HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-28 - Newport Harbor Ensign1 Interviewing Maureen Reagan Senatorial Candidate Covers A Wide Range Se£' &lo w Blue Angels WID Soar At Weekend Air Show THE NIWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUMBER 38 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING All OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28. 1982 • 25 CENTS 'Reprieve' At Cove May Be &bolt Residents of Crystal Cove, a tiny enclave m the new state park south of Newport Beach, have been oranted a repneve agamst ev1chon-but 11 could be fleehng. Thu was a preva1lmg perspec- tive tb1s w"k alter the state Coastal CommtNion bloclted a Paries and Recreallon Depart· ment move to force pArl-hme occupants out of the vmtage surfs1de homes by the end ol July. Before that order un be Lmplemented, COD\IIUSSIOOerl told the department, there must be ... j~ioll ..aabb.lh- ed. u cl th.r• *-he • plan \D ,.&ace tor &be olt.M coper-Ues. ~ "We'd like to uader•tAD.d the tbouoht proc .... s," Commls- lloner Marshall Grossman to ld thu newspaper. "that d1ctate theM homea are better vacant than occup1ed " Grossman sa1d several comrruu1oners at the heanng held m Los Anoeles last Thu rs day felt "we had not been Qlven all the fac ts B.u1cally, the manaoement ol the park 1s the parks department's respons1b~htv -but we had not been gtven sah.sfac tory answers " Previously, parlu depar•ment ofhc1als held the posallon that a detailed use plan could not be formulated unlll the occupants were o ut and a detaaled 1ospec lion of the properties could be made Smce vutually •lithe 44 bomu are pre·World War II. 11 IS felt lllcely some eather mav not m"t pr ... nt bualdano codes or would not Withstand lransaent trall1c suc h as hti been propos ed by some legalators ln a controversy that ha<; raged morr , years legislators . the stal.-s (Co-...o\led on paCJe 2) Mayor Jacltae K"ther plans to make her farst apppearance a t City Hall tod.y 11nce she wa• ho.pltahzec:l Warc h 7 "I ell peel to drop m a nd 1n · spect the new carpet an my of· lace," ahe sa ad laohtly v•terday, "and touch a few bases " She had been hCMq>1lalazed uo- Ul last Fnday alter sutfennq a stroke "Wy ther•pasls are tust amaa- ed at the pf0911 I've !Ude ... &h Mid. • •• outp.theat e l lbo W."'or .. l, undetOOlDCJ pliayaaceltherapy lor an hour and a half ot two hours, thr" hmn • ... k 8800,000 Jaclg•uent REAGA N 'TI,p m11nev "',H kets ,,,e watl•nq fnr a Slqnal 0,. .... ' Maureen Reagan: TIUle&, Nukes, Budge~ Guns ••• Maureen Re aq.sn savs peoplt> shou ld qel ta.a d educta"n" lor the 11me the\' spend on v lt..r.•e.•r work lor c halllabl• c.rqanaz.t lions T r VlnQ to get 1 host> do>d " lions wall be her lust p r11 lilY d she's elected to •he U S Sena te shf" scu d 1n a n aniPrvaPw wllh th1s n~wspaper lc\<1 wt>t>k Re.tqan wh<. IS -.ee~ ar -.l l,e Republican no m nclllvn I r hP Senatt> an the June 8 prtmdrv '" runnmg ~hmd 'lf'Yf'ral '"lthPr GOP cand1d ctlf"'> 1n lhf' poll .. a•tracllve H•r saxe seem~ 1 ctdd IC her prt-SE>ncf' as a comma nacato r Fct 1al features mctlrf" 11 eaor;v •o belseve tha t she lS 'h"' dauqhteer .:>I Ronald Re•qar and ha'> '""' w1fe )a nt' W vm•· Some posataons sht> took d u r mq the mtervtew ancluded Nuclear tr .. ae She ...,pposes 11 The het>ze adect , .. based on thP mtscor.cepltOn •hct 100 000 ~ pl• -c~n mctrc:-h •ht-Kremlin .\nd hctv(' or;omf' ,.., lec-1 on that qovE'rnmen• "h"' sa vs "We hcl vt>n't kept l.s arh watl peoplto all ovf'z 1ht> world wh .. Dispute Over Wells At New Plateau by l wt Sims Damages estimated at S800,000 are bemo souoht from Armstrong Petroleum by the caty of Newport Beac h .u 11 pu.hea for o ar produc hon on one hand-and tnes to halt 11 wtth the othe r The court Judgment wu part of a lawsu11 m whach the caty partly tnumphed l.ut w"lt when Supeno r Court Judge Bruce W Sumner ruled 11 was correct 1n tak:mg over the expued Arm strono le&.M on •veral slant dnUec:l wells an W .. t Newport The rubnQ on damages could come thu w"k Only a few days ear her. Supenor CO\lrt Jud~ Hanaoa G. ScoYille bad ruled th. cnty dJd not b•v• tll• nQht to do lh•. NeanwtuJe. C.ty Attorney M1h Wt.ller c:Uacloeed the c1ty bad been anv1ted by the state to parllcspate Ul a sutl to restnct the lethng o f federal contracts for offshore d nllmq The suat 1s to be fsled f'&rly next mo nth the b1d s are to be let late m June The several U turn• 10 Newport's venture 1nto the o1l production busmeu m cluded two earher ruhnqs-by Supenor Cour1 tudges Ed""ard J Wallan and Leonard Goldstean-whac h not o nly f'Siabhshed the c •tv's ngbt to take over the wells but uphe ld th1s on appeal "The evad,nce was so con clus1 ve." Cat y Manaqer Bob W ynn recalled "tha t Judge Goldste1r. ga ve us the nght ol .mmPchatto possessson · Judge S umnv 's recen• rulmo 1 was on .s su11 hied 10 A p rtl 1981 I Wynn sa1d Reah :u nq th1s miQhl ta ke several mo n lh5 to reac h proct"SSIDQ Wynn added the c '' took emme n1 domam actton ito obtasn pou.s~•on. wh1ch was Qfc\nled If July }981 Alter slnrm11h1ng •n the Wa llin Goldstem a nd Scovalle I courts the caty surfa ce d wath a bu1 M YS th• SII\Jalton .. ,., ver\' flu ad espec ia lly •n Southerr Ca lalorn•a It h•ngp.; ctlm '"' d a dv (Cootuuw d on ~ I) (Contulued on paqe 4) 1 r-------.-----...,... .... Sh• as 1rvanq • c•tch " t:ur 1 runnt>r an thf' Rf'publtcarl poll' who, arontcalJy ga•n~ a IC>! b't name 1dent\facahon wath ha' famous l<"th"r But whale B.un Goldwater lr qt>l~ plenty ..>1 poullcal maleaqe out of ha' fa ther Anzona S.n &rn Goldwater Sr Maurt"t'ra •r ,,, 1~ downplay the fa ct th•• her l<!lthf'r as Presadenl o l the Unatt>d Stalf"'> She refers repeatedly tu "tha' adm,nastrallon" when d•~c:-u'"'"O her lather's p r .. adenc v She appe.trs to •u pporl mv'll ol "thlS .dmlnlstrahon's' pobc .... but qaves the •mpres saon of bemo a more moder•tp or aKidle·o f.the-ro.ad Repub hcan than her lather A per.onal lraat that she ..... lo 1Jlare Wllh the PT .. I . clenl ... the al>Lhly lo corD· tDucucale weU. and lo unpart • aoae oJ ••nc:•'"' to what the .. ,. She la outqo •no-al1'1lost bouacy-and talb w1tt. • •U· Ul\uaace lhat borden on beanv bl> t ... the I ener ~· the .... U)Q tht ... uf1 n llaa aM. ht out tt.• • ~ .. n to pciJ.itte.l laona, and Mile¥ 18 ...... IM ta yiDQ "1 b19 woaaa-taU t•y·loohag, robust end Penney's i To leave Center Fashaon hl.tnd as ab<m1 •c losE> one ol sl"' matur o raqan.sl 'f'n<inl' J C Penney's Tht> lrv1ne Co wh1 ch had leased th• properly to PPnnl"V • as purchasang the rf'ma msnQ hall ot the onglnal 30 yHr l•.swo and Wl ll remodel the buald1ng to r "•veral" ne• tenants The &..w buv·out p n c• was not d1.cl0Md The three level store conta•n• 224.000 squar• feet Accord1DQ to P.nney's manaqement. 111 fmanc\Al pro· tecliOftS .. ,. not ellC::OUI&CJl-DQ enouoh to wananl rehasano th• opportunity to •U ••• IMM. Th• S.2 •llhon retaOCS.luu) projKt W\U pcJlade tq etNC- t\lre ooe•ineW,. at ..... id, W\lh per~ u •tmaa ~ deootahnQ to .. leta &Mt 01 ........ , kMa ..... ta'9h ·lm• .. ret.. ..... operetiOnl ..... , •• cl.ilc .... tt wtU cc:.· ce.tr ... oe Sl tMr1iC:.WOra . I .... •••+•at.., ...... lii2TMJIIewpcwtiMlp SHORT Patience Will Pay, Says Noted Nazi Hunter ~, ltigAt at the Newpwt Marriott oa Thu.ct.y, A,»rU a. Will filad • aaJW qpneewataUOD ol aU the AeJMa,Wicu omc.....-. liMed on the pria&ry ballot. accordinQ to the N.wport Harbor Aepa.blicaa Woaeo ud. tlae Balboa Bay Republican Wo10en, federated, who are spoD.80ri.n9 the ewnt. Receptioe hecJins at 6:30, and tlae forum-with all candklal• ~9-will run from 7:30 to 10 p .m. Tboee "pla.nnin9 to attend", Mid the aponaon, include Mnatori&l candidat• Ted Bruln~ma, Robert Dom.u, Barry Goldwater Jr., Paul McCloaby Jr., Maureen Rea9an, John Schmita and Pete Wilson; 9\lbematori.&.l race, Mike Curb and Geol98 O.u.kmejian; lt. CJQvemoz's race, NAn Garcia and Carol Hallett; ~ecretary of state candidates Gordon Duffy and Jacob M.u9oaian: con- troller's race, Larry Lee Bates, J .... L. flournoy and J&me~ A . Ware; treuuzer candidate Don french; attomey qeneral can· didat .. Geol9• NichobloA and Deve Sti.rlin9; supt. of public in· llrucbon race, Richard ferraro and Dr. Gene Prat, and board of equalUation cancLdate Ernest Dronenburq. Ticket informahon: 673·3553 or 957-0135. Supervisor's Race Four candidates fdor Fifth Diatnct Superviaor, 1ncludm9 10cumbent Thomas Riley. will ma:ke two speu109 appearances bere Sunday, May 2. Al Arps, Dr. Gene Atherton, Dav1d Hirachler and Riley will attend a forum with the homeowners at the De Anza Bayside Villa<Je, at Paclf1c Coast Hi9hway and Bayside Dnve, at 1 p.m. This wul be followed by a J.s p.m. forum at the OASIS center, Fifth and Mar(Juerite, Corona del Mar, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Orange Coast and Coastal Coahhon of Concerned C1hzens. An Economics forecast Darrell J. Wannch, pohhcs· economic. commentator on ltABC radio and m The R~1ster, will present "A Forecast for the Balance of 1982" at a luncheon m .. hng to- The ~eAt in tM CatoUMI BOom ol The N~er t. spon- eond b, u.e ...... develop. -.nt COIUlitt" and the QOYem· .. Jla.l aftain C011UD1tt .. of the Newport Haibcx Area Cha.m.ber of COIIUilel'Oe. lnfol'lllation: 644-8211. Rau on Sea Power John N . Rau, of Newport Beach, national preeldent of the Navy l..-9ue, will add..rea the Wo~lcl Aff&ill Cowacil ol Oran9e County at a dinoez ID"tiJlQ toni9ht at the Sad- clleback Inn in San~ Aoa. Rau'a eubject: "United States S.. Power: P.ct OJ" 1ic:tion 'r' lnfo~ation: 835-2564. by8oa..tf'NM WJill• a ft.md-rai.ter for the Oraa"(le Cou.aty hrlonailav Ana Cater wu QOtwa9 on lo the iula clin1Jl9 room, eecurlty ~ lJl clark tuita aad d&rbr auavb su were pJOainent a.rou.ad a private .Wte at the Balboa Bay Clu)). C.rlain.ly, thi.t wu not a typical Suc:l&y ai9ht bere, for the maD they were protecUn9, world-renowned Naai hunter. Simon WieMDliW, find. that hLt occupation c:to. not require him to frequent Or&DQe County. Wi ... ntha.l, 73, Lt credited with the captwe of moze than 1,000 war criminals, includin9 AdoU Iiebmann, the bead of the Naa.i extellll.i.nation C&lllpe. And he ia clOM on tbe tracb of a notorious Dr. Joeeph NenCJel•. "We knew where he wu five w"b a9o," Wi. ..... tha.l noted. Wi ... nthal ia the fowader of the Jewish Docu.IMntaUon Cent•~ ill Vienu, and starled C!ea:cbmr H01101111Top Scho'ersAnd PlweDts Top 1Cholars from Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor high schools were honored at a brealdast thia momin9 at the R89iatry Hotel. Sponsored by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com· merce Commodor .. Club, the 21st annual scholarship awards paid r8CQ9n11ton to parent• as well u students. Betsy Sanders, corporate vice president and re<Jional m&n49er for Nordstrom's four Callfomia stores-South Coast Plan, Brea, Cerritos and San Die(Jo-wu the princtpal speaker. Nordstrom's 11 the third lar9est fashion apecialty store 10 the Umted Stales, aaad c hamber officials. Student• receaved a cerhficate of merit and cop1es of Newport 75, the illustrated history of Newport Beach edited by Jim Felton. Those honored at the meeting were (Corona del Mar, Dennis Evans, pnnc1pal) Steven Can· Clan, Patn c1a Chapman, Greqory CzaJa, Chnstopher F10ch, Ltsa GreenberCJ, Steve Holland, Caroline Kelley, Cmdy Kendall, Kerry Kam, Allen Men· ton, Margaret NeJf , Sheryl Rados, Scott Richman, Erik Rteder, Suzanne RQJSO, P&naeJ. Walson and Mary Zal .. lci; (Newport Harbor, Thomas Jacobian, principal) Rebecca Ann Browne, Cather10e Quinn Craych ... Tbanhuyen 11l.i Do, Louise Ann Frova, Glen Tbomu Kauffman, Gre(Jory lu9ene Kay, Gavin Richa.rd Keith, Brian Gordon Kennelly, SuMn Eliubeth ICuhn, Cynthia Kri.ttine JCulikov, Prank Edward Livingston, Yvette ltarrell Lolue, Patrick Donald NcCalla, uene Celia Tumer and Gordon Kent Wa.nlaa. Evictions (CoDttaMCI &o.~M4Je 1) record expenditure of $35.85 million for 2,291 4cr• of Irvine Co. land meant that the park now "belongs to ewryone." Tbe unplication Lt th.t Crystal Cove reaident• ahould not have a priority on occupancy. Some have lived there more than 40 yea11, and claim title to tbe buUdinqa while mak.in9 monthly payments on a land le&H. The park CJYew anothex 500 acr .. with an Irvine Co. dona- lion of Moro Rid9e. Grouman said he wu not sure whether or not the parb and recreation department "will come back to u.a by our next m"tin9." That ia •• for the second week in May, in Santa Barbara. It wou.Jd thus appear that af & cu.tOJU.JJ 90-day rule is adher· ed to, eviction could not occw until wall into Au9u.at-provid· eel the department can IUie a cue at the Santa Bazbara ..... lion. Bwt Sima "TENDER TOUCHES" Cotton Sleepwear • SIMON WIESENTHAl Staff phnw by 8a11v Sk.O..• his 37-year qu•t for justice after Americ&na liberated him from a concentration camp. In Newport Beach for a press conference befoze epeakin9 to the Jewiah CoDUD\lllity forum in Santa A.aa, Wieeenth&l Mid he beJiev.e the 9r .. t•t COillribu· lioO w.aCJ8Ie's evealu&l capture ea..ld proride will n<M be in bll p.roeecutklia, b.t iA •Milo u a .U... to the atrocu-. ol World WuD. ft.r-OuQ)tout his con.feTellce, iotiiaat We-oth&J repeatedly ~nted that vlcUma of the Holocaust and thear torluren are 9etin9 older by the day, and nuaben of neo-fuca.l or9aniaa· tioaa are rushin9 lo whitewash the truth from youn98r 9enera- tiou. Althou9h such groups' suc· c.. ia nun1mal, that they are haYing any success at all wor· nee Wt ... nthal. He clauns that there are over 100 suc h 9roupa 10 the Umted Stat•. dutnbuhn9 anti-Sem1tic and neo-Nazi doqmu. It appalls hi.aa that tb ... org~iaations a1e protected under the Fust Amendment. ''To have the border of fr...Jom, you mu.at not cross over the border 1010 another penoo'e freedom," he uad. But, be added, "aometam ... maybe, we are 9ivin9 more wei9ht to • Qroup tba.a maybe that cpou_p haa.• Wi ... nthall&id he eapecta the C.ntet to concentrate 1ta efforts on mooitorlnQ 1uch 9roupa after h11 CJeneration " 90D8. "Thaa problem-of world·wtde observation of eztremllt•-will survive me," he said. Althou9h he baa dedicated has hfe to ... in9 justice Mrved, blind an(Jer is not a movan9 force for him, he saad. Pahence, however, 11. "My work hu nothin9 to do w1th a sort of aatidaction. I'm content that 1n the end, jualtce aa done. "I'm not a hater. As a hater 1 could maie m.any mi.tlakes. I would not have been as careful u ( have been," Wiesenthal aaad. Jolin L. 'Bfont CUSfOM PHaTOGRAPHY WeANPROUDTe a. .. ~ .......... . MA ffiiEW AND COURTNEY CMc*wt of'*· .-.d Mrs. ~ 1.-.r ~ We Would Be PROUD To Photograph Your Children I cw: .. s.-. c-.... s.-w I .: ........... , .. 7 ..... 717 3141E. PadficC .... Hwy. c ....... ..,.CA For many years, until hiS death 1n September 1980. hardware dealer AI Forgit ran a per- sonal opinion ad •n The Ensign In antt<:tpauon of a book to be published soon, in which many of the ads will be 1ncluded. At's wtdow Peg has decided to reprint some of the ads. This one first appeared in 1973. COUNTY GOVERNMENT WHO "EEDSIT? Supporti.ng an eJCI)eflSive county government IS sort of ltke paYing alimony You miss the money, and you wondef what you're geuing for tt . Here in Ofange County, I don't believe we are gening anyWhere near our money's worth Almost all of the populated areas of the county are now tncorporated into caties. What's left are generally agricultural or wilderness areas So. why do we need a $306 million county budget and more than 10,000 people on the county payroll? That budget, incidentally, doesn•t even include the harbor district or such speca.l districts• flood control, etc. Our cities, which include the vast majority of the people en the county, have their own gowrnments and their own local taxing systems. Cuy government is really hurt by the fact t~t the QOUntY geu to tpend vast sums of money paid to the state-such as sales taxes and gas taxes-which could be betuw used by the cities within the county And. if you don't think county poUt~• have • lot of power, just tool( at some of the ~·~'*<tout by Board of Supervilofs candtdltes in the fait et.ction. When a man ~~)end~ .wrttl times tws salary just to get elected. doesn't that make you stop and wonder how he il going to we his power? One county dlpllrtment t~ is about as u.fut IS a refrigerator at the Nonh Pole is the county educatk>n depanment. We have !oc* school districts that run our echools, so what do we need with a COUNTY school depenment thet '~)end~ more than •7 mittion annuaf.. tv1 WNt does the county educauon depan"*" do that couldn't be done by locaf districtS Of by the 11ate7 And what has the county health department done for YOU '-tetv1 City. atate and nateonal goWt"nmentl fend the U.N.) get enough of our hard-Nfned tax money without squandenng 1t on alavtth county govet"nment I I s 1 l 1 I c t s c ~ 1 I ! Taking A Bay-Break Helpful hands JOined the California Conservation Corps 1n the Great Back Bay Cleanup last Saturday. Above. a CCC worker gets an assist from members of Boy Scout Troop 333, Newwpon Beach They are lfrom left) John Hadadel, Jim Ingman, John A Miller, Scott Miller and Todd Thomson. Below. junk tossed in the bay is carried away by another CCC worker while Linda Kolvek does her part in the community effort. The conatruchon andustry may be sulfeung-but there were sagmhcant sagna of hfe m Newport~ Beach last month Valuahon of bu1ldmg perm1ts 1n the c1ty 111mped more than $4 malhon m March to $9,627,260, Ra1mar W Schuller, buddmq department duector, has reported In f ebruary, they totaled $5,185, 758-and 1n March 1981. they were $5,554,491 ' However, comparable hgures lor the hscal year to thts date show a decline of nearly 31 per· cent. In 1980-81 , they totaled $99,145,050; now they are at $66,546,376. Pe rm1ts lor 31 s1nqle family f>IIOIOS by S aeve Cancoan res1dences called for expen datures of $5,776,990 10 March, and the largest cateQory of res1denhal permits-53-called lor $583,585 worth of addahons and alterallons Non-res1denhal bwldlng was led by commercial ~dthons and alterahons, w1th 26 such permata ISSUed for $2,855,760. The largest of these was for the 12,205-square fool Ratz Restaurant deshned for Pac ahc Mutual's butldmg at 880 Newport Center Duve The valuahon was $1.070,000 Larqhest smgle-lamdy resadence on the hst was a R1dgehne Dnve home of 7,404 square feet valued al $382.000 A 1Ufl9Nhoa for • "viAble bypua uound Corone delW.r" hu been 1ncluded lD a leiter to Ca.ltrane from the Corona del Wer Commun&ty Auociahon noting ill bo.rd members re- qu .. t ua.t&llehon of • traJfac 11Qnal at Orchid and Pacahc Cout HaQhway. Addreaed lo d1atracl Diieclo r Heina H.ckeroth, the request c1ted the polenhal of trefhc m- cre .. inq along the h1ghwey, noted that parlung aa necessary lo Mrve local buaaneu, among other reasons--and commented, "The Corona del War traffic pro blem will not be allevaated wathout a vaable bypau ... Ca- nyon Creal, an exlensaon of Spyqlus Halla Road to PCH (Paclhc Cout Haghway) would provide a local aolutaon. "The Corona del Mar Freeway route down through Bonala Ca- nyon to the cout 1a, however. the only viable aolution d the Ir- vine downcout complex 1s to be built. "Pelican Hilla Road in at~ pre· MDI conhquralion 1s not ade- quate." The letter re1 ecled the use of Ji'iflb Avenue-once considered as a route for a Pacafac Coast freeway-as a bypass, claamang it would cause "massive inter· change problema, dump through trafJ1c back on Mac Arthur, w1pe out our· parka and recreataonal lactlahes, and slaee the com· munaty 10 small aechons " The letter contaanmg the board's request was s1gned by R1chard A N1cho1s. assocaahon pres1dent, wath copaes to the Ci- ty Councal and the Coastal Comm1ssaon. 'Token' Funds Dislodged For Wayne Sculptor Corona del Mar artist Chns Matson, lacmg foreclosure on has home and already 10 bankruptcy, has been g1ven Sl.740.01 toward the $13,000 h~ saad shU aa owned ham lor creatm9 • John Wayne memonal for lb. citY. The funds, described • "token" by a member of the Newport Harbor Jaycees wh1ch h.u embarked on a dnve to sah.aJy Matton's c la1m, were daslodged from the caty treasury on a motaon by Counc1lwoman Ruthelynn Plummer On May 10, the C.1t y Councal as to decade whether or not to honor Matson's claam, o r perhaps ac- cept a comm1tmenl from the Jaycees to repay any advanced monaes Ready for A Race ChAnda Budhabhatu, the thwd women P*ot c.rtifled by India, checks out the p&ane ahe and Maclne Carpentef will fly in the All-Women Bate Californta Air Race beginning thts Friday from Long Beach Several oth8f pilots from this area wdl particapate. tncludtng Esther Krauth and Lynn Newton, Newport Beach; Beverley AJien, Mary Ann Jamison, Joan Hill and Pam Mahonchak, Costa Mesa, Ellen Appel Bloch. Laguna Beach, and Cinde Shannon, Seal Beach Budhabhatti and Carpenter are sp<>nSOfed by Newport Harbour Nataonal Bank, where Cafpenter ts a dtrector. Pnze money IS $10.000 f<>t the 1007-statue mtles flight to La Paz Thret: overnight stops are scheduled. at San Feltpe, L<>teto and San Jose del Cabo. FREE MARKFf EVALUATION ONVOURHOME COMIVII. ANALYSIS No Cott Of Oblgattol I u.t Your Moine -.ott IAI.r In ......... u.•·loolr A*klr lOAmACURO Office (7M) 671-1110 For~tment THE REAL E STA T ERS (QIJ a SAW THIS AD FOR Fill W.,.....TION) ATHLnES & JOGGERS Are Not The Only People With FOOT Chff Keven homeowners on the "anland" stde of Kmgs Roed have lost an allempt to get Caty Councal to declare a mo ratonum on butldJOg whale a specaal heaQht-hmtt ord&nance could be drawn. The action came Monday ntght an an effo rt lo temporanly halt home construction on the blufl sade of the street wh1ch "mland" resadents claam will block !hear vaews ol Newport Bay Mayor Pro Tern Evelyn Hart anvated the homeowners assoc1a hon. representanq both s1des of the dtsopute to "bnnq the councll" any recommend•llons 11 may reac h Such an ordmance ado pted an 1979 was mvaLdated bv a court • Borrow on your existing first, second or third trust deeds • Retain fuU v~lue ~d interest income • Adv~es up to 85 % of note's fair mvkd value • Terms up to five ye~rs • No nftd to diS<ount or sell your trust deed • No prep~yment pen~lty • Ava.il~ble with Sl,OOO passbook ucount babnce • Proceeds c~ be ~utom~tic~lly credited to your JMSsbook ~ccount • Minimum set-up fee CONVENIENT HOURS: Monday-Frtday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Satunllly ·10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gflelp CUs eelebrate! A Hoag Memonal HospataJ Prec;bytenan enter" ttc. '0th year. we '"' 1te you to join us tn celebrating As a communal~ re'ource . we recogmze our re ponsabahty to area cauzen~ ;'loiot onl )" to help you get ~tter when ~ou ·re seck But also to keep you well by provtdang hectlth educataon. hkKxl pre' ure checks and special events ~uch a.~ Health Fatr 'R:! -.cheduled for A.pnl ::!.S Here ·s a calendar of happenings for the nc't lew day<. Joan us . won't }OU~ Your good health'' our he't btnhda} pre,ent Attend a Staymg Healthy Seminar. Learn from med- ~al e"pen what you can do to noid heart prob- lems 7-9 p m. Hospatal conference center. Call 760-5923 to rea1ster Free Missed the mo~t recent cardiac rehab group -.cs- 'tOn ·l Don't worry Tha!> 4 · week proaram take~ place throuahout the year Call 160-5594 ror more anfo A p'ychologast '~ax' on the benefits of e ~tprt'""~ gner Confercnc~ Centtr I 30 p m Open to t' er)' one free Tak~ .t tour ol the ~"pn.al pharmacy Learn .t~lUI lhe man) <;er~; ace' 11 ollt'f' to pattents and the commu n11y ~ a ~mon,trattlm or It' amaztn~ ne.,_, com pukr !>)Stem I 4 p m AL WEEK BEGINS Do you or someone close to you have CIU"'ICC-r and need some cmocional sup- pc_wt" A ial aroup mee under the auedance of • kaUe:d prot. ional . T..c • dafs. 6:4S-8·U p.m. Call 760-23~- Ha' e tea for two at the Matemtt) Tea. l...ear'n about the proarams and facahtte' avaalablc to you. 10 a m ~pttal Conference Cen· ter. No ~Iastra& ion FREE See 1 play about lonch· ness. Conference Center I 30 p.m. Free. ..-.. Want eo be a Jood annctma or anadpl? Come to our arandp&rent ( 80day 9 a.m.-noon. Holpital Con· fcrencc ce .. r. No ~·· • ...... F ... •• Now's the tame to take a CPR COUJ"''Ie not · "l•r .. CPR Hean Saver courses ~ offeml every Thunday evenina at the hospetaJ Call 760-5923 for mcrva- taon." well an ldvance. Free . The Sandp4pen and the 5Sl Club. \ospital uppon aroups. bast & pia aMi· YetSM)I c:eJeDnlion al the Mlmoa. Call 76(). 5917 fat rcxtvMIOft - h>f thO'oC: who o.ll'l' ta~10g pravatt prep;lrtd l htldbtrth '-'"'-''oC:'. there ' a '~caal ,,nc 'oC:"1on la~u .md ~ ll\en onentat1on .. rec all 760-~940 to fmd out more • For more in(orrnauon c:Cftlatt: J .. ........ • •• A,.U •• l.n.. •• ,... ...... Speak A Kind Word The•oft-maliqned state Coastal Commissaon, over which so many individuals in this area have argued and exchanged blessings and curses, made a move last week thai must win approval from all sides. Whether or nol you aqree with the achon, at must be hard to fault its reasoning. The commission told the state Department of Parks and Recreation that it most supply acceptable reasons for evicting the part-time occupantS' of Crystal Cove by the end of July. For the moment, let's not dispute whether those mda- viduals have a riqhlful claim to those vintaqe coHaqes. Conaider only the fact that the commission, which so often has acted in what many persons regard as a tyran- nical fashion without supplying reasons, took the stance that on occasion such explanation is not only helpful, it is a downright requirement. Beyond that, then, what lies ahead for Crystal Cove's 44 families; some of whom have been "in residence" in that quaint. pre-World War II enclave for more than 40 years. Obviously, since the state's taxpayers paid more than $35 million to buy land for a state park-land which includes the cove-those same taxpayers have establish- ed certain rights. Do they anclude use of the buildings now occupaed by the early settlers? The question is not easily answered, for htle to some of those cottages is clouded. Some occupants beheve they bought the buildings from the Irvine Co., and have conhnued to pay land lease monthly-but documenta- tion is hard to fand. Also, would the cottages withstand transient occupan- cy? Some families would treat them like their own homes-but given an occasional out-of-hand party, or the empty structure that invites vandalism; what, then, of history? Is the Parks and Recreation Department prepared to provade 24-ho ur policing, or contract for it o ut of park revenues? That lone ranger you see in the Jeep occa- saonally as not the answer-and even he wall tell you so. How about the assue of relocation fees? Down the coast, El Moro's traaler parkers have a 20-year lease tf they d on't ~all for relocation funds at the e nd of the penod. But the parks department as talkmg a two-year hmat on leases for Crystal Cove's full-time occupants, persons with nowhere else to hve. The relocation fee being menhoned, a few thousand doUars per fam&ly . 1s no match whatsoever for today's housing prac es. So at as not an easy dects&on . Thanks to the coastal commtssion, an equatable one may be sought. -IBS Where To Write v our Represedatives Follow1n9 are the addresaes STATI satAn lor c;,overnmental repr.-nta-lou G Sclua.u, a111 Dulrtei, hvea Mrvmc;, C01ta W.... 4600 C..p"" Dt • ll.wpon ~b. UNI'TED STAllS SOAn C A 92610. f7t.tl70 Al•n Cr•n•on 10110 Wtlahtre IOAaD or SUfUVlSOAS ltwd Room 920 Lo. Aaqe._, CA n.o-r laaey, O..UIC\ 5, tWl ol 90024 (213) 824 7641 Ad.aiAWI.ral-10 CIYM: c..~, S I H•y•k••• 523 W lUI 5I Pl&u s.. .. AM. CA IZ101 S~atle 812 Lot Anqe._ C A i0014 134-35SO (.211)-601 1 UMITJ:D ST A ns CONGAUS Rob.rt &dham 180 Newport C~nter Duve Sutte .240 N~wpor• IM•ch C A 92660 STAn ASSDC8LY lilol•n r uuel&.. 13rd 0dlrte1. 11100 Ne.n 5I S'"• 210. H11ahnq ~ &..ch C A 92648, 142-1335 em COUIICIL W..tor aad C.ey eo-.1. eo.. MeN C1t7 Hall. P 0 lor llOO. COil• W.... CA i2AI SCIIOOL DISTIUCT N.wport M.. Ua.Jted Sc:lllool Dlt lne1. 1101 litlil S4 . Newport 8Hch. C A 9JKJ, 710 llOO ~~~~(;! ..... ···-·· .. ··-········ ... ~~ P A.R.AWIDJCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 54a..llll C.N . NDIORIAL HOSPITAL ..................... 642~2734 Jm.P LINI .................................... ~2222 TO REPORT AU.CRAJT NOISE ~ m11 Coet~t Hw., • Coro-. cW Mu. CA GIZ5-1180 ld.laon.l &IICI a.. .... -I7J.GIIO IJCKAJU)Malal IOIIPATx. . BnVIIIA..m J...MD ••• auJITIDII •..... C:O....Nt b , Co ,.u t o-...aw ••• ............ .Ana~..,._ r a AIID JIOUWD ... 1111. ..... K*W'IIITI • . . . . .•...... . . .u ........ ....... MAlleUS IBn, acunonD LDCH • a.t.atJ Act .............. , ................ IAIII1' ILO-.......... . ALAJII( ~ ............... . .......... •. ft r¢1 0 I 0 .•••.• Po .. =-a.Mra .. , .. :-·;;·;:·:.;_....,: .., ...... O.......t Ill HJ ........... ............ .............. eo.-. ...... --.. .,.. ......... .._ ........ c... .... ._ ... , a ••• ........ .., 5 ,s .............. ..__. Letters To The Editor lntDe Co •. 4000 To the Llitor: I fiod it intereati.nc;, that cer- lain apok-.men for the lrvme Co. question wheth.et the Com- naittee of 4000 ia a party to a laW8uit filed ~st the lrvme Co. _by a c;,roup of reaidentiaJ l ..... holden. Perhap. Dou9 Neff, beuurer of the Irvine Co., could clarify the matter for them. Nr. N.H recently acld.reaed a 9roup of appraiNra iD Downey, and iD hil openinc;, remarb atated, "It is CJOOd to be bere in Downey; I Jut leh Newport Beach &Dd lea.rued that the Irvine Co. was bemq lllad by the Coamitt .. of 4000." Nr. Neti apparently lr:nows somethmq the spokeamen doo't-or &a be, too, ill- ua.iotmed? AJ.o, were it not for tbe oon- tributiom of many of tbe pro- CJTowth citizens w1tlun the Com- mittee of 4000, I am confident Newport Beach would not be the qreat &Dd spirited commun1ty at 1s today. Once aqain, the lrv1ne Co.'s trpOltesmen should learn the fac ta . Jan Paaalevacb G•n•ral AYiatlon Funcla To the Editor: In recent weeks several letters to the editor have been pubhsh- ad where the writer objected to a propoMd new qeneral aviation auport bemg butlt with tu- payen' funcb. It is important to note that any proposed airport would be financed by state &Dd federal funds accrued from avia- hon users. Additionally. some funds could be made available from reanue bonda and it is quite pouible some pnvate capital wowd be mvested. No 9eneral taxpayer• momes would be in- volved. We have been assured that Oranc;,e County would have a h1c;,b fundmq prionty due to need. The Bo.rd oJ SupervLSOu tS presently engaqed 10 a detatled M&Jcb to determwe 11 aeveral 11tes are v1able ophons. Thoee who feel a new c;,eneral aviation auport ta unportanl better wnte to the board express1n9 then support atnce all they have heard fzom to date are the "anh people." Contrary to popular belief, they do revsew le tters very carefully and interested citizens ahould be heard on this impor- tant sssue. Joseph E. lrvme Executive Director Commun11y Auport Counctl Fri•nda Status The April 21 ecbtaon of The Erw9n, notuu1 a c;,ift of a pam- tmq to the city bom the former Friends of the Art Commiuton, slated the FrieDds had been dissolved "by City Council edict". Correctly, the alory ahould have noted that the Jriends dissolved the support group lbem.aelves alter a difference of op1n1on over the c;,roup'a role m relation to the commia1on. The pa1nhn9. "8 A.N . Yeste r- day", by Wtnifrad Srru1h, now qraces a C1ty Counctl wall OK. Ccuol -Thb Tim• To the Editor: To Whom lt Nay Concern. I am • student at Lincoln Junior Hi9h School. I am writmc;, you for my ln9liah clua. This haiku is wntten by me &Dd tf you care to put it in your publication, I would be moat pleased. Tha.ni you very much. Pleaae respond. Sincerely, Carol Web.ter SUNRISE There is IU.pttllM m Tbe cold, dark mornin9, then, with A bunt ol h9ht, •un Maureen On Middle East, Latin America (CoDtillMCI troa paqe 1) depend on our defense umbrel- la" -ludget: "The money markets are waiiiD<J fot a SI<Jnal lo lnqqer an Improved econo my. The Democrat• have S38 b1lhon they wanllo add lo lh1s budqet, wh1cb they My u already loo far out of balance After the budqet •c;,reement as reac hed m Cooc;,r .... you wall hear that &he President loet--thal he capatulated. But be doean'l care who c;,ets c recbt for reachmc;, a bud9et ac;,r .. ment - he JUit WADII II to happen." -Gu.na: She waata lo hod some accomraodaboo between wbat abe c.lls •two ends of the spectrum: the need to dow the proWerahon of h.and9uos and the need to protect tbe nc;,ht of people to own 9UU H She f,no ... a requarement that pn owners tab pc..cnbed ..t.ty cour .. before being aUow.c:l to own " CJUD ''I'm for l~c;, peopl~." abe e•platoa, "DOt QUDa ... -Prl.ate KfMo1 dedu.ci•ona· She bu •oo prob&e•" W1tla the adN of aUowiDQ lu decluclaons for people with lucie m pnvate or pariochw .:t.ooa.. "'ll'• lib a ct. ..e .. decluetica, .. ...._ .,.. -Lad• A• •lea; "We•w been too ~tftaali8tic toward L.tan A .. ric.. 'nlia ed•lniatra- hoo • lfJlD9 to correct Ot.t • ., She .. ,. tlae ,_....,., pro- cp-a• ol aler18Q LDdutiNl part· li4tcU.4p ... "'nactlJ the nc;Jht lh.izCjJ ... _ ......... ; ........ ~ tUt ~ •• ._ curiecl oae·oae•.ct.~Po .... ..... ...... ldl ..... ,_, Ar ..... ., .... ,,,.. lo • recwet VWttoAtat.aa.r .. ~• "We've been 100 paletnahSIIC f'• bv S •>ve c ... oc..,., pnmary campal<JD opponents. She noted that Lebanon "bu almost ceued lo be a country," but has become • haven for war· nn9 f.lcttona. She haa no ob,.c- llon to the slronQ pro-Israeli &obby tn tb11 country, but aaya she would not have s&Qned the pro-mula leller wh1ch waa a-t9D· ed late last year by 50 Mnalora. "They have • nc;,bl lo try to t.U u wh.at lo do," abe eaya of the la1aela.a, "b\at we al10 have a d9hl lo lry to tell them wb.t to clo. We ban • lrerHftdout r~tlity to J.rMI, aJ\d I lt.a•e no problem wUh that, but 0u1 hral rupotwbihtJ t. to C)lu•lvea ... -lockallecwltr: .. ,, •• • prr••kl tc ..... w~h dependJ 011 laON peopM pulh•9 1A ...., ....... kia9 0.1 ••• ..._.,, .oe MPPftlll9 aow. 1.-... _.,a.oo.,..ae...a ·-·-·· .... it ... .-rt lib a --. of cerdl. We wUI Uft to r.-IH Ntir._t 4t9e • ...t mue up our aunch thai tboae who don't r .. Uy need Soctal Secunty are not c;,omq lo qel II " Sb•UJd she 11m favor of keep- me;, future Soc1al S.C\lnly cost- of-livmc;, ral.MS a1 a hc;,ure below the actual federal coat-of-hvmc;, inde• formula. Welfare: "BnnQ 11 do wn to the local level, then uM some of the money lo erN ie an employs ment opport\lDIIY ayatem If a person can't hnd • JOb en the private sector, try to hod h1m a job us the pubhc eeclor U there'• notbsnc;, for h&m there, l.lM aome weUare fuoda for JOb trainio9. U be doesn't have enou9b educahon to be tram- able, educate tum " She f.lvon govemment-hoanced lrAIDJDQ of matunnc;, women who are 90U\Q b.ck to the Job market u thear children c;,row up. She was alks eel af th ... pr()Qrama don't sound like llae m&ke-work and WPA pf09rams of the Rooeevelt New DNJ. "The WPA ll • heU ot a lot better lbu ba.in9 people ailho9 around waUin9 for aome- lhin9 to chaoCjJe," ,._ enappecl -F«•ItPa tra.t.: (She lJ fonD,er eMCUtive oeker oJ the A.ociAUOQ o4 A .. rie&n L · por1.) .. We'd like to have hM tr .. , but fiOhl DOW .. need ltiJ, area. . .,_. couat,_ ut aDder our deMo• uabre&J., uc1 .. have • rf4lat to 11M thea to opea llleir .. , ... 1o u , or to pay • ~~ aMN ~ t ... eo~t ot tJ.at u~~tbreU.. We llltoUd ~ liale willa our iachlltrMI cota· ~n.H ... .......... ,.... ..... , ....... AIMnOa 10 .... ..... OUIITIII: .. _.._ .. . *'ad" , ........... 0011• ~~---- JOUllftAUSI'S JOURNAL women's fashions 3653 Wt Cout Hilhw~y ~ I 4l • ' : ·. . . . "~:.l~ Ted E. Sandoval Complete Party Planning Service LaCaatlaa Ane Wine & Spirits 3244 wt Cout HChw~y Corou del Mu, CA 91625 4)640-7011 MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR For Those Who Shop For Qual1ty 3565 wt Cout Hwy., Corol\41 del ~r ( 714) 675-1850 ~ it.~,~··i· : ·-~, '1\.e.oo ( .. ,. ( ~bi.JO. D.ll s. 16 years of family dentistry in Corona del Mar COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTION 1155 E. COAST HWY., CORONA D£1 MAR 675-llOO DICK DINEEN lrMdMin•r Head .. lflerl ~: lt04 E. Cout Hwy. COIO!IA .. Mar, ~. 12614-2274 (714) 1»0:J» ....... clmldl aNflaiOif 01 SIGNI •• I SID Chamber of Commerce BULLETIN A sensational 3-mile run through old Corona del Mar will raise SS,OOO for beautification! Thousands will run! Every local, 1st time runner should enter now. call673-4050 Race day is June 5 Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 1731 l. eo..t Hwy. C()f()M clef Mar (714) 675-SSSl Mon.·Sal 104 Sun. ll·S KUHN~§ CREATIVE FRAMING 22 Years 1n the Same locateon 2721 L Cout Hwy., Corona del ~r 92625 Spec ialists in Conservation Framing We offer mtegnty and quality service Hours 10 l.m. to 4 p.m. (714) 673-2255 Moft. dwu Fri.. ~~"~~ SELF-SERVICE LAUNDROMAT Dry Cleanmg • Fm 1shed l aundry Drop O ff Fluff & Fold OP~ N 7 o.-,' S o\ ~FEll. ll o\ ,, Ill Q P\1 3711 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR 673-9654 jofm L. tJJCom CUSTOM PH<.."''Tl "'GRAPH) C,.&ATO,.a Ofl' O•eTtNCT•v• ,.O .. T IIItAfT 8 C III&AT ova W a DDtNOe ou~tTV co ...... a.,.c••~o a0•0 . ~ACt .. IC COAST Hwv COI'O-0•1. ........ C:A sasae LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN for women and men " NEWPOKr BALBOA Savings ·'The Smart Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar'' Westdilt Piau 1100 trwiH Awe. Newport INch 64S4505 fNIIR IIII&NI IHDft IDPPbY l 1eataaa1 436 Heiotrope A~e. C~ del ~r, CA 92625 (714) 67s-o655 lehind Port ThNter Jack's Pharmacy • ~mbcl~'>ddor get! wrdp • c ard\ • g•rt~ _ • Prt-<.ttgE' CO\mt>tt< ~ Rt-.. lon • U tldbt>th ~rdt>n • l ort-dl • Qu.tl•tv Photo Ftne$htng F.t~t ~t>r .. t< t> 673-2550 THE lATH MART, INC. rtllaSOtOil ,_ESIOENT • Plurnbina fixtures • Tta. • Marble and OftVll • Door Hardware • 11m IIi· AIIIQ lt cmos CeM ud JMI"IODal checb tot~ $3,085 were reported tto&ea boa Tuuf S.~ Yetia la the 1800 Wock oJ 16th Street ... Aa tiW s.&ectric typewriter valuecl•t $1,146 wu repoTted ato&ea boa Aak Wr. Feeler in tbe GOO block of Cuapu . . . A ...._, 8Yit•• aAd c&aette a...-Mlued _. $1.120 were reponed etoleo from AUaoo Kaye ... rd ia tlle 100 block of 36th ... W.cunia toob with an approai.IQate valu. of S850 were repon.cl stolen from Terry Gordoa lrettoo iA the Rockwell Buildia9 on ,_.,,.. . AJlRISTS ACJUIIIliD Neier• Rioe, 24, of Sante AD•. wu an•ted on euapicioG of rec:ejving known ato&en property . . . Herman fred HerJB.U Jr., 49, listed u a truaaient, wu •~ted on auspi· cion of orand theft auto . . . Sutoeletrede Ramirez, 21, of Fontana, wu anested oa suapi· cion of ah.oplifting . . . Michael Devid lbu, 23, of Buena Park, wu arr"ted on auapicion of drunken drivmg. T•u:hy. AprU 20 CJUNES Police reported arion u the ce\1.18 of • amal.llivino room fire wh.ich occurred at • home in the 200 block of Via Genoa. The home belongs to the •tate of Nary l.ehill, who wu lrilled m a rue there a year eqo, police said . . . Televia1oo.a, audio equip- ment and cemeru valued at $2,805 were reported stolen from Robel J. Hoeh.w in the 500 block of Laver Way ... Camera equipment valu.ed at $1,300 was reported stolen from John David Twyman in the 5500 block oJ River . . . An au hammer valued at $1 ,100 waa reported alolen from the lrvme Co. 1n a storage shed near Brooks Bros. in Fuhion Ialand . ARRESTS Roqer Owen Bowman, 36, hated u a tran11ent, was ar· rested Qll IU.Ipacaon of receiving known stolen properly .. Cathy Ann Hufford, 23, of Covm. and Jay Robert }udluns, 29, of SeA Marmo, were arretit- ed on au.apacaon of posaessang COC&lDe ... Ronald Wall1am Woods, 23, of Hu.ntmgton Beach, wu arrested on suspi- cion of felony vandalism . . . William Donald Anderson, 35, of Santa Ana, was arrested on IUipiCHOn of making annOylnQ telephone calls . . . Le1gh Anne Babba, 21. of Santa Ana, was arrested on ausp1c1on of petty theft Three men were ar· reated on susp1c1on of drunken dnvang, anclud1ng Meh1dad Deals For Whee& Bicycles were a m;ain attraction at last Saturday's potiee auction which disposed of 59 of them-plus an array of other unclatmed stolen or found mefchandise. Prices were higher this yeer, Mid Sgt. Les Chapman, who conducted the bidding which raiMII $6, 100 for the city's general fund. Photo by Steve ~ Arasteh of Newport Beach. Wecln•day. AP"U 21 CRIMES Properly valued at $3,325 was reported stolen from Cra1g Sinclair in the 500 block of 30th . . . An IBN Selectric typewnter valued at $1,000 wu reported stolen bom Investment Ofhces in the 3900 block of Mac Arthur . . . Another IBM Selectrac typewriter valued at $1,000 was reported stolen from Bastex Inc., also in the 3900 block of MacArthur ... Bicycles valued at $600 were reported stolen from Ja~ie Sue Ingels an the 800 block of Balboa . Two men e.caped from the Pac 1hc Coast diner after eahng $8.54 worth of food. A club sandw1ch, a hamburger and two orders of on1on nngs were consumed. pollee reported. ARRESTS M1c hael Lawarence Secora, 36, of Hollywood, wu arreated on su.sp1caon of contrab~.&tmg to the delinquency of a manor . . One man was arrested on suspl· c&on of drunken dnvang, not from Newport Beach. Thursday. April 22 CRIMES A yellow conatruchon roller valued at $20,298 was reported stolen from Herta Equipment Rental m the 3200 block of Easl Coast H1gbway . . An IBM Selectrac tvoew~ter '!_aluec! ~~ $1,200 was reported atolen from Presley of Southern Celifomie 1n the 4600 block oJ Campua . . . ARRESTS Loraine Cameli, 29, of Newport Beach, wu arrested on suap1cion of forgery . . . Tbr- men were anested on auapic&on of drunken driving, including Mehrdad Arasteh of Newport Beach. Friday. April 23 CRIMES Two Artie brand wetbikea, a 10-speed b&cycle, a lent and various other property valued at $4,540 was reported stolen from Edward Bradley Hutchinson an the 1800 block of Sherinqton. ARRESTS Richard Joi.eph Bri8eno, 19, of Glendora. was arrested 011 ausp1con of contnbuhn9 to the delanquency of a minoz . . . Sot. Hezbert John Boucher, USWC, 23, stationed at El Toro, wu -!nested on susp1c1on of battery on a person ... Ronald Paul Serrano, 21 , of Wilmington, wu arrested on suspic1on of poaeu· 109 cocaine . Saturday. April 2.4 CRINIS Approximately $1 ,100 an cash was reported stolen from Daane's Ba.kmts an the 3300 block of Newport . A 10-w-k old female suver shaded Pera1an kit- ten. valued at $369, was reported lutnapped from Ruuo'a an fash1on Island THE SIGEl ,EPHONE POll. ARRESTS Tma Ehzabeth Breclbury, 2-4, of Montclair. wu arTelted oo l::==========:::::;;:::::~===========::JI susp1c1on of poaeaillo aa-phetamanes ... John CUrlee · n.s. ............. : . Should alate proVlde two-ye.u leases to Crystal Cove homeowners who res1de there parl·hme? (Story on Page l.) ~To 90M YES. call 175 tltl. To~ RO. calll71-7028. c.n an,u.n. betw•• now ud ••.•. Woaday to cut JOUI .... TheN wlU be no rln9. The.re ia no D..d to talk. 'n. "banq up" .ound JOQ hear ia you vote beiag recordecl. I.-a ...... .... t¢ww· Do you support Premdent Reagan's requ .. t for more nuclear armmg before ... ktng nuclear tr .. ze with Ru•1a? YES 99% NO 1% 8e.aut1lully \!n.-.A~cd l•lf .JII ou~'IOI'I" • AN~IVEaSA~tY •llalltDAYS • <..aAOUAHON . 8AIY JHIHGS UlC.U"TIVU Wl0CMHG' • • Sauth Jr . 23. of Fulle..W., wa arrested on suspac1on Ott ptlll-· ang PCP . Donald S...• Mlbal1k, 23, of Buena Park, ... anested on suspiclOil of pc 1 I· mg LSD .. Paul A~Mrtlaa. 50, of Garden Grove, ... ar- rested on susp1c1on of pc••• 1ng over 1 ounce of aaarljuDa . Stephen Scott Smith. 33. of Downey. was arrested on au•pi- cton of dlSorderly conduct and aohc1hng lewd acta . ..,., Ten auaac~ tcholuships lot&li.Jl9 ",4!0 we.re awarct.d an tM •oau&l Jao• Gray Porter Sckolanhlp Fund compeht on, ..,ouored recently by the 0raDCJe County Ptulharmomc Society. The juned compehhon wu held Sunday, April 18, in the Concert Hall, Fine Arta Center, UC Irvine. Ia tM ..-. ca~ lor ool-- -~....._ .. ..._. .... u.w u.. finl plAice $1,000 nucl. 10 the jQdt. ..... $780 ..... k» Two $1,000 acholanhipa for colleoe students were awarded, tolno to ,Da..niel Shapiro, Co-ronal del Mar, piano, accompanied oo IJDcla ... Jln•ehacla, Sua Cl-••· .opra.no, eo-co.puiecl by Larry Gonloo; "ad Wo'tr a Toal., eo.e. W... _ Down 01arked down. Scandia Down* • leaturtng a Now's yOUt c:Nnceto crMie .. lacted C!eerence Sale.· bedroomiOQhtlicetiOI'Iwtltl ec.. ...... piJIIows. prllow Scandia Down' QUality .-ld <:MM. ......_ .,_teases old WOI1d tredttiOn .nd more at ule pr~c:es ·SuOtec;t 10 aiOdl on herd SALE VALl> MIU .U*lO. I9G PILLOWS-I O"OFF -CONF08TE8S-2G-SK OFF SHEETCASES-1 G-40" OFF 18110S.eo-Hwy., No.6 Lllgune leectt. CA 12851 CJ'Mt.,.., FISH I»\ Facts& Fancies II ,.u 're a.n antler who _.... &led up in keota when· ..,... )'0\& ba•• lO tie une. hen's eome adYic• rrom the uperta: • Wet the line lo aid 1n drawina it up smoothly. • Use plenty of tine ao you wtll be able to tie it properly • Keep the t wiau and sptrals uniform so that the finished product is nftt. • Snuf aU lr.nou up tl&hlly to uotd alippace under pre.ure. UN an ew_n, easy draw to tiChten it, and a"tOid "poppinc'' the knot. • .-.c.,.. ------~-I ,.. .......... CIIro...l.- 10.1 .............. ._. .................. _ ................. ___ IlL ............ FOI .. CLEAI UIEIU.IAI Iring YOUI c.m.a 01 111'1 Pttotowtphlc Equip In tof e FAfE ~ CAL'SC.IAS ~ line you buy il only • IOOd • the knot you lie. Wit· N. h awtalln Science SUndl¥ SchQal, JCU'U people ...... to------In ...... tn this~ book they find~.~. lfestone.,Md dear ttlcHIIQII to~ lhemmow toMW'dthe .... ~And---' unseMsh. pouultiul exampte to be their model for right .:tlafii- Anyone through ~ge1t is welcome ... Wf/llY ~ .. yMfeo. ~IQIMCE ...,_SCHOOL NERV~YAT lOAM 5econd Ctuch de!tnt Sclenftlt 3l00 PACIFIC VfEW CAVE COAONA 00. MAA • Nancy Manu, Joan ~ubnlk, BtaiUlJ Pera, O.WD P\el, Beverly Th.leleB, Sudra Veatura. Pat WUIDAO, Pat Wet. and Ahce Zaahonl. • • Recently the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club held Us an.nual blaclr.-Ue hmd-ral.Mr. It wu a nneah of an eventnq startin9 wUh the red carpet, Q&me tabl ... dinner and door prues auch u season hcltets to the Los A ngelet Mustc Center. All thiS to underwrite LJ/e//ne, a commuruty prOQram, wh1ch the Rotarians donated to Hoag Ha.pilal. Terry ri Pan• Gile William Oiscenzo and June and Ernie Linth1cum Cleft U> rightl With Af'INIE at the recent patron party. Understand the qoal was achieved halfway throu9h the evenmq. wtuch debgbted chau- man Tom Crouon, Doug McCray and Kelly Nunaon. An anterestmQ as1de to the evenmg 11 not only did the Rotanans help Haag Hospttal, bul thear cholce of locations and caterers helped the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Chic MarUyn Kaun ts the volunteer chaarman of S ·<Jff pholn bv 011\cl vnn Btuqer HARBORLITES by Dma •ou larger The spectaclllar vtew of Orange County from Path and Terry Giles' home reflected the support AnnHt is receavmg from the entire cotnty. Accolades to Path, Lynda Sh .. and Mbt Demman, c hair- men of this llab black-he patron party _, enhanced by the&r choice of c.teren, La Cwsme of Newport. The atenstve dmner menu wu moufl-wateranq, an mbochact10o to what as 10 store for the out.atanclnq buHet plan· ned for p~IDle• oaqht on May 20 at the Edwu:la Newport Cinema benehtnq OC' a own PBS .tahon KOCE. Among the 4ieqantly-clad patrom and q•sta were Sh~rlee and Robert GlQqenhelm, Helen and Burt CoH~. Jackae Kerr, Virgmia Dey, ~arolyn and Russ Lind, MoJly ard IAon Lyon, Jean and Jo~Macnab, Jeanne Caqney Monlton. Joleen Parham, Benut Schnetder, Dottle and Glen Stallwell, Lon and Bob W&nJ~ngton and Don· na and Enue lcluoeder (love theM huabuda who qtve then WlV .. RRs ,_. 'cau.se. In the Scbroed~. even the ucen• pld reac:la "ONCLD 10." Well, Qaula's RR 15 a SJiver Cloud $rue aa "on cloud 10" wtth a . Overheard another c pie respondmq to an 10qu1ry of bow he laked has new RR. "Have you ever seen a qrown man cry?" After the man explaaned h1s problems, the male hstener was almost crymg Nevertbless, hiS wtfe loves her Rolls Ro yce ). Speakmq of mov1e premteres and La Cuisme of Newport: Germayne CUJ'Dby (lookmg stun· rung 10 a while ensemble a.nd chappeau), chauman of the Amencan Dlabetes Assoctalton , and her comm1ttee chose the restaurant to announce thetr premter hlm: Sllt W~Jcs starnnq two Moores-Mary Tyler and Dudley-two great stars (bet aU RR owners wul never forget the scene m "10" where he c runch · ed the C o rotche wh1le loolnng at Beau). All thas exctllng news took place over a sc rumptious four· course lunc heon, whtch was partly underwnlten by W tllaam 015Cenzo because of hts close fanuly assoctahon wtth dtabetes Commtttee members aastshng Germayne are )ern Cammar- ruslt, Marlene Coull, Nancy Far· rand, Karen Hansen, Joan Lund, Daadre McCred1e, Rose Reed, Kathy Ruper, Terry Spr .. n, Bobbte Samos (whOM charmtng , 86-yeaJ" yowtQ m.othu, Dorothy Burke, was vtsthng from her Long lsland home), Ann Pang, spec1al partt .. for the Museum Council. MarUyn innovated thts c hair and due to her expertase m caterinq has made the Museum an "in" place to have benefits. Seen m the crush were Bunny Crosson, Evelyn and Hal Gray, Cheryl and Uoyd Schroeder. Marqe and Dean Reavtl. Kay and Bul McClelland, LotS and Terry Ztmmerman, Barbaza and Ketth Burham, Joan and Frank Anderson and Charlotte and Bob Wood Whtle on the subJect of loca · hons : The games theme as a fund-ratser was u\Dovated by the Board of Trustees of the Newport Harbor Art Museum On May 8th, 11 presents 1ts posh Le Grand Cosmo . On the same everung over at the Newport Marnott, the Pac tftc Symphony holds tts dehghtful Vtennese Ball. (Thank goodness the two localtons are close together.) On Fnday, Apnl 30th, Har borhtu WLll travel to the Beverly Hulon to vtew the 44th annual Flora./ HfKICldress Ball The theme 1S Las Flonstas' Swmgs Through th~ Fabulous Fo rt1es If you have nevez altended tlua ea- travaQan&a, you are mLAing the most enterlalntnQ of black·lte Cllrk K~Mdv n ~. What a nice arrangement. california's Largest -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 5 Red Hilllwe. • Costa Mesa Selection of Bridal Fashions ca-... •~·· .._.... s. 1r.11 at lllllalllcllf*aW l..a.w.t~ ..... ~ ~Ana Colbno <12703 ,,. .. ) !1:}1 1871 s....ea AIIO • ca.- JULIE FOSTER, TAILORESS By Appointment, In YQur Home (714)751·3088 (0ePitMMe11 by Persol'l4l R e,.Nitft _...-., . ' ~ The Newport Ena1gn W~,..,toy. A.-u 2L l pathet whac b transcends county }1.,.. bec.\&M lhe moo.-r&lMCI ..-... the U1turenlly ol Southern C.WoroJe Handteapped ChtJ- dren'a Cluuce. • • Bac k fro m lheu O u e ot trsp, lo Mc l..aUJ offered her ho me fo r the Planned Parenthood Membership t ... otherw..- known as SCOOP-whAt • 9,...1 ac ronym DEALER & PUBLIC WELCOME I when rtle occasion coils for dtOMOnds oro gemologi~ CALL . . DIAMOND CO. c714t 1s2-2203 GEMQOGICAL SErN IGS IAYIIDI CINTII • Suede and Leather C&eaning • Shirts Launc:lered 'It'£ mf:ATVOLQ ClOWES WITH LOVNG • CAR£ • Bedspreads. Blankets & Household Items • Expert Drapery Cleaning We Keep You Smiling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 A ppointments Available 7 a.m . to 7 p .m . A ll Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T . SMRECEK. JR . DDS INC 3961 ~cArthur Blvd •• Suit~ 104 THE DIETER'S DILEMMA?! ~\t-ral ~'plaru111nn .. ha•t-alr.-ad' '"-'n pr~ for 101' ·1l .. turlll~ phf'nomt>non Thoo ~TWMI rt'("i'nt rnw ._., ~n ~ ._,, titonnt'l aod <runn uf liar 'ard 1n t h.-tr ...._lOk f-nlrti.KI TN-l)wL~ .. l.,." ",. ..... II.D. I lllltra ..... ., ..... ~0... M.~.H. lin,., rl\liO\ , ...... ul \OUr hit' h.J, .. ~n •1a-.tf'd ndmft tlw drt rolloor coe~lt"r' II••• man' ll~ ha• <' \ <>u ""' Wl'll(hl h, rlt-pn"nfC vou~lf of H>ur fa\ or lit' It""'' .. tan ~tllon. fa,trntp: an.l ~ln•nu"u' "'"'C"IW onh Lo .._\OUr "' t t"5'1 .,.~Ill hi rt'l(alnrd la'lt~r tluln 'ou "' ~r IIT\al(lllt'\1' Ho-manv "'~eld<ll hm~r lf\8 l'pl~' he\~ vou f''~rlf"Orrd rn 'ou:r h \'pn<>tM v~l pt'riKt h human dfo l1anc. of C..'~lt'Wo"~ and ._.tnl( dM't m.>nu~ • SUII'~lk'"' .... ~ on <'pidf'mu>lotctc and haomf'd~eat ,.,ud_ ,how thai IT\(••~ tluln 9"r pt-r«-nl of tb. pt"'pWo .. hn 1.."' nn 'anou• dw" ~ttatn llw1r •••!fhl u .. uath 10 "'""'""" of "' h•• ... ~· D11fomma \tcordm.c to thf'tr now fltmNl' ~tp(l1nt ~ d~o•t., faal """-au"4' 'our ~••• t .. r foriC'I •lull and .,,,.. mu• h \ '"' ... at ,., .. du?cLfod .,, fort...,_ oul-tdt' nl 'lkJr • vn .... uou .. a war~~ .. In ~burl 'uu .. n l.tl •nd • 11l n ·ma"' lot .._·au~ ''"'' '"-.d' ,. ant~ vou fat· .\, ••th n(~r .._.,.,,,.~,of prt'(k-unat1on l~ .._..lp<unl ftol''"f\ IC"Ot'rll~ .... oth • pto-...,-ful ...-n"< ••I rt-tM-1 otnd .t n1pphn.c ~n."'t' tM h• opt"i.--'nr-' \flt·r rw• met -u., t"''lulh lr ... tl'd "'"'"' < hn '"" .t ... t~r-'"" tw' r-~tond ·.-.. "iln w 1.-··ptM. al • ...-lUI tN-...,.., 1101nt T~·n I ,, 1~ th•l Pit f" 110 '-PT \\PH k hut ..... lui•~ fnund • hal tho> H\RT "1111~1 PH(K,R.\\1 •h~<h .th~r-nwt•..,.'h'm thr<>ul(h • r.·alrnlo! 11 l-,alanc~ •rf nutfllu•n ph\ ""•' •• '"II\ onrwor ft•hi'IC' •n.1 '"' 181 • "' trnnrnoonl prcnld4---.. rall .. n.t t .hf't"nall\f' , .. dM"ltnjC .nJ I h.-'U" .,..,. "' t lw pr<~.rro• n· , 14-arh ri,f,..., tho ~·tpn nt I~"'' FOf mt>f'~ rnltorn .tttun 1 all I h. I I \If 1 ln,lllut .. n ,,.,.p .. rt fW.ot h •I -~ h()f>J Come join us at the Jl'~:?JJeacJJ /!Jenni6 rr~u~~ The ~ 8eoch lenn s CluO •s the Site c:A SUCh pt~tlg•ous E>Ve('t\ os the 1077 OcMs CuP. the Ar.n~ Pock Southwest Senosloumo ment the Orange Courty AdophOn Gu~ Tournament ono others Memben.. hW. tekiOm find tneot-""M wot•ng for one cA the 1Q ~ourt~o The Club oiJo bOOS'S o...A.Jno OtvmPc · s.cze ~ IOCUUI. dlnlnQ fiOOfT\ ones bar MIMTibeB ~v ~ oc:Mlntoge c:A the ottroc- tNe tocllltles ~ PfMJte portie6. weddW '0 recepftOnS. etc Other JOC~ oct~Vtttes Include bridge. bOCk- gammon SCIQbt)6e. 08'0bk:S ond our new ~ nor on ··~ succ.s-tnshvcted bV Ph•l JohNlOn fOf 'fOUl con~ try out 0U1 n8'\IW 'MATCH MAlt- boll rnoctwlrel I : . . -•· -· - A ltmit.d number cA Regular Cor\XIKJte 9wwn /ltao- CIOfe. and .Ju/WJI Eaec:\ftf'll'e MembetShiPI are now ovat abM; J)U cu new -NNW.. ~p-and »HHP MEMIIER' F ( 12-16 vn.) Sto1tng .Mle 1.-t\-~ ~ 1erns OINCS -wtl oe CMJiflc:JtlAe for oeglr • ., thougt\ oc:JIIc:lnCecl Fa fUrther 111bi IGIOn pleale COl o.1 tec:ac:hng~ at 6M·0056 for mere "1o '' 10f1of• p~~eo~e c:oe cu Olredo ot ~·ooso .... .... . . . ''1111 11" Look ' \\here $1QOOO • mrare • COtnS can~ )OlL • 10.000 I til lJ.,DOO 1911 16,.900 1914 11,970 19M 11..'61 , .. }7,119 191'7 4l.lM ... 61,749 ..... 81.S7J 1910 106,04S 1991 117.8S8 1991 R.ft eem-qualny MS-6S u s lllwr dollars 1ft ~ a: ames eod.. what chry ~ an 1976 Neariv m .ppec.aon per year: lt. an rhr nut five ,an. chry appreoatr onlv lO'\ per -.nl. SI>.OCO W1ll rW' a $27.119 pro6t In 1m vnn.. $U7.8S8 And mw:r ~our doors an trno. flO( orw al ow ~DI\m ~~S dwn .. "-' mum per vat QwrMlach~t nproaL' avn tht-la3r rwo ¥nB when bulbon .-cks ~"Ul rnl ("§Qit -~ r '~!nth <ICih \toe ew-n fnC'OrY ~ t .. nds "" T -bdb ,& that lund tit re1Unl The ~ IS l1ndJni ttw ' ncht ~ And H.annn TuN- •nc cs urw at <1nh 18 m:ot· n!X'd sal~-er dollar n prru tn t~ ..uunlll ~r sp«:alw 1n d U S ran-aold tild ~ corns And \\T c& ~ ltlvei&Jn manatrd . pt"nOnal rwe com 1n'n~JMn! pew~ com· ~ wtth 6Ckby lnOrW'I beck rc~ and padr pranlflt •'If" ac:h aJd\ Call~ at t7HI8Sl-8l0l h a fru tnbmaooo peck.rt Of mum !he coupon below ConluJaoon bf appoeN· ment only .. 'tiM.wAM .. Bh-d w UD ~li<'"Bndl CA•l6te 17M I S\H'lOl o,...._~-• ' 0 ..... '"' ... . 1\ ........ ..._. a,.....,._..._ t _..., __ ,..... ... -·-...... ·--·--·--·-------~ .. • ------ DINING THEATER Da ll)o)eciiBo11caMI -boo ...... llae jol> "' d.i...etiOD, lor there are pUfalJe lo • ploy thot to tblt tollty aad thot ooWd 0. Lal>orlouo wllhouth tho rtoht touob ot tho loola. BONAPPEI'II "0." .. • lovely, warm, often lluaorCNII1 often deeply moving ploy 01 ..a.cuoo. luically, u It tile ieory of CM.rlie, a DlaD who relaru lor W. father'• funeral and fiacl. h•·wU MVDted by the ~t.~ddenly ia·Beeh 9h01t of h.il lather wllao ~ hla:l about ud etln up -..oriel. In a MriM of Duhbecb illterm.ln91· in9 with tlr.e prMIIIlt,.-Ch.rlie'• paiAiul ..,..,...., U.to hit put Wo il vivldly brou_gh.t to the aurface. We 1M hil irrttalloD and diN&tilfactton with h.LI father gradually 9row into u llD.dentandinq of the old mAD. 0.0 ol tho -hoorl· wrenching acen• lD the play ia when Charlie Mll.v• ... tag death eppzoach. 0.. AI the old man alt. tn h.ia chair and fight• to hang on lo life, the •motion il almo.t unbe&rably atron9. But, Charlie cannot rid himMU of his f•ther'• "pr...ace" and at the end 0. ia atill •ticking to hil aide, rehW.ng to let go of hia hold Oft his IOD. The cMt la geaerally ao.llent. wUh DNa. Saaloro u CharU. •ad Tho-....Toaer u IN lr· rltollooly but dollohtNl 0.. hod -""" hlo lovely ltt.Uan fteaa•-.Dce reetaurel La Streda for lUD.ch, we dropped ill to MJaple the m.enu. There ftr• Ill: of Ul on our ftnt villi, ud we Wrecl u ullputo of o.tan,.ri Mlad. eoftly borbocl with booll, Utllo ....U. ol ..W.U otuHocl witlr. ell .... , luty routocl roci--....U.atocl lA ollw oU, Yla.egu and herba, and .UO. of fiDe proaclutlo &n.d IDOIHNlla. EM-EQUAL Rtl;HTS for Womon-1110 bocomo o byword ot, the N"'vpon liNch Wor- R•t.ur.,..t, where thiN three loc .. rtek*HI heve ,....,tly londod monogomont pooltlono. From loft: Anotbor ohorocl ciW> wu eqel-bair pula, Nucect with tr.b. tomato eel herba, Mrv· eel with crv.aty hot rolb and .... , butler.· Ny choice u entrH wu ulmon, marinated Sandra Hoowr, lllietent menager; _.... Kenyon, dlr.ctor of benQUett and cetering, and Sandy Zeull. 1 management tr~nee. The Newport frencht. of the chein-whtch hee one In Marine del Rey end eight more to be opened beginning thie aunvner- hM 100 employee~, and groteed t3 miUion laet yNr menegement Mid . ' iD oliv. oil andllerbl, oniona, and ca.ta Mrveel with a (lamiah $8.50. Anolher 9uMI of .Uced onlou, egqa chON breul of eel fr-.h toma.to. cltl,.,.,•" Nu.ntifpllv Othen abated btl• of Muced with Jr .. h filet of eole, Muleed in mu.ahroom altc .. in lemon butter and Mrv· Manala win•. eel with capen, and Ny enlrH wu the Scampi La Strada, Jrlttala Di Veoatall. an U.rimp •rved iD a Italien omelette filled CNI.IDY wt.a.e Muce with btta of frnh 'with garlic and butter. veooeteblH, auccini , 0a & aecond villi, pepper1, ODiODI, ac· ODI of ow qu•ta choae '"'"'''ld.'oith the fl.von the Wamln.irqer, aam-of MVeral ch ...... eel for autho r JOMph s..Jadt, which ca-t Wa.m.bau9h, and the $6 .9!.. for ...arted freah only thorou9 bly fruita with aherbel or American cliah on the ricolla chHM, to S9.2S menu. It ia Mrv.d for the Corona del open-face n:":"bu.n I War, a MaJood treat with french~ with a bounty of lreah thJ.a -lllic.d N\ltt.d 1hellfiah, atl Q'IDirOUI ==-===-::.::::::::._ _ __: and attractively pr ... o.t.d. ·Other fr"h I'D\18hroom .UC.. l.n Mer· tala wine. My enlrM wu the Jriltala Dt V~t.U, an It.tian omelette fill- ed with bita of lr-.b. vttqrelabl ... IUCClni, peppert, OnioDI, &C· cenled with the flavora of Mveralch ...... Salacb, which COli $6.99 for auorted bub bull• wtth aherbel or ricolla ch .... , to $9.25 for the Corona del War, a ...Jood lrHt wtth a bollD.Iy of fr .. h lhellii.el!,, 1M generoua and at- lrachvely prNeDteel. Other aalacb are a half pinMpple filled with chicken and fruit , a papaya half with ahrimp, h.U a melon filled with melon balla In Holland ch"N and aherry, and a delicious julienne of cucum.b.r with Emmenlhal ch .... and YOQUrt. Cold tpecialhea include the marinated aalmong ($10.25), aliced lamb in mint aauce, Car· paccio alequtly done here with .... through alice• of raw beef filet and m\UI&rd aauce ($9.99). There ia a IHfood platter for two, apd hot or could aoup of tho clay ($1.95). Hot •ntr"l are Vermic•lli Amatriciua, rhin 1JP6gh•tti with To celebrate tne 5th C(.May. tne Grinder Gourmet eo-SI>OPI* will o11er Chill a Beano lor ontv .. cinco centCIIICI .. per cup tor Cinco de Mayo ... iOeiiCioooj The South Cout Repertory production il a beautiful one, alma.t poetic. At tim" it mov11 a little too leiawely, there are mOmenta when tedJWD Mt• in, but then there 1.1 a aure of inten· 1ify or of deliqbtful humor and we are .,_ck with il aqaiD . David Italian bacon ud tomato (S5. 75), Spaqhotll Allapul· tan..ca, the pula with the naughty name, reportedly Mrv· eel in Napl11 by the ladi11 of the evenin9 to their clienlt after a · DiQht of love, and made with capert, bl.ck oliv11 and AD · choviea. Thare ia an excellent Fettuccine All' Alfr.do ($6.95), Scaloppine of Veal ($9 .25), and a choice of frittatu (S6.50). La Strada priHnta a wine liat , carefully Mlect.d •nd bearin9 the but of Italian and California S.otoro calrioo tho bio- ociiAO looci ud ho - _.hlr lro• bit ro1o ol u obaerver .. weu ... pe.rlicipaa.t to the JD&D who fruUcally loob for releue from the paet. It il • llirri.D.o perionaance. Toner il • very humoroua tnd Yftl pathetic I)a, even when &I tlml h.il dN.Iect oblcur .. llil liD•. He ia otpOClally ootablO lA Act D. Roo BoUMOII). make~ much of the rather brief pal'l ~Oliver, play- ing both the older and tM young Oliver, wh.UIII Jo~ Gr .. nleaf il an awkward, u:a- ious, curioUI, ud tpiriled Youaq CMrUe. ltaiHrille Macoreqor il allapit ud fire u Nether while WU.U... Glover'• Drumm ia a bit too mu.ch on one level. He couh u.. II!Dre acid in place• to provide mom coat rut. He ia good but the role often more. P•tli John• and W.rgaret MUM are 90Qd. Ralph Funicello'• periec:t Ml and Cameron Harvey'• liqhli.ng •dd mood to lhil play wilh • bHrl. labela. O....rt• are diaplay.d on an attractive table tl t.he en· trance, and there ia • cholce of teed or bot bever&4)N. La Strada ll locettd in Corona del Mar, at 3520 I . Cout Hwy. S.rvlce 11 caring ~ profea- lional, and the alla~phere at luncheon ia 1 ... torUllhan in the evenin9. There ' valet parlt· ing and an eleq&Dt Cld Mrena cocktail lOunge. Lu.~~:heon Non· day through Friday tom 11 a .m. until 3 p.m. Cal161t-191n for r ... rvatioua. 1 ©~~l!,lrini'l~$ t 's ©~~~~,m~$ Salt~s· ©~~~~,m~$ ·Salt)'' s ©~~11,m~ Salt)\' s ©~~~m~$ Salty's 2931 E. COASTHWY. CORONA DEL~ 173-0821 IAJI.IO .. II&II.Y Complete-Dinners from 85.25 to 1115,t5 5:00 PM · 7:00 PM Dally ..., to 01"1 GllnOif (WirYWI,... not-~ ~~~------------..._ z., _..._ _____ _ ~ .... ,..... .................... ~..,.; Qlt0&16 ..... o-o .. o PIZZA 6 FOOD TO GO A OFF Your choice or soup or salad and one or these entt....,.,,J • Fenuclnl "NeplUne .. The '<ofell!hl Walcher -broiled. lreshly Ground Counlry Fare -broiled breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips omelene du JoUr CAPRicCIO CAFE at OUa PAIIIILY IIOUDAY DQ(IQU AU aiiCOIIINO 4. TL\DmON. • "So1athern Cahtonua'• Lerve~t fr .. alto•" retwn1 S.turday and Sunday when !1 Toro Maran• Air Station hoat• 1t1 annu..l Armed force~ day open hou1e aod a&r 1how. The Navy'• fllqht demonstra· tion team, the Blue Angels, w11l perform each day as the ma&n altracHon. The famous "Blues" are oo lour aqaan desp&le the tragic accident earher thaa year which took the hfe of Lt. Stu Po wrie, the Blue Anqel•' lead solo pilot. Marine Corps offacaals and caty , county and state aqencaes will )Om fore .. to mtotmue coo- Qestioo to and from the aar sta- Festival (CootiaMCI &c. ~ 1) Newport Beach Purchase Award; Stephen Cns.fulla, Ctly of Newport Beach Purc hase Award; Norman Uoyd, l rvaoe Company Purc hase Award; Dona Allen, lrvane Company Purc hase Award, and Em1qruo Vasquez, Teletrontc Laboratoraes Award More are Anne Walschke, Aar Calaforoia Award; Rac k Fern- case, Ameracan State Banlc Award; Sherry Pratchard, Frank Marshall Award, Gary Crabb, Frank Mar~hall Award. Stefan Krakl, Ladtalaw and Martone Re- day Annual Award; Sylvaa Smtth, T.S L Award; and Richard Bunkall, Pac ahc Mutual Award. Awards an the performang arts cateqones we re donated by the Dolphan's C lub, the women's d1via1on of the Ne wport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, and Fluor Co.rp The wanners are: Delta Delta DeltalftJI C hapter of UCI lo r "The Sound of Mustc"; Pa Beta Pha/Pha Delta Theta Chapter. UCI for "A Chorus L ne"; Kappa Kappa Gamma/IFC Chapter of UCI lor "The Pa,ama Game"; Gamma Phi Beta/Beta Theta Pa Chaplet, UCI, for "Godapell"; and Alpha .:hi Omegal~tqma Cha Chapter. UCI for "Fame." Also, Richard Glenn for the UCI Guatar Euemble, and Cornnne Chap- pelle, young vaohnu.l. The Chllldren's Art Awards, Uoo and _curl; m._Jve traUac proble.u expected. The eveot atlrKted an esh- mated 350,000 persons lor the two days last year. El Toro ofhctala have lncreas- ed the number of park1og areaa and accea.s Qates th11 year · Those Wlah&oq to drave to the open house Wlll find hve park· 109 areu instead of last year's four. Four entrances to the aar sta- hon Wlll be open. The mam gate and Gate 9 are near Interstate 5 and have easy acceaa from the freeway. cootnbuted by the fa.shJo n lsland Merchants Assoctahon and the Ldo Isle Women's Club, went to: H1qh school students ool hnl Crtshne faqan. Costa M .... <Kond Pho Bt.u, Cosla Meu. lhord Jell Mun!lOn, Cosla Mesa, water color lust M11<e Pall Costa N .... second. Davtd Lo Co•ta M .... lhud. lns1e Ftorda. Costa Mesa. q raph1n forst, Lturen St Claue, Coala Mesa, s~ond, Rachel Beynon. Co•ta N ... , and lhord. Lora P Rees and Roberto Molden, bolh Costa Mew Grammar school. qrades 4·6 torat Danny Wilson Harbor Dav School. ~" cund, Stephante Arqyros, Harb.Jr Day and Chr1s Hansen Newport Hetqhls thud, lake Smtih. Harbor Day Sehoul Grammar school, qrades I J lu•• lacabo l opez. L•ndberqh Sehoul ..,.. cond. Bullany Alqar, Newpotl Heoqhh thud pnzes Mochael Klvlla and Jell Slepheos bo1h ol L1ndberqh School lunoor Hu~h lust Ltnda Mcleod Dav11 Moddt.-School second He1d1 R11tau, Harbor Day lhud Brell Muo!Wu Dav11 Mtddle School Madehne Rose, c hanman o f the Newport Beach C1ty Arts Commission and of the Festival, opened the two-day gala by an- troducmg Newport Beac h Mayor Protem Evelyn Hart. C1ty Coun c1 lwoman Rulbelyn Plummer, and Ttm Parker. prestdent of the fashion Island Merc hants Assocaation. Arts Comrrusa&oner Betty Tasman, who wu also c hauman of Performing Arts, acted as mutzess of ceremon.es and an - traduced lhe remAlllmCJ members of the City Arts Com auuion Novell Hendncbon, vuual arll; Bill Agee, v11ual arts; Wally Zlqlar. chtldren 's arts, and A .Z. Taft, commumty showcase and arhat's demonstra - ho ns. FRESH FISH fro• Mart~ellle \\ ,. , "'lh,tll" •n\llt' \OU to l()tn u\ lor ,, unoqut' ct.n.n~e f'\JM"fll"fl('~ Our f"h " Ito.. n.n d.ut.,. 1 ron1 M•t~tllt' on tho-N"' .. '" lr.-,n lrom 11-oe ~~~~· r •n .... n t c.lfnf' •nd \h<ltt' our f'•C '"~'II dtnnt't W ith U\ LUNOI• DINNER • SUNDAY IIUNOI f .. liST ltPT fKI(1 fil OllANGI C~TY tall Villa •• , • c..IM!f, v~ ~-port lkiiC'h • 673-47%1 ' [[lJ SUN Honors Chief Gross The pohce department's Ne1C~hborhood Watch program- wath an essentaaJ mgredJenl of "mterventa on thai an 85-year old woman can do"-has made a SIZeable dent an Newport Beach c rame, accord10g to Cbtef Charles (Pete) Gross. He made the comment last week as he ctccepted an award of me nt at the Vtlla Nova fro m SUN (Speak Up, Newport), whose members encourage "a pos1hve v1ew about our c aty" Dr Stanford Green, vtce presadent and program c haH- mao, noted that the pollee of- fleer "1s a symbol of all the thangs we beheve a re nght " He cated Gross' parhctpallo n an many commumty events as he presented thw plaque "to so· meone who prachces lethng the sunshane an" Gross paad tnbute to "the haqh degree of support an the communlly" fro m 10davtduals as well as serv1c e clubs such as the Hoag 552 Club, the Harbor Area Boys and Garis Club, "and all the others People par· hctpate at a haghly successful level.' It was 10 thas context that he specdaed the success of the Neaqhborhood Watch program, 10 wh1ch restdenls ammedtately report any unusual o r suspacaous c ucumstance He encou raged any res1dents not so mvolved to contac t the pohce department fo r anformataon No mo"e.-how you say It .In any language au motheB ae speck:ll This Mother's Day, May 9th. the Grindef Gourmet Cof'fee Shoppes will honOf each mom with on orchid. just to say "thank you for being yo.J'' ~ &el'llilv . • paonHr Clfi•11 oty farmJDq famtly, ..U qlvea 1100.000 to t~e Oranoe County Perforauoq Art• Center. The CJift rauea the total amount pledoed to the center to more than $21 malhoo The donahon comes fro m the Wurdy Foundahon, establashed by Nr and Mrs . John Murdy, lr John Murdy was a s late aenator from 1951 thro uqh 1964 The Murdy famtly came to Hun- hnqton Beach 1n 1912 and operated a farm there lor many yeau . The Perform1ng Arts Center wUl be bu1lt 10 the northeast corner of South Coast Town Center. near Sunflo wer, east o f Bnatol. and ac ross the street from Soulb Coast Repertory Theatre, oo land donated by the s.t,.r.tr~ t.111lly. II will mclM two lheaten a.Ad a ~ llACh&re. awou (Cootiau.ed &a. .... l) mator vtctory an Sumner's deca- ston. "The wells ate Qra.tnCJ $100,000 a month," satd Wyoo, "whtc h nels us about 60 per- cent The balanc e go.. tor leqal fees-a btqq&e, wh.1ch we ~ope soon w11l eod-and the contract operator. plus electncal costa, mamlenance and repau " Wynn wad the damages are bemq baaed on the coata of some 400 htle seazc hes, lou of produchon and other expeDMe r .. ulhng when Arm.stronq re.fu.s- ed to surrender the weU.. Response to ''FUN and GAMES In the FUN ZONE'' by SPON In the April 21, 1912 Issue of the Ensign: lost wee61. SPON placed oo ad tn the En51gn enllfted Fun ord Gomes tn tr-.e Fun Zorwe tn wi"'Ch !?ley stote<1 We ore n favor Of rehabtlta11ng and upgrodlng the Fun Zone oreo. but we thiNe 11 she>.jd be done wtttwn the tromeworl! of o... city general plan W£ AGQfE tnot s wtr-( the Cl.l'rent ptoposa 101 the rehobiltatv'Q ond upgrOdlng of the Fun Zone lS" stnc:t c~ t01monce With the Genetal ~ w t-tch spectficoty states tnot the Central 8olboo commerciOI or80 ~be p~eserved ond tnot r8$1denh01 uses ~be ptohtbl1ed"' tnot 0180 SPON goes oo to say trot there ~ not be zorwe chor"QeS and other muNiotlons ot the ger«ol pial c~ cept W£ AGnfE Tt-ors wrrv 11119 ore P'QpOSr"Q o comrnercd Pf0f8CI "a commerciQiv zoned or80 The cl.lfel"lt Zc::lrWlQ 101 the Fun Zone or80 IS C·l The tun zone or80 hOS been u.seo bv the Ct?v ot NeiNPO'f Beach os a com- mefciOI or80 lor almOst 50 veors we pion oo lteepng rt that~ F\lfhel oo n the OC1 SP0N stoles SP0N IS NOT onh-develoor>e~•t We SUPPOrt the genetal pion ond 11119 SUP- port the ptopet commercd zones oufW'lea tn the plan 5tnce we hove to belelle trot SPON means what they say we ore g1o0 to receNe tl"er support 101 o... ptoposol We ore n conlorrronce With the gereral pion and o... Pfoteetles w~thn a comrnerciOiv zoned or80 Thank yo.; SPON 101 yo,.-SUPPOrt ot p~o,ects tnot cOrlOtm to the genal pial ond have the Pfope! zonng outred rn tnot pion Were glad to hear tnot vou ore not oo~ devetooment There seems to be a Sligtlt diScreponcv tn thetf oo thOugh SPON states tnot If IS vetv 8V108nl tnot they (tNt cttlzens) feel str()r'(Jy about keeprng 0 r8Sidenf101 communtv If SPON belr\!8$"' me get'eral pion and ptopef1V outlined zONI"Q. then they will have to agree. os their ad 50 deortv points out. tnot cOfT'I'n8fclOI Pfc;ecf1 ore C* n commerciOiy zoned or80s -Addltlonaly os SPON 50 wei remerrt>e~s. the Cltllet'l$ of Newport Beach vehemef .. rotv ~ o Pf8\ltOU$ Pfoposal 101 the tun zorwe tnot was resdentlat The cmzens of Newport Beoch. <*JnQ With the Coostol Comn'\ISSlon. clearly stoled ot tt-.s trne thot the site shOuiCJ remain \IISIIOI·oriented and l'lerce commerciOI n nature We wOUICI theref01e like to set the record straight We ore NOT PfopoclrQ o thee storv Of- FICE BUilDING We ARE Pfoposlng o ttvee slaty MIXED USE pt0f8Ct Our ptoposollncludes the lolowlro: • ~ FLOOR-COMP\.ETEL Y VISITOR OOENTEO with stq)l. restG~oots. arcades on ooen comdor courtvord o carousel ond ferris wheel • SECONO FLOOR E•ecul!ve offiCe soles • THRO FLOOR-A view 0118nt8Q restaurant With OOOtlOid otflce Utes We ore PfOUd ot o... sensmvetv 08Signed ptoposol and Nl\le receNed o tremenoous amount ot SI.JPCX)f'1 from the COOYT'V'ttv ot NewPOrt Beach "vau WOUd lll(e to "orce y()u( O()nOI'\ we more than welCOme YO.. pot· ~ot o... tnt PLdC heorrng oo Mov 6 For l\lttler normotlon regarding the Fun Zone please col Carole G<x>ostone ot \Jft)()n Strategy 2751 w Poctflc Coost ~ Newpor18eocl\ Co (7'4) 031 n44 l tmoa and Ciaemax "': Tile two a.ble TV •lw• r" with owr 80 d,, awt IDOW!Ia _.h. Only HBO and Cantmax how ~tartly ddfn-tnt ftatut"H ~acll month So. with Tht ~eel Doublt' futui"C';-tht'I"C''s alv.ays 54.nethsnc temfic to se~ '"u can tum from a rtcent smash movte on HBO to a smastuna Holl ywuod mu lCIJ ClD Ctnt'll'\IX Swatch fmm an HBO su~n.t.1r pt~ to a superb f.lft'tl(ll ftlm uo CaM-ma' And OMit IOmflhtna JTtat to watch. w~Mver you wilda. botb tM H80 and Cs~max ~rvac~ ~ • houn a day 2 HHO: en:.. ...,.... --~h ......... Homt &x ( ~ows all the hits hkt '" tl"ff_lJ and 1M Fuwr StG$011$ But Gttat Mov~s Art Ju't The Bttionint~ You1l aiJO SH H80nlys"'-en~rutnmml show ant only on HBO and now~ tlw on national ~TV Movies llkt Corl»tt C. txclusivt special fake A*rt Klfln t Yale. and exclusive sporU bkt •ld ChamJ*m tp Bollsfll. 3 ~~diletala ~ Can«"mU how-; all mo\ It''-allth~ um~ And t>ach mt•nlh. Ctn~llUIX mov~' arf' u•mpl~tl) dtfftrt'nt from th•"e shown no HOO Yuu'll -..H film\ h~ Cone•/ 1\ """'ltd~. Tit, Hovllfel L• Ca,r A IU FQ/ws I ud II. ..,,, . .,, HNdl41w, F'""· plu a him r~wal of r., \1o"v F""' Of Prllr $#/Ius My~enn. fantast~. ad\o~nture<~. romanca • tc.~rDClhit\1 lor t-very fn0\1~ lover 10 tht-fanuly. Tblt't Cinemax! 4 ~ .:-'w~aE~=•:..II'!I:rlll Wikle. W1th ovu 80 movin. pit ~and Pf'(W ~ choult fn•m each ln()ftth, HBO and Ci~x bnn.t you lM ~ate t chon your entel1alnmmt dollar can buy e lttG "-..,.c... troor • • .....,...,... ...,u .,."" _._ ..,...,"_ • . • "•'.,..'--~--..,...... ... -~-..c .. .-rv _.....,.....__ .......... _.....,_.,_,_ CALL TOJMY! HBO AND CINEM 8RF.A. tA HABRA. CA <AntU!)' _u~ ol Southun Cal. 47l4l529<4 1 C2 l3l l IRVIN~ NEWPORT BEACH. Tll 11 • Cummunit~bln•saon Company 47\4) 72(). ' ' I. r ... 11 ... I tq, A.,l1 •• ~-'fM ... wpon EMip FOOD Ow 1:1""'''" ... .-r f• tub aa.ic ......... _.._ ......... ia9 ..... CIDAIQJ'• pdM -uof chcoolete, c~• ucl .,_. ct.ocolate. TIMA&a.ca di8ooweNCl u. 'I'M Speaielt laproM lt. AM Mule ... edd it to .. ace~ lor · ... t aad pogltry. ~the belt of all C'1&ltu.,. plua ... uUOUAd c~te.,..U.tlu .. euped,, if arpn.iDQ, rectpee. Chocolat• Fruit Soup: • re&e.IU.DQ w.cl ol c)dJW fruit ..,. ricll ---.... tcllocolate whip- ped to epiCllrMil periection. Chocol.ate 1\aiai.n Bread: for the hea.rty appetite and true chocolate lover, a utural blend oJ coanely chopped nuta and raiai.na with a ,..., touch of •mi- aweet real chocolate. Chocol.ate Chili: Y"· chili-for the darinQ CJOW'lllet, hot 'n tpicy with the aubtleat hint of claocolate (to aubUe it .. , evea fool your a.tebuda). Here ue the reci.,_: ChocoJ.te rruu Soup ODe 6 ounce packaQe (1 cup) •mi-aweet chocolate morMla, divided 1cupmi.Ut One 10 ouace pack.aQ• froMn atrawberriea, drained 1 1/4 cupa heavy CrNJD 1a m ... uring t ... poon vanilla eatract 112 meuurlDQ teaapoon cinnamon Whipped crNJD ( op· tioul} Place 1/2 cup (3 ounc") •nu-aweet chocoJ.te mor•la in blender COJllAi.nor , pro· c-. at hiQh apeed about 15 MConda or until fiDe particl" are foJ'JMd; •t aside. Combine over hot (not boJJ.inQ) water, remain· inQ l /2 cup (3 ounc .. ) chocolate moJMla and milk; hMt until morMla melt and millture ia combined. Mor•l-milk I millture will contain Becka of chocolate; thia will not be a amooth millture. In blender cont&lDer I comblDe mor-.1-nulk mUlture, 1trawbern ... heavy cream, vanilla ealract and ClDD&mon. Procea at h.&Qh apeed u:n hl amooth (about 30 Neon&). Chill until rMdy to Mrve (at leut 3 houn). Garruah with whlpped c ream and Qrated mor•la. M&Jr .. 4 •rvinQa. Vanation: Subatilule l med1um banana for frozen 1trawberri ... Chocolate R&Wn BrHd ODe 6 ounce packa9• (1 cup) •ml·IW .. l chocolate morMb 6 mMIUriAQ t&blea- poou butler 2 112 cups unatfted OOuz 1 meuurlnQ teupoon bakin9 powder l IMUUJin9 leupoon b&kinQ eociAl 1 .... urtnQ leupoon Mit . 1 e99 1 112 wpe milk 1/2 cup 1Al9U 1 ......aria9 t.eupoon vuUila ,.tract lcupr..._. 1 011p ooanely cllop· ped nuta bowl, beat egq, ailk, ft9U ud vaa.Ula ... tract. Add cbocolate mbture. Gradu.ally atir ln flCMu aiature by hud jut uatilmoiaten- ed. Stir ln raiainl and nuts. Pour into QJ"eued • 9''.S"a3" loaf pan. liM al 390' r . toz &s-'10 minut ... CoollO ainut•; remove hom pu. Cool completely. Wabe 11oaf. Chocolate Chili 2 JDeUUrinQ tabl .. - poou ¥eQet&ble oil 1 medium onion, chop- peel 2 qarlic clov ... minced 1 pound Qround beef • 1 16-ouace cu kidney h.au, drai.Decl 1 16-ounce CAD toaato p...,.. l S..ou.nce caa tomato PMte 1 ._ouace CAD choppect QrMD chili peppen, ...ded and drallled 1/2 cup wae.r 2 eav.lop. (2 ouncea) Heett. Choco.bake, diviMd 2 measurinq tables- pooJ:ll chili power t 1 ~ tabi!MpOOD ~~aad ofta ukecl. "What'• bMMia.ond lulaat : ... ..u. the heM .. , to ..Ue boWUoe S+•-.r waco..tecl 30 iced, .. .,.. Heat oilla • 1arve ....... ~ OCC&· d:il&ee; ..w --aDd ....U,. SUi ln remain· U JOQ 6ollow U.... 9Uiic ucl .... 1UlUl ba9 QoeO.bah od t ..... Mel 9rOucl Mea tluQU91a. s. .... four..., •pa, you'll beef; coOk ONl witll cora chips or over (Jet what we thi.nk 1.1 meclhua •• until ... , hot rice. WU.. 4 to 6 OUlllandinQ iced tH: ia ...aly bZOWHCI. Mnbl~. l. Brinq 2 quart• of Draln off eaceee fat. water to a boU in a Stir ia beua, tomato Iced Tea lMQ• pol. pur .. , .tomato peale, chili peppen, water, 1 SUIDIIlertime when 2. Remove from beat · envelope ohoco-bake, ·livinQ ia eaay, we're and add 6 of your U.S.D.A. ChOice _ _....., Beef LOin BOneleSS TOD _SirlOin Steak favonte tea.bavs. 3. Covw aad let steep 15 mtnut ... Cool at room temperature befoze refriqe.rat lD9. 4. Serve with lemoo and suQar in lee· filled QW.... Garniah with an oranQe alice or a apriQ of mint. Cloudy aced IN? hat add some boilin9 water to clear. Kentm m~--------------- .,.... A8C (8CentreVMountaln) THI ONI AND ONLY Henry Wlnklef Ia a young actOf In lOve With tame. his wife and himeelf not neceeurlly In lhat Ofdef wno finds the twne and almol1 IoNs till ..... 10-11NC8S (8~~~= WALT ~ -nt1 STRONQ. EST IIAN IN THI WOM.D.• What happens When a couple ol science majors concoct a formula wtuch gwes pe<lC)Ie superhuman strength Kurt A\.lsMII, Joe Flynn, Eve Arden. Cesar ~ro (Cesar ROMERO?) and Phil Slivers ',1 11\j :\.1.\Y ' •1111111 ABC (8 Central/Mountain) MAE lrrUT Ann Jtllian plays the l•ndary actress who butlt her stardOm on sex whose scr"n w•ctcectnesa and wtt lured moet men but who struggted to ftnd fulfillment With the man she truly lOved It fotlowl "Otemond Ltr through the r<X91 and tumble world of vaudevl.lle, to ln,.dway. to Hoftywood. With Jamea BrOlin. Piper Laurie and RoddV McOowaN ,_,~ the only actress ~r had a life pr.aerver named after her •11JIM NBC (8CentralfMountatn) KENNY ROGERS AS THE ~Ill The pooular performer S NEIL F'UJITA DESIGN ~rs In a chmabuttOn ot Nl own hit song. playing a coot, ateely ~ ptotes&IC:lMI own-nan wno pq.~ by the rules and knows the value of a good bluff. \1 '• '\1\o .. 11PIIABC THE LEn'EJl Lee ~ Is the beauttlul. restlea Wile of a r\Jbtler planter wttoee smoldenng passions erupt tnto I~ romance and tragedy A steamy tale of love and death tn the tropec &ln. .,..cas (ICenttaM~ fiiOimWT Of A IHOWGIIIL T ... ftlok with Leetey AM Warren, Rha Moreno. et.nne Kay and Tony Curtis. concerning the lrves and prOblema of Las Vegas dancers ott and on the stage .,.... C86 (SCentrantountaan) ..,.. Of ntE .... Offbeat t• ot reuniOn among aome agtng ex- members ot a motOfcycle gang They mekea bittersweet grab for their tong gone ~r,.rlng youth and come to the reacu6 of one of thetr own Barbara Eden. Don Murray. Jamie rS a.IPM CBS (7 CentraliMountam) DISNEY"' "1.,000.000 DUCec-(Palt 1). A Iunny film wtlh Dean Jones as a oebt-rtdden research SCI8flttst woo owns a duck named cnartey that through a ·quack" of nature and radtatton. lays eggs wtth golden yolks A comedy co-starnng Sandy Duncan. Joe Flynn. Tony Roberts and LM Harcourt Montgomery TNI HORROR. A thriller u a tuburtlan dream house turns onto a IMng ntgf'ltmare for tts new reeidarlla a house that seems to have a ltfe ol tls ()INn James Brottn. Margot Kidder. Don Stroud and ROd Stetger The Jittery shOUld pull down or put on lhe shades tor lhts one Kmgs: 2 mg. "tar." 0.3 mg. mcot1ne: 100s: 4 mg. "tar." 0.5 mg. nJCorine av. par cigarene. FTC Repon December 1981. c l.orllard. u s ... . 19112 ~Low Tor • • I "\, '"_,1 '\, , 1 , ~ I : ' , r ABC (7 Centrai/Mountatn) t ... DE nE THIRD REICH A S.hOUr spectal based on the autobiography of Nazt war cnmmal Albert Speer The hie of Httler's architect, protege and faithful follower to the end The tnternettOnal cast stars Rutger Hauer (Soldier of Or.,.. Ntght Hawb) Tony ~rd wtnner Blythe Dannet and Derelll Jacobi (I Claudius) •11P11 NBC (8CentralfMountatn) IIIOTHEII'S DAY ON WALTON'S MOUNTAIN Ralph Watte and all the regoJars wtll have you reaching lor the hankteS on lhts specoal day lor Mom •t1PM CBS (8Centrai/Mountaonl CAODYSHACK Wacky sophOmorte comedy wtlh reasonably good perfor mances by Chevy Chase. Rooney Dangerfield and Ted Kn.ght and a dreadful turn by Btll Murray M O i\1 M AY 11) •t1PII ABC (8Central/Mountatn) INSIDE THE THIRD REICH. Flnele •t1PII CBS (8Centrai/Mountaan) THE RULES OF MARRIAGE. Palt One Elizabeth Montgomery. ElliOtt Gould and Mtettael Murphy on a con- temporary drama abOut an alllu8flt surburban couple celebrattng theH 15th wedding annrversarv .. t1PII NBC (8Centra11Mounta~n) HOW TO HAT THE HIGH COST OF UYINQ Z~~ny but ptedlctab6e ~ •t1PII CBS (8Centrai/Mounta1n) ELEANOR, FIRST LADY OF THE WORLD Multtple Emmy Awaro wonner Jean Stapleton plays Eleanor The Newpofl Enaigo Wed.D-.day. April 28. 1912 PCJge 11 who, aftet the death of I'Mtr husband. F D R • IS IOtn between her famtly and the OC)p()ft\Jnfly 10 become an •nlluenttal pubhc ftgure Her struogle to Ola.Ze a tratl of concern and 00t1'1l8$St0n tor the weu from the POWertul. E.G. Marshall co-stars T H ll R 5 ,\PH II "' •11P11 NBC (8Central1Mountatn) THE 17TH ANNUAL ACADUIY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS SAT M i\Y 1 MtOPII ABC (7 Centrai/Mountatn) IIAHJO THE WOODPILE CAT a.IPM CBS (7 Centrai/Mounlatnl A DISNEY VACATION I:»IPM ABC (7 30 Cent /Mt I STAHLEY. THE UGLY DUCKUNG SL;I\j M .\'t ' 7-IPIII ABC (6Centrai/Mounta~n) COUNTERAnACK: CRIME IN AMERICA Aeahty·based crtme pre- ventiOn serteS a.IPII ABC (7 CentraiiUountatn) RIPLEY"S IIELIEVE rT OR NOTt \10 1\1 'VIAY ; •10Pfll NBC (8 Centrai/Mountaan) BOa HOPE'S STAAS OYER TEXAS SPECIAL VHD 'VI AY'> a.tPM CBS (7 Centrai/Mountatn) THE auGS IUNNYfROAD RU~ NER MOYIE A SOKtal recao THI•f\<:; 'VI\'., ...... cas (8Centrai/Mountatn) JOHNNY CASH'S COW.OY HE· ROES The country star and wtle June Carter Castt pay a mus cal trobule to an Ameflcan arclletype r HI ".1 .\'I •fiPII ABC !8CentralfMounta•n) UT1U OF THE NE1'WOM STAM \\ED \<1 .\ I l . »11PM ABC (9Central1Mounta•nl rrs NOT EASY aEJN' ME: THE RODNEY DANGERFlELD SHOW naP .. ., C8S (10 30 Cent./Waunt.) IAMITULL NBA confefenc:e ....,., C8S (2.30Cent.IMourtt ) IAa«ITI.ALL NBA conference ~ABC (2 30CentJM1 ) WMJI WON..D OF SPO«T&. hrt 1. 1,._? NBC (NoonCentJWount) aASEaALL DOUaLEHEADER AAa/01 League Games of the Wile* 4.._... ABC {3 30Cent /Mount THE KENTUCKY DERaY Ltve c011eraoe of the 108th Run tor the Roses from Churchill DOWfls tn lOUtSVtlle. Kentucky M30Ptl ABC (5 Centra¥Mountatn) WIDE WON.D OF SIIOII'TS. ._.I. 1PII·?CBS (Noon~.) I.ASKETaALL NBA conference ~ ABC (2 Centralft«lurttaan) SPOfn'UEAT Howard Coeell ~ABC (2 30Cent./Ut l THE AIIIENCAN SPORTSIIIAN ~NBC (2 CentralfMountall'll BOXING 10-round JUOtor ~ we~grtt bOUt oetween Tony Ayala and Steve Gregory from Taf'T'C)a Flortda 4-IPII NBC (3Centra11Mountatn) ~ORLD 4:_... ABC (3 lOCent /Mt I WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 11:30flll.? C8S (10 lOCentJWount) IAIKETaALL NBA conference ".AT M AV' 1,._? NBC (NoonCent./Mount ) a•aoALL Ma/01 League Game ol tile IMN« S.IPtl ABC t2Centrallt..bl'tt81t1) TENNIS TOlornament ot ~ h..,. from the West s.de T8flniS Club'" Foutst Holts. New Vorlt 4-S:30PII NBC (3 Centralft..bl'ttatnl OOLF Lrve CO'vel'age of the sem- hnal rouno ot me Mtenetc:~&Houston Ooen lrom the WOOdlandl Country Club tn Te.tas S4:30PM ABC (4 CentraVMourttatn) WIDE WON.D 0# SPOR1'S. 1~C8S (NoonCtJMl) aASKITaALL NBA conference 2:30-4:30PM "'18C 1 JO <Ant IMt I OOlF F •nat •ouno coverage ol the MtenelOO Houston Open ••om Te•as Warn ing: The Surgeon General Has Determmed That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heatth. ' ' • ; ' ' ' l ' l I ' ' " ' Spdng Dresses are the "NOW'! •• FASHIONS I I \ Come vblt our dress corrWol while stocb ore peaked. Choose from jacket dresses, sundr-. separate little jackets to CCNe< tnemup ... c otton prairie dresses. Jerseys In solids and prints, etc. 5elect $8Verol to perk up vour spring wardrobe available In juniors, misses. misses. peNtes and women's sizes Prices from $14fo$44 Harbor at Wilson Costa Meso 646-5021 \\1\adsor \.Jt~:OE::' I ) De Weese Designs ' ,, h '" We're Yoaa: &e-S•op Mother's Day Slaop Choose rrom hundreds or QIR Mkas for Mom , Wfdp up your selectiOn 10 pretty Hallmark Qil\ wrap and nbbon. and lop it wich alhouahtful Mothers Day card We have ~rVmin8 you nnd to make Sunday, May 9 extra spt"cial ror Mom "A.A.....L--'" Great Gil Idea For Mother's . Day ~ ~ Checkbool< Secreta r'l A vOI'iety of styles, cc:Hou and leathers-and a beautiful way to organize your day! From $12.50 • K.C:I -ij<-it-.-l. /HOP WIN Giant Plush "Hello Klltyt" Special Dfowlng at Fashion Show for Giant Plush Hello Kltly (Value $150) Spring Sale SAVE Up To 50% ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• VIcki's SUnshine Factory ~ THREE DOLLARS • NYIN,.,....I .,_ .... ··-•J'OfiDMI -• ft.OIII.IIt ·--• l'Of'IIDIAI ·--·-- TOWARD ANY PURCHASE~<oo. IULENAJI an unusual men's discount stcn MEN'S FASHIONS NAME BRANDS DISCOUNTID 20%~ 365I;>AYSA YEAR VAN HEUSEN DRESS SHIRTS LONGSUEVf REG. $1&.S20 12.99 coou. .... -Oonlo< 2SOO""""' $116...617$ """" .-.-5f4 L lSTsr ....,,,.. ... Sllg/>tly Ahoad 0> F- FOR YOU The c"""""te women's appa<el shop ofter'.ng vou the latest In laahlons at reasonable prices. ._,._ACCIIIONI IPICWIALI On Men's Sholl lA VI an acldiiiCnal 10'1. Off CIA' .... otlv lowpolcel DININe 6 INTIITAINMINT Chuck E. Ch .... 'l P1Do Tline Theater The.JoiV~ l't\Oenbt Chlr•••• Resku'ont Nell'• Italian PIDo and Aeltaurant ~ rwtn c-::c-FIIA* Fontoly •• Arcode tabe'l Tooa Style Chll 0001 .. K sports wear 561203 WARM WEATHER ~/2 OFF T-SHIRTS by LeTIGRE. and LEFT BANK M•n•s HawaiiCinShlrls GOLDEN WAVE. Shorts $13 .. 98 Men's 111 CORDS &...EANS Boot Cut • Flcni $15.81 BOYS STUDENTS 98 '1000 OH .Merch•nt•· MIICILLANIOUS Thltllv Crown looks Wallpapers ToGo Olymcllc Salll c·nomr'niC)CIInnt~ K.C.'I Nalmc:wk Shop Singer COlla MilO s.wtng Center Alchard's Beauty Coltge Cultom Reltylng • Allerotlor4 VAll• leaUtY SUpplw Holbof Ceritef C1ecli'lM 1he Cobbllr'l Blndl Holbof Ceritef ..... HartiOI Center Lock • ICeV lhoO Vlckh SUnlhN focklly Int ....... -.nt-A~ beouiiW WOitd Tro ... ...... w llllmU1IOMS ClotltU HI =·lar* IIOl!JIV ~ ..... left ca,;,. ...... ellfldale •••• ar 1:1~ Sleepy Sanors Swim Better by Christopher Lynch Compehng an the Mission Viejo lnvalahonal SAturday, the Newport Harbor boys took thud place, an amazmg hnash when one realtzes that mAny were compehng on very httle sleep and they weren't swammmg theu be .. event. · "They aU swam faarly well for at beang the naght after the prom,"saad Coach Tom Malac h "I also gave them the opportuna ly to swun off events and they all dad very well an those. It was a rMlly good competahve meet " Thus, consadenng all factors, world-class breast stroker John Noffet's second-place fin ishes an the 100 butterfly (51 .8) and the 300 freestyle ( 1 :4-4) were not • d.i.sappowtmCJ. Moffet, 17. ta • perhape tbe best brM.St .. J'oker at his aqe in the country and IS a potentia1 Olvmpic periormer. In addihon, Newport's John Ba.llack took d\.141 thud places m the 100 fly and the 100 backstroke. What particularly pleas~ Mtlach, however. was the per formance of the 200 medley relay team, whach lmashed an hrs1 plAce wath A lime of 1:38.34 The team 1s composed of Moffet, &Uack. Tom Har· nson, and Cohn Thompson "It was a 9ood sa<Jn that we were able to wm the medley," by Cb.rWtopher Lynch The Corona del Mar swam 1-.m 1S an the madst of a four- w .. k plan wh ach began wath perhcapahon an last Saturday's NlUloD VieJo lnvttaho nal. and lnclud• Saturday's Newport Harbor-Sunny Htlls lnvatahonal. the S.. Vtew l.eac;Jue hnal.a, and the Clf 4-A bnals "We approac h the plan as a low-key butldtnCJ over the neat few weeks, hopefully to the poanl where we are pealcang m lime for the Clf hnals. "uplaaned CdN Coach Jam Turner The brat step was auccesstu I for a number of CdM's lop swam mers. Many qu.lahed tor the Clf playotJa w1th hoe per- formancn an the Mau1on Vae1o meet Scott NoUard. wbo also com pel" for lhe M&saton VaeJO N.dador•, look thtrd an tbe 200 I.Ddivadu.t Medley and a thud m IJ.e 500 tr ... tyle, quahfyano lo r a tpOt an the err playoffs 10 both eventt. Mac:hel.le Bud. a Cd.M eopt.oaaore who alto C01ftpet• b the IMch Swim Club, won ..._ 50 b .. (~.•) aDcllOO free (D~7). WlaU. quaauy,~ lor the ear ... ,.. ud t.Arel, 11\t.aoo AD-~ ... o&a ... '" boch MOPPET BREAKS HIS OWN RECORD John Moffet, 17-year-old semor at Newport Harbor Hagh School, bas set a new nahonal hagh school standard an the 100· yard breast stroke wath a tame of 55 06. The record was set tn Palm Spnngs Apnl 17. and broke the prevaous baqh ot 55.24. also held by Moffet Earher an the month, swamm· anq for Beac h Swam Club, Mof let was lust an the 200 breast. 1 :59.44; 4th, 100 breast, 54.92, explaiDed Mahch . "We were compeh.ng wath Palm Spnogs, Musaon VteJO, and Mt. Carmel, whtcb are the three best JDedley team.a in the country." The Satlors fm11hed an thud place behmd M.11s1on Vae1o (414) and Mt. Carmel (381) w1th a score of 290. Meanwhale, the hagh poanl for the New port Harbor g~rls w.u the fourth-place fma sb of Darlene Dunnang 10 the 100 breast ( 1.13), quahfyang her lo r a spot an the Clf' playoffs . W1th the Sea Vte w League hnals oraly a week away at lrvane Hagh , the Newport swam team closes the year hoshnQ Corona del Mar today at 3 15 The S.Ulor men, undefeated an league. are fresh off a meet and 9th, 200 1M. 1:50.88, at the Semor NAhonals tn Gamesville, Fla. Moffet then stayed an flonda for a Unated States vs West Germany duAl meet. In thas lonq course meet, he was lust, 200· meter breast, 2 .21.10; and 1st. 100-meter breast, 1:04.30. Moffet as now 10 tramanq for C lf' fanals and the world cham paonshlp tnals 10 July, hopang lor a berth on the U S team wh ach wul go to Guayafu1l, Ecuado r. an late July agaanst Saddleback an whach they swept every event. "CdM will be psyched up and we're .. a rUng to reach a taper. It should be a pretty tough meet," said Milic h The touqhest battle will be between the boys' frosh -soph teams from each school, AS both are presently undefeated an INgue. The Newport garls were to meet the CdM garls' team today, led by Dunnang and Kelly Long an the 200 And 500 freestyle "II should be a very close meet," concluded Milic h "They've got some really good glfls and m1ght have more talent, but we have mo re depth." Trays of w.ne end ct.ae. such • the one held here by CoUeen Dillon, of The ~ .,.., • wll be availlbll for bulinesa nee~ and comrnuntty leadlrS who perticiplte In a t200 ."<Wdln l..llp•' to llluneh leukem.a Super Swim Clel* the. SeNrdll¥ .. IM ~. GMred tor lveflge i\NWIWI ..... the daaic iiJ ~ lor Mly 1 and ~ 8 II 23 pooll. ~ tt.o. It The NluePGT1•. SOuth eo.t Plaza Hotel end IMne·e Heritage '-'· NurNroua ~-~....,..,. lftpe-•• 0 ..... thoei ...,.,..,. the tiQt!Mf ~ in thl "' countv cherity .W.. ~ .. undli,.,. lribmation: 1Jt.•11. ,, ... ,.," .. .., ..,.. .,.., The Newport Erwip Weclnesdcry. AprU 21. 1112 Pop l' VICTOR Y-BOUND es the 67 foot sloop Merhn raced by Henry Schofeeld. of the Long Beach Yachl Club M•Bnls First To by Mary Wagn. The perennaal "hrst-to-finuh," the 67-foot sloop Nerlln raced by Henry Schofield ol the LooQ Beac h Yacht Club. c roaed the lane m 20 hours, 11 minut .. and 27 seconds to wan the Newport- to-EnsenAda yacht race. Seventy-fave boats dectded lo slop oH an San Dt~o or tum around and head for thear home port when the wand daed down late m the afternoon. Almost 700 had started 1n the race m Newport at noon Saturday Merlin was awArded the Newport Ocean Salling Aaaoc••- hon trophy and also the Porter Smclall perpetual trophy for be· ang the farsl boat to fm11h and the hrst smgle-hull to fantsh. The Alice Purcell trophy for the first Ocean Racang Catamaran to fm11h was ~n by Knslme, s&~led by Eddae Aroold of BahtA Connthtan Yac ht Club The New York Yacht Club trophy lo r the farst sangle hull davtded ng yacht and the John Callery trophy for the tarsi PHRf Ketch to fmash went to Shomroclc, aculed by Roy Oi.mey of Los Angeles Yacht Club. Merlin won the l..ahama Yac ht Club trophy lor the hrst PHRr to ftn11h . There us even a last-to-bntah specaal NOSA trophy and this year at was awarded to Eddie Wemberg'a Ron~r from the WHOA (Wooden Hull Owners Aaoctahon) The Jeff Deaver trophy for the yacht club wmnanq the moat trophaea was won by San Dt890 Yac ht Club OR A I Tro• ...... Terry LanqenJelder (SOYC). 2 Buso Cho61.1 NPirut {VYC) 3 Elus1~, JohJI-S ,..,.,n (Coatillued on ~ 14) • ..... 57 Socc. ....... JII.y8 Regustrallon lor the upcommg AYSO Regaon 57 (East Newport Beach/Corona del Mai ) season wall be held at Eastbluft [Iemen· lary School fr om 9'30 a m to 2 p m Saturday, Ma y 8, ac cordang to Reqaon Comm1uaoner Fred G Brooks All plavers seven years old and over who are new to the reg1on or new to soccer should be prepared lo parhc apale 10n a 10 manule skalls lest lnforma leon 966-5569 PREPS ROCJNlXJP Fave a rea wAter polo players hAve been selected to the NAhonal Interscholasllc SW1m mmg Coaches Assocaahon of Amenca All Amenca n teams In addahon, C orona del Mar's Head Coach Je ff Shies has been n.tmed C oach of the Year by the Caulorma Coaches Assocaahon Newport H.rbor'a Mark Howell. A hrat team selechon. J R Salvatore (..cond teAm). and Bob Taylor (fourth team), were the maan reasons Newport advanced to the CIF 4-A finals tbLS past year. b.fore losmg to Long Beac h Walaon Larry Jacobs (second team) and Dave Imbernmo (fourth team) were aelected fro m Corona del War's CIT 4-A semt hnalLSts lmbemmo, the only under cl.&uman oJ the hve. 1s con aldered by States to be the "beat bu~h tchool player relurnmg neat '"' tn Southern Cah· tomaa." Co.ta W...'a Phll C•attllo. the S.. v .. w LNoue MVP u Mlect ed by lh.e league coech•, waa a.&8ed to • thud , ... berth CcMoUAtUCI Dunnq a 74 62 loss lo Saddle bdck's trac k team Thursday Newport Harbor's M1ke Gazsa threw a l•tellme best of 158-8 an the d1 scus and won the shot put wath a th row of 50·1 For the quls' Susan DeLtcv set a school record an the 330 low hurdles wath a tame of 48 4 The Corona del Mar bueball team raased ats record to 14 3 over-aU and 8 2 an Sea Vaew League compehllo n walh vac tor aes over Costa Mesa and Saddle back At Costa Mea. Wednesday. the Sea Kangs avenged an early season loss on the strength o f a three-hat shutout by Cbns Whate , who wall attend UC Berkeley ln the fall Wb1te o nly atruck out three 10 Mven mn lDCJS, but walked only one batter. CdN hosted Saddlebac k Fn- day. and the eecond meeh.ng o f the two tMIIll dadn't raemb1e the tint 9ame an any way Vtcton Mrh•r 10 the lea9ue 8M80n bp • tcare of 22-6 , the S.. lin91 tb&a bme woe 2-0 S.tor lurt ,...,..... pdched lua .a.t outstanclin9 9&a1e ol the YM.r, 1triklo9 out aloe. waUtUl9 OOH, aad oal, allowtao two ~ ... De" loWe, CcDfa IIOp pUdl- er, -. -•b&e to pitda ---01 • _.. .... but ltill ...... WtlaM~II'•d•daD•. O.WAn.WMtweiOftwo • .._. t tunaor Gordon Moss. entennCJ the week as O ranQe County'• leadanQ halter ( 550), broke ba 17-Qame halting streak Under Coa c h Tom Trager. the Sea Kanga are alone an hrst place . one game ahead of lrvane The Sea Kangs wtU host El Toro Wednesday before lravelanq f'ndav lo m"t c ross town nval Newport Harbor In two prevaous meetings, the S.. Kmgs were the vactors both limes The Newport Harbor beMball team dropped ats record to 2-13, 1-9 w&th • 14 4 lou to £1 Toro and an 8-1 lou to Costa W... Tbe Saalors. under the dirK- lion of RoU Schwabe. will travel lo lrvme Wedn..day and will host CdN Fnday by Mary Woper "We're nu.mber one." ~e N.wport Hatbor Hioh School ...Woo IMlll cu boaat, aftel' coapetiao ~t 26 hioh NIWflOIITIIl t/2aaY•t•• c ............ (Full Go/ley/Uw lolt) 6AM l2:30PM YWIUeMT ($1atfs Jun. I) 5t30t,9:30 PM lOOlRHL$4 SlNtOR CITIZIN$ $1 WHKOA YS ......... •-c·oncltudlnMiolot~ Goa and l•w lo••) AL1DAY.28 112DAY.24 .chool ...._. from all over the aalioo ud winnino the top apot ill ~e l:nlencholutic fteoalla at AnnapoU. last week . Briaqlno home the Cr .. y CIUM.ILI8U A&&aaYel21 ... u.c. (Full Goll.y/U.,. 1/toit) S AN.-«30 PM (INCLUDa IUNIC) .OOI IIIILSS ---20-49 ,ASSENGOS CALl POll DITAIL8 • T,., were Steve larweU, ~~. witll Heather Nib&o u ·crew aacl ,...e Neala, dipper. wltll lriC Rauer u crew. ht the ~acled 4201. Gordon W....-WOD ~e J..uer eta. III.U1a9 him the lop aio91eh&nd- ed U.S. hiqh .chooluiJo.r. They rao.cl in typjcal ... , cout apriaq w.ather wearino ahorta ia lS.kaot winda on Satu.r· day ud fou.1 weather oea• an 20- JS.bot wi.nda on Sll.nday. Bill Wueman ia the tiailano team coach. • • • N.wport Harbor YKht Club will celebr•t• ita 1982 openinq day ell tlua weekend. The f•hv- iti• will be9in with a fi .. ta party friday nlcJhl. an ope11ino d ay race from Loe Anoelea Har· bor to )Mwport oa. Saturday, a foraal daac:e Saturday nioht and the Khw opuino day ceremoniel and open houw aboerd about 80 ''dr....ct'' boata at the club clocb oa. Sunday . This ia an iaiportant event which traditioully marb the openino of the yacht racino and cruiaino M&tOD. • • • Plul RaJDMr (NHYC) raced hlS brand new New York 36 Vkhol to victory in the Balboa Yacht Club/Newport Harbor Yacht CJ11b combined "66" Series and Ahr.nan.eon/Dacbon Ocean &c - ano .. ,_.. last week. Vld,ot (•I means a v'deo oam .. addtct) took first place in the lOR C Clau and hral place overall. Other trophy wmoera were: lOR-A l Rutelt>r l1m lmderm•n (lTC). 2 A/••o W•11•n H•nc:uclr (NHYC), 3 (),1/ .. r, Jerry Sarlo (UYC) lOR-I I F/gmlJ. rau', &.rney •ud S..ve Flem (LIYC). 2 B1q W1Q, Ron Nelvdle (BYC). 3 Fast C •mpo,..;. Bob Wtli~IU •nd. John Crou~ (IYC) IOR·C -1 V•du •. 2 Rulflor>. E.rl O.~tter (BYC) J BJo A,.l•, Dave Po-U •nd Sieve Gr•nt (NHYC). 4 /n son1Jy, W•yne A ustero and Tom Omohundro (NHYC) PHRF A 1 Typh·~·n John Olwn (LBYC), 2 T .. rv lob Dodd~ (NHYC). 3 Pek, ltm Emma (BCYC}, 4 H,doJq. ., Rod Lappold (NHYC) PHRr.J-1 P"'Pt Roy Stncl.or (BYC), 2 lm~lu••US. Phal Gla~ow (BYC), 3 C •. , •• ,,,. ''· Gordoa Gr•h•m (SSYC). 4 S/loJ/111· " Don NciCtbb•n (NHYC) PHRF C I Mcx im.x., W" Th"mr• own (C•po BYC). 2 !X'·'r:" M,,.., Dun Ander.on (IYC), J Dcuk Slor V, Jell •nd Steve F•rwell (NHYC). 4 H•·wlu · Owl R Allen Stew•rt (VYC) • • America's Cu.p winner O.nnts Conner is t.Uano no chanc ... He just launched two new 12 Netera to u.H an hu efiort to wtn the Cu.p aoaan. One is named Spirit oJ America and the other one Mao1c. Mogic has a black hu.ll. U any of bla compehtora are au.penbhoua be can peyche them out wtlh apmls and black maQic . Ensenacla Race fait, Roomy, Stable. A comfortable day sailor you con alford. (CCYC), 4 A mant,., Mel Rachley (UYC) S s,, ... •lcr Ann, lArry 8 Hardy (CBYC) Travel.,, won the Pr-.dent ol Mea>co trophy LBYC). 3. Rocket, Nark Blelwe11 (SBYC). 4 rory, Bob Dodd• (NHYC). S Newsb<Jy. leek &.allae (BYC) Wmtethowk won the p,..,. dent ol the Uruted Stat• lrophy 10 -1 1 Dust 'Em, Steven Soar" (SOYC). 2 Spmt. Allen Brown (VYC). 3 Sp,,,_ M l Soslun (KHYC) 4 Blur }oclc•t, M Kann•Y (LBYC), 5 &xxo. Am~elo O.S.pao (CYC) Du•t 'Em won the Secrelarv of Fore~e~n Relehona trophy PKRf.J 1 Hot Fk»h. Dun Clapp (ABYC). 2 SJrdc-r Ch•rl• Cook (LBYC). 3 Conm• II. Jeaoplt4elhorn (SOYC) 4 r ,p/e c,.,_,, lob N•rwh.UIR•y Be•• (NHYC) 5 PeqoM>, Ben •nd lo•n McKeuon (SDYC) H t FIO!lh won lhe Secrele~y of S•••• 11ophy PHRf C I /nv•t·lus Huqh l..I'I\IOn (l BYC) 2 Blu• Boyou Jo.eph l•cono (KHYC). J /u1et>. Machael Eh.u (LBYC). 4 Seohawlc An Idea tnt boot tot the farnlv new to so*'Q, OR C I Hot Putot. B•ll Corbe" (SDYC). 2 H,, Rum A Cuhllon and M Wtl.on (ICHYC) 3 Gh~l AI Berq (SYC).4 Leodmq Lody S.n dv and Hubte Kern• (SYC). 5 Rock~l. R C &.de>ula (SOYC) H,,, A>lolv won the Secret.,v ol ahe Nevy lrophv Anc1ent Maune1 Clua I Synn< v• Chuck Avery (UYC) 2 Drbro, Rochard R•utl (SSYC), 3 Bomlo Gold1e l oNph ( LIYC) 4 Pttnc.u, John C&Nqr•nde (WHOA) 5 Sundo Gr•h•m Gabbon (BYC) Synn •Vf' won the U S Co.tal Guard l•n W•llrer (RBYC) 5 Hrlono Ro•rla ludwaq (SOYC) lnv1clus ,.. r thr Gc•v•rnot c>l Bo,o ''"l'hY A s~ 67' bean prO\IIdes stoblty. power ond o ~·eodlplt ~ f\j length leOtS. No othef boot c on get you started Into ~ wath as much ocw tldence and comfort ot such on affordable price. PHRF D I Nuq1t> Tc11 hm •nd K•ren Nuqenl (BYC). 2 A nd1amt• Bob Sodero lftPPMJS.IIC. (BYC) 3 Heothr t Rad B.lrer (CorYC) 4 Valk'frr .. Boll Murr•y (CapoBYC) '5 Z One-, lou BonfT Akms (SBYRC) Nuq•c-r,,., won lht> Secre tarv ol U S N•vv lrophv 3401 W. FORDHAM-DEPT. 4A trophy SANTA ANA CA 92704 (714) 979-9361 PHRf A I Ww1c-rh11wlt Hal D•v and &b M••c•ll (BCYC) 2 N c-r/11• Scoloeld/G• rd n•riMc [aC' h•n ' LICINTE NOTICE convnlss- lonlngand repair on both sail and power boats. 900 w. Coalt Hwy. NRport leach ("4)63)!--. ...... EST You can't re.tty evaluate. support or critteize political leaders unless you take the ume to find out where they stand on issues that are tmportant to you That's why SPON is proud and happy to be part of the county board of supervisors candtdate forum to be hefd this Sundrf. May 2. at the Oasis Senior Center tn Corona det Mar There are four candidatea for the 5th District INt Challenging tncumbent Tom Atley •• AJ .A~. Or. Gene Atherton and David Hirachler . All four are commit ted to be on hand Topics to be diec;uued at the forum will inctude transportation, housing, economy and growth. ObYioully, theM are -.ues that are tmportantto an of us. The meeting starts at 3 p m and ts scheduled to end at 5 The Oasis Senior Center 11 located at 6th and Margueute and there IS plenty of parking behtnd the build.ng. Enter the parking toe off &ch. ~ of the forum tnclude the league o1 Women Voters. plus SPON and othef Of~tioM that belong to the Coest I Coelition of Concerned Ciuze~. The DaM Center is, of ptcwiding Ul wuh a nice f.c:ihty for the meettng. All re non~part*tan groups who Mr1t'llt.,•liecllo helping the public leam as much as possible about community and regional Now II we need it a good turnout of ~ to liSten • .ask quest1ons end learn about the unclcMt• If ia imPortant thai we • vote on June 8 It IS even more Important that we be tnformed wt4Q when we go to the P911 . • n.. e an txcallnt ~ to get that enf<>tmation about the very impottant 5th Oiatrict Coun· cy ~rae.. ,...._ "*" Ul on~ afternoon. lting • fritfld. Or MWt• frMnda. . N_.poat'a Telepronapter Bec:cunea GJ'oap W CMie More than S104 5 malhon was dastt1buted recently to California Teleprompter, MrvtnQ Newport BMch, h .. been renamed Group W Cable. r.O.CUn9 the recent mer9er of Teleprompter Corp. tnlo WnhnQhou .. Broadca111n9 and Cable Inc (Group W) comanuueatlons com~oan lD the world When Secretarial Day was cal'"· count .... and transal obeefved narionaay lest week. dtaluela from the Apral alloc•· the Hlwbof ArN jotned tn. lton of .. 1 .. and UM taa .. ad ''There as no doubt that our Here. AACal president Bob maoaatered by the Stale Bo.rd of aubeenbera will benefat from the Clifford and JoAnne Saory. has Equeltutton chan9e," wad Beverly Petereon, e~Cecurive aatstant, enjOy ahe The caly of Newport Beach ayalema mana9er lor Newport luncheon Carmelo Manto utC4iaved S337,500, the County Beach's newly named cable hosted at his La Strada o f Oran9e receaved S5l2,500 system. "The servaces and ex· restaurant for numerous local plua Sl .837,500 lor ats local The chan9e wall have a much perhae we wall be able to oUer business executaves and thetr tranaporlalaon lund broader ••9n&facance than a lim· wall be Qreatly enhanced over aec::retarles. The event Dlalrtbutaona are based on the pie c han9e an Qraph&ca. It aym· the com109 months and years " consumed four hours-and a amount of taxable lransacttons bolazea cable prOQrammanQ and vast array of ltahan delicacies for each quarter Cllles' share of servaces backed by the Group W Cable now Mrves p1101,. bv s e~~e Co.~•>ewoo the 1 percent local lax as deter· resources and lechnol()(Jy of more than 1.6 mtlhon maned by the amount of taxable IG~r~ou~p~W~·~o~n~e ~o~f t~h~e~la~r~Q~es~l~~~~~ub~s~c~ra~be~r~a~ln~~~sl~al~es~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sa~les wath an thetr ancorporated Pmruum W~nes. lm~ 8een OUTStUDDIG SlliCUO •• SU'IICI At BVDY·DAY DJSCOUIIT nJCIS R &J Cook 1980 Varietal White $1.99SALE $1.19 750 m1 .. Rea. s2. 96 R & 1 Cook NV V arletal Red 750 mJ .. Reg $2.96 $1.19 And~ Champagne $1.H 750 m1. Extra Dry. Pink, Cold Duck Reg. $3.09 SAUPRJCESEffECTtVETHROUGHMAV 16,1982 All ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SA.L.E NO TIC I TO FAMILIES of DECEASED VETERANS In honof of Veterana who have cled, Harbor lawn Memorial Pen Ia decloattng oddtlonat tioga to Ita "Awn.e of Root" on MfMOAW. DAY, MAY 31 , 1982 A~ famlv who hal a Veterana Rag and would like to have It decloat.d and added to the A~ of Raga. mav oa1 Of bltno the flag to Harber &.awn Memorial Pork omce no kltef than Mav 25. 1981. The Veteran need not be bufted In Harbor lawn to have Nl flag dllpkJyed at tNa dedlcotton ceremonv. (Rags wtl be stored at Harbor lawn fOf fUture dbp6ay at no expenee to the famllv.) Harbor Lawu· Mount Oliw Mortualj'· Cemete_ry Crematory "~rtmag AU fi'cuths" 1625 Gtl6ef A venue • COl to Meeo • Phone ( 714) S.O.M5ot COSTA MESA'S ONl V COMP\m FUNEW FACII..JMS MONROE SHOCKS RAOIAI.MA TIC &MAGNUM 160Z. TWIN PACK UNIIf)fAOf AC PARK PLUGS FORMGaT CAU RESIST~ ., 21 .,01 liMIT 20 "If "If SON ~STORS • 21 .. . . 1. ";1 fi I • . l !"'i ~ ; ! . 'I ' . i . i ! : ·i J American Homes MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your Money always earns what it' a worth a t American Home Thrift and Loan! SIMPLIINTIUST PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS tftll Acauff '10 t«l TERM RE(UB(NTS t«l PENALTY MIT BY MAl FREE TRANSFER (f F\JtlS OPEN DAILY MONDAY -FRIDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. '500 MINIMUM ....,._ u mud. u U. I mc.tJa tlO,OOO Min. B•leDCe t'WUiica&M olhnd b;y S 6 L Bub ~LL FOR CURRENT RATES 2104 E. Coast Hwy., Corona Del Mar (714)720-0333" 7112 La PaiiDCI Ave., 1ueno Pork C714>U7-osu SALE ENDS MAY 2 , 1982 SAVE ON CA TROL THI,INISTO• MOTOROU. • STALUBE HAND CLEANER F LP 0 IOW«>GTX '1.ffoNYJ GTX .ao CREEPER l ...,._...,n· • 81 rtaa C•••lll •• I 1 p ........ by 25 .,.._ through June 10 at IAguN Beach MuMum of Art, 3JJ7 Clift Drive, Loguna ee.ch. .... _,&.9y_ in gla. sculpture, vapor drawtng.lllld fumiture at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. Exhtbit runs ttwough May 2. c. ............. -, David Tejada on ex· hibit at the Befson Gattery, 3720 Campus Drive, Newpoft Beach. Gallery hours: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday. .. ..._.of a Child'', newty released lithograph by artist Alan Murray. along with his pastefs and charcoal drawings now on display at Haggenmaker Gahries, m N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Hours: 10 a.m to 5 p.m . daily. ··~.....ce of ......... watercofors. oils. cof· lage and sculplure and works by Shirley Am· burguey are on exhibit at the Sandstone Gal6erv. 384-A Nonh Coast Highway. Laguna Beach. Hoors: 11 a.m.-5 p.m Tuesdays through Sundays Atu ... .,__.._.. by Johanna Jordan at the Abtaxas Gallery, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach C~palndnphom 10 issues of Orange County Illustrated through May 1 at the M useum Shop, 2754 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. All are offered for sale Gallery hours: 10:30 a.m. 5 30 p .m Tuesday-Saturday ''"-.... M&II'' sculpture and drawmgs by Ernest Riddle Duarte through May 1. UCI's Fine Ans Gallery Hours: Tuesday· Saturday, noon·5 p m Aayllc on wood ....... .., ........ Colllt through May 1 at UCI F'.ne Arts Gallery Also. paintings by Richard T elhnghuisen May 4-8. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Tuesday·Saturday. • ·-•••n .. OCC ... [ #t Jtlt .. included in a show focueing on medical art through June 6 at the Milts House Vesual Arts c~ 12732 Main Street, Garden Grove. Hours: ~p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. C"•"' Ia TraiiCitl• a group for recentty widowed men and women seeking suppon and new friends meets 3-5 p.m. every Thursday at OASIS in Corona del Mar ........ T .. aHarbor area communication and social network is being led 7:30p.m . every Monday by Kay Carvotta of the Tustin Associates for Human Oe~t. 14742 Newport Ave .• Suite 104. Tustin. Fee is $5. New,artAohle••• Toastmasters Club meets· Wednesday mornings from 7 to 8:30 a.m ., Western Federal Savings. 4 Corporate Plaza. Newpoft Beach. For information call 675-7196. NewportC••• Toastmasters meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m., Pacifte Mutual Building, Fashion Island. For information call Dr. Annamaria Ballin at ~ or Mel <!reighton at 566-1171 . lnlneC.,..._ Toastmasters meet Mondays at 7 a.m. at 2151 Michaelson, Suite 166x. Information: Bob Davis, 752· 1111 . o .. c .. -en.ndonl Tea Dances-Concerts are being offered by the Turtle Rock Community Centet throughout the spring at 4:30p.m. Sundays. Admission is $3, $1 . for students and seniors. Information. call 754-3643 ................... .... scripture studies for career women 7-8:30 p m . at the Newport Balboa Savtngs Community Room, WestcJiff Plaza in Newport Beach. Call ~for days and mformation. .................. class (888) is being of· fered Thursday evenings· by the City of Irvine's Community Services depan~t. Te~hone 754-3639 for more in- formation. D111 lteteur • a.r., Mll8 b¢1M is hosting • brunch to acquaint potentiaily sup- portive groups to the Garden's program for children. Further in- fOfmation: 673-2261 , Monday-Friday, 8 a.m ..... p.m. C ... Air Patrol llut11 ... 8p.m. T~ys at Air Na· tional Guard Center. 2651 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Everybody is welcome. For more information call: 644- 2718. New,ortalloh ..!ua-..... c.. will be installating new of- ficers 11 a.m. Friday, April 30 at the Big Ca· nyon Country Club. Fana ...... , .......... at the Newport Beach Public Libr&rf. Newport Center Branch. 866 San Clemente Drive. 4 p.m. Tuesday afternoons. In· formation, 640-2246. Features will include: May 11 : "Angel and Big Joe" and "Snow· bound"; May 18: "The Red Balloon" and "The Lorax": May 25: "Pinballs" and "The Velveteen Rab- bit"; June 1: "The Gotden Fish" and "Rikki Tikki Tavi"; June 8: "The Case of the Elevator Duck". "Magic Rotting Board", "Skateboard Safety" and "Naughty Owtet"; June 15: "Blaze Gk>ry". "Peter and the Woff". "Dragon Stew" and "Time of Wonder The UCI F ... aodety screens a variety of ffims 6:30p.m Satur· days. Ttekets are $2 general. $1 UCI students. At least two fttms are shown each night. Scheduled: May 1: "Passport to Pimlico" by Henry Cor· ius IGreat Britan, and "I Am My Films'' by Christian Wei born and Erw•n I Germany. ........... n.. lnteg,ation of Human Structure," by R. Grant Powers. certified roffer. Wednesday. April 28. 7 p.m .• 488 E. 17th St .. Suite 22 l . Costa Mesa. lnformatiOfl and reeervations call 640-7861. ............... wat •• •• 1 at Orange Ca.st Cohge this week include: FtNey,Aid30 -"To Worlds Unknown" planetarium ptogram; runs Friday nights. 7·8:30 p.m. at the OCC Planetarium. Admission is $1 .50. adults; $1 chitdfen under 12. Seating ts limited. -"Child Abuse"; Jeri LeBotte. lecturer. 7 p.m . in the Science Halt. Admission $4. -"Positive Sexual Rela- tions"; Mona Coates, Ph. 0 .. MFCC. lecturer. 7:30p.m. in Fine Ans 119. $4 fee. -"Some of the Nicest PeopHt I Know"; positive techniQues for helping "nice people" with alcohof or drug problems. Paula Jones. Edward Storti, lecturers. 7:30p.m . Science 146. Cost is $4. -"The Bible: Fact or Fabfe?"; John Stewart, M .A .• lecturer. 7:30 p .m . in Chemistry 214. Cost is $4. -"Everyone's a Win· ner"; David Edman. lec- turer. 7:30 p.m. in Science Lecture Hall 1 . Cost is $4. ......,, . .,, -"Learn Body Efficien· cy"; 9 a.m.-3:30p.m. in Counseling and Admis- sions 114. Fee is $8. .. "'b'clplllllng- Say It ........ seminar by Donna and Craig Grossman. 9 a.m .-12:30 p.m . at Saddleback Community Coflege. North Campus. Fee is $28. Register by calling 831-4646 or 569--1313. Co.-.. Community College, (963-~11 , ext. 2561. is offering several WOfkshops and lectures at several locations, in· eluding: ...... , . ..,, -"Positive Time Management"; Ted Crager. instructor. 8 :30 a.m.-4 p m. at Mesa Verde Learning Center in Costa Mesa Fee is $15. UCI ...... this week include: -Orange County Up- date 1982; Third Annual U Cl-UCLA ec()rl()tllic fOfecast. 2 p.m . Wednesday, April 28 in Fine Arts Vlltage Theatre.. Cost is ~ .._._.Ctleltt~a .. ........... " ..... 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Mav .. at Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theater in Costa Mesa. Tickets are $1 and are available from Harbor Center merchants. Proceeds go to the Mardan Center of Educational Therapy IIUUNR-.... and pancake breakfast sponsored by Friends of Oasis. 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. at Oasis Senior Centet, 800 Marguente, COfotla del Mar. Breakfast will be served until 10:30 a.m .. cost ts $2. Southern Cellfomle't W....,._tF•tlvel wiU be held June 5&6 in Newport Beach. Reservations are presently being taken for displays. exhibits. yachts and boats. Information: 675-9140 IIIIth Dey F .. thttlu at UCI featuring lectures and demonstratiOns on environmental tOptCS David Brower. past president of the Sierra Club, will be noon keynote speaker . Further informattow 833-5181 . A C....,el IS par I of the celebrate UCI festivities on the grounds in front o f the Administrat•on Building. Friday. Saturday and Sunday evemnus. Aprtl 30 . May 2. Weyagooea Medlevel Felre in the Campus By Word S. H011a11 Conrrua •• currently con· lliderinc an iaue that couJd affect the fiKal and phyaical well~nc ot practically everyoM in the country. The iuue 11 whether hoeplce care ahould be covered by Medicare. Hoapiee care ia a comp,.._ heuai.-Protram or home care aDd in- petient aer· vi«a daitned to improve l.he quality of life for terminally ill peraona and &.bell [amUiea.. Park at UCI featwes dance, music, food and stage entertainment, 11 a.m .-4 p.m. Saturday, May 1. c ........... Elott ..... willbe featured performer of a New York String Quartet and Friends concert, 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. April 28 in UCI's Fine Arts Vitlage Theatre. Ttekets are $10 general admission. $4 for students. OCC ... , dult o.no. Cot1DJrt featuring baHet. modefn. jazz. tap and Arabic 8:30 p.m . Friday, April 30 and Saturday, May 1 in the Auditorium. UCIGoepeiCholr sings traditional Southern gospet 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 1 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre. Admission is $5 general. $3 UCI students and $4 for other students. It empbui.z• ho11111 eare and the rechadion ol paiD aDd aufferint rather than the punuit of codly trea&· ment in the tao.pital. Accordm. \o a recent atudy commialioned by Warner-Lambert, a major health care company, the coveRCe of compnbeDiift bc»pice •nae.a 1111Q be added \o Medk:an without iocrftliDI t.be COlla of tbe Medican procraaL ID Cad, the atudy iDd~ that re:ently propoeed ....... tion would NtA&Il iD nb- l&antiaJ ..,...... ciollu avmp. ..... ~~ .. ~· Program of Broadway show tunes performed by UCI fraternity and sorority members, 7:30 p .m . Sunday. May 2 in Crawford Hall. Tickets are $4. The- T'Mie'• Mu.lc ..... 16380 Pacifte Coast Highway, Huntington Beech, features Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Seating Tuesday through Saturday 5:45 and 8:45p.m .• Sunday 7 p.m. $1l.96 and $14.96 includes dinner. Reservations:840-5661 "Q,._•• will be presented by the Newport Beach Parks. Beaches and Recreation Department April 30- May 2 at Lincofn School. For ticket in· fOfmation, call 640-2271 . "P\tp'n" a musical fanta.y by Roger 0 Hirson and Stephen Schwartz. wilt be presented 8 p.m. May 5-8 and 11·15 in UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall . A 2:30 p.m . matinee is slated tor Saturday, May 15. Ttekets are $6 general. $3 students. Box office: 833-6617. ''The Cherry o.-- c.herd'' by Anton Chekov will be staged 8 p.m. May 6-8 and 13-15 tn OCC's Drama Lab. Tickets are $3. available at the door ............... 4647 MacArthur Blvd .• musical dinner theater directed by pianist Dan Troxell. Call 540-2475 for show times and reservations. 8outh Coeat ,.....,.. tory prtltnta "DA" by Hugh Leonard. through May 16 on the M ' ~ atnstage. Also. "Com- ing Anractions" by Ted Tally will run on the Se- cond Stage through May 9. SCR Box Office: 967-4033. llto.pit.aliaat ioll. I 1'1M eCMit or aft annce day ol bo.pice care teoda \o be one-fourth to ODe·lin.b &he • •• .,... co.t of bocpital care ror caoc:er palienU. '11M Rudy _,. IPINOlli·· Many people who an mat.ely 12 000 Medk:an con~ about Ow t.ermi· elicible pelienta .,. ... aally ~ and Uwir ramili• ~ t.imat.ed \o be rec:eivinc ex~ .•u~ Cor ~· boepice aenicel, but aN n<»* boep~ l.ltti&laUo.n by III'I'IIC elltiW. for reimburaeaMnt tbelr Npnaentatavea to voM under Cllrrent Medk:an ror:. K. R. 5180 in the Houe 1-cWation. The number of aDd 8. 1958 in the Sena~. patMDta likely \o .._. Tltey an writint \o &hem at boepice •nicea woutd 110., tbe U.S. Ho... of R.epn· \o .,..,. 60,000 per 1..,. b)' •otati••· W ... inlton, D.C. \hey..,. 2000. 20515 and tbe u.s. S.n.aLe, In .Witton \o tbe buman· WuhiaJton, D.C. 20510. italian upecu of \he -... Mr. H46on i. CluJirmon of poteatial •••• an. f~ Wern•r·lAm~rl Compony. ~he red\aetioD in tlte D\LD\ber of d.Qa of t.o.pi&al c:are and red..ctio• iD U.. _. of ......-"..me-dtuiat • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined TM1 C""" ~ Is Din~ to Yow Heald\. • 100's:1Q "uC0.7mgnfab The Newpon Ensign Weclnesclay. Aprtl %1. Ita Page 17 The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette. last, itS Spring! Corne celebrate with us our 47 Refreshments • 12 to 4 o'clock Thursday, May 6 • Friday, May 7 HMMO//iee: LAGUNA BEACH, 2600ceanAvenue ... Flower Displays by Laguna Beach Garden Club Park Forest Avenue, Darco Dario Putic, Designer-Manager Exhibits by Yana Ruzicka, Landscape Architect and John Alabaster, Ceramist SAN CLEMENTE, 601 North El Camino Real . Flower Show by San Clemente Garden Club LAKE ELSINORE, 600 West Graham Avenue. Floral Displays and Music OLIVE/ORANGE, 2535 Tustin Street. Orange. Exhibit by Boy Scouts of America, Orange County Council GLEN AVON , 9011 Mission Boulevard, Glen Avon , Riverside . Exhibit of Handmade Crafts including Silk Flowers, Crochet, Hooked Rugs, Crystal Trees, Ceramics, Indian Art ... and a Display of Plants and Flowers BALBOA, 600 East Balboa Boulevard ... Exhibit of Hand-Crafted Miniature Models by the Ship Modelers' Association BELMONT SHORE, 4601 Second Street, Long Beach ... Floral Arrangements by members of the Long Beach Garden Club, Inc. MURRIETA, 24-736 Washington Avenue ... Floral Displays by the Murrieta Garden Club ... and Displays of Spring Flowers at LAGUNA HILLS, 24301 Paseode Valencia. Leis ure World LAGUNA NIGUEL, 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, South Laguna BALBOA ISLAND, 301 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Ho.OWJCa •o.c-.aw ..... , .... ._....CA .. 1(714)4M-7141 Additional otficle In Sen C*nen ..... 482-1115 • Lllke Elsinote ... 174-2181 • Belmont Shore . (213) 431-1421 Leguna NO* ... .-.1201 • Otlvel0r8nge ..• • 1400 • Murrieta .............. 877-6132 LAgunaHUls ..... SI&-5100 • GtenAvon ...... ll1.0111 • Balboalatand ......... 176-3212 a.lboe ......... 173-3701 PVIIUC .,-ncr tCIIIIOUI~ ~ITA~ Tluo lollo-•,.. ,.._ ""'~" .,...,,._ .. SOUTH COAST TILl '114 wt~ooot c-. -c. t:2U7 .......... G .....,,, t3f w,.,_ c ..... w- CAII2U7 ,, ... ~.~---··"" ......,._,,_.....-....... a ..... ~. ,._ ....................... ··'" ,_... c;-.,, CIP•• ol o.-C •••• Apttll IIG ,...._ 4 pr 1 t • I I 1fll 1 .. 1 • TNMo--·t..-• f \lln.ZI ft(l' t t ...-:.,-ncr a.-a tCDiiOUI..-sa --IT&,..._,. TN....._-.,. ...... -• TUI«Jl. P~IP 11 11..__.._.........., ....... .. CAGIIO._..C ........... H Tarloool 1111 "--' Lo-...._po,. ........ CA laiO ftoelooll ...a Gord ....._,. y.,.__ I IIXIO 0...• " ........ In<-, .... 11 ....... T.·•·• t•O.r._..A .. ,__ CAtl"7 n.. --.. ..-4..--d .. • -•I ,..,_,. .. ,, S....-1 Aolp~ C r ...... n .. .........,, ... 11t.c~ .,,h '"• c ... ,, C..•• "f O••"o• CtMt""'" Atoo.t I Its! .......... ""' 14 ll lll ...... ,., .. n.. ••P"'•' lahQft fl~ Nl&Wo PVIUC IIOT1CI U.ITAn.Dn 'f'll. wa.-... ....,-.... ••• ct •. u " "-••-•• l!>m •OIIMANDif ~ 11112 Aloo l..o•• H•• • _...... .._, .. CA ~ ~. T a....-lllll A .. ,, L..tw H ,.,, .. 1...,.. .._.. 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CA flt2t "'-...._ .. ......., ........... . ......... ....... .. ...... d .......... "''" ·-·-...... -~­c-..t, ~ ... 0.·-c .... , .. ...... lla ...... .... , 14 ll It ~ ., ..... . """' ............ .,._ , ... o..,... C4oulllf "'" ~· ~ ltll •• NIOU PUIUC: II01Q ncnnova IIUIIIlUI N.UC IT&~DIIMT r-. .. ,.., ......... ,.. ............... ti-•>fl• b•tt••u •• IO"If lOll ANI) .usoc;lATD Ifill ......... Do·•• c •• ...,. 4•1 W.t CA ~ l..llt• r 1~>"1 IGJI ,_ c.,.,...._ $t• t .. " c....... c. ~ .... ~ , .... ~ .. . 1~1 .. ,.,...,.. o ... ~ c ..... ""' ... . CA Til• --,. ~-"" ..... 1.• • .......... ... ..... ..~~... """"" ).,.~.. , ...... Th,. .. _..._...., ... hW •••~ •t.• c .... , c .... ~ ~ o..k.,.. c ....... At••tlll 11101 l'•l>l•h Apo 20. W..• '• II I" ,,.,, .. ,.1-....N .. ~·· f.tt•l\fl f'lflrriO Nil' I PII..C IIOTJC! NOTICI 0# 11UIIftl'a IAU: ·-T.t . 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C.G141 n.. -10 coad""'ocl loy .., "' ......... ~.,,....., .... 1'\» .......,.. wu h.W wn~ , ... c-., o..• ol o.-c-.., - Apoi.lt, Ita hWioil Ap. 14. II » N.y S JIG,. Tloe ....._,laoo4a rlno.D f'VIUC .,Tic:li ra;nnoue-.._nA......., M1063 ,.. Wlow-. -.. .-. .._ • WAVIJU.Y Dn'DIOIS AJCD DISJOIIS, .. 1 w.-,.., Do ... N.w,on lleado. CA t2IMJ Gel. Wa1 .... -1 ··-ly o.... llewpott a..c~o.C.r.J TWo .......... coocl~t<=*l .. , ..... 4t..a..J ....., Gel. w.,,_ n.. - -blood wodo llooo c-ry 0... .. o.-c-• .., .. Apnlt.IC ~ • AI>• 14 ll l8 w., 5 JIG oa Tloe ""'-!>ott la.oqa r i i?QJI PaUC IIO't1CI ITATDG'T ~ wrnmuw.u P1110M PU11IIUIIIP ona.AnNO I1IQ)CII J'1C'n110VI lliSUfiSI .... """" ... 'Ia ~"-'II» Mooy J U. Ita oa no.......,_.._. , . .,~ ..-.:.:me:!~ ,..,,.,.,.__.. aa.nat.-.n ,......__ ........ ..... , .... •• IIIW,OIT LTD I (ICIWI'OIIT LbaTID) 11JO ,_._ 1 A .. , ...... 8, <:-. W.O. C. GG1 C .......... LM.Jit .,.__A .. , ......._CA ... 1.U_,.I...._ . »tA.Jv....-........ ,w....C. ... I ln.-.. ~...,. -al .,.,. .. ,~." S•••ed c ~ ... n..--hled .... IM c_, a... .. o.-c-.... .. ~··.:.~ ,....... ""' 14 Jl • M.ay s. l.:l~a TloeM.wt>on ._..• rll1047 nt:liiiiW---.... n.TDalrT .,... ~-... .-. GHS. ~ ...... ~.u!":::, n~. "-• v-. c. 1*1 • s.o... lac • • C&Woon.la -. ""'•'-· ·-110 St , 3112, ...._. a.-~. CA ll2te3 n.. .._ • c....S..cod loy • COf· --~ ~ o.-... r.-o. W.o114 Sou lac n.. -.. -.... bled ...... • .. C:O...ty Cleo~ o1 O.a-c-arr ""' AproJ IS, 1912 '-lllwolo ""' 21. ... ..., s. 12, 1912 .. Tloe M.wportlutqa ,....,. 11'1117 no. lolloW\119 .... -.. douoq boau,.• u SUPIIUOII SPIClA1 TlJS •. .. S.uoa S. c-w-, CA m21 11....-cl ldwvd ...,.,_, -S...le S. eo-W... CA t:lll27. llt..l N.,.,. N.ruoo • s--So eo- .._ CA 92627 n. .. -,. c-.d..ctod b• aa .. doorod,..l Soq11ocl 1\a••Oflcl l W..nU>O Th,. ... ,....,, wu lolocl .._,t.b lloe · c ...... , c ... ~ "' O.oiOQo c ...... , 0 6 Moore• 24 1912 "-l>>..a Apt 14 21 l8 M.ay S 1912 •• TV N.wpon la..qo flew.? TMt CaOocl OK.ab<ot ll 1911 TcMI..._..tocl -~·-2, ..... .211) ToW~(,_l. liM 16) J l 574,541 ···'* \!100 000 Capto.l ...... 10$1 (P-l "-l7A) a.-..-~ ....... ~ .............. rpt ... ,,_ ) .... 281 milt 0 »4 llll 140915 ,...,... S.rplea Judo ,,_) luoo 5/<1 u_... '-do ,.,...~ ... ,,,_l ._ 2911 G... (t-) .... -·-,,_ ....... )II lac-(Doc.-)oaCapttalaadS .. rpl""d""n" 19'75 <'-), luoo lO. 117S ....... lf74) IJ9tl' ta..eaace .a Joec:-N•uoe•tde (,_ IS. '-:za. Col 10 W~ dollan) I .a5 000 "'-"'-' .... 1woaJt11 pr•.,•---(U.. IUd Sct.oci.U. H C..l I I 0 '--.. FOKo C.Wor ... a..-·-(l...M U TO<.!) I 1111 l06 0 ~ aad Ma!U. pr-••--O..oa C.blonu• "--P • .,. ( '-'-1S col l) We ..._..., e.rth ttr..l 1N ~ ..... •r• •• eccout.u4• "' lh 1W AA•¥AI .._, lot .... ·-· Mdd o.... .. a... ll ••• INcl. •o '"" .......... c- .......... of tA. St••• ~ C•htrora .. p"tewat 10 lA• .-. S ~" A-»f••• to ,.._ ,,~ •• ~ w,.,p.u A Slr•ao• .-........._, to IMS.CY_..., ........ Aproll4 )I ll ..... 5 12 1912 •• Tl\olc.wpotl r.. • .,. flVaiC .a11Ca riCIUWIUIMDa IIAMIITAT'I:MIDrY no. lollowla4 -,. d.o .. <a .._ • D&l!OI1SOIC rtlloUICIAL 501 r .. u-~ A... eo.... ct.l J4a, c. G~ZS c-..,_,_ ,,_ a ,......... .... c-.. ... 14at C.• GIZ5 n.. ""-.. c-..1...-od "' • ""' --s..-Cloen-y,..., a .... c o..-....,., .. ,,..._ n.. -· .... ltl.ci '"'" .... 1".-aty Cler~ ... o. ...... c-.,., - Apult Ita ~ AI>• 14 21 21 .u. ' 1.:1 .. n.. ...._. '-• rtncol • r~. telkt•t1)Q per~ •• dutltQ b,..,_ •• lUICl WAIICMI 2112 M••pOtl IJ.-d N••P.•" IN<h CA tra6J Wtll.-Wdo 11-JJ lO C..••• A.. ~ a... ~ CA 9QIOJ Tlu• "'"'•" ....... c-Oftd" • .,... ~ .. •• '" ..... ~ ... ~ SoqA.ol w.u ••• w •·-o ,. .. ··"---·' .................... , Cow••• C._.., ot Ou~ Co.o•.., _.,. Apnlll 1912 Pl.~ .\;nJ lt W•• ~ 11 19 1112 , • .,...lie..,.....~. rli7'1M Nltt• T~ ~o~~ow... ..._ .. cl ... ~ I •• ., ... M PAN08.AMA 5 S..r....._ ...._. lo.clo CA UMJ C••ol A .. .,........,s ... ,...N • .....,., ....... CA'*l n.. .._ • .-..cW "' .. "' .... -...J ,...... c. .... A•• .. ....... n • .-.-· .... t.W ..... ..,. . c .... , O..• .. o..... c ..... , - A ..... lJ.Itm fl11• toilo••AQ p41UOO _. d~Q )t, .... -.. IUCH em IIWWT A n!ll Alln 101 r .... " ,.......,, a..c1o CA !l2fol1 G.tv W Hao- 119-. ll•b• a.u.o. W..od CA 92&62 n ... bu~ • &Jw .... '" ... . cL•.dw.a.J S..nM O..r• N .... ., ... _.. n.. ·-·t.e--el -·· ...... ...,.. the C~••• C'l.t\ t Ot•oQ• Cowah o... ApnJlJ 1M2 ""bhol\ Apo l8 W4• ' 11 19 1912 •• Tw ~~~ h""" ""*' Ill Ill n.. 1..00..•.., ..,,_ .. ..._ .. ,..,,_ .. A) a. OOIIADO LAlfO 6 OIVIl.a.NDIT OIVISNDfT CO l l PAUNOHT COHSTIIIJCTIOtf CO 4<41 II ~rt .... ...._. IMch CA tMl a... 0... ,.,,_ U1M Ln .. .., Cl Aoa...o• CA 9!1103 T\• a...-• c_.jweW b• •• ... ,.C'9fpot ..... .-.;K""hOf'l ........ • .... 4 f•n••f..trup uq•.-1 C... D P••k•• -n ................. ,._. "''h ·~ Ch••• C\.t\ of o, • .-o-Cov.-•• Apnl 13 1912 ..... 1... ,.., ll w .. ' 11 lot IC •a Tloe ........ uiM"'I• fl.fml fiCiiiiOW ....... .... .,.TPC'IfT lfll07 ~ ~ ..,,_ ....... ..__ • IUSUIC3a DI'YilOfWDfT .. VIC'II llOI Do.. II 4olo n... .....,.,. ......._ CA _. 0.... L ,...,.. um .._.~ ... • • 121 .............. c .... T\lt ... -.~~ ........ .............. O..oo.e LF' ..... 111104 rwuc.vnc:& .oftCI ~ .,._fllr'IIAU .... T.L ....... 1/I&LIOA IATY11W 0. Moo, 21 IC, o1 •It • • s.- ct.o-4 ......_eo.._-• Calotc.ta .. ---... ..,.,._.. .... ,,_ -· .... P•-oo DMo4 ol Tr .... 1,~ A0>9 13 1•1 .. ,.., "" I!Ml 1a laool. 14111 -lOIS .... Oitoc.., a.c.... oa IM -.... olo4o C...aoy .._,..,.... ol Ouo.,. C....atv at... .. c.a.~o.... L-~•..s ..., ,......,. .. ,..... o...~ott-· c .... ,.., lac w\U .I 61 p.Wte a~ttct.o. to a...~ooeo~ ....... .... c.. (pey..b\e .. ..... -........... _,oil ... u ............. , ...... ,_, ..... ...,. lo !Ito. old 0.-C-.t, C....ua...-l~ooc--s. ... AN • ..t ._._ ~ore-Sl ..... ......... ,..,, • ~ CUI •U "qlol, ut .. ....S .. ,.,_ ,.,... to •ftd eo-heW by •• u.adet o..d eM Tr• •• tho. property ............. -c ..... , •JOel s.. • .._ ......... 1 ""' a llod j "' .. ••-a..-fT•ec• .a ,._ ~ttY ~ ••port ~ rc_,.,, ol O.a-S.... ol C.ltlonooa 1.. p.r -...-orclocl •• _. 4 -t71. lol_..lia,._... ...... I«<tclo 01 ~0.:::: '::::.. ....S ...... , coe ........ tOot ., •• , of , ... ....J _..,.._.,....aM-...... .......... M 802 I. a., A•• a.Jboo CA I ,.. ....... _ed ,, ..... clo.oc ..... f l..a.thty tot ••• ••couM"I,.... of k ,., ... .ddt-•ad oth4r coart•oa tJCMt., lf .... , .a.o .. ._., ... " s. ... -...0 a.. INcl. "~· .......... E t or ...... ,., •lllP•-or •• -"'-4 ..... -0 1 ....,&K-.. eo ,., tlM r•-.........oq ~..,...op&~ o-.• ol '"" .....Col ..cared b• .d DMd ol y,_.., .,.,._ ,,., ...... a..reoe. M prow.d_. tA w•d not.,(s) MAOef I. ••'f li&ad•t lh• t•tat o( I od 0.... of fr.... .... Clo4ot-ood .... -ol .... ,, .......... ol .... ••• cr .. ted by w..d o..d of T •••t TM to&At •.o"-.al ol 1M vop.&.d ol ,.,. obloqol,... -·•ocl bo ~ny tO be .okt and ·~.&bl• :ed co-t• •ap-.n... aAd .d v•ec.t a4 I"• hm• Of th• lOIN) P".bltca1t.OO oJ th-e Nohc• ut S.l. .. J4JO 101 56 T'h.e -...tlC~ry .. ~, u.d o...d ~,~t Tuu t e..et•tof\llf• ••• .. ,.d ••d o.ltwer.d to ,..,_ w_.r .. q...d • •une~~t O.Clarat.oa ol O..."Jt •Ad 0.M•nd to1 IS... •ad • .,. .... No4w:• ot Deta~h aocl C.tooo oo S.ll Tho ~•d•t.,qned lea..-.. oc1 Nottu o4 o.ia•lo ot>cl IJ.c hOa 10 S.U kJ be r-ec'Otded I~ I h.e COUft ty wlt•r• tll• .... 1 'toptfiY •• ~AMid S..od.trd S.r....c-• Corpo.......... l iOX.. .., ...... li•cl s.... 1007 .... occl.l.nd HoD• CA 91.164 Ill ll l40 4010 b• T'hoea .. G l•l ... , T•-.•• Ott...;•, o. .. Aplll11 I C ""bh•h Apr.J 21 w., ~ lJ T"" Nowpotl Luoqn PVIUC.mc% ncnnoua eu.ua ~lANK IT A 1"DddrT IW2 ,,. 11[14} TM lollo"""9 .,.._ .,. dotoQ b...,_ ., OITDMA T10iti.A1. nliAif CIAl. I'LAJOIDIG QJIOUP. IS Cor --........ On.. llo 140 ........... ileac~ c. ..., QJ..a ·-, ,, ... noJ ~ lac • Celt..,... cor pot-. IS Co.pora.. ........ On ... 11o 140 M.wpon leac~ CAt:lMO n... ·--.. c-.d..ctod a., • coo ,_.,_ Soq,o.d Olea ....... ,.._, ..... Gla&a __ , ~·· ~ ............. hW •Mit U.. c-., CW•k ol o.-Co""'' oe Apnlt JIG ........... Aptll .. 11 ll .... s 111112 ... TloeMoowpotiS:... ... rJI1051 I'VIUC JIOT1C% ---P'ICIIIIOWIUIIdU ..,_ STAJ'DIIJft n.. ....... --.......... --.. WAAAIJI lolCVIlGH ' Qalll"'lt 4 SAYAGI IQI ..,_. St M. ,._.,_. lleado C A IHIO "-toef~ I S.•-· 13211 c.. .. oo ADdr .. • ........ M.a. c. g:aes:) w Ut-accv..-a QnJiia 1ac • c.w. ...... .---1420 ....... So N S•u•• l» . ....._, a...d c. 921*1 n.,..__.~bt• -"' ............. ~ .. __ .. IS.-n. ......._., .... 1\J.ed ...... .... Cot&.Dty C\er• ll'f O.uq• Co"D''f oa Apnl2 Ita .......... Apt 14 11 ll ... , s lie .. .,...~·""""' ,..,... •am floe lol~•uAq --.,. do .. 9 .._.,,.uau.w m•~· ,__. Moowpon ....,~ c. ~ ......... a-. Ull ~ A.. Cot -clel ...., c. ~ ~· Seoda.... 1721 _...., ,__. Moowpon ....,. c.~ n.. -.. ...,..joocted "" • -al ...,-n~o~p SiqMd I G P a-. n.. -· .... ,..... ... u. "-c-., a..~ .. o.-eo...., 06 ~t lS ......._. Apr 14 11 ll "'-' ' IIG~aTloe~'-- rt~ floe ......... --.,.._.. ..__ -UQl.,. DUC'IDJMQ aDI'T A CAMIIWl'OIIt IUCM. Jl7l I ·~· .. ~ ......... c. 810 • 0 ,.,..._ ..... "-.... • Ca1doniA ---a1o ,.._ ,__. .......,_, ...... c. tall) n. ......... ~"'·-,.._ ..... o. ... ~ ............. 10 ....__.._ ... ,__ ... ....,._ ... c:-, O...k .. 0.-c-., -~,,., .............. Ap. .It "'-' "-ll It Ita ••~ ......... ""-rtl7t'71 Nlllta "'-• -· ........ ..u. .... ~ a.;• .. 0.·-c.-., -· A,.nll'l •• I .......... • » .... y ~ 12 It Ita oa n. ......... """-I ~ .... "· 21 ........ '· .•. ~ ........... ,_ '"""' IKtb&JW._.. ...... t'DIIIIf ,.. ......... ,.._-.._ ~ • ... MAADniQ. _, ........... Al. ~ ... 11. CA 1»10 ..... ...__ -o..-a .. ..._ ....._ CA• _, ~o. ........ .._, c::-te c-.. ...., a ... no..,__ ........... ..,. ........ _ _.... ....... ...... ...._ ,..,.._,_...._~ .... Cotee!J Old .. a. .... c-. -...... D ,_, • ....... & ... , '1:1 ll ••• n..._.._ ,...,.,. #UI7174 f!IIIUC.vta ....... .-.. ....".~ ""' ...... ,.._ ..... ,..__ -U011) .., ~, aATII. -~ ....... ... ..._....._.CA-.. .._~ua•-..., ...,.,....._CA._ n...__ ........... ~ • _.... ............... .._ ~ .,.., __ .._. ...... a.. Clift .. o...-c:......, - ..... 1.&. Lt ...... .one& fCDI.,___.. ..-na~ ,.. ................. ~ \wuuu u TIADtflO.AL -~ J)t'tla ............... <:&~'-Ill,. ....... 1:0 .._ .._ ...._. ...,.... CA """ ........ _,._,...,. ........ ............... fiMI., ...... T\11 __ ..._ ......... o.-.r a. .. 0.. c.-. -_... .,.._.-..' 14. n-. ~~~~· ..... no.. -.. 0_...., .... "' • _ ... ,..n--.., ._.,. 1-II Onll .,.,.,. ...._... ..................... ... C..a~y C ... k o1 0.-Co••'• "" w., lO ·-r...wa.. Apt 7 14 J1 ~ l'lll:l oo on. -.on~• rlt6310 PVIUC IIOT'lCE ...... ,1001 tuSaaa ll..a STATDIIDIT no. lollo-..,,_ .. douoq b......,_ .. HOLTIIILL POIUCA T'I()MS 292.1 S "'U••• A... !.Ao. A.a.a CA 'i2105 Hoo~ld n.o- """'-lr 2711 SloooU Co,.... <lei 14ar CA 9261S n.. ~-.,. vad..C•.d by ao •• ..,, .. ouJ S.....ct H n... ... Hohoa ,, T~ .._.,..... ... ·~ WIIA tboe eo-at) C•rk uf Cit ..ao• Couol,. Apn116 1912 .......... -'P• ll 21 ..... I Ia Ill TV H.ows><.rl ~Q• ,...,. 12 lll102 S..olf .10'1 "-•p<o•' .... , o ('A ~ ..._.. ' "-...... .,.,.. ...... A •• ~ •• .. .-4 lv••• ~ -..~,., .. tt CA 1llMCI n .. • ...... ,., '·~• •••h ''"· ( J.,,.,,. c •• ,. I l )r U\ J• c~HthtV A._,ttl ~o '"-" '"' •·•"' A~r •• w .. , .., .1 J f/IJ ,. '"'· "'•-J. "h . :1 t 114J! PV1IUC M>TICZ nctmOUI tiiiiUII1» IIAJG IT A T'DIIll'l Tlo.o tou-._., ..-•-,. cl- b"*.a-.. rT1 j,JU& Pueoa.. A•• c..... .._ CA 'tQ621 Robe•• s. ... _ t.u. s.. c.-o-r ... eo .... ct.I.Ur CA~ T.._u bw.._ .. ro•d_..cted b'Y •.o ..a d•wt.ef_..j s'""ed &ob.rt Stlo610'M ~ •c..•••.at .... M.O .,..,h tk. Cowalt c ... ~ rA o,,.....,. C otoiGlY oa A~r.J lb 1912 I p,.bl.... Apt Zl l.l W., ~ 11 llll D 'fM M.wpor• '-• ,.., ... PU1UC: JIOTICI. ..oT'ICt: or v ACA noM JC[,u, ~ ~Qq ~ftiOO 14 dOIDQ ~ u WAlL IIOi lS ETC U S A JOIOO Towo c-•• Oro•• .._... ""'-' cA mn ,..,'" .. c...w • ., 241112 v .. S.o '•raaaclo w-v-c. 9269l . ltOTICI. Or PJIOJ'OSID UCAflC*, CLoeDIO UP AJm AIAIIDOfOUJn or A I'Ofl~ or A COT AIJI AUZT T\.u ~ .... C01td 111 1ed by eO 16 cli,...ael s.q,..s Marcoe Crwh.., ~... N t•..al wu hl.ct ••~ •A• Cov•ty c~.\ ot 0 Iafjll• Co-w•h I)Q o\pnJ 16 lC ,.,._ "'" 21 l~ M4• s l 1912 .. flo. N.wpo,. l .,.qr ,.., .. PVIUC JIOTICE nctTTIOQIIUIDIDS IIAJd ITATDIDfT Ttrr.. loUowuaq ,.,... • dCMoq ......._ .. II'IWPOIIT llACH PAO POTliS 210a v .... d• Or· N.-pt.ro ..... c. 9:2660 ..... , s.. •• ~ ....... I 1702 v .... 0.1 Oro N•..-pon a..ch c.neeo n_.. b-.IQ.D4IIa 1.1 C\•oci~o~.r t.a by • n , n dl¥\d~ Stqo.d l ton Sn111~ w...,., n~ ~••a.• ..... ·~ •• ,~ lh• Cowot-. O.rllr ot Otan.J• C<.oWlt'# .a Apnl S 1912 .... bl.... Apr 21 li W4• S 11 1912 oa Tloe N.wpoo• l:.uo411 flll&621 rcnuc ..ana nctTTIOUS ausun:ss IIAJd ITA TDIDfT MilOS T... lollowtaq ..,......, • d""'~ " ..... -u rulll FUIIAII I USIHESS SI.IVICI.S US N """""" ll..t M.wpo<t ileac& C. 9286J l•o• I far ••• Q l 201a St c ..... W... CA ~ TILUI b~t.~~nea l• .. uod"'"'ed bv •D a cli•odnl S..,.ocl l•o•l '""" nu.. ••• , ... "' ... tJ.d -~lh ,.,. Co.ac~ C\el,., of Ore,.~• c •ol..Dh Ap hl, t982 'v.bht.A Apr lt l& ,._. • ., l 111•• TIM N•WJ:out1 ln•.qr fllk49 PV1.UC JIOT1C% nc:nnous IUSIJIDS IIAJd STA T'CMD'T ~£105 n.. lo1lowle4 s-.-••• cto.aq b .... ,... .. nJU>l 4 TAY\.011 I 1111 s.a ,_...,. H11la lloed """""""' a..c~ c. !I2MO w.u... 1o1 ,_. w a..,.,.,_ M.wpon ....... CA ~ W_, N Teylot lOOI SAJ,,,,.. T•r , ..... Coro•• ct.l W.r CA IJlrll5 n"' *""...... ... C"QaJ ... ct.ed b., ~ .. ,.J .,..,, .. ,"'·~ S.ol'l.cl -w-.-. .. ,., .... T .. u 114'••.-n' ••• lt"-'d •II~ 1'1• Co .. ar• C1•rt-t Or•h~• ('_• owr,!v Apnl l• 1981 P..bt.ol> Apr ll ~" loin \ oj ltiJ ~• T"h.. ~c• ln•·~t nn.eo PVIUC ltOncl: nc:nnous tUSDfDS lii.AJG IT A TDCDIT Th• toUOWlaQ ptltto• •• doua\1 "'"'"'-.. T1U IAMU COMPANY 20tl a.... ..... C..••• On..-. s ....... " ,,...... CA W715 ..... C I• n• 42:10 Pot~ lc.wpott Apt 0 1 No•P' ,. ._,, CA~ n... b~ II* •d~ ..... b• .... .lo.wl,..l Soqaocl I on " C l uqQo th~o~ ...... .,., ••• hied •llh •b• Co~nly C &.r\ oJ Or•o~• C\H161,. ApooJ 16 1982 P..bloo~ Apo .: lrl 10.1., ' o. NOnCr IS HOOT CIYP olo.ot tlo.o C.t, C '"""-'I ..,1 M C.,._. t ,...wpc,,, S..Ch d~ ~n Apr ..• t. l~ ~ • 1 a..olwhun .1 Jn••l\lt-,, pf,o 12 ., •c. •.c•a. • ~t'+OC •t .a •lW¥ Wh h. h ... ll,.q•U• d...cnbed •• t~l"•• fh•' Pvttic,o ul 1)w1 ell••n .u.., 114 00 t...r '" •wd'"' V•ft<J uJtlh...,•rlv . t end ~ •c•a • ~ l...:.h I 4 •Ad 5 t l .!ut• 0 Te.rt ,t.~ •It •• s-• ••~ •• t.l-.d "l.;..u• t '~ .0 •nd •• c•f W "' .. u.,.~ .. ,. w.-,, "'-•h• .u. • ~ ttl• C -.P.•• R. rt.Mr f Ot•no--C '-'" •'t l: •M rn•• h• • w r ... .,.,.,,.,. '•"• 1 N S o4 00 lvd •il•• I d ... r.b.d •• lvlk.t•• a.....,r.n.nQ • "'" ~ -.t -•'-•h ".., • t.. ~ of ._.-4 a-• O"" ,.. • ,. ~ ... w 1 ~ ( ,.,.., .~ ~ ••• '"~··'· • ,. ' ... d l •• '\ •• J f.. •6 I ., . ., . i '* 'I I t P.t , , ..... ., .... ot W ...•. •h•• ... r , ... . ,, ,.,.,."' l"•t•t ' T.• h th • A 4 ft• t• •b• d ed S.o4 ""'., !~\• U ., ,I .,.. • tH~ ,. a... IIOTIC [ IS HUitBl ·••• •• r.,, , N••P.·•I s,.., ~ t.... '"'• i.lt,. ~ "4• r ... "'I L• ••• ~l.._,r I ' ..... , . "'·~ t.. 1 'n" p. ....-d •• •• n • •••• I • J,..., , boo-4 w. t.S• ( A .:t• ..-.. • "'• -., I "«••p..H 111-e f1 P..,t H A;t ""••S ' t n .. •'JG ... rcnuc..ona: ~~~~-~~ Nl 'f' Sf A 1'DCDfT Of' UAJIDOIOUJft or ost or nc11T'IOU$ avsurtSS IIAJG .,...~--"" ... -"-....... .. ,..,. ... ~ -~ bn..t""" -.~ .._ f1101f111\11n1US 1000 lrlOIOI S1 Monh N<o ~ ~,. a..ca CA ntoiO n. hc"'f'IUO\Lt bw.••-" ........ ,f«t .., ~ ... bled •• Cc""''" 0111 Or-t la t9"11 " & T La •rJ.r .,. • ~.o...-•l p.nao""•P 1000 l too'ol So lfor1• Nw ~ ~ a-c. C o YbtoO "•• D T tO•U. .~ H..a•'-S ..... JII•I•r a... h C. 90266 l••••' Jk... S]. 17th 5I M.."n••••tt S.• " -A <X>2f:llb tl\u bwi.UI._ ••• ·t d~t ad bw • .1•"'•' .. ' p.et"'D•n "•• S~··..cl £ ... ""..,.., ~-t'h4 •••• $. C wo'" C._til "'-'\1.-. -..: '\ol~ Ap• • ·" -.J • r~ !'I••P. ,. L . ~ h04, t. . .. \C•f ' '" PUWCNOnC£ M~IU43 Nona or OEA TH Of' JO!m D. WOUE:M AHI> or PETTT10M TO ADMUUSTD ISTATE NO . All2971 l'Ml ·• n... "'-•""' , .... 4. Fll7419 "'l .J ( To .U beus benehc .. nft crecillor1 c oollnqe ot c red11 ora &nd pertona who m•v be otbennM ooternted lJI the will or •tele ot John 0 Wolken d.c:edenl A pehllon bu been hied bv Patnc~e l KtleVJCb on the Sus-nor Court of Oreoqe County re queat~.aq thel Peine,.. l M.tl.onch nemed •n Wo.ll u l.Mb P N •levoc:h) be ep pomted u perliOn•l rep~ teh" 1o edmu\later lhe .tete of th. decedent The peUbon recpeeta elllhonlv to tKlm•n ~~ th. •tete under the Ul depend-• Adm1nlt1n t.on of Lt.e•Act f'k• tolJow,~tq ,..,..,. Yl d HR4,1 ""'"'-.. W AT CONSTJIUCTtON 102 l•or~ ~" e-cb CA iMJ O.nd ........ "''"' 1oll latroe>4 ,._...,..,.INca CA 91M.l n ... •......-... c-o-d~ ~~t"' ..... lio•od..-1 Soq...S 0....! L w., n ............ , .... t""-d ••"\ ,.,. Co""''" C'-t~ of Ota•9t> Cawatt vo At>nl " t ill2 ... W.ol> ApT 11 ;ra .... ltl2 ·• n.. ~ .. "'-" rtl747'1 11 no. lollo•-,..,_ .. dolAq ~-•-.. OfVKidl'niD nJliDOIG QIIOUP A WOIITGAGI C'OM7AJfl ., •• lo ,. ,.., .. 40l ,.....,.., IMc~ CA <ut10 CUtleo II .....,_ tl4 Clh~• ,_ 11-tt ...,.. CA ..., . n... _,, .. ,,._ .. coed..c1M b-1 •• ,. llt•~-' S..,.ed Clt•rleo II h-rtv~ T\• lte~t ... WM • .._ .. '"• c.. • ., Cle•• ... o....... c ..... , "" ~~~ 1912 ........... ""' ll • ....... ' 11 ·~ .. n.. ...._r1 "'-" rlt74G PVILI(; ..One& IW:II'IIOCM ...... .... naTDmi'T ,.. ~ ....-........ ...._ .. NT.U PIJ'IMZU A QAIZlDI ~ OC)IIOAJf'l' lDt ... ~.e..-...... C.GPI A-1. ..... lZM .... &.or c-t• .... CA -La '-tltl IW74 ... .,_,... ........ a-c ... CA A hMnnq .:>n lhe pehhon wlll be held 1n O.pt No 3 el 7'00 Cane Center Dnve W•• S&AI4 Au CA 92701 on Wev 5, li12et9 JO e m IF YOU O BJICT lo tb. -.ltL ,..__..__C. _.....,c-..,...,.c,. ,_...._.~..,. _..__..... ...... u-. .. ,.. __ ...... _ _... c-., a.\ .. o.-c--..... ....... ,..... a.. n. • ..,, ... .... .._. ..... ,._ \ o ..... . n..-· c-, a..• .. Ap.llt .IC ............. l4 Jl ...... IIG .. ,... ........... &..,.... Jl17041 PUIUC lii011CS IIOTICI C# msTU'S IAU T S Mo T 100 JIM A c. o..--• ...... ... 14, ll .. . ... ~..._..._. ...... -1'VIUC M>'niQI ..... M>TQ~ T'IOI~UU r <> M.. JJA LL\aOAMfV ... 0. Met ll IIG ., t It • a .... 0. M.t •2 ltl2 ot I 30 p • C.. ·~f'Y l.c1vwt • C_..._.. C.Ofpof.a.a. ...... , .............. ,_ ..... aad s;h ... nu.aal • ~ of Tr..,.. ~ Dec lO ·-.. o..c:.-llo 4artl s..-. c.-··-. c::.w.w... ,o,.ot•' va .. d .. Jw ........ ,,..._ ..................... 01 .. o-4 .. ,,.. ~~ _.. ·-...... .,.,..,, ... _ .. ,clod "·· ll .•• 1 --.. lwt4. Ill ....... 14119 -LillO .. 01 .. •• --ol c.wo. .... ......, ....... "' w.u... -. • .u ..... , .. ......... ........ _. Mel •* W1U. SIU. AT P\JW(',.AIJCTlOM 10 HlGKIST D DD roe CA.SN t.ar..._ ., -" ...a. .......... -, IM u...... S..••J •I tM W.... Ser.., ..,,uce • tM cower, cow~li.W 4010 W.... he\al llacordo ,. , ... -.. tM c-, .._,., "' o.._ c-.... ...... ca~ ......... ._ .. ,...., .... 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A ......,_. Ho&ao CA a.J w•-'• r..•-• OPM 1400 ........ A•• Kilo•·-._... CA t:M47 n.. .._ ............ "' .. . ........... S...utl t.. .. _. • .._......, DI'M n.. --... ·-.... '"'" c.., ... ,, C\.•• .. , ... ~ c~ .. """'lJ ·~ ..... , ... Ap• a N•• 1 1~ ·~ """'.__. '-•14~ rl.,.. P'llaiC .oftCI IE W 12 It I "-... .,.,... l -......... -l•laA A ._ ..... I ~ ......... L Oooha a.-...... ca-.. 4 ,,._ ·-.._ ~1 • CeiiMnM -....-....._ I ..... .....,ll .......... O.., ...... lQ, ...... ~ ................. ~ __ .... __ ..... ---.~ .... -.......,t ................ 2-... ._ ............ ...._ .. _ ......, .......... _ ......... _..,...._ ... __ .....,_ . ..,_ ...... .. .. ~.,_,..._ ... • to ....... ............... .. ........ ___ ...... .... ........... .._ :::... ...... _. .. --. ..... ........ -" .. _ . .. n ~.ee._. .... ,. n...,.,.IIJ ,,_, ,.dc_, ,..., ,.~ ..•. ...,. 71 ho.t•rtJ ........ .,.~ " I l'tJ n._..._ -~ .,..,.,... IOw.wle.._. 81 .......... ....... G. MoWle &.. Pr.b IOA'I'S 84 ~t as1oeto..n. l&lo&tSI.tpe AtrrOIIOTI'fE ~Auto U~ry •Motor&.. •a.ertaVeldc* go~ 81 aco.oi'C')'CJ.I .a..o .... Ana HiM -~ ...... ., ............ ... ,cc.cl- au..u CIIAIIPAGJIE PUQJI"''S Two to fouz peo- pl•. cocktails, lit clua, $150.00. Seethe cout! S.. the moun- taint! S.. Cata- lina! Appreciate th. sunset! And live. Coo&oct: SPIRIT AVIATION (714) 540-S025 P UIU&HIIt oo•s NOT ACCIJ'r l..WIAty tor &Kofte' .,.Wac,, ..... ..wu lia6oc:lll .. c:lel, or typooraph~ erron '• a•J edwr· 1---tl ~~~ ID I the COMt ~ "-• Groop. HOSTS URGINTLY • NKmfi> lor h.aqb q~. ty Swecba.h e~ch..anqe ••udeats lor U182-1913. 4~·291S . "D.BiSS UP" -R...te Bo~hque Just o_,.n and happy tO COnllqn your uawanted faahaons Ao..oriM, too. (714) 631..a290. 204.3 Westchfl DJ., N•wport 8each l SGAIIAQE SALIS SWAP MEET Ivery Sll..d.y, a A 1ft to 3 P· •· Or•o~ Coat~ Co~MQe, Fa•rv-and AtllA9ton, eo. ...... S.U•r -rvataoulin· fotmahon, e.U SSfi . 5880. LIONS CLUJ GIGANTIC SWAP Nll'l'. Anllque, arll aad crafte, new .ACt ua· ed and varaqe ..J. Way 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m Z•o· v•u•t Blllldlnv. parkang lot C. w PlUI Ah.10 Cr .. lr 500 plua N · htbttors Sellmq spACe~ -S10! Geoeral admll· non SJ. chtldreo under 12 1r ... Prohts toward c h.antable org.antaa· lions Call Carol levan •• (714) 495-3300 Mopeda 92 aa.c,.cJ. ~ V...,"J'NC.b ,OJ s.J. I PERSONALS ABOitTION AND rRn prtM,Jnancy l"tlnq; hr· 10nal ud conJ.denhal care. Low t.. include~ counMhnq, lab teats. aurqery. medacahon and poat·operatave eaam General (aal .. p) or local an"th~ avail· ---~----~ able. R.ferral lor b.nd· WOVING SALE Enghah lamaly qotnq back next w .. k. Nusl NIH Kenmore 17 cu It relnqerator/lreezer . washer/dryer Sofa- bed/lov .... t. vacu11m, eloclr radao All only 3 months old 1980 Ford Ftesta Ghta, 1981 Chev- rolet Catation Call toll· free n11mber 1·800·532- 3972, aak lor PennyMver Adwatc h M2675. !M 'frucbiV ... Wu-.d IATI'OIUU:Y I ATTORNEY DANIELA. VEREKER ATTORNEY AT LAW 779 W. 19th , Suite A Costa Mesa 7S2-S416 24 hour reeordecl measase M2-4578 NO CHAAGE fOR INITIAL CONSULT AT ION Tell Her You Love and Appre- ciate Her with a Classified Ad 30 Words for $5.00 ................................................................ Cl slfl d Just compute yow oWD cmd drop lt ID the ma il. ~--------~--------+---------~ r-------~------~~------~ ~--------+---------+---------~ (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) (18) (2 1) <2•> 1-----+-----+----~ (27) (30) ~--------+---------+---------~ (33) r-------~------~--------~ (36) "--nm tb ad ------,_._....u.v------- "• ... .-c.._hc:at'-(_.,.._, IKao.M • ar ~lot S ____ O.,.._c~rv-tllle.-o.•J VISA No ----------------~-----' ~· ________ bptr. ----------"---------------_________ aty _____ _ ' aad sterallltahon (female), vuectomy (male), and late abor· taon pJocedures. Weda· Cal and t.D.Urance a<:· cepted. Call Cahfomaa Prequncy CounMhng S.rvtce for tnJormahon or ua.mecLate eppoant· meat. In &..cb. (714) tn S.nta Ala, (71 972-3104. WORLD FAMOUS PSYCHIC "O.Vld Guar· clu:to" -Wake lnenda come to your btddtnq an love, marnaqe, wea.lth I am succesalul Call 645-1496. UPBEAT,-ADVEN: TURJ!SOWE, all rach vel 50-y .. r-old ledy. na· honal.ly recoqruud lor work an medJcal held, 1Mb 1-lo·l relahonahap watb smqle, aucc-ful, lDiellechul gentleman watb MOM of humor, ob· teoUVe, to share hfe'a ea.,.raencea m a cennq and polltive manner No wh .. Jerldealera, please 833-9388. FIND IT IN OUR HAVE MOTORHOML' 16 HEALTH Wall Travel Stncere, LOSE WDGHT NOW sweet. undantudtnq. 10 10 29 lbs. 10 30 days loviOQ men loola.tno lor or your $31 75 lor 1. lady Wtlh same quahttea month's sup ly return· If bored and want a eel. Call ~BAUft c hanqe, come and tallr dastnbutor Machelle Newpor1 Dunes Space 645-5423 ' ' 15. WOULD LIKE TO WANTED: MEET coUege·educeted 100 OVERWEIGHT lady. 45 to 55 Have PEOPLE lor new wetghl· lovely home, no chll· loss proqram 100% dren p 0 Bo• 5763, 0 u a r a n I e e d C a II 2721 E. Coast Hwy . Chnahna Corona del War 730-0268 WANT fD-AN LOSE WEIGHT' FEEL ATTO RNEY w11h rnteq· GREAT! Shape up lor nty to hie • c tvtl lowsutl ApllDO al Pat's Place ol lor v1ola.hon of my con-Eaercaae, 2411 E Coast shtuttonal nqbts P 0 Htohwey. Corona del Boa 371. Laouna Beech, War Call lor schedule 92652 Ill complamentary class AfTRACTIVE Navy 559-4150 ptlot's wtdow woulc4 hke THE FITNESS ST A to m"t 60·ash servace TION -a complete avaator·type lo swap put 1 home qym mach me AI edventures wath and fordable. sale, veruhle. perhaps start some new convenient F'o r all ones Call toll I ree members of the lamalv number }.80().5J2.3972. Ideal lo r thength tram· ask lor Pennysaver Ad· anq body tonmQ. aport• watch M2578 condtl!on•nQ health CAN PL.IOOE ABOtTr $125,000 equ.ily, eo... w-ho-. for $10,000 }.,_, ltraiqht note. Boa 5732, Newport E.nslqn, 2721 I . Cout Hwy., Cororu del Ne.r 92625. lO LOSTII FOUND LOST On• ~ndant earling S ouv•ntr D'Amour Not coatly but c heraahed Round opalescense 11one rose/p u rplel amber lOOft, 5et ID salver ftl1qr" On or n .. r F'or"t Avenue. Laouna l eac h Aprd 23 Reward 494 ·41 32 --------11 SCHOOLS II INSTRUCTION TUTORING C reden haled, an your t.ome !apenenced pahent Wath al9ebre o«~me· lry, French Sp.anllh, read1no . 5-pelhnq, In· Lash. all profac1enca" colleqe boards 673- 6013 TUTORJ.NG Moe~ eubteet•. l 12 and college Day eftntnq and summer sa sa-r bovr Mr No rvan, 645-5176 NUsiC -A G1rf FOR LIFII Voac• tral.fttniJ, paano. orqan &.tiona All '-ala Rauonab&e L.,.neacad 13 YMR N~ Verde. Coeta W.. Nancy lam•. $4$.3722 14PE't'l• U'fDTOCa maanlenance Call toll lree number 1·800 532 3972. aak lo r Pennvsaver Adwatch M5501 17 TRAVEL/ VACAnON EXPLORE THE GALA· PAGOS lSLAHDS S..i wtlh well-lrnown r•• dent lam1hes on theu puvale yachl avauable for 2 8 person• year around Plan 100ur own 11tnerary f or anfo con· tact Mary Crowley. 1709 Bndqeway, S.usahtos, CA 94965, (415) 332 4681 LEAVING WAY 14t h - Maddle·aoe couple wtth reference wtll dehver your vehacl• to le• tnqton, KT. o r Chacago ar .. for eapensea only Call 644-6ZS9 •TRA~CLU~ • Yo u mtqlll • .,. a I the money you wan I, or need &I not, look al tht~l f'UN-WONEY TRAV£.1. Be a Travt'l Conault • No Inven tory • No Com~hhon • No Booklra.pano Fabuloua fr .. Travel' flftponant W .. hng ,..ur ... t·••twt•l Uf , .. u •{714) SU-3132• II ENTERTAIM BALLOON IOOQUETS UDique, ..-IIOn•l•aed cr\1 DellveNCI ~,«..ally Ord.r toda~. "J.1Joona of~"·" 84$.1445 ~ILLYDANClR Stuclio -Cd.W oHera •t..-taanfllftl for all oc c:aa.ona an<& c&a.. Ul IM an of Mllydan« c.u 731 ,574 l9GIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS s..ct ......... JOQ • bou.qat ol 30 Mlillta ~ ... ru-~ ... M.Qe. hrleot fOJ UJ OC· cuioa. We deliver. 613 .... 18. s. .. thil ad. 22 DECORATDfG HOUSIDLU?, Add the homey touch w1th collfttry C.Cor from AJlDIE'S COUlfl'llY CVPIOAilD 1245 So. Nem S.ataAna AnllquM, folk w and unaque deco ratlnO ld-. 23RELP WANTED PJlES'I'IGIOUS REAL ESTATE OFnCE an Ir- vine looluno lor top quality agents . Good commtlllOD apltl. No d .. k ,__ 851·0829, 752·1493. WORK AT HONE Joba available Substanttal eam111qs po111ble. Call (504) 641·8003. est. m lor Information. lOB IN-FORMATION. Dallaa, Houston, Over· ..... Alulta. $20,000 to SSO, 000 _,.r YM r poall· ble. Call (602) 998-0426, dept. 8963. Ph.one call refundable PrirfiON CIRCULA· TOllS -f ulllpart ttme. S6 t.o S9 per hour D~ly pay. 840-6912 ----WANTED SHARP PEOPLE to dmnbute Amwey products Earn · 1nga unl1m11ed Call Woody, 998-3944 lNFORMA TIO N ON CRUISE shap tobs GrHI rncome polenhal, all occu~hons. Call (602) 947-7251. ex1. 313 Call refundable HUNDREDS WEEJtl Y' Stulhno envelopes at home No otxpenence necessary' Pouable f ree de1a1la Enclose stamp.d envelope Mer cury Company Box 1762. Evanston, llhno1s 60204 JOBS OVERSEAS - Baq money laat S20.000 lo SSO.OOO plus per yeaJ Cell 1·716·842·6000, ... 3215 LIVE -IN H OUS E KEEPER wanted £no· hsh apealrang Mull ~ neat, reapon11ble, qood wtth chtldren Pleasanl surroundanqs Week ends off References 759-0700 9-5 nO-Z722 aher 6 p m Belly BILLING TYPIST for psycholoqtSI Flexable, part-lim• houu $6 per hour 760·1176 PAftT.TJME SECRE· TARY/Recephonasl lm· medtale openmo lor recephonlll a t our lrvane locetaoa B.uac offiCe sinUs, lypanq preferred but not requared PIN· wnt _,.nonahty And abt.hty to work well wtth the publtc 20 hours per w .. k. S4 SO per hour to start Contact Saddle- bad VaUev YMC A. 830-9622 LOVING, MATURE ADUt T to babys1t for my ll·monlh·old 100, p.arl·lune. an my Colla Mesa home preferably 545-1330 SALES: Part-lime, Mml rehred, houaewtvea, studenla 10 to 30 hours per-k We~J~ectaha.e an lawn care aalH You can work your own hours and make oood SSS Call "The wwn Docto r " 9 to 5. 552 1549 CASHIER WANTED lor cl.ruo atore 40 hours/ -Ia WNkend a mual 671-2550, uk for Anata LIGHT SECR£TA-RY worlr Tuesday and Thursday, 8·5 p m S3 50 hour 547-7907. MATH TUTOR NEEDED 10 help me pea the math portiOn of the GRE Call toiUr .. numb.r 1-800· 532 3t72, ult for Penny- lAver Adwate h M9786 W ANTID~ :._ Wolber's bet_,., Ltve·an, ea· cba~ tor room/board pll.aa 1200 ·monthly labyatllt nq t l roht ho-.lreeptnq. 5 days. ~ ro,... C.ll toll- fr• 011mber l-t00•532 3972, .U tor r.n.n,_ .. , MwetdW2&61. w AJnll) -H()USI.. lllP II llve-lo, Woeday· r r~da,. 3 c r.ll•r•• tt4-3MG d.aya,l3l-0'7681U9111• •LJCEMm CIQIDCAU STATI LAW Rl· QU'D.IS IMt pefiOM w\o provide c:Aild care 1Q tbetr ho-be been•· ed. For JDlotlDehon on how to obtAin bc.nM 10 Or eave County. call (714) 834-5172. . uaYSitTIJIG Nlctn'SIWEQEKDS Go out for danaer, ev• nt.ftQ ca..... movwe. health club, ahoppanQ- Te•porary d<ry ~e a.allcable whale your own at Iter 11away. 857-1021 27 SJTUAnONS WANTED I AN LOOICING lor a Monday hou.aeoleanrno job. 495-0529. I MUD A JOB! Dec- lncal backqround u field repre•entahve/ produc tion control/ 1happ1ng and recetv· tn~Jlaaspechon o f malenals (WeclJcallden· tal lflSurance -nttal ) Call toll!.... number 1-800-532-3972, uk lor Peonysaver Adwatc h M9726. 29MONEYTO LOAM WIDOW HAS NONEY lor Trust Deeda. $10,000 up No cred1t c hecb/no _,.nalty. Call O.n110n Auoctat•. 673-7311 I HAVE NONiY lo loon on your home Low an· terest, free appraJsal. 7· day servtce, c redat no problem Bill, (714) 964·3195 . JUMBO SECONDS - Co mpetatave rates Broker tnquanea anvated 1mmedtllle lundanq Broker, 847·6006 MONEY -MONEY Homeowners Loans by phone. 2nd and 3rd Truat Deeds taalored to your sttuahoa or needa Cell hm. day, naghl, weekends 586·9127 30BUSJMESS OPPTYS C UP NEWSPAPER AR TICLES1 S2 to SIO eac h' S.ad alam.,.d. address ed envelope lor free detatla 574-C Bellelon t~ne, Puadena CA 91105 SALE AGENTS WANT. ED Start ammecLatelv full or part tame New •ncred1blv prof•• · malr.mo busan.ess E• callnQ money opportuna ty Full delatls Sl 00 lor handlano Kent Enler· praM'S P 0 Boa 4n 4 lrvmtt 92714 C USTOM ENGRAV lNG SIGN CO Re quues small space Enoravanq mach1ne lebncallnQ table and bevel plus tnvenlo rv 8 l'llontha old, walh eatab l11bed accounts $5 495 Sold new \5,950 (714) 642·4019 31 DIVESTMENT OPPTYS EXPORT CO WANTS UIVeators 23~ return 6 montlu, 90\-o raqht oil Guaranteed by leiter of credll 851-6848 32 TRUST DEEDS AND IIOBTGAGES 2ND T.D '•· 15-YIAR luUy amorti.l.ed. 17~~ Low po&JIII Call 964· 25191or quote 2-riUST -ODDS lor aele. $7,000 puce ranqe. Due wathtn 2 y .. rs. Frank, 768-5700 38SPORTING GOODS GOLFERS: All tyl)ee of q11ah•r ooll repau done Club• bouqht and 101d North· woodGoiJ -..oan tl FOIUa1'URE AHTI0\11 OAK aepro- du.c:tloa huaihue ware· botAM now open to the r.llbllc. Buy ctuechoa ro. our muhon·doU.r laveatory Wonday• fri· day, lo-4:30, S.tllrday 10-5, Sunday 12-5 33081 Cam&DO Cap .. llano, S.n Juan C.pil· trano, 493·1247. ENGLISH DINING SIT Dark wood wath six e haan and Mrver New Bought $3,600 Sell $2,600/beat offer. 731·1684. SOfA BED, lo;e ;;.,, coffee table, end tab.lea. cupboard. Call after 6 p.m .. 857·8964 sorA:-RECLiNERs. cofl .. /end tables, colctr TV. dreuera. deak, ator6qe cabaneta, dmette and more. 552-6663 or 855-1588. BUFJET -72" char· rywood French provtn· caal. Made by Whale Furnjture, North Caro· hna S650. 951-7906. OVERSIZE G LASS· TOP wrought aron table wtth au chaan. Ivy des1qn. S450. 499-2551 ANTIQUE DESK/ dr-r/muror. oreal lor younq boy's room Alao Wurlal&er Sprat orqan Slate pool table Cheap. Cal.! toiUr.. number 1·80().532-3972, ask for PennyNver Adwatch M2687. SHOwPIECE SECRE· TARY DISI(, old but contemporary Hand · mode. Beautaful 494· 5079, 497-41 31 L IGH-,. LY u s E D CARPET -6,000 sq. It Low p1le. commercaal orade, oranqe carpet for saJe off ol empty showroom floor Beat oi- ler 495-60 I 0 UAPPUANCES • • AWANA NICRO W A VJ. • • New an boa, wtth warranty $189. TR 855-6209. G .E MICROWAVEand combrnahon macrowave aelf ·cleanano conven· lionel oven and burners S300 Excellent conda· lion 497·2327 "MUSICAL INSTRMNTS PIANO Antaque walnut carved Eacel· lent condallon Perfect keyboard Needs tun· ano S850 Call lolUr" number 1·800·532·3972, ask lor Pennysaver Ad· watc hM2389 PIANO C able Nel10n ltudao. e~tcellent condahon Movanq, mull sell $1,295 Call tollfrN aumber 1·800-532-3972, ask lor Pennywver Ad· watch M2688 HAMMOND O RG AN BJ/147 t...she speaker. \2,200 Kloss oaant screen TV. S2.200 Call 'tollJr" number 1-800· 53:Z-3972, uk lor Penny uver Adwotch M2706 PIANO Beautaflll con10le. only 4 yean old S1.000 855·9220 days, 552-8212 alter 6 pm 450Ff1CE EQUIPMENT IBW NAG CARD D word proc-rno system !aeelleot cond&taon $4,450 or bMt offer CaD Sally. (114) 760·0100 OFFICE FURHJTURI· 30a60 14 stondard d•lta. IJW)vel and atde chatn l.rown 0.1•. 494· 1469. 546-5745 "DIAMONDS. JEWELRY EST A Tl I SECOND· HAND TIWEL.ftY and 14erltnq flatware co.ta much 1-at S.ntl•y't . 220 I 17th St . Coate ...... 645·6585 GMJID OPENING "d'. ~ w... ColD a hwelry kcMM,e. 2426 lewpott llvct . COlla ...... buya •1)(1 Mlla li.Md 1•welry. acr•p qolcl, cMolal, watc.hea, co • alnr. 631·5933. Ul PUILI.I IIU DOIS MOf AOCIPI' h.abtlity tor uaco...-:1 ~W.O. Qrtaa•llc:el t•~~ecur· ~a-. or typoQra]'h~ •rron Ill "' adYet· , ........ ~hlu.cl In tJt• CoM ~ N• .. Group. 100~5-0LD, RARI ud o.-.-of~prtat. We b4ay ..a ..U "'Olt-ol· pr\111 ~ ., llf'eC!ftD ., ............. rd. s.r..ct ..... Velolh, -.A IJriiii,S..te .......... • SOIIIICEL- I.UBOUI NIWPOIT I I ACH Tenal1 Club featly meat..nlup lor MM Oflen. 640-4522 A.- forl.arbera. FOR .SALE. 1 ~· ak11, 150 em, $25. l pe11 alu boota. m e 3, SIO. Oval ahaq area ruq, oranqe and brown wtlh betoe colora, $15. W•n• bowl· lno ball, .utr, m caJry· mg caM. WJth shoea. me.u atse 9~. 5 chrome and leatherette dlnano chAJrl, c hrome and oranqe color, S2S each or al.l 5 for S100. Back paclr, SlO Child's aJeepanq col, S3 644-4687. WRULCHAIR. S175 Foldtnq wallrer, $250. Oayqen earner, $30, Olry9'1n regulator (H). $90. Call 752..0273. CONSIGNEE-MUST SACRlFJC! clo1110ne vaaee , authentic Chtneae robe, Iaroe Nava)O blanket, Spanllh sh•wl Old Glory. 792 S. COAII H-v .. Laquna Beach. PHONE·MATE Tele- phone Ana-nnq Ma- c}une. $79. Wath re· mote, $149. Warranhed . 'lS0-3791. STE.RI.INGSJLVER - "Wallace Roaepornt." 12-plece Mlttno plua~~e­ ceuory tlema. Sl.OOO 640-9605. FAWILY NDDUSliJP -John Wayne Tenms Club. $875 546·9627 WARYKAY - Loti your consultant or anterea1ed an a free facta!? Call Anata. 548·1071 10% das- count. MEN'S NATURAL CanedJan coyote JACbt Ralph Lauren, s1za 40 New. elegant. Coat ~.500 Fum $3,200 (714) 495·5064. MA~RIAGEw-;ih an An taq11e Carnaqe Car raaQe, horae and coach· man avatlable to the b11de and qroom lor that elegant proc-•on nde Brochure mlormahon and reaervahona For any specaal event Cla•s•c Carraaqes (714) 639-1429 51 WAHT TO BUY WANTED: OLD GUMS, rilles, ahotouna, pocket watc hea, mtlttary aworda. S.OOu.a collec· tor -. p.aya mo re than any dealer 581 -8810 WANTED: FURNI· TURE. appl.ianc • (re· fraqeraton, waahera, tiryen. TV'a, work10q/ non·worlunq, Anhqu ... paanos. ofhce lurnature SSCAS, (714) 957 ·8161 OUTBOARD MOTOR WANTED Used but an ,_nabJe condataon Between 3 and 7 hp 496-5745. WANTED· USED FUR- NITURE. modera/en- hque Reluqeratou. weahen, dryen (work anQ, nOD·WOrkrng) Las. 957·8133 52 RENTALS TO SHARE QUilT, NON-SWOI· lNG •traaobt male, 2CJ.40, wanted to ahare 3-bedroom lurllllhed lr· YUle hollM. Pool and uhhh• mcluded. 1275 ;n month Jt.n, 551 - W/f EMPLOYED TO SHARK 2·bedrooml2· bath, pool. n .. r Hoaq Hoapatal &n Newport &..ch Walk to beach Non-amolrer Reier· enoe~. $300. 54&-3662 d.ya. ROOMNATI W AHTID for beautlful wvuna home, o .. r vUiaoe Nutl be employed . etratoht males only fl.ue Avelable W.y I or workable. 1300. 4~-1872. mora~ACJ• ud att.n.oona. SINGU riWALI WANTIO to that• Lawue IMch -• view aao ..... $3SO ta· dudee ut&llll•. (714) --·- HOW IDTIMG· 1· aad 2-ltechoo• terctn • ..,._,. ... t, cac-. k ...... ,. beect. •ad welk ~ llloppl1J9. HuJll· tnqton ~Ncb &rM. (714) 147-t014. ...J&UI ~P All ­. _d..,...._ ..... oeiWt ......... . fiaepl.o-. .......... .. coa4lt&nlat. poole. -· qya, .... .. oo. ... h ....... ..a . .W.: ' IMtllreoa ... ... l a.cA..-,J .... , ... n ..._, .. t•••· 51 HOUSES UNFURN WOODIRIDGI Wl.nd· 101 lltate Pl&n 4. 2,255 aq. ft .• 2-tttory. 4-bed· coom, 2~·batb. fea&ly room, couAtry kitc:llea, llir, Iaroe yard, wper locadon. _ 9_ardeoer, QO pete. $1,000 _,.r montb. S.ndl. •o•at, (714) 494-0791. POOL. SPA-2- bedroom pJu dea. Biq pool and ape 10 beawitw backyard. Cotta w-. $700 p1u. pool mAJ.D· tenance. AvaJlabla Ju.ne 1. Callaow. ~-0273. SUWMIR BIAC H JWI. TAL: Cbarmrnq Wooda Cove perstbouM, tr-. privacy, ocNJI view. Available June 20. Call to!Ur .. nll-.ber 1·800- 532·39'12, ~ lor Pan.D1· Mver Adw&tck N9719. R!NTAL: 3-'h.4room, 2· bath, deo, family room. 2 ch.lldren OK, no pete. $725. Call toUfree number 1-800-532-3972, aall for Pe~yaaver Ad· welch N2249. OCIANfRONT PIJT· HOUSE -3 bedroom, 2 b.th, deck, hr~&ece, beamed ce!lmqa. Pn· vale beech Waaber/ dryer. l1,600 !1lonihly- yearly. CaU toUtr .. number 1-800-532-3912, uk lor Pennysaver Ad- watch N2528. HOUS! fOR RJNT:--3- bedroom. 2-batll, wet b.r Walk to V1Ciona Beach. \1.300/monlh. Ftnt and last 494·5046 alter 6 p .m. or 67J.J992 hom 11 a. m to 5 p m OCWFROIIT -2-bed· room, 2 b.th, hteplace, wuher aad dtyer. Deck, aecluded $1,450/month -yearly. Call tollfr" number 1-800-532·3972, uk for Pennyuver Ad· watch M2480 RENTAL -lrvane Col leqe Parlr, 4·bedroom, 3-bath, priVAte pool. cul·de·U C $975 4.96-1459. 57 HOUSES FUIOOSHED E.XPICTING vta&lo,.? lrvtDe Terrace houae available Nay 30 lo June 21. RN10nable rate No am..U children. For rn· lormahon, contac t MarQe. 615·1568 References FURNISHED 4-BED- ROOM houM rental. Dane Poanl May- Auouat l950 monthly 496-4933, 493·5785 58 CONDOS/ TOWIOISES FOJ\1\ENT PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCIPT liablhlv lot Incorrect speU&nq, qremmallc&l anaccur· act•. or typocpaph1Cal erro rs tn any adver· hMmenta pubhabed 1n the Coast Medaa Newa Group WOODBRU>Gf CON· DO · 3·bedroom. 1 v •. bath, utility room. covered p&llO, carport Step• to -.ru. and Olympac·ll.ed peol and f.KilUI S1'00 •ontb. Aak lor Akt, $!Q.S4fl8, 7S1 -64Z7 51VACA110M RENTALs - • f • L s 8 F h n b u 2 • l I ' t • 'l e c ! c: c • I ( l l llOOIIS FOR REin' ROOW FOil UNT Ml.-.on v .. )O home wk. puvat.q-. v ... S250 ph.11 ~attltltel 855-1859 RO OW, C l\rtata•n home Katc hen, q uaet male, straaqht Ne•r be•c h S27S p hu ulthhft Av•alable N•y 21, L•quoa Be•c h 499-2286 820FFICE/ COMIIERQAL lRVIHJ: lNDUSTRJAl PARte. TWitto (Wyfordl Walnut) olltce ua new bulldloQ walh adcla~ watebov.8e ~· O.ya 731-0914, e.,.aiDQI 833-1719. OWICU -=-UQVID=-="'="'=-"A.....,.n::s= Make olferl No~ Lado complea, 3-tlory, oc .. ov .. w. 7 oiiJce IUJI.. A!.o 2 Newport lo ll. S8S,OOO ••ch owe. 631-4179. II OffiCE/ COIIICEilaAL DELUXE EXECunYE SUITES Newport S..ch/Knoll Center '"U 11.1pport Mrvaee Offtee from 1438 per month On call, etc , Sl65 per month THE HEADQUARTDS COMPANY (714) ~1 -0681 M W AMY /1lEMT 01\ EJ:CIIJ'GE HOUSII APT WANTED -Wu be turoathed 2 3 bedroom July 20- Auqutl IS NHr be.ch or oceanfront C•ll toll fr-number 1-800 532 3972, u k for Pennya•ver Adw•tch M264S Congratulations to DIANE BAUMGARDNER • MILLION DOLLAR ttt CLUB 1Y OWKD -Lerqe, ettJective 3-bedroom, 2 Ml.h home. nH r beach Sl19,000 Low dowo h c ellent lermt Ca ll tolUr .. number I BOO 532-3972 .ulc lor Penny Mver Adwatc h Mn87 Outstanding Fltat Year Salesperson Office Top Listing Agent 1981 HURRY1 MOTIVATED SELUR needa moltva t ed buyer t.t~t praced I N Peters L•ndanq Pl•n 4 an Woodbradqe Pnced below m11ket 2,500 aq It home, 4 bedroom 21, bath lamt.ly room luau .. oua master tuate larqe collllfry lntchen 2 lue plac ... 4 11 b•auhlully lend.tc:•p.d Auum1bt. &nd Miler hoancanq Tlua aa the one y.,u·v~ be e n w.talonq lo r U 94,900 C.tll S.ndo aqent (714) 494 0791 MEDITERRANEAN VIL LA an O.o .. Puant • hn~t neaqhbo1h.x.d' 4 bed rooms. 3 boJths 2 powder ruom• 2 Wl!l bar~ bollo.trd rvom •• panded m.t l••r bf.dr .. ..,m •uolf' pt< I<•'·• '' •I I,. d scaptnq r• Wth 145,000 J , wn "''" u.•l laoa.nc toq "t J I '•0 o on terMl Call lor det.ula' Co111al Propt-rlou 496-8338 2219 H•rbor Blvd. Costa Mes•, 92627 UNIVERSil Y P ARK Rare Ell•'"' mvdotl 4 bedroom 2 b.tth lamalv room c .. ntrll .tlrtum Walk to p~Y.JI· tpn"" 14CU'lll Bv ,.,.n.,t S164 900 S'i<f 4lb0 84s.o303 LAGUNA BEACH 1 10~ N. C... Hwy 4M-Il77 • -. J C'-....... al.lW.....-t•~-'*-,..,~ ... ......... ~....__. ......... ..,... .... ....a o..-tH.n _....,,_.,. J2CI'QJOO IWPALD II HOUSES FOR SALE • .... • -"'-ttl lidt t'-• .I .....,_ Luuf\' ........._,Roan. ..,... ..... -._.., -and ..., ,.,. ... Ow-....... ·-· \~10.000 liS c:zrTIII; ALL YOUl .... Y' lloolft I .... ,_ ... '"........ .., ......... H r • ... ,...... ... ~ ............ l lllho I .... ... .... .. --"" o-.. .... ajll\ " ... -........... . ... 110'. The Newport Enalgn Weclnetdoy. April 21. •• Pog. ll AUTOMO'I'IVE II IIOUSES FOR SALE BY OWNER Coay 4· bedroom. 2-atory home. 2 block' from Nurth S..ch, San C lem.,nte \140,000 CaU tolltr- number 1-800-532-3972. 11k lor Pennyl4ver Ad watch M2388 PRICE IU:OUCT10" NO QUA.UFYINGI Terma! Termsl Teraal T alae over hi a nd .lod T D wath no quabJyanq nec-ry Woodbradqe Wuadaor Eatate. Plan 4 N011 populat model, 2,255 Ml It • 4-bed room, 21~-beth, famtly, hrepl.ac;e, country kat· cheo, an. beautatully l&od.caped wath auto spnnklen Very larqe yard, b..t loc:ahon on quaet C\ll·de-MC Praced lo MU II $224,900 S.nd a, aqeol. (714) 494· 0791 U BOVSE8 FOil SAtE OPEN HOUSE S.tur day/Sunday Bv owner 3 bedroom 2 bath recr .. hon rO<>m vtew a11 1125,000 A•um• 8 \1'•"-W•lla/Saddle ber la Colt.c,e C•ll tvll lr" number l 800 532 3972, u k lo r Pennywver Adwatch MS590 U O.OOO DOWN O R TRADE for mu~t .tnv thanq Be•utal ul 4 bedroorn/3 bath nu qu•ltlyanq S.n CJ,. mente , 661 1548 SPECTACULAR what,. water vaew Arc h ~ac h Hetqhla 3 bedroom. 2\la-bath, lamaly ruom By owner 1215 000 S1S 000 down Eac .. tiPnl ltnancanq •vatl•ble 675-5320 olhce 7S9 1206 evetunq• ~~~~USES FOR j 11~08a FOR Roben 1: Eilertaea Ql B I L L C R U ~ D ·, R f 4 L T Ll q PENINSULA HOMES EXC£LL£NT lUMSI Remodeled lfa· dltionol 3 bedroom. den, 3 both, ·'eMtd to $39$,000. Prize West aOy boyfronl. Slaps fOf 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom. 3 bot~, x-o._ooo. Oceon and jetty views. Morane room, 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, 3. 700 sq. h . $1 ,385,000. LIDO ISLE HOMES Prime Lido NOfd boyfront. five bed- rooms, 5 'h baths. Laroe living room. 2 boot slips. $1 ,SOO,()(X). Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 b<J.th plus Iorge rec. room, beam cetlings, fur- mshed, patios. $.420,000. LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT l agoon view from 6 bedroom, 5 both, playroom, dark room. den, boot slip. $1 ,350,000. BAYSIDE COVE Spe<tocular boyfront vtew 2 bed· room, 2 both up; 2 bedroom, 2 both dow n. Two boot sl ips. $1,900,000 CORONADO CAYS Coronado Island cust. boyfront lot 85' boot dock Pions ovatl $.425.000 wtlh terms. TRES VISTAS- MISSION VIEJO New French NOfmondy .e bedroom, 4 both, guest house. pool. Neor . . ~ • .. •.• BILLGRUNOY RE~LT0R II HOUSES POll SA1Z SP£CT ACVLAft ._U/3-IA beach home Lovely pool and tpe, lorm•l danmq , l•maly room J c •r q•r•qe a.nd ocean v1e w So40 000 down U JS.OOO ChawiH Jl.alty ........ _DIS 4 .... t22 131-1111 WOODBRIDGI LAND- I.NG. Peter'• Pt.o 5 112 b locla from lake 1295 000 hrm. by o wner 857 9042 U CONDOS/ TOWIOISES FOil SALE lARGE J BEDROOM 2 ~ bath Coa~a w ... townhome \ISS 000 13 S'"o lO vear ltna n CtnQ lot VNI •t 12~ 347 £ 18th St 851 2233 73 1USDfESS PROPERTY PIU:W:I OLD CclM Pur~h-4 •hope 011 Coas~ Hwy Great lor ownerluMr Auum•ble ltn&n~anq plua owner wtll c•rry \5JS,OOO Aqenl, (l) 4S7-4611 MIOATS . EQUIPMENT_ 1978 25'5" THUNDER BIRD Formula Cast a way Mere 260 full c anvas ~leclronocs slee ps 4 Trader \16,500 or besl otter Cla ud e S20 174~ lr.-=====-t 985-4454 I Hun liNG TOR fOR -SALI 38' C ro•• IIAJliOI\ Trtmaran cru111n9 p m CUSTOM ven SJ9.00010 80 Call rw.,..ne urft (213) 830-0365 ev•nanq~> ~vnn~ o r w .. kenda lor •ddo S~l•lly ct.e1qoed taonal •nlormallon l.Dtenon , 2 Bdr .• 2' 16' HO BIE C AT wath 18& , 2 car qataqe, 1: traaler a nd c.st boo twr converted 10 S2 300 492-2892 JACilal.l room TeaAia, 17' SKIBO AT wath pool, ~. .ec:utly lr • ale r P a II • rs o n !9••• S265,000 faberq1•• hull Mont .&2S,OOO dowo 11 ~~ condataon S6 000 C•ll tollh-number I BOO fiD&ncl.Dq Brit (213) 532-3972 u lr. lo r Pennv ,421-0447 Mver Adwatch t-42539 ._ _______ .. 1 16' SHtP£ wath trailer 11 Lots• ACREAGE PIUWE RESIDum.AL LOT '9 450 All ulll· 111.. y-r round road• Lake Georqe, Colora do Acre lake, Ylew level ready to buatd Ptlae Forni Scenery Tradet conaade red 614 36 th St Newport S.ac h S PE CT A CU LAR OCEAN VIEW Iota tor 141e By owner 2100 block. Entrada ParaiJIO oft w t San lu•n San C lemente from S92 500 Must _, Call tolllr" number 1 BOO 532 3971 aslr lor Pennv saver Ad w•tch M2660 SEQUIM DUNG ENESS w .. htnqton 112 acre blutl lot Vaew Vacto11a llr•aqhts Olympaca Caacades Hunltnq club and be•c-h IIQhts deed ..d woth lot S-45 000 t•rnu 495 1590 12RESORT PROPERTY HONOLULU HO ME 54-11 exchanqe equatv O r.snQI' Countv home condo(s) 4 bedroom S260.000 Assumable Sl40.000 P 0 Bo a 26044 Ho nolulu tUwau 96825 (owner) Call Call tolltree number I BOO 532 3972, uk lo t Pannvl4ver Ad wale h M9660 II HOUSES FOR SALE Nato plus tab Eatra w.t nace wood Sharp boat !.celleot for L.ke Ml\ 11oo Vaeto Sl OSO n 4-7448 IS IOAT CBARTER IJIMACULA TE li"·:W'IOATS ~ .... "' "',.' •• l''"'f• d ' ,, ~~ ~'",.. • j ... M• ,. 'h A-~ • • t ,. " ~~ ,., 8-\ 1 "'l ; I 87 AUTO UPHOLSTERY ECLIPSE AUTO UPHOLSl'D'Y Ca.rpcots he.sdhnl'r~ "r lfanyl topt S90 must Amertcan can M"'""al hoqh qu.shtv lnoP11or restoralton .c .. nomoc-•1 lv done &46 llll 89 RECREAn OM VEKlCLES l7 Bl AZOH hardtop rra oler St .. p~s C an•• oup St 500 G d u dotaon 58b Qlbb -90 SERVICE/ REPAIR AUTCl REPAIR F ,..,,\l, 0 m• .. ' ErHJtr•P -Prt'\d J• T '' tJ <Jp brd~ .. , ,.It' II '' C.tlltO. n:7 91 MTRCYCU:S/ MOPEDS IQ78 '{:'~\A AHA "C,t Shot h " F . I ' 11. {X)(. rr: ..,, ._ ... , t-•llf'n· aCi..C:a.rti~QooO~....C ..... ~QooO~....C ..... ::..otQoOoC:I....C ..... ::..otfllltooOOCI...C:~:at ' >rod,, , S. •t.tl b ... , ltf'• C. lllrf'• • WILCO TO 230 GOLDINROD A great vtew home fOf en~ those pesty sumrneJ guests I You'l hardly knOw they are visiting. Very .eporate gueet bec*ooms (3). master tuh tor you. leCOnd ftoof IMng room, ronnal dii*'O. breakfalt. famiV room and bar area. ~ to $491,000 Of leo• wtth optton. n~.~mb+-r 1 ~\ "''· t'-'71 ..t~Jr 1. r p. ,_, ... ,.., .. , A..i W<it('t-M.4~ 4 BIKE TR Ailf.R Yama'l.t 17" ••.d lbOCZ du• b.~ .. -\~ .~ .. ,all Mu<' -· C •I lllu-. n ..~mbf-r j M~ ~ ~4 lQ7 ;' .. ,1< lvr Pf'roiiV'-•"'" Ad ..,a•c-h Ml6c; .. 92 BICYCLES DISCOUNT Pnc•~ n p p ,Jolr br.uod bocycl"' k•h•r•Q o\nd ,. e-ns.'"'"' SAVE AT SLIPSON S CYCLERY 2<191 G, ... ,. L.u ~ C •·~ M .. -... f' ... ~-4130 LADIES CL)AS r t ~ BRAKE r , _,., "' hf'•1th '"riJI» • • •land MPn' t.. ~ 1~ -~• loolr "d" .. w Each \49 <;48 ~ 93 V AMS/TRCIS FOR SALE 1970 DODGE l 4 •• r f'IC"It •P Camper SJW 1a.l H .. vy dutv ~'1"'~ ped AM f"N powl'r •rM ronq and bra~" •utomahc tran• au cond Borden bum~r baQ w1de h••vv dut~ tn•• on rNr loolt• and runl real Nev•r hurt P I abuMd 12 800 c"•h or b...-oil•• W Ji trad• lor auto 644 4687 1966 314 TON C HlV RO LI:T piCkup Lonq bed, clean runnlfiQ QOOd S I 300 Call toll (,.. numbet l 800 S32 »72, u k tor Penn,......,, Adwateh W~ CL&AN 1975 MAZDA rtClUP N-"'no•n• ~otof~G JJ .At.. ~fiJHH~IJI~~~ eltll on q .. are ntee " C.aper thelllboot aar b c•tl•nt ~o11d atoon t2.$00IIItle •t .,Iter 364" 8 . ~0#1.~ ~., 'ifotGIIG JJ vii.. !JIGIS 67.1-8I!J.f l. 12 I ' fl1 AOTOI WAJITII) USED C ARS WANTED Up to 1500 ~ad Run nanQ vr nol Also wred.• A•lr lor lac~ 847 9478 PUBLIS HER DOES NOT ACCEPT lo•b•lll'; lor me o rr eel 1pell1nQ qrammaooc-al an•c-c-ur •c••~ ,,, typoQraphu.•l errurs 1n ony adver IIMmenh publ11httd on rhe Cr..all M..d1a N,.w• Group !UPS C ARS PIC K UPS h om \JS Avail able at local Govern men I Aucllon • f "' duectory c•ll (80S) 687 6000 .... l J06 C.sllrelund.bl• ALFAROMEO WUST S ACRIFICE 1977 Alia Ro•-New l.llver pem t. loaded, ••· c e lle nt coodtlloD 18,300/otfer Call toiJ. tr.. D\lmber 1.80(). SJ2. 3972, ult for Penoyaaver Adwatcb N9782 AUDI 1974 AUDI 100LS Automabc , AM/P'M ou· Mile .tereo $1,400/ol· ler Call toWreeDWDller l -80().532-3972, ult lor PeDDyl4ver Adw•rc h N2233 BMW 1977 aww 320t Awoaatlc. atr S7 ,!JOO Good Cat 0eeJ.r ••· ~need 830-!1810. 155- 9077 CHEVROLET 1964 C OR VITTI Road.Mer fted. IUIO , au, po-r ll .. noQ/ brU.. $13,000 or b.- otter 644-8325 or 559-6442 !~ELDORADO S.vtlle WecbeoacaUy eacellenl C hrome qood. S2.SOO 633-9148 1973 C HEVRO LET N.tabu 2 door, 67,000 mLiu , requ.lat QMOUo•. power W'Uidowsldoon S l 350 Call tollh- oWDber I 800 SJ2.JSr12, uk for Pe~U~)'Mver Ad watch W0085 1967 CHIVY MALIBU 283 V 8 Good lreu portallon. o uqaoal owner Call ev~tDQa, 552 3217 S.. o!i.r NUST SiLL -li&l C hevrolet Cal•lloA Wake oU.r 2 lo c.._ from C a ll tolllr- number I 800 SJ2.J972 ult lor Peo.oyM ver Ad watc-b W2715 19'79 CAPRI G Hl.A Loaded SJ 900/beltl of le r Call toWr" nuraber 1 800 S32 3972 ult lor Penny•a ver Adwatc b M9382 -------CHRYSLER 1971 C HRYSLER N.w Yo rker SSOO 496-8348 DATSUN 1980 210SL DATSUN l:m•11ld qr-o low aaol .. qe eac-ellent COD d alton new tare• SO,OOO mal• warreoty SS 5()0( be.! otter Call toUiree number I 800 S32 3972 ask lor Penny Mver Ad watch N007J 1979 DATSUN 280ZX Blu. .Uve r loaded au ma91 Supet t"oDdat\00 30.000 mal.. 19 000 661 294 1 968 4449 FIAT 1978 flAT SPYDER 124 Converrtbl• Dark brown tan topnten or Beauloful condataon Oae owner \4 M Call tolltr" n .. mber 1-800 S32 3972 41k lor Penny Mver Adwatch M232S FORD IQ68 M UST ANG F' utb•cll J02c~ S I 200 or best ofte r Call toiUr" num ber I 800 53l 3972 u ll lor Peru~y MVet Ad watcb M1601 HONDA 1919 HONDA ACCOIU> Au A.NIFN. very ciM.II ss. 200 6~ 3S45 I W19 HO NDA Accord LX Ha.tc"'-elt AWIN llereo au, 900d coDd.a taoo SS,:JOOr"b.-oft.. Call tou.tr-av.aber 1 D).W lt'n, Mit ~r Peoo)'M•er Adw•tch N23&l JAGUAR l!Mi8JAGUAR coun ""'~ .. lruaa.._ &.oe&&-l cooditioa .... olet. C.Ut?"-1725 ,..__ __ - t•l MJW:IDCI...O Tud~o o.-.1. I.JJie .... low .U..C... ._..... $33,!JOO 112· JM7 . ltl3 WlaCIDIS 220SI.AU,_._..., thH, tr•aaa'-eloa, br•ba A bM11ty. W• .. u A.kmq $4,100. '-· me<~W.te thro\lQ~Ilt ~115 1878 WDCIDIS a-•. Good ooaclitioo. Cle&o, Wklaella titw.. SlO,!OO Cell toW.-~aaa.ber I -800· 532..J972, uk llo• PeiUiyMver Adw•tch wsoee. 1975 WUCIDIS 8DCZ 4SOSL 71.000 .U.., meta.lhe p&llll S 19.000 493-6241 196!5 WDCIDIS 230 SL l lliOS*IIl O...C. 4·.-d . ..Jver $12,!100. Rot. 497-&t90. --3983 N!RCID!S 1967 A\llomabc, au, po-. --.:h&D.k:&l)y aoel~t. IMiltt.fw, ~ for SJ,g()() no...t829 MG 1m WGB l.uJuted Lb· liOn. Blaclt. fully load· ed. 24.000 m.iJ,a. CAD Pat weelldaya, !Jei.-!070. OLDUIOIII.E 1H1 OLDSWOIIU Cllt1UI lro•91l&16. 13' 000 .u.. klecled . $8,800. Au, •u.,aMic, all power C.U klollf... ouabet 1-IQO..SJ2.Jen, ... lor , __ ,.._ Ad- wat~Wlel&. 1878 Pm.JGIOT Sect.... Suarool, •u. low aWNCJ8, ~., s..r.o. 8Duad ~ $4,498 c.u klol)f,.. ollaber 1-IQ0..532-3812, uk for haoyaa-..r M- wetcllwao7. TOYOTA 1978 TOYOf A Cebca L.aJtbeck GT S-•peed. au ANIFN 8-traclt caaette. au.nroof L · c etlent cond ataon S4.900/beet o ffer 586-6444 1972 TOYOTA Coroll• W•qon Low maleeqe •ar r.clt Iter-cal· .. ue new c-uburetor enqane overh•u.l rad· aalt S2 200 C.tl toWree numbar 1-800-532-3972 ••" lor PeonV1'4v•r Ad watch ..u674 1979 TOYOTA Supra - Immaculate 20.000 "'!.Me sacrahce N Ull s elll S7 500 o ff e r 586 5588 TJUUMPH 1980 TRIUIIlPH Spathre Lut vear made 19 000 mtlM br4 boot ron n••u c-ovf'r SS 850 Call tollhH' number I 800 "132 .3972 ult for Pennv '<av•r Ad w•tch N2603 VO LKSWAGEn 1966 KARWANN GHlA Hard 11m• Ioree• me •o ,.11 at onlv 12.700 Rf'<tdy lot ~ummer fun C•lt Chm 64 1 8278 DIRECI'OilY OP ACCOONIIMG BOOllllPIHG TAXES -qu&MriJ. - small or lla.ftlD9 b\aaa. o-a.od uadmdull welc:oae ~ ..,. IJlQe, reuoD&ble rU. and prot-oa.Uy co-. petect .. ~ laroU p ract.ICe betore IJlS SS2.8:)g4 UTJIL.EI:R ~ AOC'TQ/IWIPIIMA IEII'ICZI '~na.ncaal tt.atea-aa. paytoU quarterly IA.a returo1, cull ......,.. meal, lttu.ti.D-........ &nd pr-ocedu•. .-d pe~u.l \OCOee t.uea MS-all ADDI110IIS • IIJIODIIao GIRWlC~ a SOW 8U1LDUS ... ,.., Acld.dioU. I 0 b ... O.On ......... hlo COYerl 11\ua. rt. • "-r•• Ml-l.llO Lac 3lC*a. .... • I .. I I hJ. April .. 1-The ... pon Eaagn ..... UI.LY .. 8UUTY ..a&.llll.tMa .• a.... .......... .. t.-su ..... ,.....t ................ ... ..... 110111tt14. 1&2. .... ~. t:J..II.IG-71G. COMrUTiaUIDI KM:* MI*PDIG taa. $71~--.LPeYIOD. 'A. C. (7L4) Gl-21::10. CAMMII CAIP"T WH'HIMQ WOODS CUSTOM ......__..,...._ ... : for all _pow pUll· ......... Sped.tllaiDo .. ~ a.udlao. t '\' ,-... ~-.... , ..... ........ cell T-.y, (714) 13S- 1113. (714> m.am. C1 WW'fiiW • ., a You oW ctH ..... biDe .. wida 4 coMe of J.c. ............. .... ,. CAJUIEr DtEiWG DY1 !OUI CABPft: eo.-............. Colon ..r.•rw~•••••· ll'aarul . Clleloa Oren. (714) '180-7170. CARPBT DCITAU.ATION BILL'S CAI.PIT SDV- ICK. t..ltlletioa Ud ,....u.. Qv.alitJ work, at lair fa~· c.u lil1 .. m . .......,.... CAI.PIT INSTALLD avail.tble. J.pain. 11 ,....~.Call lba.e, 548-t:Ze. CAll WASBIRG woao.l SDVICI at you ~ or ofbce. eo.-.. bad~ aDd lat.rior ..... ili"9. "TradlticmaJ o.t&iler." ~!.Gun: 8 e.a .-11 •·•· lacM.Dv• 11 •·•· · 11 p .•. 67J..22A4 . OOM:II'T£ PAnOS • DIIVIWAYS w~ patio coven, aD 1ype1 No JOb too b.l,/..all. No. 2il235. Atk lor Jla, 54&-7102. CONCUTI AND WA- SONilT Pahoa, cleck., buc k tAlly. d.m.w&y~ with uphaJt .-.!, pla~Uen. fu.. riqa, block wallt. rr .. .......... Draa,~ 7440. (Lac. 383422) CONCUTI WOR~. Pahoe, duvewaya, bJoc:JrwNle, rooa tddJ. tlou, lou.Dct.bou, MW eWtlD9 . Lac. 2547:14. P .. J. 77S-3283, 77S- 137l. CLEAIUJtG svc IIIIG-ILIICDS Pa:f 'oully clMned. leeideatlai/Commer· cial. IU-tlll DOORS HOllMAN Tim DOOR· WAH -Prof-ioDaliA· etallallon. !otr1nce, fnAch, oak, doou aveilable. 857-1191. DRYWALL DRYWALL H&avtnv. tapinq a.nd crMUve hand texture•. ID.awed. Reliable 0. peud&bt.. Call Jeff 131-5913. BARNES DRYWALL - ~.tape, ICOWihC ce11inQ and w.U lell· lwee. Lie:. 415197 551~ DRYWALL TAPING All teature1 aod aco~. Room eddt- bou a.nd ra.m da.m19e r,.. Mllmll•. ltevm, 67$-9088 . PLASTERING, aco\llbc: ~iliAQ. We do II all Rel.ia.ble. lrM Mtllul• Clayton. 960-1215 ELECTRICIAN RISIDDITIA.L I CON - WIRClAL -llectnc our ~p~eially Clean, qutck, dependable. We do any lise job Peler S Rodoen, Property lmprov•· meol, 631-2345. UCINSID EL.ECTRl· ClAN -O.peada.ble, qv.Ality work Re.uoa· able rat• FrM MU· m.aiM C.U Tom, 631- 5072. ELECTRICAL PBOILDIS? CaJJ HC1 Service Com pa.ny. We do rl&ldeo- b61, co-erctal. IJI du.ttnal WU'UlQ No job" too email. 24-bour Mrv· ~ee ilo• (714) 631·59119, we 415233 * CUI EI.ECTIUC * • llllldeohal • Com&ercaa.l • luthatrial Qua.l.tty 11 reuona.ble pncee Llceo.-i JllAiter electnc••• No 417874 S$4-1W FLOORING IRVINE FLOORS: n. lull •rv•c• carpet store FaaturUIQ wood. 'llDyl, ce ram1c Low pnc.. Hent~Qe Plau (upctAm) (714) 551 3089. Locally owned --- FUJlMITURE REPAIR• RESTORE R1UID STRIPPING . repaUlDQ Anhquea rattan, n-hnruture Ch&ar caD.IJIQ, rWihlllQ SPECIAL -IDY CMJr 1oy color . b1 nd llnpJ*i or reQiued Sl9 75 A Touc b oJ Ct.. lntenora. 711 W 17th St , A 2, Cotta w .... &t2-n12 STRIPPING AND R£ f'INISHING -No d tp pUIQ Htod rub olflce aod patio furnslure, p11nted lo looll hlte new Generation• of upen ence 153-1700 aAJlDEIOIIG GUDICDIE a.... • ........ c •• cJ.uvpe &.'9• -d ...U. T.-t~ ••4 ,....... ,, .. ll!lb... W toes Ot ... 1571. GARDENIMG RJ 6 S Gard.o1D9 S.r-va~ General clM.D·Up, matOIIDallCI , ldQe, weedloQ, ferllliiiDQ. CaU lob. (714) SD-1021 ruu NAJNTENANCI and clM.D·up. Spec:ialb· IA9 111 commercial a.od llhoppiAQ cenlen. C.U T011y, 646-ns&. SPRING IS KIJU: G.t your laodac1p1 10 llhape We oUer •nne .. COVeriAQ aU U.... of lancbc:ape need..a Har· bor Ar.. ~p~etalaU . rr .. eetlDiat• Newport S..Ch Lawn S.rvace, 675-3730 GLASS WOODIJUDOE GLASS IIIJIJK)R • sau:EK R.-klotW, commerc1al qt.. for all purpoert. Ollahly work. Reuoo· able rat•. 857-0n1. MIRJtO ftS• NlRRORSI MIRRORS• Wardrobe uurror doon, wall• ol muror Buck'a Glasa, (714) SJ0-72i2 +li52r;o;;TS • RemodellnQ • Fua-11 ServiCe • Carpentry, phtmbillQ electucal, luuaJted carpentry, doore, mold.iftQI, cabme .. , llhelvUIQ Fauc:eb lo lllfiQAt door epnnq. 1UI, elliciCDI euvice. we 835~· 151 RANDYIIAN PAINnNG, PLUMB- ING, electncaJ and gea· eral repau. Work ou.ar· a.nleed. FrM eetUaalel. Bob, (714) 835-2elB. HAUUNG. MOVING GEORG..S local haw- UIQ, $20 .,., bour, lruclt a.nd dnver Call 542- 0456 PltOFESSIO NA L SDV- ICE -Haulino. mov· UIQ, lr" lnmiDIJIQ, yud claaolnQ Ullhe.table eetuaat .. 673-0548 HOUSICLIANING. eo.~ t-.c~Ma­lAo, apa.rbMnte, lloaee, coodo1. lt11eooable r..... Refereocee. C.U after 4 p.m., 962·2531, Debor&h. HOUSESITTING N11D A HOUSISIT· TEll? Two uper-.-d a.nd 'NJ'Y ,.bable usc )wUoO. GNat releJ· euc... CaJJ loUtr .. ou.mher 1-800-532·3972, uk lor PeADysaver Ad· watc!t M2455. IHTERIORI UYERIOR DESIGN WOVIDI? DOROTHY NAPJtiK INTIJUORS ca.n ~you ~_!_U~ t091lber. CONPLETI DECOR! (11 .,..n w1th W&J Slo&ne.) 54&-9798. .. _.qe 642-1691. IA.NDSCAPmG YAIID R.EJUVEMATION Cleanup • TrM Tria· miAQ • WWA Jl.aoyaiJoa • R.l1ftdac:apu19 • Serf. IAQ Ha.rbor Area JU.De yean. sa. .. tJc:.oeed. lA· 111red. Freeeltiaat.-. CALL lOB ........ GllEDf sc:t:RE wwn, trees, lhnal-. la- ltallabon, rotol.llluag, ln.aiD.inQ and r-oval Fr .. .tuBal•. After 4 p.m., 646-1578 or 548- 6065. VIC'S LANDSCAPE DeiiQDal loatlllat 100. Low priCM, lucJb ql1&ll· ty. Clea.n-upa, repaua Refer111c11. (114) 857- 1509. SIERilA LAliDICAPE We remove old vr .. tod tutall DIW luttDt eocl &.wn. We uve Bluevrau, Bermuda t.nd D~COAdra sod. Low puc•• SS!-009 L•ceoaed PADrTllfG: bteraor/ lat.nor. Lo..,... rei•, prollq)t, ...,_ ""~· In ..,_ lor 10 ,.an. ''" ........ (714) 848- 5684, (714) tD6-7149. SPICTRUW PAINTIRS -Cllaloa lnterlon IAcl eltlenon. G\UU'IAiee 2 ,...,... W.rti~CM, ,,.. ..W..IM. Call (714) Sl64 4828. '-" -· 119•· CVStOII PADn'lltO froa $589 lateriot 1· Story Ho-. Low Prico lc>J· Interior aDd N- Coutnactioa. w-- tioa&l P.uttiav Co. r,.. ........ Call551-1631. COAT 0' MANY COL- CIS p&iaiiq -fAte.. ilul~. ecowsDcal cellia9a-Servulg lr'llD. aDil anoad.aag ueu. CaD 540-0240 (Lie. 1!11400) llA Y'S DISCOUNT PAIH1'1MG: lntenorl•- tetlor. laperiellced, ,_abt., , ... eed· ••tea. • •••••• Q4t •• ~.(71.)547-3132. PACinC PAUITlNG co. -Ia..norJ ..... lor. hceptiooal q..&itJ &Dd .....SC.. R .. sre.hle prk:el. $-.,.., QUJ"U· .... uoe1.l.lt ,...,. me.. f or wperiof ••· ~. call 6'1S-0486 evfAioga. SPRIMG PAlN'I'DIG SPICIAL: latenor!-- tericu at wuat.r raleL Oul1ty work aad ....,. aaJ p&~aate.ci ,,.. ..0.. .... fred. 531- 3471. PAlin PLAITERDIG ~ PllASIS cd PLAS- TDDIG: Ra-ehaooo, tlatlariq, Lntoerior/q • tador petdwoa. Boom additioaa ud e.-. IM»aea. ,,.. ...uu.. Uc. 388781. Jolln, N0-3'111. HOUSE CLEANING BRYANTS LANDSCAP- ING -Compl ... lrM M rn<:e. laWD CIDOV&· hOD 111d UIIQI IJOD Bnc:k, ltoue, block, coocrete, patiO, dn,.. ways. GtMra.oteed, U· c•D.Md. um~red. 535- 09_1_4_ -----~ PLUlGING IIPAIBS Nobody beet. ay price aad d.raau dee.recl. ......... .,.., a.p&ac. uau. ...... SWEDISH CLIANING MASOIOlY •Coaaerclal baten, d.npoaale. Service -Complete • lnd\llllrl.al lruoa.W. ,...,_ Free boullcliiDIOQiapart MASONRY 00'1 SPJ. lapen eaced paloter M'1 etc . ..._,,, (714) meat rmpl ... and wm· ClALn _ TO. _ eo.-To1m9. • t7).Q23I. do-. L cellenl work by crete _ a&oc:k aDil lll-IJ p·.;.,A,:;,.YI::::;;;,:,_=-DIJ=-=-"'-\111~-ud- proiiUlonaJ.a We do K..Jt. PADfTDfG -lA· Pluablll9 Senico. what otben p romlM -Irick. ()~lack, dea, tllrior/atenot, ~-0..... drarrcl. Call lor thal'a why .. ·re the ~t.. hter S. U.al ud co_.rc1al. "-..U..te l·Milr betlt R1110uable ratn. Rod9eo. Propeny la· r,.. ntiaal•. CaD Jti, ..me.. All phuabin9 7J0.0268 prove1neol, 631-2345. 7'15-4071. rep•in. Guaruteed ll£LIAII.E WOIIt. e5'7·1f101. HOUS.ECLE.MIItO PADnDIG DllAIIfS CLOUD: lapeueocecl . O.peo· • r-$1.!0. 24-llovr, ct.ble Call Suu, (714) i-~---~.;;;;;;;;;..~--------,-... ,..,, eepa1n, O.t :-:~31 SPUfD TKI STE.VE.NS PAINTING Wck.(1l.)S3l·ll4t. ~~c=~: isnowofferinl to,:;.~~~ c.n specials on exteriors -40FUI free Itemized estimates WaU-waaluaq, carpet ..... pool•• <~a•u.• many local references ldterda, uaapoo) Sp•rlilha9 dOWC:IM neat~ work WlDilow cleul-.q. pelc$ p&.uterlag ud pe.uatiaq. AU p.._ of~ cl-··-.. 131-SUt DIAJII'I IJOUIUIIP. .a no.-... . ..,_..!._ _ __......-..;.-._,;; ___ __........;......,.._1 --..~.~.~ ld, r •kb. IN-'*•" .. 1,.,., ILuaaDfG -~­cW. ~ Ia cos.-teplpe aDd ..... P•in. L&ceoae No. 310817. Call for tr .. ..u..uee. 142-ll!M . DMINS CLIARID - reoa S4.SO r... Mti· .. .... All won 9~" aaiNcl. Reuoaable prlcee. No -~ c:..U Uu9e. Orela ......_n, (714) 131-0853. WACI PLUMBING a HIATDIG CO. llepe.lr ..-rice, ..... .... ...... c~ aad .....t· cMa!Ml. New work ud ~. eatin repq,.. Ucneed. 858<9005. ROOFIRG AD eype., -· oW, repatn, ct.cb, wa.ter- proo&.,. CaD lob: 54I-G7It lJc. No. .aecm RAY'S llOOfDfQ 00. Ser-riD9 aD of Or...,. CoWity. AD type~. r.- ~-. IUI&NCl. IJc. 311042. All wor. Qllll· ........ 8318. IIUUIIIOOf'llfO All...,..._..._,__,..r, ct.:.b. Lie. 411102. ...... llOOM ADOIDONS -bdMa.~ ........... b&ra. JNIIil». w-...,. al«:trlul. Pet•r S. ltod9en. Propertr J.a. pro•....,, t31-.3345 ROOW ADDJTIONS, RDIODIUJIG. ''" ........ 10,..... It Or...,. Co1laq. Lie. ~ Sllloo CoMtnc· "-· (714)--ll07. DCU'I'I•AI. SIYUGBTS srrLJGBTS SAVE ENERGY AlJ 1fOrk QUUIAe..d. Ooe-ciAJ ltet.Uauon. • ..... c-.nacuo. (714) .,.,.,., SPRIND.ERS IPiliRnD SYITIMS Reoa1.r • Coovenlou V a)..,.. • Control. Commerc...Va..adenbal N&utl.-..c:e .,. .. CD.AMK: 1U.E rloon -CoWiter Tope -~n. laper1 lA· ....U.SboD. Guuue..d wotk, t... Mtiaat ... 545-5208. SHOWD TUB PllOB- LIWS? We eolve. OuJJ· ty cuaak: We lJIIta.l.la. ljoa. Lk:eoeed. ,,.. ..u...... (714) 821· ~ houn (714) TU.I INSTALLATION. Jor all kmda of wo.t. ,_,redoe. ''" ..... ...... (Je7687) Call Wuk.(714)~ TU.EWOU /u.y way you ..... It W elJ, tlaoell Clt.ulae, ~DI8 No 364618 TOPSOIL TOP SOU. 10 ,.... 1410. "-ter aill ••..u.ble· Trector WOil Gr41dia9 ud ..... aoYal. rr.. d.bMry )oc&lty. 557-1511 DA 'liD'S TUI SD· VICI: lapotloat~, triaal.a9. topp.!:3, ........ ....... . ~. lldck w.Jl ud _.... -... ,,. •· UaMee ~la· ..,.. a. -.... 541· 1711. TREES T o pped/reaoved C'-ail-ap, l.eWil NDOYI· tioD. 1!51-3478. TV REPAIR IXPIRT TILIVISJON SIBVICI: 15 ,.._.. •· peneace. Day/DJqJlV •nU.de. Low re•. IA·Iaoae eehaal .. , S6.1a!S. c.u Haney, S1161-1764. UPHOtsTERY 25~ OTF ALL DE· SJGNU FABRICS, u - tiquee to mod.en.J frM pJCkup u.cl debWYY. AU work vuuue..d. So11.1· MAlnlerion, 957-0128 IIIUPHOLSTIRY DRAPIJUIS -C11.1tom Work. Up to ~ off aatariale. rr.. • •. tlallM. Sooth Pow• Upholatery, Laguna Hille. 768-9009. VIDEO WALLPAPERiftG CUSTOM WALLPA· PDING a.nd p&~~~liD9 • 10 .,..,. ·~ R.fer~GCM Gu.araateed work. C:.U John. 730- 2053 w AU. pAPEIUR() Uc:.ued. upenHC«l Proleta1ooal q~1lity work 30~ cL.colllll oa wall ~VIrlDQI. FrM eahmatea Da•e. W-B11. WALLPMER I PAINT: CIM.o, e11.,.rt work. Low rate. Fr.. llti· maiM. lten'a O.Coral· ln9· (714) 778-5416. WEDDIItG OOMSOI.TAnOM/ SERVICES WEDDDIG IIUSIC V enaW. mll.lk 6or ..U ~ C.remo.u., re- ception•, baaquela Duoe/lriol. W.aber, A.roLW. WeddlDQ aDd Coovaboll ~ of So. Cahf .• 558-7333 ORANGI COAST We a.. .. you wttla • brlo .. tor Oll llook AYVeqa lloll8l $30 free e ellmalel 830-flll. WROUGHT IBOW THE IRORIIAII •WIIMtowG~ .,.__.a. ... •We~~~-,..1 .. ..... Toua....arw .... ~ ... Of· -IM l10t1 AI wodl ..., ........ 1-satlll. t '11-. .._ {~1UJ WA1 1Z415 .. - ., ..•.. .. •. (SI~l-­WII'ZID The Newp«t EDSign WedMedoy. Aptll 21. 1-Pove 23 SPORTS CARS '11 ...... -Whltl.(. WAI ~ 6old.1~1YII) WAI 14415 'll .111.1.11 (165YAT) WAS 115,995 .. '1 .. sa 'liTIII.I 111 ~-(418KNT) WAS '4115 .• ,. UIIIT {~1ZKE) WAI '5115 '81 BUICK CENTURY 111lY IS71 WAS $8995 $7995 '78 TRIUMPH TR 1 COUPE (854 VOJ) KASSUIROOf WAS $5915 $559 • • Buy <or lease> any new 1982 Dodge van and we· 11 throw In the van co.nversion - at no additional charge. • • Low Payments due to extended terms • Easy credit . CONVERSION PKG: • console • custom wheels • snack tray • 2 speakers • rear tire mount • full carpet and and cover panelling • light package • morel Many conversions Now In stock: Immediate Delivery .,. .. DI ........ ----· _-"f_CM_.-..... -.... , ...