HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-05 - Newport Harbor EnsignMISSING ISSUE- PLEASE LEAVE SPACE HERE 5f!c:ti·on A 1 8, C :' lld1lfilfi~! 11· i I I' H r lns-~•f ... g l ! J ilif'!'l~i!-H I I ' --il9•[ ~~_ .. i ...., 1. I S_wca:S ..., • i J Ji tur~nt g '"' ! • I ui ~r lill;. t -I ~•rm ... c 1 (Hi! !ifl[iH!J -11~~ ! Hha jdf~luf!3, r ~~n! f ;1j!UU · : · t' i ul I htHU ~ tn , ·-· , i i!~ 1 :r:~~~~. io'.. .• 1 . . I s~l ! ~. t§fi ; a I • • . . . Q~ 11 (r 1'; i .i .... I lk~l:fglJ!i :i1ih 1 ~.~~ii ,, · .. • • u ... a :!1:.~ t! ~w _ . i6'~~~~~~~a . h ,0 s.,t-a u§ .. ~ i I;II!IB ,&.: : 1 · .If . o~ H ·· lf J![i u~~~ ~~! S CT ~ :1·-. __ . t .I~~ PJ 1 r '-,I :a :! 1.~ i.. 1l k ' !' [. ~ • ! ~ • f II c: o .11.10 I ~ !!'.. sr Er I s • "i r; .., ... _ -. ·t.r• 1-~•-,.. ~~·~a~. tr e. a «:;;J 'i . • !:-a !I a. .. -r "' I ~ 13"1l:~•= '!t.i.!~·f · n !! jt :a. h ~~~~ 5.~~i i.il ~ ' • I ~.· ~r;tt lll ! ;; --.. -'h ~~ .J 11 i'l i I i ~ II -~-.. '''-i!fhiU.tllhUh .fi ~~ ! ~!i HHI ~ ' ..... . $II i ... Ohago'a Ron LeAote eniYM 8t MCOnd too letl to atop Julio Cruz of the...,..,.,. from torclng him tn s.etle'a ,., *tory, moving It within 3~.,... oltnt 1*01 • nn1~ ' 8Ul Caudill got an extra kick out of saviD& the Seattle Mari.Den' 3-1 vic:tory over the C~ White Sox on S4flda7 at CollliDIQ Park rib a three-ilp, tbreHowD, ~t ninth inDia~. "Tbat ooe bad a )ot at meantnc bebiad it," Caudill aaid o(Wa lstb save after Rudy Law beat out an iDfield liD&k .... Larry ADderaeD to start tbe lDaiQa. "Tbe faDI out ill 1M buJlpea were callial me a CUb reject ud MYial, ·~eu doa't beJoac lD the bla ~·'I tot a big kick out of ... · Q'audill ltnlck out piDcb batter Steve Kemp, got Ron t..ei'-Jore OD a pop fly aDd faDDed Tony Bemuard to eod ~pme. .. l 'm 1JeUiD1 tbe opportunity t.o pit.cb.l'm work.iaa bard aad UW... are golDc IOQd, '' said Caudill, wbo speat aJ. rqclllt three full eeuon with the croutowD Cube before be wu dealt t.o Seattle durin& lpl'iDa tra1n1.ng. "It waa a big game and we oeeded the wtn." 41molt aa impressive u Caudill's effort was a brilliaDt r-6f job by Aodeneo lD the eevemb iDDi.Da. 'Jibe White Sox bad loaded Lbe bales with one out aplDit Ed VaodeBera wbeo ADdeneD came in aDd re- tiNII both Tom Paciorek aDd Grea I .udrwkJ to preaerve a ~11ead. "Super job," said Seattle M.anaaer Rene Lacbemann. •WbeD you let t.Jae two pya you are jeWQa two of tbe toupea bltterllD the leacue. But I toad Larry U IOOD U IQ1body tot OD in the Di.alh be WU out of there. 'J'be W~ Caudill baa beeo pitchiDC, be coma lD wiD or &ole.·· Dave Beoderaoo drove in two nma with a liDI)e aDd GU'J Gf'lY doubled in aDOther nm t.o belp ~tarter Floyd Bannt.ter pin tbe victory. Tbe t.riwnpb wu tbe fU\b in the 1ut liz pmes for tbe MariDen, wbo )oaded tbe buel in the ftnt iDDiD& oo walb to ManDy Cutillo aDd Gray around a 1iDaJe by JUcbie ZJak before lleDderloa alapped b1a twcHw liDC)e up the m.kkUe off Ricbard Ootlon (s.t). Seattle added aaot.ber roo in the etpth when Ziak walked aDd plDcb numer Bobby Bl"''ft ICOnld OD Gra7'1 ~ble. BaMt•r (8-4) allowed aix hita but Jeft after aix ln- aJ..uaa. 1be left-haoder jammed b1a pitclU.Da baud divinl for a ball in lbe fifth, but managed ftve ltrlkeouta t.o boolt _.. Amer1caD Leque-)eadlaa tcJtal t.o 101. ;l'be Wbi&e Sa averted a abutout lD the Mb wben they ahred a nan on liDC)ea by Bill Almoo, LeFlore, aDd p= k)aded tbe bales with ODe out in the leYQlb •• • .. ~ agai.olt Ed VaodeBerJ, but Larry AodeneD lOt ou& of the jam by aettiDI Paciorek OD a aba.Uow fly ball aDd Luzirwki on a lfOUDder. ADdeneo pve way t.o CaudW after a piDcll bitter opeDed the bottom of tbe Dilllb with u lDfte1d bit. RED sox •· BREWERS 1: OeDDi.a Ec:bi'Uey pacbed a six-bitter and TOQY Peru rapped a pair of RBIIi.Dglea, leadial Bo1too t.o victory over Milwaukee u tbe Red Sa regaiDed UDd1aput.ed pouessioo of flnt place iD the Amer- icao I.aaue East. Eckeraley <U > walked oooe. ltntck out six and si- Jeoced Milwaukee'• borne ruo bata after the Brewen bad tied a ~r leque record with S5 bomen in tbeir prevt. ou.s 15 pmea. The Red Sox, wbo broke a four-pme 1o11aa atreak, look a u lead with four succeaive aiDCJa with two out in tbe third lnoing. Jerry Remy cbopped a pwoder oil the glove of loler Mike Caldwell (5-I) and beat it ou&, tbeD took JeCOod oo a aiD&Je by Dwtabt Evua. Jim Rice aDd Perea followed with RBIIIDCJet. Tbe Red Sox made it 3-llD the fifth. Wade Boga beat out a bleb bouDcer to aboru&op and CMtlnued to MCODd when RoblD Yount Unw wUdly to ftnt for an error. Boal beat Caldwell'a throw to tblrd OD ftelll)''l ucrifice buDt aDd KONd oo Evane' cloubM play pwoder. YANKEES a, INDIA .. 2: Butdl Wyaecar'a sacrifke fly ~pped a two-nan e~ laDial aad NUevw Gecqe Frazier picked up bia IICOGd vld.orJ lD two days aa New Yon came from beblDd to ec11e Clevelud at MuoiclpaJ SUdlum . TrallJ.oa 2-1 ud bavlna maoaaed ODly one cleao aiD&Ae a.od two acratcb bi1a off Clevelaod'a JobD Oenay (5-t), Olear Gamble drew a leadoff walk in tbe top of thee~ Dev41 Wiafleld doubled Gamble to tblrd w1tb the Yuaee' f1nt bit Iince Lbe third inDlDc ud JobD lkyberry drew tbe eiebtb walk otf 0eDQ1 to )oed tbe .,._, Grata Nettle~ llDed a 1ia1Je off the rtpl-bander'a pitchtna baud to Ue tbe ICON. Reliever Ed G l,yDD tot p1Dcb bitter Lou PiDlella t.o grouod t.o abort, forciDC WlDfleld at the plate, but Wyoepr bit a aacrifke Oy t.o acore pinch ruDDer Dave Colli.DI. Fra.Uer (3-1) faced only two batten, retirlnl ADdre TborDtoD and Chris Baodo to eod the CJevelaod aeve.ath with rwmen al f1nt aDd aecood. Dave LaRoche workecl ooe inD1na of hiUeas relief, exteodtnc b1a 100relea streak to lt W inolnp, aDd Roger Erickloo, wbo reconSed hia victory u a Yankee Friday Di&bl. pitched the Diolb for hia firlt save. The Yaokeea, wbo have woo four games ina row, took a 1-41ead in the f1nt 1DDlna on infield hita bf Keo Griffey aDd Jerry Mumphrey, an error bJ tblrd buemu Toby Harrah on Gamble's aqulbber and a buea-loade4 walk to Win6eld. CJevelaod acored twice in the fi.fth off New York starter RoD Guidry oo a nm-acorin& lingle by Mike Hargrove and Ba.Ddo 'I sacriflc:e Qy. GWdry falled for the fourth oooaec- utive time to pick up b1a DiDtb victory. Mike FbcbliD opeoed the Clevela.Dd aixth wilb a aiogle and wu sacrificed to aecood. AAirt Harnb walked, Harpove aiDIJed borne with the t)'IDI ruo and the nm- oen advaoced to aecood aDd third oo tbe throw bome. TborDtoD wu loteoUonaU,y walked before Ba.Ddo'a sacri- fice fiy put the lodlarw in front. 1WINI4,1LUE JAYI 3: Gary Gaetti *I off the bottom of the DiDtb with his loth home nm. livilll Mt'V'e"'Q a victory over Toronto at tbe Metrodome. Gaetti'a bomer pve Jeff Little, recelltly recaJJed from the mioon, b1a first Atneriean Leap victory. Little, the third M~ pltcber, took over ln tbe top of the DiDlb with ooe out with runner~ oo OnlaDCI tb1rd ud sot piDch blUer Pedro Hernudea to hit l.nto a double play. Gaettl c:ocmected Oil the aecood pltcb lD tbe bottom of the Diath, ODly Lbe fifth bit olf Toroato'a Dave SUeb ( .. 10). Ra.ady ,._., walbd to lead oft tbe TwtDI' IICOOd aDd Gary Ward followed wWa bil lab home nm, clvinc Mtnneeata a M ~. assistant says there was never ~ offered Kar.as recruits m sjgn letters eX Intent .. ·~c l I • • I ~ J ' c • NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia sweeps Mets, extends lead Ivan DeJeiUI dtow io tbnt niDI wiLb a triple and a aiD&Ie and Mib Xnlkow ..:attered DlDt b1ta u t.be Pbiladelpbia Pbllu. beat t.be New York Meta 7-2 to compJete a sweep of a doub• beadel' SUnday at Shea Stadium~ Tbe Pblllies woo U. opeaer t-7 u Steve Carltua ~ LS ltrikeouta ud Mille Schmidt aDd Gecqe Vukovtch al'*~Pd bome I'UDS. In the aecood pme, t.be Pbilliel pouaded n" New York burien for 17 hila witb Bo Diu lead-iDe t.be way with four siDC)el, i.ocbldi.ac aa RBI base blt io a two-nm Di.atb. Tbe Pblllies scored five ot theJ.r niDI ott ft4.Ddy Jooes <W > wbo luted oaly 2"i iDDiop and failed for tbe elcbtb lime to record hia lootb ~r league victory. He bas DOW lo.t l1x in a row. DeJesus· triple in tbe aecood iDDi.Qc followed couecutive sia&Ja by Diu and BW RobiDIOD and a fielder's cboic:e by Manny TriUo. Krukow <a.s> helped bia own cauae by aln&Jina bome DeJesus. Schmidt's ooe-out double and CODMC\ltive singles by Diaz and Robi.naon made it 4-0 in tbe third. Jones wu lifted in favor of Ed Lynch and after Trillo forced Robi.Daon, DeJesus aingled in Oiaz. The Md.s scored U1 tbe fittb wben Gary Rajaidl sin&led, took third OD Roo lJod&a' dou· ble and one out later, ~ oo Ron Gardenhire's sacrifice fly. Rajaicb'a siDgle drove bome tbe aecood nm for t.be Md.s in tbe e~ ~~~~~~~~;.~e~ Tom Hausman, tbe Uurd Mets' pitcher, wu forced to leave tbe game in t.be top of t.be &ix1b wben DeJesus banged iDto bia left aboWder wblle trying to break up a double play at third. Hausman was taken to St. Lukea-Rooeevelt Hospital for x-ra)'l. ln tbe opener. lbe Pbila snapped a s-s tie in tbe eigblb 1nnin& on an RBI single by DeJesus' single. Carlton then aing.led to score Trillo with ._ _____________________________ _, the second run of the innlne-Tbe Pbilliet added two more runs in tbe ointb oo a bomer by Schmidt. his elgblh. Despite his high strikeout total. Carlton < 11·7) struU}ed ~t. He scattered 11 hits, walked tbree and survived a two-run flurry io lbe ointb wben the Meta scored on RBI ain&les by G«>rge Foster aod Joel Youngblood. It was tbe Uurd time io nioe days that tbe Pbillies had swept a doubleheader from tbe Meta. EXPOS 16-4, PtRATU •to; Mike Easler hit a two-run homer. a double and a aacrlflce fly as Pitt.sbu.rgb beat Yoot.rea.l i.D the aecood game for a split of their doubleheader at T'bree Rivers Stadium. Tbe Expos romped to v1ctory 10 tbe opener, pnunctinc 21 hits -incluc:llog a homer. tripJe. and dou.bSe by Warren Cromartie, who drove in five nms. The Pirates alao made five errors in the opener. wbkh balled t.belr aix-eame winmng streak aod MontRal's four-game~ stnak. ln tbe secood game, Pirate starter Don Rob- inson improved hia record to t-3 witb reUef belp from Rod ScwTy and Kent Tekulve. wbo posted his lltb save. Robinson allowed four hiLs and four walk.s io &._, iJm1n&s. Tbe Pirates took a 1-0 lead in the aecood oU loser BW Gullickson (s-8). Easler doubled to exteod bis bittina stru.k to 13 games and scored on ain&Je by Dale DelTa. AaeocWted ,.,_ PmaOurvh third bueman But M~Mttock triM to avoid the eliding AJ Oltver of Mont,..l Sunday Wallach and a run-scoJin& smgle by Cromartte in tbe fourth inning as tbe Expos pulled within 4-3. PADRES 4, GtAHTS 3: Terry Kennedy's bases- loaded sacrifiCe Oy io tbe bottom of tbe nintb scored Dave Edwards witb tbe wl.nDi.D& run to give San Diego a victory over San Francisco. Edwards led off t.be i.nnina witb an infield single off kMier Atlee Hammaker <S.S> and moved to aecond oo a aacriflce by Tim F\anoery Garry Templeton was then &iveo an i.neent.ional walk. and both n.tnDers moved up on a wUd p11cb by reliever Greg Minton. Pinch- hitter Sixto Lez.cano walked to load tbe bases and Kenoedy IJ.oed t.be first ptlch to nght to d.ri ve ID Edwards. Rookie left-~r Dave Draveck,y 11 11 worked lbe fin.aJ 3 2-3 JJUWlg5 to earn his first major-league victory CARDtNALS 7, CUBS 2: Kettb Hernandez and George Hendrick knocked 10 two runs apiece and Lonnie Smith scored four limes to lead St Louis to victory over Chicago, snapp10g the Cardinals' t.bree-game loslng streak. scored a run w the fu-st on Dane lorg's RBl double. Hernandez lben put St Low.s ahead wtth a ooe-out triple io tbe third alter Lonrue Smith was hit by a pitch from Dickle Noles 1>71 to open tbe ioning. BRAVES 4. R£OS 1: Bob Horner tut two borne nms to back tbe five-tut pitcbiQg of Bob Walk and Steve 8edroaiaD a.s Atlao&.a ddealed C\D- cionatl al Fulton County Stadium. utendina the Braves' wionl.ng streak to five pmea. Horner. wbo DOw has 16 bomen ror tbe au son. cracked a two-run shot io tbe th1rd inD.i.Dc and bit a solo blut 10 t.be filth. gJVJ.na tum five bomers 10 the last four games. Wllb tbe secood bomer. Horner moved past Danell Evans on tbe all-tune Atl.anl.a borne run 1lst with 121 Hank Aaroo bold.s lbe club record w1tb 335 Walk 17~> allowed a rirst innin& run on two tuts and blanked tbe Reds untll he was replaced by Bedrosian wllh two on and two outs in the eighth ioning. Bedrosian retlred tbe hnaJ rour batlers for his fourth save Cincinnati took a 1~ lead when Eddte Milner led off tbe game wilh a triple and seored on a single by Duane Walker. The Braves came back to take a 2·1 lead 111 the third wben TerTy Harper smgled o{( loser uch Wu Doa Newcombe spe•kinc from k.oowJedae or nobility? Did be take bia drua aDd a.kobol c:ruude beyood tbe bouodariel of tlutbfU.1.oeu for t.bt sake of rnakinc I polo&? Maybe. Some thin& tbal Ilia commeota about drua and alcohol abuae lut week we~ il'ftspon&ible. 1n I.D article i.D t.be s.a.... Yomca Eve- 0101 Oullook. Newcombe said that be- tweeD 70 and • pereea& of profesaiona.l b.aebal.l playen are uaiac tome kiod of ~sut.t•nce. "Tbere'a DO ooe more opimooated than a reformed alcobolk," Califonua Ancell' !'D.Inar Geoe Mauch saki I){ Newcombe, wboee Dodcen' career wu shortened by alcobolism. "I'm sure 75 perceot ot t.be playen do t.W a dri.Dk or ttro. but tbat doesn't mean tbat il's lJlind.alteri.na. I'm sure 1t would be IJliDd..a.tteri though if aomeone drank as nwcb as Newcombe did." Newcombe. wbo bas DOt bad a drink ID 1& yun. established a druc watch pro- gram at t.be bebell of Dodcer owner Peter O'Malley. He was primarily responsible for the Dodgers' Bob Welch UDdereoin& alcohol rehabilitation two yean qo. Newcombe a.lao said tbal "a very sen oua'' drug a.nd alcohol problem exists on lbe Dodgers. • Tile argument IS an old one, but one that aga10 must be stated. Tbe manner ID wtuch tbe start.1.Di AU-Star teams 1.a piCked is farcical. Witb baseball fans vOUD&, IDjU.Stlee:S abound. A performance LDd.icator tt lS oot . a popularity contest it IS. By virtue of tbe vote, New York Yankee shortstop Bucky Dent likely will be elected tbe st.arting shortstop for t.be Alnel'l('&D League. Dent is amid tus worst yt:ar He IS batting 143 and bas been rei~ gated to part-time duty Dent said be will play for the people ·t can't disappoiottbe people wbo voted for me," Dent said. "I've lbougbt an awful lot about tt and everybody tells me 1 should go .. Reggte Ja(·k.soo and ~ Lynn are probable outfield starters for the AL. though st.atisttcally theiJ' Angel team Transmission Maintenance Service • Cha~ ··a"'-..-no~.o ... ''"' • • .\utu<;'l o;; n 1<.' • C•PJn ...._,,.._,. • AE>pl oc .. 0 I .,.,h .. ••' • ~"""'[)It'' .. • .Mol 'P'>' ..... ,.,, • ' IIX c!OI• n't i BASEBAlL NOTEBOOK maLe, BriaD DowDillt. probably ..... daervl.ae--1 California ·, Bob Boone, wbo sbaald be1 the AL'al&artiDI catcher. 11 DOt .... t.be top e-v.-~ bee ........ name was Jeft ott tbe be.Uot. : ne A.Dida' Rod c~ "bavifC a. other ltrOaC aeuoa ud will be voe.l the slarti.a& fint bueman. Boftve:r, : De80t.a rookie Keat Hrbek. MihrauUe'a Cecil Cooper ud Baltimore's E4die ray are aU bilti.aC t.. a bieber ••ente* and have been produced more nma. Olber iD,jultice& uilt, poiDti.DC to tM obVklU.S. Tbe aeJectioD proca& mull ... murned to tbe playen Tbt arcumenl that invovli.Dc the fMiia; hypes tbe sport is DOt a valid ooe. ' Doa anyone purcbaae a t1CUt to~ a ballot" • "'!. Dave Parker's demi.le bas beeo ~ uted to a wet&bt problem. preswublyf»; cause tus wallet ia too beavy. • Parker si.g.Ded a $6-m.U.lion, u -,..r. contract three yean aco and baa DOt nearly tbe player be wu before be lipid.: • He is, accord.i.Dg to tboee wbo bave ..... hun, considerably heavier tban t.be m . pounds be once played at. • "Maybe." t.be C'hkaeo CUbl' Bill Buck- ner SAid, "be's too heavy to cet the bal around Maybe tbcee kDees can't aqJpOI't what t.bey • re ca.rryiQ& " Satd J un Russo. a Baltimo~ Oriolel• scout ·'He bas DOt takm care of bim8elf. I don't DOrmally feel t.bat mooey a.ffec:U a ballplAyer But if ever a ba& coatract burt a man, lt'l Dave Parker " Parker. lDCtdelially. 1S bitlJ.a& .m with l.brft bo~ nms a.nd ta runs batted in. • FollowiD& a pa.rtw.l.arly frustnt.1D& loa ' on lbe road. several members of t.be Su • D~go Padres became IJ'ate at the bus dnver. wbo got lost tnnapol"tiog the team back to t.be botel H.aviD& heard enough. Padre trav~ secretary Jobn Mattei stood up for the bu&: dnver '"' ..Don't worry. bussy," !llauei IUS rather loudly. · lf you· d made as m&Q,)' errors as tbey mack today. we'd never get back .. c;ERVICEABLE TRANSMISSIONS ONL Y 3300 WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA (17th St.) (714) 554-5583 1610 W. ARTESIA BL GARDENA (213) 327-7297 Pittaburgb added three runs in tbe third. Johnoy Ray sin&led and acored on a double by Bill Madlock and Easler tben SJDAcked his sixth homer of tbe &ea.SOn Winner John Stu per 13-1 > scattered six tuts before Deeding Bruce Sutter's last-out rellef belp io t.be ninth. wben lhe Cubs scored on a ba.sea-loaded walk to Larry Bowa Sutter gained bis 18th save Bob Shirley <U J with one out aod ooe out later. t---------...;.;;..-;...;;... ________________ ...;;. Robinson )'lelded a two-run tnple by Tim w NEW YORK Wben the phone rang at tus lndianapolb home, Landon Turner reached over from his wheelchair and answered It "Have you heard?" said hia caller, a local radio sports announcer. One of Ctucago's tuls was Leon Durham's leadoff bomer ID lbe secood. his 11th of the year. lbat lled the ~ 1 1 Tbe CarduWs had chair, Tur At the nsk of rulD1D8 Bobby Krughl's reputa lJOn. Red Auerbach had another version "It wasn't my idea." Red Auerbach S&Jd from the Celtic offices "It came up ln a con- versation " About a month ago, according to Red Auer- bach. be and Bill Fitch. the Celtic coach, were silting with Bobby Knight at a NBA lnstruc tional camp io Chicago for about 50 draft~Ugi­ ble players. Horner slammed his 1Stb bomer Claudell Washington and Harper rapped tw(). out singles around a walk to Hubbard to stretch Atlanta's lead to 3-1 ID the fourth r is ready ability lO fulfill t.be pot.enttallhe co..ch had observed whlle scoutlog tum at Lndianapoll.sTech H1gh School For two seasons the youngster bad kept mak.lng the same rutS takes "Go play ID the pros. Bobby Krught told tum "I'm not ready for the pi"'6." Landon Turner satd "You ltnow I'm not ready for the pros ·· "You're oot ready to play here etther. ·· tbe coach said. Be There• L•ve' In Person• Fo r Every Act•on-Packed Game Its Fun' Its Eli.Citement• SEASOH SEATS ~A Sf'IN.I ..., """'-'' rl W81S 'l118ti80if' [l A.•.t•l801tc a: PI•Ct!S sr'h,)w" Season Seats Guarantees 'Y ou Champtonst'IIP Playof1 T1ckets CAll TOOA Y and get the beat evaU.bM ..ata NOwt "Heard what!" aabd Landon Turner. a~ foot-lO.incb forward on Jodlana'at•l national championship buketball team wbo bas been paral.yted hom lbe cbelt down ever liDee an automobileattldent nearly a year ago. "Have I beard wbat?" "It's a sbame Landon Turner couldn't be here,·· Bobby Kni&bt said ··He bad a cbaoce to be t.bt tMIIl player ln tbe country last leUOD • · Laodoo Turoer stayed at lndl.ana but he coo- ti.oued to perplex t.be coach Every 10 oft.en Bobby Kruaht would snap. "lf you·re oot aolng 1'11:::===== "T'be Celtlcs drafted you in the loth round .. Landon '1\lrDer IOOD bad more phooe calls, ~cb coDfirmlnl t..lW Lut 1\aelday the s.toa Cel1Jcllndeed bad Uled the tut ltlecUon of the NatloDaJ Buketball A.lloclat»a draft, the 22:5tb cboice overall, to tab blm. 1be DUt mol'DiDI be Ifill a te~eCram to Red~. t.be CeJt. ial' ptePdat ud ~ a;aauaer ''You ruQy madlt JQ.Yda1, thuD 1 m.I.Won, · · ll read "Wbea do (report for u,vut?'' Pt1on lmporta.at t.baD NportlQI for a Cehk lt'yOUt. l.andoo 1\lrDer Ia eqeded to report to CLulel DUliDOCilh at U. U~ of lncHeM where be ~Mead~ &o compMie h1l ~ lD ~ educaUoa llllllo ~to~~ a VID wt&.ll tpedaJ CNIJ'o& "ftlo ......... _..., .. Bobby Ka:UCbt. Lbe ''""'" coech, wu ~ ..,.. ftom U. ~ eampu, .. l'cl UM to ... J.a..too ••• •taowa&bWtc~Aa. aD tile ........... ~ ... be'cl be. II'Ml cee• ,..,. .., .._ kktl.'' ....., ...._ ... ~to IOUDd .. OI'1IUy II llll'a F 11111111 .. M, U.,.., M .. .:lm. tJMi II. • .,. ftnt I kDrw about t.bt OaiUea clral\.tQI , .............................. ..., Maley ~.,.. .......... _,h tnMID 1 ................. , :.~.J:~ AllliiiMft*tll 5 ' ... .. ..... ................... _..,_., dMI ............... J ''He would've been t.bt best tenior last seasoo for SW'CI," Red Auerbach said. "And be wou&d've been one of t.bt first five players taken i.D WI dn.ft. depeodlna OD what the teama needed. "Wouldn't il be nice," Bobby Kruabt S&Jd. "lf some team were to draft bim ~ay ·· Red Auerbacb ~ at BID Flteb. tbey each mew tbat, willb the Nalional Football Leaaue. a lat.rou.Dd NBA choice lddom maba t.bt team. In 1a1t ~·· draft, n~ team1 cUdD't even botbe.r to ltled a pl.a.fer ln t.he 1ul rouod. ''We'U draft blm," Red Auerbach a&ld "Coalkter It diooe .'' BW Fitch aaid. ADd 10 LaMon 1'urDe:r wu aelected b1 the CeJtiQ .. u. ... eMb l1l the lGtb aDd Lui I'OWIId.lut DOt~~ k foc'wbltlt wu -• ~ ........ Some tradkklnl~ au........_., Red~ wua't mMJnc r.. of tbt draft•• We n.dl. A.DIIeome ~ woadered II na.JM W ~b eette0;J Dew t.Mt I•Ddoa ,..._IOJiMillow wu ~ to l&ep -of u..t n..teblir aDd .,..tdtnlJ ....... u. ..... Odk foil bilro "Bul o.er.·a HlUt ...,_I.Mt I.a.._ wUlever plaJMIWbiU ... " -.,. Dr. BulL ,.._, U.lncle·ap;U=...,.,.,..... wbo bu \relted "I *-k ._., 8CIC...,-t t.Mt, Be'l * 'lt.IMM ....... Q ('-a ...... ta ... ,..,_... .. n•lcai~J • ....., ~Iliad ... ... .-UIM'• tan ,._. ciiKlln ..._., .......... NaA*-1\. Al ~U..U.lDdi --~ ~atu.~·· • to play lbe way you can. turn ID your uruform " ln a game against North--.ern d\ln.na tus JU ruor feM, be was beQched after wbat Bobby KDi&Jit ~mernben u ··a couple ot dumb pllys in t.be early rnl.nula." But wben lbe MO-pouod forward final.ly retUI'Ded ID LhP BeCODd ball. be played wdl "Now tbat you've done tt, • Bobby KoJ.aht told tum later. "are you lOin& to keep dolnl lt or revert to t.bt way you were p~ ... Landon Turuet dMID 't ~vert . WbeD U. Hoo- uera woo tbe NCAA ~. the All-America auard lsia.b Tbomu.. lbe ... ceota' ~ 'rolbert aod l.aodoD 1'\arDer ,... coosklend &o t. their three bett ~ l.andon '1\araer ,.. Lbdi- &.DI•a bilb liCOftl' wkb JO po6D&a Ia a M-4t rou1 of LoWa1ua State lD t.be •mlfln.tlt: be ~ Ulecl l2 po1D&a to tM -.. ~ over Nort.ll CarollDa lD the ~ piDt. 1ll&b Tbomu and ~ 'roa.t 100D jMDid lM N8A wbl)e t.andoe -rur.r -..cl u t.M cwaer- .,_ ollall ..... 't tecHn1 &MID -U11W be wu paralJII4 ~ tM ... acddllllt . "I'm ludy u..t lll1 ..,mal ~ w ., M , )Uit ODI d .... h olllWMlniltd." .. aid O'JW U. ...... "I'm~ I~ u. _,.,... ud .. c~.rea.mt·· TUNE-UP Plugs. scope & cart:> ad~ ( ·--.,.. .,,. Itt .. a •ttt .. ............. . . '"' ... ' .. ,. . '"'~· .. ,. • .... a. ••••• ·····=····· .. ''" .... . , ............ . .... ~-···· ........ , ' ... ........... ..... ....... .... ----· ----· ~·· ~ -~.~~ " .... ., I .e I 1 • • ... .... , ........ ••••• • t t , • I I 0 t 0 ' . . . . 0 0 t t I Y•Nu ~ llndlt • a _,_ ~-. ,... ., .. ...... ......... .... . a..• ., ....... ,.. ........ to._.,. ••• , Gll*lt •• t ............ . ........ , ' ..... 1011 ................ ... . a..~• ., ........... . -·····--····· '.::····· ...... ····· ... I 0 0 0 .,.. ..... ~····· --····--•... ---....... . ~ ...... . ......... ...... c.-Q fa. ~-..tO.~t.-- ............ 9 .,, f -,.. ---...... ., a.-. tt4 t I I 4 t ,_.W~I N 0 o 0 t 0 ~ ' ..... -S.t I 0 0 0 0 0 ~ a.-t1M 7 51114 ... NOOOOI ...... 114 0 I 0 I 0 To-, .............. . -U4 A-a.a ·--.,.. ., .. ....... . , . ....., .. ,. 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'=-.... ... . .. • '-a.lllllllla • 0 •• I t I' • 111114 I , .. 17 , ' I t I 1 • • • • • • tl " " " ......__ .... ,.._ ..... ~ .. ,___....,....,_....._ ..... ~.--..--a.. -·a...r.-.: ... -.• ................ AACIJG ?FilliNG ......... .. th arr11 ., .. Beg~....,. '/(Nf ~ttmelnd money All~ ~ c;:orT11Met Cllfl do .,. ..,. tor you c==w-.u 8791 WESTWCSTER w ....... Golllln Well ., ... u.ott.ooa• DODGERS: Ryan's 48th career shutout more than enough to send LA reeling to defeat, 3-0 FROM 01 iD&. eYa ll Ryao'a aumbln wue more apeetaeu.Lu Reua pve t.be Amoa tbtlr finl nm. Pbil Gamu l1acJed Lo riatll wttb oae out iD t.be leCODd &Dd ftDl to leCCIDd oa a balk. Art ~ !oUowed with a taa. bil to ceu&er Lo pve HP..,.. U.lead. AlaD XDb.ly ltnlc:k out &Dd LWI PujQ1a lfOUDded to eecoad, 10 the .utro. probl- bt;y would.D't bave ecwecl without tbe balk. Ryu I'Jt iD troubJe iD tbe fOW'th wbeD be pve up couecuttve cme-oot 1incJa to Baker a.od Roo Cey, but be cot out of t.be jam with bia eevem.b ud elCbth ltrilr.eou&a. Houlton ICOred apiD in tbe sixth wbeo Cruz liD&)ed to )eft and ICOf'ed OD COOieCUtive two-ool aiDales by~ &Dd KAic:ety ADd tbe A.uo. p6cUd up &D u.un...ce nat iD tbe~ wbeD Ray K.D1abliCCAdoe albrvwiac.-nr bJ &bonaop Mark Bela .... But ll W'loiD't,..,.., .. .,. Ryan wu oo a roll. Ilia bigell miJC•Iktt tbt Nil ol U. way WM an iDIIde pM.cb u.& btl Guwy oa the left b6cep iD t.be 8e'NII&.b. Appll'elll.ly. t.bue wa oo CQIINCfioa betweeo t.bat Ilk' and tbe oae that wbi.ltled put Baker' a ear, but We,w aat an earful from l..a.lorda for DDt doiDc a.uyt.hiDc &boat k. R.euaa lett after eiebt lDniop Be pve up jull enea bJta and lt.rUCk out .even, but took tbe aa to fall to M HALL: The storied dukes of Earl FROM 01 ANGELS: Lose again India Club wins twice in field hockey toumey BW James, lbe DOted awnben wi&ard, put Weaver at lbe bead of t.be class in ran&iJal tbe major leque maoacers in tbe July iaaae of Sport Mapzine. "Weaver bas a aeniua for f1tt:1na to- getber tbe mao a.od tbe job. He bib for wbal be needs in a player aod is able to overlook bis sbortcom.ings," James says iD bul.ldh'C bis cue. "Hil metbod follow"s m part from the fact that be wu a poor ballplayer turn.aelf. Be kDew ~ were tbi.ap be couldD't do aDd be reprds the ballplayers be man- aces t.be same way. "Rather than look for all-a.rouad tal- e.rlla, be looks fOl' puticu1ar taleota aod pieces them t~r to form a team with aU-arouDd stnncths. "lo 1m a.od lteO. tbe Onoles woo 102 and 100 gamea ... and, in each of tboee sea- sons, t.be cumulative rec.:ord of Weaver's beocb wa comparable to t.be record of tbe tum's moat productive player." lD bis book -"It's Wbat You Learn Alter you Know lt All That Counts .. - Earl, bas bia u.atlappable ego, tends to agree witb t.be basic James auessmeot. 30-aec:ood pbooe call to me. He's oever bothered.'' Weaver's bitter battles aod feuds with most ol his top stars are u ~ u lboee with the umpires ... aJthotllb the cnr elest blow of all will be if lbe book by retind ump LuciaDo < • 'Tbe U mpi.re Slrikea Back" 1 continues to outaell Earl's effort. 8oth are still trying to f&gW"e out wbicb was t.be cobra and which wu the moo- goose in their famous fi&bU of tbe cen- tury. Only Sunday, another former protege, third sacker Doug DeCinces. was quoted as to bow much happier be is playing for ~ Mauch and the Angels lban be was in Ballimo~ "Alllbe years I was over there. 1 felt 1 was oever appreciated by the press or by Earl." be said. "Earl ba.s a tendency aot to treat people like they'~ bwnao wbeo they're ln uniform." That's bardly an exclusive vaew. In tbe July s edition of The Sportina News, Baltimo~ corTeSpol.lldeDl Ken NiiJ'o, describ&DI Weaver's latest near fight with his favonte clubhouse sparnog part.Der. Jim Palmer. says "l'bt two reportedly raised t.be1.r fl.st.s lD tbe trainer's room but DO punches we~ thrown. Jobn Loweostem was an eyewit- ness but DO one was certam whether be was there to break up tbe fight or urge tt FROM 01 "The pitchers bave got to give you a c~ It starts with good pitcbJ.o& ... Madlock escapes Injury when struck In eye by coin ey Dntd o••"'*' Register staff wrlter LONG BEACH -Prilp&l Ku.llar sneaked aiCOriDg shot pall coabe Randy Lip6bnr .liviD& the lDdia Club of v aDCOU· ver a 1 ~ victory Oftr the Roven oo Sun day durin& the callfomia Gold CUp Fidd Hockey Tou.rnameut at Lon& Beach State Ku.llar's winDiJ'C abot came wilb U mm utes gone in tbe aecood ball and b~ up a defensive strua1e between the two prevt oualy UDdefeated teams. Ll~ bad s&opped an Indian Club penalty sbot iD the fin& ball and alao had several other saves duriDC \.be 5«>-minute game. He made a slidiD& dive at Ku.llar as tbe 1odiao native came at the pl. but miaed t.be ball. allowin& Ku.llar to tap Lt lO 1'be Rovers came doee to tying the game with t.brft mi,..!tes left wbeo Tony R.od.r1qua centered the ball iD froDl of the oet But bis &bot welt bigb and J.nda Club. one of tbe best club teams oo the We5t Coast. played out tbe clock The WlD g1ves l.ndl.a Club a ~ record m the two-day t.ournameot and tbe to~seed for today'a Gold Dtvwoo eenufiDa..la at 9 15 a m lt will play AJr lodJa of Bombay. wb.aeb 11 1-1-1. Bombay played Lol An&eles lalerDI· oooal to a scoreleu tie a.od defea&ed Zlndabad. 2~. ~- T"'le Rovers. a California aJl.C.ar' team compoeed 10~ of American&, i.s S..l &Dil will play t.bircHeedllld la&ematioDalla tbe other t IS temifiDal match. The Cobras, &DGiber Americ:aD a1Htar team. woo both tta pmes SuDday aDd will be the top seed lD today'a Silver DtviaioD semifinals The Cobru will pla.y Yub& City at 8 am. The Lol Anaties Tigers, Uo ~ in the Silver Dlv&Sioo, but seeded leCODd OD .... d.ltfereolial. wW play t.be o.-u. Coumy VampU"eS iD the other Silftr eemiftMI l'bt Silver Divlsioo cbampknNp match"' .t for 11 45 a.m. today wt&b U. Goid CUp cbampio«wbip game Kt.dp'ed for 1 p.m Tbt Rovers, who will repraeut tbe w .. LD the upcom.mc Natiooa.l SporU Fellinl, July 23--31 lO InchaMpolis, woo SuDdQ-'s flt'St game, ~1. ap.iDil ZiOO.bed of New York Tom SclWfer scored both ~ goals So does tbe Baltimore IMdia guide. which lists all bis marvelous ownben - six American East tilles and four Ameri- can League pennants. a first. or tee:OOd· place fmisb lJ timea m 14 sea.soos.. five times 100 or more wins, 90 or more 11 tunes. all that addiog machine stuff. Even ooe work! champ110oshi.p But, well. that's anotbet book. Earl's book. inddeotally. hasn't yet be- guo to worry Jane Fooda, Teddie While. Richard Simmons. Roo l.ucl&DO or &Qy· one else on tbe bestseller lists of tbe mo- ment. Bu.t il's only been lO the stores for two weeks and g1ve him a chance to warm up. on... LEASE SPECIAL As much a part of his magic as hl.s abil ity to use tus entire bench lS. of course. just tbat sort of shabby relationship with the players. riiir:Fa:F.r.T.;Df.l;;AIP~9iiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1--------------S-E-------~~~~ Weaver wnt.es oow that 1l's all been a LEA deliberate ploy Tbe Earl of Rasp and Gasp 1S No. 1 What 1 ad~ most about Weaver showed on the t.ape recorder. too -tus honesty, openness and bilio&. unbar· oessed bwnor. 1'boee tra&ts an the same t.hlnp. • t hoi lib, t.bat ba ve oft.al made bim a klu5e 1filb bia playen. He's aot euctly your 'basic beloved father filure He 5aY1 what be tbiab. In fact. be usually shouts wbat he tbiDb. It CaD be paiMal. · Be's oo baby SJt.ler. DO swea talker ... and his maooer baa left a lot of 'SCAI"'. Steve Stooe, pitcber turned TV analyst. ~~ oo bil former l1laJI&Ier the Olber day. ~woo tbe Cy YOUQg Award wtlh a 1S-7 record for tbe Orioles m a.o and tbeo was forced out of baseball with a bad arm at lbe peak of his career "l pitcbed for Weaver for four years and "woo 40 games for bim." Stone said. ''But be's oever tai.eo the tune to even make a "You bave to keep your dlSta~ from your players DO matter how much you like them." he said. . "You'~ tbe person wbo decides all the worst t.hiogs in lhetr lives You'~ the one wbo bas to pinch bit for u~m. pinch run for tbem. bench them. trade them. fire them. You know lbe day will co~ wbeo you've got to look every ooe of them in tbe eye -tbtse guys wbo bave given their all (or you. wbo bave woo all those ball games t.bat have helped you keep your JOb -and tell them ·r m !OfTY You can 'l do tbe JOb anymore · "lt rips your burt. but tt goes wtlh the manager's office You can't belp lovmg them. yet you can't afford to " Cert&lnly. Earl Weaver 1S human All too bwnao and vulnerable He ta1lLs too much. smokes too much and sometimes driDk.s too much and that's all part of it. too, part of what ha.s made tum so fasc•· oati.Qg. U this 1S tus last hurrah. as 1t :>UI"ely sa:m& to be, that's too bad Baseball loses apin He really 1S such a beautiful louse • COf!lll I I •• s.mc. Dlpl I F1w T rlliring 1 Ftnlndng A~ "COllECT YOIII SUI£ Of l u BllDIIOIWl" FOA INFOAMATlON CAll Garnes RUs 667-7183 131 1·8 E Chestnut Ave SANTA ANA. CA OR FREE!! Resole with purchase of o pair of ! DECK SHOES 1 from 1 I THE SANDALMAN 1 1 642-8455 I L lxp. 7 -30-12 J ---------Rustlers sweep Metro twinbill EYERYDA Y LOW PRICES PORTABLE SPAS IN-GROUND SP#tS tr• '895 c:omc*te trom '1795 ~ 14666 Beach Blvd (71 •• 891 -9221 WfitmiDSt .. ~ ~ lrtS 011 YOUR ........ tar ....... ,.. .. ~,_, ·g .. ,....,.. a ..... ,.. ...... -. ... •ID· o.n.-MIIIACCINT. NEW LOWER RATE GMAC PROGRAM allows you to lease a BRAND NEW 1982 CAMARO Z28 FOR ONLY 521754 PUI..a Ol C Cool In ummer Wann In Winter! • UltiiUtl '" tflv.liftl tltftfort- ANO ntu.e as A DIIFF&RI.ltCI IN SHI!£PSt( .. aaAT COVI.M SO, TAKI. A e&..a.a LOO•U ecawwn. *..., ~ ...... ,.,... .._ .. ,_.. ................ ..... • aKftlllllr ...... ,, ........... .......... ..,..,..,......, •• ._ • .....,... S~CIAL ·---tn\11·--..,.. . ..,._ ea~Am . ............ ., ....... .,.. ~ • .. ,.,,a.a,_ •,.. ... -. .. •o ., •• e HI BACK '7S•u .IICM-IIAT CO IS AlSO AVAllAilE 1 LOBACK '65•u Cllllle M ....,, Try I • • ,_, cafl ln:sta •Uon te\es CM'Iy ~ """ • 82 CONTINENTAL $376.88 +TAX FREE 36 MOOR 36,000 MILE WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCE 9. 9°/o on Continental, Mark VI & Towncar 41 Mo cloMd end l.a,. Stk. 3734 1st lott pmt a lie. S 1193.98. Total poymenh 19, l97).Sl Good 72 hrs after publication SANTA ANA LINCOLN MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Ave. Santa Ana (714) 547-Q511 AU hw LMM Dlpwtmen1 ......... ...... ... .. .,. .... ..... ..... ....... .... ...... ..... .... .... .... .... lla ... -.. ,. 1fDIIILSDON -Jl.aulaJ Ca •• n aD ........ rill JobD lk&ne ... ··~·· mMt.en. ... Wlm-.... ,. ellldrie, ~~ 1-..... ftMl ... 80 ac.ptJoa. .. ,.. ,.. .... Dlkber ODe will roll o.-u4 pla.J4eecl," tbe .. ,..-old reo ,..... bed boJ ol tbe pme IIJd. "ft'l kill or be~ "I a.. tbe match wua't ovet Ulll11 M ..._. tMt 1att ball." iii AdudJ, • wu • bUaterbll ...,. to ....... ,., .. ~ wt.ida MeDne _...., tw:w wilt 1111 ~ ll't1ll .............. u.'"" f.7, 7-4. .... ....., ....... ~~ 4_...,, «wtkiiMktlr. wa.. I ....U, daftld ODbiJD \W be Mil"" <'1 n llepecl bllh Ill tbe air, ....... nlilld 11M. (G ....... biro, ·.,.... .._,..... ervwd ia 1flmblec»n'a . <-. Ooult .... bim • rlallac O'f. :aa.. .. ~--aakl It wu tbe peatelt cmtioD ac:ecriecla.., champk>a .me. 1-. .,._ c.ebodovakia'a JarOI&a• Dnllllf woe tbe We at ate u after 1"'U:a ., tr7bJc. ,. aal&dllalted 4 boun a.ad 14 miD- ~ ..ad rib bilba aad )on but ..... Wtinc iD ademellt aad raw ...... luaU a' 1 f "- \IIIC'' 1 ,_ c--a. wbo bad been an unpopular ...... Ia 1fJ4 ... be CI'Uibed ~ tralla •• popular Xea Rcllewall ia tint .......... ...., ...... Wlrabaedoa I 13 •ttltill bJ Jnd:lclDI clariaC a C.. ~ OrN'ontkla lD trn, wu a beavy __.,,...., favori&e. Jlrnlwr ecw... dllpllp .. ..,..,., wtnnlng ~for ....... tiiMiince he ~ ...... In 1174 • Aft« u ullllteady start wbicb saw blm -five atratcbt games to drop t.be ftnt -aDd blow the tbird after bavinc • w Mel aad aervlal. CoDaon abowed bll ,.. .... blltlDdl by ra11.Jial from ........ ..:~ ~ oddl. "111 sene failed me lD tbe third aet," ·be said, refel'ria& to bla ~faWtiDc ~ tbree timellD u early p.me aod twice lD tbe lotb pme lD wbicb be could have cllwhecf tbe ~. "I wu prell&iDc too bard. BeiDC down two leta to ODe pve me a sbDt lD the ~arm. I said to IQJielf, 'You're out ot ben if you doll't aet ltraieb&· CUt dowa oo your erron ud llow down tbe pace.· "I did tbet. 1beo, iD tbe fourth Uld f1ftb .a, I l'fll"'ned my ~ aod served ID8Cb better.·· Coaaon reeaUed that ~ doub&e-fau.lt COlt bim tbe ftDal matclllD 1m wbeD be loll to Bjon Bcq, wbo cboee DOt to play WimbJedoo tbll year. ''I bad come back that time from love-- 4 to 4-t aod tbeD I blew it," be aaid. "I told mytelf 1 WUD't COiDI to let that bappeo apin, ·• Bore woo tbat match, 6- t, lD t.be f1ftb aet. ftiUJIIU "-~ CorWM'a ...-cMa to 1N1M tor.hend ......-n to John Mclntoe CODDOI'I aaid be .... &Lid t.be matdl ... played ribout bickeriDC betweeD the two, u balao ofteo bappeaed lD tbe put. "We're DOt frieDda," be said. "We bave differ.t frieada. I'm married with a baby boy. He .,. wUh a differ- e.-lf'OUP· But we reaped each other. He tDowa bow I play. I mow bow be playa. "Tbat'a w~ I alwaya UU to pt.y biiD. 1 mow I bave to 10 an-out to win." AaUd to e)ebonte OD bia "life«· dea&.b'' tbeme, CoaDon aaJd: "Well, tbat doesD't mea.o I'm 10i.ac to die. lt'a ju.at that wbeD you pl-., teaDil tbat loal ud that bard, lt'a kW1nc OD botb ot ua. lt'a all~~· play. "You doo't miDd eollapmc after- warcl." Tbe match fon:ed t.be brWiaat, artWs tic MeEaroe to ~eratdl tbe bottom ot bia repertQ~ ol abota aDd I& cballeiJIId tbe beat ol Coaaora' fiaN'rw qualltMa. ''He made 10 ID&IlY UDbelievable aboea,'' Cooaon aaid ot bla ~foe. ''He teemed ... to pull olf t.be bic abot wbea be Deeded it. It was a ltnlgle." INGLEWOOD <AP> - Taae> Due«, db Laffk PiDcay Jr. lD tbe uddJe, tot up lD tbe flDaJ jump to capture tbe mb r'llllll1nc ot t.be hll,lCIO ~ OW by a DDM O'fa' Fa. eWl Laaa Oil SuDday at Hole lywood Park. *Up To 1511PS * 12 Mo. U•U•ited fllilall Warra1ty Tbe crowd ot 31,000 saw TUllO Ducer trail tbe field ot DlDe Une-year oad fU1iea for half a mile iD lbe 1-...mUe race. Tbe da~ ter ot UDI:OOICioul • peered to be mattna ber move benreeD bonee ~Me, but abe INMpd to 8et tbe DOd at lbe wtn. FueWl Lila, rib 'l'wr7 Llpbam up, led from the start. appeared to be draw-inc ..., at tbe t.op ollbe lb'«dl, but ,..,.., aUptly Dearial lbe win. * Direct DriYI .... ... .• REG.PRICE . ... '1039 --. ... PROFESSIONAL EXECUT1VE RECRUilMENT 18STRY LEIDER EE PIOICTS j -..... _~_ . -...,.,_ ~ .... ,,,,._ Polish tie, advance Elminate Soviets, France also in semifinals A ..a d1t1d Preea Poland qualified for the aemiftaala ot tbe World C\ap aoccer toumameut by bold- ial the Soviet UDioD to a 0:4 tie in leCODd- I"'UDd play SuDday in Barmooa. Tbe draw eoa.bled Po1aDd to matntala its UDbateD record in five Wodd CUp pmea iD SpaiD. Tbe Polee are certaiD ot toppiDc Group A, wbidl allo inch*-Be&pam. Fraoce woo tbe Group D aemifiDal berth wlth a t-1 victory over Nortbero lrelaDd. Tbe Soviets IDd Poland both bad bateD Be\8jum, but &be Polee aeeded oaly a draw to adva.oce OD superior aoai differeace. Tbey will, bowe-.er, be wkboull&ar mid- Hekter ~ 8oiUell far 'l'blnday'a aemiftnel ill BarteAoaa ap1a1t either Italy or Bruil. Boaiek, 8CCftl' ot fou.r pllin tbe tclur- aameat, W'U cwtioaed durtllc tbe pme IDd DOW facee a-P• ...,..Nioo. Be aJio bad beeD CN'lioaed iD U earlier matdl. PolaDd aaiDidlllle Mtftltllpele far tbe lee- oad lime, ID mt. tbe Poa. "..tet.ed third. ,. ScmeU.. ,.,.. ba tM ftDal .... of U. Worid Cup fw U. ftnt time in 12 JUn. .. iDt.o tbe IDA&ch bowiDc tbey Deeded a v1cWJ to adYuce. 'l'bl ....... plaJed before u elti-maa.ecs CI'OWd ol ••• ill tbe Nou Camp stadfum. A mmber ot PoUib W. rai8ed buDen lllppOrtiDc tbe free trade wdoo SoUdartly durtal tbe match. but tbele ba.DDen were removed by police cluria8 tbe leCODd balf. AJaiD Gireue and Domtatque Rocbetuu K'OI"ed two pla eec.b for J'raDce iD i&a victory over NortlaD ln- lud. Tbe Freocb., wbo topped Group D ot tbe aeeood round by poet.m& two straJcbt vic- toriea, reached tbe aemlflDals for tbe ftnt time liDce 18. Northern lrelud, lbe ooly UDM E lied team to reach tbe eecoad pba.-, failed in ita bid t.o advance to tbe aemifiDala for lbe fint time ever and wu elimiDated. Tbe Freocll, wbo went iDto tbe match kDowiDC tbey Deeded only a draw to qual- ity, were agraaive tbnJuCbout lbe match. Jean TipDa a.nd capt.&in Mkhe1 PlatiDi were outstancttna. Platini, returDJ.na to actioo after beJ.ac sidelined by • tbiCb ~. aet up tbe ftnt aoa1 in u.e SSrd miDute, pasainc t.o lbe dlmlmattve Glreue, wbo ecored from cJc.e ruce. Both Roc.bdeau'a aoaJa were superb aolo eftorta. In tbe 47th mi"'..te, be glided put a tackle before firiDa low put aoal· keeper Pat Jenntnca at u.e oear poll. Tweaty mh••ea later, lbe forward abnlaed oft three ~ace-before ap1a ahcWinc n illto u.e Det. Glnlle'a ltCODd pi wu u 10th miDule beader from a u.s by TipDa. Tbe lrilb worked bard, but did DOt have the ela.-to aeriwlly tbreateD lbe cleYer ud coafideal Freocb, wbo dom.iDated mldfwld. Gerry Armltroa8 KWeCI • '75&h miDu&e COMOlatk>n pl. b1a third tally ot the tour-•men«, COIIftrtlala aa. from 17-yeat· old NormaD Whiteside. Tbe came wu p1a,.s in...,_ beat before of an estimated crowd of 41,000 in tbe Viceme Calderoo S.adium Fraoce wW meet either EDIL'Dd or Wtlll ~ in tbe aemlflDala ill Se-.We '111unda1· EnaJaDd faces already~ Dated Spain in Madrid today. neecttnc • ~toal victory t.o quallfy ahead ot tbe GermaDI. They're singing In Poland baca.ea of a tie Auatl&lllf..._. WARSAW -ODe PoUab faD IUI ''VITa PoloaLa. •• ud daDced f« joy wbeo ber team tJed &be Soviet Ua.ioo 0:4 SaiiSa,y aDd qna'ttlecl for tbe aernifiNII ol tbe World c-., eoccer cbampk-bipt iD llldrtd. Wber faD could Mt beer to Wlltch tbe .... ball after • IClllr'd-. ftnt period "A MONTH "-IJI TAl 1« No u.u. c~ w . .a 111os • lS.OOOMtlft '* ,.,. QAC Jotal P•---· SlUt5K aDd ted bia doc far' a walk. ''He IOUIIdl like bia wife jull brd • baby ... a frleod said after ~pealr'nc to him wbeo the game ended. Wanaw'a 11treet1 apia were deeened u people itayed lDdoon t.o watch tbe match 00 t.devtsioD. ALGIDS, AlliN CAP) -fte CIIIIS el U. All 1wNt'nal..-... •n•llllll rt<p Mn Sebftay Ia a .... ol•" 1 t' I O'NI' ftauda1 .......... ol ........ •InTI· ......... ,. ......... ..._ ...... diU tM rubol._.. ...... 0., ..... , MaNecMI• DUzf, no 1111111 aa-tM ._ ol.._ crttlriaD lor 111111 n' ~·• el ..,_. Mdtn' 1;:.:1 .......... I 'wol111111 fOe!! " 1 .... .._ c::rltk I 1 1 ~ ..,_. _. sad Alllftla ...-tMciale ID • lit , ... Ia tile _.., we 5 P" E1 :=:r::.:: .. , ~ al dlactw, RacbAd m.lzf .. =--..,.. .... c:.Q ftMD. dal n' d "1 We-11•• I' ...-u ............ tile J I I&WI.Wtllatillll .. •• t h.ta.t ................. _ rW .... _ tbf ill f j I aM --- .....,... lillld tMl-,.... IJJII .. 8tre illllr.-..cilDPIU1)Mhdoz_._,._ .. I ridwy. ''At t:t.a.. ....... -illl'fel If ..... Nalt7 IDiDI to fla6ltl the W..td ~·· M Mid. t --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~· I NOW YOU CAN PUT A SET OF 721's ON FOR UP TO 144 OFF Some sales are just worth waiting for .... This Is one of theml Right now, save up to $44 on a set of four gas saving, long-wear- tng sure-traction 721 tires-our most popu- lar radlalst 121 SIMI-I•H•• •••II $ If we should Mil out of your size, we'll give you a "rain ciHtclc" assuring late ~ at ,,. adwrtJMKJ prk». ~ end dependability .,. what make the biu- pty Oetwte Charnplotl our c..t,..Uing tire. P175/70R-13 P175/80R-13 u P185/80R-13 P205/70R-13 11 P195/75A-14 IZ P205/70R-14 17 P205/1SR-14 M P215/1SR-14 • P225/1SR-14 • P205/1SR-15 II P215/1SR-15 .. P225/1SR-15 71 P235/15R-15 F.£. T. 'fRTIIE $1.73 1.71 1.912 2.14 2.11 2.23 2.41 2.47 2.51 2.71 ..... .., ",. Rahal wins first in Cleveland -..cltltd...,.. Bobby Ra.bal, a rookie l'UDil.io& in only his fourth lrwtianapoti.Htyle auto race, won~ day' a maupral ClemaDd 500 easily, m&iog tbe fiDilb tiDe more thaD » lef'C)Ods &bead of vetenD racer Mario ADdntti Rabal. a . drove a Brililb-built March ac Oft!' the SOD-kilometer (310-mile) cou.ne. W'lth abcU 10 lap5to go. bis a venae speed was •-g, ..a Rabal lives iD ColumhiJ.s. u does the owner of ta car, Jim TNema.a.. Ba.bal's bat PftVious lndy.ar performance waa uu. ia lbil ,a.r's JndiaMpolia 500. Be ean.d a ftnl pri:le ol sa.m. 'l'be c:oane wu nm a.-a reDow c:amioo fLt& ... two eztencW per ... «*le earlJ ill the ace ud .,.m jllll bdGre RabaJ look com- JMad iD ta.e .-Jalap ol ta.e IZHap race. Darin« a ~-lJaaperiod. can caDDGt paa aDd tbeir apeed il ,...Jated by a s-c:e car. Rahal. wllo .... the leOOIMfrleecti .. quatifier foe tile race with an awnee Jpeed ol l.ZS.311 mpb.look the lead from Rid Mears oo the fiDaJ turD tadi .. foe the ead ol the loath lap. ADdreUi. iD a Wildcat lB. and Mean, drtriag a ~ PC-10, badled for leC'Oild place tbroulb the ~mainder of tbe race, with AndreW wiaaiD&- Rabal wu a fuU lap &bead ot Mean at tbe ead ol the race. Pole wiDDtr kvlD Cop.o grabbed a bqte 1ead diJriDc the opening lap ot the race, l'DO'riQg MOTOR SPORTS ahead ol Mean by more tbaa 25 seconds. CopD'alead evaporated, however , when the yellow caution flag wu dropped oa tbe entire coune becauae of a wreck involving Mears' brother. Roger. Roger Mean' car hila wall and flipped over it, and Mears 5Uffered a eoocuaioD. Be wu t.ak.eD to a nearby bolpital by helicopter. 'Tbe acddeul OD Ia:> 11 diarupted 10me com- municatM>oa \iDea for Cbampjonahip Auto Rae- in& Teams officials, 10 the caution Oag wu f1yiDC for • laps. WbeD full-speed racing resumed, Coaaa bad dropped to fourth place becau.e of a pllltop. Be repintd the lead brWly, but b.ia car developed lltrioua !"QQId\aoical problema and be returned to the pit for an extended time to bave a rear shock at.orber replaced and a t.ranamiasioo probJem repaired. He returned to the race, but could DOt catch up. Jobally Rutherford allo craabed into a Ute barrier early in the race, serioualy damaging biaCbaparnl. Rutherford was not~. aod aside from lbe inju.ry to Roger Mean. no other ~were reported. Ao•tc.n Ffeddle .,....., won the 500 cc: race at the Belpa Jl(o(orcyde Grand Prix. whlle world cbampioosb.ip leader Fra.oco Uocinl ol Italy finilhrd third in Francorcbamps. Speocer. ridiD8 a Hoada, covered them laps iD 5.2 miradH., 55U7 1e00oda. Allison captures Firecracker 400 DAYTONA BEACH -Bobby A1Uon, wbo saw four top ~ faD by tile wayUde in a wild, rnulticar crub JIISl 25 lapa from the ead ol the F"irec:racbr 400 Graad ~iona'staa car race, bdd oft a IMe cbaOeace by am EWcU to pick up Lbe YidGry Sunday. Britain's Barry Sbeene, on a Yamaha. fi.D- i.sbed second in 53:03.47. Uocini, aboard a SUzuki. bad a dockio& of 53:06.M. America.D Ken Roberta, oo a Yamaha, wa.s fourth in 53:22.75, while Randy Mamola of the United States, riding a Suz.uki, was fifth in 53:34..76 In the World Cbampjoosbip ataodlngs, Uocini leads with 73 points, Roberta is second with aa, Sbeene third with 58 aDd Speocer fourth with 11 . The turt.o en.et Is startinc to have a powerful iDflueDce in Grand Prix racing, with France's Didier Pi.ron.i in a turbocbaraed Ferrari ru.o- oio& away with the Dutcl1 Grand Prix in ZaDdvoort. And in tee:OOd. altbaqb be oevet bad Piroo1 in sigbt during Saturday's race, wu BrazillaD world champioa Nel8oD Piquet in the Brabbam BMW turbo with wbkb be woo lbe Jut event in Mootreal. Tbere was ootbing the coaveatioaally powered opposition could do -aaiDit the turbol in the opener of the aecond half of the World Championship series, and tbe first on a number of very fast circuits wbere the turbol are dear favorites. Fino Keke Rosberg was t.h1rd in a Williams- Ford Coswortb and altbou&b be ckMted on Pi- quet toward the eod, he admitted be mew Piquet couJd bave 1'\lD away by turn1nc up tbe turbo boost pressure aQY time be wlabed. Pi.ron.i, wbo led for all but tbe fint five laps ol the 72-lap event, baa • point.l to 30 for 1eriea ieader John Wataoo of BritalD. "Your tint~ after 80'JW'Chi~W like that <the ~) may be lo rdu a bit bee-t.t..e euya are ....... An-. said. "But JaJ loot betel tbere aDd lee f)me of t.e.e .._, PJ'I wbo've beeD I'UIDDc back in the pack. aDd JOU ..... re1u aoac-" AI for tile .,. "'"'· wbic:b took out Tim R.icbmond. FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS Bury Gut. Cale YartlcJroaP u.S lUcbard ~J, A11iloD sa1d. "lleJl tW t.e.e wen the ltrOIItfrlt can, particu- larly No.2 (BM IMc._t) aDd No. 33 (G&al). But I bew I cauJdiD l aeD ElliDU *-" ud that ... d tab • lbot at it .•• J:IUaU.. a .. ,_r-Gid from DIW'IOIIrille, Ga.,~ for 11i1 fint Graad Netimel ridory. broqt:ll bia Ford 'l'blm- clbbbd aa'C* tile 6llilb liDe abcU oae-ba1f car Jeacth behi.s AW..'a 8aic:k Rep1. ••• ,......., we'd lilt itl&o Ule can (traffic) qukbr tbaa did -lbe .... lap,.. EDioU saJd after bil aeeoad •• ... ,.. • ..,... ,..._ baft bad. c:buce to- *'-1 Ilia But. .-be caald nm wide opea. I didD't ..... cbure." tm • a wterua olll ,an of Grand NatiooaJ I'Kinl ..... Vidarils. il IWl ..... to wiD a WiDitaD CUp ... paillldM..... t 'P Be moved abead of pceviola ...._ T"erry I at ••e. wllo weal aa1 011 lap w with a .... ape. by. paiala. ~Mea me lM ta.tJa IUD iD &be Jl JUl'l ol i'lldaC • ~ ~ ,......,.. U.mile, ....... ....._...a~ co wta billa u. oa,._ • aDdu. ,. cndrilr ladle._,.....llllfttGtrJitlll ,...,_,came .a. Ml r...-t 1 u tel • e.rtJ iD U. nee, t&artiatl• •t I ......... MCI' 1 ,.,. ............. lo ... all day, ••ltad!al .................. .,0..1....., ..... Gllllltlil • m 8 a 1 ...,.. Yrw;Uillb ud aldt-... -...,.._ ........ ,,, --~· .. , and ... .. ..... J 8 drtftr'l lakt .... u. HOUSES, INCOME PROPERTY, LAND • Ne (re4it ·~·~. • NelicnH 1"'~. AU AliAS e AU NKI IANGIS v Me hw11 ,., .... , v lie CrMit check "" Ne lefi...cl .. (lq. "" Ne II lie. 1-.Hretl FREE SEMINAR Conducted bY Beverly J . Jackson. California's foremost expert In distressed pro- perties whose comPanv has bought and sold over 3,000 hOuses In SO. California . County pelr vlctoiloulln Peul ~ 250 I I I I tloG Sl&unk7 ...... but fell behl.-1 fellow frollt..roW ..,_. JobD Paul Jr. oa tbl Udrd lap of u. .. lap baUie. 8oftver. after FWd mlldl • quick '* 11op a.Dd PMI bulJt aleld ol M eecoall oa lap 11. PM&I'a Panct. TUrbo m raD tmo meebanf.cal problema. SHARE IWW)ISE ••• OWN AN OCEAN YEW CONOOMINIJM ON FOR MORE INFORMATION Call Now! Toll FREE: 800-432-7257 (eXt. 881 -R) OR MAIL COUPON BELOW You could be enjorlng •II thM 81 ,,...,, • Maut'a famed Gold Coul bathed tn tne Hawlllian Sun.. • Huge pool, tennis, puulno gr .. n, lhulll• board and S4 holea ot golf nearby • LuxuriOUs condomontums, deSIQMr lur noshed tncludlno complete kilcnet>a. hnens. T\1 lind a ~anely ol lloor plana • The ()91)0(1unlly to ••change woth 600 rtaor11 •n over 30 countrtel • Alllaclt,.. terms a~taalable • O.ne,.tup .O..ant~~ge• are lU ll hll.e a home (You c~ use. re nt or selll MAIL NAME ADDRESS G AUTO SERVICE CENTERS • I I ... ' ~. • "--lce. .. ••• !IIIQJI ill6d ................ . ........... ,l'ltl .... on Whlcllaeo........., ·~...._. ...... ..................... ... .._ ..... __ UD 8cyl Scyl £tectroNc lgnMion ,,.... • Includes up to 3 tree en- gtne analyses and tune-up adjustment anytime Within one year • Most U S cars many un- POrts and hght trucks • Addt- tlonal parts and servtces extra. •f needed • Check charg1ng. start1ng and en-o•ne systems • Install new rotor. new spaJ1l Plugs • Set ttmtng to recommended ICl8CS • Lubncale and chedt chot(e • AdJust carburetor. where apphcable Standard lgnttton Add $8 00 tor addmotaal pOII"tts COl oen. and labor Just Say 'Charge It' With Approved Credit .. • w until . to win toomey a.ant t1d..,._ OAK BROOK. m.-Tom w...., IUk a.,.. taDt .... ,.at OD tbe ftDa1 bote 8uDdaJ to w1D tbe --..... OpeD, n•W•nc PGA c:bam,._ Larry rw.ao lD a lllrrtalltntdl duel • • .....,., birdie pve blm a ftM1 roUDd otkoder-per .,. ............ 'llo-bM tcQl ot I'll, 1J UDder at Buller NJt&oee' Golf Olb. a ... a'**-ftalab for Nelloe. wbo ~ tbe ftDa1 bale froiD U.frllllt to blow a l·lbot lied be bUS.-. to tbe tu-,.,.S 1 ... ,.._IDIIaed a puU from 1.2 felt ba bil bid to lift par ud Ioree a 111'id'11 dutb ~. WeJIUpf tben l&llk bla ...... •· Be leaped IIIlo tbe air aDd u.n.t bla putter .,.,.._ 1"M buee crowd ot &DON thaD Sl,OOO .. ve blm a ... O'latioD. ,.......,.., total eruec1 tbe Butler 73-llole record ot rn thlt Ed J1ori poMed ID wlDD1ac WI cbampk-hip a ,_,. ... nan wu far olf tbe l*'e t.bll tlJDe et ... Welakolll, wlDDlDc b1a 15th career toul'Damellt, eamed ..,,000. He rana foQrtb OD tbe an.tlme moaey lilt wttb $1,111,0K. moviDI put Hale lnr1D.. Nelloe. wbo wW delead bll PGA CI"'WD out moath at SoutMna Billa, eamed $37,• with bla total ot rn. Bob Glider, wbo woo tbe We~tcbelter Clulic Jut Su.D- day, ftallbed tblrd wWl a • for 1 10-uDder-par 2'71. CUr-reatb' tbe bottelt player OD tbe PGA Tour, Gilder ia 21 wader par for bia Jut elab* I"'UDda. BW ftolen, the 1•1 PGA P~ of tbe Year, aad DOD- wiDDer Jlm Tborpe lied for fourth wtth • tota.la. Tbey matcbed 1011. Neither NelloD oor Weilkop(, pLaytnc bead-to-bead in tbe Jut tbreeeome w1t.b Gilder, could mAM8f' more tbaD .... abot leads 1D their duel in tbe IUDD,)'. bot &Dd bwnld weather. NeiiOo, wbo dAd DOt take up tbia game WllU bia early ... led for ~eveo bole~ oo tbe from aide after We1a.ll:opl ran into c:cmecutive boteYI at t.be eecoad aad third bolea 08 t.b1a 7 ,017-yard IUburbaD CbiciiO l.ayout. W~Un.puUed from 40 feet at No.2. Be milled a lO.foot putt for par after blttlac a buDker at t.be t.bird. However. be pulled eveo wi1b bia Ont bi.rd.ie ot lbe round OD tbe ctiffteult -.yard DiDth bole. Tbe leaden l&ayed at lkader WJlU Weiakopl two- putted t.be 4'11-yard, par-s 12th fNm 40 feet for bia JeCODd birdie. Haynie captures second straight TORONTO-Sa.Ddra Ha)'Dle. wbo gave up the tolf tour for four ygn, culmtneted a remarkable comeback with ber leCODd ltraiPt LPGA victory. c:aptv.riac the •• 000 Peter Jaduloo Claulc. malrtnc her the f1nt wiDDer of all three major enaU Oil tbe tour. . 'r. a-,.. tour .-ru aDil oae ot the p6oaeera ot the :-OfllntuUoo ldded t.be tJtle 1D the oaly Caftldian 1top oo .. t.be Ladlel Prol11tflooaJ Golf ~kMI tour to earlier : victoriee 1D tbe LPGA aad U.S. OpeD. : '"l"bal'a10m«biaai'U ahr.,a treuure. beUeve me," _Mid Bayoie, a winDer lut week at Rochester. Sbe aaak • aD eJcl&·foot putt for par OD the f.1Da1 bole to edle Beth Daniel by a ltrob. Tbe wiD by tbe 5-year~Ad Texan wu worth $30,000 &Dd moved her into second place in money wlDD.l.Dp on lbe ' tour. Haynie couldD't remember wbeD abe lut put toptber couec:utlve victories, but suaeetec1 it wu probably U"'UDd 1W74, wbeD abe wu at ber belt. "It doeiD 't happeD all that ofteD, I caD tell you,.. sbe added. Sbe Mid the t= poua wu at the Ut.b, a l?S-yard par-3, where abeed in a Ov•foot birdie putt to go s- up oo Daniel. ··I knew it wu aol.Dc to take eome aboo«'nc on t.boee 1ut . few boles to catch me," abe said. "But u it tumed out. • Beth picked up two ltrokel &Dd If I'd m1ued that last putt we couJcl bave 1001 to a playoft." • lla,yDie laid then were a ~ ol U.Uoce~ at 11 t.ba~ • m.ilbt bave upMit a more bJ&b-ttrunc iDdividual, IUCb u cameru cl"*'nc u abe 11Ded up ber cnaciaJ putt. "Wbe:D I wu over tbe putt, I kDew I'd bave to eoocen- trate wboUy oo wbat I wu dol.DC beeaae I couJcl bear all U... cameru. But I wu able to blank it out. I 1ue11 they <t.bl cameru> wen aood fw me." Delplle ber reeeat IQCC'ell, a.yDie aaya abe's pautna up WI week'altop lD WlleeJ.1ac, W.Va. ''Tbla lathe l1xth week lD 1 row for me," abe said. "I • tDow I'm oo 1 Nll, but I'll dJe lf lll:eep IOiDI· "I'm I'Oiol home to NIL" . t ' Ia Ill ' E 7: Racing Nightly Monday thru Saturday 4961 KATELLA AVE~ LOS ALAMITOS • {714) IAAFto ftl ~ Africu Pto.bdal CommM:Mt bu W'l'itUe to tbe ~ A•etrr MlaMdcl A.-dfdon arc· ... &aiM S,..,Mane, ... Sou&b Afrtcu.bon u.s. ~ a., be benrd t1oaa aD ~ COIIJpetltioca. ID Ita ..._to tbe IMJ', a copy otwbk:b wudllt.riblad t.atlrle ~ lfOitialpn~~, S..Rcae c:Jalmed llbne Mel ''Nefpaleted tbe J.AAF ~ fclr bia OWD eollv. llllilla'' u4 ~ tbe .wete ot bei.lll U. favor ot .,.nbtid ad ol eport.1.1c ~btr•• rib South Africa. AM .... SaD-Roc: CODCecled t.bat tbe numer bed beeD ...,_..to coaape4e u a member ot tbe U.S.natioaal ... it ........... be ~ made iD tbe Soutb MieaD ..... ''ideate be wilMa to rttum after bil e+~ career ia over.'' Su-R« alleted Marel wu "diametrically oppode to ~(uti-apartheid) ltaDd ot tbe IOC aad tbe IMF." .. a, bll ltatemeau," tbe committee aaid, "Maree ia (JI'Oridlllc dinc:t ~ few aputbeid aport. ••we beHeYe tbat M.uw, wbo ll yet to become a USA caa-. noa.t. t.be ipirit ot tbe lMF COlWtituUoo.. •• Tbe c:om•tttee uJd it wu ~ tbe letter to all Nt'oul ltbllltkl federat.ka. tbroQchout tbe world "in tbe hope tbey will take appropriate actioo" aaaiDit Malee . .. We coatead that aatiooaJ lederatioal aboWd DOt lDvite SJdDey lluee to AQY eveat beJd in tbeir respective eoun- t.rtee altboucb we realbe it may be di.fficuJt to bar bim if he is a member of tbe USA athletics team," tbe letter said. Tbere wu DO immedi.llte lAAF commeot . • n. 'br' •• rred u ... tnek aad 6ekl team, bumbled by u embarraalne lrow:lciJ.'I by tbe Soviet Union, taka ita act to Karl Marx -Stadt 1D BerliD t.b1a week to face tbe East Ga1D&DI -rib a ltroapr lqUad but aootber beat!Qa pnbably 1D tbe oftlal. Tbe Americ&aa IUfhred ooe of tbeir wont setbacks iD *«1 .t tbe baDdl ot u. Scmeta, JoUac m -167 iD tbeir dual meet t.bal eDdld 5atwcSaJ' Dilbl iD Incti.au Universi-ty's DeW tnck aad tJeJd lt"CCinm Tbe defeat wu DOt~ u tbe Sovieta bad woo ~ oll7 pnvioul ""'"'•· with ODa tie, &iDee tbe aeries behreeD tbe pontfW force. bepD iD .... But tbe mamer lD wblcb It wu l(bntnlpered aud aev- TRACK ...... _,..._CIIW 1-t.e._) ,..._ ~,__ ..... "''·* ... -. .... ... ROLL YPARK HANDICAP lit lit 114 117 117 laD u• u• lit ~YTOMOUOW Features Include: • NMJJus b«cise EquipmMt e Mrobic r.rc;. Clitsles e contpCifMzed Uftlcycles e lndivldwliZ«< btetcise Su~tsion • 5epJrMir »tJtYS e Cottd /«uZZI • llood l'resute-8od)' Flll snu Tsrw • Nuo1tlotYI Courwllftl e Coedl DiysA W~k CHILD CARE AEROBIC EXERCISE CLASSES RACQUETBALL AT M()NTHL 'y DUE\ OR PL,8ll( STOP IN OR CALL TODAY WTM That's what you're working for. And if you've been thinking of greater rewards, then you should tune in to a job opportunity at a leading suburban radio station. At KWOW. our expanding radio marketing department offers three entry level positions for people who are well spoken, aggressive, and self-confident. We'll train you to earn 200 to 500 dollars weekly I full or part time. And management opportunities will be available in four to six months. The only requirements are a good speaking voice, a powerful personality, an interest in radio, and the ability to sell something you believe in. You'll work in our new office. learning to use the most valuable marketing tool of the future. We're leaders in a changing industry I so your opportunity to grow with us is as exceptional as you are. You don't need experience ... just the will to succeed. Your reward is waiting. Call Ralph Thomas at (714) 861 -1600. Mon- day-Friday from 2 p .m .-4 p .m . (E.O .E.) Perhaps you thought there was just one size wheel to fit your car. That styte and price were the only decisionS to be made. That's not likely when you visit one of the 12 Gk:Jbe Tire stores, Here youlJ fmd experts who mount •matt wheels by hand to protect against chips and aaatches; use torque wrencheS to protect wheels, chrome lug nuts and brake rotors. No machines 81 Globe! Our peope are trained and aware of the impoftant effects that changing wheels can have on your c:aB handling. perlonnance, odometer reading and gas mileage. They aaao consider the variab6es like the Plus 2 Concept of increasing wheel and tire size for improved pertonnanoe. This·~ means you have a wide choice of wheel stytes at Globe. n you're tired of driving a car that looks like the herd . . styled wheels give you today's New Look. And at Globe you get choice ... low prices ... expert installation. Everything. Even polishing or painting to blend with your car. VIALWI&.I ~~ ()akl • .,....~ .. polrNd dVome,.,. Fottwwc--~ 1:rl11eeL14"'11te• Fot,.., .... drW ,y., .. .. ........ ..aaa Melle In o.rm.., Feetory .._, I*"C 1111 .. Ctvome-~--- M~....,.CIWOINIUI,_._,..,_.' IIRIID , ........ cmtiR S'm.IS ,,.., ,.. .... ..,.. ... .. .. , . ' HOW TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD: By Phone: (714) 558-3311 By Visiting: Telephone Line Open: 7:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday) 8:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. Saturdays Closed Sundays & Holidays • If ~ from the following communities only: Call (toll free) the operator and ask for Zenith 7-4300. Capistrano Beach, Laguna Beach, San Ctemente , Corona or Riverside. Main Office: 625 North Grand Avenue Santa Ana 92711 ('h Bk>ck south of Santa Ana Freeway) ~!lg hours 7 1m to 6 p m (~y through Fnday) 8 am 11 am (Sa1Ufdlyl Closed Sundays and Holidays Branch Offices: Anaheim: 825 No. Euclid Tel: 533-0502 Garden Grov&: 7441 Garden Grove Blvd. Tel. 537·5981 Costa Mesa. 2300 Harbor Btvd. Tel. 7~6274 Opening hours: 8:30a.m. to 5 :00p.m .~~ trvougn Fnday Ot\tyl r PRIVATE PARTY AD RATES ., GENERAL POLICY : CANCELLAT~ALTEAAT~ TELEPHONE (714) 551-3311 HOllO AIMRTIE EFFECTIVEL V All) ECOIIOIICALLY: Ow l IJJ ... I ' 4 I J? W. .. J'lll It tl - ,., ........... I.IDDtl ............ ............... -.., ..... CIOf .,.. ...... ,., .. ,.-•... : 1 • • • tn -.m "" .. .-..g ,..,..,. to ·~ • ....::tl ~ ll'tlonNID• .. ~ --·-...... .,., ....... ~ .. _,.. ._ lor .-a. 1111 ta .,.. bid co!CMIOI• ~,. .. to .. ~ .......... ,. .... ,_.,. Clllnng. ,.,..,., to ll'ldudl. ....... JW c:on.-nr ... to oler 2 ()uf ~ b CIMI._, ....,_ II un • ,...., ... ~ ~ tlyl. nal ~ ~ l:luflr -,..., tpllld Of\ .. ..,.. e11y Wll o. _,. el our...,.... lllle ~ t~;eelour7-,~pllrl n....-..... fOU~~ .... -,~--~ ~ fOU Ollllln ...... *PO'•.,.,. ............. ,au tre'l el CQnt caral ... 011ttr pey b ,. dllyl ,au we Ullld The Bonus Puzzle a.w.,,gl ~ TNOM..U JOIIfM AC'Iml DOWN IWUda-l~ I Llw 1 RCIItltld ......... Jr.., lJ ........ • Cl&filb &w IS lAw dltO cblnctlr .. r...-.u 1 .u....., ~~~~marta~ • <* rr. ~ IS ....... Uma, 7 Malay• a*' lafGrmi.UJ I liiiW'I .._ n CclaoD -t RliJrlld-M Terrified II Dnaii'J U lahllll D If U.. form .. 80irdlr Clll -ftb at ··-• PW\ n Colcel.led aaro.1•· ~ a06ct. as..tA nu.r ~ a &~~Meed a....._ filii 11 Villlll ,. .. ...., a<M .. ..... .......... .. .... ne:...,... ...... ... -......... • brJ .... . .....,.._ ........... ... . ,.. ...... --... ,.... ..... .... Clft-* ..... ·- u...-.·. ··~-·· Jt ''Ralllrtall'' ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINES FOA IMSERTIONS. CNUU.A TIONS CHAtaS DAY NJRU!§ 'TUESOAY THROUGH FR IDAY 600pm dayblb't 'SATURDAY 600pm ThutSOay 'SUNDAY 600 p m FN4-. .. MONDAY ·-• ·••~"' .. o,. •< n 1 .... 1t 00 a m Saturday ..• .,. ,.,OA• "-11 .. I 1...-ca 33 ...., ....... 35 FIIIIMI ~I CII!IIIIIIOII 1 Ftll. s......, c;,.,. )8 . C...,C,...Ilall ) Lalli'-" ~ ~....,..,.,. • '·M~ol'lon ' ...... 4() J • a.-•.-, ~~· b .~~~~ ' ftNANCIAL .,...u. ...,.l.-44 '-'1110..., 8 ...., .. ~~ 46 • ~ ...... .£'""' 9 • ~....-.c 48 .r~ •o ,.a... ...... 'JO .~ " • ~ ~f >r-.1'! '2 IIIIKMAHIMle • SowC~ t) ~,......, .,. .~~ q ~ '>::' .~ ,., s...Oiaaa.llr ')) • ik,)ll'ftS ~~ 16 ... E.-.,,.,. ~ ......,,,_ '>'> IWLOYMINl ~D'fM !16 ....... s.r.a I ' ........... £M-Il '>' t;·, ............ •8 '-'""' ~ ....... l ' ....... .....,... '>9 .......... , .. l2 ~~ ....... o..c 23 ,., ....... 60 --~~ 24 c..as.-• llj• .... ,. ... 2!1 "'' ..... ~} .... ~,~ 26 a h!\~6~' ~ • JOC&IIW...., "'-''~ co..• ~ t;a;••..-28 .,,las 6!1 Glw ..... 29 .....,.., .. 66 ,... ..... ry-lt ...... ,......,., ... 6' .... ,..,q). 68 ._. ......... )1 ~ ........ 32 141111FwtA ..... 69 AND DISCOUNTS -S'O(.f h '"'IS .,,v "'lfrr~ I& X NUMBER Of FER LINE CONSeCUTIVE INSERTIOHS PERNSERTION Dilly Sunday 1 31t1Stft5 $1 90 $2 02 4 . 6 tnMf1S 1 46 158 7 ·29 C'Ot\MCUtiYe ~ 1 32 1 43 lO ~ 11\Setts 120 130 \. REGISTER 80X ...._R SERVU CHAAGE l 1!l 00 .... ~ 1()"' ........... 62•.., c--.u, , 1 ...... ~ 62~ ..,. ........ '( .............. 626 ...... 'J ........ 628 ,......,.v .. ~ ., -.~--.. bJG s..-.~ ....... _.,._, ...... f>Jt -..eo ....... ·; .... ,..., 632 ,, .... " '6 ~ ................ t)lol " ..... ~ .............. 63~ =-=.... 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""" ... • ""• ..,.... ~ ~ 10 -.,'01'\ "'....,_._, EIC" • -t ....,""""' ·-~ ~~Dot tiiP'O'r• ........ ----01 -.. ~IIICflc.,--..oo•~ -.. ,......,...tw.,.,._ c•ca ,o.. .a -~ ,ow -.s ., -~ 4 10 "' C..... ~-I .... 0, t.11i1rt * )31 I wt ..... N .. CMWC11 !» .....,.... lOt -· ,_,-dll, I ~'«' ,_.... 4 JQ1 dD IIIII 1M! me-10 OW'....._, r,.. ~ ~~ •.,.....,., -~,_,,._.....,llllttwe"~ ,.....a.. r..._ ... ._ 836"""'1 race-.,,.. 87j " ................ 8J~ ,...c...,....s..a 87• ................ 838 s.r.a ..... 875 ....... -...-. &.40 ...... ,'*' 8'6 ........ ,_s.. SAC' Jlftfll~ ........ Acll • s.u ~~ ... 877 .... a.-8'8 892 AUTOS.~. Orono::, JOts. 894 lOAn. MOTOIKYCUI . 896 Tilda MOTOI MOIIU. TIIICIIl 89' 919 TUiliU. TIIUCU. llC l~l,... ... 920 IIY ... Ek_. ...... &45 ....... 92' s.-••--&46 -.Jets. :J22 w ... l4e e-ac,., 92• .......... &49 .... a.-a ~ ....... """""" 8~ ..-... ... c.rt 916 ... ..._Ciwtlrt 8!>• ~~ 9()q ,.~ 853 ...... c.. 1.X ............. 8.,.. _..'--",,... .. ,,..,,.,. 85o6 • ~fifr'P:. ) ·~ . ...,,,.,. 85 ' ..-JOts. . ........ ,,.... * .. ·~ Tlllllrt.._ 8'>9 ~ ~ ... ...... 860 e.. •ll' ..,___.. ,,.,... . ... .. .. ,.,. 86; '""* • J c....,. ....... , o.p •A .a ,,...,.u. ..... 86.a Jerf -fl!• C....,.. JOtS. 86(: ~ "" . c.,. & ''* "-' 86 ' ~ ~ lqnt 866 .,...... ~ • r .. 86~ ...,.__. :;as c. .~ I!' ..... .19( \. , .. 8J, •'" ........ ...J Cl ified ... Call Us aod it's as good a sold! 1 I&1IC Sill£ P£CJt.[ 251115 Cll LD.S. • ...... 1 DAYS A WED ..... tcms.t IYIIDift .. ,..., .... 18tl37 •• l! .--' . '9 • • • -' ,, .. ,.. . .. ... ' . ·-~ . ' . ' . I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CUP lSAVEI ~~~ 1.::.= _-'='!!~""' .... I~~ ~~~ ~~~ I -:\CV.'lL~~Q -UIIR..._ Someone 1 WANTS TO RENT CLASSIFIED AD MORN ING EVENING SU NDAY ' OA'I'S A *EE K THE REGISTER DIAL Sj.J3ll ALL DAY Classified I Advertising'! I Complete I Coverage! I O.lowCost I Morni .... Rrgitter Clas sifitcl ''WWte , ... , •. SSI-3311 ~;m:F Pille it Y11 c~..,. ... , Offt Try.__... .., ,_.,.. ....... ,,,, I OilidAi Early In The Week PART TlJI IDS ~MT The Register currently has a few morning home delivery auto route carrier openings In Orange County for mature, responsible per- sons with economy-type autos. Permanent situations. Approximate hours ~AM to 6A.Mdally. Must have ~,_ good drlvlc:-g record and proof of auto Insur- ance. .. ..... ll·ml .. ·~~"· ,_.INCl.-ALl ON&. Yl FMUJ. MYST Bentley labratries e&AMOI CLERK I lll9IUL -•.et-04~ I . ............. SfMR£1 OlllfDJH FACllJIS liCU ....... of 2 ., • ...... il3ofU. ..... arMS. ~ T£CJIO.OGY Ms jat •pendld and ........... n 5"...., fila fadli- ty plus--• ..,. • biMfib. Trainee Po~•l•on ·-·-2 v .. ~ ei<Ktrocal 1ecnn•~ ~ool m•ht••v Clas A oiKII•'* Khool, 01 OIQUI ... WII eiKinUI upe .. en<o Some Oil l•eld ••"'"•nc• ,.,.t .. red SfoiMV COfn"' .. "'" I lo '"'"' 11 <II"' "9 M>CI oil per-co Full liM of Mflel•h Ve•ucle lind toolt turn•"'• Some overn•""' lrltVel ,. quo..O Job '~""' 2t 1\ou• cell ou• dutv lnlerwled partte \tlould come •n lo ~Y o• ult 8ob Sdl•um., CENTRUT HUGHES INC. One of the Hu,.• Tool Comparuea S.C21 .............. lit Huntmtton 8..:11. CA t26tt 111tl ltJI511 121315!)19711 fqu.ol Opc>Orlunolv ErnP'ov•• M, F DESIGN ENGINEER The comPOsite engineering tte. partment has a POSition avail- able tor a Designer The require- ments mclude a BS tn mechan· •cal or aeronaut1ca1 engineer with a m1nimum of 3 vears expe. rience m designmg aerospace st ructures from advanced com· POsite materials. , .......... ....., ...... : PUSONNIL DIPT. CIBA·GEIGY COMPOSITES 1ot10T_.__,..._ r.u....a..veMey Aaa.e.itYC.. E-l~f .......... IIIIF START THAT J~NOWI You'*'-''*''"",__..., .... 'Oft ....... ---· ,au ... -..... - lftDfft Yau c:e -.n •• • ................. ........ ..... ... .......... ~ ..... ..... ............... ~ ........ Tluqs~; -,.. ..... ..a-n •• au II * mlSEJID MALE & "0Mll =-= ..=t-ctM..tr OYtiKET &:= (JlJ)g IWUJ swam• LYNDA IERREY. RN IUS( R£CRtmR {714) 781-3115 RIVERSIDE CMilY OOSITJJ. R N S ,..carina ..... Wl NEED YOU! IWs C/C N/A's FOR ACUTE CAM If YOU WMT TO B£ BUSY CAll TODAY Vfll MEDtCAL SERVICES 662·1177 NEWPORT lOCH 633-0011 at 324 CtWW GEJm. tmfll .... t!l!tTM. Or .... -RN'S ICU 12 .... Sllitt 7Ptl " 7:30MI ~133-$185 shift CONV. HOSPITAl "l!-... ~ ... ·~~0 (R.;)'~ PART lWE-LVN 11·7 Wort 6 ciQs out af 14 ~~~....._ __ ... .-:!11!1!1.~· ;t1~~ ...... -..a . . · .. ,·.,. ~ la' ' • I - ~~1'-:t- -c-.~· * * 1397392 *' * UI,IICit I '\II' . 't I'IIC\ I'UIC 1 :: -Yf\''':) 11/(!ll,k ~ -~t,~YI/1(1 :) 14 ~ ' "1•·• ... ,~..,. "'"' ;!ltl REAL ESTATE SALES EARN 8% COMMISSION FOR SYNDICATIONS t Frustrated ~lltng negat ve cash flow' t T tred of escrows t'lOt c los•ng, • lmmed•ate commiSSIOns Patd • Double your 1ncome t ProftSSIOI\al tratmng at our NewPOrt and Houston f~ ~ ....... Teot.cvu ,.., ._._. c.u ..... ... (714) 644-0390 :\lODER:\ E:\ERG \' CO~ ERY:\TIOS 0 . Answering thole Get Rich Blue Sky Sales Ads -:' ..... ·~ .. -~ . . ~ ·--.. J c ....... -• .......... " ... Tmr.:Bilrll1 ~:: * PICIIISIIOIILS * lllst2~ .... .: * CitY * .......,._ r-. ts ~.~ .............. ~155P..C .... .... .. ... T ....... .... !CUll! - Hunting ~ .,.. (1'\f(ll I!W . .,.... ' ,,...~, ~... lithllf\ .. ly ... I-I TM ra.JI •u. a.tc-..~~ ..... ••c..TeYow ~....., ... -"" • ..._ Tt Arr111t At.. ~~ * 2M & 3M T.D.'s * 6 IlL tl 15 Yws RIS.IMY APPf 114-71N417 -;71;J~~5?} Yrf ............. "'· 1 , 4 DAYS ONLY '1.91 ·l~_,..rr.: oRG·~\ "* ... ... ;:.:..: ~ $!lC. : . - CAN II YOUIS FOIIJ TO $150 ALSO lEI OU._ "BtMSS TO BUSiiSS" ! The Register .. ... - 1 1 • --1111 Al¥tl....aaT 2 UIU MINIMUM Nn CKAROI $!.00 I·Z To Use Chart I , .... . ,...,. I ' ........ I l•.,' . .......... l .... ~ 16-!Xl.. $\1.-'l ,,~ 5"0 tOI 1752 u• :.liO 801 Z}_~ Z3 8ol .,_, l 0. ,, ..., $18 "'0 - at~ JHO 'Ins n ~ SW!ect 10 ~ wlttQ/1 •a ~ l'1tt lftlcttft Olctmbtr 11. ''" Rt91lttf loA Numlllf ServiCICI Cl\l~ m ~ ---·-·l--·-... -· ... ·-len Tt 0... "-htty Dly ,. ..., l 0., . s. .. ..,. l .... , ...... htlilt .. .., f'-ltt9tSIIr nsumtS 110 'fto1101'$tbllitttt tet tf ·~n •"" l"'t '" '' ,_,,., Usa 1M tea1ster Cl"$1t!M htty lrt T1 Sell. lly lett • !We COPf IIIIUMU Ce•lt•U.. ... w... ...... '-' SuNin 610111 Frllav ~ II II a Ill s.lWditt r..., •ao ,,.. ~ ~--' •1o111FnGr1 WIONIIMY • 111111. l181in Fer--. il lt.lll ~ fiU1diY t ltlll'M .. Y F-w lUIIfiT Tlwv F'*' F~ • I IIIII. ,.,_ • I ... ,. C. a.rt Nfahllrl ~ • lo. TWiirf F-er... • ~~ ............ c... ............ .------IJ\1 ~(~Nl (110ft~~------ 1 t•s • TWU Z 11M(~ STAITNI DAll Cl•SWICATQC __ _ .......................................... ~(~--------------------------- ICIIll• --------------------------------- ---------"----~ , .. ·y_ -' J. -~··..:~ . . ... . ...,_\._ --~ . -4., ' ~ ISla£SifJ - cozy UlEl MAINTINANCE n CA E ADDmONS and IIMODILING MOYI G r * Wilt I ''WWtt '••" * * The Quick Woy TO s.,.,, ANO * L•'9•'' \.,te«''0 " '" •" ef o.-..c-.. * ·Someone WANTS TO RENT CLASSIFIED AD MORNING · EVENING SUNDAY 1 I»YS A •U • 1 ...,. Z ) I f I, l ........ 148. 'bqt ,. pte; I • Ca. 58311 f(l d •• --- -~---,,.-... ' .t ~. . '... . \' !~-~L ." ." 174 ~ 710 . ..... ' ..... --r-:: .t. ........ , .. ---. .. {:li j_. --.. ~-t;' ~ . •· ., -·-~ ,.. . ....:, . . . -No Down Payment -No Payment tor 90 Days -No Escrow Fees -FREE LISt of Homes (714) 534-8800 2C HAS DIRECT OR COU.ECT VETERAN REAL ESTATE OAANGE COUNTY VETERAN HOUSING CENTER ON HAMOR kYO • GAADENGAOY£ FfWfY e57 721 7\8 ... tel 711 w 107 •• 7H 71$ - 0 VIEJO RfJJ.TY WfW & LEE aiAL IS'TATI NO IIJO£ST -JIITER£ST "-'. I ~n'Cr,L1?£ff.i· ... ~-.;lr$) C'ICMOttiA •PA~U.-&W ·----~~~ 4 ~~ '"'tl,~ ... .., ~ ............. . -. ~ ..._ . \ -,. ·-r. .• 't . ·' ~ ·- SPABEAUJY D w . ·lfl· y, • I·S91-6381 11 IJ·~~~7 t --~~-r&n"" :. l . ~~·r ··-·~ . -. .l lerttie. l'.tn .. , ---·~~ 811! Caf)!t am Fa TOllS IN .,.. IOUTML.MD Blue Carpet CLOSE OUT SALE . lN£ 2 Y£MS ROO FREE .. _ *EIPUIIS* Dale's 1¥ IDITU IIC. ~ ,.,. Mil U311t • ~ . lOT SUlCIDI i Of IZ 'IJIJ8S ¥ ~~~iii&iii ,L':.U~ IM~TA,NT NQTIC~ T'O .I!AOI:.S ' . WE'RE DEALIN' •o~TE DELWERY fi)ST llOELS ~VE AT HONDA ~rtre~ *Lease To lMn! ~ ~~ n.e Ytllide of Yow CMict ~150 IXMN ~~ UM PAYINlS! ~ ~~~ ~~~~ SANTA ANA ~=---~!.!!!!::____ 54~1430 ~~~ Pitts' Siva O,.MO.,Sat lOll . ..a lba w. If Mlin * L~ BfACH Q~ rJRS * CIMm.EelDI AT UM UM PR~ES PElOT SAYS '\aalt FWT IQf!l.:: ''t~ ~TAH'T -.c>TICI TO lltiAO«IItS AMO AOValltTrsaas -· ... ~ --,. . a 1 · --. : r:~:~·­~-:~ , ;-·~ .. ,. ~.· ·' , 6 *REPOS! IJSTSELL • : ·~ ... ~ -o. I \. ~ I 0 -..., "" ' .. ,., w " It, NO DOWN PAYMENT ., 1' .. · .;;;"t.' ..... \. ' . . . ... . : .. . '82VW RABBIT . ..., -~--­... '82DATSUN SENTRA . ..., ........ ~-. ..., .... 512656..o. A COMPREHENSIVE DAIL I RECTOR ASH WMINTOU LEASE ANY MAKE NEW CAR OR TRUCK wme *OPTION TO BUY* e CASH FOR YOUR PRESENT VEHICLE (EVEN lF NOT PAlO FOR) e ptOE CREDIT APf'fiOVALJ i:/AUTOS i:/MOTORCYCLE i:lRVs i:/MARINE :~,, \.,,Jl·~· -\.. \,.. ~ ~ ,\_ d I , ' . -.. a..--=:.--~ o..a-..... ..... ~l>t COIWiiiBW. c1t -ca......,-_, ......... ......_c.... ..... -..-cs Ill¥ .,111 ., .. ,..o41 CQIU EM. IODY 6 'Mtr ._ .....-Dlw4l ca.. T011111f9 LONt CARS FfiE£ -a E. • 91. SIIMIAraQ.-fiiOriNARIW ---~17NM . ' . '\ I • _.. r . • .... Dealer Servic~ng -.. ~--- - l ' 'I ' • If -. .-. ... . ............................. ........ ' J, 1 j ... ) ~ . ..... .. ----••• -I --r ' r' Oil IW)l ....... l '-kCUL oan~··~' .,c-. P'NE l*&OII ........ l--. ...... ,,. FOMIGII& Dlilft. ,..,.... ..,.,., .. ~ ~.o. pnca ••• fall' lCIIIIIIIW..,_ ~~$.517·51151 ,_ .......................... ... ,_ ..... .,, .... IA ..... M -"" f ' .1 ');) ~ Jl ~~I (II 1 I • . ' .J • I "\ i ' I "\ . ' . ' ") '' ) L..., .... . . .. ~ ~ ·'1-J!f·tiP ·~~~~i t•1-!IU;•I· 1111 i!Ii1 1 II !f1J }1 11 ~~ ~~~ !i ~IHI.IH ··~ iJ 11 .1 dt .; 11, ~i ~t ; !ill! ~ . ·~-~I ~, .. , 1 :1 U; •I u -ul 1 Ia (II IIIIi 'I at f ! • I ' i I ilhl . :I 1 1 1 ,~r~ i1 , ! ii 1• .. •r -;. ...- -4 - , I, 11 I : • ':j a " · l·t-~ • "31 Ut It '1 ' r ( Q I z 1 ~ -a ~ ~ ~ i· 1 ·•• 1! tl ·! J. : :!1 · 1-! -~. • ~!"il rt1 'lr 1. • !J i'-·. 1,, lr 1h ~~~ ;' ! tr I· ~1 •• " .~ -i e t ~ I ~ I I i' . r a· I { i ... -li .-<•1•1: ~r , r \: ! r.l! .. u lt!J ~~! 1t u · rr !r l i)'' ~!r !f r f 11 d (! .k u' ' r It ' nh ~ Jil l!t ~ r! ~ ~~ 1 ! r; Jh If f f l Bj ~ ~· -Gl !I ll !!1 -U 'IJI n• nUiU~U~i~~U !H'U ~§iP IU!;Bi ~l f~~ ~~ !;; Ill rJi i!JJt &ihr ~! a~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ s ~!l!~, 1~ -, ·J-·1· ~i! ~1 : .1'1 ;1 :•1•.1 1!1~f·,rm,-tlii!f1!:!ia~jfi~r! l!h ~~hii! ~~ [ ; 1 • i . ! i j • I i ~ . ~ ~,~-f"'~ ~~ 11~... ~, jJfJUI li { f! fi ~ I b ', f! • IJ rijrf [H ji!1Jh jj ~~ .H : H 'I i!f l,1 ~ 11 1•1 1 -•! 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Ia .~r, .. i t. lPJI . !r''l. d !;f, s,; •• , . sthu~ fi! m: 11!1 fn ~! . ;,, 1!c li : r -,!It i ; ., . • • w• I Jf ~ I r r a, lfl ' !I l,J I I y ,, i J f ~·; -, f I! f I ir t fi ' r ' ' ! t H ~ f ~ i n f f r I I I ~\~ t\.\.'\'\'~'""'' "'''' ·•.':\' ft't~'' •..•• ,.,. ,~, ... , ., ....... , .. , •. '""'~·;. 0 fl •' I,.,. • ,_ ~·· . ,, jl~~ ilii •t£= 8 d1! §. I ~~!l•mc:o•~ .. iiz-4-<~ & ~ -coo~ ;t1& s~ 1 :a:::-.. FREE --:=:-=..--~OPTIONS*==-~*-• "'-'iufn .... inctudt 1 Of ,.,. ~ e OftnelbcwM• . ~::--n. FROM FORD -. ~Dr. Loaded. Uc. 372WZI W.O.. ford 5*.34149 $1154°0 FREE FROM FORD (Sic. 1-) (5332) NEW 1M2 GRANADA GL WAGON 3 1 •-112•• DOWN PMT. ,.. MONTH +TAL 1983 RANGER 80$S IS BACK" WITH THE "HOT ONE" NEW 1982 MUSTANG \ "H.O." 1.0 Lnt. GT VI. •••DIATI DIUYPY F~lldr:lfy .. ,._.,plui~.......,_.._(V.tM.Z131)(STK 1517) $7 $ (Ser. 13786) (Stk.l702 ) fREE XL T OPTIONS 982COURIER STK. 1458 V.I.N . 4176 5750 REBATE ON REMAINING 1M1•&. See .-eea 2 •nd 3 for our Incredible summer cle•rence ••lei Our entire atock of bed pillows • rugs • sheets • bedspreads • comforters • towels, more are on sale. See pages 8-12 for a sample of our savings. 40% off Santa Cruz ba to Is .._, Monday "-rout~' fridlly 1:30 to 1:30 aaturdlly 1:30 to •• Sunday 10 to • Wrap youneH In luxury and .. vel Sheared terry towels from Cannon• have tMegant jacq uard borders and tn~e trim. Cotton/polyester. In mocha, gold. melon. russet. rose Washcloth Hand towel Bath towel reg .... 2.30 1.1t 3.50 2.51 500 2.1t Prices ettect~Y• 11oft clay. Juty I througlt Sunday, .Niy 11 ~ s-Juty 5 1M2-P~~ge 1, Zonea 2 & 4 low pricea on actiwe ••P• .... lor wc:~en <Jt~~• ~01"'= a I .. I -.on Q1l ...- _, PGI) .... I~ }ton 01 QGW I. I tr;;caon -1)' ~ ~·-.. 12M 4. to 7. buy ~nsat this temlic low price FR2 ~ ...... ,..,., ·~· and of (';IOIIOn st% I 12 IQ 01 ~~~ ••• due* Si:za S--13 ~--.. aa.a 15. 1ft ........ AltiiDM 01 , __ • , • t • you•l get a .... buy on junior size • ahcM1s 8u'1 a .._ 6or darS .,. r =' ThG coot nrtgn .a,te c:orme. IR tcada ol--~~~.z. ~tJM 7. Wou8ftlll:lpa .. a ~..,IDpula ............. ...,.,. Pat, I t I /"*" ~In 5-M-L Ottg. 12.00to 1&.GO • ., .... 11 .. 13~ misses· aize tops are priced for clearance F1nd ~ taps and shuts m lots of ~ In eesy care pnnt 01 -*' tabncs .. S-1&. S-U-L. Ong 12..00.16..00. 7 ... 1D I .• 1fdoff save 50% on tube t~s INit s1to off your tan One *.ecft li:ze ffta sa. S-~L ln ~I ·I /L~ ..... OI c:oe.onlrvbber twry. ~- ~··· 1. summer knit~ •t auper de.,.nce prices Polo ahAr1a, be.~ nKb. turex- metallics. ~--Potw•••• tcaeon Sizes~-Ace I 1 I ~-o.pt. Orig. .. 7 •• 1r.i .... boys' M*A*S*H t-shirts at a low stock-up price We're clearing our shelves of aJI popular M•A•s•H print tees. Polyester/cotton. boys' S-M-l. Orig. 5.50 3.48 what bargains! lots of terrific pants for boys You pick 'em: fancy western styles to casuaJ beach looks. Boys' 8--12 reg .. slim; student waists 26-30. Orig. 11 .n to 13.n 7.98 pants clearance! girls' famous-fit Brittania• She loves classic jeans and the actlVe pan1 style. so buy her both! Sizes 4-IX, orig. 16.00. 10.41 sues 7-14, ong. 18.00. 11.11 1/3pff girls' popul•r ~lo shirts cle•r•nce priced A playful uniCorn on rugby stripes or solids. Soft polyester/cotton. Sizes 4-IX, Oflg. 8.00, 4.11 Sizes 7-14, orig. 9.00, 5 .11 1fdoff ·. find extra value in girls' Garanlmala• playwear She'll m ix and match shorts. pants and tops. Pastels in easy care polyester/cotton. sizes 4-14. Orig. 4.()0-9.00. 2.48 to 5.98 1/3 off clearance on infants· and toddlers' sandals Keep your little one's feet cool with this value. Hurry for the best selection. Infants'. Toddlers· Dept. Ong. 4.oo-s.oo. 2.48 to 2.11 1/3off clearance values on girls' size summer tops Camisoles. tanks and more with feminine details. Polyester/cotton or nylon. 4-6X, ortg. 5.00, 2.M Sizes 7-14. orig. 6.00. 3.M 1/3off great buys on summer clothes for your girls Pick an assortment of rompers. shortalls and shortsets to keep her cool. Hurry tor beSt selection. Ong. 5.5().-11.00. 3.48 to I .. M 1/3off cleerence of aummer toga for your newborn or lnf•nt bllby Time tor bargains! Sunsulta, aundresses. overalls, pantseta and more. Including many from Hu!th-texe and Carter' a•. 0.6. 9-24 mos Orlg. 3.50t.o 18.50.1.Mto 11 .• 113 If • 1tl1. T_, .... ~-foa Film CofpotllUOn s.... Cofpcwi!Mn at AIMnc.a ~'.-Juty S. 1812-Pege 3 Note Clearance •terns on thiS p~e are available m 11m1ted quanht•es only and are not mall SIZes and style:> ,, all stores Intermediate markdowns may have been taken buy budget-pleasing terry shirts for boys He'll hke these cool short sleeve v-necks and you'lllove our extra-low clearance pnce Lots of trtms and :nserts Polyester/cotton. S-M-l -Xl Orig. 8.00 4. 8 clearance of bright sundresses for girls Choose fem:n:ne lights or bnghts or pretty pr:nts. Smock and tie shoulder styles w:th lacy tr:ms or eyelets soft polyester/cotton. 4-14 Ortg. 6.00 to 12 00. 3.M to 7.18 1/3 off buy our toddler summerwear at extra low clearance prices Cute clothes tor little ones. lncludtng tube tops tank tops. shorts. shortalls. camisoles. short sets. sundresses and swimsuits Stzes 2-3-4 Or:g. 3.00 to 8.00. 1.tl to 4.18 1/3 oft low prices on active separates tor women Chooee from a aelectlon of atytes In poty....,/cotton, nyton or ~e.-/cotton teny.ln S-M-L Ortt .... to 12.00 4. to 7. buy Brittania• jeans at this terrific lo~ price Find BrlUanJa• jeans, trousers and ~-of cotton sheeting or cotton/pol) .... duck. Sizes 5-13. Qria. ae.• eo u.oo • • • '"' ' ' . ., junior fashion pants are yours now at 113 off Your ch<Mce of ~ • .ome with P'eata and some wtthout They're In lots of your favorite ooeora. 3-13. Ortg. 24 .• 15. you 'II a.t • great buy on junior size Nlke• shorts Buy a few tor the werm da~ ahead! This cool nyton style comes In IC8ds of .otid colora. Broken s.izea. ~13 .• 7. misses' size tops are priced for clearance Find pant tops and shirts In lots of silhouettes.. In easy care print or solid fabra. 8-16, S-M-L. Ortg., 7 ... to 1.11 1/3off summer knit tops at super Cleaf8nce prices Pok> lhlf1a. boat nedla, Luru• metdics. more. PoiiJ....,/cotton. Slz• S-M-l. Aoclllcwt. Dept Orlg. I.G0-12.00.I •• to7.M 13 boys' M* A •s•H t-ahirts at a' low stock-up price We're ctearlng our ahetYea of all popular M•A•s•H print tees. Polyester/cotton. boys' S-M-L. Orig. 5.50 3. what bargains! lots of terrific pants for boys You ptck 'em: fancy western styles to casuaJ beach lOoks. Boys' 8-12 reg .. slim: student waists 26-30. ()rig. 11.tt to 1S.It 7. pants clearance! girls' famous-fit Brlttania• She tovea classic Jeans and the active pant style. so buy her bothl Sins 4-tX, orlg. 16.00, 10.41 Sina7-14, orlg. 18.00. 11.11 1/3 ' girls' ""lar IN!'Io shlrta clearance priced A playful uniCorn on rugby stripes or sotlda. Soft polyester/cotton. Slzea 4-IX, or'G. 8.00, 4.M Slaea 7-14, orig. 9.00, 5.11 find extra value in girls' Garanlmala• playwear She'll mix and match shorts. pants and tops. Pastefs In easy care polyester/cotton. sizes 4-14. Orig. 4.00-9.00, 2.41 to 5.11 113 off clearance on infants' and toddlers' sandals Keep your tittle one's feet cool with this value. Hurry for the best selection. Infants'. Toddlera' Dept Orig. 4.00-5.00, 2.41 to 2~11 113 off clearance values on girls' size summer tops Camisoles, tanks and more with feminine details. Polyester/cotton or nylon. WX, orlg. 5.00. 2.11 Slzes 7-14, ortg. 6.00. 3.11 1/3 off great buys on summer clothes for your girls Pick an assortment of rompers. shortalls and ahortsets to keep her cool. Hurry tor best setectlon. Orlg. 5.50-11.00. 3.41 to 1.11 1/30 clearance ot summer toga for your newborn or Infant tilaby nme for ~nsf Sunautta, aundr ..... overata., panc.ta and more, Including many from ~-~and Cer1ers•. o.e. 9-24 moa. OJig. 3.50 to 11.~ 1.Mto11.M Note· Clearance otems on this pege ..,. available on ltmlted quantities only and ete not In all StZes and styles on all storea Intermediate markdowns may nave ~ taken buy b~Adget-pleasing terry shirts for boys He'lllike these cool short sleeve v-necks and you'lllove our extra-low clearance pr~ce. Lots of trims and inserts. Polyester/cotton. S-M-L-XL Orig. 8.00 4 ....... clearance of bright sundresses for girls Choose femimne lights or brtghts or pretty prmts. Smock and tie shoulder styles with lacy tnms or eyelets. soft polyester/cotton. 4-14 Ori9. 6.00 to 12.00. 3.11 to 7 .II buy our toddler summerwear at extra low clearance prices Cute clothes tor little ones, Including tube tops. tank tops. ahotts. &hortal camisoles. short sets. sundresses and awtmsults. Sizes 2-3--t. Orig 3.00 to 8.00. 1.M to 4 ... 1/3off junior large ...... , ..... topa •• on .... now WMia ~ SoMd cotor pot};'l..,/cotton ., ............... 80ft ,..,..lounc:e. AouRd out your ........ thialow price. sa. 3 to 13. Ouantttiea limited. ... cllll "" t ... Just &Me one loot and you'l,.. &n love witt\ .. the' 11 rte,. ...... or prlnta. ~IIIJFift .... to44. Alg.t4..00to te.oo_ ..... 12.. 3.01 off 14. ' junior me ••-• with fashion..., •• on .... Ollgtbllut dr I I Ill areln ~ ..ay lolda to country cllloae to smwt dnch WlliR look&. We haw the ... to ..... your ...... EMy care '-btica ~nln .a.a 3 to 13. ReG. 28.00-32.00 ..... a• 27.• 4.01 off -~ ... ~ buy m~~temity panta and tops •• agre•t low price You11 save on comfortllble dolhea for all tnoee joyoue months ahead. PMta, 6-16. Of woven pot1•• ex polyester/cotton. Reg. 11 .~ 12.00 Tope, 6-18 and S-M-l. They're In solids and prima. Reg. 9.~ 12.00 7.99 your choice junior aize Brtuana.• t.ena .. lowMie~•• You'l wnt to he in.......- ...,. beAuM lhey're comfortabte, ~looking and priced tow. &-13 .• Reg. 25.00-32.00, 11 ...... . . 01 off every swimsuit in stock is on It's time to make your blg splash, 1n beautiful stripe, ftoraJ or solid styles! BJkinia m jun1or 7 to 13, misses' 10 to 16. Reg. 14.00-16.00, .... 10.50-11.t9 O ..... piece 8Uita In SIZes 7 tO 13; 10 tO 14. Reg. 16.00-20.00, .... 11.-.14.99 113offcan vinyl The price is rtght on our gr•'"**ing shoulder or tote baga in crlap canvas or wipe-q~e&n vinyl. All begs have plenty of compartments and roomy pockets. ..... 15 •• • hair accessories for summer are on ule Put your haJr up this warm seuon with~. barrettea, bobtMea, more. Some h«ve ftowwa, feathera or ribbona. Stylet vary by atore. Reg. 1.50-6.00, .... 1.011o 4.20 off auper low pricea on all women •a •port aocka lowcuts, poms, cuffa, fun .tytes and more are Just right for tennta. Jogging and everyday wew. One aize fits 9 to 11. H<*ery Dept. Reg. 1.25 to 2.50 ..... U. to 1.17 % ... .. you c•n re•Hr aave on our purse acceaaorlea Come In few big aavtnga on theM handy organtz ..... Find coemetJc cuea. coin pur .... roomy w ....... c~book aecretar• and more. Reg. •.oo..a.oo ..... a.• to .... %'" add • little ~lc with Autumn Hilla• .... ~ D!atincttve trJ-cob 10kt ootd earrings, J>endana., end~ are the re.utt of craned white, ~ and roee color gold. Fine JftMiry. ~-30.00-180.00, ..... 121 .• . . . . tintely uvlnp on all of our~l atchea Discover U. .,..._. t.chn()k)gy In chronograph, alarm, '*cutator or game watc:hea and savef Uttra-thln styles for women. tn Ftne Jewelry. Reg. 1a.95 to 59.95, 11 ... 1o 47.N 20%off .. ve on our •ttractive gold-tilled )ewe~ Pierced Mrrtnga, popular length chains. plua pendanta and tockets. Many have aeml-predoua 810nea, tJny diarnonda too. In Fine Jewelry. Reg. 1a.oo to 41.00. 12.• to ».eo ~ .... HM on nylon ~wna •nd dlalnty baby dolla You'l..., ao teminlne when you ......... coot, .... nylon gown& p ...... trimmed wtth lace. .,...oldery or ribbon. fn S.Mo-l. ......... reg. 11.00, a.• ., ..... rwg.11.00 ..... ~­ ~ Ill Sill, reg. 13.00. 10 •• 2. " colorful terry loungera for your time at home Save on brilliant color popover and wrap loungers. Ot acrylic/ polyetter, cotton/potyeeter. s .. M-L. Shott lou~ra. reg. 18.00. 11 .H long loungera and two-plec4t Jogging sets. reg. 22.00. 17.H 4.01 off sleep easyl save on soft woven sleepwear Short or long gowns and pj's In pastels and mini-prints are made feminine wtth rutftea, eyelet, more. Polyester/cotton. S..M-l. 32-•o. Reg. 10.00-15.00, aale 7.50-11.25 25o/ooff save on Mervyn's own bras and control briefs Lacr underwire wi1h front doN. 34-388.C.O, reg. 7.00 ..... 5.10 Tailored underwire bra. 34-388. 34-tOC, 32_..00,00. reg. 8.00, 1.40 Tailored contovr bra in 32-36A and 32-38B.C, reg. 5.50, .... 4.40 Lacr contour. 32-36A. 32-388 and 34-38C. reg. 5.50, ..,. ... 40 Plldded. 32-36A,B. reg. 7.00, 5.10 sar..-aa eontour bra, 34-36A and 32-388.C, reg. 8.00. aale 1.40 Brief. S.M-l-XL. reg. 7.00, 5.10 leg panr,. M-l-Xl. reg. 9.00, 7.20 20°/0 off stock up and save on our briefs and bikinis Tailored briefa in cotortut nyfon. •n sizes 5-7, reg. 1.65 each. aale 1.49. 3 tor 4.20 In sizes 8-10, reg. 1 80 each, .... 1.5t, 3 fOt 4.15 White nrlon briefa, S.7. reg ... 95 package of 3, ....... 20 8-10, reg 5.40 pac~age of 3 ..... 4.15 i*SI· conon brtef8 In wh•te Of pastels. 5-7, reg. 5.25 package of 3 ..... 4.45 8-10, reg. 5.55 pkg. of 3. 4. 75 French cut 01 IMpater b .. dnia, 5-7. reg. 1.85 each. 1.1t, 314.10 haH slip and camisole J buy both and save 3.00 Match nare or straight slips wrth pretty cam1sotes. You'll want one of each 1n white or beige nylon or polyester/cotton. Sil.es S..M-L Reg 8.00 each, .... •·• 2tor 13.00 it's a IPf'Ci•l purch•se! Warner'a br• and bikini Wtumaies• un~re bra and matching hlpstwr In pink hyeclnth. Hurry In, quantities are ttmhed . ... 34-368.C.D cups. ltteclal pwdMaM s.• . ....., In a1lea ~M-l. itMelal ~ 2.7'1 2.79and5. ' \ I ••vel dllonchhlchi• minis, dolls •net more Pteaae a favorite young ~lector with Mtnl Monchhlct\18•. 8" and 5" Monchhicht• monkey doNa P'us all their~. From Mattet- Reg. 2.98-11.98, .... 2.31 to 1 .51 20%off c...., Of .......... dd c:dora by J .P. S..... Centufy, llha• edJ loop; ~ U, borc*-piped all loop terry. Both c:ottonl pot, ••. Hand towet Wuhcloth In Century only: reg ..... 4.50 s.• 2.50 1 .• Bath mat 11.00 1.11 Bath sheet 20.00 15 .• Fingertip towef 2.50 2.01 aa.tow ... ..-..a.oo • Five eaoelc priataJ Four from Gafteriae by Lady ~eM In ao1t cotton/pol) •••= sumptuoua floral Medici. lfdan.lnlphd Aztac. ftamestitch patterned Callen• and Orient.~ deeign T• HouM. A18o Cannon-lluaiona A1pe in c:oftOn. reg. .... Hand towet 5.25 4.21 Waabcloth 2.80 2.• ........ ~7.01 P'tlt fa 'fC•au•. d1X..,. in .old calcn. Coaonlpot) •••• , tarry. f1IO. .... HMd toweC 5.25 a.• Wahctoeh 2.10 1.11 Bath mat 1.00 1.• Bath sheet 20.00 11 .• ....... ,...7.01 • ..,.....aurioua tDwalal Velvety Sheared P&aza Suite .... from Ultima by J.P. S~& T1'ne from ~ chooee S..41t•-.ntlll or RoM Por1relt coeton/pol) • ., Jacquards; .ato .. coaon LegKy. reg ..... HMd ..,... 7.25 $.17 w~ 3.25 2.• ......... .,..u .• . ' '•' ... •• 50°/ooff • . . • . . sale I our entire stock of bedspreads, comforters -.....-~~" ... Qu.,..d ...cl woven bedspreact. add a sp&ash of cdor to fNfKY bedroom. Save on Aubrey ttoral. shown. and at& our other styleS tn solids or florals. In sizes twin to king. eo-torten are plump, colorful 1n ttorals. solds and geometriC designs. In twtn. full and queen/king sizes. Polyester/cotton or polyester/rayon, pot,•• ftll Reg. 30.00 to 90.00, aale 20.11 10 11.50 25°/o to 30°/o Off 25~ ott coonliNiting Aubnty prise .... 88x84". reg. 35.00~ .... 2S.25 Toss pillows, reg. 12.00, .... e.• s•v• 20% to 25% on all your w•terbed needs Watefbed 8Me1 Hta Include one flat sheet. one fitted. ptus cues: two standatd cases wtth queen size or two king cases with king stu. In c:otton/potyes-.r muslin or percate. reg. ..... 31.10-41.10 Colfttortera In colorful prints. Queen/king stze, reg. 75.00. 51.25 CustoM..,.._. in acetate satin. rayon ~ or cotton Clllico wtth polyeater fill. Five sizes. PleaSe allow 21 to 28 days for delivery. A 10,.. depOSit Is required wtth ordef. Reg. 140.00..325.00. 104.~~75 ......... .... Queen, ,.g. 21.00. 11 .• King. reg. 23.00 ..... 1 •. 40 m•ttress pads in tour popular styles are on sale! Ancttorband snug-fitting pllda _. elastic corner bands. Twtn to king sizes Reg. 12.00 to 24.00, .... •·• tD11.tl Contour mattreaa pedlhlive a wnooth. snug, aU-around ht. Twtn to king Iiles. Reg 15.00 to 28.00. aa1e11.• tD 23.11 a.d s.c~ la tutty contoured tor boll sp11ngs or mattress. Twtn to king s&zeL Reg. 17.00 to 30.00 ..... 12.• tD M .• Matchlftg ....,. Sec~. ltMdard to king. Reg. ..... ·~· ....... a.d Bat covers your mattrea 011 boll springs In blue, tan, green. peed\. Twtn to king. Reg. 20.00..35.00. 11 ...... ............. , atd. to k ... Reg. 8.00to 10.00 ..... $. ... 7 •• I • U.ttwiA-....,_ '* ..... , .... j~W~oe. au • .-•• over ... 3 ....... Twin size Full we Queen/king alze 2 °/o .... • I W• euy to have a pretty roomful of faaNon with these coordinate values on sale. You be the decorator. whether you choose the romantic or tailored, your coordinated bedroom-look will truly be styled with a decorator's flair. '- • .... 1111! .. eoler ••rull ~~~~·~bOne, Nil. lllfau:, ~ roee_lgtrt btue, ..... ..... .,... .... yellow. Cotton/pot) .... . Flat 'Of fitted. reg. .... Twin XL sheet 10.00 7.11 Full sheet 10.00 7 .II Queen sheet 15.00 12.11 King sheet 19.00 15.11 Std. cases. pr 8.00 •·• King cases, pr. 9.00 7.11 Twin aheet, res. 1.00 5 9 ' zlJew ., • '1-t •jp, .. * Save on Veltux• blanketa tn tovety solids to match Galleria• sheets. reg ..... Full SIZe 30.00 24.11 Oueen/kJng SIZe 42.00 31.11 Twin me, res. 25.00 19.99 Velux• comforters •n solid colors from Galter•a• by Lady Pepperel ... TWIO SIZe Full SIZe Oueen/ktng SIZe reg ..... 50.00 37.50 60.00 .... 90.00 17.50 25°/ooff 15% oft entite atock of ruffle• and ....... tor twin. tun. queen or king. Reg. 12.00 to 40.00, 10.20 to 33.11 UtltMa Claaaka ~ aheeta tn mocha. peach. OeHt btue. Piped ecru border Pofy•ter I cotton. Aat or titled. reg. .... Full sheet 13.00 10.• Queen aheet 18.00 14.11 Klng sheet 22.00 11.11 Std. cases. pr 10.00 •·• King caMa. pr. 11 .00 t ... Twtft.-...,reg.10.00 9 ~ COMfoltef matches aMeta In mocha. pe~~eh, oem blue. reg ..... 40.00 27 ... 50.00 ,. .• 10.00 .... sale! enamel or copper keHies, Ingrid plastics Porcelain tea kettles of enamel on steel will enhance your kitchen. Lots of pretty colors and styles. Ketta.a, reg. 15.00, aale11.1t Copper .cceuoriea. Kettles with nickel linings, caddies with 14 utensils, nickel tined colanders, long-handaed utensils. more. Reg. 1o.00-2S.OO, 1.11 to 11.n Ingrid plastic patioware in brilliant shades ts great for patio or picnics. 6 pc. mug set. minf..snadl set. 6 pc. glass set, reg. 12.00, sale 1.10 ... Drink Connection. reg. 15.00,11.11 27 -pc. Party BaH, reg. 30.00. 23.11 save on bright terry towels, accessories Checks. prints. Cotton/polyester. Te"Y to .. ts, reg. 3.00 ..... 2.40 Kitchen eccessories: dishcloths, oven mitts, tie towels, pothokters. Reg. 2.00-5.00, .... 1.10-3.11 20°/oofl quilted placemats with coordin•tlng n•pkins Enjoy mats In pretty prints and vibrant soHds. Ruffles. lace. more. Quilled p~KH~Ms, of washabae cotton/polyester. reg. 3.00, 1.11 N.ifts. reg. 1. 75, .... 1.41 1/3 terry t•blecloths •r• a great Ide• for summer For picnics, intonnat auppers and more. Smct.y or \au.r.ad check bouquel Conon/potyea•. 5.tx54" • to 54xto'' and 10" round slzea. Reg. 12.00-20.00, ••• to 14 .• 2 t'o ft . . . . . Selected broadcloth prtn .. for dresses, playclothes, decorating. Easy care polyester/cotton, polyester/rayon. 44-45" ~. Limited quantities, 10 be earty. Orig. 3.50 yard, 1.11 o/ooff Summer shHra, eyelet prints. bright broadcloth atrlpea In washable potyes1er/cotton, more. Hurry for you~ qUMtttlee Nmlted. Orig. 2.79-7.00 yard. 1.51-:4.11 40o/o If Crtep llfta•loou are perfect for elegant looking jiiCk-tulta, skirts. Ealy·to-car•tor fabric. Pot'J•*/rayon/sUk. ~ .. wkttha. Limttld ~Utiel only. Ortg. 5.00 yerd. 2.41 cro~-- Smurr' latch hook rug -kits •r• • ~ .01 off Ealy to dol MMe a COior1uJ rug or wall haf:9nG tor cNidren'a rooma, gtta Four fUn Smurr' deelgna In 11X2.t" ..._ ~on youra. today. ~1··· • all our men's work and western boots on sale Save on rugged work boots. work shoes and western boots. 7-11 . 12. WOftl 1hoe1, boot1. Many styles. reg. 38.00 to 55.00. 30.40 to 43.11 W....,n boots for casuaJ wear. reg. 56.00 to 62.00. 44.10 to 41.10 20%off save on Cheetahs®, our winning joggers Top quality. terrific saJe pnces Navy nylon with white trim. We've got 'em In men's sizes 6 '·2-11. 12. and boys· 2'h-6. reg. 20.00. 15.99 Youths' 11-2. reg. 18.00. 14.40 20o/ooff ~I; 1-~13,Z.-2 &4 , i • • lovely summer casuals for your girl are 4.01 off They'll look great with cool pra~r~e stytes. sassy knickers and more A . Bal .. t kiltiea with bow ttes have flexible unit bottoms. 12'17-4 8 . On•atrap ea1uala, low heels on rubber sofas in stzes 12 '17-4 Reg. 17.00 12.99 comfortable women· s ~~!!'sandals are sale priced Your feet wtll feel at ease m etther a fabnc or man-made style 5 to 10 C. M an-mad e style has adtustable double buckles. reg 1 7 00 12.75 D. Fabric sandal has quarterstraps and flextble soles. reg 15 00. 11 .25 0 sa ! Ughtning Bolt TM lip-ons and joggers Save on these rugged. pace-settlng styles E. Surf canva• slip-on a with padded Insoles and cotlars. For men. 6'~-11 . and boys. 2'.At-6. reg. Youths'. reg. 17.00. aale 13.80 F. Ugtltntng Bott"" nyton mesh In boys' 2'~-6. reg. 11.00, 15.20 Youths' 11-2. reg. 17.00. 13.80 .. • t • . . .... ' . . . . infanta' 10M and pants are at low .... ~•• Topta are in prima and .otids. e-24 mos. Reg. e.OG-7.00, 5.10to 1.15 PaMa are ln .-y pul6-on stytes: Siza 9 to 24 moa. Reg. aoo. 1.10 15°/o ff beddi"' tor your baby at aav~ you'll Hke ThenMI.crlb ....... in rlllnbow stripes, ~ euney-crib ......... receiving blenUI!IIn Iota of prima. Reg. aoo eiiCh. .... 4.71 2for PuMover or grtpper 1111pera are cool for aummer llumber. Screen print fronts •e tn .a. 2 to 4. Reg. 8.00 eed\, .... 4.71 2 for pa 'knic:k on and I( .... E1eetlc .... t.cka; poQ .... Siz• 4 to IX, reg. 12.00, .... 7.20 Siz• 7 to 14, reg. 14.00, .... 1.40 ....._ ...-•• in cool )eM atytee tor aummer. Ankle treatments .,. a plus. ln siza7to 14. Reg. 12.00 ..... 7.20 save 20% on summer tees for your girls Sweeten the summer with solid. screen and tiny print tees. Cap lleevea, potyeater 1 cotton. 7-1•. Reg. 5.50 4.40 hum for the Hvings on our ...... apqrta socks Get a bunctt for her ectMt aummer: CTewa. Strawberry Shor1cake• pom poma. more. 5-IV. to l-11 Reg. 1.50-4.45 ..... 1.20 to 3.S. ----% ff all-purJN;»se tights for your glrta •r• on sale She can exercJse tn them 01 wear with dt ..... ~nforced seat. h_,a and toea. Nyton. 4/6-10/12 . .... active tops for boys now on sale On-the-go knit shirts, shown, sport short sleeves. crew or v-necks, numbers. and mesh styles, too. Carefree nylon or polyester /cotton. Boys' sizes S-M-L. Sale 4.99 stock up and save on boys· cotton briefs Our comfortable, long wearing brtefs come 1n wh1te or c<Mors S(2_..), M(6-8). L(10-12). XL(14-16) Reg. 4.25, pkg. of 3 3.19pkg. active socks for boys are on sale at Mervyn's Save a bundle on whitE' .,_ socks w1th stnped tops w den1m looks Boys· slles 7-8'7, 9-11 Aeg. 3.50, pkg. of 3 pairs 2.99pkg. save on jeans for boys in lots of snappy styles Great loolung 1eans on sale tn tJme for summer play. Cotton/polyester tw1ll. polyester /cotton den1m 4 -7 Reg. 11 .00 8.99 sale! Levi' f) Boot------- Cords and Jeans Levi's• Jeans are durable and have the f1t boys want. In cotton/potyester. ... 12. reg., 8-1• sUm. reg. 16.00. 11." Sludenb' 26-30, reg. 19.00, saa.14 .• • 1 3.01 on Levi's• Boot Cords. bor• · 4-7. regular. slim . Reg. 1 ... 00. saJe 10." save 1/3 on our bold, tt.waiilln shirts for boys l ush and UwiY pt'fnt lhlrts add tropical fta\lor to h aummer play Easy care fatwa, tn liz• a~ 18. ..... 12 •• 7. 20% off short sleeve knit shirts for boys Stnpes and surftng prtntbas accent coot summer sh•rts wtth ollars Easy care polyester/cono 8 Reg. 10.00 7.99 sale! boys· athletic tops are ready for the action Whatever sport he·s playtng he'll be set 1n short steeve terseys w•th contrast tnm and v-necks 4-7 Aeg. 5.00 3.99 big and little boys· sports shorts on sale Great tor sponsor Just roohng around V•bfent cdorl for each day of the week. Full elast)c Wal$t 4-1. reg. 3.50 uch. S.1t. 2/1.00 ....l. fits liZ-a to 18, reg 4 so each ..... 3.11, 21af 7 .• --_..,...... .... Su.,..r·a oft to a aiulftg atalt In snazzy, new awtmwear and shorts. SWIIa trunks ..... Voleybell 01 square leg atyte trunk a are In many styles, some famous makers, too. Some ha~ akte pock .... InS-Mo-L. Reg. 13.00, 17.00, 1.75and12.75 SMfta savinp. Lots of corduroy, cotson sheeting denim and hardy twilt style shof1a are on ..... In cotton/pot)....,., 100"-cotton and polyester/cotton. Sizes S~M-L Reg.. 13.00 to 15.00, 1.15 to11.25 boys', men's famous maker ac:tivewear sale Quality, comfort and famous maker styling are yours at a great pr6ce. Crew neck shirts. cool shorts. both with distinctiw triple striping. Boys' aiUna and alMHts, S-M-L fits &-18. Reg. 12.00 each ..... 1.11 Men's aiWta and alMHts, In aaes ~M-L. Reg. 15.00each, .... 11 .25 Y• c. .... 17.11 and have a flne ~~ eutt that newr hu to go to the cia.-.. tt'a ~· ~lc StrMctt• swe of ~one potyeater wtth ~ ...... treetment that shrugs oft .....,., You just machine wash and dry tNt""' to keep tt looking grMl ....__....32~, reg. 22.00,17.tl 8'..,, 31-44 regua.. reg. 85.00, U .OO _,.. , ......... ~· 17.00, ....... TIM In ldkl cokw knlta. tapettrles, ..,..,_Met much more. ~· 1.00. I.M hurry I tank tops are at super clearance prices Snap up a summer's worth of cooJ tank tops in lots of strlpes, sotids. prints. In sizes S-M-l-Xl. Ong. 8 .00 and 9.00, S ••• 5.11 1/3 off fabric or leather casual belts for men on sale Add the finishing touch to your casual jeans or slacks with colorful fabric and now-look leather belts Many styles in sizes 30 to 40. Reg. 6.00-15.00. sale 3.19-9.99 1/3 off save on Mervyn's own men's fine underwear You'll find briefs. boxers. t-shrrts and v-neck sh1rts of wondertully soft polyester/cotton m S-M-L-XL Reg. 1.00 pkg. of 3 6.99pkg. cool all cotton pocket tee shirts are on sale We have botd. bnght cok>rs that'll add zest to your summer look At th1s price. get several. S-M-l ·Xl Reg. 5 00 each ..... 3.11 2 for 7.00 buy three pairs of sport socks and save 20% Your cho1ce of cushiOned. calf-hr or ankle socks m white w1th sporty stnped tops. One size fits 10 to 13 Reg 2.25 patr, .... 1 .• 3 pairs 5.40 buy three pairs of dress socks and get 20% off Sefect yours in 10ft terry or ribbed styles of acrylic/nykan. Choice of many cok>ra. Fit liDa 10 to 13 . Reg. 1 75 pair. 1 ... ,_ -·~···· t.ke notel t•moua INiker 1)8nta on ••le The smart shopper ahould drop by Mervyn's early In the week for the best selection. They're jeans and poplins. cut fuller for the mature man. Cotton/polyester. 32 to 40. Sa .. save 7.01 on fashion jeans for young men Hurry In to take advantage of this great buy In five-pocket fashion 1eans. In cotton. walsta 29 to 36. Reg. 22.00 14.99 ahoy there! men's O.P. pants are now 25 o/o off Pull on a paJr of Ocean Pacific cotton pants and you'll feel reaJ comfort. Drawstring waist. 28-36. Reg. 24.00 knit shirts have casual style and a 5.01 savings Create a striking look In short sleeve prints. Stripes and patterns. Polyester/cotton, sizes S-M-L-XL. Reg. 21 .00. 22.00, ~5.H and 11.H 5.01 off Kool 'n' Neat shirts are a real v•lue at 3.01 off For cool comfor1 and easy care you can't beat Koof 'n' Neat polyester shirts. Popular colora, In S-M-L-XL. Reg. 10.00 aave 8.01 on our short sleeve aport ahlrta Summer's the time for tlghtwefght ahlrta. In polka dote and other prlnta. Poey.ter/cotton, S·M·L·Xl. ~.11 .• check them outl 25% oH M•le~ foOIMI )treeya . . . ' ' , ,. ' . . . Levl'a• SNrta and Cord )eana. They're a natural combtnatlon. 4.01 oft Levt'a• SNrta. Brawny plaid lhh11 1n traditional one pocket style and fancy weatern ·~ .. wtth yoke and pearlized anapa. Both-ltylelareln allm or reguw ftt, In liz• S·M--L·XL. Levt'a• Mort aleewe aNita, reg. 11.00to20.00, .... 11 .... 11 ... Lewt•a•~oRe••we....,..,reg. 18.50 to 23 ...... 14.41 to 11 ... Lewl'a• ~..,..Oft ..a.. You can't bMt 1M aook, 1M f ... and the v-. of Lwt'a• Corda. In cotton/~--· 21--38 ..... 15.11 SIW1a to..._.... .. your aun daya wtth cool comfort and good looks. Vou'at want ..wral at theee prtces. A. T..-ry aiWta In aoUd colora wtth contruting trlma and lt\Mta. All of potyeater/cottOn. We have them In both young men'• and men's sizes S-M-L-Xl. Reg. 15.00, .... t .H 8 . KRM ..... wtth aubde chest stripea. Some wtth ftere collars. Eaay care ~tet/cotton. Men's S-M-L-XL Reg. 15.00 ..... t .• you ~n 't paaa ~ our print t·ahlrta t 21% Mvl••' Stock up on our pt1nt .... wMh _,your tavortte cNnctera. U/!fY ~ and bft.r-oe mo4lfa. S... S..M-l -XL. -. ...• .... I I ' I