HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-19 - Newport Harbor Ensign, c:::c ..... c:::co (II 0 Cl \0 ...... o ..... o cr erN 0('11000 (II • Ql N C:::CO' (') Ql '1 >,_.til Cf=' o n -.ot~~:J" N -a-z a-0' ...... ~ lrvlneCoe Names An Arbitrator But Committee Wants Guidelines See Poqe 3 Guess Where Water Bills Are Going It's Same Direction As The Sewer Fees s .. £/. AVIsltFrom Gore VIdal 'NoGocxi Deed ShaD Go Unpunished' ENSIGN THI NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUWBIR 41 {714) 673-0550 • SERVING All OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY. MAY 19, 1982 • 25 CENTS The Agony And 1be Ec:stacy made it; at cent.,, right, Colleen DeWald thinks she ha5 been rejected-but she eventually was chosen-and rf Jodie Parish, f019ground, extreme nght, i• crying-she needn't have; she was chosen. Selection process includes screenrng by United Sptrit Association Judges. vores by St\ldents and recommendations from teachers. The pep squad includes varstty cheer. song cheer, flag cheer and junior varsity cheer The big, drama-packed moment was the announcement of the membets of Corona def Mar Htgh School's pep squad for next semester Expressions teU a story-but not rnfallibly. From left: Susan Nathan. wrth fist 1n air. was named; Behind her, smiling Denise Cesaro wasn't, excited Marci Thomas. center foreground. S1aH pnoro bv Sieve Ca"''"'' Irvine Co. Pl•hes Arbitration Committee Of 4000 Wants Guide6nes The battle belwMn the lrvUle Co. and the ColmmiiiM of 4000 repr ... aiUlg l .... holders on company land took another turn thia week-but appeared to be no cloeer to a point of meuur.ble prOQress. The compa.oy announced that rebred Or&nQe County Supenor Court JudCjJe H. Warren ICn1ght, 52, wao reaid• Ul Lavuna Be.ch, bad been retained as a formal arb1trator for cb.putes over leuehold lot apprauals He operat• a tudictal arbitra- hon Mrvtce. Further, RichArd G. S1m, Jr. ville's vice pr .. tdent whose depar1ment admm&Jten aome 3, '100 rea1deotall leases. N td the company 11 offerlllg mformal ar· bttrahon as a method of movinq some dtsputes out of deadlock He also aatd 11 has had "remarkable" success wtth tUI "12 percent fmanClllQ prO<Jram" More than 60 leaseholden are parhcipahng m arranqements, he Mid, under which they may purcha.se the1r leasebolda with a 12 percent Ultereal rate lor Mven yean amorhzed at • 30- year rate Tbts would lHve a aubstanhal balance due, but qenerally refmanc mq ar- rangement. are made, rl wu noted. The formal arb1trahon 11 a leejJal proceec:Lnq under wh1ch each party to a leal8 relams an arbttrator. The two-to tb1s cue, perh.apa JudQe K.mght and a leaseholder's arbtlralor then select a thad, w1th aU co~ls shared by the lessee and lesso r lAnd-value d.tfferences then are settled by ma)onty vote Barbara Young, pres1dent of the Commttlee opt 4000, a group taltinQ the comp4ny to court with accuaahons 11 ha.s demanded uorb1tant lllCreases to t .... hold p4yment1, satd. "They're alurtlllQ the mato tSSue "The lHMholdeu need clanhcahon and 1ntlruc1tons to the appratsers befo re we cdn begm a rb1trahon (Continued on paqe 3) W ter,Sewer~ Getlaflatlon 81 MJDlon DoD Muset••lt Offe1ecl Corona del Mar by Burt Sima An olfer to tranaJorm the va· cant Corona del Mar Elementary School mto a renowned anhque· doll museum w1th a collection valued ''tn excess of a muhon dollars" htqhllf,Jhted proposa~ and auqqestions made Monday ntqht to a cthzens advtaory com- mtttee The panel, appotnted by the Newport-Mesa Umfted School Dtstnct to recommend qutdehnes for d11posal of the school plant, emphastzed tt can- not make specutc proposals But the etqht members present tn the school audttonum had numerous queshons reqardmq thtSOne "Dolls are not tust toys or playthmqs," wxi Job.n Hawluns, who propoMd tranaiernng the Bul&h Hawkma Antique Doll Mu18um lrom S&nta Nome&. Ed Worley, a Hawkms uslStant, saJd, "They rank among the se· cond o r thud h1qhest collec- llbles 1n the world " Hawluns suqqeslcitd the colla~ hon of 3,600 doU.-each "valued anywhere (rom S20.000 down to a dollar"-be a qui to the com· mun1ty prov1ded he could sublet part of the fac1l1ty to mee• h1s overhead and provtde a reasonable peraonal mcome Paramount at the heanng was the deane by many apeakeri that as !title dtsruphon as poss1ble occur to the netqhborhood They expressed reslSiance to any plan whtch would bnno ex tenor otgbt l&qhtmg, nl(~htt1me trafhc or would curtail ava1labtl&ty of the playground It waa on thls basts that th~· Clhzens for Responstble u~ . I Ne1qhbobood Schools wa:, form ed Jut yea• to protest the $69.000 a nnual lease the school d1stnct had grante-d to the Untverstly ol Southern Calsfo r nta USC lmally worked out c ancellation ol tis lease. and 1s se4rbnq other Harbor Area lac 1ltlles tn wh1cb to estabhsh ..\ aatelltte campus lor 111 graduate {Conll.Dued on paQe 3) More Cloucla AtCry~~tal Cove Park Conlu11on conhnued to cloud the unmed1ale future of many Crystal Cove res1denta th11 weal as the at•te Coastal Commtulon and the lAQlllature &pJMNred to be on davergent courMs Comm&J.aton staffers hav• prepared rec:ommendahona for preMrvation of the cottaqes, but expr~ the beltet the commi.S· a!OD l.acb the authority to m terfere with the ttate Park and RecrMiklsa drepartment'a plan that all "part·tulle .. occupants be ev.ctecl by July of nell I JMr. W..t aontb the COIIliDll& on retueecl to apprO'N the drepart- ...a'eJ*bUc worb pl.u u_ahl at ~~t.Mooe....-wece to ... ...., U4 .ook ........ PN- ... , U... W.9 vecaat and t~u.a nlaef.we eo .... cw... u.d ............ ,_ n•atwc. e&atf Ia recom· ·-~-.. pu.a wlak~ ...... ..,. W.y 20, &a ... Senatorial candidate Gore VIdal exchanges views wtth Alexander Bowte (left) Newport Beach attorney durrng VIdal's vrSI' laSt week <, •'' .,, fOf The County Club, It ,s I A Sample Of PoHtical Gore i by Burt Sims and feel a cert.s&n oml HI w th The way Gore Vtdal wr 11er you l t was also :J -lreal hf'lp I.Jr l a!'ld cand1date fo r the (Ronald) Reagan dnd 1George) Democratic nnmm.stlon lor U S MurphY Senate puis 11 The n.sme re<:oqn111on omes I 'The polls !>h1..w thc!l !>eVeral lrom such novels a~ M'yru AepJb11cans McCloskey Brec:Jcenndge and Burr and I Goldwa ter Wdt.o n c an be.s• CreotJnn as well as the man\ Jerry Brown He s a pohllcal year~ ol lf'lev!Sa un exposurf' corpse He'lJ b. buned 1n Movmg ftDally I. a small I Ncvember But h w d I qet nd lectern V1da l d1d a 30 mmute of h1m b.ottween now dnd then ' rurn tha t was nt:-arlv d'-much Pohshed and w&IIY ar e>ase 1n Pnterlatnment as '' wa~ ~ol111cal a soph1shcated !lf'ttmg Vtdal'~ phllosopi"IV an ap~r oiujll 1n b1d lor the p11mary votps wh1ch c tdentaliY that hd~ brotlqht would an5wer h1s qJest1on some cr&IICISm 1\1 whar 'cca· brought h1m last wet-k r cJ :>IOnally appears 'c be a select 9a thennq 1n B10 Canv 'rt l1qhtwe1qht treatmPn cA <>ome Country Club f o r a <Juple >I (Conll.Dued on page 4) hours ht> r-hatlt>d w&lh member .. of the County Club cJ poltltcai ac hon comm1ttee I rmPd Jao;t yea r by D1ci O'Nedl former Democratic stale c ha11man ""d t'wner of the vast O'Neill Ranch ~~ M1sS1on Vtetc Counly Club mPmbPnhlp numbers both Republicans and Democrats, 1n O'Ne1 ll • cone-Apt ol an lnVIIalton•l. non parhs.aosh1p Qroup wh1ch wdl hear both -or more •ndes >I pohltcaJ IAUeS V1dal. 56, dectd~ only last March he sa1d to m•k• • Mnoua run lor the nonuoallon Kts famtly hAs had • member 10 Coovrea ''smce the beqtnnlnQ of the Aepubhc," he told thll newapaper, and even though he wu de*ted m a HouM r.ce 1n 1960 "1 recelv.d 20.000 more vol .. an my dt_.nct ia up5tate New York than John X.anedy drew ,. SUK:e t.be lauach ot bia c••· I*P a.. U. iaoftcl "1ro.. •ro to .co d place \D tM pOU..'" SpMkm9 Wllkut pca~ty, be W, •A.ayoH vDCI.r 40 Jiwaa ... ..... ,. .. We 00 ~. I ...... 70 perwal .... IKGp·· uo. a&M• .. . .,. ... , .... ....., 1&lle '"-•• tM9 ••ar'" ,_, \' - . • IN SHORT Stcml4tJ' Narcua Featured • Saaaa.y Warcu, c:baitliMA ... ritu ud ...,k.etJ.Dq couul- tut b )lei-an-Mucua, wtll be tM ..,.cial qu..a ..,.Uer Thur•· cMJ, Way 20, at the UDual •~-; of t.be Puhion la1Pd Me.claull' AMOClatlon . The bre&kfut aeuion will beqiD at 8 o'clock in the Pacihc Balboom, s.Jon C , of the Newport Be.ch N.uriott. Warcua, renowned u a retailer, world traveler, ut c:on.ctor and author, will cli.ecu.. retailin9 ud merchan· c:liaino .. ud the M6fch for quali- ty,producta. Burton Tokyo-Bound J..,.. T. Burton, of Newport BMch, hAS been named u vace- px.ident, ru East, and presi· dent of McDonnell DouQlu JaJ)4D Limited, ba.Md in Tokyo. The Burton family, which bas lived here aince 1964, will be movino next month, he saad, "with a stopover in Haw6li." The family includes Mra. Bur- ton, two boys-Marcua, 16, who attencb Corona del Mar Hi9b, and Clay, a atudent at Andenon Elementary, ADd Hilary, 20, a .opbomore at Gonuoa Uoiverai· ty. B\artoo b.u been with Douolu since 1955. Dolly'• Back Corona del Mar High'• pro- ductioo oJ "H.llo, Dolly" il being pr ... nted May 20, 21 and 22 at the Newport-Meso Diatrict Auditorium, 600 Irvine. The cut include• O.na McCallum u Dolly Gallaoher, Scott Nonow a.s Horace ·Vanderoelder, ~ Rooers u ,.. Cornelius Hackl, Suaan Appel u Irene Molloy, Larry O'Con· nor u Barnaby Tucker and Helen Lemmon u Minnie Fay. Student producer ia S.an Loftus. lnJormation: 760-3350. Honor For Gerken Mardan Center of Educahonal Therapy of Costa Neaa will honor Walter B. Gerken, chau- man of the board of Pacific Mutual LiJe Insurance Co. for service to the community and educahon on Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel, Newport Beach. . Dinner Committee Chairman General William Lyon, presi· deet o( tu WUham LJOQ Co . ud otur ... ben ~no, DUiil AWrich, ~ MariU .ko-on, Peter ltteeer, JUcurcl P\e•I()D m, Saperri8or n.o.M Riley ud Henry Seoen•troa will iaake the pr ... ntation an.d bronae ~ewpture award which was d4Mi9aed by Miriam Deane. The celebratlo12 will alto raark W.rdan'a 20th yM.r anniveraary. Graocl Opening Ia On Balbo& Coin Galleri .. , Ltd., a ahop apecialiaing in numiamalic Qold and .Over coina, inv .... ment coina and oold jewelry, ia bavino Ua orud openi.no now th1ouoh Saturday. It •• located at 4000 Birch Str .. t, Suite 118. Selected atatuary and wall hanotno• abo a.re available, accordino to manaoer Marian Pe&non. Evening High Reunion All former atudenta, 91aduates and current aludents of Newport· Meaa Evenino Hioh School ue anvited to a barbecue on May 20, at TeWinkle P.ark. The event will be held at the rear of tbe bueball diamond from • to 8:30 p .m. Tickets are $2.50 if bought in advance, and $3 at the barbecue. Evenino Hiqh School is cloa-. inO thi.a year. Ticketa, informa- tion: 556-3334. Fr.ndt PourQII Ray~ ~Gibbe ~ Rel*in c.m.ll ~~ NIDo Gomez Ame Mumly R&ymolad l..eFwN A11t11X»d MIIC Cllblnoft Mo.-.... Frri Ctw:bfilld Hlrllkt wnder DIMd F"- TaniT .... .--LMt ~··••r*** t:tenrY t11ndul /ltijtltJ t,···,. Don TWMdy Laurtndo »Mid~~ seu.._. Gordan LJsttllool Hugo Mol-.gro l.alrte Bower ~F-Oivt. Nftton.John Scu1d 80 ADwd er... 8rtln Mey PU DIMI PLOP,PLOP,PLOP - They JUSt keep plopping in the commercial and industrial developments, one by one. and telling us how well-designed each one is. They tell us how beautiful.· the buildings will be and how nice the folks are who are having them bUilt . . and how terrible 1t is that the "no· growthers" are trying to stop the plops. But that's not the point . We're not argui'!g that the plops aren't pretty, or that they w on't make money. We're arguing that they're being plopped in the wrong places. And we are NOT no-growthers. Let's get this thing down to the simple, basic issue: Our general plan says this is a residential community with enough commercial to support the residential. That is NOT what they're building. As the plops keep plopping into the wrong places. angry residents draw up successful voter referendums to stop the plops. Now. we are going to the polls in November over a big plop planned on the sea bluffs by the Beeco- Banning people. We are not mad at the Beeco~ Banning people. We are not arguing about the design of their building. We are saying we want Newpon Beach to be what our General Plan says it is supposed to be: a residential ci- ~· . Now the developers are talking about a new plop in the middle of Balboa. which wilt be mostly office building and will add to the 1raffic and congestion. We've got to make the choice in November-a residential town. C)( a town full of commercial and industrial plops. · T~ W•~ Newpc)n legia&ative Alliance. made up of .a~ti·plop residents, is havtng a Vtctory Party on Sunday, May 23 at Matiner*s library c•10 dOna· tion). Th~s will kick off the campaign and bring residential understanding to the crilil ahead. ' , • Newpori -..ch police ialn· ai.fiec:l their ... rca. ,..te~ tor a man believed 10 be bet .... 20 and 30 yean old KcuM al mol_.in9 two Coxona c:Ml Wir boys, one ab and one MVen yean of aoe. Neither of the younoatera wa.t physically injured, police aaid. Meanwhile, community in- volvement remained atrono, Mad O.t. Gary Traina, in charoe of the cue. He noted •• a lot of peo· ple callino in with mfonnAiion they had ... n aomeone r ... mbl. ino the auapect, but we don't uve anyt!uno concrete, auch .. a poaible idenHhcalion or name." Tbe auapect wu descnbed u a male Caucuian with lioht brown or blonde han, approx- imately six feet tall, alender build. He wore old blue jean• with a bole in one leQ, old blue joc;Jging-type ahoes, and a yellow T-shirt. He may have a small, blondish-red mustache. and has sliohtly yellow t .. th, police aaid. A third younoater, five yean old, who wu playino with the aix·yMr old, wu not m.ole.ted. The incident• occurred tues- day afternoon, Nay 11, at ap· proximately 2:30 to 3:30. One wu reportechin the 600 block of Carnation; ~· other in an alley at the rear of the 300 block on Poppy. Hourly Fee Buia PROFITS (Thousands) A Coroa. cW War fa.allJ hee leanMcl lut two c:ooalu were enctated by the lruiaa 90¥erD• IMDllutweek . Heih.Jut V.W.t, 59, ht. wit.. Xian, and f.uai)y were r.c::ently inlormec:llhal ~·,cousin, !ahraoh.eh Porohar, 55, and ber hubud, W.bmood Farohu, 62, were placec:l in front of a firlno aquad for repeatedly refuaino to renounce their Baha'i faith, Vahdat Mid. The Baha'is are the larq .. t reliqioua minority iD lran and 21 ,000 of them have already been ltillec:l there, Mid Vahdat. The Farohan h.d bean•im· pri8oud ainoe an lrania.n police ourt..on urea ted them and took them from their hoU.. lut Au9uat. Vahdat ~d he believ .. they had been tortured repeatedly until their uecution by the Islamic revolutionary JeCJiaM •. Deuohter Wof<leh Ntd ber family plana to aJtend .. rvicea for their couaioa, whach will be held in Boemnoor and MilliOn ~o. ~~ Vahdata, four c:haldren and an 83-year-old orand- mother, all Baha'ia, have lived in Corona del Mar for .. ven yHrl. They left Iran 26 years aoo, aaid Mojdeh. Kaan hu an uncle who is still imprisoned there. The Baha'• faith teachea the onen .. of manlund, the oneness of rellqion, the equality of men and women and the elimination oJ all fonu of prejudice. Baha'as believe th ... tHchinoa ue perceived u a thrMI by the clerov-dominated oovernment m Iran. -Robert Frank Comdl Backs Ploposltlon 9 By a 5-2 vote, with Pau.l Hum· mel and Don Stra~ cutino the neoauv .. , the City Couneil hu appr01'ed a re.olution aupport· ino Proposition 9 and urgino & "Y .. " vote on the Peripheral C&Da.lmeuure appe.vino on the June 8 ballot. Strauss aaid be wu votino aoainat the reeolution because, "I oppoM adviaino people bow to vote on IIUltten not under our purview. It hu nothino to do with my t .. llng about the canal." Hummel aaid he found the matter ''very controversial," and queationed the amount• of expenditur .. beino diacu.saed. Cotancibun Philip Maurer, apeakino in favor of the re.olu. lion, Mid, "We're in .. rious llouble i.f tb.t canal doem't qet ·approved." WARDROBB RBPINBMBNT-APPARBL ADJUSTMENTS JULIE FOSTER, TAILORESS By Appointme.nt, ·" In Your Home (714) 751·3069 Sl77,000 3/ID I ' (Gentlemen by P•r•onal Referenc, Only) ASSETS {Millions) 3/80 3/81 3/&l PROFITS increased yo.ur • The c aly of Newport Beach w1U JOin the alate's suat to block the federal oovernment's leasJnQ of offahor• oil tracts, at was dectded lbll WHk. At 1uue are some 90 square mil .. of federal tracta oU · Newport Beach and Hunhngton Beach, in the Catalma Channel. The c1y of Laouna Beach also is JOininq the state su11. lntenor Secretary James Watt plana to put the tracts up for bad June 11 . C1ty Attorney Mllce M1ller sa1d, "There as some consistency of anterests here between theca· ty and the stale. 1 expect the state will have all the arguments at needs, but we will add specilica regardmg Newport Beach." ·If the deciSIOn 1s made to enter the sual as an mtervenor, M1Uer saad, the c1ty would be able to provtde contmumg mpul aa wartranted dunno the traal. If at enters 11mply as a Fraend of the Court, the ctly wall lue an lDI.Iial bneJ cont&iDJDQ ita argumenta, and would not be an achve parhc1~nl thereaJter. be aaid. He mdacal.a the coals to par- hcipate on e1tber level would be maoimal, aovolvmg httle more than hhog 1 ... and staU hme. Newport Beach's c~ncerna are quate aunuar to those of the alate attorney general's arguments, sa ad Miller, and bm oe mAtnly on the env~nmewntalampacl and potential threata as well a.a "takano the caty'a posation mto coosJderahonn 10 makmg saucb decasaona," he added. Miller said that at'a hJ.S underatandinq a prelaminary an · JUDchon agAtnat the sale of the leases may be sought by the state on June 10, to be followed-reqardless of that decasaon-by a lull-scale achon CciMSchool Three pairs of civic representatives gather for an exchange of views on common problems. From left Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schaefer with Ken Fowler. chamber of commerce prestdent , 'Newport Beach Mayor Jackte Heather. with chamber pres•dent Carol South, and Irvine Mayor Dave Sills with chamber v1ce pres1dent Les Card Ne:lC t meeting of the full tri·clly group •s scheduled for lrv1ne tn four months, but "delegates" will meet sooner The Newport En••gn Wednesday May lt. 1M2 Page 3 Cluunbers, Three Mayorw TargetCODIDlon Ploble~ Au expltlfdlorv mt;el1ng bet ween the chambers of commerct- of Newport Beac h, Costa Me~d and lrvane, and the mayo rs. have brought a program for a umhed allac k on area problems Carol South, N~wport chamber pre11denl sa 1d , "W~ have so many common 10terests. 10 where we work and l1ve that the concept 1s truly exc1t1nq and prom1sang .. She saad the plan conce1ved at the JOIDI sessaon last Thursday evenang 41 the South Cua~t Plaza Hotel calls fo r each c hamber to appoml three "delegates" who wall meet penodacally walh those from the other chambers to exchange vaews on such paramount assues as lransporlahon and housang 10 thaa area They also wa.Jl communac ate bac k to lhe11 respechve chambers and appropnate com mallees "f;r tnput and to keep the daalogues gomq, ·• saad South Every lour moflths. a full -scale sess1on of the chambers' boclrct. and 1he mayors will ~on venf' to hear dnd di'>CUS~> the nme member deleqctllun's recommen- dahons or l1 ndangs "Whethvr 1t's HI oppos11ion to a proqram or 1n support," South obc;+>rved "the comb1ned 1mpac l ol our th rt>f' communahes shuuld hf' truly s1gnahcant " The mef>t angs wall not be restncted she s.t1d the gener•l membersh1p may allend Y Cla sses Begin Regast rahon as under way uotal Fraday, May 21 , for sevttral exercase cla.sses a t the Orange Coast YMCA. 2300 Unavttrs1ty Dr1ve Available are sess1ons of te~z zerCl!';e. adult fatness, swam mtng lessons (for youth and adults). youth sports programs. movement educallon and gymnastacs lnformallon 642 9990 (CootiDuecl from PAQe 1) buamess school. Others offered proposals to estabhsh a pravate school at the lacahty. Wally Zaglar, of C orona del Mar, said be bad been the founder of the eaght· and-a-half acre Brentwood School an the Beverly Huls area, and as 1n the process of prepanng a proposal to be submatted to the dastract board "wathin 10 days" PORT HILLS CENTER Thas would be for a pnvale day school. wath other butldmgs beang used for a ballet studao, or nutnhon mstrucllon or aerobacs, he scud. He also expressed an mterest an dascussmg such a pro)ecl wath a speaker who adentahed h1mself as Dan Matthews, from Lake Arrowhead Matthews saad he and has wale have been m · volved in publac school anstruc hon and ad· mm1strahon for 29 years, and were anterested an estabhshang a pnvate day school for grades one through sax "an two rooms. the farsl year, w1th ap proxamately 22 students." He saw I has expandmg to passably more than 200 students . .Caty Co uncalman Paul Hummel, a Corona del Mar re:ndent, took the microphone vanously to recall the h1story of the USC lease wh1ch had been negohaled wathoul consultallon wath the Cl ly; to poant out concerns fo r 1mpact on "thas light, fragale commumty", and to state he personally would be an favor of the caty talnng over the facality and sub-le.uang at. Asked by a panel member 1f he would c ham· paon such a cause before the Caty Counc1l Hum mel dechned, smahng. 'll hardly ever push lo r anythmg " Other speakers mcluded Jun Wood , J)res1denl of the Corona del Mar Chamber o f Commerce, wllh a personal offer to help establish "a recreahonal-cultural commumty c enter". Chr~s Guatm, of the caty plannang staff, who answered questions on uses and zonang, Davad D1ll who urged that tb_, panel recommend an on -goang rev1ew between the dastract and school neaghbors, and pubhc approval of any lease plan, and AI Learned, who operates a nearby musac studto ~ who urged formation of a neaghborhood commas saon to work watb the d1stncl The panel wall submal ats recommended quadeh.nes lo.tbe school board at 7 30 p m on May 25. Panel members chaared by Dennas McNull. Costa Mesa. were John f Dean, Henry Hasllngs Nrs Davad Hender, Machael Mlchalska and Terry Rhodes, all of Newport Beac h, and Robert J Hammond and Mary Hornbuc kle, also o f Costa Mesa. Cl•are Wesner. Corona del Mar. was "ab seni Irvine Co. (CODUJI\lecl hom page 1) "What are they to appraase? Thas 1s not a s1mple package; there are three secllons These are the pnce of the raw land, a key 1ssue, the value of on-sate and off-11le amprovements. and the value of the resadence atself " Before arbatrahon can began. Young satd, guadehnes agreeable to both sades must be estab llshed for the appralHrs Bwt Sims T -.. { " ..., ~· _..., ~ ! \ ~..:. .. -._J CORNER FORD ROA D AND SAN MIGUEL DRIVE ;. .. \...-... • -644-7597 ,..,...,..~ ~ .... \\'iQC ~QtrY • COOISIIII Btts .. 12-oz .. 6-pock Reg. $2.59 $1.99 Light Cons. 12-oz 6-pock Reg. 52.67 $2.09 ANDitl CNAMPAeNI 7&:> m Extra Dry, Ank. Co6d Duck Reg. S3.09 $1. M MOO WNRIITA. CMAIIPAeNI Extra Dry. 7&:> m Reg.$20.69 $U.H .. , ......... ·lo\A~··~ ...oo...-. ~I "()SS''lA I~ '0 ....... 01 .u.l ;,c:A I~ 4~ I. ION'""" "'~fli '!>Q <'C COASI 'l~ \A• -.G ,.,0 • l~lS '>44 0'"' fi!<NGf lf'N(f" '""'' ..of IS 6 ...OliC:,.. ,.._. • ' Dll \(~}1; ..,..... ~ oN(" \~ &~; JC:/HIO l MC "'-" "-"' N Y •wtst.,.~ rw• 1 -..o • •• .. IOU'()~~' 'v ...,.__ ~""-~.''<II .. ~"'<l loAVH .U PAia(fi.'H I " ~ ""~ ~s -n '"" ·oo. CI-t>. a SC-AIU 0' ...C '4 J' <#AQt ~ • tA,..I1" 'liAOIIIONA. fWI 111'; ')o ' •• H()Oo')ll -.r ,.,..., ....... ~ "-""' "44 • ........ .,f ~ .~ ...... "'t'lCI'IriO'l Ql<.. .... """' • ~ ....... , .. , "'"' 051411 " ~· =~'"· .._.~ .A A I' •IT• ~A'- SATURDAY AY22 ._. .A .. '<I (" ... "0> 1/2 OFF SELlCTED LAMPS & ACCESSORIES 2 FOR.l PAINT & SUPPLIE 640--9193 GOOD THRU JUNE JO INTRODUCTORY OFFER (New Patrons c:>Ny) wtth c oupon (expires 7 \5-82) cut aow• CONOfllONE"R OQ CUl ~MPOO·Sfl $1~00 (reg $2~26) $20NIM WAVI hO,S.O Men's Haircuts S8 ~~ Cut and C-ordtu. ... . . W(tA •H. ... ~-. "\&6 "8 760-8035 Traditional Jewelers S VINGS 20·50% ENTIRE STOCK W1THANV GROOMNG L _ TH€ J:W ~RINGE~ BENE~ IT Of Nf'M'QQT MACH • FABRICS • NOTIONS • PATIERNS 644-5080 , • • ·. 4,8 ' Propositions 4 anA 8 on the June primary election ballot both reflect the strong anti·crime mood of Califor- niana. Proposition 4, if passed by a majority of statew1de voters, would lock touqher, more specific bail require- ments into the state constitution, forcing judges to set stiffer baU in some cases. Bail would automatically be denied in felony cases involvinq acts of violence where there is substanhal likelihood that release of the defendant would result m <JTMt bodily harm to others, and in cases where the accuaed has threatened another with great bodaly harm. l.eqislatora pushing for the adophon of Prop. 4 argue that the change is needed so that judges can consider the iuue of public safety when considering hall. Opponents of the proposition say it would bring "preventive detention" to California law and would allow a presumption of guilt before guilt is proven. This newspaper recommends a 'Yes' vote on Propos1· tion 4 to give judges the authority-and the direchon- to keep danqerous prisoners off the streets while they are awaiting tnal. Proposition 8 ~ the so·called Vtclim's Bill of R1ghts . It is a broadly·based measure that would force criminals to pay restituhon to victims, guarantee schoolchtldren a conshtutionaJ right to "saf.," campuses, loosen the rules of criminal evidence, allow the admission of court testimony about prior felony convachons, add mandatory prison 'terms based on prior convictjons, restrict plea bargaming and treat more teenage cnntinals as adults. Proponents say the measure is needed because the leg1slature ts too soft on criminals, and that Prop. 8 would balance the 10terests of v1ctims with those of criminals. Those opposmg the measure say it is a shotgun approach wh1ch covers too much ground and would probably be found unconstitutional, anyway. Although we agree that life must be made tougher for crintinals and better for their vichms, we do not believe · this 1S the proper vehacle to accomplish these ends. At- torneys and law enforcement off1cers say it is too unwieldy, complicated and costly to properly enforce . We recommend a 'No' vote on Proposihon 8. CONSUMER CORNER Dear CoMWDer Leaque: You probably don't remember me, but three weeks aoo I called you from the auport I told you that my mother was a member of your leaque, and that the aulane w.u trymq to "bump" us. Remember, I sa1d that we had been the ..cond party to a.rr1ve for our fbqbl, and that we had confirmed reservahons 60 days 1n advance And, further, 1f we chd not make tbaa fl1qht , we would mass our c rutM sh.Jp The fust hme the &.~rune approached us. they were very nace. They sa1d 1f we would t.Ue the nezt tl1qbt we could Oy tree We refused Twenty m1nutes later they M1d that they were tarry but we were bemo "bump· ed " You M!d that my mother and I should 90 back to the maan counter and demand our nqhta. to teU the aultne all the reuons why we had the nobt to be on the D1oht. You sa1d af necHMry d.mand 10 loudly that other pauenqera could bear us Remember, I sa1d, "I th1nk 1 can make a scene, but I doubt tf my mother WlU " WeU, Pat, you won't beheve at, but they put us on the Oaght And once we began demandmg our nghts loudly. all I he travelers standang around the counter began to help us. Pretty soon, there were so many people yelltng at the emJ>Ioyees that they put us on the fhqht. Mrs C Dear Mrs C I om so g/od you enJoyed the cruJse I taJ/ced to your mother the other day. She swd tho/ she hod so much fun hghtmg lor her consumer nghts tho/ she IS go· mg to volunteer one day o w~lc lor the league We con sure use her Pot Blow Consumer League e Th• Consumer lA•<Juf! 1$ • qroup ol m•n •nd women who h•v• b.ancMd toqether to beller hendle theu conaum•r complemll The leeQue uva at often comple1nt h•ndhnq woth qro up c lout. relerr•l ~rYICe reM•rc-h MtrvocM •nd • newslell•• There 11 • sm•ll •nnu•l IH lor • lem•lv membership The le•que 11 • Mrvtce qroup th•t wrv•• 1tt own There •re nu m•nd•tory mHhnqs or protect• Addu~ .. lnquut .. to 4642 W.Jnut l~v•ne. CA 92714. or tele-phone 551 3987 .. ----n-; ---·~ -· --· ..... • 'I~H~: f ~:\\'Jl()l{l ~ ENSIGN I . . . . . ' -•• • m1 I COMII Hwy • Co~ del Mu. CA ga&2S.-~ .~ l ~..-.,011W..t.way IIICIIAU> IIIOIIDI .... ,.. lllftiiAIJIAIQ) ~--··· eo.~, eo . .,.bMcbtr QeoeralM ''' j . . ... u.. ............. ••.... ~Dboedoot ...... •.• ••. • . ....• WA.IIoa1111 •"••II'' IO.,...U. CWiOftl&i J.TIICII • . . ........... ,,,.. ! .~. :=~~-~A~~~.'_'_'''··:···::~J4::";:: --.-...... .-------... . - . I i I I ................ ... ltll.-~ ·-...................... c..;;. ... ~ ... ~ _ ................................. ~ .... ~ .. 0...,.: .. c..... ... .., -......, ................ .. .,..._.._...., .. ....... ~ ................. ii&CIIr ....................... . .,...._ .... .., I' 1 ... .,_,_ •a.•---....... ~ ........ ......... . ........... ~· ........ ~c­................ ................... Ciooloe .... ... " .... .. ~..., ....... , ............. .___. a • "' ' c:-: ................ ~a.... .......... o... ....... c-......... • . . Letters TC>The Editor Against Prop. 9 To the EdJtor: Beware of Prop. 9. The hlQhlY controversial Prop. 9 (Penpheral Canal) will be the meet coatly RJP.OJT mMSUre to ever 90 before the California voten. Enerqy and total oper- aUnQ C0811 of the canal and facilitiea will being the price taq up to an .utoundinQ $61 billion and very little water, if any, to Southern Cahfornia, ·amply because THE '!fA TER WON'T BE NEEDED. Prop. 9 could be a cnUcal dra10 on the ta. revenue• of the futwe. The drivinq fore. behind Prop. 9 ia the qiant water agen· cy, tbe Metropolitan Water Oi.tnct Not only will they proht from the multi-biJ.lioJl dollar project, but w1ll have the state's authonty to lease and sell water to sill dillerent county water aqenc1e1 an Southern Callforn1a. The MWD toqether wath major developers and polahcaans (thts is elechon year) have squan- dered m11lions of your hard· earned tax doUars for thear adverhsmg purposes on TV and newspapers to publactze water· scare taches with the threat about the Colorado Raver c ut· offs and ampendmq drought. No. we are not loa1ng half our water to Anzona. The Penpheral Canal me.uure contama a lot mo re than JUSI a 43-uule unhned ditc h which will skirt the &lcramento Delta. tagbty-hve percent of the total ..... \ coat will qo for a vast array of dams, conv"eyance systems, reservons and toanng cost of enerqy pwnpang stahons. Iron· tcally, the traqedy of Prop. 9 IS that the water won't be needed It's li.Jte payinq perpetual ahmony and getting nothang tn return. Concerned Southern CaliJorniana should go to lhe polls an droves, June 8, and vote NO on Prop. 9. Ida Z Willaal"'" 7lai6 new.paper welcOIIJ .. your view.. Letten mu..l be aigD«/, am:/ IW pre/er to UN ~but initial. only wiJ.J be ~ upon requ..,. We ruerve tbe rig}Jt to conde.n.e. Here'• your cbarJce to .peak out. More Gore Vidal: 'Make The Tax Rate Fit' (CoDtinued from pa98 1) heavy topacs for example, he noted he was m08t skephcal of the fear cry. "The Ruuaans are coming, the Russtaos are commq. 11aey aren't comanq anywhere; at leaat, not an our direction." And he commented he thought defense apendmq w.u far too btgh bated on PeotaQOn arguments, "We need more au· craft earners-to name after ex- preaadents." In the mam, however. be cbote the rap1er over the axe, obtervang· "Here 1 am, m Paul Carpenter' couJllry. Paul Carpenter-the M1tterand of Oranqe County. I thouqbt we'd JUSt more or lea chat . I'm gethnq bored wath my reqular apeecb 1 always have a lot more antwers than there are t GORE VIDAL Slaff phuh• by Bctuv Stnbm would be a tupayera' refereo - dum on the budQet' " He complatned that the defenM budget stphona money from v1tal aectors of the economy auch aa the buaJd1ng trades. He want• Western Europe to foot the enhre btll for NATO-"They're much ncher than we are We pay S83 ballaon a year-one thud of the budQet. We helped them, with the W.rah..U Plan (after World War D) So now they hate WI "lt'1 Vadal'a law: 'No qood d..d CJ088 unpunlahed'." flle CJTOUp WU &nVlteG tO an qu•Uon.a How do h11 •lewa dif • fer from Brown'a? "For one thanQ, I talk about them. Tha a..y yet destroy m.." He t. l1l the race beceUM the pr-ut poltlN:el ..,.. ae "total- ly UAt .. poOJ.ive'. The lound1DQ f.th.ert .-peeled oH ~holden lo 90 lo WuhlllQion lD umiddl. lU.. They never enYi&loned 25· YMr old law atudente witlt hai1 dryere nann no erou.t lor of. bee •• .Jerry BrOWD lau Dever lted a job; be'e cloae oOIILlDCJ but fWl 6or otiace • • '' Heonas•teclaatt.i. .-....,. ..., 01 ....... , ••• aad tM "a.._, .......... ,. Uoe. I la•o,... tllat la 1•. 'Ire tN ... IDter~ Wodll a0¥8, .... .... ....a ... , Wet6iM, ~r.W. lo 1M .O¥nlllll lof tlM PalJttoa ol i&anry 18 tJ.e middle 1800s." He referred to the "Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Mr. Reagan , Mr. Wetnberger and Mr. Ha1g. Wemberoer auq gests we d1g trenches, and cover them w1th boards, dut and twaqs. He also says we must have seveo days' warnano for this to work. Can't you see our Qetlmq seven days' warn1ng? "This crazed tno becomes three Paul Reveres, wath thear beads just under the others on Mt. Rushmore." He would t.u church proper· hea, and the "great foundahont auch .u f ord and Rockefeller", bwld desa.hnahon plants mstead of the Penpheral Canal, and en· courage NASA to proceed With 1t1 declared capabahty of be1ng able to produce a vaable alter· nate energy source w1th1n 10 yeara. He believe• Reagan'• New Federaliam Ulustrate• ReQen "11 not alw•y• wrong. HJ. inahncta are correct there." But V1dal would qo farther. "There are too many atalea, and 11 looks hke they were all drawn With a ruler." He would prefer to ... reQio.oa QlVell more autonomy, and fteoionaltam become a political style. What doet he thank of RMQan'• IUQQeated amendment• for preyer an echool.a, a11d 1 balanced budCJet "I'm much more radical; l want to ... education in tbe echoob. "And a balenced budQel law? SuppoM you don't have U. Pr•ideAI aod Cooor ... oo eo jail-ud you elect a.oother one?" How doet tau reputahon u an .auua wto IQ])port from "the CIJUY wUh the luncilll bucket ln the ltreet"? "'TAe wi.De and ch ....... ~n w_. L,A. reeUy bate. me. I'm ptliDo eDdaawiNDtt from peo· p&e wltiO ~ I aa.pl, C1o DOt b---·1 .a...i. TladN 9••telvl for ~. I U.. DD ,.....,. to be.H Aad ~ doel he pi,aD oa beet~ Jeriy lrowa? JOORNAUST'S JOORNAL by Jim felton Do you ever consader that the tame bas come to retbmlt your old b1ases? Are polihcal. mtlitary, economJc and moral auuea cbanqmo so rapidly that yesterday's values evaporate m the heal of today's potenhal horrors? Has the npple effec t ol an Argenttne mtssale oulaplash· ed the tn c kle-down of a Laffer Curve? And when wtll decen I people outscream the gun lobby? Perhaps at'• m the imagma· hon, bul at doea appear that many thoughtful people are becoming increasingly concern ed about lhe ophons open to the world today, and one of the signs that thlS may be so was the response lo a 7:30 breakfast 1nvatahon to hear about qun control. "Th1s 1s the hrst trme we have ever had a 100 percent turnout to one of our communtty gather IDQS," Walter Gerken, chaarman of the board of Pacahc Mutual, saad one morninQ last week. Th1s dldn 't mean that all the men and women who qatbered at the early hour aqreed on the proposed state handgun control mahative. But at dad mdicate aubttanhve mterest m the lSsue To me. a person's nqbt to own or poaseas anythmg that doesn't threaten or harm anyone else as part of our Ameucan freedom . If everyone were logtcal and thouqhtful and rahonal as I'd lake to beheve our fnend.s are, then there would be no worry about handqun control. But we do know that among the qun nuts there are a lot of fnghten· ed, ansecure and paranoad man1aca who have armed theu homes lake a fortress, waahng to blast the fnst mtruder Herb Sutton, pubhsher· rancher-traveler-entrepreneur· runner. 1141 nezl to me at tbe Gerken brealdast. He sa1d he saw a T shari an Las Vegas thai read· "He who rues wath the most toys wans" Does that aack, macabre rnaxtm reflect a s1ck , macabre ·world? la that the Qame the gun manufac turers are playmq? Or the mtsalle·ratthng, foreagn · polacy makers 10 Moacow and Wasbanoton? The proposed statewtde m1t1a hve spon10red by Caltforn1ans AQA1nst Street Cnme may not atop the awc1dal th1nkang so prevalent tn the world, but 11 may let our rulers know that many of us are not prepared to dae Vactor Palnuen, statew1de cha~rman of the &nlhahve campaaqn, told how 12,000 daed from handquns 10 the Untied Stat" l.ut year, wlule only 42 were killed by handquns an England. and only eiqht 10 Japan. Both nahona have nqtd &Dii·handQun lawa. Closer to home, Mr. Gerken's insurance company laat year paid death claima for 111 acctdental band QUD deatha, a.od 152 IWCtdes from handquna. Sance Pacahc Mutual and Walter Gerken JOtned the grow 109 number of corporations and 1nc!Jviduals aupporl&nCJ the hand· QUn reqtllrtUon inU ehve, there have been telephone UarNta end buck·lhrowmQ and other harau· ang Ud hartOWinC) eXPfrieDC.I. And there likely will be more. Palmlerl Mld the CJU.D lobby coolrola our )eoillet\lre 10 that the lrutiabve i.a the only recour• to 1\apport what the polla &.ndi· cate: 63 perc.nt of tM 'IOlloQ population Lavon b.Dd9uo reoa.traUOll. "But the 9'-'n IoOby wtll hCJht •nythino u.at th., conlider to be \lae tJnt ltep on the adlmy alope towetd tOtalUa.riaoiam." he Mid. I Cove (CoatlDued f.roa peoe 1) ta &rbara, that 1t tuue a cond1 honaJ approval of the plan for developtnq the 2,791-acre Crya~ Cove State Park. Th11 would CODt&ln a pJOVIIIOD that "pnor to any a~tfic pro)ecl for demohhon of any alructures that the Dept. of Parlu and Recrea· hon submtt evtdence that the structures cannot feaa1bly be atabihzed or rehab1htated con· aistent with federal atandards, or evidence that such demolition will not adverMly affect the character of the htstonc distract". The fact Crystal Cove baa been declared both a state and federal h11tonc dtstnct hu been mlerpreled by res1dents as restnchoq any move to alter o r demol11h the structures. Meanwh1le. Auemblywoman Marian Bergeaon (R-N ewport Beach) planned to aak a alate resources subcomm1ttee of Asaembly Ways & M eans to spec1fy the Leg1alature must ap· prove the parlc department's use plan. Th1s could delay reloca· lion Parl·hme res1dents, eshmated at 24 of the 45 fam1hes occupy- mg the v1ntage collages-some o f wh1ch date bac k to the l920s-have been told by the parks department they could ex- p~cl two-year leases If they wo\.ild wa1ve court achon to have th1s extended-but moves tc-ev1c t them were made last May State budget language c alhng lor relocation of the pctrt-hme res1dents sa1d th1s had to be ac- complished by July 1983-but d1d not preclude the parks department achng sooner FuU-hme residents have been offered two-year leases. w1th the poss1b1hty but not a guaranbtee t01s m1ght be extended wh1le a use plan was bemg hnahzed. They have argued aqamst th1s, pomhng out that res1dents of the El Morro tra1ler homes a male and a baH down the beac h have been offered 20-year leases If they w1ll wa1ve relocahon costs HOE Sinks (Continued from page 1) merce, the program evolved 1nto the Newport Harbor Area Educahonal Fund operated m cooperation w1th the busmess communaty and the N ewport· Mesa Uruhed School D1stract It depended for fundmg on local buamesMs, mdav1duals and foundahons, after bemg launch· ed \ll&th a loan from the chamber NCA President Bernard E. Schneider. helping schedule the program for entertaining hundreds of youngsters at Newpon Center 1s JOined by Lorie Warmington lleftl and Nancy Baldwtn, co-cha1rme'n for the party. and the guest of honor. An me 'Annie' WID Have Her Night- And Kids Will Have A Day When the screen versiOn of $8 500 pnce-tag of treahng 900 "Annae" prem1eres here tomor-hf;h.graders to an "Ann1e" row, May 20, specaal events Chaldren's Party. orgamzed in con)unchon wath Students from the Albert Sat· the arnval of the nation's best· ton Home, dasadvantaged and loved smgmg orphan would handacapped schools and make Daddy W~rbucks sm1le. O range County publ:c schools The premaere s fundr.s1sang totaling some 25,000 hfth. gala for KOCE-TV. Channel 50, graders. will be selected by lot· O range County's PBS station , as tery at theiT respectave schools eJtpecled to attract many The fafth-grade was selected celebntles to Edwards Newport because A nnae, played by ac Canema 10 Fashaon Island tress A ileen Quann. 1s a hfth~ The Goodyear blimp and the grader 1n the mov1e USC Marc hmg Band are The lucky kads wall be provld · already on the guest list for the ed wath transport.shon, food. 1n $100-a-plate event, scheduled to Vllallons, tickets and bookbags begm at 6 .30 p .m. under a 10 the NCA's ma)or chantable tented area adJacent to the event of the year theater. Newpo r t Beac h compantes And when the hlm begans to donahng to NCA's sponsorsh1p roll at 8:30, hreworks w all hght are Bank of Amenca, Benchley the Newport n1ght. Luggage, Ltd • Ebasco Servaces T1ckets for the event are st11l Inc , Farsi Amer1c an Trust Com · .sva\lable; contact the "A nn1e" pany, Great A mencan Federat ofhce at KOCE at 895-5623. ex Savmgs and Loan Assoc1allon tens1on 240. doctors Martyn. Drucker. Only a day aw.sy, on Fnday, Venuto and Cook Newport May 21, the Newport Center Chaldren's Bootery , The Assoc1ahon w1ll underwnle the Newporter. Rachard Ouellette Salon, Secuuty P.scd1c National Water Bills Band. Tuffree Enterpnses and _ W ells Fargo &nk (ContlDued from peqe 1) to the general fund for au· mamst rallve support, ballang and computer servtc e, debt servaces for the B ag Canyon reservou water for caty pctrks, bu1ldangs, h1ghway landscapmg. sewer and storm-dram flush1og. farefaghtmg system lo~se:. and operating reserve Seven "senous sewer·mam failures" an the past 24 months h.sve been caused by deteoor.s- llon, and do not anclude blockages b y tree roots or miscellaneous stoppages, sa ad Devlan's report L Li • ation e I GOING OUT OF BUSINESS IN COSTA MESA • HAS MARKED DOWN EVERY ITEM OF CURRENT FIRST-QUALITY MEN'S AND WOMEN~S WEAR TYPICAL RETAIL PRICES / / __....._..,\, I Sr-ero10n lliewDO" lololt> SundaY MO't' 2.) 1P!I.I 4PM CMmPOQne & oo!O'~ d C~eu•'~ ()ootpolllt$ 2 Monil >i()!i "::>• 'lOur Acoo"'l"""'' 1213 023 2474 WE PAY TOP ss FOil GOOD CLEAI USED CAMERAS Bt•no Your c.m.a 01 any Phot09r~1C Equ~Q ,, 101 I FREE appi"IIY 'S CAMERAS 1 no Newport Boulevard Cost~ ~. ~lltOtnta 92627 (714) 141-1313 Thinking Of A Second Home? Dbcover Beautiful Sedona/Oak Creek Canyon The Cannel of Arbona Experience the Beautiful : Red Rock Mountains • Majestic Juoip~r Pine~ Fre~h Clean Air • Springfed Waters of the Famous Oak Cree~ EnJu' ~earb' Re~..r~allun H1k1 ng • Hunting • Campmg • Ho~back R1dmg. • Gull • Tenni~ • Fishmg • Cultural Centers and Art Gallenes You Are lnvrted. to a presot~atwnisluit show dqrcung the worviD{aJ lif~ .)'0&4 can leoti with a second honu '" Be.auta(ul :;edon4 Az. Where: Huntington Beach Inn 21115 Pacific Cout Hwy. Huntington Beach WHEN: Tue.iay and W t dnaday \b~ 2! 1.. 26 R~frHhmtnts -K S \ P -J o Kinch til-'18-W-1188 HosltSSH" Doris \hlkn. li\ '"li'IOfl Ruh'. ~don• J~l ~inch Tlffr.n' M~<~l [ .. a..tt' H.B Unlll "'" d.P•ll" '" 1980 hardwlr.P de;tttor A ~O<<l•' publ•sned a per~l oponoo• .Kl f'a«:h Wf'('lo. '" f hp Ensi(J nt,)t'V yt .,, i" ~·" I( ~Od,tflf\ nt d ~-( f 'fl.: letS ~ oubusnect CfOif'' .,.\ W~lV!v p~ " , av•"·l c.'"' .. "'U' ' ""'' T• •\ '"' lvPf'oltl'd on Oc-ober 19n LICENSE TO STEAL It's about t1me that vve force government to change the names of all o f •hose perrn•ts .Jr·d licenses we are requued to buy These thtngs should be called htdden ·a"<es because that's el(actly w hat they are Every rune •he government adds • ' ·• e e~tpeP~ "lf devetoprnq property or do1ng bus1ness tt stmptv ctdds dulla•s to the cnnsun •'' ' 1:.' f buytnq rnercha d1se or buy1ng a home The bus1ness license as one of 't't-< ,, ·s· 35" tn~ ,f ·t.eSt> 1~tdde• •a~tt.>S Bus1nesses btY'" b1q and small prov•de tobs producs and s.e•v•ces ''"'d' pe •o•e wan· Jnd need Requ•rtt•~ d busmes:. to buy cl City license IS Jb• u' .:tS s·upod dS 't qwr I i IO'<ll>E' '(o WcJik " b•ea•'"'t" Ar1d now we 11ear that our c11 y n cl"d<le• •s ·• '"" ,, 1 .'lb<•u: nc•ectS"'\.1 •tw busn't>SS ltCt:' se He wants to hc1ve some snoopers '"'l't' .J' u• c1 dnd ''" l' ''u' •••cords ..tnd ltcenSE' us a.;. cord1ng to our yross rece1pts W hy don't w e ftnd a way to fc'rce •he buredul'd'S d••d pnhl•C•ci~"~S •o ~Jltl J l •t ,,ur ·a-.P" up front where people can see JIIS' nnw badly 11 ~·"' •t be"'<l rtpped ,,H' l'1t-b••s· way • ·1· 1 hat 1s to knock off all of the Ctth••• busuwss • d ~t''> an<l ,us• hJvt' a sates • .n That '"' '' when you buy sumethtng . you l)d\1 ·he rax 1/v' l'" vuu d··" · thJY vou d~1r • oav II\' • people end up pay1ng a lO or 15 pt·•~en! salt!S r,n f • 1• • ·hest• huqt-tncat q 111 Prnmer•s then maybe they Will qet mad eno 11qh l(l \lt~l $• 111 ''•t' lllf'.lr1'tml "hpy <IP" rlt(k lt 11 and dtmed tO deatn through the 'tddt>n td'IPS ._, • <. tll I "'t!~t· :.('Cr('! ld llt><. •14' f '''• closet and 1nto b10ad daylight Take the ftshmq ta11 for examptp \/1/h'f shnult1 ,, • • P.t\1 c1 11 " ,ll '"" .,, d bna· ., ,1· ••• ' ... does ar'l\1 ftsh1nq "' local waters~ '¥ u ''dv€' t11 11•1 , lo•s and ""tes t>ul '<• sea bt>fr,p v ·~• r.t• f1nd any f•sh Newport Beach now has a syStPn •f pat'\..tt>es "'M' •S 11•SI ~.lrH1alotus lns!edd nt hav•r1Q the developer pay these fees thPo 3dd thPm onto the Lll!'l' n t J 110use why not m.tke ''lt' fee payable directly by the new ~nrneowner' Hts cost w ould bf' PllclCIIy the same bu· r e would qet the full message of tUSI tww ~'uch parlo.s cosa t• w t•uldn 1 •ake ,-erv mut h of 'h•S to start a homeow ner rebelhon Je11v Brow n and all of thnse ll"t>r pt'l•t•c1ans keep •t>llmq u!> •h('y re n,,, qnu••l ra1SP taxes ThtS tS a bald faced he lnflattun wh1ch IS fueled b\ •he q~wetnmena keeps pushonq us 1nto htgher 1ncome tax braclo.ets Meanwhtle all o f lht' ~ tdden 'cllle5 keep gotnq up ever-v year Property talCes are dnvtnq peop4e ou t of thetr homes It '>Omethtnq 1sn'1 d(lnt' rpal S("l(ln to stop thas roller coaster ride w e're go1ng to crash uqht uuo annthPr mator depresston Then the soc1ahsts wtll have us JUSt where they want us An average small bus1nessman needs an accountant a compuu~r and a secreotary nowadays tUSI to keep track o f all the permits 1axes and paperwork requ11ed by qovem ment Whtle government as ms1stang on envtronmental .mpact reports on everythtng, I thtnk we should tnSISt on something new from government a paperwo rk 1mpact reporl on everythtng governm nt does Every ttme thev come up Wtth somethtng new. 1t should be declared 1llegal tf 1t 111 forces a c1t1zen to fill out aoothef form or (2) add a new lte;ense Of petm11 fee to what we're already paytng Now wouldn't that skM down thne sdty ----------------- NAME AOORESS ,, -... . .... 1 WM n•ll1'· 11ay 11. •• n. •""'' lnalen HARBORUrES ~ Dlaa 90il hiver Bubera Gothard and Dtck WU.., loDo-ti.JDe harbor ar" rutckata, are 91~&rlou and in· aovaliw. But what do you do foa a WitWay c:.lebratioo that baa not el....dy been done m ouz IIOdaUy active coDUDunJty? •rbua and Dick produced a wilmer: They invited a .core of frieDcl8 to JOin them at the Santa AD& trata .e.Uon, where they · were •rved champaone before bouclin9 the Amtrak coach for Del Mar and a birthday brunch at Jake'•· (One couple drove to Del War ud were told they could not ellter the .. tabl.ilh- meut becauae it wu doted for a private pazty. They had some clifficulty in convincino the pro- prt.toz that they were part of the in.Ueee-the Iraan beino late.) AJter the delicaous meal and tcor• of cocktaila, the mvitees boel'ded the train. &nroute, one oeatlmen compoeed a ditty on beh.lf of all who attended thankino Bazbara and Dtck for a deUohtful day. When the hosteu and host and invitees arrived an Santa Ana, all jumped anto their cars to altead the followmo parhes that evenmo: • • Anqelitos de Oro 1.8 always a lovely affau. Cocktaus beQan m a party tent at the Westin South Coast Plaza. From there the ou-t-proc:Mdid to tha JD&iD h.llroom fo1' a .crumpUou.a din- ner and danced uUl the wee boun. ' S..o in the cruah were Dori i and Jack de~. Dot and RAl&>hj Cloclt, Vlrouua and Paw 1 Beact.r. ToJU and Xen Olipl\ut, Nancy and John Cul'C1, Jean andJ Dan Aldrich, Pat and Jaclt Groth, Shirl" and Robert Guo· oenheiJB, Jeu ud Robert Lucu, lama Jane ud Tom Riley, Jeuie Mae ud Cecil Shinr, Lucy and Doa Wood· ward, lla.ine and Robert Ba.ama- jian and Bubara and Alex . Bowte. • • Same evenino but at the Di.aoeyland Hotel wu the Child Guidance Center's annual HUG dinner auction. One of tile item• was a minature doll hOUM (the lhouqhl crossed our mind whether Irene and Jim Bentley. who Wlll be premierlno ''The Mtni World of a Victorian Doll Houae" for FOLAP on May 2<4 were the " contractor-architect and electncal sub-contractor" for the HUG doll house). Amono the 600 guelll who at· tended the HUG dinner were Mary and Bernae Peoo. Judy and Paul Brown, Jennifer Gam- ble, Roy Barker, Gary Darnell and Sally Coomb. • USC Town and Gown c hose T'Mre are flonsts and ~n there •s· 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915~ed Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Jolin£. 1JCom. CUSTOM PHCYrOGRAPHY WeAn PROUD To a ••• ,.._..,~ ...... CARRIE with ._ .ac~w JULIE -------~---= • Maria Crutcher. ptesident of Angetitos de Ofo, h.-.dl an envetope containing checks totaling $86,590 to W"tiam McCiefland, president of the board of directors of Big Brothera·Big Sisters of OC. -thls same evenano to hold ats an- nual fund-raaser. Amonc;a the Trojan alums who drove into Paaadena were MichaeJ and Robert Perluns, Jeannette and Doug Booth, Susan and Mlke Flanruqan, Karen and John Cameron, Marly and Kark Calhoun, and Bonnie and Doug Marshall, One alum p&Jd $2,000 to use the USC marchano band at whatever funchon be tponaored provadino it dad not interfere wath the Trojan schedule. Can you believe a.U the above happeruno an one day and even- StaH photo by Barrv Slobin mo. not to menllon the pravate parties such as the welcome home lor Belly and Richard St .. le, back from a trap around the world. · • Speaking of the USC marchino band, they wall be part of the feshvahea 1urroundmo the premiere of "An- nie" on May 20. This oala even I beom• at 6:30 with the mo.l out1tandioo menu • BREA, LA HABRA. CA Centu&c:-of Southern Cll. (714) 8 (213) ., ... 186 IRVINE. NEWPORT faUtCH, TUSTIN. CA Commun~~ny (714) 720- p~ed by Bill D\tcen10's lA CuisiM ()/ Jl.wpf•rt. Just to give you an id.N, the exteoa•ve gourmet delioht w1U anclude pal", terrtn .. , quac h ... fr"h fruitJ, canapes, poulets, capons. entrecot• .... tooda, uaorted deeMrt• 11arroundino thr" IDAC}lllf~nt ace .culplur• by Nark DUou.~. Arouad 8:30, the ftlm whach hM received rave revlews beQiu. It ahould be • amuhtnc;a eventno. fruita, canepee, poulet1, capona, entrecotee, _.fooda, auorted deeeerltNrrounclino three m&onificent ice tculptur" by Nuk Dako\\8. Around 8:30, the fUm wluch hal receaved rave reviews beqina. lt 1hould be a •mashino even mo. • • Hoao Ha.pUal'• 30th anniver- sary celebration wu the first joint venlute of the 552 Club abel the Sandpipers., Over 275 ou .. ta attended this evenano of eleqance and no.taloa•. wherean Georqe Hoaq repreeenllng the two aupport oroups honored Malo Tedstrom, Belly Gleason, John Vaberl , N.r)one Ludwaq, ~roe EUtoura, Dora Hill, Beverly Coa and Paula Cutner. Others who enjoyed th1s leshve affair were Anne and Bob Badham, O.bbae Campbell and Ruu Kidder, Gaal Showalter and Ron Soderhno. Janel and Richard C ook, Sauy a._nq Roc;aer Luby. Patti and Jeff Eat~rrts.s--, Joan Huffman and Mic hae 1 Gibellino, Nora and Van Jorqensen, Joyce Palmer and Jack Roberts, Daane and Nachael Stephen•, ManaQn and Jam McGahan, Maruyn O.Ceaare and Bill Cox, Kathy and Thomas White and Pat and Robert An- drawa. coLo" ....... sas.oo ,. ...... 0 sso.oo SHANP'OO.CUT AND STYLII . 118.00 I'OtL HIGHLIGHTING s•s.oo LENNY"S HAIR DESIGN ~ m.c.n u..W Women 233~ E . COAST HW:t 8 75·0823 CORONA D&L MAR WHmiER CA Sammont C&nmunlcatlons (213) 888-3772 • _IDES AND G RenA Su .. tte Amen oJ Corona del Mar ana Thomaa FrahalJ The ceremony was performed at St. lobn Vionney Cathohc Church on Balboa Island and the reception was held of the F1 ve Crowns m Corona del Mar Donna Eady ol Laguna Beach and Step)len Tyler ol PocUJc: PaluadN The ceremony was performed at the Mormon Temple m Lo!> Angeles An outdoor garden receptwn at Swanson Park m Emerald Boy followed. The couple res1des m Provo Utah _) Tb. Newport Laign Wedneedoy. May II. 1112 ,.094t f OOMS Lewe Natthewa o/ Laguna Beoc:h and Brion Cauerly o/ Ne•port Beoc:h The couple exchanged vows at the picturesque Tnmty Presbytenon Church m Santa Ana A s1t-down dmner followed at the Balboa Boy Club The couple honeymooned m HoWOJJ Pho1Q9raphy courtMty ol John L. 11om Cldtom Photocpaphy 'ffi!MCW~~~~AII ...... ~~~~~~~~~H(i),.>~~~<L~~~~~~~~~~'AI..,~ WEDDING SERVICES DIRECTORY BRIDAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OVER A CENTURY Fl"il: JEWElERS FOR FOUR GENERATIONS NIWPOIIT II.ACH 3412 V•• lido I 67S.27l1 A MATTER OF CONROENa H4W411 so. ono Allrtlci 01 Min'• Fonnatw.ar • Decttdl·• '"' Stq, t11 Sc:no IWl. ~ W.tpof1 ~ • a69 kilt VW\ No.I • CCIIIO...._ Callbtm9'll6:ll • (N) ~ • ~olour Wedding Portraits and Candids to Remember Forever lNI Eut P.afic Cout Hiallway 760_6767 c ... cltl Mar, CA t2IZS • IF SILVER T~L[ (i, 1111 ' II 1 • n~r • ' I ' \. ., • •o\'o .... t\lH,\In •ltiRIHll"' • I ,I( \Ill \I Ill' ItA. It' I Hl'l·' L \[(I II\ l \ OUit lOTH Al\jNI\'(ItSAIY SU\'ING THll0(4l A.RIA. NOACK TROPHY 1 70 [ 17th Strt>~t No 11 7 Costa Me'id (across from Von ' Shoppm~ Centt-r) 64 6 -1141 O)f~§~ 10% off (wtth thls lid) QUICK-QUICK COPY /PRINT lltJSTOt TO .. a cooaan CUTU 3790 S BttslOI Sl (locattd tn beck) L ~~~ lAilT& &a&. Mt-a40l ~~l,£'t ~ ~· ::::Ncwp47!t !.&(!ch FLOWERS RINEGIFTS CRYSTAL "FOR THE LOOK OF DISTINcriON,. w •• tt;M~~.,.... llOO lrvi• j4 ue.. N••pon BHC• ,..,.. BRIDAL FABRICS "Everytlliq but tlae Groom!" ~ If you've dectded to sew your .-.ddil.g VOW" ond ITOMMOUH: brtdol party (Of"~ hove if ""tom wwn), we offw a compt.t. brtdol d.portmem, feoturtng f~ and,._ ""brOidered loces, sottn1, ch.Hom, tiorot. ftow.n. brtdeslnofd fobnu, ~rns, ~~ fuH of ~ and o brtdol con1ultont eager to help you put togehr thu oil •mporiont a<co~ •n o profftiiOnOI foih10n. Don't le-t the nome, "FobrJ< Worehou~e" fool you, we ' con mo&e your most happy day a most ~ one Coli for on oppo•ntment or stop by onytwne-we're open 7 day\ o weft, every ""'*nt1e until 9. and Best Wi~ from FABRIC WAREHOUSE COSTA MESA 18th and Placent1a 646-4040 MON.·FII. lO AM-t PM SA TUIDA Y 10 AM-6 PM lUNDAY 11 AM·I PM ''L ike no other ,, bridal store in America. C•MOtnllt 'a L•r~r S•~«tton 0' B11c»1 Fuluona 11.0 tU1fHO.. d1•mond:l. ,,,. ChiM, liNer. I1W1tatlona. 1~'' •nd c,,.,,~ 3404 w Wettmtnt .. t AYe • Santa A--. • (714) 531-1111 • Dl G BON APPEI'fl ucl Sws-chMee, aDd a lU.U auclwicb OD wheal brMd. Coeta ue betw.u $3.25 aDd $5.25, ad all aand- wichea ate •rvecl with freellcol..J.w. by hggy Cottoa ADtOilio Caqnolo hu crMted an aeilinq new .... tawut, PUaoe- chio, l~ted j\l8t a step or two away &om hi.a awanl•wilullnq Antonello'a. Lib a mi8cbievou.a younver brothei teuinCJ with 91-the qwet eleqance of an aristocratic a.nd vrand institution, thu livht-hMrled newcom- er offen its own fine cw.slne in a new and lively atmosphere. S.U-atyled a "pta· zena," Pinocchio offers this ... and much more . . . a.n intriCJuinq combtnation of the fooda of Italy with the colorful cuiaine of Arventina and B.ruil. The restaurant La cuual, but artfully desiqned, wtth red carpet covering 10me of the floor, colorful til .. the reaL Chain and tabL .. are com- fortable but hqht tn f-hno, and look out bom tall wtndows. Walls hold" murals of famed lt..U.O rac~q can, there ia lots of brasa for delatl, and a marveloua conto ured brasa ceihnq. A wme bar dispenses vtands from both Italy and A.rqentina, leas expen- stve than thoae m the award-wtnning cellar next door. freab homemade ltaltan ice creams, made dally ln an assortment of flavors, are offered at the gelato bar. A rohssene roasts a vanety of meats, aauaaqes and fowl, and a pasta klt- cheu turns out f.resh pasta a.nd ptuas all day. Food may be / eaten in the resta~anl or ordered to qo . On our Mveral tstls we have luted ap hz- ers of W.tambre on lnsalata Ruasa, a delic1ous sptced roll of beef, stuffed and serv- ed wtth Russtan salad. The Impanada Buenos Atres 11 a stuffed pastry, Oiky and n c b, filled wtth sp1ced meat, ohv ... ontons and hard-cooked 899 senaahonal! . . as ts the Empanada de Iamon y Oueao, the putry .tufted with eh-and ham. You .. , be9iD with a toJMlo filled with fresh tuna aelad, &e.h ftuit •rvecl ill a qoblet, an antipasto of cold cut•. fme .. UNCJie, Nlamil ud meab, ot a tuty combination of heeh v898ta.bl• with cold chicken in a aippy d.reainCJ. U your cholee ia -aup, there ia a fiDe milleatJ'one. Ap- petiaen bec;riD at $1.50 for the 10up, to $4.75 for the Matam.bre. Sandwiches include the ChoriiO Arqentmo, made with hot aausaq .. freah from the rotis- serie, a cold-cut aand- wich of provolone, ham, capoeollo and lettuce, a toasted ham Piuu ue ucelleot, aDd choicee are the "Napolenlua" with tomato Nuce, moa· orella, oliv .. a..nd ltaliu aoohovi .. ; "Mu9herita" with mu!uooaaa, ham aDd aaoau.rella; "Con PoUo" with ehlcbn; "Americana" with bell peppet, pepperoni aDd muahrooaa. There La ''The Pou.r S...Oau," a .uper·crMtion with pepperoni, ham, muahrooma, oliv• aDd •vera! cb ..... My favorite La the "Fuvueta A.rventma, •• a two-ci'U.Ited pilllta, 1tuffed with moaauelle and tpiced aauteed on.ioo1. Al $4.95 to $5.25, the piuu a.re large enouqh to Mrve two, aDd can be ~--ti ·~ • ~€~uu. 'lt.u~rNit ~.,_; . ..-... -o.. of "" boa pl..c. to u.l In 0..,., C~.· -C-l A'-6-.f • .._ . ,.,.,_ ~ for lao-vat~ont 714 ~·JIM ~ S t-a..&. £1 r-. CA ~• \ill Sdd'~ u.ll'T ~l • OMELETT • BURGERS • SALADS • AND OTHER THINGS 29311. COASTHWY. COlONA DB. MAl • ~t.alaroe .. wiUch will t.ecl Jow to Ilia lor $11.50. laUi.u &YOn ad herbe are bee. r~ iA tM l•eeqna. ricot· ta ad meat \lee, aacl Ia t.der can.,.,loai aluBed wUh ricoHa ad babel Ia a JU.I'ba&ta M\&08. et.iclla. 'Pie· ed ad C01M11 hot aDd aro~Utic boa the ~n. . ...,.d with c:oMiaw Jor $6. 7S. Doo't mila u.. ice c.-...., rich ad t.o. ..... Mrftd in chuqlDQ &avon dally. We ao..cl th.e nua rai8in ud the .riclMit choeo&atewe'-.eaa.tecl. ~. pildach.lo, debcate..loD, UKl freeh lb'awbeny. Cof. -ud expt~ a.re oBerecl, • well .. an autheotic cappucciDo. Pi.Doc:ciUo •• weJco .. MWCOael to ou vrowiDQ u.t of fiDe Nltauuta. DniiJiled • ., apert., pided ., 1M Mad of a talealed prchnloul, tlae llan· -..are a.JQh, tile loodtMtyud PIIIII"eCC ...... chana, ... priOea 10 aHractlve u..a w. 4elt,ghdul clln· lDO eapen•oe a ..... u.. .-ch of all. Loeetecl .. 3120 South Plua Drive lA Soulb COIIIIt VIILaCJe, call --37S7 b yo-.r ,_"alioa, or lo ordet JOW' e.hoicee to qo. I • ' • I STARRING CHAI ..... IKAII complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice or soup or salad and one or these entrees Fdtucini ••Neptune·· The Wei,ht Watcher-broiled, freshly Ground Beef Country F ~an fried. breaded Pork Chopa F'iah and Chips ·Omelette d-. Jour ... plus your choice or dessen. Including Haagen oazs Ice cream or Apple Slrudel and a selecllon or beverages from coffee. lea Iced lea. milk or Sanka. CAPRICCIO <?A FE a• • • FOOD Intliah Pub Cookln9 With Seep By Step Ttcbnaques Venture Ulto &DY pub in !ngiAAd at lun- chtime &Dd chances aze you'll be Mrvec:l "peaties" with your t&D.kard of ale. Puties are traditional English- ltyle "sandwich•" usually tilled with cooked beef, pork, fuh or lamb. Here, beef gravy, in the p.uties and the flavorful sauce, adqa a full, ncb tute &Dd qivu body. The panamonaoua ln9li.ah are champs at using leftovers to best adv&Dtage. Otckens P.uties are proof poaihve that a paltance of beef wath addahonal ingredients can be stretched to aerve sax . DICKENS PASTIES . 1 1/2 cups hnely chop- ped cooked beef 1 can (10 114 ozs.) beef gravy 1. tablespoons finely chopped onaon 1 teaspoon Worcester- ahire 1 teaspoon prepared borseraduh 1 packaqe (10 ounces) pie crust max 1 eqg, well beaten 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento 1/4 cup chopped parsley STEP 1. Mu thorouqhly beef, l/4 cup gravy, onaon, Worcestershae and horseradish. STEP 2. Prepare pae crust as darected on package. Roll out pastry; cui anto 12 5- is spooned into cen"' of ~*trY end .... of patry .,. btulhed witt. ... before ... ling. STEP 3 Spoon about 1/4 cup meat maxture in center oi each of 6 rowada Brush edges wath 8CJQ; lop wath re· maJnang pastry Seal edges wath fork Slat lop.; brush wath re- mainanq 899 STEP 4. Place on bak- iDCJ sheet; bake at 400'F. for 10 manutes or watil browns. of the whh e forte. They no• reedy to be te ....... bfown. katchen.a rnto cash. Some ere bakin9 and ..Uino chocolate brown1•. othera aze Mlliog giut chocolate chip cook1es, others selling ch .... ca.kes, rout turkeys, eve gaant 6 -foot pat1y wach ... Women wh have had no prevaou buaanea expenence are now cuhlng 1D on theu coobng and bak- ing akilU.s. Allee and Alfred Howard wrote a book about at, and at'a ap- propnately called, TURN YOUR DTCHEN INTO A GOLD MINI:. • The book a.s pubhthed by Harper and Row and at's avaalable an boolr.stor•. The Howards are weU suated to wrate such a book. AJred Howard wu f-ling the pinch of coUeqe twhon for their 1011, Henry, and 10 a MCODd uscome wu needed. Ahce Howard said abe had the answer: "Let me try Kraft Mira~le WhiP Jersevmala catenng my low -N.It . low-fat meals " They were dehcaoua, .tnd fnends have lonq told her, "Why do n't you go mlo busanea wath them?" She dad And; lor the Howards, the real as hutory. Not only a.s their buaanesa thuvmg, but theu book hat TIME maqazane'a best seller hat 1n the No. 5 pos1- orange JUice The Newport Ensign Wednesday. May lt. lte2 Page I hon The book Cdrefully details what to make (recapes qaven), what to charqe (wa th step-by step examples), who to sell to (pnvate customers, g ourmet food atorea. rntaurants and Mllanq customers via ma1l order). The book teac hes you how to be your own book- Tide \ keeper (how to qet started an bui.aness wtlh no prev•ou5 ex peraence ) and hvw to eapc~nd (qettanq lodD!- fr om bank' and the U S G overnment) I Also spelled out ts where to gel dozens of tested money malnnq recapes for soups en trees, sade d ashes and desserts clod huw tv gf>t up to 10 percent cbs· counts on any elltra equapment you maCJhl need when yo ur busm ... starts to ex· pand And, for women who really want to tm - prove the11 coolrtnCJ and balnn9 alr&lla, the book has a specaal sec- lion that hsts the names and addresses of over 600 cookanq schools across the country U S.O.A. Chotce Beef Boneless huck Steak Fam•tv Pack Whote Frvtng Chicken Legs Quarter Pork LOtn Sltcea tnto Pork ChOP$ • 'lOdaY-! ee er Interest rlban Most ;--T'OoAYsiiATe-1 I EFFieiiVE-:vleiD l Compare our higher yield with the current 7-day 1 1 1 1 average of most money market funds-including yours! 1 4. 2SOl* 1 1 IS 3101 1 You 'll di~over that w_e pay mo~e! Your daily 1 10 1 1 70 1 balance over $2,000 as automatically swept every day I e I 1 4t I into our Market Reserve Plan and your balance I Rale~tobalance CMri2.CXX>. Thtsrate I I Annualized yield Is tor comparison onl~ It I upder $2,000 earns 5!4% compounded daily. Why 1 :ms datt an~ tu~uas with the rnnw I I assumes trcerest remains at a cohsta1t rare. I tak~ a dollar less? ~----------~~---------~~ ReaiChec Why should you pay a bank for a Visa Credit Card when 1st Nationwide Savings gives you one free? It's true: with a ,~ minimum balance in a qualifying account 1st Nationwide Savings :~~ will give you a Visa Credit Card with no annual tee/There's .~ ·~~~?~:: ... >:~: more: with prompt full payment of your monthly ~ statement, there's no interest charge. If you prefer to extend your payments, 1st Nationwide Savings' finance charges are substan- tially less than many banks: Visa ... accepted by over three million mer- chants, hotels, restaurants and service stations in the United States and 150 countries. Come in to 1st Nation)Vide Savings to see how your Market Reserve Checking plan, your 6-month T-Bill account or your Tax-Free account may qualify you for a t;ee Visa Credit C8rd. Ask for details.** • • • Funds ' \ The Corolla del ~ baaeball team adYGDCed to the aF quart..tiDals with Q S-3 ric1ory o.w Arroyo High Tues- day afternoon. lbey were Q .ery good team cmd it t .. la good to beat them.-said CdM coach Tom Trager. '"Chris White did an excellent rel(ef job. and we got eome key bits. and some lxeab.- Arroyo scored its three runs off CeDI starter Do•• Rohde. the tirsl on a leodoU home run in the first inning. and these- C'ODd and third runs oU a two- run &bot in the thud inning. Oe.pite being held to only tour hits. thr .. by Scott Loos and one by White. the Sea &lAgs,.,.,.. in constant scoring poaition because of stolen haMs. sac:roJice flies. and walb. White relie•e-d Rohde i n the sixth inning for his second straight scoteless relief job.-a.·a am02ing.• said Trager. '"Be threw tht .. break- ing balls. one knuckle and the r.-t pure beat." by Cbrlatopher Lynch Followinq a 10-4 vtctory over Laquna Hilb in the brat round of the ClJ' baaeb&ll playoffs, one would expect C orona del Mar Coach Tom TraqeT to be pleued with ius lop-seeded team's per· fomumce. Trager, howeve r, believes lus team didn't play up to par and even went a.a far a.s to say," 1 doJl't think we pl..yed very weU at all ... But lest uyone tlunk the Cd.N Harbor PuBs Stopdseln CIFSwl••• by Christopher Lynch k IS raptdly becommq a trad1hoo. MlSS!on V1e1o tLgh won the Cff 4A swammtng IItle 111 both the boys' and guls' d1v1 stons by "sconng more pornt.s than anyone co uld amag1ne." a ccordmg to Newport Harbor co.ch To m Ntlach The b&g supu.se. however was the second pl.tce ftmsh of Newport. espectally Wlthoul the •rv&ces of sentor breastroker JobJI Moffet, who wa.s stdehned by a hyper-extended knee "Everyone swam rea lly well." uplatned N.1.hcb "Most people dtdo 'I expect us to 9et second but a num.ber of k"uis really ~m• throu9h I w.u JUSt happy we m.de 1t through the year Tlua tMJil b.u had thr .. b roken anD.I, the Du, a hyper-extended k:n ... &Ad two c~s of s htches · Just to a.me a fe-of ma ny 111Jun•." For Newport, the combanallo n of Tc m HafTlX)n and John Ballack proved to be th e lurn~ng po&Dt &D Fn day's C lf hnals. Hanuoo captured • hrst place 111 the 100 butterfly and q&&ned All-American status (51 01). w)ule &Uack a lso made All- Amen~ .u be lmtshed seco nd (51.814). ln the 200 lndtvadual Medley. KanuoD agaan met the All- Aaencan hme standArd by fmiahm9 JeCOnd lD 1 53 19 ColOile cW Mar's Scott Wolla rd IU:Wabec.t awh lD 1 57 33 ID the 100 t,...ay'-. Thomp -MJ"D8CC .... ath plAce wh&le cor. Scott Mono• wu 12th •Dad bw'eed tlaird lo the 100 ~ (53.41). ud Colta n.o.p.o. ._ 1M 100 cauolA· tka ...... 47.3. vood eDOQC)h b WICI piece o.et...U wawa ..., pogled to .,.,. ~ a., Graat Staaley ud c..t. WooUollr • ou ..... o. .....,,.t-ak>f ... r..cl ..... o..nll 1M 200 1M ud ..... owinll ...... 100 ilid. ............ c ............ . •=·· ......... (> ..... . ......................... ,._ o••• ...... , .. la ... 100 .,. I skipper couldn't find anythio9 poative in the Sea K.m9 per- fo rmance, Tra9er ezplained, "We played poorly, rallied back, and won aqamat a 9ood team. But we were better thu that team and .. ahouldo 't have lost. "If we play like we ue capable, we c an play with anybody," coatinued TraC)&r. "But we tried to beat ouraelvea 1n the first half of the game." Laguna Hills did someth.in9 oo other team had done th&a yea.r- force Sea Kin9 ace Dave Rohde o ut of the 9ame. "He doesa't rely on velocity to Wl11, but k .. ps the ball down and 9ets the brea.ltiJ19 ball over the plate for atnkes," ezplained Traqer. "But the la.at few 9am•, a9ainst Eatanc1a and then Fri- day, he didn't keep the ball down. He wasn't throwin9 it where be wanted." After allowing four runs in the ftrst three mnm9a, Rohde went out for reltever C bru White, who allowed only two lua. in three UlDlllCJS . "Chru r..Uy did a 9ood job for us fnday. It was lua best perlo nnance of the year," praiaed Traqer. Rohde, still 7-0 on the year , moved over to thud base and made a number of re markable sav• to rob La9u.oa Hills of bta.. CdM's seoond-rou.od foe, Anoyo, hniahed hrst io the N!SSJon Valley Leaque. following a vtclory Tuuday, the Sea Kin9a wo uld m .. t the wlDJler oJ the St . Genevieve- Antelope Valley game Friday &fteiDOOD at • ~t• to be deter- mined. Boys 0 ab Sets Girts v olleybaD T Ol.miU1lellt The Boys Club of the Ha rbor Area will pr ... n t the fust Annual Newport Volleyball Club Invitational Tournament for Guls on Su.oday, May 23, from 11 a .m. u.ottl 5 p m. at,the Boys Club, 2555 Vlsta Del Oro, Newport Beach . Newport Volleyball Club will held two leaJJU m the Bantam (13 years and under) dtVlaion , and one LD the Jun1or (15 years) dtVlSlon A rou.od -robm touma· ment will be played aqamat ht9bly -rated lc bLba.n Volleyball C lub, Los Al&lllliOI, CaWonua. R09e1 GoodWlll Ll lchLba.n's hNd coac h. lcbLba.n's JU.Otor team, wluch &a coached by Steve and Maqqie Buc ha.n, features .. tter Sara Sellon a.nd auddle bloc.er Tlf· fany Willer. both members of last yeal''l Jun1o r Nahonal Champtonahtp ~qUad. Newport reb• OJl lour memben of la.at year's Bantam natJoa&l champa-pow~tr lutten Steph&DJe Noonan a.nd Cauue Doder, All-Amencan letter Dana Wheeler. aad middle blocker Andrea Rechck. T .. tTaetla 5& f&ve Newport Beac h runners were •mong the lop hn&shen recently an the eecond •nnu•l Tushn Commun&ty Hosp11al 51 run , whlc h dre w 380 com· pehton f1n..tl• &aclllded N1lte LAium 111en JS ll ..:oDd '" 11 so w .11, t ... r .. •e• 50-pillS h nl 17 Sl f red 0.•~ ~ 23 lD D .. Sull.v.n r .. tl 18 2• I1N, 22 02 Doau ~t. women 17 •Dd und.t. IIJ"'II 30 5I L~G ..... tla Coron• del War'• Chris Lynch 1.1 one of lou• S.. v ... LMQ"~oW bukect..U playen ... ectecl to tlae Soutla teua tor .. &nftual Norllii·Sou.tla Oru~ Cciuaty all· liar 9U'18 to be pl.a,..ct J uoe l t ., Or-...qe eo.. Colle9e t.&aaci.A't iiM Ganlaer, Coe&e ...... a...rcWe,,od Uaift,..tY't Ifact Ga.. were --••• C'Md . L~. -'o ... ,~ ll.l OD .... .,...., ~ a..cldte s.. 1-.. 1o tlte a:r .. s.eu.u nc1 .... eeco.d .... All•ctr 3A ielec'Utcia • The Newpor1 E.nalgn WednMday. May lt. 1112 PoQ!e II FAN CHEERS the heated contest between Newport's lmua Ill leading San D•ego's Hano Hano chunkinq up rhe bay A t lef t women of Newport's M aha crew take a welcome rest s 3tl o• . >S by a .... , So .... Imua Is Off And Paddling As Canoe Season Opens Newport Beac h's l mua paddlers slaked an early cla1m on the loca l oul r•gger canoe crown w1th a one-two hn1sh last Saturday tn the annuaJ Cannery Race Twenty nme men's c rews stroked over a n ll·mtle cou rse that went fr om the bay lo sea and bac k agatn Fourteen wo men's teams competed over nane mtle s Ha nc Hano. San D1ego captured the wo men's event wath Newport's Oifsho re second The wannang ca.noe was paddled by D1ck Gebhard M1lce Swenson, Par Hur hg Tam Rush . Brent Medken and Denms Campbell T1mes lmua, Newport Beach, I hr . 37 mms . three seconds , lmua I 39 23; Newport Oulrngger. l 43 49 , Marana del Rey I 45 04 Women Haoo Hano, 1 25 08. Oifsho re. 1 26 36. lmua , l 29 42. Oifshore, 1 30 38 Several of the teams wall compel@ next Satu rday m an eaqht-m1le ocean rac e between Marana del Rey a.nd Redondo Beach ~----------------~----------~~---~.~~========~ Racers Get 'Inside' On Design by Mary Waper Two pl'ominent yac ht d.icp1en, Bruce Marek of San Diec)o and Bob Evelyn of Connecticut, conduc ted a desicp1er forum for the Midqel Ocea.n Rac io9 Club (NORC) Station n m .. llllq at the Newport HArbor Yach t Club last Thursday. Narek, wtth hu pa.rt- ner, Bruce Nebon, &a the deaiqner of the Santua 30/30, aad Evelyn designed the winner of the 1981 WORC national charnpionah1p, the Evelyn 25 5 Eve ryone ltkea to M4i a p1clu re of themselv" racm9, and aJter the forum Glen Reed presented a mde show of the Corkett Sene1 they raced io february. Reed 11 the west cout ch1ef mea.aurer fo t thia o .. t of 30-foot and u.oder boa a.. I! = II Station n members cUe from the Newport Beach Dana Pom l area. Wtth three fast-place hnuhe a, Jane Schock of Newport Harbor Yacht Club raCIIl<J her new boat De1o Vu eas&ly took the top spot 1n the Santana 20 fleet m the NHYC One Oe&qn Rec,a tta l.ut weekend . Trophy wumera were SA NTANA 20 t Scboclt. 2 Runaway Jell Gould (BY C) THISTLE-t S.mt p~tous Rober• It's 'Battle Of The Sports' Clvisw Henderson C84J9h1 more watM than balloon '" tossing competition Leslte Jones has ample P'OOf to show how uccessful she 1s d t bobb•ng for apples. Kristi &lockburgef Ueft) and Mlna ,Hewk r\ tMm up In UC:k 'Ke during Girta' Bettie of Spons O.V et ~ Fteld .._bof H.gh giril -with eome help from brothln. boytf*ldl " ,_entl , r.-.ct money to·~· etNidc ~t fundi. ,,..., "'"'flit .,., .. "' SirOn V&h't fUet (BYCl 2 Nen~ A T"-"5 Bruce Go.. MBYC SOLING I Alen~ G.unc O r1u (BYC) 2 Sun W.n Ashley NHYC) ETC HELLS Z2 I Prowes:5 R.clr H•wthorne CVYCI, 2 Shy Doc Bever (NHYC) J Cper~ An Robuaon CNHYCJ IC&rec Bluel of S.ho• Cor.ntb•AD Y•ctol Club woe •be Sou•b She>re Y•cht Club Bo ... eu Memon•l Tropb-y lor women sabot wtlou tn a hv~ race reqa.tt• on Sundn HowArd HAmlin of Newport H.rbor YAcht Club w:>n th~ !lbchc ReqAII• ll r S 0 S w otors a1 leo Anoe•M Yech• Ct ... b ~~ w-•end UPCOMING EVENTS L•dc ~le Yacht Club wdl hold ot1 Spun~ Req•ll• on S.turdav and Newport HArbor YACht Club wtU ho., the Lehman 12 Fl....t lvr the Nash Spunq Ch•mp .. •nsh•p on Suo dAy LeukeJDia SwbnRalses ~246 A weekend swam a t e tghl O ranqe County pools has raasE>d S28 246 fo r leulcem&a rest>arch accordmq to a Leu kemta Soc1etv o f Amer~ca representa ltvt> Over 170 sw•mme rs fro m every CIIV an O ranqe Counlv c;wam la ps afte r obla tnmg pledges from o;ponsors Wtnnf'r., dete rmaned by mdtvad ual amo unts raased w11l be presented walh prates at a va ctory party scheduled for Mav 24 al the Laquna Halls Skatto Pal .tee Prues rang to lrom man t "wallung " stereos and tenms shoes to an all e apense-patd lnp fo r four to Dl1ney Wo rld, com phme nta of Republic A nhnes, Oaaney Wo rld aad She raton Hotels Pools used ancluded Hentaqe Aqua tics, lrvane and tb• w .. hD South Coaat Plau, Cotta w .... A Nay 1 event &D P".t. Spriaqa raiMd ~.ooo. aad e ..,.mal Golden lAp at n.e Newporter r...acl $1,245 LSA. tn-co.t11ly cupter head~ queMrl, .;. us Garde• Groft. n.. ehapt.r .. ,.... patinll tn. OraJHJe, .... ,.. ...... 1ft. oarcll.o counh• "• tM .._ Of ... .•. Prep Roundup by Christopher Lync h The C orona del Mar golf team advanced threE-' pla yers 10 the June 1 CIF todtv1d ual playoffs ac; a result ol lasl week's Sea Vae"' Leag ue lmals Cary Spadon1 lanashed lust JeH Wn g ht was second and T~ No rby was fo urth The Sea Vtew league se nd s four plaver:> each year lo the C IF playoffs The Sea Kangs be\,lan team pla yo fts Mo nday and tn adds lton 10 Spado n i Wnqhl and NorbY thev wall rely on hm l 1gh1 and the vastlv 1mprcvanq GreQ Roko~ Ce>rona del Ma r -~ ... n ltnued tl<. do mmance ol Sea Vae--. Le-aque tennts tn la !>l wtoelc !. leaQu t fsnals In the dc.uble~ tompellll •n the Sea Ktnq combtna lton -,1 Greq Hayward and John Washer captured lust ctl ler defeatanq the second seeded team 6 2 b 1 It IS tmportanl ll know however that the second plac e learn also was lrom CdM compnsed of -.ophomore lan Aler a nd 1un tl•t Jeff Ewang In smgles p ia\ Nl' 1 seed Bn a n Sullivan alo; .. , I CdM delauhed and thE' eve ntual champton was thard SE"ed Chr1 G reer. defE>allnq Ttm C.tss rn the hnals • a ... O.vid Hatd.ia9 of Coeta W..., .-ociate .-cNli" d.inctor ot the Oruo-Cout YWCA, h.u ~======:::;:====::::::;============:;::::~ beeD DA-.d pll,UCel diNctor ot 1'Wa __.... q111 illhla: tM. will be DO ri:DQ. n..,. the yeu lot Soulbena c.l.Uornb, _.DO Mecl to talk. fte "'MD9 Ariaona aacl Nevada. Do you plan to vote lor Pro-~ 80Ud JOe Mar 1a J'OU .,. J)OiiUoD 8, tlle 10-e.Ued Vic:tim'a ~ ~ Bill of Ri9hta? S.. P&Qe 4 . ~ .......... lltlola: 'To ...,.. YD. call .,. ... To,;.. RO. call 171-7028. Do you favor puttino the Beeco-&DDino project to public vote? Harding, who ha been on the ataff of the locel YWCA for the pat four yean, ha .. rvect a preeideat ollhe Pll.,aic:el J>lreo. to1'a Soc:i.ty, Jfe ~ived hia ' award ~ Portlud at tbe Auual Pllymcel Directo.r'a CoDJereace. c.1l aytbie beta • DOW ......... MoacMy to o,.t you ... ~ YES 66% NO 33 ''The award ia made annuelly ~--~--~.-~~--~~~·----'~------~--~·---------... c.i.ShT ... "' __,_ ' by a vote of peen for the penon • wbo h.u d emoa.ttreted akill, COIIlpeten.c:y and excellence in hia OJ' ller approach to health and phymcal educatiOil," ec· cordJno to Jim de Boom, ez- ecutive director of the Oranoe Nali.a Xubaile Chedlite, 20, 1979 oraduate of CorODa cW w.. Hi9b now attendioo Biola ColleQe in La Mirada, ha been o&med New York Life'• Woman Athlete oJ the Month, lor March. Chesbire, a junior, ia No. 1 on the womeD'a tennia aquad. Her parellta, Nr. ud Mra. Cout YWCA. Jack Cheshire, ruide lD Corona dtiMu. ----------~------------------ PREPROONOOP (CCGtmued from pac;re 11) tournament lD I# Jolla lut w .. kend, and Hayward and Waaher aie playing ternJic . tOQether. "We need strono doublei to beat Miraleste, wh1ch means Aler and Ewing need to keep improvino. '' In Satwday's ClF 3A track preliDUDaries, Newport Harbor qualilied three athletes for the finala while Corona del Mar's sophomore Dave Anderson wu the lone S.. King quali11er. The finals are to be held Saturday at noon at Cerntos College. Newport's Lance Belson, second place fimsher 1n the Sea V1ew League, quahhed 10 the pole vault Wllh only one vault, 13-0 . It took Jane Haakell's best jump of the year m the long JUmp (17·1) to place auth out of nme qualthers. The final Sauor to earn a spot Ul the CIF hnaJs waa Susan Del.acey, qualifying m both the 300 low hurdles (46.93) and the 400 meters (58.95). Oel.acey won her qualiJymg heats m both events. Meanwh1le, Anderson qual1fied in the 1600 meters 10 a lime of 4:19.2. Anderson IS the Sea Vtew league champ1on 10 the 1600 meters as well as hmshmg second 10 the 800 met•s . . The Newport Harbor boys' tenms team, under c oach Charhe BleLker, opened CIF playofJs Wednesday, hostUlg Canyon If they won, the Sa1lors would probably meet Hunhngton Beach Fnday aJtemoon a t a s1te to be deternuned Thousands of people haYe found this awakening kind of study in the weekly Bible Lessons from the Chnstian Science Ouarterty. Here. Bible passages, read ak>ng wtth tllunvnaung lines from Science and Health w.th Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, come to life, touch your thmking - and heaA. Ask about the Quarterty and thts week's ~Lesson at the CHAIST1AN SCIENCE READING ROOM 3500 a E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mol Q.S PM. SAT 10-4 PM. SUN l-3 PM (ClJI t. SAVl 1HIS AO FOt ,_ ~TIOH) ATHLniS & JOOOU Are Not The Only 'eople With fOOT w~~ver a visitor to Newport ~ach stays tn a mot~l. hot~l or in~ other kind of t~mporary lodging, ~ pays a tax. Su ~rcMt on his bill. T~n ~ars ago ~n this tax rate was ~t. 6% was MOUgh. Today. 1t IYI't Not with ~ grow- •ng cost ~rated by more and mor~ tourists. Currmt1y. 20.000 to 100.000 peo- pl~ ~ach Q!y visit our city. drivf! on our str~ts. sunbathe on our ~aches and piCniC tn our panes. Su ~rc~nt on~~~ lodging is no longt"r ~ir fair shar~ tor sharing Newport ~ach with us. ~asu~ B on t~ Ju~ ballot calls tor a 2% 1ncr~ase tn t~ tourist or Tra~t Occu- pancy Tax, taking it from 6% to 8%. The tmpact on~ indMdual i$ negligibl~. On a sso a ntght room. t~ lncr~ased cost to the occupant 1s only s J. Howev~r. this lncr~ase would make avail- abl~ to our City an additional S3,000.000 ov~r ~ next fi~ ~ars tor community tmpro~nts, Including im~nts in our str~ts. tratric Signals and bicyc~ trails. It ·s an incr~a~ tn our city r~ that's long o~r~. And it will~~ pressures.(o ra~ local ~sand ~ charged to Newpcrt ~ach r~ts and businesses You ~ ~ryth1ng to gain by vot- ,ng -Yes" on ~asur~ B ... and not~ r~d c~nt to to~. Get out and vot~ ~Y, ~y &SAl'\eAY A rare olfet"'t With our Quinwua'M. AKensia 'M, or ldwlr• fM comfon. at rqula• price we wilt ,we you a Scandta DOwn• lruemble • lteull value up to $16700 Wtth the purchase of our Elysia• or feathetydownTM comforter at TeD~Iar ptlce we will alve you • Scandta Oown4' She.ftcu. • RetailvalueuptoJ119.00 • This Is • vecy llmtted offer Tlw stock of comphi'!Wntary ~ and sheetc~ are ~sel«ted Avatl.-,e m only tlw stock. on hand • • • CORONA DEl MAR • 275& E Coast Hwv 7»0l1l LAGUNA BEACH ·1590 S Collst Hwv .. 7-1191 LAGUNA HillS 2S&30 Allct.s Pkwv 951·1965 American Home's Mr. Moneys worth says ... your money always 'earns what's it's worth at American Home Thrift And Loan! u The worst ' weve ever done is 50% a year. Each Janua.ry. Ha.nna Tulvtni aelecu a list of unden.eed ailver dollan. In 1981 wtule bullton '-IOCJS and real estate went soft n ur hst sttll managed so~ apprt> Clatton We ve d(lnt> better 197~fs lt~t apprc· caated 113~, 1979's. a remarkable 131'\ 2JR. m ont ~ar Even mo;e remark· ably. 1978's hst 1s. to date. up 1094% Compare that to any other 4t2·year Investment The tnck ~~ tmdm~~: the n~tht com~ And Hannes Tulvmg •~ one of cmly 18 recogntzed experts on Mllrgan and Peace )tlvtr dollar& And were the only U S rare com ftrm that deal!> adw.m tl'l wuh mvestol"\ Every rare gold or stlver cotn we sdl comes wuh the mdus· rry ~ strongest grade and buv-bacl( guar· antees. our 60-day mon~·back poltcy and the best liqutdauon programs avatlable For more on our managed personal rare coin investment portfolios and rare com-backed penston or profit sharini plans, call 800 854-·6016 In California. 1714) 851·8202 Or return the cnupon for a free mformattun packet And do ll $00n After all at l094~ over 4!.-z years, im~gine what you 're losmg each day you delay ·~\' M.I(Atfhur N"l ~'"' ~l\' '~~•"'~""' 8.-.-h CA ~~' t114t "\1-AlN OuNdr C..hhnt;t ~'leo ' Can a low tar cigarette MERIT Clear OlOice. provide the taste incentive In addition, extensive to switch smokers from unmarked-pack tests con- higher tar brands? firm that MERIT delivers a Research consistently winning combination of proves that MERIT can. taste and low tar when MERIT Taste compared against higher tar Sparks Switch. leaders. . Nationwide survey reveals Confirmed: The over- over 909'o of MERIT smokers whelming majority reported who switched from higher MERIT taste equal tO -()r tar are glad they did. In fact , better than -leading higher 94% don 't even miss their tar brands. former brands. Confirmed: When tar levels Further Evidence: 9 out were revealed, 2 out of 3 of 10 former higher tar chose the MERIT combination smokers report MERIT an of low tar and gcxxi taste . easy switch, that they didn 't Year after year, in study give up taste in switching, after study, MERIT remain and that MERIT is the unbeaten. The proven ta te best-tasting low tar they 've alternative to higher tar · ever tried. smoking-is MERIT. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Oetermin~d That Ciplltte Smoking Is Danv.rous to Yow Heahh. Ktngs-1 mg "ur:· 0.51Q9 rucoune -100 s Reg 10 my 'tar ·· OJIDI nu:otuw-lOO's Mtn. 9 mg "uw:· 0.7"'' ntCOttMI'I. ,_ Ctglrtllt. FTC Repofl Oac'81 The Newport E.na1gn W.drut5day. May 19. 1912 Page 13 • " • .- MERIT 1 MERil~ ~1~n ho Frlt er •• • • Art c ......... ..... ••• ..... by Richard Triplett, through Saturday. May 22 in UCI's Fine Arts Gallery Hours: noon-S p.m .. Gunther a,..,... wor~famous wildlife artist. will make a per sonar appearance at Bailey Banks and B1d· die. South Coast Plaza. 2-7 p.m . Wednesday, May 19. 10 Certoone From thelllawYOftlw original works dattng from 1939 to 1981 through June 10. Special recept1on 6:30-9:30 p.m . Friday. May 7, at the Museum Shop. 2754 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar Gallery hours: 10:30 a.m -5:30p.m Tuesday Saturday Cle•be Newpon/ ..... AAUW holds its final general meettng of the year 7 p m Wednesday. May 19 at Newport Balboa Sav1ngs , 1100 lrvtne. Newport Beach Newport HW. G....,. Club hosts an 1nstallauon luncheon 11 a.m. Thursday, May 20 at Mercury Sav1ngs and Loan tn Justtn Ltmlled tickets; $4 lnforrnatron Mrs George A Peters 644 4666. Ct"ll Air Petrol M•tlnge 8 p m Thursdays at Atr Na 11onal Guard Center 2651 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa Everybndy IS welcome lnforma liOn· 881 -8860 F,.. chll*en'a fllma at the Newport Beach Public library. Newport Center Branch, 856 San Clemente Drtve. 4 p.m Tuesday afternoons In formauon, 640-2246 Features will tnclude: May 25. "Ptnballs" and "The Velveteen Rab bit". The UCI FUm Sodety screens a vartety of ftlms 6·30 p m Satur days Ttckets are $2 general, $1 UCI students In SOCidl Sc1ence Hall A t least two ftlms are shown each n1ght Scheduled May 22 "Les V1s1teurs du Sotr" by Marcel Carne (France 19421 and "My Uncle An1o1ne" l>y Claude Jutra lCa,add 19711 A t .. ttvel of fine en61nedon IS bemq presented in UCI's Sctence Lec1Ure Hall Screenmgs w111 be held 7 and 9 p m Fr~ddy May 21, 5 30. 8 dnd 10 30 p m Sattlfday May 22: and 2. 7 and 9:30 p m Sunday. May 23 Ttckets are $3 50 1n advance. $4 a1 the door T.U Off Pouncla l••••tr fTOPSJ meets 8:30-8 p m Tueadays at First Christtan Church, 7'2!J VICtona. Costa Mesa tn S.S room on second floor rear Further tnformauon Ltlhan Pierce. 642-7023 Ctt•·•n .. tewthe ...... ,. ....... ...... u ..... , ... ...... featuring Btitish Con· aulace General Georgo Finlayson, CMG, 7:30 p m. Wednesday. May 2e II the RegiStry Hotet, l..x) MKArthur, lr Ylnl. Aelefvations I t14 lnfom.,.tiOn· Do2M4. ~ ..... WOI'flt...._ at Orange Coast College this week include: Frldey, May 21 -"To Worlds Unknown" planetanum program; runs Frtday ntghts. 7-8 :30 p .m at the OCC Planetar~um AdmiSSIOn IS $1 .50, adults; $1 children under 12 Seating IS limited. "Parachuung. A Sport for E ryone''. first of two-rts Solon Rosenblatt an Btll Reed. lecturer . 7-10 p.m . in Scienc Lectur Hall 2. Fee is $8 senes. or $5 each -"Corporate Tax - Liquidation and Professional Corporations"; Rtchard Brown. lecturer 7·30 p.m tn Chemtstry Butldtng Room 214 First of tw-pans. 'Admtsston is $7 for the sertes or $4 each -Photographer's v1ew of BelgUtm, Holand, Germany and Austna slide presentation 7:30 p m. 1n Fme Arts Hall • 116 Stuart Weiner w111 host Admisston IS $3 S.turdey. May 15 -"Family Estate Planntng"; Dan Broder~ck. lecturer Ftrst of two-parts 9 a m 1 p m tn SCience Lecture Hall l Cost IS $6 per sess1on, or $10 for senes CoeatHne Communny College. (963-0811 . ext 2561. is oHenng lectures at Mesa Verde learnmg Center. 2990 Mesa Verde Drive. Costa Mesa 963-0811 ext 256 S.turdey, Mey 22 "D1vorce and Self Renewal", Dr Fraser Powln1son , lecturer 9 am -3pm.FeetsS15 "Strategies for HolistiC ltV1ng and Inner Joy". Dr . Harold Bloomfield and S~rah Vitesse. lecturers 9.30 a m .· 4:30pm .. fee IS $15 0eeNng With To- dey'a Athlete by B1ll Mulligan. head basket ball coach at UCI. 8:30 am -4 p m Saturday May 22 at the 26th an nual Sports and F11ness Sympos1um 300 S Flow er Oran9e lr• fnrma•tnn 978 1770 "Computer Cer•ra: Ia There One For You? .. sem1nar presented by UCI Ex ten s1on 9 a m 3 p 111 Saturday. May 22 "' room 140 o f UCI's Soc1al Lab $38 fee "' eludes coHee l11fnrma 1100 833·5414 Miscellany_ PMtry ....... by l'eul Zimmer author of "The Zimmer Poems" noon Wednesday. May 19 tn UCI's HumanttteS Butldmg 126 Free F.-.onaltow presented by OCC's Fash1on Coordmat1ng Depanment noon Tuesday. May 25 1n OCC's Studenl Center Entttled "Weekend •n Style". show is free lloed .. to .. West Side Story" at Long 8each Civic Ltght Opera Wednesdey, Jvne 2 Bus leaves OCC'a Audnorivm patking lot et 7 p.m Cvrtlin is set fOf 8:30p.m Cost is t15, incfuda IICkelt and bus ttlnapOftatiOt\. Information: 658-5627. Ttetcets must be pur· chaeed in ldv8nct. "Rolftng-Tite 1ft.. ...,.don of Human Structure". by R Grant Powers, certified rolfer. 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 26 at 488 E 17th Street. SUite 221 , Costa Mesa InformatiOn and reservations· 640-7661 Chonl Concert by UCI Freshman men's and women's choruses. 8 p.m. Friday, May 21 .n Fine Arts Concert I. ckets: $3 general, $2 students .. A Trtbuq to Dr. •oa.•• a mustcal honor dedicated to retiring OCC president Dr. Robert B. Moore, 8 p.m. Friday, May 21 '" OCC's Auditorium. Performances by OCC's Chorale and Chamber Singers, OCC's All· College Chotr, OCC's Bones West Trombone Cho1r, and OCC's Rock Group Also, Dr Justin Colyar wtll perform on harpsichord and Prof. NEWPORTER 1/2.AY • 114 Coeetat Flahin9 Fvll Gollt>~ l•~t' Bool 6 AM 12 J(JPM TWILIGHT Start\ Jvnt' I 1 S )() Q )()PM llOO & !MEl \4 SiNIOR CITIZEN5 S8 WUKDA '1'5 ..... _., .... Bayfiahlnv John McEnary will perform on guitar. Tickets are $1 .50 Loe Ane•••• Chelnbw OrcMatra hosts Russian pianist Bella Davidovich in works from Debussy. Schumann, Ravel and Fine. 7 p.m . Sunday, May 23 in UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. Tickets are $10.50 general, $4 UCI students. $7 50 for other students and seniors. UCI Danca Eneemllle pr8U"iere, 8 p.m. Mohday. May 24 in UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. ickets are $8 general, $4 students. Overture to La Cerentola by Rossini will highlight a concert by the Irvine Symphony Orchestra 2 p.m. Sunday, May 23, at Turtlerock Community Center. 1 Sunnyh1ll Drive, Irvine. Admission is free ................ .._,., •• Act Ill, will be presented by the Civic Ballet of Southern Californta 2 and 8 p.m Sunday. May 23 in OCC's AudttC>fium Reserved seats are $5 general, $4 OCC students and sen1ors Ttekets at the door are $6. Ticket off1ce· 56&5627 UCI Symphony O.ct.wb• performs 8 p .m Tuesday, May 18 in the Fine Arts Village Theatre. Tickets are $3 general, $2 for students. F,_,.Wind, Checuchaand J......-tau will hold a jazz concert 2 p m Sunday. May 23 in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119. AdmiSSIOn IS free 8uy Helferty ..... the loclety Combo play favorite tunes from the I big band era 8 p.m · Saturday, May 22 tn OCC's Aud1tonum. Tickets are $4 general, $3 students and semors CHANNEL ISLE A.LL.AY• t2S FQILANCI rFull Colley l •ve 8oof/ S AM 4 JOPM (INCllJOE.S BUNK) 1KX> & llfEl SS ....... 20 49 PASSENGERS CALl FOil DETAILI H~\ 'I/IQror Go} 0"<11 vt' 6n • ALLDAY t28 1/2 DAY t24 se~ L ..... A.,.. • aA• ·oa I 8/oclc West of the Bolboo Ferry ~~~~167s-eSSe GARY'S BAYVIEW --·r .... -~W-1.~ Come join us at the Jr~~f!f~ret.b fhe Ne'wpoft 8eoch TenniS Club Is the site oi~Ueh pteSflgfOUS evenh as the 1977 Davis Cup. the Annual Poclftc ~ Senten Touma ment. the Orange County Adoption Guild loumoment and ottlen MernDen. ~. seldom find ~ ~ tor one o1 the 19 courts. 1he Oub abo boasts a..Junk)t ()tymc)6c-*-pool. toeuzzt, dining room. ClOd bar ~ ~tly take c:Jd\'ontage o1 n. ottfoc· t~Ve foc:lflfles tot l)ftl.<ote portteS. wedding ~tbnl. etc Otrlet IOclol octtvitles InclUde bftclgt8. bock· oommon. ~ aerobics and our ,..,., ..,.v.. na on "8ody SUccess" lnshucfed bv Ptlll ~ fOf your convenience try out OUf new "MATCH MNr bOll mochlnes A Umlted number ol Regula. Corporate. 9wtm. A&rt> ctate. ond Jvnlot Executtve ~ ore no.t CM:il ab6e. P'Ua our new ~ANNUAl ~ and .. .J.HOR MEMBERSHIP'' (1~16yrs.) Starting .JuM 14th -Summer ..U'liot TemlsOlnbwtl De ~ for beglnnen ttvough ~ For ~ ln1ormotlon pleole call our tecx:Nng ~ ot 044-0066. For more lnlormotlon ~ co• OUt SeMI 011tactor ot 6oU-005(). occ·.Gu~WE••m­ .... will hotd a special recital noon TuesdaY. May 25 in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119. Admis- sion IS free. are $3 general. $2 students. ..Tintypee" a grand musical winds up Sou 1 h Coast Repertory's Mainstage season when 1t opens a six-week run Tuesday. May 25 Shows are 8 p.m Tuesdays through Saturdays, Wtth matinees 2·30 p m weettends tickets are $15 and $10. Wtth discounts fC>f seniors, students and groups . Box office: 957-4033 ''Audition-A Muelcal Rewue" •s OCC's final stage production of the season Runs 8 p.m Thursday and Friday evenings. May 27-28 and 2 p.m Sunday. May 29 in the OCC Auditonum Tickets are $4 general. $3 students and sen1ors OCC Ticket office: 556-5527 "The ca-..81111 ... by Middleton and Rowley runs 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, May 26-29 in UCI's Fine Arts uttle Theatre. Ttekets lA YIIDI CINTIR NOW UNDER NIW OWNIRIHIP Wf TREAT YOUR • Suede and Leather Cleaning CLOTHES WITH LOVING • Shirts Laundered CAR£ • Bedspreads, Blankets & Household Items • Expert Drapery Cleaning ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! NOTICE ! • .. • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TO FAMILIES of ! DECEASED VETERANS In honor of Vet.-ons who have cled. Harbor Lawn MemOftol Parte ls declcating oddiHonal flogs to Its ''Averue of Aaga .. on MEMORIAl DAY, MAY 31. 1982 Any fomiiV who hat a Ve'-ona Rag and wouk:f like to have tt dedtcoted and added to the AvenJe of Rags. mav ool or bltng the nag to Harbor lawn Memortal Parte omce no laMr than Mav 25. 1981. The Veteran need not be tuted In Horbof lawn to have his .flog clsplcyed at tt111 deckab\ cenwnonv . (Rags wfl be stored at Harbor lawn for future dbplay at no~ to the fomlv.) Harbor Lawu ·Mount Oliw Mortua I')~· Cemetery Crematory "Snvmg All FcUth.s .. 1625 Gillet A~ • Colto Melo • Phone (71") S40-~ COSTA MESA'S ON. Y COMPU1l FUNSW. FAO.ITB • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ............•.•............... : Grand Opening To celebrate our Grand Opening. Balboa Coin Galleries will present a free gold· plated coin medallion to our first 25 customers beginning May 18th. plus a free personal VIP Discount Card to everyone who brings in this ad. The Discount Card entitles the bearer to maximum discount allowances.. At Balboa Coin Galleries you'll find the finest guaranteed: • 14K and 18K gold chains. necklaces. rings. bracelets. chArms and coin jewelry at discount prices. • A wide selectJon of U.S. and foreign gold and silver numismatic coins. • ~nds. Maple Leaves and the Qold Coins of Mexico. We also buy and sell gokJ and silver bullion. bars, coin~ and scrap, and offer complete pnNacyforyour~tion~ r The "•wpon E.nalga Wecloeld.oy. Nay lt. 1112 Page 15 . Jfr~~~~==========~===:===:=;=:=::===~~====~v&o~appueotlyjwmpedup su.ap1d.oD of dzunlten dnvmq. ARRESTS . . . Computel' eqwpmeJSt I a.Ad down OD tile hood of a mail Friday. May 14 CR.DaS A man Identified u John • Georqe Riche, 33, i.a behllld held on $100,000 b&U after POUCE BLOII.ER Yehciel pubd ill tile Orclud Street pa.a office puld.Dq lot, ~ t~yen a.A ..tim.&ted ~~==::;=::r:~:::::==::::;~:;:::;::::::;;;;;;;::=:====~l $SO() ln ~ 'MooclaJ.IIay 16" &1.bo. Pnilion. Will.Lam Joeepb lllia, 19, of CJUWIS A.RRISTS s..1 Beach, wu ur-e.ted 011 $1,29f.18 wu reponed lltolen Nichul Jay Fickbob.m, 40, of ,_. __ of b -•--u __ L... "'-w .u))M.i..U QJ'~ 7 ••• n..ury UOIIl ~r ieaenclmibel iJl the Cypz-, WU &neSted On auapl· s.J.uez nor .. , 21, of Santa 4500 block of Jambor.. . . . A dOD of r~ivillq bown ltoleo Ana, wu ure~ted on su.qric1on Blaupwakt ltereo valued at $680 property ... Scott Steven of e~q bimMlJ ill public wu reported ltolen from a park· Poole, 29, oJ Oranon, wu ar· J h St h P 21 fra.Ak William Lawa, 57. a security quard, wu mv..ti- Qatin9 a pouJ.ble prowler m Seabird Court when an UDMen su.apect tackled h.im hom behind and then Oed, police reported ... F11hmq rod.a and reela and two tackle box .. valued at $1,710 were reported ltolen beinq ur..ted on 1uapicion of rape, attempted rape a.Ad bat· tery at MacArthur and Jam.bor .. . . . Gerald Rich&rd Mltch.U, 46, of Newport S..Ch, wu az- r..ted, 24, of FoW11&1o Valley, wu arrested on IU8pJCiOD of receivillq bown ltolen property ... Paul S.ymow Gutllorn, 24, of Fountain Valley, wu arr..ted OD ausplcion of po ..... inq co· came . . . L\rl Frederick Ell ... 28, and William GrecJOJY lteilill. 23, both of Newport Beach, were arrested on su.ap1cion of culh· vatmg manjuana. valued at $2,000 WU reported atol.n from • pubd ca.r belonq · ioq to R.V. Weathedord Co m the 4500 block of WacArlhw . An antique va.Aity and hlqh boy dreeMz valued at $1,350 were reported ltoleo from ~Y A . Cazlllon m the 2900 block oJ lrvule. ARRESTS Choton Oouqla.a Gately, 28. of Newport Beach, wu vrelted on Su.lplClOD of CODlllllttillg battery _... -.... . .. oeep ep en erez, • WQ cu belonqinq to Donald Reia r..ted OD auapiciOD of poaeu· of Loe Allqel ... and Eric · · · Allotllez valued at $600 wu illq bown ltolen property . . . Cbarl .. Wayne, 22, of ltolen hom a puked car belonq· O.vid Louia ltua.A, 29, of Puadena, were arr..ted on inq to Sherilyn Faitll Nartcm Newport Beach, wa.a arrelted on au.apicion of poueaing ... A four-pound can of au.apicioD of makinq annoyillq, ~ilocybio tor aale ... Bria.n qovern.ment aurplu.a peanut but-obecene and threatenillQ phone Franc.-Hunter, 23, oJ Costa ter valued at $2, $3 1o looee calla . . . Jam .. Michael Smith, Neu, wu anested on au.apic1on from Larry Leroy Lafavor in the 300 block of E.ut Coalt H.iqbway chanqe and two keya valued at 26, of Cocta Mea, wu an..ted of Mlliog or tranaportillg $3 were reported atolen from on au.apiciop of forqillg a huluah ... Mark Cypra, 21, of Newport Heiqht. Elementary pre8Cription ... Herman Joeeph Anahellll, wu vre.ted em au.api· . . A nude mao wu reported an the backbay area ... An athlehc baq contallllllQ property valued at $738 was reported stolen from Conatance Marie Hughes m the 1100 block of Balboa . . A wrought uon qate wath secunty lock, valued at SSOO. w.u reported atolen from Joseph Delio m a burqlary on Half Moon Bay. A c utbng torch w.u apparently UMd to c ut tbrouqh the metal, pollee reported. Saturday. May 15 CRIMES .. Lou.-Fra.nco Maciu, 29. of Santa Ana, and Joee Lws Roldan, 26, of Garden Grove, were ureated on suapacion of rea1denhal burqlary . . . Lua.s Ennque Carmona, 30. and Rudy Saragou Abuno, 44, both of Santa Ana, were arra.ted on au.apacaon of commercial School · · . $3 lD ~kaqed Hoeachsteitter, 25, of Santa c1on of 80lic1bnq and peddhnq candy and $5 1o chanqe wu Ana, was vrested on susp1c1on . . . Thzee men were arrested on reported atolen from Enaiqn oJ forqillg a prMCripbon . . . au.ap1c 1on of drunken drivinq. School ... Two lterlinq ailver One man wu vrested on suapa-mcludmq Todd Aazon Adamson candl..a.icb valued at $125 were ciOD of dru..o.ken drivinq, not a.nd Charles Merrill Johnson of reported atoleo from Diane from Newport Beach. Newport Beach. Vocial Gardner 10 tile 900 block of Balboa. AJUliSTS A Laquna Beach man was arr..aed on auapicion of drunken drlvinq. Tueeclay. May 11 CRIN!S $1,000 wu reported ltolen hom a car parked at Corona del Mar Hiqh School belonQillq to LeilA Paul Speiqhts . . . A man received approximately 15-20 •titch .. ill hia forehead at Hoaq Ha.pital after beioq ltruck with a truckinq flaahliqht by an un.bown ....Uant ill Thorn Canyon Road ... A styrofoam float valued at $250 wu reported stolen hom a dock at Wecha.-day. May 12 CJUMES Thursday. May 13 CRIMES Pac-Man, Starqate, and No mjuriea were reported Supercobra video game when two QUDDlen escaped with machi.nea valued at $8,700 and about $6,107 in cash and checu $70 ill quartan were reported after robbillq Le Biarritz stolen hom Lance N. Halatone in Restaurant in the 400 block of the 3100 block of Newport · · · Old Newport. The suspects were Snack fooda illcludinq Reese'• dMCribed as Caucuia..na 1o the Pieces, Kit ltata, N & M.a. Jolly evly 30a, who wore disqu.ises. Joes and Grandma brand chaco· after loclring six employees in late chip coolriea, valued at the men's restroom, the suspects $835, were reported ltolen from forced the ma.naqer to open an a vending machine aupply room oft.ace safe. at Corona del Mar High School ARRESTS ... Scuba gear and acu.ba Sea Sebuha.n McCally, 22, of reference boob valued at La Puente, was arrested on $1,240 were reported stolen au.apic1oo of robbery ... from Jeffrey Don Owborew lD Chnstopber Kelly Brown, 23, of the 100 block of 33rd · · · A ___ Newport Beach, wa.s anested on "Homore tD uncoln .. b~ SALVADOR DALI A woman wu raped at luufe- polllt m the 1200 block of Rutland. Police are loolr:mg lor a white male, appronmately bve feet tall, 200 pound.a, Wlth a h1qh voice and a cleft palate burqlary AleXl.l Cecilia Watu, 26, of Newport Beach, was arreated on suaplCIOD of entermq a dwellmv 2100 E. OCEAN BLVD. I oJ Touch: A SOFT SWANSDOWN POWDER PUFF Smell: OUR MANY BEAUT IF UL PERF UMES ..... ._,, J ...... . i I ~0 ( '<""'& f •u '"''" """"•..._ 71 . 846 8859 -ru•ucNOnct A most exquiSite Country Frerch style custom home 1 block from the ocean with a fantastic view! No details sporedtt Creative owners will t"ld•~ finance Of wlll consider a trade. 3 bedrooms. 2'h baths fOf $759.000 l ute: VIOLET PASTILLES See: THE PRETTIE ST STORE IN.l OWN HeM: PEOPLE RAVING ABOUT IT All1 Where: 3645 bst Co.ut Hwy. Coro~ del~' We Keep You~ Smiling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 67l-Jn3 Appointments Available .7 a.m . to 7 p.m. All Insurance Programs Welcome Special Consideration for Seniors 24 Hour Emergency Service PETER T. SMRECEK, JR., DDS INC. 3961 MacArthur Blvd-:-. Suite 104 Newport Beach tnat to Victoria Station) ~lP~~U~ll ~~U~rn:~Y W©~ lf©lW~ ~ ~~~1JO©~r----, ~llrn:~~aJJ~rn: ....._ ""'\ GllDP ' Poty~tcr Stmc h Double Knits and Denims IIDUCID Calllondawear ... SOKOSalta &OUT !fy KUES. 1/3 Off IIOTil"l IS HtREBY GIVEN -. C.•, (' J, I t ~ .. C'1'• ·t rr.: .. ..,J t ••• , • •• 1\ fd 1 f-.. i..l .... , ~ ,.,.,_,d,~ . ., u~ .. •1 t fiCKfH 6 fll'f'f 111<, -'Rt HITEC'TS fOR t;S£ Ff~MIT NG ,....., c• l... • .. ~ • •• w... \. ... t H '-'"'"""' i•• "'" r. '• ,,._ I I (" 1"1'\m·~"' I • A1 • l ~4'l H .. , ... ,. ·• f~rt 11" ,., t • h•l, ~ .. ~ .. ,,. .. d.. • :f ••ll ~ r I I t • I " jill"' l ~J "1.-. { H 0 •• r , , w-... ~,. a.. • • • .... •rl • • ott .,." "'•~~o ' I "'• N.o. •• [). •• t 4 I :.,.. (.. . . • 1 • 1 t , ... ~ t • ~~ .. ....... t... """'' • ~· ~ ir" l iJrll'"f41 'DUIJ M , • ~t'TIC I IS HEIIDY H I! f H[It vi\ ['f ._,. -J r ... b • , .... t , ...... • H.a < c~.,.,.., '"' • "" ~--~ e . , l'laUC NOTlCl nCTtTIOVS I USIIIts<; 11-'M£ 'H A fDC(IfT I ,, .. t•r Uf • • t "'• h. ~. • ·~ • t w • " ' •"'• • ,. "'··· t ~. ,. ,.. .. '• f ~ j ..... f• ( ,_._.. .... Nr-...... I ~ PUILIC IIOTICt won c t or APPLICATION ,, TO St l.l AlCOHOLIC IOOIAGI:!ol . ,. l • " ... -.. l s. 1\.. • " •• ...... ..... " lloo I ' . ... " ·. .. , .. rvauc 110net liOnel. or APPUCA noM roll CKAHGE Ill OWlftJISRI' Or ALCOHOLIC IE't'DlACE UCENSl T W~ "• ll May Cone ... n Af~ \HI' dr r•PCS t• apttlyUHJ I '"-O.po-..· .. n .;)t Ako~hc a..-.,a-Q• C""'' ~ 4.,--On SoW c.,..al '¥bh .. t.•••q 'loc-• .-I .Jicol'\ftt.,. N•e•o~ o l liJT ll"' ,.ot• fl,p•P',..' ........ Cotaal ... "•'' I ' I ' r • ,. ..... ..... ,UI UC NOTIC.l H(CA n vr orctMIA noN ' . .. . ' ., " . ,. •~ r. I , .. _, I\.. It I ,, ., ~ . ·~ " '. ,, ~ \4 • ruauc No n cr I """•( e-. 1 .. ' I ,, I ) ~ J f • .... .. ' ..... . ... • I .. ,. . ' • I ._:.,.j .... , f' j t I•• ' ••• .... . . " ' It I I• ... " .. ,..~ .... I ~ -· \ o., t .,.., • l ' ....... ..f'l ••• tl , .• " • 0.\ •• ' ... ' ..... ""(" ., ,.... J .. 4 M-b ... t<td....,. .. , ' • o,., • '\ ~PiltiNnlt-I(P' & ... 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CA NIID """ ...._ • C<>lld..cted by • , ..................... s..,..d ..... . c....... . Tllto -at ... lolocl wtlio lila c-, ~· ol o.-c-.... oa A,.,. 23, I.Z ~ ... , s 12 19 2ti 1912 .. n.. ......... LMoll. n.ns IU17l .....:.onc:a '*''''..,.._ ... ......., ,......._. ___ ..... ...__ • ... WilT DCCQUTOIO ..... -a • .-.o.. ... '-' -'""" c. ,__ "-"" a_,, ..,. 0.. ......... ...... ,._CA...,.O........._ uu .......... e•-• "'-..._ ........... ". ......., ............... n-.. ,._, n...--w.."""""" c.--, o..• .. o.-c.~··· .. Noty),lta Plo.Wtooll .... .. IJ It • ·-.. ,...._.~ r 1-.u Nil .. ..-.c.mca .... , . .,._ .... .,.!DDT n.. ......... -....... " a...-•.) IIUIITQ.Aft NOOUC TtOIIS, It) AVAifT UIIOMAL MAJtAOINIJff, G\4 QQW.N,od, c-.W W.., CA ... o-.w 1Ma 0..... .. ~ Ooloo6M....t. o. .... .WW..,CAa» ""'" ..,.__ • ...-..c:IMI by .,. •• <11..._, ....... O..lllld Llu Da11.b ,.... --,...., ..... , ... C..al'r ~ ol Or-l::o.••t .,. A,., 3D, Ita ,....... .... , u •• a ,..,.. 2 a..a•TNMowpcwoa.-.• ,..,. PVIU: IIOT1Cil ...... ,.,.,,,.,._ .... .,.,...-.y n.. ........ _ -· ........ 11 f .. hiW-.. .,., .... •• CUSTAIIO'I LAST U.aTA.....art tr.A.NO. 110 )k, ..... Pleco ..... port n. .....,_ -... """"' -..ell CA a.3 l1ooooclo<o G .....,_ • •I O()IQIDSJ'OI« 01 Cr........ JDI N ......... It I.e DUITIID. t.j OOCUCIIIS10III rooD .._... CA IOQI ... , ... ,. I ."JII' IJ(DCJftliJU. c) COoaiiDSTOMI Jill N looHonl Sl t. 1Wooo CA QlloCICn, JNOI AM ... ,.. Loa. IOQI ............... CA Ul77. Gr ... W n.. .....,_ ,. .,.,.d..ned lily • aoea.... , ...... loll a-lee • _ • ., .. , .......... s..,.... Ta..cldo .. C.WO.... corpw-. ZNOI A.. G Ctewlo ... lUna Loa• L-4""" N14w.l CA n... __ ,.. ... ht.d wllll ,.._ 13177 c-.tY Cion ol o, • ..,. Cowa~ "" no.. ......_ '" C<>lldltCied br • co• ... , l, IIG -·•-....... G, .. , W lltellenb P,Wlell ... , 12. It, at tu .. 2 CIO lela tan.. Newpott a....• NDOI """ --· ... ...... ..... .... ,~ a....., ca..~ o1 o.-eo ..... oo April 21, I liZ P,.w.t.dt ... , u. It, 26, ...... 2, ·~ .. n.. Ne.pon ._. rall0'7t Nil~ JlU1I&a: IM)liCZ nt:fiTIOW-..... T&.......,. n..~-· .. """"' ...,.._ .. IASCn IASI I tiS "'• ... c • .., ... c-. W... C A I:Ma ......,. ........ c.. .. -....... v..-I 11o D . c-. .,._, CA IXZI, ......... ~ Lt\le. ltiS ........ Cordto, c-...._ CA II3I2C ,.,. ...._ • .,.,..,......., by • _ ..... ..-..... S..,MOI ......,_ sc..- """ --....... '""' lito c-r, Clar• ol 0.-Co.ety • o\,.,7,1~ ......... ..., u It 26 ,.... 2 •• 1-.. fte~--· ,.~ . Nlltl PVIUCIIOT1CI 1 .. 1 ITA,._, fW UUlloCtiM£IJT Off vu"" ncnnous IUSDIDI .... Tlla lollo•llf<l -u ..... .a-. .. 6o• _. tile -., lb• hchho.aJ b_.._ -o.-h•r• ol H.....,rt ....., .. , ZSd 11.-11 .. 11 Dto•• N.wporo ..... ~ CA..O n.. hc: .... lO .... b"-'40 ............... ... 10 obow ......... ,. o. .. .,. eo ••• , oa AWII ll. ltiO , ... llo PI ..:Ill To~>y 0 s.a .. , 9 Can•u•on W"' lrv•••. CA 92714 ..... ..,d S.lve r t CllrlOie-• Woot. I,., one, CA 9:2714 Tllto .......,_ " coad..ned by • -·o.l P'n-toll.p S•qoad aorno•d s.Mt n. ......... ... w..d wtlh t._. c ... ..., Cia~ of o •• _ eo .... , ... ... ,, leG ......... .... 12 19 26 , .... 2 1M2 .. n.. ......_, ,_ • HIIW PftUC 11011C[ IIOT1CE"" Dlftii'TIOII TO DGAC&• Till &AU or ALOOIIOI tC I&V'I:IIIAGD To wtrr.o. •• ....., c~•a C~, .... , Clttlr C..tp s..~-· 10 ~ ... ... ,_ opploe4 to. -oc• ,. .._ ... ,I .,. ... tkt oa.. • .-,._ONCI p-to .. u ·kotl.o'te b. .. ••q•• •• • ... ,, •• ,... 102 lolcfodoieo Pl•ce .........,, -..cit ,.,.,..., to .,..-a •• I t.ar.oa tk• .. ect.,.,.,Md .. •rPfJlD4 to .... o..,.,._, .. 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Q.,,. ! ·Co•o .. dool Nar CA 'U62S '"~' J f l•ool 2tlll P...o c, 11olet S.n '•••1 c .... , •• o c. ~ ~~ '·IlK···· 1621 aonodo o .... c ... n• d•l .... CA !12625 Thu ~a .. • •• v6d1111' tod t•v • q•rwteJ ,.,,,..,..-.p S I' ""t lul\h • ....... T"'"' ~••,...."' t.l""t ••'~ ~~· Cow•ty c•r• vi Ou tQ• CY ,,,.., Apt~l11 1981 i'wblt•h Ar~• IW ""' II 1'1 ,912,,. TIM H....,ou•• .""''" l't81770 ~r·~· PUilJC MOT1Cl ncTJTIOUI I U$1JCES5 IIAJR IT A TDCDfT TN k,..Low••Y p.tW~a tJ "' J bw<>,.._ .. IIACH em I!Wtl"Y & nME At-TS 101 l·~"''" N••P ,,, a.....~ CA 9atn Goo" W Hen•otoor ll9\t llvt.. a.t-l•~;trw:l C A 92661 T\t~ ~.,,..., • •·d·•• '""' b., .,. , dt•ldw~l k,.... G.'"._, K,.,..,. ... , n.. ,,........ .., ··~ ...... ·~~ CCN""' ca.,~ ol O•••I:Jt" t•.u.., •• ., Aprolll I~ fwa.l•tol Apr Jl M.., • t, I til•• Tlrw ,..,...,, [,.. J ,IIM7 NJ 1 II PVIUCMOTICE ncTJTIOUI IUSlltt.SS JUJU ITATDmiT T.._ kiUow'"CI .,..,._,.. t Q -·-.. 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Ta.. ......_., r.-.. r 1mr4 j , PV&ICIIOT1CI """'1'1001--.a.t ..,..,.~ HltJt n.. ......... ,...,_ ......... ...,.,_ .. UOTO AND ASSO C'IATU 4CICD -Att•., """' "" .ICOt .............. to CA ...-! ~ ....... ......,.. tl» y,.., "·-· ....,..,, ~It CA WIIO ,. .. .,__ .................. "'· . -"' """•""• .... _. k· A•u ......,... n.. -,..., hlooo4 wtlh ..... c..... ea...• .., o •• _ c-"'• - -"""It I.Z ,_,........ ""' • .... • u .. lim .. n.. ...._ ... , ...... . ·'~' PWILIC 110ncc tcnww.-.. .... .,.,....,. n. ....... _ ......... -........ •• AI ,., I'Om•l • CIAUIIl, .. nea fOITD An OALUH 0'1 D t.. AIT Df fiiOaMt lit g ... ~ .. ...,.. """ uu . ., ........ .,., e-..... CA.n o-.... ,el ..... Wet. c-..._ CA ~.cmcr ""'''iiOUI ...... ..-aTA~ n.. .......... -..... _ .....,,._ • II IIZCOIIt " llml 111:1"1 W_l .. Do .... lilt ......... tl .... ~ C:A-11$11 e..-........ • ~ IllS W-Wt Do ..... ICit~ ...... CA- n..~• ............... • .. .,. .... -...... v ........ ...... --no~~,-· ..... o ._ ..... .. 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Cu""'• w •• n l 'olll P~bJ••• w • ., 19 1'6 h•A• J «< 1911 •• Th• ..... ""'-''~ [n.tMI" fll9616 11022 ,uax; IIOTICE ncnnovs tUSIJCESI NAME STAn:N!Jn Th• tuu~..,.,,q peta:Jftt ••• dutPQ b"•••-•• I~ CONPAJoiY llll A w~ We,n•t S.•t~• Ane CA 9l7~ Jw• P•rn 1&44 W.rqu•n•• C\ollc.tn• dol Nor CA V62S Lndwv O.Mo• · uno 117 h1• A•• Curvn .. d•l N.•' CA 92615 Th" btnm... w ~und\K"I.d bv • Q•n•tal JN'In•••tup Su~n.d ho~•n P•rrv •nd ltncbev O.W•t'lttu Tt...a .,.•••m•nl ••• lll..d •11h lh• Cownh CL.r• u t Ot•nQ• Ctlltfllh Wevl7 1981 P\olbl~h W•lo 19 2b louo• l 'I I<MJ '" Th• N#•rw , tn • ..-,,, flll961 I PllllJC MOTlCI: f1CT1TIOVS toSIJ(D.S IIAMt ITAnaP'T NUll l'lr.• k..l.kv.JilaO pet.oe '' J.,.,f\Q ltv..,._ •• AI SOUTH COAST ART CDfTlJI I I COAST AliT Cl.IITEII l7S4 ' c .. -.... c~ ...... dol ..... CA 9262S lor_. It Wwllor 14.18 a..oodoo•,. c-. w-CA 92626 Ttt .. tMt••,._.. •• undlH"t.d bv •" ,. 1d,•td-..1 $..Qf'.ed l•rCJtw• K NvU•• Ttua •••••m•"' .,.. tot.d •••h ~ Cuut\,,. 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"1 H,n, CA laS) Cro•q I ooo M a..•korhoU lrYift• CAmu T..... h•••.-1 t"wadwC'..c:l fit¥ • ~·•I ~·•••••lup 5.Q,..d K ... lttt• ... ra.. ....t••"• ••• a.a.ct .. ,,h • ..,,. Cuu&t'f CMt~ uf Ot•no• Cu-.nh v• 1Uy6 11112 J>vbltoh Nor 1e -" lvn• J 9 11112 oa Tho .......,,, laatqo "tlltll2 NE224 PUIUC IIOTICI F1CT1l10W IUIIICD& Mill IT A TUUII'T Th• loUowoa11 poot-. ..,. ckoo1111 b ... ,._ .. ntl CHURCHill FINAN CIAJ. GJIOUP. 1nt2 Cowoo So No 200. tr ..... CA t2'714 Sl.el"" '•••• c .. l Growp Inc 17?f.2 Coweo So N<> 200. j,.,ne, CA 92714 Thv bu••n ... • co.d\;C"ted ln • rot potel-Soqood ll.cherd ao1o "' .. ' -·• Sh.Jye PoMec .. l Group lo< Th.-•••'---•' ... ltled •••to! '"• Cowet' C\et~ of Ot••oe Covaf1' ~~: N.oy 10 IIG Pvlll••h w., 19 26 luno l 9 leG .. TIIaHe.,pon~• rtlllloe rvaUc IIOTICil ncnnoUIIOIIIIIU UIC& ITATDIIIrT ta.. ........... " ... .-oro ....., ID-.. C SSI 2102 .......... C..to~ o.,.,. S...t• 119 1,_ CA mas Wrocloelt P .._, :.1 .._ol .. , St c-• .._ CA taZ7 W.U..• ,.,., w-•· 100..., • .., ..... o H 12 . ........,,1 .._,~ CA U.0 Mora ~c~ ... ,., Sc •• ...,.,.,, 1010 w wee.. tllar 97 ~. So••• A.. CA T .... b ......... C'0611h.c·Md by • C'Of porottoo S•o•ad W.och.U I ••-•· v..,.r,-...l.at c s s 1 n... ........ .• hied ...... • ... Covaoy Ct.•~ ol OT•-Cowotr oa ... , l . 1981 Pubb~ No, '> IJ 19 :16. 1812 •• n •• N••po•t IM.r~• rt88619 PUIUC ROTICI F1CT1l10W IIJIDO:U NAMIITATDUJIT N&l49 r11a loiJow lAQ .. ,_ to doo1101 b-•-oo no: SHI SHILL. 101 I a.~ ll.d t.lltoo C A taeel J,, .. It ...... 101 ' ....... .. ... Lllte. CA !nM I n. b•.N.0411e • c~d'ltc~ ~. •n .. d......... a..,..... llldy I( .. tt •• llu• .._• .. •••• • .,. hW wutt. , ... c-· ca..~ ol en ... .,. ec. ......... M••l 1M2 ........... ...., 5 tl 19 ~ 11112 •• Tlla.....,_,"'-• n•1• Hllll nc ttJIOUIIUIOIDa "AJIZ IT A.......,. The lolat>•nllll -,. oic»IIOI ~ ... ,,. ..... TAWAJIACK OIST ll9J $ , Gre..d S.ato A.. C A iZ70S h• Pouocol.o 4ll~o Dablre Cotooo dol Nu CAt:aZS Thu. b"-R ... • ~Of\d-.c•ed bt •• •• do•od11ol 5>010NCI h• Pehocolo th._. ........ , ••• h'-d •••• tU Co"'•'V Ci.r• ot Otti'CJ• Cow••• (J" .... J. 1112 PorblJo~ W.• S 12 10 • lt82 •• Tlla N.w-1 Lun11n PIIIMIS Nl16l PVIUC IIOTICI ncnnovt IOIDI'Eia UIC& ITATDIIIrT Tlla '""""''" .. -.. dOI•II bwota-•• CAIIUJI CONSULTING 1612 C Lot~~~le• A.. lmo• CA, Wl4 O.ltooah S w.,-.,. 410 L.•d.o• S. Lo4"•u ._,h C A to:M&I r~ .. b""..,.... • ~..n.d ..., •• •• do"'l~ol S...... O.looroh S Werot n~ .~...... .... h~ •••"' ,.,. c-~·· ct..~ ol o. • ..,. c-... "" ..... ) 1112 ,..,w..,a, N., S ll It ~ 11112 •• ra.. Hewl>O" lutQ• rl-17 Ml141 PWUC IIOT'IC& ncnnous-..aa IIAJIIITATDKJrT Tlla lollow•llll -• doo•ll .._,_ .. K~ HILP'IJI HAll 1011 ITL\WD 1112 w On-t.-1 ....__. ..... ~ CIC 11:Ma toa.. I Totllooto ltU W ac-..1.-N.wl>On ._,h CAI:Mil T\t• ......... ~K\44 fltl' AA •• d .. od....t a.., ........... , •• n... n ............... ,,._ ........ . C..wnlr Clar• ol O.a o<re C...eh .., ..... J 1112 ..... bloolo ..... ' " 19 lt 11112 '" r.,........,,,......,. rl-11 Nl l.t:.l Plla&.IC IlOna ..... , IIOnc:l Off nga I U I tALC 0.. ... , • 1112 ... 10 • • O...·t.,. w .. _,. ...... ..,.,.~,~ r •• -..1 tii•J -· 0.. .. Tr""' .. ooc ........ w.11 .... a w ...... ,,..._- ........... ~ .. , lfD •• 1 ......... - ... 12711 oa ....... 14021, -IIJIO el Olbn•t .._,.,. ol 0.-c-... , c ................. _ .............. . Mo>lt« .. ~-It .... ~~«•-10 a.u ........ -. _ .......... 7 •• 1-•• .... -.. ..,.. .. Ott ...... ~ ol ..... c-ty ......... ~ ... ...,.., ,. .. ,.. 0.... el Trv., -•• ~·--... ~ ........ .,~ .C ~toe lt ............. A--et , 6)1 w ,_ c.-"~ ......_, ~Nett CA,....__.._.,.... ..... ....... --......... .... _ ..... ..,. ...... ~D..! .. ,,_ -.... "'-" _... ........ c.,...,,...., ..... ._,._. .. WI. Tr-· 1M4 ......... ~ .. ..,.. Jl4 -n ... •. c~M..,..,Itol.,..,. .....,,....., .._ .. ... c:-.r, ._., .. o. .... c.....,.~-""' ..... ..._ ........ --...,.__ ...... ......,,., .. ,... _... ...... o..... ... c.-.. W.t,CA ~ ................ 1,-t' ........... "'--~-.. ..... ._ ....................... " ...... ,_ .................... -..... --................... _......_ ...., • • ..-..:~ ncsasww ...... ~If-~ n. ........ - .... ~~ ""-.. ..... f11rANCIAI O.aut I.NC I'J'JIN C.-• 11o _. a..-CA •111 ...... ,,,..... """a-.... •fi'Uc..-• " -,,._ C'AW'P~• "-"'--• ................... .. ....... _ ,_... ............ t --WI--SiiM4n ,_,., O.....lw .......... ..., It a ,,._ l • IWJ . .. '""' ........... ~. r1._ •u•" ....e~ rcmiOCia-..,. ... ._, 1h ...... _ ,.._ ....... ..... ._ • MUGOW IICYCJ.f. COMtAKt O P CAUf'OIHIA 1001 w ... IIIIo Si c ..... N-. CA ~ C'\orleo r O.odord lr I )II JC..• a.t'-11"" aott><>. CA~I , ................ C'U..dUC"Ied ........ . ... .-.... ..._, c ....... , O.••lv•d " Th..-.,._. .... , .,._ t.e.ct wnt\ ,._,. c_... ca...• v1 o....... c. ..... "" ..... 11112 ,.,b,,.h .... 19 26 r .... J " ,., ,. n.. ........... "'-· r1_,. NUll ~--­IT W PU'IUC IIOncE ....... NOtiCE 01' DUTH OF JEftOIU COaiiELIUS IIO...aoJI AJm or PEiiliOJI TO ADIIDUitER ESTATE MO. Alla.D To all Min, b.nehc:&.nee, c redtton, conuaoent cred1l· on, and per.aoa wbo aay b. othei'WIIe 1111ereated Ill the will or ..tate of Jerome Cor· IWI.IWI RoblD.IOil, decedenl A peUboa Ua beeD Wed b y VIC1oN R. Pettbr 111 the Supenor Cowt of Oranqe Collaty requ..t1119 that Vte· lone It Pettbl' b. appomlad u peBOJt.! repr-tahve lo .dalrulll., abe .-.te of tile ~~~~ The pellllo• re q-u a\lthonty lo .d!IUDWter Ill. •t.te UAcMr Ill. lnciepen· deal Aclawutolr•hoa of E.t.t• Act. A bMnDO OSl the peUlloD will be h.ld 111 Dept. No J at 700 C1v1c Cealer Drive W•t. Sua. An.a, CA 92701 on May 126, 1182 at9:JO • m. rr TOU OBJECT 1o 1 be .....a:..cmcr ncm"IOUI....C:U u.ITa,._.y no.. 1.6.tw• .. ,.._ •• ,.._, .....,._ ... COMf MAltA MlMT IOV'IC'I )4101 I.e lo-t.. Dto-P\.ool C'A ~ ll"t• II ('.,....,.,.. 1411'11 to.fl•-It•-CA~71t ,.. ....._... "' .... ...w~.,.,.-t-.1 ~· ..... .. ............. v ..... (" ........ .. Tt..-......... ..., t.W •••" ,._ .. C..ltft (,'\.t~ ..... o. .... Ct tH•1' ,.., 10 till flololtoll ... , tl IV ~ 1.,,., J 1111 .. n.. .......... t. ..... rt..u ,......;.,.,.. Nil'<~~ .mc2fW-TII"' MLI l ... Ta ae. DIUJD W fCl. llllf.w7(a.ct..ol 0. rr:>4oJ, 1•,.. II, lflel ol t IS • • PWC &.c•o•. • C•hkitn.a cot -··-· dM ,..,.. ......... .,..,. Co loc , Lc:row, .. ..,,, •pi>O'nlad Tr~-ooder ond , .. ,., ..... , to OMd ol Tr..., -o..t.ol 0.:1 I. 1•1 ... , ... .. 'lt'n. 16 ~ IU47 -2Je. <>I Olbc..l ~Koodo ,. ta.. oll>c• ol lila c.. .. , llaco•• of Or-Cov••• C:~-. •Ill •II ~ ~ a¥Citoo to ~ ~r lo• ., .... , ... , ....... . )-....... oa le.,f•l -• ... lhe U•u_. St..... •o•••• •••• a.. ........... c ........... ,., CNeU ot _,._,..... ct..do e1 ,.,. 1.-t ""•"• to , ... .w o.._ eo..,., c_,,...._ ._.... -.... ,._ ...... ..... ... &otc•-,. a..-...t • ......,., S.••• A ... c.JUer-eU ,,..,., tul. eecl •• -..... ,.... .. ud -lloW by ,, llOJMt Ml4 0.. ol Tr..., ,. lila Prot>"' 'Ill .......... •• ..... C:O...or o..d St••• ............. Po.Kol I 1..01 I •• ..,.., "' ol lila o.: .... ,,_. Troocl .,. "' -recot11 _. .. loo~ 4, -U Mloc:oll.ooeowo No"" .. .... .....,. ol .... c-··· ...._ ..... -eo.. ••• l'arcool 2 1..01 I :M T tee 1 10'7 .. ...., .. .,. • ....,. ,....,......, .. aoo• M -2110 ll ...,._,. w-u-· ' .._, oeco .. ol Ore e.-Coorolf TN .,,.... odd•-oecl ..,.._t co• -....,..._. tl •••• ol .... rMI prop orty ,._,,..... obo•• .. PWfllOrlod 10 a.. SOCII s...ltoro Dto•• N.wporl -..ca.. Celltoro .. ao 10 rarcel I. .. d I II V•• O..ol<l, ..... port I.Kh C.klo<•lO .. 10 ••• .,.. ~ n.. ..... to;Qaood diOC'I.ouot eny ~lt'J ku aay lecoucta ... ol •h• tit... adell-.ad ~~ COla-Oft ......,..._,II •••· tho .. h••"'" S.od Mle wlll a.. ... bwl wllhowl ~l o• ••rr•••' ••P,... or •• pa..d, '"9••"~ IItie -or eac...a,.ac-to pey '" , ••• ,DUM) "....,ltJ4) ..,. ol olla a0401\t) -•uad ltr ..Jd DMcl of Trul, W\IJ. ..... ,..a lkr-M prO<rod.ol 10 MM •<>M(•I .,._ .I eoy ~•• olla ,.,.. ol lito OMd of T,... lleM clla•11• •ad ·-..... Tr...,• ud of oa.. ...-c_..., lty ...0 o..d ol To .. ., ... ... W'7'5. 0'73 41 n.. ..._...,, ........... o..d ol y,..,., ~••••oto•• •••c~ott.d ••d .... ~ to .......... ..d •• , ...... Dooc»tel-ol o.Aoor.ll .... t.-..d lot 16M, ..... • ......... Motac. -o.t ...... ..... llectroa 10 S..U TN ~•ad ca ........... Hot.,.. ol o.leorll ..... O.C no• to W to 1M tcotded ._. ••• ~· .., .............. pt_,, ........ ad "--.,_ odd·-.... ......llo .. .~ ~ y,...... CH' pe..-.ott t"Oe dllCUII ..... ,. I'WC Lc:row • C.hlor .,. c<orporuooa, d... "-"' Mot 19-Co lac ...,,_ b., CICG C.rp _,., 8ft~ Ceally A.,..,.. l•ood• Cohlor••• tillS (21 l) )42 J004 o... April 29. leG , ...... ro.o ..... T......,_S&Ie OIIIC'Or 1'\oblai No, u. tt ~ 11112 ,,. re.. N•wport ,,..,.. NIUI6 PVIUC IIOTlCZ ,,. 110~ or nusnrs u.u; T s 11o ~ n11 0.. 1,..• 4 11112 ol 9 15 • • o• r rw:l•f •J tiM •~•' •nlr•f'C'e to 1h• okl o.._ C011••• Coot........, loc-ttad oa S.••• A•• l t•d b•••••• . ....__.. St .... lloood••• s. ••• AM W-•• Wwo ... l Corp • c.hlor aM COfl' ... 1t~ or tv.._J.._t..t T.-........... o-ct ol y,..., •• ......., ... I Alu ,_. u ••••• ..... -· -· •• l)o4 T-_......,. , ... t ·--..... " ... ' No II,.,, .. ._. ..,. ·-10 of ()Mw..l ....... o.._ c-... c:.wo..... ................. •lOCi-10 .................... c ..... , ..... .. ........ ~ ol .... u ............ . ............................. ._ .. .... to e ...... ...., by .. >OITr""" .. w ..... ...o o.. ., r..... •• ••• P.._,. ,.,...._.. lit .. td CourtlY •.d It•• 4..e• ...... •• A...--.. , ... c-..•....t ol Porc.l I Ae o..L• ...... IN,~!~ '" ,.,_. ,. t...t I o1 T reel No I:JII .. poor MOP t..-o~ o• .... lll, -47 .... 41 .. W..C.llo•-....... "" "' .... oil,... ol lk O....•h """"rdtr ol '"td c- lac_.,. ""•'• l lo 10 tactw .. •• M ....... ond det....-1 -ot.. C<>• doaUI•w• rt.o t.co«Md OcloO.r 26 197'3 ,. ..... 101164 ... ""' .... ..,,.,....., 703 tacl,.•o.,. ol olhc:rol reocon!e o4 w .d co"•'' A._ ••-II ,...,_.,_ oil ol the • ....,... .-cl.4.to4 Mt IIWit l;•,..d to &I pet,... ..1. w hu•t OM ••d ....... ll.O-··-.......... ..,.. .... t~JfodKW ......... l ... l.fro. ttltM .... •• ot ...,.._ SOC! ,_ lr-olla •••lAc• ol w..t-... wlta.o,u ••• ,._.,, lo •"-.... ol ....... rle« ol ..... lead ·-.... ..... -~-..... lortlt ..... ,..........., •• U... 6M4 ttc• H.eacoc• ...._ ............. _ ......... ~ r7 1•1 ,. ~oocW ~ -1M ol 01 h<wl ........ '•rnl 2 u ••• 21 .. -.... .... ~ o• '"'• ~oe.••'-• ,.. • ...... ad .. .-. ,... .. , ... ..,,..., • ...,.., OINt CCHIIt ~ ........ toe ...... , ••• ,..., .. .. ... 2 ,......... o.... ..... ...... ...., ... Col.-. ... ,.... ........................... , ... ruly .U .. mLt ,.._..oe CH .. c•--.-lot ta.. ..,._ .C ~''"" .... ..-....-_ .. , ..... , ..... 0.. .. Tr ... , ,_.,.,._. ta.. ... •-" ••-• ol ta.. Tr..-•eel ol •lle ''~"' <'_,_. a., uut O.•d •• t• "" •4•••c•• therftiJWiet •• ,,. .. ,..,. u o•o•IIIIMd ,.,.,.,,. .... oa.. ......... puoco"l oed ••••• ... ol tlla ..,..(•1 -••ad "• ..... o.. .. t ..... 10 wtt t l4,to0W o..._. ...,, 1 ·~ w .... ,~ """'""' C•rp 100 S ful•• II o.-.. CA ..., nl41 n1 4100 ....... h T••• by ........ l ..._ .. t,.-..... 01 ·~·· ,......, N.• 11 19 ~ 1_, '" Tlla ---~~ ICIIII!i ru:auc IIOnC& nc:rmoua-.... TA.......,. TN ......... ,.,_ • ••"'! ........... lfUIOIIIt nADrMO lOW ..._ c-o, s... ~~ lo..-CA 1111" 'L ... G~o. ... ...... T.._........ 14 r...-.. lr.•- CA.,I4 n.. ..... _ .. __........, .. ... • ............ (;lt ......... .. Te ...... "' n..,....,. ................ ••ftt •W c::o....r. o..• ... o.-Q-- ~ ... ~,. ~- .......... ""' ,. ""-• ' II ,., ltn .. n. ---.r-· I: rann1 •l•IU ~ nc:::..,111nlllia,._ .... ITA,.,._, n. ........ .,._ ... d ....... --'" PACI,IC OIL lit at~ QM ..... ",. .... ...... .w -._,..,. .... CA -............ 41t4 c ..... Y...., Dt I••• CA ltU. Ww.._. ..... ....,.. ..... CA lt»4 ,_. J ......_, 1.11 ....... IIO'I'IIC& ncnnous..- UM& ITATDCIIIT '"" ......... ~ ftH•... ... .. ., ••• -.....-~ GanU' W CA•t I ,.,, W tllit~ It ~"'' ..... ~ C'A w... , ... ar,.. --~· t " ....... .. c •• .,,... .... 'M'il w .... .. ..__ rl .... ~ ("A...,.., f\.,. -........-.., "....,_.......; In • ,.. • """.,..,. • ~ • ....ct w c~ ...... , ... . o.."'. a.-•. , y,,,. ,, .... 4,. .. . , ................ ~ • s. ............ c.a.~t •n•• ..... 'fh• .... .,.._. ... ••. w .. ,ft; 'h• c..,...,., C••• t o, .... ~ ... C·u••• .... •• till ,,....._.. W.• 1/ ~~ ~ l•m• I Iiiii •• n.-••r-.,u ru ...,, .. "IIIHI jj [)I" PU.UC ltOY1Ct ncnnous IUSIJIISS II.UUITATCMDil f t\.. .,,, ....... 4 ,., ... "' ..... ·it·~· ~ ..... .,,. •• AloiUIICAN SKI CON PAN'I' 4QJI l ot• ~ St s,.,,. Jill .... wr-·•• .......... CA ··~I c .... a, .• ..... " ~•' ........... a,, .. ~ C'7. ,~ .. W-. CA ~ ~·hn t.dw•od ('1, M41'UI )OQ .. • ... tl ltvuu• \A lil114 Tho• Uuoul't•v ,. 1 ttdut ,..d b\o " .,. ...... 1 ,..,.,,tw',,h,., s ...... .-.d G.•• •- a.,._,.~ n... ........... .. ..... ~ ..... ··-C"··-·h c .... ,~ • n ..... , .. t· ...... ., N.ovll 19111 r..w •• t. w • ., t't Jt ,, ...... J • IQIJ oft Th• N.w(· H f t.• •11 "111614 NHII PVIUC IIOTlCI: f"'CTiT11US IUSDIDJ llAM£ S T A TtMill'l' T~ l~lu•mQ ,.....,.,. " •• di~.~i1114 b.,.,,._ .. WlST£JIN SIGH 6 f lAG 1010 S."cV,.,,._, Dt c. , .. .,. d-1 w., CA 1261'\ Woll••• H Gl~••·"' lOIII S.ndc•-.: .. Dt c.,,"'*' d .. l ar.&.r C A 926]'1 lht-. but~~ •• •• nd••• fOoCf b" ••• •" dt".du•l $..Qt;llf!Od w., H Gl#ruh·fl Th•• ,,.,.,..,., ••· hl...d ••'~ th..- C"''-A'" Cl~·· ,, o ..... q~ c. unu .... .... " 19112 P ... bhth ..,.,, 19 .lO '"'" J ') 1981 '" Th• N.wp..rl i.n .. qu Pl8961 2 I'U.UC MOT1CI nct1T10US IUIUUSI IIAM& ST A TDIIEJfT Tft• toUowuu~ ~,_,M ••• d.<~•nq bw••• .. • •• R II T l)IC 1420 Loo EdJ&Qtt• S.r.t• Ao• CA Q210S lAur .. C•rn•v 2 ... 1 S Par\ 0• S.nt• A•• CA 92'70'1 M...,, •• II n. .. or. fiJI ""'"' J>1 Anot..o• C A92102 T~.. ~........ ., C"Yftd-.tt.O b• • t.f•fl•r•f p.ettl\•t•hop Soqneci l..awt .. c.,,. •• ft.-qtn• '"""'"- TJrrtw ....... "' ... h~ •••tor. th• Co-.•'• Cl.t.. 4,1ol Q,••q• c.., ... ,. .;..a .. •• 17 11112 r.w .. ~ ... , ·~ l6 lwn• J 9 11112 .• n. ..... purt ta....qb ,1.11 Nllll PVIUCIIO~ 11C1'1TIOUIIUSUfESS NAIIU STA TDCDfT" _ _, t '"• lul.l.o••"O p.r"'WW •' clu•nq • !t.ww·• .. •• HEL[)j C Aruttll INC ' 1 110 Hfiii'-N'' c ..... , Ot s ...... 200 N••P. , ' S.•r-l'li C A Q2660 H•t.." Cuu., fit•~••• l{l()(j Ar•ro• Cv' 11 .. d•l Mer CA9161S Tlu• bw••n•'• •• • • ftd .. ,.t"'<f b't •" ,,.. di'f'oUu•l S.qn.d H ....... , C M.,., h r Ttr-u •l•t•••rl we l1l~ wtlf, Uu c, .. ,,.."' Clf>•• ol• o.,_,.., .. r . .,,.,. Ar~tt11'C1 1418' P·~btl'lh Ap, 1~ lrrt4•' r.. ll I'• a ...e.;,'" r,.. N•wPI'''' r"""'Q" fi877W. II(I W PVJoUC MOna Nona: or nusTEE"S SAU AJO..IaS T.J,Jio a.a 0.. N,oy 2ti 1912 ol 9 o m Toll• lo •"•••r• •ad Tn.n c .. p.any •• dv.., •ppo•••ed Tt",t;l .. u-.d•• .~ pwr-•"••' 10 o..d ol Tt>tol .Urad At~~~,... tl IWI rM"orct.cf A'-4"'•' lO 19112 .. ·~•• No ~ •• -• t41• -m o101 loc .. l Aecoo.b ta tloo oll.c. of otw Co•••• R.cord.t' ot Ot.n .. C..nt"Y C.J..kr•... w..U ..U •! owbLc ... ct.o. to Ito~~-'""'*' lol eMit c.ua...o • ·•• ., ....,,hod oellec • (P'r..W. ., .............. towt .. l _.., of .... Ua.-..d SU-..) •• 1M S....Vttll hOAt .. ,,."""' to ,..,. .Jw Ot • ..,. eou •• , eo.. • ra.o..-loc-oted •• olla 200 Wod ol Wee! S.et• Au IIY<l Ctora.,lr W"' ltll Sl ) S.•le A,.. Celtlor... ell rt<Jill tU .. •..41 ._,.,.,__. N 4•..,...:1 kl ...... eo. ...... b .......... _ ...... o..ct ot Ttlll-tlll I.A th• P,.,.,.,. ....... .ct '" .. .d eo .... , ood s. ••• d.oocua-1 .. r •• ~ 1 1..01 » ol T r.c-t No 17.0 •• th• c .. , ., H••pori a..c-. Co•oh .,e 0.~. 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Hllt .......... .._ • ....._ .. ca_, '-"--._,.., D.,. .. .............. ,._._. CA, ...., "----~ ..... . ......~ ......... . __.._ ....... ... • a..., ct..l .. a.-.. a... .. . ....,n • ...... ......... u .. , .............. ...... ,._ . - I CLASSIFIED$ ~DoOr· u .ooo ClrcuLMAon 673-0550 8ANMOUNCE- MENTS PUBLIS HER DOES NOT ACCEPT liability lor tncorrect apeUtnq, q raromal.lcal anaccura c1•, or lypoQr•phacal error• an any adver hMmentl pubhahed 1.11 lbe Co.ut Medaa Newa G~up HOSTS URGENTLY NEEDED for haqh quah ty Swed18h u ch•nqe students for 1982 1983 497·2965 ECKANKAR, A Way ol Ltle "Gauuno Koowl edv• of God " £very Wed.raeedey, 7 30 pro 2600 F. Pecthc Cout Hwv Taped •nforma liOn 640 7299 7ACCOUNnNG ACCOUNTlNG and tu MfVlCel for 1J1davaduab u d a:m•ll buaUl- Faau ca•l lletemeota, bii&UI-ayatema. quar lerly peyrollta~ retuma u lea taaea, ancome IUH and taa plannanq 552-7845 8AnORNEY IMloCG RATlON Ob tam 1eqal permAnent r•••dency/labor c er tthcahon/adtuatment of atetua Eapene oced at Iamey r rM conaulta hoo Mr Ma11h 835 8443 I PERSONALS ABORTION AND FREE prevnancy tntlllO Per 110nal and conhdeohal care Low t .. LDcludN COI.IDMUnQ, lAb teats, Nrqery, medJc ahoo and poet ·ope rehve •••m General (u leap) or local •n_.h .. aa avaal Able Referral for bud a ad ate nlaaataon (lemale) vuectomv (male). and late abor 1100 procedurH Ned1 Cal u d Ulaurance ac cepted Call CaltJoroaa PreQnancy CoWJsehno S.fVlce lor tolor-llon or ammedaete appoanl m• nt In Ne wpo rt Be •ch (71 4) 752-0053 ln Santa Ana, (714) 972 Jl04 WO IILD f A MOUS PSYCHIC "D.,vtd Gu•• dtno" Make fnenda come IO yout btddanQ ID love, marr1aqe, wMith I •m aucc ... ful Call 645·1496 ATTRACTIVE GtN TLENAN. 6' 175 lbt . kuad, humorou.a non aa olaer ltn•ncaAIIY tec:ure -ka woman 38 45, wme qual1IIN qood watu .. and beliefs W•rrwv• ouented Boa 11445 Sant• An• 9'2705 NA UG HTY LADY Home Parh" Sal .. rep• and boll-need ed 770 516l 11 SCHOOLS• DfSTRUcnON TUTO RING Creden haled. w your bome bpenenced, p•henl Walh, alqebr•. qeome try, French, Sp•011h, rMdanQ apelhoo In ball, all prohc•enc1N, coi*Je bo.rdt 673 601) --TUTORING WOlf lll:,jec1a, 1C 12 end c:olleqe Day even•"' ud I\I.JI'lmer SlO pet ••k Wr Woroen . 645-5171 WUSJC -A Gln f O R UJ'll Vo~c:e tremm9. p...O, orvao &e.oot AU levela "-oab'-bpetMOced 13 , ....... W... Verde. C oate W... NeMY len •. 545-3712 OlVDII CHILDRIH'S CHOIUSIVWMD WOIIDHOI =.t.-:•IWi G1lb.n a .. ~ "' .... ol,..._ce ... ~iu.l.eCJ , .. 3: Woa • ..1nv.re ..Sp ....... carraACTOU STATI UCDIII OOUMI Alb ................. .... ~.-....... ~·· .... ~. ~··" ........ . Cal ............ . ............... lSGAMGE SALES SWAPIIEET !very Suociey, I a.m. to 3 p.m. Or411Qe COMt ColleQ•. r..a~ and ArllllQIOD, Cotta w-. S.ller r._raraboullll· lo rmetlon, cell 556- 5880. UONSCLtJB GIGANTIC SWAP NUT Anhqye, &Ita ud cralta, oew ud IIMd &Ad o•recJ• tale. W.y 23, 9 • m to 3 p.111 Zi99'Uel Bllalchnq, pa.rlnoQ lot C , LA Pu/AJ.aeo Creek. !00 plu.a exlubltora. s.lliAQ apac" -S10! G.Mral edmtaatOD Sl. c iWd.ren under 12 It• Probll towu d c barlleble oroaoaaallooa Call C arol Z.v1.11 at (714) 495-3300. EARLYBIRO SUPU· SAl.l 7 e.m. lo 2 p.m. Saturday 4052 Willi- waw. lrvu:ae (Cwvet to 2 blocb N i o f 5). Lewolvardeo equip· meot, mower, BBO. aron fu roature, piCnic: table, yard hqbta. Wurutller orQAD, CB, Super 8 cam, proJector, toys, canopy cnb , atroller, cloth... carpell, dryer, paclure fremH, bat stoola, boob , reco~dt. qlauwere, Iota more. Come .. rly l G ARAGE SALE -New h•ndc ralted table1, dre-r, ma.ecellaneoua. Saturday, 9 • m to 1 p ru 655 Bluebud, LevWJa 8eac b 494- 1756 16HEALTH LOS~ WEIGHT NOW. H1to 29 lbe. 1.11 30 daya or your SJl 75 lor J. month'• aupply retu,r:a_- ed Call HD.BALin d11tnbutor, Ntc beUe, &45 ·S423. WAMTED: 100 OVIRWilGHT PEO PLE lor new weaQbl· lou pra<Jram 100~ qua r •nl eed . C a ll Chnatma. 1~ LOSE WEIGHT! FUL G RU T! Sh.ape vp lor aprlllQ at Pat'• Place of E.aerciM, 2411 I . Cout HaQbway, Corone del Mat C.U tor echedule lll compumeotery clue. S59-41SO INHIBlT --_-'Th-e ~ sta rch bJoclter backed by Dr 0'1 loM 300 to SOO calonN • day All oatural c.JI 979-6:M8, ult lor Doraa 17 TRAVELI VACAnON • TRA vn CLUJ • You maqhl have a I ria~ money vou w•nt or nt•..d al nor l(l(,jk .tt thas' FUN MONEY - TRA VEL Be " Travel Cvnault • No lnven lorY • He. Compehhun • No Boolalreep1no F' .. bulou\ free T r.wel' lmpor1anl Meehnq f ' • '..,. .J •t7,4l Ml-3132• Open Dooft &1,000 Clrcu111Uon 673-()5.50 tAnORMEY 11 fJUERfAIM BAUOON BOUQUETS Unique, per110nalaa.d c;~aft O.llvered locally Order lociey "8.\Jioona oJ ~~rt." 645·&445 tim BELLYOAHCii Studio -CciW otfera eotert&UUD..al for aU oc· CM!o.D8 ud e._ 1.11 lhe &It ol beUycl&ace c.u 73J-4574. MUSIC -lor yo1u &J. l&U-. All ..-,1.. S1Avle, duo, vroup "-eoo· abM. 545-3'n2, 631· 3275. Se.IMng Y 0411 Cat? CdCiaNtfled 673-0550 ltGIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS S.Od 110111eooe you love a booqu.et of 30 beLum balloooa Greal lor Gr.da ud Bnd .. Per· feet for all OCCUlODI We deliver. 673-4419 S.velhia ad. Conlrol appelale 1moianq ehmanale worrY Improve Concenlf&llon Call $41-l- IJlt.,mi nd l.D8Iilule JlESUJ.ts .. ~ ..... ,. .. I l ~ .. I l l ,:j~J·l~J.!• .. ·' l l . • • l f 23BELP WAICTED INJ'ORWATION S'O.tl::' Al10 Houaoo, , Over -tobe (602) 998· 0426, Dept. 8963 Pbone c.U refundable. WANTED· SHARP PIOPLI to da.alnbute Amway product• Earn 1.1191 Wlhauted Call Woody, 9Q8-~ HUNDJliDS WIEJCL Y• StufhaQ et~ve!opee at lloae. No ellper~oce oec:enary1 Po11able fr• dMaa.ls IncloM •a.mped eovelope W.r· ~ry Compaoy, Boa 1762, l v41U1too. Ohnoaa 60204 • LIJ'IGUARD -S-4 76 per bow SwlliUilUIQ 111 •nactor, S6 90 per hour CeJJi(j8..0311 WOIIDfG WO r HER NODS cluld care lor 2 ~tart 49• cbtldren betore ud &iter ~ehool 540-&ill work, 721-8149 bome. Hn.P WANTED. RN'a. L VM'a, NA'• Earn ealra cub booua. SlOO lor RN't , S7S lor L VN'a, SJS lor NA'• (Come v1111 ow oew locahoo an Newport Beacb1) Call Volt w.dlcal S.tv~c••· 760-1648. 662·1\n EARN S400 to S800 a -k Wltb our proven envelope pf09r&m hom bo-Jr• ct.laU. Mnd ata.mped eovelope lo W.,.ra Co , P 0 Boa 41397. CbiCaQO IL 60641 PART-Tnil WO RK fzoJD boae bp.~nce WJJieC~ f or tnlo ••ad Mlf·eddreued •yeJope to ltraemer 6r Anoc: , P 0 Bow 5146-C. C>Janv• C A 9266'7 tAnORNEY DANIELA. VEREKER ATTORNEY AT LAW 779 W. 19th. Suite A Costa Mesa 752-5416 2-4 hour rcconW maaap 8UG71 NO C~IIIGE 'Of' INtfiAl CONWl fA l iON PRISTtGJOUS RIAl. ISTATI OFPlCI ua lr· YUle loolt.IAQ lor top q u&bty A(Jenta Good coma181lon apllt No deell ·-851 0829, 752 1493 SALES SJ:CRIT ARY - Bur, )Ob &M~ahaq eoer· fieiiC aeJ.. mADA(Jer Computer, word pro c eaae r •apen eac e belplw Need per10n who can "talte bold 411d malt• 11 vo" wath ID101fllal auperYII IOD !lpac: 11ec:t rODJCS loe , 3131 S St&~Wkrd, S&llte Aa..979-~ Hn.P WANTED -Part lime eJterClM lnJIIructor lo teach dJIIemac pre- natal proqram Eape ~Dee ud academ.c baclr9rouad lA relauve l .. ld preferred 831 8740 BABYSITTERS HO T LDI• need• blQb ~ehool. othera tor pa.rl-tame, fwi·Ume and Nmmer 111t1nQ Call tolllr•• number 1·800-532-3972, aalr fo r Penoyuver Ad· watch M2147. 28UCENSED CHILDCARE STATE LAW RE· OUOU:S that per10na wbo provtde cb1ld care ao tbe11 home tN bceoa ed For 1Aform•t10o on how to obtaJJl hcenM lll OJuoe CouJity, cell (714) 834·Sl 72 I.UY'SlTTIMG tnQRTSIWEEKEHDS Go out lo r duuler. eve IUJIQ cl...... mova•. beallb c lub. ahopptnQ Te~aponuy day care creaila.ba. wbtle your own 1llter ae eway 857-8021 LICENSED WOTHER will care lor your pre· ecrh_ool•t uro• ya rd ~mew 145-~13 'l1 SITU A nONS WANTED DOCTOII, 34 years, movtnQ to CaWom•a Davorced, looltiJiq lor Newpori/Belboa area ho-lllnQ or boatall llDQ poaal10o wlule ac qlliii.IIQ r•adency ud ltudytnQ lor Caltforol4 lac:eOM Dr H Lee (414) 783-5122. (414) 545·6200 P RO fE SSIO NA L WO MAN rNade ot ot Newpor1 S..ch. _._LDQ hO~ItllllQ IJIUallon 10 MD!e .., .. fo r aelfl .... eral months Dlle to con llruCIIOO AI preMOt r•td•nce lleferen cn avaalA.ble 752·9100 daya or 673 1260 eveDUlQI I NEED A PLACE TO PARK mv lave 10 travel tratler Plea•• c.sll ~4 21\1 eat I I OJ w .. ltd•y• 8·5 ENG INEER, m•le, 55. oewly worktnQ Ul New port Beach, would Uie bouae o r boal ltllmq posahon whale rH1denc• hunnnq Good refer ence• 759 S035 8 4 pm 29 MON£Y TO LOAN WIDOW HAS MONEY lo r Tru.ll o..d.a SlO.OOO up No c redit c beclulno penalty C.U O.n110n "-ocJat ... 673 7311 I HAVE WONEY to loan on your home Low tn tereet tr .. appral&Al 7 da y Mrvtee c redat no problem Bill. {714) 964 3195 JUMBO SECONDS Competitive r•••• Brolr.er mquan• UIVIted (mmedaete lvod aoo Broke r 847 6006 WO N!Y MO NIY Homeownera Loeoa by phone. 2nd And J rd Tru.t Dead.a tealo red to your aahuhon or needt C•ll hm day ntqht w"kead• 586 9127 301USDtESS OPPTYS HAVl A HJGH.LY PRO mA•LI aod beautulll J .. n Shop ol yovJ own Feahlr1A9 lhe le.t.. '" ,..,_, deo taa, 11P0 rta ._r ud ••era ._r SI2.SIOO tnc:ludel beqto 01119 mv-10" fl.&llar• aod haaa~ Y0<1 ••Y ltave YQ\lr ltore opeoo 111 .. 1111&. .. 1 s d.a,. c.1l u ytlae lot Wt H.rtley, 1 100527 M4J The Newport EnsJgn W~. May 19. 1-Pov-17 301USID88 OPPTl'S SALI AGDITS WANT m . SW1 tamecL.teJv Full or part hme New to c red1bly prolal malting blo\AID-. la cltiAQ money opportuoa· ty 1v.ll d~aila. Sl 00 for h&PciliJlq ~eol l.oter pr..-. P.O Boll 4n 4, lrvUle92714 WI MUD DiALIRS lor aew at&nd·up eooltboolr Frea detail• We111 l'llb~ Co (So Maua St.). O.pt s. p 0 Boll 164, Laglewood O H 45322 COUPLES ' ' WO IIK toqether bwldtoQ a bus 1.11-Start par1·tune and orow We belp f or appomtmenl, 495 3457 )OAD u.ineu 0ppor1uni ty Apple Volley. Calli ''PRlCED TO SELL Ita han a nd Panot Reslcturanl Jus• alep 1n and si.UI mo~lnny duuq h A Complet .. operalaon readv '" go Real proper•vl neQotlable 11\er !H!!r!.~a 7 (714 2.44-1701 31 lNVESTIIENT OPPTYS A I T D FOR SAU: - 3-ye•r note 1 Yll yM r re maaiunQ S518 78 moothly IJIIerea on ap proa $32,500 equaly E•celle ot paymeol record C.U toWr .. number 1·800-532-3972. u lt lor Peii.JiyteYer Ad watch N.a28 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 2ND T.O.'a, 15-nA.R fully .. oruud 17¥.~ Low polllll Call 964 2519 for qyole 35ESTATE SALES ESTATE SALE -31372 Ab.uuta Way Monarch Suamat U, Laquoa Nav~l. S.turday, Sun day, 9 a m 10 5 p 111 Aollques. lurntlure c luna 50 MISCEL- LANEOUS PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCIPT lla.bility lor 1.11correct apeU1.11q, vremmahc•l aoeccur aca ... o r lypoQraphacal errora Ul any edver 1-eDll pllblaheci U1 tbe Cout MedJa Ne wa Group LAJfOLORDS -r, .. .dvert&Mn.g! LWI rentala e.od recetve quhhed CAlla' AAA Rental Real ty. Orano• CoWJty'a old.! and larQ_. rental MrVICe 973-8315 WHY PA YWORI? Now rent1n9 Hunhoqlon Gr411.dA ApartJDenll Prt.aae quden •part m•ll QMr beach 1.11 HuaiiDQion Be•cba One ud two-bedroom Apartmeoll from 1425 (714)847-~ 173-IUI MBOABD •cARE CR£t:XSIDE MANOA Lw•n ... •d t u t A rnt..ul<~l• tv "ol Nvr. Ambul.. •, CM 11741 Olvmr • ~1 4119 II HOUSES FOR SALE PRJCED WITH TERMS Panore mac c;e..n vtew 10-• down Great .. IUI'Q•ble I06DI Tiua CUI tom buah 3 bedroom 2 be1h home bu been redec:or•ttod and •• an anunacwAie COodlhOD VtAw from nH rly all room• The owa.r wul CAllY JmanCLJIQ e.od hd tu.tl reduced puce 10 S224.000 Canon RH I £alate (714) 493 8901 11 REAL ESTATE PIUCE REDUCT10" " 'BY 0 W N £ R' ' ' I«> QUALlFYUtGI IAQWJa borne plua an Tetmal T...t Termal come 2 bedroom 2 Te.lre over 111 and 2nd BOOJtS OLD RARI: and out·of print We buy and .. u "Out of p11ot boou our apec1al ty " NAhonwade S..rcb S.rv•c•. Book Vawt 3682 A S Bnatol San1a Ana, S49 9548 SIHOUSES belb plu.a 2 bedroom I T D wnh no qu•hfywg UNFURN tNlb Fueplac•. yeJ-. oec-.srv Woodbr~do• va~ao• S240 ofo Wtndaor £at•1• Pla.n 4 OCIA.NFIIO NT 2-BED-SJS.OOO down CeU toU Mc.al popuJ•r model ROOW. 2-batb, fue tr .. ou.mber 1 800 532 2 255 ~ It 4 bed pl•c• wuher and 3972 aalr lor Pen.nytever room 2''' beth famaly dryer Decla aecluded Ad w•tcb Ml408 lueplace country kJI Sl.450 month yearly !..----------t ben all beauulully C.U toiUr.. nu.mber land.c•ped walh auto REDWOOD 2•6 deck lllO 4 20' long, 25 c ents fool lam, 646 9885, aJiytune 1 800 532·3972. uk lor WANTED apunltleu Very larqe Peonyaaver Adwatcb 1v•rd best location oo W7188 Lido Isle Home lqUiel cui dtt .. c Puced OCEANfRO NT pent .••••••••••••• , • to wll at S224 900 FOR SAL£ 1 pau alru, lSO e m, S25 1 p&Jr aka boota, saze 3, SlO Oval ahao area ruq, orange and brown With beaqe colo,., SIS Meotl bowl lliQ ball, AMF, Ul cerry lliQ cue, watb ahoee, meo.anae 91,) 644 4687 bouae 3 bedroom. 2 Sanda. aqeot (714) 494 beth. deck, fueplace, $60,000 to 0791 beamed cetll.llo. pnvate $90,000 d own LAGUNA BEACH -3 beach Wuherfdryer bedroom 2•; balb, S1,600 month, yearly $3,400 per month overlooltanq Vacloua , Cell tollJr.. number plus p n nctpal & S.•ch t.... option 1·800·532 3972, uk lor •vadable S345.000 P Ad b tn lerest enoyMver wale 494 2894. •oent PHO NE MATE Tele C7097 • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH pbooe Aruwenno Na 1u 10 CONDOS/ c bme, S79 Watb re ""' mote, Sl49 Warran11ed TOWNHSES 1so 3791 FOR RENT WARRIAG£ wub an An 11qye Carnaqe Car PUBLISHIR DOES r14Qe, horse and coacb NOT ACCEPT he.bility man aYaJIAhle to the for IACorrect spelliAq bnde and qroom lor that qramm•hc•l maccur eJeQanl proc...an nde ac•• or typoQraphtcal Brochure ao formAIIOn errore LJI uy aciver and r-rv•hona For h• ... nll pubhahed LJ1 1be Cout Medu News •nv apectal eveol G Cla.u.1c Caruaq .. (714) roup 639-1429 KEWPORT BEACH un SANDAK SHOES lurruabed condo lor "HAPPY" F'K£! for en rent Two bedroom den, 2h batha, t>-u· lire lan11Jy 5 yea r quat ldully decora ted ant•• S7 95 S 16 95 puvale patiO S8SO per D11t11butou wanted monlb 64().SJ24 548 3193 2217 Mtner Cotta M•u F'O R R£NT San Juan Capllllr•no 1 bedroom CUSTOM DESIG N condo F'ueplace wet PRINTS Decor~ave ba• o•r•o• pool murau enqravinoa. tacuuJ No pell WSS lamp• and •cce11011n D 5 lor your home Lor11e I aya 54 7950· even.LIIqs &46-1749 I 498·081 1 51WANTTO BUY S9VACAnON RENTALS 675-5918 larqe healed pool larqe wcluded yard ~--------_; cc..n venaentlv located By owner F'leaable 68HOUSESFOR SALE BY O WNER -Cory 4 bedtoom 2-llory bome 2 blocu lrom Nor1h S.acb Sa.o Clemenle S l40,000 Call toWr .. ou.mber 1-800 S32 3972 uk for Peonyuver Ad watcb W2388 WO VlNG OUT O F' STAT£ Cuslom UQWIA S..cb bo111e lor w le Alto fumaahano• C.d.U.c all reuon•ble offera Accepted Every lhlllq rnuat qo F'r- relreahments 31405 Monte rey Soulh La qllDe, SWJday May 23 Call lo1Ur.. number J.800 5J2.J972 aak for Pennys•v•r Adwaach M2096 GARAGE SAL.E lf•rm.a Coat• M-Call 720 1376 IRVINE NO RTH WOOD Puce reductod lor qu.1C1t sale Sl88 000 3 bedroom plua den 2•., bath S95.000 u aumeble 9 7 8'· owe 2nd Aoenl 549 4281 642 6090 ltCONDOS/ TOWKBSES FOR SALE LAST Of nYE pnme E.utaade Coe" Weaa townhomea I S45 aq h l bedroom. 21 • ba1h S155000 Good hnannoq 347 E 19th St Own•r builder 851 l2'33 GARAGE SALE O WNER JUST RIOt CORATU> condo (oil Woultoo Plrwy ) u d wa- lranderred PaolutiC v,.w of valley ud s.d dle baclr 15 aamut• to ocean 3 bedroo111, 2 be th New carpeta/ m 1 r ro raid u hwaaber Sl 16,900 S58,000 lull 12--. wtth 20~ down OWC Cell owner 494 3222 WOODBRU>G£ lrvme -Lu•ury coado proJ• uoa.aUy dec:ora1ed aod l.ndacaped S28 000 m upc;jred.. eo.d eatraa Ready lo mo-1.1110 All concLt10oed 2 bed room I h ·bath 0wet By owne r S168,500 J0 year luted ...w~~Able lor SlOO,OOO •• ll 25"" Deya 559-5905 eveei .... &.ndt 561·4815 LAU FOREST CON DO 3 bedrooma. 2 betb.a, SWI and Sad Club Only Sl2 000 down Sll2,900 Owner/ aqeot 955·1300 o r 770-8430 "'CAPTAIN'S DECK W etch lbe .. tlboall dnJt 1.11 1he q entle -br ..... from our 2· bed room 2111·bet.b or )- bedroom 2Yll-balb tpllt level coodomtotuma Only two Sl21.500 and Sl49 500 lteot Really & lnv.-m.nll Sa.o Clemente. (714) 492-4663 Specaelly dellvoed1 11.11tenor1, 2 Bdr , ~ IS. 2 ces o•r•v• 11 !belt cOJiverted to ,acu&at room TeD.DWI, pool. 8J>A, tec:unly q a t• S265.000 S25, 000 down 11 '-\,. llDaoCUIQ Brlr (213) ,421·0447 GARAGE SAl.£ 38SPORTING GOODS WANTED OLD GUNS nfl•. 'l!lotquM pocket watches malatarv aword• S.r~ou.s collec lor pa~ more than uy dea.ler 581 8870 1 BIG 8LU C ABIN -2· bedroom plua loft Sleep~9 5-10 miAuiN IO Saow SIUIUIUI ~ per ruQlll S70 reiWJdable tec:IU\ty deposal Call tou.tr-nu..abeT 1-801).. SJ2.J8'72, uk lor Peany· wver Adwatd a N5688 HIGH CLASS GARAGIIALI DISCOUJn Pnc• OA popu.lar brud bacydee, clotJI.&Do and acce-onN. SA Vl AT Sl.IPSON'S CYCLDY 2991 Grece we Ca.taWesa ftM t .. ~ •• a.od r.u •• ~130 WANTED F U II NI TURI. appllAIIc:. (re luqeraiOrl wa•h•u drye,. TV's. worlunq ooo worlunq Anllqun p14no• olhce lurnature SSCAS (7\4) 957 8161 WANTED USED FUR NlTURE modern an toQue Relnqerato 11 washers dryers (work 1nQ. non work1nq) t.s. 957 8133 ELECTRO NIC--U ER ClSI:RS Por1a.ble buefcaM lor uM .s1 home or take to the ol flee or on tnpt Ton~ your mU5Cles the eaay uJe wey Save cot1ly CASH PAID FOR aaloo treatments Call OU ALITY ANTIQUES tollh• number I 800 tewelr v c ameo • 532-3972. a-Ir lor Peony daamond• pt~rfume b..r w veT Adwatch M4J78 tl• dre~r tell cut ----qla.n hona sllvl'r SOtJTH LAU TAHO E Tahoe Jtep Lovely 2- bec:troomfll,.t tNtb con do 5 ma casm~ poola leon~ pnvate t>-ch la.lre bo.l dock S70 day (71 4) 646 2183 BIG BEAR CABLN F'aahrnq Qood back p11d nnq J bedroom 2 bath .leep• 9 Ftre place completely lur naahed w .. kly wMII end rat.. Non smoker• 831·9'766, 492·2951 KAUAJ ocNnJroot c~n do SJ8 d atly u .. p, 4 Call661 6Tl2 31AimQOES o11ent.tl\ GALLERY O NE 4<M ........ 494 LA ICE TAHOE cr• a he S fL V!R VlCTORIAN 9966 water 4 bedroom J IN pol SJqned f rench balb eace llenl home otJ pa1n11nq• p&lr ol Completely lurmah.d f rench thaped oneotal 52 RENTALS TO S700 par w-k SS2 ruos OldGiorv 752S suaDr 2115 ..... 975 0311 Coast Hwy LAo una nnsu. Beacb 494-9020 1 NEWPO RT BEACH MA MMOTH LA KES SPRnJG C' r ·RANCE w -chll l27S Malur• luaury condos SI-ps 4 I ~ '-"' I b otod 8 All am.nlhM _.1 G.llery 1 20•o to lemale to •hare w1th S.lOO per .... Call so•. off telect.d an wrn• ~ , •• y 2 bed 21J) 691!5 6441 uqu .. ud acc.->uH 1 room 2 b<l1h Iaroe hv All .te rl..nq 20•, off tnQ ro.>rr pool 6J 1 CONDOMINJUM fOR Cbma and crvs-1al t1em S481i RDIT Nor1h LAke ware •lec1ed o1l p.tml SHARE LARGE ) bo-d Tahoe ,tnchne Vill•q• 'no• so-.. off Abo w db • j bedroom st .. pl 8 rcom u 11u~e 1 C 1 I f Hummels hquunes hom• wt• ol r(J()ID I peop . omp ... y Uf Jampa dolls clocla t.h le lem .. l• non nalhed M•nut•lrorn sk1 o u e ot.sl p orcelaana 1r ,.._ h .sreaa qolf COIUHS tmo er ueraqe wu cumoa b.ach• Cell -'•'• ,.wehv gr .. tly er dryer microwave Jobn or ICen al 661 9165 reduced Noon to 6 P m lar~lace S27S plus I l daaly CloNd MondA'fl ullhh .. 857 26!5 9 a m to 5 P m or 1220 N Co.a'l Hwy 661 6576 alter 6 p m t.quoa 8each 494 A PART WI N T T 0 lmmedaate av•IIA.b1hty 4#4 or494 9966 :~~on~';,. "i.: PUOTO VALLARTA •some& EQUIPMENT 4t DlAJIONDS • JEWELRY iSTATt S£CONO HAND rtWIUY end lterhno O.tware coals mvc:b '-at Bent!.?• 2Zl E l71b Sa Coat• ..... 6456585 QUND OPENING n. Coau ,.._ Colli • r-.t" l.acu no• 24l6 11ewpor1 l lvd c~. W... buYt aJ>d Mlb .....ct 141-tr., terep 901d ct.Gt.l watt"hea COiAa, a howt 5Jl.S1J • Call 4~ 20 l 3 IM v• houM pool m••d 2 bedroom 2 bath S27S m•-9• S H ARE LA RG E OCEAN VIIW home an uqun• &.ach ··'" tlnqle profeuaona l Sunny pallo qa rden wuher drver f umuJa .d e11cep1 muter bed room w1th prtvate bAth and wal._ '" clo•el Av••lable now S400 montll plus t..ll uuhtlft .ad t«unty depoa11 494 1331 HOUstWAn TO •hare lWI\1" cu.tow ho- t..Quo• Htl!. Own tNth Moo aaolnoq l•male S350 pl~&e ~allhll•• MJCMn 'COAST HOUSE WATIS' Coo•..,-• ..-a ... per.ou l pro Me tenK"e "SJJ•""Y. eqvU a.tMr hYinQ ' Olley. 49t-USM 53 AP&aTIIIDITI UUUIIM UIUQUI APAIT· MDTI-'~ a&Wra.l~ . hr.,__,.,.. ra.au c••tlebOaU.•· ,...te, ..... ..,., ..... ................ .... ......... .... ... 1 ........ 1 .... ,...n ._,.,. to ... .._ ..,.,, .. ,.. MIG ... ,._, Sl\14,, C:.... "--..-y..n:~n week C•ll tolllr•~ numbet I 800 'iJ2 3972 ••~ lor Peonvwver Ad ..... , h t.(J\59 UOmcE/ COIOIERC1AL DELUXE EXECUTIVE SUITES Newl")rl Beacii,Jtooll c-... r wl support •tvlC• Otftce ~ per aooth Oft e.U, ek" Sl65 per .oetll TU IIEADQVUT'EU COMPUT (71.) ISl..olll OfYlCI SPACI rot IDT. W.n ... Wecbcal P\eae, •••r Ho eCJ Hoepllel Payello - ,._. .... 631-0414 -. .......... ,_ c... erlhee .0-............ ~ -.... ~. pM ...... ....,...) ....... pI !I .............. -. ....,. .. 8 •t..., .............. c. .... m•-.- ART • BOOI<S • ANTlQUES • Tobias chars etc e Best sel~s 1n good shape • Art tS tramed some ongcnols some lm tted edl t10ns and several tun posters Sl to S3 000 everything way t:>elow cost 9 am to 5 p m Sot Sun rv1crv 22nd and 23td 30000ceon comer ot Iris. 230 GOLDENROD OPEN DAILY $50.000 down and It's yours, setter wt1 Ollist you I A great omce at home wtth wet bar and storage. 3 bedrOOfnl, 3 bultw. formal dlr*lg, breakfast room. oozy fa 1-., room wtth ftrepk:Jee. a.gant vtew IY!'G room. library, wet bc:w cna. 2 deck&. OV. 3,000 IQ. n. ot gracJous IMnQ. REDUCH> to M9a,ooo _____ . ______ _ otMU~tJ.I .At.. 36~~ 8. ~OGOI ~OU'fiG J.l....,_~ , .• ..nca -~/ JOWl I ID PC*ULB .• Cllll· ltC IHI ,, -..ooo. m. ..,., El -UIIDY ..aiD ..OW .. .,., ...... 2...._.,2~ooo-a R:rr' a..-... '" ..,.. ol $14,· 800 ......... ...,. •. ~ .. ..r-u all oK.n. $11,SOO. c....a..a ..... (1l4) ~1. POilU RACH, IAut. ........... coedoe. 2 becb-. 2 baiJa, hat· ~ ....... ..u. (714) -30M, (213) 431· 3531. ···~ 11~ 1ST r.-o..d. a.uwuUy liPIJI..t.d, IU.UJ 2-~torJ coedo. a, cnnaer. Call toDirw al&aber 1-«JJ. 532-38'12, uk lor P-.ty· .. .,., A.chNicll W4288. 7l=:ca PaiWI 'DI'CNTL\1. LOf -..... All .W-w.. ,..,....,.,... roeda. LMe Georve. Cole.&· do. AcN JU. .... ...... reedy lo bv.Ud, Pib rore~~~. Sc.M.y. ., at:AI.ISTATE Tredel co..-.recl. 114 WAII'I'ID/ Hell St.. Ne•port a..c~a. DC:IIAIIQB N'KWl'OJtT LOTS -n.o W AIITID: UDO ISLI adtoialav. Slt,OOO lloae. MO,OOO to FIND -a. s...ta .,bar• seo.ooo c~o ... S3.a IT loll, 3 adjoialag, per aoatll pi• prlacri· $!10,000 MCh. OWC. ple llll latere11. IN 631-4178. 175-_!118--=-ta_. --~- OUR GJIANTS PASS, e=· • . OTevcna. Clw>ice ac .. CLASSIFIEDS 'Qe, GO do-.Ji. P.-y 10 Q J .acre1, $21 ,800. 12 Cll~ acr•, $27,800. lat.,_. · .... ollly payaeat. for 3 ,_,. •• ltm. Clo.iav • JIOIILE IDlES co11 approa. $500. a HOUSES FOR 55~1;.,.:-52,;;,1:,;,8_ •• ·==,--SALE V ALL1Y CINTD - , a-1111hal 2 ecr .. , DEIOitG. NEW MEXICO 138,000. $10,000 do-. I/2ACJU: Owur •ill c errJ . 497-3581. Full prace S2,950only S350 do wn. owner w11l c •rry SJS SO monlhly 7 y .. ,. 10¥.~ .qenl (7141171-t700 UBOUIESFOR SAlol WOBILI HOWl -Lar~ ed\llt puk. pool. t~pa.l4'dl0', 2 Wrooa, 2 bat.la, airrored, laaiiJ room, au, •uller/cby- er. Luv• petioA..!:' .,,... $48,500. . .wee~~ . .,o-.Jler. Call \o1lfrM auaber 1-«JJ-532·31172, uk lor Pea•JM••r Ad•atcll ..... f/1AU1'0 tJiliiOI.I1'In ICI .. aV10...aftiY 211 ww.-.. c.w. CUJ*a, h-d'b .. or YiaJl k)p&: $10 ---'-kl• ce.n. W...W ~~~ ql~Ality. la'-riof r..tcnatioa eooAOaic.l· lyclou.146-1211. •MOTOR HOlUB .......... a.Jo.t. W1at eoaiWoa _.all ._..u..lt.OOO...._ ... o8w o... tlS,OOO. c.a ... (71., -0100. la IIOUID roB·.· • aOuais rei . SAI.E , · SALE • .,...roa . Ul.l AIMtl .................. ..... 1101(111 OIIIALIINIIONI Now Offering 90,_ at our Corona del Mar Office JOHN CNif.Y GAt Pete Barrett Realty presents THE LAKES End unit. 1 bedroom, large living room with fireplace. cliD.ina area and roomy garden kitchen with eating area. Great location direct- ly over your own prap. Beauti· fully landscaped with mature trees and lakes plus all the other amenities. Immediate posaeasion. 1100,000 with excellent. aaswna- ble financing. 842·5200 PARK LIDO 3 bedrooms, 2 'h baths condo near pool. $145,000. Pr.ze West Boy boyfront. Slips for 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both $1,200,000. Ocean ond Jetty views. Marine room, • bedrooms, 3 baths, 3,700 sq. ft. $1.385,000. LIDO ISLE HOME&.r-- Prime Lido Nord boyfront. Five~ rooms, 5~ boihs. Large llvi~ room, 2 boot aile-ll,SOO,OOO. Remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 boJh plus Iorge rec. room, beom ceilings, fur. nlahed, potloe. JG),OOO. LINDA ISU aAYFROIIT ~ view from 6 bedroom. 5 bath, ~oom, dotk room, den, bocrt allp. $1 ,350,000. "mR..-- LAGUNA BBACH 1105 ... Colli& Hwy. 494-1177 1A1Y naAJICDIG • A l bckm COftiMilliiiii room fof outdoof ~ Gt..r .,..,.,,..,. potent* With iU .... ~ ao. • Ins than cwrent rlltl Owner uya to~ II of. fers• SUI,SOO 1W£EI( J W&ICS IW&ICS ..WAI'I.AIIn -•5!95 for 18 wordl 10 .. CXSCOUNT 30,. OtSCOUNT \llll --- . .._..t .. _ .... __ -·-1W&K .............. n.~,..,. ewau ... ,.._ 13WIIQ ..... .. liWIIICS .... .... t.JWIHS ..... ._ --------- • All -··~ .... ...,.., holM wtl.h """' ............ *"" •• ,...... Monti ~ louliaft. ......... ) ........ ....., ,_ and*-dawtthspa.~ ....... n.lnCI MtS.OOO ... . : . . .. jr.-.J: ,ti~ 'l~<·'~· J\ ~ ':-'' . .;:.;, .,_ ... 733l 11'11. Ia· o.-.. madf+' •, ..S ............... .u .. tAoM, ~ oollor. Call ........... 1.101). S33-31m .... -... ,. ...,..~Wlllt. 1112 CAVALID 9t.atioll ·~ 5,000 aD. .. to., ah, AWJN CM~ette, 1001 rack. S.U or a1111•• lee1e . !1!11-4138. DATIVIt 1171 .OZ ~SPUD - A1r OOIId.. AWP'N. fe9lllu 9M· 1 ~r. $8,'1!0.131-2270. 1m J'OID nm.JJA f. c-,1. a.d, au, auJo., AMIJK. llrceDut COD· ditioa. $4,200. !IU ·12163 ...... JAGUAR 1-JAGUAR XU. 4.2 Uter, 3 c~tbur«on, reboilt •qt.., aew cluo.e taterior/brakea. wu. o&r. --1000, at. 528 c:laJI; (98.7143, -u.. 1110 WAZ.DA U7. Llvlll bhM, ac.U.. oaaclit'oll, au coacl.. 20,000 ailea. $7,800. Call .,_ auabec 1.101).132-3872. Ilk lor PeaaJMver Ad•atck WDll1. "DcmDIEIIZ 1•1 WIICDlD 300D 4-Door. ftlte, nuoof, loo.. .U...., tab owr a.-, 11,000. C.U Wr. Iron. 7U..as21, ..,.., 111-leea. -~FOR uu: (3) {6) (9) (12) (15) (II) (11) {211) can ClOt (.U) 1 ~·-.: .. ·.·~t )'J"~h·,·-~~-/"' f \ ~ ..._..._ . .-' ~ ..... ......., ___ ...._........,..:......_-.'!'~_...-....... ., ........ , ___ _ flU .. ........ OlDIIIOml 1-01 DIWWJ I ... door. Loeded ~ ... tr•. lebWb ~iM ud trn•l-'oo. hoeU.lt coadWoo .......... . MaO 080. !1!11-3110 -· BIAUTJFUL 1881 OLDS ~ DM.l. louy, tU. over a.-, kl• aJlM9e, AWIN ....._,c...-.. cn* coatrol. Oaly S28S clepoat, .. ao~~lklJ. C&ll ~ al&aber 1-100-532-3172, ,.. lor PeaaJMYer Ad•atcll W4473. PEUGIOT PIUGIOT 1880 s..,_ Dehule, 1&1-r. polJ COIMd. 21,000 ail•. ah, AM/JW cu.tt. ....-eo, na roof ~ ndehield p!Vt«· Uoa. sa. !111161.,., ru.. C.U tollfree awaber l -«JJ.S32-31J"12, Ilk lor PuaJM••• Adwatch W2ll2. DJUCTOaY OP FIND IT IN OUR 01' • . • I I .• . . . -• "' ..... ADDmOIIS • RDIODEIJMG WJIYIIOftt IMPIIOYII llooa additloa aad ,..odel. Hll.bbell Coa· ll:riiCtioa Co. Ul-7151 ASPIIALT SEAL OOATIIIG/ DRIVEWAYS ASPBALT UP AIR s..kloatiao • Stnpplllq :om. .. re~t.lal ,,. lilt. lJo. 38'1362 .... 111 ALLSTATE PAYDIOCO. ouaa••'DG GRA.DDIG a PAVING • a..w..liAl • Coaaerc:ia1 • Liocceue 3IJ7804 Ml-1730 IARTDDERS IIAUTY SVCS/ fifiiDS IALL T'S BIAUTT N()()K, 1• I . 1'1\la St .• eo.ta W... P..-.--11 bo• Sll.SJ '-P· TiDtiacJ, SI.OO llJI· She.ajiOO ud *'· $4,SJ. Ff01Ua9, Sl2.00 up. Haire~attiDq, S3.SJ. ~-76G. COWPUTIBIZID IOOUIIPING tro. S1S .,., aoatll. Payroll, T.A.C. (71.) &31-:zt.Jo. CAIDIITI -Cutoa ....... ~.book· CMe~. ban. ver..-uct aUlr ,.. 1«).7l54 ........... Aalllo• Toa . BAliS, WAliTILS, kJ.l. die. c~. tu.d ....... doo.n, book· -· ..-odrll•t Uld acld-oa1. lacelleat refeT .. c... LiceaN .,.,.. ...... WOODS CUSTOM , ........... ~. 1D9: for all 7'0'&1 peAal· mv..,...~ ID e&bu..t ~. ti•W.'"9 .... ....... iacJ. fort ... ....,... c.U Terry, (714) 13S-8113,(714)~!QI3. CAIIIKf ana: a ra •w II ICl Toar oW c.....,, lib ... ~ 4 .... ol Ll,c • qlWludNPUn-._,. CALl CI.ASSIFifD 173-1511 0001 • Feodl, •trJ ud Ia· '-'lor doon. AJeo 10011 additiou, ~ aAd Plec:iiDoa tuu.J. C&l'J*ltrJ. Bod, fiG. 3617' Lie. 410'111. CA.JlPIT UPHOLS'l'lllT cMa.ai."9 -"'' ..,... ci al. Hydro•••••, deodori.H, cWJ.ee: 2 roo ... S13.SO; S roo-e. S3l.SJ; eoJa, SUUS. c.rpet, QPh.oilt•lJ cl,. 1"9 (80 yania), Scotciii- Qud, pre-coadiliollill9 optioall. Qupet ..... lerl, 540-l&W. CAJIPITS CLIAHID: Catpell 1teaa/clry cJeuecl. J'loor ltdp- piq/•u.l"9· Soutk .... .. •• 'raace. en•> 711· 8001. DIRECfO ·~ AND ADDlTIONS. Red · wood patto•. •P ... deck&, akyllqllt•. f.':,jboua. wuulow•. lob lpecWial. rw. allimat ... ltlchard, (714) $25.2007. GAIAGI DOOI SPIDfGS: Ranlw&ra, alaetroaio opaQare. lvenJa9•· ... k•od•. Aal[ Door Compuy (714)~1477. ' HOWIOWNDS RIWODIL GAJU)EIQJIQ O..QA ud coullnlctJon co~- doeu.aate pr~..d. IMGSDVr"CJ.. ~: Couult W1tl. tlw prot.. ba-weekly. moatJily liouJ WUU.. An9.U IDA1Diauaee. Spnakl.er CU ud Compaay, (714) rapau, n-wo.rk &ad WAIBING/ 7'10-18615.. haulin9. ,,_ ..eia&l•. DE'I'AIIJRG ftiWOOIL CONTRAC-549-4991. 9 • m. to 10 W()Wl 1 SDVICI •• 101. R.lareneea Lie p;-.:m-:-=:. =-:-::::-=-:~,...,~ -• ~ or otflC:e. 413671 Addahona, AN.!JUCAN GARDEN-,~ De•lqn , Dralt1n9 D Y.ud •---~ ..._d ~ Y ente• Construction -c-..upe, ud ~ cMteii"'Q. lac tree IOJIUIImo. l.&nd· "TredHin-•' Det&&lan." • 536-0237, 581-acepLDQ 7 ~ u -oeftee lloua: a a •.. }1 7484. 493-6218 penance f r-•h· .... lac~~ ll •.m · mat •. l>&n, 646-9239. 11 p .a . 67J.Z244. COISTIUCTIOI FIRST INPRISSIO N HOUSI CALLS lfllaAlTilS · Total L&nd.cape San· C.... ea.r wu and ..... ..._ • tc. lall.U.t10n and ...... Yo~Jr C&.f r.OaeU a_,...... l m.untenance. T.-•rv· yoa. All work ouaran· -.d ~1:k547-82 ~tat. ...... .-•c• and cl .. nup• · 41· '-'I .tl Spnnldau, lawa (714) . Re..on· .W.r.-.CaJlTony. Jeellertitte~ lw.DO't'Gtloa. We do 11 DIDIIIIIO: (714) 142-otl7 ..U. aocall• 103. Cutoa awo Ud boat ROTOTILUNG DOME cl.teilln9. Yo11.1 home or DIRT chMp Gard.ana, .u-. Ptck '-P and delJv. CONTRACTORS flower b.cla. l••n•, ary. CaD BW. 548-1492. land.ac•PLD9 R-aon- ALTIRATIONS, ADDI· able rat•. Fr .. &dv1ce CATEIUMG TIONS, repau. cll.b1· 646-7819anytune. 1111 aiST PA8T11S a.ra neu, complete eontrac-DoWN TO EARTH utencl by W&.ni.nelli tiaq •.rvaca 35 Y..,.. Lawn and Garden S..rv- C".&MriaQ. So let Na.r-espenenea. RalereJlc• u:e. Complete lDil&lle- tiii.W'a plaa your nest ·~.603693&498. Henry, uon, renov•tiOD and -s. {714} 7»-9636, mailltenuce ()uahty (114)141-M41. "Nola .. Mrvlce at down·IO· ... ____ .-tll~~·l -.rth pnc• S.h.lhed • • ·waDDINGS Cu.alom Woodwork eu•tomeu o~ar hut PAIITDS by ''V..w.AQ Custom ~ s.n pnonty Ca.ll anyllJDa, Goa,.at." Un1q1aa Bookc:aMS with~ 646-7819 claheiou.a lood and "leadacf' Doors GAEEN SCDU: ~-Wl..JIT13 S.W~h Lawn m&Jnlen•nce , C :EitEJIT Rdcrrat.-AJI W()rl( cleanpa Iaroe •nd Quarentced small TrM · tnJIUIImO ~ S3l·H33 and remo¥&1. r ••• PATIOS • DIUVIWAYS --------•1..uma•• ~-Wooct. pa& co...... GARDr.nuG .u typee. No job k)o .-.nan bigl-..ll No. 291235 DOORS RJ & S Garclellino S.r- Aik lor Ita.. ~7102 DOORS FOR THE [)(). vtce General cle&D·up, COMCUII AND IT-YOURSELF lDJtaller ma anten•nce, ado•. WA-weed1n9, fer1LUa1D9. SONJlY Pahoa, W holeula p11ces. Call Bob. 1714) ~- dacu, brick an ley, 3'a6'8", 10 hqhl French DO"'""S d.n .... a-,. with uphalt doors, S95 26 Four V'6 remowaJ, plaatan, hre· panel mtenor douqlu YARD SERVICB ~ block wella Fr.. hr, 2'8" a 6'8", S78 50 lawn m.unteJIA.Dca. lr--~ 0.. 536-eaeh Sta nley H1nQH & tnmman9, dean~ap and 7440 ~ 383422) H•rdware, et' . SS hallhno 544-2111, u t nD a1n.ATJS on deU .. ry duacl lo your 1103, w .. ltd.aya 8-_!_ ~. Wack 01 bnek· local tob mte Pre-hunq work, ...., c:outnaelioQ Iota abo •v•alable C..U 857-6858 GLASS or ~~Lk: 2SN6l2 c.u ~ .. yt.lma CONCHn WORK ~ 20% IUPOY --------------~i W~EGLASS IIIUOR • SCIIED Remdellllal. eoamweial qlMa lor all pu.rpoeee ,OI&ahty work "-· Patloa, dn••••Y•· tlUIIII5 b&oc:kwalla, rom. aclcb · Off SUYttt t»u, ~elaooa, MW • Cu'IOf"' Mode Ofoon ... aA Y ·-._,....,.,. I• 1•\1 ~ ' Rtft.l!ICI"I Clll·-· -...;. ~,., a frM I'><' UJ & ;lti.et'l P«ul, m.J283. 175 • ltt\~lt W>•to llt1Mir'CtS 8371. e lrtt 1\1•-•lh l&.ble rat• 1$1-47'71 liOUU I.OCDNITB PAIIIDWO a .....a DIADIOL TS 1N · PADn'DIIG: lat•rlor/ HOUIICLIAMIMG. STALUD -1" Kwilr-a.t.n.. 1.owe1t ,.._, ~ fllooterleee· let: Sliliiag clood, wbl· ~ • ..at .me.. la la9, ~ ... ---. ctow. ..cved. Joa.uoa'• .,.. lof lO .,..,.. r.- coado•. R .. Nubla Ho-S.Cll.dty. No. ..... •• .., {714) 848- rat• . ...,-.oe-. C.U 01•. {714)56-0541. MM. (714)131-7148. altet 4 p .a .• ga.an. COAT or WANY COL O.lloru. ORS pa1.Jati1lo -lale.r· HAPPDIISS IS HAY-IIASOKBY iorleNrior .. &CO\&.Itical lNG TD0 lor yoll.nell. W"'l' 0C:W ~-S.rvtaQ mLDe t..t 1111 Uadle JOIU &Del ~ ...... clMn'DCJ .-da. Wa do IC --.y/c-aa.. Call StO..Q240 (Lac u elll Ia b~ .u.e. Bnak. Woek.. --· l5M)0) __ :....:..:..;~---- 1----~-.....,. Door til., ~etive. -WI~. &-WIPJi'=, d'~-~ ·-"--'•-,.,__ .,_ 13()0 _....u.a ---· a --...a~ -' ._...._ --•~---~·-•· •~ .. ___.__, ___ --·rei·' --a. ---· _...,.., -"""-.. CLUNING UNLIW-p&lioe. 1 ... --=-a. b· Qu,bty workaa.uhip ITID. For ~-oa m ~. boodecL IE-rr---...... AM !lou-=lea.IU.QQ, provid-..... 5151-1310. 80D&ble po-. Lac U.0 aJl Nwb-~lllcl-WN. H. AHDDSON 3811203 ha Wall, 541 140 •'-·~~~--!~~lit .. · w-ry: Block, bnek, 3290-"-'-·-----wo.rwy_....._......., ... ...._ ___ ....,.,..,_ J••.., p•~G lo Ca.lltocl&y fo.r alllllaAM .. -. -· --· -~ IUnlln Ul>......., pl.uatan, ....u.. ~a .. ,. tanor/blanor, ~ ,_....,,__ "'r/-u.ricn. J.-... ~rea..l. Fr- 'IOP BRASS CIMniDo U.... (Lie:. 380921) ..u...a-.. Call (714) s.~ Hou-'apart-BoDded, tuu.red. 642-se.3131 mantalcondoalrantab g&g8. ..::.:;....:.:..::...:_ __ _ A.lford.able r&l•-642-JDI. CO. 0190 Servino Oruoa WASONJtT OU'I SPI.-PAIJfTING Co\4aty. CIALn -TU.-Con-•lalanOr HOUSECLEANJNG -e,.._ -Block &Ad • bta.nor 12 ,._,.. aspa~. ltnell. Qwc.k, cla.A, 18 ,._,... rr-aatun•._ Good rafarne •• depadehl•. htar S. ~5519 W.udaya and S.hu-Rocloara, Ptoperty lm-PACIFIC PAINTlHG d.y. CaJl ln evesuno•. pro...-t, 631-2345. co. -J.Dt.nor/utar· 54.3-6540, Sy1m. WI DO ALL TYPES oJ 1or. lacapUoo.al quahty LYNN • S W 0 P • N maeonry, bde k or and •rvice. a-n&.ble BUCD:T C1MA.~D.Q S.r· block. Brick pl.utara, pnc•. S.YM~ owuan· vice. Yo~a m• II up -brick anttywaya, brick •-· u eeUent refer we cJMD it ~apl Call pauoe and I.IU\llanea e.oc•. For wpenor Mr Lynn, 552-7892. OD call work. TJS-6266. •ae•, call 675-0486 waa.kly, ba·moJlthly ancl •YeCU.Il9• a olltlaly ., ___ ....,,..._..,.a I SPRING PAINTING SPICLA.L. llltanor/o · tenor el wUlter r•._ ~ty work aod mater· ial CJ"IIAian~. , __ MASONRY WOOD DALY Lcmdac:ape FDICES PATIOS SPAS DECKS 873-1161 40FUS Wall-wuhLDo, c~t uampOOUICJ (ll81D0 ~arday uaapoo) Sparkhnq •howeua window ele&JUDo. pak:h plutalUlQ and p&i.nhao All P"-of bou.a-ela&ni.nq 836-5429 ,._.,..~...,--~!'11 INTERIOR/ EXtERIOR DESIGN WOVEDI? DOROTHY NAP~IE lNTIRIORS can balp you qet It all t09at.b•r COWPLITE DECOR! ( 11 ye&ra With W&J Sloane.) 548-9798, m-o• 642-1691 ont:IUOR DESIGN I d•1on lor your par· aonahty and b~adqet Creelive conaulhn9 Unuaual lurualllle , Wlll· dow eoverLDq8, bad· dulo. averytblno I 0..· coWlll, tool Sandra N. 511-*1 LANDSCAPING YAJU> BEJUVENATlON IIDUlOB MJJUlOB BRI.AKS: ~ rooaa, ofbcee, wha'-1 -witli aili- ror. AAy walll'd:r. 1/4 pt. ... sa~­ Aleo tQb/.a.o-r an· el~. &Del wa.nlro.be dooa. 531-4300. BIG SAL&: WDUlORID wuclro.be doora and aho-r doon. Call Sam, (714) 996-3910. (714) S9!HJ02. MOVING• STORAGE Till ST ARVIMG COL· LIGI STUDENTS Wo•· IA4 Co. lw r.:--(1Je. T -124436) :: I oood ...me:.. Call 641-14Z7. AICNOVJHG ~-· .... ...... ..urn.._ Fred, SJ6 3471. PADCT SAIQ)ALASTUCG Nobody baabmy pnee • Re.idaa.Uel •C~&&l • lnclutrl&l Ellparianeed p•1nter Yo1.111q. 5514131 lnt.,lOtlbt.fiOt Ac~hcol Callings Rwfefenc• • ln~red PAPER HMGIMG ORCHARD WALL COVUING lapert 8lrlpplnQ /ln8ta1J• I I On a-ebl. ra.... Ir- a~*~-..... Retereoc• C&Jllrnla. 631.-4.576 WEGAJ.S SHOULD BANG toaETIIIR we• AND ltLOCJt , won, petloa and ~=:;s;,.;;;...... ____ ~ ClaAA\lP • T.-Trun· lllLDCl • l.aW11 R.oo••oon u a unv.. au • Ra~PLDO • S.rv· nn.nu • ..an lll9 Harbor ArM DLDe -...!. 1cMoarll ...... 1..-.ct·••· Qu.ick.. c .... hal aarrioa. Wall~ iut..U.hon tad p&)llllllo cln.....a'PL CaJl John 131-~ or 131 1366 alterS. PAINTING, PLUW8 .,.._.... S4ate LM:.naad. LD· DRYWALL lNG. e!ac:1rleal and 9an •~a reel rr-lllllmat• DRYWALL eral r-s>&U. Work O"IIAJ· C A.LLBOB utaacl. r.-allua&t• 841-tall tLulqlDQ, t•plDCJ and Bob, (714} 835-2618 crN hve ha.od tealurH GIU:ER SCEIIE CUS1'0W CDaNT and brlch ork. Wa do 11 ...U No -to:~ too ~u Re t.taocae and 1.-•h- aaleL 147-4848 lnauracl ReU.ble 0.· W'WII, tr-. aluube. la- pendable ~1El]Cii£~;j:C)t,!;' ll.U.hon Rotobllinq, Call lelf I trM trlmiDLDQ and ra· 631 c.913 • Repau mo•al r.-..uru.t ... ·~ ' • Remodelm· n 646-1571 or 548-fl06S. DRYWALl TAPING .. I SPIC1ALIZI 1.11 J&ela ..._.,work andre ao•al ol conc rete (p&Uoe, 8cl.aw&Jb and a.m..ayoa), Aleo cuttLDo &Del ilaDdMWUIO Not ...._ lie. WMir'• Con ~ &.ao.aJ. 631· 2810. All teaturu and • Fix-It Serv1ce SJDMLAJU)SCAPE aeou1t1c Room adda Cupentry, plumbmc) We 1_0 .. old orAD lion• a.od r&UI damao• eJ.etneal. doors cut ud I.Dilell new IJUII.a.nl Fr .. eetun•t" ~evtn and anstalled, mold aod laW11. We h•w 67S-9088 UICJI, c&.blllala. dtetv.!l ltlu'9ran, ltermud• ud txconcl.ra .,d Low PLASTiJUNG , •couatac '00 Faucets, ~rao•l price• L1e e naed . eeilinq. We do at ...u door apnllQ&,aprutkler 5157 Otl8 Ralaabla. tr .. allunat• systelllt Fall, efhewnt · Clayton. 960-1215 ..,.,.,ee Lie 83526!1 UYAHTS LANDSCAP-ING -Coaplete ,,_ RISlDIN'T1AL I COM· NIRCIAL -Elactne OIU ~~peCwa.Jty ClMn. qu1ck, depend•ble We do any sue tob Pater S Rodqera, STAMPIDOONCI.ITI Prope rty lmprove - WMy oolon. ~. -a. 631 2345 Ori...,a,.., patio•. UCINSED tLICTRl-... .a.. r,_ letA· ClAN -Oepand.ble ...... Urc. 3'17151 q-aat)' work .__n· (7l4)a'l.ml. aw. relw ,,_ ...... Qe1AL1n ...._ Call Tom. 631· ~~ ~.::.;7~2----~~~ O.iwteo-~-• .,..,......... El.ECTRICAL cvllt _......., tpeC'-1· f'll<»_LDIS? ...._ ...... w aad C•tl HCl Servic. Com· ~ f..e ell!· paay We do nre&den· .._ _. ONIPefillve ti.tl, coaaerc•al. ID-,noo..a.... _,., d...an.J wmno No tob •• ---100 ...U 24·holl.t MrY· COliC DaJVI-~baa. {714) 631·5999. WAlt. Si4owalb. Lac:.;..;_..,.4J.;,SZ33:.::..._=...,..,..- ...-. Wock w.U.. o CUI EUX:T1UC • ....... .,... lind. • ~li&l &lnv ••. (71~ Mao • Co~ a.. •Wuan.J ~ at nuonable prireee Lic.Med ..... , a&ec:trtd.u. No. 417174 .. ,. IUCTIICAL CON- TUCTOI '-ta IJaclrlc:al Co Ide. tll... Pro•ullat ,.... ud b9)it lor ...... .,. aacl ... ::-.:-.,.mea. 151..., •l'Vk:e t..WD reno••----------1 lion aad hnoaho n. HAULING• IIOVDtG GIO•GI"S local haul LDO, U() pe! ~UJ. trQc)r and cln.., Call aeJ. 0108. HONE DIPROVDIEln'S DIP TOOl WADfTI. NANCI e041 dowa HouMbold ••Jt&lr•. ramodalUlO, plua)uq, electrical. yard cleanup No JOb too nnall. Call any1iaa L•••• •••!!!• lor Duane, (714) 810-3336. BOUSE cu:AICDfG ltnek. llone. block concrete, pabo, ctn ... waya G\&&r&ntead, Ll- eeuad, lAIUred. 536 0814 FUE EI1DIATES Sod , ll>r&nlt1er end ...u 1D.IIt&l.laboa Ow wor.k oAly )oob all'pall· e.. Chac:.k o11.1 pnc. ba&ore you buy Call W.,kat Lloyd's a.cleD Sliop LKl 204518 Call&te-7444 IORIIIIVI..LANEY •soa Cement/brick, rela.nd· acapmo. trM remowal, wood dacb Lie 26181 7"1'0-DU a.c:AAWUD-W.....O cotn'IAC'IOR Cll.lltO.. d ... Q.. .. . 11aate, eooc.-. --eocuy Spnaklan. ID· ...u.t.loG. cJ.an11p, ra- l•aclec:apuao. roe 1r ~ Uceo.d. boDd· .d. 2'70JI1 l ol.ka Wad ~.al-Zlll UGBtiNG WALIIU LlTlS rspMred or lalte!W ~ wo.lt ... I4W p$'0 ......... -.k. C1lllllla ..... ~ .. .....-.... snacx. LD IDVICI. ... ma. W-M!O ST ARVIMG AC'IOBS' WOVDfG COMPANY Ch.e.nvmv c:.aJ.? No h.ueleel w. llutla W1th 0111 m UC lal! l.acenMd, I.IU\lled. 673-0853. NURSING CARE PRACTICAL NURSI. proAe.tOD&l duty eaze for the diaablacl. COD· ·~v. •oed ud etuonie&lly ill. Howly or Oeily rata, 24-bou.r ..me.. Call Mn Teny, 645-33'7. ~.lt. PA.OO'ING -lo· tariror/.stw~Gr. r~· lla) &Del COIIUDeTCial F.-all:imat• Cell IU. 17S-4019. A.IIDICJUI PADmltG SDYICE Spacial ra... lor eamora Free tllltilu... Wlb. m. 788!1. HOUSI DOCTOR -PallltiD~ qv.ahty work. niNOD~ .. price~ p,_ alli&A.... S.blfaetioa 9uaran-.d. CaJI Kea. --7047 PAIIIt'lltG ~~7%7 PUClSION W ALLPA PD HANGDS bpen c r•ft•m•aahap, low r••·· lr.. alltun•t• Call ua and .... 20~- 30~ on your purcbue ol wallpaper Com~ar· c tal!R ... denhal S42 2047. "HANG lN THIJII" wllh Knc'a Wallpaper Fr .. N llmAitea, r"aooable rit• ud prol.-aonal .. ,.,c. S49·2411 WALLPAPIRING P&.llll1D9 Reeadenh•l COIIUDere&&l Seandana V\.U quality Laeenaad HWaat. 548-7615 PET CARE/ GAOOMING PAWPIIlED PETS' Fnaoe BeneJtta Fr .. h All ~-d&lly •• eraee. 1Adiv1dual •tteo bon Thai's what muM happy doo• cau wt ..t1ed cl.tenu Nake your holld•y reaen allona now• Pa.mpered P•t Hoi !day Hotel, •flordably pucad bou drno. qroorrlino. doo•. c.-au 20592 l.aqllD• Caoyon Rd . Laquna 8Mc h ·94-0142 PAIMTING STEVENS PAINTING is now offering specials on exteriors free itemized esti~tes many loc~ references neat dependable work ASK FOit CHAAW (71 .. ) 6<4S..ll48 or~S61 INTekiO" ANO EXTEIVOit. W~K The Ne~t Ensign W~. Nay lt. tta Pop tt • . ROOn.ftG SPRDUl.ERS SPIUJUl.EI SYSTEMS Repau • CoaveraioDII Valv• • Conlrola Cornmerctal/S..identl.al M•LDleo.anee TYDPAJa PIAIK>/ORGAN TUlOMG PUUfO TUIONG R.pair\Do. requlatLDq ai',Pr•ueh , loe •l raiara.a c" Dw19bt hya. 1$3..11$7 PLASTEIUMG All PHASES ol PLAS· TER1NG R•·•tuceo 1U tlli'LD9, Ullenor/ea· te nor patchwork Room addahoru and c1&81om hom• Fr .. e.tunate L•c 388781 Joho 960-3786 ALL PHASES OF PLASTDUNG Ull.lque p•tc h1.119 and p&~~~h.nq Small )Oba waleome Super low ... 1mat• 836-5429. LATH.PWTER Re stucco, wndblut IDQ, illlenor, 1.11enor L•c 91765 Bonded, 1n •ured Call lAity 514-1200 PLUMBJMG SANCHEZ PllJM:BlNG -R..adential/Cornmer· cwa.l Specwuuaq Ul copper rep1pe and re- p•u• L1cense No YU¥i7 Ca.ll lor free .-tun••• 642-3394 tO'-orr -All LA· BOR Speca.ili.lmo U1 ...U types ol p1umb1n9 O.panc:U.ble, rep~at&.ble, aeonom1c•l L1cense 337420 Total PlumbU19 , 951-3548 PAYLESS DRAIN and P1umb1n9 Servace Or&IAI cl .. ract C...U lor lr" eahm•te. 1 hour Mrvlce All plumbanq rep•u• Guaraoteed work. 957-1609 MAC~ PLUMBING & KIA TING CO Repau Mrv1ce, water healers, commerc•4l •nd reSI dentwa.l New work a.od remodel. eotlre rep1pes uceiUNid 859·9005 POOLS/ SAUNASJ BOT TUIS/SPAS ZEE"S POOL SERVICE. c~ INUltenan.c• and rapau lac.Uent re hable work Lo w ROOFING AU typea, new, old, repaua, ciaclu. waler p1oofa.n9 Call Bob 548-0769 Lac No 406022 RAY'S ROOFING CO S.rvano aJl of OT•nqe County AU typea ,rM ..tuDAt•. lDJiuracl Lac 361042 All work qu•r antaad 559·9369 HUBER ROOnNG Allrypea New. recove r. FIRE PROOFING dacb u e 411802 Mi-1734 HORIZON ROOFDIGCO. Low t&lell on repau and reroohaq Lac 38i4.l5 548-3109 FIRE RIT ABDANT l:aleuor/Interaor A• ahowa on ''That'• lo crecl.lb1e " LaceDMd •P· pl.acator GrMI Waetem RooiLDO & F1raproohnq "Wenlloll &d for dt.a cou.at ., (714)731.-~ ROOM ADDITlONS ROON ADDITIONS !Utchen. b.t1uoonu. wet bars, patiOIJ W..Onry. elactncaJ Peter S RodQers Property 1m provement, 631 2345 ROOM ADDITIONS RENODEUNG f re• alltl.ro.At• JO VMU In Ora.o9a County L.1c 2668'10 Suno ConJtruc bOD, (714) 953-1607 SECRET ARlAL ----EXECUTIVE SECRET ARlAL SERVICES Word proc~9. dacl• hon Qualaty ud depen da.bil1IY Reasonable I"'· Newport Be•ch arN (714) MS-2142 THE BEST. most prompt prot-anal lyptsl IBM 75 a.a.wers aU vour typ Ul9 oeech Rea.onable rates Joao 551·4532 or 559-5950 (miKWQ") SCREENS MOilLE SCJU:IJ'i DOCTOil Repa.u/Rept.ee C1.111om • R.uonable 631~ t...v.W-o• priOM Owner opar· SKYlJGHTS •ted c.u 631-5725 C!VYLIGHTS DVAN'S POOL S£RV .;JA ICE R•Jdenb.al/Apart SAVE ENERGY menta/Commercial A.J1 work. 9uaruteed Acid ••U a.od rep"--n Ooe-day tnatallallon Hon .. t and de~oda.hle w ... OQ CoaatructloD 548-4037 POOL S i .RVICE, B5 (714) 963-?737 month Spa Mrv1ce S25 NEW P 0 R T S lC Y month Guara nteed UGHTS Oual1IV an Call lor hM on11?4C'hon slallatron reuooablt 631 2'720 rates lrM nhm<llfl WIND JAMMER Pool Guaraote.-d Rele• S.rvlce Oualtty pool ences 6JI 457b ulr lor care rep••n. Npplree Ern•• and equipment (714) I 960-4689 SOLAR 131l- TAILOR KYW 'S C R£AT1VI STITCKIMG -D- auktnq lor all acoJ• Old tuJuon qlU!ta. laney pillows •.nd thLDOI Call 640-9308 TELEPHONE AJCSWER.IMG SERVICE MAIL• MESSAGE SERVICE W1th occuaonal llM ol oUace and/or conJe r· ence room Photo cop y uaAiJ word proe..a.ao. bookU.p1nq teJ.-eopy LDO, toWJ.. 800 lule •v.u..bl• GrMI N-- port Center addr-ud loe•hon Ca.ll JC.thy. (714) 760..0100 TILE INSTALLAnON DYNAMIC CERAMIC, ttle uurta llalloo. mter· 10r ealenor and r-e· P•ln F r-Nhmal" (Purc h.ue all material throuqh me Up to 4Qt.., d~&count ) Hon"l worlt 964 5041 CUSTOM TILE WORK' AU typN 1.11.st.U.11ona - ap•c•ehztnq an re modehnq katcbeo and b.tb OuahiY workm<ut- ahlp Fr.. eshmat• Relerenc•• Roo 831 n91 CERANlC TlLE floon Co1.111ter Tope Showen !.:a-pen 1n tlallauon Gu•ranteed worlr. hM eshmat• 545 5206 SHO WER TUB PROB L.EMS ~ We aolve Ouah· ty ceramic llle IDIItall•· taon Locen..d Fr .. Hllmatft (714) 821 6038 24 hours (71 4) 850 0803 TILE lNST Al.LA TION For all lunda of work New r.doa Fr .. elltJ m•'" (397687) Call Ma.rk, (71 4) 754-6997 nLEWOU A.nv way you want at w.u almoct ' C barhe 639-9399 No 364689 CERA.MlC UNOLEUM • prol••••onallv anatalled Re .. onable &U-51.51 TILE & IILUBLE rNST ALLA TION European crahamao Commerc1•l Reatden tlal For lr" •hm•t" 'all Geor910 953 5115 FORNlCA COUNTERS ToptiCabaoela ref.acacl fr-"tomates M2-US7 TREES ann m.na::lll savtCI.: 15 .... •· peu•c• O.ylallfllllll -b=rle. Low .... . ln-h-oaa _., .. , .. . M SO C.U JJ..n~. 9e6-17tW. IIAitiN£ SUPPU£S? rNd Claeal,. 1'YPIJIIG UPBOLST!BY SOUSSAN lMTERlORS htlqlM to Mod«a Up to 50~ oft ..U de- a•qner f&.bnca Guar Anl..d profeu•on•l work Fr .. plcl<-up & dehvery (714) 957-0128 .lEUPHOLSTIRY DRAPDIES -Cuaom Worlt Up to 50~ off male u•la Free ••. lliDAt• South Pouue Upholstery, La911JU Hilla. 768-9009 ------- VIDEO Ecooo.y VIdeo s.e. .. ~ca H.w ~ tnfm()l.,. - O('QIS«)tlS ~ ~onlo1dro ... ·w~ • IWiglous CA<emonin ·~P..-s ·~E..en• • Show\lhhibil\ons • "Y04J N.,. lt"t c•Frec~s....., •• (714) 556-7t91 B WALLPAPElllBG WAU.P~ Lceaeacl, -.pe_,_.. Proleu1on•1 q11ahty work 30~ cbeco1ult on wall eO'f'at'UIIq8. Free ···1 ····... D•••· Ul-al7. W ALLP APIJl I P ADCT Clrau. apan work Low r•t• ,,_ a.b· m•t• Ken'• Oecoral· LDO (714) 778--54J6 WEDDilfG CONSUL TAT10R/ SERVICES WEDDDtG NUSJC Venable mume lor aJl aq" Cererno~. ,.. cepllona, ba..nqaaet• Duo•llno• Wember. AfofW Wedc:iiA9 &Dei Con ~hon S.N\c. ol So CaW . 559-7333. RAILROAD TIES ,...--------. SOLAR EXPERT TREE SERV ICE Tr.. olJld ahrub tro mmLDQ and remo¥&1 Yard cle&nup Fr .. -· timet" C...U 963 5982 WINDOWS SP AAit UNG CUA.N -Avw· ao• 2 --etory S39 < LS-17 wuad~) Sl S ami· mum Se.-e &aeh&ded Phon• allhi:IU._ a--r Broe 54.5-3158 RAIL.ROAD -T~ Good Mlachon ol S8 tc $14 h• Free dehverv apec•al 2595 laquna Canyon Road Laquoa BMeh 4~ 4764 REMODELING RtPL ACE KITCHEN COU NTER TOPS w.· .. popu.l•r colora lD •tocla Alao lr11cbeo remodehn9 Fr .. Nb mat• Mooretopa (714) 1 558-3888 ROOnNG QUALm ROOFING klr 1-Old and new conllrucllon L•cenaad, onauaed and bonded References .tva.lable I C•ll Kenny Fuolle any time S.S-0193 POOLS/ SAUMAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS Domes he Hot W ater Spas & Pool~ WHY PAY SAt t 5 :nm ~ n 8 • du~• 0.-.~r • ... tn • t a 1 '' 407994:' SPJU.NnERS SPRINKLER REPAIRS Q\.•h•v worlr at • frt11 prace AuromAIIOnl '" p&Jrs reworlr , utl<•m deeaqner SPRINKLER SUVICE 548 2321 POOl.S/ SAUMASJ BOTTUIS/SPAS TREES EXPERTLY TRIMMED and remov I'd \be vard and qarden 1uk.s ReASOna bit> r•habl• Call lor lrf'fl ••t•mat•s Arl S48 7802 RON'S TREE SERVICE TummrDQ loppUIQ ~hap1n9 ''" remo¥al •IJ!'n~ remov•l Yard '""n·•r Lo,·en..d and ,,,.ur..d Ou&l.itv work f rH ••hmbiH 046- S\94 TREES T,r~•d rem ved C'l4"at. up la"'n ••n.:>ve .,,,n 'C.l \476 DAVID S TREt SUI VICE. Exr•f'rren •d rrommor ~ I1Jpp1nQ •tumr w.-d nq land •c-•r• br" ~ wall and •menl wurlr frM • tomate' L•C'f'nted '" ~ur.d 14 boun 541 9716 MIJti"S TREE SERV --~~~!!!!!!=========:::::::::::::!!~~~--.,1 ICE. Land.capano T '" I" recaov•t .-l•anupl h atb haulonq ADd rololdl no (714 1 669 l.J6S W'IJCI)()W'S .. ASIIJ:I) bvuae 'a beet 8MIC 1 ltOry S20 2-~ S30 Reaad e nll•l coa••r eial ~1302 LET riiE SPJU:RG=:-::--=:sn= ablDe I.D. Quahty work •I r-oa.ble rat• Ca.ll To ny'• W1ndow C'- '"9· S47-S&l6_ -- WROUGHT [80M THE lROlf MAM • W &Ddow Guarcb • Fenc .. •Gat" • Weldt119 F&.bneebc. CAll 730-1.00 WROUGHT IROM vlua dow GnU. Dacora.u- hre·uJe, bll.rolaz ~ Low•t pt1ceill <AU (71 4) 633 EetO SECVU Youa..on:an Wllb~ ........ MJDental U'OA AD wpR qua.rant..l 1-sa...slli ~-----........,__---... • ORANGE COUNTY'S . BEST SELECTION OF USED CARS ALL AT ONE LOCATION . FAMILY CARS, LUXURY CARS, MINI CARS, SPORTS CARS, WAGONS WAS *2495 lOW t1995 ?.5 BliCK SKYlARK &IR Sl)1) WAS •2195 OG3II wAS•3995 FROM -*1995 lOW *2995 *1973 Ford Elite Wagon (008 JEO) Was Previously Priced at $1995 ?4VWBUG CIR5101l WAS•3895 ?3CHEVY R (1f11811 wAS•3495 lOW *2995 lOW *2995 ?7Pl.YMOUTH ?7CHEVYIIORA VOUIIE •• . wU.349S WAS •3495 lOW *2995 . lOW *2995 ?1 CHEVY CAPIICE &ll!m1) WAS•3995 ?I FORD F~ aaza wAS•3995 lOW *2995 lOW *2995 . ?8 Pl. YIIJUTH HOIIZDI ... : WAStJII5 10 -*2995 I.:. 'IOCHEVY CIIEVETTE (1MIJ1J •• WAS•4996 WAS•4495 -·3995 .. •3995 ?9 Alii FOX ?8 BliCK 71 HOEA ACa11D ?8 CHEVY IMIIJU WAGOI CEI11IIY WAGOI no• •• ~-032 wo . WAS •4495 WAS •4195 WAS ·•4895 WAS •4915 lOW *3995 11M *3995 lOW *3995 11M *3995 '80 BliCI CBliURY '81 BliCK SKYlARK .. TOYOTA GT '80 TOYOTA CB.ICA CIDU (WNI tMflb CIMJM WAS t&995 WAS •7215 WAS *1115 WAS •1415 -*4995 lOW *5995 ... *5995 lOW *5995 ' . Due to cu= low~. many of cu cars can be ~ tor only tax & llcenll down. 13.000 =3month available at-. charge.