HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-04 - Newport Harbor EnsignEV\ CT 0 (';) Fashions For Eledlon f1Hng The Family Deadline Close Mildred Mead Covers The Latest Three lnrumbents Still Have Papers See Page 10 See Below THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • EST~SHED 1948 • 34TH YiAR • N't1MBER52 iS(h SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MA.ft • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4, 1982 IUUOOZfR SCR~S MUD from the San 0..0 CrMk bed·• pan of 13.7 miflton "eariv Action Program" to controt siltation of creek channel end ~ tWt!IPO't Ba~oene is along UniWrlhy ~,..., 0C tMne MecArthl.lt Btvd bridge is vilibfe in background. S~ photo bv ~rrv Slobtn A Move To· Save The Bay by Tom lellD.ett R•tiJlg on timbers to k"P from sinking into the mud, a g1ant Link-Belt LS-7400A Back Hoe 1.1 worlung just off the Jambor" Road bndge on a desperate environmental DU.UI.OJl-to aave Upper Newport Bay Otf-hlqbway bottom-dump .. mil are hned up. It takes Juat thr .. .coops, m about a lD.lDute and a half, for each truck to be fJlled by the Back Hoe. Then the trucka go to the nN.rby "Site A" pro vtded by the lrvme Co. to deposal the mud from the Upper Bay From 1934 unbl 1964, "Stte A" wu the Wutern Salt Co. woxka. Here, along pruent· , day Jamboree, salt was crystallised for u.ae m laun- dries u a water softener. To- day, it ia hard to believe the hde ever reached that far m the ailt-ladeA bay. The machinery now at work on the site belongs to the J. W. M.ttchell Co. Inc. of lr- vme. It bu a $3.7 mllhon contract to Mve the bay . The contract 11 with the Ct- ty of Newport Beach Public Works Dept. It calla for Mit- chell to du;J out 500,000 cub1c yards of sui, c reall.ng a 20- ac re catch balm at the mouth of San DieQo Creek; scrape out another 350,000 cubtc yards from the cr .. k 11 .. 11 along Untveraity Drive Ul • front of UC Irvine; build two catch buina in the creek, and buUd weirs and drop struc - tures. The money lor the pro)ect wu acqutred by Auem.blywoman Manan Be"'g..an, the ctties of Newport Beach and Irvme, the State Board oJ Water R..aurcea and the State Dept of Fiah and Game. They com- blned to land $1.3 aullion from the State EoerQY Re.owce fund; $700,000 from F"11h and Game, and $83,000 each from the C tty of Newport S..cb, the County of Orange and the lrvme C o In addibon , the value of "Sate A" provided by the company wu put at $1 million. Tlli.a effort follows years of feuding among the member agenci•, since 1975, when the company. la.ahed by euvironmentahata, abandoned .U hope of deve1opmg the Upper Bay and eold 1t to the state of CalifomJa for an ecologtcal r ... rve Oredcpng bad occurred reqlllarly for 40 years; now 11 caJDe to a ba.lt. The waterway had been awta.ble for water Uling u late u 1969. but now the problem of a1ltahon grew tntenM. Althouqb funds bad been provact.d for 1l an the 1875 sa.le, f11b & Game refu.Md to ct,edqe, Myinq the emount was too am.U; the county, an reta.bahon, refuNd to ~ the cr .. k channel ('rb• county later relented.) 'n• Newj)ort-lrvtne Wute Nane~aent Avency of 1m-?a 10uqt.t to tolve tbe ptoblea Of .Ut. n. ·~noy paid ••.ooo 1A feclerel and locel .. tckUlv lunda to live Coanl&utl. -~ •rot• 15 ~of .... , .. reQlOn..tl et\Mbolwaterp d ...,. cle·oertitiid. TIM .ouy .... ~ ...... ............ ~·· fuCI., .......... to ... la ..... _.....~.~-·· ........ ~..,. ... .,... .. , ... ...... ~ ............ Co. -'"'~ The J.Saue of whether St. An- drew's Preabytenan Church can build a new at .. ple on tis ex- i.atmq chwcb facility 1n the CW- fhaven area will be before the City CouncU Monday ntqht at 7:30p.m. The proJect, whtch wa.s ap- JUOved by the Planrunq Com m.laion lut month, wu appeal- ed to the council by Mayor Pro· tem Evelyn Hart. Followmq the appeal, Robert Curtis, chatrman of the church building comm.ttt .. , told the En· sign that the c hurch would do whatever the coUDcu ub to get the propoaah pu.Md. The propoMd $9.5 mlllion development anclud .. the con- atrucllon of a larger, cuc ul•r sanctuary bwldi.nq Wlth a st .. pl.hke a.ructuJ"e, a aw .. p . iDQ delta on u oval bue, wbtcb woul~ 815 ..... 1U b. Tbe propoMd at .. ple would mclude a llle4H..ulq room and of· fices on .UCCN&lVe levels The proposal passed the Plan· mwtJ OomtDl.Uion by a 4-2 vote but bu drawu cnllciam from netqbbors on two grounda, lack IrvineCoe Moves T o End Suit Because there li a market lor estates on the Pac1f1c even 10 the very wo rst of limes the lrv1ne Co mo ved laat week to g.s&n d1sma~sal of a lawsu1t holdmq up the development of the lrvme Coast The company's lawyers hied .t motion ask1ng the Orange Coun ty Supenor Court to throw out the 10-month old lawsuit -,f •he f nends of the lrv1n e Coast "That's predictable." sa 1d fern Parkle of Corona del Mar pres1dent o f the Fnends But Tom Ntelsen. sentor l."tCP pres1dent o l the lrv1ne Co argued that 10 1ts htsto uc deoc1 s1on approvtng the latest scaled d own development plan the Caldorn1a Coastal Comm1sston found the plan 10 contormancto w1th the Co.utal Act "Th1nqs are at d sta nd•ttll." N1elsen sa.ad "It'~ hme to ltft the cloud one way or another "The Fnenda' case 1.1 w1thout ment, but a• long .u 1t rem•ms unresolved by the court no one can move forward With any pro gram public "' pnvate, to open up further access to the lrvtne Coast " Ntelaen produced a transc npt ol pubhc t"hmony at the Sept 18, 1980 pubJ1c hearmg at whtch • Fnenda member aatd the group endorsed the lrvane Coast development plan The buch a.nd acemc Moro Canyon were 10ld to the state creahng Crystal Cove State Park The company tben qamed approval. under ata reva...d plana, for up to 2,000 ..._,. hom•. botela. conv"tion facahh end ollice buUclinqa at pro~ antenec:bon.a ol Sud Cuyoft Aveoue ud Pelican HtU Ro.d Wtth P•cilic Cout Highway • Tile COIDp.tOY h beea ... k • UUJ lrvtne Co.at approvals·~ 1113. An Auv. 23 beanaq wu eet Oft t\e coapaay'a •ob01l • of parkmg and betqbt. Peter Gendron, preatdeAt of the CWJhaven Homeowners Auociabon. satd the com.m\lDlty thought the church wu lrylDQ to build too much on too lattle pro- perty. He s.ud the hetgbt wa.s unreasonable and that parhng and trafbc problema could result from a conc e.tvable attenda.nc. of from 1,500 to 3,000 penona. Gendron cnbcued the cbw-ch hgure of live eeata per parking place, com.mentmq that other c bu rchu polled u.aecl a hqwe of 1 6 or 1. 7 peraona per car for theu parbnq facilib ... The pubhc bea.rmg ts schedul- ed to beqin at 7:30p.m. at the Ctty Council cbam.ben at ctly lWl Preparing for the STOP-GAP presentation of "When the Bough Breaks. " are. from left. Cathi Skillman of lrvme, Jack1e Kand1 of Costa Mesa. stage manager Zahra Hushmand of lrvme. and Meta Suzanne Lyons of Balboa To To Benefit I STOP·GAP will present 1t's new mus1cal .. When the Bough Breaks · Aug 12 through 22 at 8 p m wttb Sunday matinees at 2.30 p m a t the Newport Har bor Actors' Theater 390 Monte Vasta Costa Mesa The show ts the result ol STOP-GAP's work w1th vounq people at the Albert Sttton Home. Orange County's tactl1tV fo r abused chudren A gala prevaew hosted by Buddy Ebsen Will be held Aug I I I ODe Flk-, Two I T•ke OutPapen W tlh two davs left to ftl• nommahon papers, only three cand1datt>s ar• ofhc1ally tn the race fo r Newport Beac h C11-, Counctl Norma n Lo.t ts who ts c haUeng1n9 C ounc tlm..n Don Strauss, hied hts papera last week the only candtdat• to do ao Of the four mcumbents, only Mayor Pro-tem Evelyn Hart bas hled her p.pera Mayor Jaclue HNther and Councalm~ Paul Hummel and Strau11 had not W· ed u of press hme -IM.rbtrJt Youn9. who hu b..Jl achve ln the Committ .. of 4000, wbach 11 bqhhng lrvtne Co. leue payment •ncr ...... hu taken out papen to oppoee Hart ln Outnct 3 wlaile Hu~~UH1 gata- ed a ..cond potenhal ch.U.Agez when Pat Ntc:U..la ot Cotena d.l Wu took out papert Detdhne tor Winv papen 11 Friday 4.\ s P·•· u DO iDcwabeat f"-u. • parUcUtr ctilttric:t , U.. dMdliae wtll '-•at •• d rli to AQ9. 11. No~ caa 1M ...., d.e Friday •••w. ec-~tollrliadtyca.t. .. ................ a•atleW. a1 tile G6tY cMtk't of. t.ee at c\ty MD. y 12 Wlth proceeds QOUlQ to help bwld Orangewood, the propoe· ed 0Tanqe County shelter for a.bUMd and neqlected c ht.ldren Donallon for thts presentahon Will be $25 The gala openmg on .t\uQ 13 wlll be hosted by Harnet Nelson and wtll beneht STOP GAP's conttnuang work wtlh these specaal c htldren Reservahons are ava1la.ble by calhng the theater at 631-5 110 or STOP G AP d! 497·4671 . T1clceta sell for $6 for adults. SS lor students and semors, and $.4 lot Qroups he-2 W .. , •• ,. A~t 4. l912 The N•wpott ,£naign (Colltinued from~ l) ne 14tter prom.i.lel oood ,..ulta. "You're ooioc;r to ... quite a lake out there 1n the Upper Bay wbeD we're tbrouc;rh," aaya compa..oy auperintendent Jerry Nov ... a deaperate environmental mission-to save Upper Newport Bay. Ofl-hJqhway bottom-dump Mmia are lined up. It takes JUSt three scoops, m about a mmute and a haJf, for each truck to be filled by the Back Hoe. Then the trucks oo to the nearby "S1te A" provaded by the lrvme Co. to depos1t the mud from the Upper Bay. From 1934 unhl 1964, "S1te A" was the Western Salt Co. works. Here, along present-day Jamboree, salt was cryatalJized for use an laundries as a water softener Today, it as hard to believe the hde ever reached that far an the silt·l.aden bay. The machmery now at work on the s1te belongs to the J W Mitchell Co. Inc. of lrvane. It bas a $3 7 malhon contract to aav. the bay. Tb• contr.ct 11 Wlth the City of Newport Beach Public Works Dept. It calla for M1tchell to dto out 500,000 cubac yarda ot stlt, cr.ahnQ a 20-acre catch basm at the mouth of San Dlego CrHk; acrape out another 350,000 cubic yarda fro m the crHk ata.lf alono Unavers1ty Drave in front of UC lrvane; bu1ld two catch. basms an the cr..X; and buald weus and drop shucturea. The money for the proJect was acquned by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, the calles of Newport Beach and lrvme, the Stale Bo4rd of Water Resources and the State Dept. of Fash and Game. They combaned to land $1 .3 malhon from the Stale Energy Resource Fund, $700,000 from F1sh and Game, and $83,000 eac h. hom the Caty of Newport Beach, the County of Orange and the lrvme Co. In addahon, the vaJue of "Sate A" provaded by the company was put at $1 million Thas effort follows years of feudmg among the member agenc1es, sance 1975, when the company, lashed by envaron· BEDSPREADS • COMFORTERS • BED PILLOWS • DRAPERI menta.Juta, abandoned all h~ of developino the Uppex •Y and .old at to the at.te of CahfornJa for an ecol09 cal reserve. Dredoano bad occurred reou· larly tor 40 yMra; now it C&llle to a halt. The waterway had been suatable lor water aklloo u late as 1969, but now the prob- lem of Slltation QJeW inten1e . Althouoh funds had been pro· vaded for 11 an the 1975 -,_te, Fash & Game refused to dredge, saymo the amount was too small; the county. m ret&hahon, refused to dredge the crH.k channel. (The county later relented.) The Newport-lrv1ne Waste Management Agency of 1977-79 souoht to solve the problem of salt. The aoency pa1d '365.000 an federAl and locaJ matchin9 funds to hve consultants, who wrote 15 paoes of a federal reg1onal study of water prob· lems-and were de-certified. The money was squandered. There followed Bergeson's fund·raasmg eUorts to set m mohon the cuuously-named "Early Achon Prooram" for the Upper Bay now bemo earned out by the WitcheU Co. The la .... proa-. CJOiOd ,..u.Jt •. "You're QOlGq to ... ~lte a lake out there io the Upj>er Bay wben we're tluo~h." .. ,. compuy luperinteudent Jeny Nov ... E ager for buain .. , the Mllcbell Co. bid the Upper •Y proJect 18 perc:eot, or 1580,000, under the next towe.t bidder. Thua, Mitchell wu able to achedule additional work In the Upper Bay and San Diec;ro Cr .. k, more than atate and local ageAciee had envilioned. Enterinc;r the site, NitcheU enc;rinHn encountered a W.tro- politao Water District p\peUne thai wu unmapped; it did not ap.,_.r on any drawinga. Wit- c beU wu forced to erect a tam· porary b:ridoe-and dMl with a maze o1 regulaliona. ''The apeca they put on it, you would have thouoht we were putting in a bridoe to oo over a freeway," aaya Robert Taylor, the veteran aales manager of the Mitchell Co. Joooers oo by anudat the truck1, bulldozers, land-levelers and compactors. ''Our contract provtdes we have to keep the loooing and bike trails open, and have Oag •eo to pl'OMct them," Taylor .. ,.. "For the mo.t ~11, .. baven .. t alowecl 'em down." ~th of tM J.aboree ud W.CA.rtlau ba-1c~Qee, a eecood LS-7GA t.ck Hoe ud ''Swaap Cat" bWldaa.rt are di99iDo about 15,000 cubic yarcll a day from Su Dlego c. .. k. On PricMy. tbe .-cbinea com· pleted digCJino out the 1974 drop llnacture (or ''ii.lh jump," u Jrvlne Pl&oaioo CoiiUilis- aion•r Lo..u Jolluon called at) at California Str .. t. The would· be lilt burier erected at a coet of thot.&N.Dda of doll&ra wu blaated out, Tay&or eaplained, "becaUM U didn't work." Farther upstream, the Mitchell Co. hM cut d .. p under the C~u• Drive bridge to install a concrete "V" channel and an elaborate drop atructure with rocb weighing up to four tons apiece, to shore up the bridc;re. Taylor made a deal with UCI to depoait the lllt bom the crHk on the field along MacArthur. below the CenterPoint• bualnesa complu. UCI 11 oettinQ the dirt free. "The university property waa Add it I • • .· .· qude low," Taylor Mys. "When we're don•, the u.ntvemty will h.tve a nice piece of property all le"-led oft for them." 'nl• enQLO .. ra have not di.aurbed lbe hltle oazebo overlooking the San Joaquan Marth bioloqk:al atea. They al.o left Wllouched the beeh1vea nearby, which ase matntawed by UCI. "I decaded not to go m and check on thern," Taylor say11, lauQhinQ. The yNra of feuding over the bay reflect the byzantine realm of nval &Qenciea and rec;rula· Uons. However, the Mitchell Co. au an upbeat athtude &bout it. "U·you oo on a job and decide you're oomo to build that pro)ect accordmg to the plana and apec:alicahons, you'll be all rioht," aaya Taylor. "Plus, you always do a uttle bat morq, a little bit more. . . . "Be on the gavmo mstead of the talung end. U you do that, and the aQencies know you aren't QOlDC'J to screw them the firat hme their bacll ts turned, tbey'U work with you." FRIDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. SATURDAYS ••• 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M. SUrtDAYS ••• 11 A.M. 'til 6 P.M. J Come enjoy a summer afternoon or evening waterfront experience at Lido Marina VIllage in Newport 8eachl Here you'll find relaxing pleasure with the nne shops. the outstanding restaurants. the quaint brick streets. the weathered wooden shop exteriors nestled ·neath scores and scores of sheltering trees ... all on the water's edgel Also. ef'\Joy a vast pan- orama of sky and sail ... of clouds and soaring birds ... of water and boats heading for the open sea. All yours ... at Lido Marina VIllage on a summer afternoon or evenlngf Come ... browse, shop, sip 'n sup on the waterfront In Newwrt Beach at your lelsurel • ·Almost 1,400.000 hours or volunteer time given since 19S2. That's close to five centuries of eiJ):lt- hour day in the past 30 year . Over 10.000 men and women volunteerina to help at Hoaa HospitaJ durina the past three dec- ades. That the population or a small city. And more than SI,42J,CXX) oontribu&ed to the ho pilal thr~ sj)ecific projef;t.s and f\IQdt from the Auxiliary's alft shop since the hospital opened. That'• enouah for kiClney i:lialysis machines, fetal monitors. ~icaaed Opl\thal- moloj.ical ~ul~t and mudl. much more. But the atory of the tlON Hosi*al A~ 1 n'tallnumberi. .... ..,.,_... ·in the hospital, from the information desk to the emeraco.cy care unit. The IQ.C)dwiU and cheer, the suppQtt and ~wne ~of Auxiliary mem- bers can't be DOted on a tally sbcet. One tbina for sure, tbouah. The AuxJUary ~ CCJ~U~tJ aa Hoaa ~~ • ., ., • ., • ., ..... ~ •• ,.~ ... ..,..-.. 'W'f• by Jody lecker lt'a uptown Newport Center and it'• "the reel Rlt~". ac· cording to Han• PTager, owner and manager of Newport'• c b1c new Ritz restaurant. Prac;~er, a man who hu effechvely translated hLS smcerely warm persona.hty 1nto the art of clua1C, comfortable d.uun9 relues With a c;~lau of wme for a.n unburned moment to dtscuu hls retauranl. Sllll m "tt's embryo01c slac;~es",the Ritz has relocated from a spot on the Balboa Penm- sula wbtc h Praoer candtdly descr~a .as "a dump." "In fact", says Prac;~er, "that's bow the name Rth: came about; a play on the mconc;~ru1ty of a nice restaurant on a crummy street." The new R1tz , however, IS on- ly comphmented by the name The extravac;~ant decor, attenllve serv1ce and dehc1oua food match Webster's dlchonary deti.n.ihon of "ntzy": luxunoua, fuhtona.ble and eleqa.nt. The reatauza.nl 1s des1qned to seal a tola.l of 250 people an 1t's four rooms. Each room bas a theme wb1cb lS accented by the decor to create a certain ambience. Prac;~er seems to reliah the deaic;~n and special feature• of each room, but proudly potnla out the 'old Rltz room' whlcb qu1te closely emulatea the . des1<;1D of the on<;~ina.l. "The Ritz Brother• (a lOOMly confedelated club of Ritz requlan) were very apprehell- SlVe about the move. But the ap· prehension was wu.hed away after the hrst time they were here. Before the place wu com· pleted the Brothers told me that St•ff photo by Steve Ca~>c•a" nothinv could have the charm and the c.ha..racter of the pla~e in old Newport, but now they're aayinQ 'ha<;~er, this 11 okay'!" PTaqer alto rea.hzes that •n Fuhion Wand, be will be cater utCJ to a different chentele. "The old place wu bu1ca.lly a bar will. a dinin9 room, tlus place 1s a d.iniD9 room with a bar." However, Pra<;~er sees the main draw of the new r .. tall&lant u locahon. "It ~·t matter where you are m Newport Beach , Newport Center FREE MARKET EVALUATION ONVOURHOME COMPUTII ANALYSIS No Cost or OObgohOn Jolin £. 'BCom. lltt Yow HonM .. FOI SALI" In Mullple Udng look Ask For lORmACURCI OtltC.e ('nt) 673•1550 ~ 01 Aclp<:Mnlmenl THE REAL l::STA T ERS Party Helpers, Unltd. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Caterers Party Coordinators W edding Consultants .......... e• e• •••••• • Banquet. Buffet or Family Style • Free First Consultation • In Office Luncheons • From Cold Cuts to Gourmet WEDDINGS A Specialty (We also coordinate events at hotels. restaurants. clubs . etc.l • entertainment • photographerstfl onsts • baker • bartenders waiters • budget planning "Your event is our affair" (714) 527·0452 OS AND CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY We An PROUD to Have Photacraphcd .. DEPliTY'" MICKEY DUNLAP. A Very Special F rieod, And Owner of Dunlap-Turney PhotOITaph y In Glendale, California. For Over 35 Yur!l Wt W..W. PROUD TeP~Yoa 7 ... 6767 3040 E. Pacific Coast Hw., Corona del Mar. CA s Art> •he 'pro fl'SSIIlllal LOtnplo.J•nPrc;" nf Newpor1 geurng tn the way of our an'dlt•••• Ill•'' • ner~' The mayo r seems tn th1nk so At least that's what Her Honor appeared to be S<lV•11\I n a rf"cent fOint mt'E'''"tl betwt•Pn tllf• Crt y Councrl and the Plannmq CommtSSK>n Her odd remarks ~..:.tmt rfter " rnemtwr mentiOned that some publiC testrmonv 111.a-. ll" passr nq the Plannmq Cnmrn•ss•on ,md betnq heard for the f~rst trme at the counc•l levE-1 Should n't all of 1he pert•nent testrmony be presented at every level so that plannf>IS < P1rl<l make lll telhcJent dec•su)ns .1sked d Councrlman > Well not e1cactly the Mayor answered 1 •s counter productrve to make people ''"' gauntlets" to all thesE> meetu lQS Malunq them go to too many meetrngs .. o nly p1 ud m t>.., PROFESSIONAL COMPLAINERS ' My qoodness wild! •s tlw M.tvw really sttvmy? What does she mean by 'prnfess1nna1 comptarner" > How does on£' bf>cnme nne> Oo you stJrt as an ,lmat~ur complatnrny tn the Traff•c Comn"sston then go to the P.tril '> Beach and Recrcauun Cornrnrss•on theo work your way up to the big trme vra tht> Ptann111q Commrsston., If Jrm Ft!llun bad m•lllthc; yn11 nlotf• than once "' h•s EnSttJn column. does that mnvf' ynu up to tho pro 1 nks ~ Some of th«t muvt'!> rnJde "' tt>C1•n1 months by our planners arld pohuc~ns have bPen prr.t ty omateuuth MDvbe what Newport •leeds are mot't "professiOnal complatners .. !whatever they are I to h lp our plannu" &md polttrc•ar\S sharpen lhetr act Tho ~yor med to bo yu\n that people gtvtng testimony 11 .. ve-al moettngs w.lS nor what thew nted Does t word "contpl.ltner" 1011 us what th M:lvor re lly thtnh about publiC teaumonyJ • 1a the center of Newport U you uve an Dover Sbor" or Harbor Rldc;~e or Corona del ~r, you can c;~et here Ill 10 mmut .. " Even 10, Pi:a<;~er 11 cert41D th.tt • dnve from any toulhera Ca.llfor 01a po1ol to the Ritz wouldn't be uceaaave, he .... the Rlta u a "deshnahon restaurant" The common .. n .. and human approac h Prac;~er ta,k" lc aervmg h1a c ustomers 11 baaed on h1a prulo.ophy of the food serv1ce bustness as a whole The wa.nD.th u.a.t PtaQ~ez ••· ud.e 11 repreMDe.d by a1aft lle bu hu.O. A. Praoer aat.O u1 • recent utterv1ew ln toocl •rvtce trade puhbcallon, &boo'• R .. t.uzant News, 'The •rvace Ul my reetaurut 1.8 alway. by ea· cephonal YOW19 people ... we treat our qu"ta u If thAty were gu•t• Ul our own lloaua." And Prager tak .. cue of hla employ .... Whlie many N•wport reauieota ue up in arms h.callM ther• LS no Sund.y brunch at the Rlta, Praver 1a proud of h1.8 no Sundays.. poucv. "Everyone ahould have one frM day, off. No reeponnbwty, auDply relax and not wony about leavmg home and your fnenda, t-ily or cpvanv QP a day at the beech. Tlua way the morale 11 much better " App&r•Dtly lb. IA.oraee ud prachcl .. of H&n. PTa<;~er are worlnn9 Dun n9 a r.c.nt lUACb hour the host .. could b.rely · kMp up wltb the phone c.U. for d.tn.ner r ... rvahon r.que~~ta foz up to thrM wMb 1n &dvuce. For Newport aoc1ety, Pra~r 18 ab.olutely ngbt tbu aa the real Rlt& (P/ea.e see resfouronf review on poge 13 ) "Yes, we're selhn9 here. We manufac ture a nd merchudae uke N1eman-Marc ua The dtf. ference 1s that I can watch the buyer dnd see rf he hkea the product today I fMl am med1ately responsa.ble." Prac;~er elabo r4les, "Oman<;~, hke photography or wntmg 11 ar1 BRIEFS It's a ll art And I really behave thdt the world belonc;~a to c reallve people Of c ourse, at tames I feel lrke my audtenc• doesn't understand me Those who 1ns1st on letllnQ the food c;~et cold before •t's eaten l 1ust hc;~ure the hell w1th 11, let them do 11 I ques& I've gtven 10 to the comme rc1al aspec t to a c ertaiD degree " But 11 1s the concern and care of a hne host wh rch permeates the a tmosphere of the Rttz restaurcUlt Behtnd the scenes, 1n the 4,500 sq u4 re loot kttchen, Prager mana ges two Melllcan chefs that have been w1th ham lor eaqht ye4rS 'Sure I c an 90 out and bare c;ome b1g name c hefs. but I have two men who care lor me and for my product And they are loyal so what more do I need >" New Chairman Vactor R. Ferrell of C orona del Mar has been elect.O chan · man of the board of the G.uden Gzove Commwuty Bani. Ferrell hu been on the board of duecton of the bank smce 1ta formation. He 11 a c;~raduate of the Univenuty of Cruca<;~o and wu a.n admlDLStrator m .duca- tion for 20 yea.ra before c;~oanc;~ 1nto pnvate buamesa. He owns a local printinQ firm Promotions ThrM accounta.nls have been promoted to aupervlSOn at the Newport Beac h oH1ce of Erna1 a.nd Wlun.ney. a b19 ••9ht pubuc accounknQ finn. New supervuors Ul the audit department are Steve Ma.rtmda.le a.nd Davtd Olton. New super· vasor 10 the ta.a department aa Bill Hu.stedt. NewDe~bnentHead A.llen L. Bray of Newport &ac h, CPA and partner in the Newport Beach ofhce of Fox ud Company, bu been promot.d to head of the audit department. He bu been wtth the com· pa.ny SlDce 1917 and wu adnut. ted to partnerahtp 10 1981. New Board Memb.ra Su new members have be.n elected to the boal'd of directon of the Ota.n<;~e County Chapter of the Nahona.l Conference ol Chrutla.na a.nd Jewa. They aze H.ctor Goc:hnu. Santa Ana ~ter; Vtck R. Kn1Qhl, commwuty relanona dlrector for Cbudren'a Ho.ptt&l; Howard Tanc;~ler of Corona del Mar. ex.cullve Vlce pr.mdent of the Ronton Compa!U88; Dr . Gt.l .. 81'own, dean of qraduate studles at Ca.l State Fullerton. VALLAitTA SPECIAL I $334 ~:::upancy • 4 nights. including air • &.T. Ala ,._ L&. • OCMII VJPr .OC. &T IIG.G'D MN WNCM"f .oDI. e &ID'OIIT 'lUIIIftB • D&D.'t 1'IWIIIS • WII.COIII ..... • .otU. YAll &IIDaoDI Poe-.: lllcDa/11\Wel ...... n. E. l7t'l ST .. 1l~ COSlA MESA ~7 \1 1 ~\ 1 K 11 ( hl't.~•ng ulmOtn~' th~. h 1~h ,. trn •n~ ~~"~r ••I m.•n''' m .tr~l·t ,,,1 '' th '" H.ll kkJ ~..hecl..tng t..\1 0\t:Oit:nu.: ''ll" \1 11 ~\1 R tt\' l ht:d.tng"llh ~lltlt l ,•r nh•ft: lmm~,.•Jt..th.·h ~,.q:n d.•ll . .tr '~ •• 111 1-o~,.·..:t n' 111 eJrn J htgh ffii'OC\ m.H ~\'1 r.lh.' ••I IOt('rl''t -\II tunJ , ur .... : u ~.·.1111 th\' ht~hc't rJte alll'"eJ b' l.1 " ''" .1 ~.hn ~mg .tl..'t.11Un t '4·, I h, '2 o r I'"'' lr~.·,fo, th~,.· t-eJeral SJ''"g' Jn~.l l.•rn ln ,ur.~n~.e l 't•rp.•r.t th•n I rn d' tt.••\ \ '2 IIU I .Hl' Olll .J '-1\ln~ .. H.l llUOl ••r Jl'f"''" ..tnJ .Ire n••l tn,U fl'J h\ 1, I '\I I (. 1 h~.·, .1rc h.td.eJ h\ l n11cJ StJte' lHI\t"rnml"nt '(."\Urllll'' \\ 1th \l 11 ,, R .th: l hc~..l..tnt.7 ,,,u m.t\ ~rtle (h~d.' JU'I l t ~l" C ~~~ IUoTI ' th ,rtl' •th(t t.h'-'t.~tn g .. h.C•'Unt. ,,r .. HT.snge IPr the "'lu·•''-It I I P\\ '''tern t,, p.1~ htlh b~ ph,,nc '\,•\1 1. Ill 11,,, "lthJr.t" l•l'h .&t dO\ 1.."\l our 'C\COl\ t"" 24 I It ll R It l t l k J,~.H"'"' ( '" t .ti l thc ~..h.·t .ul' ''" .c,\ttmg \tarkct·R.ttc Chc1..l..1n~ h' ~. .• lltng I h'-· I '"·'"'-'JI lm~ darcct ur cnllcct ,.I-l l ~'1 -~l~\. 11r '''It the nc.src't A~~utUnn 1..lftkc 14.270% --· .._, .. .... Ia '' ~ 1 ""'" 1 •"• •••t t•fM IGII!IIn 1~ ol tlflll(o,. .... •ttt .. ac ~·~fl II -rllt ...... • • ;v. ·~·~~~ llea_.n -.dl· Oro,._,, \ .... t w ... •• MJ. A....-t t . a• TIM ........ bll~ Delayed Payment A major effort 1s underway to save Upper Newport Bay. The Mitchell Co. of Irvine has a $3.7 million con· tract to remove about a million cubic yards of silt from the bay and San Diego Creek. The goal of the c1hes and state and local agenc1es involved is to bnng stltahon of the waterways under control. But the queshon remains: Is the achon commg 1n time? Environmentahsts opposed to development forced the sale of the Upper Bay to the state of California and 1t became the Newport Bay Ecological Reserve 1n Apnl 1975. Silt levels were already dangerously high as a result of flooding m the w1nter o f 1969 which sent an estimated 500,000 c ubic yards of dtrt down the San Diego Creek and its tnbutaries to the Upper Bay. In the years followmg the sale to the state, dredging was not earned out regularly. An tmmediate solution was needed but there was none. Years passed as nval agencies quarreled over what to do to control siltation while still protechng the reserve as a natural hab1tat. At last the "Early Action Program" of sediment con- trol now underway was agreed upon. It represents a great v1ctory over bureaucracy. But the bay's problems are severe. As late as 1969, ski boats phed the area where a giant Backhoe earth- mover now scoops out 20-cubtc-yard gulps of silt. And when th1s proJect 1s complete, there w1ll shU have to be regular cleanng of catch basins costing perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. The sad fact 1s that tf the Irvine Co. had been able to reach a compromise w1th environmentalists to permit appropriate development, the recreational users of the Upper Bay and the homeowners overlooking it would have made sure there was regular dredging. The water- way would have been mamtained. Extreme vtews and an mability to reach a compromLse will cost $3.7 m1lhon of public funds this year, and quite a b1t more m the years to come. The regular ex- penditures of greater amounts of public funds will be necessary lf there 1s to conhnue to be an Upper Bay. -TB Governmental Representatives followmg are the addresses for governmental representa hves serv1ng the Newpor1 Beach area STATE SENATE lobn G Sckmuz 36th O~ttnct 4600 Campus Or Newport Baach CA 92660 979 9670 STAT£ ASSEMBLY M.uo<.lf a .. , ,. ' 1 4500 CMOI •• DnvP S•. • • I 111 ..... ,. rr 8• .t< h C A ':llhbl. ' I b I , H I BO ARD O F SUPERVISORS Thomu F R lay DIStriCt S Hall ol AdmtOolltaltor. lv Cov•c Ca nter Plaaa, Santa Ana C A 9270. 834-3550 t1NfTID STA TIS CONGRISS Robert E S.d.ham, 40th O~uc1, 1649 W•cWf. Newport IMc:h, C A 92660, 631 ·0040 UNrTED STATES SEN ATE Alan Craruton, 10960 Wil.hue Blvd . Room 920, Los AnQelaa. CA 90024 (213) 824 7641 S I Hayakawa, 523 W 6th St Swte 812 Lo1 Anqalas, C A 90014, (213) 688 \1081 CITY COUNCIL Mayor and Caty CoWieil, Nawpon s .. ch Ctty Hall. 3300 N•wport Blvd Newpon Baach C A 92663 THE TELEPHONE POLL 11Ua w .. k's qu•Uon: There will be no nng. There ts no need to talk. The "hang up" eou.nd you he&~ il your vote being recorded. Do vou support the Ctty Counc1l deCISIOn to allow the redevelopmPnl ul th£> Ba lboa Fun Zo ne J Laat week's qu..tiOD: What •s your optnion ol To vote YES, call Secretary of lntenor Ja mes 615-4840. Watts' recent dec1s1on to allow To vote NO. call 675-7020. offah ore 011 dnlhng lease s off 1"1 ,..._u be the Orange Coast' '-'4LU .:1.nyhme tween now and 8 a m Monday to cast your YES 32 ,.e .vote. NO 68 % • THE NEWPOIIT ENSIGN 2721 E Coaal Hwy CoroM ct.IW.t, CA 92625 9990 EdttonaJ and s.Je. phone -673·0550 RJCHAAO BRO NNI.R IOIJATSON STIVI RADLAND LILA.HO 10~1) 8UJTSDC3 IIUSIWPSON P'IA.WK MANNINO --..r RANI. JOOY UCID . ~ Dlln, CJWSTOPRA LYNCH &AUt II.OaiN ud ITIVDf A. CA.NC1AH ALAIIM IC'HOrr . . . . . . . . . . .... Co-pvbliaa.r Co-p~ a-., .. ~ .. .... ldttor Contri.b"Uoq lclitor Ad"m.i.JI4 Dlrec1ot s.u.w.-... .. &lpoften SJ>Or1a a.o•a ,.,.,.,..._ PlodveUoa w.. r• ,_ c.._.. (UI" 441 ~ -_.,...._.,. w • ...,...._ ... ,..,..._, ,.._..,_ .., _,. .__ ~ ""'' •• 1•1 • _... .... •-......... A »171 • ......,.,., e-n ..... c:y..,., .. o.-.._ .. c:. .............. -......... Ill....,... .......... ,.... ... ___ "'"'· ,.. .. _ ....... c.o. ............... M4 .. ,....._ .......... • Ill···· ~ ... at1' 'Letters To The Editor Back Bay Discuter To the Editor: Recently a third person was mued and trapped in what has become the Newport Back Bay mud slough. Fortunately all victims were rescued before a more tragic conclusion occur· red. Ongm&lly, about six yean ago that area was promoted a.nd developed as a.n ecological preserve by a small. well- tntentioned but mis-directed group. However, in th.ia time span at hu become a total uabwty for the taxpayer and noth.inq more than a ataqnated mosquato breedmQ grou.nd. In 1ls present coodibon it hu very little value to the qeneral recreahon-seelting pu.bl.ic and hu even lost ats appeal to the bud population, which hu now large~ left tor more aHractive areal, desp1te the fish and game department's eUorts to lure them back. No doubt the jet take-off noiae And the bircb' mud- covered food supply condition contnbutes to this. The silt now hu destroyed thea habitat and ldlled nabve fish and marine life an the Back Bay. We wonder how much longer at will take the responsible atate, county and c1ty government agenc1es to ellDunate thil danqerous and envLroDJDentally degrad.Jng condahon caUMd by the lack of lonq overdue care. We hope 11 will not take a tragedy tn the nit-loaded Back Bay to alert th ... agencan to the dangerous and non· bene- facial cond1hona that now enst there The tupayer bas pa1d for what has developed mto a "wh1te e lephant" ud lS runnmg out of paheoce due to the pro· crastinahon, coo.fuston and lack of atleohon to lhe pzoblem that UISts Ul the Upper Newport Bay area The present s1ll removal work recently started tn the extreme Back Bay as a small atep in the restorataon proc ... but only that. A.uemblywoma.n Berg..on and Mayor Jackie Heather are to be commended for their dili- gence and effort lD getting tha LDJtaal step started. A continuous and lllronq full-blown •Hack oo thu problem as the only t.lung lhet will save the Upper lay, wh~ hie as slowly ebbing away. II ta most certAinly drownmg tn a ... of slit and dying du.e to the aubMquent elimination oJ the oriQin.Al Alld o~ry tkl&l aclioo that at one time bnefd- ted tAe beck b.J area. Already, rehable esttmales mdt· cale theze 1a cloae to 2 m1Uioo c ubic ya.rcb of silt ampachng the upper bay. CdM School To the Editor: E.P. Beo.son Newport Beach The Newport/Mew School O..tnct would have us belaeve 10 u they have told c1huns of tb1s community that the school w1ll be sold on the adv1se and recommendatlon of the C111zen's Adv~ry Board The brat cho1ce of tha group (no member from Cd)() was to sell the school property and the alternatlve was to lea.se ll on a long-term basu Currently. appraaaals are be- lDg sought u a mean~ of eatablalung some kmd of market value before actual b1dd.Jng starts. It appean that although the School Board of Tnut .. s has not officially approved the aa.le of the school. they w1U rubber stamp the Distnct Supervisor's recommend& 11on Many of us Ul the Corona del Mar area f .. l the communtty's needs can best be aerved by preaervmq the school for dayttme educational or cultural enrachmeot programs. The property wu ong1nally set uld. as a school ac · comp.aDled by open space lo ._rve the needi of thas com mUDJiy ... n, present School Board are the"truafees ot tb1a property- and account to the cahzens of area-the true owners of the property Mrs. Sben loofborough, CdM's represental ve to the Newport/Mesa School Board, campaaqned to do everythmg an her power to hnd alternatives to the closaog and the wle of our schools CdM Elementary ha.s been closed but at bu not been sold Although 11 lS the 11th hour 1t 11 still not too late to voace com- munlty Mnhment to N..rs. Loot borough or darectly to the School Board at the1r neal Tues· dAy m .. ll.ng Let's cons1der the two optaona-aale ver•ua 1 ...... s.t. oJ Scbool District dtd not have Corona del N.u Elementary to .. u? Hew would the District then b&U them.aelves out of theu lma.ncaa.l dilemma? And the lut qu"hon concer- ntng ua all hu to do wtth the hnucaal support we all pay Ul the torm of lugb property lues (whethez we have children or not) to support pubhc educahon wluch ... ms beDt on al.ltaunatmg the oh)ect of our tu ... Have not we tn Corona del Ma.r p.ud our fa1r share (lar more than our proportaooate share) of property lues to sup- port ou.r .:boola? U this properly as sold for c~ial development, never, evez. will we be able to re· estahluh a school the sue of tlu.s campus. It is mconceavable lo tb.in.lt m te.rm.a of Mlli.og off a properly th4t would never be replaced u a school JUSt because the State as squ .. ung our Di.stnct's funcb. Leuing oJ School U Cc:lM Elementary were lNs- ed on a lonq-term buts 11 would provade new found revenue to the School O..tnct on a penna· nent baaza. Moreover. Corona del Mar badly needs a "Com- munlly Ennch.ment Center, .. ool another condom.uuum develop· ment. Coaad•r Lf you will, what a commUD.lty center would do tor OW' commUDJty: 1 Tbe audttonum could be used for cavac m .. hoqs. cluldren's maim .. programs such u puppet shows, youth or c hestra. etc .. small stage pro- ductaons and mma concerti 2. The playground acN would be ideal for communaty summer day c&mp programs for local children 3. The pre-school are could be used as a badly needed day car• center for workmg mothers an our communaty 4 The claarooms C1)u.ld be used for a number ol educ.- honaJ enncluaent progrADU such as: cluldren'1 ballet, mu.aac leuons. C)J1U.Ubc:a, edu.lt aerobics Wlth day cue lacwta-.lnunery. COID..IIlunaty colleqe cou~ aDd ID&IlJ other daytuDe ectJYita.. 5 Th• kiteMo cou.ld be u..d foJ cookulg oa.-.. u ..U as to .. rve e abort-order llleou to per- sonnel and day C&te cluldren A ounabea of s-opte b.aft alr..cly up,_t lnlere.t to the school iJlchachng • nausac coo- Mnatory, bal'-t lhtclio, Aerobac t .. chen. ~ tutrucloT, privale ~. day oare wtruc:· lor, cc..utty c:o.t W.., aod • nut.riticlul ~- WMI could ._ .an rew••· choo t~wa b a~.e peopie a1 tb ~tolo.oh. .......... ua tile MfeWNR 1 of o.r voery OWA cdvsJ CISaliN 1 COIGMcW ... ,., rr\uy .. our Jc:t.ool •ppodsd b, o.r ................... ..w ualslltc.tcou. ........ to ............... 'n... ..... OM CNt .. ,.. ..... l'9MI..-I .., ..... to ...... lor .... ~ .......... . by Jlm Fello» There's a groW1DQ recoqnilton around the cou.ntry that people an Orange County are dihrent. and by tbas I mea.n cliHerenl, good Forget the freaky polib- cLans w1th theu funky morals and quesbo11able mtegrity. Forget the fables about the Spantsh conquastadores and the ortQJDal lrvmn and Dtsneyl&nd. There's a whole new world around you, and at as full of peo- ple who have come here in the put decade or so, and they have absorbed the muer and morals and the JO&e de vivre and the get up a.nd go of the pzo- gressJve p1oneers and added a naar and a sptnl tbal doesn't ell- ast anywhere else. They are the doers and the leaders oJ the Orange Cou.nly style, a.nd pa.rucul.uly the coastal aechon of the county thAt 1.1 the watenhed for the S..O Otego rr .. way-the com- munall .. of Costa N .... lrvme and Newport Beach. Hardly a dAy go. by wtthout someone commenting on our uoaque ul .. tyte and way of do- Ulg tlunqs It's h.cud to put your bnger on 11, but at's there. RutauraniA are full for 7 o'clock breakfut m"ttnga, and stan- dJ.Dg room onJy for elegant dJ.D- ner pazhes. There's a mood and a movement that anaptr .. actuevement, wtth eta.. Doyle NcManua ta a Ne.r Yozk wnter for the Los An~a Times I spent some ltme with lum Jut week as he reMArched a story comparanq Newport, Rhode Island, w1tb Newport Beach, C.Worn1a, and he con- fessed that be wu overwhelmed by the people and the way thmgs are done here Breathless. almost. "Who you are. what you do and the way you do at -1t's aliso d.Ltll.nchve and cL.fferent ... be 14ld Wh1le he dJd.n't come nght out and say so, you got the un- preauon that has onqtn.al ob)echve compannq Newport. Rhode Island, wath Newport Beacb-b.ad gone astray. l...&lle there really LS no companaon. Len Bed.sow. executive dJrec- lor of the Or.uage County Per fotmmg Arts Center. looked out of bLS oUace lD Cos .. MeN toward the sale of the great ow "Center" and obeerved bow cW- ferent thas area as h om anywhere else "It's 1mportant tb.al ~ple con:u.ng here recognu.e thJ.s chf· terence and get LD tune wtlh at," he MJd The coutal tnangle of the three key cahes-Cos .. Weaa, lrvLDe and Newport Beach-are not ILke Beverly Halla or Lo. An9eln or Bel Au or Pasadena They do oot r..am ble any of the cuhutes from older arMs and cth ..... In lrvLae. we were VlStled by audto vuu&l producer ~ve 1Cle1n, ahll compJehng her studaes at Cal State Fullertou She has been here from the m1dw .. t for lave ye4rs now, and whtle she qoee home each Ghnsll114S, she CAD hArdly waat to return to Orange County. "Peopt. La otbet plAce. can't belteve what we hAve out ltere." she said. u she atepped out of a pool an Woodbridqe. "As.de from the clamate and the .,.,eDJt .... there'• ao e&MniJ and • force. Wbeu my Ded YJA..t me. aod I sbo..d ltim aO tile thanqs I wu doaoo end U.. vartely of acbvaU. ..U atOaad, he .. Mt ·v ... I cu taU FC*•re • ~rt Of OreDQe Coaaty a.ow, you b.ave 10 IIIA.Dy hobbM&. •,. A.Doth.r tn.nd visited • a ... ,..,. ego aacl ~ oca aU tlae bereutUW peop&. ... ioGaclwt.eren:r .-.......aU.. .,.., .. W.ybe beea.U.l p&.c. al- lred beelllihll ........... Mid. "Ia.._, aa tiM..._.. ~a-. ,_..araall.aat~te• •• • roar ptr tt...,. • ;..., hu fcrr • -... woa .. tao,. ......... ..A .. ,__..._.,.~ h.· .. ...._. .............. .. ...ftOCCliiJO ..... .... ...... ............ .. ...... • g . . , ·.,., '· . . . .; I o "• W1rning The Surgeon General Has Oetermaned That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health. • The Newport Ensign Wecln-.day. Augu.al 4. 1M2 Pa~ $ The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette . • 0 •• ' .. "' ~ . . 3409 E. C04lst Hwy. Coron41 dei.M41r ~ \lt'l\n w·hltE' Ht-cmng A1d Aud1olog•~t Rt>pdlr' B<t llf'rlt>S and Sen-1< t' 675-3833 . CYTIRlO IY TH( STAR MWKAl UAMINOS 'dale Fahrney~:.·: INTERIOR DESIGNERS Jeffrey Hitchcock INTE RIO R Dl ~ICN tR jan Turner Hering INTERIOR DESIGNER. ISIO 2712 E. C041St Highway Co ron• del ~r, 640-6512 • 752-9071 Cru1 se Spec1al1sts Computertzed Sabre System lnd1v1dual -Commerc1al -Croup'"' 675-5000 955-3380 2727 L COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR Crl .. ati\'t' Jewc crs, In(. ''--~~·~...,,~ -('-n,.. tf',yn.wr j, kr )-wv<~'fl '-1 0 ()'0 ° COMPUTliiWlUlY SlRVICIS ., I"'', ....... ,, .. ,, •WII'\11.:1'1 • ,,,,,I '1.!1'' .,,,, ''''"•1'1 \1.:1'• '"''''''' ... 1\tlll tl a An Adventure in Natural Eating HOURS 7 AM TO 12 PM 3050 E. C04lst Hwy., Coron41 del ~r £0PPt),lll Al HI H 1\0"1 \) Interior Design Consult.nt ~~~ Now in Newport Are41 4lfter 25 ye4lrs in Beverly Hills NEWPORT TIRE CENTER COMPUTt AUTO sav1Cf • Michelin • Goodye41r • Pirelli • Brid&estone • N41tion411 • Riken 3000 E. C04lst Hwy., CororY del ~r In-House Decorator The Finest in Traditional Furniture 2744 l . COAST HWY. COlONA DR MAa . ' 1 The luxwie.s 9/liff to liw with.• //ft d~ o{Cou.'f.U! MEETINGS AUG 24-Social Blender 5 p.m . Lil' Audrey's AUG. 26--Ceneral Meeting 12 p.m. Hungry Tiger SEPT. 7-Director's Meeting 7·30 am Newport Balboa Nowln Coron41 del M.r 2600 E. C04lst Hwy. Corona del ~r SUZANNE'S STUDIO · Exercise and Dance ~OR WOMl N ON! ' 675-8955 lOll E. Cout Hwy., Coron.t del M.r lenNih Newpolt ~ ~vinp Pre cnpt•o n lnformdtto n Ava tldble Upon Reque.,t 644-7575 OPEN MON.-SAT. 8:»6 P.M. Parkmg In Rt>ar • I 2700 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR N.ttl ano "'kin Ldrc Salon We Spedallze In You! 0 • PersoNiized Skin C.re • Complete Nd C.re • Custom ~~ended Products 2614 E. COAST HWY. CORONA 00 MAR COMPLETE PAR TY PLANNING SERVICE LaCaatiaa Frne Wrne & Spmts 't our Ltquor tort-c1nd '>0 much mort' 3244 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR NEWPORT BALBOA Savings ·'The Smart Money Stays in the Heart of Corona del Mar'' Corona del M.r 3021 E. Co•st Hwy. ~ Corona del M.lr 675-8060 Westcliff Plu• 1100 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 645-6505 • • fllcrit~t '•t'. 1 ~~·l~dn. U. U.S. 1h \l.'tlf' o t l ,tmdy dentt'>tf\ en Coro nd dt-1 Mdr COSME TIC/RE CONSTRUCTION 2855 l . COAST HWY ., CORONA DEL MAR 675-2200 DICK OINElN lt•nch M.fW8~' .\UM.1'k:.lla llum~ llulh .lnd l.ea.ln .\s.~K: .. lUun Hea4qu•rters Branch: 2904 l . C~st Hwy. Coron. •• ~~ 710-0333 Affordable ladie Wear ca"ual to . elegance O ur August 26th General Meetmg will feature the f trst disc uss ton between Bill Agee and Paul Hummel, cand1dates from Corona del M ar for a seat on the Newport Beach Ctty Council The entire Corona del Mar commun tty tS mvtted Phone 673-4050 for Clothes from the wardrobes of the world' BEST-DRESSED PEOPLE 2731 E. Co.ast Hwy. Coron.~ del MAr 6 75·5553 Mon.·S.t. 10-6 Sun. ll·S ?IUJ't.uiR ~·t SE LF -SE RVI CE LAUNDROMAT Dry C lt-anmg • ~mes hed l aunclr\- Orop Oft fluff & f old 3711 E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR 673-9654 'ofm £. 'BCom < 14EA T ORS O F D•s-·~C t tva P O flltT"4t te C •c.•T•v• Wcoo• .... ue QUAl,.,.....,. COJt.Ut-'C .. CtA.l,.. 3 0 4 0 1[ P,.c,r C o •"' Hw" COtltONA OC.L lflllo4A" ,,, ;. j(" kUHN5 CREATIVE FRAMING 22 'V~M., en thfo .am•loc.ttton 1n1 E~ Cout Hwy., CororY deiM.r Spectah ts en Con~ervat1on Frc1mma We offer mtearety and qual1ty servic ~~t~a~d{~ : ·.C Crearivc Jewelers. Inc. '---~)----~~6 ··p~ &"~ J; ;:,. ~, I \J C..{) c COMPUTE JEWwtY SERVICIS •Ill ,,, ''' • I< I'" I 'I"' •1<11'"11(1 ... 1 • 'IAA. ... ll"-l 1 I< I"( • ! u \ "' '"" • I' I ~I< l' • 1 I ""II >"I ' 760-6766 l .,OL COAST HIGHWAY • COitONA DtiMAR »;camys MEN 'S & WOtvH ~ TRADITIONAL WE:AR I 1•r I how\\ hP \hop ~or Qualtt\ 3565 Eo~st Co.lSt Hwy., Coron• del M.lr 675-1850 HfiiR BEII&NI IHDTY IDPPbY l IBD,Iaai 436 Heliotrope Ave. Coron• del M.lr, 675-0655 Behind Port Theater Jack's Pharmacy • , ,uch • ..:•If, e 1'1 1''111.!1 ' I"'" • • f<,., l11n • I ''' ,•,·•h \rd,•n • f, ••••.d • Uu 11•1\ l'h, .,, • f ,n,,h H•~: I·''' '' ",, • 673-2550 THE BATH MART, INC. PflfiSCHOR PRl IOt:NT • Plumbtna f t\tur4'' • ltlf' • ~rblf' •nd Ony~ • Door tt•rdw•r JWd lladley: 111\MMDt CIDCl feny ope~a'-t "I think it'• about time thuup cb&n~ • UtU.. The place 1a looking too bad right now bec:a\lM not enough etten· tion hu been paid to main- tainence. " ,.. tiPPIOIN bJ tM CUy Co.acU \Mit ~ U.. laedMerk Mawport PW•·•\e fU %.-. wU1 be .. ¥11td to ..._ way ior • aewer, .ON .apla~a.cl.ntp of b.•ejnaxn ucl tpeeiality Mop.. With c:outruction aet to be9iD alaortly after Labor O.y, th1a ~pez rec:utly 9&&Mdd tl.e opbUou of ,_.data. dopoWDen ucl .._p~o,... who will be eJ· fected by the chuc;,ee. n.e Ouution: Wbot is your opiru'on oJ th. City Council'• decision to llrip the Fun Zon. oceo lor o redevelopm.nt project wbicb will include o new moll o/ v>eeiolty abQJ»? Chris Acton. atucl.nt: "Thil uea should be redeveloped. I don't really even want my little brother and aittez coming down here now. AJter the renovation the whole atm01phere will be different and attract nicer peo- ple." ~ Scott; arCCICM ioteiDCID CIDd terria wbeel OI*'Cdowt ''Tbia will be • great lou to Balboa. We could upqrade th1a a litU. bit; • repa.U heze ud there, but the fun Zone ahould be leJt old and nostalgic." DEOTAPE of your wedding, sporting event, special occasion corporate program WE WILL BEAT ALL PRICES PROfiiSIONAL MIDIA SIRVICIS (714) 14.6322 si'lce1978 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS OFF on this magnificent cruise from l os A ngeles to Ft. louderdole, free roundtrip otrfore from onywhere in the U.S. Escorted fro m Newport Beoch by Mtldred A. Russell CALL TODAY (714) 645-2638 or548-1785 World Neighbor Travel, Inc. IF YOU SEE IT ADVERTISED CALL US/ 2(W3 We,ICitH Drtve Su•'-110 Newport 8eoch (;,. .Y~btl . 1(,.,-/ta.,.J~. ~~-~~--A~. •-' l.Jt~li--1 .. «.~~.o~ Chlnawere. Cut lron Eagaea. Pcwc.laln v .... ,....... ........ Mobile•. OecoretM )te .... Stone Cemnp, lluelc eo. ... ......, .,. .. and many other fine Items. s.rr,. ,_.c .... c;.,. ""~~ fH..,.-..................... ..,. s. • ...., ...... , .•• Hum Ml lmoorts SOUTH COAST PI.AIA VILLAGE Loctated at Sunflower a lear Its _..Ana. CA 127M • RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At WorkS of Moulding You WUI Find a •Moulding -IHardwooda 1 Softwoodai- •VIctorlan Fretwork -Chair Raila -Flniala - • Decorative a Plain Corbela -Baaea - •Calling Moulding -Bar Raila - • Stair Part a -I Oak 1 Hemlock I - •Butcher Block Topa - • Calling Medall i on• - •Wood Turnlnga -D • And Lota More -Come On In And See Ua! ~ - Dllrw ... ld Sl&ntmer .-y~..., ._. 13 PER PERION If you Min OrqeCcucy Myout.eto do II tmg you- Orqe Cclunly .,.,.... *"'" xktorh Sumrn.~ ~· 1HIN tWITY ALL NIGHT~ tom 7PM urt11 ~~ &perteia .. 'fOUl ~ .......... ........ tNWYwellk. dlnce to twllg Binda" bet. tched biJ twiU"n-,.,.. ~ "**" ....... fw11xyfftlworb" the Mlin .... Bedncal Ptnde. Mil litE WOAD, OA.tMQI COUN1Y _,.. .• .a~T .... IO tpedlt tor you .-y,.. Dilneylelldt ...... "' .............. ..................... Oft .._.._,...._ hDAy JU .... a; mGDG~r. 1ca1boa hm: "I don't think 1t'a going to be a change for the good. We can't contend with the tY.Wc now. We juat won't be able to handle it, there'• not enough parkin9." lHE VMISPERS Ttwu~· THE POINTER SISTERS ~·13 AttUl REVERE & l'HEFWOERS ~·20 SERGIO MENDES BRASIL .. ~23·'17 RIGHTEOUS BAO'Tl-IERS ~»...,_,3 PATRICE RUSHEN •• , •• ,.., .. 1() LWE fiE! I SON I TliE BIG BAND EXPL08KlN Ttwu Augu&t. COUNT MSIE I HIS ORCHESTRA Ai)gult.14 LIONEL HAJiiliTON & HtS BIG BAND Augull 15-21 L.ES BA6Mi'iks BAND C#-RENONN Augull22·Auguil28 TEX aeNri(E & HIS ORCHESTRA ~--... tiCMi 4 ~. lliE BUOCN AIOi BAND In c:onc.t SltpWriCMi s. '' ... MICHAEL ICEBERG & TliE ICEBERG MACHINE Sundly ""'nu.lly N(lill ~~RUN ~""'..,.....,.. l<RA§t -..--~wvs..-~ Peill,..eiM!at I •t • CAQS tncludes ro tor refoctng tf nece~ and repacking front wheel beanngs FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC 4eyl$39.95 6~~.95 8~$69.95 • Add S61f Ponts a COt'lderWer ReQured • SANVO CALCULATOR I MAKE YOUR DECISION EARLY, TOO Join These BUSINESS EXECUTIVES In Supp<;>rting For Re-Election To The ~ Beach City Council Arnold 0. Beckman r ounder-Ch&irman Beckman Instruments Co. E. H. Hu ie Clark Jr. Chairman & PresidenJ Baker InternatiOnal Corp. ( I , f I I c (i ~ b J b " t i t• r ~ c c c a f 1 ! J c I• 1 , b c ~ ~ I d ~ c It T , .. , • ,. .. .. c ,, t , .. H .1 d T r " .. II r J ... v c ~ r , .. I l I .. c 4 I a I r , • .. I • I .. • c I, 1 , it • c • c ~ 1 M II " c i : The Newport Enalgn Wednesd.oy. A\l9Wit 4. ltn Pave t a.no haabi.ah . r our men were Thursday. July 21 ROQer Lee Gua, 45, of Newport CRIMES Beac h, wu arr .. ted on suapa- POUCE BLOTJ'ER Ger&J'd S.bd•la i.A the 200 bloc:k of 42lld . . A psowt.r wu ll9hted to U.. 2300 block of 15th. AlUliSTS ur .. ted on au.apac1oo of drunken cinvtAQ, mcludulQ Robert Bruce l.azoff of Newport Beach "Gorham's" sterllDQ sllver caoo of poeMuanq maraJu&na place Mthngs valued at $5,000 Four men were arr .. ted on were reported stolen from Carol suap1c1on of drunken clnva.ng, .....,.J\Liy• C1UNlS Aw:liovi.tual equipment valued at $6,0.0 wu reported atolen lroa th.e Aca<Mmy of O.fentive Orivin9 in the 2800 block of Rhille ... An unknown amount of damaQe wu cauted to a Qare9e in •he 2000 block of Shipway where a tire wu atarted by aupicioua cucumate.nc" . . . A 140 hor .. power Mercury out- board motor valued at $3,500 wu reported stolen from a bo.t belon(,Ji.DQ to GJ'~ory Mac bael Pellett in the 100 block of B1.10n . . . Camera equ1pment and toola valued at $3,000 were reported stolen from Paul Michael Rome m the 500 block oJ Bay . . . IBM S.lectncs, ca.uette playera, calculators and olh.r buatneu equ1pment valued at $2 ,902 were reported stolen from ArQUI Inveatments m the 1200 block of Qu.ul . . An Evenrude 9.9 horsepower out- PUIUC HOTlCE nQtTIOUS IUimUS UIUITATUUin 1'\e tollow•aq P••I!Ot' ' j h a ~~--u PHOTO PIIINT 11'1~ V • Ldo s.,.,. l'IO No•po ol a.. h C A 92663 llo~>•ld L l uop o•41 N ' r P•tk Me-~''' H•wJA, a.. t1 A '12660 n .. bto~••n.t• It ltoJ .f •! t t • J ... d ... l S.q-R o• Ill 8 •r n... -.... .... , ••• , .. .._, ., h '"• C:O..aty Cler~ •I O••ruo~• C" ,,... ft 1 .. ,, )0 I eel Pdoho Auq 4 II I~ .... • ~~ < n.. H.wpo.t t:a. •'I• flk* 'CU\ PUaJC NOTlCt PlCTtnouS IUSIJ!US IIAMS S T A TOO;RT TN toiLo.i..... ~,.... • " Ii-I b~ .. .,-•• I«:NANAIIA r.lloUP CONSULTMITS '~~"' Ar , • w,, H.wpcul a....-h C. A lJ.~ ... , • A We~•• tt(..ll A..-a • w., N •• , S..C:a CA 9.1W TO.-bw••,-·"• • I , .... ,t l ' d,.,,dv•l 't1 1 "'i I ~I '-A W.CM ... ,. n ..... ,."".~' .. , · .. , , .. Count' Ct.,; I ,, ,., ,. (" ly )0 198J P\Lbl~h Av•J • • ' ,. ·~.. ,. Th• N ... po,, In•, .11 fl ~JIJ PUIIJC IIOTICI: 'j ~ ••• ncnTIOIIS IUIDliU IIIMIITATDII:IfT Tlloe lollowoDQ perooo .. ~ -.. FOUAGI DCSIGMS. r.,. A-N•wpoll S..C:Il CA '--'Ill N,. h..t NtU• ;106 ,_ A ... ........,,_,h CA9266l n_.. b••l.ft... .. "'ld~t( t.d '-' u n d~nd'W.&I s Jr'i.d lt.n ~"' N H ... , ...... n..... ..... -. • ..... , ... w '" ~. COII.&ty C&.t• I )Ia., 1• C "' • ., ly ll I !Ill ... w..a "·• 4 •• n.. ..... ~,. l rt.••'lf'll Plt4J?O .. [4 • PVIUCNOncJ: ncTITIOUS IUSUU:SS IIAJO: ITAT'I:KaT 'n. kWHJ-AQ ... no.. I'! I j ' ......... .. fHE O£CI IIA '' II r HAW AD I!IVJ~ ~ .. p, .. C • • "•n• CA ~.11 4 f ._ •• l ... 0• 1 tt ~20 W•,•..c• H.•po;.r ... ~ CA ··~ T~ .t bv• ~· • I • • Jnrod-.al Su~, .. t •• L>. ~ ,,. ff'l,, ... , •••• ,. •• • ~· • ~ .. CoAo~nly ca.,. I • t() 1982 Pubhah A 1 • • . ' ..... n .• H•wpor•l I ri~J7B 'UIUC NOT1C£ ncTIT10US I USIHESS IIAM[ STATDrt "T The .. I• • J ., ' • , .. o .. .._,_. •• I Vl ,t (N ~t.A"'' MINTS 11() lu 4• fit t s Ao• C A •: ... , ~ • J , • ~ -' Tua. ...... ,_ \ot "~~··~' a-. A. ~~3 M II• I •t ~ •• w., v,u. p,. ~ ''~ .,_, t v ..... 41t.U L. ~ ••• CA to1J1 A.. ,, • .1 •• "" r, • L..w S.a•• A , A • • n... ~... .J -J '• • ~--AI; ,..,,.,.,,. ' I •I t; • • N S.U n.. ......... . •1 • ... Cow•uv C\.•' • ' ,.. • .. • )0 I tal r~w..-. A .. , ' T"H • ..,....,,t ; 1194JIJ ... t. 'UIUC NOT1Cl ncTITlOUS IUSIIIESS llAMI STATUU"T ·"' a.,.a.o,.. Dr •• '•--• il2ll6l Svw t t • t r .,..twu• Or • "~• •I 142e6l lo-~-H' • o,, ............ , "-·"' H • .,,. •• • ..... " ~ ~'··-,. n. .. ""'•1,. .. f rl I -J. ............ , ...... , u ......... H •• n ....... ~. ,,. #I ' Co....at, Chu~ I 'll I Ill r wW.II A,, • r~ • ...,..'"''' '',. "~ . ,. PUIUCIIOnc~ PlCTT110US IUSIIIUS llAatt STAT[MIJfT .. '1"t-. .. ...a~~ J e· • I --., ~ ., • N.lRltl fl"' • WID&.A )Ill )• ·~·· il lf•r ,..._._. a...ttl CA ..J. .eJ lit A " t ••• ...... l.:t p.,, :,,. ....... , a...c• CA ._I Ttl. ........ , ... l ... ~ • .. ...._.. S.."~ till A .. "'"'• -· T'tiMe ~·~·.. ... .0 _, ~ ~"• c-.., o..• , o. •• ~ c-.-. ... r .. ,.,. 1112 ......... A..., ' I, '"' ~ "-..... ,. .. "' .. PIMm ,.'-'""' PUaJC ..OnCE f'ICTI1'IOW ..., MldnATOIDT ............... ,. ......... ,.i • ..._ M OaAHOl P4 l IN< OIIIOT II .. .J '" • CA '114 Ot-,.,, ·' I• •• r, ... _ ..... a.-.. CA n a• ,............_ .1"1!1 ... _. ......... ' --ft.,•..t N• M C ·•"•• ......... a..-,,,,,"'~ n.. ....._ .......... ,, ...... " ..... (:lin\ .. o .. " .. c .... ,. .. ' • .. -~ ~ .... I II Ia ~ ... " ,.. , .... . ,,... " .... IIIVIAJC ..OTIQ ~ --ITATUCJIT boud motor val~ at $1,410 wu reported atoleo from a boat belon(,Jing to Ganci hoel Snuth moored in the 1800 block of Bayaide. ARRESTS Robert GeorQe Wallmark, 40, of LaQUDA Beach, wu arr .. ted on su.apicion of automob1le burQlary ... Fre.nci.aco JimiDez. 25, oJ Ca.ta Mesa, wu an .. ted on auspicion oJ petty th.eJt . . John Jrank JohiUIOn, 45, of Newport Beach wu auested on suapicaon oJ drunken drivmQ. Tueeday. July 27 CRIMES Araon started a bl.ue burrunq about a balJ acre of lrvu:ae Co. land at Dover a.nd Cliff . T eJUUa racqueta and clotlunq valued at $1,604 were reported stolen from Marea Arm.stronq tn the 900 block of SeaQull . . . Clothing valued at $700 wa.s reported stolen from Mary St..a Tbom.u Paavola. 23. of Newpost Be.ch. wu an..ted on su.apicion of burglary ... Wlke Ranclall StadanQ, 18, of Coeta M.a. wat an..ted on aupacaon of busCJ)&ry . . Job.n F.d9ud Bouch.ard, 21, of Gu<Mn Grove, wu an..ted on auapa- C IOD oJ .. l..lul9 muijuana to a mtnor ... ltevul Jam• SDUth, 18, of Lake Havasu, wu ar- rftted on au.picion of unlawful takin9 of a vehJcle . . . Robert Stephen Sh.Uk, 22, of Hun- lln9lon Be.ch, wu ureated on au.p~cion oJ petty theJt . . . Nan- cy C&.rohne SDUth, 19, of Newport Beach, wu an..ted on IUiplClOD of petty theft . . . Jed Harold Joyce, 18, of Bradley. and Niclwel lAe Tyler, 18. of Puo Robl•. were arrested on suapacion of appropnallng loet property . Carloe Vueairo Alvarez, 25, of TaJuana, was ar· r .. ted On IUSplClOn of posseu- IDCJ mau)uana . . . Gary Bnan Mallory. 27. of Costa Mesa, was arrested on suspacaon of possess· Wectneed<ry. July 21 CR.IW.ES Jewelry valued at $3,287 was reported stolen from LoutM La.bmer S..Odoval The locahon of the theJt 1.1 luted u unkown ... Jewelry and caah valued at $2,060 were reported stolen from Tho1D41 E. C haae an the 1900 block of SherrmQton Sterhnq 11lver flatware and Jewelry valued at $1,000 were reported stolen from Robert S Manton ID the 400 bloclr of Carlotta An outboard motor, oars and a qu can were reported stolen from a boat belonqtnq to Dewey Roa an the 3300 block of Coast H1qhway ARRESTS Paul Thomas BurtlJ, 30, of Santa Ana, and Joeeph Robert Wtlaon. 19, of Costa Meaa, were arrested on suspacaon of qrand theft Two men were ar· r"ted on ausp1caon of drunken dnvang, ne1ther from Newport Beach ew fresh taste. Only5mg. , ,. Go.haw Blanchard ID the 2000 mcludanQ two from Newport block of Santaaqo . A tackle Beach W1lham Charlet boz, faahanq pole, and fa~h1nq Heademann and Steven Mach.ael qear valued at $1,000 were Perez reported stolen from a car belonqtng to Oavad John Tanner an the 200 block of 62nd Camera equapment, btnoculars and Jewelry valued at $744 were reported stolen from a car belonging to Paul E Duenweg an the 600 block of Balboa An Avon Redcrest dtnqhy valued at $700 was reported stolen from Earl Woods Maple 1n thelOO block of Baysade Golf clubs valued at S650 were reported stolen from an auto belongang to Marc Gregory Cubearo ID the 100 block of Scholz Plaza ARRESTS }dmes Enc Colhns, 20. of Wh1111er, Dean R1chard Cooper 19, of Anabetm and Mac hc1el Floyd Thompson. 21 , ol Fuller ton, were arrested on susp1c1on of cumancal conspJtacy to com m1t a c nme/grand theft Friday. July 30 C RIMES A cameo nnq wath eaght black d1amond ch•pe and other Jewelry valued at $8,500 were reported stolen from Ramar Cryatal 10 the 2300 block of Ocean Front . An 18 !tarat gold bracelet &nd c.lah valued at $6,000 were reported stolen from Rusael C GaJbrcuth 10 the 2100 block of Aralca Stereo eqwpment and other property valued at $645 were reported stolen from John Oavad Peru 10 the 100 block of 45th ARRESTS Jesus NaranJO V&lencaa, 23, of Santa Ana, was acr .. ted on suspacaon of felony drunken dr~vmg Walham Henry Everett Jr • 18, of Cerntos, wu d r rested on suap1caon of assault wllh a deadly weapon Warntng: The Surgeon General Has Oetermtned That Ctgarene Smoktng Is Dangerous to Your Health TD Cl 10 INULT ALO • FASHION abawJ bzuab,ecl Sh.tl&Dda, wool flanMI bluen, c.-.1 ba1r OJ' ca•h-.re aad corduroys. Tb. WODMO'a weu coll~ ia ~ by hJ.II .u., Aimee Bt.cMr, a.ad c:aJJed ~~ aepa.rat•. H "'-aepu.._ can oo to 1M opera, r.-ce track, loot- ball Q&JDee 01 to dinnet, andl .. coabinaUOIL8 of individual Mp&ratM. by llllchcl M.acl Ooce upon a time there wu a man who deaioued cloth• for American men. He JUde cloth .. that were bancbome, eleoant and ~rtly tatlored. After a number of yeara, be thouoht to himMlf, "U I can m.Ue clauic men'• cloth .. that are 80 well-lilted, I can make the .me kind of cloth .. for women and they may b..ke them, too." And be did and they did! Then recently be satd, "Peo- ple who like my men's and women's clothes have tamili ... I am ooing to make chtldren'a cloth• the same way I make ·men's and women's wear and they may b..ke them." He did and they did! And that's how the family oi Sta.n.ley Blac ker clothmq came LDto beLDq-clothes for the all- Amencan family by the all- American designer. For fall 1~ Stanley Blacker has Cl'Miecl a wodd of fashion ioJ' the uW. t..aily. Tnd.itioully known for the claalc lltylilao of b.ia .... w..r con.ctiou, the .... ~el' ~ch 1a very much a put of hia women'• and children's collectiona-clM.D lin .. , fine fabrics, ltayino power. He aays, "Fada are not our style; we reepect trend. but we don't live or die by them!" Blacker focuMa on town and country style clothino-awta versatile enouqh to go from the office to the country club; aporta coals for men that, dependmq upon their acceuori .. , can move from busineu to the palto. The town and country swts are in warm plaid. and checks, some with the new collared vesta, others with Norfolk )acket styling. And there are the famous Blacker tweeds from new lighter doneoals and tic weaves, dark The colon are inter-relaa.d- ruuet., ;.elM, hMthe-r pUJ'Ple., ma.y or .. na, aquam.tri.n .. &Jld dram&Uc black and wbitee-in fabric. ran~o hOlD tweacla to ahi•merino ail.b, plaid flannela, printed corduroys, paialeya and auedM. Children's wea.r tU... ita cu .. from Bl.ac~eraawt.. Boy's atyl .. LDclude both aiDole and dou..ble- breuted Oaonel bluen in Mveral colon, dr .... up suita and pl&id aport coata. The qirla' collecti011 featw .. aome mLDaatwued veniou of aeparat .. from the women's wear b.ne, includino bluen. Tbue are aplit s.kirta in llan.nel and cordwoy; solid and printed bowtie bloUMt and slacb to coordinate with the separates. The I e S'DJ:J,.ftADIAL BARGAINS t Wee61:end fashions for the family all by Stanley Blecker. Left, the young man wears a bfue, wine and beige plaid sport jacket, cable knit Shetland sweater and btue corduroy slacks. Dad likes his sweater Jacket in winter white with shawl collar styling and cable knit detail- ing. He wears it with a check pUiid shirt and new beige, olive and blue tweed slacks. And Mom fancies a blue. old wine and rose striped tweed ~irt with unpressed pleats for a slightly softer look, a pale aqua silk jacquard tie blouse and an old wine, fringed hand-knit cardigan sweater with zip-front. Her daughter takes to a soft Jade green cOf'duroy ensemble-cropped cardigan jacket. yoked and pleated plit ~irt and a pleated-front, pale beige cotton blouse printed with tiny, multi-color flowers. For day into evening this town suit was created by Aimee Blacker tor Stanley Blacker. I ' P155/80R13 $45 P165/80R13 $41 P175/80R13 $50 P175/80R14 SSZ P185/80R14 SSS P155/80R15 $47 P175/70R13 $52 P185/70R14 $58 ,._ Sl.Jf .. 11.71 kd. b. Tu ClJ8Te• LYSTEEL ·-!! P1 75/80R1 3 $49 P185/80 R13 $55 P1 7S/75R14 $59 P18S/75R14 $63 P195/7SR14 165 P205/75R15 $61 P215/75R15 $71 P225/75R1 5 $78 runJIE linT PM l PlUS 2 IIAS-10. TfO AS LOW AS 34.75 for Sift ~as-. 1 l ""'SUif.LT. IN POI'VlAI r.Metric SIZfS Cood V•lue In An Economictll P•ssenser Tire 2 Ftberglau belta prov•de strength and durabthty 2 Polyester body pltet ensure a smooth~de F~ad and ~•de shoulders offer ••cellent handling Wh•tewalls S11e for everv auto 155·12 155·13 165-13 165·14 175-14 185·14 175/70/13 185/70/13 36.82 37.82 39.82 46.82 47.82 52.82 48.82 52.8 2 RE GULAR FUTURE BH T PM SIZE P19S/7S..14 PlOSI7S..14 Pl1S/7S..1S Pl1S/7S..1S Pll5/7S-1S OUR PRICE 17.00 19.00 41.00 44.00 46.00 F.LT. 1 22 1 27 1 57 1 80 200 212 1 35 1.61 F l T l-0 1 l-14 l-40 1.56 l.n Call for eagle net & eaale at preces .. -TOPSIDER- Resoling& Reconditioning One Day Service THE SANOALMAN 2T36 NEVVPORT !::3LVO _:osT~ MESA 714 642-845'5 Stan~ng today make regular exe•cate a pari of voor busy schedule Eat foods thai ate good fOf vou and get plenty of rest Pampet yourself when 11 comes tO groomtng hrghltghtmg vour atrractove fed rures Choose cloth""l to supp(lrt vour oma(Je as weft as enhance vnur appearance Above all-SMIL E A ht-JIIhy altrd(;tove srnrle can take you anywhere We Keep You Sm1ling ... PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 PLAY BALL WITH US and receive FREE-Open a minimum $10.00 balance Thrift account and you will receive an easy tote seat cushion and a 1982 8ueball Digest. Baseball Digest. Annual Guide ia com· piled by the editorial st.aff of Baseball Digest MaguiDe; Cent.ury Publishing Co .• Evanston Illinois. You will find SO pages of facts and stat.ist.ics from 1900 through 1981 from Pennant Winners to off-season player transactions-a real must for baseball fans! PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS 9% 8.5% A~"l'Al YIELD SIMPlE INT£JlEST MINIMUM ACCOUNT t ao NOTiRM UQUIRDIENTS NOPINAL'IY nt&ln'ftMAIL Fal l T&ANUD Of fUNDS DAY SSOO MINIMUM INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES P•rs as moch u dw 6 monch t ao.ooo M~n IWanu c~n•fiiCIICn o(f~ by S.L &.nkl CAU FOA CURaBNT MATES J. J t , b n ol ai II y, d. c b. tb 1\ nt II G cl K G re lo 6 (R d e 6 Pe 6 (H Ct JAMES MYERS Ptloto bv l tl Enm> Jll.,....hll_ eaiDIIID T ............. t by Chrlatop~r LyDCb New Z..Uand'a Troy Turnbull, num.b.r one Ned in the 18 year- old divi.aion, captured the ainolea champ1onalup of the Mu- sion VieJO National Bani Jun1or Tenrua Tournament laat Satur- day. Held at the Ma.u!on V 18JO Country Club, the tournament had 676 entn" and was one ot the hnt JUDlOr tournament• to be supported by a commuDliY busJ· ness o r industry. ln the quia' 12 year-old diVl- IIOn, Newport Beach'a Oebb1e Gold.berqer was the I UlCJles champions, wh1le Newport's Knsty Phebus and Chnsty Grace of San Juan Caplatrano were the qirla' 14 year-old doubles c hamp1ons. Below a re the tournament results: ao~· 10 Ceur O.Ca.W (Los AoqeiM) del Jonatha n Leach (IAquna S..c h). 6 J 6·2 Glrla' 10 V .. n.t Pra..bball.r (Boorta) del Krm Po:. (Rolh.nq HUla). 6 2 6 J lo~· 12 Andy Joe (Lo. Anoel") del Robert R.o (Oranoe) 6 4 5 7 6 2 Gula'12 O.bbre Goldberqer (Newport S..ch) del Deb Gra ham (OtanQe) 2 6. 7 5. 62 loyw' 14 Scott Tredennrclr (Paloa Ve rd") del Peter f rl&patrlclt (Rollmo H1lla [aiiiM) 63, 7·5 Girla' 14 Courtnay WrkllMI (Palot Verde.t) del Krraly Plleb~tt (Newpotl Beach), 6 2. 6 I loy .. 16 Scott Melv11le (Santa Monr1..a) del ltm Myers (Ne wport Beac h). 4 6 6 J 6 0 Gull' 11 Dory Btaotdt (Brea) del L£.rr Dew.st (Hunhnqton Beach). 6 4. 6 I loya' 11 Troy Turnbull (New Z.aland) dfll lohn Cran& (Ve ntura), 6 4, 6 3 Olrla' ll Soo~Ana Lee (Tuatrn) del Chnuv Raoo (Kawtho roe) 6 2 6 I WE PAY TOP FOR 6000 CLEAN USED CAIEIIAS Br•no Your Canwa Of any Pttotogr19hec Equrp rn lor a F'RfE appta,sat CAL'SCAIEIAS mo Hewpott Boolfv11d Costa Mt~ Calllorn•a 92621 byU.W ..... ~ --.ted 5,000 amateur buket.ball playera will take to the co\lrla dwi.a.CJ the upcominq S.Cond Auul foot Locker Three-on-nu .. Buketh.ll Ch.aJDpiCII:l&b1pe, open to Souta.m CalliorDJ.ua who rMd. in u ... between Suta Be..tMra ud Se.n ~. R.cpairatioo for t1M cha.mpion- ahipe, which will be open to ••o ud women 15 and older, be¢u Auo. 13 and will coD- tinue tluou9h S.pt. 4. Firat on the event's aoenda are the city ch&mpionahipa, wh1c h will be held Oct. 2-16 Ul 32 citiea in Los Anqelea, Oranqe and VeDtura counbea. The Costa Mesa Department of Leiaure S.rvaoes and Irvine Community Services are two of the locations where city tour- namenta will be held. For further localmformation contact Glen Stroud, P.O . Box 1200, 77 Fair Drive, Coata Mesa, 92626, 754-5303; or Charles Reed, P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, 92713, 754-3824. The reqional playoffs wtU take place Nov. 6-7 at Burbank, Cer- n1oa, Culver C1ty and Santa Ana. NeJtt are the quarter-hnala, sc heduled Nov. 13 at V1ctona Req1onal Park m Carson. The c hamp1onslups will culmmale Nov. 19 and 21, when MmJ· hnahsls and fina.lista will com- , s*elA the "Foot Lock•.r Th.r .. OD·Thz .. W .. litend With The L&llten'' iD The Forum. Th• cMIDpioubipe are open to cont..t&At.a in five A9• cate(Jod•: men, a9 .. 1S-18, 19--29 and 30 and over; and women, at;~• 15-18, and 19 and over. Te&m.~ muat be made up of fou.r pl.yera, Wlth one player d .. ionated u a au.b.utute. Team r08ten will be fro&en after the firat CJ&me. Valid 1.0 . muat be presented by MCh te&m member at the fint CJ&me and at reqional playott.. Any player who w, or will become, a coll&Qiate varaaty or Junio.r varaity player durmo 1982 ia inell(Jible to part1cipate. In addition, no more than two players fTom the same varsity, junior vanity, sophomore or fr .. hman hioh achool team may compete on the same team. Due to the fact that CIF ellqtbUity requirementa di.Her 10 each re(Jion, hiqh achool players ahould check with thea coaches o r local ClF off1cea Ul order to protect amateur athletic standing. Any tMm that fulfill.a the qu&Wicationa and ehqibwty atand.arda may enter the c h.am- ptonalupa by fillino out an entry form at any parlic1pabng depart- ment of parka &nd recreahon or at any of the 56 Southern Cali- fornia Foot Locker outlets. UCI Has Good Recndtlng Year; Mageeleav Entenng his th1rd year as head basketball coac h for UC lrvtne , Blll Mulligan put toqether a recrwtinq year that has been labeled 15th most auc - cessful 1n the nation. Mu ll1qan's recrwhno will be balanced out to a deqree Wltb the loss of UCI two-h.me All- Amencan Kevm Naq" I Magee was drafted by the Pboenu Sun s m the second round of the Nahonal Basketball Assoc1a 11on drah. Ra ndy Whseldon, who was the I second leading scorer on laat year's team, alonq With two o ther starters, Kevm Fuller a nd I Ratner Wulf, will all be qone hom thss yea r's roster. Junsor Ben Mc Donald, who was an All-PCAA second team p1c k last year, w11l be the only returnmg starter Among the recrwts, Saddle· bac k College q ua rd George I Turner. who a ve raqed 20.3 pomts per game last Muon, 1JI expected to take over m lhe bac kcourt for UCI next year Another one of Mulhgan's sur- pn" catches 11 Jud Beardsley, a 6-5 ouard-forward from Cypress Coll&Qe, who was co-most valua- ble player of the Southern Callforn1& C onference UCI &lao qra.bbed two top honl-hne CaWornta p rep pt.yen, 6-9 Todd Murphy of Lakewood &nd 6-7 Ronnse Grctn d110n of St Berna rd's Murphy led Lakewood lo the CIF 4-A title and was player of the year. GrandJson qusded St Bernard's to the 3-A htle. UCI a1ao stqned Ken Bardsley of Costa Mesa, M1ke Lopez of Los Anqeles Valley College and M1c bael Beans of Lonq Beach C tty CoUeqe. Troy C armon, a 6-6 forward who lranafered from Colorado State last year and Will be ehq1 ble after four qames , and 5 7 Bnan Mulhqan, BtU's son. w1ll also be prospects lo r the Anteaters 1n the corrung season ••• (114) 141-1313 ... tn our 1oa· Jacuzzi or swedesh sauna. Then lunch totally relaxed beside our fireplace in our quiet, uncrowded lounge or private con .erence room, with Orange County '~ other winning execu teves. INI UIANCI • U..&.,ocin-.e.o., F..,..ledwN. ...... ..__c., ... --a....,,.,..,. SEE OUR REA£ rArE UCJ'ION Other amentttes • Brukfa~t 1nd Lun<:h Served Oitly e Swimmtng Pool/Basketball Court e 8 Racquetball/Handball Courts e Complett Spa with Steam Room e Cold Pool, Ouiet Room, M•~eur • Fitness Program/Weight Room • Jogging TriCk. Billiards Room • APP•,ei/Pro Shop e Lamdry S.rv.ce p,ovtded .. A S6 eatry fee muat be sub· m1tted With eac h le&rn entry form and mAiled to: Foot Locker Tb.rM-on-Thr ... P.O . Boa 1966, Canyon County, Ca. 91357 Checks or money orden ahould be made out to T!u .. ·on-ThrM B.uketbalJ. The awards 10clude a Foot Locker T!uee-on-TbrM Key Tag for every parllCipAUnCJ player Ctty and runner ... up tournament Wl.DDe ra will be 91vea Foot Locker Three-on -Tbr" emblems emboued w1th the wo rds "C tty WLDner." A Foot Locker Thr .. ·on-Three T-sh1rt , a $25 Foot Locker olft certutcate and two hcketa each to the Nov. 21 LAkeu qame Will be awarded to each req1on<ll w1nner and runner-up. Each quarter-hnal1at w1ll rece1ve a basketball umform (sh1rl, aborts and tube soclt.t) and sem1-hnahsts wtll be g1ven Foot Locker Three-on -Three plaques d unnq the half-hme ceremomes at the Nov 21 Lakers game Each hnahst wtll be q1ven a Foot Locker Three-on-Three trophy and a cbamp1onsh1p wnst watch and each team w1ll rec e1ve two I...ake rs season tackets for the remammg games at The Forum dunng the 1982-83 seaaon Further Ulfo rmahon may be obtamed by calling (213) 532-9692 • TAX SHELTER • PROFIT MARINE SCENE -by MaryWapM WARNING TO BOATERS- Alter c rOUJno the b.n&ah hne oj the Ahma.n.onJDtcluon Lonq PoUlt and Return Race July 25, Or John Mtller, who wu raCIDCJ h11 WmdrruU~r. a 37-foot 1l"p With a Crew made up oJ b11 WU8, thr .. dauqhters and tbeu jnenda, Inadverte ntly aaued w1thlD caahng dwta nce (aboul 75 to 100 ya.rda) of the e nd of the Newport Pier Someone cast a large Jib and the hook ca ught 10 the face of M1ller's 17-year-old dauqhte r Sheryl. A q u1ck-w11ted cre w member qu1cltly grabbed the hne, wrapp1ng 11 around hts hand an d manaqed to b1te 11 oU; the c rew member was badly c ut 10 the process The hook 10 Sheryl'• face bad to be removed surgically, but, lucluly, she w1ll be lef1 w1th no senous scar The worst part of the story IS that when the people hah1ng on the p1er saw the hook h1t the gtrl, they c hee red Boaters, slay far from that area. V1ck1 Call, skipper, w1th Bet hna Bents and Susan Rhodes as crew, represenltng Newport Harbor Yacht Club, won tbe semt-hnal Ehnuna hon Sen ea for the Adams Cup, symbol of the Women's National Champ1on shtp They were competmg agamst hve other teams from Sa.n Francssco to San Otego at K10g Harbor Yacht Club last weekend They will go on to the finals o f th1s event 10 Texas later th1s month The llilllln.t oo s.~ lor thr" other U.S cbam)»>Ulup eventa we.re held at Newport Harbor Yecht Club lMt weekend 'nley we.-e lor the JUDJOr htJ .. , the Sean Cup (thr .. ·hAnded), the Bemla C up (two-landed) and the Smythe C up {a1ngle-b~ded) AlAJDJtoa Bay Yecht Cla.b ll&llon won both the Se.ra and Smythe eventa w1th Mlke Sen - tovtch conung Ul b.rst Ul the Luer rac e and Ron Roeenberg and c rew Chna Redman, lbch Palaua and Andy Merrill WUlD· ang the S..ra eveut Ul the San- lana 20 aJoop41 Other lrophy WlDtlera. 1. Smythe, 2 But Hackwo rth (SfYC); 3. Alan Ledbetter (SOYC) Bemll, 1 . Nlchael Goyan With .ICeVUI Goyan aa c rew (ABYC); 3 Jon PUlc kney wtlh John Perotc .k aa crew (BCYC) Seara, 2. Mark Wude wtth John Carpenter and Jeff Tho rpe u crew {AYC); 3 Steve Farwell wttb T1m MadJgan and Oav1d Blackman aa crew (NHYC) SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUJ OCWOAS No. 2 SKELA IV1UfE'n ICEIIOJU.A.L Sp•nnuer Ct.,.. 1 Tt?, Gordu N&n rv Prrce (!CYC) 2 Bonq Bonq Maxw•/1 ltatby Adarn.oo (DPYCJ J G•,rnq L•lt S\le f anta (OPYC) No Sprnwker CJ.a. 1 SJ1Jt11 Bebra Boueou CVYC) 2 Fr...cresl O.bb~e Gla uer CVYC). 3 ~ro Janel Brouqaton (DPYC ) CREW or TWO AAOUJm CATALDIA PHRf A 1 Harm .ny Wou1toa N~qeJ SSYC1 l Wot/..rck JrU Sm11h lSSYC) PHRf B I RoqomuHm Rusty AU.o ISSYC 2 £/on Oouo Wrlle (BCTC) 3 M.ch.qa<:u Joe Gr-llhlatt (SBYC) ORCA Whrtco Knurlrl~• £d Oamer SSYCr Priced Out of A New Home? Here's I ''087 t APR It's True! II vour ~r.:>as •nnuct nc. .. f'hoh, nc mP j~ no• PxcM'd SJB 496 vou ~.:.sn ~udl r·, r 1 •r ;tv ,ltordd bl• AJLSC Me.tdow1 II mf' • EXCITEMENT AVAMAIU NOW: Two-veor old COif trOt"' tr.e trrsl crco bv ~ ~ OOiar rTV'! stOkes ~ "•• 1 aJ a. In odvoreed stage o1 "OWY'Q 1\ sound. JOid f\MVI8f reocv lOt me '062 rocrng season ~7'-" ... ,~ 2730 CAMINO CA,ISTR ANO SAN ClEMENTE. CALIF CAll {7 14)4t2·S3SS CCliP 6 SAvt TWI$ ~0 FOCl Hill fXAMINATIONl ATHLOES & JOGGERS Are Not The Only People W tth FOOT PROBLEMS Genefol a nd Sports Medk:tne • 8unons • Ingrown Notls • Hammertoes • Coms-Cobnes • Worts • AtNette I~ • ~ PQ.I1'I • Ambulatory Foot Surgety • MEDICAAI ~NTS ACCtPTED Just Think! Nt mo r• tent .nc rf'rll'l$'' r J:.ll d"'1,.n'• "' ,., Mo$1 .:>1 >'0\l t hom• ~yment w,ll t..t" '"• d~ ... '·D•• .... ,• ho If'S! U .. n tnv .. tment In YC'"I t._.,_., .. 'lj -t~•.n .. r- m, ~·on'<' hanq up a p1cturt> You C<tn ~·-• ; •c•t PVf''l pan•l Budd 1n 4 Slet.a t.. ..... llc-.:•..,. r " boar h ~YOUR h m• Great Homes! Plent" ,f rnom for tw n r 1 ,. ,, l l.tm , 'hf'~ lu~l•rt'd ""QI• lf'vf'l} a nd l bf.d.v -• b..th homn And no onco !•vH .tbo"'c •r t-,o.,. • u You wn •ntrv .snd .a pr .~••• fen .ai , ... ll Super LocationJ Alr!IO M-.tdowlt ",;: -onven••nt YQun4 Hills 15 mmutes from John w~vne A uport .snd all II o b rpc'rlunrlles You lllovethP INn hf'1h" 1 rh• . '>ll.no h.tls A wle p1.tc e lot h.td r•n IO r• .. v Your Opportunity! Don I QtVf' up vour dream ot ,. n•w llom• You 11 npver Qf'ltl b.ll•r o pportunlly P llCM <ttdlrt at i ;q 950 Low low down ~vmenlt Thu tv vf'.U 10 6°' lo.ans Al • .o MNdows h omH mutt b. own•r oc,..upred tnd the buver c•nnot own oth•r amprov~ r••l prop •rtv •t the c to.. ol Mero• Act Now! Jump 1n your c•r Go down the S.nt• Arw Soan Dleqo Fr-•v .outb to Ahc\A Par~wn ~turn rrqht (lrom the .outh.bouod oftramp DnYe l1 1 nulel to V\A Lomas Open d&th . 10 a a to dua~ for more tnloriiLtllhan c:.U (n 4) 643 0547 , HARBO by Dlna ..OD lu.rgw It ap~r• that none of the chanh .. tn Orange CoWlty take a vacation. However, cona1der- mg there are 1500 OC plula.o- throphtea, none can aUord to say "qone fiahinq"-ezcepbon: gone fiahanq for benefactors. Carmela Manto of La Strada helped to u.nderwnte a luncheon for the Junior League of Newport Harbo.r'a Chnstm.u Company's (Nov. 1-4) ma)or benefactors: Oranqe C oast Sav- lDQS, Rabbatt Insurance, Jerry McClellan, KOCE, Westar Asaocaates, Pacuac Mutual, SaD, A & C Properhes, Gfeller Properllea, Southwest Mortqaqe, DaGruccao & Co., Tlie l rvme Co .. Paul Hegness and the Commerce Bank. The queshon arose over lunch that people under 30 would not be interested 1n attendmg a Frank Smatra concert. Do you agree or disagree? On Sept. 25th at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater, the legendary Frank Sinatra wtll be the headliner for the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled beneht. To date 33 boxes have been sold, wh1ch enables these patrons to attend an alter con- cert party-hm1ted to 200. As well as the Smatra Patron Party, wh1ch wall be held at and under- ES wntten by the ChantecJOJr on Auqust 21st The patrons are Hentage Bank, The Koll Co., Rolla Thorsdale, Commerce Bank, Terrence Melton, Servatron, Birtcher Pacafic, Germq Law Ofbces, SaHell & McAdam, Cal Schmidt, Marnae Reed, R. Vactor Galla.rdo, Buccola EnQmeerinQ, Hoffman Busmess Consultants, Fluor Corp., Bren Co., Wally Crultenden, Parker Hannum, Rockwell lnternahonal, Sm1th Internahonal, Tatan Capatal Corp., Valley Crest Landscap- ang, Club de Mecca, Rancho Mis.saon Vae)o, the George Buc- col.u and Peal, Ma.rWJck, Mitchell & Co. lmhvadual hckets wul be on sale a.lter Aug 2nd adviSed Tam Strader, chauman of SCFDD's Founders Support Group EWI-Execuhve Women lnter- nahonal-as a 30-year·qld orgaruzallon m whach one andus- try is represented by a woman execuhve. The goal of EWI as to offer Busmess Career Scholar· sh1ps to hagh school boys and gals. At the Angel Stadaum Press Box, Judy and George Argyros and Red Patterson welcomed EWI members and guests from the Long Beach and OC Chapters: Debbae Cactnella, I JoAnn Storey, Leone Kressen, Bonnie Tekstra leaves our midst to take up reeidenee In Sen Here pictured with her sons Michael and David (I end ,, et a bon voyage party. Photo bv Ketth Sa~ Jane Broadway. the John S.ymorea, Eil .. n and Andy Novotny, Georgia and William Haney, Jeanne and Jim Heim, Manon Bennett, Dorothy and Don Kelllledy, Nancy and Bill Tucker, Eileen and Bob Braun, Jane and Frank Fu.rqeuele, Harold Foz, Charlene Berge, Patnc aa Nacy and Carol Blan- chard, who came home to find that her heuloom ste.rling Oat- ware h.td been stolen. (We all empathize, Carol). • Postcnpts: The Talents, a sup- port qroup of Baq Brothera-Biq Stslers held its only meetinq of the yea.r at the home of Pat Co.x. • Leave at to Vick Knight, Jim Dean, Alan Rypinslti, Jerry Kobnn, Paul Salata and Buddy Ebsen to come up Wlth a new fun event entitled The Cobboqe Patch. Nore detaila late•-• SUN held ill meetin9 at t.be Villo Novo, wherein Jackie HMthe.r wu bono* fw he• d.dicat.d Mrvic. to N.wport Beach by preeidenl, o.bbie Gray. • SCR's Angel ol t.k Year ia Ha.r- nette Wit.m.r. • Ca.roline Fiaber held a birthday party tor her dau9hler Ja.oet. Among thoee at- te.nd.in9 were Pal a.od Nu End, Sherrill a.od Dudley Smith, Esther Bolt, Richa..rd Haeu.saler, Jaime Jeffrl•. Nollie lnC)ram and Bucky. • Freedom foWlda- tion of Valley Fo.rge will have a benefit blWlch at the Gra.od Hotel, Au9. 8t.b. • 552'• BBO will be held Aug. 19th. • The Sound of Muaic Chapter held ill We$lem Round-Up party at the home JoAnne and Gene Nix. Cha.mng t.hia event wu Ann McLean whose co.aunitte con· suted of Na.xine Gibeo11, Arpy 1 An)o&lan, El.l.ie Faber, Ann Pang, Joan Orr and Betty Jo Kmckerbocher. Did you know? Clark Kennedy and flowers. What a nKe arrangement NikkiAnn Ferrari Lohr, dauqhter of Milton ed O..rlene Ferrari Lohr, became the bride of Kerry O.nnit Brown, 100 of Mn. Francea Brown and the late Mr. Brown at a aumptuoua weddinq which encompa.ued a th.r .. ~day celebration in the true Europ.an tradition. The bride'• wedding gown, especially made for her tn France, wu hand-bead.d with c,.,.W. and PMrll 011 chantilly lace over lilk organaa wit.b a aweepinQ train and illusion veU. NikJtiAJm chose a color achema of orchid for her brideamaida Mary Rodovich, Tiffany Kern, CollMn ltralj a.od Xat.by Star):, while the groomamen B.ruce Brown, Mark a.nd Michael Loh.r a.od Steve Brown wore the traditional morn.tnq coata. The actual ceremony was officiated by Judqe Ley in the gardeu of Big Canyon Cou.ntry Club before a select group of 80, who bad flown in from all over the United States and Europe. Receptions were held at Big Canyon Country Club and the Balboa Bay Club. The younQ couple plan to ruide in Newport Beach followinq the1t honey- moon, the destination of whach remaina a aecret. DANCE (or just Li ten) • You Can Own Your Office Space • You Can Stop Your Rent From Going Up 641 ·0810 • Stone Mill Busjness Pa;-k 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa Of'llti~T Formerly the Ritz location announces • You Can Own The Land -Not Lease • You Can Rent W1th the .Opt1on To Buy Come SeeThe New Fall Fashions a~J,~ and AIRPORT WIST IUSINISS PARk 245 F•scher near~ Htrt Costa Meso call John Davis 751·7400 BROKER COOPF<A' O N II Gi to 's this SuDIDterl on your way to or from the beach~~~~=~:!> sto p by for delicious ZZA] Gin ' Pizza .. Tia• tutleet ltaUaa food I• tow. •• Alb.rt.oM Shopping Cent ... Eoat Coo11 Hoghwoy Corona del Mer _, .. ,,,_ '"" ~'"" ·-673-1121 SAVE 30~o t ON SELECTED BIKINIS Reg . S26.00 NOW *18.00 ~t.~ ij.r!!!'S' '-It 111/Aptt . .!;:..•! l.t~,f (ou .. ,IIII(Jhu u.IJ. ( ,,,.., J,•/ \fur h;: h'-1,-1 For people thmlcing of tryrng thrs exc1tmg sport or for the expe,enced wrndsurfer Freedom Sports offers cho•ce of qual1ty desrgn and durab•lrly VALET PARKING IIIRVAIIONI G7S-2SGG on the ocean across from the Newport Beach Pier 2106 West Ocean Front ~Beach FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT r:'Y_j #. .I G}otl-pOce1 irPorter aoc;K~ aeAD A"iull 2 -September 1 I A journey through your favorite musical fancasies GOURMET DINING -MEDITERRANEAN RM CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 10-3 N DANCING NIGHTL V -CABARET LOUNGE 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. IRVINE, CALIFORNIA l()ppoa.te ar.n., CountvAwpcw C714) w.2no • CAPTAIN'S TA8L£COFFEE SHOP -N HAS tl must be thai deeper needs are wt\at you teet. F Of love . 01 tor purpase Of hope Of fatth m good. Needs hke these can onfy be sahafied by •ncreased sptttuaJ undefstandtno--4Ner concepts of God and of your own Identity. Thts IS whet'elhe Ideas tn our Reading Room can hetp You'll find them 1n bookt, pamph6ets. recardH'Qs- many ai)C)M""o fOrms. Stop tn, won't you. wtMin you·,. rMCty tor .omer..a....., nourittwMne? cttfUSTWIIC.NCE A£A.DING ROOM 18800 ~bcArdtur Boulc ... rd ( 714) 752-8777 Contest pertOd lncludea the montha of July, Auguat and September. A drawing wtll be held September 30th for the,,.. trip for two at the captain CoOk IMch Hotel tocat.d on the outer Island of Moorea In French Pofyneata.lncfucfing airfare and hotel (meell and~ .. not InclUded). The more you book our Luxury Limousine &emce. the men coupona yoy receift and the better your chances to win a vacation of a lifetime. For ..oe. I ..... ol UmcMallne = -1 Coupon ,..,...,. .... _. . OUR IUIIIIUIPICIALI w.-.,L ..... s.5& for Two HCM.~,.-111 tor Tl\fM Houl'l A '•'Welrita of bteultwM Ot ._,....,... CEitw Mrflce QOQd tOt one ~• ......, ..... 171 tot T1WM Houra Your OhcMoi of .... .,.... ",.~ .. ,... ............... ,.,...,..., ~ ...... .,.~ t~ """*~ NIOhta-130 Hr. fridll11nd a.tu•r N'eftta-131 Hr. 3 Hout Menlmum BON APPEl II by Peggy Cotton The n1ceat aurpnM of July waa lhe open1n0 o1 Kana Prager'• The Ritz. Scheduled for an autumn b.Qtnrung, conatruction of the new relocated r .. taurant went 10 well that the lono-anlic1pated open- mo took place lD rrud- month. We have v1stled twice, once for lunch· eon and aga1n lor dm- ner, and CAn report w1tb debght that the famous "l'ra9er touch" b,s 9iven us a new and dazzhn9 star. ArnvAl ll dramatic, after valet par lung, of course . . . under an 1mpresa1ve blac k porte cbochere complete wtlh red carpet under· foot. The entry 1s warm and welcorrunQ, w1th the mattre d' desk and seatmg for those awatl mg guests. To the nght IS the busy bar, w1tb turn-of-the-century decor. hned Wlth booths done m soft leather Tbts 11 a long room d1v1ded at the rear w1th a concert -s1ze Stemway, and un1que httle curta1ned dmmg nooks accommodahng smAll parhes. The mam salon 1s elegantly furmshed m genteel V1ctonan taste, w1th Pers1an carpets, apncot-hnted marou. large urns hlled alter- nately w1th sllk or fresh flowers 1n a bouquet of colors Booths hne the room, a.nd tables set w1th comfortable cbaus Ull lhe center. Two smaller dmmo areas accommodate private parh ... or the overflow whlcb bas been con· slant SUICe Thf! Ritz opened. One room . the walls bung wtlh ta.steful nudes depleted 1n Vtctonan splendor, ts deatgned wttb the restaurant's stalwart and funlovmg "Rttz Brothers" m mmd. The splendtd and sumptuous decor would be for naught were II not matched Wlth oulslandmg cutstne. Prager bas designed bts own 'ntchens, ded1cated to the pro- mase of seasonally fresh foods, sktlUully prepared and served at affordable pnces The luncheon menu offers many of the dashes en)oyed by Rttz patrons for years There IS the ncb OniOn soup, lobster b1sque, and a smooth cold cuc umber soup En- trees mclude gnlled calf's hver With ODIODS and bacon, roast beef hash; Pohsh sausage w1th sauerkraut; c repes w1th seafood; ftsh and ch1ps; and a oooohme servmg of Prager's famous Bouallabatsse. There are spectals each day, and I chose Eo9s Benedact, perfect- ly prepared, topped w1th s1lky Hollandatse SAM'S ITALIAN DELI PIZZA & FOOD TO GO -OUR SPECIALTY-PARTY PLATTERS 5 d1Herent meats 3 k•nds of cheese olives ond o•ckles ( "" c • of IWO talods ond ~">om•rnoc1• IYt:<><J and • tn&fOe, ac- companied by hot and cr'-PY po~DJDee tru ... My friend chOM Mahi Mahi, "freah· frozen" but akiUfully hAndled by the chef, served witll aliveTed almonda. and acc:om- pa.nied by a garden of crilp-.teamed VeQe- tabl... The other special wulam.b shanb, baked with berbe m a tomato- ba.sed .tock. I r .. ilted d .... rt. but beud praiM for the pro- hterol .. tilled wtth ncb 1ce cream, topped with a lusciol.la bot choco- late sauce. We were a laroe group for dinner, ADd beoAD wtth a shared appetizer, The Carou- sel, a tAll compote with dishes filled wilh smok- ed salmon, cucwn.bers and oruona in a creamy dresaino, herring in 10u.r crMJD, -oked eel, crablecjJS, prawtls ln a ahello and lleak tartar, with a lovely d.tll aauce for the dresatng. The Carou.el lB offered for four, but easily aatid1ed the e1ght of \la. Other appetizers ue ..cargota baked m putf-putry, queneUes of ~e&l.lop, steamed mu...Ia, mu.aluoom cep stuffed wilh devil· ed crabmeat, and fued oyaten Mrved with Remoulade sauce. Pncee ran9e from $4.50 to $5. 75, And porhons are generous for two. Soups Are those of- fered at lunch, and a aoup du jour wblch on our evening wu fresh cream of pea, sweet and silky. Salads in· elude "The Ritz" with BelQiAD endive, mush rooaaa, walnut., bay ahrlmp in a dressing of 01l. DlJOCI muatcud tarragon and vtneQ&r Other• are beaJta of romAJne dreued w&tb bleu cb .... And btbb lethlce toaed w1th hot red Wine ADd bacon dreumg We watched raclta of 'amb turn on the 9lass walled rohuena, a novel and enttc1n9 feature 1n the dtnsnq room and tho&e who order~:~d ldrnb pro nounred 11 lf'ndt!r. fill ed w1 th flavt r Mv c hotce wa :-. lre:.h East e rn sea bass. qnlled to succulent perlectton, llit PORI IIHATH~ I 'J.} tJU Held Over ROMY SCHNEIDER In DEATH WATCH A French Film In English Rated "R" ! 905 E Cu<~~t Hw, ..:.,, "''J lei M.J, FOUR REASONS TO BRACE YOURSELF AT THE HAPP\ HOlH Monday thru FridA} 5 10 1 .10 PM >A 1th o.omphm.:nt '" h. ·r ' .. " l" and a Sea h""-' li.J• M t::N'S 'u; liT Monda) 8 lo I 0 P~t t.:atunng ~, 14l"'' .In 1~ LADit::S" 'H~IIT Wednesda) 8 to tO P\1 teatunng .;, "t:ll d• n~ BIG Bt\'U~ '' ROCK & HOI I Sunda) ~A> 1th m"u" •t • hl " .. mtJ ''" ORANGE COUNTY"S ONLY 4-STAR HOTEL 900 N~por1 Center Drwe • Newpon Besch. C A 92bCl0 • Phl•nc 1 7t ~ 1 ~~~ 4000 OTED # FAmYYALVI DnlVUI! • SOVTIIIII cwroUJA DOWN EAST OYSTER BAKE a.-.. .. c-.. ...... -. ... ..... _ ~ cn.-r..-a,-.. .. -» c... -Cel> rronc .. ,.,._ and 1/z STUFFED MAINE LOBSTER -s..... ~o.~ooo~o-. ...... a.~-• ...., r~v...,......_ ALL r OR WHOU: MAINE LOBSTER '-lH OIH!tlll Roc M IH'l. Y Th. Newport Eaaigo Wedoeeday. August 4. 1112 Poge 13 served wtlh aauce Choroo, a b..rG&lM wath a bUll of fr-.h tomato ... nee. Ny compa.ntotl chON I.a.k. Supenor Whtte&h, sauteed and Mrved wttb ClunoLM veQe· tables, alon9 Wllb the famol.la Rtta c reanaed corn &nd ptck.led cucumbers. The wtne list 11 superb, w1th a par· 1 tacularly fme offerm9 0f Calaforma's hnesl. featured thu; month are the w1nea from Napa Cellars, offered I by the bottle, the gla.a, T or to take boOHt. 17M RJu .. located 10 the aew Pacific Mutual Plua m Newport C.t~ter ()peA Monday throuqh Frlday for 1\lD.ch, d.tnner Nond.y for 1nformat•on .. 0.-ge Ml" nrghtly except Mondays at Sebastian's West Om th.rouoh S.t\&l'day, Wllh lete pper after 10 p . a . eto.d SII.Dd.y Call 720-1800 lor your r ... rvahon . . . and dot~'l leave home wtlbout o_oe! ner Playhou3e. 1..0 Ave Pteo, San Clemente Ticketa· 492~9960. Eh b:ada Haw•d'a c....-Cell Dinner Theater rs presenting "Oklahoma" through Aug 22 The theater •s located at 690 Et Camillo Real. Tustin For reservat1ons call 838-1540 ' • ' ~'' t()l(~ o geniUs to tno comt0t1 QUot•'Y Jr.o ~oCt:. Is reotv r91Qtlll'ely Slmpte vou s.t~e at the (,nndef The Gr•l"lOE!f I'"IOS tt 011 ur>d ot ,J ~tet:< ~r>U ~or 11\19 With We have rT'tCIOtl o reoutohc.o~""• •r setV•ng tne Iones! •n 1000 evetV~rung t1om Fresn Vegetables to uSVA r nooc e Steaks Also ( ll&rtrty Knotts Bell'\' f-orm tOfT md fQfn-ter ., ~· .. v,r Xlu!Og& Nttr 1" on.en en• •ocot• >li$ ·~ \I:IIVC· 1uu Newport Beach 1400 Poclfte Coeur Hw, Huntrngton Beach .-ocrtoe Coos! Hwy \OVtn ot Plec EC BOOK, MUSIC. • L YmC.S BY lleredJtll Wllboo STOaY BY llcredltll WUlsoA; FrAAIIIlD ucey DIRECTED BY AJlaahat T' ou It lturd J P,..,,,.lt..,,.,.~ "• .. GI Lt~ ... WV "f '4"' ~,. .1 r '"'"'l•"'at·~~ entrf!e!t. f'\OSfd'Y" ""' .. "a;nl'f\if"' .tl ~e(J••v., t ic1•1 '"'' f( 1,n,ng n l he ~o~"f'y THROUGHOUT JUlY! BILL MEDLEY PRESENTS TH. GREG TOPPER SHOW •,.,,_. • ., V• Sa l Sun ,. •t'"•"QS No CovPr Charge r o.n,e r Gvest\ ' ";.:I,.., .J.,• w • ""-'" "•j:t• '-E.,. I: ASTERN CLAMS OR I: ASTERN OYSTrRS S roa 1l 11 sgss r STWlE~UND~~ SI_IDIP sz9s I L G~ORGI UIYIUIIIOTIS AT ... ~,.., lfvv ,.Idly 1 , e "' .. 1 0 "' s-. ·~ ·~'" .. , .. ,... EXPIRES 8 ~ &2 Donner ntl~·lo; 1r(lm C, 0 ITI (714) ~23H · ~ · ·a Btoo" hurst Strt>E'' ~=" ounta•n Vall«v (1 m•le soutn o' '"~> 40~ r 't.>f'wavl • ' .,,_..ABC (8c.tltral/Mountatn) '"*l'D A LOW STOAY Men and women l()cj{ed behind bars tn a co-ed pl'tson are trapoed between the rules and regulatiOnS and thetr own paSSJOnS Kate Jadtson. Perry Ktng, Tony Curtts ~Shirley Jones. .. _.ABC (7 Central/Mountain) STMNQE MONSTIR OF STMW· liMY COVE.. Mystery and tntrtgue envelOp thiS 01sney tale of three teen dete<:ttves wnen they unsuspecttngJy Cltscover a band of unscrupylous , smugglers Wtth ole pros &lrgess Meredith a.nd Agnes Moorehead . ',I' 1\j ',,' ' (6 CerttraVMountaJn) •"N NBC 18Centrai/Mountatn) THE ARCHER A na.ndsOme young wanderer (Lane Caudell) tn a mys· reriOUS dark world of w•tcncratt ane1 barbar•sm seeks ro ltnd a legendary sorcerer and wose man wtlO w111 help nom re<:latm hts nerttage ana avenge the murder of h•s rather A spooky rantasy/adVenture wtth Geotge Ken- nedy. Campos Belinda Bauer K.abr Bee:!• anCI Allan Atch •11:55PM ABC (8Centrai/Mountatn) 1 f'tk ,., ., ........ u ...... \1 .... '· THOU IHAU NOT lULL. O.C.r. Tony and Emmywtnner LeeGranttsa lawyer laced with the tough uptttll battle of trytng to prove that her auto mechaniC client (Gary Graham) ts tnnocent of two separate rnYrdef raps aga.nst htm tn spete of an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary Wtth Robert CYip. Otana Scarwtd. Albert Salmi and James Keec::h •111111 cas (8 Central/Mountain) THE SOLITARY MAN Earl Holliman IS a blu.collar family man wtloSe world IS r!R)ed apart When his Wife (Came Snodgrass) one fateful day blurts out that she wants a dNofce .\ f , ~ 'I ' ' ' ...... ABC (7Centra11Mountain) THE MNIGADII. Excitement and elrama hit the streets when a carefully selected group of ......, rival gang leaders 101n together as a spec tal untt of the Los Angeles Poltee Depart ment •""' CBS (8Centrai/Mountatn) THIN ICE Thts has nothing to Clo wtth skating but tS about a popular ht\Jh schOOl teacher who skims along througn her htstory classes and falls '" love wtth one of her students News of the.r allaH leaks out and causes a communtty uproar that dramatiCally alters thetr lives Kate Jackson. Gerard Pendergast and Ltlhan GtSh co-star A couP'& who forgot to mtnd thoM AI C's IJ'I \II(, 1' .... Al!£ (7 Central/Mountain) AMERICAN HOT WAX A greatly scrutlCed up took at the latter hie ol Pf()(leer CleeJay Alan Freed and the pol tee's attenl)t ro censor rock muste '" the late '50's Trm Mc:lnttre. JOhn Lenne. Lorraine Newman, Fran Ores cher. Ct1uck Berry and Jerry Lee Lew•s Full of anachrontsms but wtth a dehnrte sense of the lime "1\T .'\\1(, I I •"N CBS (8CentraLIMountaln) NO PLACE TO HIDE Martelle Hartley l(athleen Beller and l<etr King size: 4 mg 'tar . 0 4 mg mcotlne av per Clgarent. FTC Report Dec 1981 Warn ing: The Surgeon General Hu Determined That Ciprlne Srnoijng Is~ to Ycu HIIIIIL Oui!M In a payc~ 8UtiC*lM thnller about a young worn.n who. tor unknown reasons. IS stalled~ a ,., who threatens to kNI her. thr•'-t01 whictt she can ptoduce no MWI!Oa or Wltne&s A ~jeebie. 7 .... NBC (6CentraUMountWI) THE ELEC'TNC GMNDIIOTMD. Maureen Stapleton, Pall Benedict and Edward HerrmaM In a sc .. fen- tasy tnvolvtng a factory CJIWrl8f wt1o creates a surrogat• granny while a wtelowered lather ot three pondefa the I)OSSibrlity to work They get a charge out of •t .... ABC (7 Central/Mountain) THE 1.10 EASY. Drama with the atw~ pleas•ng William Devane as a rough detective rn New Ofleana, who goes tnto high gear after he discovers he has been suckered •nto finding a beauttful woman (Mary CrOGby) so !hat she can be murdered •tt30PII A8C (8Centra11Mountaln) FORCE 10 FROM NAVARONE. Five desperate allied soldiers and one beautiful gal, torn between divided loyalttes. Cleal With the entire 111h German Army Corps and an unknown tra1tor 1n !hell ITlldSt as they plot to blow up a dam and destroy an ~~ pregnable bndge HarriSon Ford. Barbara Bach and. tn hiS ftna.l film. Robert Shaw A WWII adWnture and sequel to n. GuM of._ •"N CBS (8c.tltral1Mountaln) NURSE The PltoC him which led to the popular and sensltMt dramatiC senes With Emmy-winnlng actress Mtchael Learned A picture of what tt mea'lS to be a cont~ary nurM no longer a doctor's hananalden. rather an accorT1)11shed professional responstble at every work1ng moment tor the hves of the patients In her charge Wtth Robert Reed, Tom Aldredge and Hattie Wtnaton ._,,,_. ~ (9Centra11Mountaln) THE_..ANOITSGlOirf: IAIE- IALL'I HALL OF FAME. Noted canadian-born actor Donald Suther· land. a self-confessed boyhood tan of the old Brooklyn Dodgers. takes VIeWers on a nostalgic tour of the Basebell Hall or Fame 1n Coopers- town.~Vork \11 I"' \I I ( l .. ,.. NJC (iCentraiiMountaln) TMI UMrTED NATIONI A news rnveatlgatNe report on the U N · '\ I '\II 1 ' 1 .... C8S (7Centr~MountaJn) THI ADVENTURU OF LmLE LON» FAUNTL.EaOY DIStinguiShed veteran actor JoM M11ts and ~year old newcomer Jerry Suptran tn a new dramatic adVenture 10>t1N NBC (9Centrai/Mountatn) JAPAN VI. U.S.A.· THE HIOH TICH IMOOT·OUT A close tootc at the Japanne threat to Amertcan superiority tn h9lte<:hnology ------ • W 1 I M MJ:. Ct2'..30CentMl) -WOII.D ,. ~, .. Af'C. NFC Hal of Farn. c:;.me. .... ? NBC (1 Centr~Moun181n) MIIMLL ~ LNQue Game ol tM *-'r --.FN ABC (3 30CentJMount l 00&1 The 64th~~ U.FN ABC (2 30CentNount.) GOLF. Live ~age of the fourth round ol the PG4~ aw•' ABC (7:30Cent./MOunt.) M W T...,. to be anncunc:«1 ~--N8C (11:30ANCent.M.) II'Oin M.LY. Third ot six in an ani- mated seriell promoting good aport.- manshlp and physiCal mn.ss 2Pfll.? NBC (1 Central/Mountain) IAIEIALL Maior L~ GMHt ol ,,. -- ...... NBC (4Centra11Mountaln) -= .._.ABC (4CentraiiMountaln) we• WOM.D M UOIITI. ..... NBC (3 CentraiiMountaln) GOLF Live ftnal round COYerage of the Gleater Hartford ~ - II\ s tt l II\ H T d II s " /. " E a ~ • I tl ~ IE E It 1 ~ a c 3 E II ~ p "" Myrna Shir .. eJth•b•ts select tons from "Anony mous Journals" at the Abraxas Gallery, 2815 Villa Way. Newport Beach Hours: 11 a m. ·5 pm .. Tuesday Saturday Palndnga by Irene Borg on v•ew Tuesdays through Sundays at Mildred Seamster Gal lery. 3341 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Information· 673-0400 The Mannequin S.r· lea by Neil Chapman and color landscapes by Clinton Smith are fea tured in a spec1al photography exh1b1t at Susan Spntus Gallery. 3336 Vta L1do. Newport Beach Both show through August 28 Hours are 11 a m 5 p.rT' Tuesday Saturday .. FunowiM Land-ec-. ewMigrant Lives: The ~umentary Im- age" exhibit of photographs by con· temporary artist Bill Ravanesl and Farm Security Admin1strat1on photograph•c records of the rural poor lrvtne Fine A rts Center, 4601 Walnut. Hentage Park, lrvtne Hours. Monday- Thursday. 9 a m -9 pm Open wire aculpturu by A lan Saret. new works by David Am1co and The Movmg Image featunng art used 1n an1mated f1lms through Sept 12 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Dnve. Newport Beach "L .. Orlevrea" by Joan Mlro-a crayon and chalk engravement valued at $50.000 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Corona del Mar prlntmaker Isabel P Cox has an exh1b11 at Laguna Federal 1n Laguna Beach throuyh August. CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY I MINIBLIND CLEANING 20% OFF 1710 SANTA ANA AVE COSTA MESA Adams Financial Group SPECIAL SEMINAR LET SOMEONE ELSE PAY YOUR TAXIS- Many lndsvtduals and ccxporotlons ore c oncerned about the Increased tax bur- den bfougl"t on by oddltk>nol investment Income. Thefe 1s a method whtch allows you to transfer income to others and enables you to retain some tax benefits and maintain S«Mectlve c ontrol of the Investment. Leom about this misunderstood and unused techniQue to reduce vour taxes ADAMI PINANCIAL ADVISORY COl '-ORATION will conduCt two entlghten.ng sem1nors 1n August ot NO CHAMI. fUIIOAY. AU4tUITIC> ~.ng 'IX ')tT-e loH~\ lronsttwrorog Income to lt>ef\ fUIIOAY, Aueulf l4• rMoucorog Estate Toxei 1rQn$femng Asset\ to '-'thEWs to oe he6Cl ot ,,.,. WlllQN NOI.AL lA VI MOl AND L.OAM ol Poc1f1C Coost ~ south of NewC)Ort Ce"' ter OrNe 8oth Of these *""""""' w• De P'8ld pt(lmOtly or 7 p m .n the C OI'TVTlUnlty Room Featured Speoket: 00 H w Y~N CrP rerownocl out hOI <.a four>Oe• ot the c or.g. fOt frorciQI ~and P!eSident of tno Adatu FronciOI A(1VtttOIY C'orOOtohon lmne compa.a Toastmasters meet Mondays at 7 a m. at 2151 M ichaelson. Suite 165x. Information Jac Quehne 673 n~ Newport Center Toastmasters meet Monday mornmgs at 7 a.m . Pacif1c Mutual Build1ng, Fash1on Island. For mformat1on call Dr Annamaua Ballm at 640-0838 or Mel Cre1ghton at 566 1171 lntlne Charter Ch~ ter of Amencan Busmess Women w1ll meet Tuesday, August 11 at the Newport Sheraton Call Mar~lyn Cooley, 838· 1022 tor 1nformat1on Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club plays 1n tournaments, makes v1s1ts and has tun days Meetings at 1550 Crown Dnve. Corona del M ar lntor mat1on 759 9966 Bicycle Club of lntine meets on the 4th Saturday o f every month 9 a m at Deer 1 1 f1eld Commun11V Par!.., 55 Deerwood West Free For further 1nformat1on call 551·8638 1 Newcomer• Club of Newport Beach w1ll have a pot luck sala 1 luncheon 11 a.m . Wednesday. August 4 For location and reservations, call 720..0639 or 675 1683 MemberShip Informa- tion: 640-8388. Central~ange County Arta Alliance 1s open to members from lrv1ne and Costa Mesa Information 558-5669 or P 0 Box. 10625. Santa A na. 92711 Fibns UCI Committee for Arts screens a bunch of f1lrns throughout Auqust at 8 p m 111 Sc1ence Lecture Hall Adm1ss1on IS $2: Aug. 6. "Sem1 Tough" w11h Burt Reynolds Aug 11 ''The Spy Who Loved M e" with Roger Moore as Bond Aug 13. "Carrie" stamng S1ssy Spacek Aug 19 "The Pmk Panther Str1kes Aga1n" With Peter Sellers Go to a Garden Party hosted by T emple Isaiah 2 p m Sunday, July 11 cH the home of M r and Mrs Felix Van Seek Information 548·6900 646-7512 Lectures Biofeedback lecture and demonstration presented by Manlyn Gill, Ph D 7 30 p m Thursday, Augu t 5 at the Community Church by the Bay. 148 E 22nd Sueea. Costa Mesa "' F nendshtp II room Donauon IS S2 Cooldng c .... ent1tled "Hawauan Luau" IS be1ng o ffered 10 a rn Saturday August 7, at Fassero's lnternattonCII Cookware, 2919 Coast H1ghway, Corona del Mar Cost IS $25. call 673 2343 for re~erva t10n Planned for Wedne~day Auy 11 IS "Contemporary F renc.h Cu1sme" cost 1s S356 ReservC:tiiOns needt::d O.aling With Ve~ dora and Supplier• one day sem1nar 10 be held Monday Auq 16 at the Newport Beac.h Marr1011 Fet:! ~~ S195 p~::r person Call Perform ance Sernu1dr GrouiJ 1203) 852 0429 for reservd t1ons ·•concerts by ttt. 1 Sea" featunng OCC Instrumental groups are held 6 p 111 every Sunday at the Balboa Park Prer Free Amber Route computer 1au group 8 p m Fnday and Saturday Aug 6 and 7 I dt the Newport Harbor Art Museum Cost 1s $4 I fur members $3 for students and 5 for generdl The N.wporl Ensign Wecloeeday. Aug\&St 4. 1912 Poge lS Ouee•t f1ve ptece v~ars up Call Newport "ThoniNII'' by Meade group uSing modern Bttach Park!. Beaches Rob4wts, runs through Jazz and East lndtan and Recreation Oeparr August 14 at the InStruments 7 30 p 111 rnent fOf more Laguna Moulton Com Monday August 9 111 mforma110n 64().2271 mun11y ~yhouse. 606 Woodbt~dge V1llage Laguna Canyon Road. Center, Barranca All--American Clfcua Laguna Beach Ttekets: Parkway and Lake 7 30 p m Saturday. 494-0743. · Road. lrv1ne Free Aug 7. at OCC's L .. arown and Hta Band of Reknown 9 p m Thursday. August 5 1n Fash1on Island's Center Staye Courl Fret:: B~ Band Commo- tion at a monrhly ddnce ~ponsorcd by rhe Newport Harbor Chapter C1ty of Hope 7 30 11 30 p m Sur• day July 18 at the Sheraton Newport $4 donat1011 hee parkmq Loa Angeles Wind Concwt w11h Wilham Van Overeem and Enc W11ght Works by Dahl Poulenc V1lld Lobes. Bach and Re1cha 8 p n1 Thursday. June 8 1n UCI's F1ne Arts Concert Hall. $6 general. S5 sen1ors and students Lebard Stad1um Puces are $5 for adults, $3 for k1ds ·under 12 Ava1lable m OCC's T1cket Of f1ce or cred111ng by phone 556 5527 "Hello, Dotlyl" dS presented by tht:: Long Beach C1v1c L1ght Opera 1s the ObJec• of an e"curs1on 7 p n Wed nesday Auy 11 leav 1114 from OCC s Aud1 tonum C~rcle Fee rs $15 l or orchestra 5eal and transponatiOfl V1!.d or MasrerCard 556 5527 Beltyflop Contest The 2ncJ Annudl even ot •ts kllld Sdlurday August 7 " ne 50 meter POv• of Newport Harbor H1gh School S1gn up by call1ng Tony Ballard, 760-3347. at the pool For people th1nk.,ng of trytng th•s exc ,,,..,9 sport or for the expe,enced w ndsurfer Freedom Sports o ffers cho,ce of quol,ry des,gn and durob1 l1 ty aa.t.•a.._t. 4647 MacArthur Blvd . muSical dtnne• theater dtrected by ptantst Dan Troxell Call 540 2475 for !>how ttmes and reservctllons Theater Plppinl opens August 12 at the Newport Theatre Arts Center. 2501 Cliff Newport 8edch Runs weekends through August 21 8 p m curta1n Box off1ce 675-3143 or 6428119 "Prorniaea, Pr~ iaee" by Ne11 Srmon w1ll be presented at OCC July 22-24. 29-31 and August S.. 7 in the Robert B. Moore Perform1ng Arts Theatre at OCC campus. T1ckets: 556-5627 • Brand Name and Custom Boards • Horl%on Gaastra Performanc. Sails SUMM£R ClOTHES AND WfTSUITS • Rentals. Instruction '7eeedcm Spceu • 2430 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beac h 631 -7 57 4 CURTIS HAWK$ 695 FREESTYLE HI·FLY 333 SAilaOARD ORAND PRIX $795 $900 Gift your ap iances the afternoon off. t )ther appliances .. And the total dectricalload can get too h eavy. So u~e your air cond itioning sparingly. \\'hen vou 're hun1c , rleasc -;et it no 1(.)\\\~r than 7S ? \\ nt'n \'OU g<..) Ullt. turn it tt) S )0 t )r higher That \\Cl)' vou c,1n hclr l1ghtcn the peak loaJ . ddav huilJing lle\\' f'U\\'er rlantS, and hd~" pn )\'h.1t· ent )ugh dccrrica I pt )\\·t·r A to,vn L like a modd electric rrain . \\'hen the electrical load b c\·enlv JistributL'd th n )ught lllt the dav, tht:rL:" L'nough p~ )\\'Cr to g<..) a ruund. But t n1 hot afternoon~. t~Ktorv. utficc and hon1c air con diti~ )nt:r~ cornc un. Add ,,·a~her~. And drver". And ~)\'en~ .. And t t ) ~t ) ,nnunJ ,lll Jav lt H1~ Southern California Edison \ ... 1. .vaac.mca IICftiM)W.._. U.ITAnaa.J n.. ........ __.# ........ ~eo M.UUTiliO CUICUII A TUVIL WAAUrlMO 1\b .UI .... 10 • ... ~•o ....._, a.-~> e. taeo ......... a.-Plllt..:~ 4.3 '•••loMI CoiN. CA tal' , ... , ,........ a..r.,y, .100 1. c-.._, • .a "-"" lleKio CA tM60 fUo ......_ .. co4WI........ .... • .... ~'""'"' __ .... , ... _ ,..., ,..,..,.a.,.vo , .... --..... ~ ......... C....aly Cloool ool 0.-c • .,.,, "" loolr d li!U "'"'""' JOlly » A004 • II II llal •• n.. .......... lla.ooq,. nt-... 111Al4 Na&.IC JeOncl I1CTITIOUI IU'I&ICDS NAMIITA TOtDrr fh• ff'UuwH•Q P.ftiOA& ••• J'-li&tQ o ... ., .. , •• IIIVINI C"OIIPOIIATt CIHTU I'« ........ -..., O.ovo S..uo 100 lr•••• CA '1271~ lvh I l'orb• lOll IAorold ... 0.••• l.Qw,.. ....... CA ~SI ~oehotd ' Ito •• ,.,.. 2UI l••n•"O St•• L..•·• He•~·'' a..rh CA QJMC Ttu hau .... '" " -·dw.c•H t.w "' l•n••• .,..,,~•••h·p S. ,,. .. t I h• I '····· r~ •••• , •••• , ... '·'.ct .... " "'"' C, ""'• C'l•t• of ~•,.o• Cu~otnly " 1.,,1.,. 2J 1'lll1 'ubl.a._ '"~" .II Awo • .1 • ~~ " '"• H...,_. 1 laa.Qr; ''~~· Ntt.MI l'llloiJC JeOT1Ct ncnnous tUSUKSS NAN& STA TDIIJIT y,. t, II • "'~ pe,_,.. • :kJ, ... o'-"'lf ... •• • l YN S I USJ:HIS$ SU VIC£5 bt l iS I lOG o,. ... t $1 s •••• H\ N•"lk'' IIH II C• ~ l•" l M.,,_ Ida }/4J*'J Ch..nt•d.4 w....._,. v,.. ~A <lf>'i. r .... b .... n. ' c ttdw •.d b., •h ,,, t,.,,,J.,..I ~n..d Lvl. l "•"""'ld_. Thu •'•'•"'-•n• ••• hiH ••'" h• Cuunly Cl··· .,, o •• ""· C .. •wftly Vfl fwly .' l I!IIIJ Pwbhah lwh J8 A ·•1.1 • 1 I ttl )\JrrttJ n •• ~.wporl ln••Qn fl'i1~8 I'UIUC MOT1Ct: ncnnous I USUttss NAIU S TAn:MDff Ht4JJ The fvHow1nq p.tton t d ... wo b,.,n .. • •• CIT ATtON lNTiiiNA TIONAl 14S C~.,. T•-L.no Nooopo.l" IIH• h CA. m2'> O.O..rolo Httn••• d• C•"'•'•"• JSC Ch•tt• r, .. t. ·• Nowp.•• ....... CA 'l~ Th.a bw~n.,... ~• r-oad..ct.d bY ••• " j,~ J ... t S....,e.d O.bor.a c..,..,.~ "'" ••• ,...... ... llNG ., ~ ... C.. ~""I" CL.t' •t Ot•oq• C •WAI., r. lwh ... 1 ,l,.: 'wbha,. Ju1'1' ltl A .. q f)t._. "f.wpol. I 1ftt..\4" •)~ 4 II ,ft PUIUC IIOTICX nc:TIT'IOVS luaiJIQS MAla STA TDU:JfT Oi(411 rh. krllow••Q " • ..,.. .,. dU4ftQ o_,,,_ .. •lND ST ICl CIIUN PAIILOII l ll I I>Jnd S• N..,..., &e.«-a C A V2'66l CtiNh"• W•y•lrac • C•l•l• '"•• , ... rpou••~• 719 W t6eh ~ I , c.,... W.. CA 9~ Thr• b"""_. " . ..,,.dv led by • ("m po ,.,fVn S1Qft-.d CI~Jtvord A H•n.eon P•-~d•"' c,..,.,, •• w • .,, Inc. fhll _. ••• ..,."' ••• filM ••II\ •tw \ •wn•'t' Clert vf Or•""'if• C '""I' '"'" J\IIJ' &'1)~ ~-bh•h 1•1• 1li A•Q 4 I I I~ I 'IIU Tf\• H••P<•'' l.••••lolft ·No~ PUBUC NOTICE 101023 NltJI NOTICE OF DEATH Of I £TTY HOLT W AU.. alia lETTY H. WALL. all.o EUZAII:TH HOLT W AU. AKD OF PEnnON TO ADMl.NlSTER ESTATE NO. AllUI$ To •II haus t».nehci.Ml•, c:redllora conhnqenl c red11 ou. •od ~r.ons who may t». otharwaM 1n1e~eated lD lbe wall or Miele of Belly Holt Wall. ili Belly H Wall, aka Eh&..beth Holt Wall. dace dant A ~llhon w been ld ad by Edward E W•JI 10 the Supenor Cour1 of O raooe Counly requ .. tmq th..l £d. w•rd E W•ll t». •ppomled u per.on•l repr-nlahve to ad mto .. ler the H t•l• ol the decedent The ~hlton re quHta •ulhortty to •dmtnlaler the eal•l• 11ndar the lndepen dent Admlnlllr4hon of iatatn Act A he•uno un •he pelllton w11l be held 1n O.pt No 3 •• 700 C•v•c Cent•• Dnve We~>t S.nt• An. C A 92701 on Auo 18 1982 •• 9 JO • m IF YOU O BJECT to the v r•nltno of 1he pehlton vou thould ••ther AppeAr 41 lha hMuno •nd at•t• your ob1ec: hona o r hie Wrlllen obteclloo.a wtth the c:our1 t».lo re the ha•unq Your •p.,..r•nce m•y be tn parton or by your •llo rney IF YOU ARE A CREDIT OR or • conltnqenl c:redalor •.>I th• dec...ed. you mual ftle vour cla•m .. uth the court ~1 pr-nl 11 lo the penon•l u•pr-nt.hve .. ppoanled by the court wtlhm lour month& hom the date ol futl <Mu•nc:e uf lellertt &I prOVIded ID MC 1111n 700 ol the C•ltfo rn•• Prub.ta Cuda Th• 11me lor f•l•no cla11111 wtll not e•pue pr~or to lour months from 1he d•t• ol lhe hMnnq nottced abo,. YOU MAY ElAMIN£ th• hloe ltepl by lhe court U you are • ~reon •nter .. tad 1n the .. late YOIA may ftle 4 requ•l w1th the c:ollrf lo rece•ve spe :1111 notace of the hhnq of 1he uwenlory of Nlate 4-'t and ol 1M pehhons 1ccounts •nd r•portt cMec:rtbed '" MChun 1200 5 of llle Caltlorn•• Pro bate Code Attorney lor pe1111ooer C A H~qbae Allorney at L.w 1.29 W.r~ne Ava loa l28 8.1~ LJJeod. CA 9<1662 (714)6?J.'7670 PllbJuh July 28 Auo 4. II 1982 •n The Jlf-porl in t q n N&MJ .vauc.ona PC Iii._._. U.ITA~ .,....._.._. __ ..., __ ,ACiriC • CO..SUI.'t1MG. lt?a NMAf1ht ...... "" -"'"-c. .-?ll ......., ...... •sw-c-" .... c. tall. """-"'.,.... ~ l.ho..Cr-In-CAtniJ Til•-........ .. ~ ..... _., .... ~ ....... .....,., ....... Tta. ·--Wool ..... tile ea.. •• , CioN• .,. o.._ c-··• •. , ..... n .I,!IW ~'J,.)y ~l. ll A...,. II lteloa n.. N-pon '-• "~ Nl4.111 PVIUC: MO'T1CL J'ICTtTlOVSIUiliCts$ NAMt: STATU.Eifl fh• lvltv•tuQ .,._,.....,,, d ·• q b,..,.... •• UNITW WAIIK£TING lTD liJIJ Gr••·dv Wo• S.l .. •ood CA 'oi.M16 Gl•~" II o·o...,tr llfJll G•••·d• Wo• Sol•••od.. CA ~#'6/t· T'-t• ~,. ... •• CVhd.u<•_, b¥ •• t,".d ... •l SKI• .d G ........ R 0"0 '" Th... • •••• ,..,., ,.... l.l.d •• t ... C '"' • ., Cl..~"" Ota,..,_ C ... ,., ''" .. .. 1"41 ,.,b4,•h ft..l" 14 .it tM A • ._. 4 1-a&l •• Ttl• M.t•P....I [h ... -., f ,4.)(}17 Nl.<rll I'IIIUCIIIOnct: STA T'OUJff Of AloAJII)()IQOl( OT usr::or flC11T10US IUSUfUS NAME l h.• tvfl.1wt•q ~·---Un •lltrrl8advn .d th• \de~ •M t..cht~ bw .. n ... rtA•• WAJUtntNG COIICIJ'TS l oll l COli*., H•v Cvr"n.• d.t a.&.t CA ~ n . toehiKhta b ... k~ •• ,. ..... ,.c~ ~ •bv"• ... It'-d ,,. o. ••. " c,.,. .... ., ... l•l• JO 11180 "~ c;..,.w l ,.,,..,._. 1741 Gt..u •• .,.,. S• lA4v.n.• ~,.. C A CU6S 1 P•••'• G p.,,.c-. '142 GJ•on. •• ,. s~ L·~Mt. &.oeh CA 92651 T._ .. b .. ,.,, • ...., ~• 17v.&adwrl.d b'fi •n '" dr~r~•du•l Sua"H f •m•l• G PAihCk T"'" "'•••"'•nl .... ht.d w1th tk. Cuwl')ly c •• ,. vi O•••Q• c-. ~.tnry "A twtv Jl 19112 P•blo>h lui• l¥ A•~ ~ II lij I~J I n ............. E.n••qn N[4l01 PUBUCNOTICE D1070 NOTICE OF DEATH Of VERA N. JIU'RPH£Y MD Of. PETITION TO ADIIIJGSn::R ESTATE ..C. All~ To ..U heua, beoehcaar~. c recillon, collluiQ&lll c:redal ora. &Dd ~noiiJI who ~•Y be otberwLM mlereeted IJ\ the wt..U o r Nlata of Ver• W N ur ph.ay, decedent A pehhon b.. been ltled by P•tnc a• N.zlde tn lhe Sllpenor Court of Orano• CollDIJ requa.~mq lbal P•tllc:l• Mulde be ap poiDted u penooal rep~-n t•hve to admiDwer the Nl•t• of the clecedenl The ~hhon requnlt ~tulhonly to •dmm 1.11er the eslale under the In de~ndenl Admmutr•lton of EatalNAc:t A hMnnQ on the ~llhon wt..U be held m O.pt No 3 •• 700 C1v1c Center Dnve WHt. S.nta Ana, CA 92701 on AllQ 18, 1982 ••9·30 • m IF YOU OBJECT 1o 1he qr&ollD!J"Ot W.. pehhon, you 1hould e1ther 6ppe4r 41 the hearLnQ Uld st••• your ob,ec 1ton1 or hie wnlte n o bJechona wll h lbe court belore the heanno Your •ppe4r•nce m•y be m ~r.on or by vour attorney IF YOU AR£ A CREDIT OR or • conllnqent c:redltor of lhe dec:....d, you mWII hie your c:I&Jm w1th the COilrl of p.-ol 11 ro the penoo•l repr-ntahve appoanled by the court wtlhan four rnonllu from the date of lual lUuance of Jellert 41 prOVIded In MC lion 700 of the C•.hJorrua Probate Code The hme lor hhnq clatma waU nol eap11e lW•or to lour month& from the date of the he•nnq noltced abov• YOU MAY EXAMINE the i1le lrepl bv 1be courl If you •re a penon •nter~~Sted m th• Mt•t• you m•y hie a requeat w11h the court to tecetve ~~ c:••l nolle• of the hhnq of the 1nvenlory ol eslale •-•• •nd ol the pehhoca. ac:counta and reports desc:rtb.d tn Mellon 1200 5 of the C•hJom~& Pro bale Code Attorney lor ~tallonet l1pman & St•r • prol~on•l c:orporataon by. Gtlbert G l•pra..~~. Attorney •' law 16133 Venlura Blvd Sutle 920 Encano CA 91436 2444 (213) 788 1850 PubliSh July 28 Auq 4 II 1982 •n The Newport En ~·qr NE4t;.4 tU IUC IIOT'ICl NO~ 0T lll'tPTIOtll TO IJtCACI. TlllliAU 0' A1oCOtiOUC KVOIACD w .... "" " ..... C' ncetil' Suo~· .,...,.~ ot '"'--I.e•., .. •ppl..d I • "'''K'• •• .... , ... , .t•"•n '"•' th• whd•• IIUJ,.ed pr P..,>Nt &,II ~~~ .t ·" I+• be"··~ ....... ,......... ... ' bot 1 U •• ll• •• 1 .. f •• ,. •nd c;h.., Sfol•r 'I .., ..... , St ~ •••••• o-.... , .. ,.u. "-'• lh •••••• ,, .... •PJtl,.,r.C) to• O.r•r'M•n AK"'A""'te .. ••••.;• C .,,,..,, h • u• .. IK• I •f'l ak ~..Joe IN••••l• ~•"• e.,., ... ..,.,, • ._,._.. •• t fL -.. t l 0. s... .... ·~d w ..... , bh• l..hiiQ,. ., l'.bl,_. lw•• /0 A ... • r .......... ,, l • ..., ... PUIUC liOT1Ct fiCTtTI04IS IUSUI~ IIAJU: STA T0U:WT ... cj ~· t. •• .,., ., OAT 'H()Tt tAA. t c.: , ...... ~·-CA ........ "'\ I • I .. I),.. J C c~ .,..._,. ., ... ' •I C '' • S.. .. ~4 • ., ( ~·· • /1 , .. ,, b ••• , I h ,. A .... •• ,,. .... ._,, • I •t ,, ..... , ""IUCIIOna .... Urt AltO IIC'QDCifT U0 MIA I. T1t u~or nt~ AIIIIUAl ITATDIIJff TIA& OIOl1> MCOUCII 11 ••t ., ,, .... _. •A•·•""·•.-• "' .• ~.c. ~ ........ tf c ••••. o ........ p," ~-c • .,... ... 1"8 ......... ,.) .. I. ... "'' ....... ~-·····I ,.,_ • C ............. ...,. I .... n A ......... . ...... ,, ............. ,,.,. .... .... ....~......... ., .... -~ U _ .... ~... ••JOI .. I ,_ I IM•,. • .._ I lr-_ ... _.,,_ • -Ill t-iO..•-.. c_., .............. ..__, ~·-· -.10 •• ,.;. ... I ......... ,iilfil ......... . '-t~ ""• IJ c:..i I ......... a-. .... , ~ ... \ t ; Ull '""'' '"' .... I, .. l lal ll II '" II lit 71~ ~-~~ ) ......... ..., ._....._ ____ + m-llooto.A.....,. ._..,..,_......,. n ..,...,.,.. .. .._ c-_...,..,.,..,c...w.-;. __ .. _ , •• _._, ........ l A ........ ..__.._._, ._..._.~'-!I 1•11 a 4 •"'-'- ~.:mea JeOnaiOtr ,...,. auu T-· '*' D4ll 0.. a.. It 1-111 II • a f- ,._. •• T .... t.w-e • • c~-...... -.. t.-... t..c-'h·-... ...... ....... ,,_ ... '"-' ~ a.. ... T- _...., ~ A v .. -w ... ~tot ...,. _ .... ,,4 ~-..... ·- ......................... 14 ... Ott o&l .,..... .. 0...... c...~,. c.l;..._ ..... ....-.. lW --....... o...... ........... -... Moo J ,., .. '-'"-' .... l2tl. ....... 142?t. ...... IXS ... Olbc•ol ............. ~ .. .,t ....... .. ..... -........ a... .. t ........ .. ,,..1.., • ...,,.. loo -lowl...t _, "' •~~a u-.104 a--"' A-·•.. • ., .. &.,.,., eiMoc~ ... ,....._ 10 ....t T•-4•••• "• • tnA~• -... A&IM.H'l61 ...... • 11•l4 01 t.d.t~ ('.-...... lfU~ Vt • •t. .. 01 t.dret•f M¥11\Ql. •ftO to.o M AIIJC ... tU . .!h do•.c"..a..d u. , .... -'•J• .. tU •••" .,. tt•K • tv r •• _. ~two•,. Ttt .. Jn '"*•"'-• c .... p.t,a, 1\.IC'•.t ..... ,. a.... '"'~ 14••• ,., •lie C••• ·~ S."'" A.,. ColltoriOW oll ,.,., ro<Jhl 111w ,..... •• , ..... ~.,..,... '"' e.~~~d ·~· ...w bw •' wa4.' ..... o..d of Ttw.t •• .... ptope• ly ..,....,... 10 ...., Cooo••• .... Soolo doc•...., oo t...o ) "'Tre.;l ll5oZ •• lllo c .... "' ........... ...., .... - - fOCIN"-tt ....... Ill ... .,. s 7 •• .,,_.. ,~ w.....,.__ .. .._ .. •!Oe c-••• .......,,.., .. ....,c ....... ................... .:.1 , .. ~ • .,toe" .... , •• ~ f4oq ............. _.. ~ ..... , C'Oa dtoel04 I..U A •~~-~~~ cto Do•.d W••••• ••4 ~ 181'1:Z MecAr tl>•• 11-.d S..••• l4S lr••,.. CA 91715 0\r.c.t.....,.. It) liN a.b.>v. prop.rty ,.., '-*-..«Md b, req.,._.tftQ .._. ._.. WhH ... hoe th lMa M.te..._,Y ., .. .._. 10 ct.y-. tr-o• the lu"' p-..bLcallvn ~ th.,. n.ul.c-• S..d ..U. "'"' be .....,. ••lhu.\i.l cov• f'ant ~• ••u••lv ••P,.. ur l•pJ~ ... 10 111a. ~n 01 •neu•braa~ •o M t&aky ·~• wft~Ntrd b.l•..nce dve OD ,.._ aCMe ut not_.. ..c~~r~t.cl by .._.., o..ct ol Tru., 10 ••I Ul6 2•2 97 pl .. lho lc,JUowu"~ .. h,..J.d <.t.~ot•_. ••peO... •nd •dv•oc" •• I h. · 1m• \ll th• 1n1h•l p~bt.eah"n ol lh., Nut.ee ~• S.t• Sl,liiO S2 NOTICI TO PIIIOPIIITY OWNIII YOU Alit lN DIFAUlT UNDU A DUD o r TIIUST DATlD Dl C H 1980 VNUSS YOU TAU ACTION TO PIIIOTICT YOUII PIIIOPtiiTY IT NAY U SOLD AT A I'IJILIC SALI l1 'YOU NUD AH UJ'LANATIOII OF lltl NAT\1111 Or nn PIIOCUDI.NG AGAfNST YOU YOU SHOULD COli TACT A LAWYtll O.iod lui• Jl I... r .... Aaoroeu T,tl. 1-.wral\t • C epa~a., • C•l•l· Ul~ ·orpc;u••.o. Oar o, ... ,~ Auth ,,...,d Ott.c-•• 114 [ r trlh S• S. •• An.• CA. 9110117101551 U ll "-bh•h ho~ • II A .... q • .U ·" n . -. ... ,, ln•'""' Hl44t PUioiJC 11011CE MOncx cw nvsn::ts uu TID4 0.. AwQ 1S 11112 •• 10 • a S...non..A•••K=•• lapr.-'-crow COfttpan• klr .. tlY ~a"•• M So" ... •• c,, ... S..Ctow Co.pa.a.., a. T~ o' Sur-c ... ot Tuu1.. "' $..beht\lted Tru.lt .. o l thet ~n .. -. o..d ol Tr\l.ft .. ocut..t b,. Tho<a ... l lkll ood s.,...,. T lkll enol rocordod lOlly 17 IIlii u ............ 00 237i6. ,. boo• 14140, p.qo 1671 ol Oltt<ool ll..,.,rd> of o •• A~ CQt.UU, c.t,lortl.. •nd p .... •t.~•.ft• to tha t ,.., ••• ., Notw:e ot O.ffr\tll •ad E.a.ct..o• 'Q S.U lhet•uq6,.t teeord .ct A,pul 15 1il2 .. lnatn•••al ao 112 llM61 •t Olhcool ll.rord. ol ....t Cot.~oty ••II wader &.ad. pwn.-..ut t<, wid 0... ol Tt~t .. u •• ~he •to~~c ,...,., k.rr ~ lawtwl aoeev ~~JI '"• U•t•ed s.... . A .. ,.... •• , ... hOAI •oha~K"e' to th• "'""'~ •wtt-.~ 700 Ct•K" c •• -.. o,,,.... w .. e S.et• Au C•blo.... .U ·k•• '"'a' ,,, .. ud t.a ....... 11:'00 ... ..-d M AA-4 .. O• b.W b'r 1l ._a-ce., a.id o..d :.ff l•-.et ._.tiM propet '• ...... ted ·• .. td c~··· aad St.•• .. _.>bed .. A ~ .... -P•-"' l•, u"'' M-4 ·• ,...,. .,...... c. drua..a.~o~a Ptot«"' ct..c .. ~ •• th,l c•l"t.alA Coo~a•w• """" t~rd.d a -• 10791 -· Sl c.t Ott~ .. l ll.rordl •• lw oJihco .,. •h• c. ..... ,. A.r~ ~ OtaA~q• Co...At, (twt.:h -... M ... Q ._,.,.., • ._t , ... rr.d •" .. th• Co.doa,Otlifa "-a.a •od •• d•hned ·" tkfrl c.Mt.a O..CI.t•l~ cA C:O...a..A .. Co•d••~ and .._,..c1..._ n• lui M.•p<:•tt Creel Hoe.euwl\en Auo-••hOI! r« td.d ,o boui 10l41 ~· 69) ul O+hc\oeJ R.cotcl.t of O u n44 Cow.••,. ••d •• A••ftd••at , .... --otded •.a boo'- l0la4 IMCI• t61 .:>1 Olloeo<~l &.c.,rda af\d •• AMRdNenl t«utded IQ book lll'19) P.CI• 511 ol Ottoc •oW IIIK'ord. t ·,n. DwLAt•u<ta'·a •od the O.Cl.tt• .on IJI Aao•••llott k>r l.cM 4 ot Trect 7117 tU-• DK"-••ht.to ·JI Aoo•••l,ott.) "tc"Orclod <><• 18 lin •• brd IOJ8l ~~ !St ,J Otfl-1.: ••• "«t•tcb 1n 1~• vUft'• I 'h• C""''•'• "-c~t~rd•r ·f Ou•o• Cownty bl Aa ~otad ... d.ct I 401:h n••••• n er.d ..,_ lk.. C)MMt • ., .. •• dat ... ..t •• 1M Dk'-taiND t.ad ID tt.. O.C&.taltoG ·I A.a"••••te.4 ~r~roe .. o Lot 4 t fr-.r-t 711' •• ""' ... p ...-oodod .. -· J01 p..o.M \) ••d )4 .achun a t M..aoc•U•~ .... Meva "' .,. llllttee "• Cwatw "~ tdeot ~ ou~~ Ccvo c, La,. "'-"'• .......... •PP"•le•u• MJd Uo.t l54 ..U u .or• •JMI"""LI.Cel.lY d .. ..., ... " c~ • .., ... ,.. •M .... o.c ..... .. hh A "-" ••ca.-. ...... ., •• , to ., .. .,_. "" ..... ,.., .................... .... pt~l ,..._,.a u ....... Or tniJ '" d...tot-1 "" '"• tou.-,.., _,..., ... ~.~,., 111 Lt I t Tt•cl ii'SJ ,.. pe-r ••P •• orft-d L.. • • 2 ,...,.... 1 q .,. ,.,...,_ t W • ...... f'I.Htt W..~Jo• '.n)fd.t • o. .... <l. ( \llf'IIO, C•'•"'Uf\•• U C£1"TINC. O.lll"ll0 1o4 oho• pot , " ..,. und 1'1 ~ ·~ •u._ ... Perc•l I •• •"~ -· f' • .....,.. ..... tdA4 ta .__.... .. •·~ 41 ·• P.,, •I W~ "' •II• ltt.c• ot "• C(l ... nl"t """ •<~•• o4 Or••o-Cuwn ., c.,,, '". t1l l.,t,. 1 J .rd I rl T,.,,., 71J1 u ' •• .,..t' .. fi-.d ,,. Dr-o• 4()tt ~ \I • ·f 4 I Wr• •"•~"~•·...t\lt N•ro •· I, t h . o• Co"'"'• c.l.l· '" .. I J C FPTIN<. O.lllfriiON •II ·~I J•• •·r•u·• •1\d •'-•• fllyd~.te••IIMt"• w-•-=·· • "-Jt'" • ~ ... , ... ~ .... . I :tilt• ..... , •• •• .... ,. ............ •" ........... , .. •.Ccwd n .. ,., .. ~ ~..... .,...,.. ,.. ·~ "-...,,..,.,. .... .... pr 1M•'• •• ~•••1• C'~'' ...._._ ,, a...c.. CA ....... Pl ••• ••J .J,.... .. . M· •I• ,.,. • ,..,..,... ,.,,,.... ~ ... *'- b• f'd.-r; •d ~ •• , A•· iCU• r.,. ....... ,. ··~ C-vt r•••••v• •• Allvt••• '" •• lot ......... , ...... H ....... 1 '··· NOI-.1 lo•~ UOI r NoQiot..... tt.. leo .. ,.._,..t,.. CA 11:2404 0U4JC"tl(. ... •o ..... ...,. ....... ~ •• .,.1M ...... '" .................... ttl .,.. .. .... , ............ ..r .... y ..... " 10 ........... .. tM l1nf ~t~•'IOft tof 1ltt·• l'tOUC • ..... ..... ••II M .... etf~w.,.t co ...... , ... lt • .,., ........ Of ,. . ......................... ,.. . ... C'WMIIiU•M.. to ........ ,... llrlfii ... MI -.. ........... WI •h ..... '" ..... ....,. .. , .. '" w.ct D..4 of Tt.... •a wn ,_. 1110 oo .~.. ·~· '•""·•~• .......... CUlt' ...... -... Mil •• • M •h• .. ._. ''" ....... . ,,........,,... wt lltt·t M ·•oc• .. ~ ........... _ ...... ·~· ·-·~ .. "-· •"'" .......... ,, "~ ,.. --.. lllo .ft ......... .... t.."'-,_ ,.a, I IIU .. .... --.., ....._ ......... ., _, ...................... .. _....,_.,_ .......... - YOU AM • DUAULT UICDU A 011D 01 T1IUIT DA TID W&. T l 1•1 UIIUII 'fOU TAD AC"nDDf 1'0 PliOTIICT TOUt ...,...., rr MAY .lkJLD AT A IVIUt' &AU. 11 1'0U .... .. I'U\..AilA f1IC* 01 r. IIAJVU CW tltl ~ ~'IOU 'fOU LD a. tAC"' au wna ..... W. a I ._, _,j~ .__ ...._ c-..... ..._., ._ .. ...........,. a.-...... c:...o-.r -.......................... ...... , ........... .. .. .-..e-. CA CJ ...... , --.......... ........... NIUC.ot'ICI -nctiiJICNI---.. ~ ......... _ ...... "'""-•• f I QmeoMI a ~-.. ~--.. ........ ..._........_CA_ .......,,, ~lr .• UI.ohoo Oodto. ,...,..._ IUo. CA _, n......_ ............... ............. ~··o...... ,, ,... __ ..,.. ... c-tr a..~~ ... o.-c...... .... lr lt,IIU ~ l...ty U ••• A,.. 4. II, IIU .. n. .............. PIUlt7 11&411 ..-..c--=a , .. 111~­IIAM&UA,...., n . ~o~~ow....,. ,.._ .,. """•" ~>-·-eo IUl. WU Y'DIDUIQ. 4MZ ....... _ , ....... c. tl715 w ..... ,.......,, .-a Pw--. bv-. CA W15. OW..M W.""-11 .eG ,_,_ -.~n.-CA mss n... "-·-.. OMdooctod "' • _., ................... w ..... ....... n... --tUod _ .. '" c-.., c ....... o. ... ~ c-........ ht 16 1!112 l'u.bltalto loolr 21 at. A... II. t81l •• n.. ............. ,. !13473 II1JII ......~ -""''''.,._ Ma.STATDa:Wf n.. lctlloooww9 ,._ ... ....... ha.-.. W1LOO DIDGT IZ·I. »0 .......,, c ..... Dn ....... aoo "-1 a...do CA GeiO' ro.ak I DIDMeto. 24111 s... v-.. t.a• w-v-.cA.-J n... ......_ .. ~ .... "'. ..................... Soq.d fr&d I O.OO..Io n. ... _. -1\led .,"' tho c-.1y o..• ol o.......,. C-..ly 011 lw ,, •. I Ill hbbalt l...t' 21. <II. AwQ II, I IIllO n.. .... ..,... .. '-• , 1121117 ICI424 PUniC JeOnc:E IIOTICI CW 111USTD'I t.AU: No TT·l141 TOV AU Ill DCJAULT UNDIII A DUD Of TIUST DATil> SIJtT II. IIIII U'lfLISS 'fOU TAU ACTIOII TO PII01'ICT YOUII I'IIOPPT'Y. IT WAY U !IOU) AT A PUKJC SAU 1r YOU lfiiZ) .u r;ut.AHAT'IOH or TKI JtA 1\JU Or l1U PIIOCUDtNG AGADIST 'fOU 'YOU SHOULD CON TACT ALAWTD 0.. TIOwndar Awv 12 llll o1 ll lO • • I'~·· ,.,_.,., o..d Loe. A.MOC~t..-• C.W..,... COt .,..,.,_ .. d..Jr -oo.t Tr..._ ....:~., .ald .,...._ ... to o..ct o4 T,...,., ~ 5.po 17 IIlii .. ....,., Wo 11n1 booa t.m. -1n 1 o1 01 loco&! l.ocorda H«ul04 loy ll.. ... rd I 0.!. ud ~ Oat. ........... ood ...... """' ......... ~r-t•) .. tile ott-ol '""' Coaatr ............. , ol Otaavo C....aly Stille of C..W..ra10 '""' •JI •• paw.e ... ~ 10 ........ b.W.t lor c.M (poy.W. 01 1cao ol oolo •• t.wflll _., ...... u ...... ltei.o) ., lA• lto•l of ._ ~ Tllnlt oacl l..>on IM.•Id1n9 •• 102 Wat ''"' St Co ty ol TtU~u.t 54••• of C•htorn•• all noht htl. &Ad ••••r ... ~ .. .,ect ro •nd ~-'-e&d by 11 vnd.t ..,wj o..d ot Ttu..t lD the propellf •••""'-•ed. •• ...d Counh• ••d S..i• deetnb.d u Lot 63 ol Tr•cr No 'IOJI. M por rup fiK'Orciod U> loot n1 p&QM lJ '<l 1t •ndvaav• ol Ma..a.c.Uu..ov.a .w • .,. '" , ... uihc• cJ the Cou..aty Record•• ot w .d CC*Dt' &..ac.pt all o•l ol.l uqhll ••o•t•l• •AA•r.J uqhtt aahu&.l 9 .. nqhtt &Ad ota.., hydrocarbocu by wk..IJioet"\<er ••••• OOWCI t8•J .... b. •tl111ta Ot uoc:Mt .. .ct lead •oqe;ch•r •ull •"'- .,.,..,"•) t~<QkJ of drJL.ao ,.,., .. Q •• ptoua9 ••d oper•u•v lii•••Jor eed ttof\aQ 1.8 aacl r..oW\aQ U.. .... ho. ...,.! t.ad Of .. , .,. ••• "'... ,.d...t.q the nqhl to •tu~ Of ciJr«UOfl~h .jr.U ood ata• h-loado otllor ,...., tko. hr•.eaabowoe drelcrlb.d od or o-.. • ••U• '"' ..... ud. .t.akt tato throu.o• \II art"l~ th. tvblu,-....,. of t .. LuM:f • .,., • .u.o .. doer...,... ud 10 ""'- '.K" wltr•pet.X:ked ot' tt..-.c1 ... .Jiy dr~ .d_ ...... , ..... .-..ad ....,. .. ~ aad ~ .. Jh {,It '-ro-d tiN ..... .o. 1 •• , .. •b•r...,f •-.4 1.0 rednll tetvaa.t aqoup ••..a•••• r.,..u de.p.ft ud oper•M 4.0Y •~~M:Itl ..u_. Ot • .,_ Wll"-c>WI *'.ow.,.., tk• UQ~I ~ d_uU trior• •• p&o•• •nd ope.•••• t~~h the •u•tace "'' th• -.p..,.. ~ .... ot ............... c. ol w Mt l•rtd .. ~..C bY llle ltYtlle Compaa• '" •• t.wru._ ... , .-....,rded Doc 23 l97l ....... g!H] 1>0<1• 1 .. Olt.c.a1 ~·rd.t T'be '''"I •deb ... •ad u4h.r crtM "'"'" d.M1qnAHOD 1f any ut U•• , .. 1 pu~u-rty ~ •bo" .. pv.rportM 10 t. 1141 ....,port HoU. D11 .. to .. ~ • ....,..,. leoch C•blor 010 9l660 ne und.reHihed f t'"' .. d..-rl.tM. •A'f ,._.btht¥ tot ••• ID('Ottecta ... of "1h• .~, .... ..:kl.-.. •MI «Wh•l ~OMMVQ d.a.Qil•lwn tt ._., tho•• ta•r.•n S..od wlo .nil IOo aodlo boot wolh""l ("O¥·ft·ftl 0' .. uuty U pt_. Of •• p.l-.ci ,_..q•t0..9 1itle ~ Of .~r-..cw. to ,..., ta.. ,....,..aq P••<"<..-l ..,. of lito --<•1 -urood by .. td o..ct of t n.a.t ... ta. .......... h••_,. .,. prn•td.ed 10 ..... ~1) ...:l"•w:... I ••• ... , ,.._ ••.-.. ot ..... Dood cl T.... ..... ..... ,.. .... • _.,_.._ ..I OM Tf"\\...ttloee •.4 of 1tr.. ,,.._.. cr..,_. by ....d o...d .. y,..., ., • •k a.ao••• , .... .t:»h __ ...._. eo bo I lOll .. , l2 '""' bo.,....,,.,l' ....... , w..t 0.. of r,"•' ...... oto,. ••.c"•H ••" ~.-• ..-.a to u..~ ... u ... Docl.oro,_ of DMo.lt ..., ~ lor Solo ud • •nl-....,_ ., o.to ... tol • ...t o.c•-to Sell n • ....-.oq-••.....t .,.,. Noooce of D.4...U ucl El« •a.•n 1 S.U t.,;t b. tK ordtld •• tk co...n '• •"•••••• rMI P''I'Jfl'e'ty , .. auc .. r..t Do•• lviY 6 1912 ~t. t ~~-• ,...f\1 And l.u•" Ateoe ... I14Jft .. ....4 Ttlll .. , .. b..,,__.,,.. C Vuqv•• A•tt '•"' "' • pt.,..d.ftl 1120 S llobrert~ ll•d Lot A~ool-C A 9ClO.l& W l) l H otn7 Publt•h lwly ~I ll Auq 4 'M.I•H n ....... po, l n•w:rn SPS ~5184 Nt:t.Kl 'UI UC IIOT1C[ .... ncTtTlOUS IUSIIItsS NAMI: STATDUln Tt• t· ~ .. ~· ••• d_;,,.,, h,,;_ •• OUI TUSTIN INVD'TOIIS H U JJ, -1 S. ... .....,,, a..., It CA •160 •. .,.u ......... ,... f..,. •••• , ... ., ·~·4 J/•4 s ...... tl .... ._ CA •*"••~~~ r"'. ~'4... ..... . • _. . ..., -... . _..~_. , ••• .,. .... r S •• H AJM•• H.~ • .,., f\..,. telA •""• I -..1 ... ,t,_ • • c.,..~ c... , ( ,. ,.. c ...... y lw•• I) I..U , .. ._...,,_ l .. t• 4 J • ,. A .q 4 IIIAI•• TIOo -,..,., t . ·t r 1'llffl lflt<M Pl1llUIC IIOnct: ..,., ncTmOUJ IO'IIJitsS U.ITo\n.&lff h • ..................... ., .... "CI ._._ .. <;WO CONPANT -\ NeC"Arlhor c-•• a • ., .. tOOA ..._...,..,, .._, e........... ~U~Mo h. o.-w-.. 0.1 c.. • o.~o-r o......-... ......_ .. ..,.. 4M6 w...-Atlh"' Cwtt S..too IOOA .._.,.,,, ....... CA ~ "'" ......,., • ...,. • r~fM'"W .., • C"t~t ,....,~.., ..._,... U T JIOv.,._ Ill ._,.,.,. Or• w-noOttC.. n ...... ...,... _.. ,..., ..... , ... e ••• c""' .,. o.-c....... .. ...... .10 ltal hW .... ~ .... U II • Att<~ 111)1) "'--= .cmc& , ........ _ ... ".,..... ,_ ...... __ .......... -·""·~·-o... ........ ~...._. CA ... a...,......_.._,c. ... . .._, -tii W ..... . ._ .. c-c:..-.. til no....._.~ ... .. ,.._ ..... I c ....... , ....... "-._.., u.... ...._ ... c. .. ...... ....__ .......... ~a.. .. o...;.,..~-.. .. , ....... ,.., '• II, a .... "" ·~ ..-ucteeme~ ....:aO/IISWIUWIALa _,., t ~·TI~ , ....... 1'0U .u1 Df ~AU\.T U... A DID OF 1IIUif OATID WAICM 17, 1-~ 10U TAD AC1'IOie 1'0 NOt'.:f 1'0Ua ...... II, IT WA'f M IOLD AT A I'VILIC tAU 1P 'fOU IIIIIXI U IIJUJIATII:* CW T.-IIATUI& OF ,_ NCCIAIOIO A~ YOU. 'IOU IHOUUI COM· tACT A LAWTII a. ...... 1-........ 'n. ._,_ ... ,.. .... eo.-, ... ~ .,.......T'r_ ......... ...,_ .. a.. ............... 17. l..O _... A,nl ..... -lMl ... u-. .................... ~ hewtl .................. ... C.....ty ........... o.._ eo.. •• ,. c.l; .... " •Ill ... Ill ........... ·--.. 1114 ................................... . .,.,_k (p.r.W. &I ,,.. ol oolo ,. lowf..t _..., ol tM U1111od Slot•), •• IM .... ,., lrMI •truce 1e th Old o.-eo-., e-.u.o ..... .._ ...... t!OollOO ~""' W• S..t• Au llwd (ltw-tr W• W. II), kAle A ... c..w. ...... ..u .............. -- _..,.... IV a~-iOoW ..., II ...... ..... o-.1 ... ,,..... ...... ,._ .. , ................ c-..., ....... .. _..._._ A .............. ,. .... ool""' ~ """~ ... t ....... ,.,., ..... c.., .,........,,.....,.c......,. ... o.._. ........ ~ ___ _. .. Ill ..... 1117. -u """ ., ol .... _ ... _, .................. .... c ..... ..,.._.,.,....,._..., ,.._,or .-.I-,_ .. ..._ ..... ~ ... n.._....,..ud __ .... "-'4--tl •• ,, ... Ute .... .,._.., ._.riiMol .......,. 10 pu,._... 1D k 2230 VIole Dor.... ll'tw...,rl "-'li.CA n. ...... ,... .... Tt.-d~ .. , l..aditr ""' .. , ,....,....,,_ o1 '""' tlt ... ...,_ •ltd Oilier .,__ ........ -..... , .... _ .... ..... SAid Mloo w.U be ........ bill wltlloul ~ual C» .. ,.._..,, eap•-CK •• ploecl r .. aJd iJIQ lilt., -· or ....,wabr•-· lo por tiM Olftp.ld beluco ... , ..... -.(t) -~rood "' ....d Deed of Tr ..... 10 wit 117l.l04 07. lA· clvd-oo pi'O¥Ided .. oood aola(•). od ., .. .,... <I &af. udoJ tlo.e ,.,_ ol ...., Deed ... ,, .... , .... etllol-....... -ol tl<o rr-.. ,..... ol •~• lnuu .,, .. ..., by oood Deed"' T ,..., n.. IOoMiicoatY ....... , oood Dood of T"rtrael '-•r•tolo•• •••e:•ted ••d d.~ ...... 00 .................. ··- Docw&llcM of Dotlot..., .... O..&lod lor Seie ....... --""""" ... Doolaltll &lod Doc:t-to S.U Tb ...... .....,_., O.W-...,.! llouce ol Dtoi...Jt ..... llooc: t-ioS.U to !Ootoe ........ !ll._ " ....... tile .... p._ .. , .. locotood T......-ot ...... coaoi•c ... q ..... Tille ......,_..., T""" c-...... 100 N w-So S.e10 Au CA lt2'7Q2 AtiN ,_ lo,c• w.u.... ('714) ts3 :aa30 0...... ltol, 77 llll Tilt. t-1--. ud Tr ..... c-,... .. -T...-,.,,_w.u.... ~ A0011 4 II lt. 1111.2 ta n.. "-Jtort "-". ICI4IZ PVIUC JIOl'ICE • Dl101 MOneE OF DEATH OF LOU O.VU.CDZO. alia LOUIS O.YIIICDZO. alia LOU P. O.vuecEIGO. aka LUIGI O.wteaZO. olrG LP. O.VIIICDZO. aka LOU O.VIJIO AICD OF PmTIOM TO 4PIGIIISTEil ESTATE MO. All~ To aU hetn, beoei~ea.an•. c:redllors, cool1.ogeol c:redll· on of Loll O.VI.nc:eoao, ab Lowa O.Vuu:enao, &b Loll P O.VID~. &b Lwga O.VIDC:.DIO. aka L.P O.VID· c:enso, aka Lou O.V\DO, &Ad ~nou w'-o aa.y be oU.er· wi8e IDterwtad 1D IAe will aodlor ..tate A petlbOII a... bee~! bled by C.th.noe Gupano ID the Su~nor Court ol Oraov• Co\Uity req~iiiQ that C.U.· enoe <lupMYo be appomted u ~nooal repr-l&ttve to ed.mlouter U.e •••• of Loll O.Vioc:enao. Corooa del Wat, C A The ~hlloo re· qv•lll autb.onty to ad.awuater the •••• under lhe lnde~n· dent Adm.t.n.~alraboo of E.laln Act A b .. nnv on the pet111on wlll be held ID O.pt No . 3 at 700 C1v1e Cealer Onve w .... Saot. Au, C A Q2701 on AllQ 25, 1982 at9 JO am IF YOU OBJECT to the or&DhDO of the petliJoD, you. el»olll.d ettber ap~r at tile h .. noo aod .tale yollf ob,ec:· IJou or hle wnllea ob,.C:UoiiJI lritll ta. cour1 betore tile hM.rui.Q Yollf ..,pee~anc:e ... , be ID penoo or by JOlU attonwy Ir YOU AB.I A CIIDIT · 01 or • connaoeat ~lor of !h. d~. }'Oil •Wil W. yo1u c:J.ua wttb lbe cour1 of p,_l II lo the permul rep,..,lehve appoiDied by the cour1 w1t..bill lour lllOIItlut from the d.ate of ltrat --.nee of letters u provtded m Me· hon ?00 of lha CaliJomJA Probate Code The ltme lor hlino c:le.ta• wLII oot up1re prior to fo~ar moatlut h011t the d.ate of the b .. noo oo!IC"ed abo~ YOU WAY IXANINll the flJe kept by the court U YOIA .,. a peno.o LD.te,.....t Ia tll.e ..a. .. , you ... , (0. • ~ W\~ Utta coun lo rec.,..,. tp.- elal aou~ of 1M hlta9 ol IU IDv..tory o! ..... ...U &Ad of the pe41110U. aeeoWtts ud f&~~Qrtl d.Knbed .._ IKilOO 1200 S oj tllia Callfonm PM bate Cod. Attot'Mf lot petlUOIIter • YCN.Ja9, H.arte, li~ II ....... .., ... \}) 0. twd. Atto.-., ....... 100 Po.caM awl w ... h.ou, CA ••• (7l4) ca.zsu. Pvlablll· A~ 4, 11, 1&. 111:1 •• n. ~r1 l.u.a• POIUC M»Ta X.. ~aw.ua ll.UII UATPmiT Th• 1-t~'Jw.•~M .. ttutt d• •"'• ""'•·•-.. C\.ONlCO 111'1'• Tw,.• .. 1-... W..n<l CA ~ o..-.•• T ...,,.,.,,. I •• r f a.11a"' lol• od CAM , ......... _ .. _ ............. . ""'~ul ........ Ow ..... T ll-... n. ·-c-.. e •••• 1 I••• i() I ,_........ ""' I "' no. '"" .. ...._t,w wll ... o ..... c;. .... "'IUC IIOTICI ~' rw:nnova~ IIMKalAn.IIT '""' ............ --....... ....,_ .,. Clfo\IIUn OAIIDCIJ AJtD WAJ..,..,....IIC'I olio CO 6 W ~ o. ... •·"" w ... e-·-a...e~ CA • O..olooo ~~;.,~.~tt-S...C•'-" ~ t.J ................. . 140\1 o....., "••~ II ..., c.,..., •. ._It CA .. ~ "'·· '*'-.... \~'--"'Mol(...., "" •• ' ......... ........ CJ .. ,,_ ..... ~ .... ... ..... . h .. .... ...... , .,., e.t...., •• ,.. ,...., C., .. ••tr c ... ~ .,,4 ()lA••--C'\lt6utW '" J\4··· JO ,._, PIOJN ... h ..... IO • I .... A•·• tWU ,., tt... ... •pw.• t,,,~q•• rl\ll•n Nf 114 I I'UIUCtiOTICa IIIOTICI OT TltUSTa'S &AU No 822134 YOIJ Alll !H DO'AULT UNDIJI A DUP ~ TIIUST DA TI:D SIPT l4 IIlii UN1LSS YOU T AJCC ACTlOIC TO PAOTCCT YOUII nc>PUn IT NA V U 101.0 AT A PUaUC &AU. "You NUD .u IU'L.AHA'OOIII or lltl NA1\Jil o r Tttll PIIOCUDOIO AGADm' YOU. 'YOU SHOULD CON TACTALAWTD 0.. A.., 13, IIIU ., II • • ..... ... , ............ s.... .......... .. di!I,_.. .... T'_ ............ ,... -•~oa...,.T ..... _........,. l$, IIlii ao .,.. M. ll7ll ..._. 14Zll. -57. ol Olbc>6l ,._, ..... , .._.w.c~ bf ,....._ L ...... _ ud lork<• D ..,._ oo ..-(•) '" ... ..,.... ...... c ...... .., llec.o .... ol o. .... c ....... , s..u. ol c..w.. .. .. w.U ...U ., ..... lc •toe•-10 "''~"'- IMOdoor lot"""" (poy.W. Ill._. .. MI. •• lowbt.l _.., ....... u ..... s..-1 ., s.....~.~< .,_, -~~-... •~~a o ... ". c...,.,, Old eo,..,...._ Cuy ol S..... Au. S!alo ol C ........... oWl <09"' IIIIo ••d , • ._,... coe..,od to ud aow hoeld b' ,, """-< Wild o...i o1 T'..,. ta 1llo property eltllafoed ~• ..... County aod SloJo ._.,>bed u P AIICIL l Looo 13 ol T toc:t No esat iA tlt• Crlr ol llowpon "-'~ ... ,., .... hl..t .. book 407 -7 10 12 lltC-1-..:l..-.. ol w..,.u .. n~• W..pa 1 w ore .. ol ... act Cove ty PAJICIL 2· "'-"'•••• '""" .. ...._ ... ..,. p.uht·~l•''' ... lortk ta lA• A.r1tc:W eetollod ~s.-.-,, .. ol t!Oo DoclouhOA ol eo.-... Coo<ht..,... .. .t llooouoc-. do«nbod •• '51."-• lo" below (tile "O..,l.,o!-1 ...O.r .. S.C..... ION4oaqt •• _ .. Amc .. .. .. ll..t .. lollowt "II.Qittto ..... o..._--u,...,_ .... c.w. T...,., -.· .. s.._.. S..•»-• .... Ia (UWIC .... I • "'Coata .... \IY fac.l.l .. t ..__ .. -., ...... s. ... ~ l£o.-·-. &Ad o. .... _ o-. c-.,....., Facslu-- PA.IICIL l &..-~ o"•' tltto lot• --by "$.&bjOC1 0....... I<JI 'M pu._~ of ... R" ..... Q ,a._. nqltrb uf Q.,.,...,. -.., • .,. ., •• .. lakir-ctaQ o..., .... •vclll •••a. tot.a .. d ......, a eet uqb.la ••• -.ote coepa...ly defu. ..t ..... Go«..-.. ,.. c-Looo Docl&t .......... ~ lA 'Su.b-r IO lttUow (olio -c-Looo Dtocl.oJ61-'1 n.. .. _. ..u.-_ ......... co. •o• cl...oa•hoa 1l ••'f of ~. , .. 1 ptOpetfJ d.ecr\bed abo•• • pwrpo".t to ""' 7 To..J&i9u Co""'• d.W lkr Co 9l6liO n.. v.nd.".t-O"ed r, .... , .. d..-••••• 4AY t~bt4ty ktt uy Locouectn ... ot ..... ttfeoet ..:td.t .. •"" otht C:OftlJtiOft d.a.oaahoe. J ._., eboW8 Ur-••• S..od oolo w.tl be ••do but wtlbuul co•enanl or ••n•afy ••P•-o• 1M ph.d req&ldt.oq •••'-proo.-...oa m •ocvabt6aelelt to p.n \tt.e re•4l•••o pr~ l'la ot lh• aote(•) ....:ac...t by .....:t o...d ot Ttw•t wtlh ••'-'•• theteoe, .. pro·•tded •A -...td •Ote(•) .dVaAC'M tl •at \&114er .... .,,,.,_. ~ MOd Dood "' Trull '-cwr-oad ••~-"'-,, th• Ttu..-t .. •~d "' "• I C ..... ('t .. ted bv Wld o..ct (}f lf ~ tor lhe ..o-.al •~•-'>'Y ..,,, •• ,_. tc 10o u r.. 121 02 n.. ....._o<,.,.,. ..ador w.d o...i I T tl!lt l "•••tolot• ••~••4 •nd ck.ll .. t.d kl ''-• o de,_, .... • •nlt.a Docl.oJ••-ol O.....Ji &lod O..url lot Sole ...t • '""' ... ....._ ul D.4. .... _. o.c.-'" Sotll n.. ...ado•toQood co....d oood Moo..,. ol DMo..to ud II« I61!A to W I ~ be ~td.d lll ... tOW.II fy •it..•• , ...... pto.,_,..,,. toe: .. .. Dotod lah 7 I'IG S..-.do ro.-..:ka.ru• S.·"~ .... -w .d T""''.. 0. SYbett~ut~ by y,f'Q,"•• Ap.uo r...t"''-"• y.,.. Pt..act .. • ~ Cor111oe A-c,..,._ C A \106XI 17l.)flll l3IO '~bl..lt . l..ly ll 21 Aw'o) 4 I *'~ •A Tb• Newport lM•q• SPS5sm PU&IC IIIOnc:E -u IIC)l"'CC; cw 'nlVSYU'S &AU 0.. ·~Q l1 I'IG .•• II • .. ,,., A. .. ntu Tule lu\ar .. w Co•~"• .. y,.,... Of s~ Trw..t ... S\&.betuuted Tr...._ ~ tU J ce rt•'" o...i ... T ..... noe..lod "" llocll<lrd W.rk Perl eod ,....,14o<f Apnl I IIIII .. &...tr..-N No 452 •• IDoo 10004 .. .. • 1207 "' Olbco&l llec-crdo ,, o • ._ eo....., c.t.~ono.. ...., .... -• 10 11tte1 ,..,... Moue• ol DMowld .-.-. __... o\prol 11 I tal oo ,...,._, llo 112 1-1~ ... Olbci.W ~ ........ c-.., .til ....... .... -10 -~ o...i ol t ...... u •• p...blcc: ·--lor c-a .... ...., -.,. .. u...... s..-.A A_..... . """"-• dtoec• pey.W. to .... Tr..- ch•-oe • wtM o. ..a.-.J ~.. • ...,. or ........ .~ CN!Ibt 'lotatOa "' • tUte Ulf ..... -&) .Y\aqlll aad to.. ........ .. ~ ............ , .......... . ,,...oa tv ,,,_. A .. •w:-•• T.&Je Ia ...,...,. c=--r lot-•• 114 l tltllt 5I ,. ·-c .. , of s.... .... ~ &II '"' .............. .. -co._,... to .. d -........ .. ........, .. w~ Dtooo.t ,. T·-...... ,....,., ,., .............. .td c..,..., • ..., S..•• .-...nloed • PAIICil. I Ueoo 1S .. ..._. on4 ........ oe ...... ~·t• ... c~ ••• -. .. ""• -..w A..., ' urn •• bo<M w~ ...... Ul ... Olf~r 101 llrocorrb ol o.-eo... ... c.~ ....... PAJIC&L 2 Ae .. ..,_.... I 401~ on •••-"' &r>d •o l..ol •"' Tr..,. No 1111, •• ......,.... CMI I ...... r~ ... ~~ l52 -ll to IS al Wtk.U..._,.. .._ .....,,. "' o..._ eo ••.• CMJor..... ~..... •H• .u •• •••••••••• ,~.,... ••c•••••• t~l'ef,.. Coacto.•••"'-• u.,,, t ""-".o--.. ................ ... ......_ ._,,_ ......... .... ln-.. •-' _ .... ... ~ ......... --._ .. -......................... _.. ---...... ,_.c... .. C-.1 __ .. ...., .... c ...... ~--~~.~c._. ,_ .. ,._ ... a-ocon...,.._., ......... ,._..... ... l1 1111 .. ..... ,..., -10 .. 0.,., ...... ......:.cmcr •t• IJ..-w'O/r .,_..AL ,....,.., OIDt.-a ..................... . ....._ .................. -· __ ._ .. ,._ .. ................ ..._ ~ -.. IAIOI:aftiDO ·-""" .. .... ..._. ...... CA-Ta.._....._ __ ....... ,.,....,._...__ ,.._ n sm .. •• c-..., .. o. .... , .. _ ......... _ .. , ... ,._ •otWJr• ................. ,.~ • c.~~ttow .._...,. --........ 1 .. 1 ·~· ""-• CA .... Alii!"' ,.._. .... c.w.r-llwted --· .a... ........ ""-P WoOL--. a... ...... ._ P..Wooll o\10011 ., II, II 2'1 li!U oa n.. M.wpott Ia_,* '1171lt Nl4n .uauc: 110nc:.t ncnnous euaun::ss .....ITATOIOT Ttrw ,, UU111JtA4 per...,... ••• c&..,.,e.q ltu•••-.. o) STUlMU AliiLJ)IIS UWITI:D PAJm(D13HIP bl STVUIID LTD I'AIITNUISHIP HII W C '"'' H•• Nv 501 N.wt>«rt .... • C A 9266) Andt.., Potc"-" II T ,,.. 1'1-t... Nowpr.rr '-' • C A '116oll. w ... Hu_._.. •n p,, pert .. I• • T • .- c~rporal .... n UUI Dv..-• S. ._. "- Ne•.-rro ..... h CA~ n. ............. _.4\ft: ..J M • ~ .. tal ... ~~, •••tit p S ,..,,.j L,~ DY•t Y~• p,.,..d.rt w..,. H ..... ta. Ph s-rhM I•c r~ .• _.. .,...., . _..j •• ,... • •• ,. "'- c"'"'"" c.... I u .•.. .,,.. Cwur ' ' 1 .. ••• I !Ill l'llllloaT).•N•,.._ ·fi t" I fl<ll91U Ht...,, ,UIUC IIIOT1Ct ltOT'Ia OT nUST'EE'S SAu: H()(I.W7 TSNvf i71W · UUOIITAifT *)l"'CC; TO PIIOrDT'Y OWilDl YOU Alii IN DO'AVLT UlCOlll A ODD <>P TIIUST OATil> NAY l lllll VMC.:S. TOV TAU A.CT\Ol! TO PIIOTICT YOIJII PIIOPDTY fT WAY U SOLD AT A I'IIWC SAU " YOU NUD AH UJ'LAHAnON OJ 0.1 NAT\JU OF THI PIIOCUD«NG AGAllfn 'YOU TOV S}I()ULD CON TACTALAWTU 0. Aoo01 2!t llll Ill lO • • !. ~ eo,..., ........ A.-.rKa ... J...Jy ap,..w..C-'tr~ ...... ...d P•n..,.nt 10 Dood ul Tr .... rcoodod .... It 1•1 " , .. , No 1'1'5Jl ·• _,~ l.OS7 -40& oA Olloc.oJ a.ordo ·• 1k oH1110e W tt.. CotoUII"t ......,.,. o1 o. • ...., c(,J"•'• s..a. o1 ca~ ........... •ak wted b¥ ""'"-....... • •• ,...d ... -~ q...... ..... .. • ... •• ... •lll ..a1 • pdla •VC"h.,.n '' htQh.., ......_, twr c..a SN.,..w. •• u•• .._ ..J. • Lewfttl .~, &A t..._ u ••• .t s. ..... , ., ~--· M'lf'" h94"• .. tr&.M.• • ,..._ c -••• c"'""~ 100 c •• tc c •• ~, o •• " w... s.. •• A .. CA •-U ·~~~ •••&. .. _. •••••_, ':'Ole ....... 10 •nd •··· b.-..d ..... l -.ad. • ......d o..ct u~ r h••• •• ,..., p.-~, ... -..ted •• ... td c ...... •ad &..·· cM.ctt}aoe4 .. ....,. t7 ,, r .... , YJI#t •• •~~a c ... o1 ~'' a.."~ .,. c:-• W..p •«cotd.d •• -· ..W -,_ ood J7 I w...-.llea .... "' .... ~ •• ~... u~. th•C"·u•h k utcNt ..... .dC~•'' n . •h .. ' ..ddr ... •ltd v•M• ·• 1!114)• ~••hu• ,; •· • r t~• , .. 1 pto..,.ny d-.. tllbed. a.b..lv• "' pu.tpot....S IO -2001 H..todo~ ,._d ..... po .. a...:o CA ~ "!'\. "a.c&.r...qaed T•~.t•i .. ~Latat t c:t.....Qa..att6• 1t ~~ .;. •~~"~ "'••• r S.td ..... u be .... .. •• ,,~ C•'-•Wat <JI ••U•II'I'\' ••J.t ... rl..d ,.., .. ,d.·~ .,,.. P'-..._.4M .,.t"'.,.bl•~" re-. lh• , ... ,., • ., ,,.rw-p.al ........ ~. I -•I _.. "'~ lh .. .c~ o...d • ,,...., -k •l\•t<tiOe u ptowld.d II" ...... • .... , ad•••c• .1 ••• .,....,, 1!1. .• ,... I -o... t T ..... -.. ._ oac~ ........ ot ..... Tr~ ..... ~· ...... ... ........ lrr -Dood ... ,,.... ... .... ·~·· t.....a....t.J. ... ... tect • ... '") fOO 00 TW t. .-.. -.an ,.,.., Mod 0..... I r... .. .... ..,.. .. ••.-c""•...:t •• J ~..,.,..., ro ·~• .. .o.re.q'!Md • .,. .,. O..lo•••· -.• dok..lo ud 0... ... lo• s..a. ...... • .. ...... ,. • .,.. ... a... .. • ...t u.cr ... .., ~u Til. .w.r...,...d c•....., w .al M<"Jt.• o...,..,.tt .... c- r.~"'• •o S.U to ...,. •ec..: rOerfl •• •a. c "'" ,, ...... , .... ,. ... J'' s-•h .. ..., .... 0.•• lw.l., '' at.aez ,,..,~, ..&. C • porat~oo • t A ... , • " -.od rr~•..,.. 11717 Co•ploo O.ow• So. 0.... C A 92111 ,71•1 m.,... "' a:. .... ,,. c ...... ,, • .,. r ....... s.-Ott"• P\a.bt••" h•IY ll A"-Q • 11 t..: •~ r~ • .-. .... p.-,, t., •• <~.. ,.., .... I'U IUC IIOT'ICl liOnel or n.usnrs sAU N· 47Wo 0.. Aw.q 21 l• .. • , t ••"~ r•r.tW • , ................... t .. .. u .... ,. ..... Ouw~ Co-"'' CCNt'"'-v- S.._ro. a .... n ·~•· ~ ...... .. wllll 0...... t T•W~t " ~· •' •••.-..t 1111 w ..J C'"JOt ' ............. LL.t . t y, .. ... ,. ..... c:: -,.._. -· ll oftd Jl I ..... • '1111• u .. --. l.rcrtO.. twod C .. "• YOU Alll IN DUAIJLt UNDFI A DDD Of TIIVST OATID /Aif tt l'f"'t VMUS3 YOU TAll ACTION TO ,IIIOTIC'T TOVJ P9101"Un fT WAT It SOI.D AT A PU 5AU tr YOV NOD A 'It UJ'lAIIA Tlull Of THI NAT\JIIF or l'Hl PIIOCIIDOfG AOAIIfSt YOU YOU 'D401JIJ) CON TACT A LAINYIJI T._ .. ,..,.. .ddt ... • d ,,_.,, "" ~ ._ • .,..,. •~ t •• , t rill• , .. t ....... ,,. ................ -~ .... • llhtt~ .. ... tO .... • a4 ••• ,_.,. C•• '-........... 1• .... ~ t:A litlJ'\ n.. .......... , .... ,,_.__ .... ............. ... . . ~"-'"' .. lt.. .................. .,., ~ ....... . ............... J .. , .............. .. ~ .... •·II Ilo--..... ••"-• .M'U ....... -.c ........................ .. ,.. ••• ~ .. -J • .. Mt'-.Aot-.)~t ... .,. ..... 0.... I f,... •'l'~ ~..-_.. ....... .. ............. . ..... ... ..... _... ... -. ., ............. .. ....o...~..-r ..... -.... ._ ... ·~ ..... y,_ ..... ·-.. _ c_.... k -' a.. M T•-.,.., ... _~__.,. ..... u » 'hot ......... , ............ o..... ... ,, .... ·~ ......... , .............. . ...................... - Ow6etlll .. o.....a -.,.__, ... ................... 4f o.-11 ... ...... n. ....... ..................... j Cllt4Ma -.. ._ ....................... ~~o ., •••• tllo _. .. ._ ......... .. O...h•l-t••• ¥ .......... ........ c.,.., ...... r_ k AJ.c.t • ........... _ ... -.... .._.,~CAt 1101 .. 118 .......... "''-• ,. ... ,... ...... ~-. .....:.:~na: fLili.,__ ..... STAl'OIPT .,.. ........ _,....._~ ._ 00 ~TWO 1\16 llltTtiM. 1*1 C.._...., T ,. CA _. ........ t--• c .... 1M1 C... ..... D T CA ... C'la•tt..• ••"'•" c,.., n••1 c..--1J T-CA ~ ,..._ ............... . _.._ ................ ........ LC-n.. .......... --........ ·~ c..ao Qt.~ ... o.-c-••• -.. ..l ... ltll ,._..... looly II. a A..,. • II teu .. n.........,.'- ".,.. AoiOl ... ~-=-.,..IT • .,..,. n.. ...,..,._--........ b,. .. _ .. m .DDS -., S r •.• ,_ S...to A-CA Ar I .no. Wola-IW-..4 0...,. ... aJ5 S ,.., •-ll.fll ll S..O• A.. CA lt10t ~· , .... II(. s.--:Mill •• c-A.,. a-.__, CA tOO» n... ....._ ... _.. ........... ...... .~ .,.._... s..-...... W..rdO.. .. n...-.... 1.-.d ..... ... c.,._.,. o..• • o..-c ..... .,. •· ly II Ullll P.ltloalt ltol• Jl 21 A.~ II I tal,. no.....,_, c.-,. ""~ n~ PII6UC .,, • '% ncnnoua IUSIIIESS ...-nA~ n.. ...._ ,..,_ ... ._ -.. THI JAZt aCHA~~G& 107 y,. 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T, ,.., • I.._ • c. ,..,.,,,... , p. • .. ~ .,. ,_ M•wp.:.rt ~d C<W• .._.. C A ~-w: a,..·u• ..._,...,._ • CA 'i.~ Tilt;• bv._,.,,.. • --i-..0 •• II\ pro•••~• StQo..d (A,.,.. A Lrc~• V.-. p, • ......,.,.; )h....,pur a...·~ ft•c. ••T~vu n.. --~-·" •-" l.t.d .,,. •• Co .... oh a... t ,-,,.,. .,. CA"'19 ~ '"' • ll 1CMJ P,IH••ll I•'• <II AooJ 4 ... ..a Tt.. N..pvr, La. .. ~,. n~~J ,,.,, PUIUC 11011(1 ~,,. 1110ncx Of' nus 1 u: s Seto.LL GTONo 071<. "" 00)610Z t...-t s.., .......... • c .. .....a.nu. ...,..... ... ·~ to-... ,,, s.. ....... .... .. .J..eh ·,:-~ ...... t....... ...... ... ... -..r, ~ J..ct oa ,,....., .. ~ -'I • P"~ ••~.._,• lo •lw Jt..Q..._. ......_. .. .,. .... ot • ... t rt. •• s.r~ ~ I •'-Ca .. J COIIIM .JI , ... .._ !':to ...... • ...,.., caa..,.... "l •~t • .WIn ............. d o...ca ... r,..., .. •• ~· ... .. ,.,...., •• J--c•·t--f Tt~ a.tt1•• W ....,._~ -.4 l ' ..... .,. D t...w-. ' •'•&d ....,. • • •• .. ..... I c l . ·-· t c ., .. ...,.. ~ ..... " .. l' ....... " .. 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(ll·p ece .. ,. to SSO.OOO Dhaa ..-.,.., ha'JS.). U25 V~eton&~~ Call 1-711-842-1000 d..un 185 .ada; tilt- at 3215 lOp welaw l&ble, 17S; CliUISI SHIP JOBS• AU pellero CJie8 puch OCC\Ap&tlaU G,..a Ul bowl (24 Cllp8) sso. ''l.ochan T .... -ciuu co-~bal. For Ul· ..c &DIIque Bollare lonaaboa call = ruQ. Sl50 16-~r&t ~ D.pt • equ&m&f\Ae nAQ &Dei phoo. call NfuDd.able o4.Mr la.blllo\1.1 ..aate HOUSIX1IPDICKU.O 1•••lry 494-9966. care W&Aied Very ..,._ 494-4444 c..l pa~ f'WJ. w.e AHTJOUE LOUIS IIV W\1.11 dnve CleenU~Q co~o~e&, aatcluoQ dlalr coolltDQ erreada I Creme hu• rMl.-ol· Refereac:.. requued ateled £ac e lleat 951 9486 \2,500 or b.-PlWI 3 PIX O PmA TOR reupholllered ~ AAawenAQ •nne• u ch.aua lacWleot (213) peneoce preferred ~ Will trau~ appllcaa._ ---- wtlb eaceptaof\&.1 ap htude .u~d deate nty 41 FUIUUTU'BE f lea able llou r• 644-1050 WONU TRAVEl &nlonaataon OD CnuAe sJup )Obe. a.ll occupa 110oa eacel.leot tDcoae beoehta Ca.ll (602) ~9,0991 eat 8963 171-esst 21UCEICSED CRILDCAJlE STATE LAW Rl QUIRES tb.t penooa who l)lovad. cluld c•r• 10 theu bome be !,c:~aa eel f or IAiora.LIOe oo bow to obte1A Lice-lll OrADQ& CoWlty c•U t71 4) 834-5172 'l7 SITUAnOJtS WAII'Tfl) DIESEL AND GAS ntec:b .. unc to aau~ta.m ... rv&ce your ya.c1ll rt-aa.bw •••• c.u 995 1125 r 995 1204 u.klor ha 291101CEY TO LOU JUMBO SECONDS Compehhve r•••• Broiler uaqwn .. lDVIIed lmmedrate luodrnq Broker 847 6()()6 MONEY WONEY Hom-oera L.oaaa by pho-2nd ..od Jrd T nua Deecb ta..~lored 10 Y0\1.1 Slt\1.11011 .:u needa CaU fa.a day DIQhl -~eocts 516 9tn WIDOW HAS •on~ tor tnDI d..ta S 10 000 "'P No c-red1t checu no peo.lry Call O.al80a A.ocw• 673 n11 IIBOOSESFOB SALE BUJR. BIDS -Bread -"'-"Y' eo~­taoa eohd wood ea ,,.. .. , •~rd, S1091 \59 ,..,,,._ S39 -..c:h tuU S19. qGeaG Sl20 (714) 962-6tll9 FOR SALI Refn~J· eralor nua ..U, 1100 S..Q& -=bOIIaJ couela. S .-ou old, eacellaD.t CODciaUOO $.450 CoJ· 1--d tablea. SIOO · Ca.U W.rlt da.ys 770- 9573. IU(Jh .. 7'i8 1523 WUST SACilLFlCEUS Oak t.droam M4. 25~ color tel-wDD. \1915 Glau droelle N t Rr~r• aol• bed SlOO Y.-rwhle aot.J1ove _, S4SO C o lt•• eod tabl... wall uaats ~lrlpool w..a.r \75 (714) 641.663J 42 APPUARCES CO LOB TD..EVlSJON. S125 ~.-c...._ SSS ICuby v•C\IIliD d ..-. S45 ott .. ,714)953 1189 NEW WHlBl.POOL Ma.rll S.r-aacrow•- ovea co.e WIOO will Mc:nJLC• &.1 SJ00 IJI clud• t•mpara.tur• pro be 20·1b cepaotv c.tl 631 487C 43 TELEV1SJOICS/ STEREOS NEW SANTO C AR Slereo w.tb apeakers aod eqwt.lu.er UJO C.U [.,.&A 1714) 60 9J06 .tter 5p,. £L£CTftO PHON1 C AM FW Wulnple:a lllereo ,_.,,.r Willa a track NCOT"der .. d G.rard 6 200 C turot•ble S75 o ffer Ul 9980 d." 644 5273 - A HOUSES FOB SAlE &.AGUilA lEACH 11CI5M C......, •M-1177 t&WIMICIL ...-nJIIn'S O .C.tiiUt!B n. c.c.... .... Celia • ~ ... .._,., 301 N.wpol1 Jhod... eo.. W... bu,. ..d ..U. ued ,...U.,. .crap QOW. clet&l. -~ C5ICid8, .a-631 -SQJ LADdS DIAMOirD SOUTAIU o-1 cara t Appreueci 55,000 Trade for c:e r lptellup (714) 750-5193 PUBUSRIJI DOIS NOr ACCIPT b&bd.lty lor mc:orr-=t lpelhnq, IJf&a-tiCal IJI.C:C:UI ~. 01 IJ'POQraplucal enou l.ll &DJ ad ... r .__0 .. publlabed 1.11 the Coast w.dr.a New. Group fOB SA1.E 1 pau aha 1 SO em S25 I pau allJ booo, ._ l SlO Oval ...... &rea NQ Or.DQ& aDd broWD willl betqe colora. SIS w-bowl U19 ball. AM7 1.11 carry Ul9 c.-W\tJt shoo. --9~~ SAMDAI -sHOIS ''H..A.PPY-FEET for &D nr. f.a.auly s..,.., IJl&&t aat-n 95-S 16 95 Dt8tnbutors waated 548-1193, 2217 Wtoer c-.w-OOJlHA)C S'T'DUNG ~t.. Sew" -o-r o.u ad Pnvete party s.a- 9149 Sl4 ooo WllSI .u LIJllt 6-pc daaner 1M tul9" eaQbl 4 pc lu..o· cheon -tiDqs plu.t 8 -..c:b .U otber pl.ce Ml tul9S plua I or more -..c:b •rvuaq p..c• -• oo lollqer rrsa.nu lac:tured Total 191 P-=-- FOB SAU RelnQ eraaor •ewe porta.ble ....... clryer Top .:oa d&hoo Re.soaable 1974 Auda f •u \1 900 1959 ClleYY rrvc:ll u 5100 714 545-5412 O WEGA 866Xl t:OL O R £HLARG£R 2 beeds. 2 I•-Coa plete darnoom SJ50 Olympu.s OW2 W1Dder 1 4 '-"-v ........ 265 electnc: lluh \.175 (714) 84.2 04.27 TEMNlS SOCIAL Tra...& Cl~ t.-aa tournameo•• parllh &nd tnps ISeqaJanen -leo me r r-n-alec ter TeADU W.tcla (714) 96l-5952 aOOES -OLD R.AJll acd out ol pnot We buy &ad ..U 'Out-ol pnat boob OIU ~,.! ty -Nat.oa-* S..rcla S.rvtce 8ool v.uJt 36112 A So 8..-ol San .. Ara.a 549 9548 A HOUSES FOB SALE WWTD ,., ... ~·-1---1•..--,_.,. 1_ .. ._.., ._.. alliiMUICIAl V-el soiDi:u-I LUIOOS I 1011 SAU· Dectnc typewnJef. -S..&IIQ -..clu.De. S&S Lrb, ftiC'tillll, -Color ---.... SIS Ill So ...... s.. .. Au. (714) 153-1- JOIDCSOif lO H P . $S!1D ~ 25 liP . S1!0 Wlaa piCk·llP ~ . .., s..... (714Jm---.-. JACUZZI fOI IA1I - la-:•ll••c-..httrw 1 ,..., oW,. PUd S3.D . ~ s.a.oao -. 1115 c.n ...._. udSpa. Sl WART TO IVY WA.HTID: OLD GUNS, nn-. a!ao4QWU. poc:bt watclil••· aulatary nrorda S.noua collec:- tor -p&J'I ao,. tl!..ua &DJ dM.ler 511-8810 ---w AHTED -USID hu == .,.. S3 APARTIIDCTS ONFORN CALL IT HOME "IMMACULATE" i)f"() ~ ~OOtT'l3 f""4'T'e0018f¥ l'lQrO • vea ~ C«.Jre fW'O ~ Beoutlf\J ponrlite te""'G wo11 •o ~ '0 ocse fO tr~ Pool hrMIOe Q1'Q8 tOrCl gas n. C\J08CI '0 Ct'XII l'leOf ar<l CCX* W'1t\ AI ~ es'T~ ore "We OflO .o... too..-. '4/CTII '0 CAUrTHOME )()nta Aro f•eewo, 'O ;j8Wpot'T A .. e e. • ~ ~en on >NdnJt ID:' lOu"' iost \1\an..' • u5' ,., 832-7870 SICOIIDOS/ TOWIOISES FOB BERT 11 BOOMS FOB REliT LAGUIIA BEACH lw 1 -..IMd roo• sm latla TV pool N011 ~ b-proM. U)IWJ -· «' 494 0451 UOfTICEI COJOGlK2AL W .urT!D TO SUB LE1 ll..al.f ol a.pproa 120 ~ l'l orlbc. .-ce prot.. I CAPISTRANO BEACH ILUtT FRONT CUSTOM HOME C.,. C<Jd ttyle p•nor aaac ..c""' .,... Own •r l·••.bt. .~ ... 1 oL~I !,r.•::cu,,q "'-~ •If r.••ds Cal. Bob A~· (714) W -3101 1970 DOOGI l 4 toa ptcltup C..par Spa· aaJ U..vy duty equip- ped A.W/TW po-r .... riDq &ad br&k• &Utoa&IIC 11&11.1 au c:ood lordea buapar ba9 Wlde be."'J·duty ttree oa rwr loon aod ruu rMI Ne.,.er burt or abu.d a-t offer Wtll I trade lor euto 644 4687 W ANT!D Late model v&D or a otor bo111e Top dolt..J paad Call Pete 497 2280 VOUSWAGIN IN GDil UiOOCC I••• a.. tie aad a-eo .. plete!, reb:uh W..IJ.d $444 494 1685 WAUTOS WAJiiTED PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCIPT ha.bwty lor aocorr-=1 ..,.lhnQ. QI&IDID&hC.J ID6CCUr ec:-or typoqrapbaca.l erron Ul aoy .a.,.., t-m•all publahed II\ the Coaat WedLt N-a Group JEEPS CARS PICK UPS hom \.35 Ava.a1 able &I Joca.J Go\f&IO roen1 Auc-hona f or I darectory cell (805) 687 6000 ••• 2234 c.ll reluod.a..ble .oo&Uy dePqzAd. •• • ................ . Qraa-..raca.l ~~ ~ ~ orww I II AJmQU'£1 PUBUSHD OOES NO'C AC'CU'T balMl.ry lor ..conect ~ -=-· or rypoqr~ f'1eub&e llor pnv-o C1ASSC CARS n ron i..ll .._..,. ad~ 1 644-4140 1l LOTS. --pe..b' t f .. .._ ______ _, ACREAGE 1!178 UCA.UBDI ta. eo... Mecha ,....... r Plwe4oo 2 toae cle•n Gro.p :. AND IC)-ACRE LOTS US 500 080 PP J22 wtSTlll.UfT ~GI PRDCE Df1YL -tor l4le CoRer hn.a.oc WWP) SJI 6844 Colo W.. "'-.fly COSTA MESAJ IDQ Wrue Stew&rl 1969 BUIC IC RrvtERA c-2 bedrooe Jl., NEWPC>RT ~h ~ Rte I S Boa Fo r111e rlv Andv bath u.r.,. Q&laq& 4S2 Ladarop W.U. NV D1vtae'a !ac ellent .waa, pool A•aal.l.ble 8902JJ tbrouQiaout Lo•ded ,.-..cbaWy Wl50 .,.., ~I>C'e .. er•u • .l!'!l Swuoof •-tar .. and '--0w1un 6'1!HJ118 ~ h• ,c;,.-o . 1: "' Yl.Dfl top W\1.11 -'-------------------•l 1 1...-: so: t.~ • 77R£Al.ESTATE u 5100 o • best oiler A HOUSES FOB SALE II ROUSES FOR SAL£ Robers ~ Eilerbea IBlJIOe ltte ""I ton~ Su-e 228 2.156l Coalt ttltf¥ Caonodlll~ (7W) ·~ [B 711 W. 17th St. Wl-4453 • W AMT !REliT OBEXC!mGE STUDIO SPAct aeed ad by -..b~A&ed ioc.aj WARTED/ 642 1701 631 4.267 EXCBA.NGE 1958 ELDORADO S. CONDO O N WAUl .,.,u. Mechan•celly W~ r•ck lor appro• Q~ QO<Jd !11.. ell 40 tt ·at>ac cru..eet Ap power uk&nQ \2 000 000 0 80 c.u o.u 633 pro• eq .. ,.., \80 t 9148 c &li 496 602J NIOATS• EQUIPIIEXT ................. .,...., y.,._. ~··•q• dw...s 1.'10400 • eq ... ~ BOAT TO SHARE Sl. r ul Hewpo ro a-co .26 -~ 7 Sur• sit!=' 1-aud m••rt•••nce C .U8JO 164& ....._. ... ,._,,a ra •cx:as oe IA&UftftOIII Now <:)ff8' •'0 Q(), at cu Corona del Ma Otflce JOHN CN!IfY. GQI .-. llp&C .. o4 appn:a lOO ~~·c.... Oor. b4J 526:' 1111EAL ESTATE lEACH IIICOIIE ,. , ....., Sp•na',.. DUP~ 1~'5 000 dcwn -~ ro b.acll $1 000 flO orr IWA!K 16 HO Bil •1tr. re• •• I •r.,j -·· L'O:a t. •lle nl r::..a"' ac~-r ft 'l~•• f .. n. SS2 836C ll BOSTON WH A U.R -4C ao.-prw•• M•· c~o.n ""'c.d•r warr•n•..- Wt•c": 5-48 •a.; 2• ._,., rNDROSE .. ..,.. DU PLE~ S.ZS 00C M • ·m VHF •-P• d.-• .., . ~· I~ u.~..i •F , ... " 1·"'111 S129 90C .2'1, baa&(' ••'II d .:>dq•r ~tt•ur,e ;aq 1: yu , r..d\ ,~.u,~-.1 S o!~~ T1'11PUX h COOO P1':.:'4PP~ t>«ll ~. -.c:~ll ead pa.rllr be-.., .,... AUDI AUDJ 1979 S()J(, S ~.,"' .. 1)<.-..... ---1.225 ooo .. c.U.ot h • lOA T SUPS 5 .paoed 29 000 m•l• ot acelleot condlllcn s~ Q95 Ca ll tulllrH ~ vmber I 800 ~ .1972 .. 1a lot Pennruv•• Ad .. erch W0819 DATS\IW 1Wl'l 2IOZ -4 SPUD, AWIN c:..-.., 41.000 au~-. ..~. coodl· 11oa 16,0001080. trade plWI cull c.tJ {714) 120-1640 DODGE 1m DODGI COLT Ruu qN&.t An cood q ....... r $1.000 c.u (714) 521-11&3 FIAT nAT 1m 124 SPIDD 45,000 .u... 5 ....... oew top 35 DIPQ, red· W., Al411W ~. 1 o..-r Flaw'-$3,8'751 080 (010 TZI) Pn•ete party (714) W -2004 le76 nAT US 4-door lac:ellent c:oaclmoa New ltree Low .W.. Wu...t -\1,850 or beet oiJer 642-1701 631· 4167 1973 F1A T 124 SPifiiR Rebuilt ea91De. -c.•l· leal c:ocdJUon 12.1801 otter (797 JJL) (714) 964 -8825, (714) §162. 6512 evelli.IIQI FORD 1979 f ORD n:ESTA Superclean auoroot raaqa ;real coocLtaoo. S... otter (317 NAN) pp 838-9457 HONDA IIJ81 HONDA ACCOID 2 d oor h 1tchbaclr 20 000 mU... llqbt bl....- wat b p aa11rap1n9 , AWFW ~· Au coodahon&DQ c:rul- c:onuol S6. 500 522· 0111 MERCEDES IENZ 1980 JOO SD W.roed.. Becz Sbowroo111 eoods IIOD 33.000 IDUee, eatre ta.nll Becker Alt/FW ••reo. ~~~-b. cb•mpaQ.a• color, Pirel u tuet t2S. 900 552 9725 1976 280 SWAN Wlute eatenor. blue uatenor very c t..n new raciW hr• mec:lumc:.Uy •• ceU.nt Wull •U O.ya 955 0623 ., ...... eocia 559 9362 Bill 1960 190 SL -8..a NJ1 IWIQ Ul 0 C 16,500 (buJ II) PP 0."'• daJ'I, 675 3012 1977 WBZ 280£ ct.. ..... coatrol. ceotral loclun9 eaceU.nt OOil· cLJ-low .U... c:ruae control AW. FN lleteo Cal1957 8071 d•,. 1919 M.BZ :ix> SO Ivery tabco aunrool new llr.. c.uette, '13 ltcenM PP (714) 557 1051 Won·f fl S.Sp m WtRCCED£5 BDZ 1978 450 SEL Brown. brown lanla.llac coDd . ltlle new Only 45,000 m•l•s \~5 000 (482 WOOl PP (71 41 955 0745 979 9032 1981 3000 Dart t>h.1 • blu• n e flor AM fM raSHIIe low m•l•• •untt•ol '"" I \Iader wartan•" Cell I Oartel 75'!1 122. 972 MBZ 280S£ LU.• new •nq•o• bod" .n •euor Man• •••raa •wner ,..\1'11 Mil 642 T/76 leen ~9• 1982 l(ICO TURBO ... ,.r b .... , ••• , he blu• S R ortho ... ,. , .. , hMda lac •orv mall MilS! Mil PP 71 4 ill 0202 I ;~t>c; JO( S[ CONVtR TIBU Ea11aord•oar" r.d ' R1 c-•nt rebw. .r.\JinP t tADI m ••• M . heltn 14d•• • n ••tber br wn top w1th while •• '"' ·• .-r.empaQn• ~a •• . . pp \25 000 0 80 At-. lur C.rv :L ~ S97 252b 213) 430 19'5~ _______________ _, ,.....,. .00 '4 ., •o ,_. '-i -Prrze w.st Boy ~han' SltOD fo-2 boo'S t...-.oda '.-d J ~001"' J ba .... '1 100 000 II4JICUtq} 4 PLE~ SSv 000 8GAT SUP • l C.n.•r "1-p< •I Her t:..,r Y••: " J•ot•" CADILLAC WLC • •tlllt~b * -..._ ... ,..._ ___ ,..... . ....,. ,_....., ~ ~IIIU~ ..... ,_ ... .,. ...... 4lil*?n J '. ... ..,. , ...... ....., ... ,nwc• ... tlld. ~ ..... 0... ....... tww..at ~000 U..AA.DIAY ......... cw.. ...... .... ..,.. """'__,_ ... ~ 119 ,......., .....,... t11111pn iQIII ,.tKtJy to ""' M .. 'I ldnlyW ----" l ...... .,. ·-_. c.• ~-~ ... --~ c... _.. 1ft .._,..., krM 000 J Oc~ and ........ , ~·-· •oom ~ bedroor-s 1 bo'~ J tq h S I :BS :::keormo•v UDO ISL£ HOMES Pr.,... l do fltord e:,o. ... 0"' t s Do!S:S r ooro'l S t bo,.., .orge 1 • --.g • 00"" , boo• \fopa '' soo Remodel.ed J Deo'oom '1 ba "' P*V\ large rec room be«Jm ,., "9\ t., ,.~. ~ J.cJO 000 u•DA ISU UY,.ONT logt:XW' -.-.,.~ 6 ~oom S bart. ..,_,.DOn\ cWI. room dr~ Bootli•p Now S l 000.000 aAftiDI COVE ~10c ... v tx.wf'O"' ....... 1 beO ,.~ 2 bo""' .. ~ 1 ~()Gin'\ 1 bolt~ down 2 bocJ' 1<1 Jft S 1,100.000 CO.,.ADO CAYS Cor~ ~ aAJ bovf.ont lo• as boot dlx• ~ ~ .. .c.ID! .... PJIQ ....,_-- ' -------- ' ~ pnde o4 er alup ........ US5 ~ ,} ,-.1.-.c.aql A.. lo)C Joe or f ra ~ c..JT >day ~Realty •m•wtmeata , ...... %2 I.£.AL tOiS La"' .... -~ ... -»-Sl~ pa• -•11 Sp.ce •••la..ble lot ,._ --eo-• s-ao. "-'" 611 2142 "'••1'0•1 a....,c~~a~ MOUIBQAT ~ u-.A.bocwd OOC:*'--- IIblhJ Olltt.¥ ~tal·~ U.l2. 'J t2tol CciiN IDDrd I C:.llla!O-., UDC•a• OM61UII J.,..., .-; 2ball\ --•a• oc;. 17AUTO UPHOLSTERY £CUPS£ AUTO UPIIOUTlJIIY 2!• wwu-o c w c~rJ>-'IS -...dhn4>n I ""1nl tept \ ,..,,.., A DeTOC'UI can W.•er .. l ~~~ " ... J.n-lnt..-><11 -orelao<t «""nora.cel yj-&46 1.211 a R.ECB.&A noM VEHICLES : 97E NOMAD tr•.,.l lla..-r l2 W>lh ••P out !&o1h .. u c.:.ata1ned ftO'Ill bech ... r b.ck. 411t1., ...ad sa 7!110 010 c.u (21 31 tz3 1874 Q"G SEVTLU OlESEl St...rp b~dr Fec•or'<' CB 8 heel& AM n.c [ac-•tl•nt c •Ddll• n .o•ll -•ota.tned l\a"'"9 S9 000 Don (7\4) 6H 8862 213) .268 4A ~ I Q64 YLW !Cll66 CADILLAC n ... W<'Od Patnr lop 111 uood cond•''"" New rN t ure a n•.. ••he u•• ~m AWIN atereo Au •bocb m rwr &II r:ood po-r bra._ •-nD9 wtado_. E. c-ellent n&aaaOQ cond• hon , one OWllet \1 400 or belli '114) 540 2198 CHEVROLET 1171 It DOil.ADO Con ""lb~ All power c.liaale co. trot. racL.t Ia. .. .-. wiA ...... IMther ....... la,ll5 c.JJ 711).0111 PORSCHE 1978 924 ALL equap m~"' l ,,.,..~ on bla.c~ •. ,,, m,t • .: ~o..od rubb-t sQ ... vo o eo c .. 1 6(,2 • 1:9"- P()RSCH[ Q.S I 11 • I • ' ~~~• P· 11K"Il• 9 I> v• fiDQ•n• Maire ol te • 932 SfL PP 714) M i l244 dayw ROLLS ROYCE ROLLS ROYCE l 97l Blec~ over lll.,.er Sl8 500 h f1ll 760 6253 l'i79''t CORNIC HI C nv••••ble W htle/ m•qnoha low mal•. d•o•tel dub, c Wflom ~••reo Beet oiJet PP (21 3) 556-3312 JUNE 1981 SllVU Wratlh hrQilDdy/ , • ., ami cof\djboa rt . (213) .. 5310 ' I 'ftUC .:met MmCIJOII TIIW1'U'IIAU l4021:1 , ........ IKmCI IOU 411 IJII DVAUl.T IIIIDU A DIIP 011 TaUJT DATil) Arsn. II ltti I1MLDI YOU TAU ACTIOtl !0 ..ontT l OUtl P~trn " MAt • SOi.D AT A ~ IAU. 11 TOll MUD AM DPLAJIA'fiCIN 0P ng 'IIA TUU 0# T1CI PllOC'III)OtG AGADIST TOU YOU SHOULD COIC TACTALAWYD 0. A~>Q :n ltll at 9 15 • • Not....-S.rv••• c-~o, • Calllor ... _.,.., .. _ .. d\Aiy ............ ..~ ,_ .......................... o-4 ol ,,... ............ Noy 6 1911 ... .... ... 1341 ... llo>ol 1.0.7 -•• , \AI OllicaAI .._.... .. ~ oll.c. ol ,.,. c-.,. ....,..,., u1 o.-c ...... ,., S... ol C.lllwra.. lb..:111ed l>y l r..a It Crawlotd &ad Aa ... Crowt.,.d ..... ...... ..., ........... .u ........... 11 ......... ..ad .. _. .... G.a.-• ····-~ 10 .. l 'l •• teo, ... .u .. t ...... ta aa c--o. w.U .. U al pvbJ.c Ath. t .... to IMo ..... booidat lu• ,_b tp.yabl. •• u.e of Mt. '" l•wt"l e vo•y oJ the Ue.t'-1 Sa.t•) •• th• h.;)nl ultaM • tv tk aW Otuqeo Co-.aty C'c..wtt~\1 .. loc.-d .... s.n.. ,..,. ll..t ...... _ ~-s. ..... ed •• tolo6d •• , S.••• A.a.. CaWo••~ &II tt9J\I ••tM ••d '" ..... C'Oa'F•'f.d hi ADd Du-W ~~~.~ by U w.O.r w .d o..d ..,t Ttl.l .. •O tb• pt~r ty ... tv.•t.d 18 ... ~ C uely •nd St.•• doo..:nbed U t...l 1 ul l lod 0 ul T•.c:i Ho !.ltt ·• ,._ ,-.,, of No.•'""'' a...c~ Ct.loll\tV • 0.~ St••• _. C.utoua... a.a lA' ••P ••"' rd..d .n Joo• &7 Pao• 1 t 1c.o Jb uadtu.J•• .A Nww:•Uan.o"-' Mtpa .,, •h• ..,u~· ,f , ... Co~ly R.,_utJ•r ~ .. ~ ~a•~ Cod.o 07.001 Pu •' .., ~J •'f n. ...... , u,M,t. .nd ,.. • eo• ~9 ... • 1 ..ny J ·~• , •• 1 propert., d e-.tla:.-.J •bo.·-.• u p\Otp-u.,d I() be 1l24 N~r•"'•' Newpoll a. • .._ h C•Mo• n1• Ttrr. .!Ad•......,"•" Tr~otat .. d>*.J.,,._, ••• ....t..l11~ I .a·.., a~uw•n•_,. 11 th ~,, .. .-lid: ... •'·d 'ioMber "''•• n "--~ ... ··..:" ".. ·~ .,. ~~· " S.td wW "' Jl bfo ••d• tau •1tth.r~• co••~pl .. u ••"•''" ••P'"• '' ''" pt~ req..e1Jmo •HI• ~~••· ,. Cl .nc .. abi•M.. v•• tb_• t•l'l••·f'l•hJ pu.ne~.p&l •\II• _,t tM n ••• t4l\. -..r .. J b-. w d o...d • r .•• , • ttl " .... ther.oe ._ r• vd~ 1ft ud • 1 .d:v•oc• tl ett\' .. d•r tft., '•'"'' t ....d D.ed I Ttu" t.... ..h••Q•• •11J e.apenaet 1.>4 !'lot l,\1,1 ... Pd •t •h• lt...ata CfN f..-d b~ w...i o..d C•l Tr1o0•l n . to .. •• ~~..~· • •h• oA.r.J.•.d MJ.a.ac• t ,..,. l ..,. tu., ... ..,,.,J t.• ,..,. P•~rh' tw ~ Alld , .. ...,,.b .. •tl..a4ted ••• ••P..... ·~d •d ••DCM •I the ••m• .. t •he trllt~l pw,bt.c•uon I •h• N he• .~1 '-l• ,. tl.M IU2 67 n. M Mf"'-'•"' ~•·del .. .d t>..d I r.-... h•••' .t • e•• w •oJ .. nd """'ed • tb• ~•der•,gr • .d • •••''• O.CI..au ll.on ·I O.tault and 0.ftle.ud I r S. ... .nd • wr••len Not..:-. ,, O.leuJt •** 1Jec110n 1(.. ~~~ ft,., wnd •utt;tn-.1 c•v..eed u td N h • f O.lewt• •ad 1\ec hoa eo S.U ' b. •~ vrd~ 1r. h• '' ..,-.," tN • ..,. P• p.r• ~ ..-.. •'" o. .. J"'lv l9 'Oot(f; NortQ•~ ~~ "~ Comp•r.~"t •• .... d Tunl.. bl~A. Svo,.. lt•d •lh floor wo AtoQol .. CA iOOlll (21 )) 40~ l020 b' SwM• W He&.oo YIIC'e Pr ... .d•" Pi.ibl...U. A"'Q 4 , Nawpor Lra.Q" I'UWC,.OTJCE ItO lOll ncnnoos auSUttss NAJU STA TDIDfT 1'\• 1..-Uo-..oQ e-n u .,. J .n,. b,....,_ .., nu RIJSfNSON AOV[R TISDIG AGENCY M Dt>•o l>• S. C'oad ftvo• ~ewp<"r' &..ch C A ~2610 Tf\e f ~'-'•'•"' Pubh.•hu to~ L q,. "'' -'•••"' • _. c. ,1 n11• "r;<~r•• h llOQ o._,,. S S. .;S f\o. r "••f 1 a..c~ CA~~ T'l!..• bw•~• 1.1 ... dv •ed b'f' • por•t.o. S.on-.d 1•"' .. R Uc ..,vbet m r f"M.Jdent n. ftdettt-., PuLIIU\.t'" Corporeho~ •f A"'•ru • Thu •'•t•~ner.t ••• 1•...-d .. '"' "'• Co._.ry CS.,i t Or•r .1• C .,., ., • I • •• 2!& 1.2 '"bl..a.A A.-c.~ 4 Th• N•w~t' lru~t ,.~ "'r -.. PUIUC NO TIC£ ncnnous ausucas NAMI S T A TDUJfT Tt:• .. ··".) ~, .. lUi .,. , J bw••n••' u GITZl N WHIT£ oft ~t .. mwo.:-.od In n• C'A '+2714 t., •• L Gtl&-•n Jl4 Ol.-i Retael'l ft<.•acl ~ •• .,. Wad•• C A IJ110C4 a, er. D••1d Wt .• ~. 86 ~.-..n~wy--<1 ln.rt.• CA '"~.l 4 Art ,. .. ,. x:.~ w.. .• .., s,, .. .._... -* h "'" CA -4.,'"7 .& T\1• t ... ut•" rd..1 ... J [, 1 .J•tlereJ P•r• ., .. ,. ; .;.JnN 1.• .. • L Gtln r, n... •'•1'""'." •u I I. j ... n t. C vn'Y C ••• t ( ur J., ( I• .. 1 .... p,.bh . .a lv • • 4!'! Aw 191.2 1n Ttl• N •• , ' l:.n• .n fli341~ I'll • I'V&IC II01'1CI ~-IIO'I"'ICS 0/ITIIVIftn &AU OTD•ml .. ,_ t.o c-c..-c __ , • eaw-... --.. -.~, .... ...,....., ,,_ ...... ~ ~oo~~ow-. ........... ...., "' ..... •"' .. ., ... lll>c • ...,,_ lo ~ ................... . .,..... .......... _. ... s.c.-~ .. ,..,. CoV\1 c... all 100111 ttl .. ...t 1a ...... _..,.., 10 ....t -ltooW loy II ... c~e, .... o...t 91 T ....... ,.,. • ._, tv .,.,.la.het -...crr.a.d TIIUITOa-lloG.W G ,.,. .. , •• ""' .... ..c~ ... IIKU1CtAJIY Lurt• ~ ...,........, Oct Ul 1911 .. .-r No lJOS5 .. _. 14l81 -... ol ()ll~e .. l ....,..... ...... e>lliC• ...... . ~·do• <>~ o .... IJ'O c ....... , ..... o-i "'' trw.at d.ctlbed tM toUo•••Q proper ., t... .. S uf T rKt NQ S46J &a tt.. C,t't " ........... ....,~ c ....... ol o.-s.. .. ol c.w....... .. ""' ~ ,..,.,d <od •• ....,_ 195 ,_ ••• ~ ..... ., .. 44 w..-.u. ... -. w...,. , • ,.,. .,,..,. v1 tN Cownt'l Reco tdref \11 .. .c~ i;U\UHY ........ .J.o k iWWO .. 401 c.,,.,. .. ....""" ....,~ c.hlo< .... ·or • ..,... edd... ..>' c.oaaoo dMeqft•'~ to.-..a.o... ~ ao ... u .. 1¥ ..a ~~·.,. •• to 1&a cw•pl•tM-u t '-otcvln .. ) Tlto "-t..IH. ,..,y ..ader .. td o..d ol ft... b, I.....UQ Oi • bf•ec'~ Or det.~ '"' ·he ubl~hoo.t ...c:u..d , ...... .o ... ta•••• ·ki•• e~MC\lted a.od c:&.tevet.d bJ •tw uo.i.u.q....d • •r•tt.n Decl.u.r...ua .,1 O.tovlt on<l O......d lot S.t. o.ad •1 1tte n "~h!e ol brNch aod loA el.ct.on lo c. • .._... th• UAd•r .. ,.ned to ..U wid prvp.flY tu w h.ty ...ad u.blw,.ehou .ad lh.e>r.._fot•t th.e wod.f'M4Aed c•l.l.Md w.Jd aotiCO ,1 lor...:lo ....t ol •lochOII 10 "- r.curd<od Apnl n I!MI2 .. ·-• No 8l IUS <>I Mod Oll.c .. lllecorda S.td .... wdl be ••do bvl wtlhovl c.:.-ven•nt ot wanaatr ••P• .. 01 •• ph.d t.q•rcLNJ hll. ~tOO. or •k.wabtanc" to p.y ,..._ , ... .,...Q pn•ctp.l w.-Gt 1M o.ot.C•) MCu.t.d. by .....J o..d ol lr~ ••tll .... , .. , a. lll ..... d nuM pro•.ded . .dvaoc.. Lf &.n'f utu:iet lh• l•rnu: of .. td o..d ol Tru.al f... ch•rq•• •od ••P•NIM ot th• Tuut .. eod fA tbe trt.UW (',..led b't' o.a.d o..d ul Tr..., 56td .... •UI "- h.aJ4 oe f tod•Y Avq n 1982 •' II • • •• llle ho•• ••tta.nc• 10 G~o~•rd~ r, ... , o..c:t s."'~ 1600 ' ... ,. •• ,, Otonqa CA 92M7 YOU Alii IN DUAULT UlfDU A DUD 0# T'IIUST DATU> OCT 14 1981 UWUSS YOU TAU ACTION TO PIIOTICT YOUll PlOPUTY " NAY U SOLD AT A P\TI LIC SAU 11 YOU NUD AJI IXI'LA.NAnOif Or THI NAT\JIII Of THI PIIOCD DDIG AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACT A LAWYDI n.. total ••0\lnt ot the wa~w:t ta•J.a.a.c-• Gl tke ob~•t.oe t«'i.irecl b• wad propr,, to t. 10kt 1oqeth•r wnb '"'•'"1 1••• ch•rq• ••d "'J.Ja4,14d. C(leW ••P.....,. a.od .clveo.c: ... •• of lb• dolo beraol .. l43. 767 l4 o.•<oc~ 1~1, 28 1982 t.. c-. Ucro-Coep.ey • C.Lktra.. ("Qt poteUoO M w .d Tn.~.,.. b., Gliiatd••• l •.....t o...d: S.rv.c• • C'Orp<iitahon ·~•at 1600 l W.vlau Aw• Ore at;t• CA 112M? (714) 721 6910 by Woldo II Heut;t Pr .. td.nl P~bt .. h Awq • II II 19&1 •• Tho Ne•p.;nl 1:•••4" N~l PU IUC MOTICt KOOIU rtCTlTlOUS I USINCSS NAN.£ STATDU:IfT 10. t ... 4 \\• .,w IJn,• ( 1 ..... ". .t, ~r" • 0 M• I t\ ~d-5~ " ,. H" ••" ,. 14• CA \rol•, ~"~-:, l C ,.,, H., ~ • A • .1• Wi•• t.•A. ,, ...... ~ :f .,. ·1 Jilt • "'-••b• d • •I 1t lr A···" 0 M•11 •v r.-, ,,~ • ...... .. ... t ..... • I t Uh,,• H"' I .. f r A 1 • PUIUC "OTIC[ NOTICt Of IMTOfnoH TO OICACE IN THt SALL or ALCOHOLIC II:VtltACts WI • ... "' .. f "• hi .,,.., ., plt.d .. , !h-' lh• o.fnd•r .,,, Jl -"' "h h.ulot *• t 1 •1', or•""..., •'" A t J I -P"' S 101 J M• '~• •l-t• S.. t1 ..... .. "~'' 1\' J "• ' A. n '' &..,.,.~., .. I , t "'' •'-,h • ·•-~ .. • ••••m•-.,. .... ' .. a-... .. ~ w - t-' l _.., t-A .. J <t • r r N ... , t t r"'.., fVIUC.mc& rtOIIIW- .... IT&,._. n. ......_ ,._ II ._. ...._ aa II .... ICMIIJII ~ IUYD ICUD YllliO NOQUC. 11010 a) IILVQ tcllllt VIOCO LtaTtNot •1 au.v.. tcaa w A.DVDT1IIltO 8) AUDIO OniAMICa f) VUieO LIITtiiOS 7) V*'M. 1m1~ •m w......, ..._ .,_ Ill. """'-' a...c., CA ._., o-..1 n.... Q-.1&, * .. ~­, ... _e... ....... ca..n n .. ......._ .. C06fttoew.~ ..., .,. ~a dl•wi....W Soo•<ocl 0....-1 n-.. a~ n.. -· ............... ... c_., O.r~ ol Or-c-•• , .... .. ., 16 1912 ,._ Jwh 11 21 A•e 4. II 11112 •• n.. M.wpotll.oowqa fl~ N&oiOS ~MOnes nc11TIOUS IOUIQ:U MJa~ATIXDff n.. lollowlAQ ....... ••• do.a4 b..--• lfiWPOIIT THIIIAPY GIIOUP. 2043 Wattcltll Oro .. ll.wP"rl ....... CA 92660 lohA A Pta-. t•7 Motuu•••· c.,.,. ~ CA li2Q1 W.vr .. • A Nol••••o Jll ~ .. od CoiOIW .tal W.t Co '12QS. .. ,, It••''" II Spu•o••••• lr ..... C.!I2714 T\.ll ~--1.1o coodt.KMd by eo wunoorpor .. .d &a.ttJC••r.on ocb•• •••n ........... ...., s.., .. <oc~ 1 , .. ..., 1lt..a. -.1.•-..nt W&t tUed wHil lbe Co.i•ty c ... ~ .,. O.·aq• CU\f..OI1 "'"' l(t ,. 16 1912 P..JK .. a. 1..., ll l8 AwQ 4 II I 'Jilm Til• Newpotll.utOn f 19}472 lfEJ99 PUIUC IIOTICE 1-.r ncnnoua ausuo:ss KAid ITA T1XDIT n . loUowtJtQ pertocu ate dOtAO bvu a eu •• PIIO D UCTION ASSOClATIS 110 Nowpcut C••••• DY•••. s.u .. 110 ll.wpott 8..clo CA 92eiO latet ~A~Aa••• ,,... Lad c.a....o,...,. Uaated P•ctft•t~tp 180 N.wpon C.a••• tm .. Nowpon ....... CA 9:M60 l•tw" Pololrull 180 N•wport Cente r o, • ..,, SuHe l80 Nawporl 8..ch CA 926e0 l.otallo.n ,..,., Artu:b lac • C•bfon.H cotpoce tk)l'l 180 Newpott C•at•t Onw• N _,.,n 8..ch C A 92660 Th... b~UI-.a coodvc•ed by • luoa<od portnenlup S.9n.d Allon A lrent c ........ " Ent•ttAU\m•ot Plut Ltd br U tert•-'•••nt A•ll•t.. lac nut Ita...... ... Wed •uh th• Couory Cler~ ol Or-Couot, t.n lu ,, 12 1982 PIAI>t..l> luly 21 28 A .. Q 4 II '982ta 1'\e Mewpurt IAt:•QD flg;)t61 N£419 P\IIUC NOTICt ncrmoos IUSDct:SS IIAJU IT A TUIDn' Tt.• toUowu.q ptnop.a ••• dut.OQ b•• ... -• .. IVIIOPUN CILI.ULrT£ CONTROL CINTD .MO Old Nawpo11 l l•d Newport 8..clo C A !I:266J Ton oad Noroy Guol••l•t 11102 Volo• on,. No I HwnltDQtOO lao.cll CA 91647 load. C..,oar .S72 VoiQ• Ott.. Mo I HWlttnqlo~ a...:h CA ~2647 Th'-b\A.&1n... .-conducted b., • o•o•r.J pa~tner-.h•p Su11aed T"n' Gwqhel11u Tlue Ma••••n' ••• hled .,,, ttl• C:..ury Ct.t~ I O...,oo Covnty •n 1., ., 16 1981 P.U.IIO.b lui• ll 28 AuQ 4 II a\11821o The Newport tn~.~qa r I 9)464 NLl87 PUI UC NOTICE ncnnous I USINtss NAJU STA TDUJfT Th• tvH"'w1nQ penon.. •t• dum.;a ••••••• .... THl GROC£RY CONNt C T ::>H "'M~ A r.n}Ut w."' N•wpufl ll.ocl\ CA ~lfi6l• Lwoo Edwotd Ho I • .. 7~1 Anu~(Jtl w.Y' N'e•por ._,. CA 'l.ll...o JC,,..,.,,, f. t.u.bo 781 AfluQ,... W •• N•wpott a._.c h C A q~ Thot bua•n•..,. ,, "du'" led """ • ..,•her•t JNrlnenh1p StQntld Lu.,• td ••rei Hoen.ac~1 Th •• st•telft•r ,.., tol.-d •ul~ lh• ( ~nty C .. ,. vt Ou ~· C .... ~ tv ,. t • ,y I 1982 Pvblo_.h lwtv U 'ti Av f 4 '~1tn Th• N•._~,. t.a.<J f i~JI4b l'll4.ol PUI LIC NOTICE ncnnous aus01tss NAill[ IT A TIJIUlfl Tt~-tc;·Uo•,oQ swrwo" • d ~·•1.1 b ........ •• LAGUNA llACH HOUSE 0 1 TAILORING AJID DAY CLl AN lNG ~ Mut•h Cvut Hw" L..Q 'j,., a.~to Ce .. 2651 We~rn• AI .., S.r•"~ ..a~ S."•• A,• A.• • • M• .. CA "Ifu'l> Th, hwt• "" •• r,d~o~<...,.. I -t Suof:lwa S ,.,.d Wehm• ~ .. Tt • , ..... t .,..,.., •.led - (.. w • , 1.,. t •• , .. c "" ... h f .... P-.c. ,., lt.•,. ' .z, ·"" A .. I l.friJ n ... N••'""' £ •· 1 II HNt. f'V&IC ttemCI .... liJIOW ....... il&tiiiTA.,......, ,............,,_ ... ~ .__ • QUIT OIOUP. I.,J o-1 • Jaa, ... _. looacA. CA -Ot.'-ol .,.......... ... . • c~-~· lttl 0..11 ....,._,~II.CAUMO na~ • .-..... ..., .... --..... ,... . ...,.,_ , ....... OtoiMI 0. ---.. n.. __ .., wM ttW wt.lio lloa O...eiY e .. t~ el 0.-c-.IY oa I• 1\'Jt,IIG ,......., A .. 4 II If Zl. 11&2 .. ,........._, ...... P184017 N~ POUC IIOnc:;& ntC'1IT10Ua--- u.IITAJDaJIT Tloa lol.low--••• ....,..., ......._ .. ~ PAJI'TNUISHJP J04 a. .. .-.c~e A.. ........t llaad CA 1M) ...... , Galatua .,. ...._ LA-"'"'""" la.clo. CA ~ a., w e L G.Uaaa 1:131 N.tuaa t.. .. N-porl la.cll CA 112!&60 fllta lo ... IA_ ta c:ondvco.tl bJ 0 t .... ~ooc~ pollae.r~•P S.oa•ad 1.... r o.u.... n... N l•-al ... ltl<od wtllo , ... Co,..IY Clerlt oi o.....,. Co-.,. oa I• lr 2!&. leal p,..,...__ A100 4 II 18. 25. 1912 oa n.. Newl'Ortl.u>Qn fl1140117 ~~~ PUIUC leOne& 111117 ncTI'nOVI I WIMQI IIJUIC ITA 1'blbfT n.. foll-•oo .,.._. ••• dot»ll b.....,_ .. IIVPLY HlUS IIIALTT LTD 4tMO Ca•p.,. Dt• ... S...1a C. ll.wpoo1 8..clo. CA i3IMiO S.O..I ~~ lac I C.W0.tu0 COf1>CUOf- 4i4() c ....... o.... s. ... c .......... ........ C A 92660 n.. bu•ut... w cood"~:Nd bt • ltattl.d p.~ttn.,ah•p S.Oned Mor••n R "-•••• CFO Soout Slo.~ lac nu. • .... .,, ... bled Wl.. ... c-.,... Clerk ol o.._ Co••ty 011 lv ly 2!&. 11112 P..OU.It Avv 4, II 18 25, 19111 •• T\• Newpon l.nau~a ,.~ Nl465 PUIUCNOnct 1011177 ncnnoos IUSIJfDS IIAJU STA TDCEifT The toUoWlOQ peri!Oftl ••• dotnQ b.....,_ •• CKU DAMn'S. 1701 Cor "''h•an Way Nawpott 8..cll CA !126t0 O.Gia. lac • Cahtor... <'01 por•hoo 1701 Count~••• w • ., Newpon a...:~ CA 92ti4fO Tlu• k_~ _, C'OOdtKf.ed by a COt por••-S.o11<od Cec•l• Codtawo. Po .. ld.at, O.nto'aloc n.. ..., .... a. .... hNd Wllh th.e Couaty Clerk o! O.aaoa COooaly oa I• lr 2!& 1982 · P.U.r..ll Avo • II Ui ZS 1982 •• TMif••po>l laoiCjD niM? Nr..w PUIUC NOTICE ncnnous I USIMESS ".IUU IT ATI:MDfT n • ., ·~lto.&no ~..... 1.6 d .-.nQ ou•tn.u u CONPUStC b CONPU SEC 14J Pro Ma.tory Duvo W ... t Newpgrl S..cb CA 112660 l•n•t )('w k l4J Pt-.JfftOntun Or,•• w .. l H••~'' a..c h Ce 92'66(.1 Tht• bl.l.l n..,. • vnJ"c .t by en 1' d,•.dw•l S,qr1ed laoet w...,.• Th" •l.e1e~a•n• *•• filed w,•h h9 C-.,unt'f' Cl•r~ I Ot•nQ• Cvuhh 11 lw ,. lJ 1\18} Pubh•h lulv .!8 A,~ 4 ll '" 198.2 '" Th• N•wpvrl [tot• \Ill rt9387l Nl~ PUIUC NOTICE: ltOIOU ncnnous I USIMI:SS NAME STATt:MIJn Th• lulluwu.Q per~n• ate d~o.•aroQ bu .. ne .... I IJIIGHAW ~144 luc' S• S•••• 100 No..-pon lao " CA '121>61. W 0 a .... oh•• ln~ • C •l•fOuh• ' porat,un lil40 a •• h s~ Su,t• ,()L. Newputl a.•ch. C. 92tt6C' Tht• bu.•1n.._. " t.f..l"ndut t~ b't' • c , fi'IU•IIvn StQned w.u •• ,. a.r.qh•rn Pc .. 1dea• W 0 a ,,,qhem In Tlh• ......... 111 -· 111•1 ... If'! .•• C ._,. .. ( ., .. -,4 01et 1• e •t " I -w/0 , ....... Plolbh•h , .. ," .... A , 1 • rfel 1~.1 111 fh,.. New~' lut.•~ot' f 11<111' PUI UC ,.OTIC[ ncnnous ausuca;ss NAM[ STA Tt:MJ:MT 111411 l•. l .. ltow.nq o•t .. •n :h .., u"""••• •• SUSAN CIIIIIS1'1ANSlN FASHIUN CONSULTANT l ~ D"l' ,.j od R d CvrC\"• ct.• Wi•• CA ~ .. ~ s"' ... '' t. ..... ,r:. c-.h, • .,.,.... 1 'o,.,. .. tvd Jl •.J C tuna d.• I W.r C A ,.1'61' f"'1• t:n .. ••A•t •• ftd .. 1ed by •' n dP'•d"'• SiQO-.d Su••ll l c"''' q.,..,., Th•• •'•'•'"•''' ••• t l.,..f w '' h• L w ,.c .. ,, tOe• ,. Ill\ 1.,1" oJ 1'08· Pwbl•t.h • d't ... ~ A.., 1 t 'ill n .• N••Pvrt l r1t I ) t l i'f41>1 ~l~ ,.., CLASSIFIED INDEX 25 Co11naelln9 Svc: 26 LlceDMCI Chldc:re 27 Sllu.atlou W&Ated 72 S.O.tt Property 73 l una-Property 74 lnc:ome/Commrcl ANifOUMCENNTS 1 f uoeral Noticee 2 1\Uieral t>lreetore 3 C.metery Cryptt & Lott n NANCIAL 28 Wouy W&Aied Property 75 Property Na9mnl 76 lDc:omelllldu.tra.al Property CCIOit MM1D Ia IMtdnQ lUI tme daUIIed phoN ~ ... ~ ac.. IOIOrY '*" COITWNM6on c:rG ben& PhoN Idee eJ!Pef· lenCe pr...,ecl Call..,..~ 4 W.monal S Flor..U 6 AnDollOCemenll 7 Acc:oVAt.nll 8 Attoroey 29 Noaey To Loan 30 B~in .. OpjiOr 31 baveetmeot Oppor 32 T rut Deed~ &Ad Wort9~ l3 Fo~ecloNre S¥Ce 34 lmuraace MERCHANDISE 77 RMJ !.late Wut~change MOBILE HOMES 10 WobU. Hom• 81 WobU. Hoa• W&llted 9 Penooala 10 Loet &Ad f outld 11 Schoolallutrvcl11 l2 II&.Wl-Penonala 13 a.n~v 14 P.ta and Llveet~k 1S t::te s.J. 16 17 Tra..WecaUOil 18 Lt.NUlaeat 18 Gait Sucn•Uon• 20 Cltttopr~Ue EMPLOYMENT 22 Deeor 23 Help w &Aa.d 24 laplotaeat A9cy l51atale s.J. J6 Sportla9 Goode J7 Art 31 AAhq11• 38 Aucuou 41 Fut.Uh.ue 42Appliuc• 43 T.W,ItloG/Ster- 44 Wutcal ta.trwaal8 .S OUIC• lqu.tpmeat 48 S..mpe &Ad C olna 47 S.Wlfto w.chiD .. 48 Fabrtc:a 4i Ok.oocWJewelry !IC) Wiece ll&IUIO\IA 51 Wu t To luy REliT ALl 12 ... ..a. To Slaare S3 .\p&rt..ata Uafm s.~r .... lll ltou. Uaharo S7 ...... F\an...a..d • Co..&a.IT.U.. ,., .... 58 Vecrataoe Rntala 11 aoo... r or .... G oetM:.~Co-rcl ., ..... llo ... 141oetdudC.re •au..-rOt ... , ....... , .... . IIW.DTATI ., ........ ....... , ... ·~ '"' .... , ......... Ac~ 82 WobU. Home Prb IOATS 84 lo.t./lqprnnt as.,., CtMn., ..... SJ4pe AUTOMOnvE f'1 Aa10U~ 81Wo1or Hop• 88 Recutn V•hlcl• VOS.~u il Notorc:yc'-' Wop.cb 82 Jjcyc!. Q3 V a.ufTNCb ror l.le 1M Tn.cb/Vau Wua.ct iS AuiO P&rtal Acc.eon• N Av.toiTrclt '-m9 i7 Auto. Wa~ltlel ' PU...::Mmea RO'nCI 011 JUIUt IIIA.IIIIO ~ .................. "-· .... o..--.... c .. .. ""'-' ....... 111 ............ ... ... -o.-.1 ""'" ~ ...... -. Ia• I (1101) ........ _.,_ .... r. ... ,._w o.....-. -.. .. ...... ,_ ...... , ....... .... o.-s.-a....t ......... .. ..... ,.... ~ o--1 P\y ... ... • ~ ... (e)_ ...... _ ... 17 .. &..dttltot.ll .,.. .. ,.......,.._, k!w .. a I•.....,_ ........... MaocAt ...... t.Nie•••d n.. , .......... _.., _, •o..W --.. wlop_t ol • --" ........... _ ......... Ill ................. 1 .... ~alo·--·~ .. AM.. .. •••""""'-........ ·-............ '"'"' •• , ... ""-•ao 0.0...,_,, cu, "' llawport ........ lJOO w .......... t II"" . ....port ........ C. l*l. plooe.(714)14i1).21t'J Not~ ........ , ......... ., ......... ..... ,..w.. ............ .u lteiMW -~ 19oll cle, ol A"'!...._ 1a.a. <t1 ... ..,_, ol 7 lO p .. .. lite C....!Kil c ... ...t..n ol ,... Newpor1 a..ch City H.u. at ..-hiCh ._ &...t plo.coo uy aad ..U per _ ..... ...., ... _ ...... t...RIU...- O.•..t Golf S.C-.y, ,..._ c-cu, o1 ~te,._t a..ct. ~ A100 4, 1112 ta Tloa N.wpouluov • N.l488 PUIUC ..OncE IIOnct 0# PV.UC IIU.IUieO ............ ..., .......... ~ ... ... a..., eo..-ol ~ Coly ol N••po>t la.clo woll ltoold e P<Oi>IIC h .. t ...., ""O.Mtal P\joa "-""-112 I ......, .. ......t-J to .. Laad u.. ..ad ........ hal a.-............. N.o.po o1 ot.. .....,..., llaad a.-raJ ..... "" appJ-w, lS o·-..,_ ol tbe Norlll 'oRI ,.,..ad Co_...., located ooru •••• , ol c ••• u •• c. A•••"• ........ n la..bor" lload ud W..:Artloltt .......... rt n.. PI~ ........_, wo.lcl pen.tl cleoaJop ... l ol Nw.l~>p .. '••oly ........ ,,.. ..-•P IO o ...... va ol 7!10 d...u..q Utlo Nouce .. .,., ... , hu~t 01 ... tloat N.td p..bltc "-'~ao will be loald oo ,.,. 19th ciaJ ol AV<~""' 11182, at lito t.o..r o1 1 JO P • .o , ... c-"' c .... ..,. "' .... ll.wpoti ...., .. c •• , ltall ot wluo::~ "-ud p&ec. aay o.ad oJI per eo .. ,., ..... , .. , •P~ ...d be ._..,d lh•reo• O.•td Goff S.Coetory, Ploo•••9 Coraau..on C1ty of M.wporl a..ch ""bhob AvQ 4, 1912 .. Tt.. ll.wpott &.•10• Ml486 P\fiUC IMOTICI NOTICE C>' PUIUC IIEAIUNO Notoce ....... l>y 9•"• t"'-1 !loa P\joa .... ., c--o1 .... c .. , "' N.wpo.o a...: a. will loold • ,..W.C .,_, I.DCJ 011 O.ur&l "'-.a A.e.d_..Ot ll I(H) "-tao ao .......... , 10 the Ho.....,Q lla .. at ol tt.. ll.wpott 8..cb G-n•ral Plu t<> vpd•le U.. p tOO,.,. 6bt«'h.-to r•flect Ho..atAq IM••D\ ••pt. ... t.IM),Q PfOQI... -..c• ...top •-ol _.. "-o~aq a.-at Not»ce w twr.-, tvrlber q~ve• 11\et • H•t•tt•• O.C'Ier•hoa h•• b•eo. prap&t.d b, tloa C•IY of N-rl 8..cll Ul c:onoecuon wHb tbe 4PPhCahoe noted abo•• h • .... pr-.•t ~.ate.ahoo o1 ,.,. C•IY 10 accept ,.,. Neoau•• O...lo•••-....t ... ppor1u>o rloc•-• Tlwt C1ty •aco.ar~ ••...b.n ot ~ q•o•r•J p\lbhc •o , ..... ud c:oa••ot c~ .. ,. •.... &lab .. tor pw.bltC' ,.¥ ..... end IUp«"hOA •t lbe Pla.oouaq 0.SNt1 .,.,., C•t1 ol Nawporl a..ca. )300 W ll.wport II..S N-•• ...... CA 92t6J '7141640 ~lt7 Moe.ce w M r•.,Y huta..r qtw•n th.e~ w.cl publ>e b.auov •ill "-... ld 001 th• 19oh cia• of Awvwot. ll)jl2, ol th• hou• t 7 30 p ,. •• •b• CovocU C"'-•be.- t ·~• N•wp<ort ..... ~ Cu• Ho.ll •• •h.ch .... ~ plAce ._.,.. eod •ll pe1 •·n• 'Q'••..-.d .. ., •pp.~u •ad b. hM td llMteiOG O.vtd GoU S.:r•t•n Pt.n••AQ CommiN.&Oii Cu, oe N.wpo1t k•ch P,.bt.oi> A"o 4 1982 to Th• Newport la• .. t.~• H~ I'UILIC NOT1Cl 101044 ncr1nous IUSI.Ntss NAMt ST A l1:MDCT ft..-t •tAQ ~UCft.t ••• d \1 bn .,.. •• SHAW AJID lA~T Jbo toHAND OY£11 I'IIOPliiTY NANAG£ 1<4HIT 1101 Av.xod,, lfr 2JO N•wr '" &..c-h CA '126b() O.•n•ld W St. a.-1 40 t Awo.,)l•dv H 110 N••"' r• a.., • CA 9-I r. t.-.t;,. • lXH, A"veed 1<( '/\., *"••'-, a.. .. h CA ~16tJU Tt\,., bw••n.,.. 1t uf'ldw' ~ Ov • Jll ., ... f .ulretth•p SIQfo•d I Ttu .-... ,,.a .... . T• • "'•'•,..••••' ••• t.l-.t .,. '" J\• ' C' ew~ • (JI4FIQ• C • 1,, 1• • o i "'*~ t-b~lth lwr\ ~)4 "•J ' " -4ft ... n Tt • N•w~ 1 l '"'o) I o~l8 1H NtHO rwuc.on::. ..onc:aOI...::no. IAwtiO-~ MOnC'I II _, QI¥DI ta..t • 'o-..<11 ............. • .. .. ..... lA , ... <::1ft .. ..._, ..... ~ - l'looootloay ..... 2 ........... ...... .. , ""~·,. .... '"'• folk>•••• -·-(fOI )dJ)I() De LA ,_.,.. R DA AYIJO ••• ••• .Jecc~ea _..,_ ................ .. c .......... ....,....._~_. __ , • ~ • 1112 ..... loa uv._.. • .._ ohe .. l•• •••• '•• OWQ_ ... .., ... I , ........ ~" ....... c..., c .... ~tl (1'\&11 liM• ol '-• ,_,.1 (Paro oy,•Uo ••••luo. del Coe"•to N¥a.c.,..l ~ ................ . _,, .._.,., .. to be Vo..., 0. (Macbokt pot e....-.. ...,_, IHAU ~liTIOel 110 G 4 1 A PPIIO YIMQ TMI ~ NISA IJNIJW) tcHOOl DISniCT QIMDA1 PlAIC AN&MDN.IMT II I, II UJ'IAL&D? (1SDA IIIVOCADA LA IIISOLU ClOt! NO 12-41 APtiOL\IlOO LA l.lqGDfDA II· I D1L PLAN QIXUAl. DIL DISTIITO lSCOLAII UlllriC ADO IAMNIMGIMIWPOIIT IGSA7) SKA.U. TM& CITY COUNCIL OP N'IWPOIIT IIACH U A UTHOIIIZID TO LIASI rOll TWI.Ifi'Y FIVl TIAU, m INTDIST IJI NOIITM IT All IIACH TO AU.OW A MOIJI ll'tiOm C"OUOAATIOH ro COH STIIUCI'. AT IMO COST YO T1ll Cl n , AJI AQUATIC CIQfTU r Oll HUWAif POWIIIID CIIA" AMD ULATID ACTIVITIIS THAT Alll IUt fOI'nV&OI'TIU NlNAJIY U$11 I"ISDA AU'IOIU1A.DO 11. COMa 10 WUNICIPAL Dl NI WPOIIT IIACH A AUIKDAII. POll VIlli T1CIJICO AN05, SU IJII'TUU 1M LA n.AlA NOITM STAll PAllA PDI WJTIII LA COifSTIIUCCIOII Dl PAlin Dl UNA <X>AtO«ACION MO LUCIAnvA, SIJI MlHOUN COSTO A LA CIUDAD. Dl UN CIHTAO ACUAnCO PAllA lfOVIO AC CIOHADO HUWAJCAMINTI Y AC TIVIDAD IS IIILAC IOifADAS CUAUS !1011 SUSTIJITADOUS Dll USO PIUNAAK>') Tloa ~ will be -· -· .... """" ol 7 a • ud I p • (t.-L·..,9•,.. de vot.c.oa ...,., .. -.b ... ,~ •.atte lu horu de &.. 1 a • y Lu 8 p•) Wancle t; Aodeo .. n Ctty Clor~ ol , ... CttY ol N.,.port la.cll Cob.lo•••• (S.Cratar .. W..-.-J do lo Ct..d.d cl• ll.wpor1 .... h. c.w.. .... l O.lad tr ac:lo.odol Avq..., J. I tal hbl..l. A.. 4, II, 1882 to Th• Newport '-o10 Nl<l&l PI1IUC !MOneE ncnnous IOSIXESS M.UU STA 1"'CDfT T h• toUowt.AQ pe 1 IUIO • ••• domq b~ .. n-.. R W WAIII ITDIG 2'111 S..•~e• A"" Coroo• .tal Nat CA 92~ flobetl L Wowoch J511 s.. ... ,. A~r"e Coro.• del N•r C A ~ ......... I C•u 2511 s.. ... ,. A•• CorOGa dol W..t CA 926.ZS Tlt11 bv.M.a-\1 c:vad\K"ted by • q.a•••J paune.n.t\_tp S•Qned Rollerl L w .... c. ThY ... ,..... w.. ttled wu~ •b• Co"'•'• CleJII ot 0tuQ41 Cov.ol' •l.l lw •• 16 ltal l'~bl~th loh 11 ll Aw(j • II tlile2 111 The M••pot\ ln.ttQt• f 19l471 N&4UU POIUC IIOTICE '*'*' ncnnovs IIISDfDS ltAJU ITA TDIDfT T~• k.UowlAO peuoat ..,. d\.)lbQ bv•••-... II H S&CUIImiS .000 NocAIIh•• lll..t Swtl• 850 l oll C .. l•r '"'•aaal PI••• lui Twwet Newport a...:b CA 92fi60 II H S.Cvrtt ... • c.&Lior•.e C'Otpor•t~ n..., ltt.~•••-~ c-oadvcted bw • .. t PJ••'•on S,.Qoed lr• flltcft.rd ftwbo" tota Pr-..d..al flt.,. •'•••••nl • .._. tu.d •llh !hfl CodtY C\erk o4 Ou"q• Cowat'l t. 1~ 111J ltal P .. bl .. h lwl• 21 Jil A .. ,. 4 II 912 to Thw Me•pc-,ort l fUI\If fi9.U63 PUI UC NOTICE f'IC11110CIS I USIRI:SS IUUIE Sl A TOaJfT N&.tlo T~• tvUow•aq per-..-..• ••• """''""' o ... ,.-•• UGLY DUCICUNG IIVI1 A CAll NEWPOIIT llACH lii7S G Bo~<h St N """ S.o<'h CA 92Q.O II 0 Wbao and A.--IM • c .. ,,..,... r: ,.,..... 29•0 '•p•t l.ou N•wpr.oll a-c CA ·~ n .. h. .. ,... .. t"'t''d .. <'ted b, • , , pou hon S-.q•ed D••• Wh .. l '" Pt .. •d•nt R D W""'' " •tt<l A..t 1ft~ T'-1• tt•••••,., ... "' t,l..,t .,,-. ,.,., C wilily C~r~ I Oun~• C .,.,,,,. h I~~ I• 16 ltal P~t_.A '"'l' J 2t~ Awq .f 1\illl•• n. N•wpl.-U "''"'h r1934417 N(4~ J .-.:.mea C•awMr .... ...._.. ol C~ ol OISIJID ftUSY COWIA.WY 01' c~ .......... ~ ..... ~ o. .... c-••· ca~ ........ .-o .. oiU.. .. "'---1.-»Ita ..... "" 1117 AIUTI Dollat A ......... "'-_. I CM!t....&_l_loaJW a u s ,,_,, -vrlf-} ~-11! ..... US 0..••<--fii OQ...C-aad CCt ... t•huft• •• ~-....... ,.o~wc ........... _ 'a...-.. ~~-~~w ... ,... .... -... 1 '1&1'-(~&,e. ............ _.... ..... -. (c)'-u()'l.tl l ... , ,, .. .._, tvtruhue ........ .,.,. •nd VtH I ....... tepr.....-t ... bea~ "'"'-(""'h•<i~a<~ We.W '--1 .......... _.ad..U...tloM ....,..., __ 91a--~ ...... -~,... 10 OIIIM-(_I..._ 10 -.W..I II 'TOT M. ASSn'S UAIIUTIU 12 l.loo.ltilit-lor ioottuw.d •un•y 13 ...,._ ....._bt...,._ hoci~.JoftQ \0 uptiol le.-) 14 O..ri..Wt'- 15 'TOTAL UAaLLITIIS II c.,....lec••....t ........ ,.. 5KAUJK)U)P510Vm 11 ,_...,,ad otoek (N ... llet &~o&r .. OoohltOAohftll 0) II eo.-a •oc~ (N ..... , ...._ ... ,.._..-~ 01 (N ..... raloo.r•outM..adut<!OI 19 ...... ... 20 lOT AL CONTtlaUTm CAP" AL 2l tt.t •• ...o .. ,.,,.va •ad otNt c•ptta1 ,_.,v... l2 TOTAL CAP"AL ACC()U)ITS 23 TOTAL LIAIWtuS. AJIDCAP"OL ACCOUNTS WIWOIIANDA A•ovat Sl I~ 4 .. 14 .. til II II 415 IIIII 800 611 1 A.aMee ct.pol.lted ••'~ S..J• Tr ..... ••• &o q-v..bly I.Of ._..,c .. ot 1-td.t.tc......, _.o(-..loat•al ... ) Is:! Tho ... doraooa.d, Ho.rY., S Glocle, l'raaoda•• ...., L Coat w.,,. .. ., Coa ••oJ'-•~v~ ot '" .bo¥• •••ed h...a C"'.,._.,, ....ch decl • ..-... tor ~ ...... u • ....-.. v:Ottcu 11t.e 01het I h•¥• perao.•J koowt.dQ• oJ lhe ,.., .. ,, cont•u•.d .a tluo ._ .. 1_1.......,. tt.. •--uda loataol) . ....t I ......... tloal Mello otote .. el •• .....S r~c' .. hM C...Cil of , ... \lad.et•JQa.d lot tua...U •tone ..d eot Lor 1M otM • ce ruJ ... "od.e' ~•hv ot s:-••"'' tMI tM loeeQOtAQ .,. ,, ... -.ad COf fK't ' L.cwl<od ua 1 .. 1. ll 198J al Salt l.ok• City Utah H.•••• S G lade L 1 .. 1 w.ru. .. v P,.blub Auo 4 1981 oo T ... lfa•portltuoon 111!101 Nl* PI1IUC NOnes Cotu<oud•t<od lleport 1 Coadthoa ol lAIII OF laWPOIIT ul KIWI'OIIT BI.ACH Ot•aqe ..ad rN•M t.C Swt..dloAlt• •• the doM ul b"-..•n ... on lv,.. lO 11112 ASSITS I Coab .,.d d"• """' be~~• lao;_.•••t .cwrtl ... Ca.t.~k.., v-.lv• 117 9161) Mo. ......... I .Ctllifll ... Doll•• Aaowot. Ul ~odlt 18M2 20 4110 .s6 NOHI Tt.d.LDQ .coo....at ..c-uttt,.. reeL. raJ haoda .o&d &nd MC'\tUH" pwrch.,..d wudef •Qf .. ftlenl• to r ... ll tn do•-•c oil .c.. I il SOl 5 (oll.ooJ>t I 0 J85 (bi t.-"-orvo t..r ~ k>o.D '-I !>06 (c) Loa ... (Nell 141 8Ji 7 .... ~ pro•-F 1 6 E •c (I&Civd••Q Sili copnaii-.. J 8 Real ••••• ownad olh t th.u b.U p,.,....,_ 14 95J 1()49 NON.I NOifl 7 li8 9 lA......_..,.,, '" w.DContohd.at.d •wb..d .•• ,,.. e.od ......:K' .. ted co.,.n.- 10 C-..toa•r'•l....bthty •o til"* baA~ oo .cc•-pt.e.ACM ovt .. •nc:L•ca II o. ... , -(•oci...W.Q \10& to\IOAQ!bl .. ) 11 TOTAL ASSI'TS 125 \}8 UAIIUT1IS ll a To<ol doo-tt "'do•-oc oil or;• I'll 48S (II Tote! do•..,d dopoo>tt 17 681 121 Total II•• aod .... oqo do-lo 15] 787 b Toto) do-hoolor.,QD olt><:coo NONI c Total depooola •• doe-tc ood loratQn .. u.... 191 4e5 14 fede1.J twnci. pwrcw..d ADd ..c .. ,-tJ ... eOkf W00.r •Qr .. ••Q+• I;;J teputC8 ... ur ""-te oJt.c.. a 2&) lS O.he• t..._b,br..-Jor bouo.....d caOM T ... d~to.o note b.aJ._,c-.e ol US To.-uiY .,. 16 NotiQ-oadabo<odo-(tn<ludo.oq WfM copaol '--1 I 414 NOifl 4 740 17 ~c:e. •-.ec:t~led b' or tor e«O"-ftl oll~t.t b.u~ e.ed ot~t,.udu\Q II Ott... t..bol•t>• 19 Toe..JIMb.JJh" Cu cJ .. d•aQ wboul.l ... t.d ·~-·..40...._,\l, .. f 10 Sw..bofd••••ed aoe .. •nd Gebe.et"r .. NI-l 000 SIL' !IU:IIOI DDS IIOUITY ll p, ... ,.,d ·~~~ a N"" .-..., .. '-""'••••dtnq NONI A..owol NONE 22 Common .aoc., • Nu .... , ..... ,ho,.a...t 11 000 000 b llv tlooraa ... ooton.Uaq l 1Mo1 1113 A•o••• ) ll5 2J Surphu l S57 24 ToeaJ cootubw~ r:•p••e.J 6 Ita }5 ~ .. IDtD~· 8 218 26 R.Mn • k,, eoah.oQeD'-•" •nd ~•h•t c•J'•'•' , ... ,... HOHl l7 Total SAot•loold•n l.qwiY IS. lSI 18 Totol ltob•l••-ood Shoroll"ldan tq .. ,,. 22S U9 T'h• woc:leu•o.,.t kon.e.kt L Aociq•n ''"*•' ••d AJ,c.._.,d P "ut•• S.n.ot y .., • Pr..-.d•nl •Ad Cu-nlroOet ~I I~ •bt..lv• n••.d ....._.. ...c• d.ec-t.tM fvt tuM ... I •od aot '""' tb.e "'"-•' I '-•• p.feoe•l r. .. uw~• o. IM .. tt•n C'ODta•• .d ,,. th._. re.,.ot C.och.tdtnQ '" r•..,.,_ toed• hereof) ud I ....... •h..• ~,. •'•••••n• •• w td ~~~~ •• lfu_e ~h ot tb.e uadeJNC)aed tor tu••lt •1oM end out tot the ... the• c•rt~h• undef pett.•J'v of P.ll\tfY t~l t~ ior.,q\laaq .. u--.. •a•• C'OffK'I [•ecvt.-d vn htl¥ t2 19111 et Newporl a...c• Cahl llt'C.t•..Jd L II...,Qqeu •n.:i Jl.ch.efd , "····· ..... blo>h A•~ • 198<! .n T"• If•~•' l.o-n Nl41~ ~IUC IIOTIC'E Ill~ Pwr .. w•nt t" ~t.oo 6104 td l 41-1 •b• (t'l1., .. 1 "•"'•·"'· Cud. AOfiiC• ~· ~.r.by l t•elll th.\1 tJI.• U6w.el ,..,.0'1 lut ·•• l..coJ ... , Ofld.d W..och ll 1982 ,I l•m .. L W•r-.•r ... _....,...,. ~hole, 4joup1 • P"'*•'• IQ .. adetU.JG lt ••••le.ltf• •' tbe toundehtll"l t r;u1•c•~! ofhc• tor tnapeoc-hal\ duru.o r.-owL.t b~nta ... Ill '"" tr .. ~ • ,. •o • )() p a a>., •nr •'•••• w~o req\t..,. •' •••-.•• tiO d.n •tt•• tM d..t.e ..1 lh• p.bt.c6hCNI 1'\e to\lod.tK)n'e puac:1pe,l oUI>t'e ... kK•!ed al L aa. •ll A.ta•tce S ..... &00 414 1 Wet'Att .. ut 1 1.-d Hewpo•• a..cb CA illlt!O n,. "''04. .pet ••n•""' ,f th• J••~o<•n ·• &.n• t Aa••• • O.poatt,. •• , Pvbh•h Au~ n.. N•wpc~tl [ne~" Hl47ti ~UIUC leonct ncnn ous ausu.a s N.UU STATEMDfT T• • ~ U.u• n~ ,_t.UM 1 f b., •• •• OIIANG£ COUNTY SOLA II ASSOCI A Tlv N I""ALSliA 1.: HAP'Ttll .zoot l.a,."-S• s .. , • l\.., [I l•, C'A qlf>JI, R,,.,.,, II .... u., 1-JWI l...am~'' 54 Su.t• JV« t1 Tor CA Q.16lt.J S.••• 0.• 1'>411 c~ .. m .. •• t.."• Hw '""' S.• h CA _. ~·~ T ,.,._ ..... hi' ( 8.t Ill • t A ........ C A 'if210't ft,, bw-.rt_... ' ~ ,.J • ..d t"' • u' uiNt•ted •• -. .. 1e1, 1 t-,•r .,. o .. •·••'""""'" S•qr --.1 A """ N,l,•• Th... ''• ,,.,., 1 w•• 1,1.,., ••U ~. "'C\•1• t O u ,.,. "" lw. • I ... P ... lll••tt. r.,1, 14 • A • .1114.' ,. n ......... , , ,_,., J ftH I' N! I~ 11 SCHOOLS• INSTRUCTION lSGABAGE SALES 17TRAVELI VACAnON lSGU'T IDEAS 673-0550 9PERSONALS PITCJDC R..IADIROS S1S.OO 9 am.lo!S p m Monclay·f nday tn-1311 WANTIO LOCAL ARTISTS Wllh palDI· lnQalprlnla thai will ..U lor 1100 01 t.. Call QOW, Bill. (714) ,.... 4364. lOLOSt• FOUND ILAC I PIRSIAN. m&J., ~<~.t 111 r ... ~oe C'* arM Rewa.rd $44-~2 Apple School A tllliqlle t..ruliiQ ea pe u e nc:e lodlv1dual prOQrama. 730-1317 ADORA ILI A KC blec:k eod wblte Shah· U11 P~APPJ. 1om l1111e 24. J •••l•• S27S, ..U. UZ!I. 4 aonth· old ... $1!10. (714) ... oc. DOG OIIDIINC I TII.AIJQNG tor OWMra wlao un. Doqa/p~o~ppw. 7 ... b ud up. Group/ prlva'-t...on.e. Board/ ltalllill9, probl..m be lt&•IOr couullatloat s .. wy~...•e•u HORSI FOR SW or ~ 12-yMr Wo~ ~16arter t•W 119 .... ~ and ....... lac:.Uut cU.poetUoa. a,... laallf kor• Cu ..._ al Coeon. del W.r 8teb._ (114) 7t0-1- ANTIOUI G ARAGE SALI Too m&Ay •lell!.f lo hal Bra• luepu c:e ec:reen SS S.t of 4 clwalre S20 Nn rore, W·SlS Wacker c:ban a11d U.dboard, S 10. Oi.lhe., 91&uwa re u d polt•ry, 2Sc:·SS RadJo S3, and AM/rM eter-and •J>Mhr S20 Lace atld llnene, 50c·S6 Picl~&re pnnta and lr•m•. 50c·'10 Lulpa, S2-S10 F11r 111111,. p..c., SS·$50 frld., O~l• 7 e ID 10 8 p m. 1W Woaro~. Mtw.ea ltcll &ad 171& ..,.._, S bloc:U wMt ol N.wpclrl ll¥d . c-.. l iiiEALTH LOSI WIIGHT NOW 10 10 2i lbl Ia 30 clay• or 70111 Sll 7S lot 1 aootla'a 1\lpply cet~&rn· .a. Call KUJl.\Un di.Mrtbwtor, WtdaeUe, 141-54al. ANWAY PRODUCTS co-. .. yov lau•f•c lioo ••ara••••d or __, '*'·· -*3 WAJKUCI -7 N19 hte -2 adwtt -2 dul dreo 11t1der 11 yMre 24·hour c a r, othe r boou... 1105, au u · Ira. Call GA.dJ, 631- 9040 (WA 7..:...) __ _ II EIO'ERTAIM U RELP WAifTID A LOVE BALLOONS S.ad IOIIMOrut you )ove a bcnlquet ol JO kelalllll Mlloou ..... ._ lbe luJc}l CNI of fOIIM '' t..tec:1 lor aU ~ca· 11001. 673·44li. ISIIILP WAJITID Setiou. lob S.e}ersl Would yo\.\ ltb to Ml yo\lr own houn w1t.b pr•eHcelly ao Umd 011 Hrninoa eocl -.. .. vecehou u ~red? U 10, tMa • ._, ooe coave~UUlly WOtk willa u.a 10rt~~ .. u. ..O.•ve work eiMI payiMOii t, ••.U. lkarl ~· ...,, ror ialonut.-, ......... . -· ...... " .... . • I I , • n y ll • ·~ ~ I I= r I • ~ ( J • I ~ ( BOOIC~IIPING TAXIS-qu&tterh•- llll..U or atartlnQ biUa· n_. er~d lnd.avtduals welcome. Double wv- LDQI, reuon..ble rat• and prof.uo.nal.ly com ~tent •rv•cee Enroll pr.cUc;e b.lore lRS 552-8394. Una...EEIC FUHAGAN ACCTCIIUSDCESS SERVICES Flnaocaal llatemenll, ~yroU, quarterly tax reharna, c...h manaqe menl, blllln ... ayatema and procechn•. &nd ~r10n&l 1ncome t.uu IU-4212 ACOUSnCAL CEILINGS C RAIG 'S SPRA YEO Acolllhc&f Ce1I1.11Q1 Re· a1r1 Very reaaonable rr-•11ln•t• (714) 526-7290. Open Doors B8.000 Circulation 673-0550 ·"' .. 1 ·" ••• • I; ..... ADOinONS ll RENODEIJNG REMODELING SPI· CIAU.ST Oualtty c raltamanabap Reier· enc• TOLLEW CO , 646-7660, 642-1579 RENODEJ..IJIIO SPEClALLST Quahty c raJtamaub.tp Referene•. ToUem Co 14&·7110 &U-U7t AL TERAnONS/ DRESSMHIMG SEAMSTRESS: Qu&Uty work O.~ndable and last RMIOna.ble rat•. Call W.. after 12:30 Monday-F nday. any· tune weehnda (714) 557-0461 ARCIDTECTS REMODELING? 0...9n and worlunq drewLDQI prepared by prof•· SlOnal. 645-01()6 ASPHALT SEAL COATING/ DRIVEWAYS ASPBAL T REPAIR Sealco.ttnQ • StnpplllQ Commercae.l/RM!dentW r ree Eal Lie 397362 Ms-8181 ALLSTATE PAVING CO. > F .29 SPICW. EMTUTAIM.NT IN TKE FAMelY aRClE THEATER o Money Saving Show SpKial• AIMIII ... ON Adults Chtldren tEi-16 .,,~ t Chaldren a uno.< 6 Y'~ 1 IA.50 $2..50 ,,.. _, ... . ... ,. aMOWMOURS Monddy· ThurSday 2Ptttl te tOPII Fnday aPM .. tt .... Saturoav 12 ........ ttPIII Sunddy 12....., .. IJPM Come Early Stay Late A.IR CONDITIONED • Fwn'-Nd lilllodet HotM • Compfleee Yoblle Modulat PORINPOC&U (714) ..... .00 •Interior Room Dlaptay• Home VIU-ue * * JOI COKHOftS. 2199 Rural, Coeta W... CONGRATULAnONSI Yoll b..ve ju.at won two IJC:kN lo "Su~r Fun." P..._ c.ll 67J.0550 for your bc:ltet.J. BEAUTY SVCS/ fTI'NESS S ALLY'S BIAUTY NOO~. 188 I . 17th St , Co.te w .... Pen:IIAJlenl.l IToiD Sll.SO up. TLDiinQ, $8.00 up. Shampoo and ..... S4.SO Froalinq, $12.00 up Haarcuthnq, $3.SO 642-7642 CABINnS -C~atom m.de. lotchen., book· c-. ban, qar~• and ch&tr ra1ll 64(). 7154 everunqa. Ask lor Tom CARPENTRY CARPENTRY WORIC - Pallo coven, declr.:a, q&.r~e Jloraqe Wllll, lance repatr All typea ol c:a.rpentry. No 10b too amAll Tom, 551-2583 CARPE.NTtR SMAll JOB tpeca.&f111t Caba nell, weU wul.l, panel· 1119 , mouldulq, qe.ra9e atoraQe, decka FrM eatuut• Me.der'a Hen d)'Worlr.:a, 642-3789. C A.LL PERK the Futup Man, am.stl carpenter e.nd odd repatr JOba R L Perluru (Scot/ lrlth), 979-9047 FRENCH DOORS, bay wlDdowa patiO coven. declr.a. lranun9. ~tdmq, lencea, wood IJoormq Free eaumat• Eicel lent relezenc ea Unit cen.Md John, 675-6002 C ARPENTER -For 101C:e work, c111tom cab· 1neta, book ahelvea, 9e.r.aqe ce.b1net.J, hn~.th work 23 yeera ea~ nence 963-9056, 963- 5982 Tb.snk yo.a, Jerry C USTOM CABINETS -Kttche n r•lurb1ahlD9 c.abaneta, lonruca counter topa Book c.-qare9e cab1.11eta All lyJ>" of carpentry 963-9056, 531 1641 "Thank you Jerry ::._ CONCRETE PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Wooden pallo covers, ell IJI*l. No JOb too ba9/amall. No. 291235. Aak lor Jam, 548-7102 CONC RIT! A.ND NA· SONRY Pahoa. decka, buc k 1a.lay, drtv-aya w1th uph.elt removal, ple.ot.n, hr• rUl91, block walla. FrM Mhmat... o-, 536· 7440 (ltc . 393422) CONCRETE WORK Petaoa, d11veweya, bloclr:walla, room addJ· hOnl, lAW CUIIinq Backhoe Mrvlce a-,. dentaal/commerc1el. Lac 25<4724. Paul, n5-3283. ns-8371 CEMENT. BRICK A.ND BLOCK WORJC Pahoe Oravewaya. Free •t Cell John, 731-3868 or 731-1366 after 5 * *G ARY GONZA· LIS, 14Z71 MatLIN, lr· YU~· CONGRA TULA· TIO NS• You have 1u.at won two hckell to "Super FWl " PI_,. c all 673-0550 lor your he Ireta CLEANING SVC ··LO·S SERVICES•• Floors stripped and wued Carpets and wtndowa cle.u~ed f ree .. tam.stea 494-5390 CONCRETE I SPECIAUZI ao t<~ck ham.roer work e.nd re moval of concrete (pat1oe, aadewalka a.nd dnveways) Abo culllllQ •nd handMwmq Not llale he Week's Con crete Remove.l, 631· 2610 CONTRACTORS WAY CONSTRUCTION Remodel -AddJtJoDJ Ltc~ &42-1200 CA.RPIT UPHOLSTlRY CLEANING -Summer Spec1al HydroaiMm, deodOIIM, deiJea 2 room•. $13 SO 5 rooma. $31 SO, tofa, \19 7S EARTHWORKS -:. C&M c.~, . .aphoutery dye UDIIO.der'bacllhoe Ell anq (60 yards) Scotch cevalinq. demohtaon qard. pre condtuon109 poet bol• drallanq optional Ce.r~l M.. trencb1n9 Taqht ecc- lers 540-1849 specialty Xevan Pe9e ExCEL 494-2364 631 20n CARPET CAR£ C UST-O M HO ME Cerpeta end .aphol.tt•ry BUILDER needs Jmaller clMn1n9 FRU eata tob• b.tween hoUMe mat" Work qu.sr•n 1 PI-only thoM who teed lac k Bultanqton need end want a prof• owner operator. New 11onal Call (714) 537 port Beach 645 In I 0342 STEAM OR OR"t' Carpet ond Uphols ltw'f c~ Soe cd&zang n <:*tfc\Jt fobrtcs O wner operated. bOSed n IMne (714)U7...uo7 SCOTT PEEL COMSTftUcnOJII Any type car~ntry or repa us Resadenha l Commeaca•l Oualaty wo rkrnanahap Good rat• a nd r•ler•ncN Spec1ala on paho coven aod declta 631 5424 PRICISJON Woodwork ,nq· Room add1uona, re· mode.lln9, ~ho cov•r• doors, mould1n91 Rod. 9623617 Lac H 10768 COISTIUCTlOI SNCW.Tlll .......... ..... .,.a...~ ... ........ ........... t714J tu.an Hf.RE'S HOW TO WIN: If y o u con land y 11ur II..JmP preceded hy lw <> -.tor • • somewh,•re 1n Tn~ New pC>r' [nsru I v -·<' T Kiay and C "' a M C'!>O N,·w ... clo c;-.u,cd sections. you have won TWO FRE£ TICKETS. Coli 673-0550 to clatm y our priiP • •DAVID NORS&N, 229 C&.ra..t St .• Newport Beech CONGRA TU· LAnONS• You have 1\I.N won two hcketa to "Super Fun " PIHM cell 673-0550 lo r your tacket.J FUJU011JR,E REPAIR• RESTORE HAND STRiPPING , repauinQ Anhquea, retle.n, n-turruture. ChAur CA.Ill.D9. fiUhmQ. SP!CLAL -any clwz, e.oy color, he.nd· tln p· ped or r~lued HANDYMAN PATRICK'S HONE Re- p41r and lmprovemenll Genere.l matntene.nce, c arpentry. elec t tic al, plumbmq, concrete pa· uoe e.nd we.lb Hourly rat• No JOb too amall (714) 646-3793 REPAIRS & RE.NOD!l. lNG of .U .or1s done economacelly end efb· c1ently 649-2679. Dt.a· couola 4Y411e.ble S.rv· 109 .U of O re.nQe Coun- ty LANDSCAPING ---YARD REJUVENAnON Cleanup • Tree Tnm IDUlQ • Lawn Reoov.staon • Reland.c:apmq • S.r. IDQ He.rbor Ar-nane y .. ra State hcen.Md an sured Free •tuDa tes CALL BOB 648-9288 JOHM MUUANEY •sOMS Cementlbnck, r•land .c:epanq, tree removal, wood declra l1c 26181 PAlNTIMG PAINTING ln•va "' Eareuor Lvwwsa '"'"' promp• ne41 .. nnct' In PLUMBING SANC HEZ PLUMBING 4Uid lor 10 v•.sn f r•t estom.stes 714) ~~ 5684 (714)b.lb 714<• COAT OF MANY COL ORS PAINTING I ,.,, RMldenl1al'Commer ·1al Specaaltzmq an c:opp.~r repa~ A.Dd re p•11s Lac•nse ~o I 360997 c.u lor lrH eahm.ate 64.2 3394 1u1 eaterlvr ~C.J.J ,, cs I cealanq• Serv•11q lrv11.t' and ~urroundanq ~It'd' I Call 540 0240 (L.c 158400) POOLS/ SAUNAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS JAE'S PAINTING In ZEE'S 1enor E.&ll!m•t RPSadvn POOL SERVICE. TILE JNSTALLAnON DYNAMJC CERAMIC 1ale anate.llahon •n.ler aor ealenor and re pAUl Free •tamaJM (Purch...,. •II me.tera.&f throuqb me Up to 40~. d•.c:ount HonH I work %4 5041 CUSTO M Tll.E WO RK• All typee an.ttallat•ons - s pecaalazanq an re · mod•lanq katchen and bath Ouauly workmAn snap Fr.. eallmatea Rel•r•nc•• Ron $19.75 A Touch of ClaN lotenon, 711 W 17th St , A-2. Costa W...,662-1365 METICULOUS MORT'S •Ho-R.palr • Remodeling • Flll-11 S.rrice Carpentry, plwabw9 elect neal, doors cut e.nd ·~-1.\13 PLANNING TO PLANT 1nq -IAnd.c:ape your new borne or renew your aued qrounds D. AYe I 11.U Commerca.sl F, .. .,l Complete ID41nten..snc• vsHmiltH C .sll •,'L4t .s.nd repa~r E.ac ellenl S45 3131 rela.sble "'orlt Low JIM 8t CO. praces Owner pl!r PAlNTING .• ted Cali 6J. 5725 18:: ruRNTTURi& CABl· NETS -Ea~r1 reP41fl, qualtty L.cq uer llllJ&bea. color metclunQ, free etllmatea R1cb.ard, 960-m8. Your wll.dac lion.!. I quarantee. GARAGE DOOR OPENERS GARAGE DOOR o~n· e r , \119 95 G•n•• Screwdnve, U34.95 Emergency Senlce Spranqa an.d h..udwe.re replaced Ahtm. wood 1teel and sechonal doora Guaranteed, lacen.Md and bonded Yllo4 and MC ll • ll. 991-Mt.s. GENERAL SERVICE NEED CREDIT CARDS? I Guerenteedl Rece1ve Nuter C&.rd. V11.4 Alld m.s)o r credit c.srds even al yo.a have bed or no c; red at, b..nlrruptcy or d1vorce For lrM bro c hure. c.U Credu toll- frM. 1.8QO.S27 -1218, 24 houraany day GARDENING BEST AKEJUC AN Gear denanq S.rv1ce spec~al aunQ an w••klylbl wMkly monthly ma111 tenance and cle.an-ups FrM MIImat ... M~99l FIRST IMPRESSION Tota l Lendac•~ S.rv· aces lnat&llahon e.nd m.santenance Tree sen. ace spranld•n. lawn renov6taon O..p root lertlllaotlon. We do 11 all .ocell -·93 RO TOTILLING DOKE DIRT cb .. p G.srdens llowet beds lawru. landacapanq Reuon able rat• Free adv1ce 646-7819 e.nytame DOWN TO EARTH Lawn end Garden S.rv ace Complete lDitalla lion, renovehon e.nd me1n1en•nce <)ualaty MrYICe at down 10 Nrth pnc•• S.hataed c uatomen our lant ~monty Call .tnvtrm• 646 7819 DOUC'S YARD SERVICE Lawn m41nlenanC'e liM tnmmanq cle.anup and beuhnq 544 2111. nl 1103, w .. kdays 8 5 EXPERJE.NC ED younQ men to ma mtaan L.wn and 9arden V•ry detaal ed l owe.st praces C.sll St•v• alter 5 p m lor a ppl 645 0953 .,....,...L£E S SERVICES'' Lewna aplln.leu ahrubl onatalled Brae ~ .snd C'On rete work f , .. utunal.s 41:}4 539(' IY• I r af. """'" 1 , • 1!1 1f •• 11l·ISst GLASS WOOOIIW)OE GLASS MIMOR a SCilEEM R.-leou.l coaaerc-~Al g_l .. iot eU pu~ 0\aaltty wo rk "...on allleae.t .. U7~1 anatalled moldanqs c ab1neta, shelvanq Fauc•ta, qare9e door tpnoqa, apnnlder ays lema Ful, •thcae nl ser v1ce Lac 8352651 951-6067 0 C Landacctp anq 731 4225 Lac •305752 LANDSCAPING rr~ rnmmanq and remov•l Geoer.sl cleanups Renovate vard' Cemenl work Sreve, 549 lb04 • Inter•~ r KEVAN S PCXJL SERV o E1rae11 , ICE Resadenhal Apu• ./! '"'"" f r..e &>hm.t'"'' m .. nu Comml!r •41 5SS-SS19 Acad ...... sh .sod rep•.rr• SPRING-P AINTING ~an:O~~nd d•pendable ~:,~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~ ,~,:.~ I C CONSTRUCTION HOME IMPROVEMENTS 673-0550 Classified Ot.~JIIY wor~ .tnd maier Swammaoq pool• «nd I .. 1 qu .. ront~d Fr..-~pa• New conarructlon ,,511ma1e,. F rPd ')36 4nd rl!mode ls qunate or j471 hberql.u Co mplete plumbanq eleclt~cal SOUTH SHORE PAl.NT· LOCKSMITH lHG •nd Wood Rehn· HOUSE DOCTOR P..ttn•,nq 1U41 ~v "' ra '"40.VII4ble ~''' "' f ro>" •. ., m.stes S-t• 14C:'• • declca m~nry p.s••os L• •C 53 337 702 ., 14) ~}(3 3657 KEWPORT -M!:SA SPAS .. b.anq Realdenllal .snd FOR YOUR SAFETY ' commercaal lntenor o!nd ~"111Y Wt' n~t .. ll bteuor Cabanets, stau 4ndd If! itev 1 repa u a ll t41lt. doora floors Ball lloclrs w., p41n car> 850-1920 aJt•r 6 p m homes and bualdanq' ~t.atctn&..d C.s.. Kf'r ~ 7047 5Jb 94,8.4 SUMMER PAINTING ;P:pl•~•0, ~:-~~e 4~d SPECIAL dVt'ra~e .,. a-1v , • Landsc.tp• -BondPd 546 76~ DOING SOMETH.ING lLU:GAl' Renovator's I '"''''-'' \550 lnr"" 1 d.,s1qn .nsla llct ttont i0°o II Ou.tlol\' "'' rlr C<;nlrolC't....r~ La dream. futures ap MASONRY plrancea, doors and w1n WM H ANDERSON 4n.:i m~•••,..o l 1 •170448 2668 N•wporl ]U6IcH ..... J F .... Blvd Co~la Mes" dowa lot your kacker Sue, 497 4506 Masonrv Block brtc k ,, 1nt' fpncH P"'" • tos&am.srt-s F ... l bJI 1847 SJ& 3471 HOUSE CLEANING HOUSECLEAN ING Compl••• hoUMCleen annq •partments h o m e c:ondoa ReASonable plotolers, w41l• ln&tot .or ell&t>flor f ree .,, hmales ( t,c 180921 Bond.d 1n1 Hf'ii b4Z Q699 PAINTING & RE.PA.b A slo "-' ' j ....... .Jm~c"' ; ..t• j ~~~ \.. .,. o"" 2679 D" l<a.1ab1e ~tYin I tl OrctOQP Cuur •v COMPLETE CUSTOM PaanllnQ S..rvact' lr1 "' aor Exte11 r C.tt>a• •• ROOFING QUALm ROOf iNG I r 1-Old and nt'w n•truchon l •C'•r.oed an.aured and bonded References av.aal•ble Call Kenny FW!ke anv 11me 645-0193 rat• Reler•ncea Call alter 4 p m 962-2531 . Deborah MASONRY WOOD DALY Landscape reltnash 1 nu ced•nQ~ rPpa .r •r>d ROOFING FENC ES PATIOS Paper h.anQI114 13 """ AIJ typeJ& new Jd HAPPINESS IS HAV lNG TIME lor vourMII Let us handle your SPAS DECKS 673-1 i66 ,. .. ~,.,.nrp f ·-• ,ept~ars decu ...... , ••m .. !•~ ~Ht-1 ht>'i lo• '' • r r :>Ohnq CAll Bab m"U4~.. 548-0769 cle.snanq needa W• do l'----------111 11 all' In bu11nes.s ••nee 1975 The Moppelt> 966 I 300 C LEANING UNLIM ITED For eaC'ellence 10 houaecle.snanq provad anQ .U supphu mclud mq v.scuum Trust worthy and dependable C.sll today lor •stamall! 546 3726 TOP BRASS Cle.an•n.:J S.rv1ces House. ap.srt menta r-ondo. renta ls Allord.abl• rath b-4<:' 0190 S.rvan.:J 0 rM1.:JI! County I LYNNS MO P loo MIRROR MIRRO R BREAKS Er· larq• r .._.m II.Ce$ whatevoi'r ,. •r. mu r I Ar:v w.tll a ell l 4 plat.. ~ 198 •nttalled AI!IO '''" dard •ub ~h J"' "' •n lo;,~urt> .pecaal oOSI.t ll61u ni a I 1Y \110 ,n,aall.d Arid w.udrobt' dvvrs 53 I b Jl.)l; MIRRO RE D WALLS w .. rdr kw i r' "qh l ~.Shlv hw~h'S' ~·110:"' [&pl'r "•il-s•aur IP •<4bl• L <tl r .. t•""• "\ MIKE. ._...., Q64J lnte,.O< 'fate<•O< Acov~t,col Ce• •n.;jt lleterences • O\uted Cloud•o s Mlt-11JI PAPER HNGING ~ •RC HARD COVERING .. , • r'" ~ Rt~-t n -.t. ... ... ".'""'~ ... ~ C.), Err .. ,. \\A, F • • . . . ., . ····· BUCJCLT Cle.smnq Ser vace You mea t up we cle.an at up' Call MOVING 8t Lvnn 552 7692 On • all STORAGE wMklv ba miJnlhlv lnd THE STARVING COl PRECISIL N V\ All PA PER HANG fRS f ,, .. r ttt · ... rr .\ ... r-i'~-•:....-... monthly LEGE STUDENTS M ' STA XLE.EN C· m 1nq Cr h.u Qt< wn Lo 1 Coill "' ~· l ~' •• • tl)l .. ' t.. • • ' l wJ il •l• --r .. plelf' houaeciNnwQ ar T 1.24436) S.m• l ·d vour wrVIce to hlflQ. Y u ~erv1c• C all f-41 !k. 7 b•ct' I hoM how•Kr-.n I <>I R.. '" • .t • 4 nq btu ... Own•' P"' ABC MOVING ~l..d 12 Yf'ar> ~''P~ll ~QC'. FtH ,.,. m a fPS 64b 'i~l PATIO COVERS HOUSECLEANING Own.-r •perated I J , .sl. wot~ mvwlf Wal'ldow• mv tp«:a4hv AI.._ m I plf'te h<'ul"< 1•-sn.r '7 I Cctll D4•nd E~ k•"' 646 72131 I QU ALITY TEA M H ot.lt'Cl•""'"~ s~ Maad• I Otall"}f' C n •y B< ndf'd lll>'-rf'd h~•n•..d c.n 1:-ll in . -•TIM ZWEBER Sl. 0. An&a Cl)rona J•l Mar CONG RATULA I TIONS You hav• tu'l w~ n lwo taclret1 lu 'Sup"' f un "PINae <all I n7J ()SS(l fl>r YOU I h• ~ ... HOUSEKEEPING YOUNG WOMAN wall c le.o vo.a• lao~ae Ver'Y thorouq h R-.onabl. .and nM I CeU Su.a.e .. Iter 5 p m Penonaha ed MIYIC. 645 ()gSJ JANITORIAl. SERVICES 552-0.U O OFFICE PLANNING ,.,. AE.D-... DECK IS ; · · ,.. 4:.b d .. 1 1 .... ~ \ ~~rh I-.:~. 1~. I PHOTOGRAPHY MODEL PORTFC'Lll1 and comp • ,,., Bit~ • .tnd wh••• r lOY ADDS fiMf Summ•r Sr~ •al• Co~ I Ja' ""''"., r '' • b41 OUI Ch•• w~.., P Ia•• b• 1 "' 1 1 ' .t: MODELS ACT lfi S pr l! em• ·' I • ,,1 , ,. .• , , .. ~ ., "' ,.. He•dth\Jts r '" • ~·, .~ .,~ •nd compu.>a'•• tf,,. >\ ~ ·' t•, ,. contulta non Sto .. , ,.,. H ,... .. •• , ,, 714) 494 :-:a. PAINTING I( K PAINTING _..,. r .,,••r t 1_. H1••r t ,. 1 m , ' f ,..,. POl •n • P ~ ' !1. .'7'5 •Ill ''I CUSTOM PAI~TIN(.i PLASTERING I ALL PHASES I PLA" TERING Re •• J leliiUIIJIQ llllt'll I ,., t•roor pal('hw,H~ R ~·m addallun.o ~n.:l c-.61 n hom•• f r" "'''m ••• lac 38878: I hn 960 3786 I 1' tY .. "'" ., ...... I ALL PHAS t S <.)f ..... ,. r ~b4':! l • PLASTERING Unaqu• praC'• I 1 an•••• • or .J I p&tclunQ e.nd p•anhi"'(J new ccn•tru< '• n Fr-Small 1oba welc"m. Mllmat.. O.r <;<,to s~~r low .. tun•t• 1631 8J6 54l9 PA.INTDtG L No 406022 RAY S ROOFING CO Serv n.: ~.. I Or .. r.~ .. Coun•y .a.. ·vpe• r, .. .. 11:ncttes r >u red L.c j6l 2 A .. w~ •• .jua• anaeed 559 CIJ6'< SECRET AR1AL WORD PROCESSING ::,,. ,.,,,., .s Serv• ,., Motll r.-1 0 r p ••I• •-l.J• ··~ ' nb n ~ Fr~P ph. a....-~ ..lnd i., ... ,_. ... C.:~H S_.t" f ~HI "' "-!. 4&;~ SIYUGHTS SKYUGHTS SAVE ENERGY A'l work Quaranl-.:1 " ,,. cl.t\' ~··all~t• , WHton Conatructaon 1714) 963-7137 SOLAR "HovH v A' ELECTRIC BIL -.. ... J m ... 1 • t ~t•ot I , •• ,,.. J\ o\ I I• --tt.,') ...... ...; ... ' ill • o\ •• •t • l , .. , '" 1\.oitl'' .... SPRINIUJ\S S ER V1Ct: • "£P AlJI Van Opp•r' Servace C 71.1131 ~ LEE'S COASTIJME CLEAJGNQ co. Catering to Orooge Co••tt'• Realde~atlol oud lnduatrlitl eCOWWDCl.AL •INDUSTilAL I \ Polntlng c:n:.d DecOratla.g,..... • ln .. ""'' an41 [•t•roor Pe.nllnlf • Creph~e Art • Wall P ~""" • Su"tuno fiCl C•b•n I Rehn • .than1t • At'OIIIhC.J CflhDQI rRU fST1IoU. 7IS EXPERT TR EE SLRV ICE Tree and mrub t11mmmq and r•mov.U Y•rd cleanup f ree u tuta.ttea Ca.ll 963-5982 TREES TRIMMED ed alau EXPERTLY dnd remov v.srd and ~.trden t.uh Re.uon• ble r•laabl• C.U lor !ret' •~tam.tt•s ~7&02 A tt TYPING EXCE.Ll.E.NT TYPING SERVIC E •v.stl•ble I P~ekup &nd d•hvery Newport S..ach and lr vane .sreu 83J. 7704 ca.U .aJter 12noon I UPHOLSTERY EXPERT CUStOM RE UPHOLSTIRY -Otap en•• Up to SO"-oft ma ter.a la '••e •• tamar• South PoUlt• I Upholat•rv Laq.ane Halla 768 9009 SOUSSAN INTERIORS llp ""-" II a ll de i41t.Jn .. r lobrt~.. ~ •00 -~ 1: ·~ ... d .... I· G. "•"l ....-d p: If'S n ' ~ •~ f'rf"P •• ;: .. j. ~" (71 4) 957-0128 WALLPAPERING AUTTU:MAGJC Proleuaonal wallp.apet .n~ •' re;uon4bl• reiN Cl•an ~nd •lhcoent FrH eallmatM S.tuJac '' n ~u4r&n••ed Ot mor • .,..,. .:beerlullv r• tundf'd 71 4 532 3129 • "'!4 o1,<;~ WINDOW CL£A.NING WINDOWS SPARK LfNG CLEAN Aver ·~,. 2 •k-rv B'-IS 17 w1nd 'W\l SIS mma mum S<·r-r.• ,ocluded Ph.:~n• eshmaae,. Benn•r Br 545 •t 58 WINDOW '1. ASHI.NG J•.aalah w •• r.-a.aon tb:.. ra•-c... s.. ~ht\o \\' nd "' C ~-•nanQ .-1 ~7 <,j"'-'<a na to .,~ ..... WINDOW TINTING wtNDOW nNTINC R• .! .. r "' C't rt mer ,.1 •ndJ '•' Sa • m ~nev "' j IOr"l-lV ~,.-;I L u.;~ERPRISES !l.SJ 1429 WORD PROCESS O MPUTER WO RD I P ROCESSI~G Fut , ~ a•e ••nnce 4 t 1 , • ., .... ,.,&bl• r "•• Not• ry ...,.rv ,.. F ,_ ptclrup t nd d•hverv l•r. [7141 :s1 1114 • l ) .... a Wed:z ~Ill'· A.u.pat •• ~-n. .. wpott l..ap Lease FioaociDg On Approved Crec;JiL y LIMITED TIME OFFER egals • Rivieras • Le Sabres Skylarks Skyhawks • Wagons Park Avenues • Centurys Ne c '77 Bukk Regal llStWl .............. '3885 '78 Bukk Regal C912\AC} .............• '5885 '78 Bukk Spt Cpe Turbo ~t7nPI) .... '5885 '79 Buick RIV t•71UQ ................ '8885 '79 B.1kk Riviera ttsauQ ........... . '79 Buick Riviera l~lAH) . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 '80 Buiek Riviera (I'"" ........... '18,485 '80 Buiek Century W gn '"'''-' ...... '8885 '80 Chev Citation C'l"""' ............ '5485 'so Buiek Skylark ~ .............. •sees '81 Buiek Skylark r1~1 ............ '87e5 '81 Bukk Regal "TPtMt .............. '8885 '73 Cbev Malibu '-'ltlJia ............. '2485 '75 Cbev Malibu fi7i'C> ............. '2885 '77 Chev Camaro r.•.srza ......... • .... '4485 '77 Cbe\ Corvette ~ .............. . '77 Chev El Camino ttJl't" ......... '3885 '79 Chev Chevette (IIWIO ........•.. '4485 '80 Chev Cbevette ux~ ........... '4485 • '81 Cbev Moote f.ulo ttCAJIZlt ...... . '80.Chrys <;ordoba ~ ........... '4Wta5 '82 Bu.iek Regal Ltd. Turbo .... '12,--~ '72 Chrys Newport cmnt~ ........... '24a5 ' lyl sAt '7 6 Chrys Cordoba """ ............. '2885 '77 Ford T-Bird 4111SU» .............. '3..S '78 Ford Granada fM'Ul) ........... '2885 '77 Ford Maveriek ll23llP) ........... '2ata5 '77 Ford Mustang~ ........... '3885 '77 Ford Mustang <Sa•u·'• ............ '3485 '78 Ford Pinto "'gn II A~ ......... •s.as '80 Ford Courier 11'"%%7) ............ '4..S '80 Ford Granada .................. '5485 '80 Mere Capri Hatch,, • ._ ....... '4..S '80 Poot Firebinl ~ .............. . '79 Pont Grand Prix fi .. \11) ......... 'S48S '81 Pont firehird tlct:Wt%2) .......... . '71 Audio 5000 ett•u•l · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •s '75 vw LeGrande Bug (P~ . . . . . . . . '44e5 '71 Datsun 8210 r«nf ............... '34 '71 Datsun 20ISX f"IL "• ........... . '71 Datsun 8210 l'tnt ............... '34.:5 '71 Datsun 200SX c-J••vv• . .. . .. . . .. . . • '79 Datsun 210ZX •••m1 ............ '7 '10 Fiat X IJ9 u.w;a~ .............. . '7711ooda Aeeord UIMU7~ .......... '4 '7911ooda Prelude ~nrtl ......... . D '79 Honda Acoord t:ziDJP) ............ '5 785 '79 Honda Civie ps7w-pq ............. '4485 '67 Jaguar 420 fiN~ ............... '3885 '70 Jag XKE Restoration tt£AUtH '13,885 '78 Jaguar XJ6 cmYJIA) ........... 'II ,885 '78 Mazda GLC fl"'~ ............... '3885 '77 MGB ,~...., ..................... '4485 '78 MGB umJt) ...................... '4885 '79 MG Midget -·~ .............. '4885 '81 Mazda RX7 (IIW't6%7) .......... '18,485. '76 MGB (PI.l ........................ '3885 '77 Toyota Corolla nmYot ........... '3485 '79 Toyota PU u»791S} ............... '4885 '80 Toyota GT Air tliGlJ%%) . . . . . . . . . . 85 '81 Toyota Corolla Wgn ,, .. ,n~ .... '5 '79 Triumph TR1 ~ .............. . '76 vw Bug~-.~ .................. •a.as '80 V\f \f esphaJia (LLW74l ....... t) ,885 NE\,VPORT BEACH EASTaLUFF .182,000 Terrific Lusk floor plan that features 3 bedrooms, fomtly room wtth ftreploce, sunny patio, ond con- ventence to schools and shopptng. Best prtce and fmonc•ng 1n the area. 8LUFFS t186,000 Priced for tmmedtote sole! Owner wtll corry f.nonctng on thts well cored fOf ~ bedroom home near pools, schools and shops. Enjoy cool ocean breezes. sunny patio in Bluffs Plozo location. NEWPOATCAEaT t212,000 lowest ,.-ice pion 5.. four bedrooms, cleon, bright and cheerful. Near pc)ol. 1p0 and tennis courts. Owner will cony financing. Try 18% down. Move in condition. Coli for more detailed info. ~TaLUFF t218~ Emo tional family home in garden seHing w ith fabulous wo1erscoping including reflection pool, locuzzi plus night light view. light and airy with super sized family room. Prtced to sell! EAaTaLUFF t275,000 Choice .C bedroom pool home tn terrific family neighborhood! bcellent condition! Excellent f.noncing! Excellent cui-de-soc location! lovely enterlotnment yard w ith pool and ftreptl. a LUFFS .279,000 FEE Great bockboy Vtftw from ltvtng room. dining and 2 bedrooms. large open kitchen surrounded by polio. Three bedrooms and lovely prtvote entry. Excellent financing on this vtew property wtth you owntng the land. A must seel 8LUFFS •210,000 FEE Rote 1 story Paulo plan. Three bedrooms, family room home with the lor~ pt"tvote entry and bock polio on gr-nbeh. Fireplace in living room and moster bedroom_ bcellent long-term financ- •ng. S20,000 pr~ teduchon for you. Two two bedroom homn on 1 lot with assumable loon and owner will ouist withfinoncing. Close to shopptng, schools and beach. Drive by 1 S8.c Son- toAno. EASTSIDE COSTA MI M •111,000 Be your own fondlord, live in front 2 bedroom home wtrh Iorge corner fireplace and rent out bock 1 bedroom loft. Each unit he» a yard. Pro- perty t-.as on assumable loon and owner will osstsl wtth ftnancing. Dream away the hours en1oy•ng wonderful vtews of the Bock Boy and ctty ltghts from 3 bedroom "DoiOfes" plan decorated m earth tones. Seller mottvoted, has priced well below market• 81G CANYON •290,000 Overlooktng Btg Canyon golf course, one of Mclotn's best located condos wtth •ts own double garage, 2 bedrooms, formal dtntng room and parquet kitchen floor. Superb ftnoncmg on one of Newport's best bvysl More than 1ust a place to ltve, on investmenh HAa80A .. tLL·LOT .295,000 Reduced $45,000. Presttgtous guarded gate com- munity. Millio n dollor neighborhood. Build your dream home with o great view. Owner will con- sider trode. Very flexible. Watch this area growl I EA8TaLUFF .312,600 Wonderful family home with gorgeous view. Five bedrooms or .. plus den with spacious backyard. Beautifully maintained. Owner w•ll assist with financing .. BIG CANYON .376,000 Long awaited Augusto model. Three bedrooms, wood flooring and earth tone decor. Fabulous golf cou~ view. Private location HARIIOR VIEW HOMES .396,500 You soy you can't find o lOo/o loon todoy? look no morel The owner of thts most upgraded Por- tofino pion will corry the 1st Trust Deed at 10% wtth 20% down. The perfect famtly home with perfect financing!! BIG CANYON • 535,000 3 bedroom Monaco model Freshly potnted, new landscap ing. Chorm.ng country french decor lowest prtced Monaco in Btg Canyon. Priced to sell. Owner wtll help ftnonce. DOVER SHORES .1,360,000 Dramatic boyfront on Fee land tn Dover Shores. Four fireplaces. 3 wet bars, gloss enclosed dtntng on boy and carved oak PUB seots, 6 protected by d igital security system. /Yony more amenities. COSTA-··- Whete ron you find 2 houses on style and under $180,000? We hove one such property. each house has 2 bedrooms and a Iorge yard and assumable loon. COSTA ME8A .230 ,000 Nestled In Wimbleton Village, greot e•ecuttve 3 or .. bedroom. Plank flooring, shutters, huge master su•te, otr condtttoned, beouttfully land- scaped, lots of brick, spo, gazebo large assumable loon and owner wtll corry 2nd. Reduc- to sell. BEACH COMMUNITIES NEWPORT aEACH $210.000 Talk about opportun•ty One con own thts unde• prtced beach trtplex for costs! A mere $15.000 Htghly rentable untls, 1ust steps 10 boy and beach. Don't mtss thts! PENINSULA POINT $329,000 Walk to beach or boy from 1h1s chorm•ng 2 bedroom, den customtzed home long-term finanCing by seller. Pnme Pen1nsvla local ton Don't m•ss seetng thiS home before you buy' Call for appointment. BALIIOA ISLAND .448,000 lease/option or buy one of tslond's most charm- ing single residence. Three bedrooms plus lof1 and custom jacuzzi. ltght open otry feeling m- side. FOJmol cobblestone dining room. Owner wi II consider all offers. CORONA DIL MAR •595,000 Extra Iorge 2 year old duplex nestled in trees on Bayside Drive. Great view from each unit of boy and ocean. Excellent financ.ng on thts one-of-a- kind property at a prime location. BALIIOA ISLAND •8 10,000 This lovely duplex is located on a cOfner overstz- ed lot. Three bedrooms •n front, separate guest room and Iorge 2 bedroom apartment. Three cor garage with additional porktng for 3 cars See th•s first! NEWPORT aEACH t 645,000 Barefoot on the beach! Super mvestment Best oceanfront localton, qu1et gOJgeovs sunsets Duplex, each w tth three bedrooms plus o Iorge bonus room. Across from tennis and racquet bo ll courts. BALBOA PENINSULA t1 ,600,000 Exc iting new boyfronl on fee w tth dock and \On dy beach. F•ve bedrooms, formal dtntng room. ftreploce and s•tttng room tn master bedroom Ex qu•s•te decor and complete wtth all the modern omentlies. CORONA DEL MAR •1, 700,000 Unique custom bu•h blufftop home wtth ponorom•c ocean and horbor entrance vtew All features exqutsite destgned by leoding restdenltol architect Edward Grenzboch. laguna views of water sploshtng over rocks from almost all rooms. Beouttful light and o•ry home Three bedrooms. mou:h area and Iorge fomtly room wtth fireplace and bar Preshg•ovs ne •ghborhood. IRVINE COVE ., ,900,000 A mogntftcent lrop•cal settmg w1th woterloll and sporldtng pool make thts 5 bedroom home spec roculor •n every way Best sw•mm.ng beach on the coast Owner wtll corry f1rst T D IAYFIONT ,.... a111p tor 10 fa atu •~~c~e n. BeouttfuiV mantalned 4 bec*oorn. stuctv and roonat dining. 3 baths (spa in master). Complete built-in kitchen. SurrOU'ld- ed by loads ot used brick. Owner wiM ftnonce entire bokJnce. Asking $1,395.000. COUNTRY FliNCH On estate size tot OYeltookJng gol ccu. In preatlgioua Big C<nton Ave bedrooms. 4 baths. tov.m room. Qudv, foltt.al dlr*'O. gc:umet kitchen. A/C, superb custom ccntNcttol\ co.ered patiol pool. $2.650.000. J i • i • • i t f II ~IH il;~ ,~UU ~llfl~ ·iJJ.. U i!!l UH iH U II·! U iii lfl ·• I •l! u·~ t'' ·!ii:fi ;i,i'!s ~!~:~ fi i ;!li Hi! u~-~ n~ •·;~ t·t !1 · ~ ::~ .. ~~ ''1.11· ,. u_;_ c-1 I ',!I gl . .!,. ·I· (•~ rJ•D ••l • I 5 J·t .n • . 4lr ·-.;1 1 --,,sz :II•·-• .-.rt. 2 .. ~ • lc ftJg ;II' S 1 J; -[SI · ~ --•' r ! I . I= 115 ~ r--,: i," • I 5 ~!~ ~.!11 :t:i U!ji ~,1, :t tl','i ii iJfj .tri Hi ~·~ ! I Ui rll ~ ~ 2. :•·t:• •l , 1: r ·1; ... • · r,: ~: : = 1 1 c 'I = • ~ r l ~ ~ J. • • . ; l • r • 1 1 . •1 , r I h ~ hi H. ;;~ ~ f!! nl ;} I J' l u ! f~ 0 '·r,llll ·!j!l 1i ¥ I)IJ ''I llf.l JILl i)l f£!f If Ill !: r 2 :. JJ •. J I ~"·I t • 5 I J • ... i z: J ' I tl I l 1 1 .. ,. a. ... -t 1~1l1'• al 1 If Itt If• a;:lt ~ ... J slJ '(1 1 li;JJI ... '! !. I I : ' • ~·f r l i I .. f I' r... 1: -~ t) • f.;:i•ds'· ltr! ri !1•l'• ~;~·h••,t.H!r 1i1 i! ~l J ~.O !lf~r.•!· , .. , 1! ~! ', ~~ j,.J ll ll ltl' •t• !;r: a·!. ~ ,. I ~ .• I J I i ... I l t I . ,: ' -0 ~~.:~ !lli:JI,li i:l.', !! rJf tf Ill !Jr !i~ !II i!:lf ~~! ~~ r l j jCIJ ~ . ~ . 1 = J ,. ,.1 t l I t ~ ) ~ g • li ~ o I ::. ' J"'lll , • J I J I r j... ~ f •• ' r... = c:t ~ I : ;z <.1" .;;(J~ lll --'' '·' · · • ;f ~L h !Jf U ~! J J! J ~~ :l; i. i ~~ . . ..,.JJ ! II . ·. ~ . i I 'I i ~ . . ~ f ~ r r I· . .. I . I . . . I !i ' Jf f I J f I i!i l i .I : i • ~ "' > ~ ~. I I .. w ...f ..,.fc:,: 0 ~ ., ~ ·'·1·11' 1.11 111 11 I I ~ 1 ~•1 f · •11.. 1fll I ... '''II t EJIJ! •'If); "}· lc r;-: l (l!! llfiJ ~if' ~1111 J'J~i1_ 'Jrl ·~~r ! ~~· ·ral~ !I:J1Jt1 § U!! ftii!; JiLf ~a,·f 1f'i lf( s11 J!. : ~ : •• t ... ( t r r i 0 e . · • t I! ·I I i i •I 1 = t !. ~ ~-~ (I) e•> . l , 111 1~ I 1·= Jc,•~ I ·s I' .;it • ~ g 11'trJ:t: iai ·~~H; Jlt: I!~ I I ... ;: 11 .,1 ! J 1! 1 r ·1 r 1., I » ,,.,. l ·I . ! ~~~ ; r•'f: !• = IJj 1~11 .~ tf ·; f.IJt: rtlt; hri •••lls i: := • e' ~ it'1 1; t~a& ll.•1 1t; : s-I f .. ~,~ rrl c J·f~ I I A.., !"' II ... ,, l"' .!.~ 1 'I R ~~~i : c; I ! 1 J r J ~ ·-•· f .. ,. ;. ~ · ~ r1 e I j • m it~~ 11 , ... , e ~· l : , f '= It,; •I' = I i 1 Jc ;' n . im i · c II( c: !! lll '~~!:! [ • •!! . ••• r ~ l ! 1.. I -~~r· i IJf. tri '• ~~ IJ ~ w~~ iJ· .,. I t fs. ;,. • Jl ... ..,. ' • SJ ,. ~ (JIll... I J 'It-fJ'IJ~~ I ~; '1(1 ·! ! J,,~ J ' ~ J ... J., 1 i c :I -~ ~•!l§ .f -~ •iaH! ,1-If!J'~ ltll;: Hh lia,~ ~~~-!:.r ir1~ lllJ• ut:~ ;1rr ilt 1:•• 'JJ! •••• Ill t ;ff I il a note from Maury ... -<J neat 2-bedroom. 2 both home clole ie llg Corona and have the fun ot plcJrw'*'O and cxtcA 10 a second unit. Owner wtll help finance. $279,500. ) Owner will cony good financing. 1~ bl6cka to ocean 01 market. PriYate patios. -- ~t 4, 1982 Atll Estate Far S. try or Pictun thia QUl8Dificent New cuatom home situated among rol11ng billa within an eacluaive 24 hr. parded a ate community. The beat of tennia, pool, and ··~ble facilitiea for rur enjoyment. Abeolutely the moet beautiful country manor on 3 + acree. Four large 1drooma includes a maater wing. Bouquet Canyon rock accentuates the entry, exterior, aDd 2 fireplacea. Four awl automatic bam, tack room and riding at ~na em1»haaizea the care in pl&nnig the are!a to utiafy the aerioua or recreational hoTae-lover. Extenaive IADd8CaPiNr and laviah appointment. in the proceee of being completed. Financing available. For A S~ial Showing Call: Pa Gray Bua: (714) 855-4343 Res: (714) 643-·2550 Costa Mes m NIGEL lAilEY a ASSOC. .... 1 2732 E. eo.et· Hwy. 844-7211 I~ m B~LBOA BAY PROPERTIES 4501 W. Collet Hwy. 875-7080 ~ I ~ COLDWELL lANKER ~ 2181 S.n·JCNiqUin Hilla 844-9080 .. .! J ~CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES • · 3841 E. Collet Hwy. 873-.R•u l . ._ ___________________ ..... _____________ ------.... --------------~ --~~------=----·-=-·----------·-··,"-"1·' l m JACOBS REALTY 2919'Newport Blvd. 875-8870 a GEORGE ELKINS CO. . 2 Corporate Plaza Drive 758-9100 ~~ HASTINGS REAL TV Eaetbluff Center 840-5588 m MACNAB·IAVINE REAL TV 2 Civic Plaza, Newport Cent• ···~ • ....,.. 4. 1982 Rill &tall for S. P• 9 • • ------------------------------ Ont--hdlf block abov~ (htnd Covf' and R1~ Ht·.H h 4 bedroom. \ bclth, eiE>gant rormal d tnmg r<Xml l.u~ famely room. P<)tiO and v1~ ck< k lo.t<k-<1 weth extras One year guarant~ ~5 lS,(Xl) larae 4 bedroom, 3 bath. formal dining. break· fASt room with all the extras Only one block from China Cove and Bay See 230 Goldenrod! ONE BLOCK TO OCEAN Ht•,l IO< cU 1()0 In the Vtllagt" on IO'vf'h Orrhtd Aw \\t•ll bu1lt 2 bt-droom. den, 2-b.Jth. \ lt"W I rom lt>r rd< t' dll lc1th and plast~r and bnck ~ lllO,(XX) ~1th $eller fmanctng at 11%" 2-FAMI. Y HARMONY Chclrm•n& 3-bedroom. dmifla. 2-bath home Sun ckck and b.t.sement plus a nEW splat·l~el 2-bt-d- room. 2 'll·ath. 2 sun decks. wet bar. Vll W <lP<lrt ment Quiet "rea ~9.500 P.S. FOR LEASE: 3 bedrooms, 2 ~ths home $1,250. OR QUIET UPPER HAZR \p.u IOl'' oldt'r hom!' '"'' llrnt> o lff'rt>d h .. n ht·d ruom c~n 2 bdlh torm.tl dm1n~ Ill'\\ k1t< h.•n .1ncl ldmtly room\'\ 1th VI EW ellf'r mav ltn,lnt t• .11 9~~. $llS,OOO.. N~ and unusuc1l Sproul duple' En10v hugt' ''" I>E-nf'llh, 'OE'II c1s 2 condo" later ~bt>droom .! ' : bdth homt-plu' 2-bedrooml ·bclth vi('W iiPdrtmt>nt Plu$h and lu~h ~S45.<XX> , .s. ~ sepu•tely •• $300,000 .tnd $150,0001 A ~fumished 3 bedroom, 2 ~th on quiet u~r Hazel, $1,100. 0 ) ' --~ ---~ _d - - -----------._ . --·= -~ • • .-: Priced at lot value for quick sale. Older 4 bedroom 2 bath and 2 bedroom. 1 bath. Excellent location You own the land. ... OWNER WILL CARfN LOAN AT 1 ~INTEREST In ~te OQted community. We must sell this kMtiV spacious cus- tom wood and glass home. featur- Ing spectacular views of beach and waves. living room with soar- Ing ceilings. four fireplaces. groc• ful spiraling staircase leading to master suite with private view deck and skylighted bath with roman tub. Anxious owner/bUilder wll finance. Asking $1,410.000. unit. 2 bedrOOI"'S. baths. Owner wll Carr,t. $92.000 . IU1 here' a or-. you oan steal and o-t OltaV wtttl it. Ira a ~ dola probate property that w111 be tOf whaM'* the court wtl olow. Usted at orrtv $295.000. lNI Is on o6def home with a OOfQeOUS WHITEWAltR view and POOL Near dOwntown LCJO'.Rl. MUST • SOlD NOWI Make on oftef on this or-.. CD ER lmrnocuk:Jte 3 bedroom. 2 bath owner's unt and spacious 1 bectoom rental both with lotted beam ~ llrePooel and a VfiiY private pool Locoted on or-. a Corona del Mar's premest ,.,...._ Mt blockl to um. Corona leoct\ Fantastic 3 bedrOOfT\ remodeled orttsts home on an R--2 lot. Thefe Is open beam Clings throughout and k>ts of gloss. The taroe tvtno room boaats a wood burning ftNploce and sk'ytght, pU the dnlng OMO and kitchen aM look out to o leOJded bockyord. Thl& .. 1M *-' expenselve home In okj CdM (that'a not o teordown). Fee land. R-2 k)t, GREAT TERMS. t1 you don't buy this one now, you wt1 be mlslklg o tontostlc ~. t.Ut 18ft in 25 c:Jay$. Cal fa your pttvote Showing tOday. Della Plack 611·1266 lovetv decor 3-bedroom home wtth for- mol citing room. Iorge kJtchefVfomitv combo, vaulted ceilings. Moster Suite. atrium and central ~-condltcnng. Great tomNy netghbomoodl $1.._000 (wt1h VA terms) C LL I Before you do. STOP-explore our career beneftb and BRAND NEW LOW COST 1~ COMMISSION CONCB'f. THE "S250PLUS PLAN" Flnest quoUty ocean view suites- private and lefTll..~ at NEW. LOW AFfORDA.IlE PRtaSf Exclu- slvety at our Fashion 1s1onc:t loca- tion. Call Bob Ucato today. 759-1221 15 Co~ Plaza, No. 100, Nl August 4, 1982 Rul btata For S. PIQt 11 BOB and DOVIE KOOP lEW CUSTOM FREICH IORIIAIDY You must see to beieve II thts fine wcrtrnanshlp. 4 br .• 3 ba. fonn. d..r. 3 f.p. Oil uh. bea~f. Ide.. choa of cwp Newport Heights few clf1y $385,000. Sellr carry lrge 1st T.O. at 13'4. IIEWPORT CREST COIDO 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., Ill.. hugl RIUtlr stCSittJnt rm. wu, lariiSt ,...., $210.000. WIDt llt'f offer on tWIQS. S92.000 1st T.O..a&10.25~ "-ORRIDG£ 5 llf. 4 ba. ... ,. .... •• ...... .. 3 l hJMn ....W. • lr. d.r. IDt f.r. lhlltr _. f.t. lilas MM. ~ a *'tters. f. w 2 IlL _. .U A MUll r. • It t89S.OOO. IEWPOIT CIEST COIDO 2 llf. 2~ ~ 11ft liiNw w 0 1 ... firs. ....... ....-s. oc:tlfl w. $98.000 hi .. 12~ PrieM It $170.000. UWOSIIOIES f• OCIIft _. _.._ w. 3 ... 3 Ill. fora dJ .. f.r .. atudy, IlL ,... -' w.tylrd pri. Mk $895.000. fa FOIEClOS--U.IR 11081 .. CUSTOII 4 '· 5 b&. l.f. flatllbc -,., ....... sta. .,,.. IIIII f.p..J-... city '' -.t• ba. • D I "tid t*s. OM of 1M • poat _, 1rt-!NY wu. Vtry, *Y lftJ oftw. &..oMit pnc.e aa-. .. u.sae.eoa-u .188,tMMt $1.200,000 .......... SIT. ht ..a ILUIDI VIEW •us Fentastc ...,. • 111r .._ "-U.S 3 llf t-.. rm. .... tlrP .... .,. ..... $34().000 lH. OCUIFIOIT-OCWFROU Cormrt a. 1ft ..,.. to yaur ,n. m. _, hi 1n rhe fNSt bNdl • die coast. S 170.000 1st at 11 Ill 2nd or S250.000 at 12'4. Stella& 1650.000. l~\1itlr\COIDO 3 llf 3 ba. new a. .U 119adld crpt & tile pn patiO. ~ 0 vtJ l107.000 1st •• 10 7 8\t HARBOR RIDGE LEASE 4 br 3 ba form d.r . I r study beautifully dK 19! decks. tab vu Pu grd gate. pool and tennes $2900 mo Subml ill otltrs SEA VIEW LEASE 4 br 3 11.1 t r d' clly and ocean vu Grd !Jdl~ oool ano 1enms $I 700 pe~ mo NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 BR } , BA w g.-ne room S..o~u dKOI •n ever~ r!ll 1 ~I' I ol ¥re .-, ~ulll As~.og S:-'9 7 000 let> .-,,It 11/Jdt> 101 <,mal r home or condo DOVER SHORES N.lmt vour terms on th·s 111ge 4 SR 4 84 h{lme ~ OCl'.l" v~tw piUs \tP '"law qtr~ SJ 15 000 LH ~1lh eace tf'rms lnw 1ln or uadf rqo•h to, ~ M '~ 8 hom DOVER SHORES Outstandtng locatiOn w v• nl .af back ba~ .lnd f J~IIIO!l Is~ ol bt a, ba lorm rt r 111Hll > .-. •I'\ s-.stfm Stu ft $685 000 ftt Grl lltl a~.u1 BOB or DO VIE KOOP 7 59-1221 IEWPOIT lEACH . - ' . Pill 12 Aell bulle For S. ~t 4, 1982 While some will look upon Somerset as an exercise in pure indulgence, a few will recognize it as a neighborhood that reflects the culmination of their years of successful end~vor. You · ve come to a point in life tfrat few experience . That place wfrere aspiration and accom- plishment converge in triumph . For you there is Somerset . Over the past 5 years. Somer- set has emerged as V ilia Park's most celebrat ed neighborhood . Far more than a place to live. it .. is a neighoorftood imbued with charisma and propriety-the perfect setting for its 12 capti- vating residences. Somerset is home to those who are at home with suaess.lb those · whose personal standards are reflected in their suffoundings . • Somerset is established. U n- compromised. It speaks softly with confidence. undeniable beauty and exquisite taste . Somerset is sophisticated. Social . Synonymous with achievement . Both in attitude and address . There is nothing eise like Somerset in Villa Park- perhaps in the entire county. Chances are there never will be. The final 3 homes of Somerset have recently been completed and are now available from $795 .000. Somerset is worth a closer look ... especially now that you · re aJtttMJ of tht gtm~t. Shown by appointment only during the week . Open 12 :00 noon to 5:00PM on Sundays . Phone (714) 97&-0366 .. LOCATION! HARBOR RIDGE CREST DYNASTY PLAN UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW \ OF OCEAN, BAY&.. CITY UGHTS • DLUCDNI • . ~ ..... .~ . ..... Gnat Fieawd.,-Auuaahle 11.38% INT . 8lad AYailahle 31 Yr. Fixed BEAUTI~ PARK-UKE S£1 I lNG A~ntic japaneK l.andscaping, draianed by ont of California's most acclaimed japane~ Landsca~ Architects, and built professionally with uses of wood decks along the complck back aide of structun. Japane~ detailing. authentic Japanese trees both front and back. Enter through lush. lands.caped courtyaJd with gTanite planters and walla. btuior plants have been color.-coordinated to correspond with interior colora. . . . , Custom UJ)-Ifaded intmor, includina elepnt. hand mack Skojj Screma. white oak floors. silk drapuies in master ~oom suite. Custom Minora. Custom wall co~crinp by jud &aa and Van Luit. ALL nos BEAUTY AND CLASS FOR $4SO.OOO. OPIN SATUaDAYS AND SUNDAYS [)G[ (7 ,. ,, .. ·- TWOBEDROO 452 Morning Canyc)n Drive. CORONA DEL MAR. $259.500 Open Sunday 1-5 67S.5354. 209 19th St.. BALBOA PENINSULA. 2 plus condonUnlwn. 1319.000 Open Sat./Sun. 631-1400~ 117 Marine Ave., BALBOA ISLAND. s.m.ooo. 0p.n Saturday 1-s 67~. 535 ·Jiuel Drtw. CORONA DEL MAR. view, family room. ms.ooo Open Swmy 1-5 673-8454. 35 Harbor Ridge Drive. HARBOR RIDGE ESTATES, view 1995.000 furnWMd. $895,000 unfurnished. Open Sunday 1-6 670.1787. 411 Dahlia. CORONA DEL MAR. 1300.000 Open Sunday 1·5 673-5354. 870 Sandcastle, CORONA DEL MAR. $312.000 Open Sunday 1·5 644--9060. 23 luceme. HARBOR RIDGE CREST. ocarVbay view, poofr'spa. $450.000. Open Sanudays and Sunday. 760-9590. 870 Sa.ndcude. CORONA DEL MAR. $312.000 Open Sunday 1-5 M+-9060. 1511 Kmg. ROIId. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. family room S599.000 Open Sunday 1-5 631-1400. 314 Marigold. CORONA DEL MAR. duplex 3/2 1669,000 Open Saturday/Sunday 1·5 631-1400. 2405 Cliff Drive. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 plus 1820.000 Open Sunday 1·5 6S1·1400. 401 Poinsettia,. CORONA DEL MAR dupae.x ~ U72.000. Open SatuJd.y 1·5 631·1400. 108 Turquoise. BAlBOA ISLAND, 1595.000 Open Saturday and Sunday 1·5 631-1400. 230 Gddenrod. CORONA DEL MAR. $4.50.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 673-8434. 232 Goldenrod. CORONA DEL MAR. 15S5.000 Open Sat./Sun. 1·5 673-5354. 18 Cherry Hills. BIG CANYON. $1.095,000. Open Sunday 1·5 644-9060. 101 Via Quito. UDO. M25.000. Open Sundlly 1·5 644--9060. 2127 IDclan Spnnga lane. BACK BAY. $539,500 Open Su.-y 1·5 631·1400. 2801 W. Oce_,oe._ BALBOA PENINSULA. ..... float. 1695,000 Open ~ 1·5 631·1400. S20 s.awud. SHORECLIFFS (Corona del Mar) 1475.000 0,. Se•'MIIy 1·5 631-1400. • • ~-~ ¥ -t~·· . . ' ' __ l,._...,.._L.._ ~A.. 1448 Gald"y. DOVER SHORES. view. pool. spa. air ooncldoned. Now $995.000 Open Sunday H 675-2373. 226 Poppy. CORONA DEL MAR. $585.000 Open Sunday 1·5 644-9060. 17t0 Port Sheffield. HARBOR VIEW HONES. 1340.000 Open Saturday 1·5 644--9060. 2591 Bayshore Drtw. BAYSHORES, family room. 1725.000 Open Saturday 1-5 631·1400. 3 bedrooms 3 bedrooms 4 bedroonll 3 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 3 bedroom• 3 bedlooms 3 bedrooms 3 bedrooms 2 bedrooms 1 bedroom 1 bedroom 3 bedroom S1.15Wmo S1.1._mo 11.195/mo 11.30Ct(mo Sl.IOO(mo S2.000(mo ll .• mo SJ._.mo S1 •• mo S2.200r'mo S IOO(mo S2.000(summer 12.~aummer 631-7300 631·7300 631-7300 631-1400 631·1400 631·1400 631-1400 675-9935 631·7300 631·1400 631·7300 631-1400 691-1400 ~' IHCJitWHI.._ I?Jiw'IHt~t .. ,.., ro~triltl'f" .mu ... tlw11 ,.,.,,,. ,.,. 41/ ~""*''"'"' ,.,,,,...; ''"'' ,,.,,. u. .... '"";~ .. ,_,;tlili~ of,,.,., fnlli141f ;,. ,.w .... , .,..., " ,.,..,, ,...,.,;,.~,. nf llwfr ~ rXtW't,.,.,_,. ;,. ,.,,, ..... - ~~ ... ; ... ;.,., .. ,, ~,...,, -... I mH fllw•l.\lt ~tlfHI lu I'IHhff'lffl f'_ffi'f·tiN • •:l]forl11 lf1 ,.,,..,,.,"~ IHHttt· mrH..ndtiJA \otltin/1 l•·twr ,...,,,_, INy'/,.'" If• tit,. I ,;,,'fl '\14111'11 IJ..m If rf•n · IH11f1/llf• iiH'fY'fiM' ill t#w uwrwnJ.il' •'}' lt.~A.-"••rn•11 t •. llflfflill,.:. ;_~i.lfl• l'r••ttlllt•lll -nw , ... ,.,.,..,.., ,, " INMW. ,,. ,....,., ,, i1tt~ ""' t'fNINrll willt lltw 1• r tiM tf ff "' of llw ,..,.,. ,.,. a,..,., tltw __,~I ;,.,...;,.,..~a 4«1t t'frH- i~tlf>f'ftl ,.,., liM'/-'--- f'.alrilf r ... JH/Ilf' •. '1014 p,.,.;,Jrnl _,,,.,, .... ,flit• , . .,,.,,.., ,,.. 1.1114# • .,. .,,.~. .... ,,.., #'Will il /~t• l 'flmf'f/ fiiNI\. /"llfriHIIfl'f/11 it /I I' .. IHIIHNI M'HM' mtt/ IH<ImiJ..IIf'f/ H'lllf ff'fiMHHdll.• nm•. it ill ul•ml IIH -41/i••l ,, ,.,.,,...,, '" ,,.,. ~r•trltL .. ,.,..,,J.Iill '"""""' H•••·••·lt . .'tl1HI I'rr ,.,..,, August 4, 1982 Rtal bt1te For S. PIQI 15 • "'«4 , ... 16 ..... blatt Fw s. ...... 4. 1982 Please Visit Us Soon! 22 .. , IPl • ....ul lUI IlL IIIII IIIIIL 2 BR. 1¥. Bath. most w/ftreplaces, 2 car garages or carports. laundry facilities. community pool nearby. On the Blutta overlooking nature park & preserve. Exceffent financing. $1,800,000 Leasehold. Jan Young. (M11) ___ ., ..... ..., Exclusive linda Isle. Gllmorous trllditional residence located on the main bay. Spectacular archi1ecturat delign; high c:eWnga. walls of glass, mstr suite, 58A + library. Slip tor 70' bOat & side ties. A Leasehold estate $1,650,000. Cathy Schweickert. (M12) _.,... ... Ocean. jetty. Big Corona. 3 BA. 3 BA. den, 2 car garage, guest house. Steps to beach. a.autlful oak plank floors. $1,500,000 Fee. MaUieen White. (M1-i} ... ----····---One of a kind Free-standing Devonshire wtth 5 BA & bonus room. Panoramic View -Ocean. bay, Catatina, night lights. Gorgeous Mexican Pavers inside & out. Lowly SOikt oak I)Meling in family rm .• bonus rm. & den. $1 ,495,000. Maureen White. (M15) •mat man Enchanting design & dec:or. Large w.tom home atop the hilt offering the finest In v'-w. Several yrs new. ,_lUting 48A. Incl. lwturioua mstr sutte + den, fam. rm, tormal din. rm. French doors, <Wt 1oora. bMm ceifings, dream kttchen, 3 t~Np~ecea. 101111 ,_._. poot a ~· LO¥ety ~den ••· Located on prtyate eukte-aac In ~ COM. S1.2M,OOO. Jane Paqum. (M1.) Tom Queen, Vice President .... .....__ ... 4 BR. 4 bath family home w/room for expansion. Pool. spa. lighted paddle tennis court & separate pfay yard. Ocean view. Gated community w/prlvate beech. Land included. A best value In Cove. $975,000. Donna Godsha't. (M18) I Glamorous Ivan Wens custom home featurtno stained glass retractable roof atrium. Elegent wet bar tor entllftalnlng. FOI"ma8 dlni:l.. rm. 4 BA &. den. Ful leCUriey aystML 8ec:luded gwden ~ pool. epa &. tropal waterflll. 1175,000 lnd\dng IMd. Cathy Schweickert (M 18) Dramatic: 2 8R aplft 1ew1 wtth ~ tariM~ ~ room. <Mn & libfW'y. Spec:teculllr OCMn lind ctty Mght ~. tmmedint PQR .. slon. Glat terms. 1510.000. Belle Partch. (M21) Fantastic oc:eM a canyon view 3 81\ 2 BA. clnlng arM home as situated on vettY tg lot -room for ~ & pool. $485.000 F• land. Donna Godehatl. (M22)