HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-25 - Newport Harbor Ensignt:Q -010 Q)O:l.l\0 .... 0 ..... 0 a-a'I"-J Orr10CXl Dl• il)i'J OlOS n CJ ,., > ...... w rf::j o n \Oill:l" i'J -:J' z Cf\ 0' ,..... "' - Bruce PenhaU Joins Movies ~acer Becomes :HiPs Member See Page 9 Back To School Fashion Tips Mildred Mead Looks At Great Variet}' See Page 8 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHED 1948 • 35TH YEAR •'NUMBER 2 (714) 673-0550 • SERVING ALL O F NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDA Y, AUGUST 25 , 1982 by Rob.t Frank A hobby ahow. conhnual entertainment and playoff tour· namenta will hlglilight the Oaa11 Senior Center'• fifth btrthday celebration Saturday, Aug. 28. About 700 celebrants are ••· pected to attend the atx-hour party at 800 Marguente, Corona del Mar, to enjoy mua1c, craJte and some special sports events. "We etarted operations with 200 people," explained Judy O 'Shaughneuy, eupervtaor of o.m.. "Now we have 2,800 and we're I atill growing," ahe contmued. "l think tt'e wonderful that the c1ty of Newport BMcb MW ht to aponeor ua. Our growth shows that a center Wre oura m"ta a nM<i witbtn the .. n1or comrnunt· ty." m..nor Nnrman, acetal cbau· JD&D fw the event, bu planned a wtM variety of attracU~~ At tbe hobby allow will oe ou ud putel ~i.ntinQt, a rock col· lectlo.n, a hat collection, a etarnp collection, woodcazvinga, ecwptwe, etu.Hed.u imala, beautlful della, ahella, needle· point, repeD.Mdle (f&ncy boxes). crochet, metal~eulpture, model ahip1, colne, rnap1, ceramaca and Btaille oraftt. AU of theM are collections of I Oaala members. htertaJnment w1ll start every hour, on the hour. Lunch wlll be 1 available at modelt price• at I noon. AD awarda ceremony 11 alated 1 for 3 p .m., honoring the w1nnera 1 of the play-ofb ln the Center'• I pool, plnQ·pong and horNahoe tourualllenta. Mayor Jackie Heather 11 ecbedwed to make • welcom1no aJ)MCh at 10:30 a.m • and OrU9e County Supervlaor Tom Riley will pr ... nUng Oatil with a o.rtlflcate o1 honor on behalf of the county. The d.ay·lon; event 11 fr ... and uyone of any age It In· vltecl. ~tTops A~ For School Board Character boats p•ctured are. from top , Isla Bella , Commerctal Sweepstakes w1n ner. the S h1p House, Mayor's Trophy Wtnner Brboe Bay Ctub MftJe Btll1 Animauon wtnner. the Pacafac Chpper. Best Sound wmner ot e Trop1c B~rd. Best Costumes w1nner. a nd above mast the lntegr~ty Best Decorated W111ner Sr11ff u• • tlv 81"" S b• Character Boats Parade In Bay A large number of decorated boat1 c~rcled Newport Harbor Sunday during the 22nd Annual Character Boat Parade apon· aored by the Commordorea Club of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce . Wmnere tn the parade we re as follows Olvlalon I and U. Decorated loot I Mayor's Cho1ce Sh1p Houae. owned by B1ll Grundy Beet Decorated· Integnty owned by Oouq Laechty Beat Club Decorated. Argua, owned by the Sea Scouts Beet Sound. Pacific Chpper owned by Thompson and Shtp· man Beat An1mahon: Faactnahon. owned by 1 Heeter Beat Coetume . lnteonty, own ed by Doug Llechty The Themelatreme. Waqon Train, owned by Steve Baker Dtvtalon U. Chcmacter loot• Beat Monterey. Jack 9. Phog· bound, owned by Wahlberg and Plavan Beet Steamleu Character S.S. Mlehtgan. owned by A Dale and G iroux Oldest Boat by Regletrataon Aroua, onwed by S.. Scouta One of a JCtnd· Serena, owned by M1lre Anderton Beat Claulc Yacht. Electra. owned by Eric Thorson .. , &\y Launch: Nemonea '49, owned by MUte RuaMII and Norm Aaen•. Beet Work Boat: Ofhctal, own· eel b y Paul Michalcayk. Dl•ielon m. CoauDerclol Entrl" lett Theme Decorated: Wa Belle, Tile lrvme Co. lett Co.t\lm"· Tropac Bard, owned by Anl.-.1 Cracker•. Be.t&ound: ~r~. owned by Jua Sleaou 1m porta. IMt Anuut.an, Live: bo.l own· eel a., J..-r'• a..ta\ltaal . .... AaliUt on, W.Va.utcal: larve owaecl by·~ •Y Clu. Coa...n:lal a. ....... lc .. : tala •u.. owa..t by n-. lrv••e Co I \1' ,. I ' CCM•ndl Hummel Councdm.sn P.sul Hummel's a ttempt to get the Caty Councal to dascuss ways to desu~nate a church sate an the C astaways ra n anto a stone wall at Monday naght'li Councal meellnQ Calllng the letter wntten !.sst week by Hummel an all-tamed ef· fort to add .soother area of con troversy to the alteady troubled St. Andrew's Preabyteuan Church .spplacataon for expan saon, the councal voted 5-1 wath one abstenhon to refer the letter to a commattee attempllnQ to re.sch aoreement .smong the church, communaty .snd councal on the proJect "Hummel's tammQ 11 oil on thu He h&a weaken.d the com matt" whach 11 trytnQ to reach a determanataon by S.pt 13," I commented Councalm.&n Don Strauu Counc tlman Phal Maurer a member ~f •he commattee add ed. ' The llmang 11 very poor and puts us \the comm.l!eel an a ve ry bad pOilllOt: . Councalman John Cox added that .. ,, '' tnapproptra te •o do that (receave the letter) " The councal at ltrat ducuued pultlnQ off conatderalton of Humm•l's letter unttl afte r the St Andrew'• Church apphcahon wa• decaded 10 there would be no hant of confhct b••we•n tha t apphca tton and a dascuaaaon of church aat•• an the Cu taway• Before aubmatttnQ 11 • expan ston plan lor '' • curren• 11te on 1 Sth Street across from Newpor· Harbor H1c;1h School St An The complete text of the Genera l Plan amendment wh 1ch 11 the aub)ect of • referendum th11 fall wtll be "nt to voten followtnQ act1on by the Ctty Counc1l Mondav n.qh• The amendmen• whtcl'l allow· ed comme rc1al re•.de nnal and .nduatnal deve lopment on the Bann1nq Beeco proper:v tn We11 Newport wa1 placed tn tne November ballor lollowtnq a aucceuful pet1110n dnve laat Spnng Councilma n Oc r-Strauaa op· posed "nd 1nQ ou1 •he ent1re document whtch amounta •o 57 typed paqea "57 pag•• 11 • ternb v op presatve thtnq To pnnt 11 all would be melftcaent • he com men ted Howe ver the rest of the coun ctl dlMgreed wtth ha m Counc1lman Phtl M.urer aatd that 1t was tmportant for the voters to have all the anforma· llon on the amendment m front of them when they voted St.&lt rel)Orted that tl\e eounctl could condenae the t .. t to 1,000 drew's had been neqohattDQ for a sate Ln the Castaways arM N&Qohallona w•r• broken otf by 1 the lrvme Co . whtch owns the Cutaway• 11te Follow1ng conttnuance of the apphcahon to S.pt 13 from the last meetmg. Hummel wrote hta : letter. wh1ch suggested that the 1 ctty may want to ducuu ways to requtre a church 11te m the I Castaways area, menhomng St Andrew's prommently u a church wh1ch could UN such a 11te Clly Attorney Mlchael H Mtller told the councu that It I would 1nappropr~te to CODSlder aoy Information on the St An· drew's apphcabon rec:e1ved out· a1de the pubhc he&rlDg , w!uch wtU r•ume 5.pt. 13. I A~n.e..-"Poitwo member• of lh• C uy Councal Maurer aod N.a yor Pro·tem Evelyn Hart, two rep~t.&uv .. of the church &lld two members of the CWfhaven commwuty aurroundJ..ng the chweh a cur· rently m"hng m &l1 attempt to ruolve problema betWMn the church and the netohbon ao the prOJect can go forwazd The church propoeet to COD· atruet an 85·foot tower aa part oJ a new aanctuary to be bwlt on property along Clay Str"t behtnd the pr ... n t aanc1uary bu1ldlnq Netghbora along C lay and 1n the aurroundtng area oppoM the pro)ec:t beeaUM of what they call tt'a eaceMtve 111• words or leN as allowed by sta te law u lono •• th•y 10cluded a poetcud by wh1ch voten could order • full copy ot the amend· me nt The counc1l hnally voted 1·1 ro .. nd all voters the full text oJ :he amendme nt • Diabetk:lt -~ b&oocliQ9U M.a. cuaot be coatrollecl ~ wttll COilftGtioul IM'dia u..,._, .,., Aact a auch ~ cle9rM oi c:oattol utoq .. ab.raau ... Pf09l .. beta9 ._.. at t.M UC lntM Wedie&l C.ter. ' ... e'Q:*"''" ud it COD- Iid.rably ._ CWD.benome tau tU IChMJ pump. The Pf09f&JD ia u..nder the clirectioA of Dr. Gzut Gwinup, prde•or of IMClicine ud chieJ of the DiNIOD of IDdocri.Doloqy ADd Medicm. at the UCI Col- leqe of Ned.lcine. Of the 25 hud·to-man&Qe patiente Gwinup h&t placed oa the alternative reqimen, 23 have ahown madteclly iJDp10v.d control u eviducecl by •1'\UD qlucoee aDd othez te.t nn!ta. lA addi- Uoa, they ..... able to eutain the hi9h deqNe of cootrol for uteai" perioda of time. TIM proqraa .._ beea dubb. ed the "poor-.-·. iDaul1D ~pH by ita propoaute becaue it c:WiYen LuuliD in a fuhioll eia1l&r to U..t of a poz- ...W. 1DfuioD .,..... ia much Under the proqra.m, hard-to- control di.abet1ce rec.iYe \lP to 50 perceDt of their total inlu.Ua requirement• u • eiD.qle dOM ill the morninq with the Nmainder qiven M thr .. varyinq doeM 30 minut• pzior to Mcll JDMI. lA coatrut, aYeraqe cli&betice ~C~~~ewpon Beach group STAND (Stop A Nuclear Devastation) joined other anti-war and anti-nuclear groups last Wednesday outside the Newporter Inn to protest a weapons dispUty and seminar being held withm. Above Dale and Carol Ann Bradford of STAND join tha;protest. organized by the Alliance For Survivat at the event. held by the Technological Transfer Association and the Los Angeles Engineers Council. Custom cksignj~ cl dressma.ltins. The finest in {tulaions created esJHcially for you. ORAND OPENING SPECIAL 10% Discount 011 All ,..ed~·to-WHt .. E. Coeat Hwy •• Corone .... ., AI the Ctvis1ian Soenot ~~.p.ng people .,. hefped to .... '*' valuea In the Btbte. In this great boc* they find parables, prayers, life ~Dies. and ciNr ~Mchif~ga to help themmo¥8 toward the right ~ AndJeeus' Unsetfish, ~effut e•ampte to be thetr model tor right IICbons. Anyone through age18 is wetcome . . fiYeiY ~ ... Y'M' long. CMNITIAN 1aDC1 ...,. ICMOOf.. EVBlV~YAT lOAM Second OUch of Chrtat Scielatllt 3l()Q PACIJlC VfEW OfiVf COR()NA OR MAR The Via Lido hants are having their Annual Summer Sid w lk al Friday I Saturday I Suriday Auguat 211a121 Terrific Sauinlls on Olfta, Cloihea, Llno.rte ana More * fCloud Stuu:l4yJ Don't lllu The Fun a tlte S••lnga VIA LIDO. NIWPOIIT MACH Dinner had been cozy The wine. recommended by the Alf Cal in flight ma~azine expert had been nice. The &hefTy. the one which the MXY girl on TV Mrvet to har lnvtted elite h.d been IOOthing. The epa was hot and very relax1ng . The Newpon couple wert just gttting around to the pert of the ev.ning that they always Mt alide fOf wiout talk. The hulbend led off: ••Old you rud in today'a pepet-about the flap over the wording of the local ,...,._,dum on the Novernt. baUot? Some judge decided t~t the proper way to vote 'No' on the big Beeco-Bannlng project would be to vote ·v .. · " "lut ween't It 8eeco that moved ut out here from Nebraska. honey? And they did auch a wondlrlul job. I'd hate to vote against them " "NC, no, that wee Bellina. Beeco-Bann1ng •• the outf1t that wantt to build the hMvy commerdal·inctu.tn.l thing by Hoag Hospital The C1ty Council epprowd u. but the people of Newport decldld to oppoee it and they got enough l'gnatur• to put it on the November belot.'' "Ia that the tame ballot that hu the 12 propcn~tlons and tha Stat•wlde elections and all thatr• • "Yeehl" "~8u1 we uMd to hew local elections '" Apr1l. when the ballot w.en't iO eo~fuli " " that wee befote the deveJopera lost an election. and goc the dat• " ··~, . "~n~. the Council. which mutt have been very min-d 11 eU of u1 for challenging their authority to ~ our town. decided 10 word the Beeco-a.nnmg referend!Jm 10 that we would get • So the referendum on tl'te ballot wtll Mk ua whether M went to owrturn the eou~ -~ That way, If M YO I. ·v .. · It muna 'No' An •~o .. ••()ht•• . . .., -. •"fhe ludoe. uld that It probebfY lhould have been worded the otMr wty ll'ound." •'Thiln wftY cld he ru .. h WM Ok to 1etw the c:onf:utin; wording In there1" ''YM, he Mfd it would t. too con~ to change It now." .. Oh, .. •¥/ell, let't turn ln. HoMy. Hey, lfeelllinda romantic:: How aboul '"""U7., .. No... ,.-- ··~ that """'" "f•T • f UCI The elteruttve pf09t&.ID woru oa the .... tMorJ aa ta.t of tae luuliD pwap-the beet way to control the concentration of euqar circW.Ua.q in the blood ia to mimic u cloeely aa poeeible the nozmel output of lnauUn by the p&DCrHI. Thie pattern of in· aulin aeeretlon hu been record· ed uaiD; en artificial paacrHa called • btoetator. Studi .. on the machiDe reveal that inaulin Come SeeThe New Fall Fashions All you'll ever need to know about florists : Good coctrol of blood euqu CODceDtratione hu bMa .claJev- ed WUA the \1M of a pump ayitem thet approaiJUt• thia bod.Uy pattem. While the pump can continuoualy inject inaulin under the akin, the patient aleo la capable of ectivetinq the device in auch a way that in· creued a.mounta of inaulin can be delivered when needed, euch u juat before meala. Patient• are .W. to detenaiAe jult wlaat aaout they n..O ud -.. t,hy ,..ct it by IDOilito~ the r OWil blood ;lucoee ...-. "Uafortunat.ly, •• Gwinup Mid, "muy people think thi.a portahle pump w the auwer to· a veJY difficult problem but it la a.ot without ita own probl.su in· cludinv •Je. The pump curNnt· ly ia under inve .. iqaUoa. by the Center for Di ..... Control in Atlanta foUowin; the deetha of 11 die.betice patient• who were uain; the pump when they died." John £. 'BCom. < "U.'il ~)~f Ptfl n\ )CR.-\PHY We An PROUD to a ... Pw..,.,w SENATOR CHRISTOPHER DODD. U.S. S.... &.. Ceuectic•t, ... w..u.s .... (W~ 641 ·0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa ' ~ BEDROOM 112 • MASTER BEDROOM "" ., We Would Be PROUD To Photograph Yow Family • Faai.IJ Gro.p SPECIAL au..pA.,..t 7 .... 1717 3040 E. Pacific Coast Hw y. Corona. dtl Mar. CA DINING ROOM .,IT,..Ht:"-4 • LIVING ROOM • .. • of dn&.nbn d.rtvmo. none from Newport ••ch su.ap&ClOD of coamerctal burolary GJone W.rae POUCE BLOTIER W~.Avg.ll CIUNIS NuUnUI, 27. of S.Uta A.. .... arrMted on au.p.cton oforud theft Anto~ Chaqu4MJO S...Odoval, 22. oJ Com. W.... wu arrested on au.apacaoo of pet- Abcwe it the old Encore Restaurant. where Ambrosia will soon be located. . Ambrosia To Leave NB For Plaza Area Ambzo..a&, one of Oran()e County'• mo.t preeti9iou d.inin Mtablwbment.a, will lMve ata Newport Beach \ome for a new one in Co.ta W.... The City Cou.ncU'a approval lat WMk of traffic modification in the Town Center UM opena the way for at .... aqrMment betwMn r•taurant owner Geril Muller and Town Center A..ociat ... Ambro.ia'a current locahon on the &lboa peninaula reportedly hu had problema with traffac and parltino tor the hiob-cl&M, luoh-priced eatery. The 15,000-aquue-foot Town Center loc.tion, ad~cent to South Cout Repertory Theatre, will not be uaed entuely tor A.m- brQii.a. Muller'• plana caJl for the openiiiQ of a new, ahQhtly more "afford&ble" rMtauzant, Le Premiere Grille, on the a1te of the hco.re rMtauzant. lA Premiere Grille will .. rve after-theater and other dlnera m the SJS...o rane)e. This is the present site of the Amblosia Restaurant in downtown Newport Beach. Sally Seaver PIANO TEACHER "41;•-•utlltfl New Students 840-8197 1432 s.ndcaatte Corona delMar .... !NY'.·· Special• Jl& &IJ from $381 \ c.omplctll ~vacations Mw!day. Aug. ll CIUMIS · Anuqu... ailver and jewelry were aJDODQ ateiiUI valued at $63,800 reported atolen from Cb.u._ WUliUl ~rcher an the 1500 block of Galuy ... $1,200 wu reported atolen from an Iuter Buket belonQinQ to Nich .. l Scott Becher m the 300 block oJ Lu.oon1a . . . A Bobcat lawnmower and an edoer valued at $650 were reported atolen from the 96J'•o• of Thomu Lawrence Blau 111 the 100 block of Ollve . . . A tool box and tools valued at SSSO were reported atolen from Jay L. Reed 111 the 300 block of Onyx. A RUSTS Scott Don Norton, ~3. hated u a lraDalent, wu .urested on auapicion of UMwl and battery ... Alan Wayne S.Jlera, 23, of1 Pomona, wu arr .. ted on .upi- caon of pou••mo quaaludes for aale ... lvette GonuJ ... 20, of Bueu Park, wu arrMted on al.lapicion of poaeaino am- pbetamin" . . . Two people were •rr•ted on su.sp&cion of d.runken clravinQ, mcludano W.noa Sophia Anderson of NeWl)Ort Beach. Tu.day. Aug. 17 CRIMES A char()e account of S773.46 baa heeD totalled to Gelson's W.zket on a credlt card ap- parently atolen from EdWUl Haaelton ford m the 4000 block of Birch . . . A car stereo and a CB valued at S650 were stolen bom a car beJonotnQ toTer- rence Michael Shambell pa.rked an the 200 block of Marouerite. T r·U·_ h' ~ .!\.:.... t.. ~-, l !"'-, : b.. f.< :;:i a•LP AJIITIID Paste-Up ArtJst Call 673.0550 We have moved ... Please come see us HELP WAit'I&D Pagers CaD 673.0550 in our new home. Located in the new Pac:18c Federal Plaza 1901 Newport Boulevard. Suite 129 Costa Mesa. California 92627 (714) 646-4431 or 549-2246 ISAIAH 8p m e. m 9a.m. l130a m 7p m ARRESTS Cra&Q Edward Hendershot, 33, of Co.ta Weaa, wu arr .. ted on auspac&on of p<>aMUlDQ known stolen p•"perty . . . W.rk IAe Shane, 20, and Darryl lmmoo• Moredock, 18, both of s.n Ber- na.rdano, were an .. ted on auap&- caon of poueumo coc6lne . Elbert Robert Maltby. 30, of Newport Beach. wu arr .. ted on suaplc&on of planhnq and culhvahnQ man)uana ThrM men were arr"ted on suaplc&on Golf club. valued at S865 were reported stolen from Robert Ellaa f owler &n the 400 block of Goldenrod . A qold S.&ko watch valued at S600 wu reported atolen from Steven Charles Caaholl &n the 1100 block of Back Bay Onve . Hob&e catamaran ruddera valued at S400 were reported stolen from a c;at belonqmq to Dan M Arthofer at a pnvate beac h at 2.00 Bayshpre ARRESTS Cha.rles Albert Ste&qler J r . 26, of Carlsbad, was arrested on ty theft Kerry Dean Gru- don, 28, of Newport Be.ch, wu arr .. ted on a~ap&cton of per- aonahon m order to m.a.ke another uable Antholly Albert M.nt.aealco, 18, of Hun- hnoton S..ch . w .. aneated on IUIPICIOn of pot.MUlJlQ/ .. llinQ a sw&tcbblade ThrM men were arreated on au.sp&caon of drunken d nvano. mcludano An· tonano V1ta of Newport Beach (Contlllued on p&Qe 5) MAKE YOUR DECISION EARLY, TOO Join These Educators In Supporting Don Strauss For Re-Election To the Newport Buch City Council F. Slaer_.ood Re•la•d • t::al-wl• MeLaa.lalla Sa• Me£alleela Faltlaa Glroax Jatly Roseaer DealJI .. tler t • ' sJa;s -- spai1 SI'NIP SKIS AUGUST 27-28-29 40'lb 40% 4~ BOGNER FILA FUSALP VELEDA FEILLR HCC COLMAR ELLESSE DESCENTS KITE X 4 0 Qb 4~ 40~ 4~ 40~ 40~ 4~ 40~ 4~ 50~ SKI PANTS REG S 16 0 Now $65 SKI PARKA RE G S 14 0 Now $49 SKI SUITS REG $180 Now$ 59 ROSSIGNOL DYNAMIC BAN SPALDING OLIN OYNASTAR KASTLE LACROIX HEXCEL ~7Cl'. 40% 40% 4()qb 40% 60% ITALIAN TENNIS WEAR SKI BOOTS SLOMON 40Cib SCOTT ~~ooo S2CX Now S&O 8QC!Ib HANSON o.v sno Now s-80% NORDICA .,_,~ CABOR .0.1a. SAN MARCO 70C., OYNAFIT 7~ ... -.L.ue SHORTS · REG $40 SHIRTS REG $4 0 DRESSES REG $55 NOW $12.00 NO W $12.0P NOW $12.93 WNNUPS·AEG $100 NOW ~24.95 -WE ALSO HAVE - USED SKIS ALL BRANDS AS LOW AS -$30pr - 1771-•POt' • ~.._CA (714) .. , 4310 ~~~N~ I c FOR 5 WALKMAN RADIO TO FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS FRI· AUG. 27th MQUIIII:' '"'· 10 ·10; lAT. 10 ·I ; IUN. 10 • • AcrOia ftom Grartt lo¥l • • ,... • Weclaullor. a..,.. U. 1• n. • ...,. trdp Hitting Home In "recess1on proof" South Orange t:ou.nty, the menage of economic. misery tuta home with the news that firms such as the Irvine Co., Pacihc Mutual Life In - surance Co. and the Fluor Corporation have conJumed layoUs o{ employees. Taken as a whole, these cuts have affected hundreds of persons. Forty lr•me Co. employees have been latd off. That represents about hve percent of the total Irvine Co. work force of 800. Paclf1c Mutual bas announced an early rehrement and severance program intended to trim about 175 employees; the g1ant msurance firm's work forc e numbers 1,500. The Fluor Corpo rahon conhrmed in July it has placed 100 employees on leaves of absence of up to six months, and released 150 other employees. Flour employs 6,500 persons locally and 44,000 worldwide. Hard hmes have caught up with the local economy wh1 c h was en1oymg a land dev~lopment b oom and full employment JUSt three years ago. Busmess leaders hope a drop in the pnme 1nterest rate w1ll be followed by an accompanymg lowering of mortgage mterest rates. But even 1f that longed-for development occured, lt could shll be some hme after- wards before n~w homebu1ldmg programs began. As Jr . vme Co. spokesman Marhn Brower pointed out last week, would-be buyers are mohvated to buy or sell by an mcreose m mterest rates, followmg a decline. That could be months or years away. It 1s a topsy-turvy economy 1n wh1ch a conservahve 1dealogue who cut taxes then ra1ses them. Locally, while employees of leadmg hrms are being latd oJf, there ts a forecast that Orange County's federal revenue-ahanng funds could be cut by as much as $2 m1lhon because of a n se m the county's per capita income. Local government wlll learn anew that 1t must hve wath less, and res1dents face waiting a good deal lonQer for the South C~nty's economy to recover. -TB The Church Problem The proposed expanston o f St. Andrew's Preabytenan Church hu beeo coutro'N.nJa! a1nce at waa lirat propos· ed several months ago . The plan to place a large sanctuary buudmg on the less than four ac re site ba.a pitted ne1ghbo r aQatnst netghbor and the communtty against a c hurch which has served Newport Beach w1th distinction for dec ades. When 1t became evtdent two weeks ago that the ne1ghborhood d1d not want to live with the proposed church ed1flce and that the church co4ld not live with less floor spac e and shll offer &Is full program and ser- vices to the commumty, the Ctly C o uncil appointed a committee representing both sides and the council to work out a solutaon to the problem . The dJscuss1ons be10q earned out by th1s commtltee are sens11lve and should be e arned on w1thout outs1de mterferenc e W h1 c h bnnqs us to Counctlman Paul Hummel'& at - tempt to 1ntroduce the tdea of reservmg a c hurc h sate 10 the Castaways area while these dtscusstons are gomg on The 1dea may be good but the hmmg IS not. Hum· mel's adea was obv10usly pro mpted by the St Andrew's problem and may be a vahd cons1derahon after the question o f whether St A ndrew's may bu1ld ats new bu&ldmgs on 1ts c urrent stte 1s resolved. But 11 1s not a valtd cons1derahon now and can only serve to further confuse an already haghly p olanzed slluahon The commlltee should contmue ats work w1thout fur · the: o utsade compl acahona. After a deciSIOn 11 made on the current 1ssue, the c aty can address alternate plans for the c hurch, but not before. -T.P " RICHAIID IRONNUI BOB PAYSON SUVI HADLAND L[LANO POUND 8UftTSU4S IILL SIMPSON fRANK MANNlNO AOIIItT FRANl IUDY Bt.<."KrR MARCUS Dlt'I'Z CHfUSTOPHIJt LYNCH 8AIIAV Sl.OII)f and ST!VlN A C ANCIAN DONNA NcGUUil IG Co pubhaher Co pubhJher GenerAl W.11ac,er ldllor Contubut•no ldttor Adv•rturonq Du~ector s.t .. N•"•o•• Repor1en Sport• lt.porte11 PhOl~raphett Product ron Wan.cJer .... ... • • • t .. ..... ..... • •• f .. ,..... • ,. ....... t.t~ ....... .... .. .. .. I! ""'" - t fl'l • ,.. • t..,.t • • .,.,,.,...,_,,A A 11• "'1.-f ... •• t C:.-' , I t • •••• , ....... f .,. t••~tf ... ,,.,.,_ I• •'I -... • ...... • t • • • ' • t • .... .,._ •• , I I _.,,, -... ...,. .......... "'-t• -" .. I Letters To The Editor But Is It Bliu? to the Editor: Somebmea aqnorGce CG make a politican hon .. t . Take the CAM of Wra. Heather, for in· atGce. She'• one of the Irvine Co.'a candidat .. for City Coun- calan Newport Beach. In the puhhcaty reJ .... that accomparued her WinCJ, abe called her opponeala "demaqoqu .. ," bec.UM they want to kMp Newport B.ach a nace plAce to l.tve and raiN a familf_ I'm aure abe c:bdD't intend to hand out a..ny compl.unenta, but that'a the way at tunaed out. A.c- cordanq to Webeter'a Col~e Dachonary, the pseterred defiDa- hon of "demaqoqua" t. "a leader c hampaoninq the cauae of the common people." You were nqht, Wra. Heather. That label hta your opponents perfectly Of courae, you didn't mean at that way. You thouqht it wu a nuty word -lUte ''alum· dweUera," "terrort.ta," "obatruc· honwta," and other ep1theta hurled contemputoualy at the qood people of Newport Beach by your auorted cohort. on the co uncal In thaa elechon-LUu .. -not name calhnq, wtU win the vot .. You have umntenhonally told u.a where your opponenta ata.od-on the 11de of the conunon people Now, where do YOU .. and? Stuart Wallaama Bayport Way Development Urge The lol/owmq ,. an open lei· fer lo Governor Brown. Dear Governor· I am wnhnq to urqe your favorable con.aideration of and aaqnature to A.uembly Bill 628 AB 628 approprtat" S5 malhon IJ1 Park Bond Beach O.velopmenl mon1• for Cryatal Cove State Park The m .. aure a.a aupported wtdely, by memben of your ad· mlnlttrahon and by the puhhc. A.l628 wtU enhance public K · ceu to Cryatal Cove State Park, enablloq the property to r..cb ttl 11 ,000 daaly capacity 1 would mention that A.l 628 hu bMn amendeclllq:.oibcanUy from lt. orlC)Inal form; lD l.ec1, U wu amended at the RCJ~Ioo of your ataH The orlCJlnal eouroe of the m"aure'e appropn.Uoa wae rental revenu• ~taMd from the park p1operty; tu cut· rent aource of fuDcllDCJ 1n AI 628 it park hood moniee. 'n.are ll no dzalD on the State'• General Fund. n. public 1a alrMdy ulilblQ.CJ Cryst&l C001e State Puk- wU~oul eclequete, epproprie&e, or .... IK\lillel. AI 121 .n&l provide t ... ,..,.ro. to-.. .. thai .... puWiO •toJW ........ r~rc. Ott tM ..... ....., _.. ... ,..,, Aa .. un ~CrY*~ C:OW.IIateParkr...._. rH .... ~ ....... ,_..,.,..._ "" ....... of ..... .. ·~·--lor ...... ..,k ., II J •••· II .. , liN' ... • you watb addlhooal 1nformahon r8(jlazdinq the menta of AB 628, . pl .... let me know. I will apprecaate your favorable con&Jderabon. SB 1147 To the Editor. Marian S.rqeson Auemblywoman, 74th Dutrict In your ed.ttoriaJ oJ AuCJ. 18, "L&hel Law, A. Bad Bill," I ... oo menbon of the bill'• nu..mher which caUMt me to believe that you're only wpea.ki.nCJ in your own inter•t. wb1ch 11 born out by Waterqate menbon ud a lot ol ~~ thinqa beat forCJotlen and ~ we'd rM.her not be&~ about. I'm e~c1ted by your wrihnq 80 much 10 that )'m aend.mq en· couraeJement to Senator Ken Waddy and I'll alao wnte Scbnuta (better than Allred) concerninq lh11 blll Toola. Warren G . A.lthotf Banning Banter To the Editor: "Ob/u.cot1on" n obscunty, conlln.lon Webster'• D1c11onory The confu.atnq wordUlCJ on the ballot concern1nCJ the Baruu.nq Ranch proJect repr ... nta ob- fut~eation by the pr ... nt ma)onty on the Newport S.ac h C1ty Cou11ciJ. In Newport Beach, 11 ... nu "y .. " wlll mean "no" wbe11 we vote on tlua prOJect neJtt November Why ahould the Caty CounciJ peraut 1n •ucla confuainq wordi11q? Do they m · ault our mtelliqence that they can't ...Uy ohGCJe the wordmq on lhta meuure? I atronqly oppoee thil kind of behavior by our elected qovern· mut otfioiala. Government ahould be c*u. duect, and eAli9bteolDCJ, and they ahould try 10 eolve our problem.a, not make ..... wone. 'nte prob&ema ol Newport BMola are t.nd 1 1 tl ....... We have iutt kNII ODe ot A..ence'e pft~Diere reet&Qra.ota, Aabrwaa, to Co.ta W.... Tax Martinis To The LLtor. When we qet a new p r•sadent, there 11 always taUt about •xcludanq the "tbrM·marhn• lunch" from t.u exemption What a.s the "thrH·marhnl lunch"? It as the lunch thai the lobby asts buy lor the polatacaans, amonq other thanqa, when they wanl them to vote a certaan way It lS alao called "the busaness lunch." Alter thrM marhnas, the taxpayers qet the busaness, and lhere ts noth1nq bul monkey busmesa lor the polahctan The worker can'l •ven wrrle o fl hts brown baq lunch Thts tame they talked about thtt "three-marltDl lunch" aqaan and swept lhe subJeCt back under the rug The poor man can't wrtle off beans. but the nch man can shll wr lle olf hrs booze c111d T-bones Iun B<·tdlllq Merrrll Pl.tce TAX TIPS bv '"" r. i• ,, Jon Q. Loeb ~.ecn-.. Us Laughing. Crying byllmFehoD When the new Ma.rnott Hotel opens 111 Koll Center lrvme, at wlll fill a thud ma)Or m&Jitehnq area for the Narraott ch.un tn Oranqe County, loruunq a traanqle whOM poants touch AnaheLm, Newport Beach and lrvme But no matter bow many hotels Narraolt bwlds an our area, tt wall not hU a vo1d c reated when Jon Oumcy Loeb leaves to become a corporate of facer an Washanqton, D.C . Jon Loeb aa a very funny man He'.s artaculate. When bu elec- tnc wa t sparkles Wttb one-hners our power struchue bowls. Hu boy11h. puc.ltuh, pLXle face behes an aqqresalve manaqe ment sJull that maxes shrewd bu.saness development taJents wath uncanny commwuty rela· lions But forqet bas abalahes. EnJoy a look a t the two-year ampact of Jon Loeb on ouz cor· ner of the world. It was )USI two years aqo Nay lhat be took over the Newport Beach Narnott from that hotel's lust manaqer, Joel Rothman, who moved to Anahe1m to launch the new Maruott there S10ce then, Loeb bas become a duector oJ the Chamber of Commerce. v1ce presadent of the Newport Center Auocaahoo, a cbrector of the prullqtoua 552 Club, a member of the Commodores Club and a willmq voluniMr on any com mlltM that pronuaed posallve contnhuhon.s to tbe commun1ty And whatever be dad. be kept !ua ueoc1at .. lauqhmq Wllb hu a..ud-. .. 1 spent last evemnCJ wtth the ladles watb blue hau 10 the caty councll c hambers " "I thouqht the lun zone w.u part of ao-and-so's anatomy." Jon Loeb truly qot annvolved lt took a lot of doanq because at the same tame he wu prov1nq that one can lave as cheaply as two "A. a Slnqle man, an the hotel bu.amesa, qett10q up for 7·30 brukfaat mMhnqa ts not what l Uke to do most," he says. But he dad a.lmoat every day of the wMk. after hrst feed.Jnq has dog a.nd petbng ius two pazrots "Tlus as the hut communty I have ever known." Loeb uys He ha.s been wtlh MamoU lor nNrly 15 years, wtth notable succ .... at the 1, ()()()..room Los Aoqeln Marnott a..nd 1.200· room CbJc aqo Narraott, both at auport locahons. He cTedata bu aucceu m our area to Joe Rothman "my mento r and qood f:neod for 14 y..,a," &Dd to a q roup of cavsc leaders who put hun to work m the communaty-Vm JorC)~n . M.ke Gennq , T1m Parker, Wic hael Steveru, Bob Robma. Bern.ae Schneider, Robert Wynn "Joe Rothman uad to me '11 you drop the ball m my town, 111 break youJ oeck. • He &bowed aae how to en)Oy th.a area, and l tell m love wtlh the commun1ty " In a nwnher of waya, be abow ed at WheD Kerry Ba.bbltt wu c.u.d beck to N.w York to con dQct Uae Recho Ctty Wuac H..ll orch.tra, Jon Loeb ltMted H.trry &Dd Betty a.bbillo cbn· a•r &Ad a r00111 at the a.. .. Ho\&88, eourt88J ol Uae .. rrlott Coapany. W&en a CJTOUP of loc&l c:atiaca fonaecl a commu a .. to coualar obltnachomata, Loeb provided &D eieQut tabt. ol ~ ud re~IW .. nta Ke clhected t.M &D.aul berbecu• lor t~ 552 Clula. ud tM uaual Coa-.odo,. Chtb a.Jl (Coatiaued tn. p.Qe 3) Tlnanclay. A-.g. 11 CRIWES A handy t&lk:le FW racho v&lued at $1,000 wu reported stolen from a Balboe B.y Club reaadent lollowlDQ a con.honta- hon m wh1ch the vachm dented the 1\&Speet ace ... to the club. Police reported the radto wu atole11 during a bstftqht in whtch tt wu wielded u a weapon by the supect ARRESTS Douglas f red Bryan, 35, of Newport Beach, was arr .. ted on susptcton of .usault and battery . . Ralph Andrew GecL ... 22, oJ Port Hueneme. was arr .. ted on su.aptc1on of UNult and bat- tery Allan Paul Ste1gler. 20. of S.n Clemente, wu arrested on susp1cton of burqlary Ctu11topher Al&n Eacobosa, 20, of HuntlDQton Beach, wu ar· rested on su.aptcton of po ... u . tnQ a bad check Don Ramey loqan Jr ., 20, of Mtss1on VieJO, wu arrested on SUiptcton oJ poAeatoo cocame Steven Lee Mays, 21, and John Marttn Gtles, 20, both of Seat- tle, Wash , were arre1ted on su.ap1cton of poSieasmg am- pheta.rntoes Seven people were arrested on susptcton of chunken duvanq, 1nclud1n9 Hont Otta Steben and Chen J...a But of Newpor1 S..Cb Friday. Aug. 20 CRINIS A thrMteouu~. bloodatatned note wu left on a c&r on Goleta PotQt ... A prowler wu stohted an the 600 block of Marquente ... A two-channel 450 radto valued at $1 ,500 wu reported stolen from a car belonqrno to James Ovenure Jr ., parked on Crest ... A ftsher radto and Jewelry valued at Sl, 150 were reported stolen from Judtth A Kelso an the 2900 block of Chff A Httacht portable vtdeo recorder valued at Sl.150 was reported stolen from W tUJam Henry O'Ccmnell tn the 2400 block of 16th . A Schwmn b1cycle valued at S750 was reponed stolen from Scott lame MacGowan an the 400 block of V1sta Roma. ARRESTS Gary Scott Sell, 19, of San Clemente, was arrested on SUSPICIOn of burqlary Robert John Stack, 20. of Costa Mesa, was arrested on susp1c1on of burqlary . Robert Lee I Crouch, 30, of Aoahe1m, wu I arrested on susptcaon of possess· anq known stolen property I K~rk Gregory Pettus, 19, of West Covana, was arrested on I susp1cton of possess10g haah1sh Kmne Fay Bnqht, 2-4, of 29 I Palms, was arrested on susptcton of pos.sess1ng manJuana for aaJe w BRANCHING OUT ••• Announc1ng the open1ng of our new office 1n Newport Beach at 4525 MacArthur Blvd. (at B•rch). Come tn and get acquamted w1th manager Btll Patterson,and h1s staff They are ready to serve all your f1nanc1al needs Our phone nurrber IS (7 1 4) 662-2255 and our hOurs are 8 AM to 5 PM. Monday · Thursday 8 AM to 6 PM. Fnday RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .... At Worad of Mouadlng You Will Find • • Moulding I H•rdwooda 1 Sottwoodai- •VIctorl•n fretwork -Ch•lr R•ll• -Fl ntals - • Decor •tlve a Pl•ln Corbel• -B•••• - •Ceiling Moulding -B•r R•ll• - • St•lr P•rt a -I O•k 1 Hemlock I - •Butcher Block Topa - •Ceiling Med•lllona - •Wood Turnlnga - • And lota More -Come On tn And See Ua ! LDING 3109 5 M.tn St SantA Ana Miult-n-hujle! VIsa 8-5 Oa.lly 10 • 2 S.turday CloMGSun~ .. · . . . Seven people were ar , .. ted I on su.pLCtoo of drunun dnvtno. tncludtno J&n W&rie NcO.rnutt and Nark Alan Cr11ler of Newport BNeh Saharcloy. Aug. Zl CRDliS A woman was raped m an alley betwMn two hou.aee oo the 300 bloclr oJ CoUUll . . Jewelry and other property valued at S3,320 was reported stolen from Kathy Elta&beth Whtte tn the 1100 block of Ebbhde . . A ce ment retndeer, a cement rabbat, plants and a teapot vah.1ed at Sl40 were reported atolen from Edna Ho1hnqdJ"alce m the 1500 block of Placenha ARRESTS WIIJtam James Corblll, 20, of San Jo .. , was arrested on suspa c1on of pouesaano coc41ne John Wultam Peterson, 28, listed as a trans1ent, was arrested on SUSPICIOn of posses.S1ng a SWII chblade Mic hael Allen Schermerhorn, 26, of Walnut was arrested on susp1c1on of posseuanq hashuh . . Robert Lee Whatney. 31 , of Newport Beach. was arrested on susp1 · c1on of planhnq &nd culhvatmg manJuana . Four men were arrested on susp1c1on of drunken dravmg, none from Newport Beach. Sunday. Aug. 22 C RJMES IBM lypewnters vaJued at sa.ooo were re..-urted ato1 0 from OtversJfted Bu.s S.rvtce. IBN typewnteu "al1.1ed at S4 ,000 were reported stolen from Nooncla Propezt.t•; J.BN ly~wuters vAllled at Sl ,800 were reported stol•n fro.m OJn oer Levtson Company. &ad another vaJued at Sl 400 wu reported stolen from Port West Propertte5, ..U lll abe 1000 bJod ol Ou•1l Apphanc. va.Ju.c &I S5,47S were reported s.town froiD Wtllt&Dt Jansea Attaway tn the )()() block o1 W.rquerate. .-\ LL.-\X BEEK Fl >R ( TfY COl'\( 'll. FOI .... UitAMCI CAU. Dennlllosene AGENT 410W. Coast Hwy. SuiteT Newport Beach, CA 645-6470 Likt' a good nctghbor ~l41t' FArm IS tlwr~r ·•ore Jar"' ''*"one• c~ -01!..: .. ~!Or> • Starting today. ma.ke regular exercise a part of yow busy scht!dul~. Eat foods that are good for you and get pltont~ of rest Pam~r )OW"'>4::lt when 1t come to t(TOOnung-tugh- ltghttng your auracliH fe.tures Choo~ dothlng to support your a mage as weU as enhance .. our appearance >\bove aU -SMILE A health~ take you anywhere We Keep Yuu Smllmq PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 Pt-tt'r f ...;mn·l .. k lr lJlJ.., 1~1 \t.,, \nhur Bl\d ,, .. ,.pc..-1 l:kuch ""' THE P~IL r. < >F THE Tl RTLE 1~ 1 H >\\ \ ----- TJr. n ·, ,,,m, lhm~ "'"• '• '''._:oin t. '" •t! :II, \, ... : f~t~ •/, N ';; ,,, ,, , plate \nci iiiWltr potktl U, l t-.,1': '''' c "ltl/11 \,,. r,,l/,, \,, dtt 01 Hut f>t ''"'all. "' tt lolt pn,., \ICHTLY ~l'r.li.\L-.. ( )\ Btl \~I 1 F t .'' ''llthf ,tu ,l/,' ,, /, /1, .,, '···, lttJ; • .:u:..: ,,,,, ., · ··,, ~ but ncl 'p. I I til' " I t d I II I I ( ' ,,, I I I ' ': t/1 {, I I I.; : ' I". I I ' ,, -' • f.11 '\lhmt. t1nm ''' ,J, ,,,j, ,,. ;, ,, If, "''' ~· \1/1, .11:,, 1. 1 fl.,mrJ ttl/lit \ tl1 d /,o • ', \ \t.\\ ~El OF lU\\ 1-.k Pl-<lll-.11 lll'-~111-.~ U; .I I addt d ·'''IJit /11t0 11/ II• 'I ,/It • ltllfll ' fr• \tt/tl 11/d 1,1 I thu·d, ut ,, 11 u,' f•, 'II, A' 1• \ /', 111, ,, !.tilt.'• Loh,,f,' ltJJI l'fu, r,ndcl ,u,, u/, 11' '"' ;,, 1 ,.,, :',"' ,/ m • t/ l tlrtfl) (1/ ftiJJfri/t.:IJIJ.: II rl\\ \11,/ f/tt \ ·,, {'lit'" t• , 1 •' -\,-(1 I ...;,, II"· II It I""''' /tl dJJI I/tl. II I 'I ._:, . . II l',(llt 1•, I rtll· Hl:."'ll•t<E'-~~El•Tl ~ILl I\ ltl\\\ )pu H, ,, 1 11 , "'-'".:' "' trom "'" ,J,, '· l\, ,, '11.. UIJ.. ''" fl /ll tllld ll t II /ook lft ·,-, ft/.!hft I /:I /._lltt I \I ,j 11/lllt It lu \• cl f h, {'1 I'' 1 I 'I ltlll.; ftH rllllllt 1 \ '· ,:' /''''', ' \1 .1 It 'ifft It I 11 11c/1 , I \ '1/,J/1 I ,'1/, \\ r. I.E.\\ E \\ELL E \ul ·l , H \1.{)\ I. ,...,10 1/t tit ,.:, lit I t, I hciiiJ.:I l.t4 , I,, '"''I til. I,, 11 I I llunn cJ!mt"f'h• 11 Fir ,JJ t u /t],.,,, h \11,1 '""', h ''"'" '111 ''" not,,'"' ,m,J C'Jljtl\ .\(1/tJ ·~' ' n, 11/lt\t t/11 {'lil t •If !to t/, (II/\ 1/t/t I fl./It I ,...,, I oollt ~Jl\ ".!" U II l'uc•nr. lltll' ~l t ••U ' ~ ~I I " , ., I• .;-.; ~) \ "\I .!t .,,_, lt1 ~ .......... IWa aM to lloldlbo. lor JU.Jh"'PU.V ......... of ... Aaariou ....... «*& ....... ,.... ....... ..a ····•a.ct .... Atliltuce t.e-of Newporl J.cll'a ~tUopiea. wu an ot&a.ludi.DQ ..U-cNt. (IDIIPite of the fAct that thia feehion ... lr&Yt~C)UM WU held tM R&llle .upt u SS2'a annual Weetem BB()). Nucll .. to nay Opel W.e PelleQriD, cbainD.aD of this eYeDt, wu deli9htecl u were ju.t 101M of the 500 9U•ta who attuded: LM ud lea• Gonllley, the TODJ Allens, ltaiDe ud Bob a.....iiu, Nary Lou ud Harry Anne, Glona and Jam• LoudoD, Shirley KinQ, Mickey and Pbelpe Nerickel, April O'Neill, &rbara SudburQ, Betay KraUM, N.rtha Hudlon, Jean Lucu and Janie and Will Berla. • • • In the worda of a charm&DQ lady, "Whew" wu October 2ht a busy day! -The Cltonteclair outdid theJUelvee in b<*.ing the Patron Party for tbe forthcoDUDQ Sinatra Cooc.rt on Sept. 25th at the ltvioe W..dowa Am- phitheatre. Just .ome of the patron.a who attended were Mar- rue Reed, Teui Melton, Vtckt and Mike Ger&DQ , Clare and Walter Crutte.ndan, Welba a.nd Victor Yaclt, Pat and Vtctor Gallardo, Pat and Rlchard Allen, Loury a.nd Nadt Detnclt, Ba.rbara and Uoyd Massey, WE PAY TOP FO ... BMe Your ClfMta or any PtlotogtJC)NC Equtp 111 for a FREE IPPfiiUI CAL'S 1710 Mlwport IMmtd Costllltesa. CMiorftll U27 (714) ... uu Wudy and , .... Reed, Abby ad Job Meed, S)olvia and Deo- Dia Chant, h .... and GeorQe lh&c:eoUa and Nora and Yin )OI'QeDMD. Nora, founder of the SCFDD'a ladiee awtili.uy, will lloet a meetiDQ oo Wed, AuQ . 25th. AND, Susan and Tim Strader, benefit chairman, ad· viM that althouQh the box '"ta are now aold-out, iDdiYid\l.al ticket~ arelt111av••leW.. _,._ • qujck desll over to Cano '• w~ trediticlaally have ho.ted the Com'Mdona' of the Newport HarboJ' Ct.eaber of COID.IMrc.'t pN-party for the character beet perede. J~ a few ... Dill the cruab. .. ,. Bu- bua Awae, O.rleDe fe.rra.ri, Ca.rol South, Shirley N.ichalaoJ"e, Jim felton GeorQia Spooner, 0.. ldwerct. and Doril Sutton. Cano~ muat be commended for beiDQ equipped to Mrw the crowd in apite of the po .. r failure that occurred Saturday. -A abort jawat doWll the ~ .. ytot~~.e.:ao....-.. U.. Youg Pre.itleat .. dAaaer party. • • • Moonlit,Jht lleaorM, Ds.k;pa. iDQ WO.a.D't ~r oala, which aupporta the J...,qW Beach School of Art. wu iDdMd a reeou.ndi.nQ aucceee. Both the 11100alklht tad the memori .. were enhuc.d by th full moon and the muaJc of Fred- dy Martin. Twin Points, the OCHD front eatat• of PhylUa and Raymond Contino was the perfect MtlinQ for thia eleoant, black-tie affair, which ia always a Mll-out. JUSTIN CASE ... you need to be a quick- ch~e artist, tn' r-:- thlS face- saver .._., 'i' haY. o"Ht'ieel U.. ~ willa U.. nsddsece ol Jaa ~~. AaM eolia. Wary 1M Beok, .......... ~ KGc:J., Glodl a6CI 01.,. WuY JeMriell ud lCuc, wWNeee. OtMn asdstfaQ..,. Coollie WortWud, Wwielleyaolds, Ca111 s..up, v.-Rude~a, Jet. ty c-.. Juet I«Wi ... Dorit Sh.Ud., Bobbie lven, YvolUle Cro..Uw, S.U Ncfedden, JoAna Xillia91WQrth, )MD Tu- dowaky and Katie SchoellerJUn, • • • Poatcripta: The Frienda of ~R'a Newport IHch GuUd • TAX SHELTER bonus: The Just • PROFIT • EXCITEMENT Patrons Hans and Doris Linhardt at the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled party hosted by The Ch8ntecl111r. Staff photo bv Oma von Burger in Case· Face Case "111t 1.! uluur "''"' ,t\h ,u,,·,:J "'·'l..ur ,.J,,,,. • )nh Slll.?iu "1tl1 ·"" $~.::.11 f'un ·h .l". "' \t, rl• '"n"·"' \.'1"111\,ll\ '· ( t\.1 \Hill .lt"l Ill ( :,1'-J•,"'l ( :,1'4' "'"'II '"" , . .,, .. , 111 '" '" • 1 h .. t... .u11tlul I· .llll.t,luuu '"·"k' THE FIRST & ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH. New Luncheon Special $3.25 11.::1&::.1 from 11 :30 to ~:00 Includes: Hot & Sour Soup • Ch1cken Salad Fried Rice • Fortune Cookie and choice of one main dish New Dinner Combination Special fur 2 only $13.95 lor 4 only $27.75 fw 3 unly $20.75 l m 5 only $33.75 Beer& Wine Lunc.h/Oinner 1 1 :30-l 0:30 p.m. Daily Food toGo 2930W.CoastH1Q. • Ne~rt 631-8031 GOURMET DINING -MEDITERRANIA,_ AM. CHAMPAGNE aAUNCH SUNDAYS 1o.3 fiM DANCING NIGHTLY -CAIAAET LOUNGE AVA.Aill MOW: lwo Veot 010 colt from the l1rst Cfop by QUOttef-rnlton dC*:lr n"'IJtt-stoaes wnnet "•• 1 altu In OdvOnCed stage ot tronng A sound soJtd IUMef leodv l()f the !Qe2 IOC!ng seoson ~ 74..-,ll.t/w 2730 CAMINO CAPISTRANO SAN CLEMENTE. CALIF. CAll (714)492-5355 Fw ._....._. (714)IJO.)IIO noaa t .. "--oll T--. CA t».JJ ~s.r1' •v.aa.,Piua) • CAPT A IN'S T AILE COFF E1 .. OP -,.. ~AS. 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. lAVlNE. CALIFORNIA l()clc)otlte Orentt ~ountv~"rDrwtt.W C71o4) 133-2770 by hggy Cotton We dined at C.J. Piah & Co., whach opened at Petez'1 Lan · dinQ lut October. Here, N.achael Bank. NUchaelTurnerand Randy LaFerr, a tno which b .. 1pecaalty oafM offezinQ fre1h hah 10 Santa Bazbara and Santa Mon1ca. have built another. The manna vaew 11 s .. n from every Nat m the r"taurant, and the kat· eben, 1tationed m the center, aurrounded by brua·framed Qlall panel1, ia va1ihle to each diner. There 11 a cocktaal lounQ• and wa.lltnQ azea at the front of the room, and everytlunQ 11 done m brlQht blue and whale, accented by natural wood Ooon and lots of shiny brua. Thaa decor, enhanced by '"l t. ·~22 \ TR.\IMl'IO' HUt Ml \ ... \It~ 6! llfll "'"' ( ""' •• ,,,.,,, lilt llldiiiJ( /iHf'\1 nj 1 .-ul. ,.,,.,, 1.-d hn/. /rc·,Jt '"" /tHid und poultn· • /)Qil,' l.unc "''"' \pt ('/til\ ceilinQ to floor Qlua wmdowa Qiv .. ~-feel· mo of d.ininQ on a abip. There il al.lo an out· door deck, &haded by umbrellu, for diruno at water' 1 edqe. Fresh fish cooked over mesquite wood il the attraction here, and the vazaety ia aatilfy· anQ. We were offered u apecialli" of the day Coho salmon, Petrale .ole, OungeJleu crab and Idaho mountain trout, all fresh. My salmon wu tender and flaked, Uavored hauntingly with the mesquite, Nrved with pilaf, tartar sauce and lemon, and a fme Qr"n salad. My companioJl choee the Petr&le .ole, and pro· nounced U excellent. There il a Cobb Salad , C.J.'a version, made wath kino crab, alariJilp, alhecore, avoc.do, tomato, cucumber, piok.l" and beet1, topped with permea&n ch .... and a choice of dreetinga. Other• are a shrimp and ~plnach salad, a TOitada Marine, wath crab, aluamp or tuna an a cr11ped flour tortilla, Mafood Lou&a, Shrimp Ramon, a creole preperahoJ1, and a choice of &.ton or Manhattan chowders. Pric" a.re moderate, portion.a a.re generous, and pr .. ntahoJla are offered Wlth llyle. Dinner e:.peAda to a Mlection of fresh clams NEWPORT BLVD & COAST HW'I NEWPORT BEACH tU,.__,Miteot -.--ao.... .. w CK4TlAU t..A "ll "C)fMCH .. O , ... ,, .. RESERVATIONS SVGOESTEO MS-70n S.Mng hll 1 00 A.M The Newport EMlga Weclllndsrr. A..-u. •• .._. 1 ......... I THEATER Judge h .. .o•• CJOOCi moawot.. Tom Til~ directed the dramatic bighl ght, but he abowd pay •ore attenuon to the ~..Dade· quae& .. of the other rolM, moet of wbacb end~ Revue at the Reuben E. LM in Newi)Of1 leech. Puce includrle ttwe. COUrte dinner end tnten.inment. S.ting 8:30 and 8;30 p .m .. 57&-!5811 for lnformetion and rMef'Vetione. and oy1tera, hot or cold aa appeti1er1, ahnmp or crab cocktajla, cevache, and cala.man, d .. p.fried. The blackbo.rd 1~111 out the freab filh of the day, and the pnnted menu offers Red Snap· per, Nab a M.alu, aba.rk, trout, calamazt, lobater . wh1cb may or may not be tz .. h . The w1ne hat 11 hmated, but chosen ap· propnately for the 'aeaiood menu, wuh some fme Caldorn&a and French wmes. Of- fered lor dessert ar Chocolate Tartufo, a nch Ilahan 1ce cream, rolled an chocolate shavmqs, topped with a cherry. There are also assorted fresh fruat 1cea, served m a fru1t shell C J. F1sh & Co. LS open seven clays a w .. k from 11 a.m. un- hl 4 p.m. for lunch. Danner as served from 4 p.m untu 10 p.m., later on weekends. Call 846-0621 for reserva· hone Parkrng 1s free IU.lt TM WlDd by Jack lloUcmcl Frankly ~bno, th11 11 • one·IC•n• pJay aa done by the Irvine Coqununity Playere. And that acene hap· pena to be • crucaal one betw .. n Drum· mond and Brady in Act II If at weren't for th•t qenerally well-played scene, tb11 would be a lamentable produchon. It ll the usual 1dea that one abowd tread qently tn cnhca&&ng wh•t 11 baaacally an amateur produchon, u lthas one ll, but let's face 1t-the compeh· hon outaade 11 heavy, small theaters are do· &ng bne abowa and d amateurs want to leazn, thea farat Ieason IS to take cntacasm Not that th1s rev1ewer 1s any oracle, I have seen some lousy shows m Hollywood, but 1 do have a concern lor those who want to get 1nto thas busmeas and 1 see no good ach1eved by empty pr.uM. Outs1de of the above menlaoned acene, thla 1s a case of mept per lormances that are mostly embaraumg Accordmg to the theatre's own prOQram Of NEWf'OAT Formerly the Ritz locoteon announces and VALET PARKING RIIIIVATIONI G75-2$GG on the ocean across from the Newport Beach pte( 2106 We$t Ocean Front NeWPOrt Beach not .. , tbaa 11 a powerful play It cannot lland on JUit one scene. But such 11 the caae. Of the cut, lt.arol WcGUl abowa prom&M but ll too ehallow here, although there 11 talent an evadence. Gregory Pellico'a performance 11 fiat, not eu1ly understood, needing to work on proJechon and be lacks ener;y Stan Pntchard 11 good an h11 one bag acene at the p1cn1 c . uncomJortable m others. Tom Klem, however, 11 excellent as Hornbeck, a qutty. vagoroua performance But now to the b1q roles Wayne Powell 1s weak 1n h1s fast few scenes but comes forcefully to the front 10 the courtroom scenes. Art W mslow 1s mtenN as Drummond full of pass10n and hr~ One could only Wlsh he bad not hll the h1gh peak 1n the scene w1th Brady qwte so soon and had concentrated more on the subtle humour 10 Drummond whale bwldang to the clamax, but at least he bad f .. lang for thlS role Don Banett's $ are purpoeely not me11· Honed here. At l ... t they abould be coach· eel on such fundamen· tala aa vocal prOJechon and a MDN of chazacteriaahon And another th1ng-1f we're go&ng lo have aang&nQ of the old Bible-belt hym111, why not amo them wath .ome en· thusaum? Too bad the show wu otJ balance The l11tleu and shallow scenes almo1t rumed everyth&ng Andquee Show Sept 17 19 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum featureng 42 ant1que dealers Adm1ss1on 1s $5 Hours 11 a m 8 p m Fr1day and SatUr day. 11 a m 5 p m Sunday Irvine Symphony ~cheeba w1ll perform "H M .S P1nafore" 4 p m Sunday Sept 5 at the Campus Park at UCI (between Cu tver and Untversltyl Early btrds get the ptcruc spots' Free "Cheat• ... nightly through Oct. 3 (except Mondays) at SebN- tian's/wnt Dinner PlayhouM, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Teckets: 492-98150. .. , ..... ,,., .... tiiJG oM" by Eudofa Welty runs Augu11 27·28 and Sept. 1-4 at the Laguna Moulton Community Ptayhou•. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beech. Ttcke1s: 494-07.-:J. T...._'eMlulaMall. 16360 Pacific Coast Htghway. Huntington Beach, features Young Americans Song and Dance Company. Sea1· rng Tuesday through Saturday 5:45 and 8·45 p.m . Sunday 7 p .m $12 95 and $14 95 rncludes dinner Reservations· 840-5661 . ..._.. ......... 4647 MacArthur Blvd .. musi· cal dinner theater derected by p&anist Dan Troxell. Call ~2475 for show limes and reservations a en·eaa· or DAILY 5:30'TIL7NI OS t A PAS? For riiiMtions cal: 675-2051 Otflr .. *• 1& 1912 <ttVul Cordon Bleu oQ> Chic ken Greco • '&)Filet of Sole Semd with: Wine, cheese, soup or sllld, baked I~ pot•o• or rice pillf, •• ban-bons • TAB HUNTER STARRING IN ••HERE LIES JEREMY T OY'' A Hllerloua Comedy W .. ITTIN •v: JACK .HA .. KIY AUG. 24·0CT. 17 HAPPY HO R ~o.., .._ F .... S .. 1:M PM .. ,\11 comphmetMry lion d'oe"'""-' and 1 S.a Food lar MEN'S IGHT Me_.,I .. IIJIIM tealurifll . S well drl ..... • • ••••• , ......... ,. n.. ... wport 'MAp br~Neacl Beck-to-~bool iuh.ion.a offer Qre&t variety thia eeuon. ln the put boya u.d Qirls hAve much- eel back to ~c::hool wearl.DQ iden- tical deeioner jean.a. Today dr .... are definitely ;aininc;J favor with Qirl• for everyday ~c::hool WMr, not juat for 1~ial occuion.a. Betty Aclcock, vice pra1idant of deGon for Nannette, aay• "Perb.a~ that'a becaUM there are ao IDUY pretty atylft, from prairie loob in bruahecl flannels to twteclo-•tyle lhartwailt• in permanent pr ... oxford cloth." Another important jean• op- tion il the variety of ~~~. lt.nickar1 can be tpOrty or drftly or of ruoQed corduroy for playtime and for .,_rtie• there are p40ne velvet knicken ed;ed with lace. And ju1t what 11 the atatUI of the c;Jreat American blue jean? Ia it really faclinQ from the fuhiOA ac:ene? It may well be that the bloom il off the roee aa far u the clMiqner/atatua jean.a are con~med. Ivan throuQhout the blita of dNioner jeana the lMcliDQ manufacturer~, Levi, Wran;ler and Lee, repreMnted a 65 per~nt .bare of the market. And jeans wUl continue to be an all-time favorite with the younoar eel. Kicll and jeans .ue made for each other! Thr trend• for fall '82 are m40y and vaned with denim continuanc;J to be the stronc;Jftl fabric darechon an col- Oil ranoino from mad-blue to clark incliqo. The amportant news i1 overdyed pnnta and aohda (1mart stripe• to red apple•- briQht oranoe to bot pank) and •tone wuhmg. The authentic hve-pocket wfttam j8401 are 1hown wtth red 1u.penders and a Uannel plaid lhirt, by Leva Strauu & Co. The younc;J m4D to his r~c;Jht AfFORDABLE LUXURY CHAUFFEURING •\ 'CC )U· Jf •\ ICI UIT PlEASURE N«> IUINSS TRA VB. $30.00 per hou' . . . . . 2 hou' minimum Except WMkeroa . . 3 hcu m1mun ............... ~.tory-1ft • ....., SPICW. oc:x:ASIONS roc~~.'~~ AI other . . . pleaae ceil for pnc. quote II'IIDie oclcl IMIIII81ory-1ft .,.ewltr SPICW.. TREAT $76.00 ' . . . 11-2 p.m. Ol"r'' weekday ~ncludel 3 I'Q.ra) Eocn addlttonal t-.our .... odd $30.00 ................ ~.tory-1ft ....... • Shabbat services • ~~ • • Youth GrOUPf • SISterhOod • )JdQioQ $t\Qp • pt~ • SOCiall ll -..ri09 elaatic back .tone wuMd cleat. jeapa and blu. cbaabray ab.lrt with contrutinQ coU.r ud cuffa by t. P\&ce Chllcll'eaweu. Aad note the YOUDQ IDUl weariD9 the deaim jeue Jacket with h1a fiv•pocket jeu.l, by t.vi Straue & Co. GettiDQ on the ~hool bua ia the boy we.rinQ hia workman ltripe authentic m~ba.Dic'e coveralls by Levi ShaUll & Co. Another important fashion trend is the country inlluence which covere everythiDQ from W"tern 1tylinQ to wildlife appli· que•. The Qreat outdoor~ il alto evident m boy'• knitwear, ju.t u it i1 in men• wear, with IPQrll mobf1 or Sc4Ddinavaa.n ald dftaOD•· Or the &rQyle, prac- hcally 1ynonymou. with ~hool atyle. Clas~ac, too! Shown ia a pure wool 1weater by Jeffrey Banh, avatlable in camel with Ioden and lavender, or navy w&th red and qrey. Available an the Boy'• Collechons, s.lt1 Fifth Avenue. Alto at Saka, South Cout Plaza, In the Children's Collec- tion•. look for c;Jreat school playc;Jround loou for fall 1982. Shown are two of the latftt ON HUNDREDS Of BIKESI • eheclM m deai.a blM watla tae yo~ QJrl 00 t!lle Wt WMri.DQ a deDI.. akirt topped by a red checked boclic. triaJMd witll white eyelet. ADd, oo ~t. her blo liatw ....,., tAe ekiii With a red QiaQAaa, chec~ all over, b&oue evu clowa tM naftled boot ucl uowad tM collar. n...aad JMDY otMr ~· leck-to-Schoolfeeh"ou ..... eAoWil by s.u ba .... Jewel Court at Soutlt Cout Plaa. Dreams do come true, n you see a realtor for that first home! S.turdey, Aq . 21. Oa .._,.y, A"9· 28, tlle ~, Ul Newport c .... , Will uwe a kk-to-Scl.ool *uhw-IMw. tM, are loolnDQ lor ciUiclreo .oclela. ,..._ call tu ltore iol' detalla. R EMINDER florists SEE OUR EAL ESTATE SECTION (714) 751-4705 *1aaACHST .• ACROSI FROM AIR CALIFORNIA ..-.... eccot~MI ..,.,...,,..,...,.. # Muel IILICTIOII Of NIW/UIID MIYATA MOTIIICANI .. CINlUIIOM 1011 ICMWINN UNIVIeA LANDOIUIUII ••• NUeiOT DtAMCNIDIACIC MOUNYAIII •11 OOOICIIOI. fOliC. CYOUMO MAIIYOTMIII • To Robert Freak Bro.Dae, blonde aad only 25 Mn old, Bnace PenhaU could y be the unoHici&l Califor· ~ Po.ter Clilld. One may .peculate that tt wu Uua lndiqenoue quality coupled \with hnhall'a &bUUes &Dd abun· tiant qood-natu.re which led to )ua champtoninq of the World Clue Speedway title m Great ritaln lut year. It wu the b rst ·me an Amancan r&cer bad aptu.red at amce Jack Mtlne k ln 1937. And tlua Saturday, Auo. 28, enhall, a Balboa , .. ,dent, wall oet bia chance to defend that h · t.le when the World Speedway Cb&JD.pionabip ia held an the Loa Angeles CollMum. Wea.rino number 13 and favored to win aoaanat the 16 world finalista represeohno 10 countri .. , Penh&U plana to rehre after this race to pursue a bud- dino Hollywood car"r. Penh&U will portray the chuacter of Bruce Nelaon m thia fall'a lane-up of "CHaPa", as a World Speedway champaon· tumed pohce cadet. lo fact, Mri .. hlm crews wtll be ahootinq Saturday's conte1t for actual foolaoe. "The only hme I oet for aJ .. p - ioo ia on the pl&ne," Penh all orlnned about the past year's activiuea. I reacchmate btmseU 1 MARINESCENE I ~~~~==~==~~==~ far Penhall has come smce then Havanq faced all of S.turday's competition before. be aaad "there •• r..tly no sanole uder I'm looltmg out for All 15 are qomq to be to uqb " Penhall wall be udanq a Bntas h made factory WesJake as the number one factory rader He brought favf.> people baclr wath htm tncludang al\ Enqhsh engtne tuner and a German prep mecha.nac These he poys out of hai own pocket ' But at 5 wt>IJ worth 11 ( would spend •hat money for a qualtfted c rew anytime And 1t's not tb.st ac tually wrn nang the IItle atseU carraes such a stupendous monetary award "1 thank I won maybe S600 last year" he recoiled-but the en do rsements and appeorance lees bear the bolts of the labors • by Mary W4vza- The lact that Southern Cahfor rua •• the ..cond moat active boa11no a rea tn the country (O.trott as lust) probably con vanc.d the Performance Satlcrafl Corp . manuiacturer of all Laser, Laser Blade Kayaks and I Laser Shells to establtsb ala lust U S headqu.srters an Costa I Mesa l.sst month Prevaously all of these populdr boats and tbeu s.sds .snd ac 1 ces.sones h.sd to be Imported fr om company headquarte rs '" Quebec The 20 000 sq uare foot Cost.s Mew laclltty tncludes a retail show10om featut~ng ctJI the Lesser products a nd ancludes a warehou-.e Etchells 22 f leet No 6 from I N~wpor t wtll have stx boars rdc ang tn the Etchells 22 wo rld's c hampronsh1 p next week an San I Franctsco To qualdy to compete ' 1n thts tnternattOnctl event they had •c. race •n a se rtes uf lo uqh regat!as Rlck H.wtborne, Tim Hovan, Scott W..oD, Gene William., Jtent Edler and Ben AJtmaD are the aJuppera who wtU be vymo for th1a tmportant champaooahap Ttm Hoqan hmshed ..cond 1n the EtcbeU 22 North Amencan champ1onshtp t.ut year and c ame 1n lOth m the world. You'll be happy to know tha t polace have apprehended a haberman alleged to have cut a heavy JIQ oil the end of the I Newport Paer and cauqbt has hoolc tn Sheryl MJJJer's lace I whale she w.u on the deck of her fa ther s boat . . . UPCOMING EVENTS-The Ltdo 14 Fleet nataonaJ ch.sm~ pronshap ts gomq on thts week at Newport Harbor Yacht Club Balboa Yac ht Club wall hold a One. Desagn Regatta Saturda y and the Seventh Race ol ala "66" Ser1es on Sunday The Orange I C ounty Wol'Ditn's Oc ean Racang Senes wtll have als thard r~ce at Cap1strano Bay Yac ht Clu.b If tCltP • ~V( THIS AD ~OQ ~Qf( EXAMINATION> • I o( \II 't "'' .,,,,,,1(,\1,\ tl \ti\ 1•11,1 ' •HIHIII t\\' I \I 1 II\ I' .... ~ 11111'1 ' NOACK TROPHY 1-u ~ I ,th \trt-t>t '-o 11 7 Costa Me \a '·""'" rrorn \>o n ' \t)oppanl( CentN ) 646 -3J4J ATHLnES & JOGGERS Are Not Th• Only People W i th FOOT PR08LIMS Genefol and Sports Medteane • Buntons • Ingrown Noris • Hammertoes • Corns--Callouses • Worts Newport's nahve .on waa hv· mo in a houM be bought an EzuJl&nd for the put hve years, racing for the Cradley Heath team ln the Bntish leaoue. Our· ~0 that lime, he helped Cradley ;Heath become the atronoest m 'Enoland. "But at waa too lono to be away h om my famaly," he sa1d "And the beach ... the water and the garla. It's nace to be home, tha a where I really want to be." I w"b aoo, and now fmds bunaU tAken &back, he sa1d, by 1 the summery weather. whtcb as l non-exustant m Bntaan 1 "I'm d omg a lot of hot weather I trammo now, because I'm no t uaed to racang tn the heat." be I SAJd. Penb&ll started ndang motor cycles when he was 8 year$ old advanced to speedway m sax years and won the fusl compel• hon race he ever entered. a t lr wandale, when be was 16 • AthletiC lntunes • Heel poan • AmbulotOf'V Foot Surgery • MEOCAAE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPltO Pen.h.ll returned only two So he bas been runnang, swamnunq and l&ltmg wetghts to The 60.000 spectators ex peeled to be c beennq ham on at the Coltseum dasplav tust how Harbor Lawn. long known for rts Specral ConsideratiOns to • ~ter ;)'"IS announces the CompletiOn of The Court ot Honor Mausoleum \ ry· ·s •o· above grour-d entombments If you are an Honorably Otscharged Veteran of the Ar,....·~ f.orces o' '"P Un.ted States you are entitled to acqwe a Crvpt(sJ tor you•self J M vou· spouse ,, The CoYrt Of Honor You w1ll be Qt\len an Allowance ot Two Hundred QoH;v s towdr.:!s '"~' purchase of an it\dt\lldual Crypt or Three Hundred Dollars •I vo~. cl'\ovse a Co'Ttpan10n (OOl Jle ) Crypt II 'tOll now own qround Prooerty at Harbor Ldwn vou w•:t bP q' ,ro, • t.:rt'~·· tor ttlo am,'vnr you pard tn .J{tdth•>n ro tne Jwance • v.-.J c h0\,..,,. • IC:I(~ .ld·.antdge of tn•s $pec•al Veterans MaLSOit-..Jm Crypt p,, :;•d ... , ~ t 1 t' 15 1,rr1ted To as~ure your space,s) Matl Thts Col.loon Too.a " r--------------~-~-----------1 Harbor Lawn Memorial Park & Mortuarv I 1625 GIMt 4w .. Coata Mesa. C4 m26 I tedjlleem to lfte t-1 a..., Fwy ttOSI et ~ BlVd So 1 I d,.., J HJ "O'J O D•sc l'lar';lef1 llt>ll"d" I I '" ~ _,. ; "Pel ,.. ,.... it' )to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I <; .. , •• I -....... -... •••••••••••••• 0 ••••••• 0 •••••• I An ··. L I ............................................... . I c·,················································· ................ . l ~~t: p"-""t! No ••••••••••••••••••.••.••••.•••• p ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~---~~~--~----~------------ 2011 WestcliH Dr .. Suite 5 I,,,., ct lro,"'"• In Wetlclt#l Med •caf l u.ldtng NEWPORT BEACH flvenlttl Appointme nt Avelleltl•l • ., A ,.,_Jttl-1 0..19' The orobJen1 can come from liv1ng with an alcoholic. If you live with an aJcoholic. you know the heartache ... the broken promises ... the anger. You know how alcoholism can tear a family apart. \\'here can you go for help? Ca ll Problem Talk hop. Problem Talk '""hop is a free counseling and referral service for people trapped in an emotional crisis. (.)ur trained counselors can help with problems such as drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, stress. family crise and troubl d adolescents. They'll talk with you, find out exactly what the problem is. and direct you to th peopl who can help you solv it. Call Pr bl m Talk hop for a free appointment If ou don't call. y u can be sure of on thing. The problem wiJI only get wor . ' ._ •••• ,.. ........ , ........ IS. ·-n.. ...... help 28 il ''Mecla'a Ett.c1 On Potica' •. au.. will be a.w.Riegleof KfWB rldio end ~ ~. a political CONUhant. Group W II locat11d at 901 w. Ukh, ,_ 'JI)Oft a..ch. To be in the eudienc:e eel: cebe~ eong end dance 8 p.m. Saturday, hpt. 18 at the Irvine Bowl. Tlc:ke~ are on Mle at the Laguna Beech Mueeum of Art tnd coat •a .• 17.150. tlS tnd .10. Da a;e •• Newpo.t 8eKh .us.. will be feetured through Sept. 6 .., the studio of Sendstone Gallery. ~A N. Coast High- way, laguna s-en. Hours= 11 a .m -5 p.m . T uesdily through Sunday .. , .......... Pr ' '1 IJ launches ita 1C-aJ SMtOn 10 a.m. Wednesd•v. Sept 1 It Glendale Federfl Savings Community Room. 100 Newport Cent• [)rive . ... 1111 ..... .. u t8rnh w.ll tOUf Frosting House in Costa Mesa 10 a .m. Wednesday. Sept 1 and wil obseNe the p~eperation of chocotate cat des. Picnic lunch will tonow. lnformanon: 548-Q61or~ .. se,rrt tlatur .....lll.nl dass of '62 wil hotd a ~year reunion 6 p.m .· 1 :30 a .m. Saturday, August 28 .. Contact Ken Bonner. a~n -52«; 1 daJ $7,500 minimum 1 y r S500 minimum T••·FrH Interest "-"••uhrl'•....._ .... ' [)eper1ment sponsors free w.ellly lectur• fJVefY Wednes- dfv. from 1:30-3 p .m ir the Cou..,•I!Ce Cencw. -Sept. l :"Value of Pulmonary Function T•nng in the Oiagno$- ing of Chronic Lung Diseese" in Confefence Center II. -Sept. 1: "1tnpofUnc:41 of Me.luring On~g Effec~-in the l.lbc:lq101V.. in 7th ftoot IOIJb¥. ENIO Here ls A Medicol Offrce In Y04JI Own lockpd Thof Will Tolce Jo. INJOitMATICIH&~CAU lc&JII ..... M .... 720-1338 210eLC:......, .• C... ... -....... M2.m7. . ................. ._.. perlorme 7:30 p.m. Monday. Auguat 30 It Woodbfldge VIllage Center It Blrranca Perkwey and Lake In Irvine. FrM. ~fl!]J s,·zes 6 to 16 ~ ftlfiiAJ?It ' SUJIUIER WIM SUIT SALE American and Imported designs from Ciottex, Tabu, Catalina, Bare Nothings Eenl ft\eenl and Jantzen :Ji:!/ f~q (..tjCJ:d 1/(tJ/IIlV.fl. ('onm4J Jt'f .\/()f. ni:l·fi.'lif Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian pnlmls Introduction: Janet Kelly. R.N. Community Education To pin: Type' uf arthriti' Diagm,~i' Hoaa Me..orial Hospital Prabyteriao Latest Trend' in Tr~atm~nt Avoiding Medical Qu.tckcr~ Speaken: for f1lltller w.-..-: (7&4),....592J Mitchell C. Au,tin. M.D. Rheumatulogy Anthony Bohun. M.D. Rhcumatnlogy 11t-a~· ma~ltht fulktWlna n't(l•trallun tunll 1 .. lt.HII( Mo utotn .. l "-•"Pitill'ro.,.byh-nan, t ummunety I-duo ill tun l.h-po~nnu nl. hi I ~•h-wpt~n K<~•k vard. No·WtMtM I~ •• h. l 1\ 'l.!hfd IIU IU 1-. '-11 AUMI...,.._IO' t IIAN<.I-I 101111 !l " .. 11n11 o~v••wbk Nanw _____________ _ Addrt.._, ____________ /.111--- l)<tytJnto l'hum ( $10,000 minimum S100 minimum ....CIIOIICII fiCUIW--ITJl~ n.. ....... -• .._ -.-• nPD mwA&O • t-. 'UII Aw.. "-CA .-ns .._ c ·-t ill ..... "-CA.-riS ,.._ ..__ . .._..__ " -.. ....... ._..G...._ ,.._ __ .............. c--. a.. .. o.-c..-- A.,.UI- ,.._ ... I I n S..0 I I ·-. n. ..._. '-" fl~ IIU30 tvaiC liON:& r~enJIDIA-.... na....., ...-:IIOnca #iCIIIIOW ...... ... ., . ....., ,... ...._ ,..... ........ -• NA*DIO A.x:IATU II G.a.... a..-CA ll71S s .. 4u L .._ ... II 0..•-oo4 "•- CAil71. ~ .......... c .... IlK .... '" •••• ,.,.,._. ....... S..n4roL W..•-n. .. ~ •• ._ ............ ,._. ~ et..1o ... o. .... eo.. •• , .... .... ltG ......... A .. II lS .... I I ata .. n.."--'a.. ... , 1..-JO 11'1411 PVIUC IIOnca ..., r1Crttt091..,..... .....u....., n.. ...._,.. ,.,_ .,. clooaq -• CKII OAWTI'I 1101 Coo ..... ,.. Wet N.w,.n lu.c:lo CA fliiO O.at .. o &. 0 C•ltleu.. C<U ,.,.,~. t'JOI c ......... " w •• ...._,._,. CA...O Tit• .,.._ • .....t10ciM loy • cor ,.,.,_ ........ C.CoJ. Cod-· .............. o. ..... ~.a n .. _ _. .... ,,..., ••'" ,.,. c ...... , o. .... o. .... c ..... ,, ... ·~ ly. 1113 .......... A-. 4. II II, a . I~ •• The..._,'-. Fl-.r NIWIJ PVIUCMmCI , IC'!m09I ..,_.. ... ., . .,...., n.. ............, ,.,_ .. d .• q ...... -• OIYOfiCI ASSJSTANCI ld OO Coo~ .. , o,,,.. a..,w...,. 0 4 C. "'" CA 12114 rlotMCe Lou• .. •• a...., 11121 "f'~Mudou Dl••• l.-•••A CA I2MO T\ .. .._...,.,..,. • C'O,_GI~~tctN DY •" '" dt•Mival ........ Fl..r..-c• L a,..., n.. ... ..... , ... tu.d •t41l 11\e c ....... c .... ol o ..... c ...... , .... '· ,, JJ. I tel P•WIIII A~9 II l5 S..pt I " lle3 •• T\e ..... pool Lt .. , a ·~ "~~ PVIUC ltOnc:& f'10TmOUI w..... •Alii ITA~ Plus -Interest-Earning Checking Accounts, as well as IRA, KEOGH, SEPP and ROLLOVER Retirement Plans. Call or stop in for complete information and current rates. n.. ...._-..... -• WL,.._ ICAJI!UniG 117 ........ ..._ ..... ....._. ..... CA_, o....o. .... c- ,..._ m ..... a .. •-· C:&-1 n....__.-.., .... ...., .._.. o.-D c-....,_ "---...... -· ... c:_, c:::a... .. a.-c...., - P'lnUC IIOTICf STATDUlfTOf AUIIOO.MtiiT oruuor ~UII~IIISSIIAMl n.. •. u • • ,.. ........ "-•• ..... 4 ... ~ .. ~~oo• t ... fol"t•• ... b MoUifnntG COifC[PT$ /41t J c -"·· c ••• , ..... C:lt .. Jtl' Ttr.. • ... h ............ "'"""' ....... ... ~ ............. o .• ,.. c .. h 1 ,, ,_, r t.c»t' o. .• ,. L , •. ,,. • , •1 c~. .., .... 5I &.....• • ...... 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A"4 l .l.1 "'WtAh A•o II Ill l5 S.po I C oon.. ..........,, lntooo rt .. tM fU1UC 1101Q NISOO 1101 ; roa.....: ontc:a te*IIDIDA10e Na& onao POIUCOI ............. ..,_, ....... .......,_ ...... -..._......., ......... ~~ .. ................ 0.....1 .......... ..., ..__,.._._.. .. , .. c..,.414 ................... , ...... , .... _.... ..,_,...._..., Ilea. ~ ......... --......... .... ,..... eaa.th4••oa -.._. •MI• _........ ............. _ .......... ,. nnn drs.-...... OC'•,.._ • a. a...~ ~ 1111-.c_, - -....... -.. c ......... ,...., .._.. ___ .j ._~ ............. . •tm.) roo ~~~~e ..... "' u .. c .. , c-~ (1., • ._ ..... "' ,.,,. w-~~ Dootroet I v ... lot 0.. ,v .... ,.,u ... , .......... Lo. .. O.....WA •••-v ... looO.. cv .... ,..u ... , , ... .,. ""'' C 14••• .. (a.l) W!w. Allu._. v ....... o.. cv .... ,.,u ... ) .............. o. .... c a, .. , v ....... o.. cv ... ,.,u ... , Pato.l "--1 ·~~"-._.. I A ..... ._ c.., a..~. "' .... c..,. ............ a..c:• c.w... .. ,.__ .. _ ........ c. ........ ....._. ........ c.w.. ... , 0.....(1ec.~) " .. ;as 1112 ......... A-. lll .... I ltla oe n.. ~ ....... lft:S10 PVIUC 11011CII ..... fW:UiW.._.. U.ftAYDeff n.. ......_-......... ~ • C*lf G110UP td l o-..1, .. lm ....._.a.-\ CA -Or~ Dee I e ••• 1M • c..w...... --·-ltll ()oo.ul ...,_.._..c.a.-o ...... ~.~"··­.... -............ " ....... ,_._, 0.... o.-...-.. t... ......... _ -1\W .... , .. C...ty a..~ .. o.-e.-" -.. ly.,IIG P..w.to A,.. 4 II II lll. llll •• n.. ,.,..... •• ~aaoe. ,...., PUIIJC 11011CI ..... lfW1 110na or DUT11 or UIIAIA M. P'11111RG. UD or Hili"* 10 ADIIUGITD DTATI 110. Au•a _}, ·-~ ....... b Me .. , .... c...titon , coa~t c~ll· on , ud JMiftOD.I wlt.o a ey be o!Aenn.. lllte,....d Ill lh. ...U or .,..... ol Lrbeta W. Jleaulv. ~~ A pet~· Uoa l.u bee filed by Stu· d.llll W.nclil.eU n.auav 'ua liM Sv.peno.r Co.ut of Ora.oqe Co.aty rtiQMihAq tiW Stu· cliU Wdclil.ell n.ai.D9 be ap· poaated .. JM~f'mDAl ,..,,.... Lati'lle to eda~r liM ...... ot tlil.e dec:edeat n.. pettuoa ntqiMit8 aut~nlf to adato· .-, tlil.e ...... IUlcMr Itt. Ja . .,_...,, Ad.aJ.oiltraho.a of ...... Act A MenA9 on the peuuoa wnU be lileld ha Dept. No 3 al 100 Cine Cate.r Dnve W..t. S.Ote AM. CA 12'701 oo Sept I , 1112 atl:30 a. a r7 YOU O.JICT to the 9•utta9 of 1tt. petllloa, 10" ~ •lhl •PPM' at ttl. -r!M ft!-..,_ Jkr ob.-o· tloM orwrm. ~jectio .. '"Ul tlil.e court ._to,. U.. ~ Your aPI*!rU~ aay M Ia JMif'mD or by your at to.-.., r7 YOU AU A Clli.DIT 0• OJ e eo&tmQeat C..S...lOr ol liM ct.ca...t. ,ov ad .. '"' ewa w1111 Ill• COllrt of ~· il lo Ill. JM~noaal ............. tl,. ~polllled ~ tiM co.rt wiiJim ~' .-oa~ tro. tlil.e c&.IO of h,.. llnaoce o1 .....,. .. orcmc~Mt 1a ..c· 110a 700 ol liM c.IIJott1la hoNia Cock n.e liae lor *"-• ca. ... w1U ftOI .. p•rw pno.r to lour •oat._ lro,. 1M ... of tiM Molnnv ooueed ... YOU WAY llAMlHI the We ..,. by liM c~rt It yov .... ,..dM ......... "'tiM ...... ,.,. .. yW.areq..-4 ..... ..... COilrt 10 ..... ,. ... -*' ..... ol ... •fW.. .. t ... ...... , ............ ... .. .. .... ttoae. ~ .-4 ....... -.criW ........ aa• .. .._ c.wor-,.. ..... c... .............. CW.r .... ~ " ,,.. """· At• .... al Lew, U1 a-a ... • • tN. "-'· Let CA _,1 C21J) .-.: ... ncwn 1 • .....:..me. riCiaeeo.-UMITa,.....,. n. ~u~~.w... .,._ 41• ......, .... _ ., PACIJ1C UICDITtVU LTD , 1111 .._..c-., ~n ....... CA .,_., ._.. .... -..... "-i\. o.. .. 0.. ......... a-lt..CA_, n.........._.~ .... ~- 1._..~_... ........ _ .. ........ It ~ -· ... h ........... ... c ...... , Clot~ "' o.-c ..... . .... • ·I Ill ........ A"4 II lS S.,.. 111:2 .. ~ Noowpon ""-r• ratlll4 PV.uc: IlOTta ncnnow IVIIIIDS ..... ITATIJUXT • T6.. k.ttvwttt-Q ptt-1-..... ••• .,,,..,. ~v .. -.. NAJIKnutG CONCUTS A TIIAVU NAJI~rTIIIG niiW 4911 ... h So ,... 110 Mtn..,. ........ (. Q""' ,.,....... &....••·· ,........ ' . r ........ , C .. N CA ~/'> lwd• I •d• a,.,_,, ..aJU I c._._. H • ., N Vt N••P.·II 1. .. ~ CA 1o1M(. Tt. .. ~ ....... , .. l,f4'1••t~l ,_.rlu•r tu1 "·•Ga .. ~~~.~~· Ttu• ~·~t . .-h' •, ,..,~••·· ~~-ln <.., , .• I, I c, ........ Cl,.,~ I (,,I ' ' Jl .... J Publ•·•• lui, ,. o\,, I '" Ttw ..... ,, , t ,. .. ...... PVIUC M>11Ca *>net Oft ftUITD"'IAL& Lou"" ,_ .. te/V_ T S llo C t&300 llewpon Ko-Lo.o IlK' M dut, .......... Tr-,.,...., IM lollow-. .....,.,..... ............. ...u ...... ~--...... ~......._,,.,, eMIIJ U..t.W. al •-el -•• ~wt,.j _, 414 ... u ....... "-> all ... hl , ................. co. .. ,... lo .... --...... ...,II.-. ..... 0.... ... Ttvol •• ...._.., .. _,.._,....,. TlfUITC)jl c...__ J Lteopu .. &.o 0 c.t.-.-CCN--....ulCUJT ...... ~ "-• Lou eo...-.._._. Pelto II lilt • ..... , llo 11101 ........ ·-1 -l270 "' 01 locotl ...... •• • .. •"-"' .... .._..._., o.-c..,.~y ..... ct...t 414 ..... .....,, ..... tiM a..~ ..... "4 ..,_. ~ l.oo ll .. T..n ISO. •• ,,.. Co.oo1> ol o.-... _ "" c.......... .. ,.. . Mop ,_... 1t ...... 47 ·-It o1 Wt.-.U&..otte W..pe r.cord• ol Or-C....aty 'I'OU AU 1M OOAULT UMDIJI A DIID or TI'UST DA TID FD 14 1•1 UIU.ISS TOU TAU ACTIOH TO l'llOTICT TOUa NIOfDTT IT MAT U IOLD AT A """-lC t.\LI II YOU Jllll> 1111 IV'l.AitATIC* Or THI •ATUU or THI noc::UiliHG AQAIIar YOU, TOU SHOULD COli TACf ALAWYU 301G .. ,_ A•--S..nto Alto ........ c. "(II a -.w-or eoouooe ......................... ao w&~raa " ..... M tro tie eo.~ Of C.C-)-n.. ..... ..,...., ....... .... o-.1 .. T.-loy -o1 • ·--· .................. ........_ ---........ ...._..,.. ·-·"-' ........ __. ................. . ..._ Deci&J-... 0.....11 .... De .................. ··-__ ... .. .................... _ .... ................ ~""to ............. ~ .............. . ....................................... ~ ........... -'-'-.... _...., IIIIey ll, 1112 ... -· llo 12 111170 "' .... OIW..! "-co.. S.... -woU ~ ............. ~f~fOf •er ·-" -Of lapLeoi _..,} .. 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"" 1oa 0. 1Jo91 10 /C •• II o,. ,.,., A...-cae ,.,. .. 1..._••-.t:• c.,.._., • c.a.t.n. .. ~IIIOf•' .... ,,..... o• h oc .... t ,,.... 4U Jv .... t.te4 ,,__ ol th,et -····" o.-4 .,. ''" .. __ ,... loy loloo W lloo< .... N••t ......... ·~ .................. d ........... ).Jy 24 1011 .. 1••··-· .. »411 Oft a.o.lt 141" pa~ 1 .. uf Ofloct61 "-c<> .. ol o,.,... C.uty Ceh-'otn. .. aJWf p\uwaa• ~ '"'-' r.flet" Hottt• ., Dt .. "'h •h•••v~•• ,_...,..._. w., IJ ltll -l..o........ .... G 114184 el Olloco411 .....,,. ~~ .... eo-. ... ., .,., ....... .". ...,._..", i .... o..A ., y,.,, ... u ., po..-.a ....... < ·~ kH c.... l.wt .. t tiMWI.., vi •h• u ........... 1)1 A .. '"'• • r,..,_..,,, r ..... paye'tl-"' ..... Ttw•" do•• ......... ., ... , ...... , ............ ~ .....,.J c,...(,t ••~ • • .,..,. .. ....................... ~~...,... tf.ec.._. • •tt.~• ..... • M .,.,..., .. ., • ...,.. ._, r.,... .. .. ,<.,. r.... r. .... _ c-...... ......... . ll4 ( , ........ ,._. Ct't ~ ..... A-... c ••. ....,... .., ,...._. ...... • .... .,.4 ... ...... l'vet .. H4 .. •rtd ...... ,.,.... ~-., ............ o... .. , ................ . ' .................. c ..... , .......... t. .............. tloo ..,.,..._...,1, I>•H I l·• IN •'' ~ Loot ltl ............... _.,,. ~.It , ....... 222 .. ,, ' .., .. ...._ ... "" • ......................... '-"· • • ..c ....... " ...... u.--... "" ....... o..-c-••• c ........ .. , ................ f ....... ·~·· ... ........ J .... of .... .. ..... ,,, ,. • ... . ,. ..... -· ~ 110 , .. '·-· ......... . ....... CAio.IMO S..t .. a. ,.JI '-......... •tlk t.~l r• .,.,. ...... i ,, ..... fl,. ....... .. ......... .. ~, ,,, ... ,.. ............. ,, ---t·~ .. ,....... ,.. ..,.,.,.. ... ........-. ..... .,... .... _ ... ·""--" .... "' ... 0... l ,,.... •• ••• kt ., ... .. ........................ ,,._ ... ,.._. .................................... ...., ..... .......... ·" ..... ---4 ..... t l "·"' ra TO PJIOft•n onu TOU AM DDAI.I\T UWOO A CillO Of ttiUif O.ftO NU II 1,.1 TOU T AJif ACT10II TO ..mtCf ~· NOH»ff If MAt .... Al A tVaiC IAU • YOU-MIUUM_.. Ot '* aa TVII or t111 ..ac ~a AQA.-tl'OU ~-...~ fACfAUYfta c..... A ... ' ...... • A town is like a nlodel electric train. When the electrical load is evenly distributed throughout the day. there's enough power to go around. But other appliances.· And the tOtal electriealload can get too heavy. So use your air conditioning ~ly. When you're home, please set it no lower than 78? When you go out. tum it to 85° or higher. That way you can help lighten the peak load, delay building new power plants, and help provide enough electrical power on hot aftem()()(\s, factory, office and home air conditioners come on. Add washers. And dryers. And ovens. And to go around all day long. PVIUC *>11Ca ncrmout-..... ITATIIIIWT r... lollow••• ,..,_ .,. doooo -.. lONNY WAI.lU l'tiO DUCTIOWS «<ll w_,,, P1.ee """' 301 ~ a..c:• c ... NleO '-•• Wei._, l.,.ctoc..l.n I•••••• l..,_j ,.., ~ ............. s.. ... lOI ....._, a..c:~ CA N1e0 Jlk. -• ....aOICtM .... ~ ... por.-........ T-•• Wo."•• ........, ..................... ,K ~ .. .._.., wu 1 ...... wuh •M c_.., o... .. o.-c ...... , .... A ... " 1112 ~A,..~ S.,.. 1 I I~ IC .. ~ ......... ,._. "~· PUIWC lfOnct r'IC1TnOQIIWOIDI .... ITATDalrT Tho lollo..,.. po,_ ••• 41 ,, q ""•·-.. •I VlfiOUI NOUDAYI ~~ A liT'<» Nltbf A r) ... VTOI UfTIII .. A110ti .... L .. , c •uiSI IPIClAUSTI I .. TiaJIATIONAL ol "DMIIAL I CI UISI CLUJ 1n•1 s. .... ,. C11ct. N" llO lrvu•• CA tnU u.,._ Kol .... ,. I.e • Colol.>oo.. <'orpota ·-T~ta atwelf'll-• c~""Ct~· l..t •• 1 cot pot6h0ft • ...,.... I ' G.AitY ,, .. , ,..A, u • .,. ... Hoi..._." lo, Thw ... ,..,..,., ••• t.ted .. uh th-e c ..... , Cloo. o4 Orao .. C-••• uft lv ,, 21 I Ill "'w..lk A"o II .-, S.po I I ~-.. ~ .... ,., .......... FIIA.UI PUIWC lfOT1CE ..... nctmOVIIVIUIIIS IIAMIItA"**n Th• ... .. ... ,...,..,.. ••• 4 '"CI ..... _ • ICAPAC I A UWn r D PAITNUIIMIP IJOO o.. ... S• ... ,,. JOO ..._.,, a.-• CA _,..., ,,.. c ••• l c .. ~MW•'... • c .... ~, .... c .. ""'. -..lll .... w .... ,... ..... "-··· t_, a..,..,,, H lit CA IOJII n. .. ""'"'-.. ~.., ........ ._.,.... .-••••n ... Ji ,......, I • ('-...... v .... ,. ......... , .. c ..... c . ._ •• " n ........... ~, ••• '·~ .,,., ... . e~~·•• c ... , • n .... c .... ..... ~I~ "-W·olll Aoe II 1-n S.l'• I tc •• ,......,.._.,.,,, ..... ,I .. T~. tol~nq pe•-..oaa ••• J .... ,,q h •·•••• •• TOWifl Clllflll NAIIAG~IIIT n11 W c-o H ... N •• ,.,. fMc • CA ll2taJ Uword a ..... _ .. lOS v,. Lodv So..d .......... ...... CA UifJ 1 ..... A a.o•h• l717 w c ..... "'" ... ..,., -• CA tleiJ I'\,. "'-••,... ~ t-oad.c-ed • ., • ~....... ,..,,_.t'9111tP S.qn.d 14-•·d 1 "'*'-·~ TJitl • ...... ,.." ·•• t.Mct .. ,-. "• C .. ~~~~•• Ct.. II I Ota•91' Co,..,.,, A~· • l!ll.l ...,... A•e II l5 S.O• ltlli1 •• n. .._ .. "'~· , ..... PVaUC M>TICE J1CmiOW ....... .... .,AnxDIT n.. tea..,... .,.,_ .. doooo -.. I I 'I QDIDAl STOIIl l114 • ee-.·-· .......... .._~ CA tall a.... L.orkia l07'llo1o ~ ltooot c-. ~~~~oM CA ~~ Jlk. ..__ ................ "" •• , • .......... ._... • ....., L.o .. ... T~IO ... -1 .... JoW With ... eo-, Clot~ ol 0.-Covftl~ " .... , 1112 POl~ All\ lS Sept I • ., I Ill'" n. ~·' &. ..... r Jit430 rvauc: M>TICl ~ .... lfAYDII:WT NU~1 fM ~-. oiOt09 -.. Q\1110CT ...... IT1CS MMAJICH IJCITTT\1n CWIAI u:n ..._,a,.. C:.. .._ CA ....... ·-· lU7 .... _. A .. C-lillloM CA._. T'-o "-•........,.... loy .,. • ........ ) .............. _. n. ...,_., ... ..._. ..... ·~· c-.,~ .. o. .... c ...... .. " ..... ~ ......... b e lS .... I I IS ltll .. n.. .......... ._. ,,...,. PVIUC-oTQ nc:tiiW ...... ..... , .. .._, n.. ........ ,.,_. ..... "4 .._ .,. POWI AJlA AIIOCt.A tU I)C.,.,.-"-.............. ..... , C A ._,., II••• C ........ 11 c.._ ... "--...... D .......,.._. CA.,_ n.~ .............. . a-................ , ....... ......... c-.... .. n·-·-~,....-•,._ c..., ~ .. 0.•-c... .. , A-. 1&, l.a ......... ... . ..,. , .. ,. .......... ._ ,...,. Puauc JK)1'ICI ITATDCDITO# ~ or uu 01 nc:nnoos IIIS.IIfiU !lAIII Tlko loU.,., .. pe,_ ~ ... ...-,. ... th• .,.. ot th ftct•t~ .... ,._. .... WIST COAST TaAVU CIJfTifl ~ 1lt1 II N • ..._, t..clo CA 12M) ~ ftcUbOw• a. ............ NA•u.G " .......... t.w •" Or•aqp Cc-.. '-'" 00 ... ..,. lOll ....... , , ... )tv,... 107 41'0·•"'• a.Jiko.l . .a....s CA ~ n .. "--... co.dw<'-d ••• 1 .............. ..,,... '"' No•··· TL • ..._.., •• w.1 ••tlil •• C-..o, C'lett o4 o.-Co•••• "•• I) Jill ,_....,. .\"4 II IS 1112•• n.. "--· t..,.. PVI&JCJK)~ nc:tmout IUSURU ...... ,ATDUJJT NliJ Tlte JoUe.-,.. ,.,_. \• d O•ftO •••••••• •• I SCONDIDO IIOUPJVAIID ASIOCIATU d Coo ,.,., ............. ~ N ... -.<t, ....... Co\ tlMO •·•P••• c ...... IJ Cof'"JK'\t•N ,.... s .. ~·· .100 .._....,.._~ CA ~ Th.., ...,.,,_.... .. c-.... 4v· ,_, •• • ..,.,..~ partMroltop Jooeod So•P•• C H ... tno n, ......... ,. .... "•-' ···~ "• Cot~A"' Clet• ·4 Ot•n~• Cuwlilt" ••••• llll "-W... A,.., IS ,.P' l~ lA n.,...._p,>tt ••••\In Flltlll PU'IIUC lfOT1CI ~IVSDIUS MIIIITATDUJJT •• , .......... ,._ •• j ·~ ~~-oo !QaiiiJ..L.,aiAL TO A$$0 CIATD IJ c..-... P\.u ,_, •• .100 ~., looaco CA ,....., ,....... c .......... c ... ,.. .... ........... ,. .100 ~·· a-.• l 'A 'tlttO ""-...._._ .... t C've4w ·M "• • .............. 'u,. ~-.. ~ ••.•• ~ .... ... "-......... , .......... ,.,. (" ... ..., o..• ~ o...... c •••• ... .. II I~ .,.,..,. "" ~ """ 181l.n...._...., ....... 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"·••• 2241 t'ecoha I 101 C-• N-CA t.IU7 r·-.. .. M. ........ r~vC't..t ... , • ~,._.,..., s..,-""'' D ...... , T~.. .. ..... , ... hle4 •••h ••• C(lo\f""' c .. ,\ tot 0.:•"911 CO\Ir'" • I 'lY ••l t'v.ttolo A•CI ~ S.po 1 til ol\ T'lll• lf•wpv-tt I A-.crs J l~ll() I'VIWC IIOT1C~ I"'CT1TttVV •uson:u NAJQ IJTATDIIJf1 . ,, n . • j..,_j,.. ~,..,.. .,. J .... b • -to VOOAQE D POIITS .,. A... a, ... ,.. CA Wll4 l.""h w .. .-. I I•, t4 A .. ., r• • ~· ... .. .. ~" ......... .... ~ ••• Itt,. \4 '·"~ •• It fill· ............ , ....... "' .,. .. , , • .,.,, .. c,.."' .. c ..... ,, .,.. ... '·""•• A.. t ~ S.r .~~~.~ • r~ • .._.,,; "'-• 'I ... ,, I'V.UC: JK)T1a ncnnout IIUS&IQas MM.,ATDGift ,... ~......... --. " . ov•· •-.. •l Wtw l()UIPMIIIT -~~~ ~~ O.lCX'KI N IIUCA TIOIII 1t111 Wo.,••••• t • w .... ,.-, CA IQMl 0..•"" ••-· •• IUOI Ya<"~rt a.-.. '"'• ""'-'" .._. .. 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Now"'''' ..... h C A ,_, Oo;...W N K .. ll 1011 v ........ a-; .... ,... ..... h CA ...0 a..,,.,~ C Ill""'· M L•twi. Ia'-N .. ,..,, ....,,. CA "* .... c ........ "' ..... We .... ,_, ._It C A a.G. D P N,.j tll.ra ... II ... II ..... ,. a., 0.•••· C .. r .. ,.. "-! 1tCat CA Qt.Jt a •• , .. , o. ... m .1101 ........ &...•• c...... ..., !Qr CA ~ 1't-lhY L II•*• lit '•••••• c ... .,.,. 11.-4 c .. ,.._"-~ ... , C A taUt loe•t.y r lo.,.k~ll '"''"' S..t Dtt•• Cor .. u dol N.oo, CA ~ ,,_ ... ' hck 1111 ,..... "'-1. Coo..,. tl.l ... , CA ta2$, ..... •• Lolo ''""'""c. Co O..o Ct•o<' C.n,., Pl.o.M H&.t""tl CNMCO.cvo 041143 A••••••on IIMI lala•• lot• ... "'ent 0.peJ1~1 (lq\ul ... ) T._.. ....__...,.,.. ... cvft4¥c•.c:l ~, • J•n•••l p.nr~•,.h•P StQn.d r.,.v•h• l Suede• Th•• -'•'•••*"'' -•• M.ct •••~ •• c""\lllh' Clerl ,t Ot•I•Q• c l,lld A •I ~ I'JII1 Pwb ·•I A Q I ltf .'l S.po J ~1 '' T"-• N•wpi.lfl l u••QII f l-.4- PUIIUC lK>nc:l l'lCTITIOUS IUSIJeUS NAM.I STA1DUJft f"'• folJvWIA. penon • d4.Ufl.9 bu•u·•• u THE DECOI\ATOII OF HAWAJI llill02 Sh l'ar~ Cuclot II " CA 'U714 '"''• t.. ~h•• I ~JO w.tWll. ~ N.wpurt •••d' CA .. -. Thn bw._.n..,. .. o,.~.o~ndwcted ~" •r· '" tJ,w.dil411 S«Jiie4 fWr• o.Jql..ah fh·• ... t ........ tt.Wd ....... ·~ ( ~niW ca.,~ uf O.•n~o~• Ct•~hlW OlD lu lv lll I~ P,.bl•" A "' ~ ll ~ .l~ .iiJ ,,. Th• Newpvfl '""'"'n rt9-U11 N~7l PUILICIIOTJC[ IIOTlC[ or ~STEE"S SAl..[ HI 3 rs "" rn• NUTI\.l Yl Al\f '" DUAUL' UNOIII A OHD Ul lAUSI DATED IIOV ~ ._, UN~ YOU TAKE AC'TIOH TO I'IIOT£~1 YOUA PliO PUtTY IT MAY at SOLD AT A PUBLIC SAU I~ Y~ NEED AJI EX PLANATION Of THi NATUIIl Of THE PIIOCU DING AGAINST Y<.JU Y• U SH(>lll D •~I AC I A I A\1\YUI '' •*P' ..,., 4 1'-' "ff M .... ... I •• I t 4 \,. ,, ltl H d .1~ .... t ,,, ... J Ttu•• .. , .,j.' • J s.. .. ,.,,,. 1 1 r~ t r, , t•1 o. t • ..._ •• , H, <-lO. l \ I ~ • ~t'f• • ; If I I o.t ..• A.. ·~· II ..... "''"-" 1 "• C ..... , "• •Jr• • \.1•• ·~ I l • J f ~ ... .., \lt..d 11flfl' ' .. .J J( .• ~ .... c ...... ... ~ .. I •• ,. r t t • I '" C utlh.•v...- 5.. , A ~ 8. J o-o·w .. s ' ' " -""••\' S.t .. I I I •• i• •• d uter•"'' • • J l" J•r 4 ,, ( •• ... ,.,.d S•••• , • H i "•At • ' .......... '·"'' ••, ,t' t-• t l I"' 1 N•wp r• Ht· 1"'' ""' C•'~ t •• l I 0•• J• I (._,1,1 t • t '" •r ••• •d 8 ~ 4 P•~· .lt J M -.. "'~'•' ••u-. ~. u • td•• t •••~ Covfll'f f~r ,..... .dd•nt UHj , .. , ,. • d , r,,. 61u1 ' ·~ ,.. """J. d --,..., t.-. ,. .. bl• ........ t I •·1 I •• #> •• I • ., ... .,.. • 1 .. ,, ' ...... .. I :.... ' ,$ (). ... j I 1 j 'If• "' 1 _., I 0ttl•-.'' • t • • ..,.. Tt,. I •••• ., ed , -1 ,., I "'f r I t: .. •.. 1 .J (.., tj.. ... 'J• t . ,. .. " ....... '"',.,'It "'-'.d o.. • to.. lt!ol .. •••'r ... ' ,,,,. ~ H Br ... d l l•d '•.. A ~ .'\. • ...,_ 1}lA l '4·• ~ p ..... ,. I " A l , ... '·. ruauc IIOTJCt TIJ8H ltOTICE Of t11USTU"I SALI T S Nc. T!l 67•-G y ., Alll IN DUAULT UNDO A OHD Gl T~UST DATID !tOY 2S •II tJNli:SS YOU T Alt.l 4C'T1011 Tv PROn CT YO UII I'IIOPUITl n MAY 8l SOlD AT A PUaUC IAU tf YOU llliD AJI UPLAMATIOIC Or -Hl ~A T•JIIl or TKl I'IIOCIJ%)UIG 4 ,A!NS'T YOU YOU SHOULD COM rA T AI AW'YU S.v ll '41 • ~ • • PUIUC 1101101 -ltOTa 011 ~ IALI T l MiJ f.IOO »>I IICI'o.ITA.WT NOnCI TO l'tiOfU n 0WU1 'tO\I AU ,., DUAULT UNOlll A CUD 011 TaUIT OATID NOV ll 1•1 U.u.al 'fOU TAU ACTIOit TO PIIOriCT YOUII PtiO ,pn, IT ltC4'f M IOUJ AT A PUIUC tALl tr YOU IIIU» AM U · PUMATIOII or T1ll MAT\111 Of nt1 HIOCIIDCMO A~MT YOU YOU lltOULO COtnACT A LAWYU 0. ..,.. It ltll .. 10 • • c ... owry S.oowl • Col,.._,,..., _,., .. ..,. M otwt~ """'" ... Tt ... -n•• ..... ,,,_1 1o o.-1 ol 1'rwe1 ,_...,... ..... ll 1.1 .. ,.... N.. I.-e .. ........ l.ull. ,.,.. 14» •I Otllcool ~· .. tlto olton .. tile c ...... . llooco ...... o ...... c:_ •• , .... .. Calo~<>t••• ..... .,,_, It, Mollo• S Willet ....... ,. .. ,..-....a will ..II •·• llwlllloc ·~•-'" ~.q-. iii..U.• loo c .. h (W•Y•bl• at h~~t• c;;J .. '-"a l•wf1o1l ,.yn•y gf th. Utut.d St .... ) a1 tN North h.,..noe Htrar.c:• tu ,,.. c:ou.nly C'U\oltlh.u~o~.. 700 c .... ~ c ... let Du~• w... S.n•• A.ft_a c..a~t.,rnt4 .n r....ah· ''''• •nd •••• , .. , c-oov••ed '"' •nd ftUW h•W by ,, Uttd•• wid DNd \)f r."' .. tft •"-• pt.,....nt •••~••-' n -.e.d Cu.nty •nd Sl•l• dHC::rt'-'d •• l tJI l vi Trac.t liOO u J»• '"•P • ..-.. rdod n buulo 111 ...._ .. a• IS .artd lb .,t MLeoc.ll•n...,~• N_ap. "' th• lhc• ..,t tl"'• Cvwnt~ JIK"'(.trd•• ul '*'d. Cutoa .. l t Tft• th .. t .ddr .. •ud th•r ~ ,.._ MQQ d.WQA.IWf· tl _.,_y I ~-tH l ph per•• d.-cubed •bo·•• • r•"'fJ)< ··~i •• iM l712 Ht~hl•••d Otou New~·r* k•;: h C•hl..o~•"•• Tk• ""0.••-o,... Tn •• ,.,. J,-.1•·•• •ttY lt•b•hl't' lu• •n• onrr•tll" •u... •f h• ..... , .ddt .... ~ ·•h•t d•~t~r••'.oft tl eav •Pw•r• "-•••" S.td. wt• ••II M rnade bwl ••'"''"'' co.e~Worat l)r ••tr•••• ••Pt._. or ,. pi~ req•rdlnCJ IU .. ~·k.n •ncumbranc .. •nelw.d,nca IN• ~o:h•rq•• ••u:l ••pw....-. ..,t 1~ T '"'_.. •• •"d ul lh• ,..,,,, ( , .. ,.d by w.d o..d t Tt"'-"' 1 .. ..,.v th• t•m•ttnnQ pH11c '•·h•l tum• ·• h• no•ei•d ....,.. ~o~ted b" .. ,J ~t ·I T , ... ., '"' .... ,!1110 OOl .AJ .. Ill ., •• , ... h.,.,,~~~ hvm '·b tJ :'itiJ •• 1tt"• r,., •An~o~• .. pru•~ ,., -...d •-<• pt~t ...atll &lift ,IIU'f" •dv•u •• '"'''"'•ted u be \l.f 4)71 8tt etl~ t u t"" l. •wt• ·••• ""•at.,.;l ..., b. II~· C, •• I 1\d d ... Tt\• ben•tw: •••• ~uO.r ~ ,,t o,......J I Thu h••• f t• .,,. .. d • d ,J•'•"•'~ • 1n• .. nd.•"'•'l' .-.t ' ""'''' .. Ore<. Ia•• 1 f O.i•t,tl• .,d o..,,...,,J I r 0.1•1 I .aud £1,.,_ ,, ''l ,,, S.ll Tt~ .. , t~$••·"'~"'"t •.• ~ -..td N •.• t O.i .. I _, d Et .. S..t ... ~ td.-.d .... ~ ,_. If wh•t4l th• ,.,..1 CUH,._ff~ l• j,., •I fOod c.,..""'' £.c, wl • C.l,t •. , ·• J·~f•lt• •• ,...d ''"••.. H I'• Cam'" 0.1 f'~~, S...\.lik S.n O,-.qu CA ,..iHJii C714t lfiA) SIOO b• AM o M l<~v•l J. Nun• , VK • '••,.d•n Tt ••' Ott.-•• O.•od A"" ~ I i82 Pwbllfh AvQ 18 )<. S.1 I 1'0411 PU1LIC II01ICI ILIIIIOUI--- IIA.a ITATIIID'T N~.,l!i ,., ......................... ill-.. JOUACll DISIQia. .. Fer• A¥1 NaWI>Ort a....:~. CA ~ l-•.rh N>cloaol w.u. 301 ,.,. A-. N .. poooiM<'h CA t:llll ~ .. b., • ..,... • COf'd~Md b, .. , •. do•td••l Soqnod t....... N>clt.aol Wtlls y"._. •'•'•"'•'" ... , hled ••lh th. Co.el'f Cletrt •I o,,,_.~ Cwwftf\o ~ I" •• 21 I tal P .. bt<oh A"Q • l l !8 l5 1 til '" 1'U Mew,ort lae.Qn f l94210 PUILIC MOna: ncnnous IUSIMESS ltAIUSTATI:JIDT r... "'''-'"" po.-. ... oioo•9 b."n-•• OUVI OJ.IH APAIIT MOlTS 19.100 Ia• I· .... 11...-d S...•• Aoo CA 9l707 S.ep .. n W S.ll • Tub~t• Cv-..rt M•wport '-*. b CA -~~ Molt.o•d I S.ll t402 I••••• w • ., V.Ua '••II CA ~7 Ld••td Voqet 147t.O Or .. nwullh L. Nu•d• CA 'IU6Jij AI& c., .. , U11 N T••·• l•u S.ooe A .. CA '<17~ "f1ol1t bu•tn.,.. • '\lndwr t-.d ~" " ~·li•t• P•''"•nt.•l s..c;,, ..-d S'•\.:h• ... S.ll n... •••••m•n• ••• t.l.J .. ...... ..,., Cu\,lnlw Clett I Ote ~ C Uft'\ C•rt '"' .• .JO ·~ Pvbl1•h AwCI 4 I' Tll• "••P· ' lt·•·~" ,. .... 1 ~~ ,., rUIUCNOTlCt PfOTICt OF t11USTU"S SAU T $ lie f l!'>4 larr•l• iloii'OATAIIT l«>liCt TO PIIOI'U TY •WNU TOU Alii IN DUAULT UNDl" A DUD Of U VST DAUD AUG • ... 1 UNUSS YOU TAll AC'TION TO PIIOT1C1 YOUII 1'110 PERTY IT WAY II[ !OLD A l A PUiliC SAL[ If fOU NnD AN lX PLANAnOM Of TKE MATUIII or THI PIIOCf[I)IIIC AGAINSt YOU YvU SHOULD CC II TA<'"T A LAWYE" u S.!> A ~h• ·• . .. , c " C••·• ,~.. 'J"~••'• , dw1• •v Jf--..0 Tt ... -o,ll .... a nd pwnYt o.-.. i .. r,... .. •<1.ct S.p• , .. t~' ., '' N a'J!I !' n t;. .. .), o4Jl' 11-•'1• V.-I Otlo ,.1 R ... Jih • .. 4 f "c ... "'-". ,d ... I O t•Ht\f• { um•• St••• vf Ct ltNrnY .... "' ed b, ,. t.• L a. ,.H •. u .. n • "'"'. ,. • ~ ' ... b dd•l ,_,,, ••tl ~ .. .,.bl• • •r• t .,.,., 1 lewlwl ·~ t •• u •1 ~ • .. • t:• .... ,. • ''• S141 • lit T -• .,.d C " ' H "' (.),., 11• Calit , •. .- •• j • d 0111 • d lh \ ...aci01ICI IO'IIICI 011 ... ........," 0/l~..ollf ,_,_ .. ...._ 110. 1411 .. l .. ,...., IIO'I'a --ICtlftDdl-........ .._. ,.......,..,..__ ..... ........ Mltaaua-..,. ... _. """.....-.... ......... .. ....uc.cmca n-.cmctOI-iGtMU ••• 1 ....,.., ......... ~ .... _ .. ..... ·-......... "'I"•' ,.,.,.. lw ..,._ • ll'fDLY 111UA MALn LTD , ...0 c_,_ Dn" .._ 0, .......,....,..,c•-...., ._., 1M . • e.w.. ... _..... .. -. ...o c_... .,,.,.. •·• c ......,, t..fll CA- liN-.. PMOTO-JitiM'f· lJII v .. .......... .......,. a.-11 CA YOU AU Ul DI'AU1.T UNDO A l)dt) 01 T•UIT OAT1J) !All • 1•1 UNLIII YOU TAU ACfiOtl TO fltlOT1IC'T lOUI PIONil1'Y IT MA't IIIOLD AT A N1IUC IAU II YOU 1'110 AM U.JILAMA'nQI Of TMI MATUill or TMI NOCUOIMO A<JAiliiT YOU YOU IMOUIJ) C:OII TACT A LAWYD -.c........, llllof ...., .. .... _, ...... L .,.,,_ 1140 ... )1._ ,_,, .......,, ,._.,..,, .... h CA ~ ........ ,_ .... -........... . ... ... ....a.w. .. ·~ ~w-........ ,,. ....., ....... _._ .", .... ,...a........_IIOII .. ..._t•• to l n ..... _ • ~_. "' • ......... ,.,_... .... lteteA• I .... r ... CfO ..__._.., a.. ftta ·-ftl -..,... ., ........ c:-111 C\erlt .; 0.-C....ary .. lv ty at, 1113 n. .......... ........, .......... . 4tl•t411o61 ....... llcHo•loil L .. ,.,.. ,.. -· -..... ••l~ .... 'VIUC IIOTIC& ltOTICII 011-lU I U.U IM• llu l004N%) e YOU U1 llf OVAULT UtUIU A DUD OP t11UST 04TIO NOV a., 1ee1 UNLIII YOU TUI ACT!Ott TO PtiOTIC'T YOUII PtiOfDn n NAY llli()U) AT A PUIUC IALI IF YOU NDJ) AJI Wt,AMA'nQI O r TIU NATUII Or 'TMl ....Xn:DI»Q AGAINST YOU YOU SHOUIJ) COM· TACT A LAW'YIII 0. l•eod•J Sepo ll Ita 11 II • "' PONONA rLNAMCIAL IIJI VICIS IWC .a Tr ... •-"""-' .... pw.nw•nl •~ o..ct "'' T.--.... .._ Mlot• 24 1!1111 .. K~IM llr ltol•uo H T1u.., ..... ,. .... ~. c .,.,_ ~ .............. .... ••d IOCOfrM4 Dooc II. 1.1 •• a..o• 14311 -112' Ofhct.61 !I.e •d• <II Oranqo C....o•y Colotorn.._ wtll wll at p!.i..,JC •vC'hoe ty , ... ht4h.N t..dd•• I· • c ui\ u1 eqw••••• ol ~ ••h1•r .. c.,..-.r-k nl,) .,..,.~ at h .. 1 -..le '" lawlwl n"'·•tt•V ul lfrw Unued S••••~ "' '"" ''"""' ..,u•nc• tv 1h.e ,vile••·" c... H.all lOJ w c-- ravuw .. llh rwUert'-~u CA .J1 noht U· •I• •od '"'••••• ro11 weytld to e.•ct .ow h•ki b-w " "'lciet .... Deeod , .. theo "'. ~,,.., "'"'•'-.d '" the Cownt~ ot Or•n~ Sta•• ... 1 C•ktouua c.teeert'-d .. ltol 81 ~• Tt•c• Mv JSl9 '" tt\e C11Y ·I Ne•pv• ...,... ,,. ,.._ COM_.h of o •• ,.". s,... '""" c ....... ,n•• .. ~· fn•p ttt« ,.rd.J Ito bo,,.ttt 11'8 l'l_l .. lit ••• • l • N.-.u ......... u• N.pe h• Otf,,.. I h• C '"nl't R.f-urd.t ul ... ,de.~.~ .. ,, U C£PT THUlFIIOW ... 1 ••Qhtt "''n•r.tl• •w•u1 11Qhl• u•huel _, •• rtl.fhl• •••d u•h.•r ~vdt oe•rbvne tf-y ........ ....... ••• •• ~-th•• -·· "" •If"•" vr "'"0.' •~'~• ~Uttaf uJ l••d h••••n•_bv..,,. J~11Nd •·.qtMh•• •tlh. ,.. p.-rf"'e'"• • ..,.. t d,.u, .. .., " .. ,.,,.q "''IJt til 1 .. , J p .. I.III\Q 1h•t•l1+f •nd ol Ill• j I ~ iJ t•tn 'til•~ HI• .,..,... frt '9' .... d f., ,--4 1 ' \' .... , '••·d ohf lvcht 'I 11.,. ,,..,fo I • .,, • .._, t. I dit-.r-h•lf+.IIY t.h II _., t """ -h r.-a .. ,..J• ..... , ~~., I -· ,,.,_. . .,.o '""' j...,.·t•b.d ~,I •t ~ ,...Jilt •I•IU•t• •11d th•lh tuh• lhttJYQh t • h•• •·• wt.~o~tl.,...• t th-e> Mft.Cf ... , ••.•• t.. •• J.-er,.-. .,,d .... illlvttolllll ''" t. wt\t,hh ~ kfd •I d•IKituA•Ilf dull .d ... 11 wt•l rl• and .M hto W fld.f •nd tJ-n-..th ,, 0.'f·•l.d IH ••t•rf'V# It••&. th••••l .-u4 '' r..JnH ••'"nu•l ~"'P ,.._.,,,,. • .. ..,..,, d .. pen •~od ... ,._.. ..... .. ... ~ ·•II• II ,.,,..... •tlh'*l I, ••••• 1h• ""hi ht dt~ll lfl1fj• ,_.vt• .. ,J, '" • J p.t••• ·~• wqh ,...,. •wt ,..._. , ,.. n»• ~ .._, .t ·~ "'"'" .,., .. " ...... ....... .. ..... , . ..., .... J~' t.d .. ,.., ,,d..d ~ , .. Vtd ..I S.tJ "" ·~" Tk• .,,.,., ~~ ... ~ •••d ••h•t C'•,.., fill t ""''ct"• ' tt • ., I '"• ,..,, ptv l)lltr'V J~ to b-et •b-•Y• •~ pwrpuel.d f, b.-4~1~ Ovu .._.,..,., OttY• Cu• Jt'lil chi .... , CA ... ~ Th• .... ct-.UIQM!d Tru••.-dutoC•••"'; •"• h•b,h•v tvr •a• • ',_.,,. ....... tt-l• •• , ... ad«f, ..... ,.d. ut... ....IIQ ... h• •• ., .. S..d ... w..ll t» ....d. llt~o~t wtlh. I •• , ... ,~ ••P• .... , ... vlt.O t.qarJtnQ ,,,.,. SN....,.., ..... , '"'' •uCw"'b••n..•or. pey ·1\e ,..._,n,nq o• ,. .p.l '""" I •toa• uvte<•J ..c~o~eoMI b, -t41Ki o....d f run! Wtlt't tllletftl til••• t 4• prvv.d.J n -...d ,.,,..C•) ed-..t~tl-.. .f •••• "'''d•• h• .. ,,.. c.ol ._...cj o..d I Trw.. ..... rh6tQH &o.d ••PI' ,..._ • ~-Ttw•'• .~ f h• ,.,.,,. , ... ~.c~ b• .. od o..d t y,"'.~ -..~ ... A ""'• b .... I --=··-b't ~· ... ,.,.. 0.. ·--ld • .,d , .. ....,., ... h .. -.... .. ••pe>t•W. •nd old I . ....., '"' • t s..t .. '" I tha "•·'•"-• ....... ~ ,f f"t• br•• '• blu,faltunl ...c ,..,.d .c .,,.d end d••••••...S •r J•l•"lt ott th• IWr•t-vtvt• •• •frwlo .. ,. ... INIQU .d • """•" JM"Ier•••v• •I 6•1•u.h •nd Qe"'•"J ··If ... ···d •t•IJ•tt "•!IIC"4 •• b••• " ·"· .... _ "' ('.-.. ........ .. nd•n•Qn-.ci •• .. u _.tel prope, t '" Whtt'f ~id bi.q.lt tnt •"d h•r .. t••t A,u I -._ 1 fJtJ ,.,. ..._~••.qMd ~ •u..d wid nuft'e t bt,.....tt ul •~ .. , .. •dad •• '" .......... , .. ! ..... 12 t'oWJI' oo ..... a II.. •ct. ,, O•••<»e Cvwttl' C•hiutft!l• O.•...t A~~~ l l'tiJ , • • ''~'-•' s.,.....4"" ... '"-' ..... d r '".... J9J w r .. ~~.11 at .. d s..... 201 ca.,. CA ~17'1 11• 61'1 ~16 •• t.. ... C poar A••·•'•"' S.Ct•t•'' PwiDI·•h Awq II lS So.p• r•., "••P'·'~ laetG" ruauc tK>TJC£ IOI!a lil.2 NUll IIOTICt 0¥ 1'lliSTU'S IALI TS Mo Ill U..POIIT ANT IIOTICI TO PIIOI'I.II T'Y OWND YOU Alii 01 DC1AULT UNDU A DUD 01 TaU IT DA 1'1:0 lAM ll 1!112 UltLISS YOU TAU ACTIOtl TO rJIOT1CT 'YOUII P'IIO POn n ltC4Y II IOLD AT A PUIUC SAU IP YOU MUD AM D f'I.AICATIOM 01 TMI IIAT\1111 or nt1 PIIOCUDUIG .t.GALICJT 'YOU YOU SHOULD COIITACT A LAWUII 0• S.pt I 1""7 • IU • "' t• --~--............ II ...... , ................... h .. .......... _ Oa llr. ··~ .. , 4 .... I.U •• e ... " o.r• "' o. ..... c .......... '" "JO, 1113 ,....... .... 4 II It lt llllll •• ,.. ......... r.. ... flw ..........,.,, ptiM.,.I ..,_ 10 ........ e1 lJI. Arlt-II lie .. 101 Gt.*'t o...., CA Ne40 "'" , .... ., --· ... , ... '-• ~lOIII Aw• 4 II II , H 1 .. 1 •• ,... ................. ,. ..... NIUC IIOTIC& ncmnoua_. .... .,.~ NW7 • • el 1M Htr.ttlh .... ueM• .._. itle '""" C4JIIIIft.., C:«MtttJ., . .-100 c ...... C• ••• Dt,.,. w..... S. ·•• A,... U· r ""•• " i ii\IWft .. l t<thfh ..... , Cu .. ttll' o...... lw• ·•I Coloktta.. a. ·• Aa.J~· ....._.,,.,... ,. __ .. .,.... s.. .,. ... _ ......... .. Pl ... A.-.-lwm •• Tt...t .. wntlef O..C. ' T; ............. , .. A • ••• • .......... b• a.--a.--. Jl717 ... ctofl o.,.., .... d, t..e-o. Co N'17 ~ A,.. ll • ltal •• Tll.a ..._,_,1 '-• IIISlt ...uc.:mca liOnel Oil i-IUIIAU Aado1tl TINa 11t-G AP llo 041 112 Ol YOU AM 01 DUAUL' UMDIII A Dill) or TIIUST OATID DIC I, 1-UltUII YOU 'AU ACTION TO pa()ftCT YOUI PfiOPUTT n .U. Y • IOU) 4 T A I'UUIC SAU 1r YOU MilD AN D~ATJOit or T1ll MATUU or TM1 ~n:DIMG AGAPIIT YOU. YOU SHOULD CON TACTALAWYU 0. .... IS, llll 1.1 t • • T11t. t.Rr..c. .... r ..... c-pan, .. dv ly appouoled ,,.,.. .. wndor •nd pv• -· lo o.-1 .. ,, ...... , .. 0.. 8 1*. ,_,,... , .. I) IMI .. oftOI .... 1.70. "' ...... 1:1147 -86l ul ()fbc.t.61 .._,. •• olle "''~• .. 1 tho C...IY ............ ol o..,... Cw•••• ColotorAIA, ••II ..U a1 ,..w.c .. chon to ................ lot~ Of c ....... d oKk (,.,.w. •• 11-ol ,.... tn !.wlwl __., o1 lito Unorod Su•t") •• tile _. .,_, .... ....,. 10 lito Old o ..... c-ar, Co .. ,.a.o .... lou.r.O •• ~~· lOO Wock al w... S.••• Au ll•d , ... _., w ... lth Slr..,l s..,,. A•• Cahlora ... ell uqht tltl• •nd u\t••_, ~veyed. to •nd no• ... ad t., •' wncM1 .....t Deect ~ Tt....,. tn tiM P"-..,.'h .. ,"aNd •• M iod Cu ... nll' end S•••• cMec'tl~ .. A '-hoW ... .,. tn • ..-to Loo 26 ot · Trac:1 no 101-4 •n the Ctt't ot M.wpotl haelt c ..... ,, ... o. ...... ..... o1 C&Wora"' .. ,., _., ren~rd ..... -33 -Jl ol w. ...... I.IIIUWI ....... to tile olfoco ol llle Co .. nov tec"Orct.r ~ .._.,.. Cov••Y Tt'-llf(U or tecoord o.u•r V tC'Iur L ........ &Ad *"". I. ..... ,.. TW ............... •nd u4h•• C••• aaoa ~••hoe tf •n• ot fh4o ,._.1 &»roperty ciMcrtiM4 e.bo" ... p~o~tputled 10 Ito 1101 .. ,...., •• o.... Na•p.o•• ....,h,C4.-:l 11r.e ..... ,.. .... t ....... clue-...... aaf li.e.bt.bly lo1 ._., l~HW"I,._ ol 1 ..... , ... ed.ch-.net o.th•t C'VM,_UO .._..MJeoe .... ., .ao.a. hetet.e s..,d .U. w•U M .... bvl ••thou! C'OY ..... t Df ••.rr••ty eapr ... •.U •• ....................... -01 eK\6,.tN•ae.t lo P-e'r IN u.n.,...d ~ ol 11to 0>0141(•1 _,,.., illy •td 0.... o4 Trv:e~ to ••• Y J76 06 •• ctv4tPO • pro-•.o.d tn .. Mt note(•) .ct ·~ J uy ..... , ,._ ,.,...., of .. ..t 0.... .. f t.... .... C ... IQM •n.d ea .,..._. ot 1M Tr"' ..... •od "' th• ,, ... et• c ....... ., .. td o...l al T ..... T\e ~OCOOJY ~-· ..... Dood .. t Tuut t.er•tofo •• •••cwt•d eftd ........... .. .... ttodet'IIWJ..cl .... ,.~ O..!.ral-ul DoMvlt ..... O..a .... lot s.J,e ..ct • wutt•" Mot.c• ot O..awlt .... o.ct-"' Sell n. .............. c ....... ...,. ...,.,.,. "' D.le~ll and llltoc IMNa to ._u lo-.. r.corct.d '" tlrrtoe t'Ow~t ,, ....... lM ,.., IMOJIIIMIY ........ Tr-"' portt ~....,.cllae -.k Tl TU lNIUJI....CI AJID t11UST COW ,,.,., -It ..... !I ..... A ... CA W70l AI-IIOa .....,.,. w,u,. .... (714) M3 aoao lao 2'M 0. ... A ....... II llll T.tla I• wreac• aa4 T.-\6.411 Co~SM't'Y •• T-• ., w.c. w~""-~.... A.. 2S Sept I 8 l'l&l ·• Tile Nawporo lu.Qo Nl54Y PUJUC; JIK)nCI: ,,.,.. lf011CC 01' Tllfttu'S SAU TSIIo r ti!IS IMPOITANT lfOTICI TO I'IIOPIII T'Y OW1CD YOU Ul IN DOAUU UWOD A DUD 0' T11UST DAnD AUG Z'l 1•1 UMU::.S .-ou TAitl ACT!Ott TO PIIO'TICT YOUII 1'110 PDTY IT MAY II SOLD AT A PVaUC SAL1 It' YOU NUD AN D PLAIIAT101t OP 'TMI NAT\JIII Of 111.1 ~ AG.AIMST l OU TOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAW'YU Oa .... l!o l'l&l •• 10 ... '.c-thc a.con••y•.ce Curpo••hon • Cahton.,. f:Of"POt .. WNt •• dl~~t~t., •P pot .... , ......................... ... o.-1 ol ,. ..... ..,..,... Sept • , .. 1 .......... tOll ........ 14111 -621 ol Olfw ... ll.co• ... •• IM ... _ ol ·~· c-•• , "-••..... .., o ••• <~" Coooary lull ol Ce!Uu••"' •••v•e4t lty ,,._ N ~rita..., u4 Doooo~' Y Sell•• w\J$ .U •• pv..ltJ•c ••choe to ............... let COM ,,_,.-al ·-........ lawhtl -...... Uaole4t ... ,_, •• lito llortll ho•• aa treaee .. tM C'OIIlafl C'O.,,...._ lOD c ... c c..-. o. ••• w... s-•• A .. Col ... ,... oil ,,.111 Hlle anti talet .. ._.....,... 10 u4-MW ... II ~· ..... o.-1 .; To• .a olle 11•-• ................. c-~·· ......... .............. Let 13 el T ,..,, llo 4IIIJ .. ....,. o .. _ _..,....., . ....,.,. ·- .., lo 2J ol ........ _. ..... ._.. •• o1 o.-c-... co~ ..... .. ,., ................ Olk l .... . -....... -....... lk -1 ,._., .................... po ..... IIVIIUIC IIO'i'IICI UATDmf'tOIIA~IP'f ~"" 011 ncnTiOUI -IWII 'I'M"'"-' ... --~~e ............... .; ••• _. ., '"• •~··~~• ltua...-11-• Unt<~ ... M..l .... •• an .. lhpark Cuca. llu UO lr••"• CA '7714 Th.• ttC'hhChlt k•.t-a ......... tctffltt-d ,, •.bv'll"• wu Meet 1M Or•t•Qe CoitUIIY !til tolay 24 I Ill l'li0074F 'I'M tel ...... ,._ ........ .._... .. NCNAMAilA OIIOUP COMIUL,ANTI. 100 ,._,~,. W•Y ,._,.,, INcll CA .._, ._. A 'NcNa-ra. 100 Ara-Way Na•IIO" a.-~ CAI2tlll o.-.t4 T I•••" • ••u.-4 ••• • ·ct ..... c ...... ..v ......... ""-•• • ld rcot._. -J•n • 1 .. 1 .. I •'• _, No IMO •• ... .,.. IJtOI P"'l• L:l•••d l uq•n• O.~•n WIN Av-..•4• l••n~~o~1le "•urh· '•lt"'~ v.,..._ CA 'i027• Th•• .,._...,.,_.,._ •• .udurtaod b' • 11 d1Y1dY•I SuJi•.d [ l G-1 11\ ffu'l ... •eh•ff'~· ••"' t,t,...d ••It ''' C """' Cttt,~ t Ot~HA• C u•'' r l•1 ly I" I Will P"b&••h A,., t I I ll' ,.. S.1•' I l~l n th• H••P-•11 l.to•l\111 PUIUC MOTICI ncTITIOVS lutUIJSI "AJIICSTATEMbfT T~t• t. Uuw.nq ,_,...,,\a ••• dt.ttt•Q bw""•" " KOll CUIT~II NIWPOIIT NUNH JI A t4g() Vu,. K••"-•" Av• N••P.." .... • C A WWI 0... •ld lot k .11 6()v y,, Ltd Sc.o\ld H••P ''' ..... ~ CA 92bW R" ~•rd C Ell'"" Wi lo~cl. I.a. N •• .,..,, -...~ CA 92MIO t.... C s. .. mu~. CW Lattd• t~W Na•ro ,, a. •. h CA 4~ D, folod da.~, • Hall W a., Den• C • ,.,.,. d•t Nfll• \A >~tt:d't h •r-••• u.~ .... Ill .,. S. .d''"" l,...tu C lvh" d•l M•• C" A ~b."" f,,_ ,.,,. L Str.ct•• ~~~ r "~~•• ,,a, c •. ., ,. ,., ... J c .. ,\ ... 4 J.-1 N,u CA. ~ St • 1-1~" f I • .. ~to II ~ P s.,, D••"'• C hm• J.,a 1111•• LA 'U"-'' A.,,,,. L.t. lto•w t•n• • c .. , On• Ct'f c., •• Pial"' ... ,It td C ·• to .. •• .... 't114t Au•nh• 1 A.-.1 (,,.,., t. ...... m •• .,. o-•.• ,.,1'1.1111 cL, ... ,, ... I n • b••"···•u .. r dt. ....... "'' ' ''"'''_. , ... tt .. ,..~.. ~~itO ·ed ''"' •.• 1 s,, .. J..,, t• ............ " t. c·.,. . «':J ..... C' .... ,. Auq I J~ r t. ·' A ' •" .. · 1•1 Tt .... N •• ,. Fi'14*''· l o •• t• PUIUC llOT1CI .UOJ.?$4 MOTICI 011 TaUSlU'S SALI GTD llo 0121 lie CLARa G""'d"'• T,..., o.-1 .... ..,.. COfSMI-f•ltOe U dl!liY ..,..O.•ted f t .... wnd•r th• toUow1no dMc'rt~ ~ of ,,.,.., .,u Mll .-llt".W.tC •VoCtto• to ,._ h.q .... btcWar lut c..._ ...... to•th •• *""" 2t24h ol the C•••l CoOe aU rMf.hl ,,,.. u4 •••••... co-. .. ,-.d "' •ud tto• Mid litl •• _.,., -....0 o...d t.Jt Tt\lo•l ..... .... p10peH'; t.. •• , .... t •• .t-o.llled Tr .. -• Wol._ I Ct.•• • .,.,.led ••-• M -~..,a. •ed wp.a•••• p.o..,.,,,. a.-t><:IMY O...CI IU 1...- Cahfo••.,. cot pot••~ llecood.d 0.. l 1•1 .. ,..,, N.. !13111 •• .._. 10 10 -9eO of 01 ttoeYI Aecvt. tft tM ofhc:• ...,. the ll«ooclor ol o..._ Co .. ~•• ...-1 .._.. "" ,, • ., ._.n.._ 11M ..,u ...... -.-.q P•Dtl'*• •• A ~ ..... hoW l••••-te end to W• * ot Tr.ct •11 .. thowA o.. • .., r•<>fd<MI •• ...... 16.2 P-II ........... 19 ,..,1 ...... ..4 w....u.- ...... tecof. of .. .ct ~-~· w •• to. aloo h owo .. 110 4l od So Nowport a..c~ CA 41 h) S..oloo•• o .... ~~a_.,, IM<'h C A ·cu ... ,.... ~ 01 cora .. u. c:t...o .... tv• •• tll.owft ....... fKI ... , , .. If ,_ .J ..... t• 11• ('\;_.,......._ Of C"utt.c't,.._) T._ betwf.t"•r'f •.0.• wooct o..d ~t T ..... ~., .-...ott uf • -..-..c:-.. Wf .... It 10 ·~ ~-..·96'~"· ..C¥ted ....... , t.et .. ok.r• ••w•...t ...., d.b .. ....t .. ~~· Wf\.t'IIKI ............... o.e-. ... ... ol Det."lo •M 0.. .... loo S..le •"" ••tUeot'\ IIOIC. ~ IN..-~ .... of .Mc1_,. •o ca-~ v .... ~ ..... to ..II ...d ptvpe.-1' ~ Mt..tY ...... ""-1_.... ......... •k•..IM• ... -~ .... ·-..... ncMIC'e of br..c" •-' ot .t.Kt.o. to M ........... ,... u ltal .. ..... .... Ul*l07l ~ ......t Oll>c.ol ._.... S.td ....... u Ito ... ....i .......... CQW.ft681 Of .. rtdll •• ",.. 1oM ,. ....... ............... -· 01 • ee .. abrerw"'M, to p.ey tM ,.._._. ... ,. puaapol ... ol olio -.!tl .nre4t to• ..... 0.... .. Tt-' Wllt. • .._._. • •• ...... __ ...... --..... , ..,...., olio te.-ol ...,. o-.1 ol T .- '"-t lta._ .... ·-al IM T·~-a<ld al tile h...,.. <-'..ol lh ..... Dood o1 T.-.......... ••U w ....... oo We4t .... IS IIG al II • • at IIIII• hoet ..,,~ ._ a.,., d .. a t...... 0.... s.n-IIIlO I Na,l.J• Or-Col>lot•"' 'YOU AM 01 OUAULT UMDU A DUD or t11UST DATIO OCT 14 1•1 UJn.al YOU TAit ACTIC»> TO PIIOTICT YOUII hCI'UTT n NAT M IOU) AT A PUaUC IAU IF YOU NIID AM IULANAnotl 01' TNI MATVU 011 TKil ...X:III*Q AQA.IMT YOU YOU IIIOUl.O c:0N U CT A LA W'YU ,., ..... -·· ... -. .......... ~~o~e~ .. lito ~_.-_ ...... ., ... .. .,_ ....... ..w ._. ....... .. ...-lolto .. ~~o._ ....... _ .... 76J &>I ou ..... a.c .. .-d. c .... ·~ Tltoo ...__ .. c_.,.<..., lty .,. •• Ot.....-CeJ ... "'"* • ..,.. ..,. ••• • tl1•t4wal lt9n•4 looojlh A l ... dett...t.....-•••. , , ., .. We ... _,. c~.o, ................. ,... .. ........ . 1'\~oe .. J ... rtl ••• h'-d .. ,If! 'he Co"ntw C .. rli ,,1 Or•••Q• C••Uh'V 1 I~ •• .)0 1!112 •· d ~t•'• I ,,"f'4't"• D• , •• , br••"' t I •• ~~· alwt ' . ·- 1'\oblooh Av·t • II Ill 1S 1""1 II _.,,_IJ\1 ..... I' I .h..,. ..... I , .. I"'· I • "-· .... ~ Th• N•-.putt '''~'"' ~. ,.-1 ... 1• . .. fi94111J u, ...... (' I D PUIUC 110nct IIOT1Ct 0¥ ntUSTU"S SAI..r l .. ll 'j ... ··-a..J..J .. . I··· . ....... . ~~-... • I I • I ... ·~or. ,.1 I d ol'l\11 I .. , I lh • .. YOU Alll IN DEfAUlT UMDl~ A DUD Of TIIUSl DATID IUNl • IM I UNUSS TOU 'YAitl ACTION TO PIIOT'tCT YOUII PIIO PERTY IT WAY Ill SOLD AT PUIUC SAU If YOU NUl> AM UPLANATION O f TMI NATUIIl OF TMI I'IIOCUDIMG AGAJNST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACT A LAWYUI • H •bl• ...... "" •• I ._ .. I n l ~ ...., I A "'' • 1 On S.pl IU I\MJ2 " 9 I~ • "' c....... l-et'-• s. ••. ,... , .... C.t.lotrt•• ·•v ••• • "' y,,.,_ Swrc-•••"' ln.,,... t Svo .. Ttu••-I hal •• •·' [).-s 1 1 1 •• "" wt.-d b't , .. , ........ -w~··· •nM4Htt.-d .. ·•~"~"' • ,i ,.,. "h t I 1~ 1'-'tll •• tr "''" .. '"' N t luvtt 1<4lW r.~.., 4.' ·• ~~~ """'''d• t u ..... ". l: '"'"'~ .\..'••·' ~ •t.d put•""•' .. th•' •''••· '-' o.1."'11 ···" t l•--'•· lh••eund•' ,.cv•d-J N•~ 4 ~. ln•4''-'"'*"' firik HJ \.1 J I t l 'll "-cutd" ,1 _,d C '' • .. ,11 ~h I 1 J p~nua4•1 t .,.,d [)......o..J I Ttvt pwWM •v• • 1 I 1 A ,.,.. U"''.d S••1 .. It I •••If• ,. t ... .. ,, ..... 'A,,.. t Ui t I• .,. c....... , . .:t &lvd ~ ... _...., 5v\ •lft'\.·f• c; I t ..d••t S. • A • C _. t .•• J h• ... d 1H .. ,,.jlJ l+ • o.d .. l ·I J I T t •' ·M ~· $ • ' ·• • I Cv-..n•...-ao.d S•••,." .J t-· ~ • .... LN• 11 ... as-.. • ... , N •• ,, • B. , ,,, ,,. , . ., ...... "" ' ... . o •• ".. s.... , ..... ,., , .. M&p ,.._..~,d•d ' .. II t P• o~• N •t<'•u• .. • "' W.ae • h Or•nv-Cowrtl¥ r~ ........ , .dd••·• • .~,. ... d.ot.qn•tt t I ,..._j "' v-• ,. S. A Ne•J>•I ...._ CA ,,.,. N•,.. .,.,t ..dd•-• I tl• •I .... ~ tii-J\ol" ......... ~ •• ~ dur-•.-4 ~ .... ~.. t .J,I • Ltd (''"' A.-.., .. I , 0 ........... '-·t-.. ••ttlluta ""'"• Nwt '-'~" . . Ouec:ht rat 'v •M ebo "• P' , ... ' " ult&at...d '-• , ..... -~ " _._ .. •t~hftf.l frute •h• C.• •f•1•f.,. • h de't tro• If\. t I -.•vOf-. •'• ..... S..d .......... u u. T>..J. "''lh .. n••• ,, •••••"'"' ••P'" • ,., •~ "'' t.•&. r-__..., ... ,. c • ...._ ... bu to M llth th• u,..-,peed U l•m • lw• tN """'• , 1 H. ·-,.. vted b~ ... J 0.... t Trw•~ • ••' 1111 ~~ 4 1 t in .... •htli .dv•"'• M \. f·• ,.. l fl!o. • " • pv'-'ee•twn ....-..... H •.c: • r,.,, ... , ,.,... •""' I•PI"· ..... s..: ~..,...."' ~ ...... 4 '41.1 c, .... , ... l-. t - S.tv.ce. ln.- ·~ .. y, .... , .. fot~...,...•• <Jiti. •r c." .. ' o. ••• '"' .. ~ ,,, .,. tJniH7t• ~ ~u P•Df<>.ll Av~ • 1'-:.0.~ .,. 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ESTATE 67 a..J Est••• 68 Ho~ Fu r S.L• 69 Conde& Twntu.n f or Sel• 110111.1: HOliES 80 Wob,l<t Kumf"' 81 Web, • Hom•• Wo nt.d 82 Wo b1l., H m .. Prh IOATS 84 &v.!> E It '1'1 I tiS Bva• Cturt .. , 86 Bu.tr Shp~ AUTOMOTlVI: 87 Aut Up'tvl''"" 88 Mut, r H, m- tl9 8... r•n V .. b,<:J.,.,. ~ S..rv e R.p.o ll 91 W I• r v 1.-. M p4ld' ~.2 8"-.. "~ ~J V•n Tr~->, u Fo r S..1o' <;4 Tru.lr V.an• W<in•.d ~ Aut<) Part .. AcC'eu<ll\ft <jti Au'" Trek L Nhn<J ~1 Au•. Wo&nted IIARINE SUPPUES? ,.ad ClauitiH S AMNOUNCI:· MEM'TS PUatiSHlfl DOES NOT ACCEJrT l ... b.l.•. lor l!l-. •rr-.:• ~~n-1 ~r61BCI.a• . .&; I • Ul6 c .-'" tv~r .. pho •I eri'On 111 c~ov ,....,, •••m•ol p...blu.b..J tn rile C 1 ~.d '4 "'-'•~ G~ t PEBSOICAl.S W A.NttD TltAVU.IP'G COMPANION Sa.ar• ••pML~~~H M&.e F •111.al• G<>lllQ r... Olu C td row troJ•r .ar W .,.. • • _.,. ~ .. ~ 714) SS4 ,..;).J lOLOS'T. 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S I • t(l r be;• II••• L'LD ENG U SH SR£EP DOG pupp ... 11 W!N'io • W p.per~ .il ... •, l l\'() ~ 85(T' DACHSHUND PUP ' PIES Adordlb•• ·I'd ... _,..... v..... ~Itt' "'• AKC c .. ~,.. ~ t f I 'lD S. -c; ~I b-kA. AMWAY PRODUCTS ...... ~ ... S.• .... '1 n .., ... roat..d I ... • ' \: ~ 559-':0-4 3 II ENTEBT AOe ----- BALLOON BOUQUETS I Ua.q"• pers..a.a 6.-..l ~·t o.~·••.d ........... Ord•r ' ..iA~ S..U.."r.• .>I Newp. r ~ 7...0 A BEAUTlf'Ul H U Y DAI'fCEA • .u e.k• • .... I .. ~......:~e ,.,.. .. • ,. ..... ··..::. l.:l! p· ~~ .. •nJ b...-r.-. l' ;'~ C .a.l :J. ~~14 I I ltGIFT IDEAS LOVE BALLOONS S.c.d oro .. • bo .. ~ .... ;;I lC ttwl .. - I b-.&1"-.>.;;tu G,_t .J r • oC;J ~ ........... ' • i -.,._.CUI fa73 ~.~ • ...,!·., ~ , •• 1 •••• sse • '''"" r•• .u. P•.J ·• ce -• .aa ~SSM BUSIHESS)IA~ S[[ICS ~P • ··~ ......... Fr '\ t.•• -C r.·•=• D• P •• •t "'U Sd4 ti£U WA.If11D a.-.fi.M ,_,~ ....-11145 St7 IIEUWUTm 1\flllOI rOUR~A PA.Sn OP U11STS MDIT PLAT~' la~ll m-auD u.,. uut.vld .., r•c..... PRlSTIGtOUS R[AL ..& It m -oc.n~ £STAT£ OfFICI I· .Att......W. A' Alit "' 1• ~· -• 1 1 :itl&u.d .L'JJ r • •·~ ,._ ... .,.. •:•·•• C 55&-9ll1 ,.-,. t. •f'• I !o( &pp .. School ;t., • t-. • ,lfi.l'l A ~ _, q •• :'S1 •~J pe rt•Dc• I J •• J .. .ol s·ru---, .. , .. r:as- lllr'OiiJ'AfiU l-r~ "0 eata Si -· ,.....,., I . I• 1 ·~" J • • •h:ll " t ..... "". GUnU LtSSOl Sec._. ••II a4d••n • J "-nt '-! "G..f '"d J' •• m...,J -poo t&~etltv h rr .,_ C .. ra 0..:• , 4 r aa.. 1 )J t.e... Ot Y L.. • ''"""t-..u r~ v h rnat uu -" t l t " tr.d' ll ~ CIUlS£ SKIP JOBS' All OCCuJH'hOr.s G,..t on PLAT£ COLUCTORS coae po4;tor..I Fer .a I S.l.l.utq coaplete collec ! t&6'1or:. c.tl 6021 t..:tn 61 dlleo~o~nt pr>Cfl 998 UC26 DeeM 896.1 c...lJ for hst c..f pi••-. pb n• c.U relur.dab.e 1•114) 542 1332 PART TIN£ WOR« ----- .... I.Ab ... Ne.d • .. .. 41 f"URRITURE •••ra ra.: .... w .... ,. t r CANOPY BED ::om '"" lr.,•n• Un.lu•d I plete rwtn .,.,,. ~50 S. n I O.s•r. • F d 644 ~7 Se r•1c e D•r .tr•:aer.t O RIENTAL r c.e ... ood P•• .aw •nJ • ., I Y rh•r .c-t.• '"~ , •h• d.n.nq room ..el Table b6lanc• .. t 'tit' d .. ~ AI ~~~~~un t•bl• 6 ~'>de p ., .."}41 AI ,. A. • ciw•n 2 t, •' biur~ fr.·or:ao '5~ , JdJ EO£ d oub,e cbtit Apprva S2 500 Wah ulfer MONEY TRAVEl 720 1073 I '"' .. '"'-" rutSlf' UliP ELEGANT 14 PIECE I'-' b. olJ ue<. "pAll ~ 1 •• e Ueat ,ft("c;,a• bPr..e tor-t d.alllt~ r<Nm w• t C ~.,.. I W JI >f'PA•••• S..:..l.t "' •II tuu.rl ~ f..u6 k,.,.wo~t colt.., •ablt"' .... lt96J el~•r,t lamo. Cur cA.b•n~• } bt--d•\.1~ tn SJ7 o(JbO SHAFER BROTHER" l4"6'h0'1 .. ..t .. Tl'•l blut> , ..... , S I I <A. N.c ... -t J ,·, n ;s S%1! S52 So~ MOVING SAL£ Mtlsu b•~ ... kr tQ TV br•n4 .. .-.. M.t r• --. watt '••me-~~·~' .,.., A •. J,. ohl, l t,)bl• .• rn, c .t 7[.; 55. Ntl CUSTUM 8\..ll T 1-•d j..f L ar l n .. pt>d • o ' t't.C I 1 C t~ I r 50JGICEL· LA.NIOUS I TENNIS/SOCIAL Travel Club L.-ollll IOUrD allle DII p6rlle • a nd lrlpa BeQrnnen I welco111e Fr .. newslet ter Tenrua N..tc h (7141 961·5952 , BOOKS -OLD RARE •nd our ·OI prrnr W• buy •nd .. 11 Out ul punt bo.lks 0111 spoc••l ty • NohonWlde S.•rc~ Serv1ce Boo~ Vaulr 1682 A So Brtatol S.u •• An• 549·9548 KIRBY V A CU UM I IHner \45 lrq zoq -.t"W1nq m•ch•n• •tt•l ~Jora nt e ed S5' V.scuum clu ner s2:, 1 dlb So Mam Sorl'd A:.• (714) 953 1789 Ll£ DETECTO R V ~·c• streus an .. lvz~, • Ypt> Accutal~t v••Y • • " wrth ... llhuul rh"'' • ~ wlt>dqe Perlt>e • c ,,, J • r. \J 000 (714 H 4 ~ ll.!l • JOo WATT GENERA I OR El•-.,, I Jl ~ ':1':15 b••· I I ... I "47 40JJ 51 WANT TO BUY C A S H PAID t • QUAliTY ANTIQUES .. w .lrv C <lm" I""' nd pe rlwmf' b dr•:.~r tt~t"' GAllERY ON~ "4-1 4-444 494 ~ WANTED O LD GUN!:> · fl,. h •o~uno ~ ~~ ~..~• hr m I '"' ... •W rd • Sert " u .. • r p~v m , .... h t t ,•,,d~t .. IPr SHI!Itl/l WANTED USED '-" 52 RENTALS TO SHARE SHAR£ LARGE .tu·• l bedroom ) b•ot T ,, Jo~ Rock townh~ .... p ~~ lenr.t• 16C.lH pr vdeqe• N..>n •me.~ nq l•dv N :.Jd rwr. "' 1-••• \215 phu 1 ) I I olitte• 851 f!29J ROOMMATE WANTED l •hAre I t:.t>dr., 'Tl E T r n.m..-f ult ~='''' .t .. •.Je!-trl I ,dtt"' w 1~~oh• ' b.,.t""r N r -.m it , J "· •.. prt J, • .,,.d \l1" n1l1h /1 4074 HuUSEMATE WANT E 0 R., I I •• bit "' .. ' tor.., ""' , l, J.... ... H , , ...... J,.- 1 rr... F ,11 P"''d•<J• I w~'h"r dr~,., .~ )J ·n r~1t. !<• ·~j.( 11< !UMMA H W ANTF.D 1 b.·J• m I N ... H! S•. , ... -.. .. ~~ j I ;• I ... bca'l . "j j I• I ,l ''" r, jJJo I I St•l'td il o t••n, } ,.-j "'t•t II ._ f"'f /1 ;I.'> p . ' .... "''" :-;. ~r.tv tPr·~~~· tttl'' ··• ...... r. 1 • d .... d r , ' •r~ ~rr.t .-r , l ' 1 J'i7. 1 I( lvr !J.,o , •·• • AJ"' ,. to M'//l• AI ARTMF NT SHARf s ... t.' ,. \ •·I 53 APARTMENTS UNFURN lANDLORDS f ,, .... •J·"' r 1 I .. , t rto • • 1 J j t AAA fh·r. "P ,, .. ,., \Jr "· 1• L. ,, ! ' , •. .. I t'H' ~HOUSES UNFURN I BACHELOR APART I MENT ''"111 c o• r 9 L•~una s .. ch \JSO Outet nvt .rnoker R11l ere r..e1 Call rc.lltrH numb•• I &00 SJ2 J972 ••~ !~;r P.,nuvwver Ad ,.., ... n M8ll11 RE.NTA L S.t ).,, Co~·•""' •••cu· . ., \ t;,edro 11\ I. 1 bdth h •mt> P • l spa •IJ J'"d"~ Sl J'JO m •rul F11 • • ,., ur ' 8, -"'wn._.r C'H1 '"' dri-•.- r.Hnt.t.r 1 oj(l() :,j, (v/, t 'tt I I Pt'ldo V§'\Jt•1 A I "" •.M 4~ 56 HOUSES UNFUR.N RENTAL .i t:.11r l bedr pld.... wH W :1 I ·hi. N""' w " ( ... B ' • t )K IHNT ·r l ._..,,,, J,., , ~ I• ' l.tt •. I •• l rn ..~~r ', ,.»• . N rr, "' , • ~I IUO I •I , ll 57 HOUSES FURNISHED 1 WINTER RENTAl ~,u1 .. J W >d•( l q ,, , B• ~ t F ~ r I I I It • llh • l ,. j 1 If'' ,1\ t j, I 1 • I f I r t' I A t I- IJ•t w1f~ ~'' • r )-<'ot 111] 214J 0 I .. :sf lC:TAt liLAR t•. .. , " to I ' ' dov A.,.....u.a.,...aa 59 V A.CATlON 58 CONDOS/ TOWNHSES FOR RENT RENTALS RATES-REDUC£0 Po.m Sprmq• L .. aur~ RENTAl I b•dr m condo en10" I lUI ... m .und L Quo•l Crull I mer ... aon Fully lur L• 1 H•<i H.h. L.ue n.sh.d . bedr .. m 1 •" ;>c. • .sCull SI-P• '""' Ten~" i'i'l C.tll ilree s w•mm1r.q • un. t1111n1.> .. r l 1;00 '>Jl J972 A vod•ble ... ., .... ,.d, .. ,!r f'•rl~'"'erA:I m1dw., .. , r q .. • "' !lol .'l,<!i •erm C •l· ~t·• ~ ; - FC R lEASE. l T I ">45 76C8 "' ~b J.~ t1• Jr rn • t,,.r• r )').4<, d· . N ; w "''" •• ,t .. s .. "' ..... ""· '><18 1 B. RENTAl CONDOM IN Ill ~ , u"J' n "~· .c .. s~1 i~U\ r. , • f 11 •• ... J t" If t; c ... u 1 111ft' ... • 1 1 " ~\X • • 147} I I> f f p,.. ( o't(J,;~ A j "•' Ml'll lol N~V.I'<•RT TOW S H J\ ~ I L· 1 • ~ ··~· '"' ,, , .. ' .. 11••. , ••·tn .,. •• i• I A , •t u,, "'\. ,. ) t._l -. Itt S··~ ., -I .. , '.f'l(..t ..,, .. ' J 59 VACATION RENTALS •• j ··r , I• I I Bl • t I fj , s .. " ol ' ' i t~ I · J, ... ! t .t • .. r " c 1 a ... j, • \. I " I • bP.k ARI\ 'J, • r.1 ~ I • j. • t I 0 , .... ~ t ....... . ffiJ ' .. ·: .,ty 2 •• , ...... .-~t• .... t 1 '"' 61 ROOMS FOR RENT NEWPO RT BEACH Teon.~ rctr'i t •t:.. ~ ~,~ ..... , u ~ ,...,. "tJ ...... ""'J'~ .. #,. i \_-'\J -.·~ ~ rr. , ... , •44 \t'l~ ........ ~ 62 OFFICE; COMMERCIAL OC EAN VIE W """ .... { I p, • '. c,... 't I • •• ~ ,.. r .. .. 1t' ··-" ... ctV j H ... ... d'' .. .. . ' '• A 67 REAl ESTATE BEACH iNCOME Propeny S pec•a lt515 DUPLEX -< ) . o ...... \ TAIP~ I: X j , L ·~ j .. .. . . . r l L'':> c;v\ (..l ~HX l•·. t .. I ~ ' . 1"' . ,. 1 " li. '· , f .. , • .. t ., j., . ' . ""' ' ·'"' '' •I l A~\ I I u W.• 61l·t SSt 68 HOUSES FOR SALE LEASE. OPTION t ren1 'orrnor ~ Cl.ll H•v•n i . t, .. • • t:. .. droom ,.. • t ~ , ~ .t eo J.-I .aup•r .... -, c ~. •4 640 1 t I J 4 ')() .l8JO TUSTIN f.r.derh G .. r~¥1 • o ... Jrroc m 2 .... j~J ~~ I .t • _j 8t"d~ ... i.dl •.H4 4 •• t _. t .J~l""W '•• thbc.r ' j H 4 • FR ·POOL • l ·BDRM APT ~•·..-• . ) ~'­ R ..... I ~~ .... t .. j, p.,,,. .... j l :.c.. .... ,, c. _.. 1 ' ,, t • ~ ,. • •• • 'To • L .. J K •• tr ...,,. ,, J If A I lrr L ... -.. ... ' ... 4 I M It ' ... ..... ""'' I I c Ill I I • : • iMI" ANYON A i::wdu .... , ~ ,. I ., ••• , ••• 0 F"'R "RADt _r-H .. "' AU I l • ' .. :. \ '(j~·1 , .. B· I t . ., • .. L.· J j c 1 .. ,,.tut P mvder n "'' WHY PAY MORE N .. 1 \H .. ' ,. fit I ~ I •• t •,'tt Charter Realty & Investments 496-8122 ... "" '1\ •• "' ... .... ,.,.,. i .... rrc:• J. c n.ld .... '"'• r b m~ t.. b •=· ...J F r I t:n•· • .. b•• •• !""9• o,., ., .. c 4 ••• -4 .. ... .. - ; . • • 29MONEYTO LOAN ,_.<:..'lEY ~OSEY H ..,. •• ,. L ... ,t, pi\ Of' .•...J ~d \IJ Tr.t.t ~. f.61lo rf'd r "' r utu.t c~11 t.- ..... ~".i- 301USINESS OPPTYS UEC t4AIHtETIM~ GROUP tr du "~ ~. .. r.oq ... 6 QJ ~ ...... ·~ ~ILEAGE MAltER ~14 1 ~4-C ,j 'AA i O BUY u R SEll • t .... ~-C ol .,, SL..... T-..; ... I r. tl\4t • .._ fP ,,..,,. ••• c .• ~ ·~" B£NU 1T PAClA~£ ·~· Lor. ~, 11""'' 'l'" ..... i25C ~.~ct. E" -•11•• nd. o.... ul! .obit SSv Stl"'"'~• J rrc• ~· r i~ W.ll d"'' dS7 ~~~ STORY ANl CLAR~ ORG AS !>oC 11 H M.r• 1 • -~~ .~ .. LO\\ RY ORt .A' M r. :J • • ... 1 " r To I , , ..d I • I i .lA s.. ~. ~' ~"4t' ~ l4':1 .tt •• f' - f ARtiSA .JRG.\1'1 PORTABLE r .J y .,,. ·~· PS' • s .b ....... btl I' ..SOFnCE E .... -~· s. s EQUIPMENT IBM PERSONAL COM PUTE.R r Jo~r ... s r.d • ;:hn •r • M .... t 71 !4 .... CO MPUTER SYSTE~1 .:sc 641C ..' M I' D , CRT CPM V. J , Bf't' olt•r ; ·~l .. st ~u .. {l .S DIAMONDS • JEWELRY £STAn-SECOND HAND JEWELRY •~d "' • ..,,, ~ ,,., •••• Cv•r• TRA VD. CLUI ::. .. , .. -. •. a.r.•l•v • Qs:~ , r • .t • .. ,21:, ( t7'n Sr C.>tt6 Ll .. ' .... ~ ... 1)45 oStiS ha .. _, Tra-1 LA DIES DIAMO ND M~h• ••• se.~llln.et• SOLITAIRE o • .,, l """ t:-"•••· '•• • r • A ~ r • • .i :..... ~ nli•c• '' SS T •J• ' r ' ••-f O'IJ lm I • r f. • ~ f ; 4 ' r • --• rQ 1'5.'; )tq) 545-3132 :JISPORTtltG GOODS SHO TGUN s .. r•• T ··~ " .... c ttlb 50MISCD.· l.AifEOUS I PUILISH[it DO ES I NOT ACCEPT ll6bllol~ 1. ' ..>rr., • p.lhnq I JrAI'IImattc•l .n .. ccur act-a t 'YP• ·Hapbtcal •rrou 1r. •• ~ •d~<er h•rn•r•'' publ, tied til tlw CO<tS• M.dra l'tl••• G tc .. r FO" SALE I pa11 .~ .. .SO • ~~ I p.1r u• I boutt ""' J S lO Out ,...., •tea "'IJ Cr6f•l" •nd bru•n •••t bttt le ol.n \15 Me ns bv .. l IMll b.ll AWf .r ~•'" 1ftCJ ..... •1111 oh~ m•tu "'"' Y11 b-44 4+>81 S.ufDAit SHO ts '"llAPPYM FUT tor en .. ,. Lalli ill s .... 9 \161 •• ,.. \7 9~ I ll 15 Ot .. tob ltiOtt w•llted 54111 l ll11 ...... , o-...... PHONl WAY ~UP R .. fr •l•r l' ,. "'ol •he I d I Vtl N I • r.q nun wor~1011 Lt! I S f:l'57 !j!JJ WANT£0 F ., , ., .. :tppla-trc•~ n t, ,.~, t' " ;,16&her~ d1v .. r TVi wOrlli0 \1 I 11 ~ rk,r,\1 I pa•t ' t •'lu•• IIK •r liur.P "~ SSCA~ (7l4r <JS7 t'.l S2 RENTALS TO SKARE ROOM~An: WANTE.D I '" •har~ larqe tr. ' L•1"~" F•n•• • 'I .... N ;-J J • \ i, lmm.d J'" C .tll "·"" •.• ' H J J' I \.at t 'oh.i t A. tf' " .. f'· m... 1 • t... q J ' ' •• ,.. .., tl t, ... ,, H ~ r IJI I ' • B•• 1 • 1 0 " " J • L• I r ·~ ........ •" ., -~4." .1 1 ~7 t-1."'4 fu R REN f 1 I• j oX I • ' J..' 11 t 1t-' I ..J ...... i;lr ,rimP"' r-'t"'. ' 1 ., st t .,., \. d • r• I u ~ ~oot~l , ... H,11 .. r,4 , ,,. ti't'chh•r j .... , u.c-•• it• t S '"' m r • 1. b ,... L I I a._.. " A. , tdt •. • • Bv wr-••r 4Y '•. 68 HOUSES FOR SALE ~' li• • I o I ,\ I ,..,, .M .... S8 CONDOS TOWNHSES FOR RENT •ll PUBLI~Hf R ~OT A< ( lF'~ I I i •'• 'I '""·"·~ I 1 ... '•I ~ II I • " ..... I t lo•' • I 1.1. :J ' ' 68 HOUSES fOR SALE '' tl ' .. ' A ~ f .\ fllil •' H f. A: . " '. I' ... , .. , ! -'' •• ...... r\A o\1 I ' . . I to> I t. lit A • • • f J ; . HA " o\ll • J 68 HOUSES FOR SALE ~A • ', f j [•·•" t I B>o -•. f, • I .... . I' ~ 11 • ~ I 'I J J ,,. . ' 8 .. It " •• R., t1 v ... ., 1-. ... .. ~ " ...... I• 1 • • t ~ • \\ 't1 ' t "' I • Nt>WJ.> , B. t • "" .. J..:••t'V l....)-....' p• ' h4t-~ • ~ "" ..... tJ" 68 HOUSES FOR SAL£ , 1 L;•· 4-4 .. 'f' E"' L J.; •• ' . ' . P· . • .. ' . H I f s~. ,, ... - UNIQUE <..Htfll~v ,,; ~··. F•.or h I' I -~Ji ~~~ !:•"""'"" o .. ., .. , (. !:~o•q lltt 68 HOUSES FOR SALE r •v•111 IJ 'TIP>SA<• 4~ S70l I 440-4 '>4 LAGUNA IIEACH ~ ...... ,\.ll ',~!(!, Robers ~ Eilertaea f EMALE 2 I,, .. REAlTORS ""',n.., r I .. ~ :u i ,•.tr~ WVvdb:d1• ., .... l)U 5000 ••• '"" v a ... ,. I he Well(')(' But60ng Sute ns 2~l Cooat ~ c.oronodel Mar <71•> 675-2373 [B CHRISTIAN ~~~r~~ .an 1h~1 ... dtt• 1 • lcvelv 3 bedr , m ] l.J'h fu rn••hed ,,. w.•n •undrv H -. ,, H~o~nttnqr .. r a .... • UOklll 01 SAUSPIRSONS . ... , S.•c h Bl"d I ·••• • 405 Fwv •• d PCH I R .. r • '' ~r.lv \)0( ., r ·• Now C'~tfeflrtQ ;( ~ ot our Cor -:~no Jel "-~a· " ' u ' .._ .. •.1,'1#'' p t."ll:t .... .trl Ev• o• ij.4d t ;; j JOHN CAREY. GRt • ... mw 61 HOUSES FOR SALE lefOt'e you dO. STOP-eJ!piOfe our C:OfMf benefits and IRANO N£W LOW COST 100' COMMtSSION CONCfPT THE .. S250PLUS PLAN" Finest QUOiltv ocean vtew su1tes- ~·· and temt-priYQte at NEW . lOW . AffOIKlAkE PRtel$1 hCiu· ~ at OUf fosNon llk1nd lOCO· tkM\. Cell lob ucoto tOday 759-1221 0 !M'n Ooor1 IUt.OOO ('II ( tJI• tron b 7 I 0~50 '" ' ..... ' I '-"t II' • • . OLDCDM . $219,000 SOUTHO.PCH ~vntcnhc: 3 beOroom remooe~ea Jrtt~ls nome on on~ 2 101 There s ClOef' beam c~ tt'lrOUQt'<)ul and 101s o1 glau Tr'le IOfge lilting room bOOsts a wood burntno ,,~. Ol'ld taiVI'gtll plus ,,._ dllllnO OfeQ onct tutc hen 011 IOC* out to a ~IUOed boC:)(yOrO Thts IS tne leaSt ••~ve ~ '" .:>1.::1 CdM crnot a not_, teoroown) F-.e ~ano ~ 21ot GAEAT TlAMS "vou oan 1 buv ,,..,, one now vou wrn De mls.stng a lan t0$1"- JC)p0f1\Jnlty MOWI Cal 1(11 you~ 5h0Wing 'OdO'f Oelafklck 61HIM -.. ,. • .. ..... . •· I_ ... ~kuO -'"'~ ~000 l Qu "t .,.-9( ntQI"'I Once n a tJehme .;)()CX)ftvnfV I "'ve NlV£; seen a t>e"e~ ov-v want IQ)I Pome O anQf" Counrv 2 .:X:'e ,. tap Ocean ...,...,. ..,.._ htate POQI ~ walertalls eteelriC goles ~ 6oO SQ rt wrt,... .lOv deQIH v,.... ~ all 0 0f'Qie Counrv t•n.r.s '"'-' • :1n0 .,...coo•f'! ooo a•em A l OAII&S • rtRM!> 0nQ1n. o "'¥ lrstea 101 S2 200 000 SactiiiCe o• ~ 128 l l2bJ apotO-Wlll'l Sl~OOO OClP'O' Cast'l OOWfl ~ 'he ...oua need c al ~"" to PA IC It~ 760-1702 Ond bll 12()6 ~MAll ir<*M orne .IIOUUSFOR SALE PI.JICT STARTIB HOWl. laluclllate 4· ~roo•. l Y.·b•th, Sl02,000 an uaumable ha•JieiJiq, 2-year-old pool and ~pa. Owner will buy down lo&n or ~nl pne. or what· .,.. .. .._.....,to .. u 114.3,100. CUOtl 8.1 Bet-. Hom• 6 G.r· d.u,493-8801 OUTSTANDING rNa• O\itsUDdtQ9 hnanc:IDQ1 OutWandtDQ horae! S.U· w will carry hnancmo IOJ 15 .,..n at low MY· ua~ and loan rat• 1111 T D at 10~~ BNull fully decorated 4·bed· room, ~b.tll, den. ftre· place, 2 a~r c:ond and 2 furn.ac:... Showpiece, l&nd.ec•pmCJ all around, loca ted on comer lot $259,900. Canon tl E Better Hom" & G.r· dena, 493-8901 JUST BJiiNG IN AN OfFER, bec:auM Miler underatanda today'• R E market Ku other oblu~ahona to mHI And wanla to Mil qu1ckly 3 bedroom, 1 ~ bath room lor RV Very neal and clean Seller wtll c arry l1na nc 1nQ S134,900 Canon R £ Better Hom• & Gar dena. 493-8901 OWNEJI BOUGHT AN OTHEJI HONE Owner w!Shn to carry paper N-ly remodeled 3 bedroom. 20, bath spht level Ocean v.ew aolar h-t famlly room wllh old-lubaoned fueplace Lero• yard S187,500 Ca non R E Better Homes & Gudens 49J-8901 •HOUSES FOR SALE BILOW G I. APPRAIS· AL -S6.fl00 down. Lowell pnced 2-bed· room/2-b.th model to atM. "N-t u a pm " A11uae FHA loan GrMI buy for anvealor or hnt·hlfte buyer S8l.!IOO. Canon lt. E. a..ter Ho•• 6 G.r dena. 493-8901 BEAUTifUL MtHIOn V1e10 home 3-bedroom. 2-bath prtvate muter 5148 .000 768-1997 891-9995 CAPISTRANO BEACH ILUFFFRONT CUSTOM HOME It 0010)()81 1'0WIOISES FOR SAL£ BIAUTIJ'UL Verwlll" condo. Luxun oau la.rqeat new 1-bedroom ne11t to Hoeo Ha.patal Reduced to Sl20,000 Owner 111\dt relocate t.~o• pool. ~&c:t~w. wuna, qym, eec:unty Quard·oated, walla to ocean By owner Brolr· .. ,. welcome Move nqht IQ 631 -2918 FOR SALE OR LEASE 2-bedroom condo front lake v1ew ol MliiiOn Vae 10 laJte 10 pr .. hQIOUS QUArded comm unity CaJI 640 -1271 72 RESORT PROPERTY IIAIIINf SUPPliES? read C,.aaiiHid 77REALESTATE WANTED/ EXCII.MGE W1U. IUY HOUSI - Turtle Roc:lr or betw"n there and oc .. n Mu.t be .-aon•ble Pttvale party, qood ne1qbbora wnle loa 2354. Ce>tit Med1a · N-• Group. 2721 I Coeat Hwy . Corona del Nar, 92625 HONOLULU HONE TRADE lor Ouno• County home/Park Ctty 4 bedroom S265 000 S100 000 equaty N .. , wndy beach v1ewa Owner Call to Ill rw numb.r 1·800 532 3972 ask lor Penny .. ver Ad 13' BOSTON WHALIA -40 hor.po-r Mar· cllry, lolllder warreaty Mttc:h.~-~1 8' MINI TUNNEL BOAT P-rl pe1nt, qrephlc:a wtth trader. Holler than a tel alrt. Sl,300. 12' alrl boal, 45 HP Wercury. Sl .OOO 645-2730 WANT TO TRADE - Have 35' wood bWI 1941 Cab10 CrulMr, <Jelley. b .. d. lower bertha. fly bndqe, auto pllot, IWI electronacs Iota of hahanq room Needs work Shp tn Lon9 Beach Nanna mcluded Would like smaller trall&ble power boat Call tollfrH number 1-800·532 3972. aslr lor P•nnys<tver Adwatch M7796 HOUSING SUPPl.lfS? Off to a Oood Start The Ctauifed Way 61l·OSSO I? AUTO UPHOLSTERY ECUPU AUTO UflltOLSTillY 211 W W.J.oo, C M. Ca~ts. hMdhnera or v1nyl tope S90 mo.! Amer~can cars Maten•l h1oh qllaltty lntertor '"lorahoo ec:onom1cal ly done 646 1211 tO SERVICE/ REPAIR AUTO REPAIR 111 111 PAUL LIMIIIT, 11125 o...Mi17 --~•Y· IJVtAe.CONGIATULA· TIONSI Yw M" jut woo two uc-. to "Silpet '"" H Pt.. .. caJI 673·0550 for YOilt llckela. 1211CYCLES 2 NJNS 10-8PIIJ)S - ' nam.e brattda Look aad nde new. latru. S49 N ch Real baro•uw. 548-8016 93 VAMSITRCU FOR SALE C &pe Cod style PA• "' amiC oceal VIeW 0\•t. er llex.ble and w•ll tatlor 1111411CIIIQ ll Vl>UI needs Call B-·b Aqent FOR SALE O R TRADE J new l•ouM5 16 malea 'outh r>l Htlo Hawau, 1n beautdul Nanwale u Jates 3 bedroom 2- bathroom, S69,500 2nd houst' J bedroom, 2 b"lhruom wtth ahop 1n rear S79 500 )rd house 2 bedroom. 2 h<tthr uom, plus soo· d£>Ck. S69,500 Each on 1.,. SIO 000 down. owner wdl carry baiAnC~ 41 8°o 1nterest Or w1ll ltade lor Caltlormc' properly Call tollfree number watch M-404-4 I-------- 1 WOULD LIKE TO 85 BOAT fore•on I Domeahc Enqrne overhaul Tune up, brak... elec:tncal Call 730--4894 1970 00001 314 loa p1c:lrup Camper Spe- ctal HMvy duty equap· ped AN/J'N, power atMnno and brak•. automahc trans , &Jr cood , Borden bumper, bto w1de heavy·dvty ltrft on reu, loolra and runs r .. t Never hurt or abuaed Beat ofler. Will trade for auto. 644--'687 BUY one 11nqle lam1ly CHARTER home, Southern C•hlor (714) 855~3101 89CONOOS/ TOWNHSES FOR SALE IRVINE NORTHWOOD i l 800 532 397l au lor Pennyuver Adwatch M7737 76 1NCOME/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY naa, prefer w .. t Co••• cH.. Ftxer okay No mator repau Ca1h 4VAtlable Ouahty pro· perty Prtnctpala only 596 2323, Mtke MIOATS• EQUIPMENT 24' WlNDJI OSE 1979 - Motor, tnr, VHf. aiMps 5 atand up beed room wtth dodoer Cat.Jana ready AaktnQ 59,800 !PK7274) PP 661 6448 1974 ALL GLASS The t.ltee By ••Wno>r wwaterfront townhou>t> 2 bedroom 2 bath cur cond , all amenthlh T rv 10'• down or ' L ,., ,, . '· 5 HOUSES FOR tereat assaumable 1,1 1 >II r:; 0001 Pnm~ com TD Owner wtllanq 1 mt-rCI41 corner an Col lmAnce bal•nc:• P"" ''-" Sl 4 500 v~arly cap let only (ll )) q rur..> Trouble free By CAbin Crutaet, 22' Never uaed 1981 cu.~tom trailer. canvaSMd, Ner cury c ru1Mr 18/0B S10,000 (714) 544 4262 or 540-9089 J77 2965 l owner 497 2171 I SIGNIFICANT P ICE R DUCTIO I On Balboa lsiond'a South Bayfront, with pier and lip. lnct'8dlbae view. Two older "Island Cottages" on ~ *10 lots. Outstanding fomlv compound. or superb developer package. Just reduced $700,0001 Now priced at $2.000.000. Jf3.&,~~ ,!~~ 91 MTRCYCLES/ AYAJLAaLE IJil-MOPEDS NI!DIATELY, ton· 1980 CXSOO FAIRING tact lido Shores Ho-TrunlrcAM 7,400 m1Je1, tel £, ft\arlna, 617 lido Park Drive, ucellent shape, OrtQ Newport Beach. mal owner 871·0641. .. ---1"--l.._Ri-.,_IJ 559-9299 S2,300/best offer 86BOATSUPS 40' SUP -&lboa Coves Power OK lJ w .l must n~qohate Arc hes Bndqe Mr Meyer 645-8100 549- 1366 BOAT SUP WANTED to rent fe-r JJ' Carver Newport Harbor Y•arly b~ {7 14) 642-2990 88 HOUSES FOR SALE 1979 HARLEY Low uder 3.800 mal .. Very cJ .. n W1ll aell, OR trade lor ~boat W 1U even dehver CaU c:oUect Tlllaan (505) 299-5646 MOTOBECANE moped -50 Vl.X 1980 O.rk blue Surl raclra 111clud ed Excellent condthon SJOO Chua, 760-0247 68 HOUSES FOR SALE 1976 DATSUN PICKUP Lonqbed wtth ahell. Very clean S2,3991of· far (714) 951 -5616. 1066765 1971 TOYOTA PICKUP truck, Bu1ck V6 Munc1e 4-speed. mao•. shell $4,000 mveated S1,500 or trade? Cor"au van G ood transportation S300 645-2730 95 AUTO PARTS/ ACCSSRIES. ATTENTIO N SAAB Ownara Floor mats at outraoeous pnces Many dlflerent colors Call842-8168 88 HOUSES FOR SALE 232 GOLDENROD One-half block above China Cove and Bea Beach 4 bedroom. 3 bath. eleaant fonnal demna room. larae family room, patio and vlf'W deck Loaded wtth e xtras One year auaranteoe \535,000 411~11% ----- New and unusual Sproul duplex EntoV beneftts. sell a~ 2 condos later l-bf.droom. 2'1,. bath home ~us 2-bedroon'V2·bath v.ew aparlment Plush and lush, SS25,000. (If purchased separately, 3 bedroom ts S295,000, 2 bedroom Is ony S23S,OOO view.) PUILISHIB DOIS NOT ACCUf u.blhty for U~Conecl ..,eWao. 9r•lll-.tie•l 1nac:cur· KIM. or typovraphiCal «ION lA •ay .d"'• l._..ata pu.bllllhed In tiM Cout W.W. Newt Group . JUPS CARS, PICK· UPS from S35 Avall· able at local Govern· naeat Auchooa For duectory. call (805) 687·6000. eat 2234 Call refundebla FIND IT IN fiAT 1 lr16 124 SPIDD -4$,000 • .-. 5 .,-. n-lop, 35 •H· red· lela, AN/FW c:MMtle, 1 OWHf. Jlawl ... $3,175/ 010. (010 TU) Pnva .. p&rty, (714) 522·2004 19ft-n AT 128 4-~r laceUent coodtlloa New hr" Low mllet N~ -S1.850 or beat offer 642-1701. 631 · 4267 FORD 1979 FORD FliSTA - Superc:IHn, aunrool. m•o•. q ,_, condthon S.t offer (317 NAK) PP, 838-9457 LASSIFIED$ '71 PllfTO Works 98AUTOSFOR SALE AUDI 1974 AUDI FOX -In ter~or excellent P•lnt ,ob e1qh1 month& old S2,200 or beat offer {714) 545-5472 BMW 1980 320S CLASSIC every ophon av11lable Recaro seats, hmtted production model. new hr•s and braltn Call 673-9168. 731 -6882 1978 BM-W 733a Shck ahth, 67,000 mtl ... greet condttaon, S16,500 hrm PP. 738-4356 1978 BMW 320r Antbracltelbatqe. au Blaupunkt ster•ol c u aette £•cellent $9,500 Hurry, must Mll1 (655 WRE) 557 8220. eat 227. 644 ·2005 1979 73Ja -Stiver/ black mteuor S.lhng S17,500 C•ll 898·0928 559-4712 (577238) IUJCI 1976 BUlCIC CENTURY WAGON One owner 65,000 mll ... 3-.-ter. rae: Ira. &Jr. AMJFN 52,950 (175XMB) (714) 551-5259 CADILLAC 1979 SEVILLE DIESEL -Sharp black Factory CB, 8-traclt, AWn.t Eacellenl cond•hon', well matnt•m.d Aalrlnq S9,000 Don. (714) 633 8862. (213) 268-4830 9&4 YLW 1958 UOORAOO S. vt.lle -Nec:h.mcally oood oood '"" all power Wlft9 S2.0001 OBO Call Dill, 633· 9148 l!r78 CADILLAC Co upe de Vtlle Bronn , AWIFW 8·traclr au, cnu.ae, tilt all power. 53.000 mll•. mmt con· d lhon S7,500 Call tolUrM number 1 80(). 532·3972, ulr for Peony· Nver Adwatcb W7697 1979-CADILLAC El Dorado -l•cellent c:ondahon. loaded. J,e.t~ anlertor, Cl. cru11e, wue wheel covers, lu~ht yellow As.k1n9 510,950 Wuat eell. Ca ll tolllr .. number 1·800·532-3972, atk lor PennyMver Ad· watch N8137 CHEVROLET 1866 CHIVBOLIT C APIJCI CLASSIC 2· door. full power, runa eac:ellent Sl.lOOibeet oft.r. C•ll ther 5 30 (7l4) 775-6401 (ZS&004) 1875 COIVITTI ltlver. 49,000 at._, T lop, new tu" $7,000 ~~Wlln (714) 962 DATSUM 18'74 2eOZ Eac:el..,_t coodmoa. new p&~nt, -.w tu.. 13S.000 cailM "·• or beet offer. (714) ..... 1 1 tG DA TS\IN 280ZX act 2, T·lop, n ceU.ttl condt110a •lloy wh•la. a.~. &It, C:Oll8e, cauene '500 •nd .,.ll-.l.MM &U -7 - 1 9ood N"d' TLC S500 Call631-0187 1982 FO RD lXP - 30,000 mJ... aunroof, ANIFM c.-ue. loed· eel. wtll talre b.tt oJfer fv•r S5,000. Muat ... n. Call tollfrH number 1·800·532 3972, au for Pennyaaver Adwatch M7789 HONDA 1981 HONDA ACCORD 2 d oor hatc hback 20.000 males hqht blue w1th p1nstraptnQ, AMJJ'M cUMIIe Au cond11ton1nq. c r u1se control S6,500 522 0717 . JENSEN 1974 JENSEN intercep- tor Coupe Naqn1hcent ahape, 54.000 m.l ... dHp blue eateuor w1th be1qe leather tnteuor 18,900 Call 955 1491 daya, 646 4137 ev" MERCEDES BENZ 1980 300 SD Nerced" Benz Showroom conda· hon, 33,000 mta.., eatra tank, Becker AW/FN stereo. ahHpaltan -••· champaQne color Ptrel· It hrH S25.900 552 9725 1976 280 SEDAN Wh1te e11teuor, blue 1otenor. very cl-n. new radiAl '"" mec:ba.rucally ex cellent Nuat Mil O.ys 955 0623 evee/weelr· ends 559-9362, B1ll 1960 190 SL S..t run OlOQ 1ft 0 c S6,500 (buy tl) PP O.ve, day• 675-3012 19n NBZ 280E Chmate control, central loclrmo. ••ceUeat con· dalton, low mtlea, cruiN control. AWfN atereo CaU 957 8071. d.aya 1979 MBZ 300 SD - lvory/tabco, aunrool. new '""· caMelte, '83 hcenM PP, (714) 557· 1051, Woo·Frt . 8-5 p 111 MIRCEDIS BENZ 1978, 450 SEL lrowa/ bruwu, laotaaliC cood , hke new Only 45,000 malea m .ooo (482 WDD) PP, (714) 955 0?45. lr19-11032 1981 3000 -O.rk blue/blue tnteuor, AN/FW c-ue. low llltlM, &unroof, ahll uud.r warranty Call Darrel, 759-1221 1982 3000 TURBO atlver blue •elal· he/blue SIR, o rtho .-ta, r-r heada, lac· tory aal'l W~a.t •II PP. (114) 731 0202 1ge1-l80 SIL -Unde r 9,000 mtiM, OrteDI ~eel. chrome 111111 avoroof, perfect condahon 544,000 Weekdays 557-0711, evelllweelr· enda 675-2464 15157 NBZ 220S Coover· llble 6·cyl . brown wtth brown top and tnt•uor. ell ne"' 47.000 mel ... 25 mpq S.aultful car U7,900/0I O 675· 6581 19"10 300 SIL 6 l - Wtnt c:o11dthon. all ort9tul, 72.000 1111a.. A.aklao s 11 .500 c.u 720-0ZIO ( liAH 103) 1979 MDcWIS StJ~r 3000 34,000 ..,, .... INJiroof, ateteo, hte new' Goanq ove,..... Muat ••II' Sli,OOO 642·2643 NO 1• WGI Coovert~We W1re wheelt f4Mi1All ,.hilt •~M~LD•. ell .. ,. vace recordt. e~l coodtliOil 12.1001010. C&l.1142-- PEUGEOT 1912 PIUGEOf 304. New 1ntenor, clutch, IQ· r:uhon, alatler aad bra.lrM S1.200 or beet olfer (714) 552-3519 PLYMOUTH 1976 PL YWOUTH AB- ROW Low mtl..Qe. 4· speed tranamtaaton, AMIFM 8-track, excel· lent U ,SOOiofler (508 PIA) (714) 979-3749 PORSCHE 1978 924 -ALL equtp· ment, black on black, automahc, qood rubber S9,500/0 BO Call 662-1295. PORSCHE 1981. 917 look·a·hlre Porache 911 6-cyl enqtne Make of fer (932 SFL) PP. (71 4) 847-2244days 1972 911E New enqtna. eacellent c:ond1 tton Best offer Call 646-4868 1971 911 TAJIGA AN/fM stereo new pelnl, S.speed, oood condJhon (GWI 361) S7 500 PP (714) 838 7296 1966 912 PORSCHE Exc ellent condahon I resh patnt fresh enqane. .Jlovs. body perfect Mechantcally excellent Cl&saac beau ty S5.350 Ah~r 6, (71 4) 870-6517 • ROLLS ROYCE 1979'1J CORNICHE Co nvert1ble W h1te/ mAqnoha , low m.t ... dtqalal da•h, c ustom stereo Beat oller PP. (213) 556 3312 JUNE 1981 SILVER Wre~th Burqundy/ tan mtnt cond1hon PP (213) 654-5310 1963 SJL VER CLOUD UJ Good condttaon whtte RHD. AM·FN 8 track, au Maire offer Call larn.. £Utot PP (512) 896-8000 1978'' CORNICHE Coupe -Wb,te blaclr top blac k mteu or 6 500 IIlli.. mml cond1 taon Phone (714) 784 4009 1971 WHITE Cornt~he Converttble S..uty •n rmnt cond111on Rare op portunaty. appra~aed S70,000 Sell SSS,OOO Available ltnanc~ng (631 PVK) PP, (71 4) 759-1397 1962 SILVER CLOUD -76,000 mta.., au po wer s leenno / br akes /w andowa U2,900 (CNC5C) PP. (714) 571-8797. 2n 0204. 268.1169 1968 CONVDTIBLi - !acellent condthon Blec:ll (XHX I) S.lhng $34,500 Call (213) :U7-.ul9 1978 ROLLS ROYCI s.dea t.a. ,... . 26,000 mtl•• (0716ALA) $49,988 Aalr lor Gary, R&ncch R V Lot 11 Travela.nd USA (714) 552-7337 SUL\RU BRAT 1978 SUIMU S2.495 or b.! ofler On9tn.al owner, 53.000 nulee. Qood c:oocllhon (949 UJU) 7141543-1632 VOLISWAQ£1'4 1978 SCIROCCO Good c:ondll100 N~c:e atereo Wu.t .. u thll w .. a 14.500 or b.t of· fe r Call t..e. (714) 750-IIU . (398 TftU) A TTlNTrON· VW col lectora 1-. European avcuool bua, ~red whtte beallty, bleck trt• $6,119 (4914 WNS) 75 I 3504. OtelriW1lre. .. , 9·5 •ANTIOUEJ CAIICCABS l878 IXCA.LmD -PhMtoft, 2 tone, c:IMn 125.5001010 ,, cw WWP),531.a44 18'79 -ToPs" -(lG., •> pp days (714) 174·7 101 Aoaheun lvell ... ltends (714) 3Slntll•vent4e .,.. ••pcwt , .............. ,.A.-II.~-.... II • 29 ...... SIC* Adults SNOW ....... ...... U .IO .... Monday lhur5d&y .,. .. _... Cneldren •6 tft Y'" Ch•ldrf'n •UI'<Jo ~ ti • ~ Fr.O.av ..... ~ S<itur<lay t~-.. U,.. Sunoa~ ta-• _.. • MoMy S.vinQ Show S,.C~Wt • '"'niehed Modef Home • Comt>lef• Mobile Modular • lntef6ot Aoom Ofeptay~ Home VU!Age Come E~t~J~ Sr•y L.a.te AIR CONDITIONED fOA.-OCA&.L f?1 .......... ~l ·~r·c:: HOW TO WlN: It ynu r n ·t lin l v •II' '·''"'' J ·•c•d•d hy two stnr· * * C:.O OI\."" • ' Ill T tP Nc·w I . J •. • T.tdoy and c('l .. 0 MPAO N. w .. claa!llft•d -ctinnll y ou have won TWO FREE TICif:TS. Coli 173-0S.SO to daam your P"'' ------------ OF jl:::=••c:::::MIC:::~~.:::::~~:::::N~::::~tJC::::~~M:::;~tM::::~·~~====~r -~-~====~~-c:::::~·~•c:::::~•u•c:::::~•a•c:::::~M~·.:::::~•••rc::;==•~••c:::::N1HIC::::~·UN~::::~·~•r:::::=N-•NC:=T::+npMIC:::::~NNIC:::::Jl~~ ES • •JOHN BO YLE 'I I I WEfl( &WEE KS llWEh .S ?6\f.ffl(<, C..'Wff '"- $1 24 I* lone 991* l.ne &!ill* '"" 79.,.,_ 661* ltne .. PLAYCLA ...... · '"E h s lJWHI\-, • , \'ll f h.~ '>.' •'Vfl " ... . '. S12 96 10 46 1020 940 850 ADDinONS Selling 'four Cal? ELECTRICIAN 1 * •VENNIS£ MCCOY MASONRY • REMODELING Call Classified 44 O..rwood £.11 lr R•"-"ODELING SPE 673·0550 CLICENSED Eleceuc•an vrne CONGRATULA C I JORDON ..... ••'" 4 r., pt> ••"'' TIO NS• You h•v• , .. ,, ClAUST Oualuv Otop•udabl~t Jua i.ev won two hcket• ..., NASOKRY c ralternanshep Reier CARPET II w r~ Re.sw11obl,. rat•'> "Super fun • Pl••w I Cu~•om bttc ~ and 'tune encee TOLLEM CO 1 INSTAL' •nON r,.... esr.mo~l•• Co~ll , c•ll 673·0550 for vour '''"'.,. 195J L.c.ro.e 646-7660.642-1579 ~ T, m b11 5072 l llcketa • !68927 Bun d •d ftDIODEUNC I BILL'S C ARPET SERV I ELECTRJCAL PRO B I 132·3131 SPEClAUST ICE lnst.Uiarton and LEMS' New <Jid ~mall HONE BRI C K VE NEERS ~allly c raham•nahep l 'teparn Ouach'!,1wo8r1t1 at l.srQ• lrnm .. drate •e rv I lNPROVEM.ENTS 1 Bit~< a wall• pa vtnq rwferenc es Tollem Co .srr p11ce• Ill t1 at , e Cheap pttcel Day 141·1110 642·1S79 1 552 5826evenrnqa r r11Qht SIDNEY I SOUTH SHORE PAINT lion• w rk hreplac• I b40 4521 lNG •nd Wood R•l 1, laces rvtaer •• nq walls .snd r~·paltt LrC'enwo ARCIUTECTS RDtODEUNG ' Dfl,qr and worlunq drawtnQ> pre~r.d by proles 110041 645-0106 CAR WASHING/ DETAILING FURNITURE REPAIR 1r RESTOR£ MOBIL AUTO O.reehnq Spectdl $45 Your hum• -'1 ulhce C om plee.-,ne~t11or a nd ex HAND STRIPPING •euor wa~h w•• pol '"P6111nQ An114U•s ASPHALT SEAL ,1b Boat dera 1hnq avarl l"''oln new lurn•tur .. •Shlllq Retoedenll•l 4 j 4232 .. 5 f r- 1 ,vmmerceal Inte r · S,11, "n M .. :~ "''•mot.ots Errretoor C<Lbrnet• ,,,. ti'JI:S 191:15 '·" 7l~l I r.sel• dcx.,n llovr• B 1 I MSO I <}20 alter 6 p rr I DOING SOMETHIN"' ILLEGAL Rer v• · da.srn t .. ruret •• 0 Landscape COAnNG/ .sbl• Cttll 24 hours 6JI Crtdll un .. nQ 1u1h,nq 4267 SPECIAL <tnY r ha~t fJh•nce• doo" a .td " duwa lc..rt vvur k.c •~1 1 s .... 497 4'>06 H NC FS PAll• ~ DRJVEW A YS "' 1 ;~k.r ho111d •• "P 'iPAS DFt ~S 673-11" 3818 s .nd Dune TREES N•wport S..ch CON EXP£R'T TRU G RATULATIONS You ICE Tr .. and SI.RV shrub h•v• ruse won lwo ••e ll -'• 10 'Super f un Pleaw •II 673 0550 I<, your 11cllels •nmnunq and re,.c.val I Y Aid cl-nup rr-ft ••mar• C.II 96J 598.2 TREES £XPERTL Y PLUMBlNG TRIMMED •nd rett.vv SANCHEZ PlUMBING ~ •l.tooV vard •ud Re,.d .. nlla l c ... mm•r qa rd•n ..... Rt'&liOna 141 Spt"Ct6lllll• J 1<o I Dll" reh•bl• C all lur PP•" '"'I'•P¥ ~ .d If' llt!C' oi>51tm•'•• A•• ~·· !..,r•n•• N '>48 /802 lb0'19l c.,, I • tr .... ,.... .m .. ·• b4. 0 <+4 RO N'S TRE£ S EJtVIC E T11mmtnQ eopp.nq •"•p•nQ "" removal •lump remuval Yard POOLS SAUNAS/ HOT TUBS/SPAS lEI'S POOL SERVICE . c .. mp•e'• marr ,.,.nc• •r.d rl:'pa • E• " ·•'•' ••taa b .-., •• L w , .. nup Ltcentoed a nd r.swred OuaJ.rv work f '" -·m•tn fi46.. 5J94 ~ .... ASPHALT REPAIR ._, .. d , .. ~h·ed S..lcoaiiD9 • Strtpp1nq CEMENT ; • >~ 7S A T "' n ..>I Cornmercea l/Re•edenha l CONCRETE Cl "' lr ••• " 29)( HOUSE CLEA.NJHG HOUS EC LEA NING C, mplet• houM< '"" '·'-' •parlme n•• h ~"" .., ________ '!"'"j puc•• Ow·.•r p<~r t •ed C •. oJ. S:':!S TYPIMG EXCELLDIT TYPlNG SERVICE a v••Jabl• p, ll up •nd delrveoy N•wpotl Be.cll •nd It "•n• •r-8JJ 7704 r •l alre r 12 noun • ,\l£11. I V\Ffl(<; , \\ffll.~ $5 Q5 for 18 WOIOS 10'11. DISCOUNT 20" DISCOUNT ,-------·· . ··----------------·-----------·-·--------·. I Classified Just compute your own and drop lt in th• mall. fr" E•t Ltc 397362 II PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Grace Lar.• u, .. , f C •''* Meu b62 1365 ~8111 Wuodel' palto cov~trs ALLSTATE 411 typ•• No tob too FUHNITURE & CABI b Q m II No 291235 NETS E•pe11 repa11~ PAVING CO. A1sk j0 ,\m 548 7102 ~~"' 'V .t .qu•r ftn••"•' _d r male-"''''~ !ret> I CONC RETE AND MA •u• ma••• R,rhud I I£AUTY SVCS/ SONRY Pa 1'0 ' ~ 2728 Y ur '"'tsi•c FITNESS dec k. b 11c lt ,.,la v ., , 1 quarar•~o• 1 d nv•wav .. wuh atph.al• SALL 'Y 'S BEAUTY r•mova l planter• l.re Costa Meu Permanents j ••••males Dan 536 GARDENING NOOK. 188 E 17th S• IIOQI blt.oclr wall• r, .. l from S ll SO up T.nttnq 17440 (Lee 393422) FIRST IMPRESSIO N S8 00 up Sha mpoo •nd CONC RETE WO RK I Toral L.ndacap• Serv I M il S4 SO. P'roar,nq Pa•eul dl!vew6y5 1•c• lnsr•llal a'ld \12 00 up Ha11CUIII'IQ bl clo.watls ro.>am add. 'T14tnlen•r.c• Tree wrv SJ 50 642·7642 ,, "' '""' J",nQ "'• spr.r:otler. aw'> CABINETS 1 B.a khoe serv•c" RH I· 1 rene vareon Deep roo I dent1 a l C:)mme 1C'1a l j lertihaollon. We d<• I Lll 254724 p., ,1 all ' ca ll :?'S 128) 775 8 3 71 916-103 R010TILLING DONl " •ci ~ Reatun.tb • r•••• Relerencea C ... at•er 4 p m 962 ~SIt O.bvran HAPPINESS IS HAV lNG TIME lvr v "'"ll L• •U ha nd !• YC'oJr .a •. tnQ n..da W• d ,, II In bu••""' ••nc• 1975 Th• Moppelh %6 1300 C LEANING U NLI M rTED fer e•ce llence ,. '\• oJ ..CtearllnQ pr v.d .r. 1 .til sup ph•• •n 1 "d on 1 VdC'tiUm r,..JI w flhv and d• pee.d.sbl• C • , vdav I • •• "'" • 54b 1726 MIRROR MIRRO R BREAKS Er. ·•rqe roc..ms tl.•-s what•ver ...-.'h "'"'' ror An.,waUd •l2 1 4 pi••• \J9{! 111116!1ed A·•-alanda rd •ub al\o"' e: ei'ICIO,Jtet ·~··· nllallahons a' .n,y \, !C .naealled •nd wardroD• do<>tt SJ! 6JOC. MIRRO RED W ALLS wardrobe d 1~ ""Q~ ~UAIII) nor.ett pr -.s Eaper1 ~ala,la •• lr•ble Loc•. relere• •• MIKE 645·9643 MOVING• STORAGE C ABINETS C "' m mad e lute hen a bo-. • c ue•. ban qa reqa1 and chaer ra.l1 645 6521 .. k lor Tom DI RT -11 ... p G•rd•n• j llv w•r bed• lawnl I SPEC IALIZE .n 1aC'Ic !14nd sc.tp.nq R ... son h•mrn•r "or\r a r.d 1e abl• rare .. f rH ad" c• mov•l J! nnc••'•l b4b 7819 4nV'IIne CONCRETE TOP BRASS Cl•ar . " I TH! STAJtVING COL S.. r ''c" Hou••• a par• I LEG E STUDENTS Mov m•~·• cvndo' ,. ••I• , All dab' .... , enq Cc hu 9rown Lc 1 • r• •• ~... T 124436 S.m• Q~ 1 CARPENTRY (pa ho• >tdewai~s ~nd DOWN TO EARTH J190 S.rv nQ Or<tnQ• C ll&4 842., C un•v MrtiC'e • • • p ....... •t u •• ·~· YAJR PRIC ES Oualt I'Y wo rlr Pahc..o C'<>ve<" redwood decks p.anel ltnq qaraq• 11-.r•q" un~~ qeneral arpen try No rob sma ll d rtvtowavs) Aft -,,•t.nQ Law11 1nd G.ud•n ~~ "'"d handuwrnQ No• , " C m~;l•• ... , tola li14'P I w .... ~ c ! 'nJI. rfllr .... ,, , Jhd IP'• R.,.,., • t ' l. ~. t oll'f' an ._ 0 ul · • JEH ••rv C'• a• i wn • BRIC K WO RK ALL .. ,.h P•• •$ s ....... ~ 'TYPES Bl walk '' ' mers H '''' Ol AUTY TE ~\of H -.• .. ~"'' B. Md d• I O·~r I" B ri•d • • ..:1 C.ul ~~ I r I•H •t• rn• f.t ""t VI"A' o, t -..._.. ~•,Q• •ft• Ad on l"tt (,p , .. I Torn 551 2583 CARPENTER SMALl 1 JOB 1pec•alt•• C ab• tnd ''-'Pot 1 Cuuct,.ll" pill Ill\' Call Wl'•'ll" dn•••w tv• td•w dk• b4b 7819 " I p4'' l .. ,.,,,,.d COMPLETE <...ARDEN ,, ,., ' " ., "' H .. ·•bl• ,.,. ... ..... '• . i • • I Ht 1..0 j 1\J_ ••• , ••• , .,. •h• w n.• ., tJtarp •• 't · • • .... , .... ~ " r .... ,.,.,..,.. ,,.,..,. n••• w•ll unell pan•l 1 .nq rnouldenq ,.ar&Q• ,,,,,aq• deck• f ,,. .. ••••mares Mad•r ~ Ha11 I dywo rlrs 642 3189 !H. 01.2 CONCRETE• ASPHAlT BREAKING • REMOVAL SLJ, .>dP t '>I •~ ~ d If • m~r lNG SERVICE v. ..... lu.d b1 ..,.~k.v 'n " • ... H .. Cl .. oll ~~~' ..... , ., r• , •. d prtr.~l~r ,._. I t 'If f , ....... ~'h::loi'P ... •-4" !'IH" 5.- • •TROY HANS -. '[ilAC•l"l 'o4 . . ~ ,,,,..rod:~, .. Cch'•' It' •O 111.-. CALL PERK •h• r, .. u~ Ma n tmall '"I '"' •eor •nd .Jd rep.ur rob• R L Perltrn• Sl ' lmhl q79 4047 l "' · • •• Uf • • ... 1 f lAST IMPRESSIL N::; Pepp•r Gra» lr~tn• CONGRATULA TIO NS Y 1 ha ·• u•' won .._, •.c ~·r· •. s .. p •• f un PI•~.,. all b7l OSSO lcr y UJ Jl ~.-61HOUSESFOR SAl.£ 68 HOUSES FOR SALE S!L~GRUNOY RE~LTOR PI-SUlA HOliES "'--· .., ~yfrut. '-.. z .... ,. ....... 3 ........ llilltt. $\,200,001, .... -;.tty .... lllriM ,.... 4 ...... ,..._ l .._..._ l .7H 14 h. U .li5.DM. .... ~------------ liDO ISLE HOMES ,._ LW. ~ Myfr•t. 5 ........ 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Th .. nk vc•u ,.,y 2li YEARS f IN ISH C ARPENTER H,ud wu d toolrnq d ur w1n d<•w •••~ h•r .. b.n•• lap•n~ ttvl• •n•" '" r rem:xioltnq 1 rn <tdd, lt<•n' Bes.denhal C m mer.:-•al 548 5470 1•• .. w ... lr~· .. ,,,m ,~ .. 9.57-8252 I t~tf CONSTRUCTION B WILSO N ., SuNS !Buddt><> f..... , m11'"' 10 ,., " • q "' len ~ B n1~d l, J5Nt! b4e , 71l O VERHClL T C , • • on R•mut .. t.u J 11 ttl< Fr.mtn 1 l1 •vw •II b"v w.~J " F.,.. • d Q.,, •• .. ... C I 81> 1 ' tnd ~ lar r • l •• , pi 41 .... Vf' II I ~ • I ' H L " G .. n .. C , • ..... It II I 1.' ~~~-------llllaJ 1714 •lR~.kl Custom Woodwork Cu""'u C.O.t•els a •. ,. ~){l-Ci)$('$ Wtlh Gl;tp le~ O.>..rs Buy at•d Frt•l<h W01tdows Referralt-~11 WO<k CONTRACTORS WAY CONSTRUL Tlt'N Rr•m J,.l AJJ '• 1' l l}\18lJ. U l 1200 SCOTT PEEl ~~.!*'~~ CONSTRUCnON • •STEVI PEftiZ, 1261••••••111111111111111111~11 Anv •vp• ··'~''" 44th 51 , New~ort '"""'' RP.ed• 1 J INch CONGRATULA CARPET C, mm•• 3 Q., 1\ nONSt YO\& have 1u-1 CL£AN1NG w t~m.n•" r ~ J WOII IWO IIC~ell lo I r•" •nd r•ler• •• "S11per Flln .. PI-CAIIP!T UPHO LSTERY Sr• ,,.1. • n .,.,, c ,.,, • c all 673-0550 lor .,0 ,., CLIANING Suttlmer I .and dec ~. h II S414 1t.:lre11 Speceel Hvdw oe .. m PRECISIO N w,~w .~ de.xfYIII• dell•.. A11v ,q R ·m "dd,ltun• r• ACCOUNTING 2 r->um~ 1 12 ~ " "' -<telt", 1•'•" ,.,,. r. .... ml S29 '10 w l.a J r• mo ,Jd .rtq• R I I OOICiliPING U 4 50 C.arp•• lur ~ )bl 7 t.r , .41, 761:1 TAXIS q1141t1erle.,. n1r .. t• dv•rnq (bO •m•ll ur tl•rii!IQ '"•• yarda) S C'utchQ<Hd ~-a nd tndevtduel.. pre cundrhun11111 p welcurn.-~ubJ. w v ltun•l O tl•ra nl••d trrq•. rHeo.~nabl• ••'--C •r per Mao•••• and pru .... ton.Jiy cum 540 1149 J'f'lent .. , ... rc.. l nrvll ucn prac 8 tace bekt.-e fRS CAAPn c:Aal m c.,.,.. •nd "P"Ii .,., IAT'Klllll nAIIAOM cS..ntnq Filii -'• ACCTOia..... •• W~o~r~ 911e rAn IEaVtCD Wd lac~ l 11lltnqlot r enanC'tAI t•t•••nt• uwo•r/vperet4olt New ~v" II '~"•''•''' ••-port a..e h .,_ 1n1 HIIUrrtS II"!Kh tiiAJ\~· .. ,, . ., .. " .,.. ..•. and prt!Ce411f •nd , .. ,.,, .. , '" .. , .... loU Ul2 CDIISlMICliOI .....,,., ........... ........... ...... c... ........ ...... ............. 1714lMl·lll' DRYWAU DRTWAI.l l1,an~• 1 •Jttftl'a • n<l ~, .. 11.,. IIAI d •••'"'"' l n .. u r.d A•l•••~ 0. ""' ,,. C.IIJ.II 13l·Ul3. T IJI ... nd .. •I" ·• n , ... ln•l•ll/a ' " t rn t l'lt•rut .I r, ....... , "r:.u-.• ... , r•n "••• n Y,' • t '"' .til ~ NI~J F.XPfRIENCHI ... m . .tfl 1 rn t• ''~ t~ "..; prJ•r v,.,_ 1 .. , ood L .... ~. I , I .. , c I s .• , .. tl ... ., ~ ·~ ·~r· 1'14c ..... GLASS WOODI.RlDCE CLASS MmROR. SCREI:N R .. sede"'14tl ''""" 'll•u I r 1l 1 HI Ou ... f•h .,. r~ R,~, .. , Jbl ....... . 8.S7 0771 GRAD INC EXC AVATION l.•fll\l> lNG mol t • • . ,j,., ~ ~ .• - Ell •I ·• • , ,., P , 71 4 lUI ~..lf'A HANDYMAN PATRIC K S HO ME R., J a 11 a nd 1.,~ r '""'"' • c.. •.•• ma .n .. , • LANDSCAPiNG YARD REJUVt:NA nON •, .r • T" Tr rr. • ... '""' R.. ...t • R ... ~ 1 ... -'~ • s .... , 1 H~rr., A'"" an .. •• ' S .:1'• j f'tl' t r ' 1 F ..... .-,,., t'•~ Al!. 80 8 &46-9288 .. A~D:-.C APl !lll> .,.. ~· ,_ .. "h iLL AMS .... ·'' 11 ••• l s~ : ,~ . . I l •• I .... ..... .UIN • ... I • AIJ'I"IIIV •'• 'r I plumbtr,Q ·on· r•'• ~ .. 1 LOCISMITH '" • jnd wall• H ,, ~ •a•• N b ,, 714 1:>46 ~"QI M.ETICVLOUS MO Rrs I • Home R•patr • ftemod•hnq • r ... It S.rwtce >fl Yf'LR J t ,., ·-~ ... ..... , .. , .. tw • t t 1,.. 1 ... II ' .. Carpentn J>luml>•ll\1 MASONRY •l..:•riC•I d '' ,., o"ld n••all•d lll<Jiduq• W)4 H ANt>lRSON C'ab•r•••• •h•h.uu I Matonrv Bloct brrc ~ Fa , •to l•t • 1• J "'' tlo n• l•nc" p.•ro. •P""'~' •r , r Ille r ,,., pla111e u ••lb In••• ern• f a•• •lhc•••' ..,, Fr-.,.. ••c• l oc IJ~ 51 I l$l·tol1 044' ABC MOVING Ex p••••nced pr t ... ,, r •• I ...... , rJ'rt ... T.tt'H Q_. • •u ~r. "'• SS1-0410 PAINTlNC PAINTING .. ·--.... Eaterr r l ...... .... ~,:rOmJJ' .,_., .. ,..,,l.., 1 ar•• I r ..... ,,.,,, • .. .., .. ttm.o'""' '1 4 >44" ~ ~.~ .,~ ~ . .; .. (' •AT f MANY C ~ O R5 P.\INTING In·•· t .,, • .,. • r •"' • ••lrno• S..·. r 11 I:• • .trtd "~"'' ~r t ; u•• C• ">4 ,,4 L l~ll IAi. S PAl"''~!\ , .,, r [• ,., I •• (. ~"j .. "· JIM•co. PAINTING .,,.,,. • r.. ' f ... -. ~ ~9-~19 ~l:loiMER SPECIAL ~· •n J ., • .. • • ........, r.- f r...J '" ~ K K PA.I!It'11!11 .,, ..... \ .. ' ..J F ,~ .... l--&' .. . .. . t,:-.;"0\.f I ~l \''1>ol • ' " h ...., ., , ' . ' . ~ltr..t'~ r.ll I ~ I I• '".... l • ' J ' ...... • l C CONSTRUCTION Sw mm r,q P' Oot .tnd ,~., N•w _ r.t' r ,. vr •nd ,.m d•·• ~ .. r.••• ' • o•r J ••~ C r."fp •'~ p.,~b·J ••• , ••• d~ •' -na' r.t\ ~ -s' ... -. l •C SJ H7 7u~ '.~ CjQ 'oS' ROOFING Cl:ALITY ROOFING to• • ._ Old and n•w ~ ~ •r~c· vn Lacen~ r:••Hed •r,d bortded Reterer.c•~ •v• .aD e c. IC•:-"~ f.~-• .... , • m• b45 ~ .93 ROOFING A 'tp~ r•w .a '•P•"' :j..,-:-~' ..,.,.,, >'' I nq C4tl l<>b Ml-0719 L1c: No 406022 RAYS ROOnNG CO S.rvtr.'l al. I Ora nq• C -'r••• All V'P" Fr-•fl;• ua•'• ~"64at'ed L.c ~~, '42 A. .. ·~ 'l •• , " •.-d ')')u "If!~ SECRET ARlAL ~C:RD PROCESSING s. ,.,., .• , s .. ,.,.c ... 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CIN n alld eft.a.ar f ,_ -~-·-s....a.c 1 n l"ar•n• .. d or m~ n•~ c~rfwl't nr lunded (71 4) 'U2 Jl29 r 71 4)bJI wgg WIN DOW S SPAAit U NG C UAN A••• •Q• 2 n on SJ9 11~ !'] .. ,ndu .. a) \15 llllnr 'ln-.m Sc•-n• \DCI .. d.c:f PI\ n• es1••• .. &..to•• 8r • <!4!) I 'il N fNDOW WASHDIG o ... " wuro "-" ot.ll" rat.,_ Call S.. Truu W.nd.w• C Ntlllhl 114 M 7 SJo;C) II o "' I ~,.[)()..._ WASHLNC 0. •r swr••<M I do '" •It •-" mvwll w,,., .... •'\ p tl.s.. II tr:• •I • -~· -u, 4C u1'1' H Ht w ut• .... c;c .... 1 c;ro~ TIL£ ~C"RK ' •l,_ ••• 1.11 n '[flo •• " .... : • ... I I ' .. rt t.., '' • '" ,.. ; . .. ~--.... fl,.,., • R -4 ,.. ....; - TR£'£5 ..io .. s ,.., ·~ ,.\•, Aoau ornp o;•e nu,._, N r 1no C•ll O..!d lr••' ,... m.l WlNDOW TINTII(G WUfOOW TUtfiMC R-~<it'r,•l4tl C mftl•r •I • jd .... s. •• '!'IUI\<O'Y • (I II • • .. ~ G l OITiJIPRIS Wlut WORDPftOCESS -.OWPUTU PIIOCESSfNG WO J D r •. ' ac "'• • .. ,",,..• a ...... b. ,.,_ ···~ •••oc• ~,.. poc ... p • \1 d ... ,., LAII 114 :C.I 1}14 ,..,, ........ .., . ..._.u.a•n..•wportEnatp "IbuND ~ R:xJNQ DalAR ~~ ThiS Is SriLL 'THE BEsr LlJXURY CAR IN THE~:' x~• Series Ill TOWN & COUNTRY MAGAZINE I The fantastic new Improved Jaguar XJ6 Series Ill now in stock. Tremendous selection of all best colors. Why $P8flQ thousands more on a gasoline powered Mercedes when you can buy a now Jaguar for a little more than a comparably ~ulppod Cadillac Seville. Drive one today-you will be impressed. N c 1973 Chev Laguna lltlJI ......... '2485 1978 Renauh LeCar ............ . 1971 F.d Granada ... vll ........ ..._.. 1977 Ford Maveriek l23llP ...... . 1978 Ford Pinto ••avYJ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1972 Chrysler Newport tmll ..... 'I 1975 Chev Malibu m \0 .......... '2115 1976 Datsun 210 os .............. '2885 1975 Ford Torino Elite~ ..... '2885 1973 Toy. Corona Mk 0 ZllJfP . . . '2485 1976 Datsun 210 ...soa ......... .. 1975 Ford Mustang 1u.u ........ a..-!!..a 1977 Ford T Bird 111ru ......... . 1978 Maala GU: aan• ......... .. 1977 Chev l:apriee W gn. t7sso' ... 13485 1971 Ford Pinto W gn. uwu ..... '3 1977 Buick Skylark l37W ........ ,-..._.... 1977 Ford usta,ng sarrAN ........ ' 1971 Datsun 2IISX 4tlLYI . . . . . . . . I .. l91•F•4 lairn100t ts.m . . . . . . . . I 1976 vw Bug ~w. .............. •a 1977 Datsun 8210 Pen ........... . 1977 Ford Mustang ama ........ 1 .. 5 We have available two ex-factory demonstratas at super bargain prices. 1980 Chev Cbevette ax..-..12 ....... 14481 1978 Chev Malibu 2.-w .......... 144 1977 MGB $4Sl1111 •....•............ '4481 1979 Honda Civic l571'PH .......... 14481 1978 MGB tmR~ .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 14 1979 MG Midget MtttQl ........... 14 1967 Jaguar 420 •xro .......... . 1979 Toyota PU 1.»1tas ........... . 1979 Cbev Chevette utZAH ............. ..._.._. 1979 Ply Arrow Sport Truck ... . 1977 Chev Camaro 716SI'Z .............. ........._ 1980 Ford Courier 1nam ......... 14 1977 Honda Accord aDMXsn ....... 144 1975 VW LeGrande Bug Pen ..... 1 1978 Buick Regal ta\'AG .......... 1 1979 Honda Accord WXJP ........ 1&781 1979 Pont Grand Prix assW"n . . . . . '4 1910 Mere Capri Hatch ......... . 1981 VW PU Diesel ax_.. ........ 1 1911 Buick Skylark ~ .......... . 1910 Ford Granada ........... .. 71 Buiek Spt Cpe Turbo mm .. . 1 Chev Citation t3lmt ......... •• 1980 Fiat Xl19 aw;tst .. .. . .. .. . .. ''aillilll' 1980 Honda Accord H6l.tT ....... . 1981 Buick Skylark 1w.rJ ....... . 1980 Pont Firebird os ........... . 1979 Honda Prelude 2MXVG ............. a~ 1980 Chrys Cordoba mzoz ........ 'S 1979 Honda Prelude *XLt: ...... . 1979 Datsun 280ZX tltm ........ '7 198} Buick ~bre OS .•......... ~ 1977 Ponehe 924 urr• .......... '!I }979 Juick Riviera lSIYIC ........ . 1979 Buick Riviera sewa ........ . 1981 Pont Firebird aocwuz ....... . 1911 Buick Repl1101661 ......... . 19M Buick Riviera Ptn . . . . . . . . 11 I tal Maw RX7 liW\IU7 ......... . 1980 fW (a~r lASG7S ........ I 1971 ~ XJ6 mnu ........ ' I, 79 ~ XJ6 Ser D a.sut .... 'IS,