HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-15 - Newport Harbor EnsignFall A nd Winter Forecast W1th This Ed1t10n See Page 3 For Details On Haitians It ' School To See Below For One Schoofs Opening Day 1111 NEWPOBT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHED 1948 • 35'nf YEAR • NUWBER 6 (714) 67J.OSSO • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEWBD 1!5, li82 A wrat of mand.te uhng for a chan~ in the wordtng of the b&llot argument oppoamg the Bennin;-S..Co pro)ect wu diaJJUued Tu..day by Judge Tbomu Croeby. The argument wall appear an the voters package ma1led later thLI month and concern• the referendum on the B.nning- Beeco general plan amendment. "We fMl thia lawauat repr ... nta an attempt by one or more Newport Beach City Coun· cU members to clenagrate the reputahon of rMPQnatble c &taens, to damuuah tbe&r monetary r.-ourc", to harua and anhmadate thoae who wlah to UM the democrahc proc~ of referendum at an expreuaon of civLl nQ)att," Nid Jean Watt, one of the aignen of tlae cliiJnited argument. The writ wu ru.d by Coua- ctla&n PbiliJ> W.uret ud ;roup ctil.t c,u .. n.a For A Bet-· ter NewJ)Ort. Richard Nachola, another &\&thor of the argument, com- mented, "We f .. l that th11 Ia a nuaaance suat bean; uaed an a p\lnahve manner lo teach c ahzena that they should not too stronQIY oppoM the powers that be." Jud9e Croaby ruled that the hnt amendment ughta of the parh" to expr ... themMiv .. overrode alahatory provaaaons provadan9 the JUdge power to change the argument The aual had u;uecl that the language Ul the arg\lment was f&lM and au.aleachn9 The Irvine ud a &n Mateo farm have aagned a lave· yMr contract to recover ;aa from the Coyote Canyon landhll between lrvane and Newport Beach. Genatar Gu Recovery Syateau, a San W.teo-baaed subaidaary of the Gen.tar Cor- porahon, wall dea~gu, budd and operate a recovery proc~ plant on a two-acre parcel wtltun the ludhU property The facility will be the hral on the lrvme Ranch and Ofte of tbe only operabona oJ ttl type an Oranv• County, where modern tecbnolOQY methodl of wute recovery have been largely ~unned m favor of J..ndUlla. "We think t~• Geuatar protect 11 very wortlawhU., '' aakl O.n1el W. Lamkin, property manao• .. llt vic. pre.w.at of the lrvaae Co. "It wUl decreue at- mospheric ~•lata from the ..capinQ fJM, U WW r.duce landfill ~ Odon aDd. o• cou..-., lt will provkle a IDNDI at tapping • very a..NJ alter- oali¥e ... r9Y ,__,.tee ... w.o.u. ~ .. n.tecl by .... ~~--01..-.... na~~ ill tM ludtiY "U.tU aow. tM gu at Co,o4e eu,_...,...,.M.••••'" ruh 'J Wo 1M aar. WMia tU. oo.treae,ttae•tiii••••M ~~·-'"""of ..................... u. ··-~ .... ,...,. '!!41111~ ..... I I ..... celle lor la.llia9 Harbot View School welcomed ita new kindet~nen as school opened fOf the new year Monday. Top lett. ~a Ugnes. 5, . comes to school with her mother Ellen UgnM. Below middle atudenta get UMd to thetr new ctasatoom. Betow. from left Samant~ Clemens waves goodbye to her father after he dropped her off 11 Khool; students pledge ahg.ance to the flay . and Denny Vilel do.a tome ~tng. bJ Tom le~UMtt Tolll Bradley, tlae O.mocrahc DOIDlDM foi oove"'Of, end.d a day of Oru9e Cou..nty cam· palQUinQ beto.re the hlld.iDQ ln- du.ltiY Aleoel.atlon ln Irvin• la•t ... k. H. decrled r.cl tape aAd pro-1eecl aiel to _.e be'"oue.red !.ov.aA9 1Acl\&8t1'J. n ... yor of Loe AaplM Mlcl M. ~ It bourt a day up uCl cloWa the ... te, uci ... MlW.wMIHMa I DJia.•· Coap&ete ••uo~t .. ntal 1m· pect NpOrtl wo.ki Dot be ,._ •* lot ..cia uw profec', he . latt.ea, towena•ent.a ......~'-..,..,oo at.aaae "-•• ~ ........ , aa.. •• by Robert Frank When relerrmQ to the St An drew's Presbyteuan Church ea pans10n plan 1t etoms that tared clache about the wheels of pro gre&S churnmg 'llow 11 wo rth another haten Once aqam, the Newport Beach Ctty Councal vot.d unantmoualy m favor of poatpon tnQ any df'Cllaon on the con troversy unhl 111 S.pt 27 sea sa on The plan whach would allow the church to erect an 85 loot tower contaantnQ aome sma ll rooms, baa been the pannacle of dacontent for some St Andrew's nea;hbon 8\11 relalao na are slowly am provm(jl, accordmg to coun · cilinan Plul Maurer who mo hon.d lor the extenaaon M.urer 1.1 coordma tor tor a saa memh.r commHIM of repr ... ntatlVes lzom L"'e c:ounc1l the cburc:b and the ne1ghborhood whac h ba beoo wC'Irlunn towud a comprom&M all c<:n ltv• "'lth "l would muc h rather hav• receaved a month lonq delay but I'm hop1oq that 1<•methan1,1 wall come fr om thll," he l.tad Maurer wad be would not com- ment more apectfac aUy unta.J an a;r .. ment hu been made 'We have had elataon and qutte a bat of prOQress betnQ made toward• an &Qr .. ment on both sad"·" Maurer satd MNnwbtle letters from the congr4KJallon and the communi· IV are shU betnQ sent to ctlv hall G C Jack of KmQI Place wrote the lollowtnQ an a letter to 1 he councal dated S.pt. 1 'Stnce moat of the controversy seems to be over the hetght of the maan structure or lower, and 11nce tbe funchona propoeed for the upper floors of that butlcitn; do not ... m too cructa l to the uM of the new aanduary, could not thoae functions be ac· commodated by UlCreasanQ the be19ht of aome ot the aan;le and two-lltory Mellon• of tbe com plex'" And, an 4 lett~r of Au; 31 , c:burch melllben He11 rv and £1o1M Swen rt.:>n wrot'l Cer taanlv tl 1 " 'h1<;1h rt"t' ~h arch Th• Siln~·tuHy 1--v 11 l> vef\ (Continued on paqe 5) ..... uu~trtct Glv.aa 845,000 For---- The Newport Me 4 Unrlaud School Dastnct Tu,.sdlV ac cepted $45.000 raaatod from prtvale donations to e xpand tht> dtst11ct's rf'adtng p roqra :-n Ro bert Ball. prelldl"nt of the Newport Mesa Schooll> Founda lion m.tde the prest'nt4't<ln wh tch w.ts the c ulm an ''tOll ~1! the foundation , lt"t fu nd r41Stn9 campaagn Dr Norman L -ats dt>pl'v superantend~n· l l •he da~otrtr:• had told the ll undata n 'h 11 tht> S45,000 c~..ntr bu'JC'Il wtl ••n,tblt> the d ast rtct tl h rf' tw( p-tr ' :am.- teac:hers who ctrt• rf'l\LII,I spectahsts Tht> two teadwt. wa tl W<" k wath up to 100 chddrPn e.t. h c h.Jdren who haw• bt!f'll adt>n tdaed throuqh te'lttnQ "" hav1nQ read1nq probl.-ms "It s a most tmpc.•rtdnt c-1 n trabutaon Lc,dts expldtnt>d 'The SOOOPI .,...., tdt>rtta f\ !lid Bradley saad 34 atate 11qenC'aes adman1.1ter JO 000 page~ of reQulahons "There .tre peoplto who belteve m requlataon~> far re;ulahons' sake " he ta1d The hme hu come to put a 'top to that lu nd of nonaenM Bradley was anterrupted tw1ce by applauM from the large c rowd of developers who bllecl the hotel's Skyhnet Room lAter, the candtdate deftly atd .. tepped • qu"honer'a attempt to bnk Brad.ley to L A 's rent coutro) orchnance ''We found at neceuaty becauM of a ahortage of bo\Wilg and becauM ol lh• acta of eo e ludlor<b who had dnba.d, even tnpMd renta," Btaclley aaid. ht he ldentiliecl lauualf u a lMcl Qnator of • Nofttabe• bellot mNRre to u-.pt DeW coutncbcm lrom r ftt coetrol. Aild ~. laid: wua. '" .... oi lh AIWlr-..t O....n AIIDCia· (Coatlla...t-.... ) corr..ct readanq problem~ thf' better chance the c hdd h.n lor success The teacher~ wall work wuh students at Newport Anderson Newport Heaqhts Cahfornh\ Bear Str.et and Sonorcl elemen tMV sc h -ols concentrahoq therr efforts 011 prtmarv grade students 'ThiS as" "qndacant .tdd ta._n to the dtat ract • Loats ...std 'It wall rulh: make a dtftc. renee to the !>ludenll. who art-rea ·h.,d by thf'se rw, teacher!> Th• S45 000 repreSE'nts 'he funds rclat'e>d fr ..Jm tndavtdurtl" lnd bustnPS~l"~ dunnq 11 ,,m pclt~n conducted !r rn M,n o A ,JQUSI (ContUlued on p.sge 4) Geui Cook .. • deaf heir designer from Laguna Beach. cuts Victoria Clouse's hair during the cut-a-thon hefd Sunday to benefit the dMf community The event was held at A ura on West Coat Highway. Methane (Cocatiau.d froa paqe 1) the beiqht ol an operations plant to 20 t .. t &nd ecr .. niDq it with JandecaptDq. The meth&ne qu recovery ia likely to continue lonq after operation of the lite aa • landfill c: ...... The bvlne Co. and the qu recovery company siqned a five-year contract with &n option to renew, whUe the J&ndfil.l it..U ia beinq operated on a month-to- month bub. The lrvine Co. and the Coun- ty ol Or&nQe diaaor" on • aale price lor a new landfill aile and riQht-of-way in Bee Canyon .bove Irvine. A Dec. 17 date hu been Ml for c:ondeJD.Dation pr~qs. The Coyote C&nyon opera- hoD, me&nwhile, c:owd net more th&n bve milbon cubic: f .. t of methane CJU a day, a spokeamu .. Jd . "The daaly produc:hon c:owd provade enouqh fuel to beat 30 hom" for a year," said ICenneth wu .. t, pr .. adent of Gu Recovery Syatema. However, he aa1d no final deciaion hu bee~ made •• to how the methane wUl be uted. Primary c:ontideration ia beinCJ qaven to MllinCJ the CJ•• to UC lrvane for a propoaed c:ampu• co·qeneration plant. Another poaaibility would be to qenerate electnc:aty on the 11te for a local company. Mark lhot hu been appomted hbrary m.form.bon coordlDator for the Newport Be.c:h Pubbc Ltbruy, accordlDq to hubth Clark, bbrary cbrecto r. for the bbrary. AI. part of h11 JOb he wall erNie and d .. aqn promollonal matena.la, wnte preu releaaes and develop apec:aal cornmuntty proqrama. varaaty of proqrama, auch u feature fUma, recorded concerti, documentanea, tporllDCJ evtnla, and mcbvaduahaed mstrucbonaJ proqrama. EUot wu formerly pubhc: rela- hona and promohona cbrector for radao ttahon JCWIZ an Santa Clark &1110 &nnounc:ed that the library hu JOllled the Pubhc Library Vadeo Cfrcuat and beQtnrunq now aa ofleunq pac)teta of half-anch VHS vtdeo cuaett .. to patron•. Coet wall be $3 per c:a ... u .. And each w11l be loaned for -48- hour perloda. Ana. Hla JOb wall be to plan and amplement a hbrary informahon proqram de11qned to mcreaM pubbc awaren ... &nd "apport The c ........ wul mclude • For more information on the ca ... tte proqram call the audto- v&~ual department at the Marlnen Branch Library, 2005 Dovtr Dr., 640-2194. • n Our lease was renewed and we are cele- brottng with fantastic savings on a green. house full of fresh new plants of all sizes II LOW LOW PRICES! All6" PLANTS NOW 3e 0 All8" PlANTS NOW 7. 0 All 10" PlANTS NOW $10 UP Selected eroup of laaketa Alao on lale Limited To Stock Avoiloble BIZAR E BAZAA 1858 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa 64.3392 PINNOCHIO'S NO E Remember the tale of Pinnochio. the puppet whose nose grew longer each time he Mid some- theng that wasn't completely true? Is Pinnochio alrve and well today in Newport Beach? Has he, in fact. formed a PolitH:.I Action Committee here? We had better start doing some very close nose·*atchtng duung this local electton campaign. JUSt to be sure that what we are hearing is true For example, we have read recently that a newly formed political group calling itself "Citizens for a Better Newport," has announced that the mayor and other city council members are on the group's board of direct ora This Memed to come n big news to the mayor and the vice mayor. Both aatd nobody had told ~hem that they were being appointed to the boerd. Did we ... somebody' a nOM grow? Then, a former mayOf. wetl known for hts cozy attitude towards big developers, began sounding off ebout how people were not being tokt tht truth about the big Beeco-Benning scheme That's the industrial COf'llfllefcial mesa that the council tried to force down Newpot1's throat until some of ua got mild end ligned petitions placing the matter on the Novembef bellot. Thil former mayor pops up .wry election time like a jack-ln·the-box tor is it Pinnochio's box?) and starts doing some hNvy politicking for big development inter .. ts. There wn by him talk of • lew suit but when the suit was ftled, it was City Councilman Maurer who ligned his name to the a.g.1 action. Nowhere coukt we find the name of the former mayor. Has he '-ft Newport Beech? Only the nose knows. Meanwhite the atrenge little potitical group gotaabout the buaineu of raising t30,000 to try to swav the etec11on fOf what they consider "a bluer Newport." The Beeco-Benning mesa gW. you tome idee of whet their .,bet tlf Newport" would look like. letter keep your eye on their noen. Bener keep 1 cJott watch, too, on where they'r• getting theltrnoney.let'a ... lfwecanfindoutwhoiapullingPinnochio'utungs . . • Sign up today tor our new ''Sweep" Investor Checking Plan These swee~type lnterest-Earmng Check•ng Accounts help your money grow two ways 1. Every day your account balance up to S2 000. earns 5 ''•% tnteresr 2. Any balance over S2.000 •s automat· tcally swept tnto our Investors Agreement Plan and earns at a h1gher current market rate These rates may change da1ly Open your account wtth as hllle as S2.000 No conttnUtng m101mum balance IS requtred L J Wute checks tor any amount you w1sh Most money market funds requtre checks to be wutten 10 amounts of $500 or more Oepos1ts and wethdrawals can be made by matl or tn person at any branch Fast. personal allentton fr om tellers you know tS an extra advan- tage of havtng your account at Untversal Savmgs You can even use our Automated Tellers at our Eagle Rock Plaza and Rosemead offices You w111 recetve a smgle monthly statement showtng all transactions 1n the accounts. and how much tnlerest you have earned Your balance up to $2.000 IS tully tnsured by the FSLIC All amounts over $2.000 are not msured, but are backed by U S government and agency secunt•es • • ' A .. Out S.hl Coa T1 p.a n. A are IDUJI the b\lU No& a .m hoD will Go~ citb will C:O\l. t: ) lOt} Wat w!U for11 T feat and • I F F F F F F f F To Ateoneae Watti l..ucoe'• AJro-Ke.lti&n Du.c. IDMaable will periol'lll Saturday, S.S,t. 28, at Oranve Cout Coi.I.Qe. The ooocert will beQI.n at 8 . p. •· ill OCC'• Robert B. Woore na..t ... Aclvuce Ucketa, priced at $4, are oa_.. l.n the OCC com- mWlity Mrviee office, located l.n Ule oollec;re'• Ad.miJliatraUOl\ bWldinQ. The office la open Wonc:ley throuQb Fric:ley from 8 a.a . to 7 p.m., aDd S.turc:ley. lrom 8 a .m. to nOOD. Ticketa &leo will be eold at the door lor $5. Gold Key Card holden (Mnlo" citi.aeD8) ud children uder 12 will be ad.mitted lor a S 1 dla- cout. The periorm.nce maru the lOth e.JUUverMry of the oriQin&l Matti Lucoe Dance Compa.ny, which ~v• &ta premiere per- formance at OCC. The AJro.Ke.lt.l&n eDMmble t.&tur• dancen Patricia O.vla aDd Ed.dle Col•. They are Mattie l.Mcoe'a Afro..Heitian &_.......will petform S.tun:t.y evening. Sept. 25 •t Ofange Coeat C~ beginning •t 8 p.m. •t the Robert B. Moore Theater. Fot ticket infonNtion ciiM 566-6&27. bacbcl by the Trinidad Steel be "a..t.l &Dod the ~t." Drum Bud, directed by of lubedoa. Bull wiU display Rowland Jla.rvey. Tlte produc-bJa uta of ''fire-.. llDQ" and lion &leo illcludea the CODQa w&lkiaQ on QlMa. d.ruauai.nQ of Jte'rin ftacerd, 11ae prod\&CUOD will iAclude Jo!uuly ConQa and Ra.tael Feli-prea.ieN perionaanee. of two ci&no. Dew cluacee, "MoondonQO" and A •pec:i.al CJU..t performer will "Se.ml:N." Tb Prle I t mGIJ.PDIFORMAN(E RADIAlS Q ••• YMil Q6LEST . ~ .' \ ..... .... ........ P1 9S/70R1 3 $5I P1 9S/70R14 M5 P21 S/70R1 4 S10 P23S/70R1 S Sn P23S/60R14 $73 P245/60R15 $77 P2SS/60R1 S $11 Call for eaale net & eaale at prices S'DJ'J~RADIAL BARGAINS . t:lJfte LWSTEEL P1 75180R1l S4t P1 85/80R1l SSS P175/75R14 SSt P18S/75R14 $Q P195/75R1-4 165 P205/75R15 161 P21 5/75R1 5 $71 P225/75R1 5 $71 nrt\JII If.LT PM 1Pl.US211AS ETID AS LOW AS ---~'l ............. , . Coad:O brllaacT~ Sclaool tMc.._. ud other ec:a.ool ciWtfici employ .. NeelY· iaQ tu -.ttered &.D.Awty beo. tu. .. , ooatiDue to do eo deeptte tb &.ct that women aay ...-iv. a-per month lrom t1aeU TSAa tltan men, &D OranQ• COllllly Superior Court judQe ruJ.cllut ..... The S.pt. 8 ruliDQ wu bailed u a victory by the W. &naur&Dce comp&D.l• who .ued 20 OrenQ• Couty echooJ d.iatricta to pre- vent t.b.aa from enchDQ the payroll cledw:hOJl prOQt&JU after e Cowlty Cowuel opuuon adviMd that the TSA.I .,.,. ille- ~· But Newport-W... Uzubed Sc:Aool Dullrict John Nicoll Mid hiQhet court dec:Liion.a r.uy overlurn the ruliDQ by Judv• 1'bomM J . Cr~y Jr. Newport-W... wu one of the cliltricta named &n the Septem- ber 7 auit filed by 10 hfe tn- •uruce compaxu•. the Auocae- ·Jae'•hPIIula lli9h Holy 0..,. MrvlC. will be held at Temple IML&b over the aeat two ... ltenda, ac - corcb.nv to temple pr•Jdeot r.ua van Beek All MI'Vl~ will be h•ld &n the fac:Urta• of tbe Harbor Lutheran Cburca, 798 Dover Dr., Newport Beech aDd .Ul be con· ducted by Ra.bbt Robert Jerua.a.A BerCJmen. The tem.ple choir wtll par- ucipete 111 the Mrvac" and will aiAQ the ancient aDd Mcred Hebrew utufQY. The temple waU obeerve the tradationel two deyt of Roeh Hu.b.ane.b b.Quuuncj the even· UlQ of Fradey, Sept 17 followed by mOnlinQ Mrvlcea on both Saturday, Sept. 18 aDd Sunday, Sept. 19 •• 9 •. Ill Spec1&l chlldren'• Mrvtc• will be held on both d.ya a t 11:30 • m . ltol Ntdse Mrvlc.e, the m<»t holy of the yMr, will MQlD at 7 p.m. the even&nQ of Suday, Sept 26 and will cont:uuae tbrouQh the nut d.y, Nond.y, S.pt. 27. Yakor W.monal Mr· vac .. will be held at 3·30 p m Monday, Sept 27 Some liclteta to the Mrvtces are av.U.ble to non-membera, the donahon for whtch can be apphed toward.a mem.benhtp m the Temple. For reeervat1ona and further mformat&on call the Temple at 548·6900or 646-7512 THE PRICE OF TURTLE IS DOWN . hoo of C.ehb I.J6I .. a.r.A .. Com~ ud 10 Or-. CCNDty t..ct.ft (110M ol ... te.a~areMe.,....t-W.. ~ ~ toM6ooll). n. cli8trlct. a... ... , o&Mn. oU.n 1M TSA ...aar, ~ p10qr .. u a fna9e tcl1altil to 80JIUt •• plo.,.......~ Nacoll himMlf. n. ordft Will ooatia• ia ... teet ulll ~~ 13, w!M. t.M pl&tDtafb' reqult b e prehau.nuy Ul)u.octiloll w echeduleclto be liaud by the cour Tho..C.c..,,.._,_.... dent of Fint Aeerfou ........_ hu been .-:..cl pctdft '~ the bcNu-d of tlae a ' -Ooa· eLl of the M.wpo.f ......_ Alt W\lM\l.a. OtMt ........ oi&M ...... are VU'f,llaM Gw.. ftoe ...-. dent, provr ... ; Sua Gltdro. Vlce pr.aMat, •••h•,...; aDd AI Jraak, ln-... Former pr..W..a Joel ~ rem~ Oil U.. t.oud. The bcNu-d, w~ tDc:bad.l n1ne othe r bum..-eli*Ntl..-, aupporta the au.\lla ~ Mveral ann~ fund re.aaQ event•. 1nclucbDQ tile lun-Tou- Art-0\at lOk race eeda ~· Ovewr 100 a,.. hnu.,. mem.ben of the au..m .. COUA- cll ThRre 's somtthingdifferentgomgon at the ~ell•t•t Turllt. Both on \'<)Ur plate. Atui in your pocket. Kt'vt got a n.·u· mt>~tu .\',.u: d~hrs \'ru.· dtcor. But best of all. rn'W low prices. NIGHTLY SPECIALS ON BOARD. Every nig#IJ ourchtf will bt stn1nga changmg t·antfy tl/ bladt- boanl specials. Su lklicious dinnrrs starh11g as /()U' ~ $7.95. E ~thingfrom fresh fish k> dllicau duck. I ncb.uiutgyoau cltota of soup du jour or crisp chill~d salad. Plus a u•arm lOQj of sourdough bread. All waiting on board at tlte \.ilt•rl Turllt. A NEW SET OF LOWER PRICED DISHE~ .. K)fUlM ,,. .. 5IZI5 Besidts your old favoriks likt Be(f ~i'fllmgton or Roast Raclt of Lamb, we· v~ adlkd sonw brand neu• louwr Jml'td spt>nalhts. Lakr a thanJ rut oj juicy Primt Rib. And o Petitt Lobsttr Toil . Or if tnuhr. succult nl chic/ten is JOUr dis Ia. you 'II find it prepand ;, a t•mit'fy' of Goocl Value lin An l.c:onomkal Pu•e•r Tire a fe-..at bella PfOVtde atreng•h end clur.Wlitv a flotyeater ~ p .... en•ure • emooee-lOft riclle Flat treed aftCI wtCie M\ouactera offe• .............. "'- 15.12 1S.13 , .. ,3 , .. ,. 17.14 1 .. 14 171170113 111170113 4&82 u..u Pltsf7S.14 ...sl7s.14 P21Sf7S.1S P2105-1S 1S 1.22 1.27 1.57 1.80 2.00 2.12 1.35 1.11 . Ill tantalizing ways, starti,Jg as low as $7.95. THE BEST DRES ED TURTLE IN TOW\. You won't rrcogJJUt us from our shell. ~·,.. taltmg 0 11 a brand newloolt. Wt 'rr lighln: Bnglaln: And mort rrlaxtd. Tl&e pnftct stlhngfor din'ln'. All at pncts you' rr sun to find vtry fasi&Umablt - WE LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE . Scmu tlaings ~UVtr cltangt. Like our splnulid s~1ct. Warm atmosplw'r. R-rsla cut flown-s . ANd S1lf>t1'b food. So wla.v not rrlax. und mjoy your nigltl. Btca14U tltt pna oj Turlk was mvtr bdtl'r. The Wrong Choice t.o. Anqel• Bum aviatioo politic• took a d.iatuxbinq · tum with the S.pt. 2 action of the Southern California A.ociation of Government•. SCAG'• Executive CommittM certified an Aviation Study final IIR which named Bl Toro Marine Air Sta- tion ownber one among all alternative aitea in the area for a new international airport. You have a riqht to conaider this just another cry of "WoUI" if you have followed the isaue over the last 10-15 yean. But the fact is tb.ia is the moat serious threat ever that El Toro could be converted to commercial use. SCAG'a public hearinq here July 27, we now know, wu purely for the record. In fact, the organization bad already bequn work on creaHng a committee to draw up • joint powen authority for a new reqional airport. Con· aiderinq the choice one month later, where else but El Toro? (Here Supervoor Ralph Cla_rk deserves to be aingled out for apecial notoriety. He permitted an aide to write a letter directly to O.fenae Secretary Caspar Weinberger cal.linq for cloaure of El Toro to allow civilian use. Then Clark went ahead and took a eeat on the committee to form a joint powen authority, prior to Orange County'• vote whether to belong! Clarkia working hard to send jumbo jet• over your back yarda.) SCAG'a EIR, mH.Dwhile, raiMI the queation of whether it waa done at a great cliatance from the lite. The document atatea on pafll• S-3 that 11 Toro ia "aix mile• eut of Irvine." In fact 11 Toro runway• atop a few hundred yarda from the city limita. Moreover, SCAG certiJied a.n EIR on an airport in full operation. without a noise •tudy. Let thia apace be the fint to predict that when law.Wta ~in fiyinq to atop an 11 Toro airport, the lirat will challenQe the EIR- and baa a Qood chance of succeeding. Brigadier General Richard Cooke and Conqreuman Robert Badham are correct in aayinQ the real aolutiona to local air tr&f.fic probleJU are STOL (abort talteofJ and la.ndinq) aircraft for John Wayne Airport. Unfortunately, the airline• are too eaqer to tap the lucrative Oranqe County market with their fut, noWy jela to stop and carry out any experimentation. In the meantime, a reqional planning aqency baa' made a poorly documented, traqically wrong decilion about the loca· lion for a new airport. -TB DIAL Governmental Representatives Jollowi.Do are the addr ..... lor ;overumental rep,...nta· Uvee •rrillo the Newpor1 S..ch arM: STAnSDfAn lolua G. Scluaiu. 3ltll Dt.tnct. 4100 C...pu.a Dr .. Newport a...ch, CA 13810, fN.WJO IOARD OJ SUPIRVISORS n.o ... r. Ru.y, Ot.tdct s. HaJJ ol Aclalllt.er•l1oo, 10 Cirio C.nter Plua, Sbta AA•. CA IVOl, 134·3580 lfNITID STATIS CONGRESS lot>.rt I Bed.haa, 40tA O...nct, 180 Newport CAA141J Dnve, Swt. 240. Newport JJe.ch, C A 9.2660 644·4040 UNn'ED STATES SEHA Tt Al•n Cru.eoo, l oeeD Wllahtre llvd , Room e:zo. t.o. Anqel•. CA 80024. (213) 824-7641. S l H.y&lulw&, 523 W 6th St S"•t• 812. t.o. A.aq.,_, CA 80014, (213) ue. 6081 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN 77311 Co.tHwy.Cor-..cWW..,CA~I880 ~.-klyoaW~ ldltorial aad su.. ..... -873-05!0 Letters To The Editor city." Mm. Heather, who likM to poee • u airport foe, la one of the wont of.feodca when lt ~ to overtu.rn.lng Newport'• Wuter PlP tor the bea.eJit of lar9e deftlopen. r.t~. dwiag the PMt ~ar. up to 8,000 Newport vot .. have bad to atep iD and revene ber Council vote, via the ~Ution toute. Apparently, HMthar doeal't undarataod the law of ''caUM and etlect." ~b 11 mange, becaUM eveo a child mows iJ he'a bed he ;eta 1panked. C.UM and ett.ct. You cu't bep on bu1Jdt"9 botell and DOt iDct .... tb. d• IUJlCi icc IDON p&IMDQU flights at the ai.rport. Couider the NaJ. riott. They want to add a 1 ~. •tory tower. Heatbc, .. u.ua.l. 11 all lor tt. Acx:Ofdioo to ber own atatement, aheloob lor· ward "to watchi.Dg the IUD go down over Newport Beach hom the 12th atory loun;e." A.pt wordl, llldeedl While Heather wu rapturtno over the anticipated view hom the tower. Neata.nde waa readino the Eovtronmentallmpact Repor1, which predicted the new to,.r would draw 29,000 addi· tioDal pueeagan in and out of JobA WaYD• Alrpon eecb yeer. 'nlat'a about 40 additional W;ht. a moothl 1Jb Nero, Heather waota to d.allce wb.Ua ahe watch• the IUD go clown on the beauUful Newpor1 Beach that u.-d to be. Stuart WUliama Newpor1 Beach Buaalng The Irvine Co. To the Editor: I read w1th 1nter"t a recent arhcle concernino Bee Canyon The county oUerino S3 million and the lrvine Co. re· queat1no $21 million for th11 landfill property la yet another example of the utter aelfi.ahneu and oreed of the lrvllle Co. Will that oroanuahon ever wake up and accept the reahty that we will not be d1ctated to by til delulloru? The totaJ lack of concern of the Irvine Co. for our caHaens and communthea 11 deplorable! Smcerely, Bruce G. Sav1Ue, M.D. Corona del Mar Schqols (Continued from pao• 1) Ball noted that $30,000 was ra1aed from 9afta from shqhtly more than 300 donora An adda· Uonal $15,000 w•• added to the foundation'• dooahon 10 the form of a chaUenoe orant The foundation Ia a non·prohl, tax·eaempt oroaruutaon founded by re11denta of the Newport· Meaa Unafied School D1alnct to ra11e money throu9h puvate 1ourcea to pay tor claaaroom teachen. The foundation, wh1ch 1s mde· pendent of the school d11tnct , aet aa 111 overndtnQ qoal the contnbuhon of lunda to pay lor more than $1 muhon worth of proorama-atartlno wath the rMda.no prOQrama-cut becauae of a t.ck of tu fund.a . The UlUtal fund·raattn9 camp&.aqn of the foundation was baNd on peraon·IO·peraon con· tact. Ball aaid, "We a1mply con· centrated on two oroupa-the parenta of ch1ldren allendlnO dittrlct achoola and buaanNI located m or near the diatnct. "It baa been moet oratUyano to watch the reaponae There ia not one .chool currently operatano that didn't make • contnbution to the foundation." Ball noted that the tounda· hon'a accomphahmenta Ill 1982 incluct.d • famlly·orlented eclucat ooal con~rl Mr ea attended by mor• than 290 peopa. wbo are ttudentt &ad lamiU.. ln the Newpod·W... Ullihed School O..trtct. '"fkc~M oocaerte, wh cb .. ,. held &ut IJ)rl:no. ,.,. •Mnt to llltroclac:. ~e toundeUon, liace U wu leM tlaan • JMr okl whn we lllartecl to ra\lle fundi," be .. w. ,._ coaceN clrew a wide a1acbence fro• acroee tiM dJ.ertc::t, ucll tblak nr hand- 'r&Uin9 reflect• that broad support " The foundation's board ol daectora wtll be worltmo on plans for a new fund·raa.mo camp.u9n that wtll 9el under way in l983. "Our alOQan 11, 'Ktda Can't Watt.' It 's true," Ball aaad "And that mean• we've 90l to 90 back m the coaun9 year and make an even stron9er effort to capture pravate lunda for the achoola " The diatricl 11 one of many tn the slate in a money-loain9 situation due to pauaoe of Pro· position 13, the stale Supreme Court dec1110n in the Serrano va . Prieat caM and declanan9 enrollment. Aa a result, the dtaluct has made budoet cutbacks of up to $2 million each year The $45,000 contrlbuted tor the 1982-83 .chool year w1ll be QMred toward tirat, MCOnd and thlrd-9radera who have the moat aevere problemt. On the loWld&hon'a la.t of project• are continuation of the prtm&ry orad .. rMdlDO prQ9r&m at thOM na .choolt, a1 well u npaaaion of it to ch1ldren m a.U qrade Ieveli throuqbout the dittrict, lllchAd no the junior and aen or hioh 10hoola. "Dr. Loatt MYI one full-time te&cher will cOlt about $30,000 each '"'. That make• our ml.l· alon vecy clHt, but not easy. We mutt r&LM that money 10 tha •• e&n replec. tbe tMohert the d.Satnot wu once able to ~Y lor WltA t_. fu.acl./' •0 Mld. "Tia.ey .,. U.e IDOel llaporlant eJ.•eot of wr d..eriot'• .tduoa· tloaal p109raa. We C&JUaol atop witk wwt we la&ve ec~ed and clabia U... U'• efta daM to Ull -~· net. II eo auc~ •ofe \o .._ ~. WMa you ... a --~ lticker tMt .. ,., 'l* Oia't W&H,' dalak ~t ..... Fred Dcma: Slttmg OD top oi the World 11 Fred O.vt. lal't altting OD top of the world. be h .. come u cloee u a a.ew.paparman can hope fot. At 6,SOO.foot eleva· Uon. wUh an office and a home LD an Alpine A-hame awtot.&.Dd- ed by giant pin•, the fonner Newport-J.rvlne.Coeta Naea jow· nalitt ... livino the dream of IDOIIt newtmen. publ.iahing hia own amall town newtpapet ln an eo· vironment free of pollution and pr ... we and almoet free of peo- ple. Fred Davia ia editor and pubU.aher of the Bear Valley Sprin;a Cub, a btiohtly·writtem. amartly..dited monthly newtpa~r •rviD; the exclueive ;uard-a.od.gate r..UdentiaJ reeor1 hioh iA tba Tehachepi MoUDtaioa. Lut week, we aimed ow motor coach north through the MoJave O...rt to rMch O.va. to hia mountainout Shangri·La, to aee and he~u why he moved there and how bela awviviog. The auwer ia very weU, tbe.n.k you. The newspaper w ill the black. with a 60 ~rceot editorial cocteot and the loyal and eothUiiutic aupport and follolring of tba entire C::ODUDUDi· ty. Io addition, Fred hu five free-lance writiDQ proiectl attet- chlog the political oamut hom oonMtvative young !Wpublie&DI to aome militant llbatala. F1ecl alao owu rental pro~r1y in Co.ta W... and Santa Ana. ••uon ticketa to the South Coul R.pertory and the Anahalal Ram.a, a dog, a cat. a motorcy. cle. a Subaru low-whMJ-d.rive truckaodaN•cedea. "Everytlung aort of juet bap- ~ned.. H 0. vt. aa.id u be col· lected firewood on bia 1.6-.ete pla.e-covered plot "ln 1976, 1 read an ad in the Lo. Angel• Tim••· Dart Raeorta wu oH.ri..og aome apeclal prioee on Iota lD Bear Valley SpJin9a-no lot 1- than an acre. So my wife a.od I drove up, picked out ow lot and made a down payment We thouqht aomeday we'd build a mountain vacation cottage. "Well a couple of yea.ra lat•. we decided that buildioo c:oMa weren't ooioo to get any cbea~1, eo we found a Bear Valley Sprllloa builder and put up ow bou.a Thia man wanted to start a newapa~~ and uked me to help him. which I did. That wu fow yean aoo. EaJUar tlu.a year, be wanted out and aold the paper to me. H At that hme, Davu waa editor of the C011to ltl••o Newe and a leo wrote fo~ The Newport En~o~gn and /rvme Today. lnJuoehedecided to move full-tim• to bear Valley Sprmqa At tbe aummit of O..r Trail Road, at 6,500feeteleva· lion, he haa an unpreaaive home, a neat wood-paneled office, three bedrooma, a lofty livino room and clean mountaan aar A bo.1 ud ID&Jlne auct on to buebt the Otaooe CoWlty CoUAoal S.. Bue, Boy Sc:outa of America, will be held Oc:t. 2 at lA. &.U:>oa Bey Cl\lb atarhng at 4 p.m. Among the many atema to be eold will be boata from s..bota to a 36 fi'Mport, a Yorktown 33 &.Dd two Wontereya. There wall el8o be ln.board-outboarda and wmdaurfen. Specaal inter"t ilema wall include • w .. kend for two at a aurprLM reeort hotel wath roWld· (Continued hom PAGe 1) lion, perba~ we can prevent the ezPAQaion of rent control to aoy other commuoaty of Calafor· .U.." He then turned to another bugaboo of Orange County· bwlden, CalTrana O.rector and 9~ ri&oa Gtaoturco. "Tbere11 be a new INm 10 CalTrau when I get there," Bradley told the buUden, who welcomed the oewa. Bradley vowed to appoaot judo .. according to "a atandard of intelligence, not whether they an friend or foe or Democrat or Republican." latHer m the day, Bradley cUed a poll be Mid ahowed be led Rep\lbliou oominM George O.uime)ian m heavily trip air fue provided by AarCal, a roWld·trlp excu.rnon to Mam- moth on the new commuter aarlule Air lrvme. and a round- trap for two to Catalina on the Cata.li.oa Holiday provaded by Catahoa PUMoget S.rvace. On diapJay for the auchon wul be a 105-yNr·old model of a thrH·m.uter German veaMI which il Mveo and ooe-halJ fHt long and 59 incbea biqh wath a value of $20,000. The auction i.1 by anvatahoo watb a SlO donahon per peraon Republican Orange County Hia opportunity here wu al· lu.atrated by an mcadent at the B1A mHbng. A membenlup cha.irman an- noWlced • dnv• "to get the rolla beck up to where they \laed to be." A volWltHr from the audience ra&Md h11 band. He waa drafted to bnnq in at le.ut two new mem.bera. "Democrat or Repubhcan ?" be uked. "O.mocrata or Repubhcana, we'll take whatever will help bouaiAq right now," BIA dtrec- tor PhU Bettencourt rephed. The danner wu a 101nt mHling of the Orange County, B&ldy View and Rlveraade Coun- ty Chptera of the Buald1.0q In- du•try A.ocaataon of Southern Californaa and wW i.ochade mu.aical enter · tamment, refreabmenta, a chance on door pru•. and a catalog of •"'chon ateau. lnvitallozu can be obtaaned by callulg the Boy Scout Councal For more information call OougNitachb al ~980. Parktng rat .. at John Wayne Aarport will nM 10 Oc:tober, but not u much u county ataft had recommended, tbe Orange County Board of Supervaaora dectded T"'uday Charge• for parktnq rn the •m&an lot &d)aceot to the aarporl wall be mcreaaed from S2.50 to $4. Rat .. tn the long-term lot to the north of the Atrport wall nM from SS to $6 per day, and moo· thly employ" parkaoq PA .... wall coal SlS mltNd of SlO The 1hort-term parkanq fee of 50 cent .. per hour wall not be affected. County ataff had recommend· ed ancrN1e1 to S4 fo r the matn lot, S7 for the lonq·term lot and S30 for employee parkmq "1 thank everyone waa con. cerned about raaamq (rates) dramahcally," aaad Ball Hodge, an aade to Super"a~r Harnett Waeder, an explaantnq the vote lor the leuer mcreaMI Aarport manager Murry Cable Mad the mcreaMI approved were cla.e to thoM recommend· •.COUPON••••--•• I 1.1 D 1'1 IIIII I Ctlalc MA AGI THIIA.PIUTIC 4100 BaRCH. SUITE 108 NEWPORT BEACH (located In Noll AltQir) Experience tNa ~ heatth sefVIce by o licensed technk:km. Therapeutic mouoge eo .. • tension, lncreaaes mobility. Improves skin texture. ColllodOV IOf on OQPOi'\lment $2 5 I I (714) 971·0611 uhouf 1 ··-... -·couPO .. •••·-~~~~~ 8200 OFF on any lar~e pizza "tth ( IIU ... III ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~•.COUPON••~--·-~ 00 OFF any large u.._ .. ,... ••m colPO' • , ..... ~-·-•lw ...... • ' .... PO! ........ , ............. ........ ..,_. ....... ... ............ I .. "' ... ,_,.,_, ... ~----- , ....... ry •••• ,, ..... ..... Church nature, ahould have • IIO&ung. 101puataooal c haracter A church lho\lld look hke a house of wor1bJp, not a bloclthouM Wath muc h efJorl and Mcnftce the c hurc h hu aquared an en lue block, whach , althouqh amaU, waU avoad any ancur~lons mto, o r darect contaguoua tnter face wath reaadenttal pazce ls, aa an the put. ''The oeaghbora," they con e luded, "wtll have the buffer of • full c aty atrHt Mperatmq the• from the c hurc h " Throuqb the yeara. St An drew'• hu bought Mveral homes on the north aade of Clay Str .. t an aohcapallon of the eapansJon Ernest Oronenburg of the State Bo.rd of EQualizatoo discusses a new schedule of advance paymenta of ~ and use taxes to local governments wrth Newport Beach Mayor Jackte Heather The new schedule w1ll advance payments an average of 45 days, help1ng the cash flow of local governments, accord1ng to Oronenburg T o1al revenues do not change but ctues w•ll rece•ve rhem earher Chffhaven reaadenta, however, have Mtd the aaze of the tower La nol proper tor a resadenhal neaqhborhood and that adda ttonal cau drawn 10 the church wo uld cauM ma)or trafhc and p.rktnq problema ed by the atrport commauton- whach had urged rate hdcea to Sf ~nd S6 &n the mean and lonq erm Iota, but recommended that employee palMI remaan at SlO The new rate1 wall take effect Oct 1 GEMTAI.K BY I C HUitiPIIIU6S. CUfU1ZD G.IIIOLOGJST A GS A 13 NJLUON WATCH with llldlamonclal Wh•n Sw.u wetc hmal&er Vac he ron C< natanlln m•• pe 1nte r R.oymond Mo1•th I Mil c:onve rN ttc.on led lo I he 1dN r.t c r••••nQ • ur11que wa tch The dee•on they creeted ••aulted •n a INm ,,, arhw na worlhno 6 000 houra over a "e 11r,d Lll lO rnonlha lu make • ••lch whtch Conatanun c huM lu all Kalhtta the a .... word lor "th• moat beau hlul Th• welch h .. 118 d~amunda tolalhno 130 carate When th~ welch ••• comple1ed • couple of , .. ,. •oo '' wu v•luotd bv ••• uwner• at ~ mtlhon However they "" mared al the t•m•thal th•11 c re•hon would tncrN .. 10 v•lu• "' th• r.tle ol S4 ()()() •very d•y' The d~etllonda ranqono 1n o&elrc>l' unelo lout c;erata N Ch •re Ml•n a mount aculpt ..d h um 6 n• luloqram tc.oltd bluc:lo of ~old Ev•n the bec ll ,t th• wet<e h a ... oa apanol.d wllh full cur dLAmond• lr .. ode th• caM ''" w•tch muvemenl ullhe thtnn••• lt.nd By the wav CoMt•nlon .. .,, the ••1c h lr-1>6 •acell•nt h me h w uld be" •hem• .t •' dtdn I 'W •uldn I 11' j . (~ . )/,.,.,,,/,,.;,.J J•'"''./,.,.J 1823 N~wvHt Blvd Costa Mesa 548-3401 YOu (CliP. SAVl TWIS AD Fal FAll EXAMINAJlON) ATHLnll & JOGGIRS Are Not The Only People With FOOT PII08LIMS General ond Sports ~ne • Bunions • lngtown Notts • Hommertoes • COf'ns-CoUouses • Worts • Athtehc lntu nes • Heel po1n • AmbutotQfY Fool Surgery • MlOtCAR£ ASStGNMENTS ACCEPTH> 2011 Westcliff Dr .. Suite 5 t I lttl & ,,.,,,.In We1tcllff Meci•col l v•ld tng NEWPORT BEACH flvenln8 Appointment AvaUatlleJ ..,.,.... __ .o..,, PR()Qf. your Photogr.1ph K lnvcntL)fV Rt·gtstcr. pro\1t.k .. 1 pernuncnt rccorJ ")t Y'-)ur fX)\~·s~tnn\, d.1rc' .Kqum .. ·d .. uhl pncc\ p.u J. In one \.lfc .1nJ 1. nnvcmctH hmJcr. \ ('ll h .1\'C .dl t ht\ mfo rn l.lttnn -plul\ JCttul ph~'t"'~r~tph" tl' prn,·~.· ll\\'lll'r\hlp atlt.l \'.\luc. No t ml· h kc~ to t hmk Jhnm t1rn .uh.l hur~Llft"'"· hur th<.'\ ... ~.In h.tppt·n . In t~ct. Studtn B \t.u1 cd It \ PR()(_)f \t'TY tu · Jttcr .trwtghbor\ h nn1c cJ ught firr. Dc\pHc rhc tlrntwn\ dh,.:,. ~.mlv J ch.liTcd. rrx,nc~~ fr.unc. 'l'Ll 'pnn~"· .11hl hLtl krncJ .tppltJ nCI.'\ n·nt.llll l'l.i. If tht' luppcncd r~., \ llll, '-~'uld_ 'l 'll rcnlcm hcr t'\'t'f\ ttetn m even r'-'('111, t'\ l'f\ 1. IP,l't; lt th'~t . \(.'\llf .lCUHlll{ [(.)th e In~llf.lll(l' (lllllp.tll\ \\llllkl t.t!J,IhH1 ht•c.tuSt' of t~)r~nttc n It rnt, . ... ()r tt thtc\'l'\ helped rhcnhch-c' tl' (,r,uhln~.~\ lw11l,,l,lll rhuu. hnw 1:. ~.,uld vnu pro ve rll.lt the d,,hn \\l'rt·n·r t l .dh pun.-h.l~t·d fnmt the lor.1l Jt~l''-'tlllt 't"'rc' Ftn.· .Uld thdt c.m lut '"'ur hl'llll' L)r ~.,ffirc .1r ..ut\ tunc. :\rhltf rhcv J o. \'L'u'll nccJ PROOF t~:.) prt)\1dc the Jontmcnt.ltHlll \Oll ttt·cJ ftlr tJ.st, f.ur St'nlerne nt of honlt'(.)\\llcr\ .md htl\llll:.''' ~1~urance d .unl\. Photo documentanon I\ the c.l.Slt'\L Tll\.)\t cotnpre h t'n tvr W .l\' t o m vento rv .1nd Judwntll"Jrt 'l'llr bdongmg~ At a Ycry re .lSOn .1ble pncc. ()ur prott' totul photographer ,,;n conw to \our hmnc.: .md d o the job in j ut a few hour~ Then vo u'll h.1 ve PRl)O f - beautiful colo r pho to graphc; of your pn z~:."d po~ CS\lon s~ organizl·d in .l handson1e binder. These .u c the ktnd o t dC'tatled pennanent reco rds that in urancc conlpalUC and law enforcenlt'nt agenctes recon1n1end. C.11l now for .u1 est mute and details. h o uld an m uran c e l l.un1 .mse. you'U be glad you took this sin1ple pr~caun n to pro Vldc.' voul'SC'lf \\1th a con1pl~te hon1e r office inv~n~ ry. • POUCE lloaday. Sept. 5 CJliMES $1,700 wlucb waalrept ma metal co11tai.Der wu reponed atolen fro• )&~Die Ann Jobnaon Ul the 800 blockofS..ouU ... A brown bud·top toal·roof Corvette, valued at $700, waa ~:eported atolenbo• Richard Jack Taylor m the 800 block of Dove. ARRESTS Scott Andrew PT1clrett, 26, of la Puente, wu arreated on au1p1cion of contributmg to the delmquency of a m..illor . . . Two men were an .. ted on auap1c1on of drunken drivinQ, neither from Newport Be.ch. Tuesday. S.pt. 1 CJUNES Jewelry, caah, handQuna, anhquea, ate reo and camera equipment wereamon9 $250,000 worth of item• atolen from Alb.rt A. Nar<hkaan Ul a burglary on Goleth Point. .. A 90-lb. floor safe contaminQ)ewelry valued at $12,000waareportedatolen from Alan A. Fiaher ma Shoal Court burolaJy. . A plahnum and daaJDond nno valued at $1,500 wu reported at olen from Joan L Bedellm the 300 block of Coral where you f...d lk ~ tl.at'a filhL . . . Jewelry ud otMr property valued at $1,145 waa reported atole11 hoa Jou Bubua N.iciWek ill U.. 6400 block of Cout Hiobwa7 ... A buol&r7 aneakiDg throuoba kiM ~9 broke into five oHtce. at tM 4500 block of Campua. fie th.ieJ atole $15&ndaBMG...tape, tooka bite from • chocolate bu, aaoked • cioarette aod leJt • note wbicb rMd: "Jt"p thla, you a.relucky. Roaa." AJUliSTS Ronald Pierre Gallafdo, 46, of Newportlleacb, wuur.tedon IUipicion of &IMWt with & dMclly weapon . . . Bruce Carlton Whetael, 26, ofl\aaliD, wu ar reated on 1\lapacion of burQl&ry ... Frederick John Ritter, 43, oJ ShUweU, Oil., wuureated under warrant on two countaof bwolary . . . Michael JarDea Serpa, 28. of Newport Beach, ••• ur•ted on suapacion of o rand theft, bo.t . . . Victor Manuel Caraou, 20, of Santa Ana, wa1 an•ted on au.api· caon of tamperino with an auto. . - Scott Lee LonQ , 22, of Arcadl&, wa1 ~eated on 1u1pacion of poe .... inc;J pauocybm . . . Kevan Glen McCool, 18, of Coata N .... wa1 arreated on auapiclon of ....... .., ....... CIIMIS '-01*1Y,uii4MietSt4,2SOwu reported.to&M &o.WetriU ht* laabufllu,oa c..hria ... A VCiu.alt,aa.dMe ........ &Del a cbKit boolt val\Mdat $M2 ..,. reporled.ao&. boa. cal beloa9ia9 to D6aM R. Ora field p&rbci oa c ... sa-or ... AJlUSTS TeHM Tonea. 30, ofO.tario, wuan•tecloo auapioioa of willN.lcr\leltytoac!Uld ... Thoau DeleStub7. 20,lilteclu • trauieat, wu ar....ted oa lllapicionofburgluy ... Steven G.ruclHodQe, 25, of Newport BMch. iruanwtecl oo w..piclon of eDteriDQ & nOD•CO-efCial dwellioQ ... Two•eo .. re ureated on auapicion of clrlloken dtavino. not from NewporlBMcb. 11aundoy. Sept.' CJUMES A bomb threat wu made at Emltay Development Company an the 1300 block of Dove. Police mv.Uoaton c:Mc:kaclthe &rM Wllh n419ative r•ulta . . . Ua.boWD au.apecta have been throwiao rocb et • houM an the 1200 block of SUMI and hit one of the ...udeota there. Polace an· Yelbo&e.d the are.a foJ a battery auspect with lleti&bve '"ulta . . . A oold aeciWace, a ailver ri.Do and • pail of bi.nocwan vallled at $1,300 were reported ato&.n lroa t.wre_nce D. Curtia iD the 100 block of 45th ... ~.58 in clothinQ wu pur- ch&aed at Neiman Narcua wtlh an unauthori~ed credit card . . A gold bracelet valued at $475 wu reported atolen from Sharon Diane Schmerler in the 2400 block of Coaat HiQhway. ARRESTS Johnrua Ace Carter. 35, of A.D&helm HUla, was arreated on 1uapacion of carrymo a conceal- ed weapon ... Ramon Camarena, 22, of Santa Ana, WU ar .... ted on IUiplClOD of pet· ty theft ... GreQ Fenton Nun- ~. 18, of Newport Beech, was arr .. ted on au.apacion of enter· Visit The lll9 • non-coaaaerci.&l dwelhog ... W.rk Plailllp s..b&tinl. 23, of Wqllna Beach, wu an•ted on auapicioa of receivi.DQ known ato&._n property ... Anthony Pantuo, 18, of Newport Beach, wu ur•ted on aupicion of zeoeivino known atoJen property ... Arthur lugene Ttlbolet, 22, oJ wouna Beach, wu arr .. ted on aupicioo of tranaporti.no/aale of coc&.ine . . . Joeepb John Niollaocio, 45, of Laouna Niquel, wu arr_.ed on auspa· c1on of po•••i.no cocaine . . . Jay Moroan Crawford, 19, of Corona del Mar, wu an"ted on suapacaon of poaMUlllQ am· pbetamm.. . . . Ralph Kmc&ad Rhod .. of Newport Beach wu arr•ted on au.apicion of drunken dnvmo. Frlcloy. S.pt. 10 CIUNIS Jewelry valued at $4,750 was reported atolen bom Di&.ne Lowae Grouman in the 1600 block of Park Newport . . . A 1ta.anleu at .. l beer cooler, 8 feet lon9 and 4 t .. t tall, and a Qar· Sally Seaver ANTIQUE OAT SHOW PIANO TEACHER New Studenta 840-8197 • • • and faacinatiq Lido Muiaa Villqe! COlON del Mar SEPT. 17THTHRU 19TH ~~ 641·0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hill Ave. • Costa Mesa ba9e dtapoul, valued al \1,600 were reported atoleo froJD the baok porch of the PaciJic Club In the 4100 block of MacArthur . L.cii"' Jewelry valued at $1 ,570 wu reported atolen from Edwan N. Hart ln the 500 block of Redlanda . . . A lion r..dino "HouM For Sale; Harmel Coo- atruchon Co., Marketed by Cole of Newport Realton" attached to a metal atake valued at $100 wu reported stolen from Rita Irma Carp m the 600 block oJ NanQold ... A Qr"n plaahc trash can, a Yamaha Q&l lank, a Yamaha front hre and um and a back hre and ram valued at S690 were reported stolen from Frank Walham lrvmg an the 100 block of Jade. Sotu.rdoy. Sept. 11 CRJNES A vandal wath a sharp obJect scratched paml off 1i.a Mercedes causang an eshmated $18,000 damage at hm Slemona lmporta Inc m the 1300 block of Ollau . A prowler waa ... n 10 the 1400 block of S.ranade DISNEYlAND HOTEL'S BENSON & HEDGES Wow ~ T wu serbattonal days and one sensational night at Disneyland Hotel. the official hotel of the Magic Kingdom. Dance with a bear ... wander through a waterfall .. . laze on a tropical beach ... make a splash in 3 pools .. . visit a wine cellar ... see the Dancing Waters show ... and ride the monora il direct to Disneyland! Plus one day's admission to Disneyland Park, including unlimited of all rides and attractions except sh()()(i~ galleries. Dinner in our water- front Shipyard Inn or elegant Oclk Room. A drink in one of our lounges. And, best of all. up to nro children can share parents' room for only $29.50 each, and that includes everything the grown-ups get. (Kiddy cocktail. of course.) For reservations and information, see your travel •nt or call Walt Disney Travel at 714/520:5050. Only 6 ma ~ rdl ernch to be called dduxe. ~ular and Mmhd. O~abot t~ Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thll ~ne S~ Is Dangerous to Your Haith. by R 4 d. by I ple Nev m1t1 of Q edl for poo 8 p. N Flos Ha1. Car Mal Caa Tay R lute thea hoal CIOl mus Iron to c E; corn bua· lor ' Elaa Cor Ma• Lea Naa Sail Rtta 1.. 18t~ faah be• mar; Cou The •wpot't £netp W..ta ahry. lepl a.-U. 1• Page 1 aome 50 fraench, who were aaked Sound of Muaac urche~otrd wall Wallaum CobelJ ChdJ..I''" ul rhe to dr ... ala the Roonng 20s play at the lA Cau benefll I () oo OAR wdl hold 1t~o lan.r meellng vi up8ra ll .. tall mHIIIIQ wath .s «"uuJ ttt shrnealth4f homr ol Bcubctrot Dr.,tlbelba~un S.pt lith • RLITES • The HaQh S&Qnera' Cut·A·Tbon held at the Sheraton Newport uu rt.e year un Sept ..lJrd where at Jim Do&a.l'a Aura wa• a sue · Sept 17th • St N1ch .. l'a tht~ group will hear Tum Raley ceeafuJ &Uau benetitmq the EpliiCopal Chruch Women wtll ~pectk on The Challf!!nge ul tht! Stonwnter newspaper. • The h4ve a faahaon show from 80:. • The EptSCopal AJiaance Th• Sound of N ulll'- Chapter waJI hold at~ hrst mHhng of the year on S.pr by Dina YOG lurg., Ices of OC. SpyQia• Htlla Ph1lharmonac A'HarM't and luncheon ctl the Servace, a toant outre•ch pro welcomed new menabers: Ga.tl panah center on Sept. 22nd grctm of the OC Ept&cop4 J 21st at the home ol K11 and Stephen Toth and an troduce neov. members Sha11 Ea.sy1dn Gh.ra.t Jensen, Sally Lorenol, &rb~ud Roundtree, Kay Taec kt-r , Ada n•• Wullekuhler , Normct Warren Koren Betson and Ileone Sp••o.tr Rendevous Under the Poltll$ ts a deliqblful lund·r61Mr plAnned by the OC Cbepter of the NuiH· ple Scleroell Soc:aety at The Newporter. The atMr&nq com· mtttH opted lor a dJfferent aort of qa.la, whtch they have achlev· ed with Iota of aurpnaea 10 store for those questa who wall be at poolstde on Sept 26th from 5 to 8 p .m Fuhiona wall be by L.tlle Ruban, lura from M. Jacqu ... 1•wela from Bailey, &nb And Biddle. The latter is celebralmQ til 150th a.nniveraary and will have aome apect,.cular estate pieces to enhance the lovely QOWDI. Cunuu, Wanda Eqly, Rena God· • J N Peter's S.lcout H1 1l wall Churches held .sn Enghsh h•~Jh shall, Path L.un1, Stepbante be the lite of the Camelot te.s c1t rhe hume ul Mar y Lewta, Lthy Schroeder, Anna Chapter's .. mJnar and luncheon Stermer The tea served at c1 Malle Naqy, Chrta Neaerboefer, on Sept 16th • The Newport .s luckolf lor the Elegant Articles Lil Carney, Suaan Bertac;,m, Hazbor Repubucan Women wall Sale, the A lhance's mar or fund Ohvta Notac henba.cher and open &Ia new headquarters on rcuser • The Central OC Ellame Zucker. • Barry Cole's S.pt. 23rd • The Colonel Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Ph1 wall -------------------------------------------------------- Nemben of the commatt" are Floss Schwnacher, NAralyn Hausmu, Sh~rlH Guc;,c;,enheam, Carol Campbell, Valley Really , Ma.bel Allred, Jo Kelly, Marc1a Caahaon, N ra C Prentice Taylor and Marn1e fluor Reed The planners, shakers a.nd movers who are reaponatble for thta year'• P.ococJc A.Jiey fashaon show are Gma Damoer, Lazelle Grothe. Buhe Jenaon, Judy Roehm, Kay Sequl, Dona lAwaon, Sa.llye Braly, Beverly C happell Tuttle, Polly Holm· berQ, Nadehne Anderaon, Jo Bell, S..tnce Doll ud Lee Jean Danaelaon. F RIO, the Rehabahtahon lnsta lute of Oranoe wall transform 111 therapu .. hc center 1:a o rder to host a aocaal evenar.c;, of deh caous food an-.2 ..,me. Dehqhtlu! musacal qroupa wall perform hom duue to awmc;, and c laaaacal to country on Sept. 17th SCR'a Cavae Leadet WHir beqan on Sept 8th w&th a dress rehearaal of the .. a10n opener All m Favour SoJd No . The followtnQ two D1Qhta, the play wu presented to qovernment, busaneu and communaty leaden from throuqhout Oranoe Coun ty. The three-day leahvlly c ulmanaled wath the aeaaon openan9 oala, La Dolce VIla THIS COUPON UPON PRES£NTA T10N ENT1TLES YOO TO OBTAIN ANY ONE SPECIAU Y TAGGED ITEM AT HALF OUR REGULAR PRICE Entitled R10 Rendevou5, commatlee members have been busy all summer lone;, preparano lor thts event. Amono them are Elame BasmaJ&an. cha~tman , Corrane Brewster, Patti Clark, Mananne Garner, Jacqlyn Kerr, Leah lAule. Emaly Martino, Muy Mooore, Carol Owens, Sally R&Stuben. Matll Sm•th and Rata Tutt A whale he and la&la ball, whach tradahonally tnauquratea the SCR .. aaon lAs Madrecatas Auaahary'a 18th annual Peococlc Alley fashaon show and luncheon will be a festive occasaon lo r the many lraends of the Holy Famaly Counaehnq and Adoption S.rv Some 500 c;,uests attendeded the qala whach alarted an the lmpenal Bank Bualdmo and pro· eNded to the ballroom of the Westin, where a lavaah ltalaan banquet was prepared by the Chef All who parhcapated en)oyed the evenmo Postcr~pls . Manlyn and Hap Byers hosted a Gataby party for One of the American thuter's gre•test m•dup comedies tnlde poput• on Br~ owr 40 ye.s ago. The story nnters •round • brolce . nimble-witted producer who ft'\ln9S to con • financial .. ...,. Into b•cklng hh lro•dw•y procMtlon. Sl 124111· OCTOIIIIMII ol T tnneSSH w.ams· fww ~~. RoM TlttOO b • tomlndc tl~<omedy set ln •Sk*-'~on tM Mlnlulppl coan . Lively action, coupled with CHta ut.,ul seu IIMh this ~. nust for thNI,. towfl. n ltw lNe ._..,. tr.SrtlOn. this producdot\ o#fefs ~~ · ~nothtr tool! ~t tht world· t.nous English deU«tw as tw com&>au crlmt and unr~vtls ~t•rtes thM b.lfle ordlnaty INn. ~ wd as ScOdand Y•d Ea.botM~ sets ~ costumts • .s weQ u tht apSN•r~nct of Hol~s· ~rch ·rlvaf. 'rottssor Mof'-ty. ~ this mystHy Chrikr the fln•t production or our 60th seas on has not been ftnllftd. the ""* wtl be • spectacutar p roduction In t~ wWt the ~on ,.layhouse·s u •dnton or sumptuous comntunlty trw-.. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL {71 4J 494-()741 Of ff.f..«Jll • OVIR400COLLICTIILIITIMS TOCHOOSIPIOM • THIS OF PII eoGD NOW THIU SUN., SIPT. 21.1 PM .,_&4&Y,._~ MUC'JJON (J C0C.C:W ,_'AllaY} I I •• he Pulltur Prize-wmnmg p1.Jy by f .l C()C)um W1J kiCk · off our 1983 sdwd~ Th~ prOduCtion ~ ~n vrry popuJM on Br~~ wtth Humt Cronyn ~ ~utu T •ndy '" tht" It" ad rolu Although It ~ Its St"ftOUS l'r'IIOIMfiU. the pgy IS flie-d with warmth Nld wtt JANUARY Jlst- nUUAD 1 Zth -----------i ~~ MQu~;; : "~ ~I I t>lAYHOU'='~· .. : N~-------~-------- I I I ~---------------1 anwfi'HOHI-~,'i'.i'Ts ______ 1 1 NO.O#ncanl ·-...... .,._.._-,,.. ..._ . , ... ( .. ~~~ ....... ···--PUA$1 mtCU WID a CMY Dl's.D fu w fh r ~w..-..,.,x x lll ,.,.....,.. S« ... Wift n.nw... \ \OlO \OlD \OlD I I I I ,.... ~ .......-M9 ~ ..... "~ -""""' OIOf' ... ~ I ......... ......., ~ tC» ~"""" c ~ t Nd • .,. .... --.cA'.M." ,.,_....,_.001\ul •••.o'H ••• I • I --------· CARPET, DRAPERY, UPHOLSTERY a MINIBLINO CLEANING 20o/o OFF 1110 SANlA AH,AVE COSTAMlSA A1.tre. \ l.ani O'(,na"h of·· f.aKht " I rwu~~~·~ h> lecturt· an th,· lrvanc I c:t..-~, lUll Cnmm\·rc.;t.tl '-'\'r~,h· 'I' L4X•tlon nt L MAR '-'fDt4 ••n. a ~wt ""d"~'"'" • '""r•••' ~tollll ott-• llltOI.I eMit Soulhflfl Ca.ht.'\fna.o n~n, ,, .,..,.ftl ~~~. (Of ~1114cnta 1111\Cff~lc,J rn • , unr " I clc•~ 1\tn C'tlmnxrciah. 'ow 4cc~r'*.,.. S'IIIHI'"" for E11rull"'""' .------C"'URSf I NClll Of' -----. •• II 1\lllifiU\, •• ,, .. ,,, ••l\\\1\f\I•Uit'l\ ••• ,. \\tlk \ ., ... , •• ,,.tthtltt ,,,,,. 't \lit' I f4 •• 1 t ... \ • t I I '. q 1 \I •• ,,, .. ,, ,,, •• ,, l t lf\ .... , • '' IC I t ' \t I tit\ e \ t \ I I ,., 1t M t 11t '' • .. h\lt'\rWfl\tlttt tU'\olr\'' ,, ' " ,, • J ,, i tlttfl\f'f ,.. ~ ,, .,. n. • ~ •r"' ·~ • 1•1 l \t <\It \4t [)I '\ \ k f' Fw • 1-'/t&# ....,._,., ,.,..,.,.,_ "'1.,_,._ ( •" DEL MAR MEDIA ARTS t 74~2 urphy Awnuc, trviM CA. 9~7 I~ 660-01 22 I "otqM714\ 29i ·ll\ R EMJN DER florists (714) 751 ·4705 3841 BIRCH ST., ACROSS FROM AIR CAL 8utlfl•~• acC061flfl eet liP orer flte phon• 'Jofut £. ~Com - ll.'l~ )\1 l'lh 'I~'\.·~ \!'I ll \\'e Art PROUD to Ha n• Photographed DEBBIE and LOLANNE CARABINI • ··-· --··--· .... IWsta f , •• ;1 b•lLl_tu .. ,.,.•rtgr THI IHOOniT. A \llglat'ICiltY gun- allnger Of tt. okl acnool rldas Into C.riQfl Qty, ~to,._. down nee only utfsulleotl'le rW ~' lor • ~out. but h6a touQNII OQOOI..,I yet. a t~trrNwl lflnlel. ....... -.nc1 tofnwr pro Qfldll'on atw ..._, .X. Ot..,... 1n a drama bNed on a cetabfatecs cole con'II'MJC'-1, .. '"The Kkr IMmt IDOut ....... dllc:lpiNa and rM~ when hrt II ~ CJQfarMy adooled by Tht S1Miatll. .tuW NBC (8c.ntra¥MountWII 111N OF ~ L• ~~ In a IIOfy abcul I COf'IIINC11on tc:wen ... n hired 10 0"14f ... u. ~tJOn of • I~II'ICMI,planr.Gtobe.._1a11Nt lf'l I(WIIUdcy. Ht' Uat.ln* IM IMk while helping to f'llde .,.. ~ aecr-' lbOUt hit put. With Jennil~tr O'Ntl6ll and Ar1 Cefney. 8iR Murray Ia 1 mild-CIO hMd c:ounMtor 11 ~ North Star, whet• 'tOUf'IQ utldltraci'IIIYeta g~th..-.-..y aut'~'~~'~* to IC*"CC ~~ ~tacatl0r4. Off 11'11 wall antlca Wltt't a.turray 11 Na Infrequent ~1. -··-·-------·· .. ----·- Andon In • of • slrugglinO young ,_., YOfk City -.;tor wfW:I _,.,... the glib Of • IUPet hero In an·~ to ftght ern. •tt~t~te (IOantr~ ,_ fiiiMI'iAN CIII'IOMC* • Con- elution. Aock Ht.ldlon II now a r-'denl of Wall who Ia torn wlltl•~ gu'-hwtlen a~.,., brMkl out on hll naltola Earth. With .,-.lnt..-MtloMI ..._,.lngCMI. THIIHADOW M E a A rough .nc1 10IJgtl .,....," ~· drll'nl -"" Texu UinQ the period lmmeO- Iai-'Y 1o1Jow1nQ the CMI war. Tom (M r •• '.L} ~ Setn Elliott. Ben Johnlon and KdWine ADM. ·-- """"" ..,.. -..... -tcta.tld oornecl* ot the 1830'1, but tn a con~ M!UnQ. Cloila He'M'I, ~ChaM VGO."-Clto- ""'_ ... __ ln ..... ~ ,...,., _... 10. the girt. - ,..., hM "'--rote ... ~OCIIOit•youno~toEarthtrom anotn.r world ll'ld (oula <M OfiiMr .-Atk:t We u )ao.a.ttJr .. ~ his guardian. aleO !rom the Qia,.1 Ou&ndfla • ... cas !7c.ntr~Wount..nl THI 'AIITASTIC --· aHOW. Wlu F'6gey, ln1•rMtlonal IUC*.W. Ia '-hlt«< on Mr" wry 11r11 lltlf!My ... tllf'talnrnetlt prlrN 1lml ,.., -"'~~__:_ -~;;.~ ,....., of • dr.,.,...lil: .., ... leeld with"""*-' and dlltCe _ ............. -..... ""'a. ... -·--Rlct.l'd o-tt~ Terri Tr .... 8rywl Vtmen. RIYII Phoetllx n Tim '-· .,. A8C (7 c.ntrall~ain) MTM lJIIML .., ..... Honora • ....., !rom w. wlnntf'a circle at tM Puldllne CMc A&6 lOIUn wfth John Fonyttle and MatiO __ ......... ,_ PtiUadelphla .. IIFMAIC <•OWM:raNounlllr\l ... .... UnbMNin WlcNel 8pinQ diNincll ntt WlrA LIQf'lt-"-t'J'••WW ___ _.. rried COMIIidao' Jotwl Devtl. 1M trom ~k: City, New ..,eer. .,...., A8C (ec.ntri~Nountaln) NCAA FOOTUU. Wchlgen at ~,. o.m.~.lll!ll•~·lll .. -·-~2-Qonl-.) .. L:AaQialralt.-ca•~•t. 1N NYT: LA Alklafa et..,.. N. V. Jlta at N1w E....., s.n CMacao It Kenell City Cinelrlnllt It~ 4PMNYT: S.nllat ~ .... , .... ...,. ~em Ill Kongs Z mg. "tar". 0.3 mg. n<oto..,, Kern ~llliJS: 13 mg .,.,·, 1.0 mg """'""· av. per cigarene. FTC Report. Decem!Jef 1981 • ning : The Su111on liefttrll Hal o, ... _, Tllll1\n• S•lillall o,.u ... • Yew by JetJ llatbauon Newport H.rbor'a nttw head coach N1.ke G1dd1nos went 1010 l.at Fnday ruohta openmo foot- b&lJ oame aoamal Mauna Just tryino to k"p h1s underdoo Harbor team's prado 1ntac1 After aU, Manna went 11 2 lut Mason, and was tuel rece.nt ly ranked second 1n all ol Oranoe County 10 a pre season poU Before the hnal oun shot had been fired, however, the S41lora1 had atunned Manna and the 1,000 fana at Dav1daon f1eld , by forcano the Vdunqs 1n lo a w1n lou 37-yard held ooal s1tuahon, w1th JUII four second• to play. E.nc Ka rman's k1c lc cleared the noht upnoht wtth all of s1x inches to spare, clnd the V1kanqs had then 10-8 v1ctory, wh1le the S.alora had more Importantly, brouoht competat•ve football back to Newport Harbor .. - NeiWI:IOr1 .... .,,11\,...,·s number 32 runs into heavy Marrna opposition durcng Harbor's 10 8 loss to the LSl rema1runo ~ Harbor took the lead over last years C lf 811~ f1ve aem1Janahsts went over the left tackle to 01ve Harbor the lead and a short liv- ed c elebrataon StaH ohot t~v s ... ~ S ,r ,, man came 10 to luck the held ooal that would end Harbor's b1d for the b•ooest upse1 ol the week -... .,.,,. ,._..,'"' .,~~ ~ ""'. .. MA.RINESCENE by Mart WagDer Wath Ben A.lt.Jun fuualuoo MCOnd, Newport &tbor Yacht Club aaliora took foar of the bm 10 plac .. lD the EtchelJ.a 22 world's c bamplo!Ulup reqatta at St Fruc~ Yacht Club lD San FrancLSCO lut week. The latle wu won by detend· lDO cha.mp1on O.ve Curt~ of Marblehead, Nus. The order oJ bnaah I Deve CIU1aa 2'1 4, 2 Ben Ahnaen NHYC l9 0 3 klry N..b&~t A...araL. 40 0 4 Tua Panoru Hon9 ltoo9 47 4 5 le.~~~• &.,rne A...araL. 54 0 6 Gec..rge Hecht Sen Fre.nc&Ko 63 7 7 Scou W..On NHYC, 66 0 8 loh.n R.v•u o S.. Fr&nc:I8CO 69 7 9 T~a HOQu NHYC 70 7 10 let Edler NHYC 13 0 For<y one bo.t• compeled lO the event You Usee a lot of "uttle old ladlea 1n bo.t ahoee" Wednu day, Sept 22, when the Newport Harbor Yacht Club boeta .bout 100 women sabot aaliora from aU over Southern CahJonua for the lOth annual Lattle Old Ladlu Reoatta LDO JACnta. The dey willlltart w1tb 10 a .m. reqlatrataou &nd brunch followed by thr .. race.. After ractne) there'll be a IOC&&l hour on the d.ck and trophy p,...atahon Thut reqatta ~ ba.ted m the Newport ar .. LD e.ltern.ate years by the Balboa Yacht Club The well-known Podolak NemoneJ Trophy hu b.en re ded.lcated by Balua Conntiuan Yacht Club &nd will now be the top prue for Star boats an a reqatta to be held tlua weeiend Bo.ta from all over Southern Cahforn16 are expected to par· hctpete Marc Schryer will ser~e u Race Chaarma.o 1n the Ken O.v~ Perpetual Trophy reC)&tta tor Lehman 12 M.llora at Newport &tbor Yacht Club, Pat S..ver hn1ahed 10 the top apot, Terry GJoeqe m se cond place and Betttna Bent• 1n thud. "I thouqh t we pldyed well. but there 11 still plenty o f room for amprovemtonl," coa c h Gaddmoa aaad. It was runnmo back Steve Brazas who louoht around the left 11de from four yards out and punched anlo the end zone Brazas QOI tbe caJI aoaan lor lht> two po1nt conversaon, where he Down 8-7. Manna started the:r wtnntnQ dnve on the1r own 39, and behtnd quarterb.tdt Stan P1ncura marched an1o stuluno d1s1ance al the Harbor 20-yard lane It was thas poant that Kar· Ma~ina 0 0 7 J tO Many of the aailing t .. ma wh1ch wtll be repreMntlDQ &bout 19 Southern Caldorn1a yacht clubs h•ve d11tmchve na.mea such u the S.o Dl89o Se~y Sabot Set, the Kmo Harbor fuat M•tes the Balboa Yacht Club Sea Gala, and the Newport Har· bor Yacht Club Mother Sabala, and w .. r colorful matchlllo .. tJ. UPCOMING !VINTS-It'll be a hHvy yacht raclDO w .. kend w1th the Newport Ocean 5.!hno Auoc~&taon holdmo 1ta A roosy Race, South Shore Yacht 111 H1 Pomt Sen .. No 7 and 8, Newport Hubor Yacht Club a Ooe·O..lOD Reqatta, and S.lboa Yacht Club hostmo the Metcalf fl .. t for theu Champ1onshJp reqatta The S4do rs kepi 11 close w1th some respectable offense and touoh defense unlal Wtlh JUSI e FREE OIL CHANGE WITH IVIIY MAJOR SIIVICE • 11 years eaperlenc:e aervlc:.n9 Porschea and Audia eacluaively e Factory trained In all phases of reparrs and maintenance • Ask about pickup and delivery e Open Saturdays ~.S 17SS 1041 t nltiOII\f CoSio Muo ••• Newp4)'t Malbof 0 0 I 0 I 1>4 N u11MI ~5 yard ouclloi "'' ..... ,, rr Nader K•rm•n •~~It NH Brue.J I ur urd ru.o h J '"' ·- a,.~ .. '"'n M K•rman 17 ~ar:i :'"'"' 1 • TRAVEL NETWORK/ PACIFIC PLAZA ln~onres you ro consrder us for your ne11r rrovel p lans Here s whor our cl•ents soy obour us ' 1 .'1/N..J~ {"' o/1 14~ ,.,..A tt-l •{pul ,_ ~-1 ... 1#. _, lt4~ . . ,-{-~ .1/f ,_, ... t-· ... ,_,, .. ~.,,.~ _,_,_,, *'"" .l~{i-1~1, 4 -"~ Jf'* tt,.r·,.,· '' 1-,.----~""*· I wlo . If,_ '',/(w lfi..Oif'f#_r,..l~ ,,.., ,uul~ /#.• -,tl .'JiuMQU lw~ r.-/.1,. I kJ-~ .. -~., Ju-·1-' ,.,~ ·., ~-t · .'it... .. tl~ .. . l._.u. .. ·~··'~·. "! ....... ~ ".4t-~-.la/1~,~~~~~-~. J!lr r-IJ .. "I /,.a--tt.!r 14u lrwJt -lltr•l .,,.., ' ' 11~-~~~l'lr~ •• 1-Jt••l 1&42-4403.1 Stop by our convenrent location across the street from A lpha Beta and see the diHerencet 234 E. 17th St., Suite 1 08; Coata Meaa Are you rNIIy ullaf•ed ltll t your famaty s ftnanctat P'0Qr8m as totally ~CMQuate or today and f()( the future? Have you , .. hactc:aJty constoered tf'IOM bot~me, contustng de'-•ls that C6(l MtlousJy attect your pl&ns-tnflahon taus Soc~J Secunry? Does your pr.-nt method of Ylllt\QS 1nvttalmentl and tate 1n~urance ownersh•P attow you to ma"e maxtmum use of your atter-ta• dOllars? Now there a an ••~Y way to create a reahshc ftnanc•at ptan fof you and 'f(klr fam•ly ttlrougf'l OUf personalized Flf\8ncoal Plenn.ng S.VICe Here'a How It Works W. cOIIe<:t data from you concern1ng your assets your ~~ your Obtectrva 2 nua •nfofrnahon as processed through our computers PfOQrammed by apec~attats an the f~ of •me.tments lf\IUranc. and flnanc.., ptannu'Q-Correlarang •nflattOnary fee~ and Socaal Secunty tlenefata J You recatve a confidential \5-to 25-pega report otfefrng farm reahatte r.eommenclabOna tOt your famtly't f•nan- eaat ptogram. baNd on yO\Ir I'I<Mdtngs your ne.da. your bud9et&ry ,.m1tattona and your Ob,.ChVU ................... *" ,., ............. ...... ~---------------------------,..,... c.~ . ,. ------------,..... ---------- I Tak~ tim~ tu an.,~f'~ t~ tJlM'lHm~ ~ honf"'-tl~ a .. \1111 1 dll. Tht~ n--.ult .. m.l\ .. urpn"'4' \1111. H _.., \o I Jl., '"" 1 ..... fttt1t Jr.,lll .... rl.. .t,.,. '" tlrtul.lltC' 0 I· olrtnl..m,: m .. t.. ... a: '"'" ''""" ltl•· ""''"1'1''' 0 0 0 Jl., \OIU ,Jrtttl.. l•·oau...-'"" ,.,., •II\ ""''" ... h .. , ........ 1 .. • J, olrllll..llll! ,.tf,., lou,.:'""' '''11111.111"11 ' ' "·"'' '"" ,.,,',,It'''"'"'"' .. ,.,., olllfll..tttl!' '• IJ,,,, '"" :.!"11,.11 '"'" ltll.oll•t•l .lrllt• ull o• • •· 1 11 .,.fa ,.j •ltoul..tHC' -ll. \•••• tun• '" IH\11.• r • ..... 1-.uu••n· .ut•l .•n ltd•'fiOI( I'll\ I(OifiiJI .. III .. 1 .. II llrtlllllll:,! 1 DO DO DO DO DO H [).,,. , .. ,., ''""""'C "'·'"'' \1111 I,,,..,,...... 0 0 I • •I If l.11111h • ,. ,.lf .. rt•' ., tt ... '"'" ""'"''"" ,j,., ft',j ... ·tl •llh. ''"""'"J.!' 0 0 Ill , ... , ..... , ,,~ I llrtnl.. " I"''""'' '"'" .t ... h . 0 0 II II..'"""'·"'' ,1 '''"'" 11" "' '' '""rtllltJ,!' DO 1.: 1 " ... , ''"""'"'!! ........ , ....... ""', .1.u .. "'" Ill ,,.,, f1tll)!' DO 0 0 I I ll.1• \HIH '(f,, I• II• \ .1,... r• ,.., ol ••II• • olrtlll..lllf.!' 0 I I 1 •• tru•l.."'l! 1'."1'·""'"":.. '""' t"ll "' '"''"~~'"'' 0 ,., , ... '"" "'"'" , .. '"··I'· ''"'" "'"'"''' ,., I r"ll hi,., ~~~ I"''"" .Iron I. •I""' , 17 ll.t\, '"" ,., o·r h ... I ', "'"1'1··•• t .. , ... 1 "" '""" •· •• ,, ... uh .,f """"'"-' I :c It,, .. '. ·•• r I'''' .. t• 1 , 1 ' '• r I r• .tt• •I \ • ·•• I· •f .lrell~tU:,!' I'' II..'"""''"" , .. l.~,t.l "I''"'" .,IJ ..... t .. t· ... t , DO DO DO DO DO .:n II", , .... , , .. , t ... , .. ,, 1 , '""I''' .I .. , .,,.,,, """" O O 1·11 ••, ''""' uf tlnu~•u::' If \nil ,611 .. \\t'rt'tl \t.., l11 olll\ IIIII' nl lht• IJIIt"ll"ll". t.tk1 11 ,, .. .a ".tnHnj!, If'"" .tll .. \\l'n'tl "'"In l\\11. \oil m.n l~e· ·"' .tlf·Hholu II \1111 .111"\\t'n.,J " ... '" lltn't' .. r mnn·. \11\1 pruhalal~ art· 1111 alc·uhul.,· \\ h.tt r.w '"" t~•' Call ('an·( mt. t .-,n·l nit t" 1lw nu~linalh "IIJM'r\ t"'4'tl .til ul .. llt .. ttt .111cl dru;..! tn·.ttmt·nt prrt;.{r.un that ..... .,.,, ... lull' ln·at .. rnun •t•.,~pl•· th:ua iUI\ uth.·r pri\ah·prriJlnuu a\atl.thl•·· Hut l~e·fure· tn•tttnwnl n ua be'J.!iu. '"" haH· 111 c·.ell. J., tu/J. /"1nttnlllh· tf'ith tm•· .,, ""' mmN·In"' ntll \ "" r ,, If,, ( ,,.1, ,;, ur Hill~ 122· ll:r:: b?Jelt ...... Oo • oloomy l1l1l.dday Di9lt.t lut ~ tit.• COtOM cW Waz ,&dity foot.MU teut M.a.rted oat u. ....,. by n&.IUli.a9 .. 10a9 ... la.rqe pape• up MW ~ b, c:h.wa..den, that Mel the cq.- lloD, ''Cd.N c&D't be ~-~ willl little ..-11. Wallon alarted th• ~ ud .. at oo• lor m pulilao with. two iDtercephona. ~ter took over m the ... CODd half aDd COIIIlPleled one of three pa.-for DO yardaqe. ~ q\a&rl•rbac1t aitu.bon ll jut eoaaet.bia9 that m• and my .taH are 90iD9 to have to hC)Ure out, .. c:oaclt. Nor ria Mld. Corona'• only touchdown in the third quarter on a 15-yatd nan arouftd right end. ''I waa happy w1th the way Marian ran, even though the real of our oH•nM d1dn't 9enerate too much ucatement," coach NorO. Ntd. WM1l ta. ~ wu o.er, bo .. .,.r, ud tM S.. ~ .. ,. at til• tail eoc:l of a 24-7 upMt by HWltiA¢oo ~. the only real clear lip tUt M.d coech Did Norna and bia .taft Qot wu, "CdN llMCb a quarter· back." Of:teuiftly, the s.. ltiDC)I did hav. em• bright apot in Lance Na.rlill, aC)&iut an Oiler IMJD th•l hu 90n• 8-37-2 over the aut fiv. ,.an. With Na.rtm'a touchdown, the S.. Jti.Do-looked U thou9h they were c;JOLD9 to make a move trailing only 10·7 in the thud quarter. Unfortunately, the offenM then decided to 90 back to aJ .. p for the real of the night, and the defeDM, wluch had baeD pretty hqht up \l.Dtil thla pomt, doaed Norru ued Paul Wat.oo and Corky Ca.rputer at ~rtuback W.rtio, who only w••9h.a 155 poWlcb, carried the ball 22 tuo. for 113 yud..t, and ~eored .,-.:a a. ••wsaw10 ~----Of IIC08DI'CWU Te..._,ll_,_..._. .. _ ...... ...._ ...... .... _ . .., ........... ..... .......... -.... ~ .. ...._... .... ..-~ ........ ,, ......., .... ........... ......... -..o .. -.-. ... ..................... ~ _ ................. a... ... ...._ ............ ..._ ......................... ........ ., 01 ........ .,...,r.__.._.,..._,., .... D._. ....... ,,,D..liD ia ............... _, --..:...a rca 1 .................. _ .... ......._. H~CMr:,.. uta CNIW:ftai&IIUia ......... c.. lll ~Cttln4 .......... ... ·-............. a.... ._ca~._,,_ .--.:na ........ ··-· ..,.Ca..,. a ...................... ~ ... ,., .......... .... ,.. __ ....... a... .. a.... a-.,-.._- "':': ::.:.'' ll • t-.. ,,_ -- - ..uc II01'ICII rc: ·- --· I "" ....... .,_ ...... .._ . -t'IOUL MAl _ . ......,. -c.-.M •. C.... ....... CA.a ....ae .... c..t...-~ •. o.-.. ...._CA_ ........................ ......a. .... tlc:.a-.......... _ ....... c... cw .. 0...,. c.... .. --11-...... ._ aa. a a. Oft t.. .... ._. ..... ,.... ... IPVa.IC..O'na oaa.-aiiiCl 1e0. • at u ~uc:a Ott n11 an or ~IUCII~UC 1tolt ...... Oft Till ~T MACa ~Al COOl AS IT .aT~ TO nat 1100a1 or ~"'* Olt 100&. ..,... Ill aUIOI .. TIAL DISTIUCTI n.. Clrr c..-o~ .. -c .. ., ~ ........ ...._.. DOIS OSIDAill • lliCnOII I ...,_ a ll-ol IM .. ...,............._.c-.. .... ~ ................ . -~~~ IW.....O ~ARC MlA TID IIIQU1PtiiiJn TMz. A.., ·--· ... -' ..... ,.....4 -.... .. ..., .. _... •'"«1l c.e••-.... . •• , ... ..c .... ., ... , ...... "' ... f w-,. ~""' .... _, ...... " .... -...... ~ ,.._ • .....& ... _, .. ~-.,.. .. _. _ ...... -· .... ---·---'""··~·· li ........ c.. • _.'""" ....... .... --.. s.n-... "' ~ ..... , ...... a...-- .. , -al ..... .._ .. •-II .... _ ..... ....., .. _ . ., ........ " .......... ., .... ""' _.., "-·--..... _... .. _ • ....._,.. __ _. .. ,,_u ............. ~ .......... .. ft411f ... ~ ........... .ct leMA o1 IS AA., _... ,._.,., II- A-T _.. -~~-• _ _., -~~-~. 1 tel __ , ~o.o~w.,.. ....... • _, ~·-".._. .... .......,._ ..... ~ ... -.... ...,. ........ ..., ... _ .. _.,_ .. , .......... ~ t M • ,. ••ell It ee '"' ~l4 U M ............ ~. Alii .-: .......... ,_,.. .......... ,._.. ........ ....... .._ ........ ~·h• -_.....IS clllaA., II.,,. ,....._, .... _.... ... ....., ...... 11 .._...., ·-----...... ..... ,.... . ........-......................... . ,.... .. '" _, '~ , .......... "' .................................... t.y ... tt •c.•-···C'·· ····~··· sa;110II I Tl.• 0.0•--.,..II M p.h..., onno "' ·~• ... _. .. 1 -w•~ ol '""-Cuy •ncl tM .. m. •Ntll IN .ts.na .. •*-w•y t»t ... , ..... ,... .... «-. .... ~··.-." n. .. ~ ... _.. ...... .--.Hvt'M •• • ..... .., ......... -..... c •• .., Co•f\tl ... ·~·c .. , .................... w ·~ .... Dol ...., "' ·-·-..... --..... -•~• l:lo~ ...., I '--...-·-.., .... l.clloWl"<< ATU COUIICIL MUIIlll~ ......... c. ......... , ...... ,........ ...... .. ... ltOD COUIICU IUJIIIUIS II ·~• AIS[JIT COUIIClL Mlliii[IIS " . Mt'~•• .,....,._..., May Au•• w., 44 l '"4•n •f\ 'f C ••Ill Pvtr.htth S.p• l\ h • T• • PUIUC.OTICZ IIOIIC& or ca&n~ or -~&. ........ •• ,.._.,..UDor Niii**10 IDNIWI&a m&D.o.a.utn~ ToeD..._~ aedi~ Cl!M!ti"V'C"t credit· c.-. ud .....,. -~ .. , be ~ ba ....... Ia the wtll ar _.t. ol W~ A • .__ ab Warjarie ...... dec:edeat A p.htioe la&l .... bled by Mcl A.·~ lA ,... 9taJMriar Court ol Ora..-Coaaty Nq-ti.Dq U..t JKk A. Wt.. be ap· pof.Ued • s--al ..... • • . tau .. k> ~ tbe .naa. ol tM ct.c.d.d 1M petit* ......,... eu:dianty ao adJDIII .... U. wtate lllld« tM In d ' det AdJe.iailtrabarl of !Matwkt A 11ea.rtno oo the petition will be llleld Ul l)e,pt. No 3 • t 100 erne c-t. on .. Wwl Sante AN. CA U101 ca Sept 28,1i82at t:lOa • IF TOU OIJICT to the VT-tillv ol tM ,.,titica. JO'* ......W ada..,._. at tM -..... -..... ,.,. obtec· tto.ariUewntt.aub......,_ ~ u. oawt ..... u. t....U.9 Yoer eppeereaee .. , be .. ,...,. 01 by yvur etton., IF YOU All A CJliDIT. 01 ar • ~ cndltar ol tM ileeJaeral. '" awt .... ,_ c:lal. ~ u. OCIUt oa,._. '*tou.,....s ..... tan. ....... by ... oawt wtdU ... --·-..._ ...... .,. ... ....... al ....... -pU¥1, 1 ta --· ... c...... ....... eo..,.. .... .. ....... wtD ... ....... pdarto ............. ... ........................ ....,.,.. TOU IICAY IIAiafl U.. .... ~ ......... ,.. ... ._ .. In ..... .. ....... ,...., ... ....... ........................ $~ ... ., ............ .............. _... .... ---· Jill .... .. ....,..., .... ..... ....... Ct ..... .... W.O.. AI.._, IOc ,..u.....-: ................ , ... ~·~5'i'=--~ ... 'llfl. n CA .. . ..-.cii011Ca ·····----... au__, "" ...... ,_ ...... ---....... Q.Ut1Da.. -· ........... c-........ CA .., ._..., ~ ,.., ..__.. e-.., ..._. CA .., ,...._ ............... ......... ._....~ .,. __ ~ ..... c....., cw .. o.-c:..... -..... ~. ... ,._... .._ '" D. a Oa ' ............... ,..,. -Nail: IlOna tcta..,.-. ... .,.,_, "" .................... --.. • ~ ewwoee run ... ,, ... .,.. ........... --~ CA .. ~ ._. ....... lD~ •)14 ................ CA "-"--• ........ "'"• ........................ ,.. __ ............ e..., Clitl' .. 0..... c...., .. ..... a. .. ,......_u.a.a Oa• ............ ._ ,..,._ IDOJ ....:IIOta tCIUnoii- U.ITin.IIU'! "" ...... ,_ ........ .._ • AMID IJIAJ.111 CAll Cllftl. Mj c...a .. . ... .... ....._ CA _, t• I ....._ atl ~II. ......... a....\. CA ..a, ......... M!c:-111, ...._. ....._CA_, ,..~ . .......-~ . ...................... ,_. .... .,. __ ........ .. c....., a.. .. o. .... c....., - loelll.l .. ....... .... '" l1. " On • ................. .,,... anu ...-.ciiOTCI rcsnww-... .,.~ n. ................... ._.. • ....,.... IICIS•m ut~enec....,.o. ._I. ....... ~Mot\. CA .... ._.., Gt.,. w..a.. IU4 o,. .. , .... c... ......... CAUUI .,..._ ........... ~ .... .......... o-.MGW-" .,. __ .......... c..... Cllotd .. o..... c..... .. ..... a. ... ...... .... II. D. lt 0.1 ' ............. ._ .. .,., lla ICiiiDW--- ..... ITI...-.n n. .............. It ..... ---• ... IUILO-'Oil IIYIIIII C'OIIIftuefiOII CO t II c ....... c-......... CAUUS .... l lop ........ Ill c--c-....... CA ... ,.. .__ . ....,.,. "' ... ..... ....... ieh I ........ ,.. __ ........ .. c..., a.. .. o.._ e ... ,. .. ...... u.•• ._.... ._ '" JJ. a On • ............ ._. r a171U I DOS PVIUC IIOTIC'E D l -11011CI or DU'111 or ""•II ~ WAQIIII. ... "DIIft ALOII WAGIID AJtD or •nmo11 To AmiJAIII U liT AU 110. . .. ., To .U ta.u.. b.leticuut.a, cred.a tort. coatiag•t credll ora. aDd ~ -~ aay be oth.,.. bat...ted Lll ~ will c. wute ol Herbert A Weq-. aka H.bert Alo6l Weq-. deeed..t A l*i· • Uoa t.. bea fiW by WelD~ MAria t...m.brec:bt ead St..., Jolla W~ I• the Su~lor Court ol Ora119e Cowlty r• queeti.DQ U..a MoDica Wane t..~ ud St.vea 1o1m w~ be eppoulted .. S* -.1 •wprwtatift ao ad· auu.t• t.be ..tate ol 1M ~ n.. p«ltiart ,.. q IMICite ealllodty to act..uat.ter ....... IIJidw .... liadepea d•t AdmbUetreUoo of r..tat• Act A h.riiiQ oa the peUtioa wtll be Mid lD Dept. No 3 at 700 Ctn: C••• Drift Wwt, S.ata Au, CA Q2101 oa Oct 8,1SI82at9·30e.m IP TOU OBJECT to the gruUeo ol 1M penticJ-. yov ebould ....... ...... •• .... beutav ead etete you obtec· boM ar fUe wntt. cab~ wtU. tM COUr1 bellare the llleutDv 9JCIIU eppeereece _, be I.e s--ar by yow '"GU'Nf· If TOU AU A CUDIT- 01 01 • QOIIII..,.... creditar ol tM ..... z~, you ... lie J9U •• wtUa 1M oourt ol ...-. It to u. ...-.. .._.. t ............. "' tM co.t Witall.e ... ......... n. u.. .... at'"" ..... ... ol ....... -puoridtrd .. -· Uoa 700 cl .... CeM6onM ....... eo.. n. ..... ... .... W\U .,. ..,u. pdllrto.__..n.sa.. ••cit ....... ~ .-...... YOU MAt IXAWDfl U. ble ... .., .... CDWt 11 ,_ ................. u. ..... ,...., ..... ........ .... tM ..... to ....... .,.. I ..-e. el ... lbg cl tM tauy .,. ..... .-til ud oldie u•u.-. nd ...... ~ la.ctlaa 13001 ..... ~ .... .... ewe. ..._. Y. au.-, At· ...., .. Ln .. ........ ae... Drift, -....~· .. .. =.l ..... Qi-....,. ~--1 .. ~. ·-··· ,.. ao I'U IUC ltOTlCI ltOTICE or PUIUC lCIAIIQIQ IIOTI('I IS HJ.IIDY GIYUI lh•t the c,,, C •YtK"1I Qf tke Cuy ~ .... Jl"nt .... ,.h wtll ~ • pvbt..r ...._,,,.\1 t""'•td'•" Otd,,..",.. N 82 20 liN,,,~ . ~ .VC OIIDUIANCl OJ THI CITY Of II(WfOIIT I&ACH AN.Dtt>IIIG SlC TION 14 l4 U'IU ADOIHG THl U PliiS L v' UII PAID SIWIR CHARGIS SHAU U ntl oauGA TIC>H Or THI PotiOPUTY OWMPI ll~)fl<'l IS HOOT JUITKP GIVI.II '"• •• ...... p"lohc; .._,,.<11 ••II W h .. d n ,... l11h 0.• ol s._...... 111.1 ............... 7 ., P w .,, •f\• Cvw" .1 c~ .. .,.,. ~1 till• l'tt• H .. U '''-• C·•• .• Jrit•wJkMt a...._h ("•Ill• otr\ • ,u ,whfo('h It,.• ~.ftd t'&.l • .. , ~ 41'\d .u ' ...... ,. tUHtt • ..e.ad --·" ., , ..... , I ot ,, ..... Ait J t• ., .. '' WAnd• I A,.,,..,..,r c ... c ... ~ l ,., I N"wp tl a.. ~ f .,t• •t !wl •, I~ '" Th• H ... ,. '' l •••l ll Nl.i}\ ~IIOTCI IIIO&I'ftOIU 110.- • 11110f.U1'UIC* or Till em COVIIC1L or Till em or IIIWfOIT IIAOl ADOf1'M ,. DIIIIC10I or m DIPAI'niD'T or IIOUSIIIAl IIlLA TlOII 'I DC'I1I UAT'IOII Of 1111 PUU.UUO WAQI lATU roll OI.AJIGI COUll " WUUIIAS. ..,_ lnl II 1M Loiloo c... .......... e.... ... ..... ................ _tl ......... .................. . ............... -~ .. ..---~ .-as. .._ lnl ..... Loiloo c.. ........... e....-,.._ ....... ...., ....... ... ,...._..nee~ .. ...._ .. _.. ............ .._._ ....... .,.,... .. .. o..---.. .. ............... ~ --..a . .__ IIDlellh Loiloo c•,....... 111oe1 •-.. ......... _tl_ ..... ... ,_ ..... « ............. ..... _..._ ~ ........ OC1 ...................... ~, .. , ....... _. ...... ,...... .... _ .. ..... ·-.. Mt ...... . ........ " ........... ....,, ............... _ .. .... ,_...._,_ ............ . ............. -tl .......... . ·--~-... -.. ..., ........ -· ... -lOW 11IDUOII. ... Ctlt c .. . •4 ..... Ctlt ............. .... ........................ ..,_I 1\tt .. _., "'""' .. -........ _ ... _, ........... _ . ..,.. .. -···· ~ ... -,....., _ .. ·-·-~ ... _ ............ ... ... lteel ~ ~ -· -· ... _. .... a...-.""' .. -'--,.,. . __.._ .... ... o.....-.... .,.,_ ... .. ............... _,., ......... ... 0..... c.. .......... a.... •. .... ..... ,... ..... .., .. ......_ -· • -Mt ..... -· ..... .,.,... ....... ,. ....... ... c., .......... ._ • ..; • -... ........ c:.,a...· .... ..,_JTW.._....._ .... ... ~·-----· ,_ •• _ .. _tl nte ... _ ................. -.. _~ ...... _.,,.._,.... ....... __ , .... ,_. ..... ) ..... _ •• IM0 .. 4 ... .... ,......_, ·-· .. .... _ ........................ . ......,_ ..... ............ 4oy .. ItA••• ''" ........ o..e&.lh- A-O..~c .. ca..• I ...... &. ,...._, c., Cleo• .. ......,...., ..... _ .... . ....... ~_ .... _ .. ...... _ .... ...,....., .. c., c-..... _. • ._.m ......,. ..,. " a.a • "' ....... ._ lltl4 ....:.,-.:a ........... .._.. ..... .,_, n . loll_,., ...-.. clo••t ......._ • PAPDTI, 444 O..lor\.llo T-c..-U ..... C. IQG5 ...................... a.. .... r--c..-.. w... CA --~ C.td DMa ........... ~ T __ c-.., ..... CAt:IUI T\tt~ ........ .., .. . ......... l ............ ...... T\tt ... _. -........ , .. c-ty Cod .. Ot...,. c-, -a.,.~ IIG. ....... S.... IS. Z3. 311, <lE1 .. lll821e~-.-.r.... Fl..-:1 Naoa ..uc.:mca nc:m.,._. ._ . .,_, n . 1ou-.. ..-a. .... ,.. ...._ -.. IULD-¥011 HITtJDI COifSTIUC'TtOif C<IMJA .. Y. liS c...._ c-.. .._ CAtaa laM l lka' I ... SIS C..•-. c-.. ...,CAeasas """ ...__ . ~ "' ... .... w .. a 11.-4 ,.,.. 1 Hw~ Tltlo - -..... -· "" c-. a.. .. a.-c-t., -.... 10 liD ~ a.,. IS Z3. a Ot1 .. 11182 .. ft,e ._, r:..o... ,,~ ..._ ....cmnca ..... fLUOJOel-._ . ..,_. ~ ......... ,...._ .... ~-• • GaU.ADA CDVUUA AJIOCl.UQ, .,..0 9 .. t.r--. ........ ~a.~ ..... w..a., u •··~-•--• ...... CA.._ .... ~_. ..... I 0.... -· c l a Ill ~..__ .. ..,, ....... . 0,.., Jlal c. ..... llrM. .......... .., .• ..,... ...... ........ ,.'"._. ""' .................. . ,.... ... , 0 ........... . ..... ,_ __ ._.,.. .. c::-..illltt a.. .. 0..... c-.,-....,,_ ........... , .. 1:l .. o.t • ·-··~~ ,..,. -- oJf tn the fourth . The Oilera tcored two more haN in the fourth, pultmg lbe game out of reac:b thank• to the fine tbrowmq arm of Huo· hngton'a quarterback Inc: Lawton, who completed 12 of 22 pa ... for 165 yard..t. Of cour .. , tbw doea not mHn Coron•'• deJeOM didn't have ita momenta. Joe Palluck at linebacker, John Outott at defeolive end, and Eric Shaw at nOM gu.rd all atood out for the S.. Kln9a. II'"'UDtJfonleac:b 0 10 0 14-24 Cofooo ct.t Nor 0 0 ., 0-., H.l-ltau 27 yud beld 9oal HB-Creda 2 ya.rd 1ovehdow11 rvn Cd.W-Narlm 15 yard louehdowa run(Hv9b .. luck) HB-Creda 4 yard louchdown run (~Ia luok) HB-N .Ray 9 yard P4M hom lAwlon(ICala klc lr) TM Hm Pu.ller'• RWD Wooden Bo.t R.c;,atta wUl be bald in Newport Harbor S.pt. 18 at J p.JD. ln COn)WlChOA •1th lhe hnt Caliloruia Wooden Boat ahow in the wh.rf area of Lldo Nanna VillaC)e. The boat ahow will be held S.pt. 17-19 and wtU fMtur• million• oJ doli.ra worth oJ wood•:o boata dating •• fa.r b&ck aa 1879. ''Thia 11 th• tint time lor an all woode11 boat ahow on the 10uthern coaat," aocordin9 to Duncan Nolntoah, producer of the ahow. "In the H.t, the in- the-water wooden boat &bow ia an abaolute MUout, for people 9et to ... craJt which uaually have cliaappeared from the aaU- ioo acana." Amon9 the boat• to be aaltib· ted on a oot·for-aa!. baiJ.a are lh• Yehll, buUt 10 1906. owned by George A. Wtlton, paJtor of the Wilmington Calnry P....bytuian Church, and the Nightingale, bwlt 1n 1954 aAd co•pl .. ely r .. tored by David AbrahamMn oJ Waat Loa AJlC)el ... Houra for the thow are Fnday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a .m. to 1 p.m. Admiu.ion ia SS for aduha and fr .. for children under 12. The regatta wall mvolva wooden c:ra.lt over 20 f"l an lanC)ht. It alerta from the •how docu with Mila baqged and a ataggered a tart . The event ia fr .. to apectatora who attend th• boat ahow. --lYAll f ARM t N I UaANCl01 roe•UMMC~OAU Dennlalolene AGE.NT 410W.CooatHwy. SulteT Newpot18eoch, CA 645·6470 ua.. • good Mtghboe. State Fa.rm Is ahae. Slolefofrn---~ MomeOIIcell ~\. CGIIUII 671..0110 Coa1tlledla New1ctroup IIALIITATI TOIUY? TOIILL? ISAIAH .....-..oaT MACH COKUilYATift HI .. HoiJ ~ 8entc .. at IUWJ'Oin'IIARitOa un•.aAN CHUaCH 798 Dovet Drive. l'tewpott kac:h llA8aJ •o-T aa&,..IAR •••oiii.Aft Ternpfe Choir lt08H IIMIIAftAII Friday, September 17 Saturday, September 18 Sunday. September 19 .. Children's servaces both days &OLNIDRB Sunday. September 26 YON&IPPUa 8p.m . . 9a m. 9a.m 11.30 a m. 7p.m. Monday. September 27 . . . . . 9 a .m. CBILDaU'8 ... YICU ..................... 3:00p.m: JUIUIAII. Yl&llGa ••'IOAIAL URYICB AJID Jt••n All c:GIICI,MIOfl ................ 3;30 p.m. FOR OR 646-7612. s BINOCULARS "ORANG£ COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTION" CALL '1~8 ~!I(E 'OR INfORMAT ION • Ca l's CAMERAS Tile P~tmj Houee 2384 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa ALL1\N BEEK FOR CITY CUl.\t'IL At the Christian Science Sunday School. young people ate hetPed to seek their vaJuet tn the Bible In this great book they find parab6es. prayers. kfe stones. and clear teachtnga to he4p them mcwe toward the right choices And Jesus untel.f•~ powttfUI ..,.,.,.,.. to be tNif model tot right Ktiona. . ..................................... .. ,.. .._ AII!C KAT. 110'11 CAUl .... ltoo.W ·-Tiw _..., ..., "" c-., . ..... ••• JIMl n.. .._ ,, . ..,. v.,, n. ~ ... ....... . n. c-• ... ,.. ••• ... n.. .. _. CIAT! -. ...... Piau --n. -<: ..... n. c ...... "•<II I ,.. l <iG •• ,,.,., TM -.. ,..,.., CA t "'"'"' CAt;! n.. .,,.., .... n.. Co\11•1 A ... ; ,... ·~· ,I.,. ... ...... n .. Cf\••• """'; , ... ·~·· ,. ... .. PAU PITt I To Cl'edl ~· oUa. wUI HU.lei baa Q. I Cour q?IM tliJI,.. ....r alai! dee. q...c u... ct.t Act. A wWI '1001 Suu S.t D' ~ ......... --·~ ·wu.a. ~-rl .. ,: . .... ., Olo of ttl ·~ a~.., ::: .... ... .... ~ .... ..... .... ·~ . .... ....c: IM)'I'C& '"''''.,.._ .............. n-......... ,._ .,. -... ..-.G.mc:a ITI OIUIW 01-0IICJI..,__ ...... -.....-• •I VNIOUI HOWl A T1 ~~ AUTOI IUIIICPA e) AUTOI IHTU MATIOICA1 4) caU I snctAUtTI llfTUJf A ti()IIM •) A ON liM I caV. CUD, 11lt7 ~· c .. c .. ... no. •~· ... C A "n•• u • ..,v. ~~· '"' . c.......... .... ....... TIM ....... ~~ .......... .... _., .. ....,._....__ W11T COASt TUVI.L CllfTIII. W n•ll ....... CA-""' ...,_ ..._-........ ,. .....,. -~ ~a o.-c-., -~~~~~ ...._, ._ ......... 107 """'""'" -n....._._ ... -........... _ ... -........ ll a. .... ··- ~ ..... CA..U n....__.....,......., .. .... 1 u ........ " ....... to. ......... -....~ ...... .,._,Mono! , .... --1 ... hied •·I· 1 .. 1'\it __ ........... c_., ClN• .. o. .... c-• .., -'" ty» Ita PloW~ A... 1e lS S."' I t. lta .. TIMMowpo•l a......o c-. a.. .. o.-c-.tJ .. A .. IJ,I-~ A.,. It, 31. .... I , e. ~~.,.TIM..__,._. rtMUI ...., .... ...... ... ,.....,._.",__ ...... ....... .....,a.a.-. ,..~0... ..... 0... .. ~ CA ....... -..~ .......... -~e..... ....... c-_ ....... CA--. PUIUCIIOnc& nc;nnootiUSIIJDI ~ITATOUifT TIM ...u..-,.,_, ••• oleoaQ I .._ .. OUCll t.IMOUSI!U ll-y,. p.,. Tr.Mco c...,... CA' _,. O..Cn a. .. fll,_ lac lite v,.,_,. T..-Co•-CAtM11 n.. .._.._ .......... ..eoeo~ ~ • ~· r "'".._ ....... Qor~ P Ctall "•' ....._o..c-.a. .. ,.._ lee I 1'\a ............ ,,.... • .... 1M c ... ,., c ... ~ o~ o •• ,u,. c ... -.".,. o.,t A .. 17 Ita '1 ~ A" n S.pt J..-11' 1\ 1 ... , ............ ,,........- ,.... ....-. Nl!\5~ rv.uc 110na -· PiCIII'IOUI~ UIGITATDCDn TIM ~ ra-r-10 clv•&q .. _ .. 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YOO Alii IM OVAU\T U)IDD A DCID or ,..._, b A T'I'O OCT 14 1•1 U1R.1a YOU Y AU AC'TlC* TO ..ancT TOUtt ~un n NAT A ~D AT A f'\I&JC IAU If YOU IIIII) U &n\..AJIA 1'1012 Of net U!VU Of ntl f'WUCU1Wi ACADIST tOIU fOU IMOU\.O TACT A &.A W'f'D n--· -·· ... I ... _ .. ...._. .. I ... ......__... ..... .., ... ,_m ..... ..w _ .... - .-t..;to , .. _ o-4 _. ... ... .-~-..... ·--· ............... ,,,., . o.-.4 A .. II I , ....... -··-' 0.... CA (fl4 .................... A .. B ... n • ...._ ....... Y..-d .... u ,.. ...... ..,.. -,,. ... ....... " .. ... ...,r, .... -· 1 "" J . ..... t ... " .... " ..... -· .,, -··" ~ f···· ··" ........... .. ..11>1 ..-• ft • .. ...t••'".,. I ... ~ 111ewt• "• ••••• A .._ .. 0....C. I ••~~~• .... "··~ .. ,,. .. .,.... ... T• .... •'W4 e4 •• , .... , ,.~._. ..... 0...... ot ,,...,... :~...-. ...... p ... ••lo4 ~ WM ""' 1\ I •.,. •' ... hn~• +M•••f.,.. 1:0 r..... 0...1 ,..,..~ ... ....... , o, ..... c .......... .. T~ AU .. Ol::rAU\t U A ono or TliUIT Dol no ro XI I til 1/Ml.Ua 'YOU 'TAD AC"Tl<:* TO PIIOT1n YOU'll f'IOf'DM IT lolAT • ~At A IAU: If TOU IIQl) All CUU.MA notl Of nu •an.raa ~ M ~ AQAtiCST YOU YOU IMOUL.D TACT A &.A W'fD n,._,_ ......... _. .. .. , . .,..,_... ..... ,_... .......... '" --~ .................. . .~ ... -..... ...._ .... _..... __ ... ..._ ... !.,.. ............. ..,,. .. o. ........ It ·-·-...... a. ..... c..-• c.a...-~· -..... ,_ ....... ,,_ 0.... ...._ • -· 1 -_..I I ...._a.,.,O..,... CA. ffl4 m. ~ .,....._ I ......_... I ......... I ..... ,n.....,_.._.. ,..,,,.,.._. .... ITA1'a.:wf r ... ~~,_,_ .• ....,.. .,...,_ .. DlftA<'OA.tAl Nil~ twG tOVlC"l ~··· ,_. A ... o..-,.,_ CA oau ...... , ....- ,.._ Jll7 t-. Alt<o 0.·-,....._ CA...,., n .. .......,_ • .,.,......,.,.. ... .. • ...._. ......... , .... n. ..... _.-.............. c-... .. ""-c...--A .. 1\ I ...,_ A.. 11 3 ..... I I ·-.. no...._.'-" Ill .. - ' •·•t ... •'low:.lset b•ll.lW'IM•.,.,. a ,. I I PAY ONLY ONCE. YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD, GUARANTEED! When you place your "Private Party" clnalfiecl ad with us you're goll'lfl to sell your Item. And if It doesn't sell after tt._ first w~k. we'll run your ad FREE again and again and again until it ~ That's our promlaa to you. Your ad will appear In The lrvi~ Today, Coats Mesa News and The Newport Ensign with a combl~ readership audience ol over 185,000. Little wonder we can make guarantMa like this. Cell ua· today or use the handy form below and mall in your ad. Then don't go tar from the phone. Please Note.' FOR SAL£ 2 PLOTS, Pacihc Vtew N•mor~al Park Worth S800 plua eac h Pia .. • lea•e ,._9, !714J cog 5380 J llwullmo • \J.,ud," ~ ,ol '"~•II pr '"' !•• \\o~lno· .. ti.ll puhlll'lllloll :.! \II 1'111 .11• !',11 11 I •U ,11,1111 o·o'tl .11\-. IIIII"\ ho: Jlr!'·!~tid pnnr to jluhho',lllllll t) uu t.l llt'h,,rl!o' ol ••11 l••u• \\,o .. to•r ('h,ll'j.!o• ur \IS\ l.'<lfll .tu .. t 11•ll u ... ••r. 1l lllllthlllo: 111\lf ,1\1 . .,llHpll "lllo• \ttU!' dWfj.!l' nlrtiiHIIHIM'I Ill\ t ho• I'IIUjMIIl IM •Ioo\1 I I ilnl1 ptl\aH• p,llll ,01!~ 'IU.dill l nr lilllll'llll h't~j l'lt'll~' ll<II'U!I!IIli'l't'l,d ,ullt•l'll.,t'l " h<<IIH'"'. 1Jiolul•· hultlo'"' Ill" Juut l !tot' .. ,,],· ••r ],.,,..,,., 1'<11>111., It II' to•lll ,.:.tr.tj.!o· tor, ... ,,,,, ... ,,], ... "' ht .... lllt'"., "]lpurtuntl l ,., ('t•ttt'\111•11 .. "''II l11 .llt •·J•Io'il ••11!1 .tllo·r l1r"t puhhr:llh•ll ·, J~, •lifo• to• o,oll.oHtl o,l!lt •l 111111 .11\,tlt o•t \Ill\ It' ,.,,Ill 111\11 tlo •tll IDEAS. INV£NTJONS, now products wantod now tor pt-nlaltoo I 1ndu1hy Call h•• I -BOO 528-6050. e.t 831 lUETS UVESTOC& hr11 cia.. LAX to &o.loa from N.w York -ch, WOI'Ib OYOI H c h 6«-9278, 1CY10 II ENTEIIT:\111 PARTY BOUQUETS Un1quo, por~e~nolued Qtlt O.h"••od loe&lly Otdot tod6y "S.IIoocw ol Nowport," 644·7440 A BtA UT1FUL BELLY DANCER wtU _..yow no•l OCCMIIOII. IIJ)edal Wo ontortatn tor prl¥1to <~.nd buatn-QIOIIPII c.u 731-4574 · 'STOP! LOOit! AND UST£N! •• ldoiUe ..... ""' ..... Ilk ·~­ln . All lypoe of mu.w;:lopl1011al tular-.. IJoor thow. Plo6o.aon- .. J. ,_.on.able 137-7303 Lao t 11 S180 •• -W'Dfk 1-2 hooulr otulhaQ oavolope1. S.ad ••ll-oddrouod .umpod .~~. .... ~ope to: Coac:ord, O.pt 14, 18032 1.-moo Dr . YodN l..wi.. 92636 a...-...... .. ....tYM1l ... .... ..__ ....... ... ............. - CRUISE SHIP JOBS! AU OCC\I~IIonl Gr .. t ill· como potonUal. For u:r.- ~liCIQ call {602) 9QI8..0426 O.pt. 8963. '''WANTED''' Wo DOG O BEDIENCE T.-n.=•l TRAJN!JoiG ior ownon wbo car• ~-.rpu pp._ 7 w"b and up Group! pn¥ala -.one Boord/ tJIIInl.Do . problom be- havior conaultaltonrt Sue Myln, 966-8444 nMd S to\opboao ••P'"• toiiiOih ot lot our Lo'iJ\1111 HtU. oif~. ~N•t-tUM A ..... awe ss. SIZ/hotu Co•pony bon•lill, or••• at-~phoro, .. poue~ profonod/wtll haln C.ll Wr Wan, 859- 7442 botW .. fl 12-4 pm LOi';V,;I;;oN;eG~-;N:OCQM'TiiHrt•R IIOIOdod kl watclro a.,..,_ okl and 8--Ut..old Monday-Fliday Call toll&.. niUDhar 1.60(). 532-3972. ••II lor Poll!IJ .. "''' Adwotcb ........ tuna, f AWILY PfcNi c- S.turday, S.pt 18, 110011 ,.~tu 11 Ad••ooa 12 ICJcla ho Gam ... prtue. lood, drinU, -.. ... ua~c:. lin'illoa ill· •ll<td. lrlao ltd• Palllftlo Without Potl· _,., s ... u .. 11p Ortoo• Hwy toward £lei~ WatddorUf ... 10 LOa1' A11D roQia) GARAGE SALE8 ,, Of 'fOUl 75 moatb'• 1upply tolurn ad Call HIRBAUFE dillrtbutor, Wlc hollo, 645-5423 100 PEOPLE NEEDED lo looo I 0-N I be by Oc:1 15 100 ~rc.nl 'iJuarontMd wlo, t.ut end ollo-clho Call J..lio, 673-9267 01 968·0127 , ___ .... ~.....,._ .. w.- -~~~. ro... w,......_ .ew~tr, •......., •· lllfoMIId ....... ·--Ill ............... --""'" n.. ....... ""' w 004I'H --_.. ... , "'-'-_,......, .. ...., .... ..... .............. w.• ,...,., _..... ., - ........... _ ........ oocthlllllllo ..... -- ............ t~w~ ... .-woto .. •t~•J••"·~ .. tool!lt lhl f M ~ ... _,..._ .... . • ,,._._,""" ......... _......_n ... A.LU lila!' • .....,a.u ..... ·, ......,. ... , ... -· 673--0550 COAST MEOlA NEWS GROUP 2121 'Eul coast Hlot~w•w COfon• del »•'· CA 9212S 20 WORDS FOR $20.00 \ololoo"'"•'l "'''"l•.ol \l>o •PII •I•' "'"'I Wtwn "'••lone ,_ H IN ...,. to""'''-,_ c...,.~ ot _, oo• Dt o1 .-... ,........,. .,-.,. to,_ •• ,,., 0... .. 0t VIU cM11 IN two to -t,Ao ,.-, ....... c-- 41DIAIIOIIDII IIWIUY ROUND IIRIUIAHT DlAWOND, l 02 QUII, a ppnl•od S tOO p,,.,. .. po.rty, ... o8or (71.) 55-e-467 SILENT VALLEY memborah.Jp RV ,_, S3,000 or t-It otA.r Na.r klyUwUd. 171 4) 838 4603. ANWAY PRODUCfS OOlll. kl you S.u.t.c- IIOfl 9111100d 01 ......,. .... ........, PORTABLE SPA -'"f:' doall ltldnoy 1ty , wu:t.r wananty, OOMG, 5 ~-. J CO.• trolro, lila, coot $3,700 Soli S I , 700 CaU 645-7557 IIWU'f10 lilT .,,Tell/ rAil._ ................. 0 lis' ...... ...... _ ·---.......... -----..-- DANA POINT RENTAl C>c.an v1ew laJ9ot l r 2. lueplace No p.ll By owner 496 NEWPO RT BEAC H mod•rn l atory S.clr. Bay • b.'<frH>m J b.tth l ftrepl.lt JIOOJ ldCIU Ll 3 (' \1 •·""9" l 2(X) II S • JOO m nth t avn l'•'~~·hlf' 136tl .HOUSES FOR SAL£ PUBLISHER DOES NOT ACCEPT hc~b1hty lor 1nc-"rr«l tpooll109 Ql ;mmtth<.ttJ llh\~ L UI ••1• I ly~"JI·•Phl< c~l error~ •n rny odver hMmotnls pul>l111h.d •n the CtM~t M ... f,,, N•w .. Group NEWPORT BEAC H J. b.-.iru.>m l b<~th ~ •It u~~r .. .Jotd Av«ill 1ble n.>w \895 poor tnt nth 640 5 jJ.4 ELEGANT l bt!druom 2• • b.\th l sto•ry townh<•UM 1d1<1 , .. nt to S..nttt An.< C C ommuntiY ~I '""m~ Sl •oo lurn!Sh .-i S950 unlurn.ahed L .. t>.tde C..-t• M_. • ~r<'C.>m 2 b.ilh ~nqlot r..uy hom" l .. uqv v•rd < haldren pt>lw OK S860 monrh Property HoWle Ulli~~'><.l ll..·n ... t><ll IU 10 68 HOUSES FOR SALE PaESTJGIOGa LlftDA 18LB as.soo.ooo L .. 46u•a Porecl• .. re 41 u ....... I eo-bay voew hom tha~ nwtesll( S. 700 ,.q. ft. eswte Enc:losed pool •nd ~P" and wine eel~• Pier •net !.lip for 8S' "'"<hi. Auume t\lshng I st TO of S 1.650.000 "' 12... lender will Mtotlate fa11ora~ tern" on be~l.uue n f financing. BH*tr co ''P· Qualifoed p.trlle' c:onlMl Jeff James.ln . Oo•nt)' Sa~;rnq'l (714)549-U II b t 602.604 RATES lEDUCED Palm Sprll\91 luaury condo Fully lurnt.alw<l I bordruom »l .. pa luu• T•nnt.a •wammanq 11 c u.uJ Avtul.bl., w-a anct. nudw"ll " lo•n•J er Ierma C.ll .,lt.,r 6 p m 545 7668 '' 84b 1188 Open Ooofs aa.ooo Circul•Hon 673-0550 SUNNY rnounte~~n v•c-' hun 8lq S..r •b111 2 h lr-->Ont plua lull SI••P. 9 \35 p.r Rill hi S/0 ralund•bl• MCunty ~l•p.>611 Call Beltnd~t •' tU .. I 42 4 8 .lO 5 p m LAKE ARRO WHEAn 2 I '0 new 4 t-jmnm plua lo.-11 l Nih .Z lu•pl" • l b.• I.. un ... c '' hoodr tl • eahnq >i.>r TV Sl-~ 14 North Sh.••• S285 "'"'llttnd • 14'> ...... 11 \'l'-1.., m n I) 'l.!, tlb it Rlh Bl.AR C ABIN 1-..fr • ·m 2 b.orll IHptt .. r u•pl..,, t! ··mpl•t•ly 1 toun11h ... t w-t.ly •nti ...... ~ .. n.l r ,,... N~n om >lrf'n [n, '' S..pt•m t ... , Olrt •b..rl..t f or "' .,.. onl..>rm.lltnn . •II tt t I q7t:l6 49l .!9~ I .................... Btn BEAR I b.<ir • •m • "bon on Til .. \~~~•••••••••••••••••-. S~v C'H-ctn J•r p10e ·oLDCDM . $227,000 . SOUTH OF PCH Fantastic 3 bedroom. remoc:Jeted OlfiSts home on on R-2 k>t There IS open beam c .. OS throughout ond k>ts o4 glOsS The large IMno room boosts o wood bUft'*'O ~· and ~t ~ , ... dlnlnQ or-. and ldtchen all lac* out to o Me~ backYard TNt Ia the a.oat e.pens1Ve home tn Old CdM (that'S not 0 teordown) Fee land. ~21d. GaEAl ~ • vou don t buy tNs one now. you • be miSIW'O o tontostic ~ Mud .. inK> day1 Col for vcu l)fiYate lhowtng today DellafloU 611-1166 11-. IH,.pl.i ., ulur TV S..S p.tr Joy SP<t' tt \1 weelrh 1 ot•• 6-4b IH81 PALM SPRINGS ••nt.-1 Studav o\J)dCIIV .a .. l ... .,mmmg poola 14 i lUll Oct 29 V ') S t'.iO Nf'tr rown C•ll 1 r .. lllr-num~t I to> '> 1.! l97l ult lot P.-nnv•""' A1"' 1tch M5'lb7 llROONSFOR REiff ROO~ AVAILABLE J.o,.ely l.slt• f .,reat hum• Own b.ithruom pvul, lub 1nclud10d S27'> I 3 ullhh" Call toUI1" nun~btor I 800 5 12 197 2 .. ~ "'' "•n~~l\ .. •r A 1w '' h M nJC:~ 118008£SFOR SALE Yout"'~'l•l~ ldt "lch ;e n ·naltt feel fOr our ln.~·-linro .. tn."\'t .. , \\1th thclr bu .. y lluk .. hup"' "'"' ~Jlllert~ Or""" ll the Ji(nlf ('Of~ ln South l.n~unu .. or tht: drive thnlUWt the ''"''~·un pu~t the ..wbles. Muy~ tt "'''-' tht-rtclc up tntn the blllil tb1lt made lite JVCUIN ln'IJJ''-''k"'· ,,.,.._,_ IJif( ~ Pft't"' lnt~~ hon~ whtlc at the .me tlrnc. noc. \\'lutllnS( tn mi-.. .. tlK' -''1\>w. Wtndi.ng th~ tlw net~hurlw•~el' vnu muy tun~ nutJa."C'' n hunac fttf' "'lc. nnd wcntc~l wbat u ","a.ld be llkt• to""' tl1et'e .... ~ llkcl~· tbc ~Mil ~·ou .... w snkt Xulun. \\l1~ ... ) lk.•cm.se •·c're one of the h~l ..... ,..., prnf~'k'nul n~ul ntate cunpnnlett In c he un.u We R1tc I h•uad.rcch of bunlct b-bnndn"ll .. of 6una- lleM ~ yeur. f )ur orm Indue~ ~ ~.mh lnt(luue, nnd J..aeluat• X~'i. So. lftlutt -"' on )'OUr fcort hns \\ uc·k«t . _ MA ..;... U.tt \'Unr l...an, ndl . . "·e'ft heft to help. • 120ft'IC&/ OOIIIIEAClAL EXEClTTIVE O FFICE wtth recephon .. t oree r«ephuntsl and phone ~nawefll'lll ev4alabl" d.,alr ape~ce rental dvaal<oble N.>n amolrera lrvan" S lOO month 559 5092 13 REST HOliES p .. Htrdllv lur nrshed rft><ienlldJ .. ,.., .oulh•'••• Hunhngtun 8e.K h "' Cc:.tct New Nature non tmol11nq pro lf'utu nol l•dy Ret.renc• Call (71 4 ) 893 1700 I BLOCIC 10 aE.ACh S IS 000 dow11 S..u hlul J b«<room 2 bath < nn.-lu •uum•ble hnan ' I Otl s I 4 0 000 Ch.srl .. l R.,alty dnd In ., ... tm .. nt~ 496 8122 A'lr l<>r luw •• r ... nil TASTErULL Y FUR NlSHED une b.droom .. ., C< 'ld r undo an Hunltngton Be .. c h Adults over 40 S.Cuu ty S IOOOOO (71 4> '>Jb 9629 FOR SAU: BY O WNER L..t Mo'\nche townhome Montsel model AMume S I J3 000 hrat T D 12 '• )() yedr h•ed E11• ell•nt lu<allon 8 11 9596 ov .. ntn9• 8l1 .~5ddy• 71 LOTS ACREAGE ·XEAN VIEW LOTS hom SS.OOO TellDS lit • ·-lly tn.1e ) Worro Bey area A.Qenl 171 4) 760 8160 17 REAL ESTATE BY O WNU Apprc,.. m.stely 3 'iOO ~ It custom horN property on I I <~CUI wtlh vtew borhand l " hour qutlrded community Pool ten nas enc~ equ•htdn ~€'nt•r 35 ma._ to L A e>r Notwp<..rt S..c h Lc.. C<ilad on lop of h1ll wrth -4 ubservc.llon balcona" aun ound!ld by baauhlul •·ustom ho•m .. 1n P'"" ~111\.IS Dl<tmond B..r '11 RESOJtt 3 ,.,. S45JOOO Owner PR()PER'n " dQt'nt Call 17141 598 671.1 Brolr,.n 1n IIOIK)I.UI.U 110M& _ 1111ed Tread• tor Owcaag• GRI.A T OCEAN VIEW Co • a · Cuatum J bedroom ty .._,~ Clty . ._ .Z·, b->th compl•tely ~ooa. utl.-- uPCl••d•·1 Beauttlul ll&-~· .... SJ><toash bNch Vlll. a-.tJ ..... .w-. Only S45 000 Jown o.-. Cell .......,.. Auum .. bla hnancanQ 1• ..... a..-.-..n. S24 5000 Ch.ttler _..._,_.~Ad- R....Ity <Jnd lnvMtmenla wcatcll ~ · .-ge I 22 Aalr tvr 1 ..... , ., franlr II HOUSES FOR SALE WOODBRIDGE LAKE FROm Spectac-uler S b.dr. .... m l b.tth SFR ll1•w home by owner '9ent Pool tacu&lt• ·ustom leatur• tluu.>ut Call fur ank>rmatiOil •n ..uumable hn•nnnq 71 41 84 20162 "' SSI 6829 • MOilLE IDlES · SPACJOUS WOBn.£1 lrv•-' 3 b«<rOOID wallr tc. pool end ahoppuu~ No peta S.Cuuty 45 yN_r.• to buy Only $.46 000 Jane aQent. 551 3061 FOR SALE WOilU HOME South WQilNI I b.droom paliOI9ard•n pnvele bNc b Great wealrend h1da a way S 12 SOO lema by owoer C•ll tollhea number I 800 532 3972 aU lor PeiUlyw..,.r Ad watch N37.38 MIOA'fl IQO ..... I 12 81.1Tl'£Rrl V SAJL BOAT la111ular to l.uerl Whaltr lr<11l•r llo"utJ• tu~ eacwllenl ~them S I 100 utl«r 7600356 FO R S.AL£ 16 .wba .. C .. t Orano• hull w1n doW11 other e atrua Wtth h•aler Sl 9"50 I /14 6336629 SAIL AWAY 1n your VaQ•bond I 4 lull 1411 ot seals tratlt~r mot ·• til the 6 C cebOr '"' y<>u need S l 595 lc hn 6450421 FlSHJNG BOAT I ~ I S.• Tra• ""' II M .. r cury motvr tr • ltrr aper• llr .Z v•r. ··"· holler oti .n, 11<>1 wtnd1h1eld .,r poolt'Ci baat tanlr .. , '71 41 760 7912 ,. HO BI.E CAT Wllh lratler S900 ..,, be.t •I ••• Must .. u· 496 841'> toSERVJCE/ REPAIR BRrTISH AUTO RE PAJ.RS Jaguar JeoMn H-l•y Tnumph MG Tuumph St<119 .. nci m •• othe1 8r&tt.ah autoor 199'1 Harbor Blvd CUCII•I Meu 5 4 8 6 l26 HtJU1 S GARAGE AUTO REPAIR Fore19n DomiiJIH £n91ne uv•rh.lul Tun• up bral • eltoell t< t l Call 730 4894 tl MTRCYCLES/ MOPEDS IEIC1UY 1957 BENTUY E• ce llent ah<~po• M ,., .. ., C•ll7598068 lqao J20S I LA'iS((' vvwry 'JJi ar,r· , .... , 1 a nit Rfotol Jt , ,,, •' prucfurl• '" m ,.t. n ... ,. tua 'nd br s•• ,. b73QI68 Ill~ 1978 BWw 320a Alltlu.at• 1 beag•, &II Blaupunlrt at•eo c....tt• Eacell-1 S9.500 Hwry miMit .. u• 1655 WJU:) 557 8220 u t 227 644 2005 BMW IYdJ /4 T u R 8 II L.':JJ. hp h~Uy \u.s 14'· t ·~ •·•I E...ar ~· tn I h'1r.~ nt., • • ~tndlw. U S f n• S..r tl <6b.!l I l. I j 27b <6b l I I Y79 7 J.l1 ¥qUt1Jp..<•1 AW \16 500 C'.tll 862 !22.l I .. ' l<fl 21 i 1979 5281 Au cood 1-th., eutcm1ahc .uuoot etc EaceUe~~t ooacLt100 I I I 000 13.S XJtGl Daya 12 1 31 583-1.21 1980 BMW t.•u, Bldupunlrl ""'''~ •t•r• tunr -.;t t I( " wh-1• ur S I i U(..(} •I botal ll.,r Cvnt > l ~J I 66 36 ... , 2226 CADILLAC I <.J7CJ S£V ll..l£ DIESF! • Sh.~r p ~ 1 t ~ F ~ ' 1980 CXSOO FAIRING C B tl•r• ~ AM FM TrunkcaM 7 400 mal" Eac.,11•n' n j 1r eac ellent •lt•pe viiQ w"ll m111nt11n ... t A);lror 1 mal owner 871 Ob4 I S~ ()()() Dun 7 14 h 1 I 559 9299 S2 300 bwr S862 2 I J .!IX1 -4>1 ott.. 984 Yl w 1980 Y A.MAH.A XS400 1958 ELOORAD< ;;. Specaal Eacellent on 1 ... 11. M""' ~··•"~ , 1. drt~ 11dde n only dur 1,AJd 1 ••1 '""' , 109 aummer munth11 power ,,..,n.., S.l c (ll 'I 175 M~A~I -I I •P O BO c •' [lol' b I) pr•c•••• C<\11 Btll I 9148 551 0736 I~ CADil.LAC 1977 HO NDA kJ(Yf Sev\U. Taupe and wlute Good abape netoda -.1•101 wstb ta11pe Ul work S400 or beat tier t tenor, low mtl• II.LIIy 493 5657 I equipped s.lhDq Sl6.tl00 c.u -- 1211CYCLES 49J.l874. I 346 3025 DATSUN 14 18 DAT"~IJN t If ... HJul' 4 1 ,., I •r r ... h-1 II • •I ,., " I I ·~'. •• l t .. .t .... I• rty I .., ~~" fi. ' Sl SI.KJ '>4t; o1 111 EXCAUIUR l lq7<; T(JPS ,f1t aEI6 PP J •v• la4 11~ 11 1 A• ,,, ~ "' ~· ....... t I''"' I • lt. R ~· I• l't6'• EX< Al ll!IIH J.: ' ~ f"i ••• , ~., t ,. r. ,, ' -l If. . ' '• n:RRARI f ERRA!ll •' •t-o"'; r r. • I A I $ ~ ~. li I I ~·I I ~ Ml Hd H kRAk' b• 110 to Kkl 411,' ~'~ ... A •• l • .-f)lt' [ 4p-,1 • ; • ....... • t , • '' n -1 t..-I. •I f .. 4 ...... , ... FlAT nAT 1976 124 SPIDER 45 000 maiM S apeed new top 35 1DP9 red ••I.a. AM rM c__,t• I uwner f'\awi- S3875 0 80 010 TZRl Pr~vela pert~ 714 1 lj22 2004 LAT I I ~ c • • M • l • r ,, A f ft•11 .. \I .... l • I• t'• .... ... r • I, , 'l A ~ '>I I' U• ~ .. ,. ~ .. I ; 'I 1• .~~ AM t~ " flo S j I • ~ 1, I ,tt,.r '1' n FORD 4N f R[ f lfSiA l 4b~MUSTAN•~ E • • MAUTOSFOR SALE .AUTOS FOR SALE PORSCHE -··I~-....... All ~"'~ ~ ., ........ NAS£1\ATI 1982 Ou•1 "·' · , tru Porte Wu.~ Mil , , n ,, 1 ""' l>bb.r 8 500 ..... S..9 ()()() i . B(. c ' Otien wtll ~ cona1d. • • ed IOISS481 PP 71 41 f' !-1H I ~ '1. I 9638855 or 71 41 ~'1 • , ,. "'"' '" .,., 1 9406 "' ·~ • M ,,., ,, Nee -ct -ct ceDi w• ... ucabk e..., ctay W..._ p11'r• .... lag t• rellabkll'aallpOrta tloe.111ra to cl~led 673-0SSO MERCEDES BENZ ... .... ·. I ' . . p •• 197h L8l: SEDAN Whot" ""'•" ., blue 1n let&<•r ·•• ~ ·l••n new r4doal tu• mecbarurd l ly ••• •lien I Must M il D•va 95'5 0623 ·~ .., .. Jt.ntia "'59 Q)6l BIU 1961.. I ~ Sl 8£:>1 1\.l.nnanq on lJ I $6 SO() II ' • ~h/ ......... '.. . .. i t' ·• i ~ . ,,. A U I~ l f •• t• t • ... '"• I • l • 1 h ~· .. • • 1 • I' ~· • 1'1 ' I .. ~. t k •tf<L f ~ • • 1 I ' • I ' j I ' I v -< II f l I'~ 7 I 4 , 44 I''' ' ...... k--• .... r-~ .. I I I• ,,_...,. ~ .. " Hr • ~.· •, "' ·.. /It : 1 t It lh I . ' ., .. . l \ ... ~ •. ,..H.-It' •·• '"" '•-4 '"~ P< •fiS('tH ~~ .. • T " I 1 • I• ... 'IIJ • • lr $1 -11 '•I S l.l ~ r rw•• •• I : 4 t:JY I I .!.'d c I • ~ li'd I CJ I <;'i tt,, f'('>RSI Hl i'lOB ~•t'l t I t ... f •nl M ·'' • I I b I I t J'>.! "'A P' >~r;:,. Ht ~'>&.· • '• , r .. t tw • .-r .. .... ,... n' ,,.,_. • th lf~r ic~rt • ,.,, 1 , •• ~ Cl.l..,., •~ t \I '>((. t.:~J. ,,,,, ..... , eoo ROLLS ROYCE -. • RNIC"HE .rr• r •• • I ;a •1 1 ur ... atom ..... ~· 't" pp '.. i I I . '<E 'fH I SIL VtR A t• !:L a1und) ., r · , l •• r PP ···4 '>. ~ 1 Sit VEfl C LOUD ..,._,., n..J&h o n ~· ,~ .. RHLJ AM FM 8 • , • , · Mttl• ··)Jt•r Jm" Ell"'' PP t I-.-j'<ftl dOO( 11 • ''It:.._ 8e··h~'Y .r . I'll '• r Rue •P 'PP1"""'1 v c;.., \C,'i 000 ' r. II'ICi n~ Pf' 714 ~ -uNVERTIBU WOODBJUI)(OE F ,, Mle by owner owner tranalerred Htgbly upquuted prot..lonally lctndac .JI)«i m.untcuoed .:r .. lratde Poplar mod•l J b.droom 2 bath am maculale h.>me Many eatraa Must - to •r. prenata Auumab • 14 J yNr lured loen S 173 '\00 11 Tbc.rn w<Xld Ptlune 559 <}448 lor appoantm•nt MENS 10-SPEED nam• br•nd S..9 Boy. Shn9 ••Y coaatu bralra cru11 er S25 8oth look nd• new Save SSO on N • h s.&-8066 1979 C ADi llAC S.vtll• [J,.,,.. l.o.tdad J• ..... r ~,.,..ran .J t • u-.-r, s • .... ., •• • l. • t6 flot\' n\1 1u .. n B... • X~X , S.lhn9 Si-\ .... ._, Ct. 213 14 l 4 _1.}1.1 ••• S l 7~ 'l'it>I R t• ~· I I .... "" ~~ ... ti'llc•ll•n• nJ<11 n 71 4biJna2• •q ' ··nr q t• O NLY S 35 OOo wn 1 J lon'l term ltnan anq E:tr h 111 plea ea ,e tl•nt 1" at 1on MIOATI EQUIPIIEifT 13 V AJCS/TRCU FOR SALE br J W I'I Mual •"II SB 500 tj!)Y 8040 CHEVROLET COJIVt:TIT 4..,. ~3 000 mtl,.• t" " HOIU>A 1961 HONDA ~·curd 2 d oo1 bat llb•d: :l() 00() mal• I•;JPII t'>)ue wtth pa~IIP•R9 '••' I ~~~ \:-'-J )i' ... -! ,. -I S220 000 Charter 13' BOSTON WHALER .0 bonepower Mer ~·ury undet wenanty Mttcb 548-900 I 1964 VW ~OOBUS "Q"''PP• I s-, "> AM rM c.-tt• Au ; • R~lty &ntl lnvHtm•nta •96 8122 lui! lo r 1,,.. or rnnl se 250 1nr1 " illt- t!JOI~.: 197ti C H~Vt fH H h .:tndiiiOniD~ I lU-n>ntrof S6 5('() c;12 071 7 I ~· H.., "-: .\ f" • 1o ,\ < I I . . ~ O WNER S.ck Bay Newport 2 story 4 bed rOt. m l b.tth Mod•rn wtth po••l t4<'UZZI btq lot J c<H gar•9• S ISUOOO usumabla S41 0 000 6-42 1366 Factory auruool 2'; w111dowt n•w pa111t sn ••nor t...dhoer mach ar:uca lly eound S4 750 O BO Wah 559 04 I 4 Mond•y Fnday 7"i l 3500 r494MNSI ~ ,.1 ... I'" 1 -\V f V v ., , .... S9 500 DOWN S I 000 moothly JO y-r baed rate 2 bedroom I bath \llached Q•r•q• Owner M~a10n V let(' 581 1106 1981 CHEVY CUSTOM ~.l .. nt V~ 4 •Wlvel .... ,~ Sl 500 mtnt •nd bru "'n C 1 met•ll• v•lor" 1 >I' ~'~1~'~9 ~Jmt-..·~ •' ~l.., tnte 11or S 16 0 p 6-42 2291 n ' ..sv~r A 1 .. ,, h M !:'b. 1980 vw v ANAG<. lN I (W•tlotfo,l La• nt'w <Ondtllvn '""' mdao~• CLENET Mrvt<'e ~·ntr•l1 9,. H I CLENLT Q >y -1 ~ll .tile· bment •ent po ,. t I ,-,alu s~ ~ <;('"-' OBC polly •'· S llCO L[ lAY .11 -;'k otter 71 4 d7 l ~42 ~ 18. h4 ~.'7 r1 AUTOS WANTED . ~ .... ~lf SfT ,,.,1 ·" w md..,, ''f ~ o 'H 1nrer. •r L ' r ' '' puantn.•n' • ..,..... 4 _. ~ 2874 I t4r> X .!S JEMSEN 1 -l I[ \IS~' I ,, . ' .. " .. I > ' . . ... 1 \ !'>4n4 <' \ . . , ........ , .. I,, .. •' F .._.~E ._ Hf.AI ' • ,. ... • c •• ' ... .. . ... BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR . . . .. ' ~ ...... ~roar~ ........ P UBLISHER [10E:5 NOT ACCEPT ,,t.. ·~ lor ant.'OrrKI •ro--ll or, 1 qremm~th• a l 1n-t \H ac•• or typoqr 'Pn .,1 anon an a ny ' lvPr •-menta publt.ahf'<l n the Co.at M..:itA ~ .. w. Group PEIIISUlA HOMES UOICRI OIIIALIIHitiOth Now Offering 90'\ JEEPS CARS PI• • ._ UPS tr.m SJS A,, able \I local (;. v•rn at our Corona del Mof OffiCe X>HN CAREV. ~ men! Auction• f ,,r duectory cctll 1:10<, 687 6000 e'!l l..: .... C.llrelundabl• .. .BOUBEBFOR SALE ••w • .._...,...~ ................. -.............. , ...... ~ ........ ( , ...... ·-............. _..._ .... " ........ JII'Io ·- TURNER THURSDAY OPEN HOUSE TOUR h om :Ztot& pm Prize -t .. , '-yfnet. Ste,s fer 2 ..._ta. ~··--3 ........ 3 ... , .. t1.200.000 GeM• ••• .. tty views. ... ,. ... room. 4 '-d , ...... l t.etlla. 3,700 .... ft $1.315.000. Oc•llfflN't LIDO ISlE HOMES ,,. .. l• ler4 ~yff .. l 5 Mdroo... 5 ., Mt\. l•rll hYtlll reom, 2 bNt sltps t1.SOO.DOI. 111••111111• l ._...._ 2 Mtll ,t111 lar .. rec r-. .._... Clflt1111. f•n~ished. INhes MZt.DOt_ liiDA 1Sl£8AYFROMT l...-va trM I IMI*eoa. 5 Mtll. pa.y ,.... ..,. ,.... '"' .... ..• . .. ., ..... BAYSIDE PlACE DUPlEX s,.cuc.a.r ............... 2 -.... ...... 2 -.......z ... -.zMu......_ 2 ._. ..... ftr t nit-t1,iH.IOI. COIOIADO CAYS '-.......... ,.. ... ~ ... let 15' '-' .._ ..._ .,..nrt'a ftiDUClDt ... nn.• .. _ .. _ .. ;;;.;..;.;.;-.;;;.;;..__ __ llUffl COIDO J, • ,, ~M • \' ,. •• ( • • hi:< .. MG ... . .. -r--• ·. OLDSMOBIL.E l ... • 1• "., }tiN ,.P~TtRA I F'ANTERA l ~ lm•r • ,... ' '" )(ll) 'rr" rr . 1 " ~ o P-11 hq 1 ~ , I E I A YS FOR SALE ~ RuU.S R~tYCI ..;,,.,.., Wr .. tt• I DIS976• A • nu• w •n 'itr 1nter.ae "iit moln ••• n•w :,, • • H .. a t'>(.l m..>nt h ...... ,r S l ~~· mor.•h • • ... •.• '\X pp 213• ~ ...... 5'\t I Br q~ TOYOTA .. >i .,. V i A 'ELJCA ....... r, r o X ru ~""' m-.. Awn AM f M 3 II• " q• ·.tt whHI f'l< E• • '•·, t.4 ..... ,.1('1 ~ " ., •. , • :.... .:lH ........... ~ ... :'•' ~ f rr. VOLKSWAGEM ~~A '>CJ RC\r~c • "'•1 •nd1ta r !\: .. 'ti3rfllo. M-..t• ••" .... « ~ 'M_)l r .... • • .,.., ...... 1 1 •• "" ~ 4 -<f"-of ... k • v: • ' '.I -.,.._ :~ "' ... ,. ... ,. n t'f'lu.! '-rt 1 .. r.,Jol'f' • .......... ,,, .. \ n~ .... , ~ • • t.: "A. ,£~ .;rH!i N .... ,,,.~ r • , 1\.J «v,.r•m •• , •1tP r' ., ..;, "lOd ,.,. M••' .., \ 4 95 (••' u .. , ~ ... KRZ 4 .. 'ldli" 99 ANTlQUL CLASSCCARS "I~ EXCAUBt.FI ~ • •• tc n 2 t· nt le.n i . " ""i(l 0 pp 32.2. .,·wr c, 1, 684" l•Rf' FULl SIZE REP ' ll · -.. • ,..f' rn~t beeu ' ! ol I 11 "V•r d ... 1qnecf "' t .. ,., m•• h•n1.:a ~ "" <;(,) I b54 Thorn• A.... s-C>..go aa 1 oa . 714127l snsJ5 ..::...:..:...::_ __ REPUCA JqJ4 fftAZ lfR N.u!l Sb.trp tun • ., .. 1 .. , VW eooUM lrtv•n nnly 2 !575 .W. A .. tunq S6 '\()() 1422 \to f M ~9 27 .. 5 ek• 6 1111 •AUTOS FOB &ALE • I .... It W1+ ' Y• ,,,, >11 IL 1-1M ....... &<a DIRECIORYOF SERVICES 88,000homeal coo• •••• ..... .., 2721 E. C... Hwy. corono dolllor (,.)~ .,..,an..,...., 1 WEEK - 3 WEEKS - 6 WEEKS - , __ ..,_.. t5.96 for 20 wordt 10'!1. DISCOUNT 20% DISCOUNT '*·---................. """'·~--_ ..... , Open 6WEEKS 13WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 W EEKS .............. $12.96 . .. .. . . . .. 10.46 10.20 9.40 8.50 .......,..cao -- !WEEK 6WEEKS 13WEEKS 26WEEKS 52 WEEKS .............. . $1.24 pol l ... .98.,., line .1111.,., 1 ... .79pertN .lllloor l""' ,---~--------------------------------------------------. Classified Just Compute Your Own And Drop It In The Mall . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .... '-"-... - ROOM ADOmONS Retl'lO!HllGQt and oaw Electrlc:el, phunbtn,g and IOle.r c:oatrec:k.-1 u.c.r.d l4 1i819J. ,..,.___ lOO'IL BMW -o. l.o\1 ~ c.... Co., (7141 g lall. Carpentry. pl .. ~r~bonq. electucel. doors c:ur and 1r1atelled. moldonQI , c•btnell. 1hel¥1ng feu.c.t1. garage d001 1prrn9t-. IJNinkler 1'(11 lenY: Fut. elhc111nt Mr "''c:• LM: 8352651 1111 ·07 NONE JIOIIOVEMDml SOtmf SHOR[ PAJNT lNG -nd Wood R.lhn 11-ht"'ii R..w:lenh-1 end c:ommerct-1 lntar•o r Eatarror Cabtnat1. stall ratlll, doot•. lloor1 BtU. 850-l920, allar 6 p 1!1 PAJNTtNG --CAR"P&N TRY lntanor. ExteriOr ~anl-.d work. rat.r an.ce., tr" •hm<ll .. 545-5206. Hank PATRICK'S HOME Ra _..u •ad lmprov•m•nta .:;o.neral matntetwnc:a. cer penlry. •l~tnc:al. plwt~~btftg . c:oacral• p.t.• t~ end walb Hourly ratM. No )Ob loa amaU {71 4) 646-3793 ~~~~~~~~==_!HOUSE C LEA NIN G Plene run !h.ts ad ' 1 Prefeued c lau.tftcalton (10ee tndex) ' ' ' ' Enclosed lJ my check for S : VISA No ' 1 MasterCharqe No ' ' t N.tme ' : Address ' ' 12J ' 161 ' /01 I I 36) !40 J (44 ) !48 ) (52 ) hm&5 sta1tmq O r pleaH c harqe the ad on my Expues __ _ __ Phone __ C11y _____ _ DftYW AU. TAPING All te •tur•• el'ld aOOiolltk: Room •ddt Uo. end reizl demege Free _...,..._ l.evt.a.. 675--Sl(lBB. 1 ·DEADLINE Monday, 3 p m Clusdted dtsplay rates a1e the ume as d~:~~-:~: : All clus1hed adventaements are placed tn The Ne.,po.rt &ruign, lJ ruua:ruu. a CAll- : and Co. fa Ne.o Ne.,.. Nnl -Eq.-t ~ ~~:--~-~-~-=-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-:-~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1 ~~~ Toke advantage ol forthcoming market at today'a depr811ed l)llces-wllluup~owner-oaalated llnonclngl THE VALUE OF THIS PROPERTY IS IN THE LAN(}...but Its location W<IITGI\11 Improving and expanding the e•lltlng 110me which can doubleltlvaluel Situated among hOmel pllced In the ~figure range, lhla R-3 :IIOrled Nlldenllal propeny Ia tOdav'a beat buy I Appralaedandpllc:edto ... at$525,000. I ' • """'"' """ ..,._ terv CleorW'Q 51»-""""" .. """""' foi:H IC I O wner """"' in 1,_......_ ..... ,__.._ D , ~ Ia-... rMOYatkln. ~ NOt ....W.'IIItK Wa do It .n, .,c.u ., " CompJ.t. ~-.. tDQ. •partmenta, honotN, c:ondoe Rea•oneble R.Mr•-Cell Ill . ~:il:-2531 . TOP BJ\ASS CIN.ntne;t Sen~c-. ~epart rs~•QI&Icond-/rent als Albdebla rat• 6-42· 0190. s.,...tnv Orar19• Cow><y NEED HOUSECLEAN INGI fu1t tizne 112 pt:~ -• .,...ythi.no;J In c:lwdad t•pertencad end r•lerencee lWuoa able Call 768-4257. All<o LAIIDSCAPING YAIUI IIEJUYEKATION C1eaftwp • Tr.. Tum miQg • Lew n flen o vet1on • Rale.ndlcapmQ • s.,,.... IAQ Kerbot-Aree !Una y.en Stet• lw:.IIMd, on l tuad f r-•hme!N CALL BOB --KASONIIY WN H ANDERSON Muonry BJock, brkk. ltODe, t.nc .. , patloa, pleat..-., wall. ll'lt•r· -'•.-tenor r,.. •· t.u.at• (lJc: 380921) a-ded, tllllured 641· ..... C. I. JOilDON IIAJOJOIT Cwet011:1 bdc:k and 1toa• l.i.l'l<» 1953 lJc:- IJ68927 Boad•d •·n• BIUC X. VENEERS B&ock weU.., PIIIVU19 . •lone wotk. hfepleoe lec::aa. r•tiii.IIUIQ waU• and r•palu Lice- 4l33S5 Fr• llatunet• Sutton Waaoruy, {7)4 ) -2905 . M.ASONRY WOOD DALY Lanclo<upo FENCES PATIOS SPAS DICKS 113-IIN AIOIIOVUfG &a"rl.eM*i, pc....._ *••t tow.! rat-."- --. Ootd. ..,_, -•o •III.W D ........ as,_... .. ,, • .._.,._ -~· SU NNU PAINTING SPEClAL avaraqa e• ter101 SSSO lnterwr l O'r. ol.. Q\Wity wo. k eud .. teriak 9\1&1" .. • teed f"rM Mhm<'ltal fred S36 3471 WE SATISfY YOU w1th leal, lnendly Mn•ICe The 1111 .. t hn11na. N ... t •nd eompt.ta f tn- PetnhnQ Co ht1•r101 $50() £.at.IIOf $600 Cell966-&670 PAPEII HNGING O RCHARD WALL COVERING hp•rt 11 rtppuu~l tn&t•ll•tton RNtoneble ret... "" Mhmat• Raler•nc:aa Call ErllM. 6J 1-4576 PIIECISIOII WALL COYEIIJNGII ExP"rl craltamen.htp. low rat•. b• •Hmet• c.u ... d • .,. 30%· 30% .. yow-(I~ ol waiiP"per Commer c:>al!R .. id•nttal 6-42 :1047 ,., .. - pet10 c:own !rom t-.3 00 • lq~otere tloot, r.dWQOd dec:b •I S7 00 a~qwar• loot r~ eatuaet-Er~. 955-2187 PET CAllE/ OIIOOJCJNG • ·DIAL-A -G"ROON Mobile ht Groonililo • • Ia our vane et your "'-• .... lth O.pt 041 tilied. {71 41 SJS-3425 PIAHO/OIIOAN TOlliNG PIANO TUNING ~ !iiJUoelehoa •r., INjj Saddlebac:k IUM Lewis Tener )r 4!H-8440 PUSTEIIJNG All PHASF.S ol PLAS- TE RING Re-•l~o~c:c:o, texhuiag, onl•norl•x .... ;.;;,"";.'< .. h .• ~.· !loom c •"" •timet• ... ~~~~I Jobn. IIOOfliiQ QUALITY ROOfiNG !lor *-Old •nd new C'OftttructiOn L~.....t. uuuued arod boftd<td JlelerencN • .,e,lable Cell Kenny F .. nke. uy llme,64S-0193 ROOFING AU ty~. new, old re p.111r1. decb, water prooh~H,~ Call Bob 548-0719 Uc No 406022 RAY 'S ROOFING CO S.r¥mg all ol Ora~H,~• County All typK Fr .. ... timet .. , lnll.lred LIC 361042 AU wa.~ 911.ar ant..d 559 9369 ~GifiS _ srtLIGH!S SAVE ENERGY All WOI'k g-rant..d One day •n•t•llallon W.atoa eo-~rwet~o• (71t)-n31 TILE INST AJ.L.II TION DYNAMIC CERAMIC ula uut•llat1011. onter oor ••'•roor end r• """' F r-Nhlll41ti IPun;hoM all malefJal through ma Up to 40"11. d~~eount I Hon"t work ... 5041 CUSTON TIL[ WORK' All typet lnltallc~ho,. lpaCt<lhliDQ on ra mod.,ltnq lutr hotn and bath Qu.,l,ty workm•n lhlp r... .. .. m .. t .. Relerenc.. Ron 17141 493 8408 TIIEES EX""""ji[jff TJIEI SEfW ICE Tt-and Uullb tumm1nQ and re moval Yerd cleanup Fre.~ " ttmat .. Caii96J 5982 - ""TREES EXPERTLY TIUNMEO .. ad ••mov .,d •· elao y~rrd •nd o~rrden ta1h Rac~aoM bla ••heblll Call leu lr•• e•tnrtetas Art 548 7802 RON"S TREE S£AVICE -T11mmmg topptn~ •h•ptnQ, "" r•mov•l allirAP remoYal 'taud <'-:.::r Lrc.n.d •rod IAIUI Que.ltly WO<k Fr-•hmat.. 646 5394 TYPING S ERVICE Dlpmdebl. end accu rete Blolltna u and ac:hool p.~peno Noter., Pwbhc: R•eeonabl• ··••-l714)6ot6-7852 ' deh¥•ry ~uuty. d•poa11 lor butbd•y end ber PiJit-Call n~o~mbet I BOO 197 2 •all lor Pennyaa¥•• Ad watc:b C6:il:99 • "' lllldted ..... r.--beglu wtth f&bric:a. 'l'h.y are claM by d.igMD ud muw.cturen JDODthl belen the liM Ia ~ted to bu.yen. Colen are decidecl t.ba. too. Today Ur.e. two tee- ton. fabdc:e ucl coJcn. ebou.ld be our lint decWo• when con· lllderiDg faehkm lllveltmellt. for fall 1982. Your uiltiDQ wardrobe ebould be checked caretu.lly with the tboUQht lA milld. "How cu 1 up- date?" &member, tbia 1a be/ore you. 90 ebopping. Fub1011 pu.blicaUou haw been abowillg you. trudl. fabric~ ud colon ior IDOJlthl beiore the ...-oil 10 lt'a euy to ..teet your favorlt• Clothe~ are u lllv..tiMilt today ud you. do want to think "bever.• ~Call delllQMU are al.o thlnktpg lll thoee terma. The cu.n.at 1m. are JDOd.D, ,_,,D,De, tr .. of gimmicb, very right b today'• W.. It Ia a eeuon ot •~oM. however, 10 tbiD.k lll tenu of lli.ll.ou.tte, lell91h, IDOOd ud proportioD.. Whatever aulta you. la fiDe lor today. 9Wta are the Datura! Nllpollle to either a taibed or QIDIM mood. And au.ita become the atruce ID&bra. 'nae newly proportioned jacta.ta are the blou..oD. the tlou.cb. the ultra lODQ (belted or UDbeltedl ud the ~\liD.. nae awly proportioMCI dirta are the tliJD wrap, tliJD atraigbt, aoft, euy Uirt and tbe ridlag Uirt. Dr.... 90 atraigbt lor day ill leaD chemitea ud OODtinu.e into evuillg. Other dr .. allhouett• are hip yoke blo\liOna, drop tor· toe ud the fit 'n' flue. For late dey, dr .... oontlllu.e to aparkle ud thine. Sttalght tMZU to be the ailhou.tte which prevaila in all 1 mooda. There are atraight jacat1, malgbt .Uaighl leg trou.Mrl, .Uaight Nita ud atraigbt coat• lll addition to the lhaigbt dr ..... Hemlinee nm the gamut from kn ... gtuing to ankle length. Remember: Cbooee the propor· tlon. the length that ia Battering to you.! ~tted fa.briCI abould be blgb on your list to COD81det but not the old. ltald poly..ter k:nita. AdoUo ia IJDOnymou.a with beautiful knitted lu.it. and the lugbllgbt ot b.ia oe...a coU.C· ticm ia the clilmer au.it. Oa.e ll a kehmcn . .-knit with mtncate gold braid tr:DD. wom owr a chum.eu. blou.. Adolio'a laabioD.t are ior.v. ud are ex- chaaiw with SUa Fifth Avuu.e You. haw only to check the European d.ignen thia •uon to _. the popularity of knita. Sonia Rykiel of Paria ia now pro- ducing an Amerlcazt·zude knit line with. of cour•. more realUIUc pricee thaD her couture line. Some of the textu.r• abown here are hom the Jhue Bemu Collection Fall '82. 11:a.ia New York delllgner dy• apec:ial col· ora and tTavel.a tbroUQhou.t tbe Briti8b lal• for k:nitt ... She w.av• her labna he.-U with tpeelal colon and thea a\lbmita the aa.mpl• to the te:atUe ma.nufecturen. 'lllen'a a beautiful peec:ock and pheuent IDObair and wool fabric in a tu- tural ateamer coat with an at· tached acuf wbJch can be worn hooded or aa a wrap or abawl. The Jba.ne Bam• menawea.r collection inclu.d• longer lapel- ed jecata with knit trim that can double aa l'portacoeta with the lapel• down ud u blou.aona with the lapela u.p. The colon can only be d-=ribed aa "yummy" -railin. bronae and thyme pllldot ltnpe of cotton and wool ooorclinat• Wlth many otbe1 colora N.Y deagner Lynn Novak d .. gna lor both men and women, too. Her butwear col- lechon fo1 fall took her, aa abe ltat•. "through the dully out· akirta of Scotland. mto the Highlands wheN the ab .. p and abepherda abound." It 1n· corporal" all her colora tn pure Shetland and lcelandll type Shetland yama. Her fall collecbon for both men and women are full of d .. p ;.wel oolorahona Novak uae1 vtvtd Autumn colora of gold, rust and Ioden 1n addl- hon to Jade, tu.rquo&ae and pw- ple Her akirta are eathe1 very long, 33 and 34 1nch•. or abort kn .. length. Cu.lott• conbnue m 1mportance and Wlth all bottoms. a lcmger narrow look a.a unportant The combmahon ol tweed Wlth knatted fabnc 11 very popular Wlth all demgnera and you know that tweed aa and always bad been a "forever" labrac. The ncbn ... of tweeda auxed Wltb touch .. of lace •• an important theme of the Ralph l.aurenFalll982 Collec· Creative Jewelers, Inc. "~ ~tt"e £ g;e ~~e/~.1 .. Classic Jewelry Custom Desigped To Reflect TOday's Fashion~ndLifestyle Diamonds • Pearls • Gemstones Complete Jewelry • Service • Des~g • Remounting • Restyling ~"Repairing • Manufacturing (714) 60-766 2610 East Coast Hignw41Y • oron~" ae1 Mar, California boa.. ahown here. AI.:> note the CricUteer 100 perc.t wool bnJ.hed Shetland bluer It 11 iD a ncb plead of ~ aAd loct.n higbllghted by teal, b.eUotrope and roee, a tradi- tlbD.a!IOft aboulder bluer Wltb thr .. buttona, backmg pockleta and hcllet pocbtt Bill Blaa, a New York dealgner att.clionately !mown aa "Mr Style," aa1d recently "The tbrow-eway yean are over and I hope they're gone (Contmued on peqe 22) ' I ------ • .... liWJktiiJI.IIIOI 'IIILI_'IM.....,..kllp A For1982 the aame pair trom mornin~;~ to nivht. Cbanv• your heel beivhta and u.. aboe tr._ to m.ai.Dtain abepet.. He eJ.ao recom· menda uaiag aiUcone on your fin• aha.. I ---h. ~riM lor fell 1982 ther• are many hMd to toe opliona, 10 .. beQin at the bNd. Rata er• truly Lm,por· tant A9Ain the opUona are muy. f.doru ue at tA• top of tile lilt and then tA..-e .,. IID&Il· tailor.d. ~with c.,.-1 •• r,tiMd cunru, alopM ~. I&Ja,igbt bdma pa... dOcb., overaia.d. ·~avaln chOOM ~,O.r IDOal flatt•rin9 '\hat: ADd, y•~ beta lor ~ ev..U.v bav• returned. I •, • .J•-.lry-en effective ~ ciM&U for f..U'a s.IU.. • stt .... again, wUh ~ auy oplion.a. You've i ... n the return oJ the loav. chop M.rriDga, 1 th• wide cuff bracelets, , both very ornament&!. Dcm't overloolr. the au,tM&tic cUleo pina pd jewl.ry with an &n· Uqu.e fup.ah, any ol your t.m.Uy )/.•blooms. Black jet it combined • . l ' with cryata.l; e&bachon aod ieoet.d. atoa• are 9QCICl ilt.veetm•nta end, , .. , •vel. thin•toaHI haria, every woaa&n'a fa.vorlt•, every d.UVner'a accent lor tall and winter. And then there Al'e ~e,uv• end bella wilh. • new deaivner, Suaan Horton, Qiving ltOphiaticatMm to her 'handloom.ed ac· ceaorl ... non• oJ which could ev•r be m ... produced. She u ... natural fibers- pur• cotton, aU, alp6c• and mohair, bequently dying h.•r own yu· naperimentill9 on the loom itMit. A tcarllor all MUOJ).a ia shown here. And 1t0 we v•t to the IMt, althouvh ltQme oJ ua ... 1 that you should beQin with ahoeal In • rec•nt interview •• Neimu· W..rcua, Stuatt Weitaman, d"igner and pr .. ident The femuune, flUid suit bv J .H. C~lechbles m Stevens W ools Nole the fuller sleeves. the funnel collar and the easv sw.ng su11 • ~. ·~ r'l~~~------------_/ t, ·Back-to-School Savings . • J ,,.,. ..... -""""""-.. ldiOIII 'MoM ....... frO .. , ............... ,"" ...... "ffn., ......... !WI_.,_,.,....., ,. • ...._. .-..... 31 ............. ._. ,... .,. 1'*'0 frO fiiCIIIhlftr ~ • ....., ... II ~ ....... ~ "'*""" ... --~ .... II) ....,,... .......... ... -....,.. ... _,.._ III'OCII .... INIII• ..... ,.,. • ..,....,...,.~ .......... ,.,.wfoltl\~ •""' ,_,.,frO--CWI "-d of Nr. Symour/Nertinl· que, muWactur•r of women's dr ... sboea, bad many auggNbona lor cariDg lor your abo. AND your IMI. Rotat• you a.hOM, iJ poeaible-do oot w .. r .......... , ... taled ~ .. -_... .... ... I MWiau pul. ' A scarf for aU seasons by Susan Horton. Of pure silk open weave. il is warm for winter or il can be tossed over your shoukfers for an easv summer shawl . introducing .. IIEST ALTEIINATIVE" THE NON-SURGICAL FACELIFT Thlo totally -and highly unique ,.-.. -.._!IOU ._...,to r-ID and ...... of flldal -...dea. and owr a ....- of treatmenw can lmprow the ,...llty and ........ of tho oldn, .-ling In a I/OWltlft looklnt !IOU· For more tnformadon on how you . can panjdpato In thlo ,._...,, ploaao call for a oompltrMntarv oomultallon. Ruth Btyant' s COSMETIC STLDIO 271 E 171n St Costa Meso 646-4026 • . • . ttw~·~ ct'~m.§~n6 Custom d4signing & dressmaking. TM finest in (culaions created eSJMCially for you. l': :~;, 'f~ · .. ' ' •• ORAND OPENING SPECIAL 10% Olocounl on All lleodr·lo-Wiar 3021 E. Coast Hwy. • Coron. dal..., FLATS/PUMPS JMtfll (' ... t ,MH/COIIO ~.o. CA 92626 714/ 54Q.2J7.S I I 1411-1103 f loll, puonp s CMd o''-' -·""" _. .. '01 1fro. f)'PII Of#P'optootelv ··~tor mOd-dkadt ottW. HeNy Grett* puts Na beet foot forward, Introducing a new line of ~ for men. Henry Grett)el Socks come in a variety of styles, col-on end patterns. Her pump Ia fall'a forever fashion. 1 The meecuh lilhouette of Cardin's men' a clothing CMries through m 1 young men' a apparel • wetl. At left, a slate grey herringbone tweed three-ptece IUft and on right, a cocoa brown tweed wool blend two- piece. . ~-__ ....... - Painless Hair Rem<Nal! 'tOO are oot able! m to~ cl Suitable Stripes-the slim skirt and spencer ,acket represent the season's newest shapes and the over- t~shoulder shawl finishes the look. By John Meyer of wool flannel bv Stevens. World Neighbor Travel, Inc. NI1!'POft llacb . 2043 Wtatc:M« DIM · Suite I tO Most Storts have A Pattern For Evay Size But we Malee One For Evay Customer MISAKO'S cvsro• PASJIIOD Custom Dalanlni & Drasmakina-Altuadons RENAl DESIGNER FABRICS lnTaupeandBiock Slzes5to10 TUSkee T.,. ~\ \ We also carry uquisJte rudy-to-wear fashions, Tuxedo Rental and Bnda1 CoordtnatJon Joa•a.c..alhry. c.. ....... Mo.al03 J\1ake an appointment now! all women have lllWclllted hair f RLINE EBROWS Now ... ~ ~inless w~y to remove unwmccd ~r ... md it works! Usin1 dte btest techniques in r~dio fre- quency technotoiY, EPILATOR 2700 is your mswer to this often embMrusinJ ~uty problem. We promise you won't feel i thinJ. .. beuuse nothin1 xtuaUy touches your skin, ~ opposed to me ~inful 'needle' method. Speci~lly designed tweezers tr~smit ~nnless r~dio w~ves directly to the h~ir root, dryina it cp, ind the h~ir slides ri&ht out ... ~inlessly ! ~ke .an .appointment soon for .a FREE ~nd confident~l consul- t3tion '*irh our tr~ined experts. It's the e~y, ~inless w~y to i more ~utiful, confident you. Do it tod.ay ! HOW TO GET ~OFF THE DIET ROI.J.ER COASTER M.P.H. ..... -lila ........... .. m 113M .nUl....._ 111111 II ............................ &e ..................... .... oa ...... _.,........, ...................... th• • .,.. ........... vn-. ,..... ......... ll'hll .. ............ ~.~ ......... lila -ll'hll c. ... ....., ...... ,. .. ....,... ........... ~lila-­ -ollila paiaflll w..-... .......... ~ ..... ~ --~·· ,.. wu aa ova On.~-~ If you •IIA _.. ...._,_ abcM lila HA IT '"-'-call 171•1 l6J.«<Il T\e HART I• tUl¥1oe IK .. iocM4d al •tlO Bfth "'-.&use llS. ~ ....._c.u.._.neeo Jor a tuhion d .. toner. every ..uoA ua imj)Ortant. Tlua la11 ua of particular aiouilicuc:e to Alan flUIMr, New York d.Uouer aDd author oJ "Nakill9 the Wan: The luider'a G.aic~At to Buy- iA9 ud W.arill9 NeA'a Clothea," puhli.ahed by SUDoa ud Scbuater. ID additicm to bia apo~ liDe, the d.U9oer il iatroduc:in9 the lint Alan Flu.uer awt, ctre.. ahirt and oeckwear coUectiou. Flueer be9an d~9 clothM when be waa 15 yean old. and now at 37, bit c:lotbM are c:anied by over 375 ~ty aAd deputment ator• ac:roea the cou.atry. Plua be writM aod tpeab articulately about the biatory of laahion lt menawMr. "The cut of my auit ia bued on a 193(M awt. modified however for today'• man," be Mya. "Ita abape ia not ollly full and comfortable, but it alto lollowa the natural lioe of the male pb~que, d.U9nedto move with him, not a961.Dat him. And my new abirta and tlea are all of fabrica that a.re EnCJUab in OrtCjJlD aAd d .. iQU, of a quallty and dH19D th•t emaA•te from the Engliah cuatom-t.Uored look." He believH that iJ you polled the MCJment of .ociety that baa taken to eaaual clothillg, "euy com· fort " would be theiz reuon for tbil new Mnmbllity in dreuing. He aaya "Look at the (COAtillued on s>e96 li) Cary Compton & Co. AF create ESHNEWLOOK FO FALL! HAIR CARE AND STYLING • A ha.rcut that is customtzed for you and your lifestyle • Choice of permanents and body waves for carefree maintenance • Color. weavma and henna sktllfully applied for a natural look PERSONALIZED SKIN CA RE AND M AKEUP • Custom blended makeup base • Make up lessons • Individual lashes • Waxina • Permanent Hair Removal COMING SOON Jazz • Exercise • Dance Classes Massaae • Body Wrap 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 642-6164 Alan Fluuer'a awt for FalUWinter 1982. The brown double-br .. ated glen check au1t " c ut along BriU.h blade unH w1th e.ztra fullneu at the aboulder bladea m the back and ~t the cheat 10 the boot. It la worn with aA ln9bah woven cottoo broedclotb alurt lD a bonaontal atrlpe w1th cutaway collar, a madder aUk foulard he and pure wool a.rcnle boee. all by rtu ... r \ ~~©~ \1 ~ ~W©&~ FOR BACK TO SCHOOL e NIKE • NEW BALANCE e ADIDAS • PUMA TIGER • K-SWlSS • ETONIC • PATRICK STYLO e CONVERS • DOLPHIN • THOR-LO • TRACE IOCCIIIHOII HO S Reg. $39.95 * 10,. DISCOUNT AYSO * $16.50 PAniOC J.MNTES $3o11.95 PA1110CDMNA 535.96 .-IIWOPA'S $90.95 n-. Dllj;S SM.O~ $20.95 ~ Shn Guordl. Et>ow Podl. Krwe Pods ~w< dli\u~ ~3[J{J©rts- 333o E. Coast Hwy. e Corona del Mar • 6734 966 $!2.9$ $ot9.95 $29.96 $15.95 ' (Ca dra tro. toll oft thn bn hiN ... eoh c:,. oel .... Not c:u wt~ ~ Ia (Coeti•lled &c. ~ 18) and back. lt'a worn cbape of our jacket and over an aU cotton ox· trouer to ... how they lord tattenall ahut Wlth follow the uturallm• atnped repp aUk ue. of tiM body." the Al&n J'lu..er tluee.button aingle· recogrua• that today b~ b&rley corn qualtty cloth• muat be a...d ~bt with the conatdered a form oJ aide veata alaown watb uaveetment. eolt lo••t green ud ''ODe cu aiaaply not creua larabewool flu. ..ttord the purch._ ot Del alac:b Qivee th.t clothing which aa 0\lt oJ "euy-cloee-U" attitude. aty)e w.Uun live J'Mn," Note the two-ply pure be M.Kl. "Men h&\>e DO culuaere veet ln camel choice but to become with h&nd·intarata &ntelligent conaumen." QOlter motu on front -NUclred Mead luy com.fort, OUIItand&nq qu&l1ty and l&Jilelean .... by Alan FluiMr EM.: II* .. .._~ .-. ,_WooL Pure Pwt I tw Sull Jecbl. Olnll. sa.: ..... Sll0··140 • IIAJa The Alan Auss r Look Bracl.llg up "' what Al&.n Fl\liMr auggeata the well-qroorned rn&le do th1a fall. Note the unique contour of th• wa&atband wbtch accommodat•• th• Flu..er lMth•r·hpped w1ne and oltv• atnped brae••. allow&no for the perf.ct "bang" oJ the trouaera of aturdy colton cbmo. The ah1rt •• a ptnk and gr"n tatt•nall check an aU cotton oaford cloth. WOII.UI AND liD PB .... • COLOiliJIMI •NAIL8 1675 IIIVIJIE AVE. NBWIOn 8EACH (nat to,,.. R.dl Marll.t) ... wilt\ the ruu.lnsightt .___I' N A s•aVJ«:E _ ___. EAIT8LUFF VILLAGE CENTER 2S~A Eutbluff Dr. Newport Beach 640.9080 In n. .._,, wol....,.... U ........ ,..wool .... ... a... ..... aot •• a.w ... v..,...Jcc...t · s 1 .--.d .... Slll-=6-li:Sa , .»40. .... WoaL I \ .,_ •• 0111 •• lOOA ·-~• DIV .... .....- . &b .. ·-·· ............... fnatraaed_.. • 11 • .... dallk ...... act. .. ..._.CIIA_. . I. « MI.OO Monday-Saturday 1:30a.m.-9 p.m. Quality Clothing on Consignment INFANTS, CHILDREN, TEENS AND ADULTS NEW ACCOUNTS WELCOME MON--fRtl 0:30-5 PM SAT 12-5PM l:l~. ~~.....ua-. .<¥'......_ /:,~ .ru-~ /(.,. ~~ ~ .. 9f>._Y 1 ,/~~ ?/-it/.,.,.~. ,j,'J~(,JT • • • n. reaud tweed bluer Is ,... one froe ow~ ........ *-o~-·· )ld .. ()eMr ....... ~ .................. ooba. AJ ..... *tilln .oalfroePT I Lll& &175 • • 436 Heliotrope Ave. C()IOM .a ~r, CA lehind Port The.tter Ac The "Wedding Shoe" of lace which can be dyed to match the gow n. gold ac- centing the lace, by Stuart Weitzman for Mr. Seymour/Maninique. Beauty Supply and Hair Designs for Men and Women Full Service Salon AI ,NAIL ANDS IN ~A E P ODU~TS 675-0655 & ~ SKIN AND BODY CARE "A saM c.r. , ...... ao ,.,.,.. .. ._. oelf II e INa .... I« Sl111 • 556-7136 SUT£MB£R SUPER SAVER ~' o cOIJIIIIIDeattJrr slla oiHllrsls; full corrective stla treotiJfent; ,.rsonoll6ed toshlon moteup o"'lctlt1on and consulklllon tor onlr 125.00 tresulorlr Q 140.00 Wll•J. ,.._ Cflll/01 •JI!OI•IINnl; ,.sent tills o4 upon omwal. SMO Iouth Plaaa Drive Solltt C.st rJGM~ Vlllqe {Acroa (tNt Soflllt Coost rJGztJ} Spectal Rates-for our Luxurious Presidential Stretch Limousines Per Hour ~al5PeK:entGratulty Sun.-ThJra.. 4 Hour Minimum A lUXURIOUS liMOUSINE SERVICE Don't Wait for an Occasion -Make One! (Cc.tSD'-ci boa pe,Qe 18) Thu fall he 1a tntroduc- before the fint wHr inQ the fashion concept ud then wipi.nQ clean of ahoee adorned with with a cl&mp cloth aJter actual MmJ-precioua every we&rlnQ . aton". Mr. Mr. S.ymour/Nar-S.ymour!Warhnique bnlque wu founded 10 shoes, truly a forever 1958 by Stuart's father fashton, are available and he became at depahopa, lncludinQ aaeoctated with the Amen Wardy on aboe induatry m 1963, Bayaide DTive In c:leaiQnlnQ amce 1966. Newport Beac h. Ftne leathers. woven or accented with studs. by Stuart Wettzman for Mr Seymour/Marumque A nd there's an op11on on heel he•ghts. and 1t's best to w ear several d1fferen1 he•ghts So wan~ through fall '82 •n htgh heels. "' flats m boots and pumps •n bnght colors ... __, .. ee Lauder Has New C For This Year's Fashions On the runways o f Malctrl, Par11, London, New York a nd L~ Angeles, the f .. h1o n focus for taU '82 waa on u c hly tweed- ed and textured dea1gna m com- biD&hons of clean, bught colora. There were pace-aethng mix- tures of pnnt, pattern and color, full, but not-too-flowmg smoclta, lwce ahawls sheltenng perfec tly- proportioned IUIII, With W61SI· length )ac keta and body- aklmmmg sk1rl1 After dark, allenhon sh1fted to a bevy of nch fabn cs from lux unoua s1lks and plus velvets to soft wools 1n dark, VIbrant colors wh1ch were often threaded w1th s1lver and g o ld "There 's nch glowmg warmth and nchne:.s 1n the colors c1nd m faah1on th1s year.'' says Estee Lauder "To go w11h them, I've c reated a very spec tcll makeup collechon, my new Country Manor Colora." For the hJM there 11 Polished Performance Llpshck 1n mellow ed shad .. of RAspberry Glaze. Cherry Pr ... rves, Anuque C or al and Glazed Chestnut. Na1l1 can match or complement your favonte lip ahade, mcludmg these s hades and another called Heuloom Gold, a color wh1ch can be worn on 1ls own or over any other ahade. "Th1s autumn," says Estee Lauder. "the face takes on a clear porcelam hn1ah. Perfec tly Natural L1qu1d Makeup m Class1c Be1ge g1ves JUSt the nghl texture " To add color, she has c reated a new Transparent Blush Slick 1n Vaolete-Under-Glass The !>heer gel formula 11 easy to apply-11 ghdes on slun that has - DE~IG-NER g, IMPORTED ' EXCLUSIVE PURCHASESI from New York's Top Designers' Sample Rooms SAVINGS OF UP TO 500/o- IF FOUND IN LOCAL STORESI •1~ WOOI.IAIAIDIM •lOft ... an unusual men's discount store % In The Harbor Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-8818 8§1 ""58 VISA N~' ':',-~~·t ;.:.;.. ~ ~'( ;.-\ ~ b('t.'ll P l t'SJdlt<d '.;, II d ''"'• muiSIUlller u r lu .11dd!1 11 •v JIVed r1d'ural q1• "" A od lu enha nc e th€' cull r d v try r>nt' u l her nev. Ter der Blu!>herli 1n V10le1 M 1!>l Hu th u:.e M .. lvrr rH1d Frtonc h C . .~cud Th1~ fall pyes beco me tht- f •C'u!> I d'lt'nllull l'vt> tdker. 11. '>Pitdltv n lvr my Pre~sed £yo;hd Shad J w~ frum tht:o rul•H~ t f 'fit' u..Jntr ·~'>.dt-' M r Ld ~1der t-X ~Jld~r T nf-b 'u.-~ -1reer.• 1•.d J)urplt-!rm·hl:' ~IIJdld1 1 r .. ll, J lld •~<, T 'lie~" I ••. 1 i I t-'d t-V.••l 1 I t:'' l.;r 1!1 1 I I !u'll I; '~.: ' u . .., ..-, .... to • ....., .... B r J"''t .~s. L1 . 1· • L, ··.--~ !'-1 , ,. , •• r 1:'1 Lto"''l • B a f r B • • Br "' .• t• • 1 •• ... t.t-', ,. ! r t .1l "" •r-./. 1'-r h •P~ :•· I '• • fKJl ldll l d~ I It I I b€-rnudt , ha u ~tyl&nq A qdtr. tht-pii•J tl.!o or~ mcinY Bur the luuk I!> r:oltHo l o nd lhat mean!'. d GOOD holl c ur Rt!membe r h au lo r tu· '>h W~ ttl(' IUI•WdVS IS h.JI •'' d u r •h.,. .!ohdpe •JI rht-1 rtu•-A '~t .Jd c ui d Jvod t.n J;:,h • n .r cc1n qv lo rword 'r be~ " d' •r ... ("I 1111:!" d&C 'd'f:' d l t ~ d mc~kE<Jr ldil -..H, M tldr ed M ead ~leM:h ~rriotf .... ". ''VISIONS Of ROMANCE'' BRIDAL FAIR-FASHION SHOW SUNDAY Tt1f 19Tt1 .t'='~ >-.~ of SEPTEMBER.l:~· ~'fh D'JORSOPf N .~~rl't ~ \\ AT 12 ...,001"1 ..• -~· r'ASt1 01"1 SNQIJ,; k -. 7 6fGtNS AT • _ 200PM 1 1 -.,) ~ fRff ADMISSION ~-.- / ' / /.l I I •ALP'M VIOf O !>fi11V1Cf 5 • AI\MW TUX ~OP'S • A~ M '0STtfll TM\Itl ~"VI([ "(. • ~I\ P'AI\T'I' l\eiHAL5 •8NOf GUIOf •(ttNSnNI W!OO&nG !>fi\VIC~S • Ja.tn CMI\OAu fWfl ~fll5 • C ~ATI\It CAI\t5 I 1 I -. I I I ( • I' I ~I I . , . • ·' l . ~>-........ -,J .,.'t "' • D .,f.,:!:MO"~ , f ,f GA.,(.f J .a~ 'ff "~TM .llt001"() Cv""> 1\ ,._.,, ,, • .,U51C ev l~ f5!>f"(t • ""'"P rHt "'0" ~fi\Ot ,~ • '-"' oJOt\l'lt 5 Pl0"'5 T • "\On Al'\lf 8fiii0Al 81 '0""""' • "081"S01"1'S '.I/! [)()In<) GI'T 1\.e GI~Tfllv • ~ Tl"Df fll 5 11Alli'\AI\I\ • P .... U\ fi'!QM~,. 1'!10 100M''tH Spec:lals begin Thurs., Sept. 16th. STRETCH DE NIM PANTS 9 t~ '"'e "" -·~·· .J"'O eQS@ ' \''~' ,.., -c "'8 .. ·~ ,·~r.~-~ ' . J .... J 'OS"' 0 • ·~•0' • ' ,. P STRIPED SHETLAND SWEA TERS 8 ~~ ~ •EO • .,~ 10'>'' oJ .... fO '\ ~..,e.;.)"" 1 """ '""8 SP ' 11 ,.,. ) -.., •t-J' J' .:> ~ ~ '"u' t"f'ui&~ v • · Jcl • • BAGGIE PAN TS 9 t~ h'"'"'ed ,,..,. C'"" '"e '"IO"e'' s "'ue lle "om 11'\41 -oe~ " ,. eon\ L(" t>oOO•s " 00'\ co" ... " l)je<)le(J tronts n OSSO'Ied COIOI\ '"!IQ' '• ~ .J' o <.)1111 pnce oa ~Mctvred ASSORTED LONG SLEEVE WOVEN BLOUSES 3t~ An •ncredlble PI~ IOf amort woven DIOu.tet a tremendau• vorletv ot toll fQihlon ~ uo fOt 0 C*fieel C'OmC)Itemenl VOUf wotdrObe , .... MOltOn I I \ Adolola~--be-..,. .... AdDtto ColleCtlcwe. F111112. Oel9'* Coleetons. Seks Afth Avenu.. (Continued from paCJ• 15) for Qood. They produced a lot of alipehod wotbumabip and bad taste, u well u bed economica. Now it' • time to look at the kind of quality that goea on for yean and yeara Really find woolena, leathers, colora with depth to them. thmCJI that are really well made. They're not an expenae, they're an tnv..tment" Do.n't that aay 1t all? O~n Doors 88.000 Ctrculation 673·0550 For that Eaaeatial Gift Deaiper Labela • Lingerie • Leotarda • Lounae Wear • Hoaiery • Bathing Suits • Soft Touch Mea Welco.e-Gift Certificate• Fuld• SJ.owa A•ailable N..,.niWieC.... Mit S.. ....... Dim .a Fenl N..,.t lltd M6-11M Women's Coat'uaravan 20°/o off! All women's outerwear. Don't be .. ft out tn the coki when the weather turM. Plan ahead and save 20% on our entre line of women's outerwear vou·• find )lcketa. the poputar b&azer. fake furs, aki jackets and dress-length coata in .. your f8YOnte styles Cut to flatter mesu, juniors end half-siZes 10 ~ Hlllne days. 10% down hokte leyawayt untJI Now. 1, 1112. Sale pttcea on special Ofdera. too. .. ~~nw ....... 31.1112 M. . .S... 10-6 , ••. I r""'' "' ...... ·. ,1,,,.,.. tho• ·hlo._ \UU ~·· .... ~ , __ ,_. ,.,.. .. ......... ~lnl """" ., ... ,11 ...... .. The Designer Salon at SFA is proud to present the Best of Fall '.82 September 18 through 21 ADOLFO -Fall '82 Collection Geri Blakey, SFA's buyer will present the trunk show and assist in customizing your selections. You may also choose from an extensive collection of traveling stock. September 27 and 28 BEST OF THE AMERICAN DESIGNERS COLLECTION Vincent Knoll, SFA 's buyer will bring a special collection from New York featuring Oscar de Ia Renta, Bill Blass, Haist on, Geoffrey 'Beene, Adele Simpson, Mary McFadden, Mollie Parnis . . Showing daytime and evening wear. All collections informally modeled 12-3 p.m. Please call 540-3233, ext. 244 for appoin tments. Upper Level South Coast Plaza South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa as seen 1n I M A AND MAS DOUGLAS PATION Patton-Huber Vows Said In Newport Beach Douqlcu John Pa tton of Newport Beac h c1nd Carol A nn H uber of lrvtne were marned recently at the Harbor Chnsllan Church tn Newport Beach Patton IS tht> son of M r And Mrs R C Pallen o l Newport Beach whale the bnde 11 the dauqhter ot M r cSnd Mrs John Huber of lrvtne Masd of honor was Hslary Larsen of Newport Beach whsle bndesma1ds were Cathy A ltmann ot lrv1ne, Anda G ordon of Santa Barbara. and Susan Patton of Newport Beach S.st m<ln w.u Don Patton ol Newport Beach whale ushers were' Kelly Dunn of Newport Beach T tm Lodt!-o f Newpo rt Invest in 'Gold" Sparkling Gold dots tncrease the "net assets" of th1s sheer sleeved. sheer y~ed blouse Add sleek Lycra• spande .. pants for e totally arrestattble look Both '" Red Ot 81~ a.ou.. S·M L t32 '-tts 513 t 42 I Beach. Jeff Benbow of Co~t.s Mesa. and Jtm Popov <Jf Hun l llnQton Beach The brtde wore a whtte urqdn 1.s qown wtth an Emp1u.• bod1cto I sheer full sleeves anda sweetheart necklane I The receplton was held follow ltnQ the ceremony at the A tr•um Court of the Newport Marrtol' I l. \ , )l.J• ~- ~~!ding Receptions and Complete Catering C080NA DEL NAil Jofm £. 'BCom Colour Wedding Portraits and Candids to Remember Forever lNO Eut Paci.ftc Cout Hicllway 760_6767 Coroaa cl.l Mar, CA tMZS -(1nt11A lll \1 '" l lltl'lll'·, <. llll...t.!tl I \l'lllng .1nJ \1 l>thl..'r·, (~tm n' ...... tllll J,s \ Ill till ..l 11\1 , n" 1 I "It ""' \I .. , 'I • r "C4lrfl'rnlll·s LArgnt !'>t'/ttlrt•n · l)f Bndill Fasluon~ .> 3404 Wt>St Westnuruter A\ l'nut• · .•' Santa AN, Cabfomlcl <n703 • • (714) 531·1871 The Newport En&~gn Wedue day. September JS J982 Paqt 23 y, ..... Bn&n Tunothy Blaney of Redondo Be.ch and Behnda Blanchard of Newport Beac h were marned recently at St A n· drews Preabyteraan Church tn Newport Beach w1 th Don Mad· dox otftctahng Matron of honor was Mary K1~:.ner whale m.ud of honor was D 1ctne Blanchard Bndero.matd' were Katr1n Hecht, Ctndy Greenhaven, and luhe Blaney eel ... , mu ••• Jerry Hutchu.g wlnle ushers were Pctt Blaney. Cb.&rlae Br•oq. a.nd hm A llen Jell W eqener w.s rang bearer and Taylo r Ta.h wa~ candlehqhter They honeymooned an Hawau and will ltve tn Redondo Beach The bnde, daughter of M r and Mrs ROQer Hancock Blttn chard. 1s a qraducltt:' of Newp >rl Htu bur Htqh Schuul H, h.JI•tuth 1\)tt , I' ' 11 •• 1 • "'"'1\11(,410 •lfll( III!J<\\' • t .ICo\tH .\IIO' ~"IS' 1111~(,\ (\Lilli\ I ' '41lJIII'I ' <X« lOTH ~utsAIY ~IVW..C. THt l0<4l 4114 NOACK TROPHY 170l1 7th~tret>t No11~(ost.t ~"'d c ro;; trom Von ' \hopp1n" ( t>nl .. r l 64-6 -i A MA~ OF CONFIDENCE ~ one <'t:l ~ • 3 ..,. '\4en ' ~or""'' wea • Declnc 1o: ' ·"' • ""'00 ' "'" • j ~ -o rx .\ .. src •• "JAJ•e • 30QEos• ~tt'!Stre..' '• 0 • rosto~ C alotat"-0 ;,;:.;-· • ·.: "-U' ~ .,. Fall at NOT Rl; PLACI; Better Women 's Clothing at Better Prices New toshk>ns for fall are orrMng weekty BEAUllFU.. SILKS TEXTURED TWEEDS S()fT SWEATER KNITS. MUTED C~VS AND M.JCH MOR£-All FROM WELL·KNOWN DES•--.NERS SIZES 4-12 CUSTOM W~ COOAOtNATlON AV AlA8U 8Y APK>tNTMENJ Houri 1()...6 Monday ttvu Fnday AIIO bV ~..,..,. .. 110 l171H st .. sunt 211 COSTA MESA. 54-3035 We feature personal- tzed service, JOAN LIPPMAN lYNNE KOFFLER • ---- The Tiny Restaurant With the Large Impact by Catherine ReocM I.& Trattona, named for its informal dinmg and aimple rec:~a brought from the north coast of Stcaly, as stack- ed neatly next to a laundromat. A q\uet sago announces 1ts ex- Istence. A.nd h.ke many things an hfe, if you pa.u too quickly you wall miu at. What a shame if you do, for t hoae "aimple recapes" are anythang but. Arturo and BaaJlca Bavand may be from Palermo but thear cook- anq resemble• tbe nouvelle C\usme of the north wttb hght Huces and subtle aeasonangs. Emgma, the only ex planation! The hoy restaurant sparkles. Ita wooden bootha are comfortable, tnhmate and cozy. Peaceful murals of Ita· ly's seacoast and ru1111 enhven the walls. And beyond the aoup and salad bar where wanes are d1splayed u part of the cnsp decor, Arturo 1s seen bustlmg around the lutchen. Yet he says haa wafe does all of the cooking. Anothe.r eniCJJU? BlAnca, not 10 cheJ'a hat or a,pron, gr .. ta her guests, beaming e.nd gractou.a. She oJ- feB ... ta, WIDe &nd menua, makinQ sure the w&itr ... is in- troduced and aU are aettled. Once tucked IDtO our booth, we found that the wiDe bat cootamed a good aelechoo of C.Ufornia and Itahan vmtag .. mcluding a Rufh.oo Ch1aoh, Valpolecella and Soave. The bouH wiDe from S.h.sbani, ettber red or wlUte, as certam· ly adequate 1f a bottle as too much. All aelec- hooa, whether label or bouae, comphment the delectable cuisane W ath the wme ordered, B1anca reap- peared to explam the apectaltaea of the eve- nmq. We were qlad to hear thrM 11mple dtahea rather than an hour-long rec:ttahon of sauces, mgredtenta, and an elaborahon on each turn of the chef's apoon. ungu1n1 wath cle~u c!.m sauce. laaaqna verde and veal parmigi&n.l were our chotces along wtth a La TRt\TTORIA ITALIAN RESTAURANT 6<408 Walnut (Camino Plan Center) Irvine. CA Q2714 Phone (7 14) 552·6<455 cJa.ic vut.ty ol put' aranciJai and cluckea caccaatori. Ni.n.trone, the -oup of the day, wath a d .. p. rich bue started the mMl. "AU tbe pa.ata," aa1d Baanca, "is ~e hom acratch. We don't uae any prepared foocb or aauces. That i.a why you muat try the luagna verde-tt as very dif- ferent." Very different it was. lasagna verde does not have a tomato aauce and it 11 not hrng hlte the trad&honal luaqna It as formed from paper-thm spanach noodles that are hght and auy hlte a JUSt· turned crepe, a dehcate meat aauce apnnltled wtth hoe moual'ella ts layered betw .. o the noodles and the daah 1s hmshed wttb a Hollanda.ae Untque andd.bctous beat d.escnbe th11 lasaqna expenence Next came the veal scalloptna. Ac;ram the mqredaenta-tomatoes, peppers and ontons smother1n9 the llc;rhtly sauteed veal were fresh. The veal could have been a httle more tender but the flavor was excellent. Btanca told us that they dtd not feature veal on the menu but 11 was always ava1lable "U ..,. have hAe. she · ...ad. ''we will cook the v-.1 to order-paccala. panoiqtam, acallop!Dt." Ending dinner came the long-awa1ted treal, a lreahly prepared can- nola. The shell wa.a sweet and cru.ay and the filhno wu a cre.my ncotta wath the conailtency of a whap- ped cream custard lac- ed Wlth Mml·IWeet chocolate bats. The queallon of course, "How d1d you make the ncotta so creamy?" 'f.he answer was what you would expect. Btanca, watb a IID.Ue, aatd: "How I get 11 110 creamy &s a secret. •· Perhaps Btanca should keep her secret u long as she shares her can- nohs. Th1s tiny shc e of Palermo and 1ls warm southern coolunq wtlh the hght northern touch 1s new to the Bavands Not new, however. IS the restaurant busmea.s and the age old rectpes the Bavands brouc;rht w1th them to Ameuca 22 years aqo and have been wa1hng to share wtth mo re than thear fnends La Tralloua IS m the Camtno Plaza Center. 5408 Walnut, lrv10e. Telephone 552-6455 for lunch and dmner hours and tnfo rmahon. Monday Night Football GO WHERE 1HE ACTION •1 --·" \ and extra TVa for~· view4lng ~Y HOUR ... caAU...-n ..,.. PM IEHOOD aM •te&M.I .... nwu ., .. Too IRVINE WO MAIN IT. AT MAC AITMUI MW77. 'I'( 'I Pill \ rk \IMTIO' H)k 60 \ t \M' St~amtlned and Dally luncheon 1nd fresh, thtS restaurant denner specials tnclude offers an e.celtent l.uaana, checken COSTA MBA southland beaches, ha~ luncheon pecial and a cacciatore and scamp• .. ___ 2136 PI someth•na for...,..,_._ larae variety of dinner w1th ~sta The spq-,.._.,. ac~ .... • ..a-1 h f ..._ ... _,,,. ic dt've"'•. t L"'2·nann one. For diners there is """-" ia ts rom t... n~~: ·~ '""" •a. u-. "'UUYV. N ... _ · f o--rs •nd w•n•• · 1 i · d the Captain's Table. a Oflnot·rn provences o U'C'C' .. ..,... pect<a ll na an tra ... p·~· H nd "'Vat'l,.bl• t~l arab cuisine. 24-hour coffee shop, ~lila. unan a • .. "" such cultnary wt.es a.s that provides meals of Szechuan. Kuna Pao hrl•• c.. 600 arape leaves and all types in a c~ Chscken and Hot and N~port Centl r Onve homos tempt palates. fortable settina. The Soor Soup are just two Boaie could have Belly dancers entertain Mediterranean Room of the m•nv dbhes easity llahted those two on Friday and Satur· has a tradit~l stea~ Beer and wine avail-ciaarettes 1n thts cafe day. A special lamb and seafood menu. For able Reservations sua-filled with palms. bent· shank denner is avatl-dancers. the Cabaret aested. 1 wood chatrs and tee able Re ervattons sug-lounae otters live Mo-foe'a foock 267S cream tables. Casual aested popular mus1c mahtly lrvtne Ave . Back Bay yet plush. dtners com- S..'I ..._ Del 1909 ~T IIAOt Center. 645-2662. fortablv chose con- Harbof Blvd . >46-7822 Cliliu hMce This Italian chartner tlnental dtshes for · 2930 W offers everythtna from lunch or dtner for home--c::oobd Coast Hwy . 631-8031 Reservations suaaested pMt~~allk~d~~al~-----------m-•_M_s_t_r~-~~~s~pu_m_o_n_•_· _________ ~ specialttes. and a vane- tv of pizus. salad.s and partv platters. th•~ ts an e"cellent choice tn deltcate\\dn fare Slm- plt> and aood Eat m or takt> out RTO.O Mon O..leMI. 23042 E I Toro Road. 8.3(}3810 Whether seated tn the garden room or the formal dtntng room. Belgtan and French dmner or luncheon deltght~ art> exqu1s1tE' Squab. frog's legs, and \weet brec1ds are pre-- pared wtth delicate flavor~ for the eventng dtner lunches are ltght The de he ate '>Ounds of the harp mandoltn and gu1tar underscore the re'> taurant s qutet tn tlmacv E 'celle nt wme st>lectton~. both domt>\· ttc and Imported Rt>servat1ons a mu~t aVINl Airpoftef Inn. 18 7UO M.1cArthur Blvd 8H-2700 Tt-us 2S(}room hotl'l, conventenl to Oranee County Airport dnd NEWPORT BLVD & COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH 111 1-•• ......... .. .....,._. ,_....., CHAilAU Ul "ll M;»YIC"IlO ------ FABULOUS unday Champagne Brunch A ho~ey of a savtngs. r I I I II \NI\tUtllt ' \ ;._ .... I I • .. •·••• • t I ••4 .... , ... . '"' z i. " ..... ,, ... , """. ;a w ... -·· • Q , .. I •~• ••• .. ,. ~ .... . .. . .. Tr11 1/,,,, 11 /lt~l• ,/ 1/.mt 1 .tlllt~lt-1'1,'{ ""''"''' ) ••u ///,•:, tl --\l l r tut..ro ...-________ .. ____ 1 A HONEY OF A SAVINGS AT 1 EVERY LOCATION! 1 '-"••-.... n. .... "' ~· ...... . -· • '1'\.... ... .......... I' ••• t I .Jtf 1 .... • ot.,l f\lt I • I '"""" l'f ~>U r ...,., .. .,, • , •• ron fBI • I .... ,... 'lit I ._ "• .,.,.,. ,..,.., .. ,,, -... '\. . -........ . COUPON GOOD lliRU 9-21~ I • .. ~ ............. , \t•h•" .,. ..... ,...... <tl ,... - t ., • -: "' . '" ......... '· .............. ..-. .. ~. , ..... 4tla.al <t .. I" t ' . I I I ' " .. :; "' ~ ! z • I fl! II"' uml ( nit/ t'lllrrn tlfc ludtHI( /tHr\1 ,, • rul. ...... ~ .. 11311 ... ~ • ' - ,,.,, ......... h .. 4 ... ... •1 '!• ...... _ ...... H .. OHYI .,..~ \4'••.._ \to _,. lt..l..-.w •!II ~ ...... """""" I I I I I ,.,,,.. ,,, .,.,., -,, .. ,. •HI /t1414/ o#UI plHtl/tn I '-1/.r l.ll,t'lt~mt ,, c "''' l'll ':.E~VATtONS SUGGESTED Ms-1on S..V."Q I 00 4M "* ,.q •• ,,.~ .. ,,.. n,..• .......... , j•n...v .. c-.. .. ,, OJ"nfor Lunch and Dinner GIORGI SMYftNIOTIS AT HIS ¥Of\ ft II u m 10 I 1• m 0,01 I • • p ,.. In I " m Oraaoe Cout CoU~e opened fall MmMter cl ..... S.pt 7 w1th a total enroUment of 26,297 sludenta-a decrM.M of 5.6 per cent from last fall's record hrat· day total of 27,855 OCC otbc1als say the drop can be attributed to atate- m&Ddated courM cula •nahtuted thu JaU . A total of 285 courses were •laminated from occ·. schedule. Orange Coaat dean of admu- saona and recorda Kenneth E. Mowrey e:apecta the final 1982 fall Mm .. ter r~aalrahon bgure to approach the 33,000 mask. That comparea w1th laat fall's hnal fuJure of 34,900. R~aatrahon fo r fall clauea w1Jl conttnue through Monday, S.pt. 20. Short-term, nane-week c1 ..... will beQln Nov 8. Req11tratao n for the abort-term clauea wall be conducted Nov 1-5. A tour of Hearst Castle, w1th an overnagbt stay at the El Rey Inn Ul San S1meon, aa beano of fered by Orano• Coaat Colleoe'a communlly Mrvace oUace thas fall The two-day tnp 1.1 set lor fn day and Saturday, Oct 22 23 The excunaon wall anclude the Hearst CaatJe tour and vas111 to Solvang and Santa lnea M&Silon The coat of the lnp as $78.50 per peraon. The fee Includes lranaportahon, double occupan cy lodginQ and the Hearst Cas- tle entrance fH. The reservalton daadline u Oct 1. For tacket anlormaho n, phone 556-5527 Orange Coa_st CoUeqe'a Photo GAllery has hoed up 1ts schedule of e1ght exh1ba1tona for the 1982-83 season The qalJery, located tn OCC's hne arts bualdmg, as open Mon day throuqh Fnday throughout the year from 8 a .m to 5 p m and 6-9 p.m. Adm1ss1on to all THEATERREVIEW l ~====================~-=~----J, O.Othtrap by Jack HollaDd Barbara Hampton, one of the two guadmg luJhts of the Harle qu1n Danner Playhouse, has alwaya wanted to do a suapense play but wu warned If aud1· encea would take 11 She has fmally ta.ken the leap w1th one of the hgbt .. t wnllen and best comedy thnllera of all, "Death· trap." from the screams from the audaence 11 would seem they were havang a great hme However. the production hu 10me Mnoua faulta, ma1nly darechon by Jam de Pneat, that kHpa the play rac1no aJono on a lreadm1ll 10 that at limes utter conhaa1on re1ulta Not to menhon understanding tohe hnes. De Pneat haa sac nhced the subtle hea, the aly chanoe• that occur 1n the play. for the aake of apeed He hu also allowed the role of the w1fe to be vague &nd out of hne w1thout g1v1nQ tl the proper dehneahon Thaa may bave been due to some c uttmg Even more Important, much of the play's 1mpact sterna fr om the homoMxual relallon1hip bel· ween S1dney and ChUord It 1s not the awaab. campy o r stereo typed kand ol relahonah1p, but 11 11 one that 11 the core of all theM two do and feel 1n thear cal and mouse sparnng The d1alogue between the 1s often murky, confuamg, so one doean't know qu1te what 11 gowg on At any rate, speed does the play 1n Ira Lev1n's play needs moro than a c ursory read1ng It has to be stud1ed carefully It all of tis shadmgs, tis abrupt detours. and 111 charac terazahons are to be fully real1zed. Don Draper 11 S1dney, the playwnght o ut to steal the wo rk of 4Jlother young playwnqht He speaks 10 rapadly that many of haa !mea are )oat and he masses some of the meamngful c hanges 10 the role He plays 11 all on a panac level. Grey O 'Neall 11 qutte good u Chflod, but he too 1uftera from lhe fast pace He as an excellent type lo r the role Connne Carroll ~oes what she can walh the role of Myra but there IS msufhcaent mohvallon provtded for her Dale Raoul 11 quate Iunny tn the dellc1ous role ol Helga, and hm Cox as good Rac hard lmprota's set and L1z Stillwell's hghllng are tec hn1cal assets Even though tbas doesn't qulle make 11 , 11 IS sh.ll good to see the adventurous Hamptons try sofn e th1ng dtflerenl At lecul th1s IS no s1mpermg shallow farc e FOR A REA L exhabttl aa tr .. The 1982-83 Photo Gallery hneup tncludea Joan Rudolph, Sept 14-0ct 4, Antho ny Ea ton fnedlun, Oct 14-Nov 2, Bruce Patter10n, Nov 9-30; OCC Pro· fesatonal Photo Faculty, Dec 7- Jan 4, Wallyum Rowe. Feb. 8- March 1; Reed Estabrook, Marc h 8,Apnl 5, E1leen C owan , Apnl 12-Nay 3; and Bnan Mtler, May 10-31 A ohmpee of Japan that few foreigners ever see wtll be pro- vaded durano a two-hour lec- ture/him presentation at Orange Coast Coll~e tha fall. Sponsored by the Japanese Government Tounst Bureau, the presentallon 11 scheduled Fuday, S.pt 24, 1n OCC's Sctence Hall The program waJI run from 7 30 to 9.30 p.m Adm1ssaon 1s S4 T1c kets are on sale an the OCC ticket ollac e. located 1n the college's admmtslrahon buald- lng The office 1s open Monday th rough Fr1day from 8 a.m to 6 p m , and Saturdays from 8 a m lo noon T1c kets may be pur· chued by phone. usang Vtsa o r Mastercard, by calling 556-5527 Tac kets will also be available at the door The proQram w11l open w1th a h im about Japan. A Japanese off1C1al apectaltzang 10 travel wtll answer questiOns from the aud1 ence The evenmg wdl conclude wath a cultural presentahon by a group of Japanese arltsts~ f or anform.shon about the proqram. phone 556-5880 "What K1nd of Person Malces the Best Mate lo r You?" IS the tatle of 4 three·hour semmar betng offered by Orange Coast College's commun1ty servace ofhce th11 fall. The seas1on 11 scheduled Fn· day, Sept 24, from 1 to 10 p m an OCC's Scaence Lecture Hall 2 Admt1a1on 11 $5 T1c keta are on sctle m the OCC llc kel olf1ce , located tn the college's admmaslrahon buddtng The offace 1S o pen Monday through Fnday from 8 d m to 6 p m and Saturdays from 8 a m to noon T1ckets may be purchased by phone. us1 ng Vasa or Mastercard. by callmg 556 5527 Tackets wtll 1lso b4' avaJiablt' at the door. The semtnar lecturer 11 Evelyn Delunas. a Newport Beac h mar- n age and fam1ly therap1st and a hypnotherap1sl Delunas taught C"Ounc;elln~,~ at C41 Stale Fuller- ton for s1x years TASTE TREAT CI...J ~ .I t-:~ 0-c~O,el fvlf\ irPorte GOURMET DINING ME DITERRANEAN AM CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNOA VS 10 3 PM • DANCING NIG HTLY CABARET LOUNGE • CAPTAIN'S TAfLE COFfEE SHOf' :M HAS We'd lle to Introduce you to OUI IPCIIIIIItl 2 tor 1 SPAGHffil SPECIAl Wed . .frl. (luncm or otm•> MOl M Y_,. ...... , .... _ ..... ........... 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD IRVINE. CALIFORNIA tOPOcwte Or81\gt CountvAorpOr (7141833·2170 SAM'S IT AUAN DELI PIZZA a FOOD TO GO Try Our Delicious Deep·Dish Sicilian Pizza .,..mmm ... lf'a delicious/ ~ :\6 [' X:tt"'•: l' ".r r._ooro \,,, \."a~:! ~2-0800 .... "Attend ... wtU ducover what the1r 'rnahng atyle' aa," O.lunu says "They wall learn hkely advantages and poasable trouble spots resulhng from theu par hc ular styles " The seaa1on w1U beotn w1th the admtntstrahon of a bnel. self scor&nQ per10naltty teal Fo r 1nlorrnahon about the semtnar, phone 556-5880 A Slll·WHk mana course that prov1d" an tntroduchon to the world of nunusmahcs Will be of lered by Orange C oast Colleoe's communaty serv1ce offace th1s fctll Tttled "Com Collechng and Investing," the senea 1s schedul ed for succeaa1ve Thursday even1nga from Sept 23 through Oct 28 The c lass m"ts fro m 7 to 10 p m The fH lor the se r1es IS S25 Reg1strataon 1s be1ng con duc ted 1n OCC's communtty serv1ce olhce. located 1n the college's admtntalratlon butldmg The o ffice IS open Monday th rough frtday from 8 a m to 6 p m., and Saturday from 8 a m to noon. Tackets w1ll also be ava&lable at the door The seraes mstruc tor 1s F Marlin Post, an OCC assoctate professor of bua1ness education and long hme com collector "'The course w11l explam how to choose cotns based upon metalhc content. deSign, cond1 11on. year of ISSue ctnd country of ong1.n ," Post sa1d "We wtll also look at the fundamenta ls of buy1ng and selltng. g radmg and tnventory " For mforma11on about 1he senes phone 556-5880 O range Coast Colleg•s commumty servtce office wall continue ats "College lor Ktds" program th1s fall A total of I 15 courses are on the agenda, geared lor chaldren fr om ages 8 to 17 Mo11 claaaes meet Sa turda ys, begmntnQ Sept 25. ctnd eire Silt to etghl weeks 1D MON C~TEAU .. ' . .... ""-.. .; 1' ,.._ • '.-• .. , \ r.,.... . . ,. ~ 1' • 8JO J810 length Many classe. wall be repeated begannang Saturdcty No v 20 from 8 • m lu nr.)Orl Req&Siraltuu wall be cot.Ju te-d ctt the dvur u•• ct 'JJcSCe av<tolctbl .. b..sta Reqtstrahon as betng cun ducted tn OCC's communtiY serv1ce ofhce, located 10 the colleqe's admmtsl rauon butldtng The off ace u; open Monday through fr1day from B a m to 6 p m , and Sdturdctys Brochures pr JVtdwg dt'ta •IP<i anlo rmahvn clboul OCC's 'C<JI leqe for ktds" ar~ avatlable 111 the communaty servace utface f or 1nformauon .sbout the pru q ram phone 556-5880 TEMPLE IAT Y AHM A Trodfttonal Refoon Temple Serving the Newport-Irvine Ar~ lnvttea You and Your Farnly To Join Ua In Memberlhlp And To Share With Ualn the_..._. Of Our New Temple lullclng • • • • • • • • Shabbat Services Religious School Adult Education Youth Groups Sisterhood Judalca Shop Pre-School Socials A Temple To meet The Needs Of The Entire Jewish Community RABBI MARK S. MILLER CANTOR RONAlD E. FORDIS 1011 Camelboclc st., Newpolt leach ........ DI~4Vl. IALIQA IIUieO l7l-all ....... ·-·--• a.flftclu ...... ....... 673-1121 .&UUTSOJrS SBOPPIIIG CUTU I .C...Ihrf.,C.... ... ._ Set. 11 ...... p ... s.a. l .... .., ..... ~YOU'RE FORTUN-ATE. ~ Enjoy a Gourmet DiniDc ~ vintap wm.. and Capta.iD ..w:. Ia .. ellc'ut. atmoe ..... MULTI-COURSE LUNCHES AT 5.50 DINNERS e OOCXTAILS BANQUET FACILmES AVAILABLE Page • Wed....oay. S.ptember 1&. 1112 The Newpor1 !ulgn .... ,., ., .... Turnbull Lutjeant Kogan CTLK) ie located in Ameri(;en City Bank Tower, Noguchi Sculp- ture Plaza in Costa M ... (f$11 Anton). Inaugural exhibition featur• John Paul Jones and opens Sept. 28. Also. acrylics of Ling Chung, through Oct. 23. Hours: 11 a.m.· 5:30p.m. Tues· day through Saturdays ~ARTS. Ca...,...: AnOn The Roed an exhibitton of 82 posters opens Sept. 23 at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beec:h. Open da4tv ex- cept Monday, 11:30 a.m.· 4:30p.m . Rew••MIP ... Exhibit through Sept. 25 at Haggenmak8f Gatlef· ies, 372 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beec:h. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m . daiJy. UCIMFA ......... have an exhibition of works opens Sept. 20 In UCI'a Fine Arts Gallery through Oct. 2. Hours are TUesday thorugh Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. New11 ort leech Polloe lmplo.,_.' Association host an Art Exhibit and Auction noon Sunday. Sept. 19 at The Newporter. Empire Room. Works by o.tl, Rockwell, Roeen1MI and othefs.. $2 donation. ._,., 18 ....... . C.. meeca 9:30a.m. Wedneldey. s.pt, 15 at the home of Mr.. Doug- 1M Coulter. s...d lun- cheon fotJowa. Cel Sheron Pence. 844 44rt3 for memberlhip infor- metion. ................ ._ C.. champeg~ eocial 10 a.m. Thu,. dlly, Sept. 16 at the Phase II Clubhouse. Annual dues are t10. ............ Ctwle1lan W.-.n'a Club luncheon meeting 11:46 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15 at the Aif· por1er Inn, 18700 MacArthur. Irvine. Cost is $6.50. Retervations: 544-2921 , Mrs. Jim Dority. Lectulll OCCofteraiMfty ---. au.tions should be .-ed at 566-5880. Hefe's the current menu: Starting today. make regular exercise • part ol your busy schedule. Eat foods that are good for you and get plenty of rest.. Pamper yourself when it comes t.o groorrung-high· lighting your attractive features. Choose clothing t.o support your image as well as enhance your appearance. Above aU-SMILE A healthy. attractive smile can t.ake you anywhere. '-'\ We Keep You Smtlmg PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 modine's ORANGI COUNWI PINIIT NIVATI HIALTM CLUI For Women Only Come Helo Us CEMebfote <Xtr SIX YEAR ANNIVERSARY Join in Septem NO MIMURSHIP fll We've hod 6 successful years or helping lodtes all ovef' Orange County be the thin. ftt person they hove always wonted to be! • fUllY KlUtPfiEO 'MIGHT ROOM • MASSBJSl-NUTRfnoNSTS • ~ INSTAUC'OON • LIR CVCl1S • A8IOIIC ClASSlS AU OA Y LONG • fltlfVAlt OIIESSING AOOMS • SAUNA-WtaJIOOl • TOWRS. AU TOil.EliiD • T~ IOOTHS • MANICUAtST d ' I THE NO 1 ma 1ne 5 WOMEN'SHEALTH CLUB 751·3200 2036 Quail St.. Newport Beoch RECAPTURE THE ELEGANCE OF THE PAST WITH US .•.. At Wortd ol Mouldjng you WlU ,.. I •Moulding -IHardwooda a Softwoodat- •VIctorlan fretwork -CMir RaUa -Fl nlala - • Decorative a Plain Corbela -aaaea - •Ceiling Mouktlng -a.r Rail~ - •ltalr Par t a -I Oak 1 HeMlock I - •8utcher alock Topa - •CeUint IMclalllona - • And Lot a llore -Come Oft In Aftcl he Ua I --... ---.. ..... , ...... ,, -"NQ People Flnilh Sldt"; Paula Jon.. lecturet. 7:30p.m. in Rne Arts Hall 119. Admiaion Ia M . -"You And Your Chiktfen: Telking About Sex Together''; tim of two--pans. Jill Ovard, lecturer. 1 p.m. in Science lecture H•ll 1. Actmislion ie t8 for perenta, M for children. -"Financiel Plllnning for the 80's"; Cory Zuk. lec1urer. 7 p.m. in Fine Arts Hall 116. Cost is tS. -"Nuclear Wat: Security in a Nuclear Age"; Timothy Vargish. lecturer. First of two- parts. 7:30 p.m . in Chemistry Building, Room 207. Fee is $6. Inn•" Qu1net ~ys cont..-npor&ry and Brazi&itn )lu 4 p.m . Sunct.y. Sept. 19 in UCI's Campus Park. FriM. , A N T s &SUEDE ........ ·•...,n·-- A Closoe«s, Inc tndl~ ~. tltlor·medlr. • I N I s • l s ' s .... Multi ,...,., teeturing The Cytindets, The Surf R~ and The Rounders begins 7:30 p.m. FOO.y, Sept. 17 in OCC's Robert Moore Theatre. riCkets are t7.50, and are •vallabMt at Ticketron or on the campus. space SeWing closet system can double 01 e-ven tnQic 'fOAJI closet spect E~ IS Of9i'llled E~ hiS ItS p&lct Adtustable sntl\lts and rods The Wll'/ you went It When you want 1t ClOsets, Inc A closoe« f01 ~ retSOn. •Calt,_a.,_CMI .. IIIR ... _.fll_dll ... lll• • Organ. ze 'f04JI c IOSet The Wll'/ you Wint It 'When you w~nt 1t • • DouOit 'fOAJI closet spect • ~~ ~tnd rods • • Neatly and QUICkly .nstaUtd-No messy '" I"'Itne construcoon • • f,.. c.AiultliiR ..... fllewdl? .... • Dohenv Offle Showtoom .._. •••• ..,.will P«form 8 p.m. Saturdlly, S&C)t . 18 in OCC's Robert Moore Theatre. 462 N Dohenv Drive. Los Angttes, CA 90().68 (Mt tautl'l ol MltiJooM ~) Phone ttJ/711-tUt OI I .. IIU 01 IQIC•L•O•S•I•T•I In Orange County phone 7MI6M-~ e quiet alternative. A maaniikent estate sate that grows rich and rare tn a legendary land of natural beauty. A drum home with one of the most notable addresses in America. Whatever their future plans, diJcriminatina buy~rs everywhere recoanize Fairbanks Ranch in prestigious Rancho Santa Fe as the most superb expression of their tastes and achievements. Away from crowds, congested streets, noisy traffic and ~~in livina on small city home sites, Fairbanlu Ranch la a 1,240-ac~ master planned community o( majestac eucalyptus trees, rollina meadows , wooded mils and spark· l.inalakes. With a plush clubhooK, tennis and equestrian facilides, plus a sophisticated electronic a«urlty system. Within quiclt aavel time of La jolla, Del Mar, San Diqo and Loe Anaela, Falrbanb Ranch is alao immediately edjacent to the unique ahopl and variety of professional services at the charmiN~ Fairhanlu Vtl. Plaza. Fairbanb Ranch. The ultimate statement of d dnctaon. ESTATE SITES, ONE 10 TWENTY ACRES FROM $200,CW Fairbanks Ranch at Rancho Santa Fe ( _.., ..... ~ For a ranch tour~ by pccial appointment, phon~ (714) 756-l79S. FAIRBANKS RANCH REALTY COWPANY P.O. BOX fkXJl RANOiO SANTA FE. CA 92067 • ' • Tbe Newport Ensagn WednMdoy. 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Compare the interest fi&W'CS as indicated on the chan. Over the past six months, the interest rate for the Market Rate Account would have bem comparable to that of JOVei'T\JnCilt funds and of taxable money market funds. Plus, with the Market Rate Aca>unt, you can witbd.raw funds with just seven day\ notice. You can phone or mail instructions, visit the bank, or place a stmdina ordet. Your earned interest is always available without ootitt. 417/82 5/5/82 Incomparable safety and convenience. When your money is in a Market Rate Account, it's insured by the Fcdcral Deposit Insurance Corporation. And backed by the assets ol Amcnca's llth-lar&est bank. With more than 380 Wells Fargo offices located throuahout California. you can also enjoy the convmiencc of keeping all your funds in one accessihlc place. t 6 2 82 7/7 82 The money market investment that works at Wells Fargo Bank. 8 '3/82 The .\\arkcr Rate Account co mhmes the glam- our of trad itional money market tn\'estments with the substance of the West's old~t Bank. ~·,th your money mvested here, you no longer face the a&oruzmg choK-e bcrween tugh \teld and secu- nty. It's the closest thing yet to a tu&}l-)'leld, high-liquidity, no nsk mvestment. No wonder the broktrs arc feeling upstaged! Stop at your nearest Wells Fargo offsce toda~ and find out how you can com bme earru.ngs, liq uidicy, msurcd safety and converue.ncc m a Wells Fargo Market Rate Account. ·a-s on ~s ~ FuncJ ~ l<ll "'-~"10 -..,...,.. ... K1CCIUnll .,-.nee~ ..... oenod '(...., cMaiQ 'I I~ 1-"Q ll ..... ~ 8111 Ala lla I •\ ~cillly ~f 01 ( t Pag. • WedMMcly. S.ptei'DlMr l$. 1112 The Newport Enaign CHOOSE FROM SUP$ TO (Ser.4262) (Stk.l037) STICKER SALE You Can Buy A New ''SIDaller Buick'' For As Low As '7624 Ser.416435 Stk.0836) u ( Ser. 468207 ) ( StlL.1225) 1982 Buick Park Avenue 1WBuiek Eatate w .. on •... ,...., -· ..... .., ........... -., --ftrftMJ· cw, .... ...._ ( IIIClJI ) ( .61Jt) Uu Prk• 115,978 (Ser.6403829) (St.k.l274) 19821uiek L.aJ Lad. ..... ~~ ............ .. ,_...,, CW, Mil .... (I;DMIIM) (M.tlli) lMI Prk• I 14,9!9 20 TO CHOOSE FROM (Ser.479186) (Stk-1204) 1982 Buick R .. al Ltd. Coupe ......_ fw*J ._. wtta. _., 4000 ...._ (I..D.UUU) ( ... 6111) Uu Prl~• 112,454 \ t