HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-26 - Newport Harbor EnsignStanley Marcus: What's -And Wrong-In Retailing SeePogel9 THI NIWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 34TH YEAR • NUNBE:R 42 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL WAR • WEDNESDAY. NAY 26, 1982 • 25 CENTS One of tMm will t»ec:om. the 1982 Miss Newport Beech In ~t sponored by the Newpor\ ~ Jeyc:eea. From left, front row. Jilt Yri. lmllrj8g (~conversion -w-••); Aa11lyn KoyoumRen, Alex's Shana Foseev, Murchison Enterprises; Anene F'tala, Nutri-Metics; Jayne Meyer. The Intimate CoUection Fashions; Karen Redington. Harbor Development Co. R•r: Christy Bray. Magic a.t.nd; Leurieenne McGhee. Fox a Co.; Skye tver.on, SuperbodiM: Keeley Smith, VIlla Nova: M.-B-tav. PRC ~-; Nancy ), F..._.-; VI 11 ___ _,ad, Dilne'a Swim and Ruaelt, Newport Beach Police Explorers. Sun W..; Peri M<*w, 8.J . Stewart Adwrtieing; CoiMn Petene, Peaza de Cafe; ..,._. ..,, rwe Photography; Gale Nve. link of America. Center row: Usa Corzine, PMl Newport; w.wJy Koivisto, W. W. c~ eo.; Jeri .._..._ ~ leMing; Pageent is .-t for June 18 in Monte Carlo TM bMt Me oJ vacant Corooa cW Mar a..ata.ry School would be to t\&na it iato a r...-Hal cleftlopmal, iD the view of • citi.Mu eclviloJ'y COlD· aiH• wkicb JUde tta.t recom· ••ciaU.O. to tiM Ne-Port-W... UaiW Sc:aool District board ~y Jli9)at. n.. D.iae-penoD COJD.IIlitt ... cUirecl ., Soulhenl Cal.Uomia CoUecJe prrab• 01r Dennie NcM\aH, Mel .... a. public ...U.9 • week earlMr wbich cb.w ._. 80 aeiCJhborhood ......... TM ~el'a ...,.,.•eadation ..a.o ~ U..l, iail.la9 to oiMiD .U. or lcmCJ·tena leue of tl\e Room of The Newporter. Net proceeds go to High Hopes for Neurological Recovery. a local charity devoted to hefping the severely head- •niured. Pageant chairman is Russell Neyman. properly foz recidential u.-, the bOud lhould c:ouider "other approprl.ate u.aee ncb u day echool, cultural ceDter or moderate comaercial ue con· aillteat wtth ur.tiag u..e in the u .. -buJ lhould aot coutder a.oy u..e thet would bring m high tra.ftic, e.pecially on weekenda, and ~t niqht lightiaQ". "Somethiag like 30 living room.a face that properly," N..ic:l McNutt. He commented Oil the attODQ oppoGtioa voiced at the public heariDg to any actinty which would be coutd.ncl diarupttye to p.r.ant li.IMtJle. Tile c:oaam.e waa aot Staff photo by Slew c.nc.an authori.aed to recolD.IIlend a specific uaer or propou.l, McNutt Mid, but wu charqed pri.Ju.rily with SU99eatin9 CJUi<lelin•. Dr. John NicoU, echool auperiatendent, l&ld it now wu up to the ~ool board to dectde on di.rec:tion . Tlaia miqht mean offering the property for aale, or le.eaiag it oa competibve btd. Aabd to clarify a prevalent belief that the city of Newport leach hu a priority on takin9 ~ an ofier to ..U, Nicoll uid, ''TNt'• DOt quJte right. We have to aotify a lot of people and _.a. tMt lM property .. . ~..._..aa~S) Housing E1notlonsln C011ndl by Bun Sima Where can low· a.od moderate-income tam.ili• buy a home in Newport S..Ch? A propoeal for a General Plan amendment which miqbt auwer .that quMtion brought & heated exchan9e Noaday night u it laade ita way to a S-2 puaaqe by City Council. Under discu.uiQ.ll wu a pro· paul hom the city pla.n.n.inq ~t which eventually could lMCI to the construction oJ up to 750 dwellin9 units on the North Ford Site, u IJ'Vine Co. property b.tween JamborM Bc.d and WacArthur, a.od e.x· .c.,ate•eove P.t.eH•·ed ToB .. Itt Cryaal Co.e ''part-time" t .. k ... .....,. toet .... OfOWld-aod gaiDecl ._. qrou..ad-in their .truggle to blunt~· eVlction award dallql· iDg over them. But the date when they have to give up theu cottages m the vmt.qe-1920s colony eut of Newport Beech now depends on what action the LeqW.twe uakes on the atate buc:lQet, whic h 1a 1uppoeecl to be adopted by June 15. Gov. )eny Brown baa unh.l Ju- ly 1 to pencil b.a.a cbanqes. Lut week A..emblywom&n Marian BerqeiOD (R-Newport Beach) wu able to connnoe the A.embly W &ya & Means natural raourcee aubcommittM that lt ahould recommend that the Leqi.alature have fmaJ approval power over the lt&te Department of Parb and Recreehon pYn for the cii.apoGhon of the cottaq•. Thia recommendation was em bodied m l&oquaqe relatmq to a budQet alloation lor the pub department, thua the June 15 date . tendin9 from, Ca.melb&c:k Road toward the San Dieoo Cr .. k Channel. City Pla.n.zu.n9 Ihrector Jim Hewicker a&id, "Tb.aa aite, perhaps more than a.oy other under ltudy at the moment, of· fen the mo.t opportunity for in· cr...-iD density," a.od men· boned a lawawt wlucb cha.rq• the city with failin9 to adequat• ly provide auch houain9. Councilma.o Philip Maurer, iD support of the move to initiate a General Plan amendment pro- ca., said, "I thin.k it would be wi8e to lhow mtent'' to eolve the problem. But &iter Council.m.an Paul HUIIlJMI MJd he wa.oted the ...ue "b&ck at a atudy 1111ion", a.od Council.a:wl Don Strauea moved to deter action until the June 14 council meetin9, Coun- cilm&a Joan Cox attacbd their peG tiona. "I ca.D(t believe ~low tbia city llorriee and aqoJUUa over wb&t we do," be M1d Hhe1D811tly. "We 90 oa and Oil, aa.kin9 it bud to do bu.ain .. here. It'• detrimental; .uch procrutilla- tion. We ahould get on witk tke (Ccatbaucl c:a ..... S) WayaeAhjfCiit'aN May BeGett'•eg bJ lurtll.- Two --.pea to drutically ah.J' ~at Jbb Wayne Auporl iD • IDoiUI.DeJ' .Aicll could lead to cooaiderable iD • creue iD DOiM levels baH dropped on the county 8o.J'd of Supenwon. AACI to further comphc.te the baud's probJem.a, U.S. Di.atnct Juc:lQe Terry Hatter on Wouday tetu.d to accept a revia· ed county ace_. plA.D 6or the ume re.uon.a be thtew out the b r.t one , that ll dl.IICn.awuated Ill lavor of AlrCaJ and RepubLic &uhnes. The county bu aouqbt to key the LDtroduc bon of ao-called "quteter"Jeta to the number of fhqllts permttted eac h earner. proqressmq toward a pomt where &ll auhn" Wlll have such c raft A county spokesman scud he understood Hatter'• ma.t recent ruhnq d.tctat• that CoDtment&J Au hnes wUJ be peruutted to beq10 John Wayne operabona wtth h .. v1er aucraft "juat as nouy u those there now" wtthtn thrM or fow weeb u.nJ .. tbe county subm1ts a utW.ctory . "non ·ch~rmunatory plan". n ... heavier plan .. are 727a, wb.ac b one report LD coun· ty ha.ods &1189• would reduce the We of the pr ... n t runway by 50 percent, aJtbouqb they aare wtthm the preecnbed IIICllllmum wetQht ltmJt of 128 000 pounds Hatter also a&~d , 1t wa1 reported, that unleu an accep· table llCCftl plan 11 preseoted by July 19, be will appoult a apec1al ~911lrate to draw ooe up W.Uwb.ale , AuC.I'a appeal of Hatter' 1 re)echon of Accea Pla.o I il to be beaJd in t.deral -.ppeU.te court on l\lDe 8 . The b.nt attack lut ...k OD preeeot requlaboD.a caae from frODtier AuluMe. w)Uch filed iD W.ral court to overt\llll t.M "'pen..eter rule" whfQ NMrtcll all c:oaauc.ial carriltn 1MriQ9 Job W&JM to ., .... olllO aore ta.aa 800 .a.. It .._ ..._ uped bJ coutr aMtd•h .......... ,. ,...,.. .......... bloe-.. ailctaft • .. loecl• iRdt .... -.... ..... ~ ............... ... . -~ ...... """' (ud c. ........ .-> .. ....... ...., ........ ... .... ..... ., ............... ~cs•••D•-w ............ -" ..•. ,...... .. -pJOMd UJaCh&ly u..a. cc-m•ioq ad COIIlty. u.. aill:mea..-. ~r JWey, lon9 a.o ed· vocate ol keeptng the auporl • abort-haw t.cility to co.otrol ita volume aDd noU. l.lllpacta, Mid, "They (Fro.aller) caJ.J.d me and told me lb.,. .. re do1J19 tlua, a.od I told tbem it wu a IDlSta.ke-but they dtd tt, a.oyway. "Nut thmg, aulinea will be wantmg to Oy out of here to Hawa.u . That'• a b1C) load oJ QU, a.od a lot of DC>l88 " ~en Hall, a JWey &lde , Mid, "Tbe aupei'VlaOr hu m&intatned aU alonq that Wtm9 the 500-m.ile umlt would me&Jl more pusen9en, more qround trafbc. more 945, more power, more no&M. "He 11 abo concerned thet a.f tbu swt 11 aucc...tul, the COUll· ty'a c red.Lbwty 10 ier u 1ta power to control the \.1M of the a1rport will be badly damaQed." The county's acceu pla.o allocahnq a.o averaqe of 41 d.&Uy fughta between AuCal, Repubhc, PSA, Fronber a.od (Coatbuaed Oil paqe 5) 1\ne cou.rtrooa at .. llqje to cle&ay or prneol lec»r&l •~lion of oil ..... OffMor. of Newport a..cta will come June 7, Th*t En· ~gnbM...,...ed. Tb• alate of .C.Ufomia has a fedeJ'&l dJatnct court he.uinq ect..do.lecl that day on its re· qu .. t for a pr.liulina~:y injunc- tion Aqain.tl a aeotion of the In- terior O.partawnt'a plan to auc- tion 164 tracts off Cali1ornta o n June 11. Th• caly of Newport Beach has )oaned the alate's suit, City At· loroey1 Nih MaUer dl5closed last w .... Wike Shapiro, an the gover- nor's offace of plannlDg and r ... azch. scud the slate seeks to e:acepl 22 of the 164 tracts from the btddang. In ad<hhon to what ll conatders a threat to the en· vuonmeo.l off the Santa Barbara Cove (CODtillued froiD pa~ 1) Therefore, if the Legislature adopts the recommendahon along with the budqel, Crystal Cove "part-timers" -those who have a principal residence elsewhere-may be able to stay well past the July 31 eviction date set on parks' notices recently. Tbu IS because the LeqaaJature recesses the month of July, goes back at the beginn- ang of August usually for "housekeepang" purposes, and concludes the seSSion at the end of that month. Conceavably, the parks plan- which the subcommattee's budget language asks be sub- matted by December-would not be acted upon before then. hon. Each tract as thr .. mil" aquare. "We want to create a 3~-male buffer zone starhng seaward of the state's 3-mile limit," sald Sbap&ro. Conceavably, the court w11l decide on June 7 on the prelimmary anjunctaon. 1f at 11 granted, a date would be set for arguments to make the an)unc· hon permanent. "We would expect to go baclt anto court late an June for final decasaon," satd Shapuo. It has been speculated that the faght may eventually end up before the U.S. Supreme Court. The "part-tame" resadents- numbenng 24 of the Cove's 45 families-would be oiven month- to-month leases while thear fate was being determined. Meanwhale, the state Coastal Commission retreated fro~ ita stand in April that the evictions should not take place until a use plan was effected that would prevent them being vacant and prey to vandals or deterioration. The collUD.LSaaon's staff advased that the coiDJJUSSton did not havt! a legal right to parhcipale m the evachon lSSue m its con· saderation of the park depart- ment's public works plan for developang Cryatal Cove Stale Park. -Bwt Sima TM Corona del W.r Sc.Dic s~ is "a tough, anter•hng and attracuve race wb.ich ia drawin9 tough, inte,..ting and attractive peopl.-auch u X..thl .. n )k. C.rtney, who won the HawaUan lroDJUA Triathlon," Mid Jim Wood, organizer of the coiiUDunity-wid• lund-raiHr JUII eight ~Yt away. Aw..-cb will be c;riven to the fint five places in each of 16 diviSions, from the under·l4- year olds on up. Sponsored by The Grand Ga.raoe. the event on Saturday, June 5, is limited to the first 1000 ·running entries and the hrat 500 one-mile walkers, renunded Wood, presisfent of the Corona del Mal' Chamber of CoDUDerce. ''The runners will atart at 8 a .m., from Pacific Coast Hiqhway and Avocado," he said. "The walkers will follow the runners down Avocado ac· companied by Wade Roberts, a botanist from Sherman Gardens. and Dr. Bill Hendricks, historian, who will discuss the trees and plant life and historic homes datino back to the 1920s "The event is limed to bring the walkers back to the runners' courM in time to witness the runners returning." The three-mile run and one· male walk will raise funds tor community beautification pro· jects, Wood SAid. The event is beinq held an conjunction wtth the 6th annu~ Corona del Maz K.awa.rus Sum- mer Festival, and the $10 entry fee entitles a participant to a specaal T-shirl and eather a pancake-sausage brealdut or a hambuzqer-baked bean lunch at the festival site in the Great American Federal pa.rldng lot Oll K BAY LIQUOR "a nice liquor store" Next to the Irvine Ranch Farmer•s Market w lsb es youa HAPPY MEMOR IAL WEEKEND tO HIGH 750ml. $4.87 COORS LIGHT 12 oz. cans $2.09 ORESBY SCOTCH 750ml $4.97 Pnce~ Effective rhru May 31 . 1962 Watch for Our One Year Anniversary Speclals-ftext Week 2651 IRVINE AVE. (at Mesa Dr.) 642·4774 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa 0 1: vER"' SERVICE AVAILABLE • HI FLY • SAILIOARD PORSCHE •CURTIS HAWK SALIS AND RI NTALS LEUOMI I Y CIRTI- FtlD INSTRUCTORS. CIIAX 4 K R CLAU) 131·7574 FrMdoln Sparta 2430W. Cout Hwy. Newpoft leach ON GOLDEN POND Annual Rote $20.000 Minimum 90 Days Interest Penolty For Early Withdrawal limited Offer \ ... .,..... the QdJaod Waralhon wu one oJ the biqgeat thrills of bll laf " NcCartn•y: A 2J.y .. r old UCistudent who lavu an Costa Nasa, her dramahc vtctory an Honolulu ao whach she outlasted a struggling, fallen compehtor gnpped a nahonal lelevaa1on au- dience. Race davis1ons are male, 14 and under; 19-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-59, and 60 and over. Female 14 and under, 15-18; 19-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50 and over;and over 200 pounds c.nw.w Johnny Peer8on Nco GomR Anne ~bray -Bwt Sims Raymolld l efeYN A111wood Mile CW.aol Art~ F ... a.cta111td HnldM ... DIMd~ TenT .... ...... Lilt Fenwlll & T**- Hiniy ... .an Alwtf "M' I 78 Don T...ty LaurindD -..... Stu PNipe Gordon l.WIItd ...., ... ...,..., LaN eo.. ~F­OIM~ Sound 10 Flc¥t er.m. 8rtln Wily Pw.ll DNa 1 \ II ... • HeloM' &!Yer Aochor Awarda "for th~ anno b.oee" hYe beu beetowed by the Dolphins, the WOIMD'a divisk)n of tlle Newport Harbor ArM Che.m.ber of Com· .. ,C., et U annual c-.~ODY ID&Ibd with a aurpriM pr.-nta- tioll. Dael uti-Utter p&trol ~0 co--~auy youU. to keep the beechee ct.u, ud npporla auay cb.rllabM c:eUMe throuoh hia CULD"' Reltaurut ud WalukeY• lrlab Pu.b . Dol Clockz Her penoe•Ji•ed npport of aneral cbariU.. baa u.olu.t.d ec:tt .. roa.. wtt1l ADoe)iloe de Oro, .upport oroup for liqlrothen/Biq Slaten of Oruoe CoUAty; the Junior ~ of Newport Harbor (ud chairaall aDd orMtor of ita AD· Dual Chrlatmaa Compuy fu.nd- rat..r): ...., ~ lD thr .. JNn; helptav --ldcore Cucle aup- port OlOUP b 0.. Paciftc Olorale; obalriD9 a..t yMr'a tall ow. "&Uaply &.~liDo" which ru..d saa.ooo for South Cout Repertory n...ter; chau· lno the 4th, Sth ud 6tb Grad. The llliti.J recipieuta at the · Belboe lay Club event chaired by awarcb chAillD&Il Carol ~ .. ,..: llU 8amlltoa: A. foms.r p...ude~at of the chAmbeJ'a Wari.De Divi.aion he brouqht fiD.uci&l at.bility to ita pro- or&JU, developed the Mari.lle Charl, initiated Clean Harbor O.y, helped i.natitute OpeD Houae at the llal'bor O.pPt- ~aeDt, co-spouored the lint u - S.rviDo OJa the executive board of N.w Directiou; Inc., u alcohoU.. reMhililation oe11ter for woJ~Mn; founclmo lAa Soci .. , which raiMd $25,000 for CoUllioD; Ml'ViDO Newport Har· bor Jowad.Hcm m aupport oJ tbe Music Center coDcept, the Sal .. and Rental CouncU aDd on Or&Doe County Girl Scouta coJIUILit ..... J....,. C. Straw: Jormer public relationa cbainna.D for the chamber; aow .elva. on the monthly publication; on tbe board of man.aqera tor C.Worrua Elwyn lnatitule for the O.velopm.ntally Ha.odicapped; N•• Jrlhii.OaTGBI __.,_Ca ., .. Jlfth Di8trtct Supervi.aor 1'hOIII&I r . R1Jey hu UAOU.Dceci that Mveral civic ud buaiD- l•clen throuohout Oranoe County have ac;rreed to •ne oa hi. 1982 c:aJDpejOD co.ID.Jilittee, Frien~ of Tom Riley. Riley, ..UU.v hi. third term .. a aupervi.aor, Mid that Dr . Jam• Cavuauoh, premdot ot Allezqu Phanuceutic:ela; of BeclouD lutruJData, and Ath&lle Cluk, civic a..deJ, will .. ,.. .. bOAOrUJ co·cb.ainaeD of the ca~apeiou. Tia baidiD9er, pr_..t ol GrMt We.t Vea· ture. in Newport Beach, w cam- paioa trM8\U'U. • diviDoa ot Sa1tlt laterul~ 1De • Gal)' HWII, VICe p,.....t, L .,_ Co . W.ury DeWald, PMI, WA~wlck. WitcbeU ud Co.; ~lhry11 ThOJIIpeon, prtlllideal, A4C Pto.,.rt'-; Tua Stract.t. -~~b-VICe p~DI, tDe ~oU Co.; Joa Brud, pr-.cleet, ~ ~t. Lucille Jtuehll, tormer Newport leaeh coi&ACibDeaber, ucl AJ Orl.coU, lonaer ....,._r of the Fau Polibc&l Ptac:u.c. Coaual8Uoa. J.-.. Rooeevel&, former COD· q,.....,.D ud briqadJer OQ-al; Dr. Amoad Beckau, p...mdut Toa r...-. hnll vice-cN.ma.u ol IM OJ...,. Co.aty R.p\ablk:aA Party. II cb&IJaaa oJ tile at .. rlAq coma m ... w)uc:lt i.lldwt.. AI._ Sc:halet, mayor of eo. W..; t.ny lhadLiae&a ... ro, of Su J~&&J~ C4ipl8traao; J. Robert J'luor Q, pr-'deal, 11uor Dti1liA9 S.mc-lac.; Robie Saltlt. vice p.-..ideGt, s.1tA Toot Allo •tvl119 oe Rlley'a CAJ!Ip&.I4D coa · auU•.,. Toay Wo.-,, pr~l. Baac:h Willaoa V~e,o; Ala &o-. attomey Ralpll Clock. premde11t, Clock Co:aatrue· tloa Co.; Ct..p ltt&l, March of Dla.. ad· vocate; DeVld t.br. lJvme attora.y. the Christian Sdence Reeding Room ncar you. Hce are a wide array of valuable reference materials ... the King James \.Vnlon ... other ~ translalons ... and Science and Health with Key to the Sbtptures by Mary Baker Eddy. rewalng the Bible's potential I« healing as no book hu done befote. You're weJcome to spend time hera, wheneYer you an QINSllAH SCIENCE RE.ADIHG AOQM ... Eeet eo..t HwJ. Conftadlllller N,1t-4 ..... 1-J .... Come join us at the ~~~f!f~re~ 1he ~ 8eoch Telvlb Oub Is the stte d such pratlglous events as the 1977 OcMt Cup. the AMvcf Poclftc ~t Seniors Tournc> ment. the Orange County Adoption GuUd Toomoment ond others. ~ ~. leldom ftnd themsefves ...attin; for one ~ the 19 ~ The Oub otto boosts o.Junior Otympic-slze pooL ~· dtnlng loom. and bot. Members flequentty tgq advantage~ the ottJOc- tlve fodlttlea tc:w pr1Yate parties. ~~no receptions. etc. Other IOCial octMtlet Include bridge. bacJ(- gommon . .crobbte. CJ8fOb6cs. ond our r-.w semi- nor on "8octt Succeu" Instructed ey PhH Johnson. Fot your convenience. try out our new "MATCH MATE .. boll machines. A Umlted number ot Regulor. Corporate. 9-Nim. AsM; elate. ond Junlol' ExecutNe MembefShjps Of8 """" CMJil- oble; plus our NN1 "ANNUAl MEMBERSHIP" and "'.AJNK>R ME~P'' (12-16yq.) Startng .AJne 2lst-Sunmef .Junior Tennis CliNes Will be ~ for beglnnert through advanced. FOI further lntormotkln p6eaM OC1M our teoc:hlrG center at 644·0056. For more lnfamofk)n ~ coli OUt Sates Olredor ot 644-0050. ~~~~ , 260t EAS18lUFf DAM, NEWPORT BUCH. CALIFORNIA 92660 • =;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· ·: • CUSTOM PHOTOGMPHY WeAnPIOUDTo Haftftet••····· ... MRS. DIANA McCAWS.n1"lER~ ........ Lp, -. § -CAMERAN HEA mER • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·~82 ·~82 55.82 68.82 51.82 6&82 58.82 14.12 -· 1981 pl'M1d.Dt of the Otanoe Couaty Commua.ity Rel.tlou Coa.acil; former ch.ewber boald ... her; board member fot Y .l .S., the Yout1llmployawnt Service; boa.rd ..,..be, of the Jloreace Crittentou S.rv1c" of Oruqe County; actave lD the succ .. of WI..ID.bledoo w .. t ten· na. tournament for charity; on advtaory board of United Way; baa MJ'Ved the s.Jvahon Azmy. Boy Sc:outa, Gad Scouts, Newport H.ubor Art Mu.aeum, Oruqe County Arta ComDUI· lion, hcitic Chorale. and Sad· dlebaek Concert Chorale, and wu a chief oroaaner of Boy Scout GoU lnVllahooal, a ma)or iuad·raiMr. He a. COID!Ilunlty relatiollS dueclor here for Avco FiD&Dcial. Valede Suuoa: Inve~ator of Sutton Sion Writino for the deaf, conaultant to Ill• Nataonal Tecb..aicallnabtute for the Deaf; author• intenational publicahona iD thia field, donal .. teacb1ng t ... to non-profit educational charity, and a. crechted wath worltinq toward th ... goala for •vera! yean al grNI peraonaJ aacrliice. The aul'pri.M recipient was Awerd recipient. are (from left) Oori Fitch, Valerie Sutton, Bill Hamilton, Carol Blakeslee, James Straw and Dot Ctoek. Cazol Blakeslee, the awards chairman, of She.u- aoa/ Amenc&n Express At the concluston of the reqular ceremony, Oolpluns PTestdent Corlu Whttford took the mtcrophone to pralSe "one other penon yet to be honored " Whttiord ctled Bl&kealee's ac· hvahes wllb the USO 10 Vael· nam, her help WJth tbe P.O . W . proqram, serv1ce WJth Bag Bzotberii'Blg SlSters, the YMCA Family Cn&u Center board, Ray of Hope, and the Y.I .S. board, ASKNOT ••• • S!Mt photo ~ Bun Simi and numerous chamber ac· hvthas mclud1ng a past pres1dency of the Dolpbms, &nd coniUlUUlO chairm&Ulup of the Wunbledon w .. t tourn~nt. The Whale Orch1d Award-a secret choace for "a specaally worthy DolpbJ.n"-waa pr ... nted to Don Fttcb, of Irn.st and WhUUley, for her efforts for chanty. Filth Dutncl SupervdOr Thom.u F. IWey rud the Stiver Anchor p10runga. "Ask not what your city can do for you -ask instead what 1t can do for developers and outsiders." That seems to be the guiding motto down at City Hall. As the developers make their plans to develop the last spaces left in the city, our leaders bend over backwards to accommodate their wishes. Meanwhile. those of us who live and work here are left wondering . . . what's in it for Newport? After all. we are the ones who elected our City Council and who pay the salaries at City Hall. right? So what do we get? Well, the latest word is that water and sewer tees are going up. After all this talk about how we need heavy development to help pay our city's way, we who live here get stuck with the bigger bills .. We who pay the bills would like to see City Hall respond to our desires for preserving what's left of our residential community. We would like to have the small commercial areas that are needed to support a residential communi- ty. We would like to be able to move about our community without sitting in long traffte lines. We would like to see the peace of our homes and daily lives protected from the roar of jetliners. ln short, we woutd like to see our government put the interests of its citizens ahead of the demands of developers. airlines and VISitors. Are we asking too much? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .P.O.N. ATH Announces Its Storewide Sou1tlem eatromo s leodlro ~ c:A I..C)Qrooed ~oro relafed ~ ptOOJc:ts to tt~e cor.truction ard dMgn w-o..trv To rroke room ta OJ rew 1Q82 pt()OJC" ...... l"nU$1 rroke rooml Don t ~, Tuesday to FridoY June 1st to 4th 9:00AM to 9:00PM ........ ' ~On~~g~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proposition 9 placea the lutw. of the alate'• water ~ JOORNAIJSr'S policy in the h.,.da of votara. If adopted, the propolilion \..~) JOURNAL will direct the state oovemment to build a canal around ~ the periphery of the S.cramenlo·S.n J.,.qll\n delta. The cen&l would move Sacramento ~iver water around the delta and into the system which already feecb some Northem California water to the San Joaquin Valley and Sollthern California. The proposition also includes construction of two reaenoirs, another canal in San Joaquin County and various other water projects. Proponents of the measure point out that a U.S. Supreme Court ruling: has qiven 55 percent of Southern Ca.liforuia'a future share of Colorado River water to AriJ:ona.. In a drouoht year, they argue, Southern Californians would face drutic water shortages. W~ter coatino south throuoh the peripheral canal would other- wise oo into the sea, they note. Opponenlll of Prop. 9 oa.y the cilllal would be too e.xpp.aive, and would result in Southern Ca.lifomia rMdenta payino inflated water prices so that biq oil companiea would have enouqh water to develop their K"ern County holdinos. Since farmers use 87 percent of the .tate's water, some control over the overu~ of farm irrigation water could solve our water problems, they arque. 1'hil newspaper favors a YES vote on Prop. 9. The importance of assurino Soulhern California. of an adequate future supply of water outweighs the neqative upecta of the measure. We believe that proper environ- mental illld political safeguards have been bllilt into Prop. 9 to protect fishermen, delta water rights holders and the ecology of the &y Area. -AndOn 10, 11,12 Propositiom 10._ 11 illld 12, if approved, would affirm the Congresaional, State Senate and State Assembly cD.trict reapportionment lines drawn last year by the State l.ec)ialature, and would keep the new boundaries in effect until 1991. After each 10-yea.r federal census, l~es are Ie-drawn to reflect population shifts in the state. The political party in power normally draws the new boundaries to favor its own candidates. New boundaries drawn by the current Democrat-controlled Legiala.ture have been NVereJy criticized aa being unfair. The Republican Party mounted a successful campaion to put the issue on the June 8 ballot and give voters a chance to over- turn the reapportionment. This n•wspa.per favors a YES vote on 10, 11 and 12, thUJ affirmino the LeQiala.ture'a re-districting. While it is true that the Democrats re-drew the lines to favor their party, it was done within current law. We believe re-districtino should be taken out of the hands 9f the l.eQU:lature and turned over to a non-partisan or bi-partisan panel, and we will support efforts to eUect UU. chilllge. Nea..nwbile, we do not believe the rules should be chanoed in mid-qame. We believe oovernment should operate within the lawful system until the system itseU is legally changed by the voters. Where To Write Your R~tatives FolloWtDg ere the addr .... • lor 9QYerDmental rept ... nle- liv. Mrviag Cotte w: ... . UNITID STATIS SENAn A* Cr--. IOIIIJ W!..WuN ~ .. Roo... laO. Lo. A•qeles. CA ICIO:at. (213) I:U-7641 s . L K.r•b••. szJ w 6ta St . SU. 112, t.. A~. CA 10014, (21J) ...... 1 UNnKD STATIS CONGJIISS lloMrtiMll•• 180 N.wpon C.'-r o,.,., •. Suile 2-40 H.wport Beach. CA 92660 r Stfu ASSI:MaLY W.n.11 a.rv-o •. 7-4th Do.lncl. Ill 0..... Dli-.. Newporl IMch CA DIIO. 131-3174. STAnSIHATI loha G Selr1M1t1, 31th Dulnct. 4600 C••P"' Or ., N•wport a..eh. CA 92160, 179-1670. 80.\RD OP SUPDYISOAS Tlr.o•u r IU.y, O...nct S, K..ll ol AdMinr.llr•hon. 10 C1Yk: C.nr.•r Pt.u, San.te Au. CA 12701. 8J4.,.. em COUNCIL W.yor and City Cou~:~ci.l, N•wpOrt S..Ch Clly H.ll, 3300 Newport Jl'ld., Newport a-ca. CA 92660 SCHOOL DISTRICT N..,on-MMe u •• t • .ct Sc~toot o ... tnet, 1101 lith St , Newport a..cta. CA 12113, 7W-la» THE NEWPORT ENSIGN 71211. COMt H..,. •• eo-cW ... r, CA 1;2$25-IMIO h.WWrtoetl ~ oa W......W, .ldUorW uc:~ ... P""--m .oeeo IICHAII>-.............................. c:.,- IC»PA'nC* ......... ~ ................. , .......• eo.,.u+u mft~ ......... , .................... ~HnF 17 --···········································-~I'OUIID ............................... ,\ I ;iW ..... -.-...:. ............................. M...-ttt ,......_ .. ..,. ............................... M•wu · .v,,·, ....,_~~LYJICM ............... II .... . aAidn'll.OIDf, STIVI CANCtAN r .•...•.......... ......,,. ..... . ALAIUl.~ .!. ....................... ~~·MI ... ....... ................... ,.., ~~-.... __.... ......... ~ ..,_.. ............. H. ............ • _ _,_A .lliL • ....,_Cioii .... ~ .. ._ ...... ~ ...... _ .................. . ......,_.....,.. .. ..., ' .................................. -....................... .. 'i"o;;;;;;•~-~ ........... _._. ..... ... -... _,. ...... .. _ .. __ .. __ _ ............... I .,.. ... lr.rii!IQ-. ... .. -.... a .... --.--=--==::=-· ............ ~ ...................... c:--..... .... ' Letters To The Editor Water Needed To the Editor: Ida z. William. in her letter to the editor (Mey 19) oppo.io.q Propoe:ition 9 and the Peripheral Canal My• the water it would provide "won't be needed" in Southern CaliJomia. She. is ..atitled to her opinion but The Newport Ensign reeder• s.hould know that every water agency in Southam Californ.M is backing the Peripheral CanAl u the be•t method to provide the water that will be n..ct..d to make up for the •upply that will be lost beqinning in 1985 when Aruona begins to take more than bali of tlie Colorado River water now being UMd by the Metropolitan Water Diatrict. Mo.-. than 12 million people live in tile ar ... .arved by NWD. They r-=eive their daily •uppliea through local water d.iatributon, ..U of whom az.e aware of the impending impact of Ari&ona diveraion• and realize the urvent need to have the Periphera1 Canal built. Attempt. .ue being made by canal opponent• to frighten '(olen by uaing wildly eu.g- qerated, theoretical cwt figu.rea The important figure for vote.ra to remember is the NWD •latemul that the co.t increue on the average family water bill will be only $1 a month. That ia a baroain price to pay for auurance of a relia.ble water •upply and protection agai1111t water rationiDg in drought yean. The asperta bom 1late to local level• who are rMPQnaible for water •upplies to mora than bali ol ..U the citiseDII of California aqrH that the Peripheral Canal ia urgently needed. Citiaena conceraed about their future wata.r •uppliea can help them.aelvea by votiilg YES on Propoaition 9 on June 8. Robert Lee Newport Beech Signal Urged To the Editor: It'• happt~ned again-another injury accident at the comer of 15th and Balboo. following a tragic accident two and one-bali yea.u ago, we .aought the council'• halp for tretitc liqht• in the inter"! of highway safety. Lut month we. were a .. u..red that the council bad Qranted No . 1 priority to the light• al 15th and Balboa and that M.me would be in•talled in the lall. That information w.u erroneoua. I. it pouible thet I?Ome people atill prefer to grant greater weight to the Dow of traffic than to aafety on the highway? We who reaide in the area believe that human life a more important than a few momenta delay in tra.tf..ic Dow. To arQue otherwise ia diam.etric..Uy oppos- ed to good judgment and loqic, and reDact. a complete disre- gud lor any consideration to bu.m.a.n We . B. Hughes Newport Beech The Falklands: CdM Students Hear Two Sides by 11obon Fnmk ~ Britiah Prime Ninilte.r Narguel Thatcher wa• }on tlw proc ... of giving her QO-ahMd lot a h&ll~.cal.e iav.uion oJ the dl.putad Falkla.nd Wanda, telb w•re not brMidng down to au,ch a major e&l.tame at CorOlla a-.1 lol&r Hlob School. Lut w .. k, repr ... ntativH from both GrNl Britain and Argentine ~h to bigh-~ehool­ en at thia quiet ca.mpu on the invitation of The Student Awaren ... Coalition, a student club which emphuiMI yoUth involvement in poliUca1 and global iuu .. and is led by St•ve Cancian. "A-of thia moment, while I'm Jalldng to you, no full-blown m.ilitazy opereti011 bu c;rcme to rec:.ptu.re the ill.endl," NJd Aogu Nec!Wy, IOIDewhat leN than propheUc&UJ. WacKAy, public all airs ..We•" ol tho Loo .u..-Britlab Coa· au,.Ltte, -:poh to • capacity crowd OD Woc!Dood&y ooly looano lloloro BritaiD dld lud, ud JU.la.ly r•U•rated his Utioa.'a otfic\.al cOIIlllle:dt• Oil Azveou.a.t• April 2 •ilun ol tll• .... ode. "1'!Ua "' • blataqt aet ol a99rMI.ion ill wioli;Uon of inter· utiooaJ cbartet and I..Dter••· Uoul Nw. Oa.e doM not aM••pt to couole the *•• (ol -mt»IY) wt~ larvo amo .. u .,.,._,. otr...d W.CX.y. ·~ lrililll ··-to ,_.,. tuetheWoodoloodaot,..bMG lo..c¥ ..... W.CX.y ..-. bod lie aodo M clou lw wllhod to.....,._ .. the_ ~ .......... t ... "'-! -polat ""' !hoi ...... .. ...... Jorvo--.. oe.•~w..w.·--..... . ................. ~ . ............... ,r. "··-... ,., ........ 10 ........ ,..w_ ... __ .,.._. ..... ,, rnl, ........ tt ..... _., ..... Iii" .. I fU 1,• M 11" ......... ... ...... ~ ..... ,.,. J.ande.n bve reperal.dly eleottld to .-.ta1D tbe1r Britiah ciU.u~ ahip, h• Mid. Wbeo ukod d be bolievM Al-lirla'alud.qrob ..U JDOWited lor eooAOtDio reuoas, he auwe.nd '"Tkat il euotly dv.btr .. .. We beiMft l.be Udonutioll ,. .......... ~ .. ..u-~, oae '?eel.."' Lula Plo.-U, ltcooruy p ... -ol the ...... -Coa•loto ...... day ..... _... lor that~ -. ... ~ lorqe Jo.l, ... A'Q 'ted lMJ ... utuallaotl--oltiMu wt• lN•a I iMf .... U... lo --"--uttou _,_.. ..,._ Arv-Mnieo• u .. b... tryboq to tOl the -· ud ,....·, • YWY .,..._ 9""'P ol hi9lo ec..-Ita l1 ... Mrotat tiM -ol 1M dlaptalo-tho WMiaM ......... ftortt prcde'mlli. He arpecl, "We ..-. ...dtr _,~oony 1.-lllo ---. ... .. ~ .... ~.· • photo. bV Stevt c.nc..-. why the cltiae.na of the Nalvinu la&ft voted •vezal timu to re· main Britiah cituenahip. "WOuld JOG vote epinlt your boN? .. Rc:.i point.cl out. Jo.i claimed th•t before 1971, without telephone Mrv- icet, 1Hd.lcal faciliu .. and UA"U...W. aupply deliverlft, the ialaDcM ~,. Qettin9 emptier ad eapder every day," until Gz.et lritaiD ......-th-__ ...,_tlu. AI_.,., tho Ar .. Atlu• ......t to too..a. the crowd a liltlo _ ... u..... w.cx., did, opiclaq •P their opiD!oa> with • polvftant llWDOJ" t.Ut ~reutly uaclumiDed the lrlton'a gtavity. -.. ukod aow'thoy loll olooul the Ualtod S..too' ... _ .. Gz.et lritolo, -· ......t:, • "'We ere ut.-..ely c:liNp· polatod ud--thol AJu . ..-.11a19-orowul ud -. 'Ill_ .... -the .--. ru • tho q,u,.rbockt' • ........... lp ___ 1M 111clh -oll&lb W ~~n!'Q~ 'dbl. .... ldllah told -..., _,....,IDdlou.,. ,,,..zra,.,..• ,.,, ----· •••• ,...., ... ~ I .... ... "1QIJ ..... _. .. ._-.r ................ .. ..... u ~.-... -- • by Jlm Felton There'• a aong in Camelot about "the haly month of Ney," and while the lyric• ere fun and the mpaic is Fnappy, the ad- jective luty hardly fila the month of Nay in our family. 0:1 the MVen children born to my parenla, four of them arrived in Nay, and their birthday• were almo~t ezactly a week apart, falling on the 5th, 12th, 17th and 26th. For you utroloqy butt., you never NW four mo.re diaparate individuala, although thr-were born under the Mme zodical aiqn, Tauru•. About ..U that could be u.id about this unique circwnatance ' wu the fact that fr~ently September• can be very bot in the Northw .. t, and et thia Indian summer ti.lae of the YMt, strange and wondedul thing• of- tim•• occur. At eny rete, W:other UMd to joke that e. baked e cake the lint WMk of Ney and made it iut through ..U four birthday-~. It waa juat a joke. She wu auch e magnificent cook, and ah.e lqved to bd.e. She bed bNn raiaed on a wheat ranch in the PolouM country of Eut•m Wuhington, near Pullmen, and there wu much of the pionMr farmer woman in· her and abe relished the 1 .. 1 of yauty dough a• she kneeded. it, humming Annie Lourie u .be worked. Cake• werit aomethinq diflarent, but she wu good at that, too. On Nay 5, it wu Billy'• day, a.nd he liked a wbite cake, or Angel Food, be&vy with a lemon-llavored. white icing. Billy wu the youngest, the caboose, and Mom could become par- ticularly sentimental about hia cake. While we wu the Lut of tb. Une, be w.u the tint in Mey, and he of all looked. the mDiit like bia lather, and he would be the fiut to die. But Mother didn't know thet; &ft•r raiain9 seven, •he wu •truck down al the age of 49, but that'• another •to ry . The NCond Nay birthday, on the 12th, wu Fred'•· He liked a apice cake, whiCh wa• pro- phetic, becaUH be became the ' mar-itime nomad, apend.inq-hia life on the aea from the time he •hipped out on the lut of the comm•rciel Mili.ng sb.i._pt, the berkentine CoiiUtlodore, with • load of lumber from Vencouver, BC to Hoa.ohalu. Freel wu 15 at the time, and the bal.anc. of IWI life hu been full of •piCe from every knowo port in lh• world. My bi.rthday ce.ru along in the third weak. I wun'l much for cake, ao Mom mada a pie and a delicete gingerbread to aupport the cendl .. and t.Aat wa1 !hat. And then ceme Oede'• birth- dey. Doria wu the aecond child, the ti.rst girl, and th• quHn ot thl lot. She ill ml.l ectin tOO.y. in her '1'0., working for Pelerwn Publ.iah.ing Co. in Hol),ywood, and lliU full of the Felton apberi.n.ktQ.m . For Dade, Mom made a *PIC'-.~ chocolat• cUe, called the .. Honolulu t.dy Cake/' 49d It had • tuture that wu u.o.believaht. which al .. ya ... med fitting tor Dorit. About lh1l UJ:ne ..ell year, I tlilialt a lillie about the birt.hd4\y• iD W.1 ill our verioue hom• lD. loi., W..l.o, or S.C..ameoto or S..ttlo, but •ootly about tlo- iD S..ttlo wllu the fuUiy WM _...r lor tho lo-period ol -All ol the cblldr ... aull survtw ti8Cielpt for lilly, .-ao cltodollnlontJowllllo..mr.Q tlw MoriDe Corpr 1o II Toro, MrlY iln tM de.,. ol World W•r D. THl...,y -~ ol IMy uo ai~ _.Ill b • ~. p&r· Uclllorly Ia 1M--· whoa the_ ........ otill _,... ..... ., -_., ..... the oil .. criop cleoa wtlh 1M ..... -oi...-..WM..W ... ..... thai~-... ~------· .. .... Qol... .. ..,. ... _.. .... hr ... ~ .... ::·:~~:u: e~ .....,. ... !~· _,.-,, ... .. .. (CouUau.d from peo-1) av.u.bl.-the atate of C.hlor- .U., the univeratty reqenta, the UD.ivermty of Southern Cahfor- .U., the city. and othera." He recalled that the Newport Beach pub, recreation and bMch .. department had ln· apected the property last year but had not evidenced intereat ill buyinq o r leulnQ-''and I undexatand they have done that aqain recently." Cloaed down because of dwi.Ddl.inq enrolhrienl, the Cor· ona del Mar plant waa leaaed to USC fo r a aatelhte graduate buain .... campua at a $69,000 per ye.u tee. However, thu laue wu cancelled after the Coutal Colll.JDUiaaon found auch UN "incompatible". and a neighborhood group filed swt aqainat the daatr1c t. An oft-voaced complamt m the neqhborhood and at Cdy Hall hu been that the achool distnct had not mvolved the c1ty or the neighbors auftic1ently in 1ts plana for use of the achool. Under certa1n state codes, the W arm W eather Fashions Have A rrived. Stop in today! "' '' ~~~ • • r • • All Y Ll >Sir ~~ Nl A Y diatrict hu primary authority over the UN or dapouj of it. property. Couoci.l.Jun Paul HWDlDel, .dd.reai.aq U.. recent public hMnJlg at the echool, wqed r .. 1denta to ")MD on ua at Caty CoU.DciJ' if they wished the city to tab &n achve role in deter- mining the future oJ the proper· ty. Meanwhile, John H.wkiu, of S.nta Monica, who bad offered to transfer hia -.ntiqUe doll muaewn with a collection "valued in exceaa of a million dollan" as a gift to the community-with certain pxovisiona-withdrew the pro- posal. "We wouldn't make u much noiM u echool children," he saJd, "and .a far u occ&liona.l bUNS bringing people in, echool buaes do that, don't they? "But I detected a lot of hostility-and we weren't there to make a fiqht. They may hoU.r enouqh to get a free pazk. "We don't want to go where we're not wanted. Burl'd ltill like to move to Orano-County.'' -hrt 8lma WE PAY TOP ss FOR GOOD CLEAI USED CAMERAS Bt1ng Your c.m.ra 01 any Ptlotographtc EQUIP tn IOf a FREE IC>Pf81sal 1no Newport~ Costa Mesa. CUforna 92627 (714) 141-1313 Grand Opening To cr~bfate our Grand ~mng Balboa Co.n Gallenes Will prrsent a fr~ gold plat~ com meddH1on to our first 25 cust~rs beg1nn1ng M.ay 18th plus a f~ personal VIP Discount Card to ·~1'\'~ who br~ngs 1n th1s ad The Discount Card el"ltlt~s t~ ~arer to ma1umum d1scount allowantt-s At Balboa Catn Gal~' vou II find thr h~ gwrant~ • 14K •nd 18K gold cMins. necklaces. r1nis. brKdets. charms And coin jewelry at discount prices. A wide sdKtlon of U.S. and fOtelgn gold llflCI sitvu numls~ coins. • Ktugerrands. ""'-Pie L~ and tM Gold Coins ol Mulco. We cth.o bu~ and ~II gold and S~t..~ bulliOn bars COin~ and !><rap and offer com~e ""'"a<' 101 "our transactiOns ~(I door to Wnr COoQI I'I\f1Ms lnt~<ncttiOn.tl Open IOOO •m to~OOpm .~~ . { (0. • SA VI THIS AO Fat Fill ~liON) ATHLITIS & JOGGIU Are Not The Onty People With POOT Co•mrH (Co.b ... --,... 1) . ordrerly G.Ma-alliaa ptOOeee. H Sttau. r ••41Ulret.d, "Th.ia i.a U.. fine U... tiU. w baa up." Coa ......,.oeded, '"It'• nol the lint tbu. n.. t.ue oi houaillq c:o•• ~J> aqaba .Ad •g&ill. ThJ.a aile wu pomted out before. The Hou.a.nq J&elll.ellt COVWI thia lite ..... Strau. com....,.ted on the •• .. otioD&l" .taad by Coll, and Cou.ncri.lwoaa.u Ruthelyn Plum- .. , .. !Uied, "0.1.4y, delay, delay. . .It ta.be lOAqer and lmlo-• to qet t1linqa doDe. . . " W..yor leckie Y..ther. pn.idill9, quieted the com· batanb. n. city 9Qee iJlto cowt lD Octobu to auwer claaro-hom 10 pl.aioti& Np~a.d by the ~ Aid Soa.ty oi Orange Cowsty that Newport Beech hu followed iJilproper IOGinq and land ue proceduree which pre- vat lawful houaing opportunity to low· and •odente-iJlcome (CcatiDucl ina ~ 1) W..tena-wath the lattez three Mel. rr.eiVUlQ two oi the 41-w been the tar98l of lawswta PAce September of lut year. Hatter threw out the hnt plan, MylDq it. allocahon of 23.5 average daily tligbt. to AlrC•l, which ptooeered the COlDlllercial .. rvioe out of John Wayne, and 12.5 to Republic, wu diecl'Ull1.Datory. The plan called for penodlc r....._meol and poulhle realloc•hon of th-. flu~bt. u the varioua comm.ercaal carrlen went to quieter aarcraft. At the end of three ,.._,. lt wu an- The Newport Eaalgn Wednesday. toll .. ~. •»02 Po~$ tiapated that aU Weya.e uen QOJle to lhe Cl.a .. A , qweter would either have conven.cl to &ll'craft" the qu.ieter craft or WOilld not be Thil pl'oqram alao aa befo .. e oiftD flivhu. Judo• Hatter. n. .-coDe~ UMu.Jt on the W..Uwh1Je, &&xport ofbcW. COWlty lut ...a came e.lon9 have releued <Uta ahowLDO that thole U.U., wit1l tb• .U.S. Juabce 80me of lb. new DC-9-80 ~ Depe.ruunt filino m Judge Hat-called quiet J&t' lli9bta are ee· ter'1 courl a reequeet tll.t Ule tuaUy fracbona of a decibel rNin "MDI proc-sur• occur louc:J.r than old.r modela •• aocmer-a.ud be coucluded in noi.M moruloll.Ag att" lD two ye&n, at which time there Newport Beach. would be Op.n coapetitlon for Kenneth J. O.L.no, e~ecutive .. rvic... ueiatant io the ollice o1 city The federal plAn b.d another m.&.uqer, who rel...-d th. proviaion, however, tb•t h.u •t.terunt, aaid the OC-9-80 did upeet county offic:i&la concerned averaqe noaae redcuctiona of two wath noiM impecta. The program to four decibela at other looa· would "quarantee," Mid Hall, tion•, but added, ''The normal "an •v•r•9• of two lligbt. • d.y nx cannot detect d.i.Herenoee of even to thoee lin• that bad oot L .. than thrM decibela." WARDR OBE REPINEMENT-APPAREL ADJUSTMENTS JULIE FOSTER, TAILORESS By Appointment, In Your Home (714)751·3069 (GeraekmeJI by Persoi'UIJ R efennce Only) USIDU .. m Alii ·-·· SPINO PIANOS f.$99 00 SPINET PIANOS 30~ Oft --... PIANOS Mall and ~In Care Salon We Specialize In You/ :M09 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron. del ~r ·• Personalized Skin Care • Complete Nail Care • Custom Blended Products 2614 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DR MAR E velvn Whtte Hearmg Atd Audtoloa•st Repatrs. Battenes and Servtce 675-3833 • F xcellent lunches & dinners • Ftne wenes • F u II servtce bar • E ntertamment 3224 E. Cout Hwy. COI'OIY del Mu 640-7440 Cruise Specialists Computerized Sabre System lnuividual-Commercial -C roups 675-5000 955-3380 1727 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DO. MAl 2600 L Cout ~­ Corou del Mar ~2J[JJ[)lld An Adventure in ~tur~l Eating HOURS 7 AM TO 12 PM lOSO f . CNsl Hwy., Coron~ del ~r (QPPOSITf AlRliC I ')()N \1 640-1573 HAYTt)N'S BAYWINOt)W Affordable ladae.-.. W eM casual to ele~c1nce 673-2674 3411 E. Co.st Hwy. • CoroM del ~r Prhlt-0-Mat "Where Quality Counts Most" l4l0 (. CoMa Hwy. COf'ONcWMw 675-11)) MEETINGS , MAY 31 . . . . . . . Flags o n the Boulevard JUNE 1 . . . . . . . . Directors Meeting JUNE 2 . . . . . 51< Committee Meeting JUNE 5 . . . Scenic SK Day JUNE 8 Voting Day PHONE 671-4050 FOR TIMES AND LOCA TK>NS 720.1850 ART GALLERY Custom Frammg ~ Shells from Around the World N•utical Gifts & Jewelry Cor~l 2640 E COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR QUALITY CLOTHING ON CONSIGNMENT IN EXCELLE NT CONDITION IN-.-_Hounh Wtoltonwl ll6 POINS£T11A COitONA DB. MAR 67>6523 Prescriptton Information Available Upon Requec;t 644 7575 OPIN MON.·SA 1.1:304 P.M. Parktng In Rear 2700 L COAST HWY. COlONA DR MAl wom e n 's fashions 0 0 COMPLETE PAR TY PLANN ING SER V ICE LaCaatlaa Fme Wme & Sprrrts Your ltquor Store and so much more 3244 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DR MAR NEWPORT ~~ ''The Smart Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar'' Coro~ del Mar 3021 E. Co.st Hwy. 5bc Coron. del ~, =::· - 675-8060 Westcliff Plu• 1100 Irvine Ave. Newport le•ch 645-6505 ~ .. N1 '•t~.~~IMN1, J).J).S. 16 ye ars o f family d entastry in Coro na de l Ma r COSMETIC/RE CONSTRUCTION 2855 E. COAST HWY ., CORONA DEl MAR 675-llOO DICK DINEEN iqfd~ .......... -....... - BULLETIN local runners and walkers are urged to sign up for the 1st annual Corona del Mar Scenic 5K prior to June 5. Proceeds benefit beautification! Applications at local merchants. Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 1731 L Co.st Hwy. COIOIWI .. Mar 675-SSSJ Mon.-wt 1M Sun. 11-s KUHN~ CREATIVE FRAMING 22 Yea rs m the Same location 2721 E. Cout Hwy ., CorotY det Mar Spec1ahsts in Conservatio n Fra mmg We offer integrity and quality service tiours 10 .. m. to 4 p.m .. Mon. duu Fri. 673-2255 ~UJ't.ule4 ~ SELF-SERVICE LAUNDROMAT Dry Cleanmg • F 1n1shed l aundry Drop Off Fluff & Fold OP(' .. U~) S ~ Wll I. ~ .4, \.\ J<.)tl P\.\ 3711 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DELMAR 673-9654 John L. tJJCom CWTOM PHOTOGRAPHY c -.KATO-.a 0~ D ••ToNC:Tovtr .-o•T -•Te C •CATIYC WWDDIN- O u-.t"TY C OMMC.C:"'"- ao40 C. _.ACo ... oC: COAeT HWV co~-Da'-""'• 7ao-a?a7 DESIGN for women and men Let's do somethina NEW and affordable at LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN Free Consultation COMPUTI JIWIUY 58MC8 • Ul ')I(,"'I'C •IH~UNTtNC •It£ PAIRING • M~"'I.JfA(T t..R INC • Ut~'vl()"oOS • P£A.IHS • C.f MS TON£ S 760-6766 MEN'S & WOMEN'S TRADITIONAL WEAR f o r Those Who Sho p Fo r Q uality 3565 bst Co.st Hwy., Coron• del ~r 675-1850 ttfii!R IIII&NI alfiDft IDPPbY l 18Dfi.DI 436 Heliotrope Ave. Coron. del M.r, 675-0655 lehind Port The•ter Jack's Pharmacy • A.mbc1\\ctdor g•tt ""'clP • t drd' • gctt\ • PrE'\ltg(' (O\mf'tc<' Re-.lon • f ltubeth A.rdt>n • lort"al • Qualct\ Phnto f tnl\htnt.: f a~t SNvtcE' 673-2550 THE lATH MART, INC. PliSSOtOI PRfSIOENT • Plumbint f ••turel • TtJe • Ma~ •nd Onv- • Door Herchwe • Norman. k That You? br Jack llo1laDd ~ere'• one thino that can be Mid for the Harlequin DinDer Tlaeatre proc:tuotion of tiUa rib&ld comedy eout~ty­ and that is that DO can ~ u oi beiDo sub- tle. A. Men here, it is an out1a.nc:Uably broad, raucoua and un- COAtrolled abow-and the audience Loved every minute of it. ment of the homosex- ual, but in the lono run lt is the riqidly hyaterical a.nd dedicated ''straight" father of tb.e aop who hu turned ho!lloeexual who winds up lookino like a well-cooked idiot. it • Ul)y device. • by hfty CottoD Antonio Caonolo bu created an eaeiUDO o.ew Nelaurant, Pinoccbio, located ju.at a atep or two away from lUI award- winnino AntoneUo'a. IJke a mt.chievous younger brother teasino with ol .. the quiet elegance of an ariatocratic and grand institution, this lioht- hearted newcomer offers ita own fine cuisine in a new and lively atmosphere. tine aauaages, aala.mis and mNta, or a tuty combinahon of frNh v~tables wtth cold chicken in a aippy cheaing. If your choice i.t soup, there i.t 4 fine mineatrone. Appetiaera beqin at $1.50 for the soup, to $.4 . 7S for the Natambre. Sandwiches include the Chorlso Aroention, made with ' bot aausages fr .. h from the roti.uerie, a cold-cut Nndwich of provolone, ham, capocollo and lettuce, a toasted ham and Swi.u cheeM, and a tuna aand- wich on wheat breead. Co.ts are betw"n $3.25 and $5.25, and all undwiches axe served with fr"h coleslaw. The play by Ron Cladt and Sam Bobrick is Lono on lauobs and ii.iiiliiiiiillil-iillilillllil_ilai_ ... ._i!-illllll!il••illi•ll rather abort on Anyway, the litua- Uons are funny;the lin• ue b:r"IY, and the rot.. ue meaty. The third act boo• down, however, and the cop-out Navy bit at the and still remains totally unbelievable. Sort oJ a soothing lo- tion for thoee who want to ... a bomoeexual "reJonn" at least in part, and Al Checco, the rotUAd come- dian witla the beaole ey•, doea~•t .. ,.ly chew tha sc.nery u the faUaer, Ben. He •wallows lt whole. Tb.i8 11 the moe.t uninhibited diaplay of broad co...dy .. n in ag•. H• milb e-very line and aituation until they ecrNJD, but to mak• sure the aud.loce dOND't ~the point, be tak• tboee prolonged pau ... while his wid•ey«l, oh- ~inllocent e)'81 roaaa uou.nd the room. The l'81ult? Hyateria. It 11 an outraoeoualy overdone perfonna.nce but It is loaded with lauohs, and this man bows how to oet the bioo•t on-- and often. He makea no preteDM at brinoino out all the contruts in the role. He just hu fun, and he k"pa the audience at his mercy. As Ganon, the bomoee.xual, Jay North seems aimoet mild in oompa.riso.lD to Cheoco, but it is a well- developed charactexisatic~n that neatly avpids the temptation to reach for the e.xtrem81. Kirk Wall impr .... saolidly u Nor- man. He is the oDly inatance where there is any dionity beino given to the bomOMXul 1 iJe. He is Nm"tly believable. Narouet Silbar is good u the mother, and Shelley Taylor Morgan is a flashy lady of easy virtue. Self-styled a "pine ria," Pinoccbio offen this . . . and much moxe . . . an intriou.ino combination of the fooda of Italy with the colorful cuisine of Aroenlina ud BtasU. The reatauxut is cuual, but artfully deeiODed. with~ carpel cover- ino some of th~-~r, colorful tiles the r .. t. Chain and tabl81 are comfortable but lioht in t .. J. ino, and look out from tall win- dows. Walls hold murals oJ fam- ed Italian racing cara, there is lots of brass for detail, and a muveloua contoured brass ceil- ino. A wine bar dispenses viands from both Italy and Argentina, leas expensive than tho.e in the award-winning cellar next door. Pisaas are excellent, and c hoices are the "Napolentana" with tomato sauce, mouuella, olives and Italian anchovies; "Muoherita" with mushrooms, ham and mozzarella; "Con Polio" with chicken; "Amer- i~ana" with bell pepper, pep· peroni and mushrooms. There is "The Four Seasons," a super- creation with pepperoni, ham. mushrooms, olives and several cheeses. My favorite is the "Fuoazeta Argentina," a two- cruated pizza, stuHed with mozzuella and spiced sauteed onions. At $4.95 to $5.25, the pizzas are luge enough to serve two, and can be ordered •n luoe size which will feed four to sill for $11.50. SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO ..__. Thla Memorial Day ~tra Speclal TRY OUR PARTY PLATTERS/ 5 Oitterent Meata.. 3 K.lnda of Cheeses. Olivas and P•cklu. c:no.c. of Two s.lack and Homem* Bre~ COME TO SAM'S 1808 Harbor Blvd., at 11th St. Coata Mesa 541-7122 We've been lcnown to be • Me hlrd to Ind. tM once )IOU tnt u-. tp.A're In b a ;p' rt arptle. &. C. ~.&Cree. a ~F~ Inn r.utng the .-om11k ~ cu1*e d France. The Ct..l..MA"ec <:*n to the rorn.l4k ~ _. the •dwllln'len d • fine French Inn. To thoee clt-a'••~Ndn& ..._ ttwl deiR h fl I ' He ~ b.nd ~ 1n the~ ... d Frend\ c~ ~a • ~ c:ombNIMan d ..W:. .nd~lnatrue~da~~ ~ .... the " ...... ;price& Chez LNrec c6ra daly • wique ~ d - .nd fratt .-lah pi ... ed In the fl d ~ orct.- trlllted ~ olb gr'ell chefs d Ewope. -only theoj an. 'WIItl ~ ~ tiiiiiiiiiiiQ ..... to chooee from. we -pftde CU'IIihe In our till !:ted _....,..,.. o1 FI'W'Ieh Wines .net ~ ViHctl • • .:.a wrt mea Why not jan ~ .nd ditcowf wtwt 1he ~ d Udo ...... ...,.bnf? "Bon Appdil". ~ aionificance. Some have complained that it ia an offensive treat- The Grinder •• proud to announce the Mrveng of Fresh Fish on Friday and Saturday eventnga only I.JOhtly bfeaded and gnlled to a golden bfown Onlyk45 Cahlom11 Styte lOC)ped weth a mtld ~ Sauoe and sliCed tomato and eYOC:IIdo Ontvk86 Clyde Ventwa directed, and ... ms just to have let Cheeco hove all the rope he needa1. John Hieronymus Stone's Mt is func- tional, and Euoene Roach is again at the lighting helm. Even when he bad troubl e with linea, Cheeco took ovur the show and with utter abandon took it home with him. The bam ma.y have been diahed in thick slic .. , but the audience oDl y wanted more. It playa until June 13 . Fresh homemade Italian ice creams, made daily in an asaort- ment of flavor•, ue offered at the gelato bar. A rolissene roa.ata a variety of meata, sauaao .. and fowl, and a pasta kitchen turns out fresh pula and pixza.a all day. Food may be eaten in the restaurant or ordered to go. On our Mveral visits we have tasted appetiaera of Matambre Con lnsalata Ruua, a delicious spiced roll oJ beef, atuHed and served with Ruaaian salad. The Empanada Buenos Aires is a stuffed putry 1 flaky ana rich, filled with apiced meal, olives, onions and bard-cooked eoo ... sensational! ... u is the Empanada de Iamon y Oueao, the pastry stuffed with cheese and ham. You may begin with a tomato filled with fresh tuna salad, fresh fruit Mrved ui a ooblet, an antipasto of cold outs, Italian fiavors and herbs are beautiful in the lasagna, with ricotta and meal sauce. and in tender cannelloni stuffed with ricotta and baked in a m.arinara sauce. Chicken is spiced and comes hot and aromatic from the rotiaeerie, served with coleslaw for $6.75. Don't miss the ice creams, rich apd homemade, served in chanoing .fiavors daily. We lov- ed the rum raisin and the nohest chocolate we've tasted. There is pistachio. delicate melon, and fresh strawberry. Coffee and expresso are offered. as well as an authentic cappuccino. Pinocohio 11 a welcome newcomer to ow growing hat of I 'ii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijijiji~~~~~!!i~~~~~·( fine reetawants. II D.ioned by ~rta. ••••port .... 1400 "*=* CoMt ...., HWIIU!IgiOit~· f'tlclllc: eo.t ...., So ol ... complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5:00 PM-7:00PM Dally Your chOice of soup or salad and one of these entrees F~ttucini .. Neptune" The W~ight Watcher-broiled. freahly Ground Bftf Country Fare-pan fried. breaded Pork Chopa Fish and Chipa Omelette du Jour plus your choice of dessen. Including Haagen oazs Ice c ream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages from coffee. tea. Iced tea. milk or sanka CAPRICCIO CAFE a• quided by the hand of a talented proJeaional, the atanduds ue hlgh, the food tuty and preMDted with charm, and pricea attractive. l.ocated at 3820 South PLua Drive in South Cout Village, call 556~3757 for yow lriiMJrvauo:n, or to order your oboic" to oo. OPUJRG JUJII 1 1100a. IIVSIC. L ftiCS 'aY ............... HARBORLITES I t~============~r by DlDa YOia lu.f98r W.y ia drawinq to • fut close; however, the party carcuat cer- tai.Gly iJ oot. Tbia put week, the Nardan Center of Educational Therapy celebrated it. 20th anoiver .. ry at a lovely dinner-dance held at the Newport Marriott. W..teu of oerernomea for the Mardan award were Marian Berc;,e110n and Tom Riley. The award, which it a bronae eculpture deaiqned by Marian Deane, wu pr ... nted by chairman Bill Lyon to Walter Gerken. Amonq thoee attend&nq were Aon .. Blomauw. Carolyn and Maury O.Wlld, Warren Fu, Evelyn Hart, Bernace Hud, Nor- ma Hert:&oq , Helen and Dic k Lnach, the Hobert Perki.Ju a.nd approx&mately 250 others. • • The Stephen• Colleqe Alum- nae Auocaation of OC held a wine taatinq at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. The pro- ceecb from thia fund-raiainq event qo towarda a acholarehip fund, which offere Unancial assistance to a younq woman from our area who would attend the colleqe located m Columbia , Miaoun. vanan Spnng r .. t at the home of BeGe and Don Yahn. Th.e happy 110unda of an oom- pob-poh ba.nd qr .. ted auch que.ta u Muriel a.nd Peter Giplcent, Barbara and Hal &llman, Jeannette and David Herman, Ruth and Don Kerane, and Carmen and Bob Weber. • The firat Stanley awarda were given by muter oJ ceremoniea William Hamilton to Herb Sutton and Tom Riley on behalf oJ Use Sign Writer, a newepaper for Herb Sutton (left) and Tom Riley JKeive the first Stanley Awards for the Sign Writer invented by Valerie Sutton (center). Also honored was Valene Walter Gerket\ Ccenter), recipient of the ~ Award, chats with Bill lyon (right). din'* committee chairman, and OiMd Eisenman, Marden's executive director the deaf community. Scudder (not shown). SteH pholo bv Batrv Slobn Chairinq this lovely luncheon at The Newporter were Bethna Bents, Janet Bell, Gretchen Bralteaman, Carol Buuard, ·carole Cusumano, Meralyn Dana, Peqqy Ford, O.bb&e Gray, JoAn Marchant, Pat Maurer, Ernm• Jane Riley, Dons Sutton and Valerie Sutton, the inventor of Sign Writinq. "Captivatinq CaliJorma" as the theme of the National Federation of Preu Women Convention convention tour of &;a Califor- nia under the auapicea of the Mexican Nahonal Tourist Bureau. A qreat coup for the 400 preu women who are expected to at- tend repr ... nting SO atetes ill that Mildred Mead has convinc- ed Travilla, Helga, Phyllis Sues and Christine Albert to per- sonally attend the convention presenhng their respective fall collections. scheduled June 5-16 at the Postcript~: Hats oft to the "An- Disneyland Hotel. nie" committ .. for raiainq Accordinq to convention $100,000 for JtOCE. • Bijan director Peqqy Cotton, this con-Bahar, world-renowned acrylic vention has taken three years to art~t and a qraduate of Newport plan and will encompus a pre· Harbor Hiqh School, had a love- elected to .. rve Aq&LD at puw- dent of the Board of Truat ... of CHOC.•S~q oJCHOC, the 14 women'a qwlda have paued the S3 million mueetone in contributions and will bold • gala luncheon at the Villa Fon - tana, Na.y 27. • Women'• Tran- sitional Living Center ~ laun- c hing tta annual memberah&p drave. The goal 11 500 new memben . • The Ora.n9e County Mec:bcal Auoc1ahon Aunhary will hold a luncheon to an- OL.on Master Docent nounce the award Wlnnera for c ha.nl&ble donabou. • Seen lunch&nq at Th~ lbtz were Laa Flon.tas members Juhe Lee, Susan Jarvae, thane Xord.lck, Ollie Lynn (who has a wper- handaome bachelor brother, Ladiee), Sue Hell, Dla.na Ruchh, Na.rilvn Shemll, Ro.emarv Petretta, Maggie Sim.Ju and Sandy w ... J. • UCJ Town and Gown awarded acholarah.&pa to Lenora C.maalu. Pauhne Doyle, Esther Martin, Doloree O'Bnen, Cathenne Phillapa, Janette Redd, and Chnstrne Sipe. convention tour of San Fran-ly beneht for NHHS's Art OCPS'e Harbor V1ew Hilla CliCo, the wme country, the Department at La Strodo. • S\Uanne Obon of Newport Beach recently graduated to th e ra..nk of Wutez Docent at Bowen MUMum rn Santa Ana. She bad juat c ompleted an e1ght-month train&ng caur .. aa a Ptovas1ona.l ~rtew Ptelldall OfZcfta Mn. Jacque loah.kuhl will be iut.n.d Tbu.nda,, w., ri- the ~~ of the Zoaa. Cv.b ot Newport Harbor tor a eecood ..,_ The 7:30 p . •· d.i.naer ia· ...U.tioa tn1J b. coaduct.d by Mn. Pev9Y friend, put pr..t- dnt of the Zoota Club of toe Alaget., pat Ar .. m director aad lieutenant qovenaor of Di.atrlct IX of Zonta latema- tionel. Mrs. Buab.kuhl, • prote.looal cMc:oretor, ia iD chuCJe ol i.a· tenor decorehon at S..n Corporet1011, Coste W.... Witn-mq her t.n.t.U.bon will be her hoaband, Freel, ~ two IlOna, Ju.d9e and Mlch.el Buabkuhl, and their fam.iliM. ' Other otficen to be l.D,IItalled are prea&dent-elect Sheil& Hor- man, VlCe premdent Alna Phllh~. recorchaq Neretary C arol G&vena, corr.-pondinq MCretary Lenore Sean, treasurer W.red.&th Welling, fo undahon treasurer Peq Forqit, and chrecton Landa Hill, lJ.la Scboenmehl, Marjone R ... and Barbara Jacbon. In addihon to the mat.U.tion of new ofticen, other proqram hlghUqhta will be the announce- ment of the ZontlAD of the Year. c oDUDJIIee sponsored a Bar-convention proper and a post-Walter Douqlaa has been ----~------~~----~------------~---------------------------------Honor Students Docent. Student• from Newport Beach a.nd Corona del Mar have r~ived honors for ex- cellence in academac studies. At the Unaversaty of TellcU, Arthur Paul Rosa of Corona del Mar and Roqer Todd Rankin of Newport Beach were named to the honor roll an the Colleqe of Buaaneas Adrniniatration. At the Univermty of Denver, O.vid G . Bern of Corona del Mar and Carol G . Brear oJ Newport Beach were D&med to the dean's u.t. • REST AURA OF NEWPORT BEACH FRFS FISH fre•MartleWe We corc:Jatv Invite you to join us fa a unique dnlng experlenoe. Our ftsh 1$ nown In daly from Marselle. on the RMera fresh from the Mec:tter- ranean Come and shae cu excttrQ c::Jrva with us. UINOI•IINNQ e AY glJN(]I lMI.sf _., IIOIT "'oeNG ~ %113 Vila Way • ea.-ry Vii.p ~pen lad• 67S-4721 118\'~ 1'1IONI .cor: •• ..,. MonUy Our Sl.tl .._ Md .... C.. DIIIMf. "-. tf1t I ht•.., •.•• TJw lla•port t:a.ISJtl FOOD C.,. Aa Via y.., c-w~~~or·- To...W..ole- _.,_,.~ t Jorealli:I~Dt.-..1a diolo, Marquiaol c.,. AuVia,.,._u.l otJ.. reap.. lor olll' "'lll•••ll ... lctall -...;.-louDd hl aay .,..._.,.. Preach -- Your kido will fool good .-. ...... lint ·~ .. oaold"" u.lwilllool<lo.w&rd tolllo--. . .J99s and ch•••• ..... favorit• wida ' · ly tPM'iDQ, e991are a · 90od .ooroe of vitaala A, ribollo&, u.l tho , pro&ela that .. ., --port.nl to 9<owlriQ boclie.. l.gCJI ...... ex- ~· \ou~ ol Uoa, .. .,u. Hioh . .._peratw. toQQbD -· .. coolt ,lhera O'lfl low lo .... Wit ..... Try Swuiy Scr .. bl- ed KQ9a fo.r • child'• lint ru.4)e-top eoolrlaq e~ru:a. ne .... · of uift9 jut tbr" in· 9fed.leatt wUJ appH)Io ...U coob, and the qglck, cfollcl ............ wUI briav • rNl NDM of accollllpliahment. Suany Scroablod loo• 4 llll.r'Villv- To oa.pie.•lyow-Ntet:\ EFf'fCTM WED MAY l6 TMII\J TU(S. JlJNE 1 1982 _.-.-..,.., try ~-­vm-llluocwith you tind ooune. lor U.. •tre., chill tU WuqoaiNI Boaujolaio- VUI.av-ud .. ,.,. with the coq av. viA. Yow fiae cJ.oioa of Jrencl:a .U.. will ~ c.rtain· ly bo toaolod . Tha S...Onal Sproad ToooodSalad Narqu.i,M.t Coq Au Via P....u.d Polatooo Pur.. of Curolo u.l Oruono Strawl»ny Nouue Marquiat Coq Au Via 1 3\oi to 4 pound cllic::bn, cut into -Oour boiliag water 1/2 cup Nit pork or b.coo., cut into 114- iacll clic«l P*- 2 taNespcxma butter 1/4 cu.p Cocpaac or brandy 12 .....U. wh.ite oniona, the ...U.r, the better 12 IIID&ll muahtooma 1 garlic clove, cru.ahed oalt tr..b.ly ground. pepper 1/2 teupoon dried .. .,.. 1-2 cv.pe W..rquiaat Boaujola;o. VillaQoo 1/4 cv.p lll.inced panley (4-6 ......... ) TriiD tat o:tf the chicbn piecee. Wuh Ullder runni.Jlg cold watet; dry thotouqhly. Dredoe cJUcbn with tho flour; ohab off ... c-. Pow boiling wate .. over Nit pork to cove... Let stand for 10 m.inu.t•. Ora.iD . RinM uncle .. cold water; dry betw..n kitchen pape ... Heat butte .. in large lryino pan. Add Mit pork; cook UlltU goldeo, but not b .. own- ed. With dotted spoon, remove Nit pork, reserve. Add chicba p iec ... Over mode .. ate- ly h.iqb b-t brown the chicken on all sKies. Traa.A. .. pi«:ea to • hMYJ CUM .. ole. Heat Coquac ia a bav spoon, pou.r ove .. c:Juckeo; flame it jmmed..iately. Add oa.iona to pan. Sti .. frequently, UDtil ouicma brown. Add oruons to chicba. Add mu.ab.rooru. Cook over higil. h.at, slit COD- stutJy, lor 3-4 Dliaut• o .. until mushrooma ara bnnmed. Add Dlu.UtOODUI to clUckeD. Add CJ&tlic, Mlt and pepper to t.a.te, the tlry:me aDd wiae. Add eDOU9ll wiDe to covet claicba. Add .... noec~ bocoobitau.I..U ca .. .tull,. Bria9 to boil· iao pcmt. Low. ...... i•eediately ud. cover the ~role. Cook len about J0...40 llliD.ut-or uatll tho dUcbra io ....... lfG«"Illlry, .... little .,... w.,. qulool. IDDS OOOIWIG ~ aod CIUIII A Good IWtiav Placo , ............. to Cool< .... )'Oil ....... .. ,"WMt'•ior b-MWoo!'1" oo "WWIal'o to.luQ?"tloo-_ ... d!IW .... ......... _ ... clo-•ccatnr. Q''wa... .... ........... ..., .......... .. -.. ,., .... .. ''a ·ea .... :'" .... -r -· J cowcun..- ~Y. •• ' }:{ ·=· .':1' t COM CUtttf • • }:{. .. • -..cu&&«or...U bit•. Addeut.&o ..... Fresca. Tab. 5'1!~13' -.1 4. • Stir oec: .. ionaUy with woodtn spoon •• •11• lhlc:k... . Cook uatJI ._ u. • doa• • JOWl lib &hem. s.n. tnUDedlaWy . ...... II .· r-yQDAys RATe-~ r EFFiCiiVEYIELo l Compare our higher yield with the current 7-day 1 1 1 · 1 averageofmostmoneymarketfunds-includingyours' 1 · 1 1 1 You'll discover that we pay more/Your daily 1 1 1 1 balance over $2,000 is automatically swept every day 1 I 1 1 into our Market Reserve Plan and your balance I ---tobltlnc8Mrl2.00>. This rate I I Annualized yield Is fOf comparison only. It I under $2,000 earns 5~% compounded daily. Why I =--.., ftuCIUaleS with the mooey I I assiMn8S lrterest remains II a constari rate. I take a dollar less? ~--------~-~~~---------~ Why should you pay a bank for a Visa Credit Gard when 1st NatiQnwide Savings gives you one free? It's true: with a minimum balance in a qualifying account, 1st Nationwide Savings will give you a Vasa Credit Card with no annual fee/There's more: with prompt full payment of your monthly statement, there's no interest charge. If you prefer to extend your payments, 1st Nationwide Savings' finance charges are substan- tially less thah many banks: Visa ... accepted by Ovef three million mer- chants, hotels, restaurants and service ~ations in the United States aod 150. oountries...Come in to 1st Nationwide Savings to ·see how your Market Reserve Checking plan, your 6-month T-Bill account or your Tax-Free account may qualify YW for a tree Vi$& Credit Card. Ask for details.** by au-..a, •• tpa. Corooa cW War'a No. 2 dou.h._ teua ai IAa Aler ucl Jeff lwiDQ .a¥eCliato U.. Cl1 ladi~u.al •••flnele u tlw ~ ai • biaa.rre iac:ideDt ftich brooolat U.. cli.equlific&- Jiclll of tile leua'a No. 1 ••cled- duo. Alez-lwiDo fini.alaed in eecood p&.ce iD tM S.. View Leape hehiacl Ccl.W'a top clou.hlea ..._ of Greo Hayward-Job Wuher. Ho...,.x, Haywa.rd ucl Wult.er ...... ruleclia cWault becau. u..y wen ate m retumi.Do for u..u ..cca.d-rowacl oame - "1 told the to\UD&IMdlt direc- tor that I wanted to a.ke all f®.r quya laome tor eometlllno to Mt and to pick up &.racket," ea- pl.ahaecl Coech O.ve Heffren. "All fou• quya wen atudino with ... when I ubd him eo I ..-.waecl he bew I wu talkino about bolla dou.blee teama. "He told ae they dic:I.A't play Wltil1 o'clock, and if I allowed up at 12:30 they mioht be able to qet 011 a court Mdy," ~­ tiD\Jecl Heffra. "But when we 901 back at 12:45, he h.d cWaulted Hayward ADd Wuher becau.e they were auppoeed to have played at 12 an4! he ~d let the other te&Dl 00-u "I called the Clf office and the other coech, but the coach wouldn't play ua. Jt'a robbery. I feel really bed that the other puti• didn't have the coapu- alon for a couple of hi9h echool kid. to cpve thea &D eqUAl chance foJ' a title they de.rv- ed " 'the CclN and Newport Harbor aquada advanced to 1\aeeday'a CD' te&Dl quarterfina.la with their eecoud-rowad vlctori• Friday afteJ"DDOD. 300f A 'I'IWty oatauacli.Jao atla.&etea- -lS Mch froiD Co•ou c:le1 Mar and Newport Harbor h.ioh aooa.-.. ,. to be honored t.hi8 morniDo at tile Com..modor• Clu.b 211t u.nul Athletic Awarda breakfut. Set for the Sheraton Newport, the eveat echeduled Hal Upling- er, fonDer kltiJilore Bullet• .tar, now a TV producer and broedcuaino c::ouultut, u key .,.an•. NWHroua Olympic: Ga•• ..tal winnen wen upec:ted to attend. Th.e Co•mc:wlo.-are a aup· polt (JI'O\IP of the Newport Ha.rbox ArM Claa.m.ber of Com- ALL-OUT EFFORT by Corona deC Mer'a Oeve Anderson 14:13.16) is ~1 a he's about to finish I8COfld in CIF 3-A 1600-meter to Cu1Yet City'a Sean Nugent (4:12.71 .). (See Preps Roundup) PREP by Chrtatoplaw tya.ch lA Saturday'• CJF 3A track oha.au»Oilalaipa, Lance Iebon of Newpo.rf Harbor won an ln- clmdual da&m~alaip in the pole ••\llt with a vaull of 14-6. Corou c:le1 W.r'a Dave AAclenoo fiaiahed ;u.at • few .t.ridea out of firat place ill the 1800 met•~. The MC:ODd-place tilDe for ADclezeoo, only a IO~ON, WU •:13.61. 1D U.. CJirla' coapetiUOD, Ne~'l hMD Del.acey fuuah· ed 1a loGrt)t piece la tM .00 llliliter <•.16) and tlae 300 low llurdlet (45.22). • • • The Sea Ciooa (~) tiniahecl behiAd Redl&Dda (378) and Loyola (379). "On the whole, the ldda played pretty well," Mid lrrion. For CdM, Ted Norby abot a 1•. Roecoe Sc:haene 75. Jeff Wriobt 76, Jim Lioht 77, and Cary Spadooi, the S.. View LMoue clauapion, ahot a 82 on the 18-hole courae. In tM comi.Do weeb. the S.. Dno qol.lera will contmue CD' play. Ju. 1 ia llae date fot the ClllDdtvicha.al cU.piouh.ipa to M lle&clat II Ptaclo ill Claino. ~l, Wr191lt, and Norby will ntpreMD.t th Sea Kiaqa. by llary Wapew n..c...ac~e~ ... iiMIMII.__ woe, be play- lag la .......,. aP f1DaJa la Doctg.S..Uaa. The S.C. 11-. bt to ltor- walll. 1-1. T\a II "My afW1IooD ill Cana .... Park ill a.noow.. DMpite UaNe-tow-low hlttlllg br ,_... Gc.cbl ..... ""· dlldlag a ..,_. ru.a oe tA.e .. CODCI pitch of tA.e ...-. Celli leU J1NJ to 811'0118 ._wal.k plt- dt.bag CIDd three ..... na.M OftW tA.e 350-foot ceat..tield'a wall. Start.Da....Boaade..-..up alx ruM 00 elgllt blta befon belDg r.placed br Kwt P.t.MOlD tA.,e lllxth Inning. EaMdng tA.e game tlalllDg '-1 aDCI w\tll two ... OD b-.. P.-... bcecl tA.e 8nl batter to groUDd to abclnabop. but 1111. -waa u!M!!ble to make the play. Two nma ICONCI. put- tlDg tA.e game out ot NCICb. The 8elal-ft.Dal -. chopped the cWeDdlDg aF 2A c:bam- ploea aDCI the 1• Sea V.w l.eague tltUata to 21-4 OD the Yecll:· by Chriatoph. Lpch The CoronA del Nu S.. KinfP, defendinq CIF 2A chul- pion.a &Dd lh. No. 1 Ned enter- ing lhia year'a playoffa, ~vane­ eel to Tueday'a Cil aem.i-fin&la with a 7-6 victory over Antelope Valley. For the tb..Ud atraight b.me, the Sea Kinga WOJl a playoff game by coming from behmd in the late i.n.n.inqa. "It wu the same old thmg." uplained CdN coach Tom Trager. "We get out-hit, but they (the oppooeata) ...... miatak•, .. c::.pit.alla. OD tJ.eir errora, and oet eo... hita ... CdW ..,read the laeroic::a arO\lJld Frid.ey, u GordoD No. hit a ga.me-opecino hoae run and acored the wiJlnin9 l1lD ia the eic,hth uming a!ter coDDec- hnO for a triple. Chna White blocked LD two runa lD the Rxth 1llJli.D9 to tie the acore at ai.ll, but White-who ~ at.rted the q&IM on the mound-Ollly 1ated there throuoh the fint two batten of the ..cond iD.ni.no . CollliderabM pr~ belong~ to patchera Kurt Petenen &Dd Greo WynD . Petenen reliend Wlute 10 the MCODd i.n.n.inq and abut Antelope Valley down Wltil the •venth iD.n.ing, when he beq&D to tire. Then Wynn, who had not pit- ched aiJlce before lMgue play. came in with a m&D on tint and no outa. and proc::eedecl to throw the lUJlJler out at aec::ood on a aacrifice atteapt, and force the neat two hittera to Oy out and ground out. "Pete.-n did really well until he tired," Mid Traoer . "White didn't hAve h.ia uaual atuff but I wu ready to bring him back in in the ..venth. W'J'DJl Mid he wu ready. though, aDd t.lt good, whic::h i.a what I wanted to hMJ'." "Friday wu typlc::al of what'a 9one on all year with lhia team," contbaued the CdW akipper. "I don't feel the kida walk out on the field aayino we're the No. 1 team, the tMJD to beat. "In the thrM CI1 oa.mea, we've played in fear, not with a pomtlve attitude." I Local aailora don't have to go to Lu Vequ to c,amble tlw weekend. In.atead, they c&D e11ter the Bahia Corinthi&D Yacht Club Santa Barb.ua Puaage Race which they're call- ing "the Ultimate Crapa.hoot" becaUM each altipper b..u to chooae between alternate counea bued on the wind and weather conditiona. SEA KINGS WERE FLYING HIGH He or abe "rolla the dice" aoon after lMving the atarbng liD. at the Newport ~ and hopea it'a a lucky dec::iaio11. There are two d.iffere11t rae.. The long CQ~. which atarU S.turd.y at 10 a .m., i.a open to all o .. ta. lOR, PHRr, ORCA. SORD and MORC. The boata will...U to Emmy and then round Catalina lal&Dd port or atarboard, whichever way they oamble will be the fastest. The finiah of the race i.a i.naide the harbor in hoot of the BCYC clubhou.M, where a ch .. ring crowd will be waiting. A abort cou.-race atarta at 10 a.m. Sunday, and i.a for the PHRF boata only. They will take the oil ialaoda either to port or atarboard, and bni.ah. Bill F1cker, 197• Amenca'a Cup defender, will be the chalr- m&D of the Skippera w .. tmg whlch will be held on Fnday A number of aoc::1al events are planned at the BCYC clubhoUM m conjunctioJl with th ... races, mcludino free beer for the con- teat&Dta at the tiniah of the race. The Corona del Mar bueball team wu atill celebratino ita aecond-round victory over Ar- royo when Coach Tom Traqer found out CdW'a quuterlmal opponent would be Antelope Valley. Bec::au.M the S.. Dnqa had prmou.ly played two home oa.mes. they foud thezuelvea faced wtth the lone, trip to Antelope Valley'• home held. So u would oc::c::ur at any other hic,h .chool acrou the nation, Cd.N athletic duector Ron Davu aet out to arrange tr~rta­ tion. However, the mode of tranaport wu a little unuauallD this CAM. "It could only happen a t Corona del Mar." eaclaunecl Davis. For the S.. Kmqs chdn't have to make the four-hour bus nde. lnatead, they traveleclm Dave Ariu' 10-... t Ceaoa .W., aav- lDQ approlllJilately two houra. Anss, the father of JUDlOr hrat b&aem&D Dave. volu.nt .. recl h1.a pl&De not only because of the time it would aave but becau.M of the upene11ce it would afford the playen. "I really queahooecl that the chstnct would let u.s do 1t," a&d Traoer. "But they aa.ad go ahead. We needed the pareota' Citizens Propert_y Rights Committee perm.iaio11, and all 19 aa1d y•. which awp.rwecl me." The plane, Down by .A.n.' peraon.al pilot, wu ~ to m.aU two tripe to take a.lll9 playera &Dd Traqer. "Wy biqqeat worry wu that AAtelope Valley' a playera would find out and would think we wen ju.at a buDch of rich, Newport Beach kida," a&d centerlt.lder Cb.ria White. However, for Mc::Olld bawmao Gordon Woea it wu a QTMt op- portwuty to abow off another of hi.a akill.a. Moa, who acored the win.nino lUJl ~the etghth inn- ing, hu h1.a pilot'a ltcellM and took the co11trola for the majonty of the trip back. Concluded Traoer, "It wu really a neat time. It wu just a good d.y." -Chrlstopbw tpdl WHAT All WE AIOUn ' \ 'Annie' Pf•·--held •• benefit for public t~ '-'week et Edweldl Cinema tw. ~ follo\wd by merntMn of Newport Center Aleoc:ietion underwriting ... 500 party for fifth gredeq . from Orenge County'slehoola. After seeing the film, theM 11- yeer oldl from Northwood Bementary in trvine enjoy the 'buffet' from Cati's Jr. From left: Mwtt Berry, Tommy Johnston and Mike Gold. Smt photo by &.rry ~ J)lt hetesSUitmer~ To Open Applatiou a.re now aveikble for the American Dill.__ A.ociation'• Camp CIWutock, a aummer camp in the Su Bemardino mountaina, whicb •ten ita 25th year of camping opportunlti• for iuulin-dependent you.ngatera, agee 7-16. At Camp Cbinllock, children participate in activiti• aucb u 8wiJIIuDJ.DCJ, biking and canoeinCJ, w.der the auperviaion of the ca., .taft of mec:lical profea- ~Eiected Oran9e County Arts Alliance (OCAA), an affiliation of Oru9e County a.rtista and cultural OZCJa.nilationa, bu an- oou.noed the elecuon of James E. Duoning, PhD., of Newport Beacb, u premdent. Dullmn9 is director ol admiaiona for Unive.raity of Califoro..aa, lrvioe . Patti-Gene Sampeon, alao of Newport Beach, wu elected vice pr•jdeot, internal affairs. aioula. In m .. tin9 peen with c:IM.bet• and inte.racting with the ataff, campers 1Mm to cope with and J~UUUtge thei.r c:liabet•. Four aeaiou will compriM the 1982 MUOD., with parti- cipant. g.rouped ~ording to age. Applications and further information: 556-6070. Pr• registration ia required and apace ia limited. Although there ia a camp f .. of $240, liberal "campenb.ipe" a.re available and no child ia denied admiuion for fi.na.Dcial reuons. Award For Solomorf Tb.e bi-moatbly oewaletter, "Sc::ope," prepared by Suan Solomon, pubiJc relations npreMD.tative fo.r Hoag Wemoriallbpital, hu woo ber a ~te of merit in the oewsletten category hom the Soutbem Califomia Society fo.r Hoepital Public RelatiOD.I, which r~Uy &DDou.ncecl ita 1981 Gold.D Advocate Awa.rda. 641-0810 • Stone Mill Business Parit 2915 Red HiiiNe. • Costa Mesa ' ....... ~ Ieee$ W01HG .... ~ tbe 12 Oru~ CoUty recipiellla ol awarde at U.. receat CaWo....aa PreM Wo-.. 30tb auu&al coat..t. Aa.owacecl at the Jreao cora- ~tioll, the ••-* weut to Wilclred w..d, AMIUioll colum- Dl8& for the Coo.~ Jledio N-ws Group, which incl.adee tbia uw.paper; Yana Bridle, p!lotograpber tor Executive Nogaa/.ne; Pat Nei8Mr, travel editor, ~ Coo.~ Jlogoaine; Joan w.-. freelance writer and Coall*liM Col&ec,. wtructor, and Rutb ldclioCJtoD, fr .. l&Dce writer/publiciat. Peggy Cotton, reetaurant coJ- u.mniat for t.b1a ne-.paper, ia director of the 1982 National Federatioo of Pre. Women con- venlioo ecb.clulecl at the Di.araeyland Hotel JuDe 10..13. T_,sOn Com"tlnQ A "table talk" 111JioD entitled "IC.o~w Your CompetitiOD and . You Competiton" will be IPOD· tored by tbe Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce at 7:30a.m . Wec:bleeday, June 2 in the Catamaran Room of the Mar- riott Hotel. Mary Iutman Ri911ey, public relations speciali.at, Will lead the d.i.cuaaion, &aiatecl by special gueat Pegqy Drew, marketing conaultut. Contillental brukfaat will be ee.rved. Coa ia $5. Information: 644-8211 . • Untl ~ dNeh lri ,., ...... cii*w AJ foralt ~ • ~ personel opinion ed lri The Enlign. A book 011he .-w11 • ~ eoon. In ._..cipMion of .thet, Ar• widow P-v le ,..wtnq 8D1Mollheedltn n. ~·.,.._ .. ....,.....In June of 1ffl . . . IOWBERE? \WI, h 10Gb IIMt _.,. ~ to 8M our COeil Hwy. bridge Wfd!Mied-meybe by ,., or 1•1. A lot 01f tati .round town wt1 ~huge eigne of Nllef, end uv. ''Oh boy. we~ eOIWd our tAflc problem. •• • · Don't beleve h. M eoon • thet bridge 1e opened. we are gOing to firfd out thet the bot· tlenecb won't dirt~; they'l just move down the Nghwey a few ytrdl. Mari.,.... Mile wile be • mete, • ~ lteck up et tM traffic lignela tfter whizzing ec:ro. the ,.,.,., bridge. In the other direction, \My'l pile up bet\wen Beytkte Drive end Jemboree, end lilt along the COMt Hwy. pest Newport Center end it1 new Corpora.te PUaza. Corona del Mar, already jammed, Will be bumper-to-bumper. Then, we awt tMring our heir out egain. Now, why don't we look eheed 8 little bit (for a chenge) end try eoMng • problem aheed of time. If we extended Univeraity Drive ec:roes the Back Bey, thet would tMe IOfM of the preaeure off Co.t Hwy. The treffic engineers keep trying to eJCP&ein to us. end we keep bllnging our heeda •'* the well and yelling ''NOI" iJ'here II no wey we we going to get Southern Californians out of their cars and into buiMe or onto bicydea in .-,y greet numberl. The quick we realize this. the better off we wtl be. And, there's no 'MIY thet we are going to get people to .stop coming to the beach, Of drMng up and down the c:oeet. As the populer of Southern Cetifomia increaees, the problem will increase. As the vast ci- ty of Irvine begine to fill in its open speces with houlel, we are going to have more and more -.t-WMt traffic. Why in tbe blue-eyed world c.-,'t we see this? It's going to HAP- PEN. Period. You can't ltop it, and-I ca"\'t ltop it, end Jimmy Carter can't stop it. Not even Don Meloni& can ltop it. If we're r..UV l8rious about saving gasoline and cutting down the smog, we've got to ltop stiCking up the cars bumper-to-bumper. They use more gas end they pollute more that way. We've got to telf Detroit, "Build 'em to get more than 20 miles per gallon. or don't build 'em at ell." And we've got to stop giving them a postponement year after year on the smog ltandardl. If a motorcycle builder fr()fl) Jepen can build 8 car that gets 40 miles to the gallon, Mats 4 peopHt comfortably, and meets the low-smog goals, why the hail can't Detroit do the same? After being hit over the heed with Volkswagons for 20 years, you'd think they would learn eomething, but they haven't. So we've got to clamp down and forc4! them to do it. Othefwise. it'll be a contest to see which we run out of first-gasoline or breath. Call up your Chy Council and insist on getting University Drive extended. If we can get through to them on that, who knows-maybe someday they'll even get that second bridge acrosa the bay from Weatcliff to Newport Center. Then. we can REALLY heave 8 sigh of relief. To r.-rve your copy of the book "Feerieu Fotgit," fill out the coupon and mail to Peg Fotgit, 2206 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach, CA 92863 NAME ADDRESS .. .. " " • .. ... " .. ... i'} ~ ~ ~ :t ' ' .. ... • ~ I A M Reec Scot nee vac• lntl! n • 00 Tra" and Aac Awe and c. "cu the 1 one' ami< oatu by h nati' CJ•lt auite own patic Sout and Lc whe1 3()(), Cam MttiJ reeo pro" pion of 6, yard ICeD D&m Ladi Go1J and for l Pboe In tiODf abo}: SpoJ full : CAD oh.u proi ataff leuc .0 facU inolt pool whb ..at cow pro I not bon n.~ equl for c A ceot beet the cow Ca.a ente Wei Hotc aup faciJ the lb aqw II* mod 1,5C diff4 baA the 10,( Am T• ayafl aucl at&Q Marriott'• Camelb.ck Inn Reeorl and Golf Clllb, n"r Scottackle, Aria., la an ouia ncoqnbed u one of the best vacation and convention reeorta in the country. The 125-acre reeort hu been • conli.ltent winner of Wobil Travel Guide'• Jive-Stu Award and the America.o Autoaobile Aaociation'a Five Oi&mond Awud for outatandiog •rvice and ho.pita.lity. STONECREEK PlAZA Contemporary adobe-atyle "caau" at the reeort, r .. mblinq the pueblo dwellinqa of Aria· ona'a early ....tdeota, are •t amid lu.ah Oowerlng gardena and natural d ... rt, and awrounded by towering mountain~. The native influence la further eug· gested within the 413 room• and THE RESORT is considered one of the finest convention centers in the u.s . .wt .. , each with Us own private entry and patio, by the UM of Southw•tern art work and artifacla. Located in an area where the eun lhin•• 300 days a year, Camelback is an ideal setting for qolf. The reeort'• two PGA-ap· proved 18-bole cham- piouahip go}J COUlMS, of 6,687 and 6,900 yards, have been in the ~eene of many tour· namenta, includio9 Ladi .. Profeaional Golf Aaociation eventa and qua.lifyin9 rounds for the U.S. and the Ph081lU Open. In the club'• na· tionally renowned pro ahop, featured in Sports Illustrated, a full line of equipment can be rented or pur· chued. Five teacbin9 proJeuionals are on at.a.ff and available for l...ana. . Other recreational f&ciliti .. at Camelb.ck include two swimaing paola, .. ch with whidpoola, 10 all- weather tftllia (l.iPted) courta witll • t .. cbing profeuional, bicycle rentals, hikin9 uaila, borMback ridinq. ahuf· Oeboud and a fully. equipped playqround · for children. Aa a convention center, the reeorl hu been rated u on• of the top hve 1n the country. In 1979, ea...Jhack wu pr-- ented tlle pnetiqious WcllaAdC~ce Hotel Award 6or ita superior JDMtin9 faciliU., ooe of five in the country. Its tota123,000 8qU&Je feet oJ hancUon ~ can accom· modate groupe of 10 to 1,500 tllrouqllout i~ 20 different IUetiDq ud banquet room.a. Within the compla ia the 10, ()O()..Iq'U&l"e-foot Anson• lall.room. Top-rated 80Wld eysteJU~ • co.pt.t. audio-mualmvatory, ... c;aee ~ otl.er vlaual a.id .. are included in the faciliti•. Some m-tinq rooma 'are equipped with built-in projection booth.a. All m-tin9 rooma are located On 9round level, just minutes from qu .. t room• and recre- ational areu. Profeuional conven- tion coordinators are on hand to help pland and ioawe amooth· running meetin91 and banquets. Two fully-ataffed kit· chen.a, one preparin9 American and luro· pMJl cuiaine, the other apecialiaing in Koeller foods, service the reeort'a benquet room.a. Special theme parti .. , from steak friu on Mummy Mountain to poolaide oocktail par· ti•, cu also be ar- ranc;aed. Fr.U-baked brNda, cak• and puW• (no artificial O.vorinqa and preMr· vativ•) are baited fr.U d&ily. C....lh.ck's qu..U can c:Aooee from t.h.ree d:iflerent ..U plu.s: tlle AIMrican pl&n, with brea.kfut, lunch and dinner baclud.d in the price of aocom- modat.ionl; the Modi· lied American with brealdut and dinner included, or the Camelb.ck plan with brealdut and lunch included. Tbeze ia also the choice of the .--art'• liz reU&urants and oocktail loun~. At the poolaide buffets, brMJdut ud hmch are •fftd with Uae cuual Ouia Lounqe QM.Jby. lJqht IDMla -mecb are avail· able at Uae Cactu.a Patch, ovel'looklnq the pool. In the Ne?ajo Boom, aorn.lllq, mid· dayandeftiDJ.aqmeal •mea ill pi'Orided. 'flne QOUOMI ~9 ia Uae Chaparral's ~tJ and Uae acl).- ceat CUparral Lounge offen auic and dane· iDg. Goliera can take Uc;aht brealdaats, lunch- eooa or bar •rvice in Camelback'• Golf Club befoze or aJter rounds. Full coune meals, macb and beveraq• plua ho~ita.lity .Wte ban can also be ordered from the reeorl'a room service. ONE NIGHT IN PARADISE Spend hours swimming in the three fabulous pools. playing tennis on one of eight lighted courts. or golf on one of our two 18-hOie Championship courses or our 18-holc executtve course. Dine like royalty and dance the hours away under the stars. $35.00 per room Available from Ma!i 29 to September 11. 1982. Price includes room only Maximum 4 people to a room. Not available to groups. Advance Reservations Requared. 564 1 East l.tncoln Dnve ScottsdaJc. AZ 85253 ~···-T ..... ~ RDOAT AND COU CLU. 0 -..oetl S STAA AWAAO {'! • • • • • TRlPU AAA NNAAO MD I . L1stc1111a Dt./Sc n t 01, AZ ISZSZitiUt ,._ ,.,_ The ICewport Ensign Wedne-sdoy. May 21. 1112 P~ IS 2week THAILAND DREAM VACA.TION MAIN TOUR FIATURIS Round tritt tr~ WI ech1 .... d elrt!ne. Round trip tr.._fer .......... elrpcwt eftd hotel Nifte ftiahta eccOfftMOdadone at the Aa1e ..._,.,....__.CoreiMIIart F .. Americ:.eft ........... ..., •• , ......... ~ ...... 1 ...................... .. T .. ...t. on lwtwy coach for round trip to Pett.eye 8eech Three ,..... .. eccommodetiona at • fnt· ct.n hotel at Petteya lleech P••••• for two piecetl of ........ ..-.......,. Efl.Zih 1peelling guide Fcwfutdwr 552 0443 Information. call - 4330 llerrenca P.,._IIY• 1,.._ DON'T MISS THE BOAT! ~partwa Ott. 2• aDd No~. 7 " • ,..... II WeclnHday. Moy •· 1•2 TheN •por• En•urn movies ------------------- ..... Me (7·30Cent.IMt.) 1M1 • ICATI •rran Janet Ell:ler hu the titte role o4 a caring women oA the '80'1 who atruggles with the ctemandl oA being a ~ news repot1er and lingle mother. just to meke 1t lnter81tlng, 1M then finds thet the lives o4 her and her ~ter are In danger after ahe ccwers a horrifying ~r attack on several nurMt. All fOf the loYe Of (a) mice Mtttheu bUt with the eiMys ~ William O.V.ne. Allo along fOf a trip to the AstrodOme ate Cll"on James, Jadde Earle Haley and Jimmy Balo. ••-=--N8C (8c.t\tr.VMountalnl .,..cas cec.ne•~) TMI •TING MA80N. Lucie Arnez '-a IUCCMSful. driven and high. •ttNI C8S (I"C.ntrei/Mountain) llll~Ae.tM MUCI. Omer Sherllil • ~.~gourmet. ~ end IoYer, known tneem. llonelly fOf hil romemlc conqueets end Na succeu u a high roller In IN gambling world. With VlctoN PT~ C!Pel. J 0 Cannan. .De ,.,. end Hopel.Mge. --------------------------------- •• U'M NJC, (7Centr~ ... (YMiaADMitATMAM'. • LAND. A ""'*-1 trMt Ut ..... N!JC (7:30c.t\t../Mount ) ,_ AT P1MT MHT. The lonely ""* Panttler. who " """'*' by the viaion of a loYely lady ,.nther. gets TMI ~ Of --~~~K;I~F~AA~~~~;;;;~~~~~~ Into aM IClftS oA wltd and wonderful miladllentuf81 when he Is hired by a very epeclel dehefy leMce. ...... cas (7~rantountaln) WALT Dllltn'! .. 1' 1•. Concb- SIM. ~ With Ron Howerd. Earl Holiman and Jac:quetlne Scott The German Sh~P*d of. the ti11e role becomeS a hero. Par for Olaney •nPII CBS (8C.OtraJIMountam) WOMAN. R.quel Welch makes her telefllck dramatic debut! In 19th century Montana. Wilks Far Woman (Welch), an Amertcan Indian, Is c:augtlt in the g.lory and Jragedy of her people's last great st~ against the white men 1n a confrontation at the uttte ENg Hom . ..,, •'\. ""'., · .. N!JC (8 Centr~Wountaln) •• ,.. fllACI LOUis Gossett. Jr. and Cioety Tyson In the winner of thiS yeats ABC Theatre Award. a drama of a man driven to frenVec:t action when everything he has worked for is threatened by the onset of age. •nN NBC (&Central/Mountain) FOU.OW -IF YOU DMI. Science fiction ~ with John Forsythe. Cl~~) RODeO ..... Katherine Ross is the wife o4 a chan'1lion rodeo pertorrner who purtuee a rodeo career o4 her own. threatening haf marriage and her pregnancy. King size: • .......... o.•,... ... 1¥ .• .-.FTc R.ePcrt OK.*'· strung attorney wno cannoc ~­ stand wny she becomes .teary-eyed fl'tlery lime she wi.ns a case Her reaJ.. life hubby Laurence Luckinblll portrays a gentle, gOOd·natured laundromat owner who finds solace from the workfa ill$ througtl bird watching. tra a field day as we learn that "bbrdl don'! get depreaed. • «~~.c~•cas (3:30eentJMt.> THI IHOOnNG. An Afternoon ,_ytlouM PfesentatiOt'l With L.anc4t Kerwin In a drama focusing on a hunting accident and its effect on thrM farm boys involved In it. Lynn Aedgrave and Barry Prlmu~. ....... C8S (7 Centrai/Mounta1n) YAMA DAlilA DOO 2 Bill S.xby OMARSHARIF VICTORIA PRINCIPAL HOPE LANGE JOSE FERRER holata a rare behincHr.acenea look at tome of the most famous stars o4 the animated cartoon world plus a stroll through the Henne-Barbera "Halt o4 Fama. ·An enchanting hour of animated comedy, maytlem,laugh1er end romance and a memorable vial\ with dlnouura, beers.. wol\lel, sad cats. cool cats. prehlatorlc and cont~ary muna. MeddlehMda and monsters. .. ,.. NBC $c.n&raltMoun\M'I) TMI ..... ~TMI·-IDINT. An uamlnatlon of why Ronald RIMgM won the l980 PTaeldantial .-ction. . ..... '\.' A The136th nnua~ wa1uS sports ---------------------- ..... C JflttJIII n C8S (8 C.OtJMt.) IAIKITMU.. Game one or the NBA World 0\amplonship Series: teams to be selected. ', \ I '\ 1 .'\ ' ' l ~?NBC (12Cent /Mount) IAII!IALL TWINIILL Ma1or League Games of the Week Cincinnati Radl at Montreat Expos M.,.. CBS (2Centrai/Mountam) GOLF. 1982 Memor1al Tournament from Mulrfteld VIllage Golf Club 1n Oubtin, Ohio ~»IPII ABC (2.300tnt.IMount.) PRO IOWlEM »>UNG TOUR. '• '\1'\)' .. .,.. A8C (2 Centrai/Mountam) IPOfn'IMAT With Howard Coset! ~-.. ... ABC (2·30C.Ot 1Mt ) THI AMINCAN IPORTIMAN ...,. NBC (3 C.OtratiMountam) SPORTSWOALD Women's World Powerlllting Championship from Btrmlngttam. England. National Street BaSketball Championship from Washington. 0 C . the Onental World ot Seii·Oelense from New York's Madison Square Garden. Sports.Jour· nal. and Years Ago Today A J Foyt wms the first ol his record four Indy 500'$ ...,.... CBS (3 Central/Mountain) GOLf: Ftnal round of the 1982 Memonal Tournament from Ohio 4.:304PM A8C (3 30 Cent /Mt I IOXING L1ghtwe1ght contest betweel"' l~year-old and unbeaten EdWin Rosano (t&O and currently ranked number 2 1n the WBC super featherwetght dtviSton) and htghly regarded EdWin Vuuet (34-"·2). ll I I '> ll I 1\1! ' IPtll-? CBS (8Centrai/Mounta1n) IASKETIALL Game three of the NBA floats. teams to be announced lHliH il''\1 IPtll-1 CBS (8 Centra11Mounta1n) IAII(E'TIALL Game fouJ o4 the NBA hnals. teams to be announced -... ·' 1 I liN! 2PII-? NBC (1 CentJMount.) IASiaALL MSJOI Le~ Game of the Week San Franc1sco Giants at Ch1cago Cubs (Attem~~te Geme Seattle Seahawtts at Detroit Tigers ) ~»SPM ABC (2 30Cent./Mt) PRO IOWLERS SPRING TOUR $95.000 Seattle Open at the Le11an1 Lanes 1n Wast11ngton 4-SPM CBS (3 Central/Moun tam) GOLF The 72·hote, $400,000 Kefl¥)8r Open from CongresstonaJ Country Club 1n Bethesda. Maryland ~aoPII ABC (4 Central/Mountain) WIDE WON.D OF IPORTI. '>lll\j 1111\,f •. z...t:WM ABC (1 Central/Mountain) DET .. OIT G"AND P"IX The exc1t1ng Formula One auto race ccwenng s total of 115 IT'IIIes. With an International field of drtvers fl8901tahng 70 laps over a 2 5 rrvle ctrcu1t through the streets Of dawn- town Detr04t diiiiCull ~ under ordinary dr1V1ng condtt1ons L1ve1 ExotiC ma<:h1nes1 2-4PM CBS (3Centraf1Mountaln) GOLF Ftnal round coverage Of the Kemper Open from Maryland 4Ptl·? CBS (3Centrai/Mountam) IAIKETIALL <*'ne ftve. 1f neces· sary. (are they kidding?) of the NBA f!NliS. 1\'f'-. ltt'\1. .,... ? C8S (8 C.OtraLIMountaln) MIKITMLL Geme SIX, if neces- sary. of the NBA WofldChamp~onSrup Series, live. from Boaton. probably ~ C()fll I>OHOVAN A$SOCIAT£S INC .. 0 cil ID! IDl of w ate be de va ate wl Pe s. WI va • I Be Vi Til me .. R. s. $1 r•l IN of .. POUCE BLOI'I'ER Allii8T8 ,.._Lee ena....l, 38, of Nwwpon ~. -&rl..a.d on -An-a wuraat OD tupjcion ~lint~-IIIUdez. Be Ia ~;:==:=:=7.:=========;:t:::::::::::===========~ hM9 MW oe $300,000 bell . . . · ;-· JoU Dare Qaywtte, 26, of ~.May 1'1 Manteca, wu aa.tecl QD nlpi· NewportBMcla, WM arre.ted on CRDa:S cion of aleriog a DOD-co-...r· .....,_ ot ...... wttla a dead- A hydraulic motor lor a lift ci&l dwellmo ... Lawraoe 1y ...,_ ••• Jlmeld ..._ oate •alud at $1,500 wu Gail Auoa, 31. ud 8eeweD Paul T,.achelr, 18, of Hewpolt ntperted lloieD from H.Uton SOaliiiD9, 71, ~ Gt N.wport IMch, wu unad Oil -..pi· Otiice Furatture1D a commer-BM.ch, _,. anMted OD IIUIPi· cioD of oc-•ercial burvluy ci&l bUJ9lary on Superior. cion oJ poueuing cocaine for . . . na.r .. men were arrMted on ARRESTS Ale ... Eric Lynn Pink, 20, of auapiclOD of drunken driving, .Candido David Reyea, 24, of Dana Point, waa arr•ted on 1Dclud.i.Qv Paul Don Sumner of Corona, wu arr .. ted on auapi· auapicion of poaeaiog cocaine Newport Beach. ciOD of poauainn ampheta-N Y ~~ N ~--.a1 f ... . . . onoan ..-ewun, .. , o min• . . . Two Newport Beach Newport Beach, wu arr..ted on men were arr .. ted on auapicioo auapicion of c:lrunken driving. o.f drunken drivmg: Sam Dean Widman and Rick O.~a G.ut. Tu.clay. May 18 CRIMES w eclDeeclay. May 19 CRIMES Thu.nday. lla7 10 CJUWIS Jewelry and cuh valued at $23,500 were reported atolen from SUMD W . Holt 1D Puh.lon la1.ud ... A prow .. r wu reported 1D the 100 block oJ S.pplme. ARRISTS Chart.. Amold Watt., 38, of Wt.t..Sppi, wu arr..tecl on auplcloo of bwvluy . . . Gn9ory MitcheU ftya, 18, and Patrick Zue Glance, 18, both of Newport Beach, weze urMted on ~icion of reoeivm; known atolen property . . . CUftoa De.IAwrence Tahaferro, 39, of Loe Anvel•, wu arr..ted oo GaPloion of ot.tn&ctinv &Dd r..utlnljll a poliQe ~ ... H.R.H. Meabbour Ben Saud, 30, of Newport Beach, wu arr .. ted on auapiclon of po ..... ing co- caine for aale . . . IC.irk Clement Kester, 21 , of Whither, wu ar- reated on auap1oion of poueu- in; coc&l.De . . . two men were arr .. ted on auapicion of drunken driving, neither from Newport Beach. Friday. May 21 CRIMES A counterfeat $10 bill ap· peared at the Ex.zon gu atabon The Kewpon EDalgn W~. May 2e. 1112 Poqe 17 THE I PI EPHONE POU. ftlil ...... VI .-1G11J 'n... wtJl be DO da'J. n..r. ie DO ued to talk. 1M "Miaq Do you favor the city puzchu-gff' lOUd 70" M&r AI you ,..,.. iD9 the CorODA d.el Wu elemen· ~ ~. tary ac:hoolaite? (S.. Pave 1.) J.-1 ~-41'' I ?¢loDl To YOte YES . call Do you plan to vote for Pro- 875 tltD. poaahon 8, the so-called Vtctun'!> To 110te NO. eal1 17S-702G. Blll of R1ohts' C&U anytime behoeez1 now and 8 &.Ill. Wond.ay to cut youz wee. in the 2100 block of Briatol. No IU8p8Cta were aneeted . . . A man attempted to pua a forqed check in the 600 block of Balboa . .. Property valued at $6,160 wu reported atoleo from a boat YES 29% NO 71% belonging to Rodger T. Abbott berthed lD the 300 block of Ea.st Cout IUgbway ... $6,111 worth of dMtqner cloth .. -.re aluhed by vandala lD the Fu.luon Wand Robuuon'a Property valued at $1,397 wa.s atolen from moored and atored boAta in thr .. Mparate lDCl· denta. A Su1uki boat motor valued at $932 wu reported atolen from ltent P. LarMn whoee boat wu atored on Ldo Pen.in.aula . . . A propeller, Sean Die-Hard baHeriea, a · water pump and a compaa valued at $345 were stolen from a boat belobging to Frank Lionel Beltier in the O.anaa Bayside Village Boat Launch ... A Tiller Muter electric ateering motor and fudnga valued at $320 were atolen from Kathl"n E. Rumuuen'a boat in a .Up on Bayaide . . . Jewelry valued at $1,900.50 anci $600 cub were reported atolen from Kathl .. n babel Fortner in the 700 block of Na.la.bar. Property valued at $1,105 wu reported atolen from Medical Marketing Aaociation in the 3900 block of NacAnhur ... An IBN Selectric typewriter valued at $1,012.63 wu repolt· ed atolen from Burlinvton North· ern in the 4300 block of Von Ka.rmen . . . A televiaion and a bicycle valued at $750 were reported stolen from Group W Cable 1D the 4300 block of campua ... BMW Tech ate~eo cUMtte car radioa, valued at $600 each, were reported atolen from two parked cara, the firat belonging to Djalil Salei parked in the 1800 block oJ 16th StrMI and the other bek .gin9 to Breton Conatructiun parked in the 2100 block of Sherrlnc;Jton. TOURIS IS SHOULD PAY IIIEIR FAIR SIIARE ARRESTS Howard William Reed, 26, of Newport Beach, wu aneated under wanant on auaplc aon of uuult and battery . . . Nora Katherina Uraua, 25, of Hunt· inc;Jton Beach, wu an .. ted on auapicion of embeulement . . Jam .. Allen Tebetta, 57, of W£ THINK YOUR HOME SHOULD BE THE NICEST PLACE YOU GO ••.• At Wortd fiiMCMaadlag You W11 Plnd A WldeV.-,Ofl Mewl41"•-I Herdwood & Softwood ) Wee4 '"'"'"•' Stelr ,.,,, -f Oelc & Hemlock J Geller lei I -Picture Pre••• -ler lelia Chelf Rella · 8eaea · Crown.a • Cu,ga Vtsll Our Showroom ~~harJI!tiVIM &-5 Dally. 10·1 S.tuRiay C"*<t Sunday LD F UlDINC 3109 S M&an 5c . Sanu Ana (e.-o,.~~ .. s MAMSI ) 558-7772 For vour delicate and sensilsve skin: Simple Soap-No Color. No Scent. Just Gentle. For the Man In Your Life: The ~umber Six Shaving Lotion- (ieorge Weshington used it-really! Our Beautiful 90-Page Catalog IS 1. 751 will tell you more about our unus ual mercl\andiae. We Keep You Smilihg ... Appointments Available 7 a .m. to 7 p.m. AJIInaurahee Pfc9ema Welcome Special Conlkter8tion tor Seniofa 24 Hour~ SeMce PmA T. SM-.ECIK, JR., DDS INC. Whe~r a viSitor to Newport Beach stays 1n a mot~l. hO~I or 1n ~ ot~r k1nd of temporary lodging. ~ pays a tax Six ~rc~nt on h1s bill T~n ~ars ago ~n th1s tax rate was ~t 6% was MC>Ugh Today. it Isn't Not w1th the grow· 1ng cost ~~rated by more and more tourists. Currently, 20.()()(}to 100.000 pea· ~each~ V1.sit our c1ty. anve on our str~ts. sunbathe on our beaches and picniC in our parks Six ~rcent on their 1oog1ng IS no longer ~r fair share for shanng N~port Beach with us. ~asur~ 8 on the Ju~ ballot calls for a 2% tncr~~ in the touriSt or Trans1ent Occu· pancy Tax. tak1ng 1t from 6% to 8% The tmpact on t~ lndMdual 1s n~g11g1ble On a sso a mght room. the 1ncreased cost to the occupant is only s 1 However. th1s 1ncrttase would make ava1l· able to our City an add1t1onal S3,000.000 over the ~xt five years for community tmprove~nts. 1nclud1ng 1mprovements 1n our str~ts. traffiC Signals and bteycle tra11s It"s an 1ncrease 1n our City revenues that's long overd~ Nld tt Will ease pres.sures-<o ra1se local taxes and tees charged to ~pert Beach res1dents and buslr~s.ses You have ~ryth1ng to gam oy vot · •ng H Yes ·· on Measure 8 and not one red cent to lose Get out and vote VOTE ............ 66YES'' ON MEASURE B Spor\sorr'(l oy ~~ ~port Sracn Commttt~ lot ~~ on 8 Corona Del Mar's NEWEST CITIZEN PAY • • ' = • • Amencan Home 's Mr . Moneys worth says ... your money always earns what's tt's worth at Amencan Home Thntt And Loan' ........ rfll••••••• in UCI studio erts department, Tuesday through S.turdey, through June .5 m Fine Alta GeMery. UCI. .Hours: noon-5 p .m .. Tueeday-S.turday. c.... ... Ait L11•• wil be holding a juried Mlmbef"s Art Show through June 12 at GlendM Federal Savings and loan. Fashion~. ....... ne art .e.ow runs June 2-17 in OCC's Art Gatlery. Admission is 50 cents. Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3p.m . ........ ..,occ ... dane. are included in a show focusing on medical art through June 6 at the Mils House V-* Arts Com- P'ex. 12732 Main Street Garden Grow. Hours: ' ~ p.m. Wectne. day through Sundey. .......... ..,..,.., .... ,_RDIII ill on exhibit through June 4 at the Newport Beach City Hall Gallery. 3300 Newport Btvd .• Newport Beach. from 8 a.m .-5 p.m ., Mondays through Fridays. 10 c.tooM from ..... y ... origjnaJ W()rl(s dating from 1939 to 1981 through June 10 at the Museum Shop, 2754 East Coas1 Highway. Corona del Mar. Gallery hours: 10:30 a .m.-5:30 p.m . Tuesday-Saturday. AdwDDI ... of l'eiCI portraits, including John lennon. Abraham Un- cofn and J .F.K. will be exhibited through June 4 in the Heritage Room of University Center at UCI . Paintings are by Dan Piel. Free. Monday- Friday, 11 a .m,-2 p .m . and 4 p.m .-6 p.m . Clu .. ............ Cld11111 .. meet on June 1 at the Zonta Buitding on 15th and Irvine. A Potluck luncheon will be hek:t fo members. Entertainment and cards will follow. TtlleOftPaundt •••••tv (TON, meets 6:3()..1 p.m. Tuesdays at First Chris-- tian Church, 719 Vic- toria, Costa Mesa. in S .S. room on second floor-rear. Further in- formation: Ullian Pierce. 642-7023. ..... of ...... C.... II•'•,.., Coeta Mesa Guild. hokil -its yaer end meeting noon Friday. June 4 at the home of Mary Gtribotti, in eo.ta Meu. New officers wiU be elected. RSVP S.- blra Murr-v. 979-aMO. • June 1: ''The Golden Alh" and "Rikki r•ki Tavi"; June 8: "The C... of the Elevator Duck" "~Roaing~". "Suteboerd SafetY' and "Naughty Owlet"; June 15: ''Blaze Glory" "Peter and the WoW' "Or8gon Stew" and • 'Tme of Wonder .,... UCI ... 8DIDII1y scr• • a variety of films S.turdayf. Tdtets ere $2 general, $1 UCI students. In ~ Sc:ience Hill. At teast two filnw are shown each night. Scheduled: May 29: Experimental short films in two aeperate shows. ''Hopecotch'', "Everybody and a Chicken". "Adventures of Bernadette Soubiro" "The Night is a · Sofcefess" and "Rhythms 21" screen- ing at 6:30p.m .; and ''Going Ptaces'' screens at 8;15 p.m. lectulel L.....,_and Wll1at I' I at Orange Coast College this week inchlde: Tllurt~., . ..., 27 -"Real Estate for the Consumer". Richard Hart, lecturer. 7 p.m. in Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission is .$5. llool& eo.. Art speakers will discuss boc* cover art from the publish«'s perspective. 2 p .m. Friday, May 28 in the Community Room of Newport Center Branch library. 866 San C~nte Drive. Newpot Beach. Free. Information: ~21n. •• , ... &.ar.y ..... Q ., ..... 2647 East Coast Highway in Cor- ona det Mar. is sponsor- ing a program on home propagation of plants 9:30a.m. Wednesday, June 2. Registration fee is $12. "Gardens of the World" is abo schedul- ed at 8 p.m. Wednes- day, June 2. Bob Heyn wiU present the lecture and slide show. Admis-- sion is free. Preregistra- tion is required: 673-2.261 . WI nlabtlr a • ...-,. ... cJass is offered 10 a .m . Monday, June 7 at Sherman library and Gardens. 2647 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Fee is $5; preregistration is re- QUired. 673-2261 . Fan•ro•aln ...... ......eo..w... 2919 E. Coast High:.VC.y . Corona clef Mat. (in- formation and reserva- tions: 873-2343). wifl be presenting the following Cl11111: -Steak of the FISh Kingdom, number 2; 7 p .m. Thut11day, May 27. Fee. $25. -'Oo-ehead Dinner Menu; 11 a .m. Thor-. day, June 3. Fee ill t20. ...... ,. ..... taallle 9-11a.m. Tue.cMy, June 1 at OASIS Senior Center D Merguerite, Cor~a def Maf. F,... Information: '7'5S-947l . .... , ... of the o.•··--·. 21-day in1WN'tional tour of Singllpont, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Tokyo, Kyoto and Taipei is being offered by OCC for August 8-28. An information meeting about the trip will be held 7 p.m . Friday, May 28 In Room 108 of OCC's Admaions and Recorda. Information is free, call Joseph Schmitz. 962-8788. Cost of the trip is $2,920. .......... yot .. preeents introductory talks 7:30 p.m . Wednesdays at Eckankar. 2600 E. Pacific Coast, Corona det Mar. Complimentary books and material. Information (tape): ~7299 or 495-5170. t .. T ... Conaa,..•• by Vivaldi performed by the UCt Wind Et.-nble 8 p.m. Friday, May 28 in UCI's F'~ne Arts Valtage Theatre. Tldteu are $3 genenll. •2 few students. U.A,.alu-... Gar• 7'111 performs selections from Moz-' ViMa-lobos, Beethoven. and Bach, 8 p.m. ~turday, May 29 in UCI's Fine Arts Concert Hall. riCkets are M general, $1 for students. •• Accent on ...... featuring "Concerto in B-ftat for Two Trumpets" by Vivllldi .. performed by the UCI Wind Ensemble 8 p.m . Saturday, May 291n UCI's Fine Arts Village Theatre. Ttekets .. $3 general. $2 students. ··n.. c ............. by Middleton and Rowley runs 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. May 2&-29 in UCI's Fine Arts Uttle Theatre. rtekets are $3 general, $2 students. •"Tiftttpte" a grand musical winds up South Coast Repertory's Mainstage season when it opens a silC-week run Tuesday, May 25. Shows are 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, with matinees 2:30p.m. weekends. tickets are $15 and $10, with discounts for seniora. students and groupe. Box office: 957-4033. "TheM.nWho Could ... 11woutlh nn..•• by Terri Wagener, winds up Second Stage season June 2-20 at SCR. Curtain is Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8:30 p.m .. Sundays at 8 p.m. with weekend matinees at 3 p.m .. Box office: 967~. ..A ... don-A MutloeiRevue''is OCC's final stage production of the season. Runs 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday evenings, May 27-28 and 2 p.m . Sunday, May 29 in the OCC Auditorium. Tickets are $4 general. $3 students and $80iors. OCC Ticket office: ~5527. ...., ......... 464, MacArthur Blvd .• mu$ical dinner theater directed by pianist Dan TrolCell . Call 540-2475 for show times and reservations. Pit,.....,__. Worbhop Performance of works by UCI students, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 30 in UCI's Fine Arts Studio Theatre. Admission is free. Su wtl J. 1 by ( ~ evE phi c ~ we• nu. Faa Asl Ma ) an< son wh. p re anc I ord due yea 00\ Ma rep 1 by an pia grc. mo yea ret. ret. bre WOI son I on F bas Stanley Marcus (right), chairman emeritus of Neiman-Marcus. chats with his Newport Beach general manager. Tim Parker. S1aff pl1u1n by Sle\11' CollllOdll Marcus On Retail: FI'OID The Basics To Expertise by Burt Sims Stanley Mc1rc-u~ til Tl ,., 111 every respected S<'n~t"' I tlw phrase, an old pru So whPn th1s c-halrmMt pmefltus vi Ne1man M<Hnr-. ~peaks, rt?taaJPr., ll'>tt•n Mo r e than 200 ul thE"m d1d lasl week when hP addr~>-.c.Pd tht> dn nual busllle'>~ meettnq o l thP FashiOn 1!-.lnnd MPrchant!. Assocldlt~·n I1Pld Jl the Nt-wpu rt M arr10tt And thE'~' c amt• .1wav w11h an analysts ~o.•l what'-. wrunq With '>Ome merc-handtstttQ method.,, what's r1qht w1th ulhers. what produced presl'nt day prubiPm~ and what l1t>s ahead If that "vunds llkt.• a ldrq(• o rder fo r any speakt-r tv p re.. duce bf'ar 111 mtnd that tn 50 years as a retaaler , vtqo r o us, tu· novallve c 1qar·.,m oktng Slanlev Marcus earned an tnler na110nal reputalton as a marketeer That Dallas kPyslone founded bv h1s fa thPr, Ht.'rbPrl Sr . aud an aunt where c htld Stanlev played 1n the storerooms has qro wn mto 16. and will have lw• more members by the end of the year But he was "tusl an ex retaaler tallong to contempo rary retailers." Marcuo, told the breakfast met:?tmq , maybe ht> would tust reawaken anlerest 111 som~ thangs thev m1qht hav<' lo r gollen o r put as1de From there on. at was a m t x u l bas1cs and expertise. a lrtp th rough adv1c e and CIIIICI!.m, sptced w11h rem1ndPrs of quod busmess appruachP'> "The mntulae of retaalrnq ,.., I hE> essence u f 1 h£' bus1nes., Don't pver rPIPr lu them c1s Cl•nsum er..,, thev·r,. c ustomers I Sc3W tho usand!-. o f c ustomers never consumt>r'-o Consumers come un a cumputer prtnl-uut Cusll•mer.., are flesh and blood and hctt r. v ou can seP them M eelanq l hPm I!> thP muo;t rewc1rd1nq part • I thP relathnq busme~!> A n dlustral1un The man who strolled Neaman M cH Cll'-at Chnslmas unsalt~I ·Pd 111 a ..,lore loaded wath "a $40 mdhon an venlory" becaU\>(' he C(.•u ldn'l hnd a q dl lo r ha.., wd<> wh "ha-. o ne of evervth111q " "Gave me 15 manute!>" S1c1nley M arcu" told ham He knew the wde , and her sazt> and he recalled a ~htpment of pastel cashmerE' o,wealer!> that had JUSI dlnved fro m Scc.•tland Mc1rcuo; raced ,.., thP storen•um En route he q rabbt"'d up a tlldnl Steuben "mallllll qlas~" that ac tually was desaqned to be a lash - b owl I n th1s he layered var aed hues o f ca!>hmer e sweaters. tup ped "lake the c ream on a Jl••USS• colt" w11h a whate angora H urrylnQ back , hP detoured past the 1ewelr v o,ec- hon plucked a ruby ranq and taped 11 alu p the wh1te c1nqora He proffered I h a5 rtc h cvncoc hon · "Here's your wale's qalt " "That," c r1ed the man "•~ ex actly what I was look1ng lo r'" Every c ustomer , Marcus told the Fashaon Island group. as "a c hallenge to our angenu11y, our c reativity, to make that c ustomer say, 'That's exac tly what I was loolung lor "' Thas personal1zed mvolve menl, M arc us held , IS lack 1nq 10 many of 1odc1y's operataons "1 happen to thank thai retaal '>el l- ang has qone to hell," he sa1d He recounted a year-long IE'sl 10 whach he refused to buy anythanq that wasn't s11/d lo h1m w1th some merc handas1nq effort alter he had made an opentnq tnQUIIV "1 saved $43,728," he satd, u n 1lems whtc h ranged from an un b ought new car lo unbuuqha C"1gars Customers mc1y not net-d tlems but c an be made lo want lh£•m wa1h111 the c apac1ly of the11 po tential to alfo rd them. he o,lressed H e remembered dunnq a depressed economy when he u btaaned a red fur coal and d1splayed 11 prominently, and w ould tell a custome r, "Let me show you someth1nq you 've never !>ePn befure " The customer often ~c11d . "I d on't ltke 11 The next fur cual buy 1s go mg to ~ a black sealskan "So, M arc us saad , he then knew what to o ffer the c ustomer He emphasazed thc1l c1 retailer's stock should bedS tn - dtvldually h1s a!> possable "Be c reat1ve 1n pultanq loqelher o;omelhanq thc11 represents 'me' represent.. 'm v market' "Dupl1catton ..., not a great o r laslanq achievement "sa1d the man who trontcally enough. had excepted thts vrew w1lh a very spec1ahzed refinement · H 1s and Her Camels" m one c ataloguE' c1lv nq With a vPry '-oelecl1ve ar ray ul o ther su c h tWinS "l ndtvadualtiV IS your <;l renglh," he satd "T here sho uld be mo re p rtde of authol - '>hlp Th1s 1s parltcularly 1ncum bent upo n you 1n the h1ghly compellllve e nvtro nment o f a shoppmg mall " He doesn't ltkP a desaqner\ lnlllal~ or name on SPRING SPECIAL '5" Off On Any One ~rvice 173-1551 "'Communbtion Is The Ke~ • COLOR PERMS SHAMPOO CUT $25 00 sao oo AND STYLE St5 00 FOIL HIGHLIGHTING $45 0 0 LENNY'S HAIR DESIGN ,.,, rn<ln ut~ ..-. .. ...-wn 675-0823 2333 E . COAST HWY CORONA DEL MAR The Newport Ensign Wednesday. May 21. ltl2 Poqe It merchandase-even af at's Neaman-Mar cus A lso thuM? !ashton-branded ltnes makP r1 d.tfacult to expla1n why your mark-up on them may be 30 per c ent mo re than c1 compettlur'-. Department slure~ are an tru u ble, he sa1d , caught between tht- VIse o f thP d1scount ho use w1th no serv1ce and the h1gh prtced spec1ahy shop that gaves lot~ o f se rv1ce The department '>lure!> must overcome the hc1nd1c ap ul 1nternc1l bureauc racy wh1ch t!> too d1slant fr om •he custo mer ComputPr~ can't tell cl hotel chaan there's a ho le rn the Ho nolulu sheet u r a d1rly bar of soap 1n the bathroom You have to educ.ste employees to makt> tudgmenls he sa1d Once they learn lhas they can be lru1ted w1th c arrying u ut the pohcy Don't Cdll 11 empluyee tra111 wq "You trc1an bear& and duq!>" he Sc31d "tec1chanq repe1111un But peoplE' Y(.•u mu!>l educ aiP " Recdlltnq a Chana c1dage "Forec asllllC} t& a very dtfflr ult buSIOE'!>'-!JartiC'IIIdrly when 11 deals w11h mc1 ttt-rs of the future" he Sc3td he'd !>llll ufler o,o m£> pred1ctlufl" ThPrt>'ll 1:1~ a retreat frum rtal1unal brands ~L~'~ U:tlli~ 551-6970 13925 YALE 41 Trabuco IRVIftE Delivery service available 4-9 p .m . North Irvine only 'IRVINE SPECIAL' -Some retatlers wall teturn to manulaclunnq, "thts 1s oura•. and o ur alone" , -Great change an 10 year• wall be the development ol el-.c- tronac o rderanq , where a sag01f1· c ant percentage of qoocb w11l be sold bv a customer pushanq a button at h ome after seetnq a dasplay on h1s telev1saoo set But th1 s would apply maanly tu staples where the customer knows stze and color , and 1sn't qambl anq Wherf' lash1on 16 curt c eorned. th1s wtll nul be used cu. much, people want lu see how an 11em looks on them "Thete dre only t wo 1mpo rta11 t 1h1ng5 an retc1dwq "~d1d the marlcete£>r clu th()r world traveler d Od c-ollector Heritage Home Center Heritage 857·4671 TV SERVICE CALL (tf TV reporred or 54.50 if not repaired (reg. $22.50) I I I I I I I I I I I 1421 CULVER OPEN 7 DAYS IMne Residents Only through Ju ~e -· •IICOUPON•a:·•• •--1 1\( Coplf'n Statwncr!J -- COPYING STATIONERY .,1 ·~ • ~ .J.L ~· • • )•"'~ • '" • ... •A J • .... A .... "' t,..,.. '• Stonecr .. k P'-za 4950 Barranca Pkwy. 857-6336 PUIUC NOTICI NO TIC( IN lilTING liDS N • I IN\'ITI'o , ~ ... ' .... ' ' • i• •• I ... 't ... •I ' .. .. . '\,: . • y ~... , ... ,UIUC NO TIC I rot~ SAll " 8o 'I • .,.¥ \4 •• t •• a,.. ' • •• jt Ill• 1P"-' H • • t or-I ~ A M "-• t .. ,. .. .. ' .... .. PUIUC NO TIC I NOTlC£ IJIVITIIIC II OS • ' t I ' . ,.,, .. . . ~ •' I " Ili A. .. ( ' ;u • .. .. • I _, f •.,..t ,. \ II • 8 'i r .,.., \ " • .. . • -..... "tl I t -,.._ 4• ... • t • It I r-4 , "' ' I• I ~• I ... o A "· I • PUI UC NO net ItO T1C£ UtVI1mO liPS t' I ~• br- t • •1 I 4SI< '"""-'" o1 I "''"' .. .. t I ..,... • ..,.. \ -'.tt ,, i I I .. I f•\ t M .. ""''""'·-t .l .. I ,. ~.... ... . .... ' " .... .......... ~ tt• ,.. I ill• , tJt " \ {It I •, ,..,.. I tU N.•r t ~~..... ,_ "'4 • .. • l I "-" ...... ' I'WUC IIOnt't ..... ncm'IOVt "" ltAnJilJfl .. I ' ' ... I• ..... PUIUC NO TIC f 11CTITIOUS IUSINf"' IIAI'It STATOU"' ' . ' ... " . I'UIUC NOTK'I nC'TITIOUS IUSINI.S'\ NAM[ STATlM(NT r' ' . "'' II .\ > I M I'UILIC NOTlCl I ICTITIOUS IUSINl!.~ ltAN[ STATt;M(NT If A. ...... I'UIUC NQTlC[ ncTITIOUS IUWIUS lfAMl ITAT'DQ:Jn ... , .. ~~~~~-r-.tt ..... " ,. • """-I t ' W t .. ,..t .. l t' ""H .. ••• i N .. ._, , f'.,., ' C'A •:It ltf•••• l "" • ... ~... .... .. •• , •• _.... t _, t' • ,..... .. "' I t. .. t • ' ... PVtUC IIOnc;t flC'TfTIOUI _ _,.._ .. et ITA~"' . ... Nl u r.... t.w•t • .... ~·.. ~ • ..... l _.,._ •• lll('niiO A VUIOIII or '"'""' • Jl •-· .... c .. .-.. " , •-C:• 114 P• ,,. t r G . ., ...... 4 \l L ~" .. ~ C """ ln.-CA , .. 100 COPIES for I $3 99 ~~:~end : • on Kodak moch•ne I (ancludes labor' I I ~~ lC>pt(~l5ttltUli'ICT!f I- I Expres 6-9-82 I ·----·······--------· PUI UC NOTIC£ I'UI LIC NO TIC I NO TIC( or I'UI UC HlAJitl'IC NO TIC£ DIVITI"C liDS ' 'I< I IHI<IIn , ,f, •. - 4r•t' ;t,J. "'· k t-1\ ,, . ~-~I • H ~ 1-t 1t1. ' •• ·4 • ..,,. 1 n~ .. • , ""'t'r • '-• ... ... -4 ... .,.~, ' "••H'-• ., ,I ' ' ' 1\ I ~ PUI UC NO O ( 1 ocur IICTITIOUS IUSIJI~ NAM£ STATDCf NT ' . "•'. ... . , " ·~ s... • • .••• " ..... ~ .... '-••l ... -... ~ R.. . ~ ...... -· s ~ ·-J • ' ..... "' ,. .... . . ... ' . I'UIUC TlCL lll "'Of'IUA I'D'SOfiA SU,DIIOtl COVIll Of THt S TA Tl Of" CALif'OIIIIIA rOll Tlfl COUJtn Of' OIIA~l " ' • t--. .. • .... I "••• ' • • ... 1,.. .. .. t' ,.,,..... ~, •• ,... • • ~• t-I , .. , .. .,.. " ' .... ... ., .... ... . .. . . ..... ~ . .. . ... ' . PUBLIC NOTit I • \ ,.. .. '. 'I • S TA TI:I'IUIT Of AIAIWONI'ILNT J I T .... r ' o r usc o r rtCTITtOuc; IIUSIII~NAMr ' ... • t' ' . .... f .. -I .. .... ... .... 'VIUCitOTt<;l '1CT1Tt0VS tuSUII:ss IIAMl STATDIDfT -1 .~ •.. i I 'I , f~AVI' 11011'111!\Tllll.!> ,..._ fl. • • C:A .. -....... '.. ... .. 1.-.. 11/Ji ~ -.... ...,. .. ........ ~. "'-"· L ---.. 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Aao C::A """ n .. ...,_ .. =-'""'..,. 1w a, •• lloo..t-1 .......... ,.,., • .._ n.. ... ,_,-...... '"'"' .... c-... a..• ol o.-co.. .. , -No, 10, 1112 hW.olo l&ao 11. It, M. ~~-t lila •• n. ~ L-,._, ncnuoua~U~~BU .,..,. ... ......, lfl/78 T'ioo ---... -.. ...... .._ .. OlUCTOiliU or DIOUS. •rrt-TNI DA 01.1101. ll'JI It-• ... ... u.~ r. w-. CA U~~J Claro-tt ao.... 01 .._.. c..- ....tM~,_., CA «a2!o n • .__ .. -..,....,..., .... " ........ , s,...., eta,_ It ao.. .. n...-·-·tlo-4-· .... c-.. , C..·• o. .. _. c-·•• ... JolooJO. ~~ ..,...,. ... ~ n. ....,.,. ... -.. -~~ "-.. MOWitiiKi IK) Z. LTtl -Oo, ••• -. ·-•• """'· Ot-. CA ,_. ........ , L ,.,. ·-· -c .... ,.,..... .... ... ,_0.-.CAIUIIII n. ....... _ .. ~ ........ ._ ..... _ ....... .., s..-....,,, L .... _ n. -· ... ,....,. .... ,.,.. C......t a..~ "' a.-c.-•• -.... 10,1- ""... Moo, ll. It A. ,__ l. ..... n. .......... Loa.Q .. 11-1 ............ ILfiiKlW-IUoMITA,_,- '"" n. ~ - -"'-9 • '---• A) ...,_o\,......L rAClAGIIIG UK!ClA'fll. II 11<1, 1"UPI,C., -I I"M a c-. ..._, CA Ulll-a.a..,,. J, "'-12411 ...._ '-· .....,_. ...n, CA __ ....... _ .. ..,. ....... ............ c ... .., tJioo 11\oMo-. II .............. .. a I -·' ......... !fl ,....., a.~~oa .. ,_ "•--1\.1..1 ......... c..,.,., ~ .. o.-c-, - ..., 10. ·-....... ...,. ra, 11, • ,..... ' ..... .,.,.....,_ ...... ,,_ .... ~ ... , S, i2 II, •• IMJ ,. Ta..N-''-•• '""" """".....,. """""""-....tT·~ r~.. ·1or1o .. ..,. ,..,_ ••• *'""' .,,..,_ oo SUM DAJOICI o\l'<:*lCJ, tGOO Ool--., h•-· Co\ W714 c-K....... 2ll52 ~w ••. ~ .. Ntllo. CA .U, Cra111 r....... lll ••~ariHII, h•-· CA t»H n,,. .....,._ ,. ....,..,...,...,. Ito a -··· ""'"-··~ ... s. ... oo~~ ~~: ... ··~ -th,o ••lto,. .. l """ lol;od •••k '" c ....... C'la·~ "' o.._ c .......... W..wl 1982 P\oWtalo 14oo It, ~ '""' 1-II. l!lll .• n....._._........,. """" """" """"" ...................... ....... TDaiiT "'"' n.. ........... .,..._ .......... ~>-• TIU CWUEHlll JIJCAJt. ClAL GIIOUP. lnG C•••• 5o ""' »0, In"-· CA IU'114. lllalo• p,,....,. c,.! Goo.., 1oK , lnG C...a So , Moo JOG.""'"" CA IU'114 n., ~>·~ .. ~""'""' 1oy • co• 1'0'"'""' s..,,...,., locr.....t ....... •·-"-'"' ............... c..ta.-,.J.c n .. ·-•• ...w '"'"'...,. c-.., cw.~ "' o.._ c-•• , -Moo, 10. JflG "-W11h Mo1 11, ll. In • l t 111112 .. n.. ,._,_, "'-•••not ftCIII ...... _.. NAill an......,. ""' n.. r.c.u.--..... ..... -.,_ • C.l .l.l.. 211G ......_ ~ 0.•-· Soon. Ill, '"-· CA tniS. w ... -MD, ..... m """......, ._ , c-. W.O. CA 1a71', W.u- L.l .... b. JDO ~ .._, 011 1.2, ................ CA. ~: Mull ....,.,. kbo..-, 1010 W NeC.ot "-·"'·2 ....... ._,c. """......_.~ ....... --....... , NtlcW • ...__ ~ .......... c.a.•.• n.-... !Uool .. l~l c-.t, O.r\ of 0.-c..-r, ,.., l , 1112 ........., bloo s. ra. 11. ». 1112 n. .......... ._._ PI-It ...... _ . ......... _ 11A11Et1'&~ no. iollooooo'*l -.. .._ ......_ • 1'HI aNI IIQI..L. till L .................... 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CA WNI, l<oll• C.w...t (;lo. • _, IW ..... ~....... ,,.,_ CA '"'' T\•· ....... _ " ..-~~ ........ -·· ..... -............... a. .. t.-·-· n.,. -·-.,. I,W .. ~~ 1M c-.... a..~ ... o..~. c ....... , - ...... 17 l!lll ' '""'·· .... , •• ··-1 9 11111 .• , .... ~~~. ........ "'""" ,._ .. ...... ...... ,,,,,..,.._ ..... .,.,....,.,. IIUlJ n.. ........ -... ..... ._-~ ..... G&NDIT. mit""-~ . ....._. ..... CA taiiiO IWo 0 a.-, JJCID 0..... Dto,.., ..._ ..... II. CA -; J,l..., ), a-. 1100 0... Dn ... "'""'-t ....... c..-. n... .......... --...... ... . ....... _.....,. ....... • .... 0 ,_ n. .. ·-· -h ......... '"" :-, 0..\ "' 0.-c-•• -.,..,u.r.a hWIIII ... , ...... a. 8. It, ·~ ..,.,. ............. . 11•1• ....... .....,. ....,,,.,._ .... .,. .. ~ ""' .,.,. ........ _ ......... '---• .U TOW1 CO , Xll4 I M.. lr., s-. "-CA a20I' Y .......... ~. Xl54 •-...... . ............ 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""'-...... ~ ~ ... -n .. --.. ~--... ·-o.l ..... -.. ~ '"'"'• .. .... n... .. -. -"'-'~ -'""' c-, O..t\ ol O.a..,. a.. ..... M.y ll,l-.._lol .... ,.,, 18, ll ~~-1 t Jll&l .. n......_."'- ll•r71 _,.""""' . --JLIIIIOM-...... .,..TDeiT ,....~-... -.. , a.--c , ...:.tCAGI oow P.urt', II C..--...... ~~ ........ CA-C, ,..,.._ C..~· • c.,--.,. ..._ .. _. II c:.r.--l'ko.o, ._, a.-• CA -n...-.. ~...,...,_,.c., --s...-.1 c, ....._ eo., . •·-L ,.,._ r. ,._,_. n...---.. ··-c-.., o.. ... ol o. ..... c-... -...,,,I_ ......... ................ l t 1112 .. n.. .... _ ...... . , ..... "'" ............. ~011-IIC•tAU: ,..,. ,. ........... .. 0. heM II, Ita. M I J' 4 ,. IICUII1'T ALUG1 .. VICU .. II• ..... _. .... ,..--.-..... -.. Dooool .. ,_ ....... Moo 25 rm , _..... ,.., 1. 1171. .. ,.., ... llllSl. ,. .... 13ilaM, -IOit, ot Oitoo:ool ......... """ ..... .... c..-~ "' o.-.. c-.. . ._ ol c.w.-WUJ. IIU AT 1'\&JC AUC'riOIIlO RIOaiDT .O . DO IIC» c;..,.. ..,...,..... .. -.,. .... ... loowflll -..... ""-._, .......... _ .. ,....., Or-c..., c-....... .... ..... .. ..... ...... aJyol Nf·-· .,..__ ............ s-. ....... c.~ ........ ·~ ltlr.-·-.. _.. ..... _...,..., ....... ..... Oeootl .. ,, .... 1M _.... _...... ...... c-, .... ._ . ................. 11 .. ,_ ......... -.,e...... .. c.-..... ~ ..... --.... . .. ....... ,.... ... Zi .. ......... 11 ... 0... .. , ... c.-.. ._..., .. "'" c ... ., ceo ._ "' ..... ,J.J..4i ·----........... , ... ,.,._....._ ......... _ -· -.............. .... ........,. ................. __. ..... ~a........,.e,,­,_ ... ,.,.. __ ,_..._ _ .............. ___ ., ................... _ •"::0:":::· , .... --..._ ............................... -.. ~.-­.......................... --... ..-..... ~-........ _... .. ... ..... .. ,,. .. -· ...................... -.(tl.\ -.-.~~ ............. _ .. ,.. _____ .... .__., .. .__. ...... -.... h ....... .__ ~':r .. -:..::.. :.:.:~ ......... -. ...... _..._ .. ~ ..... ~ .. .. . .. _., .. ..... ., .......... . • a.AIIIF1ED oma AIIWOUMCEMNTS I Faner•l Nohc:H 2 Juerel Duec:ton 3 Cemetery C rypta 6 Lola 4 Welllortel 5 rtorwa e Announcement• 7 AccoWIIenta 8 Atlomey 9 Pertonelt 10 Lo.t end Found ll School.tlnahuctn 12 l\lllus-Per110nals 13 a.nlttno 14 P.la and Lvellock 15 GeJaqe s.!M 16 KN!th J7 Trevel/Vacetton 18 Ltertetnment 1i Gall SuqQMhon• 20 CbuopYICIIC DIPLOYJIENT 22 O.Cor 23 tt.lp Wanted 24 Employment Aqcy 25 Co-.naeltnq Svc 26 Ltc:en..d Chldcre 27 S1tuahon• Wentt'd nNAJfCIAL 28 Noney Wanted 29 Money To Lou JO 8-.111n-()ppor 31 lnvnt,.ent Oppor l2 Truat O..CU ud Mort9AQ .. 33 r orecloau re Svcs J.4 ln•uranc:e MERCHAlCDIS£ 35 let••• s.t .. 36 Sporhno Gooda 37 Art 38 Anhquea 39 Auc:ho na 41 rurntture 42 Apphanc:ec 43 Telev111on/Stereos .. Nualcal lnatrurnnts 45 OUtee £qu1pment 46 Stamps &lid Cousa 47 S.w1no Mach1n• 48 Febnc• 49 Ihamondsllewelry 50 MlliCellaneous 51 Want To Buv Rt:MTALS 52 Ren.telt To Share 53 Apartment• Unlrn 54 Apartments f urn S6 Hou.. Unluro 57 Ho u-f um11bed 58 Condos/Twnhaet 'or Rent 59 Vacellon RentAl• 61 Rooma fo r Rent 62 Ofh~/Commrcl EVERYBODY READS THE CLASSIFIED I It's being done in automo- biles and living rooms. Over coffee and coke. By people like Madeline M itza and Theresa Barbieri. They met when Madeline 'NOS in treatment for breast cancer and Theresa was the volunteer who drove her to her therapy appointments. Now, like Theresa, Madeline is bring- ing help and hope to other women as o Reach to Recovery volunteer. Madeline and Theresa are living proof that it's ~le who give people the w ill to live. The work in the lab mu5t continue. And so must the work outside. We need your help. 63 R.ea,Homec 84 loerd end Care 65 Gerec;~e For R.nt 66 Wanted To ~~ REAL ESTATE 67 R-1 Eatate 68 Hou-Por Sale &9 CondotiiTwnhaec For s.Je 71 Lot s and Ac:rMqe 72 Reeorl Property 73 Bus1n-Property 74 lncome/Commrcl Pro perty 75 Pro perty Mnqmnt 76 lnc:ome/lndustnal Pro perly n Real Ealate Wented!Exc:hano• MOBILE HOMES 80 Mo bU. Homes 81 Mob1le Homn Wa.nted 82 Nobale Home Prks BOATS 84 Boatlil£qpmnt 85 Boat Charter 86 Boat Sltp• AUTOMOTIVE 87 Auto Upholstery 88 Motor Homes 89 Recrtn Veh1ciM 90 Servace/Repau 91 Motorcyc:lesl Mopeds 92 B1cycles 93 VentiiTruc ks for S.le 94 Truck.tV.tM Wanted 95 Auto Parts/ Acc:t'S50rtes 96 Auto/Trek Le.ssoq 97 Autos Wanted &ANNOUNCE- MENTS PUBUSHER DOES NOT ACCEPT Ltabtl1ty for mcorrect apellmo, orammattc:al m~c:ura· ca•. or rypooraph1cal errors m any adver- h•ments pubbshed 1t1 the C:O..t WecLa Newa Group. CHJUSTIAN SINGLES ASSOCIATION-More than 500 memben. Pro- Wee and paJtJ.. No n denommahonal. Call loillTee number ).80(). 532·3972, .U for Penny· uver Adwalch. W4275 ----EC~.AWay ol Life: "Gauuno Knowl- edge ol Gbd " Every Wed:n..Uy, 7·30 p m 2600 E. Pac1l.tc C:O..t Hwy. Taped .~nlo1111a bon· 640-7299. NUD McDONALDS ttalllps DO 702 and 709 AJ..o Llphs 110 703 50·5 0 aphl Call 835· 7775. eat 17 anyttme IAn'ORNEY DOCGRAnON -Ob l&u1 legal perma.nent r .. 1denc y/labor c:er tilic:abollladJuatmeot ol st.at\.11 Expenenced at· toruey. Fr .. c:onaulla· tton. Nr Marsh, 835. 8443 INMIGRA TION -A free oUace c:onaultatton NeVllle Aaber110n, Allor· oey, (714) 7J9..1138 I PERSOIIALS ABORnO.N AHt> FREE PTeCJ1WlCY leel1A9. Per ..W and conbdeohal CaN Low fee mcludee c:ollD8ellnq. '-11 t .... awqery. moechcalloo and posl·operahve eaem Geaeral (asleep) or local ane.tU.... avatl able R.terral for b.nd etd slerduat1on (feaale), vaaec:tomy (male). and l&te abor bon proc::.dur• Medt· Cal ud IAIU.fanc e ac· cepted Can CaWorrua Pregu.r~cy Co~q S.rvace lor Ulior&ah01l or Ullmedtate eppolJII .. eat Ia Newpo rt BMcb. (714) 752-0053, 111 Santa Ana, (714) 9'72·3104 ATTRACTIVE GIN TUMAN. 6', 175 lb.. ltin.d, humorou, non aaoller, ltpanc:lally ~eC~Jre, -b woman 38-45, aame qu.a)lll• 9C)Od •alu.. end beh.l:a N.alN~G• oneated. ao. 11445, Sante Au, W1'05 NAUGHTY Ho-,..,.._ repuadt.c1h eel. Tl0-5112 LADY Salee need liiCIIOOLI. IIIS1'a0CI k* TUTOADIG: Cred.e· t~, ill yow ho.e hperienced, pellftl W.th, alqebre, qeo- try, rre:neh, ~­reechnq, apelhaq, L · l.llh, all prohctenet•. eoll~ boeJda 673- 6013 TUTORING Weal aubtec:\1, K·l2 eJid c:oUeo-Day, ev-..a1aQ e.od auamer SlO per w-k. Wr Worqart, 645-5176 WUSIC -A Gl1T JOR UFI' Vo1ce trllnmq, pta~o. or9&11 '->aa All levels R.uonable Eape,_eed 13 yNn We.. Verde, Coata w-Neacy &.ra ... 545-377.2 lRVDf! CHILDREN'S CHORUS SUWWI.R WORISHOP IS p.-ouoq G 11.ber1 & Sullivan'• "Tbe Puat .. of Peu.nn-" beQID.niAQ hme 3: Woo. and Thun 4·5p.m 552·9448 BELLY DANCE CLASSES New sum111er dua lormanq -Thun· day, 7 p m •• ~n. Bel· ly Dancer." Corona del Mar. 731 -.S7" . YORKIIS Adorable AltC pupp1•. 7 -Its old, all mota/wormed rrom S200. Call after 5 p.111 Noodey·frtdey A.nyhme on wMILends 96J..8287 AUSTRALIAN Sbep IMrd pupa. 10 -b AU allots No papen S3S 631 ·6655 HELP! MUST FIND lov· 100 bomea lor yNr-old m1aed pup• Free 631 -6655 IS GARAGE SALES SWAP MEET Every Sunday, 8 • m to 3 p m Oranqa Coe.at Colleqe, Fa1rv1ew and Arhnqlon, Coate w ... Seller r-rvelton.tm formahon, c:&ll SS6· 5880 TOO WAHY rTDIS TO LIST Jewelry 50 SS. laJ:qe oval marror SIO, old truak $10, Iota ol daa•. •eaware, pot· tery and RIIC p1ec• 25-16 OU cbatn $10, pumattvn lro 111 the l&naa, kitc hen end tool bou. SO to S3 Otl paiDI.UI9 $10 2S oak bench• S65 Fnday oo ly. a. m to6 p Dl MS-1241 17th and Be.bcock I block -t ol PlacentiAI LoCoelaW... GARAGE SALE -No Junk Soltd oak ball· and-claw d1n1nQ room Ml, Z.ntth color TV. 12· li9h1 c handelter, hall· lr... alu equ1pment. .ale, x:u.be equ1pme11t, Paaoet 18·caJat qold mAa'• watc h, ud much, much more S.harday, SWida,, Wot::tday -765 Kendall, IAQ~UU Beech C.U toWr.. rtumber 1·800·532·3972, ult lor Peooy .. ver Adwetch W50'10 II HEALTH LOSI WIIGHT NOW 10 to 29 lba m 30 days or youJ SJI 7S lor 1· montll'• au~;~pJy _ ~u-~_. ed Call HDlBA.UTI dlatnbutor. W.chelle, 64.5-5423 1.09 WllGHTt FUL GftL\TI Sa.&pe up lor spn.nq et Pat's Place of berctM, 2411 I C04Uil fLqbway, Corona del ~r C.U lor x:.bedule 111 co,.pluneGtary cia• 559--4150 £N1U8IT TM UDique starch blocke,r backed by Dr D'• Loee 300 to 500 c:alonM • day All 11411\Ual Call 9N-6348. uk for Dona C r -•~• r•'• • ,·,u s..q ,., In ~fmtnd lr" a•u C' fti:SUl l7TRAVELI VACAnOit • TRAVEl. ctOI • Yu u m,qht bavf' all th• munPv vou want r need tl ""' I<A>L "' tha5t FUN MO NEY TRAVEL &.-" T rav .. t Con<rult • Nv lrow•r lurv • Nu Cump+-lllo• r • Nt> I<Nkk_P.,.'l f abulou• F ,,... T '" .... 1' l"!portant N P4'ltnQ ei1l4f ~3132• liERtEBTAIN ----BALLOON BOUQUETS Un1que, personah2Pd qah O.ltvered localh Ord~r today "Ba.llour" ol Newport •• 645-64-45 ts IIII.P 30 B1JSIRESS WAJn'ED OPPn'S UfSTITUTJOM WITH SAU AGDITS WANT CUIHTILI to rnt m Start UIUIIedtetely ~· t'75·1295. PWI or part tuae. New PIESTIGlOUS RIAL uac:red1bly proht !STATI OmCI m h · atakano buam-, b · ~ loolwaq lor lop ClhDQ money oppor1unl- quahty aqeots Good ly ru11 detetlt Sl 00 lor co~~~a~JM\on tpbt No handluiCj! l.ent lAter· d.-•-851.()829, pr-. P 0 Bo• 4n4. 752.1493 lrvtne 92714 JOB INFORMAnON wt NEED DEAUR.S lor C Slu ~~ ••-n-IIAnd·up cookbook rw. JP IOC-~ Frea detetl.& Wetsl Houston, O.UU, Over· P\abl.tah.oo Co (So .... ~b. (602) --Mwt St ). Dept s. p 0 0426. Dept 8163 Phone call refu.rad.ble 8os 164. £nq r-ood. OH4Sl22 31AimQUD SJLVD VICTORIAN t .. pot, ~aQY~ed rrerw:a. otl paull1D.9S. pan of Frenc h .Uped onealal r119s. Old Glory. 7!2 S Coa111 Hwy , l.&quna Beach. 494·9020 LLADRO ROCKWELL 119unn•. SpeciAl pr• •-pnc e G.llery One, Laqune S..Ch, 494 4444. 494-9966 CAR.ROUSn HORSE lor sale Hand c arved Appro& 38" II w· 494-3671 ~~~v=~ COUPLES • • WORIC 41 FU1UUTURE home No upenee.c:e toqetheT bulldmo • bu.a-ST1lii.lNG COLLEC neceuary1 Poaatble m-Start par1·hme TION oJ anhque plJie PrM det.U. lllc:loee end qrow We help f or funutiiJe H.and p teked atamped eevelope Mer appoustment 495 J.4S7 from GrNt Bntat~~ 'or cury Company. &o. Joan wle at 1 S Brown, 511 1762, Evansloo, Dhno11 HA Vl: A HIGHLY PRO· £ Balboa Blvd Balboa 60204 m ABU: end bMuttful Pea1n.sula WORICIHG WOTH!R lMn Shop of your own WUST SELL 110~ pecan N!EDS cluld c.,• lor 2 FMturmo the lateat 111 coli" end end table aet elementary ao• cluldren INJU. deD.UDa, aport• w1th matc:hm9 wall wut before and alter echool wMr and weatem WHr Oak bedroom Ml Cua 540-6911 work, 121 ·8149 $12,900 loclud .. beqan· tom 110fa end love ... ,, home nuso usventory, h.aturH onomal $1.300. N c n end tretn1on You may 1 •~""' C utoo n WANTr"' RN'a, ... tee ......., ontempor· A ••••~n .. .., •y n.c.&.r ......., have your Slore open an , ... _... N L uanu•uu .. ~ LVN's, NA'• r.m e-•ra 4JY 110 tu>eU o tun• D•uc"'• w--'--~ ... as htt .. .u 15 daya Call C '--1 '"" ._.. w ....,_yow c:·-'-bonu *100 lor I H H an ,.. P to move __ , .... .. aayt1me or ... r Artley, 850 1860 neat OCC&IlOD spec.... RH'•· $75 lor LVN'a, $35 1·80().521·6+43 • We entertetn for pnvale lor NA'a (Come v1st1 --BEDROOM SET and bUSUJ ... qroupa ow new location us BUSINESS O PPO R-7.pa.ce bedroom set an Call731..S7... Newport Beach') Call TUHITY Are you us· clud• IWJ l h-d and WUSlC -(or yoUJ al· Volt Wecbc:a1 S.nncu . terested 111 .. tra 111 loot board dealt. c hau fetr AU ~tyl•. S.~nq.le, 760-1648, 662·lln come? Worlt fuJI or part naqht sta'\d tuple d .. ____ luae For more tnforma· d UO. QfOUp ._,I). • a DU .. MV\ tO •oonn a dr6SMI II IH Of an ..... .,~., .,.,.., 631 AnAn ~ .-.u ttOo call after 6 p m . boo.. _._ 1 Good ...., · ~ .. ,_, · week wuh ow proven 552 3026 • ane" 11 3275. eo..tope proqrem from coodltiOn S2SO CaU THI IBVIHI CHIL· home Fr .. deem, Mod Our CLAS.Sift£0 a.lter 7 P m 837-1587 DR!H'S Choru.a SWD· atemped envelope 1o ~"-A fuHTlON DECORA mer Wo1bhop 11 pre-Weyen Co , P 0 Bo11 TORS Off-white ll.U1an aea1tn9 Gtlberl 6r 41397. Cluc:aoo. IL 173-ISS. c:era.auc hrepl~e. over Sullivan's "The Puet• 60641 ·,----------.16' tall Oek Laef and of Peosan.ce" bequuunq PART. TINI WORX £a. llower mohl S3 000 J~ 3, Woo. and Th11111 c.Ueot Ul.come Call Dr IIAIUf~G Call toillr" number 4·5 Jl.m. 552·9448 1-800-532-3972 ask lor Pt.A.NHlHG A SHOW· Ponet, 5J6.S848 ~ Peonywver Adwatch !R? t.t u.s do 11 lor you SPACE TO RD1T H&u WS19J We ~...u..z. lJI baby atylult w1th c hentele ... _.... 1-. Or-FURNmJRE SAl.£ _ and wedduJo showers 97s.I29S .... c..ey ....._ _. Amencan onental ruqs Call 529-9664 or 840-.---------. .... _... ' " 1 a matc:b.tnq e adlcollee 3464 INTERVIEWER ' ..... ,..,_ ........_ tabl• oew upbolate red 11 ........ ,_ .. ,_ •Im chan . pa.~ntJnoa. 19GIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS Send 110meone you love • bouquec of 30 behwn balloons Great lor Gracia and Bndae Per- fect lor alJ oc:c:asaoos We deltver 673-4419 Seve th11 ed. 23BELP WAJn'ED MY UFEGUAJlDS Tryout. lwae 5 at 8 a.m For Ullormabon call 6+4-5921, Jolua or wa. NAI.I EITJlA WONIY DUI.JMG TOUR SPA.RITlNI' Show our new bn. of c:aleoda.n. ~ad ad· ver11R119 otfts 1o local ftnu Prompt, lnend.ly Mnnc:e from 73-yNr·old AAAI company W .. k. fy C:OIIUDIUIOQS. No ID· velllneat or coll«bona. Be yow own boat. Full· tilDe polealtal. No ... perlenc:e neces .. ry Wnle franlr 8uc:lt:J.y, NIWTON WFG CO . Dept. 24!10. Newton. lowa 50208. H1LP W AHTED. Part· llme ell&Yc:de uaalnlctor to t..ch dynam1c p~ natal proqn.m Up. neoc:e and ecadaauc baclt:qround m relatJn beld prefenwd. 831 8740. •EAJlN IXTilA IN - CONI 1J1 yow ~· I~ Tr&I.IWlQ provld- ad. Call Joan. 495-3-457 HILl WANTED New b-needs ma.tun penona lor babyslthnq, A W and P.W •lutts avarlahle. 581--M52 HELP WANTED· COW· PANtONSt We need you now1 We have oo- 00~ home care c:- (AliiO h..-~n~) Two per· 11011al reference~~ re· quued Call Volt Wedacel Servac es. 710-1148. 662 1177 (Coae V\111 our new ioc:a.boo 111 Newport IMc:k.) PART·TlWI HELP w&a.Nd Jndey and S.'-*Y· 10 am 6 p, ·-, demO'Ia.IHihDQ lood IAI -the. llMI ,_. ~ No upe· ,.,_~~ a557l DO YOU _. ,....... --.. dr-t t•bl.. Call tl.lll...., .._....._ toUf"" numbet 1 80(). • Ltlte to T.Uk on Phone> 532-3972 .ulllor Penny· • Need Eatra Money' w ver Adwalc:h M0020 • Have T1meto Spar~} Ill. PllllliPS o rne£ fURNinJRE _ Are you Enthu.sa .. ltc 131 ·5113 Oesh bookc ases. a nd Posaltve' 1 c b a ., s couc h e • 855-8313 IF SO... .--------. WE OFFER • O.yiEvenmo Sb.tlt~ • Part/Full T ... • 54 art S4 00 Per H a • No Eap N.c-rv CALL IETWEEN 9UI.SPM C.P.M. RESEARCH (714) 545-1458 I 21UCDISED CHILDCARE STATE LAW RE OUIB..ES that pertons who pronde cht.l.d cere m tlleu home be l1cena ed. fOr IJifOrmatlOn On bow lo obi&~~~ hceDM 1n Oranqa County call (714) 834·5172 IDYSJmllfC IQGBtSJWt:EUJmS Go out lo r d&DDer, eve IUDQ c~ moone~ h.ealth club, ahoppmo Temporary clay ~ cnailable wlule vour own 11tter IS eway 157-Gt 'Z'1 SITU A noNS WAJO'ED DOCTOR, 34 y .. n lllOVlliQ lo C.WOm•• 0\voroed, lookmq lor Newport/Balboa area ho~lhDQ or boalltt uno pc»Jbon wht.l.e ac qu1nn9 ..-dency and ahadYUIQ lor Ca.hlom1a hce.nse Dr H lee ~koo783·5122, (4H) I HDDA -PLACE TO PABit my ta .. Ul travel trailer Pleaae call 544 2111 eat IIOJ weekdays, 1-5 ENG.JlaD. rule 55 n-ly worltillq IJI New port S..cla. wol&ld lake Ito-... or boat aatllll!J pos~tJoo wha&e ,_.dence laUAhD9 Good ret.r· eoc:.a 751-.!035, ' 4 pa DISTRIBUTORS WANTED To opera.te our com· plete hne of Dehue Hot Food Venchn9 W.chtnes. Ustn9 all NatJonal Bzand.s of Merchandtse, our mach tnes are placed tn factones, schools, hospttals. and tndustna.l com· pi exes. We supply you w1th lhe best equtpmenl, loca- hons, and product You supply J.}Q hours per week, and the destre to be hnanc tally tn· dependent Mtn tnvestment re· qutred For tnformallo n c all toU.free 1·800·852- 1777, ask lor opera· tor no 26 CARE OISTRIIUTORS 32 TROST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES 2ND T 0 s 15 YI.AR tully e.mortued 17~ • '• Low pomts CaU 964 · 25191or quote BUY OUR 2nd T 1 u.st Deed at l0°'t d1scount1 S20 000 stra1qht note wall coat vou Sl6 000 and wall telurn 10• .. on your money 1n J yMu Pnvete party. 586-6052 31 SPORT'DeG GOODS DISOOVIIt Pnoea -popw.lar bread birc:yclea. clotbao and ~,.. Wllll. Y SPECIALS • elaro-earnut~ $1 98 5' BABY GRAND ptano Restruoq. refJniShed K1nd.a wAlnut oood deal' $2 500 497 ·381 1 t.SOFFJCE EQOJPMEMT O LIVETTI TYH - WRITI.R Mil correct mq fuJ.J n&e $785 new sacnhce 1380 546 8392 49 DlAMONDS • JEWELRY ESTATE SECOND HAND JEWELRY and sterhno lla1ware costs much 1 ... at Bentley'a, 220 E 17th St Co.t.a M ... 645-6585 NAGHrnCENT C AR TlER 2 c:t dtemonc:L plahnum lad.tea rtnq ctrca 1890 Appr....d at $23 500 DOW \9 5ru AliiO pearls emethy~s q.trnets lapiS ,ewelrv GALU:.RY O NE 1220 N Coast Hwv Laquna Beach Open noon 6 4S4 uu 416-- 68 BOUSIS FOR SALE .. DIAIIOIIrle • JEWaJrt GRAJm OPERIRG Til. Cot~te w-Com 6 Je-lry l.ach"D9&, 208 N-porl Blvd • Co.ta W... buya and aell.a uaecl ,.welrv. tcr•P qold, d.otal, watch., C:OIDI, WYer 631 ·5933 PUILJSHIR DOES NOr ACCIPT ll.abwty loz UICOneei apelhAQ, 0 r .. lllatlcel Ulaccu.r ac-. or lypOQreplue&l euon 1t1 any adwr t~~eaeot• pllbbabed ~~ the ~ w.cha Newt Group JOoK.S-OLD, RAU ead 011t of·pnot . We buy ud aell •'Out·ol· p rtftl books our wpec: ..J ty " NahOnwld. Search S.rvtee. Book Vault, J682.A S Bnstol, S.ota Ana. 549·9648 BEDWOOO 2a6 deck· anq -4·20' lonq. 25- c eals loot hm, 646· 9885, any11me FOR SAU 1 pau dua, ISO em. $25 I pau akt boots. au• 3, S10 Oval abao UN ruq, or&J~Qe and brown w1l11 bet9e colon SIS W.na bowl· IJIQ ball. AWF m canv· 14Q c:ase. with aboee, -D.S .... 9'n 644-4687 MARRlAGI wtth. 611-luJ. u~ C.rna.qe c., na.qe, horae and coach· aau avetl&bl.e to the bnde and 9room lor that el.Q&At proce.aoa nde Broc:bu.re Ulforaahon end .-rvahOos f or aoy spec:1a l event Cluaic Carnaqea. (714) 639-1429 SAHD.U SHOES MHAPPY" rat lor ea Ill& fanuly 5-yMJ QIMI antH S7 95·Sl6 95 D11tnbuton wanted 548·3193. 2217 MJ..ner , Coat.aW... 51 WART TO IUY WANTED OLD GUHS, ratlee. a.bot9Wll, pock.~ watcbea, llltlttary aword. Seno~U collec lor -pe11 taOre tJ.&o any~ 581-8870 WANT&D fURNI· TUU appban.cee (re- lnqerato n . wes~er1, dryen, TV'a worlnaq/ nOD•WOrltlJIQ. A.nUqU .. , pl&DOII, oJflce lurottw. SSCAU714) i57-8161 W ANriD USED fVR NJTUU aoderoi&J~ ttque Relraqeralo rl, washen dryen (worlt: UIQ aoo workmo) L... 9101 8133 C ASH PAID f O R JUAIJTY AHTlOUES t•welry c:ameot d 'mond.a perfume bot t}.,a dr-r -·· CUI qlus, ch1na 11lver, o uenta la GALLERY O N£ 494 4444 494 9966 52 R.ENTALS TO SHARE ROOWNATt WANTID -E Toro condo Pool. teCIII&I S2SJO/a o a tb plua 1 '2 11nllt.-Call toillr.e nu.rrtber 1-800 532 ~72. ult lor PeeJJy· Mver Adwatc11 M4795 II ROUSES FOR SALE II IIIITALI'IO ...... SHAU U.G& oee&a v-a.o.. .. w.-a..cta with IID9le pro- l..aoul S\a.uy fN!bO. varct.. •• .a..~~. F11uuahecl, eac:epl ...... ~ ..... pnve.,. be.tla alllli ...ak·aa eloeM A•.U.W. 110w 1400/.ortils pn. w lltWU.. ad eecwdY ~J 4!N-L33J . • COAST HOUSI- NATES• -Coo...-t roo-a.te pe~ plO- W. .,-vac:e. ''Sb.anao equals better h•UliQ .. Duy. 494-1294. CHRISTIAN ROOW· · •at.•-Apta , houa., c:ondoe ava1le.ble to ahare We'U had oAelor you! C&U Fellowalup Roomm4le. :;.,, vace. 8'JO. 5293. u:l 55. Doua.hoaa oaly Wl 1 BOOWWATE wanted to ab.ue 2-bed· room lrv10e aputaeat w1t1l lete·20a aale Compla &. all lllan· dud r.c,..bon oood· -$257.50 per D01lltl pju.a depog.t Call Toa, 857·2431 .,.. or f1ZI. 1180deys U N IOU I APAIT · WDfTS aad~ .ndl c:ath.ed.R1 ceUiaQa. hrept.-• .,. ben, au cood1hooaaq. pooJ.. U\lAM • t;JYa, 1i1tDJUS cowta. 1•--'aete ave.&!· able: 1 becirooa &ad dea, 1 bedrooa. 2 bed· room/2 belh town· houa.. Sony, no pets. 2.400 &rbor Blvd .• Coeta W.... 557-8020. LANDLOilDS -Free advertJ1m9! U. ,...,... and receaw qaaldwd C4lla! AAA fleat.al Real· ty, OJ._. Co~~~t~y'a o&deet ad a.uv-~ aernc. t'n-C315. WBT PAT woaE? Mow re~':J. Haathaqtort Gr A.,.,__... '"-~ apu1· • .., .. -. ~ Ill Hualla9toa Beac~a c.-ad two-becboo. ~--boa t425. (114) 147..eol4. snJDIO APA~7t.O.Yr to.-rat 011 J.~ ~ UJah.. IWd. M2S/aaatla. Ut.J.bb. m· c:h.tded Aile. S p.a . 673-6:228 OCLUmiONT PIJIT. ROUSE 3 bed· rooftll, 2 bet.bs, deck. lareplace, beamed ceLl· mo. Pnvete beach WubeJ/dryer $1,600 lllOiltA, .,_r!y. Call loU- Ie" nwaber 1-«»-532 3972, uk for P.ua,..,ar Ad watch C70I¥1 OCEAHnOifT 1-bed 1'00ia ..,.,._.. fur. IUilaecl, or p&rtl&lly hu· cuabed la•acala.te Ad"u!ta No pea S850 t oc:l uciea Ill lila he a 497 1012 Ownef •HOUSES FOB SALE KING FOR ADAYI KING FOR YEARS TO COME II IAnoma:Y IAnourt . DANIELA. VEREICER ATTORNEY AT LAW • OOMlSllC R£lA TIONS '~~INJU~Y CLUi--T-YPlST A V AILA.BLIIlill or p&J1 luae. 2 .,_,. upennc. .. IMURDee offa CaiJ ~ aaaltler 1·100-m -.»72. uk lor ,_.,_ aa-. Adwelc~ W:!O:ZI • pl.utlc: H be.r ~SOc • 2'7wl Ill 1uper hqht urea $45 95 SUPSON'S CYC URY ZSI81Gr~l.ene C..."-·-· ..... , ... _, ~- Dad can reign supreme over his bia so· wide street to street lot on quiet upper Hazel in the village. Unusual custom home. city and ocean viewa. Seller may finance with I 0% in· e IANI(IUJPTCY terest11 $350.00. unGATlON LJAa& LOVIL T 4· bedla Qlll ....... Uily ... ___ _, pool. •. pelll ..,., ....... Call ...... ....-.. 1-IIJO.SD-31m .... lor ~...., Aclwatcll IIWtOIIT IIACH u . fveHd .-do lor nat. Two bedtooa, .... 2\oi beiM. Mao· tllallJ ••ooratad, ....... patio. seo par ...... ~m.c. IIVINI LADS CON- DOoa wuar. l bedroom ~~.adau ooad. Paol, jec:U&i ..... .... ...,~ Auilula ln• 1 __ !lOll)_ •2104 IIINAID COUIT -5..,_., 4 ~. luUly IOOa, ~.2-ear"'~· Spaotaca)ar wlaw . Sl,IOO. Top of 1M World -.a2 Top ol u.. worW on ... 3 lied· cooae, 2~ MdY. ~ rooa, faai)J rooa. Sl,300. O...n, w.cr-. IMcll. Call todf,_ l..Aia TAHOI on tha ewdal 1-80().532-3872, weter •·baclrooa, 3.- _. lor .._,..._. Ad-bat~~, .-:e~a.t home. .-11 w.27. c~a.w, Nnaiahad. UAtmrUL WOOD-S'IOO ..-r .-k. S52. .. _,..,. HOUSI lr 2115...._. m.o3Jl. .._. ' . MAMMOTH LAKES YiDa. 3 ............ 2 Milt, tubat• eoap•otor, luuycoactc.. Sl.ap.4, ciWl_._, IPriaklan. I &lid I . AD -we. ...,eelloolltucl rac:J"M-UOO ~ WMk. C..U tiaa. sa. 411-2:M3. (213) 1. fOI liNT -4 NIWPOIIT IIACH-20 becbooa. 3 ..,_., 2 ...-....,. lo ..t, wlute- llo ... , ... lualallad . ..._ .WW. N.x:.ly hu- Ooeaa ...... ~. ........ lArva 2-bed- $8). 111M 15. t..pa& rooa ..,..,._,, Aftil· leeela. c.u D1l.tr.. ... July 10.17 oalJ ---1-IIJO.m..lr72, $4!10...11.131-0174. Mk b r-.~ Ad-aiGU.U CONDO-3 ..ec:la NOOU. ......._, 2 INda, pool, LA GUllA CHAJlNII _..,TV. 1»-2742. -~bedrooa llo-. COifDOWINIUW FOR Walk to bMc:ll. 180' UNT -Nortlt Lab •••· S1,000/ao~atll. Talloa (mclme Villaqe). ... 11!1. 3 bad.rooa, aJaap. 8 •OCIANfllONT 2-bad· paopl.. Coaplataly fur. rooa, 2-MUa, fire· llillled. Miau ... from a1u pae .. , wuJaar and ~. toU COIUMI, cbyw. Deok, -=lucMcl. c:Mi.Dw, Mac:hea. c..u SJ,4!0 -.a.. y-.dy. Job or K-at 661-8165, C.U ~ aua.Mr 9 a.a. to 5 p.m., or 1-IIJO.SlZ-Jir'n, _. lor •1.e616 aft~ 6 p.m ~1M. var Adwatcb la ....... a.avall&ba.bty. C7111. HAWAD, UUAI ,__ I : ' tt.;.;.,.-:. , I : I ! 5180UID ruu tam ---- tal, ~-Lwrur-iou 2-becbooa, 2-bal!l coado. NeQalfic-ol WI· Cloblbuctled OCMa ..... 0. baa..n.lv.J 27-laola volt -..... TeaJllS. pool, ..eluded beac:hea. 2 Wcyc.._ Froa S38 par rqlat. Cell tolll.r-a..-1~532-3972 • ... b ... ~.-Ad­ ~W4120. CX)J(I)() Df BIG UAR lor • aowatillia -.tioD Na11ra-....r.-n•-bouaow.18.734J_ • BOUSESPOB IAI.I ' -. i I ; If ) ',' . i ; flrile w.t loy boyfront. Slip. b 2 boola, •••M»dwted 3 bedroom, 3 bath •• .lOO.OOO. Ocean and ~ viewa, Moline room, 4 bedrooms, 3 batt.. 3,~ lq. ft •••••• ooo. Oc~nfront. UDOI8UHOM1a ftr'fMe lido Ncwd bOyfront, 5 bed- room, 5~ both.~ hvrng room, 2 boa• II.-s' ~soo.ooo. a.a.eu.l ... .,.n C.....othcewalt.IIM ol raceptaoa. eoaler- -c:e rooa. luteliaao, pllloae, MCretaraal aadwordp~ N.a.t.1 aad ·~ .,. ._ avadable ...,_,. ately d ct..uad Ccalllcally 111 •• 'NI-01. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE •aovaaFOB 8IU.I LAGUNA BEACH 1105 N Coat Hwy 494-1177 UBOUSESFOR IAJ.E I"'OliiLI Liiil s.EiOOiii. 2"'-a..a CCIIIe ..-.. towalloaa. SlSI,~.OOO. 13.8'6 -30,.., lbMa· ci89· Itt 7M1 at tm. 347 I . lllll'~lt., •1· 2233. '"DOn ~II?: 9& 2 W.OO., 2 ~ COil• .. ........, ... ..... iiiQ rHA ... ~ $14,. 800 ...... •r•...,.,. ........... ~ all offers. 111,!500. C..O.IIMI a-ea. (714) •83-1101 . POIPU UACH. ~tau&~. Wa..mo.t coodoe, 2 a..booa, 2 bal!l, hu- IUIMd. Mult ..U. (71•) 812-3014, (213) 431- 3531. LAST OJ nvl priaa lutDde Coeta .... to........ l,!U5 eq. lt., 3 badrooa, 2"' bada. $155,000. Good liaancl.at. 347 I . 18tll St .• Ow .. rlbullclar. 181-2233. BY OWNEA -l.aquoa N"\lal. 5 .. doWJa, DO qualifyi,aQ, 2 ttory, 3 b,.trOOID condo, 2100 eq~ _ ft. S165,800. C..U lo0fr9e D...,.r 1-80().. 532-3872, Mitior ha.ny· Mver Ad wale!. N1812 . CJDAR GLIN CONDO 1~ DOWN. 11.000 aoatla .... utiful 11Wl.D_1 2-ttory, 2-badrooa II Toro boala. By otnaar. Call toiUNe aiUII..bar 1-«X).SlZ-3872, uk foz Pnapaver Aclwateh waot3. CASH A PROaLIN - HAl Cowltry quiet, city clc»e. 180 eq. ft ., 1 bedrOOID )ofa.d eoo.do. Fireplace, ancloMd "''9•· w.U.z/dryer, rabl9eretor, taanla cowta, pool, ,~aell.DI. Tab you away froa the m.dc:le~Unq crowd. Uo· ballavabla Ierma. Wqllll& Hilla. 496-8800, owur. 711.011. ACQAQI PIUMI llllllDmAL LOT -18 ••. All •lil· ltiel, ,..,.road ..... ..... a....,.. Colofe. 41o. Ao,. ......... a.v.l, ,..., lo kild, Plh. roreee. &e....,. T'raclee ooe...., 1ed. 614 Jetb St.. Newport ...., ... ftUIORT Pft()ftaft _, NOIII.B IDlES NOBILl HONI -c....u.... 12d0, 2 bad-rooa, 2 bella. (714) 338-4558. 41' 1Sll0 CIIIISCIAIT ca.bia endear. Aa Ia. .... otter. Cora~ect J&Da or Doa. 1M-11M, claJI. BASS IOAT TOUIRA- NIHT. ~ 1T al'wa· Ualla 40 ~ elaetrie. Co~ twa loca· tora/bait and flab ..rated ..U. P.a..uJ caatill9 Meta. Dilly tr.U.r, baarin9 bud· dlea. Wuch mora. )5,'185. Call tollliae nuabar 1-800-532·3972; _. lor P.uJMvar Ad· watch W!ll28. ISIOAT CHARTER WI AUTO UPIIOUTIBY ICUNI AU10 UMQI.ITDT 211 w wu.oa. c.w . Ca.rpata, llleadliMn or viayl tope: MD mott Aaaricu can. 'Watarial lll.l,a q1&&11ty. IDtarlor raatoratioD aeoaoa.Lcal- lyclooa.'*-1211. • UCUA110R ft!PCID 17' 1NV ADU lram tr.U.r. Air c:otadJtiooat aacl tollel. $l,H5. J30.286J. • IIIYICI/ UPAIIl IIITIIH AUTO U. PAilS: J..,_r, ,__ a.u.y, T,.._.,lll, WQ, f~lka9aclaoll C1tMr artM •utoa. 1M Harbor lhd., Cou Naaa.J. IU-1228, HIII-.GA~QI. AUTO IIPAII -Jo~ I Do..eic. la91M owi'M.t. T\a.aa 'Y'· .. raltM, -.crtrk:al. Call 132·2377. • y~ OLDIIIOIII' P0a lAg 1818 OLDIMOIMII 4· 1t20 b06CII3/4 too cloior. &..o.daill Willi •· c-.. ...... ~...-.­::.~· cl.-y .......,. lrM..t•ecm· -la~t ... coaclatloo. W\1.11 .... 0 • .. .. , $6!10 010. 5!51-2880 ........uri ....... a\alolaatiQ ,,..._, au •·;;-..::;..· ----- OOIMl •• lonl.a I:Maa,par, '------We wide U.vy·cl•tt VOLDWAQER u.. Qlt ...... IDo .. ud ,... ,...., N.vet t.~an or 1871 VW Coovartible _ ..... ~ ...__. _...___ Will llaek OD 'bl.aek. Lie. -· --· ILAit IUQ. l&eupuakt "•*••to . ......_,. AW!fl<t ~te. hall IJAU108 WUTID PUILISHII DOIS NOT ACCDT liability lot tzacorrac:t lpallua9, traa .. ucal leaccur· aciel, or typocpaplueal at1011 ta any advar- u...alll pllhlilhacl 1D tM Coaat w.dia New. O.Oup. , CARS, PJCJC. UPS lroa S3S. Av&il· &b .. at local Govern· aanl Auctlona. Jot ell~, call ~=) .,. . ..... . Call relwac:labJe. UD NIWI AU IX· TllASI Nwt ... to babe¥el WID brlllo to JOU lV17 Sacia.n de VIUa. $4,1!0. 5!18-9881. 1878 CADILLAC S.valla ha abaohata hrud D.-coAdilion. 4 ...,. ¥ie!.alia tlree, twly equipped wilt. all t.b.a utru, aalatalud In varava. On• owner c:ar. Call A1 Doranico daya 752-1301, avea or -boda i51-4874. CHEYROJ.ET 1968 COIVI'M'l 327 ellC1illa. 3SO V8. Auto., air, .... rioq, T-top, War louat_ y.UOw, 54,000 mllaa. Ll.ka n-. $8.~ or ball oUar. Call tollfrea ouahar 1·80(). 532-3872, uk lor PnAJ· .. ,.. Adwatc:ll W4331. DATIOM 1878 2IOZ !-SPUD - Air eo11d., AN/FN, r-euJ.ar 9&'· 1 0-0 $6,790. SJJ-2210. l!J71 I'OIU) ruTURA S. cyl Reel, air. 1\llo • AWIN. L<*lat C:Oft· eli~. $4,200. 581-1263 ..... 1971 WAVDICit 302 V8. Air, racllo, powar aleariot, 1 ownar, 35,000 milaa. Raaulat vu. new .... 1 racll.ala. KxoallaAI coaditlon. 541-8es7 .. 1977 fORD Tboder· .bird. Loaded. 453613 . IIDCZDIBIERZ 1ga1 NDCIDD 3000 4-Door. Wkite, aurool, low allaaoa. tab over ...... Sl.OOO. Call N.r lrowll. 152-8528. ..... 151-1182 . CI.ASSIC 1858 i~ liOSL 1p0111 car. Co.p~y ..-.or· ... G1o~t w..oo. ..-lor, MclcUe illterior sa,ooo. --3025 or call toUina ouabar l-IQO.Q2...3872 uk lor Pean"JMYar Aclwatc._ N4314. bra. uc;.U.Ot cond1· hon, •~ent ·~· $1,200/olfar. 11418-IIOOt""" 1881 vw JlTT ~ 5- ..,.ad. ah, AN/N OUMtla, aun roof, 4· door, Nnx:o be• col· or, .. qaa ..._ S21Q/ aontlt or $8,000. 831· 3757. DIRECTORY OF 0 •• _~, !;;..,-; UTBI.IIIf FU.MOAN AOCTO/IUSIRESS IEIMCD Fmancial atataaaala, payroU, ,quartuly tu ratunaa, cula raa.oaoe- IMD.I, b~ .yataea and pzoc::ad11rea, and par.onal incoraa tu•. MS-4112 ADOIDOia • REMODELING WHY IIO'VE't IJIIIJI()VIJ Room addlllon and ~modal. H~a.bbaU Con- atnactloo Co. Ul-7151 ADDmOfCS. UIIODEUJtO AD llJ>M of eoutnae- tlon. Fr" althaa .... No job too ...U. M1-1751 AL TIRATIOIIB/ DRIUIIADieC AUAJ.TDA'IIOM And eutoa lMthar WMr. 10071Aiaraa. . ... CARPINTU -For- naic:a work, v .... av.lll cab· lnala, book .a..a..., oar•CJe c:abtaatl, ftalah wo1k. 23 ,.an • ..,... riaDc:e. 963-toel. 963- 5982. T1aan1t you, Jany. FRINCH DOOIS, bay wuadowa, patio coven, dac.b, iruWa9. lidm9 • ··~. wood Ooorin9· ,.,_ ......... &.c:el- laat ~-Ullh- ceaaad. Jola.D,I75-t002. CARPIHTIY: J&aiala. cablHt., l.ookc: ..... stain, doon. lapa· rieea ua1•i"ed. Carl, (714) m -o.s1 . DOOIS 6 WOII: Jaaeh, ntry and tza. tarlor doora. AJ.o roo• additiou, ~ and preclldon fiAlala earpaatry. Rod, Sl62· 3617, 1Jc.4J0711. CAm1'111111T FencM aad daeh . Rapalra oaly. R.far- anc:ee linea 1878. Na.rou Carpntry Co . ,...... CA.,IlPIT UPHO~Y cJeenlaf -W.yi)Wia apecial. H ,d roatMa, ~. cW&aa: :z roo ... $13.!10; S roo••· $31.!10; ... $18.7!. Carpet, ~~~ dye. ln9 (60 yarda), Scokll· ::;..rc::t"at: ..... 540-1 ... co.:ll'ft. AIPIIAI.T AIUDIG • IIDIO,AL Skiploader, duap trecll, JKk haa.mer. Low r•'-· apert.aced, ~work,~. &..--.. •. .7-U52 I STAWPID CONCIITI: t l&uJ colon, paHenu~. 1>rh••waye, patloe, ... aUra. , .... eetl· AVAII.Anl TO RUN aU t~ of en&Dda. Jwi.U~e &Dei pe1110naJ. ShoppiQq. Pick up and delivery, etc. Lou, Q68..7655. DOORS DOORS FOR THE 1)(). IT· YOURSIL1 inlii.Uer. Wholeaale prlc ... 3'•6'8". 10 liqllt r ... nch doora, $95.26. Four panel mterior do\lqlu fir, 2'8" • 6'8", $18.50 Stauley Hmg• & etc., $5 cielivery to yol.lr local )Oh aite. P ... ·hllniJ kill aJ.o available. c.n 857-6858. DRAPERIES COWPLITI GARDEN- ING SIRVJCI. Weekly, J;i-wMirly, aaonthly IU.iD.IeJ~u.ce. Sp~T rep&ir, lrM work and halllioq. , .... ..U.at•. 549-.4991, 9 a.a . to 10 p.m. ROTOTILUNG DONE DIRT cbMp. Garden., flower bed.a, lawoa, ~aplnq. Reason· able ratM. Jr .. advice. ~1819anytillle. DOWN TO BARTH Lawo &Dei Gard.n S.rv· ~ee. Comple .. tutalla- tion, ... novation aod mllillteoance. Quality Mrvice At down-to- e&rtll pric-. S.ti.GWd cuatomera our firat priority. CaD anytime, 646-1819. GIEERSCDE ,----~--===:::-~ t.•wn matnlenance, M clean\lpl larqe and ct.UIIII am.U. TrM tri.llulliDq Off SlftiC( land removal. free • Custom Moct. P,OGe$ ••tim•t•. 548-6065. •tw OOMt • ~~ ._,.. e fltt "'k·UII l Oellytf) GARD~ e lenulf Wolld R~s . RJ & S Gardea.iag S.r- • fltt fst~n•atu lviQe. General c1MD·Ilp, 1 -~!1!!!!!~-~--~M~l~lJ maiDtenance, edge, ,. weedi.ng. lertilia!Jiq. ...... lJc. 377651' DRYW•'' (714) SII2-87S1 . ~ Call .... (714) ~ .. DOUG'S YAIID SERVICE Lawn maintenance. u .. trimming, cleanup and hauling. 544-2111, ut. 1103, weekdeye8-5. GUAJ.m DRYWAU ,_,CIC:*CUTE llanqinq, ·~ aod Dr:t.....,_, tow.detiou, c:....Uve UDd tat~. o\Ub ud plter tpec:ial· IaauNd. ReU&ble. De· .... .....ti&l aad pead.abie. c:oaaemal. ,.... ... c..u left ...._ and coapetitive ISl...$113. pricee.IJc:. 38&788. DRYWALL TAPING ~~ All tut\&re• aAd CONCUTI DIIVI· cOWitic. Rooa adell· WAYS, SidewalU, llou and rain d.am&Qe. ~. block walla. r .... eetiaut.. levin, ._.u. aU""' bnck. m-~~91~088=-=. ~-­Utt=nd. (114) M2· PLASTIIUNG, ~ 3002. . ~. We do it all. c:a::.-.1 wou ~. &., ..u.. .... ~ ....... pool Ciaytoa, 980-1215. ~Quilty worll at • f!IUOII:&W. pnc=.. Fne "'J••tu, llce~a..d, ~..&. lu11.rect ... PATRlCI'S HOIO B• pair and lap~nta. -· TOlly. e:J8.1481, amo. ILIC1IUC'IAR Geae1al maiftteJI&JICe, cupeotry, electrtc:al, USIDINTIAL I CON-plwabtaq, CODC~te SN· MDClAL -lleclrlc: ~ ud w.tb. llo~trly our tpWialty. Clean, r•*· Ho JO)) 1oo an.U. g\&lck, depeadable. (714) 6416-31'83. We do .. , .. job. Peter S. RodQerl, PADITIMG, PLUNB- p I DiG, eMctrical and ~n-roperty aprove· eral ....,.b. Work CJWir· aaeot, 631-2345. uteed. rr .. eetiiDat. UCUSID ILICTIU· Bob, (714) 83$.2618. ~-0.~-.,~~;;;;;;;;~ QlJalltJ work. Reuou-..--nnut MOaT'S aille rat-. F'i'M eetl· --u _ .. ..,. -...... C..U Tom, 631-e Home Repair !1072. e Remodeling ILECTJUCAI. • Fi:K-It Service PBOII £11!8? Carpentry, plllmbl.nq, Call HCl SefYice Com· electncal, door~ cui pany. We do reeideA· ud 1natallad, mold· ,1 tial, coaa~. in· tno•. c•btnela, shelv- dwltrialwirlaq. No job • LD<J F•uc•'-· 9•~<J<J• 1oo ...U. 34·how •rv· door •pnDQI, IIJ)nnkler aoe liae. (714) 631-5&, sy1tems Fut, eUlc tenl lJc. 415233. •rvtce Lie 8352651 --------JIOUU Qla..JaiiG HOU81CLIAlliNG. eo.,... ho.-c:IMa-............. ~. coadoa. Reuoa.-1• r ..... w. ... ocee. Call alter 4 P·•·. 912-zs:n. DHSC!IU.. HAPPINISS IS HA V • DIG TOO Aor yo\lneU. 1At P ha.ncls. yQt&r c.leubto need.a. We do It aUI In buatn.e.. llace 1975. Tbe Noppetta, 966-1300. CLIANlNG UNLIM-ITED. for excellence In hollMClaanl.nQ, provad- tnq all auppU.. includ· lng v•cuum. Tr\l.t· worthy and dependable. C.U today lor •hmate. 546-3726. TOP BRASS Clean.l.nq S.rvic:•. Houee./apart· m.entalcondoa/rentala. AJfordable ral•. 642- 0190. S.rvtnq Orange Col.lDty. HOUSICLIANING - 12 yMn eapedence. Good r•lerencea. w .. Jrdayw and &tur- daJ. Call in evenmiJI, 543.-6540, Sylvta. LYNN'S WOP 'N BUcrET Cle.anino S.r- vtoe. You m .. tl llp - we elMO It llp! Call LJDJI, 552-7692. On call w .. kly, bt-monthly aAd monthly. •or us Wall·wuhmg. carpet ahampOOin<J (UIIIliJ laaterday abampoo). Sparklinq ahowcaae Window c1M11inc;~, patch l'luteJ'Inq and paintinq. All ph-of hoiiM- clM.ninq. 836-54.29 . DIANE'S HOUSEUEP- ING: Thoro~aqh, open· encad,"lic:eued, bond· ed, reuonable. 964- 9166, eveni.nqa. IIOPSQUAD SprlDg Special FrM window claaned with 1 .. rftldenttallcom- mercl.al clM.Jilnq. 551-9091 CUDICDE Lawo,tr ... Mnhl.ln· atalt..Uon. RototiUtnQ, lrH triamlnq ud re- moval. r,.. eetlaaat•. 646-1578 or 548~. SIEIUIA LMDICAJ'E We reaove oJd qr- and 1-..11 MW tnltanl aod lawn We have BlueCiJr&ll, S.rmuda and Dic:oudra eod. Low Ltc•n••d. UGBTING NALIBU LITES ... paired or tDII411ed Quahty work at • f•u price. Repau, rework, cuatom desiqn1. Anotb· er •rvlce from SPRINK· LER SERVICE, 548- 232.1 LOCICSJIJTH DEADBOL TS IN · STALLED -1" lewlk· set: Sbchnq doors, wm· cfowa secllred. Johnaon's Home S.Cilnty. No 01888. (714) 545-0541 MASONRY WHEEtOC& Ncaoarr/Coacrete Bnck, block, atone, floor ttle. dec:orabve, dal.lnctive llllenon, •• · terion, w.U., plaJiten, paboe. Ral•-... u- ceued, boad.d. r.tl· mat•. 551-1310. WN. H. ANDIRSON W..Onry: B1ock, b.nck, .. one, '-tc•. SNU~. pi.Aten. walla. lnteJ"· lor/extenor r... ... timat... (Lac. 380921) Bonded, lUI.lred. 642- PAJliTDIG: laterlor/ r.t.;or. ~ ...... p..apt, ..... -.vice ln ·-lor 10 ,..,., r-.... ...... (714.) ... -..-. (714)631-7ld COAT OF NArt COL· OilS ~ -lnt•r· ior/..,..fior, eco.ttlcal ceihap. S.rvtq ltvtoe &Dei eunolllldioq .,_. c.n ~-(Lac. 151400) JAI'S PAINTDfG: ln· terior/&.terior, Be.icMD- belJCo•••rc:W. r,.. eetim•••· c.u (714) 545-3131. JDI.CO. PAINTING • bterior • hteriof 18 YMfl. ,,.. ..WUt ... ~·· SPRING PAINTING SPECIAL: Interior/ell· terior •t wuater rat•. OulJty worlr &Dei mater· 1&1 QU&Iallteed. ' ... ..W.at•. fred, 536- 3471. PADCT IAJU)AUSTIIfG Nobody beata IDY price. • R.idenbal • Commerctal •IDduatnal J:xpeuenced patnter YoUDg. 5$1-1131 lt.lt. PAINnNG -ln· tenor/exterior, rMid.e11 · ba.l and commarcw. Fr .. ftlun•••· C..U L. ns-4019. PADnUeG latenor/Ext.ri« • Ouality Work • Reaaonably Pnced ORION PAINTING CO. 531-11ll lnlefiOtlbtenOt ~ouaticol C.llinva Ret.fences • Insured 969e. PAPER HMGOtG HOUSEKEEPING NASONRY OUR SPE-ORCHARD WALL-CIALTY -Tile -Con· COVERlNG E WORKING MOTHERS/ cret• -Block aAd · apert SINGU PARENTS: We atupptnc;~!tnatallation Bnck. Outck, clean, R.uonable rat•. tr .. ca11 help wttb the depend6bla. Peter S •timet•. Rafenncee. hou.wwork and milch Rodqere, Pro-rty lm· C.U Ln.ie, 631-4576. more. Only 4 boun r- every otlwr w .. lt. Same provement, 631-ZWS. WE GALS penon Call be yollrs or WI DO ALL TYPES of SHOULD HANG achadule on.e of Ollr maaonry, bnck or homemabn for only • block. B.nck planten. TOCEIHEI few holll'l, 2 or 3 tim• a brick antrywaya, bnck Wallpaper la .. allehon -k. when you need 11. pabol and lU\lraACe and pA.LDIJ.nQ. Someone to help wath work. 775-6266. •--....~r..a .a7'l7 ba11c cl .. n1ng and _,_.-__,. tboee eJdra chor., •od lr'iiiiii.__..., ___ ,. PR!CtSION WALLPA- be the... when your NA.SONRY WOOD PIR HANGDS. lapert ciUld ooeta home from DALY c raltamantlup, low acbool. PtoJ ... lonal, LemA·~ ,.._, lr.. ..umat ... bondad •taff. Oana'a -.......... can Ul aod .. ve 20"'· Ho~~Mkwpan9 Service, FENCES PATIOS 309i on yow plllChue 750-0820. SPAS DECKS ol wallpaper. Commer· JRTEIUOR/ EXTERJOR DESIGN un'E1U0R DESIGM I ~ lor your per· eonality and budqet. Creative conelllttnQ Unlll\lal lul1lll\lN, wm· dow coverlniJI. bed- dinQ, everythinq! Dia- collDII, tool S.Udra N Sll-SMI 113-1111 cialiR .. ,duuaJ. 642· , ... --~~~~~ 2047. ·--W·,.:.A.,.:.L,...,L:-:P:-:AP:-::-::Ec=:-RIH=::-:-:G~ MIRROR MlRROR BRIAlCS: !nl.arqe rooma, off tee~, whatever! -Wltb JDU· ror. Any wall 8'd2'. l /4 plate, $398 uutalled. A1ao ha.blaho-r en· ckwur•. ud wardrobe doon 531-6300. BIG SALI: NDUlOUD wvdJ-obe doon and lho_, doon. C.U Sun, ~~10. (714) MOVUfG• STORAGE AICNOVJNG P&LDting. R.kienhall commercial. Seandlna· viaJI quality. L&ceneed Hllm•r, 548-7615. WAU. PA.PEIUJfG Lioell.led. ape'*~Ced Profe .. lon•l q11ehty work. ~ diacoUDI OD wall covennqa Fr .. ••limales Da••· 5Q..5117. WALLPAPE.R I PAINT Clean, a-pert work. Low rat.. ,,.. eetJ· -••· len'• Dec:orat-lii<J . (714) 178-5416. AU. PHASI8 of PLAS- TIRlNG: lle·ll\lc:co, telll~UJ89, lllt.riof/ ... terior p4tcbworL ftoom additiooa and c\l.llom ho-r,.. eetuaate. Lie. 388781. John, IMI0-3'78I. SANCH!Z PLUWBIMG -&..v.:ient1&l/Com-r· clal. Specialiamg in copper reptp. &Dei .... pain. Licen•e No. J60991. c.n for , .... •tllllate. 642-3394. to"' orr -ALL LA· BOR. Spec:iallamQ m all ty~ of plumbiD<J O.peod•.ble. replltabl•. ecoaomicaJ LtcenM 337420. Total Pl11-mJ:unq, 951-3548. I-- POOLS! SAUICAS/ BOT TUIS/SPAS ZEE"S POOL SERVICE. Complete m•antenance and rep.ur. hcellent rehable work. Low prtc.. Owner oper· ated. c..u 631·5725. ltEV AN'S POOL SERV. ICE. S..Jdenual/ Apart· menii/Commerctal Acid wuh and ~UI. Honeet and dependable. 548-4037. WIND JA.NNER Pool S.nnce. Qu.hty pool care, ... palfl, supph• aAd eqlllpmant. (714) 960-4689. QOAUTY CommerctaVRemdentta1 12 yMnapeneliC&. REPAill/UNODIUNG We ...ncaa 173-1114 RAILROAD TIES RAILROAD 1US - Good Mlaction of $8 to S14 tiel. r .... dehv•J'J epecw. 2595 LaOilD• <Anyon Road, Laqwaa BNch.4~7S.. REMODELIMG REPLAC! I(ITCHE.N COUNTER TOPS We've popl.llar colora Ill 1tock. A t.o lutchen r•modehnq. r .... •h· ma .... Nooretope, (114) 558-3888. ROOFING ll.AY'S ROOfiNG CO. Servlnq all of Oranqe Couty All typeL rr .. eetim•t•. in.aund. Lie. 361042. All work CJWir· ant..t. 559-9368. IIUHR ROOFING All t~. N-. recover, FIRE PROOfiNG, decb. Lie. 4.11802 541-<.,. ~ ROOFDIGCO. Low rat. oo ~and reJ"ooft.DQ Lie:. 354.25 MI .. FIRE RETARDANT la1enor/l11lerior Aa ahowo on "That'• ln- c,.ruble " Laceued •P· pucator. G .... t w ... em Roohng & Fintproohng. "NentJon ad lor ct.. COWl! " (71.1 731-5141 JANITOJWU. SERVICES QUALITY ROOFING IOJ .... Okl ud-coAIIh'~a Lac:-...d, iDMt,.d ud boodad ... .. ......,;. ev•J.Lab1e Call K.aay fllnke, aay- ''-· S45>0193 ROOFING AU ~. new, old, repe.are, decb, w•ter proolmQ. c.n lob. 541-0719 Lie. Mo. 406022 ROO II ADDJnONS ROON ADDmCNS - lt.ttcben, bathroom•. wet ban, patio&. Naeonry. electncal. Peter S Rodqen, Property lm · prove-t. 631-2345 ROON ADDITlO NS. RI~OD.IUNG . Free eati.al ... 10 )'Mrl ID 0rAn~ CoWity Lie 266810. Slino Corutruc· lion, (714) 953-1607 SECRETARIAL rm liST. lllOit prompt prof~ typ11t IBM 1S •~" ..U your typ· illq needa. R.uonable r•t•. )OAJI, 551-4532 or 559-59150 (m-~). S&YUGRTS SJ:YUGHTS SAVE ENERGY ~ work Qll&raAieed One-day lll•t•ll•taon W•too Coaatrv.ctloa (71.) 913-7737 NIWPOJlT SKY· UGHTS -Q\Wlly l.Q· .. allahon, r .. aonab1e rat•. (:,... •tunal• GuarantMd Refer- enc.s. 631-4576, uk lor Erm.e. SOLAR SOLAR Domes he Hot Water Spaa& Pools WHY PAY SALES commaauoos' Buy ciuec:l O..aqn wles, &oat •ll •t•o n L•c 407992 SPRIIULEBS SPIIIRD.IIl SYSTEMS Aepet.r • Conv•moDI Valves • Con troll CommerctaliR•tcientt •l N&ulteJiaAce .,. .. SPiiNxl.ER RI.PAIRS -Qwallty wo~k •t a tau pnce A~ttomallona, r• paus, rework, c\Uito11:1 ~Qer. SPBIND.D. SIRVICI. 548-2321 JQJTOIUAL SERVICES * CMIIUlC1IUC * • a.ldeatial LAICDSCAPING BBY ANTS LANDSCAP- ING -CompJ• tne •J'VloOe. Lawn ... .DOva- tlon and lrnqAlJoo. Irick, atone. block, concrete, pabo, dnve- waya GwuaAteed, li---------•1 ceo.Md. umued. 536-laperienc«<, prot.· aioul. tow.t ratel, t ... ......... Q\llek, care- tuJ .. moe. PHOTOGRAPHY NOOn PORTJOUO and compo~~~t. Black· &.Dd-wb.lte or color. W..J and Jww _spec: tal. C..U 641-0121. Chat WJ'DII LEE'S COAS1'LINE CLEANING CO. •eo...J'Oial •IDdWihial QuaUty at reuou.ble p~. Lk:.ond .,...er electnci&ll. No. 417114. ... .,. IUCTIICAL CON- TL\C'fOI -Lewil llectdcal Co. Lie. 411168. PtovidlD9 JKIWW aod tioght lor ~. .,.,. ud Ul· dully. 34--lloiU ...-.ice. MZIO'll HOME IMPROVEIIDTS DIP YOUR NAIMTI· MAltCI coat dowo . Ko~aMhold repaha, r-od.hn9. phuablnv. electrical, yard c!MAQP. No job too ..all. Call uytllfte. Leave me1H9e lor o... .... (714) ~3336. ROUSE a.EAIURG 0914 FREE ES1DIA n:S Sod, aprink)er and lhNb uutallation Our work only Joob ape11· live. Check ouJ" pnc• before yoo b\ly. CaD Nark at Uoyd'e OcmleD Shop LK:. ZO.Sl6 c.n 646-7444 J08 MOUAJf£Y •a.a. C.met~tlbrick. rel•nd· acapinQ. tzee removal. wood dec: b . Lk: 26181 ~ ~10 NURSING CARE PRACTICAL NURSE. prof-lonal dill)' ca ... for the c:UMbled, con· valeec:tnq. 119ed and chro1UCallJ ill Kourly or dally rate, U -hollr •rv1ce. C..U Nn Terry, S.S-2937 PAIN'I'IMG ANEIK"Aif PADmMO ID'ICI -Special r& ... loT -.IOfL , ... ..e.La&te. Nib, 835- 781&. PIANO/ORGAN TUMING PIANO TUNJMG Repatnoq. 19CJll}aUng, •pprau•l•. local references DwtQhl r., •. • COWWIRCIAL • INDUSTIIAL eUCJNSI:D • fUIISTDU.TIS • HONIST & Rll.IABLI (71,) 982·7987 1$3-9257 PLASTERING PADn'ING I PADITING ALL PHASIS OF r-------------------------------, PLASTI.RING. Untqu., STE.VE.NS PAINTING F&1Ciwl9 and patntlnq Small toba -.~.corae. ' ff · Su~r tow ..uaa•. lS OOW 0 er101 83&-5429. specials on exterion ~111· PLAITEIJ -1--.1 a .... llCCO, •ed.b.t.u.t-free itenu£CU estimates IA9o laterior, .a.rtor many local referen.ces Uc. i17eS heW. Ia wr.t.c.u~ neat dependable work ROllE l DIPilOYDIEICTS ASIC FOA CHAAUS (71 .. ) 6-4S.ll .. 8 cw S...._..S61 TILE IMSTALLAnOR DYNAMIC -CERANIC, hle lD•••Uatlon, lllleJ'· aor/eztenor, and re- patra Fr.. ..u.mat•. (Pilrchaee all matenal throlliJh me Up to 40"' duc::ounl ) Hoo .. t wort 964-5041 CUSTOM TIU WOIIX! All I~ IJUt.UaiiOM - lpec:l•ltrtn(J ID re· modehnq k1tchen aDd bath ~ worltman- dup. r '" eatuaat• Referenc es Jlon. 831-7'191. ca•NJCnu floon -Collllter Tope -Sho-n. h_peJ't in· ..allabon. Guaranteed work, I .... ~. 54.5-5301 SHOWIB TUB PIOJ.. LENS? w .. olve. Qv.ali- ry ceram.ic Ule t.IUU:Ila- ho n. L1ceued. r .... ..umat•. (714) 821- 6038, 24 boure. (714) 850-0803. TILl INSTALLAnON· For ..U kinda of work N-lredOI. ...... Nb· maJ.. (397687) CaD Mark, (714) 154-6897 c:EIWIIC UNOLEUII Ttle proleaa.aoaally 1111tallad. RM.eOaabw rat ... 17$-$151 TILI&NADU DiSTALLAnoM lllrope6D crdtmaan. Commerc:aaVReaiclen· tw Por tree .......... caU Georq1o, 953-!5115. FOIUGCA OOUWIW To~meu ~­r ... ..waat• MJ..W7 TREES E.XPDT TREE SUV · 1Cil: Tr-and dtNh tnmmLDQ •nd ...moval Yard cle&r~u.p Fr .. .._ tunetft Call 963-5982 'TREES UPERTL Y TIUNNJD and ... mov- ed " alto yard an.d q&JO.n tub R~a­ ble, rehable Call Aot lr.. ..tun•t• Art, 548-7802 WID'S TRD SDV- ICI/LandacapiDCJ: Trw removAl cleAD\Ipl, lraah b•uhnq aad rotottlltnq (714 ) 669-1365 -T1lEE TOPPER Topp1nQ. prunmq, plant 1Mpmq eod, htllmde, haw •w•y CaD Mart ~ ----TREES Topped/removed Claan·llp, 14wo -•a· ~ 7513476 SOUSSAII IIITIR.Ioa& htlq\&e to Mocl,ern u, to 50~ off •II de ll9.n&f labua GuAt· anteed pro leuton•l work Free p&elc-up & dell very (714) 957..0128 R&tJPIIOLSTIIY DUI'IIIIS -Cl.UROal Wo.t. Up to ~ otf material~. ''" ••· ~-So.uth 'Poult. UpMl.tery, Laquna H:iJk .. 9009. fiDIDO ra.a.li \JWeo S.wlca Ht. JIOCII meniOAI6ott OCOUI!Ibt~~ ~on~..._ ·~ • AiflltlcM Ceremo~ Mft ·~Iritis • Sporting E~ •!llawsl~ ·~-.... If'! OllftedS'sa • ..m8 .,.1 W S SPA.RI· UNCI CLIAH -A.-.r· ~ ~ SJ8 (15-17 w .... ). $15 aa.uai· IDW.. kfMDI UlClucMd PhoMeebiDat~-.leaner a.o... 545-3158. C.IIIQE COAIT We*" you wit.la a bnvkter ovtlook Aventqe lloua \30 free Mtunat•-.... 111 1QmOWBWu.:D J.men het. ~ 1· • 2«ory, 130 b•l/coaa•r· ..... WBOUQBTIR~ SECU'U YOGa J~~~C~~Dn watA ~ m.S. or· out_, i.Joa All work 11••••• a~. 1-SZI-!1811. CUSTOMIZED NCREST" COIDO Nearly 1600 sq. ft. of living space make this 3 bdrm 3 both Newport Crest's most outstanding. Owner will consider leu than 10% on and corry for qualified buyer. CALL HOWARD ...aNaERG7U..1221. FR£E COUISEUIG Exchanges. problem solvtng, ob,ectlve ~eting achieves results, residential or m- vestment RE . CALL HOWARD ROSINaiRG 758-1221. Member Notionol Council of bchongen. REDUCED TO SELL. IOWIJ luxurtous Newport Beoch townhouse. 2100 sq. ft. little cosh needed. owner will constder trade of Iorge eqty for yours. Call HOWARD ROS£NaERG 71a.1221 . lEW CUSTOM FREICH IORIIAIDY You must see to believe all this fine workman- ship, ~ br., 3 bo. form. d.r. 3 f.p. oak cob. beouf. tile, choice of corp. Newport Heights for only $385,000. Seller corry lrge. 2nd. This won't lost. aGa OR DOYlE KOOP 71a.1221. IEWPORT CREST COIDO 3 br. 3 bo. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/sJthng • rm, vu, largest model, $210,000. Submtt any offer on terms. aGa OR DOYlE KOOP 7U..1221. IWUIOR RIDGE 5 bt. • bo. game rm. form. dr, highly upgrad- ed, Uolion marble in l.r. d..r. kit f.r. study and f.r. hoa beout. paneling and shutters. Fob. vu 2 lge. potlo diKb. A. must to ... at S859,000 _. 011 DOVIa KOOP 7U..1221. DOVEl S Nom. your Ianna on tha kg • BR, • 8A. Pool Holne W/oceoll view plus Sep. In low qn . $3l5,000 LH. w ith excet ..,.,.,__ .... DOVI.KOOP,_1221- OCEAIFROIT-OCEAIFROIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your pri. res. and live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st a t 11 o/e . 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. aoa OR DOYlE KOOP 71~1221 . LIIDA JSLE TRADE Breathtaking boy vu 2 boot docks, rm for 4 boots up to 7_.. ft. S bts. 6 bo .• game rm .• form d.r., sep. guest wing, pool. Seller corry ht TO or trade ind. or off. bldg. $2,100,000. aoa OR DOYlE KOOP 7&a.1221. HARBOR RIDGE LEASE 4 br 3 bo form. d .r., f.r . study, beoullfully dec. lge decks.. fob. vu. Pn grd. gate. pool and tennis. $2900 mo. Submit oil oHer~ BOB OR DOYlE KOOP 719-1221. IEWPORT CREST CONDO 2 br 2 •;, bo loft highly upgraded ook firs beaut. popers, ocean vu. $98,000 lsi ot 12~o Prtced at $1 70,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP 769-1221 . CAMEO SHORES Fob Ocean ond coostlme vu. 3 br. 3 bo torm d r , f r , study, lge. pool and courtyard prt bchs $895,000 Fee. 808 OR DOYlE KOOP 759-1221. UDO WATERFROIT LEASE 2 br 3 bo. f.r . sec. bldg. Under ground pori!. Approx 26(X) sq. h. Poss. boot doclt fontost c vu $1800 mo BOa OR DOVIE KOOP 7a.-1221. FORECLOSURE HARBOR RIDGE lEW CUSTOM 4 Br. S Ba. f.f. Fantastic sun rm., beau moster ste. w /morble f .p./oceon & city Vu. Huge master bo. W/imported tiles. One of the lrgst lots w/rm for pool ond lrg. ploy orea. Very. very motivated seller. Bring o ny offer. lowest price custom ot J J, WS,oocr. ..ll. S06,800:-;- SJ,.1QG,eoc7., $1,200,000., will trade plus GRT 1stovoil. aGaOIIDOVIIKOOP7a.1221. HAR80R VIEW HILL& Fanatic harbor plua boy v'-ws. from thes 3 8r. Fom. Rm. new carp Po nt, Ltg Poot, 3«),000 l. H. MaOIIOOV.KOOP 7 .. 1221. • BEACH FRO IT -IICOME Seovtews, sunsets, scheduled $.40,CXX> plus yearly •ncome plus 15 yeors wnte oH 2 stones 3 br plus 2 br untts. Guest quarters. F•reploces On the beoch! Steps to surf W tll trode Subm•t' CALL NANCY NICHOLS 75~1221 . ••c•••••n• ... ... A sweet l•"le money moker $65 (XX) Coli MARY LEWIS. 75~1221 OR 631-5963. CUSTOM-VIEW 2 Br 2 Bo. lots of lond, custom butlt retreat $1~.000 Coli BOB BURDI~K. 759-1221. PARKVIEW TOWNHOME J BR 2 ' 1 BA, DBL Gor Iorge pol to neor mo1or shopptng Fwy access very very clean S 106,900 Coli BOB BURDICK 75~ 12 21 . DOVER SHORES Outstond•ng locot•on w vv of oil bock bo. and Fosh•on lslond 4 br 5 bo torm d r pool spo sec system Steol ot $725 000 Fee G•• ftn ovotl BOB OR DOVIE KOOP 75~1221 . NEWPORT HEIGHTS CONDO 3 br 3 bo new custom b t quo ty bh vPQ•_,d ed corp and 1 e pr pot o Be eve •h•s S 155.000 BOB OR DOVIE KOOP 759-1 221. 2bd 2bo Sec Bldg $550,000 75a-1 221 . LIDO PEITHOUSE The ftnest vu ovotl on Newport pool, boot dock IN nouce 808 OR DOYlE KOOP 30 UNITS ASSUME 8Ya LOAN Owner osststed excellent ftnonctngl Over l /2 the opts. ore soon due rent •ncreosesl Presently 9 9X Gtoss Excellent .nvestment botgo.n Hurry, call BOa UCAT A. BROICEII-OWIIIER 7~ 1221 • DESPERATE II COM DUPLEX low down, onty $.25.5.000 ALAJI MIIIIIOil. 7 .. 1221 • 759-1221 From Affordable . VERSAILLES CONDO-NEWPORT Affordable 2 bedroom, 2 both unit w ith fireplace, mirrOf'ed wardrobes ond cheety kit- chen. Guarded gate security plus pool, spo ond gorgeous clubhouse. $139,000. 8LUFFS-8EAUTIFUL PLAN W New appliances, corpetl ond. decOf with rnony mimn. Two-story, 3 bedroom with flexible finoncinsJ. AlTO. lease option Of? $179,500. 631-l«ll. NEAll OCEAN-IIIIWPOIIT 3 bedroom, 2~ baths condo -. . lush greenbelt view. Quiet locotion. Priced to sell today. New hardwood cabinets. built-in library/book shelving. 8ig auumobte loon at 12~ ~ fixed. Vacant, immediate occ:uponcy. $195,500. FILTHY FIXE III The owner soys we con colt it by nomel Mini view 3 bedroom, 2 both. Financing flexible! Submit all ..,msl Drive by 1011 Miromot, Laguna Beoch, and coli for detail$. $193,000. 631-1«)0. CALIF. LIFESTYLE VIEWI This Mclain townhorne overlooks 6th foirwoy of 8ig Canyon golf course. Charming wood,_ beamed walkway traditional style 3 bedroom, 2 level home. Privacy and serenity. Assumable loon. $340,000. SHARP SPYGLAU MTNVIEW Beautiful Newpot1er model w ith ~ bedrooms ond beautiful upgrade&. Skylighb, olrium in dining room, 2 fireplaces, 2 patios, plus fami- ly room. Great fOf outdoor living. Owner will help finance. $.525,000 fee_ NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCKI Two stOty 3 bedrooms. 2YJ baths in o quiet locotlon. GrMn.belt viewa and lowest priced in o waterfront community with boot dock. Good assumable fanoncing. $320,000. IIAL IS. DRASTIC UDUCTIOIIII lmmacukJte and od<woble cottage thors very livable and lovobJel Near oil shopping th•s 2 bedroom plus brick patio is BEST BUY ON ISLAND! $272,500. IIIIW EXCLUSIVE-78 UNITS • • To Affluent . . . NIWPOIIT HCITS ••• POOLJY ARD Super location on great atreet. l.arge lot with ...._, ftow.s and beautiful pool. '-feet fomHy home with 3 bedrooms. low cosh down and owner will cony. Coli for financing detoils $27'9,000. OW leoee Of t.ase/option. leoM $1 ,650 month furnished. .IAUTIFUL MCK UYVIIW. VIEW. VIEW In o privote wooded alcove Cornef in Newport. Custom 4 bedroom, 3 both, fOtmol dining room. fomity room, w ith fireplace and wet bor, view living room, ...creation room with wet bor- Privote pool and spa. Spocloua and lux- urious with hloh beamed ceilings in liv- Ing room. CHIC at 10. 15~ Aft fot 30 yean. with r~ down payment. ,._, .............. GOLF COURSE a IlliTE LIGHT VU Beoutiful decor, new~ ending view, privocy and 1ronqulf seHing inducted with this townhome. Two bedroom plua den ideal for entertaining in utmoat convenience ond out- door lifestyle. Recreation facilities ol pool, spa, tenniL Coli fOf financing detoila. Price reduction! $318,000. 631 -l«ll. CLAUIC COTT AGI-WATEII Jvst In time to enjoy fg, summer on Grand Conal, lolboa Island. ltemoct.led oncf '*ldy to occupy this 2 bedroom. 2 both home. Pfivote potio with fountoio. plus patio on water. Warmth and chorm, gourmet kikhet\, atoined gloss ond su~. Con be added on to. $695,000 f ... Dock for 2 bootl. 673-6900. SHOIIECLIFFS-LOT Ocean, jetty and canyon v....._ Magniflcent buildable lo._.~1 octe. Ftneat location. Will sell with pAons fg, 6,500 ft. home, pool ond IPO and all permiis. Aslc about tetme and subordination. Trade fg, commerc-.. « ln-- duatriol in Orange County. $1 ,3SO,OOO. U YFIIONT -e 81DilOOM8 Unob.truc:ted wide "woterffont" view ~om this apen and lpoCIOUS home with kJrge brick potlo and pier for two 55' yochts. Convenient location and especially Iorge living room, elevated dining room, lor9e bor, family room plua istond ltitthen. H~ rnaaw suite with rncwble fireplace and breo1htoking view of all. A v~ comfortable floor pion w ith o feeling of privacy! $1 ,950.000 includes tond. 631 -l«X). HARIIOR RIDGI- FRIIICH MAIIOII 1tK> degr" Vtf.W of boy, ocean and night lights. Magnificent quality and detoll throughout this 5,100 tq. ft. r~. Formol home with 4 bedrooms, librory. fonnol dining room, immen~e family roam and glomoroua rnaater suite with fireplace, sunct.c*, touna and IPO· l~ve and custom for the par- ticular homeowner, in the best tradition of the louis XIV Manor house. $2.200,000 fee. 631-1«)0. ••• CAPI COD-Cdll I A brand new twa •tory home undw COftltrvc- tton, to there' a time to chooM your colore now. Drive by 314 Marigold ... I'* ahart blocb to Corona del Mtal beat.._ AM qutllity In ttMe 3 .... OOM, famtty tOOitl Oftd fonncill diNng rooM. lMGI \IfNI SUNDlCX. Coli for financ;.; .... ~ ......... 000 .... u.w.u.. .... 100 ~ upgJaded • bedroom, fomity room home Wt• pool ond spa .II IMmaculately molntained. Alnenilie& abound. New applio~. eorpets, aolar energy and complete security system. a&.UFA •2a1,000 Emotional Mttingt Best location with panoramic view~ of lock Boy ond city lights. Dolor .. pion with lovely neutrol <t.cor. Very anxious seller hos mode this 3 bedroom view holM a great buy I IIAYCMST •248,000 . Mew. for your money I Owner will finance with ~ down or lec:.e/option. 3 bedrooms, 2 YJ both ronch home, weft locoted. Expansion paten- tiol. Very clean ond lots of charm. TM aLUf.. •218,800 3 ~oom CormeiUo with private patio overlook- ing putting green ond pool. Very CREATIVE FINANCING and poaalbte teo.. option. Price reduced. .... .,38,800 Don't mlu this exceptional prlcel Cozy 2 bedroom ~it tevel condo. Deck overloc*ing wide greenbelt. Peaceful convenient area. Community pool and shopping nearby. ... CAIIW* t771,000 Oromotic OeOne Town Ho.M overlooking the golf courM In this ~tigioua gote guorded communi- ty. Hi9h ceilings 3 Iorge bedrooms beautifully decorated ond In perf.ct condition. ... CAllY. .7 ... 000 ad.olty located 5 ~oom townhome in p ~ cno. bquil!•ty QPPOinted with mony CUllOm ~ o..Jened for outdoor living with priWie r.pa. '*'d lov.ty dKk overlook!~ the ooH Speclacular New Bedford " bedroom, fomily room, 2 fireploc .. and view from living, kitchen and dining rooms. Voulr.d ceilings. Utility room. Moster suite. Gated community with swimming and tennis foci I Hies. .. Y8LAU .481,000 Marvelous fomity home on quiet and safe cui-de- soc. Five bedrooms plus bonus room with pool and spo. lush low mointenance. Brick trimmed londlcaping. loads of privocy. Owner will con- llder second T. D. CA-0 ~· •481,000 Stunning vt.w of the Pacific. Two bedrooms and a den. btro Iorge lot to odd on. Owner will help finance. F... fee. ..YCILAU .148,000 One of a kind "Mven bedrooms." Gorgeous Southport model. Highly upgraded-wood fiOOf- lng, custom window coverings and built-ins. 9 3149't financing available. Owner will help finance. lowest price Southport on morket-o real buyll HAaMNI VIIW HILU .378,800 Combl~ trees, toilored kJncacope. parklike yard, occented by covered patio and spa with upgrad- ed 3 ~oom home and decorator touches plus great tetrna. and you hove something special. -la¥1111 TIIUIACI .488.000 A light spocious 4 bedroom plus den home w ith pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner will corry with approximately 20% down. Great potentiol for user or inv .. tor. OLD COIIOIIA DIL MAa t20S,OOO Quaint ~ ~ the highway. Two bedroom tpOCioua kikhen, dining oreo. Swedish fireploce If'\ ut low.t prite In Old COM ond ~ flnanc- Thil one won-. aau. HE /\ c H (. "-l,\1 \1 u N ' T I £ ~ .-rr,TTJ" TT;T,r,r0 Spectoculor 3 bedroom home! Gorgeous boy vlewl Newly recnodeled and decorated. All new kitchen. Feeling of openness and space with custom details. Owner assisted financtng. LIDO ISLE •a10,000 Elegant and spocious ltvtng tip of lidol Six bedrooms, 5 both gracious home. Features h1gh beam ceilif9, private courtyard poho w1th new tiled spa. Home butlt on two lots! Owner will help finance. 8AL80A ISLAND .810,000 The home you hove always admired on the Island. One home removed from south boyfront pr1me boy view. Three bedrooms. separate guest room 2 bedroom apartment over 3-cor garage. Owner will help finance. LIDO ISLAND .345,000 lslond living plus investment opportunity. Two bedrooms, Iorge fomtly room on 35 ft. street to street lot. Close to prtvdte beach and tennis courts. Owner purchased another. PENINSULA .248,900 Sharp duplex fully fvrn1shed 8 doors from the sand! Near shops ond restouronts. Pnced below market, low cosh ond seller f1nanctng ovo1loble. See fast. th1s won't lost I LIDO ISLE •745,000 A remoritoble ond truly e legant 4 bt.odroom, 311) both home on extro w1de lot featvrtng ook floors, french doors, 3 fireplaces and perfect deto1ltng. Totally remodeled to perfection. Owner w•ll assist financlngl LIDO ISLE .540,000 Four bedroom and den FAMilY HOME w1th formal dining room. Perfect for gracious entertotn1ng tn 2 golden patios. low down payment and seller will bolonce for 10 larger" bedroom fomily room dining room pool, spo, near pork and achool. A must see for anyone loc*ing for family home. With 20% down we con develop exciting terms that ore hard to duplicate anywhet'e. RANCHO SAN ~QUilt ., .. , 710 Solano model In the Villas tastefully decoro-.d. light and airy 2 bedroom. 2~ both townhome. Potquet entry, tiled otrlum and ottoched double garage. Corefr" living just steps to shopping and bus. Owner will consider 2nd. UNIVIaart PARK TIAMCI t1M,IOO lovely 3 ~oom atunningly decoroted with hordwooct fiOOI'l, Mylight, eye catching decoro1or wollpapen.. Great location neor pool, achoot, ~DINt-a and OUlSTANDINGt REAL ESTATE EXCE IT T. VIUIIIE ... liD 11W • ..._ ciMI ia till Iii· llriM V ..... IIIIJ) t. ... ....., Wll 1M .... *~~ill&> .................. twiCR. CUh•••_. ....... ..... A_...-, .,. f 1 a 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •125-000 WUTCUff ••• Anr.-t• ........ twt ._.. ~ F._..llirrorMw•tu a.... ........ .... ar.y • ,.,._Price,_..-... ••o.ooo. AniiiMI ~ IJJ !" luna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ $121.500 each Real Estate ' LLENCE SINCE 1949 • • • lA& lOA ............ o.1ty 11U1t. T• ._.001111 Ndl ..... r....-. il ....... btmttial -of tit ... to ... dwa T• ~ _. 1K11-. ...._. ;.t-..a frOfloceM...._ Avllillelll " " ' ' I • . • • . • . • • . . . . . . . . . $399,500 UYCIUT ......... ._ ._._ .._ AI ,_ .. a · __ ..., • , ..... fit ,, ,. ... ... 3.000 .................. AAilriMt., h ' 2 2 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $448.500 ~lal ••••. , ... .-y.._ ....... . strllllalll&.fwllflltll ................. ... ...... 0 ....... T112 'gtu ... .... ...... ..., 1·5 111 Vii DiJsl . . . • . . • • . . • . • . . . . . . . . .... $450.000 l•lal •.. It ·Ia ,_, ...._ fM _.,,. • CIIIM bl .... ,. .. ......... $1JI .... '-ilw ..... Fon11161i111~~aC . , • ....__,_.. Aw ...... ., dJ ' 1 I 1 • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $475.000 WUTCUff ••• Eli!lltll .. ••• ..... CeiM*II c.-. .... .., ....... ,..... ... f.m ... ..,. ..... I ~---... lti--..... .......... J£ 3 n. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . *475.000 UllOA" •a ... ,......, •1ipd a.ily craft. ....... .. ..... ...., ..... -...... r.-1 .... r-. Tllnl fi ,. ~-c...nlw ....... 0. ..._ ..... -. Aldllt filii cilt. ~SilJSa 1·5 111 bllllr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $541.500 UCI lAY ... 0.. 2111 1a1 ..tr c.fs:ie ....._ Sia ....... I ........... ftlsm' .... re-.S. ny ..... ..-. ..... ClliiiiiL .... A' ...... nn. c. .... .... C8mll ., ............. ..... CIWt. A ..... lit OJ t' I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t550,000 ... 111111 .......... 20140 ....... -- ... ..,11 1....., Will• ~ ..._ T• car..._ .......... C8 ............... ., ... ooo.. 0(1111 SISti .. 1·5 400 &.ill Sllr.... . .................. $550.000 ....IIIIID ... IIJ ... Tllllrw ',_,,,__. ............ f.m ... ..0 ' t I •si.lta. c ,, ' ,, -..... , .... 1111111 ..... il ..... .... c .. ,._ .......................... .. ...... ..., ....... ,.. ......... ... A ...... "w OS • s ?. • . . . . . . • .. • .. .. . • tsSO.OOO .. , ..... ,._.. ......... .., .. ~~~ I ..,..,a., ..... ... ,...,_ ..... ..,, ,, fwWII ........... ,.. ....... , ... A , At "w 40 ' I 1 • • • • . • . • • • • • • • ... tSIUOO ...... 0.. ....... I '0 .. ........ ., ..... lMtr.., .... f 2 ... _ ~ , .. - t I I I ..0 .... 1 • li(itg" 4 ,., .. .. ...,., .. ll8llf! Nil .. ...... ·~ a a," a · 2 1 ................. em.a SPYSlASS lal ... ,_ .... of -Md • ~ Ill tihlt Wl·l· "SW ... t" ...W, ,., IPI 1M ..... T• w.xt --.0 t .. U11 tf lana .. Witt. A ....... lit W . t I t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850,000 --lWKf 0 • 0 ,_ -M ..... dill .... ~~~ fKt, ,_ .... 72 .... If ... , ............. hdor _, IIIII hcific. ~ *"· ............... Wilrdllf ... ,_ ........... ..,.,.., ...... ...... a.s.us-1·5 1301 Dlflillil r.,.. .................. Sl .oso.ooo IAYIIIIMI ... bbwllaat 110 rn•t· n.is 111 •• ca •• • ...... a ita ......... tM.,.. ..... If Ill -.-,..._ ,_ _. • n. ,..n, Milts of IIIICIW ... .., ......... il • ......, ,ri:' 5 1 .... c li ty. v.y .... -f ;.,. is • 1 ll 0.. yes. dim is • ....... _.._ ............... A....._ lit ¢0 . t I ..............•. $1,250.000 .. .............. ~ o-... tlrrf 0.. -... fnt .... ... n. ... of .... bey • -.udll..._ ,. CIIUILP IIDit .._.. ,. .. Mit ~ ... fM M* I 4 .... .,;,ta ....-n. Sixty flit • till _.,. ............. -.a. .. SILlS& 1·5 115...._ ........................ $1,500.000 ... a1 ... a.-&.IWI T .... FM ..... ..II I T• -.y ilile ..._ f...e .... r-. f..., .... -............. 1...,1 2 s,a•-- il ....... fw • g' -Rllillll & .. ,., ..... laeP. ....... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 .500.000 Ill 1111 . . . ..... M '7 • .._ Riel'· 11i1e ......... ,, ............. ~ .... .. ... CIIMI&,..... .., ......... ,.... ... ~ .......... -... lJIIL ,. -.. ..., ............... 0.. .. ClllliJir t ljllist . ._.......,,.§ 2500 ., ... oa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.150.000 LEASES 115...._............. .... , .• s-r ... 113Wi1Jar ...................... .... 2144 ................ 3... p ias $1,250 ... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4W:I $1.185 ... 405C 2 I Cildl .......... lW:1 I $1 ,150...a 1121 Tt f ·II a.-........ 3W: u a $1.100_. 102Sdata,... ... 237 ......... ,..,._,eoo..- IUIIIEII~ ..... .., ..... a.. ··-........ &n.t .. .... ttl ............... ...... TDAI ca.a...-1115 ............... ss .... . ... yur 1D1. ....... 0 g) ~ .. 11 I II ... .....,,. tu .__~..,a au.~. c.lllalil. ht ........ ••st• . ; btngo RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPeRTY IN NEWPORT MACH Located juat a half a block to the bMch, thla du~Mx has 2 two bedroom '-~Nta. Wlth 20-25% down, owner wUf carry for ftve yews.· $23S,OOO Cal Dftla Hlr..., at ...... .,.. UUER WLL CARRY W1TH 30-21% DOWN Thia Newport Beach duplex on leaN land Ia juat a t.w at• to the beach. LIYa In one, rent the other. AexJble ..._<*era good low lntaraat financing $225.000 Call Oawld Mlrace.ler al .... ,.. ELEGANT IAITBLUFF HOllE Mature trHa and lush landacaplng enhance this already magnificent home with privacy. warmth and a 3 bedroom noorpaan. Seller relocating, will be flextbte. $259.000. Call D••••••puAet ...... ,.. THe COVE OVERLOOKING ••• •OA I8UHD Thia elegant Baytront condo with 2 bedrooms, den "and 2'~ batha features an additional fireplace, vaulted celllnga, hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained glua. $125,000. Cal ...... ,.. ~UARY 18TA1W8 NEAR JOI .. WAYNI d"JJ?ORT This rambling ranch home Ia kSeal for ftrat time ~ or Investors. Needs a little TLC but welt worth ttl large lot Ia ~ tor gardena or pool. Be creative on the flnandng. $16$,000. Cel.lo8Maltaftdllea1.....,70a THE SHORECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable First plus .... will carry a large Second on thla charming home wtth gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors, a large patio, family room. wet bar and wine cooler. In addition, this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home wtth den enjoys use of a private belleh. $650,000 Cal OOrottar ..,....on at .....,70:10 CORONA DEL MAR PLUS A VIEW This outstanding professionally decorated home has spectacular ocean, Bay and night tight views. Located In Irvine T•raoe with pool, complete alarm system. custom BBQ and ..... this 3 bedroom restdence offefs aJf this pN8 assumable and seller financing. $995.000 Call Oorothr ltmpaon at ..... ,.. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Beach condo Is within easy waJking dlatance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller will assist buyer to purchase this 3 bedroom home with beam oetMngs, country kitchen and many other upgrades. $275,000 Celt ....................... 70:10 ILIGANT LIVING IN HAMOR RIDGE Move up to the top with thla custom home with over 5700 ~feat. Enclealteatur• Include a marble floored entry, a rnarbaa flreplaQe, oak Nbrary, muter sutte wtth JacUZZi tub and a team shower, 3 addttlonal bedroom a, a four car garage, ....,..ted wtne room, full MCUrlty aystem. 4 ftr~ and a WhoM lot more. S1.1e5.000 Celltl laceM or ......, Jof41M .. .... ,.. 0 MOnVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI This commercial property on tM oc .. nalde of the Hwy. •n Corona del Mar haa two unlta with parking In rear. Terms available. $750,000 Cal .,... lalara at .....,,_ GREAT VIEW Of MOUHTAINS AND 111G CANYON Hefe'a a warm family home with Iota of thought. Located In the Hwbor Vft home& area. thia Portoftno modet has 4 bedrooms. two flrepla,cea, den, family room, extended bonus room . akyllght, full aecurlty syatem, dual jet Jacuzzi, mirrored wardrobea and much. much moret 1117,500 Call ltephatlte .......... ,.. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Meke tNa Income property vow new summer home with idee~ rental unlta. With ~ doWn, owner wt1 carry at 12%. If you deaWe unita COUkt _..ty become a maid's qual1ef$ or guest house. Ju.t steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces. patio and double garage, poatbilit._ are almost endless. $475,000 Cal Dorottty ................... .,.. GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views ot the ocean. city Hghts and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" modef with 4 bedrooms. 3'h baths, two fireplaces, two large decks. an atrium and excellent assumable low lnter•t financing. $695,000. Cal Ed EecMO or .W, JordM at..._~ GOOD INCOME 1'MtLEX .. CORONA DEL liAR This contemporary Income property wtthtn walking distance of the beach has assumable ftnandng, new carpets, new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395,000 Cal .....,7020 HAMOR RIDGE CREST WITH UPGRADES Try a low dOWn on this 3 bedroom. 2'h bath corner lot home wtth pleasant vtews. easy seller flnancang and amenities ptus $475,000 Call Ed Eec:ano or Judy Jcwdaft at ~7020 PRISTIGIOUI HAMOR RIDGE This spadoua twcury condominium loaded with upgrades has oak hardWood floors, a beautiful marble entry. plush carpehng . large deck overlooking the lake. 2 fireplaces pk!s 4 bedrooms, family room, 3'~ baths and views gaAore. S595.000. Cal ...... 1020. CASAaLANCA MODEL IN HAMOR RIDGE Tht.s gate-guarded community Is the setting tor this 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home with deck. protesalonalland~ng. courtyard entry, high ceUinga, fireplace and lky11ght. Just beautiful! $585,000 Cal .NftJ JofdM or ld I&CMO at ~,_ E EXCEPTIONAL POOL HOME In Newport Heights BEST YEW LOCA~ SpaCious Cope Cod design 'Nith 4 beaooms. 3 baths. and tanly room ~ ameritie$ plus a s tuming \II8W of pcwks and ocean. Asking S590.CXX> Col tOday fOf low down payment lrtormotlon. CLIIFHAV 10000DOWN wtt1LEASE OPTION tNs gorgeous POOL HelME TOTAl montNy lease payment to OJt)f:iy to soles ptlce! OQIIrT mass this~ Spodous 3 beaooms Wlfh tanly room 'Nith Sporish tied ftoclf AlkrO S355.CXX> Three beaoom home, 2 baths. stone ..-. pk:Jce. Adcltklnol 1 beaoom ctomer. Income S975/mon1h Asking $175.500. STUNNNG POOl HOME on lush 114 acre lot. EXPANSIVE 4 bedrooms wtth worm cozy den. Ut In 1975 wtth ct anenmes. Seier may take other property Ol trust deedl Cll part c:l conskieration. Asking $450,000. Cal .. o note from Maury . CDM•2 CIIIITAD SALE 3 bec*ocma.loge lot. Oean. SlSS.OOO. LAGMINALOTS Vlewt ReclJc:ed to $88.500. 1010 w, MacAtttU No 126." CMniOO.O....aOCC 229W.Wisof\No, 13.C.M. -tiO.OOODOMt 313Aitolane.C.M .-&1 n~ ._ 20241 Jomlon. H.t. e.M 10. COAti MAlA. NUel YMO 13711 etympc, C.M. 102~ 5eabf..-.. C.M. 1015 Stonebfoot. CM 2959-"F" ftcien A¥&. CM 152 Ac:rea In Aed IUt. Co 1201 5eablrd. H.l I 19 Quincy, L1. 1631-"J" !Mne. CM 432 ._,AYe .. N:& 21'21~N:a 2l 1-2W 32nd St.. N.t. 405 Joamlne. C dM $74,750 $92.900 $102,000 $109.900 $117,750 $119,500 $129.900 $129.900 $147,9$0 s1a.ooo $1~000 $151,000 $160.000 $165.000 $160.000 $177.950 SIM.500 $192.000 U$5.000 $27~ suo.ooo $212.000 SliO.OOO ,,...,910 (714)137-~ ,.tarm •nKWtOOIO•OAIA "Down In the meadoW" ... The meactow lefts ... .., you 0011~"' In ,... ... deeigl.c:l ~ ~ and I'TIOIItl.• rock hc*X:e home. Thll 2.500 tG tt. ~oom home 11 geat for tarniV affon and en*'<* -'I G The open geen belt net door and~ cu-<:J&- IOC 1ooc111on offilrs l)fMxv ~ the cU» nouse and terns courtl eft necJibV. (U) de Cazo MemberiNp inckJd8d Owner wil COifY $200.000 (3 yean) OwNr II o. ea. 1375.000. JlQ11 VIa Olo. Coto de Colo. "On o dear 00(". vou con ... forevoer ffom ftis 2HX> sq n ~ room~ home. 14. OOI..,ttpCWOiy muctlse ~ nat\la woodl with rtl.w..f'OCk CJC:Ce~lft. two romanftc ~ stained gas ond *""""' add 0 .-cO toud\ OJb de Cazo Merreelsi"C> lrdJded .Mt ..ci ICed ~10.cxx:> 31831 Vb Foilon Coto de Cozo OPEN HOUSE~ a Mon. May 30. Jht 1 to 5 p.m "\~-1'EN'.s? W ..,.... 11 you rocket. this two beaoom hOme wtth ~ v.ew. U*en c:awenofton pt 11w'Q room and cozv ftfec*JOe II an Ideal foro peml01181 It ,_.,~ee 01 tec::crd home Mt o lhcrt jog to VIc flroden'a Terv-G Colege $250.000 23A31 VIa Alondlo. Coto de Colo. "'GNoe me lancl lOTS ~ krd under stony side& ond .,....,... VWtal of mc:u'laft. meadow~ and wide 01*\ IPQ08I mcM thele exoepb a bAdrO lOts o ~ IIUV for row 01 the fVt\68.. 6.000 ~ tt. to 5 a:r-. sn.ooo to $)10.000. Coto de eaz.o TUI_,. 11IAIIOO CAiftOM "'VOAJ .. the TOPS'' 14. 36()0 W.W ~ mcu**-. ...td lfe and M OCJkJ on "* n J*J1 cxre paroel Gf.at area for "*""«Jnch e110ta Two rood occ IIIII Iead to ...a pollOfOitic view podL l/4,... post ~Creek flood on left tide ~ ~ Oc* Corto;on Rood. c:>wr. ... COifY $210.000 (1 yean).$360.000 MtSICM ..... CMYOel "1r\ the CCJrl¥0'\ In the OCII'PIOfl"' Thllla red/tlf CCU\trV IMrO 0 3000 sq ft 3-bec:toom home ~ QUOitv ocn1ruc:1ion with SO'T'Iett'ir o for ~ one In the tarn1y Looolled on 6 ocr. ~ It 11 nelled In the prMx:y of~ tnCJkn .... bet*G 0 MCUittY gale The geuda lrQD 0 Uti c:<lltlll ,._, WOfll ttq). two .... for tact 01 ltaQglt and lob of room tor to-. SG.OOO. 2I6C2 ~u' o Rood. Mace• I ilCan¥on 212 ~OLD CORONA DEL MAR. view 1340.000 0,. s-a, 1·5 611·7300. 379 Beyvtew Ten--. BACK BAY, 2136 Aula. EASl"K.Uf'F ...... pool ...a 1199,900 ~ Slllblrdll, 1·5 611·7300. ,..., ..,__ IIM.50I s .., 1·5 ......... 79 S.. lrh MI. BIG CANYON. vlar $315.000 ~ 1·5 644-9060. _, ••• St.. P£NINSULA. PlllliO. -.. eo , .. ch. 1175.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1-5 673-1152. 2525 ~ Blvd., f5 OIANNEL REEF. 748 VIa lJdo Non1. LIDO, 11.995.000 ow .... view, 1499.000 6t0-5560. Satwdlly 1·5 6M-9060. 615 Vll&a Jkwlta, THE BLUFFS, 1232,500, ()pea s..t.y 1-5 611·7300. 1016 Do.la DrM, WESTa.JFF. ~ ... ~000 0.,.. s ... 1·5 611·7300. 1137 C.C...,.... a-d. BAVCIIEST. $SS5.000 ()pea s..JMon. 1·5 611·7300. 1211 Ki1wt Ro.d. aJFF HAVEN.._ u..ooo 0,. s.tJs-. 1-5 611·7300. . 1651 ....... DIM. EASTSIDE <XlSTA IIIESA. 1159.500 a.aa s.tJs-. 1-6 6Sl·7300. 512Jioddanl...._ CAMEO~ ~ 1199,910 a.-s-.- .... 1·5 611·73110: 1301 DalpWa T ..... IRVIN£ TEIUIACE. ........... 010.000~ ~ 1-5 6.11·7300. IS c..,.. I I ... BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE. ............ ~000~ s •• ..,.a-s 1•••• 311.11 VIa Fllleoa. COTO DE CAZA. 1410.000 S...-Maa. 1-6 511·1655. 137· M36. 111 VIa DtDa. LIDO 1&1..£. 1450.000 0,.. ~1·5611·7300. 111 E.-a ..,, MI.BOA PENINSUlA IM9,500 ap. SM./S... 1·5 611·7300. 11 c.-1 a., DIM. SPYGLASS toU.. .... ,...Yrf I 1655. .. 0p... S... 1·5 611·7300. --·.........--......, ~ ~-'.!.. • • --~ ~ -~ --- Peqe ' LADIES' AND MEN'S TOPS AND SHORTS BEQUE El Sci lADIES' POLO TOPS are ~hort sleeve knu Bnght colors S-M·L R'-'9 $14 & $16 SAVE TO 37~ FAMOUSMA.-ca lADIES' WALKSHORTS •n selected colors and styles Reg. $17 & $19 SAVE TO 47" (Not .a ....... CAllan .... ---.) SPERRY TOPSIDERS MEN'S SHOES st~p m\o. summ(>r \A.-IIh trad111onal boat moccasin styhng 1n c;oft hro~n k>atheT Mt>n\ .,izt><. 7-12 48.99 Ito.-not M'.IW.Ift out.,___ .......... (V~ c-..). a.. ... GNIWC0 .-mAIMD• ...... . c ................ ...... ~ ......... f'leo--.. ............ ~., ....... --- P qe 4 All ~trt MEN'S POLO TOPS m color· ful poly/cotton SILes S-M·l·XL Reg $13 SAVE $3 ~~· MEN'S HIKING SHORTS m twdl \4-Ith h1dden LIP pockets Navv & tan. sw?~ 2H-38 Reg $18 SAVE 4.4" EkA A JUNIOR CAMISOLES "''" ' . . . ... ' '. •''-• ,,,.,, '. "' · .. · "·'1 ' 1\, ,. SAVE l ... l.r' ,, • ' : ' ' l Page 5 All -- SAN FRANCISCO WEB BELTS are cotton with mllbry tnsa budde,lob of colors.l97 One •• Ia ... ~ $3 MVEMS MEN'S BELTS in leather. Dress. casual. and jean styles. sizes 30-40. Entire stock is ~ off! Reg, $7-$15 NOW 4.t7-ll.97 JEN'I WALL£TS are nylon with~ KNen prints. What • ~to fiMhf In brown. navy, tan. ~ $9-$11 lAVE TO t .ts Pege I . AI 97 • -· • •