:t* Olarnondl wltl C.tllb:MI DatiOIId ~and o.:.ms DfAl WITH PROfl SSIONAlS Mt'm~r Jewelers loerd o f lr.cM Cemoloaast Cradtil•t• GeMOioaicaJ INSTITUH OF AMERICA ()o.nf'f ()pef•tfod s~ ~~ All pufC·h•tC'd au•tMitHd II\ Wtllona c I A (.Mille at !Oft ..... ~.~ C)fl wiKII'CI '"'" C!ASH • JMmRCHARGE • VISA • CHECK • lAYAWAYSONN"f'ff..VN. RC:Ml~ ._ ...... Tougher Law IS Woddng There were numeroua omissions and political trans- qTeuiona in the session oJ the state Legislature which concluded shortly before last Christmas. Some of them have been underlined on this page from time to time-just to remind you what happens to the power and the money you entrust to Sacramento. It's only proper, then, to point out what appears to have been a bold and tellinC) stroke enacted by that same session: The tougher penalties it prescribed for drunken driving. Already, there is evidence that lives have been saved and tragedies averted. The California HiQhway Patrol believes that aware· ness of the new law has had a sobering efJect on inclin- ations to drive when tipsy. It points to the fact that this past month there were fewer highway fatalities than dur· ing any January in the last three years. In 1980 there were 341 the first month, and in 1981 this frightful figure rose to 380; yes, 380 deaths in just this state, in just 31 days. But this chopped by 100 to a still-sad-but-improved figure of 280 for Januuy of this year. Another major plus attributed to the new law: Arrests for drunken driving are off lharply in the Highway Patrol's Santa Ana command , which covers some 70 percent of the county, including C osta Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach. In January of 1981 , there w re 412 such arrests. In January of 1982, there were 2 a reduction of more than 34 percent. Fewer crimes are more unwit ·ng than driving wh1le under the influence of alcohol. More often than not it 1s the result of conviviality, of overdoing a. social amenity . It entraps pillars of the community, good husbands, devoted wivtts, dutiful children and other usually responsible individuals, along with those of lesser character. And the remorse resulting from arrest-or from a crippling or fatal accident-can be a lifetime burden. All the more ·reason, then, for acknowledging that a toughened law which breeds caution seems to be reduc- ing the amount of sufJering. Credit ts due Assemblywoman Jean Moorhead (R-Cumichael), who authored the leqitlation, and Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beac h), who co-sponsored it. A Wlse Decision -BRS A rumor that hu been circulating the past few weeks materialized into fact Monday night: The Irvine Co. ask- ed the City Council to withdraw ita approval of the com- pany's projected buildout of Newport Center. Simply put, the political temperature w~s much too high to risk putting this General Plan Amendment 80-3 to public vote, as opponents had successJully petition- ed. Unfortunately, the decision was not based on whether or not 80-3 was good for Newport Beach. The con- troversy over Irvine Co. leasehold.. has so badly damag- ed !he company. image -eat success at the polls seemed unlikely, and ra1sed questions about how close com· munications were between company owners and theu public relations department. This, at first glance, appears to be a lose/lose development. The company will not get its Center buildout, with a resort hotel, condominiums and office and retail space. The city will not qet the proffered $8 million in road improvements, and other beneJits. However, Newport Beach has been badly divided over 80-3 ever 1ince the leasehold controversy began to cloud the true iaaue. And since the case no longer could be decided on its merits, a longer view supports the Irvine Co. request, which the City Council approv- ed. Let a decision be made on Newport Center expansion when that issue can stand alone. -BRS SIG 272ll. COIIIIt Jhry .• Con.a4el Mar, CA 131a88110 P..H .. rl...lltJ• W..t..d&y .............. ..._._~ IICHMD IRONlfQ . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . Co pubhtber 101 PAYSON . • . • • • • • . • • • • • . • • Co publiSher ITIVI HADLAND . . . . . . . General W•n•oer MII'IIDd . . . . . . . . . . . • . ldllor 'f.II..AMD POUlfD . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Auoc .. te IditOl IIU. IIMPIOJI , . . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . Advert1.11n9 D1r.ator IAMDIA IJPAAI , . . . . . . • . • . . . . "-tall AdverU•inQ W•nA9•• ad.ICUI DIITl, CHIJITOPHU I.TNCH . Ss>ortt l!.t>orle ... J()CJIII AIICILI · · · · · · • · · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.porter MaY~ uu~aoa ~... . . . . . . . . Ptaot~?C~r•pli•et ALAif W ICIIOf? . . . . , .• :. • . • . . . . • • . . . Prod~.~ehon W.~•• :TOM ITICiiWOYD • • . • • • • • • • • . . • • . . . . • • . . CUc\lleUon Dlrec:lor I • I / ··~ Letters To The Editor Airport Arithmetic To the Editor: (A copy of tbe loJJowiDg letter was sent to The Ensiqn.) Dear Superviaor Clark: I read in the media about your varioua accompU.h.menta for the year 1981. They were a awn· mary of your poaitions and belie&, to which you are entit- led. However, alMp will not come ·euily tonic;rht il I fail to challenge your pocition on John Wayne .All-port. For atarten, you convey the impr .... on that all of the. coun- ty'• air transportation problema would auddenly be 10lved iJ only ~ county could eapud Job Wayne Airport. Jor ~ _. oJ dilcu.l'fl, let "" ............ oen wave a maqio wand, d.iare- va.rcl the view of bom.ownen, bulineamen, the courts and a whole anay of othera who have opposed the expansion oJ John Wayne Airport and auddenly recreate the airport u ia propos- ed in the Ma.ater Plan adopted by the Superviaora February, 1981. Sued on that plan the aiiport will h.ave a capacity to handle 6.1 million pauenc;rers per year by the year 1990. That's fine, but how doe. one reconcile the fact that every .tudy conducted by the county c:onc:ludea that the requirement for aii traJUpOrta- hon in 1990 will be approx- imately 20 rrullion passengers per year. Some very simple arith.m.ehc indicates that some 14 millJon will ••ther nave to stay home or, perish the thouc;rht, drJVe. It ju.t aeema utterly ndlculous that the county ahould spend lOme $100 million to ex- pand an airport facility that simply will not do the job upon completion. Another item mentioned in your rei .... was a complaint about the 10-called ''vocal minority." From my obeervation point, the v~ minority repreM.Dta thoee who are iri favoJ of axpaulon of the air- port. It atrikM me that thoae who favor expao..aion repreaent aome very narrow inter .. te in the COWlly and could care leu what bappe.ru to the balance of tlae county 10 lonv u their view. are repr ... nted. Tlua doe. not '"Jil the riqbt way to oo. It ... ma to _. that U you teal· ly wiah to d.lenD.ine whet.Ur or not the people lJl tu county of Orano• want to expand JOhn Wayne Airport then ia allmp)e way of re.otvino tllet q\leetioa. All the BOard of &.lpervi.eon need ciO ia ~ th1a IM\ie oa the billot. ~ elk ~ peoPle •ttMMat~ral~ w....._orpt~_..lo _,.,. 1100 •UI'oe to -.Dd ... .,.. ~lpOit? .... w. ---•••atNdle...._.o.ce ....... Club. Unfortunately, the spellinq of my name wu incorrect which perhaps normally i.s not a aerioua problem except it com- pletely lOHa my identity to another: person and h.ckoround with which I have no relation- ship. In faot there are a lot oJ Halperi.na in Southem Califor- nia. I happen to be the only Helperin. I a1.ao had nothinv to do with buyinc;r Reavan'a houae and I am not the N .D. from Huntinc;rton Beach. I am merely a retired bu.aineama.n conaultinc;r fot business manavement. Jerome Helperin Slpal O.layw To the Editor: Tlait u an open letteJ" ooncem- inc;r the traffic control by livnal.e at the interaection of Dover Drive and Cout Hic;rhway in Newport Beach. Several m.Uliona of ta.xpayer dollara were inveated by CalTrana in the re ... rch, development and implement•· tion of the recently-decliceted bay bridge deaivned to alleviate the mauive traffic bottl~eck impoaed by the old bridc;re and ita antiquated ciroulation. But in apile of all the money, time and effort inv.ted, the problem cootinu .. to peraiat . . . vehiclM are beinc;r h.cked up at the lic;rna.l north of the bridc;re u lt runa throuqh ita c:yclM. S.huday eveJUJ19 at 11:45 p .m., eouth ana north at that interaection, there muat have been 25 can on Cout Hic;rhway patiently wailinc;r the aipal out for no vehicl• on Dover, no vehicl .. from Bay Shor•, no veh.icl• IDAkiDv tum.a into Dover or Bay Shor• that the aic;rnal routinely allocated time for. Why? All other livnal.e on Cout Hic;rhway vtve priority to c:out traffic: with the liqnal.e at intereectlon.a reepondino to dema.ndalonc;rwiththetum lipal.e. In Corona del Mat at Gold- enrod, the tionala theJ"e we-re cyclinv Aor no clemand at all from Golclcuod, end traffic wu inchinv th.rOuvh that lnter- aect.ion th.ree at a time beiore the red .topped cout traf& •vain all day all Dic;rllt repeated- ly .•. tM police, cbiven, merda.ant. mut u_,. reported thia • ..U u the Dover Bay Brldqe ~~pal. How ba.v a time ia required beiore CalTrua coneota wch c;rallinv nonMDM; what a wute of time, c;ruoline, aoney end patience that in the COIIIlJ)etitive world of commeroe would be diM.atroua. Bruce S. Hoppinc;r LaCjJUU Beach Funds For Art To the Editor: As a metnber of Frienda of the Art Commiaion and u a con· Mrvative Republican I can't ac· cept the idea of con.atanUy ask· inc;r City Hall for tupayera' dollara to aupport project. thai can be paid for tJuouc;rh 111· dependent commUllity contribu- hona. Without the ~'Prienda" the Art Commia.ion will have no alter· native but to reque~t lunda Jrom the city. Angela Ficker While CONSUMER CORNER JOURNAIJST'S JOURNAL bJ Jba Feltoaa Loov bejore Jo.n Irvin• Smith made hMdliD•, another Orenoe County landoWDer heir- ... conducted a eolitary cam- paivn for peece, crlticiaed what she called the super patriots, befriended ethnic minoril* and helped to develop the city of Ca.ta Neu. Her name wu Fanny Biz.by Spencer, the dauc;rhter of Jotham Bi.Kby, often referred to u "the father of Lonv Beach," and part of the Bixby family that once wu co-owner of the Irvine Ranch. At the recent m"tin9 of ~e Ca.ta Mesa Historical Society, author and hiatorian Ellen IC. Lee ducri.bed Fanny Bi.zby 10 vividly that the audience would have recoc;rnUed her il ahe had walltec:l into the room. She wu, accoJ"d.inc;r to hiator- ian Lee, a •lf-proclai:mecl aocialiat, intematicmalist, humanitarian, auHrac;rette, Settlement HoUM worker. She abo wu the fo.ter mother to acor• of deprlftd children. And she wu an ardent wrltel' and en acoompl.i.ahed poet end oU pe.iJlter. She wu a very com- plete penonality, but her f.a.m.Uy and her frienda considered her clitoraceful, and ahe under· atand.&bly wu not the moat popular pertcm in Coeta W.... When Fanny Bi.Kby Spencer and hel' huaband, C.ui, arrived in C<*a W... ln 1919, ahe wu the richMt woJUn in Southem California. Ccl bec..ae a prominent b\l.ll.nea devoeloper and wu larc;rely rMpozudbte for buildinc;r and prom.otiDc;r the bMn .. dlllltriGt on Newport Bo~ !lew liD 18dt. Uld , 4 19th. Tbete ,.... 0DJy 110 people in Cotta W... when tlaey arrlved. When aM died 11 yea.ra lateJ", the city !uad grown to 3,000. In tNt period, Fanny end Carl.tartec:l end endowed the libta.ry, donated pa.rb, encour- ac;red coauD~ty improvement. ''She wu rather tall and not unattractiYe," Ellen Lee Mid. "She wore her hair parted in the !Diddle and combed h.ck Mverely. She always had a white bloue or ahirt-waiat, with a hic;rh collar, end hic;rh shoes that weJ"e laced. It wu a m:>- clua co.tume, one ahe probably developed u a 10eial worker in the J)OOT varaent dt.trict of Bo.ton. She WOJ'e this same varb, day in and day out the rMt of heJ" Ufe." She wu bom in 1819 in the b.iatoric Buby home on Alamitoe Bay, the youn~ of n.b:l• chil- dren. Of four dauqaten, ahe wu the Ollly one to aurvive ao maturity. She Uved a aheltered UJe. When ahe wu 19, the f&mi. ly toured lurope, and Fanny wu shocked to .. the poftrty ln Napl• and Boae. She later att•ded Pomou Collec;re, then qr.duated from W.U.Jey in W....oh\UIIdbl. The Newport Eulp W~. Fehnaary 10.1112 PapS -BuUcloY& "The ultuute r.iolu.tion of tM whet h.ed been 90ino on. I think and th.t cou.n~ very hMvily ftc nHJ the project, and the the WOJDaA ... .._ more aware with ..... lpM(ied-up coutrucbon oi Newport ceDler '-ue, 1Jl which (CoiDUa.a.d f.roa J)e9e 1) thea tlae JDU of whet IDiQllt have PlWDJDer Mid the reJ.rendum PeiJcan Hill Road, from Cout everyone h. an mter..t, can "1 uMd h.1aa if 1w ooulclltand heppeDedif I hadn't IDoOVed in. (Continued from pa~ 1) wu gained by "di.a.bolic dece1t." Hlohway to Bcnuta Canyon Road and ahould wait a.notMr clAy, up,"..._ Nc'aJJecl. "I h.ed to o.t l•erytiae 1 puMd the table ahe Phil Mau•ez, uoth.er wp-She naJDed four 1tatementa on and San Joaqum Hilla Road. when we ucl tb. city can move beiU.Dclh.Jm. It wu a Uobt fit at .,rt oi rolled her .,.., and porter of the exp&.D.Iiou, voted the petition abe Mid bad been The compauy aa1d tb. proJect towud achievement of mutual tlae table, ucl be .,rt of lwcbed ahook her bead." aoaiDit repeal. He 1upported an u .. : th.t tb. propoeecl espan-would have brought S1 mill.Jon a ooall Ul • deliberate, thouohdul half-way to bil feet. 1 didn't Petm.ie Mid abe "didn't think UAiucc ... M motion that would 1ion would have been "mu· yMr "IUJJ)lUI revenu .. ·• to the and poeltive ID&!Ulel'," Shelton ..at. I Jut reecbed aroud him too much" about what ahe had have oUicially Ml the referen-tive," that it would have ln-city . lald. with. both anu, and medea fiat done util abe mentioned lt to dum in June. creued peak-hour traffic, that 11 Shelton told a reporter alter After the m.eting he told and placed it above bia wailt her moth.er that evening in their "This i1 a black day for would have meant more pauen· the m .. ting, "In our survey we reporter~, "At thi• time, we uve ucl coveted it with my left band San Clemente home. Newport Beach," Maurer said. gefl at John Wayne Airport, and found a lot of 1upport for no dehrute plant to cot:ne back ucl puaheclm and up-wtth ''She wanted to hMr 1t all," "The city will lose Sl.S million a that it would have brought 5,000 Newport Center. That'• a to the city with a perticular pro· quite a bit of prHI\Ue. . . Mid Pennie. "When I finilhed, year in ~ tax•• and S32 new employ"' competing for potitive thmg, m people'• pow at a perhcular time." "I mutt cont .... I wu more she threw her uma around me, mlliJon worth of road 1m-hou1ing. mtndt. Under government rul ... the aurpriNcl than be wu when the and Mid, 'Ob, my God.' I ouea provementl. "And the expanaaon of the expamaon m.y not be proposed plec:e oJ ioocl came out. It wu a that's when J realiaed what "The real losers are the peo-The "bncks and mortar" of center •• also a poathve thmg. agam for another year. pickle, and it ju.t abot out." might have happened." ple of Corona del Mar," he add-the exp&nllOD would have m · But the lrvme Co. expan110n of Music Centel' The JD&D-"ju.t average lize, Champ Clark, manager of ed. "They will conhnue to have eluded 715,000 ~quare feet of the center lS not pos1hve. People perb.a~ S-10, 160 poundt"-eat Muldoon's, aa.id be hopea to crowded streets for many years new office 8pACe, a 300-room Me that as oeqahve." down and took • t.w brMthl. He have all the staff trained in CPR. to come." luxury hotel with 100 attached Shelton, m h1.1 prepared alate-(Conhnued from paqe 1) and bia companion reaumed Pennie fi.niahed telling her Counctlwoman Ruthelyn condominium unttl, a 225,000-ment, blamed "the restdenhal their luncheon of I&Ildwicb .. -story, and relaxed, smiling. Plummer and Mayor ProTem square-foot r•!denhal buildtng le.uehold controversy," whtch Schumacher added, "We have and pickle. "Tell me, Pennie, did he leave Evelyn Hart JOtned. Maurer m and 20,000 square feet of he satd l.S the most tmportant of conhdence m thts proJect. We While the drama bad not you a tip?" trymg to set the referendum. restaurant apace. "a number of tsaues that have hope that our qaft w11l be one of eecaped the eight to 10 per10ns Pennie pau.Md. After all, in Hart argued, "The right of It would have requ1red, of the created an atmosphere whtc h hundreds of leadershtp gtfts that in the lounge, "everybody ... m. her buaineu the customer is referendum 1s one of the most makes 1t unlikely, tn an elecllon wtll be made by md.Jv1duals ed a little overwhelmed," Pennie alway• right, right? Important nqhts of the elec-company. S8 muhon Ul local '"'· tha~the Newport Center thro ughout our regton Thts l.S recalled. "There wu a buah, Diplomatically, she said, "It l torate. More than 10 percent of road improvements, a reduc hon plan could be dealt wtth ob1ec· an tnvestment m the fu ture of and people tried to minimize wun't my table." the voters s1gned the pehtion of 20 percent tn peak-hour traf-lively." our county " .... , ••• + •• .,._, ... _, 10. ·-n.. RewpottEMap . ... "' POUCEBLOTIER "••IIJ· P&l aJMD Jew.lrJ .ort~a ss.a,... "'.POrt.d ..._ tro. ~H. Dlgra.i in ·a bu9luY Ia the 100 block of Weat Wboe aow...rd. ARUSTS rtv. motomtl were ur..aecl oa aupjcioD of clnaak. clrimo, ~two fro. Newport BMch: WutJD Jo.pla Adame, 40, and Hugh Jennbup ~.so. Tz_j_,, Feb. I CRDOS One hunclrecl and ion, potmd. of cod filh, ..veu poade of aluiap, 35 pounda oJ ch•r•r and thne pouda oJ llq'Dicl .. eab ... e a&DOD9 $524 worth of food •ol• from SaltY• a....urant, 29311. Cout Hwy. ARRISTS nu-motorilts .. ,. ur..ted on MJ8pioioll of dnmbn clrivi.Do, iDchJding one frOJD Newport Beeda: n....a Lee Olbo'in, 28 ... Saclr'a CMryU MabJauoft, 37, of Yorba L&ac:la, wu a.n.ted oa IQI!JIIiCioG of ouryta9 • OOD· oeaJed hadpa ba • ftlaicle ... Willlaa Su.clk•, 18, oJ Plac.atia, WU &Jr..ted OD aupi· otoa of ou theft . . . Patrick Duiel Troy, Z'l, of Fountain van.,, ... aa.tecl on aupi- oioD ol bit and nan. ····~·'··' CRIW.IS A mobile telephcme valued at "·000 wu rwporteclltola from Jeffrey Broce s.. .. r iD • theft froaa a e&r i.D the 1.00 block of BW1l.ino T,.. ... A white quarts ring valu.d at $1,000 wu reporteclltolen hom Catherine I.elly while alte wu ahoppiJlg at • Jooti d.partmat ltore . . . A Penian ruo worth $10,000 Alld 50 video-taped movi• worth $4,500 ,.,.,. reported atoleD from GriMa Worad.ian in a Ofllta-14 , ..... CoDWoa b711opr AagJ. A police JDOtoroyle officer wu iD at&ble CODditioD yesterdAy afteJ"DDOn u he WlderweDt 8\UQery aftw a collision with a e&r. ltaDciy Pa.rbr, 27, a five-yeu Yeteran of the force, Sllffered ill· temal bleeding and poaible claaaCJe to hi8 kidneys and ..,Jeeu, Mid Sot. Steve Van Hom of lb. traffic d.i-Nion. Puker collided iJl the 2300 block of Cliff Drive with a car driftll by Petez Hau, 28, oJ Newport S..Ch. Police were in- v•tiQatino the cauae. Pubr'a left Jm .. wu aha in· jured and hi8 na.. wu ap· parently broken. He wu ap- parently .. vee~ from head injury by hit helmet, which wu QOUCiJ· ed and .:raped, Van Hom laid. Dedlt:C:W..nNBRspe Rallllay· The death of an alleoed rob-1979, he wu convicted of 22 ber ill • &.ncho CucaJDODQa felony counta of rape and rob- holdup CW... at leut one rape-bery ill Newport Beach, Tuatm, and-robbery caae he:re, Newport Alld fullerton, H.udy laid. Beach police believe. Lloll e.oaped from a cour- TOJiliDy hOlE, 35, of Riverside troom in POJDODAa durin9 a County, wu killed du..ri:no an at-prelimary hM.rillo July 31, 1981. tempt.d liquor llore atiohp Jan. He wu aha .u.spected of seven 21, lAid O.t. Bob Hardy. other, aiJDilar cri.mea in other hOlE wu wspected in the cities in Oranoe Coullty, and rape and robbery of a 33-yeu-rouohly the aame number in old IIWd .... rvice woman lut Riverside and San Bernardino AuC}USt in u~rt Crest. In ...,_ V • ....l --·~ ·~""~"' coun..._, ·~Y .eJQ. Mobil CARPET CLEANING System cou.o. Wd2r/elft ,,... • • tY>..,-.•"'to-•fr A MINIMUM 150 JOB ~S T Pill( Sf NT COU"'N .. T T 1-..f M C:L (AOjiH(; GOOO THRO FO 15 bu.rglary iD the lirat block of Sand Dollar Cow1 . . . A rifle and lhot9Q.D, thr" f:lahlav reela &Del a oa.ette player worth $780 ... reported .eoa-from Robert w. Grew in • burglary ol hil boat .tored i.D the 1100 block of Back Bay Road . . . ruahi.Dg tackle worth s-wu reported Jtola from Bruce T. Torrence while he wu unio.c:J. i.Dg bJa oa.r in the 2300 block of Port Lerwiok. ARRISTS Tb.r .. 18-yeu-old Santa Au men-loee Pedro Hemandea, Wutin Alvares Diu, and C..Io. LuucJ.-,,.,.,.. &r\Wtecl al Avocado and WateriroDt oD au.picion of auto burglary , .. Daniel AlfonJo Rodriquea, 31, oJ Newpo!t Be&ch, wu arreated Oll .uapicioll of receivino lmown atolen property . . . Jam• Leonard Callab&JD, 39, of Newport Beach, wu arr..ted Oll au.pioion of d.runken d.rivillo. Thuncla'f.Feb .• CRDa:S A car llereo worth $225 wu reported atolen l.rom Thomu Lee Peroutka iD the 900 block of Newport Center Drive • . . A oold watch Alld other itelll.l valued at $797 were reported atolen from Frw A. Robert.all in a locker burolary iDa loca.l couutry club ... A diamond rillg valued at $18,000, a bracelet worth $12,000 Alld a leather coat valued at $500 were reported atolen from Bill Ad&m.a in a burvluy in the 200 block of Tu.tm. Thr .. moton.at., noDe from Newport Beach , were arrested on auapicion of d.runken d.rivi.D9 . . . Martin Stephen Nodiano, 26, of Newport Beach, wu ar· railed on IU.Ipicion of pc••••· inCjJ cocaille for aa.le . . . Darlene Ann Ball, 27, of Oranoe, wa.a arrested on su.api- cion of poeaeainq cocaine. Frlday.Feb.5 CRIMES Jewelry worth $1,500 wu reported atolen from lreDe V Alldenbodoaard, ill a burc,lary in the 1100 block of Jambor" ~~2~ N=ANTS. CHILDREN$. TEENS AND ADULTS Quality Clothing & Accessories in excellent condition on consignment. (New Aocc:u1b Welcome) 336 POINSmAA VE. ~DB. MAR 671-6121 ~T. lh.-hl t0-6 Wed. a Sa&.~ Boed .•. Cull tot•ll"9 $2,!00 wu ~ .... tioa c,.. tbia JU.a BIIOWD ia • tW fro. h•r r...-o. Ia the Z200 block of Gold. Ctra1e ........ oifJcel ..,. npodecll'y .... iato .. 400 lfewport c.. .. Drift. c..aa ad IIOile9e ...... tot•'"'9 $133 ..,.. ta1DM ••• A ponaw. ~--worth $GS • wu NPOdecl**-&a. Barry R. Dwaou ia a bvv1uJ of.JL51 boat Ia llor~ Ia tbe 1100 block of Back Bay Ro.cl . . . J'ift doMD eQ9I, two ouee of bacon, tJu .. ouee ol &M., tov.r qellona of Mortenlng, two cu. of hot doQI and oae cue of poiiM .. uaave .. " reported lilol• from O.:r Wieaeraolmlbel, ~1 Jamboree. TotAl lOll: $528.71 ... J...U, worth $5,315 wu 1eported ltolen hom Suclra Lee Petef'IOD in a theft from her home iD the 800 block of Seelane ... J...U, worth $3,500 wu reponed llol.a from J&JD• S. llaton in a burgl&ry in the 4800 block of S..aho.re. ARJliSTS Mark Alan Obon, 22, oJ Newport Beao.b, wu an..aed on au.pioion of burolary . . . tive motorUta were ur..ted on auapi· cloD of d.runken clri'rino, none from Newport Beach . . . William Lannan Bran.niok, 18, of eo.ta W.., wu an..ted on tu.picion oJ properly theft . . . Arvay Hawa Lyona Jr., 30, O.nyl Johuon, 20, and Ronnie Ray O.taoa, 24, all oJ the to. Ano•l• .., .. , were ur..ted in . the 900 bloc;k of Newport C.Ater Prive on IIUipidon oJ car theft. Saturday. Feb. I CRDOS A TV Mt valued at $635 wu reported llolen from Cbri.atina WE PAY TOP s Idler 1D a buvJ,ary 1D the 2100 block of Aulfti'MJ'J ... A c:&r lltueo, ...... aad .,otb9Jat warda IN) .... ~ ..... froa ..... w. a..·. t.o.t 1D llor.,e Ia tJ.e 1100 WoOk of Beck ., Ro.cl. ABRI8TS wu.u.. ADctr.w o.u., 18, oJ Newport leecla, wu UNited oa ........ of bu9luY ... J .... QenW be, .1, of Laag -..cia, -...... eel Oil IWipicioa of Ulba,9 a .mor to trauport ..n- Juua lor ale ... rou.r aotodla we" &rnlted OD 8Upi• oioa of d.nuak. cirrftag, molud-mv coe &o.Jtewpon Beach: Richard ldwia Jonl, 21. IUDC~cr7.Peb.7 CRDOS Jewelry worth $497 wu reported ltole:A boa Richard lul Hoi'D Jr., Ia a buzvlary in the 5400 block oJ Neptune . . . Jewelry worth $15,880 wu reported ltola from Robert Goc •rD 1D a bwg~ i.D the 300 black of &..t Coue Hl9hway • . • Jew.~ry ud oulltotallav ua ..... ~ ..... bola Lillie .... CanoU i.D • buz9lary ua the a biQck of v~a Lido Nord .•. A IUoroprooe•or .. luct at S2,!JOO wu reported ~toteD froa Robert Loraaetti IDo., u aoooa•ataat, iD a bvglary m UPJ* Newport Plua . . . Gold oolleetor'a colu, .U.., ooiu, ud a O&D.._ tote ba9 worth $2,425 were reporteclllolu froa Harold Wlllud nu.,. m • bwglary in the 300 block of Jut Cout HIQhway. ARRISTS Slz motort.ta were ur..aed on NlpJcjoD oJ clnmbA clrivino, lDoludlDo two &om Newport Beach: Rioha.rd Wonieon Young, S9, and Mairead Wary ha.n.Uy, 23 ... Terri lbel, 24, oJ Garden Grove, wu a.rr..aed on 8Upioion of po11111tno oootine. THE 'I'FI ,EPHONE POLL 1'bl. WMir'• qaulloa: n... will be ao riDe,. There ia no Deed to talk. The "huo Do you •or .. with City Coun-11p' .ound yoq heu w your YOte cil re.oindin9 approval of ~ NOOrded. General Plan Amendment 80-3? l.c:illil...ar-1 qrnt10DJ ( s.. P•o• 1.) To 90te YES~ c:all 175 tltO •. To 90te NO. call875-7010 • Call anJti,rDe betw •• now and 8 a.m. Moaday to out your .yot•. Do you aupport Precident Reagan'• intent to uk $100 milliOD iD military Alld economic aid to E1 Salvador oovernment? • ~ 32% NO 88% FOIUMCLEAI UIEICA.IAI Irina Y041l C... 2823 East Coast Highway 675-1010 Ot llnf ~Equip. In for • IPPt I I CAL'S \\1-f Kll \ YS I() \\1 \\I I ._I ''''- !:1 au A~l & I::Jfl P\J L~:n mtt t rom lht> ............ Adulh SM. Childrt>n S~ ti I II hi.l "1t 1:1 til llhi:l-11.1~ . . LENNY'S hair design---llilllllll.. tor women and men 675-0823 5pecJcJimg In EUROPEAN HAIR COlOR FfOI"nell o# l1ofv creme 001 dftol ~ and low 01 I I I IOIQ for hecJm... and st'*1v he*. 70 vMd shodel. 0 0 0 0 S25 to $35 Fromesl Selss V.U co. dtlol ~ Pwms 0 0 S45 with cut and pre-co~ dtionef ~cut and styte $16 SPECIAL I~ORY OFFER '5otrcrrvi8Mce Hcus 9-6 Tu. ttYu Sat 2333 E. Coalt .. Corona ct.~ Mar beHnd s~ DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE nE HAR80ft AREA ·s F1NEST AND MOST EXCJ11NC PLACES TO DIN£ AND £HTERT AIN Flowerdale Cordiaii~Jnvites You to Attend CAMELLIA •• ... The Newport Ensagn Wednesday. february 10. 1912 P~ 7 PREP RCXJN[)(JP UFE by Cbrlstopb.r Lynch 0ecplte a 68·54 lou to El Toro, the Corona del Mar oarla' buketb&ll team remamed taed for brat place 10 the Sea Vaew LMoue wtth the Charoen View LMque .cllOil tAia -..k. Followutq a du.J match bet.-n the two on Monday, t.h. teama wall pr~re tor the s.. v~ lNoue tournament. City B· •etten DeBusk Both Schools Could Reach CIF Playoffs Sea Kings Show Poise Defeating Sailors, 53-44 Rival CciM Squad A. a r .. uJt of an El Toro lou to Irvine &nd CdM v1ctoriea over Saddleb.ck and Newport Har- bor, the Sea Kino• remamed an the race for a potenhal CIF playoff h.rth . In thear lou to El Toro the Sea Kmos were paced by the 19-polOt, 15-rebound per· formance of Laa Greenburo Eaoht teama hav. co•pteted tbr .. weeb of lee.qu• play iD the caty recrNtion department's wmter b.a.ketball 'A' Division. With the tiDal w .. k of S.. View LMoue play loomiDo ahead, it'a poaible, but not probable, that two Newport Beech tM.ma will be tapped for the CIJ playof&. Corona del Mar's 53-_... will over Newport Harbor left the S.. Kino• with an 11-1 S.. View Leaoue mark, oood enouoh for lint place, while the Sailors' record Jell to 8-4. That meana that Corona del Mar, if it beats Estancia tonioht and University Friday nioht, can clinch another leaoue title. However, Newport must win ita oames (aoainat University and Estancia, respec- tively) to k .. p pace with Costa Mua, which is hed with the Sailors for third. by llarcu8 Dleta The annual hu.keth&ll rivalry between Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar wu r•umed Jut Friday nioht and, u u.aual, the f.au of the two tNJU reacted accordinoly. One QUY. pr .. umably a Newport fan, wore a white robe with the ol' akull and croubon" displayed promiDently, alono with 80me kind of deroqatory statement in reference to Corona del Mar. Othen wore enouoh makeup to impr ... punk rockera, while parenta and trienda of the schools turned out in droves. In short, juat about all of the 1,400 fans in attendance at the Sailors' qym went at leut a little bit bonkera, in one way or the other. They saw what Corona del War coach Jack Inion would later call a typical, run-of-the- mill Newport-Sea Kino bAttle. In a 48-21 blowout of Saddle-• bAck, Marilee O.Cbner scored 14 po10ts and Ano1e Dodds, Jenny McNamee and JoAD Loos contributed strong efforts. When CdM hosted the SAllors of Newport Harbor Fndy DlQht, once agam McNamee, Dodds. Greenburg and O.Chner were the catalysts an a 60-32 vactory The Newport Harbor Qtrll held hockey team last week clinched a second-place berth LD next week's CIF playoiJs. Ranked seventh m the latest CIF poll, the Saalors, under coach Sharon Pietrok, have been led by the defenstve play of goalie Kttly Couts, Carne Hamtlton, and the sconno of Heather Stoddard and Beth Kenny. Newport. posessors of a 5 1-3 league record, w1ll conclude league play Thursday agaanst Manna Sta ndings w TuJa.nl&Jl War O.Vlh 3 Or&Jlqe Counly Scan 2 Hooten 2 Bottoms Up 2 Malarl•f• 2 Bombers 1 A~o 0 lohneton Jacun1 0 L T 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 l..u1 wMir'a ~~eor" Tum~ 66, Bombers S2. ~rk) 's 74, OC Stan 69. Bomh.rs 51 Koc;teu 2. Aero 0 (lori.tt), Bottom' Up 59 lolmaton Jacu..u1 58 CLASS C I>MSIO" Pac1IIC Mut...J 2 0 0 Daon Dubblen 2 0 0 RBF 2 0 0 So Coa_. Comm Church 2 1 1 0 Cooparl & Lybr&Jld 1 1 0 Pa.neU Kerr Fou ler I 1 0 SYCR <' 2 0 Sun O.v1la 0 2 0 Armco 0 2 0 So Coast Comm Church 1 0 2 0 L.ut wMir's scor" O.on 55, SCCC No 2 43, Cooper• 38, PanneU 37. O.on 57 Sun O.v&l.J 53 Armco 27, Pac1bc Mutual 65 SYCR 49, RBF 46, SCCC No I 45 L..st wMir's ICOr .. LA Boys Baalretb&ll 5th cmd lth grad.e NB Warnors 35 Halqbts Jan 23, Mannen Mu.nchen 27, &a.!bluff Bluen II BuJfalo RW1ALA9 Wadqe 18, CYC Swuheu 12 3rd cmd 4th grade. The Muatanoa, though, face two of the leaoue'a weaker aquads, Irvme and El Toro, and Jiqure to will both. So, in euence, Newport must beat two oood te.un.a juat to force a coin toea for thud. Only the top three hmahera in the eioht·team league advance to the CIF playotfa. And in the midat of all thia frensy, two tea.ma played an excellent oa.me before a aold-out ("We're not lettino anyone elae in here, 11 one harried offictal told police officers at the door) crowd. In the end, the better team waa Corona del Mar, All EYES are on that ball headed for the basket as Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor cagers battle in last week's "city showdown" Sea Ktngs •nclude (from left) Kurt Peterson 1231 and Chr~s Lynch. top The Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor wresthng learns conclude thea laBt week of Sea Buffalo H.U. 7S.n 22, He~e.ahts Ru.n ntnq RebeLs IS. Bu!Ulo Hilla Sla:mmen 20 He1qbta BuJieu 1) Marmen AU.tan 19 t(B l.aJten 9. CYC Swuhen 2, NB L..kere 0 (torfe•t) Estancia, at 10-2 an league and 18-4 overall, ia )Uit a oame behind Corona del Mar, and thua hu valid title upirations. University, at 7-5, is still cling· ino to playotf hopes-but the bopea are alioht. If Eatancia loaea two thia week, aoaiDst Newport and Corona del Mar, and Newport and Coata Meaa win both of their oam .. , then a three-way tie for second would develop, with a coin tou detenrunino which two team• advance. 53-44. "They are the better team, II a convinced Newport coach Jerry DeBuak u.id later. "If you notic- ed our players, they were ont- tinq their teeth, bearing thear heada down ... The Corona QUYI were much more poised, more amooth. "They almoat ... med effortleu in their motion.a," be continued, RONNING ON by Dcm Logan George Muon, last year's Tbia Valenhne's Day, appro-overall wanner, covered the pnately, 1s the Second Annual course an 49:57. The overall Sweatan' Sweethearts 10-muer at team winners were Dennas and Muon Parle. The race, pattern-Ruth Caldwell an a comb\ned ed after the popular Trev1ra time of 1:51:58, almost hve Twosome an New York City, 11 minutes ahead of &rb1e for couples. Tbe1r hmes are Ludovi.se and Brian Hunsaker comb1ned, and the fastest patr {1 :56:50). Ruth Caldwell was the wins. hrst woman to finish, 26th Lut year's race drew 195 overall, in 57:14. She waa five teama The course 11 an unusual manutes ahead of Kay Harpold scorer "though you know they were exertanq themselves as much as we were. That's the mark of a oreal team." And that's exactly the reputa· tion the Sea Kinqa are rapidly build.inq. Several times 10 the second half the Sailora, who fell behind early. staged ralliea, but each time key baa.keta from the Sea Kano•' Chris Lynch or Mike Heu or Hank Goebel would atop the comebAck. Sinpson Joins FootbaD Camp Buffalo Bills defensive bAck Bill Sampson, now an oH-Hason adverhaanq execuhve for lhas newspaper, will JOin former Los Angles Rams teammates Jam Younqblood, John Cappelletti and hm Jodat an conducting a Fundamental Football Camp Wath the Pros Plans for the camp wall be an· nounced Thursday at a luncheon at the Cam1no O'Bnan restaurant , 6197 Ball Rd . Cypress. For anformallon, call 952-1200 one, followlnQ Uruversaty to Th11 year Caldwell baa an an,ury Mac Arthur where 1t pa cks up and will not be runntno Fitzel Honored Boruta Canyon Road for a long, The race beq1na at 8 a .m , Go rd1e Fttzel. Orange Coast gradual upball tbrouoh Turtle and race day entnes wall be College women's cross-country Rock At Radgelane the course accepted, although no T-ahuts coach, has been named com- ooes downhtll for ala last three will be avaliable fo r the late mun1ty college women's cross- mal ... at .. p)y at hrst, then more entnes. The entry fee 11 S6 per country coach of the year by the oradually on Un aversaty team. CahJornaa Coaches Assocaataon Four-Year Schools Pick Up 9 Pirates Nane Orange Co.ut College settled on the Azteca after belnQ led the Bucs an tackles tn '81 footbAll players have receaved recrwted by a host of achoola. w1th 119, wall go to San Jose full athletac scholarabaps to Steve Bulhnqton, OCC'a State Outsade linebac ker Lee conhnue theu gnd careers at durunuhve oiJenatve center Wheeler as ticketed for Eastern four-year colleges and untver-(5-10, 190 pounda), wtll JOln Washangton, and mstde hne- sahes. Johnson at Sa.n Dieoo Stale baclcer Mark Gnllon wall go to Ed Stnnoer, a 6-6, 250-pound Bullington, a oraduate of Western New MexiCO . offensiVe tackle, has been ptck-Newport Harbor Htgh, was con· Taalbac k John Hughes bas ed up by the Umver11ty of atdered one of the best punt and SXJned to go to Humboldt State Oreqon. field ooaJ snappers rn JC foot One other OCC star ts consad James Johnson, a 6-3, 215-bAll Jut Mason erang scholarah1p offers from pound outaade bnebaclcer, w1ll Scott Collins, a ..cond team three schools Taalback M1tch 00 to San D1eqo State. Johnson, aU -conference maddJe ouard, O lson as bemq recrutted by a hrat team All-Soulh Coast haa aaoned at ldah() State Wh1ther College, Cal Lutheran Conference chotce lut season. Lnebae ker Rob Mella. who and Western New Mextco Two Clubs Host r;::=============:.....__:-=-..:=_ -------. Big Regatta Set Far Weekend br Nary Waper UntU U.e Mdy 19601 the Scntthera C&liforD'-Y"htiDo A.-oe~Uoa Wldwinter Reqatta wu alwaya held iD t.be Loe Aa(lelea ud LGJ.9 leeola hac- bora. Ho .. w,, wit. tll• en triM Ucl9I'OW'Il to 800 or mo.re U beca .. IULID&D~ lor race oo-••tt-ud la ..._ 18'101 y-.clat clv.be liOGI W.riu dial a., lo N.wport ~ had ben ill· cl..-cl a. lloiO. 11a.La ,..., It ~u a.-at..cW to lite Sea DSevo MARINE SCENE 20cl ..... luide the harbo.1, Lado lale ud Newport Hatbor Yacht Club. will co-~ the rae• for tlae Luer A a I, S.U Boarda, ud ,._ple. SUot A, I , C. Senior aad Ower 40 0...... • • • A a.. ......... Cltceu laGtD9 Club (WOIC) ... a.. ..... u.Md .. lM c..,..,......, Yeclat Clu lor WC:.C Milon ID t.M Newport a4 Deaa Potat ...... a .w .., oltkial wo,ac ....... Satloa ad ...... ,..., lent ....... feet or under an lenqth • • IJI)() ISL£ Y ACKT CI.U. 1A.H1A ()()lliWtmAJI YACHT a.u. YA1DTIIIIIIlOA TT A UDO 14-l (Mry Thora• (BC'YC). 2 DNn Fultoe (SSYC) l..ASSR -1 Jerry Nor••• (BCTC). 2 Jack W•lloy (PVSA ), l Wtb Plac:h•y (8CYC) SNlPI 1 W la9liM (Capo IYC) SA.IOT A-1 Jo..oa Norca•o (BCYC). 2 0...• Cooo (NKYC), 3 T1• c-1 (ICYC) lA lOT l St-C&.rll (ICTC). 2 O.nus ,,.., (ICYC). 3 Muk Fr..co (UYC): 4 Molly s .. r1 (ICTC) SA.aT C 1-Jiilie tkl~ao {1C1C) IAIOT c 2-l c. •• MI n.pn (UCT). 2 C.O.y Gt1Moe (UYC) lAD. IOUDS-T,..... ~ (\JYC) .... lMtt: I 'let' ... ~ a.c.. O.a ... a #'fto~....,....IMI•••.._. UIC...._. ..... uc .... ......,. ....... uc ... o.... .. uo ............ Lynch, in partacular, was btghly effechve, scoung 22 poanta and taking command of the Corona del Mar attack lD the fourth quarter. He alao bad c1 couple of key aasiats and steals. ''Cbns was effective under preuure," ErTion conceded, "but that didn't aurpnM me. He alwaya 11. I'd aay that 95 percent of the hme when we've needed h1m to make a bag bAsket, he's done at for us." Stuart Smith Leads Beach ~wknmers Paced by Stuart Smtth watb two second-places ~nd four thuds, the Newport sechon of Beach Sw1m Club swam well at the Cerntos Aquahcs 'AB' meet Jan. 30-31 at Cernlos College Results: 11-12 Gl.rla. ·A· Dl•taloa.: S.manlba Snuth, 5th. SO breASt 36 20, 6th, 100 breU1. 1 19 57 GeorqLAa Sm1th. 4th, SO frM 28 n T DIYi.aloo: Samantha Smuh 41h SO ..._ 29 80 6lh 200 1M 2 39 23 13-1. aop. -A-Olrialoo: AJaz Cren sh•w 6th 100 trM 5S 25, T Dl.wloll: Alez Crenshaw, I• 200 fly 2 18.86 15-11 Gl.rla. ~A~ I>i'riaioD: l.ulda Robb, 4th, 200 rly, 2 22 95, T I>tn.ioo: I.mda Robb. 4th. 100 bacll. 1 15.80 15·11 aoya •A• DtortaioD: Geor9e SuahkoH. 6th. 500 lrM. 5·11 29 (Also IWtmmLAQ LA thu aqe qroup were K&reJl C rumon and Ptper A..otua&nnO ) 17-11 aop. ·AM Dt..woe: cu.ru. Muon. 4th. 100 breut, 1:05 10. TUD Sm1th, 4th, 200 breut, 2 20.30. Sth, 100 breut. 1 05 30. 5th. 400 I W . 4·41 lO Stu.an Sm1th, 21ld, 200 tr-. 1 SO 21' 211d, 200 1 w 2-()6 70, 3rd. 100 bt..-. I 03 90 3rd. 200 breut. 2 18 SO. 3rd 100 Dy 56 SO, 3td, 400 1 W 4 3o4.30. UCI Cagers Get Two More Chances Hopmo to NQTOup a.lteT two touob louea, UC 1rvtne travela to Sa.n Joae State tomorrow DJQht and meets leaoue-lead.anq Fremo State an Freano Saturday. Both games beqan at 8 and wall be broadcast hve on KWVE, FM-108 Saturday's meehng wath Fresno State wil l also be seen live nahonally on ESPN The Anteaters' mag1c waned last wee k when they fell by one to San Jose, 58-57, and then lost an overhme to Fresno State, 55-49 before 8,456 at Long Beach Arena Fresno captured hrst place m the Pac tlac Coast Athlehc Assoc1atton w1th a 7-1 record UCI dropped to second place at 6 2 Overall, the Anteaters are 17 3 "Ot course I'm d1r.appoanted wath the way thtngs worked out ..... Cll " •• •• t l ,, ... 14 .... Itt "lt U Mfl 141 Pl~l\114 ftfl /U ,_ 1~114 .... /\I lut w .. k." MYI Coach Btll Mullio&n. "I thought we played hard and wtth a lot of 1ntensaty espectally agaLDst Fresno We JUst cLdn't shoot very well and that's been our strong poanl all year. We got good shots, we lUSt dadn't hat them "So now we've put ourselves m a hole We play the same two learns at then place, and we 're m a S1luataon where we ha ve to wan JUSt to get even an the rctce "We've battled through some tough SltUcl ltOnS thas yecH but th1s week has to be our baggest c hallenge ' All-Amertca .:enter Kev1n Magee leads the Anteaters 1n scormq and reboundanq wt th averages of 27 potnts dnd I 3 re bounds a qame Guard Rand., Whaeldon ha~ a ~ 5 potnl average • UC lrvme coed Kathleen Mc- Cartney, a Costa Wua rea1den t. won the women's d.ivuJon of the HawAJJ TnathJon 1.ut week tn Hawau McCartney completed the gruelanQ race 10 10 hours, 57 m1nutes. Contestants swan 2 4 mtles m the ocean, btked 112 males and ran a marathon-26 miles, 285 yards. Julae Moss of Los Altos waJ; the womens' runner-up The mens' wanner. Scott Tanley of San Otego, completed the race tn 9 hours. 19 manutes UC lrvtne s womens' basket ball team 1mproved ats record to 12 11 last week Wlth v1ctoraes over U S International and Fresno State Mildr ed Seamster Fine Art "" ,.. .... , .. •• •• 1\\ Mil l t\ ••• 1 ,,, ORIGINAL OU.S hMit Woo4 J.U.. l.llta Jeu Dwft Clllhld sa.IJT AatoiM teet a.tllrt A re»e Is o roee ....,. .... Gdlet A b'ist Is o dlftltrent motter n.e s ontv one Ocn KennedV 641 081 0 • Stone Mtll Bustness Park 2915 Red Htll Ave • Costa Mesa WI CAl PUT Y .... FUU.·Itll .. -.san lMEMCAI CAa 01 _.l. XWW AAOtAlS For a l ew 11 t il •1l • ,,,,1,, . ................. -· ..... , ... ·----~ ·----~ I 'Your Hobby As A TAX TIPS is a "rvice •up- plied by Rudy &ron, CPA of Boron Accountancy Corporo· tion, a Newport Beach-based accounting firm specialning in tax and occounting ~~ervices lor unaJJ and medium brninest~eS. Bobby Venus 8\laln .. The tu regulations do not permit a deduction for hobby loaM; yet il your hobby ia profitable, it may hav~ become a business and subject to income tu ... There ia no s1mple answer for when a hobby is a busin ... or visa versa. U your activity ahoWB a profit in two out of five con- secutive years, 11 will not be dMmed a hobby unless the IRS can prove otherwise (two out of aeven yean for breeding, tram· inq, showing or racing horses). The two out of five year test (seven years for horses) is not conclusive. The regulations pro- vide several other factors wha ch help determine whether you have a hobby or an "activity engaged in for profit." The following list is not presented tn any order of preference, nor does it limit the number of fa cton which the IRS can con· aider in makinq its determina- tion. 1) Are complete and accuzate boob kept and is the activity carried on in a bu.aineuli.ke manner. 2) Proper preparation to enter the given activity u to accepted buain ... practice, educahon, or consultation with those who are ezperta in the field. 3) The time and effol't e~ded in relation to the recreational upecll of the activ- lty and the amount of time taken from other profitable acuvtu ... This peraonal involvement may be replaced by hiring qualified personnel to carry on the activi· ty. 4) hpectatlon that uaet• uaed in activity may appreciate in value. S) The success of the talllpayer in carrying on aimilar activiti .. in the past. 6) Loaes in the start-up years will not nec:esaarily be held against you tf they are cuatomary in the industry or if they are due to unforeseen circumstances. 7) The profit yean aa compared to loss years to date when related to the investment and the fair market value of the a.aeta used. 8) Are there other 10urces of income being offset by the loaee generated 1n tbia activity. 9) Elements oJ penonal pleuure or recTMtion. The above facton will be part of what determin• whether you are penaitted to take a J.o. on certain activtti ... NewDepCMIIta More than $8 JDilllcm 1D new de~ta bad been received by the ad of bu.in..i boun on opening day at Pacific National Bank, aocord.tng to Jam .. B. Lynch, prMident and chief executift officer. The locally-owned, nationally· chartered bank opened a few daya &tlQ at 4665 MacArthur Court-the oomer of MacArthur Boulevard and BJ..rch Street-in Newport Beach. Lynch attributed the unuaually high tint-day depoeita to the support and enthuaia.lm of the board of directon and ahare- holden, and to the five-man team of buain .. development people who work directly with Newport/Irvine bu.tn ...... Lynch wu found.tng pr-.ident and chief eaecutive officer of Irvine National Bank before it wu merqed into Heritaqe Bank. HUNTINGTON HARBOR-WATERFRONT Exactingly built and elegantly detailed 4 bedroom Country French. 115 feet on boy point for Iorge yacht ard exciting water oriented views. Priced thousands urder comparobte homes In Newport Beach wtth fabulous terms. Worth comparing. $995.000 644-9060 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT BEACH ~-------~~-----~~-~-~---------~, 1 Yew"'"""""" te~Nchd ~, e.c"'"'" oe w. u.a. • u.a. a...,.. .. , ,... Ide•.., .... ,... ... I tulttr ,., w..e ..... •• ...........,. n.e. D ........... Mt •--.. ecoount., .._.. erM~te noe 1 iMufM ltJ .. ,._,.. ............. l.oM ....... t.CI eor,.r.IM. -~---~------------~------------~ NEWPORT BEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach. CA 92660 (714) 833-8383 .... acc ... ..._ a.,... ....... ... roraaua. ola ... latwaa· tioaal aoooutla9 9fOGP of 34 flrma wtth 700 putJMn iA 23 COUDb'Me WM ~ ia Newport BMcll IMt week by ros a Cg. ad Lo:Ddaa·bued ldw&rd koon A..,a~et•. a .... a .. To ~ ''The ....U home II un to pu.u.t 1D a cpoap U..t l.Dcluded ttay, ud people are wtlliDg to Walter~. AlA, pr-.i· U.-lD tMee ...U.r ~ tJ deat of uodaer Newpott Beech they .,. functional, livable and firm, IUcliard.oca Nagy Mutin. affordable," Arthur C . Daniel-The pcael .. phuued the Ia, AlA, told an audi~ at architect'• prohl...,eolvtng role the recent National A.oolation in ita preNiltatlon to .,_e 1,500 of Home Bu.ilden annual con· houaiDg 1.ud\181ry ~. YUtloD bat.. Vevae. ~-Nid that baadlbag of Du.ieltan, pr...._t of an the a\ltomobile ill laad planning Oper&t1Dq boa .,. thaa ~ of&ee worldwide, the 9J0UP lut JMI Mel btl.lin98 to&ali.Aq $190 llll.lllioD, accordiDq to J'oa off:l- oiala. awud-winDiAq architectural and and hoWling deGqu will COD· plan•lDq firm bued in NewPort Unue to be a mo1t cnt1cal Beach, wu moderator and upect. COME AND ENJOY A. VERY SPECIAL MINI-SERIES Peter & The Wotf Sun~Feb.21, 7:30p.m. St h Bran de 11bur ~~ Concer: f) Sat., Mareh 20,8 p.m. Both •t NrNJJOrt HtJrbor High S chool Auditori'!'" Handel's Messiah Sat~ AprillO, 1:30 p.m. University High S chool Auditorium Irvine Symphony Orchestra ,-::--------------------, I Addo£'ss ___________ c, v ------- I ~a ..... ________ Bus Tt~ ___ H .. r,., ---1 1 NH qf St·•ws To(ko• ~ p,.,,, e... r ' ---,..-------------..., I No of S111gle TICkets __ p •• ,, r •• __ (),, ,. ___ _ SE'ties TtCkf• S f22 3 1 d fl6 Cl•t•t k p,oy,lbll" l·v•' Sv"'' v')" •'!> .,, I Ma111o lrvuoe Svonphtuoy O•chestra. 17614 I ·tl.t Ap !)(' 1 vo• o• r · 9)7 '" S II HJI(' T1Ckc .s f818 a •. d t6•• I "call I .• Is. .... ' 7"4• ~,JI 1567 C (.H ICei'S I & II I Of Chafge r VISA Mastel Card (llll O.o' Acc·•un N Au ' ••IPd S• t •' "'' --------f7 andf5 Conce1 · Ill 1 Tocloeswuobl• ··•<1 1 •v "•' k ,r,ft,,," .•. ..,!>., • •'II'"' 11v ··'" ~-------~-----------~ FOWL PLAY The local daily paper has discovered our traffic problem. In a one-shot, two-section blast of journalistic overkill, it explained the whole thing to us last week. The conclusions that could be drawn from the report were: ( 1) Traffic's a mess and its going to get worse, (2) The county leadership has allowed runaway real estate development to get far ahead of our transportation system's ability to handle the development. This is the old "chicken or the egg" question. Which came first , the pro- blems or the clucks who hatched the problems? Now, they want to hatch more problems by continuing heavy developments when their own studies tell them traffic is falling further and further behind. Doesn't it make sense to slow development until we get some traffic so lutions in place, such as the planned mass transit corridor through the county? If we don't, then the politi- cians are telling us they are going to make us pay. They egg us on by saying it will take more than $20 billion of LOCAL money to build a transportation system to serve the massive development they are approving. They are look- ing at 14 ways of taxing us to pay the bill. The favorite way is a sales tax in- crease. Do you know who pays sales taxes? Not the business community, as the Chamber of Commerce boys like to lead us to believe. The politicians and developers are crowing "that residents will become so frustrated with increasing traffic congestion they will vote an extra cent of sales tax -or some such taxing advice -to make commuting easier," the report says. On the other hand, we might just become so frustrated we will throw the foxes out of the henhouse and insist that traffic solutions be in place before any more intense development is allowed. S.P.o.·N. JUMBO RATE CE"TIFICATE UO.OOO llkllesb!LIWI I eL MDey• ~ ANNUAL llA Tl lnlp•p st PPno /ty For Early W•thc/rowal I MONTH MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES .. I I laASfDON !lot.•· ........ s 10 000 U'fCltVf ANNUAt ftftO I •••••• , ,.....,.,, lOt lOtty W·~...ol · t,., •.-ou., 10 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE II• I M.n-vot S I 000 ,,., • .,,..'let,., ,., fonv w.~Owof l...,·IIKIOH., ' The M•wport Ensign Wedoeeday. february 10. a• Page I rolla unorMMCI cookae FOOD ino proc .... ) Serve on ·~oheth noodJ ... Mak .. 4 MrYUlQI. prepued wtth 101tant cream oJ muahl'oom .oup mix. The clever hHrt-ehaped crust is eutly made ustn<; refriQerated crescent rolls. Served with a toued salad and whde wine, thu brunch for lovera aurely would be Cupad's choice. cream of mushroom .oup nux .1/4 cup water 1/4 cup whate w1ne 1-l/;! cupa chopped In med.aum bowl, blend anstant crMm oJ muahroom .oup mllt wtlh water and Wlne; lhr .n shnmp, ch ..... almonds, pamteoto a.nd dill. ah .. t Spoon hUanQ on h .. r1, lMvanQ a 1·tnch border ADd moundinQ shohtly 10 the center Top Wlth remauuno aquue and cut to ht bottom he•rt; ...J The EIWgn &nvit• reeden to at.abmit recipe. ~. t!ua col· ~. Write to Foo8, c/o Cout Wed.i• Ne .. Gro\lp, m1 I . Cout Hwy., Dept. 00, Cor· ou del War, C. 92625. Include your nUt. and ecld,... Recipe. will be edited for l.Doth. U you want to be aJD009 the Sl cont ... taDta oo•pettDo to the 1982 N•Uou.l Chicken CookiDo Couteat in Texu lh1a awnmer for a total of $20,000 in pda•, now'a the time to oet out yow favorite chicken recipe and Qet in OD the fun. The dHdUbe for enterino the 34th an· nual competJtioo is April 1. A winner from each atate and the Oiatrict ot Columbaa will be choeen to take part in the national cook·off Auo. 18 at Loewa Anatole Dallas. And a prize oJ $10,000 await• thia year's beat chicken recipe. The bio chicken cook·oH has been held each year aince 1949. The National Broiler Council, sponsor, says It's easy to enter. Just write your name, ad· dress and telephone number on each recape and maal before Apnl 1 to: Chicken. Coolest, Box 28158 Central Sta· lion, Wuhinoton, DC 20005. In addition to the lop $10,000 pri%e, there will be four other bag win.aen: S.C,OOO aecond prise; $3,000, third; $2,000, fourth and $1,000, fifth. Each state winner will receave an expense·paid tnp to the national competi- tion. If you have a chicken dish that brinos raves each hme you aerve at, why not aend it in? It may be a recipe passed down throuoh oenerahons, one CjJiven to you by a friend or one you pedected throuQh "' Mveral revisaons. The only requued tngre- dient 11 chicken and ' yoa may UN it whole tt or any part or parta. Recipes should be wnl· ten for four Mrv1DQS. Lut year•• $10,000 recipe wu "Impossible Chicken Pie," entered by the South Dakota contat. To help you start thinkino about a recipe that could make you one of th1s year's winners, serve youJ' £amily "BuHet Chicken," a dash that m"ts all contest re· quirements. tomatoea and cook over hagh heat for 5 minut•. Add chicken parts and cook anothw 10 minutea, until only a little liquid remains. (Note: Do not cover at any lime durino cook-. Valentlne'a l'eclpe Heavenly Hearl For Two 11 perfect for a apecial Va.leoUne'a Day brunch celebration. BrimminQ with shrimp, • Swia cheeH and almonds, this rectpe 11 delicately flavored wtlh a mushroom,wane cream sauce, quac kly Heave nly Heart !;'or Two 2 envelopes mslanl cooied ahnmp 112 c:up shredded Sw111 cb. .... (&bout 2 oz ) 1/4 c::up chopped Almond. 2 ta.bleapoons chopped p·tmtento 1/4 teaspoon d11l \',eed 1 package (8 oz.) refnge rated c rescent PrehHI oven to 375°. Separate dough an half. On floured board, roll eac h half rnlo lO·tnch square. Cut m slightly on 1 square to form heart shape; place on edg .. tiohtly with fork . u .. tnmmanQI, &f d"ired, to form "az· row" for heart. BaJr.e 15 maoules or until oolden brown. Mak .. 2 Mrv· IOQI. Pl .... , do not include brand nam .. in your recape. I'IIICU UffCTIV( wtD Fll 10 fHIIU TUU fU II 1112 •u DUAl! Tin IIIGHTI IIUUVU NO SAU TO IIUlW 011 fOIIIIUAU CNl COMIKIICW. ._.. OST L CE OPEl PRESIDEIT'S DAYI 0 Rl JIM W.IO& a n .. WNel IUO IITURIL IITIMIIS, SHI PODS, DRESSIIIS I SIICI HAVf • TASIE FOil fiiUH IUlll IIlilS WHICH YOU CAN WliG .. AIIO TAll£ •s MUCH 011 llfll( AS YOU WAIIP UY THf 8Ul. IOOOS S(CIIOH WHICH CAIIIIIfS YOU II IAVOIIIT( IHMS IIOIIMA LL V ASSOCIAII 0 Wll H HIAllH 1000 SIOIIIS I HilS GOOD ONlY AT )I. U llOA ll VD CHft ll OUI IH( lllfMUIOOUS UIIAY Of IIATUIIAl SMACIS NATUIIAl lfV(II-(;tS NAIUIIAl JUICES AIIO llATUIIAl OAIIIY I'IIOOUCTS All •vAILAill fOil fOt•ll rfiiSOUl l•SH AtUOfMA tiiOOUCIS Alit • GIIUI f(AIUII! or !HI NUI IIITIOM&l SHO' Head Shampoo·:.~~· 99 ft! .a•ulk 39e ~Rolled Oats ·-· llfG Otl SALT fiiH SlUM( H(lll 011 WHIAI G£11111 B-.Jtll Vallq atoned ~ ~::C:kers •ot:·99e ~ W..tbrae Natural $9 ot9 ~Apple Juice:.\· . .& ~ ~ Haln Turblnaclo ~Sugar ;'OU IO IOMATO W(Gf lAi lt 011 IUM .a Health Valley $ J '& ~Soups ·:~-.:- EIIEWHON .a Whole Wheat ~Spaghetti LOWER PRICES OVERALL GUARANTEED! ....,... ••!IllS • • 9 ,. .. "-..,._, , S9 .... s.wua ._, • S9 PT. CTN. .. , L1ra. PORT'S OST COMPLE1fE OT FOODS DELli •• P6ece a.r ... a thtt ..... Clllell-_ .... .. ( JfliUIII & llt\1 &•11&1 111 1111 I IM \' CUStOM IIIAUI '•M" t~n , II • '' ""''"" YOU II '*HOI I ~.-1' Twe ... ., .lwllq L•.: .... -tz•• -·1" .. .,, LTa. NEWPORT 'S OST COMPLETE F ESH HOT BAKERY ....... .... " .... " -.. ........ , •. The research results are overwhelming. . New National Smoker Study provides solid evidence that 'Enriched Flavor,: MERIT offers a satisfying alternative to higher tar cigarettes. MERITlaste Sparks Switch. Nationwide survey reveals over 90% of MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 94% don't even miss their former brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT an easy switch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best- tasting low tar. they 've ever tried. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That C~tte smq Is ~ous to Your HeiNl In addition, extensive unmarked-pack tests con- firm that MERI"f delivers a winning coml:>ination of taste and low ta.r when com- pared against higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The over- whelming majc,rity reported MERIT taste e(.]Ual to-or better than -lt~ading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. , MERIT Fdter ~eywanettes: The Joy Of Caring by Jody B.ck• It began u an "emergency'' protect UDderta.ken on the Fourth of July. Aa reco<}llized in the Letters to the Editor column in this peper July 14, the Corona del Mu Hiob School Keywanettea C lub .pent an exhauating day cleaning a filthy, inMct-infftted apartment. Despite the heat, the girls scrubbed and .wept to pro- VIde a clean shelter for a Lao- tian family recently emigrated to the United States. "We are involved in a number of service projects within the Disneyland was a real trip fOf this Asian group, shown with two of their escorts. Keywanettes Katie Riley and Kathleen Beauchamp. Debbie Loofbourrow. 18, Keywanettes pres1dent, teaches these Laotian youngsters how to swim. HARBORLITES by DlDa YOD Burger It waa heartwarlD.lnQ to learn that due to your support two re- cent benehta were .ell-outs: The r•ponM to the Newport S..ch Chapter of IOI's Children's VillaQe, USA, lun- cheon held at the S.Jbo. Bay Club wu overwheluun9-so •11da 80 that two extra tables had to be •t up and some 1D- divid\Wa bad to be turned away. H.len Cbkle, presadent of the N•wpozt Beach chapter, welcomed and thanked the questa for their support and then introduced Sara O'NNra, one of lh• ori9inal founders. She an- aou.ooed to the pecked bouse tb.et a Children'• Villa9• pllot pcoqra.a hu made the greatest iuo6da toto the i.Dterutlonal provra• of child abu.. This WU ecbaowledQed at a COD· t.renc• held receAt)y an Holland. Aa a ....Wt, the palot pr09ram will be worklDg 1D con- Juetio:n wll• tM wuvenit • of &walord, Manard. ~~~-.. Ctucago and Flonda 1D theu ef- forts to br1Dg an end to LhtS af- fltcllon of our day. f oUOWlDCJ tbu 9lad hdmgs, Saks ftfth Avenue pr ... nted the elegant Spnng and Sommer Collection of Davtd H.ayft. The desagner, who had come to oar· rate the faaruon show, was so touched by this phtlanthrop1c endeavor that he penonally donated one oJ hU clauica to help the couse to the sheer delight of winner Nancy Kauer. Just a few oJ the other dona- tiona and winners which were an keepmg with the uplifting mood: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youn9's H.awalian Holiday lor Two: Cheryl Howatd; Mr. and Mn Phil 01MA'a O...rt Holiday: Pat- ti IYau; Bla~kman Jewe.len' 9old ring: 0U¥e 81acbto:ne, lt.aunjian'a jewela: Dolor• Smith; and )accrue-' of Newport Center C)OrQeOus lo.s jacket waa cwmed by an ecstallc Lon Brown. Amoo9 tboee not harned away -. ... Virouua Dey, Doaaa com.mumty, but dunng the put year the Laotian fa.mi.ly baa been the motl outstanding. We can really ... that our help is maJr- mg a bio diHerence in their liv .. ," says Debi Loofbounow, 18, president of the CdM IC.eywanettea. The projects the clu.b has m· stituted to acclimate the 10 members of the Hong-Thong family to their new home in- clude English lessons, a fam1ly excursion to Disneyland and teaching the children how to swim. The clu.b recently hosted the family and several other refug ... who have settled 1n Oran9e County at a holiday dm- ner. During the meal, Phinh Hong-Thong, the father, rose to thank the group for 1ts efforts on beha.U of the family since ita ar- rival in America. An interpreter from the Catholic Resettlement At Irvine Tet"race home of Keywanette Ris• Mosmann Keywanene K1m P1llsbury. 17. helps youngsters with their holiday dinner Agency ot OiaJlge County traan.alated hu message. Relat81 Debt, "He ezpressed that since arriving an the United These are the Keywanettes who demonstra:ed o utstanding community spirit Front center IS pre~denl Oebb•e Loofbourrnw: front left IS Jody Becker. mtern repor·er wilt~ wrn•e accompanying story Bali.sky, Betty Andrews, Pat ICendnck, Lynne Cukle, Marilyn Mc Carthy. Ann Caspen, Ann Hall, Conme Olson, Barb1e Walker, Laura Rutledge, Jan Washington, Em- ma Jane Riley. Ruth Dnscoll, •----··-Fedderson, Fran Owens he latter lS a charter member of the NB Chapter), Flon Noble, EtheUyn Wal.ker, Joan Wuhama (mana9er of the Eaatbluff Branch of Secunty Pac 1hc Bani, who donated the table favors), Donna Htll, Mane-France Lefebre, Cherrie Kin9. Dell Sullivan, JoAnn Ward, Cam HoU1eld and Mary Roosevelt. Hats oU to Pat Coi, Pnscilla Mornaaon and their commtttee 1D presenting a lovely event "for the Love o£ a Child." The other sell-out waa the Na - honal Chanty League Jumors' maqac al evemng at ltlog1C' Island About 420 attended tb11 an- nual event (sold-out back an December!), whlcb be:nebted COPES and Ha9h Hopes. Here, too, wonct.rful door puzes (55 an total) we re donated: a Mog1C' Island membership won by Norma and Ed Andres; a C olo de Caz.a weekend: Ray Rames; Sheua C oulter won a Steven Thomas Anhque , a nd Ed Wallen won the use of an RV donated by Dave Rentals Others en}Oymg the eve01ng whic h also ancluded a runner and legerdemam e ntertamment, were Sue and Don Lockwood, Manlyn and Tom Walley, Bo and Brooke Bentley, Terry Hanes and Mark Jo hnson, Juhe and Martm Krupoff , Dee and John Parker, Kathy and Rachard Tekata, Paula and Gerard Baahaanen, O.ane and Marty Kordack, Ga1l and Robert Cnruru, Betsy and James Hawkms, Lorrame and Ken Kengla, Jaclyn and Greg Johnson, Kay and Ke rk Lesh. Joyce and Gene Marhn. Amy and Peter Veath and Carol and Robtn W uiJfson Chan ty helps Chanty Over at the Newport Harbor Art NUMurn'a Sculpture Garden Stat .. we had made thear lives better then they had ever ima- ed .. qm . The task of resettling refugees is usually a church or CIVIC prO}· eel However, the CdM Keywa- nettea are not e.uuy tnhm1dated, and eagerly tackled the respon- stbilihes and problems 10volved, as they do wtlh the doz.ens of other proJects they undertake. Tbu past year the e1ght--vear old, 40-member club bas become mvolved 10 more com- munity Mrvace proJectS then ever before. The Amen can Cancer Soc1ety, Park Supenor Convalescent Ho me. OASIS Senior Center, Fa1rv1ew State Hospital, Headstart PrOQrams and a tutonng Mrvtc e at the local Boys' Club ue among the projecta to whlch clu.b members devote lune on a w .. kly or bi- weekly beau. Spon.sored by the ICJwanas Clu.b of Corona del Mar. the ICeywanettes also work on p rOJ eels m con}unch on wtth the high school's Key C lub Most recent- ly, the two groups collected food and clothtng donahons from withm the commumty wh1ch was Cafe . Manlvn Kaun, c ha1rman of spectal parties fo r the Museum Counc1l. presented a dehc1ous lunc heon for the O range County Ph&lharmomc Socaety's annual luckolf lund raasmg dnve Nearly 1.600 OCPS members will parhcapate m thl!' effort, the p roceeds of wh1c h br~ng mus1c programs to 250 000 OC school c b.Jdren and renowned soloasts toOC This year Barbara K&lponen (busy lady-she receaved the '81 Junaor Woman of the Year Award) heads the dnve and hopes to ra1se $100,000 Harborlites atlend mq were Rose Smedegaa rd, Helen LeMay, Nancy Posch, Joyce Reaume, Lenore Silky Chap ·Ll t· tie, Martha Green, M.uy Johnson, Ma n a Francas, Pat Stayne r, Jea n Ta ndowsky (shar ang her Me:11ca n Holiday an which she v1ewed from d ug outs "Palapa 1n Jalapa"), Barbara Re11l y, Ma rvle dei.AH!uw wlhan Fabregas. Sara Ramsey, Mary Marg•ret Fansler L1b by Brownsberger and K1tty KnoJ: When people are lOvolved an a "Heal't to Heart" Gala, you blow d hu to be an outs~nd1n9 dehvered to the Casa de la Esperan z.a Orphanage I.D Tl- JUana. At several yearly convenhooa the clu.b has been recocpuzed by the Caltfom•a-Nevacla-H.awa.u Keywanette Oiatnct u the mo.t outstanchng clu.b in the Dmnct. Club adv1sor Michele Cella, a CdM Htqh Lahn and French teacher, says she baa ... n what an 1mpact the qirls have had on the commumty. "I thmk the most pos.thve th10g we have done u a qroup 11 to show the com.mun.aty that there al'e teena<;Jers who do more than sit in hont of the TV and complain oJ boredom. n. ... are young people who do cal'e and who do get mvolved," abe M.ld. Deb1 conclud ... "We'-.e accoapllsbed a qr .. t deal tbJ.s put ,_..,. and each pro,ect b.u bad tls own sJgn.ibcance. The L.ouan fannJy hu been very spectal They have illustrated to us (the clu.b members) that our efforts are appr.C.ated, that we've been tnstrumental 10 im· provmg theu hves That's really wha1 achve can ng lS all about." succ ess On Feb. 20th . the OC C hapter oi the Amencan Heart Assoc1ahon will bold at the South Coast Plaza Hotel a black- h@·Ophonal fund · ra1se r, wruc h should prove to be one of the most elegant of evenmgs . The hono ra ry eJtecuhve com- nutlee promises to attend Jam .. Roosevelt Ray Malavasi, Frank Smatra , h {posstbly Seruor rumself!) Buddy Ibsen. John Ra1tt (an Orange Counhan, who rec e ntly ma rned has h1gh-acbool sweethean-50 vears later -a.h, lust love), Harnett N~on, Maureen Reagan, Joseph W•m- bauqh. and Vmc e Fe rragamo (a rec ent daddv). Gene Ro bert.on, nallonally recognaz.ed concert p1anast and Les Brown and Hu Band ol Renown wall entertatn wath lots more surpnse& 10 store Co-chaumen Path Gues and JoAnn@ Stewart a re dehghted w1th the respon&e to thas AHA prem1ere, espectally s1Dce such bus1nesses as Bentley and Amer1can Edwards Laboratorwa, Rockwell lntemahonal, George L Brown Insurance , Sm1th Tool, Sh1ley, Inc and Crowell-~ay have so generously contnbuted to the underwnhn9 of thu elon I BON APPEI'fl' by Peggy Cottoo We )earn of a new re.taurant UAally u a tip from a col- ~. or from promotional mat.ml •nt from the owner. We band Cafe Lido by reading a ad in our fti'J own newt- paper. Open ju.at four month.a, c.Je Lido Ll jldt what it wu plumed to be, a cozy little nei9laborhood cafe with aome oric;rina.l touch•. and a nice approec:h to the Mrving of wine. Owner Joe Sperraaaa is an ezperienced r•taurateur who came from New York to visit frienda ill California and fell in love with our climate. While his reaaurant waa being remodeled, he coached tellDU and soccer at Tustin High School. His wife, Shirley, is a hostess ill the evening and atill coaches tennis at the high .chool. Cafe Lido is divided in two aectio.u, Mparated by an attrac- tive little bar. One dining area is fu.ruiahed with tables and chain to accommodate large parties and families; the other is intimate with booths for two, candlelic;rht and flowers. Toc;rether the dining rooms seat no more than SO patrons . The menu can be cluaified u "continental," with a few preparation• from the French, a few from the Italian, and a smat- tering of Amerlcc atandbya. The wine list hu been peraonal- ly chosen by Sperrana, and i.a a nice ahowcue of California vin- tages. Pricinc;r is fair, retail plua two dollan, and each evening a fine wine is oHered by the c;rlua for $2.50. The hou .. wine is from Foppiano, offered at $6.50 a full litre. We began with a shared appe· tizer of Oysters Rockefeller. which except for the oysters and the spinach had \ittle resem- blance to the real thing. Created by Jules Alciatore, the son of the legendary Antoine of New Orleans, thu dish is made up of 18 ingredients, including absinthe, and because it is ao rich it was named after one of America's wealthiest citizens. The Cafe Lido version contained nice fresh little Bluepoints, but they were buried under a load of spinach and topped with Hollandaise. We were intrigued by the hot, freah and aromabc bread, a layered loaf with a hue of tqUwbreecl with ralalaa, thea a rich pwapens.ickel, topped wnb ~b. Dinaer iDc:ludee a choi~ of. 80UP OT ..W, and I choee e lovely uaooah. caull- Oower eoup, cr ... y ad rich, ... toDe«~ with bed. and a touch ol. ca.,..... Ny COIDp&nion'a u.J.d CODtained tM uua.l gTMU, enli~ by a Dijon mu.ta~-buecl d,..mg. '"'-re ue three ~ diah• and thne beef; three chicken prepuationa and liz ....tood, one ol which ia a fresh catch of the day. Pric:ee begin at $7.25 for chicken; veal diahee ue $9.95 to $10.95. Beef and ...food diah• ren.ct com- parable pricee. Ny choic. wu Ala•hn Crablega, steamed perlectly, tweet and tecler, Mrvecl with lemon and drawn butter. They were accompanied by a babel potato and cauli- flower, which ... med to be the vec;retable of the day. Ny companion ordered Veal Pann..an, accompaaied by a aide c:liah of apac;rhetti. The ....I wu baked tender, topped with a marinara aauce an~oazarella. The same sauce wu nt on the apaghetU, and we thought it a bit raw and im.ma· ture. We learned that another veal diah, the Veal French, made of medallions ill a white wine, lemon and butter aau~. is a prize-winning recipe, given by a friend ill Rocheetw, New York. My companion choee, and I tuted, a~ deaert, Mocha Jtahlua Ch--.ca.b, made with a nut-filled brownie hue, rich ch.-cake center, topped with a fine ICah.lua ............................................................................................................................ ~- Cafe Lido 11 open for clinneT MoM.y thi'OQ9b Saturday. uc:l for lunch Monday tlnCMtc;rla Fri- day, cloeed Sunday. Located at 2900 Newport Blvd. in Newpor\ ~ch, call679-2968 for re.r- vaUona. • • • Ve&eohoe'• Dey bnno•.,.. apee.al a.labrehODI to the ,..aauraot world. GaU1JillD'I lD l.a9~UY 8each'1 San w...rt-Hol.t tnU ofter • tJAIA dtooeT Feb. 12 lluo\l9h 15, W11h pate IIW.WOG, ahcecl -oked ...t.o., IIPi-eh ..W, • chotce of Beef WeUiuvtoo, Ctucba Jeruaeleot or,,._,. F.ah dll c..t, •,.d W11b Potet~ A.lu\a or nee pilaf aad two ' . ............. , •. r.-tMrn.ow ehocola .. _,... wW be ott.nd u ~tt • .ad ...... "ill be • botiJe of c....,..._* Mdl coop)e, • ...t ,_. aad • boa of chocolaa. for the &ady. Fl.nd price loT th• d.JDJMr lor two • $56, aod ~·&u ........ c..u 49t·Ol62 . Tbe Warehoue "ill olt.r V&leolm. .peciala botb S.hm:l&y, reb. 13, aacl Su.oday, r.a,. 14. Ant.UW, v-ta will .,_lor thoei.r pottra.t, "laich will bac:OIM a~~ cud. Tbe Ch.f'• ..,.a.J d,i.a_, wW oiJer ru.c of Beef wUb ~ poe.to., ~; or bUed File~ ol Sole 8NIOAH. A.oother chon • S..U aod ~ • ..nth • choice of -P or ..W. Tbere "ill be • ClwaJ*lAe Bnmch oo Sa hanley ... -u u Swacley, 1nlh tr.h frw•. au.fbu, mlwDa~ ..W., lpeCMDy prepared SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA A FOOD TO GO TBAT YOUR VALIN11NI TO 0Nr Of CMM Dll.lCIOUS PAinYPLAnasl For .U Yo• Catel'llla Needs COME TO SAM'S 1909 Hart.or Blvtl. ~St. ~~·-· -·-ud (~y babel .... ,. •. Call 6731100 to ....,.. Hc:iu.UIIao'• ,.u fMhlre a ~r for two OD VeiMtioe'• WMkeod,_priced .. 121.1!5 ~r couple, ... huiov fu.t top&*~ with .......... M~ plut JWDbo Urlap OYer Mrbed t.ltuoc;iaJ. Tbere trill be Hou.llba'e hou. ...W, .... aecl ~ te.blel, aad •rewberry parfait fo.r d-rt. C.U 7S2.fi023 to ...,... HOUSING? READ '"E CLASSIFIEDS •••••••••••• Treat your 8weetheart to the c,Airporter f:Jnn Wotel ••• &s•• r••"••••'llu• .. 'lt'D"'Y" ~- ~t1nct1n W.nfront Dtnina • Oyster Bar • Cocktaa.ls )}}) W. haf.c eo.t t{ctlw.y, Newport lbcb ~-!Om Acccpttd • 642-2295 DINNERS e OPEN 7 NIGHTa & ·10 PM £1'11oy ~r ftne ~le Mofoccon food. l..arnb-«<ck COtl'lish ~ hen-<hidlen--rabbi~~ b'stollo frMh boiled breod-ond much, much mor.. .......... ,.. R£S£1NATIONS Pl£lf.o (714) 840-3024 6910 WARNER AVE. AT 8PRJNGDALE IN TMI TMIUniiiAIIT C.NTia MUNTIHTOII MACH •••••••••••••••••••• ~-----------------------------------. Charbroaled to perirction, this skewued combmation of ttuck Cop sirloin steak and plump shrimp is KMd with rice pilaf and a broilled sboNa of fresh mushrooms. onions 6: beD peppers. plus your chok:c of dam~. soup oft~ day or mixed~ sUd~ a half loaf ol warm bud a buttEr. I ~YOVICat? call C\auln.d 673-0550 q;~·, lol'ftllloi'UO (714) 673-3830 501 Park Ave .. Balboa Island She'll love you for it! lilldit••·-· Ro. s.Mn O..,r Pil 8rundi 9:30-3:00 DinNr--' Fri. a S.t. 5:30.11:00 Sun 5:3(). 1 0:00 f« ReseNDns tall 833-2770 AWARD WINNING New York Style CHEESECAKE ~«; .. UK~&E 11.4&13 AN 805-'NT •ast:aT .. .._ ......... ................. MR. o•s CHEESECAKE CO. flU SAWU 811 W _.. St PIIOI TO P\ltOtASI COSTA 1tUA 631·5318 ~ ... fiiCIM. .. f 11 SCHOOLS • DfSTBOCTIOM PAA&MTS: Give JOUI ch11d.t.a tM chaaoe to edacat• t.hlr bod! ... Tiay Tota fltn-and CJYIIUiutics. Bo,., 01111, aU &9•· hroU now· Jr. viM GJ1a11uua. 546· 1218. --TUTORING: Cr.cf.a. tl.aled, Ill )'0\U hom•. h~rt.nc.cl, patwnt. NatA, alo•bra, g~m•· try. Fr•nch, Sp&Dilh, r..dmg, .-llino. lA· lah, aU proticlnct..., ooU.O• ~.d.. 873 6013 NUSlC INSTRUCTlON -Gllit&r, woodwl.od. and braa. Muac theory. Learu to laproviM GI.a Thoruton-Truap, 552-atSS PRJV ATE FRINCH l•eeone with native Fr•nch ~r.oo. Call .lter6p m . 551·1218. APPLE SCHOOL A _..111que 1Mruan9 •• per-c• lnd1v1dual a.aed proorama APPLE SCHOOL 557-1753 14PETS• UVESTOCK AKC DOBIJU4A.H f2&)• red. and bt.cu and up. 496-1103 AKC MINI Schnau&er l•male 1~ y..n. E•· cell•nt 661-1043 1emperameot IS GARAGE SALES TOO MANY ITEMS TO US1 PUle drop I-I table $45, lu9e oak frame muror $25, loot· •ool S8. old oak cha1r $1, marble wuhllud $165. 1856 pane ch.-m . larc~• pane 32· drawer apothoeary cab- Ulet $3!10, V IC1oriaD balloon· bee ked chair 530 prmta aad ham• Sl-ho Friday and Saturday, 9 to S, 1622 Wonrov .. , 10 alley b.t· -n 16tA and 17th MrMU,CoeuW.... SWAP MEET l..ry Bwsday, 8 a.m. to 3 fi:· Oranv• Coal! Co •· F&lNI•w and A.rlJAqton, Coeta w- S.U.r r-rvation11hn· formation, ca ll 556- 5880 GARAGE SA.Ll Friday and S.hudat' 10 a .m to S & m 11 lconderoo• (o Bryant and Col oolal). lrvme --- II HEALTH HOM! CARl NUAS· lNG ava~lable by ••• peuenced. llceneed practw:al nurM R•ler encee Competitive rat• 6 houn m1n1mum 960-0045 ------ 23 HELP WANTED I II HEALTH LOSI WIIGHT HOW 10 to a l.be. Ul 30 da,. or JOV $31 7! for J. •OAlth'• wppll return· .d. Call IW\BA.U11 cliltrlbutor, Wlchelle, 1545-5423. BOTHEJW) BY LOUD DOIMe lro• airport, ,,..,.,,_, lolld music, barldao doo• or monDCJ llpOUiee? Solve your not. problem oow. Call your Heui.Dq Health c..... DISTRIBUTOR 551-9804 18 ENTERT AIM VALENTINE BALLOONS Unique, ~nonalia.cl I QiJt. O.l.a"red locally Order today "8alloon• cf Newport," 1545-6445 THE BILL YDA.NC!R Stud1o -CdW otlere ent•rtclU1ment for aU OC· CUIO" and C~ an the ut ol b.llyd&nce. CaU 731-4!74 PUPPET SHO=:-W":":S:--~for very epactal birthday part1e1. club or church parUM CaU Pat Wllaoo, 547-1090. 891-3765. nNE WUSIC lor All oc· ca11ooa. Peaumbra Band. All 1tudard. to rock. Call 645-8368 BINGO· Cuh pri~HI St. Cath•rloe'• Panllh Hall (neat toJ DukM), South eo... HI.Qbwey, l.aqWia Beach Thun· day, 7:30 p m Early Btrd-7:15 19GIFT SUGGES· noNS LOVE BALLOONS S.nd eomeooe you love a bouquet of 30 heltum bolloou Perfecl lor V alanttne'e day. Per .ooal me .. 9e We de IJVer. 673-4419 S.ve tlu.ad 23HELP WANTED SECRETARY W • need a IIIClretary who wanl• to be part of our eaci.llDQ Pro~rty Man,emeot DlvllllOO 1.0 OIU N8t ~~ You m \1M type !0· SS wpm and have qood 1hort· hand akilla. Qood math and commUDIC&.IIOD 1killl are a110 requued. Real ..tate backqrouod would be helpful We oUar • eompre· heomv• beneht packaqe wblch 1acludee ar:1 employ-MVIOQI plan. educahon•l reunburM· men!, employ" refer· raJ. IDcenhve proqrara and employ" banlrtnq pnvlleq .. In Newport Beach call for appt or 1top by lo1 Interview Monday Fnday, 9-4 p m Ted E.mmooa 4667 ~acA.rthur Blvd Nowport Beach 92660 (714) 558·5440 FIRST INTERSTATE BANK a.. ... I a., .. ·-.~,.._~~~ PEOPLE WHO UJ[E talkin9 people will love thia job! W• need ener(Jetlc, arhc ulat• people to caU from our oft1ce. FuU or part hme. O.y or evenin(J ahifta available. Starhn(J Mlary $4/hour. No •JlPer- ience nec:e ... ry We w1ll tr&lD you CaU betwMD 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for detaila. CPM Re ... rch, (71•) 5-45- 1458. EARN $825.00 PER WEEK 23 HELP WANTED SECRETARY Type 60, d icta phon ... deta1l, mor· tayc bonlrera. A true PRO 'or IWI Hew port Com $16,200 GEN'L OmCE La9una Beach 23BELP WAJn'ED I.A.RH S8 PU HOUR •lliDCJ Avoa product• Part·lla• n"' your ho... or In yo1.1.1 work place CaU Carol Slrel· ly, 540-7041. - JOBS OVIRSlA.S -B~ IIIODef fMI ~.000 to m .ooo plwt per ,...r Call 1· 716-842-6000. .... 420$. UIIOJifEY WAJCTED NrN J.aoery L9Uieet· IA9 Co Be laionned for protectiOn ol eaclbDCJ Dew IA"ot10" Ma.· &au.aa nak 20~ Polen· tlal return 10 to 20 tlm• lnveetraeot Wuum1.1m IAv.tment $5,000 ReJ and full detatl.a to q~l.cii.Dv.-ton Rep- ly to P.O Boa 1353, Norwalk. CA 9065(1. tl f'UIUII1'VJlE DNG INWIB8PRING e&tra·hra aattr-let. n.ver uaed Worth S530 Sac rallc• 1248 del N.ver ulled cro-Ja·au, worth $399 -cub on)J S218 del Uwally hom• 754-73!0 PIH A.Ht> Of~ SUTCH of your hoae or boat lor harrili:ICJI•atlooery S7! Newport Hoi.IH and Yacht Product 675 64U5. SAVE SLO PES FROM ltA.IN 25 roU. 4-mll 20'al00' V1aqueeo plutlc Call 1oWrea 52 RDn'ALS TO SHARE QUIET DOII·8mOIIIDCJ male, 20-40, wanted 10 M.re 3-bedroom fur C0111hed lrv~n• bou.~~e Pool a.od uhhh .. 1nclud· ed $275 month Ken. 551-8578, evenUIQI NOW RENTING I a.nd 2 bed room Q&rdeo apartment• Cloee to h .. way, b..cb and walJr to thoppl.OCJ H1.1111 IOQtOn S..Ch arM (714) 847 6064 UNlOU! APART S675 LOW -tiHo- monlh rent lor Turtle Rock ho~AM IJl eacbanqe lor teoant maiAI&UIUlCJ and ahow1119 lor Nle Adwta only 833 38111 L••rn wo 1d UVB-IN HOUSEX.UP 0892. WO VJNG. MUST SUL eleqant WIUMd eota bed. oak. 6-p~• bed room let. $3!!0. Coatem· porery eoJa and love· -t. oriqtaal $1,300. aacn.hce uao. SoUd paca.11 coH• 'Uld end tabt.e wtth wall UDila, beautltul l!H color TV, $185 Smoked 9la11 dinette let. $350 No JW. !verythm9 mi.DI &M-5310. number 1·800 532-3972. uk lor Peooya&ver Ad· watch M7409 NEWPoRT BEACH - Share lovely Harbor V1•w home, aU coove- at-CM, non·•molu.oq prof-tonal lady SJSO WENTS aod towoho~ wllh cathedral cethnqa. ltreploc"· wei bars. &II cond111 onlnQ , pool• a&unaa qym. teonu couru Lm.m.ci~Ate av&ll able I bedroom ud den I bedroom 2 bed room 2 bath town "£NT Al =-5 bedrooa. pool, ~. CUIIIOID beth, recreational c•ole r S995 monthly Wta.on Vleto 9!11 7000 day., no. 2202 evenmQII proceuor T 70 S13.200 CONSULTANT OUROmCE r .. 11 J D lor family WltA 2 boy• I -------- (3 yMn and 1 year) 29 MONEY TO Gen•ral hoi&MkMPtn9. LOAN lauAdry, lronlnq, allo --~--=----=---=-=-· eome cM!d care. O...re WIDOW HAS WONEY lruld. mature woman lor Trull Dead•. $10,000 MI.IM love children. b · 1.1p. No credit cbeckaloo ~rieneed, relereuc•. .,.oalty. Call 0.01.10D ED911ah trpMking 642· A.oc .. IM. 673-7311 BILLY -BED lor-~ 4 ~o~nopened 6-p eclu, $2,000 or bMt oller Call toWr-aumb.r I 800· 532-3972, uk for PeDJlY· a&ver Ad watch N7439. tncl1.1de s u11ht••• 644 4136 STUDENT ROOMMATE NEEDED to ahara lar9• new condo nMr UCI $21'!;1month Call 552 9268 ~lore 7 p m I~- boUHS Sorry. no ~·· 2400 Harbor Blvd . Cotta M"' 557-8020 lu.._.. .... ,.. .......... , 2990 I HA VI MOHrt to loan U APPUAHCES 1 8 -WONTH -OLD SEARS ltenmore relriq· erator dowrl and lrMMr above $.400/beet oHer Call tollb• niUilber 1-800-542-6345, ulr lor PeonyHver Adwatcb M6322 PORTABLE RED WOOD and marble 1pa lor Mle Never UMd TEACHER. lemale Coroo• del Mer .uea preierred S..b re •pone1ble roommate HollM to be loc••ed 673-3789 R£NT LAGUNA unlur n11h ed one bedroom apar1men1 f ull aun w11h oc-.n/moWli.Un vtew eun dec k, qaro9e encloled yard. pnvale road Good envuon meot S675 499·1997 •• ,. .. dl ,, .._ ...... IJ311H COUNTD H.El.P oe.cl· eel YuU·hme esperl· eoce preferred, but will tral.ll Call Georqe or Howard. 546· 7680, WubmQton Cl .. nera. LEARN TO -EARN SUIOiwMk. Work 1-2 hourw datly 1tulhn9 envelop.-S.od Mlf· addreued .tamped eo· velo~ to Reqal. 424 ' w... Commoow .. 11A,I ~2 L, Fullerton, CA. HOUSEKEEPERS PART TIME lmmed .. te o~nmqt lD your area. N., taaM Withheld. Make S-4 to S6.2S per hour Call Dana'1, 750-082~ t.olatiJul ... wpcwl Center ofhce wtlh uM ol reception, cooter •nee room. kttch•n. phooe, Mc retaual and word proc-oq MAll ud ~~~~· .. , v1c• av&Jiable •par ately 1f d..ued CollSoUy 11}ti ~IOO Selling Your Cat? CaH C~fled 673-0S50 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR WELLS FARGO BANK ha1 ao 1mmed· tale opentoq In th~ commerc iAl banktnq qroup admtnlslrahve depl located tn 1he Newporl f •n<tnCHt l Center Th~ aucc ... Jul cand•· doh.• w1ll have up•or renee on IBM D1apl.sy W nter or Sy11em 6 Mu-1 b• able 10 handl• h1qh volume ol both lextural •nd ~t.stuucal report r tep.stal\oo lor a •Jroup vf admm11tra ltVt' >5nd dnalyiiCCIIl Sl<tlf W til lrCIInSCrl~ dtct.sled maleuol lor correspondence Mu~t po~sa qood v~rb.ol .snd wnll•n communt ClitiOn 'ktlla lyp• 65 plu• wpm and hav .. lrnuwledQf' :.1 d1CI<1 phon .. [xcell~n• l11nqe bt'ne ftll and prOiftOIIOOAI oppo rtu nlllt't For lurthet mlo con •act MARGOT BAR~ (714) 973 !!148 (ll( OD YOIU bome Low Ul· tereet, lrM appralaal 7· day Mtvlce, credu no problem. Ball, (714) g&4.3195 JUMBO SECONDS - Compehhve rat•• Brour 1.0qum• IAvlled lmmedtate luodto9 Broker, 847-6006. MO NEY , MONEY, homeowner~· Loan~~ by phone, 2nd and 3rd Trull DeecLr tulored to your attua110n or oeeda Call hm. day, 1119bt. wMkend.l 586-9127 CALL US LASTI!! Sur· pn1m~ere ate 2nd Tr\181 available at eacept10o.Uy low co.! wllh com~hllve anter• r&IM and prompt Mrv· 1ce We anvil• you to cbeck our refereoc" 20 yean' ••~nence lA the lendtnq tndll8try Pure h ... or equitY loalll on I to 4 u.n!t.l ManUDum loan arraoqed 11 $10,000 C&N Floanc1al S.rvtc.. 1.1 1 par.onal property broker neqo· tlator All 10&1111 are col· lator.Ulted by • com· b~nat10o of real/pereonal (HO~rty Call Sieve Thompeoo, (714) 836· 5982 day•, (714) 552· 2806 evenUI9~· 301USINESS OPPTYS NDD UT1lA. tNCOWi -Saall More owu•n. -.d ..Ua cub? We WA.SHIJVDRYU, SIJS each. Re hlierator. $225 Fr•Mr. CorulQ'D· meat •tore. day. 859 0682. 710-6585 .. MUSICAL IMSTRMNTS PlANO -JCawa.~ US S0-52" 1.1pri9ht Ebony IUI..b. miDI cond1t1oo Coat 14,200 Sell $3,000 CaU toWr" number 1·800·532·3972, uk for PeDJlyuve r Ad watch M7457. 4SOmCE P111d $4,000 S•ll $2,000 Call toutr.. oumber 1·800·532·3972, uk tor Peooy .. ver Ad- watch W7428 SWING SET wtlh play· bollM. $1,200 value lor $400 Call tolllr .. oumber 1-800· 532 ·l'n2, uk lor Pennyaevar Ad· watch N6276 51 WANT TO BUY WANTED OLD GUNS. rtflM, aboi9WII , poclt:et watcbe1, military •word. S.no\18 collac· tor -pay• more than any dealer 581-8870 WANTED fURNI· TUftE. epphanCM (r• lnqeraton, wuhen, C HRISTIAN worlnnq woman wanted 10 thare Newpor1 B.ach oc-n Iron! bome Prtv&le quut•r• R-80o•ble real 1n escbao9• lor aome dnvanq. 642 0251 MA LEIF!MALI to ahara larqe 3 bedroom houae Fu epl•c• puvale qara9e and bath Noo·amoker S32S plu1 112 uttltt••• 979-9992 ROOMMA. TE Suat9h1. reaponetble non •moker Share La9uaa bouae w11h worktn9 11udeo1 S275 494 2605 OCEANfRO NT REN T A.L Mo•t elequt Apartmeol butld1.09 Ul wq=• Beach f tn ... locauon in lown Breath tali:UIQ VteWI All bu1lt uu. h-Ied pooL Sub terraoean qareqe elevator IAaM only S8SO and up 330 CWl Dr 494·8083 54 APARTMENTS FURNISHED FURNISHID La9una S..Ch lu.uno\11 111ud10 Spa, TV ma1d •rv1ce phone SllS •-kly 499-2227 dryen. tv·.. workUI9' se HOUSES non-workUICJ AnllquM, 52 RENTALS TO UJfFU1U0S11ED pta.lloa, oUlce lurruture a u a a r EQUIPMENT SSCAS. (714) 957-8161 ~ FOR RENT N1quel --YEMA.Ll ooo ~~moker Shor• home Pnvate IBW NAG CARD 0 I WANTED USI D FUR no pet• BedJoom lur area. lenou pool word proc-109 .,.tem NrTURE , moderal•n o..bed u.. of whole b..cb. 3 bedroom. 2 Eacelleot cond1t1on llque Relrlqetaton. lovely hVIDQ' qu.r1ere, 4 both den. famtly room $4,450 or b..t offer Call I waahers, dryere (work· blocks from oc-n SJOO hreplace. dlDlOQ. small Sally, (714) 76().0100 1n9, DOD·Work1n9) t-per month pl1.18 J/2 OC .. D v1•w S975 INDULGE "'YYUiSILF 9'i7-8133 --~o~twu• 365-4050 alter 5 496-8696 Roll-top deak aod 52 RENTALS TO p m w .. kdaya Corona O).NA. Ji()OOOUPUX cha~n Al.o Mlnolta SHARE del War •r-_ Good oc.aa V'l-. copter. r.uooably pnc lb40 sq h 2 bedroom ed Call LM or Mart1, COAST HOUSEMATES OCUNVIEW APART pl1.18 convertible den. (71 4) 549-8810, (714) -Con,.nteDI room MENT. Dana PoUlt 3 2 1'1 bath l.oadt of eloeet 962-8891 mate ~r.onal profile bedroom, 2 bath 2 space S675 moothly GORGIOU~berry Mrv\ce CaU tollfree 9araq• Utility room CaU toWrea number wood olbce furntahan91 nll.IDber 1·800·532·397'2 S72Simooth 498-8826 1 800-532 3972. uk lor Sellne Y04JII Cw? c.ac......,.. I 67~50 Swtable ior 11 corporate ulr lor Penny .. ver Ad· I ~·~~lAver Adw•tcb preeid•nt CaU 851-watch COlO ~ 97S8,dayor~ht ........................................................................ ... • ________ _:,!:;:;;;;;;:::;;;;;====:;:;j uve the &MWer Call I Wulti-Le-..1 W..rketlo9. "DIAMONDS . AUTOMOTIVE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHER DO YOU ENJOY A CHAL- .LENGE? CAN YOU MAKE QUICK DECISIONS UNDER PRESSURE? As a dt•palcher your ma101 dul\ wtll be to It'ACI calmlv and •lhc1en1lv 1o , .. loly ·alit 10 pollee oll•c•n S.lary "S7 63 1o SIO 30 p•r hour and qenerou• CIIV pa1d bent>hls Rtoqutrf'~ sh1!1 wc rlr For more 1nformo1ton conl<tcl CITY OF IRVINE 17200 JAMBOREE RD IRVINE , CA 92714 (714) 754 -3600 Before Mar. 2, 1982 W AHTID LIVI-IH ho~aMirM~r lor acllve elderly lady. M1.18t u ve e ar Ca ll tolllr•• niUILber l.SQ0..5J2. 3872. w lor hJlflyaever Ad- watela N l413. HlLP W A.HTID loerd ud care laome , lor 5 mal• telidenta. need• II.IJJ.ttee penon. l,a. peu•oce nece~tary Will traLD qualified per eon LJ!Ul, 581 sm alterl p m A.SSlSTAHT MANAG- IR need.cl lor n.ew on•· bo1.1r photo proc-nq wtore ln lrvlM Will lr&J.n ~a.U aal• u · peu•oee cl•auable Start $8001aontA Send ruume. P.O . loa 1512, I..q1.1.na NI91Ml, 82677 WAHTID: COWPUTU laJIUI book....,, VJW m Uld DC8 el{pOneoce a allll bcelleal com paay beufita. C&lJ l.ta- CS. at ISl.oeoo ot t Q&. <*)0. AUeo OldlaobU. c.dlllac, 21332 C&atao C•pllllraao, Laouaa N'9••l I • lOIS OVIRSIAS - Bu• ~ooey lut $20,000 to $50,000 pl1111 ~~ YMI CaU 1-7H!-842-6000. eat. 3215 WATURl BA.!YSlTTU oeod.cl lor my lrvi.De home, to w&lch 6--mooth and 3-y .. r old A M only. C.U alter 6 p m 133·380'7 WAHA.GlR. eert1hed larmeu market 20 houn ~r w•lr to ltart $5 per hour CaU Farm lurM~. 832 5833 CA. NV A.SSDS lor eolar wat•r h-llDQ S5 00 per hoiU Call Patnck at 64.!-8838. alter 6 p m WAICE lXTRA WONEY durln9 your epare lime' s.-ow our new hne ol calend•"~ pen• aod adverh iiDQ' Qlh• to local ""'" Prompt lnendly Mrvace from 73 year ·old A A.A. I coapany w-kly com miMIOn• No mv ... ment or oollection• Be your ow• bon F\111 llae potentl&l Ho eapen •c• aec-rv W tile Ffu.k luck\ey, New1on Wi9 Co . O.p~l~. &84 Newtoa, lowa 50208 ~---- (714) 855-4800 JEWELRY OWN YOUR O WN• ·ESTAn 1 ...,.s=IC.,....,.O-:ND=- beeutltul Hy-Style Fanu· HAND JIWURY and ly Shoe Cea.t•1 , .. ,~,~,. sterhnq flalwue co•• "!9 IAe Lat ... 1.11 lub.ion, much 1-at Bentley"•. ca1ual and athlets.c loot-220 E 17th St Co•t• w-r and w ... ern boot• w-645-6585 AUDI DATSUN UHCOLN $18.500 IAeludM beqan· - DUIQ mveotory, &.play GINUINI Colomb..n tm A.UDI rox 2·door MERCURY PORSCHE liatuJ.-. .uppbell. tram· emera.ldt Your dto1ce1 53_000 mtlM awuool 1979 DA TSIJN 280ZX 1981 PORSCKI 924! UICJ and travel tr&.JliPOr· only $.20 ~~ ~one TTVWO Babv blue lullv loaded 1969 COUGAR XR7 I Every ••tr• mclud.Ulq tatiOll Open you• •ore 640-8688 .ur. A.M/FW (4 ) Aaume INM S233 61 Good mpq. u cellen• ·~tal blue patnl, WltA tn u UtU. u 15 day. 14 KARAT DIAMOND PP. 710-4368 I month Laue bala.nce condmoo One owner ~1-ther RJcarro -Ill. BMW S8 805 LeaN .... ump S2 200 ~1 979l alum alloy whee11, Ca ll 1-800·255-9049, cocktail ranQ. 4 dia-S l 1 eat 9 mondll. total welqht 1 10 !too SlSO lev• uc•• --------I 10.000 mU.. owaed for d 1978 BMW 3201 Ru.t olf1c• 897 1267 home LOTUS ••• mootha Truly uae MAJiffi U CHANG ! karate Appralle color 4 •P••d au 754 7983 t401 WDI new WUidow lbebl SYSTEMS 20M lnv • S3 800 S•crdlce cood AM fM c.....c•e pp LOTUS Elu Coupe wu $27 000 $22 000 60W hnt year ToU 12.000 868-3473 £acelle nt b1.1v (301 198 1 DATSUN 210 1 1966"" Rare"'' Rebu1h I (1CNZ873) pp .·974 Trd.n9 Mkt Computerll DIAMONDS -HNvv UPA) PP 634 8171 enq•o• Nore Best ol 9344 ed lor all S.Uen or 14 i.arat nuqqet·atyle 831 194-4 Waqon 5 •peed ,,.,...., l'•r Call 494 7272 · --- Buyen 20 CRTt are pendant 6 bulh•n• I eat•nded warranlv 1975 914 PORSCKI - now a va ll•ble diamond• Total wev•ht 1976 BMW 2002 SS 500 (ICDN023 pp I Mulll-to apprac .. te ., Suorool rebuth •o910• 970 0280 MAZDA S7 OOO i beu off•• 642-3723 2 73 kar1111 Apprel.led d 1 b b 1kM ov•r S12 000 Need :~~~~:~~•••new stsso 1972 DATSUN 24C'Z ,981 MAZDA RX7 GS 770-4046 -- 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES JUMBO 2HD Truet o-de on ra.l<ienllal or 1ncome property To SS million All UlqwnM heki lB l lnel COD· hdeoc• 760-1551. ulr lor Steve or Duane 3e SPOJl11JCG GOODS RUIIDQUNS Wbatev.r U.P~ed to them? THIY'IliiACK Boy. 8 to 80 are ec)ov IDCJ old luMolled IWI w1th the onqlllal rubber I quM For free bro· cbure. wrtte or eaU Th• Ort9U1al 1\ubber Gun Co . 1548·D A.dama. O.p• H-1. eo... w-. ~· phou641-1214 31 AimQUEI A.NTJQUI IASTl.A.Kl OA.K T.UU. refLDll.b· eel .• 3 t..~. I ,_.,.clr mahoqan.J olt.a1re WI.IM ••II C•U tolllr .. o1.1mber 1 100·532·3872. .. ~ ~~ hllay.-ver Ad I watet. Wl307. OICORATOit llu aot... racliMn, aad IW1~ roct.n Wt boa WIOCM.I a.o .. at lec\ory pno.. Call u ytll.l\e, IJS.~ II.A\11V\J1 r~eb a a-ir-......-...w. u4 ...... ,.~a. ==...._ ch h e. $6 500 or 11ade obo (992PCS) pp Muat -SS 30C r b"' Loaded 5 apeeci TO POilSCIU 1978 811SC n 4-4437 B2S-0828 offer (679GLS PP paymenll plue Sl 000 or ~-Black o"r black 14 KARAT GOLD h .. vv -Tu 1832 421 4 I b u t ollet Mual loaded. P7 ttrea. ta· nunnet·llyle bracel.. 1973 BNW 2002 aecrlhce (1CMC080l maculate, pnVIIte puty o,;; 2 0 1 $1,&00 Black wllh tan tnlartor nAT pp §M;8.~ low mU.. uc 151VU or ea.celleol coodtiiO D I 779 6669 m .i!O bell olle r 774-4437 ss 300 ,187Jil PP , 1876 FlAT il:s-£. 1980 MAZDA RX7 GS --- VA.l.INTlN'I"S GI'FT lor I S42-2485 ~•llent c<J r :-1,1 "n Wbue eacellent condt her l41C wh1te qold 1 3201 S t 72 000 m1l•• 110 .nal ••on "" eunrool S bracel .. w1th 168 oval ) l977 BMW owner a11 nd apeed 11ereo $8,200 or THUNDEiliiRD rub•• (appro• 30 cit ) I ~:~::.• aun~;t ,.:~1'11 I AM FM c ..... tte Best bell offer (I\3YMX, •nd 48 •Jn"l•·cut d111 offer (357RfD PP PP 71 4\759-8902 "' traM 16.400 or beat ol mondt A.ppraa.d re l•r (SXC208I pp 540 ' 496 ,.87 cently at S12 000 0766 P 111 l 19n FlAT Sp•der C..,n Owner "''II Mil •• I""" IU'UJ 2002 Vary .,.•r• bl• 5 tpu d MERCEDES IDa S6 000 Call toUJr" ••v ..... 41 000 mil" Reallv 1979 MIPICtDS:S 3000 numbar 1·800-S32·3972 9ood runol.llq coodllloo 1 •hafl) ~3 goo 8 ~. 6189 I S11,.1 64 000 aulM hie aak lor Penn"""''"' Ad S2 300 or bMt oller I ,_ pp 559 8044 new Take over 1 .... watch M12n (293Z1Yl ·--· 1980 FIAT X19 Black S400 month (028XWD\ conve r11bl• luq1190• pp (714)991·6603 50 NJSCEL. BUJCI rack AM fM atereo Ous c .... ue w~re wh .. l• · MtRC EDtS 1978 LAME 115181 l UICK R1V1ar& $7 100 or bee• tier 450SL' Metalhc blue PUIL1SHIR DOtS d1-l Allav&llableop (l ASGISO) PP r ol •hed whe•l• NOT ACCIPT hablhtv ttont. 12 000 m•l•• 8.J8.mJ \29 750 OCYY110) PP 1957 THU'NDUBmD - Completely r..eored. all while U1t•r10r and u · tenor $17 !00 (213) ••7 l021 TOYOTA IW76 TOYOTA Wtback SR5 R.ltahk tra.upot Ia llOn au , new 11.- l>ra'ket batte ry 413 l286 lor ~ncorrect ~pelllnQ Sl3 goo 830-0174 1~8 nAT 124 SPYDU 1675 6044 or6460226 qramm•hc:al 1oaccur l979BulCK Jlltv~era convertible New top 5 I ,...".,_..8 •c••· or tY'POQtaphtcal Perfect conditiOn S.ve _.-..~ I OLDSMOilLE -'=n.a_v.=...-=~::--::::;:; •rro" •n any •dver •....-. rabin t envan• I . 1-......., ... .,~IKJ ... , al t.ut Sl.OOO 11nder new bralr" qood firM SS C •'• ,,...,_.-n '" tlMmenll pubhahed 1r deA ler cOli Su~r &o.d 30 s.z 000 bo 1982 CUTLA ala18 Cou~ Very dNa tbe Coallt N.ci1a N•w• ed Wrute. raoon root •Jio ° Cou~ Charcoal w11h many ••tru _.y oe Group blue deluu U.tello r (323~.l_PP 6JJ 2881 elate b<~clr••• Loaded' OM . k>w alMa, co_,'- BOOKS-OLD. RARE 40 000 ail• leet ollar I Sun root e lectroo•c Mf'VIOe rec:orch S.S,!IOO. and out-ol·prtnl We over $8.000 by f•b 17 FORD cu .. ue all pow•r Ira (3321AP)PP, W71-5a. buy and .. ll "Oul of 837 0641, 761·1201 :~~~~lat•~.~lll ~~ l!MIO niUMJ'H m pr\At boob our •peclal 1m IUlCl lliG AL 1~79 MUST ANG I number I 800 5l2 3872 Coove rtlble 1•••· IJ •. Nai'OnWlde S..r<"h Turbo l.Jaued llac k Coupe Au a uto I ... I .,_ Ad cv.laM, AKIN ...,.. S.rv'ice, look Va~o~lt and lllver loaded cll&lom trereo and tape au or ..-.nnvw"t ea ... tt• •u eoa4 3M2 AS l n•tol S..n•• ~ 1 n Call tolltree deck \1 500 and •eire w•tch M&ei2 _ M !JOG (lACMllO) Pf. Ana. ,_.8548 nlltllber J.eoo.W-38'72. ov•r pavmenta 730 1 • • "1879 OLDSNOiltl W.eo31ott.r t. RIDWOOD 2a6 deck ••k lor Peuy .. Yer Ad 2083 Toronado Ga•. hally uaq -4 20' lonq 25 watch M7441 IW72 PTNTO 4 c vhnd•r loaded n celle11t c:ondl ceot• loot hm &46 18'78 IUlCi La &bre Auto radiO .... lef liOn M~ -· sa 300 VOl.DWAGIII IllS, anytJ.me .... = lace lle a t cond111on Call toillree Q\&Wiber F uu power. au. S OQS 730 _. 1 100 532 Jt'n w lor II.DSPUA.DS, )(AHU coadtlloa S2 00 I. Peanywv•r Adw•tcll r ACTUU:U OUTLIT 483 4.281, 416 4ISI M7._.. Lar9 .. 1 Ia Oruo• JAQUAI --------i:l:!..ct ~!:,91~ DATIUR tt73 JAGUAJ lta 12· P£UOEOT 1 W... • , &.rata AAa li'le DATSUN ZIDZ cyl 34,000 I CI\aal ldla9•r1Neln US Load.cl, .._CS.b!. •"-· ••c.Ue.t coad.t SO. PIUGIOT tm llll aut•U (ldONG)PI tkMI Sll,OOO (WIMGl) o.-1. r.u ~ 7t0-0'7I8 -b ceU•at coadmoa n .l42 ~-••WW· " 100 1 _, AM'WAY P80DUCTS t•l DATIUlf MuiiM am JAGUAR IJUL. I..;...-• --------1 co•• lo ro.a S.tiafac Loect... S,D •''-· luollnt c~a41Uoo. tloa ou•ruteed or I 0 ..... $211 I* (.liTr) ,1 1M lot C110MY a..c1t sst-1543 •oath {lCW'f)4.2) PP, OwaJM, 141-21L A WIGO pow•r•ct M-l-11'74 1J1 -UQ - wa-lclt.&i.r ..._ .. u,. 111'1 OATallf .al Ia· ... 000 ..... ~tciolllt lo .... 4tlk~ U.. Ia-uUoal c .. dlltoa .u r.c.u-.e ..... doot or ..,, a...ly UJ~J .. •• t.e at t»a c.D 1naa .. ,.........,... ror .... (041_, .. ,, .:.!!"-~· .,:f?l.!s;;-~~~-~== ._.,,eMU L4l1la '-lfH DA11UM aal SAl.llftA.DI -1111 .-,, • ._, AWIN .,,, 11.000 ................. NTif 14.100 &.011•• • 'Ill .l ... ~ ............ MADn.cu•ru .,_.. . .-.w.•an na. Newport EM!p wec~aa .. n,. r.a.eary 10. 1• Page 11 ....,.,.. --lfa,_.,OI.t:N~·=·==~" 01-oriocn1.,.. ---• ..._,._a-. ....... . ..... _ .......... ...... -TM1 WllliA CDTD PU'nlll· 1111P e1 liDO 0.... •. ._... 110, .._.~CA-. . ....._.__........., lo ..... -........ c...ty •A.,d 1.1-0dwlll w... o....... ... 0..· ..... ,. liDO 0.... • • .... 210, N.....,n ........ CA taiiO """ ~ -..... ~ .. ., . lla ..... ~ ~-O.tot4 .... 0. II. I c. o "' Odof4, T-~-·c.. a.., I. "•• .... v.-........ """ ·--IUod Willi lila c-·· Cleoll .. 0...... c ...... , ... lu 21. 1113 ~ ,~ l . 10, 17, l4 1113 .. n.. ... ......,.,_. PUIUC .OTIC& f1C'T1'nOUS IUWIIIDI IWd ITATIIIDfT fila ~ ..... .. ol.l .. "--aa PILGAINS LTD , ~ S.. -c-.w w., c. al25 H&M~ ""'~ aGI ... -.. c.-.... .... CA..U ~ booai-.. coood ......... ., - lall.lfto~Mel ........ A lt. ,..,.._ n.la -~~~ -IIW wllh olla eo-, o..t. .. 0..... eo.u. • ., - lea. II. I-. """lla&t '-•· " ,... , 10 17 ~-··,.... ..... _. '-•• rtlllll M£741 ~.OTIC& ncnnoaa ......... U.PATDIIIIT n.. le0owl8q ,.,_ Ia dO<OQ ......._. .. NATIOMAL IMSTTTVTI J'OIIIliCOVDY,IT7 'Rt.,.rOACI• """ 11ewpot; ~. CA t1(;ll C ,._., Speoba •• I Qoedwoll Co~n M••l'O" IMclo,Ca.-:t Tloit .......,._ ,. eoed..cl.ci by .a ••· oto'fiOl..U Sova..t C hnar S,.oluto n... N,..... ... ULad W\th the C010atr Cletk ol OouQo Cowaly on lon 21. 1113 ~.ail J.b 3. 10. 11. J4 11112 10 fllaN-t~IM>oa Jl12014 NI7M PU.uc: lltOTICE nc;nnous IUIDIIU U.IMTEifDT n..~-.. .t-......,._ .. t.AWCO. JD08 w a.J- 11"" ,.._..,n a..c11 CA afC3 Aka Kat4y, 213 149-•••• ~ CA ,.I """ ........... eoedw.c:tacl ..., •• ,. otrwi..U S.V_. Aka Nutty n.. ..... ...u ............... ... co.a~1 c .. ,, o1 o. • ..,. eo ... .., oo ... 21, 1112 ,........ , .. l 10 17 14 11112 .. fila ,._11 '-" Jll2071 """ PVIUC ltOTICI ncnnovt IUIDIDI MMaiTATaiDIT n.. ~ ,.,_ .. d041111 b-.. aa WU 6 A.S30C1ATIS. IN H.lyord Sl , .......,, IMcll CA 112113 "" Clu Wo ... Kalyood So .......,,a..cll CA Q216J Tk..e b~.. .. cotw:hacted b¥ to •• .UYICI....t. s,.AM ""Clio Ww 11u• •••••--• ..,.,. f&J.d •H• tW COtOOIY Cl.olo o4 Or•-Co~nly oa Ju ae. 11112 ""'l<all Fob 3 10 17 24 11112 •• T ... N.wporl CA.o.Qo F112C*l Nt782 PVIUC ltOTICE ncnnout I UIDIDI MIG STATDGJI'T fila lollo,...,.. ,.,_ .. .too•v ~ u IHTDD PO loa lt4 ~ CA tatll M5 Pook Co.oa W... CA lllto2l WoU-W s.-• Mil Potk. Cooio W... CA 12126 n" ............ c:oad~~C..O b, •o ,. .. ,..,,.., S.V-...1 WoUoaa S....o Tb ''-...... ... h.a.d ..... , .. c-.ey Cler\ of 0.-Cod ly -a.. a 1112 ~ ... , ... 3 10 17 24 11112 •O fila N..,port la•oqa JIGOSII NW2 .....,IOta tCiiiJOW ...... ..... ara~ ,.. ......... ..-~ .... .._ .. A.D aa.u.:t, It a- ....... .,_, C. W7t4 C.ta... I w-.. J1 &iorll 1.» a....,., tMM, CA 112714, c:...l A .... lt ~ ..,. !MM. CA 112714 no......._ ............... ..,. _.. ,.._... ..... eadeM ··-""" - -IIW ...U. .. c...., a..to .. Of-c-., .. I• li.IIG hWiorolo· ...... 27. , .. '· 10 1112 .. .......,.,_ JltlOII IU7CN fLIIJJOW._.. .... "~ fila ................... ..._ oo TIIOWUJJ)QI AJfD AISOClATU, l701 lhcll So • ........, ...... ea-.•-• .,.._.,...._ Jr., 22 .....,._. t.v-. CoG714 n......_ ................ b., ..... .tlvl4oal llt~o.d. loeoao A , .......... " TWo--............. c:.-ty Oool ... Or-c-tr ... , .. 22,1112 ~ 1ao n . 'oil 3, 10 u. 1112 "' fila .....,..,. '-• FltltOI lfl73l ......:~ PICIIno.- UIIIITATIMIIIT fila lolloonot -... a- -.. AJfT1IOir1 Hll.L tor DTATIS.IIDOI~ ..... S...•l ""'-· CA 12'714 '-"""'" S..W. 3 o.-111. m.-.CAG71S ~ "-.. o-..locled by • ................... s.QOOM 1--'•• SlOW n... ... _, -hlod "''" .... Co ... l'f Cle~k ol o,.,.qe Co•ooy - , •• 21, 1112 ""'bolo F.b 3. 10 17. 24, lN2 oa The M•wpolt luoqa Jl~7 N1713 PVIUC ..OTIC& P1C1mOUI aoaua::u •AIIIliTATDUJI'T Tlla lollo•u•v ,.,_ ,. do<n11 lo...uo-aa QUAT IASTPH IDITIII· PIUSI, 317s. S 1.-1 So • S&aea A.a. CA 82104 Y.S w-. 1001 W Naclu u.~, ...... No M . S.at• AM. C. t27CW T\Ja ............... cood"led by AD. ID ol•vool....t S..a..t, Y S Woo n... ... -. .... w.ol .... h lila c-.., Cletk o4 Oroaqe c-oly oo ••• 21. 11112 ~ , ... l . 10 17. 24. 1812 •• Tloe ........ "'-• Flt2018 Nnu POJUC llt01'1a PICJlTIOOI IUS8IDI IIAIIIITArDIDrT fila ""'---... dodq "--"' ARMSTIOHG INSULA noN. m ao.....w.. ex-. c. ~ ""-W ..._ "'-· m ao .. nklo. 0.-. CA ~. a., ...... ll&.k A.-,-. 1:.111 htlalo S.....Aaa.CAtnOS """ ........... eoedw.c:tacl by • o--oJ _.,.. ... ., Soq1MII llould I ,.. __ T ....... -............ u. u.. c ...... , Cieri! ol o. .... CouAty on lea 21 1113 ""'""' Job ), 10 17 24, 11112 ... Tll4 ... _..,,, laoav• 1182011 NI?W PVIUC ..One& ncmtOUIIUSDIDS KAJCII1A1'DIDtT TlM lollow••• ,.,_ are doliOQ b....,._ aa CA1DOIUQA WAMAGI· W1HT COimlOl SYSTDCS. JIIS7 luell 5I , No I'll. N-n a..ct. CA t:M10 n.-I ..._.., 11701 Ai9-qw1A Sl No :101. HuttaQioe a..c11. CA ea64t. lou C lt--y 464 .. .,.oool o..... N.wpoxt ....,~ CA112110 Tluo ~~-.. c:ooci!OCIOd by • -·ol pan..rall... S..,o..t .,_ c Jt ...... ., Tll>o ..... __ , .... hlod ..... • ... C-..oy C .. rk ol o,._ Covaoy oa , .. 21, ltl2 ...._ '" l 10 17 )4, 11112 •• fila N .. pool laoavo JIGO'IO Nl7t0 NaiC II01ICI IIODCI 01 DI&TII or ALLIII &. P081 U . JL AIID 01 Kill... TO •~~MM•na IITAft 110. &111 .. Toall._,.,~, caedllae, 0011tt1111 .. C!Mdit· o,....,...,_.llo .. JM ~ ialltMe4 Ia tile wGI ot ....._ ol Au.. A. FOIIW. Jr .. -..,.e: A ,.U. UOa bM be. w.d by s....l.y L. Halul la U.. ~pertor Co\llt ol Or~ Co~t, ... ~ tMI S&uJ., L. H.u b. appo~Aa.d .. pe~ ,...,~tative to adalaW.r the ...... o1 the dec~. n.. p«!Uoa req-*-utbori- ty to ad•l• .... , u.. ...... UDder the IDd.peDd-t Ad. llliJuatlatSae ola.t.. ... Act. A MuiDQ oa U.. petition w~ be WcliD D.pt. No. 3 at 700 CiVlC CeDter Dnve Weet, Sa.ztt& AM, CA 82101 OA Feb. 24, U112 at 8:30 a.a . I1 YOU OBJICT to lb gra.oti.Do ol U.. petitioa, you abould ettur appear at U.. ~ ud etalle your ob)ec· lioD8 or ble wntten ob~D8 with the co\llt before U.. be.ring. Yo\u eppeua.oce IDAIY M ID penoo or by your aKoru~. IF YOU ARI A CRIDIT· Oft or a cooliDq-1 creditor of the dec....d, you mutt file yo\lr claim wath the CO\lrt of pr-t It to the penon.e.l repr-at.Uve appolllted by the coiUt wath.i.n lour moatba from the date of finl '-auaace oJ lettera u provided ID ..c· tioa 700 oJ the Califoru.ia Ptoh.te Code. The time lor lillao cl.um• will aot upire pnor to four moatba from the det• of the beanng aotic«t above. YOU WAY EXAMINI the lU. kept by tbe cou.rt U you .,. a penoa llltereatecl Ill tha Mtate, you may bl. a ~ with the court to r-ive ~ cw DOUce oJ the bl.IDq oJ the UIVeDtOry of •tate .-t. and of the petiboGS, eccouatt a.od reports d..cnbed Ill ..cboa 1200 of the C..Ufonua Pro- beteCode. Attoru~ lor pebUoaer: Halul & Hah.a (Wilham S. lohn.toa, Jr.). 301 E. Col· orado Blvd., Swte 900, Pa.uden.e., CA 91101 P\l.bliah. Feb. 3, 10, 17, 1982 Ill Tbe Newport l.zwon. ND84 PVIUC .ana ncnnooa IUIDIDS KAJCIITAn:MDT n.o tollow..,.. ,.,_. ooo dolOII .. ...,.._ •• COVIlNTII1 I.NTIII PlUSES ~ S..O., a .. , .. CA 12715 !1.10 I t... 43111 ... oo In•••· C. 12715, Loal.aol ......... us s..o. ... •lAo, CA 113'715 n... 1>...,._ .. eo.cian..t b' • _..roJ ,..n.orall>p S~o..t ll.oa I .._ 11.J. •t• .... •J wu 1"-t •Hill tM c-ty Cler~ o4 O.uo-Co..aly oo lao 21 ltl2 ........... J.b l 10 17 14. 1812 •• T ... M.wpool a....,o Jl13013 ltt'll7 PVIUC IIO'I1C2 .... } IIOTICI ~ DIATR Olt IOU I. IUDT. Aim 011 Pllii«* TO Al:ll W1U DTATI.O.Alll- To all ~ beel&ia.Oee, credllore, coouaoeat crecllton, ....t ,.._.. wl!.o aay b.~ t.lerlll•ll 1o the wtJJ or ...... of .,_ I . Bred1. deced-t: A pett- Uoa w beu tu.d by Willlpt 8. Brady 1D th. S~rior Co~rt ot Or&lloe CollAlY req\leeliao that Williea IS. Brady b. ap- poi.oted M penoul ,_P-D· tallve to ac:baiDW.r the eetate of th• ~-n.. peUUoa requ..ta alll.horlly to ad. lllillilltN the Ml&t. Wlder the lacMpendeat Acbauu.tratioA of &.taa. kt. A ManD9 Oil the petiUoA will be hekl at Dept. No.3 at 700 Civic Ceote.r Dnve Weet, S&llte Aaa.. CA 92701 oa Feb. 17, 1982at9:30a.ID . IF YOU OBJECT to tbe 9raatinq oJ the pebUon, ycxa a.bould !llther appeer et tA. b.uiJiq aad ~Calle your ob,ec- tioaa or hJ. wnttaa objectiolu With the court belo,_ tM hMniiQ. Your eppearaaee may b. in penoa or by your attoruey. IF YOU AU A CJUDlT · OR or a coab.Dqent creditor of the deceued, you m\lal fUe YO\lr et.im witb the court of pr-ot it to the penonal reprwentallve eppoi.oted by tb. court within four moatha from lbe date ofla.nt ~aace of letter1 u providacl l.a ..C· tloa 700 of the C.WoraM Probate Code. The time lor filing clalm1 will aot uplre pnor lo four moalba from lhe dele of the he&ru~9 aobced above. YOU NAY E.lAM.tNI the f&J. kept by the cou.rt. U you .,. a penoa Ulte,_.ed Ill the Mlate. you mey file a requ•t with the court to rec::.&ve spec:1al aotace ol the Uhag of the Ulveatory oJ eetate ... ta aad of the pebl&oaa, ACCOilDla and ,.porta deecnbecl Ill ..c· tloa 1200 of the C..Uioro ... Proh.te Code. Good, Wtld.ma.n, HetJu- aad W..U.y, by Gary ft. Lng, Attoruey el Law, 5000 Cempu1 OriV•, Newporl Beach, Ce 92660 (714) 955-1100. Pllblilh: lao. 27, F•b. 3, 10, 1982, ID The Newport Ia· 1i9a. N'£143 rvaac 11t0nc:a J"IC1J'I10Ua~ KAJCIITATDIIIIT Tlla lollowtaQ -oa .t...q b-oo A·M .x>Jt.DIPDIG, I~ Nonll lbv...... !I . c.,._, CA 112117 Avotlla ... Keeo.oir,. 1541 Monll lbv ...... So 0.-CA 112117 Tlllo ........_ .. e-.lucted ..., .. "' ............. ...,..... ~ ... Heooolry n.. ... _. -hlerl .., ....... c......., o..~ o1 o._ c-.., oa ••• II 1113 Jloa.bt.oll , .. l. 10. 17. l4 lila "' fila "-""'" '-• , ttoteJ Ja7fl4 ...ac.cmcs ILiiliDW---~ n. ......... ,__ ...... ...... -~n. l'f lUI. l* ..... 0...... c..... ..... Ca -. ............. 1014 Ylll!l6 o....c.-. n. ..... ~ ..... .. ......., ............... .... n. ......... _ _. .... .. c...y a.. ., o...e. c.-, .. ........ ......., ,_.,, l. lQ. 17.,.. tiG .. . .._. ...... neam Mtm PVIUCIKmCI I'IC'TI'I10Ue---!lAIII ITA TDIIIn n..........,. ~-•• oto.oq ~ • CA.I.OO DCVILOf'WJ.NT COMPANY. .as.D """"""" ll..t H._..,,; to.c-h C• ut1.1 Cal••• C ._....... 1:.1 llo••ll P\oc.. w ... .,., •• a..ct..Cai2Ml n.,_ h .. UM * tond~.t4. t.d b, •• lA ......... ...,.,.. .... c.~v ... c ....... Tit• ....... o1 .... hloool ••lh •h• CovJIIJ ca... ..,. O.•twa• c~uAIY ~" lao 6. lila "'bllall Ju 27 Fab ) 10 17 1•1 •• Tloe M..,po, I-• PI to3JO Nr7SO ILIIIIOCMJ ._.. ... ITA~ ......... -.. ._. ""-• C(IMHIW"l.U. CAm AL.. 181 .. a.-1 ............. ....,, CA 1*0· no..-t-u-IU v .. erv-, N.wport leocl>. CA 13113 n... ......... _....... .......... ......... ,.._. n-..L u- """ -·-Wool .... .... o.-r, CIMII el o.-c-.., • ... Jl,llla ......wwo ... 3, 10. 17, 24, 1112 .. fila .......... '-"' Jltl074 Ml7!1 ~~ rocttliOGe-,.,...,.nMIIIT fila lollow... ,._ ... ... .. ~~-aa WlltDIC HJDIAWAYS, IIZao.\ ......_,..,., hno 17S, Coola W..., CA mn, .....,. I WU.OO, l:ZS v.., .... ,_, N.wpon ...... ,, CA 82el0, II .. ,.., o.&.. 41131 Old Toll ao..d, ...,_, CA 115331 """ t...-.. ~ by • -•ol pai1MtoiiiP ........ Jlollaot I wu.oo n.. ... -.., .... lilod ..... .... c ..... .., c.... o4 o.._ c ..... .., 001 loa ».1113 Pv.Wtolo '•" 3, 10. 17. 14. 1812 .. fila "-" '-" JIG073 Nn. I'VIUC ..onc:a rtc:nnooa-U.PA~ fila ......................... -.. COW30I.IDAT1D rtlf.uf. C1A1. SDVlCIS. :HI Calalla. o. .... ~a-ell, CA '*-1 ~ ...... ·---· 241 Colollaa Dn .. Newpol1 IMcll, CA .-3 n... ...._ .. .-.~~ .. ., ... . olowl..t S..,-...1 Mol-. ...... ... ... _ n...--·-llloool ... lll l ... C-.u, Cler• ol o..... c ..... ., oo lao 21.1113 ............ ,~ l. 10. 17. 24, lila •• fila """""' "'"'v• Jll307l NI7SI PUIUC .OTIC£ •·"•" ncnnous IUIIJIESS IUIMIIIYA TDCDfT Tloe lollowonq .,._,.. ••• dOt~Q b~oa••-"' TII.UA INIIIG1 lTD till Toller A.. Sw• .. 150, Ne•porl IMch CA t2tt0 Woat Wet-lo ._J•••It Inc • C•J•Io•n•• corpot• •-41:11 Tell•• A.. Swolo 150 H.-pool a...h C• 92MO Th.. -......... .-coaduC'•ed by • I•••IM .,.,, .. ro~~,,. So.ao..t 1•-II Wcloaac Po-.tiooo w ... WchNc to T\•• ......... ... ...... ··•h th. Cowalt Cl.•" ol O,aa~ Cour-tv n l•o II lila ...w. ..... l1 , ... l 10 17 ltU .• n.. .......... a.-. reaua Nt746 IIOftCI 01' ftiW IU 61&1.1 GITD,. liJI3 a.: UT 1'171 '---* tuMWIIT INft. • ~ -· ........ .._..,~GOlAn. •..., ...,.._. T-.__ .. ................. -WW.III.L AT fWUC Auc:"TIC* 10 TKI IOCJICIIT .... liOII CA8 --....... .. ............ ., .. o ... c.. . .v ............. _ ............ .. _._.._...., .......... ~., TN • U.. ~ ...........,... ............. 1'll\mOa. I C UAVIMWOIITM oo _,.._ lllfKJIC1AAY: IAJn'IAGO aANI. o ~-·-................... 5, ·-· .... ...... 1111110, ....... lml-I-... C>llioiM1 loco,. .. ,.,. oil~ ol oloe ~ ... o ..... eo.. •• ., . ...., ...... .,. lnwol ...,...._11M lollo••"" ,,_,. ,, a.... 3 ol Tr0<1 No eeet. ut lila CMr ol M.wpon t..cll, • ollow• oe • .. P ....... ........ 2!10, ,_ 45 ...... olw-ilueooo....,., ~olaol<l C...tr Way lla ~ -... u 2127 r..lo.aa a..._ ....... Jlewpon a..cl<. CA "((I 0 -..tdf-Of .,__ .._ __ .. ollowo ..-.... _, .. ty 10 ~~~-00 10 ... ,_.,.._ Of <"«....-)" n.. ~ .............. ...., o.-1 ... Tnooc. loy ,_ ol a brMCII o. otelaulf ...... .we.-_,.,... ........... . ~ ......................... lo ,... ...... ,....... • .....,... Doclouauoa ... DoMoll .... o.-...1 lor s.t.. ..... ·--.. b..-cil ...... olact.-10 e•-......... _ _.. 1o ..U OOJd ,_.., lo .. ...,., ..... oWiqel-.... .......,.., ................... «.....t...., _ .. ..._t.aado4~1o bo ......... Octo6oet It, lila ... -No 22107 oa t.oU 14lt0-IN. ol ..... OlkMJ a.c.... Sold .... will loe ..... kt W\tA.o•t ~ or .. nae~ cy, up ... oo oapt._d, _,.t..,.. hole, ,.._.,_, ot •K'v.a..lu~. to P'61 ........... ,"" .. ~ ...... lloe rooo.(a) _,.,.c~ by OOJd o.-1 ol Tr...,, wu• ...._,... u ut. Mwi oot. provtded, ad•-· oJ "'· tu>4et ohe .. ,.,. ol Mid o.-1 ol Tr ... t a-. ctw._ ud •-ol lila Tr-aad ol tho ''"* ••-Mol by ....! De.cl ol TnoM Sold ..... .u bo loekl -n. ...... , .... ,_, :zs. 1112. 61 IJ • • •• u.. lrool -ho...,. 1o GU AIIDlAH TIIUST DUD SDIVICIS, 1100 I M<lrioir ... o.._.c. fila OOtol •-• ol ohe uap6Ni boluco ...... ~0--.....t by .. ... p-Ity lo bo ....... _...., '""" lola.-, lala ellar-ood --•..t ..-. 0-..... ....._ .. ol ................... 1364 •• ., s...-lull .• c.hlo ..... eotpof. ·-· lor_,, S..•-... k ...... ., T.....-.t.o.d loa"""' :ZS lila by G-niwa Tnoo1 De.cl S.~ • .,.., ..... -1100 ' W.ylat• A .. Or .... C. t2t67 (714) 771 WIO by W.WOII Kauv "-'deal MIMio F.b l 10 11 1tl2 •• The N1111 fM froUOWl.DQ ,_r110u are doinQ b•••-ao TKl I&AJl 'ACTS 1859 Poll Locblo•vh. N.....,n a..ch. Co Mi60 No... L f•ni.J I F7l"\o. Loc:IW••oll. Newpocj a...h Ca.~ Ia.. T•ll•or Dully I~ Pon Loc:bl.ooh Pt.c., "•"""" a..c:11, CA 112110. Swaoo Ly Worvao 2!07 l wclr.•.,. So No_..,n a..ch CA Mi60, lduh Sulay lOll T•ller Coooaa 0.1 W.r CA 112625 l!.oae Dlonaer IW """ Loc:aw-~ H<twpon loec~ CA la.o S...... Yo....., 717 """"' Co.-. tMI W.. CA IIQe25 Tb ..__ 10 coadw<IM by • -·•o.l pan....,.,.. S..,o..t Noo.o L ,....., nu. .... ._..,, ... b.l.d .,,~ ,._,. c-.., et.r• ol o._ c-•• , o• lao IS 1113 ,......_ loa ~ n . f•l> l 10. 11112 ,. fila M.wpore laoav• rtt1081 ....ac~D~~C:a ... ...... _ .... ITA.-T ft. ........ _ ....... ...__ • ~ IIIAIDIO PIIOfiiiiQNAU, I.U A_., .. a . ""'""a..ft. CA-.._.., D .....-u.. "D A.....,, &N . • c:.w..-_.,,-1 .. 1 A ..... .. a.""'""-...... CA..., Tloit ........................... _ • --........ ......, 0 lcto.llr.. .......... ,._,., D lc~ta Plo D , A ......... &. """-· .............. ... <=-aly ON\ ol Ot·-c .... .., .. ••• 21. 1112 .......... foil 3, 10, 17. )4, 1-•• fila.....,...., laOIQo PIIJOII n.. lollow>M ~-••• tlouoo b•atoou •• JUIIIA PAIIIt .uiOCI.ATIS RO a. 110 N.wl'OII c .... , Dro.... a...oo IllS, Nowpon IMclo. CA taiiO Gareld ..__, 1410 ft. T...._ t.oae a..ct.. CA 10103. n.a.-D t...,.,, JOI22 ,_ .t.III ...... ~IIIIIMI.CA12171 Tlllo ...._ • e-.lwco.d llty • haoleol ...,. ............... n.a.- D ~.uoot. a. .. w' .._... n.. -• .,.. ..._, wllt. oloe C....aty Clerk el 0.-C""""y oo lao 2S.IIIa ...._ '~ 3, 10 17 24 lila •• fllaJiowport'-· """' PVIIJC .ana ncnnous tUIDit:sS IIAJG ITATOCDIT Th.• lollro••*'• _.,.,... ••• d \,HthJ to.,,.., .. , •• GIIANO DESIGN 140 M ... pott C••'•r O.tw-• &.t.t• 114 . Me.....,. a...11. CA 112110 W.U..• IV Inc • c.t.k.lr••• COt"cu•hoa No •• Corpur•t• "•U N..-port ... ,..h Ce ~lMO Th•• bu•un•.u 11 C"o.ductfld bv • r u • poteiiOfl S~llM W.JI .. a S ,_., ,,....._, Woll,.• IV lac nm ···••m•nl ••• ltl..d ••th th .. Count¥ Cl.t._ ~~ Or•n\l• Cc,unty \)ft 0... ll 1!111 P.bhoh I•• n rob l 10 17 1•2 tnT~ N••pou [ns.ql\ FI79!MMI Nt74~ T... lolloona<, ... -u oiO<all 1>.....,_ .. TMI CIIOWI'S NEST 1725 w ..... .,,,. A .. , C1. Cooio w-. CA !l2'n Jloh c.-1725 ...,.,...,... A•• C1 c ..... w-CAII1t27 n..... b\Ut ..... ooadv.ci..t by ...... dtvllloal S.qo ... llcllt.o c.-n.... ..... f~M!6. ... f.Mcl ..... • ... COtOaly Ct.rk ol 0.-Cow•ry oo lao 21 ltl2 ...w.lo ,~ ) 10 17 l4 11112 •• Tlla"-Pon'-• P11:il017 PVIUC lltOTIC& f1CTI1100IIUIIIIGI 11&111 ftATDIIIIT n.. lollowiM -.. olouoQ b..-aa ntOil a.ouP, INGDIUII lNG AND DIVILOna:tn' lOO Cedao 5I M.wpofl leoct.. CA IDIIl G.oolcl W.ok Gr-lOO CM.o Sl M.wpon a..cii.CAQND n..o ..__ ................. ..., .. uodJ vooi..J G.rolot W.rk G-• Tluo otalea .. l .... hlod '"''" IN C....oty Ct.ok ol O.•noo eo~ • .., oo Joo •• 11112 "'Wuoh Fob l, 10, 17, 24 11112 .. T ... N-rl IAOIQn P110331 P'UIUC IIOTICI ncnt'IOUIIOIIXIII II.AJO IT A 1'DCIIft n.. tollo ... v ~-• oi<Nao "--.. JtAJ DCVI1.0PWDIT C<»C Pt\Hl. 1010 NacAoU.ur ~ N-n a..cll, CA 112110 I Roedal ,_..._, , 0 ......... """....,~.c. 112110 lluo ......_ .. CO<IdliCMOI "' .. ladl •"'""' Soq-..ol La a...l.oU ._._ n... ... _, ... au.. 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CA .., n..~o-.. ~··· -e.~~......, Sl<loM ca....._ a.owo n...-o -.w.dwotloolla c-., Cieri! o1 o.-C-..tv oo ... 21 1112 ~ , .. 3. 10. 17 ll4. 1812 .. fila ,._11 '-'II• rtaotl POJUC IIOTICI ----ncnnouiiCIIIIIIM ..... naftlmi'T fila ...uo...-.......... ~ "' AJUIOW AS80ClATD, LTD 1100 ()l.aJJ 5t . hi,. 100, N-porl '-ct., CA 1J110 IS o...lop-• Co • 1100 ()tNJJ 5I • S•<JO• IOO,JC.wporla...:lo. CA t:MIO n.. "-........ ~"'. IHo•lecl ...,.....a.op Sto•.ci Jay l-n.. ... .._.. ... ltloool ... ~ .... Co .. aty Cletlo ol O.oAII• c-tr .,. , .. 21,1812 Plt.bbolo ,.!> l. 10. 17. 24, 1112 •• Tlla N.wsoo•• ~-fl81S34 PUIUC lt011CE ncTITIOOS eusurasa NAJa: ITA Tua:lfT T~ tcUo••ftq p.noa •• dcHnq bu•••-.a CIIOWii CIII.ATlOHS 4Sl Cabtollo T•u..-. Coro.,• .t.l Mo r CA ~ o... ,.... Cb ... biO w ="'Tan eo-tMI W... CA n .. bvaJn... La ~.,.d... ed b• •• tndt•.du.•l S.q...d o,.n ....... C"k-~ btO n~ ••••• .._.,. • ., t.a.d ..... .." C wn•v CL.•'" u.t OuR..,e ~ .. n·v """ ••• 19 1'112 P•bluh r.b I Ill 17 24 l<ltJ TM N•wpott [Pl,..qn ra&uao PVIUC IIOnCI -..&* ncnnoas IUIDIIIS MIG PArDIDrT The lollow-,.._ ••o dooroQ t. ....... •• llll DUPONT A.SSOClAT'IS, Jle loa Nov...! o. .... N-n a..ca. CA G64lO lltclo&rol N Dock, ltllle V•rv••"" lloocl. Su Monao. CA 81101 lo•oo t.... :ZS Tohoe, h ""'•· CA 92715, lolo• 0 "'--· 1181 Port ldw.rdo Corel. N._..,,, IMch. CA G6410, SOD Pall••,.. IJOI Do- So S•n•• 710. N._..,n IMct.. CA UNO 1545 Florooco A .. ou ._,,..... • S.o ....,_.. o .... Ho_..,n a..c~o. CA atlll, 1Sl5 LM 17111 Slreet "-'-'"· -Sao MJ<Iuol On.. N..,pooi .... t.. CA 112110. .. ._ .. __ ... -s.. Ml<l•-' Dnvo "-""'" a..cll. CA 112110 "'" .......... CO<Id .... ~eo~ "' • IYOioM pan_....,. ,_... l.cllarol N Dod n... --· .... loJecl -· .... c.,...,, Cle•• ol O.uo-c-ry - ... 13 lila "'l>ball ••• :10. 27 , ... 3 10. 1113 •• fila"-" '--0 " .... , n •• • CLASSIFIED Dmll eeeoa~ For Sale piU1ftlfA11~ HAPPY VALENTINE To MY .as. + our Joe'' lcwtng~ Wo'\11 You to .. Hill Vdenttne- lnqun WltNn. .. ' From One PunJcinhNd to Another H11ppy BsllentiM's dtly SWHthMHt /LOVE YOU! Amlconejo- Te amo siempre y espero el dia cuando tu. alexander y yo podemos pasar los domlngos juntos en el parque central de Nueva York despues de una semana cansado del teatro y perlodlsmo. -Che ~········· ·········~ "' PUASE . : : • Toalormv 1 swee~ Marcua. Lor.~ LMIO • J leMv Vote~ ....... : ~~A._.. I • Doy.l~Mom : ......................... . J • l<We.~- " \ 71 Lota aad Ac rMge 72 Reeort Ploperty 73 Buem-Ptoperty 74 lacom.e/Coa.mrcl Property 7S Property MAoant 76 lacoaelbldiUilrial Property n Reallaete WuMdlkclaaaoe MOilLE HOIID IO~Ho.ea 11 WobU.B-• Wutecl 83 WobU. Home Prb IOATS a.loae./lqpa.at ISioat~ .Boat su.,. AUTOMOTIVE 87A\ItoU~ 18W...Kca..M •a.cra Veb:a.. 80~ 81 WcJtk,JOTCleW ._.. ta l6oJC'-8lV~ fotlu. NT~ ... ....... 81AwhrW ~ 81AuWf~~ r7 A-.w ..... Miss Johnson To Wed Luce r::===;:;::=:::=-:-::-----n.-::-":-e-wpcw1~:-:-E-n•_lgn~~w-~1 . February 10. 1112 Po94t 13 Student To Go Nr. and Wn. H.ury C . JohD10n of N•wport Beach have announced the engaqement of their dauqhter Karen Ther .. Johnaon to Randall Coppa.rd Luce of San Oieqo, eon of Mr. ad Mrs. Gordon Coppard Luce of S.n Dieqo. Both attend the Uoiveraity of Southern Californta Buain .. School. She is in Kappa Alpha Sorority while he lS preaident of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. The bride-to-be's father is an i.oCiependent citrus qrower and member of the board of direc- tors of Sun kist Growers. Luce's father ia chairman of All YSON JEAN RILEY the board and chief executive Pr•ident Reaqao's Houstnq officer of San Oieqo Federal Commiaaioo Task Force. ADyson Riley, McDonald To Wed Savings and Loan. He aerved u They plan to be mamed May secretary of buaineu and 22 at Our Lady Queen of transportation under Governor Angela Church !n Newport Reagan and il cu.rrently on Beach. Dr. and Mra. ROQer E. Riley of Newport Beach have announced the enqaqement of thetr dauqhter Allyaon Jean IWey to Paul Brian McDonald of Covtna. Reception For New Librarian Set Miu Riley ia a qraduate of Newport Harbor Hiqh School and the Untveraity of Southern California, where she wu af. filiated with Pi Beta Phi Sorority. A fifth qeneration Californian, her qrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Riley and William L. Scbleqel, all of Newport Beach. McDonald, son of Mr. and Mn. FranJt McDonald of Covina, qraduated from Bishop Amat Hiqh School, and USC and is worluoq on his masters deqr" at Cue Western Reserve Univeratty m Cleveland, Ohio. A reception will be ho.ted by Mayor Jackie Heather and the Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library for the new Balboa Branch Librarian, Jackie Headly, Friday, Feb. 19 from 5 to 1 p.m. at the Balboa Branch Library, 100 E. Balboa Blvd. Before coming to Newport Beach, Headly was chief of ex- tension services for the Lake County Public Library in Mer· rillville, Indiana, where she coordinated programs for the system's 13 branc hes. She was also adult servtces coordinator with respooStbility for training, book selecbon and audiovisual servtces. She has also been mvo)ved m At USC be was quarterback of the football team and 1s now with the Cleveland Browns. special servtces for the deaf, m· J ACKIE HEADL Y eluding edihnq a newsletter for the board of cLrectors of the They plan to be marned in January at St. A.ndrews Presbyterian Church m Newport Beach. the deaf and beannq 1mpaued Northwest IncLana Serv&ce for su years. She also served on Aqeocy for the Deaf. Service Academy Nominations Lions Donate To Meal Program Newport ~an,ners Ltons Club recently donated $1 ,000 to the Hoaq Memorial Hospital Mobile Meal prOQram. The prOQram serves about 40 meals per day to local people unable to leave home Wtth volunteer dnvers . Six local students have been nominated to service academies by Congressman Robert E. Badham of Newport Beach. Nominated to the US Naval Academy at Annapolis were Mark A . Admiral, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Admnal, and Anders C . Kinsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K.msey. Nommated for West Potnt wu Carolyn A . Spauldtnq dauqhter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard .......... COUPON .......... . z c L ;:) 0 30 COFF PER POUND 011 OUR HOlEY IIIED HilS GOOD TMU FEI. 17. 1112 WITH COUPOI OilY u FORMn~ I No pulling No teor~nQ No lost mtnut e ca v.ng Honey Bolted Hams ae sliced aound the bon~ o sprol manner so that each slice remo.ns 10 place until served Each slice •s uniform n thleltness and z untOids easily 0 We .nvented the sp.~OI sJtcea hOa'l ana we think 11 L reoly 1s the best thing SK)Ce sliCed bfeod It serves j OfoupS 01 t'ldlvlduols perfectly and IS weJcome at oil OCCQSK)N both formal and intormol 0 Eve~y Honey Baked Hom 1$ sto\Nfy baked ovet (.) oungent hlckay chips and glozed w1th a deiK:IOUs Spauldinq. David K. Sm.lh son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Sm1th wu nommated to the Au Force Academy at Colorado Springs. Michael J. Pinckney, son of Mr. and M.rs. James Pinckney. was nominated to the Merc hant Marme Academy. Also nominated from Newport Beach was Sean W . McCaffrey. son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Bazry McCa.fhey. I cooflnQ at honey ond sp.ces Try a tree sample 1n any one of OUt statu Your taste Duds W1l bock up OUt Clc:W'n Fa the pet feel compon.on we sugoasr yov try Honey 8oked Hom Mustard Sauce Irs tl'\e best tl'llnQ SinCe s~ed hom "Gina's ls a famlly·r:un ., .. ~a~: ~L GIFT CERTIFICATES RlOUMAIU ANYTtME business, and the product Is excellent -crispy yet soft crust available thick or New Furniture ToArgentma David Wcleever hulett to ..,.ad a yeu u • tore190 a - Chan'J'I .tudeot tD AJ.guttU wttll Aaaerlcu Field Servtee. NcEeever, tOD oi Mr. ud Mn. W.rhn Nc.Eeevez •. ta • junior at COJ'ODAt del Wu High School and one of 13 finahat.a from the school accepted fo.r • year of &UJIUDer study abroad. Flay Receives Research Grant Checking out the new furniture at the Manners Branch Library are. from lett. Anita Ferguson. president of the Frtends of the Newport Library; Judy Clark, ctty librarian; and Frank Eastman. Mariners Branch librarian. The furniture. for the employees lounge, was donated by the Friends. Other donauons last year included $8,000 fOf shelv1ng at the Corona del Mar branch and a display case and book return at the Newport Center branch Bnan R. Flay of Newport Beac h has recetved a $30,000 reaearch qrant from the Amencao Lung Aasociahoo. Flay. who ts a.asiltanl duector of the USC Health Behavtor Research [nantute, is r .... r- chmq the effechveness of a smoktoq prevenhon program for yo•tth. Save Gas • Save MoMy Read our Real Estate Section '\ ~,. to• o,. l 1o WE'§I'I'!J ty 9 INTOWftSO COME IN AftD GET ACQOAiftTED. WE SERVE OMELETTES • HAM8URGERS • FISH AND CHIPS • AND MUCH MORE Present this ad before I I a.m. Receive two breakfasts for the price of one. Void after Mar. I, I 982. Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days a week 2931 E . coast High\-vay Co ro na Del Mar e 92675 Telephone 673-0921 4 doon holD the Pon n...n. a.u eo ColoMA S...CS.. . . as now serv1ng Lunch, Dinner & Cocktails for reservations : 675-2968 Ampk parking at 2M Ne-port Bt,d. (corner ot 19th and Newport Blvd I Ne"port Beach UM Outdocw "91'10 "'~ .... ., •• -an. ..... to "'*• "Ute ,,...., '• o" doorW'9 t ~ 0.'1''00"1 "0..•' •• to PUt ,._,., on • III'OIOCel """ 0t 1-11\41 w •U '"'" '""-"" ot• -·lUII't ""--~ ...,one '"' ' ~ 10 YeN .,.,·~ c:leuol... ..._,.._., ,. ......... _,of_,..<.,. ~- lll••tiu tA1a ~ida aa Oll•li•'• 'D ..... GC..~a,&lt ... ldldw•tt •••.._ 00.,.,4L Tt141 (:Uftl,_.l: 4001 W Coost Hwv Newport Beach CA 673-3322 Lunch T u-fn 11 a.m -3 p m ()nnet Sun Thurs (excepT ~) > 10 p m Fn &. Sat >11 pm THE PORT THEATRE 11 'J bl bO TWO FRENCH COMEDIES COUSIN- COUSINE (PG) and COME HAVE COFFEE (R) MONDAY All SEATS $2.00 ,,. · J & • ~-· .'JAOIU )t. Ill• ~k~ VALENTINES sa~ not rust I LOVE YOU but say JE T.AJME Fcx the rrench exemplifies the tru~ mean1ng of romance On Sunday Febuary 14th the PLEASANT PEASANT tn N~wport Beach located at Mac Arther Square Wtll bnng you JE T "\\ME tn the true Fr~nch meantng! The-symbol of LOVE Wlll be grven to all the Ladtes on th1s speceal cia) A. Ro~ that 1n all languages 't'PfeSoents ~ "nd one -·:;;:~-\\-) true love. JE. T AIME 7 ~'"f '> ~ DOI't,. .JUST SAY ,' ' ··1 LOVE YOO'' .......__ ~ . SAY nJ£rAUU:· ~ /' -_.,. .... -. ... bP..-<N ~ t...'~~ ....... .. ,P"'\.on.Jonp • \)lP"'\ :~. ~ ___ ft~ ·~ k -~G -'· I\ 4251 Mart:mgale N~wport Beach \) lin MacArthur Sq~) Telepho~ ( 7 14) 955 2755 thin, well covered with f~ ~ta (we liked ~·· saus~ and double cheese but were ~ted by ~ other combos). end a ~ sauce. The walt Ia well worth lt. •• ' I ' Vassarette- uNnERNEATHITALL by Jllldrecl Mead Never haa there been a time in fuhion hiltory when there were eo many optiona avaUable. Sprino '82 hu not j\dt one new faahlon, but hundred.. Sophisticated city cta.ics emeroe in aimple architectural ah.pea and uncon.structed ltyl .. with skirts or pant. in alllenotht that drape and move on the body. The ethnic influence prov .. that romance never ooea out of fuhion-from eoft peuant akirt.a with rufJlea and flourishes to the oentle exotic kimonoe of the Orient. Also there'• the roman- tic heroine look of bare ahoulden and eyelet petticoat.. And then there'a the nautical look, inapued by aailino and yachtino mai)Uin•, tran.alated into abort panta, tope with middy collan, rope bella, piping and atrlpea in co.mbinationa of red, white and blue. With all thia variety, it's often difficult to really determine what linoerie to chooee for the new ailhouettes. For the firat time we are able not only to tell you but to ahow you some of these 1982 optiona with what ia worn underneath, thanb to V uaarette. They aay, "WhAt a year for pants! What a year for the teddy!" Panta are all lenoths-culottea which ia thia MUOD'a new alr.irt, ha.rem pants, kn.icken, abort full panta, long tapered panta, pa- jamu, and doze.na of other new atylea. And Vauarette'a teddy ia the perfect underpinnino for all the pant stylea. Of aatiny tricot and sculptured I bodice and V-froot faahiooed ~ce reminillcent of the Victorian entirely of lace with adjustable era, the teddy h.ou a fitted satin ribbon straps and a sahn THE HAIR Aerosol Moisture Proof GLOSSARY A Revolutionary New Collection for Total Hair Care FiYt a1 new produds designed Wllttlf'ltlrlodang action and lflOredlents to OM you lie Qlosslest. bOunaest hair ever' Get 1tlt entire coledJon tQif Spray BasiC $300 Shampoo $350 lsn I 11 time yOUf hair had a -~"? Find out aiiOOt The Hall Glossaty at The '10114U r1a.E llORRRl . .............................. ly Appl. 646 4036 271 f.ut 17th Street. Co.t. Meta bow. The teddy ia available in what Vuaarette calla Freah Lilac, Shy Peach, Subtle Nude and White. Are you freah, ahy or subtle? The teddy i.s shown here with a pleated pant. and top by Louia Marino for Kay Kippa, Ltd. Expect to ... the Vaaarette "Frolics" camiaole and petticoat worn as a aundreu thia aummer as well as under Santa Fe fashiona by Ralph Lauren. And the camisole can be worn u a light and airy aummer blouae. We can't iQnore the mini, or aa V assarette saya "Viva la France!" In their "Frolica" col- lection there are French ahorta with pull-on bralette, perfect for the mini, shown here with a mini by Norma Kamali. French ehorta conceal your bottom, even when you bend over, and are 10 pretty, no one carea if THEY show. And what a perfect Val- entine's Day gift for the gal who has everythinQ! Another great glft for a wife or friend who awinQs at anchor in the coves around Catalina laland is Vaasarette's "Skipper•" long jumpsuit of 100 percent cotton knit. It has an euy stnped tank blouaon top with scoop neckline, eluticued waist and satin bow accent. The aolid- color white trouaen are elasticized at the anldea. The JUmpsuit also comes with either navy or red alnped topa. It la avaialble alao in a abort jump- suit with culotte-atyle panta. Moat of the major departmeAI storea and lingerie ahope carry Vauarelte. HEART'S DESIRE Pr.tty l»by dol/1-.. V•lentiM gifU of love, for 1l!lJ!J of you. BRISTOl TOWN. COUNTRV 3642 s. Bristol Santo Ana. CA 557·7171 SLIPS and HALF ILIPS-BRA&-BABY DOLL8 and LOtiO and SHORT QOWtiS and OOWMB and ROBE SETS. LortQ and SHORT ROBII WARM ancl LIGHT WEIGHT SLEBPW!AR. QUALITY tiAME BRAtiDS. Art 01h,.,_A"'*-is currently exhibiting an Old Masters collection. Phone 841 -1011 for galtefy hours. ..................... TheCellf ..... VIew .. exhibit repretenting 41 artists, alto "Contem- porary C.tifomiafls IV" at the Laguna Beach Muaeum of Art. Galtety hours are Tuesday through Sunday. 11 :30 a.m. to 4:~ p.m . ... nnGIVe...,. .......... by Janet B. Mackaig and Martha Matthews and "A Photographic Series: Concrete" by Mihoko Yamagata will be exhibited by the Arts and Crafts Center Galleries in Irvine until Feb. 19. Gaflefy is located at 4601 Walnut Ave. 81 Vale. Hours: 9 a.m . to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday. Pol1ttl .. m ert by Italian artist Lucia Fortuny at Mildred Seamster Art Gallery, 3341 Newport Blvd. Call 673-0400 for gallery hours. .. T, .. done end Traneltlon .. works in various media and avante garde styles drawing upon Jewish spiritual traditions runs through Feb. 20 at the UCI Art Galtery. Hours: noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. PhotD.aptey by OCC ....._.,Barbara Kasten through March 7 at the Art Museum Gal- lery at Cal. St. Long Beach. Hours are varied. RraetftWOftlaby ,....,........,on exhibit at the Fine Arts Galtery, The Lumber· yard Plaza. 384 Forest Avenue. Laguna Beach. Hours~ 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Connie Kine'•.,._ tlcWOftlawill be exhibited through March 11 at the New· port Beach City Hall Gallery. 3300 Newport Blvd. Hours: 8 1.m.- 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. O...,..County~ -.. Coft ..... ., Art. 3621 w. MacArthur. Space 111. Santa Ana. is now exhi~tlng recent photography by Holly Wright, eculpture by Peter Beerita and ~by Ray Jacob. Hours: Noon to &p.m.W~ through Saturday. L'M'It J..,...G.tJ'f ,..u to announce the doling of the geUery on Mlrch 1. A special exhl· bitJcw1 end doM\g Mle Wit be Mid through urdly. Feb. 1:1 of all fiber llnWOfka ~ed • ,.. South CoM1 Hwy .• Leguna BMch. Houra: 11 a.m. to I p.m. Wadn_..y through~. c ............... by David Tejada on exhibit 81 the Belson Gallery. 3720 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. Gattery hout's: 10 a.m . to 7 p.m . Monday through Thursday. ''Heelt of • Chlllr' -newiV reHNtsed lith- ograph by artist Alan Murray. along with his P.Utets and charcoal drawings now on dis- P'av at Haggenmaket Galleries, m N. Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Hours: 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . daily. Photoerephy by Olhle Pertlw at the Susan Spiritus Gallefy. 3336 V18 Udo in Newport Beach. Hours: 11 a.m . to 5 p .m . Tuesday-Saturday. Newport ..... I'MI- dentThelmePed- dooll Hope will exhibit some of her portraits through March 1 in the Rotunda Gallery of the laguna Federal Savings and Loan. 260 Qcean Avenue. Laguna Beach. W•tercolora by VIc- teN G. c .. rdoe, art profeiS()( at OCC. will be on display through Feb. 26 at the Menden- hall Gallery at Whittier College. Gallefy hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m . faculty uhlblt •• OCC through Feb. 26 in the ~lege's Art Gallery. Hours: 10 a.m.-3 p.m . weekdays. Admission 50 cents. Clubs N•wport Achleven Toastmasters CJub meets Wednesday mornings from 7 to 8:30 a.m .• Western Federal Savings. 4 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beach. Speeches will be video taped. For information call 67&7196. Newport c.n .... T oastmastets meet Monday mornings at 1 a.m ., Pacific Mutual Building. Fashion Island. For information call Or. Annamaria Ballin at &40-ar38 or Mel Creighton at 566-1171. tmn.Conlptu loattmutera meet MoMSay mornings at 7 at the Advanced Health CenUH. 1300 N. Bristof. Information: Fred Holbom, 549-n49. Dleoo. Country Western~ and Ba"room Dance Ctub, meets Tuesdays and Wed,.- days. 7:30p.m •• 2515 E. Coesl Hwy., CorON del Mar. For information call 494-0683. .... c.... c.. ............. Jewtsh Cent• holds Memala· Tatala groupe for inf .. t• and ·~ and theit motMt8. lnfol· mation. <*I K.-n Schulrnln. 1!117-2a70. '" Tt••••• ia e naw group offered by Otlil dMigMd to offw guidtnce fof ~ ~t¥ widowed. Mlet»~l p .m . to I p.m . ec the Cent•. More lnforme.. tion, c*l--- AdwemuN with the .... tcripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Com- munity Room. Westcliff Ptaza in Newport .Beach. Call493~ f or days and information. Velenttne'e Dey perty hosted by the Interna- tional Friendship Circle of UCI, 10 a.m. Thurs- day. Feb. 11 at the home of Rita Mayer. 2700 Pebble Drive. Cor- ona del Mar. All guests must bring their wed- ding picture and memento of their court- ship. Information: Golda Johnson, 673-7553; Peggy Maradudin. 644-0336. "Heppy 18th Birth- dey CWC" is the theme of the Newport Beach Christian Wom- en's Club luncheon to be held 11 :45 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Airporter Inn. Open to all women. cost 1s $6. Reservations, call Mrs. Jim Dority. 544-2921. Newpott Beech- Coete M ... branch of the American Assoc1a· tion of University Women will meet at Newport Balboa Sav- ings, 1100 Irvine Blvd .. Newport Beach. Wed· nesday. Feb. 17 at 7 p .m . Speaker IS Sandy Wiersema. a criminol- ogist with the Orange County Sheriff's Depart- ment. Hel"bor san...,. Meets Tuesdays. 7:~ to 9:30 p.m . at Presbyterian Church of the Cove- nant. Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Anyone who enjoys singing and can carry a tune may join Further informa- tion. call Joyce at 548-2733 or 546-7660 or Pat at 494-8119. ' Chin••• New Yew wtll be cetebrated by the American Association of University Women 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Feb 10 at the Irvine Senior Center. 3WJ7 Sandburg Way Coutllne Chllpw of B'nai B'rith Women will meet Wednesday. Feb. 10 at 8 p .m. at Merit Savings, 5392 Walnut. lrvme. For information. directions or a ride call 897-2455 and leave a message. tmneau.~neMend Proft11hnel Wom- en'• Ctult will hofd a d1nner meeting 8 p m Wednesday. Feb. 24. at Ocx:idental Petroleum. 2100 Main Street, Irvine Or. Natasha JoMfoWitl wtll speak ReMNationa: Lmda Doyle. 833-5461. by Feb. 12 v-. ............ ........ CleM of '72 will hdd its 10.year reunion Aug 14 at the Ne'Wporter Inn. FOf more information. call the ectlvitlel off.ce at the tchoo&. 974-4710 La ......... Lace Dan I I rponeored by 'South eo. Jewish ~I p.m. to 11m a.t~. Feb. 13 et T--hth ()tvkj In w.mn.w. Admltllon itM,n~M. ~. 'nfotfM- tion: &»0111. The ... atde Awr- la.y of Ftcw.nc. Crh- tenton ··~Will host a Valentine lunch- eon 11 :~a.m. Feb. 12 at the Newport Harobr Yacht Club. Reserva- tions $15. contact Mrs. Frances Scott. 640-0087 or Mrs. Ellis Williams. ~- Dolphin• Women'• Dlvt.lon of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce will host a luncheon meeting 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday. Feb. 16 at the Balboa Bay Club. Reser- vations: 644-8211 Executive Women ln- temetlonel meets 6:30 p .m. Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the Airporter Inn, Newport Beach. Guest speaker will be Christen Brown. Information: Charline Berg. 731-n11. Pukln•on•• Ecluce- ttonel Prognm meets 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12 at Park Newport Apartments SPA. Infor- mation· 640-0218. Phi Bete Alumnee of the South Coast Club will meet 10:30 a m Thursday. Feb. 11 at Western Federal Sav· ings. Number 4_.COf'- porate Plaza,rNewport Beach Information: 673-2738 Spygl ... Hill G•rden Club will meet at the home of Beverly Monigal. Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 9:30a.m . A fashion show will be featured For informa- tion on the club call 644-4443. Greenpeece Oto•nee County is sponsonng whale watching trips 2 p.m. Friday attar- noons unt1l March 13 at Dana Wharf Sport· fishing, Dana Po1nt Har bor. Tickets· $7 adults. $5 semors and k1ds Reservat•ons and 1n formation· 960-2388. Ask for Debbie or Jeff V•lentlne'e P•rty hosted by the Orange County F1re Department Lad1es AUluhary w 1ll start 7 p m. Friday. Feb. 12 at the SQS.Jth Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa Room $25 per couple; write the Auxiliary, 180 S Water. Orange 92666. The Or•nee County Chepw of Scnpps College Alumnae Asso· ctatlon has formed a profess1onal alliance of work1ng alumnae The network meets 11 .~ a m on alternating Fridays. at the home of Hiroko Ogata. 1014 Mariner's Drive. Newport Beach. For in formatton. call Ogata at 752-2197 or Barbare Stewart. 54>54&4 .. .......__Thelnt• gration of Human Structure," by R. Grent Powers. certified rolfer. Wednetday, Feb 17, 7 p.m ., 488 E. 17th St .• Suite 221 . Costa ....... lnformetion and raMt • vat~ catt 640-7881. T...,..a.. .. ane .. belneoH..-.d bythe City of Newport Beach at Mariner's Park and San Joaquin Hills Park. Adult, youth and pee- wee classes will be offered at nominal cost Further information: 640-2271. A V..tety of FWd Studlee Couraee are being offered by OCC. Information on any course is 566-~. They include: -Japan; 21 days from July 3-23. Cost is $2,205, reg1strat1on deadline is May 14. -Performing Arts of Europe; 33 days from June 26 to July 28. Cost is $2,967. -literary England and Ireland; June 27 through July 17. Cost is $2.099. registration deadline is May 14. -Photography in Mexico; nine days from April 3-11 . Cost is $1 ,()39, registration deadline is March 1 -South of France; five weeks. from July 12 through August 16. Cost is $2,575, registra- tion deadline is April 1 . ··u........,..,. Theoeophy" Wednes- day, Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m .. laguna Federal Sav· ings. 260 Ocean, Laguna Beach. Spon- sored by Laguna Beach Theosophy Group. Information 499-3154 Admission free "R..a E ....... Role in Total Financial Ptan- ntng," program at meet1ng of the South- ern California Chapter of Certified Commercial Investment Members. Feb 17. Newporter Inn Open to public. Charge $15 for non-members. Reservations call Ann Welch. (213) 94J.-Jn1 CoolctngC ...... offered by Fassero's, 2919 East Coast H1ghway. Corona del Mar. 673-2343: -Friday, Feb. 19: An Exquisite Moroccan Feast. class on Moroc- can Cu1sine. Madam Jacqueline Hahn will 1nstruct. 7 p m.. fee is $18 50. Call tor reserva t1ons. Cooking c'•"•' offered by the Sherman Library and Gardens. 2647 E. Coast Highway. 673-2261 · -Mondays to Satur day, Feb. 13. classes on Italian cuisine. Reserva· tions. 673-2343 ltr•tevY of Neeott.- don'' by Tessa War shaw at the dinner meeting of WeC.n Women's Network Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 6·30 p.m. at the Sherlton Newport. lnfom\8tion ~II Pattl8 Pace at Five Star Marketing. 836 4333 ChiUI ... ··--.... leefl'll8ftlllhlp and Competitive SlUing I. CPR and Coatat Navig,ttion Will be h4tkt at Voyegera Yacht Club. 2618-A NMpon BN<t Aft datele •e nine we.b k)ng. lnforme- Uon, eont.ect Coelth Community Co~ttge, m..a1 ··o.~ca -• "-ource for Cavity-Nesting Birds" slide program sponsored by the Sea and Sage Audubon. 7:~ p .m . Tuesday, Feb. 16 at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana . Dave Bontrager. ~­ turer. Information: 879-3471 ''The I .... of .. Economy: The Reagan Revival"; Frank Cap- piello. lecturer. 10:~ a.m. Monday. Feb. 22 at Edwards Theater in Fashion Island. In con- JUnction with the Assistance League of Newport Beach. Con- tact lois Riker. 760-0986 for infor- mation. -FrMc-....en••...._ at the Newport Beech Public library. Newport Cttnter Branch. 866 San Clemente Drive. 4 p.m Tuesday afternoons. In- formation, 640-2246. Features will include: -Feb . 16: "Me and Dad's New Wife." "Great Bubble Con spiracy" and "Hardware Wars" -Feb. 23: "Horrible Honchos" and "Seven Wishes of Joanna Peabody'' TrtptoMovlelland Wax Museum Wednes- day, Feb . 17. Bus leaves from OCC Audi- torium parking lot at 9:~ a.m . Fee $15 TICket information 566-5880 OCC'• CaMtge For lOde P,otll'eM is now holding registration in the Community Serv1ces Office in the college's Administration Office Many classes are avail- able, cost is $20 per class session per child, and $15 for an add• tional ch11d lnfor mat ion 556-5725 Allditlone for the Amenc.n ..... t Theetre will be held 1 p.m. Friday. Feb 12 at the ABT school. 171 1 Stewart Street, Santa Momca School 1nfor mation. call Patnc•a Wilde at the ABT 10 New York, (212) 4n-:n30 Announdng the Flnt Annuel Pttoc ... 5001 Corona del Mar's spectacular compet1t1on of the world's only raceable and edible Porsches The green flag drops at 7 p m Thursday, Feb 11 at The Phocolate Phac tory. Ltd • 2721 East Coast H1ghway. Corona del Mar Pors.ches Will race 1n classes rangmg from "Munched'' to ''Totally Lunched " I>UIUC' MOnet ncTtnoUS I USIIU:U IIA•s ~UTOIDff .. Piau'' a dance band. is now appearing at the Newporter Inn library lounge Fnday and Saturday evenings from 9 p.m. to 1 :~ a.m. Cheriematic plenhlt and vocalist Bill Wright will be featured 9 p.m. Sunday through Thurs- day evenings at the Newporter Hotel. Library lounge EMa llnpenonetor Pete Willcox IS performing through Feb. 13 at the Grand Hotel. Reflections Lounge. Number One Hotel Way in Anaheim ''The 11ourveo1a Oen- demen .. by Moliere. 8 p m Wednesday through Friday. Feb. 1(). 12 in the Fine Arts VIllage Theatre at UCI There w ill be a 6 p.m showing Saturday. Feb. 13. Tickets are $5 general. $3 students, and may be purchased at the Fine Arts ncket Office. Information: 833-6617 .. Lee Sytphidee .. will be danced by the Ballet Pacifica 4 p.m Sunday, Feb 14 and 8 p.m . Monday. Feb. 15 at the Laguna Moulton Play- house. nckets are $7 for adults. $6 children, seniors. and students. Information· 494-7271 UCISylllllhony Qeo~a Wtll perform 8 p m. Friday and Saturday, Feb 19-20 at the Fine Arts Village Theatre. TICkets are $3 general; $2 for students InformatiOn 833-6617 Honore Conc..t performed by UCI's 1981 Mus•c Scholarshtp Wmners. 8 p m Wed- nesday. Feb 10 1n the F1ne Arts Concerl Hall Adm1ss100 ts free. no t•ckets are requtred Information ~ 17 Flute, vlole end ~concer1 featunng Allison Baker I Johanna Mathewson and Ramona Mathew son 2 p m Sunday. Feb 21 at the 08Sis Sentor Center EO) Marguente Corona del Mar Ftrat Annual aeneftt Dance EJCtre....,_. for the Orange County Easter Seal Soc..ety to take place Sunday. Feb 14 at the AtrPOrter Inn Call George But ts or Tyrone Moss, 661 -5826 for 11me and ttckets \ T1bble•• Muelc Hall. 1~ Pacific Coast Highwey. Huntington Beach. features Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Seat· 1ng Tuesday through Saturday b:45 and 8·45 p.m .• Sunday 7 p m $12.96 and $14.96 includes dinner Reservattons:840-5661 . ....... llooll•nd Cendle" starring Cyd Charisse plays at the Grand Omner Theatre •n the Grand Hotel, Ana- heim. through March 17. Reservations -m-n10. .. Angel ltreet'' presented by the Hunt- Ington Beach Play· house. Speee 39. Seacliff Village Shop- ping Center. Yorktown and Main Streets. Hunt- ington Beach. Reserva- tions and 1nformat1on. 847-4466. ..c.,.,. aaow Yow Horn .. runs weekenda through Feb. 20 at the Mission Viejo PlayhouSE at the Forum Theater ir. Laguna Beach . For nck- et Information and reservations call 830-92.52 or 495-6669 ···leechew au-·· runs each weekend trom Feb. 19 through March 20 at Newport Theatre Arts Center. 2501 Cliff Drive. ( Newport Beach. Curtain Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m .• matinee Sun- days at 2 p m Box Of fice. 67&-3143 or 642-8119. "The Ptey'e The Thl,. .. by Ferenc Molnar. on the South Coast Repertory Mam stage. 8 p m Tuesday through Saturday. 7 30 p. m Sundays and weekend matinees at 2 ~ p m nckets are $1>$10 SCR Box Of- ftce · 957-4033 "Dtwtalon Street" Will be presented bv the Newport Harbor Actors Theatre through Feb 28 at 8 p m Thursday Fu day and Saturday and 2 ~ p m Sunday Theater located at 390 Monte V1sta. Costa Mesa Tickets are $6 $4 sen1ors and students Telephone.631 5110 "Sc.plnol .. comedy by Frank Dunlop and Ju11 Dale runnmg through Feb 28 II" the Drama Lab at OCC Ttcl{ets are $3 each and can be obta1ned by call •ng the Box Off1ce 556-5627 Showt1mes very "U al IC IIIOTlCI n<"TTTIOU1I •~ "AM l ST t. 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'fAUJI AJU> OF PiliiliOM TO ADIIJIQSTEJl EST ATE NO • All»M To all Min. benef~el&n•. eredJion. conllll~l e~l· ora, and ~,.,. who .... , be othenn.c a.nl•r.Ced LD the will or ..c.atc ol Ad..--a V 1~. deeed.nt A pehboll !l&a ~n Wed by HJCholu Ahaponw LD Ill• Supenot Court ol Orur.~e County ,.. queshGQ that Ntellolu Alwpon• be •ppo111lcd u ~noo.al repreMII~hve lo ad· IDLII.III .. r ahe eatal• of tbe decedent The ~hlion re · qu..U a ulhonty ao admlrueter abe ~e under the lodepeu· de.nl Adaauualrahoo of lat•\el Ael A b.M f\.ft9 on the petibcm will be held 1n Dept Ho 3 at 700 C1v1e C•11te• Dnve w .... S&n~ Au , CA a701 on M•r 3. 1982 11 ~JO •· • IJ' YOU OBJECT 1o I.H ...., .... nefltiOII-....... I n. ....._-..... ....._ • CIOeC*A -tWa .... r.cwt -t. o-..... c_,....._,CA-. ...... q,. ........ -~...._ c..-....... ,CA_ ,......_ .......... r.y .. .. . .-... .................. .... -n.~_ ........ e-, a.. .. o.-e-., -,.. 1.1 ~ ,. lO. 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Ita .,.. ............... 1111011 -..-..:.,..;a '"~­...... ,...-r "'-......_ __ .... ........ c,..., ........... 10101 ..._A ... ,._ v.a.,. c. .,. ...... , u.,«. ·-,..... A ............... CA-n. .__ Ia .....,._.... ·loy • ......... ,..._..., ........ , ...,.. ,.... --liW ......... c-.., a..~ .. o. .. _ c-.. " - &.a IS, Ita ........,, lae. JD. 21. , .. 3. 10, Ita •• n.~ ...... fll1010 MillO .-.caonc:a I"KK''IIIIGG-....n.,_, ft. ....... ,._ ........ .._ .. 'I'L\DoOAK Q:KIUP Ln>, ~~IW. ..... ................... CA_. ._ .... ,.__, • CaWoah -· I 4a. ~ IW., ---~ ....... c...., fte ................... loy. ........ ....-..... ...... au, a.-. ,_ ............ . ,.__, n..--hW ..... c-, C\trt. .. 0.-c-ay .- ... l,&ta ......._a-. n. ,.., J, ao. 11. 1ta .. no. ....... .._ ,,.:1211 a772 ....:.mea ra::miOII-....... ~ n. ........ _ ......... "-...... LUll • OIL. aD32 ""-llol. C.. ..... CA eaa: ..... t Wit-. l&OI .......... C.."-.CA.-.. .. y c ...... a:sa~.C....Mw.. CA..U 1\10..._ .. ~..,. .-.I.,..,_.,... ............. p ·~ n..--Wo4 .... ,.. c-My a.rl .. 0.-c-ay - ... D.lta. ........,. ,_ n . ,._ '· to, 11. 1ta .. n...._. ........ , .. ,. ftn) ...Cm1K:I: fLIUIOII-.... ft&,_, "'-........ _ ...... ...... • .-n PIIOCJUC. ftllll. DIIS I ..._ ..., , C4 c-.._, CA .... o.-a. 0.. ....,_,,.,,...,_.._ .... ........... c. .. n.. ............... r.y ... .................. o. .... a-. ......... nt __ .......... a-. a.a .. 0..... c.-, -J-12.1-..... ). 11. r• l. 10, 17. Ita .n.......,. ..... r11r• 8n4 ... =.-=. .... .,..,._, n. ......... __ ...,. ....... .. ,_., • CO . JIOO I c-....... c.-... Mal. c. ~ .,....... ... -..-. ~· A-"" A.,. . c..-... Mel, CA l:a3S; ...,_ a., ,_, :rm ~ 0....., ............... CA ..., nt---Ill ............ ..,. _.. ...,_...., ....... Doboosd ,.,........., ,.... __ Wo4 ...... c-, a.. .. o._. c...ay -a..n.t• ..........,. ""' l. 10. 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AMatlta. ... hlltlll& ,. ... "· ... ..... a. ... ............. ...... n..o ._ ...-:.mea .... ICIJI_._ .-.na......., n. ......._ ....-........ ..__. ~ c:ouenn 10 ¥111 •••• _... ............. 101 ..._. ....... c. ... ......_ • ..... C:...W.•• ....... -... • ...., "-· ..... 101 ....._. ....... c.-1\oo""-•........,., .. .., • .._ --.....-....... ., ·--......... ,.._.. ... """_...-.......... ~ .... c-., ctooo• .. Oa-c ...... .... '-21.1-...wa-,_ n . ,.., '· 10 11. ata ..• ...._ . ._ ra11~1 .....::.,.._ ncaa a.---.,...".,....., no......._,.__.._. .._ -Olll'II'DOIMI IIUII.DIIIf. nat C.... 1twr . ..._,. .._... CA ~ ....... r.o...... ... l-&.. T' ...... CUdo. , __ v.-.,. CA ~ ...... LT ....... tat.,_. o.;w,..._,.,CA.., 1\10 .,_._ .............. loy • _ .. ....,_.. ............... . .,_.._,. """ __ ....., ....... ,... c;....t, a-to .. o....,. c-..., .. ... ll,lta ....... ..._ JD. 21 ..... ), 10, lim .. "'-llawtlol1 .... ,._ a.nJ ..uc.mca .. .. tCIDMMI--..... na,_y "'-.......... --.... a.-• lCD ,..,_, IJDI 0.... ...... .,., .......... -..d. Clo\ GilD: ,.._ D. 01llocMII. 1301 ,.,_. ........ *· ..._. -..d . CA GIIO: \eo C s-., I ?1112 '*' ...... 00. a..-. C.IZ71• Tltt.la ,..__ ............ loy • --· ...-.. ...... , ,.. 0 O'DaooMil. ,.... __ ............ Coooaly O..k .. o.-c-a.., - laa.ll.l-~ No~. JD. 21, , ... l. 10, Ita .. n. ......... ~ ,1 ... 7 !finO ..UCliOnCII .... "".,.,._ .... .,...n.an n.~...-.......... ,..__ • MIWfOS1' -.ACM II&AI· DIG Am CDITD. 1100 W C... .._,, ,.._ ........ CA._,, C..... ......._ AMI ......_ lac . • ~ ---· 101 w c.a. ..... c.-. CA tl123 """.,_._ .............. loy • -· __ ................ ...__. .......... c..-~~toe-. ,... ....._ lac n...--w..~.-..a. c-tr a-to .. o.._ c-, - laa.14,lta ........... JD. 21. , ... 3. 10 lim .. n.. ....... a- r a..-7 Nl7lll ....uc.cmca ra::nr.,_,.._ ... .,..,_, n. ......_ ,.._-.... ...._ • IIIW WOI1D Dn'DIIA· tiOIIAI.. ..-v-~tuaaa A ... ..... 410, ...._, a..d, CA..., .,.._ 0. ...,. -a...-. ...._, a...ca., CA I:MiiO; llaM t "'-· SIO ~ • ..._, lorooc:lo, CA GilD; ....,._ I •' a-. JSU1 Nooaa ,.,. Drwo, L.aqloM -~.c.-.n Tllao ..__ .. ~ .., • ..... ,.,.....,..., ....... 0...... l) W..J I Tllao - -tllool """' .. ~ O.rl .. 0........ C...aly - 1-.lS,IC ....... '-». l'J, .... l. 10. lim .n.. ........ ._. rtiJOI4 lrOIS ..-..c.cmca rc:rmo.-.... .,.~ n.. ...._-. "- -• IJruW'W8()II ~ T1IOIIAl. Lllttii1'IIP. -c...,. o.-. .. 101. -._. ...._ CA _.. ..... ~ ... ......, " ......,.,_, U.l ........ Cl.oda c-.._,CAIIIZJ no...__.~ loy-• ....._......,.......,,. .... --TIIao --,.. ...... c-e, a..• .. a.-c..,., - &.a IS.IC l'loboloolt a.. ""· n. ,.., 3. to. ~~a ..n.~~-.. f ill-ICI:113 ....:.cmca IIO!ICaO/I ·--·u.u .... T.&. .. _ o. Narc' •. ata. .. n ••. Plna ,.__, 1'lla ._._ c_..,, • c:.woo.o. --·--~ •• .__ T.-................. '1'-. al doal --o-at el TNol _.....toy ...... a. W...t ... a.- .............. ..., ... .-4 ........ ,., to, atta • ....,..._ ....... -... l40ll. -.,. .. o.aa.a ....... a.-c-., . c:.w... .... ...-110 .... _...., ... .. ~ ............ ... .................. ~ZJ.IIIl ------,.,l , ......... ~-~-.. ~ ....... ...... c.-tr ........... ---..... ~ .. T ..... .. ,...._ ....... a....~_.,, .... ~ ......... .-. .... ___ ,_._,.. ..__c...,-, ......... IHL ........ ..., ....... A-. c:.w.a-. .................. ... _.....,.. _ _._.,.,...., .. .......... ~ .. '-..... ,_ .. .......-..... c_., .... ... ......w .. ..._.,., ............ I/CIM_ ........ .......w ....... ........ .., ... --.......... 0... lJ. • •. _....., .... e.. ... . .c:..ww.... a -...... ... v .... ..,"*'.~.,._. -· .. '-' _... o...a.. 11. 1 ....... ., ..... ,.. ......... . ............ --.....-.. ........ -... 0.0 ....... ._.. ... a.t ........ ..,,... .. ........ ._. ........... .. ......... ...,. .. _ _....., . .........,....,,, .... f·D a. .. _., ........ ........ ...,._ ... "YYIta .. ~ .................... _ ... _ ...,.,.......... ** ......... ..................... IC .... ................. ....... ....... .U•Licit_.J .. T .... .. . ................. .. ......... -.., ..... .. .... ... -...... _... .. .... ................ , .. .... ..... &.II AIM_,. .. _ ..... , ...... Lici, .. 1 ,_..,&);A-'r -.................. -.. _ .............. . ,... -· . , ........ .. -· ............ ~. ... .. ........ , .......... ... , .. .,._ .......... ...... .. ,. .............. .. ................................ c..a., ........... c.a. ......... ~ a. ..... "cr .. Tllill .. ......... _..... ...... .,. ..... II .. II .......... .. ....... -... _....~ ... . 51JIOUI!I unrUJUt TKUI IIDIOOW Wis.-._ V•to tr.o-. faa· IMtic \OMW, tor J.ue. 858-lSlO. COZV COTTAG& - Small 2 ·b adroom, tuepa..c.. beaJMCl ctil· lD9, 2 Wocb bom beech. $7SC) per IIIOAth puly, lint ud lut. $D) ..C:IU'lt . 254 Cbl· q\IJta, No l.aquna. 487-3833, 1722. lliNTAL, LAGUNA UACH -Spectacula.r view. 4 becboom, 3 bath , deD, diDinQ, decka, d iahwaaber, aeove, qar&IJ•· $1,050 raoo.thly. C.U t.owr .. nulll.bu 1-800-532-3972, ask tor PeAD)'Mver Ad· wai:Q.a:xxl. 51BOUIEI UftFU1UC OLD CORONA DEL WAR. Arctutec:t'a 3-bed- roo• cutom home 1 'h Wocb to beech. .__ with option to buy. S1.~ per IDODt.b. 556- 6610, u t. 72, 553-1299. led Cross The Good Neigh)Nw. ·-II,,,, iiiiiFIUI,. * .•. , ..... --··•n-.--... ~ •• .., .............. 2 ...... __.. .. ,. .•.... , ....... ... «>ow .... ,..,. .............. .-. 4 ..•.... ,. ..... ,.,. .......... .. LIDO 111.1 HOMIS ........... ~...,. ... 5 •••n •.. s ..................... 2 .......... ..... ·-···· ., ••• ,_,2 ....... ..,..._. ......... ~ .... ... UNDA IILI aA YfiiONTS &.e-.... .,_········ 5 ..... ,..,. ._.. ............... ..... ............. .._4 ••••••• , ... .............. .AM .... CARNA liON CO VI s,-...-. _,.... .. 4 ....... 4 ..... 2 .............. 5I CORDOS/ TOWIOISES FORREICT PUILISHIR DOIS HOT ACCIPT liability tor iDcorrec:t apelhnq, qrammatleel u1aecur· aclea, or typoqraphlcel error• an any edver· twemenla pubhahed 10 the Co.at Weda. New• Group. FOR RDfT::=-o-,-~---. 2· bedroom; den on San Joaquin GoU CourM. S900 per month. Avail· able Warch 1. 752~1 SIVACAnON RENTALS KAWAU CO HOO JCaaaap&IJ Be&ch, New. "Pap&b&," 2 b.droom, 2 beth, completely hn · nulled, al .. pa 6. S90 nlqht. Spec:aal wMk· ly/monthly rat•. Bro· cbure. 851-0909. NAMNOTH COHOO at LlJt 7, 8, 16 and 17 Larq• 2-bedroom. hre· place. mac.rowava, color TV. 16Cunla, Nun&, courteay van. S45-1302, 545-1304 SOUTH LAK£ T AHO£ -Lovely contemporary 2-bedroom, I 'la·batb. U..pa 6. Tahoa JCeya, S m aautea to akunq, curnoa. $75/naqht. (714) 646-2183. G REAT BIG BEAR «blo 10 the lky. Lovely 3-becboom watb every· tb1.nq. Color TV, fue place, etc Onty SSO per day. 646-8181. 1 -SKI VAIL Save 40~ Rent cLrect I from owner New 2-b.d· room. 2-betb, lu e pla.c:e, color TV, 1acua&a Sleepa 6. 60 ~ncb .. oew powder. Call Ralph, 551·1803 S~ RESORT So uth Lake Tahoe Oue beef. room condo. completely hual.lhed, siMpa 4 Av&ll&ble from Feb 26 S500 wMkJy. Cell Sam, 832-4857 &Iter 7 p m WAlJCW VACATION barqaaa Deluae atudiO, 1/2 block from bMch and p&Jk Park UIQ. SIMpa 4. S32 per nlqht. $210 w-k (714) 661-9130 ' PATTY TRUMAN r_ ... t.....,.. t:MEitALD lAy '" -~ .I I·-" ... _ .• .... SUP£Jl Wte'TtWA T£Jt _, "' ~..... •• .. .. ,~,..,..14t••• ,,.. ,., t• .... t 1••4-,...,\ ..,_ ''-'.! ~ ..,..t '"" ,._....,. f), L ,... •••• '" , ,,.I .Wt· ,.... I .... 1 ... '"'"" • ·~~ ..-1 t .-..h , ............ ~., .._ ' • •"-"--~ ..... I'· , • ..-' ... • t , •• .,. -.. • 1615.000 ..,.. '-,.. ., .rr•i -~ t""• 1210 000 E.JC".LI5H FA...:JUSE . I ... L .. I -"' ....... lEST -.,y .. lr1* I •••' \ .... ._..~ ....... , ...... •• ~1 .. ,wftt.L ....... .__ ............. \ ............ 1 .a ~ , •. ~·· '4 "" ..... \ ...... 't ....... - l.t.. t • ...,. .. '~~· ......... ,._ ,., .•• ~._ "''"' It" ..... I..-..t ......... '·-~.tl L ~ ( ,_ ......................... ~ ,. ', ....... ··f ,lt,L. ,.&., ... "'-• ..... ,. •• 1( ...... , • • ... ......... ........ f .. .... ., ,., .... -~ ~...... IS2S.OOD ,lrt ,, U9SOOO The Newpon Ensign Wednnday. February 10. 1• Pop II 11 800111 FOR R£Jn' PRORSSlONAL Fl· WAU -Noo·.aobr. awe 3-bedroom coodo. Pool. leDala eotarta. Cloe& to OC Atrport and all bWiiD..... S22S/ month. 845-2548. aomCEI COMMERCIAL Inn •t 1 •-..n c....~~­ ol reca;pti~~e, eo&6M· -room. ki~. pllloM, eecretarial .... wot4p-.v. Mallu.d......--· ric» •• .u.w. ...... • ...,. d dnlaalred. C.Uia.UJ (71.,,.. •• 83 REST HOMES • • SIHIOR CITIZE.HS • • Brown'• Group Home fully accommodate• MDJOn. &.autaful home environment l.icenaed. (714) 855-6221. (714) 581 -3390. MBOARD •cARE PRIVAn HO ME CARE lor elderly ambulatory. L1cenaed. retired nunae 54()..2562 IS GARAGE FOR RENT GARAGE STORAGE/ car. Corona de l Mar 640-7888. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE ouPux -owe io~ lntern t oo loan 2-bed· room each &.autaful neaqbborhood C lean' Alao 4-bedroom home wath 9V. 'h ant•~•st rate Try ~all do wn Larqe cul-de·aac lot Aqeot , 97~8866 IN OLD CORONA D£L MAR -Arcrutect'a cu. tom home. 3 b.droom. 2 balh, 2,000 aq h $450,000. 556-6610 .... 72. 553-1299. •BOUSES FOR SALE ~CH Oa.ly WS,OOO dowa. 4- b.droom. 3-bath. ocean VieW, brepl&ca, pool and . apa C aar S33!S.OOO. CIIAilTEB UAL n • DtVESTMDn'S .....112 131-1111 WHl'fAl/1 TER C at alina auoae u $50,000 down S.Uer l10anced at 13~ 4· bedroom , 2~·bath, fireplace&. $289,500. CHARTER R£A1. n •INVESnmms .-...a a1-•11 WOODBBIDG I O N THE LAJC.E. 2-bedroom p lua d e n, 2-b ath, panoramac l•kefront vaew Proleuaonally landscaped &.acb and tenruaclub. Good b.oan· clllq Owner offered at $297.000 552-8362. INVESTOR BARGAIN· Wbatewater Vlew. La- quna Beech abowpaeee. 3-bedroom, 2~·bath, ape, 2 deeJr.a, akyhqbt, ataaned qlaaa. perual aoiM S3SO, OOOIS75, 000 down Some flealblhty Compa ranqe from S395.000 to $550.000 No aoenl.l John, 834- 1578. NO GIMMICK Tha• u at. Way below market No doubt beat buy 10 Newport llea.c:h. Lovely 2-atory 10cludea 4 b.droom, 3 bath, lam· uy room, rl.l.llac elec:tnc katcheo, dwmq room, huqe playroom lor en tertnn~DQ, 2 hrepla.c:ea. covered peho Larqe t r ... atudded lot Plenty RV parlllnq. $265,000 10~ down, owe b&l&nce at Sl.900 per month Unbelaeveble. 631· 7215 eve& or 546-5881 ON-THE LAKE 10 Woodb ndqe J M Pe· tera Plan 5. Never oe· c up..d. 4 bedroom piWI bonWI S39S,OOO h ee l· lent hnancanq Owner/ MUer Faat eacrow 966-6517. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE --~ .... ·-..... ......._.... .... ~ ) ........ . ..... ~~ ...,. ••• ,. h._, ... ...., I ., 1 .............. ...0 ...... Aoo' """'"" • V'l ... fii'Of ........... ' """' A .. A • ....... '"'SMUG t. ,_VATU ·-·-o.•-• "'"' • .. r -• , e..h .,.,.. .. , 1.....,... u.s ... NtMI rutltttSMIO COMOO .. .... . ~~... ~ ... .... ~ ' ........ .. f -· ...... ... • l .. •• ·"'"' • • .... "' • •• •" 'It ,•. -.... ' .. ,.., tc-... ....... au•.• II HOuar.a FOR • OOifDOe/ 12 RDORT SALE TOWJaiOUI!S PROPERTY IT'S UP TO YOU t..... F08 IALE NIH I RISORT a!op Por option, tr~ or PIU tofwo'a P-"' Spec cb.ae tlua oew 3-b.d t.cu.l&r v .. w bome wath rooa/2~·betll oeeaa l•--------.1 pool and property 2· v .. w hoaw In I.Aqun& bedroom. 2-beth, d en, Beach Oltered at IIUJifTOifGTON lab rary $405,000 $345,000 leba Lund H.AJl.aR Superb owner !tunc d.b.rq Re.llor 6 A.oc . CUSTOM U19 C&U owner duec1ly 494-254 rnDIIftctUton Oaya 545 1166. evenanqa f W P!TSR5 LAND-~ vnn~ 499 4252 ING Pt.A 4 -2,500 aq. Spec:1ally deaaqned It , 4 b.droom. 2'h antenora, 2 Bdr , 2 beth, lamuy, IWiuriOWI Ba , 2 car qeraqe, I ma•ter auate, larc~• bdr converled ao country llltcben wlth bey ta.c:uua room Ten nat wl.lldow, 2 brepl&cea, Air, beautl.lu.Uy land pool spa aecuraty acaped A.ua&ble 11 q a te $265 000 nanean9 $299,000 Call $25,000 do wn l l1.ra'• SancL Salk&. aqent. (714) h.nanctnQ Brk (21J) 494-0791 421 -0447 FO R SAU-LOS COR RALlS, San Ju.n C.paa ltano (awqle atory) 3 bedroom on cui-de-Me afr .... v1ew. $229.000 661 6388. 89CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR SALE $7,000 DOWN -Owner mu.t u c nl.ce. 2· bed room, 1 'h-bath, oew carpeta, 2-car qaraqe, clan A.ume $60,000, JO.year, 11~ percent $98,000 I 661 1137. Tust•n 71 LOTS• ACREAGE FOR SALE BY OWNER 11 5 ac r•. apples and pean, I bedroom houM, all equ1pped 350 h Hwy 97 frontaqe $165,000. At.o 7 bu1ld ano lot•. sewer and water arnqa!Joo, valley a nd nver v1ew 112 moJe to lake S13,000 each CaJI I (509) 758-5381 68 HOUSES FOR SALE 10 MOilLE HMES RENT TOO HIG H, O.lu e trnler lor u le on cbo.ce wquu WaUl to town, '-t1vat.. 494-6123 NOBILl HONE. 18a48, 2-be droom. ae ma harnaabed , awnaoqa, deckwq and wuadbr..k To 90 out of puk $10.000 492-6616 8410ATS• EQUIPMENT JO.FOQT 19'n SEA RAY Sport Bndqe Wer c ury 2Ss. Avon r•h. low houra Evenanqa, 83().5259 PLY LIKE A BIRD Ultra ()qbt I!Jgbt u -n on "O nuu" televu•on lhow Call 661-9247 68 HOUSES FOR SALE lAS T 18th STRUT, Coata N..a 3 bedroom. 2V. bath, 1,545 .q It . 2· car qara9e I 61 5 town home& f M 11mple lot $155,000 Laroe peuo lAa.ae opt10n avallable 838-8911 Roben ~ Eilertaea I BY O WNER 3 bedroom. 2-bath, Sao Juan Cepo condo 2 cer anacbed qan9•. up qraded $99,000 Ann 10\la, flexible fananClll9 496-3468, 661-6199 "'BY O WNER .. Mon •rch Summa! town hou•• Overlook• ocean 2 larqe bed rooma. den. hv10q aod adnUiq rooma. 1 :Yt batba. l&rqe kttcben and peho. lareplace and terrace Pnvale atr .. t $222,000 By appomtment, call 499-3623 BY OWNER 2 bedroom condo, S6,000 down S8SO per month San Juan Capuhano 496 2876 ~A ..... ._ .... ~--·.-.- REALTORS The Welton ~ SUte 228 2~ l. Coolt Hwy. Ca ono del Mar (71•) 67~237 3 [9, ., SEilVJC£/ REP AU& ---- BJUTtSH A UTO IJ. PAJllS laqlh&r, J- He..Aey, TriiiiiBP~. WG, Triumph Sta q and motl odwr llnuab aulet~. 1995 Harbor II vd., COlli.& ...... 548 -6226, KIRB'S GllRAGI AUTO RIPAlR Fore19o I Oo...eic lnq1ne o vert.alll. T11.0e up. br&i .... electrical Call 832· 2377 CRCYCLES/ MOPEDS l NVt: ST YO IU ••• retun1 1979 YAMAHA £nduJ o 175 F10e coo diiiOI". $475 673-91 18 &Iter 6 p m 175 cc 1979 Y A.NAHA En1 Juro $475 673-9118. •It er 6p m '92 BICYCLES l.ADIES 10-SPUD, alae '.l •peed Men'a 5-apeed Name brandt Look/nde o aw Eac b $49 548~8066 68 HOUSES FOR SALE 1m J'OilD DOMCO ~.PI .. ....,.,r. qud aereo, power .... naq/bru .. , 111iat coadihoa. S7. tOO 8SS-4SI01 Unt DATS\1111 PICI"UP. Ruaa qood Spoke wbeels, o..._ .. ,... llrea. S2,JOO. Sll-l178 USID CAliS W AJITII> -Up to $.!100 pailt. lua· nanq or aot · Al1t0 wreck:a AM for Jack, 847-9478. PUILISHIR DOIS NOT ACCEPT b&blhty lor UlCOnec:t ~. qrammat.cal lll&ecur· a.c:aN. or lypoqreplueal erron 10 AD)' edver· twemeot.a ~ nd an tbe Coast New. Group ----JEUS. CA.IS, PICI· UPS from $35. Av.U· able at loc&1 Govern· me ot Auctaou Fo r cLrec:tory, call SurpiiMI Data C e ater, (415) 330 7800. II HOUSES FOR SALE .................... lrolrera or ••• ap 1 a pte. tul or ..._. Gllltftg ~I yW.. ...... -~dottMM..CMiliiiR ... .......... c .......... ...... Ccltey, ..... CHARMING NEWPORT NIIGHTS S 190,000 Secluded sNngted 3 bedroom PQJ- tklltv remodeled home on pool size k>t. ,,__ garage plus aUey access fN storage. Poula Ioiiey .a.uu u-......... .,....,..,., 4 .......... -" ... , ....... ... diD ·~ •• :t ......... 1 '~ ..... .... ....,., • .-.;w.,,._, .... ._. • ., ............. ........ ........... ............. .. .,....~. •""'" .......... . 232 GOLDENROD .... -. .. ,._ ..,_ •uGf .._._ ..,_ ... e \I'A ,_. -·-I··-""··· • ., •.• .... ~ ••• , •• ..., .... ·~ l .... ~ .-d ... ~ (')W( \ ...... .,. .... OPEN DAILY $535,000 a Ientine' s Day from t Media News ~staff I ~()k)nQ tk/ vlt.. ~·-4 364-1 #. ~oaJ~., ~ot.ona tid vlt.. 92G2 S G73-8 .fi!J4 36~-1 ~~~ ~oad ~ (al ~offl6eUia) 6 7/J-~9~ DIRECfORYOF SERVICES CRAIG'S SPilAYID ACOUSTICAL em. DIGS. ~-VfWY -ume·hk~ elti· ....... (714) ~-= GUWICJt a SON IUILDIRS lUI~ 11N7 AddiHou, a..odeb.Dv. Doon, Wiodowt, Patio eo..... PI&D8. ,,_ ... ..... , ..... Sd-2170. . Uc. 3101H2. AIR OOJU)ITI()NING ~ on SAL& .. rDilUARY oalyl Ce- tralau co.DddioAin9 .,.. lem~~. Llailed olfar. CaU L&oce, 533-4421. APPLIA.IfCIS BAUOII ARIA APPUAIICZ SDYICZ OD all aa.ab. &Jld mo-ci.t. Re.lrqln, lreeura, atovft, waahen, d,.,.n, trub compaclon. dWa· waahen C..U 549-JO'Tl. AQUARJUII SERVICE AOUARIUN S!BVlCE &Ad Rtup lor home or ollace Reaaonable r&lft, attentive aervloe. Fr•h or aalt water Call 645-4616. ASPHALT SEAL COAtDIG/ DJUVEWAYS ASPHALT REPAIR S..k:OAtmq ~PUIQ Coamercl&l/ enlaal Fr .. t:.t. Llc 397362 M$-8181 ALLSTATE PAVING CO. ATTOBMEY DIVORCI -Wllh allor Qey tiOIIII S195 UACOD· t_.ed (plua coall) In· tunealaulo ¥cadents, perceoi&Qe of recovery Davad Batft, Attorney, 540-6441 BEAUTY SVCS/ f1TNESS SALLY'S BEAUTY NOOK. 188 E 17th St . Coale NM& Pennanenta from Sll SO up Tantuav. S8 00 up Shampoo and aell, S4 SO Froallnq. $12 00 up H&.rculhnq SJ so 642· 7642 CABIHETS TH£ fiNEST an com merc aal and '"'dentaal cabanelry, shelvanq bara, counter and qen eral woodwork J&B Con.ttruchon Mallworlr Dav1110o L1cenM No 350878 (714) 631 4260 CABlNETS Cuai;m made, lratchena. boolr- caaes b.rs, qaraq" and chau ra~la 641 6927 daya, 640-7154 eve runqs Ask lor Tom CARPENTRY FRENCH DOORS- Complete anataU.hon an • new openmq or to replace qlaa 1hdanq doors and wandows Worlr quar&nleed Re· lerrals l.K:enaed con· lr.clor 673-73393, Tom Hooper u c 288626 CARPINTU -For· mica work, custom cab· tnell, book abel vM, qar&qe cabillaeta, (u~ work. 23 ,_,.. •• pe· r..-. CaD evenm•P. ~3-eC>S6. ~3-596'2. Thaalt you, Jerry. CABINITS -Cutoau made, lutcheu, boolr · c-. ban, q&.raqM a~~d chau r&&la. 641-6927 daya, 640-7154 ev•· 01n9a. Aak tor Tom. THI C ARPINTIR: Q\&ahty craftaaaauhip &I u affordable fnce. No Job loo UDal . Chns, 851-1264 CARPET CLE.ANIMG CAJUIET UPHOLSTERY ct.&amq -Febn&&ry apec:lal. Hydroal-.aa, deodoriae, ciefJM· 2 room.a, Sl3.50; 5 room.a, $31.50; aola, S19. 75 C.rpet, upholatary dye· anq (60 yards), Scotch· Q&rd, pre-coodmoouaq opbooal Carpet Mu- 540-1849. ~ STIAWORDRY C&rp.t . 6r UpJaof. •zy cle&Juov. Spe· c~ m clithctalt labnc. a.m.. op· et&led, bued 1D lr YUle. C1l41.7-4187 CO)ICRITI WORK Patios, dravewaya, blockwalla, room adda· tiona, foUAd.tiona. aaw cutt1D9. Lacanaed. Paul, 77S-3283, 77S-8371 CORCUTE PATIOS • DRJVIW A YS Wooden palao coven. .U typea No tob too btqlamall No 291235 Ask lor Jam, 546-7102 CONCRITl AND wA SONRY Pahoa, declrs, buck an lay, dravewaya wath upbalt removal, planters, fare· noqa, bloclr walla Fr .. .. ttm.... Da.o, S36 7440 (Lac 393422) FRD ESTIWA TIS on cement, block or bnclr- work, n-conanachon or rep&~ll. Lie. 294622 CaU ~-0639 anytime CHIIIIfEY SWEEP CHIWKIY CUANING Free spar.k anMio r CleaaMI nwthoda For anJonuhon, call Op. Cor. n1-5200 CHIWNEY SWEEP The 1001 In your dum· ney 11 a Iorch CIMn, lui, aafe Fr.. .,., maiM. S.rv10q Oranqe C o unty 551·3273, Franlr CAU. ClASSIFIED 173-0550 I snaALIZI la )Kk· ........, wotll ud,.. ao•.t of coaoret• <»-'*• ..._ ... ud an-~~ Mao cultill9 &Ad w\a9. Not .-.. Uc. Week's Coa- cNte Reaoval, 131· 2110. ......... , I DC CONSTRUCTION B. WU.SON & SONS - Bullden. FrM .. 11. rna._. 30 y .. n eapen· eoce. loaded lJc. No. 357487. 646-1740. BUILDING CON- STRUCTlON-Remod· elinv and repaus SpecialaaJDQ m fralllUiq, lidiaq, French doon, bay wandowa, paho coven, dec:b. John G.c:ek. 675-6002 CONSTRUCTlON SPl- CIALTIIS Palao doon, whadowa, alryhqhls, Frenc h doora, pabo roofs. o..iqo/lut.U.· lion. Joe Nar1tDH, (714) 642-0637. COWWPCIAL -ResJ. detial -Remodels. Poet Courucllon Co. Filliah work, redwood d.clta, patio coven, lloma amprovemeols. Very reaaooable R efereDCM. Fr.. Htl- m a lea. 857-2!189 Nl 7:N CONSTRUCTION -Na)or remodeL Full au, >ervlaton Coal plus or bad. Fr .. ..umat ... AU Newport relereoCM. Ou4wty work vuatan· teed . "Re.U Property S.rv tc:es," 631-4678, 675-6~ BACt alOE sERVICl - O.tchu"lQ, qr&dtnq. Low r&IM , \dd1h001, alter&· Ilona, repaara, lll&lD· lenanct•, desaqnanq, consulta nq aervaces. 730-1611 , 998 7385 eve- n~ CONTR.t\CTORS GEJU:aAL COimi.AC- TOR waoll 1 o remodel, rebuild or ,>,IU)d o- cuatom boma ... lac.l- lenl ref.,.uo• •· Pl.ue o.U Scoll E 1 'hal Cou· alrucbon, 631-S.~. C REATION CON· STRUCTlON -Quahty carpentry, "tpaars, remodehnq, adc.la1Jo111, palloa, aadanq Refer· enc•. tr.. ftlll n&IM. Reaaonable r ales u~u• 413422 C.U 548-4168 DRYWALL DRYWALL, ACOU S TIC SERVICES SJU U patches lo room adcl1· tiona Fr .. eallDliiM All work quaranleed Llc 411528 and bond· .d. 548-1871 DRYWALL Hanq10q, tapmq and creauve hand lealu..-hpert work C.U Jell, 631· SIIHJ ELECTRICIAN USIDINTJ.AL I CON- WDClAL -llec:tric our t!p&Cl&ity Clean, ~uacit . dap•ndable. w-.''1/i# uy RH )Ob. Petn S . Rodqera. Prop•rly Improve· ment, 631 2345 UCINSID I.LICTJU. ClAN -Dependable, qu.ahty worlr Reaon- &ble rat.. rr.. •ll· mal" Call Tom, 631- 5072 FEHCIS, GATES. £N. CLOSU..IS, all typea, repaa.-1, replaced, ad· -POOLS/ SAUWAS/ ... ded. Ferae• ~lllllnq P00-1.8-J----All work tuara.Dteed 15 ,.... uperiell~ ,,_ SAUICAI/ ..tuu.IM c.u R.y, HOT TOIS/SPAS HOT TUai/SPAS 646-2321 NEW SHIPMENT PARKING LOT SALE FEB.11·15.8AJI·'P,II 5DAVSONLV • Ac:r~. -~wt, • ..._rock end ·=~ ........... Tk ........... ......... ..... I GABAGEDOOR DOOI &rd-. ... QAIDD'QIQ DOWN TO IAilTH ..... ..d Gerclea ,_._ k>e. eo.~ .....u.. boa, -.auoa &Ad eatatft&a~ Q\wlllly Mrvloe at dowo·IO· .. rth pncee. S.l.taed c!Utoaera our lir~t pnoniJ. Call an~. 146-1118. IIIUIDYIIAR PATIUCJt'S HOW. Re- pair &Ad llllpiOYeiMGIL a.-ral _.teD&Doce, catpeAiry, electrical, ptuablDQ. c:oocrete ~ taoe and walb. Hourly r&tM. No job too .-11. (714) 646.3'193. HANDYNAN -C.r- pulzy, paiA11D9, roof-aao. electrical, pJuab- lDQ, etc. Ri9b.t qUAlity worbaaulllp. AU work quarenleed. R-aon· abl.. Fr.. elltim&t• Call Ray. 646-2328 nX-IT SDVICI Rep.u, ha, bwld, re- buald. PIW'Ilbua9, cu - peal ry, el«:trical, etc. Fut, etfacieal aerv1ce. Li~oaed &Ad eaperl· anced. Weticulotaa Non. 951-6067. lSLAND SERVICES :_ Lo11q rec:oqJUHd lor d.pendable aervace by local homeoWllenlbua- m--. Full Mrvice: pi\Uilblllq, carpentry. eleclncal, palohn9, repa.ln 548-0288. HAULING• IIOVDfG IIOU8I ai.-J HOUSICL AMING. eo. .... ..__ ...... ba4 • .....--... a.a.... coadoe. Reaaoaa~l• , ..... ~Call .,., 4 ...... ~1 • IW:Ior~. CLIANING UNUW-ITID. 101 nc:eUeac. lll ho118ec:t.aJuaQ, prond- mg all wppbee tncl\ad- inq vacuum. Trual· wortlly aDd d~ad.abl.. C.U toc:t.y for ..W...te. 546-3726. HOUSICLIANING : ~r operated. I do .U the worlt myaell. Wladows my ~PeC~-ialty. AJ.o complet• h.oUM- ct.uinv. CaD O.Ykl lc: lrer1. 646-7281. TOP BRASS Cl.umv S.rvv:ee Hou_.ap&rt· melllafconcloa. Aflord· abl. ra... artLnv at S25. 642-011M>. S.IVlDQ Ora.ov• Col.loly. HOUS~ CLEANING -~oal. complete, det&Ued houeciMDloq aerv1ce RefereDcea upon r.qu .. l. C..U hU, 548-4037, or Ryu, 646- 3089. HOUSICLEANING - 12 yean eapen•n~ .. Good referenc e• Weeltd.ya and S.tur· day. C..U an evenuaqa, 543-6540, Sylvaa. STEVE'S OJUIXTAL CLEAICIRC 3 'bel nail bath: $.2S 4 bdrmJ 1 y, bath: S35 Full ho118ec:leuunq Refe~.Call AICIIOVJRG lapen.aced, prof ... lllouJ. lowell , ..... ,_ ..u.. .... Qu.iolr, care- f\&JM~. ~JO STARVING ACTORS' WOVIMG CONPAMY. ~ c..U.? No ...._, We ll~ with 0\ll mWM:I.II ~. 1-.red. 673-0I!IS3. .,., MCAMNe 'IOfiiiiCMIAL • .... LVNICMI Our I'UMt OM ICI...cl bOnded. ~and...,.. <111 ~ bV 041 dlrectof ol ........ v_.yc ...... ..... Clll NwtiiPINDIII "a nolbiCIII~IeMce'' I0-7U7 122&W.171MSU116SA Your Car? Cal Ct.ulftecl 673-0550 . DfTERIORI EXTEIUOR DESIGR PACKJRG. SHIPPIJfG GLOII PACitiNG SDVICI -We boa, WJ&p ud crate. We uae aD aluppmq .,.teru 645-oNO, 645-9090, 9']9.6144. PHOTOGRAPHY P&PIIlllltQIJfQ OllCJL\ID WALL, COVDJWG. bpert etrlppiDtllaet.llatioD. leu rW. rU.. tNe -~. • .... acea. CaD hUe, 131-457f. PR.IC'IIIOH WALLPA· PD HA.NGIIS. IDelt craftaa&Atlalp, 1ow , ..... ,_ ......... . Call u &Ad ... ~-~o·~~ of waJI.,.per. eo--cl.&lllleeJdeaUal. 142· ~7. HANGIBG: SlO A IOU. hper elrippiov. Qulley, few _.. ...... Dl8couaa oa w~. FarthJDe laterl« o.llp CaD Scott, 145-9325. QUALITY PAPII HANGING, paiatia9, llllerior decor probJ,eau. rolla. qraaeclotla, "- eetim&t... FLDe lwo. peu cr...__. C.U Braoclan. (714) -.. 14rl. PAnos WOOD PAnO co...-, dec:b, CODCr&te patioe, Lac•nMd, lnsiUecl. Grev Willa, a.-n1 Contractor, 54g.2733, PAnOCOYERS PAnO COVDS - Redwood Decb. Con- crete, brick, aprillkJ.n, tocl. R•uneabl.. IJ. ceo.d. Wyla., 537- 3929. PHOTOGRAPHY KAULJMG -YARD Cl.IAJiruP -Houa &Ad qaraqe. Trub a.ad tunk removed. Fut. effa- cteol Mrvaoe. Fr .. .. hmal ... Call anytime, Bill and Ray, 646-2328 M$-5120 A TTENTION : All Houaew1vee, Realton - Qual.ty ho118ec:leao1D9 aervace w11h 20 ,_,.. ea· penenee tlaal 11 reta.ble, depeod.b1e, rea.wooable and value lor mouey. No fucy prac:... just qood old-luJuoned value Call aaytune. (714) 857-6195, (714) 751 3707. Bonded &Ad ID su.red NOVIDJ? DOROJ'HY NAPDI l.NTIRlORS Call help JOI& qel II all too-ther. COWPLITI DICORI (11 ,..,. with W&J Sloane.) 548-VJ98. ~~~~·642-1691 DECORATING AND INTERIOR DESIGN betp as on the way Famous N adweatero d-quu, 30 y-n e~· penence, will spend February on &Jboa lalAnd wtlh hAs wale, PRIVATE EYE YARD SIRVICI: Cleanup &Dd hauhnv lrub or ID&lD'-rl&nce by monthly Abo ....d!DQ tba WWll or aaprove· menl of your qardan (714) 893-1245 HOllE IMPROVEKENTS TOUCH Or CLASS Homelmprovemenl. Pa- 1101, coven, French doon, Wlftdows, hre- pl.ce maotela, coo- c:rele, stucco. 25 yean. ArM reference. Bob. 636-5298. HOUSESITTING BISPONSIBU ADULT -will babysat your houa, 9&rdeo, pebl and pl&nta. bac:lud.. Uep- IJI9 eve.ryt&l.nv m tipllof. u....,.. "lo heu of rent. • Call a-. 494-8311 JAJUTOIUAL w1 WAD rr sHINE -SERVICES Proleaalooal laotaM· ci.&DIDQ watha pe~ HOUSE C1EAIUifG unll and c&JDara He will worlr walh u ltuuted cb-lele on a lee bull lor on-U...epol aoJu- hona C.U 675-6291 lor appoualma:nl CID AB WALL: decorabve d&aQoul 4" lo 6.. board, 10' lo 8' wood beau Ultal •all. $500. E.tlrna .. on othr walla. Ca.U Jtaled Howald, 5!14 78'74. touch. Sahafactlon 11111111 .... 111 .. 11111111 ................ .. vuaranleed. Beoa•r Broe. Cleumq S.rv- lCM , $45·3158. TEifDIR LOVING CLIANING by Stu Custom cleananq, rebable, reuonabl. and referenc es. Let ua pamper you &Ad your ho-With 0\U e~perta LErS COASTUNE CLEANING CO. e COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL eUCENSED 642-6149 • FRO ES'J!IMA TES LYNN'S WOP 'N BUCUT Clea.ninq S.r· vaoe You m" it up - we clean al up! C..U e HONEST & RELIABLE (714) 962-7961 LJ1Ul, 552-7692 On call ................................. , w .. kly, ba-aoathly and mootlaly .-=-::...,...,:-: .H 0 US I C L! AN IN G INCOIIE TAX Findan Aqency Floor lNCOMI TAX Account· c arpela, wuu:lows. Ia I c !lena, bathroom.s 760-IJIQ for mdlVId'U&la, par1· LAND8CAPIIfG WlNTD SPICIAL - Complete Landec:apmq. L&Will, pla.nt., l.r-truD· manq, IJ)nnkltn, 1191al- mq aDd more ....._,n· aha. pricM. rr ...... 7 .l18; after 6, 13S-6356. aenhlpe a~~d corpora DllPINDABLI HOUSI :~ Ai:!c:~le or;:;~ C I'..IANING Good Rea.wooable 791-5040, refereo~ Patty, (714) Unique Accounliaq 83(.1.2AJ8. S.rvt~ r ............ - 1 FEDERA ..... TED~ t INCOMETAX t t SERVICE 18221h Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Call631-4671 PREPABATIOR • COUICIELING Jl....a.lalella ... HOWARD I. REICH A'1101NJY A1 LAW IIS-7t:IO ~ ..... -••. reierenc• WitT Laodec:apmg, LU'S LAHDSCAPING SUVICI lnc:k, block, ooacrete worlr Spnak- lera, l.wna m.talled ,,_ ...... t.. 494· 5380, 494-0514. GARDEIGitG I WUTED f NowlDQ, ~9· ralt-•nv . .-...pill9· ,, ..... l ltaalea ~or 14.5-5737 LANDCUl. TURI-- l Laadac•p• malate· MDC&. d•19n and ao· atallahoa, cl•n•upa, l.tiiiJ&tiOD. Re.uduataall co a merc:~l l••us ~14)130-!811 Photgraphic Inventorl .. Audio-Visual Properly Documentation For Insurance, Income Tax, Estate Settlement II your home or business were robbed or burned could you provide proof of who/ was in it? (714) 646-4375 MARINE SUPPLIES? read Cl ... lf#ed PAIN'riMG PIJlfTIXG: loleraor/ ht•rior Loweet r&tM, pTOmpl, ..at aervaoe U. ar-lor 10 '""· Fr .. ..tl_t... (714) 848 5684, (714) 63&-1148. PAINTING: Bautafy ,0111 laoae lor '82. Col. on add new lile and ~rot.ect yo111an•eat.menl Quality worlt and aaler· 1&1.. ,,_ eatua&IM Fred, 536-3471 P AJNTING -lotenor/ eaterior Reaadeataal, CO-eJ'caal, prot..!On· AI, clee.n, h:nf quality All work flll&re~~leed. R.uouble poeM. rr .. eetlmate Call Jill, ~Zl21 SPICTRVW P ADfTDS -Cuto. ualeJlon and aterion. Guru._ l y..,.. RefereacM. tr .. .......... c..u (714) *-4121 '-"• ·--M9• STIVDIS PADITDIG II beck! Mow ~rnaq ua •tarlon tr. 1lama.a· ed eetim&lel. Call lor appolDI.JMal DOW. A.!r ten Ca.&rt., 16-3348, 546-4561. cusonc PAnfTlNG l.ale.rior/iat•raor 1~. lOOm, apr.,. Q\aallty ..... rial oaJJ. 20 ,..,.. .. perMIIee ,,.. .......... laeem.- t$0Ml PutlaQ. IJc. Ito. 31017 •. !11!6-1131. aimsH PAJNTUJ - hatenor/Ltetiot ()aa1J. lyc:r~ S.lls.- &.ciKNa q\&UUI.eed IJI. ~~ ,.je-,pc;•. CaU --~-- PLASTEIUIIG U -STUCCO -Inter· aor/Lienor Patclaiav. 30 ,_,..• ope~ N..a WOIII. CaD Patal, MS--., PLASTEil • IIOOCO Rep.ir. No lob too small. 645-4203, 645- 4199. ALL PHASIS of PLAS- TIRJHG. Re-elucco. le~lllnAQ, mtanorJ ... tenor palchwork. looa &dclibou and cueoa hom•. r,_ ..u-.te. Lie. 388781 Jolaa, tll).3711. SAHCHIZ PLUMBIMG -.... tl&lleo...r- ci.al. ~ ia copper repapa aacl repa.u:l l..lctlue Mo. ll0887. CaD lor tr. ......-....M2-33N. JLV'IIIUIOaDAIIIa Drataa clear.d • ...U.· hODS. Ger~e d'-• poeal w ... , .__ .. ,. Gaa, tolt.la, t.acet l'elpipsav • /IC/DW~ TOPSOIL TOP 8011. -DIS-COUM'J PRICISI htra ele&a. 8 yards, only $56.81. Local cWlv.ry -clla.rve Wilre, 633-lM. M2·1100 . 1'llED L....:S~~2-'~...Jl NOW IS THI TDO to PTl&De JOIU a-. C..U - UIIOOEI!WQ RIPLACI IITCBD COUittll TOPS. We'WI pop.U.U colon lD stock. ADo blolaft r..add"'<J. Jr. Mti· -•· Wootefope, (714) ~lllf. ROOPIIIG ..,.. bperta,-30 yean Mr•lce In Orenv• Coaaty. 548-3l38 Georc,e, a4 lllooa. 1D1J1T TUI SIRV- lCI: T..-&Ad eluvb tri.aii1A9 &Ad rellloval. Yud c:l•unap. Fr. ... tt..lel. c.u ~S82 RON'S TRD SDVICI -Trtaala4. topp11UJ, .Upuav. ,,_ ,....,.,al, shlaP ,..,..}. yard cte.vp ~&ad UlMlred ()ubty work ,,_ ellaa.&M. fM6. 2328. nus RIWOVID. Triaainv and apraymq. 5d-81 IUSOOSS SCHOOL . .ad penoW lypl.llQ doGe Otl ay IBW SeJ.c:. tr:k: 0 eyp.writeJ. Diane, !52-1 •. UIJIOUIDJ .• _.. on au rAJ. IICI .. .,_,. a , .,. ol ~.~10 ...... ,,.. .KII-.p ... ........., ...... ......... 181.0131. -. .._.. • r .. ·--~:-:-~ ... -~2 ~