HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-02 - Newport Harbor Ensign' Is Bed Tax: The Pro And Con See &/ow A Major Airport Victory For City County Actions Res1ricted Se~ &lo w TID NEWPORT INSJGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • :WTH YEAR • NUMBER .. 3 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL Of NEWPORT AND CORO NA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1982 • 25 CENTS ... T T T on rw ...,..., •---- . ,.. --: ,. del War and a.looc;, tile ocean bluff. belore mDql.DQ bilck towucl the finiah, will be "decoratecl" with eome c~ ca.ra. AJ.o, pu- oopaot. ahouldn't be <rMr· come with surpnM If tu aoundtrack of the award· WlDJUDQ b.la. 'Chan<* oi f ire", buecl oo ruonlag, Mreo.ad.s tlaeJD e~a route. Spon..o• oJ the rae:. ill Ala.D Jlypmala'a The Grand (c-... .--~1) by lwt Sima An Innne Co. proposal to develop a pnme 60-acre s1te called the Cutaways overlook· UlCJ Upper Newport Bay LS on ala way through the c1ty planninq process, The EnSJqn bas learn- ed. Under mformal d1scusswn for nearly a decade, the proJect en- VISIOns conatruchon of approx- Imately 150 homes on 55 bluff- top ac res, most w1th spectacular v1ewa, atretc hmq northeastward from the Pac1flc Coast Hlqhway bridqe. A modest commerCtc\1 center perhaps keyed by a restaura nt and UD&1l manoa, IS under study for the remAJDlDQ hve-acre lowland a1te at the mtersechon of Coui ftlghway and DoveY. Bue work ta.. been undeTWay fo• • ~ ol on .. en· vl.fOUJDeDt.l UDpact report co m- •'•kmecl by the city and bemq ~ IDi bJ tM bnu Co., wllh Larry s..i~Un and Co .. of Newport Beach, bandlmg lhlS phase. Confummq the fact the pro- c.-il well alonq, f red Talarico, c1ty envuonmental coordinator and pro)ect planner. aa1d the hnt draft ts expected an about a1x w .. b . In aketcbmq the htStory of Culawaya, TaJauco saad the ct- ty'a 1973 Geoeral Plan ,dealqnated rouqhly halJ the property-from 16th StrHt north-u res•deohal, and the .outham half down to Pac 1bc Coaat Hlghway as recreahon- manne commerc1al lventually, be explamed, General Plan amendments d.ignated the enhre bluffs u low-denmty resJdenhal, and uder ttu. cateqory the lrvme Co. il plannJnq to butld smqla- famUy, detached homes at the rete of four pez acre (C:C.ttaeecl Oil pe9Je 8) County Superv*>r Thomas f R..ley, of Newpo1t Beac h, seek· mq re-~lechon 10 the Flfth Otstnct, c1ted htS reco rd And pledged prOQreas toward solvmq county problems u be led tbr .. c hallenqers toward the baJlot box S..lunq to uMeal the former Maune C orps bnqacLer qeueral are AI Arps, fo rmer S.n Fer- nando mayo r now resJdJnq 1n San Juan Cap1.1trano; Dr Gene Atherton, lo nqhme CIVIC achvut of l..guna Beach ud San (CoDbnu.ci OD p&9e 3) County Mud Get FOr AftY Airport Supenor Court Judqe Bruc e W Sumner banded the Oranqe County Board of Supervtsora a sltnq mq setback late Tue.day wtth 4D o rder they cannot make any chanqea of any lund at John Wayne Atrport w1thout 'a n ade quate En vuonmental Impact Report" The county bad arqued thc\1 a new DR should be reqUHf!d on lv lf 1l sought to proceed w1th tt<~ pr ... nt master plan Sumner's order elaborated c;n an earher decm on lD favor of tbe Clly of Newport Beach. wbtcb bad succ eufully ace u c:ed the county of t.uhnq to provtd~ an adequate EIB when at adopted tis ongtnal m&&ter plan calltnq fo r exteostve aupc)r1 development to handle up to &UI mdlton passenqers a year r urther Sumner fo und that .. , he pr~ent standard of an av•taqe 41 lliqbts a d&y ts the ma.nmum acc.pUlble Wlthout 'lo me plan tn compl.a.nce" wttla htS court's posatJon m tlUs caM lo etJect, Sumner told tbu newspaper the county bas beer: res1ncted from tabng any acta<.n oo ats present auport master pla r. the baaas tor the clly's ouqmal co mpla1nt-, o r aov (Coitti.a.-1 QD 5*J8 8) Up?NewPOJiVo The Newport Beach MuAJCnpa.l Code now ampoMS a Transtent Occupancy Tu-co•moaly ullecl a bed tax-at the rate of sax percent, whtc b 1a paid by • peHOD who occup1es a hotel or moteJ room or rQtal quarlen fo8 30 daya or Jea 11U.a Ll patd at the u .. the 1M for the room or rental •• pa.ad and IrtFAVOR ts p4ssed alonq to the c1ty Measure B on th• June 8 ballot as a propost"d ordtntlnc• "'h' ~ would ancrea" the ~ tax to etqht perc•nt It would qu tnt ,.If,,~, on October 1 Here are arqumenta for and aqamsl the Transtenl Oct:u' AGAINST ThlS propoMd laa lO CrH IS unla.t• and 1a certaJa.ly Wl· -~ •. IN SHORT wat.. CoJon Dt.pJ~ AD ulu.bitioo of water colon by Dorothy JCuoedy la belnv feetia.red li.Dtil JWle 13 lD C.oter- bury loterion' De.i9a Plan shop iD Newport Center. The edUbit wu pzevie..d by .ome 500 vu .. a. includiDQ in- vestment execuuv .. , members of the Younc:~ Precidenta orQa.niza- hOJl, developers and fellow u- t~ll and ~trona, obsezvinQ Canterbury's fourth anniversary. Precious Me tala Con- terence Tbe Sixth lnternahonal Precious Metals Conference will brillQ expert• in the field to the Newport Narnolt, beQUUWlQ next Monday, for hve days of MDUDars, lectures, awards and aocial events. The conference wall include speakers hom Japan England Alld Canada, u well a,s those from many refillmo. uaayinQ, jewelry. fabricatino. electronics a.nd inv .. tment firms in the United States. De18C)ates hom up to 20 different countries have atten'ded IPMI sessions. ·Mother' Tribu te Gladys West Hendricks, in· ~Ant care specialist who bas been involved Wltb the post- ba.pital supervlSion of 825 babies slnce 1948, will be honored by mothers at a rehre- ment luncheon next Saturday. June 5, at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Allend.anQ Wlll be 250 mv1ted vuesll, most of them mothers Hendr1cb assuted. Her book. Ny First 300 Babies, is m its nillth prinhnQ. She Wlll contmue to Qtve lectures. Luncheon ~hairoerson IS Bamb1 Arnold . Beauties O n Parade Cand.adates for the title of Miss Newport will appear in a fashion ahow in Lido Villaqe's cepter at midday next Saturday, June S. This will be the fillal event before the judQl.DQ on Pageant Nic:~bt , June 18, at The Newporter. The annual chanty fund-ratser IS sponsored by the Newport Harbor Jaycees. - CHP 1lid es' N uatcmga The California HlQhway Patrol ia buyinQ .40() Ford Wuatu~ capable of "superior Keelera- tioa and top spHd.e above 120 mU .. u hour," accordtnQ to Capt. John Clements, of the Santa Ana Area whote com- mAild includes thil reQiOJl. "We estimate that rouc:~hly half of CalUomia's exi~ting vehicle population can exceed 110 mph," sa1d Clements. The Mustang will have a fo ur-speed transmission, and heavy-duty police components, and is pnc- ed at $6868.67, said CHP oJ- ftcials. Prat Endorsed The Orange County Lmcoln C lub has sinqled out a Repub- lican pnmary cand1date for endorsement-an act regarded as unusual-lor the ofJace of state supermlendenl of anstruc- tion. Dr. Gene Pral, former cb1ef of stalf for Senator Hayakawa and a former administrator at San Francasco State, announced he bad added the Lmcoln Club's backing to endorsement by the Califorma RepubUcan Assembly and the Mexican-Amence Polihca l Achon Aasoc1ahon. For Teens-And Under Savangs bonds are among the prizes being offered m the Mass California Teen Queen and Lit - tle Miss Calllorma Talent pageants for wh1ch entnes now are bemg sought. Sponsors, who poml out th1s IS not a sw1msu1l or beauty" contest, ask that cand1dates 13 to 19 years old mclude a 100-wo rd essay on "The B1ggest Problem Teenagers Face Today," and also wall be tudged on po1se and personality, appearance and personal presentahon, talent, and scholashc ach1evement and c1v1c anvolvemen I. The event w1U be held at the Inn at The Park m Anahe1m on October 22-23. lnfbrmahon. 864-2979. 0 8 nice liquor store, GALLO 1.5 L 2. 9 CHABLIS BLANC • VIN ROSE 4 HEARTY BURGUNDY -RHINE / » COl.OftY CLASSIC WINES •a.sg /:A ROBERTS. BROWN S1.rt photo by a.trv SloOtn Robert Stapl .. Brown, retired plutics manufacturinq executive reaidinQ on Lido Isle, has been selected to serve on the 19- member, 182-8 OrAilge County Grand Jury. Brown, 64, told The Ensign, "I've always been intereated in pubUc alfairs, and untU now just never had the lime to qet involv- ed. "I'm interested in brinQin9 more efficiency into county c:~overnment, and puttinQ some pnorities on where we spend our money." A former Pasadena resident. Brown said be bas resided here 11 years. His home is at 214 V1a Mentone. He had been nominated by Superior Court Judqe James Cook. The jury will be sworn on July 1. ' Grand juron receive $25 per day for up to three days of ser- vice per week, and are reim- bursed for travel expenses associated with their duties. They are Qiven hee pazkillg at the courthouse. ~~';~;;:~~;~: ««CCC ~ VALUABLECOUPON ~ = ALL BOURBONS • COST PLOS 6% I ~ JACK DANIEL'S. SEAGRAM'S 7. JIM BEA¥-ALL OF 'EM ~ " BLENDS, STRAIGHTS -EVERY ONE " ,. With Th1s Coupon Only EXJW'N 8-7-82 ~ »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»». He ubd tMt boet owaers or d,... plaJlDiDQ to putkipate .-.e.._ their lD._._. &>, ~ODiDQ 41J6.8092. "Speed for olJ boeta ia four lmots," said Per~ehelll. "Boats ahould be dre...d, but it isn't mandatory." A proc:l&maHoD ~ by W.yor J.ckie ~t.h•r eucourao- lnQ parUc\pation d support .aoted that the la1boa Power Squadron is a civilian, non- profit boalinQ ozvaniaation fou.nded in 1940 which is dedicated to education and safe- ty in the operation of motorboats and aailboall. The proclamation alao saluted the public servtce proqranu of the U.S . Coast Guard Auziliary. Pollee Sa y ·Not Us' The Newport BNch Police DepartiM'Dt recently stated that it "il not aJfUiated with the 'MUD.icipal Motorcycle Ofhcers of Californ&a • orqaniution and does not support" recent telephone soltcitinQ whlc h has brouc:~ht some complalDls from memben of the commumty. According to police, the funds are being r&Ised by Anc:~ulo Moms and Assoc1ates of Cypreu to support a fam1ly vu1ety ahow. SUBVERSIVE? Call out the Gestapo. Surround the libraries ... and the parks. Citizens of Newport Beach have actually been found meeting tn a pubhc park 1o furth~r their attempts to save their city from over-development . Councilperson Ruthelyn Plummer ts upset. She wants the .citv attorney to find out if such future meetings can be outlawed After all, folks, the West Newport legislative Alliance must be subvers1ve-otherw1se. why would it be opposing over-development of the Beeco·Banning property? If the city attorney decides that Mariners Park or any other such ctty factlity cannot be us- ed by citizen activist groups, it opens a lot of strange posstbilittes For example. -If more than three persons swim together on the pubhc beach. and all belong to an ac· tivist organization, will the lifeguards have to raise a speceal flag and call them tn on the bullhorn? -Is tt permissible for three or more persons of the same behef to carpool and drtve on the public streets? -What happens if two doubles teams. playmg on a ctty tenms court. engage 1n pohttcal conversation across the net 1 Councilperson Plummer tS quoted as say1ng the West Newport Alliance 1s "'ftg htmg·· the city. Actually, they are fighting FOR the ctty's surv1val Even in Red China, there's a publtc wall where people can express thetr vtews 1n w11t1n9 And in a democracy, it is not only a right. but a personal responstblltty to express poltt1cal opinion. It is becoming clear now why development interests have fought so hard aga1nst havtng parks and open space in our city: They must have been afraid the parks would become hotbeds of clear thinking. P.S. SPON's annual meettng ts Sunday. June 6 from 4 10 6 30 p.m a1 the home of Dr and Mrs. lawrence Klein. 411 Rigel Ctrcle. Newport Beach. Call 646 5914 for tnformal!on . and come if you can. 55 Y11r1 ot c••--J.,*• (1127-1112) THE COSTA M HARBOR LIONS CLUB GIANT Y, 10:30 A.M. lou .. .e;;;i'=ltll-' WtH!Dit.'-U&niNo lith Street. Wtsl to W helm South co 530PM .. e.OOPM 7:30PM e:ooPM .. ..UY,.IU.4 • flsfl Olnnett -st.vt serving Clmlvll """ .. Games open on Not-liMO X·Wotlcfs Largest Noft.~ Marching Band . . llrlwlng (wtnning tleuts must be J)ftstne) IATUIMY • .-1 10:00 AM . . . .. C1m1va1 Aldn & Gimes open 10 30 AM • . . . . • . . • UOnl ,.,.,. ~ullt 12:00 """ . . . . . . .. Filii DWinltl • st.Wtltf'WtO 1:10PM .............. , CMtt E C,_. (11181~) 2 00"' . . . . ,.,.,. A..,. CJl ~1ft Patk) 3'15,....... . • .. . .. . • . . . . . OrlwMt (~*'-.,...be Pttlent) 4: ~~,.. . .. ... ~Je o.a.. (tftlllge) •·oo,.., ................ , .... Dr~ ( ...... .-c~e must be llflllllt) 7.00,.. ............ -...ofCO. .... . ""'LIIMr. C~~~J c• •) ~00,.. .. . . .. . . . ·llrlillftt • ., 1'11 ... ~(~ .......... ,.., '*ZfS• • .rooo • ., •ltlDfS GAAKS • • •IEAUTIES • • •IAIIfS ••••• M~Y OMII MltS ._,.. 1 CGlOII l'i' ~ 10.111 ...., .. ....., .... ., .... ~) ·-_.....II OMs • ,_ ••••• OVfiTAMII!IIl'M AITMCttONS ••••• NY COilrtSl ¥ Cllll ....... _. .............. S .. ,.. Ill AI"' s 1110 .................. ..,, ---· ................ , ••••• Olti.YIUO' 0...1111 UMt wwa ...... l ... ..,. ..,_ w aclllratfllll ,...,... .. ...... AIM& ~.U.Uf1 t I ., c vJ h •• I• in le )( (II Cl hi dl Cl C4 b. b. ju m th de u an h• Be e• tb Pt A D 0 0 0 N. c SJ c of K E, at (C c of ID .. re th of IC tb pi ill p n. only judo•'• Mal up fo r election in the H.Jbor Nunlcape.l Court la beino sought by two lr· viAe reeldeota lo the Tuesday. Jwae 8 election. Judc.re Robert Polia, 40, wu appointed to the Mat by Gov. Jerry Brown in 1979. He la s .. k. ing re-election for a six-year term. Polia aa beano chaUenged by Paul Robbana, 41, an allo•ney and Long Beac h deputy caly pro.pecutor. Robbins and the organazahon Wothera Aoamat Drunk Dnvano (N.A.D.D.) charoed dunno the cam~ign that Pohs aa henaenl an hia •ntenc ano of drunken driven. However, Poha mamtaans has critica hAve cited only a few C&Mt among thousanda he has handled, and hts sentencmg has been about the same as other judgH not bemg crahc 1zed . Their expr-...ons tete YoU who won the California Chili Cook-off which drew 2.000 enthusiasta to U. a.lboe &.y Ouib last week. Kathy and Harry Edgar, of Nonhridge, hold the tdp trophies. Kathy's Cowgirls out--cooked 68 other tNma. Their recipe? Kathv's keeping it a secret. ' St-'f photo bv a.rv Slobtrt F~DI&tdct Robbans has a busmess ad· minialrahon degree from Nor· th ... tern Unaverstly and a law deqree from Southwestern Univeraity. He was a law sch ool instructor for seven yeara and hu been walh the caly of Long Beach prosecutor's ofhce for eight years Gets Petition&' Patda PollS bas been endorsed by the lrvane and Costa Mesa Police Olhcers Auocaahons, Auoc1ahon of Orange C ounty Deputy Shen.ffs, Harbor Court Office of Distract Attorneys, Orange County An-CIO. Orange Qounty chapter of the National Women's Pohhcal Caucua, Supervasor Tom Raley, Sheriff·Coroner Brad Gates, Councilwoman Norma Hertzog of Coata Mesa, Mayor Jac k1e Heather and Mayor Pro· Te m Evelyn Hart of Newport Beach and Mayor Dave Salla of lrvan~ EJec:tion (CODtiaucl hom page 1) Clemente, and Davad Huachler, of Emerald S.y. a former management conaultant an N..pozt Beacll who entered the rMI .. tate field in 1977. ltiley MJd, "Tbe commatment that I made to LDJ~We the quabty oJ W. iD Orange County as on .:hedule, and J am conJadent thai I will be Mlected in the primary elechon to conhnue to insure that quality of lde by pro· per plannino. "We will have achaevable More than 800.000·slonatures oathered statewide m support of the Fau Districhng loihaUve have been turned in to CaWor· naa county reqislrar of voter of· fices throughout the slate. The Orange County Regaatrar of Voters told thts newa~per that 113,919 a1onatures on the pehhons were logged m there Sponsors saad 553,000 vahd saonatures would be requued to qualiJy the mahahve for the ballot, but almost 300,000 more than thas were oathered to m· sure qualifacataons. The Cahforrua Repubhcan Party and Common Cause are sponsors of the mihahve. "Anyone who doubta the en· thusaasm for the Fau Daslucl In· ahalive should be aware more plans for resolvmg the housmo and lransporlahon problema, and will have m!hgated the au· port concerna." Arps, supporhng the cauae of many mobue-bome owners pressed Wllh nsino fees, also baa aa1d he wants to c urlatl develop· menl an the county pend100 more specilic plans for hnanc · ano lr&nJiportation need.. Atherton issued 40 eaght·pofnt p roqram headed by hlS stated aam to seek "a balanced lransporlahon system wath tued. rau transat down the Sanra Ana Freeway , to ... reduce traffic and smog." He also advocated a CA•L KA.CMI. POUHOI" OP CA"l 'I "dTAURANT11 "/ commntdDr. Pet•nonfor lUI CH&LitGJtdi,.. pro6f'CI'JU for «bu:otiJt6 1tlltd.nu ClbCH&t tAe IIKHid of~" 1ltE THRfAD8 THAT HOLD A FMILY 10GE'ntER tA&n 800,000 California voters have a.i9Qed the petitiona," alate Republican Chaazm&n Tir.o del Junco Mid. "In f.act, between the reJerencla on the June ballot (propoe.ihona 10, 11 and 12) and the Fau Diatricting lnltiahve which now will certainly be on the November b.llot, more than 1,700,000 CalUonua votera agreed they want rediatnch.no done by 10meone other than the Leoi.aletwe." Del Junco r ... rred to the Fau Dialrictino Initiative's plan whach call.a for a 10-member commiuaon choaen by both par- ty's caucuaea, the chauman of both alate parlaes, and by the senaor pzesidino )Uiticea of the alate court of appeala to do reapportionment beginnmg in 1983. regaonal a.&rporl "an the hagh desert, wath h1gh -speed vacuum tu.bea to tranaport lravelen" bom Los AngelH and Orange County. Hirachler hated hO\lSlDO u ba ma)Or concern, and called Riley a Socialiat 6o• lo.teriDq .._ Ill· chwonary &ODing whtch re· quiree bWJden to make low--coal houla9 • put of their overall pacar..q ... HU.:h.l.r aJao auooateci that the Warine Corps "Lighter· Than-Au field at Tuahn could poaibJy be converted to a short haul airport Wllboul tm~ctmg anyone". T :-i ~ ~ ;.. ;, ~ ~ ll ~.r:.~ . .:) A n... bed Jl ..... t!a.al d.e ~­ .... ecoeo.y a. clepriwiA9 ~MP•Ii.De ccmuacton of work. TIM 9QOd Dewt iJ th•t thia ~ btcMQht ach coapet t OD lb. d · ty ... able to obtain • b&d lor a aujor job 38 perceot below t~ pe.&bbc worb deparlme11t'• eetlaale. A.. a r..Wt, however, eo-.. Corona del Mar reaiden .. aDd travelera may ellJ)eCt .ome iD· convenience through much of tbe au.aaer. A $229,225 contract to repl.ce 4,600 hneal f .. t of water IIWn and inatall a 12-i.Dch· diameter lranamiMlOD. ID&lD WU approved by City CO\lncU 1ut week. Thta project, expected to tau until the end of Auqu.at, will lD· volve uc.vati.Dq a.lono Fifth Avenue f-rom Poppy Avenue w..t to Goldenrod, &nd up both Poppy and Huel Avenue, hom Pacifac Cout Highway to Fifth Avenue. For City ''Tbe ltanam•aoo IDAlD will amprcwe do...,ac water Mrvace and provad. iDcreued presaure &Ad rela&bility for me protee· hOD," said a report from Publac Woru OU.Ctor Ben Nolan. He laid the water IDaiJ1 replacement Newport leach may soon ea· pact neighbor Co.ta Wesa to provide .ome incr.uc;:l com peWion for the tourilt dollar X.n Fowler, p.r•ulent of the C<MM W... Chamber of Com merce, hM .obcited aupporl from b.ia buai.n .. com..mundy fo r a viaitor and travel bur .. u w1uch "will be at&lleci wllh an experienced m.a.rketJ.ng person to develop a complete Mrvace bw .. u ". The chamber "baa embarked OJl a new a.mbihou.a proqram to develop incl'.....d retau aales aa part oJ the contmULDg pro- oram to upqr.tde deteraorahng fActuh .. an the City E.!gbt .. n brma t»d on the JOb, wb tcb hAd been •IUD&ted to co.t $360,000. Htoh"t bad wu $346,605.25 throuoh amphfy1no the travelino public'• awareneaa of Coeta Mesa u a vaatlor and tour.-ta' deshnahon," he wrote m a letter Circulated recently "Marketano thaa deatanallon cannot be accomplaahed by an tnd1v1dual buatn ... ," he added, "but muat be an eHorl of aU LD· terested busrn ..... an acqwnng thear faa share of the tounat and travel market " Has letter noted "thas ts not a requeal for money at lbts hme but a letter of antenl for budoetanq purposes " Until his death tn 1!8>, hardware dealer AI Forglt published a w eekly personal opmeon ad in The Ensign. A book of the ada will soon b& published. In anuctpatton o f that, A l's w•dow Peg is reprinting some of the ada. This one first appeared in April o f 1976 WANDERING AMERICAN A. t"low stopped bv the store the ott. day and struck up a conversatiOn that really had the place buzzing. Seems he had done a heck of a lot of wandereng en the past year or tw o and he had qutte a aory to tell. Here it ia: "I'm not gonna tefl you where I came from, because et's not 1mponant But I am a nat1ve bom Amerecan cmzen and I always teh thtS was my country Even wenr to war for 11 once upon a time, wtme the sons of the politJCtans, bureaucrats and other arestocrats were gotng to college Seetng aa how they told them this IS the land of rhe free t dec•ded to take my hard-earned sav•ngs and buy me a hOme of my own and settle dow n "Now thete are a lot of n.ce places in Catitomta. so I started toolunq over rile srate for a good spot S topped 10 a p&ace caned Petaluma. but a guy met me dt the ce•y hrn11s and said. ·sorry buddy. but we only tue 500 new ones a year and you 'f' nwnbee 501 so I moved on "Traveled over to Fresno ~ found out they had a quota system too sn t chmbed back m my van and moved on toward the mountains I hgured there's plenty of room up rn the hells, but I found our that, 1n some of the mcer places I go• chdsed off bec.atiSf' tht>v lhought I was a sluer. and. en o thers like Mammoth. there wasn't anv room IE'ft to pu• up d cabm "Well. I headed for good old Orange County because I had heard ltldt freedom <..1111 ex rsred among the flag-wavers Pulled my van 1nto Newport one day ctnd. bnv wllar ,, stmck 1 The Coastal CommrSSIQn wouldn't let me bueld a house. I cnuldn't sleel) o n 111e beach rt•e CIIY w ouldn't let me sleep in my van. and -here's the fmat 1nsul! I had ''' qr • all •ltp wav ' ' Costa Mesa to hnd a pubhc toelet "I was begmn1ng to get the mesage 'To hell w1th ttus cou,•rv 1 1t ••rt rnv~t.·ll Ill '' ",._ elsewhere · "Well, Sll I tried Meluco and found oue that A.merecans are I'O' dllnwPd '' •wn prHPf'' v down there Went to IStael. but <kscoveted I wasn't Jew e$l1 enouqh ''' stav Tned snn>e Arab countrHtS, and found out I looked TOO Jewesh to remam there In Atnca I wa5 called a blue eyed devtl and in Asia a ~eng tmpenaitst "I was getttng prelly SOfa-headed by thtS tme Hand'· shavf"d t il bathed ,,... months and I was runnenq out of money THat httle nest·egg for mv dteam hnm~ • oo ~a•t>O I ~-tad even lost my passport "Su I got aboafd a tramp steamet headed for l os Angeles anc1 •nan.JQt~ ,,, sr~Palt. o" the cus1oms people But I gol pteked up bef01e I gor very far These quvs qrcJbbed me anr1 talked to me for awhele I'll tell you. I was pretty scared Fmally thf'v s•ane.1 flllllpmq up a nd down and cheereng 'He's a displaced person ' one of ehem screamed A c1ts.tdvd"'d<!t"'<1 ,,, mtgtant echoed another 'He's an ahen-a man wothout a hnrnf' ''••·v Jll sh•u·<>rl ""'''' qlee "Ever smce that dcty I t1ave been treated hke a k1n4 I hdve bE-t>•• ""''''' It'd t.lwtH•cl •ve• by the church groups, ridden •n a convertible en a parade been on TV The UllY recJIIy looked happy He seemed to feel tlla• a1 lonq ··•~· ''' t.,Ht f, •U• ·•1 ,, """'~-' 111 Amereca "Hey."' he said as he starte<:l to leave. "can 1 use your tt>StrocHll' Tt.t•rt• .toe "''" swn f thmgs that haven't changed-at least en Newport ·· To reserve your copy of the book "Fearless Forget." fell out the coupon and m arl to Peg Forgtt. 2205 W Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach CA 92663 NAME ADDRESS Our Ballot Recommendations Heie ue this newspaper's ballot recommendations in nut Tu..ciay's election= PROPOSJTON 1 (~>Non Construction) PROPOSmON 2 (President of Senate) PROPOSITION 3 (Property Tu Change) PROPOSinON 4 (Tougher Bail) PROPOSITONS 5,6 (lUlls Inheritance Tax) PROPOSmON 1 (Income Tu Indexing) PROPOSmON 8 (Criminal Justice) PROPOSITION 9 (Peripheral Canal) PROPOSITIONS 10, 11,12 (Reapportionment) For the Fifth District seat on the Orange County Board oJ Supervisors, we enclone the re-election of THOMAS RILEY . YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES For Hubor Municipal Court Office No. 1, we endorse the election oJ JUDGIIOBIRT POUS. luues to be decided in this election will aJfect the daily lives of people in this city for years to come. This is particularly true of such issues as the peripheral canal, tu indexing, and the propositions dealing with crime and punishment. We urge every registered voter to make definite plans to vote and help make these critical decisions . Beware That Last Word It ia an inescapable fact of political We that, as balloting time draws nigh, the desire to reach or retain oU1ce 80metimes gets the better of good judgment. It is understandable that an individual caught up m the frenzy, the rumor and the longing for power gets emotional about all this. And we lcnow that emotion can usurp reason; just review a week of pleas in felony court. So it is time to warn again, as this paper tries to do each election time, of the last-minute smear, the deadline attack, the attempt to have the final word; often one of accusation. The tactic lS a familiar one, but thanks to the sense of reaponsibility among aoet puJWc media this has become lea successful than in yean put. Unfortunately, that most popular of the nahon's mail recipients, "Occupant", still remains a target of the final onalaught. Timing, so often the essence oJ success, ia not overlooked by the campaign duectors. Some make a profession out of unleashing what amounts to a Oaah Uood of mail in the final moments, hoping that the opposition 1s not 1n the process of bluntmg such attacks with a like torrent. So be prepared, as you open those letters for the next few days, that a strong dose of skephcism should be taken with every political statement-particularly, those which seek to make a rival oUice-seeker resemble a =ross between Ghengia Khan and Captain Hoole U you haven't made your cho1ces by now, keep trymg to thmk clearly. BRS Where To Write Your R~tives folloW1D9 are the •ddr- ku c;rcwenuaeot.l repr...al•· b._ .. ,.m9 Ca.t• W.... UNJTID STATES SDfATE At.a Crarutoa 10960 Wu.a!u,. IPd Room 920 Loa A11~t. C A 10024 (213) 824 ~~ S I H.yak<t•• 523 W 6th Sc S\ute 112 Lo~ Anqelea CA 90014 (21])-IQIJ UJfJTtD STATES CONG RESS Robert Badh•m 180 ... wport C•n•f'r Onvf' Sutlf' 240 N•wporl B..ch C A ':!.2ti60 STATl ASSEMBLY Manan Ber9eson 74th Dl•tuct 833 Dover Drtv•. N.wporl S..Ch CA ~ 6313174 STATI SDIATI Jolla G Sd•.ta, liUI O..uct, .., c-,p .. Dr . ~11 IMclll, CA 92MO, 119o-II'JO 80A.U> 01 SUPOVlSORS n.o-.. J ~.&ley, Due net 5, H..lJ ol AdaUlJIIIJ&'"-10 Ct~nC C..ter Piau. s-t. A.A. CA 12701, a.JS!O em COUNCil. W.,Or ud Ctty Cownct.l, .,.wpor1 Beach Ctty Halt 3300 N~rt Blvd fMwport Beach. C A 92660 SCHOOL DtSTIUCT N.wpor1 w-Uauta.cl Sclllool Du •net. 1601 16da 54 . H.-port le.ch. CA 92663 7f0..3200 m1 E Co.& Hwy , Ccnoea del War. CA taGS-ggao IUC'HAJII) lltOIIMD 80aPAYSOH STIVI RADUHD aunSDcS LILAXD fOUND E.I.IDIPSON K*WRJTI WA8CUS IBn CIUISTOPRD L T11CH l-"lohT Sr f •l iN SH v• C'ANCIAH ALAJI M SCHOrr ~· Cop~ GeeetaJ~ . • • ldtio• . A-odaleldilot Aclvetti.lio4 Dvector &.1&11 Adv•rt _, ~~ ~~n.n •• , • , P'l\ntoqr l)llera .•• ProductlOe ........,., ,....._,_,u .. ,_,.,. _ _,,....... .... _.,_...c~ ... ..... ..... ,.,..... .... 14 "'' -............ • _.... • :IIIJII Ia ...... c.. .. ........ o.-.. o.-....... ... .. _ ........................ .. ,..... __ _,...,,_ ~ ....................... __.. .... ~ .. ._.. ................... .. ......,._ .... .,.. 't' ·--t tt..-. ... ... ,.._ Letters To The Editor Show The Flag To the Ed1tor· I walked mlo a local druo store the other day and there were rows of American Oags hoed up on a shelf. It gave me a funny feehnq. I re&lized those flaos were put out early for MemonaJ Day, Flag Day and the 4th of July and the funny feehn9 turned mto one of uclneas, kind of a gu1hy feehng. The longer I slood there and looked at the row of flags, I reahzed 11 was Lake lovtnQ some· o ne bul never laki.ng the hme to show 1t e xcept for specaal occa· saons, or untal tl's ~ late! WeU, I hat dtd 11 . I'm putt~g my Oag up now and I am 90in9 to keep my flao up post Wemon&l Day, post Flag Day and post the 4th of Julyl I am gomo to 1• my Oa9 know she's grand and I am n~v~r gomg to take her for oranted agarn. I read my news· papers, I Iuten to the medta and I don't really know what they are trytng lo do to our country, but I wash every Chamber of Com- me rce an the U.S. would take up lhe adea and , ''Go for at" gel those flags flymg all over the p lace Kate Sm1th-where are you now? One more hme . . . loud and clear . "GOD BLESS AMERICA " Joan L. Sw1s her Corona del M.r Thanks to Irvine Co. To the Edator: Cunenlly en)oying the op- portunaty for mtense mvolve- ment wttb Ora.nge C ountY• per· lormmg arls o rgamuhoDJ, I share watb them a orave concern lor I be poteotaal effects ot the drastac c uts m st•t• and fedeTal support. Recenlly, however, local mus1c lovers have b&d c ause loT consaderable en- couJ'•oement. One of Oranqe County's lead1n9 supporten of I he arb, the lrvme Co., not only has delennaned to do als share an replacm9 some of those foreqone publac funds, bul hcU done .a an • refnsbln9 ud ex- ephonally prom11a.n9 way. Performin9 orqui.ultona &eldom recover more lh.o 40 percent for tbeu total oper•la.no costs •t the boa office. 1\a bel•nce of lhaar auJYava.l h1nvea upon pnv•te and piablic con· tribut oas aad cpula. But wher ... web conlribUhoaa oener•lly •r• •*rbed aalo tlae · conh•uaoo eq~eaa. Of aa or9antuhon. the1rvin• Co. hat o pted lo auume •ll unUa.lly c r .. hve role by underwnhn9 • specafac concert-an tbil event the monument•l WlWe Sol.mn" of Beethoven, perfori~Met by lbe Pae1t.c Chorale oo W.y 22 in the cav.e •ud.ilon .. •• ••t• ~n• ~h School. IUr_.tf IMthO¥H ht~DMif WooW u" rehah4Kt lhaa lund of ~. lor tM ....,erworb u4 IMI ere DMf., e.I1Nyw re 0LJ!11111 C II d eaa ~-_..., ,... .--.. at • ,........ ,.. .-.a.ap::;• cost of the Massa Solemnts soon may come to rely pnmanly on underwnlln9 ~;uch as lhts-at least tf hc lcet pnces are lo be kepi w1then lhe range of typtcal con cert·ooers and tl seraous musac IS to attract new au· d1ences, suc h as our youth and the county's less advanlaged populallons A1 p resadent and c hatrman of lbe Pe rformtng Arts Assoctal&on of Orange County sponsors of the Pac tl1c C horale, I wanl to ac knowledge lhe generoslly and o ragmahty of the lrvtne Co 10 setzang upon thl5 opportumly Truly tl as a g tlt to the enltre cornmuruty, for 11 enables lh1s uadahon of the hnest an c horale mua1c to be walbtn reach of vtr- tually any O range Counly lam•· ly James E Duonmg Newporl Beac h Chief•a View On 8 To the Ed1tor Correct mformalton 1s bas1c to mtellagent dec1s1on mak1ng However, your edtlonal com - ments on Proposthons 4 and 8, appeanng 10 the May 19th 1ssue, may c re.ste confuston tn lhe nunds of your readers Your comments on Proposahon 4 are accurate However, your comments on Proposthon 8 are mcorrect tn statmg thai law en- forcement doe• not support 11 The Cahfornaa Peace Offacers Aaoca•hon fully supports Prop 8 {V1chm's Ball o f Ru1hts) Th1s u the only v1able measure o ffenng the protecllons that the public atself desues It conta.ans prova· saona for chan<J• by lhe lec;rtJl•hue Tb1s, combmed w11h other techmcaJ provtJJons, pro· videa an opportunaly for desued Improvement and necessary modaJ1cahon . co Dear Con,umer IA.9ue: I MDI for two beauhful &nc;Jela for my Cbraatm&a "" lut year. Th ... anc;Jelt were JUSt QOOOroao\lSI And $6.GS 8Hmed like a 9r .. t prac.. So I Mnt my check for $13.90 The firm sent two ChrtttlllU deco r•hon.a all ri9bl, but not the an9ela I o•itered. Theu nola uld that they wne out of anoels 10 they Met Mnt • eub!lt1luhon J d1dn't Hb tb.e lubahtuhon 10 1 Mnt • tlwtm beck. The hrm aenl me • check for $6.85. I uve ,nillen tWlC8 tmn9 to ... Uae r..t Olay -.oaey.,...., .. f ...... ...,.,., ., lettera. ...f ,. w1lJ •lkiw ..... ... ... ,... •. _, .• .., .. .r ·••.....,.to ..-.•J .... ., ...... I .... J lJ the people of thas stale want lo make an unprovement 10 the safety of thetr communalles, Prop 8 oUers a start. From there they can asstsl tbear lega1lators an makmg appropnate modahca· llons alter adoption. Charle1 R. G ross Chief of Pohce Color It Grateful To the Edtlor: As we wmd down from lhe pleasant pressures of prepara· hon and exec uhon of thas year's. 1982, Color It O range Juned Student Art exhabtl we agam reahze how deeply mdebled we are to so many glor1ous donors You are one Wtlho ut adequate news coverage, we could not exast Wtth pubhcaly such as you af· forded us, we prospered The cooperahon we recetved lh ts year let us bask an lhe san of success Wtth great apprectataon Carol MacDougall Des1gntng Women Laguna Beac h Hummel Draws Flre To the Editor: I am absolutely o u,ra9ed by the anhca oJ CouncUman Paul Hummel m puttmq Allan Beak's name up fo r another term as plannin9 comnu.uaoner. Com· m1ssioner Seek did nol tbrnk enouoh about the pociUon to We for the seat Wltbm the dead- lane-even thouoh at was lor WI· tng the •at that he wu vacabn9! His name dJd not 90 lhrou9b revular c hannels u all the other applicants dtd and be dtd not come lhrouoh the nomina1tn9 commattee. Allan Beak is a stickle r for rules but obviou..aly not when it becomes inconven· 1ent fo r bam. Rose Wematem JOURNAUsrs JOURNAL ,by Jim Felton The other day we jomed over 400 of Bob Hemmings' fnends allendan9 a celebration m Pasadena as Bob rece1ved the S.lvahon Army's highesl award for community servace-the "Others Award." As a founding partner of Sm1th & Hemmmqs, the direct maal farm, Bob ts well known throughout Orange County. His many public servtce anvolvements anclude the Pasadena Tou rnament of Roses and an recent years be has had muc h to do with the selechon of the Rose Queen and her court And who graced one of the tables in the crowded banquet hall? Fourteen of the lovehesl young lad1es, queens and pnncesses of the Tournament of Roses fo r lhe past two years The "Others Award" as denv ad from the answer gaven by Wal ham Booth, founder of the Salvahon Army, when he was asked to desc nbe the role and nussaon of the Army 10 one word, and be sa.ad "others." Helpm9 and servang "others" I!> also what Bob Hemmmgs has d one most of lus adult l&fe-m Rotary, adverhsmg, youth groups, c hurch, the Salvahon Army and the Tournament of Roses. But ampresstve as the tnbules to Hemmings were, the presence of the Rose queens and pnncesses added a luster wo rth nollng These braght h19h school and )un1or colleqe students we re fresh and radaant and outgoang-squealm9 and ap· p)audmg whenever someone saad somelhin9 ruce about Hem· mmgs. What a deh9btfuJ depar lure from the menacmo . mean and morbid models used m some h19h fashaon televasaon adverhaements these days For some wh1le I've been per· sonally annoyed by these dopey 1nck c h1cks. And on the same day I saluted Hemmangs, I p1clc· ed up an old copy of the New Yorlcer an a doctor's office-Nov 16 of last year-and found ttus notahon m Talk of the Town . "Browsaog through some re· cent 1ssues of the Sunday Times Mogozme, we we re happy to see that among both the ma.le and the female models the propor· hon of smiling ones to menacanq ones i.a on the rae. The Mx c heetah wtlh the surly mouth (and the romance of a 9lacaer), the macho hulk in bunting boots (wh01e only quarry as the reader) are g1vmo way to whal look hke ordmary people havmq a oood time. "W•rmed by Ibis new trend, we were atartled by a brochure that arrived in the rruul from some place called FBS, m New Rochelle. An •11-fashion aftair- men'a clothin9 and women'a-ats 48-paoe thtowaway hu the disllnchon oJ not \1S.in9 a lin9le model wbo'a unambiquou.aly •milin9. On peo• 5, the 9ho.t of • orin Bickert, but barely. The renlt1n9 radiance hu the force of beck9rou.nd muaic ln an elevator. A amuk lUUJnUlates pa9e 27, and the mer"t begann 1n9 of • aneer appean on pa9e 35. "FIS, pl .... t Are t.h ... , .. uy 'Holiday Deti9bt1' M your cover enllcin9ly prodaimt? Wbat a hohdayl Ou..Uona: Ia ad,ertla- lno bolchno a IDlnor up to nature or merely invenlin9 a version of U1 o wn? Ia ortmnesa auppoeed lo IN9081t in· telli9ence, a childiah pout MX e_pS)Ml? And 11 etther o.na the d•lred loOk 1D batMc:u pUa acroea U.e &alld? U 10. 1M're fly . Ua9 OVI of tM COUDlfJ tk.lbl eft•t tM a..t harby Viblet ._.. hHta a..ourect." A .... It'• .a .. .o ... oa alae cUfttl aacl Mw~ ~ ........................ ..., ........... ., .... .., ·---IIIII at .............. .,. ............ _ ... ,. ........... oaty • Bentley, Rau Switch Top Posts With The Center D James Bentley, fo under of Bentle y Laboratoues, h.u been elected presadent and chaef ex- ecuhve offacer of the Orange County Performanc~ A rts Center John M. Rau, presadent and CEO of David l ndustnes, has been elec ted c ha11man of the board . Bentley was fo rmerly chatrman and Rau presadenl clod CEO Pac ked to serve one-year terms an the lo llo wang offac es, durang the boc1 rd's annual elec- hon meellng , he ld Apnl 27, at the Weslm South Coast Plaza Ho tel, he re, are Wallaam S Lund, e xecutive v1ce pres1dent, Edward C Sebek, vace presa dent, ftna nce, Rc1 ymond L Wel t· son v1ce presadenl. facahlaes Mrs Edward W Schumache r v1ce presadent , 1>pec1a1 events, Mrs Rac ha rd H Spooner, vace prestdent, membe rshap, and Mrs Glen E Sllllwe ll, sec retary Mrs. Maurace F. Mulville and Mrs Stephen M Pauley are the only new faces on the 36 -per.an board Elected by the member- ship to conhnue on the board mcludes: Stewart S Case, George H. Mohr, A Vancent Jorgensen, Mrs W1lham D. Red- held, Mrs. Spooner, Mrs ShllweU, Timothy L. Strader and Mrs. Norma Hertzog Mrs. Mulv1lle has been actave an Orange County cultural and c av1c affatrs for more than 35 years. Her current act1vataes an · elude: the Pac1hc Symphony Assoc1ahon, St Jude Advasory Board; and the Sonata Chapter. the Gualds of the Orange Coun· ty Performmg Arts Center Mrs . Pauley 1s a foundtng member of the board for the Laguna Beach Summer Mus1c f'eshvaJ; adviSOry cornm1ttee, Saddleback College Student Chamber Musac Sympos1um. Chopm Chapter, the Gu1lds, the Center; and the C oast Gu1ld Pac1fac Symphony Assoc1allon c POPCORN & LEMONADE Kendricks Tell Engagement Mu Patnc1a Sutton Kendnc k of Newport Beech. and Dr f'ranlc Erwm Kendnck of Anahe1m have announced the engagement of the&r daughter Elizabeth Ann to Edward Drew Penfield, son of Mr and Mrs Hayes Penfteld of C oncord, Mass M1ss Kendnc lc was presented at the 1977 National Chanty League, Newport Chapter Debutante Ball. She as a graduate of Smath Co llege 10 No rthampton, Mass .. and IS at- tendmg USC School of Med1c an e He r father as chtef pathologiSt dl Anaheam Memo nal Hospatal The bndegroom graduated ELIZABETH ANN KENDRICK. EDWARD PENFIELD from Rensselaer polytechnac ln- shtute, Troy, N Y , wath an MBA, BS an management eng1neenng He was afhlaated wath Tau Kapp4 Epsalon fcaterna· ty He as a senao r produch on enq10eeer w11h Hughes Aarc ralt Co an El Segundo Has father 1s an electncal enganeer on the Harvard Un1versaty fa culty Corona del Mar PTA Installs Officers The C orona del Mar H1gh School PTA has held 11s anstalla- llo n luncheon at the horne of Marc ta Marlyn The olf1cers for the 1982·83 school year are JoAnn Rogers, presadent, Belly Jo Bailey, first v1ce presadent; Sally Schroeder, second vace pres1dent, Sue Mor- •n s, second vace prestdent, C laare Wesner and Charler.e Rteder, v1ce presadent. Ways and Means, Alanna Psomas , recordang secretary, Rhea Dorn, cor respond1ng secretary, Manon Harney, treasurer; Dee Ed- CAL'S SE The Newport Ensign W~. J\lfte 2. Ita PopS Hadassah Sets Jnstalation Mn Bentt Green wall be an .t•lled u prestdent ot the Newport Beach c hapter of H.duaah at the &hta Conn ltuan Y acbt Club at 11 30 • m nea1 Werdnesday, Ju_ne 9 Other 1982-83 ofhcers who will be mstalled anclude Landa Hanlun, v1ce preeadent, educa hon; Clance Anschel , vace pres1dent, membership, Barbara Gordon, program, Dorothy R1vm, treasu1er, flo rence H1Uer, hnanc 1al sec retary, An1td Berg, recordtng secretary, Jeanne Zlolntck, correspond1nq secretary, and Helene G ortz parhamentanan Entertatnment wd l 1nclude danc ang by Anto ma Ro,as, of wards. publac aty Barbara Ehci!>, parhamenlanan and Kathy Morrow, h1stonan Honorary servace awards were presented to f'loss1e Dunn10g . Ken F1sh and Marton Harney and very spec1a.l person honoree was Joyce Aust10 MRS BEN JI (>RE EN the Jose Greco C ompany, and Joel Kabakov composer and flamenco gu1tar1sl Reservations 759 1956, or 556·2796 OCC Registration Requests are beang accepted by ma1l to r Orange Coast Col- lege's 1982 summer sess1on class schedule For the hrst lime Ln a number oi years, there wtll not be a general ma.aLng of the OCC summer schedule to all resadences of the Coast Corn mumty College O.stn c t OCC's etght-weelc summer sess1on WLll run June 21 through Aug 13 RegiStrahon IS slated for June 14-22 ''SOUTHER CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST'' ... PHOTOGRAPHIC SIDEWALK SALE, SEE FACTORY REPS FROM 15 MAJOR FIRMS- ONE DAY ONLY SAT., JUNE 5th .. AND HAVE THEIR PICTURE TWO TAKEN FREE WITH /lAilY UIIADVEBTISED .. DEENA THE CLOWN" DIY SILE! ' f .. , & Slllllll .... ,~-···· • SPECIALS l)Ta kina·,:~ 35-70...m 14.0 ELZ ZOOM TW:.:¢v• $ 111 IPECW. SEE THE NEW ... 35-200 - 28-85-50-250 ATX ZOOMS • a .,..., .... :;~;:; __ .... ....... ....... At .... ............... =--• 1 u• ,....,., '21P WW15011LDCS '{"410 o .. ". ca11011 ~"70-210 ONETOUCH -MACROZOOM WlttlC.. •221• YOUVE COT TO SEE IT TO KODAK~sc 4000 Canwra lWMftaY '14• DEMOS AND EVENTS SA TUAOA Y ONLY JUNE 5th LENS SPECIALS 75-20513..1 a..l TOUCH Wfll4 MACAO -.v'1lr 21-15 f2.1 a..l TOUCH MACAO o-..v'2tl• SYSTEM10 TWO-DA 1' -Ga. T ... ~~~ ... SWALl l(n INCl UDES ........... 110$&.• --·--·----.,_l_ ·-...... l - I Bushne ll SUPER BUYS IDEAl FOil QIIAOS & DADS AMOICA'S FAVONT'£ ~ueu.r ol lloocf by Jock Bolaa.d Do98 laowl aad buk . . . cata ecreech . . . .. ria ~ ue heud . . . tbwader ron. . . . 10 with all th..,. trap· pincp, Sl.arlock Holmee and Dr. Wat· IOD C6ll 't be far behiDd. Ia fact, they aJ'e riqht at the Laquaa Moulton Playhou• cavorting menily and mystifyinqly in a Holm• tale, "The Crucifel' oJ Blood." This i.a an intricate story of CUJ'MS, atrano• murden and other bit• oJ UIIOrted mayhem and miahap. It'• a neat cat-and-moUN game w1th a plot 10 compli- cated only Holm .. could unravel it. ladeed, moat oJ the fun in tlUa otherwille ... dr1WAUO tJdtait ia in wNdiDQ hia pelliiU• pri8ae <Mat of his pocket. AI doae IOIDI ,..n aqo at the Ah-.n801l Theatre into. Anqelee, the lhow wu a t~>idt«l, deliohtful, almoat camp veraioA. Then wu hiqh ... pha- aia on style. Thia pio· ductioA at LaQUDa, under the able' and involved direction of Douolu Rowe, may lack the style and it may be a bit too h .. vy- banded 80 th•t at tim" it ..,.. a melodram- atic 8pOOJ, but it is atill one of the b.t lhows done there in 10me time. Rowe hu deJtly handled th• madden- CAESAR'S SMAIJ 01 CHIMDlll CJIOI&EIJI ,_lilliE P • UlUII .tal • c.a~~ a-• IMIIMI • 2 VHITAali.IICI fiUf All Clffll t 4 I 5 c-;:,:•v=:,.. Wed ~J N lilLY IAT ~I:JIN ... -~--1-G~J .... , _...af.MMI ... II I We corc.laly 1nvtte you to join us fa a urique dnlng experience. 0.. ftsh Is ftown In ddlv from Morsele. on the RMera. fresh from the Mectter- roneon. Come and shore cu exciting <*ref wtthus. UJNOI• DINND • AY IIIJNOI THIIBT an IIOIT fit 0&\HCil COUNTY %Ill v~ w.1 ~ c...a, v .. Newpwt .... e 67$.4121 1a9 ~ of plot. alweM ¢,..._. ch •••.a.~u.. eoceatno eurace.n. Occrdoulb M .._.. too J.M.Uy oa ecee•, aucll• t.ieoae bet-Majo.t Roe. ud Cape.ua St. Clair. . Ttu. bee ... a ecene- chewiaQ ooat,.. be- t .... tM two. Alao, the Knt ~~CeDe ia • proW.. 1a writiaq atnce it ll 10 heavUy plot-laden ud Rowe can't brino much cJari. ty to all of tile entice, l•.rqely becauae 10 JDUY of the lin• are loet or qarbled. But ROwe ll to be com- mended for brinqinq off a difficult piece of material u succeeefully ubedoee. The technical ....,_ . · .,. Do.t Wt!" 0 OD ud DoD Wilh•m-. wl!.odn•...,t..._ perfectty .aiwloua .... • ..ct Jia 8yu h . aacl Jia Ryan Sr., aaotiMr f.tl.er·801l tiUD who are credited wUla ... eaecuUoD. ne four IMD have achieved the all-tilDe lliQh 1a Mtl at Lequ,aa with this cbal- leDCJiDq work. 8oD Cof- .._.•licJhtiDq .. uother .. jor plu. In the )oaq out, Georqe WoocM ll a cowmawadtn9 tf • little J.MvyShedock Hol.aa, ud Michael Crown is a .,..•h•t yowaqer Dr. Waa.oo th.an we.,. ued to, but bv•N• alonq a.icely. Kathryn Joltuoa ll the Mdy in di8tr-and i.a _,.. ©>MIEOJma Salty's @~~n.ml!$ Salty's ©>~~n.ma Salty's @~~n.m~ Salty's ©~~lLmlE$ Salty's . 2931 E. COAST HWV. CXRlNA DR MAlt 173-4Ul .... lO .. MII.Y SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA a FOOD TO GO ......... COSTA M·SA· NaWI'OitT HAitltOit &.JoN' C.. e1N1..., 11M A•u•l '"" fiiY a CAMIVA&. ... ' ~" ... ~ ' COME TO PARTY PC.A TTEIIS OUII SHCIAL TYI 1101H.,._.._, .. 111hSt. Coeta ....... 7122 1'h.la produc:tioll .. , not be conril'•llJ la· ~ftbutUiacer· tAtnly OM of the JDMe ~ elorta •t tlli8 playf.oue. 01IT LaacheoD rO.ac&en' &11. 1530 CoDCOI'c:ll.a. ... ......, .... .., .... .,... lrriae ... , of w...a...w~~, ..... tM Oariot At JluctH by Va..P.W~"· ·--··~ricu 08T (Oqaal.aatioa for hhth'ltteUoa tlmNQia T.-...)wUl ... t ........ ,. Jw.. 9 •• 11 a. •· at Ua.iftnity hlk cNbhoue. A.oe9 tlae •uie&l ..a.etiou Will ... ......., &Oiia ''fkidlel' OD TMiool,'' "Nei9W.Or'a ChoJ"U" by Ofteebecb, "A Ger· 'hiN 1 cta4 clouliou are S3 to• ad\&lta ucl Sl tor .. ~ .. aDCl •nJor citlnae . ~vicepnei· cleat 1.-IDliD will i.n· ...U .. oi&en~ the livi.ne c:t..pter aad a cateNd hw:h Will be .rvect. For .ore iafotma. Uon, call 559-7390. 'Spdaag Flmg· Cllriat Colle9e h - viM'a claoil', coamu.ni- ty cl!.orale aad hand- bell daoir pnee:Dta a 'SpriaQ J'liq' Swaday at 7:30 p .ID. at f)~ • ~ ... 4.r~CAM tldt'AMI'Mt ~.,...,.Noho -""'-"' ....... .,._ .. 4.-t lot~ ~...ry.• ..._,_lA ... 6-f.--. ..,_.._...... fw &.am..t-.. ,.. ~-JI­ ~IlJ-W.llt.aCA~ ""' "*'141. \\llr, ~l w~--~~~--~ "M v.-81ec*bst. tuncn 01 dinner crt the Grinder • 0 tostee treat indeed. my kttte Chick-A-Dee. Nv;j ot SUCh Ollbdot:*t PIOII. "Gfeot Godlley Oonlets-. ...-.at 018 you 'W'CiihnO ton we hcJI.te mode o I'8PUfOtiOn in S8IWlO "" in tooc1 ~ flom Ftelh ~to ~ Oloce St«*S. /ltbo oftennO Knotts e.v Form .Jom. format John Soeooe ond 1~ ~-Noturoi5Quow 8leod With 1~ OOI'l\ll8nlent IOCOhOnS to .,... you Jonocn:e ~ 01 NolmonOov OPEIIDIG JUliE I ~ IIUSIC atnacs aY ............... Our ronJVatulaUonll to lht new ~Ill& ttu.cht Wlatp p- &radualr. Brine him or hrr 1o pdlzu Cr'-P •n•hana salad !Xnlhana. and wr·u lwlp you t'f'lr-bowt. Crunrhy or~nlal ~··· bralt' by wrvlnga frft ICfadu.aeiOn bats. Mouth-walnl"' morwlaof lullC'h or dlnrwr wllh ~r parey Suklyallltlrak or Hlbkhl or lOur or r1lQIT. t hk'un. And whal a rnral! Your own hs a unlqurty J~PIIIW'W ftu1 pt-r.IOI'\&1 ~nlt\ana t'Mf wllla.ltc'f' and a untqur «ltbra16orl. and d~ and si<CZW and HOUIOn II B«auw wr ma11.t rvrry dl~r r~Ahl al )'OUr tllblr Slmnwrlnll ,. Pf'C'Ial OCTaston Euc-eh· whal onion SOUp ala Japarww your MW araduaw ~ryp oa,...,.....,_a.a .. -.o..,...-...c•w __ .,.,._. ..... .,.._~~~~ ~........... ..,.,_,.._u,..._... ... ,...._ ... ..... , .... •""ILII• .olllt''"' ltt .... Jo• ... 11111 • by DiDO YOD Jwpr Ilene and Jam Bentley ate • oracao"-' end oeneroua couple, who aupporl numeroua com- munaty achvahea an our county Recently, they underwJote • hlnd-r .... r for FOLAP t .. tunnQ the Bentley'• Vactoraan doU houM, whach contaana 13 rooms and took 2~ y .. ra to complete. The mlenor of the rooma contaao mmature o al pamlmQa, naoa an peht-poaol (J~ne B.taon dad two for Irene) and band-made and hand-carved accoutrements authenhcahno the penod. Over 300 ladies fro m throuc;,hout the county attended an order to vaew the house, as well as a rare apracot-hued cockahel, two whale love bards ensconced an an unusual cage made of twu~s. and an exquasate blue Macaw, a rauty to see an - umuch as the Brallahan govern· ment now prohabals the exporla- IIOJl of these bards. Throughout the afte rnoon, FOLAP students anform&lly per· formed for the ouest• and Robert Pennangton outdad hunMlf an servang a vasually beauhful buf- fet, whach was dehcaous. Floss Schumacher c ha1red thaa event wath the aaa11tance of Mra. Walle r Bennett, Mrs . ). Samon Fluo r, Mn;. Carol Frova, Mrs. Robert Lallie, Mrs. Raymond P~uge, Mrs. Harold Sec;,erstrom, Mary Jane Welsh, Mra. George Bryant, Mrs. Georoe Dnvas, Mra. Monas Glasser, Mrs G . Herbert Hemmen, Mrs Eugene Hoggatt, Jr . Lorraane Lappold, Mrs. Donald Lane, Mrs. Ray Mawson and Mrs C harles Prace Tom Deemer, the new presa- dent of the Balboa Bay Club, bro ught the 1982 Chtla Cook Off bac k from whence at oraqanated-the BBC As always, lhas as one of the most outslandanq parties o f the season. It was eshmated that over 2,000 attended, eac h c heerang for thear particular team For the record. the wanners were Cath y and Harry Edgar of Northndge A specaal Japanese program was held \lnder the co- sponsorshap of UCI's Town and Gown 4Jld the Faculty Auocaates al the home of Je4Jl and Du Aldrich. .,_,.., _, tM kuaoao and the complex rules for weanno 1t were par1 of the prOQram. whach also ancluded the elegant tea HARBORUTES James Roosevelt cuts the 25th anniversary cake at the Newporter Inn with the assistance of Virginia Berner and Mary Davis at the OC Savings and loan league's Annual Outstanding Students Awards Banquet. Phorn bv Orumnv Fullt-• ceremony and the art of flower arranoinq . I. Such events assist anterna- llona.l vasalors and re11dents to M r. and Mrs. Rodney Hallett (seated) celebrated tlle11 90rt dnd 85th bir\hdays on the OCC8$10n of their 65th weddtng anntversary at th& home of Genefal and Mrs Archard Ross A t the somP 11mc ·he forthcoming marriage of thetr daughter. Paul<~ Ba•IPy ,mo K P11· Pack, shown wr th them. was announced . • . .. The Newport become better acquainted wat.h • each olhe tt' e ult\lre en4 lanouac;,e. TH~IER The Or oe County Mister ChoraJe, uder tile d1tect.on of Maunce Allard, and John Raalt shared the apotllqhl an • o&Ja evenant •htled "Wedac.• OoUua lor Medacal Scllo..,.." at th,. w .. un So\lth Coast Plaza Tbe .....,, wu apont~Gftd by the Orallqe Cou.nty Wed'C&l AasoCiahon Auxabary to raase hands to swovade achol&tahJpl for students an medacally related fields Amono tho•• Ul 611endance were Jeal'\. and W lilt am Wickett, fCa y and !ldon Foltz, Jane and Phalap Wan.ar. Lmda and Roy l.au, Anne (presadent o1 OC- NAA) arLd John Gustaf~. 8al11e 4Jld Ben Harper. Rente (cbauman of th11 event) a d Dad Btahop, loll and Jack Bndgeman, Betty and Robert Coombs, I va and Warren Dramer, Va rg1n1a aod Warren Bostwac l& and Fran and WArd WJsem4lJ1' (Ward 11 pr...dent of the OC Medaca l AsAOCa&t1on) Postcnpts The OC Chapter of the UCLA School of Manaoe- ment had a reception at the Balboa S.y C lub. • The Newport Ha rbor Repubhcan Womeo lt..d a haoh t .. at the home of the Davad KaQJ10Jfa. • Gaal Showalter surpnsed Ron Soderllng walh a party celebratlllo has barthday . • Rut b Dmg and G ma Shear reported the A llegro Mondonn BaJJ wu a seU-oul • The anternahonally famous club Regane's has open- ed an Newport Beac h 'Crucife r of Blood' by Jack HoUood Doc;,s howl and bark cata ecreecb eene no.aaea .ue heard thunder rolla so wat.h aJJ these trappmc;,a, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Wat 10n can't be far behand In fact. they are noht at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse cavorting merraly and myslafyangly m a Holmes tale. "The C rucder of Blood .. Thts as an antracate story o f curses, strange murders and other bits of assorted mayhem and mashap It's a neat cat and mouse game wtth a plot so complic ated only Ho lmes could unravel •I Indeed. most o f the fun an thiS otherwase melodramd he tadbtt as an watcbmg ham pull aurpnses out of 111s pocket • As done some years aqo at • he Ahmanson Thea Ire 10 Los Anqeles. the show wa s d sptrtl ad, delightful. almost camp ver saon. There was hagh emphasa!> on atyle. Thas productton at Laouna, under the able and involved direchon of Oougla!> Rowe, may lack the style and 11 may be a bat too heavy-handed so that at llmes at seems a melo- dramahc spool, but 11 as stall one of the best shows done there tn .ame hme Rowe bas dettly handled the maddenang anlracacaes of plot, the excessave scene demands. 4Jld the eccentnc characters OccuJooal.ly be :eclf'.i too beavt lyon scenes. such as the one between MaJor Ross and Caplaan St Cla1r Th1s became a scene· c hewang contest between the McManigal Art To Be Featured At Tribute Fave outstandanq communaly volunteers for the arts wall be honored at a reception and prevaew exhtbat of paanlmgs by Penny Mc Manac;,al , Sunday, June 6 from l to 3 p m Schumac her Caty arts commasstC.IIlt-1' whl• wall parttcapate tn thP 2 o'cluck ceremony ar£> Madeltne Rose chauman. Ball Aqef!, Novell Hendnckson. Bettv Tesmdn dnd two Abo, the hrat ec.ne lJ • problem 10 wrahDO aa.nce Lt lS 10 heavtly plot-l.dea and Rowe can't bnng muc h c lataty to all ot the anhcs, larqely *•u.se 10 many of the lane. are loG or garbled But Rowe La to be com· mended for bnnoaoo off a daf- facuJt paece of mater1al u succeufully as he does The technacal stars are Doug Walhamson and Don Walliamaon, who desagned the perfectly marvelous sets. and Jam Ryan Jr. 4nd hm Ry4n Sr . another father-son team who ue cred1t· ed wath set execuhoJl The four men have ac h1eved the all-lime htqh an sets at laquna wtth thas c hallenqmg work Ron Coff- man's hqhllnq as another mator plus In the lono cast, George Woods ts a commanding af a little heavy Sherlock Holmes, and Machael Crown IS a somewhat younqer Dr Watson than we are used to, but bumbl" along nacely Kathryn Johnson ts the lady m daslress and as most convancmo except for a passaon for dehvenng hnes out front too often Georoe Fell- ang 4Jld Walter Daly are good af a bat too full-blown at tames, and Landsay Karg IS an energehc Jonathan Small. Chad TaJlner and Alfred Lul)e4Jls are qood, althouoh the latter could have done more wath a JUICY role Others 10 the larqe cast ampress Thas production may not be consastently ampresstve but at IS cerlaanly one of the more s1un ang efforts at thas playhouse Penny (Mrs Paul) NcManagal has had nane o ne-woman shows and nearly 20 qroup shows and awards Bag Canyon Park wtll be the selling for the mvalallonal party when 40 to 50 paantanqs wall be shown by ertasl Mc NanaCJI,), whose wo.rks wall be exhabated an Bordeau•, f rance , dunno a two- week penod starhno June 24 SCR Season Subscriptions Co -spoaso red by the Newport Beac h Caly A rta Comnua.on and the Loe Anoele:s Bord .. ua Sasler Caty Afhlaahon, tae com- munaty .. rv1ce awards will be presented to Dorothy Berry, Penny NcMantgal. Bud Pashley, ElatnE' RttdJaeld and florence Season subsc rtpllons to South Coast Reperto ry's Maanstaqe and Second Stage sertes of com edaes, dramas and musacal!> f<.JJ 1982-83 are available to the p ub hc begannang June 1 Ac c:ordmg to SCR Producang A r tashc Olrector Davad Emmes . aubscnbers to 0r4Jlqe County's pro lessaonal rest dent theatre receave much more tb4Jl JUSt tackets Subscrabers to either or both SCR 1982 83 seasons Qet: a sav- angs of up to 34 percent over regular sangle hcket pr.ces, a prao raty to purc hase hckets to SCR's hohday produchon of D1cltens' cl45Sac, A Chnstmas Carol. hcket excbanoe pravaleqes. ouaranteed seahng; a.nd tbe Subacnber News, &.n lD· lonnarrve. alluatrated ta.bloJd newsletter that as naa.aled pnor to eac h performance. MR. MONEYSWORTH SAYS: Your money always earns what it "l4 worth at AMERICAN HOME THRIFT AND LOAN PLAY BALL WITH U8 and receive~-~?' FREE-Open a minimum $10.00 ~ balance Thrift account and you wilJ receive an ea.y tote Mal cushion and • 1982 ~aseball Digut. ' Our ll.ts Sica alld Kla1 Cratt Dlllncr. Baseball Digest Annual Guida i8 com· piled by the editorial staff of o .. eball Digest Maguine; Century Publiahin& Co .. Evanston Illinois. You will find SO pages of facts and stat.istica from 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners t.o off-season pJayer transactions-a real must for baseball fans! y Our ll.tlllnt Cr•tt Dinner. RESTAURANT BAR 3201 E Coast Highway corona del tv\lr, CA • 675 · 75 75 PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS 9% 8.5% SIMPLE INnAEST MIN IMU M ACCOUNT llO NO TEAM UQUIRENINTS NOPINALTY mam av MAIL fREITaAN I&OffUNDS Foe Ca.bto.rlit ~. oniJ. Y..W " '-.w o.t -.... ,.......,. ..._...,to the ~W.IIU .... 18fl!ilr .... ..W ....... Mthe ••olctw.....,. ........,_...,.. •cn1s t ,_., .,..~ .......... DAY $500 MINIM U M INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Pay~ u much u ctw 6 month SIO.OOO Mtn ~Waner untfteaael ofle~d by S4ll L llnb CALL FOR CUIUl ENTR,tTiS IIA & ~[~R IN\'~wr•..,. <D11'1FJCA'm .USO A~ AILAII I FOOD cbope ~ntaed with I - quid aaOke ablo work well in a covered gnll. Don't overcook pork. -r How Con flak• f n.. .-a.:.-u.. -.om-i iA9 aMI U. --Ua \ape ud clowu. Hiatory hM recorded brMJdut JDeDua tMt 80U.Od aaore like buupet fare, re- quJriAg a leinrely ~ to Nt all the food ' lUI wu efrved. Wlaether light or h .. vy, bied or baked, b...ufa.at food.a have al-aya played &D lm- portut part ill pro- viding valuble nutrients for e healthJul diet. NHr the turn of the 20th century, aomethlDg happened that would change breakfaat hiatory. A ready-to-NI, no'l1liahing cereal, the whNI Oake, was developed by Wtll Keith ICelJogg and b11 brother, Dr. John Harvey .ltell<XN at the Battle Cr .. lt, Michigan S.nile.rium. They were experimeAting with boiled whNt when they accideAially came acroa the llAluno pro· c.a. It wu later pateAted and used for m&ki.Dg com Oakes and other O.ked cerea.la. Corn Oakes have become a staple m American homes. When aened m a bowl with milk, the cereal wu a perfect alter· native to heavter breakfast foods. Ever aiJlce the first cereal flake wu eaten, the ac· ceptance of ready-to- NI cereab has been pheJlomenal. Today'a fast pace of life .. put of the reasoA why ready-to- eat cereals are part of today'• breakfast tradt- tion. A cereal breakfast .. quick to hx and easy to Mt whUe betng • nutritious aAd good- ' luting. Barbecue Twkey Turkey, the ali- A.mericaA bard, 11 becoming a VIP at that all-A.mericaA banquet, the bubecue. Aad this 1S a great time to take a twby to yow table. Thanu to frozen fooda, turkey is av&i.la.b!e all yee.r round in a wide Mlec- tioA of mea. An all- white .. at Butterba.ll turkey br ... t aAd Swift's new Li'l Butter- ball turke.,. (fo\lr-to.-ten po\lJldera) caA pzovide a comucopia for cook- out CJ'Mtivity. Place a tllawed and rt.DMd wmuffed hukey on the gnU over hot coals. Place an alo.m.inum fotl dnp pu under it to catch the Juices. To help keep the bird molSI aAd add to the lute, add half a caA oJ beer to the dnp pan. Cover and cook till roMI thermometer in .. rted tn thigh rMds 185°. for a real smok- ed O.vor, apnta the turkey Wlth llquJd amoke. Give your own aaqnature to a Butter- ball atu.Hed frozen bud by NQIOVlnQ the ltuU- ing before cooking Add a to-lute cteahon that mtght mclude and ODe ud a que.rler mch• tllick-for extra tende....-ud juiciHu. Cook them abo\lt five or ali inches above mldium ~Is; bot MVing ~•• dry out the meat. Pork Pork todAy .. lMner and DtMiier than before, reqwnng aborter cooking hme. 17()0 ia optu..l temperature for r~ata. Smaller cuts, like chops, should be cook- ed juat until meal 11 whtle and j\lices run clear. For a new twist Red, RiDe watermelon 80 Proof SmlrnoH VOdka on the burger rouhoe, try pork burgen made wllh ground pork and your favorite Ma80n - mgs. Add zest to the burger wtth catsup. You can add style- but not work-to out- door fea.sta by selhng the table with brightly decorated paper plates. Strawbeny Pte Glaae Has Uus ever hap- pened to you? PriCes Effective weo June 2 Thru rues June a. 1912 ~ket&asllec tream cneese .. .. a • • ••• Grade A -liMO Ill_, av-.-n• _, .. , I~<• Of 'OfY 'I"" ~ 01 Qw If~ '~ II tf~ , ........ •Ot .... \ f ' • ..,__,., ........ ,, ,,, t '\lf(~t(a..~· ~·· .. ' ... , ao " • oo " ' ""' lf ., a.o,,, .... ,o ·•• •• •·~ t~t '" .,. ~ ""'' !)J • A ...... d tf" ··-\ a.fa .. f -._"fP Itt '•• .... ~.~, , . '" • ''''' ... ~ ~ ·c "'"'' 411\f ,_, AC•1'' \f£'1 't• •• 'llll &Oolf '""f .. '(. Whol Frying Chicken (C •• . .., PI H p. fc .. b. 11 tc N II 2! h: f• N Cl •• fc p d D lt •• C1 d Y• p tl Ill 81 b Do aJ •• tl •• (C ot •• 0 Cl cl Cl m h· n• vi S• d: de m (t G • L ~ L .. 0 ~ • d " f] 41! ,. .., (Ow*tnMCI t:rc. peoe 1) "Thete will be publac hMJllu~a before the Plan- DlD9 Co11U1UM1oo &Dd the C1ty CouncU, poa.tbly lD September," Tat.rlco aaJd. W..rtiD Brower. company apolt .. man, Nad the aooiDg documents accompaoymg the propoM! "will be con~lenl wlth the caty'a cunellt General Plan. "We have under consaderahon a mtxtwe of lot aia .. ," he continued, "wath larger, eatate-aazed p.ucela neaJ' the edQe of the bluff overlooking the bey." Under the c1ty'a blufflop ordanance adopted 111 1979 anticipating auch development•, it wu pr..orlbed that 40-foot Mlbacb were mandatory for conatructlon. "Public ace ... will be retaaned all along the edge," Brower ac knowledged. "A pedeatrian and bicycle tr&l there wall connect w1th the c1ty's ~tem ." Talanco agreed that parhcular care will have to be taken to mstall guard·ra1ls or other safequuds. Niue acres of the property wtll become park aitea, open space and bluff Also proposed are 25-35 addahonal boat shps a t the small marina now there The lowland s1te JUSt 1011de the Dover CUJ'Ve turning off Pacu1c Coast Highway would house facUities 1n hne w1th the General Plan, Brower aaid. ThlS plan calla for marme-related commer- cial shops and restauranta, wttb the entire con- atruchon hm1ted to 40,000 square feet. "A comJortably-s1zed restaurant would account for most of that.'' he satd. It's possible a setback from Dover Dnve would permit Vlatlors to sw1ng into the properly without alowing or 1mpedmg throu9h lrafhc moving up Dover, be sa1d. AaJred whether the homes would be on l .... bolds-an arrangement wb1ch bas brought addil1onal controversy for the Irvme Co. m re· cent months-Brower rephed an the neqahve ''They'll be for sale," he SA.Id "Of course , we don't know, for sure, who wtll bu1ld them. as yet." Neanwbue, the company w1ll be askmg for ap- proval of a text detauang the permttled uses and the zontng regulahons pertammg to develop- ment, the approval of a tentahve tract map for a\lbdivtdtnCJ the property, and approval of a Traf fie PhuiDCJ Study. However, company spokesmen and ctty plan- nen both pomt out that smce the commerctal upect of the development 11 relatively mtntmal, adequate engmeenng of entrances lrom-and ex- ita onto-Dover u1 not expected to be a problem. Once approved by the c1ty, the project must be acceptable to the Coastal Comm1ssaon. Airport (Ccmtinued bom s>a9el) othez plan, u.nhl at can provtde docwnentahon acceptable u.nder the Ca..Wonua Envuon.mental Quality Act. J'i.Dally, Sumner allowed!. Clement Shute. Jr .. the attorney repr ... nhn<J S.PON (Stop Pollutmg Our Newport), whach entered on the caty's sade of the achon u an antervenor. bta requested fee of $80,561.25-whtcb the county mual pay. "All the attorneya were outatand1ng ," Sumner commented. "Paerce O'Donnell( represenllng the city of Newport Beach). Mtchael Gatzke (spec1al counael for the county) and Clement Shute They made excellent presentahons. It was a pleasure to hear them." Although the reachon of county offacaals was not 1mmed1ately av&lable, the board of super- VLIOrs now must dec1de whether or not to appeal Sumner's hndmCJs, or apend poasa.bly Mveral hun- dred thousand dollars on new envuonmental documenlahon SUDply submathng a revLSed muter plan apparently would not be suJfac1ent. The ongina.l ElR coal the county more than $300,000, at wu reponed. Sumner'• The fmcUnCJI followed to conaaderable extent the Newpor1 Beech p<»thon as argued by O'Donnell. ln ... long to reduce the acope of the order. G.take bad NJd the caty poc1hon wu overly ~trictive, and would prevent the county b orn doi.Dg anytrun9 but m411ltaan the preMnt state of operahona tn the present termmal untu a new ElH was obta1ned Scenic Run Garage, and patron aponsou tnclude lkn.k of Newport, Newport Balboa S.vtnQS and Lo&D. Untque Hom .. .....a latate, The Ouaet Women reatauraot, Beverly Hilla S.vtngs and Loan, and Crown &rdware atores. The walkera will atan beiund the runnen, and wall return to the coune l.D tuDe to wttDeas some cd the runnen nHri09 IM fio.ish . The walktng group will be oo ~KUDewMl ol a n&ture tour. wttb Wade Robezta, ~tor ol9enlena at the Sher· IMD Lt.brary and Gerda.a. and Ih W•lltam Hen· dricb, duector of the hbury, providtng uast9ht• iAto both lb. botany and, the luatory S.ad Wc~rtoey : "lt'a a really nHt commuJuty rac:41; the courM Ll beautil\ll. Aod U'a aomethan9 everyone cao entOJ 1 wiah I could do both-the waUr aod lM Nn." • ()Aiv'tCHJ co QMO..c:::x;(A SEfNIClS BUY WITH COl\fO:NCE - SELECT 'On~ FROtv1 PRCHSSIQ'jALS AT Re-Elect Orange County Supervisor Hard work and concern for People Tom Riley is dedicated to the people of()range County. His hard work as o u r (.(,lll\t' ~upt:n i-..nr has helped control taxpayer costs and improve efficiency in local g<n ernment. During two terms as our Supervisor. Tom Riley has proven his lOn<ern fq r 1-x:oplt· .md tw .. willingne ·s to work seven days a week to protect our best interests. rom Rile\\ ··t •pt·n-d< )( n ·· poh<' ensures e<.Jual access and fair treatment for a ll citizen~. Tom Rile,· desene-.. reelection a' ( .ount' Supervi~or. A record of Success ... for us Tom Riley i'e ndor~erl h\ the()rangt·Count\ l>eptll\ Shentf,· :\,"ou,HJPII Poltt t •c d li, t,tl, 'uppot t Tom Rile\ hct.auS<.· he g-iH·-..Ja,, e nforcemt·nttht· hdp tht·, rwt'd tn the: li~h r .tg.'"''' 't tt ttt Supervi~or Rilt·v d l~o led t ht· u null\·~ suues,f ul progr .un ro pro\ ide It.,, -llllc.·t c.''' me'''~·' l!t ' \\ 11 II theRile\ pro~ram.tht·Count\ h.isapprovedmort·th.ut ."l .OOOhonH·,fot tt11ddk ttH tHIH IH '"'''' .,.uch as polin· offin.·rs. ~ hoolteachcrs. and nur'e'- :\t the lllll'lilllt'. r om Rlle\ ha~ helped melle ()range L<Htlll\ ).{0\<.'1 llllll'lll lliCIIl' dl h tc.·nt ()ttl <ounty gu' t-rnment otx·r .. Hes .H the lo~ e. tto t-per-peNon of ..tiH m..t)OI u Hll ''' "'' hc.·c.·n 111c. 't. '' t ' t1t.·1e an· ,onw of tht· pt:oplc that t•ndor~ l om Rrle\ tor reelet lron ·'' ou1 ( tH&llt\ "'upc.t' t, •• , \ semhJ\\,om.m M ~arian Bergeson. lnint· ~l.nor D•nid SaiJ,. 'c.''' poll Bc.'.t< h \l.t\or J.u L.~t tie.uht•r. Co~t.l ~letiia ~l..t\or Arlene S<.hafer, San Ju,ln Capa~trano ~l.t\or Lu 1\ Rudthcttll L•guna Be.•th \l.t\ur 'c1lh Bdlerue, an Clemente ~let\ or \\'illiam ~lc.·c. h~tm . Ju,tln \1.1\ ••r l l~t L. Edga1 . :\.uionc~l \\'omen's Political Caucu. Orange Count\ Depul\ Sht·ntt-..· .\ ...... txl.lllon. Rt·t.ul Clt•rk l ' nion.Local324. Fire Fighter A sociation. Locall0l4. a nd Commn ttT nn Po hilt .tl 1' dtH .t tiun uf the ()t..tngc County Centrall..1bor CounciL • Latest research offers the most conclusive evidence yet confirming MERIT as the proven taste alternative to higher tar smoking. MERIT Taste Does It! In impartial tests where brand identity was con- cealed, the overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than -leading higher tar brands. · Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combina ... tion of low tar and~ taste. • Taste Debate End& In a second part of the same study, smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in completing their successful switch from higher tar brands. Coolirmed: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT is an easy switch, that they didn't give up taste in switchmg, and that MERIT is the best-taSting low tar they've ever tried. Year after year, in stuqy after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste alternative to ~ tar smok\ng-is MERIT. ' • • • Smoker Study MERIT Filter • ., ............ n. 47tla auual Harbor ArM h.Mhall MUOD w begu and hu.acbeda olechool-acJe kida tro. c-. w... wUJ 8000 be playbaQ. Ftnt Uuou9h fourth vradera beQiD pr.ct&c:. Jue 21 . Then are opelliacp on ao.t tM..~U. fifth throu9h eicJth qredera beQu practice in early Nay, and there are aoae opellillqa. Grad.N Dine throuqh eleven will .a..rt playiacJ tiUa week u lheu .:hool ...-oo .. to a cloee. Hi9h echoollicpa-upe can be taken ~h the echool coach but ~neral batonution ud r~raUon aut be obtain- ed froaa the Harbor ArH bueba1l oftice. Harbor .... ball Commbioner Rod W.CNiUlan, who ia abo a -t.r·ol t~ locelechool boud rec.U. that the Pf09r&lll ttut.ci becaUM of a need for reozMtional activiti• for clUlclren. '1t wu deaicpaed to Qive every you.n,..ter who atvna up the cb&Dce to part~te," he .. ,.. "and everybody playa. This ian't u competitive u Little t..Que." The Wliquen .. of Harbor Butb.U ia clMzly defined throu9il the coachinv .,at em. Gu.d• one throuvh four prac- tice with rotatino coaches who run them throuvh all of the poal· tioDI on the tMJD . Tbia way. the children are able to team about -.ch poaition without havinq to concentrate on beino com- petitive. Grad .. five and up are coached by volunteera whoae job ia to "make a oood tMm," accordino to Wac Willian. Two coach•, one for often• ucl one for de .. n•, aJ'e aaion · ed to Mch city park. FOOTBALL TIME FORALOMMI Coroaa del War will be the home IMm for the brat annual Newport Harbor-Corona del W.r alumDJ football oame. echeduled for 7:30p.m. JUJle 4 at Davidson Field. Proceeda will oo to the CclN and Newport football proqrama. CclN atara will tnclude Gary Guianesa, John Melbon and ICurt Brockman at quarterback, Bob Feuaro at runnino back. and Mark Franklin at wide receiver. W..nwlule. the S.tlon wall rely oo the palalDq of ex· collee,re quuterbacb Gordon Ad&ma (USC). Steve Bukich (UCLA), and Alvm White (0reQC>n). Terry Albnllon and Stew Poley waU help balance the Newport otfenae. Ticket. liMY be purchased at tlle Newport and CdM at u- dent body olhcea, the Newport leach AthleHc Club. and Tred.t and ThJMda. Ttckets are $2 for atudenla, $2.50 for adult pre·Nl• Uckels, and $3 al the vate. TEAMWORK like this effort by'"" Alet Heft) and Scott Brownsberger has helped put Corona del Mar into CIF finals. S1aft phOIO bv Suwe C..ncoao CdM Tennis Aces Play For CIF Title by Chrlstopbu Lynch The Corolla del Mar leoma tHm, CIF 4A champaon aeven of the past eiqht yean, w&ll take the final atep toward avenoino lut year's lou when it meeta the 1981 champion, Miraleate, m Friday'• CIF finala. Althouqh the. •••• had not been anJlounced a~ p reu hme, the match will p robably be held at the Jack ICr&meJ' tenna club m Palos Verdes at 2 p .m. The Sea Kino• have only loat two match .. in two yMra, both -to Nirale.te. The lint waa last yen's finals and the other an .. rly match thta ae.uon N u aleate return• every top player from lut year'a aquad. However. CdM coach O.ve Hefiern is optimishc. "Everyone PloAt A familiar name on Harbor Ar .. co\ll'ta is retummv to become director of leonia and head pro at the John Wayne Tennis Club-, club preaident Ken Will.tv announced. · Myron Nc Namara, who hu helped ahupen the skills of auch net qrMts u Pancho Go11ulez, Ku Roeewall. Rod lAver, Stan Smith and Lindaay NorM, and who ttuted UC Irvine'• provram and coached ita teams to sLX na- tional championahipa, .... hoiDe aqain", Mid WUJio. WcN&mal'a'a lono career hu 1ncluded inahtuhnq hundreds of tennia clinica, • proqram whach he will intenlify here, Mid Williq , addino. "He hu been teachino lor 26 yean-from Uve-year olda to beolMera to 72-year olda-and dotena of topflloht playera alono the way 11 playlDQ well, they're all healthy, and they're hred up," be e.xplatned. "I've never seen a qroup of leads so excated about a nythmg. Thts wall be the most compehhve hagh school match an years." "Bnan Sullavan (No . 1 smgles player} as on top of hts game, and Scott Brownsberger and O.ve Gerken are also doang ve ry '!tell m smgles." conhnued HeHern. "G.reg Hayward lS play •no as well as I've ever seen h1m play. H.'s oot a lot of talent and he's b.en wodung h~rd " Meanwhile, HeUem ltsts the doublet compehhon .u the most crucaal area 1f CdM as to out po1nt Mualeste. However. the past few weeks have shown the doubles to be perhaps the Sea ancludmq several nahonal cham· p1ona at all age levels." Roy Emerson w1ll continue to play and coach at John Wayne, Mld W11l1Q, and Jerry Van Lmge and Kathy Fox wtll remam on the ataU .u teachmg pros -Burt Sims Newport W ils Newpor1 Volleyball Club beat Ichiba.n Volleyball Club, Los Aluaitoe, 3-1. m match play before a capactly auciaence m the Boy's Club Left-atde power h11ter Darc y Panltard and scrappy Tana Adolph led Newport's Ju01ors ( 15 yeara) to v1ctory over Ichtban'a top·seeded Red Team ie the final match, 17·15, 11 ·15. and lS-6. Earlaer, Newport defMted lchaban's JuniOr Blues 15·11, lS-3 Kang sl rength In Saturday's C IF andavtdual cbampaonshaps, the No 2 CdM doubles team, Jeff Ewang·Ian Aler. lost an the lanais to Frooman·Osund of Maralesle, 6·4. 1·6 Ewmg Aler were also the No 2 team m the Sea Vaew League, losmg to Hayward·lohn Washer, CdM's No I team. 6·2, 6·1 · Hayward Washer defaulted a second· round match earlaer m the CIF doubles compehhon ln team compehhon, the Sea K1D96 defeated Long Beach Wllson an last Thursday's CIF seml-fmals, 25 3 C oncluded Heffern, "Our chances to beat Mtralesle are excellent tf we contanue to pl4y the WdY we have ·• Bandel Named D1ana Bandel of Corona del Mar, a sentor at the Umv~rsaty of Monldna hd~ receaved a Scholar·Athlete Award from the Northwest Colleqe Women's Sports Assocaahon for her per formance as a seller on the UM volleyball team whtle maanlatnmq a 3 51 GPA She as an elementary educahon maJOr the Mewpon Eulp Weclnuday. Jv.oe 2. •• Page ll Go To by Chrilltopher Lynch Corona del Mar'• Dave Anderton and Newpor1 Harbor'• Lanoe Bet110n have qvalailed for the }UJle 4·5 at•t• track tll'als an Sacramento w1th fourth·place ilruahes m the May 27 Masters meet at Cerntoa College Belson, wbo earher an May vaulted 14-6 to w1n the C lf 3A pole vault champ1onahap, vaulted 14·2 an the Masters The heaqhl wu the same as the lop thrH hmaheu, but Belson sui fered more nuuea at the lower hetghts Anderson. a sophomore. fmuhed fourth an the 1600 meters m 4.14 98 The No 2 luusher an the CIF 3A 1600 race, Anderson wall run June 4 m tbe state prehmmaraes to quahfy for Saturday's fanaJs "There cue 13 or 14 runners an each heal, and they wlll lake the top lave from each heat for the tmals.'' explamed Anderson "From tallang to people about who else as runnmg, I have a MARINE SCENE by Mary Wagner It'll be murder and m4yhem out on the bay every Thursd4y evenmg for the rest of the sum mer when the large ocean rae mg boctts, rangmg fro m 20 to 50 feet, race on 4 closed course m Balboct Yacht Club's Beer Cdn Senes The best and most excatang moments of the races are at the Marks when the boats come roanng 10 from all d~rect1ons and everyone 1s s houllng, "Room " Spectators can hear hulls bangang and saal s upp10g lo r the ftrst lew weeks, but after thai everyone calms down . s1 nce a few expens1ve bo4tyard or saalmalcer repaars mcJlce the sculors more cauhous Other evenang races schedul ed are. Ldo Isle Yacht Club Nate fhtes on Tuesday and Adulr Sabot Seues on fraday Balboa Yacht Club S unset S.nes oo Wednesday. South Shore Yochl Club HtbachJ Senes on Wedn ~>s day, Newport Harbor YcJc ht Club Twtltght Seraes on Thun day, and Bahaa Coranthaan Yac ht Club Summer Sun ~nes on Fndav aAHlA CORlNTlUAN YACHT CLUB SAHTA BARIAAA PASSACt RACt LONG COURSE 41 MILES PHRF A I Tt n, r 'I Tt'd Kf'rr BC YC l 1 8/u,.. lex lr· Lluvd C . .su (HHYC Arnbo &n Benn•ll (8YC PHRf 8 I Ru owo~ II I ~"' Wo .. l>el (VYCl 2 [)pt-,,, Rtch•rd R•J SSYC 3 Tt('} G, rd D•v• Pnc• BCYC SORD I £ T·d • • G•r, Ch•ndl .. , CSSYCI 1 0..1 ., (' Roclr N<•hno SfYC 1 R(' · ,a P.• "'kb< rr VYC SHO RT COURSE l8 MILES PHRf , C1 P, ,.. C.o I 1nd Md Od t....~· BCYC J..,cJ,1 i•J• ..;...,,<J .. "'' u,. BC YC ' l 1 ~ ... 81 ... tnd \1.,.~ S n• ... , BCYC NEWPORT HARIOR YACHT CLUI MEMORJAL DAY RtCATTA ETt..'HEI u; .._, C ·• E T,m H,q .. n NHYC 2 R~t. ~ R•m~oeo tNHYC I /J, .,, [>._, ldt"' NHYC ) SOLING I & d , Bot S.. m.o BC YC1 1 Alona G"' Or 1 BYC LASER I I< ho V ,, , .. NHYC l; ,rt n W""'"' BYC I MIt,. N, t oNHYC) SAB<.1T ,NHYC . C ,__,,,J,., 5mPI• • r '"'' \.JI, r NHYC 1 Vli r ~ SSYC pretty good ahot at m.alung 11 "At the beqlnnUlq of the year. when I CJOI th11 year'• track schedule, I alerted wnhng down all the dates of the m"'' on a calendar. But I waan 't sure If I was QOtnq to wnte down the slate m .. t." uad Anderson "I was thanlcang, 'Hey, I'm a sophomore, I'm not supposed to malce the state ftnaJs.' But everythmg's been gomg my way It's really great " PREP SPORTS by Christopher Lynch The Corona del Mar golf team thud·place ftmshers tn the C IF Southern Sectaon champaon- shaps. sent th ree players lo the June 1 mdtvtdual playoffs Cary Spadona. Ted Norby. and Jeff Wnght traveled to El Prado an Chmo an hopes of qualdyang for the June 15 state ftnals Newport Harbor's tennts team. the No 3 ranked tedm m the C IF 4A davtsao n. was upset May 25 10 the CIF quarterfinals by Santa Barbara, 15·13 "Santa Barbara was stronger than we expected and the home crowd gave them an ad· vantage." explamed Newport coach Charlie Bletker "But I don't feel bad. we lost to a very good ballclub " The SaJlors, second·place !mashers an the Sea Vaew League behtnd Coron4 del Mar . dtdn't supnse Ble1ker tn thear sue ce10sful h01sh "We were better than most people thought we would be, but we dtd tusl about what I ex· peeled," conluded Bleaker. "I was very proud of thas leam Thev dtd an excellent tob all yedr FAIRWAY REPORT Santa Ana W inner .. W1 h d J2 hole SCOrP of 112 Mrs Bndn Tower'>ev Newpo r• &-dch won •he rPcenl Santd Ana Wumen ~Club q oll chdm p10nshap deledllnq :.ax lim£> w1nner Mr" Fr£>eman Ktnz1e Runnerc; up fl. Mrl> Tow£>rsev tht> 'IdlE> 1981 women'c; amateur c hamp10n were Mr!> Kanz ae Mr~ Gene Rondld and Mrs Glen Almquast respechvely d\ .>1d1nq to publ• atv chaarman Marv Htnton Big Canyon Champio n - ship Ma rte Gray has been crowned tub champaon followmg the 1982 Bag Canyo n Women s Club r 1urnamenl Runner up was Debbae Haas Other rankangs 1 ... N•• t.amp.. ,, 1 lh'l' ~ .... 811 m•r r ,,. f l ,qhl I 'N or ~ ... "' K11t n V. t'rto•Jin '"'"' •••' lo>.s r M.o llvl\ 5,. nd f ltoll· lvw or• ~· Svlv1a N rb' 1. w ""' Jan• M .. rlon Th orcl lloQhl I• w 11 . .,. T •no Olorha•" , "'' ""' An: H. I• IPon F urth f t.Qh\ I·,. 01 ,,.. S.rb"'" [)f. f ra11 J '''""Of'' f.lt>~n r LPIIIt.•rbv f olth floqhl It•"' ·~• .,, l111< ~ ... M Clo v I "' ""' C11r I S..•o S,xrn flou~• I w 1r ''' Anf' M•rn'' -~ r:•~~ } .. ,., v .. dt•v ......, . ....,14 CJUN!S A prowler wu ai9hled ill the 3200 block of WNI 0cHAfront . . . Silverware and other pro- perty valued at $2,712 were reported atolen hom Alan Albert Soow iD the 500 block of Bayfront . . . Aaorted property valued et $1,570 wu report.cl stolen from Loula J. D' Ambro.io in the 4200 block of Dolphill ... Blaclt qlua T·topa for • Firebird valued at $1,000 were reported stolen from a parked car belon9iDQ to Aim Karin Gr"r in the 2600 block of San Joaqwn Hills Road . . . Wheel rims and tires valued at $880 were reported stolen hom a car belonomg to Ltnda R. Heyser pa.rked on Sandflower . . . A briefcue and property valued at $680 were reported stolen from a pa.rkecl car belonQlDQ to Ronald A. Sa.blonsky tn the 600 block of Ldo. ARRESTS were arr..ted on auapl· cion of drunkeu drivinQ, none from Newport BMch. w~.Noy21 CJUlaS Two area ruqa valued at $4,300 were reported atolen from the Commerce Bank BuildiDo in the 1200 block of Dove ... AD RCA videorecorder and an RCA televiaion, valued at $2,.00, were reported stolen from William Dean NcNauqhton iD the 100 block ol Abalone ... A bloclt of 100 tickets for the Anc;Jela/Ranc;Jers qame (Tu.-day, June 22) valued at SSOO were reported stolen from Ford Aerospace on Ford Road. Thursday. May 21 CRIMES Narme naviQahonal equlp- ment valued at $6,000 wu reported stolen from a boat belonging to Lou1s Rueben Biaba.l moored in Bayahores w. .. m. . . . T'u9I*OD. laape, tripocll Ud ~·c ... valMd et $1,200 were ~J'Ied stoMA &oaa telerilioa Mtioii XUTV of s.lt Lake City ill a car p.u~ et the Sberatao Ne~rt ADISTS Jei.De Luevuo, 18, ol PoaoAa, wu uN.ted ao IU.II)iciao ot Ob.tr\actilu) ud reeietiaq • police oMicer ... David All- thoDy CanoU, 20, ~ HWlt~toll BMch, wu ur..tecl oa aupi· cion oJ receivinQ JmoWD etolen property . . . Tbomu lbDer Robluon, 27, of L.9uu Beach, wu ur..aed on auapicioo of bur91&ry . . . Lew W amer Hill Jr., 29, of Sut• Alia, wu •r· r..ted on a\dpicion of bul914J'Y . . . Richard Alan Puis, 23, of HUiltiDQtao Beach, wu arr.ted on IU8picion of poueuinq metbaquulone . . . Joeeph O.LUilA, 29, of Pico Rivera, wu ure.e.d oil auapicion of poaeu · iDo huhiab ... Two Newport Beach men were .,,..ted on suapacion of drUAko drivill9: William Gibeon and Michael Carl Richard.on. Friday. May 29 CIUNES A fluher was spotted in the Mtchael Alan Guy, 32, of Huntmc;Jton &ach,and -=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rodney Loyd Adams, 23, of Mission VleJO, ~G'SftOAl were arrested on suspt· $5.00 ClOD of hc;Jbtmg 1D a ~ P•trons Only W1th Th1s Coupon pubhc place Charles Edward Robertson, 20, of Garden Grove, was ar· rested on susp1c1on of receivLnQ known stolen property . . . John Ed- ward Sihler, 23. of Balboa, and James Franld10 Perry, 21 , of West Hollywood, were arrested on susp1c1on of posseasmg Percodan . . Steven Edward Knobbe, 24, of Newport Beach, was arrested on susp1c1on of possess1ng man· juana Three men ftewport •·•oaPoeta I ARecoi'CI Countenng national mdustry trenct._ Newport Balboa 'Sav- mgs and Loan Assocla- hon posted record net eamUlQS, total assets and new loan volume 10 h.scal 1981 , fredr1c I. Forster, pres1dent, bas announced ~trix Cuts . . . . . . . . $15.00 Tube Color & Condition ....... $25.00 Foil, Sun St~Hking . . . $45.00 Perms, Cut & Condition ......... $50.00 LENNY,.S HAIR DESIGN ~ m.en un.c) Won\en 875·0823 2SSS E. COAST HW~ CORONA DEL MAR TOMIIOOA£ CAJM.E TV EXECUTIVE "Or: P~t~rsora ·, SiHIJi"ll Pro11ram!l an botlt motivalirall Gild ucitira6 for til. staukrat1." --- • Ht FLY • SAILIOAADPOAICHI • cu.ma HAWK IALUMO MJfJALS LESIONS 8'Y CIRTJ. FlED INSTRUCTOM. (MAX 4 NA CLASS) 131·7574 Fr..._ !porta 2430 w. Coaat Hwy. ,..wpoft le.ch f or the year ended March 31 , 1982, New- port Balboa SavlDQS processed more than $55 mlllion m new borne loans, up 60 per- cent over the prev1ous year, f orster Hid. lED WINSTON • scon PEN& Funds for the record borne loan volume were supphed by $10 mill1on m new depos1ts, $35 muhon lD loan sales and $13 mill1on from arrangtnQ fundm9 duectly from other lenders, Forster sa.Jd. , "''I "Homote to LJncoln .. by SALVADOR DALJ ..... ,.,.. .. ,,.,.,. t ~" ... ' '' ~ E•"'"'l free .... ,h 'urctu.c 11• t•• USf ..J Pw"'., ...._. Coriiii.,._. GMt~-. ~ o... ....... a..-. ...... ._ ,,_. PEWTER SILVER ARMETALE Fa the Sixth consecuttve vea the Newport Beach Terns cU> ts otfet1ng the Ted w.n- st~Scott Pemer UTVll8r junior t8fVis cines. Open to the pubic, the progan Is det9'l8d to Improve the tennis game of Junkn from ages 7-Tl. CMnlc lessons are offered at the beghlera. Intermediate ard cx1Vanced level Counes wtl be llmted to 8 students and wl be gouped by age ard ablty. B<•UHIUII\ '"W'& '"5: C"to•a~~ <fJu.. LArld "Where Pictur~ Framing is an Art,. Old Wo.td Ciaftsma~ r or Your Ftnectt Pu:rure' <;tudto , Session 1 Sesslon2 Session3 1 EPOU. iM.. wl11 be no riaQ. TMre » DO aeecl to talk. fM "h.u9 .,. ...... ,.. ...... you vote '*-9 JeCC)rded. 1.-week'• qautloa: To ._. Yll. caU Do you favor the city purchaa- 175 ... ano the Corona del Nar elemen· To .oa.RO. calll75-7010. tary school site? (See Paoe 1.) Four men mcludinq William Cr&i9 Sh,ADnon, 20, of Newport Beach, were arrMted Oil napi· ciao of 9rud theft ... Patrick Braham NU.la, 29, of Santa Ana, wu ureeted on auapicion of foroery . . . Robert JONph l.eqet, 34, of OranQe, wu ar· faa- YES 19% NO 11% . reated on suspicion of burola.ry . . . Michael Fuentea, ~. of Corona, wu aneated on autpl· cioll of pc.aeuinQ a ayrinQe . . . Two men were ureated on suapl· cion ot dTU.Dlten drivinQ, m- cludinq Ricb.ud Harvey Wnght of Corona del War. ATHLIIII Good Food. GoodT._ .. & JOGOI AreNOtTM Only People With POOl • lwllont • lf~grownNall • Hammertoe~ •C~ • Wor1a • Athlettc lflurtes •HMtpan • Arn1tJUototv Foot ~ ..... .,.. ..• ... E•tmala•• .. e.w. Sp«,nq liP o _,., ev•mnq. the Nokm• cuup/e 1$ e/eqont. C'Opltvoltnq 1n the1r ,...., 1to1. /lollt ore II'UIIt Nohn.r Hots Lid Spnnq/Summer 1982 c.Jlecttt>n <>I hond·I:Juclced hot. 0'101Job!. m ""~' 30 culo,.. onc/ '"'' <>l testu~ ' , ~~~ TED~~!' .~ ...... UTY SPECIALS 170 WT ITTH ~T CC>t\T A Mr& o4'l-oll2 Of»lNHON·SAT • Fne Nuxus M RediUn Hoir T reotment WJtll Holt Servl<es-SS Value • 21% Off Ally ~omP'etc Noll Core Semce • FIW Summer Mob-<Ner Session Witll o Foc.iol Ttearment Ne/Jow •ummer mu .. ds and r.lo11ed ollll~. weormq,..fheu new Moltms hot~ ol C'OCI,. Her /lot bTtm Ponamo n tn•med wllh lllrtt» .. 1 rowlude ond multo colored lHtods Hn hemp hot leoluret. o /ow do-·ahoped c ru wn 11111th ve nted delo.l/mq ond sno!eam bond Both lr .. m NokttW Hots. Ltd by lllldred M.acl lt'a amaaing what a hat can dol ADd amazing to note young . women are now making hata their new d.iacovery. Are they pezb.apa cpving their cloth .. new peno!Wity? We coWlted a taw hats at Eutez •rvice but did hear one yoWlg woman say wutfully, "Do you rem.mber when you ALWAYS wore a hat to chuzcb on Iuter Su.nday-a NEW Hat?" The fall '82 collections shown recently in Pa.ria, Niian, Los An9el• and New York were ac· ceuoriled with hata AND glov ... At Helga's opeDlDCJ we aga.in COWlted bats WOTD by the modell, and for daytune. r'i they wereA't wearing them, they were cauyinq them, addmq )uat the nght touch to thia L.A . deaiqner's eleqant coUechon Now is the tune to check out the summer hats lD stock; hnd the riqht ahape, and wear a becoming one. By fall you'll be MelJlg mocW:ied venion.s of the '20e felt cloche, vanabona of the ...tan and the fedora, beret. ud, Y•. even pill boaes- remeahez? Wanh.a A.hn.a c&1ls "porkpie pillbox'' here, h..ded for an elequt evening. The W..Jrins overaued porkpje pUJ.bcn ia whlte Toyo tli..m.med with bl.ck aUk veiling accented with white chenille dot.. A bl.ck e&bbege rOM complet• the look. Ria chalk-white Toyo h.u a cr .... - center crown AAd ia triDuDed w1th a contrut, black metallic bra1d. Nanha Ahn.s w cred.ated with the rev1val of the men's h.t in· duatry. Sulgle-haJldedly. Thr- years after she sta.rted m.alunq hall in her fourth-Ooor, will-up, one-room apartmeAI, abe wu q1ven the Coty AWard tor "in- )echng •~itemeJlt into the lonq· dorma.nt category oJ men's headwear." Thia wu in 1977, and laat year aha moved lDio a new factory with ahowroom aAd ofhc" Lll New York. Each W..Jrina h.t is pioc:luced by haAd in the old. traditional concept of craltamanahip ud quahty. and they dye all their OW'Il colozatiou, loz both the meA's ud women'• caDecticm.s. There a.re four coloz qroupinga thu eeucm-c::lu.ica of b1.c:k. o\t B.llbo. Com Gdfor~ ~I elK~ U. f.netl 1n 14K and 18K gc*S ~ .. unu:su.JIY tow pncn. fYen ~ ttwan tho~ !)()\ oH ~ you 5ft ctdwttded ~~f~ Comt' 1n and \ft OUf ""~ wt«ttOn o1 go6d c"-'ts. neockla<:n rtng~ bfac~~ chetms .net c.:o.n ~ 'h c rry Kruq~rctnd ~ leaws and t~ Gokt Co.n~ of Me>lteO .,, well•, U5 dlld toff'k.Jf' numlsfl'whc (0105 We buv ond ~• gokl.tnd ~1lwr con .. bulhon bolts and Kr with "our trctnwctiOn\ cooduc:IN 1n c~e Pf"l\'ky I ~ bflnc,) 1n thl.. .ct we Jl ~ QM' you., tr~ ~ W> lMroun4 C.rd ent.ftnQ you eo w ww.g .. on gold brown, navy, charcoal, bghl grey and wbJte; deaerts of sable. tobacco, stone, lahaln, sand, tar· racota and taupe; dark pastels of rupbeuy, coral, peach , tur· quoiN, wme, plDk and banana and bnqbts, red, aapphue, qr-n, qold and purple The concept beb.md the men's line 11 the same u for the women'a-soft, OeaLble , ea.sy-lo· wear hats. Tlus yeaz Mahns ex· panded the coUecllon to mclude a wide vanety of teaturea New are hemp, vented and non· vented 11.10la 10 many weaves and ... grua. In addthon she aJ.o d .. Jgns an a coarse panbuntl wbtcb hu the look ol linen, pana.malac for a shlDy patent-leather effect, sewn bra1da for a nc b luatroua leehng and rafha for 111 rouqh Oeltl.bLb· ty. All hall aze hand-blocked to allow the natural teatur .. lo re- malD lD the fuuahed hat Note the shape of her h.at, the O.t bnm PaAama w1th rounded square c rown, trunmed Wlth stnpa of rawhlde and mulb· colored beada It's a perlect bat to wear t.hu summer, lak1ng you nqht Lillo tall felt. t /t.._p/1 W(l<'ldord 16 ptfN-nl ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~r.:::=~~:::~ .. ,~ u//Jt. rrewly OCQUII'fl'd Ne-wpcl tl· ., THI)tt /Klt.l Otld IH Lo. ~ oec. ol CoWWell ~·· B1llmol'e ltd•l. bnlh ec.o.a cW .._ mw all will hear Kart ... • • ..,.u oru ... U"J, June 8, on "What'• .A1II.d lor the Real Estate Industry"' at a ll&Dcheon m.eeting at YWa s...-... Bergheer lS premdenl of the s..nta Ana residentw- coiii..Dlercial consbuction fUm bearing his name, and will repreMDt the Orange County chapter of the BuilcllDg JD. ct.ary .A.ociatlOA. •• COLE Gll.B£RT ~ Jenold R. Cole. an as.oeiate vice president in the Newport .. hr Co-udal Real t.wrted by Newpurt S.OCh-~ EMate S.wt.e., h-. beea Ridqwoy Ltd •)ec-.ci the 1981 recipient ol by Joeeph WCIIOct._... tile Wl1llala B. llc:Carthy The key to '111 •arial AWard fox highest successful ethics, willinC)D .. to help travel and malt- JOUDQer employ ... and a blend ing the mosl of of moti•at:ion and coopera· lion ... Marpet J. Gilber1. em Oruage Co\mty S.L executi.e W • pen. baa heeD DCIJDeCf -rice ...... of Sail tkrtao Sa.iDga cmd Locm and Orange County regional manager. bead· quartered at the association's Newport S..Cb office ... A MJD.iuar geued to home builders and sponsored by the Coaaete llasoauy A.ociation ol CalifonUa CIIDd Ne.ada, WJI h CalifonUa ~ Commiaion eadoJW1Dent, will be held June 3 at the a atoa ... W'J)«t. . Eric Wittenberg, Newport Beach builder-developer and p~dent of the board of trutees ol South Coast Reper- tory '~heat.. has been elected to the bo~u:d of di reel on of Laguna National lcmk and Tnast Co. yotu stay as often as sample as betog aware of what your hotel can offer ~ you. Many lames. even •he mosl frequently lraveled person over· looks invesllgallnq the tull range of options avaalable. The most amportanl con1udera· lion for travelers an selechng a hotel is actually the ea&.lest. and thai as lo tdentaf., your praontaes Establish whal factors ar, mosl tmportant for yow atay and tn· elude such common Mnse items of budget. location, quality of accommodahon.s and length o f stay an your decision-ma~ing. Obvtously. your budoet is the farst consaderaltoo, u 11 immed· aately determanes Jevoeral fac· lors. A hmaled bud~t will considerably narrow yow· choices. whale a mo re flelubht bod9e1 WJII open up many more options. Lociltion as also nnportant. D.peDding on the nature of your lra•el, a p.rhcular locahon can be crillcal. Aa~ yourself •I 11 as eaenlial to be near or wathm close range of a parllc ular facal · aty (an a1rporl or medtcal center, for example) or across the street from a parhc ular offtce bualdanq If seekang a meetmg deshnalton . do you want a localton near recreahon· al sites away from the metropolis or 1s a downtown selling prefer· red for easy access to profes· stonal conferences? Delermane your Ieasure pursu1ls and where they are located an relalwn lo your hotel Amenaltes are your next cun· saderalaon . and requare sume tnvesltgalton The kev here 1S lu agam, know what 1s avatlable lo you. II you art> plannang Ire· queol I ravel to a partac ular c aly , be aware lhal many holels offe r spec1al convenaences lo regular guests Reservang a lavorale room and specaal necessalles normally requar1nq arrangement wath eac h vasal , such as meals for vegelanans or daabeltcs and accommodahona for handacap· ped, cao be coordmated auto· malically. In addataon, the antangtble element of havmg I he hotel staU know you and make you feel at home can person· alize your stay and greatly enhance your vas it. Frequent business travelers land lhts especaaUy comforting, dtsspell· ang the "out·of·towner" feeJinQ THE . VJSmNG EXPERT Consider the folJowang check- last for amenaltes and servaces: • If you plan to enlerlaan chents o r lraends fashaonably. determ1ne lhe hotel's restaurant offerangs. A presltgaous reslau· rant an your hotel w1ll allow you the location convenaenc e and treat your guests to the "name" assocaation and fane dmang. • Is there 24-hour restaurant servace or 24-hour room servace for the busanessperson workang late? • W omen lravehng alone may also want to consider specaal servaces dtrected spec tlacally lo lnt them. b there a women's spa o r reatauranl lhal pampers the smgl• woman dtner? Do securtl y provlatons anclude valel park· lng, good outdoor hghhng, and expeuenced securtly staff? • For bolh men and wom en travehng alone, many hotels offer a "club " floor. olfen ng guests membershap lo a club desagned lor socaahzang and relaxang . Amenahes can m clude close-cu c u•l lelevaston. self· servace bar, labrary, game room and other perks. • U a lengthy stay as planned consider an-house fac1lahes you wall requ11e, such as secrelartal serv1ce. salon, barber and one · day dry cleanang and laundry capabahty. • Consader Ieasure acltvattes Does the hotel offer a conc1erqe lo arrange lor specaal requesls amusements. 11ckels lo theater. concert or sportang events, coor dabahon of couraer servace. lamousane or llo n st oeeds? Are golf. tennas. gym. spa. sauna and masseuse offered? If not. ask for facthhes wath these amenthes are offered nearby CLEARING OP THE 'MYSTERY' Jamaica Dangles Tax Breaks And The Leg Work • Plannmq a meeltng ? Con sader the saze of your group and the lactlaty most conduc tve lo that saze. Hotels best sualed lor large meehngs oflen are 100 am personal and can fatl to garner the allenhon warranted lo r morP intimate conferences ~occasionally occurs. readen of the Business featuxe discovered last week, we ran out of space before we ran out of sgory. Unfortunate- ly. d left Stanley Naxcus, chairman emeritus of Neiman· Marcus, 10 a rather awkwa.rd posillon. And although be hasn't complaJDed, let's clear up a mystery. The 'clO&Ulg paragraph read: "Tbexe are only two un· portant thmqs 10 retailing," said the maxketeer. author, world traveJeT and collector. But so you may. at last, Jmow what those lwo !hangs are, here's the rest " ... customers and prohl. If you treat the customer ngbt, she comes bac k . IJ you treat the product nght, at doesn't come back." Cahng a ltberal lax relief program and a large reser vuar .,f asslSiance and benefits. Mr!> C ornne Mc larty has encouraq · ed busaness leaders meelang 111 Newpc1rl Beac h lu consad t>r expandmg tnlo Jama1ca Mrs Mclarty, manaqanq dareclor of Jamaac a Nalaonal lnveslmenl Promot1on Lam1ted (JNlP) was a pnnc1pal speakPr al a recent meetanq of lhe preslagaous l nduslr1al Devek•p menl Research C uuncal wh1d1 convened at the Ne wpo rt Marraoll The cuuncd headquartered 111 Allanla, andudP!' execulave~ from such corpvrate q1antc; a• DuPont, All1ed Chern ac-a l General Elect11c Ju hns· Manv11le Standard Oal. We':>t 10ghouse and other!> II 1'-' c r· 11dered the nahon·~ foremost assocaallo n of mduslraal expau · WE AGREE ... saon planners JNIP "does vulually aU lhe legwo rk necessary to gel an mvestor anto produc ho n .'' satd Mrs Mclarty She told the semmar. "1'he econom1c slralegaes of lhe new G overnment of Jamaaca has :tllrac ted consaderable anlerna laona! 1nvestmenl anleresl, through aqgressave pubhoaly and promotional efforts as well as the opt>rataons of lhe U S Busaness Commallees "After the mosl careful screenmg of proposals, &ellous anveslment protects now beang processed are an excess of 400 and lh1s related lo a peraod tust over IS munths As al lhe end v f Ma rch. 1982. 50 prOJects had alreadv been brought anlo pro · ductaon , w11h capalal anvestment u f $76 mall1o n, negollahooa have been la nal1zed but produohon No more umeoessay tax increalell You agee too You proved that when you voted for Proposition l3. With 513.000.000 in surplus already. shouldn't we be vottro on o rneaiU'e to • rec1Jce taxel? AGREE ... BUt II tNI the tight Wo/1 The cost of host- lrg more and mote beoe~s is tnc:reasirv These "tcutsts" who swel trom 20.000 to lOO .. OOO each dov hcNe yet to paf o cent. They stay for ortv o c»v. make o tn8Sl. and just go away wt.,., not find a wav to tax tneir feet. their oars. Clr)d "-" fN<n has no t yet started 1n relat1on to a further 17 prvtects wat h lola) capatal 1nvestmPnl ... ,f $43 mal - laon; 111 addal1<•n 47 p rotects w11h cap 11al IIIVP'-'tmPIII u l $253 mal11on a rP 111 ,1dvnnced sl aqP'i of develupmt>rtl "l nllal1c•n wl11• I. Wd!'> averaq· IOQ 22 9 J'lf'rCf'll' I ll the 1973· 1980 pera~..•d wa• ,,1 v 4 ., p Qr cent 1n 1981 "U nempl.·vrn•·tll do•c l11•Pd sJaqhtJy, b111 llf>VI:'rtheiPss II decl1ned frvm ?'I 1 pE-rr£•nt IL 25 8 pPrCPnl " Areas whach have been adenhfled as hav- ' mg stgnahcant anvest menl possa balaltes. she satd, are manufac tur ing of garments and lexhles, electronacs. footwear, furnalure. boat-buJidwg, alcobohc products (mainly rum). and cigars; rais· ing winter veqetables for export, processing of cof.fee, producing essential oils (mainly pimento). and raising pmeappJes; tourism· related activtlies such as the development of spas, mannas and other types of attractions; and growing of ornamental hor· ttculture/Uoriculture. prunarily for export to the U .S. and Europe. To help you uncover lhe unltmtted range of hotels and servaces avatlabJe lo you. alfaJ . tale wath a l ravel club or obla1n the serv1ces of an experl trave agenl Read the l ravel sectwn u f your newspaper lo r leads and suggestions, or contact lhe vasalor and convenlao n bureau 111 lhe c aly you plan lo VISII fu r a lasl of ho tels and servaces avaalable The end resull wall Improve your slav ammeasu rably NOW that you have read about my atote annal time• and you have not had the dwlce to corM in-let me ~ you-with this ad. We will cin you, with a $10.00 pW'· chase. a b&nd.-aiu Almond Cold Crum Soap ($2.25). HOW A80lTT rnA T> 3&4.5 lut Cout Hw1 . • Co1011a del Mu 173.-3773 • ' Art A allde overview of new and exletlng photoqraph1c talt:111~ w111 be presented 8 p r11 Thursday Ju11e 3 i.lf the Turtle Rock Comrnuruty Ct>ntf'r 111 lrvtnE! Spo11~ort-<l hy the Art Dlrt'C'torc, dl1c1 Desi~JIICrs ,,f Or tlrHit' County Publrc ,., trwlled AdrniSStO!l '" S2 for memhN'i $8 111 Ill members S 1 studt•nt mernber<, .tr td $4 f1" st uden 1 111111 rt lf'rnbr•r s Wcwka by undergraduatea "' UCI sHrdto drts department TtH·c,cl..ty thruuqh Scltwcl,ly throuqh JtHH' 5 "' F111P Arts Gallrry UCI Hours tH 1011 5 p 111 Tuesday Satwd.1y Coata Maaa Art Leegue wrll bP holch11q a JUIIed M f'mbt•r's An Show throuqll Jw11• 12 at Glendclle FPd£'rtll Sdv trUJ!> and l • '•'" F ·•~lito" Island Student art ahow runs throuqll J1111P 17 111 OCC'-; A11 C,,tllt•ry Ad lliiSSttlll 1~ 50 l-('111.., Hour.., M nnrl.ty F-r rclo~y 10 dIll 3 IJ "' At Newport Harbor Art Muaaum: "Avery tn MPXICCI cll1cl Aftpr" paHltHtqs by Mtltor~ Avery. 1nd ''Cahforrll.t Collect'> Popular GraphtL A rt of Me)(ttn'' Bo t' st ow unttl J unc 27 50 Cartoon• From the New Ycwker wtqtnal w orks dattnq front 1939 tu 1981 throuqll Ju11e 10 dl the M11scum Shop 2754 East Coast Htghway, Corona del M ar Gallery hours· 10 30 a m 5 .30 p m Tuesday Saturday Clubl Newpor1 Hat'bor T outmlatresa Club wtll not meet on M on day, June 7 Instead Pducattonal workshops wtll be held June 4 and 5 at the Mamo11 H01el "' Newpon Beach at the annual Regtonal Conference of lnternC:t ttunal Toastmtstress Club Interested par trc1pants. call Clmstel Schar at 640 4256 for lllforrnatton Bicycle Club of Irvine meers on the 4th Saturday of every month, 9 a m at Decdteld Community Park. 55 Deerwood West Free For furlher tn fo rmatton. call 551 8638 Civil Air Patrol Meeting• 8 p m T hursdays at Au Na ttonal Guard Center 2651 Newport Blvd Costa M esa Everybody ,., welcor11e lnforma ll(lfl 821 8860 T eke Off Pounda SenaJbly (TOPSt meets 6·30-8 p .m Tuesdays at Ftrst Ch11s ttan Church, 729 Vtc torra. Costa Mesa. 111 S S r nom on second floor rear Fur 1 her 111 formatton Ltlhdn Pterce. 642-7023. films FrM children' a fHma at the Newport Beach Pubhc Ltbrary Newport Center Branch 856 San Clemente Drtve 4 p m Tuesday afternoons In A.L ••10• PATTIIISON c:Al.t,OMUl ANOILS "Bob P•tttr!Jon '.! rmpllasiS on liard u;ork in atla~tiC·~ and 1n ocadrmr<'& u ttxc,lwnt , .. 551-6970 13935 YALE ·J -~t ., TtMiu<O IRVIft. I I---f- Delivery service available 4-9 p .m. North Irvine onty ~ Qyy'n Stationcr.!J STATIONIRY formatton, 640 2246 Features wtll mcllld tl June 8· "The Case of the Etevatot Duck", "M agtc Rolhnq Board" 'Skateboard Safety" and "Naughty Ow let" June 15 "Blaze Glory" "Peter and the W olf" "Drayon Stew" dnd "T1me of W ondet Centw Club Singlea meet at Advcmced Health Center. 1300 Bnstol Street North Newpor 1 Beach 1975 07001, dnd tncludp "Who or What •s Y 0111 Crutchl", Spm Saturday July 5 Ann Mart,, leads 1 h<' lltSCUSSIOilS $3 tnc..ludeS refreshments Wheelch•ir Gardening tid!>'> ,., o ffered 10 a m Monday June 7 ttl Sherman Ltbrary .JIId Gardens 2647 E Coast Htqhwdy 111 Coronel cJpl Mar Fee •s S5 prere<JIS(rdiiOII IC, reqtmed 673 2261 Executive v.p. of Tiahnuan West Mandgement Corpor a11on Al<~n D Levy w tll ~~e<J~ 8 p m Wednesday, Jwlt' 9 t1l Snurh Coast Platd Hntt•l 111 Costa M <>Sd Sponsored by til£• lnstllutf' of Redl Ec;t,ltt• Manaqemer' t lnformdttun 751 !)()&) Opportunlt ... In Redevelopment wut be dtscussed by Clau<lf' Kluq and RP.x Swc1nso" du11n~l a dtnner ht>ld 6 p m M ond.ty Jurw 7 at the Atrporter Inn Sponsored by the Bwldtng Industry Assoctatton of Southern Cdltfort11a C<1st 1s $20 for member~. $25 for nnn rHemoors lnforma tiWl 547 3042 Day-long Condo Semi,_, set for 9 a rn Saturday June 12 at Deerftcld Commun11y Room lrvme Spon SWPd by Comrnuruty <iS~IICitllHHIS lnSIIIUIC Fl'f' IS S 15 fru members $25 f<rr nnn members mcludcs lunch lnfornw 11011 631 3092 Stop A Nucle•r Dev .. tatlon on Tueact.y June 8 at 7 30 p m Ftnd nul hnw you can rnake a cl•ffercncet Call 642 6634 fw tr1 fu11natton Caating Call for Cur- tain CaJI Chtldren are needed for the for thcornrnq productron o f 'The Sound of Mustc" dt Elizabeth Howard's Cu11<111' C<tll Dtr~ner ThPdtre 690 El CamHI{I RPitl "' Tus1111 KtdS w•ll h.tv(' to !>llllJ tt' rhe ctuclr Iron 11 a m 2 p m Scllurdtty June 5 at rl••· thet~tre Information 838 1540 Good luck' OCC'a Summer Swim Program has scheduled four rwn WPCk 'iCSSIOII'i June 14 25 Ju11e 28 July 9. July 12 23 t~nd July 26 Auqust 6 Classes wtll m~ct datly Reqtstrat1on w tll bt> ''eld 9 d rn ro noon Satwdi.IY. June 12 "' the OCC Gym •c•IVII•.COUPON••••-•i Buy One Pizza 1 t cond 1 1/!_P_tCE i \1Av NOT 8{ USED WITH A~ ONWC UPON I EXPIRES..AJNE 10. 1982 Weatwn Night 5 8.30 p m Fnday June 4 at Eastblutf School 2527 Vtsta del Oro Newport Beach Features tnclude hve bluegrdSS mus1c game booths. Me)(tcan dtnner pony ndes. auc ltur1 and danctnq Prc1 ceeds beneftt school en11chment proqrams An aucwtment of Chfolatian aummer campa are betng of fered through St Mark Pr esbyte11an Church Spectal camps for grades 4, 5 a11d 6, 7. 8. dnd 9, 9 and 10. 10. 11 and 12 and colle~Je Call the church for 111 form;w on 644 1341 Music New Thought Chriata.n Church Sprtng Concert featurtng ptarHst Davtd L•on and soprano Kathertne Peters 8 p m Saturday June 5 tn OCC's Ftne Arts 119 Selecttons by Rosstn• Handel Beethnven Choptn a11d LtS/1 T•ckets areS 10 call 646 1032 Pope Concert by UCI Symphony Orchestra Concert Chotr and Jan Band 8 p m Frtday Junp 4 111 Ftne Arts Vtllaqe Theatre AdrntsSton •s $3 qeneral $2 fw '>lucfl'IIIS Maaa in 8 MincH by Bach. sunq tn enttrety by the OCC Chorale anc. Alurnnt Ch011 8 p m Saturday June 12 '" the OCC Audttonum Ttckcrs are S5 and $4 11111111111111•••11•--11!1111~1~----------· I J The hwpcw1 E.nalgn Weclneeday. IWM 2. 1112 Page·~ ~~~ Choreotlr ..... Y wor~shop 7·30 p m Thursday, June 3 rn UCI's Ftne Arts Dance Studto 128 Admtss1on tS $1 Information 833 6617 MWdleE-tern Dance featu11ng OCC students and profeSSionals 8 p m Frtday June 11 111 OCC's F1ne A rts Hall 119 Ttckets are $2 50 presale. $3 at the door lnformatton 556-5527 NewOra..n. Pr.....,ation Hall 1 .Jau Bend wtll perform at the Irvine Bowl 111 Laguna Beach 8 p m Saturday, June 19th Ttckets are $5. S10. S 15 and $25. wtth proceeds benefttttng the Orange County Performtng Arts Cenrer Telephone 497 1581 Jb::atcr "Not Now" a Darling· Parce comedy presented June 3 20. 8 <30 p m Wednesday Thursday and Saturday Sunday at the Costa Mesa C•v•c Playhouse at rhe North End of the Fatrgrounds 754 5159 for tn formatton "Tintypea" a grand mustcal wtnds up Snuth Coast Repertory !> Mdmstaqe seasor~ thouyh July 3 Shows are 8 p m Tuesdays throuqh Saturdays w11h ma11nees 2 30 p m weekends ttcket!> dft' S 15 and $10 w11t dtscounts for sentw !> studPnts and IIOUP!> Brr11 Clfftce 957 4033 "The Me~t Who Could S.. Thfoough Time .. by TPrrl Waqen~r vvrnds up Second S 1 aqe season June 'l 20 c11 SCR Curta"' •s TuP!>days throug11 Satwrlays ,l l 8 30 p rn Sundt~ys dt 8 p m Wtth weekend martne(•s .11 3 p 111 Bux off tee 95 7 4033 "On Golden Pond" by Ernest Thomps<u1 ntghtly except Munday!> at Sebasuan's West Dtnner Playhouse 140 Ave Ptcn Sdn Clemente Ttc~ets 492 9950 "Crucifer of Blood" Sherlock Holmes spectacular May 14 June 12 ar 8 1J n. Tuesdays thrnuqh Saturdays at tilt> Lagu11a M oulton Communtty Ployt.nuM' Ttckets 494 0743 Ttbble'a Music H•ll, 16360 Pactftc Cuasr Htqhway Hunttnqton Beach featurf'S Yuunq A mertcans Snnq and Dance Co'''Pd"Y Seattnq Tues<1dy throuqt Satwdav 5 45 and 8 45 p m Sunday 7 p rn $ 12 95 and $ 14 95 tncludes dmner Reservartons 840 5661 B•ater'a Street. 4647 M acArthur Blvd n1USICCII dll1flf't theater dtrect Pd by ptdntst Dan Trwwll Cdll 540 2475 for ShOW I If liPS cllld reservdtrons Elizabeth How•d'a Curt.ln Call Dmner Theater ts presen11n4 Oklahoma rhrou~1h Junf' 27 The rheater 1s located at 690 Et CdrnH10 Red T usttn For 'l'servatt(li1S call 838 1540 "I Ought To Be In Plcturea .. dl the HarleQUit Drnne' Ptayl nuse 3502 5 H<1r hor Btvd Sdt ·a Ar n Tuesdav ohrouqr T• "·•lav J' 8 15 p m F-"' •> 9 p n Sdturda'v 8 .30 p r • •· d C)unrla\ II / 3(1 t VOTE DR. GENE ATHERTON Supervisor • 5th District e FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE • FOR BALANCED TRANSPORTATION e FOR LESS TRAFFIC CONGESTION e FOR CLEAN AIR-LESS SMOG VOTE JUNE 8 DR. ATHERTON FOR ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • 5TH DISTRICT l t ·s Tim e For A Chan!(e Fratd Pourcel Ray ConMt Johnny Gtbbs Kenny Ranktn Caravetb Johnny Pearson Nloo Gomez Anne Murray Raymond LeFevre Fteetwood Mac Clebenoft Art Gartunkel Frank Chacksheld Hara6d WIMter Davtd Rose T ant T enntle Don Tweedy Lamdo Alrnlidtl s-.~ Gordon UJIIbA Hugo .... 4'0 L&lta ... ~F­OIM~ i~!U~!~im H.~. I~fE~f;~;i; ;tm~~ ~~ 'lllr~rtm 1 1Uttruuwp fH ~~~!pip !Jifi~,· fHiflHJJ ;eq l;!I'IH! r1Jf1Hl!IJiil fUamn f;rni' i'fH ~(ilfH i' lf 1[ rlf j!:H!~1 1 :J~HHrn~ il I it~hfJ)t;Jl:Jff~,r, :f II H~:~;~~~ ~;r ra~I ~~~-~~~r~1 !f1~Jllrtlfl:~~~;~1r !1tf!lr•!~1 ~Jr[lrtr!Jt. rJi:'rt·,::Frl~~~r.lftliJi•(s!lf'l!;ftr11t:1l1~1lri!JIJ;lJ a!i r il r'~~~lf[ !J6fil.~ {f ~tf .. jn!rfi!l,it~f:rrrt .. f~i~~~~~!oil tf~~~ ,,rr,,,,,,f I ;~ ;~ =~~-;i r;;:.:J ""IJ;f.JI. ri 't J-l(f!t,.Jif ,l --rrtt~[rrr tr~'ti-iif r~~,~ !·!i'Jf f' J{· fn 1 • -r ._._.!] i: ••• 5 " •• ··~ ~ .5 .~ .-~--~-~ '· •• II II f 'f ~~i ;; ~,~~~~~~ I ! 'iiJ!.1 IJ -l :,r--~~;tf~:J !lt! ~(i ~lj,.~t! it J! 1flrJ'i r!rff•tflt[r t'l'l=ret ~·.''~; .n.··•.'-~--~ '~~ ~!~ •! rtl l! II I' ,..ri li'Jt ·j'!ll -r[•J·~I1'=~Ji !tJ .. i r·ri __ ,r!ll f~e6a J1 •r.i-11t''l t ~~r .,lrl··Jjl;-,,r.· .. ~-f .. r•l!l~~e ,5 .!"1 !1·r;:.D J.:C ~o ,t!.;•p P'"Ia.·i!" ~-· .. ·--:a ~· .-••ttll~flc»t.-... • l' r : I . , • • i ~ --; . r iT. ; r ,. 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Add,_ p ,.. __ _ ____________ .c.,, __ ......__ ••• AMMOUMCDOITS I Fuoer-.1 Nouc" 2 f uner•l Dlr-K ion J Cem•lerv Cr-ypta & lo•• 4 Memun•l 'i Flouata 6 Annuunc&m•nl• 7 Acct.ounl•nl• 8 Allornev 9 Penor,•l• 10 Loot <tnd Fuund II Schoula/ln•lrucln 12 Bus•n•~ Perwn.sl• IJ BanktnQ 14 Pt'ls ,.,,d L1vestoc-~ 15 Gdraqe Sdlf'' 16 He<tlth 17 T••vc>I'Vac•llon 18 Enlt'llaonment I o Gtfl Suoqesltun~ 20 Chuopracttc EMPLOYMENT 22 D ur .23 Help Waol~ 24 Employment Aocv .lS CuuowltnQ Svc 26 Ltcensed Chldcrf' 27 Stluattvn~ Wantt'd nNANCI.AL 28 Mun•v W•n1ed 29 Munc>V To:, Luen JO Bu~tnt>~• Oppt.·• Jl lnvt!stmenl Opp ,, 12 T.u,l 0t>£<d& <tnd MoiiQdQe~ B Fc,edu~uu• Svc' 34 In~urAnce MERCHANDISE JS Ulale Sale'> J6 Sport•nQ GO<Jd• 37 All J8 Anttqul!'• 39 Auchons 4 1 f u,ni!Uif' 4t Appliarol'<'> 4 I T t>IPvt..,t<>n Stouev• 44 Mu.,ral lnstrumn•• 4'> Olt.ct> Equlpm~nl 4b Slamp$ and Cvtn• 47 ~w.nQ M.srh1ne• 48 F .sbucs 49 D ... mond,.IJ .. welrv SO M,.ct'llalot'GUS 51 Wan• T Buv RENTALS 52 Rf'nt•l• T ~ Sh•rc> 5J Apanm•>nls Unlrr . 54 Apartmt>nls f urn 5b HLu><"~ Unlurn 57 H, u,..~ Fur nosh..:! ~ Cvr.d• ,~, TwnhH>• F r Rent 59 v ......... 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MO NEY MONtY I MORTGAGES 1 mD T D , ':i YEAR lullv ..,,, rtuf'd 17 ... 0 o L " pu1nt Call Q6.4 .2~ l4 lor ~uulf' Homt'ownf'" L ' t.• 1 phont' .lnd .)lid Jrd Tru•t O...d• l t .l r..d • VOUI •o!U411 I r n...-d C"ll fun J .. ,. r."lt.t 36 SPORTING GOODS DISCOUNT ;o~lrend S8to >< • • 30 BUSINESS OPPTYS BUSINESS O PPO R TUNITY Arc> v P11:lfd 'Tltt \\ ,It ·~.1 1 ; I" :· .• f • ~. r• r,! l:n4 'I • a "*'Pr r , rr. ""· JO.Zto MONEY WA>,;•H b n popul•r brand I •thtnQ .snd • • r ~ WE£KL Y SPECIALS • hH me> err1en Sl 98 • p., , H b•r ••~» SOc • .Y711 I 8 <UJ)ef ltqht '"" St.> Q<, SLIPS0N S C YCLERY 4~ Gr • " l..nfO • ,, • Mth·• '· S46-4130 '•"J J~·~ .... • ' • 31 ANnQUES-- , ....... •m•nt n '-r ' ' lt to-' r , .. ,,. l• r. 1 SILVER VICTOIIlAN m~ h ,.. r" ''" ... P<>l ••qntod f rench U S A Mr B • \S col P••nt1nq• pau ol 'I 1, <;&II F ,,.,.,. h •h•p.d 1rtenlal HA .. VE A HIGHLy PRl1 ru\J' Old Glorv 152 S C .,..,, Hwv l..quna f t'T ABLE .tnd kotod ,•,tul Bt>d< h 444 Q02(! IPt\11 Shc•P 'I v. , .. , • wr fP,.IUtiOI.J 1ht' l•tP>t 1ft ,~ .. n' ..ittrHm pi ''" WPctf ... nd Wfl•lfl'rn W~AI 41 FURNJTURE STRIKING COLLEC IY comeuu10n1 No '" 1 "'"lmeal or coU ... ·tt< n • ~ ll Q()l.• n• I ld ... btk)IO B• vo•u own bo• f ull It-petenll•l N;, •• peue•c:• ne c e .. •• v W •• P'fta.ll I liCk!.., N~ WrG CO 0.,1. J4SO N.wtoo ao .. TION , I anllquc> p.n• : .. ,,.,,.,,.. H•ud ptc~ed lr 1m Grf'•l Bnt••n f..,r ••I" •• I S \r••wn SJ • E &.,lt ... ,. Btv.l S.lbo• ----·-12 IUIDfi:SI PDSONALS 1onQ ln"•~"' '" ,,., Jtf"l .>nd 'lellliOJ y, ~ mav hctv• vo•Jr ~• rf" o~rj 111 "' httle M 15 ddv• Cell 1 dnyhme lor Mt H•nl•v I 80().527 6443 12 IUSJNESS PERSONALS ·. : ·.• .-·.~ .... · .... _: .· .· ...... Pe" •n•ul.s MUST SEll ..... hd ~·· r llf'f' •nd •nd let-1• ..,., wolh m••· lun\J well untt n,.~ 1..-d• , m we Cus • m ""I• •nd lo"e ~~ o uuon.sl S I JOO w N It< c> ~'ill Con1empot "'" &<;ol•b..-d N 1unk c.,. ~f'lp me,.. tJ50 1860 BEDROOM SET 1 pt..ce btodroom •• tn .lud.. ,.,,.n hNd •nd f,'l(), bt·.ord ~• ch•" '""h' •••rod tropl• dt" W'l IYIIIIOr •nd boolt helves Go.xf c ond1hN1 $250 C•ll .-h•• 7 p m 837 1587 lO't OFF TltOP'I'I'()Q, ·---~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.al I row D fodh pill A 111 1111 nt• Terr• Malhn t.acl Alu..aool outdoot lur111 Tflat D11111 lu,. S.lceollhe Ntle t. IMtOA 7S 06)4 ToiiOO.OOO 49 DIAJCONDS • I JEWELRY EST AT£ I SECOND HAND IEWElJIY end stet hnQ ll•1w•r• costJ much 1-•1 S.n1lev'• 220 E 17th St Cost• M ... 645-6585 GRAND OPDUNG The Coe~• W... Com & 1-elrv Eac h.nQe 2426 Newpon Blvd Cost• M.u buys and selb uMd 1e-hv scoap Qold den1el •••chM C:OlOS Stiver 631 593J 50NISCEL· LAJO:OUS PUBLISHIIt DOES NOT ACCEP'T t .. luhtv lor tncorr«l apeUmq Qummellcal tnaccur •ctH . or lypoqr•pb.c:.sl errors 10 &I'll' edve1 t1•menll publahed •n the Coas1 Ned.., New~ G roup f O R SAU I p.a11 sh& l SO em S25 I p•u sl" boola .. ,. 3 U O Oval sh•q erN t'llCJ, oraoq• •nd brown wtth be1qe colon S I 5 Wens bowl •DQ ball A..Nf 111 cerrv .nq c.ue onth ahoee mena stae 91,1) &44 4687 MABRIAGI wllh •n An ttque C exrwqe C er 116Qe laone aa.d co.ch m•n .sv••l•ble 10 1h• br~de .snd oroom lor tb.tl leleqanl proc~n nde Brochure tnlorm•ltor •nd r-rve110nl For anv spec••• •"""' Cleu:IC c ..... qes 71 4 bJ9 1419 SANDAK SHOES -HAPPY .. fEET lor en •ue lem•ly S-v••r quer .sntee S7 95·S l6 95 Dttlnbulou w.sntc>d 548 3193. 2217 M1nf01 Coete W..S. YOUR ANCtSTIIY otnd heutaqe tcnplf>d on • '••miKI 'croll r .... det•ol• o l vou1 nam• SAS E Alb'"'' Rc> ... rc:h 17912 S.ll Cu C Huntt.oq1on B-ch C A 926-47 LOVE FOR SALE' A book ol romanhc love tde•~ lot Y< t.IIIQ lovers ul all •QH W..n oc wom•n marn.d or nf\• vout ove couJd bt' motel• m~ re IUCIIIOQ b\ "'"Ad dtiiOn ol c•r•• p•c-" a desh ol n .. rm .-prtnltlmo 1 , .. rpnr end a drop I "ndNr ment 1opJ)4KI oil wtth er. orcu.onal ooh Noll .d .. •• '" lh~ b...,~ .,. ver" «onom•cal lun .snd •unplc> ow Rom•nhc L..,v,. ld••• SJ 89 O.po 7 D L M PubJ,.hHI•l Cl t!Q.4<, £ 101h Sr r,,,., n AZ 8571 0 l.<'>vP " ·· b .. "" 1 v•d HavP y,) "'" ,, ' f'd •~ v la•ely MAG IC ISLAND G. ld Ch•rtt'r M"mb•r •h1J. lr 1 wl• P"""'• P"''' 847 010! PU BLISHIJI DO t S NOT ACCIPT IIAhll•ty lor mcoJTeCI ~1Ln9 qr••m•hc:•l ua•cc\lr ac-or typoqreplllc:-.1 e rron t.o e y edwr •--t.a .,., .. lulled ua tbe Co.ut WedY N.wt Group IKX>~LD. kARl e.nd olli-ol·pnal We bay ud ..U. ~t-ol Pl'lDI ~our I!PeCMl· t'1 ~ N.-.Wide Se..rct. ~~. look Y•ll.lt. l6G-A I l l'llltOI, S&nta Aaa 541-11541 .,,.. c ....... I NO OLD no lt•n••r• dryer , .t.o.4 1»3011 $UI 5SUU,_1S OW OWl UNIOUI APART· WIMTSMCI1o~u. wtth c•llleclr&l ~hnQt. l~.w .. bua,au ncl1h0AtD9, poOII, CJ}'a, tena11 Lamecbate ava.il· .W.: 1 tledroo• and cMa, I Mc:lroo., 2 bed· rooal2 batt~ Iowa· ho~&ee~. Sorry, no peta. 2.00 Harbor IJ••I . Costa W.... 557·8020 LANDLOADS -''" .d~rtiaaa91 Last rentala Sllllln'ALS TO anc1 rec." q....._hhed s•UI -calla! AM ... ntal RMI· Ora119• County'• CHRISTIAN ROON · and 1&19Mt rental ,... .. -Ape.., hou-. ••Jrv~e:e. 973-8315. condo• ava.LiaWe to PAY WORI' Now et..re. We1llind orae for renh:L HunhnQtnn youl C.U Fellom1p G A Rooamate S.rv~e:e, 8'JO. ra.a per1meata .,._-2. ext. S5. Douuona Pnae qarden aparl· ~~ meota near be.ch 1n only. Huehnqlon leech• W/F ROONNATI 0.,.. a~~d two-bechoo111 wuted to eh.re 2-bed· apartaenla hom S425 room 1rvm• ap&rlmeot (714) 847-6064 w1th late-20. male Co.plex has all lllan· PUIUSHIR OOIS dMCI recrMtlon oood· NOT ACCIPT Liability 1 ... S257.!10 per 111onth lor I.DcorNCt apellin;, plu d.posat Call Tom. QrUiaatieu illecc1u· 857-2431 -or 827· Kiee, or l'ypoCJrapAlca.l 1110 daJll. enon lA any .dver· SHARI LARGE OcMn ti.le-ta P~ iD tM Cout Media Newa v,.w home to lAouna B..ch w1th amQie pro· G:.:ro:..::;.::"'.::.P.:..· --- 1-lonal Sunny pa110, ---... Yow Cet? 9arden, wuher/dryer ~"'( ..... fled furn11hed eac:ept maaler bedroom, wath 673-0550 pravate b.th and walk·1n cloaet Ava11&ble now S4001month plua hall ulillh.. and aecunly depostl. 4~·1331 oCEANFRONT 1-bed· room apartment. lm· maculate furniShed or parhally lurnLahed Adulta No .,.ea S800 ID· clud .. util1l" 497-1082 owners 51 HOUSES UNFUJUC NEWPORT BEACH Spectacular ocean, b.y v1-. 4 bedroom, 2~ b.th, drnlnQ room, lem1· ly room, commun11y pool. eleQant. S2 ,150 per month 759-0692 or 644-8125. 53 APARTMENTS UJfFURN CALLITHOMI "IMMACUlATE .. I and 2 bea'ooma lrrlnedlotetv ovaloble Opt!Ord 1 year leola Dea.ocelvlng at BRIARWOOO &ecMN~tetftrO. w<* to~ close to freeways. Pool. l'felidelouf'Oe. SCUla. gas n. ~to COCil heat and cook witt\ AI the extras are._. and you too\1111 wont to CAll IT HOME santa Aro Freeway to Newport Ave exrt. then left an W<rut. 1322 South East warut. Tustn 832-7870 II HOUSES FOR (JIVlNIJNort)lwood Park Place. 4 bedroom. 2~ b.th beaulllul home, walk to S.otiAQO H11l1 School and ahopplnCJ Ava~la.ble June 28 838-4667 RENTAL-N ISI&On V•eto home, 3 bedrooms, 2 b.th, lam1lyroom, hrt piece, 1ndoor spa, v1ew :ul·de·NC atr"t S825 monthly Call tolllret~ number 1-800·532-3972 uJI lor Pennyuver Ad Watch N4g62 58 CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR RENT PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT hab1hty for 1ncorrec1 apell1nQ Qrammallcal •nac:cur· ac1e1. o r IYJ>OQ1&ph1cal errors tn •ny adver IIMmanle pubhsheJ m the Coaat Ned1a News Group 2 BEDROOM. l'J BATH condo, North· wood S725 per month A va1lable July i 731·5423 LEASE S650 mouthlv H1Qhly upqraded 2 bedroom 2 bath relraq eralor w•aher dryer 1.4rqe double q•r•qe On El N1quel G<.olt Cour!>e Aduh bualdanq 496 9531 59VACAnON RENTALS SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. Tahoe Keys Lovely 2- bec:lroom/IV~-bath con· do 5 lUI CUlROI poola. lennLS. puvale beach/ Jake boa• dod S701 dey (714)646·2183 LAKE TAHOE on the walt>r 4 b«!droom ). bath uxcellenl home Completely lurmshed S 700 per week S52 2115 eves 975·0311 MAMMOTH LAKES luxury cond05 Sleeps • 6 and 8 All amen111N S200 per week Call (213) 695 6441 BIG BEAR CONDO 3 bedroom 2 bath pool, 1enn1s. TV 639-2742 PUERTO VAllARTA house poul ma1d Tw bedroom 2 balh \27 weelr Call Pt>nnvwve and a•lr lor M315 Tolllree Ad Watch I 800 532 3972 BJG BEAR CABIN- ~ bedroom plus loll 1leeps 9 5 10 manulf'~ lo Snow Summ11 SSO per n•Qht S70 refundable secunly depo~•• Call tolllree number I 800 532 3972 ask lor Penn' Nver Ad Watch M56B8 SHAUorncr .. AC£ WI pro'--'ooaJ t.I&IUI- •ulle ... ut\.lu1 olf~eee New p....,194101.1• bu1ld mQ, loc:at.-d ~n WCJIIOA H1llt nMr h .. way Md mall PIMNnl and ptpf atmosphere. Ofhce .. rVIC .. &VA1lable '1'1C).f22t a.-tU\11 Mewoport Center olf~e:e w1th use of receplloo, c:onl••· enc:e room. k1tc:heo, phone, sac r•tarl&l and word proc_.Q(J. Nat! and·~ .. ,. v1c:e avaal&ble .. pa~. ateiJ 1f dftlred Coli Sally 1714)~100 6480ARD •cARE CREEKSIDE MANOR L.,, ~nR>d F r Amhulaa rv ot nd N,.,. Amb1il11h rv C M I 1741 Olvmp" ~1 -4819 PJUCID wtTH TDWS Penorall'lic oc..n v .. w 10~ down GrMI U · sumable to.na ftua CUI IOIIIII·butlt 3· bedrooftl./ 2 b.th bome baa been redecoreted and 11 1n 1mmeculate cond lion Vaew lrom IIMriJ ell rooms. The owner wiU c arry lmancmg and hu J\nl r.-d~ pnce to S22•.ooo Canon RMJ latate, (114) •93·8901 LAGUNA BEACH -3 bedroom. 2~-bath. overloolllnQ V 1ctoua Beach t..... ophon A'vatlable S34S,OOO 4~·2894, aoent MISSIO N VIEJO Hou .. lor S.le by owner Nonllel C 3 bedrooms 2 batha, aar cond1honmq, large lot mounta1ft v~ew, nea1 laJre, pro- IAndKAPiliQ Sl67,000 A;enta welcome to 3'- 837-4787 FANTASTIC a.t9ato- Valley Center new home Eatra acrHQa avatlable Low down owner w1ll carry 30450 Rockalone Road . 497- 3581, 7·9·2265 LAJIGI 3-IIDROON, 2"'-b.th c~. w ... townhome $155.000 13 5~ -30 JMr hnan· ClnQ ht yMr &I 12ti. 347 I 18th St.. 851· 2233 POlPU JIACH, iaua.l Waterfront c:ondoa, 2 bedroo111, 2 beth. fur· ollhed Nidi .n. (714) 892-3084. (213) 431· 3536 LAST 01 FIVI pruae laata1ct. Coete w ... lownhomM 1.545 eq. ft , 3 bedJOOIIl, 2~ b.th Sl55,000 Good hnancmv 347 I . 18th St Owner/builder. 851·2233 PALM DESERT condo- owner en. bedroom bMu11Jul v1ew, encloeed patjo-all appliaoc ... $41,000. Call tolllrM number, 1·800·532· 3972, ull for Penn.,..ver Ad Watch N4238 ..._.YowCet? I CaM CleNifted 673-0550 KING FOR A"DAY! KING FOR YEARS TO COME!! Dad can reign supreme over his big SO' wide street to street lot on quiet upper Hazel in the village. Unusual custom home, city and ocean views. Seller may finance with 1 0% in- terest!! $350,000. P. . Just luted. successful. growing consign- ment shopp~. A super business. call us today. SALE Miiil!iiiiiiill~i!iliiiiiiil OFFICE SPACE FO 535 HAZEL DRIVE OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 IIIOKRI Olt IALIIHUONI Now Offering 90~ at our Corona del Mar Offlce JOHN CNI£'(, GRt ' ·, . . . -. : 1 J r r,1 · Prize W•t loy boyfront. Sli~ for 2 boots, remodeled 3 bedroom, 3 both $1 , :1)0,000. Oceon ond jetty vieW$. Morine room, 4 bedrooms, 3 boths, 3,700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. Oceonfront LIDO 18LI HOME8 Prune lido Nord boyfront, 5 bed- room, 5~ both. Lorge living room, 2 boot ·"~ $1,500,000. RENT N •nner Ned1 Piau neu Ho•Q Hotpll&l Psycho· therap111 631 ·04&4 BEAUTIFUL Eaecuhve olhc es lor rent lncludeto recep· homll otnd an~wennQ Mrv1ce ISO sq It And 24<1 11q It AJI typea aecreta11•l aerv1ces av•ilable W1How Tree Shopp1n; Cenrer, Wllllre World Uoll P 159-0911 II HOUSES FOR SALE 1 1 05 N Co.tSI Hwy 494·1177 Wrm Md ~ homr 01'1 .., eue ol &.net With lo.., ly Pool and pMIO etN Cioutmtt hthtfl IJ*~ deck and~ ol c~ ll'ld tuff m.kt this • ftfV 'PP'•I•natnY' ment SJ60,000 MUlUD.. UYNOLDS Top P'rolllh;r~ ~-· II .,.,"'~~''• •r-t .,,... ' ,,,~... ,.,, .... , -~--PUPUICIA JRIAl. IUuet bMc:lliTOAI P!op• erty. (808) 521·8871 (108) 373-.W7 Verooo Yuq . .IIOIIJ.IIIMIS NOIIU HOWl c .... ~m •. 12ri0. 2 bed· IOOIIl, 2 batlJ. (714) 338 .. 559. NEWPORT -BJXI to be.ch. Reduced S11.· 000 lor quJck Nle. Now $47,850. 2 bedroom, 2 bet ... ct.o, bonu Con- veoteot loeation, q1uck occupancy. 631-0217. ----u --oo.s hUMbly lor lDco.nect •ll189. c;,r•mlll&hcal ID.ac:cur· ec:1M, or typoQraph.1ca.l errors rn any edver· tuemen.. published 1n · the Coast Ned .. News Group. -SAILBOAT· 1977 A.NF Force 5 With trAiler. North SaJla 10&11 baQ, acceaon .. b.Q, v:eat. lxc:elleot cood1hon S950 734-2036. ISIOAT CIUUlTER 11AUTO UPHOLITEilY EICLINI AUTO U'PIIOI.STDY 211 W Wtbou, C .N . Carpet~, headliners or Vlnyl topa S90 mo« Amencan ~~~ NateriA.I high quahty lotenor ,....oratiOn econom•c:al· ly do.oe. 646-1211 I.MOTOB 1101811 MUST SILL -UNDY IDOtor t.oaa•. 22·lool WiAt coocl.t.oe Wlth all the ••tru 1&.000 mU... ' a..t offer o"' S15,000 CaU Roo. (714) 76(). OlClO _,SERVICE/ REP Ala JRJTISH AU10 Rl· PAlllS: J~r. JnMD H..J.y, Tnuaplt, NG. Tnumph St49 and moe! otbe:r Bn118h autoe. 11li15 Harbor llVd., Colta "~•.a•. 548-6228, HOI'S G ARAGE. AUTO RIPAlR ForeiQn I DoeMIIC ln;lne overheuJ Tune up, brd... electriCal c.u 832-2377. WIHS,BOYS 10-SPIIDS. Naae brucb Look, rw1 ble n-~to 155. Save up to S 170 548 1066 1970 DODGI 314 ton p1cli!up C.~r Spa CIAI HMvy duty equip- ped AW/fN, power ... n09 and bru ... •ulolll&lrc Irena , au cond , 8ordn buaper, b19 wide hMvy-duty lu" on ,..,, kxla and 11101 rMI. Never hurl or abu.ed IMt oH.r Will to. au&o 644-4617 JUPS, CARS, PICK· UPS bo• S35. Av&ll &bJ. a1 local Go"rn· Neat Auc-.tou for duectory, call (105) A'7·to00. .., 2234 Call ref-."DCW>&e. USED CA.IS WANTED -UptoMOOpeld Rlla lllftt or aot Alto wrecb Ad for Jack, 147·9471 ---11'11 MONDA 4-door, A.ecotd 4.2,000 • .-. eaoe1leat c:oncl•lion P.to0175-a! 197$ IIONDA Accorcl4 door, 5 IMCl, reqular 9M· &.it, ~.000 llliJee M.toO '152·8191 claya; ·1·1S23 -.lwlrecb NDCIDD 11NZ lwtl 21081.. wpec coodilioll. ,.._ay paUie.d, b~rQlu .a.r.. 5 Vovue u,.. W.B. c.u .orur .. nu•bet. 1.8()().532·31112 ad for hne.,..ver Ad· watcb N0176. CLAS.SJC 1959 Nercedn 190SL aporta· c.r. C0111pletety realor- ed--qorqeoual Neroon ••terior; aadclle Ultanor m .ooo -.3025 OLDIIIOIII.E 1-0UJ8«)1111 •. -·. Loeclecl ...... ... ,,.._ a.a.ulh 4IDQiM &Od tr&-'-loa. llrc.Uent concbboa Nuat 1et1 S6SO 010. 551 .286() ev ... ITUDEIADB 1911 STUDDADR A clua.Jc Hawk Pr ... 1deat1Al Good coocU- IIOD. $3,500. CaU loU· t~" number 1-80()..532· 3972, ult for PennyNver AdwaJc:.h N7900 VOLKSWAGEN 1981 vW Jette S.apeed. au, AM·FM c: ... u •• lilA root, 4-door (Nelli· eo beiQe co&or) aaume 1.... S2UWNootll or SI,OOO. 831-3157. SALLY'I IIAUTY NOOit, 1881 \7th St . Costa w .... Permanent• lroa Sll 50 up T1nhnq S8.00 up Shampoo and aeta, $4.50 Frot11n;, Sl2.00 up. Ha. ~rculh119. S3 50 642-7642 IN-HOWl BODY W._APS, S25. SkJo aad fee• lfMiant, S2S 8oth, $40 lat\IIIIVa colla•hnv. S2S. All 3, $60. 631·0217 CAIIIGTS ~JINIST 1n com ••rcl&l and recldent .. l cabtoet ry, ahel..,tnQ, bara, oouotet and qen eral woodwork J&B Con•ruciiOn, Ntllworll D.v1110n L~c:en• No 350878. (714) 631-4260 CABINETRY SPECIAL TY -Kttc.hens. b.th roomt and wet ban. No ~~ 1111alll Pet•r S " Property IJD. pro..eaeaJ, 631-2345 C~--Cuatom m.de, k1tchen1, book- c ..... b.ra, Q&r&Qfl •nd chau r•1l1 640-7154 evenmQI. Au lor Tom BARS. NANTILS, ku chen cabrneta, ra1sed panehnQ, doors, book c..... remodehnQ •nd add-on• Iac ellent relerences Ltc enae 1348276. 531-23M CAIINET REFIJOSHJNG CAIUIIT SnuPPlMG .llEFDGSHJNG Yo~ar old c&buteta, hlle o-With • ::oat• of lac quer&Dd repaara 152-1700 EVERYBODY READS THE I C~!!.l!~.w.car ... or -:!n'mJH>.~ .. , .............. ~. No~N~~aw wMI ,_..,....._ ._.ilacUitomer ...... ....__......,. ................. ~."'-' ...,, ow chnW.d ~.,.,_.II .. ... ,., ..... d iiiWitd .. CoaltMicla ..... ..... (714)67~ i • I I , 9 *VICI8 AOOOUIITIRG BOOKICIIPfiiG TAXIS -qua~~erl-- DD.all or tlal\ia9 bU&l· n ..... end mcl.v1duala walcome. Dollble N Y· IDQI, r-eable ral .. ud profeeaaooal.ly colll· pet..U MJVICel lnroll ptac:hce before lRS 552·8384 ADDITIOIIS .llEIIODEI.JMQ --wiT ..om DII'IIOVII Rooa •dcl.t.oa aod ,e.oc~e~ lhatta-11 Con· at ruction Co. Ul-7151 ~. ID'ODII.., All type~ ol c:oiUh"uc· tloa ,, ............. No tobtoo...U IISI·lnl ----- ALTERATIOMI/ DREUIIA.IIIIO A.LL AI. TIIA1K*S And c:utoa te.tll., We&l 10078 AdaJu •es• AIPHALT SEAL OOATIIIG/ DIUtEWATI UPIIALT IDAIIl s..&c:oet.q. ~ Co...,.c~11al , .... a. Lie. 3l7la ..... 11 AU.ITA11 PAWIOCO. DAif••••'DQ GltAODfOa PAVING ·---tl&l e CoaaeeeW • Lice•• 317104 .._.,. CABPINTirl WORK Patio co~n. declla 9araqe ltoraqe unus Inc• repau All lypM of carpentry No tob hJo ama.ll Tom. 551 258.3 CAiPtNTEJI SMALL JOI apec1a11at Cab 10el1, wall un1t1, pan@! lftQ, mouldmq Qaraqf' lloreQe, deck. r , ... eahmatea N•d•r • Handyworlr.a, 642 3789 CAll PE.Rit the f 1aur Nan; amall carpanlf't And odd repAH 10b' R L Perk•n• (Scot IriSh), 979-9047 CUSToN FURNITURE DESIG.NID and bu1h II) ~llr oeed -wall unlls bookc-. t.lbl ... c ab Uleta, atora;e un111 bara Cell John a1 ''Fur nllt.ue Woodcraft ·• 855 8417 or 558-8104 --THE FINEST U1 com meraa.l and readenJ .. I ca.unetry, abelviDQ ban, COIID.IeJ and g•n er&l woodwork J&B c_.ruciiOD L~c:eo• no. 3!101'11. (714) 631· 4260. CAJlPDITU -f o• IIIICa work, CWIIOIII c:ab 1nelt, book •helves qarAQe c&bmets, hn!Sh work 23 yean eape rteoce 963·9056 963 55182 Thank you. Jerry J'JliNCH DOORS bay WlncloWI, paltO COVell, decb, lramlnQ. ••drnQ lenc... wood floonoq Fr• Mtllnat" Excel lent referenc.. Unl1 e~ John.&~ CARPINTRY F1a..tl c &biDala, boollc:aaN ••••n. doo11 lape ,,.~ unJiailed C.rl, (7l4)1m 0457. DOORS & MORE fene.h, tDIIY and m t.r10r doon Aa.o room ~to"'• re.,.t.tino nd prect.a1oa ftnt.sh carpentry. Rod, 962 3117, LIC 4lO?tl CA.UIIITII't Feace• •nd Declta Repeira oaly .... r ..c.a ,.,. CARPET CLEANlNG CARPETS CLEANEO Carpets , .. .,mi d • v ~leaned FIU(Jr 1111 pmqlw•a•nl.l S..u1hw•• 1 Maintenance (714) /'il 8001 HOME SERVICE Carpal dv•1nQ cl•a LnQ, rep•u•. em1trQe11r ~ llood, upholsterv cle•n 1nc;,. dyemq IX>''-"''"'" chtp rep•1rs. hb~trqla ~ tub relm1shlnQ lt!paar• lila C'IMntnQ poh!hiRQ L•c A COMBS 131-&123 CARPET INSTALLAnON BILL'S CARPET SERV ICE laat.Ua110n .snd Oual1IY wor~ dl Call B1ll otl I 55·2·:ilt<n> even lnq• INSTALU.R ava1lable Repa1n II yMJs expeuencto C11ll Rua. 548-9265 CAR WASHING/ DETAJIJNG NOBILE SERVICE • your ho me or nlt.r • Completf' h.snd wd h tnQ pohsh1nq •nd • tenor det.s1hnq "T r.sd honal Detallt>r' l""''' 111eSWQelor P T 173-1244 HOUSE C A ll S C~atom .. ar WJX • r.l detot•l Your " •• II• YOU All WOI~ 1 1..11 .. teed (714) S47 It'l l (714) 633 9027 Red" n able ralea Call Tt r.~ IJNDSHJNE Custom aulo •nd 1. ••' det&~hnQ Your h m•· r mme Ptck up •nd dl'la. ery Call Ball '>41! 14'1. CATEIUNG THE BEST PARTIES ••• calered bv Mcll'• • l , c.,.,.,.nQ s" "' M 1 hnell•'• plan v 11 r • •' event (714) 7JY ~ u (714) &47 Q44!i N , • RENT A C 0U ~ 0.JICIOU~ Wt> .. lcd i \ mMl• pre-hxi>rl h r •• 11 CODIIeftlt'nCe 5d-'" 11,. .dl TERI 97Q 487-1 C£Mt:NT CONCRETE PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Wooden pdllfl • ·~"' all tvpe11 N ;b b1QitmAII Nu ~ tt I~ •' Ask lor hm 54H 7102 CONCRETE AND MA SONRY P~•• decki brJC:~ rnl,,. duveways Wllh Js~·t· •I• removal planlo-r' '"' unqs. block wotll F r•·•• "hmare• Dan c; lb 7440 (l 1c 39J42ll FREE ESTIMATES cement blurk r br • l¥Ork n@w ('O IIA'JU th •U or rep•u lac 2':t'lt>l . Call 996 0634 .UIV' omt• JOE & G CEMEN l DravPw"v' I •11 walb 11ep• onti t ,,, dahon• A~ph"h c re&e remov41 s, ra h·il ltc•nW~ 368186 F , .... " • C.ll552 34S4 BRIC K AND Bl(>('K WORK p.SIII • ,,; dnv•wav c .. l n 731 l968 ur 7<1 lbh alter 5 CONCRETE CUSTOM C EMENT " t bt~rkworl-WP d ul ft. ,,..b ..._ malt Ro• I•It'Ol ('< dOd ''"" •• , •• m•t•' M-47 4&41:l I SPECIALIU '" '" .. h&l'flm•r work and '" mo val of co nr •••• ,. (pat10t mdf'walk •ud dt~vewavi) Abo cuiiHt•J and h"ndNwtnu Nu• 5late lac Week', Cu11 cret• R•a~ov d 611 2610 CONCRETE• ASPHAI. T IREAIJNG li\EMOVAl Slflplo•der dum~ trud )aCk hommf'r l ow ralf'• f'Xpfllnencf'd qu&ltiV wurk n•ur..d lrH lmdlft ~7-82!2 QUAIJTY ni'IST OONCR.ETE Dnvew•ya, toundat1ona curh end r,uller spe<:-1al 1111 R .. 1den11•l •nd commerciAl f '" '"" real" and compt'llhv" pnc" LIC 396788 tl0-20tl CONC RETE DRIVE WAYS. Stdewallr pahol, blud walh repair, •II IYj}el b11c:~ L•c:•nted (714) 842 3002 CDII:NT WORK Ia~ ~o·~• puol -'eck av..hh wor~ al a ~· .. ,,.c. ,, .. etl lllh ltM IHIIIIIIttttdd dddddd 111\IU ullued t55 639 1489 COM'I'aOC1"'IO OVUHOLT Coune· tiDe, ._,...i-9 -*· r....u... 4rayw,ll, be1 ,..... ,_ .. doon. C)y1ity .. low prl~•· C.JI lryaa, ,..7117. Co=~~/ .... ~ n.fidll l.a ha&lh c~ry Yow ho~A~~~tla""' p.Uece1 131-211416&2·3112 KiilCHNIR--CON· STIUCTION. Get~eral Butldlaq ContrKtore thac• 1917. C~aatom buildU;Iq ud retaodel· IA9· frocn d.algo to linlah. Lie:. 122497 642· 7003,145-0168 -~ AHD ADOlTlONS. Ja.d. wood pahoa, tp.u. decks, alt:yltthll, 91Moho.e wuulowa Small JOII apec:~hlt ''" ... uaaa •. Jbchard. (11~)~~ CONTRACTORS ALTIRATJONS. ADDI· nONS, repau, cabt· ruru. c:ot~~pa.e conlrec llftQ •rvic:•. 35 yean eaperwoce. R•ler~ Lie 9314a&. Hear-,, 556-6036. • C61111.1CTaJC • ........ lal •Coa.erc~ •lad~~.~tr~ OI;W.rty .. ·-•b .. pr~. Lae.ea..ct 111uler elec:tnctu. No 417874 $.S6.7$38 ELICTIUC AL CON· TRACTOR Lewaa Elec:tnc:al Co Ltc 418968 ProvtdtD9 powez and hqhl lor hom•. sho~ and tn duatry 2.4-hour •rvtee "2-8023 -FVRJOTURE REPAIR• RESTORE HAND -STRIPPING . repau1n9 An11q11ea, raltu, a.ew funulure Clw.u CanlllQ, tUMinljJ SPECIAL -uy chau. uy color, hand· ltnp· ped or reqlued - ,19 7S A Touch ol Clua lntenora, 711 W 17th St . A-2. C0111a w-.642-nu STJuPPING-AND Jll. F1NlSHlNG -No d1p· ptDQ &nd rub olltee and patao lurntlure. p&ulled to look ltke new Ge.nerahcm• ot ellpen· •oc•. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS DOOR H&~dware. WAYCONsTRUC'riON electroniC o penen Eventn91, weekend• Remodel -Add1ho na MK Door Company, ~ (714~~·1477 ~~---.... ~.!PUBLISH Ill DO IS NOT ACCEPT Ua.b&llty DEUVEilY SERVICE AV AILA.ILI TO RUN all typee ol erranda 8 \A.II.A-and penonal SboppiDo. ~ up and dehvery, etc Lou .a.ms DOORS DOORS FOR-THE DO lT · YOUISILI' mlt.U.r Wboleaale pncu, 3'a6'8". 10 h9bl French doon, S95 26. Four panel Ullenor do"91&a flf 2'8" I 6'8", t 78 50 NCb S&uley HiA9• & Hardware, etc t 5 delavery duec:t to your local lob ate. Pr•hunq k111 &J..o avA.llable Call 857-6858 DRAPERIES lor UICOnec:l ..,.U.U.9. Ql&lii.IDatlc.J uaeceUJa· c'-, or typoQrapb.lc.J enon Ill uy &elver· tilemnta publithed I.A tM Co...t Nedi.a N.wa Group. GABDEIGNO FlRST INPAISSIO N TolaJ Lendecape S.rv· IC.. lnatalJAt1011 And mtintenance . Tr .. Mtv· tee, aprua.ltlera, lawn renovahon D..p root .. rtUia01IOIL We do 11 all, .,call .... ROTOTllllNG DONE DIRT c hNp Gard.en• flower beda. lawna landacap1nq Reuon· able ratM F'rM adv1ce 646-7819 anyhme DOWN TO EARTH lA"ffl and Ga rd.ea Serv 1ce Comple4e tnii.Jla hOD. renov.taon end ma1nt•nance Ouahty Mrvtc• •t down to Nrth pr1c• S.hahed cuttomen our l11a1 priOrity. C.U anyume 646 7819 GREEN SCEJ(£ I Lawn ma1nlenance cleAnups lar9• and I small Tr.. 1ruam1.0Q DRYWALL DRYWALL Han9UL9, tapUIQ and c rMlave laa.nd tutur .. lnaured. Reliable 0. peuckba.. c.tl Jetl 131..$113. PLAsrulMG ..::ouahC: c:etluao We do 11 all R.U..W.. lr" .. hm•t" C't.ytOD, ~1215 EI.ECI'JUCIAN RisiDuT1AL I COM MIRCIAL -llect uc our ~ty CIMn, qvlclt, dependable We do any liM lOb hter S Rod9en Pro perly ll'l!prove menl. 631-~!. UCINsaD ILICTRJ ClAN -~ctaba.. qual&lr work R.aoo· ..... r•• ,,.. .... mil• CaU Toa, 631· 5072 ' I and remova l free estamat" 548-6065 GARDENING RJ & S Gardenwq S.r v1c:e General ciMn·up, aa1ntenanc e , ed9• weed1n9, lerllh11D9 Call lob. (71.) SD.- DOUO'S Y IUlD SDYICE Lewn m.&Ulteaanee, trM 1nmm1nq. ciMD~ap and hauhnq 544-2111. eat 1103. -kd.tya e.s FULL WAIH'TENANC ' and c1Mnup Sp«&&lta IJI9 10 comaerc1al and ahopplllq centen Call Tony, 646-7SS6 GAIDDDO aliT AiiliJCAII GAJlDIII1IIG S.rv.ee. ~ Ia weeltJy. a.. • ....ldy aad aoratlaly ... .,, .... c.. ca .... UJII, &.w. ,..,_,and l.a· lt.J&.hoa, lrM lrlliiiiiUlQ Qd ... ov.t. tpuni!Jet ~ ud iAJtallahoo ,,.. ... u..... 549--l. BAJU>YMAN PATJUC I'S HOWE Re- pau ud lmprovemenll G.oeral ma~..nteoance. cupen I ry, elec: trtc al. plumbmo. concrete pa· tioa and wallu Hourly ••••· No tob too small (714) 646-3793 PAINTING. PLUWI - ING, alectncaland QN· eral repa~r Work 911oAr· uteed. f'r .. Mhm•tM. Bob, (714) 835-2618 GlRi;AN C RAFTS- WAN -14 VNrl local ~omeowner. lnendly, c:IMD. r...anable No 10b too am.U F rH MlltiiAtM 642 4970 IOJ1CUl,OUS MOaT'S • Home Repau • Remodehnq • Fiz-It Serv1ce C arpecnlry, plumbmg. elec:trteel, doors cui aDd 1n.atalled, mold , IJIQI, cabmeta, shelv lD9 Fauc::e ta. q•r•9• door apnn9•. ~punkler ' syatema f'ul. elhc1enl •tvlCe Lc 8352651 951-t087 HONE IMPROVEMENTS lC.EE.P YOUII MAJNTE. NANC E coat down Houaehold re pa111, remodehnq. plumbmg. electnc•l, v e r d cleanup No rob too amall Call eny11me Le•v• menage lo r Duue. (714) 960 3JJ6 BOUSE CLEANING LYNN'S WO P 'N BUClCET Cleantnq S.r· V\C& You at• 11 up - -ciMA II up! Call LYJlQ. 552·16i2 On call w"ltly bi-monthly •nd moothly '01U 1E HOUSICLE.AJflHG Eaperlenced Oepen dable Call Suwn, (714) ~3138 --.orus Wall·wNhlnq, c •rpel ahampOOIOQ (us1nq luJerday ab&mpoo) Sparlrh.nQ ahowcue wmdow ca..omq patch plulenng and pem1109 AU ph.... ol houM· ciMAU19 836-S.U9 DlAN:E;S HOUSEKiEP- t:NG ThoroUQh ellpero eoced. hcen.ed bond ed. .-nAbla 964 9766, eveni.Dijll -MOP SQUAD S,.laa Speciol Fr-wtndow c:INned wtth 111 .-det~h•llcom mere~ c t..AIDq 557 tg¥1 JA-CKI'S HOUSE- CLIAHING. S48 0651 Call Sund.ty. Mondav or T~y even1n91 rilE SCOUIUJIO DITERNO ....,. You can cS.pead on u. TOOA'a Houaec:IN n UlO S.rv1ce Comple4e. dependable Reaaon able rat• rel•~•ncet 963-2.401 OF IIOUIE QEAIUIIG HOUSICLIANlNG c-...... lao-lean- IA9. •pen.-t•. bomea. c:oodoa Rea.eonable r.._ Refereac• C.ll alter 4 p "' , 912-2531 O.bor•h tlAPPDfiSS IS RAV · lNG TIWI lor yo~&~MU Let u. handle your c&.anU19 naed.a w. do 1t aiJI lo b\all.n-~~nee 19'7'5 The Woppetle, 9&6-1300 CUANING UNLJM. lT!D 'or u ceUence Ill hoUMCIHJ1an9. provtd· 109 all supph .. lnclud 109 vac u"m Trual· worthy end dependeble Call today lor ""mate 546-3726 TOP BRASS CIHD1119 S.rvtc" Hou...,.aparl· menta/condoa/renl•l• AIJordable rat• 642· 0190 Serv1n9 Orange County UGIITDIC NALIIU LITIS repeued oa IA.IUI.Ioed Quebty worlt at a ta~r pr.c• ~. reworlr cu.1o111 ct.&qaa Anolh •• Mrvtc:e fro• SPJUNK W St.RVICE 548 2321 LOCUIOTH DIADJO LTS IN STALLID -I" Kwllo ee4 Sbdtnq doora, WID dow~ aecured Johnton'a Ho~ae Secunty No OUI88 (714) 545-0541 MASONRY Wli£ELOC2 MCDOn~y /CoDCret• Br1c:k. block, alone. lloor tale dec:orallve. d11hncHve IJllenore. ••· lenora, wells planlera, petao• Relerenc•. J.. cenaed. bonded Wh· mat" 551 1370 WN H ANDE.RSON PAOmltG PAINTING l nt•raor/ laterlor Lo.... ra.t•. pJoatpt. ""' ......,_ la AIM lor 10 yeen ''" .. laAI.. (714} .... 5614,(714)~7149 COAT O F MANY COL O RS p&U1t1n9 -later· tor/eaterto.r. ac:outllc:al c:eiltaoa S.rv1.n9 lrvane &fld IUIJOU.Ddlft9 AI- CalJ S40 0240 (Lie 1S8400) IAE'S PADITIHG ln· •enor/lllleraor. Reetden t.J/CoaunerelAJ FrH .. UII.IH Call (714) 545 3131 JJM•co. PAINnNG •lntenor • Lter10r 18 YHrt f'rM -IIDAI- 559-5$19 SPRING SPECIAL PAINTING l.nteraorl•• 1er10r al wmter rat" Ouahly worlt and m•••r· ••I quaranteed ''" Mllfllat• Fred, 536 3471 HOUSJC LEANING - 12 YMrt eaperwnce Good relerencea Weekdaya and S.tur· d•y Call on evenmga. 543-6540. Sylv1a Wuonry Block. ~~rck. ~-~-~~~~~~~~-1._,..,,..,.. 11one, fencM, pa ... planter•. walla lnter ln..,lat/b..,~ I ••• 101 r r-~ Acouatlcol C.•hnna Ho~SEKF:F:PtuG aor • r . . ...--~----a.n hmAies (L1c 3809 1) Ref•renc•s • lnwred WORKJNG NO'l1{DS/ Bonded maured 642· CI<Ndoo's SINGLE PARENTS: We 9699 c•n help w1th the MASONRY OUR SPE ho~work and much PAPER BilGING more Only 4 hours C IALTY T1le -Con ~•ry other weelt Same crete Block and O RC HARD WALL penon can be yourro or Bnck Ou•ck ciN n COVERING Ellperl ac:hedu1e one of our d.pendeble Peter S atnppln!jJh nsta11atlon homemAkers lor only a Rodge1ro Properly lm· Reaaon•ble ••1• tr .. few houra, 2 or 3 limes a provemllnl 631 2345 eallmaiM Relerenc " w .. lt, when you need 11 Call Ernte, 631-4576 Someone 1o help woth WE DO ALL TYPES ol PllEClSION WAlLPA b.,1c clea n1nq a.nd muonrv bnck or p£11 KAHGERS uper1 d bloc~ Buck pla nlerl. tho• eatra cho r .. an c rahsmansh1p low buck entryways bnck be there when your rei" tr.. .tomAIM PLVIIIIMG SANCHI% PLUMBING R.e.deatt.J/Com- c~i Spea•h11n9 m copper a.p1pe ud re p•u• L1c:enae No 380997 c.ll lor tr .. ... && .... \A2 3394 lO~ OFF -ALL LA· lOR Spec1aJramq 1n all typea ol plumbano Oepeackble. rep~atellle ec:onomtcal l1ceoae 337420 Total Pl urab1oq 951 3548 POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUIS/S'AS ZEE'S POOL SERVICE. Complet• ~~~&~ntenuce and repe~r uceUeol reloable work l ow pncea Owne t ope• ated Call 631 5725 UV AN'S POOL SUV ICI R.aclentW/Apert· menu/C o m rn• rc 1AI Acod waah and repatn HonMI and depencU.ble 548-4037 WIND JAMN£R Pool S.rv1ce Oualotv pool care repAUJ tuppluet And equ,pment (71 4) 960-4689 QUAUTY Commerci.UR .. IdeniiAI 12 YMU ••peuence RE.PAIJt/REWODELING Rete renee• 173-tll4 RAILROAD n.ES RAILROAD TIES Good •lechon ol sa 10 Sl4 .... r ,_ dehvery apec:1al 2595 L~quna Canyon Road Lequn4 Beach 4~ 4764 The Newpon Eulp Wed= day. Jwae l. 1112 Page It II'JCilET AJUAl. THI BaT mM prcJmpt p~at-ao.ral typtal IBN 7! -~~All JOUr lyp UlQ Deed• R.-nAble ral• loan, SSI-4532 or 569-5950 (m-o•l S£CUJUTY PRCri'!CT YO UR POS SISSIONS Wethod rec:o•mended by II'I•JOr 1nauran.ce tompen•et latbeJ'a S.rvoc:M (714) 542-6603 SCREENS ..O.u: SCilEDt DOCTOR Repau /Replac:e Cllllom • Jl...,nebl .. 131-Q)O t.. ...... -.q. SrtUGHTS SKYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY AU worlr 911oAranteed One day 1nata ll•11on w .. oa CooaulKiion (11t) 113--1737 NEWPO RT SKY LIGHTS Ouahty •o stal1allon reaaonable Uol" Jr-ewHmAtft Guatan•eed Rell'r ences &JI 4576 '"" lt.~r Ernoe SOLAR !.UUT TRU SlRV CAJlPft UPHOLSTUY lCIE Tr .. and aluub CleAruao. May/June tr11111111n9 and reMuv.al IJMIC••l Nydroeteaa Yard d N nup Fr .. " Oeodon•r. deflea 2 tUDAI .. C•li96J 59182 rool'll• t il SO 5 rooma 131 50 llOIA Sl9 7!i .. TREES EXPIEI'TL Y Carpel upholalerv dye TRl.NM£D end remo v •nQ (60 yarda) Scotc h ed " alao verd and 9UArdlprec:ondtllo nlll9 garden l .. ka RA.tson• opl•o ne l C ARPET b1e reheble C•JI lor WASTERS 340-1849 1r.. ••••••1.. Ar• VIDEO 548 7802 RON'S TREE SERVICE Tumm&nQ ppon J •h•p&nQ lrH rf!muveJ ~ump remuvel Yo~rd c:INnup L•c-tou'...:i .tnd msured Ou•lllv wc,rk f r" ... l,mettoo t>4b 5)~ TREES Tc.p ped rf'm • "d Cle•n up law1 '"' "" 1100 751 3476 DAVID'S TRf£ SER V1C E t.Apt'r"'" ~.>d 1r1mm•nu • Pr•u~ 11ump w.-ed•ro•J land .c<tp• bror ~ ..... n and c.-menr wurll' f ,..... "'' 'IM<II•• locen otd '" sur.d .'4 hutor '>4 1 9716 MUCE'S TRH SERV lCEtl..udva1 '"'1 Trto .. remo votl .eonJn •r••h haulon r .H.d r IJ!ollonr 11-t 669 I .165 TRn:TOPPtR Topp1nq prun1nq plant ~b•p1nq tod hillSide VIDEO GA.M.!S (com m .. rc->41) lull• bollet poubell ReAsonable p11~,. t.rqe Mlec110n Pc>rl' dod k'rvace W1ke dtoalt~r (71 4) 738-3988 Ecooo.y Video Setvka HIM \ANI' m«rttNIIIW ort•ur>rn prol.sJIOIIlllly ffl'( IJ(cJ,d C)ll l4dfo lap# • W.-.lc.Jmqo. • R.>l~o< .... ~ t ef"rm<lf'tlf'\ • B.tr~.., PMfies • "'""''"q EventS ·~ ...... E .. ~ • 'Ynu Neme If 1 Cat& Freel Singer •• (714) SS6-7091 ,.---------,I heul o~w•v C•ll Merk Slf.-0182 WlMOOW CI.£AJifiNG .NINDO WS SPARK LING CLEAN Avtn otqe :Z ~lurv \.19 ( •'> 17 Wlnduw') \15 mon• mum S.·r• ... n• 1nclud..d Phc.n• ••lim"'~"' & .. ,.,,.,, Brv• '>45 3158 SOLAR Domes he Hot Water Spas& Pools TV REPAIR c:luld qets home hom p.slaos end uuur•nce Cell us and w ve 20~ I work TI5 6266 achool Proless1ona . )()'lot on your ~urchaM SALES comm11110n•' Buv duecl O.t~qn w ier;. 1 WHY PAY EXPERT TELEVISION SEJWICE 15 V@a l> ""' peneoc-• Dav r.oqhl WH~enda Ll"w ra••~ In hom• e~l tm dle• S& SO Call HerveY 966 17&4 ORAMCE COAST We lf'A YI' vou w11h .a b I "I h I • I u • I y k Averaqr hvu.,.. \ 'V F rH esllmata• bonded etaH Dane's ~---------tl of w•llpaper Commer Hou•kHplnq S.rv1ce, MASONRY WOOD c 1el/Re•1denta •l &42 750-0820 2047 DALY WALLPAPERING DfTEIUOR/ Landscape Pa1nllnq R"1deni1AII FtNCES PATIOS commerc1al Sca11d m• EXTERIOR SPAS DECKS v&.en ql.l&luy u ceoaed DESIGN 673-11&6 H•lm•r 548-7675 NOVE.f>•? DOROTHY 11------~~~ WALLPAPE:IUNG NAPlCIE INTERIORS L1cenaed, eapenenc:ed can help you get ol ell Profus1ona1 quality t09ether COMPLETE MIRROR work 30~ d tacounl on DECOR• (1 1 years wuh MIRRO R BR EAKS wall covennq• FrH Wr.J Sloane ) 548-9798 e111ma1es Dave a EnlarQI' room' oll1ceo' me-qe 642 1691 wh418YPI w11h mu s.\2·S917· lJfTEJUOR DESJGN ror Anv w•ll8'.,.12 1'4 WAlLPAPER PAINT plate \.398 U\'latled Clu n uperl worlc I dea&9n lor your per Alao lublshower en Low ,.... r,.. Ull aonahly and budqel cloture• end wardrube male• Ken·, Decor•• C reAIIYe consulllng doort 531 6300 ong (714) ns 5-416 Unuau•l lurnlture "''n BIG SALE MIRRO RED dow coveunqa, bed werdrob. doors <tnd d10Q, .verythmo' D1t ,hower doors c .. u S..m counta. too' S.ndra N (7 14) 996 J910 (714) Yl-3.545 595 4l02 CUSTOM DESIGN MIRRO RED WALLS Framed Arl Dec:o rellve wArdrobe do< ri qlaw~ Mu rorJ En9rAYLnQ' hogh qual11y t1 non• end Home Acc--..ues pr•c•• Eaperl on,tall<t Call Lorn• 1100 •xpe11enced rl!'l•a 1'1-17.1 bl~> MI KE 645 964 I LANDSCAPING YARD IUJUVENAnON Cl~up • Tr-Trun m1.09 • t..wn RPnoY<tllon • RelandK Aponq • Serv 109 Harbor Ar•• n1n• yeara Slate licensed on lured frH .. hmAlf'S CALL BOB ..... 9288 GJlEEN SCENE t..wn lr-shrubs In stallellon Rololllhnq trH lnmmUlg and '" move I F r" estlmAit>• ~578 or 548 6065 BRYANTS LANDSC AP lNG Complet• tr.,... '14tr YICe L4wn renvv .. hon a nd oruqallon Bnclr Ylon• block concrel~> pAIIO drwf' w4ya GuarantMd lo cenwd •naur.d "'-16 0914 FREE ESTUCA TES Sod lprtnkler enJ shrub mataliAhon Our work onlv looks •xpen lift Chec:lr vUI P" f"' belor• vou buv Call Warlr •• . Lloyd' a GorO.n Shop L1c 204516 c .H&46 7«4 JOHN NVUAMEY MOVING• STORAGE THE STARVING COL LEGE STUDENTS Mov onq CC' ha. g rown (L e- T 11H 36) S•m• •)ovd ,etYI<"e Cell64l 8427 ABC MOVING Eapeu eonc-ed prde• ••unel lowest , ... .,, lrH .. •hm.tlf'S O u•cl '""'~" lul lf•rYI • ~52-0.410 NURSING CARE PRACTlCAL NURSE prul••••onal dul~ c-are f, r th• d1ubled rnn vele<JCIDQ eged aod d uontcallv ,IJ Hvurlv , dotolv '"'• 14 hc,ur •erYI ,. C<1ll Mr~ T•rrv 645 l9J7 PAJNnNG PAINT SANl>ILASnNC N b. dv bot.•• mv '-'' ~ • Rt•••d•nt .a I • C, mmt>rr1al • bJu<lllotl Ear•r~en< f'd ""'"'"' Ynunq s.\1 8138 K K PAINTING CAU Cl.AS.Sifi£D ·~ PHOTOGRAPHY MODEL PORTfO LIO a nd • umpostl.. Bl.rc~ <tnd wh11e or color M•Y •nd June spec1al Ca ll 64 1 0121 Chet Wvnn PIANO/ORGAN TUNING PlANO TUNING Rep.t&rlnq requlallnq appr~ouls local relP r l!'nc-,.. Dw1qh1 Kne• 9$3-9257 PLASTERING ALL PHASES of PLAS TERING Re st uc• L' rexluuno 101enor •• ••no r ~lchwork Rvum edd1llons and c-ua1om homM f rft .. 11m••• Loc J88781 lohr 960 .l/86 ALL PHASES O F PLASTERING Uno·~"" p.AII"hiOQ and pAUll on•l Smclll tot~$ w•komt~ Super low '""m"'•' 8.36 5-429 LATH. PLASTD R• ttuc-o:o w ndblu • 1nq •n'•"or ••••u r L1r 'll 76'i lk-nd..d r •ur.d C•lllehv ~M-1200 PAJNTIHG RAING UTTERS RAl NG U TTERS S.emJ-. \1 70/loot 7 colora Fr-"h m•••" I&J Guller Call Gary 523 7457 REMODELING REPLAC E KITCHEN COUNTER TO PS We've popul•r color• w 'lock A lao lute hen remodehnq Fr.., ••" mates Moor••ops ( ll4) S58 3888 ROOFIHG OUAUTY ROOFING lor 1-Old e.nd new conalrucl•on L1c:en..d onsured end boDded References AVAilable Call Kenny Funlr• anv hme 64!).0193 ROOFING AU I~ new ~ld repa1ra • declta w•••r prooiiJlg Call Bob s•a-0769 L1c No 406022 RA y·s ROO riNG CO S.rvmq all of Oranqe County All 1vpea f ree -~m••" onaured l t 361042 All work ou•r anteed 559 9369 HU1ER ROOFUfG AJitypea New recover deck• L1c 411802 ~f734 HORIZON ROOFIHGCO . Low rain on repeu end reroohno L1c '189425 ~-3809 rJRE RETARDANT Eaten or1lnlf'roO• Aa shown on "That'• ln c redtble · L <"•Me'd •P plte•tor Gre• W"t•rn Roolmq & f'11•procl•ng Wentaon ad lc r ;t,. C'<IUnl 17141738 ~· ROOM ADDlnONS ROON ADDITIO NS K••.:-hen bathroom• w~ bAr• pet101 M<'aonry •l~lr•r-•1 P•••r S Rodqf!'n, Ptoper&v lm prr vem•nl b.ll l l4S PAIHTING .SONS Cement buc:lr re!.lnd '1C'ap1nq trw remov.,, w0041 d.ck• l•c 261111 ••r•c.. t ·~IPOOf ,_.,ut• U •••I o\nd ·omm.,rc •4 f rw uhm.tle• C.tll K 775-«J'}'q STEVENS PAINTING 170-D$3 CLCA AWARD- WlJIIJGJfC CONT'ftACTOit Cullom d•••qn "' 11me1e concrele, ma 1101'\rY Spunlllers, tn ttalletaon c:IH nup re IAndiCAplnQ I.:>C'Ir ~•pe L~n_. bond· .d. 270JI'7 Kolle• Lud ~apiDQ, ~ LA NDSC APIN G W.111t•na11Ce. tuauntnQ 'flll•lllefl, COtiCr.le btocll WOfk Tea ,.. ... ••per .. ~ ~~ Call R.audel 543 1'110 AMDUCAH PAJNTIMC SERYlCE Sp«••l reii"' lor •n•-·•~ Fr- MIImele M.loe 8lC, 788'1 HOUSE DOCTOR PAonhnQ qu•htv -.r~ r-neble pro('.. f •- "''mat.. S.tlflac•~<.>n ~AoAtaat...d C.tl K•n 7041 PA.UnUIG lntetlotltall•lor • Oluhty Work • ._....,.a.lv Pn<"ed OIU PAtHTtNG CO ..... u is now offering specials on exteriors free itemized estimates many local references neat dependable work ASIC ~ CHAAL£5 (71 .. ) 6-4S..ll48 INTt~ AND cw ~S6 t EXTtiUOA wotu( IDSI <t ll e iiOn l 1C 407992 SPIUMILERS SPRINKLER REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY SOUSSAN IHTERJORS Anuque to Modern Up 1o S01o ~II ell .1 .. .,qn•• lobro<' G ..... , Jn•··•d ~' ''"" ' .. 1 w .~ f ". l ' ... , & d .. l , .... (71 4) 957 -0128 830-111 1 WlNDOWS WASHED )JYIIol!' • Mil S..,,, I ,1 rv \}() J >lor v \ ll R. J .. • a l ~ ... mrr .. ••I s.\t-1302 LET TK£ SP1UNC SU" ahme 1n. Oual••v w r~ "' ,.,.....,nebl• r••~ C•li Tonv Wmdow Cl.-.. n HI~ '-.4 / 5846 WINDOW WASHING Ou•l11y work •I " lau puce Aut,>maii<Jn~ re P••ra reworlr •'ullcm d"•qnar SPRINKLER SERVICE 548 23.21 '-----------' O<oalo•• wo rk r••><>n .blo> ra•f'• CAll II ~ TAILOR IC YW'S C REATIVE STITC H.mG Dr••• mallmq for ell •o .. Old laahaon qu1l11 lancv pillow' and lhmo• C ell 64().93()8 IRE UPHOLSTE RY Or•pen•· .atom worlo Up '" so•, oft m•ler ••II f '" eJt•m<tlh IW7 5J"-< II • m • o r m WINDOWS C LEANED M ~ h• ·m•~ \30 on••d• uu•"d"' Ou1a1de onlv \l':i Sun In CAll I l\1 'AS 4"!8J EIPERT RE WEAV lNG Burn. IN r m ·~ hol.. Co•• " JX lv •sler "H •u~ m•1enal (714) 96() 2"1(!6 TELEPHONE ANSWERING South Po•nter Uphol• ••rv Laoune H11l' 768 9009 FIND IT IN OUR CL.ASSIFIEDSI ROOFING I HOUSING? READ THE CLA~ .. IEDS ROOFING SERVICE I MAIL • MESSAGE ---------------""\ SERVICE With -<'C'aSIOOAJ I~ Jl olf1ce o~nd or unlf>r l"nt e room Ph,llc ·opv onq W< rd pro('Molonq taooltk-p.n•1 •••• r-rv ,nq •olttr... 800 I nl' evatt.bl.. GrHI No>w por• C•nter edd r•~ ""'' loc•! con CAll K•rhv (714 ) 760-0100 TILE IMST ALLA nON DYNAMIC CERAMIC tole •n•l•llallon •nt•r '"' ••••r~or end '" pa11• f r--·m•,... Purcha.... ell malert• •hrcugh ml!' Up 10 4t • j1ac-oun1 I Honell wort '*"' ~~ CUSTOM TILE WO RK AJ J !YpM ln&IAJIAr n sp•c elllonq n modelmq lrll tern t nd b.olh 0 1• IIV •h•p f·- Rel•r••· ~~ 8JI 7l<ll CERAMIC TlL£ F'l•.on C un••• T P' Sh .... ,, E•P••• .n t1AIIA11 '' G u..,.,,,-4 w11k lrH tl4hmer .. , M~S20t SHO WER TU B PRCIB L£NS W,. ...,lv• Ou•h 1y ce11tmh 11le .n .. alla lion L,, e11...d F '""" -~m•t~ ('11 <41 8l1 6031 2<4 hO\H' t/14 I 850 080J TIU INSTAllATlON for all llonde I W< rlr New/redo• J rH ..,1 maiM (l97ti87} Call .... ~. (714) 754 6997 CERAMJC UIIOLIUII Ttl• prot• 1one lly Ul•••ll.d ... .o••bl• ral• NEWPORT ROOFING FIRE P"'''"' t Y•'ur 1\om~ I r u m fir~r l "t u .. 1n .. tall •n Attr&ct•v~ r~ta.sonably pri~ 4'd C '"'"" A f tr\! R~rtard41ont Roof JAMl5. F UITZ f ..... ' 714-645-0104 liMY 'II . ,'' . 77 FORD llutaM I C518T. • 78 TRIUMPH Spitfire 79 C f411UT) 80 ·cHEV Chevette 80 FORD Gr1nada UIUIT.J 11 DATSUI •u. 1STPAYMEIT lOT DUE UITILJULY r i l -i r ~ -! ~ ...... beeutive eteoance in EoatbtuHI Fabulous 3 Off 5 bedroom fomlly home In porldlke -"'"9 With reftedion pool, apo ond Iota of emoflon. Very oruclous owner has priced to .. u quickly. ... CAJIYOII .781,000 ~ Deane townhome. A glomOifOUS V-- IOitlea with ~ ~ooms plus den. Soaring 2-story ceilinga. wide gotf course view ond futl security. Good finoncing ovoiloble. Coli to ... In this P'•fi9ious gote guotded community. ... ~y-..... 000 A perfectly charming Deane townhome behind ft. gotea of Newport'a moat prestfgioua com- munity. All Of\ one floor. Thi$ ideal coup .. home is in move-tn condition. MA•IMMIHI8MI..MID8 •183,100 Beautifully priced 3 bedroom, 2 both home on quiet Newport 8eoch a1r"t. Well maintained with nice floorp&on ond •verol Iorge treea In private yard. Ownet will c~ote with financ- ing. ..... .,..,,100 Thit 3 bed.-oom condo Is In mint condition. Plus neutral CXIrJ)eta ond good kx:ation. Priced for o faat tote. Gteot GIIUfi'Wible loon 1001 NA • ._ ¥laW NOIIIa •a70.000 Whiri con you find more? l.cJr9e, ~ ~ ~ carpeted ond pointed In neutrolt. Allume aow ln..... loon plus owner will buy down 1150,000 ~ to 13 314~ plua OWMt will~ 3rdtt COMNIA DeL IIAII Charming picture perfect 2 bedroom ond den. New carpet, point, wotlpoper ond copper plumb- lne. Ownet will help finance with 20% down. Gfeot location ond price tool MAa80II VIIW HILLa .378,800 Combine treea, tailored londscope, porldike yord, occ-ented by cov-ect potio ond spo with upgrad- ed 3 bedroom home ond decorator touches plus great terms, and you hove something special. IRVINE TIIIRACE ·-.000 The dazzling w«ld of soils, s~ups and sunsets IS your forev-view. Four bedroom, 3Y2 both ond private pool. One of o kind design. Security SY$tem ond cedar closet. On fee land. Greot potential here. Come see. MAII801l VIIW HILLa .430,000 Plush carpeting, wood mouldings, porquet fi()Of$, secluded yotd to quiet cukte-soc local rnoke this home perfect for family living. You own the lond. Financing is available. .. YGLAU HIU .7M,OOO Elegont Southport with total customized detoiling. 5 bedrooms, 3YJ botha, full bonus room, pool. 1p0 ond love~ gazebo few enjoying volley view. Total security a~tem ond all of the extras thot make o home a c.oatte. NA.._ VIIW NILL8 .2 .. ,100 lowest price ln Harbor View Hilla! 3 bedroom., foml~ room lutk built Malibu pion with Iorge prlvote yard ond quiet location. Owner will help finance! Ownet Ia very motlvotedl MA.MII VIIW HILLa •a4a.IOO Gfeot prke ond potential on fee lond In Horbor V..,_ H*Us. Owner ron out of fundi ond needa to .. u this unc~ted remodel. Great ocean view ond large comer lot. Prked to sell. •a1a.-~ Tudor style ~ plu• bedroom Pre~eott, den with futl wet bot Is perf.ct for executive enfllttolnlng. ~tful ornenlties for the diKrlmlnote buy.. Allume 1st ond ownet will «JnY2nd. • UDOiaU Meo.OOO located on tip of lido lsJe. This love~ gracious home hos all amenities! 6 bedrooms, 5 boths, mold's quarters, spocious rooms with high beom celllnga. gourmet kitchen, privote polio and spol Ow~ will assist with financing. LIDO taU ·4~1,000 Cornet location affords beautiful light exposure in this 4 bedroom home one block from clubhouse. tenn11 and ~hes. Owner outsted financing wtth eltcellent terms. Pnced to sell •m- med•otely . UDO 18U •510,000 EI89Qnt and spoc1ou.s 4 bedrooms on extra w•de lot. lush prtvote poha wtth greennouse. Fabulous livtng. Steps to boy, beoch, tennts and sotltng. Owner will COrry low •nterest loon. LIDO ISL£ t452,000 v-v attrochve s bedroom plus den. Gfeot fomtly home. Good use of lovely wallpapers throughout. Close to private beaches ond com- munity tennis courts . UYaNOal8 •110,000 Very apoclous ~ b.drooms, 4 1h both residence full of charm and privacy. Watch the booting scene or become a port of it. Owners w•ll do on exchange. Submit todoy. U-.AiaU .NO,OOO ~ custom home on the boy S bedroom fomlty room, pi-and slip fOf 3 kvge boob. 3 fireploces. Priced below market with eltcellent financing ovoUoble from motivoted sel'- uYaltOIIIa •2sa.100 Will not last at this prtce. Fabulous potential to be o beautiful family home tn thts desirable gote ~ community. Two potios, 3 bedrooms. Loweet pra in loyshore. .174,100 Priced below the market. Gorgeous 2 bedroom o.on. Home. Vaulted cellit9. Professional land- acopng, new carpeting. Super financing ovoiloble. u•rnunY PA• •2as,ooo DIN* ~frinhly pointed ond decorated. ready to move lnl houtifulty dettgned polio br- inga the lush londlcoping right into this aupet 4 bedroom bnity home. For Oritv .... 2. 1112 ..... bt ... Far s. p ... 5 A 5I I IDNrt f#> 1'ME IMNI CDJMNY ..,..., IUCII ~lliiAI louted ... 2.4 ..... """" .............................. Mldfuly ..,.....&a:..,.c....._.-s...,. ..._,..,_,.., .. .., Wlllila ...... Eutu•·•....., t2.200,GOO...,.. .._. 642·1235. liAR.-~~ CUITOII Tr ....... s.MI• C... *II .. 1 .... • ... t.ily. Thfw M*n•. 3 ..... ...., ..... ., .... --.......... ,.......,-.... fMII¥,... 'hunan sr ,., • ...-VllWS. ~ ..-r' a 1M ..... 1.285.D. .......... Ml·1235. IIAII FIID-CIIOIA DELIIAII l..lrtl fllily ... "' 2 1111-CIII ..... 3 ~ tlllilr ,_, ...,, ....... jlcmi. -..a "--ilttY .._ A INy n J ......... "-. t975.000 Haly .......... 1200. "CAPE COO TIADITIOIW" OILIDO ISL£ 2Y. ~ ... fit . ht ..... , 1 "' .. lllld .... itdl My .... 3 .......... 2Y. lllldli. flllir .-. 3 .,,. • tl85.000 • Uii,OOO Nl * B of A 11l a.. c-.... 642-8235. NICE IUUCTIOI c-.IIIHI.UIDS VIEW FIMIItic--~ .. 3...._2 ................... . -.y ....... -filM ............. -t485.000 fee ....., 0... GodiW ........ IEWPOIT IEACII ESTATE S..ial-rn1ka .._ • I.,. L 4 Mllll. U '¥ 18' ~ •.,.. .... _.... •• ' ___ ................ 3Cir .. .. 113 ............ ---........ carry •• £i-. fee .... .... ~142-1235. IU ...... .. ,, ........ 4 ................... 3 ................ .. ,. ,., .,...... __ .... _.__ ........... r aty .... c.ti .. I 5 • $ .......... fll .... 0.. ...... 144-8200. 01' 0 "; b Ill¢ 'C.· ._lil4a M50.000 T• ._ unltlaM T1li .......,.. fl' -... 4 .......................... c.. ,....,,, wt£1'1!1.-llill. ro"' ..... ...., ... fit i4iaa· allll• •,.. r; ...._ ••·• ,_ a...W~W 144-1200. • WEsTCliFFPOOLHOME AI 1M ~ _. --. • .._ Clilille. custa. sllunen. ...... pool profn ...., ladllufira il dis 3 ..._ • tlllily , .... Wntciff IMiml.. 1289.000 • cWillt ...... ,... 642·8235. IIVII£ TERIACE For 1M flllily • .... , a ... yiN Mit a .... • You hiW tOWid your '-I Tine .. I IRU, 2 ...... lila of ,_ t8 ... CIIL Slllf IIIUit ..,. ..... fNncl. 1215.000 lH Hally ....... &U-8200. •wiiGVIfW Wcnllrful qht llld _., 3 ~ c..-Mr1olb'llwd S~RCtuary, bltthay lftd .............. r,...,. ~ ~ doa 10 .. of Newport's actmba. o ..... ...., widt f 4 426 Yilta P•ldl $249.500 lH. Ta. U.... or T•ry A&N "-a642-8235. WESTCliFF ARU POOL HOME Olillnful 3 lae*OOIII fiMiy -.. ~ llrgl poal lftd patiO ..a. M.ry aatra _, wada. S... ab a\ •w$11. A bat buy. $249.000 Stuanne sa... 642·8235. HARBOR VIEW HOMES ..._. Mtll ..._._ ,.... 0.. story 3 .._ plus dan an '-11 C«Mf lot 8ealtifll CMitiM lqt ,... wrdt ,... for poot. Good finlnang. $206.000 lH lois (pR 644-6200. llfTY HOUSE II A GRU T LOCA TIOI ... .. ....., JUiilcts • I .......... ~ f• ICtJan. Tlw• bechoma 1M .... flllliy ~ jilt ... hw K1M pqill wiiiD want to ht 1ft The C«**ny s1&9.ooo c-, • .,. 642·8235. WOGDI•DG£ CREEKSIDE HOllE &r.t ''Willw" ..til 4 W 1 :. ......, -. ,.. ... filii\ "*"two ltllfl. Cadll*ll Clillp llld d8 · a ...,._ t.:1 ylrd widt dDg run. Ptrfect for tt.e grow .. flllily. 8197.500 ...................... 644-8200. TOlD I 3 111M! I L 2 _.. wid! IW .. ,... IIIIW\ ,...._ ln:siltated, lleflt. on .... .... t110.000 Cal ....... ~8200. WT CGSTA •sa COIDO 2 .. 11111 2,. ............................. lob .. ,Mty. 2 yufl ..... "" - ' s U50.000 A M 11M. ll:nlltdllll42-t2l5. PIICIIEDUCTIOI fAITAITIC FIIIAICIIG ftr Ilia 2 IIJMIII L Ji ..._ ................. O:lf¥ 1Y. ,..a otd locatllf .. ......, tf11a SdleiiiM wittill .... 6st~~a of :urn OJ e S149.000 ••~~nt ... GafiW ...... 1200. ......-niiiTY t121.1M 3 ,... r.r.y • 4 ..._ Itt •1:1 l.,.a1 ,._ -. 1 "*oom doWft or lllwiry, 2 ................. --........... 1...-wiQ .. ,,. .... a ..... _..,. ......... 101 fiR 14& ,..., ..... -wl urry ,.._ BMW~ c.-...r.-...142·1235 . • • lfJ::_;:_I ~~·j_f·f:f.-J_• ·t"'·liJ.! ~ 1'~1 -1 i _i:tt·1~.e il.l&;•~ !J_-111 il1!1"i(s 1~n_•1-._ .. s I. -~ 1.! J . I • i j !P: J-·! f r . If! 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'I 0 o a U" o • o • -o ~ o =-o 0" o o ~ ~ o ~ ' 0 -~ g :-••o f)i. o J:;.~ o omo g_ o ~S. o ~.5o gf&! o ~ o ~~ o ~:-i I g '!5 0 -< 5 '5 a. 0 • 'oC 0 ... ,. ::r 0 0 ... 0 --~ 0 ~ 0 ""' 0 -::7 0 Ll't 0 --c C) -~ -..c . \ II 0 ' jD I~ ~ :L. I r-·~ 1\!J ~ -~< llb . ~ . '·""··~ '-~ ' ·i fliJ -~ ~ () "' ltJJ ,i : • Iii r J i ! I -E y 0 ~al Estate CE SINCE 1949 • • • IAYCIIIT .•. bclllat ~ Aurectiw four bedroom hom~. Kitdllt ..S fiMir rooa1 ~tlfy upgr..W. Bumed ctiMp. Wee Mr ........ rid IN,.,...., •. Av-.... ~ _....,t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360,000 OlD 4=--a OIL IMA ... ReMtd $35,000. EaCIIInt ,.... au. 1M jetty ¥iew. Two bedrooms. Nett backyard. 0. WDctt frora .. c .... ~ ()peft Sundly 1·5 222....... . .................... NDw $340,000 IAYCIQJ ... Attractive four ._._ homa. Bnclt *Mway. ~ ,_., AI If tM .,..... _. QIMort of "Ccuttry Style" ... yet tile_.....,. .... tow~t." L.,.. pool Aw...._lty .,, • .._, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $339,000. IAYCIUT ••• Greet t1v11 Ill*_. "-t-..... for tuy Mt.uilile. II dia ..... '*-! ~ ........ you could .... 40 .... witllcNfe ............ Tlis il --'"Y lnd .... Ay ill • buulif\1 ,..... .Nit r-'ad t40.000. IAYCIUT ••• ~ .,_ ...._ ..._ NM1 a.ta ................... lllil I ......... ,. ...... OM ... ~-.-y .... S.Nn --~,.. .. -... I 1 ld I ... -Ma. $110.000 _ _., ... , ••t13 314~ A....._-., WJIU 1 1 .................. Ut9,SOO ..... 9 *" 1·5 21 ............................... U25.000 . . MAIIOI VIEW HOlliS ... The ~ "Ca11nef'' rnocMI. nv. '-*ooms. New carpeting. Spac!OU$ patio. lulurient oarM PnlpJrty in lop conditiOII. Yoo own the llftd. Open S...y 1-5 1930 Port Bnstol C.cle . . . . . . . $268.500 WUTCUff ... bC'TIInt financing. Owner w.-~ lease optiiD Of ... Conven.nlly located tlvet bedroom. IWO bath holM. S,.Ceous open floor pAin. DaubaJ flrJC)Itca. Ntw carpets end .... througtlout. Sparkling pool end spa. Open~ 1·5 1016 Do. Orrwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . $265.000 TMf VRSM I fS ..• Not a king-JUSt lrvJ lllle one tn this lux urious ........ Mrtooble bay end OUM.. S.Curity pte. Pool ... duth -. ""' tad Wliards room. Two ~ bi*OOML .._.._ concition. Price just '**I t20,000. Awai~Met by woint.._t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now $259.500 COIOU Dll Ul ... Four new cGDdDs. Cozy C. Cod diJiF. Two lftd tlne ...._... lllits. ... to btldl or brunch. Rellfr in fill of 1982. S.Ct YflAIJ lftt end cobs now' Av...., by wointftllftt . . . . . . From $259.000 TilE llUffS ... The pciiiUiar "Franc.ascan" model concm. Ttwee specious be*ooma. Atrium Jntranu. Two hied patiOS and gas blrtlecua. Awtilllllll by IIICM*ltNnt . . $229,000 UCI lAY ... l.Jb new two bedroom condo. f~RWV roor~~. DiliTie rOOII\ a..llfW atriUM. 2146 square feet of ~mg ..._ Two c• oarage. Priwltt petio. Some view of Back Say. utriOfclniry financine. 118,000 .... Open Sat.JS.a. 1· 5 379 ..,_.. T'"ta. . . . . . . . . . . S199.~ CAMEO -_., . . . bcallnt finanant. OwnJr baS ..,....., ........ .....__. ~ 15" dDwft to .,.rified ..,., • c. ...-uiatine tlso.ooo '-'-nw. specious w-. two a.tM. l .. ylrd wn. sparUng pool. 0,. S..dly 1·5 s l2 Rockford Plact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,900 ·--Ul ···-... u~t ltnanang.. Grtat • portwlily. f.._ lliuw of .,.. eM-. IIIII ur-IWt. Two M*l-_, dM. EM-. Pric.t,..... 125,500. AWiiW:tl by~ . • . . . . . . . . ,._ 1189.500 COSTA MUl IUITSIIEl ... Bnttarty Woods. fiiCINting tine ~ ........ con& ·-woods .... -lwltk wid! 1M F.-. ..... a ., ~ Truty a c.-w.ttl •••. o-........ 1130.000at13' A...._~ .,, I' 1 .. 1. . . . . • . . . . . . . . t1 85.000 Ul.l " liLA .................. _, Tlnl ..... 4 ..................... ,.. ..... ,.. Mew. -.. ,. .. -... ...... ....... for _ . ...., ,...._ o.. ... .,... .... Fltuillll r.,..._ hr t 'd AtlllM:II ~ .,......_.. • . . . . . . . • • . . • t119.SOO COST A MlSA IWTSIOE} . . . Unusual thr11 bedroom home on nearly one third acre lot. Huge fny room overlooking 20a40 oool Vwv hbef., owne~ hnanc:ng. Eacetlent vahle. Open S.turday 1 5 2651 R8dllnds Dove s 1 59.500 PUll lJOO MWPOIT . . . Neat and dean concm. ltv• ~ooms. two end haft baths. Elactuc kttthen. lllCiudlng dishwasher. Owrtoots pool and g11defl. Conveneent 10 shops. '*'ks and beeches. Quick posseSSIOI\. Av.-. by ICII)Oifttment $1 45.000 COSTA IIESA (WESTsaoE.l ... Reduced to satt. Expanded 101 comfort. Tllr• bedrooms. two bath. custonued family home Wttb ayl9ts. Italian c.am:c ttlt. cheerful tamty room. solanum. country kJtdltn. Two patiOS Pool su. y11d. Eac.._.l ttnancing av-.... Av-... by appowttrntftl s 13 7 500 IEWPOIT TtMACE . . . Eacelent ftnanc:Jng. Neat thtM btdroom condo. Pnwacy and ocean vltw Many 11tras 111 thas lovtty Ntwpcwt 8udl rJtrea t. Pnct reduced S22.600 AvliiiiiM by appotntmenl Now S1 36.900 lllfSA YEIDf ... Highly uporaded lOUt bedtoom home. Roof, kttchen ~IS. tub eoclo.suft and Ufpallng-al new WltNn the lat two years. Conventent to shops. schools and tOUn''Y ~ Owner Wtl help l:nanc:e AviiWie by IPPO'fttmJnt $ 1 34 900 WUTCUfF . . . Attrtchve two bedroom. two bath condo . Fnplact.. Mwrored wardrobu. Ground ffoof Walk to shops. ll&wary and park. Pnct jUSt reduced S 10.000 AvaiWIIJ by lltiPC*'t"**t Now s 129 500 TilE YOSMU ... lake new one bedroom concm ., the lua W10US V.uill 1~ Htgtl quality wal and wmdow eov.:ngs. Elt¥at01 ~ and IIWde parluog tOt two cars. Clubhouse. pool and spa. Guarded gate Av..,. by..,_.."'*'' $1 25.000 WOTCUff . . . Prob~Dtt the best t.lys Ill Newport Beach One and two bedroom un~ts Restful pa110 overlool:ng sptling pool. Two year aid kitcftlns. Fruhly ref1H111shed ll'lttnon .. Car oorts. Ownef Will helo hnanct Open SooOav 1 5 1724 Wtstdttf Onvt Nos 1 & 12 S99.500 and $109.500 lEASES 115 HarW lsiiRd Road 6 bdoomsll* ... Surm. ...... 123 Y•..., . . 4 ~ooms Summer Rental 2944 Wf Onwt . . 3 bedroemslvttW s 1. 2 50 11101\ltl 350 Yt.Sta ....,. 4 bl*oaas $1 . 195 rnDAth 405 c .... ~ •• Cldt . 3 be*ooms $1 . 150 monltl 1821 Tr---~ . 3 bldnoms St.lOO moath 102 Sc:ldzPtuiNt. 237 1W.. SBOO nmntll IUSIIESS OPPORTUIITY .._ lllld ..Ut. 0.. S60.000 lftOftlh •~ Glut laca tiM tel ffotlr Banpst fOf dltllls. AUSnl TEXAS C1loa peru~ 13 85 ICtll. Study cOII!Iflttt 101 55 _..,s ., feu'* actl. U.. ......._ condtn, .,.-t..,.t, Or., dllstNI ...... , ••. Near ... ~ and ....... c.fttlf ttl ....... ~,.... $453.000 m NIGEL BAILEr I ASSOC. 2732 E. eo.st Hwy. 144-7211 875-5130 II GEORGE ELKINS ®. 2 Corporate~,,. •. Dme 75M100 B ~~~P,tA~I""NE REAL TV ~ 101 : Dowr""" om. 142-1236 I'1141S.n~r MIGUilfDtM 1441200 ~ REAL ESTATE STORE 2000 W. Balboa Blvd. 875-1771 REIMAX. REALTORS 1s:·COrDorate ~Pia~fDrtw 751-1221 lEW CUllOM F.ICIIOIMAIDY y.., ..... -10 ....,. .. ttlis file ...-.-.. 4 llr., 3 M. fona. d.r. 3 f.J. • ~ Mlut. tilt. dlaicl of ClrJ. ..,., .._.... for ~ nas.ooo. w. carry 1r11 1st T.o. .. 13~. 80ir OR OOV1E KOOP 759-1221. IE.,..TCIESTCOIDO 3 llr. 3 M. f.r .• d.1., bug~ mast• sttl .... "" wu. ....,, moclll. U10.000. s..t 1nY otter on tems. tl2.000 hi T.O. It 10.25~. 808 OA DOW KOOP 759-1221. IIOUIIIDIE DOVEIIIIOIES FOifClOSUIE 11A1101 IUDCE •w CUSTOM 4 llr. 5 .... f.f. flltt81tic IUft .... -. IMit• Itt. wl..tlll f.,Joctlft Md city YU. Huge .... M. ., ........ tila. Ont of the lrpt loU w/rm for pool lnd lrf. pley •• Very, very motivated ~. Bring MY ottwt. lowest price custom at $1,895.000 $1,596.000 $1,400.000 $1,200,000. wtl tr .. plus GAT. 1st neil. 808 OR DOVIE KOOP 759·1221. IIAIIOI VIEW HILlS Fantll1ic hnor plus bay wews from thts 3 br. flftl 1111. new carp ,.nt. lrg poai, $340~000 lH. 808 OR OOVIE KOOP 7 59·1221. OCEAIFROIT- OCEAIFIOIT Convert tJ. lge ~ to your pn. res. end 1M on the finnt beach on the COlli. t170,000 1st 11 11 ~. 2nd or $250.000 II 12~. Stnt at $650.000. 808 OA OOVIE KOOP 759-1221 . A liiDA ISLE TRADE .,..._..MfwZMitWs.rm for ........ 74 h. 5 In 8 ..... pMr&.fomt.d.r.,..,. ... -., poal w. c.arry 1st TD or u• N. or oH. ~ U.lOO.OOO. 808 OR OOVIl KOOP 759-1221. IIMIOI ... LEASE 4 llr. 3 M t.ia. 'r: t.r.. st..ty. buutihll¥ .. "' --.; .... Pri. .-_...,.,.._. .... HOG-. s.Mit II ofhn. 108 OA OOVIl KOOP 759-1221 . LIDO WATIIfMIT LIAII 2 w. 3 .._ t.r .• -. -U.. ........... 2-~ ft. ' ..... -..,...... t1100 --01 OCMlk-75t.1221. DOVEl SHOlES Outst ... *-* w/Yu of II back bly IRd F.-. lstlnd. 4 br. S ba. ''"" d.r .......... •· sylttll Still 1t t685.000 Fte. Grt. fit. avail BOB OA OOVIE KOOP 759-1221. IEWPOIT IIEISIITS COIOO 3 br. 3 ba. new CUStOM Wt. -ty bit uwldld cwp lnd tilt. pri. patio. Wm thi&: tl55.DOO. $107.000 ht 11 10 718~. BOB OR OOVI£ I(OfW 759·1221. liDO PEITHOUSE 2 bd. 2 .... The finest wu ·-.. Nlwpaft S.C.. bldg.. poai, boat diDcl w/nouce. $525.000. 808 OR OOVIE KOOP 75g..1221. 30 UIITS ASSU.E IY, lOAI Ownlr assisted uc:elent financing! 0. 1/2 the tpts. •• soon due rant merusa! Pr~SW~tly 9.9X Gross. h cetlent .. vut"*'t bwga Hwry. ell BOB LICATA. BAOKER·OWNER. 759·1221 . DESPEU TEU COM DUPlEX low down, sou• of PCH onty $255.000. ~NMINOR. 75g..1221. 511COME UIITS tl5.111 A sweet inti ..., ...... US.OOO. Call MARY l£WIS 7sg..J221 OA &31 ·5i63. CUST VIEW 2 w. 2 M. Ilea If IMd. cwtom bulh retrut $110.000. Cll a Q OIC~ 75g..1221. IIWPOITIUCH s.llr ........ ., 2 • ...., ..... ,.... ..... -till .... t1IS.OOO er Mit oHa. Steel lll ...... 758-1221 . • June 2. 1982 Rul Estate For S. P• 9 - -,, IHOIHf>llla n>}Wnion ,.,.., NHINIH'f' llHf .•• lltnl In ~ttl• ,,.. of,,.,.,.,,.,..., mlu .. : ·,,..,, 1/wrr> UJ M'fltn>~V R pt»>libilit.Y uj lltftr fall~;,. 1,-v..• btct ,,_., n 11t0ml N'lfnilfl.v of tlt4oir rUi~t~: rxf'Wdilfltl.,· in mlllf'.- t~ Wiultin~£. l.t Pr.-tcitlt•lll Home Ownership: A President's Panpecttye -... I ""' "''"'·'" pullu f'tttlftnW t-fff'f·lin• #'.Dftrlll lu #'ltlnHI""'lf' #toltw l*"fWnJtiJA. ""\,IIJtite!( lwlt••r nHiltllwq'fwtt lu tlw l ,;,.,./ ,,,,,..,. lltfm u rv•n· nolflhlf. i~HTY"f&M' ;, tlu• mr•wnJtil' uf IH,;...._- ""'"'" t ... lltrnlinJl. tfhlt /'h..,/,.,, _,.,.,. OK'W,.,.(p of" lw»tw. ,,.,. ~ ,., ;,..,_.,..,.. ,,,., ...,.... ..;,. ,,., P fl 'r. of n 6i1 of dw ,...,.. ,. a~ ,,., ,..., ptMwfol ;,....,.,.,;,.... 1o ...,. nrtt- iAirtftl a..J ....,K~- CAin• c-»~NIIf!". »• ~"' ~? ~I fWf4w ,..,.,.._, hr ,_, ,.,. lflf.,...._ ~«W '"'" il hr nrrrif.r/ fUf'fJ\. ,.._.,...,_.., 1ril• ,. ... .., .. ,.,.. ,., .;,,..,, triflt ,...,..,..,.,.. ftti'P. ;, ;. ,,. .. , ,,.. -.Jinll ;,.,.,..,IIWftf ;,. ..,. """"'-I'"'HI..Ii• IIW.1tttt l(u...,.,.,-#1. .12~ttll ........ hl ... 7 UNITS $110.000 · IALIOA COVII CIITRIPLEX ... .-2. 198.2 "-1 Estate for We '• 11 IAilaUff lovetv. wam. cheery. extra age 5 bed- room. 3 bath poot..stze. ~500. With Subltoofla do\Nn owrW!Jl wil cary. 6M. 174 NIWJIOft CftiT CONDO Farner model 3 bec:*oom. 3 batt\ maater Ute with sitting room. 2 balconiel. $2~.500 Asunable loon plus owner wl COif\{. 646-9113. NIWIIOIIT SHOltiS Largest waterfront model 4 beaooms. 3 baths.. terns. pool ''-" to beach. Set lease/option Of leale. 5250.000 673- af2. CAU HIDDA IIAIOII l~· .... t:d DEL--- . VIEW OF EACH OR BAY 20.1 41• St.. NEWPORT P£NINSULA. brtdl pMio. block to .... dL 1175.000 .... Open Sat./Sua. 1·5 67~1151. 115 Graad c.-a. BALBOA ISLAND. -., rdTOid. IHS.OOO OpeD SM. l..t. Sun. 1·5 67$o6900. 11 Barlowato. NEWPORT CREST. a.:~c-..... 1195.000 Open s.t. 1·5 631·1400. 101 Schob Plaza. PH 17. NEWPORT BEACH. 1149,950 Open Sat. 1·5 6M-9060. 379 Bayview Ten ..::e. BACK BAY. 1199,900 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 222 Marigold. OLD CORONA DEL MAR. "'"'· S340.000 Open Sunday 1·5 631-7300. 1728 Westdlff Drtve. No. 1 WESTCUFF. 1109,500. Open Sunday 1·5 631·7300. 1724 Watdiff Drtve. No. 12. WESTCUFF $99,500 Open Sunday 1·5 631·7300. 117 Marine Aw •• BALBOA ISlAND, S272.500 Open s.t./Suo. 1·5 673-6900. 209 19th St.. BALBOA PENINSULA. ~ .... 2 bedrOCJIM/plua. $319.000 Open Sat./Sua 1·5 631·1400. 10 Segur-. IRVINE. 1145.000 Open Sund.y 1·5 631·1400. 1511 K1ni1 Hold. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. f~ room. $599.000 Open Saturday 1·5 673-6900. Sl4 Marigold. CORONA DEL MAR $669,000 Open Sal/Sun. 1·5 631·1400. 9901 Vov.a. HUNTINGTON BEACH. 11 ... 500 op. S.mclly 1·5 631·1400. 101 T.......,ci11,"'BALBOA lSI.AND. din. 1675.000 0,. Sat./S.. 1 .. 5 631·1400. 2CM VIII Dol. LIDO ..... dla Mill pool. Open~t .. s~. 511 RociEbd .._..CAMEO HJGtD..ANOS. pooiS199,900 Open s ... ., ... , 631·7300. 2651 ..... DIM. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA. poaiS159,500 0,. ~ 1·5 631·7300.. 23 Rocky Kno1. 1\JRTLE ROCK VISTA. view 1215.000 ()ptn Saturdlay 1·5 631·7300. 1930 Pon BriMol Orde. HARBOR VIEW HOMES. 1268.500 Open ~ 1·5 631·7300. 1016 Dowr Drive, WESTCUFF. PQOI/epa $265.000 Open Sunday 1·5 631·7300. 1837 Commodore Road. BAVCREST. S.US.OOO Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 1514 Santanel.a T .-race. IRVINE TERRACE. $395,000 Open Sunday 1·5 631·7300. 1211 KIDgl Ro.d. Q.lFF HAVEN. view 1395.000 Open Sund.y 1·5 631·7300. 1301 DdfWn Terrece. IRVINE TERRACE. view, .. 11.050.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 10 N.poM. HARBOR RIDGE. 1195.000 ()pea Satunlay 1:»5 64NU5. ·~.... ·.-. -~ -.. ' I' .... , 1'1 -. -----I I 15 Chmy ... l.IM. BIG CANYON. 1895.000 Open S. ... y 1·5 631·7300. 11 Carmel S.y Drtw. SPYGLASS HILL. .. ..., .. 1655.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 631-7300. 111 &.a Bay. BALBOA PENINSULA. SM9.500 ()pea Slit/Sun. 1·5 631·7300. 111 VIa~ LIDO ISLE. ..... 000 ~ s.u-1-1 81·7310. 17511 A1t.ar a.-. IRVINE. 1175.000 o,.irll s ....... 611·7300. 115 Harbor ..._.. Ro.d. HARBOR ISLAND ROAD. w.tillfloat/.-1 ... $1.500.000 Open S.U.y 1·5 631·7300. 1034 Sanck:Mde Drtw. HARBOR VIEW HILLS. view 1330.000 Open Suadlly 1·5 631·7300. 741 Via lJdo Nord. UDO, 11.995,000 s..wd.y 1·5 6tH060. , ,.. ••i-. -.-. I.J• I ' ~ -~ S1 .150{IDO S1,l.,IDO S1.195i.o 11.-IDO 11.--.o ... ., .. .... ll.JSCW.o 11 .• ., U.!CMW.-o 11 ... 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