HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignSee Below 'Il·IE Even The Experts Are Wondering See Below THI NIWPORT INSIGN •ISTABIJSHID 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 29 {71-4) 673-0550 • SERVING ·ALL 07 NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1982 • 25 CENTS ,.,.. NeidMn, Balboa ~. ie COI.eoa.d by Jadt w •• wnbulence atteciCtM1ta r;,e-..ance. At right ie hef 0.00 2IOZX and the 1911 Cd'oc which figured in a c:al!llei on • North ..,_,. end Clmpue. ~nie H~ Petrol o~ Aid a pidtup trudt drMn bv J .C. Qerk, eo. .. Mela, ran a red Jight. caueing Neidberdt to ..,..,. into the peth of the car driwln bv Jorden Brown, Founwln V*t. Neidhart and ~~ ..,. tretted for minof lnjuriellt Fountain Valtey Corrwnunity Hoepital, and relund. $Miff pnotoe by a.rrv Sloben Council Abandons UDl Drive JJnlu1p byftoo-hgle The esten.Uon of Univenity Drl.e il dead, at least lor the for .... able future. The loa oJ the propoeed road· way wu the MCOnd majoJ' road deletion iD Newport Beach tb..t. mcmth, followin9 the canceU.· tion Feb. 8 of $8 million in local road improvement. aaociated with the Irvine Co. 'a now· ahelved Newport Center expan- sion. The planned new route around Upper Newport Bay w.u killed finally in a tplit and d.l.puted vote of Newport Beach City Council Wonday Diqht. The road had been deleted from Newport'e land UN plan of ita I.ocW Coutal PrOC;Jram by the atate Coutal Com million Nov. "It .we Joob rouc;~h," to find a ,..P011al a6qlod atte JD Orup Couaty, to Nline ONrarowdinc;~ at Joha Wa~-Airport. 1'hd wu the view of ~-til Wurdoch, che1n:u.D of the coun· ty'e Blu.e Ribbon ~ Air· port CoiDJilitt .. , who aaid tb..t. ... k tlaat repom on ah·.pace cOilfl.ic:U lMw the committee "pretty mucla QP in the air." "We are trytn9 to ananc;~e a m"ti.Dq with the FAA (Federal Amtioll Admtnt .. ration) fox this week o.t nest," be Mid, "to find out if tail is the 1ut word." Lut week, the aviAtion com· mitt. of the Southem California A.ociation ot Govenu:Dant. c:t.ctded to cl.rop &om couidera- tion v-•bl• sit• in S..OU.oo Canyoa ud Chino HUb. n-two locatioa.a w.re the fa~ori ... under cou:ideJ'aUon by Wurdocla'a qroup. "We w.re Oabberc;~uted," Mid the former Auheim city JD&DAger. "We had c;~otten .o auch po.itive in.fonnation up to that point." 'I'M SCAG decision waa bu- (Coatiav.ed Oil pacJe 6) Plea To Plan For Traffic Needs FaDs On 4-3 Ballot 20. The commiuion cited the planed roadway's proximity to the Upper Newport Bay F.colOCJical Raeerve ud nearby environmentally .. u.itive habitat areu. The extension would have been a new conaection betw .. n Costa Mesa and Irvine juat north of the bay, throuc;~h Newport Beach. Councilman Joha Cos unauc- ~Y UJ'c;Jed the rest of the Newport council to sue the Coutal Comm..iuion. "This u.ue really bothers me," Coz said. "I thmk the state coDU:!Uaion wu arbJtrary, capriciou and unfair to delete this without even loolrinc;J at an enviro.u.mental impact report. "It will mean 10,000 to 20,000 addtion.al can a day on Pacific Cout Hic;~hway ." "I think it's worthy of a law suit," Cox said. ''The unpact of not puttillq in the road mic;~ht be u c;~rMt or cpMter than buildin9 it. It would be euy for u.a to Ue down ud .. , to the atate, 'Do wbatner you want to ua.' But 1 Stepfather Faces Trial In Biting Of ~=~ddy bite you?" "Y Mh." Nid Jenru.fer Harper, -4, ill • ~. bou.acy little voice. "Did it make you cry?" 'Yeah," she said. "What happened then? Did your daddy or mommy p1ck you up?" "No," abe MJd h.nnly "Nothin9 happened. I went Ullo the Uvin9 room by myself." Llttle JennUer, toylllc;J Wlth the Wllnea·atand microphone and repeatedly heln9 coazed out o1 her apparent ahyneu by two attorneys and a judc;~e, so tuttfJed agaiut her stepfather last w .. k. He listened from acrou the courtroom, clad 1n an oranc;~e jumpau.it 1aued by the county )ail. The stepfather, Donald Patnclr Harper. 33, of 707 Goldezuod, Corona del Mar, wu bald to &IUwer on charc;J .. o1 felony child abuse at the conclusion of the prehmmary hMrlDC;J held lll Harbor Wurucipal Court. He i.a to be anatc;JDed lll Superior Court on March 4 Harper &lao f&c• a heann9 Feb. 25 for Vlolabon oJ probe- bon. DONALO HARPER Apnl 25, 1980, be was sentenced to au months 10 1a1l and thr .. years probahon after bemq c:onvtcted of f1ve counts of oral copulation Wltb a rrunor. hve counts of crunes aqatnst children and one count of lewd conduct Last ..-k. Newport Beac h pouce accuaed Harper of tw1ce (Continued on PA9• 11) sbortender. I'd say-althouqh 1t could be a toss up •n November betwHn Curb and Bradley Curb hu 1mproved bts posttlon. lately Hu chanc;~• to oppoa,u1q the Penpheral Canal helped hun lmmenaely. Nobody 1n .outbern Cahforn1a wants the ca.nal, ex· cept the b19 landownmen Bradley's 90t oood. name 1den· tiftcahon 10 the north . . I tlunk a lot of Oemocrata hc;~ure (Attorney General George) Dettlr.meJ&an 11 too coaaervallve .. Hu be aeen changea m S.cr&JDento in recent years? "No-the qame'a the Mae Well, eacept mOiley talb • lot 1DOfe It .u .. .o aucll aoMY to get \oto offtce. AlthouQlll wou't .. , le<~..S.tor1 are IDO,. rMpoil· •• .,. to larva co~atnbuton-wt U'a takinQ exorbatant amouAte k) «•~a. ' .... ~rey (~ 01 New York) .OW .. I c:oill W. 112 •illiolla. .. C:O\lhl COil ..... •..dtoM M..nofil ~ ... thmk,.. ahould fiqht. "People expect ue to do somethinc;~ about traffic. I daD't th.lnk ,.. ahould let ~ be r ailroeded." Co.mcil aumben Cos, Rutheyl.o PlUJDJDer and Phil W.UJ'er UAWcc..tully voted aot to submit the land UN plan without Univenity Drive. But Mayor Jackie H..ther, Mayor Pro Tam Evel)"D Hart, and Councilmen Don Strau. and Paul Hummel Yoted to ap- prove the p!.n u ia. Hart Mid to Coz, "I ahara your t .. linc;Ja, but I think .. ahould pick ow fiqht. • bit more. "What I'm b-rin9 out m the (ContiJaued oa ~ 11) iy Tom a.aaett A top UC lmne olfici&l Mid Monday th• un1Yeraity doeal't t .. lu bu u ..tvamag. m the Irvine ba.pital race llOW that UC IW9eata have appro*Nd a Sll aullioll ambulatory care centa for the UCI campus. "The approval of the Am · bulatory Care Centa do. not auure the development of a boap1tal on the campua in the abort term," aa1d Dane Hol.berc;~, aullta.nl e.zecutive VJCe c hancellor "Y as, there are plana for an lD·pabent facility {h~JutaJ) on campus Th ... plau have ex· 1sted for 15 yeaB But we don't have the fundmQ o r approval for such a fac1.hly ." Dave Baker. preSJdenl of lr· vme Mec:Lcal Center Inc . wh1ch a plannmQ a cornmun1ty hosp&tal 10 proposed Villaqe 12, played down the c:ompebhon. S.lter sa•d he told UCl Chance llor Oantel Aldncb Non- day at a mHtmq of the lrv1ne Health Care Comrrutt ... '"The clmtc bas every potent1al to (Conhnued on page 3) un~r; r!i•itH ~lfr .. : !UHf! HlHUirl1l ~~. r.t.t :~ Jf.f'.l.,:rJ1·1···l ... ~.l.:fr,l i rlf e;(f ~ If H i'r~ri [ . r u! r! S?f .. i ~ ~h~t . r: ~Pllr :~: tf ~~·~·('-f·1·~~~r~l!t v. fe : r; 8 ~r.r~ r g.~ g s40 1:~. · lr 1: . . ... = ·j ~[.h~l· i~•h;~~U r~t:~~~ [~:tt~ap·· fe h•I'"! f r. :..Lt·.J 1f ... @:! ~ i "0 0 ; : = . "0 r fi: l8 != l '1 t ~~ J 8" 4 tf ·I, I r. t!= t f ~ .. u~~t !!~~[fgi§~ii fii!l!~~ hfi~ah rfht ! . :ttf)·.f .r,,.~ .. <· Jl ~~-;:z tr r a e t ~.... e s !: er .~ .., s a.. <' ! ~ ... 2 c ., g -i ~ i . t . .. .t. r1 ~· ...... ·!.· -c ~ E. (A) ~ • • "'I • ' ~ ~ • ; f . -~ . fJ. e: !' 'r-1·f 'l i ~ 9 ~ ff ~ r r (I) r f fl < l l ~ :p G 8l ~~rg. f ;t r i = f f I z !' I ~ r r f 8 ~ ~~ f i ~ ; [ r .... ~ ·i I f.,~,, J ~. UH ·'J_l)l~~:fto ~[t ifHii: ~~~~=f!ije. · i 40['nfa Hhtll ·1.1~! ~ :l. z ~ ~ ... E. ~ ~ • 0 f..! •.! t G· l !. i ~ ~ G 8 a. i 0 g t § 0 jii f ,i ; ~ l ~ -2 w &. :l &" !II -tlJ - ii .... a..csa.-cn'8S•S ~r"' esa.ftof< r:ro I.. ~,~&·a.•ol:.'f~ il'tai'r Hf~;!. h~ h~~i~t ~thU, ftgi~~~· ~i-r~;~f tr~;-=• !~-< -t~te;.o ~c:~5 oa-t 40 r:ri_c:•e oa gl , = 1-g. <Je(j t~DHtsrh n§'Hi ~~.f ~h!!i-m~~t[l t ~~~·[t t~lurt.t)-· _ ;:~,1 ~ s a. ~ I ~ ~ ~ s W · ll f 2. w c. ~ ~ 9. a o • R g. t l 2-~ -8 ;: f [ l ! t' f f i a. I· · , • a · ~~ r~ i a,~~ [t !. ~-~ El =-~~· s ~~ ~ '~40 [ ir'-' ; og r·:.l ./t·:. ';.~S;,·.P.~ ; r:r Er · er Er • er -cs -c. e. e · Iii s • 1. . , · D • • ;• 0 a.. . . ··li~HiUlriiUUUitt.!fH.U!hH I .UHf if fu 'I :; ... -"" . ~ i § !.! §'. rt e.l o i s 8' r ~ ~ [ .. ! ~ . ~ ='" ~ s [ : f1i r lff;. ~~afH~ur · pH. s :tfi a lfh~ 1 1 1 1 1 .-r fl:r r, -t fr ~~e.o[ 1.;.1401= -.f I 2_g-g..., ~fa .. ntHifi Rl•1Hfitr r~ j i h9~· 1 ~ · t!.!~ i ... -+- 1 Jf e~u J,t; ,_rtJ-n ·' i ti~ f ; ~--}!lit : :_ :~~~-- . f!.i:!" :: I!~~ I I I ~-I I . ~~. n!tU·Il .. Uii:tni atH nnttH '~ .· ~~~i;1 i"fri •··[ -, . . f -a-U a. it§.&=§: i:a rt I t--1 -+-1 --41---+-.1 -- alfl [~~arf . ~f!. It ['J Ia. n h!fl I I I flli~ UlUif!!r!J~!J!df!f[!r~Jiif~Hfii!lifiJJrrfflij~lHrll~~i:':l lr \hra. 1f· l hf u~•. bl · i•Pe.1 ~ t11a. ·~ ~ ........ City CouAoil mad. two QJ'oupe of ctua.u Ul9TY Wooday Diobt by: ..:..A.llowiDQ the Warriott Hot.J to liMII: to ..W IDOft I'OOm8 bJ lD· iU.Uao a n .. O..ral P1a.o A.._u .. t Oftf t.M objectiou of SPON (Slop Pollutmo Our Newport). -AUowmq A:T. t.o'a, a con· tro.-.nial but w~ new r..aauraot ud bu on Cout Hiobway 1D Corona del Mar, to remalo open. O.er the objectiou of half a doHO aoory citlHilt, who waoted more ,.utcted houra or complete cloemo of the r..taurant, council moved Leo'a cloano t:1me from 2 a.m. to 1 a .m. Fridaya and S.turdaya. It m.tltuted a parkioo require- mot of one epage for every 40 IC(U&re feet of pubUc u.ee area, up from 1:30 recommended by the PlanniDo Commi•lon. Leo'a will continue to cloee at mid· nloht Sunday throuoh Thuraday. "We can Uve with it," aa.id Jim Parker, an attorney repreMnting the restaurant. "It doea't do aoythmo for the immediate neiqhborbood," Mid Wally Ziqlu, • reeident. In another retpOUe to altilell oppoliUOD .Oroll tOWD, a ct.v.loper wtthclr.w h.ll applica- tion to build a five-atory, 85,000. aquare.foot medical tower at 391 H01Pital Road, acr0111 from Hoao H01Pital. Ralph Gray, who identified himMlf u a IJ)OkeJDaD for the opponenta, Mid reeidenta of 238 apartmenta nearby oppoeed the project. "Our main concern ia traHic," he aaid. "We don't want them juat throwing concrete up everywhere." Meanwhile, the vote on yet another controverlial develop- ment, a Beeco Ltd. propoeal for a $140 million office, Uoht in· duatrial and reaidenttal project in Weat Newport, wu alated for a .pecial meetinCJ March 12, at 7:30p.m. Councilwoman Ruthelyu Plummer aaid ahe ia ... kino leqal advice about a threat that (Continued from paoell) Help Grows At The 'Y' Elizabeth Cuthberg Ueft), of Corona el Mer. and Rosemary Rynn, Cotta Mesa, examine some of the indoor plants which wwere on sale last weekend at the Orange Coast YMCA during ita fund-relalng drive. Recentty 'Y' officials announced that, at the hetf-wey mark in its campaign to raise $60,000 for the 1982 Youth Oevetopment Fund. more than $26,00 had been contributed. This 44 percent of the goal puts the drive ahead of last year. Staff photo by Barry Slobin , ... hca the ptO iootbaJl wue bl wh1cla he llturecl for the lqffalo am., IW Simp1011 hu ........eel hs. ~ oti-eeuon dutt. u .dftrtiainCJ d.i.rec:tor oJ tlUI UW~pQer aod the Cout Weclla New. Group. AA eiollt·yeu veteran of the N&tioiW Jootb&ll Leaque, Simp- .. w• a .ecood·round draft cllolce of the L.A. R.uu in 1974. for the put two aeuona he h.u bMn a defln.aive ataod- out for the Billa at tr .. aafety. "I like beino involved with people and with ch&lleno•-it ID4be life i.Dter..tinCJ," aaid Simpeon, "which ia why I &lao like the newspaper advertiainc;, field. "I particularly appNCiate hAving a oood product to .. n. Sure, the aports identification aometim• he1pe to CJet an appointment-but that'• not enough; tod.ay'a butineamen want value for their buck. "In the Coat Media News Group-1'7le Newport &uign, Ca.ta Me~~a New. and Irvine Today-we have that value, plua aomethino that is becominCJ a rarity: intereat.ing, well-written community newspapera that Arnold Beckman: Joint Effort Still Sought For Hospital Arnold 0 . Beckman, Corona del Mar .cient.iat and indua· tria.U.t and chalnnan of the board of Irvine Med.ical Center. Inc., is c;Pvino hia views on the poaibiliti• Jor and problems involved in huildinCJ an Irvine hospital. The interview continuea. 0 . The phyliciana aometimea aay that what a teachinCJ hospital doea, and what a coDUDunity h011pital doea, are two different thino•. that they can't be mesh· eel. But in fact that'• what Irvine Medical Center will try to do. A . I aoree that they're dif. ferent to aome ..tent but do not aor" that they canllot be muh- ed; they should be meshed. For you to qet lhe benefit• in the practice of medicine of the ne...t developmenta of medical r .... roh, there hu to be a meebinCJ. That'• one role thia new medical center could pjay. Q . In the Welltern World uperience, Hoaq and Weatern World were at tint riv&lt and then beoaJH partnen. Thit time Hoao it involved with People for an Irvine Community Hoapttal. What abould Hoao lbpUal'a role be, and wut doet an Irvine h011pital mean for the future of Hoaq? A. I tlWlk ~ it ptimazUy a matter of wta.t doea the Irvine communJty need ancl how can Hoag help it, rather than the revene. Hoag Ja doing well. It bu a fine reputation and ta financially tou.Dd. It d081ll't need input here for ita own well- being. It ia inter•t.d in doing what &t can to be of benefit to the com- munity. Hoao it willino to come in and help to the extent that i.a appropriate. We're fortunate to have several groups involved- Saddleback College, PICH, GDL (now the Industrial LeaCJue of Oran11e County), the city of Irvine City Council, the univer- sity. You beCJin to realize we've got to move on this thing. Time i.a c;,oino on. If we don't move, there probably will be no land available. There may be no funch; people who might be will- inCJ to fund thia will have put their money in other chanllela. This w a critical period, I'd like to streu. A. 1 ... it, thia ia a lut·chance situation. U this doem't aucceed, then 1 think Irvine will face a rather dim future in having ita health care need.t taken care of on the one hand, and &lao UCI would loee an opportunity to enhance ita preatioe u a medical center. Q . What work hu been done ao far by the new corporation called lnine Medical Center Inc.? A. A new corporation hu been formed with Dave Baker u pre1ident and mJMlf u chair- man. Riohtnow the corporation ia in the procea of beqi.nnl.DQ to pick up the ball and ... that the jobt that need to be done are c;,oino to be done. Like filtno a certificate oJ need, qolno ahead with all the detaila of a lite acquitition. It include• not only the planoino but alto the nitty- CJritty detaila. lt'a a rather complu iuue but I think thi.nQ• are proceedino quite well Q . What are the chance• for Irvine Medical Center'• cerli· ficate of need getting approval in view of the feelino of 1ome in the medical eatabliahment that John L. 'BCotn CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY WeANPIOUQTo OR. ARNOLD 0 . BECKMAN Staff photo by Bob Peter10n have even CJreater distances. I · imagine moat of the sta.ff at UCI travel much farther than that every day to 00 to wozk. Q . What can and should be done to hol4 down coats at an Irvine hospital? A. The first thing ia to avoid delays. They are what i.a running up the costa. Here again I can't help but ahed a tear over the Weatern World Medical Founda- tion. Had it CJODe ahead, the hospital would be in place at a fraction of the coat it's CJOinCJ to take today. That's b.iatory; what we'd better do ia learn from it. !very body hat to move ~ckly, and I mclude the health plan- nino aCJenci .. , too. They can hold up certificate of need approval. So we're trying to move ahead with all possible ~. 0 . There ia a Beckman Audi- torium at CalTech. Irvine has a Beckman Street. Ia there a posaibility the Irvine hospital could become a monument to youi career in medical science? A. I'm not lookinCJ for monu- ments. I hope many people will contribute to th..ia project. It's CJOinCJ to need very broad aup- port at all levela. Among aome of the more affluent. we expect subetantia.l contributions such a.a we had in mind back at the time of the Weatern World Nedical Foundation. Thia alao needa broad community aupport; everybody ouoht to contribute 10methino. So thia ia not juat one peraon'a dream. the county ia overbedded? A. I think they're CJood, auuml.no we get the uthuaiutic aupport of the community, which La the ... ntial thino. I think UCI tllat will have qrMt weiCJht with the atate he&lth planning ao•n· ay. Maybe the state or the coun- ty 1a over·becldttd but the Irvine area ia not, and that'• the point that hu to be znade very clear. You can't take a broad·arM averao• aod decide what the needt are of a amal1 arM within it. No otber put of the atate ia QJ'OwinO the way hvt.ne it, ao the problem 1a in ... nee atatewide he&lth planninCJ quidelinu juat don't apply here. Q . You already mentioned the location at Saddleback Colleoe. A. lt'a ideal and clOM enouCJh to the univerlity to be entirely practical. Going four milea, aay, from the cluazoom to the hoapi · tal La not uncommon. Moat of the maJOr hospitala and medical achoola in the UnJted Statea (Continued trom page 1) coc/tdiuate well with a (com- munity) h011pltal. "A botpital 1a juat a oor- neratore of the overall health care ayatem Irvine need.e." At the aame time, Balter said Irvine Medical Center Inc. hopea to have the firat dza.ft of a certificate of need application ready in "3 or 4 w .. lts. "Within 9 to 18 w"lts we hope to CJet an actual rulinq on a CON." Baker said be il also "negotatinc;, with the chancellor to see exactly what the uruverai- ty'a role will be lD the hospital." Tabled tluee times, the chn&c proposal cleared a Regents' sub- committee Thursday at a meetinc;, in San FrcUlClsco and was approved by the overall board Friday. FRIENDLY AND PERSONAL CARE The Reqenta directed UC Pr..tdent O.vid Saaon to aiqn an agreement with the nonpzofit Irvine Cli.nic Corporation to build a facility •timated to co.t $11 million on an approllimately five-acre aite on the Irvine cam- put. The maJOr partner with UCI m the corporation ia 850-bed Memorial Ho.pital Medical Center of Long Beach, one of seven UCI affihated teach1n9 facilltiea and which now stands to gain a atzong foothold m the affluent Irvine market. It w&ll loan Irvine Cliruc Corporahon $6 million. UCI pledqed $2 muhon for roads and landscapmg, d.nwmg upon a $4 million fund owned by the College of Medlcme from the sale of 1ts onellme Los AnCJeles facthhes before aJhha · hOD with UCl. Our Services are designed for your needs. • Fnendly and Personal Care • Appointments Available 7 a.m to 7 p rn • Location is convenient to business • Nitrous Oxide • All Insurance programs are welcome • 24 Hr. Emergency Service Rent a spactOUS. lu~tunous house or condom1n1um So much mcer to oome home to •rter a day on the slopes The two-bedroom condos Sleep SIX BILL SIMPSON Staff photo by lob...,__, people pick up and reed becauae th ... papen are centered on hometown event.; newa they can't CJet elaewhe.re." "Alao, th ... are award- winning producta-and edver· ti.Mn appreciate thAt. "To me, that makes the job appealing., Simpaon, 30, who hu reaided in Orange County for elqht yean, now ma.k• hia hoae in Garden Grove with hit wife. Lynn, and their children, VirCJinia, 3, and Juon, 22 montha. He joined Coaat Media Newspapen, the Culver City- bued parent organisation of Coast Media News Group, in 1979 u a aa.les repreeentative and eventually became retail aalea manac;,er. He now functions u adverlia- inCJ director for all the papeu. The c hallenCJe of the aa.l• field "is leu brui.ainCJ-1 don't ache as much on Monday mom· inga," lauCJhed Simpeon, "but it doea take aome of the aame qualitiea it takea to m.ake i1 in pro football: tra..in.ino in funda- mentala and clear thiulrino." He hu been in eic;ht play-off toumamenta aince he wu aiCjJDed upon graduation from MichiCJan State Univertity. There, he wu named an All-American by Sporting New. and Playboy editora, and wu all-BiCJ Tu hia junior and eenior yean. Havino played to~ Chuck box whu hoa coaclled the llama, Stmpecm wu a!.or.becl into the B1lla' cle-.sve atyle ...Uy who he lollowed KAoa back to Buffalo. "I like playing pro football, of coune-and I look forward to more of it." Simpaon Nid. "But I like the advertiainCJ work, too. And it haa a much lonCJer futwe to it." YMCA Campalgna In today'• tightening econ- omy, many fa.mili• are unable to a.fford aome of the ecUvitt. offered by the YMCA, ao more tr .. memberahipa and procpama are beinq provided, according to John Salladay. volunt .. r general chairman oJ the current fund·ralltnQ campaiqn. "Thu means that contribubona become even more lDlportcUlt," he pomted out m nolulg that more than 1,000 contributor• will be needed. peopte and the three and four· bedroom houMa can~ sleep two 0( mont Wholllllmlla piOCIII. Soae time avo, tiUa colllDlittM put Santiavo Canyon !Lip on ita lo.Mr of pop.ibJe. alee for an inten:uational airport. Coa.atroctioll would mean bulldoainq a couple of mountaln peeb into the cuyon, but thia wu Mid to be not beyond pro!Mability. At Jut, lD a ... rch that hu been qoiDQ on for .ore thaa thrM yean, the panel had an auwer on tM horbon. But not for loDQ. MMDwhile, iD county court the city of Newport Beach won a major rouad iD i .. liqht to prevent the expansion of John Wayne Airport, already auaultiDQ ean and rattliDq wiDdowa with noiM pollution-and helpinq clog the thoroughfuea of Newport, Irvine and Coeta Mesa. The thougJat came alive: Santiaoo will solve the problem. In Irvine, the auqqeetion of still another committee- tAW, a blue ribbon panel qnointed by the board of aupervi8on-tbat II Toro ~riDe Air Station be convert- eel to civi.lian u.ee, had started rumblings of diaaent, and not from jut the Marine Corpa. The City Council, already concemed at the racket plaquinq the communi- ty from occaaional jet fig~ters, beqan to marshal forces &Qaiut the SUQQeWOD. \ After all, SanU.qo Canyon, some 10 miles north of Irvine, could be everyone's answer. But lut wMk it wu revealed that the Federal Aviation Aqency, finally plugqed into the vision, has told the coJDJD.ittM in UDJD.iatakable language that Santiago Can- yon ia out of the queation; ainpace in that reqion already ia ao heavily-traveled it cannot accept another airport. Safety, of coune, ia tb overriding consideration. So the thought arises: Why wu Santiago Canyon ever touted u a pouible lite? Doem't the SCAG aviation committee make this the FIRST couideration in acalinq the fea.aibllity of a loca- tion? Im't the FJRST qu .. tion uked: How SAFE ia it? U not, a great d~f time ud effort can be wuted. So the aearcll•oee on. At the MJDe time, it would not hurt to probe dMper into the FAA penpective,. The aqucy il judging, U muat be au~, on pr ... nt con- c:lttiou. It may Dot have studied alternatives to preMnt pattema and coDlJilerci&l air rout ... Open mindl Dlioht well arrive at more open airspace. Safely. -BRS The Unl Connection Delpit• 10me lut-c:lttch, courageoua fighting by Cowaofl•aD Job Cox, ..s.tecl lD the vote by councU •••ben RutUlJD Pl\UIUiaer ud Phil Maurer, the City CoUAC11 hu abucloDecllta lODg·•tandblg battle to acllieve • liDbp betweu thote two orphaned HCUona of UAivenity Drive. Tile twaa.l YiiiOD tht hu given thit community & clreaclfully ~te traffic circulation program for DOW ucl the fon111Ule future hu been foitted upon ua by the Coutal Comm'IIAOD. ror wlaat lt MJI are eoolovloallmpaot reuona-even UaoutllDo IDvlroiUMatallmpaot Report hu been made the oo•••MiOD hu NfuMcl to approve the city'• Local Couta1 Provram 10 long u lt projected the U Di Drive lilabp. A coucil majority bowed to that ahort·liohtec:l and in- jwiou edict, ud hu removed the requeat from Uae PIOCJtaa. ht tM fitlat lllould not be dropped. Whatever ruewecl .MOrt oq be mada to cozuaeot thileooA-to-be- Yital ~.now ucliAq lD vacct flelcla"ahould be launclaeclat ODOe. Let'a e.t CM&t of the tuuel. -BB~ '--r 'l"'lf~: N~M11l(lRl"' ENSIBN mlLC... ... ,o..a411116111 •. CA-.... . . ' Le tters To The Editor Grocery Carts To tha lditor: I ... more ateel carla from ator• dumped over on .u .. ta and vacant Iota, mora than ever. Whan ow citiseu borrow a at .. l cart from a market with no iDtotion of retuminQ it, th.t'a stealing and atealing • a crime. Who a parent puts their child iDto the cart aDd ta.k• it home, that il teaehinQ the child to .teal. It costa only around $5 to buy a cart of their own. n... metal vrooezy-.tore carts oo.ta the QtoeerY buyers money-becaUM the Qrocer hu to buy repleoe- menta, and to pay for thea he must iDcrMM the price of the • vrooerl• or other merchaDdiM. So our eltbeu are not .t.oJ. Lng from the aton but from you and me, tha C'ODIU.-.r. w ... ,. iD Santa WaN • few montla.t avo aad wut to a vrocery .tore. The boa boy dellven your merchaftdile to you.r car U you ca.uot ca.ny lt. No one but tlae boa boy il allow- ed to take a oart out of tU lton .. w. admkecl uu. ..moe. n. moral of uu. .. tlaat evefYOH bowe they UoWd hav• their OWil oart to trauport thelr .. rohaftdile. Tile lton il aupplylllv • ou..atomer wttla a oart u • courtMJ to UN on the prem!MI. It ll • oourtety and not a prtvUev• to drive • ou, ud ro 11 the UM of tha can. ill tlae .... • .If~ ~· • l • .. f • : ~--., ' ' "tr' •• • • • ·; ... ; ..... , • . military ........ , ou frMclola iD Older to ............ It Ia. bit of lc9c tMt..,.... .. . Aa it •• tM llilituy-iDdDitdal COID6'Ia tMt Pr .......... . bower ...... tM MtioD tq.elut ia ~ ol tM ..... ,.. wit1l c:a.t~~ ~., .. , ....... ~MJly-WUJWaQ .,..... Aad, wont rtill, wh.D ------~ . employee Wow the wJaiatle OD corruptioa, he Ji eitMr flNcl or releQ.-i to 101M metDhV;Jt.e. job. • I aupect that lA Sc!laita' vw- alOil ~ Aaerica, tlail ...pao,. ulUbttmv tM oou~ ud lll-tevrttY to !Mack tM .,.... would be oce"Mrecl a ••eoe ud. ~hoe. a ooene. tM "aatlllor· lu.'' woaJd bel ...... , of ~ ........ ...,, ... or a OOIUiuilt chpe. Jraakly, I oaa1 tiUU ~ aay more .w,, •• " wy IDr tM ooaa ..... to fJI'"'J uatMa bJ ~., • to waWfeh a poMoe .............. Wr. ....... II ...... ~ .... .. _____ .. lW ou ... , .. a11C11eu JlO'WIIII or a ra .. aal -.. ..,.,.-. .. ,_,.... ou ... .................... baqafbtat...-. ftiWp c.tler c-..w.. liOD Plu ud who YOted .eqain .. repeettov GPA 80-3, aacpily eD9A9ed lA aa .-:alatmv "war of word., .. c1auved tM ~­ dl&a -..n uaecl dlobolJc deceit ud. diMortioe to QatUr ~(7.000). hhlic _. .... 8lloWd be re-iDcied tMt locaJQOteDUMAt, ita pwpoee ud ODly fuctiou il to pro6ect U.. opt ud ..UU. of U. dtlMU ud. tM people are NOr to b&MCtificed to -.Joz ~willa fiDucial ud politk:el ~who demaod cMn~Je~ U..t will Mve aa ....... .seat Oil tM oc.a11.D1ty ud. Jt.-of fatue 91MZ•tiona. n.. r ...... ua pelitka ..,..atice, Jut ...... ... tM )dad~ iattiatne ud .......... oo-•aalty .. o...we ................. . ·-.... , ·-~ ... .,. tM JDD.JtJ Gi a.Jtl-atlkc. .uu •• ~~ ..... 1a u.. tunu., ...... ..w ...... (l .•. reaall) ..... , .. NCNINMel of ................. at Couoil Tbe·Ne1J9ort,H ..... Lack Of Homes Depleting WOrk Force by ... A.p lt.re'• what lob Waller calla bJa "wont '-"': . l'Ut Juve o\l.lllben of worbn will not be able to afford to live hel'e, becaUM of riJln9 houai.Dq IF SHE'S SMART ENOCJGH, OlD ENOUGH AND PRETIY ••• cOitt•, thu fol'oiJ19 luqe employen out of Oranqe Coun· ty. Waller, an eaecuUve with U.S. Dlven, wu adcheaino a meettno e&1led by Newport Beech Wayor Jackie Heather and attended by more than a doaen buain ... and local oovemment leaden. HMther l&1d the mMti.Do, at City Halllut week, wu conven- ed to "find out what the private ~eetor can do" to help provide houaino for it. employ .... Concern for the houaino ahortao• baa fiQUl'ed recently in oppoeition to two luoe commer- cial development. propoMCi for Newport Beach. Waller was repreMnti.Do ECHO (Employer• Coalition for Houaillo Opportunitiea), a group of Iaroe employera formed to help .olve the houaino problem. The group includes Fluor, Do. you know • pretty vlrl who is intellloent jl.nd articulate, between 18 and 2S ye;a.n o~ u of next June 1, is UDJD.&rrled and a Newport Beach reDdat? 1'hinJt she'd be an attractlv. apokeawoma.n for the crlty? lt'a time, thn, to aubmit her name in the &nllW Miel Newport Beach P.oeant q>cm· .ored by the Newport Harbcn JaycMI. The winner will be crowned at the paqeant tentatively .chedul- ed for June 18, and will rec.ive a cuh award and othel' pn.a-. She will reiqn for a yeu u ha.teu for the Jayceee and the city. Deadline for entrt .. 11 April 9, accordino to Ru.aell Neyma.n, · an advertilino eltecuUve who is chairman of the event. Each candidate will be IJ)On· sored by a local busin ... , ~ub or civic org&Jliaation. Tradi- Parker-Hannafin, Huohea, North ECHO ia "not ... i.Do a lot of American Rockwell, lnd Basic employen jump in to help .olve Fow, Waller said. the problem." "It il nearly impossible for "They traditionally don't thmk entry-level, clerical and it falls within theil' aphere," manufacturino workers to afford Waller said. houai.Do 1D Orange County," Jerry Kino, vice chairman of Waller said. -the Newport Beach Pl6llllinq "San Bernardino 6lld River-Commiuion, aa.id the mMtino aade counties ue becomino waa successful in oatherino increuingly more attractive to ideaa for further diacuaaion. employen. Bob Mooney, with the mterna- "We (U.S. Divers) were about hona.l CPA and con.sultillo finn to move out ourMlv ... We c:on-of Peat, Marwtck 6lld Mitchell, aidered Santa Rosa, Roeeville, said: north San Diego County and "11 we can eluninate the finally Tuc.on. specter of the fear of rent "But we were told that control, we m~y be able to Gywhere we went, within three encowage some apartment- year~ the problem would prob-housing starts." ably follow Ul. At another pomt, Mooney "So we decided to stay here. added: Oranoe County hu a oood "People have been condibon- labor pool and a low incidence ed to expect too much. They of unions. w&nt detached, lillole-fa.zruly "We are ... ano the same houses with oardena and yards. problem (thl'ouqh related The way thinv• are 90in9 now, compa.ni•) in P&ril, San Fran· apartments can be amaller and cllco, and Chicavo, but Orano• more efficient; they can be County il the wont," W .Uer au per." added. Bill Ficker, archJtect and Waller l&ld the pl'oblem ia Citizen of the Year of the "extremely Mrioua." However, Newporl Rubor ArM Chamber Uon.Uy, Mid Neyman, many qil'la have obtained theu own 8J)Oil.IOra--althouoh they are not required to do 110-and the }aye ... oHer uaiatance in obtainino a sponsor. Information: 891-4611. of Commerce, Mid: "We may have to oo back to 650 8qU&l8 feet of livino apace with one bath. That's fine for a couple and a child. Many of ua stuted ow families in a place like that." Tom Nielsen, vice president of the Irvine Co., said: "In l.rvi.ne, we have started a low-income development at a density of 18 dwelling units per acre. It's 120 units, at a unit cost of $70,000. It's designed to serve people who make 80 percent of the county median income. "Rents are $500 to $550 a month. We think it's goino to be very satisfactory." Others attending the meeting included Diane Pattison, of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Rea.l1on, and a repl'8Mntative f.rom Bank of America, u well u Arthur Su.Divan, president of the De Anu BayUde VillAge Nobile Home Owners Aacociation; Pat o.bom, of Ward Connerly and Auoc:iat., Sacramento, who wrote Newport BeAch's proposed houaino element, and Newport COUDCilman Job Ccu. 8oWiultWMJMYoa8aylaA....-PtlceOfHo+•ne? The averav• price of a Newport Beach home ll $200,100. That plac" the city at the hioh end of the county-wtde price ranv• for homes. Thaa fact was conttlllned tn a report of anformation found by the 1980 Cenaua that waa lasued recently by Thud Dutnct Super- v~r Bruce Nutand.'• othce. NMrly two yean after com- pilation, the U .S . Cenaua Bureau baa &nnounced final 1980 population and houamo hqurea for Or&noe County, but althouqh the report mentioned the etty, other ~the oenaua fiqur" for Newport Beach, Cor- ona del Mal and other Orano• County commu.nitiea will not be available for a t.w more weeb. Compued to earlier 1980 cen- sus reports, new ligures for the county ahow that the number of reaidenta and housinv units ll slic;JhUy blqher, the population ia oetunq older and that the coun- ty's minority populabon hu increased, accordino to the report. County populabon ll now luted u 1,932,709 peniOlll, an mer .... of 512,323 mdividu&la nnce 1970. There are now 721,524 hom• m the county. The averaqe value for a home in Oranoe County ia $108,100, with homea found to range from uerao• u hiqh u $200,100 for Newpor1 Beach to thoee u low u $80,500 fo~ Santa Ana. The averaoe co\lllty r•ident il abo vettino older and the median aoe now approaches 30. Thi.l il a five-year mcreaae over 1910 celli'UI fiQUJ'es. Accordinq to the new census re.u.lta, the perc4tntaCJ• of non· white popwabon increa.aed from lea than thrM percent to nearly • 14 percent throu(Jhout the coun- ty. AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON .,.o • White is 10 poptdar tbia ~riJII, the Barboglio sisters decided to make the most o_f it -by maldn8 more of it! Meet them durina informal modelina from 11 to 3 Friday at Newp · ~ Beach. Nouvelle. We know • good thing when we ... it. And~·~ sisters lelt NteltNn·Mercua to do~ that... to c,.. • wfiOM n.w good thing! With bright, white Mexlcen cotton -lOped with ... ~ endless cords ollhe NMe. Uke the halter, 122.00, and alclrt, 132.00, we show. Both In S1ZN S-M-L ~- • ARRIS1'S Five motoriet8 wve aneeted on IAlapieion of clruJl.kea drivinq, incl\ldiaq four from Newport. Beach: Annie lliubtUa Voqt, 22; Aleund.r l'enaudo Nalpica, 29; Wicheel Jolua Skef .. fi•ld, 40; and lCria Silva, 22 ... Richard WaYlle Pfeffer, 35, of Nanh•ttan Beach, wu arr .. t.ct on auapicion of poeeealn9 cocaine. T\&Mday. Feb. 11 CJUWIS A German Luqer pf.atol, a .338 caliber rifle and a coloz TV worth $1,075 were r•ported stolen from Robert Bnace fergWIOil in a bwqlary in the 400 block of GoldeArod . . . airport (Cooti.Jlued from paqe 1) edoA u FAA AUISTS rreclricla LoU D.ttoe, 33, of Mewporl Beecll, Ud OM otaer aotorilt, aot boa Newport BMch, were an_..d oa IUPi· ciaa of clnaakeD clri.tla9 . . . ... JJ.iM Grittia, 2S, ol eo.ta .......................... of pel Ill d .. 000. ...... Robert ~ Ivan.~, 32, of Huati~ ~. ucl ~ Robert rnu.., 71, of 1.oa9 BMcJl, .... .......a.d OD IUJ)i· ciaa ol1ltlba9 or beia9 udeT tU uaa...o. of a CODtrolled •beteace ... WilliaiD Wicu.l Wrrrry, 28, of eo.t. W..., wu au..e.d on w.picion of poaart- illq PCP. W.aard11J. F.a». 17 CRDOS A qold braoelet, color TV and otller ite~M wortll $1,620 w.re r•ported ltolen from C.talma R. I'ODMCa in a burqlary iD tile 2..00 block of ..,. 16th Street. ARRISTS Nicll&el An-Allabrook, 26, of Hwati.Jlqton Beech, wu ur..t- report aayi.Dq eitller of the two loc&tiona woWd r..Wt in "nbrtanti&l delaya" in t_.eoffa ucll.an- diu9• lh•re and at ota.r airporta becaUM of airp- Nce overcrowdinq. ''Th• report wu only two paqee lon9, and we ar• Dot aure how tllorouqh it wu. It aaid tlley hadn't done a full-fledqed atudy, and w• don't know juat what tllat would entail," Wudoch said. The SCAG deciaio.n leav• ui8tin9 military airli•lda woh u El Toro W.rille Air Statioll u the only lit .. po.aible for conaideratiou witllin Oran9e CoWlty. "But you bow the ..... problem.a· there," Mwdocb raid. ln addition, an off-ahore site uar Lon9 Beach a.nd a lite on the Warllle Corpe' Camp PencBeton ba.re near Ocea.naide could atill be couidered. Wilitary and other 90vernment official.a hav. totally oppoNd civilian u.e of military buet. In adclitiou, thoee who lin DM.r the buet have objected to any plana to chang• their UM. The whole thi.Dg "leaves ua witll quite a dilem- ma," Mid Murdoch. "future air travel demand cannot be met by existing facilifi .. , without their bein9 u:panci,ct~' AJlRISTS O.Yicl L~ Pa..a.., 21, and ~Marie Cook, 20, ~ of HwatmqtoD a..ch, ..,. ar- reeted on JUpieioa of pa IIIII iDq opiWD . • • Jotm Gereld Sadek, 32, of Valley City, Jlorlh Dakot.. wu arr..-1 OD ...._... cion of ~arryiaq a CGDceUed weapon iD a ....hiole .•. Lamberto Job lAy. a Jr., 41, of eo.t.a MMa, WU ~eel OD auapidcll of for9ill9 a auae oa a credit ~rcl ... Two~. neitMr fro. N.wport leacll, w.r• arre.ted Oil tu.tpiciCIIl of chunbn c:lrivill9. Seethe AJlRISTS Dmcl GeoJ9e T~. 24, and Fredric cur~ .. CliCJMtt, 21, boiJl of Arcadia, ucl Ronald OruDberv, 21, of Anaheim, w.re ureetecl on wapicion of porta &nq huhiab for tal• ... DemUt hUaaa Cannon, 25, of SaDt. Au, wu arrMted ou auapicion of porrrntnq cocaine . . . Craiq Hoben Harrillqton, 28~ of Sea Clelaeate, wu ar- r..ted on .uplcion oJ pea ... · 1D9~~ ... Fiv. motorlala .. re arreeted on suapi· cion of clnuabu cldYinq, in· cloclin9 two m. Newport Beach: Roqer Lee Tecleaco, 30, ,.... .... -... ~ .............. fte~ ... ., ...... ,.,. ....... JOII' .. .._,.Uidd t J4il~·lllt'l I • Should Newport-W.. ac:hool <U.Irict ~ fac:t.fladef't recom......datioll CllliMCiler pay? 83% 17% 1 and Patrici.a McDowelJ CD.IIck, 30 . SUDdcl?. I'M. 11 CRDa8 Cull totallin9 $2,SOO wu reporlecl .. &a. tM 11 Tortto Reltauat, .ull Dolphin Strlb~ Way ... Aa electric typewriter ucl otMr i._. worth $2,302 ..... reported ... tro. Pu So.atll...a Corp., in tM ....00 b1ock of JaiUol'M Road, bl a buvlaty . . . Stereo equipiMilt worth S880 ... reportecl atoJ.u m-David Alan Waillwriqht iDa buq)uy in tile 1900 block of 16th Sb.et . . . A TV •t and video recorder worth $1,425 w.re reporlecl.eoln from Ch•rie Hawmon, in a burQ)uy in tM lSOO block of lut ac..n ... T..J .. audio lpeaUtl valued .. $6,000 .. ,. reponed atolea froa ldwa.rda Newport Ciuna& Theel••. by .. c.Diea A 4.1 wiD over Univermty lut WMk, aloao wttll a 5-4 Oftl1iJu . wiD "9-''Dil Colton lou daya earlier, Jau advaac.cl the Newport Rubor girl. field b.ocby tNJD to wtth.ia ODe qame of Saturdal"• ctr fmal.t. Action is fast and furioue • N8wport Harbor (white IOK) and U~girlt bmle for field hockey win. n. ~. which finiabed MCODd ia the S....e ~. etil1 Ud to 911* paet Cbrter OU Hi9Ja Mr. ,_..relay iD the •m.i- fi:uk. n.. ..m acJ&iul lnm•'• Ua.iftnity, ia particu.lu, wu ....,...W.lly ~ .. staq to Sailor Coacla Sbaroa Pletrok, Iince the Trojau Ud won the tou9h GardeD Grewe LM9ue. A.od in ib tint-round CJ&IU, Uniftnity had WOA in CODvillciAQ fuhion. "We bew Univenity would be 90Qd; tlley ha•• a eolid proqraa," Mid Pi.trok, a natioDally-ra.aked field hockey player ln her own rit;Jht. "U they come out f&lt, they can pound on you. But ,.. turned the ta..bl• oa them-our qirl. ca.me out rMdy to play and oot out ahMd, and .. w.re iD control the whole way." Newport bad jumped oft to a 2-0 lead jut IDiDut• into the conteat. S, IWft:ime the m.a..rviD had i.Dereued to 4-0, u Lori Mertz, S..tlaer Stoddard, and Tracy fait, who h.ad two qoa.la, picked up .co.r•. From then Oil UlliYenity wu never really ln the ttJ&~B•· Tile Sai.lon applied conatant pr•· aura iD the ..cond h.alJ, threateni.Dq to ecore aeveral tim~ althouqh they never did. When the Trojana finally did 1100re, with juat ovez five m.iDut• left, the W.Ue bad l0119 ai.Dce beu decided, and Pietrok had bequn to aub.titute free.ly. The wiD improYed Newport'• record to 7-2-5 overall. In le.aque play, the Sailon were 5-1 ..... Sea·Kinge, ClhnblagCIF I •alder, Win In Opener . Ah.r beatillo a 9oocl teaa by a ~ _)lllMQi.a iD the opelli.Dq roUild ot the Cl1 pl.yot&, Corou del Wu ~~. bulllet- b&U teaa played Caayon lut night, bopmq to ..... d ib eeuoa uotll Friday fti9ht'a t.h.lrd roUDd, at leu&. The Sea ~·· co-clwapiou with r.t&nc:iA in the S.. View Le.oue, eliminated wh.at h.ad been touted u a aolid Saat.Lat;JO tMm Jut w.ek, 68...c6, ill rela- tively easy tuhioo, to advance to Tu..day'a q&JU. C.Uyon, the champion of the Century Leaque, defeated Wilton (~ Heig)ata). 82·63, to open the playof&. Aqauull Santiago. CorOlla del Wu opened up a early 14-8 hnt quarter lead and oever -1 ~ t.ck, aad with juat over two mi.Dut .. tQ...pl.y owoed a 63-40 lead. . Altlaouoh the poi.Jlt total iDdi- e&t• a atronq olfeJlSive e&rt, and riglUly 110, it wu the de'--that wu 9iven credlt for Comu cW Wu'a biq wiD . The S.. bv-are .c:Jmowl.dqed muten of the m.n-to-JDan deieue, and they abut off Santiaqo'a attack, which con- neoWd OA juat 36 percent of Ita abot. from the field . OB.u:ively, Corou del Mar wu paced by junior quard Mike He., who picked up 17 poi.Dta. Tea .. m.ate Cluis Lynch ac:ored 16, ceo* Hank Goebel added 11 pobat. and Dave VauStMD- J.uyae pumped iD 13. -Mara. Dl.eb Harbor CoKh Sharon Pietrok apeUs out some strategy. fou Newporl 30 Milboe .. will race a relay Swwiay iD all eveot apouored by tlae Newport Sail- iDo Club to r.U.. lunda for the Oran~ County Epileptic Socie- ty. Christened the Pat &ndall Wemon.l Race, the four }ega o.f the race iD Newporl Bay from 10 a.m. to 1 p .ID. will hooor the 20- yeu old employ" of the club who drowned, apparelltly u the result of an epileptic •isure, lD March 1980. Vikin91 of Scandia will match funda that are collected fo:r the r•ce. The club facilitiea in Lido Marina VUlAqe will be the aite of a celeb.ratiOil followinq the event to m.ark the club'• aixtNAth year and the q.rud opeDiDq of the America.D Maritime Yacht alld Ship Bzobraqe operati.Dq out oi NSC officea iJl the 'Villaqe. Corona del Mar Place The Most Eggs In One Basket n.. averaqe score In thLS yeu's 19 ~--· under the duec:tioe oJ Coach Paul Staff> photot by &.rry Slobln Beach Swim Clubbers Led ByHaJTison Hi9hli9hted by Tom Harri- eon'a national qua..l.lfyiDq time iD the 400 IW of 4:10.~, Beach Swim Club mem.ben completed two w .. kenda of AA m .. ts at Bel.m011t Plaaa Pool iD Lonq Beach. Harriaon qualifi" for the April14-17 oational m .. t lD Auati.D, Texaa. AA Touae-. Feb. a-7 11·11 Qlr .. : S..antha SIIUtb, 100 breMt, lllh; so br.ut, 15th. S..ant.lu )OIA«i with Georqiaa Smua, K.ahe Rowe and Paula R1ley lor a tlurd m the 200 medl.y relay, fourth lA tha 400 medley relay, and fowth m tha 200 fTM re!.y AA OW.. Feb. 12·15 lt-14 ~ Aad.tww W..OD, 200 br...t, lOU.; 100 br ..... lllll; 200 Oy, 14th; AM• Cr..W..w, 200 lly, lOU.. lA-.oo and Creuaaw )obMd W1Hl Jay !lwell aad ,.., T.-d lor a line t.a U.. 400 .--, relay. Had w-coe;t....t Wl1ll c,...... 11..0 Mel T...S kif lint, 100 hw ..&ey; Mhod. 100 aedley relay; and ~. .,..m.,. AJ.o --a.~a~~ Ia W. ~ 9f'OWP wu RobNk...U.. l~ll Otrlaa Wich.le Bud, 100 free, MCO.Gd; SO free, ..U.; lOO hw, 16th; · lOO IW. 14tlt; 100 Oy. 1401; l.Uida Robb. 1000 U.., 41119htla; !00 frw, 15da AJ.o nriJiaaiA9 WU ~ c,_OD. 1~11 lora; Ch&.rU. Muon, 100 b,...c, fiJtla; lrad Pric:Utt, 100 b.clt, lltll; Piper A.atimartno. 200 Oy, lllb ., ••• Glr ... EeUy LoDCJ, 1000 u... MCOJld; SOC) tr.., -.eoth, 100 free, ninth; 100 Oy, lOth; D.rlene DunnutCJ, 100 b,...., filth. 200 br ..... ....U. 17-llloyr. Tom &rriaoA, 400 IW eecoad 1.11 4:10,27, Jr Nalioaal. 200 tr ... hJtb, Cluu Woollolk, 100 Oy, nmlh, Stuert Smldl, 100 breul, thud, 200 br...a, thud, 400 IN, D1Dth, 200 IN. lOU., Jeff ~n.no, 200 Oy, fourth; 200 IN. fowtll; 400 IW. lourth, 100 Oy, awb; SOD n.. ftJ!adl. AJ.o .. aaaia4 -re T1.111 Saulh and St-Wet..e.r. ~--c•Diela wa.GH••,... •••port .,_ndkztwlao,_.a tAial-cdt:iqa.iae ..... lor ..... lifO ............ , acqa1nMI aotlaer ~ ... ln hia~ ..... ..-. TU ._,..,-oW G'dcUo91 wu a ... ecl tM oew ftlllitJ ioothal1 eo.oll at 1lewpod llatbot Hit;Jh, • la.i91i'ly•pNiliQ:ID81 poRtion ill couaty athMtic cbCJ.. Qiddiaqa coalichn 1Ua IICOut- iot;J •moe, ~ .,al•t• the ahilt+w of Nn. p&.yen for the ..... tiW nJ:.c:ribe, -la1a prbu.rf occupatioa. But lillce aOIIt of laia work a. daee ill Aaque, January &Dod February, lae11 be tr.. to c:oec:h the Sa.ilon iD the fall. In fact, Gicldi.Dt;Jt ..... beu doi.Do euctly Oaat for the put three teU01L1 COKhbaq Newporl'a eop)ao.on tMJD. And 1ut year, hU lllbpU WOil \A• s.. View LMqu. title, pomnq a per:fec:t 10.0 record. "I'm really lookiDo forward to atartillt;J-l eojoy workmq with kic:la and I a joy coaohi.Dq," Giddinqa Mid from bit home lut weekend. "111 be bri.Dqinq with me thr .. ...wtuta who haYe worbd with me Oil the aophomore J.ve1 the put th.r .. yean, (WiU Aaheo, Bucko Shaw ucl Tu Bleibr), and they11 help JD&ke the tram:ition euie.r." Giddinqa replacee Hu.k Cochr&ne, who n.io:oad recent· ly after two yea.ra at the helm. DuriDQ the 1981 c&m~t;JD . Newporl lNJlt 1-9. GU~91'backqround includ .. a lOilt;J u.t of coachmq positiona with hiqh ac:hool, Football films and • projector.,.. tools fOf Mike Gidding. colleqe and prof...tcmal team.a. He wu an uai.tant coech lor the Denver Broncoe iD 1976 and the San FrancWc:o 49en from 1968-73, and previou.aly .uved un.cier Job..n McKay at USC. 1n all, be coached 23 yean, mcludlnq head man positiolla at Monrovia lilqh, Glendale Co1- leqe, alld the University of Utah, where h.. two-ye&r record wu 1()..11. "I'd say my coachiD9 philoeophy is to Juat try and uae what the penoDDel you have Call do b.t," Giddm9s laid. "No UN t:ryinq to mold the playera to the iormabon&-ju..t let them play what the}' can do beat, whether 11 be pa.ssiDq or TllD.Ilint;J .•• Gidd.inqs and Jus wife Donna h.a•• thr .. children. Vicki , Jacqui alld Mike. PREPSPORIS Corooa del Mar Boys WiD Soccer CrowD; Glrla SCOI'e Basketball u,..t ID CIF by au ... ~ ... Lpc:h Despite identical recorda (10..2·2) with llrta.ncia, a Wlll and a tie in heed-to-bead leat;JUe competition, en&bled the Cor· cma del War bor-' aoccer IMm to cl&im the Sea Vaew LN9ue h · tle Jut w.ek. Cd.N now prepar .. to enter the CIF playoffa u the lea9u• champlOil, and will boat BrH· Olinda fnday at 3 p.m Brea, the third-place team lrom the Orange League, hnuhed behind leaque champ1on Auahe1m, which wu ranked u bi9h aa tenth m tlus year's w .. kly Cif polla. "We have a lot of momen tum,"adnutted Coach Robby CoDD . "f rom the skill at..ndpomt we're not bloWlDq anyone out. but we a.re playm9 tou9h and showmq the attitude that 'we1J beat them no mAtter what 1t takes.' " A. a result oJ last week's shutout.a aqainat E1 Toro and Un.~veratty, and a uud-week he aqa.inat !atanc1a, the S.. Km9 defeDM hu allowed only two qoala m its last •veu 9a.mee. • • • Corooa del Mar .nesthng eta.ndout Randy Reyes lut Satur- day quahlied for thu Saturday's CIF southern MCtlon finab at W..tmuuter A. the result of a balanced aconJlg attack and a stilling aone defeDM, the Corona del Mar qtrls' buketball team upset tbard·aeeded La Oumta •n the farst round of the CIF J .A playoffs Saturday. "We extended our zone out tc stop thear ou ts1de shootm9 a.nd that really abut down theu of- fan ... " S&.ld Coach Karen Gerhardt. "The key was stopp- I.D9 theu outau:le ahootmq and mahnq them pJ.y ouz tempo" The Sea Ln91 were led by L.s& Greeo.berq (12 polDta. 10 rebou.nda), Heather Eatey ( 12 polDta, 12 uaws), Want .. Ochaner (10 points), and Cmdy Kendall (fouz pomts and 12 re· bounda). CllJ •. , ...... El9bt leaJU have completed hve w .. ks of IMque play iD the ctty rtcreabon department'• w1nter basketb&U 'A' Di'riaion. Staodings W L T Tuman~ao War Drnls S 0 0 N.Urky's 4 0 0 Ota•oe Count"¥ Sta,... 3 2 0 8omben l 2 0 8oltoas Up 2 3 0 Moot.... z l 0 A.ro 1 4 0 Joh..-,. Jacuna 0 S 0 t..t ....... .co~ , __ ... oc Sla.n 13. loaben 2, llo.M.n 0 (Jodr.ll) w..&.rky's W Bottoau \tp .S. loat.n 51, Aero A . Joatutw J.c.ua 61 a.AU cEll, ... Pacahc Mut•al 4 0 0 O.Oe DtabW.rs 4 0 0 .... • 0 0 So Cout Coaa. C\am:t. 2 J I 0 8 a O.Vtlit S I 0 COQPfta 6 Lyb Dd I I 0 P ... n l•n ro,._r l I 0 IYCI 040 A 0 4 I lo C.O... eo-011ucll l 0 4 0 w. ....... IQO ..... .,.. ....... 47, ICCC 2 •· 9CCC l ._ a-o..tla 17, IYCI 4l. O.C. •• A.-. •• ~ tJ. ca ..... ,., Iron Woman, Iron Men K8ttt II 1n Mcc.tney, eo.ta ....... and o.nn. ........ Newport a..c:tt. the boyfriend Who got hef intet-.d In the grueling Triathlon, r-*ve rnedlla from Betty Gerwood, of Newpof"t Beech ~ Swim TMm. At right .. Bill LAKh, Coate Meu end Corone· del Mar High croa-- coumry c:oech, who .-o was given medel et Newport Beach Tennis Club ceremony last week. AH three competed in ~n Traithlon-e 2.4 mile oceen swim, foMowed by a 112-mile bicyc._ race and a run of 26 milel, 386 yards. McCartney won women's division. Theae medall are for their finishes in a recent one- hour swim meet. Staff photo. by S.ry Slobin RONNING ON by Dcaa Logcm The Oruge County Medical A.oci.Uon will spouor SIC AJtd 101( lUD.I at Muon Park Satur- day, Wuch 6 at 8:30a.m. The entry 6ee ia $8 (includea t-ahirt) by Friday. Race day entry ia $4, race only. For further informa- tion, call 978-1770. race only. for more tUo111LatiOA, contact the Dana Point Athletic Club. • • • Naturite willspoD.IOr the Laguna Beach lOX Suaclay, Wuc!a 7 at 8 a .m. latry ._ are $8 with t-"Sb.irt, $4 race oaly by • • • Feb. 25. Race day eDtry 18 S9 The third annual Dana Dip. wtth t-Uilit, ·ss race oaly. There 5~ ud lOJt will be held SWlday wiJl be a chawblg lor tla.ree trip. 8tutlDg at 8 a .m. at Dana Hin. to Lu Vega. &... Scott, Julie High School, 33333 Golden Brown ud Sue ucl P.te lAntern in Dana Point. Race day .... nan are -=hechlecl to run.. entri• are S8 with t-alairt, $5 CA11.94-6811. We wiD be CLOSEDoa 8AT •• na.a?.IM2 ., .................. .., "rt..-~___, ___ ._ ........ a-c. •~••au~~ .. ••• a....s-.a~ .... • n.re wiD be two "uoaacl t!ae . Wo,.H raoee oa Friclay aacl laaciay, ud • IOD9-diltuoe reoe oa Satuday. A puty b all the ~ton ia plannecl lor s.tvclay aicJ]lt. n.. !aotlt clab, Newport Har-bor: ia al8o bolclmq t!ae f1nt two race. of ita OCMD raciDg •rl• t!aia ..... d. TIM lOR clul boat. will be racing lor t!ae AhmaniOD Perpetual Trophy, and t!ae PHRr A & B clen11 will I.e ooaapetin9 for t!ae Dtcboa hrpetu.l Trop)ay. There will al8o be Uop)aJee awuded for all the~­ cltricl-.1 rae.. 11ae bOata will race to Indian Rock at C.t•Jtna laland oa Saturday, and~ on Sunday. Tile N.t of t!aia pr..Ocpou Reyes Selected Scholar-Athlete Randy ley•, who !au a 3.• greet. point average at Corona del War High, ia ozae of 1• Oruge County lhldenta who will be honored at the 12th annual NaUOD41 Football foun- dation and Hall of Fame dia.ner MoDday, March 1 at the Saddle- back ln.n in Santa Au. The athlet• were •lected on the buia of athletic ud ac.demic excellence. The cll.nur will al8o hooot follller Pacific Cout C~ commiMiOAU To~ Hamilton ... fon:.er UCLA coach and trablef Ducky Drake. Ron lOVI'Ct> ont' of Amf'IICd·~ forpmo\t df'\IIIIWn-ft-dtur en~ d unequt•lv drdl)t'd bodlff' of bluf' Ofll\dnloi weth loic(' TI\4- Colthf'drdl trdln <kerte\ muhe·b<~n<W<I en blue bta' ctnd tnmnwd weth lace> M•tth•nll p11 turt> h,t avael.tbl.-"' ft-rnd .. lt>' '" Sdntot An .. whtorc> vou well fend< olltfornta \ l.u&l'\1 'f'lt>ctton ot bndotl f oi<heon'-from tht> ta'udl to thto cO\tturP from th.• <m•rtlv ''vlf'd ,,nc1 popul.ulv pnc f'd to tht• mo't t>k•.:.mt ~111\M'f fct,hiUn\ ~' ,. ,. . . . - ........ 1'M Newport Harbcn ,.-. Qtab WalMt SUab will I.e .e.rtia9 dMU Wiater Jaftt&. tlaM1 s.n. tiLil 'lfa\lnday. 8aQppen ..... a1 11 •.•. , followed bJ three rae.. • • • South Skare Y aclat Club will )aold t!ae third race of ita WiDter Hlhechl S.rl• for all cJ.a.ee oza Saturday. Fern dales 3404 West Westminster Ave Santa Ana, California . (714) 531-1871 I • , The bottom line: taste. That's the result of the latest wave of research with smokers who have switched from hig~~ cigarettes to 'Enriche~vor~ MERIT. MERIT Eams1&81e~ Nationwide survey revealS over 90% of MERIT smokers wh ,. switched from higher tar are g/M they did . In fact, 94% don't miss their former brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smolc report MERIT an easy switch, , that they didn 't gi"M'ftui·te in switching, and that is dle · beSt-taSntlg low tar the:Y 've ever ·rned. MERn' ByWlde Maqpn. In addition, extensive unmarked pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning com- bination of taste and low tar when compared with higher tar leaders. ConfirnJt>d: The overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to -or better than -leac\Ulg higher tar brands. ConiUJned: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good qlSte. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The prooen taste alternative to ~tar smo~-is MERIT ............. i n.. • ...,. ,,.., ....... .,. r•-• ..... ,.._ • MERIT . Filter ., "'" Coetoa The jouDeJ to Su Jruci8co ID&J bevta u • bulla-trip, but the Wdt elwe,. twu illto • pleuurehle upen..c.. 0.. 01U 1Mt eojounl, ,.. ••n•CJ*l to vtllt two oi fte City'• D..U pel aucll publiciMcl nMAuruta, ud tlaouqllt you ab.ovlct bow about tJwm. ~·· PlWD ed...U... u. ,....uut, cU. ud CJ&tMriDCJ place. It ia oerteiDly ell oi th ... Locat.d amid the tpleacion oi GIUradelli Square, wMie you will tiad tO\llilta -tM ooWelt aM W..IIOU Di9MI, it s.....n,..,.ofalt....-. tMa u ~ ...,t•oe. Creaa.cl UCl t llllled bJ w .... ....,, ~~ito 9eft -tlte 0.._., .............. Ia .... ac, Apple, tolhwecl by tM •- oeU.t , ..... c. tM are-, tilt. p&a~~F~&M HJeoe roob the ._... wttlt ewpenM' oi leaded 9lue, lola of br .. ill ra1lia9 ud cllaaclelien, loftly poUebed woocla, •elY« chapee ud freeh flowen. 'nae buMit place ia the bar, witJa .... tar boclf..-to be lmed AWAIID WINNIN8 ........... ~~-.. New York Style SAYJE TAIME For that intimate rendezvous "Say JET' AJM2" at the Pteeunt Peasant. For the French axampU- fies the true ~ of romllf'l<:a, and the culi,.-y ~~ of fine food I The Pleasant Pealient In ~ Beech, located • MKAr1hur Square offer• you the .,..a of a Fr~h Country Inn, wkhOut the "haute" prec.. .......,...~.,....-• CHEESECAKE AJIAa&ft'e c-..._,uu~ ... •• AN -...&ANT a• naT .............. .............. 118. D'S CHEIE8ECAKE CO. FlEE IAMfll( -w.-St. ,_,.lO PUIICHAif COSTA IUA 131-5318 OMeU..~f. WEEKDAYS lOAM WEEKENDS t:ao AM 61:10 PM Leaviftt From 1M ....... Adults S8. Children SS. 1714) 673-~U6 Watch these pages fora BIGGER ..... Bill of Fare AaoeMr little ,.... of • ,.....ueatill.oda'aCo8M ..._.a tM •s•t•·,..,_ iD .. "·--· ... ct tor .. ..,uoa of .. rrao-.oo ~the CJioriou claJII of -~ Ia Lotta'• Jov•t.. 11w wa•an it ~tail toeta Ctebtne, tile eoue of n.. cu, cluriACJ t1te t...n.la .,. .. tM GoW Rula. 1M Pft tM Joutaia to Su .......... Ja 1-. ud it lt.uclt tl&ue JiM, Jut ecroae Mua.t 8treel t.c. U.. Pel.oe. Lotta'• Co&. Roue Ia at the lobbJ .... of the !lotel, a uvea &o. tM but)e of the buy ....._, a mo. little lpOt for a quick bite oo a buy clay, or a .....,. ooclda!J ba the ettrac- tiYebmCJe. The brMkfalt "~tur .. ,, U they are cluhbecl J.iat DO Bal Nlght COIIljlg A "Bal NLCJilt" benefit concert, d~CJDed to raiM hmclt for the Oruge Cout Co~ Jus SocJety' will be lleld Sunday, Warcll 7 at the Bal.boe Pavilion. ActiviU• will run from 2-8 p.m. lD tbe PaYilloa Ballroom. AdmiMiOD Ia $S per penoa. Harry Babbitt willlDtroduce IIWlJ femou Jua penoaaliU... For iDfonaatioa call 640-7622. THEATER 'DI .......... , br ,_. ftn"m • ... , ..... play "DivWoD St,.,. ... ~aad ..... oe o1 ueort.d tn»ee of ~*'Pi• ba tM Aaenc.n IOCiety ~. trauuualt, louly people, .....,._IWU lMa ucl tlaey're bere. JIM people are bl.aa.rre, patAetic, toa.rut, pre· juclioed, but all are very real ba their ecceatrieltlel. They all add up to ODe oi tM funn'-t playa in tM lut Jew yean, a oruy but wa1quely IUl&riowl ahow. lt Ia a1ao oaa of the mo.t diffi- cult playa to do, dependinq u it doe~ Oil preciM oh&racterlu- Uou that JD&y be weird but n...w 90 bato C&rloatur•. Skill and esperleace are necetaa.rJ to pl.y theM complex rol•. The play abo aaut h.ve apUt-HCOnd tim.lDo, en.er9Y and atyla. It is, thereJore, a aurprialnq choice (in many waya) for a production bare, 10 director Nancy EbMn d ... rv .. bowa for taltinq the challce. OD the whole, aha hu clone quite well, althouoh pac- mq 1s often too letharqlc and paue~ are too proloAoed. Then, too, not all ol the acton are up to the demanda, but abe oave it a try. The perfonaer who 18 cloe.t to an wadentandlao of the char~ 1s ft1Up Ga~ .. looet'1 t.b.e au who it uti· WOIMD bec.UM of, beu.v.lt or not, tMlr obu..too with orqMIU. He c:Jo.. a rMlly fine Job of • moM c:Wfloult put. Geoffrey Week ia the U, fioare of u U·proteleer of th.e ._. who hu ..uow.d, ud whUe lae 1s penonabl. and oood m aoaaa placee, he lacb eaer9Y aad tM nec•••ry pa81ioD of a oa.tliDe 1d.a11.t. Tina Jacbon it .. \18- ino, if • bit overdo11e, • the b1.ck Poliah landlady. OleQario Aadrade hu OJle of the choicelt parta in the play, and he a1mc:.t m.a.b. it u the pathetic OUY with a loUJ ..U-lmaqa. John Saua it very 9oocl u Yovan. Chriatme Nichola, lliubeth Tierney ad Rick Hull complete the cut and are oby. With Oaqa wavinq and the Americ6n dream u a finale, the ahow qiv• you juat about every~ thbaq. It will ahoclt eoma, whioh ia 9oocl, but all ahould find eome value in the play. While Newpon Harbor Actor• Theatfe mintd here and there, they at 1eut qave it all they had. UniDrive (Continued from paqe 1) COID.IDWllty ta that we ahould get ou ciocwnent oolnq and oat u much local control u we can." Earlier, Paul Franklin, im- mediate put pra.ide11t oi the Newport Hazbox-Co.ta W... Board of Realton, told councU the roadway ia ''vital to our cir· culalUo.n .,..... " "We doa't have uy choice," Mid Heather. "l ~ we could oo to cout. Whea I adclr.eed the co•m•.uon I w• cloee to tean ukino that we be allowed to I..ve it ill, at leut until we do an EDt They wouldn't llaten." "I think we qava it ow beat ahot," said City Ma.naqer Bob Wynn. But eome propounta oJ the roadway said they atill are un· willino to let the matter reat. In other actioo.a, councU: -CoJD.JUnded A-aablywoaan Marian Berveeon (R-NB) for aupportinq leoialatio.n appro.ed by the LM9u ot Cilifomia Ctu ... is now serving Lunch, Dinner &Cocktails (CODUIIMCI lloia JM111e 1) bltiat Jee•det Mal ~ to IMw Week, w .. ud puple .arb, ud oi CO¥eli.DO Ml' aoee ud IDOUtla wttla lu. !wad to prenat Mr IC1"""'9· Dee.euve W¥Oue C..pbell te.lified U..t Harpel' .daltted the bacldenta wileD he wu an..t.cl. Ha~r Mid he bit Je1Lil1Nr ill • fit ol ra9e that a. covJda't coatrol, C.•pbtllleltified. se.-G. eom., ct.puty clWrlct atto,_,., ljlfttly led Jeno.U.x to the .eand. He coaied her tluoup hi8 part of the qu•- tiotli.D9, whJ.perillo bato the lllk:rophoae to ahow he• how to ue U ucl twic.lead..iDo her out i.llto the hall to try to cwercome her ieu of talki.llo in court. Judo• Richard Lu...brink helped cajole Jennifer into t..U- fyiao. At oae poi.Dt , Lu ... briDlt said, ''You're not afraid of me, are you? I h.ve a UtUe boy who's UU. IDAilY yean old," he held up two finqera, "and he's not afraid of me at all." At another poi.Dt, Jennifer wu ulted to identify her stepfather. She pointed a tiny finoar at the dazk·habed man at the dafenM tabla. "You can't juat point," said Lu ... brlnlt. "You'll have to •Y who tht ia. t. tht your father?" "Y e&h," aha said. At anoth.r point, ahe wu uk· ad whe11 the biUno occuned. "W u it before Ch.ri.atmu ?" "It wu when I wu oattinq a cookia,"'Jennifer aD.~Wered. · larUer; public defender Vicki Brilea had challenoed Corris on Jennifer's qua.lification.s to t..Ufy. After aome queation.s by Corria, Lu ... brink uked, "Do you lmow what Santa Claua doea with little boys and girla who tell lias?" "Yeah," Jennifer said. "What?" "They don't oet any toya., for reservations : 675-2968 "Gina's Is a family-run pizza \. ..... ~ .... Ncwperlll¥4. ledtner Of 29th and Newport 81vd.) Newport Beach business, and the ~ Is excellent -crispy yet soft crust available thick or MeetmgThe~ Staff Some herd-WOiidng but not~ city lt8ff ~Met ~ Beech'• public got ~ 1-.t Frmy under the auspioee of the govwnmentlll aft*~ convnittee of the Newport Harbor ArM Ch8mtMr of Commerce, .-ld chatted ovet bf_,_.. Among those attending were (from left) Ray Schuller. building director; Berne R'-*on, whoM hulband, N.J . Ruston, is president of the Civil Service Commisaion; Perks, B•chel end Aecreadon Director Ron Whitley, Anita Fetgueon, prelidef•t of Friendl of the Newport Beech LJnrv, .-ld Buzz Person, chairmen of the Citizene Litter Control Advieofy Convnht• (..on to be ,.named the NNrpot1 Beeutification Committee). The ewnt .,....ged by the ch8rnbet' t Beverly Nettande w. held in the Registry Hot ... "Are you ooi.no to tell the truth here?" , "Yeah." "Did your father bite you?" "Ye&h?" "Where?" "Here," ahe said, and pointed Maniott (Continued from paqe 3) a recall petition may be cir· culated by the WMl Newport Alliance, a c;rroup of homeownen u.ociatioo.a oppoe- ed to the a..co project. to her lower riqht aide and one ahou.lc:lar. Police fim hea.rd about Jennifer'• bit• from a relative who called them. The police booltinq report liata Ha~r u u.uaap)oyed. Jennifer DOW liv.. in a bter But LouiN GrMJ.y, oh.ainnan oJ the A.ll.ia.nce, aaid ,..terday, "We don't plan to ..U a Neall. We do plan to ... & a refer•- dum (on the Beeco project) if council doea't modify lt. maw wtea (taken Feb. 8)." In the Marriott Hotel action, RESTAURANT .. IVIIW ONNI ... COCKTAILS LUNCH-DINNER-SUNOA Y BRUNCH Award-~ Chef <1J Cuisine RESER'V A TIONS PlEASE 2640 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar M0-7092 (ClOSED MON>AV) AVAILAil.E AT: home. Neither her mother Dor hel' oa•year-old ailtter WM in court last week. Later, after ahe left the 00\lrt· room, Jen.nifer said aimply: "I IM1 bad about my daddy. He'. lJl )ail., SPO.N memberl' arqued WIMIC· ~ that the propoea) ahoWd wait • year, lliDce it auto.atlcally waa reer:mded aloaq with the lrri:D. Co. apan- aioo oi Newport Celat.r. nat project ... Jdllecl Jeb. 8 by cowac1l rather than put it to popu.lu YOte. f'IEWPORT SURF & SPORT SORFSIDe SPORTS (HA,..IA,..) thin, well covered with fresh ingredients (we liked ~onl, sausage ahd double cheese but were tempted by many other combos), and a ·t@ty sauce. The walt Is well worth IL" ftOWOPEft ~ •o• Lunch & Sunday Brunch For Reservations 759-1854 l90 I EAST COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR l unch I t · l0-2:00 Sunday 8Nnch I I 00-2:00 • rw example, a food ..... cu help COil· --~~~ claooee bet. liD prochctt ., ...., ~ tlae particulu ritamlu, laiDelala&Ddodler ~n&ut.ta tJ.e, aeecl. A laW cu poiJlt out did~. toocl it•• it a Mtt.r buy i.D t.nu of autritioo·. f01' people oe epecial diets or with alleJViee, food lahelt .pel~ out eaton. per eervi.Dg aDd help them aYOid re.trictecl in~ diellts. U you'r. concemed about the foocla you .... here~ ... ti~ oe what to look for on the label: ~tu.tmg. W..y ioodt nch .. can...t fna.its aDd ~ .... taad poaltry poducts, lllilk, breld, peeta, chnn, cJ.ocol.te aad cocoa ue CJOftmed by ....... ''et&Ddarcb ol icleetity ... 111. et&D. d.arda of iclatity state what ingndieDts must be i.Dduded in U... pnduc:ta. For eumple, for a product to be called chocolate, it --COilt.ill a c:.rtain .-ooat of cocoa b\tt- ter. ror looda which co.e UDder thit naling, aa mozecli.d u.tino it oot ~. & ....... all ada. pcac •• 1 cl foocla wtaic~ are DOt ~eel W•aadarcb ol W..Wy ....... ,. a MAJ''dt .... nt of ~taoethe label. lacpecliata are listed in ordeJ' of padolllliDADc:. by wei9)lt. U 1M product U... "water" fiJ'1Jl on the label, that il the main ing.redient. NutrilionoJ inloTIIJo- tion. federal rec;,ula- tionl doa't require nutrition infonaation to appear on all food labelt, but lll&ll J lll&ll1&Mcturen prOYlde it YOlunt&rily. The nutrition panel of a food label oi ... the aiM of a --l'Yi.ng, .tat• how IUAJ •l'Yino-are ua a peck..Qe and how ... , calon. are iD each •JYUlg. It at.o Litta the nutnenta by weight iD a one-Mrvi.DQ porlioll. ha .ddttJon, the label ten. what percentage of tM U.S . Recom- meded Daily Allow- uce of vitamtna, auaerab aad other a abient.' ia found in a .u.gle •rrino. for .,...p., a 1.3-ou.nce ...._,. Wr. Good.ber leW ...... Uaat the bar (a aee-•rrillg porlioD) ........ • pen:at of tM ...... .....dec~ Dai- ly ADowuce of pto-..... ... ~.., 9iYe caddaydra .. m- Jorwattcw, al~ it't -~., .... !WII~ ........... ..... ··-~ ....... ~-··· •• ---k» OOil· W Wiii.;Grapefruit ,..., tH Fresh Lemons • .. H. j \ '.I ,, ' j • I ' • ....... lit CUit Iaiii ... , IIFiiki"Cittll •• H •. 1 \. \. ,,,,,, ~ 1'1 ,,, • f4, ' I \ "t . I I • • . 25 Clllll ............ . itfW-Cilllra WIM':· 5.11 .... 1.1 ........ 1.19 It Rib tlik . • 1 . •. 10 w iiUaG;ult~.t'iift. ... 3.69 1.99 .... "' •. 39 tit ii'iilraah Bags ::J.49 .. 1.79 .......... .79 IIIIRhicll -..... -H I ' t I '.I I j' • • '. I t t f It's a time to remember .... t At John l. Blom custom photography, we uniquely have the i talent to capture the romance of your wedding day in beautiful t color photographs. On this happy day, our professional staff will i be constantly aware of the events, expressions, and people who t make your day unique. t t I I ~ I t We invite you to call our studio to discuss your wedding plans with us. Together we will make your wedding photography a great experience. john L. Blom 3040 E. Pacific Coast Hishway Corona del Mar, Calfomia 92625 t (714) 760-6767 ,.,~ .. IP~I .... c1811P.II ..... IP111P11IP .. liiP111.,_~_.tiWNI.,_ .. .:; I I II t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' ' Decisions ... decisions ... Kathi Baker of K.W. Baker Company helps Tish and . Tom decjde on ju$t the right selection of colors for their new home. She has just the solution for the young cou-- ple who want to start decoratina their new home or apartment but find the many optioqs..._.confusina or staying within a budget frustrating. Their desian studio 'features an extensive collection of sample fabrics and catalogs offere<t at signifi~ant savings and all arranged in a pleasant environmen where you can relax while making your choices. Professional design service is available at either an hourly rate or flat fee. . K. w. Baker eompany The Orange County Bridal Service plans weddings for future brides, down to the last detail. Every aspect of the wedding is carefully planned to suit individual tastes and needs. You are invited to attend the First Annual Bridal Premiere to be held at Promontory Point on March 28. Guests will be presented an elaborate luncheon together with a bridal fashion show. All facets of a true wedding reception will be included. Reservations are now being accepted. limited seating. Telephone 537-2825 or 642-()973. S6.50 per person. See ad in entertainment section for more information. 2751 W . Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. Orange County Bridal Service 2751 West Coast Highway Newport Beach 537-2825 642-0973 'AiteP .. I~tAI .... 1 ......... 1 ... 11 ... 111¥41811 .... 1 .... 1 ..... 11 ...... 11 ... 11. _.. ' t t t t t t t t t t t t t For the fashionable groom, Darrell's offers distinctive formal . wear for the wedding of T,ish's dreams. Darrell Bender assasts her in selecting the appropriate attire for their ~fte~noon ~ed- ding. Both classic and contem _ . al attare, mcludmg designs by Pierre Cardin and Yves t. laurent, are offered along with the finest personal service avf.ilable. Mr. Bender has been serving the Costa Mesa-Newport a{ fqr ov~r 17 years. He and his professional staff guarantee the ~r fat as well as correct weddina etiquette. She'll always remember the way you look in distinauished formalwear from D~frell's. This creative jewelry store leads you into a wonderous world of beautiful gems and fine jewelry. You will enjoy the elegant and inviting decor with friendly personalized service given by award- winning designer Barbara K. Jackson and staff. For the bride and groom there are specialized design services available for that special touch. Barbara also specializes in redesigning and remounting customers gemstones. Barbara's designs are customized to fit an individual's jewelry needs, whether it be traditional or contemporary. A fine line of designer jewelry is also available. It is the originality of design and personalized services by Barbara and her staff that increases one's appreciation of fine jewelry. Treat yourself to a visit. Barbara K. Jackson Creative Jewelers 2610 East Pacific Coast Highway (across from Shennan Gardens) Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Offering one of the finest and largest sel~tions of bridal fashions in Orange County. Personalized service by our qualified personnel is a Mon Arnie tradition! Your Special Day -Our Special Way • • • Tke Valatt•'• oolor IOMme 11 UW&JI 10 lhllutlaf. At tlae HN11 to ·Heon <Wa beaMitUq tlle AIDedQu HMrt Allooiattoa, Oruv-Cowlty Chapter, tlae tMIM wu eva oamecllato the IDUUI The Iouth Cout PlaN Hotel'• aecuUve olaef, Clu1IUu a..saou, cnatecla Mart· .. ,. ,....., tWecl with IOall• ·u Z.. TeuJJ/ete Aux ,.,_ de Mer St. Valutta. (It 80QacM 10 a\&Cil prettier sa fJaOil.) Wana Heacock uaderwrOte the 14-wat volcl fi119ree beut c:Unu, wkloll were preMilted u favon to each lady atteacliD; th1l ale;ut ball. Other vaer· out beutaoton were leDtley Laboratod•, RoolrwelliDtema· tlcmal, Geor9e L. lrowza luur· uce A;eacy, Dozma Zlohoclle, Abrahua Walter GrolQ), Paoltio Mutual ud GrMt Amerlou Printm;. Patti GU• ud JoAAAe Stewart co-chaired th1l premier beuftt with the umt&Jloe of LiDda Avila, DoDD& Balllky, Pam Golcbtein, Llad& Gudb, Evelyn Hart, Jack~. HMther, Warc;raret HWe, NadiD.e H.luy, • • • S..e eveDiD;, time &Dd theme, but lleld at the Balboe Bay Club wu the eecoAd &DAual Valutme'• BaD tp0A80red by 100 ,.N:WII white colton,. UMid lor th. drea w1th qudted obi belt, lroJa the su-r '82 Nouvelle CollectiOn by the Borboqho liS/en, mochled by Creno M5·843t 1Ma l11lcacll, Unit C eo.ta ...... Calif. tH27 The .. wpaft !MAp ...... .,., ... , ... ·-...... , • Leh, Cnllmo Borboq/10 wro,._ the corded belt of th,. tuclc.d wh1te slult around h.r loreh.ad Note the dromotK" pouted aiH ve• lbqbt, two wh1e ~t1ve tportsweor d.SJqru created and modeled by tbe Borboqha., Jon and Cr~~t1no by MUdrecl Mead You all know that white ts THE color for Sprino/Summer 1982- navy and while, red and white, black and white, pure white. If you'd like to see a fantashc collection of 100 percent whtte cotton dresses, jumpsu1ts, bloUMs, culottes, pants of all lenoths, et cetera, then stop by the Neunan-Marcus Fashton bland store on Friday, Feb 26 You11 m"t desiqners Jan and Cristina Berboqlto of the Dallas· bued firm, Berboq.lio: Cnshna ancl Jan. Don't be surpnMd 1f they are bazefoot and beauh.ful. These two stslers are talented and tall-Jan Barboqho Feldman 1s 6 feet, Cnsllna 11 5 feel 10 m - ches. They were born and ra1sed m Coahutla, Mexico, b y an Itahan father, 6-foot -4, and a Scotch-lr1 sh mother who IS 5· foot-10 After mov1nq to Dallas to qo to college, they turned then Mex1ca n hentaqe, and a chudhood love of beaut&lul clothes, mlo a full-lime destqn busmess Th1s was only a few months aqo, after both had pur· sued car"ra LD fuh1on deSlgn, modehnq and publac relations "We wanted to establish an . . 1maqe 1n wha le ," says Jan, "we love white." So they took hve styles of wh1te cotton to New York, and the respon.H from buyers and press wu ternhc Last November they added 20 additional styles and hit the b19 city aq&in, this time wtlh theu mother. Theu line, and please qet the name nqht-Barboquo· Cnstula and Jan-1.1 now earned by 121 stor .. acrou the country Ouiltino is predom.mant 10 their Summer '82 lme, bet no us- ed for obi belts, ruHled belts and unaqinahve collars They contmue to UM 100 percent stark wh1te colton shaped 1010 ruffles, tucb, · cordinq and full flouncy skirt.. Sty I• include· dropped-waist chemt.., praine- pnncess frockt and blou.y pants. There are saucy, short skuts w•th elaborate rufflinq, JUMpiUIIS with bared m.idnffa and m1d-calf, tiered dr ...... wtlh dram.hc poufa as sl .. vft. "Whale loon beautiful on everyone," Cnshna commented. "Bndes not only wear 11, they 10- clude 11 1n theu trou .... o ; .ame have cho.en our dr ..... tor garden wedd10qs." The pncn ra.nqe from $75 to $150, maktnq the Barbogho lane affordable, wath or wathoul shoeJJ! A rose IS a rose. A flonst ts a different matter. Spring Fashions Are Here! There's only one Clark Kennedy. Ct.k~ 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa STOP IN TODAY WE PAY TOP LENNY'S hair design----.. tor women and men FOI-CLW UIEI lttng Y0411 CMiarl Of q Ptlotogrtpflie Equep. in tot 1 FREE.,.,..., 675-0823 Specializing In EUROPEAN HAIR COLOR FltAMIII~A RAINIOW OF ITALIAN COlORS 01/ef 70 VMd Shades . . $25 FRAMES! COf"OIIonirO Perms S45 ~cutandstyte .. 0 0 0. 0 $1$ SPECIAl INTRODUCTORY OFFER 15 off C7f'f ..w::. lo,.. palfens. • GaAOUATION MOM A DAD WE DOINGS oc:x:To. VISIT wnH ESTAIUSHED fAMI. Y PRACTia NC MEDICA noNS ALLERGY TESTING WE THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD BE 'niE NICEST PLACE YOU GO •••• Atw.tlflllll 'A 1You-I'IIIIIA WIIIIV..,OI1 .._141 .. -fHetti'IIOOd & Solfwood) Wee4 r.,., ... s ... , ,."'-(Oat & Hemlock) Geller lell -Plct•r• "•••• -ler leila Cite I',..,, -..... -c,o•• -c .. lnot Vlstt Our Showroom .... cn: ... /VIIa 8-5 Dally. 10·! Selurctlllly aa.d~ JOHN HUFFMAN JR. • ./ ,..,.,. u. Ow,..,.,. .w.o·.,. c-..,.,. ~~ .ANNE ORTLUND Low Alt..-TOI!II/hLow Dilc:illl• ., •... ,., *"""' Clt/ldlwt...,. MIW C...W · TIMnMMQNS Tlw~LA~tt* L01.._ leNof At-.. Mr.wilrun ..... ,.,. c.l now to ••••.,...., booa ~~· 63,1-1974 16131rvine Ave., Suhe I( eo.,._ OI'IN t;3D MilO I ....... •••••Meeta T~.,... 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Ptelbvterien Church ot the Cove- n.nt. Fairview Roed, eo... MeN. Anyone who 8fljoys linging end can c:errv 1 tune may join. Further informa- tion, call Joyce at ~2733 or 546-7860 or Pat at 494-8119. ........ c ....... ....... ···••tw will pra~~nt an ..,ty spring lhowing of show entries noon Saturday, Feb. 21 at Shennan Ubrary and Gardens. 2647 East Coeet Highway in Cor· 001 del Mar. Public is invited. ........ ••••h City c ...... t. Ruthetyn Ptummer will be the Newport Harbor R~A.•e~s fMtured apaaker 7:30 p .m . ThurMtay, Feb. 25 at Weaem Feder., Sav- ings, Community Room. 4 Corporate Ptaza in ....uc.anca NJIIDOUI._.. .... It&,..., n. ....... ,.._ ........ ~ ... P.uo&Ailn. '103 c-. Sl , C.. W.., C. t3U7 ,_. I .................... .,_, c. an . ...,,., ,_ o.u-. 1Gl....._.A ... c-w...CA ..,., .,... .......... ~..,. _.~ ........... ....,..,. , ... a .... ,... nw. ... --l.a..l ........ c-., a.~ .. a.-Cooaty - ,. 11.1113. ,._..... ,_. M, W... l, 10, 17 III3YTM~ ..... 1113401 liV77 .....:m1'1Ca ILftliOW- .... IT&IICDT .......... _ ...... "••••-aa tATlJCl IIPIY Q.UDDII, as • AH'a. &.-.ua -.....: c. IIIISJ .......... ....,., ~. as • ,. ..... w.. .. a..Q.C.~. no.~ • ....,.... .......... --~t'·· ~ry ,_ ........ _ ............ c-.r, a..• .. ~-c-.., -1~ 11,1- ~ ,_. 24 W.o l, 10. If 1113•• .......... ._. 11GC Mia ....:.anca nc:m..,.,_ --ITA,_., n. ........ _ .. ~ .._ .. CDITIUOOIT COli SU\.TA.If!'S. au~ O..-" ~ w..t.. CA ~ m... Caru ...,.., 114~ ~ ............ c. ..a Tluo .._ • _.,IICWII ltoy -•• ... ldui~J.Iioao C ~• ,. __ 11 ........... ... c....., a... .. o. .... c ..... , - 1 .. 11,1113 pw.wa. 1. l4 .... l 10 17 1113•"'-........... '-• 1111411 • """ PIIIIJC 5K)T1CZ fChi'JOUS~ ...-ITAn.:.T n.~ -· ...... ......_ • CO~ PUll DISIGM .. , ... ~ Do-.-.. ... llll ... _ ........ ...., .. c. ... ...,._ .._ 051 ~ Dr,.. llo lCD ............... c. ... n... ......._ • c..tiiCWII 1>1 •• •• ttnt.ol ........ ...._ .... Tl\oo ---W... "''lo •h• C..-.tt a. .... Or-c-..., •• , ... lt,lll3 ,..... ,. ,. .... ) 10 17 1113 .. .,.. .....,_c-. ".,.., ~ ..-.: IIOnc:& ,.., ... .,._ ...-ITAftlmrf n. ...._--..... ....._., PATaiCit • CONIAJff •n •~• • ......,.t, ....,, c. -"""' PMnc\ 11.U a...-,. '-tNft.C. .. l ,.. .................... .., .... ............ ~, ...... \ ,.. __ ........... ... c.;.., aor• .,. o..-.. c.-, .. ,..,,,,. hWtalo, , .. )4 .... J 10 17. .... "-......... '-,...,. ..... ----....---,...,._ ....... -_ ....... , . .... . -. FMNon Wend. ....... tti'W 'Ht1121W Pu ........ a ........ , ..... .... .. group meet8 1:30 p .m •. Wedneaday, Feb. 24 in the 7th floot lobby of the hoapit,et. More ln- fotmation: 78().!5831 . .... ., ..... . CW IM .... on Wedueedeys at 10 a.m. for • fun-filled day of Pinnoc ... On Friday at 10 a .m. they ~Y shuf- fleboard. Menings are held at the Zonta Building, located at 15th and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. L8w anforoamam ot- floanofOranea 1 County will be honored ' at a Banquet and I Awards Ceremony I sponsored by The American Legion, I Oepart.ment of Califor- nia. Banquet will be held 8 p.m . Saturday, I Feb. 27 It the Newport Harbor Legion Poet 29~ 1 1 215 16th Street in Newpon Beach. ..................... I c ..... of .... Diego Bulking Contractors AMociation will hold a diMef meeting 6:30 ....:.anca nc:nno.-... na~ n. ............... ._ ... ,.._. •• ••wron VIDCO cana. ••• L c-""' . eo.-., W... C. gas. o-t L Wo~ • -~· '-.... '-........ c. ... ._D. w..-... 3100 0... ...... c-.. w...c...a. .,... .._ .. _._... .., ..... ........... ....,De...tLW .. ~ not.----~ ..w. ..... c..tr a.. .. o.-c.....r, -, ..... 1. ......... ,. ,.. .... 3. 10. 17, 1113 .. ,.. ........ ..... JlDUl -... ....:m~~e~~ ,..,..._ ... na~ ......... ..--... --...mn ...... -. .................. u.. ...... ._.ea-.~M.w-. lai ..... IIM ............. CAI ~ .... L ..... talll...._. ............... c..m. ,....~ ........... ..,. :.a: ... ~ .... l lw._,_ ..... .. c.-, a. .. 0...0 a-., -, ... 1,,1 .. ........ ,.., M. ..... J, 10. 17. .•. ,.. ........ ..... naao -...., ... • FICiftl ... -· ' --It&~. .......... ..---. ........ .. 1VTAn IIILUin MUUJ~-.... •·• ............. e.-=,.., ~. nl ..._.., c.-. ., ...... c.-.-,....,.,m ... I le ' c-., ..... C. ~ ,... .....,._ . ........,..,. .-a ,... ,, .....,. w ca.,_ n.a. __ ....., ..... c-. ~ .. 0..0... o....ty -r• l'-1 ......., ... M. .... 3, 10, 17, 1113 ............. ...... ,..,. -.-..c.mca .... ........... __.. --ftA~ .,.. ........ ..--..... .....,._ • 1148'1 ~ IU ........... o.-....... c. ..a ...., U. .._, lU W"-' A .... o..-.,.._,CAGia; ... ~ ...... ~.~ ................ c-....... c. .. n.~lo...._.....,. ........... , ...., ....,,. ._ no.__,_....., ..... O...atJ CSooo" .. Or-~ -....... I. ........ M. ..... '·II."· 1113 ............ ..... natm ._. ,...,.cmca --., ..... _. .cmc:aOII w•waiALI 0. ...... 11. .... l1 ••• r.-r" r =•• mu ~ ~Arf, I CiiMweia II I I _, ·"-· .......... .,...... .... IIi...,..~." ... ..... o..t _, Tntoa ........ lor ...... C. I ....... ... ,_,.. ,.. 14, 1.1 • --.. lml ........ l4&AI. ,... ...... c:..w ...... .. a.....o......~ ...... . ......... _ ......... ....... ... ...._ ............. ~ .. ....-.. .. 1··-·· -. • ..... l41'Ji,,... 1M • 0. ...... ........... Clololfr, ... ........ ,__ .......... .. ., ...... ,....._ ... ..... ...... ..., .... u... .... .. ----·~-·"'-~.,.. ......... ~ ........ , ............ a., .............. ~ ..... .... ........ _ _....... ..... _ .... _, ........ ...., .. ,_. .. ......., .......... 0...0.., ...... ......., ... ..... ,.liM. ....... ._.. D ......... JMII .... I ....... .................. c.... ............ a....... ...... ...._ ...... I I ...... ~ ............ _ ............... -...... -..&.1 ........ ... 01-........................ .................... -.. ........... ,a .... .. ........... , ') .. .. ..... .................. _ ........... __ . ......,. ...... ,_.. . ..................... -----~---... it .......... .. ............ _ .... _ ....... .. -~ .... p.m.w~. Mwch 3at the Shemon Newpon. Advenillng lnd public reletSon. wtM be tM IUb- ject of the rnMei '9· Conc.ct Jim Frwnton, -..-o, for reaerv• tlon Information. ...... , ........ .............. will tour the Riverllde Mie- lion Inn followed by I luncheon 9 a .m. Mwch 3. Tour and luncheon ia $10, reeervetiona m...t be made at 840-0219 or 640-9336 before Feb. 25. o.... ... Coeet Col-........... , Evening Rim Series begina Saturday, Feb. 20 in OCC's FOf'Um. Series tickets are $15, available in the Ticket Offtce. Prices for in- dividual films vary. costing $3 for the first and last films in the series and $2 for the rest. All movies atart at 7:30p.m. Alms are: "Singing In The Rain", Feb. 27. Freeottl*an'a..._ at the N~ Beach Pu~ic Ubrary. Newport PV-..:.mcl .............. --ITA_, n. .................... ----~~. Fa. UOOVDT,l77·r ........... A• .._..,.. ~Ia. CA ..a: C. ,._,, ... ......... o-twtll Cout. ....._. ~lo.C.I*S. I nw.~ ......... .., ..... l ~~C,_.y ........ nw. --IIW _. 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Center 8~h. 8 Sen OlfNnte Drive, 4 p.m. Tueedav afternoons. In· formedon. 640-2246. Feltur• witt Include: Mwch 2: "Hardware Wen" and acenee from "Star Wtn". "The Em~ pire Strlk" Back" and ''The Steck Hole". lerh• ... LeetureeeNI .......... Orange COM! Cottege this week inclu&: TIM'allty Felt. 28 -"~ng For Succeu"; aeminer, 7 p.m . in Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission is t5. -Informational Meeting tor an Australian and New Zeeland field studies course, 7:30 p.m . in the Captain's Table Restaurant. Admiuion is free; the trip costs $2,530. -"Is There Life After Divorcer·: Dr. Charles Leviton, lecturer. 7:30 p.m . in Fine Arts Hall 119. First of two-part Mriea: M per session, t6 for both. • ..... , Feb. 28 -"The Stellar Thread" planetarium program; runa Friday nights, 7-8:30 p.m. 11 the OCC ..-..c.mr;:a #LibiOU8._.. ..,..u~ n. ...._-.. ._ .......,_ u OOIWNDC'AL CAmAL • ·-• .._, ............ s-11 . CA s;-.o n.o..o .._ Ut...... 123 VII o.-, ~ ._, .. , CA .., ,_.._.~.., .... ~s..-i~LU- '1\iot -·-.......... """ eo..., CJ.rk .. o.._ c-.., "" 1-at,lll3 ~ 1. ) 10 17 )4 n...........,c..v- ,.1:1074 PWUC CK)TJCII lf()TJCII f>' llloatiZ'S uu: lfW·GI'72 N. J-ISI33 0. ~· :14 1113. ... 10 • • Otl 'UIAL COnOIATIOII O J AMD.ICA oo ....., _... T.,..._ ....., ...t .,.,_, 10 0..... ol T.-...t ............... ..,.. JO. ltnl, .. 1..... llo U05I ._.. 1~, -Ill ol 0t bc.;.J ..._. __ .... .., ao.. "--.. _..... -.. 1...-. .. 1.,. olloc. o4 """ c-atrr ...._..., .. o.-c-• .., ,..... .. c.J.lo,. .. WUJ. SAl AT PUUIC AUC'TION TO HIGHUT IIDDII '0 11 CASR t........ .. ·-· ol Mia .. lawflol _, ... """ u ...... ,._, .. • ... _. ......... ...,. ... """c-.., ~ 100 c • ...., c-... Dtt .. ·-..... ·-CA .u IIQ~I ..... .... ..,_ ...... ...,... 10 .... -to.ld 1rt ~ ....._, MNI o..cl o1 Tr-.. 1h ....... "' -loci ........ c-• .., ... .... .._ ........ _ 1..11 II .. _. II .. _ .... ..._..._, ., 5 00 ................ 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Admlaion ia tUiO. --; t1 cNkhri under 12. ~-~. -An and wchhecture of PDMnd: -'ide pretentMion. Mllgde ~~. lectUter. 7:30p.m. In CouNefing and Admilll~ Room 113. Admillion t3. -Stop emoetrng worbhop; three-pen ...... Oevid Edman. WOtUhop dltector. 7 p.m. in Sdenee Building Room 146. Fee ia $11 . Seriel continuM 9 a .m. Saturdey, Feb. 27 and conch~ 2 p.m. Mondey, Mat-ch 1. -''Politive Pwenting''; seminer. Dr. Charles Are, lecturer. 7:30p.m. in Rne Alta Hall 116. Admi-'on il M. -Exploration of pitfalls and poaibilitiee of a. cond~; seminar. Jackie Richardson, lecturer. 7:30 p.m. In Science Lecture Hall 2. Admis- sion isM. ~ .... 27 -"Fashion Coordin&- tion"; Barbara Madison, lecturer. 9 a .m. in Science Lecture Hall 1 Admission $5. -"Small Computers For Smafl Businesses .... Preparing fOf' Growth in the llrs"; John Short, lecturer. 9 a .m. in Fine Arts Hall 116. Admis- sion is $5. -Family setf-defense workshop; Marcella Muller. coordinator. 1-4 p.m. in the Student Center. Admission is M.50 for singles, $7 couples and $10 for families. Participants should wear com- fortable clothing to the demonstration-practice workshop . -E~youewr Wlf'lted to know lbou1 ~~;Ft.d Holbofn, ..,.._ ciNco tOt •• a .m . ln occ·. Sdenca Hall . Admfaaion $7.50. -"How PUtMic R ... 00.. SkiMa c.n Booat Ptofttl and ~ in 8ueinell and PrivMe lh'': Mort Stain, lec- turer. 10 a .m. in Science Lecture Hall 2 . Admlaion is $5. -"How to Finan<:e a Small BUiiness"; Devid Lasker. lecturer. 9 a.m . In Fine Arta Hall 116. Admiseion $5. .......... by ........... " .. ; Dr. Tessa Albert Warschew workshop director. Presented by Co.dlne Community Cof6ege 9 a.m. Saturday, feb. 27 at the Mesa Verde Lear- ning Centef in Coste Mesa. Advanced registration fee ia tt5; phone 96..1-alll, elCt. 256. .. Prafect Ocltn S..oh .. lecture by Jean-Micel Cousteeu, Jaques' ton, 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2.8 in Crawford Hall at UCI. Admission to the film· illustrated presentation is $1 0 general, $4 students . Anorula ...... and Associated Disorders of Orange County is holding a aetf. help group Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Mariners Ubrary in Newport Beach. The free seff-help therapy group is dedicated to helping persons with eating disorders. Party Helpers, Unltd. ts'arty Coordinator• ANNOUNCES Exciting New Catering • Banquet. Buffet or Family Style • Intimate Meals for Small Groups • I n·Office Luncheons • Fondue Parties Rush Events . Theme Parties (We also coordinate even t s at hotels. res taurants. clubs. etc.) • entertainment • photographers florist • baker • bartenders waiter~ (714) 527-0452 "CGRoert of ""-'---Muelc'' preeented by the UCI Choir. Chamber Singers and Jazz Choir 8 p.m . Saturday, Feb. 27 in UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall. TICkets are $3 general, $2 for students. lrwtne .,........., ~ oheatra will give a free concert 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2.8 at the Turtle Rock Community Center. Loe Aqetea Cll.&t* ar O.ct.a.tra perlorms 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre. Guest soloist will be violinisl Elmer Otivetra. Ttekets are $10.50 general, $4 UCI students and $7.50 for other students and seniors. lnformatK>n: ~. .............. .,.. ~·by Ferenc MoNt. on 1M South eo.t "-PertOIY MainsWge. a p.m . Tueedav through S.tur· day, 7:30 p m. Sundllya and~end~ at 2:30 p .m . Tldcetl ere $15-$10. SCA Box Of • f~ 957-4033 ''AD1I1 .. 8111rtll .. by Edward Albee is being J)f'elented by the Irvine Community Theater. at Turt .. Rock Communty Park. through March 6. Reservations: 754-3543. lnform~~tion: 567-TB7 ''Dhtllllft ............ will be praented by the Newport Harbor Actors Theatre through Feb. 28 at 8 p.m. Thurlday, Fri- day and Saturday and 2:30p.m. Sunday. Theater located at 390 Monte Vista, Costa Mesa. Ttekets are $6, $4 seniors and students. Telef)hone:631-5110. .. • .......,. •• comedy by Frank Dunlop and Jim Dale running through Feb. 2.8 in the Drama Lab at OCC. Ttekets are $3 each, and can be obtained by call· ing the Box Offtee, 566-56V. A MUid "'' ... ....,_ to~ Prize- winning pleywright William lnge will be presented 8 p.m . Saturday, Feb. 27 al UCI's Fine Arts Uttle Theatre. Admission rs free, but tickets are required. Information 833-6617 . 333 E. 17th St. Beh1nd the lnterncu.onal Pdnc.tl.e Houst• Costa Mesa Phone 642-6886 -.. . THE SOAP OPERA They could have called it "As Newpon Turns." It had many of the elements and some of the personalities of a daytime TV soap opera. The scene was the recent meeting of the Newport Beach City Council at which the council decided to rescind its approval of the Newpor1 Center expans•on plan (80-3). One of the most dramatic performances was gtven by Ruthelyn Plummer. who is usually a bit player in the council dramas. She presented a neat pro file, smiled as if on cue. and delivered some clever lines in which she descnb· ed the "diabolical deceit" of those who would have the people vote on the Newport Center plan . The organizers of the referendum against 80-3 were definj!ely the villains in this melodrama. said Ruthelyn as she milked the scene fol~all it was worth She explained to us that there would have been "only" 225,000 square feet of new office space in the center, and that it couldn't have been occupied until after Xl rn.jor traffic improvements were in place. Those "major" im- provement• epparentty included such things as left-turn pockets, but she sure made it all .aund dramatic. The script writer must have left out the fact that there would aa.o have been 450,000 square feet of space taken by a new hotel, plut the Marriott expansion. if the plan had gone through . Anybody who c.Med the ~ plan • "massive expanlion" was definitely guilty of diebolical deceit, Ruthelyn aaured her audience . ul think the peOple of ~ 8eech are intelliU4""t enough to IIIP8rlte 1 from fiction," lhe Mid . ~. That'• why the council didn't want the~ of.Newport INch to wte on the mmer, right, RUtt*vn 1 .... t!U!~tt•JrfWHJf• ~~r:r;rr:munril:!m;u[mtl ~ ! ijf~hli'J1 mlr ~ itt;hllfJnr ~ ;u~~~ *fiji~ I!J~hfhU:Jfl ~ ljf~hfl~·n ~ jit~hlhffi~r~ u1th[bun•ft ift~lrflrifJfi!•l·' · .f d ... nu. i'·!ibt~!fjiJ ~H~i~!!i~r!tiii~'i;~b~!~i ~r~~. ~h;t r~·~Hfi!~ii~l'lh Jrm!i•~'i'Ut ~~~~wri,il!il i~·~! H. rfiWib rr~W~;~i'lh r~·!! lnp~:ir•1111 ~:·~! l~ ;:,~~i1:•111 ''!~.!Fl! .·~i:r·•·!•·•· • In'·· fti.t!.tl'rf~ll .i'~! t !'I ~~!fJr lh ~r~h ·~l:;rt!;!H ;! d ~ I uh~!!SI~IIII f; I [rlf'tflllll r~ l lJhlrl! 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U ·I Je! • f:H f!ll!l(J1~t !,Wu .. l.ffpli I . : r• {ifn'lilll ~ r• r1 •i!it 1111 ~ I ,.. 1,, .. ~;T iliff·t rh Hr··r tf~·r-";lt)h~r,l.·c,r,,l:l , ,1, ll !r~~ls ~ ltf! !•rllr , f·l i :"lilr ,. ~-l t • t: l ~I' L L I• J 1 ~ sJ ~ i 1 1 i 1 I · h ;;JH nl,r. II ill .. ~. ri!,J~rh •• d.r:UJ" .. I. ~ -I • ~f •• teiM I • If ' ~hlr I • ft J Hr r :.. fiii'UfJJ!t fJ ~~J! ;§fHtf:iJ 1I''~~·JU~JQ .. Er;~ .. np(IUliflfr¥~fU~ ~~~~ l!t~h_ll.flf~i .. J ~·· ~·1~ rrl .... t!h:~ rrh .. ~" tli: 1·n•1a.tr•_ t'r _!I f_d~'J ·r· .. ~~~~I'IIJft !I 11 r!•m_._h~i_-.• 111•·~~ ',.~.. . .,,,,&!i!~ ,.,l.(tf·f ~;.( ... 'fi!l~·l · h f·~fl.df!l !f 'i!!." t Ui.i :-;.11 1·r ·; -I .r1 • f 1 •• JI , ...... " r... •• :a 111 : , , ~ I r,. ~!51 h ;I Ur' I fH lrlrf' ( J!lu u J 1 rltf1 f • ~~ rfJ ., ... lff' ,[hrrl. h II I ; !J: j~~· I! CAR.I'DTD -,.,. alc:A wodl. C'IIMa e&b- I.DeQ, book ......... ~·~ ~. tuu.Ja work. 23 ,.an ...,.._ lienee. C.U evaiD4JS, 913-8056, H 3-5N2. n..Jt you, Jerry THI CAJPINTII: Quality cnka=••hlp ai u afiord•::.,rnce. No JOb loo . On.. 851-1314. CAJlPET CLEAJURG CARn'l' UPHOLSTIRY clMilizt9 -FebriaUY apec;lal. Hvdr011teaa, deodorue, ddee 2 roo ... $13.50; 5 rooaaa, S31 50; .ot.. S1i 75 C&.rpec, uplr.oJMry dy.· lDQ (60 ,-rda), Sc:olch· Q&rd. pr•coadlUolwlcJ opbOo.l Cvpec W...· ten, 540-1849. --- I SPICIAlJD la leek· ......_work ad re- ao•el of coacrete ~---.. -..._..,.). Allo C1ltt1a9 .......... .tag. Not •• lie. WeM'e C:O.-cnte a..o..l. 631· 3110. B. WD.SON a SONS -Bllllden. ,,... ..U· ....... 30 ,...,. aped-ace . ._... IJQ. No. '1lll.wl. Ml-1740. CONSTIIUCT101f SPI- CJALTIIS. Patio lioon, wladow•. &llyUvhte. F..-cll clooa, P6tio roofa. ~ tioD. Joe w.rtiDa. (714) 642-0837. llJIII)DTUU.. coa- ..a.J" .... ·-~Co. fla.illa work, redwood decb, p&bo COY'en, J.oee Ia· p~ ... v...,- eouble. ~~ ... ,,.. ........ .-J. ~. NIW CONSTRUCTION -WiJOf remodel. F..U lllpervi.lioA. c. pl\1.1 or bid. r,.. ..u--. All N.wport ~nmcee. Qv.alJty work Q\l&f&ll· teed. "RMI Property S.rv1c ... " 631 -4678, 67S-600:2. BACDIOI SDV1CI- O.tclll.D9. qrid.ua9. Low rat. Aclchboaa, al..t"l· uo-. ,..,..,., a&&A· teaaace, deaut~aiAQ, coae~a1haQ aenrlcea 730-1611, -..7385 ev• aiJIQI fiM:IMG =-QADI, Df• . .u~. .......... ...,Jao.t,..t- .... ,..,. peiatiq. AIWdl...,a ..... lS ,........-oe.r,.. ') .... c.u &a,, .. ,. fUWIUU ...... -IOU ..... e-.. ............ heel· ................. 130 1. 17tk lt., C... W.., (714)NI lttt. QAIAQI DOOI llftiiiQS: Budwer.. electroalo opeaera. I...U.p, -..hecla. UK DoCK CoapeaJ, (714).,.1477. GAIIDI:IUitG COMPLI'rl Q.UDD. DIG SDVJCI. Weekly, bl-w .. kiJ, aoa~J a•tewnace. Spr:lall.'-r ,..,.u, tree work ad ~·'--"··-" ,.....1, i •.•. to 10 p.a . IIANDYIIAM PATaiCI'S HOWl ..._ J)l1r ud laprow-ta. Ge-al -ua~. carpeot ry, eJ.ctncal, pJu.alnA9, COliC .... p.6· lkM aad walb. Howly r.._. No JOb too .-lJ (714) 641-3'7Vl. OVDHOLT Coutnac· hOD, a.moct.lill9 ud etc Jraauw,, cbarwall. bay wtndcnd, J....cb cloon Quhty al low pfiC" Call lrya.a, 54~_216_7 ____ 1, .......... . OOif'J"'.ACTTU CIIATION CON- STIUC'nOII -()uljty c arpeatrJ, rqaire, reaocWu:l9 • ..uit-. p&U., lld!DCJ. ..... eac•. free elti&lt• ll•••oaable rate•. Uc-.. 41JW. c.n 541--4118. ...;_:;_ ___ _ UULIIIO• 110...0 BOlli IJIPil()••tiiiiiiW--It ... l TOUC!I or cuss HolM laproo 1 •t. Pa- tioa, ~. J..-cla lioon, wiDcloww, fire- place ....... , COG· c-., lbteoo. 2! .,..... ANa ..... NeOla. Boa., 131-5218. HOUSICLIANIMG. Coaplete ~--­toq,..,...... ... ~aoe.. coodoa. leaeoaable , ..... ~.Call aher 4 p .a .. ii:Z-2531, Deob«ab. llAPPDfiSS IS HA V · lNG TIWI fo• ,.owwlf. Let .. 1laadJe yow clenl09 ...de. We do it aD! Ia ~ ..mo. uns. n. Woppet:te, 8M-1300. BOWl cr••WIWCJ TIIDU LOVUfQ CI.IAJII*i " ltu. c..... ·······•· ..we .......... ... ,. .. ,...... Let .. c::-..r..,~ ta-t~•. HOUSICLIAIINQ Jlallen A.-crf. no.. earpee. ........ tiM· eMu, ............. 210- 7111; ........... . SUWSJUJfl IIOUU- DIPDIG -Qn. J"'IIIU -..u.ae ......... . !:l look .a ,.., ....... . clablo ~ T--= ................... .. ..,...,.. ....... eel. 1152-3034, 731·1G3. AIIWA'rfiODOCIIt Jbldoat .......... . .. , . a.c..Aw tl a ,...t . uctl t.... b ~ • .a.o. ,0. • ·-Nilb'a· tioll. 857·2$. CLIAlfl.NG UNLIW· l'l'ID. for aoeU-c:. ill ~leaal:o9. pnmd· i.oQ aD nppU. iDcllld· ...--.... t•• IA9 YIC\lllla. Tnut---wortlty aad dep.dable. INCOMI TD Aoeov.at· Call today lor ..na&te. I.DCJ b ted.lftlule. pert· 546-3728. aerahipe aad corpora· HOUSICLIANING: tiou. Available oe· owu.t OJ*•*'· 1 do :=.able~7S1.SM(): all tM work a,..U. Wi.Ddo-ay epecialty. Ualqae Aceouat1a9 Alwo coap.... laouae-S.::;::mc.::::=:::::· ===~ CWG'09· Call DaVid TU ftiPUATIOII by lc:brt.l48-1'lll. ...,.rt prd sdreel. As>· TOP UASS Cleao:iD9 poiAtaeat arreavecl s.v-. Hov..-1~· 11dallala,-.•01J111Y~ ~ A.io':d:b~oalr~~~~~~: all Ad ~ill,..._ 642-0UO. ServlaQ c • · 0r&1191J Cowlty T D iiri1iiS bJ ap- HOOSICLWmfG -~it:~·:':!: 12 .,..,.d ..,, ~· ....we COlt. hperl. Goo re ereoc••· eJlCed ~ wllo AI w~ ud S.tar· euoiW to ~ p•acdoe day. Call Ia -'ACJI, belo,. the IllS. s.. 543-6540, S,lm. 2418. s lifE S li•iCc;cc<JMia:ii:iriuiiiaaiiifiCii:l OIIIEIITAJ.QIUIIIQ ~ ud hnoul. 3bcbal1 bad.: SlS R. Dtxoa, hbbc Ac· 4 bdna/1~ batll: S35 cowataal, 11031 IrriM FWIIIO.-clee.luD9. Blvd., Tl&ltio, (714) IWe.-cee. Call S44-143Z. M$-51. ------ WK NAD rr SHDfl - Prot ... •oa&l lao111•· cleaaiD4 Wl1h • pet*>Oal touch Satulaehoa 9111raoteed .. ooer Broe. Cleaot.o9 Serv- ic:ea. 545-3158. DICOMETAZ WOVIDt? D01K>THY NAPIJI INTI.IlOIS cuMlp~ l>m; (11 ,..,. wldl Wlt.l Sloue.) 541-.,., ....... --.. ~·-~IC2-1.1. DICOIATOIG A.-D INTIJUOI DUIGN Wp il 00 ....... ,. Fa•oue W141w•tera ~r. 30 .,..,. u · ~. wW .-ct Jebna.ry oa aaJboe w..d wida kle .u.. p.Uata ad c:aaMtl. ... .w .on willt .. Ua.lted c:liea .... Gill .... ...... lor ............ ~ tioee. CaD f1S..Gil lor 831~871 PAJNTllfG: laterior/ &.wtor. Lo...e rea., proap,aeet..w».la ... b 10 ,...,.. ,,.. ........ (714} ... ... (714) 831-7148. PADfTING: ... utlfy 70\U .._.. tor '82. Col- Oft aclcl MW Ide aod ~JOIP~ wodtud ..... . ..... ,,.. ..... .... rrect. 1131-301. tAD111NG -Juerior/ u•dor. a.uo..tiAl, ~..aa~. pr:'nd:a-al, deu, fial quljtJ. All work p&Aa'-cl. lonranhle pDcea. ,,.. ..u.. ... C&U aUl, ltf-2331. SPICTIUN PAOITDS -c... latlrion aad _....,.. O.en:II4M 2 ,...,. ..... --..... ..U.IHL C&D (714) IM4GI t..ve -..... ALL fHASIS of PLAS- TDJ)fQ: 1•-etucco, ._.lle9. iaallriorla· tedof ,.k:llworl. looa ......... ... e\llllola ..... ,,.. -"-· Llc. 311711. Jou, te0-3711. AAA·l PLOWBDIG. ....... JcMo. Semoe: a.mo. c:aD low .. $12.80 .•• clo It all aad ..... ,.. __,, (714) 112·e:M. (714) 131-JOOI, oaADII CUAIZD -,,.. $4.5) ,,.. ..... ....._AD wodl per· eat..cl. a..aoaah&e pnc.. No .... c:aJl .......... Drate w...e.r.. (714)~. ATLAI " .............. .... -~ ...... na..,...111 •C..,.....,rw . .... .,..;:; ...... ..... ,nc.ud ..... · .c.. C.UIA.ny ...... PA1111111Q JIOOI.I/ MVIIM/ 801 !'UIIIIPAI aniOOL-ftCL Cr .. htn ee4 'nrnao• ................. , ......_woe~~ .... so. o..:;.••••ht. Cal 131-• uviii fOOL sav-IC1 •••• ,.u..v.Apart- ·····'Coaaoroia1. Acid ... ud Np&lm, a.a..e ...... .+He . Ml-4037. OUAUTY IOOJ'ING b .... owuc~­ COIUilnlctioa. u-.d. ........ &Dd boadecl. l•f•r~ av&ilable. Call E ... , f\l.llb, IllY· tiae,I45-0la3. IOOf LIAI7 Roof proW-e. all lJpel, ,..aJn. rerooftacJ • ...., 1'001, 4lock coalbiQ, 91*1· .... c~owupoa ........ aou.ble. v-.weecl. tree ..U.Ute. lela, 148-2328. ROOFING AD tJpee, -· oJd. rwp.tra, --. ....,. prooftaq. Cal Job: MI-07It Uc. No. 408022 liVID JI()()I'DeQ All typa .... ..-. ..... Lie. 411102. ..... UPAJIS JOa 1.118 -rw. Tile. sau.c.J.. o.eb. CoebJ19. ,,.. ........ no.212S. CALL a.ASSIFIED INVUTMlHTS .7J.tlll UYLJQHTS SAYE EHIAGY AD wort! .......-. o...4&y liuu.llatloa. w ... c • .....,...- (11•)-.7'737 SUUQIITI . . . !0" orr lllyMIIJb. Coa- ..ne .. ..,.,. lacl'elle yaJ-. Solar Sbbobta. Llcea..d. 4if·Sl12. 488-23111. TOPSOIL BUIDfiiS ICJIOOL ........ •' tnU9 ...... , ....... ~ trio D tJphaiMI. DeaM, 112-1-. TYPING, TUJIICIIa. DfG, Jci.Wa4J ud Wnt· laq a.m-. All for· aat~1 __ uteate • .-... . J. w...-r, Newport S..Ch,ste.3eC. UPBOLITIRY · ·m,. orr ALL r AB-IlCS.. l1»tlob1 ... of ci~~Uaetioa. AdqM to ...... ,_ ptcbp ud deb.., ...... laMdon,IS7-0la. UPHOLSTIIY Drepen.t -C\alfca Wolk. Up to ~ ott aateaiale. ''" ••· limat.. So\tth Poiote Upboletery. LaQuoa HWa, 188-toOe. WAU.PAPERDfG CUSTOW WALLPA· PIRDfG aad p&letillq' 10 .,.. .. ~· ~.Gu.uu.Med work. Call Jolla, 730· 2053. WAlL PAI'IIIIJIQ bpeTIAtace, bonded, ~. 0teco11Jlt 00 wall eoverioqe. r,.. ......... Cclll o-.. W-1117. ror son. -DIS-•A·--COUNT PaiCISI Ltra c:a..a. 8 yucla, oaly $56.98. Loc:.a d.b-ry DO e~. Nlb, 633- 1865 NOW IS THI l'IWI to .,.. yow ...... Call ..,.. hpert., .. 30 .,..,. •••vice to Oranv• Co•aty. 548·3239. Georve. ~ hcNn. IDDT TUI SIRV-ICK: T,.. ud ehrub trlaaiuCJ ud -·' Yard cleuup r,.. _. ba& .... Call Q63.~. liON'S TUI SDVICI -TnJIUili.a9, IOppUtiJ • ahaptoq, t.... r..owal. etuap removal. Yard clea.aup. LM:eued a.nd bwured Qu.allty work. ,,.. ..u-t-646- 5384. JIOOLI/ IAURASI BOT ro./SPAS WDCDOW COYDIItGS STDUOIIY SBVT · 1"1118 -30" off o11r qullty ilhlllt!lr&. ,,_ ..... , ... ,._ n47 WOOOWOilDG ClOWN WOULDDIG -W&Atlee, wall IW•. cab1Aele Hardwood ao111tl01ll to wood prob· leme.6ll·l528 WORD PROCESS WORD PIOCISSDfG -Tranacribtoq from c_.._ We t.pe aad dupUeat• oa tbe 1pot for lll..tiD91 aad CODYeD· hou Dorothy N a..r 6 "-oaa ... 645-0420 POOLS/ IAUIIASI BOT TUISISPU ·Aaw~c.••et .............. ......... .,_ ... , .-dGenlu • SCIIIr. D 'r 1110t -·...,. _.,.... SAJ.aa IN8TALIATION8 • A_... .......... ,. ...... ~lloAJ. _....,_.,_, APPLE SCHOOL !51-1753 IIQUAQE urn GAIAGI SALI: r~ 71. 211. w.· .. aon.tl Oodl,ee, .,_, took, ,, ... ,., .. , 6 Ac.cia Tr•. hvme, oU Royce boa Mk:llellloo. Call !181·1101. 173v0110 NIVU ASSDOLID 10' ... .cJe .... Sl!O. Newr --100 ..., welder ~ .... $125. s..r.o. lao~ ... baby ...... , ... taU, calcW&ka ad alaell .ore. S.t\u'day, fM. 71. e •.•. to4p.a . 1i21 Trad.wbada "-· a.y. oNat, "-Port Bead. liiiiAL 'Ill LOll WIIGBT NOW. 10 1111 21 0.. ia 3D UYII or .,_, $31.75 lor 1· _. •• ~ NlhLaa· ... CaD 'JIJDALJ:n ~. MicMU., 165423. 1711Ul9D./ YACATIOR IIEHJDTADI TH1 BILL TDUCD Snadio -CclM often ~tlor.Uoc­c.-.. aad 0~ ill the art of bellydaoc4t. C.U731..s74. 2721 E COd Hwv CorONdeiM.r67).0~~ -· 1111&-,........_. ..... 1WHK .•.•...•• 8WE£KS 13WE£KS 21WE£KS 52WE£KS ---------------------........ ., ........ _ .............. .-. o.,.n . . . . . t12.96 8w&KS 10.45 13WEEKS ......•.... 1~ 21W&KS 940 52 WElKS . . .. .. .. .. 1.50 1 WE£K - 3WfEKS I WEEKS- ,-----------------------------------------------------~ Classified Just coaaputeyour OWD cmclclrop lt lathe mall. ----- f----...,_ ~ . -..._ --~ -- 1-·----- ,.., ..... ~-10 .. (-·"""'"l a.c...... •• ,......, ... ,, VISA .... ~ .... ,._ ....._ l I (3) (6) (9) (12) (J!) (11) (21) (2A) (27} ()()) (l3) ()6) o..-doarve ____ , -c...- '---_,.,__ -- ____ c .. -- • I I FIND IT IN OUR a J:JOUSE8 FOR SAL£ ClASSIFI£DS a.tty ec.n ,._.., 673-0550' a.:-.::;--.......... ..,. _,.. ............ ............ c ........... u~ .. ......,. ............ --:-.-:-....... lliWIUIAIIf rDia .a-= a. all eo· cu&ou. •••••b•• ~-AD +=dn...t. to rock. c..u ..,. .. , ..00: c... ,m-1 at.~. httM JWI (..a to~. s.uu. ea-t ..,....,, r.....,... a..cL n... ::. 7:.30 ..... lady 7:15. LOVE IAIJ.OORS s-d P7DP -,.,. to.. • boacr-1 of 3D Whaa bellocma hdeet lor_, oecaaloa. Peuoaal ~· w. cWt... . IJ73...441 9. s. .. tJua ad. IJABYSittD NDDID lo 1Mtc:ll 12-~ llriD boy. w ecl...ct.y ud friday Ul ., eo.. ODa cW ..., boa.. 640-4360 23BEI.P WARTED DIIII.P WAIITID IIAT10MAL 008MITIC ___., ..-.--w. ......... ... ~ to wott: put· tiae3dayap. .... 11 a.&.lo4p.a. •.a-tin ..,..__.--.. So•tl.em C.WOnia. (213) -.o140 or (714) i1Ul53. SICCif'D DIOOWI b pr' I ....... __ pi •. _... ...,.... ..w....u ctwna..ton, alala1UD ia...a-t. sa • .,., late~. rtrl-~u•.,._e p .a . :24-BOUB UV.-01. Part·tlae, haU-tlae, reapoulba. position, r••ldent ••••ver. Cook, .__..... --~ce preferable. .. ~aoe~ ..... --.... t an1ary ud beoatita. Sll51-1890. BABYSit I 0 ; T...ct.y ac1 narnc~.r,. W\1111 ... toJ pleyUICJ Witll ;a.,_,. old ud ... reliable. Owa tr&JUportetion. lloa--obr. Cou.c,. ...._, or.:. S3 per ~lour llelereac••· 673-7343. Z:SBELP WARTED PEOPLE WHO LIKE t.alkinq to people will love UU. job! We need enerqetic, articulate people to C.U from our office. full or part time. Day or eveninq allitb ava..ilable. St.rtioq ulary S4/hour. No ezper- iellce nec•••ry. We will uaill you. Call between 9 a .m . a.od 5 p .m. for details. CPM R .... rch, (71•) 545- 1458. EARN S925e00 PEA WEEK w. ... Natonal eornp.ny apecializlng in Hot Food Vencllng equipment tatunng ..no.•....., ,.,.looda weft .. ~ MEL. ~-and the like. Your ,. chin. .... be located by profeaioMI Jo. eaton tn factortee.. Khoola. hoepilals, ln- duatnal cornplelles Md simla. high tfaf· fk: locattona. Your mechlna .....,. • one year tac1cwy -.rranty plua a location ~-Md ~ upenslon ~o­grwn. With a 1.-nty-one ~) rnechine minimum puteheM tor only 12U15 00 wtth just 18.5 ..._ per day, your route wtll earn ..... 00 gtOM per .,..,. If you ,..... --00 CASH • •'•'II NOW and can a &art immediaeety. ,.._.. a sentceabte auto Md can operate from your home, CAU NOW TOU FUI -TNe of'-' .....,._ ,._, .. 1112. 1-800-535-2115 •ROUSES FOR SALE UBOUSES FOB SALE ., .... WUITID S30 PD BUIIIJUI) ~bprc · ,..u .• --.;.'"i:::: tloa: .... ..U-ad-d..-.t,....._. __ lope, m.a. .. 7f11. Lmez • • IQ mme. LI.A..D 10 UD SlD .-. Wodt 1-2 a.o.n daily~-...-.-. S.ncl .. lf.add.r-.d ~~&aped ......... _, Jlegal, 424 w. eo.. -.-Jdl. Dapt. L. fullertoo, CA 131132. ···coor.:s··· ••· ....t.w. ~ lo.r swia9 ... cp...,.,.. .W.. WIUII be 8aiWe lo alt.naa .......... Good *rtia9 peyl Apply ta .--w-lad5 p.a . ....W.,... 0..- oy'•· :24445 Allele Plniry., ....._ va.,o Jlo pliloae c:&U.. UBEI.P w.unm SECIIETAIIY To pNIIIidMlt of vrow· \114 eoapeay, .U tlbll8 ., .. , be ebo•e ·~~. "-"" work loecl ud pr-re CLEM Clerk ~al U ec:etmq. Cotnpvter mpot • ai.Uil. N a . er ... S15,000 CORSULTUT OUR OFFICE r"' J I~ lu ......... ............ ..,. ......... ......, .... llJI1. UBOUSESFOB SAtE n.. ••pan , .. w ........... ..,rr. ,._, M. ••......, • .l.ICZDED CIIILDCABE STATI LAW Ill· ouums t~t.• .,.,_. wlilo prooride olliJd care Ia tJ.eu ~ao-be bee-- ... f« m.lonaabOD -lilow _, .... a.c.-Ill Ora.qe Couaty. caD (114) I:M-5172. LICIMSID CHILD CAD -lrnM 5w1D9 ud cp.,...yud ahift. Cllilclrea I • apec:aala, s-... Slreet ud _,,. ..., ~. "ba· dm daal ...t.N reqwre i.adariduaJ elleahoo (714) 1157 -lOa DITJSH N.ANMIIS .,. 1 II~ pet.le ud lralJMd b clU.Id ~ Lo.doa Bnd9e A9-cJ 18 IAim· riewi.a9 l..W. lor 1ti:Z. 752-1476 'D SITUAnORS WARTED orra.LJGIJIT ~,..,. old leaele, a A . ~ ud hearmQ eeluc:~. ·~eel watb ltaadac:apped Good co•a\J.JI.ICator, bcJbt ofhce .Jnlla. ... per:.-ced ua tlte &118. Will couader eay rMaO-ble po•aboD. C•ll llln, (213) IQ5..22SIIS 2tiiOREYTO LOU J\AOO SJ(X)t(D6 Co•pehh•e rat .. amhr~&Dm.d laaeclaate luodan9 lrooU.. 147-8006 WO NIT. WONI"T. aao..o.-n t.o.a. by pt-... 2ad ud 3rd T rU8t o..ct. tAdored to ,.our •tuahoa en ...t. C..U Jaa. day, DJQhl. ~ 516-ilZl APTS.•ama. IIERTALS. OFFICE JLDGS . Loe11• to S~.OOO Te.,..lo 3 ,_,. C.U to _tf_ ... _\Mt... r.-••.w.bie loT yvw •• c.u ... ..,.,..,, Sle6-0'755. c.-bndcie C.pdol • CaW real ...... broMT A.lao AC· I'1D9 -a...dou U IIOUSES FOB SALE WIDOW HAS WOUT lor Tnllllt 0.... llO,OOO ep. llo c:..tit ~ ~. c..u DnMo. ~-.173-7311 . I BA VI MCIIIY to Joaa c. you ...... Low ... ........... .,...U.7· dey ~'-!r:edlt ao pr-caW.a. au, (714) SIM-31115. JUlOK) 2JfD Tna•t o..ct.-• tt t..U or ~ p..operty. To $5 alllioD. All ~ lleld Ul llnc:t C:C.· bd.c. 18Q.l!J51 , -forSt-or O...... BUDEBGURS ....... ~-ad _, tJa.a? TH1T BACJ.: • .,. 8 110 80 .,. •JOY· IDIJ oJd IMhioaecl fwa willa tbe onqma.l nabbN CJ1UI8. f or 1.-bro· daure. wn• or C:.U Tile C>nc,mal Jl\lhber G.a Co., 1541-D Ad&aa D.pt. N-1, e-ta .,_ 92626, pllo-641-1214 T APPAM GAS IAJifGI naw, lteat oile r ~· WICIOWAVI TV ----· 1!0 llao.D of --.....,. $15 ta-...u.d. Ia a . to I p . a . 1M,.~ . . . . JVC VIDIO -n~. 314 iadi.M Ad-a.., Sc.-TV. $1,!00 c-:o&.t. Lnb papp. 1250. Call tollh• .ua.a-l.tQ0.532·311'7Z Mk lor ,_,..,_ Ad •• tct.~ • 31 AJt'TlQUES .S OFJ'ICE AIITlOUI HOOSIIJl EQU..,Ii'JUIM __ ..,T • ~ LB bae c:oeda IJ)C WAG CAll) D boa H.. Dow but woJCI p~ ..,.._ S5eO 481 862' lsc•Ueat coadaho D S4 • 4!0 or a.. otie1-c.n ANTIOUI SA.LI We Sally, (714) ~0100 are aoY1D9 ud •re ..U . iJl9 aaa.J"'U8 , .... -DrDULGZ TOURSn7 d Adwertan119. k\lclae 11 Roll-top d .. k •• praaah•es, aoole, c:Uift A.lao Wmol bubta. tunutu... kiU eopaer, .--.,bty Sine of -..11 ~ eel C&ll 1.-or Y.alt1 at... Plua aa ()pea {714) ,...10. (71 .. Roue of our lao-No M2=.. ... :::..:;.:..;...1-===::.-:: 4) . Yi8 P,__ P..._ 0.. OrrtCI ~ day oaly S.tlll'day, T~tw.al. S.O. 0. feb 7:71 i • a 110 5 [. • ct.~~, c~. couc a.. An-ud Debby • ..ct lab-...... ~ eoa, ~~ V.U., lba c:a..u ..ct 2 &I'll claaa ,. r-. Lda ro..... (415) 7'0-WIOI UBOUSES FOR SAI.E ~~-. ~-~. ' .4 .·~.: .~ . •m•---• ......,~ DrAft I *'»D- KUD JIWIUT ~ :::1-...... .,.. -~ .. 230 I . l'Nl .... C... ..__ ... Ill nJVATI PU'IT .... ..... ........ ONII..._ ...-,. Aa.o --··--· • ....... c.D ...... ....... l.-o.s:rl-3172. .. ..... , ... Mo .udaMII'H. DfVII'nGIIf QUAIJ-n ... o4 ....... r lnt Sll.?.IO. AJpraiae4 Wi ena*• $1,000 . ........ ....., CaD ~ ........ 1-«JJ.!In-llm. .. IDr . ...,... .... Achntd W!IIIX). IOIIIICII~ UIIIOOI PUIUSIID DO IIOT AOCII'T b 1aow:wt ..... t r-aaHcal -..:cw .a.. c.. ttvc • tk -ia .., .._ t tt peW' 'al IMC.O.Wedia .. ..... Gnlap. IIDWOOD he Mck ln9-4-W -.. o.tl ... lU., ..,,..,...... aamuADI, MAJrU fACTUDIIS La.rve.t la Or Coaaty. lid ... lrch.,.-d &.-. 1 •. ,..a. ...... l.dlaver'/Mam. 1111. AMWAT ~to,__ hoa .-.---_,Met. ,..!1M3. JUUfAMILT _._. --.... '*ip. Jab •• .,.. T4 .. CNb $1,000 . 4301. nTa COAT - .. faa OOIIt. 1 ,.., ....... oW. 00. ........ lor lela Top Call qtaality. ~ $3,1 1~532-311T12 ... , ... .,.. .... r Aclwa lll1'.H3. 1011 SAU.: 1 peal' 1!0 ca. $25. 1 .,.., booea, a. 3, SJO. .a..v .... nMJ, ..ct.__ wWa colon, $15 ..... z.vbell,Alll,la ia9 -· wida ---~.5 ead .... at--tto- c:Wnl eu- ~ooao..m 5 b SlOQ. pack. $10 c ·1-pt.af ~ cot, 51 WAftTO IUY W Alr1'ID: OLD no-.~. watclle a, Ill ••• _... s.r- --~-.. ~ . !5111.-70. WANTID: rut Ml TUU, eppo.-( lnveratora. •••tie ra. drran. TV' a, --woda.e. s--. oa- WOt'k:m9l ~I tuaihue l JUl. SSCAS. (714) ts7-lll W AMTID: usa> IOTUU. aoct.n/ &II· Ref1"19ento , .. hque .-..... d..ry.n ( woda· t... Ja9, --workmr,). m.am .BOUtiD SALE • I '"d .. ,.. ..... , ..... _,_ -------____......, ............ ... ---. --- II APUTMDn'l o•o• MOW ..rtlllfG: 1· ud 2-itechooa _qarcleD ......... ac-to • ,....,. t.Mcll ud wa~~t. •rr..,· awat· .... a..c ..... (714) .. , ...... =UI APART · -~ wta caaMibal ~. f1Nplaoe., ... bare, &it ooacifUoalao. pool•. ....... gya, t.eaail oo.n.. '••·"·· ••ail· .W.: 1 bedlooe ud cleo, 1 w.oo.. 2 Mel· rooa/2 itatlll tow•· ~-lorry, DO petl. 3400 Ku~t Jl.d., eo. ...... 15'7..102(). OCIA.JfnOMT liNT. • A1 -............ .......... bla.llcliA9 ill W9ua leaclll. Jia ... locattc. 111 towD. lrealll· takblo .-... All l\\lilt· lu, '-at.d pool. Svb· e.nueaa oarn· .... ••tor . ...._. . S8!!IO aN llp. Royal Uitiu AputaeGII, 330 Chff 0..,484·03. NAPAilTNDIS t'Odlua> FUIJOIJDD woua IMdl ~~ lhaclio SM. TV, aa.ct •mea. plaou. Sl2S waekly. de-2227 51 HOUSEl VRFURN PllPICT LIOI&U IMcta taoVM Fu.plac., la1qe 1-Mdroom, S67S uacJud.. utWIMa. 387 ·Oak St., 4i-4-0611. 494-6436 • HOUIES FOR SALE cc.oNA on MAl ...m.... J..,Mctiooa/ 3-b.da. z &~-. 2· car 9ueoe, bakon)'. aAcrowav., wet bAl. Qarcl•aar. LaClea . lli2SO per aoatta. 118 ..-laherlp.m. OLD CclW ucll: lect'a ~ ...... 3 bed- rooa, 2 ~ "'2,000 aq. ft., 1 ~ blocb \o M.eb. Sl,lOO per aODtb 556- •10 eat. 72 or 553· 1 LAGUWA II.ACH -;_at· a.t: 3·bedrooa, 2~­~. view ho10e. R .. fri94nator, dislnf.-het, --.r/d,.,.r, firep&.e.. 2-ear carport. MOO aoathly. 4M•QIOI .,.._ IOUTK LAGUNA reot· al: 2-JMJ-old eJ:ecuhve 3+3. ,.._. courtl, oca.A view, aecurtty ...... $1,300 IIIOillhlJ. Call toWree number l.ICJO.S32-3i'12, uk tor P ... ,...,.r Adwatcia Nal. S..UD .. OON Wl.tlioa Vlefo tao.. Faotaatlc view. For leaae. 8115-1510. BUUTlrtn. Uruvemty Park J.t.lrooDl/2-bath. tonul cllalAo room, JaajJy room, overa.aed Mc:k yard. Co~amuoaty teao.1e crovrta and pool . AvaJlClbla April 2. S87S par moatla. 552-7107 SICOifDOS/ TOWIOI.S£8 FOR REin' PUBLJSHIR DOES NOT ACCIPT UabUity for iDc:orrec:t IS)elliDQ, oraa .. UcaJ IDICCIIr· ac'-. or tJpoOraptuca.l enon ID lAY aclvotr· liaemenll publia.bed an ttaa Coa.t Media Newa Group. 51VACAnOM RENTALS HAWAD CONDO IMAapali leach. W.ua, "Papakea," 2 bedroom, 2 bath, completely fur· Dilbed, aleep~ 6 $90 lll9kt. Spec~ -~­,,, .. oathly ratea Bro- chllla. 851-0908. WIJKUO VACATION ber9aln -D.h,ae ~. 1/2 block from bMcta and park. hrk· 1119· Sleept 4. S32 -~' Di9iat $210 1!fMk. $65() per CDODlll. (714) Ml· 9130. NAJOIOTH CONDO DNr lS. Vary laomey. AvaLIM&. oow. 661 -111518 or 496.1459. SJUUS -USI WY new 2-bedroom 0011do thia wlDIW in lr\U &.d, Ul&lll for 1 01 2 weeb lA uc~e for equal tiae iD your bMcta hoUN (willllA 1 bJoc:k of oc::eu) llti. w.aaa~. Call toll· free awaber 1-800-532· 3972, uk for Pen.ayaaver Adwatch MTM. 11 ROOMS FOJl RENT IRVINI: Fvraitbad bedroom and bath, pool, etc. $180 per mODU.. AvallahJ. reb. 27. fe10ala, DOD.• amoker. 552-7587. 120f'f1CI/ OOIOIERCIAL DELUXE EUCUTJVE SUITES Newpotl BeaobiiCaoiJ C..ter. 1\ill tupport .. ,.Ice Otftc. from $436 pe,r aooth. OD uU, etc., S16S per moDih. TilE JIEA.DQUAJITDI COIIPAJIT (71.) 851-0881 a.-utw tt."PCC" Center olJJCe wath uM ol recephoa, confer· ence room, lcllcbao, phone, aeoretan•l aod word proc..tJl9 t.e .. laAC! ~· .. ,. vtoe ava1 .. ble •P•r· ately al de.red CaUIGlly (71·)~100 ·=· -100. I 1C1. tt. AT CU.V. DIM AN> 1HE MNfAAHA R&NAY IN HIIIIIAGE PlAZA. caET OUf Of YOUR HOUSE . N#D INJ()W)UR ()Wt40Ffta LIAII ... INfO: 111·1231 II HOUSES FOR SALE II HOUSES FOR SALE HOUIINQ? •BDTBOIIIS ••8D1101l CitiZIIII• • ........ Oro.., Ho.e htiiJ ec:coaaodet" -'ora. le&lltihl a.o .. .. vtrouae.t. lJceuecl. (714) 8!15-Q2l, (714) 881-3380. 10W ... WOOOillDQI Ott POiliAL& Till LAD 2~ $1,_,DOWN -OwMr pi•• dea, 2·b&IJ., a..e ......... 2-b.d· peaor•alc lehlroat roo., 1\-i..-.a, ..., view. P'rof .. aloaally ou:peta.\.!: -'~' laoc&ae.-ct. a..e~a uct cJu . MO.ooo • ._.. c~. Good.._. »,..., 11\-i ~. cf.119. 0...... oMN.ct a.t Sti.OOO. l·Ml-1137, sm .ooo. ~~~a ....a.· T\Mtia. COlONA DIL MAl: lAST 18th STUrt. Oc.u ..... 3-becltooa. eo.. w.... 3 becttooa. 2~-ba~ .au r..tuoa 2K a..a,l,!MSaq. tt., 2· ....... :, ~. l-cat ....... l ol s towa· car 9arai•· ODIJ MIMe. J• .....-lot. $341,500. OwMI will $1!15,000. W. patiO. carry tiuaol.o9. lr*r, ....... optioa aYad&ble. MIO.AIID ss_~l--~1~·1~-===-=-= ..,.11, ,.. •• PaiCID WITH TIRWS. P1D6 MACH CON· • -Puoreatc OCND vi-. DO -1131,000. Oceu· PliVATIIIOMI CARl 1~ dowa. Great at· 1k1e ~-2 t»ed· for .W.rly ~IJ •. auaab&e loau. nu. rooa. 2 b.lll. A..u,a. t.ao...d, t.eir.d avne. c::uttoa·b•Ut 3-hd· a.bJe 12Kt6 lou. c ..... 540-2!12 rooat2-batta tacMa4l 111u ttve tr... coet6clered. 10 ...... ~ ... 0 ,.. .... fo ~ redecoralad ud Ia Call toW... awaabe1 ftftU ._ '-'Ana 1 Ill UaiMCI&lale coacli· 1.aoo.So:J2-3172, W Jor 1acUea aDd CO\lp}ea. Be.t tioo. View l.roa ... ,)y r ••• ,..,.r Adwatcllt Mhlral foodt ~ C.,., aU roo.wa. fM OWMf W17.S. lavacitJ.Iacluive ...U will c.,-, bauclao ucl PALW SPI.DfQS OON· t;~ Coat. W.... au ll&lt r.:lvceclprice to DO _ C..,-oa '*'- • 1. U2A,OOO. C&aoa RMl .,... ~t6 ._. •• w.. R.ISPOJfSDLI CATH· Lwe, (714)~1. CUJ/acN•Iala riewa.ly ~~c,:z~~::t liST VALUI FOl OWBet,~. .... --·' ............ ·--• of PJUCII We believe II SACJU11CI -$8,400 .. _._...., -wW be bard to flod • OM eldeJ)y penoD. better valu. for a taome dowa. Tab o.-pay-Larqe beeutihl W... ,.._ ., __ ..... "'--~ .... ca ay Sua JM.D Verde ~-Jl.eter. iD ,_ ._.. .... "-'-.,... Ceplatraao coad6. -.ecm Loc.teci..., beac::ta ud -.38Je. ncaa. · patk. Th.tl 1,800 aq. ft. ROOW, BOARD, J.b.clrooJD12.batta home LIISUill WORLD coa· CARl, lrauporlaUoa. wlU. la.aUiy room wu clo lor .U. bt,.~r. l .IIOTOR ... uttful 8\lll'OIUidiaQt. cutoa bw.b 5 JM.Itl bedroom, 2 , Vllla S.lllor cltt.na wei· avo. 11la owaeT lull Non. Grw.ad &...~. 1101111 co-. 831-G.21. moYed to Sea Die9o eud 8SS-1743. WOTOI HOWl: 25' will carry U.. f.laueiDQ. 1174 C-o.aaecler. Low ISGAIIAOE FOil JllEin' Sl4UOO. CPOD lMl lr====::::-i an., ~ CCIM!i· a... ... (714)483-1801. BUihiMQ'I'OR Uoa, auy aatru. WOODBIIDGI J1Aa.o11 • St,SOO&a. 631·5378. GARAGI STOMGII WiDcbor latate, Plu 4. car. CoroAa del War. Moat poplller moc:iel. CUI!OJI 640-7888. 2.255 aq. tt .• 4-bed· FU1UU111ED IZREALEITATE SIXtnma OCEAJfYIEW 112 block to beeoJa. ~ dowa. No qualityiDo. 5488:800. Charter a.alty ............. UWIU 131-1111 IEACB DUPLEX Try $25,000 dowa. Seller wiU flauce. SIIS,OOO. Charter a.alty .ID,......atll Ul-tl22 131 .. 11 IIHOUUIFOR SAI.E IY OWND -Laq\Uia JaacJa 2-..tory la.Uy home. WJQe &oc. low malale.a&ac:e Oc:e&a/ cuyoa views, • bed· room, 3 bath, 2 fire- pl.ac•. comj)\eta 1n-law apartmeat Owna1 Uli.lt flouclao $350,000 ·~-4819 -----ANAHllW HILLS model home. • bed· room, 2~-baU., fAJII.i.ly s--···'-~ft'aed room, fireplace, cowatry .. --1 • ldtctaa, bay wtadow, iDtarion, 2 ldr.. 2 lafo• Uvlno room, par-Ia.. 2 oar oar eo-, 1 quat Uoor, ail, 1 JM!. bd.r. cooven.d lo S..ulifu.IJJ ~pad )Acu.uJ rooa. T._., wiU. a11to. tpriaklan. pool, epa, aecutUy Very Iaroe yalcl. Take ...... 000 over bt I.Dd 2ad T.D. Qale. ••v,., · <$25,000 dowo. 11 ~ t6 witll ao Cf\l&hiJIDo aec· ~-Irk. (213) ....-y. Prlced lo ..u Ua· 4.21-0U7. IDedl&a.IJ at sm.ooo. Call Sa.oclJ Sillta, ., .. ,, 1'-------_. (714) 494.()791. J. W. PITDS LAHD- ING Plan 4 -2,900 aq. h.. 4 becltooe, 2~ bath. family, IIUIIlliOUI matter tulle, Iaroe cowatry ltllctaa witll MJ wtadow, 2 fl~. &it, bantilvJJy la.Dd • ecaJ)ed. Aal'uma.bJe fl. DADclDCJ. $284,800. Call SaDclJ Sillta, aoeat, (714) ~-0'1tf. OLD CclW arcllitac:t'a olllllom taome. 3 bed. rooa, 2 batlll, 2,000 aq. ft., l~ blocb \o bMch. $425,000. se6-8810 eat. 72orS!S3·1l98. DAHA POINT lormar model boau. 4 t»ed· rooa. 3 baU., 2,800 ~ ft. A.uaahle ..... JO.. lMI fiud. $240,00. 552-5442. II HOUSEl FOR SALE 71UIOU PllOPI:IlTY LAD TAHOI AliA - 4,000 aq. ft. of livtoQ. Li'riAQ rootD willl tu. p&ace, dl.ai119 rooa, ktf. ch.a ucl ta.ily rooa wlU.Iirep&.c., bar, ntc:. room, t.door jacuad, 3 bed.roo.m, 3~ a..th, plua 1,eoo aq. tt. oarl9• 2 blocb hoot 1aJr,e witlll •S.W. 1 blooll fro.m alti bowl. S.U 01 trade. (213) 567-2103 .. e.eoo so. n . bwJd&Wa lot Oil CIMt Wk•. CalJJ. 100 ai1ea bo.m Sea lr•ctloo. S3,aoo. Pra- vate party,~. 75PROPIRTY IUJIAODIIn R.I . BlO~U will ••~ yo~o~r office build.iD9 iD reN.m for of. he.. lookkeepmQ .. ,..... Ice available. 548-1827. IIBOUUIFOil SALE room, 3 bath, NUDa, -~1111111111111! spe, l\illJ hmuahecl 2,730aq It 14<718t6, 30 h•ed S335,000. 552- 5442 II HOUSES FOB SALE •aaVICEI UtAIB IIMDCYCLEI/ JIOPEDI 11Scc 19N YAMAHA lacl•ro. $47S. 67).8118, ...... , .•. 11'7'8 YAMAHA moo. WaaJ uttaa. lt'lt t....Jta ason. &eJ. ~,alter7l30p .•. MN JUAN CAPISTIANO tal. TOP IITATI 1110 HamA Accord. __. __ AQI8 -~-~-... power .... roof, ... ~ ... CHEYJIOLET TIAMSJIJlliD to luepet 1•1 eo ....... --· blec:lr iDterlor, )oedecll 11,000 .u.. Saorificel C.U toUtree Dwabw 1-800-532·»72, aalr lor .... ,..'"' Ad· wMc:ll W7U2. atraa. Nlat. $7.100. •• VW IUQ -Qeod ...... ~. u.ooo .... 1SI81 HONDA CVCC oUer. Apt. alae 1500. Att, at•reo. refrioerator wit~ aWolutic, lwdci!Mck, tt.-r. SlOO . ..__. .~ ... wan.aaty. $8,000. ahwSp.a . .... 1.. 1aee vw rASDAe& JAGUAR -._. ••Ill. ooo4 lor pert~ Of t1 t utaMae. 1174 Dl -JIG -$300. c.u tow,.. 14,000 ailaa, prioed 10 aUIPer1-IOO-G-3112. ..u. ~ CGDdl· -.. ,...,..,.. Ad· tioa. C.U lriu at .-~ w.J. 175-41111. 1878 VW IUQ Cae'f'M· 1818 JAGUAII ID. tibia. l&ldl. wa... la· eo. .. .uw.. 1.:1 tu top '-rlD•. AWN. ..._ ud laWriDr, ablt ooociJ. J.ot ccedltioa. M 1001 Uoa. 112.!100. DeJa offer. Call aoiih .. 142·5'735. 487-!1814. • ... 1-IOO-S33...-J2. MAIDA .-lor,_.,_.., M · .. eclll..-. OP . . I I .• . . .. .. .. 1110 MAZDA 117 QS . ~-. aoe.Ueat cowil· t\o4, alr, --.roof. 5- !lpMcl, ... ,... $8,200 or b..t ~. (Ulna) ~~~:~~~ PP. (714) 7W-880a. I 1810 MAZDA U7. s.. AOCOOAIIMJ ..,.ad. loaded, low IOOKUIPIJIG -*· (n.AMI 1). PP. TA.III -_.-......_ -aalr for lloa, 81N-708S ,._._,_ after 8; or da-a, ....U or ~ Atui· , .... aac~~ ..... 1. wekoae. Do.W. .... IIERCEDEIIIIG u.. r.-o...w. , .... •w&lCIDIS lt7t aod prohudONI!y 0011· 4SOSL. Wet.a.l.lic w... .,...., .me.. l.uoll poUallecl wlll .. h . r;ctSoe Mlon 111· S2t,m . (lCYTUO) PP, .-.. 87S-801Mot141 022t. 1811 NDCIDIS ._, 230. ha root, a•IO- a&tic:, alr. P&ki 17,100. Sa,cri&oe 18.~ of· tv. C.U toUI.rM av.abe' l-100-532·»72. Mil Jo: P•aaJM••r Adwalc) ~- 1m WDCIDIS leu 4!0SIL. AU, t.atller, erviN . laaac•J.tel Loe0ecill3,000 an.. 1 OWMf. Sl.2,2S3.18. Call toUfree ovabar 1-800-532-3172, Mil tor hoay-...., Mw~ aesee. 1176 WDCIDJS .... JOOD, buucnaJ.a.. GOD• clitioll, IVOIJ/ba.mboo, aull.la.rJ tuk. 833· 2SI1. 7'10-G73. LIJIO()Lif. MDCUilY liN COUGAR D7. Air COld., po-r .... r. t.o/b,.U., power ... . wtadoM udlltOOD root. Wire w...._ ud Jed. iala. WWI c::ooditioA. $5,!100, PP,I57-8434 NO 1871 WGa. W . •~· c •lleat coadllloa. $1,000 tua. ·1-1334. OU.IIOID£. I t7t CUTLASS S~o~preae lr0119ka. low .u..,.. 1'*'-1, •c.laat. SS.700. Aller S,77Q.Mt7. SOt IIUGIOT 1171 o...a. fvll~t. laeaU. .. t co•dJUoa. 17,S00 .• 1-88!1). AOOUS'IICAL CIDIMOI CRAIG'S IPlA no ACOUSTICAL em. INGS. -...,..u.. v_., .....,..w-. rr.e ... ...... (714) 511-7210. AIR COIUJI'IIOIDQ .o.. orr SAL& ... rDlUAaY ~I C.· tral air c:cedttioal1t9 .,... ..... 1.a.aJie,d ... c.u Luc:•.~l AL TIU'i"'IM/ IWIIIIUIWJ COLLIWI Cutoa Du aalrt119 .... 1 Ida· lDCJ la .......... w.w.. Uou. Peril tr.-..A. 2700 I . C.... 1lwy., OoraeecleiWa.r,......., w..u.a.. c..ut..o.aa lorqpolataaat.