HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignI I_ John Wayne Sculpt Blues Artist Stranded In Controversy See Below Investing In Your Mouth? The Visiting Expert Looks At Looks TH1 NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 33 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY . MARC H 24, 1982 • 25 CENTS ~Gene Ewns (extreme right) taps right along with the class led by Dorothy Jo Swanson Ueft) Staff photos by BoO Pe-te~ 88-And Still Dancing Peggy Gene Just Keeps On Tappin' by l wt Sima Jor awhile, after abe retired, Mid PeCJqy Gene lvau, "I tried to learn peht poiDt and embroidery, and all that ttufJ. But that'a not what I want to do. I have to move ... 11 So when abe obeerves her 88tll birthday here tomorrow, 8he11 be movinQ~nCJhl in ltep with everyone elM who ahows up tor Dorothy Jo Swauon's tap-dancmCJ c:Ja.. "She's a treuure, 11 a.ud Dorothy Jo, whOM Corona del Mar ltudlo ia the location of MVeral Couthne ColleCJe dance eourMS. "Everyone ador• her. She ia 10 bnCJhl, 10 enerQetic, 10 iDtereated m everyone. And ahe's a very CJood dancer. 11 "I put down '60-plus'. Aunt Ida Kearney-and from then on , Peqqy Gene duced her way mto lono succ ... on ataqe and m film., often do ublmq for the stars. Even- tually she founded a chain of llouriabanq dance stuclloa whose puptla mcluded Judy Garland and Loretta YounCJ. you? She'd never done lap- but ahe'a certamly a dancer " Now Pegqy Gene is a reCJU}ar-a.s often AI fou~ tim .. a week, for two or thrM hours at a time. She dances alonq with the youno and the auddle-aqed atudenta; the occAilonal, would-be profesaJon&J, the rhythm enthu11a.st . (A cluamate paased by Qave a qu1c k huo to Pegqy Gene, and s.ad, "The most beauwul httle lady m the whole place ") Her interests are vaned She baa become an accom- pliahed pa1nter ("I hni.S.bed that Famous Artists four-year courM m two and a hall years"), and baa sold 200 or 10 oils-"Oh. anywhere from (Continued on paoe S) SPON, RAP Join Fight Against Banning Plan by Burt Sims Two community oroups wruch recently helped tum back the lrv10e Co. prOJected bwldout of Newport Center have JOlDed a new referendum pehhon dnve aq41Dst the Beeco-Ba.nnmq development 1n Weal Newport SPON (Stop Polluhnq Our Newport) and RAP (Res1denta' Action Plan) are Circulating flyers thts week 1n support of the West Newport l..eQtslahve Alhance attempt to overturn Caty Council approval of the 75.5-acre pro)ect The councli vote approvm9 General Plan Amendment 81 -1 came March 12. Meanwblie, dUferences of opi- Oion cropped up m West Newport. Dave Goff, co-c b41r - man of tlae A.&.U.n.ce wtth LowM Gtettley and J)J'..tdeat oJ lhe lido Sanda Commumty Assocla- hon m WfiSt Newport dtstnbuted a letter res1qnmq from the hgbt bec.ause the C1ty Counctl had produc ed a "Qood comprom1se" Also. CAthy Anderson, presi- dent of the West Newport Beach Improvement Assoc1allon, w1th an esllmated 3,000 membeu. was reportltd as say1ng a straw vote of her board members op posed the referendum cam paH~n After the counc1l scaled down Batclge Slowclowa One eastbound lane of Newport's Upper Bay bndqe w11l be closed all day Thursday Marc h 25. beq1nnmq at 7 a m Caltrans has announced From Dover to Bays1de w11l be affected 41 c rews pamllnq lane stnpes Shortly, sa1d enqmHr Ron Strunos. the eastbound ldnes Wlll be "pushed" to thP south atde of the span wh1l e me d1an work 11 conducted "The ulhmate opemng," he scud, "w1th thr .. eastbound lanes and four westbound (coun- ting tbe nqht-lurn lane), IS ex peeled at the e nd of Apnl " btS onq1nal concept, Wtlilam Hancock (B1ll) Bannmq Ill waa g ranted permtssJon to bu1ld 406 homes (le ss whatever park dedtcahon IS made) and 300,000 square feet of ofhce and •n- dustnal space tmhally. w1th another 100,000 square feet of such space to be allowed after adrubonaJ trafhc m1hqahon. Th11 would mclude elttendmCJ hts pro)ected four-lane BluH Road f~omCoast Hlqhwayto Coata Mesa's 17th Street; it ~ould go to 19th, at 'hnt. The West Newport qroup, with Make Johnson 41 ch4lrman of 111 referendum comm1ttee, charo• (Continued on pe;e 5) USC Setback May Reopen Competition For School Leasmq of the Corona del Mar Elementary School may be thrown open to pubhc b1d aq41D m the wake of a a state ruhno last week whlc b preventa the Umvenity of Southern Califor- nia hom maka.n9 u.e of the $69,000 &a.nu.el t.ue 1t ilad been CJTanted .:>n the vac ant plant Meanwhue, 11 11 understood USC will seek a plan of recourse thlS week from off1c1als of the Newport-Mesa Unlf1ed School Otstnct wh1ch had qrctnred tht> lease The stale Coastdl CommiSSIOn last week refuM"<i. after mo re than a hour of public teshmonv and deliberation 1n Los Angeles, to prov1de USC perm1ss1on to transform the elementary school l tacilihes mto an adult ex'ens10n campus "We are extremely deliQht ed sa1d Joe Stewart spokes man lor the C1t1zens fvr Respoo I s1ble Use of Ne 1ghborhood Schools wb1ch well> organ1zed shurtly after USC b1d successful lv lor a hve vedr least> on the property w1thou• •he ma11H be l mg subtected tc publ1t ht-a flnQ and C11v Council approved School d1str1ct c file 1-tls felt the1r act10n was not subtt>Ct to th1s process under the Educat1on Code wh1c h grants school d1s tncts cena1n o ptions w1th then own property . sa1d Stewart. "Obv10uslv he added "the coastal commlsslon felt d1fferent ly It wu strongly appuent that the commwaaonen felt the chatnct should have worked with local oovem.ment of.fici&la. pu- ncul&.rly becaUM of llle w~y at would c:b.anc;r• ccwutiboDs. "~." rwport.cl Stewart, "..,ltD tlao'llQla tM oaraa ad ra staff wu recoliUilftcl.iJ:lQ approv- al of the permit for USC to operate the 8C.bool. the .taft report admltted no traihc un~ct study b.d been done. The staff wu suQc;~ntinq an okay. pend- •nq 1t0me condlhona So what they were suoo .. hnq was an approval b.ued on stud1e1 wbtch they were a.uu.nunq would not show an advene 1mp.1 ct We rudn't b uy that Our VIeW was that If the comausa1on couldn't deny the permll apphcahon 11 should at least conhnue •Is d~1 110n untLI these studies came In The ne•ghborhood qroup w.u I proteatmq USC s uae on the basts of mcreased nolS8, trafhc and bnght hqhts at n1qht. when the bulk of the classes-mostly busmess course!!-would be held The commlSaton's support "w.u b.yond our wudest I dreams," s~ud Stewart Dr Jon Strauss. USC sentor v1ce preatdent tor admmtatra- hon. told The Erwgn, ''I qu ... I wun't surpr11ed, I have d1scuued th11 wtth the ne1qhbon, and understand the (Conti.Dued oo peQe i ) D&nc:l.DQ b .. be.n a way of life for Peoqy Gene- althouc;rh the t-.p roubnes are a late addllloo to her reper· totr.. Sbe be(Jan apec:aalty cl.uclnc;r at the ave of 10. Her puut.a ud died ln a tram wreck, ud abe had been p&.ced iD a convent. A nun called the younc;rater'• talents to the etteclion oJ Peo9y's After nearly 35 yNn .. • featured ballet apecllalty atar, ("I never worked in a chonu hne"), she at last oa•e up dancmq. Her aunt, who wu her manaqer and cloeelt compan1on, bad clled. "She booked me w1th the aqenta, and protected me from any hanky-panky," PeQqy Gene recalled So now w .. lime to focus on lhe studloe, "tMch- l.DCJ the teachers bow to INch ballet." UCI,County WayaeSculptureStrancls Agaee•awmt Con»a del Mar Artist She married Harold Ivana in 1SN4. "He wouldn't let ru work," abe rKOUected, UDU· iA9. "UDjortunately, be w .. a poor bellroca dancer. So I jut vaw• It up conap&etely." UDtillvau died. Then hcnJ GeDe be(Jan to watch more te&eviaioo, ud "when I U.Jd tM cluoe auk:, I jut waMicl eo .ow to it. "'f taalb, I rMd abcnat ~. eo..tliM c-.. ell Nil, -.d ·~ ... ., ... J ... 13. ---~l .. "ttlllak\MJ ._.. .. _ .... .. ..... ._.. '!II .... . ........ Reached The Corona del Mar art1st commLUloned to ~Lllpt an ep1c memonal to John W aynt' haa been "taken to benkruptc y" because he conhoued to hnance the c;rrowtn; coeta out of hll own pocket on the m••laken aaump hon be would be repa1d by the City Chna Mataoo 1.1 now hearts1c k and diacouraQ'ed, b11 eon , Andy, told the C.ay Counoll NoRday · nlolat , and ia pay\nQ "$500 a WMk later•t On fn.t, MCODd and thud mortoao-on bl.l bora.'', This V\eW of W.taoo'a d•re ~ rada ~e to dly attntioa .. autborlu"'-wu 80\19lilt to ea· .C\Ite • ...;aoed " ...... lot a pro;.c1 DOW ... ,ty tlarM ,..,. a~. ud IMJ Wat:8DD SlS,OOO ~r ~ ~ I*J ot $17,500. --..-~....aatlaree­ CW.yla,...ta.. • .......... ~willet · ....,.lora&ly..-~b tM atdi"DMI e.aN e. tM oo•CIG Mud • ¥a&n. ~ '"-City .... ~, .. ,. •• Javcees reprP!'entallvt' ti1ll L1t tieton and Andv Mat-. .. n ln June o l 1979, 111 answPr tl an EnSJqn ed1tonal 'u4qest tnQ 1 bust or SC"ulpture of th t' late him star be com m•ss1onNI '" ,, c1 ty memoual, the Cttv Counc tl authonzed • staff study That November, the counctl "tabhshed an od hoc comm11t.,.. to worlr 'Wlth the Newport Harbor )a~ to •lect an uhat A month later, .everal artlSea aub· mitted b.Jda lot what waa to be a bronu bo~~~-rehef plaque. ap proa:un&tely at.a feet by tbr" t.et. and cootatnlOQ a li~ a .. oJ Wayu. ne CO-lt ciesiQoated by then-N&yor Paul Rycloft COD• ed of eow~cu •• n Jactie Heelbez aad E.-.lyo Han, aACI Roo W'hltley. cl.irector of p.ub, bnc:la• ud recr .. uoe . It vrew • .... AMJtor ~<*• W.CIId. -· ••• h• ,..._,Dr .... IOril Gr.-, a,__. .... liooer, Pettt GeMS..~ o1 ~ ............ , • . .... I Wecblullllf. March 2•. •• The Newpcwr Enalgn I I IN SHORT .~==============~============~ Harbor lslcmd ClarUica· Uoa n.. Board of Supervi8on hu autborbed the Environmental Wu~meDt AQency, the General S.rvicee AQency and the County CounMl to reMarch the t.Qality of lettlno Harbor lal.nd homeownen purchase a piece of public beach and swap it to the county in ezchanQe for title to tidelands on which the iaUnden have "encroached"., Buildinq MawUs, plantinq tr ... --even UlltaUinq a hose bib-on the county-supervlSed MCtions adjoininQ their homes b&a brought rental levtes from the county. Fift .. n of the islands' 28 homeowners have paid the fen. A special enabhnq measure would have to be passed by the state leqtslature, if such an aqreement is reached between the county and the islanders. The Political Pa thways Gettino a Focus on State Government, an addr ... by Auernblywoman Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach), will be the feature of a full breakfast meetino scheduled at the Balboa Bay Club Friday, April 2, and sponsored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. Subjects to be dtscussed 1nclude the state budget, tssues before the 1982 session, the 12 June ballot pro· positions and reapporhonment. Reservations: $10 ... Dlinots Rep. Phihp M. Crane, fifth-ranking Repubhcan on the House Ways and Means Com· mittee, will be guest at a recep· tion sponsored by the Suver Ctr· cleat the Oranqe Htll restaurant tn Orange on Thursday, Apnl 1, 6-8 pm ... I Rep. Robert K. Dornan has of- bciaUy joined stx other can· did.tu tn the rac e for the Republican nominatioo for U.S. Senate .•. Tbr .. challenoen aow fAce FaJth Dastricl Super· VUol' Tom RUey iA his run for re-e&ietion. They •r• Al ArJn, now of San Juan Capa.atrano, a fOnDer S.n fernaudo City COUD · cilman and mayor: Davld R. Hinchler, a Newport Beach realtor, and Dr. Qene Atherton, LaQuna Beach, wl\o oppo•ed Riley in 1976 ... Newport Beach attorney Thomas R. Malcolm has been appointed finance chairman for the county Republican PMty. He replaces Willjam E. Dohr, Santa Ana, who's runninq for the 38th conqreSSlonal district seat. . . Sailboat Showtime Featurinq boats not heretofore Men at land shows, accordinq to producer Duncan Wclntosh, the Sailboat Show will be held today throu9h Monday at Lido Marina Vt.llaqe. "Some of the biggest and most expensave satJboats m the world-some too large to be hauled mland-will be avail- able," said Mcintosh. BACK BAY LIQUOR ua nice liquor store" Nex t to the Irvine Ranch Farmer's Market FEATURING THE FINEST IN WlftES & SPIRITS CuttySark $17.99 175 LUmif 2 Sovt $7 otf reg PfiCH Mateus Rose $3.29 750mt Amaretto di Saronno $7.99 :' Sove S2 7S Royal Satin Vodka $3.29 750 ml Cordomin Champagne $4.99 Blanc de Blanc 'From Spoln-OufSiondlng Hiram Walker Peppermint Schnappes$3.49 500ml · Remember-We also feature: -Convenience Groceries -Delivery Serv1ce Quality p:,oto Finishing -Imported beers EXCELLENT WINE SELECTION 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) 642•4 77 4 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa oE. ·veRv sERVICE AVAILABL~ (Coutinued Ina 1*Je l) and the two Wlll file k>r atale lunda-reportedly $12.8 mlUaon-now beioq held up by Auembly SPHker Willie BJown until Oranoe County and UCI end their feud. The $5 million "does not reflect any judqment about amounts owed," accord! no to the memorandum siqned by Nestonde, Moore and Saxon. A total of over $8 milhon in UCIMC btllinqs went unpaid between 1976, when the univer- stty took over the county in· diqent contract, and 1979, universtty offtctals have mam- tained. In a separate statement, the two stdes set a target of Apnl lS for the presentahon ol a new contrac t whach will be based upon a new method of payment-lump sum volume · based m place of fee-for· servace . Thr-youno people from Newport BeacJI and eo.ta W... have been appointed to military academies, accord.ino to Rep. Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach), who nominated them. The Air Force Academy at Colorado Spri.nQa baa tapped David IC. Smith, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Kent G . Smith, 1848 Port Marqate Place, Newport Beach, while the U.S. Military Academy at West Point has Hlected Carolyn A. Spauldino, dauqhter of M.r. and Mrs. Richard Spauldinq, 1323 Ashlord Lane, Newport Beach and Chnatopher A. Woolfolk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clillord WoolJolk, 325 Vista Baya Circle, Costa Mesa All will enter the academies with the class of 1986 startino tn July. Smith, who will qraduate {rom Corona del Mar Htqh School m Jo.1ne, where he bas maantained a BROWSE. SHOP. SIP& SUP on the waterfront in Beach Where you· U find the latest in designer fash· ions. fine jewelry. exotic gifts. unusual impons. antiques. yachts and superb foods while strollJng the boardwalk or quaint cobblestone streets. Come enjoy the feeling. Newport Blvd. a Via Lido. south of Pacific Coast Hwy. 3.88 Qrad• point averav-. has lettered thrM yean in .wunmiog and received All-American ac- clalm. H. hu been on the baMball team, water polo squad, active in drama and band and as a life9uard. Woolfolk, who will qraduate in June from Harbor Hiqh School, has been a member of the honor roll every semester, hu been a member of the varsa- ty swimminq and water polo teams. Spauldinq, who will be qraduatinq from London Central Htqb School, a U.S. Departmenl of Defense school m London. Enqland, tn June, ts a me.nber of the National Honor Soctely. has been a student council re p· resentahve and an outstandtng athlete m haqh school. on the varatly basketball. c ross country tennts (where she is team c ap - tam) and volleyball teams. DUCTS, GOOD SERVICE & LOW PRICES The Wortd's First 110 System We Keep You Sm1Jing ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p .m . All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK, JR ., DDS IN C 3961 MacArthur Blvd .• Suitt: 104 l8 month certiticote accounts. Rates and terms on new fbced.rate accounts ore subject to ct-onge 'W'ithout nonce. Statanfklf Interest penalty fa early withdrawal Coli fa corrc*te detols. JU MBO COs • . .. • 'T "';" • • ~ • ~ • ~ ..... • , ..... ·- ae a.tljeet to~. so CCIII today fa the latest lntormatton. ESCROW DEPT ~ ----- 11 • SmaHest SLR Ever Made w1th Interchangeable Lenses • Programmed Auto Exposure Just Focus and Shool • OUicl( Cartr1dge Loadeng PENT AX 110 SALE $109.95 110 W'endlf ............ . 50 ""' T ._.,to . . . . . '41" 1a ,... w• Angle . . . . '41" AF 130P Flash . . . . . . . '31" The Unbelievable Value in 35mm SLRs • En'>, To Us.• Bu~l In Ml."l• r '"'U S,sh'" • St ·''' • Spr·eos f"ro··• I $Pr J' J 1 a, A t on StOW·" I 1 1 oc 1 PENT AX K1ooo FGtotal lift control... • Ava•lable w•lh Fast 1 2 S()mm Lens • Aco·t~ts full Pf'nta,.c $,.stem or lnlcrCI'l<tngcable Bd'/Ont:t MOl.nl SMC Lcnscc, $137.95 • Large Bngnr Focustng Ar•'a F()f Easy V•ewong • An .az,ng F eatuws 101 an 1ncredrb1V Low Prece 6xl LMII 105 mm .......... . 200 ""' T ..-to .. . 135 Mitro .... . 35 ""' fith Eye .... . $399 .50 150 mm T tllplloto . . . •ae-•zr ..... • Ava·la~ WCI'l Four Vtew· h'lder Accessor• Including lhe TTL PP.ntapttsm F"IOder • Ebmtnalcs Problem e& NegaiiVe Wast€ By In· creas•no UseaDie N~:)l!r,te Area Bv 504'a ~oac..Price •14911 lOW OilY $1 29.9 5 LENSES HIGH ON PllfOIMANCE. LOW IN PIICI. • 35·70 Zoom '171" • 75·200 loom '241" GROT VALUE MINel.TA • Buih·IR Rash • AI Gllulw ht a., Pictura You Mlnotto SLR deserves nolhtng less than the quohf\ Minott a lenses Ovef 40 of them From supet wide angle to SUJ)8f telephoto cno &very. th1ng •n between • 24mm f 2.8 '1 31" • 16mm f 2.8 '219" • 17mm f 4.0 '319" • 300mm f 5.6 '299" • 35mm f 2.8 Shift '599" GRlAT VAlUE 430 E POCKETC.-RA WE SAVE! .. MJ A 'H layf't WI polltt Wa Cad) woau A• ,... .. Prea that I a luu Harb b .. d Tb a ppll 7Sm Cow be01 the-4 bloc ciao eppl W a I ~ep, s.n. thea Qive Am• t .. r med .tate •••• avai on k o ru to b our Dot R the by I Sec pall reD! lot Wy R1 voh citi! and s cell cit.L ear chi UJ 11 W.ur"n R.aqan 'a IJUIIIDceJ hero? lAI·--... lt'a Ellaabeth StantOil, a 19th-cent\UY lwomea·a Ubber. A oroup o f local women uded when the l'r41Jei4:lel:lt'a dauqhter revealed fact lut Wedneeday durinq luncheon talk at the Newport nac~Dc•r-\.;o.ta Meaa Realty Board !l .. d quarten. That wun't the only time they applauded. The qroup of about 7S memhen of the Women'• Council of Reelton ... med to be on the aame wave lenQth u the 41-yeu-old bouncy, outqo· iAQ cu .. r woma.n-turned polih· cta.n. They interrupted with applaUM often u Reaqan, who 11 a candidate for the Republican nomination for U. S. Senator from California told them: -"The qovemment should Qive tax credits for the hours Americana spend doinq volun- t .. r work." -"By retuminq some federal medical welfare prooram.a to the llat .. , where they can be done et 1 ... cc.t, we will make available more money to spend on beplnq .ome .... ntial pro· oram.a that miqht otherwise have to be cut." -"Recovery aa talunq place m our economy, althouqh it may not look like it. " Reeqan'a blood relationalup to the preGdency wu evidenced by the pr ... nce of aeveral S.Czet Service men who accom- .,..u.d her. Several women remuked about how abe looks a lot like her mother, act rea Jane Wyman, former Wife of Ronald R .. qan. ~e talked about a need for volunteera to work With aenior citiaenl and battered women, and a t ra pe criaia centers. Sbe auq q..ted that child care centen be .taffed by aeuior citiMILI, .o the MAlon could Mm aome money while the childnu would qet help from uperlenced people. Paul HaMman, a 36-year-old V1etnam veteran from Laquna Niquel, aaya he will ... k the DemocraUc Party nommahon to run aqam.t incumbent Repub· lican Conqr ... man Robert &dham of Newport &ach for the 40th Conqr ... ional Oiatrict seat. The district, wb1ch has a .tronq Republican voter reg1s· tration majority, mcludes Costa w. .. , Newport Beach and Irvine. H.ueman ia an attorney for the Ford Aera.pace and Communi· cation. Corp. m Newport Beach, and teach .. contract law m the UC Irvine ex1enmon prOQram PAUL HASEMAN Georqe W uhmqton U Artist Chris Matson is shown with his John Wayne memorial sculpt. which includes detailed stagecoach with passengers on desert roadbed. He 1.1 prftldent of the Laquna Niquel Community Counc1l, and aervea on the Cap1strano Umbed School District Boa.rd of At a preaa conJerence held to announce hla candidacy in Co.t• Mesa, Haseman said he hu the aupport of county Democratic leaders, mcludmq former .tate party c hamnan Richard O'Neill. He aa.Jd he expects to be the (Continued from paqe 1) the Friends of the Theater Arts Center, James Dale, Jerry Stout, Ross McClintock, W .C . Fox, Alld Walter Ziglar, of the ar1 commiss1on. Ziglar became cbairma.n. A progress report from Heather said that the Wayne family bad tentatively approved the idea, and the Newpor1 Jaycees were enthusaaahc about participahnq. Matson's concept. b1d at $17,500, was accepted. As the work prOQressed, however, Matson contends he was q1ven verbal .. pproval by Zlqlar and/o r Stout to enlarge the acope of the bas-rehef. Th11 mvolved c reatinq a .taqecoach With paaaengers in the likeness of actors in the Wayne mov1e Staqecoach, with the horse· drawn vehicle shown on a desert roadbed-and done in full three-dimension rather than an etc hed bas-relief. All par1iea admll, the counc1l was told, that a 11gned aqree· ment was never executed. "Chna Matson was told to not woryY about increaaed cost, aa money was not a problem," Whitley aaya Mataon told h1m. "He welll ahead. He aecured a pnvate Joan of $10,000 which he Andy Matson told the counc1l. Tru.t .... A West Point qr&duate, Hueman Mrved 10 years as an Army officer, includinq a duty tour in Vietnam in 1968-69. seems to feel was authorized and "The arhat has poured h1s hfe would be paid by someone." · mto th1s. It's worth far more than In his report to the oouncu 11 bemq asked Juat the foundry only Democrat ... long the 40th Dlatrict conqresa1onal ... t. Monday n1qht, Whitley said the costs alone now would be Jayceea bad generated $20,565 $120,000. toward the project. He listed ex-"It's a magmhcent p1ece of art penddures as $8,900 to Mathews that Wlll be worth several m1l11on Foundry, International, and dollars, some day," he sa1d . I Later, he spent three years as an attorney in the army's leqal branch, includinq aerv1ce on the ataH of the qeneral counsel to Haseman sa1d the major '-ue an November wilJ be "whether Rober1 Badbam ia aqqr .. ively and effechvely repr ... ntinq his diatnct, or whether he repre- sents only the apecw mtereata." $10,729,31 to Matson. Of the lat-Counc1l members Cox, Hart the Secretary of Defense ter amount, approximately baH and Plumme r voted to giVe Mat· Besides a B.S. from West Point, he holda a law deqree from the Univera1ty of V1Jq1n1a and a maatera deqree m qovern· ment procurement law from He 1a1d be hu talked to vanoua people, 1ncludmq mili- tary veterans, who have aa.id they are cllsaataahed with Badham. bad been identified as used for son and the Jaycees three weeks suppuea and materials, be sa1d. before cons1dennq the matter This would leave Matson close to aga1n. the $.4 ,500 Whitley aa1d was to be hu personal lee originally. However, aa the sculpt qrew, so dld ezpenaes. Council members baU~ed Monday at contrachng with Mat- son for the utwork, contendm9 that from the beqmnmq 1t never had been officaaUy comm1Saion· ed by the c1ty . wttleton, apeakm!jJ for the Jaycees, aaad they had aqreed to be the fund-raaainq aqency when the price waa $17,500- but had nothing to do with the enlarqed acope. "We want to ... the project delivered and d11played," he said. "We'll help." But the qroup will not 11qn a contr•ct to provide the lunda, and thua be liable, be aa1d. "I f .. l the c1ty 1a hable here; the commiH" wu com- mlaaloned by the c1ty." At~! For -Bwt Sima FREE MAikO IVALUATION ONYOUitMO- COMPWR ANALYSIS Utt Your Nome -fOil IALr In Multiple ........ look LOIImA CURCI Oftlce {7M) 67J·IIIO For~tment THE REAL ESTATERS Did you know that you can build your own custom frame here at The Framery? That's right-and we'll help you do a job you 'U be proud of. And save money, tool PESO DEVAlUATION SAVINGS Of UP TO«>% MEXICO BARGAINSII 1 WEEK PUERTO VALLARTA $398 lnclude5 R T A~r • Tronsfers • 7 n1ghts • Spec•ol D1nner • Tenn15 De luxe Oceonfront Hotel CLUB MED prlcea aleaheclll Choose from Concon, Ployo Blonco. cx lxtopo Coli Todoy (842·4403) Pacific Plaza/Travel Netwoltl 2~ E. 17TH ST .. NO. ( Oa; COSTA MESA 92627 H]l! E SELE Tl OF NEW/USED ' MIYATA ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-R C ENTURION ROSS SCHWINN WNIVEGA LA ND CRUISERS S&S PEUGOT DIAMOND-BACK MOUNTAIN BIKES COOk BROS. Over 500 Bicycles at Reduced Prices Sole Storts Wednesday at Noon • * • * • • • • * • • • • • * • • * • • • * • ~t!~!!!!~:.!!!.!:!!...___ SAVE EC\A\, ........... . PliO TORKER ~MC CYCLE PRO AND OTHERS ,, .. ••• ... ,,. .. f!.,p .... o ..... ac ... M~§J. ...... . n •••••• Ee ···········~.alC) 1PL~c:; "' 10SP 95 ' ,. t189·9{, ..... ,."£,. co ... ALL ACCESSORIES ...... 12SPEED ,..ID•r•Ace I/2 ... 1CII ONE TIME OFFER Packaged Confusion When local voten get their ballot pamphlet packa9e from the state juat before the June 8 primary election, they will be witneuing a bit oJ history-the packa9e will probably be the big9est and moat expensive ever put t09ether in CaliJomia. The main reason for the bulk-and the expense-will be a thick, confusing presentation of the latest l&c;Jialative reapportionment, which re-drew the state's political district boundaries. The explanation is needed because the Republicans are challen9ing the boundar- ies drawn by the Democratic-controlled IA9islature. Thirty pages of the explanation will be 9eoqraphic descriptions which are still coll'fusing to many of the politicians who approved the reapportionment. With a dozen propositions also appearing on state- wide ballots, it seems certain that California's voters face a discouragin9 array of paperwork as they try to fiqure out how to help make democracy work. Politicians frequently complain that there is too much ~pathy amonq the citizenry. They can't understand why everythinq they do is not of commanding importance to every Californian of votinq age. We suspect that one reason for the apathy is the confusion created by the politicians. Frequently, voters are told to vote "yes" on a proposition iJ they really want to say "no." Public relations qurus are paid big bucb by political groups to further confuse the issues with double-talk billboards, TV commercials, ads and junk mail. Now comes a ballot pamphlet that looks like a phone book. Is it any wonder that qreat numbers of voters shy away from the polling places? You can't tell the political players without a . program-or even WITH one this year, it seems. -FLO Removing The Pressure A recent and somewhat pride-damaging conflict bet- w"n some members of the Art Comm.iaaion and its aup- port group, Friends of the Art Commiuion, waster- minated recently by disaolvinq the Friends. The outgrowth of thia was a auggestion that the city and City Council policy manual be amended to permit such commiuiona to raiN their own funds. Under the manual'• proviaion F-18-one of more than a hundred policy-aettinq regulationa-thia hu not been permitted. The council membera debated at len9th. Don Strauaa pointed to the implied preuure on pouible contributor• (oz supplien) when commissions are permitted to raiN their own funds. Paul Hummel said he thought the com- miaion ahould find "another body of frienda" -and kMp the city at arm's lenqth from these aolicitationa. John Cox aqreed, unless a commission would come back to the council for fund-praising approval on each project. These arguments are sound. However, the council aaid the Art Commission, since it now is without Friends, will be permitted on a one-time basis to solicit contributions to <:arry out its Sprinq Festival. But F-18 stands, on council vote. Except for such a one-time variance as this, commissioners who hold ap- pointive office not accountable to an electorate will not-and should not-be permitted to solicit fundmg for t.heir projects. Here's to more frienda-and fewer enem1es. -Bi Governmental Repe$elltatives STATISDIATI John G. SeJuaita, 38th Dutract. 4800 C.IDJIUI Dr., Newport B.ach, CA 113680, W1i-et70 STATI ASSINILY Muiu .,..... 7~ DMtncrt. 4'00 C...• on ... SvJte 344, M.wport ~ CA 11:1110. 141·7 .. 1 l1NITID STATIS CONGUSS Robert I . a.daaa, 40t.lt Dwrtet, 1648 W•clilj, Newport IMcll. CA 92MO, 631-00.0. UNJTED STATES SIHA TE A~n Cr&Aiklo, 10810 Wi.lahlre llvd , Room 920, t..o. A~. CA 10024, (213) 824·7641 S I Kayabwa, 523 W. ItA St., aw .. 812. t..o. Aa~•· CA eclOJ4, (213) •· 6011 2'7211. C.O... Kwy .. Corou clelWar. CA aai25-IIIO lduort.l aad au. pllooe -t7)..(ll5eO aJCHAaD UOJf1fD . . . . . . Co-P'&b ..... IC»PAI'ION . . . . . . . . . . . . Co-puWW..r 1T1V1 IIADUMD . . . . . . . . a...tal .......,_, IUIIf.. . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ....... &.AMor 1 n '.JII) JIOU1Q) . . . . .. . • . .. • A..oc..-lclMor 11LL = PJ()M . . . . .... .u..nw., OU.Otor JC*WIII!'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... leeail~ ......,., MUCUI DilTZ, CJWI'IOPHU LYWCH . . ... ..._.....,_.. uaY~ ................................ .....,...,......., A.LAII M.ICaiC;)If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Prod~........_ .... ..., .... """ .... ..,.,-............ ....._ .................... .. _....--.,_.-.,It, ltiJ. • ......._ 111 ~-_.,..A .. ,._ • ...,_C.... .... 0..... .. o.... ...... c.w.-..,.....,-....................... .. .,..... __ ......,..., ... .................................. c.., ....................... .. ................. On ....... -a.•w- .. ..._ ca-...~ ....... .......... ............. .. =::...:::::-'C. .. Letters To The Editor A Hard Look To the lditoJ: I buly believe it il time for the citiaena of Newport B.ach to take a hard look at the eventa takiDq place in their city. Jizat, the Build-Out of Newport C.Uter that had been propoeed muy yean aqo, &Dd considerably reduced in density, wu rescind· ed by our City Council. Alonq with the ataqnation of completion on the center will oertaiAly come a blockage on our maiD highwaya throuqh town. Thirty-two million dollan o.f road llllproveaaenta and new road.l were ln the peckage ubcl of the Irvine Co. to allow them to ue land they own for the total bettel11le.Dt o.f our city. SecoDd, thoee in Corona del War who backed the referendum will have the prlvileqe o.f a blocbd hiqhway th.rouqh town, U lt WU MVe.tal timN lut w•m.et. Tlaey eeem to forqet th.ere ta DOW a It&t. beach luat eouth oJ their &rM with great bM.chN, and 10011 to be ltarted a p&rldng lot to &ccoiiUilod.ate thoee who aucoeafuly make it through our area to the beach. In what will ...m much too 10011, hotel. and office building• and additional reaidencea will &leo cluttez our eoenic drive eouth. And now-how will the people qet theJe? Throuqh Newport Beach and Corona del Na.r. Not a pretty picture. Give Mrioa thouqht to what hu been clcme by a tew •ll-centezed l.ndividual.a and Mvera.l council meaben who refuNd to think furthez in the futwe, and let th.rMta keep them hom their elected duty. Now we have &Dother qroup tryinq to ... rt their wtahet on the developer and/or the C ity CouncU who are propo.i.nq anoth•~ reterendum petition becaUN eomeone wanll to UH their own land for the improve· ment of an uea. It ta tlae mo~• clear thinkinq OD the true future of our town il ~-.u ucl •rloualy considered. We oould oome to a qrMt ltand· ltlll, ucll clo Dot believe that la truly la Ute M.t interest ol Newport IMoh. Do you? Dorothy Hardcutle Newport Beacb • the ~ent fil.linq in of the bay, hu riqhtfully cau.aed much citiaen concem beca.UM the bay la the ODe qeoloqica.l feature which diatinqui.ah• our city from au.rroundinq oommunitiet. However, of graver concem than .Utation la the chemical runoff ln the bay bec:au.ae fat- .aluble compounclt and deterqentJ from motor vehicle• poee a Mriou danqer to the health of thoee who bathe in the bay. No.t carcinogena are lipida or fat-eoluble oompounda au.ch u thOM found in petroleum p~ ducta. The &beorption of such COIIlpouncU ll enh&Doed by deterventa or fat .alvent.-the very adciltivee which laprove autoaotive ~and, tlaUI, are tbe ~ we add to the t.u.b of ou au.toaaobtlel. 11UI ooabbaatiOD-Mt-IOlu.ble ~--and cW.r9eAta to ultanoe their aheorption-fcnu the eHlu.ent that aCC'Wilula._ on OW' oity .Ueeta and parking lots. Ivery r&ln wuhee tWa leta! com- btD.aticm direotly mto· the bay. Th.ereton, lA light of the intenae development ocourrinq around our bay, the parking lota r• qu1red by tlaeee development., and the CODOOIII ltpt nmoff lnto the bay, I urqe the city o.f Newport Beach to c1oee the bay to ..unminq. \ G.L. Carden&~ Handgun Co.nuola To the Editor: One year aqo, the pre.ident of the United Stat• wu n8Uly killed with a "Saturday Ntght SpeciAl." Thank God, Pre.ident Reaqan aurvived. But durinq th.ia put year oveJ 20,000 America.u we~• llhot Dear Cou.umer League: I am ODly 10 yean olcl. Will you help me anyw•y? Wy Wom- my la gotn; to write the WteJ becaUM I CUAOC IP81l all the worclt to tell you what happell- ed. Pt.... Mnd me a letter, too. l)eo, /eMJy: Love, Jemay Ire ..,. do Aelp 1 O.,.ar-oldJl 111'N' ~ DOIIo leU 0121'x!dY, rll tfjJJ ~ o ~»g MeN~. I~~ all 11M bJg ~.oMII•~· • • Wtth handguns. They were not as fortunate as the preaident They died. It's ea.sy to blame the poliU· cians in Conqreas who ahould be doinq aomething to .top America's handgun violence. But the Conqreaa worka for u. . What have we done? What have you done? The gun lobbyiata are puny compared to ua. Polla show that nine in 10 Americ&Da wut touqhez handgun lawa. But the politiciu. hear from the gun aealota every day. lt'a time they heard from ua. Our qoa.l i1 to find ONI MILLION AMERICANS who caJe enouqh about handgun violence to .top it. And lf beoominq OKI NILLJON STRONG im't enouqh, we'll find 10 million more until our hand· qun lawa are ltrenqthened. And lf CoAqr ... won't change the law, we'll chanqe the Conqr ... Every time a John Lennon or a Ronald Reaq&D il ahot, America ia called • sick aoclety. A h&Dd· ful oJ koob doecn't make ua a lick aociety. But what la aick la for the reat of ua to let this hand· qun violence continue. You can do aomethin; to atop America's handgun vtolence. Contact ua. We'll ahow you how. Pete Shields Chairman Handgun Control Inc. Wuhington. DC 20006 n.t.De~~··· )"0111 "*"· Lelfw. ...., he ~ aDd ... prelw lo- ~-bvt tniiiGI. oeJy will he .-.t II,POD ,.,.,... w. ~ tAe rigAllo ~. Hwe~ yocu cbaace lo ..,_-oul. ' ER tooth a two-hour lee· ture em laappena to one'• t .. th lf -· not brushed aolved lUi ~em. But I .till tlt..iD.k thll fUll QW .. ua the prom· llecl priM. V. and d.uqhter JOORNAUSI 'S JOORNAL by Jim Feltcm It'a the little thin<P that drive you up the wall-a broken ahoe- atrinq u you hurry to keep &D appointment, the bu.-y tone on the telephone, the woman who bolch up a lonq line at the c heck-out at&Dd to write a check for a small purchue . . . Uaua.l- ly the biq challenq .. are met with a reaerve of ene.rqy, resourcefu.lneaa or couJaqe. But the irksome, unexpected pid- dlinq problema can blow your cool. That'• juat about the way it happened one day lut week, when I kept my appointment with the Intema.l Revenue Serv· ice. It wu the moment o.f truth, alter I received the om.inoWI en vel ope with t.hi.a return ad· dreaa: "Tu Auditor G.roup 201, lntemal Revenue Service." It wu a major chal.lenqe, but I thought I could h&Ddle it. The appointment wu for 8 a.m. in the Fede~a.l Building, Santa Ana. There we.re atill a few Lhm<P to collect-my 1980 retum, &Dd aome recorda the IRS wanted to .... I hadn't slept well. 10 it wu more difficult qet- tinq orqaniaed. Whenevez you do aomethinq for the fint time, there ia a mixture of anziety u well u &Dticipation, &Dd this wu my tint head-to-head with IRS auditinq. That'a when the ahoeetrinq broke. I c&D tell you now that every home ahould have a r ... ne aupply o.f ahoeminqa, along with spare li9ht bulbe, faucet wuh•n and OubHoht battuiM. (We have Done o.f the above.) I bot- ted the old atrizlg the b..t I could, tried to make a telephone call to delay a later JMetlnq and heard the aupe~atmg buty tone, anci hMcled for tlle Jed.Jal builciJ.D9. At a llearby early openinq market I ltoppecl to qet the new aboeetrill~, and fretted in the checkout liD• while a woman wrote a check tor a doaen eqga ancl eome cigu- ett•. There ahoulcl be • law aqainat check-ouhing in IUPfr· market~. Finally I reached the IRS of.f:lce. I wu 8Uly. In my · hand wu the lettez that read, 1A pa..rt : "We ....US. 801De tupayen may be concemed about an a&m· lnation o.f their tu returns. We hope we can Nlieve any con· cem you may have by briefly explaininq why we enmtne, what our procedw. are. and what your appeal ri9bta a..-lf you do Dot &Qt .. with the retulta. "We find that the vut majon· ty o.f tupayen are hon..t &Dd have Dothinq to fear from an examination oJ their tu returna." Ny aweaty palma were atill sweaty. The IRS uamlnation office wu a qreat burMucrattc vault, b.\dly decorated, with portable walla of cllfferent ai•• and claahinq colon. Old ma;a· ain .. lay doCJ·eued on the DODdNOnpt furniture. ( tl t• • • tl iJ p J c & ,_ t• tl E t. te y c Q r F IJ 8 I• d D r F tl d ~ d ~ t: c f ,. c r c t ~ c c £ Referendum (ContiDuecl from pa9e 1) the project w1U create in· tolerable traHJc problems, and add to pollution. In a letter read to council Monday n19ht by Moktar Salama, Johnaon ur9ecl that a SpeciJic Area Study of West Newport be conducted and ualy&ed and the development then be re-evaluated. Rescind· ing the council approval would permit this, he aaad. Council membera John Cox Jr ., who baa been active on a citiaem' traffic advisory commi.a aion, and Ruthelen Plummer, who repreaenta W..t Newport, told The Ensign they believe the traffic mitiqabona propoaed by Ba.Juu.n9 "are excellent." "The General Plan the West Newport qroup wanta to return to," said Cox, "9oea back nme yeara. It fa1ls to take mto ac· count how the population bas orown, and bow we need the roads Banning would provade. People will conhnue to come to th11 area; not building roads simply complicates the prob- lems. To get the roads butlt, development must be per· mitted-ao long as tt 1s reuonable. Tbu one lB. " Plummer sa.ad, "Our Tra.I.t.c PhuanQ Ordinance i.a pos~ubly the best in the state, to make developen take care of the 1m· pacta oJ theu pro)ects. The city didn't keep pace Wlth the 1973 prOQram-or traffic now would be manaoeable." Jean Watt, prea1dent of SPON, disclosed that m m .. bnqa wath RAP. beaded by Racbard Nichols, presjdent of the Corona del Mar Communlty Aasoctahon, it wu decided to support the referendum dnve, but wtth addi- tional perspective. "There are four poants that concern us," she said. "Firat, the City Council is us1nQ a dou · ble standard, qivmg qreater density to industnal/commercaal .development whale in the last few years the trend toward reaidenhal development has been restncted." She also clled the 1ncreased traffac. an expans1on o f atrport volume wbtch abe Nld would -· Mike Johnson (center) examines traffic ptan with fellow referendum committee members Gilbert Hernandez (left) and Or. Matthew Ross. accompany more commerctallin· dustrial coMtruction, and a reduction of open q>ace resource• becau .. builders a.re not required to provide the park dedication or in-lieu t ... for commerciallinduatrial construe· tionthat are required for reaidential. Banning would be required to provide some of the latter for the residences in his project. There has been speculation that such fees rrught be used to help ac· quire a state-owned, lS·acre parcel known as Caltrana Weat for a park. However, all factiona ar~ referring to this as a separate issue. Watt said, "The only excuse for the commercial/industrial uses bemg there is that Beeco needs to make add1lional profita m order to pay for additional roads ... U the city held fut to the onginal General Plan, there wouldn't be any oppotlition. "" Said Cox, "To slay with the origmal General Plan of 1973 1gnores the fact th1a city 1s CJTOW· mg, and will continue to grow, and will continue to rece1ve more and more traHic from out- Danclog (Continued from paoe 1) $100 to $400. I've had one appraised at $900." She travels extensively ("Eighteen countries, so far-in Europe, South America, the Orient, Australia, New Zealand . . . "). She drives her own car, without reatrictiou on her license, has chaired the Palm Spnnos Blood BanJr e19ht yean, won wide recoqnition for help· m9 to sell Liberty Bonds m Staff Photo by Barry Slobm aide u the county 9rowa." Speaking at a public meeting 1ut Sunday c&l..led to organiu op_poGtion, Salama, a JPL enQin .. r who reaidft in West Newport, wd the traffic would 'cr .. te demands on the exialin9 system which Already 18 con· 9•ted beyond capactty. "A landowner hu the nght," he said, "to develop his land so lon9 u it 1.1 within the existing General Plan-and his develop· ment does not adversely impact roads, the airport or utilities-or the quality of life of his nei9hbor." Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Hart said, "The additional park space and/or in-lieu fees would be en· joyed by the entire West Newport area. Much-needed traffic improvements would be provided by the developer's ex· penditure of more than $4 million. The density of residen· ual development 1S very real1atic. "We have studied thls proJect intenaely for more than a year. The councll made a good dect· SlOn ." World War l-and thus became the lint woman paaaenger in a Jenny biplane-and danced Jor the USO in World War U. Her health, she said, "is 9reat. My doctor just okays me all the time, and says, 'Well, com.e back iJ you oet into trou- ble .. .'" She confided that abe tned "some of thC>M sen.ior oroups. Y ... they're nice." She smiled. "But I rAlly enjoy these youn9er ~ple." Said Dorothy Jo: "You can sure tell thAt 9081 both ways." I ....., __ _ -.-...... ..-- Art Wins Praise F:or Teaching-Art You onJy have to r-.4 t.Jse JllA1l to know that Art Nub 1.1 a B19 Wan On Campus-even d 1t u & little campus. Nub, who i.a Arthur C . Niachwitz m m bi.a "other world" u director of markebng and advertiaino for the Grinder restaurants, baa been a volunt .. r teacher >f art, cartooning and layout to fifth 9raden one day a w .. k . "You really enhanced our Fnday prOQrams," said Cell Sharman, teacher ol the Roy 0 AnderMn Elementary School youngsters m Newport Beach. Nub presented the pupals w1th cerhhcate of art awards last w .. k-aJter his employer received a flood of apprec1ahve letters from them. The quotes mcluded. "When he drew stuff the whole claaa would lau9h" "Thank you for letbng Art Nub come and teach us how to draw good" . . "Art dtd a very good JOb of teachmo us how to express our feel.mgs toward art and to show our feelings on paper" . . But Nash partJcularJy pnzes a note from leU Bulley ("Bullay, pernuncation"), whtcb con· eluded: "We really enJoyed havmg btm and I thlllk he would like 1t tf I &atd , 'Gave htm a r.use!' " [~ .) f .... .., '....:.-~-.t.. - '-... -.. _,...-5~ --:..,__~ I . ~ _ _..,.,_ J . -. ----. I •-- Dan Crow's Show The ctty of Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreatton Department will be presenhng a special free performance bv entertainer Dan Crow lor elementary school-aged chtldren th1s Saturday, March 27 at 11:00. The show, whtch cons1st& of parllc•pahon songs and story- ltellmq accompames by guitar, I wtll be held at the O ASIS Center, 5th and Marguerite in I Corona del Mar • continental arts • period furmture • toys • bronzes • lamps • artglass • 0 c: 0 .5:! ... Q,) E ~ c ... c: ::s 0 t.> • -X 8 c: 0 t.> ·-... Q,) E ~ • Ill Cl() c: .... c: 0 Dorothy Emerson & Don !\'ulan present ~AITJQUES EXPO S SALE IN THE COMMERCE BUILDING ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS II FAIR DIUVE •COSTA MESA. CA MAR. 25, 26, 27 & 28, 1982 THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY. 1-10 P.M. • SUNDAY, NOON_. P.M. General Adm1sswn $2 .50 With th1~ ucJ..et CHI} numbt·r-52 25 each. Use Arlm~ron Onve lblllkJ G1.1re 3A enrr1.1nu~ \1JrurJ1.1v 1.1trernoon und \unday ~..._----------------------------------------------------------~ dolls • lighting fixtures • Jewelry • watches • collectables • pOJntmgs • Classified Advertising is so handy ... all you do is call! SPECIAL BONUS I'FREE BENCHES " value S16500 WITH THE PURCHASE OF EACH SOFA. LOVESEAT OR PAIR OF CHAIRS YOU RECEIVE FREE ONE OF MARGE CARSON'S FAMOUS BENCHES. SELECT FROM ANY OF OUR FAMOUS HANDCRAFTED UPHOLSTERY LINES AND RECEIVE THIS SPECIAL BONUS. LARGE SELECTION OF BENCHES READY FOR DELIVERY. STOP IN TODAY FOR THIS FANTASTIC OFFER 0 ., ;· :;, -0 -Q ., -(A • • ()Q ., Q "0 :r t=;· (A • • .... I .tr rrd..,. Narda U. 1• n.. M.wpon E.Dalgn Patllng Jlloqey Where Your Mouth Is frederick W. Linton, presi- dat of Delta Group, Inc., a.nd the 1982 pnade11t of the Indus- trial Leaoue of Ora.nqe CoUDty. ~tly apelled out MVU i.uuea that will chaw the orqa.ni&ation's focua th1a year. They are u adequate employ- meDt force, more affozda.ble houaillq, beHer surface tranapor- tadon, improved air tra.nsporta- tion, a w.fficient aupply of water, a.n educational aywtem that teach• the buic facta of economic:a-aDd a vital IAaQue memberahip that qrowa fzom its preeent 600 to a minimum of 700 by year end. Special awarda were made at the Leac;Jue's dinner meetinq to three refuin9 dizecton. They ue Charles E. Cleminahaw, retired vice preaide.ot oJ Parker Bertea Aerospace, who was the l.eac;Jue's charter pres1dent m 1970; Timothy L. Strader, aenior vice president, The Koll Co., a charter director, the 1975 prftl- dent a.nd often called the driv- ing force behind the League's formation 12 yeus ago; a.nd Richard C4llllon, vice pres1dent, the Irvine Co. commercial- industrial division, a board member since 1974. ,, 12 ... I ' I , , ./1 . /11/ ~ , 1.1 ., I.. , . . . . . w ., \ I ~ : : : ~ ' t I ~ ,., \ w -. "' ..... ., ~ 'l ' , ·, w ., I ' ~ # ....... ~-I "'lli"o,j A L I 1: L M .\...: ,. ~,~ 0~'23 L,_.L••••a.... a .... ...._ The William Lyon Co. of Newport Beach led all Southam California home builden ln 1981 sales volume with a total of $95.5 million, according to a survey conducted by The Lo. Angeles Times. The r•ult wu baaed on 112 qu"tionna.ires returned from conatruction fimu in seven counties. Of the 730 single-family homes a.nd 256 condoe the firm hsted a year-end inventory total- ing 102. Ponderosa Hom .. ($86.2 million) a.nd Warminqton Development($85.9 million), bot.h of Irvine, ranked MCond and third. Dr. R. Morley Dov» fPOd· ualed boa usc ScbooJ of Du- tlllry and teefliv.d J.U. mo.ter'• degree in ortbo<:lonJJa at the UDiven.ity ol WaMington iD s.ottl.. A IHJIJber o/leoding detJtoJ o.ockttiOM, be • a DJp,/OiaOie ol tbe Am.ric:GD IJoGid ol Orthodontic. and of the Amerkcn A.ociotlon ol Ortbodont.ic.. Dr. Dovu ba. been practicing ortbodonJJc. iD Southern Cali- lornio lor more tban 20 yeanr witb J.U. proctice now located in Newport Center. by Dr. It Morley Dcrria Wakino pre- Mntation.a, developing new b\1.8in- throuqh aalea calla, con- ducting meet· inoa, etc. are routine duti• of today'a buay executive. How effectively the buaineas executive carries out ha work may often depend on image projected. ThJa l.ma9e w tiaumitted f.rom the clothing, the ID&D.Ile.r-a.nd ofteD the t..clal apr..tou--of the individual. Alld if the buai- n-aecutive can enA&Dce IUs prof..aonal tm.oe through good deotal hMlth-all the better. Orthodontic. Ia a specialty of denu.try lnvolvillo the correc:- tion of mal-aliqned teeth ud the improper meeting of oppoaing teeth. THE . VJSrnrtG EXPERT Many oJ ua uaociate ortho- dontic. (braces) with children. However, becau.ae of the decreaai.ng birth rate, adults are making up a QTe&ter portion of orthodontista' practices. Nation - wide, 20 pezcent of the approx- imately fow million orthodontic patie.ota ue adults, &Qed 20 or older, according to the Amer- icu Association of Ortho- dontics. Come enjoy a A. adulta, we don't rea.liae that the mouth w one of the fint pula of the body to bow to age. But with today'a bu.in .. per- eon, if he or abe h.u mai:DtaJ.ned reasonably qood oral health, some,improvement can almoet alwa~ be made. Recentadvancementain appUa.nce deeiona aDd place- ment tec:hniqu• have made orthodontic tNatment more effi- cient, faster, comparatively 1 ... e xperuive a.nd even 1 .. painful. Now a California-hued finn hu beqUD marketino "inviaible" brace.-a.nd this i.a expected to have a Qre&t impact on adult orthodontics. The buaiD .. ezec- utive who had he.itated in the past becau.e of the brae• being so visible now hu aD option. Under developme11t for more than six yean, the "linc;JUal" braces ue worn on the inaide aurfacea of the t .. th aDd cannot be aeen from the front . One of the qreat..t aatiafac- tiona the orthodontic patient achieves with a new, aHractive smile ia a bolstered MU-esteem. 1.. ,, ~ At your Newport Beach otrJCe of Great American Federal- The Great Escape for $5.50 Cono's now offers a fast lunc h 1n the bat Monday through Fndoy. 11 30-3 30 Choose one of our Dolly Spec1ols 1nclud1ng a complimentary gloss of w1ne Guaranteed one hour serv1ce 2241 W. Pacific Coast Htghway Newport Beach 631 -1381 Last7 Days! ~"- Encased tn a 1 00 cotton liCk W1lh 1(1f8 latge Sll lf\0 II'IIS Comlofter IS Now On Sale• . • Our California Adventure offers you free gifts, special events, and the newest in money management opportunities. They're all part of the celebration to herald the opening of our beautiful new office in San Juan Capistrano . . . and to introduce you to San Diego Federal's new name: Great American Federal. Pick up your free gifts at any of Great American Federal's Orange County otrJCeS. * CALIFORNIA Tbe Golden -........... . • . a J.Jl..paae book featartaa spectacular color pbotos or Calilonala -you've aever lftD it befOR * California Adventure Discount Coupon Book . . . IDOne -savlna ~ats on admission to more tbaa JO fua-fllled California au ra.ctiwa' · EnJoy these special eveats at your nearby Newport Bacia oftke. • Color Consultant Seminar, Wcdnetday. MM:b 31. 5:00p.m.-8:00 p m. An eJtpcn rolor consuhant from ''s.dn For 1bDI ~·· ~ ·'Color Me BcautifuJ • • conckacta a one-llow temiur. "'~ mg 4-season cotor ~. clodlina ~ily. the moclu._ ward- robe. mat~ up and colonaion. wida diic'*"-to follOW. Sealina i limited. Call 644-1632 for retetVMioM. • IRA ~laJlsl. WedneJday. M.a. 31, 5:l0 p.m.-1:00p.m. F&Dd out eJLKtly how this tu-IIIID&IInd ~ .... "" fof you. We 'll Jive you your owo ~ oc .,s sz II III JIA ,a. prill&- out. ahowioJ how your funds wil ~. -.llliaill ~11 •w .a retirement \ Federal bas pown to beQome one ~ cbe larJes:l VNt lad bans . . . wida a bnGth - - by t Tra Ne1 W&J bee raiJ t hal s.. witl lrvi f. bel: •lin moJ hav aen Bill ... . a.nd wet will Coz Uni T .soft Kaz a.nd lea1 coa Fric r: pla! goU one sop. sbu Unc Sail ICet Da'll T teaz 004• 5-0 Vie, pao Wn Spa B. enn bee: Mea pr01 how gOD• havt they aho• man vara Tl lean 6-0 ' CleJ lam perf M1cl Rob. Ned brea -............ -.................. ~ ---....--..,... ..... _, ___ .. "' -·-. PORTINGUFE Prep Roundup by Chrs.tophet-Lpch The Beach Cui .. Invitational Track M .. t, .cheduled for Newport Harbor lut Saturd.y, wu ~poned until March 27 becaUM of last week's heavy rains. • The Newport Harbor volley- ball tea.m last week lowered its Sea View lNque record to 1-3 with loaaes to Costa Mesa and Irvine. However, coach <n Simmons believ .. hia team just need. to eliminate aloppy play to become more competitive. The Sailors have been relying heavily on seniors David Laudenback and Bill Brown to thi..a point. Costa Mesa's Jeff Field dives back to beat throw as Dave Arns waits. Mustangs beat Sea Kengs, 5--0 S dff ~'"""' bv Bd" ~ c; •h" Corona del Mar Goes After Third Title "Dave baa been playing well, and when he d~ well we do well,"said Simmons. The Sailors wUl continue league play at Corona del NaJ' Tuesday and at Univeraity Friday njqht. • • The Corona del Mar qirl.s' . softball team led by Eileen Hess, Karen Kolstad, Cindy Ward, and Anqie Dodds ia out to a 2-4 leaque ltarl. The Sea Kinga, coached by Li.aa Pang, lost 13-6 Friday to Costa Mesa. • by Christophel-Lynch Pitching seems to be the key as Corona del Mar enters the Sea View League race prepared to earn its third straiqht league title and deJend its CIF 2A championship. Under head coach Tom Traqer, the Sea Kinqs will be relyi.nq on the pitchinq of Kurt Petersen, Greq Wynn, and Dave Rohde. "Our chances aze qood to win leaque," aaid Traqer. "Our offen.M baa ahown it can score, but our pitchi.nq and defenae haa been on and off in the pre- season. U our p1tchrng does well, we'll be a.ll nqht " The top Sea Kmg pttcher. Petersen, lS JUSt returmng from a startinq role on the C IF sem1· hnahst basketball team. "As Kurt qoes, so we qo," satd Traqer. In addJhon, CdM w1ll be led by seniors Chris Whtle, a retummq brat-team, all-league selection making the transihon from second base to center held; Rohde (thud base, pitch- er), Brent Melbon (catcher), and the shck double play com· bination of JUniors G ordon Moss and Mtke Hess In addtllon to hts team, Trager beheves that Costa Mesa, El Toro, and lrv1ne may be the teams to beat ''It's a very balanced league, or more balanced than m the past," be concluded "I trunk a 10-4 record could w1n the IItle." II wtll be necessary lo r CdM that 1ust such a record wtn league, as the Sea Ktngs opened league play Fnday wtth a S-0 loss to co· favonte Costa Mesa. The Sea Kmgs wtll next travel to 5.\d- dlebac k Wednesday and El Toro Fnday Due to a lack of experienced playera, the Newport Harbor qolf team, which relies on only one junior and the ra.t aophomores and fr.-hmen, baa sbuqqled to a 2-3 leaque start. Under coach Steve Dye, the S.Uon have been led by Chris Kelly, Rob Vandervort, and Dave Fiorentino. Schwalbe Wants To See SaDors Hustle The Corona del Mu qoU team, meanwhile, under head coach Jack Inion ia pr ... ntly 5-0 and in first place in the Sea View Le.que. The Sea Kinqs ue paced by the play of Jeff Wnqht, Ted Norby, and Cary Spadoni. Becaue of dtmi•iahioq tehool enrollment. ud budqeta, it hu been propoeed by the Newport M814 School board that the qolf proqram be c ut nest y84J'. Oye, however, diaaqr.... "I have qone to all the mMtinqa and I have made the auqqealion that u they have to cut a proqram, it ahould be a aophomore or fresh- man basketball team instead of a varaity proqram such aa qolf." • The CdM quls' awimmi.nq team, under coach JeH Stit .. , us 6-0 and bas beaten Idiaon, Sa.n Clemente, Foothill, and Foun- tAUl Valley rn recent weeu. Top periormers have tncluded Michelle Bud (freestyle), Llnda Robb (freestyle, Individual Medley), and Stacy Ske1e (IM, breutrolte). by Christopher Lynch Fint-yNr coach Rolf Schwalbe appean eaqer to inatill the type of attitude that the atrugqling Newport Harbor bueball proqram needs-and he'a ready to start Wlth the 1982 aeaaon. "I don't care u the local daily or anyone elM p1cked ua to li.ni.ah lut," explained the 1977 Newport Harbor qraduate. ''I'm qomq to pot quya out there that will sprint on a.nd off the field. We may not have the qrNtest talent, but aqqresaive play can overcome that. Baseball 1s a mental qame, and if the kids recoqnise that and play theu qame then we can make the playoHs. "1 don't aee any rNSOn why the playoHs aren't a realistic qoal u the kids do the job, and that includ .. aqqyesaive and d.isc1plined hitt1ng, p1tching, and defenM," he concluded Schwalbe has only two letter· men returning oti of a team Wlth a aub-.500 record last year. Newport will be led by the play oJ returninq lettermen Ron Nuqent (shortstop, pitcher) and aopholllore Jerry Plukowsk1 (third bue, pitcher). Jofm £. '.Bfotn ' CLLITOM PHln'OGRAPHT WeAR PROUD To H••• Pia•••• .,~a.. . . . ERIN WARMINGTON .......................... 111111 ... ln addition, the Sa1lo rs will look for John Barnett (center· field), Shawn Culp (p1tc her), Mike Parks (second base), Ken Terry (catcher), Tony S wtes, Vishnu Batoosinqh (pitcher, thll'd base), and the p1tchmg of Karey Koli.na to head them toward a fintsh near the top of the balanced Sea Vtew League. Schwalbe, wh o was a three- sport letterman at Newport Harbor before conhnui.ng b1s baseball at OCC and USC, wul be assisted by Mike MUiphy and Jim Newlurk. "lf our p1t ch1ng Temple .Jog .. ·tbon Temple Bat Yabm, Relcrm Congregahon of Newport lrvme, wlll hold a lund-ra1s1ng JOg a thon Sunday, Marc h 28, at 12 30 p .m. on the grounds of the new buudtng at lOll Camelback, Newport Beach Over 200 JOg gets, walke rs. runners and strollers are expected to par hc1pale Rabb1 Mark S Miller. the Temple's spmtual leader, w1ll be among the slcH JOggers, and h1s wlle, Wendy wdl push the11 mfant daughter. A nella, 1n a stroller for eac h 330 yard lap comes around 11 can be one of the best staffs m the league," sa1d Schwalbe Perhaps as a result of the agqresstve atlltude of the young coach1ng staJf. the Sauors open· ed Sea V1ew league play Fnday w1th a 4-3 v1ctory over El Toro Nugent scored the WlDrung run on a CuJp smqle Wlth two out lD the bottom of the seventh 1nn· mg The Satlors will contmue league play by traveltnq to Costa Mesa Wednesday, and w1ll host lrv1ne Fnday at 3 ' The ... wpon EDIIISJD Wedo.eclay. March 24. 1982 Pap 1 Off The Field Ancl On, Rancly Reyes I& A WIDDer by ChrUtopher Lynch Ivery few yean, • hlqh school student demo.natratea that mLZ of venatile •thlebc talent and scholastic kMnn ... to rank as a true aduever. Randy Rey .. 1.1 today'• noaun· ee. Not oo.ly was lh11 Corona del MaJ' seruor a brat team, all-Sea View Le.gue and third team, all-county selection as a football linebacker; he a.lao fi.nilhed sixth in the CIF wreathnq h.nal.s m the 157-pound dJvu1on. But even more remarkable about Rey .. has been rus ability to maintain a 3.4 (out of 4 .0) qrade pomt averaqe wbue partl· cip&tinq heavily in athletics Consequently, he recently was choeen as one of a lew Orange County football players for the title "scholar athlete" by the Nahonal Football Foundatlon's OTange County chapter The award wu based on Reyes' GPA, and blS ability as a football player and as a wrestler. Selected as the Sea Krnq's most outsta.ndJng defena1ve player this past year. Reyes broke all the school's tack.h.ng records and was named defen· sive captain, all tlus whtle only standmg S-8 and we1ghmq 160 pounds. "Don't let bus sue fool you." saJd CclM bead football coach Dick Morns. "For h1s su~e. Randy wa.s o ne of the best foot - hal playen I've ever coached. Although he was qu1et and easy· gomq off the held, be waa so mtense on the held that be led JUSt by blB achons alone. He's a JOY to coach because of b1s a th· tude and abilihes." "He 1s one of the stronqest k:Jds w the school and bus over- all qwckness 11 outstandinq," explau1ed wtestlinq coach Bill Cool. "Those two (acton qave b1m more overall potential than anyone m his cla.u m ClF, but he wa.s hurt by a lack of ezpen- ence. He was l.UlproVl.DCJ by such leaps and bounds at the end of the year. that had he qua.hbed for the stale hnals, I'm sure he would have placed. That type ol improvement can be traced to athtude, but most of all mtel· hqence " Both coaches aqreed that one of Reyes' stronqest quahhes 11 h1s above-average tntelhqence "lntelliqence will help any RANDY REYES athlete and lD h1s case 11 espec1ally dtd," satd Morns "We only would have to sho w hun t.hwqs once and he'd p1ck them up " "Hls mtelltgence helped tn wyesth.ng beca'use he lea rned so many thmgs so qu1c klv " ,lQreed Cool. "When we started concen· trahng on helpmg htm uear the end of the year, he really started 1mprov10g Just wrest!Jnq agaanst bun m prachce helped the other wrestlers near hts wetght class because be was able to l~rn so muc h ." Ar. an example of hlS versahll· ty, and consiStency, the 1981-82 football season was a showcase for Reyes. Out of the Sea Kmqs' 10 reqular season qame•, the C clM coacbmg staJf selected the l.mebac ker as defens1ve player of the game fou r hmes. In addt lion. when the top runners 10 the Sea K.mg offenatve backheld were hurt, Reyes atep~ 10 for two games at the fullback po51 hon Now faced Wltb the deciSIOn of where to con tmue hu educat1on, he t.s dec1dmg between the two 11dea of lus persona.hty: UC Santa Cru% where there IS no football team. and Colorado College of the M.mes where he would play both football and wrestle Although 1t appears h1s future lS w wresiling because of h1s sue, look fo r Randy Reyes to succeed at whatever he dec1dr.: to do m the next four years whether 1t'a on the m.a t on the football held. or 1n the ~ la.,c: room • ,._. • • t n ,. 11arct. M. •• n. •wport t:.ap MARINE SCENE ~JI.yWap. lt ... a NiU diffhaaqer when Scott Peny of tha ..... Acact..y Sei.liq SqlWid.ron rAC- ed f198in.t Rod o. .. hom Lonq Beech YachJ club m the 1ut And clec:icliaq r.ce of the Can~­ -...1 Cup Walch Racee held At l..oq Beech lut week. Davia had -.ell willa And ODe lo.. ADd it wu 6-2 for Perry wb.n hay dafe&ted him by 33 8eCOilcU to Wlll tlus p~qious ...at. lt was achully a three-wAy be AS far AS races won And lo.t, with l>lck DeaYer of Las Allgeles Yacht Club abo haVUlg A 7-2 score. However, Perry be.at both of thOMt c:onteDdeA m theu m- diridual nw:.. n.. fiDa1 ... ndia4P wue: 1. Perry, 7-2; 2. Dan.. 7-2; 3. De.nu. 7-2; 4. Terry Mcuuq.hlin, Canada, 6-3; s. B....U Looq, New Ycnk, S-4; 6. Phil Crebbin, Eaql&nd. 3-6; 7. John Bertrand, Au.u.W.. J-.6; 8. Harold Cudmore, INland 3-6; 9. Dennis l>unjAD, Newport BNch, 2-7; 10. Pelle PeteBOD, Sweden, 2-7. • • As a way of promotmq their class, the Etcb.U. 22 sa..tlon in- nted "quest skippen' to ail their boats in the Newport H.r- bc:u Yacht Club One-Desiqn lleqatta last S.turd.y aDd one of them, aD Alttactift you..nq wom&D from the Chicaoo YAcht Club, Bet.y Ch.lAiD, took fourth place iA A fleet of 18 boAta. Other trophy wi.D.Den were Tim BOQ&D, who took the top 8p0t; Scott Muon, who finiahed eecoad, And Scott &m..r. tlalrd. AD are from the ha.t clu.b. Other ~ akippen were frank NcCuthy, Su Oievo Y~~eht Club; lten Jroat, AlamitCMI BAy YACht Club, And G.yle Poat, Belboe YAcht Club. Dick Jbown, Bahia Corinthian Y .cht Club, finiahed fim in the SantAnA 20 eta.. And Guton Ortia, Be.l.boe YAcht Club, wu the top Solinq sailor. • • UPCOMIHG EVDITS-NKYC Mother s.bota W\lllllo&d the hDel r.CLD9 ct.y of ....,_ Wllllef IAYitr.boMIIeQ•tt. tlw 11ta..day a.hJa CorulW..O Y•c:ht Club ~ala Ala~ Sen. for PHRF bo.la oa S.twd.lly. &Del Balbo: Y .c:ht CJw.b W\ll ho.t th: Netc:.ll O..C for the Ha...,_ Trophy r-on Su..ocL.y. Bew• Sw' ..... Sco .. AtiDYitatloaal BHah Swim Club aaeaaben c.phued 13 uUonAl qualifylnq timee And thrM couiderAtion junior nAtional tim• At the N.uch 13-14 Southern C&lifomiA InvitAtionAl meet At lut Lot Anoet .. CoU~. u:.c:. unoiW.I Joha Wott.c hi, 100 brMII, !MI 23, ht, 200 breut. 2:03.71 J11IOOA unoNAU Jell Antla&ri.Do, 4th, 200 Oy, 1:51 87, 7l!l, 100 IJy, 51 19; 8th, 400 uc . 4:10.11; 12th. 200 I.W., l:M.ee. Tom K&rr*»n. Slh. 200 I.W . 1:55.20 y,,. Smuh, 9th 200 br.-. 2.10 II, 13th, 100 breut, 58 40, 200 I.M . 2:00 62, coruad ,, ut Chua Woolfollr. 200 fly. 1 51 35, c:outd 11 aat ICeUy Looq. 12th. 500 ..... 4 57 68. 14th. 200 lr-. 1·53 39. 200 I N 2·12 67; coaaMt 1r aat Ntc:b.ele Btrd, 7t ... SO fr-. :U 43, 7th, 100 1r-. 52 55, 200 1r ... 1·55.61. C:OI:Wd tr n•t Abo IWII'BDUDQ w .. Stu•r1 South For many yeara before his death in September, 1980, hardware store owner AI Forgll ran a weekly personal-opinion ad In The Ensign. Soon. these will be published again 1n book form. Meanwhile. his widow Peg· has decided to repeat some of the ads. This one appeared Nov 2. 1978. • ENDANGERED SPECIES WbUe we are dubinq about trylnq to save the habitat of the clapper rai~ the mau darter and other ezotic •pect•, I wonder if we could take a little time to think about tbe habitat of a two- leqoecf creature named homo sapient? I don't remember ... ing any birda standinq in long linea 01 camping out for aeveral day. just to try to get a place to bulld a n•l Thia ia happening only to people A PARTY! WE PAY TOP Every time you tum around, 80me yo-yo ia coming up with a new "80lution" to the problem. Old Tom Riley talb about 80mething called "inclualonary zoning" which would force developers to build a certain nwnber of ao-called low-cCMit housing unit• into every development. Thia ia obviou.- ly a ailly 80lution. If Riley wants to go into the real estate buainea, let him do it with hia own money. He could use 80me of hia pension. RENT AN ARCADE VIDEO GAME CALL GALAXY GAMES-673-8245 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR . • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 155-12 155-13 165-13 165-14 175·14 185~ 14 175/70/13 185fl9113 49.82 49.82 55.82 59.82 59.82 6&82 5982 &482 136 1.29 1.55 1.68 1.90 216 1.73 1 iO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ss FOI GOOD CLEAI USED CAIIEIAS 01~~=-quip In ·~'"~"FRG IPP!'aiul CAL'S CAIEIAS 1770 Newport Boulmrd Costa Mlsa. CaMomia 92621 (714) ... aa ·-· Stop PofishinJ Your s.fverware ,_,.001 ~ '""'"• or ~• Ot"_... co o-(....__, 0., CP'IN uo.w-.~ -1010 -·-C.•'OO)I oJt) •J\ ... S p s ~ ... p.,.tt ...... -~ ,~ li006o"t fO' ....... ~ ~ 0\1' N U_., ~.JfC~ ltlt Wt••f' w.,., ~,, .... (c,... ...... -"" ~~-· K'f\ •' .... ~ --..... Marion Court • \..ollectors Solarian The other niqht at the Newport City Council meeting, a fellow got up and sugg .. ted that em- ployers be required to provide housing for their employee• near the work aite. Now, that opens up aU kinds of pouibilitiea. There are a heck of a lot of restaurant employ ... around here who can't afford to live in Newport. Would they end up al"ping on the dininq tabl•? The fwnltwe industry would come up with a whole new line of convertible furniture, auch aa d•b that twn into bed., atld have a refrigerator in one drawer and a atove in another. I gu_. the janitor in a maaaage parlor would be happy with the aleep-where-you-work phi1010phy, but for ~ folb it would be a bit uncomfortable. Conaidu the poor chaps who work on the f:reewayL Well, au, I think I have an excellent plan for solvang the houaang problem. It's called the get· qoverment-out-of-tb.way plan. U we would let hee enterprise control the housing market, we would find that, eventually, hou.ing would be built the way people want it, at a price they car. afford. If qovemment oot out of the way, unions wouldn't be so atronq, and labor e<»ta would be more reuonable. The cutting of red tape. regulations and permit power• would make bu.ildera an- zioua to build. Every time the govemm-nt puta on rent controls, conatruction of apartment• atope. This increa ... the gap between housing supply and demand, makang the housing ahortage even worse. Maybe the answer ia to declare the human race an endangered apeciea and get the environmen- talist• to campaign for ow aurvival. To reseNe your copy of the book "Fearless Forgit," fill out the coupon and mail to Peg Forgit. 2205 W . Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beach. CA 92663 NAME ADDRESS on an - This clusic dcsjan from Collccton Solarian offers the richest tcnu.re, most dramatic dimen- sioo eva-. Available in five natural colorations, Marm Court is perfect for any room . • Inlaid vinyl CODitrUCtion offers pater durability and .raistance to indentation . • No-wmc Minbond ~ IWface keeps Marion eoun•slustrous .. Jiko.new" look without waxina far looaer than vinyl no-wax Ooon . Hurry in now bec:aOIC thaalpedal oft'cr ends ,£Ug.u,. -UL---- Aver~ 9x12 Kitchen • Totally Installed $ • Ftocw preparation and covlng extra r ' ~fo bomeo.- i.Dt.ruio "We' d .. ired and th• backgr ing be4 ad mini cipal iJ DOW lh the ele lor thelr concern. Were I a rn-=·-.. -· with the proepect of " he l&id, he would rHUurances, too. nut ltep still hu to be 1DW~te<CJ, be Mid. "There is qUIII..UC)D but that we are com- to continue thla education in Oranve County. We rnuat find the best way to it. We11 be con.aJdermg alter- tiles. first we mutt clarify with achool board the status of laue," Strauu explained. obvious inference was the m.triot would either to return the USC funds, find alternate facilities. "'••••an said the state's ruling well affect all school clos- othera are in prospect oJ declmiDg enroll- "We'll form a committee, if to work with the district the city," he said. He b.u a round in educahon, bav- been a coach, a teac her, an iabator and a school prin- in Santa Ana, be said. He lives within balf a block of elemelltary school play- vround. FoctU AQ&.&n hu 1hilted towatd the operator• of the Catden ChrlaU.an School in C<Mita MeN, accorcL.nv to Stewart. "It'• my undent&lldinQ their houn and ave vroupt would be more like what the neivbborhood eaperienceci before/' he explained, "and our t .. Unv 1.1 that we'd like to help uped.ite the idM of Carden Christian taking over the le .... ". The pnvate achool ll under the duechon of Mrs. Jud1tb WU.On, according to her hu1band, John Wilson, who owns Optimal Data System., a computer Mrvlce m Newport S.ach. Wilaon, while declimng to be quoted at lenvth, confirmed that the USC bid wu some $69,000 to Carden's $62,000. "We're oo the sideline• now," he said. "1 feel 1t'a complicated. "My gueu would be that the school district might have to recycle the whole thmg. We'll just wait and see. I prefer that you talk with Mrs. Wilson on anythinv further concerning this." Mr s. Wilson, accordmg to a woman identified u an office assistant at Carden, declined to give clDY information &bout the school or 1ta admiD1strators' intention.a. Stewart l4ld be "understood" Carden Cbrt.ha.n "hu 4.bout 300 student•, bom kindervarten tb.rouvh the eighth vrade." He Nid he did not know what re- quirement•, lf any, were plac ed on enrollment, or what the educational program. contain· ed. Meanwhile, USC 11 holdings 1ta clauee for some 70 adult student• two to foUI evenings a w .. k at Corona del Mar Hlgh school, an alternate site provld- ed by the district, and uae• apace in the lmpenal &nit buildinv in Costa Meaa for 1t• Flex-Ed program where some 50 enroll ... check m for occa- sional tutorial Msaions for theH self-paced atudi". Dr. William Ma.nn, pr09ram coordinator for USC, B4ld, "Newport-Mesa would be a very good area for us-but there is a problem with expense. Office space is very h19h-and we can't go out on the normal market." He indicated there was some hope there m1gbt be plulantbropical usutance. Dr. John Nicoll, supennten- dent of the chetrict, w.u on vaca- tion last week. -Burt Slma ''Christ's Healing Presence'' Rent a spac1ous. luxunous house or condom1n1um So Come to this free lecture with your family and friends. TIME: Thursday, March 25th at 8 p.m. PLACE: Chrt•tlan Science Church 3100 PICiflc v .. w Drtve Corona def Mar, CA LECTURER: M,.. Deborah Hedin, c.s. of London, Engllancl Chlkt Care vlded much n1cer to come home to dfter a day on the slopes The two-bedroom condos sleep Stx people and the three and four- bedroom houses can eastly sleep two or more whole tam•ltes MARCH &. APRIL-STAY 7 NIGHTS, PAY FOR 6 An authentically restored s•lver m.ntng tow n nght out of the 1800s Park C1ty IS the hottest new cold spot m the West Easy to ~"}. get to by plane or tra1n Only ~ town Salt Lake C•ty WE THINK YOUR tlOME SHOULD BETH£ ~EST PLACE YOU GO ••.. Mevl4h•t -( HerdwootJ & Sott wootJ J Wee4 T '""'"' • St•h Pert• -( Oelr a H•mloc 1r J Oelfey l ell -Plchue ''•"'•• let lolla c,.,, R•ll• ..... c,o .. ,. c .. ,ne• VLsU Ot.t.r Showroom liiiiMcn"~/Va. .. s O.Uy. tO·IIiiiNNIJ Clalfd.,._ ITY. The Newport Emugn Wednesday, March 2•. 1 DIEUDONNE BuiLDERS Wants to Know ... NEED MORE ROOM, BUT HATE TO MOVE? FROM START: With 32 Years' Experience You Can Depend On OUR PLEDGE TO YOU IS QUALITY AND SERVICE TO FINISH: DIEUDONNE BuiLDERS WINNER OF THE AMERICAN BUILDERS MAGAZINE GOLD NUGGET AWARD ROOM ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • BATHS • CUSTOM HOMES • DESlON CONSULTATION 631·4007 80NDID • INIURID • I'INANCINO AVAILABLE WITH AIIPROVED CREDIT 919 Bayside Onve, Newport Beoch Co 92660 Cefttrenon llc-M No. ,66752·1 (Sel~ttclltal btate Loans Conaldered J hplO WecblllldiiY. March 24. J-The Newport Enalgn Acloleecent JlfutritlOD FOOD a.nd proc:esaed food.a hioh in phosphorus, decrea ... calcium &b- torphon at a time when ljlrowin9 youtha need this essential nutrient for their developano skeletal structure ............................................. _ Lkewi.M, tbe need for iron ancrM.Ma dur- ino the orowth spurt, particularly amono IDAJ .. , due to their ancr-....d blood volume and mu~~ele ma•. WhUe femalft don't require u much iron to aupport phyai- cal growth, their lifelOGg need for iron la qreater once they beqtn to menstruate. Thus, il'a important to r enc:ouraoe youths to C:ODIICio\&Sly •Ject UOn· rich food.a auch u c:lama, oyatera, shrimp, dried beana and peu, prun ... red meats, liver and apinac:h. U precautions are taken at home and our children are enc:ourao· act to make allowances foz lpeCi&1 nutr!Rt requiremenla, moat nutritionists aqree that occasional fast-food reatauzant meab and h1oh calorie anacb needn't be the nutrition threat they have too often become. Nutrition. Brittle Bones and the Elderly B:roken hipe &nd fractwed W\Uta uecln't be a fact of life for elderly women, aays an expert in orthopedic meclactne. In a recent laue of the "ft.rvard Medical School Health Letter," S..mue1 Dop. pelt, M.D .• Clinical lnatruc:tor in Ortho- pedic: Medicine at Har- vard Medical School, deaoribet practical waya to prevent oateo- poroma, the condition that often .u .. older women vulnerable to bone frac tures. He suooeata adults over 35 yeara old con- IJ\Ime more c:alctum than they dad as youno adult a. Milk, ch ..... yoourt and other dairy prod- ucla are the mo.t com- mon sourcet of c:alcaum ln the American diet, .. ya Ooppelt. An eiqht- ounce glua of mUk or a C\lP of yoourt aup- pllea approximately 300 miUiqrama of calcium; one ounce of ch .... aupplJea ap· proaamately 200 m•U•- qraru. Doppelt alao recom · menda two other; auaple meuwea to prevent bone loa.: -Enaure adequate intake of vilaman D. which aida the body ln abeorbtno calcium. -herclae moderate- ly to keep bonea in oood ahape. Although ma.ny mothen have ahud- dered at the auapjoion that their childzen blay be aubtiatinq on snack cakea and colu when not under parental auperviaion at school or eocial functions, nutrition experts report thd oroup'a n:.at.ritional health 11 oenerally qood. Acc:ordino to two na · tional health surveys, exten&ve nutrient defi- cienciea amono the vut majority of adolescents simply do not f'lliat. ER LL ICE Thia ia not to say that parents needn't be con- cerned about their · c:hlldzen's eating habits. But rather than worry about any sort of gross malnutrition, parents should focus on the few vitamin and mineral deficiencies that do occuz amono tbis qroup with some reoularity. The surveys, reported in a U.S. Department of Health. Education and Welfare publication, (now Department of Health a.nd Human Resources) identified iron, calcium, riboflavm and vitamin A as the nutrient• most often cozuumed m inade- quate amounts by pre· teens and teenaoers. In fact, more than one-half of the adoles- cent females studied 10 the 10-atate nutntion IJ\Irvey consumed less than two-thirds of the recommended daily amounts of these four nutnenta. By beano aware of problem areas, parents can make aure that meala aerved at home have aufficient qu&n· llhes of these parhc:ular nutrients. They a1ao uuoht ducu.u the .. specaal needs with theu offsprin9 and try to m · Ouenc:e their food selections when away from home. The four food groups of mille, meal, vege- tables and fruats, and breads and cereals of. fer parents a b.u1c and prachcal ouadeline 10 prepanno and servano foods at home. The U.S. Department of Aqnculture suggests the followmg number of servmgs from each food qroup every day for adolescents four servmgs from the maUc oroup; two servmga from the meat oroup, four servmgs from the veqetable and frual group; and four serv· anqa from the bread and cereal group In addahon to the dramahc growth spurts charactenshc of adolesc:ence -wbach contnbute about 50 percent to thear adult weiqht and 15 percent to thear adult heaght th1S alaqe ts a nutn· tionally vulnerable hme for aeveral reasons The food habata and chanolno lJfeatyles typical of teena and preteena, •ncrea..d paJ1icipahon an sparta, the riain9 frequency of teenage preonancy and, unfortunately, the u.e of alcohol and/or druqa are all con· tribuhog fac:tora an the nutritional adequacy- or inadequacy-of their cLeta. Among the reaaoru for defic:Senci .. , auch u the low inta.ke of ca~u. aad rl.boflavln reported, are lDCI'M.I- l.oq teadnc:Me to wbititute 10ft cl.rtAb for aUk. A dec:rMM lA Uaeoouwa~ol afJk-:.tMt Jood .WCJa ................. .... ~to oUal1lil ........ .. aav ...... U.wltlau U.Cmasta .. ...._ C.S• , ... Romaine lettuce • Cti!Mt ,,.,_, '"' Or ~~ Mustard Greens ,..., ,_. Minneola Tangelos Gl_,., Bunch Carrots . .., LTIL l U I Ulllllft Mol\ ltel ... 4 9 '-Flavored Coffee ".39 • . 39 ~.:' 1.00 •w • 39 ~ chiiiespread Slices 1 . 00 Y!FINAL WEEK TO VEONHUN AY ,.,., .. lasllrl Fillet Of Sole .99 1.79 E l ~ .... Itt Iaiit c..r.. .,_ Btst-0-Fryer • FAIIILY PACK ..,. ffll'lt ~ Chicken Legs .. ... , ........ it Bullrbal Hen Turkey • • L& .79 .79 . 79 .89 Mo1 A vah stol• Wh Vaa and wu BlaJ of 'J Son trol rep bed 300 SUI I vall stol· of I the $96 rep. met Bay Jl of l war the I Hul rest tng foul dru Ka~ Be a Poll Tue P. nfl« stol Get 210 cas the c •• Sus: rev• valt stol Sur Ba) pro rep - N ooday. March U CRIMES Antiques, plalten and Jewelry valued at $7,200 were reported atolen from Peter V erne Whitehead in the 200 block of Via Quito . . . A Jewelry box and jewelry valued at $2,060 waa reported stolen from Sus.n Blats Harder m the 1000 block of Whitesaus A 15-mch Sony Trin1tron and remote con trol valued at $600 were reported stolen from the bedroom of Donald Burns 10 the 300 block of Catahna A swtcase contamang property valued at $1,888 was reported stolen from John Burns Sawyer of lndJana, who was staymg 1n the 1100 block of Jamboree $96 worth of quartera was reported stolen fro m parkang meters 10 the 1800 block o f West Bay. ARRESTS Jamea Fredenclc Marlow, 23. of La Mirada, was arrested on a warrant on susptcton of petty theft ... Robert Andrew Hulsey, 26, of Montclair, was ar- rested on suspiCIOn of possess 1ng cocame Pohce arrested Retcher 10 the 5000 block of Seashore ARRESTS Rhea Damelle Pappas, 22, ol Rtchmond, Wash , was arresled on susp1c1on of possessmq methaaqualone fo r sale Alfred Harutuman, 19, of Ir vtne, was arrested on susp1c1on of us1ng a stolen cred1t card Walter Bantle. 30, o f Ptttsburg, was arrested on susp1c1on of l respassmg on school property Two men, Joseph Anthony GnUo, 19, of Newport Beach, and Joel Clifford Crawford, 22. ol O range, were arrested o n suspiCIOn of possessmg am· phetammes Patnck W ilham Mc Carthy, 22, of H untington Beac h , was arrested by a c1t1zen on suspiCIOn of petty theft Two H unllngton Beac h women, M tchele D 1anne Htqgms, 24, and Charyl Lynn Beatty were ar rested on susp1c1on of possess· mg cocame for sale . Three persons were arrested on suspi - CIOn of drunken drtvtng, none from Newport Beac h. W ednesday. March 17 C RIMES A tool chest, tools and a wed- ding band valued at $2,425 wert> 1 reported '>lult>u lrom Mark l Barlow HI llw 4200 block ol Patuct-C amt3ra equ1pmen1 a Ia~ recorder cJnd money vaJued at $2,080 w&re report.-d stolen from Taho Fukada. ol Japan. who was staymg 1n the 6200 block of West Coast Htghway A hard-top car roof and a car telephone valued al $4,500 were reported stoen from a parked car owned by B1ll J Carter 1n the 800 block of Harbor Island ARRESTS Lee Rdymond Oils, 41 , o f Newport Beach, was arrested on susp1c1on of battery on a person James Jac kson L tndsey, 50. :>f Hunhnglon Beach. was ar- rested on a warrant on susp1c1on of assault and battery Jef- frey Bryan Jac kson. 21, of Newport Beach, was arrested on a warrant on suspiCIOn ol possessmq stolen property Jul1us Cltnton Wolfe, 40, ol Tustm, was arrested on a war· rant on suspiCIOn of passtnq ltc- hhous bills W ilham Ken- neth Chnk, 38, of Corona del Mar, was arrested on susp1c1on of drunken drtvtng Thursday, M a rch 18 C RIMES A n IBM Selectnc typewnter valued al $2,000 was repo rted stolen from W ells, Rtch, Greene. Townsend Inc 10 the 4900 bloclc of B~rch $600 m co1ns kept 1n a ltve qallon bottle lour pollee on susp1c1on o f drunken drtvmg. mclud1ng Kamran Garmrood1, N ewport Beach, and Gardner Johnson Pollock, Corona del Mar Tuesday. March 16 CRIMES A .22 cahber Ruger c arbme nfle valued al $100 was repo rted stolen fro m the garage of George Stanton Freeman 1n the F~TELEPHONE POLL I 2100 block of Sanllaoo S250 cash was reported stolen from the Newport Convalescent Center 1n the 1500 block of Super1or A 32 caliber revolver and o ther properly valued at $455 was reported stolen fro m Jl\mes Cam•el Sunderman m the 600 block of Baywood Jewelry and other properly valued at S 11 ,050 was reported stolen from Robert N This week's quetrtion : Should the ctly guarantee an addtllonal $13,000 to A rtist Chos M atson lor hts John Wayne sculpt? (See Paqe 1 ) There Wlll be no nng. There 1s no need to talk. The "bang up" sound you hear 1.5 your vote be10g recorded. Lcuat w-k'a queatlon: To vote YES. call 675-•uo. Should Prestdent Reagan reduce pro1ected defense expendttures to ward balancmg the budget? To Yote NO. call 675-7020. Cal~ anytime between now and 8 a .m. Monday to ca.at your ¥Ote. YES NO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =. :·:i"'l~ The Children's = =., Bookshoppe '- ill! invites you ... iiJ! to an autograph party ... ill! "'""''""''"I honoring ~ ill! Bill Peet ~ = who will be inlroducing his new book ~ Cl! The Luckiest One of All ~ Cl! SATURDAY, MARCH 21TH TIME: 1:30-4:30 PM ~ ~ /Q/ I hi• (114bfl,h .. r'• N'~U,.,/ unf\' /,., .. k, pure /to,,.(/ fur th .. par/\' 1111f/1f llfo/ll~f"'l(liii••IJ 4'-~ PLACE: 183 1 WESTCUFF DRIVE ~ ~ NEWPORT BEACH 675-1424 ... ~~~~~~~~······~····~-·~········~~~~~y, ~·•·•·•·•·w·•·•·,.·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•· . Screen irlg for Colorl-RectJI car1cer saturday. Mar.Ch 21 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m VAlUABlE COUPOII 39 % 61% W<tlo rt>pvlled !tlult>l I rom Ouuctld A1cbard Morttn 1r1 lh.-1400 block o f Pt A lban A r~nq valued at "S 14 000 wa~o r£>po~Pd stolen from Joanne Luctll t> B roman ao lhe 1900 block ol Galally PatnhnQ~> Jewelry and properly valued al S1 855 was reported stolen from R1chard Leroy Whttltnger 1n the 200 block of Promontory Dr~ve The Newport [ntoiCJII Wt>c.Jnet.day . Ma rc I 24 1982 Pncp II V1slct Grcllldt DwctVII•• R~>ow1r1•' 111 ''" U)(l Camera t>qutpmeol valued at S750 was reported stv1en from M tchael Roy Hall m the 2300 block of West Ocean Front A l.melcase conta•n•nq $8,908 was reportt>d stolen from Jan Maue Berg 10 the 500 block ol f'nday . March 19 C RIMES Women's dresses volut>d ..s• $870 WNl' reP<Jrted sluleu lrum Buffums 1n FashiVn lsldnd A custom made bras~o and wuud antique replica lelt>~ocup+> vcllut>d at $750 was reported stol£>n 11om Frank P Jan¥ 1n the 2700 bluclt of East Coast Haqhwav Twv wmd ch1mes vc1lued ell $97 wPr,.. reported stolen from Jacqut>lllll M.,y Mathew~ 10 tht> 1800 blue k of Park Newport Cdmt>rd equtpment valued at $655 wa.., reported stolen from w .u.am blocl< "I Jd· mlrrt- ARRESTS &rqomlfl D(•lqad<.. L••rm., 1 .. I I Bryn Mawr Wd cH ""•It'd 1111dE'r warrd lll on 'uspiCIOn <JI IJurqlc.Hv 0 1qa Eleanor Lt-r md )6 dl.,u ,Jf Brvu M awr wd· orrPsltod u n :.usp 1C.10n of pv....,P...,. 111g amphelcJmtnes Greqory Necll A b.,ht>a r 25, ol Coslcl Mf'sd. was arrested under war· ronl on ~ousp1r-1un o f two counts of a<;sdllll dod ballery Thr£!(· pt>r.,On!> wt•r+>drresltod I.Jfl suspt C1ur1 ul druukt>n drtvwy nunt> 1 1rum Newporl Bedch TO TELL THE TRUTH Remember the old TV game show. "To Tell The Trutt Several peopiP. would •ry to foot a panel of experts dS to whtch was the "real" perso11 descrtbed to thP pctnel The show IS playtng now. wnh cl new tw1st at Newport C1ty Hall lnstectd of several people pretendmg to be one, we have one man who looks like four different people Btll Banntng, who w ants to develop h1s acreage tn the <.lly s nonhwesl corner 1nto ct mass1ve mdustr~al complex. IS the show's star F~rst . there's B1ll the N1ce Guy a decent fellow who drw~ "''"<IS fc11 rile cwnmun1tV such as serv1ng as the o ffiCial ch1ef of the City's 75th b~rthday celebr.JiiOn JUSt a year before he would be ask1ny the c1ty to favor h1m With approval of h1s developrnen1 plan Then. there's Bill the Conqueror. who seems lu d1v1de and conQuPr by n fft•rutq lhP L1do Sands people the htnt of an offer to let them buy the11 land leases from twn B1ll the Emmonmentahst says he wrll use h1s 1nfluence 10 see Thctt lht• C.tiTro"~ property across from L1do Sands w1ll become a park Btl! the Busmessman talks about how he needs to make somf' rnrmev ,md l1ow 1ndusl11al parks make the most rnoney and he should be allowed to bUild nm• tl BIG 11nf.' let's ask the real B1ll to stand up I'll bet we w1ll fmd rl •ctt 11e 15 t r 1ct--1uv w"" 1r1es 10 drv1de and conquer so that he can bu1ld h1s b•y tndustr1e:tl park A td, wP w111 l11 •cl •llcH he has no real 1nfluence over the CaiTrans property because you Sl"t' •he Coc~stctl Comm1ss1on has already approved a local coastal plan desrgnat1nq thai parcel as ••per space so 11 w1ll be a park anyay w•th or Without B1ll So, 11 IS tune for the real B•ll Bann1119 to s1and up And 11 s ttn1t' f ,, ,..,ct Newporters ro stand too undtvtded . unconquered, and determ1ned to pull IOqether CJII d vo1ers referen dum to keep our town free o f over development flee of rraff•c Jcl111~ here and "' Cos1a M esa and fref' of all of the forms of pollution that 111tense 111dusrrv c.an tl11nq to rl •PS1den11a1 comnwn11y And thdl's tellullJ the truth S.P.O.N. STOP POllUTING OUR NEW PORT P.O. 101102. IAl.IOA ISLAND, CA 12182 King, Menthol or Box 100's: o earto of tar than a sin ... KINGS ... 100's East r Carlton 100~ •• r t ~l!•t . 'h . ' ': \ ,. ' Ht• .. ' • l 1 11 O • TAR & Nil OTINE NLlMBf~ A.S RE PORTE. r N l t, I C... 1 I ' Ill !'(lilT LeutNn 0.5 0.1 ~·-0.5 0.1 Carlton lao• 100'a Leu than 0. 5 0.1 . Box-lowest of~ brands-less than 0.01 mg. tar, 0.002 mg. na ot1ne. Wan•il)l1 The Surgeon Gtnertl Has Oattuained 1\il Cepngt ~Is O...ous •o Vour ~ ac. Las os ......... oos-.~ Soh Plcl.._... _. Wa IIi Ull OJ 01 ........ ,.~ nc~1a • MARCH Our hi tory began with re- ligious roots. Today. St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church in Newpon Bea~h helps us celebrate our heritage. HEALTH FAIR '82 Get .. lrcc hc..~lth tc,t' E)C tc't' ~MIOg ll''". pulmon..1r: lum.llnn tc'"· h kltKI prc"ure l hcl ~'. he1ght ..1 0d "Cight ITIC..I 'urcmen" .tnt! mud 1. muth mnre 1(1 <J m ~ p 111 Hnag Hu,pll.tl Cnn lercn(c Ccnrer. Tt l(/cn o11ll E \Cr)boJ) ""ckomc HOSPITAL WEEK BEGINS Baby on the way'' Why not attend prepared childbinh cla~ses·~ Call 760-5940 for a ~chedule. $40 fee for this 8-week ~~!)IOn. Registra- tion o muJ r' ln 1ne n:,ldenh ' Prepared t'h1ldh1n h da'-.e' are taught nght •n )OUr o""n ne1gh· horhooJ Call 760-5940 fo r t1me' and pl ace' Attentl a Sta)IO¥ Heuhhy Senllnar. Learn from med- tt:al expen ... what you can du tn avo1d heun prob- lem' 7 9 p m Ho,pitwl cunterence center Call 760-592J to rcg1,ter. fJU . Learn about the social work profession. Meet a social worker. Ask questions. See a display. Festivities take place in·the Social Services Department at the hospital. Time: II a.m.-4 p.m . All invited! Have bean problems and want to take good care of yow-self? The cardiac re- hab group meets 7-8:30 p.m. Resuwuions are a must. Call 760-S594. This week, the cardiac re- hab group learns how to deal with stress. 7-8:30 p.m . Reservations neces- sary! Call 760-5S94. ---Hoag Hospital's 30th Em- ployee Awards Banquet! A special dinner at the Mar- non for some preny spe- cial people! Cardiac Rehab group meets. 7-8:30 p.m. This week 's topic: Exercise. ex- ercise, exercise! Must pre- register. Call 760-5594 . Mi,-.cd the mol>t recent card1ac rehab group ~~­ ''on·• Don't worry. Thll> 4- week program take~ place throughout the year. Call 760-5594 for more mfo. Do you or M>meOne clo'IC 10 you have cancer and need Mllne emotional "up- port'! A special poup meeh under lhe au~c of a sktflcd profes. iooal. Tue\· day • 6:4,-8:" p.m . Call 76().2JSO. The ·'Stop Gap·· group pre- sents a play called · 'Utiliz- ing Your Creativity ... Con- ference Center. I :30 p.m. free. Hoagy The Clown and a nurse host a fun -filled ed- ucational pany for kids every Wednesday. Reser- vations are required well in advance. 760-5921 . Stop. Drop and Roll! Bring your kiddies to a program about fire safety tech- niques. 4 :30 p.m. Confer- ence Center. Free. --Stressed out"~ Trying to manage a breathmg prob- lem. too~ Come to a free program in the Conference Center. I :30 p.m . The Red Cross Bloodmo- bile visits Hoag Hospital. Noon-5 p.m. Conference Ce,ter. Call 760-5921 for an appointment blood. -- Pulmonary specialists dis- cuss ·'Sex and the Pulmo- nary Patient'.' Seventh floor lobby, 1:30 p.m . No reser- vations. Have breathing problems·~ Learn how to stop smok- ing. Discover how exercise can help. Conference Cen- ter, I :30 p.m. Be our guest! A psychologist di!oeu~~s how to get the moM out of life. And a pharmacologist gives some down-to-earth advice about medtcations for stomach ailments. Con- ference Center. I .30 p.m. Everyo ne welcome • A p~ychologbt 'peakl'l o n the benefit, of expre~sing grief. Conference Center I.JO p.m. Open to every- one free. -Have tea for rwo Ill the . ~atemity Te... Learn about the proatam!\ and fac•litte' uvailable 10 you. 10 a.m. Ho,pilal Conference Cen- ler. No resi~tnuion . FREE. See 1 1play about loneli· ne'~· Conference Center. 1 :)0 p.m. Free. ..._ Want lObe a aood 1rundma or arandpoa'.' Come to our arauwt~nb cia~~ today . 9 a.m.-noon Ho,nal Con- ference Center. No reJi"· ntion free. • • <Jielp C:Us eelebrate! As Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian enters its 30th year. we invite you to join us in celebrating. As a community resource, we recognize our responsibility to area citizen~. Not only to help you get better when you're sick. But also to keep you well by providing health education, blood pres- sure checks and special events such as Health Fair '82 scheduled for April 25 . Join us, won 't you? Your good health is our best birthday present. APRIL It 's the Au liary'!) 30th anniversary. too! Volun- teers are honored at the IIOIIi IIOSPIIRL Hello, Costa Mesa! Free blood pressure checks at our spiffy health van at Rancho Market. 2400 Newpon Boulevard, 1-3 p.m. South Coast Plaza Hotel. -......:-.11=-iiiiiio.---.ll ... ;.::!! Hats off to these generous folks! By invitation only. PASSOVER BEGINS Review classes are avail- able for tho~ who have already taken prepared childbinh instructi on at Hoag Ho pital. Two eve- ning sessions . Fee $10. Call 760-5940 for more info. Now \ the tinw to take a CPR cour.e ... not "l..cer .. CPR Hean Saver COUI"llell IU'e offered every Thur\day evemna uc the ho'pitul. Call 760·592:1 for reserva- tion' well in !advance. Free. Cesarean birth classes. F1nd out about them by calling 760-5940. Regis- tration necessary. No charge. Babie~ are sugar and spice ... right7 find out at a ·'Transition to Parent- hood .. class. Lots of prac- tical suggestions here. Of- fered regularly by the hospttal . Call 760-5940 to find out when. Free. It· Natio nal Library Week! Stroll through the hospi- tal '~ medical library. Learn abo ut health ltcience librar- iamhip and medical ter- minology. 1-5 p.m . A rough week"' Have your blood pre!>sure checked at the Hoag Ho!)pital Health Van .lt Cittz.en!) Bank. 2970 Harbor Bo ulevard. Costa Me~a I '\ p.m free. Take a tour of the ho:.pttal pharmacy. Learn about the many ~rvice' it offers to patiem' and the commu- nlly. Sec a demon~tr..Jtion of it" amazmg new com- puc~r 'Y'tem 1-4 p.m. Kick the habit! Attend an American Cancer Society Stop Smoking Class. It's held regularly at the hos- pital. Call 752-8600 for info. for tho~ who arc lakmg private prepared childbinh cla.'-.e~. there ·l> a ~pecial one-sc!>~ion labor and de- livery orientation. Free. Call 760-5940 to find out lll()R. - 4ll af1 yo ia JtiJ c;rz: 4ll 811 to to· c. be Ne c. c. wl .. El El eli Be ta s. ty 8C ac 811 fr, c) N, er t F " II J. J G c t ~ r ~ r I ' • c I k c j t c ~ Sunshine, l.at~key: It's 'Y' PlayTime· An answer to how to provide an inter"tinCJ lnU of superviMd after-achool activiti .. for youn9atere with worlrin9 parents ia oHered by the YMCA. More than 100 children from kinder(Jarten through sixth (Jrades i.n Costa Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach schools are enrolled i.n the plan, accordin9 to Amy Croteau, proqram dnec- tor for the Orange Coast YMCA. YMCA AJterschool Child Care sites are located at Lind- ber(Jh Elementary School and Newport-Mesa Adult School an Costa Mesa, at the Orange Coast YMCA m Newport Beach where )dndergarten children are Mrved, and at the Greentree Elementary and Santiago Halls Elementary achools i.n lrv1ne. Thonda McDowall is the director at Greentree; Jan Bobain at Santiago Hills . The YMCA provides transpor· tation from the school to the Sunshine Co. sate, where the typical day begms with supervis- ed free play and small group activities. A mad-afternoon snack such as cereal and malic or fresh fruit and JUice is provaded One day each week, the children in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach sates swim an the enclOMd, heated YMCA pool The day closes with time and help for the children to do homework and clean up the afterschool site. Each site works on a weekly theme, a ccording to Croteau. The children at the YMCA londergarten sates are planting a vegetable garden at Southern CahJornia College, while the c hildren at the Newport-Mesa Adult school sale are making a movte wh1ch includes make-up, Jeff Clark and Robert Patterson are lost m concentration as they figure out how to build a model car At left, Sunsh1ne 'students' learn somethmg about gardenmg 1n the space allotted to them at Southern Cahfornta College 1-:::::====---=---==--=-==--=========~ HARBORLITES --------- by Dlna •on Burger Corona del Ma r's very own Rtcbard Seelun's OTientol Mog1c was the qrand sweepstakes wan· ner at Laa Damas de Candad's BoJ Masque, whach benelats St Jude's Ho.patal. Richard's Las Damas manne- quin, Emily Johnson, appeared on sta9e weanng a bnllaant turquoise kimono and gracefully balancing a whate floral fantasy r ... mbhng a pagoda. As Emdy glided down the runway, a mulbtude oJ gaily-colored acarves ma(Jacally appeared, which she threw to the auda· ence. Towards the end o f the re quired three-mmute rouhne, Emily abe dramahcally opened her robe to duplay an exquasale c heonQ·sun (pajamas). Then, just as maQacally, the pagoda beaddr ... gracefully opened to unveil delicate floral fans whach caacaded to the Oooz. W1th th11 evei'JC)De lD the sell -out crowd gasped and surmased Dac lc's desagn was the wmner. Indeed, at was a wanner of an evenmg Plaud1ts to ball cbaar- man Jeanne Edwards and her commattee whach consasted of the entire achve Las Damas group Seen m the ctush were Peggy and Leshe Cotton, Marcae and Maurace Mulvalle, Daana and Edward Sterhng, Mary Lou and Robert Schulze, Laz Key and Ball C rqsson, Deann and Tam LaVeclce, Ehsa H1ll and Don Krause, JoAnne and Gene Mu, Angela Holvey wath actor Hugh O'Brien, Joyce Connell and Ray Thagard, Jer ry Van Oylte, who was master of ceremonaes, Shuley and Ball Calhoon, and Helma and James Nagamatsu Others attendmg were Las flonataa membera Jade Htggina, Sand! Wealer, Susan Janie and Daane Kordick, to support theu 0C cou.nte~rt a.od the florlats, script wrlti.ng, camera work and a caat party. At the Lmdbergh site, the children are construct- lDg a Newport Harbor num-c1ty. Each site has its own director, who is supervised by Croteau- berself a mother to two school- age chaldren. The YMCA roam- tams a leader for every eaght to 10 duldren in the program, and the leaders attend weekend workshops on child development and proqram slrills. Children who attend the YMCA afterschool program usually come from either two- parent families where both parents work or one-parent families where the parent works. "Ofien u people want to hve an tlus area, both parents need to work and rather than gavmg then cluld a ltey to let them· selves in the bouse at the end of the school day, parents find a proqram they can depend upon Lloyd and Anita Sherwood with hosts Margaret and Carl Karcher lleft to right) at the Ch1ld Gu1dance Center benefit P"'"o b~ s""" L•l~ who also par11capate an the Aprtl 30th floral Headdress Ball at the Beverly Hllton. Scott Acevedo , who narrated the BoJ Masque, and Felut Colloso, whoM Swan Lake was one of the nane floral headdreues a re the respect1ve fionsts for L&a Flo nstas' manne· quma, Susan and Dtane The two "hatched" at to th1s 21st anniverMry beneht at the Disneyland Hotel AJte rwards tlley ~~ then respecllve apou...-W.rshaU and Marty- ud dau(Jhtera-SteJ>h&nae and Moy•-m l.ndaan Wells for a tranqual weekend At another ... tern theme wm Der, Onenta/ FontOIIy. Vu(Jmaa Hauer woo the lovely diamond r1D9 t..nODymoualy donated by a .. at.z of Lu R.elnu A total of 40 otaa.r door pria• w.re wo.n a., otll.r 9\MIIIb (lDeludaog youn &Nlyf Now, U I wt.D the tnp to ·--.. ~e CltOJDptl ~YM*' da. trut, uav I U.ra- .......... 1)( WoWd be p1lt \o ......... Ule). ftil Lea AUUI.rv tulclaeoD ud leY'-.,_ ll .... " • ..U-o\lt ... to tu efforts of the benefit comm1tlee Mane Eggstaff Gayna Ham man, Celestine Harvey, Evelyn Oeranger, f aatb G.trmen, Margaret Corltett, Charlotte Wood, Mary Etta Selle, Mary Glass, Marty T1lden Mary Allee W1U1ams, Bonme Stauffer. Ma ry Alace Schulhof. Betsy Krause and Lo11 Relcers Others who attended were Evelyn Lowell, Maralou Ingold, 01Qa Ellia, Sharley PepplDQ, Maroaret Nacbola, Nancy Hod- eon, Nora Jorgen.en, Daane Bumajaan, Edna ~oU, Pat Moor., Nadebene Peck, BArbara Bedall, Bern1ce Muon, Barbara Doata, Jane Rotatan, Gloraa Louden and Lee Gormley. • • The 1982 LnQ Neptune, Jun Bentley, wu crowned by tlae '81 bono,.., IU1 Ficbr. at tlle tweuty-third u.a.ul Newport Karbof Spa.IUc ~ ud UDJted c..b•al Palg ci&AAer- duce . The M.wport Enslp Wed.Desdcry. March l4. l.Z Pog. 13 Playing Mount am Men-Valley Giants, these youngsters at Green tree wrestle with supervisor Darren Galaway. A t left, children in the 'Y' Sunshine program form a "tribe" to explore the Upper Newport Bay area as Mark Wh1tehead of Corona del Mar, handles the movie such as the YMCA's Sunshme Co fo r structured cluldren's achvahes," Croteau sa1d. Wbue the YMCA c harges to cover the cost of transportation, msurance, leadershap, program and c raft supphes, the fee. accordmg to Croteau, really d epends upon the parents' aball · ty to pay. The amount ranges from $22 to $35 per week, dependmg upon the time school lets out Glenn Johnston and Robert McCurdy Among the guests were Jen and Jack Dwan Lou1se and Kae Ewmg Nancy and John Curc1 Ah ce and Remy Rosellma, Kay and Frank Cowley Jean and Ned Rampau and Floss and Edward Schumacher Margaret and Carl Karcher hosted a cocktatl rec eplton at theu ho me wh1ch benebts the Child Gl;adance Centers an Orange County Thas fund ra1ser was a prev1ew to the Centers fvurth annual HUG (an acronym lo r Help Us Grow) dmner to be held May 15 at the Dtsnevland Hotel Postcupts Las Conchas " new support organ11at1on whose sole purpoM Over one-thud of the children who attend the Orange Coast YMCA's program receave schol- arslup help with the fees, Croteau alated. Scholararup help comes 1D the way of Urban Oevelopme.nt Funds from the caty of Coeta Mesa for Costa Mesa res~dents, and an contribu- tions from the YMCA Annua.l Current Support Campatqn. The Orange Coast YMCA 1.1 seelonq to ra1S8 $90,000 m 1982 to help underwnte vanous youth programs, mcludmg the Y-Su.nalune Co., accordmg to Jim de Boom, executive cia rector. "We hope that by oiienng thu proqzam that more taoul.aes wtth children will be able to aHord to live m the Harbor Area," he Mid. "We have seen a DUgrabon of young lam1hes move ttom Coeta Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach anland to commUDlbes where housmg costa are leu. A.nd that not only aJJects the YMCA, but the .c:bool diatnct whtch 1D the past years bas ended up closmg over 10 schools m the Newport Mesa Otstnct alone." More mformahon on the Y-Sunsbme Co 10 Costa Mesa and Newport Beac h can be ob- taJ.ned by calling Amy C roteau at 642-9990, and m the Irvme area by contaclmg the Saddle baclt YMCA at 830-9622 IS to ralSe funds for the new Albert Salton Home f ac1hty, Orangewood, held a beneht sponsored by Bullocks an the Jewel Court of South Coast Plaza • Sarah Steanman and )ackae f ahey will be two of the 45 undergraduate women to be uuhated tnto Kappa Kappa Gamma at UCI • The Newport Beach Chapter ol Hadassah bad a successful luncheon beneht- l ttng the Strauss Eye Bank 1 Center • The Colonel Wallaam Cabell Chapter of NSDAR awarded Amencan Hastory Medals to hhh-graders Susae Sanester Barnes Cooper Jam1e I Hardm of Newport Elementary R1an Ruphert Dav1d Hadiey and I Jennifer Carlson of Newport He1ghts Elementary and Robert Bollert, Jaclue Yadacaran of Eastblu..fi Elementary. tt.,ort.CdM Groups Vie For Disney $150,000 BIRTHS Students Offered Slogan Prizes .,..._.,....._ ~ntuUou an. U.. M.wpOrt-Corou del Mar ..,.. are a.petiaQ ID the $1!0,000 ~ Community Serrioe Awrude proo-ram whOM wiAaea 1rill be anJlOUDCed 11uutcLly, Ap.rU 1. 'nl.eN will be 83 awaJdl, topped wttla oee of $25,000, two SpecW Judgee Awudl of $1l,!JOO eech, and 10 $5,000 awucla and SO Sl,OOO awarclt in eecla ol the 10 cateQoriM. The p,.._&atioDI will he ..-at a luncheon cefltmODy in tile qrad ballroom of the Duaeylucl Hotel. It wu di.cla.- ed ..... .a3 OI'QU.lutio.DI tllrOG~t the couty are co.:petillg ba the 10 cateQori ... n.... are cultural uta, educa- tioD, •mce for youth, accom- pl.l.ahmeata by youth groupa, KeyQih Wants H~ForHelp The Cotou del Mar High School ltey Club ia ... ltinq donation.a of fu rniture, mat- treaea and clothinC)-plua children'• bicycl .. and toys-which will be delivered to the Hopi and Navajo Indian reeerYaUoDJ in Arizona in two ...... "We'll pick up the 9ifta," Mid John Wolfe, chairman of the trip achecluled Much 31-April.f. Donon may call him at 760- 1912, or Paul Kuney, 644-&481. The ltey Club, apo1110recl by the Jt.iwania Club of Corona del Mar, abo uaiat. organiaatioDJ in Ora.oo• County, and an or- pha.oaqe in Tijuana, Wolfe said. DooleJAI'tWIDa Mary McLeod Dooley, a reai· dent of Balboa for the put tw•lve yeara, hu been awarded a firat-place ribbon for her ChineN bruah pa.i.otinq "Charqe" at the showinq of Americ..a Artiab of ChineN bru.~h paintinq at Edqertoo Hall, C.Wornia Muaeum oi Science and l.oduatry, in Lo. Angel ... Thr .. of her brush pamtings were accepted for the show. There are flonsts and then there IS aped&~ hMlth .. me., accom· pl..ialuHnta by auppon groupe, ~ com.munity Mrvice, civic coaunlulity •rvice, .. mce by and for Mnior cltilen.a, and eJl- vinmmeot, ecoloqy and enerCJY. The loc:al Of94UUUIIoM competiftg a.re Coroa.a del Mar Hiob School lteywan· etNe, fnench of OASJS, Sherman Ltbtary aad Gardea., Newport &rbor ArM Educational Fund, A.bte Do9•. Allelui41 V\llage, lao., Amencan C.ncer Society (O,.nve County Chapter). Awt· W.ry of HCM9 Nmorl&l H011p1tal Preebyten.an, l~tc., Center for Sutton Movemelll WntlDQ, lbe1J Club of Newport Be.ch, Eovuonme•tal Nat~&re Center. f'orMt Home W0111eo't Awt· •l•ary, f'nendt of Newport Bey, Fneacb ol t.be Newporl Theelre Arte C.Oter, Holy Family S.rvu::. Nadrec:ilu Allll iliary. J~&naor l.Mqve of Newport &rbor, lac , Corona «Ml Nez H1gh School ltey Club, La C..., Mannen Commt.ulity Auocaataoll, W~wn CollnCJ.l of Newport Hubo.r Art NllleWD. NalloruaJ Chanty l.Nque. lac . (Newport Chapter). Nabou.l Foi&Odalioo ol Wheelclulir TeDA~a, Newport Harbor Spuhc Le.CJlW, lac. Oranoe Acorn, lac .• Protect S.U.Eateem, Inc., Sorop· tlDliSI lnternahonal ol Newport Harbor Area, and Zonta Club of Newport Hat· bor Foundahoa Seven Students Win Honors Seven students from the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar area have received colleqe honors for the 1981 fall sem .. ter. They are Wanda T o.h.iko Joho.ton, Cypress Colleoe; LeWls Fannon, Clarke Smith, Juhe Coo.oa, Eric Little and David Wilaon, on the Deao'a Liat at University of the Pacific, and Sara Parker, who woo the A.m.nerican J uriaprudeoce Award for ousttaochnq academic performance in the truata course at Western State Univen1ty Col· lege of Law, Fullerton. BARBARA WISE Wise, Chavez Plan Wedclng Robert and Margaret WiN of Newport Beach have announced the eog~ment oJ their dauohter, Barbua J. Wiae, to Bernard R. Chavez, oJ Anaheim. Mia Wiae ia a oraduate of Anaheim Hioh School and the University of Hawaii. Chavea, the eon oJ Mr. and Nn. Simon Chavea, wu graduated from katella Hiqh School, Anaheim, and ia involv· eel iD public relation• work. The couple, who qrew up in Anaheim, plan to reside in Corona del Mar. They plan a September wedding at Our Lady Oueen of Anqela Church, Newport Beach. The enqaqement was announced Valentine's Day. 'Piaf' At Museum The Laquna Beach Museum of Art wtll present, direct hom Sao FrancJ.aCo, an exclusive Oranqe County performance of Lucien F1iyer Smith's production, "La Mome PiaJ," Friday eveoinq, March 26, at 8. Heather, Plus Watson, Kremer Ray Watson and Peter Kremer, past and c urrent presidents of The Irvine Co .. are queats oJ hostess Mayor ladue Heather on "Citizens Forum," Teleprompter's Ch. 24 or K Ul Newport Beach, nest Monday, April 5. The top1c, "Newport Beac h and The Irvine Co.-The Dream and The Reality," was taped before a small live audience early th1s month, before the mayor was hospitalized. It abo w1ll be cablecast Wednesday, April 7; Monday, Apnl 19, and Wednesday, April 21; all 'casts at 7:30p.m. Spring Fashions Are Here! STOP 1ft TODAY ·~ ttlll> •••• I I Alit f'\fl'\1.1 <;I NI•AV 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Several Newpon Beach- Cozou del W.l' coQJ)l• added be.biee to their houeholcb rec:ntly. Blrtha reported in Ha.9 Memorial Ha.pital Preaby· terian included: Mr. and Mn. Jacque• Beaer, boy; M.r. and M.n. Jam" Joplin, girl; Mr. and Mn. Richard Goodman, boy; Nr. and Mra. ltenneth Gochmanoakey, boy; Nr. and M.n. Jam .. Aahton, qirl; Nr. and Mr.. Uoyd Ban- ton, girl; Mr. and Nn. Jam• Dow, boy; Mr. a..od M.n. Edward Healy, qill; Mr. and Mn. Gary Concannon, boy; Nr. and M.n. M.ichul Daley, boy; Nr. and M.ra. Richard Re.ia, girl; Mr. and M.ra. John Swigart, boy; Mr. and M.ra. lteith Cobnar, boy; Nr. and Nn. Robert Hatfield, girl; Mr. and Wn. O.vid Paachie, Qirl; Mr. and Mn. luoene West, oirl; Mr. and M.n. Robert Weiner, boy; Mr. and M.n. John Petry, boy; MT. and Mn. Ralph Hippert, boy; Mr. and M.n. Timothy Hogan, boy; Mr. and M.n. Jop Molntoah, girl. Grl Scouts 'Together' Two hudred Girl Scout. from the H&rbo:r Area will meet in Ini.ne'a William Muon Pa•k on Saturday, March 27, fur Gul Scout. Tooether Day. This fifth auch annual m .. tino will celeb rate the o.roan.iution'a 10th birthday, and tlae birthday of Juliette Low, to.mder of the woddwide movement. • ,, (' : "Defea. la !zpenaive, but Freedom la Pricel ... " TbJa &logan won SSOO lut year in the annual Pah1otic Slogan Coot..t put on for hioh .chool Moion by the Americaniam Educational Leaque. The deadline for entriea in t.IWt yeu'a cont..t ia April 7. Pria• total $2,000, with 20 win- oen receiving from S25 to SSOO each. Pr ... ntation of the awarda will be made May 6, at .f p.m., at JCnott'a Berry Farm, Buena Park. Slooa.o.a should shea tr .. enlerpriae, ahooq national defe.DM, limited qovem.meot, or liberty, recpollsi.bility and op- portunity. lntrl• may be mailed to P .O . Boz 5986, Buena Park 90622. r=· . balboa •Slane! cahfom1a 714 752·10Q6 DIETING PROMOTES OBESITY DR MAGBULEH What 1s Lht> word that be:.t describel'l tho~ who repeatedly t>ngage 10 an activity with non· effect1ve and often harmful rec;ul ts? Irrational. Yet. wl' fand it difficult to label a.<~ irrational t.ht- bt>havaor of milhons of American" who are cnnst.antly dieting Without much success. Perhap., they •ngage in this seem&nKIY il· loKical activity only because tlwir hopes are kept alive hy the cJat>l t'~t.abJjsbment. whose inte~t he .. tn keeping the public in the dark as to lbe scientific fads about dietina~and wei.ht.loss. WeU. the 'l«'ret is out! In a reeenc. symposium at UCLA. top apeciali u revealed to a largl" pl~ of healt.h prof~­ sionab Lbto hocking reaJic.y behind Lhe wft&bc. loes manja: Men C.han 95 per«nt. of the ~ pl. who JO on variol.a diet.a either fail lO to. much wtif(ht. « .-.gain their weipt.. us uaUy in uc jll of what wu lou .. 'Mit inddeooe of obeait.y hu i~ owr tht last decadt. Furthermore. obesit.y is now dev*lpin« at youn""r aacea ll .. ru that. C.H. HoUe'Wf"l wu j.a.Ul'ltd In rom· pa_ring &hr edriwmen ... of lhe beaJU. p cfuaiorw in t.re~Unc obetft.y &o ~l olalootbeD team that .... 10M ~ ~ it. .vw plisyed. Or ............ hu pul it; "Thtt Anwican publit .... bten , di un, for 2!l y ..... -.... -~6pOU .• W1Mn.,. ......... ~. w~. u. ··~·aound ditU... •• f.cJ diN... lloU. ~·· fuu. hard e•.,rdM, and ~· ........ .-an, .. .-.,.u.r~n-~! More and more (•VId(•nn• that diet1nt¢ promote~ o~aly ha~ ~n produn>d an n.'<.'f'nt animal t'Xpt-rmwnt.. and ~'P•demiologic: re~rc:h at our nation·!> leadinl( unaversallf'S For t·xample. an ex· !Wrimt>nl tunductt-d at tht• U n 1 v t' r ~ i 1 ) of W is c: n n s i n demonslralro that. when rats wh1ch had IO'!t :lO percent. of tlwir body wei~ht on o ~tarvation dit>t were ret.urncd tu t.heir prE'-dit•l feedinl(. they gaaned almu.•t i!tl ltmrs murr ll'l'tl(ht than ('(lnfrul ro t'l un a ,;,.,kJ,. {ucxl mtake' \1ost of u~ who have lost and regained wca.cht on vanou!l du~t.. are famibar wat h this paenful reaJity Such evt<k>nce 18 onJ) no"' confirm1ng tlw revolutionaf) observation m~~dt> by Dr Dan K. Kirkham !lf'veral yean~ ai(O. Virtirtl( actuallv promotr ., oiH>«I· tv' Dleten Tate HAAT Or. Kirkham. a Newport Kt.~·h phyaidan. who lA turrt>ntly Medec&l l>irKt.or of ttw> HAKT lnsth.u&.e. is a KT•duak> of l'W York ColWKt' of Medk lnt. ha<~ nruived m~~ny awards for hi11 ac:hifovementa in the medkal pn~ ftuion. He wu wwed l~· Anwrkan Mf'dical AJtiOC'iation Achi venwnt Award. Th• lARoche Award. the Dean'" Award. and tw ia b t..d ln "Who'• Who lnt.ffl\alional." "Who's Who in Lt.. W t" and "Who'• Who n U.. Un &.d Sla .. In ll1 eaa..n.'" clirucal t-s· ~are with cw....-eiahl pt· lienta. Dr. K.irkham lt04.td anet"aJ ,..,.. •to that l,. ('CMI\' lionel ridurinc method fPIJia. v.rieua dieu, llnlpencwr.. t'k.t. wWdt ~for ~,.u...u. ...... ,_ ed to ach.wvl' permarwnt weight loss but cvt>n appearl'd to exacer bate thear Wl'IKht probkms. lh ~ubseque-nt.ly beKan to tudy tht> causes of ~his paradoxical aitua· tt()n After more than a thousand hours spent. in observing tht• bl:'hav ior of normal and overweight. person~ and af~r ex· tensive research into lhe daf· fl'rences bt't.wHn fat and thin lll('Labolism. ht> tlt>veloped a no- dl('l weight los'l program which ha ... been astonishinj(ly .. ucc ful 10 bringinK about permanent Wt'IJ{htio5s. Stop Dieting Once and tor All o\t the IIART Institute. Dr. Ktrkham and hi ~worker. Or Mitra Mat~buleh. who ha con duct.ed conaics.rabko ~h on food and akohol addiction. con- vance thear ovww~t. ~tienu c.o lop dit>tin,c once and for aJI by cxplaminl( to tlwm that. whfm we dit-t-i.l' .. ruL down on our food In- uke and eat only tht amount and typrs of food P""(rlbed by a l(iven doctor or w .. (CbL lou pbm. w• i.nm!ut our n:wtahol effk n· cy. 0\tr bodieol rNMP te func- tion \WY wt"ll with &.he ff.'w calonn u.ry r.oriu on a Jdv n ditot. aftd t!Wy Wp bun:\:i.ni the t«nd fat.. In oL._. .....S.. _.. Wl a pla&.eeu and LOp .._. w.~tcM. t .. nw..-. aiJa ctitta aN .._M to bf pnt on and olf 01, almoat 1'\'flYON .WDluaUy ~ lO normel Nlif'W or 0\'ftW&"'c: end •• erid up pull~ bed& Oft all La. kNit. w : c.-plwl IDOl'\"-auw r ~ ha\ ..S.pUd &D ttt. lOw tak1rlr n.&.ak nd caMOt u lhfl •• t,. ta~ '~ wt.n .... olfthe ·-~ ...... ~ ... • DR. KIRKHAM loss: i.e.. nutrition, phyaicaJ ac· tivit.y. management. of inner feel· angs a nd soc1al environment.. 8) atlendina 10 weekly ... sion11 of tnstruction at tht> HART In· !llic.ut.e. the participanls Jearn how to make peact" with food. how to change t.heir fat metabolism in· loa t.hin met.abolism. how lO safE'- Iy enjoy favorite foot11 by apply mg the princi~s of thin behavior and how lO achieve best results through individually·C.ailored. ~thort·durat.ion physical aclivitit-5 At the HART lnat.itu~·s Wttight Reduction <Ant.eT. the ob- J«tiv~ is lO treat the cau~. rathet-than the symptoms. of the overwcipc. problem: and t.he ~m­ pha~~ &I put on the petient's met.abolism. In lhl way. once the w t. &. Sost. it is &oat pet'· manenUy. Rapid wd ghL loss is diac-ourapd beau mount.ins evidenet ._...La lML U.C. who fNlllllP &.o be wftabt. ~lily. bul wl~t. much tuffwi,.. a.od deprivaUOn..,.. ~h men tuc- CtMful ill ~ U. ._ceu pound.olf. One. tbapeu.nt..on \he HART prop-am ,... .... that. clJeLJntt '-i~ raUon&l. ~ ~n lO ..uoy foodl LML ~ bM ~ '"" ao tllllriouii. For 0...: U. ._., Ia OWl at. tNt-~ en llteve lMir tat. •• , it. and .idll .... ~,.!. ....... lnlonMiioa -.., &M HART ~ c.ll 411 41 7INOII. ,_ .. HAlT I• JJOW&t lw. W ._.... et 4110 ~ ............ ...... ....... ~-.. - - , , AIC'Vl: THE NEWfST Of ICNITWfAR. A GENTlY- FUll SICitrT IS SET ON A Sl.WC, OttOPP£D-TOflSO llOUSON AND ~ WITH A COlOitf'Ul SCAlf. FROM THEflttlMIEiit COllECTION Of Al8Eil'T NIPON ICNITW!Aiit, A DIVISION Of STATUS SIGNATUil£S INC .. AND THE SCARF IS FROM ALBERT NIPON SilK SCAfl\lfS AIC'Vl RIGHT: JOHN ANTHONY'S SICIRT lfNGTHS ARE SUGGlSTtONS. HE SAYS. 8UT SHIPMINTS TO SToatS WIU ACCOMNCOA TE THE WOIMN WHO .. FEltS HER SICIRTS A 81T LONGO. THIS SHEER 'NOOl GAUZI OtlfSS HAS THE 'UUNIESS AT THE TC>' CONTROU£0 WITH AN ADJUSTAIU o.AWSTRING RtGHT: HALSTON fO'I SNING 1912-A TWO Ptla IUGU-IlAOEO. LAQ-PANT OUTfiT WITH CHtffON PONCHO WHICH COUlD ALSO 8E WOitN CNft MNING D'I£SSES lkllcc Womtn 's Clothing «tlkuq Prius Cl AIIIO IPOITIWW AT IUIITAIITW.IAVIIII ~ ~l2 HOURS: M()N..AI ~ <'W........-•>· m~=r·· ..,.21, ... IQ._ it's REALISTIC by Mildred M...t for Spring There is no question that for spring 1982. Amencon designers' clothes ore more realistic (more saleable?) than ever before. Being TOO sensible could make for dull or boring clothes, but this didn't happen. There ore new themes, new colors, new proportions-enough variety to work for everyone. That voriety Is most evi- dent in dresses. The loolcs ronge from the usual 9- to-5 sweatshirt dresses to After 5 softly feminine silhouettes in luxurious fob,lcs; from coot dresses to wraps; from pure ond easy slides worn loose or hlp belted, to older-than- schoolgirl smocks. And when these designer collections were shown in New Yorlc , a written poll was tolcen by o committee of editor! to select the best. A lbert Nlpon wos rated the number one collection, Holston come neJ<t, follow- ed by John Anthony, Mor- ton Myles, Soo Yung Lee and Charles Gluec/c. We will review them in that order. Curiously enough, every one of the winners molces dresses primarily. Does this prophesy a 1982 dress renaissance that may edge sportswear into the background? John Anthony's dresses ore on artful group of one and two ports that most often wrap to the side and faalen w ith vividly-colored soshes ot or below the waist. Shown on the run- way Is his light-as-air, two-piece dress of pole- PA mRN IS A MAIN THEM£ Of THE NIPON Sl'tliNG AND SUMMfR FA&RIC STORY THE FESTIVE HAJilfQUIN AND FLOWU PRINT, SILK CULOm IS PA11l£D WITH A MATCHING ASSYMflRICAI. 8UnON A RAP CAMISOlE TOP • FROM THE ALBERT NIPON Sl'tll NG 1982 COllECTION peach, sheer wool gauze. It has the ZIP of bnght, ,ode-green suede wropp- mg the wo1st. The defrnitron for Holston '82 1s concise- casual, clean ond contem- porary. Nothing extreme. Both short and long ch1ffon-1ersey drnner dresses offer a vonety of chorces. Here rs the true mastery of controlled draprng, all burlt on a lycra panty so that nothrng "fides up." Cobalt blue, coral, buttergold and tur· quoise plus white ore the rmportont colors. Would you hove ever thought that romantiC, tender, softly dressy, could poss1bly descr~be a lcntNed dress? Never/ Unr,/ A lbert and Pearl N ipon turned their attention to knitwear. The dresses in this first col- lection, Albert Nipon Knitwear, o d1vision of Status Signatures Inc., hove such details as fag- goting, fine tucks, ruffles, lacy insertions and p ipings mode in Italy. And e very dress porous enovgh to need 1t has a georgette lin mg. ''The mob.te Ide women leod today has already mode lcnrts ind1spensoble for everyday dress1ng, ·· soid Pearl. "Albert and I l1lce the ideo of tok1ng the fashion croft one step for- word and molce o lcnrt dress rnte rchongeable w.th the prett1est, most feminine chrffon or dressy crepe dress you own " It seems only yesterday (rt was actually nrne years ogo) that A lbert and Pearl N1pon were so new on the foshron scene that some people thovght they were Japanese. In those nrne years they hove added the Albert N1pan Collectib les. a drvrsron to odd rnter- changeob/e usage to the desrgns they ore foomous for, the Albert N ipan by N1ght, usrng the lcrnd of deto1lmg seen only rn the haute couture before the Nlpon era. And now the Albert Nrpon Kn1twear for spr~ng 1962, a ll of wh~eh added up to the, be•ng voted the best of the d esrgners showrng dunng the Natrona/ Preu Week ,, New York The Nail Charmer LENNY'S hair design----... tor women and men specializing In professional noll care LIMITED OFFER SCULPTURED NAILS '30 REG S45 FILLS '15REG Sl8 2750 HARBOR BLVD., 1-B COST A MESA 557-5055 LQ ~ I :, r,, 1.000 Different Decorator Items Available from 8~ and up SH us lor tht beSt In d.lnf!',!ts. ch~s. toDies cnolrs, dalts ond nvtnv room wroups 675-0823 HAIR PIGMENT ART FRAMIII of ITALY Over 70 Vivtd Shades $25 Foil Htgtilghttng and SpeciOI Effects tnno~ Perm~'*"' SA5 ~.cut and styte Sl~ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER '5 on to new patrons HOutS Q 0 • v8$ ''Yu )0• 2333 E. Coast ., Corona del Mar oen-no Swenso"'i "' 1969 h• ,,, "' <iAt. • BON APPEI.II by hew Cottoo Our com.p&DiOD took a w .. k away from bia desk to work on hJ.a racquetbell rerve and "ltill abot,' ud then bad to atop mid· way becaUM of a eore beck. We relieved bu boredom by ooing out to lunch and dinner, and poking around in apota we 18ldom find time to viait. One rainy afternoon we atop- peel in at the Paparaui, a little reataUiant on Balboa bland, which we were amued to learn had been there for two yean. On our day, owner Irma Roberti wu both chef and aerver, handling both chorea with ease and efficiency. She explained that her waiter waa ill, and rather than close and disappoint her regular patrona, abe w.u the complete staff. The Paparu&i .. rv .. Italian cuiaine, and ateppino throuob the door one indeed f .. la that here ia a little trattoria. Bootha, under striped awninqa, line two 11des of the room, a atep up from the Ooor. Ta.bl" line the other aide and fill the center of the room. R.d cloth• are ac- cented with white napkina, lace curlain.a lend an luropean frame to the windowa, and the menu ia pr ... nted on a chalkboard. We liked the poatera of Italian citi .. on the walla and the potted palma and eoft gr .. nery u.aed for decor. I cboae an omelette, expertly JDade with thr .. eqga, and filled with aliced fresh muabrooma in a buttery sauce, attractively oar· niabed ($5.25). My companion aelected Puta Carbonara ($6.95), an e~cellent preparation with fettuccine, cream, eoo. parmeaan cb .... and fresh- cooked criap bacon. With luncheon we were aerved a basket ol fteably baked Italian bread, crusty and aromatic. Other offerringa were minestrone and aalad ($4), cb .... ravioli ($5.95), the Papa.raui aalad ($4. 75), and Fettuccine Alfredo ($5.95). AWAIID WINNING 1 New York Style _ s CHEESECAKE I'IU8.8TilA ..... y c•t:DKA~ MAKES ~EU&ANT DESSilaT ......... e-.erae .................... MR. D 'S CHEESECAKE CO. SAM'S ITALIAN DELI PIZZA a FOOD TO GO ina hurry? try our bucket of spaghetti for a QUICK & EASY DINNER We at.o 1101 HARBOR BLVD. AT 11TH ST. COSTAIIIESA 541-7122 The c:liaD.er meau, which lenda a feeliao of penunency, ia a printed one, and li8ta appetben aucb u mlneetroue JUde with tr.b v~abl .. , proectutto with melOD, &ntiputo, and &..h clam.a on the balf-ah.U or ateam- ed. Putu, which are made heab daily ou the preJDiMe, include ap&qhettl with lllMt Muce or with tr..b tomato.. and mu.b· room. ($6.75), linquine with heeh clama or aJ ,..ao ($7.50), fettuccine Alfredo or ravioli atuffed with cb .... ($7.50), and fettuccme verdi with muahroom.a and pro.ciutto at $7.95. With your puta you receive a Mlad and a basket of the deliciou. bot Italian bread. Abo on the menu are chicken with muabroom.a and wine, or "C&cciotoro" with pepperoni and tomatoea. There ia veal, and Irma \1881 only the beet white m.ilk-fed veal, piccata, JDaraala, fore.tlera, aaltimbocca or par· miotana. Pricee ranoe from $8. 7S for the chicken to $11.95-$13.95 for the veal. There ia freab fish, aca.mpi, and preparationa of eqqplant (CoatiDued OA pao-9) For your tnformal farnlly dtnlnQ' EnJOy our nc.h and nutritious soup and salad bar with fr~nch country styl~ s~ialtla and our uc~ll~nl mous.w ca.ka Tllk ............. . ~Itt Fll~ Mtif\0" wnh nc~ Tomato Supn.K Mousse au chocolat ~~~~~ or Puc.h m«lba S 7 25 mcludtnQ soup or salad and alllas.s of WI I'M Toy ,. Ll c .......... s,.cw Micny Mowc Bufi«r and da.Krt wllh coke S3 50 ·a~· t.y JOCk Bollcmd ''G~" ia one orand auaical. lt bu a eoUd atory in dealino Wltb the riM of Gypay Ro. Lee, noted atrlpper, and &t bu ODe of the be.t mualeal 8COne ever wrtttea. lt aleo hu a atrono key role that hu proved a oreal vehicle for auch atara u ltbel Merman ad ADoela Lan.- bury. It ia, in all reepecm, a abow with many demanda which malt" it a cballenglno choice for any compa.ny, particularly a dinner theater where there are technical and other limitationa. The Grand Dinner PlayboUM abould be commended for oiv· ino it a abowino at Ua Anaheim apot. The production here ia not without ita flawa. For one thing, the firat act ia lethargic, lacking in enerqy. The MCOnd act picb up more vitality, and the third act ia an improvement-eape- cially in the stdppez IC8lle and the one dealino with the con- frontation between ROM and her dauobter LoW.. The other THEATER dzawback ta the really awful musical accompanunent, w1th a combo hittino more aour notes than I have heard SUlce my ~ehool daya. JMne Byron playa Roee, the central fioure, and while ahe da. well in the aotino depart· ment, abe ia not brassy or agc;rr ... ive enouoh to make all of her aonga work. Her "Small World," a toucbino number, aomehow lacka heart, and her finalsono, "Roee'• Turn," doean't have the \UQency, the out-level frustration and despair u abe looka at her Ule and ita diaappointment.a. But the actrea bad been ill for aeveral daya and wu out of the abow. The nioht 1 saw it wu hez firat time back m the cut, ao perbapa tbia can aCQOunt for the lack of dynamjca. In the biq cut, Dawn Parrish ia quite qood u Low.., while Lee Wilaon do. what abe can with the sketchily-defined role of June. Don Dolan 11 effect&ve m a couple of ~n•. but he neecb to give Herbie JDOre warmth. Thom Keellno perlol"'D.a nimbly 1n bia eolo bit u Tulaa. The ahow-atoppera are, however, the thr .. broad ud OUIY strlppen. Cathy Suaan. Pyl• with a tqUealty voice that eound.a like mice on the looee 1a very good u Teaie, while Jan.il Lyn- Jamilon and Jeui8D Collier are ezcellent aa the other two atrip· pen. One added note: Why wu LouiM'a fint attempt at atrippinq cut off ao auddenly? One neecb to ... the tranaiormation that happena on atage between the ahy youno oid and the renown· ed GJP8Y RoM Lee. In all of the productiona I have ... n th.ia ~eene wu more detailed. It couldn't be becau.ae .omeone waa afraid of the reaction of Oranoe County, becau.ae the acene w.u never a shocker. Or could it??? Salty's HAVE YOU TR IED?? kRPIE Sltced breast of turkey. sliced tomato. sw1ss cheese and ortega c hiles on gnlled sour dough bread BASIN MARINE (It's New) Ba ham on gnlled sour dough wtth sw1ss cheese. sliced tomato. lettuce and a >pectal dressmg 2931 E Pa c1f1c Coast Hwy Corona del Mar • 67 3-<>921 6 am ·10 p m 7 days a week SAY JE TAIME For that Intimate rendezvous "Say JE T' AIME" at the Pleasant Peasant. For the French exempli- fies the true meaning of romance, and the culinary delights of fine food' The Pleasant Peasant in Newport Beach. located at MacArthur Square offers you the ambience of a French Country Inn. without the "haute" prtces The Gnn<:1er 1s proud 10 announce the seN1ng ol Fresh F1sh on Fnaay and The Pleasan1 Peasant serves unch and d1nner w11h a fine electton of domestiC and nporled wmes Saturday e'ienmgs only Ltghlly breaded and gnlled to a golden brown Only S4.45 Calllorn•a Style topped w•th a mtld Span•sh Sauce and sliced tomato and avocado Only $4.95 Newport Beech '~oo Pac•'" Coast t1wy Huntington Beach PacifiC Coast Hwy So 01 P!et We purudlv B<CilP' 8 uf A Masret "'ll~ and A mer tCCIIl E•P' ess l French Country Dining 4251 Martingale Way, Newport Beach (In Mo<:Arthur Square) T~ (714) 955-2755 It's a treat that's worth the trlpl Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fish fllaet, plus fryes. slaw & hushpupples! Shrimply delicious! (C 41: 8( &I th. Oil It• ra al re v• cc p l s.b th VC The N.wport Enaign Wednesday. March 24. 1182 Page 17 rn:~~~;;~~~~----------~~~~~~---, M~k~A~Seb (Continued hom pe~ 16) a.nd freah VttQetablea are offer- ed. For dessert there ia spumoni and Crema al Cumello made on the premiaes. The wine U.t ia a lao presented on a chalkboard, and lists ltab.n WLDN, both white a.nd red, at pric" one dollar or more above the top -rated Italian restaurants m the area. As we vtsited wtth Irma after lunch, we commented on the mUasted wme prices, and Irma confessed that she boosted them a b it "because the food is so cheap~" She also volunteered that she would con- aider reducino her wine pricea. Cuiaine at the Paparaui ia very QOO<i. EverythlnQ ia made to order, heab, and with the beat of inqredienta. Irma ia a talented cook, and her prepara- Uou are authentic. Slut will m&ke, on apeci.al order, d.iahea not on the req1.1lar menu a1.1ch u Osso Bucco and cannelloni. Open for lunch from 11 :30 a.m. 11ntil 2 p.m., and for dinner from 5:30 until 10:30 every day except Monday. Paparazzi is located at 305 Marine Avenue on Balboa Island, telephone 675-6193. Royalty On Mamers MDe On a vacation-goodwin trip to Newport Beach. Prince of M orocco Moulay Hicham (second from right ) enjoys an evening with friends at the Marrakesh Restaurant. With him, from left: Ali Rabbani, restaurateur; lance Williams, Moulay Expenence the romant1c settmg of The French Q uarter Restaurant here m Corona del Mar TI''IIS IS truly a dmmg expenenct> vou'll not want to m1ss f rench cu•smt> p re- pared bv our master (ht>t ESTAURANT ~ SUNDAY BRUNCH COCKTAILS e LUNCH AND DINNER FEATURING OUR ~ li)~ 8.4 , 2640.EAST COAST HIGHWAY ~ORONA DEl MAR Moustafa, Teresa and Sandra Will1ams. and Amid Abdelhamid. The prince IS a SCience m aJOr at Princeton University . according to the W1lhams f::tmily. P11o10 bv S•ev" C.J••I ..... Party For 50th The Muncal Art. Club of OranQe County lac. will celebrate tta 50th AD.Divenary at a qala dinner at Bullock'• Fashton Squa re lD Santa Ana on M.trch 26. Soctal hour will be at 6:30 p.m., wtth runner at 7:30. John Ratti, star of muatc a.ls, alaqe and theater wul be the quest arttst Three charter members also wtll be honored. They are Holly Vtsel, vo1ce teacher-shU teac hmg on Balboa laland, Ca rolyn Hauqhton, ptano teac her recently rehred, and Milton Foster, first club treasurer ftOWOPEft FOR Lunch & Sunday Brunch For Reservations 759-1 854 390 I EAST COAST HW'I' CORONA DEL MAR Lunch I I 30-2 00 Sun~y Brunch I I 00-2 00 A HISTORIC WATERFRONT RESTAURANT fresh LOCAL CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH CRUISES EVERY SUNDAY ABALONE Fw hsarqt-c,n 675-7522 (a .. n u lt£SEIVATIOIIS (11 4) 675-5777 3111 WAYrrrt NEWPORT BEACH (llul Ettna To li!Mislnd) EASTER AT CAMElBACK INN nvESTARS nvE DIAMONDS AND IRE AIUZONA SUN THE. ·\RIZON -\ SU N " plenttful Jnd rm ll'' \IIU '" \11 '"II' UIT'I('Ibdcl Inn dunn~ tht E.t~u·r hllltJ.n '!4'.1'"'"' Our ~peC t.ll hol1d<1'Y tvt'nh tncluJt 1 , .. mplt'll ,, ' 1 progJJm wtth d.Jtlv .JCtlvitte\ f~,, .111 J,;:e ~'"tH'' 'l ••u• l'ntul' f~mily c.1n en10Y we\tem <..ted!.. lrH JnJ ~rt•,~l..l.t't t .111 · J l'' hi-lighted b~ o ur (d~lb,.~o.l.. Countr .. (.arn \-JI )nu c.trl "'" enjOY )6 ho~S o f ch.tmp100~h1 p it<lll ll'nn,o, 1 I) •••Uih, 2 pools piU\ ntil'll)' enter u~nment ull us tod .. y dnd our rewn~.Jt10nl\h ~•II he h.tpp'f W Nndle your hohd.t~ need\ ••••• ••••• ....-t ._GOII CLW In~~~ tht world only one_ SPACIE IS AVAILAaU APAIL .. 11. 1M2 ~ ll W1. I If.,. Jl.dl U. l-tbe W'pOft £!~Up Art Polftrd••m .n by Italian artlst Lucia Fortuny If Mildred Seamster Art Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd. Call 673..()4()() for gallery hours. !luetredoMbyOCC atudent8 are included in a show focusing f)n medical art through June 6 at the Mills House Visual Arts Complex. 12732 Mam Street, Garden Grove Hours: noon-4 p.m . Wednesday through Sunday. WOI'ke by LaiTy Bell in glass sculpture. vapor drawings and furniture at the Newport Harbor An Museum. Exhibit runs through May 2 ....... Gila by fnnch wtiat Clifford Silsby on view Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamster Gallery. 3341 Newport Blvd • Newport Beach Information· 673 0400 CallfOI'nie Connectio~M: SeQamento showcases that c•tv's visual arts. along with portraits of work1ng Southern Californ•a artists by AI Belson at Laguna Beach Museum of Art through Apr•l 22 Hours· Tuesday through Sunday, 11 ·30 a m to 4:30 p m lnformauon 494-6631 First l~tion.l Shoebo• SculptuN EJ&hlbhlon through April 2S 1n Gallery B at Cal State Long Beach Admission IS free Hours: Monday through Thursday. noon to 4 p.m and 5 p .m to 8 p.m : Fr~day, noon to 4 p m .; and Sunday. 1 5 p.m Galeria Elen••s featunng monopr~nts and works on paper Gallery hours are T ues day through Thursday. 11 a m to 5 p m Fn day and Saturday 11 a m to 10 p m and Sunday 11 a m to 4 p m Gallery IS located in Cannery V•llage. 2811 V1lla Way. Newpor 1 Beach Current photographs by Oav1d Tejada on ex h•bit at the Belson Gallery. 3720 Campus Drive. Newport Beach Gallery hours· 10 a m to 7 p.m . Monday through Thursday Pttotoeraphy by Oltvte Parlier at the Susan Spiritus Gallery 3336 Via L1do 1n Newport Beach Hours 11 a.m to 5 p m Tuesday-Saturday ··•••• of alua" watercolors. o1ls col lage and sculpture are on axhibt at the Sand stone Gallery. 384-1, North Coast H1ghw.ty Laguna Beach Hours 11 a.m.-5 p m Tundays through Sun days. .... 17 a tableau created by Edwerd and Nancy Kienholz will be on ~vat the Newport Harbof Art ~ through Aptil 25. GMWy houts 11 a.m . to 5 p.m . Tuosday thtough Sundty. ··c.-na~ lmegee'' an invitational group show of 40 artists March 31 through April 23 at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, 3621 West MacArthur Blvd . Space 111. Santa Ana Aluminum aculpture by Johanna Jordan through April 24 at the Abraxas Gallery, 2815 V•lla Way, Newpon Beach. Co~ painting. from 50 issues of Orange County Illustrated March 27 through May 1 at the Museum Shop, 2754 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. All are offered for sale Gallery hours· 10:30 a.m .-5:30p.m Tuesday-Saturday Clubs Singlu T•• a Harbor area commumca!ion and soc1al network IS bemg led 7·30 p m every Monday by Kay Carvotta of the Tusun Assoc•ates for Human Development, 14742 Newport Ave .. Suite 104. Tustin Fee is $5 Newport Achiever• Toastmasters Club meets Wednesday mornmgs fr om 7 to 8.30 a m . Western Federal Savmgs, 4 Corporate Plaza Newport Beacl1 Speeches w11t be v1deo taped For .nformat•on call 675-7196 Newport Center Toastmasters meet Monday mornmgs at 7 a m . Pactftc Mutual Bu1ld1ng Fash1on Island For 1nformauon call Dr Annamar~a Balhn at 640-0838 or Mel Cretghton ar 556-1171 Irvine Complex Toastmasters meet M onday mornmqs at 7 at the Advanced Hea1111 Center. 1300 N Br~stnl lnformar•on Fr ed Holborn 549 7749 .J)leco, Country Western and Ballroom Dance Club rneets Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7 30 p ,, 2515 E Coast Hwv Corona del Mar For 111 forma~on call 494 0593 South Coat Com- munities Jewtsh Center holds Mamalil Tatala groups for en fants and toddlers and the11 mothers lnforma t•on. call Karen Schulman. 497 2070 In Tr•n.ltion •s a new group offered by Oas•s des1gned to otter gu1dance for persons recently w1dhwed Meets Thursdays 3 p m to 5 p m at th~ Center More 1nforma 11on call 494 2025 Dancera -attention I Tea Dances Cancer ts are bemg offered by 1 he Turtle Rock Communuy Center throughout the spnng at 4 30 p m Sundays. Admtss•on IS $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information. cell 754-3643 The Orange County ~-of Sc11pps College Alumnae AssocietiOf) has formed a profMSional alhancc of wortung lumnae The network meots 11:30 a.m . on alter· nattng Fridays, at tho home of Hiroko Ogar • 1014 Mariner'• Onve, New~ 8each For In· ·~ion. CIA ()gl•• It 162·2197 c. a.bafa Staw.n. 546-5464 Adventure wtth tM Bible scripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p m . at the Newport Balboa Sav1ngs Com- munity Room. Westchff Plaza 1n Newport Beach Call 493-0295 for days and mformat•on Newport HUla G•rden Club meets 10 am Thursday, Apnl 15 at Clubhouse 1 In- formation, call Mrs. Horn, 640-5150 or Mrs. Todd. 644·6929. Heritage Quilt Club of Newport Beach to meet 7 p.m . Saturday, March 27 at the Sheraton Newport for dinner and guest speaker author Jinny Beyer. Cost is $17. for reservations call 640-2585. The Col. WIUiam Cabell Ch8pter of Daughters of the American Revolut•on are to meet noon Wednesday. March 24 at Glendale Federal Sav •ngs, 100 Newport Center Dnve Guest speaker w•ll be Carl W•lcox of the Cahforma Department of Fish and Game who w•ll speak about conservation pro grams for Upper Newport Bay Irvine SeniCH Center 1nv1tes Duplicate Br~dge players to brmg the~r favonte partners every Wednesday fr om 12 15 3·30 p m for a11 excttlng afternoon at the Sen•or Center, 3 Sandburg, lrvme Canter Club Single• m"t 5 p m Saturday, March 27 at Advanced Health Center . 1300 Brtstol Street North, Newport Beach Ann Mar un w1ll lead a diSCUSSIOn entitled "Getting Back tn the Ma•nstream " S1ngles of all ages are welcome Adm1ssion charye of $3 •ncludes refreshments Irvine Garden Club w1ll meet 10 am Wednesday March 24 at Lloyd's Nurser~es. 2038 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa A lecture on ferns and afr~can v•olets w1ll be featured Guests are welcome In format•on Lore11a Hasungs 552 8126 Or•nge County Engineer' • Club w1ll hold a dmner meet•ng 6 30 p m Thursday. March 25 at The Velvet Turtle. 59 Fash1on Island on Newpor 1 Center Dnve. Newport Beach Reservat1ons are $12. call 546 3468 Newport a.-ch Chapter of Hect.ea•h busmess and prates s•onal group will be brunch1ng 10 30 a m Sunday, March 28 dt V1lla Warner Recreat1011 Center. 6600 Warne• Avenue •n Huntington Beach Reservations Barbara Gordon 8427249 Ne~omet• Club of Newpon a..ch w111 meet for a pot luck salad lunchoon 10 a rn Wednesday, March 31 Call 760 9787 or 646-4996 for turther In formation nd locat.on . .......... Meets Tuesdays. 7:30 to 9·30 p.m. at Presbyt nan Church of the Cove· nant, Fttrview Road, ~·Mesa. Aflvone who enJoyl amgmg and c.n t:IJff'V • tune miiY jOin. Further •nforma- tion, cillt ~ •• ~2733 Of 54& 1880 or p .. *-8119 " ............ . c ............... on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. for a fun-fined day of Pinnocle. On Friday at 10 a.m. they play shuf- fleboard. Mettings are held at the Zonta Building, located at 15th and Irvine Avenue in Newport Beach. Freecttl•en•a..._ at the Newport Beach Public Ubrary. Newport Center Branch,-866 San Clemente Drive. 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In- formation, ~2246. Features will include: March 30: "Run, Ap- palossa, Run"; April 6: "The White Seal". "The Witch Who Was Afraid Of Witches", and "Wizard of Speed and Time"; April 6: "Storm Boy" and scenes from "Superman"; April20: "Best Horse" and "The Little Prince". OrangeCo..tCol- ~ege·. Setur-cMy Evening Film Series begins Saturday, Feb. 20 in OCC's Forum. Series tickets are $15, available in the Ticket Office. TICkets are $2. All movies start at 7:30 p.m. Films include: "Jane Eyre". March 27; "The Robe", April 3; ''The Sound Of Music". April 17; "My Fair Lady", Aptil 24; "Camelot", May 1. ~UIM Trawl Sa..,... at Firstworld Travel Agen· cy in Corona del Mar. 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 31 . "Cru~ of the World" is this mon- th's topic. Wine and cheese will be served. Free. but phone 673-7930 for reserva- tions. G ...... tg Workehopeerebelng oH...S by Sherman Library and Gardens. 2647 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. 673-2261. Indoor Plant Care. 9:30a.m. Wednesday, March 24. Preregistra- tion required, fee $12. Tlme~ lecture to be held 10 a m. Wednesday. March 24 at the Women's Opportunities Center in Irvine Town Center on Campus Drive. More informa t•on: 833-7128. "Egypt. the w .. t ...... end the P .... tlnl ..... dinner lecture by Or. Amnon Cohe11, sponsored by the World Affairs Coun· cil of Orange County. 7:30p.m. Thursday, March 25 at the Sheraton Newport. Tickets are $14.50 each. Information: 835-2564 Newlnatl.,._oa ............... ......... o. ...... ..... lecture by author Joseph CI'Miton Pearco 9 am 5:30 p:m. Sun- day, April 4 in UCI's Social Scl8nCe Halt. Br tng a sack lunct\1 Coat Is •10, c.ll Wendy Milette, IS7-52JJ7 f01 further Information AV~flffleN ...... c ........ baing offered by OCC. lnfori'Ntion on eny courte il 566-518). They tnclude: _.......,..~ SoUrte: 11 ~ from April 1·1 t. Cole il ... 1 -~: 21 ~from Jufy ).23. C:C.t il t2,D.~ ... ... ~14 -~-..Ana of Eur~; 33 ... frOm June 26 to Juty 28. Cost is t2.987. -Uterary England and Ireland; June Z7 through July 17. Cost is $2,099. registration deadline is May 14. -Photography in Mex· ico; nine days from April 3-11 . Cost is $1,<.s, registration deadline is March t . -South of France; five weeks. tram July 12 through August 16. Cost is $2,515, registra- tion deadline is Apnl 1. ••~tolflne-The Integration of Human Structure," by R. Grant Powers, certified ratter, Wednesday. March 24. 7 p.m .• 488 E. 17th St .• Suite 221 . Costa Mesa. Information and reservations call ~7661 . c--.. C..........vty Cohge, 1963-al11. ext. 2561 . is offering several workshops and lectures at several locations. including: Weck111day, M.ch 24 -"Hardanger Sampler". Donna Friebertshauser is lec- turer on this skill of Norwegian needlework. Two-part series starts 6:30p.m . Wednesdays, March 24 and 31. at Finley Learning Center in Westminster. Registration fee of $15 includes materials. ...... ,.March27 -"Expressing Yourself Through the language of Clothes". women's lecture lead by Betty Nethery. 9 a.m .· 5 p .m . at the Airporter Inn in Newport Beach. Registration fee of $45 includes an individual color palene and lunch. -"Risk Taking and Ef· fective Decision Mak· ing", Or. lee Gardenswartz and Or. Anita Rowe. workshop coordinators. 8:30 a m. to 3:30p.m. at Mesa Verde learning Center Fee is $15. -"Increasing the Treasures of Your Mmd: A Holistic Approach" Rita Uniman. lecturer 9 a .m .-4 p.m. at Robin- wood Learning Center in Huntington Beach. Registration fee is $20 -'Chfnese Brush Pain- ting on Fabric". Brenda Conner. Marlene Sturte· vant and Lorraine Love- joy, instructors. A three-part series, 9 a.m.-3 p .m. First class meets at Mesa Verde Learning Center in Costa Mesa. second meets May 1 at Robin wood Learning Center in Huntington Beach. and third meets May 15 ~~gain at Mesa Verde Registration fee for each is tlO Chrtlt'• ......... PtllllnCe a htcture by Deborah Hedin 8 p m Thursday. Ma.rch 25 at the Church of Christ. Scientist, 3100 PacifiC VtaW Ofrve 1n Corona def Mar lhiADnel Art. Peet _.Pnnnt byOr WiMiam Otton 1:30 p.m . Tuesday. Merch 23 at the Lagune Beach MuMum of M . 'XJ7 Cliff Drive. Information: P•t Atha, -.03319. Lectureeend wCM'tl8hope at Orange Coast College this week include: Thuradey. March 26 -"Reduce Stress. Relieve Tension and Learn to Relax"; Bob Banka. lecturer. 7 p.m . in Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission is $5. Fridey. March 28 -"The Stellar Thread" planetarium program; runs Friday nights. 7-8:30 p.m. at the OCC Planetarium. Admission is $1 .50. adults; $1 children under 12. Seating is limited. -"The Ultimate Experience" two-part lecture series focusing on death and dying by Mary Lee Lynch. lecturer. 7:30p.m. in Science Building. Room 146. Admission is $4, $6 for series. -"Tax Sheltered Investments"; Frank G. Gilliland. lecturer. 7:30 p.m . in Science Lecture Hall 1. Admission is $4. -"The Life of Jesus Through the Artists Eyes", lecture by OCC religious studies professor Eugene H. Moore. 7:30 p.m . in Chemistry Building Room 214. Admission is $4. -"Get People To Do What You Want Them To Because They Want To"; Or . Robert B. Smith, lecturer. 7:30 p.m. in Fine Arts 119 Admission is $4. -"Sexuality--An Issue for Singles"; Alyn Bartick. lecturer. 7 p.m . in Chemistry Building Room 110. Admission $5. s.-.uy. Mawch 27 -"Residential Remodeling and Alterations"; independent architects Boris Marks and Stanley Goldin, lecturers. 9 a.m. in Fine Arts 116. Admision $6. -"Creative Financing With a Financial Calculator--HP 38 EC or HP 92"; Richard Lombardi, lecturer. 9 a.m . in Science Lecture Hall 1 AdmlSSion is $20 . seminar 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 24 in OCC's Consumer Resource Center. Guest lecturer will be Michael Phinney of the Fair Housing Council. Miscellany_ AnoNJ~I.a NMvoa and Associated Disorders of Orange County is holding a self- help group Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m . at the Mariners Lrbrary in Newport Beach. The free setf-help therapy group is dedicated to helping persons with eating disorders. Cooking c ...... offeNd by F...-o'e 2919 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, (673-2343), include: Moroccan Dtnner. Kay Pastorius. instructor. 1 t a.m. Friday, March 26. Fee~ $20. A ........ E.poend .... Dorothy Emerson and Don Nolan present this extraordinary sale 1-10 p.m . Thursday through Saturday. March 25-27 and Sun- day March 28 in the Commerce Building at Orange County Fairgrounds 1n Costa Mesa. Admission is $2.50. All gate proceeds Friday go to the Children's Home Socie- ty. wrttw•• Dey 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at OCC Fine Arts 119. Registra- tion is $25. including luncheon. Coordinators include Dr. Pat Kubis. Bob Howland. leland Cooley. Barbara Con klin, Bernice McGeehan, Maxine O'Callaghan, Evelyn Grippo and Bill Darnall. Information: 566-5880 8quareDancen Wentadt Costa Mesa Senior Citizen's Square Dance Club meets every Thursday morning at 11 a.m. at the Downtown Neighborhood Com- munity Center. 1860 Anaheim. Costa Mesa. Call 545-5669 SenMtlonel T- Dences at Oasis Sen1or Center. 800 Marguerite Avenue. Corona del Mar, 2 p.m. second Sunday of every month Donation is $2. 14th Annual OCC Jaa featlwal features 36 college, high school. juniot high and elemen- tary school bands March 25-Z7 1n OCC's Auditorium. Advance seats cost $8 each. or $9 at the door every eventng. Ticket package for all three big band performance nights rs available for $21 . Com- petitions. 9 a.m.-5 p m. Thursday. 8:30 a.m.·5 p.m. Friday, and 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. are free. Ticket informa tion: 566-5627 Piano rechal by Rodget WNteen at Yamaha Music Educa- tion CenttM, 16466 Jef- DtNNER S~CIALS Monday-Stuffed pc)ftc chop •s Tundev-Leugoa, Iliad. gartk breed M.96 frey Road in Irvine, 8 p .m . Saturday, March 27. ............ J ..... ' featuring The Osborne Brothers, The Reef World String Band and Transatlantic Bluegrass. 8 p.m . Sunday, March 28 at the OCC Auditorium. Reserved seats are $8.50. $7.50 and $6.50. Call 566-5627. Irvine Symphony C. c:t.e.tra in a free con- cert 2 p.m. Sunday. March 28 at the Turtle Rock Community Center. Dutch Sopnno Elty Am••• will appear with the Los Angekls Chamber Orchestra 7 p .m . Sunday, March 28 at UCI's Fine Arts Con- cert Hall. Ttekets are $10.50 general admis- sion. $4 UCI students and $7.50 for other students and seniors. Information: 833-6379. Malcolm HuH piano soloist with the usc Symphony Orchestra will hold a recital 4 p.m . Sunday, March 28 in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission is free. .. ,.... ....., •• The ~·· by Ferenc Molnar. on the South Coast Repertory Mainstage, 8 p.m. Tuesday through Satur· day, 7:30p.m. Sundays and weekend matinees at 2:30p.m . Ttekets are $15-$10. SCR Box Of· free: 967-4033. "The ..,_, y.., Itch" by George Ax· elrod 8:30 p.m . Friday and Saturday at Westminster Commun•- ty Theatre, 1m. Maple Street. Westminster. General admission $4. special rates fOf seniors and groups. Reserva- tions: 996-4113. "A Olllc:eta aalance•• by Edward Albee is being presented by the lrv1ne Convnunity Theater. at Turtle Rock. Communty Park, through March 6. Reservations: 754-3543 Information: '!:fil-7291 "Dtwlalon ...... by Steve T esich opens 8 p .m . Friday, March 19 and will run Tuesdays through Saturdays through April 10 at Laguna Moulton Com- munity Ptayhouse. 606 laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Sunday matinees witt be presented at 2:30 p.m March 21 and April 4. r~ekets are $8 and $9. lnformaihw; 494-0743 Wedneedav-)i Fried dlicken, cole l&aw, french tne. M.25 Thursday-Speghent-ell you cen eat. gat" We breed, salad $3.60 Friday-~ime f'i) .. 16 ~fried filh. coae .a.w. ca.m chowdef t3.86 Satuday-Prime rib .. I& ~ Olb c... *4.86 Sundly-Prtme rl» .._16 R.t Snlppilr t5.16 Onnen lt'dudiiOUt ....... d'OCe of~ 01 ra ~VlMif!frY~­ Comp/imenlfi/Y YOUI Chotce~te nlOOUe Of 8fNd PuddielQ wnh V -Saute OtN~A&•tPM fAIANOSAT'lll '0 O.Ukltr., a...dl. IJIIIMr • • AJ 111 n ICl 51 M1 Ct [)( ... .... ... Me s.. ... H• H No ol c.. Tu '" ... 0,. ..... . ' ... th~ on Co J... I "' ' ' i"' """ .... •h· .... tho oq II • Mol '), Ill .., s.;, .,_ . ... ... • Gt. ,_. 1&J .. IV'S II& . .. ~~ .. ..... H., ~-· .. .... .... ···~ .... t.-. .. .... .I'd .. o~ •1". ... I I s ~ ... , •Ill . t .... . c ..,,, s.; ·-.... 0....0 s •• ..... .... s o.. s... .... c ... ~· P.•l $ o. .. ..... .... .... o.., ..... -•• I .. 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P .. t. •" MA T~• N••"' , [ " f 1&<'>4• 14 Jl PUIUCNOTIC£ ncnnous 11151Ht:SS IIAMt STATDU:IfT ft\• I .,~.,.,.~ ~non d •« I ........... • OOWII TO lAIITH LAWN & G AIID£11 S["VICl 1H~ w .... 1.t"., c ... w .... CA uo.n W•ch••' IC "''•"• ~ w •• ,"' ll•••• c~·•• w ... 1." 12611 Th,._ bwt.~J•.,., '" u.Jwc t.,.J b• .,, ·n dtv•d\i•• Su~nfld N•""••l k W•11 Tbtt "l•t•m•r.t ••• lu.o ,.,,., "'" C .. uut' Cl•r• I '.Jt•t,oJtl .., .. n'• 1461 ., l 'litlJ P"blt•.b M ... , ll Th• Ne.,.JJo ,. [ .,_,, r us•s.~ PUIUC NOTICt ncnnous 1usucas NAN.£ S T A TlliUJIT fl'l• t"l 'lfltUol fM'• n j •f.l .1 V IDlO t V tNT PA DUI.."TIUNS b VIDEO HUUUAY PAOOUCTI< NS H~l l•Q·.Jr• H .1. CA -i4.t>SJ Gt•ren [)-r.r• <.. r•c. L44 tl L.,' C A ~"'~" f •. ed ....... n•r C .,, f Ou ;• C uA,. .... s . ~ PUIUCNOTICl: f1CTITIOU$ I U$111t.SS IIAN.E STATDtDIT ~. r-... •. • ~ ~, •. , J ,. ~ t~..; •• o.._ • SUftfl>VG •!t• t N••J.'(._ n 81vd .... .,...,, ... h C A ~N I W 1••rT: :i.en 1"' .n-. :N-4~ Sh P.u N D I• ,, • -A. \f -<\ Th .-.,w•lt+•U " ( r J .. 1.,.j l 't en :1 •• dw• !'•oJf,~ I W llt~f't ( • T••~o~ff Tha •••••m•r.~ ""•• ta.~i "'•I" th• c· ..... \' <· .... r~ .,.I,IJI C H 1'f' M~tr " ...... . Publ,,t, M•• T~,-~·-~I,, [,.,1·11 f ,~ .......... /4 • PUIUC MOTICt ncnn ous ausUtas ltAWI: ST A TDIDfT fn• ' • n.;a p.e-1., •a ••• J ·I t-• • , 8 R EHTEIIPAIS£5 II I C r; ••·~ P u• ""'·•• ~ N•"""'" ,, a.. h A .j~....,.. "A w~•l ! "r-q l.Jt,O• a.. h CA 'IJt>'' •"' f4 L. •• l C •s.-or•·• P ..... ,..,,, , a.. ~ CA .,.lfwti() J (." tt , ••• ,~ ... A 1./tolr( c tpc..,•·• .... b .A to ... •h w. e.d t' "•tl. I '''~ ,.,. "'t •I .. ~ .. ~ '4• •• ' t ,, '-4 .. .. 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N••r. ,, £r.,.q 0 IJ ... ;-48.2 ,, PUIUCNOnct: nCTITIOut IUSDCESS NAME IT A 1'I:IIEWT T"-• lytlvwtaq ~rtOG \A detoQ t ".,Q-. •• IC LEE.N JUT1 POOL SUi VICE 4.ot.. C hOAael Sc M.wport loo i1 C A 9~ WJh•• r P.U. l1 44J6 Cllona•l S. ll••port a...: h CA Tlt.u U\l••t•M t •• oodw("ted by e n 1n t.v,J ual Sup1.q W•ll••• r Pelt. It Th~t •••1•m•n• ••• llled wuft th• Cu.of•'" Cl•t~ wt OaaAo• C"'uoty on .... , ~ -Jil4.] F~t~~·•b t-cer t o7 L4 Jj 1981 irt T._. N••P.. r' [n•t..,r f 114!.4 ruauc 1t0nct ncnnous auSI..IIas IIAME STA TDUlfT rn. I I .... ~ ~rei:ID dc ... nq D•o•o-•• II"OWNOIG MO 2 LTll ~ { y ,.,..... w ~ 900 O,u ,q• A C;.Jti&l R ... be•t l n.c-. o.,., 5o" C ,,. p._,~·•• ~ No ~ Oru .<J• ':A ~~ f.h.t DY\•t'... • odwt..1.d b• •t. • ; .... Cl~• S.qnecS ,...,bert l 1\teh oqer Th,, ...... ,..r;' ••• tv...s ••'ft a. C wr•'" Cl4H ,..1 C e.na-• C ~o~at,• a P l.lu•h w., I H•• N•wJ:" t• Lu .Jr F1114'>4!< l 4 NE91J rUIUCNOnc:E nCTIT10us ausuass IC.UU: ITA TtXDn Th• toll ••nq po<~noL ciot.rJQ bw"'"' n S'T AIIDilEWS 812 LTD ~ c,,,. P.r.-.., W No 90(.1 O••ntJ• CA :il'f.t68 ll'c.b4tt l n trt n·J•' ~ C t~ P••k._. • ., W N 900 '")•an~• C" A lJ.lb{,B t• 'I bu•1n ..... •• ·c;·Dd"'-c •«< b't •• r. a .... ~\t.el S'"".O R,,o.,, l fhrJ.nqer Ttt," •••t•m•nt ... , hied .. nt~ •he .... wf"' Cle t\ 't 1 •r•n~· Cowr<~'f ..._,, ..... ~ 1'<11. P ... bu.•f'\ w., ,&.: "" .24 J. ,961 •n rt-~• ftl•wp... ~' [n··~,. f 1!4'>4~ r.uauc MOTICt 'MSm:ll flCTTTIOVS IUSIJIESS II.UU: STA TDIOIT f-.,• I ,, •••Q ~noo 1· '" .J ~ ... o-, IIIW PLAHT DESIGN tl1 Oc ~· Hw,. s,.,. J ... u :. C •pu•r•, C A i161' C h••l•• IIIIIC~ri W r • ..J.,di \ 1"0. C 11\j• \..ar:t•rn Oa ••, , C A Q:l'&l9 f)\ • Cw••O.-• "'OIHh.ttecl b' •C. 1\ 1, .s ..... S ~lt.,;t R ll.etdi W r~euJ :t~ • , •'•"'* ••t I .,.S w tt. ... c~r.-o,~a ... ( ~n.· .. "t. .... .. p '·~·"' MAt ... I. A'"' *"• T~ '••J""< • ["' ,.. .. <411b .. ruauc NOTICE f1CT1110US I OSIJII:SS N.UU: STA TDUlfT .., C.J PWf.C I ;\. ... ~ P£R14AI"I'PID !PillllltA ""'~ r 4l••" r.u.,. .... • "":.... .. l .......... , "i .. 1 r •• ,... t t iiJ• •• I r t tt fl• I' PVIUC NOTICE 11CTITIOUS IUSlMI:SS IlANE STATDIDI'T P• .... "<'SliCAR.f "'t ....... , ' ' "'••l • ·~""""' Jot ...,. R :"r"• ;.( .. , ' "·· _, -.1 • _ ....... " ~· . 'U I LIC NO TICL ncnnous 1usuass ltAMt STATDff:N'T , ........ ,, ''H ~k All £1o4.Stlv \.1· -· ~ ... , &. ... ~·. "4· j ... .,, ~ J .. , t: J. ' ... tt ..... "" • h ... . ,. "• ru1uc NOTlCl n~;TITIOUS IU~IIESS NAN[ STATDIOfT ,, .... r ••... ••• i ""'" " ... ;""" .. f'\'1(\~ ••JJ• (\ ... " ' \lit 4'1' • " ,_, k ' t. C A" ..;.t .t ..... t"" .. ~ 'J -· w •• , .... ... , . ... . ... . ... ...... .) ... '. •"l PVII.IC NOTIC1 ncnnous IUSOIESS IIIAMl IT A TIDCOIT l"'• '"'''•'"'' ~"""" • J~)l·u t ....... .., f I C PMOTOGIIAI't41 1 1••• ... A.. M.wpo<t -....~ \A ~"*' f•l•t·• 1 ('o,..-• 1711 lovtfJO A.o N•"'>>rt a...~ C A ~ TiltH ltV"'"** " e.Nwcted lt't •tt 11\ • •• .dv•l t.qft.d ,.,,.,. f r.,flll.,.... ftu• •••••..,..IJit •M hlead w'th •h• ~,.,., c-.,, .. (')t.,_\). c .... ,_, ... ~~ .. .... 19 ·~ P,l>l•lt Moo l• 11 Apt 14 I ill).~ T!.. ... .....,,I la ... • ,, \41 NOlO PVaur: mnca ~rmo..­ IIIIUaltA.,...., r~oo ..n..-.--..._. ....... _... a.... 1101 w..._ .... ~~c. ~ ....... _ ........... 41) • lw "-'e o....-. CA '*1 t........ 4G I ~ .._.O....O,C• 1 n..-..-.~ ... ...... ,._...,. .... ,_ .............. "---............... e ' .. o.-c..,o, • I , n, 24 ,, ,_ , ._ • PU.UC JIOT'ICI ncnnous IUIDIDI MJm ITATDUIIT The loUowlDoQ ~,._.. ••• ck.u'l~ -.. PACinC IIUAl~ IX Corwoa C10ct. S..to Aao CA '11104 ,.,,..ell lvQ•.. Ho•.tl '.lO Cor-..r C11clo Saa10 Aa• CA ~211>4 .... s~a r...-.u. 6.Zl CColr•t• c.,(,. Saato Aao CA 'U7IM T"-bttaalll.. oe vrodl6.e1ed b-Y q.o.et.W ,.,...., ... ., S.,...d Af ioe lll '-*"" n... .., .... , ... tu.d ., • ._ ... Co..._.,,. c .. ,, ot Or••o-Cowa•, '" .... 5 1982 P..w..io "'-• ,c 17 14 J JWJ r r ... N.wpc.,. &a..~a 11845511 III.IU( I'IIILIC .One% rrcnnous IUSDlESS MAMZ ITA TDCDfT Tu lollo...ao peAC>o ci..OAQ boo--., S G IC R.L\LTORS .001 w ... erlw P'le.c. Nc.. 1 I 7 H•w~r a-c. CA 'UettO Sil.,..h Gv~• Mohr bOl L.ac:k P•t• D•••• 5 A N••PVtt ....., .. CA9&J Tlu. b"'•lA-'-' ndw~.d b,-•.o tD daw~w .. l S~oed Sho~h Gw''' W•hr 11hl .......... _.... tu.d 'W\tb It\• Couafv Ct.ril 11 (Jieno• C(lunt., ,,. N.o1 4 1\lel Pwblu l! N.oo 'v II l 4 )I l'lel on Tbe H•wpor• l.nttQn rLIIM()(, PU•uc NOTICE f1CT1110US IUSIKI:S$ II.UU: S T A TDCZ:JfT f b• toU 'WIDQ J,)ef1t00 dOHH.t b..,,._~ GIIOUPS ONLY 1821> S.r cu.......! Lon• II""'P"'' .....,. CA ~2660 la. N Ar ... trvto~ .~ S,.,. d4.1.-vocs t......o. ,.. ... PQI' S..t. t: A 'ill66C Tl\..a thl~n..-•• ..,.r.d-.KI-.d bt •11 a d••.d~• S·~o.d lt •• W At .. r"r.Q r~.. .... ••••• 'Q, • .,. t.~ect • .,, h• c oo~•IY C'-tl "'-' Or·r;~ C Uftl, w.. •. ,.., ..... bl...a. w.. 17 •• Jl ... ' Th• ~·-• f..u,~, r .... 1't H[~ PUIUCMOnct ... ., F1CTTT10US IWSIJII:SS IIAMI STA TDa:IIT !h. kollowla<Q ~·a.:ta• •r• ~ •• l b ... ,._ •• CIIOW YWCA N-4, f , Av• l.t-vLD• CA Q'?L4 O..r..••d l R~U ; 7'941 '•k"b A•• h'f't.Ae <.:. • Y27 i4 O.~od loWt. ~ P,. P~ S.. o._ CA ~liOII ltorloo 'rv• J805 Streljo rd Dell. T.&., ~ Wd loaold W.JI,o.ao 4004 l u I• l o.u.. r •••• 7'5005 ta-l c ..... , .. r 911.. 14<-r •• .a Data-r .... 7'Ul. T'b ... D\.11\D._ ..... ._.nd'"'Cf.d bv • ""' •• ~·r o•nh•~ S~c;anrd 0 ••ld f R.._u ft\.t t1et•••nt t.t~ • 1; Cown.t~ CL-(• I Ora ~ C • ' '•t. 1.2 l'IIJ P>ol.IW. N.or .~ .4 n .. llflOJ>C>r1 W ·\IO r .~1561 ' PVlUC IIOTICl. IGI.IIM F1CTTT10US IW'IUIESS KAME IT ATIKDfT n... "" w·~ ~,..... .,. ~ ~"'"" D ...... -.. CIIOW IC.ICltll .. S0M • ]941 f ttclll LYW• CA. IQ714 K•t~r: Cto• lMIS S4•ettord O.U.. T•• ... TS20S 1 w~ r-.oo~ w .ll.uu 4004 (.cw 0..... To.-~ ~.c .. C P••r 'f419 Wla ·.a~,. t ..... "'"5.2.~ ~&.d s .. ~,~ Oc-•1•t ..........,. CA ~ ""--"-''-.~. '·'C'' s. .... 6n• c.~ .• r .... b.. .. .. _. edvct..., b, • ... .. :,: ... r-.,.,.,..s;: S~a.d D-1\e-.d Sw•t !'h _. -.~••e ft .-d ... '1\ l. "'"'' Cl•rt ! Ou <J• f•D J.1 •~ I< J, ""· ruiiiJC IIOnct ..... ., f1CTTTIOUI IOIIJIE$!> K.UUITATDU.IIT Tt • t.olktw••q ..,..., .. I ..s...,, ,f h•• •••• IIITlRN AliU~AI UtPLOYU S CO 0~ '•" N••pOtt M••poor1 e.. · ( A 4Jf1H Reber' ••••• 0-.~tt•l .s~ f'•t• "'•"'~'' "••~• a. • .._ A •lt--H r~ .. -. ..... ,..., , ; _, b' • J ••dw•l S lc;•~ " L• ••• • [).,", .. r ........ ·~··· • ...,, Cowo"w C ••• ... a.,.. fol "' ... P .... rth•t Me .-. .. ' n,. N"•WJA;I ~. I F1&J'~ -~-.. PVIUC NOTIC£ ncnnous IUSlNtss llAJU ST A TDCDfT Tt • k.Jk. • aq ~>""'..., , ..... ,,.... .. AWfRK AJrli SUIVICiS .,.o ,.. .. , ""·•• w ... r A "•"• t I• J ~AP.I•AMI. !< .. .... ' l UoQ '" 2Ci.l4 t.. ..... 6-.A .. ( .,, .. W.u 1...A "uttn A ,,.. ~. 1• w ..... L,.,,. •'• .... • ~ ., .. 1 Thu hw"•'•••• ,.t 1 I I•\ J•,•••• r •••r •uh ~ S P'•• J•l ~ ,, J ~ , rf\•• l•t.,..,.,, 1 I,._ I .. f1 h•· c.: '-l!h c tilt • ~~ .... • iH. p t , ..... , y, ....... , F ..,..,.. •4~ -.• r •• PUIUCNOTICI NS ..... ncnnou-; l t•c;,,. ~ IV.)CLSTAn MI" . .. MtS•A' JIA'<l BAll ... f •t• "•·• r '• A ,~ k C•f ~ ••• ... ... ,...... J ,UIUC MOTICf NS ••• ) n CTTTlOUlo I U51M '>~ !I"M£Sl ~1'f "''' • I ........ v " , ,. NAr ........ . .. bV'-".--~( C'OWM\JN O•'''""' IV il-...... • . ,.. ,., p .t .. , ... . l !\. tlrf ... , .. .... • J:t·~ " .... .......... •\H I< to WH to.::, 1l W H II.~ .'b .'\o EE "" '>;'\\ffll.<; .. - .. U\.A "f CLASS .. II . \J{>o'< 6 WHII.:> IJ \\HI\<.. "'\1\HI\~ '>.'Wf!ll.<., I \\H II. 1\''•H '~ li \\Ff ll.~ Classified .. • I. .... Just comput• your 0 '11111"0 and dtop lt ln 1he m o t I I f.l tl7) (24) (2/1 ClO) (l)) (l6) '-"-• ., c-.c• •• \ Ot .,._ ..._ eot "'., YIIA.. r..-... ,..a,.,..... '"-..... ...... ,...... c., ' • ·' l ' ' i ' . t I • . .......................... , ................... _ ...... ~ .......... ., .......... n-•·~&Mkro PVIUC IIOTia ncnnooa.-:u U..ITA,._., n. ..--... ,.._ ......... .,__ • II} OUIU ClCAUI"rrUI LDIIOUSDII IDVtCI Ill THa COM PA.Jn ~-el I&AI. ISTAlt IJWO'.... IIIMCil 4) OL'I'Wfte UMOC-IU'Ia •I MOIITV.UY L.IMOI-aaVJCI :mo1 t.. v-.. -v-..CA .. I ~c ~. ZZ7VI t.. v-. a.-v,.,. c ... , nw. -.,._ ,. c--..d "' .. .a 41•~ ..._.. O....e.IM C Gillord n.. .;.~ -li!.d .... , ... c-., o..• o4 Or._ co...... ... 1UJ II,IIU ~ ...., 24 ll Apr 7 14 Ita .. TM JC....,n "'-oa , li!IOll II IIIIJ PQIUC 11011CZ ncnnc>GI-.... ITAYI:MDI't TM lollow~ .,.,_ ate ...,_ """•"• •• ll &. SAil 10$1 AS:IOCIATIS. +ItO Yoe ~laT- A•• "-'""' a..c1o CA t2MO !loll s.. 1-A.eeoc .. -• c.~aoo ... 94'-•"' .,.rt_r..,op . ...0 Yoa &.,_. A•• II-•• a..ch. CA I2MO. Ll' HO Z. • c.wo .... 1 .. ,..., .,.,,_, ..,,p It Corpor•,. Piau ~rt a..ch. CAII:IMO Tb ~t ... JMM • coodveMd ..., • -el .,.rt•••""•P 51Qned Tl-lo) L S.reder T"llt.a. ........ , .... ....... ..... lh,. c.....,,, CJ.r• ui Or•-c.,..aty oa IUJ It IIU ....W_. W..r 74 )I Apt 7 14 I til i• Tlw "•"'JN''la•wa• "eM1 •EMil I'U IUC IIOTICE nc:nnoua IUSUIDI IIAN:Z ITA 1"DDDT TN k.llow~ .,.,...,.. are do•ag ,.....,_ .. UAIIS CUSTOW P1I.UC DIGISIAIIS WETAL I'K:lWIGS. ll22 c..,.... o,.,... No 123. ,. .. _.. IMcll CA ~ P .. ocoet laM Lkl • C•Wo•e... corp )12:2 c..,..,.. o,., .. llo II) lle,.puro a..c1o CA UMO ~ ht.~ .. • OAdvc-.d bt • "0• ,...,..._ S......., I L '-dae. ,., lcoe.t W... Lt4 S.Cr~ryt"fr ..... ,., ~.. tWt .... , .... ...... ..ta tho. Co.•tr Cl.ra .I O.u9t Co.-•ty ~• , __ 17 IIU ,_~ W.• J 10 I) /4 lii.J ,o TN......,.. .. ln .... rt13217 IC[Ij()J PUIUC MOnet ncnt10t.i IUSIJfDI liANLSI.. ..liT Ta.. fou.. •• ~ • .,. , J '-'~••••u •• Wt I\ • ,. : It H OISIQJI AUOCIA- Sf ,.., .. )l)i ..... led II H .. u; N•wport a.. a f}t,c, .-. .,., :... •• lOO Cat • N ...... .,.. tf ... CA 'll'V 41111!1 •• • .. ~ ••• Ill H• ra.. .. 4ld • •h '"• Cvwat1 Cl••• t Vr.••J.e Co""'' .;r hi> 36 1111.2 l'vbltalo Met J IU 1/ 14 .'16.< ,, n. Hewpon la.olqn , lllo404S M 1M2 PV.UC:aona nc:nnow IUio&ll.IU ...... IT&l"DDDT TM ...u-.... -••• "-b-.. CC»>TUtJ:NTAl I'HOTO ln ...... , .......... o. .............. a..ca CA --.J 0...... O.wod Cna ......... 1101 a.-· "~• c-. .._ CA ~ c.,, 0 C&o.. U &.co .... .,,.... '-ch CA GMI n... ...._ .. <-..ctect by • ··-·.J ............... Soq.~ o. .. .. O.•Mf Cwn•iaqh•• T\.u ........ ••• hl.d -·•h th• Couaty Cl.tt of Oteaq• Co"-"'"' P•l> lt JIU I'Wobtll .... ' 10 17 14 j (j8) •• PlmJCNOnct NS-aMI NOTICE OF DEATH OF LA W'llDCE E. GAETA AltD OF PE11TIOM TO ADIIIJOST'ER ESTATI: NO. AI lUll To aU hetn, benefic••""· crec:htora, conllnQent c redit on , •nd pert10na who may be otberwi.M tnter .. ted an the will or Nl•t• ol Lawrence E Geet•. decedent A pehbon b.u b..n t.led by Lou.. T G..eta ID the Supeuor Court ol O r&nQe County requ .. ttnQ that lo111a T G.et• be •P po1nted a• pert10n&l repr-n t•Uve 10 admuu•ter lbe "'•'• of the decedent The pet•hon requea .. aulhonty to admtn LA4tr the Ntale under the In d.-pendent Admtnt.trehon of Ea .. t .. Act A hMriDQ on the pellhon w11l be held 10 Dept No 3 et 700 CtYlC Center Dnve w .. , Sut.e An&. CA 92701 on Apr 7, 1982 at 9·30 a m I' YOU OBJECT to the or&aiiiiQ ol the pelltaon. you UoWd etlher ap~r at tile hM.IiaQ ud .tate yovr ob,.c: Uou or fU. wnlten ob..-cuooa wltf. tbe court before the •rtllo Your •ppearaoce m•y be ID pert10n or by your atto,..y lf YOU A.RI A CRIDIT OR or 1 cootU)I,JHt cr«iitor of tJ.. deeeuec:i, J'OV lft\1.11 liJe yo•r c:J&.L. WltA o-. C:Oilr1 of p~ II 10 the S*JIOaal NPf I I I lla.h" ~poUI-bJ ~ oou.rl wtW. fotu raoet.U boa U.. d.aae of ttntl ...,..._ of .....,_ u pro¥1ded I.e eec· UoG '100 ol ..._ CaWorota. ..... Code n. llae fo1 fll.la9 daAiu wUJ OOC ...,U. prtor to lou aootU lnMa U.. .. ol u.. atMrilwl ~ .... YOU MAY DAMD'I "- h» _. ~ tM CMMUt. I JOU .,. • ,.... laa!IJJ" , ..... ....... ""aay tile .......... ...................... cW ................. .. .... '11,., .......... ... ..... ' .............. .... .................... .. .. ... c.Mfomlie .... .... cw.. ................ IO.UC 11011Ca nc:nnoul~ .... ITA,..., n. ~~a~~ew... ...-••• ..... ..... _ •ll'nAYAGAICZA 117 W ,,. • a... ll c-a.-CA aG7 ,.. ....... --~-., '-"-._. CA ~~ ._ lied. 110 I -a . A 1041, 1.-..._.., CA. w...i ,..,_ 117 W 1?\lo • e-"-·c. t3U7 .,.........._ .. co.ot ............. ...... corper .... -04Mr ..... • ,.,_ ....... a.-I II .._.,. .,.... -· ... liled ··"' , ... c.,...,, Cle•• of 0••-CCKIAIJ • .... lt.llla ~ Nat lN. Jl r\pr 1 .. 11C .. ,.. "-" "'-• Pt-.1 N.U17 rva.:: JIOTICS ~nooa­..,.IUTDmiT Tile....._ ... -.......... •-.. CAI'COII DttPISTS :&40 M-pot1 C..ler o..... No liB, .......,, t-ell. CA t3JIIO aoclo.wd A c..u...... ll21 "-' o..... eo.-. del ...., CA 82US. Ia&_., I ''""""· *' t-1 Tt..l Df•••· Dell.. Toa ?U)4, a.o,... T Coa 9101 0..... O.t•• O.U.... T•~ ~ T.... --1t co.41lcted ..., • ., ... ,.J .,.., •• , .... p S..,,...d ll>c ... rd A Coll.oqlwa Tllw, ......... , .... hMd -u• ta.. c....... c~e.~ o4 or._ c-... o• .... 19 1-.J Pld>t..lo Nat l4 Jl "•• 1 14 1'112 .................. .......,. "I5SJ{j 1111181 I'VIUC.c>na nctmOUIIIUIUIDS UMIIT&tDU:Jr'T n.. loiJowl-.Q penou ••• du•.ao b,...._ u COAST ltOT AL PliO OUCTlOHS 313e1 Noaterey S ...._,.... CA tan W.U..a r r ... II lei .. .,.. .. ,., S Lt..,•.. Ct .at'n ler<J ,,.,.aa h""" l1Sl6 w_. Sr I Ltq,... CA~ ra.. ._ .. _._ .. condwcted by • q•a•f•J ~lf~lp 5.Q..t W,tJ ... , , .. n.... -. ..... , ... t"'-d w1ta. ,..,. C~•J Ca.,. ~f Or.a.qe Co .. •t• Mat U IIU P,.llloolo W.r 17 24 11 Ap• 7 I !Mil '" TN Hewpotr t.....,. 'III!Ott lllliN PVItUC 11011C& ncrmouJ IUSIIlDI MMIITA TDII:In TM loUow1~ ~IWICIIU ••• do1nq ~·.,•-•• ltOifTKWOOO SI:CUIII TY IIIC I~ Ytlo A.,. S..••• Ito ,,..,,,.. CA G'714 M0t._.•ood s..c..,,.,, • C •-Mora.. cotpotet~ l • ~_._. ,,.,.,.. CA 917a4 ... l.i•·"' .. ., coodyetM by • c;Clt . -s..... o...ot~o, wce.u., P .. .J..,.• No~--~ 5«-•ut'Y lftoc y,. .. •"-' .. •"' ·" ....... •lth th• c., ... ,y c .... ,, o • ..,. c ._,,,. (1ft .... Jl 11112 P-..~t.+h•"" W..• 'I lt II Avr 1 l '112 111 TM ..... pc,rt t n .. qn 1115100 111962 rvauc: lf011CI: nctmOOS I USUIISS lUaU STATDU:Jn T... loUowliHJ .,_,'ICIIU eJ• do1n-q t>w•~a-.. IIWIUIY IT liDO' 4f40 ,,.... ....-d s..... ·~ .,..... c. 92714 A..,y -..,.o ........ m .u.., .. , o .... c-. -c. ,.,. S..edr• LH S.tW11• 2'11 IUoo••• Om• C-.w-CA9~ n..-h-._.... • r(l•ct .. cted b, • Q.,.•••• "''a.-'.t.'o S.,q.,.t -..v " ...... " n.. •••'•"'••• ••• h.t.ct •••• th• Cu .. ••' c .. ,, of Ounq• Co ... hh uu .... ll 11112 ,.,.,,.~ Wo• 14 J1 Apt ' 14 • Qll •• Tlw H•1111pc.,r1 l..a..-tqa r1 l!lOt I N [1187 Pva&JC NOncE NOTICE OF DEATH OF IUCilA.II> OEM IIOWEU A.KD OF PET1TION TO A.J)I(D(ISTD EBTATI: NO. AllUOl To"all betn. benehct&.riN c red1ton, conlinQ.al credtt o ra. and per.ona wbo m.ay be otherwiM 10terM1ed 1n the wul or Mt•t• of R1chard O..n HoweU. decedent A petition b.u b..n filed by V1rQ1n1e Ct..ue HoweU m the Supenor Cour1 ol Oraoqe County r• quee11J\Q th•t V lrQiftl& Claue HoweU be appo1Dted u per t10nal repr-al•llve to ad m1n'"•r the Nt••• of the decedent The pehhon re quea .. •11thoflty to •dmtnl.l1er the .... ,. unde• the lndepen deal Admmaetrahon of I.tet .. Act A h-rtnQ on the pehhon wtll be held 1n Dept No 3 at 700 C1v1c Cenler Onv• WMt, Sa.nta An•. CA 92701 on A.pr 7. 1882 at 9 30 • m IF YOU OBJECT to the Qr•ntlDQ ol the pebllon, you .Aould either •PPM-I •• the hMrtnQ and .talA! your ob1ec hone o r file written ob)ec:booe w1tb tb.e c:ourt beiore tb. hMriDQ YO\Ir appeoeranc• may be 111 per.oo or by your attorney 11 YOU ARI A CAIDIT O R or • c:ontua9-l or.d.ltor ol tb. cA.e..-d. yov .. - W. your c:laia WltA the court of pr-t II to the pe:mona.l rep,...t.etlve appoiA*' b, Ill• oour1 wtWo low aoe&U troa 1M d.ale of lillll -.....c:e "' WMn .. pi'O'rided Ia ..C· uoa 700 of ..._ C.U.Unua P.ob&fe Code. n.. tiae lor tibo9 cialat wtlJ eot "P••• pr1of to f011r _. .. lroa ~ ca. .. ol U.. ~ IIICJHoed ... YOU MAY DAMJNJ 1Ae W.....,. W U.. court, U ,ou .,. . ,.... ........ 1. Ia 0.. ...... ,__, ... nq_.. .... lM cou.rt 10 ........ .. aMI .... of .. ..., ol .. ..... ., ............ ..... .. ...,. 11 'IS.,.., ecco.ell ... ..... "-cJ!.IMAt .. ~MUM lJDO ol ... C.W.O..... PJo. -...eo. . ~ 6or pd''Mw: ......... ,. ........ . ......... -.. ... .......... ...... w leAa.CA.:n. .......... Mu. l7, Jt. 11 , ................ _., JIU..:: IIOIQ tiOTEIC. IWIAiUU 1'lla Tl .. f .s.l) 0. ~ Zl. a.-. .. 10 •• PACU'IC UICC*VIYAJICI coa I'OilA1'1C* .• ~ --.. ....,._...y,..-........... ,._ • D.o4 .. 1'".-_.... ... , •• 1-•• -.. 10»1 ... ..... l.a2. ..... ,.. ol OftlntJ ............... ol tile c-.,, .._.r .. n "' o.-c-. .. , ...... "' c ..... .-.-· ... "_..... L "-' .... C.rel N.,..l, ll ............ .. jQtal ,....,. will .a .. ....W.C •lfCIIO• 10 ...-... btdlMt ........ (pa,.W. •• .... ol..,. ....... _, ..... u ........ , .... ~ ·-· -.. _ lo ... c....u., c ......... 7'00 ..,... c.-c.-Dn .... SM~e A.w. CA ell ,..JII. lllloo ud ...,_ co.· ...,..10 ..... _ ..... "" ......... o..."' T,.. ••,.. -riJ ~ .. ..... c-.r, ........ "-c ....... I' AJIC1l. I Loo II ol Tr.cf .. 72:Z3 .. ..._. ... _._..._ ..... l74 -7 10 11 -~-.. "' .,,..,.u ... _,. ........ ,_o,,.. of o. ..... C:O...tr C.Wor ... PAIICI1. l Hot. -.c._. .. _..,_ MIJt ...... DJa feu LAQf-&ad. eogtMA 0 ¥•1 pWI6\e .. , .... , ¥ Mf fot... le Jho. ~fl.ua cleclo.rat-. o4 COW> ... ill. ............ •'"" , .. ,IC'f..... • ....... ... A#rll I. 1t'71 Ill loot» !MIM, -802 o4 Olt>CIAI ,.._...., ud "' looolo .. -133 ... Otbc:..t ,._.,. 1--. .... ,..,_ .u ooJ "" , .. _a.tt .__....,....._-....raJ ....... * ut"ral ... •'Ciiolt aM aQer lo,.troe .. -..., _.._,.., ..... ..._. ~ ... , be .~t~o.. 01 .,.., .... .,.rc.~ ... ...... .... _.._~ ............. . lloe .,.,....,.., nelol o4 dr.U... • ...,._ uplor~ aoci _r_._ IMtelot ~ .. Of\a9 ta •M ,.......... tltrr.e Mae fro. """ t.a.d o• .. , olloar IAod. o.act..dule .... I'Ciat to wao...-• Of dltec:I>GO.JIJ dtoll .......... lro• l.uo4o olloar Ylea ·-........ ~to .. -• .-. ooJ 0 1 ..... -eife, IUMlo aad olo.ollot 111!0, lbr_q. or ocr-U.. ....... ,._. o4 1... t.a.d ................ .._,,....,, •'"" 10 ...,.,_ ... ell wlu~ud "' direc'-lly dnll ed ... llo ....... aed ....,.. llA<kt ..... t..-lll 01 beyo.d ......... -"-''" , ... ,..,. •..t ro redul.l ,.,..,.... '"'!'UP .. .,.,.,.. r.,...u ~-&ad opeta» Ut we• ...U. or ._...... .~t ~ ... , ,.._ ,.,..a.t to duU .,.. Mre ••plot• ..... --..._ ...... ..., Ieee ol •loe ·~· 500 ,_ o4 lbe Klo •••lac• "' .... """' ............. . d_,,_ .. ,_.,.... .. .... d.eed "-.... ........ c_., rec:oni..t s.p....._, 10. It'll .. boolo 1797 P•ll4' 100 ol Ofl>e..t lloc:ord. The .,, ... eddr .. ••d oth4• coa aoo ~ .. ,-. J ur o4 obe teel propert, "-•i!oed abo•• ,. PW1M>•t.d to .,_ II Gr•a.brwr L...ae lfewl>o•• '-ell CAntill r ............. -,,__ "-,., .. ._., t..O..Uty kM ... , lACOn_.._._ ol ,..,. .,,.,.. ..w,,_ ...., • ...,., co.aoe "-... ._ " ... , ........... ... s.... ..,. •.JI be ..... b.rt ••""-' ov•cwol 01 ••••••tY e.apr-or •• pt..ad ...... d~ .... ...-.oe Of e.e.,..bre.ac-. 1-.el~ t ... cUr~ ••ct ••peo..,. of tM TnLN .. 66d ot U.. ...... e ... ..., br ...... Do..t qf r ...... to P.f tl.• r•••1a.u•q pn..acapa.l ew-.. of ·~· ........ 1 -··ed "• ...... Do..t of Tr~Att to W\t 1?61000 00 ••" '-'•'"' •h••.o• t1oa Ju .. I ltll •• 18 l14'- per •••u• u prov-.d..d Ul MNI aofe(tl pi~~U c:OIM uw:t eay ""'••K411 o4 11 * 7J ........... .. TM ..__,..,,.~ ... , Mid Do..t ol Tuu l lll•r•tot<ir• e a.c-.1.4 ead ct.h•••_, •o tM .....,.,.....,... • wr\1 ... o.c ..... _ .......... aad o.....tlot S.le ..... • wtli ... Houce <>I DoMwll .... Doc•-to W TM ....._,.,.,~ ....... -"'"-"' Dot.all ...... Dec twe lO S.U kl be recorded ._. ~ <'0111' '" ....... rh te.l p,,._,.., WI JocaMd r.cihC keco•••v•nrc-. Cotpol··~ b, ' A r-,_.,., O.l<ld Nne-II IIU Pwlti..U. W.rc~ l 4 )I ApuJ 1 l9182 •n TIM N-rt "'-1• IIIIIW PuaiJC IIOTICE ....... MOTICI OF DIATH OF DALE 1'IIOIIAI UGT1L ob D. TIIOICAI UIIT8 u:D OF PETITIOif 10 ~. lST'Dl EITA TE 110, AJ liD To all hein. ~ ... n... crec:bton, contLnqent credit on , •nd penona who III&Y be otherwiM tnterNted ID the wiU or .. tate of o.1e Tbom.u Smtth, U.• D. Thomu Sm1th. decedent A. petibon b&.l b..n Wed by Inc A. Aahtoo 1n the Supenor Court of O•anQe CollDty r~l.l.DQ tb•t Enc A. Aahton be •P· pot.oted u penoD&I repr-· tauve to &da1A18ter tile ~te ol the decedellt n.. petlllon requMtt •uthoraty to .dmi.D w.r the ..tat. \Ulder the IJJ depeude.ut Adm.uuatratlon of '-t&IM Ac:t A b.MriDCJ on thAI pebl.lon wt.ll be held ID Dept. No. l al 700 C1v1C C.nt.r Dnve Weet, Su~ AD.. C A Q210J OD Apr 7, I il2 at G:lO a m fJ YOU OIJICT 10 the qruUACJ of ..._ petition. )'0\1 a.hollld •t."-r appear at the he&ri.DQ and ut. 10'll obtec· 11011.1 or IU. wrltt-obj,ec:Uou wttll IAe co\6r1 t.lote the ltMfi.D9 Yo.r appearaace m.ay be l.a penoo or by yovr altOrMJ IJ' YOU A.Jt.l A. CUDJT. 01 or • t'OIItillqet~t cf9Cbtor ol U.. c&.c 1111 Ll. J'O" a..e fl)e J'O'lr c:Jet. ww. .. CO\U1 ol Jn-t U 1o 1M ,.._...) "'P.-~;auw IIIII ...... ~ 1M _,. wtUiaa bar aoe~ boaU..4Meolllrat ........ ot .......... p~ta.-o­ IIGD 700 ol tile c.w.nu. ..... eo.. n. ..... lor W.... eleSal wW .,.. ....,_ prior lo to.r _.. 1,.. tile .... of tile ......... --... ... TOO WAY DAWJD dM ble llapt 117 tM CCNJ1, I yoe ..... ,.... ..... I •rf .. u. .......'".., .... ....... ..... .. CIOU11o ..... ... cW .................... .. .........., ........... ... ol .. p ... IIIIM, MlOI .... ... ,....... . __ , ....... ....... .. .. ... c.ll6oraM ... IMA!tCW. ., ... ,... ., .. ,. . ~WIW .. a..GD ............... ea.*"• CA Mal ~ ,.,.,... ,_...... .....• ,. ,.. lJ, l ..... '*"' ..... PVaiC IIOtlCE 110nc1 0' DUT11 or I. J&U laU)U1H, AD C. liiiiK* TO A.DIWU!D D'I.ATE NO. All .a Toal.l.......,~. or«iitora, CODt:s.o-t oredtt· on, and pe~ wt.o III&Y be otAerwJM trar..wted trl !h. wW or ......_ of I . Je&n Hildreth, dececl-1: A pett· bon lw.. beeo tu.cl by Ro.ber1 N..1 T~ttle m 1M hpenor Co\lr1 of ~an~ CoiU)tJ r.- q\MIItiA9 th.al llobert .,_. Tuttle and F,...S.ddl Vue. Ryder be ~ M per· .-a! r.pr-tali" to ed • ~r lb. ..W. ol the ~t n.. peblion r.- ~ authonty to adaln ... •r the eet.lte under !h. lndepen· deAl Acbuniatratlon ol J.t.IIM Act. A heetiD9 on the petition will be held Ln Dept. No. 3 at 700 ClVlc: C.nlier Drive WMI, San~ AN. C A 92701 on Apr 14, 1982 at 9:30 a.ra 17 YOU OBIICT to the vrutua.Q of the pehboo, you alw>Wd etlher appea6 at the ~ a.ad llta.M JOIU ob)eC· Uou or hle wntt•n obJ-cbona wi.tA the ooiUt befoJ"e the hearuao. Yow appea6aACe lll&y be ID penon or by your attorney. 11 YOU AJll A CJW>rt. OR or • contin9ent credi.tor of the ct.c....ct, you au&.at file yow ci.IJ.. wltA the cO\Irt of p r-1 11 to the penona.l repr-otabve appointed by the COI&It Wlthua foiU IIIODtha froa the d.t. of bnt ~• of lett.n u provided 1D eec l.loD 700 of the C..Wonua Probate Code. Tb.e tuaa lor hli.oQ cl.aua. will oot ellpue pnor to fo11r montha hom the date of the bM nnCJ oobced above YOU WAY UANJNI the h.le kept by the cou..rt U you are • per.on lDiietMted 1D !h. wl.lt.e. you m•y W. • raqueat wtth lA& court to rece&Ye tpe· c...J ootlee of the filin9 of the utveotory oJ -..te -Ia and ol the pet1t~na. acco\Ulta and report& deecnbed I.D eecbon 1200 of the C..Worrua Pro· b&leCode Law Ofhcea of W•tl 1Cunllch, ~Y W..f)Ori.A A. Loranl, Attorney at Law, 2041 BIWD-Ceoter Drtv•. SIUie 201, IIVUle, c. 92715 (714) 833-3855 PllblWI Nat 24, 31, Apr 7 1982 10 n. Newpor1 £n atQn NI988 I'VIUC IIO'r1CS ... .,. ncT1TIC)W- UMIITATDIIWT Tlte lolloelat -..,. do4aq b-.-.. LAJtl PUJ: 0 LTD 43$0 Yoa lar ... A ... 8oaao 3ISO. liew9o•• ....,., c. taeo ....... 11 w .._ .... laal K.t~ooo v ... o.... eo ..... del Net CA 92e2!. Se.t>a... N L.uzd 1100 w .. , a.u.o. c. l2tll Wollo.a A Ho.acrd 9 IMcoe S.t ..... n t-ea c. !llM1 a..e. .. 1 l(;rocll z:M W ~ P.U. ,._. a-. ....... n. ~ n.. ......_ .. coed..cted by • ~.~ ..... pe••••nil1p S,o•ed l'tob.tt W .._ ..• r... ........ , .... ha.d ... ta. , ... co..... c ... ~ ol Oraaqe c-··· <>A W.r 17 IIU ""bltelo W.• 24 )I Ap• 7 14 l912 •• TIM ......,..,. &a-,o ,II'B80 NIOOV "ffiUC 11011Ca ITA nMaiT 011 AUIIDC*1R11'1 orose 011 ,...,mow~ ..... tGII2:U TN~ ... -.._ .. ......._ ....... _ ...... ~-........._ ... _ TMI COOIJJ COtiJfiCT'IC* 702 I &.Ike ..,.. &.Ike CA ..at TN ltc<ot--..._. ,....,.,. •o .au.. .., .. hW .._ Ote.eq. Ch&.h e~•O.. II 1•1 ,._, a..w.. ..... a......w. l» I S.!Mo llted "-" -...,~ CAaMI n .. ~ ... c:o.d .. c-•..ci -., •• 4l•t4•tJ. (ll•....,... oad ,.,,.) S.ooed ,._,ca-....... n.. f46-l ... b!.d wffll , ... c-." c .. ,, .,. o. •• .,. e.,.~,, ... W•• S,lta ,..._. W.rcll )4 Jl A•r~ 7 14 I Ill•• ~ "'-"'' ~· "11046 IICittiOil.._., ..-na1'111Dn III'»J TM ....... _ ........ -• CIIOWII CDTU u IICVf1VI IUm 1.. a.-___. A .. 0.-CA ... O.e~ ~~ &.-• a.-t• I w .. ,_, A•• ...... AM CA IQ'7(JJ 0..0.. K.,... ,.1 ...,..... •••. c... w-.CA-.n no,. "'-.. .._...., ...... " ....... .. .-...... ..... o.... •• ,. n..-.... ~ •• " .... c:-, a..• .. a.-c...ty -, ... 1. ,_... "'"' l 10 17 )4 Ita • TM ........... r&..a ._ -• - - "*'CIJCmC& -tal· 110na or ~ono• OIII'AaTaMIJIP .,.._.._. 'Mllhe:• .. h-r.by .,_,..,_ ,....., loJu\ , •. .u.. .... ·~··'· w.aq•tt' ................................... ·~ '"''""' ... h•• .. _ ......... ul I It N PUJfT DaiGll :11110 Q-1 Sl ""'-' INcll C•va•• ol o. .... ..... "' co~ .......... d.d -~~ 2111~ de• c.• ~ .... , .... bf .... "" •• c.,... .. . .. -. .............. -... aed .. . ... ,... lh.u t•l..ttott.e .. petliWrU .... , .. " S. .. bve•rt.-.,. llt. f•IMfe ••U M condwct«t D't M~h••d W1nQe1d wh.u ·~II p.;, eAd dt.K"~rt~• •It h•b•l•t.,.. •~td debt• oJ lfite> tu• aa4 •-c•••• •U ..Oft ... pey•W. '" tlw ..... P .. rtt.•• •ot.ce •• INt.-.., q~v•A lt\.tl lt-. ¥Mcien .. ..ct •• u ~ ... ·~·· b» tto• ~~ .. 6.-v "" to.-••• ublt<~• ,,.,._ •Mvu-.d bv I1Ch.•r4 W..ao••d '" hY vw• "••• o.-•• ta.. .... '-"' ''-• ,., . O.oed •• .._,. t-ea Cahl<>rOI4 ·~ .. l711l de,"''·"· ... ·• 19182 S:Q...., lohe '••<tdelo Plt.llt..• W..rch 24 ll Apr:l I 14 IIC on The Hew port ILto,qo 11[9(1.4 PVa.JC 11011Ca .... IIOTICS 011 ftOSTD"IIALI o. Apul 15. tMiZ, ., 11 • • . niiBT A.WUJCAN mu DCSUa.ucJ cow PAKf • c.wonu. 0011>0•••.-u T-. o• a.,_, T.-or ............. T....... "' , ..... cerloln 0... .. y,.... •~«w-' lly O.vod Scot~ w • .-r ....,. c.n. w-.-. ..........., ......... _,_ ..... _.. .... I .......... 1.1. .. -· .. 7301 .... """" 11801 -1311 "'01 """" .._. ..... o. .... c-. .. c.Ju..-......... ~ ID ta.i C.fWO N011e• ol DoM..JI aad a..:.-10 Wl tMI ... IOcMo IICO.o.d o.-.bet 17 1•1 u ..._,.._, ao 21131. ID loot» 14331. -ISJ. of~ liacordio o4 ,..d Cow.tr .• ..u 1uu.t..t ~ P"'r•..,.•• 10 -0... "' ,,... ..u •• JNObc •..c: •-lor •-"· lewhol _.., o4 tb. Uolled !koo ... ol ,...,.,.,., "' , ... _. ••"•,..,. 10 P>n~ ,._,._ TtU. Ia ow.roon c-..... , *-AI 114 C.... ,lttlo !11.... ... ... W'l o4 ,.. ...... . c.wo .... oil tllet nq~t. ............ .. --_,.,... 10 ..... -... ld lit •• ....,., ....t Do..t o4 T.-.. Yle .,...... ly Ollaol..t ........ c.,..., ...... Sl.t• -..: ......... PAJICU I Utut 4 .. tlooooa oect .._,...., •• ,... c""""'-' .. wa plea ,..,.,.,... -.,., 11 1m .•• booll ,.., --100 lo 611 _,...... o4 oltKIAI NCOrdio ol """ cow aty I'AJICil. l .................. -11/ty brei (1/Sitl) later-' u • .._., '" CO..Oft •a liM ... ......., ... Ia .__od to , ... ., __ IVM ol lol 4 ol luiC'f 1812 w per -hW "' -· 4n _.. I to 7 .act..-... of • ..,...a•··-o.• ••PI tec-otd. of .... c..-ty aa wet. .. ,. tt eMit,.... lA , ... oruct. .. ,.,Jed 0...01 ,_ . ., ... .._"".._ ... ._ .. C~IIOh a..t ~-"'OY ~ W ...... llll7 - -"' otbc..t r..:ofllo IU.. Daet.r.,_, ...... , • ...c-.. ~.~~e ..... L.c.pt~ ,..,.,,_ .u "" "" '"'h.. • .... .J ......... ''4.... ..,.,.J q .. r19lolo aect olloar ~,.troc"'-. lly whelw.••• " .... ,,u,..,. q...,..h•rM•I •J•eftl ellld •It ptodwtt• o.,..,.., tu.• •nt of t*"-lor-.oteq, th..t .,., h wlllwo or ,...., ,... .,..-1 of J.o4 ... ,.,_. ...... ~ \00 ... Wldt tlloo .,.,_-J •19"' ol dnlliD<I .,....., U$floiiD9 .. d -'""""" IM .. tor .... tiOf.aQ ._. ead ,.aonav .__... .._.. fro• ..... t...4 or ""'.,. .. , Lend oach••haq , .... ,., ... 10 .... _. ... .,.,_-u., dlol.l oed ..,.. lroa ..... ...a., ,...._ tao.. L.,,.. ....... "-ec nbed oJ ur 9611 -u. ..................... -th ....... •• .Ct<* ... ...a.w,,w. ol ·~ ...... ... ,.,_...,.. "-nltted o!WI ro ...,.._ ....-lo •lu-hd or du«t~J <lroll ed •• u ••• .-~a ......... llA<kt •'"" .,_...,., .. or beyoocl ._.., •aterto• u.. ... lh•r-.o4 •r.d ~ r~r\11 •••t.~nn•l •·~.J•P "'•'"'••" r•fM•• d~ eftd c ~r••• ._., ....ca ....._ or •••• wlthowt aa.o •••• , .... no .. •o d.tlll ..... t&ore eq>ktre e..t opeteM thrwoh ._ evr lee• of , .... pper Dl t-1 ol , ... ovll .-.ttM-• ol ... ....... ._.., • ..........,..,. d-•.a..d .. ·-~ ....... deed ••-IM .,,._ c-.,.., • corpo<• too• rec<oni..t ~'-:n tm •• lloot I 2'171 -1023 al Olloc:aJ lt.co•do A'-o ••c•pt-.,aq U..r.tr~ th •d •w•t .. • ••tet ,.,.,..,. ht .,,._..,, tfw tH'I~' ot •wrtAot ••try M , ... ,.,...., • ... ~ t,o-liM ,,..i.tM Co•pe..-• • t'OtJJO••ttoe rec-orct.d o.r. .... , 27 1m •• ~>oo~o 12977 -lOll o1 01 bc.atiiMO .... PAIICIL 1 Lo-ran,. •• .., lo••h "' ,.._. -chua e-eht)ed 'Cect•ut C...•••M hu O.un-•ad "So.pp...-1 S.rtlo-• •M &.crooch ... t" o4 IM •••~!. •• ut!.d '--•" o1 Yle dect.r•t- Ttt... .. , ... edd,.. 01 ota..-, ~" ...., __ ol -,_ri, ...... . po.... .. be • ,.u..q &.-! .... _ Cei•J•"•,. s..d .... ••II loa ow4o ... ._, ,.,_ n.-.1 .,.. .. ,. ... ~ ••P,... "' ........ &I to tua. ~Of NC.W•IH-...c-.. to .,.,..,..,. tM v....,.d ~· tfw• oe l~e ltOie •I --llred lo., ..... 0... ., ,,..., ..... ses IS3., ttl-.... lollow••• .... _... ~ ··-..... ed-a~ et tM u .. Gi t .. 1•11.al •• bl~··-"' .... .....'" ol S.J. \10 644 4. ru-A-..uc•o Ttt._ laevr•..c-• Ctt,.. ,.,., t C.htor ... COtpbr•tiiiM MQ ..... 0." O u"•rod A-. f-.._ uu4 Ott.,., ll4 l ~ ~ Sr S.•to A •• ('A 117'111 (714)-.»II o. .......... h 17 I Ill ,.. ..... W..Cioo )4 ll Aprtl ? tiC ••TN ........ ~ NU. rnuc IIO'IIIX lltitlW-.... nA1'111Dn TM ..U....-.,.. .... ·-.. UAID't UIV'UlOII ..,.,...... ,_~c-o. ... .................... ~ CAtaao a..-., .,_ C..p • c.w.. ... e-•-W ....,_. c .... , o. .......... JDO ............. c. taiO ,....~-.................... , .. ,.._ ...... C.... A CIN4oaa ..._IY a-..,.,._ C... T\11--............. ~ ~ .. a.--c-,. -, .... ,. ........ w., i 10 11. )4 IIC • ,.... ............... rl.-....c.:mc:a ••u ..... ---1 I ....... ..--... --~ COOlff'l' UIOA&. IIUICII, ltJU • • ... a.....ca.-c. ~ (t-1... c..-, ... ·--•&. ..... ca.-CA ..... , ......... c- ............. CA: .... UiroW. -. • ,. .. ~ ........... Q.-Gtf ......... ._.. ..................... .. ..a..c:a--. .... ,_ ..... ....., ........... a..... CA ... L • ..... ....... ltJ» W * ........... o-CA ..... ............ a.. ..... .... 0......<:41 .... ...... -........ .,.__CAl I • ,-.111• a-.... ............ ca. .. C..':-...... .... . ..................... . -==::~-11111!1• ... .. ISJ ,, ........ ...... .. __ ....... .. £.1 ..... ~ ... . ...... .. ., ..... . .. ........... ,..,.. ....UCIIO'IICil IIOftCIOf'ft .. IDa IALI ... 0. A,.nl I. IIU .. 11 • a nas1 .uaatCAJC TTTU UISIJ)V.JICS COM I'AIIY • c.-..._ ....._..-.. ~ • ., .......,_ Tr-or ,_. ..... .., .... T-. ol .... .,., ..... o...t o1 T,.... __....... "._. 1 ....__ .. _..... -aad ,_.., ~ 13, &m. ... -r-.. l.lOil ........ ~~ ..... 341, o4 OMic....t ......... Or-c...,. c..w. ..... aed ..--· 10 ...... ~· Mol-o4 o.lo.w.ll aed m..c.-lo Sail ,..._.,.. teco"'-1 o.c...to.r I ••• ....... ,....., ... 1131.8, "' ..... 14314 -IS It, of OlfK'Wit lloc:oula ol .. .., eo ... .,.. w111 ....,., aed ,.... ..... , "' ....t 0... o1 Tr-.u "' ,...w.c ovc· •-lot coM t.wM _., ol U.. u .. le4 ....._ ol ,......, •• •I t ... .....,. -1D p.,. A..tleall T.U. Ia ..,,_eo.,..., loc.t.ci et 114 I ,... a , .. lbe nl) ol S...to A.a. C.WOr .... .u ......................... .. C_...,ed 10 ..... _. beW lty 11 w-1 Ml4 o..d oJ Tr1WIII ._. lh• p.-operly .,,_oed •• ... o~ c-.o, aed s. .... -~ .. TN ....U.-••Iy .S '-1 ol Loo I . lloc~ Q , s....loora Co&c:ar Trec1 .. .... -...... 1 ._ ...... too• 7 ... 94' :a of ......,.u..-Nope, ,_..,. ol """ Cov•IJ s..d 45 - be~ _,.... a1oa<t U.. ... n ..... ••• ly t..• ol """ let. tb. -u.-.erly hoe ••• ,.Of 'beta9 p•reiJ•J IO t~e -·"-·"'~"'-"" n.. •r ... .....,_or oUI.r c:~.w.te .._...._.,.....,_n,.put perle4 .. be 61QS ........... o. ... "-' '-clo c.w.... .. ..... ..,. .. ill ............... .,...,. ..... Ot • .,. .... 1, ..., ..... 01 ~pl .. u to hU• -oo ..., .. ..,_ ro ........, lbe ... ,....~ t...la.ce due - U....,. or -_,.,_. l>y""" o-d o4 Tr...,, to w11 l UI Ole .15. plve , ... lollow~ -•ed eoett, up. .... aad ..,uc .. at tA. hM• of ttr.. uuu .. a """""'-• ol ,...., Holt« ol Sale u ,., lJ ft•• A••IK-&O T1t&e IAM.~ruc• Coa ,._., • C..&.t1Dr... ccwporeuoa 0.11 o.-.oc~ ..... ...,....,.. OH..,.. 114 r ,... Sl S..... A.a.. CA tl702 (~14) 581 .UII Doled N...:ll l 11U .......... W...Cio 17 24. )I IIU •• n. ,..._, e:.....a 1119'10 rva.:; IIOTX:Z nc111110CM .,.._.. J&UG ITATDIIIIT TM........,.._.., • ...._ b--.. nA.IISAWDJCA GJIOUP 1n .. ...,..... o. .... ,...._ '· llewl>ort t-ell. CA 12M3 llorau 0 lope. lS2l W Suao..-r S..1o Aae, CA 92127 o-... O.otod c......., ...... )101 G~ A .. No o c-.._ CAmt.X r.... .....,.... .. CO<Id.eM<~ •• • -·ol .... ~ae....... s..~ No .... 0 '-'1'-......... ... fJed ••\a .... C...tJ CM•• o4 Oru9o0 c,., .. ,, o• '•" » IIU "'~ .... J 10 17 24 ~~ .. r.........,.. .. "'-1. "loOl5 11.1804 PWUC IJOTX:Z ncTmOOIIUSDI.DI .._ITATDIIWT n.. lollow .. e --,. dourq b-•-•• Pt.AnDl STAWJ'a, ~ ..... ro.d. A.. JC..port '-ch c. '*l NyrM a.o,... Pt.r••• ~ III••I1Mde A•• l«ewpor! '-ell CA t*l n.. ......._ "' cof'<l~ by •• •• ,...,..,..,. S..,...d W.•-Georve "-• -nu. .. • ..._..t ,... a,.s.ct •. ,_. •h• c ...... , c .... "' o.._. c-.. "' ,. ..... 12 11U ~ W..r 17 24 JJ Ap• 1 1912 •• TN "-rt &..o• rll5101 ~~~ I'VaUIC II01IC& ncT1'!IC)W IU*JIIDS .... ITAJ'IIIDT The tollowlaQ """""' a d<>toq b-•-u OMJQT AWA.IDS IMO w_....-., A.. c-. .._ CA I2V7 ,._ 0.... l.llA<k 2Sl I wata.t~ <:-. W.. CA9a27 Ta... "-.. co.d-lit •• •• .,..,., .... ..._.. 8olleo1G Lv.de TY Mate.-,1 ... ...... Wll~ ·~· c ....... Clerll "' o. ... ~ c-..., .. War ll IIC Po<~ IUJ 17 14 Jl Ap• 7 IIU .. TM ~-"'-- FI15101 NU~7 PV-..: IIO'r1CS ncnJIOO&....., IU.MIITATDGIIT n. lolloor-.... _. ••• dotiiQ l>wA•••.. .. TOU.DC co en H.J,.... lla....,tt '-ct. CA aa6J loloa W ...__. m Hely•rd lle•pott S..CII C• t2663, ldwotd I Leabeclo m K.ol .. rd "••port '-ell, CA --.J n.... ·-• .-.lorc'lod "' • -•el .,.,-.,. ....... lolta W .......... n. ........................... .. c....., a.• "' Or·-c-.. , • , ... IIU , .............. J 10 17 /4 1-.l •• TN..._,"'-o• , 1140)4 "bill .....::IIOTICS nc••oow-.._,,.~ r.._......,.. __ ..... II....._ • I a N 011 C<ltOAHY INC )400 I c-Hwy eo..,.. tlal Nor C. ta2S &... I 0.."-11141 C-lail ..._ a.....JI CA QXIJ !lao I a.... IWl ,.........,. LA.. t.. .. .,..._ CA iOills t t _, 0 1 c. lAc • c.w...... ",... .. _ woo 1 c-w .. , c..-. o~e~ w. • CA.~ .,....~ .. _._...... ..... _., ....-........ ...... '-' a..... ..,.. -· ......... •••\ .... c ..... , a... .. o.-co .... , -roll II lila ....... ..., 17. ll4 ll ~ ltla .. n......_.._ rttm) .._ fiUIUC IIOftCC n&TDaTOII '''~ 011-0ircausow-..- TM.......__._ ... ~ .... _ ..... .__~- CC*I..,A4 .0 Drftlf-. -&-...,_c..,,,. ,.... ........ ....__ ...... ...... _ ..... o.-c-. ..... a.tllt ,..,. ,._.,,....._ ...... ~---.._c.., •• -n. ................. .. ~ ........ ..... .......... -~ ..... ... c..., Gloo* .. 00..... Catoatt -.... aa.•• ....._...., n.-. u . A..' ~ ............ - PWLIC IIOncl 11C1n10CIIIIUSUIIU ...-aT&....arf TM lollow--..,. ...... -u CAJ..COII rvtAJIClA.L SDYICIS. -~ W.CA>IIt"' 11•<1 S.JM -...._, a..ell CA 112110 ~eo._-• c.,w.,. .... c .. ,.._. *-1 NacAnlovr II"" S...t<t •. .......,_ ._., •• CA 8aiiO Cor liM C...Or-e Cai&Jot ... COt ,..._ -J W..CA>tlnu llwd S..•t• _,,.....,.,._., .. CAGMO n.. -.. CO<Id..c:oed "' • ..... ,.. ,..,_,_.,,,. Soe•ect ..U..n c-, tt..-. l'r .. ..t-•. Cor H.• Co,-pore•JO• 'raY .-.Je,..OI Wti hW •Uh ,.._ c-.. CJ.•• o1 o..~..-c;...a,, ... W.or ll IIU h~ Mar 17 :M II Apr 7 IIU .. n.. ........ 11 "'-• '11510l IIU.M fVIUC IIO'r1CS ~-­..... nATDGIIIT TM ............. .,.._ ..,. doo•e "-.. ~. :w.l l'ec•hc c-y,., . c • .,...,..., S..Cio CA ..,. ,.,... a.,. .. ... -"" 2,4 a ..... e-n. "--' ...., ... CA aa.e.:1 .... .,. T-Sr . • lloul~ a.ooa.. trv ..... CAn714 n... "--oo eoodYcoed by ... ,..,.. CO'lJOr••-' ..-ocw.oe ot.... 11Ya • per_......, St.-4 1..... G ,.,. -·tlo n.. ._........ ... tu.d wtta tM C:O...•• Ct..• ol o,.._ C-.••1 o• , __ • IIU ""-Wu.ll W.r l 10 17 14 IIU •• TM ....,_, ""-" rtl404t NDIO I'U'IUC IlOna: lfO'T'ICI: 011 TaQ8TID'&ALI ......, T.a. ... liGI3 0. Apt~ I . 1912, el t I • • niiS'T A.WUJCAJC nTU IHSUII AIICS COM.PAKf .• c.wo, ... COl fiOI&hOe .. ft .... , 01 S...0.:~1 T.-ot ! .. a...••oed T....-, of ,..._. ~ Do..t ol Tr..ol ......, • ..., "" lwry ........... c..r-....... ~ ... beed aad ..... .. ...... -· aad rec;OfcMd Ap,.J t. lYiiU .., •"•'twa-.h ... "'~ •• boo' a009 "..,. 19'77 ol Olhe..t ""'-clio ol Oruqe c .... 1J Cabklraw .... po1,........1 10 U..l .,. ....... llooce "' Dale.... ..... a-u-to S.U ..........., ,...,orcMd !Iowa .... lO 1•1 .. .-...-ao 30SI7 •• boM 14304 _. ,1$. ol Olttc..t ,._.,. ol """ C-..r,. •ill .-, ud pw,_.,o to """ o-d Cll Tr..., ..U •• p...t>IK' • ...,,_ lor uea t.wN.I • ......, ol tile U....., Sut• oJ A.eoet te• •• tk • .._. .uruc:e to ,1,... ,.. .. .,.. r.u. ._,...,. c-..-• loc...., •• 114 I ,... Sr .. .._ cuy ol S..UI ,._ Celolor,... .U ,.._, •"9•1 ht.. ...d. ut .. ,_ coa.-.,.e lo ..... _ ...... b, .......... -Do..t .. ,, .......... p._,ty ......... ..... c .......... s.. .. .._,,,_ .. l.oo 7 ol loKI No lOJ2 .. per w.p ....,., ........... tl -12 ..... ll ol W..C.t~ .._ .. , ... olbc• ol ta.. C-.ty lloc:orde• ol -c- '' T._ .. ,-_. .ddr .. "' otiMt coaeo• ~·•uoo ol ....ad p.ro.,.lfy ._ put pDI..., 10 ... 1700 tr. .... Awo , ..... port lto.o<-11 Calolot,... S..KI .... wtU b. -..de •"lt~~· CO¥ ••••• or ._., •• ,, e:ap.-.. or ia pa-d •• kt utt. ~ or .. <walln ac• tv ... ,..,.,., lbe ........... l..t •ac-• d~~M eM t'-Mt. or ~ .. .,.,._, ~, .. .d o....d o1 T~ ... ,t \56 OlJ )4 ,., ....... lollow>aq ...... . .d. cOIIIit .__....... •..:I .d...-aac.. •• • ... b .. ~ .... ~ ...... pdltc•t.oe .. ,..._ Hot.ce ol Sale U 198 14 ,.,., "-•rac.a Tu)e IM"-tM • Co•p.&at • c..wo,.__.. corpot•l.oa O.o Or-rod A•lloou~ed O+IIC'er 114 l Sth Sa S..ot• AA• C A 97702 t714l~.UII 0..-''el> 2t IIU p.,b&..u. W.r<"ll 17 24 II l'il1 on ft.. Newport "'-Go 1119'71 PVIUC IIOTICE rJCTrnOQS IOSIIIDI ~ITAn.JIT TM ........... _. .,. .to..., ., __ .. PIDCJUlC STOtfiS )4Jl v .. ()porto llo 201 ......... t-c• CA "*'3 Wollo.a ~ T.-.•w• .16 II Lt ...... Lt.., .... '-ch CA 9a77 n. ~..... .. C"'OK'&"· ttd tt-., • qe-•al per1ur""•P S..,-w,u ... I fr••••t..c• n-. .... __ , ... , tu.d •• ,, .... C0\6at) c .. ,., .t Ot•ftCJ• Couat'f oa r.-~ 1111.2 ,~bltalo W.o I 10 17 J• 11111 •• Tho"-"""''' lru:qa 'lk~A Htuo. •u.uc IIOTICS ,... .. ,lOW ...... UM&nATDIDn n.. tou-~ .,.,_ ... ... .. •·-.. C<»T A WISA DCDQ.DI CT PHTSICIAJG lOt y~,,. Sa c .... W.. CA. Ull7 "-rr A lho ,.,,_ lr W 0 lac • C.won... c • ._..... toll Aoc""'-'d A .. C.oc-CA Ill 710 LvtiM• W Koad W 0 lac e C.lalona.. Ot -··-400 II ,....... s. Gleadale CA 91301 ..... .._. ao... w.,,. .. W 0 1400 y,. C:O.•al ..........._ CA 9<ll07 ..... 1 .. u...... .. 0 1M Cahfettua fOtpcuet•o• I 7 tlO .. _... ... , LA-"••••ao>oo '-ch CA .,._ n... ......,_ .. COOI<I..cted ..., .... ••-' .,.,,"~ ... '' ............. ..., A w.,..lo_ h N 0 lac n. ........... w ............. ~ tM c_,, 0.01 ,. o..._ c....... .,. r.-» ttla ...._.,_ w., J to 11 14 lldl •• POIUI:IO'nCS ncn:nova-IIAMIIITATDIIIIT n. """'·-.... -••• ...,..., •-.. II I Z COHSULTAJfTS . l2l7 I ltote A.. c-a.-CA 12177 ...... loll• ~>•-r. lU7 I ,.. ....... c-..... c. tQil7 w.r-a z..-nt ~ "•• -··"'·· .... , ... ltlW n..-................ ..., • har,.. ,...,_....,• ,..,_... Iebert I Zia••r nu.. .u...... ... .._.... .... ,.,. c-aty Cler~ o4 Or.._ Cewatt Oft W.r ll,IIU l'lt6btll Mot 17. 24. )I A.pr 1 1912·· n. ............ r..... •• rtl5104 ~~~ rva.:: IIO'r1CS *>TICS 011 ftuaTID" 1AL1 .._ ..... -= lUtniT!Otl , ........ , ..... HDMIS FDIAMClAl. CODOIIA TIOM • •""• _..., T,_ • ......... ~"-c--ol ,,_ WlU Sill AT PU'IUC AUC TIOH TO THI HJQH.C'.l IIDOD 10 11 CASH (.,.,.w. el .._ o4 ..,_ •• t..I..J .__, o4 tb. Uw..t a.-) .u ..... , ,..,. aad .. -~~ 10 ..... ..... !Mid ..., .. ....... ...oc~ Do..t ol Tr-•• ,... property ~·r•••"""• .._,,,_ TIIUS'TOa ,...,.,.. ll ,_ •ed ld>tll L l'.yoo ... .,.........., ....,. •• IIXIJ'ICIAAY -n ry s. ...... aad 1.-o ,._..._ e C.W..,.,. COl pc;nel~ flecotcMd .... 15 ,.1 ........ v ·-· "" lOl'70 .. boot 140!11 -· ,.. ol Olbc.el ,._,.. .. rbe <>like ... .... ,._.,.., ... o..._ c ....... --... ,,_ _...._ ... lollowwoe P'-"' Loo 4 ol fttOeO llo JIOO ....... c .. , ot ••port ~Mclt Cowtty of o. ... .. !k.ote ol ~ u --rec<otd ed ,. loot» 133 -14. 15 .... d 16 ol -.u..-..... .. tbe oltlc• >f tM C01AA(Y teiCOtder oJ -....d COVAl' 1700 Hooh.leod Oro•• Hewporo '-c~ CA .. (U • .. ,... edJ._ ot cueaue d•tq .. t.ott .. tlt.owo ebo\te eo ... , raaJ, \A ca• ..... to lie ~pl.te..­ ot co.~J TN ..._hc .. ry .-. """ 0... ot r.... ..., ,_ o4 • lor416Cil ., d.le...tt ,. tb. ......__ -~~~­ lbeT.O' M t .. o4or• .. ..,..... ...d clolt••r..t ro ,.,. ........_...,. • wnt- O.Ct.rel-o4 DoMlOII .... o...ad lor S.le aad wrtl--roo ol br--=ll ..act o' ~ kJ e•~ th• ... act•• ... ~ 10 ..u -p._..., 10 ...... . Mid ol>l--· .. d ... .-~... liM ...,...,.,.,.... c•wed """ o04.C. ol br-..ch aM: ot electM:lo ao h •.corcied 0. 7, 1.1 ...... r llo toll •• loGoll 14J\4 _. 910 ol Mod Ofloc ... J llaco•de s..d ..,. wUl ... ...... .... ............ ~· Or •errut') •:apt .. Of ta pt,.li, reqord~ uU. -"' .-c--a._,......_ loG IN) tJr., ,._...UWJ • ._.....,,.. "' .... --··ed ..., -o... "' r...., •••ll .... ,_. ... ~ ...... .... JUO~ wd•eac. tt ••• .._..., ,..., .. r .. of .._.. 0... _ _,. Tru4 '-cloer-...d ••-of •t.• Tn..e.e aad o' tl.. tnt-1111 c, ... _. by ...... Do..t of r..... S..od ..,. •• u 1M lt.ald -T'ewrod., Apnl I I~ •• l p • •• ea. C...-.:t..a A-..a-. •" uuc:• to ,..,. C1Y1C: c..,,., 1"--lkhr.o lrlO I Clo_ ... ,... •• , ... CIIW ol o. .... c. At IM .,_ ol ...... u.~ p..lll,c••-u1 '""' _._ tiM ICI4AI uoovaJ ol lite .. ,....~ t..t..c• ol tile o~­ _,red "' , ... oaon _,,_ - of '•"-" --.d _.,.....,. c.-.. peo..,. ...... ...... c. .. \171 100 ,. h o....-.... ·~· ... .,...., .... ,.... .. , ull 1714) U7 !-. Her-.-J .. ...aAJ CorlfiOI'&ttcle ._. ..... Tr--II• T D s.n-c-_.,._, e4••• bY Lou.. WC11a6C~ ,._..,, Seer..... 0... c... .. ... w... Oru.. CA 92W (7U l 1)5 llll O.l<ld W.r< 1o 9 I tl2 "'1>t.Ah W.re~ 17 24 Jl IIU •• Tlloo lle...,...n a....:Qa 111.1171 IVIUC IlOna: ,.... .......... J.VIDIIU UMIITATI*IFT TM lollo"'""' ...-,. doonq II••••••• •• COWPUTIIIUIO 4USDfiSS MACJCDfiS IUV1CIS lJ!I T..t..-A.. llo I Oru .. CA 9JIIt No-• I lokll.e• JJ'I T..J.r-A.. No I o,.._ CA iaat T~.a ..,...,. ... .,. , ..... vc...t ., .... ,. <lo.....t .... S..,~ ICaoa •) Melley r-.... ..._....... ... ....., .tt,. ... Co>•oty Clar~ of Oru .. Cow••• ?a W.r ll IIU ..... lltoll W.1 11. l4 ll Apt IIU "' TN Hew-pon l.ruuo• rtl5101 ~~~ .vMJC IIO'r1CS ......... 100& ...... UMiftAT....-r TM lollo._ .,.,_ .,. du.~ ......... .. SUJroAIICIA SU" DAIK:U or SOVTMUJt C AUFOII lilA SUMD.vtCUI 0 ' OlAJfGI CO a IAN IIIHAIDIMO CO SOUTHUJI C ALIFOIIJIIA SUM DAifClll SUJroAIICIII INC" CAU FOIIJIIA SUMJ)AifCIJI INC 4111 t7tll• llo za c-..-<"• tan C.~1o .... s.. .. 4 .. ce• a,. C•hhl•• .. co~••ttoft .. 2M lh•r~ C-• W.... CA ._.,., ,..._..,,. I 1- lwh l9'l Slo•r-"' c-• lA-CA Q,n n., "'-··~ .• ('~eci\K .... a.~,. ('(If ,.,.tt6-. S•••e4 s .. •••• I • h"' s.. ...... c ...... , ... k..t.JW'., ~lor n.. ... ...... , ... ..,_. .,~ ,,._ c ..... , e ...... o.._ c ..... ,, .. .... 12 lila PtollloM Mat 11 J4 II "-'• 1 I Ill .. ,.. ..__. c. ..... TM...._rr"'-oa FIICMI 1111, Pta&IOJ PV-..: IR)1'IC& . .... 1~ortu ~ITATDmtT IAL.IOA I.IISUUNCI '-<lo C:•l<lMO COIIDAJC' UC ......., c. • .., p,.,,. w. • ...,,. , .. , IM..t o..-. ...... ll la l T_.ad.ttle4-~-2 "-UI 1112 404- TMAI......,_!P_l.'"-DI .,..._71 ............... ,,_, ~~-~~ "' c.w ...... ~~.....,o.-.. ~t ... i ..... BA) ~--a-..... -. .... ._.~ ......... "-' ...... , It,.,- ~ ............ ,(,__J ..... »C) ,. ., -...,._ _ _...,.._,~cr-..,._,., n• 111 ._..,...,_CPe.aU.-It 101a.m ~._..__(.._U '-ll) .,,..._,. .......... _.., .... lite ..... -...... _.._. -.... 1\u...l ~ ...... -.... 0........ Jl, •• , .................... c-__ ., .......... c..w... ... _. .. ... f •W b-.V..~LA ...... ..._~ ............... IJ lt.ll ..... tlf.U..l ... ft.rl ......... tc-.. IIDft ......:~ .... I IlONa Cit '1'8 ----IIIIT La,_,_ c-.-. t1 ~ ga ..,.. It ...._, ._., c.-·--1,4-lf •• ...Q, ,,.., • WIU CL aa AI 1 1 l 1 l l l 1 1 l 2 D 2 2 2 4 2 Fll 4 Ml Rl R c 2 ln Rc s1 Sl ... Yt C'( lh lu dl C( ., "' ~ d• C( C'( I I CliP' PliO WIG Ali*)U. I ililnl .,.....,...._ 2 f.....a"Dt.t.-.. JC•, , c..,_ ..... 4 w-on.J 1"-'-,~ .. 7 Aoooul&llta • Atto.-y t htMule 10 &.-...s rov.act 11 ScMoWIMtNCt• 121w'n_..,_. 13 ....... 14 .... &M Uv.eoc• 15 =Sal. ll 17tr...UV~ 18~1 1tGdt~l.ou ~~~actio DIPI.OYMDT 231WpWuMtl 24 lap~l AQc-t 2S c-..u.o s.c: 26 I.Jcee.,f Cltldcre 71~Wut.d FIICAlOAL 21 Woa4IY Wuted 2i Woeey To Lou 30 ..,...ll_ ()p_por 31 b....._IOppor ll Tn&ll D..cb &Ad Wo119~ 33 A.to~ 341Mvaac. NEilCIIAJU)ISE 35 ... s.Jee J6 SportiDcJ Goocb 37 Art 38 A.aUcJ-1 JQ A IIICtioAI 41 fllnitlue 4.2 .ApplMDeee 43 T~St•reo• 44 M~ lutnullllll 45 otbce lqWpaul 46 Stua.-and Cotn.~ 47 SewlAQ Maclwlee 48 f&bna 4t DiaaOJUWJewelry 50~eou. 51 Wut To B\ly REICTALS ~ Reol61a To ShAre 53~tJUil.lro 54 Ap&rtmer~ta Fun s&Ho-Uil.lum 5'1 Ho-funu.ahed 58 Coudoe/Twnh- for R.nt 58 V~boll Reot&b Sl Rooaa for Reol 62 ~Commrcl 63 R.t Hoaa .. 64 Bo.rd &Ad C.re 6S Gua.Qe Por ft1111 66 Wuted To R.ol REAL ESTATE fr1 Real EM••• 68 Ho-For s.Je 69 CODdoei'Twnh... For S&le 71 Loll and Ac rMql 72 R_,rt Property 73 &u.u-Property 74 lncom-'Commrcl Property 75 PropeJty Nnqmnl 76 lncome/lndu.tn•l Property n Real Eat••• W •AtedJUChAIII;Je FASHION FACTS£, FIGURES CAll CLASSifiED INVESTME.NTS 17S.tsst 2311ELP WANTED ln.apector I MOIU BOllES tow..a.ao.. 81 MaWJ. ..... w__. a MatMJ. Hoa. ''" IOATI .. ~. liS Bo.t CUrter • loet Sll~~e AtrfOII<mVE 87 Auto Upbo&.te,., 88 Motor HoJM~ 18 "-:ltD v eh.lc:L. go Semc:.lft.pa.u 11 Wotoqc lee/ Wcped., Q2 l w:yc:!.e t3 V LQa/T r~UJb For Sale 1M T nacb/V aJU Wut.d 9S Auto PAltll/ Acc-.on. 96 AuloiTrck t-oq 97 Autoa Wuted PUILISHIR DOIS NOT ACCIPT h&bwty lor LDcorrect epelliDq, QrAmm•ucal ~ccura· Cl... or typoQr•ph.Jc.J enon LD uy .dver ~~~ pubL.ahed 111 the Cout Wed!. Newa Gzoup HOST F AM ILIES uroeolly aeeded lor h.Joh qvahty Swedlah .... chuqe atwiuta for 1982-1983 497-2965 SPERSOMALS A.BORnON AND f'R.EE preqn.ncy tlltuu;,: Per 10Aal ud coohder~hal c•re Low t.. t.ncludee covueluaq, l&b 1...,, 1\llqery, medlc•ooo ud poat-operallve ea•ro Geoer.J (ul .. p) or loc.J an .. th .. a av.W· Able R•ferr.J for b.ad· ••d alerda aal aoo (fem•1e), v .. ectomy (-.1.). ud l•t• &bor· hou procedur• Medt Cal and uuuruce .C· cepted Cal.l Caliloroa. Preqo.ncy CovuelLDo S.f'VIce for aaJorm•uoo or llllllledi.le appoaol meol In Newport B..ch, (714) 75.2·0053, ln s.n.. An.. (714) 972-3104 R!TDlED MAN of ha9h .. , .. m •ad c redlbualy so uqhl by Or•nQe Couoty •oro.n wath b••uty br••o• •od cl&. Newport Ioaion. Boa 139, m1 E Cout Hwy Coron• del M•r 92625 lOLOST • FOUMD LOST Wan'• Rolea watc h Subst•ah•l r-•n:l Lo.t March 17 !utl>hill .,,.. 759-9420 or 752·'1669 11 SCHOOLS• llCSTRUCTlON TUTORlNG· CredeD tlaled, ua )QUJ home hpeneoced, peheol Math, .Jqebr•. qeome try. F relic II, Spani.ah ,..dl.D4. q>ellulq. lll lah, a1.l prohc•enc a• colleqe bo.rda 673 · 6013 UPLACI BABYSIT TlNG wtlb .n educ• l>OII (SSO w .. kJy) •t Roaloo N o nl•uo ra Sc boolhou•• Aq11 2 -12 495 50 40 831 0961 TUTORING NOll rubJecta, lt-12 and colleqe O.y, nftlDQ Gd Nmmer 14 per hour Mr Morc~•n, s.l-9033 23HELP WANTED SENIOR INSPECTOR Machined Parts Aockw•ll lntern•roonal• SpAc~ Tr '"'I fl·•'• r 'nd System• G roup 11 pro m• cunltiiL • r I ''•• ::., ' •' Shullle, ofl•n •n ••c•ll•nl OJ,lp< '""·''• I r • te noc.r l•vel ln1peclvr <•I M&c hon..d P•r•· Yc.u'll rn•ll• r.qu11.J ~•up1 H ili 1 •f' •' l4PETS• UVESTOCK ADAN.S PIT CLOOC: Nond•y-Fud•y 9-6, S.tUJd.y 9-12 Hollie· bold pete and barda. Adam.a and Brook.bunt, Alber11on'1 C ente r. bel11nd O.nny'a & J.P. Macke. Cal.l964-1605 GRAND OPENING· Tlwlq• for prec::aou. petJ Quality QrOOroutq. 10~ ott outnuonal.ly b•I•Aced prooraaaa Dodcia Laterpneee, 2052 Newport, Co•• N .... 64S-6611 EASTER COCJC!R PlTPS -7 w .. b . pure· bred, oo p.pen SISO 830-0925 Selllng Your C•r? C~l Clualfled 673-0550 BUNNIES -All lwtda ud colon Hold for Euler Complete •t·up "v&lla.ble _768·8503 IS GARAGE SALES HARBOR VIEW HlUS G.rden Club q•r•q• Mle. M.rcb 26-27, 9 a 1D IO 4 p Ill 1 520 ltwel, CorOD• del W.t Househo ld alems , p!.Ata Euler buketJ CONE QNEt COME ALL! G..uat f'WIIm•Q• .. 1 •. 565 w 18th St., COli• w... VeterAA~ Memooo Hal.l M•rch 26 ud 27, 9 a m to 4 p m BeJteht Co_,. M ... Teen CeDI•r RUMMAGE • aA&E SALE S111urday, M.re h 27 9 • m to 2 p m Clothulq bouae· hold AAd boutique, toys, boolut •nd twa•ed oooda Chtld'a World, Cbtl· dreo'a Center ol Uorver· &Jiy Uoated Methoda..t Cburc b, coroar of UoaverlliY and C ulver 111 lf'VIIIe WOV-lNG SAU An lrq u e s l u rnrlu re reluq•r•tor stove, spona And qym equap· m•ot. olhce 1uppli•. cloth" all hou.hold alema Eve rythuao mu• qo' S.turdn 8 5 1406 NoiiUlqh•m Rd Dover Sbor•s &42 3717 16 HEALTH LOSE Wl:JGHT NO W 10 IO 29 lbs ID 30 d•ys or your SJI 75 lor 1 mooth'' supply reluro ed Call HtRBAUFl: dt~trtbulor Nachelle 645 5423 comp..rAton rhr" Aa" mN.,.uonq "'" h .. , ... uuJ 17 TRAVEL/ __ _ lhrMd "'-·~unq \'ftt•mJo Yo H ·~P"""' •. •h •1<:1 I VACA noN h•v• anvolved prK1110n tol .. ,.•n ••• rd '"'' • damenaaons •11equl•• '""" " , .. I''"" I DISCOUNT A l ft - coordan•lwn on ~veaal piAIIf'' r •mJ'''"ntl ,,.,,.,, FARES H••AU S298. and compoundi iiVI"4t t·ontvur New Yorlr S258. W.a~eo 5 d.vs l279 au a.od Rock-ll o tfe11 An ouhtandtnQ '"''A" u;tl t ... n•l•• l)<loeloeqe whoch onclud•• f LEX TIMf (,t ... r.tl J,f,. der~lal •nd medacal tns•uAnc• .. mp•nv contubwhnq wvonovanvn lmt'nl piAr. ~u.art•rlv cOli of lrvanq anc tMMJ And mtJ r" ,. __ •pply 111 ~~~~~\)I CAll Jua McGav•rr• (DA0l1 S~NC• Tt•n.sport•ltUit 6 Syalems Group Rockwell lnternahon•l llGO S CLark Str .. t Downy, C A SK)24 1 (213) 8122-2901 lqual Oppartun•IY £,.ployer M• f U S C\lueos)up llequrred ROCKWELL Dn'ERNA nO MAL lud Wby look .a-. wb•r• > Loc•J Newpor1 tr•Yel eapert W.r\Jyn Matcbell (714) 631 ~1 11 EMIERTAIM BAUOOM BOUQUETS Uauqwe, penoRallaed ~lit D.h .. red locally a.d.r today ·a.l&ooaa of Newport, • 64S-Io445 TU-l lll TDANCU StvdJoO CclW ..,.. •auen.maaeot lot aU oc CUIOIII ...d c&-Ul llile •rt of ~l~ <AU 731 4.574 WHn'l aAUJT suns for..._ ... ....._01 ~ ...... n..tn-eal sa.-c.., ,..1. IIYI\11 \ bi.o<lo. ..tlotC or'<! r~id 1M Ower' Our Cl.-Ulft£0 St<'- 173-1551 23HELP WANTED HlLP WANTED: TYPI- Srrn:R lor A N 4510 Cal.l 710-6355 or !Mve m-o•. 898-5249 PR!STlGIOUS REAL ESTAT! omc1 '" 1r v111e lookiAQ lor lop quality Aqerlll. Good comauaa.on tplil No d.U f-851-0829, 752-1493 KELP WANTED· Stnp· paoo. p .. le-up, •rl work C•ll 77().6355 or 1.... lll-9• 898 5249 DD40NSTRA TORS NIUI be •v&ila.bl• Thura dAy, F rad•y, S.tun:l•y P.yl4fbour. Worltuaq Ul &tor" DMJeal your u .. Call Lou, 551-5031 WANTED Wature WOmG IO l.ave·I.D hd c•r• for elderly womu Very laqbl dulles Room/b oud/ul• r y Aher 6 p m , 170-3003 1 SECOND lNCONE lor prof-JoODa.la and 11011 prof...oo•la Whole Mle/retw mercbA.Ddaa anq, muumum UlVeel· meol Steyer ioter pr~. 857-5188 •her 6p m MECHANIC AL DE SJGHE.R II you ue A mechaorc.J dea~qaer walh •I leut 5 yMra combUled eapeneoc• 111 ID!K IIO D molded plu 11c s ADd e lectro mechA.Dac .J compooeel dNrqo. we oeed you' Come )OlD • lut qrow tnQ company an the commerc ••l rel.y and aotercom held £11 celleot w.larylbeDehta Call Roo Lowe. Amer acA.D Zetller lnaoe (714) 540-4190, •Jter S 30 p m (714) 821 5089 URN S6 PER HOUR 111li11q AvoJt producta p.,1 llml DNI your hom• or 111 your worll pl•c• C all C•rol Skel ly, 540 7041 INfORWATION ON ALASJCAN Hd ov•r Mal tobs S20,000 IO S50.000 per yMr poMI ble C•ll (602) 998-0426. O.pt 8963 U.RN S3SO TO S700 A WUJC Wlth our proveo envelop• proqr•ro pole)..ble from ltaoae Fr .. det•U. lllcloeed ... peel. envelope Pluto C<~ O.,.rtmeal 6, 1744 W Devon, Chac aoo U l.anoaa60660 23BELP WANTED LEARN TO IAllN Sl80/ wMII . Work 1·2 holll'l d41ly .tutfuuiJ eovelopee S eod aell-•ddreaaed •-ped envelope lo Rec;,al, 424 W Com· moawealth, ~ L. F....U.rtOA, C A HILP WANTED AIDES True1LD9 Aid• IO .-Ytl pa.benll Wlth b.thmq, qroommq ud coomq 2 boun per nml, 2 to 4 pa.u-ta per day CaiJ Quality Care NurllDO Servace •• 778-2163 RETAIL SALES- F' ulJ or pArt ·lime £a. pe~ced only Jwuor •p,.Jel lrvlne 857- 4677. CRUlSI SJUP JOBS G,..t tDCome potenb&l, a1.l OCCU,.IlOU f' Or Ul· lorm•boD ca.ll (602) 947-7251, ... , 313 Ca1.l rehmd..b.l. SUBSTTTUTE GRAND- MA w.nled lor occ• CODal b&byctwaq of H )·)'Ml·old boy Prefer my WoodbndQe home 857-8741 S30 PER HUNDRED p&Jd tor proceaADq mw tTOaa boml Upenauce ~ry lniorm..· ttoo aeod ••If-ad· d~. •-ped euve· lope, T'Yl.I.R, Boa 7Q7 l..1 V'lD q .too. N J 07'039 28UCENSED CIIJl.DCARE STATE LAW RE OU1R£S th•l penona who pro...-.de cluld cue Ul thelt boaae be hcena ed For Ulforaa.ta.oD OD how to obt.u~ lic:en. 111 0rAAfle CoUAty, call (714) 834-5172 BRITISH NANNIES •r• rMponAhle •nd lr..ned lor duld cue Loodon Bndqe Aqency aa Ulllr· YleWUIQ l••uh" lo r 1982 752 1476 'rl SJTUAnONS WANTED RIGISTIUD NURSE -ka pnv•te dutT . .ny &haft Noo-amolaer ud loc.J refereoc.. CM New• Group. Boll 039, Z721 I Cout Hwy . C o ron• del M•r, 92625 LIVE-iN POSITION waoled CoiDp•o•on ae c relary l rqhl ho usekeeptnQ Edu cated, u•velled laved Europe 8 YMn Drive Loc•l referenc es L•quo• •re• C •ll 631 -9523 MALE L VN SEEJtS d•ytmae wor• an horae or hoeptl•l c•re 12 'fMn eapeueoce U lhour bpeneoc e aoclud• m I•QI.l.,. c•r• termUl.l 301USINESS OPPTYS S20M INVIST • S60M re turDed hnl ye•r Co•pulvu.d buyulQ ud ..1.lutq .,.tem for ... rybody'll UM 642· 3723. SECOND INCON.I for prof~oaJa AAd llOD· prof-oa.la Whot.-..Wret&ll merch&odw I.DQ, auuaaum LD.,...· meAl Steyer loter· pr~. 857-5188 after 6 p ID. BUSINESS O PPOR· TVN1TY Smal.l b~ .ndlor hollMWil.. ua cr-Llle c..ah flow A.ruoOA·b.lld compa.ny aeeda people 111 your UM p.rt/1\&ll tuae Only am):nla.ou. •pply Cal.l (714) 855-4600 BUSINESS O PPOR· nJHlTY W.O•qeriPut· oer oeeded (lo LDYeet) LD womea ·, hqure aaloo 770-6218 B.EVI.RL Y HILLS NOV· lNG to Wa.t11 A wuque and NCC..fW LDV ... · aaent proqr .. h.u been proaawq•ted to returu 32~ per annum For p.rtacul.ua, cal.l Art, 546-8384 3liMVESTliENT OPPTYS EXPORT CO WANTS Ulveeton. 23~ retllJ'1I 6 moDtha, 90~ nqht olf. G~a~r.nleed by t.tler of c reciat 851·6&48 31SPORTING GOODS • • •GUARANTUD' ·' A t.nt..tac oew l.aqwd h.a.h lure II DOW •• .w. Able Seuullooal r•w•• •r• 100~ Q\l•r.nleed l.unat c•tcbM lor you .nd your ba!u.oq bud· daea Potent ac eol sprMd.J throuQbout Lll• Wiler UhCLD9 a1.l bah IO .tnh h .lao eiJ.m.ua•t• human odon •hach re pela fi.ah Tlua product aa pollbvely ou•r•oleed "U•r mutt c•tcb more laah or we wtll ref1111d lull purc hall pnce " To o rder th.Ja lulutac p ro d uct •ad SJ 98 lo Roben V•uqbo 23962 Bouqh Wa..wn Vaeto C A 92691 38AHT1QUES SULLIVAN'S AN TIQUiS 1237 S M•10 Saot• AoA Now open II 4 ClNr•nce .. ,. muha abop• •od 111•11 " TELEVISIONS/ STEREOS PANASO NIC VHS Video T•pe Recorder Perlect coodataoo SJOO 496-9166 44MUSICAL INSTRIINTS SHAI7fU AND SONS ebooy Grud pi&Do £a c elleDI CODd iiiOD 14,200/beet offer Cal.l toWr.. oumber 1-800 532-3972, ulr.lor Pe1111y u._r Adw•lcb M5274 -----VlOLDI, 314 Roth •alb bow AAd c... Good coocLttoD S26S 661 6540 .soma EQUIPMENT IBW WAG CARD D won:! proc.-mq .,.sem lacelleot c oDdllaoo S4,.sclor beet oHer C.JI Sal.ly, (714) 760-0100 UICUTIVE SUJTl Sobd darla oala d.U a..od credeDU lit, eJlKUIIVI tWlvel ch&u 2 11de chAll'l, t8N S..l.cll'l(; m .nd eecreta.ry cb.Jr Wutt be -~~ lo appre ca.te. 851-3928, 9 to 5 COMPln'ER. Apple D Plu., 48~. 2 d.lac dnv•, Cutro~ prmter 9" bl•ckfwbale mODitOI, at.n-l. Apple 1011 .nd ln*iJet Ba.ac U , 500 firm Call lolllr•• number }. 80(). Sl2 -3972 ulr. for Pezu~.,...ver Ad w•tcb W~ 49 DIAMONDS • JEWELRY EST An I SECOND HAND JEWI.UI Y •nd .terluiq n.rw.,. coell much .... al Bentley • 220 E 17th St Coata w ... 64S-6585 GRAND OPENING The Co.t• w ... Co111 6 Jewelry EaekAoqe. 2426 Newport Blvd Ccm• w... buya and Mila UMd t•welry K rap oold, deoi.J watch" COUll, aJlver 631-5933 lofusT SELL7ilr•c•l•• 50 blue Mppharft .n qold •r1acul•ted Ap pra!Md over Sl 000 C•ll lolltr.. nu.mber 1-800 532 3972 w lor Peooyuver Adwatch M9578 DlAWO ND SOLITA IRE lb. Jte.wport EMiga Wed.Deeday. March U . 1112 Page 21 TWIN PULL $119.91 $149.91 lUNG $219. loby Crib $79.95 SetiQcle:-..ar-f ....... f••''- .. II&. $11111t u-aM fta Ill SOMISCEL· LAHEOUS PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT h&bwty lor L.Dcorrect trpelhnq qr.mm•tac•l 111•ccur .c ..... o r typoqr•pbacal erron 111 aoy .dver 11.11meota pubhabed ua tbe Coaat Nedt• News Group BOOKS-O LD RARE .nd out-of prt.nl W• buy Hd Mll "Out-of prual boob our apecaal ty " NahoD•ade S..rch S.rvlCe, Book Vauh. 3682-A S Bnaeol S.ota A-. 549-9548 R.tDWOOD 2z6 deck ID9 -4-20' IODQ 25 ceota loot hm &46 9885, an ytmae BEDSPWDS MAHU F ACTUR.EJIS OUTLET L•rqesl ro Oraoqe Couoly Beddaoq 6 Bedapread Hou.e 1440 S Malo St S.niA An• Edtaqer'M•tn 835· 161 1 BUTTO NS BUMPER STICJCLRS refnq•rator m•qo•ts c ustom made ....,ap mMten cr11zy wytoqs a.nd rocll but tons an flock lrvl.lle Cowboy, 559-1&41 f"REE HAIRCUT W•l• lem•l• models Deeded for demooatr• IJoOD by .dv.nced flyli.st MUJ.mum S5 product cbarqe fo r penru &.r~d colon 963 0408 Sl WANT TO BUY WANTt.IJ fURNI TURI •pphancea ( •• fnqer•tors w•sheu drven , TV'a worlunq oon •orlt1119 Anuqu" pt•Dol , offrce lumature SSCAS. (714) 957-8161 WANTED USED FUR NITURE mode rn An uque Relraqe r•aon wuhen d ryers (work lDQ DOD •orlri.DQ) l..es, 957 8133 52 RENT A1S TO SHARE ~CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR RENT WOODBRIDGE W llld.aor Eataa• PLan 4 2.255 tq It 2 lllory, 4 bedroom 211J · b •tb , lamuy wtlh lrreplace Beaut iful onlerror pl&nler l•rq• fenced yard Wllb AUIO sprUl.lr. l•n ol.lr qarener I yM J old B.auulully lud :reaped, qrNI loca tion I DO pet• Sl.OOO pet month Anu...ble Apnl 15 or po11obly aooner S•nda •o•nt (714) 494 0791 COAST HOUSEMATES PUBLISHER DO ES -Conveoreot room NOT ACCEPT u.abwly mall peraonal prolale fo r rncorrect epeUroq wrvace Call toliJr.. q rammauc•l IDAccur oumber 1 800-532-3972 acaes or aypoqrapbacal uk lor PeD11ywver Ad •rron 10 a oy .elver WIICb coeo ,l.t.MmeDIS pubha.bed Ul HO USE.MA TE WANT be Co.st Neciu News ED uoUAa Hilla 4 G roup bedroom furntahed pn v•t• home 112 rrule oU OC£AN VliW CON tr .. wAy Respooaable OO 3-bedroom 2-bath urul Periec::l •nt•r1a.m penon Pool w..aher dryer IIC S30() p•r IDQ be.ullfully UPQr•d month Share UIUIIIH ed tbrouqboul dry b.r 768 6222 830-1&41 lore plac e mu rored w•rd rob. wash•r dry er lruh co rnp.clor Th• pool clubhoUM I S3 APARTMENTS balliud room. tully UNFUR.N .qutpped qym are oolv llOIIle of the ealru an thr• NO W RIHTING 1 •11d aec::u nty bwldino 2 b •d room QUdiD AlJ .duha \1 200 P4ll ap.r1meota Cloee lo month f or tnJonaatroo lr .. way, be.ch aod 641 ·6666 eal 2063 w•l~ to ahoppanq Hum NEWPORT B£AC H (IIIOIOD S.11ch are.t 71 .C I.~~ecuaave ••IQe 2 bf'.d ARCADE GAMES 847 6064 room 2L'J t.a•h. '' .~v•• coan oper&led S 199 U N 1 0 U E A p A R T Sp11 pool ••on•• n .. - cu h N ch 1 beat olter MENTS And townhou.,.. ocM.D $.850 ~· monlh OD a ll 661 3974 •ath ClllhedraJ cealrnQ& b« 24-42 Ul }.7 63 831 nJO I hre piAces w•• bars .tu 6755 I condatroo10q pools LU XU RY APT LIQUIDATIO N SALE w un•• qym rennas towohoUMt 2' ~ b"th RoMwood 720 bo•rd cour1s lmmedlAit' .tv••l bedroom .x ... ,, .,, ..... teet from Cenrra. Able , '--..Jroom and .200 f • .._. C.seh.dr&l c••hnq plu~n Amertc• b liQ I den 1 '--..Jroom 2 '--" 1 ._. .,.... -,.rp•llnq lu•pl11cto c er4UIIrc p4VlJIQ Il l ap room 2 bath •o .., n encla.ed ~11raqe 661 fh•nc•• •ntaques bou1et From S390 I 9113 Call altt'r 3 30 00'• wool Ortlnt•l Sorrv no p•t• 2400 I weekd.svs carpet beda lurnllure H•rbor Blvd Co.-e• and loll more f or on M ... 557 8020 lormallon c11ll 951 3134 DANA POINT RENTA l I ENCYCLOPEDIA 198(; lull lu ther S450 Unop•ned w•a Sl 8()()1 Chtldr•n s S72 K•thiH o 8J8 .lb4J AMW A Y DIRf:C'T DIS TRIBUTO R G· tnq nut ""' bu~tn...... lnv•n I< IY 25·'~ ,,If w ftulf'~418 Ltll'rlllur" l.tpt!!t ~1• :ioscounl td l "ooOt< Oce•n vrew Aq" 2 • 2 hreplacf' 'P••' l l•v•l apa rtm•ot S67C. Ad ;h 496-0271 54 APARTMENTS fURNISHED BALBO A ISLAND REN'T AL 2 b.drV< m 7 b•lh .:vnd UJ £1 Tor -'PSI.to:s •Jnot Upqt60 ed .:<u~U •nd dr11p~ Poo. SbO~ m n•h "-49-&. 76 S9VAC AnON RENTALS G REAT BIG BEAR .tbor. o rh.-'~~ Luvelv I bE<Ir<'om wtth "''""' 1 >uno C lo· T\ In" , 14~" P' Q-.h \St per J., 04~ •hll RING 84 p oant• b nlli•ol C'olor Mu'' WHEELCHAIR \ 75 Ch11rmtnQ pnvat• : bol'dr ~rn l b.th l.>ur, Jr,· N pt"t\ S650 vpa• IV ..... llJ 4'5(\ lOS. o>vt> 4• 1 1'-18 141, .:lav• MAMMO TH CONDO •' t .. h ; tl lb and I Mcrtface Call roUftH f "ldan<J w.tlk•r S.% number I 800 532 397o~. O~tvq•r. .. , .• , S.JC ult lor P•nnvuver Ad 1 O~tvq•n r~ul111, r H1 w•tcb MS662 S90 Call 752 027' DI.AWO ND COCKT All COLLECTOR LIOUI RrNG ApprAuoed DA TlNG ..,, .. , • ~,. e~·l S l 500 16() poonts lectaon ol W rl i """II S750 C All tolllrf'" I ~>llh Pr ·~• • ... 1 numb4tr I 800 532 3977 49J 84l8 ••lr for Peonvwver Ad , wAtch M9796 NO RTH EN D ~~ m , t>o~~th .-.tr v~•w ..turl~' '\ "~c: 494 ,'5"-4 .. ~ ~· RENTAl LA13U N A BEACH l11rq" bedro rn mplt't"•v I lurrrl•h•d Bt'autolul whot .. watf'r Vtt!!W P"""'" bt'o\<h r''''" .4 'I Jl Lu oJ ... l .. J r , "'" i t' ..-"'11• t ..... ~v... ol t T\' II\ JlZi HAWAII VAC'ATIOt. ,,.n, .. J 0"h t-.. a. hhon ' t~'•"<>rr nd Follh I lu•l'loioh..d ,,,...,,.. ~ w-~lv""' ··• ' .,.. ,250 Lft6\.tf' ,... 4LS• ---------1 CA.D<:er pei .. DII M&tJ •II anqlllfl.. lo PeDDY tl FURNITURE FURNITURE NIVER USED Qu .. D bed room With bed SS8() G1ua lop dJn•ll• Sl25 W•t lreufboa tprLDQI IWI.n S80. lull S90. qu .. n Sl30 Roo 170 0901 SOMJSCEL- LANEOUS Sl WANT TO BUY WANTED Ol fl GUNS ''""""'' ~ .... <.J~ Jl P Vfl W ... ~ .. nd' SKI MAM\.tl TH SAVINGS REPRE- SENTATIVE &r:.latnq Full T'me lr•atwood Savrnoa •lid to. a ba.a • n "" · ......... OpeOUlQ ID OQJ Coron.• cA.l W.r br&DCt. lot aft eel~ll.l ... he IAdiond~a~l who hu pnor S It L or ~ope~ U yO\I re lootiaq lor • hma .. Ca.reet ID ~ 184 ucl woWd bite to wwk ....... ud • tneMlJ • .-raa•nt, --~~ (714;;i0.1ii .... r. p 0 Boll 484032. 275533 Puert• RMI, WIS 11011 Vaeto. C A 92691 PART TIN£ BAllY SmtNG I to 2 c~rldren Ill ay hOBII w.tUrl woau lapeneoc:ed ,..erenc• Call Peqqy 546-1359 NATURE COUPLE DISIRIS ltv• Ul or out potilloOII WOIII •OIK • l 5 d•'f• lace'll•ol refereace• Newpo rt .,.. Fneda 646 2251 WI WOUl.D LOVl IO be yo11r Aaway d~o~tnb utor Mtn ucl Marl. {114) 546-138:1 IHTD\-DESIQN WAREHOUSE SALE I rttl•• •holqun poclr•• ANWAY PRO DUCTS watc hu m .l11.,v com• to you S.hal•c l•worda s,.,..,,.. ollf'<: non qu•r•nteed or mon '' 1 P"v' m.,.,. rh"" ey b.d S59 5543 anv dul•r ~I tl87•1 SOMJSCEI.. LANEOUS I -I SO MISCEL- LANEOUS fO~ l EASE b<odr • m "' mP 1-.~ l,.nd 1.,1... r r IPIJ•" ~;><, m "'~ ,").,.""' I 011' ~,)'1 Sc-lhnq Your C•t? 673 05SO S6 HOUSES UNFURN Top quality met '"Brannln Grammas Etc." c ba.nd.iae at 10 •• ~UTH LAGUNA •nt c redibly low Pr.aenb .. 1 J v•A• Jld .,,.. ~• "" pric... SPRING FUNG l • 1 T•nn•• "'"' 'Pl.. L d "",c.: .. n YieW wcunh •ru• w .. aen BOUnQUE q•••• '11CX> monthtv only Call tolltrM numl'wtt War . 26-W..r 28 Sbop for &ater. Mother's Day 1 800 532 39u ... ~ lor Fn. l2 a.m·7 pm Btttbd.ya or Wh•levet I Penaya•v•r Ad wAtc h S.t /Suo. 8-5 pm L 1 u d _.J If M5581 ----10 lillllfVtt I W • OV@ y non moue ems WOODBRIDGE Wand -..-.~· ..,.., • &rDer • Del1cious &Iced G ood1es 101 Ul•t• Pl•n 4 2.~5 LOAJe AYead.l 1 W Ill~ C aq It 2 .to ry • t,.d WtDOW HAS MOHIY S.ate Aoa • ruftery· eromics ,oo,. 211; t~.th. 1 ... nh torl'rMl o..t. 110.000 (7lt) .,...,ss • Chimes· Woodenware wuh tarepa.c. &..uta · q Mo c,..,~ di.M:bfla.o luUy L.oci~•ped CJtMI ..,.. c.u o.... C0 .. 10 BY BROWSr SHOP loc•••o• No pet• ~ f73.T.J1} .... r ceo, 11,000 per •oAth 1 KAVI MOOY eo 1oea on~ <:atoM AND HAVE REFRESHMENTS A•~ ApnJ 1s or ::.,:;,,!: ';' "-n-, ... ., P'RIDAY APRIL 2 11·6 1!;:~~17);J:fdl· .. , ......-'-.~,..,~ .o ,,::_ SATURDAY APR.n. 3 9·4 lOUTH aaVUIC ... z '""' • "'-"· (714) llSEat 10th St., SaDta .\oa l......._•, 2·~ ..._. .. ~.DOOI ..... WO.IY. MOMIY =t:• MeeclDt~?Ca.U •trul,fal- '• ..... &,.... ~ u lt ... ll$3 13 ,liA111 ---w ... IIi ··l ...._ ______ .,.... _______ .:~&e.·~~t'O?J ,,.. -~ ......,. .. ••n·· • ... : ..,... -..,. IFII nOli ..... -wen•tr w.. ~~ "'• ~ ~ .:r..~.· !P--1• ... ft. =: ..... -..~ Summ ' ·•1 •tltJ ' I h tn "'""·' .... s:,....p 4 t1 L-., u·r. "1\H.' wav~ ul" r TV -.hu.-.~ u• d"rQr<lund ~ •1~1! 7 ! I Vdf: I th .. r "'"·l•bl• MM h _.,... A pill~ Aptol I f ,, j 1\ 111<1 S..ttHtl to S •r; 1 "' nt Jhl S :r"'l"' I T h .. -.1"" Sb':l I'''' n.q~ • ·s~ 0497 ,, H.l.l /t~. PAl.M SPRINGS !oar ashf'd h"urv r :1dL! st-r .. s ... mlf'ltii•J • • ·•111 '"'""'• Av•al &bl .. w-•·n·h '"d w• ••• ..,._It Ae" on"bt .. rAte• H.Cb '188 Dr 545 16011 ..... lllG IlEA A C ABlN 2 bedroom plua loll Sleepa 9 5 10 nunul" SAOw Summal ~~ per nrqht 1'10 relu.ockble ~nlv d~, Call tol\f~ ftuaMt 1.8QO,. SJ2 JW72 .... '->• '-t4l• ...... A~..U~ SNOW ucr lT -......... CIO.Mo. l ·b.clroo•. 3·11•'•· jac:ua, ...... ale.--" ,,,.....,., ..... wro.aA ...,..._ ..,..._ MM. April ll -..,..,, HAWAD CONDO r= ~Nell. w.w, ... 'H 3 '*~roo•, 2 batla, co ....... , fu. ~ . .....,.e. sgo niaht. ~ ...k· ly{aootlaly rat•. lro· clt~a ... 1151-0808. BIG IIA.I CAIDI: Ski- Lao 1e llill QOOd, •led· dl.a9. hlkiat. 3 bed· rooaa, 2 b&tlae. eJeepe i . PirepJ.ac., corapa.t.ly f~&raJehed. WMklJ , -eMecl r.a. Non· aaohu 831-9766, 482-211151. at OFFICE/ COIOIEROAL 120FF1CE/ OOIOIERCIAL DELUXE EIECUTIVE SUITES Newporl ... ch/ICnoU Center. FuU wpport •rv~. Ottice from $436 per month. On call, etc., $16!S per month. THE JDADQU.AJITER.S CO ... AJt'Y (714) 851..()881 PIUIIE COIIOJtA DEL MAll Wp!y tiPJIIIIh rl ct.u..., ahowrooa. .._., to ty,at opeo tM door. ··-aq. ft •• ll.JGO per -th. (I) 4.51 ... 11. M8()AID •CAD PRIVATI KOMI CARE for .W.Iy aabulatQry • Lic:eueclo~~na. 540--2*. 17ftEALDTATE •-PLD PLUS IONUS ROOW. Sa C'--te. S\&J»f loc&tlon. Neu beec~.l1~'96 .. .aaaW.: ~.000. By owaer. C..U wUJrM ouabet l-8Q0...532-3972, aalt for Pecn,..ver Ad· watc:A W9'TI7. INV!STOJtS: Newport leech duplea. Ju11 reduced $26,0001 N~ SM,OOOI A-lae ht oJ S223.352 at 12\4~. 4 ~. ud 3 bed· rootu. Call J.dreoe, 830-8819 01 77'0-1980. Landmark A.oc..._. aomCE/ COIOIERCIAL a.cr-.tthal ... W'JIO" Center oiJ1ce w11h u• of rec:ephoa, cooler· enc. room, k11cbeo, pllone, 1ecretaual and word proc-.an9 loiUi1 ud m~• .. r. vu:e ave~lable •paz- alely 1f dn.ired CaUSally (114)~100 • JIOOSES FOR SALE LAD FOR.IST 0 by owner. Lake ForNI. owu dock hpular, h19hly llPQraded Del Nonie 3/4 bedroom, 2.200 eq lt., private tpa, Sun & Sail Club membenhjp. Pnced below ma.rket at $298,000 or be.! offer with ea~lenl lmanc· 1119 Call 661-1630 aoyhme B!ST VALUI FOR PRICE! We bel-it will be bard to fmd a belte.r value tor a home m the South Cout arM. Located near bMc h and park n .. 1,800 IQ It 3 bedroom/2-bath home wtth famaly roo.m wu C\1.11018 bw.lt 5 YMrl aqo. The owuer h .. moved to San Dleoo ud wall carry the fuaa.ocln(.J $144,900 C&~~on Real letale, (714) 493-8901 CORONA OIL NAR: OceanvJAw, 3-bedroom. 2'h-batb, nMr Fubt.On lalend 3 hreplac•. J. car !.JU49• Only S349,500 Owner will carry fmucm9. Broker. 551-8181 WOODBRIDGE Wmd10r !.tate, Plan 4. No.I popular model, 2.255 eq. It . 4-bed· room. 2'h·batb, laml.ly room, fuepl.ace, COIIDtry lutcbeo, bay wuulow, lar!.J• hvano room. par· quat floor, au, 1 YMt Bee~&WuUy ludecaped With auto apnoklen. ••-•1 Very lar9e yard Take oveJ bt and 2nd T 0 With DO qval..aJya.n9 nee· =I -ry Pnced to •1I1m· mecbately at $229.000 JOO-IQ. ft. C&l.l Sandt Sa.lla, a9en1, AT 0£ V8l DIIYI AN> 1HE (714) 494-0791 •.&UI'.& .&a...a.& -...&v 1111o..1 l. M PETERS LAND· ..,...""'"""" ~"'''" IHG Plan 4 -2.500 eq. ..-rAQifi\AZA. It , 4 bedroom, 2'h ~ourOf~III!IIHOUSE bath, famuy, lllll11rioua W'll'l '~ ma1ter 1111te, lar9e N#J INIO ~OWN ()ff'tCE country k1tcben w1th bey I •.aiiNeiNPO: wrndow, 2 hreplac•, ...._ au, bMulaluUy land· 1111241 ~<:aped. A•11meble fl e • DUC1111.J· $294,900. C&lJ ·-------.--------IJ SudJ Salka, a9eot, (714) 494-0791 88 HOUSES FOR SALE 88HOUSES FOR SALE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY 10% DOWN Three bedroom. 2 both. excellent fi- noncfng and excellent condition. good starter Of Investment home In fast-QJ:)preclotlng area. Community pool and pork. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE •BOUIIIFOR SALE HOUSI FOR SALI by oW1ler. i..9~Uta Beach, 3-bedroom, 2-batb, priva,., wooded, ea· ceUent cond1tion. Some OCMO view. 15~ doWD. 10 .7~ fh13505in9. $245,000. 497-. PIUCID wrrH TIR.NS P~raaic OCMD view 1~ d.OWD. GrMI U · wlll&ble1oa.na. Thie C\1.1· tom·butlt 3-bedroo~a/ 2-bath boa~. h.. been red.c:orated &~~.d ae lD unmaculale CODdltio&. View l:rom neuly all roolllS. The OWDer will carry linue1119 ud ba. 1\l.ll reduced prJCe to $224,000. C&ll.on llMl &.tate, (714) 493-8901 lAGUNA Nl~UIL hoce by OW1ler. 2-bed· rooc. 2-bath, luqe lui· chen, akybqhte, hre· r.tac., air, ~rad.d, andecaped. Aawaable loan -12~%. S169,· 000. 831-6556. 114 INTEREST ID Moonr1dio•. Bu.t BMr home. Cloee to alu 1lopu. 951 ·3704, owuer. HORSE PROPERTY illld ~utifuJ co~Utlry home, eec::lucled Trabuco Can· yon. 2,100 1q It plus 1eparate 9ueatroom Sl77,000 wttb SJ0,000- $40,000 down Call loWr. o~&m.ber 1-800- !J32.J972, ask lor Penny· Nver Adwatc:h W8218. •BOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALI by owner. Wb1tewater Vl-. Vlctort. a.acb. 1 block to OCMD. 2· bedroom collaqe wUb pei'JILil ready for 1,500 1q. II. addlllon. $275,000 with tenne 497-3505 or (213) S46-1981. ltCOifDOS/ TOWJUISES FOR SAtE lAST 181h S"''RDT. Co.te W.... Towuhome. 3-beclroom, 2~-bath, 1- yea.r-old. La.rv• patiO, 2- car quaqe. Sl55,000 20~ dowu. 1 .... Ultereet only on balance No poiDIL 838-tell LOCATID REAJl SOUTH COAST PLAZA SPt&Cioua 2-bedroom. 2~·bath, air cond , townhome. Fueplece, 2· car 9ara9e. Owner haaAced al 13,_. S159,000. Charter Realty .... ....._Dta Ui-1122 131-MII LAGUNA NIGUEL COD· do -Owner muat .. ur 3 bedroom, 2 bath, front· lll9 ll Na(Juel Co~Utlry Club. GoU COilfM Wltb parlW OCMII v1ew on 7th tM. S179, 500 Ia· cellent {I.Daoctn9 C.U tollhM owaber 1·800· 532-3972, ask lor Penny· MV.r Adwalcb M9474 EXCILLINT FIHANC· lNG ave..ila.ble .... ut&Nl 1r-8:~"::M::v::m::G::T:.0::::M~ !J Toro h.oae Perlec:t v • an for eaterialniDQ. 4· IIAiliOR bedroom, J.a19e t&mUy CUSTOM room, lorm.al d.J.Din9 ~wavuturr. room. cov.red pat10 ~ v~ overloolwl9 pool and Spec1&l.ly d.s19ned JICUUl $209,500 CaJ.l 2 Bd 2 851-0755. Aalt for M.r. mtenon, r., Stacey Pflllctpala only. & .. 2 car Q&ra9•· 1 By owner. bdJ convened to J8CUUl room Teu.oJa, QUALITY 1nteuor lls>Qraded . Mu.at •Ul J. pool, tpa, lecllnly bedroom, 2-balh home, (,}ate . S265.000. q111e1 ne19hborbood. $25,000 dowu. 11 ~% Only $125,000. $90,000 hDancm9. Brk (213) lll lo&u. 28921 Aloma, 421-0447. laQIUl• N1quel. Call ,.._ _______ • 494-6545, 493-8539, ask lor Wille, owner II HOUSES FOR SALE 71 LOts• ACREAGE GRASS V ALLIY -20- ac:N lote. Pin ... oeb, etrMIIUI, lmproved, oft Hwy. 49. S70,000 per lot, 10~ dowu, baluce at 10~ lor •ven yNJ'I Owner, (916) 713-4419, (714) 492·8182, (714) 847-7784 GRANTS PASS. Or.Qoa. Chotc. ac:re- 19e No dowu J)af111enl 10 ecree, $21,900; ud 12\-', ec:ree, $27,1100. lo- te...e Ollly pa.,_ .. to .. 3 y.ar1 at 1 ~ Clocao(.J co11 approanoately S500 551 5218 72RESORT PROPERTY LAD T AHOI A.R1A - 4,000 aq. h ol li.to9 UVlDQ roo.m wrth hre· plea., dlnlnQ room. kit· cheo ud femaly room wll.b brepl.ace, bar, rec room, IAdoor )Aellu:l, 3 bedroom, 3th bath. plua 1,600 ,. ft. Qaz•9e 2 bloc:lu rom lake with v1ew, 1 block lrom 1k1 bowl. S.U or trade (213) !567-2103. 1/4 ACRE (approa1· malely) lot 1n Moon· ud9e, Ba9 Bear S26,900 10% down 951-3704, owner 73BUSINESS PROPERTY PRIN:I OLD CdN Purc:hue 4 ahope on Cout Hwy G...at for owuer/UMr Aawaable fm&IIC:lllQ pl11.1 owner will c &Try SSJS,OOO Aoent, (1) 457-46.!._1_ 75PROPERTY NAMAGEMMT R.E BROI'IR Will mana9e your olhce bu1ldln9 tn return for of· flee BookkMpln9 •rv· 1ce available. !US-1927. 88HOUSES FOR SALE 81 ROUSES FOR SALE Robers A Eilerbeli T~W.Iton-=~•228 m 2161l Coalt Hwy. • Corona dll Me. (7W) 67~73 OCEANFRONT UNITS LAGUNA BEACH Dll'*lg room. wet bar and ~ PlUS 2 atudlol. ~s-~~~~~..pr,-~10 vtewt ot Creeoent leoch. s.at Aodt and Cat<*lo euneetal ONnet wl COIJV 0t trade. $895.000 Call WAU< TO SURF HIWE (AGENT) (714) 494-4674 Rusty Guinther, Agt. 630.1266 Four beaoom Decnt home with spo and gazebo $160.000 SUNSETS-NIGHT LIGHTS Contemporay conoo with sacytlghts. vaulted cell~. 1Cb wottw heottw Two bedroon".s. 41,2 t:>oths, t.,-ns. pool Sl84.500 AUTOMO'I1VE 19'11 1'RI-HAut l8W -140 ..., W.reury (0..,.1'• ~rd). AluLDum trail- er. All equipllleul Ill· cl\ldN. A-1 cood1tlon. $6,450. 498·4698. 551-4328. 90S!RVJCE/ REPAIR BJUTISB AUTO RE· PAlJlS; laQUr, J-n HM.Iey, Triwnpb, NG, Tnu.mph StaQ aAd moat other Bntuh auto.. 1995 IW-bor BlYd.. Coeta Meu, !48·6226. HERJ'S GARAGE. AUTO REPAIR Foreai.Jn I Oomnhc Enoi.De overha11l T110e up, brakn, eleclncal c.u 832-23n. 93 V ANS/TRCD FOR SALE 19N DO~ VAN 200. Sem1 -cooverted $6,500. 831-8934 19N FORD BRONCO -Lc.Uent coodJtJOD.. Eatr.. Nu11 aell! $7,000/beal offer 768-4732. 1981 TOYOTA b4 Oft. road pacbqe Wl1b a · tru S9,000. 661-&466 after 5 p.m. 1957 CHEVROLIT PICJCUP Step·lide, runa 9ood, new lu•. S 1, 995/be•t oller 58&-7841 1978 FOR.D VAN Pull Baja auepenaion, power IIMfllli.J, cruiee, ail, CB, alummwa wh..U. Much morel $7,950. Call tolllrM number 1-800-532-3972, .. k lor Pennyuver Adwatch WS663 1976 CHEVROLIT Bluer JC.s .U·9allon tank, CB, much, much morel Beat off..r Call toWrM owa.ber 1-aoo. 532-3972. ask for PeJUiy· Nver Adwatch W8268. 15 AUTO PARTS/ ACCSSIUES. VW INGDa -SlSO. Slata, S7S lu.apen, t.zan .. IMic>D ud other pule 831-~12 lftl IWW 330l. Low ..u.. se.soo. lacellenl c:oadJtiaa, eu.arool, 4· ..... 4~742 ev .... 4M·a11. CADILLAC FOil SAU: liMW Cadi!· J.ac o..ule CoAWirtlble. Did )IOU W&lll o• wbeo oew? Did JOI& ... ..,. oue wb.D -? You C&ll do II 89aUa bec.UM thae ...UCuloualy aaintal.Jied ud oricJia&l CaliJorna.a uuaple loeb ud oper· et. lib-· lo evetY .....,.ct the cooci1Uo11 oJ tlale auto truly bel1. lla 18-yea.r YintAqe. Y .. , II has hu. Thl8 mod.el w .. the fiD&I1Mr lor the wJ. ed lin Ced.Wac which .ded a CIODIUaU0\.1.1 Cad lllylmQ tlte,.. beQun tn 1148. "-n&bty pnc· ed at • DeQOIJ&ble $.4,500. lnjoy II DOW Or U a eolid lo119·lenn ID· VMI.ment pollllible. An uc:.Uent lu deduction for your buaiD-u well. Phone 848-8377 even11191 only, anyllme after 9 p m. ICeep try· lo~--- 1971 C ADILLAC Seville -Like new Lemou yellow color llectric doon. wue wh.eb S7,995 837· 88:U CHEVROLET 1074~ CAPRI 2000 4- -s-d. 52,000 au.lee, AWIN atereo, o-hree ud brake1, c:leao S2,095. 857·5214 or 833-732SI. 1178 CORVITTJ'I. An· DlV.f'Nry l.dttloo Wiot cond111on $10,500 498-8»4. DATSUif 1977 DA TSUM 280Z. 4· lpMd, ori91nal owuer. $7,500. 1973 Ceclillac Sedu de Ville. Good tranaportallon. S&75. C.U toWrM nwaber 1·800-!132-3972. uk lor Peonyuver Adwalc:b Me816 DODGE 1m DOOGI COLT A.b. AW/P'W •ter-~te. N-line. Ia· c ellenl coodlllon $4,800. 837 .a.JS. 1877 FORD Gr-.ct. 40,000 .U.., e.aceU.at c:oadiboD OWe~ .u. - $2,200 C.U toWree awaber 1..JOO.SJ2.J872, Mil for hna,..ver Ad· watcllW!mN 1&73 FORD PINTO R~&Mhout Good coadl· Uon, v.ry c:J.u. $1,200. 1978 Ford Plato, ••· celleot condition, 20,000 lllilee, $4,000. C.U loUJ.-DlliBber 1.aoo.5J2.39"J2, Mil for PanoyMver Adwatch N8265. JAGUAR 1074 JAGUAR 1161.. Low mllee, oew eDQ16e, br&~~.d oew paiat. Win1! $7,00/ofler. Call toWr. awa.be.r 1-8QO.SJ2.J872, .U for Penn,..v.r Ad· watch WS736. 1e81 MERCIDIS Beo.& JOOSO. ChemJHkvoe, aunroof, S32,000. 16,000 mil•. hceUenl co.ndl· lion. 559-1802, 496- 4~. 1877 NERCIDES lena 490Sil. Browu, all ea· lr .. , 8\Ulroof, leetlaer, malnten&~~.ce record., c:leeo. Aakin9 $17.800. (714) 493-0835. MG 1Wlt WGB. Lualled ldi· tioa JJ.elr, ac.U..I coodibou, ate~ cu- .. He. 24,000 aUea. $6,700. Call Pat, after· noona, 558-!010. 1877 WGI Convertible. lacellent condition. A.WI1W ~. radio, IUQ9AQe rack, new tiree. Oaly 21,000 lllil•. No r-Dable olfer Nlu. ed. 768-0686. PEUGEOT 1m PIUGIOT 504 o.-1. lac:elleut coodi· tioll. $7,000. C&l.l toll· 1.-ou•ber 1-800-532· 3972,aaklorPeDDy .. ver Adwatch WeNi. PLYMOUTH PL Y'WOUTH V A.LIAHT 1875. Au, ~ brU.. and .._riaq, 4 new racll&la. Very 90od. $1,100. m.t410. 1m ftlt1KPH Spldue. Low lllilMoe. acen-tl $4,500 caf.. $1,000 ad ... -_pe,._..,.._. oUer Call tolUree awaber 1-8Q0...532-Je72, aa1t for PeDDYM"' Ad· watch W5181. YOJ.DWAQD 1871 VW lUG - $1.000. ...... a.octy wod. 1170 VW a-- $2,000. lllc:.U... COIMb· Uoa. Call toUJr .. ~~~ 1-800-!132-572, aalr for p_.,.. .. , Acl· watch M82JS. 1851 VOU.SWA<DN VAN . laoelleat a..cAaoJCally. 1tebv.lb cotor/traaeaheloa Si50. CaU toUtr .. nwaber 1-«1()..532-3872, ulr for,._,...., Ad· wakh~. OP : t •. • I I -•. . -liftC! .. ADDmOa .lliiiODEUIIO GJaWICI' A ION BUILDDS .uace 1147 . AcJdtttoae, 1-n:Wtaq, Doon. w~.a.c~o-. Patio CoV.n. P\ua. rrw .... a.... ra._. Sd-2170. Uc:. 3101M2. AIR COimiTIOIGifG X....0. c..u.1 Ur COD· dlliolllD9 1UUta. ~ ... pric• liD puWie. Call SJ3..44J 1, 770· zaoe. AI.TEUTIORI/ DJI .... &IDWQ COLLIWI c .. toa Dr .... 1'9. lp1 :Wh· 1Atl.a~ud ..... Uou. P.n. traiMd. riAUTOS WAXTED 2700 I. eo.. .!':1 CoroucW W.., .--------------.1 Wecll-b . c.u...., USID CARS WANTID · • Up to S!OO pa1d. R110· nlni.J or not Al10 wrecb. Au lor Jack, 847-1478. PUILISHIR DOIS NOT ACCEPT habihty to.r I.Dconect .pellinQ. 9rammahcal IDacc:ur· actee. or t~raphical enon lll uy edver· U.OSenta Pf.:J::Sed m the Coast Newa Group JDPS, CARS, PtCI'· UPS fro• S35 Avail- able at local Goven~· aent Auctaon• For DAGAL MOTORS Grand Opening Specializing In MBZ. BMW Paad• FERRARI LAMBORGHINI • '79 M8Z 300 0 . . tAVE fo.r appoiataeat. YYI"• Dreu•alri11.9-Aitera· liou. ()Wcl .. me.. a-uhlepno.. c.u ....... PROJISSIONAL DUll WAIDfO .JMrra· Uou, for JOill total ~. fitUaq Ia J'OUI J.oae. Dell..n. cu he arruved. lerkra'e .... r.uv-. Imu, lor appo.mtaeat. -.uo1. (~) • '79 M814&50 SEL tAVE Cllll .. d dueclory, c.U Surplua A•~DWWC.MIMNI Data Center (415) Ri::41~ ~ Bill C RU~OY Rf~LT0R \ lltiNINSULA HOMES 2113 MIIAMAI OPINSUN 1·5 Remodeled, decorated 3 bedroom. l t.th, nw.ter bedroom. ocean view. Ma5,(0). W-.t Bay~-:-beyfr~-om-.-::~~-for-2 boeta. remodeled 3 bedroom. 3 bath ., ,.200,(0). -------Oc.nlront, jeny views. Marine room, • bechom, 3 bllth, 3.700 lq. ft. ., .. .000. LIDO ISLI HOMES Prime Udo Nord bllvfroett. 6 bed- ~ I --. a.,ge IMng room, 2 boll...._ •1MD.OOO. ~ ' ~ ' ~ TWO 2-BEOROOM UNITS 0n 4,5' X 9()' lot Great peninsula lo- COtiOn S275.cx:x:> Separate yards- Idea fOf two families CANYON CONDO Prrne Sea Bluff location. $169.000. 2 bedrooms. 21h baths and o very creative seller! Col PhytHa Salyer 67a-1m 2000 w. Balboa IM:1 Newport CAMIO IHOIII VIIW.UACH A SQeetac\M:Ir 5 bedr~two tamtv room ~ etched on the bluff above o wNte IOndy beoel'l oft~ extrerr. prtvocy ond woodsy O'trTlOsphefe VIew c:A Bird Roclr- croahing surt-Jettv ond oftvae ltlandl. S3.200.ocx:> 330·7800 le7l AUDI LSJOO Rebwlt nqiDe, 4-doo.r, bl.acll, oood coadllloo 11,300 t.. .. __, •. 131 -USI • 6. 9LIMO (92~) • '79 MBZ .SO Sl ...... tAVI (sm9) . • 79 MBZ 300 0 .......• AVE (1 l337) • 79 FERRRI308 GTS ...• AVI (Fl06Af) SEE US BEFORE YOU BUYI WE CAN SEAT ANY OEALI We Welcome Special Otders 23111 Contmerce Center Dr ~HIIe IUUTYIVCIII ...... IC)Cii I IB""M'Q ni'IMI , MARINE SUPPLIES? reed Claas/IIN CA.JlPEJflRY flliMCH DOORS- Co.pleM Lnetallahon tn a ... opeoia9 or to replace .,._ al.idinv doon aad wUJdowe Worir vauuteed fte. A.nalt l.lc:.c.-i coo tr.cto1, 613-7393, Tom Hooper. lJc. 288626 CAI.PINTIIY won - Patio co-n. decb. tar*J• lloraqe wut.a, leDc:e ,.ail All tn- oJ cupeatry. No tob too ....U. Toa, 551·2583 CAIPIHTU SMAll JOB ~peea.aliet Cab- illelle. wall ll.lllt.l, pa.oel 11t9, aollld.tov. vanve etor~, clecb Insured, hM ..tiaal• Nader's &ACIJWOrb, 642-3789 CAU PIJtX the '••up Wu; ...U carpenter and odd repAir toba R.L. Perluna (Scot/ tn.b). 979-9047 CUSTOM FURNITURE DESIGNED and butlt to your Deed -wall until. bookc-. tab1H, cab t.nete, atoraoe uotll. ban. C.U John at "f ur rutwe Woodcralt." 855· 8417 or 558-8104 THE fiNEST rn com mereta! and rMJdeohal c ab1oelry. ahelvtnCJ. ban. counter and ven eral woodwork 1&11 Coutri&Cilon LtcenM no. 350878 (714) 631 4260 CAJlPtNTER f or miCA work, cu.ttom cab meta, boolt: shelves. oar-oe cablftets, hnllh work. 23 y .. n ezpe r~oeD<:e Call eventnQS, 963-9056 . 963 5982 T~nk you, Jerry CHAR RENOVATIHG Complete tntenor/ea tenor Cl&.llom cabtoets loat/Dock ftepalr 25 , .. n 645-3749 CARPENTRY A CUT ABOVE Doors wtn dOWI, declt:a 1Dt811011 Reuo nable Cbucl& 494-&324 FR!NCH DOORS b.y WUldowa, P•llo covers dec:lo:.a. lramtnq Stdtnv leocM wood fle<.rtDQ Fr-esltmate' [a c ellent ••lerencea Unltcenaed Jo hn 675-6002 CIUtom WoodwOf'k Custom Cabnet•,. Ba•s Booltc.ues wotn ut<~SS/ "le~ · Ooo<s Bay ¥1d French Wtndows Referrals-All WOf't. Guaranteed SJI·H33 CARPET CI.EAMING c~ snA.W 01 o.-Y CArpet 6 Up~ ...., doM.auiQ Spe aaJu:&av w cWttc:wt leilr~ea Ow-r op ••ated b4Md tn uvrne C'flt)ll1-'ll" CARPET DCST ALLA TJON IIU "S CARPET SERV ICI lo.a...U.t10n and f'epaln ~1ty WOI. at ., fa.u pnc.• Call Btll •• 552-5126 ...ullDQ' C ARPET lNST AU ER av.uable Repatn II ~ e•peneoce C.tll IIIIIU, S48 9265 CATEIUJfG TH1 uST PARTt£5 ••• cat.nd by Marllnellt C.tutD9 So let Wer taMlll't I!Laa your neat _. (714) 73i 9636 (7.!_4L847 ...a ''Nola CDfEifT JOI & G CIME.NT: Duvewayt, pahoa, walb, alept, and toun- daUona A.ph.Jt, con- crete removal Bonded, llceOM 368186 FrM •tlmatee Call 552- 3454 CONCRETE CUSTOM CDaNT and bnc kwork We do 11 all No 10b too IJIIall Re· lerenc• and lrM -•- mal• 847-4848 I SP!CIAI rzr tn tack - baramer work and re· moval ol concrete (pahos stdewallo:s and dnveways) At.o cutt109 and handuWlJIQ Not llate he: WMk'a Con - c rete Removal 631· 2610 CONC RETE & ASPHALT BREAKING & REMOVAL Sktploader , d u mp lruclt:, 1ac k hammer Low ratH, ezpertenced, qualtty work, tn.aured, frMeshmat• 957-82~2 CONSTRUcnON B WILSON & SONS - Butlden Free eau mate.a 30 ye&rs eapen ence Bonded Ltc No 357487 646-1740 RESIDENTIAL. COlD· ~aJ remodelL Posl Conllrochon Co fmuh work, redwood declo:.a. paho covers hom• •m· provemeots Very r-· sonable Relerences r ree estimates 857 2989 NEW CONSTRUCTION -Ma101 remode l f ull aupervtaton Cost plus o r btd free estimates AJI Newport references Oueltty work vuar.tn teed Unltcen..d "Real Pro perty Servtc •• " 631 4678, 675·6002 O VERHO LT Construe tton Remodehno and etc f r.smmQ, dr•ywall. b.ty wtndows. f rench doors Oualtty at low prtces C a ll Bryan 549 2767 CUSTOM WOODWORK CROWM IIOULDiltG. c~ Uned ~til. mantle s wall units c abtnets Hardwood sohmon:s ro wood prob lems 631 1528 DOORS NORMAN THE DOOR MAN ProfesstonaJ tn stallalton En ranee f rencl-, vdil d oors nad.bt ... 8!;7 1191 DRYWALL DRYWALL H.tn~onQ taptnQ and c rf'.tltv• hand teatures IM<.r.d Relt.tble De pendable Ca U leU 631 -5913. ELECTRICIAH RESIDENTIAL COM MI:RCIAL Electnc our spec14ltY Cl••n q u., ~ d•pf'nd .. bl• W• do any >IZC> ovb P.-ter S Ro dq•rs Proper•y lmprov• meat 631 l 345 UC ENS ED ELECTRI ClAN O.pendotble -tu•htv wurk Re.swn able rat" f rf'4' 4tStl m•tes Call Tom 631 5072 EUCTJUCA1. PftOII.DIS? C11.ll HCI S.rv•c• Com , panv W• do rPSoden tJ41 <"ommerCI.tl, "' Ju5tnal wtnno Nu tob ll 100 .mall 24 hour 1rerv "• ltn• (71 ") 631 5999 L,, 4 15133 GAJIDEIUleG CONPUTE G ARDEN- ING SDVJCE Weekly, b t-••••ly, mootbly -..atenance Spnllltler ~~. liM WOI. and lulubnv FrM •hmates 549-4991. 9 a m to 10 p.m . ANEIUCAN G ARDEN £R -Yerd cleanups liM trunaunv. land acaptn9 7 y .. u ez penence r rM .... -·-·Dan. 646-9239 RWABL£ A.NIRJCAN Ga.rderunq The beet ~le ca.re lor your home or b-Tr- pruned. spra.,.d and removed UWll renov• Lion . Dave, 540-1193 BAUI.IMG• JIOVDIG PIIIOI'!SSIONAL SUV ICES -H.a~tltn9, bwld 1.G9 m.antenan.ce, han dyman wo rk. apnnltler ~·~~~~. yard cl .. nup FrM •11matee 673 0548 HOME DIPROVDIENTS TOUCH O r Cl.ASS Home Improvement Pa· Lao.. covera. Frenc h doon , Wlndows. lue piece asantele, con· c r .... ttucco 25 y .. n ArN relerenc• Bob. 636 5298 ROTOTllliNG OON"E 1,...------., DIRT cheap Gardeu, llower beds lawn.a, lancbcapmq Reaaoo able rat .. frM adv1ce 646-7819 .u~yt.rme MASONRY WClCID DALY Landscape Fl:NCES PA Tl( >S SPAS Df C KS 673-1166 OOWN TO EARTH Lawn and Garden S.rv tee Complete tnst.U.- hon, renovation and 11.--------_. maintenance Oualaty 1 aerv1ce at down to· HAPPINESS IS HAV e&rth p uces Sahshed lNG TIME lor yoursell custo mers o ur lu st I Let ua h.tndle your pnonly Call anyhme, cleaniOQ needs We do 646-7819 11 .tU' lo bustneu 11nce REUABU: G~DEN 1975 The Moppel1s, lNG. lawn mAIJitenance, 966 1300 cleanups large and C LEANING UNLIM small TrM tnm m10q JTED For eacellence tn .snd remova l Free hou.tecleenmq provtd esumates 548-6065 lDQ ell supphH tnclud AMEJIIC AN" GARDEN tnQ vac uum Trust £JI -Comple1e lawn worthy and depend 4ble m.s1nteoanc e. trM rrun C all lodey lor esltm•te mmq and baWIOq away 546-3726 Ou.Wry I..wn S.rvtc• HOUSECLEANING 631-4535 owner operated I do MR. OIUDfTAL all the work myself GARDENER Wmdows my spectalty came from a lon9 way Also complet• house With nature Spec:t•lue cie&DtnQ Call Davtd tn heavy cleanup Ec lr•rt 646 7281 regular ma rnten.tnc e. TOP BRASS Cl .. ntnQ rep.str tued yard msta ll S.rvi<:H Hou•slapart new landscape bttclr menta coodos rentah pla nteu Allo rda ble rates 831-1198 64 2 0190 Sl'rvtn•J G ARDENING SERV Oraoge County ICE Commercsal/Rest HO USECLEANING dentt.tl Cle.so ups, 12 yearJ expertence pruntnq Now sod/p lant Good reference s •nq Re asonable WH kd•ys and Satur Chang's Gardentnq day Call tn eventnqs. Serv1ce. 642·1090 S43 6540, Sylvia RJ & S GARDOIING WE MAKE rr !>HINE SERVIC E Genera l P rol'euto nel house clean-up m••ntenanc e cl .. nlnq wtth a peuonal l'dqe wel'<i tnQ lerllhz touch Sa11slactton tnq (714) 559 8028 guara nteed Bennl'r HANDYMAN PATRiCK'S HO ME Be pan and Improvements General mat.r~tenance c ar pen try electrtc al plumb•oq concrete pa llos and walh Hourly I rates No 10b too 5atall (714)646 3793 Bros CINnlnQ Serv ICH S45 3158 LYNN'S MOP N BUC KET Cl .. mnq Ser vtce You mM tt up we ct .. n 1t up' CaU Lynn, 552 7692 On -all WMirly b1 monthly and monthly WO RKING WO MEN Entov a clean houw wtll do 1t whtll' you I•Mif11!!!!!P.CUL!!!!'o!!!!us~~M'!!'!O~R~rs~ I wo I k Honest reh•ble • Home Repa11 Referenc"s 631 1652 • Remodl'ltnQ Suwn alter 5 • f ta It Servoc-~> SWEDISH C L£ANIHG C.orp.>otrv plumbtn4 Serv1ce Complete electltc-.ll ltnoshed hvu•~>c-lean 1 nq ap art carptontr~ dvv" m•nt empttH and wtn mold 1nq' db 1 "' 1 dows E11ceollent work by sbetv.nq r a .. , "'' ,, I prolu••onals w.. do :Jar.sql' d"'-1 •r 1 r '1' who~t others pre mt~ f ast elhctl'nt •torv• • c L1c &35-2651 that s why were tn• llltt 1-&067 best Rea110nab le rates ~ 7)0 0268 HAOLINGir MOVING RIJ.JABU: HOUSECt..EAJrutG Expenenc.d O.pen da bl• C.lll Su~n :71 4 S40 3138 GEO RGI'S local haul 1 OON'T SPEND THE onq S20 per hour, truclr SUMMER <"leoanm-1 '' Jr .lnd d11 ·er Call 542 h .. me Let .om~n• f'l..- V456 do tl lt.r VOt. C.tll Bedv oll 4qoa IHCOME TAX OfCOMETAX The He~t Enaign Wednesday Maul 24. 1912 Po~ 23 HOUSE C1.EAIQJtG HOUSICL!ANING Compa..e ho-'-n· 109, a~rtments, bo-. condoa. llleeaonable rat• R.t.renc•. Cell after 4 p m , 962 2531 Deborah Selline Your <At? Call Ouslfled 673..0550 BOUSDIOLD PRODUCTS AWWAY PRODUCTS COllie to YOIA. S.ttaf.c· taoo quaranteed or your money b.d: C.U Judy 857-5188 after 6 p m AXWAY PRODUcTs? Fmd out why we're bet· ter ftecetve $5 tn prod- ucts lrM lor la«ttnq ua a.bow you a demonstra· hon 857-2582 HOUSESJTTING fOR THOSE WHO DESEJIVE THE BESi lmm.aculat<t boUMStthng and bo~t~eclMIUDQ •rv IC .. Bonded. 675-9755 HOUSESITTING Mature. unencumbered, non-~molnnq couple avaJlable lor hoWil' .tnd pet aa tnnq Short or lonq term ReferencH 646 7878 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX Acco=t- mq lor tncLvtd uala. p.tr1 nenlups and corpora- lions Avatlable y..u· round Loc:a1 olf1ce Reason.sble 151-5040 Untque Accounltnq Se!Vlce TAl PREPARAnON by MASON'RY WHULOCIC M&eOory Bnck, b loc:lr a ooe, floor tale. deco rauve, d ... mcttve tnleno n . •• teno rs, walla. planters. petwe Refer-<:•. It ceoeed. bonded Eatt m.t-551 1370 WW H ANDERSON M.uonry Block brtclr. stone leoces, pehoe. p!Aotera, walla Inter tor/..tenor FrM " hJU.IM (Uc 38092 1) Bonded lll.lu red .,.2 9699 MIRROR WiRRO R BREAKS EnLArge rooms ofltces wh.tever1 wttb mu ror Any wall 8'xl2'. l/4 pLAte S336 tMtalled At.o tub. a.bower en cloeur• 531 6300 MOVING. STORAGE THE ST ARVIHG COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov tnq Co bet Qrown (Ltc T 124436) Same qood servtce Call .,.I 8427 ABC MOVING Eapertenced profes stonal, lowest rates Ire. esltmales Ouock care lui MIVICI 5.52-0410 PAPER BMGIMG WE GALS SHO'JLD HAMG TOGETHER Wallpaper mataJiahoo ud patnhnv 83t-0730•5$4-4721 PREC iSION WALLPA PER HANG EJIS Eaper1 cralt•manahtp, low ratH lrM Httraat .. CalJ u.t and wve 20~- 30•• on your purchaae ol wallpaper Commer Cta l/Re••deohal 642 2047 HANG ING SIO A ROLL Pdper stnppono Ouahty lre. esltmatH DliCoun• on wallp•per V1w and MC I Farthing Interior Design Call ~"" 645-9325 W AllP APERDtG £ape11tonc.d bonded, ltcenwd Dtvounts on wall covenno f rtte ... ttmates Rod 739-5800 PLASTEIUNG RE STUCCO -Inter· or E1 tt>11or Patchtng 10 vean' expenence 'leat work Call Paul. ~5-2977 ALL PHASES of PLAS· rERING Re SIUCCO 1'-'xtunnq 1ntenor e a I tenor p.ttdtworlo: Room add1roon~ and custom homes fra.t esumate Ltc J8878. John %0 371:!t> RAm GUTTERS RAnmunus Cua om ahtmmum -mi- Wmter tpectaJI Sl 491 oot tnatalled f ree tllhmatM (71 4) 968 3372 REMODEUMG REPLAC E KITC HEN :OUNTER TO P S We've popular colon m Jtock Alao kuchen remodehnQ r r.. • ... mat• Nooretops (714) 558-3888 PETS? TtLE lNSTALLAnON DYNAWIC C ERAMIC ttle tnatallallon 1nt;;or tor/ezterwr •nd re P••n f ree eattm•t•• (Purchue all m•te11el throuoh me Up to 400.o d~~~eount ) Honest worlt 96oC 5041 CUSTO M TIU WO RK' AU typM •n•t•ll.,,ont apectal111n~ 10 re modeltnQ ~ttchen and bath Ouoi1IY wr rltman ahtp f ree etttmates R ele~t•nc-•• Ron 831 7791 READ THE C~FIED CERAMIC nu; ROOnHG New •nd Remodelonq K.tch•n Tubs f lc:.or QUAl iTY ROOFING 1 free Hhmat" I yur lor 1-Old and new , quaranl .. co011roclton L•ceonaed Coli Scott. 1~7 I'll uuured aod bonded Reterenc;H avatlable C aU Kenny f~tnlre any tun, .,.5·0 193 ROOFING All types, new. old repAln, decu, water proohno Call Bob 548-0769 Lac No 406022 RAY'S ROOFING CO Servrnq aU of Orangto Co1t0ty All types FreE- esbmates. 1n.aured Ltc- 361042 All worlr quar anreed 559-9369 HUBER ROOFING TOPSOIL TOP SOIL DlS I COUNT PRICES• E.xtr• clean 8 y.srd• only SSO 99 LocaJ dehverv nc. c harq• M1ke 633 1&65 TOPSOIL 10 yards SOC Planter moll "Y.stlabl• Trar-tvr worlt GradtnQ and '" mov.tl r.... d•loverv IC><:'.tllv 5.57-IS66 All lypea New recovl'r TR£ES declo:.a L>e 411802 NO W IS THE TIME "' $41-f'T~ prun .. vo1.r •rNt' Call REPAIRS fO R U:SS Th. Eapera 30 vear Flat Ttle Shtngle• !•erv Cl' r. Or.tnqP Declra CoahnQ f re. Coun•v 5 48 )239 PLUMBING j estimates Tl0-2725 G.crQf' 24 h ur\ EXPERT TREE SERV SANCHEZ PLUMB[]IIG IC E Tt~><' ctnd ohrub RHtd~ntt.tl Cc:.mmer ROOM r.mm.nq ond r~moval Oft '-0. Good Start The ClaMMed Way 673-0550 UPHOLSTERY 25'• OFF ALL DE SIG NER f'ABJUCS, an 11quea to modem TrM ptdup and dehvery AU work o,..ranteed Soua wn lntenon , 957-012.8 UP TO 50'' O f'f MA TERIAJ..S Reup hoh,ter y Draper~•• Custom Wo rk frM .. ltmates South Potot• Upholstery Laoun• H1lls 768-9009 VIDEO WHOLESAJ.E PIUCES All brand. and model.a Acceuorte s a ud tol vtdeo Cttu.en watches P ton•er/S anyo c a r llereos and m~ mator brarods 850-0535. Ec~ Video Service. H.tw lo<)Uf ~~ (lCloi'IIOnS prckss~ rw:()(dftJ on ~ ~ •W~ • Rt>hgoous I i'f('ffi()Oif'S ·~~<>Panes • ~lf'9[~emo, • ., ........ &hbo!IOtK • 'You~l!"' Call Fred Sl~ •• (714) 556-7091 I es pert prolesstonaJ Ap potntmenl a rr.tnqed days or eventngs your homermy olhce Rea sonable rates Please c.tll Art 8570133 ST ARVI.NG ACTORS MOvtNG COMPANY Cbanqmq cas•les J No h~les' We h1.1t1le wath our mUJCie11 Ltc-ensed uuured 67J 0853 'SWIFT MO VING Lo-t rates fr~ 1~ home esltmate~ Ban; Amertc ard Master Cbarg• 1714) 754 0808 (714) 545 3345 copper rep.pe dOd 'omates C all %3 5982 1 l <'ta l Sl)«'oalt1tnQ tn ADDlnONS Yird d f!'onup f rf'@ t"" repau• Ltcense No ROOM ADDITIONS W ALLPAPERJMG CUSTOM W ALLPA PERl~G and patniJDQ 10 vedrs eapene nc• Reference~ G~Jaranteed wor~ Call lohn 730 20S3 PACKJHG 8t: 360997 Call lor lree K1tchen bathrooms w•• TREES EXPERTLY ""'''mate 1>42 3394 b.srs paltO$ M.tsonrv 1 TRIMMED .>nd rem,,v TAX RETURNS by ap potntment yNr·round Htq b quaJttv at a rea sonable cost Ezpen enced consultant who as enrolled to pr.tcltce before the iRS 549· 2418 SHIPPIHG PLUMIINC REPAIRS elect nea l Pet•r S f'd al4.. , . .,d 3nd Rodgen Properly lm qarden t;uk• Rect50not IMCOM£ TAX SERVJC£ G LO BE PAC KI NG SEJIVICE We box wrap and cratf' WI' Uk' all 5tuppanq svstems 645 0980 645 9090 979 61 44 I Dra>ns cle<~red lnstalla t1Cnl G<11b.tqe du I poa.sl w~tl'l heater Gas •u.l~t• 14uc-et 1ilptptr1Q Marcello's Plumbing 15~--69S2 B~as•neu •nd Pe~n41 PAJHnHG R Dtaon Pubuc-Ac DRAINS C LEARED !rom \10 To1let m.ttns hom SlS fra. plumb co1.1n!ant 18031 lrvtne PAINTING !ntenot Blvd . Tusttn 1714) Eztenor Lowe t '"'"' 10~ r•pdu f'l11m.ttes Guaranteed wllrll C.sll anvltme 'M & M·' Root l'r 042 9033 54-4-1432 pru mpl ne&t o.erv1c• lr, PERSO NA L AND area lor 10 vean f rH BUSINESS INCOME HllmatM 71 4 848 TAX return preparatton 5684. (714) &36 7149 GUSTAVSON PLUMB Ava tlable lor eve nJDqs PAINTING Be.tuttlv and weelrend olhce or I your home lor '82 Col home a ppotntments on add 11-hJe and Ja,... l l1m111e nn•n protect vour 1nvesrm.-n1 CPA &45 4212 Ou.s.hty wo rk ar.d m.t'4U lNG & Healing Re- pau• remodels re popes qarbc~~e dtq>:» "'' .. at•r ft@o4ters Ask tbowt home warrant)' L•c 409526 548 8666 838 4aJS INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR DESIGN MOVIDP OOROTHY NAPKIE INTERIO RS can help you get 11 all toqetber COMPLETE DECOR• (11 years Wtth W&J Slo.ane ) S48 9798 mess.sqe 642 1691 DECORATIVE d1otqonal c .d4r wall Ourel kw>au tv o l wood Call C.,leb How.trd 554-7974 I LANDSCAPDfG YARD REJOYENAnOH Cleanup • Tree T11m manQ • I..wn Reoov.tllon • Relandsc.tplnQ • S..r·· tnQ Harlx.r Area n.r,f' yPar~ Stale hc-l'n....d r 5ur.d r.~ esttm•• ... CALL BOB 64&-9288 .th f ..-t-sltm .. oes I f rl'd 536 3471 SPECTRUM PAINTERS AAA . PLUMBING I Custom onteor r. tr.d H.-"•1n~ Rotor Serv1c-e exteuor~ Gu"""'-1 I S..rvtc-f' ca ll lo.. •• vtoa l' Rell'rf'nCt"\ lrt-4' S 12 50 We de ,. all <1nd , esttmdles C.tli 71 4 wv~ vc-u m nev' (7141 964 ~828 Lf'tv~> m .. , =1&2 6SJ4 tit4 • 0:.31 'ktQP $0()6 I STEVENS PAI NTING •~ ! 5 • Off ALL SERV b,clc' N ·w 'Pf'<:'1alu1n~ l tC E l.•bL•r Spe<.1"lutn4 I'" eateno•• f ,, ... 1t,.mtz .r -lll•YP"' ~1 pl.mbonq .-d ~ltmalt' Cot ll l;:,r Oep .. ndabll' rPpuactbiP 'appotnlm .. no n w A.~ ,. n m" .sl L, l'n-. lor Ch .. rl .. , b4') l H8 J7 ~ T v'otl Plumbonq I >46 4561 ~~ )548 CUSTOM PAINTING l Ext~>rtor mt•IIL r Br ... sh roller <pr•v Ou.thtv rn.llll'rt41 onfv 2(\ \/HIS e apeneonc-• F rH esll m•te5 ln••rnatoonal I P• nt.n~ Ltc No 39017& "Sb I&Jl LOAT O f MANY CUL ORS f t.nronq lnt• r r P,.,,.., ur 4 .. ,. • t>oltr ... u S.rv1n4 lrv.t f' .tnJ ••.trrv~ndonQ 11f'l! C.tl. '>4l U14 L. l"'io4(X, PAINTIHG POOLS; SAUNAS/ HOT TUBS SPAS ZErS POOL SERVICE. \-'T\f ·• tt-md n·Pndr I • j ... p ... • E. P.t .. . rrl,,t l, ~ r• L ... ...,. ~· .. ~ o .. r.f'r t•f'd c tl tdl C.JlC, KEVAN SPOOL SER\ lC£ Rf'•td"r.''"' Jo.p" mPr:.l C .,... -r..-r"'" .t provement 631 2345 bl.-reltablfl Call lor II'"" esllmillt'• Ar• SECRET A.RlAL S48. 78(;2 VERSAnL£ RON'S TREE SERVICE omCE SERVICES Trommlnq IO~Jplnq Admtntstrattve ltqht \haplnQ 111•e tl'm .... val bookkeeptnQ comple te •lump ,,.movdl Y <~rd secretanaJ Mrvtc .. and cl~ar.vp L•censed .. r.d word processtnq L1lhan , oourt>d Ouc~htv "" rk Mttchell 957 3963 frM to hmate• b.tlb SIYUGHTS SKYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY AU work q~ranteed One d ey 1nstalla1ton w .. too Cooatrue110ft (714) 963-7737 ST A.1HED GLASS 1 STAIMEDCLASS Cu••vm w1 nd "' lamps f'lr Cal.t rnod ''' t'n...-d A"'" r 1 "'or, r,tnq Jeo"qru at ;:>IIC'P bel.· ... ro4t~e• C ~mmr>r l"ldi RP"dt'<' ~ KAlEIDOSCOPE '>4Q I ]<;.41 STEREOS WBOL£SALEPRJC£S All br•nd& '"'d m d,.l Acc-ehO• es .t d < vadPC C t,z•r• 'tiiiJJ' hP P'PP'Str" ••rP\. t"'.d .,-, ~· n ~ • Orond- 850-0535. SJ~ DAVIDS TREE SERV ICE E"J>4'r' trom top sturop remo••l w..O l.tndo.cape hau1 aw.ty F rt'i' .-.lima leo. ~I J.U4 TV REPAIR EXPERT SERVIC E TELEVISION r .. r ... nc .. ....... ~ .. r.1 ,, r: ~ .. Sb u'> c .. 4t>b :r-4 TYPING TYPING IPI'•~,., Vfloctr• ,.. D .• ~ ntQnl L "' ·~•,. P I' =:ldt..- H ~r\ ... "'~ ,t~rt; cor: POOLS SAUNAS HOT TUBS I SPAS WALL P APDUMG [xp•roence bo nded hc•n!lf'd D1J1Coun1 on wall covennqs r, .. .. tlmote. Coli Dave 552-5917. WINDOW CL.EA.NIHG WINDOWS SPARK I UNG C U:AN -Aver aqe 2 Slory ~ (15-17 I w1ndows) SIS mtnt mum ScrN n> mcluded Phone esltmates Benner Bros 545 3158 ORANGE COAST Avera'l• h '"' u o I Fr .. e<hm.t1f'S 542-9031 W rHDOW WASHING Have spctrliJr,q rJea, .... nduw •• 'P.t-.,nablP rd'-" ~'""'•' lf'4nl'd lr1'f' c .. u Or ..... 4 5+1 4 J lr ntqht< lot tree I WINDOW COVERINGS STARLIGHT SHUT TERS 10° •ll our llloth'\ rtUIIN• f• ... ..... m .. "' 7<.4 -.1 -l POOLS; SAUNAS HOT TUBS SPAS TD.EPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE -~ ~ -c ,~~ SPt.( IAL TJ £5 ,\~<. GARDENlHG WANTED KATHLEEN FLANAGAN Mow•nq edqtnq rd• RP< df'nloal Comm.. t-tl ,Jitlv w rltm•n hop A d .. • h • ,J '"P" " H r.~ , J ~~~ .. c.Jott: • '>41!4 MAIL 1r MESSAGE SERVICE ... •1-_, :c. d 1,:1 t '" "ifD.t~ r>t 1 '< .vn nn~ \t .t '\ IIIII' 1 \ 'l1,._ \ t714 t76H·61 \b PCIQl SfRV ICf ;,.._ m n'"' «;r ..... ,r._. ~ S. • F rH MIHnat..,. Reo.t '\4 ..... rdt-, rt<•~ L. I·N~OJ ,,., w...,, '.>4 1 ACCOYYU"PTUG .. lllQ eep onq r , ... ,..., "" • In ca nmat" &45 4J7: TAX SERVICE 645 s1 J7 I m r1111 G""' '"'""1 • I'AINTtNL; t; ~ c •. ,' , t···· • f< ' ' LADIES·· lut•"' r [A tdl ';}l CRI:Df SCENE • Sml & Med. Stze Busmesse s Lawr. ,,.., ~hrub• lr. st.lllat.on rototolhn~ ,,.1 • Corporation Partnershtps veqet•bie Qdldt'n' F ..... • Indivtdual Ta~es etltmctte• Alt .. , 4 p m 646 1578 • Financial Statements SPRING IS HE RE G. .... t .. r r nurt lh'"'t"h ttli R.-" .ot.leo lo.o•llf'nl ···h••"*" .--~ f or ctdd, 1..tl .turmoJ''~ n C"t tl .. . ,. I "' r~ . h• I' I l t ~ &l I .... "1 " ..... ~ r: , ~ ' • rr~. ti(\ '. ' .t if \;., •• , r r' l.·· ··:' t 1~h ,., •• ~ ,, K -'p I \ ,, .. "'""' tl I (714) 760-0100 • 1\< ryiK f 1bnglau. All T tko Rc.-k 01.nd Lunttl' "p.ti • PortAbl~ and uar4"bo~ • 'w1lar l >onwstic h .. t w•'"'· ~.,.and pool •. l.·tt•-<1 E\.,tl'lf\1~ • Payro ll lyour 1••Hh c .;p• shape W• er lfer wor~•• "' • t•t,,.. num~• 1 d<Jl) SJ~ !9~.! _,,k 1,.., Pl"nnv ,...~•r AJ,.a•ch CJllij FURNITURE • QuarteTly Ta~ Returns COYPIInQ ,.u arN• "' R.EPAJR a r 1981 ,. A 1 COJJ l•odK4pe n...do H.,, liM. S PAINTING lo SALES& INSTALLATIONS RESTODr r or .1, QJIC pp bor Ar•• sp«tal.... ..,, .. ,, [atenor R-..d.-n n.-.. '1lllll···ll!ll!l!!lll ... ~~l)liiijlii!WI.-----··· Fr-""'•m••e• N,.wpv·• •a c,mm•rrloto f rH L-...!;:::..;:.::;;.:;;...;.:;..;.~10--~ WllfDSOB Cane a I' S..d: Lt .. ~ S..r ... ,. ··m••n Cal. 1:,4 1 Wlc•• Bepalr Swed 615 rJO -..4<; liJI CERAMJC nLr c Ht"l T ~t """', E•r• , r 11)! WN,.._ rltlhlDQ 130 £ 17Ut St Coate w- (714) &45-8448 RIFINfSHJNG R£ PAIRJHC. re oltunQ anltqu•nQ CIQarelle burnt b.r top haaalloee Cu~Ro• Hou• Fuuu lur• S48 11180 530 2200 GAUGE DOOR OPENERS G AilAGI DOOR SPtmtGS Kerdw.,., e t.<trocuc op••era , ..... ~ ..... ~~ A.al Door c-p.~ay, (714)183 1417 t t t ..................... FEDERATED INCOME TAX SERVICE 18221 z N e wpo rt Blvd C u<>trl M Scl t Call631-4871 ... I I I I l MASONRY MASONRY OUR srr ClALTY T1le C w crete Bloc-~ .ond Bncll. Outclr l .. n chpendabl. Petti' S llodqen Prup.rtv lm p rovement 631 1.345 MASONRY luc k. llloclo: Fttepl•u Concm. work C.U Ed 8M-2SlS nMaco. PAINTING •lnter.or • Ea te r "'' IK ..... ,. r ... Hhmt•e• ~19 PAPER HNGlNG O RC HARD WAll COVERING [ap•rt tnppte9 tn•tellaltofl RMJOuble rates ftH ~>•t•ma... ....rene-" '-"•II Errue 631 4576 L .J JAJUTOJUAI. ... .._ SD~ JAJRTOR1Al SERVICES urs COASTLINE CLEAMING CO. e CONWUClAl. •INDUSTIU.Al eUCt:NSID • nD ISTIWA TIS • HOIIIST a RIIJDLI -7117 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT I Y•••• I [,ptollenc• SMALL SHO PPING (ENTERS SINGLf FAMILY HO MES Bu~ ln•ap.-n .~., P .. , f' I Mtnd C••• M,.v.,, M-.Jmt r;..cq I ~ PAlMTlNG • ,,. ' -;. u 1 ...... ,t 'filii ·~ ,,~ o;.cc, c..."()b SH(1W£R TUB I'Rl 8 l £MS \\,."' "" 0 "'" '' ~r t-no I• orntalla 'IN L "".... f r .... •••to~•·· • 'I" bOil' •14 h ,, /l!-1( llf!( ; PAIHTlNG PRESCOTT-a PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • ACOUST1C CIILINGS UPAIHTED • • PAPD HAJIIGUfG 6 RD«>VAL • •DIYWAU&STVCCOII PAIII • 5 YEAR GUARANTEE/EXT. COMPUTE CUANJHG SDVJCE U,.O 81Y • Ca'lJef"" • Dr•PM • W,..,_. • HlGH OUAUTY- NOT HIGH PRICES e PRISCOTT ROBBINS LocaJReskleul ... • t '" \l t' 11\o\'!\ltO """OOPf'lll"lfO 8 \ t 1\ I 'II._. (H 0 ' I Mo\( TOR'>\»1106 • 'f' I \ R'> f 'I' I Hit " l • t'4'1 Mill ""II I If' f At I 80 '>11lo\ftl l CALL TODA 'Y FOR ESTIMATE 768-6116 .... U Wedn•day.lla:rcb h. 1* The Newport EMlp At Jim llariDo Vol.kswageD/Isuzu •• e Are you looking for the fine prtnt? There isn't a.ny! Not only do we guarantee our prices & be the lowest -we also provide you with one of the largest -if not the largest -selections you 11 flnd anywhere! Even the incredible new V.W. ScirOccos are in stock for 1mmedi&te delivery. Pully equipped! (~2) #3()922 atoll:&r ..... Di8ooaJd ... SeW., Price 5,641 hw-tor)' .. bate 880 ldobr *'IMO DYc!GGD& IH I'Mk44J .. ---880 YOUR NET COST. 8,849 YOUll PBICJI $6561 It's dea.l like this that made us the l.&rgest V.W. dea.ler in the west la.st yea.r.And w e're out to be # 1 this year tool So hurry in this week a.nd take adva.n~e of our big savt.ngs -a.nd low down payments - Remember this o1fer ends Monday. Fully equipped! (12'71 ) #06349 ·.All can .. ...,_. to prior Mle, tax, U.... • dac r.. or.r.~ ... llll&rch ae. 1eea. M .. t bn attaed. ••rlllaltk. pvclLaM Of'Cier ·~ we'U Mat ~t lkal . YOUll PBICB .,. V'W Ouaper ·n ~~Du..o Pop w p Don l m1S6 t.tus •&498 ~ ut.ertor Very '44.98 cme 8969 ruoe < 243SR'I' > .,. ~ 810 • 4r. .,. ... aooa Suck w power steen.ng, •3998 2 dr .san. IJght blue ~at.e U\Slrtf' f! wlbe&ge mt.er Jua tbe •&998 out. 682BZPO one (3191!!ZD ) ·eo ect.rocoo . .,. .. au.- Bl&ek bt>auly 18.000 Pop I.Op H.u all \he rruJes Call about. t.hJ.B *8998 goodJe& ( 332YZO) 8te&1 *7498 one l8PS2l0 1t at t.h.IB pnoe ·n vw vaa 'TlY.W.au-ata 7 puee04Jer C'lean11st. *8998 Sk;y blue w/bladt 1nt.er 1n r.own 796HTO Very low ~ X1nt. cond Too oblep 1.0 priCe . .,. 'I'V7ota 8Qra wua .. uua one < 89olPIO 1 Power atee~ aur.o t.rans a1r rond !acwry *7998 . .,. ............ rn~eh 151951 4 dr. rwbo. ~. sun *4198 root. low mJ.lee ( 368ULZ 1 .,.. .......... Sllver ener m&roOn 'ftJW M814 Ulter Has all \he t.oya *8498 W&roon earter w/maroon <7'96YBE l l.nter l1ruMoulale oondiuon You've aoca& -UU.! .,., ......... ( 11187) M&roon met&lhc over belt~ 1nter All t.M '8l.....a .. lilctory t.oya Low mUes I..IAt-.ck. 1a.ooo m.Uee 8la1 It at. \h.l8 low •sees Alld •lb"-tnter a.J priCe ( UJPl'H ) It a&. uua 1ow pnc.. (1BW1M80) 1981~ W1t.h air, 5 sp ~ more ( 3050) atoker 18816 Di8ooaJd 1081 #74915 atuer seoae DUooaa 1060 S7899 YOUll PBICII S7998 nm• LUJm & BAITI'r CJBOK I:Dclud8e: Lubrtoat1on. check S top t.ra.nsiiUB sion. rut be.t.t.ery, fUJ wtnd shield washer. lubrtoat.e doors a.nd tu.nges And check lights, bra.kes. turn S1g.nals s tire pressure t1 wear ..J••.a. a.nuw nm• OIL OH•wu• wtUl 'i'U. .. V» •ow~·~e•• •• .....,..."_ill: o Qual.1w Workmanship 0 ln~t\Y 0 Courtesy 0 Oenul.ne vw parts 0 Genuine care for your auto needs 0 All work guaranteed ,..., I ' Monday ?'.30 AN 9 .00 PM '1\Jes. -Fri. '7.30 AM 6:30 PU: \ Newport Harbor FOR MARCH 24. 1982 NUMBER 9 NEWPORT BEACH 8ACK UY tS31,100 Newly remodeled 2 bedroom and den on horse property lot. New 2 horse easy core stoble. Good financing ovolloble. 810 CANYON t1,381,000 Custom home on golf course. Four bedroom and family. No eJ(pense spored on this elegant 1 story home. Outstanding owner financing available. HA.aOR HIOHLANDa t183,100 Beoutifvlly priced 3 bedroom, 2 both home on quiet Newport Beach street. Well maintained w1th nice floor pion and several Iorge trees in pr1vote yard. Owner will cooperate with financ- ing. S£AWfND t431,000 Beautiful .C bedroom, 2-story home with gqgeous on-high view. Security system to police deport- ment. Fire olorm built into some system. Associated. Pool. Financing available. 810 CANYON t1 ,381,000 Four bedroom custom home with unmatched view of golf course. Three fireploces, a ir condi- tioned, beomed ceilings, elegant address for active family. UYCMaT tl80,000 Five bec*oom C\ntom Spanish hacienda with tile floors ond massive beams. Lorge family ond for- mol d ining -room ond on ~tdoor tournament pool area. EAST awn: t278.-c»0 Fee. FM. FM. Beautiful 3 bedroom home with fabulous yard and Iorge potlo. Suf* location with new carpets ond drapes. This home has It all. Vatu., location, ond dec.or. MAa8011 VIIW HOMI8 t241,000 Fan-tic' location plus financing. Superb 3 bedroom Monaco with added up1toirs room. Amenities tho1 only the SQPh'-tlcoted buyer will appreckJte. Allume over $183,000 In loons. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES CORONA DEL MAR COaoNA DIL MA. t421,000 Three bedroom home only one block to beaches and shops nestled on o quiet street looded with charm. Some view of the Pacif ic. JA8MINE CREEK t371,000 Sparkling clean on wide greenbelt. Three bedrooms with Iorge master suite. Plan 6 earth- tone decor. End unit. Priced to sell II JA8MINE CREEK t348,100 A great Plan 6, plush carpet, wood shuHers, lush londlcoping, community pool, tennis courts, total- ly secure orea. A fabulous value in sought after Jasmine Creek. CAMEO 8HORE8 t228,000 Three bedroom, family room on one of the largest lots In Cameo Shores. Perfect foro couple or family. Unlimited odd-on posslblfities. Room for spo ond pool. Walk to 3 private beaches. HARHR VIIW HILLa tSU.OOO Ponoromlc view forever from this sparkling .c bedroom home. The pool is enlosed in o court- yard MHing. V ou'll love the quiet and private corner lot. Financing ovoiloble. IIIVIU TlllllACI tl80,000 Supelb home In best locotion odjocent to million dollar properti•. Four bedroom family formal dining. Lush londlc.aping, toa .. futfy decorated. Owner will help with fononclng. COIIOI&A ML MAR . • ... 000 Spocloua 2 ~oom front houM hot o aeporo .. 1 bedroom guest or rental unit. loth recently ...tur- biahed oHerlng todoy'a buyet care-frM du.,.ex living south of the highway. · . ...... BEACH COMMUNIT/f\ PININaULA tUI,OOO Extensive use of wood In the interior ond heavy beam ceilings set the mood for this worm 3 bed- room custom home. Secluded ltolion tile potlo ond steps to the ocean, to surf or boy to swim. PENINSULA tl21,000 Stunning departure from the ordinary for elthet o family or entertainment oriented buyer. Move in condition across from the Peninsula Point beach. low maintenance p lus o gourmet kitchen. PENIN8ULA t3H,OOO lovely contemporary 2 bedroom plus den, 3 YJ baths. Beam ceilings, skylights ond Spanish tile. Tastefully decorated in neutral colon. Shutters, built-ins. Near beach. Toke over loon. 8A YSHORI8 t2M,IOO Charming living in this guarded community. Three bedroom wood paneling and shutter&. Out- door living with 2 patios. Room for remodeling. NEWPORT 8HORE8 t1M,OOO Excellent buy for Investor or startw home fOf young fomlly. Den, 2 bedroom, 2 potloe.. Belt location near pool ond tennis. Wolk to oc:eon. Hurry. PININSULA t72~ New, trodltionol .C bedroom just steps to the bay. French dooft ond window$, cozy brkk f~. ond o breokfoat room with bay view are o *-w of the exceptional omen It'-featured. UD018U Elegant ond spoci~a living top ql Udol Six bedroom, 5 both groc:ioua home. ~ high beam ceilings, private courtyard patio with new tiled apo. Hom. built on two lotsl Owner wltl help finance. UDO lai.AND • t-.100 Medlten'oneon elegance plus atrium, awlmrnJng p,ool. Indoor-outdoor entertolnin~ Thr" bedroom ond den on 52 foot lot. WATERFRONT aAL.aOA eau •1.210,000 Thr" bedroom ond o bonus room on Bolboo lslond. Vlew of the Turning Basin. Greot for booting. Lorge slip ond 2 side ties. Good financ- Ing ovoiloble. YACHT8MAN'8 COVE .1 I 781,000 Four bedroom family room newer custom r•ldence w ith space for two Iorge boots ond o aide fie. Greot owner financing ovoiloble. F.e. ~.F ... U YaHOala •1 ,AO,OOO ~ lond plus waterfront locotion-o combination that can't be beofl Add o spacious courtyord potio ond Iorge redwood deck overlooking the boy ond It's o value thot demonda attention. PININ8ULA .171,000 Rustic charm o n the ocean front in thb ~ bedroom Bolboon home. On si.te parking with o apectoculor Catalina Island View makes this o buy on Fee. IIAI.aOA taLAND •1.110,000 Deluxe waterfront home w ith commanding har- bor view. Elegant spocious owner's hide-owoy; imported ltollon bathrooms, gourmet kitchen, rooftop garden ond deck. Plus income unit $1 , 1SO,<m. PININaULA .1,800,000 Seclusion on the boy in thas charming S bedroom home comp lete with exquisite furnishings. Among the many amenities ore 2 fireplaces, spore lot, pier, slip, 10ndy beach oil on Fee lond. TMUI AKM IIA Y •1 ,2H,OOO Enchon-.d oldet ~ bedroom with fobuloua view of aurf, 10!11 ond aunseta. Excellent condition but mar- velous remodel potential. lovely gardena ond potlo. ~lvote community ond beach. tunUIIOCil .,.,.,100 Mountain vlewt. '-oce and ....-nity await you In thtt 1~1, olry 2 bedroom condo. Shows Ilk• a model with neutral decor ond o high OIIUmoble loon. RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES DUPLEXES COROllA DIL MAll .347,710 Spacious 2 bedroom home on o wide R-2 lot. Guest unit in the reor con be o rental. Excellent location just 1 1!, blocks to the beach. Owner financing with 25 percent down. CORONA DEL MAR .288,500 Two bedroom front house completely detached from o spacious 2 bedroom ond den rear unit. An investor or u,ser w ill like this charmer. aALaOA laLAND •e10,000 Thr .. bedroom guest quorters ond 2 bedroom oportment. Unob.tructed boyfront view from front unit. located on Iorge oversize corner lot. Owner will help with financing. Move in for the sum- me r. PINIUULA .248,900 lowest priced duplex in the area. Newly fur- nished. Ideal rental or beach retreat for the fami- ly. Greot location neor beach. Seller f1nancmg ovoiloble. BALBOA 18LAND Quaint middle of remodel or rebuild help w tth finoncmg. .325.000 isle duplex Fontoshc for on full size lot. Seller w dl PENIN8ULA •300,000 This could be your smort move. l1ve ,n chorm1ng 2 bedroom un1t w ith bnck f~reploce ond rent out 2 bedroom w ith cothedrol ceil1ngs ond shll hove summer quest quarters. Good financing too. O THER AREAS UNIVIUITY PARK .253,000 Deane Hom--freshly pointed ond decorated, ready to move In I Beoutifully designed potio brings the lush landscaping right into this super ~ bed- room family home. U.IYIUITY PARK •183,000 F Hlghty upg~aded Deane Home, 3 bedroom ond famlty room. lovely brick potio on 2 sides. Pot· qvet floors ond remodeled kitchen. light, open oiry feeling. Large auumoble loon. Owners ore Yerf moti¥Gted to Mil. I CONDOMINIUMS HAIIaGII RIDGE .450.000 Dynamic Dynasty model 2 bedroom highly upgraded. Shutters, oH-wh1te corpehng, skylights. Understated elegance. Owner will help fmonce. Sole/leose option/or straight lease. JASMINE CREEK .380,000 Very pnvote locahon 1n Josm1ne Creek A gate guarded commumty w tth tennts courts ond pools. SpaciOUS 2 bedroom and den w1th custom spo and Iorge patios. ProfeM1onolly decorated ond landscaped. BLUFFS .184,500 Best bvy '" the Bluffs. Lorge smgle level 3 bedroom. Pleosont, worm feelmg throughout. Owners pr1ced th1s for quiCk sole to smart buyer VERSAILLES .129,000 Execuhve penthouse located 1n secunty guarded odult commun1ty. En,oy nearby clubhouse, gym. pool, ond souno. Toke over ex•sttng ftnoncmg w1th 30 percent down. BIG CANYON $376,000 A spectoculor townhome located on tne 6th foir- woy The mogn1f•cent Eng lish decor wdl be featured m Oronge County Home and Gorden. Includes pr~vate garage Good fmancmg IS ovo•loble NEWPORT CREST $240,000 Sunsets ond seascapes awo•t you OCEAN VIEW luxury condo wtth soonng ced1ngs ftreplace ond 3 bedroom mcludmg master su•te Commun1ty pool ond tenn1s walk to beach Fontost•c f1nonc •ng C08T A MESA .225,000 California ronch style 3 bedroom, 2 both home, freshly potnted, newly carpeted ond londscoped. Use of plontotton shutters. decorator pope~, pool stze yard. A real f1nd. LAGUNA NIGUEL .183.100 Etched on o gentle bluff wtth ponorom1c v•ew ore five new custom homes. Eoch 1s o moslef'ptece of design. Exquasite detoahng ond craftsmanshtp let us sho w you the future I A WAYOfLIFE o's oving? eAre! We are pleased to announce that in the near future Macnab-lrvine will relocate its Newport ·Beach offices to prestigious Civic Plaza in Newport Center. Watch for the opening of our new and expanded facilities . TOTAL SUVICB. TOTAL MACNAB IRVINE DRASTICAllY REDUCED Frlfld\ Mediterr..an Ylfta locahd a top Harbor Ridge. VIEWS encompassmg Ntwpof1 Hlltlor. Catalina, Mountains aAd city lights. Approxmatety 6500 sq. ft. of totll lllpnce lnd ~cal* tasta. S.'s htrtmtly mottvattd. S2.700.000 Sul~nnt Shuler 642 8235. IF 11 I. COUITRY EIGLISH ESTATE-lEW OFFERIIG frwe bedrOOM custom home wt1h views from nery room. OramatJc Clftulaf statt a. . .,._ caillngs lnd frlftCh doors. tlllllly room. sttpdown bat lnd WN room lUJ.,._ INit• suite witJt sp1 lnd IIIN. Ful SKUnty S2.100.000 lynne Y~int 644·8200 lf12). SEllER MUST SEll! 122' Bayfrant Wtth dod. n .......... deft. Slft9e story Sel&tr wtll ltnanct $1,500.000 Martha Macnab S.2·8235.1F 14~ BIG CAIYOI LOT Beautiful lot ovttloolung PftVItl pwk on 81Q Ca~~yon cui de sK Approa1matelv 15,000 sq. h of Pftme PfOperty Call fof detatls S895.000 l yMe Valentine 644 6200 tf 151. lEW BAYFROIT-IEW PRICE! Nrm kvtd tn! Bab11 ls11nd 3 bedroom. flmlly room home All amtntlles w1th quality-quilt location-slip IOJ 35' boat You'll love thts home Reduced to $895,000! Jane PIQUin 642 8235. IF 161 IEWPORT ISLAID-BAYFROIT Quiet locatiOn Wtth 3 light. bnght bedrooms w1th sun ct.ck Two fireplaces and lftlnltous pat tO for enttrtllnlnQ on the bay Pter and float for 2 5 loot boat $825.000. f". Barbara Aunt 642 8235. IF 171 PRICED TO SELL Wltll ttnAS to ,...tdt Beaunfuly dlawated Sn;.s Portsmouth. lustrfy ~ cwty-......tl 1 .... _, spa. 1450,000. T• On:soft or Ttrry H..s 142·1235.1f11l IAYSIDE COVE Tlle ........, ....... 0. .. I L .. c.-. ........ w0 It· •I ftle ~ c .................... ~ .......... -."-c· .. il .................. u. ..... t395.000. Fa 0.... GoiWall ~lfllt. JAI •• CIEEI a.-.... 5 ........... ~ ......... til ....... 3 ..... 2Yt .._ 3 .... 24 ._ .......... r.t _. .... Ul5,000. \Ida • a 11M ... u I 1 -M2·1235..1f2a FlEX*~ FIUICIII ..... .. --........... ...., c. c. ClltiM. ............ _.-. 2 •41 • If& a .. ._"-.. • ~~ t310.ooo. ....., ...... 14.2-1235. f21). JmCIBICI ............. VIRIIaU t t 1 , .............. ..._. ..... , ?2L-Wl• ...., ................. cr 'fllildlil.-wef, .. *llllii -.... II I ........ -........ 2 J' *375.000 .... ......... a-ta ....... fm rv BAYCREST -BEST BUY lovely 4 bedroom "lvlfl Wtls" built flmlly home. Approx~m~tely 2,600 sq ft. of quality construction throughout. Absofutely mmaculate. Island kttchen emphastzed superb floof plan for entflftanng. A Best Buy at $335.000 Suzanne Shuler 642·8235 tF231. WOIDERFUL$200,000 ASSUMABLE LOAN! For a INif'telous Dower Shorn home With 3 bedrooms. convertible den. fatnlly room with Newport Center www. $319.500 LH B.ttara Aunt Terry Hanes 642 8235 tf241. PEIIISULA TRUST SALE! Immaculate 2 story wnh 3 bedrooms ptu, 2 bedr"oom guest ~ers. 2 f,replaces. large mast• SUitt. spaciOUS living room W1th ttrram !loot Secluded patiO deck $300.000 tndudtng lind Otek Haldtnnan 642 8235 1F251 REDUCED TO SELL Chance to get tnto large family home tn prwate beach commulllty lor under $300.000-perfect for remodelmg unlmted potential brtng vour offers $299.000 Beverly Morphy 642 82351F261 HARBOR VIEW HOMES OeSifablt Portof1110 wtth 3 btdrooms. 4 Y, baths. tanwlv room tor mal dm.ng room and sepMate bonus room Wtth bedroom and lull bath ovtflooktng beauttlul pool and patiO. $275.000 lOts Egan 644 6200 IF271 OUAIIT lEW EIGLAID ARCHITECT CAPE COD COIDO W1th bay Wtlldows lnd Wtfldow seats. wooden declung, 2 be«ooms, den 2 ~ baths brtek flfeplace. attached g•age Willi to s~ S265.000 lOtS Egan 644 6200 IF28J PRIME PEIIISULA DUPLEX! Tlnt ... -. 2 MD ..... 1 Yt llllcb trOIII the -. f~rttastte lnYIStmtnt wilrttr or -,_..._ 1259.000 low dDwn lnd OWMJ wi carry AlTO SNion s-iCa 844-6200 lf291. WTilUfF UIDfl t200,DOO Wt .. iltilt 1.,... lilly. nw. -... •• • ltle ~-Wt na of the EutWuff r ·I 0.. ..a 1 flit .. • YOU w. p11:t .., the y .. ·s bat lluv' t1 15.000 t-, w•I42·82351F30~ AU&UST II IEWPOIIT lEACH Y• ..... I cMiclc I -UI'IUI ....... widt ............... plllf far ··~ ........... wid! *"" ... My .... 12.750/manth. Bar ..... 842·82351Fl11 . ~IIUIEITAl S.Vfll .._. ......... 3 c. ...... 81.7~ Joya EdU'Id 142 .. 235 (f32). .... TIUCII Tint WJ I , 2 ..... 2 ....... II hft. ........... -llllti .. It,Jty. ,._ ~~ ... • ~ .. 142·1235 .,,. TOTAL SBICVICB. TOTAL SAnSFACnOR. 1648 IAN MIGU MIVI NI\WOIII •aat, CA 91110 UNIQUE UNDER 1400.000 IN NEWPORT GREAT STREET NEAR . THE BEACH-Three bedroom, 45 degree lot in Old Corona del· Mar, south of ~h~y.R·2zonmg,ownerflnaodng at $425,000. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES-This 4 bedroom Portoftno model is one of the lowest priced and you own the Iandi Fireplace bonus room; owe. $335,500. ATTENTION INVESTORS-Very nice 4 plex In good eo.ta Mesa loca- tion, excellent financing $235,000. IMAGINE BALBOA ISlAND-Four bedroom, super muter bedroom, luge ldtchell. On little Wand. Bay view. $395,000. tJNIQlJE IN NEAIIBY LOCATIONS HUNTINGTON BEACH COAY GREAT BEGINNING HOME-Two bedroom , fireplace, sundeck, and more. Near the beach $92,000. SUPER CONVENIENT Loca· don-Woodside Village condo, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, new carpet, good ftnandng. $86,900. LAGUNA BEACH UNIQUE IN LAGUNA-This sedud· ed 2 bedroom, 1 bath oondo, on the ocean 8lde of Cout Hwy., is perfect for the aecond half of your life. One mry with a peaceful view of the h.W.. 1145,000. lJNIQlJE IN OLD CO ONA DEL MAR OORONA DEL MAR Cottage-On a canyon lot. This quiet ~ part of Old Corona cW lbr Incor- porates a view of the c.yoo and mOWitlllns. owe terms. 1275.000. UNPARALlED PAVRlJON VMw ,.,_ ..... terrtfk b ...... ~ dale locatloa and Income units too. 11.250,000. U~IUJI: ti()Mt:' REALTORS,_ 675-6000 Mil fAIT P~ COAST HIGHWAY ~ DG. MAll. ~lA tMft lJNIQtJE IN EASTBLtJFF/THE BLUFFS TENNIS ONE BLOCK AWAY-This unique condo in the Bluffs is close to shope and school. The owner Is motivated $195,000. THIS 4 BEDROOM BLUFFS Condo hu It aD-beam ceilings with added skylights. upgraded kitchen, central air-conditioning with humldlfyer, great location, good financing and In mow-In coocltion. $249.500. LOVELY FAMILY HOME-Spa, patio, 3 bedroom. 2 bath. fireplace, skylights and new carpet. AU this and you own athe land 1329.000. FINE IN EVERY INCH-Thla 4 bedroom plua bonus room hgome that wu juat remodeled tndudes flrplaoe and air conditioning. The Bluffs. 1275,000. GREAT GREEN BELTS-See thle 3 bedrooal, 2 bath, ...... .tory CODdo In the Bluffs. Two pdoe and tbe owner may help ftnanoe. S157 ,500. UNIQUE IN COSTA MESA UNIQUE NEAR SOUTH COAST PLAZA-This 3 bedroom. family room. trt·level condo sits among lush trees and running streams. Clo8e to shopping (you can walk). Call for an appointment. $139,900. WHY RENT, WHEN YOU CAN BUY THIS-Great starter home 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Income possible. owe. s1ss.ooo. OiECK THESE CHOICES-four 2 bedroom oondoa to chooM from. AU 3 y•n old, wtth ftrepiM:ee and great terms. Buy one of all. 1132,000 NCb. LEARN ABOUT UNIVERSITY PARK-This condo on a quiet greenbelt has 3 bedroom and earth· tone decor. Call now to see. $139.500. UNIQUE ON THE WATER COMFORTABLE AND WARM THROUGHOUT-Tbn. ~m and den on Balboa laland. Right on the Grand Canal. Thle home even baa an lnoome unit. Ownei wW help with the financing. $650,000. NEVER A DULL MOMENT FROM ANY WINDOW-Bayfront dup&a overlooking the Pavillion, 10 yean new. 1995,000. BEAUTIFUL BEACON BAY BAYRONT-We h.ve two ho..- llatecl on ttU bach. Comawnlty tennla, park, boat ...... tr-~ and no traffic hawle. Baacoo Bay 18 a ctr.... come true. Nat to I Jade and Harbor l8landl at 1924,000 and 11.150,000. Mardi 24. 1982 Newport Harllof Ru1 utatt fot s.le PIQI 7 + coTE Krntn © mvrsTnrnT conrnm FROM TOP TO BOTTOM-THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPORT BEACH . .. HARBOR ISWO CUSTOM-MAll CHAIIEL The mat waterfnlnt '-widl thl best location in ~ Bead\. Ovlf 5.000 IqUiri r.t 1M a ~ t. 1 1 00 foot yleftt. Uftusully large bayfront lawn. The price is $5 n6ln lnd the owner will financt 1 notiiiAe emount. LIIOA ISLE CUSTOII-MAII CHAIIEl lkutfltlting vilwl of the lftlin d\ennll from 1V1fY importent room in the home. Ovet 78 teet on the wat•. 6.500 squert fMt of s'-16tpnce. The l)fite is $3.6 million. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM-INCOMPARABLE VIEW This Coum.ry Frtndl mate offln one of the fiOISt bay lnd ocun v..ws tvtt. Ovtr 5,300 squirt f_. of me fiDest c:raft$~1\~n.Ship. The priCe is $2.3 milton. 3 s.n Sebas t~~~n. Ooen Sat./Sun.. 1 5. BJG CAIYOI CUSTOM-01 THE GOLF COURSE It Country English lnd priveq n yOUf ctwMct. this 6.200 square ftet estat1 with new pool lnd IP' is the lnSWir. Right on the 10th flitway. Tht price is $2.3 mllion with o• $1 ~of ___.. fiNncing. BIG CAIYOI CUSTOM-01 THE GOLF COURSE T niy thl bat f-'r a.-with 8 1arJe blchoms iducing a s.parate 2 bedroom ute widl ita own hiRe rocn. On thl 9tll flirwty with private pool The price is • 1.8 milan. LIDO ISLI-WATERFROIT CUSTOM s..tY tM filllt ••"• • U. • die ..tit todly. PW nt lip '*" oversiled ~ Md $1.4 ..._.an ••• ~The ,nee is $2.25 ...aon.. 219 Yta Udo Soud. 0,. SaL~ 1-S. UIDA ISl.£-IIAII CIWIIEL FM ... ..._ • ..... .., riiM • die Wltlr widl your '*" I* end lip for .... -~ 0.. .. ,._. oww $1 .._ Cll for .... ,.,..,_ The price i.s $1.85 ...... 818 CAIYOI CUSTOII-01 THE GOlf COURSE Tbia ...,......._ .._ • 1M 7dl fliNty is country dub livine et its finest. Ov.f 4_.000 .... ._wid~ *-tic ardWtlcturt tAd LAAGl rOOML TM price is $1.15 ........ &. ~ II& CAIIYM CUSTOII-IIIEATHTWIG VIEW ... i Lt ita ....... 2.25 .,. .. tt.il 8 ...... -•...... rudy " .... iL CMr 5.500 ..... a.t wid! • VOY ,nv111 pool .S ~ n. price i1 t1.59511111111L 70 ..... 0,. s.us.. 1·5. c DOYEl SIIOMS AIEA CUSTOII-OVER 1.1 ACRES O.a If tM .... ,_ tllil _.. .._ otftn ~ ........-.. S.,.m fllllt .................. 1f1. 0... .. flftlnCI tntft .,_ The pnct IS tMS.OOO. (714) LIIDA ISLE CUSTOM- This 3 bedroom home as 1 once in 1 ~fttiJYII opportuntty. FEE SIMPlE on linda il'ld the owntf will flflllltL bclllnt opportufllly. Tht price is $1 .4 nvtlton. BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-DELUXE POOL An "end unit" Deane townhome. this tn property offers an exception~ yard With custom pool, S4)a and sauna. Tlwee bedrooms arid ovtf 3.400 square feet. The prlCe 1s $895.000. BIG CANYON TOWIHOME-CATALIIA VIEW hquwte in tvefY detail, th&S 3 bectoom. 3,000 square feet home offers multiple use of skyt.ghts and enormous prtvKy Highly upgraded The pnce 1s $6 75.000 7 Chateau Royal. Open Sat.ISun. l 5 LIDO TOWNHOME-WlBOATSLIP 01 THE WATER "Rehned" is the dtscnptivt WOfd tor this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (Jrd bedfooml and 3 full baths. Over 2.500 square feel and a BOATSliP' The puce 1s $595.000 WEST NEWPORT DUPLEX-WATERfRONT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. P1l!f and tloat EJ celient owner finant~Clejj tor qualtf1ed buy11 Tht priCe .s $545.000 BIG CANYON TOWNHOME-CAIYON'S BEST BUY This new to the !1\lfbt home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on 1ts own comer EJ calent assumable financ~ hctuslvt w1th Cote Realty. The pnce 1s $500.000 1 Rut font~ Ooen ~Y 1 5. VIllA BALBOA TOWIHOME-HIGHL Y UPGRADED Th6s lovtly 2 bedroom. 2 beth homl otfws the ult~m~te 11 lulury With • assurMblt finencino and owner wil CMJY. The pta as $239.000. IEWPORT CREST TOWIHOIIE-SUPER TERMS Offlrine 4 bechoms lnd 2Y, beths. thla home has it ... Community pool and ttnniS. Vacant lnd rudy to mow 111. lerveloan avttltblt. The priCe 1s $225.000 4 Robin Court Open Saturday 1 S. WESTCLIFF TOWIHOME-CAI YOU BELIEVE IT? A 2 bechom. 2 beth home with JlllOOl end 1 huge Ul&lmlble loa S. wiM leue opt100 with $5.000 down. The pria i.a $123,900. Dilen Sui\. 1-5 1214 Rutlend Road. LEASES BAlBOA PEIIISULA-WITH PIER I SLIP Otteme 4 bldr-...S 4 baths with pool 11 tot $3,000 per month. A«Wts on1y1 BIG CAIYOI TOWIHOME-01 THE GOlf COURSE Highly "'l'lild. tflia 3 ~ 2.850 ... ftlt boftw has it 111 Mo'ft II nght now. $2,800,., month. WEST IEWPORT-01 THE WATER nw. ....... INI 2 badla ,.t an the wat• "' • .p.t neighbortloocl luse only tor U .100 "' "*'~ Or 4 lll*ooms end 3 baths w.th spectacut. t"-* vltW 101 st.300 ,., .. m S777 2075 San Joaquin Hill& Road • Newport Beach, California 92660 N ~ -.,; N 1 ! .! I I J. 1 Costa Mesa ' 4&. •. 1 ; E. 17th St. IIJAEGIR PROPERTIES, INC. ~ DALEBOUT ~AY AND BEACH IIJREIMAX REALTORS 308 Marine Ave. 875-4000 1817 Westchff Drive 831·7300 15 Corporate Plaza Drtve 751-1221 m COLDWELL BANKER I UNIQUE HOMES 2181 San Joaquin Hills 844-9060 m MACNAB-IRVINE REALTY 2443 E. Coaat Hwy. 87SIOOO 901 Dover Drive 842-8235 111 CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES aiJ 1848 San Miguel Drive 844-8200 0 WALKER AND LEE 3841 E. Coast· Hwy. 873-8494 2170 San Miguel Drtve &a;1501 m COTE REAL TV IFJ MARSHALL, D.M. REAL TORS C WATERFRONT HOMES i 2075 San Joaquin Hills 840-Sn7 2 Corporate Plaza Drive 644-9990 IC ~~ -=~~~~wy. __ ~:::-~~· _::~: ·J * PAIORAMIC OCEAI BAY VIEW • CLIFF HAVEl * UnbiMIWt* VIEW from spodous 3 bt«oom home on utremett kqllot CMftooldng 8Gboo 8CPf Club and Channel. $850,000 FfE wit\ weat t1rmst 2670 San M6gutl OrNe, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or J52..TJ73. * MASSIVE CUSTOM FIREPLACE * Spend thotl romantic: eventngs baPing In tttt gmw from this mosstve flr• ploce. Thls IPQCious four becWoom homt Is ldtalty located close to w.n~n­ •• Mal c.\d Golden wa Contge. 9032 Adorns, Huntt~ Beach. 55& 7035. * SIX 01 A LOT * Six houlls on ont k)t In pnme rental areo of Oosta Meso. All but ant hCM flf• piOCes and heM rtctntty been pcinttd. No deferred motntenonct. A.salng $395.000.9032 Adams, Hunttngton Beach. 556-7035. $3,000 REBATE Supert) financing on this bright and chttfy 4 ~oom. 131. both home PlUS lht •• wnt glw a $3,000 rlbde at C.O.E. 9032 Adams. Hunttngron Beach. 556-7035. * $1 0,000 BUYS IT!! * lodltl appartl shop wtth good least terms. located In bUsy shopping center lrwentory negotklble. 9032 Adams, Hun1tnglon Beach 556-7035. ZERO DOWI PAYMEIT On the wot•. Price sloShed $10.000 to $214,900 Owner will finance totally ProfeWonally deoor<'ed througtloll to model home standards. 556-7035 1/3 ACRE EST ATE Compl•tty rlfllOdeled home wtttl new kltctten featuring cuSiom oak cabl- '*'·bull-In mtCf'OWOY8. and trash compact()( large fOfmal dining room ttas bUll-In 001c bUf'flt and cabinets. Huge ~ached garage has V• bath and colfd be eas1ty con\lefted to guest house.. SOCrtnet for $174,900. 556--7035 *TAKEOVER 11.2% LOAM* Only t20,000 down on tNs spodoUs four bedroom, 2 bGh homt wtttt soar· eng ~al c:eMings. Eorttttont decor ttvoughcMI with CUllOm wall cover- lnga. ar., and '*Y COW1Iry ldtcMn piUI fomltw room n cUllOm patto. Offnd at tl$UOO. 8032 Adams. Hun*"CCIIn leach. 556-7035. BIXBY KIOLLS BEAUTY 1 you lnjoy the CfMirm and llalltf ~~an tra gone by, tttla • bedroom, 2 ..-homt • for ~u. l.GrQt formal dining room wlh vttw ~ bta""""Y lanct- ICapld growtda. eu.t hOWl«' ra of proper!y. Oftftd «' t239~. 55& 1035. • LOCATIOI X 3 PLUS POOU • _...ldlat home tar-. growing famlr ~a prtme •••..-leach Ia t •• n wmt IMd .,.... .... Lcqt IUMY 1oom1 and '-""Y roam owrtook .......... In a tawmaii•ICJn!Ce•....,. Gllr.., own~«' 121 -.... redUCed ..... tD uncllr t300.000. 1032 Adam&. Huntlnlt .......... 1035. .._dt 24. 1982 Nlwpart ...._ Aut lmte For S. ,.. 9 * WATERFROIT HOME PRIVATE BEACH* Sentaltonat 4 bedroom homt smack on ttte wae.tl FeaMtng hnd'l doors. ftreploce, ~ dtcormec:t and prMIIe SANDY BEACH. Onty $2.-&,000 and .... WW cony AllOt 2610 San Mlguet Drtwe. Newport lead\ 759-1501 ()( 752-7373. $30,000 DOWN * * 11.46% FIIAICIIG Avolklbfell Fobutous TURllfROCK V\ST A TOWNHOME. FeaJumg 3 bedrooms, ftrepkx:e. gourmet dining and prtvote counyard. Only $280.000. 2670 Son Miguel OrNe. Newport Beodt 75&-1501 Of 752-7373. * * IIVESTORS • • BOng bultders and controctorsll Hove 2 units now-build ononuw later? Oeva- oplng Costa Mesa area. Good nnanclng. $138.500. 2670 San Miguel Drive. Newport Beach. 75&-1501 or 752-7373 • HARBOR VIEW HOME * Sensatlonat Poffoftno model on exctllfkmolly Iorge lot on FEE land wtth 4 bedrooms. spa, nreplace . $349,000 wtltl 10.97 percent osslmable flnanctngll 2670 Son Miguel ome. Newport Beach. 75&-1501 or 752-7373 * 12.9% INTEREST HARBOR VIEW HOME • Immaculate MONACO model feoturtng 2 bedroom/den f\leplace and spol low Interest flnc.\ctng avoUobte $241.500 FEE 2670 SOn Miguel Drive New- 00f1 Beach. 75&-1501 or 752-7373 • TURTLEROCK $1,279 PER MOITH ... • Is on you pay when'you takeover existing 1st T D Spacious • bedroom execl}- ttve dlfached hOme. r.c.oong format dtntng, family room and fireplace Only $213.500 FEE. 2670 Son MiGuel DrtYe. Newoort Beach 75~1501 or 752·7373 * WESTCLIFF 12Y. FIIAICIIG • When you toke over exbftng loons on this EXECUTIVE HOME fecluring • bed- rooms. 21h ~hs and pool Only S339.900 :i670 SOn ~uef 75&-1501 or 752-7373 **HARBOR VIEW HOME • PALERMO** Totoly rwnodlltd b¥ craftlmtnl Feanmg hnch doorl. wooden sh"'-1. plank loon.~~ and poot and lPG· FH kind wlt'l QRCf ttrmsl2670 San Mlgule arw. NMport lead\. 79-1501 or 752-7373. * 12"% FIIAICIIG * CMIIablt on brand new towMomll Featurtno 2 mcJIIIr ...... endosld gor-ageia and Pftwale courtpCL Only sm.eso. 2110 San MIQull DIM. NMpon 8ecD. 15-l501 Of 752-7313.. * PAIIOiltMIC OCUli AID BAY VIEW-CLIFFHAVEI * unii•I'MIIII WW hm IIPOdOUI 3 bldiOGm home on •em~~¥ age lot CMI".oo .. leoG aaw a. and CIMinnll teeO.OOO f& wlh Qf'ed tlnntl CGIJM.l501 or 752-7373. ~ ~~~----------------------------------------~ ~~--i ;-· ~--· r l 1 UI:I ~I:'U 1 111 11 IUHI ut;n tnn nln if flU HHI I -, _ ;; ~ ftr ·J , J1u:,r:! ~~l1· ,1 ! ~u 1-~ ~~1 J 1 1 ~1i .•. •1-~ ~··i 1:~ ~~ •1-~ Jl1.1i2! ~1 ii! --1 ~ .. ·· · .. '.J'· ;;~ !::~~-~ .ll::r·· ~ t-h -~ lt~r -~ 1 ~~ !in" -!i h• !i 11 ,f!i tl· Jl·~ -·. J' ;: ·.-·-l~ f. Ul -• It i· -~-f· 1, .. '· IJIJ · lifr· Jl-cs · I n · · ~ -~ ,l : i _,§r•a : ~ f ~ : :.i!a : pr··a : ,.!a~-~ a :!--a :rtt•i:l ~ _jla -~ i :~~,1 ~, ~~~:iii = !· 1 : j-~u : • i'1 ~ : ti~~ : n&1 ~ : ~~i~ _ hli~ : ;~1 n ,f:: ;o JJJ ·o ~ ~" ~.-.. ~ · l •l{:J! : ~i ~ : l>ii f 1• i : i,!.j : ~f~~ f !J~ : :t!~ : J !~~ ~ -~-a> ·0 :C i ~ l: .I i -~,-· f i i ; I I i !! ~ (1 11 ~ i If@ ~ .f l ~ 1f1 ~ ~ i I ! ! ~ i ·~ c <·. . <D : r § t lil § n i h § ;r l i • u g J § ! § ~ ~ g ~~ ~ -~ 7'T ~ ·n .._. .. m 1\J :r . ·.1.U.i:ll1f!,:i:l UlJI. liJill f .t~i .. l f rnnr H~fi llfiU f ~~fii .: ·en. -OJ .. · . 0 ~1'1. :1~:1'r.·f· _:! ~1~~:f.:.l''.l-;! ~~1 ~1Ju ~1 p IU·! I .~,_~! ~ !1 11'11. ! 1r·' ,!r!-1~n~,--,~ I j!1!1 .. ~ a .• <D0 S ,' ;; . ' :.& I 'I -I ' I t I . (•• I . -. [ & u. l· . 5 : ~ ' I & . ~~... = : -~ "' = ,.. II\ . ' . . ' i(J.I• . t . I'' : ; I . : --. . N I;~ . ·•· i'. . m 1 a d. ,.. 'II () .,.. ~-. J·r .:.. ..•. ; .. il:.. .I! :.. . l I:..: :p'J.l·:... : ;l.i f:.. :~I' ;,•.:.. . -~ .. ~:..: ~~ ~~ !::.. "' q . s.c . §• c . J c . I c . 51 c . i' a:l'l=· c : sj g.o . "I ,., c .._, -,-J. : -(") : •. 1,. r ! : . ~ : ! la : i [ I : I •. iJ ! : . i al ! : . ' ~ : •• i I I ~ ' .J ~ ' .. . : .r1f'l : J• · 1 ili[i = hill \ ill~: ~ •·r,.,: rtt•~~: • ·u~ : bbi : r•Hai -~ ...,. ~i~• : .... ~ : i ·r .~ : !· = : .. ! : l ~ : ' f•:;; : • _;;:;; : I i ·= ~ : ·. 0 . ,., en • -{i . I -. . 'II . (:') . R . J• . s· -c J,.. . I I i ~ I _,. (I) ...._ i ,f~l i !J! ~ ;-' . ~ lfi j ~-~~~~ J ~~ ltf j hl ~ ~~·;, g iii ·~ ~ ~ •i J rd J H ~ 1.1 g .f"'§ Jr. g hl ~ t • .l g ~u ~ f .~.--·lf.~,~~.f ~Jf:~l [Iff ~~n f [[.flfl·l f ['f(lfl:'t"l ifl(i"l f il;!ti i~J}Ji CO ' ,· I l : ., .I I -I I If Z' r I • ~ r ! J I .. I f"" I; "" f .. :f ... ~ .~ .l ·al .. , .. ,.. 11 c . -J l"'l c "' I· i · .c -~ c:"' 1 .. 1 .c: _.a1 ic . . 'II 'f ' I • -I .. . "' I .. . "' l ... ... ut . -(It I 0 , • ...., I ut .. I , • I ,, • f . ...., I .. I. -.. I . . I r. . Q . I .. . • t . -• -:' ~~ ,, , , I , . • ... , : • • f'" , : W ~ :1 e • • • ~ ~ • • ~ ~~~~ .· .. ~ , ~ : i .. J.a : 1 ~ 1 ~ : 1 · 1 r · ~ : ~ '' 1 1· ~ : J 1 ~ ~ r · :1 ~ ~ ~ it• 'a :~f: ~:l1'i : ,1~::! : l 111 ~ : ''II ! :fl·: I ! : f kii : I f.i!i h . l _ p! ~-l(:t.&afil i i:,l:l .~ i I·Uf 1 : r !f: ,·t; : f l!lr'§: laljl : i tl iJ.! : ir~~ ~. · .·-llr:· .. : 1: 1. i .ri• ~ tsr -r~: t1iJf ! h~: Pt~~ ~ ~~~ i t,f I ~ I ~!!i I ~'f'hl I ~~~~J llH 1 I ri~J~ i hi ., \Jl 0 ~r ~~ r~ ~~ o·~ ~ ~ . . . Mlrdl 24. 1982 Newport Hetbot Real Estate For Sale P~g~ 11 Dalebout Bay& Beach -Real Estate 30 Ef{icU:nt :P'tofouiona.b CJ 0 cS£. 'tV£. 'YOU. . . . REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME Wtrll US ... TO LIDO lSlE ~ t.iy hoMe. FiVe bedrooms. or could be tint Mctlra ,... ift.llw quett•s. Separtatt family room. For Mil .... rooa. Convtnient to buches and terws. Yoo owatt.'-l A.._ by appclintm~At ..••.......... $475.000 COMl WITH US ... TO NEWPORT ISLAND be I 1 r .. t... 116' of wlt.tront. nw. bedrooms. t..ta .. • ...._ room. Anlple spa for bAints tlbll. Hllll,.... Yw _. pilf lid ftolt. You own tht lind. Awllllll ~ tJI a' :w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 79.000 c.-Willi US ••• TO 8A YCREST 0.. Iiiii '*-I trite WOfd. but tt:is CI&StMI butt .._ il f'lllr "CUllOm." _. the c:t.m wil .,_ for ibllf. A.. w-. haity ,... Dining raam. Two I • d I I ..... .,. kitdla Built·in ---Bra ,... ,_. lill yri Piddle ttMis c.ourt. T1lrle ew .... A; 1 t I ., ...... _. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $485,000. W. WITII US ••• TO BA YCREST 0' t Tmlt. Hn is Mluly • rart that it becorael 111 11 ... 1M .,.. widl 1M --. The Wind of colors. .a ia ._ 1M Wll tcM~ilp is • rtllful ¥01' w.nt to Iii ._ • lie it 11· c.-to y-. Spec:ioua Fiw M*l r..~.-.,.... end ......... A ...... _, 411' ... . . . • . . . . . . . . . . $495,000. C.. W1T1 US ••. TO UOO iSLE .... _ •• u.a AnrldM two 110ry ,_ 011 widl ........ lie. f-. W II PI Bonus ,...._ lllitinG ,. • ,_ ... "rt 1 · • tra. Tatt~My 0 ki A: a , " 15 · 2-• . I • • • • • • • • • • • • t495.000. C.. W1111 U1 ••• TO BALBOA E• p • ra.e l.uitilt 0 _.. of toid .-. ..tr11 _. '* tf atltMty it .... Md spa; of a. fwt. .-IIY -.... f1IUf M*oom. .... end a. ... Mdl f..ty ... St.,. to bey ... oeNft. Jlcum. ...... --. -=urity ... A--., .... _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $549.500. COlli Will Ul ... TO HARBOR RlDGE Sfatlalllr hnt rww NW of ....,.,. city lighta tnd ....a. .....,. nne ..,_ "AIMila.U. floot pia llr•y.Wt ...taob hugl hint ,__ Wet bit ..,... ....,_ nne .., dllh eo.nuity poo1s end ..... v .......... A..W.., QJ . ,_, . . . . . . . . . . . . . $510.000 U. WITH Ul ... TO DOVER SHORES ·-·· ad ....... .. .... ..,., courtyri Llfla ... ,... .. ........ ... --llachoM ........... My. T1nl ....... M*••• fOI'U fr1i11 ,.., F1lllly ,_ ott kiadlll. ........... ,.,. . • lain w Wll • Wll ca..-. dllt4ID41t UCIIant ~-........ F..-.c Nw. 0.. fiNndnl, A..wta-. ....................... I $550.000 ~-..... ......l .... .....,..... .... .. .._ ............. COllE WITH US ••• TO BAYCREST bctlent financing. MatNfalt1ty U111Jidlld five bedfoom. lOUt blth home. One bechciM lid laath sufficilntly private for rnlicl or tn-ltw ql*ttn. lovtty poof-wrought iron f~~~eed for protectiOn ol unll chilcnn. AI rooms so spaaous they wil KCCifllliOdate most •Y turMure. You own the iiAd.. Av-... by II)POI'Ittnlnt . . . . . . . • • $600,000 COllE WITH US ..• TO DOVER SHORES Habbytst' s dr._ '-'. Fu bedrooms. F~ cifWIQ room. Deft. huge ...._ Couldry kitct.\. Huge semce arM with stOtiQI callirwts. tc.plett-.ity system. Two c.-WOfbhop plus two car .... Property kattd on the bly witt. 20a40 doa.. 400 MAile s .. ()oeft Sat./s-.. 1·5 . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. $650.000 COME WITH US •.• TO DOVER SHORES 0.. wl hefp ~ Ma•ificllrt two story Oov• Shora haftll with ~ vilw tn. living roam. dining room. kitchla end IMitw l:l*ooM. ~ bedroclln .,.,.. ~· with -.............. upstlits. Hull IMS1• bedr"oom ~ fw..,..._ ~ poal in front cowtylrd. You OWl the '-'d. 1624Aftt ... Way o,.n Sat/Sun. 1 5 • • o • • • • • • • • • I ' $700.000 COllE WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES be ' 2 .._... Outat ..... Wltlrfr.a ...,. Wid\ ~ -·~--dly ........ tr.hiag ,..._, ... .._. IIIII _.. ....._.. F.., ,_ with Wll lillr lllllli $1 It fw M*GIIPl RllttW .a pltia. AwtiiMI., _.._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700,000. COllE Willi US ... TO DOVER SHORES fillillltic ..... ytt cazy eM C.S • I II I c.t1 .. ftu .......... .-.~--~...._c flt -.. ... Gcq1oG ._ tf lley IIIII .... lif't.. lridiPIOo with pool. IPI _. fW1piL A.,..-. tor entlrt-.. YCMI own the lllld. Price rMlad •30.000. 1200 .... 0riw Open ~Y 1·5 . . . . • ........ , Now S795.000 COllE WITH US .•• TO DOVER SHORES lulllnt fiMncine. n.. is ............ lbout this e--ytt .... pmay far I ... f ... Six bedrooms. lil ....... hilt ....... ,..,... .... ,.... ...... Milt• ~ auitt with fi: u' 2 c• Stpnt.e rii*wl'a wlnQ,. SperdDe ,_ You o.~ t1tt 1116. AVIIIWIIII ~ ,....,_. . . . . . • • • . • • $950.000. COME WITH US •.. TO SPYGLASS Hill p~-.. of oc. -... lilln Buutltuly IIPI'idld "Sout~" ..._ O.:..ator PlfiiCt dr ... t Pool. _. ..t ...... Two c:o.nd INIIIO wt1$ *th ....... of Iettice Md n:L Y.w "-petio ...... r-. Pra,.... .,50,000. 45 c... . Mow ~950.000 1617' Weatcfiff Drive. Newport Beach, California 92660 (714) 631-7300 COME WITH US ... TO IRVINE TERRACE Enjoy the evtrchangtng ocelli vltW, w1th all of 1ts moods. All rooms art SCJKIOUS llldudlng huge ltvlflil room. dwng room. ttwet blcrooms and den/billiards room. Enttrtamn;~ 1s 1 p6easure m such a sett~ng. You own the land Pnce just rtductd $ 1 ~0.000. 130 1 Oolplm Ten ace Open S.t./Sun. 1 5 Now $1 ,050,000 COllE WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES Extraouinary fiiiiiCJnll. Waterfront With large Pllf and dip. llf~m~tiC display of crahsmanstwp and ~n~P~Utble tastt 11 ~omg 111 •• beartlful homt. V~td till llQ IMnt room. Tint bedrooms. Separate chlkhn'$ .mg. Oini'Q 1M ltmlly rooms. Bult·ln stereo system. ucrtn;~ vtn oJ n9t fiGhts.. You own tht lind. 1 036 Po&lris Dnvt 0,.54.ndey 1·5 . . . . $1 .125.000 COME WITH US . . . TO HARBOR ISLAND ROAD Spectacullr blyfront hon. S11 bedn.lOfN. hve baths S..ous use of glm and w11m woods-ttak. redwood. and JiplftiSe oat~. Slaty feet bly frontage. J~t~all on blyfroot patiO. 0wntf will carry $ 1.000.000 hut trust died. 1 11 Harbor tdand Road ()oeft S.t.IS&In. 1 5 $1 .500.000 COME WITH US ... TO SPYGLASS Hill Eleplt EJ9s11 Tudlw. me spattOUS bedrooms. Two story fmng room witt\ Mimed ~ F~ clifq room. Ftmt ly room Wflh wet bit. lots of 111¥*1 ;.a. Gold .. tid hllura 11 ~ttwao.. S.. and wet tww 11 I'AIIt• SUite. Four........,. ftw car..,. Av...,. ~ ...,..t!Mftt . $1 ,500,000. COME WITH US ... TO BA YSHORES ..... or not you have -tJIIS ,....fan, Mtdtttn• ._ VIII. lhls IS big news! This fM bedroom. dlw'Q roo~'~ lid dan homt IS loldtd With old wortd c:hMm. ytt II has the con-.nca of II modern IIIWIItteS The beg news ia the cftlngl 11 flmily plans ~~ • pnc:a rtduc 110ft of $450.0001 YtM~ own tht land. Av-... by tpp011tmtnt Now S 1 650.000 LEASES 8JG CANYOft l.uauriOUS thr• bedrooms. two baths. 3.000 "-h. Jatum. U .OSO 1110t1th. Yurty lust wt ~Vf OMRS. PlEAS( CAll US FOR YOUR NEEDS AUSniTEXAS CH(JC( PARCEl 13 85 ecrts. Study c~te tor 55 ._.a or touf I* am. US~t~~ ~a. condos. ~1. or lftdustnll dlv.,opn~~•t Near new homa and ...... ctnter. tall Rome ... ~ tor dttllh 4 $453.000 C..W,..._ JaaU...,._. lWM S.d S..M Yett WifWeia Swao ,, REALTOR ® If you're in the market for a home of your own, you're probably in the market for a home loan, too. A conventional mortgage is usually the first kind that comes to mind, but other alternatives do exist. These include • privately insured loans e GI-insured loans • FHA/HUO*- insured loans • Farmers Home Administration loans • urban uhomestead .. " loans • .. house-to-house" loans • variable interest rate loa·ns • graduated payment mortgages and e HUD's subsidized homeownership program. To learn about these pqssibilities, talk to a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® before you start looking. REAL TORS. are reaJ estate professionals, and forms of financing are part of their.expertise. They can tell you what's available in your community, and h.ow you can qualify. Creative financing could make the difference between a home that ·s just right and one that's just affordable. for valuable advice and assistance, calf a REAL TOR® today. •Feder~l Housing Administr~tlon/U.S. Oeputment of Housina & Urb~n Renew•l ...... ., ......... . ............... DIAMOND AVE-BUILD YOUR FUTURE HERE Older 2 bedroom plus guest room house, unique for remodel or opportunity few new home. Good location. Owner well corry TO with 25~ down and will subordinate. A buy at $299,.500. DIAMOND AVE-HOME PLUS INCOME Three bedroom home neor North Boyfront with two ~room goroge apartment. On quiet street. Owner w1ll oss1st 1n f1nanc.ng. Gteot opportunity at $375,000. RUBY AVE-SUPERB DUPLEX Ideal few home plus income or stro1ght 1nvestment, excellent location. Squore footage connot be dupl1coted todoy Recently redecorated, • bedroom, 2 both upper vn11, 3 bedroom, 2 both lower un1t. Includes new fvrn1tvre. S400,00CJ 211 OPALAVE NEW CLASSIC COUNTRY TUDOR Open Sat./Sun. 12-4 Unsvrpossed qual1ty, superbly des1gned w •th the touch of Old World charm Feotvnng sol1d ook floors.. f1ne!>t ook cab1nets. vaulted beomed ce tl.ngs, rtver rcx:k ftreplace and extens•ve use of beveled leoded glass Three bedrooms 1nclud•ng pflvote master su11e, 3 boths, famdy room, formal d•n•ng room plus expons•ve roof deck Excellent 1sla nd locatton $6-17.500 SALES-RENTALS-PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Match 24. 1982 Newport Harbor Rell Estate For S. P~ge 13 PERFECT FOR HOBBYISTS Send Dad to the workshop while you enjoy the sunny brick patio surrounding this cheerful home one block from Ocean Blvd Two bedrooms, den. 2 baths. all lath and plaster. hardwood floors. shake roof and only $350,000 WRAP THIS ORE FOR 11011 Tender Loving Care has developed this home into a real charmer Nested on a high. street to street lot on qwet upper Hazel Two bedrooms. den. 2 baths. dming and breakfast rooms View over Corona del Mar. a basement tree shaded pattos and fully landscaped wtth an elegant Oriental touch $350.000. By appointment 364~ 8adl reoa4t ,Yf~ay (at~~) 673-8494 AEGIR PROPERTIES INC. . . . . . . . . . . . 675-4000 COLDWELL BANKER ............... 644-9060 CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES .... 673--8494 COTE REALTY .........•..•.•...... 640-&777 DALE BOUT BAY • BEACH . . . . . . . . . . MACNAB-IRVINE REALTY 631-7300 642-823& 844 8200 D.M. MARSHALL REAL TORS . . . . . . . 644-9990 RE/MAX (NEWPORT) ............... 759-1221 UNIQUE HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 75-6000 WALKER • LEE . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . 759-1501 WATERFRONT HOME& .....•..••.•. 631-1400 873-8800 CAMEO SHORES F.._ ocan ..S C0i1t1nt wilw 3 ~ 3 bath. ton.~ dinine ,.... fllliy nMIID. study. ... pool lftd cutprd. priv1t1 linda $925,000 F• 808 OR DOYlE KOOP 759-1 221 . OCEAIFROIT-OCEAIFROIT Convwt thia 11. llrgl •• to ycu priv1t1 rasidlnel lftd he on the finest bNdl on the COIIt. $170,000 ht It 11 ~. 2nd of $250,000 at 1 0". Still II $650.000. 808 Oft OOVtE KO<W. 759-1221. UIDA ISlE TRADE ~ My ... 2 .. .us. reeD for 4 llllta up to 74 fl 5 lliJidl00111. 6 ltllk .-r"OCA .................. .-,... ..... s.llf ClrfY lat TO 01 ..... ..._.., 01 office ~ $2,100.000.808 OR DCME KOOP. 759-1221 . HARIOIMDGE LEASE FM '-*••-. 4 ...... .-r-. 2 -. ..a, flllily ...... c.... ... tl.~ • '*' off•. BOB OR DOYlE KOOP 759-1221 . HAIIOIIIUIMil LWE ,.. ...... 3 ..................... ,... ~·''',.. ................ . PriwiCI ..--..... -.. ..... $2,900 I _.. Wllit II lfflrl. 808 OR DOVE ICDOP 75J.1221. ca•o III&IILAIDI .._ ................. 3 ..... 2 ............. Vtry .... "" ...... bled. U3t.OOO. a 01 DCWI KOOP. 751-1221. • COSTA .SA R-2 E. SIDE lqa 2 becholft, 2 ..... .... ...... hint ,... witt! ditling CGalk l.ql '*-.._. wiD "*" to ,.n 6 autos. t130,000. 808 OR OOVtl kOOP. 759-1221. IEWPORT CREST COIDO Two beckOOIM. 2~ bldaa. loft. highly uplflde. Olk floora. ._.,.itul ,...... ocan vilw. $98,000 111 •• 12". Pricld 11 t1 70,000. 808 OR DOYlE KOOP 759-1221 . ~ ' "2" IEWPOII"' , a ' ,DOS lMgat ..... ~, ~ .~ ...... 4 ...... , ~~v .... o..tsa ..... .. U10,00t. ~ .• c lOOP. 759-1221. SEAVIEW lEASE Fw ........ -.-3 .... ...., ........ ,.. city ---.~-----··.100 J*...._8010RDCMEKOOP.751-1221. AIIOlUTE ITEAlll I ... ., I( 2 f 7 ... FACT ..... il ... lOT IUY ill -...,.n ..... " 711 • 1 ls;:i . Mt ..... CAll • .-cllY .. Y11 .... i+ 1 If &MAT IUYI OCUI VllW, LM6E 4 .._. PN). R.....U.l DECC*liD ...... ._ _.a. .. II .. _, t371t5d0. A ........ u ·p "Y• -·• WM it ... ,_ • iL Cll PA'IWCK TDIJRE ....751-1221 ~7eo.t708l1JDAYI • EQUITY PURCHASE OR lEASE OPTIOII Try 1ft .... Y ~ • lllu option now! Fine EatWuff vilw hallll with pool end spa. Moft.in condition-pr;n. lacati!Mt too. F01 clltaia of E.P. 01 La. 0p. Cll NANCY IMBERMNO. ownlf/~g~~tt. 759-1221 01644-6636. 30 UIITS WITH CASH FlOWI A r .. tn indlld in todly'a IIWbtl Thirty._.·,.· butt• ~ iR "' IICIIInt locltiDn. Mconw on ,,_ -inerlllld 50" in pall 4 )1, yNf1! ftJ mort infcwmation call BOB LICATA. broktr·owner. 759-1221. 3 BEDROOM CUSTOM t30.DOG Dl-11" IIT.-10 YRS • 0... fil• Cl-.. ...., ~ Tine 1111*1-. 2 ...... Quiet ~.. ,.... ..uy, tridl r...-.......,u.ce.n.t-.~y,.. .... ..._ ..e lb. t•-. RV ,.._ ... patiL btta-.. ...._.. 11 $187.000! Hurry, c.l 808 LJCATA. 759-1221. lOW. LOW DOWI Twe 1 •••• c..ty CIMia. acelllt fill• W~a t73,500 .tL MARCIA MDQ 758-1221. TAlE YOUR PICI Tine ,_. c... .. ... .... ... 10~ ... t379,000 to t439,000. Cal DAMW. PASH far""" ... 75J.1221 . ll&.MOI VIEWIIYE·AWAY ·••-"lifllhol .......... *222.000 .......... IIML Altillt U88.000. A* "' OARMll PASH 758- 1221. lOUTH lAIUU CUSTOII ~ .................. 20.000 ... ... t350,000. DAMlU PAlM. ..... 751-1221. REALTORS;. IIAUIY a' IS 00. D Un...a "8" plan wit\ U balcony ocrot1 1M fiM IIW ...... IMicll IMif and ..... Pfaff II' DllCIIy deconlfed and rwnodllld ...... , ... ol good .... tiCIUdld---wlh wood dlcldnQ, ...cl brtck _.,.,..,.. aa. to pool and.,._....-. end"'' With maclmwn u. of ..... Jll.lm ...... MOO,OOO. LIA. OPIIG.I howe tow lease options CMJIIoble In the BlUffs. SoMe d' 111•11ua1tons and a vartety of s&zes and prtces. Phyllis Qogglo. 780-8878. I..., TO RM.IOO This four bedroom home In lake Forest II hlghlf upgrodld and hOS been Immaculately kept. Toke over the low Int ... lit TD and the own• will cony a 2nd. This home Cillo comes with a membership In the prtvote sun and son club. WOODIMD• COIIM) This attractive 2 bedroom condo Is Just tow years old and locefed In "" popUlar community of Woo~ tMtclge, Th• populof Wonnln~on "8" pkJn hOS mony upgrades, an~ garage, and ts pr1ced r1ght <' $152.950. OW-fiiWMIIII • IAYIHOIII IIDUCID TO tUI.OOO No need to w,orry aboUt riling ln*llt rotiHhe owner of this talllfUI 3 bldloom. COW1hy French home will provtde excellent 1lnanc*g. You wllloVt the 2 sunny brtck pGios, prtvate mOIIef IUie wit\ balcony, and the worm atmosphere of this o<'• guarded communly. $325,000. < ~ OCIU VB ~ IWodld TradW*Ica modll With a ~ ~ and ely ._, vtlw. TNI fanner model home hal 4 ~ bnly room. and huge yard witt lPG and rm11y mort tecnns. taa.OOO. a.•• VIEWS This 2 bedroom H plan Is close to the pool, has beOUIIul mountain and sunset views. and hos the lowest pnce for Its model In the oftgln~ bluffs. Own• Is anxious and wtll corry on AlTO wilt\ 20 percent down. $218,000. IIAU All OHH This exquisite, executive home has prestige, privacy and locatton, location, locot1on. Five bedrooms, pier and sUp on Undo Isle's lagoon, country klchen with nrepiOce, formal dining room with beveled glOSS doors, master s'*e wtth nn~ ploce and siting room, and the secwtty of Newport's only gated Island. PIICI aAIHID .WPOIT ttaeHTS Great starter home wtth ~ new terms. Witt\ 20 percent doWn, the owner will poy oft the utslng 2nd and cc.ry a new 2nd behind the exlsllng 1st. ThrM becRomS. 2 ~. ftreploce and on omce. $190,000. IIOITH ~IT COIIDITIOII This beotdul 3 bedroom hos been recenttv remodeled wfh new carpets, oplkmc• palm, wall and wtndow cowmgs. Huge wrap around pc:flo Is walled for privacy. With osawnoble loons at on average rote of 12 per· cent, this Is wei pr1ced at $235,000. Submit on lease optton. In Irvine 18124 Culwer Drive ......... c. 92715 ' Opportunity is knocking. If you've hem waiting for just the right time to buy a home. you're in luck. Because there may never be a better time to buy than now. You can be choosy. Today. there's a large selection of homes to choose from.. That means you have a better chance of finding the home that's perfect for you. Tomorrow's pias will~bb'be higher than today's. After years of ste'ct~· in<Teases, hon1t> prict--s ha\'f' begun to le\·el of( C..<,mpt1ition among seller to aunw1 buyers is making honlt'S nua(·h mon· affordable. But prices could very likely begin to climb again before long. Mortgage inta-tst rates have declined. And rates are even lower where sellers are willing to help with financing. Some recent home buyers are paying just II or 12 percent interest on their home mortgages. How? People-to-- people financing. That's when the seller helps the buyer finance the home (seller-held first or second mortgages are a good example). 'T'L-.:.-.. • • ...I,. ' .& IIC ..,..J~~~~; IS n51•l• People who wait for interest rates to go down may find that. \\'hile they were waiting, the price of their dr~ house or condominium wmt up. 5et' a REAL TOR , a Rlmlber of your local board of REALTOR~ •. A REAL TOR .. rnn h<'lp you find the home you \\'ant at du· pric~ ou can afford. Merdl 24, 1982 Nlwpcwt Hlrtaor Hal btete fOf S. P• 17 ,. 11 ~ ...... ,... Estill fof s. .._.. 24. 1982 From Affordable ... To Affluent ... WOODSY CONDO-SECURITY Owner wilt accept te.OOO C8lh down on thil ~ one bedroom condo near South Coalt Pfllza. Community pool, spa, ....... and weight room. Privacy and greenery. t76,000. 831·1400. NEWPORT PENTHOUSE Excellnt location and good stBrllr irweltment. New C.pet and Plint throughout 1hil bacheb unit whh belconv to view of ~ and light&. o-. wiM accept 10 percent Cllllh down and ~the p..,.-. t87 ,600. 831-1<400. HOME FOIINVESTOI PMect 3 bedroom, 2 t.1h home on lllgelol New <*pet and ..... Owner wil help fte.nce. t114,000. 831-1<400. WALK TO llAOt AND POOL lor.-t priced horne in Neufi)Oft Shar-. Owner wil._./option thil2 bedloom, 2 blllh home 01 ... whh ~ .,.._ t126,000. 831·1400 NEWPOIT COINER LOT Drive bv this YfiiiY buildlble lot at 413 Eaat Bay (comlf of eypre.) on IWboe Penineula. Aans lncluclld. Submit vour offers. t200.000. 873-SOO. NEWPORT QUIET STilET On ~uc • ..,.,ounded by ...._ Comf0f1Bble 3 bedroom, 2 beth with fireplece in ~ kitchen and IMng room .• 175,000. fM. 673-e900. IRVINE TERIAa Open and airy 3 bedroom home wtth large kitchen. family room with fireplace and open been& Nice pe1io and beck yard. t246,000 631 - 1<400 NIWPOIIT HIIG~l AND YARD Super locltion on QIWt s1reet. lMge lot with .... ftowln and belluliful pool Pwtect Wnitv home ... 3 bedroom lnd f.mtv room. low c:.h c:tow.1 .-w:t owner wi• c.rry. Call for finefldng ..... «279,000. PININIULA fOINT--aY IIACH ~"""-~ 1GO ft. tram~ 2 bedroon'& .. -dldL ~ ..... Priced tor """*'* ... ol ..... --ADORAl&. I MOillE HOME In a "w.tlr oriel.r' Navport community,_, ......... and ~hope. Cola lb .... 2 bedroom, 2 be1h. Community pod and ~ room. .500. IAI.IOA ISLAND LOT-PLANS Driw by 308 ~and C8l for ............ for lingle t.milv home appCMd and ...tv to build. Reduced to t3ZI,IIDO. Owrw wilt build to IUit for totll ~ ... tfiOO.OOO. WOODMIDGI-ON WATII Gorgeoua 2 ..., condo with ...,.., vt.w. and greenery on like. HUGE ASSUMABlE lOAN t208,000 at 13 peiCenl ~ decof'81ed 3 bedroom 2Y.a t.lha. t:M&.&OO, Fee. CONTEMPOIAIY NEAR lAY Open with ... ~ wood. giMI and 'Mmlth. Young 2-.tory whh _,.iriQ <*linga, m.ter IUi1e wi1ta balconv owrlooking Wing room plul2 OCher bedroom~, fwnitv room and cining room. Excellent "gold ~· location. Cal for deUtill on "*' IIVIiW*t. M38.000 831·1<400. LIDO ISLI ClASSIC To~ ~1'1d end decolatld 2 n.y in the a-t ~ t.vor. Open. bright 4 bedroom, 4 beth with 2 ..... for enter1aininQ in and OUL St.ined ~. and open belms. Owner will fnnce wtd\ tow Cllh down ~ ... M46,000. COUNTIY ILIGANCI. UTTl.IIILAND Ctwm, ..._,.. and fii!IWJ deooilltot •••liiV In ... 3 becnam home-"' .... ..,-FNnah docn. Allo ON ......_ ..,. "'*'• d on ~-r.w ..... • •· tllUOO-m.ao 1510Abllane ........... ......... I UNITS PLUS HOME Two bedroom home and 8 IM'li1a onty one block to beech in s.n Ctemeote. Won ~~~ award. ~ loan and owner wil help fW.at486,000. 10PHCINT VIEW I.AIGI LOT, PEE Exceptional view PfOPif1Y with a.rge lot aod room to ewplnd. ,... tor home .. 8'-' howe .... 2 bedroom unha. ln an .. ol kMtly hon-. M15,000. ~Et 831-1400. ~LISPA--55' LOT, LIDO large 1UMV pMio with 11 toot ..... tor •M~U~~cling. A ~ f1mi1Y home ~ 3 bedroome and 2 biiiM. .. 000. 831·1400 VIEW LOCATION-VIEWI &pecill:; Wge1ri-lwel home ... beUitul decor by -=a~~er ~· HolllJllltv aod lulcury In thil3 bedroom. tomwl and nWtOI.ci dirq room, huge flmlv room plue llrge a..ct room ...._ For 1he''hllllh tnlhulillt'' a .,.,. room piUI prMa .... UNOJESTlONA8LE vtf.W Of OCEAN AND BAYROIT ~ Owner wil help ftrwa. ta,OOO. 831· MOO. UNOISTIUCTID VIIW~RONT lOW Premum ..... whh ...... groundl, 76 ft. frontlige, 2 llgll1 Iota and PIOO'amic VIEW of oceen and jetty. Eartv N~ Nlideta wtth 1M dwm and quwlty of bygone ct.ys. Wood panting, mokluga and llrge ~ •1,360,000. SILLEI Wl.l ASSIST WITH FINANCING WATERFRONT RETREATI ~ panc:qmic view OCHlp on Udo Peninsula in • MCIUrity building doee to all. Bright, cheerlul. open feeing. One bedroom. Owner will carry first T0•12 All"*ll Reduced to $258,000. ON WATER-FRONT ROW Newtv ct.conned 2 bedroom, 2 bath co-op. Gorgeow Catalina and turning baain view. Aaalmable ~ Sellef wiU assist in financing. Boat lflp avielable. $285,000. OCEANFRONT-lAGUNA lEACH Spectac:ullr VIEW and beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 t.th co-op right on ocean. Greenery, privacy, MC:Uri1y eand swimming pool. $315,000. 631- 1..00. IEAUnFUl ON WATER I Impeccable queity and good taste in this warm .-.d open family home on the water. Classic interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large llndK.eped aptio with spa, fountain and fire rinf. Your own boat slip right out your door for 46' boa Owner will hetp finance for qualified buyer. M18.000on fee land. 631-1400. OCEANFRONT HOME Quiet beechfront with original owners who take pride in their home. Superior "sit--down" ocean view from tbis 3 bedfoom Plus bonus room home. Superior c:ontlNCtion. Owner will carry 1st TO for 1he right buyer. $725,000. 631 -1400. lUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER ~ II right out d A.rchitec1Ural Oigelt and offer• dramatic quality living throughout. ~ 2 bedroom plus den with ~ ,.,...., suite with ftrep61c:e. a--. leeded c;.. end .,_. ecx:... Boet slip 8\'allble. This il ontt tor .. ~ $725,000. Fee. lA YSIDI COVE lA YFRONT Nme S. Oilmoltd plln on one .._ ~ 2 bedloom. 2 blllh. '*-den. Bay view, priwte ~. pool Md tea Boet alp evellbe.. F.-t.nct. •nuoo. LINDA ISLi DRAMA nc I v •• ~. ftoor p1an with~ anct priwlcy at ~atd entry. Large main rooms f or ••••"~ In Met out. ~ 6 bectoom •• ~~room wfth bit, pier .-.d lip. Alxibte ••-*.a or dltnlt .ctw._ ,..ad eo .1 .. 000 Owner wll c.ny .. 10" peroent ........ HISTORIC MEDITERRANEAN lANDMARK EST ATE with 60' on Ne~ Bay. Sweeping, panoramic view, from the Pavilion to the mountains. An authentic architectural statement of bygone days throughout thi~ 3 story residence plus 4th floor observation tower. The quality and craftmanship 1n this dignified structure offer spacious rooms and privacy, in addition to generous indoor and outdoor balconies, patios and courtyard entry. This magnificent villa offers two wings for private living. This includes 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms, a formal dining room, 2 kitchens, formal living room, large family room and much more. A sepatate self~tained master IUite. Large pier and float will accommodate a 60'. plus two other boats. A detailed brochure w ill be available upon request. $2,660,000 . Fee land. Adjoining guest apartment. plus 3 car garage available for $395,000. On a sepa-ate 45lct00 ft. lot. 2 WATER CONDOS-aAl.IOA ISlAND FANTASTIC large condoe ON WATER with great VIEW. A "rwity'' on 8el>oa Island, theM two townhous.M have boat· docks and are larger than moat homea. Each unit hal 3 bedrooms, 3 bMhe. 2 car gantgea and petioe.. Sold fumilhed. Gteet ren~ or for year 'round reaidefal Owner flexi)le 01 will OONider ex.ct.nge. $1,100..000 F££. 8'73-8)0 IAYFIONT NEW ON MAIKET Gteet kation ON THE WATER with dock for boeta. Otd Newport cNrm 2-ltory with 3 bedroom .-.d Wge patio. ~ for remodel. Call for finlnc:ing detail&. .1,.200,000 •• F.. EXCITING OCEANFRONT Only 7 VMfW otd on beM:t\ with tpeeioul 3 and 2 bedroom unila ..-ev ~on aumnw/wintef ~-m.aoo. Reduced to MJS,OOO. liNDA ISlE DRAMA TIC I Verutile floor Pin with IKUrity and priwlcy d courtyard entry. Large main rooms for en~ in and out. Lovefv 5 bedroom Alp- down family room wiCh t., pier .-.d lfip. Ftuible fNnc:ing or IUbmlt ex.ct.nge. R«ttaced eo $1,496,000. Own. wil '*'Y 8t 10" I*C.it ln ...... Mlfch 24. 1982 Newport Harbor Real Estate For S. P• 19 INCREDIBLE liNDA ISLE LINDA ISLE 2 story with 4 bedroom plus maids room, formal dining room, large hwnily room with step down bar and country kitchen. Landscaped to perlection plus bridge over dip-pool and spa. $1 ,396,000. Slip for 3 boats. BAYFRONT-6 BEDROOMS Unobstructed wide "watemonr· view from this open and specious home with large brick patio and pief for two 55' yachts. Convenient location and especially large living room, elevated dining room. Large bar, family room. plus island kitctleo. Huge master suite with marble fireplace and breathtaking view of all. A very comfortable floor p&an with a feeling of privacy! $1 ,950,000 tncludes land. 631 -1400. DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT Courtyard entry into c~dinated elegance and good taste. Highlights of this home indude a prof~l pub-bar with large famtly room, fonnaf dining room with fireP'ace. separate glamourous master suite plus 3 bedrooms. Pier and slip for larger yacht. Owner will carry large note and TO. Reduced to $1,500,000. PRICE REDUCTION ... BA YFRONT Great location with panoramic 11iew of boating activity and night light from large patio. Spacious 2 StOfY home with every necessity for enjoying living and outdoor entertaining. Pier and slip for 2 boats. ASSUMABLE LOAN OF $900,000. $1 ,496,000. Fee. SUBMIT YOUR EXCHANGES. liNDA ISlE FEE LAND An exceptionel residence with specious rooms and winding staircal8 to 4 bedrooms pfus seperate maida quarters. Open and well-planned living room. family room, formal dining room plus step-down t. and large kitchen. Pier and slip for 3 boata. 12.,750,000. Own. will exchange 01 IObmit. $2,150.000. IMAG .. A nYI OCIANFIONT ·o.. ~ • kind'• and rwwr eo be dupMcatedl ~ cllllla"' on "*'Y 1ewt11 wi1h '-0 homla ~. 2 btdoom .. b •• lt end.,.. ~ ... In a premUn loc:etiof ... , .960.000. Cal ba~·Angl. WATERF ONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS SaJea. Rentals, ~ty Management • • I ----- SATURDAY AND/OR SUNDAY, MARCH 27-28 RETAIN THIS DIRECTORY, AND KEEP IT WITH YOU AS YOU GO HOME-VIEWING TWO BEDROOMS 552 ......,.._COSTA MESA. Sl14,950. Set.JS-,.1·5 759-1501. 21091,. St.. PEMNSUlA POINT. coadoa. Ul9,000. Set.IS.. 1·5 67~ 117 NMflle Ave.. 8ALIIOA ISlAND. 1295.000. Set.ts.. 1-5 631·1400. 1137 E. o.-._ P911NSULA POINT. UIS.OOO. ~ 1·5. 631-1400. 114 s..,Wrc. BALBOA ISlAND. $450,000 SatJSun. l-567seGO. 2331 CM O.W.. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 1795,000. Sal •111·5. 631·1400. JDOI ICllwt Roed.. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. duipla 2/2. 1415.000 Sat./SaA. 631·~-- 4511 T-.one. CAMEO SHORES. 1595.000. Sat/Sun. 64M060. 51111oc:tiot!d ....._ CAMEO HJGHI..AM)S. ~. 1199,900 Ope.~ 1-5 631·73100, -V.... ....._ IWFfS. tn' 500 0,. s...t.v 1-5 631·7JDO. • IJD7 ... t t c "-. WESTaJFF. poaA. IMO.OI,IIg. 0,. s..-1-& 631·,.. . 1016 l)awr DIM. WESl'Q.IFF, .....w .... 1165.000. 0,. s.t./&.a. 1-5 631·7 ... 1930 Port !Iditol 0.0.. HAMOit VIE'Vi HOMES. 1161.500 0,. ~ 1-5 631·7-- 15245&&1 • T.......,a.oNAOELNAR. .... ap. ~ 1·$ 611·7310. 1111 ...._. llolld. a.u:F HAVEN.~. 1475. .. 0,. ~ J-6 611·7300. lJil D 'tU y.,..._ .VINE 1lllRAC£. ...,.._, ........ 0,. s.t./Sha. 1·5 631·7300. ... ,.. 0.0. D<WER SHIOUS. ~.,... .... II.UIMa 0,. s-iiW 1-1 611·7JIO. 1325 .._. Doo.e. IRVINE T£llRACE. 12A5.000 ~ 1-5 631·1400. 1510 AW... 8AI.80A ISlAND. $575.000. Set./Sua. 1·567,..... D4 Oc.D lhld.. (X)Ik)NA DEL MAR. 11.350.000 s.t./SuD. 1•5 631·1400. 1723 Plua 1W S.. P£NINSULA POINT, 1295.000 s.t./SeA 1-5 631-ltOO. 50Z I SO.. PENINSULA POINT. 1431,000. s.tJS... l-5 631-J 400. .00. W.. ... HARBOR VIEW HJU..S. 1299,500 ~1-s 64e6a. 2211 WMIIf•oat. OORONA DEL MAR. plue .- boule. 1495,000. --1·5. 60a35. 211 0p.a Ave., BALBOA ISlAND. 1647.500 Set./Sun. 12~. 67HOOO. 2AI5 NcMa. BLUFFS. Pt5.000 S... 1·5 644 9060 12 R... .........._ BIG CANYON. ISSS,OOO Sun. 644-9060. !111 Poppy, CORONA DEL MAR. ..,.,008 S.. 1·5 64.9060. 1600 E. ...... BW.., P£NINSULA. S725.000. Ope. ~·-s. 1315 ~ W-w. IIAYCR£ST. a360.000 0,.. Sa&./--1-5 631·7-. tOO U.... S... ...._ DOYEII SHOR£S. ~ ....-. Qpa. s.;,s.. a-s .st-neo. .... ~ w.,. oow;a SttOII£5. ~--• .,..... ()pea~ ·~--7-- 1 ....... 0... OOYU IHOIIES. pool/ ...... .,..., o,ia.S.. ... --~ ....... ..-..oaT~ ...... ....,._ 1•1 , ....... - FOUR BEDROOMS 105 V.. t~~Ra--. UDO ISLE. MU.OOO Sua. -a, 1-5 631·140t. U. ..._a.-. PENINSULA POI'IIT. Ml9,000 ~ 1-5 631·1400. 17fl1 ... ' Ten8C!e. IIIVINE T£RRAC£. .... pool-~ 0,.. s...&ls-. 1-5 .... ,..._ 17M B.tl 1 ... , Ternee. IRVIN£ 'TalllAa. ,._, pooL 1975.000 w.tdn a-d. Se&Js-.t•s M•6100 1617 8J)jlrt1t Dltuc. YAan'SNANS (X)VE. Jl.1ti.OOO. SMJIIa l ·J ......