HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-21 - Newport Harbor EnsignI What's New lnPrope•ty • For Sale Sixteen Special Pages Of Real Estate Data City's Art Festival Ready To Blossom A W eekend-ful Of Entertainment See Below 'lHI NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHID 1948 • J.4TH YEAR • NUMBER 37 (1l4) 673.0550 • SERVING ALL Of NEWPORT AND CORONA DD. MAR • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 , 1982 • 25 CENTS New Duel A conhontation-by-m.ul whtch could hAve a precedent-Mttuu~ impact on the conlloversy bet- ween the Irvine Co. and 1ts eetimated 4,000 leueholders 1.0 Newport Beach aAd lrvme was ill motion this week. Harry Baker, whose beyiront bome'a land rent eacalated from $1,600 a year to $67,666 m a leue renewa..l propoul by the company, called it "ridiculous" and mounted a challenoe. &Iter hu Mnt the company a reqilte.red letter cont&UlinQ a check foz a year's 14lld rent at the previout, $1,600 rate-plus a 7 percent late charo• because the amount wu due lut June. 1'h.P wu done after consulhnq wUb the Co1DIDlttee of 4000 ~Mdenhip, he aid. He a.a a )aoud JMmbe.r of the CoJJU~Ut­ -. ~ .... t,ea.r to coaabat tbf' t tH Co mer..-, wiUch it "-O..Cnbed M uor· bitaut. "Wy u.ndentaodmo." satd &ker, "il that the cob1paoy C&Dllot tAke action aoa•ut me- auch u evictioD, foz uample- 80 lonq u I conbnue to pay the previout rate of rent. And thu 1s the c.. until a new rent a.a eatabliahed by the arbitration proceu which I understand a available to us. It's abo my undentandino that, at the time a new rale il •tabliahed, any ac· cuaaulat.d difference between the old rent ud the new one will be due. "111 take another look at the propoul• at that tune." However, Marhn Brower, an Irvine Co. apolteaman, 1a1d such checb-aod be recalla seeulO "'two or thzee, a..lthough not Baker'a, u yet"-ue bemo returned to the aendera. Brower added, "The lituallon il that the new rent O<>ft mto el- fect when the lea• expires-as it did with Baker-at whtch time he mutt pay the new rate." Brower Mid be did not lmow of any arbitration procedure beino available. Aalred what atepa the company miqht take, Brower uid, "Final- ly, if they don't pay, we would (CODtin\aed OD ~e 5) "Do people really want to do away with elected officials?'', Pho10 by Steven A Canc•an Res1denta of Newport Beach may well be thankful the oft-unsuno ctty sta.H does its work so well, says Evelyn Hart. Hart bas as much-or more-reaaon to be thankful. tor she c redits that staff wtth ma.kino it eaa1er to assume the duhes of a boapdaltzed M.yor Jadue Heather. Lookino back at the 11:1 weeks she bas functioned as mayor pro tem, Hart sa.id: "We're fortunate that the City Councu and the ataff are geared to move alono Certc1.1D procedur .. are eet by charter and c1ty pohcy, so the wo~k doea qet done. "I speak often Wlth (City Nanaoer) Bob WynA, for ex- ample; I think the d ty a.a for· tunate to have htm. And I'm m touch wttb one or more mem..bera of the council every day." Hart admllted to two recent dtsappointmenta for the mayor's office. One il the current referendum cbive to eha..llenqe the council'• ap· proval of the Bannillo induttnal-oftice apace· , I I t r•adenti.al pro)ect foz West Newport. Opponent. have auhmitted more than 6,000 aiqnaturea now underqoing certiiicallon check by the Req11trar of Votera. "I would prefer there be no referendum." abe aaid. ''I'm not oppoaed to the referendum proceu-1t'a a nobt-but I'd rather like to t.binlt the City Council repr ... nta the people m thts c 1ly. The tnlllority does have a VOlCe. "Some people probably 11ncerely believe the tzafhc mJilqahons will not be enough to wanant the pro- Ject. And there are tbo.e who don't want chanoe. Some a:iqned the pehhon.a, 1 bebeve, becauae they want to beck otf and think about it (the pro)ect); they may have stoned Without havmg form· ed an opmton." "I'm maybe a htle btlter, or a ltttle tared. Do people real- ly want to do away with elected offic1aa? "The fint referendum dnve I can recall wu over (Continued OD PA98 3) Dan Pastorlnl Sentencecl; Jaclge P lalns Reaaons by lw1 Sima Dante Anthony Pastonn1 Jr.- Da.n, to a boct of L.A. Ram ta.n.a no lODger mcluchno Newport Beach pohce personnel who chuec:llum at apeeda up to 100 milea 4Jl bour-bu been sen- tenced folJOWUlO a oullty plea to a drunken dzivino cbazqe. To Harbor Court MW11c1pa..l Judo• S.lim S. Fraoltlm, of Coata Ne... Putormi was "fwat another fint offender. Un· fortunately. we oet 200 to 3(>o drunlte.n driven a month-Qd moat of them aze first offenders. "I dtdn't treat htm any dJI· ferently than ( would a fa~J*l laborer under the same c~ c u.m.ata.ncea. '' The treaiJDallt wu thr~ean auJD.JD&rY (unauperviMcl) p tion, a fi.ne ol SS!6, ~ · to pey $.200 earC\llmeat ucl d 20 boun oi a 3-D (Do4't Dnnk aAd Drive) proc;Jram at a tra.fhc school, and the reatncuon fo r 90 daya of Paa1ormJ's dnver's bcenM under whtcb be may dnve only to and from work, aAd to •nd from the dz1vmq cla.u He dtd not appear 1n court; be was repreMnted by an attor· ney idenbfied u Donald H Steier, of Beverly Hills. Dependmo on the cucum- sta.nces, the chatnct attorney's office Mid, a brat offender mJQbt be Mntenced to two or four days 1.0 ,.w. Puto rm1 was azr•ted Sunday ntobt, Feb 14, by Newport Beach Ofhcer Tom Rocke A pollee report noted that the foot· ball stu's black Poncbe 911 bad moved out of a trafhc lane and onto the btghway shoulder a.n West Newport, at a apeed "bma ted at more than 90 aules an hou r It soon reac hed speed.a "m 8:1· ceu of 100 mph, .. the report cont1nued, and event11ally swuno to the left and uound a clutter :;,f cars, c utbno acroa the center hne aod dnvmg a crou the Santa Ana River bridqe on the wrono s1de of the road When the cu pulled over on (Continued on paqe ~) AI Lanes Are 'Go' The ctty's Upper Bav Bnd{le went .nro full seven-lane operaoon fOf the hrst ume last \'i!'ek aher what many motonsts considered horrendous one 1ane t afftc control to apply the fimshmg touches lnc•dentall~ wh1le E"nJOvrng the free-floWing traffic now motonsts may e•pect an occas•onal delay as such ttems as pavement 'dots' are attal:hed and other reftnement cont.nues S1..1H pl\o•o bv S.rv Slobon Jllasstve Cleanup Sl•ted For Upper Bay Sat••• day A hundred C<1hfor01a Conser· VAilOD Corps member~ wul at tack" the debns-strewn Upper Newport Bav th1.1 Saturday and they could use 4 lot of volunte.r help, the c1ty s adv. orv commit- tee on htter control has 4 0 nounced Refreshments w11l ~ prov1d ed. the commlllee slatem.-nr sa1d, lor tho~ whc 01n •h.., .-: for1. Volunte@rs are a..;IJ::f'd :o brmg theu own work qloves some "sturdy" shoe-. and report at 9 a . m to a command post "" the canal road south c I Me .. .s Dnve, between Irvme Aven1.1e and Jamboree Road "The Geat Back Bav CI84D up'' the com..auttee aald. will draw pa..rlac tpantl tn.l U.. c 1tv sta.H Art'• La.nchno. Caa· oery Restaurant. O.W.,'a I~ blSh S.rv1ce. ~te ~ of f 1.1b and G.me, TbelrriAe I Co f nends of Newport Bay, Newport Beach Pohce bploren, Newport Beaubful Newport H&r- 1 bor Area ChAmber of Commerce-Manne DtV1Slon. Newport Harbor Htob School Sand, SPON, the Oranqe Coun· ty Harbor Oepa.rtmenl and other concerned reGdenu. EnvuoOJDental CJl'OUpa ue b.Jpmo to prOYlde trua beqa, the comnuttee aa.x:l. Annual Arts Festival Draws County Talent (n adclitiOD to lU cC pri&el, a City PurcluaM Awanl ia gi~ anouaUy and U.. arti.lt'• work hug i.n • promiaea:lt plac:. lD the Newport IMcla City Hall. Ctillclreo'a art a.l.IIO will he ~,.d i.n ~ ..U and priMe awa.rcW, accotdiAo to Ani CoiiUIUII!oner Walter Z49lu. c..h awuda donated tor the }\arlecl .... ucl -~~~ will be p.....a-.cl cl.l...ctly to t).e ..... l.DQ artw. ia tla• ftlul U1ll coa· petitfcw, tad ..... ~: Wid.U.wUd~leclay ua'iaal awud; .U Oil •••ut; Mr ..... Wn. Daft~ .... hrcU.. A~...,._ CO.- puy; Newport ._... aa, )tv. c.Mee Awucl; ,...._. WIM ... ,. • ., .... rt • 1 an••·• ........ , • ._ ... .., W.r bldl. ..... .. IN SHORT Looll-lto n... Ia coojuctioa with Netioo&l Liba-uy w-. tbe Xewpon 8Mcb hbUc l.Urxary will b.ave a fiae-free day thl8 SaturdAy. April 24. Patrou may return cmNCI\ae .boob wi~Qt being fiud at each of the 6ou..r braoch•; Narineu, 2005 Dovez Drive; Balboa, 100 E. J.)boa blvd.; Corona del Mal-, 420 MaricJold, ud Newport Center, 856 Sa:n Clemente Drive. Hours: 10 a .m.-5 p .m. auaan~ aoa..,, a GOP candidate b U.S. SeDate, will be u atrant in the Calitomia Runnen lOI race iD lrrine at 8 a .m. UU. Satuiday-a. fu.Dd-r&iainq ev.ot for hia campaic;,n The event will be ataqed at WU.lia.m Muon Pa.rk, with awa.rcla from tint to fifth place in all diviaiona. The• include wheelchair and veterua, u well u male and female cluaifica- tiona from 14 through 60 and ovez. Honora For Scholars Sdety u.,. OD what to do beiore, during and after an ear· thquab will be offend The Voyaven ol St. Andrews Church on Wedneed.ay, April 28, by Pacific Telephone's }e&Dile Beea. She aJ.o will have an aud.io- vialMJ preaentation on the state's fAult U.U., and additional data. Pacific Telep_hoo.e invites other opportunitiM to address groups. lnJonn.ation: 972-5640. Top acholan lzom Corona del Na.r and Newporl Ha.rbor Hiqll will be honored on Wedneed.ay, April 28, at the Rec;Jiatry Hotel when the Commodores Club of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce holc:U ita 21st annual Scholanhip Awards breakfut. Frank Andenon (left) hokis catting device as Or. Dean Reavie shows tetephone-receiving system. Alert also flashes light on bottom receiver. Photo by Steve Cancoan ' School CarniYGl The public ia invited to enjoy fu.n, gam• and pria• thia Saturday, April 24, at • carnival st&qed by Newport Elementary School, 14th &nd Balboa blvd. Parents of the youngsters also will be saluted at the event at which Betay Sanden, corporate vice president and California reqional manager oJ Nard· st.rom's, will be the speaker. Rotary Group Donaites 'Life Line' Syateln The iMtriviU. are acheduled hom 11 a .m.-3 p.m. Hadanab Conference "rill Ouz Hucla With Bless- m91" il the theme lor thia year's uuauel cont.reoce oJ the Southem Pacific Cout Reqion of ll.ad.uaah .. the B.eqistry Hotel, l.rrin., April 25-27. Couaultate of the St.te of lazael Yoram Ben Zeev will ac- cept a proclamation Monday, April27, from the county Board of Superviaon, and Irvine W.yor David Silla. A flag ceremony 10 honor of larael in· dependence willlollow the in· stallation of new oHicers. Other high.lit.Jllta include a majol' addrea by Councilman Z.v Yeroe.lavsky at the banquet MondAy eveD.LDg; the p ..... nta- tion of the Lotte Leven800 Award; a talk by Boaal.ie Ger- akenaoo on women and volunt .. nuD, and a aeu.ion on the subject to working women which will be led by Thelma Wolf, a New York attorney. W..Owhile, the Newport Beech chaptez of Hadaaah will celebrate ita aixt.b birlhday Non· day, April 26, at noon, Shira Ha Na lot Temple 10 East BluH. Luncheon will be served at noon. Reservations: 644-8758, 6+4-2046. McCloakey·s 1 OK Congreuman Pete Me- CclM Association To M"t Election oJ board memben, pzopoeed bylaws change and • diacuaaion oJ community issues are planned for a general meeting next Monday, Apnl26, o the Corona del Mar Communi- ty A.ssociabon. The aeS&lon, wluch will 1D· elude a social period with · refreshments, as set for 7:30 p .m., in Room 1 of OASIS, Fifth and Marguente. CdM'sCh•mb• JIM'81MJwgwl Owners of several Corona del Mar restaurants "ahowcued'' their facilities Y"terday at the monthly brealda.st meetino of the Corona del Mar Chamber oJ Commerce. Introduced by vice pz .. ldent Cra.ag Ryan, after chamber president hm Wood opened the sesaion at Sherman Gardena, were Randy Johnson, Hem- inqway's; Judy M&nto, La Strada; Larry Buahnell, The french Quarter; Nike Leac h, The Quiet Women; Rohan Tague, Hungry T1ger, and Ale:~ Gngg, Sherman Gardena. Wood also announced plaras for a tund-rcusmg SK run on June 5 , and Burton Karson, who will cLrect the second annual, Baroque Festival here June 6-13, descnbed the prooram. A "lifeline system" which will allow elderly or disabled in· dividuala to summon emergency help to their homes by merely preuinQ a button hu been donated to Hoag Memorial Ho.pital Presbyterian by Rotary's Newport-Balboa Foun· dation. "We have pUl'chaaecl 25 of the communicating units as well as the buic installation which is monitored in the hospital," aa.id Frank Anderson, president of the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club. The initial cost wu $17,250- all or part of which is expected to pe returned to the club's com· m.ipnent at a fu.nd-raising event thill SatUl'day evening at the N.wwport Harbor Art Museum. :•A ca.aino, auction, music, bulfet dinner-and a preview of the \'!•line-will be featured," aaii Anderson. ~e and Dr . Dean Reavae h~ demonstrate the system -at t,a Lut week. A c pressor-device, much hke a gb -door openez, 1s pressed by an ailing victim .. "It ia beamed to 'seize' the telephone line, whether the phone is on or off the hook," said Beavie. "It automatically tranam.ita a aic;,n • over that phone line to · ..1e receiving device whi<' ·" is in the same room u tt.e hospital swit- c hboard. A loud-alarm and a fluhing light summon attention to the ca.11." The hoapital then attempts to DEALER & PUBLIC WELCOME • when rhe occos•on co/Is for d iamonds or o gemolog•sl CALL . . . DIAMOND CO. (714) 752-2203 GEMOLOGICAL SErNICES ADD SHEE N CON D ITION and COLOR NATURALLY w1th FRAMESI U .S .A . the lovo ammon1a s2 5 00 fld, color WASH AND W~A,_ ~~--MS S4S SHAM~OO CUT. STYLE StS LEN NY/S HAIR DESIGN _F tnef\ ana Women aaaa ~. COAST HWY COIItONA DilL MAIIt Sp!dOI ohr to,._ f)O!rcnl-$5 ol wtth thll ac1 reach the caller by phone, and/or calb a "Responder"-an individual aelected in advance to be dispatched as wa.rranted. A limino feature will call the hoapital regularly-unless reMt-u a backup for those who may need a.ssiltance but ue unable to use the alarm button, Reavie S&Jd. "Thia lt the largest single grant we have made in the three-year hastory of the founda- tion," aa.id George Hoed.ingbau.a, foundation presi- dent. "We hope other organiza- tion• w1U join us in funding more of thia procpam." • (Ccdaoecl baa....-1) BrcioldaW'It, Otlbr RocM ap- pfOKMd. A apok..al', reMu- lD9 to u... r9p0rt, l&kl, "P-.toriai'e er-..,. bloodahot and b1t a»urt wea oalulde out. W\eD u w.ot to .aep up on the curb, 1M mi 1d it and almo.t f.U dowo." Then he reportedly became '"erbally abuaiv.." "No ·-----cop ia voino to put Dan Putorini into the beck of a police e&r without me kickinq hi.a ••• fint," be wu quoted u aayi.Dq, and to a requ .. t for a field .obriety t .. t. "I'm not tak- inq any of your ···· ··· t .. la. I don't ba.ve lime for thia bull--··." Unconfirmed report. aa.id the .ttuation cpew quieter when Rocke wu joined by Newport'• new p&trobnan, Lamont Jerrett, who ia 6 feet 10 inch .. , and weioha 250 pounda. Putorini reportedly ia 6 feet 2, and usually weiqha around 210. Putorini eventually took a breathalyzer lest which ahowed "over .10 alcohol content in hia blood," leqally eatablisbing in- toxication, police said. He remained in Newport Beach city jail until 3:45 the next morning under a state law that requires drunken chiving suspects be held until sober. The district attorney'• office recommended the sentence which was meted out, sa.ad Judge Franklin. "Under the new law there 1.1 a host oJ options," the judge ex· pla.ined. "If be wu not placed on probation, be would have to go to jail. But wath the probation there are several other penal- lies. "And u be is guilty of this of- fense again in three yeara, he does go to jail. This is a com· moo offense. An awful lot of people get arrested for this. 1 think the normal feeli.ng ia that wiMt.her you're • IUc,h -profUe penoe or elow·proti.le, meet peop&e eqree that U... tint lime u ew)d ~ to anybOdy. It lt ~ fOr u lndlvidul to tell w11eD M or abe hu .10 alcoa.ol uad the IDOre you clri.Dk, the ._ you're ehle to tell you'v. bad too auch bec4uae your perceptiOCl faila. "lkat oace it happens, once a oourl teU. 80mecme not to drink and clrive, end they do it-then they ere headed for jail. "Of coune, if there are ex· ceptional circumetanc" on the tint offeue-bodilY injury, be· ing combative, or il'a en excep- tionally heavy drinker, then other meuurea may be more ap- propiiate. "But I don't recall a.nything about r-.ting arrest, on the report. There wu no reason not to accept the district attorney's recommendation." Judge Franklin said be wu punled by the fact the Leqialature hu, over the past severaleeuiona, reduced the amount of time a convicted dnmken chiver "staya in jeopar- dy. That ahould be looked at. It UMd to be thia stayed on your record, if two or more times, for 10 years. Then it was cut to seven. Now it's down to five. l think that'• a serious situation." Judge Franklin dismissed any peuonal reactions. "I've never been a Putorini rooter," he said, "either of him u a person or as a football player." lrrine Co. Leases Chick Willette, director of land management for the lrvane Co., and La.rry Heqlar, manager-appra.iaal, will discuaa the compa.ny's lea.aehold.a tonight, April 21, at a dinner meeting of the Orange County chapter of the Society of Real Eatate Appraisers. The event at the SaddJeback Inn in Santa Ana beqina with a 6 p.m. social hour. lnJormahon: 955-3230. 3415 VIA OPORTO, NEWPORT BEACH DOORS OPEN lOAM (714) 675-3261 ~ --. --- • A Gift To The City In a parting gift to the city, Friends of the Art Commission- disaotved by City Council edict-will present this painting next Monday evening. Suzy Fteker Ueft) and Beryl Melinkoff. members of the former art support group, are shown with "8 A.M . Yesterday" by Winifred Smith, of Newport Beach. who has won numerous local and national awards. The painting depicts the bayfront near the historical cannery. StaH photo by Barry Slobln Hart (Contmued hom pac;re 1) can recall waa over General Plan Amendment 80-3, (which beQan lut fall and ended when the Irvine Co. withdrew tta pro- ject in February) and I've lived here 30 yean. "You don't hear all that much about them ebewhere. The city is so near buildout that there a th11 qreat concern over what's left. "Trafhc a still the maJor con- cern here. But on the &nnanq pro1ect, for e:umple, we uaed consultants who have been traf· tic specialist• for nine years. We arrived at fiqures that are not set to benefit either aide to the disadvantaqe of the other. "Do you want piece-meal planninq-or the whole picture? That's where the City Council comes m-makinq decisions for the city a.s a whole." The reqiatrar'a valadaty report a due by May 13. Hart abo wu d.aaappointed 10 a recent court rulinq that the ca- ty'a takeover of ou drillinq facilities m W eat Newport after a leue expued had been illeqal. Two previou.1 court rulinqa had ecknowledqed the wu cor- rect, and it-w n~ that thia deca~aon will be ap~ed. In Mayor Hewather'a abaence Hart hu aeen 'nothmq of any conaequence to poatpone. Moat decisions can be made by the City Counc1l, or the staU." . said Hart, "but it upset. me, and I don't like it. But some of thoee accusations ... I'm mighty proud of this city." She said that she is very con- acious of the need to maintain open space as trhe city reaches more development. "I want to qet that open space into public ownership," she SAld. "It's a realiahc goal, to preserve open apace in this environment-but often you need the larqer pro- ject• to provide the fundmg to set aside that open space. "Cities have serious hnanc1al problema; even Newport Beach, down the road." She and her husband, 1. Lynn Hart, operated a sporhng oooda store in Costa Mesa for 21 years. They have lived in Newport Beach for 30. The business fell under downtown redevelopment-but the Harts may return to retail "some day", she aaid. They have five adult ch1ldren. They are Mike, 30; Patty Hayden, 29; Jim, 28; Pam Weaver, 26, and Janet Brooks, 25. She aaid that she dec1ded to run for public office-she was elected to the council m Apru 1978-"becau.ae I thouqht I could really repr .. nt my area. (Her Third District mcludea Bayshor• and N.wport Heiqhts, and extenda m a slim seqment northward.) "I found 1t's a really serious business. I'm not sorry." She hu willingly accepted the dulles of mayor protem. "But," aa1d Hart, "we'll be qlad to see Jackie come back." ClycleZalch FuaenaiTo BePllwate l\a.DeTal .. me.. for Clyde Zuloh, 62, Coroaa del Mar a.rtiat and former concert pUmiat, will be private, hJa fAmily ellDOUllC· eel y..terday. Zulch's body wu diacovered in the ahower early Nondey, pollee reported. Indications were that he had taken his own liie, accordi.nq to lemily mem.ben. financial rever ... were cited. Zulch, hiqhly-reqardecl in thia community, leevee his eon, WUli&m, 26, aLoe AnCJel• at- torney; hia widow, Judith Bland, an ..tebliahed aculptor who shezed the Q&llery, and her two chilchen by • former ma.rri&qe, Carmen ICeDJledy and Bland Ew- inQ. Ptom.inence u a national· touri.nq concert pianist came after Zulch he studied in Paris for two yean under Robert Caaac:lesus. He also added to his oraduate art studies while abroad. Earlier, he had won his master's in piano at University of Southern Cahfornia, after four yeara at Occidental. A. he acquued a family, it was said, the noors of travel and up to 12 hours a day of practice and performmq became burden- some, and he turned to art a.s ha vocahon. He set up a gallery m Costa Meaa m the 1960s. Clyde Zulch Onqmals took over the corner of Poppy and East Coast Haqhway 1n Corona del Mar m 1971 . In addthon to prov1dmg numerous phuanthropac gestures, and serving as a member of the board of duec- tora of the Corona del Mar . Chamber of Commerce, Zulch belonoed to several prestiqious art orqanizations. He was a fellow of the American Inshtute of Fme Arts, and belonoed to the Council of Traditional Ar- hata, Amencan Art1.1ta of the West, Co.ta Meaa Art Leaque, Showcue 21 , Westwood Art Alan. and California Art Club. Some of the controveuy m the city does become an irritant. "Sometimes I do oet anqry," -Burt Shu CLYDE ZULCH ~ May3,1tiZ 7:te p.-.-t:tl , ... NOn: A .. II • .............. m...,wtllll ..... } ~: J..-KdJy. ll.N .. Corn~Danity ~alion '&lpb: Wb.l is Camnary Artery Disease? Risk ""*-' Di ..... SuqiQI ,. •• ~ .. JdMbilillliOI\ Want To Make A Career Out Of It? A career fair featuring representatives from some ~ businesses. college departments and agencies drew broad interest last week at Newport Harbor High. Clockwise. from upper left. Gary Cunningham operates a computer termninal under the guidance of Wally Chute. of Coastline Reg1onal Occupational Program involving local school d1str1cts. Or Chris A B1ddle. a dentiSt. answers 1nquines from Steve Trujillo and Pat Gayner. and Bill Kalionzes g1ves some 1nsight 1nto commerc1al artiSt careers to Kan O'Toole and Beth Pnce Fa~r was sponsored by the school. the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce , and Harbor Occupational Exper~ence IHOE) Pho1os bv S•eve Caoc.an ' • Callus Every workmg Amencan under age 'iU rna~ 'ht>llt•r frum Ft><lt•ral taxE.'. tht::o. year $2.000 on an mdtvtdual return. $2.250 on a jomt return \\ 1th om· workm~ 'pou~. or $4.900 on two salartes and bu 1ld a retirement fund 1n e1tht>r of tht·~e "a~.., VARIABLE RATE FIXED RATE lH months :'. -'· ur 5yea~ If you prefer to make a senes of deposits. If you dt>pt)Sit a lump sum for a ftxed term open a Vartable Rate Account for 1 of :1. ~.or :>years. you are a-uaranteed in· months. Add to 1t until you reach your ter~t for the full term at the rate for the ma.xamum tax-shelte red amount. Etght· week your &<'count beains. Rates for new een months after your first deposit you account..'~ a~ announced each week. let at may move the total to any other account a rate hagher than Treasury Securitiea without interest penalty. Your interest wtth stmalar term . Interest compound«~ will nuctuate and be compounded monthly. No additional deposits m~ be monthly. made to tht account. There 11 a penalty for premature withdrawal. and Withdrawn funds are au~l to \ax. you ' The Border Futmty Sweep1nq raicb-which one official joked "had everything but the V alkyriea" theme which scored ",f.poc&lyp.e Now''-reeently acoured Oranqe County agricultural fields and rounded up cloee to 1,000 illeqal • I aliqa .. It ahould be understood from the outaet that thoM Uleq&la, and many others like them, were workinq in the ftelda becaue American workers cannot be relied upon to form 1uch a harv .. tiD.o force, and, further, becauae the United Stat• preMnt• a moet invitiD.q opportunity to Latiu diua.tiafied with the waqea available to them in their own country. The illeq&la are needed-and they need the work. It's u basic a law of supply and demand as can be found. Unfortunately, it qeta expensive and wasteful when lmmigratioA and Naturalization Service officers and other law-enforcement officiala are called upon to dutifully conduct auch ope.rationa u that one a few days aqo. It is even more expensive than the surface shows, for in many inatancee the illeqals were no sooner taken back to the border than they filtered acrou again. The ao-callec:l boundary between the United Stat• and Nexico, of coune, has become a monatroua fayce. Murden, banditry, rape and extortion are ita regular by-pxoducta as a Rood of humanity snHb through to ... k more food, better clothing, adequate shelter. Woefully understaffed border patrols can wield only sieves against that flood. Thousands of Americans grow angry at the circum- stance, burn.inqly aware that the law is broken contin- ually, yet also aware that the two nations cannot find a just compromise to end the tragedy and the cost. One small factor in all this is that scores of con- gressmen and senators are detached in distance u well u spirit from the desert of despair between the border towns. In New Jersey, or Illinois, in Vermont or Alabama, the controversy here seems aimply a Califor- nia problem; thus, a federal solution falte.ra. It does not quicken the pace of neqot.iations that Mexico for generations has been considered a friendly neighbor, that the Spanish heritage extends hundreda of miles up and down thia western cout-a.nd that Nexico now is an oil-rich nation which can adopt a much stronger political stance. It requires leadership ia.r beyond what so tar haa been apparent, to reduce this problem to copinq-abe. Those involved, and those concerned with solution, should becJin to deal first with the factors which cannot be changed: a.n easily-breached border, the growers* desire to accept farm woriers, the lu.re of American wage standards, and the political e~pediency of friendly relations between the two nations. With those ingredients as a starting base, perhaps realism will set in. Showy, costly raids, so soon negated, are not the answer. -BRS Volunteers Needed Cleanliness is something our Upper Bay will never have-and hasn't had, as a matter of historical fact, since the advent of paved streets which h~lp conduct so much of our man-made trash every time it rains. But that doesn't stop concerned citizenry bom trying to remedy the situation, thank heaven-and they1l be out there again this Saturday. The club forms a t 9 a .m ., on Umvers1ty Drive, e ast of lrvme Avenue. (Story on Page 1.) It's a wo rking g roup-but you'll find some festive spuit, lf you JOin up . Even if you can't count on a permanently clean bay- yo u could use a little festive spirit, couldn't you? I -BRS ,.. ,.,_.,.....,..(u.s t41 Pll)-.............. -.. ~ .......... lllp -..._ .... ..., lA. dll, • ......... •-_.., Alll111. • ...,_.a-. .... c-..•a..... ...... ~ ..... -.................... . ....................... ,.. ................................. c.. ......................... . ,......_ ..... .., •• I .... ,.,_ a. .. ..... ...... ........ . ........... ......... ,. .. ,..., ....... c.....,.. .............. ......... .. &...lc.t. .... .... 0 .... ........... . ......... .................. ' Letters To The Ec6tor Bo...-Effoa1 To the lditor: I mull tab exception to Jim F.ltoll'a colWDD NC)Udino peti- tiona in which he ... med to be auqg..W.q that there are too DWlY petitiona circu:latillq th .. da~ and concludmq by aayinq, "Maybe w. ahould circulate a petitioe bannjnq petilioDL" Well, I uver thought I would ... the day wha a joumaliat would attack one of the buic p~pta of the Fiat Amendment wl:Uch IDOil joura.li.N revere u the~ of their riqht oJ free apre.ion. Nr. felton, may I NIIUDd you that tkia aame ameDct..Dt to ow Coutitution w~ Qiv• you the riqht of heeclam of the pr-givea we citiaeu the no)lt to petition the qovenuneut lor a ndr ... oJ qrievanc ... A. lor the merit ol the varioua pelitiou cjrcul&tiJlq at preeent (101M of which I la.ave aped Qd ._. of which I will not aiQA) they NP~t-wbether I .. iA eQreemeDI or not-the honed efforts of concemed peo· pl. who feel that 9C)Vemment &Ad ..a.ty h.u Dot bea fv.lly reepoomve to their needa. WhetMI' the ilwe ia the aoniDq ~ of the N.wport IMc:h CUy Council, or the appueut iD.Mnmtlvity to the reel lhrMt of nucleu holocaut that typifi .. the polici.-of Pneident ReeQU. -tlle people have the ricJht, indud the cluty, to do whaJ .. cu to work lor tlle qoUI .. 1M1 are right. lm't that whaJ deJaocntic CJO"l'D.IU.Dt ia all &bout? thia area. It ia a fact that the Rail ia au.ceptible to atinction; two ~ of Hawaiian Rail DOW DO lonqer eJdat. The Global 2000 Report to the pr.ident a U.S. Govemaaat .tudy, pre- dicta • atavvertnq •~ of 500,000 to 2 DllllioD lpeci• of plant and animal Uf. from the Mrth by the year 2000, a traqic pred.ictiOG hued oA the rate of lou ol habit.t due to urbanaed development. While aac.t of the lou il occurrinq ill tropical areas, we ... thia pheuomaon happeainQ riqht here in Southern Califor- nia, where the ~ Rail, ~ Leua Tem, and Beldinc;(a Savall.DU Spurow are endanqe...d ~-becaue of the J.ou of their limq ~­ Rouqhly 80 pe:rcnt of the oriqi.D&l coutal ..alande th.at the. blrda DMd lor tUir nr- vi'NJ a...., .. ,,.,... 'Oder urb&D~l. The.--.... CitCOMaat de~pmmat are jut too grMt for loo.lvovarnaenta to hand.leriqht now, judCJinq hom receut actiou of the Oranqe County Board of Supervi8on na a via the Bola OW::& Wetlulda, and the pzopeuitiM of the Newport BMc:h City Cw.Dcil via a Yia tlae Uatvenity Driw atea- aioD. We Daecla aoce NipO"m- bJ., ._ ayopic, view of tlae prec:iou.a lillie ~ wilcllile h&bi.t.t that re-.aiu la Souther Caliiomia. The Coutal COIIUD.ia· aiaa, mandated by U.. Coel&al Act of 1976, ia DOW fo'tiDinq tAa need. I hope they continuelheb qoocl wod. Jaa D. Vandenloot, N.D. the cpounda of the Belcourt Hill ~t at Jamboree and Ford Road. I have u .. r aeen ao many of thia beautiful atale Bower in one place before. Hopefully they will reappear .. oh aprinq. Our con~tulatiou and amcere tha.nb to Jim Peten, the developer of Belcourt Hill. UtWty Ca.ts To the lditor: W. Lee Spencer Corona del Mar Like all prot..ton. Newport Beach city o8ioiala are pro- te.tiDQ the n. lD their utility co.la, wb.il. they prot..t oJfahore oil and natural qu uploration that ia oau.ainq the a. in com. Wher. do they thi.ak the elec- tricity Ulod 9e8 COIM from to ..... and li9)at the city hall, libra.n.. etc.? laportecl oil il .., ......... ADd liqulyinq n.atural qu and ahippiDQ it in huqe. apecially built t&n.lten hoa tor.ip cou.ntn. ia abo very ~· It'a hard to have it both .. ,.. F~n don't care how much tMy char941 ua. The more, the better lor them. lapeci&lly if it ia a pnMiuot we have onated ou.r owa 8ilmtaqe of, but decper- ately n.eeci. n.. ..U• ~ to the city will be picbcl up by the citiaeluy. but !low abo.at the atra co.ta that will al8o be .dded to the dtiMN' bUll to beat and liqht their aao.... Ulod cook their Jood'?l.a the r.te.wanta and bwtna• 11 wil.lMYe 110 rai.M tMir prtoea to cowr the eclded COlli-lt'a a no-wia atu.atiola. A..t 1t will (Jet www---.. O'NICCiae the eeotioaaBe-of -~t&baa. ud allow the pro~ oi OIIU' OWil a81'CJY ~-We're lort1ua.ate to laaw tM... ud w.'d better atop p~cl 111ia9 tlaeU ~ eo .. c:u CJil t.Mir beaefiill. Goldie )oe.ph Newport Beach "' So, Jim Jelton, the next time you cleoid. to write eome llip- pant piece in orct.r to cpind your own au, you m.iC)ht do ua all a favor and atop to conakter the buic: princ:iplee i:D quemon Wo.t major petitioD chiwe rep.-at t!ae hard work and Q• nuine ccacem of people who care ellout tMlr city. tMiJ' ....... and tlt.eir coutt,. And what you are ~q, Nr. felteD, ia an in.ault to all of tla .. people. CONSUMER CORNER L.arct I. Davia Newport Beach JOORftAUSI'S JOORriAL b'r Jia Feltaa It'a not every mominq that .o- meoae approach. you at 7:30 and aaya: "You have a telephone call hom Saudi Arabia." And it•a hiqhly unlikely that you will often ait at the aame breakfut tahle with aomeone who h.u just recei ved a letter that reada: "Pl .... conduct our orch .. tra u w. celebzate the 50th an- nivenary of the Radio City Muaic Hall." Thia jutopo.ition of unu- pected eventa occurred durinq a m"tinq of the Commodore• Club, and it involved Cecil Shirer, recently retired pNCi- dent of the HiD• Nuraary in the billa behind Irvine, and Many Babbitt, Oranqe County real ..tate peraonality who NCently was hono...d by the Co.ta W.aa Chamber ol Commerce for his yean as a radio, ataqe and television singer. Shirer called me hom S.udi Arabia as the Commodor• Club was about to m .. t for brealdut at the Balboa &y Club. "I'm tryiDQ to qet permi.uion to produce a television documentary," Shirer aaid. He had invited all Commodor• to a party •t his aon'a recordinQ atudio in Irvine, and now he wouldn't be there to welcome the QU..ta. Son Jerry Shirer ia preaident oJ lntemationaJ Automated Wedia. At the airpott an S.ud.l Arabi., the qovemment prorid· ed a c&ravan of can, Shirer Mid. "We had a c.dillac, a RoU. Royce and a W.roec:lea, and we moved down a aia-IA.ne hiqhway at 110 IDilu an hour-almo.t the only can on the road." Cecil Shirer's party reminder may not have been the mc:.t ex- pelll:ive follow-throuqh, but it certainly wu out of thia world u it wu beamed by aatellite. Harry Babbitt'• invitation to a celebration UMd more ord.in.ary ~the u.s. Po.taJ Semoe. It began "Dear W...uo JMb. bitt," and went on to mvit. Harry to be parl of the Radio Ci· ty Wuaic Hall'a Golden Jubilee. "I'm atremely flattered," Hu:ry aaid. "In the yea.n with hy KJMr w. often played the laKy Tbeatez in New York-u euly u 1939-but I've never performed iD the Radio City Wuaic Kall." Once when he wu ainqanq at the Ro~, a chorua of beautiful ¢rla duced a routine behind him. Afhu lft'eW ainu._, u they danced by, oae tall qozqeou c:horua cprl aid.~ up to &ny ud whilpered: .. Your Oy i8 op.D. ". There i8 no wey you atop betore a pvhd houe to checl the KCUraoy ol tucla a report, bet Harry recalla h1a Yoioe Ud a tpPCiN tn.o&o N6ectin9 h1a aam.ty. (Cada...S ~ peoe 1) ....t with them, try to ... what the prOblem i.e, try to work &I out. Then lf they .till cbdn't pay the Dew rent, we would have to take tlte matter to court." However, Barbara Young, pz..w:lent of the Comm1tt" of 4000, Mid, "Leu .. provide that if therlt \a a clbpute over the value oJ the property we may pay Ut,. old rent until such lime u the oew rentAl amount i.e determined. They alao menhon a aa.thod oJ arbitration. ''Thelrvine Co., &n ala Godlike manner. JUII &gnores eome of th ... leqal provialon.a, and changes ITom one poaition to another, over and over." The Baker leasehold and one other came up lor renewal lut year. Baker 11 proteshng; the other leueholder accepted the new arranc;aement wbacb, at was said, increased has annual rent from $500 a year to \22.000. ApprolUD14tely 60 leaseholds are due to expize thla year. The leases, most of them on prime bay area properhes, pro- vide for a rental c harge ol 6 percent of "fair market value" of the land. In the renewal pro- c ... , the ''fau market value" has been the maJOr iuue. Leaaeholden have claimed the company hu arb&tranly set ex· orbitant f ... Ul a market whach it mainly controls because of 1ts large holdings. The company hu said the leaaebolders have bad the advantac;ae of very low rents for several years Ul a bagb- pnced market, and maLDIAlns &ts present fees are JUShhed. Attempts by the Comm1ttee to set up a procedure for Uldepen· dent appraisals, sa1d Young, "have gone nowhere." Last week, the Comrrultee drew a crowd estimated at 1,000 to the Newport Mamott ballroom lor a rally. JOSEPH WAIVIBAUGH booh are open to quali.tiecl people-our own cootributon, for example." The rally audlence baud several speakers speak en- couraginqly of proqresa oJ the camp.ugn and 1t. cla.u-action suit while uzging that more in· div1duals join the liqbt. Author Joseph Wam.bauc;ah, a former leaseholder now UviDQ on fee land on Linda Iale, aaid, "When we sold our leuehold we qot about $800,000 leu than what we had been offered a few years aqo because of what the new company has done. I'm not a leaseholder anymore-but I'm staymg m this hqht becaUM the company &S dumb and qreedy, and there's qomg to be a b19 JUdqment or settlement come down aqainst these carpetbaq- qers." Cheers and applause gr .. ted th&S W ambauqh urged hts lutenen to conlmue support. "U we pur- sue thts, we're gomq to WUl." Balter told the crowd, "We've been treated hke cbLldren." Referrmq to a sloqan used 1.D the hit him, Network, he sa&d, 'I'm mad as beU, and I'm not qol.Dg to take th&S anymore' should be our battle-cry. After attack1ng lrv1ne Co. poucaes, Balter noted be had hsted hls house for sale wtth Mc Na..b-lrvme m May of last year at the broker's sugc;aested pnce. "We-.. r.duced it by $2!0,000 IDee then. w e· .. bad at )Mat 100 broken or --..en th.rov4h the houe. We've not had oae after, .. he Aid, in ob- riou refereoce to ''taU ~Do~Uket ..... H . Otlaer ipeUen included at- toroeyw Ray ~kolA and Dam GraDt, wbo 8pOb ot the clua- actioD lawauit which Grant said m.y be up for c:erlifica- tiOD by thia awnmer; Aniello Di CNci, a real ..tat. broker who reported on a ct.creue i.D real ..tate Ml•; Pat Michaela, radio penoa.ality who in- troduced .peekers a.od credit.d •eclia COYeraqe such M curled in 77.te EzuigD and Ir- vine Todoy for prcmdinc;a i.n- fonn&tioo; Barbara Aaa.stadt.r, who jom.d Barbara Y ou.ng in a hn.o p~tati011 citing •aryi.DCJ policl&e ~the company, and Nib P.ce, oi lrvme, a .chooltMCher in Orange, who traced hia u-penenc.-u a l....holde.r. The iraly oJ the meeting room bemg provided free by &D hvi.ne Co. leueholder, the Marriott, did not eec::.ape hotelJDADAQer Jon Loeb. "Hey, I wu glad to do it. Many oJ th .. people have u.sed our facilitiee for buill .... or for entertainment. They're c;~ood customen, and we're just bemq LDvolved with the qraaroola of the community. I love it." -Bun Sima Younc;a said she was reluctant to diacloee bow much money bad been contn.buted at that time "becaUM there stlll are too many who are spectators, coaatmg alonq, bop109 some other quy will take care ol tbe1r problem for them, and they auqht say they don't need to contn.bute, that we have enouqh. GlriScoatL-..... T•••• ...... "We're aWl loolaac;a for sup- port. We Were very pleased at c;aetllDQ several hundred new members last wHlt. And our Gul Scout Cou.nal of Oranc;ae County, representin9 the 7,693 adult workers who support the 25,266 cprls m tlae monm.at here, 1s urqmg recoqJUbon of these orc;aaruzers and plaJLDen OD. Girl Scou.l l.Mder'• Day Thvnday, April 22. Newport Be.ch b&a 41 Gul Scout aoop., eo.. w... h&t 29 and lrriDe !.u 73. CARPET DRAPERY .~ VIVA VEXICOI 1 WEEJ( from $540 -~~~CAIICUJI per penon UPHOLSTERY CLEA/11116 SPECIAJJST 20% DISCOUNT ~a.t.AIIl·...-r~ "'* - . ., 111&111'1 =·...., FUN AND GAMES IN THE FUN ZONE Here we go agaen Although the people of Newport have consistently uid they wan~ a r8Sidenual community wrth enough commerctal areas to fumrsh the needs of that communsty, we keep get11ng plans for commercral developments that overwhelm residentaal netghbofhoods ): The latest example rs the three-story offlce burldmg Pfoposed to replace much of the Fun Zone 1n Balboa The but4drng w ould be taller rhan lhe law aUows undef the get*al plan and woutd dtsplace pubhc facrlttles The general plan was adopted after an awful tot of dscussiOn and pubhc tnput from an awful lot of people It represents what the peopJe of Newport want t~ city to be That's what SPON wants. too We are rn favor of rehabilitating Wld upgredang the Fun Zone .,., but we thtnk rt shoutd be done wtthtn the frame'WOfk ofbur ctty general plan. There lhoukt NOT be zone changes and o ther muttt~trons of the gener .. ~ CC)IlCeC)t eec.use 10me members of the Dty Council cont.nue •o IPI)r0';118 ptOfKU thM .. outside the genera! plan gutdeftoes. SPON feets that rt lS necessrt to ••• thele ..,. clnc:tJv to the people of our town. That ts why we have had to cwculate ~ on two rec.nt c:ounci mastaltas. The masst~ Newport Centet e~nsion and the Beeco-O.nneng ~ We certainly ~e no trouble frndtng pi nty of Newpot"t...S who WWit to lign IUCh petitions lfld bting thele ~SSoUeS to a vote It .. very evident thlt t'-v ._. suougty llbou1 keepnQ • residllntlal community SPON is NOT antt-development. We IUPP0'1 the general J*n, 8nd we euppon tt. proper c:ommercillt ~ outtiMd .,.. the pan We DO NOT 1uppot1 IUtning our res.dentiel communrtv tnto a ~ ~ and ClOI'fW'r*· cial COf'f'CJin. Howdovou fW about et1 The Rewpott Easlp Wect=rliay. April 2l. l-PopS 'n.. e~tlerlatnmant abo m - clud. Brenda Tap echool; UCI GWtu ~. Richard GJ..n, director; Huntington Yoa.tb a.u.t, Sheila Hampton, director; Dorothy Jo Dancers, Corou del Mar, Dorothy Jo, dilector, Rebecca Potter, ohoreocpapher; Atnb Dance Troupe-Middle !.utem Danc - lDc), DLa.oe Rodd.a.n, cbzector; Cro. Cultural De.nce Theatre Jn.mble, a Tute of the L.tm Carribean. Farrah V azc;au. director; Queslet En.Mm.ble- pop, nri.oq, end ja.u wtth con- temporary ja.u with !ut lncban in.atruments and Bruilian J&U with clawical .tyle. More are coriDoM C..pel._, vioi..Uult; Romutac: ~ce muaac, ClDdJ Boweu, riobn &Dd YOU!, Dan IJpeey, p ~. harp, per~OA, and voc&l; Chidlren 's Ballet of Coroca del We.r . Wa.ocle W&.leox, clirec:tor; end the Wtitl&Dd IA•mbl--a proqram of J&U ftom Gecm~e Genhwm to Chuck Nenqiooe. Al.o there will be w&DderiAQ enterUi.ners lD the malla. Arts comm•wooen Novell Hendriclt.on and Bill A9" will be iD charqe of the deUvery ot the art work at Oui.a Center, Corona del Mar. The thr" jurors are Paul Schimmel, curator of the Newport Ha.rbor Art MUMum; Sueo Senaawa. L.c;au.na Beach School of Art l.D· atructor, and Bruce Piner and V1ctor Casados, profeuon oJ art at Oranc;ae Cou1 Colleqe. COUPON -cLIPPER- OOJOFF ANY SIZE ORDER I MAV NOT BE USED WITH ANV OTHER C()IJI()N I 11RVINE IAL' Heritage Home Center Heritage 157-4671 ~1&1 1•210 CUlVER OflfN 7 DAYS ARM EN's Mtd-East Restaurant WORlD 'S BEST SHISHK-BOB Every l Ot h Visit F REE fJhL c::IVai.f .::.;1/{{ai.'l Complete Nail Care Gift Certificates A vailahle CO .... ERCE PARI( PlAZA 4100~ ~-·01 t•apoo.r1 8IMcft CA ~ --F-AR WESY 7 16175.2~71, MOUNTAINEERING CO Stockrng a complete une at ooc~c OOCkeng. rock chmO.ng ono cross coun try skung eQUipment lSf N. NIW .. ORT a LYD. NIWPOin a i ACH. CA nNl (114 ) .,,_, ... NEWPORT VACUUM CfNTf R ('Jl4)6t6 5144 1831~ Newport BMl • ........ ._at....-... -.41 H. t.tl90" aw g y _.. .... __. ....... ood our Seetion EXPIRES MAV I 1962 -----··· (If TV repored) Of 54.50 If not repaired (reg. 522.50) -IRVINE RESIDENTS ONLY THRU MAY 4. l982 ··~··----cou~N••••••••• .. -. Soodoun A l-8oyot, I presents I Armen'a R .. t.urant M•ddle Eastern Cu•s.ne 2 for I Specia l Comple.. I CHICKEN KAIOI DINNER I Valid Wed. Thufs so so VAuJE I and Sun EXPIRfS 4 28-82 -------------······---cOUPON--•••• • G~~T~~N~:!t~~~G i ... ....._... -_,.ltV...... I COM~ETf NAIL CARl I Special tntroductcwy Otter } ~.._._._ { Manicures S25.00 (Reg. S40.oot I Women S 7.00 <Rev· S I 00) ~ \l'f\ llllh \ '"'l f'REt-: 1 Men I 5..00 (Reg.. 7.00) f .u. sIt> /¥1 I flecl6curn 115 00 ( ..... 111 00) Mall Wrap 115.00( ..... 111 00) f"tiH -\PPfJJ\ 1\II:.''YT 752.0711 ----······~-~ .. ·-------- OaAU \lac ... c ...... Nan frl llO ·4 30 S.t I lO-Noan Clowd~ P•rt• ••411 Senice f .EE ESTI .. ATE8 •I DAY 8E.VICE DNIES._2U2 I ... ~r;::-:====:;:::::::;=========::;==:===~1_... ha P-.1 JW a,_ Ia -U.. 1100 Wock 01 W. OR ,,.._. ... Aalc*o-brud...- blowea v.&aecl at $230 .. NpOdecl r.eoa. &c. Sd C.· • .1 lllnclton hac. ill tM 3100 Woic:k t.=======;:::::==:=;;:t:=:::::======:;::;:=:=:Z:~ ai Je ... a ...... 9eenio ...... ._..,. A,rU 11 Ndoe.a BulL 1D tM 4100 Wock ..at, aadio c_,.._ ucl a pool qaDdS oi Wac:Artllv ... ..._....,.. OM, ..NM at $240, _.. Two t.pe record.n, two ...a ..a.d at $1,300 Will NpOdeclleola ina Watt I . lithovrapha alad a plaOGic alriOI' reponed .._ tria DaiWl S. Sb1ll f.Jl U.. 400 bloCk of Vllea (a tMghiag aid for MariacJ BoliDq 1D U.. 100 Wock 01 4ltt. Roaa. impaired yo~) val..S at AJUliS1'8 ABRISTS $600 .. .-. reponed .toa.. &om Robert Wapae Gavm. 11, of David ldq&r Valaota, 32, room Jt.C at Marlun School La Habn, wu an..a.cl oa liat.d • a trauieat, wu ar· ... four fire aU.Dquiahen IN8picloa of petty tMft ... JOQf reltecl oa I'Upioioll of pMtJ theft valued at $104 .. ,. reported IUD ..,. ur.-.d OD IUPiCioD ... 1oD Jay De Ja.raette, 32, of atolan from Corona da1 Mar of drunbD clrivbuiJ, illclad11lo HuattaQtoD Beech, wu arr..a.d Hioh School ... hoparty Timothy Scott &moe of Newport oaeupicioD of pc:~tn,..v co- valued at $2,805 wu reported Beech. ~ ••. Tam To Tru, 23, of atolan from Jamee Servant m.ton Suta Aaa, wu arraMed oa in tha 4800 block oJ S.Uhor• Wecbanclay. ApRil• ~ olvrud tMft ... . . . A hlcycla ud camel'a CRDliS Stuley David Morri.8oa, 30, of equipment valued at $1,395 Aanoymv phoae Wla ware Newport Beach, wu ~.d oa ware reported atolen hom made to u -plorea of Diua'a W~plcioa of dahaudmv u illll· Robart John Caminiti ill tha 100 IDe., iD the 3300 block of keape.r block of 36th ... An MGA Newport, police reporled ... A Two 1MD .. ,. arr..eecl oa wapi· talaviaion ud a Sony televi.lioa prowlw wu r.porteclf.Jl U.. 100 cioll of cl.nanken drivi.Dv, illchad· valued at $1 ,200 were reported block of~ ... A Puch lag Jolm Raid Noble, of Nawport stolen from HuJord L. KJum. moped valued at $725 wu S..ch. manachar in the 500 block of repo.rt.d 8lolea from Stevea G. Iris. Vomick ill the 100 block of 3let latwclay. Apd117 ARRESTS ... or-o blcycl• valued at $800 CRINIS Darrick Chrl.atophar Soto, 19, were report.d atolen from Properly valued at $35,~ and JOMph David Jordan, 18, Margaret N . Powan iD the 500 wu reported stolen from Ab- both of Pomona, were ureated block of fullerton . . . A hl'Wf· du11a.ll Mufer Al-Pud ill tha on suspicion of po••..tnv c ... contailli.Dv property valued 1000 block of Narinen ... A huhiah . . . Staphan Scott at $550 wu reported atolan from Milboud valued at $800 wu Atkinson, 18, of Cozona da1 a car beloovtno to Paul Joeeph report.d etolan hom Nicbul Mar, wu arraated on mapicion Breaeeu parked ill tha Oakwood ja.JDee Vu90.rh.ia iDa boat allp at of miauaillg a credit card . . . puking atructu... 18th and IJdo bland. nu .. men were a.rraeted on ARRISTS ARRISTS suspicion of clru.n.kell driving, 8artoD ha NecleJmen, 39, of Anthony Reed Dillon, 31, a nona f:rom Newport Beach. Newpo.rt BMch, wu a.rr..t.d on trauiant, wu ..,.,..e.d on suapi· .upicion of making UllOying cion of p:rn i»g bw9lary toola Tuaedcry, April lS CJUWES phon.e calla . . . A Co.ta W... ... Samuel Houaton Plueou. A S.Ua Craftam.an vrind.l' valued at $95 wu reported stolan hom Newport Harbor c:au, William Robert Pillch, wu 23, u.ted u a truaiellt, ud arr ... ed on mapicion of dnmken Bryu Anthony Walkar, 26, of drlvi.Dv. Whittie.r, .. re arr..-d on mapi· High School ... louz c ..... of Tbunclay. Apill5 toilat papa%, five cuee of paper CIUNIS towala, two cuee of paper A J.dy'a diamond and aqua- liners, a Maatarcraft Door IIUU'ina riD9 valued at $15,000 buffar, a shampoo block and wu reported stolen from Lydia ciOD of burvJ.ary ... Jack Fru· ci81lol:mM, Jeffery Wenc:Wl Ratliff ud Joeeph l'ommy lt.ill.i.an, all of Newpo.rt BMch, were amonQ 10 penou Uf'Mted on mapicioa oJ clrunbn drlvmv. driva block for tha MJDa and a Mo. ill the 1700 block of W. mop, valued at $945 .• 1, war• Balboa ... Jewelry ud cub Frlclay. Aprilll raported atolen from City valued at $550 wu raported _ CIUNIS rr;==:::::::::::.....:~:::::=:==:=::::::::::::::.::::::====-::::-::::::·:==-;... A 1979 Pono.be 911 SC coupe, lloeue 555 ZRS, valued THE I El .EPHONE POU. at $22,642, wu reported stolen from an ezta.rior lot at CJluck lvancm IDe. in tha .00 block of I. Cout Hwy .... An lvinnlde · boat motor, a mobil• teA.phona ~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::=:=:=:=:::::======1 ud toola valued at $4,&60 were n...r. ·will be DO rmv. ,._. reported .toa.n from J.rry W. Tlala ~. qg••'om Do you support President RaaQan'a request for mora nuclear a.rminv baiora ... kino nuclaa.r tr .. za with Ruaaia? t. DO Deed to talk. n. ·~ Fellows ill tha 200 block of Via v.Y eoud yoa hear t. you vot. lbol1 . . . Ja .. lry valued at .t.mv recol'cW. $1,380 wu reported stolen from Lall ~· q1' ,.._,, Jenai'-r S. K.auf.mu iD the 400 To .ole YES. call Should county hava uothar 175 tltQ. ; study on 9enaral aviation f.acili· block of S...hora ... A camara ud a provrammable La.niar To wte NO. call 175-7020. ty? (S.. Pao• 1.) Call uytime between now and 8 a.m. Noadey to cut yow .ve>ta. YES NO 9% 91% • brud di.ec, valued at $1,185, ' ware reported •tolen hom Com- uk in the 4000 block of NacAr- thw . . . Willa, ravioli, a microwava ovan and a portable color televiaion, valued at $803, wu raported stolan from tha For many years before his death in September 1980, hardware store owner AI Forgh ran hes own pei'SOOal opinion ad in ThtJ Ensign. In anticipation of a book to be published soon, containing the ads and other material, his widow Peg is printing some of the old ads in The EnSign This one appeared during the Watergate investigation in August, 1973. THE COM I'ITEE TO HANG ROBIN HOOD Our TV screen is bfinging us a daily repay of an ancient fable-Robin. Hood of Sher- wood Forest. Senator Sam Ervin, in the rote of Sheriff of Noningham, is out to catch Robin Hood and his merry men, who live. not in a real forest, but in a White Houte somewhere deep en the Washington jungle. The sheriff is terribly upset because he thinks Robin Hood's men. particularly chief ar· chers little John Ehrlichman and Big Bob Haldeman. took money from the rich to aid the poor Republican party. Sheriff Sam feels that the loot, aw-rently hidden somewhere deep en the forest, could have gone to support tha depeNd rulers of the land-the Democrats, to whom the sheriff bears true aUegienc:e. Tha Democratt, you eee. were depoled just when they were promising to steal from EVERYBODY to give to the poor. Maid Martha Mitchell, who fancies heraetf a true member of the royelty, finds the whole mesa somewhat beneath her dignity, but hal difficulty protecting her husband, John, from tha Sheriff's arrows. Because Robin Hood's men allegedly petpetrated a horrible crime at the edge of tha forest where tha river and the canal meet-a~ cahd tha Watergate-Sheriff Sam hal celled upon a wily deputy from Tennessee·• ~ rivefw and witd forelts to help him fer· ret out the bad guys. Deputy Happy Howerd 8eker tmilel prettily at ~ peop. and ectt very righteou. and dignified. There ate just a few things about this replay of an old flble th8t don't ~e add up: First, the money that has Sheriff Sam 10 excited w-. dona.ct wluncerity, not IMtched from puraes by despefate highwaymen. Seconcly. the ~ M the ~ <*de w. juS1 one group of J)Otiticians IP'tinv on ~tt. group-~ the~~ .. the time and doeln't realty desefve a royal inquiry. And, you c.n buy thi oriui!* Rollin Hood fable for a few cents. This one is costing taxpeytr~ miiMona. And the 1111111,.,. h8w voted, oYI'Whetmingly, for Robin Hood and hit men. But. tha oommit1ea aystem has found a way to thwert the wilt of the people. The lOki· tion: EJect these guys to only one term and don't give them a c:Nnce to run tot re ••Cdon on TV. NAME ADDRESS Buatiagtoo leach IIWl .. ra ar· .............. ~cdl· ~ ............ J .... Wl.IMrtoa tfeilliirv, 43, Of Newport leecll, wu arr.t.d on .u.picl.Oil a. barvl&ry . . • a..!1a7. Aprilll CIUMIS Jewelry valu.d at $16,100 wu reportedllolei ill • bwvl&rJ of a 11aop ill the 3400 Wock of Vla ()porto ... A.RUSTS Carria Lee <;. .. a GAnD&Il, 20, oJ Arcadia, wu a~ecl on auapicion oJ po1nmao &lllphet· amin• ... Down 01arked down. Mother's Day, May 9th Give fr..vance ... for all the lives she leads. Today's mother •s as multi-faceted as a deamond. Geve her a vanety of fragrances . each one <reated to reflect a mood, a ~mory ... appro~ for all the lives she leads. Co~ to Merle Norman . we'll help you MN choose one your mother w•ll love. From S7 00 The 'IOII4U mERLE OORfTAl' Tbt ~ b' thP fu.!tom Fatt-v lyA,.t.~ 171 Wt 17th Street. Cost. Meu 1he \ \ Scal\dla ()own' tS lealuung a liteM s your ChanCe to eteo~te h'-C._ C .. afan~ ...... tle<lroomsoonostocallonwoth Comlotl.,. pillows pillow Scal\dla Down' QUa~ty lind c:&MS. *'-" .,_,cues Old work! trlldlltOn and mote •• sale pnc:es 'Sub!«t to stoc:ll on "-'0 SAU IIALO THAu »* X!' 1082 PILLOWS-I 0~ OFF COJIFORTERS-IG-3K OFF SHEETCASES-1 G-40~ OFF 1510 S. eo.t .-.wy,, No 6 Ugww leec:t\, CA._, C7Mt.,., ., ......... ~-........ .,.. .... ,.,._ ............ a.. .... Mao_.c-• ....,..._.,.,., __ _..._,c.*lr,V .. ......,....,..__...... .. ,..._.,.,..._ D CINEMAX AR£ AVAILABLE IN: WHmlU.CA s.n.o. eca.n..wx • 1213 ... 3'772 • • E. G. Chamberlin, president of the NHA M's Museum Council, receives from Todd Alyn Monow his donation designated for the Sculpture Garden Cafe. Staff Photo bv Dma von Burger HARBORUTES by Dloa •on Bwger Todd Alyg Morrow'• cocktail reception, exqu1aitely catered by La Strodo, was lDdeed a qrand affair. The reception benefited the Muaeum Councu of the Newport Harbor Art Muaeum.E.G.Chamber~. president of the councu, ac- cepted Todd'a d onation , whtch wu apeeihcally eumarked for the Sculpture Garden Cafe. The recephon was held at The Linen Store and also prem1ered Todd's newly expanded bou· tique. (You probably read the ada and recetved the announce- ments employing probably every word in the dlc tionazy whtc b start• with the letter 'P' 'cause they "plutered, pamted, pohsh- ed" etc .) A score oJ people attended 1D- clud1D9 Bobbte and BtU Stabler. WE PAY TOP Fr&ll Paymar, Jane Preia and Charlotte Olenick. (Charlotte'• bu.aband Everett, a promiDent opthamolocpat, playa the decrepit butler in The Royal Family. One of his patients came to ... the comedy and aaured her frienda that the good doctor wu really not decrepit at all.) Othen were Myrtle Jacobaon, Patricia &lld Mu Ellla, Rita and Ruuell Thornburg, Jesaie and Howud Daum (who recently returned from a tzip to Eut &lld w .. t Africa), John Marcus, Hoque MciCinley (who flew 1D from Denver. Hoque'• 15,000 square foot home was recently featured in Colorado'• Architec· tural Digest), Joyce and Bill Edwarda and Clifford Fulkerson (who did the ma9Q-ificent Dower arranqements). EnH~ato dashed OYel' from the r..taurant to ... that all wu well u did Carmelo Manto. All wu wperb, which u emplifi. Todd'• tute. • • • Spe.Jdn9 of Carmelo Muto. LG BibJJotec:G dJ Carme.to bu a.tr..dy received autoCJnpMd firtt ediUoll& lrom OC authon: Lelucl Frederick Cooley, )oeepll Wamb.u9h, Vick hi91lt, Theodore Tayloz, Jim Sleeper, Vi Smith, Bill Libby, I. W. Nat.hauon, Cuolyg hi9ht, Tom W&i.la, Don w..dowa and T. !m..to BethAD- cowt. The Lo Strodo Library bas expended to alto encompua volum• dealm9 with allupeeta of wine and food. • • • Jan aJld Jam• Murar'a home wu the •ttin9 foT the Hubor R.id9e Women'• Club recent ci.Uuler catered by Ooremva Amon9 the CJU"ta were Pat and Ken A9id, Suaan and James Bulow, Emily &lld Jam" Butler, Virquua agd Ray Campbell, JoAnne and Gene Mix, Glenda agd Wayne Emi9b, Lila &lld Jack Harper, Audrey and Man Kapelua, Terri and Harold Neuman, Marilyn agd Richard R .... , Lis &lld Bill Sehnepple. Lynn and Lyg Valentine, Elaine and Richard Sprinkel, Mary Lou &lld Joe Murphy, Louise agd Tom Ballu, Dee and Robert Ivana, Colleen agd Bob Graham and Judy and Walter Fre1dman. Everyone lmowa that the '84 Olymp1c1 will be held in Los Anqel ... But did you know that certa1n eventa will be held 1n Oranqe County, u well? And that the following Oranqe Coun- ty residents wiU be commis· s1onera for vuious events: Ted Hiruahaw, Dic k Steverua, Tom Meqorugal, Pete SuacUM, RoU FOIIOOD CLEAI US£DU.IAS Bnng Your c.m.a We've ... Plastered, painted, and polished. A nd now we're ... Premiering, partying, and pampering. 0t any PhotogriC)NC EQUIP 1t1 tor a FREE IPPfatsal CAL'S CAIIEIAS mo Newport Boulmtd Co$1J Mw. Calffotn.a 92127 (714) ... uu APRIL "T'lte /uxuTIItJ of lift to llvt w1th" 3701 East Coast Hiahway-Corona del Mar. Catiforrua 9262S-714-67S4994 lnqmt and Hyla and IUehard BertM. Hyla and Jbehard will be co-co•m•••onera of qym- n..Ues. An lDter•tioq upeet of h.v- I.A9 the bonor to be •leeted u Olympic eola.DllAionen • that the International Olympic Com- miltM requ81ta the COIIUIU8• aionen attend the mtemational mMta. The lut-W .. t Gam• wu not too far for our OC com· miuionera to attend u 1t w .. held at UCLA and the Chin ... team wu hoUNd at the Wutin South Coaat Plaaa. But the next mHt 11 the World Cup~ held m Yuqa.lav1a. The Showboat C hapter of the Newport &rbor Gulld of OCPAC will hoet a apr1DQ fund· raiser at the Balboa Bay Club on April 25. Dee Edwards. unda Gould and Barbara Mulhgan Ueh to uyht I plann1ng Newport·New Orleans Style The Showboat Chapter of OCPAC's spring fund-ra1ser S•dtt """'" b'1 c.., ''Yt' c "" '"" Thll event "Newport-New Orleana Style" will have a Mard1 G.ru theme Wlth enterta1n ment by Pea.nuta Huc ko and hu Dixle- land Jan Band. Priz" for the everunq will lDClude a boat crulH, a Moq1c Island memberalup agd a qourmet meal u •rved to former French Pr .. ident Valery Giscard D'EatalDQ. Thls meal for ten will be prepared and presented by Bonn1e Heather Renoir of the Cordon Bleu Cookinq School and Store Hoateasea for the even1n9 wlll be the Performmg Arta Juruora, OCPAC younq people's support qroup. On the same day, but over a t Moq1c Island, the Spyqlau Htll.s PhUharmoruc ComuuttH Wlll bold theu annual fund-ra1ser, wh1ch benebta OCPS, a non proht orq&DJzallon for the mus1c ennchment of adults and c hud.ren throuqhout our com munity. Co-chairinq this event are Cody Smith and Francine Stem· brenner, with the assistance of Jan Corbio, Pat Stayner. Marc1e Adler, !mmy Lane, Rama Back- er and Anna Hillard. John£. ~font CLLITOM PHcYfl1GRAPHY WeAn PROUD To Have Pllotopapkd .•. HOWSBATHEN ................ Eric .... We Would Be PROUD To Photograph Your Child Clail.,.•'• s.n.. GarM Special New ....... A,ril 311111 7 .... 8787 JNI E. PacifiC Ceut Hwy. Coroaa del Mar, CA A brunch 1.1 belDQ 91ven by the Docents of Sherman Wbrary and Guderua on Ap ru 27 to launch a achool bus prO<Jt&m for toullDg Sherman Gardens The tours are des1goed to ahow the excahnq dlversaty of pl&llta, theu JascADatlng ways of adapt1DQ to tbear envuonment and then amportance to mADilnd. Many schools would Wte to take advantaqe of tbJ.S tr .. proqram but, of course, are hampered by the lack of tl'ana- portahon The Docents hope to enlist apoosou lor the buses d81tqned for 4th through 6th qradera. <Jielp CUs eelebrate! A' Hoag M~mon.1l Ho,pal.ll Pre'h)t~n.tn ent~r' ''' 10th 'e.!r. "t: '"' th.' \OU to JOin u~ an celebraung A'.! ~ommunat\ re~lun:~. "e reu,~nllc 11ur re'pon~tbaht) to .1rea cauzen' :'\l)t unl~ '''help 'uu g~t better "hen )''u n: ,,d; But JhO to ~e~p )OU "dl by prm H.hng he.ihh edUi:.llllln. nh~xl pn:' ,ur~ check~ and ... pecaal ~'enh 'uch .t' Health F-.itr ·R~ ~:heduh:J J,,r \pnl 25 H~re ·, a calendar of happemng' ll'r the ne '' •~~ dJ)' Joan u,, \\<On 't you' Your good he.tlth " 1'ur hc't btnhJ.n prl''l'nl HEALTH FAIR '82 Get a f'ree health te~t' Eye te t • heann,a te,ts. pulmon.ar) functiOn te t • blood pre ure chech. heaam and weaatu mea- \urcment\ .lnd m'-'C:h. m'-'C:h more 10 a.m -5 A psychologast da"~Cu~-.e' how to get the most out of life. And a ptwmacotoa•~t rives some down-to-canh advice about medtcMlon' for stomach aJlmcnts Con· ference Center l · .30 p m Everyone we lcomc' A rough "ed. · H.nc "'ur blood Pf'C"Uft' l ~~ ... CJ .II the ~ Ho,pu.1l Hc.lhh Van at C.ttzrn S...rn.. ~~~~~ Harbor Boulc\JrJ. (.'"' .. ~~~~4 I '\ p m f~t' f-or mort 1 n h'lf'Tll.ltl\ m ~~>nt t HOAG MEMORl l H PITAL p.m ~ Ho,patal Con- ference Center T (J(/(1\ 011/\ Everybody welcome Atknd a St.ayina Hcal&hy Semiur. lam from med- ical upcru ..... you c~n do 10 .... ..., prob- n . 7-t p "'· f!osPul ~ct ... Call 7~5923 eo~· Free. ' Miucd the most rucnt card · rd\lb JI'OUP se . ~ Doo ., WOIT}. Thi •. --"i!: platt ttwou the yu~. Call 7~ ,_. for men anfo P IYTERJA~ '01 N~wpott Bouk";ud Newponlkkh. C• 9~66' (714) , ... !tll ~-----------,-- Take a t r of tbc hlbpaaal pewm.cy uam .. mla)' liia\1 Ia:\ II CT'\ 10 pericm Mid cbc com nity. See a dcmoftsmaltOft of in · 1 acw com- puec.r 'Y m. 1-4 p.m , ...... II' •• , ........ 1111 ... ae, Altlfn.,lll.-be twld noon-S p.m. SetUf'- dly end Sundly, April 24-26 in the MIM ... et FMhion IMnd. Con- tinuous live entwtein- ment wilt eccent the ln- twnetion81 theme. Cash prize~ will be ...... ded to winners in a juried art show, and WOf'b by many Orange County artists will be dilplayed. and admission is free. The VIc..._. Flow• ..... ...,. waterookw ex- hibit through June at the St. lve. Annex at South Cout Village. Hours: 10 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdaya, noon-6 p.m. weekends. .......... ~ recent and vintage photography April 2~ June 12 at Susan Spiritus Gallery, 3336 V~e Lido, Newport Beach. Phone:673-6110. Or .... ec..ty c .... .. Cattltt. 1 ,_ r Art, 3621 W. Mllc:Arthur, Space 111, Santa Ana, is now exhibiting dnlwings by Judith Vogt, drawings and aculpture by Jonathan Weeder and an installation by PLACE. Hours: Noon-5 p.m. Wedneeday through Saturday. .... of .... 8outMMCallfomle art by various artists now exhibited at the Bluebird Gallery, 1540 South Cout Highway, Laguna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p .m. Wednelday through Sunday. ............ ..,occ etulla •• are included in a show fOWling on medic* art through June 6 at the Mitts HOUM ViSUal Arts COf1'1PMx. 12732 Main Street, Garden Grove. Hours: noon-4 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. .... ..,"-"' .... in glala aculpture, vapor drawings and furniture • the tt.t·II)Oft ....., M Muee~m. &Nbit rune ttwouQh Mil¥ 2. c ....... c. ...... _. •.. ,.. .. . ~ that city's vilualarta. along with portraits of working Southern Califomia artists by AJ Belson It Laguna Beach Museum of Art through Apnl 22. Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Information: 494-e631 . flret la....,.....oftlll ......... ¥-.... ..-Ilion tt)rough Aprit 25 in Gallery B at Cal State Long Beach. Admission • free. Hours: Mondlr( through Thursday, noon to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m . to 8 p.m.; Friday, noon to 4 p.m.; and Sunday, 1-6 p.m. •• Altllllgulty .nd F~ tMy"' featuring abstrac- tions by Steve de Groodt and semi- realistic fantasy works by Windsor Utley on display through April 25 at Elizakte Gallery (inter- national). 384 Forest Avenue, 13A, Laguna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Wednesday- Sunday. "AUceofO.W ..... Life in Orango County from the artist's points of view. Group show through May 2 at the Fine Arts Gallery, The Lumberyard Ptaza. 22, 384 Forest Avenue. Laguna Beach. Hours 11 a.m.· 5 p.m .. Wednesday-Sunday. Solie 17 a tableau created by Edward and Nancy Kienholz will be on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum through April 25. Gallery hours 11 a .m. to 5 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday. .... ., ... ~ ... oommunlcldon end IOdlf nMwOrk • being ..., 7:30 p.m. .,.,-y MontMy by Kay Cenlottt of the Tu.tin A~ for Human ~·t,14742 Newpon Ave., Suite ,, 104, Tu.tin. F.-is t6. • N__,artAahle•ere Toaet••...tera Club meeta W.O. --.tay mornings from 7 to 8:30 a .m., W'-tern Federal s.vinga, 4 Corporate Plaza, Newport Beech. For information call 675-7196. ,,._eo.,.•• T oaatmaetera meet ~ mornings at 7 at 2151 Michaelson, Suite 186x. Information: Bob Davia, 752-1111 . DMoen .............. Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Center throughout the spring at 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Admil8ion is $3, $1 for students and seniors. Information, call ~3643. Adwnture with the ...._ scripture studies for career women 7-8 :30 p.m. at the Newport Balboa Savings Community Room, Westdiff Plaza in Newport Beach. Call 493-0296 for days and information. Spy .. 111 Hill Garden C._. will meet Wednesday. April 21 at the home of Mrs. Roger Hughes. Jim McNulty will speak on "Bringing the Beauty of Your Garden into Your Home or Office". Information: Sharon Pence . 644 4443. "Aprtl Flow••" is the theme of Newport Beach Christian Women's Club luncheon 11:45 a.m . Wednesday, April 21 at the Airporter Inn. A fashion show and music will be featured. Reservations are $6.50; call Mrs. Jim Dority. ... .... Tit ..... II a. will hokf a ...., m•dng 11:30 a.m. Mondly. Aprit 2e at ~/e.lboa SaY· inge and loan, 1100 lr· vine, Newport Beach. Information: Call Pat, 731-4041. ChiiAir hlaol M•llll .. Sp.m. Thursdays at Air Na- tional Guard Center, 2861 Newport eNd., eo.ta Mesa. Everybodv ia wekx>me. U.Mt,......Aua· -.y of Orange County Family Service meets 9:30a.m . Wednesday, April 21, Cannell Chaffin in the Oeeign Ptaza of Newport Center. Phytlis Carpenter wilt lecture on interior delign. CoL wt•••Celltl C ....... , Daughters of the American Revofu· tlon meets noon Wednelday, April 28 at 446 Emerson Street, eo.ta Mesa. Lr$'"' .......... The Integration of Human Structure," by R. Grant Powers, certified rolfer, Wednesday, April 28, 7 p .m., 488 E. t7th St .. Suite 221 , Costa Mesa. Information and re&efV8tions call ~7E61 . a...twMMd ~at Orange Coast CoUege this week include: ~,Aprtl22 -"Managing Your Employees", 7 p .m. in Fine Arts Halt 119. Admission $5. Frllla,,.,...u -"To Wortda Unknown'' planetarium program; rune F1fdev nights, 7-8:30 p.m. at the OCC Planetarium. Admission is $1 .50, adults; $1 children under 12. Seating is limited. -"An evening to Reach Out Wrth Your Family"; Or. Steven Winer, workshop director. For adults and kids 10 years and older. ~3(~ Creative Jewelers, Inc. Have Barbara create a design that reflects your taste, your lifestyle. SATURDAY, APRIL~' 191l 30-60o/o OFF ENTIRE INVENTORY 7 p.m. In the Fecutty ~-Adn 'ir'on Ia te per couple, .10 per fwnlty. ........ ,....,7 I -··~Money-• Coneult8nt": H. Wen-eti wtM, *""'·· a.m.-1 p.m. In Fine Ana Hal 118. F.-late . -"Taking Ctwge of · Your ut."; Ginger Cupkle, lecturer. 9 a .m .- 1 p.m. ln Ane Arta Hall 119. Adm...,., Ia te. -'WOIMn In Science''; rNjof ...... by Or. Mary Cleeve, astronaut end m_,on apeciaflst with NASA and Or. Marion Oiemond, ~from UC e.rk.e.y. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ln the Chemiatry Building. Admiaeion Ia free. but .,.regiatration Ia augge.ted (fi518..5(85) UCib .... JIIR ..... ........ this week in-- clude: -"The Fa.hion Equa- tion: Conveying Your Best Self Image"; Kathym S . Eltion con- duc1a this eight-week COUI'M, beginning 6:30 p.m. Wedneedly, April 21 . Fee Ia •100. In· formation: 833-6414. -"Survey of Recent Space Expk)ration Pro- grame''; lectu,. pr~ gram in Social Science Lab Room 2-te, 7 p.m. Wedneedly, April21. t62 f .. indude8 field trip. -"Looking for a Job: Strategies, Reaume Writing, and Interview Techniques"; worbhop, 9 a.m. · 3 p.m. Saturday, April 24, in Social Sciences Room 1~. $46 fee in- cludes parking, but not lunch. -"An Evening With John Houseman", Academy Award winner and star of "The Paper Chae", 8 p.m . in the Fine Arta Village Theatre. Admission is free but raervations are required. ~ ...... , ....... a. • .-· ...... at the Newport Beach Public Ubrwy, Newport Center B~. 866 San Clemente Drive, 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In- formation, ~2246. Features will include: May 11 : "Angel and Big Joe" and "Snow- bound"; May 18: "The Red Balloon" and "The Lorax"; May 25: "Pinbalt." and "The V~veteen Rab- bit"; June 1: 1'he Golden Alh" and Hflkkj Tildd Ttvi .. : June ., "The C.. of the Bwwlof 0\lck''. "Megic Rolling Board", ••&qMbolfd SafetY' and "Naughty Owtet"; June 16: "Blue Glory" "Peter and the WoW' "Dragon SteW'' and ·~of Wonder o..._.c....c.a-.... .• -.,ev.n. lng Aim Serial Ia held ln OCC's Forum. Tlctce~ are t2. All mcM8e atart at 7:30 p.m . Rlmlln- clude: "My Fw Udv'' April 24; "Camelot". May 1. The UCI ,._ 8••1•., screens 'a veriety of cllllic films 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. Tickets are $2 genefal, t1 UCI students. At least two films are shown each night. Scheduled: April 24: Two shons- "Red Bailon", (French-1966), by Albert Lamoriaee, "Secreta of the Soot", (Gef'man-1928), by G. W. Pabst; and "World of Apu", (lndia-1969), by Satyajit Ray. MIKe~~- ue._, Con.petltlon for youth ages 17 and undef are invited to compete at the Orange County All American Fair. No entry fee, but entries must be received befor Monday, May 10. More complete information: 761-FAIR. FaurtlaA ...... FMIMY Auction to be hetd 6 p.m. Saturday. April 24 at Shlr ...._,..llot HJiltM)r Reform T..-. 2100 A MarV....inNw ..... a.ch.Tax~ ricUUI ... 10. ·~and .rlllr~Mdou•: '" ~- ~ "Ill •II•C•IIl , •• ..... pt1nne.ct tl¥ occ~• Chamber~·-·"'· Saturdly, April 2t"' the Aucllorlwn. "T1CU1i ....... gener ... t3 students. seniors .-.t kldl under 12. lnformtdon: 5MI527. aap•-• .... ., .................. Darla'"""'' wilt petfonn 7:30 p.m . Wectn.day, April 21 et Saddlebeck North College, 6600 IMne Center Drive. Tecketa are $7 and M . Information: 569-1313. llwMCana.- .......... tru ..... by the Irvine Symphony Orchestra 2 p.m. Sunday, April 26 at Turtle Rock CommuNty Center. 1 Sunnyhil Drive, Irvine. Admillion is free. .. ,.. ...,.. .. .. ... by George s. K.aufman and Edna Felber 8 p.m. through April26 at the Newport Harbor ~or'a Theatre. The cornedv loosely f~towa the famous Barrymore family. Ttcketa are t8 general, t5 each for groups ~ M for studentl and teniora. Box office: 831~110. 1-5 p.m. weekdeya. TIIIIIM'•--11 ..... 16380 Pacific C0111t Highway, Huntington Beach, features Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Seating Tuesday through Saturday 6:~ and 8:46 p.m ., Sundlty 7 p.m. $12.96 and $14.96 includes <Inner. Reservations:840--1. Optn Houle &un«Jv Apt25 9-Aa ~lew& a.m. In Corona del Mar fcrlr*). (714) 719-1110 or 11:16 a.n\·12130 p.r_n. at CHAIAD oiiMne. For IrA (71.) 561·1111 • .. latttTe-.lft .. ?' -· 8t the ...... qelin Dinner ~~.31502S . Herbot INd., Santa AM. TueMtlv through · Thurl*f at 8:16p.m .• FttdiiJ¥ 9 p.m ., Saturday e30p..m. and Sunday II 7:31p.m. •·ea$1;'" by Arthur L.aureMs, music by Jute ~ and lyrics by 'Ds1 >"'*' Sondheim now ttwough May 30 at the Gtllnd Dinner Theatre, 1 ...._. W.-v, Anaheim. "-v.oons: m -n10. ..... c...a ..... .,. ..., piJ UIR111 "OA" 8¥ ltUijh leonard, '*"-'th May 16 on the _. ~·-· Also, "Com-Ing Atnctionl" bv Ted filly will run on the Se- cond s .. April 21· May 9. SCR Box Office: 917-4031. IDES AND G Bonnie Shollin and Richard Taylor were married at Our Lody Queen of A.ngels Church in Newport S.och and celebrated their reception at the Monte Carlo Room ol the Newporter Inn. Tbe couple enjoyed their hone ymoon wing in &nH, Canada . .... ... Anne Meredith Porter and Marr Leisure were rnarned at St. Jame6 Episcopal Ch urch. A reception followed at Big Canyon Country Club. The ltewpora E&Wp Weclaeeclay. Aprll 21. 1112 Pap I OOMS Debra Ann Territo and Richard Osborne were marned at Commumty CongregafJOnal Church A reception followed at B1g Canyon Country Club The couple now res1des m lrvme 1 0 .c • 8 0 i u R ii ..i i ... A 1 ...... ,.....,~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~..c~~,..,~~..c~~<4~~~~ WEDDING SERVICES DIRECTORY \ BRIDAL F ABRJCS ''Enl7f~Ua6 but tlte Groom!'' If yot.~'._. deci ct.d to .... yow wedding gowo - bricW potty (or .,... hGve it cW!IoM ..-n). we offer o comp .... bridol ~. ~ F.-ch and,... ....broideaed locei.IC!IIins. dWffo. .. tiorol. Rowen. bf' ... Moid fobria. poltitml. boob fuM of ... aM o bridal cOMUitolot eopr to help you put tog .... , thk oM impoetwll OCCOiion in 0 pro6eaionol ~ Don't let the ftelfM, "Fobric W~" fool you; we con mob your ""* happy dot o moat -'egont one. ''L CoM for on oppoi~tfiMnt or stop by onytiiM we',. open 7 days o WMII. ewty ....,._ until 9, and latW..,_from fAIIIC WAREHOUSE COSTA MESA 18th and Placentia 646-4040 ike no other JJ bridal store ;,., America. '"' 340' w ~ Aw • ..,_Ana • (714) t31 ·1f11 John £. 'BCom lE CUSfOM PHOTOGRAPH)' Tile,_ Will tum her bxk and to. her bouquet. -.,ood- bye to famllly ~nd rartty-p~red fr,.nds, and put ,...,.1 her ~~ dreu forever luc !he ••• retnormber eKh mom.nt lorevw IU1' u oc ~. on cotour porv~u M>d ur>dlds by ,... ._. hdfic C...lfiPwar 744 6767 c-..a•.cAaas ...- oncludona TRA"t'S BOWlS ICE 8UCKtT\ TO.\STINGG08Ul\ .\T Tf "'OANTS GIFTS (ft .\SKS CHAJtMS. CROSS Pfi';S TANKARDS IC£V RINGS FRAMES H C 1 (m•nv mor. otems c•n ~ sPK••IIv ~rt'dl NOACK TROPHY 170 E 17th Strt>et No 11 7 Costa Mesa (dcross from Von s Shopptng l t>ntt>rl 646-3J4J CH~#~ 10% off (Wlth thts ld) QUICK ..QUICK COPY /PRINT ~\ui~t ~ ~ d¥u.1K'd &tteh FLOWERS FINE GIFTS CRYSTAL .. FOB THE LOOK OJ' DISTINCTION" W•ki!JI ftU. 11001,.,._ Aw., lt..,.n •••cA f45.7INI BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OVER A CENTURY B.D. HOWES and SON FI~E J E~ELERS fOR f0l1R CENER4 TIONS NIWPOtlT llACH lAll v .. ttdo 67S-l7ll A MATTER OF CON~ ............ ,,, Apil21. lift The lie--.. "'Ca• 111n .... to 9fM!fhxihjlttyiA do -Indio." coat USBDA), ODd to o few da71 or caa be yow own or buy plaats beotr· JDOI"e DUtritioD• Prochaoe autriUoa llllaor IOU.rc:e ol at the Du.l'l8.ry or FOOD pla••'•q appetising, Mfdqereted for about --doriDv lpl• ..U-lwloaced ud ce~e JtriPM, Joc.ted. at riiOIIllu A oad 111-6 .. d ooe acodt; he ..tds. ID&lkel, herb. add 1!'9~·--· ~ ... ., ....... tloapoiat-ol...a. .... colcl ..... .pk:e to yot.ar life. You Hulritioa ohoppia9 cell euily d.ry them at ~manu are tJIICbtictU.Uy or· .-.ted to IAc:\olk .,.....lnob_ ... llvht ODd ouy ~- Tim•MviDQ chilled Ioupe can be OM of ta. IDC*t rew.a.rCiiaQ . •• ,. to combine uture'• free.t ·ud IDCIM no~q ofter- iD.911 for flavor and ver Ntility for any occa· oioll. In Colilol'11la Gold Soup, fr..b canota tUe the apotlivht 1n a J.iv.htly herb-MUOned, m.ilk-bued .aup brouoht to crNmy UDooth.n .. in the blender. Quick and ...,. to prepare, car- rot. are cooked 'tU just tender and combined with milk, aa.uteed onion and garlic. Buil and chicken bouillon delicately enhance the carrots' natural Oavor, and becaUM cookinq lime ia minimal, there's no need to worry about lo.inq nut.rienta. A natural ingredient in chilled veqetahle soups is ini.lk. The moa;l reliable .ource of CAlciwn, proteiD a.nd Vitamins A and 0 , milk providet a rehashing ..Iternative to heavier CIN.Dl·bued IOUps with its lightness of cUracter and full- bodied flavor. full of lreahneu, Devor and .prinq col- or, California Gold Soup ia an ideal choice u a first courM. Ac - companied by a traqra.nl la.f of warm bread or rolls and serv· .d. with a. c risp qr"n salad, little el-t, ~ needed lor a r sophisticated Uqht spr- i.nQ supper. • C&lliornia Gold Soup a.lao travels well and, packed i.n a hamper with a tin of fresh croista.nts or blSCuits, 9oet1 to picnics, potlucb or softball 9amH. Make a batch ahead of ti me and have it rHdy to serve bot or cold after a buay day at work or school Cailforma Gold Soup 1 lb. carrots, peeled and 1hced l/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon salt 112 teaspoon sugar 1 cb1cken bou11lon cube, c rumbled 114 cup chopped 0010n 1 clove Qarlic, m1nced 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 teupoon b.uil 2 l/2 cups rrulk Cook carrot• in water with ..It, IUI;Jar and boulllon cube 15 Dlinutn or until tender. Saute onioo and garlic in buller; blaod iD Dour and basil. Stir tn milk; cook u.ntil tllickened. Add car· rot•. Place in food pro- ceMOr or blender a.ad blend anooth. Serve immediately, or chill. wu .... •rvin9•· . . . Sou.tklud abopper• cu upect to find lower price. and qreater aatrltion.aJ .,.Jue for -.a;y of their. IPrlll9 proc~,... -· occ:oi'C!IJ>9 "' ....... · lluQtSioroo. S.,rta-dtaUo caU lor freU produce 1 ....-. ........ ......... c.lllonla- ......... ms ... __ ... __ -.. wlll-~--11_.....,. ... ............... -wllw·loo--lill ......... t .. Nl£' .. 1 .. , ..... . . tis-e:.pl•ioiag bow to fitet the 9fMI..t ecoa.omJcal and nutri- tloaal valu fro• pro- duce are pert of Market :a...Jtet Stor••' new autritiooal pro- gram for cons\Utler•. ... ... aae.......,... ._... aab:itk:a OOI'AINl· !oat llould Dotatoch. "Tho ......... -.. hlvh quollty. re.eon•bly priced pro- d-ODd ialonootloa ouppliocl by Molkot Buket'1 aew oulrition proqram allows for Re-d X Product-Prh. ~ ..................... MW La..,_ aetntloo "CC ..... huiloho" 1•hNt•o Pf091" .. tor loavhoea-ted , ..... _ .. ODd pco. wttlo _.. Moltlo,. cluco. n.., -tloat Doutoc~ Ollcl, "but 0.. •••aoe GRDQre is a ... , 00118u.en are "'ery good eoaroe" ol aol ..... thol thy riloJniD c (100 po"'""l alto COI&tain .... r USRD.II), ph-ao,.. calon. and • wider (30 po...,.ar USRD.II) range of aulrieatl: than oad IOUc ocid (15 por· 35 »--Z. .... Whea oolctlav cttru.o, Doullch-COil· -. .. n to cJ.oc.e OGly hult thor to hoovy, lira ODd wttlo -· woxy ... Colol to DOl ' ~rulD- d!c.tor of quality, ud citrus be)» .. u at room temperature for a H.ttl \. l~llh..<l"t p,,, ... Hs-tor oruv-&Dd llo .. for futu ... ue. otMr produce ne I LHn more by calling • •• n.w. •t any of the Teletip, the home aad 86 W.rbt Bu.ket loca· gardeo telephone iD· Uou to llelp plan spr-fonu.tion Mrvice ol the illg -..Is . U.llivenity of Cal.ifom.l.e • • • Cooperetiv• hteuion. . lnyio9 Herb. Dlol 774-7090. AU tor m ... ge No. ill, Dry- Wbetller you fJrow in9 Herbe. LL H.\·'"\. ..... ,,.,,,,,\ ._ ... it Safeguard Super --... liS··~ ......... !* Cantaloupe .59 ·~ .73 it Niblets Corn "~ .45 r~~ Bottom Round Steak. 1.89 • ~· ---· it Red Grapes • 1.49 ·-8t Mangoes • .99 _ ... it China Tofu -.89 .. H.• ,[ \. \ ',.,' ; \ I I ( ' ................ lftl Potato Clllps ... ... .89 c...._,...._...... J W Almaaen Mt. Willi : 4. 99 • CUp·O·N .. IIIel 2•:;-1.00 V.Uute -it Comet 14-N .42 ~· 1ft Splc: I Span ';;;' 2. 29 ---lftWIIIIIII{ "~ .99 • • \ I '1, \ 1 , I , • • ~1.09 3::1.00 • ..................... it Wllnt Bread ,, . .., .39 ~· ............... 1ft Apple Juice .... ~ 1.49 -c..• '-"" ... ' W take Mix la-1/l·N .89 ... '> ' • 1\ 1 ~ I • I tl ·I [I, It . . -. . ·-· • us•• a.. ............. -r~ Rump Roast .·1.98 .. Q5i• us•• a-a .... ...,....._. • t~~ Sirloin Tip Roast • 2.28 , ....... 1ft SmaU Spareribs .1.78 h I " "'1 ' L I'' I ' ' ·-MIIIIllver ,...., ........... W Turkey Drumsticks •. 98 •. 49 •. 49 -llhlfTrlpe ·- ::. .11 ~ .11 •:1.11 ..... • ,,,_ ... ' -t!) EQUAL IIOUSIICO OPPORTUIOTY PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS YOURS TO PROTECT IALIOA PININIULA Beount\J 4 bedroom wtth boy view. 2'h both-3 flrepkxes-tamily room-dnng room-oil boitt-lns-2 cor garage, ptus. Must see to appreciate. l ()()t( AT IT- 5CX) K Street. $469,000. VACANT LOT On peninsula. Ready to build ~ust steps to ocean. L()()t( AT IT -923 E. Balboa Blvd Priced to sell! NEWPORT CREST CONDOMINIUM Quiet end unit Two bedrooms. 1 both. fOfmol dining room. 2 decks. garage dool' opener Access to pool and tennis courts. Owner wiN assist In ftnanclng. $185,000 CALL TOIIII Roy McCardle Realtor rD IWJABU SUtVICE SK£ liSt 1M 548-7729 1810 Newport BL, Cotta Mesa OCIANPIONT OWner IOVI SR.L NOW1 ~ COih and ~ an oflef. ~ wtl help ~ 2 ~oom on ~ .U.Iot. $ot50.000. NNINSULA DUPLIX Prtce ~ $20,000 .• beOOOI'f\ 3 bath A- ffeli'N pU cute boehetor. lOth wtth ~ pgtk)l. $2.9,000. WilT lAY AVINUI ~ on veew tot. OCtoa rrom Newoort HQrt)of vor;NOA ueo.ooo. WARMANDCHIIRY In '*' Cofona del Mar ao. to beoch. View. Pool learn <*~no. HaiOwood !loot. ~ ~ nv.. beel'ooml and bOthl. Nice potto. Prof .. lklnallandlc~ 10-$475,000. CALLTOIII 4509 W. Cout ttwy. Newpol'tluc:h .,~,- lto0 OCIAN VIIW LIASI/OPTION OPPORTUNITY 4 plus bedrooms including 2 master suites. 31h baths. Iorge family room. 2 firepkx:es and rustiC wood beam ceil- Ings-all 1n a wolk-to-p~ivate beach lOcation. The perfect fam1ty home tn the perfect family neighbofhood. $525.000 w1th ·perfect financing. 2732 E. COAST HWY., COQONA OEl MAR Call644-7211 IIACH4PLIX PYtde a ownership. Ocean view. Excellent low Interest nnonclng. $255,500. SUP.ILARGI IIACHUNITI Ouptex wtth ftreploces. lots a Charm Or'ly $35,000 dOwn. SllS,OOO. LIVI IY THI OCIAN Two bed room cottage. $1&.000 dOwn ~ vou In AbloUetv charming. $127.000. CHARTER REAL TV & INV ESTM ENTS JUST COMMITID CliStom ~ 6.3C.X> tQUC:We foot home Morners Point. Son Clemente. with gorgeous ocean ~ ond crtv lghts.. Entertainers' delight Numerous ~ too rnt;JI"f to mention Must see to appr• c:Jote. $950.000 ONnen wl occept on R·11118W lot fa trode. a down payment rae: GEORGE ELIINS CD. 2 c~ Plaza Drive Newport leach • 719-9100 Ln Ul HI._, YOU SHAH IN ntl OWNIHHIPOf Ia. Of THill PIHVATI 'IOPIITIII IP, S... s»$000 lllO'I\_., _.,., 11WrW1 l2nd,..... $276000 """'-~ ~ )I) A11o lc:JI'e $119~ lec»e OI)IIOn ~0 fQUITV 2621 lll.ro¥o Sl!>& 000 $peciOCYiof .,... 1126 w talboo S 117 900 lrcorne PI~ 2569 f 8Qen $1~ 000 ~ \oOOIOC*1 IC)O l<a5Q ..,_ l.CliN S 92900 1/A. FHA. ~ICIC 1631 F .,.,. 5172 .500 0WC ot I"' It'll 202~ I Jc:lw'tlon S 12$ .500 G<eal slortet heme 406 ~ $271000 II 2 VA.CN4T lOT 21171 10owo lone s 1<1$ 000 If!. ON IMII((1 2111 OonQe S 1•7950 t'WO 140USU Oft LOT ~ ...... $192 000 OWMII W1U CAJlllol I Sl 10 1016 ~ $1 .. 000 OM8 WI.L KlUIN ~ ... ""' 1009 SeallUI $1W..500 I(AU'IW\A V1lW ~y ~ 1201 Sealllld $160.000 etoe.IO ~ ~ 12 V1o 01 ~ $799.950 VIIW Of "'" SPANISH IIAUTV 123 Vlo ~ $.)99,500 tJCIO -..,., 229 W WIIIOn S109 900 Cando,_ OCC 2DOO West Balboa Blvd. Ne wport Be•ch 675·1771 TWo untts (bOitl 2-bedroom houses I)U OOJOQel) Full pnc. S 159.750 ~ 1ST TO /ll;pp#OX $120.000 SUbmit Col f<X details ond appoin'"*'t TNs Is Iff GNat Tax Shetter-ONaf Locdon G.-at Potential Trs Dl GolD COAST REALTORS 1740 Qfonge Avoe.. Costa Meso Wl·1161 ··"-.t .._ ·~· .. 4'~Tl" PIIMIIA YFIONT Lido Isle ~··· r:i "~home . ChOk:le lOt toc:c> ~ on Udo 1*. f.M bedroOr'nl 5 bOIN. powe~~~ room. ,_ and ~~P-roem tot 2 boob. OUtatanclng ._. ...aot $UOO,OOO. CAU FOR APPOMMENT 67H161 ' REALTOR 213 acre estate In c:teWClt::>'e HARBOR RtDGE Quaity craftsmanship t tvoughout ln.- eludes oak ftoors. hand pointed ties. gourmet kitchen with European cabi-- netry 6.300 SQ.Jafe teet of luxurious IMng. FOf tnformation and appointment. Call lois Jacobs. ReoltOf Associate r.1BOYD L -. . . - .,,.,.. ~7 I. C.OAIT MWY. COIIONA .... M.U MESA DELMAR Tt'Vs lovely 4 bedroom. 2 both home offers great location and good terms. Assuem lOll•% lst TD and owner wiH help financ1ng This home has fre!h pont. nearly new capets. garage do<:>f opener, new d1sposol and dishwasher Full PriCe Sl52. 900 EAST SIDE STARTER Only 5119.500 t01 ths 2 beaoom. 2 both c utiel Nfcely landscaped wfth 1-cor go- age and service pQf'ch. Assume S87.ocx:> 1n I<X:lns and owner will cid 10 financ1ng. COUNTRY CHARM IN CLIFP MAVIN A uriQue home custom bult by r;:neent ownera. • A rare find wtltl 5 bedrooms. vtew and poott leoulluly molnt~ Mng room hal ~beams. natural WOOdS.~~ chl- drens wing opens to saytt torn1v room. poe~ onc1 spa. big open countTV kiX:hen has rrile tono• bar wtllch tends Itself to lnfonrd gathering~ Spacious teen1gue~tfln..low opotment has u PIWnQ bat' and ocean~ '1'1'* 101 wt1 ~ modote bOot Of JlV SIOfoge Call Ul IOf V04JI peqonol ahowlnO DUPLIX 2 bedroom each unit-close to beach In best rental 01eo Priced at $265.000. 6~ Res. 642-2253 " ' I . ' ~. • . . • ·24 ult'sa great r:in1e to Euy a home!' urn give you . Opport unity is knocking. If you've been waiting for just the right time to buy a home, you're in luck. Be- cause there may never be . a better time to buy than now. You can be choosy. Today, there's a large selec- tion of homes to choose . from . That means you have a better chance of finding the home that's perfect for you . Tomorrow's prices probably be than t~y's. A years of steady in- creases, home prices have , . begun to level off. Competi- tion among sellers to attract buyers is making homes much more atford- able. But prices could very likely begin to climb again before long. Mortgage interest rates have declined. And rates are even lower where sellers are willing to help with financing. Some recent home buyers are paying just 11 or 12 percent reason.'' interest on their home mort- gages. How? People-to- people finan<;:ing. That's when the seller helps the buyer finance the home (seller-held first or second mortgages are a good example). The time is right! People who wait for inter- est rates to go down may find that, while they were waiting, the price of their dream house or a condo- minium went up. See a REAl TOR~ , a me!J'lber of your local board of REAl TORS~ . A ,lUAL TOR~ can help you tind the home you want at ~he price you can afford . • ' ' .I SO This Is BasketbaDI h started out to be belkem.at between the L.A. R1m1 ~Stars of the Natio~ Footbllll League and the No- Stars of the South Coast Community Church. But before the bame had gone vwy far in the Corona del Mar High gym last Saturday. pure hotMplay took over. to the delight of a capacity crowd. Photos, clockwise. beginning above. show Brad Budde signing an autograph fof an ~impressed t.n; Paator Tim Timmons getting a reel lift out of the pne. and bewigged IOngleaders Todd Temple, Doug Ftelds and Scot McClung. The score: No- Stars. 90; Rams. 73. There W8S some good shooting, howewr. pertlcue.tly by Timmons. voted the game's MVP. and Ken Bardsley. Costa Mesa High star. Ttmmons hopes to make the frolic an annual event. "It is our intent to reach out to the whole commurntv." he said. "not just remain with an the 'four hoJy walls' of the church." PN>tos bv Dan* J Bruce P.Dhall made b.La c;rtand to beat Mike CU%oeo Ul the rwtunl to Co.ta W... f riday scratch m&lD event. Curoeo bad aber wilua.iD9 the woJ'Id cham-the lead CJOUlQ into the lut lap pkm•hip lD h9la.Dd 1ut but Pullall took the le.ad for s.ptembeJ'. TM utioo.al, at.te, oood Ul the tirat comer to win &Dd P.m c:h.ampicm ahcnNd that the '9,000 prue mouey. ~-oeliber atyle at the OraDoe In the handicap main event Cou»ty fa.Uqrounda with a win Penhall came bom 20 yarda ia the .cratc:.h event and • back to t&b MCODd,a.fter Tom ..,_d lAthe bancbcap ma.a.o Burba c;rot a commandinolead ....at. aDd oever loet it to wiD the To a ham-away crowd of 9 ,007 12,000 purM. ........U c..-hom behiAd I Pa.hall'a return wu a.bo a W1Uoh co1MQe or university bM bad the OT .. t..t UD_pect ... w.a eo..a uaa.rco~Jre9iate rowia9? A .UODQ cae coWd be made lor ada rowiD9 powera u -~. C&l.llonia ud UCLA-beat, all t.IUD~ COD· et' r.d, DO pMCpaa Me bad a tpMtet ~ th.u the ODe at ar .... eo.e Col&e9e. Ccsrt6ef tM lollowlDv, OCC: ~ 21 w .... n !pnDta eM fh•r....,_ (t.M top reptta • die Weill Coul)ower llae past .,....; W..._.tidlllialOJM~~at die,._. .. ._ lea DMvo Crew O r vda; . ... ., ~o.t ofltll ,.. .... _IDU·.,.u ooUr .,a ..c& Dave Grot, who co.cJr-c! the 0rADQe Coast crew froa 1963 IMoooh 1981. Giant ia ~ col- LeQe'a d-.o of atude.Dt efia.an. OC~a crew pfOCJraJa wu oJ. ticially •abUabed iA li$5. SiDce that tt.., Or~ Cout &Del the Um••nity of Wulu.oqtoo have cou.a&atently been the top two proqraJU O.D the WettCout '11c:taooaa Ub Cal ud UCLA un W 101M QtMt ,.... dur· iD9 daet penocl, but u..,-.. aJ.o h.ld _,... "" dowa ,..,., .. Grut ays ... D.ari.a9 ay 20 ,..,. .. COld, Cal ............. cW- Iuat ooec"• aad UCLA Mel bar. ,..,. h.u ben a COD· g# ' CJ' Ia ou prcMJCaa, bC* .. ,...~u..aa.t . .... ~ Mel a '-9-t1uclla9 coe•ltllrd ~ ~ty rowt.v _.to OGdiadJ. TM ~ eo-i J'II'OF .. ~ --••!liar ... toa·bt119 ,....... 9MJJIII DIA'...,....••=IDfoal· & ....... happy event for promoter Harry Oxley, who had to tum away about 1,500 fans. SPUDWA Y BIDS SCRATCH WAIN (4 &.~<W) 1 Bruce Peulaall (Belboa), 2 Nib Curoeo (Hwst LDCJioa a..cb), 3 N.ab Par~ (lbc:b aoJad);4. Mike But (RI,.mde) H.AHDICAP WAIN (!I &.pe)l Tom Bwbe (Gard.a Qro.e), l '-lWJ, 3 Cur-; 4 Ooa a.u...ct (c-t. w-) WATCH llACI (li.~<W) Peahall d .... 1 -Char-JohneoD eLead But Trager Cites Need For Confidence Oe.pite a lo. to Univenaty on Wedoeeday, the Corona del Mu Sea ICinqa maintAined their one- ;ame lead in the S.. View Leaque b.l .. ball race with vac- tori• over Ltancia aDd Irvine. Tu..day, a;ain.lt fourth place Estancia, the S.. ltinqa were pa~ by the pitcbin; of D&ve Rohde aDd the offenaive punch of Gordon Nou. Rohde ral.Md bit record to S-0 with a Uu ... bitter Uuou;b aa i.Jlni.D;a. Neanwb.ile, Nou ;ave Rohde all the runs be needed, QOUl<;J four for four, includin<;J two home runs. In the proc .... the junior MCOnd buemAD ral.Md bit battiD9 averaoe to .SlO. The next day, at home aoainat Univenity, the S.. Kino• looked like a completely cliffe%ent team, beinQ held to only two b.ita, both by Nou and loemo 3-0. "latancia and Univenlly have the aame pitcbi.Jlo ability, yet we hammer E.t&ncia and are held .corel ... by University'', obterv· ed Traoer. "He (University'• p1t· cber) did a 9ood job of throwin<;J atrik• and k"pin<;J WI off balance but iJ the bda reaUy thouoht they were <;Jood. we'd • II wm. PoiDtmo to a lac k of hlttUlO and oumeroWI d.efenaive erro r• a9aLD.1t the Trojans, Traoer aa.1d, "A confidence factor il debnite- ly Ulvolved. Hithno, like fieldino, 15 a poe1bve frame o f mllld. U a couple of kida oet a b.it it'a contac;rtoua, and everyone thinb be can ;et a b.it. "But i l abo worb the other way," con· tuauecl ta.t ye,u'a S.. View Leaoue coach of the yeaz."We didn't catch a ball in the brat ln · ninc;r. there wu a call that went ac;rAllllt WI, and then all of a aud - deo 1t wu a lac k of con- fidence ." Friday, at Irv1ne. the Sea Lnc;ra atarted out hke they bad ended aoainat Uruvenlly Tlus time the breab went in thetr favor, aa one lrv1ne p1tcb h1t a Sea Lno batter. and 1t was llD· medlately followed by a balk. However, eoterm<;J the N venlh innUlCJ, the Sea JUno• were ahll b ed 3-3. But the Mventb lDDUl<;J aa.w the S.. Lnc;ra load the buea and c atc her Brent Melbon empty them w1th a three-RBI double CJi Vln<;J the Sea lUngs a 6-3 lead. "That helped our con· fideoce , "aa.ad Trager. "It proved our hltlmc;r 1..1 contaCJlOWI " The Sea ltmqa contUlued hathn<;J. WUln10CJ 11-3. -Christopher Lyn.ch Kristi Fost, 15 and a sophomore completes an eagle on the uneven parallel bars. Susie Rumsfeld. -.o 15 and a sop homore. soars through a split leap in balance beam workout. StaH ptlotoe bv 8arTv SlotMn Harbor High GyiD TeeJD 'Strong Ancl Talented' by Christopher Lynch Althou<;Jh c;rymnashca has been cut from the d11tnct programm- Ul<;J fo r the 1982-83 school year. there lS shU a succesdul, and thnvrn<;J, qym team at Newport Harbor lli<;Jh under Head Coac h Ron Nanara.s Manaru a lao runs the lrvme School of G ymnashca, where most of the area c;rymnasts QO to learn &nd wo rk out "The klda on thlS year's team are very atronc;r , and ta lented," commented M.anaras "ThlB a the b rat year there hAl been a varoty program, but a Newport JV team hu c;rooe uodefNted tor the lui three years " So when the Sa ilors delealed Eatanc1a two weelts a<;JO 143-112, 1t was Newport's lust varslly VIC tory ever and the hrst vtc tory of the Sea V1ew Leaque seaso n wh1c h rncludes matches agacnst lrvtne, EJ Toro , and Costa Mesa After yesterday's matc h w1th lrvme, the Sa1lors well next tra ve l to El Toro Apnl 27 for a 3 p m compehhon Here a re player profiles of eac h of the lop Newport gym nasts accordmg to Manaras Kflt h Fro 1 Sh• U91 r,.·e nrlv wo n '"" rn the all ar •und qymn .. t "'"" J<J&•n•• Eatann <ll Sb. •• .a pr•llv ~91.1reuav• ••um petllor Her bflt event " •h• llvor Ana leppe O nlv a lr••hm1111 ~h• won lloor aqatn.et E.t•nc•• whtlf' omJ'i'hnQ Wtlh a br~en erm •nd •v••· tumbled She only has one arm '' dH r wrth IIQhl wtlb lw the 1 al"" t1 v•rv S~tMn Ruruleld . "Sbe pl.ced tuq b all· a round aqatn.t E.atancta ..U.O Su..MJ1 .. one ol the more •U-mohvaled qymouta, and her rMI talent Lt .. on lhe velllt She won the vaull aqam1t E.aaaoc .. " Meqan TmQier "Her beet event WI tbe tloor at.o She UJ very talented. b ut abe Ifill haa • ehqbl phob .. of the vault " Enn Stucltey Ml nn UJ • very qood competllor a11d .. a qood all·around qym nael Her beet event UJ lhe floor, and M~l&lly tumbhnq " M~eheUe Oqota MN ICbelle .. lhe ollly penon on the va m tv not to beve u y lor· mal h a tntng She UJ p robably one ol lhe h.rdest woriLen and hu dooe -u d.-p•t• her l.c:lt ot eq>en.ace " Ensenadans' Galley Time A Pre -Enseoada Race lun- cheon wdl be held at B&lua Cor· mth1an Yacht C lub, 1601 Bays1de Onve, Fnday, Apnl 23 A man ac h1 band wtU .. renade dunn<;J the soc1al hour from 11 a m to noon when luncheon 1..1 scheduled The no-host event 1..1 open to all satlo rs ente n nc;r the En...nada Ra ce . but wtU be lun1ted to the hrst 150 reMrvahona, accordinc;r to Bah 1a Connthl&n Yacht Club Commodore Marshall G.r .. n. Deadhne for reNrvahona 11 Wednesda y, Apnl 21 , before noon at BCYC Launched m 1947 by Newport Ocean S.umc;r Auocta tion and held &nnually under 1ta ausp1cu , the 35th Newport to Enaenada Race will ata.rt at noon Saturday, off the Newport jetty MARINE SCENE by Jlaly WQSPMW The OCM.D off Newport will be u crowded u the Nay Co. pa.rkinQ lot two d.ya before Chrlatm.u nellt Saturday when over 700 Nilboall will be millinQ around before the start of the 35th Newport-to-EnMnada Race. 'flU. race, which baa been called the "larQe~t international yacht race in the world," ia p&J· ticularly popular becauae it abo ia probably the aborteat intema- tioa.&l yacht race, only 125 miles lono, and everyone baa auch a Qie&t time after they arrive in En..nada. "One of my crew, architect ROQer Rue from Tacoma, Wuh., ru .. down every year ju.at to sail in tbit race, •• aaid Nancy Hut- ch.in.eon, ~ho il racinQ her Cal 36, Agiqmba. She went on to say that every year she baa abo taken foreiqn sailors who were visitinQ in this area and they all aqr .. that there ia nothinq elM like it in the world. The boall are divided into several cluaes, the Performance Handicap RacinQ Fl .. t (PHRF), the Intemational Offahore Rule Fleet (lOR), the Ocean RacinQ Catamarans (ORCA), the An- cient Mariner (wooden hulls) and the Southem Oc.an Bacino Diviaion (SORD). The n .. ta will atut at 10-minute intervala beqtnninQ at 12 noon juat out hom the Newporl jetty. The b..t abore viewinQ apoll are the CoronAl del Mar bluffa and the Balboa Pen.in.lula ocean front beach. Alan Oleeon ia 1982 pr .. ident of the Newport Oc.an SailinQ Aaooiation which apon.eora tbit important event. The Qeneral chairman ia John Bellew. • • • Peter Wilaon captured the coveted Lehman 12 Jim Tyler Memorial Trophy at Newport Harbor Yacht Club Sunday. Tod Sprinqez came in second and Patrick ScruQQI third. All are from the boat club. • • • In the Lido 14 Fleet No. 1 Harry Wood Regatta the trophy winners were: Grand.mutera-1. Pete Jeffer- son (NBYC); 2. Gib Manhall (ABYC); 3. Row Lohman (BYC); 4. Chad Twitchell (BYC). Lido A-1. Gary Thome (BCYC); 2. Lou Broob (MBYC ); 3. David Pritchard (BYC); 4. Hal Brown (MBYC). Lido B-1. Kim WcRoe (BYC); 2. Dudley Jo.h.uon (BYC); 3. R09er Patterson (MBYC); 4. Kirk Brown (LBYC). • • • RacinQ Shy, Don Bevers (NHYC) took the top spot in the Etchells 22 class in the Balboa Yacht Club One-DesiQn ReQatta Saturday. Tim H09an in Close by limy Waper "We took out 10,000 whale· wat*n thia win .. r," aaid Douq Fan.D, one of the ownen of the 77-foot ~port.tiJ.hi.DQ boat W..rem Pride hom·Davey'a Locbr at tlle Balboa Pavil.ioD, "but ou.r real bwdn-i8 fiahino.'' H. weat on to NY th.at the wb&l.-watchino ....ae ia larqely ovel' and tM flab .,. bec;rin.ninQ to appear ill local waten in larQel' numben now th.at tpl'inQ ia here. A couple of hundred ya~d.a up the bey at Art'a Landino, they .. re abo taldD9 down tM whal•watchin9t 16pa. TMll' S. foot Newportet \44 juat returned from a ODe-half day trlp and many aati.died ~ermen walked up the dock. Bill O.via from An&Mlm, carrytno a heavy oun· ayuck, aa.id he" cauoJ.t red mappel', halibul and 1M ba.u. "It wu a qoocl day," he aaid with a amile. Both of th ... opezationa have ..-veral boata, NCb with a dif. ferent achedule, and both have been in buain .... for a ICD9 time. T¥1ngAD'AdveaboeU..._8·• If you've always wanted to try blue water aailinQ but haven't had a larqe enouQht boat or even lmew how to sail, you can take advantaqe of a prOQram of- fered by Oranqe Cout ColleQe called Adventurea Under Sa.U . The inatructor, experienc.d ocean racer Brad Avery, will take the clua on day-lonq sails in a world f.amoua 50· foot ocean racer. H.'llteach hia crew ateer· inQ, sail chanqinQ, sail trim.m- lDQ, reefiaQ and qeneral handl- inQ of a biQ boat at aea. The fee ia $1 and the next MUion beQina May B. A Tahiti cruiae in which the qroup will sail Peteraon ._., for 12 daya amonq the leeward i.alea of Huahine, Taa and Bora Bora will abo be offered thia summer by occ. The trip will atart on July 11 with a fliQht to Papeete, Tahiti where the participant. will board the boats. The e<»t of the trip ia apptozimately $1 ,650 per penoa plua $150 refundable depoait with aiJl people per boat. Three unita of colleqe credit will be Qiven. .Mecca Art Gron.aky, owner of Art'a Lanclinq, hu been in the aport· fiabinQ boat buain .. for 32 yean, all in Newport Beach. The half.day boata whlch lelve at 6 a.m. and return at noon and then 90 out &Q&in in the afternoon are the ma-t popular with the fiabenn.an. The price i8 $15 for adulta and $8 for kid.a oo the We•m Pnde at O.vey'a Locker and $14 foz adulta and $8 for kida on the INwporter at Art's landinQ. Both boata have full qalleya and flabennen can rent rod.a and ac- quire f:iahinQ licen.Me in the buain ... offic•. The aU-day boall, the Chan- nel J.Je at Art's and the TbWlderbird at Davey'a, leave at 5 a .m. and retum at 4 p.m. Both have a full qalley and bunb. The cJ.arqe ia $25 for adulta and S20 for kid.a on the Channel We and $30 for adults and $25 for kid.a on the Thunclerbirc/. There ia abo a three-quarter- day boat which leavea Davey's Locker at 8 a.m. and retunu at 5 p.m. Thia cocta $22 for adults and $16 for kid.a. "We didn't catch anyth.inq but we aure had a qood time," aaid Terry Feycra.bend. Sallboardlng-The Sport ot the '80s • Encounters (NHYC) finished' aecond and Scott Mason in Spirit (NHYC) came in third. ~-iCJ SAILS billow as Ensenada fteet. including Audacious (foreground) fills Catalina channel during start of last year's race. Bandit, sailed by O'Don- nell/Bannan (BCYC) won the Solinq clua with Scott Hayward (NHYC) in Fancy finiahin9 aecond and Gaston Orti.a (BYC) in Alina cominQ in third. • • • Joyce DuniQan won the firat race and Jackie Smiley the aec- oncl in the Balboa Y echt Cl@ Sou,p and Sabot womeu reqatta Thursday. f 1 Fast, Roomy, Stable. A comfortable day sailor you con afford. • An ldeOI tnt bOOt lor the fa"nlltV new to SOling A stor111ng 6 '2' t>eOm OfOVldes st~tv power ()f'(j o spociOUS coclcpt wrth tullengltl seots No o ther bOOt COf' get vou started •nto SOiling w•lh as much contlder'ce ono comfort at such on o ffordol::>le Of ICe .... "GGil. IIIC. 3401 W. FORDHAM-DEPT 4A SANTA ANA C A 92704 (714) 979-9361 ......R.~ YACHT C~NT~~ 275 I WEST PACIFIC COASTHWY . NEWPORT BEACH . CA (714) MS-8711 CARVER FAMILY CRUISERS LA BELLE -THE NEWEST IN TRAWLERS NEW-USED-8ROKERAGE SNINGINVINTOIY CLIAI.ANCI OfPTH 5CU-40ERS Ape6co~ N..runo FE400A TetMon \300 Datamartne 7100 remote WfMOOI AP800 Hv<to.Aic plot Wtttl remote Qodar Seosoan IIEG. w.E PIIICl '$279 $179 S5Q5 $426 S759 $339 $1M S17Q~ $1029 S2QQ~ $2000 $1099 $1099 $1299 $22M U29 S799 IAIHLL I I ILICTION l577~AVBM NMJOIIIIACK CA 92663 6M-7040 30 VEAAS SEAVm NEWPORT BEACH ' --- 8ic 8oiMd H'tgh Wind Sail O'Neill Wet S~l O'Neiii.McUt Booties c.r Rack .. 110 106 116 36 22 NIWPOIITIII 1/2NY• t14 ~ ....... (Full Goffeylllv-e IJoJI) oAM 1130PM TWILIGHT (Storts June I) S 3().9 30PM ROO & llftl. So4 S£N!Otl onZ£NS sa Y.UKDA vs Fonnerty the Dufour Wing COST Wlndlt--··1 $1.060 7 ? 1 1 1 Sail Swt ~ Boot lea r..,A.c:k Tote! A lol More CMANNIL I.LI AU.8AYet28 fMILAIICI (Full Galley /Vv-e loll) SAM_.;30PM (INClUDES IUNK) ROO & 1&1. S.S ....- HOllE NEWPORT co. 1700 w. CoMt Hwy. _ ...... ., ..... (714) 162012 2CHI9 'ASSlNGfRS CALL FOil DIT AILS .... WheRYeufleh WhlaU. GET YOUIIONUS CAAO I. • • and if you .. rt now. ulllng wUI be.,.,.. of your hrture. Large boe&l nMd an~ or m~ cara. a .. ~ are hard to flnd. And even harder 10 pey for. The tmall cars of 1M 10'1 won'1 be lble to .,_ and launch a ft!Ve traUetable. The solution la otMoua. Small uUboata otter the g,..._t pteuure tor .,_ ..... pein In boMing t~. The new ~Ilion ot tmallef, I!Qhw J J ] s: I t ( \ c i PultberCut Ia Water Paaelhle Califoruia may loee uo&her portion of lt1 reduc:ed Colorado River a.Uoh'D.at to live IAdian trU., if the U.S. Sup.-.-. Court accept. the recomiDend.a- tion of a 8J)eci&ljuri8t. Thia wu revealed llue Lut week by Geozve Croe.~t.nd, deputy aubtut tecreta.ry of the interior, lD an acldr .. to memben of the Newport Hu.bor Area Chamber of Com.mezce. IAtzoduced to the brealdat ...ton lD the Newport Muriott by Hugh Blac), chairJD&D of the cha!Uer'e bu.ein .. developmqt collllllittee, Croeeland announc- ed he wu a •ubetitute for a feUow deputy uaiatut eecretary who bad bean upected to dbcuu the federal offshore drill.lDg prOCJrAJD. Black laid hia committ .. •a purpoee on thia occu.ion wu to "awaken the coDUDUD.ity to the Native American concern with water rtvhtt and milleral reeourc ... " CrOMland awakened the vroup immediately. He c:l1tcloe- ed tllat a recent judicial report could IDMD California, Nevada ed Adaona might loee ace .. to up to 1.2 million acre feet of Colorado River water now allocated on a projected flow of 15 milllon .t..t aDDually-wh.ich the rivez doeen't provide, eyway, he laid .. ... will be eomeone else's gain at Newport Beach Police Department's auction at 9 a.m . this Saturday. Debbie Murphy, anima& control officer, dlaplaya a mix of aome of the 159 items- including at leMt 52 stolen and unclaimed bicycles-which will go on the brock at pofice headquarters, 870 Santa Barbara Drive. conti.nuinv ltudy, Crouland laid. S~ff p/'loto by B.,rv Slobln river ud water rigbtl dating back "to time tmmemori&l". Such rightl cunot be Thr" yeue ago, after the death of Judge Samuel Rifkind, a noted jurlat who !lad been a key fiqure lD uranqinv the clivi, lion oJ Colorado River water betwMn Ariaona and CaliJomia, another jurilt wu &Miqned the Th.it JudQe Tuttle wu viven "additional evidence not heard ill the SO." by Judge Riild.nd. On that bui.a, Croelland laid, and butng h.ia findillge on the lonv- .tudillg Doctrine of Reeerve Right ud Doctrine of Prior Ap· propriation, Tuttle noted that lOme mdiu tribel along the uturped by alate or coUDty law, he noted, and added he wu waming Mt "PhoeJWr frlend.l not to oet into uy land illveetmentl without firm water righte". Stop Pohshlna Your Stlverware ~ Paula's RESTAURANT Lunch • Dinner Sunday Brunch c~· tt\I!Ore«~(\ ~:·.::::.': ..... ' ................... ,..... 0..0.. ., • -· ••• , l.1'W ._,.. . .. ,, .. ..... ..... ·~ ~---' ..... -· ..... ' '--........................ .._ The Beet Jtept Secret lD Otange CoUDty .:::..::~~-'h-' • •••••V'".,_.,S ••--DID k .... '""""· .............. or•· ._ "'•-' --.n o-l·••· ..... o.. ,_ llll VIlLA WAY 675-4710 ..,..w._. .... ,... ••• CANN£"Y VIUAGE NE~T lEACH ... --;: ';'".~~,~~~· ~==~~ ~~~~~~- I 18x-&ee Annual Rett1nt Ttw Mun.inpaJ Bond "D-ust, Seriea W. • no" 11v.ulabw. lt a a t.ax-•xtmpt unit in~nwnt tru.<~t \o\itb "divt'r~Qfied pcwtfotio o( munk;p.l bond&. lXR t.rY rat.d ••JI. or bdter. ~..,..a vanetv of uthtr advant..-for bu.vina it too: · • No ~Dt fee-1'biN Ia no condnuina ~cha,... • KDowD Retura-Yoo know r.om \be -.n wt..t yoor l'UI'ftl\t mum w\11 be. AU inwr. lnl-ome • he &om foWtral IM\If'M 1Ua. but ""v be IIUbjlct to Mate and local &all.adon. • Proteeaioul S.leedoa-'l'he portfolio w• ~k-t·ted hy llpeclaliu with ""'" than 10 yura ot .-.~ .. in trwtttotalina more than S1 bWion. • Re~ Reaale-You can .U your holdiin.-at "I\' llnw at t.ht l'\ln'W'I'\t market value. No ..ila ' ~ • ~'\11"1'\d. • Conve.U.nce-Yuu ret-ei~ an in~ chet'll at '11Ur tlption. •• h..-monthly, quarWtt,y or lll'llliannuattv Nv roupona to clip. No·~ ,.,....,. • PreMrvaUoDofCap6ta1-~ttw '"'~' ~"\aon ollnv..an:wnt quality hondl. tlw ti'UMC..U 0.. recum ol dw Fft'dpal to ttw unat hoadtr. ilhtold to nwturit~. • Relav•tmeat.-You hew tht optlun of ba'Mfl mm lnronw and prinapal cknbutlon. Ntn~ ~ unlc-ola new tf'UIIt cw In u.W. ol ~ ~ """"" Payable Semiannually Ttw t.ble below wVJ lho" yoo what a tuable uw•trtWnt ~o~oookt have to yield to equal a tu free ~\d of l2.s:R • J'edarai'!Uable ADProJdma.. Eq.UVU..t IDC"OaM S,ack« F'ed. 1b Rata 1Uabll YWd U&.200-41.800 ua.aoo-eo.eoo MO-oot•li.IOO over •a-100 t.loult Return l s"' .. ~ ··~ ~ ll.OS~ U.tl~ 26.18~ U.MCl rakes pleasure in announcing t:h~ appointment of Nelson A. Holdo B.D. Howes and Son 3412 Via Lido Newport Beach as REGISTERED jEWELER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY @ Th~ REGISTERED jEWELER has met the ethical and gemo l<>gJcal standards establLshed by f~llow Jewelers in th~ American Gem Society. An AGS title is an annual appoinunent and must be r~n by yearly examination OPEN DONUT KETTLE Open 6 a.m. to 1 0:30 a.m. ON THE WATER 632 LIDO PARK DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH NEXT TO OB.ANEV'S RESTAURANT We Keep You Sm1ling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Appointments Available 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T SMRECEK. JR .. DDS INC 3961 MacArthur Blvd .• ~ltc 104 Is In full bloom! 1/ -1/2 Off AIIDMOitE udWomea's Sportnlear jackets, pants, skirts, blouses, shirts. dresses, sportshirts, sweaters, and more Look where $1QOOO • mrare • cams can~ )OlL I 10,000 191l 11,000 190 16,900 ... 11,970 1985 ~· 1CJ86 37.129 1917 48.161 ·-62,7-4-9 1919 8l.S73 1990 106,045 1991 117,8S8 199Z Rm aem-quahtv MS-65 C S alver dollan arr worth ax tm'lft IOday what they ~Trr tn 1976 Nearfv 50'\ appreoaaon prr vur If. tn the neltt ~ van. rhty appreoarr only 30'\ per vur. Sk).~ wUI net a Sl'Ul9 profit In rrn von. SW7.8S8. >\nd !lnct operurc our doon tn 19i (). 00( cxw ol our daena has ever en)O'¥'I!d Ia. than a 3("\ rrrum ptt 'I"Qt Qwrr .ltl a.:h~t. ~ ...... r-r ~ w. twO ~an .. hn\ bullioo sux:b t" m rr~ esarr -weft t''l(nTmd' <i.ltt \,.._"' C\~n ~ rnarkrt tunds .y T·btlh ,& thar kmd o1 ~rum ~ 'ltO'l"t IS tmdmc the rli~'~' cOlru .>\nd Hannn Tutv- 'l'li u cxw ot mlv l'i ~­ m:N Sllvn dolW c1tpens an ~~ .;:,-.untn- Wt~lur m~L S ra~ ~Pel md ttlvcr ~ And we offn ~ mvcson manaan:i ~~ rare CXlll\ mv~m pomobos. oom· pkrr .,.,,th ~'\.day mon.ro,-b.dr. rt>l~<.> and sradr guaranw m t'.-:;h •Nn C..tll "-' .u t 7141 )I-!.Ol ~ .. .~~n~~ \." ~rum t~ C\'Upon bdow t4\0SUita!lPn b\ ll~· ITIC'nt I >nh. ~ ~I .._,, MacAn!.ur ~d U•fl' 'l{' '-~ro'" linch CA ~l~ I 7Ht llflf\l\11 I I I l I 0 Pin. ''"'IICI -I ~ ~""' .._.Wif • r "000 -· "'-' 0 ""'-torftd _.. lnlwlblill-.-I _,_,,__......_ I ~-----.......... • :-.;-I :;;:-n::::::-----~' ,;:------.....-.-· I ~-----.......-· THEATER GIENTERTAINME FonrCaraa. ., .... , .. who Ia cieYouUy tiqht- laq aQe by pdiD9 a wide array ol cladMe oabu.-derU... wltJle Me pate her noee bato ... ~e&..·· BON APPEII'I' lobeter, ah.rimp, cr.-..t aad tuu with arlichoke hearta ($9), Cobb Salad, ucl an L:======~~==::::;~:=====~!l·~ fil1ecl wida ahriJQp or crabm .. t b7heftConoa Alfredo'• at Ole South Cout Piau Hotel ill COlla W... i1 one of the ... llotel ..-.uute .ccorded a Gold Award by the Southern c.lifomia R..tauut Writen. An enchuti.Dq room, with fl&qe of the ptoviDCM proclaim.iJ:l9 u Italia.D backvround, livin9 tr ... ud ivy cucadin9 down from a lofty akyll9ht, a world clua cllef, and a creative menu and impeccable Mrvice have earned Alfredo' a thla honor. We viaited recently for luncheon, to view and tute a new menu, in force only the put few weeb. There il atill the Italian flavor, but new di.a.b• have been added, many with a continental touch. We beo&n with a shared appetiser oJ Calamari Narinan, tender little circlet oJ squid, marinated in tuty viniacpette, CjJar- niahed with tomato, 4t99 and p.ualey ($4). Other antiputi are the Combinuione Fritta, d .. p-fried alicea oJ zuccini, muahrooms and artichoclt .. in tomato aauce, Melan- une Panni9iana, eg- CjJplant sauteed and finiahed with moz- zarella in tomato aauce, pro.ciutto with melon, praWIU m a tpeeial sauce, and green salad. Ap- petuers co.t between $3.50 and $4.95. In addition to a fme min•trone. and an ltahan OIUOn SOUp Wlth Fonlma, there is a chilled c ucumber aoup and a aoup of the day. A choice of putu in- clude Fettucini All'AlJredo at $9, Linquine with clams and Manicotti with ricotta and apinach at $6.50, C&nn.Uoni Villa Carlotta with chicken and spinach ($6.50), and a pasta of tlle day. There il at.o an e~­ cellut cold ~ ealad with crilp cpeen veqetabl• tc.aed in olive oil. . From the fiah ..t.c- tion.a, I choee the Car- ciofe Stromboli, a deUciou.a duo of crabmeat and bay ahrimp in a rich che.M aauce, baked in an u · tichoke ($8). Other of- ferincp were trout braised with aaqe and roaemary in a aauce with golden raiaina ($7. 75) and oyaten, ecallope, sole ud shrimp in a NUCe with wine. Cold luncheon auq· qeations are the Alfredo Salad, with &Dd QUJli•Mci with fruit ($7.90). Hot .au.. include a fiU hot tplnacla ealad with pzoeciuato ud routed piDead, a frit- tata, V..t ScUOppine done with ...-. 0.0 Bucco, v..t Cl&llett• and Sa)timbooca. There i8 fta1 li.er of. ferecl with onions ao.d herb butter, Italia.D aauaagee •rved with peppen, onions and tomato aauce, chicken breut fluffed with • veal, pork and freah herbe in a wine sauce, rout pork in Nuaala and a Biatecca, marinated and Mrved with her bed butter. Hot entr ... co.t betw .. n ~€~CAM '&!~ -o.w_ of r+-r ~ ,u.-ro cat lh 0.,., \.:_,-. -c.....u. ... 6-f•....__.....,...~ For l.c.crvarioww ~-~ ~ElT-..... tl~C'A~ u.. <..t.f!cbA Wlry flr.vJ ............... ............... M8. D'S CHEESECAKE CO. A& s.wPU -w ., St TO NlCHASl COSTA MESA 831-53'18 (111111114. MON...,., SAYJE TAIME For that intimate rendezvoua "Say JET' AI ME" at the Pleasant Peasant. For the French exempJt- fies the true meaning of romance, and the culinary delights of fine food! The Pleasant Peasant in Newport Beach. located at ~cArthur Square offers you the ambience of a French Ccx. •ry Inn. without the "haute" pnces The Pleasant Peasant serves lunch and dinner w1th a fine selection of domestic and imported wines. We pmudly accepr 8 of A ~lllf Char~e a••d Ametoca•' hpreu French Coun"Y DWnt 251 M.artlne-le Wey. r-tewport Beach (In MKAtttu ~) Telephone (714) 95~27'' For~ 759·1854 $7.50 for the frittata .-cl $9.50 for the Saltiabocca. O....rta are m.de on theprwt' ...... calorie-l'iddM ao.d cleUciout, u are the dMMrt coli•• laced with liquun. The wiDe liM hu bea peBODally ..a.ct.d and Ia CNlata.n· c:liag. TMre are p..-lwa wiDel, both ctom.tic aDCI t.ported, u..Uuatbl.eelec- rtioa of Califomia. Pt.nch, Italiu ao.d GenDaD wiael at 1 .... r priCM. Alfredo'• often •alet parkinq ud profel· aional and pamperinq Mrvice. Call 54().2550 for r ... rvationa. n..u.a... .... ...... • •••a1119 ...... ................. ten nldav Mft aay poliM Ja tMU pzochc. ti9M· Ire el ...... ly a CMe of 9Mf It all lor . laQ9M, 00 Mo..~, ud forvee ... 8Dript. ,.. ...... Ia proi61o- tioa .. aot .... .,. ,.. Jlu)eqdl D.,, pta ......... oa al oocaitr.. dUe aot 10, .... cnar:Nill o&rila9 ol "forty Carate'* a. a briPt ucl aiWI7 .. that aJ.owt how .,Dad cli.uer u... ..... oea be. Here tla P.,, • fen u Deat, proclllotkm that ..n. the ... ....n.nu,oftM HaJJ.cplll. Ia fact, u wu five yean •90 the houe opeud with "forty Cerate." Thi.a one Ia blu11 d SAM'S ITAUAN DEll. PIZZA A FOOD TO GO For.UYouCat ... Needl - COME TO SAM'S · 1909 Harltor alvtl. •t '9th St. COllA-A 548-7122 I • WE SERVE BJWUaiXST! . from 6 a.m.· • @~rn:lL~tnrrn:~ • 'ir1i1f ©wrt ~"~ ©!i' ~~ r! @XIJlrt @wlft) noll avoc•oo to CIIILI tO IIVSI'IOOIIS eBGGSe ePUCIQSe e .-ca to.ast e e CJIIIt e •JVJCU e 2931 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR 173-0NJ ....... o .... ....., a.IIDOJia9 , __ .. 9 · ClLriiiiM ,.... ..... tM 011111 .. AJua ~ ..... .... ...... ... fully eabrece.eDiecelllof thAI we ·e al piUI 38 w\oltpu....tud woa by aa -ver 22- ,...,-oW, ..... by --· Dorotlly MeDon· .w ... etADe ...... , ta • ciM1 ....... tM cr118ty, Mlty w... Wuvolill. ucl tM Jd~WJ- ... ... C ... Iducl ~Wn. •• u. ... .ae ..... ol .......... ~ ev..u--..... pel· _..,.. .... ...,..,. ...... ' 11181-• .......... ·-·P---...... ., ..... ... ue .... but .... . Go ... tlUa ODe. It'• ....................... 2920 E. Coast u.. .... ,_ ••vna "'U. LOVE .... A A "'210 Corona del~-, •uv HOW rr Fm.S'' u--v COU~ Food to Go .____________ ~----·------~ I I , I ' I \ I Tbe ••pori E.Dalp W~. ApdJ 21. 1112 Page 17 r • Latest research trms MERIT delivers the taste of cigaretteS having up to twice the tar. Many lo\v tar cigarettes make taste promises. But or¥y \Enriched Ravor.~ MERIT offers pro()! not promises. PrCXJf through extensive smoker taste tests . MERIT Taste Does It. In impartial ne\v te t where brand identity wa concealed, the o~vertvhelm majority of smokers report MERIT tate equal to -or - better than -leading highe ~ tar brands. Even brand with up to twice the tar. ~ Moreover, when tar levet were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina- tion of low tar and good taste. MERIT Taste Sparks Switch. In a separate part of this extensive new study, MERIT smokers report that taste is a major factor in completing their successful switch from higher tar brand . Conf1Tilled: 9 out of 10 former higher tar mokers say MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn 't give up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-tasting low tar they 've ever tried. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remain unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT . .. M E RIT Fdter • t BUSINESS. BRIEFS NO. IT WON'T be catted Archie's PIKe. Actor Carr~ O'Connor engages in the ground-breaking ceremony which last week marked the spot in Newport Center where O'Connor and O'Neals· Restaurant will open. It's in the Civic Plaza area. The Newport Beach c:hapter oJ the Amerlccm luaiD- Womea'e A.odc:ltloD will bold its second annual Guya cmd Dol a. Pagecmt t.bia Sunday, April, 25. at the Shennoa- Newport. Door pri&4NJ, refreshment. and a raHle, u well as award.a for winDera in five aoe oroupa, are put of the event which focuae~~ on infant. and children up to 12 yean. Personality, d .. peat dimpl .. , biooeat amile, poiae and beauty-theM are a few of the considerations at the 1 p.m . fund-raiser for scholarships .. Ue of RecJiltered Jeweler by the American Gem Society. Ad- vanced prof.-ional knowledge and akill, demonstrated by pua- iDg demanding eumination.a, are r~ed. Only .ome 1600 reta.ilen in trhe U.S. and Canada have reached thil level, according to the institute. . . Danell J. Wb:uich. radio commentator and ne¥npaper columniat, will present "A Watedroot HomM, a leading independent, remdential real estate brokerage, hu moved in- to a new, two-story headquarten at 2436 West Cout Highway on Mariner's Nile. Ownen are Gil and Patricia Foenter. A com- munications center bou.Mtl two computers for the office'• 30 salea uaociat... . . r orecut for the Balance oJ '82" at a luncheon April 28 spon- sored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce's busllleu development and governmental affairs commit- tees. It's aet for the Carousel Room of The Newporter . Tacket information: 644-8211 ... Ruth Urbcm, Newport Beach resident and aenioz vice pr .. i- dent of Ahlgcdl Abbott Penon- Del Sentcee, will be queat speaker at an Orange County chapter Women ln llaDage- ment dinner Thu.nday, April 22. Her aubject, at the m"ting in the Hungry Tiger on Edinger Avenue in Santa Ana, il, "Developing a Car"r Plan". In- formation: 556-8133 .. NeJ.on A. Holdo. oJ B.D. HowH • Son. in Newport Beach, bu been awarded the h - rnJ(;~ .. _. ncnt10UII!UIIaU IIA.aiTAT...-r r ... 1o0ow.,.. ....--c~o. .. bw•••-.. TVII~IL PAJrni'DSHJP 1118 So..""'~.& ............. IMc:lo C A 9ltl0 llalph C u d lt.left. H Twr~•l 1111 So••,_. ~.& ... H.wpon i.Kh CA i2fieO ''""'" aJOd G.rd Horaqvllll y..,...,.,.., I. ~ O..oto Sw.du L oc r .,.d DlwlloMio hr~ol IIIIi Gori..W A•• ,__ CA 91717 lll•• b.k_. .. co.ducMd b-r • ~n•••l P6tt .. rthtp S..•ed LAp~ C t .. , ... , Th,• NM••ftt WM Wed wd , ... C ~"'• c .. ," ol O•a.nqe C:O....r; Oft Ap .. l8 1812 Publ..a AP• 14 21 28. w., 5 1982 •• n.. """"''' "'-<~•. Jllli'I02 JCIOII I'VKJC IKmCZ STATDCDTOP AlA~ OP US& 011 ncTI'1"'IUS IU1IbfiiiUMK Tho tollowt~ .,.r_ 111M ........ ... th .. "'" of •"• ftCIIho"• ......_.. .. ... INTt:II!OIIS IY CA.-oL Aim GALl Ill 11..... A•• 1o1-. W.acl. CA 91e61 a. .. w """'"" -1 .... ,.., o .... ....._, IMclo c. .-:1. , c.,.r z-.. , 111 ""'" ~ IJLo•d CAilMl n... b-.. .... ... ..c1..1 ... • .,....... .............. s..a.... Got. w "'"'"' Tlu• "•~•ftl ••• h._, ...... the Couoty C~<~•• .,t o,.,.,. eo.,.,. ., Apul9 1112 P.,bl,_. Apr 14 21, 21 W.y 5 , .. , •• n.. ... ..,..rt "'- fVIUC M)'11CS --a'TA~OP UA. C»'*IW' 011 UROIIfiCIIItDa-..... I.._ lollow•.,. ...,,_ ................ ... th .. .._. .. ._.,. hcut.vt.a -......_. .. .. IIIWrotiT IUJIQIII ..00 W c-H•• ..._.,~No-lo Co w.J n. fl('h ....................... , ... '"' • .,J ............. c ..... ..,., On 10.1110 ,......_c.....__, •• w a.l'-ll.d ....._ IMcll c. The• .... _.." .. " ••• f"Ott4wcteod ..-, .,. ,,.d•••d .. ,-1 s,q,...., Joh••••• r ...,.. ... ., ... . Ttr-... ... ... ,.."'' •• lu.d ••till ,..._ c ...... c ... ~ ol o. .... c ..... , ... .... .. 1112 f'•bl .. to M.ot II A,rll 7 14 71 I WI ·• f ........ ,...,, bo,.o M II PVIUQ IIOnCll ..... PiCilt~­u.lftA,_, n.. .......... ,___.,..... .,._ • I 0 OUWTHD ..C: •c .... .-... .a .. c-.., -.,.~-IGO.........,t...• c......... ".,........ .., c ....,._ ... A" c-.., ..... c. .,.,...,_ .c...t ..... " .... ,...._ .,._. I Q 0.•~. ,._ ... , n • .._... -• ...,. .,.,, .-. ~ ~ .. o-.e c-., --...,,. ·-........ ""'ll ..... , t II .. ,.. ........ ..... r~PrW q u•l . . PUIUC IK>TU PICIII'IOGI- IIA*ITAT...-r Tllo~ .. ,_..,..<l_ bvot-• Tlm LAW AlaOCIATI:S 61 I C•••c Cooter Dr••• Weoi No 203. S.nto Aoo CA G'IOI llocloanl L H ..... ~o, 611 Ctvoc: Coo,./ Oro .. We~~ No 203. S.oro Au CA 12101, loo I G,.u,. 611 Ct""' c..,., o.,.,. w-No 203 S..to Alllo CA 82'701 flue ltt~&M_... • eotadv.c-...-lty aa ..... .r-c,rpor•~ .-oc.wl... o4~ lM• • ~rt•ets.&tp Stq•.-:t Rac'-•r4 l tt..-l.t 1lua ..,.._ ... , ••• • ..._.. •uh ,.._ co.._.,, c .. ,. of Oruq• Co"•" 011 Apult l812 Plol>ltolo Apr 14 11 l8 W.y 5 I 012 •• n.. Newport LloiQn FIIMOII N lot I PV.WC ltOTICI: llAIU ITATDI.Dn l'M to0o.rt.eq ~ ar• dOtDQ .......... .. 15Zl0 NOIIWAifDll UM1T1D 11112 Alet Lo,.. H ... .... toe IMc:ll CA ~~ GJe .. T U.ut0 ISIG At.rr l.oM H .. tuoQloe ..._~ C.ta649 '""" ...... _ .. ~.,.,........ "' . It••""' ,., .. ,.~,P S~qnod Ql.,.• Y ........ Til• ... .._..., wu Meet •11b lho. eo.. •• , o..• ol o...... c ..... , ... Apul2 IIG p.,ltl..a. Apr 7 14 l l Jl 1812 "' T ... No~ c....,. rll651t NWll PVtuC IK>TICI: ncnnoua •uaaa ItA* UATDIDn Th• tollowtolq --• ........, ....... _ .. POe. T POWIJI PliO DUCB 1711 Wlotrn.r A.. Collo W... CA Gll7 n-.,. Celluoo zsn ._,..,. 11 ...._. ._..~ CA tliiO ,., c..... m1 t..ck ..... Sl New,oro llatodl. CA laMO ,.. __ .......,...,,.., .. , .... .. ,.,..,..1 ......... Tlleetior• Colltao n .. -· .............. tloo c ...... , c~.,. .. o. .. _ c-••• o• "••d 2, 18&2 .......... Apr 7 14 21 » IIG •• Tlte ..... rt '-e• ".,,. II'IIOa4 PVIUC IIDTU liCrli.,.._ ... IT.~ TS.. ........... .,._,. ..... ..... ,_ • .auTM COAST nu. N4 •••• Coli• ...... Co I2U7 a....w Q ...... ,, Gt ......... a-. ...... CA'*' n... .......... ,. ................ .. .......... ...,.. llooo..WQ......., n... __ ............ e..-c..... .. 0.-c...., .. A.,.,u,a• Pw..-. A,,. '· 14 21 • ·-.. .................. rtMI I JCID1l rvaiC IOO'nCa Nl!iiiW-... .,.~ n.. ........ .,..._ .......... ...... .. ,.. *"' IVIT'l, 1'171'1 ..... • ..... I '"'-C. 117U ............ a...,, , ............ , .... _ C.W714 n • ...._.~.., • ........ ..... _ .... _ ......... ..,.. A ~.lr n..--....... ~ , ... c-., Cia•• .. o.._ c..., • ~21113 "'*' ¥1 f , 14 Jl, •• .................. " rnJ(; IIOt1CII FICJIIIOCII- U.ITAtDIDT n.. lol&ow... ...-... .... •• ., to-.. IOU!H COAST 00'01"11 4341 l trcll S. . a..... 10., "-"""''' IMc:h CA 1aM0 Nana..u Dolo NQna. ll37 I l •uly. Or-, CA a:MII. C-'r '-Pl19rt•. ll37 I hrly Or-. CA .... ..,._., It lo..._ IW W ~11-.1 Ito 2 "-Pori a..-Jo CA 111113. lkMire4h W Jo ..... IGJ W ~-.... No 2 "-Pon IMc:lo CA 131113 n.....__.~..,. qoo>orol ,..,......,.,,. s..--1 W.n ... J O.t.PIIQna llua ttete••"• ... hW wua. U.e Co~••• Ct.•k ol a.-Co.toty on W.r lO 1812 Pobl..a Ap r 7 14, 21. 21 I~ •• n........,... ........ n.-MIX>41 PVIUC IIOnc& nc111'IOCII-u.nA.....-.r n.. lollowt.. -• ~ b•-u a) ,_....,.., YACifT CHAJTIJIS, b) IHOIItiiDIG YACJIT CK.UTDIIIUYICD. c) Till 1011 YACHT CMAITIUIIUVICU ~ ....... -· ......_ .. ...... CA._I ,_.._..,Ap pie 20IIQ Dol ,.._ ... Il l 0... ,_.,CAGS» "'• ......_ .. c...tiOC'tM "' •••• ol.r~...J ....... I-1~ Tluo ... _, -...... wtlll '"• Co ... ty Clto•~ el a..-Co.toty "" W.tlO IIG '""'... Ap• 1 14. Zl » IIG •• n......_.a....,. PIIIZS3 MII'-M .....:Mme:Z ~ftftMCUM11011 ..anC'I • IIIIIIDT QIYIII ...., • ......... O..leral ... llaa .... . ~.,......, ... Cll'r ........... ...... ··----..... 1'1, .... .. lAM MICIUIL PAa n ... ~ .............. . _... ........... 0..1 .... _. ................... ,..~-· __ .................. . ...,..._ ... __ .. ... I C.,.. ........... ~~!.Ia II_._..... ....... _....,..,...._.... ... ... ...-.................. . a., .. ......,. ........ . .............................. ~ -f114l .. Uif ...... A.ni 11. IIG ,. nt. .............. 11'1122 American Homes MR MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your Money alwa_n..,.. what it'a wonh at American Home.Thrift and Loan! SIMPU INTIUST OPEN DAILY MONDAY ·FRIDAY ·e A.M.·S P.M. ~*"'lr%-­ nc:T1T10UI~ lt~ITAT'Dmff n.. ~-... do .... .,......,_ .. •> CA1JJOIOn.A &OUm nJMDS Ia) OIAI IUSDI1II PAU o:) IAWIS W NA.IILIY CQO'AifY 4) SOUTHWIST IIIOUm rulfO 171112 Nt~eholl St S•ll• 101, lno~AA, Co Wl4 l•-N Na .. t.,, O.twood AIM•'-"'• 1700 Ill&. It lf•WJOO•' IMc:~ CA "••• W.. "-lJ 23lll I Or,..vo II Toro CA talO n. .. ......_ ......... ~ .... ..,. .,._,., ,..._,_. .......... A ... W tt-11 n.... ••••ot • ., hW •ll• tke Co .. !? CS..k ol Oro.-c-IT ,. W.r 1.1812 Plobbolt Apr 7 l4 21 le. 1812 •• T ... .........., ...... rtWil NI045 PVaiC IK>TICI ltOTICI 011 n.T'IIr'S IAU TWn T S ... I 71 .. l%21 0. Frod.y o\pnl lO IIG. ~ Drres o•ctoc• o • • •• S...lll ,,_ &au .... .. tile oW o.._ c-IT C..rt"'--. .. ·--Woe~ -·-..... Au 11-.1 • C11y ol S..~e A_.., C.hlot ... r ont lalerllale a..a ol Calllonia, Tr_ ... __ ,_ ....... 0.... e1 T.-.... ..., WIU. lficlaolll ..... -...... -.... ......... ..... 14 lf7t ... lui·-· .. ........ 1..,. 10 .... Ill ..... 1-.. Qt. .._, ........ ()y-c-.ty, Ca.ldDraMI. .... .. ...... .. .. . ....... -"' ............ , ... , ............. , ..... ~ ......... ..... ...................... ...,_ ... ... b.-ll ol .,.tl&lo ..W..••-_,... ........ , --.. -'lc~ .. _ ... .. ........... o.c-.... " 1111 ... ... ""'-.. ....-..Dill. ta ._. IU» -71 el .... OllocOII .._., .... .... ...... ....., ·-..... ........... ................ ~ .... .w _ .. ,-.u....,....._ .... _ .. oole, .. .., c ................... ..., ................................ ...._ .................. .. c ...................... "" ...... 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AMIJ,l4 ,.,._ ......... .... - PVIUC IK>TICI ncnnous tUSIJfDS ltAJIE ITATDCDI'T n.. lollooortaQ .,.._ ·• d tr 1 b"-u KDJTAGI LAJIDSCAP IMG It Tllll SIJIVlCE 7 S.••••~ lo n-CA t:Z714 o.-1 Norbert N•b·• 7 S.vu.lt lr••M Co 92714 n ... buu, ..... cond~C'l«t bv .Ul "' dt•ld .... t S..,owod o. ••• 1 N w.b •• T'tu. ....... , ••• haed Wllb •h• CO'WDI'l c-.... ""' o •• ,....,., c,._,,.,, vr: .... lt 1111 Plobbolo .... Jl Ap•·l I 14 • I 1812 •• n..ll.wp.-" '-"'• ,. .. , 11[9'1';, PVtiJC lfOnct: ncnnous IUilJU:SS ICAJd ITA TDCDI'T n . tollo•lnq per••.a .,. d ... .., b,...ft_ u IWG WIJlU.III PA IIT lflltS 1112 4000 Na~Anh~r s.,,,. 130 ••po•t IMcll. CA 12660 a. •• Wooe Gvyen• • C&lt~'"'• J.O•r•l pon..nllt$> tOO(j W.CAolhwr tl•d Soule GO llo•porl IMc:ll C"o 9JWI 1noc4 A 0•"''" 4000 W..-Aroh" II,.. S..t,. 130 llowpor• a..~h C' • 12110 Tlu• b.._.•"'•• .. C"ond"~ t.d t.. • '-'•~•ed p•rtnerehtp S•qn..d lrwt.• A a.. ..... 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A.frl) ItA ~ ~ 7 14 ll • ·-"' ~ ......... ..._ ,.., JCIOJ1 fVIUC.mc:a PVUJC MOTICE a. a• ncT1T10US IUS.UU:SS NAME ITA T'DIDfT Tl'!• t .. lkw•AO pt.nOft.l e t• d(.IHtO b""" .. ' • IIY INVITA TIOfl OHL Y l.66J c .... ., ... o. .•• "-WJ.141'' ... -h c. -a66) o. .... ,.... l , .... , lf>f.2 Ct•••v••• Du"• Newputt a..,.h CA UlbbJ ThuM•• <.: f,.,.,., 2661 c,.-.tvt•• D11v• H•wc ,, a... h CA <l2f>l>) Th l.u•tll~ It ''-'•d~ 14"d bv • 1• ••• ()er'"•"'•r-S•Qr -d O.bv1a~. l ,,..,., T... ., ....... n• .... hf-.J .,. •ttl-~· C~o~wnt., c .. ,~ • (Jr .. n~· Ct. .. Wflll'f 'l ,...., oN l'l82 P .. bh•ll Ap• 1 4 II J" I'M" ''"• Tt,• N••"""'' [ntHJn rlllb212 "W411 PVUJC liOnel .... ..,. ncnnout aUilJUU lt.UU UATDIP'T n,. toUowtaq p.r-..e •r-• do..a4 b•t~n•oo •• LONI STAll PAIITHIIIS IUOI 0...• Stut. 140 H.wpon IMc:ll CA Q2teO If I .... ,_ loor • OaWur••• ~••JtO••ItOtt WIG! Do--e 5~•'• 140 ,..,._, ...... ~ CA I2MD r.... L H.rr.tl 12 "-v.,,. .. • .._, INc• CA 92MO _,,...I She-. II looth c .. cao 4tol Nat Co qa15 1-N Onh 114:2 Port O..ot...,~ N._...., INc~ c.ti...O 11110 ......_ II t eed..-1 loy 0 """""I IMtr-telltt> ........ "'-N Orth n.. ... ••••• "' ... ttt.ct '"'" ,._. Co"•'' Cl.•~ ot Oroaqo c-.,, "" W.rl0 1112 ,,....,. A•• 7 14 21 ll IIG •• n..~~o,... .. ._. Fle.JIO NI047 PU&ICIK)TQ nc:nnooa...a~ MMCITA,.._., lh• lollow ... .,._ "r• ...,,.. h·••-.. ltOtfalllOOI IIIITAU . A PAI'TNQSHJP I 'lOll Will Mt A .. 1 •• .,,. CA t:l714 c n.-Motloo ,.,_ uoa .._,..., A... ,,_ CA tnl4. '-' I .a...,. P.,n .. r 170U""'rl'flo'A" h.,.. C.a714 n.. .... _ .. ~ ..... .,..~·••1 ....,, ... ,...,. ....... e n_ • .,.. ... Tloto ••te-er WOO ltlo4 woth tlw c ...... , o. .... o. ...... Cw••• -...... , ,.., P.lol..lo. A,t 7 14 II II I~ •• n .. ..__,._ • ".u3 II • PV.UC ltOTICI: ncTTT10US IUSIJIEU ltAME IT A TDIDfT r~. ' ·ll<rwtf\q pe,.. ' d nq bu ..... , •• THE G AJIDDI CArl CArl rTC 1000 0..••1 S..••• 160 N•"IN" a.,.,. CA 92660 lul\n ! Goo.. 1211 0.. .,. Newporo 1-< ~ C A ~261i0 fh,• h''""• 1t1 f t.~nd~led by •n ,, dt~o•d•u1l S"Jn..d fohn I G.•" fh1 •••••m•nt wu t1L.t:1 •••h lh• C ''"'" C'"'••• I o, • ...,_ C«.J-.ft•'l' ,. Ar .. ll ltil ,.,t>f, .,_ Art 1<4 11 IJ, 1-....~ ,,, n, .. N. ... ,., f,, Jf'l! fiM~J'l "WJ~ •uauc ..OTICI: ncm'IOUIIVIIIIDI IUift ITATDIIIIT n.. ~..~ ....... " .,.,_ ... dt>lll9 --w LAJfl UlT1I It LA W$011 II~ W.nae A-.._ lal.ttd CA ta62 I•-G LA._ 5ll4 v .. lt.r.oo To•""' Luocu C. ..._ No.~ Lon• ""'' lotM 115 ...,,_ A" Bolito. ltload CA 9182 11-U ~o•h .....llllon ,., w., .. A•• a.Jlloo Wood CA 92162 Th" lk.w,... 10 co.d""r.d lo• • .,_,., ......... ~... 51.,.... ... Lo-n. •• -. ......... hW wua. 1k c,....,~ Ct.r~ ol Oro-Co .. ,, .. N.r 24 IIG ,.......,. Apt 1 u 21 a 1112 •• f ... ..__.._. r 111!1153 IIDMI .....:IOOTa .. ... nGilliOW- ~"·~ n.. ........ --.... ..... _ ...... Df'IDYOM, ele ....,_ A S..ll-• ._,._A"''" ~ a.... 101 • ......., le&«k. CA taiO Mol Naoc._, ._ W..Ar ..... ~ ...... ~ ......... . 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Mr•f., ·wv ,.,J..,, w od 0>.-d I Ttu•' h"'"'' I •• ••• •••ri •nri J•ll•••.d ' •n• 4n•i•nu" ...1 • •ttHIII'I ().., •••••• ,,, c.:t o.,, • .,, •• , .J lJ-""•"d I I S.l• end • •••ll•n Nwtt .. • O..t.-.11 •nd [1.-t •t S. I Th~ , d•1 ••<1 ~ ... ...d w .d N ~ • I D-teu ,., •t f1.,. •• "' S.U •u t• , .. •td~ n 1"1• • ., wh~•~ •h• , .. , rr ~··· .• '-f D•. w. ... l( *11 Ci t F.d lat•tpr•,.. " <"'•1·1 • ... ·utpot•lwn 56"'U W, .,,,. l t.,d lV~~ Anq.l., CA 'IOl-I "• '>loUt br z..u •••• •.c, P .. t.h~ttr. 1\J.n TMI(••r • [t • J PUI UCNOnCt ncnTIOUS IUSIIII:SS "AM[ STATtMt"T f~• I II ""''' •I r••t hu••n" t A IUH,_, ,.u Ht N"Y • H 8 f rt~t"" f •'• Mr• 'ttJI I • H (., • /.'.. II T).,. t ~' • ' I • .... I ' t t .uJ •• '\ 1'· ... 1 J t H •• fh, , •• , .. ,.., t t • tH I 1 1., ,. M,., •t~. Pwblo.i\ M1111 ~~ A• 1'1@1 t ho· N•,.1 f r ~...,... ~ t ruauc MOT1C£ ncTJnQUS I USII'ItsS IIAMtSTATtiiiiUIT Tt• " .. ,._ ,., t t~ .... ,.. ANY '' .AU •AkT N£115 l fO • u. 'I N-•r-,, T .,.,..., A t•t-.t CW... , 'I ... t I" •nl' • d• .. I r ... l bu• ,,.... ... t r•r•n• .~ • s, 1 """' Itt • 1 Tt\t~ ... ,...... I ,.d • c ... ,. ... r ... A r ' ~.,. .,.. • Pwblt ~ A~ ._,.J,,. y.,.., ~'~•wl •• ~74~'> . ,. PUI UC "OT1CL ncnnous aus1"ts~ NAME STATTIIII[IIT Tt-r t II "" "'l I"' 1 I At.11NA t •PY ... _.... S. c .~ H·~ l , t 8 " ' " •..t.f'l" ( ·• ul•· H • .._ lA , .. A·· s .... , j .. .\ I c A ...... fh111 l I a ••I I • ~· ,t w \tM•I $ I I ,..,.. C t-4 r fl,;, ' ..... ' l. ( .,. ~.I I, ... ~ II "' ... T• ......... I J "'#. ruauc 1t0net ITA TDIIJfT 01' W1T"DftA W Al. r11011 ·~ Ol'QAn..c UWOD rtC11110QI IUSIIfUI "AMI TM kllktw•tMt _., ...... ,. ... •••W•••• ••• ~--..~ .. ,~"'·' hr;• ~-,.., ..... ..... o.,_,.,,.. .,.6er h• 1., • ltt•t•••u .. ,... I ltlllllll HI!" <mOUP niiZ D l •t " ... LH••• ......... c. 92t71 Ttr. f.c•.,-• .. ~ ...,. "•"'• •'• • • ..-k.r tM J ., .. •••"·P ,.,., 1..,1'"" totA o...r Jl •• , '"' •trw c "" • ., t ,_,..~ ,. FI-n.. ••••••• ·"'· ,.,...... • t '""' ,.._ ••• w ••• ,ft4 ... " .. ''"•' th• tto .... c--."' nl11 tl L.r ""'" .... _ lf..,,..a CA 11117 q,,....t ~... .... .. "'-" .......... -·· 1.'-'.t c-..., c~.<• "' o...... l A••ol •• ltll ......... Apt~ 14 ll Ml May \ IIU 18 n.. ......,,...,,c..... llib).4U PVIUC IIOTIGC ... ITAn:.arfM~ 011-011 nc:nnow ----, .......... ,.._ .... .a.. ...... .... _ ...... _ .. _...,_ .... ' • w ""''" DIIIQII .. .1010 a....a ........,-..c, c:A ,... ...... _ ....._ ... _ .......... ..... _loW••,... 17 am ..._,....... ,....,.. .._ C:A ...-...... ._.. ,., . . ... .._. c.. ...... tiiGt .... , 0.... •• A_. Pt-..... a.-CA MoM• ....... 1• ........ ...._. .. a....-c:. n. ~-....__. .... :::::. ............ lotM4 .... .......... _...._ ..... a...., a. .. a..... c.Mit .. .... l. ~ ... 14 ,, ........ .•. ,.. ....... ,... ..,. PUIUC IK>11CI ncnnoua 1usun:ss NAJd ITA TDCDIT n,. tu.Uo••oQ pereoo• .,. d\ltftCJ bw•·•-IOitN AIIO NAUIIA NA.HLET IH'TliiPIUSIS 4000 Park N••~A·fl o •. .,.. Apt 20l N•wport .... ~ Co ~ loho Pawl w •• ~~ 111 4000 Park H.•porl N••poot ~h c. 92t60 ..... ,. f h.d•l ..._.,., • ., 4000 '••~ N.wporl Dr•v• N••porr a... h Co 92660 T"•• b~ ~ · ... .oct~ by •-" '"' J••·d••l S..,Md Iva• P W.oley W n.... ,,., ..... "'' ..... ha..ct ...... •h• C '""'• Cl•r" •A O.aoq• Co~oti on Al'"l/ 1'11!1 Pwbl .. h Apr 14 ll 28 W.• 5 'lkJI ,-. fh• N•wput ln....q• f lllbiiA HID6b PUIUC IIOTICP: ncnnous IUIDU:SS !tAM~: ST A T'DU:RT rh., l<~lkoW&nQ p•r10n l\ dotftQ """"... u AND£110SS PIIODUC liONS 102ll Noqora H•nhoqton &. •• tt. c. ~ W,U,em Tom Aa0.1 "''n IU2ll No.AQofttr• Hwalto~lon a..ch Ca 92b46 nut b\&~n..-. It cond~rlad bY 40 tn dt•td\6.J St•ln.cl W T And.•r~~CJn Thtt ''•t•m•nl w•• t.t4'd w11h th• C<HiAI¥ CJ•r~ ol Ot•no• C ouaty on Apool9 I"'IJ Pubhoh Apt 14 21 lli Mov S IY81 u\ Th• N··~~rt [nuqn fUI/U.IJ N £06J PUIUC ltOTICt ncnnous ausun:ss "AMI ITA TDttwT fh• tull• ••nq ~r...,.o d"''"'l bw ••-•• WAVlliLY !HTUIOIIS ANO DESIGNS Jfo&l Waverly Dm• Nooop;rt '-ch CA 'llt!OJ G.l• w., ... lbbl w • .,.,l~ Dr•~• Newport .... ~c ...... , Tto. •• L"t•n .. • •• d .. •ed ~v •n I "'wf~t S.qn..d G. .. W•u@n Th•• •tate,.e-nt ...,.., t.t.d wtlh b. c Ul h ca.... I U••t.Q• Co"" ,. o• Apr.l J 1911 P'ublotb Apo 14 }! 28 Jool•• S •.l fl fft<f H•'-P. • l n•·•l" f 1~11. N Ht:D71 ru1uc ltOTIC£ STA TDUJfT or WlTKDftA W AJ. f'IIOM PAJIT"CRSHJ7 OPDtATU«; U"DO ncntiOUS IUIUitsS "AM! Tl\• 1~11 wu Q J-•1 ~r· ha• "'tlt'.<IJte.wf'! B II liiJfl•l•l , .. t1tt ... f frt.tr 11\. f'oUIIlet "'•• c,p•'•'HI\1 tnd•• •11• l..c••••vv• I SOUTii COAST IM I tm••l 111' M~v•r~~td• Or •"'• Newpur a,..., h C•l•l<·ffuf ltotl6el-1 PU.UC IK>T1CI ncnt10UIIUIQRU NAN& ITA TDtDIT Tt•e JolletWt"<l pertoe• •re d OiDtl bwooa... NIWrOIIT LTD CNIWPOIIT U NfTlD) ITJO rooaun• ••• s •.•• 9 c.... ..... c. '12617 C Lch•rd L... 119 Moot•ro Av• a.lbuo C A 92MI lrh•••d LJN•••" 121 Al••l~ P~ac<o lkli><>• C ~~I 11u• b".at~ t6 \.Ontfwct.d b~ ~n•r•l IH>''"•"h'p s._, •• d c lloc:ll6odl..o Th1• •••••••n ••• ht.d ••ttt ·t\• Cow.nly Ct.•• vi Ot.u,_ Co .. ntt ·• Apul !I 1'182 P .. bl..J. Apr 14 i I ,. )~(,• 1ge1,n Th• N•wpuft ~••qn flll704/ "(bl.b rv.uc 1t0nc1 FlCTTTJOUS IUSIIIDS "AJft STATDIIJfT The k.J.ILowtnQ ~r.ont ••• do•n~ buno"' u DIANE IT OANU:L DESIGNS 21000 Crown Vall•• Pity Aoc,~a SJO w ... "'n v~,o c. 91'691 w~,t, & Son.• Inc • Call~rrua co• porahQn IWJO 16th St P JDl H•,.P'I•' '-• h CA<rnl6) T~ •• bu.••""-* l't conducted by • cur pott'tlhun Stqned [)wp•~ D•••••u PtH 1dent Mwrh 6 Son.1lnc Thts •••••meAt ••• t•IMf wlih lh• Co~ntv Ct.r" ot Ot•••Q• Ccunt• "'" Aproll, 19112 Pwbl01h Apr 21 111 W.v 1,0 1912 1n Th• Newport En••qn f i87J66 ~£1 1/ ruaucltO~ nctnlOUI IUSIJIIESS NAJU ITATDtDfT Th• lullowtnq ~rec,n joH•Q bw .. oe• .. Slll'l!IIOII SPECIAl TIES 888 S.o•l• St Coo•• N.w CA ~J:t>n Ra\',.(.tnd tdward Werh"o ~ S.n••• So C<>or• w... CA 91:f>J7 [IC..I W..r•• ..... , .. t ... S.n•l• 5t co.~. w ... CA92W7 Th.-b•n~n..,. ·• ~nd"' •.d b• • '" dt•od""l S.On.d A•v,..uf\d [ N•''·'•"' n.. ~··•••••' .... "'"' • ,._ .... C """'" Cl.t' I Or•n~• C '"'"'"' ....... l4 1"!01 P .. bhah Apr i4 ll J:,. W•l' ., 1qs.2•n T)!e H•-w{>Otl l n••Q, f l85867 PUIUC ltOnet ICS .. It nctnlOUIIUil"tss NAJC! IT A TDtDfT Th• f<~UU'Wt•Q J*l~n• ••• dom\1 bu"n-•• TKt ICl CIII:AM MAN 2609 NewJK.ttl Blwd N•·~~·•• 1.6< h C• 9266.1 Cheflet •nd c.,t .. n 1-4-cG•.,qor 108 C•nel St H .. ·~~·• &oorh CA ~Jli&l l ut•l.d•tll-d ..... , '·~ J '••• 2'61 ' .. , ...... , T ••11..-.blllh" t p • .,_ I hn• 16) .. ,.. \..,._ l •• •••I r•.d .. p 1 p_,. l h~Ht l7A \!ll 1,AA, _., • ~ ... d n • ._d ot11bw•ed ,_.,pJ .. , P•-.1• I ,..,.,,. • • 5, .. t~ s ... ph.n r ... ndt PAq:et l ,.,.~A U"eUt\fh...Jiut.d• •wtplw•l p • .,. t n• .''dl c: •. n L .._,. h "'""JMt'•-,.-• 4 P•-l• 4 J,, ... 11 I ,._...., f0. r~ctw) Ita C •p •• ehd ~JJO ~ ;i...,r, 3 _. "' P•J• ' ., ~ tl.l 1 n-, ,.,, , .. ~H t-1 I o. h • ''"' ~ r f uf • H•'· ,,.,.~d• P~:,.lfro ,,,. .... c I I WI\· 14'd II• •I •• A~ d,.,,, .tnt.i '-••IIJ'rl ,u•m• Jm4 n• l1t1• & lrd c;,. "1-J ,j. H \:. r r " c,. •k·r, • .-a ... I ·~~ p. ,. L , .. T ••• JIM '"t A <i•n*., .J ~ ..... I,,_,.,.,...,""'. olf .. ' ('"Jti I ,, ,. 8 I ••• p' •• l ot • ol.~ 1) w ..... ,.u.. "'''""' ,,.. "'• •b ,. '•"'" u .. '" .. , ••• lo,141•tn•tl ' I 'h• 'f'"H •t ffl'd 0.. •"'"-' fl 1'4f4 j , ..... ..,, .. ,,.,,. I 1t. .. 5f,.,., ·I c ,lil '" • t'"'''''•"' • ..... • • ,,, "" Ar • • "'" lru~'" "'C .,., ' hfl -:, R\ JU .. jiiY A ..... I .. Jt h. •h• p,.,.cJ.,., ,.. ..... •ll " ,., S.otr••••• P 4t·h•t, AJ-·ttl •• ll .. M M111t'• PUIUC ltOnet ncnnovs auSIJitss "AJft ST A TDtntT T t-• • Uc ••,0 pert wn d.v•n., h" • D(NNLSON nNANCIAL ~ f• , ... A.... (" ' I . j .,, ... C • .t,f\/~ Ct...,..,~' ., Ttw4 ~ f••fllt••' '·· c , '. j·' ..... c. ........ ~ t dov '"" t.. • s ~ -ct .,.,,,.., " r •. , [).on • ,. • .., ... • •• •• ••- ....... 1~ ~- 1 Ut I ,,. l "" y /14, Ap •' ~ ..... c; t ... n T• • "'••J.W b " 1' J • • ,. PUI UC lfOTlCE 1 ... 'I(U 4 "OTIC[ Or TIIUSTU"S SAL£ U"OOI DUD or TliUST T r "• n.., L-aNo 41$4• h•r•l·• }n'.., ~•' s.,,' '"' n••••n • I "'J.-•+'Iv .t C•r~l un,• ••• ,.,,,, • , .. , ... -:'' .u ....... 1 I ttw.tt.1•' ~t..J h~t•IH P\Hii•~ofttnl t-• o.-d I ftiA•' •11tM u•.-d b't' " t,••' l, Ktn·J tt•d l•H•n• K1nu l'l~.t• f, UHf .ttul ...... •nfi fiH"Utd-d , .. b 7 ft'll t""' • I W~ ~~·~I In•''" N ''lot t OH .. , ··' "'"''"'•d• II ~· lttt • I ~. lt.•whh " .. ~ud•t 1l ( ''"'''IJ"' ( • , l.~•ltt •••~• •nd put ~ • N • t • ,f o.ta\11• ~rut l l..c:' !).-II j. ., .... tod•• , .... .,,d.-c:f 1111 " ..... 14174 '·~· 14 lb71 I "''J 0t -•II ~ Apnl 10 1.S ... • i l',"" ,., "'• h "l ••••••u• h~ ld O••n.;,• C .... ,~ C• "''".,)•• ··lflrl .. ~,. ... ,.,... lhd brl-.-. ... , ... *"•'.i ...... b..W..f t t ..... (.,.. ••• 1 •• th• .. .... '" ........... ,.. ' ... . u .. tid "-•.-.I ... '"""'' ··'"' • ·d ••-•' ("V""•'""' 'o oliN fiVW "'•"1 "" •' • .,cf,., u.d d....t ,,. taw.. Jit petty • ., .. .,. .d 1ft w.d Cvwft'• •"'d 51••• •"4 j..,.,.Ncf••• .......... A L....wtw·W L•• .. "' •"d ._ L.... 10 , r,.,., Nt.t 1tt1 •• •trto•ll\ l.M"' • ·-• K"Qtc:t,..t '" .... • )05 ......,... .\ ... 47 .. 4ltt ,.,.tf 'IC .. ~t M·••t .. a.c..•s ,UI UC lfOner: NSI243l ncnnous I UillfESS NAJUSTATDIEWT ft,• I u . .,..,nQ JMtt·•Jn• i ''" b.r """ Sl C"UIIITY PArlf iC" 8USIN~ I.II(Oil INC' *"' 0 • I St So.nl• }'{.._ N~•r-•t' S.e ~ C A .l)bf;,c S. _,, f ,.. I J 4 • \ If 4 [)., • ._.,.. J-I I A ..... W U c ..... " .... J 5. 0 .. 1 ("' • .f} flt• b""" ... ,. '\J '-"..t t '-"''•'•'-"1 s...,"'~ v.,.. Pr•••"'•" ,, .... ('. c '"' ,..,_,. ., ••• -.,. t .-1 Ct·w~t., ~ ... ~ '' l • • t• ..... "' '1112 P"'b' " ,.., t ~J, I..._,.J • T""'• ,.__,.,I lr. ·1'" f fl6V4<I l'lnUC NOT1Ct ncT1T10US IUSIJIESS "AMlSTATDU:JIT n~-tulle -·•o P.l "' j, ·• b••• "' •• r AC'IAl A P Ol K'S 'I '•"·'·' S4 CCMtoftt 114*"4 (". Q)bl O.bt ..... , •• J..,..,. J11 ,.,,_ •• 4Jt c.,.,. w .... f' A ~/fo. ' Th•• b-'••n•u 1• ·nd~tttf' 1~t h'f •• dl'ltdu•l !k.Jn-d O.h~.o~ ... rll'l'\•1• Th•• .,,.,.,."'' ••• td-.J ·~·~ ,,. C' u-.f't' CJ.,t I l,),,.n.,• l uft'' M•• I~ 1'1111 Pwbf,.h ~•• '' A&·nl I 4 l~J •• n... ...... JNfl lntoQI f 1dSXIC• 141 PUIUC ltOTICE FlCTTTJOUI IUSllfDI "A-. ITA TDCDfT ftr, .. to'lcJ.•"-4f ~nOf\t. 41. f t b ....... u IIEUAI U HOWl 'i(t. Ulll n IIS7 .... ~ Sl H \ ll lt••r<''' .._.,. C'A ~ s..,-.. I II b.n ...,,. .,. G.t• .~ A•• a-.tJ. • 1•~...d c. ~216j .... , ... , ...... ~ ...... ~' cl• C .,, no ... I 14•• C: A IAJ<, t~... .. ...... -.. •• (Qt'l .. "( ,_, •• ~ .. ,., o•''""'''"'·r ~ ~""...:~ ~.,.,.~ L Lat'""" n ..... '-..... "' .... ttw .. ,,. '"• Co.••• Ca.t• I Q,.,.,.. C •••'" W.r lt I~ "'bl"" )~(,or I Aptol 14 11 ·~ .• n. ... WflO'' .... _, .. r1t10m ""* ,..;: IK>11Cl PUIIIJC IK>11CI tK>neE or I'UIUC N&AIIlltC H<M.c• " her•bv 9'"'" th..J 1h-e "• .. otn4 Co"'m .. Mm of th• Ctiy ••I M.wputt ... ,..h will ho'd • publiC: tM.t •nQ un lk• •pptlC'~MNl ut th.• Cu, of "••puli a..ch tt~r AM•ndmenl fl.., ,I R,.q-..., tu C'OM..d•• •o ... oct• .. ' '"" TtH• 19 "'t t~ N•wpott a-.,.h Nuruco~l Ct.J>Ct. M tl ~·•••n• tc.. ••••P d1DQ till• ..tkJwabl• det.., k..t '""bd••• • ,. "-' end •••1.-tw• .... P• ............ ~ "-••b• 1-.rl~r QI..O itwt wtd "'"bl1 hN ••nQ '"u t~. Hkt oa •h• ftl~ cle., vt Ne'f lill •• , ... hOtM t,.l 1 JU p • '" •h• Cuu...-tl Ct>.,..be,. c,t th• ........ ,, a..c:h Ctt¥' H•lt .~ .h ... h ""'-• .nd plai. • u• • .,d .11 ..,.,.on• ,., ,., .. ,-d ,...., •P~I •nd b. h .. td ,._.,~,. fu.n w .nbwra Com•••~ ... n C•h P"'bh•h Apr .... po,tl [tUtqll So.c-r••••v M.t..a~no ·I N•wputt a.. ~ 21 1Q81' ft n.. "NEill PUIUC ltOTIC£ MOTICE or ruauc lttAa1ltCl fh• Pl•tlnlnQ Co,.nu.uw)tl ·I lb.• Ctto; vi Newport a. .. ..-h wtll ~1.1id • pubt.c hNUnQ H .Jtw u.M ••P-j•m•n••uon ,f •h• ,..-.nll1 •dup'..d Hv\UHlQ Elem•ot ul +1-.• Nttwp 11 I!NoltC'h c:;.n•r•l Pt•" Am~ n\1 the Hou"'"~' Prvqunu t(f b.- f'ttn•~d••ed ''HI1 bf' • ..,l.nntuQ study '" .. ~ltt~lnQ '~• ,,.,. r••.t~tnQ ''' , .. ,d•nh•l dttll••"" ,, ..., m• :Jt 1h• ttlm•uunq: und•"•lc.~ ,.t .. , Th• Pl•nnm..a ~ud1 will •••o •n.-·Itt• dit<:uUton ot hvvuuq I¥JW' mtntmwnrt 1n11 .,,.., :1nd fornu ,tl o•n•ul'loP Jrr•h.o~•c• '' h.•r•bv lwllh•r t.,uv.-n ~h•t •••d pwbhc ~"' ... """ wtll h. h•ld on •h• (tlh de• .1 l.on• llftf'.t •• Ike kour uf 1 p ,. , •h• C "'" .1 Ch•""tr.r• f h• N•"'P'-'' S..r h Co•v H•U JJOO W .... Wfl)(,ll IJJ•d 41 wf\~ ft I 1'11• .:IGd pie • .,.., .,.d .H per..: n• n••''""'.t ,.. •• •f.IP'•' •nd ~ hHrd •1\•r..ar'l IYtt~>" W nb•ttn S.Ct•'"* t P\.e"''t ""' (."" ••• ,. ...... •h (" ty d "'••ex.•• S...r-h P"bh•h Ar ,.1 11 l'illll• " n ... N•wpo ,, ''"'"'' N£1~4 ruauc HOTICE nctnlOUS IOSU'tsS ".UU ST A TUUJIT n,. lull··•l•Q JMitCn• ••• d tr _, bu•••-•• IJITUHATIO"Al nNA~ CIAL PLAHNI~G GRUUP < C • I.J"J,,.,. Plu• Ot~v• Nu 14l N••po ,. S.. h C:• 9~ Gl•nr W .Jy f,r,•!• ••I Cun • .,lt .. nt\ In• • c •I I ''•ltll p ••••u• 1 ~ C'-'tP...t••• Pl.u Dr•w• Nu 1..0 HewP" '' S.·u·k C A tlbtlttJ Th..., btut.h•u ·~ •n\Jtt '..d t+'f' • JM r•tt•·t\ S•·Jn.d Gl.•nn Woodv p,.,,. t•rd Gl•••n We. K:ly ( ,,~,,11\,th•n" Thtt •••t•m•nl "'"" t,l..d ~\1t. h• r· wet• Ct•rt .t n,.nq• r ,.,,., Ap11l~ 1"81 P""bhsh Al t •• It\ T~· ,.. ... PI, u,. jl fl~/1 .... 1 ruauc 1t0net FlCnTIOUS IUSIJitsS NAME ST A TDt(£lrT TI0 NS 4 tt S H••P.• S-S.l!')'• A•·• C• U/04 a.., •""" 0 [.. b.• • tl S HarJ"r St S.n•• A.. C • ~. "l1J4 c;..,,..., D (,.-, b•" 910 S Ho•.-.• So ~"'" Ar• CA '-~1104 t ..... P A "' lblJ He'l S• S. '• A • r A o.".d r ... b, .i ~ < w A A. 1 CA ~,:.,., Th, b.,,.,_.... r; J .. •·t J•"•r• p.er' •rth. 1 S.'-'".-o.J 0 l.or~b.· Th·• •l•'•""'•r ••• t .-d .. r l "'"'" c ·~· ..... 9 l'lll. Pubh•h Ap J4 ll lA M•· ' l;l81tn fh• N•wpotl [r••<Jf , 18104jj PUI UC ltOnCE lf~IMW ncnTIOUS IUSUIESS NAM[ STATtMEIIT Th• h lh.•"'lhq P-U· •n• ,,. J •1n I b""" ... •• WARREN W\'VEIGH u "lrriN & SAVAGE 1420 lh••• I S. N N•,.P'''' S.4t h C A flit!4 K, .. "n•'" t s.w .. "• ~!171 r • .,...nt\ -.,..a, .... L..·Jwll• H1lh C • ~/b(, t w., r•r '-4r v.,q~ & l.it~lhn l" .. L ,.,,, t~ " •r fel~n I4Jt a,,.. S• I'll c; I • 1_."0 H••P" ,, a.. h t: .. u.btotl, r~.. t. "'''" ... ' , • J., .. 1 t, l .. t~•••J f"!H1n•ut\ ~ S, t• ..c:i (• ""t I s. ... J• Wftl¥ rt,.f~ I f..:,'u J" Apoll If<) P,bl tt\ Al: • '""" ... r ... N •• , , ' .. ., , ....... . PUIUC !tOne[ ncT1TlOUS IUSIIIESS NAJft ITA TDUJIT .. , ,.. ftt <t ·('~ wt•q p••• '" olt " J I b ..... ,_ .. TJIIUI lftf..-, -...l H••'"•' L. ... N••r t S..• " f"• QJtt!J-o4 ., _.. .. ,.. Cl'w•" 410 ' • d•l M•• l • . " ' s,.-J•••• ~, ... H .. ~~ ... ' ...... """"'"' ...,.~ e ••. <.f>. fh.1. ht4•f ..... I ......... ... ,."•t•l P"''"'•r "'r C\,' • t ,,._.,, !""'·~ •.• ·'"·· -. • d.-d -" .... "''"'"''*' ( .. , .. Apt~l't ~~.- Utlt '"tll••f'l A., • ~4 •I .,. M•• •"'-'•' '" Th• Pile?~ lr t.t Jr fl~~~ \ PUIUC ltOTlCE rlCTTT10US I USUU:SS NAMl ITA TtMDIT N£11b' r._.. ., n. ••"Q ~,..,..,.,. .... • ., l••••'"'' " UGLY DUC KLING II[IIT A t All JjiWPOIIT llACii t<l'< It l it• h St H•-P' I ... ._ c. ~ II D W~• o...t A-. 1 .. c ...... ,,... otr• ••• t tl Nl(.) l • .-...... P' ·~ a...r-. c. \I,Jthlt(.• ra-.• tw~, ... ,, ",.d .. t' .ct b- ,... ,. ""'" ~t..d 0.·· w ...... P .... td••• fl D we. .. , rl .\""' ... I~ tfttot t•e .,..,. ... I -.d w ,., t: ""''• C"'•• t n~•.,J• c A~o.l .. ill ,.,.,.... 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S I .... t ..... , 4 ••'"' ...... t - • I A,, '"""'"' PUIUC ItO net ncnnous aus1"tsS NAMt STATEM£"T ' ... , HROI 4 TI\YI ~ ... 1\-• "•• , "'-·"'" • ...... H N t 1 '~· ~ •• t .. • h .... ' A '•"·• J ..... l• N l nl ·~. "• .... p ' <\o .... '"'· ....... •t ' ••. • ' ~ "1141 "'' • II, 'UILIC NOneL ncnnous aus1"tsS "AM[ STATtMl "T • I Tlif "Mf .. ,. ~· (), I' • A • ..... p.,. ~ .. -~ ' S. • -~ A ~, ,_..,. "' " .... Ar.• '"• p l 'P\ ~. .. ' ~ .... I I " ' . .... ruauc 1t0net ncnnous IUSJ"tsS "AM[ STATDIIDIT ! • I ~ WAV " ·~ '" ,.1 t !llf ... , t ..... •. ,..... o. d l,.fll , W •· "~••! ........ ~ "4/t.#'ol TPI" to.. ... • , ..... I 4 ~,,,...,.J (j., d l ,_..,. . ···fll~'l .. t t 'f ~ •II ' I t t J" ~~ \fi4J •"-Ap I" "' '4 t n-.. N ... 1 1 f ., r u1uc !tOne£ ncTTnOUS IUSIIIL» NAMt ITATDIII:Nf u..-.u l ~ ,, . .. I ,. DIVlll!'lllll <\ M< ~Tl.A .t ~ tl ~ ..... lOCI A>H '-'••• t A •. ..,.. \ "~ .. , .... ,..,., ~ .. ..... " 14 ..... ,, " ~ .... -• .. """ .... "· , l,.ltll'-1 ,, I . .. ... n •• ,..._., ......... PUIUC ltOnet ncTTT10UI IUSUIUS IIAJtliTA~T ""' -. ra.. • .,. u ....... ~ .. ,.,... .... -. .... ~.-•• PfTAI ~Hi"' G A•ot." DISI~;" 1."< MrAN' ,. .... .-• ., c ............... t r'. ··~ "IIUC tK>neE ncnnoua ausun::as "AMESTATOIUIT r..... 1 "" ... •·<J ,,., ..... ". .,.. d.. •1 t , t • • < US101o4 WA"K!:TIN<. SUIVH t_~ •; I • Nt·,.,pot l a.. .. 1 \• •·bt·l I-,.. .. 47J t1 r • ""'' .. .... ' A ~lt.&t p.,,, •7r ~~ N~•ro ' ... I .._'I .... , , f jl PUIUC ItO net nctTTIOUS IUSl,.ESS "AMISTATDUJIT •x j .... ( ' f ~. " •. t. s ..... ,. • •· • .,. • • r J• M•• f A •1•"' T~ • b..~•t~••• .... 1 t~. • 1 " J .ul S1 ''I'd kubttt ;) t ,,...,.. fh ' •'•+•"'•' 101• I l.ct flltth "• I ., ( I... t f•t ,., J.. l At'" 0 'fH. p,,lfj,.~ AJ 4~ N .... ..... , r .... H .. ,.,. I t•· ~~. •• , t l~ '4/11. Hlo PUIUC IWT1Ct ICS M)l Sl A rtMt"T or AIANDOIIMDIT 0 ,. US£ or ncnTIOUS IUSIJII:SS IIAMt 1 . .. .Jr .. ,.. • ~ ..... •l• t • •., ,,, ,,,, u tru• •• I~~ NTtU. NN( fl<, W llo "• PUIUC ltOTlCE ncnnous auSIJILSS "AM£ STA TtMUIT .. u • j • IN~ i t .~A ntl II NAN• tAl tS ,., f"'• , :Jr • Nr ... &..• • f .~ .,.,, ..., (J o/;1 _.,,' ( f\.. t 1 I hf ~. 4 • t .... ,, "~· PUIUC !tOne£ o; TA TtMEJfT or WlTliDIIA WAL ntOM PAATliEIUHlJ' OPOIAnJte u"001 ncnnous IUSIJU.:SS NAME ' . . ., .. . ... \A , ., .. ·"' ' -&- • I U., ... I ~ • ' v. .... PUBUCNOTICE NS !W43 NOTICE Of DEATH Or JOKN D. WOL.fiM MD Of PETJTlON TO ADMJNlSTD ESTATE NO. All2978 T. ~II .,,. .. , b~n~l • t411f'S 1...:iol r niiD.:Jf'nl -r.dl r. 4r.J ~ o>r-.Jra .. t. ma' b.> lhf'IWIN' Qlf't<>•lt><i ,Q thf' Will ·~'d't> I 'hi' D Wd k•n d"('..dl'r A pe• ll<'n h4i ~n !tl..d bv Patuc-a L M1lav1ch 1r, hi' Supeun• C un .I Oranq,. Cour•v rf' th"'' Pall •CIA L nam..d n W II M M o!IV h) bfo •P ~·umtPd •' p4'f'IOna l repr~•n 14lov• h .. dmtn ~lf'r th~ p~tdlf' ,,f 'ho> df'l. Pd~nl The pelttl, n r~uMI• "ulhonly lu .sdmon 11l~r lh• p~l•l• under th• In J•p•nd•nl Admm1•1raliun •I [otates Act A hNonQ •n 1h• pool•ltt>n wall b• held '" O.pl No j .tl 700 CJYI(' c.nter Ortvl! w,..l S..nl• A nll C A 92701 'n Mn '> 1982 •19 J(h m If YOU OBJECT to •h~ 11 .\flllnQ vi ihf' pe1t1to11 v "' •h,uld t>tlh•r "p~r " th• hNurq 1nd otalf' vvur o b1"<" '•<'0"' Of ftt• wrttlfln ,b,.fl("'tt''"' Wtth lh,. •ul l bel!'!" ihf' h,.ArtnQ Your 10pr-r•n<"<' ITI4Y to-'" r'f'J~n Jr b" your •'h rn.,, PVILIC ltOTICt lfOTICE or TliU!rrtr:111AU: T S Ho I I UO ,)',._ A '. I •I• • « e!.l ,,,,. ''' 1•'" • • d ut" ·~ • If• -d T • •tl-und•• •tt\1 r•\f .. ..,.,, o.-' ' r, ... ~ IW urct.d D.t-~ •• O.,rwm•n' Nt i4~l It tHl ... ""'.'' ..., ", ••· •·'.~• •t• I l:•ltl ••1• • .., w•..d t." w ~-.... , ... u .... j Jvd .... ,..u "~•..,.r.d " J • ,,. Will SlU AT PUILIC AU( TitiN fl t HI~ EST 110 Dlll f Oil r ASH ... .. . .. s~.... •• ~· .... .. ,, ... ·- " •••. -t. c . jl tF'l . '•'rl ow r ,...,., r..a J V••d !'\. ,., ..... ~ ~ ••• • ...... • .,,j St~·· ;,.... , t-• .. p, r••'" N ~ La. \1 ••• A ,_ " -... •• ' .. .. t Jl ... , """' "'•I f'• ,. flirilf•~ I •t,,.. (. ,.fi • Jit .. I l•t ft ••'ud• C •ht" , Atrt'- nu.nH "" .. •• .. ') , .. ,N S.t•• t S,""''' , ·.a,, Pr 1 .. , • .., M tJ.r-t '""' ·rdlf'ld ()....,,., .. , ' 'HO •• Vt"lw ton_,l ftf • 't i I• 1 "~ I•+J• 84f!l '"' h• ( Celtt• ,.,,,.. tollt •• .. , . ~- o I I' t''' .. .. , ,.. ... .•.. •• , I •·· I .. ... ' • .. t.. , \1 r~ .... , ' t ....... _, r .... ",..,, ' ... , , t ~ f• .. •.. • 't. ,. .... . lt.r R. ' ,. ( .. t A .. • tu A • ~ .. . ~ "w'~· J) I "'' 1\1 • ,. .. "·. . Puauc"onct ICS '"" " ItO neE o r Tllusn:rs ~t TSNo IIJ ~. ..... , ..... •II -· .. • I ... ·~· '• I· •I '· ... .. ..... ... - PUIUC IIIOTICE flCTlnoUI IUSI,.OI NAME !ITATOllHT 1t • I I • 1J I •• 11 "' t lUSTII< A~SOCIAliS fl ~ HI NAN lltVt lo ho!EifT 14'4.7 A,.. u• t-..-.. t • AI!• • J It 1.,..,,, •• 'Ut !t.-tM t 1-. ,. -.A "I Tho; l" ,,.....,. ,..._ ••1 t..w Mfl I .,, ' .... I J A ..... , • ..., .. ............... th .... e.-c ... ,, ...... PUIUC IW~I ncnnous a uSI"as "ANE STA TUIICHT •• ' .. Th•• ,, ... ... , .. • I" ~ I• ,.. p ..... ,, ' -.... . . M•• . ,.. .... -\ ~ ,,, '· ,u•uc ttOTII.t ncnnous aus1Nrss "Atol£ STArt:Mrllf .,. .. I• & . .. N I .... ~. ..... . ....... •. .. " I"UI UC "OTX £ nrnnou\ 1\J~I"t '" NAN[ St ATfNlNT • I I II\ I ,_., II I "f ..... • I'~ 11/~,Nf "-'­ .. .... .._, .. ,. Jlo4t""• A" I'UAll '< II t 1( "' ... '0' ~l ,,,., ... "tA_.I ~"A Tt ~f"f ... .. PUIUC 'if ,.,..,. t ,, . ' '" ". • tcnnnu<i. -~''"•• !.. MAMf ~fA "'f .... ,.. .. .. .. P\.it;K .,. "I I .. ,~.._ llr"I'IOU~ IV'-I" l" .. AM!,. ATtN I liT ,. . . ; " '>• .. I t ··-~ 't .. lr.•. I• ' .... " "". ... .. 'UIUC Tl<( ICS ,.ZU \ riCTanous '"""~~ "AMf 'TAlTMI "T . . ... '' . ,, .. ,.u•u IOf\"1 •1 ~UM04 "~ I ... I ._ ... ... . -· . • I ' I I •• uuh cf a..,_,.. CO\I"~ IK>TICI or AHUCA not! TO IIU ALOOMOUC ICYOIAGO T• Wllttv,. It M•• Co'lC'•'" Swe,k..q ,.,,,. 0 •W , .. .,., H ••• .,....... '• .,. o. ... , ••• ~, ft>o.• t, U •• '"" ,.,.,,. I 1 A l Wolk i/14 ,_.I ••• C 1•1 lo4•• t A ,.AI'> L I If YOU ARE A CJU:DrT OR "' • ,..._,nhnq•nl cu~c:l.tN o f ih• d«-..d vou musl Ill• vour c:la.~m w1th lhe cou1l , I pr-nt tl lo a he perwon•l ••pr-nlatiV• appo1nled b., lhe C"OIUI w1tb1o lour months lrom 111• dale ol hnt ..-~&ance nl le 1ter11 •• provtd.d '" M<' hun 700 ol lh• c.lJiomta Ptobat• Code Tlle talllft lor hl109 cla1nu wtll nol e•pue priOr lo lour monJb. hom lhe d.le ol lhe h-rmq nol1<'11d above '' tw''" •ckt•..,. "' p~o~rpt.•r•.dt• ~ .. ~... •• 191" C>-t..t.d• ...... pQft a. ... ~ C:A ilMO ft•• M•f ,,..c:.,.."l ol th• •ntNtd "•Y"' • ot th-e oa..t...,.ttt>• ..c••""' •• ,._ .. t)••·l-..11¥ i. lite t0W •f\4 tN toft.W. H HMe...e n ,.,. ..... _... ... ad ••~ •t ,-. h,.. .. ttw uuhel ... ~lte•fttttt ... ..... tlottee of .... ... U0'7.-~ 0.1• c•tt•fttly ..._., c..-. ... • C"-~· •• c •• ~o ..... CWh •••-........ ,,.. ,, .... _...... ....... .......................... ...... .. a. .JI ... ..... llool ......... t ................ 4, ....... -.. ,.1 ............... tilloo ,._. .. - C' •• ~ ••• ,.. •• .. .... , .... • • ............ ___ .... "' .... 0... •• .......... .... ... .-4 -.. ... , .. _ ............................ ... ... -.. -....... .. __ _......_ ....... . ...... .-.....~----..., ............ -........... ................ o.-1 ......... ·-... _ .. ,. •• C....n. J?JI ..... ~.&......_CA ... 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Afoool ~ I ~ Ap II a .... t II ~-T\e---1 n '' YOU MAY UAWINI lhe hk k-s>' by the COIU1 U ynu are • pen100 lnl•re.Md ta 111. .. t.le, 'tOll •• ., Me • ,.q~ WliJitlw court to,_ .. .,...- c..J 110IIC'e of 0.. hlmq ol ttl. ua ... to,., ot -. .. -b and of , ... petMIOU AC'("O\Ia• and repon. chac:nlled 111 -.c:IIOtl l200 ol tlile c..tdonua Pto· ..... c .. f oe.. I w.,.,.. by Aa· l~Y II ,_.., Alto!"MY al Lew . al... A .... a ...... ,_.~ c. tQQD (714) ,. ...... . . ..., '·"·" .... TIW "f,. •• r J • q• PI~Y7 PVIUC NOnCE ITA T1:JiiiJn OfF' 1riTliD'IA W AL MM* 'Ail I ...... OPOAni'C UJI1)D I"'C11'nnVVIOIDIIU IIAilll .,.. 0.. kof •n 1 ,... • ...,. ~ ... •·•lktt•• . .. ..,.,. .. ,.....,,.., ., ...... "' ... ..... .....,. •Nt .. .... ,... tr.Mtttll*t .,.,..,_ ·•-.. t;HfLIJI TJIAI)QI(t (;1()\/f • .., ....... "" t (' •• ,.. Dt ... ... ... "" ' .... ~ c ........... ..,.., "'-...... ~-.,__ ·- ........ h;M "'-' ,., .. ~"·' --.. ..... -,..,.. •• ,., •• "" c-... .,. o. .... ""' "'" ·----.. -.....--.,...., ....... -.......... c.-. ..., rr-,...,. 1 o.o. tt ..._,.._ .. CA -.. ........... Cto.lt;o ....... ........... I• ". tM t ........ , ...... ... ' ..... ·-4 •• .. -.. •• 1111 ·-· ........ .. I. •t h•' •4"rw r_..,._ .... ,..,, ... ,..,... • ~ ..... ,. 1• h• f,ltM..;_..,... A ,,.... -r'-e• .... .......... *'....,., h , .. -~ .............. . , .. hrr••··•-. • ....._. • ._......,. • J l' • I r-.. ' ~LOT -n. ~ b.ildile '* _..... .... lor. )900 ... h. .._ we • s-al ... ,...s..~. ... .....-...--~..,~ rr o • o o • o •• o ••••••• o o •••• -• SSCllO.OOO ._.MD lAY-A. ....., 1-a, .._ ill tt.ia ........ ,..._cfat_,.,........., ........ ~ ........ )•,, ....... ...., -s.l.&...r- ............................... $6JS.OOO JIIB .... witlt old WCitd clwJn. four bdrm., 3 blttl. formal dinint family and IMflilrd roams. expanded mastlr bedroom suite. Four lewefs of executiwe lmnc INClUDE: 2 wet blrs. 2 powder rooms. antique fixtures. hand painted murals, spa and more-call for orice and unusual terms. eC~M~t....,.."*. a lllrit •• .... 31152 0.. ()t).lapo CiWJIJI ~~~ Suite 250 ...,., Jo EldefNtw Sen Ju.n c.p..treno. 8roUf CA 1875 114 -1331 r 1 WEEK 6WE£KS 13WEEKS 26WE£KS 52 WEEKS ...................... $1 24 per line . 99 per line 89 per line . 79 per line . 66 per line M ... AYCLAH••• •"-•-c_...,....,. _ __., Open 6WE£KS 13WEEKS 26WE£KS 52 WEEKS 1 WEEK - JWEEKS - 6WEEKS - ,.....,_,_,. lO MJ<SI $12.95 10.45 10.20 9.40 850 S5 95 fOf l8 w ords 10 % DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT ,-----------------~----------------------------------- Classified Just compute your o ..n1 and drop lt 1D the mail. PI-l1Ul tkJ8 ad ------t ..... IIAI\Ut9 J .,...... d-bnttoa ( .. aades) '-ctc.ad • ar cMck lor $ ~-------- Orp..._c .... tMtldoaay. VlSA. ---------------&.pt .. --- --------· ----~. .. ,..--.... -----------------~----- I ' I • I • • • t I • ·-~-~-·----·------------------------------------------· • 3CZiiEYEBY CBIPII. LOTI IIICIIOOLI. IRIJIIVCIIOif TUTOBDIQ: c-&.a- ~ • rov a.o... ~ ........ Neall, ~-.,_. try, ·~-,......_ ........ ~ ... -.... all pro&~. coDeve bouda. 173-1013. TU'fOIIIIfQ WOIIl ...,.._, K-1.2 Uld c:oUeQe. Day, ~ ad-· S5 per lao11r. Wr. Worv-. le-5171. WSIC-A GJ7T roJl unr Vo6ce traiaiav. piuo, OIVM --... AD...,__ lrnreahle. ~.13,..,.. W.. Verde, Co.ta W.... N&DeJ ...,_, se372:Z. nJ10ilNQ -C..O.-tiala. ...,.n..o.d, ill J0111 a.o ... College al· vebra, latvia eclaool aatll, trlvoaoaetry, v-etry. Call a-. 157-.e. GRAND OPJJmfG: 1'lalap lor pndou .-.. OulitJ q~. lO.. oH ltlltrttt.al]y belaaced provraae. DocWr lld.rp~. 2052 N.wpon, COIIIa w-. -..u. 15G.AUGE lALII IWAPIIEET l'f'WY Sudliy, I a.a . k) ! P-•• Ora.ge CCMIIIl eou.v.. Fairt'Ww ad ~.eo.w-. ... ~atklllalta· eDxOiao IIUIDtAIII DD DLLYDAJICD St.dio -OdK ... ~IN.Uoo­c.-.. ad ca-ia ...... of bei)Jduce. CaD 131-4574. CXlMI OlD, COWl AU. -to the Newport r _ _.,., c.nu..l to be Mid AprU 24. 11:00 to 3:00. a.-. gdta aDd sm-. 14th aad Balbo. Bhd. oe the Pea i aeula . II GIFT IDEAS JULP WAHTID - CJuWiu piano aad bur player lor COIIDIIY CJo.pel quttet. Decbc:a· tioll ~-For more uaJona&tica c.u Wazuay. (714) 8S1-0131, or Geoe. (714) 882..0152. HILP WANTID: Gu.rd8 Deeded lor WJ. e:aon Viejo, Wt;I'QDA Beeela, Co.ta w ... uea. Jvll/parl-lime, ell- pers-ce DOt .-.qutnd. ... be O'Nf 21. Good l&aJtill9 ~ lor aore laforaaHoe call Wed- ...dar-Tluu ... lay bet- -1-4 p .m. Call 851..0131 . HnP WANTED: Na· IICUIAIYII"••-....._..._. ... .. ..., ......... ... ....... ,. . ., ..... ~-~~:r,: pon atM off~. k · oeO.t IWtillv Mluy, full -.tit prov.raa. Appl7 ia per110a, Woaday-Fdday, Mt- - 1 aad 4 p.a . to Mr. Jolua s..ct.n. 11013 ~ll Clr., &hi, lrViae. DIVDO ADVD11SING ~ ..... eM.rp ..,......, part liae. c.ll Ketnu, (714) IU-1111. PBOitl I.IPUSDITA· nvJ -TaUt wttlt a,-a...~dllt'-9 DOraal office holltr.. Wake appota---lor OQr prol....... to .... trita prctpeCtr. .. -,...._., • 111USt DEED8 Aim IIORTGAQ£1 _, T.D.'e, 15-YIAI ..., aaortiHd. 17 .. M. Low poDta. CaD ... 21111oc qllOIIe. Part·tiae ~ trita --=::::•· ftlltto boaWioptioa. Weareu Co.r..._.._ l,lMC lnta.buad co•p&aJ W. UlftGa, 01 a r 11, U.. -~ wita -..U.Ot repat..' Uao61_,. •...-n•an-~~ ~-c~-~· •uc OJ , OOODI ~ ..... ~. ,.,_. c-nnc-GOtrERSa 10a 6 Aactenoa lu. AD .,.,_ o1 qu.lity volt Broller~ IDe . 101, STATI LAW II· _,.u do••· Clube Wlr/11. QU1JIIS ..... ,.._ ~aDd IOid Nortll-HUNDRIDS WIULYI wko plftWe oiiM _. .,.oa GoU . Stuff1av -~ at ill tWr ........ ..... . t.o... No apenaoc. ad. ror t+r=« a oe .... 1a DeceNaryl Poaalble. t.ow to oMUa ~ • ,,. ~-1acbe ar~eo.ae,, oeU .AIITIQUES ..._pad •..lope. W.-(714) 172' IVtt.fV AN'S AN· c:uy Coapaay, loll 1IQVII 1231 S Mala ~ 1...-.. ou.c. l7 smra1IC* ..... A... b ~ WAtUu LUYSITTIR • ...,., tt-4. O.Uuoe ..... 1or ialaal. 0cc.....a 11nwo i'liem _. .,.uc~..n . ...u.d -d ...a-wUl llel:p ........ a:=~~~~:!,.~ ia9L CoiOU cW War. 9facMe 1-4, wD tWr .. ......_ -~.. -'-•-'110-01111. 111\adJ,a c.a Mr. IDaJ ,_ ..... ..-- JOBS OVDSIAS Sr .• -.e33. ..,.,_ S17!S. Alto w.ck -wrotl91lt·lroa c ...... 1iQ ___, t.t. UO,OOO IMPLOYID -Ia· Mer tiM-0117 ~ to$SO,OOOpluper,_, . ..WV.t .af·aotie ,,., · · C.U 1-7US-142-6000, etklcal._.. wl6 cJdl- ut. 3215. d:reD ........... wtdl t1 FOIUUTURE HAUOI WUHICIPAL prof.-..~ or avD USID: QMea COURT hu operlliDvr uole. Will ........ t.~~ooa, 1510. So&al lor •• ud womea. U dom...Uc .-..poui))U--....... SJOO. GJa.. you type 40 wpm ud aU. lor l.tYiDIJ qMIWn. ... cl.lMcM sm w.a. .,. illterellled Ia u · Jlep!J P.O. loa 11115. m.lboa. ,Prtave: .ri.D91e ceUeat becelita witt. • eo. W..121Z'7. 110, c1wb1e SIO. queea .wtiDo .....,., of $5.85 Sl30 ..... 770-01i10l. per t.ollr/40 boun per U IIOJIEY week, call 833-0tll, w··-e-.t. 332 for uat.ervtew. -•..., 4601 Jaaboree INd., Newponleac:ll.IOI. DPaiiiiCED I.AJlaO YACHT CAn .AIR WiluaiUD 5 .,..,. Q • perienc:.. !10' Mil tor So. CaW. c:NWav. Ave 2S-45. Wuat be q1WI.bed tor all pAu. of aalll- leD•ac:e/operalloaa Cout Guard eapen · -ct.irabl.. Hoc· -olrer/dnaker Cllr· reDI reJereaCH re· qv.ued ~Seed rwume k) loll S'll!, Cout Wedla Newe GfO\Ip. m 1 I CCMIIIl HWJ . Corou cW War 92II2S D1V11T01 W AJft'll) to ...... OWMr trita IMior lmpron••tr ce $1,· 000,000 laoae. ..... c.u ... Cooper. (714) &Ql-3433 . DISJGNIR'S IHTDll IITATI tor eale. ieuliJul pe<:AD ud ..-... vlur cotfM ud ead table Ml wiiA -tcla.lllv wall IUlltr. Clllllloa 10lallove tMt ..., NW. Ori¢a.aDy S1,100. S.Crttic:. SMO. ou becboota -· ~ ..-:.. elevut UAuaed .. bed. SoUd lla.te 2S" color couole TV. S1815. lo ..... c:u '*" ao-..1 .,..,_ I.GLISH 01NUfG 8ft. Dattt wood ~ lib c:laa1n aDd anoN . Jt.w. louv&.t $3,100. Sell S2,f1001b.t o&r 731 -1114. ~-blowJI c~rett• l.NFOBWATION OM ID&IIWacluret hu UD· CBUJSI elup JObe. --TO aecbat. nc:ADey lor G.reet LAc:ome ~ual. 21 ~ • lOrA BID. Jov. -•. oo8ee lable, nd tab&ee ~rd. Call ahr S p.a .• 8157-1864. ~-U.. merebaDd.i8er all oc:cupabone Call LOU J'1enble daJt ud t.ow.. (602) i47-7251. u t 313 WIDOW HAS MOifiY Duu. lDClude filltllte Call ...tuodable lor Trut Daeda. S10.000 ~y aDd place· 1.....:=~=.:;;;;;.~-:-:-:-=-i ment, ud ~y pea· IABH S6 P1R HOUR up No credit cMc:b/DO lD9 -pt. out to con-..tlUao Avon produc:ta. r.:!'· C.U 0..... --.. Onlr t1toee lD· Parl·hme DNr your IAI•, 873-7311 . te....-..d ua a "put-time bome or ua your work I HAVI WONIY k) IMD poetioD H Ned apply place. C.U C.rol Sbl-oD yow lilome. Low ila· Seed partjc:ulan ID-ly, 540-7041 te,_., ,,.. apprUral. 7· clllll:l.iDv prior worll -· WANTID SHARP ~d~.~~~cndit. (71'; pen..c:.: p._,_.ver, PIOPLI to dlltnbuiA -,, t .O . Boa 4i0613. Ww Aaway prodiiClll a.m . -3J98. 1ioA V...,. CA aiel 1a91 wilimited. Call J'UlOO=--==--:::SIC=eo~t=me=--­ IOaiM-Wooct,, -.3N4. CoapeUthre r•t". loraatioe. C.U !156-...,. ______________ '"" ..,, lrobr laqv.1.ri.-........... laaecllate f•acUav. lrcar.M7..._ II HEALTH LOSI WIIGHT NOW. 10 k) Zl 0.. la 30 ,..,. or ,-ou.r $31.75 for 1· =-~~~ ~tor. ~U. • ... SGl. Apply now for Woodbridge Village Shopping Center's WONIY -WOBY -HoaeowMn; "--..,. r.:b.~ .:=..~ '"' ............ c.u Jla • ., ..... w•••·-~1.8. • AJ'I'I,I.UCII • • A WAN A WICIO· WAVJ•• Nn ill boa wlda warrue,. 11•. Ti .... FOI SALI: l pa11 w.. 110 ca. $25. 1 pair llr1 -.. .... 3, $10. Oval ..._. -nao. oru9e ud b.ow. -·~ beio• colon, $11. W... bowl· 1D9 bell. AMI, t.o CM'r'J· la9 c-. wttta a.l.oea, .... eiM ~. S c.luoma udiM~~ cM!n, cluoae and oraDge color. $25 MC:h or .U S for S100. &c:lr ~ok. SlO Cluld'• al.-plao cot, $3. ..........,_ BUTTONS, BUWPU sncms. reln..,•rator JU9UU, cvaoa made -.p aeeten, cra~y .. ,u.q. ud rock but· IOU 1A lltoclr. lfV\De Cowboy, 55-1841. PIUZ IWIICUT Walelteaale model• aeeded for demoDIIre· tiola by edvuoed ltylilt. Wui.IDua SS product clauo• for pe1111.1 ud oolon. 883-0408. AliWAY PRODUCTS COIU to you. S.ti.IUc· UoG Q~utaecl or moD· .,beck. 55-5843. WHIILCHAIR, S17S I~ walbt, S250 O.,en o..-ner, $30 O.,q.a revlllator (H). 1110. Call 752-4273. CONSIGNII WUST SACJU..nCI cloaa.one v••••· autheottc cau-robe, larQ• N•••r. blanket. s~ .Uw . Okt Glory. 752 s. Cout Hwy • W9UDa 8Mcll. RANCHO SAN lOA OUlN/Raacbo WeN Vanie Racquet Club aea.barallip Couple - S1SO. Call 751-2148 -.u.D'JI, daya 549- 86 WIXJCAN PA VIR TtLI lor pahoa, lld-alb. *· 7'S cenl8 lq\IUe loot. ,. .... li, --107'8. IOOU-OLO. RARI &Ad oul·of-priDt. We b\Jy &Ad .. u. "Out-of· priat boob O\lf .peci&l- ty.'' NatioDWlde Seucla S....nc.. 8oolr Vault, 3882-A s. lhwtol, s-aa Aaa, 549-9548. RIDWOOD 2ri dec:k- UI9 -4·20' kmo. 2S- ceol8 loot. Jt.a. 646- NIS, uytuae. 51 WAin TO BUY W A.NTJ:o: OLD GUNS, nfiM. abot9UD.I. pocket watchea, a 1litary IWOrda. S.rJOUa coU.C- Ior -paya mon than uy dMJ.r. 581-8870 . WANTED: PURNI- TURI, appba.oc. (re- frtqeratora, wuheu, dryera, TV'a, wo rloD9/ non-worltUI9, Aotlq\1 ... p~noe. office lurnJhue. SSCAS, (714) 967-8161. WA.NTIO: USED PUR- NlTUU, modern/an· hque. Refr19eratou, waahen, dzyera (work· U:IIJ , DOD·WorltiJiq ). l., 957·8133 S2 RENTALS TO SHARE WATUU nMALI to .... z ........ 2· ~ coaclo. \lalv..raWl. ed bedJOGa. X......., let. 1300 k 112 .. tilib.e.-. ... PW • •ON Till SAMJ)IIt 1 +1 +1. pn.. Newpon loc:.UO. Ma u .u. $400. Jla, le78157. QUift, NON-SWOE- IHG atralolat a&le, z..o. wuted to ...,. 3-bedrooe 'h.nt.Wied h · Yme hou.. Pool &Del lltillU.. lllc:l*'-1. S2'1S per ..owath. E.G, 551-8518. SHARI UCKLLIMT HOUSI -Oc.u/~­ yoo n.... O.Clr. w~ prof~oaa1 woaaD 4.9'7-6185. CAU ClASSIFIED 17S-ISSI NOW RINTIHG: 1· ud 2 -bedroom garden ap&rtlllenl8. Cloea to h-ay, beech &Ad waLk to ahoppioq. Hunt· i.DQtOD Beac h UN. (714) 847-6064. UNIQUE APART - MINTS &Ad towu.bo~ >nth cathedral oeil1D9a. fir~.-tbua,au coodthODlDQ, pool1, aaii.DU, 9Y•. leiUI.Ia co\lfta. lm.mecbate av..U- able: 1 bedroom ud den, 1 bedrooa, 2 bed· room/2 batll town· bo~. Sorry, DO petl. HOUSDU.Tl WANT-'2400 Harbor Blvd , ED -W&le biWD~ Coat& W... SS7-8020. will 1bare lar9e 2-bed-LANDLORDS -PrM room, 2-batll home Ul adverti&IJI9I LlM rant&ll l...aU Foreet >ntll aame ud recewe qu&Wied over 30 yean $225 pl1.11 calla! AAA Rental RMJ. 112 utwli• Referenc•. ty, Oru9• County'• C.U toWrM ou.mber oldeet ud lar9eet rental 1-800·532·3972. uk lor •rv1ce. VlJ-8315 Peony•aver Adwatch OCEANFRONT Li.ASE !145583. -South W'JUDe 1 bed· ROOWWATE WANTED roomldu apartment, -New luxury home , pool. S900 aoothly Laquaa HUll. Noo· Owner. Call tollirM amoltUio female, oWD ou.mber 1-800-532-3972, bathroom, S3SO plWI ulr for P&ADyaaver Ad- utthb•. 643-0477 watch N7721. 88HOUSESFOR SALE NIAII-IALD lAY Orlv $30.000 dOWn. &-.ov OCean and ~...,.,.from .. IPM'v 31:Mtdroom. 2 both hOme. Oc* IIOon lt'Wough)ut, rictl tk*Jn .... ~ llllePQce ~ CQMd In ~ eteoant drq ar.a. AI MIW oat ldk:hen ond WilY ~ ~ oarcten polio. Aaurne $192.000 plul owrw ~~*"--Moot "'CCe tor""" or,_,~ sua.ooo. AWOWVIIWt -ol Etftej'*' ~ot.&M In .. 3 bec*oom. ~ both horne OR fllt,.lt.yp OR -" • out 01 ... " c:Jownl Pt1oed at tot..,aa,. for kilt tale. Qood term&. 1299.000. CALL HILLa (AGENT) (714)•M tt7• II BOVIll UWUD WOCJI!M"'GG ww.. aora...Piu4.:~ ........ ~. 1001a, 2K-~. t..I!J roo., CXNDtJy .... ..... ~ y&ld,...., ~.~.110 .,-. SUllO per .oa~. SudJ, ...... (714) *-O'Itl. W()()I)UJJ)(D LAJfO.. lNG -J.W. ,..__ Plaa 4. 2,SOO aq. Jt., 4- bedrooa, 2~·batla. tuua, I'OOia, luoe yard, orHI loceUoa, ab coad., oerdeoN. No ~ Sl,300 ~ .c>Dth . Se.adi, (714) 4M-Cml. SICOICDOS/ TOWIOISES FOR RENT PUBLISHU OOIS NOT ACCIPT Ua.bii.Jty for I.Dcorrecl apelli.Dq, Qlallla&hc:al l.D.accur- ac-. or typooreph.icaJ erron Ul uy adver- lllementapu.bl.iabedJD the eo...t Wecb.a New• Gr011p. NEW CONDOS A.PIUL UNT ntD Fre.h 1· ud 2-bedroom coodoa SkyhQhtl, luepiAce, paho, 2-car CJ&r~•· S53S to $595 per month 631-5809 1872 WooroVUI, Co.ta W-. 3-BIDROOW, 1 V. 8A TH _., South Coaat PLu.e Double Qara9e, yard, pool, 1pa, 10lar 1625 month Dave, 540- 3421, S48-6622, ).41 w Alton. No. E FIND IT IN OUR OF IMI8DIE88 amt'VICES Open Doors ea.ooo Cltcu&atJon 673-0550 TU tc.wpcw1 £DUp WM=xc\Qy. AprU 21. 1-~II E AtiTOMOT PA.I..W SPIUHGS fv. D.w..d l.zvy ril.la. ~~5~~~~~:2:: Sle.p. 4. SwiaaJ.oo, llM,. ...._ W.. ~-a . ..wa. A .. tl· .., ~-. 2 • u'lfl8:. ·=~~~w;;;:n---: able •• kwda or kloQ 130 ._, 314 .....,. ... S311a.CIIIl o-.1. C.. I' _ J. t-. C.C. etaoapl!tere. ---~... ~... .._. -a. 1.-. '•-=•hle rat.. C&ll -.... p..... ... ' aa...n., ...... ~ beclloi:IID,. 2·bath COli lve, 846-3188 or 56-tr.-."floor . .......,.l!a,g1 --~...,.,. do, Su C lemeate IVa ......... wiDdowe. pho.e aad blocb to beach Pool, ,.....,., aecretau&l N t Yicea. HOIIII'IIOPDTY ud BIG liAR CABIN -2-UlOO Dove, No 330, beadhl CCNaby lloae, bedrooa plu1 loft. '1S2·6408. aeohlded Tnbuco c-. Sleapa 9. 5-10 DUDut• to IRVINI INDUSTJUAL yoa. 2,100 ICI· lt. plua Saow SuiiUIUt. SSO ,per PARI, Tu.atiD (Wyford./ "ll•rele Qllealroom. Di9llt. $70 refuadabJe Walnut) ollie• Ul new $172,000 willa $20,000-~eeunty depomt. Call b ,, .... _ ............ bo-·' $35,000 down. C&ll toU-toWrM Dumber 1-800· UU<UDQ Wlua _..., _. free ouaberJ 1-8()0.532. WMebOI.IIe ~ O.ya 532·3972, uk for PeDDy· 3972, ulr for P-.nyaaver j<IIC\.IJI~J. patio v1ew 1139,900. Aaaumable ~~ ~ lou. 493-22AO aav•r Adwatch W5688. 731·0914· eveoano• Adwatcb W8218. 833·8719. j SNOW, SNOW, WORE BY OWNIR -Wr9•. Eeclally d.eai90ed IIAR80J\ CUSTOM FURNlSHED SNOW Wammoth coo-at1rac1lve J.bedzoom, 2-8d ~ d ., ..__... 3 ....... nor•. 2 r o , ~ ..... room, -... ua, bath bome, ...., beach. 2 1 , car Q&r&Qe, 1 JaCU&aJiu, -~· ID.Idcro· a.cnatU\ll Ne..,..n SlN,OOO. Low down. bdz converted 10 wave, .., ....... Wl er· Center oll.ce wtlh UM ho.Ueat .. 1111.1. C&ll n JU:CilEA noR fPIP':tD 90SERVICE/ REPAIR BRmSH AUTO Jll. PAIRS J&QU&r, J .... HeaJ.,, TniUilp}a, WG, T numph St.o an.d ~ other Bnbah autoe li95 Harbor Blvd . Co.ca w •• a . 5 48-6226 HERB'S G ARAG.I AUTO ---.tiP AIR J'ore19D I Oom..uc l.n91.ne overllaul TUDe up, bralr•. electnc.l Call 832-2371 --- 9round pukm9 av&.Ll· of reception confer tollf,_ aua.ber 1-800-J&CUUJ room Ten.DJa, able ApnJ 15 00 enc• room lutcbeo, 532.Jir12, Mklor PeDDy· pool, ape. Mc:unty HONDA WOTORCY 833·0277. aavey ... watch W7187 nate $265.000 C LI ~ uww u_ tl MTBCYCI.ES/ MOPEDS pbone. Mcteta u a l • AU .. ~,.. -· ... w SOUTH LAD TAHOE, aJJd word proc~q $10,000 DOWN OR ~.OOOdowt~ llYa"-1980, 600 aulee, aau.t Tahoe Keya. Lovely 2· Mat.! ud ·~· •r TRAOI for mOll! any· iUI&DCID9 Brit (213) ..U Sl ,250 ~7150 bedroom condo, .Jeep• vace avatlable •par tluo9 -&..uuhal •· 1982 CUSTOW ~E 6. an. au.le CUUIOI, alrJ. ately ,, ~red bedroom, 3-bath No r~~~~~~~~ moped from Holla.Dd JDQ. Iildoor pool, etc Call Scally q-1.1Ahlym9 Sao Cle-Only ~ mtlea Wu.t S701day (71•> 646-2183 17141 ~100 mente 661-1S48 71 LOTS. ..u• P&ld Sl,200 .• u MAWNOTH LUXURY 5BEDROOW, 3.200 1q ACREAGE S800 Call tolllr•• COHOOS at Chatr 15 h preet1Q1ou.~ lu.aury pRIME ACREAGE number I 800-532·397'2 SIMpl 4, 6 and 8 All home SJOO,OOO Good LOTS Oceaa and ull for PeDDyaaver Ad amerutJ" 30 to SO~ a••um.able Owner will watch N9697 -vaUey vtew• on Sao lUAU di.ICOUDI (213) 695-64 BOARD c arry Below market Cap .. lrano Equ .. tnAD 1979 HONDA XLI85 6441 • CARE C aU toWrM number and teruua zoned Ell Good condthon S325 or 81ROOMSFOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT - Mae1on V1e1o home t..h pnvueqes Vaew S250 plua ultltllel 855-1859 620FnCE/ COMMERCIAL -1·800 532-3972 .u) for cellent term•. from best offer 661 2806 PRJVAn HOME C ARE Panllvaaver Adwatcb • IV! 000 C 4Jterc.p-' .1'""'. ontempor v -for elderly am.bu.latory M0009 ary lnve1tmenu lnc O PED PUCH Laceoaecl aurae C 0-NT E u p 0 R A R y M ~2582 ,.. 581 1600 qrMn 1.000 m•l• ltlr.e ' clU~Jc tak" on an LAGUNA BEAC H LOT new S550 Btcvcle . PRIVATE GUEST •9•1-quahty Cl•an _ Owner downtown small 10 speed, S25 HONE baa opeoaao• lor de~~Qn, • bedroom 3 Appro:um•t•ly 12,000 CaU tollhM nu111.ber J people Ambulatory/ bath. quul 1u1te sq h Comm•rcta1 or 1 80(). S32 3972 .uk tot non ambulatory 3 $250,000 laqa or Chns res1dentaal S420.000 Penny~&ver A.dwatch nutnbOWI mMla 24 831 3114, aqent O wner wdl catty W7746 hour Mtv1ce Doctor/ HUR~Y1 MOTIVATED 661 17~ DIRT BlltE 1980 nurM on call Laceoaecl SlLl.E.R oeacb mohval· Y4 maha YZ 12Scc Ell ---+ ----- DATSUJf DATSUN 19"18 2MliZ 4- .p..d rw ...... au, new rad1ale, low .u~ $6, soo in- 1527 or 857-1•1 CARs FOR SAl.l - 19'19 310 Drat8wl Haach· beck. hc.n-t, -..o. frootwheel cha••· reqv.lu oaa. $4.3!10. lsr74 Toyoea Ccno11a Au, AW1N 1-trKir, Sl,OOO. Call toWfrM ollDI.ber l..fiOO..SJ:l-3972, uk for P~yaaver Ad- watch W0063. 1978 DATSUN 210 Hate: b..bacJt You've read the reel, DOW b.ere'1 tJae ba.t! $2, 680/otier. C&ll tollirM oumbez 1-800- 532-3972, Mk for P-.ny- avw Ad-eca NOla. 1~210SL DATSUII. lauald or-.. tow .u..q., e&c:elle!st ~­ dtllOD, DeW lJ ..... 50,000-nu.le wUTUty. SS,!iOO/beet oU.. C&ll toUfi'M nuaber 1-1101). 532-39'72, Mk lor Peuy- .. .,.. Adwatclt. N00'73.. FlAT tsn.. 128 nAT 4l,OOO aulea., QOOd w.a. ll-paml, ~ coedJ. boD Sl,800.'beltl oftN Call toWrM nwabw 1-80()..532-3972 ull lor Pennyaave1 Adwatcll WOlJl FORO 1978 FORD FIEST A S model Suo roof, AN.Iflo4, a•ceUent JD· tenor ellteraor \2,800. no 'i217 HONDA DELUXE EXECUTIVE Pnvate rooma av&.Llable _ _. b • . ~ _ ... 770.6651 ... uyer ....., pnc... cellent cond•llon S750 l98iHONOA ACCORD I W PeteA l..ud.a.nq 72 RESORT no 2527 SUITES Newport Beach/looll Center full •upport •TVlC• Ollie• fro m $436 per month Or call, etc U65 pet month THE HEADQUARTERS CONPAJfY (714) ISl-0681 86 WANT IREMT OREXCDGE YOUNG WAN NUOS RENTAL 1D .. chuQe for maiDI&D&Dce, W\D· dow1, 9ardeDJD9, etc 497·6463. 4i8 6140 daya OUR LEASE lS At MOST UP -3 prof•· SJOD&I men need 3· bedroom/2·bath wtth uparctdedl 9araqe 1.o Corona del War or wqUDa Beacb, baotDDID9 JD Auq1.111 Ca!J toWrM number 1·800·532-3972, ult for PaonyNver Adwatch M0108 87 REAL ESTATE fOUR-PLI.X -Coeta W.. $186,000 loD9· tum h.nucl.DQ S20,000 doWD S250 (Ia• month Ne9ahve Pnoc1pal1 ouly John. a9eot 646-7660 SAN CUNI:NTI 4· PLD pl\IJI bo11W1 room Wllll bath 25" doW11 Owner w1JI c arry balaoce at 11 Ya ~ $284,000 Owner (71•) 768-1636 Plu 4 10 Woodbndq• PROPERTY ~~ c~· -.:i: Pnced below market "UST s--· L Be -11,-.yCU:S lellt CODdtllon ~ 2 SOO 1q It bome 4 ... """ au ,.. v& ~room 2..,. bath, 11Jul L..ke Arrowhead LADU:S COASTU tollfrM nlllllber 1-800- t.amlly room 1u•unous borne 3 bedroom 2 I 532-3972 uk lor P-.ny- ID&IIer lUIIe la rqe bath 3 ~lory bu1h tn :;tdl• cn·~~ •• ~.~~h Nver Adwatcb N0107 country lt:ttcb.en 2 h re ,lotchen appha.nces ht Mens bovs 10 apead 1981 HONDA CMC - plac• au bNulltully a nd 2nd S I 400 month Namr bra nd• Loo~ nde $.4 200 Call toW,.. laJid.ecaped A..umable ly Call tollhM numbet new Choice $-49 l number l 800 532 3972, ud •Uer faoa.ncaDq I 800 532 3972 as): for 548 8066 as.lt lor Pennywver Ad· Th1.1 1.1 tll6 one you've Pennvtaver A.d wat~h OISCO'YU'I' watc h M0ll4 been wa1t1n9 for I M7954 '"'"'' $294,900 Call Sandt ------aqeot, (114> 494-0791 73 BUSINESS BROADMOOR PLAN I PROPERTY Panoramtc qolt Prtcea on popular brand b1C'ycl.. clotban9 and <ICCeciiOll .. SA Vt "T SUPSON'S CYCU:RY 2991 Grace Lane Co&la W-. ••. a. •• , .,.o '"'"" _. .. ~-4130 couna vaew tn El Ntouel PRUa O LD CdM Ke•qhll 3 bedroom 2~ Purcbue 4 •hops on beth, 2 hr•plac:M lar9r Coa1t Hwy Great lor lot S359 000 Chna or own•t 'user A.numeble lD9a 831 3114, aqanl hnanc1nq plua owner CORPORATETRAH-S 1 wall ca~ry SSJS 000 93 VANS/TReKS FER -~ec ultve 3 Aqeol I•) 457 4611 FOR SALE bedroom 2'1l batb lot BAL.JOA ISLAND JAGUAR 1969 JAGUAR COUPI New •nq1na ud lranamlu ton E•cel.leDt I cond111on Beat offer Call 974 5725 1976 J AGUA~ X.f12L 1974 Ltoco1n Cont~J~en· tal both u cellent B.l c. !fer Must •II' (92. 8649 mal daDtDQ room famuy Ra~on $.425 000 1970 DODGE 3 4 too room 2 hreplecM 1pa commercial plus ltv1J19 p1ckup Camper Spa MAZDA Owner ltnancanq quarteA Aqent 673 -•al H••vv duty equ1p 1.7::::=:=~-:-:;-;:::-;-=~ Sl88,000 laqa or Chr11 1241 pad A.M flo4 power 1980 MAZDA R17 831 3114, a9eo1 RARE OPPORTUNITY ''""nq and bra.k• Lqbt blue .. c.U.Ot PJUCE REDUCTION -BuJdrnq on ForNI •"tomahc lr&D.I a.r condttlon &lr CODd . NO QUAl.JFYDtGt Avenue wquna Beach I ond Borde n bum pet 20 000 mdN S8.500 Tenul Tanul TW1D&I 4 750 1q fl Sl SOO 000 b1Q w•d• heavy-d l4ty Call toiUrM owaber Take over 1• ud 2nd 497 1305 '"" n rN r look• ud I 800 SJ2 3972 ulr lor I r~<ns r•at Nev•r burt or Peoov•.ave r A.dwatch T D Wllll 00 qlJah.l'ytoq I a.b.aed S2 800 cub or W0181 oec:-ry Woodbnd9• TATE WJDd.aor lite ... Plu 4 11 REAL ES bee1 offer Will trade lor EXTRA CllAN 1973 Wo.t poplllar model WANTED/ auto 644 4687 RX3 Maada Wa9QD l 255 1q h •·bed EXCHANGE !979 f O RD BRONCO New •n~1ne 9UAruJ· rooa, l~·bath, lamuy I XLT A.utometac 4 teed £scalln1 Sl.SII& hreplace country klt· HONOLULU HONE -wh... dma J3 000 855 999! 859 1261 cheD, au beauhtully I s.u or .. chuQ• &qUIIY mtl.. Al.lttoq sa 000 lucUc:aped with auto for Oren9• County 559 6333 •her 6 p m ..racmES .._ PININ8ULA HOMII EXCEllfNT T£RMSt Remoc:t.led tro- dltlonol 3 bedroom, den, 3 both, reduced to f395,000. ~~prlnlrlen Very laroa l home or condo(a) 4 1 ~ 8IOoft6 yard, ba.t loc:attoo on bedroom ocean Vta w W l R C [ D l S 1 i 7 7 quiet cv.l·de·aac Pncad QOIJ CO\IfM puvat• f1 AUTOS 4!0SLC Au tUDrool. to .. u at $224 900 I community lenni& rae WANTED nc:elleot cood moo low Sudl, aQeDI, (714) 494-quetbaU Near aandy 1 m1leaQ• Mu1t ••ll ONl b•ac h Value S260 000 USED C ARS WANTED $24,000 (7l4) 760-0285. OCIAN V!iw S Anu m able S 140 000 Up to S500 pe1d Jh.n IQ81 WUC ED!Sl400 •n mortQaoe P 0 Bo:a ntnq '" not A.l1o Cl-eat• OwnM r 2· l60 44 Ho nolulu wreclta A.u lor lad Loaded c ream/laD, Prize West Boy boyfront. Slip$ for 2 boofl, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 bath 11,200,000. Oceon and jetty views. Marine room. 4 bedtooma, l botha, 3, 700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. LIDO IILI HOMEI Prime Lido Nord boyfront. Five bed- rooma, 5 ~ baths Lorg. living room, 2 boot slips. !1 ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 ~th plus lor~ rec. room, beom ce ilings, fur- nished. potloa. s.G>,OOO. LINDA 18LI •A YPRONT Logoon view from 6 bedroom . .5 baft\, ~oom. dot\ room, den, boot allp.. tl,Ul,OOO. 8A Y81H COY I Spectocu&ot bayfront vlew 2 bed- room, 2 bath up; 2 bed! oom, 2 both dOwn. Twobootal""' 11 ,900,000. CORONADO CA ft CoronOdo ltlond cuet. botffont lot. W boot dock. ,.._. ovoll. ~.000 wflh termL • T.I8V.TM- M1181011 YILIO New~ .... ., 4 bedroom# • ~. .__ p0411. .... A PU'IIU What llu • neat yard and a I'P& w1tll a Yl•w h om the cMc:lt that •• 9'"' 3 bedroom• 10 c ared for aod loved by 111 ma You ca n "' oil the floor "oa a plate" So c!OM lo the beach Inch can IOQ there pa or wallt 10 th• 1hopt w1th thetr mate U yo11 thu\ll ,011 can b.lt 11 I t..ave 1o aay bu Ia lhou•q41 ,,._ * ' =ii-A ,..,.. I,_, .... ) Wra 2~ IN cu~oa bedroom. Ui-batb H.w&JI Owner Call &47 ~78 ralnt coodlllOD sa.oco •••ode led FleJitble IOWrM Dumber 1 800 I PU BLISHER DOlS fli ~ .. c~'::w"! ~:.:-::~09 57J~~; 532-3872. ult lor Penny NOT ACCEPT halnbty nwolMr 1 800-532-m:l, e~ot~ 00 ~al.lfytnQ ..... Adwatch Wgefj() lor IDCOrrecl trpaUIOQ ... lor P~NU~yaa .. , Ad· re.dy a ove-LD Owner qra mmattcal 1naccur watch Ml211 will cam dl.Wl 10 MOilLE IDlES act• ot IYPQ9t&p}ucal 1...,... W:..:D::.:..:.C..:,.I"'"D-::-IS~IDfl-=-=- •n on lD any adver ••~ NO O UALI1TING -J. WOBJLI HOWl t~~ementa publ .. hed 1n l80 Coupe T~ bedrooa 2-batil W~a-$17 000 ~r !.eel the Coall Wed•• Neww broWD tu Ul._nor llll atoa Vleto pool home ).,.t condltlOJll Rectuc Group aac lllate t\rouqho~at A-a• ue.ooo brill at ed lea¥11\0 I I ale Sl 000 496-8315 ahet s 11~~ OWiler will con s.r-• &haded bad IItPS CARS PIC K p ra .~ ad, SlS1,eoo &y yard C a ll tollfr.. UPS from SJS A.va1l --- oWMt -..1052 number 1 800-W 3972 able at local Govern 1 1 A U 1 1 FUlLy uk for PenDyu~r Ad ment Aucttonl For ...,M=G~=~---:--:-::-UPGRADID Sc l watc h W0112 duec:tory call (805} 1WI9 WGa Lual&ad ld.I- UAD 687 800(), eJII 2J06 t1<m Jled. hally !oe;. Cap..uuo ltlo-lly Call refuocUble '* Ca1J OOWMf, 3 Mdrooa, 1" --ed, 14,000 • ~. -•-bJe I~AaDc Pet ....W.yw, -..sJ20 a.~ ..UI S128 800 roa SALI IY OWND -I!Joae Ia Lt.ke Joreet, c-lo. lo .cllool.l aod ..... heo.fv.1 bY\D9 I.D ..u.-.. •n'OUCil119 l, ..... ft., 3 bed· ~ ... 2\o\ Milia Pdoed ..,_1(\lk:lr ale $111,100 C&lllor baaa· .. ~a~orae... ad ........ 1.137-mt. n IUlCI lim IUVtU.A Loaded mooaroot, abeoh&telJ miDI Sl, 100ibelte Doa-. •'-14f'1-2210- OLDIIIOJ.D.I I t73 OLDIMOI.tU o •. ~,. 8•tc"-ec~. 13.000 ........ u.. ••4 ,, .......... . ·····-.•. ._.. Wu.tf lllo .. lllluf~tJi-frl("l~ 'WIIil p..,o'a"'~e wlal .. ..... ltWW .... ............. a.. a4t•····· I , .. ... ~ ........... . ...... ~­....... c ...... ~ .... ...._.,... .............. ud JI •aiU.OO..eu.. ........ ADDI110IIS • •DIODEIJ.JtG QDwtCK I SON IUII.DaS liDce 1~7. 'ffltL••• 1~. 0..., Wlladowa. Patio eo.... Pta.. frw •· .... , ..... ~2170. 1Jc.310N2. AIPIIAI.T SEAL CQA!IIIQ/ DmYEWAYS AIPIIAI.T REPAIR ~-:~:. Jrw a.t. Lie. 3I73G MUlll AU.ITATE PAVDfOOO. IIAV1'Y IVCS/ Iii- SALLY'S IIAUTY NOOK, 1.1. 17tJl S.., COitaW... ........ froe S1 UO up. Ttatta.J, SI.OO y . Sha"C Uci _.., SoUO. J01t1.D9, 111.00 liP· Hal..rcutti.D9, suo. 142·7162. THI rDfiST Ia COlD· IMrCial ud relldellu.l calt1aetry, allelvla9, but, oou.ater ud q•· eral woodwork. JO Coulnactloola. Willworil D&Yil&oa. Liceue No. 3!10171. (714) 831-4210. CAJDm'S I CAAPIN· Trf -s...u jobe ud repeln. ,, .. ..U..t•. 14&-21003. CAIIDT IIPDOIIIDIG WOODS CUSTO N Patat1119 ud ftef1DI.Ih. 1119: Jor all yollr ~iDI· 1119 Deeda. Speci.I.J.WD4 lA ea.blut bui.Jdi.Do. fiD111liD9 ud m.uu.Ji. 1A9· f or fr• ..u.-t. c.U f erry, (714) 135· 8113. (714) 633·5283 CARPEKTRY ruNCH DOORS. bey wi.Ddo-. patio cover•. d.c:b, fr&llli.D9. 11diDQ. 1-. wood floorua9 FrH N b iDAiel IJI. eelleat reler,.eacee U~alle eued lobo. 875-8002 FRINCH DOORS- CoapJ.te LUallahoa LD • Dew opeoul9 or to replac:e QM ~ doon and wmdow• Work Qlllflllteed Re· t.rnall. Liceued COD tractor, 673-73!ia3, Tom Hooper Uc. 28IGe CAJlPINTRY WOI'I - Pat1o coven , dec:ka. c· lloreqe Willi, ~au All IJPII of e~try No JOb too ...U Tom. 551·2583 CUSTON ruiMJTUU DISIGNID aDd bl&llt to you ...t -wall Wlit., booke.-, t.W., ea.b· laela, etor&~Je I&Aila, b.n. Call Job at "fllr· Ditu.re Woodcraft," ~ &U7or-.el!M. 1111 fiNIST Ill coa· aercl.al aDd I'Mideotial eablaetry, ehelvla9, baD, eou.al!u ud (lell• aral woodwork. JO Coutnactioa. IJc.ue ao. 3!10878. (714) 831· 4.280. CARPINTIJl -for· eke work, C\lltca cab· laetl, booJI ~vee. ~· ea.bi.Mta, lmiM worlt. 23 yean ~ rieDce. !Ml3-9056. 963- 5812. Thaak you, Jerry. Se.lllnt Yow C.t? Cda...wled 173-0550 c.unT DY!IIeO DYI YOUI CAIPIT: eo..n fedla9. llt&b:la. Colore ../.eraue~at, flllraat . C~t1tcua O,.n, (714) 1fi0.7170 CAJlPET IKITALLAnON IJl.L 'S CAIPIT SDV · ICI. lutalktloD ud rl!plin. Ou&hty work, at l&lr =•· c.Il Bill at 552· •veD11l91 CA.APrr IMSTALLIR n.u...ble R.p&U'I 11 rean upenace Call Rl*, 548-e265. CAR WASBIIfG WOID.J SIRVlCI at your home or ollie:• ComMit• ha.ad wuhia.9 azad 111tenor ~ "No Ill~* -no fl* H Offlea houn 8 • m 11 • a ll!&c:b&nqe 11 • m 11 p aJ &73-2244 CDIEifT OOIICII.ETE PAnos • DB.IVIW A YS Wood111 pabo coven, all typee No tob too b1q/allllll No ~1235 Aa1r lor Jla . 548-7102 CONCUTE AND WA· SONRY Pahoa, dec:k1, brtc:k I a lay, drlvewa~ with upllab removal, pluten, U.... ru191, bloelt w.U. Jr• ....... o... ,. 7440 (J.jc 38:J.422) FRD !.ST1W.A TD o• c-1111, b&odt or bncll· worlt,MW~ or repe.ln Lie. 2MI22 Call-.ot.llaa.,ua. CONCIITI WOJtK PIIIOI , d ...... , •• b&ockwalla, roo• -'111· tlou, to-.dlticee, - c:wt.UIIq Lie. 2547.M. Paw. 77S-3213. ~ 8371 a IAIIIIIG IYC ........ Pnlh 1 uO., c:.IMII..t leeul•oUal/Co•••r· doll MWill OOI&IauciiDI n eu.e.lna•f h h.t CoMbelloa Co. rtaW. ............. cleeb, piLIIo ~ lloae lapJO .... aue.. Very reaeoaaitle. ~,... ... ...... .,.~ .. N'IW COIISTaUCTJC* -~ _,aw. PIID nperrilloD. CCIIII phw or bid. fz.e ....,,,._ ADN.wpon~ ~-= Property S.rvioee," 831-4171~ I7'S-eOO:l OVDIIOLT eo..tnc . Uaa, R_odeba, ud etc. rrua~at. u.,....n. bay willdowe, fre.cll doon. Qubty at low prle... Call lryu, ~m?. IAINII DUWALL - ~ ....... ICIOUdc eeilmo ud wall •· tuNI.lJc. 41Sle7. Sll..., DRYWALL TAJIIMG 11 teahu•• aad acoutic. looa .... tioDI ud r&la .......,_, frw acte.._. ~..ria, 675-... EI.IICDJaU IISIDIImAL I C()M. WDClAL -llerrtDo our~. 0..., ~lliek, depea.dule. w. clo &AJ ... job. Peter S. lod9ere, Property Iapro••· mat,l31·~. UCDrSID ILICTJU. ClAH -D.p-drhk, QUallty work ...... . .we , ..... rrw .... . malel Call Tom, 831· 5072. II.IICTIUCAI. PBOII.IIII? Call KC1 Sen1oe Coa· pe.ay w. clo ........ ti&l. ~. Ill· dWitri&l w1.rtDQ. No job .. too emall. 24-\ow Mn· Ice 11Ae;if,14) S31·SI. Lie 41 . VlD£0 GA.NIS (Com· merelal) Juke ~ .... p•aba lle, re .. oaahle pnc•. l&r91 -.lect1011 Parte alld •rvw:e Nlke, dM.ler (714) 7J8.3888 PARTY ULLOOltS Ua.iqoe, ,...,..u.ect Gift. O.U.....t loc.a1y. Or-. ~· ... Doou of ll.wport. ItS 14ts. n.oc::.mo ··-~: n. haD ---ou.,.e .eon.r......,__., vtayl. --.:. Low pnc:. ._.... ..... =-'n). (714) IIJ. .L.C&DJ ........ FUal8tUU .... -roa ~ QIJI)IM. DIQ uavJCL Weieltl1. .., ...... .,, ... ~ . ...... ,. ..... .... .................... ......._.r .... .... ..... 1 ...... to 10 p.a. UIDIG Jl HDI. a.t yollr leacbcap• ln -...w.oa....-. oo..tat aD ..... ol lud~eape ...... Jl&r. -Alltt .. ""* , ............ ~ ~Nell t.-a.mo.. 87'1-3'730. • Pla·ll ~mice • ~:phau.~ C&I:JieDtry. doore, aoldlat•· ca.b~. eMivl.a9. ,~ to 1&'191 ,_, ~· , .... ~-w:.. Lie .... .,. .,.. a••--a BOUUCLIAIIIIIG. 0 Jbt •• IF ? ..... • ......... ~ 0~ .... ~ ... 1~ ........ , ttee c.u ..._., .•.. m .. .a:n . w ••• ~II RAY· 1110 ma 1or pouttlf. WI .......... ,ou dea ......... w •• II.Wia .... •----1171. ,.. -...... ... 1300. Mh*"'Oll II1DIOII DIP'!" LAimiCUIIIQ YAIID UIVUIIATIOR 0.... • t.... Tda· ::.1• Wwa 'ttOTOtk)a •n+=..-.•len· 1119 llar._r ANI DiM ,.... ...... boeuecl, Ia· II&NIIl. ,._ .......... CAU.IOI ••••• Glllllllc:al Lawa, tJMe. ..... In· ...U.Uoa, ~ 'rteelef ud ,_ ....,...... Aftlac 4 fc:i: 141o1171 or..._ VIC'I LAIIDSCAPI D •• ,, •• ,J .. tallatloa: L.w price~, ~ qull- ty. o.u.~a ... NP&lfl. IWereDcea. (714) .,. 1801. IIDULUCICUI w. NftO'N old ..... .... .....u ... ~a~~ut rocl ..... w ....... ll•~r... ..rallcla .... Dlcoad.ra rocl. L.w prloee. Lic:••••cl m-0638. w.&IOOY OUI 1ft. aALn -m.-eo.. cnle -.._ .... Irick a.xk. cJMa, ......... ,.... .. ........ "=•rrtJ Ja.. f"''¥ I =t,fll,JMI. ES PAID IIIIQDIQ OICII.A.aD WALL· COVIIUfQ. lapert etrlpplae/taet.U.tJoa. ln-•We......, a.-110~ • lid·•• lah aaaee. noiiAGa Calllmie, 831-4871. Till ftA.IftiG COJ.. WE GALl LIOII'MDTI Now-I80UI.D 111110 POOIAI IAUIUS/ BOTTUIII .. U 111"1 POOI.IDncz. ~.,._._,,v• .... rwpa&r. boellee• r.U.bl• worla. Low prtoee. 0.... os-· ...... C&lllll-8721. 5JCo.~powa.(tao. ~ ... .-cl w ............ tioa . ......-. IU-Id7. ............ JIIIIODIUIIQ AIC IIOYIIfC ...,........,., aJPuca meND ~. prot.· ft* 5Dlll WAU.PA· COUNTII TOPS. _. __ , lowell ....__ I'll IIAJtQIIS . ...,... we~ ... IIOINlar cc*n 1a -· r.._, -craft.,eaala.lp, low llook. -Alto ltitcileD _.. ,._ QW.ola, car. ,..... bee •·••· ,..ao.,.Un9. frw eed· tu~Wf~oe. Call \JI ud .... ao... ...... Wooretopa, <714) SII-4Nl0 30M -you ~ --·=....;-;;;;;;:;;:;~· ---STAI'IING AC"'IOS' ol we.IIMPer. e,...,.. ~u.J. 64,2. NO~ ~~. 2M~7=. ======== ~ ..... ? Jlo -....... , w ........ wtUl nT CAlli!/ ou a-=leJt Lk: 1 d, QIIOOIIDIQ .......~ GLOII PACKING IIIVJCI -•• boa, wrq ad cmaa.. Wa -. aD =r. .. .,....., ... ,. ' 145-1080, m.ll44. PADI'TDIQ: laterlor/ Jat.lor, .......... r .... . PIQIIIJt ........... Ia .... Jor10~·-=..m4)at!.~ IPICIIUM PADITIII -c....---.uc~ ......,.._ Qp·--2 ,...... ., ....... fNe ......... c.u (714) .. ............. ..... ••pADmlfQ a, TWO LADIJI•• ~· tanor, aoD·Uceued. . .. , ...... ~ relereao... Catiay. 7ll.:nrt. JDI•co. PADmiiO •latlltol •ldldor 11 ,.an.,._ ....... -..all PIARO/OBQAII tUIUiiO PI.UTIIIIIQ ALL PIIA.III of PLAJ. TDIMQ: •·lt•ooo, ~. latldorl•· ..no .. patoboril. ILooa ..wtesou aDd ov.Moa u.... ,._ ..u-ta. Llc. 311711. Job, 810-3711. AJ.l. PHAS.IS Of PLA.ITIIIMQ. UaiqlM pUc~9 ud p&latlq. 111&11 I* ava!WNe. h.-r low actmaa.. a:JI.Ma. DUDII CJ.Uim -rroa .... ., ,._ --...... AD work ,,..,. utAMd. leaeoeaitle price~. No .moe call c:Jw9e. Dr&la WMtera. (114) -.-3. 10 .. orr -AU LA· IOa.lpeciallaa, Ia all ~ of phaabla9. &;III~ ... ICiodal>ILDiele, NpV....W., ecoaoaloal. IJo•aM 337430. Total Plu.alat. ...... PLmaDIG UPAJII ucl clreJaa cleued. lllpleoe fbtv•. • .... kee .. re. cUqo..M. lr -·ble r.._. frw ............... (114) m.crm. PA YLIII DI.ADI ad Plea~iat S.rvlc:•. Dr.-cleued boa su.~~.. l·ltoov .. Mea. All ,...wao ftiPilrl. Q~aaraat•ed work. 111·1D. DIADfS CUAIID: Jroa M.SO. 24-Mv, ......... ,.,.u.. Oat .... (714) 131-1144. QUAUTY IOOPDIG lor -.. Old ud MW ~.L---. IMUecl aDd ...... • ........ ••Ulaltle. c.D = fulat. IDY· u.... 183. ROOFING AD tJpee1 !II"• old, repe.lrr, aec&l, •• ..,. prootiq. Call Wt: MI-07II lJa.No.~ UTI IOOfiNG CO. ....., all ol era.. Couty. All type~. ,._ act ...... lari&Nd. Lie. ltl<Ma. AU work 91AU· ............ BUID 8()()f'IRQ AD typee ...... ~~. d.cb.lJa. 411102. ...... ROOII ADDmORI ROOW ADDmONI - ltitollee, ~. wet but, ..-. w..o..n. electrical. Paler 8. lod91r1. P101*17 la· pt0'¥1P-1,131·%MIJ. IOOW ADDmONS, UWODILDfQ. PrH ...... 10 ,..,. Ia Oruq• Cowaty. lJa. 211170. S11ao Coutr\10· Uolll, (714) 883-1107. UCUTAIUAI. UICUHfl IICUTAIIAL lllmCII Worcl.J""C>:>'21*', cbcta· doe. QuiMJ -a ... . ~ ... ,_ ........ . Newport leaala .... . (71.)-.llU THIIIIT, a01t proapt ~Q!: J"~ IIW IA9 ........ ..!tt ..-. Joaa, 111-4532 or .. ..,(~). UYUQIITI UYLICHTS SAVE ENERGY All work f\I.U..-.d. Oa•·d4J wt&ll&Uo~a. ---~ (7U)IIS-7717 UIDII'I- Ift&MLD IYITIMI ReM.U. Coo...-oaa 1/aJ¥oee • CoatJola Coeeerol&lllel6duU&l .,. ...... "A TILIPIIOIIE UIWDDIG IDYICI CUSTOM Tn.l WOUI AD tJpee l.nlltall&Uou - lpeolallllD9 ID 11· 80dell319 ldlea-. ad batla. OllaJjty worluau· M.ip. rrw ellia& ... llefareDc ea . Ron, 831·7'1t1. SHOWD TUI PIOJ. LDG? w.-... ~· ty owa.aio tile IDital.k· lioa. Llcuw. rrw ..u....... (714) 821· ~ bollft. (714) TOP IOU. TOP IOU. 10 yudl $10. Plaatar ala • .,;u,.w;. Tractor work. Gracll.raq ud ,.. PO¥al. lrw delivery locally. 557-1511 NOW IS TID TDa to JOilf IfNI. Call laperta, H 30 l'MJS Mrvlc:e ID Or••v• COIIDty. 541·3238. Qeorye, i4 bo\an. "TRIIS IIPIIlTL Y TIIIWMID ad raaov· ad." allo yud ud 9ard.eo tub. ~~eu;ma. ble, reliabk. Call for 1r.. ..u •• t... An . 841·7102. JtON'S TUI SIRVlCI -Trla.ai.D9, toppi.Dq, ehapin9, trw ,..oval, 11\!aP naoval. Yard cleuup. Uoeew azacl lnnnd. Qullty work. ,,.. ........ 64&- !*. DA VlD'I TID SlltV · JCI. lapert trla, top, etwap reaoval, weed, ludlcape, uw away frw..Uear... Wl-MM TVUPAIR II.PIIT TILIVISION SDVlCI: 15 yean u · per1eaee. Daylal9ilt1 ... ~Made. Low ratee. l.a·liloae ••Umatee, 11. M. Call Harvey, eee-17'14. TYPIJ(Q nPING SDVICI w.clic.al r.,orta, rll\l.IDa •me•. thee~~. KN1 alectroa.ic ~rlter 832·51111, uytl.ee UPBOLIRBY 25.,. orr AU DJ. SIQND PAIIICS, u · llqMe ~ eodena ,._ picnp ud clell"rt. An work puazateecl. lou- ... lnlarlcm, M7 .0121. 1001.1/ IAUUII BOT tUII/UAI &o.a-w VIdeo ..... HiwtrjoCU'~ ~~ f'«''Od«< on "*'to_.. • Wedlll~g~ • Religious C..emo~1611 • Blnqueti/P.,. • Sporing Even~~ ·~ • "Vov Nlme It"! Call FNd II• .. , .. (714) 556-7091 B W Ati.PAPIIUIIO CUITOW WALLPA· PDDIQ ...A paiadat. 10 ,.... .aperi• oe. ~.Char ...... work. Call Job, 730- 2053. W AI.LPAPD I PADIT:1 c ..... ~ work. Low r•*· Pz.e _. --· '-'• Deoo1'al· 1D9. (714) 7'11-1411. W!DDIIfQ OORIULTAnOM/ IDVICD WIDDDIO IIUIIC VenaUJa eu6o lor aD a;ee. c • .....-.,.. oeplloae, baaq~ael• . Dlloll'trloa. Weeb•r 1 UofW. Wecld.ia9 Ud Coaveotloola llrrioe of So. c.w .. 557333. wumow Cl.IAliiMO WUIDOWS S.PAIK· UNQ CLlAJC -• ..,. • . 2.-ry t38 (15-17 tfbt.dowl). 11 s aiai· cav.a. loneu iaol\Wiecl. ~ ................ 11'01 .• 141-31 •. OIAMQI COAST - We 1 .. .,. you wttb • brl9llter Ollllook . Aver&~Je bolla~ $30. ru. ••tl ael•• 130-1111. WliiDOW SUVICI 9'\&AI&D...,.. or aoaey b&olt. Ally Urae, uy place. lveDiaqe <*ly d7·1463. daye ... 8140. WROUGHT laO. TBIJRO.IIU • W!Ddow Ga.a.rde I racea•G.W • W~alntcatloola 730-lG POOI.II IAUIIAI/ HOT 1'UIIIUAI • Aavlc. ,..~.. All'll.lloda. ... a...,.. • ,_,., tl ..a a ... . • 8ollrr. D'e •c ............. .-1 --a .......... 1 t -- MLESA IN8TALUTION8 14: lnvok:e $ ( 100107) AltaU '11,111.11 lnYo6ce ........ ••• :::, '1, lii.U IIUL Llllllll ( 102753) Retail '11,UJ.11 Invoice '1,411.11 ..... :::, '1,111.11 IIIIL IIIFE ( 101113) Retail '11, 112.11 lnvok:e '1,111.11 .... :::, '1,111.11 IIIIL IIIFE (111347 ) Retail '11,4M.11 Invoice ... 111.11 The Newpon EnaJgn Wedneeday. April 21. 1• Pat-23 IIIIL Llllllll IIIIL Llllllll ( 107011) (101317 ) Retail '11,20.11 Retail '11,1U.11 Invoice '1,12L11 Invoice '1,411.11 ..... .... : '1,121.11 ,_ 11.11 Mil IIIIL IIIFE ( 112375) ( 420e 13) EClOIIOI'Neel C.....L~n:;C. Alta II '11, 112.11 Retail '11, 12.12 ln\''U '1,111.11 Invoice '11,J11.JI ... .... :::, '1,111.11 :•11,411.31 IIIIL Lliii.E IIIIL Llllllfl ( HSMO) Retail '11, 111.11 lnvoicl ...... u ... : '1,411.U * IIUI 11•1 Invoice '118111-15 ( 425272) licoftomklll c..... me. Retail •11, a.u Invoice 111,111 .. ... :::, '11,411.11 . 12.8% I i --- I Over 200 Brand New 1981 & 82 V.W. & Isuzu cars & trucks on sale at unheard of savings. I I Factory invoice is what we as a d.ea.J.er ~ the factory for a vehicle. You are welcollle to ask to see the invoice for the car you purchase. Final price does not include dealer installed options, 1n.cent1ves or rebates. Naturally, all cars are subject to prior sale, tax, license and doc fee . • .. . ,.