HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-24 - Newport Harbor Ensign• e-...e~sToya ....... c.... •• • l'estlval ot Lllhh Witb TltJ.luue Paqe 3 niE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABLISHEI) 19&8 • 3STH YEAR • NUMBER 15 (71() 631-8120 • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR· WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 34, 1982 Haardoua Fire Area Re-Opened Hcucudout tlr• ar.a. whach w•N cl~ in }un•. including th• lnin• Coaat, hav• bMn r•· o~ned, Orang• County Fir• Chi•f Larry Holma announc.d. Holma eaid tb.,. hcu bMn ruf· fici•nt rainfall to reduc. th• dang•r of gra11 and brutb firM in tM area. It r•maiAI aubjKt to tr•~· ing lawa and property owner r..trictiona Tree Liqhtinq FaahioA lala:D.d will mark UU. holiday MCI.IOn with a ?>foot Chriltmaa tr... a 96-year-old lni .. Fv from Mt. Shasta. n.. tr .. will b. batb.d in 2,. 000 twiAkling lighta in a lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday in Fa.hlon laland'a Cent., Stag• Court. Ste••n Ohen . 5, and CUWopller Martin., 4, the 1982 aad l.S Ot~ County Ma.rch of Dlmel ~ children, will t: tU twitch with <*loltanee So:nto Claua. The Southern Cahfonua Bra• tu.mhl• wW entertain with Chriltmal t\ln... Hot chocolate cmd cooki• will be aerved Notre Dame Azrlve• The "otre Dame football team. whlch mMtl USC a t the Coliaeum Saturday , wa a acheduled to arrive toda y to •p•nd the holiday• at the Marnott Hotel in Newport Beach. The team move• to the Loa Angel• Marriott Friday. The University of Michagan Wolveri.nM have twice atayed lD Newport prior to Roae Bowl appearancee, and the Oakland Raid•n were headquartered • here prior to Super Bowl XU Rent·A-Santa Santa Claua will drop into your holJday party to make the MQIOn merrier, court.ty o1 the Newport Beach Parb, beach• cmd Recreation Dept The mi&Wnum charge ia $2.5 for a half-hour Nit. Tbe fee in· duct. one <XJ.Ddy cane ~r ~­ aon with a 24-cadny cane minimum Santa will be mailable from 10 a .m. to 10 p m. by Robert Frank pa.rk. whlch w nut to Andenon The Balboa Yacht Baaan School in Newport Hilla, will cOIIt Ma nno one of the oldeet MC· $6.5,000 horu~ of the harbor. will b. get· But . accord 1 ng to Ken uno a complete refurbwunent PeterMn. premdeut of the New- now that the Clty of Newport port Hilla Homeowner'• ~- Beach acc epted the term.a of a ~ bon. "the elty would be rem01r· 1 S2 5 mtlhon ltate loan at Mon-1 1ng a potenttal liab1hty ••· day n1ghf1 COUnCU mMtulg pollUte " "It'• a great opporturuty lor Taylor Grant. repr8Milti.Jl9 the ctty, · proclauned Mayor the NHHA, a rgued that the local 1 ladue Heather. who exp.l.alned A YSO organiaation and th• MAt.ING fRIENDS -Jennifer Black . Jun Pak. Oaron Ja..:l..s..>n and Ju1t1n Thomas Cll were amon~ Lutsh..,re Elementary saudentt who got to m~t Tom 11~ turk~y o~t the Turtle Rock Park Nature (enttor last w.•d, flwtr th.lnk s~'"'"i ~ame wtwn t~'V ltoarnt>d rlwrr lh'" lrto.>nd wl)u ld tur.lve' ttw h~1hda~ to c .. .,ntrnut> Hatbor Azeo churches a nd tempi" plan apee1al aervlcea tha week to celebrate the 1oyoua hohday of ThanluglVlDCJ The hfth Annual lnterfmth 1 ThanlugiVUlg celebrabon Tbura- day }Ol.lla the congr89abona of St Mark's Pteabyterian Church and the Harbor Reform Temple Shit Ha -Ma'alot The church'• Chancel Chou and the temple 1 •'"''''' '"'"'~ \rsrt....,rs t~' ttw center rn '"''ne 5t.ltf r~''"' b .. St~,,·" '-"'''' ,:-,•• or lvlng ervlces Cantor wll1 proVlde spec10l holt day mu11c and •here will be , ca nned food dnve for r ~.th w &ne a nd c heeae will foUow the 10 a m serVlce a t St Mo rlt 1, 2100 Ma r Vwta . Newport Beach A muSical ond d ramatiC preseota hon of 'The Be11 of Bleamg•.. will be held ot a feahval 1erv1ce u t 9 a m ,,, Pllnce o f Peace Lu ther tn c ~ .. r h 298~ Mes 1 Verde C >5' 1 Mesa A. conned food illve wdl bf' · '11 1ucted for w.,,d ReLet C"hlldr en w 1:.. be coolung lor thf"tr porPnts 1n.:t Qnndparentl w .. dnPsdcy ' Temple Ba t Y Jh:t• Tht>y w , w~r Pl1grun u d ln.:111n ·v;r,,q to~~ wh1cb they C •.·.· ,.,d n ~"·le 2l IC 's THE ClUB of~ Hill rar.,._. tftlf'tt. P'"~ •nd muteciMt well lOin Cor~" c.Wt Mlr ChrittntN Wa" t'e •. 5. By Sharon Mc Donald "The typ1cal outa1der s vtew of Orange County 11 tha t we don't have any aoetal problema, e• cept m a ybe the ao-called affluent illa, hke alcohollam. Coeta M810 AMt C1ty Manager Allan Roeder 1a ya · 'Tha1 1 not true, we have the .arne kanda of problema a1 c ommu n1hu anywhere Wha t'a dillereol 111 how Co.ta MMO ha ndlM thOM prolema " S.•eral yean ogo. the C1ty CouncU _.abhabed a pobcy that it would try k) oct 01 a facilitator betwe•o pnva te ~ndu1try reeourc:• and Clbana worll.DQ in non·ptofit commuruty eerY\Ce organi8cltiona Rather than take the tta.nclard go.wumeotal ap - proacll oi pou.rl.ng money on a problem, .. utng up oew pr~. and hiring lD n .. ltaff. eo. Meea ct.dd.d .., h.elp alreocly ..wing pt091Gmt to ollba .... haadra tlutt. -.cled to huu:tioa •ore etf.di .. ly. That cUda't lUCia bemdo\llil &'om tUdtyb~RI.nher,itseaat ~ ~ ... giO\&pe cnad u.ctiWIUall l.o lr.acl ....., ben ta coa_., ~ •. ~tiM oom•oa goal of bl&ilding a ~ c:ommuDlty. I ~ll~n In th~.a fac:Udator'a role, the c-1ty helpe eDibng DOD·protit organiiiO't\ona hod ha.D<IIag from .tate a Dd fed.tal go•enam•t c:. well aa hom priwtl eovoee. Moet rec.ntly, u hca aJ.o ~- edfoe u.for .. e~---~ oould not othenri8e Cdbd •\ltf:ll n•eded but cottly ollie• ~he Coato Meea Sod.ty il OIM tNc}a gro_\&J)· Loll fall thy a.a.ct a<~ bu.Uclfag tro.a .. ., -11 wluc:h lac:. eaa.Wecl tM. b .. l1fll time .., ~ U..U .._Gel artifact~ togetla., uact.. o•e roof. that pa rt of the agreement made Harbor Azea baMbal1 program to take over the bacn from IJ. "uae 11 CD llttle 01 po-ibl•. We vtne Co laat year tncluded have a dangeroua aatuatlon refurbt.dung the detenora tulg h.,e " a rea He a rtued that 11 wa • "We al.ao got a fantcutlc lD· defecrting th• purpoee of an "oe• terMt rate on tl." abe ada.d The bve" park rate of 7 9 percent o n the The park • eapec.·•ho be ready balance weD worked out 1n the lor aummer uae now that t\lllda 30-yeat agrMment wtth the alate have been allocated Dept o f Boahng and Wat.rway~ It wcu the hrat such loan apphed lor by an Orange County elty Repayment w .chedul.d to beqin Auguat I, l98S Tbe Balbon Yacht Bo11 n MariJlu 111 a1 one ctty ofboal put tt "1ort of 'I large notel for boatl vo Harbor Ialand Dnve ocro11 fr dm the m1dpo1nt of Balb ).J Is.c nd next to the PromontC'Iry Potnt channel en· tro nee Do~ u c n .:i berthing 1ys!e m • o 1 we ll a 1 th e bulkheads on the channe l floor, were butlt ::xr ound 1945 S.:v1c• were acheduJed at Harbor Lawn Memorial PQ.rk 1 Mortuary lD Coeta Me.~ today for the late Golche TeWilllrle, ' who c:hed at the age of 102 S\lD · da y rught The new bulkhead. will be dnven 1nt o place ra ther tha n poured. :1nd will be Interlocked so they co n 11.0 ppo rt more wetoht A modern Ooa1 .-ptem J od spec1ally treated wooden pJ .. '1:ld oo nqwoya will replace the old ones Cc ru~tructlon pen :ilng rece1pt ll demgn plana. 111 expec1ed to beq1n by apnnQ ln other councLI actlona. o proposal reach1ng boca to 1975 for replacement of underm&nded turf at Buffa.lo Hilla Pruk weD 'lpproved on o monon by Coun C&lman John Cox "Every year I m .Jl:'TI~ oc llted b y the player• theu parentl :1nd the homec~<otnen .n the a rea becouae ol the ternble playmo cunc:hbona at the patll 101d Cox He adm1tted t\l v )tmo agmnat the propo.al to 1pend the funds when the taaue came up aevetol tunea bef~,,rfl Rehobwtabon 0f the •uri ,. the c t r We ttu ni the etta bllahed prOQ rams can do . better JOb tha n the QOvern:ne "'t ,~ould by morctunQ 10 a nd ltartlnQ up aU new program• · Roeder ea plm n• We can ut.o kMp o ty coati down to a mtnunum by Mr· Vlng a• a cleanDO houM to pull enabnq reeC'Iurc• tOQethe r We tM out role CD helpng the p<U· bM 1nvolved pull toqether eo that lunda can go c:hrectly toward the goal . Perhopa the betlt eaampJe of ttu.a phuoeophy 1n acbon Ul the Reo Commuruty C•ot•r at 661 Hamuton A.eaue Ongino.lly an mtermechate achrool. R.a wa- cloaed by the clWtri.ct atu:l lD Na.embc, 1981 wca tu.rued iD.., a commwuty co.ter by the c:lty. The 4Nght ocr• ol lad ocmta:la 48,000 tcr\la:N .... of~. Form• 'boU8.ade an DDW park areaa, cmd c:lcwooiM are tMUe ~to e,o. ........ CC8• •ultr SPWPI ... • tM ~ Club, tae Gule Claat, tile OICU119e Coooty Natural .._.., fouackatioa, a.acl a ....... ~~ot..aatcir ..... .. 14 Glt"=~nr otMr tMU _, .... .._ ....... (Colltia .d OD JWt9e 2) TeWink.le waa the Wlfiow ot Chari• TeWuuue. hn1 mayor of the o ty of eo .. a Meea a fter LD· co rpo r a lio n 1 n 1953 Mt T e W uude ched w 1962 A Coca Meea pcu lr w named tor bun G olche waa the commuruty'a bnt po.trtu.U-She and her huaband came here lD 19l0 when the town wa a oorned H a rper aod purcbaaed a Qeneral ato r e They later operated a hardware .tore at 18th St a nd Newport Blvd Mn TeWLAkle 11 1\UY\ved by her newphew., Howard Hopeon of Co.ta Meea, Ru.ell Hopeon oi San Clemente and Paul Hop- aon of Sao Bernarc:hno. and a n1ece Ma ude Wilhlte of San Bernarchno • Mn TeWmkle wCD born Ma y 15 1880 1n C lymer NY She w aa acuve 1n auppor1lng the Ca.ta Meea Boye and Girla Club Coeta Meaa H11toncal S oc1e ty a nd C o s ta Mesa Chamber .,j Commerce Corcma ct.l Mar powwJ. 1t1 wuy to a ruQMI·UP ..,._ Ul tlae ClF '-A ~ f:iAale Fox co••au-. tva to pciiJe l2 • TOIIq Nco .._ U. I !Ia (Coatiaa.ecl trc. .,.,. 1) WliDCib n.. .... wiD iadlld. aD d. tr MOld goo+-..cla Cll I'OCIIII tu.rby. ••we. '"9*XW.. CDid oan· breocl. Oth.r looal daiUCMe s*za· a iag Taaak•ghi ag aad tl.aahg;wag E.,. ...nc-ua- dllde Harbor Tuaity Ia~ C'lt~ 1230 w .... ~ Aa I aa -flee 01l Tbcm"""'~ t.atu..ru.g IDeQGl mu.c l)y tM ~ c:"* Uberty Bapblt O.urch. Sl 01 8oaito CcmyoA. lrnae A tpeeial ccmdlmgllt c:auawuty _.,. 1 p,a T'umk9YUaV t ... w6 tptOCJI c:J.au IAWIC of ~ cmd pra.. ()a;r Lodt oi Mou.Dt Carmel Catholic: Cburc:h I f~) W Balboa Newport Beach T\OJ'hgr~mg =~ at 8 a m aAd DOOA ()w Lady ()uNA oi AA9eli Cothohc: Cburc:h, ~ Mea V~~~~a Newport Beac:a A ..,.ani d.ramabc read.ulg cmd lla9lD9 !!_unDp tAe UturvJ lA a 9 CUD acmJt8gJYm9 IIUdl All ~ will cUhrcn., cmd oaAAed iood8 aDd DOD·~nahahl.. will be collected dunag tha oft~. St JohA Neumcma Catliobc Chu.rc:~ SlOl AltoD Pcrkwcry, lr- nDe llla.a..bg:lYlDg muac: wUl l:ug hlwJ bt the 10 a m m.a8l OD Th~ Bapbll Cathobc Chwch 1015 W Baku COlla Meea Two tpeaa.l Tb.a:l\bglnAg ma.Ne, at 8 30 and 10 am ieatun.og the church 1 mu.m.c cpoup A oaDDed food d.n" for Share Ouuehe1 wlll b e collected pnor to each ~ ChrubaD Sele ne• Church, 3100 Paabc VUtw, Coroaa del Mw A 10 o m reod.l.Dg from the .cnptw• will traoe the record to God' 1 bl--.oga There will aJ.o be hymD.I, a11d duld 001e ~ ~•mlahle dWU19 the Mnsoe Church of J"u1 Chn.at of Lattet Day So1nt:s lnsntute, 333 Merramac Coata Me1a Empha.N will be on the famuy dunng a apeaal ThanbglVUlg devobonal to be held Sunday South Coaat Commun1ty Church 3020 Pork Newport, Newport Beach Dr Dave Stoop Walk IConttnued from paqe 1) f Of adchbonal \DformabOil Oil the Chzutmoa Walk and Shop contact the Chamber o f Commerce al 28~~ E C oaal H..aghwoy Corona del Ma r F be ......,. Cll date 3rd A.a-. ~---·-­laeld 10 a .•. ot Ed o•d'a Fa.laioa Wad n..aw. ~ .m be J)lorided bt ... I t • = blel cmd cAair ct.n.o a PRille ad ~ -... 0... 100 c.luucla lcmlliee J.aoN QPea· eel tMU ba.. to ~ tWa m.al willa chu.rdt m ---do cz:re a1ooe P1JlDou tk CoafJTetCUoaol owca. 3a82 Stood. Newpon Becdl A 1 30 p.~. ooaaaauioa ....me will be Mid OD Weda .. day, Thcmbgrnag t ... St Aadrew'• Epaac:opal Cb.rch. 4400 8ammcG. lrnae Or9QZUII Aalpb "ebb will per· bmd~a~_.,. 730om.~t ... Aa ~ will~to .. Ep!e .cal S.waAJJ~ St Jam• Epwcopat Ct.v.rch, Dl9 VWJ Udo, Newpon Beoda A com.Jilll.DlCm ter'ftCe 10 a m ThaA.bgtYUa9 monu.ng. wtth m u.ac }n t.b.e Su.aor a.ail A oaa.oed lood dn..-e Wl beaet Loe Nuloe aM Bay'• Rcmch S1 Joh.D the Dlnne Epi8C0p01 Church, 183 E Boy, Ca.ta M.a A Thonbg\Y&Ag eochcnitt 10 a m will feature fuD c:boU. Ca.n.ned tood wUl go to E S A St Michael =d All AA9U [~ Church, 3233 Poa.tic '/,...., -CorOAa cW Men A 10 a m Th~nag euc:lla n.at wtth fu.ll cbA:au cmd ON~ Mann.en CbUJc:h, 1~ l&loD, Newport Beach The pu..bbc w lA· -nted to ahore pro»e cmd tlumb together 8 30 am LD OD uUor· mOD Thcm.bgtnng •...w:. Chnlt Luthera:o Church of Ca.ta Meea 760 V~. COIIkJ Me.a A .peaaJ Tlao:D..b;l~ Mr'flce 10 a m will feature mUGC Lutheran Church of the Ma8tel. 2900 Pac:if:ic v ..... Corona de l Mar Aa opeD duuler will be held for chW'ch member~ followed by a 7:30 p m Mrvlce Chou wtll periorm S1 Puurt GrMk Ortbodoz Church. (201 Campu.a, lrnoe A tull Mrnce will be conducted 7 p m Wedneeday, ThaobgtYing Eve. followed by a fellowalup hour boated by the YouDg Adulta lrnne Pr..bytenan C hwch, 5 Meadowbr oo k lrv1ne A Thanbg1Vlllg Eve .. rv1ce will be held 7 30 p m lA CODJI.lJ:Ic:boa wtth Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and the EvaDgehca1 rr .. Church of lrvllle at Good Shepherd, 4800 lrvllle Center 111 llVlne )an Wyma will duect apectal celebrabon m1111~1 and there will be a apec1al ouenng for the needy E MARKET EVAlUATION ON YOUR HOME Chrl.teeon Namecl Newpon hada deYelo~ Ooa ~. bo bee& DGIIled pr..dat of the board al direc- tort of UmtAid W.-..na N.dical Ceateu, wllick operate• Wtlltenl Nechcal C.allu iA Scm- to AAa CAd other fad1:tt:iee JohA W Wdl of Newport Beach waa oamed ebainDc:m of lrrme Commwaitr Ho.pital cmd lrnDe AmbWatort Care C.c•r, Inc: Th. lahar are LD plcmcing a1ag•. ac:c:cud.uag to aD OD· I DO~eDt I 1D NWJic: Hall Show j hm Wy of CoJoDO del Mar wUl dcmce witb Radio City MWDC HGlJ Productlou iA 'The Mogmhcut Chriltmaa Spec:-1 tacular" No.. 30 tluough Dec: 1 31 crt the Shnu Auditorium 111 Lo. A.ogel• ~Y w a ltud.nt of clcmce at UC h'fl.ne cmd baa perlormed wtth the Sa11 Diego Ci-ne: l.Jqht Opera PM. Winner Eugeoe £.ricboD of Newport Beach ia one of 20 fu.t·prla• wiDDen 111 a D111era Club lDter· St Andrew' 1 Preabytenan Chw-ch, 600 St Alldrew'a, New· port Beach JohD Huf:fma:o wUl g1 .. a medatatioa 10 a m ThOIWglviDg moro.iag UDlYel'llity \hua.d ·Methoc:hlt Cbllrch, 18422 Clll'MI, 111 lrriDe Tbcmk.aglY1J19 E" ..moe will be held 7 30 p .m LD a:o i.Diormcl pr<DM aod cele.bratloD gather· LDg with mumc: Wonhip Mm~ ate echeduled loz 9 a:od 10.45 a m TbanbgtYlDg day Holiday Special Examination and Cleaning 1 indudioa X-rays) s 00 DC:dlooal .. y OQ o... ... It" 90DQ• boa .... ~-tncboD WOD a anea-day, ca·D.lgllt hoUdoy lor two oc Maw. Amencwm AUU.... roud- tup coach hcketa, ac:- comod ahoDa at the Malli MGrriott and Sl 00 iA OiDan Club credit. Fulk Hooo~.d l.eD Fulk, geowal mcmagw of the OraDge CouDty Fau m Coeta MMO, 1.1 oDe of lh•e CaWorDla few maaagere to rec• .. o .peaal adu..-ment award from the Dept of rood and Agnc:wtu.re th.ll year Fulk rec:ea•ed the award 111 MoDterey rec:ogDI&l DQ "fau prOIJlaml that re.flect qualty, •anety aDd commuJUty p ar- bclpcrbon " Heada Society Dr Marc fbchmond baa beeA IUtalled a.a 1983 precdeDt of the llVUle Mec:bcal·O.Dtal Soc:iety Other ofbcen 111c:lude Ora Chatl• HaOM, Howcud Atho aDd S.DJOlJWI Goel.maD Board mem.bera 111c:lude Du Ch.n.tban S.Uarda, Robert BieleD, Victor Greco, Harvey ~erahDar . Lawrence MaloDe aDd S.•erly Meyera Chain Awazda lrvllle Judge Bcubcuo Tam Nomoto baa beeA Mlected to ' Mrve a.a chcnrwomaD for the 1983 D1.aneyland commuruty S.~• Award.a Tom Fuente• of Newport Beach waa a.l.o named to the IUl· member a wwd.a comnuttM $60.00 \ alue We Keep Yuu Smtlmg 645-8431 Custom Printed Sportswear •r /. C HlJJD1HJUI:S CIIIT1TIID GGIOLOGJST, A GS WE'RE READY ~ f41ftMWIMJI We •c J'"' wme 1>.1~• from the 2~th annual Fall Pa'-'r" JC"'Cit)" Shu• In Lu' Anacla, •bcrc •c aot ready for the hultd.y '"\Oft b) fdhnJ up to da\C un the latat alyla and '"ltd tn Fin. JC't'd'J Mun than 600 t>f tile •orld'' ladlna m .. nuf~Kturcn 11nd dt tnbuwn cd11bttld tllctc We like the tdc.a 11f Ml"f 11b .. lO •Ucnd • dtov. of ltllt l)'Pt MQUJC II Cft.lb U\ Ill * all loll UfiC:C tO milCh of the ,_rc:handctc uw.atl lc fur Chn~m.u Th11 hclpa "'to make a.,_.._ tdet· UOfl, ltd &IYI Rll ovr •tomcnkau•IM)o II~ they .,,u bl tc~ttna the ~cry LU~~~t • at)• ud dllip. The mc"haadiM rdcfwd al the • •ell be t• oor tlOrt rn ample hmt rot tt. "ul~) tcatal\ We •til M happy to \how )Oil 111Ut Ill< , "*'!('• alld .. 11 )OV cb•'a E .tth n tbl liM ~1011 • OftC r tlw .-... M<~U com elt~..,.ti'' ~ulllc110M I_,...,., ~tlb many ,.,.. •• ,.. __,-proud or elM 11n iik.a• lUt ... \ • •• to _,w. ,_ ow clftiOJNn til ar op ~ lid Itt t IUtc~r-r Pft ..... ·~ l)tlf JeQ • ~· (~ ~ JJu,,pJ.,~J w,/,,.J liftwP.lW'T llVO .. COSTA~ tlftCMO '548-3401 VtSif PARKMACA THUR DENTAL GROUP 633 'lit'wporl Utlurh ""' ·• \. • • Announces The Wedding of Haute Cuasme with Haute Couture Presenting Holiday Fashions Created By Janell &rte Orange County's Exdtini New Designer Wednesdays. Oec(mber l . 8 . 15 1·00 • 2 30 O'Clock (CaatmDed tro. p-oe 1) Reel c-... ad ... ~ Cll ·~ Aaoa,..ou. ... ~ttt1 e uae of apc~ce for • •• u,.. llio• Hop.. a leana1llg cmd rellcbllitaUoD p•09raa for f'OUJag adlilll au.Ueriag &oa -'oua head uajwiel dae ~ c•• ...,.wle~MI_... Cl aoae iJa Rea Com.mwaify C.~ So bca Shar~ OA all-Yoluot .. t a.gcmlacrtiOA th4t h.tpa uad.md\&alt ba ..... ponD'Y Deed of food. datbtng, Of ehelter ShareO \&taehea OS*O'-.,.ar·rowxl. tWltUM. Ollt of oDe 900-~ocre-foot _. belwl so 800 ~oom • ....-n.D9 cmd 1200 people per mo~tk. Alaothw LD.Dcmrb" program bo1.18ed LD the Cent.r w a finl of t• kmd day care cut.r for •zuor ab-atiD.I Tb... ~ ~. loat tke a.b&lity to care for th~ a Dd are l.aY'I.Dg with relatl•• who mutt work each day Abo\&t 40 MD.lOI'I are brought IOCJelber each day, oar~.!>t1 feel. CJDd iaYOI-...cl iA ~ acti'f'itiee while their IOU ODd d.augbten a.re crt wotk Tba City Council doea •t a au.m of money allide each year tor doaabOA to local aociol ..,. nee orgCJDUabou. tach .I: 1120,(Q) ia cmDiable to gJO\&J'I = a oompltiU... ~; aC>Oc. are •At O\&t i.nribg a ppllc:atlou a nd the City CoUA· oJ aelec:tw the rec:ip&eAt.l from among tbe r•poodanll Another $82ll,(O) w a..l1ocat.d hom the c1ty b.dp ClDJlUallJ for Coata Meaa '1 HoullDg aDd Community DeYelopmeDt Progam Tlua progtam proridea much needed c u lataDc:e to ab&ena wtth apeci& Deeda but low or moderate i.ncom•. For e.xample, tbe prOIJfam il baD· Clng COD.ItrUctloD of 75 unite for a Mruor CIWD.I complez, and a oothet 50 family hou.ai.Dg rectal u.ni .. It helpe MD.iol'l with their apecl lraD.IportatioD oHd.l by 1upplyu1g equ1pmeDt aDd velucl.. The proqram alto pwchaee. and paya for iutalla- tlon of amok• detecton LD •D.ior comples•. where i.nch'flduala oD b.zed JAcom• CCDlAoC bear the COlt LaDdlordl are 91•en an lA· c eAb•e to modify tbeu unite for the hanc:hc:apped bec:oau.e the progtcuo will fwmoe 100 per· cent of the coM of th.. im· pzovemeAt.l Thi. 1.1 pcuticuJady "Colla N.a "01' UDeptioGG! commuaitJ la tMt the City Coudl hen .. wJ1liAg ~ gi .. Ill the &Mdom to try d.i.f1erqt thlaga," Roedet poiata out. ·n..,·u tab a c:bcmce if tb.y ~ an kl.o ocm help the OOIIUIUUtity, Moll 909WDmUt 09~ area't illMr••li la .... ~ prog:ICIIDI, .. pecially if tbey COlt a.DI'tlU.Da. 'l\e ~ CommWLity CeDter idea could ben-e flopped.. 8\&t we hoYe a ..U·kelp orlectatioa b.e, ~that g• the haDde directly out to hueiit the COID· mwlity. to be uaed by the PC~l"­ molt ~-p«oprime to do the lob. And it 1 at miA.im WD long term co.t to the city.' Roedel f .. ll that the City Co\a.Ddlia to be commecded lot Ita foreeigbt Ul pr..Utlza9 poleD· tial wba.D decay. "Wh.c JOil look crt wb.. a coaamwlity II beaded, fO\l cxm -. tllat urbcm decoy etar1l with tke prahl.mt of tbe people. U fOU baftlt Ul the people ca well a1 tM phJllioal faclliti•. like we're doislg here, you oao for..tall a lot of fllture pzoblema. Both tbe ooUDCil aod the commwaity b.re are iut aa proud to attecd to tlle problema of hwoao Deecia at they are to bwld a better commercial baae w .... th... dollaz tigur• 01 IJ:IY..tnleAtll 1n the future of the cornmunby " Cotta Meaa '• pre1ereDce for a.1.8t1Dg eautiDg commun1ty progtama reYeol.a aD iDaate , .. pact for the experti8e of 1ta Cltia.ent, a leu cry from the mora c ommon go•ernmectal ap· proac:b of recruitiDtJ outiDde "ea· pert.l" to cure a c:ity'a unique Llla And by briAqiJ:\g prlYate lA· duatry do no ra i D d i re c t relatioD.Ihlp wlth the aer'flce organiaaboD.I they can benebt, the e1ty 1DC1eaael commwuco· boo amoDg 1ta cit:iaeD.I and u · panda everyone'• knowledge a nd opbona With far thiaking leod.-..hip lUCk Ql thil, Co.to Meacm~ ate in the very beet of haDd-theu owD . . . Sharon McDonald 11 o Southenl CalifonUa · bc.ed h MloDce wnter Bri-e Ia )oetr folor ••••• ....... a..., ... -•dlllllc A ~rdiutl.. ~ lo untt ).. .....,. •·kW. kaadir.l ••*:ooa MMC A ..... bdper f• llqJ to Rida. LA IT CHANCE TO ORDER fOR CHRISTMAS 0 I City of Newpor1 Beach. MONDAY, NOV. II CriJa.. A dirty mcm rid1Dg a b6cycle cbanouoted cmd bock.d oa the door of a r.adeace ID tiM 1100 ~k of Pott N~h. claf.aa. tAg he needed eotcmce to aclJUIIO the televWon. He U... <IIMd U the "moo of tb.e hoa.a .. or children" were at the~. polJce reported. The Yicti:m denied the mcm'a requ .. aad called police. The wleitor departed . . . Gold jeweby valued at U,lOO ww repon.d atolen hom G.orge Albert Wat• eon in the 1900 block of Port Provence . . Stweo tpea& .. valued at 1100 .. re repodled atoleo from Robert Joho CamlDib LD thelOO block of 36th An•tll L G. Walue McLaren, t2, of Newport Beach, woa an..t.d oa au.apicion of battery . . Jorge AguUat Tregoao, 19, of COita Meea, w01 an.ted on NlpidOD of grand theft of properly . . . Cbarl• William Wh.lte, 18, of Riverllde, wa.e arreeted oo wapi· caoo of automobiJe burglary .. , Mana Gorett LaJootcm, 22, of Laguna Niguel, wa.e an-.d oo auepadon of petty theft . . LW. Galbert Riva.e, 18, of Oa.rde.o Grove, waa an•ted oo .u..pi· caon of t:c•ng codeioe Steven dward Auar.UO, 26, of Palm SprLDgl, waa an..t.d on RaiDe A Suc:ceu A raffle beoefittiDg Hcubor Vaew Elementary School baa b"n term.t a graod eu.~. The proceed~ will go toward the purchaae of a "Sdeoce On The Go" program and on ott ap. precaabou .. rt .. Do non for the raffle included. Alpha leto IQGJ...... AaJbae'• N~trMry, At:an Collallcm, At Eoll, AT L.eo '· lkllboa loy II~. U.. la.nlett I·Hnuy, Bluua and You.ov, tiM Ccuaara. l•lltuly, Catl'• Jr . C'..t S.loG, Cocapu ... PX CrowD H.a.rdwme, U.. Cl&l1lll bally, 0.1 Taco O..Uyia:od, OoU. by )u.he, tdwan:t.' n~. f ar w ... s.mc.. Gwlh•er'e, Harbor Photo, Hoytoa'e lcry WUI<iow, H.rabey'• Mc:allel. Hlckoty fan111, Hob!. Spon., H~a;bee Mot .... Joe Capad" Cllol... h• Mcrrel&e. ha.ll Grcrpl\lcs l nchn 1ll1119' bott'e leny form Laoo Co~&otry Salem. Marie Calleadet'• Newpor1 Balboa Son.oge, N.wpart Beach TeiUUI Cl~tb, Nip aod Tuck, Oli•e,a'e, Pat'• Plooe of t.era., Puote1 loa Ro lph'• Market, Sgt I Pepperoo t'e, Sea Hone "ldtDQ At:odemy. Scotbo t ..-ou , Sbahy'e Plaa, Su SP"Ciy, So~tth Coa.t Pta.! Ko'-1. Su~anne'• t•eTCIU Studio, Sweuen't, I Tbe Toy Shop, Tonl'e, Toye later· I nobonal Wbtppl", Youog S.CODA:J. aod •h• Zo.Ue lamtly I Tree Sale• Local achoola a re par· llcapabng an a Chrwtmaa lrH pr09fam 1poD.80red by martial urll actor Chuck Nania Costa MNa Haoh atltlehc darector hm Hogey, E.tanaa H.ag h ocbClb• duector Art Perry ood ElmM Baker of Saddleback H.aoh will be partc.boo '" the aale wath proc eed• gotn~ lowarda the a thletic, bcmcl aod chou progtame C\llltomen will be able to pack out theu OWI1 trM and IO'Ye money at the eame tune aa well aa helpang to aupporl echool proorama The grH11e.ry it.ma will be .old at a diltri.bu.Uoo center wluch will be tooat.cl crt Coata Meeo High It o.,.u.a Dec 10 Salary Aqreement Clouihed a nd auperv1.10ry employ_. of the lrvtne UD.ltied School Oiatrlc1 hove reaciMd CIA aettlement with the dWrict 011 1982-83 acbool yecu ICIIary u · te08io11.1 A four .,..cent co.t of liW\9 pay lncrea8e 01 well 01 a ~ .. pwcent merit Np ~ b e1J9:ibl. .. sa'o, .. WCII e~~~MCI upon by t~ Caliiornia 9ca.ool Employ... A..oc::iatioD wltJc.l. rept•enta mal11leoaace OAd clerical wo.rken ln the dllllrial Special Eel Meetlnq I I ~ of giYiAg falee toior· matioa llo ~· TUESDAY. NOV. 11 Ctlmee CorODa del Mar High Sc:hool priaalpal O..laM E9GM repodled I* wortA oi damoge woe done to bll oar w-.. we. padr.ecl JliiiCD the ca.atodial oeratlaf ot theacbool. E.a.u waa watcW.Dg o YalWtball ~ • .,... W'CIAdala aclfOtched the I>Qi.Dt of hJ. car ODd ap. panil.dy pawed a eol~t-type Owcl oll the webtcle, pollee repon.d . . nu .. watercolor pabati.D9a YOla.aed at S300 were repor1ed dolo from ao oSc. area ot Corona del Mar High earlier in the day. An .. ta Jam• Lee NOU.. 47, a fugibve oo a robbery wanant horn New .............. •••••• Olllcen The city of Irvine ilaeeking in· tereated area reaidenta to au.pplemeot the city'• •taft of , .. ". police officera. Reaene officeu atd in emergeocy lituationa and daily au.pport iD typical police officer da.ati•. Theze ia a 20-w .. k train· ang pzogram . If you ate LDterested, apply at 17200 Jambor .. Road or call 660-3600 Apphcabone are due by 5 p m Dec 6 Y ora, waa cur..-.d oo Padbc COCIII )Ugbwoy oad Narguer~• .. Two people .... an 0 1 ~ oo luepkioD of clr\I.Alla clrtftao~ la• cludlao IWMa Mae ~ oi Newport llacb RDDAY, NOV. 17 c~ A tar of ....ur.cl oreu a:Dd black oUwea, eoaae RC ~ .ome Budw..._ beer, o guo amaau.Altloa cmd a o 11 tlk telewlt on were amoog itema valued ot 1861.70 llolu f:tom Nick Lodomato io the 900 block oJ lJvUae . . Stereo equipmut valued at 1100 wa.e repon.d etol.o for a car belooqiog to ~•r William Grimwoocll.o the 1.00 block of Place.otio . A tito.niurn ac"tSQ• of a miJlg tr .. valued ot WCII report.d ltoleJl horn Priec:Wa C. Peu.er crt the Jam• Jmoe Fouadation, 450 Newport Center OriYe. Aneeta Meb.ran S.yed Mi.raadeh, 25, and Mamcu Mafi, 21, both of Orange, were arr..a.d oo •uar>i· aoo of ~ult with a deadly weapon. Bail haa beeo •t at $10,000 each O.ion COlol GrHn, 39, of Lagu.oa Beach, waa aneeted on 1uapi.c:ioo of 91and theft of property . Steven Arthur Frana, 26, of New· port Beach, WOI aneet.t on 1uepae1on of ~ng codeine ThrM people were arr.ted on au.aoicio n of drunken drlvioo. LDohadlng two from Newport Bach Daane Simmon• aod Mtchael Gerard Patti.lon THUR8DAY. NOV. 18 Cl'lmea a n od paantano en h tled Arnval of the PUgrun lD Demo ... Now.m.ber U . 1982 1lae Newport Ea.t6p/eo. N.a He lmae Today PaveS PO&At" by Oowkl ~ anellled oo w.piaoa oJ dl'ua.keo N.wpor1 Beaeh. wa. anelled oa •lud at S1800 ... dCII ~ drl•iag, LDcludiag Gregory autplOIOa of bwgla.ry Coby .._ tro. Jolt ia tllel300 Jam• Baker~ N.wport Beach lobo Miller, 24, u.t.d aa a tra:D· block of Do..· • ·A WlDd.u.rler SATUJU)AT, NOV. • lint, waa on-.d oo au.pieioD ...Ciboarcl ~ at ..., WQI Cri..mee of poe rr nsd•g .,_yote Lu.,. Lua. repor1ed atolea Lroaa llab AA Apollo ..n. ca.r clecua• H...oalld., l9. oJ Ri•erad.e. wa:1 Ca.pen l.o the 100 block of V~a valu.t ot 11.695 waa repo~'-cl an..a.d oo ._u.ptaOQ of p1KIK Lldo Sou.d lloleo f:tom Jim SlemoDtlmPQC'tl LDg coccnJle William AAd.rew Aneeta o the 1300 block of Quail A 0.0"' 20, of Newport Beach, Fiwe meo were an.-.d oo moo' 1 Role~ watch. o IJ.lwer wa.e an ..tee:~ oo ILWJ)IClOn o1 1\llpidon of druo.bn drlriog, necklace and otbez property plaDtmg cmd culbwatulg man· none f:tam Newport Beach valued at $950 were reporled JUana Su men were an-.d FRIDAY. NOV. 18 CrlmM A man· 1 wn.twatcb volued a t S600 waa reported atolen f:rom Mwiel Elilobeth Reyoolct. who bad the watch i.n ber pocket. ReyDOJ.d. repon.d then a IDa:D bumped LDto her pno. to bu die- covert of the watch nu.ang, pro bably pickpochted her, pohc e ea1d Two btcyclee valued at S650 wen reponed atolen b orn Edatb L Aley an the 1400 block of Oceanfront AnMt. Na ncy LouJM Hood, 24, of Newport Beach, waa arr..ted on auapacaon of grand theft of property Jeffrey Coeta Pmge, 21, of Coata MMCJ, woe aneeted on auepaaon of fozgery Jam .. Robert Clendenrun, 39, of Cotta Meea,waa orr .. ted on auep&aon of bookma lung Kenneth An· drew Smath, 28, of Newport Beach, waa o n•ted on au.apa c1on of petty theft Gr~ory Lawtence Cu.ak.Uy. ~. William VanDyke ferdon, Jr . 32, and Karen Lynn CuakeUy, 23, aU of Newport Beach, were arr .. ted on suspaoon of poue~ng man 1uano fo r l<lle La rry Allen Newlmk. 21 of Cotta Meao, waa atoleo from Jackie Petne io the on awrpaaon of drunken dnnng, 1600 block of M01gue.rite andudiog thrM h om Newport Prowler• weze reported ao the Beach Azakel KhQ)etoonana, 500 block of V '-ta Flora a nd the Robert Jon Coble and Howard 200 block of Minmar William Reed Aneeta Willard l..arry PartM, 46, of Newport Beach, wa.e aneeted oo IUiplC\On of YOndal.!am fi.o.ry Albe.r1 Richard Albagli, 23, of Ca.to MMCJ, w01 arr ... ed oo IUipiClOD of reck!-dnYlDg s~ men weze aneeted on 1\111])1· c1on of druueo dnYl.Dg , a.o· cludJng ooe fr om Newport Beach Herbe rt Ben)o man Walliama SUNDAY. NOV 21 Crimea A man confronted o woman aa •h• ornved at her home an the 600 block of Michael, demon dmg ahe gtve lum her car keya The vtctun refuaed and the man fled The vachm atated abe behevea ahe full nobced the 1uapect' 1 vehacle foUowano her on lrvtne Avenue , pola c e reported Camera equJpment valued a t $1.434 waa reponed etolen fr om Joaeph Balooh 1n the 300 block of Hollywood Aneata fronkhn Jam•• Aqnew 19 of J•.JTABY Ccuqo Specialiat AJrman Andrea• T Rlddle, eon of Enko H and Arthur D Riddle of 11 Redwood TrM, lr· vtne, baa oraduated from th• U S Au f orce a u cargo 1pec1aha1 cour• at Sheppard Au f orce Bo..e, Tea He 11 a 1981 qraduate ol Un1 venuty H.aQh Anivea In Japan Lt Col Douglaa C Roach, aon of Leo 0 Roach of 5200 I.r. vane Blvd , II'Vloe, baa a rn•ed . lor duty a1 Kodena Au BaM, O lunowa, Japan Roach, a bohter pt.lot wtth the 44th Tac ttcol f aghter Squadron, waa pzevtou.aly CllllQned at f ort McNau Waarungton He receaved a molter • degr .. •n 1982 fr om Georqetow n Untveratty Wa•haogton ~-- / I -- ....... to clo wMft pu'N hit W Q s bill. Unfortunate) '.gas rates are going up. Like \\Tat herst ripping and <·aulki n.~· On top of that. the forecast is for a Install in~ a lo\\·-flo\v ~ho\verh ead . And cold winter: wr<!ppinp; your \Vatrr heater in an So even lf ou've in~ulated and kept insulation blanket. your thermostat at 68 degrees. you're Then call the Ga Cornpany for l'\'t•n going to be hit with a bip:ger ga bill. tnorc ga -saving ttps. But Wt' can help vou avoid ~et t lng Our onservatlon Hotline numl.x'r hit so hard in the (uture. is 800-352-4124. After you pt k yourself up. start ...--.. Plea gtve us a call. W want to looki for oth r ways to save gas. help ou stay on our ~ t. 80UTHJRN CAUFOANIA COMPANY • • • For u yeczn Luq L\lhaa hal beea plcmaiag a ~ birth· day part, lor bel .,u.e, Jorge. Sbe Jaa. bMa ICI'ftag h.er .,_a. .. to t,~orv-.. dnom pr-. MAt, a Fenari. Luq ~pared a w.mptuoua Ar~ati.Dicm (Jorv• waa boru there) banquet, completely ~ which il DO meaa krak liDce mOlt of the COD· dimea• etc. had to b. flown in. Fortunately, frieada from South America, who were in OD th. M<:ret, were able to bring Luq 10m• of th .. precioua gooc:Ue. Over 150 gu..ta attended the party to wh Jorge w.U cmd to watch the look of aheer aurpriM when bil lcmily pr ... ated him with the 14 karat gold key 'c) bil Fenari ••• "Team up Orange County" wae the theme of the Orange County U.S. Olympic Com· mittee'a fund·raiaer at the elegant new Coata Meaa r..taur~nt, Cope de Oro Wldtaa7•• .. c ...... 7 The !nine Symphony pr .. atl Mariaue Whitmyer, Outilt, ill a coacert tr .. to the p\lblic Sunday at 4 p.m. Mehul'a Joeeph: O.ert\ue, and the flute concerto "TempeMa di Mare" by Vi•aldi will lead off the provram. After intermillioa, S..thoftll'l fint aymphoay ill C Major will b. performed. Whitmt•r il a graduate ot UC lrviD.e, where the aow t.ach• Oute. She ha. performed eaten· aiuly with many muaical orgaaiaationa including the Aapen Philharmonic aad F..tival orche.traa, the Long Beach Symphoay, the Califor· aia Pope Orcheatra under Ca:rma Dragon, the UDicoru Playeu and the Brandon Symphonette. She haa a lao appeared 01 a aoloi.tt with the Orange Coaat, Inine and Saddleback aymphoDi.. and with the Santa Barbara Chamber Orch..tra. The aim ol tM oo-•1'k •• o DOD-profit IR&ppoft ~ S. to = = c:r::: .. : fadkti... Some ol the peeta wue SnaaDe cmd Lany Caao, Naa· oy cmd Brycm Torbau.._, the John Cwcia. the ).tf Stocb, Don Ollpha.at, lea Nlaoa, tile Jola.D Coheloe. tM Andy Can.ya, the Jim HaACOOb. the PavJ rru.u-. the William )ocobya, Dean" ODd Ede.De Lcmd.acm. lUck Hop- craft, Andy Xal'liukl. the Bol> McCaffrey•. the Fraak Michel&at, Lia O.Dd Niobe* Toomey, Toru Segentrom, the John &cl.n.BJ'Uc. Nas6aaa, the Bob Clifforda, the John Naben cmd Joan Diebler aad Vic Boyd. Still othen were L yada a.Dcl Pete Shea, the Bob WW.J!~ the Bob Buerkle, the John Kaua, Martha and Bob fluor, the Larry Woodward•, the Cochrane Chaa... Rea•• and Heory Segemrom, the Mcull Petenoaa, JeMie Mae and Cecil SlWa.t, the Bob Burgoona, the Donald Cor· bin.a, the }eif Wiloou and Ellen and Bob Wilcox. • • • Poatacupta The National Chrity League bad it. O.DDual luncheon recently at the New· porter Membera and gueata were all talking about the Debutante Ball, whk:h will b. held Nov 27 at the W..tin South Coaat Plaaa .. Big Canyon Philharmonic bad i" annual faahion •how luncheon at S.a I.land .. The A..ilta:nce League of Newport Beach thnft abop will be the cte oJ the annual Toy Sale Dec. 6th. Tim Parker, chairman of the 552 Club'• Cbriabnaa Carol Ball Dec 4, 10y• 1t 1a 10ld out SANTA (lAUS it ••litted by An1ber W-'dorf. 7 monat., In ~ tl~ ~. _. Kiwanit Club .,.,. In lmtw. Ttw £belt Club of IMM at :>J~\,)nwnn~ tlw •Ieith S.nt• wlN ~. e To Unem Unemployed reeidente of Co.ta Meea, Corona del Mar,lr· viae, Newport Beach a.ad Sa:.ata Ana Heigh" are eliQihle for tr .. monthly membenhip at the Orange Coaat YMCA. Board cbauman Michael A.ahe taicl the Y will pzoricle tr .. uae of ita facilitiel for up to 50 unemployed penon• in ••· change for eight boura of monthly volunt"r Mrrice from each applicant Unemployed penoaa aboulcl pr-.Dt a current check ttub for the O.pt. of Employment to the Y . 2300 Unheraity Drive, betw"n the hou.n of 9 a.m. a.ad S p.m. Monday through Fridoy. For more information, coll &tl-9990. lamda Higll Sdaool'• dUll team took top boaon ot the an. ClADual H<1ibor Bowe'WGid of Cam' d.Jli oooiDoB cmd woa Sl,· 500 for it• c:oacoc:tioa, "Jail Roue CIUIL'' Mwe them Sl4,000 ill f\llldll ..... raiMd to ....... Es6aDda. Cotta W.... Newpon Harhor and Corona del Mar !Ugh echooll. About 600 lhldutt fromt he iouz dedi eompMed. Second pMt of 11.000 wat awarded to the "Chill Waaett ... " the Xeywoaett• hom Corona del Mcu High At tM pnnal time, Allelwa v~ os-ae. thr• liceaaeci group llomet olld a fourth boord-oacl·eare home for de~ clillabW odu.ltl 1a OtaaQe Cou.atJ. ne .mag.·. gooliatM~ of Q fm. miaQ commu.aity oa 30. to 40 acr.-i.D the county. Scbooll. Es:'aacio'a pep club, the ''ewllhp-ea, .. took t!wd place cmd~SSOO. 1M~ Award for th. -.. allow. Mit booth.. '-om nCDM CIDd o.,.ra.U uth~ weat to the Newport Harbor Hie.. GUll' Atbleticl teom of ''Madam Reel'• SolooD .•• Harbor low.-.ard of Can, the apouori.Dg orgolliaatloa, ia· dudte 11 cor dealenhipt oloog Jbbor Bhd. na. chili cookoff waa planned to help rca. lunda for acti.U, dube a1 the high IChoola. Museum To Sllow l'asldons Dec. J The HCOnd annual Newport Ha rbor Art Muaeum faabion ahow fund·rCUMr will take place at the muaeum Fnday, Dec 3 at 3pm Tbz" generationa of Orange County famili.. will abowcOH holiday wea r pre1ented by Norcbtrom "Chri•tmaa 11 a Tune for G1ving" ia the theme The par· hc1pa nta w1ll model their faahione among the 10 elaborately decorated Chnat· maa tr... Mt throughout the c....-r. zw""" • ....., CMIOAtT -Is • tiCIN .. Olffll If .. -Gilt f/1 ... I ~ IWift or f.al Ill rec--. CN ~ ....... -..,.I . ._eMir ......_ * tiD C'll 11111 ora -..cftlelh 00 -.... tiD ~ .c.. • .,.. Ill ll'ftiC*I ~ --tM '91' to ........... ., ... (II """ ... .,a. ........ _.., .... muMum' a three galleri ... Other featival activiti•, UD· derwntten by Norclltrom, in· elude a puppet ahow, Santa Claua. Cb.Ntmat ca.rola a.Dd a magic abow . Exhibit• by prof~onal ortiMII cmd. ~ a nd a craft and gourmet bouti· que will a1ao take place. Any clu.ld accompanied by an adult will be admjtted fr.. All proceeda will go to aupport the muaeum '1 operationa. For more information, caU 759-1122 , ,_ __ _ Or. C•rt Cotm•n and Irian Johnton ..._., • Gloria Pyl~ retwartft ttw .,.,. of Maria In ttw betwftt p«r· ..{omlanc~ of .. ltw Sound of Musk" Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. at ttw UC lrvii'W Viii• Thnter. AU pr\XH\ts aid UC I' • rew.-ch on tp6NI cord and braan lnfut')'. (otman Mt bftn In ttw rwwt I•Wfy AJI you'll f!Yer need to know about fk>mlS 641 -0810 • Stone Mill Business Park 2915 Red Hilt Ave. • CQ.SQ Mtsl foUow"'l hit-=~ tn the dlkOWf'Y of lnlury •l'duced erowth factors. Hit rae~h ~ rafwd hopes few tlw ftet\1\NII ~·of damaaed neural tass~ In tlw brain and aptnal cord. For tln.ta call 966-e661. .---------------------------------------...:.:~:.:.;;~be~r ~. 1912 The N,-.pan Eal6p/Col8a W... News l.rvute Today Page 3 Natur by~ .... be Earimaeeeta! Nature c-... hacbd hehtac:t .. N•wpor t Mua UaUl•d Sct.ool DIID1ct ol8c:. 00 18th Str .. t lA Newport leach, ~ a pleaecmt ....pte Ina the hectic paoe of alty •• Bob Hou., Newport Haz. bor High '• Science chairmcm, cieofel.oped th• kiM for the o.ate~ 12 yean ago when the 2~~• area woe ju a oom· mua.ity d\Uilp&Ag irou.ad. "The huaior EbeU Club wcmted to help the commua.i- ty iD the area of ec:ology," Hou. reclla. "They w•nt to Dr . Loota, a uhto ot euperlotendent, a nd he direct.d tllem to me. Then the )waioc League got LDYOlftd a nd tha t ie the way our orlgiDOl aupport group wae orga:niled. Newport Harbol'a prbacipal at the time, Dr. Charl• Godaball, wae oJao able to allocate eome achool fuoc:t. to help out." Firat a na tura l-loo king ltreom wae formed witll the help of a lcmdecape architec:t, Kou.ee and fellow NeW])Olt Harbor ec:ience teacher fohn Ec hternoch . La ter, Fred Long, a nother londecope architect, helped deeign the center with native California plane wbich require 1 .. oar• and water "Ow plonta really ebow Ole differenc. betwMn aecuou a nd they attr a c t many migra tory blrda durin~ the wina.r," Hou.ae ICIJI. 'Our pla.nta and the inMctlli'!:X in them prOVlde the food o eel by the bi.rc:t. The Audubon Sooety \&Mil our center for held tnpe and over the lo.at four yean 130 ·~ hove been 11ghted.'' The m ou nd• wh i ch Mporate the center from the aoutllern end of Newport Hor· bor'• Dcrric:Uon Field were created from the dirt ecooped out to create the Olympic pool. The work force, which buUt the center'• potu and planted the tr ... and ehrube, come h o n environmental nature development clo.... created by Hou.M and tought by bJm and othet teachen a t the rate of tbrM or four d a.• pc aem..t.r. "We involved Ole etu.!.Jnta , and we were able to lure a po:rt. tune cu.ltodicu:a who ia paid by the achool ch.t:nct We have rece ived donatlou from uadmduala and we earn ad- ditional funda from Mmce organaabou when we pre· Mnt a alide ebow lecture on the development a nd pu.rpoM of the center for them," ICJfl HouM Betty Hogg, Nature Ce nter tour chairman, il concerned wtth prepaung y o unq cluldreo to a ppreciate and r•pect nature and all Uving thlnga "I agrM with Rachel Canon, people need to be expoeed to and taught about behOYing in nature when they are very young," ebe IOJ'I Toun of the center rtort wtth an tntroducbon to 13 of CoWonua'a 29 plant com· m \l.DlbM -d ... rt. coastal \'C'UN (;S TERS froen Newport Mna tthoolt &earn about ttw wo.-.n "' n.'\tUIV .11 Env~ronen~ntal ~nt~r malntalrwd by district on 16th St m N\'wp.>rt Reach aage acr u b . woodland• (aoutbe r o oa k, footb all , northern oak, and riparian), fo reate (milled evergreen, redwood, and clOMd cone p ine). c hapa rral, va lley gra ulond , a nd freabwoter pond and march "The redwood trMI ore the only planta requiring elltra woier beca uae they ore UMd to 50 to SO inch• oJ roinfall per year." IOJ1 'H09Q "The r•t of the plant. take co.re of themMlv.. The center baa a bout 150 d1fferent oobve CoWor01o planta "On the tour• we focu.a on the uatereeting .ton• Cllld a necd ote• of the cente r'• pla ota and uaaectl, and we no h ce what catch•• the cluldren'• attenbon and then anawer qu..tion.a they baYe The toura a:re inter..ti.Dg all year round becouae oJ all oJ nature '• different .. <180nol chong .. and octivib .. " Some of the center'• plante and crea ture• who hove odueved "celebrity_" atcrtua a re the toyona (the Chri.ttz:wu ~ny plcnlt whioh gctu Hollywood ill nome), the Califor nia p o ppy He ld (pr ... nting a bright orcm9• alope during the lpri.ng), the JO)oba ah.rub (the oU of which ., valued), the Mamoon fig cact\a (UNci a.a a food by the lodtona), moequito liah, dragon.Oi•. crorliah. toac:U and todpolea (whlcb take two yeou i n t hei r metamorphoeea) Aho the M.A.O. group (ma ple, oab and dogwood tr ... ahowing alternate leaf figurotlona). the lemonade berry buah. the wild ro ... C aliforn i a aycarnore and whlte older tr ... (two typical atream..aide planta), and the augorb\ah "T he ce nter'• p lant• pro vade a ah e lt e r for migratory barda a nd tome very rare apeae~ aghted here were red-taaled howu and great honed owl8 Recently on uncommon type of hum· mmgbird n..ted here "On the toura we ICJY tt'a okot to collect ...d.t and pod..a on the qrou.nd but we ttr .. reapect for liring Uunge a nd to lecn-e the i.n.lec1l where they ore. With our amoU pok:h of po1a0n oak we teach the chUdren how to idenbfy tbia deciduoua plant without 1ta leave~. We o1ao work to ah<IJ'J)en obeemng and bateo- LDg UUla by empha8i.nng the uM oJ the Muee," Hogg 101d The npanao 1trea m11 de pond tt made from a layer of m ylor fil m ao nd wac bed MtwMn two layen of COD· crete and aunounded by large rocb gathered from the Santa Ana riverb.d area There ia a MnM oJ fa.lle wtth the water commg iD through a ptpe fr c.m the Newport TALKINGTU K y lt'a autumn in N•wport and the air Is tilted with turk•y talk. The wild turk•Y• who are gobbling up the last avat~le open apace In our tight little town are aaylng .ome pretty wild things. The Bann6ng people, for •xample. crow about 75% of their development remaining '" permanent "OPEN AREAS." Then we find out that thla means mostly park - ing Iota, trellised driveways, and parking structures. Ev•r take your kldt on a picnic tn a parking structur••? Ever try to organl~e a softball game using a Mercedes as third base? Wh•n Beeoo/Bannlng, or Hugh .. or Newport Cent•r developers tatk about "giving" the city aomethlng In return for lnten•• development, Ia thlt what they give us -parking structural called "OPEN AREAS?". Now that the big money gobblera have own th• election th•y muat think they have won the right to aet th• tabl• u they chooae. Already they a,. g<Mng back tor second helplnga .. There Ia talk of doubling th• atza of the Marrlot Hotet. They dtdn't Ilk• the por- tion they got at the flrat Hrvlng. The Irvine Company Ia warming over Ia Four Seuona concoction and trying to get It Mrved again too. The gobbler• try to convince ua that we thould let them maw plan thejr huge eJt· panalona aa tMy wanted to. If th• expanaton It .. ~ ... they uy, the cl1y won't get any trafflc Improvement beneflta from ~ We have ,_. tor them .. we atlll do have a Traffic Phulng Ordinance whiCh requlr• them to at tMU "''ow ua an OC· ca.lonal wlahbone by trying to mltlgat• the trafl'lc meu t~ c.uM. We can't let the turkeya get all of the gravy bit by blt and ... ve the ctty -"" nothing but teathera. It Ia U'le r .. ldenta thlt have mad• Newport "'-fine town that It 18. lome Of ua hav• worked almoat around the clock to der.nd our ctty from the~ It It time now for ua to devote our holiday aeaaon to the famiU. that have a100d .,_lnd ua through theM battles. We're very thankful for theAr aupport. So we're~ to take a couple ot montha off from the battla ... No W!Mkty columna, no heavy poNtlcklng. BUT WE'LL BE BACK and we wtll continua to Inform peop" about the dangeroua of llatenlng to too much turkey ~bte from the land gobbwa. KAVE A NICE HOLIOA Yl nt r Wa ter Dept The .. u. contoiAed meam ey.tem ~ tDe wat.r by pwa· pi.Ag it back lhfougb th. pipe-. "Mont former 1tudeota corn• back to Yi1it the ceate.r o.od rem'nkc:e about tiMU ... forte lo th.e early q-. The ampbiu..at.r woa Qi•eo by an ononymoua donor about t.b.r .. yean ago. The MCJ1II ore made of cedar loge. A WN<J. din took plod. iD \h,i, MC~So~ a ~w yeora ago," Hogg rec:alla. Bob lt.Uey, a t.eacher iD the achool di8trict and pr-'dent oJ the center'• board oJ direc- ton , ~very enthu.ma.tic about ita acbYlbM an d alerting the com.m uruty about da aenioea. "We wb rk wath en· vuonmenta.l groupe ua other nearby commuru• and yet we ore co~WtaDtly 1\Ll'Pneed at how many people ore un· aware tha t we e:aut Our center w a plecuo.nt rural area witbi.o the a ty where you can ••• ••a eo n• c han ge d.Joma ucaUy Our un1que bird etbnga hove b..11 written u p an the Aud ubo n Mogoa1ne "Califonua hae more plant oommunibM than anlu!~er atate We educate c eo and od ulta about the wate.r CO!I.Mrvoboo advantog• of baYing th... natlve pla nta around and about how get· bog a wa y from the rouhDe of everyday We can help b uman beuaga," Kelley IOJI In a pr ogra m be109 d eveloped thta yea r. the ~ehool dwtr1ct'1 hfth graden o ve r fo r a thr ee-d a y b ackg round e a p e n e nc e b e fore than atte nd the O range County O utdoor School The re ore 10 center docenta conduchDg toun for d o- fr o m e lementa ry thro ugh htgh ~ehool levels a nd youth orgonaaa hona aucb a a the YMCA a nd Scouta The docenta ta ke a Mveo-wMk tr<IlD.lng cia. whach boa been co·aponaored by Cooatline Commu ntly College The nelft tru1rung •••on will 1tort f eb 11 N1n•ty cluldren took part LD the center • fou rth a nnual natural ICteoc e aumme r p r o9 ram The u a -week courM Uldud.d the atuchee of O range County buc:U, aolar ... md w1nd energy, nature photography rocb , 101.1 and weather e nvuonme ntol b1ology f 1eld tnpa we re made to S.o World, Catahna, Oak Canyon Nature Center and Da na Pouat On·ehore lab and Tadepoola by Re)a..t "-..all Newport Beoch Nayc. Jackie H.eotlatK loll oaly • prec:i.Ddtl to ~~8ncmoed dwal Dmd c Gnmt ba tbe No.. citJ electioa. lf.eGtb. WOD 5 of the c:ity' I ~ preeiDcftl, taJtbag 17.$01 l'Otal ooaapared to Grcmt'• 11,34.2. A precinct-by· prec inc t bzeakclowza of Newport Beach electioa fi.qur .. ~ releaNd. Ja.t week by the Ora:Dge County RegWror of Vot.n. There ware a total of 31 ,096 ba.llota coae ill Newport, and Ole race b.tweeo Hea ther a nd Grant iD di.trict • prol'ed the mOlt popular with voten, who coae a city-.nde total oJ 28.743 \'Otee for eit!ler candidate ua that race. Within ch8t:rict •• 2, ·~ caet theu YOte for incwnbent Heather t n t he 15 r epreaentah•• preciDcia. Grant receaved only 1,812 YO ... ua the di.tnct, but earned the Eo.tbluH area wttb a aolid 589 vot• compared to H.ather'a 431. Tbe upeet oJ Corona del Mar tn c umbent P aul P au l L Hummel by Bill AgM wae the cl~ city race, Ag .. win.rung l•.sat votee agaiut Hummel'• 13,318 It wae the eecond ma.t populcn race on the a ty ballot, with 28,002 coab.ng vot• for d.aa- tnct 6 ln MYe.ral precuacta tt wae a mattlar oJ a few •ot• that gave e1ther c:anchda1. the edo• ln d..J..Itrict 6 precmcta, HUJ'Dlllel took o nly C ameo HigbloDd e, 98 vot•. to Ag .. '• 85. But Ag ... accorduag to 14 rept ... ntabve precuacta, walk.d away Wlth the Corona del Mar, Ir..-uae Terrace Ca meo Sho rea, Cor o n a tbgb.landa and Shorecl..t.ffa vot•. 2,24.2 to Hummel' 1 1,660 In other areaa of the a ty. HummeliC'OJ'ed wellLD Ea.tbluH a nd the W..t Newport Tnangle A W..t Newport precu:act, 53· 381, bod the c:U.tincbon of vobng the election' • only be betw .. n counol car.u:iidat• Both Wlnnei uacum.beot Donald A StraUII a nd challenger Norman R Loata r~ved 92 votee each m tha1 preanct Loate took etght precuacta lor a total of 11 ,506 vot• whlch waa aquaabed by Str~· 16.360 The only ltrOAg area for loa111 woa Wltb.ua di.tnct 1 the ''home" d.wtnct of both oonchdat• Balboa Penzunau.la ca.t «O vot• for Loata ua both repr .. J:I · tabve precuacta, handJng Stra UII a lb.ngy 286 Strou.. took the d..aa- tnct Wlth a total of 2061 ballot.. Loata reoeJ'IUlg 1.636 from 13 repr ... ntotiYe precmcta ua du· tnct 1 onln Inc The lbr ... way race tor eowa- a.l..man from d.J..Itnct 3 woa a wolkaway for LDC\Uilhent £vein Hart agOUW: challengen A1la:a Beek and C Edward (Ed) Wolfe Ev.n oomhlned, Beek'a 9,58? ctty ·wtde votea oDd WoUe'a 2,467 would poee DO threat to Hart'e 15,861 The lorg .. t total recetv.d by Wolfe from a angle precinct wae 53 vot• Schaler Tops In 74 Precincts by Ro bert Frank C ouncd w oman A rle ne Schafer won the people' • man· dote ua moet of Ca.ta Meea · 1 83 prectncta dunno the Nov 2 general elecbon, occordmg to hnal r•ultl h om the Oraoge Countv Reautta t of Voten Schafer took 13,947 YOtel from a total of 46,624 ca.t thtouohout the a ty for cou.ncil concildat.. She waa the greo-.t vote·getter of a nyone on the city ballot. WUUlLDg the ma.t vot• ua 74 prectncb Schafer came ua M· cond to fellow wuaoei and ua- cumbent Norma HertJog ua llll prectDcta and they b.d lJ:I tb.rM. Hertaoo d1d ea te rn e ly well herMU. wtnrung 12 31 8 of the total vot .. Chr11top her Ma o•• Steel rec e 1ve d 7 535 votea Dave WhM ler rece1v.d 5.993 vot., Lyon Van Aken receaved •.m vot" and Claucila Kelly· Weyer rece tv.d 2 552 vote• 28,359 ballotl were ca.t Ul Cooa M.eaa on elecnon day Heruog octuall y loe1 Mven oreclllctl whlch were cilvaded among StM l Wb .. ler and Van Aken Steel and WhMler dtvtded on even number of vot• 1n th e f ou Dnve precaoct. near"t Ctty Hall St .. l al8o took the Monte Vllta ptecmct ecmt of Newport Boulevard edgtng Hertsog out by a me re thr .. vote• Steel took two other preaocu Von Aken look two pre<:Ulctl fr om Hertzog one by eeveD vot• and another north of the 405 rr .. way and weal oJ Bear by 107 vot• Claucila Kelly·Weyer won DO prenoC'tll She came cloe..t Ul nudgtno V 10 Aken out of the number lour 1po1 about a doaen ttmea There wt+re ... 21 a beentH ballota C'Utl wtth Scha fe r and Heruog reapecnvely, 1. cetVlDQ the loroe11 number of votes f uture prOJ ect• Include creahno a nature muaeum when aome of the ~ehool du tnct ofbc.. move to other fo cd11l ea planhno more nohve tree• a nd ehrubt, a nd phoa1n9 out some of the ougmal non oanve CaWornto planta wh1 c h were the re before the center 1 develop· me nt N o advert1 ser 1n thjs pap •r Jofm £. ~fom The Envuon.mentol Na1urt Cente r 1 oddt .. w 1601 16th St Newport Beach Co 92663 and the phone number Ll 645 8489 IS more than a q alJo n from y_ou • 1 , , .. . , ... '. . .• 1,, " .H ~ the ~C'V "'' •n ro~tn pllf1 nnw i • "'"'" R,...,.."' .Jn..lr.tmllllft ~I Q!! • \('11 t , ,, ·• 11'1 p)u, '''" wt't'lo:, • Yf'11r • 1' '' •wt ., P ~ "'\.a•n V.:'Ur ,tkj ran~ 11 ..,,.u f" • 1 ~"" f"\'\ i'l f '' •' I t' " I' th. )d k""' f'11~~ Ad••lor ..• , ....... . ,. ..... nii"'-.~~"'INe ... -. f ........................ ~ ... ......... ---·---~-.. ~ . .-........... ....... ' u ....... _...,... s-,_ .. ..... ~ ~ CLLITL''M PHt )Tt )C R.APH Y \\ e rt! PROl D T l' HJve Ph1.ll1.>~rJrhed \1R~ I\' I>ORI \' '>\Jth her '"'n t-\ \' ~·t ~·ould &-PROUD ll> ph\llllgr.tph \ •'U Ght t~ aift onl~ ~ou n n Jlh" 760-6767 ~0 f. Pat 1fh Coast H~ y. Corona <kl \lar. C A • 7 Someoae OA thi8 COCI8l il ;uilty of hideoua actl agaiut otMr liNg tbiaga. ThJ. penoD or penou baa been re.poui.ble for hack· lag otf the upper beab of pelic~ m and around Dana PoUat Harbor. The di.ooftry of S more thia week brought to 18 the zaumber of pelieana which have been mulilitated in thil bntal maD.Der. Two have artificial beab but there it con· cwu whether the beab will function properly when the birdl diYe into the ocean for food. Two pelicOll.l have died from their injuri•. It ha8 been epeculated that the penon or penona r.-pon•ble lmowa that by cutting off one beak, he or ahe leaY• the bird alive to fly elMwhere, removing the e'ridence. It it difficult to fathom the outlook of aomeone who would carry out auch actl of cruelty and inhumanity aa th ... The guilty d ... rv• our acorn and pity. -TB xd lesslnl The American High Speed Rail Corporation an- nou.DCed lalt w .. k it baa Mlected the fluor Corporation to manage the Bullet Train project. Eltimat.. of the cOlt of building the ayatem betw .. n Loa Angel• and San Diego have now reached $3 billion. It could mean $200 million to SSOO million for fluor, an op- portuDity to re-hire an •timated 500 penona laid off receatly, and at Chairman J. Robert fluor laid, a chance to "d.Cloutrate our akilla in our own backyard." But it il likely to be a milled bl...;.ng. I American Speed Rail lobbied thia gigantic proJect 1 through the California legialature, acquiring the right to 1 circumvent altogether the California Environmental Quality Act. I (The aigning of the bill waa the final act of pohticol 1 cynic:Wn of an adminittration which courted votea by ez· cortati.Dg Jam• Watt for tMking oU.hore oilleaMI, and then turned around and approved a S3 billion pro)ect onahoze that can mock CEOA il it with•). EYerywhere fluor'• men go, to public hearing• up and down Southern California, they will be American High Speed Rail'• "henchmen." When they encounter relidenta wanting to know why a Bullet Train ia auddenly ploDDed through their back yarda, Fluor' 1 men are likely to bow more grief than they .knew while globetrotting the 10 natioDI of the world where the firm baa built project.. AUt ner The November ~aue of Colifo.rnia Journal rat• Bruce Nutande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supen'ilora, one of the top five candidat .. to become California'• future political leaden. Neltcmde, the magcuine writ•, "ia e•entially a non· ideological politician with a problem-aolving approac h that mak• it ea8J for him to deal aero. party linea " The aupervi8ora were .cheduled to hem a requ•t from Neltande ye.terday that an ad'f'Wory committee be recon•ened to find a remote aite to be added to clOM·in ct.. being .tudied Ql p<*ible locationa for 0 new medium-to maximum-aecu.rity jail. The protelta railed by hameownen near the four cloae- m ait•, including two near Irvine, reflect genuine con- cwu, Ne~tande laid. The county waa wrong to im· mediately write off remote areaa becau.M of a lack of in- frc:.trueture at the lit•. ('nle land alone for one of the two Irvine lit• could co.t •18 to ~ million, 10 if federal, •tate and local fundi are to be upellded for a jail, theD the county ahould at lecut thady the oo.t of building a road and putting in Mwe.r, water aDd power, too.) Tile Board of Supeni8on WQI not deaf to citlHna com· pla:i.1d1 prior to N..tcmde'a arri•al from thelegialature. But ace he cam• there baa been a noticeable improvement ill the board'• capacity to lltten and re.pond to what peo-Ple arei!QJing. N..tcrnde'1 eugg..Uon to atudy remote jail lite• ia one •• hope the bocud will have already acted upon scm-ably by the time thla ill publilhed. Tlae board abould halt altogether the planAiDg of l,D>- tamcde ~ lD rMidatlal za~)lbarbood.. ' We ••lcome letfela hom readera. We re.WYe tlte rlt,JJt to edl t /g, len gtlt. !I.Dd J'OUI comment• to Le,._ lo tlae Edltor, Coa.t llecllo Hewn Group, 1101 Bo.r.coc• St., Newport B.ach, CA ~ Obiecta To Fee• To the Edltor. I am loolung for people iD O ra nge Col.lllty woo object to the new traah f .... To tome of u•, th ... aze new f ... and othera have had old £ ... lncreaMd.A •UJtantial increaM la ~e~hedv.led Jor neat year Ma ny people are blaming tbeu 01b• or .anitary dJ.tricil for the £ ... , but the oouty •upervwor• cne the onee who are couaing them. 'nley took the property lOll revenue that had been paying fo.r bu.rying tralh to u•• for more important thinge auch a• the $3,500 raiN tbet voted themael•• and forced 01b• a nd 80nitcny cli.etrict8 to hnance traah burying and to bgure theu own waye to get the money You, your netghbor• and I can atop theM f... We ocm't dop them by gnping to ou.r hienda. We can't .top them by griping to ofhcaala of our citi• or ecmik:ay diatrlct. W • can't .-op AlrCal W Increase Its I'Upts them by griping to otticiala of O\ll citi• or 80nitary d.iatriota. Even gripea to the •upenieore who ccUMd the f ... won't ltop th1m. By myeeU, I can't atop them. If you and enough other people will work with me, we can permanently .top them. How? The eame way we~ 8kyrocketing property taa•, by oy Rep. 8o.b Ba.clham Impollition of a S-cent incre<JM 1.11 the federal taa on g010line - now four ceota -11 not very palatable to me, although lf ad· ed to vote for 11 by Preeident Re<l9an I will Mrloualy oouider doing 80 in the interut of repair· 10g the nabon'a highwa y• a nd bridge• We are told that •uch a levy, deacri.bed by the Pr•ideot and TraD.8porlation S.creta.ry Drew Lewia aa a "uNr'• fM," will raiM $5.5 billion, of which s• • billion will be ea rmarked for the proqram of upgrading the road and bridge •yllem With few e:acepbont pnvate comparu• and cib.&ent do not buUd and mmntain rood.a, 80 along with police, hte and rm.a· 1ng of a rm••• for na h ona l defeDM, roadt muat fall anto the category of publ.ac r•polllibwty fo.r the common good of all AmerloaD.8 Somehow. however. when I ••• the quivenng jowl• and whit. mane of HoUM Speake.r Tip O 'Neill looking me in the eye h·om the TV tube telling me that we muat repair ow roada and bridge• aa a way of putting AmerlcaD.8 back to work J get the impr..ton that we are going back to the old make-work p.rogranu of the New Deal and •ubaequent Democratic ad· min.i.ttationt which got ut into t.he finanaal m.. we a.re iD now. In Cahfornaa Oov Jerry Brown and bia anti·b-'9hway ad- the LD.itiatin procea. Tboee who aren't willing to get a few lignatu.r• on petitiou can't be objecting very lttongly to the new f .... If we take thia c:ircwnvention of tb. intent of Prop. 13 lying down, we can eapeot to have to pay new f ... for numwou..~ othw government •mv•. The 1\&pel· vilon hOYe already cllked their •taff to makelhlc:U. of otbw •r· vio• on wb.1cb they could im· poeef .... Will you help? Si.nowely, Bob Dluen Garden Gron mana•tration mu•t take the great..t .hare of the retpon· aibi.lity for any deficiency wh!cb we find iD ou.r bighwcrp and bridg•. What'• happened to the be.t ltate h.ighway a.,.tem in the nation with the belt highway ayltern in the world ccn only be dacribed aa a dieatter President Reagan waa right when he .aid in New Orlea111 the other day that what thil country need• i• a broad economic recovery, not a make· work program. Unemployed automobile and .teel WOlken will not be among the ..timated 320,(XX) who will be at work rebuilding the roade and bridga. What will get the auto a nd 81Ml worker-a back on the JOb will be lowe.r inter..t rat• and continued low rate of illcreaM in the in.flation rate. L.af-raclt:inv boondoggl• will not do the job U, indeed, there if a concen· •ua that the natioD '• roada aud higbwaye need to be repaired, it 11 the public'• r•pouihi.Uty to do 10. But lt U.Ould aot be cloDe at the eapeue of the motoridl and cmothar five cente of gaa- oli.ne taa or UMn fee, j\&.lt to c reate another make-work program Congr-will take up tb.i.a propoeal aa early 08 opt week when the lame duck IIIROD lt convened. Surely thee will be many hou.n of debate OM~ ad- ding to the ~ ol vc-oline for the aat6oa'e _... .. Let' • All Olve Thcmka Foz Thaok419lv1Dv Day ODe thlAo you oan .UU be ~biatbatweiiDW.. Tba~ I)gy. ~-.cmci that it'• ltil1 ~ Oil ·raunday ill· ltead of beiDg nritched to Mon. day like eo many otbw holidoJI. It'• a kMn holiday. Wlillelt may raiN baYoc with tlloee wbo ban to put out newtpaPen. cmd foula up the Thwaday food a~er· tiling acbedule ln doW., cmd anarla traah collecrtiOA.chedW. and ltuU like that, it'• .till the moat Ame.rican of all our holiday •. Hletory probably recorda that Tba.n.bgiving Day became of· ficial and legal only after Pr•· dent A.b.ra.bam Lincon proclaim· eel it. But any acboolboy knowa how our pUgrim fathen Olld motben courageoullly aeked their neighbor•, hienda and •n•nu•, including the lndialll, to fecgt with them to th<lllk God for eo much TbankegiYing Day waa ..,.aal when I wa.e a chUd, and it'• eveD more lignlficant and memorable ua ow pr .. nt fa.mUy milieu. A. a yoUDg~~ter, Thcm.b;ivi.Dg Day wa.e one of the few bolidaJI Dad took oU hom the newapaper, and be enjoyed earring a huge l\arhy-and carving it well. At one time, Mother rm.d her own turkeya-in Ojai -ond butchered and pluobd one the day before abe cooked it. And the lcnge crowd alway• began the meal with a famUy ritual of eapre .. ing, individually. reaaoD.8 fo.r being thcmkful. Today, Tbank•9iving ha• muoh of the charm, the appeti* and the famUy warmth ol earlier yeau The menu change• Uttle-the turkey, the yama, the ma.hed potato. and etuffin{l and cranberry •auce and pumpklo p1e The lcunily getl bigger, the contu..ion greater and the wmt for dinner ... .ru longer, but we all look forward to the gatbenng of the clan aDd the fecut of the Feltona. My lint Thanbgivi.Dg with Gwen wat really before I began oourti.ng be.r. I bad ben lAYlted to be.r family' • home Iince beT brother and I worked together for the San Diego Sun. Her lather waa an excellent carve~. but he bad a h.cud cmd fa.t rule-be only carved onellide oJ the bi.rd, no matter bow large the crowd. The r..t wowd be upt for meale late.r in the wMk. He wcu put to the t..t when I aeked for a MCond helping and be barely managed to ICTape enough from the bon• to Nne me. During World War D, tu.rkeya we.re not OYOila.bJe to ua. So Gweo r~ a rabbit oDe year when we live in Alhambra. H.r parent. were on band to •hare the fea.t, but J\&.lt 08 Gwu waa about to tqke the clbmer from the o•en, abe took me into the bedroom cmd acdd 1 mu.lt fUI.h her to Huntington Hoepital. Within the hour, our third child W08 born. Our other Tbankegiving• bave been le. dramatic and not a• produoU•e in the eame manner, but they hOYe aU been d.iB•ent. The a.hildren often lnvUe \&I to their hom .. , now, aJld U.at meau J can f01ego tbe oan1.D9. But Gweo atlU make• tlae p&.-bet cna11t are tM m011t elegant in the 'fOIIcl-oDd 1n t• ceat yean I'•• Mea coa- trlhuting laomemode ..._ aacl rOU.. Tlte {ITa,ndcbUclrea are 9 ... tiag older aad leu ob.treperoua-alt.hougb we learn Ulat two maq are oa taelr way-oDd per~ C. w. age w. become more tol.raa A,nd 1 ofteA Wid t&at we ccm'-d oa tM old ~ of ~our,....ior~ ~-·~ ...... __ ,; ~ ~eat ol aDdear war • .a.. bleb ••.m.DioY .. at a.. tM ~01...._, .. ~­bm JMay w..taga. It • o .................. ~--. •· a1 ' II •• t. y • It Q .. f, I • Q • • '· \ , r I I MA"Y POPPINI The enofmoustv PO()Uiar Walt Disney musteal tentasy returns tor the holiday I Rl "110\. '" 12!»Z:WMCBS (1130AM Ct IMI l MICALI AND "C>eMM: TM Sectet Adwtnt\ne of TOM...,_ and Huc:k """ Palrtcll: CreedOn and AnthOny MIChael Hall•n some enltretv ,........ adllentUIH ot rna lamed pa11 created by humottst Mark Twa1n •,"' '\101. .. LORETIA SWIT OAM£1 MOTHER NEVER TAUQHT YOU Con'4dy drama .v•th LOfetta Swtl as the first wom.tn e•et ulrve m .t" othcP wt~ere men t•t111e ffidOe au •ne rules tn a Olav tor ~~~c; c oroor THIIXICUTtONEn SOHO Part One Tommy Lee Jones !)Of trays Gary Gilmore ttle conviCted Stayer who tough! allorts to prevent hiS a.Jiecu tron and met hts death by a Utah State Prtsoo ltrrng \qUaO '"January 1977 Based on the Pulitzer Pille wmn•nQ book by Norman Ma•ler who seems to hOld a great lasc.natron tor cnme oumShmant and vtolent Cllmtna t' •n:WII ABC (8c.rttra11Mounta•nl THE ELICTNC HOMIMAN A ter IIIIC movte With Robert RedfOIO as a crty shy rOdeO c OWbOy superstar who abhors the SPOtlight Jane Fonda as a SPOtlight seellrng TV newshen who wants htm almost as much as she wants a scooo. anct Wtlhe NeiSOtl as well Wtlhe ~ There 15 aleo one or the most t~eauhlul l)le<:es o l horse flesh sM n 011 SCIMI'I srnce The . ._..._. II 'I '• 'If t I~ •nPM cas (8c.rttrall~tarn> IOMITHJNQ 10 NQHT A heart warnwng GE T"-•tre drama about a Cllvorced mother wno gets m()le ,,.n 'lhe barga•ned lor when 'ihe turns to the "&g Brother" Ofgant28h0f'IIO lind an~ me'-hiend 101 her trOUbled ll·YMr Old son Pauy Dulle Aslin Jamn and Ricky ~nrodef •n~'cas~~!!~!!!i!!~ WiliNG CHILDMM: A Mother's Stcwy Jane Wyall Polly Hothday ano Mare W1nntngham tn a <l•am.J dbou' an •mpoll811!ihed dna •ru<;ttng v•ounQ mother who has ner ,.,,~:>(' , ttoltJtP' ~tolen ov c1 or •vale a()()(.>ll()f' ·•Qt" t. pos1ng CIS a cMd ca re c.ente• '>/\f Df(" I WIT .. a& FOR THE 'ROSECU· TIOH A Hal/mar• Hart nl fal"f'6 ~"~•Q' tensl()l'l tl'>rotter w th R l o R,c • tt•n 'iOn Beau BrtOQE~S C>e<>or ttr "-P•' C rhymes wllh star I and Donald ~asenc.e wt'lteh revolVes around a nveh"9 London murder 11181 w1lh some Chilling plot IWISIS The SUS pense arama, besed on Agall'la Cnttstre'a tass•'- •, I , 1\,j !l I ( '• •uHI NBC 18Centra11Mounta•nl THE QAUNTLET A. nasty and '"'"dleo;~ b<t of Clint Eastwood's o;em• d' • u d 'dCh ~m w1lh StnO•.I L JC _,. r dturallv Pat Htngle Wt tclm P• • .. .trtd one ot the most c~osu•ll ' r I t' ' l onSf'lt0Wf1 ,,.,,t,. t Alle•n lC'Ifl P.lvhQ,,·,(• Ot,-tmd rex u\•' Q >' 1 nur l•"<l dt t "Jenl ~no 1 p!lp • • .. 't't' 1clt!Tt OOy<; '''V()IIIl'd I T Itt> • t''>(•ln<;tOthlt~;!<, .trl<l COf\'.>I"Quf'n Ct''\ Of U'>'llO a QUI"' Wf P fH f !I ROSIE: THE ROSEMARY CLOONEY SIDRY AOSIE The Ao .. mery Clooney Storv ., •'l<l'" l ock .. O()'lqyc, ''lP famous songstress wno ~a cour BQeOUS jOUrney ~k. hom 8 mental bfeakdOwn tn 1968 Tony Or~ndO •s e11 ht.t)t)y JaM ~rer and PeneiOOe Milford plays stater Betly Wrench•ng events •n the hie ol one olthe worlds most popular artiSts based on Th1s For Remembrance· co-autho•oo Dy M Clooney and Jqyrnond Str 111 march•n9 oan<Js and g•ar I DaltoonS c1 c;u•e c;u;~n tnat me vult' seasOfl hOtS d"rvec:l Indeed! I:OOA»Noon C8S IMI I ALL·AMINCAN THANKIOIVINQ DAY ~MDI A. salute to rne starr or the hOitdaVS w rth L.a"v HotQmar ana Ltnda Grey Porno cl'l<l Pcl•aoe rtg•• I'91'1IS lrom Ttle 8-9 ~e To• r·to Phrtaoetptua. Detroot and Hawa • 2:--·? C8S (1 •5 Centr 1 NCAA FOOTIAlL Tn. <Jelendlfl9 ha"'OIOilS ol the B'Q Eoo~'t COf 'fl'1 ~net> ttl~ C'.ornnuc;aers or N~t>rac,ka .tnk('(] n tl'lf' toe 'P• ot at p,tc;l nnt' 1 1"P 'WO wrrP <;P'II•\;ec; l'vt''Y ~Ad ' <, ~t> ,q '(J Olav "<>"' ro "'t' t'C"Wf'"u <;oont> 1 .. ot •a l')()fTW •uPM ABC rs r .. "''-'~' v •. I,·, IOXINO Un()ood'Pn •' [,.. 'il 1 ,.., ana un ('OC)ulclt lOut 'tQ" ~ "'"PC1 <PI l it' ry HOif"'e\ md~6'> d ' i•• 1<>1P'~<:t' r ,.,,, Wo•IO Be • nq "'•' ..... ;;., ""f>•QI"'t ,.,d,.,. p.on.-, • c il\,1•1 ' c, • q ~ • h t.,, {.()()b . ·. . .... " . 12 ........ ? ABC (11-'Mc.rtt /Mount ) NCAA FOOTIALL The Tf98tS ot Auburn take on bitter rovats Alabama 1n a tradttronar match from 8um1og !lam The Crtrnson TIdes lamed BE>ar Bryant tast year cltooe<J the letsty upstarts led by rus forme• <;tue)I>OI Pa• Dye 28 t7 tor htS 3t5th 11tetory ana thus became COIIeQe football., all ttme wtnn•OQeSI coach 3:46-IPIII ABC 12 45~ntrav~ovnt r IOXINO U S A. v!. tne Wori<J 3:Uf'lll·? CBS 12 45 CentraVMotJntl NCM FOOTM&.l The Untvt>ro: •v or Soumerr Caitlorn,a TrOjan~ •I()<;• the F •Ohltnq Itt'> I'> or Notre Dame '" c1 ma rc n uo .;;,! p('rpnn a narr na O()llllf"' tl'lOugn lf'11l> ~t'dl the Wt>SI Coac;r 1o:>dm ,., on o•ooatoon tnat o ec :lP!. oo-.t s easo~ oow dPDedldhC9S USC wl"'tCh "'IOl> a ""<t'•Ot' '" Jtan '>•Q" over'"" l•osn Will Ot' <,~o. "9 1"t! r l1l(h Of'!Sf'(. tJIIVt' "''( IO• v r m,., nt{'r c;el.. I!Qrtdl • t\li'llr ~ rnar Oii'P wr • It, t92t> 4-5:30PM NBC 1 i ntlciiiMountdtnl SPORTSWORLD WortO P•o f. •Q J'f' 5~a· • <; ~'d "'D• sn t 1&.t1 ,, nJ [)orrtth, H<J"' l rl(ld ~rclttannP Tao Belt. · d I 'I(J ~tf!'1(Jv C..•<Jnl'l • iC'f' ., .,... d[l , .. r ,., ""' I M••v •a r><) 5-1:30PM AEK. t4 {.,entrai/MQunra r 1 WIDI WOAlO Of 110M'S <>/\f nH 1 12:WM•? CBS fl 1 '3~-.4 Cent IMt HCM FOOTIA&.l For tne 8Jr<l t•~ onp "1'1 <.h "•C\fTW"n lr(ll" 'ht' J C:, N.tvil A I~~', I' A"~"oiOO'•S Marv'tf~) N l•lt'P1 ",. 10{'1' 11 >I'T 1hf' U C, t.,A h '"' ~ At 10+'"'~ o11 Wt?..,' POt"' ""'"""' 'fO•• ,. '~I' qr·O 01" r '"P ¥11t •a1 ,,.,, •11• ~ • p ,. 1 )f>tpn.,. Pttn""'v • t' 1 '"'"'"" 5taO•u,.. ,..,. i•• PciO'i " P '"' pc, 18 'I ' ctrl() N •l n 11W•'()t ' > ~vPr Q!' A•mv ..J()$1"' I I 1 ,. or • ,f>.i' "9 1 ""d • II'>•<, q.tno+• '~ , .. ,," .tQ< ll•cl' rr P n<,tctnt •PD'"" ~t~d n~•rl(lur M ' Dr'''\ 'P ev•\ ,,._ 2·4PM 1119( ' f'ntrctl ~our•tii•' NCAA COLLEQ£ IAIKETaALL vP ...... ~ ,, cl" e•CII •"Q O•"~ r>P'W-' 'tQIIIV 'clfll<l'() '-iorti'l (. ~~~~ 'c1 lf'liJ lOU ,.,tnd St.tlt' JnovP <, 1v ' "' !tP M diXwttncl" "'"""' "~.tc' R ,ftlp r 1"11 J Nt>W Jf"' C.Pv 3:30PM·? A8C t.> ll .. ,, v· HCM FOOTIALL Thfl I DIIQt ,,., ,r 'TP•cl'> rakf'l on •ne A.·~a""ct' ~ct/O' t.ac• r Ao..S1•' TP•ct<, n " ' .. , , Sot•'"wt>·' O"'lerPntt' l•'o'81•v 1 f'\cl~ 14 ' ,. .,,... o vp1 Atao....na n ,,..,... .ot11 B<-as• vf'a ..,;as •a• 11P;J \~ c_.no r lhfl' l•nat AP oott or '"P 'i''-""Q'' ')t I<, ' • t'C rtj Out lhP SOl '.1 r t OV• ~am;-:t' lf•P "ilnd'> I .. , .. ,.,,c;~tt; , 'it J'""'nc 4. '• ...~~ .. , ·~,., to}'' •t f' .))uO' \'i • ., .. 1,...(Hp.j f '(II 'v 1 .-,1Cornt'' ' •tt «\ r •\l,-. y fV' ('W-'1 I vf"' 'O"'~'P""l( ... ~S..lOPIII N8(. J Lf'nl•d MOu •a •' SPO~SWOALD lapea C.011Pr ·~to M • ')tyrroa c (ll'l'(lt' • 1t10fl • 1 Of"' L y JOr f "Qia nd 'N(\•t<l Pro Sk Rae r'l(J '•on• l alrf' '"~.c-4" '1'·'0"' c1 '"''f"l ~· ct'l'c, ..... ., .. s • "' " ""Drr>er .r ... r 1 •· ,. • 11 .. Q<1~ "'f'vdda ---------------------------------------------------------.. ...... Kem Ill 1\tnys 2 111y lrJr i lltJ 011 Oltl 1• ~ •• ' ~ ' I ... '. , .. s. KE T Ill Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That C ... nt Smo~ Is~ to Ycu Hllldl ' • '• • Solluler Named •• ,.. r ...... -. ._ :r=· .... CGrporate S.C.ebt .,art a..oa..bc.ecl s.MA. IUM.......a,Jao. ScllaJ.r wUl co~atbuae Ill• :J cw'hfMee a 1'kle _pnllldeDt ,....o.l OOG..t. Ht joiMcl tM Ira earl&er tb.ilyear. He ie a .... ~ lA the Newport Beocb 1aw office of Voeveb a BartoiL Brcmch Jlcmaver Ncmcy Fu•tee he. been c:q>- palUecl.a~aager of the Newport B.Clcll branch of Gibraltar ~ Slle wa1 formerly <JIIiltaAt ~ pr.-dat/brcmcb ma~ager for Newpori Balboa Scm.Dg. aDd Loa mad Scm Ot..go Fedezal Saw. mad LoaD Fowler Apolnted Kea Fowler, Aormer MDio.r .tc. pzlllldeDt of Cttiaeu Bank of c~ N.a fer 10 yean, ma.ed to South CoCIIt Bcmk ill the ecuDe capocitJ. Fowler i8 in bJ.t third con- MO\ltiTe term cu _prMient of the Coata Meaa Chamber of Commeroe and ia aJ.o prMident of the Orcmge Coa.lt A..oc:ia- tioa. He il a charter member aod poll prtllldut of Cotto Meea Rotary Club, . pat prtllident of Newpon ~h· lm~t A.oc::iation, a member ol tM Ad -\~rd of Ora~age oll.ge, a mMtber ol 1M ry Board of New Mon.. Boy'• Rcmc:h, cmd pall~ of United Fwad cmd 0rcmo- COCI8t YMCA. He allo _.... oa the Board of the cw Gntda-oe C.nt.r af Onmge CouatJ, cmd Cl8 an elder cmd trec~~U.n~ o1 St. Andrew'• Preebyterian ChW'Cb ill Newport Beach. New Practice Lauza Cook of l.mDe opeucl an accountlD!l practice la ~tion with RoblD ~-~aU at 1301 Dove Still Newponleoob. Cook WCI8 fonnwly mcmager in the bUilD .. diYillon of Em..t a Wh.in.ney. Elected by AlA Betaey Olaick DougbertJ of Dougherty a Dougberty, New- port Beach, baa &e. e&.ct.cl vice preaident and pr-.dent/ elect of tb• Orange ladustrlal ....... Elects DINcton Nine membera of the Indu.tral 1 League of Orange CoUDty have been elec:e.d \o tluM-yecu terma on the board of directora. Five of the Dille membera will be •rrill9 their tint term on the board. Tbey are Arthur W Ackerman, Jr., pz..tdent, Huck Manufaotwillg Co.; J. Robert nuor D, pzMident, fluor Drill- ing Service•; Alfred G . Lapierre, prelident, Electronic Device• Diviaion, Rockwell International Corp., William D. aJael&•alla ~LL IEAHN 1_ilA2 :r.:.. ~~ 1\0R 1 ( $45 lb~ 1\0 R I I S4l I 7'i 1\0R I I SSO l'i liOR I.& SSJ lA~ IHJIO .a SSS l'i'ii\ORI 'i 147 17'i 7()RI I ISl 8'i 70Mt.a SSI Luak, vice cbairmaD ot the board, John D. Lualr. a Son; aDd William C. Shepard, pr..adent, Allezgan Re-elected to the League board were Johc Farmer, regional ftc)e pr..._t, UDJon Bank; John Holleceok, ~. Coopeu 4 Lybrand; Jobn Robiuon, pr.adent, A.n.abolk Laboratoriea; and Harriette Witmenr. chairman of the board, Deepwater Chemic:al Co., Ltd. ella,..• LYSTEEL ·-~ 7'i W RI ( S4t P18'i 80 RI I SSS P17'i 7'iR14 IS. P18'i 7~RH S6J P19~ 7~R H S6S P.20'i 7'iR 1 'i 161 P11 'i 7'iR1 'i 171 P 1l'i 7~R 1 'i 171 PIRELLI RADIALS I • I FOR YOUR IIIPORT•D CARl SIZE PlaCE f.l .T. 155 '2 155 IJ 165 I) 165 14 175 14 185 14 36 82 J7 8 2 39 82 46 8 2 4 7 82 52 82 122 1 27 1 5 7 180 200 2 I 2 IIIGH-PfJtfORMANO: RADIALS &ee•YaAa EASUST ............... P19S/70R1 J sse P19S/70R14 $65 P21 S/70R14 S10 P235/70R1 S S77 P2JS/bOR14 S1l P24S/bOR1 S S77 P25S/bOR1 S $11 75 ' ARCHITECT*BUilDER John Mclnnn. pt'ftkknt of John Mclnnn and Co. of Irvine announced pten. to bu6ld four cuatom ntatet at Connem•• By Ttw Se .. tA Sen Juan Capttatrano. whh pric.8 ltartint •t $1.014.000. LANDON I WilSON •chlt«tt of N•wportk•ch dett1ned Sl50 mUikm. l .. ·•tory Airport Town undH construcUon In El §eaundo. owrwd •nd drtetoped by Pruden- tial lnsur•~ Co. of -'nwric&. Countr cbapu of 1M Amerlocm lnatitute of the American Iueitu .. ot~ Slle Ia the ilnt WCDCID ia lU 30-year IUitory ot the cbapter to be eleot.d to tbat office. New Ouartera ContiDeAtal Drilling, U.S. completed conatruc:tioA of itl l8,500·tquare-foot office CdM'a CbrwtmCI8 Walk s.. Gift Guide Xmaa Fun In Hazbor Area s.. Gift Guide buildlag at • A.atry ia the lmAe ladUIIbial Comp&.-Eall Tbe Urm le a divielon olllF. Tlt.Me. be. Clock Co~ Co. ollr· ... WQI tho. bWJdar ol the ddB- lag flrm • 1 Dew home a ad Arcbit.ctu.ral Team Tbna of Saak:l ADa wa1 tM dellcrur. GraDel ()peDbuJ Scm FnmdM)o loWcmgarie, a Frucll...tyle bak.-y, opeaed at UniYertltJ Park Sboppiag C.ntw lA lrriM. Cit, offk:law cut a Cloilmal ia a co•el grand · opealDg oeniDODy. ()v.cdl x..a.. Attorney Cknade~. Wbi and Keytb Hart, IDC. CI9UCJ l...d a of 1,152 aquare feet ln the Paullon Building, 1101 Quail m Newport Beach. Results Are Up, PacUic Mutual ays Pacific Mutual, the life and health in.tu.ranoe compcmy baa- ed in Newport Beach, baa reported improved Dine-month r..Wtl with a net gain from opezation.a of $3.3 million. At the ud of ax mont.ba the company had reported a S6.6 million net la. Reported company aurplu. unprovemenll were up by 11 million, reach.i.ng 11&9.9 mUMa, a •-~ lDcrecae liDoe lalt 0.0. embez and up 19.4% Iince the end of 1980. The aurplu.a &.a the bighelt in company biatory, add Walter B. Gerken, the finn'• chairmcm and chief e_ucutive officer. Total income for tbe DiD• month period ending S.pt 30 waa reported at 1668 million. From thia a:mo\lllt Pacific Mutual pend $401 million 1D claim• and benefill to polic:yholden, 113 million in tax•, and 130 million in group in.awance refunda and dividend.. A.eta were reported at S3J)9 billion, an lDCzeaae of 1105 million from the end oJ lcat December Pacif:lc Mutual ba8 been rank- ed 24th by cmMII among the 1,. 800 Ufe LD.auranoe compani-. in the co\llltry A "'-c..._ of 0.0--,, ... --~ .. ............... WIJ;UII Aot tlll.t n.or o.,_. laa.ftelr"'-.......... coanet to I.•Ucl ~. Lo• A· .. -~ DMgo b.u.e tralll -.1 ,·rt•cl .. of ttl Coq•laa Ot Co~porotioD propedl& Ofldall at A.m.ricaa Higb S~ed Rcdl Corp. wllo aD· DOUAced tiMzt n\1« bad beQ Ward ~olla ape T .... a ... ne MCODd eHon b, ~e .. Willte cmd tM _.. ol tM late )olua WGJM to ..U tM Job Wayu , ....... Ov.b prowed a ~lallweek. loAD Warcl, a prom.i.Deat Spyglo.. Hill re•ide~at , bomebu.Ucler, cmd Cam.tiaD l.crder, purcbaled tbe club for an amouAt iD uc:e~a of 12 million. An earlier deal bad lalJaD thzougb in Mcucll wbu ia· v..ton Bwtoa Smith cmd Jamee w., ... oppc:a..tty .......... to ..u eaoQgb limited pcataanhiaw to club ... bela. Ward YOWeCl to -mwww tM facility ca "til. b.t ..... club in Califonaica." but ...-..alad I.e will ~ clae "._.ebae during tbe Dut two to .,.. month.." He didn't eery by bow much. Willig and actM John WCJJD• fouoded the club ill 1974 cmd lt began operation oae year krtez. It now hCI8 ?OS members. ........ WorllCOidl• ... A $1 million reiiOfttloa of tbe 99-room Cot.u1 911..t wiD9 of tbe Newponu r.-t ...a ia New· port Beach t. Qdeiwar. Derl;c and refwbialuae~at le belag directed by u.. boW'• OWDer, Newporl Beach·bcaecl Ridpay Ucl Each _pelt room of the U- ahQP«< Cou.rl bnQdi119 bca been completely gu~ to aooom· madate a uw el11:b1cal wtdlaG .,.e.n, plumt.4ag flaturee cmcl IIIDoh dee.aton. Tbe buildiag'• outN oourt. formerly an a.pbalt pcuki.lag area, bca been In• "'xmed illto a pecleMricm courtyard.. leat\u- iDg tufa ootla tile, odditloD of a ceDtral fountain, aDcl aub· tropical 1~ iDcl\MilDa date pa1.me, bcNcrcda.m.c. cma Ooweri.Dg ... ,.. laaclloape COII8Ultant w Lonm Welock. Overall d-.ip of u.. Cowt, located at tbe north ud ol the 28-acre boMlllte cmd bUg u.. r.art'a n.ta.-bole golf OCMlne, Ilea been p)cmned to oaaap&. ment tlae Newporter'a maia bu0di1191 wl:t.icll ... ~ ear1l.r tlale year cmd addltloaal queM wiDga. .-..~,...._or VISA ct.wecanl. can c~ ,_..,. _... 01' cWid .... tkbta lor .... day of your ehob ... eNd to .......... owiiCICit btMWek•···---..... Ploted ...., -.., to .., ·•D&c. ,.. •"'*• oi .... --C!!I"PUUIeci CJt G Jll-~ '--oe at tM Loe A..g.IM- monlloW. Aocordlwg to repadl. tM OOil· tract 1MJ IMGil rtuc. oaa ...W.. ... of tM ....a1 lluc:lred .. .,~oy .. laid off beccN8e of ........... _ aiOwdowv. n. ooatroct caDI b n'QCII to be lAYOMcl iD all plaaa II ol ~ bWJet traia'a cM.eloopnvm\ &oa dalligD cmd e'lgtD lerUae liNd* to the npwridoll ol OD .... OOD• atnctloa aad Uaal eyetem '-liag. Sale of the CoqW.aa Oil Cor· poratioa, a ~ of the FNor-owaed Sl Joe Ni.Deraa Corporatioe, to ~I..wil Ccr· parat6oa ol o..... aJ.o waa repCittlcl lad .-k. Price of the ~ wu.~ll• million. Part of tM ~ wiD be acquired by OU cmd Notural Gca bac:ome Program limitad partaenbipa, Petro-Lewi• reported. ne date of the trauactioll WCI8 Nov. 1. All ... . HoteiC ... Ia No• s To NB Grcmada Royale Hom .... the oowatry'a large~~ all...W.. bote! cAaiJl, hal aoquirecl .... eatile fourth Ooor of tM Oreat W..ten 8cm.k Building in New- port Center for t• new natioAal heodquarten. The oompcmy, wbich mcrred from Pboem two ,.an avo. il pr..utly bc.ed at ~ Voa l:armaa ill the l:oll C.nw. ne mo•e to Newport Center Ia plcmucl for March 1983. "~of ouz utraordinary growth over the pcllt two yean cmd tbe eftA qreater ...,...,.a plcm.ned for the DUt tea ~ we bme aD immiaent ued for more of&e ~." ecDd RoMrt E. Woolley. oompcmy fouader and pr..O.at. More tbcm 15,000 8q\I(De ._. hca b... leated ia the a...-y lmM Co.-owaed oBioe bulJdtDg at 450 Newpol't C... Dt:tv., according to Sttne Cc:nadf.D. of. fice Jeawi"G mcmagw. 'nle ~oag. term lecue Ia valued at ap- proz:imately S4 million, CcsuclOl add. The Newpan Center looatioD wca eal.med beocn.e tt aDow. room fm facility e~D, lm· proved office enYirollmentaJ lac- ton, and will enable the oom- pany to •tabU.b ltMlf iD a natioAally k.DOWD corporate cmd fi.ncmda1 oommwaitJ, CIICOOifdUag to Wooll-r. Hometeh of America Francbia.ng, Inc. aloag witla Homete1a Co...tructioa Com· pcmy, Hom.... O..elcpmeat Corporation aacl Hometeb Management Compawy, IDe. -emploJin9 QPpoamCIWJ 80 people-will be ~ ln tbe new lleadquarten fCICilitiee. Unlike traditiollal lloeelll tJa.at =~··!--!tea:= aft.. two-roo. tuJte oooo.~ modatlou to ttJ guM~. F.acll aulte iachaclee a eeparate bedzoom, a teporate U'ri.Dg room, gaiJ.r bar, two W•w• and two~ Granada Royale Hom...- aleo maiDialu aa unuftGl _. tipplDg pol.tcy tc. ... _.,_ --- -·-_.,_ -------------- ,. • to. QUALm OIU ••••••••• fOa IMALLU CAU ·---... -..... ~ ---· _, __ ·-11·'11-~- 27'! • 40JU$1UU oeGM IIAM • 04IOft 'TIINO n. 44~ e WATIINOOf ·~ \ byAaaetteWCiteoD WMt a weekeadl Swap ..... C111C1 gcaage -.. abou.,ted Ia Cot!ka Neea. The traclitioaal UCLA· USC game wae a ..UN-der. .... 1 jult haft to aciaalt it the bolklcrr ~ a here. ADd the "* of turkey cmcl ch ring il but a daJ away. • • • Fraa Robiaeoa reaeeured .,..,.. WMD .. laid. ''Ia lowtMD rean u 1a.a1 oalJ raiaed oac.,'' Soae of tM tov W.t.llg,.la· chacle the Upper lay'• NPlar iahabitaate, the breat Olue heroa, the ~eat egret, the mowy egret. clapper rail. cmd llligrotoq woaden .ca. a. the America.a a'fOMt, Waobeck ltilta cmd marble goclwlta. Saturday.. ..,.cial eftllta ill· cluct.d hcrri.Dg Oraaoe COCIIt CoDege'e Gary }CIIID• at tM pla~at etatioD, Chuck Sch~aeebeck co~aducUag a childre~a ' • tour, Peq NOD'sfolllWJ from the Natwal HWory Foundatioal of Oraage 25o/o OFF ALL CARDIGAN WEATER 19 cmd Mar. 19. Toan .eart at 9 · a .m. cmd take place ..-y 15 millu'-ud110:30 a.& at lack lay Rood cmd EaJ'ikl om.. • • • n~Piious memories! ~~ MoW1t Photo Albums by HaJirnaJk feature unique cover destQr\5 tn styles to suit ~ery taste. They're rdllabk and hok1 any me photo. But. best of all. thry protect vow favMe photos to preserve special memories-beautifuUy! $15.00 to $22.00 FREE 3 EXT~Wtth~~c~~~~~p~~~ES ... K.c.·/ +~~ /HOP SAVINGS GALORE ON YOUR FAVORITE LEVI'S, JIANS' S AND MUCH MOA£1 . ,., .. ) CIF whl anc ·~ YO Sa ~ 00 -the de ac: a. 1A e11 he de at 23 th d\ u fij .. of ICI .. cl u M m m w Q, d tt n: tc N r. ~ -)I c D " a d .. Cll ; d ; : ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ CIF FINALS-Brooke Hemneton sptktt tht tNH p .. t Mira Coata block«n whAle Corona diC Mlr't Ilene ...... Miry Ann Mul~r. Cammie ~r and KMa McGulnneet "*' on durtne S.turday'e flnatt at Marina Hlah By JeM Matbcmeoo Tb• Corona del Mat Women 'a •olleJball team e.Dtered laat Sahnda7'1 CIF 4-A cham· =pe agaiut Mira Cce1a fer t.a. baJ paJOif that aom• at th• end of a long MQ80Jl, It kad been the type of year that bad a lot more upe them dowu for the Sea ~ga. who aocumulated em 18-3 record a:nd f:ket place iu tae Sea View L.ogue. Y•t wben the night had eD<Iec:l, lt waa Mira Cotta who had robbed CdM ol a err pay- day with a 3-1 Yictory in front of a crowd of l ,500Gt Marilla High. Mira Coeta finiahed u. lea:IOn 23-0, Jet itll record doee't allow the inteue battle which waa en- dured with ecor• of 12-15, 16- 14, 15-7, 15-13. The Sea X!Dga ltarted out 01 tired l.tP aa they bene been all MQ80A. After taki.og command of the fiDt gam• cmd oa:nyi.Dg eom• intenlity into the MCOnd, it ... med that CdM would be CIF cbcmapiou for the tim time lin~ Ur19. bailing 7 ·1 in the MCOnd, Mira Coeta turued the game, momentum cmd outcome of the match around by coming up with eight uncm.awered point. and e .. ntually winning the cloee 18-14 game. "I feel in a .olleyb:sU game of that oaJiber, YOU OCID zzU.. DO mor• them two ~ per game to win," CdM coach Harold Noriega taid. "In that eecond game, we~ four, which J feel gi•e• the other team a b definite buret of conhdence , wbiob waa the dlfference 1n the game.'' Sea View League MVP Pam Lawnn~ played a very good match, along wtth S.a Klng 10pbomore Gwen Hernngton and Mnior Mary Ann Muller. "I hove never ... n a player hke Pam Lawrence before," Non~o 1101d, "She Ju.\ turned herMU around and became a real champion " S.n1or Miter Ilene He• at.o played well, along with the ltrong of:f the bench play of Dana Allen. Both th .. player• ore eacellent Mrvera, and coach Nori~o feelt theu pr .. nce waa one of the big factou 1n the team'1 IUC~ "H"' ba1 only b .. n aetbng 11nce the second week 1nto league ploy, a nd the really ahowed me aomethmg 111 the way ahe Mt the ball for )\at au WHU and got ua to err hnalt .. All fou.r of the gam• were true bottles, with inteDM ploy coming from both lidM oJ the net The mojo% theme the S.o IC.inga Memed t.o bOYe on theu minds after the game waa for a rematch, and that may just become a reality. "There w a 99 ~rcenl chon~ that we will be p1cked to go to the CIF Southern Reg1onols along wtlh Mua Cotto and llX other teama," Non ega aaid. "The wtnner of the regionalt will go to .tate, and the chon~ to ploy them agOlD w aomething I am really loolnng forward to " . . SAVE-CdM't Uerw tic'tt tOft to twr ~l'lftl to k~p ttw ball en play as Mary Ann ~ull«r watcoo N'H 81aaa1 34 run (Loh.N bck) NH-•-ll run (Loh.N belt.) fllH··CUDAI 3 IUD (Loiwe Dck) NH-Wcud 46 ~ trom W.U. (Lob.M bck) NH-8ra.. 46 run (Lola.te lr.lck) N'M··-14 ~ kinD w.u.. (LoiiM luclt ) NH fnok 37 anl•rcepho n ••lun ClobM kick) N}f.Nuq.al 10 I UD (~ Haled) N·Ota.bam 7 ~ from lobhf~ (b:k tall.ecl) Pere!l!Ual cbampaon Newport Harbor and crONtowD riYal CorOAO del Mar, ln the fina.lt for the ti.rlt time uce 1974, mMt ill the CIF Southern Section 4-A water polo finola ton.igbt at 7 30 p m at Belmont Plaaa Pool 1n Long Beach Harbor will be '"bng ttl ninth cbamp1onahlp lt won lD 1967, 1968, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980 The Sculon were ru.nnen-up m 1 ~. 1969, 1971 , 1974, 1976, a nd 1981 Corona del Mcu 11 )u.t now returning to 1tl glory doya of a decode ago when Ed Newland (now at UC Irvine} waa bead coach The Sea IUnga won the ClF 4-A title m 1965. 1966, 1969 and 1974. Thu year'• teanu are conung off 1mpreu1ve 1erruJinal V1C· tonee Hcubor .topped the S.a V1ew League'• thud -plac e repr .. ntati•e, D Toro, whlle CdM elimanated laat year' 1 cbompaon, Long Beach WU.On Again.at El Toro, the Scnlon came out look.uuJ a httle o•er- conhdent, COD.Ildenng they bad beaten tlua tame Charger team 16-4 dun.ng the r~ular MalOn Juhe S.leme captured aecond place 1ndlv1duolly and led Uruvermty Hlgb School ofln\ne to 1t1 thud atrcught CIF 4-A croe~ country champ1onab1p Satur· day Uruver11ty proved 1t w the cla. of ClF croe~ country by Wl.DDlng a tJ:wd ltr01gbt btle the .,.,.dllne Nears ·erou Country The entry dead.b.ne a Dec 1 for the axth annual IrVIne Youth Croea Country Meet Dec 5 at lr· Vl.De High School ._ Boya and gula between the ag• of 7 and IS are IDVIIed [n. try foJllll are avouable at C1ty Hall. 17200 JamborH and oty parka Yet g01.Dg iato the fourth penod 11 waa all tied up at 3-3, Harbor getting two goalt from ColiD Thompeon and one by Grcmt Stan.ley. TluH by Ian 0. Vn• goal.t ~.ncluchnQ one more by Tbomp- IOn put the game away for the Sailo/' r or the S.a ICingl, it we. l .... Dge OYW Long 8eao)l WU.on, wtucb bad lD.ocked CdM out of CII Ia.t tea80D i.n the tome •nu·linal. The Sea King• c:hd.n't let it happen agaiA, ae they got four clutch goala from Sea Vlew lAague MVP DaVId Imbercbno to take the game, 7-5 Goohe Joe Rob had 12 ecn•. wtule brill team aU league Tom Temple added two goala of hU own , and John Monow had one Another hnt team all leo9ue player, Enc Poulton, PfOYed why be w the beet defema•e weapon in the S.a ~inga' lineup by thultlng out lut man The S.a Klnga rcnMd t.heu overall record to 27-1 Harbor .topped Cd.M du.nng the reouJar tea.IOn, 7-6. year after the departure of Polly Plumer The TroJan gul1 were d .. CIIfatl.Dg wtth a low 51 poh\111 tCOted S.COnd-place Footh.Ul waa fm bock wttb 83 pol.Dta IICOred Sele1ne came 1n aecood overall Wltb a tune of 18 r:/1 3 Judy Mclaughhn came away with a tiftb place time of 18:28.2 and Theresa Barno• took Mve.nth Wlth em 18·37 7 Um•e.r· 11ty waa the only .chool which hod more than one runner lD the top 10 The Tro)an.a thrH ltrcnght ClF btl• are the mo.t ll.Doe quia' c hampwnahlpe ~em lD 1976 The lcmt tune a... y team won 1tr01g bt waa 1973-75, by Sherman Indian Est ncla, Unlv r ty Advance In CD' T nnls The number one and thrM women'• tenDJ.I teami from the Sea V1ew League, EatanCla and Uruver11ty were .cheduled to mHt 1n the quorterb.nala of the Clf 4-A playoff• Tu..doy af1er both leoma bod httle trouble tn theu Saturday motcbea The Eaglet betund the atrong I 11nglea playof Kathy O'Meara who woo all three o l her match"· took care ol fourth tHded Rolhng HtU. 1 J-5 Umver11ty who wa1 conung oU a aurprwng VIctory or•r Manoa HJgh had alme»t no trouble wtth Redla ndt Wlth a n PREP Braaa., Salina. Amonq Leadera Runrung bocu Steve Braaas of Newport Ha rbor and John Sahnaa ranked among tbe 1 leaden 10 the hnol unotboal I CIF Southern S.Cbon atabatlca by Dan Lo9an If y\)u 're l oo luvg fo r a Tbanbg\Ylng morrung ro~, the Turkey Trot 10~ will atar1 at 9 30 a m at the Dana P01.Dt Athlebc Club at 24462 0.1 Prado ln Dana P01nt Hilly ••• The Sub-4 Newport Bock Bert K (4.96 m.U•) ta ..:bed~ lor Su~tdar. Dec S, belUnd tlae N.wport•r lu The In.ttcrttonal Team Championabipa raoe llk;rttl at 8 a .m., the open raoe at 10 am h .. ut:ry by O.C lil 110 wl~ U.e Sub-4 long ....... ~ tiW\14 raw oalt· Race cloy ... t. t5 roce aaly. Call 754-dl$. • • • eaay 1!»·3 victory ltevyn Bakez took three tinglea matchea, wbde the doublet team of Mon1ka 8n•bka and Cbue Middleton aJ..o played ..U The number two repr ... n - tatJve fr om the Sea View League, Corona del Mar, lo.t LD the bnt round to o tough Edl.on team 10-8 CdM 1 unglea atandout )e.~co Algall. alon9 wtth the doubl• team of He1<i.1 Kotamon and Lao Enc<IO all played w.U, but the Sea JOn~ J\llt couldn't genera te a coneutent effort ag~ lbe atrong Echaon team Bram• waa 14th ID CIT L.D ecor- 1ng Wlth 109 po1nt1 on 11 toucbdowu a nd one eatro pol.Dt Sohna1 ranked 27th lD CIF nwng yaTdage wtth 1 130 on 1 r1 cart'\811 for a 6 38-yard O"NN''ge a nd 7 toucbdo~ 7 30 am . the lOI at 8 a.m Pr• regwtrobo.n 11 S8 with t·abirt, 14 race only Late regil*atioa Ia IS race only Call 966-~ ... The South COCUII Clutllmc:. Cta.ie 5-MUer will M:rt at I a m at Mc.oa Pol-k ia 1nlM Saturdaf, Deo. 11 . Pre· ,...atka by Dec. l ... t·tlairt, 14 race oaly. La-. r~ tl IS IUJCe ~. Oall M ·1101 • • • • \ lty llaly WOVDe~ The 500 npporten who atMDd.ci the Tom Blackoll.r Roalt/TO<IIl at the Ba.lhoa Bay Club lcllt --look.d lib the \ftD'• who oi SoutberD Colifot· Ilia yochtmg. Blockaller heoda the O.f•Dd~/ Courag.ov.a t.am whJdl curi...d here with the two b.outi.NJ 12 ...._.. NCMUJ to IPUd the wt.Dt.r g~ r.OOJ for the Anuuico'a C\ap Triola ue.at aWDJner at N•wport. RhocJ. Ialcmd. "The mayor ahould hav. gil'eu ua a "Get Out Of Joil Fr .. card," tcud BlackalleJ' after CouDcilman JohD Coli preHDted the team w1th a welcoming proclamatioD from Mayor Heather Thil remark tart of Mt the tone for the ooco· aoo aa w.U aa revealing the flamboyCUlt pereooality of tbia well mown tailor. Bill Fioker, 1970 America • a Cup defendoer aod m<Dtez of ceremooiea, did mOtt of the roaating He iohoduced Blackaller'a pazenta, Marjorie ood Tom Sr Wlth the commeot, "Two people iD love CClD wreck o aport lib yachb.ng." Tom Sr opologiled. Ficker ehowed elide• of vorioUt highllghta of Blackaller'• IO.iliog carMr. iDcludiog ooe of o ca~*Jed boat "The only Star boat in lu.tory that ever acmk," he aaid, 'I'll never forgive the operator of the reecue boat for eavmg him '' Both Ficker Olld Blackaller were World'• Star Champion~. ADo4Mr derovalloi, ~k wbich eo .. rtaiDid ~ huge group of local JQCblimeD cmd WOIMD gatMr for lM 0"~ occ:a.ioo woe made bJ Bob K.efe, a Sao ~ ICiiliDg trieod of the W:tim. "I doo't bow how to roc:.t a turhJ, I gu.. he'• I \&It <mother Tom," Ee.J. aaid. All io all, the tumout abowecl a tremeDdoua a.mowat oi 1upport fw thia famoua akipper a.od hil effort. before all the kidding begau he told, "W•'re golog to be the defeoder and we're golDg to k .. p the Cup io the Ullited Stcrtet." ... Vince ArriQo, whoM 45 foot Stepha~ Co.Goord~Q, ie U.. of. ~ Teuder for tbe O.feDder/ CourageoUt team, ououoced that the boata will be prac:tici.D.g Nov. 30 to Dec. 20, all of )CUluary aDd theo March 1-18. The big gap in February ia beca\.LM all the aailon will be compe~g OD boata iD the SORC iD norido that month. • • • BALBOA YACHT CLUB SUNKlBT 8EIUD Sohng -OaMoD Ortl. (8YC) S!u.lde loa! Pcdmu (UCISA) PHJU' A -Job Tigbe (CapoBYC) PHJU' 8 -Joh.n Seley (VYCO) PHJU' C -Doug Teulle (BYCl (nu.tle -Bob 8cliJ (BYC) Ldo 14 A. Blaioe Thora• (BCYC) Lido 14 8 -rred Toe~ (BYC) t.a..r -Jay StoU. (BYC) SeDaor LaHr he, D1ck ~Doll !SCRA) aDd Gtoham Glhbou (BYC) Adult Sabot EleaDor rouythe (BYC) Sabot A [rae Proul (8YC) Sabot C -Chn.t M.iller (BYC) Good Clanulalq Tides Cond .. Up Some of the beet cla-mmillg nd• of the year are due from late November through early January, according to the California Oepar1meDt of Flab and Game Tbe b..t M rl" i.e at the turn of the year Good clamming bde• are rru.nua hd•. 1'lut 11 when ocean wateu recede u])Oiiog large area• of eaod or cobble. The htgher the mtnua value, the more beach azea expoeed, and the better the clammiDg The penod from Dec 27 NOTICE OF D.EATH OT NAllY I. aEATOJf d;e NAllY IPEIR8 KA!'OII AJR) O'f PnmOII TO ADIGitWI&R IIITAft IUPIJUOJl COUJlT or CA.WFOJlWIA. COUWTY OF OAUOE. '100 Ch•l~ C.ater Drl•• WNt. Ieete Aoa. CA 111701 EI'PATE Or MAft Y I BEATON. ello MAltY IPEIER.I IEATOII, DECEDENT CASE NUMBER All5121 To oU heua, benefiaa nN, creciltora. cootuagent creduon, a nd peuoo1 who may be othenot\M mterNted 1n the will or Ntote of Mary S Beaton A petlhon hae beeD hied by Mary C Roge11 10 th e Supenor Courl of Orang• County requMilDO that Mary C R09en be appomted ae pertoDal repr-ntobve to ad· muust•r the Mtote of th• dece· dent The pebllOn requ•ll outbonty to od.muuater the ... to.. under the IDdepeodent Adm.uumoboD of Utolee Act A bec:mDg on the pebboD will be held on II 2.4·82 ol 9 J0 1n Dept 3 located ot 700 Cavae Center Onve Weet. Son· ta Ano. CA. 92701 tr YOU OBJECT to the oraDilng of the pebbon you ehould e~ther a ppeor at the heoNlg oDd ttot• yow obtec:· 110M or We wntten obtecbou wtth the coull before the beer 1ng Your appeoroDce may be 1n penon or by J'(lur otlortley 1r YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a conhngeDI creciltor of the deceaM<I. you mu.t W. yow daun Wltb the ooul1 or pr-nl 11 to the penonal repr_.,. lata•• appomt.d by the COull wrthl.n four month.t born the date of hnt IMUODce of l.ttera ae prOV\ded in leetlOJI 700 of the Califon:110 Probate Code TIM! lime !OJ hbDQ elaim.t will Dol upue pnor to foiU lliODtha from tu dot. at the heanAV notKled abo" YOU MAY £XAM1Nt th• W. kept by the court IJ you ore o penon lotar-.cl U. the ..tote, you may We o r.cJil ... wllb tbe co11rt to rec•t•e •J*!tol llodce of th. Uli6o of the LA"otort of ..,.. -" oDd ol U.. ~tioo1, oocoua• aDd report~ ~ lo NO- boa 1300 of .... Co.ll.fcn.lo Probote Code Alloroer for pellliour Wllhcnta c. IC.rGD:a, Crawford. Ma,or t &tcroa, 160 ftfda sn.t. Labl»>rl. CA ~ .....,w._c~...., ...... Q •• Pv.blilll No, 10. l7, u. 1912la TN Newrpan t..iq• NEic.J tbtouob Jan 2 offen the beet of th ... miDu.a tid ... with -2.0 ... t io San Diego, -1.8 t .. t iD Lot ADgel .. , -1.7 in Sao FraDcWco and in Humboldt Bay. For Southern California a millua 9.5- foot tide mak .. for good clam- miog Pou.mon ood mae hm.ita, and Ill 0 few COMI Ma801U, YOfJ OC• cordiDQ to IJ)ecl... Clammen would be ad'riled to check their copy of the cuneot aport fiahiog regwatioiU Though the coo._t wOD 't have mugh beorinv oo the outcome of the South Cooet Confereuce football rae. thie JeGr, it' 1 ouo. again "Big Game" wMk for JC arcb·rivala Orcmge CO<IIt cmcl Goldeo We.t. The two antagoniate will aquare off for the 17th time Thankagiviog morDiog at occ·. t..Bcud Stadium. ltickol.f i.e Mt for 11 a .m. Gat.. opeD at 10 a .m. TAil year Golden Weat ba8 heeD deegDated 01 the "home" teom. OCC carriet a 2· 7 McaOA record into Tbunday'a cont ... , after dropping a 26~ 18 verdict to Sao Diego Meaa laat Saturday night. The Buca are 1-4 iD South Coaat Confercoe play. GoldeD WMt il 4-S oo the year, following a 3().6 lc::. to FullertoD laat weekend. The Rutlera are 3-2 iD conference competitioo. The OCC·Goldeu W•t coo· ,_. ia bei.Dg played for the firat time OD ThcmbgiYi.Jlg tbia year, • It "ln performcmce, however, nobody baa beN ca good aa Greg. He baa the obi1ity to do thi.oga io a ltroug, forceful way, but h.loob lib Mikhail Bcxryu.iko. wbJ.le he'a dotDg it. .. The qreat ... dive1 iA world h.i.aory hat th.r .. touch pai.otl right Dow. Hell.-lA a rut.d aDd Orange Coaat head coach Dick Tucker il clelight.d. "1 hope the community napooda to tbia year'a ThOllbgiviDg Day format, we fHl we're u.aheriDg in a great new tradihon," he aaya. "Tbie •ri• haa b..o full of football e&citemeDt and thrilla. The fact that it' a oow a Thanbgiviog Day game addt to ita lUtter aDd tradi· tioo. "I ezpect a good lurDOt.lt for the game, eveo though we're oot battliog for the coDierence title. The community ba. alwaya aup- ported thla game well, aud they've alway• CJOtteo their mooey' 1 worth " . . . Coach Gordle Fttael'e OrODge Coa.t College women'• crc::. country team won an un· precidented tblrd rtraight etate champiooahlp Saturday, top- ping an outetaocling field of runDera at the State MHt ot Woodward Park iD Freaoo OCC become• the hut rum.IC MOTIC& ncrrnoua WIDaal MAMK ftATDIDIY ~e~ ....... ...., b~~tlaue u AUTO NED IHSUU.NCE SUVICII, LTD . liDO L111 0... A .... ,.._, Aaa. CA IZPQ5> JcJJ .._.... v-al ,...._, 1100 &... O..e Awe . Soata Aaa, CA 12105. Jeny Ham.. ............ 1100 r.a.t 0... A•.,. Saki A.M. CA ICI70&, " ,_ ~. l&aiaed ~. 1100 E. O..e A•• • Saki Aaa, Co mos. P.O ... IIIXII, lrrU.4. CA 12'713 TWI b-.-II ooDd~ by a .,......... !le...t Jerry Califorruo commUDity college to wio three aucceuive atate womeo'• ere. coUDtry crowu iD the large tehoola divilion. Otcmge Coc.t WOD the meet wtth S3 pointa. Amerioao River wa. aecond with 63, £l Camioo thud with 81 , Grto.moDt fourth with 89, aod Eaet L.A. fifth with 131 Freahman Kim DeVetia became the firet OCC 1'\lADer ever to wio aD iodiridual lkrte champioothip The tr .. hmcm from Edi.aon High woD the race with a brilliant 16:51.9 clockiDO over the thrM·mil• coune. "Kim did an outatcmdiDg )oh," Fit.el aaid. "She had ao ez· cellent race atrategy. She .toyed Wltbin the pack for the fint rnU.; moved into the top five duri.og the aecood rrule, then jumped to the fTollt in the hDal mJle. "Though ahe'• a very toleoted runner, J mutt admit that 1 waa a bit aurpriaed by her perfor· maDce. She ahowed a tremeo- doua poiM for a freahmao. She ba8 ..tabliehed henel.f aa the beet female ruDAer iD OCC hiltwy, ODd we've bad eome great on• heze over the yean." OCC'e Dumber two fU:Ua.ber wca lreahmaD Dcnna Howe, who placed 11th ove1all in the field. Howe wca tim.d io 17:21 .0. Katbleeo Dube woe 17th (17:32.2), Su• Zika 2ht (17:46.9), Dorl Price 37th (18:23.3), )anine Dube 44th (18:40.3), aDd Bcubara o.Bout 48th (18:48.7) . . . occ·. womeo'a volleyball aquad wrapped up ita fifth aucceuive S o uth Coo at Coofereoce title laat week, defeatiDg a pair of oppooentl . The Pirat• defeated Cerrito. OD Weclo.day 15-3, 10.15, IS.. 13, 15-13, cmd topped Scmta ADa Friday, 15-1. 15-12, 15-S. OCC coocluded the coo- tereDO. with C1D 11 -l record. Goldeo W..t fin.i.ahed MCODd with a 1 0-2 alate, Olld Cerrito~ waa third with a 9-3 mark. + N a. D .. T g 0 aJ p u • p p 0 b a c C! tr Jc tr s (J 8 j I ' I r t I c r ~ ( c r r t E Chea DaAte'a Re.ta&lrant of Newporl Beach will ho.t it• tint aAouol goU clauic Monday, O.C. 6 beg~ at nooo at Mi. lioA Viejo Co&lDtry Club. The entry deadliAe ia Dec. 3. The f.. of Sl2S i.acludM a gourmet diDner Wlth wine and cocktoU. at Ch .. DaAte'a, goU ahi.rt a.od .._ prilee. Toumameat pruee i.aclude a gourmet di.aner, tropbi• OAd a ratile drawmg will be held tor lhe liole·in·one priM of a 1982 Cadillac. eouteed in herb butter with wlDe and muahtoom.1), cmd LoodoA Broil a l' Aaglaiee. Soupe, 1aon d'oeun•, lalada, IGDdwichee and d ... rta are alao cnaUabl.. The cli.An.z men&l offer• a number of cheJ ~tiee iD· eluding X.. OiMaua ICIA Tet. a la Huguett. (..al ecallope etuH- t eel with pro.du~. grur-. and fine herb.. eau-.d a.ad eerved with whi• wiM eauce), and Supreme ct. Fcdloo Sou'fCIJ'Oti a la Oraod Venew (d•boned P~Dt iA game eaua. Maled in cococte, morW.., gooee u.., pate ClDd tn&HJ.). Again, full OC· OOCDpcmimeutl are cnailahle. The field ia hmited to 120 playera and r ... rvatioa. will be on a fiut-come. firet·aened baaia. Entry form~ are available at Cbea Dante'• located at 1 ?01 Corinthian Way. 'Sw .. ny Todd' by Jack Holland bigh.Ughta of the ahow. Brian J Wlutaker Ql sw .. ny hal a truly magDitsc.Dt cmd rich YOice, but eomehow the role Nema to have been mi.nimiled to eome degr .. , at lealt in oompari8on to the rather inten•• and potently dramatic performance given by George Hearn ill the Lo• Angelea performance I r.-nembet YiYidly an agon.iaing aod cbU11.ng aolo acene near the end of the ahow. However. WlUtaker, who i.e the gu..t ator, mak• up for it all with hie ling· ll\g. A( T'-'R Harry Bostwick' a 1953 ~~ Beru conver· tthl\:" Will bt" atnOft8 ttw Urt for auction in this WM4tnd't lhh ~wport tka<"h \.. olln'hH \.. ar t'"ft\t at ttw M.rrtotl The rMtauranl 1peaa.llaee aA continental cuiaine. The lunch menu feoturea Coquille• St. Jacque• (ecaUopa, crab and muah.rooma in ctearn aauce), Supreme de Volcnlle Ptovencale (bonele.. brea1t of chicken "Sw .. ny Todd,'' the Harold Prince-Stephu Sondheim muaical, it a production then hal bad rniaed reactio~. DeYot.. haYe gone ec::.tatic over Ua daJ. ing and unueual theme, the mu.lic and lyrica by Soad.heim, the direction by Harold Prine.. But thoee 1-enth\llkJ.etio haYe gr .. ted it with cold ahoWden at the boa office and a commerdal qu..Uon mark. Now the UC Ir- vine Drama Dept. awprlled everyone by chooano the ehow. The rMull:l are eurprW.ngly good 1n •ptte of eome flaws. lc Car Auction Returns Schnerrtaallqa At VCI Dec. 7 Tenor Dleter Schnerri,ng will periorm tn the Fme A.rta Concert Hall at UC ll'VUle Tueedoy, Dec 7. at 8 p m Schnernng &.1 well mown on European radio and baa 1ung regularly for eucb European televimon ahowa 01 "Salto Mor· tole." He at.o baa toured eaten· 11vely throughout Europe, Africa and the United Stat•. Tickel:l are S5 for ge,neroJ od- m1.81ion, S3 for UCI atudenl:l and $4 for other atudenl:l. Nnior citiaea. and UCI etaff, faculty and A lumna Auoc1otion membera Further informobon may be obtmned by calling the UCI Committ" for Arta at 833. 6379. ARMINS • !.}0 Plo:y •••• l )I • o I ) ,... lot") \1~\. 642 oeoo l ' The m u.aica! &a baaca.Uy an opera aince there are few dialogue aequencea. Aa eu.ch it poeee a problem. Good voic:• are an abeolute ... ntial foi the rol• here. aingen/acton who can manipulate the intrtcxrt. Sondbeim lyric• are alao neceeary, and ataging il a 1tagq_erlno t-.po'D.Ilbility. UCI baa •ome very good Wlgeu, aome merely pa..able. The acting ia recuonablt good, and direction 11 acoeptable -... cepl for aome murky u.eee of chorua and eONmhle people who ore frequentlt mO'IiDg around on ltage with QO par· bcular purpoee or rea80n and who often provide dietraotiou k> ac en .. that ore the central focua The huge atage o1ao 11 an ob.tacle li.ace there are manr acen• where the void between the perlormera ... ru far too 1tretc bed out. One Wlah• at 1 b.m .. for Q Uttle mOte intimaay, Q more concentrated emphaaia on the ugzubcant performen. The two maiJl rol• are the AI Mn Lovett, Donna Soto- Moretbi il maneloue, and ehe almc.t walb oH with the produc· bon with her impiah, intriguing, and bumoroue performance Her einging ia aJao good but mOA y ol bet lyrica were loet That, however, waa a problem with the entire production. And wheA you ccm't &lDdentcmd the lyricll On Q mueical that r.U.. on them for contiDuity you are in trouble. 1 do not know if th.i.e waa the r•ult of poor mike work, theatre ocou.etiQ, or what, but it w01 a CU.traction. In the large coat, Pippa Wtnalow, Cbzietopher NU.On (Wlth much appeal). Andrea Pt-. John Cordone, and Davtd Way were the mc.t IU~lm the performcmce I.Yel. Robert Cohen directed Wlth lnln ~1mber e1cellent a a mulical director and conductor .ven if b.&.l muau: at tun• drown· eel out the llngera. Tecbnlcal credata were impr~v• e1cept for the labonoua •t chang• All an all, UCI ia to be commended for taciWng the abow OAd for g1v· mg it 01 much of a glow aa they did Over one do .. n celebuty automobil• will be on the block at the lltb Newport Beach Collecto r Car Auctlon Sotuzday a nd Sunday at the Marr1ot1 Hotel [n odd1hon, cloae to 500 · .. oaoned" outomobil.. rang· 1nq ftom antlque cora of the 19201 to cl~ of the '301 and • 40a and m uecle can from the so·. and '70'. will be on d.llp.lay NaciJtlaal lllow Wins An Award 'Modngal F"bval," a televt· SIOll pr .. enta bon of UC lTVlne' 1 1 annual Modngal Dlnner that aued laat December, hcu recetv· ed a 1982 ACE (Award for Cableccubng Excellence) from the Nobonol Coble TeleVlGon AaOClotion The award, 01ven at NCTA ceremoru" 1n Loa Angel•. waa for the entertainment category 1n c ommun1ty programm1ng 1 The program waa choeen from a held of 51 producUon• fr om acroea the country Modngol r .. nval' WQI a tap1ng of UCI'1 Madngal D1nner. a mlalcol recreabon of the court of England'• Henry 1 vm by the ucr Chamber I Stnoera conducted by }oeeph Hu n t1 d1rec tor of c horal en.aemblel a t ucr Elght performance• of UCI'• Madngol D1nner will be glYen th11 year begmruno fndoy, Dec 3 and on the auctlon block Some of the c e lebrity aulotllobil• include a 1956 Chevrolet Nomad Stahon 1 Wagon and a 1958 Chrnolel Impala conYWUble owned by S,l~ Sta.Uou; a 19&8 Au.tio- Healey owned by Rob1n Wa.lliama, a 1~ Merced .. Bena conYertible owned by mo-ne OAd tel.-naon lta.t Bary Boehnck, an a rmored 1939 Pakcard Duel Cowl Phaeton hmo\UUle once KOAO MENOJUA.L KOI.PITAL Newport a.-h Mr aad Mn Racba:rd Hawl.y. a boy Oct U. Mr aDd M.n "*" Taylor o gul. Oct IS, 1\otr aad Mrw lou Cote. a gLrl, Oct 15, Mr aDd Mn ~art Lnl a boy 0c I I?, Mr aDd Mn A.bda.l.lab Morel4, a girl, Oct 19. 1\otr aDd M.n it.eDI hcu~. a qui, Oct 30, MJ a.lld I Mn Jcm~• Adame, a boy, Oct 31 Mr a Dd Mn Rlcba:rd SiuDA, a qlrl Oct ll Mr ClJid Mn Elho" Wldncll a qui No., l Co.ta M.- M.r a..Dd M.n lam• Ccul.oa a qui Oct 12 Mr aDd Mn ~ Perlwaa :1 qui Oct 13 Mr cmd M.r. S..p&•o Ro.:b. a boy Oct 1.. M.r aad Mn l~h Tr-t a boy Oct 16 M.r a.lld Mn o.:ar Aya.lo a boy Oct II M.r aad Mol>czryl wcn.rm-0 gul Oct 18 Mr aad Mn BlaLM Stra!loa. o gul Oct 20 Mr oDd Mn Ocmd p...,_,D :1 boy Oct ~ M.r <nd Mn lob..a Tupy J boy Oct 21 M.r oDd Mn AA daaa y Martu1 a gul Oct 21 Mr Cllld M.n 1•1 tr ey Lyell a boy Oct 21 M.r lllld Mn Richard SW'OJI o boy Oct 22 Mt oad Mra DoocUci ~Mne o boy Oct 22 M.r aDd Mn JolLa Ga.rd.oa~ o qui Oct DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS WITH A "TURKEY"? Now thor you re refired en,a y rnor .vall. w trhour the worry of your Government check. s1rrtng unpro tec ted oock nome Just ask tor Ocrect DepoSit wherever you hove a checkmg or sovangs account If~ free and '' s something you deser.-e JUSt as much as everythtng you ve wo1ted a ltfettme tor That !.ftms lo b4? what you hnd In a stngles b4r If ttus doesn't look ltke the wc1y you wan1 to spend your Hohday Season. call us1 Were GreAt E•pcc&ationa and our rnembt>rs ha~o~~ found a !Mlle. s.\ne way ro ~~ qu.a.hty, comnutnwnt mtndt>d Single ~ople Our uruq~ l o mb tl'\411on of vdeo danng. ac11v 111es. 111ps And semtnMs Will ~lp you ~t on the road to meettng the nght k•nd ol person to spend the Hohdclys Wlth ·~" .... .. ...... owned by Eva Peron and a 19S8 Cadillac converbble once own· .a by Man.lyn Monroe All can will be on c:hep1ay to the Qenera J pubhc betwMn the houn of 9 a m to 7 p m Automo tive a rt11t Ha rold Cleworth will be on hand to ago pnnbl and poeten He will alao unveLI new worlta LDcluchng d.lc - tno room table mode of a 1969 r errarl accordulQ to an an· nouncement 24 Ml 1nd Mia fu.:~o Soadoval o qui Ott 2 ~ Mr ~n.l Mra RIC:bard ftagec:.rge 1 qu• Oct JO M.c a.od Mn Heory Cr ~• o gul Oct 31 Mr a.ad Mra David WJrnelr• a gul Oct Ji Mr aDd Mn Nealcll Pr1Atl<.. o qui No" I Mr ..Jnd Mn All11 Torr•y '1 boy No• 4 Mr 3nd Mra Robert Capte.lo " qui Ncov 4 Mr 10d Mu P ~tuck Sba llley o qui No" 4 lrv1ne Mr 1U.l ~~~ WUham PaUmd 1 boy Oc-t I' Mt 1nd M.rt ltull Ora.bood o boy Oc• • ~ Mr 1nd Mu Jaa~• MarchenrJ 1 b.>y Oc• ... Mr aDd Mr. Roody "'~•ttiw 1 gul Oct 1 J Mr ClAd M.ra tdWln Peca lr ~ D•:>y Oct IJ Mr l'lnd Mn C.rord W ra a boy Oc1 IJ Mr nnd Mu A..b.r1o d~UD o gul o.,, , ~ M1 ~ ' Mn St••e:o Scuw:l.n o Dvy 0 t •t Ml n 1 Mra Dac.,)d Boyd :;pr 0 • . ~ "'lr ;nd Mn Doaald M n· ~·· JH "'). • ," Mr o.ad M.n P .. K ,.., p41.a11y • ~u Ocl 18 Mr 10.1 Mrt 11m .. PIC ••'' ~ boy Oc1 lO Mr Jo-:1 "''re lftu9,,,. fnedman a boT Oc-• 21 Mr 1nd Mn Rober'! [l .. mmJ.r o ~u 0 • ~ .. "'lr ;1nd Mn lobn Dade a b 'Y 0<' ..!. "''r Jad "'n Scon w.llm m J boy tJ.-• ~ Ml :~nd Mn S1..:~nley M •rnv n 1 ~111 Oc1 U M.r 111d Mn •) '" d Pren.ler9\JIII o gul Oc1 .4 Mr n,1 M,. Bruce CI•J.;:nd a qlfl C:X • )( "''t · n.l t..iJ • Donvld -Jrt:'f• a b v (), · )0 Mr 1 nd Mrt G.orge ~oma .. n~o~ >I" "' v l Mr aad M.n w.ili.:~m z Uolll'\ 1 h•'Y N ,y 3 M.r und Mn I tor. f'~.n-lintc 1 1 u• N~,, 4 • v ... • Speghettt • Ptua • Soupe • S•a.d8 • SandWk:"- • laugna • Fetticln4 • Etc .• etc:. DeUy Speclela Th.at w•y the T uri&ey un be on the cable. not .ttting M id to~u GINA'S PIZZA m IIAIIIIAVl. MLIOA II& fMD I7MU2 2701 HAUOI COSTA MBA .,.....,. 5:00PM· 7:00PM Dally Your choice of aoup or salad and one of theae entree• ar .... ot Turlley "111•,..••" ll.aa Tendertoln of IIOftl ••.., ~tow,." ... 10 The w.•rt WMoher -8roUed, ,,.,hty Ground ... , M.N PrfMe • Of ...,, •u Ju• ... .. ,,...._ CaiOh of ... Oey ... .. •.. plua your choice of duMrtti!'Ciuding ~e• cream, ah•rbet Of chOCOlate moueee and a ..a.ctlon of oever•QM from co,..., , ... lc*' tM 0t deeelfelnae.d oohe. \\'ant to aln --·tUna sptelal! Try a Giaa's Gift Ccrdfkatt •• ( orou Ml '\1ar IMI E. Coasa H•y. ._tiM Allac..'a S.D ..... C..- Houn: M-...S.&. ll·t }.I ~ -...·ard-Winning CONTI, ENTAL CUISINE 1m! aft•-..· mtlef dow" th~ C04.fl • Lun~hcon' • Dtnncr' • St\ T.· un Champagne Brunch I nltmutr tnJ()(,, ''' pouo Jiltiltl ( ~ ROI ~ ( 0 1.£ o~t pld~to-V«<b : ...... ... t t.At t A A"'-.. - Art L4 Al'tlltl Four Is now lhowtng at OCC's Art Oaltery. Works by Conatance Fltzimons, JoMnnee Lacher. Ron Linden and Bruce MlchMI Melsner. Ad- mtaalon 50 c.nts. ........ .,.....wtllbe fMtured In a watercolor ahow through Jan. 1 at Glendale Federa l Savings tn Fashton Island aronae mlnlaturea, busea of John Wayne go on display Monday. Nov. ~turday. Dec 11, at Bani\ of lrvme tn Woodbridge. Works will be available for purchase. Portions of proceeds go to Op- timist Boys Home and Ranch. Ben Heinemann, carver, will appear at exhibition of his works 11 a.m.-4 p m. Sunday. Dec. 5 at Whttman Galleries. 3545 Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Student Chrlatmaa pottery and blown glass sale wtll be held Monda y . Nov 29 through Fnday. Dec 3 tn OCC's s tude nt center patto Sale wtll be held 10 a m.-4 p m 1 .. P..,.cM'k," a selec-1 tlon of handm a de paper art by 11 area ar- tists. will open w•th a I free reception and demonstrations 7-9:30 I p.m. Friday. Dec 3 at Fine Arts Center m lr- 'ilne Runs through January 29 Paatela and olla by 1 Suzanne Carson are on exhibit at the Newport I Beach Ctty H all ghallery dunng regular working hours Free Photoerapher Bruce Patterson will exh1b1t hi$ works through Nov 30 at OCC 's Photo Gallery Free ''Changing Trende," works of 12 arttsts. wtll be on exhtbtt through 1 Jan. 3 at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art Hours: datly except Monday. 11 :30-4.30 Quorum Gallery, 37 4 N Coast Htghway. Laguna Beach. features otis by Fay Hoegerman and Arlene Hu sebym. watercolors by V~rg1n1a Huffman and Jane Lon- don through Nov 30 Hours 10 am -4 p m daily. Phlllla Blet of Costa Mesa wtll exhtblt her works along w1th other local art1sts at OUI 3 GALLERY. Newland • 1 Center, 19738 Beach Blvd.. Huntington Beach. Information: 964-0554. Chrlatmaa Bazaar sponsored by Swedish Women's Educational Association. will be held noon.S p.m. Sun- day. Nov. 28 at Costa Mesa Neighborhood Center.1 845 Park. In Costa Mesa. Clubs NewcCM'ftef'a Ctub of lr- vtne will hold cham- pagne brunch 11 a.m. Sunday. Dec 12 at Orange Htlls Restaurant 1n Orange. Sweet Adeltnes. Inc. wtll prov1de entertain- ment Reservations $12 50 per person to LOIS MCKISSICk . 552- 6378 or to Maqone Hasktns. 8 32-2 438 Deadl1ne for reser- vations ts Dec 3 Gala luncheon hosted I by Newcomer's Cl ub of I lrvme to be held 11 a.m Thursday Dec 2 at El Adobe Restaurant 1n San Juan Cap1strano Contact I Lo1s Bruns. 851-0736 Chrlatian Women'a ' Club w111 host a spec1a1 I Chnstmas luncheon 11 30 a m Wednesday. Dec 8. at the Atrporter I Inn Fashton show Re1don Gresswem IS guest speaker Cost 1s $6 50 Reser vat1ons 1 Mrs J1m Donty. 544- 2921 Chrlatmaa Tr" Gala and Festtval to ra1se I funds for Newport Har- bor Art Museum w1ll be held Dec 3-5 at the museum Health care m lrvme 1S top1c of Sen1or C111zens Counc11 wh1ch w1ll meet 9 30 a m Fr tday Dec 2 at Sen1or Center Alpha Phi Alumnae Assoc1at1on of South Orange County mv1tes all Alpha Phts and thetr fnends to JOin Newport Harbor Cru1se dunng the Parade-Of-L1ghts 8 p m Monday. Dec 20 For reservat1ons Na n- cy Waterman 639-1 8295 Films What'l Up Doc:?" Will screen 5 45 p m Mon- day Nov 29 at OCC's Forum Adm1ss1on 1S 99 cents lectures Congreasman Bob Badham w111 d1scuss federal 1ssues 7 30 a m Fnday Dec 3 at the Balboa B ay Club T1ckets are $10 FOR A REAL "Profit .,, Gtv ... " to the C lty of Hope, presentation by tax specialist Marc. R. Tow 8 p.m. Tuesday, No>~. 30 at Balboa Bay Club. Free. "What Ia Proposition 87" and how It affecta the bar and the courts. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday. Dec. 4 at the Saddleback Inn, 1660 E. First Street. Santa Ana. OCBA members $30 . non -members $50 "PIJChologlcal and Temperamental Typing" by Mamie Van Doren 10 a.m.-noon Saturday. Nov. 27 at 428 31st Street. New- port Beach. 675-8109. Everything you've ever wanted to know about Apple computers will be explai ned in lecture 9 a.m Saturday. Dec. 4 at OCC's Science Lec- ture Hall Cost IS $6. Pre-reg1strat1on IS ad- vised In Adm1n1stratton Bldg 556-15880 j\1] iscellaneous A 45-foot Chrtstmas tree w111 be Itt durtng trad1t 1onal outd oor ceremon1es 5 30 p m Frtday Nov 26 at South Coas t Plaza Town Center Enter- tatnment Will be provid - ed by the AII-Amencan Boys Chorus and Santa Claus Madrigal D1nner 1982. a royal yulet1 de ban- quet of rena1ssance England w1ll b e presented by UCI's School of Fine Arts Dec 3 4 10 11 .13and 14 at 7 p m and Dec 5 and 12 at 3 p m T1ckets are $18 50 and some ntghts are still open Call F1ne Arts Box Of- fice 833-6617 The Chrlatmaa Tree Gala w111 be held 6-10 p m Thursday. Dec 2 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Cost 1s $25 and tncludes hors d 'oeuvres and a prev1ew of handcraft- decorated Chnstmas trees A boutiQue of g1ft 1tems w111 be on sale Gata t1ckets are good f or repeated ad · m1ss1ons Fest1val opens to general public Dec 3-5 11 a m -5 p m Cost IS $2 . $2 for sen1ors Holiday child care for c h1ldren ages 2-10 years old w1ll be offered 1n a senes ot weekend craft workshops to be held 9 30 a m -5 30 p m Saturdays begm- nmg Nov 27 through Dec 18 a t Verano Plac e 'R ecrea t ion TASTE TREAT eLl .I qoo-,.-Jote1 irPorter GOURMET OI NING ME DITERRANEAN RM 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD IRVINE. CALIFORNIA ·Oppo"" O•llf'gl COU"fV Atr POfl (714 1833 2770 CHAM,AGNEIRU~H SUNOAVS 103PM DANCING NIGHTLY CABARET LOUNGE • CA,TAIN'S TAILE COHEE SHOP 14 HAS thru 1. JAN.I Center at UCI. FM Ia S 18 per day. Pre- registration 11 required. Call Jean Martntez at 833-6861. Holiday cratte for CtvlatmMila. C hrlatmaa craft workshop for young people Is being offered by YWCA of North Orange County Satur- days Dec. 4. 11 and 18. For kids ages 9-14 years old, 9-11 :30 a.m. Fee Is $12. pre - registration Is required. YWCA: 871 -4488. .. Hol6day Natufe Craft Workshop" will be offered 1-4 p .m. at Sunday. Dec. 5 at Tur- tle Rock Community P ark and Nature Center. Admission Is $6 . desagned for famtltes and children of all ages Open Houaa and party sponsored by Laguna Beach Museum of Art's Store Council 4-8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 at the Museum. Gift Items will be on sale, Including works by Museum ar- tists Information: 494- 6531 . Puppet lhow stamng J1m Gamble and hla Manonettes will be held 1 30 and 4 p .m. Satur- day Dec. 4 at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Tickets are $2 for membera, S3 for non-members and $1 for k1ds. • (In German w/Engllah aubuta..) ._..... ...... lhowW.: WMfll .,. ? .. "" ·~I, ..... "" AU ...a on 11oft. ta.• UVD ONLY FO? 'IIVIQI Pf~ORMANCES NOW THRU DEC. 8 BUY IN ADVANCE ' Music .. lounda of the Seaaon," Yuletide musk: program, wilt be J*fotmed by UCI Wind Erwemble 8 p.m. Tuee- day. Nov. 30 and Wedneaday, Dec. 1 In Fine Arts V Illage Theatre. Works by Bach, Holst and Reed. TIQketa are $4 general, S3 sen i o rs and students. UCI Chamber Orchestra conducted by Steven Redody, will perform 8 p .m. Satur- day, Dec. 4 In the Fine Arts Concert Hall . Pieces by Haydn and Bach. Tickets are $4 general, $3 senaors and students. '"The Glory of Christ- mas" will be presented by Orange County Master Chorale 8 p.m. Friday. Dec. 3 In OCC's Moore Theetre. Tk*.- are S8.50 goner.,, S5 for 1enlora and studentl. .. IUeat M t," an ~ rnualc-' mime Mow .._.,1"8 Young Conservatory Ptay.,.a at South Cout Reper- tory's Second Stage, will be held 1 and 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec;. 4 and 3 and 5 p.m. Sun- day, Dec. 5, Tick eta are $2.50 each. SCR box office: 957-4033. Ctvtal C..... Irvine announcM Ita Christ- mas concert scheduled 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 5 at Ascension Lutheran Church In Torrance and at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at Red Hill Lutheran Church In Tustin. An offering will be taken at each location. Theater Rolten Macnauef\ton will act as Tom In "Ca"*ot," a MMflt pertormence fof -"naJ cord reMtrch to be held 7:30 p.m. Friday end S.Wday. HoY. ~ 27 at Uneoln Jr. High ~In Corona_. Mar. Ticket Infor- mation: 640-2271. "The a...,tMGe of Being Earn•t" will paay D.c. 1-3. 8 p .m . at Corona del Mat High School Little Theatre. $3. .. , ......... ~" at Sebaat l an't Weat Olnner PlayhOuse, 140 Avenlda Plco. San Clem.nte. 492-9950. '"A Chr......_ CIIOI" returns to SCR 'a Malnstage Dec. 8-26. Seat i ng I s st ill available. SCR box of- Uce: 957-4033. "Sherlock Holmaa" opens Nov. 26 and con- tinue• through Dec. 18 at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 laguna Canyon Road, Laouna Beach. Thl a 11 the Playhouae'a 80th H•h•l d Crail "••1•1 In OCC'a ""'rwlarth. .. '"8te.,..aeh." a com- edy about morality, will have Its Orange County premiere Dec. 9--11 and 16-18 In OCC's Drama Lab Theater. Curtain Is set for 8 p.m. Advance ttckets are $3, $4 at the door. Sounda oJ m\llic will be heard at UC Irvine when tbe Cori.llthicm Playen p~Ata a benefit performance of the Rogeu a nd Hammeutein theater clonic during the Thcmbgl.tog holiday WMkud. and Paraly81 Clan HUIID'Cil FoWldatioD. Aotlag aa eaculive producer of ''The Sowacl of Nu.tio" i.e Dr. Carl Cotmcm, proA..or of~­ chobiology, whoee reoeat reeecuch bCII rc:d.-d bop. for the ... Dtual trontpkmfatioA of neural ~e lD the brGiA cmd epmal COI'd. hoped the evut would help fa.miliariae etudeD• alld com- munity membeu with the reeearch lDformatioD alld other ruourc.. available to them tluough the uDivendty The apecial production of "The Sou.od of M\llic" 11 bema held to aid the UCl Spi.Aal Cora and t'raln Injury Reaearob Fu.od. Curlam i.e at 8 p.m. Satur- day and SUD day, Nov. 'r1 cmd 28, at tb. Fine Ani Vlllage Theatre. Co-apouore of the ahow are tbe UCl r OWldation, Americcm Paralysie A.-oc:iation Tbe purpcee of the produc- tiOA, Cotmcm laid, i.e Dot j\lllt to r~ reeearcb fuDda. "We wcmt to opeD a ctialogue amoDg the people who thcrre a OOD.cWD 6or ap.ual cord and brai.D l.Dj\.U'Me," be laid and added that be The 001t of Cori.llthicm Playen i.e headed by a group of eouth Orange Couoty-baleci former theater profeuiooale who voluntMr to etage productiou for charitable cau.... "The Sound of Muaic" fint waa pu .. nted at the Bahia Corinthian Yo cht Club to benefit children'• programa. AN ORT We are open Thanksai~ing Day Free slice of pumpkia pie wiih your meal THE FIRST & ONLY SZECHWAN STYLE CHINESE CUISINE IN NEWPORT BEACH. New Luncheon Special $3.25 ~ from 11 :30 to 3 :00 Includes Hut & Suur Soup e Ch1cken Salad F m ·cl Rn:t• • Fnrtu!Se Cook1e and cho1ce of one tna111 d1sh New Dinner Combination Special I , .•. 1'1\ Sl3.95 ,, , ./,,,,~ SZ7.75 /,I.·.,,,, $20.75 /,., t,,.,,, S33.75 Beer& Wine Lunch/Dinner DIRECT FROM BROADWAY! I'IM I 10\\ \'\llD '~"£1 ! lf.\1 PL\\! Three for the money-two tasty shrimp, a fllh flllet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank• terved with fresh cole slaw. f~ and hushpupples. J4715Jdleo R41. at W.._. (J• off SUta A• f'neway), lniM ' • - • .. A • T p A " T p .. a; A c T c " I c c c -1 H c " II s c k s 6o rl Q r: tl d , l. ll " I II c tl 8 • l .. c p A n •I 4 ,., c IC II II I< II t .. n h ~ p " 1.1 "' • " ll ,, .. • d " • ,, II ,, .. II b ~ 11 I ... ol II II h • c 1: p A .. ll • c c p p ~ .. • It c " 1: d II .. (I .. 0 u p A • T " (I . a T c 0 to p c 9 " (I Cl • p p II • T Cl • .. ~ ll • 1: • " c • • II • .. 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AIOIOVMCI._""'S 1 r~.J Not1e• 2 J-.ral Duecro,. 3 C....ery Crypt• • Lot. 4 W.111011al 5 Floruu J Aanounc:•m•nt. ~CO\Inlent• a Anorn•v 9 P•r~anal• 10 a.o.. eftd ruund II Schoolatlnutll<"'" 12 h ,•n•u P•roun•l• 1) I.J.IIIDQ 14 , .. , •nd l ov•oh ~ 15 G.rao• S.l~ 16 H..hh 17 Tr•v•IIVe .... , II lnt•rl••n"'""' 19 Goh SuQQ""'""' 20 Chtr(lpr•cr ,. EIDLOYMEHT U O.Cor 23 H•lp W •nt .. d 24 (,.ploym•nt A., , 2S C()un .. lon'l !>• 26 Lte•na.d Chid. 1. 27 St111ehun> w.,, '• .I nMANCIAl. 28 Mon•v W•n1,.d 29 M.Jn.v T l M JO '"""'~" ( ). • ' Jl lnv•••m•• 1 (lit 1 12 Tru .. o.. •.. ,, .. 1 """"0•'1• lJ f'o·r~l··•urr s, )4 ln•urer" • MERCHANDISE 35 Es•••• c; ,,,. J6 Spo r••• J '• l7 Atr }lj Anll 1u~ l9 Auc •u t 41 '"'"''"'' .Z Ap~·t,.,, ' 4) r.t .. v ... 44 ....... til····. 45 OUr "f I II 46 Stell'lr • • I ( 47 s. ..... ' M' • I • 48 feb ro• • 49 O.•n rul • ,.. 1, 50 ......... u ..... ' 51 Wen• T 8 .. RENTALS 52 R.n••" r s" '" SJ Ap•l'"''' ' lJr•t" 1)4 Ar~~tttm,. ' f u•' 1)6 HotJu• 11. i '' 'i7 H ,,. ... • "'' tr .. l '18 Cund. • T '""'' •·• f ur R•n S9 v •• ,,,, II R .... , •I 61 R...vm• f o R""' 62 Ollu • l mmo 6J fl.,, H m" 64 lk•Ard Arul l'etf' 65 Ger•o• t • R ..... 66 Wanted T R•n• REAL ESTATE fi1 R.-.1 .. , ••• 68 Hou.wo F r S.l .. 69 Cundu..,Twnh""'' f or S.l• 71 wt• •nd A"""" 72 ...._ rl Propoor•• 73 .... ,, .. _ p, f"'''' 74 lncum•C mmr I Pru~riY 75 Pru~rt't lren I" ' 76 l!>cum•,lnJ,, ••• • Prc:o~rtv n R. .. l "''•'• Wanredlt•,.""' I" MOilLE HOMES 10 Wob•l• Hom•• 81 Mobtko Hc•m•• W•nted 8l lreobtl" Hvmr lit~• IOATS 14 ao.., f.~~"'' 8S Boet Chdr•• o 116 &o.t Slop• AUTOMOT1VE 17 Aut<> Uphul•••" 8a Wuttor H, ..... , 89 "-'"" v.h , .. , 90 S.rv" • R"l '" 91 Wot ,,..,, .... ""-~· 92 l t<"Vd•"' 93 v.n ... T·· • F'or S.l• ~ Tr u ~ Vo Wen, .. t 9S Aut· P•rt• lmmtQralloo -Ob Icon leoal permolle at 1 rN1dency labor cer· I hhcabon odtu.tU'II•nl ol ltOIIAAI [l~n•aced Ol• turney r ... corauba· lion Mr Morah 83S-844J Orunll OrlvinQ Cuminal O.ten•• Mt•d•m•o oo n and l•lont• 24 hou1 Mt· vt<., Bcnl a rrauged I, .. cooeuhoboa N.. Morah 8~8443 OEPENDUU:, -.atvs• lody -~ .. laoue .. atllat __ Coli Olono 754.5117 1·5 Moa rn lit LJKl fVERYONl tc on •w obuut u k11nkor t r , w • f I It I• lor tha ndo., ~~•I TGpoM on t •rno .. t ><>n • .. 11 640 II. ..... t\At> <"~lltiTI R,., .,.,,. 1 M "''''' •rti ~r y,.,. 11• u 1nt•.,..t evttn lt ynu t\ ""'' b.td .. r•d 11 r.o r• tor r h" ,. b.ton h ... ~.'~'' r •. , Ire• h1 ,, hur•• oil U S l 't""J'r [> .. ,, tulllr- 1 HO(t 44.:! ISJ I any ROMANCE' C\JLTlJRt, TRAVIL, II lh-tohlr..t a lody o..11 much aa tlley Ulhlr ... lha heohhy attJoctl•e m'll• prol~r aeeduag u new bom• wute Cooet Medta Ne!'..'..t p 0 Bo. ~4. lt:~W S.tbc:ock N It ~ C.ncloae ''ctoue A relerenc• ENCYCLOPEDIA 1 Unopeeed ~ wae S 1100 W.U a r:dre a tern.bc: Xmae g\lt 731· 4560 frau ftM.ALE 1 NEWPORTER aeed. l liAa.aaal ... Dele lor mecbccl ecbool "- caU 613.469'7 I lOLOST AND FOUND REWAJlDI Sleko wok~!~, -'IHr t-1 Sat. I 0 1 Newport Pea1a· .ula CaD colleet ••. 1021 11 DIIU.. 't&DIIiiKift LOOKING FOR AJIOEL 8eOMD boll,. NG1a. uoufw k» ay QOIU WUl ~ _,, to SSOO lor good Jocaboo I a~~~~~~... u•-o3so. ••• 131·31135 B~Ma Se.od -.a~ JO'I to.,. a bo\lqllet ol 30 bebllf'll boUooae Gre at d ecorohD'l_ tde a e Periect for T\aabt,rl•· UlQ Ooy 673-.. 19 PIANO U.SSONS Beotnner advanced all 1 aryl.. IAINI method• prot-1onal pertorm .. t I My 1tuc:ho your h"m• G•brt•lla Studt.:> ol Mull<' 645 JOOJ A BEAUTIFUL Bill. Y DANCER wrll m"lo• y ·~• n••• oecae10n tpect<lll W• •nt•rt•u n .. .,, prtv •le and bua.neu qr<IOope roll731 4574 PUPPET SHOWS f or v•ry •pec•al bulhd•y parh<K clvb or chlltC'h p.trh .. Call Pot W1laon 547 1090 HELP WANTED N...t ulla .-.r -••ll tro•el eh~ •••~ Take ... .. .. NoaMa.. SALES -Port.tiae ~ ... $4SO lu Atlply la Jlo!or.IOII BACl STREET. F~Wcmd. N.l · ''WAHTED' .• W<~> n-.d 5 1elephon .. , • .,, .. ••nt•llvea lo• >u r L•Quna Hells olhce P<''' ll.me AveiA'of• \5 '12•hour Cump•ny b•neltt1, Q•••' .11 moep!lere ••~uen1 • pr•f•rr•d wrll ltdiO Call Mr )r(att 8"i<.t 7 442 betw"n ll 4 p111 U COUMSELJMG SEll VICE C REATING A Nf W YOU' A hypn ~ t ... ll 1 ,..,, .. 1 dPf"''"' h I < honq• Th• wo rk.h• ~ wtll 10 1 ~•1• m n11< ""'I your b.h•v101 .. nJ ""'n•l y<>Ut 1m ''ii'"'''K n h .. tt>•·r than wrll P""'"" I o 1411111•) , .. ·"· t/1 ~ 631 80ttO 27 SITU A nONS WAJCTED P roclleol Nvrae Ptoi-oool home cote tor da.obled 6 c:oa •al..aJ19 24 hr .. r once CaU M. T•ny ~2931 I LeGYUlQ Town lor the wto ler'> I om o ptol~nal writer w1tb eac.l.leut rel•••nc.. I I wU) toke CQie oJ f OIU I home, pelt 6 plo.ale t I protect your property wlule yov're QOA• 497 1305 NXliSTD\ED HURSt -...... p&oym-t •• STOPI LOOK a Noa ·eaoll!!.t local I USTDfJ • • .A.. .,..,.. I z.w.a. ....... .-4.... ,_ ... ............ AD tu-I ft•p .aWe t.ropeCI.Il ~ • ...,....... .... 00\l,.. -wlD ~ I ou. ... ._ P ' I Lol(ll.aa oreo lao•• tA/ 1 ' h GP-73111 WID do yard wawll 549- t 1141 11 GIFT ....,Ho-~-~~.ag----=Goi:-:-...,-- SUOGESTJOHS YOCGUoa? T L C low Buy Ul time lor CU.· maa • Leu~• 3 .. o1x mo:uaoa, .S · loov 21 w ade. 37 lltgh dollhovee lor mtaialvr.. lacludM w traug , e ome wallpaper, lloouog, 'WOUliOOOUUQ CllfiOill rod1, _ p_rtmer p aual S300 ~7128 23 KEI.P WMTED PART TIME Pto'-oDOI •duc:alloual brgh pe41r a p~.au •9'7 .a DIS 301USIIOU Oft't'YI Wtll pay band.ome "• 1 to retail or tnter..ted rn •ha11nq 1moll ato r• I epoce lor d11play ol quality lobi• wa1• I p lonteu 6 co:a ndl• holden unbl Chr~tmne Coutoct Pat {213) 430 6014 ec b ool ••cho age fOUND A l9~ao program li .. ct. well hu~od Coata M•eo qvoldred r ep• to E.XEC MARK ETING GROUP •ntrodunnq th• "n'q"" 1nd Qll<lt nt-1 MI LEAGE MAKER 71 4 990 4411 WANT TO BUY <.IR SEU • b\dtn r ,J l••n Shu u P"£ 1 ''"' n b..s•n-PP<"'' 'ntl ... Call 55.2 1800 Jre..~ Female CoU S43. j •c re•n ••lec1 boet 4~ a dMcnbe lamJ... 6 1\l~fY\M ---------1111d e au W 11te ll SCHOOL A 1 s E 667 s Roeakmd Or C>rcm9• 9&i9 BENEfiT PAC KA ,f provtdrnq cl•nr. •<~ • "'("' ~unt&nQ L"'P'•· ' u r READING CLDfiC Rea d.uav •pelliAIIJ C:C.· prehecaoo Compl.te At< • .,'""' h ..... _ ....... p Otue CO\I..IW ._.....,. 96 Aut Trr~ L•••n I uaraoteed1 Nacleau ~'f'lltt• to. u •• LD wanted • lo r .. -~· l clu'ire.a 1'\emhl.e Jaaun 6 clap 1 l() Jrso: oun• 857 .214C:. I,, turth .. r 1r I lorm"lt n 97 Auto • w ..... I I ftea.ttoq C'Uac. (714) .,... ~30 U l3 (7U) 893- 13577 3 CEM.ETER'Y caYPTSAHD &.ora F« ea1e 9'«"• t t r lot M Meodowlowo So1ltlil P oclflo VI•• Neaorial Pad1 SSOO .ad • ., M6 6t80 I AIQK)UltCE- Jiall I Chnatma• PvpptM Oold•n Retrl•••r Al C Clllompao a blood.b.n.. fD) no. 9603 Carol 01 ~. Slop 14 PETS Some o•erolg"t• A .. ..aDd. JW.r- LoQlJilO NIQIIel 131· 8144 • •t• Yovr 0•• ao.w· We cue look· l.aglor 3 ow .·~ ed hoan1Jlieta 1trita./ 1fritll.out cU.a• IOf a buty Lok• Foweel Hair Saloo Klo" .. ' paid cornau.ioa/ Of •t U *-~~atka Plea.aat I wot~tao coaclitaoa• WANT TO 1\JY O R SILL a .,-...? CaD Jeaa Slwer. fiii*"CJIW Ia bula•ll o ppor· tuait~ea CaD SS1·1axl WINOOW bu11n" t. ,, .. t"bl .. h .. d "t:l"'~'m•n• Wtll ''·'"' n ..... E11c .. ·•·nt ,.., "· 1m ,, II 1 n v ft • t ,. •· 494 6444 30 BUSINE88 OPPI'YS IUSIHISSNAH .... :.:r.:w. ... c::r·~~~ ,.. (714) 531-3IMI 32 TAUBl DEEDS ~ OFFICE I Sl WAJft&D EQUIPMENT TO auT WANTED -USED lur nttur• mod•rn •n ltq~• Relrtgetalon "''"hera dry•n (wOflr '"9 non worllllf\9) t- S 957 8133 • HOU8D tnmnUf, UNIQUE APART WE.NTS •nd townhou.. Wltb callwdul c:ethnq• luepLic• w•t b.11 '" C:ondiiiOOIDQ pcx.h M WIAI Qym l•nntl AMI) W~~~tt S.U AdJ., eJ.ec:. IIOJlTGAGES tne trpe~nder Full .. C ASH PAI D lo r OUA.UTY AHT'IOUES 1•••lry cameo • d .. naonds ~rlume bot tL.. dr-• .. ,. cut ql•u chrna tllvet on•ntala COIIrll lmmed•••• • ..,.,, able I bedroom and d•n I bedroom 2 bed room 2 D<tlh t wn ••II correet.!~i~ Coet 8fiCOifD i 1'iUJU) ~. MJl ~ Uke T..o: .. Owa",. DOD• ll-~139a bo-Sorry n, ~·· 2400 Harbo..r Blvd Coato M .... 557 ~.c!O o•ae r . com•.. RCA Video "-cud., 8ueAD-. A 8W'l.D.9e. Yldeo oamero tnpod., G.Al..URY ONE 4~ 4«4 494 9966 L.UQE ORANGE tr• pcrlo .._. 3 ~ 3 batlll Prot..Uoaolly deoowotecl Maoy up-Aa 1-• lilA%. (11() SS g oUoo oqvanum -.ult · ••~t.• eloacl, lOt $ galloa, WANTED OLD GUNS 111lN dw>tQune puck•• wol h•• mrlttary awur<ta S.tro\d C'ollec ,.,, P"Y' mur• then enydttoler 58188/0 nv.al 301 p~ otA• la..,..flou PIUIIPI Qt. • $ ow .. re'ft6··-·•J t 6930 &:.-· tnaia, poOl aso~~ bedrooat SO. Clemerale I IIIo•• S3.000 clo••. U SEWING .., IIIOllthlJ T·~ MACHJNE& aolaJM:lvcMcl 498-2313 fUTURA II SINGER ----S.w1D9 Modun• 'Wltll UUftALITO IIIAU __ _ C D M nearly new J bcit. 3 bo. 2 fue plocee 2 oar Qora ge. 'balcony w•t b ar. go rd•n•r t.-Sl~ ~r mo S51·4693 after 6 p m 1 • • REFINAN C E 1 p•can n brn•t W•ll YOUR lod T.D. or aocnltr• al S200 SSI MA TUR£ RMpONilble I BALLOON No w ' 2767 •v•• 7J0.SOOQ. Whale 111tereet ratea are I •a1 ~ day1 Vtelue dowa Call G ory. C alif ornia S tate I Morte aqe. 714 83$ pettKin to .hare l.tYU&Q LAGUNA BEACH ••p•n••• on Balboa f.m•reld Bav "'"""lly Pento.eula S260 mo + ore,.nlront ,,.,, ~·~• 'm1 --I 31 SPORTING GOODS Btand New un.....d 440 JC~· .. 1 ekt Sl. 400 CoU toll fr.. {I 800) $32.3972 oak lot ::;~IO¥er Adwotc h 31 ANTIQUES ICON VERONICA Appra~ed SSOO Ao 11q11e ecol• $3.50 Wtll aacrrflc• oll•r 770 1324 41 FUIUOTURE fRtNCH PROVINCIAL bdr .. , Bur • Ar mo t re Complete d.uu.ag room ... 141·3239 7 PIEC E Oa k M.cialencmeaa bechooe _. llug ._ 1700 tc.U.ol COAdi· tloa 0\laha d kaag ..-ad b) 130-z:ao3 OAI DlNINC Table 2 leaYee l arm 4 e.tde cbcnrl t bvifet ChUla Cobto•t wttb rouud v• corlleB £aceUeot tODcliboD 499-4()4.0 DANlSH n:AK dw IDQ labJe 6 6 chau1 £1 l•oda to MOl 8 2 '(II old &.<t1111flil $350 2 hYID9 room hlqh badr choue C.ceU•ot cood I S I~ • ' [•tale •ol• Beer utf•r (714) m Ol69 Lnn• dtn~nq room Mt Wc.Uout. 8 choue. labl• 2 leav.. du.no cloeet Ltk• new II Dl beei S86 ~ eveiWlQI "MU81CAL IN8TRU'MENT8 lt tmb~ll [le c tranr 01vcm Mod* uo La• o•w Sl 800 497 5121 77().0839 A LL EN PIANO Carov.l ~ exgaa Good coadtHoa 1 b.avtil11l toae , hae cabulet 1750 Pboae 7~7 STtiNWAY G RAND PIAN0-5'7". waln\lt Pntoate party 7fi0..0449 KIMBLE PIANO FOR SALE. Like •-, ha.ll keyboard co.da, pl.gyw Ncell.Dt Sl300 ~91:4331 or 361 ·123$ WOI" 49 DIAMONDS l lltWIIN CoU 673-5607 lrvrn• Cove l 1-1o • m a lter !l p m l both Sl 4{1( I .' /'< JEWtl.ftY ~26 O.C. II IU'YIIl I Roommate Wanted [)ANA POINT RlNT AI Tile Coale W.. Cow ( Bea~&uJ\11 M-oo v .. ,o Oce.,n "'""' ~•q• 1-elry Eacb&aqe. l4~ hom• lok• pn.Ueo• l• l hrepl" to N 1 "'' Newpon I!Yd Cotta S2SO_ j>IIAAI I 3 uu.hta.. S65() By ·Wn•J 4'* w-b"'Y" end ..aa. a5.S 8512 0271 11••d ••••lry .crap I p R (l FE S S I 0 N A l f.f.,..o-rt.,..b_w_o_o_d-:--Tb• 9okl deatel wet~ WOMAN iMorM quo•t I ~.. 2 bdr 2 bath COIAa N.J.,.. 631 5833 1 bach '"' pr ""'• both 1 ~ !Gk.-d• paDo £ST A TF SECOr-D plu• "'' hen pi llltleq• tow D h o 11 •• A II II AN[ ll WflRY •n l wrth p.ot .. n '' ompalt 1 eme ruta• for r•ol or •'t•r ''"'"""" '"" ble '"'•'"' unly • Q leoN watb opttoo IO " , • • 11 S.onto4'y • I ..,.1•nc• ul mond lunq buy 213·317 ~ ll.• r l /th St C .. ,, ren peyc huloqy CdM I a. M .. • '>4"t b5M'l Newport Beoch Coat• 1 ... ~:Jr.:;:, MA SCULINE IU I M .... u ... a 6670880 ~oa , 3 batlll a ugg•t rtag wttla 3 FEMALE R~WATE ' Onoa riew 11.100 carate hae chomooda I n••d•d Ncrn tmoll•r ~-· S l.oa~A.M Call G IA laborotorr ap · WoodbltdQ• lrv1ne 2 W., 111-3'754 ~ lex f7..0 Tolle 1 o.droom I'• both c<Jn I Pu•ate party .j., \195 ~r monlh plu• $1 HOUSES m •l 631 9276 1 2 uttltll" K•ren FURNISHED •v•n•nQI we•k•nda I I A[•lf S (>IAM••NI 71 415516304 -..c lllAI~t 1 •• , I , , ,. At l', , t S ~ '~ r t ,.t.. t r ROUND IRIUIANT DIAMOND. I Ill oarot o pprol .. d I ll 5M Pn •ote por•Y.r.....!.••• oti.. {714) ~ ... , SO MJICEL· LANEOU8 John Wa yo• T•o••• Club Forntly Memb•uhap $1000 p p (mOYl.DQ) 764).816() bC'If)l $ OLL "Af\r. ' I ..... '""' w. r , 1 1 1l • t •' .t J r I • I•-. •• ur 4~··• I t ·, ~''' r-..11• ~,,,). ""-'f "'. • H-,. • \ •• - ihti.' A ~ lin•t S '' . '""I ........ 4'>4ti • ·' NEW T•lephooe A o•w•nog moca.lae lr<Jm SU 95 Ir•lt•• ott,. m WlND&URfERS >nly 2 left' AU oever v.1 •d $648 o ll•r Call 498 7396 Com• To Th• Chf\11 m<11 Hn~.tee' Beoull.ful 6 u nrque ho ad mod• d..:urllofl.l qthe a food N <'v 27 & 28th 10 4 p m 12'> Sopp~·"' 8tJlbtxl t.J 1 nd B•a~&ldvl o oturul )agvor lvll l•oQth coat .ntla bloc:k au.u.k 11'\m Appailed at SIO (lX) Mall• otl•r 644 14~1 -. • • fu•wood • • • [ucolpyllll 6 P1n1 F ree d •lt••r.J ltm Sbulta r,.. SerYlc• Call 830 9891 (auytlm•) Two ~aal ;j palJI llAQI Popular d ... n <rrtWt 64 by l4 lacb• .. :16 by :12 1180 N.lcaly bomed PitoN 6'1J..:M72 B•auttlul lrt l•ve l Gorden type Coodo lor 1 prolee11o aal lo111 to I r cahtoa lelmad Pool 1 ten.a. S32.S W caber I dryer 7S9-l341 COST A MESA Newe1 2 bdrm 2 bath $475 No Petll no. 1411 64l 7~21 •"'•DtliQ I or w•keoda WHY PAY MO R£ N '"' '""''"'I Hunl•nolvr I Gr<tneda Apartmenh P11m• <~•rd•n lpart mentt """'' bea h on H~nron~tcn B• . .ch .. •n.. tn.:l rwo t:Mtdr<"'"' >P orrmenlt lt.'m \415 714 ~7 6064 I NiWPORT BEACH c~ •·•nh '"' v•arlv r .... , 1 h ~ 4t1H .. 'n 2 bedr.nm 1 1 r. .. th S l 200 C .. l, 1 .213 4JJ5016 f O R RENT rw.drxom •m·111 luxurl I '~""' .. p.orlm•nt 1n "'"" 11.,u •n<i w ><XI hom• I UM I al\ln<l •pa p;o•u .... uh•r drv•• tn lu ~ed S69S m<>nthly .2 block• 1 ?~e\n laqvn" s.. .. h Av.srlable 0.: t 1 Bv 1wn•• 497 6l JO ~weat o Lav••o C aormaaQ I ... _ Stu.ctio O•e1loo~ag Oeeon Ptwate eaeroc. Larv• eta~ After a, .. I peno.a -..11 • LAOU'IIA aEACJt vnut• w.-.1 c.- ..... lu ~ opartaule Ooe to beoca. A to•• CompMte!J h&.r.W.ed boaa alO moota a• Clift Drl,., Twlo PcaJ..m . .,_.m S4 APARnotNTS I FUJliOSHEI) NEWPO RT BEA 'H m· ldf"r r .! •'' ,, " B.t' ' Be i 4 t ... 1r "" 1 '" 1 r • htwf ~!1t"1o l"•t ' .... ., l c., ~~'' )" I ll.l( ~ It '· U p• n o-4l ' l66 laac bo M uoge 4 bedto0111, pool llo•• lor , .. , or '--~· I UllO moa~ 45'1. Ill» B.o< h Ou pl.. ·X ea n vtew b pice ••c•llenl f&oun C'I nQ S20 000 d o w n S IHOOO Chart er R•cllt f & luv•tm•nta 496 a l .. SICONDOS/ TOWICHSES FORRDfT NtWPOfn BtM•H n•ll1 to Ho. ll Hoeptt 1 Oc•o n Ba y v •• bdrm 2 bath S900 rr. Pool ep, 'J il ' 11,1• MCunty "5o0 ::02 RANC H O S A ... JOA Q UI N ~ bi• rowoho111e Creal vt•w Ne<u goU c.. urM one mUD.IIJ pool a tp- A!Mllable )on 1 S85o£ 1110 130-189() Nonbwood th• l oa• 2 bch 2 lxrth • •lmy Lake ud• p.ll• T o wnho u•• dl ommetub• for renl nr 1-..• w1tb ~phon It• buy 213Jn ~ •vocot~oD Condo. rOll moat Hot SpiiAQI MootraDO • No.. em bar > tzsa 111~ 13t..QZ3? lMDe Today Page 17 59 VACATION RENTALS 68Ho~ For Sal. .N LAGUNA lEACH'S Vlctode ~ ... ¢ •• tar -. OWed iNa bllllcl.r • &S Mtr:Aialaot Plaoe .1...., PALM SPRINGS SU MNER RATES STILL IN EFFECT Lu1uy Coacio Fv.lll ti.ICDiAbed, I bechooe. 1leepa lour Teaale, IW IIDa&ag laCIIIe.i A•aalo.ble wMkeada, maclw••" or loager ..,._ CaD after • p • ~·?WexNI-31• New 81g Becu Cohu1 3 bdr 2 bo al~9 rveplace rom furn11h•d W ly ~ week•nd rolea Non amoie11 ~"'' now lor N•w Yeo re f or mor• rnlo all 831 9766 4932951 LOW IIITDD'I' 6 IT'a~2 bedrooa, 3 ~otlll , 1.ogua ~ ... For eale lty owaer I "•·• •l-OI:M 'Pnce R.cl.IM*f'. eo., J becboo•l Horbor Looe , Saa }vaa ~ rv.-,. I VACATION I !\tNT AL E•c:lu11ve o..~~~J Becd Demo Hatbol 'N o w " 11 12,0001 o-.. wl.ll cmTJ -~ VA FH.A ok 4~. Mammolh T1mbendQ• WO-.~DBIUDG£ · Wcu· condo Slu l ' front 1 mlag ton To•alaouw door1 D•c-o rator lur Plcua "D" 2 bclrm + o11hed 2 bdr l bath 'I d.a. 3\o\ bo 3 CCII p w color TV •t•r•o ~· Hiab1_.1 up-~ mtcro••l ve lu•plc: t SIS.~OOO PrtDCIPalte -· (lllroQ• re.o <•nter With ly ~53.50 llCUUl & .. JUD•l No w taktnQ r .. •rv• 760 BEAC H BARGAIN. 1469 Puce alaahed oA th.. harmiiiQ l bdrm ~ llG B.£AR 3 8d.r CS •n ho m • rn Soa ccabut Ul the .JaY C'1ecua Clem • n tw t bee! wa.Lit 10 atr p ta e tr ••• b•o h I "'1IIOD lueploce color TV C rodu.... ~ourtyeard S4$ per day Specaa1 •airy All o•w ktlebeD w.u.Jl rene. ItS-till opea b.om c .. ~o~ m v• bnd; hr•~ PALM SPRINGS -iliOQ • .,. .,.._.1 bdr Reoeooable Wiate r Now pr. "'' r lliO.OOO rat. Lu.au.ry Coodo w1th O.~Ub<e te rm. Allk Fully lvrala bed I lor Ruth Charter Real· ~-= .L..pe low ty a ln..tmeuttl 4 .. T.DDII, lwlmmiDIJ. 8122 49l 0611 JOC II III A•alloble •"•tuA9' ...... de. nudwee1r 01 "'a~Y:--:O~WND==--:-M-:-._-. Loager WINI Call an., Vteto Coa do.> oa tllle e pIll M.$ 78U Of e4S IJI-2 bedrOOCM, 1 3111 balM, pl..-ct.. _, SO-LA.U T A.HOt vJ~Jrod. V A b~ 1 To hoe ley. Lo ... y 2 welcome I I U ,SOO bedtoom ooodo 5 nUl• 7?0-4323 10 eoaooe ak&Lug Ia door pool .. liiLII boat 1 cloc~ etc: f70 day (714) ~2180 lA.U ARRUWHlA[l /. •t "' ,, • ....,. 4 1+1• • m 1 .~ 1• ~ t...lh ~ •u•pl• .. ,J tJt i ln •• ,•n.,1B e• on~ "lot TV S1"P'< 14 North Sh ·If' \280, w"••nd \ N" w-t '"95 m " •t c.,~~ 86'1 ~ 8ecu Cohu1 2 b •droom p lu • loll Slee_pe 9 I~ IS awau• to S.aow Svmnut J70 p.r IUQ II 1 1?0 refva dohle eec:'Unty d.~t Coli belt !Ida 134 1 04 830om 5pm 1-1 ro.,... ur~. Condo II • •n •wt~ ~ bdr lnh 1 t~JI~. Sl"pe q 11! the 1 ,~ • l ' • ' u Q le r~r nJ J.lli KtD~ tll i.JJ O'lT7 lt>\Tt' ,,.. ~ • n 1 • .; • ,, , n t r " ._,. .~,...,_, PT '..-, .... ~~ H .... .,., '"' !t .. ,., .. I n ,.,~ hht1 I ~ ..... .. ~ 61 JU:AL EST A tt .0.1 > I .... .. " .... ' \-l . ,. Rt •• • '• I •• Br OwneJ North Lclt,~l.lnO • 8reatbtaka.aa Y\e1f 4 ~aom. 31.\ both DIIOJ D-Great Ierma ~.000 414-74164 Beach Hom• 4 bcirm 21 ) bo ...... fo.null roo~ 3 lrola I..XeGll "'-ll'y ~ down tac.lleal twma 121 S 000 Chan. Rea.lty t '"".em .... 491-8122 ••• BY OWNER - NORTH LAGUJIIA • BteotbtalltaQ Y'lew 4 bedroom 31 J both necu new Grea1 •rtl\1 $6.50 000 494 7~ MISSIO N VIEJO VI-Hom • lor .U. by OW11er 3 becUoom 2 bath I llS 000 eoah $12.!1 000 VA Vera I da y• 121 '' 7:Z~ 5816 .... 01001 7 14 968 J5.44 69 CONDOS TOWNHSES r ~DI.-ll Buy 3 Bc:b Coode> "'eu t pot ~ .. h..•ol & mnnno Try Sll 000 down A.ume lo• rnt•rMt I 11 T D $92 S00 Ch<D1er Realty a ln"•••meoh 496 81 .... Oce.Jn \ •• Sl29 950 Spannu.e ) bdr m 2~1 b.r epl.lt Je.,e} coado •llh d .. k 6 pu•ate p111 Cluae to com murull poo. d ll.bboii.M 6 qol Eacellea1 hDaa IDQ A•k lor Ruth C'h.o•••r R•altl t lo....tmeutll 496-Ill 492 0628 eveA1.119' ,.. 04'0•'• ~. atae Or••• 'Hielll ='-1:':='1 _. .. w.-'1:.! UVESTOC& lHlli O BEDIENCE ftiAINING lor >wn"" .. ~ 11e 0..~ puppt" I w"' h "n.J "P Group r 1,. 1t., '->na &o..rd ,, ""'" 1 rroble"' be h" r conaultaltons s., .. Mvl.,.. ';}66 8444 I CaD DcuaQsast-M ll (U), 1»-(del 7 pm ) I Gola IY Electrootc OT901' pl.aye 17 cord. av~y. '"tltem AMWAY PRODUCT<; potte raa a be a t. rome I you S..11d.o • .,.aa1 eft«1t tt•1 you Iron '11"4•ed o r ~--Llll•~ mon.v b. k SS9 S'>4l I 0~~~~ l l$00 . S e ll A.MWAY PRODUCTS come 10 you Sot.foc· trOll QllOf ODieed 01 money bock ~9-~ r URNISH!O STUDIO .. ,., ~ted Jr,.m houae p,..,.,. •n•r •n • ('l.>wn•taut ,.,.,. wet lk1 pool lull llled •t.i 1\ u wal~ r o-.wl I snd t>..rh Nf'\1 tr ....... •v 5 m~t~uiM t• boo" h •n<i •tl pp1n~ N .... ~ r• Bu h \~~l 0 44 "Reatol O~&all Cteek Coodo • Lovvaa H&ll., I I bedroom rpht·""'-l. 1 BtAC"H DUPLEX Qc..,,n vt•w lrpk. •• e Uent hnm1n119 SJO 000 J own 1 13!1000 Chn rter Re a ltf a lnv..unentll 4 8 22 T ASHf • 'III<;Htf .. ~ t f4"1h .,.. n.1 r 4 1 • ··~ liiiEALTB LOS[ WDGHT NOW 10 '" N IN '" lO d.tt" 0 1 your l 31 75 lot I mc>ftth • tupply rehnn .,q c.-11 HEUAUft dtttnbutor Wtdlelle 6455423 WANT TO IUY OR JUDI SSUIG Sa.L o .,.,.._.? Call ·-Sk.lrar, .,.antw Ia ~a•la .. OfPOJ· ...... CallW-1111) 125,000 tallll·~· ............ ,...._ ....... ,., .... , ~JL"*•" welcoae 5I -· .soma EQU1P1CEMT IBM rti\SONAL COM PlTTER 0. 2 •n<i 2 P"~"Y M~o.t ••ll tl7l 74}}. COPY MACHINf Wrn••ll' r•c •n••v r•lovrlt complete Wtth &up~h" \4CitS bMt nl ter BJI 7958 DJU.HIDIG WATER Puriher llloveea.o&cl d •llcrou e Tri p le Falter•d R•l•r .. o.m~ Uatt Tl'mo-.1 o ebeeto • cllllorla e eodllllll ..u~. coa toiiU.aoata Wouo~IJ NEW 1149 m•> .., 34}. 1• HOU8EB FOR IALE O WNFR Ber• a,.; N•..,port 2 aluty 4 t-1 , •um 'l ~lh M·•l•r ~ "'llh J"''tl>l Ill< 117'1 httl lo'f 1 Cdr $I!\() ()()(I .u,um~thl" \4 I 0 000 b4l I 366 I 41 )6 2 BDR modena oak furn11h1n~1 IOCV III ,_1111 'llr1 room pcuk 11\0 .ecunty ~ mo Rei r~g_uued Doye (71 4) 617 7000 • ., .. (213) 4.\003 51800111 U1Q'UU RENT DUPLD IAquM &e.ch Upre• ler9• '"'"'Y J ~ I "a be I ha It rept.K. norc lee ed peho \ar9A a.ne.d yard. Q&rDQe oc.aa attd l'•"''I'Oft one-011 prt.,.t• road ' S rnooth 499 1997 till c or Qorop• ~erab waahe1 dry•r Cornmvalty pool t•aa11 1100 caoetaly Call Ella. 131 '*'· U$,1131 • Coado Sa a Iva a ei,tftloao• Nlc. 2 ooa alr. pool, --I per-til., ..... ' ...... Ill· 1711 • L.AGUNA u:AC H TWtH p A.LN8 v OC"CC noa T9Diole • Look.lDQ lo1 -o~Cit pjQC'e w l.a•e •hue yo~r 'boii.M ct<- ••c:ro "'' Or a r• reloll•• comtf'9 wtl.h oo ~ lex th.m 10 14ay ~ ~ ft.. nt o betcna llJ ul ~'D '11\ew apol'lnleAI Compi.Mely fuJ-Iled w •• ~tyt mo••JaJI 1:11 CWf ~· 4.'11 173 ......... ~a., 3 ~ .... Hcu ..... t.•••· tea I••• ,.,....._ ~= I .. s.. " ~ s... ., /14 , ~ SAl ~ l"t' •WNfR , '-i, ,., , • •wnh\•fft• ~ •, m .,.. A .. t.tm• l> 4 4 1111. t ,, l I' 1 • w ..... ., tut.d f , .. • n1 1:\; 1 45<0h tov entnQ• "'oll • •4"td ,. Pogell LOTS MOIIIRO .AV AMA ta,tiOtoS13,ttt *** Give your budget a break ... shop the Classified· Termt Available -utl!ul VI-Of Pacific OcMn (714) 175-72311 (101) 772-1112 columns for bargain buys! PM8ttaloua Cotona Del Mar 5,b0o Square FMt ror lease excellent lighting, carpeted, will divide tor right tenant. Call today for details. Coaat Hwy Store Front excellent location for boutique. office or other high vlubillty store front. large picture windows give spec- tacular display to those driving by. Call today tor un- believable rates. Call DOM CASIO REALTOR 873-1276 -.. -..-. 111011111 OIIIALIIJitltiONI Now O!fe<ing 90" at our COfono del ~ Ottice JOHN CNI!F'I, Gill YOU'Ll LOVE OCEAII VIEW 1550.000 FE£ lEST QUAUTY IIEIIOIIEL H-YieWHIIIo 4 BORM & 5 BATHS Great Financing Room To Expand BANK LIQUIDATION BIG CYN CUSTOM On golf course, 20tf, din. Va- cant. Great financing. Room to expand show any time. CIIIIWt.\11 CotONdo IIIIWICI cl.6tt. bavfronc lOt I&' ~~ dock. P--.. 11¥1111. f<low 1370.000 w/..,mL Hu Everytlllng I Mnl Wul:" Grow. Newport ' N••rly ,_., 3 bdrm . .3 batn nome • Prol.clec:Ot•ted lot..-loflext•riOf' • 40' ._. PQCN. •pe. fountain • Formal dining room, llbf'•ry • Gourmet country lutchtln w/llrepl A.....,..13'4%, U2t,OOO F .. ocl Rate Loan. lubmll Your Offill Ow-Flex-AgL t57·17t7 When you ,.,. eomelhlng to .... lind the aomeone who .... tobuyitwltl a low co.t ad in Cllll"'ad. .. . . . 11 LOra ACIIEAGE • "\ to 2~ ACJillll. "-'._Uall.oo~~a; .&ttl ligaorar~~ie •1•••- till."-w• ~ Low , ...... low dawtr.. r.,,.. to 111 'o"r b..d;«. Oat, J4 .u. raortll•a •l ol Polm Spriav• CaU ageat {019) 30,·2312 {2 4 bollll) lor appoi.atln-t 71 RESORT PROPEJITY Sll RESORT coado From all of us to all of you ;:;::::~~;:::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::t:::::::::::::l""i Salt La k•. Utah Go•111•oue •c••••Y. doubl• ull11. llk:b.A, finploc.t, cli.cu.o9 QIMI, bar. 2 bo•N. .&.p~ a Hill e, 1Wir11 , 1011•111 ~-del·~.~ ~~ .~ 'f;-'JJ~U<eolmenl,j 3641 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 92625 673-8~.9~ P.S. and for you a Thanksgiving Super Buy . 411-411 v, Dahlia, 2 new condos or a duplex, just $500,000. Till Sunday 8 p .m .. 3 br .. 2Y, bath, $275, 000. 2 Bdr .. 2 bath, view $225,000. • LAGUNA lEACH 1 105 N CMII Hwy 494-1117 kliiU.~ ~AITMLIIT Hlllll ~~HillA~ I-"' <IWI~ 11'>00 ""' ,o.t WI( O§.l.AHD Ylli.AGll H 1 ....,,., WOO - 1 IDII"" 1 "-'" •P«<''"''" ~SO<- UHIQVt Ol.t.ANI ~()NT '"'"'I""" ~"" U!IOO'""' l~lllW W'AU '!UliQ II.~ l•->My I SO!)- u..,.ltAtD lA¥ • -... 1 No~~ ·~ ""'" n no ...., • l'tllll"" 1"-'h ,_,.,.~w.,.. w v1..-. '' .KJD. _, \)(lA!<f"-1 I bd<m M !oO - OCIAM YIIW • ramify ~ With 4 bdrms detl end elev<1t01' hom lhe KI'Ht ~el Could ltUily btl ilSed as 1 home lor your l&mlly •nd ~ep~utte qu.erten to. 't'OU' moOter ttt-Ww• u~.ooo PAY ONLY ONCE. YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! When you plac• your "Private Party" cl .. llfied ad with ua you're going to .... yOUJ Item. And U It doesn't .. n alt..-the fkat WHk, we'H .run your •d FRE£ -vain •nd again •nd again until It do ... TNI't our proml" to you. YOUJ •d will ap~ar In The Irvine Tod•y. Coste Meaa Newa and The Newporl Enatgn wllh • combln.-r..ct.r•hlp •udlencl, ot o.er 115,000. Little wonder .. c.•n make euarentM• llltt lhla. Call u• todtly or uM tM Mndy lorm btlow al\d mall ln you' •d. Then don't go fer trom ............. Pl~ase Nute.' I l .... tl•nr \lo"NLo ~~,_."I""~ t· \\o·ol!•·ooloo l"'lol~"'""' J ,,. '""""' •···~· , • .,. .... ~ ... ~• ........... , •-· ,.,, !»Oil rw~• ••·•"''~--···-· 1\u\1 r•ll ~"-• ... II'"'~'~" "·•••H I h.,• itO '" \ '" \ '"•"' h1•1 I••U u• •• ·I -HII\II•'*' 100! "'"''"' .,.,,,-''~", ...... II' •••ol 1\UM~ .... "" lt-·>• .. p "' lo•""'' • ,.....,,.., ••. ~ •• "'' .... ~'l"""'"''" 1 ........... _. ..................... ~...,... .. , ..o,..,..~w.. "'""'"' ... ~ .. ~.-...,,.,_ •• Lmd "" .... ~ ,.,. ""'"' ""~"· ~ .. '"" ----""" ................. _ ,,..~ .. , ...... .. , r-1-.. ~~~ ..... ""'""''""'-•'loot •-,.. ........ ... ,\ ,-. ..., '" ·~" .. rwt ........ ~ ...... ,.., ·"~· ...... ~ .................. . Yqu can call In your ad direct COAST MIDIA NI.WI Q..OU, 110111111tJitA'f& NeaJirt lnlh. CA Mill 20 WOROI FOR UO.OO \ ...... .._. ........................ ..... _____ .... _. ____ ...., _______ _ ________ .. ________ _ --- ' ••lcnuaa.. Reduc.c~ SS.OO/twm. (101) :)1,3. ~ ...... IOIIOIIIl.EHMES . SPACIOUS M0 81U' hv•11•' 3 beod1oom , wellr h> pool and ohoppong No peta Serurot~ •s ~'"'"" In bll~ Only k6 000 l•n• •g•nt 551 J061 Noatil• Ho •• -becNINJ do-w. .... 24al0', Cl .. hal ail, Lo~ao HIUe alialt .............. CD) .. ..... 15$-liOI ... -· MIOATa EQUIPIIEin MUST SELL, 1171,11910 10 lt. twia dJ. ... I. Pacibc Sport ......... loodod, IIU.· 500 or ll'ad. propaftr. ...... 40 HP Jolt.11.1oa IS' lii.IUaa boat • trail• 12,1DJ. 4SU873 BOSTON lAY Pachr IT Bay boat, l.bergJa., l&boord •Dgiae .__ decb I trim 'It lt.c. -.1 I lillie. la llKlfll coaditioa Mah ott.r .... , ... Hobie II Good--dlUaa, wlllt. traUe•. ASit:&.g 11:11».00. .. -- --1"'-:.!:.1-~WU: ...,~.;w;; ..... . w..v .... ... ATftNTIOH SA.1I.OMI I ... _.. ......... 1 .. ..... ,..., ........ ,_ --·10olr -Coll061·1146 13' IOSTON WHALER -40 lrtc..e~r W.t· ewy, >Uidw w..-raafy. Witel,, 548--lkX>I lMO lEDAY, 115 Dd•J. c.~.. uo ..... f/0,,...-ft -=c; I'J,it~&n; •· ,..,. 2 WOOIIDI UDNQ --··-.... -... ·--·-~-·· c..,-,... 11,250 1 -··-J IK. Ft. a&a.ar cac. ara.r. II$ K.P. w.... ........... d ...... 137!0. C.l . ra.lo, da.Dtll ........ 111· ?Sf$. HEADIN' FOR THE SLOPES? Rs•t a Llll· llrlou 1912 lle•coo """' c-•· So.c;ol Wiater Ratnl No Nile~11• Cha rve! AnOI'U>AILE VACAnON CONCtPTS INC., B.t· ty (?H ) 150-1811 1969 'U' Tra.el Trail.,, ..H-coalal.Qed, awaie;, I• aaleooa . electric bralr.... 13,000/oll•• Coli loiJ &.. (1 -llO) 532-39'72 aU; lor Peo- OJIOYer AdwatcA '"'" RV SACIUnct 1173 m:. !l.':'a~~ .u.. eledrle iih."'"a veoaulllii .... ....... d~acal taab, cob .... ca roof air oc.d.., C!l1dls coatrol, etDrM, color TV 60"'1!._00 ml 112,.51»/0.-u (IQJEX) W-1383, 10 SEIIVICEJ IIEPAIII BRITISH AUTO RE PAIKS legu•r. lenaen H.s .. y Tnllrnph, MG Tuurnph Stsv and 111011 othar But,.h ?ll!O. 1995 Hsrbor Bh·d C:O.t• ........ 5.8 62 215 HUB'S GARAGE A lJTO IIEP.\IR f oteovn Dorafthc [ft9tDe owrhslll r .. - up. brsk•. electllcsl CslllJO-~ II IITRCYCU:S/ IIOPEDS 1980 CX500 fAIRING T,,.nkc;., .. 7,400 mtlo.., uc:.llsnl 1h<lpe. otu~ 1n.el ownar 871 06-41 559 9299 12 JOO.rb.t ..... 1990 YAMAHA XS.WO Spect•l Eacellanl con dohon ndden only d,., •nq llllllrner montlu '' 17! -..,..,-!o .,p pre.::1ste C•!l 8.11 5!1.()736 1171 Hoeda £.apr-~ OBO. E..U..t tioa Low aUl... Call S..We at 17$-2501 VESI'AP3IXI:.hzv-. 4,. UadM ltoO sU. ~--11100. ~diitrlp .... I 977 HONDA J60T -Good tlt.spa, need• work S400 01 b.t oiler .93-5651 . ......, b;;;u. a--.-. ,.,, ~-001' •llee, e~t.ha .,..... .. •• ~e~e ............... ., . ..-~: ..... f• Dlws 1J ' al -. ........... o.a ...... bb 1980 l20S CLASSIC. ev.ry opi!Ofl o)YSII<Ible Recsro .. tt.. luatted prod11ct1on model, IMIW tu• •nd bf•kee Cell 67].._~168. 731-688::1 1979 IMW 3201 t lp .. d . Co~~_pleiDIJ loaded, "" lUI --. m:..Cill)j .;;l; ,..,, .... 117'& INW 3.C&. hll powel U:ich,. WDiooJ, Cf11l1e coshol, air , leatller l ole tiOf . AM/FM •t•re o , O\llomalic .ag ... ..,. •a..&.. L.ow '!_lleav• Very clsaaPriceclto..Uot __ .............. p.m 1919 733! -r .. u, eq1uppld !AOE 091 l 1 16.500 c.u 1213) 862 3222 19'19 saa. All ooad ' 1eet1Mr, ?lltc.slk, N~~~ool etc I...U..t oc.dluoa. 111.000. 1348 UGI O.ya, 1313) !83-1.21 BMW 1983 7 4.51 T U R 8 0 252 lip k.Uy ~ed ·~•"I Ellropean op 110n1 only • h.endh.ol •n US Fut S.n•l4621 ) 2132764&11 I 980 BWW 3201 Bl.,upu nlr.l e•nell• 1111eo 111nroot, alloy wn..ls. au 112.000 ot be11 oller Conlee ! 831 15636.••• 2226 1978 1NW DOl Aatlt.rsate/~ sU, BlsiiJNII.k'l ...... , c .... , •. ~--so,soo. Hwry ..... ..a1 1&55 WU) 557.a220, eld 237: 664-aool. 1!71 BMW 3D rill. 31,000 .U... EIICI''._t co•dJboo (71 4) 4~ , •. CAD0 1 AC tm tworado eo .... Uble, a•• IOJJ, aew palal, loadH . lhl.u vood. ·~-~/ Met ----I& Co..pe de VW., ~Ja ao., ••at• wltlt. orltlaal c&aoa~ ....... -13,100. -.sat. 19'79 S£VILLI OlESEL -Sherp blsck Fsctory CB. 6-lf•clr., AW/f'W Ea.::a ll•nt coadtlioll. -u -~~~••onsd A<lkift9 19,000 c.;. ('714)6.33- 8862, (2 131 2158-4830 984 YLW 1958 tl.DOilADO s. voi le -Mec:lt..tn.c•Uy ~-'1QC'd hr•, .U powat silk~ 12,0001 080 Cell CUI, 633- 0148 ' IICA' ... 1m -roPS" -< 1 GM 888) PP. daYI (714) 7 74.7 10 1 Anahe1m £.-t....aeoda 111 •1 ~ 1231 J.mn.de ailS DCAU1U11 -2 pMft<J:iv ~ed to at.al 4.0QO ...... ltoae It's • I ()It 15t7U8 ,... ... FDIAII · 117$ 315 OTt.D .... 12 cyl ltO ep~. 11 ,000 O&Waal .... a.l,. £a. celleat coaclltloa ll~te/w~.Ue tater,or Wut ••11 P P (lno.D} 157·1~ FEUAJU l i70 J65GT 1+2 E.acep hooal coocbhon Almoet per loKI Red 58.000 stlea S li,OQO IJEJC 351) ,, 1714) 831 8188 "' ltl ac.a-An aeea o-. ............ ..u. ~ ..... a..ooo .......... -'· UDI ._ "· m•> =., ~s 01 C7l4l Me- FLiT------PlAT 1 W1e 124 SP1DD -..s.ooo .u.. s....,.t. .. w lop, 3& Mpe, r.d· ~ AW/nt c:ea&~~tte, 1 o-.. n.wt.. $3,8751010 10 10 T'ZI ) Prl't•t• pa rty, 1714)!~-2004 1977 FIAT SPIDER New IOh top h4td top r ar <:over AM rlo4 cu Mil• SJ I 00 492 3572 .slt•r 5 p m 1976 FlAT 128 4 dooc E•ndl•nt cond1tton New '"" Low m1l• Mual -'l 850 ur beet oltar M l 1701 6 .31 4267 FORD 1979 FORO FIEST A Supercle.sn sYntuol maqs qrwt condthvn S..t Jtler 1317 NANI pp 838945/ I 1969 MUST ANG b cal le nt runntnq condition power •t-rtnq brctlt• au S I 750 1556JAQI 1714163.3 6629 f'EJU\AN BOXD S 12 BBI -li82 model r.d w1th blac: .. IDI•uor JeO I hp, lut•t prada;ciiOfl I csr ~ 'i:ll Mn•l C213U7 II 1982 fORD EXP 2 door 1por111 coupe 1uruoof loaded Bea~&ly l will deal or uode aro~&od S$,900 586-2323 No aclv•rti~•r in this pap•r is more than a qallon /rom you CAilNETS I AI~INtT<; ( ..... , fl1 II I 1.. F I fl.., '•.,. t~~~" .. I , .. 1 ,, ~ • : , , • • , r 1 '· .. , t t dA h """ .,c,: I I "' 1 , r .n. C HRISTMAS SPECIAL Cbp A Save I Hand ttnpped, sond..c:l. bao utdul l l otnl a rtnN I luuthN Lac: • I booded A teiez SIOO oU qyotecf eMina 6 1 I There's I someone I room pointed h •• Loolt DICe for the boU· doy NOIOD Call Tod 493-2518 I<'UST<tM t'AKIN t rs K.t ht t ,.., ~·t 11' .. "' I I out there who wants II '"' • ll • ,r ,n,.,, 1 • ~ 'r ' 1• 'HI 1641 AJ. 'd.~-. I 'lh ' 40'"oh Tl '"~ y " I to buy your I: •"P""'' 1 power tools. ' ;;1'';jjirx ~~~ I Find that I I buyer with a I low~tad : in Classified. ACOUSTICAL CEII.u.GI ..J CRAIG S S PRAYED Acouaucal Cethnot R• •u• Very rasaonabla r, .. fthmal.. t7l4 5267290 AOCOUICTIRG IOOIIEEPINO a TAXES -C PA ln· ft'-·~ at a,,.._ pac. lraibal ~ ... S4$- •ut.W.O.l IA1'111..1D nMAO.U ACCTOIIOIIIIDI IDVICII f 1nsnct•l •talem•nl• ~yroll quartarly r,u returnt ca•h menoq• manl b1U1n-1y1tama and prac:ed~tr• 11nd peraonal II'ICQIDa •••es MS-Ull LOST IN THE Pd@work ... ?l'• a CI'A. ... n .... ,. ..... lOU ..... tlar. ea•r. IDJf Oll lfl ••· A ••· I'll ........ ,.., ......... =..-:..-:--'= '---............. Kua' ...._-.-., AaPIIAI. T IU1 OOA!IIIG/ OllifiWAD Classified AcMwtising works for you. --C.MPEMTRY FAIR PRICES Q ..... 1y w~rk P,uoc ' we,. tedw ,.1 leclr.. p11n•1 ltnq 101 '0" '''"'""'" ·'"''' 1•ner-. "~r. It~ N t<>b ro. tmall Tom "i')l lS8J C ARPENTER SMALL JOB •peo 1ala.1 c,b, na11 w11ll Ynlll pJn•l onq m •ulrlonq JMO~f' '''''""'" <J.,. lr.~ F , .. ... hm<~t•• M .. d•r • 1i<111 dyworlu 042 3789 • En9llah Cca~penter Journeyman • Cu.stom l pe c:•o lh•nQ, doo u cab•ne le, ponehtiQ, •h •l•lng , form1c:o Rea10nabl.e &non 714· ~43 FRENCH DOORS b.av wmdowa p<tho • """ iK~I ham•nq todono lenc" woud ll•tt•Jin·~ Fr•• Hhm ,,,., f. a .. 1 lf'nl tl'lror.,nt ,.. lln!o •n•••tl l•hu hi"> l:tlXIl lt73 •VITAMO OL'?SC OOOOOIIVIII'naa= _.._ 71,-_ ... polat lat•rl or ••· a.a...: CoD tal ... (1· DJ) 5»-3172 ~ -Peaapawer Adwatcll M-J LINCOLN '?9 Na.io RX7 "-d •-' blocat lat . air, ~. Oawt.. coodi IIOD leal otfeJ (W 13230} (71.) M3-215.2 IWIO 300 SD ..,._.. lem sa.owroo. c.di· boll 33~.:-· utra t.a.Jt. AMIPW .. ...,, ................ cb.•CN~G" c:olor. Puel u tu• $25 SIOO 552 9725 1977 MBZ 280£ Chmale control c:e11lr•l lock•nq .. c.llant COl\ diiiOfl low mal•. c:rlliH control AM fM etereo C•ll957 8071 dap 1981 JOO SO TURBo ----------llow m•l• .. cellent 186! JOO SE CONVD T1BLl -Eatraordt.naty coadttlotl ' lteceal reba;1lt enotae tr•n• 1a11110n W'tc hahn rad .. lt, Mw LMth.r brown top w11h wh.tle •• letiOt c:"-m~n• 1n tar10r PP S2S 000 080 Aak lor c .ry 17141 ~7 2S26 12131 430 2959 Nov~ ~. 1982 The Newport ~ Ca.6a W.. Ne-timM Toclay .... II -=PO=RS=c=KE=--ROLlA ROYCE ()IJ)GI()IIIJ! I iee OLDSMOIU.E ~ L~A.&IUY Sed..a Loed.d w•ltl eatt.. Rebualt 416giM a..c:l lrallanHI uon eaceiJ.ftt rlolnnmg c:ood1t100 S.. to ap-~=•• 1Sl95 ~51 '-and .... ~ .. d. 1911 Olds Cutlo .. S~apre•• roYgbom- ltou redwood, hilly ~. low mUop, ••celle llt coad1t1on AMIF'W aa..tte ( 1983 Lie:} 01ee1. m.~ POII.SC'Hl 198! 912 fC&aW*- New .,..,.. c •rpet 1978 SCliOCCO he•dhll•r we•ttl•r ~ n On 1 ... euapp.MJ 5 ~~ lMt -.. ..... .. .. •nd IOhd S! 000 h••' .... M.!OO• ... - (928H8WI PP 11 141 I--ROLLS IOYC'l ._ 0.U 1.-t'71~ 82116 I '>tlv9t Wr•tM IID!S'neJ lS).ll. ,.... i'97-8"""9_2_4--ALL--,..-eq-w-p t'lall\ut with t•n •n•Kif U174 YOIJESWAGDI menl bl.ck on bl.dL 5 SOU "''._ hk• M W OA.SHEI ... ........ •ulom.thC QOOd 1~1 S.M c>IJ.tt 60-tiJI ~ CICIOb8v ....... 19 500 O l O Call .._. •1 Sl 450-ttl c._. w.-. .... 662 )295 plue ulatu , (2IJ) hA l W.e .W 11 ... 595 555 I J ••99 ....._, ....._ (....,. .,._ PORSCHI 1981 917 or ---,.,_, I .t hh Pocecn. 911 R R H ~ SUur 17141W71 ~ 6 vi •nq•ne WJ.ae ,_,j s~--£relle·• a• vw iUO -o-. tar 932 SILt I'P /1 4t ~~";p J~·am • ~ -_. 1977 HOHDA ACCORD l doot 5 sp•ed, air. a m "'t• ~ decm113,800 83'1·51.-, CEDES BENZ o:ondttl<.>n •II power l 968 M £ R C £DES aa;nruvl IVory tan tnter 1 'Ill a SL ,___ leu.. 70 I .aJ-. a • h .. eJy cleoa, l»ot~ lops ... Jt~ll po w••. AM/r ""· foUiy Drioed E'fU.LGQW •M-.tsi3 1971 Old.t Wo90n C\MIIoal Ctw.r Good coodltioo S89S 00 SSi-0030, 494 ., oher ~ pm 847 2244 dcty• 4040 -day.. ....... .u ~ ........ I J '4Sl PORSCHI 81" k 71i0-147~ -........ -~--Tetqa Lu.ded '100 Ml-Zllt BENZ liOSL COilpa 101 (l8QC277} S30,!D> Wlule /tan lnl•nor PP. (714) 832-i&el . Avtomat lc , /o wer 673-0477 1810 180-11. -II!ST r~&DA.~DQ 1.a 0 C 16.500 (ba;y II) pp Oav• d•y• 675 J012 m1'e b•• S l 4!00 I ·~····· S34! 999 "' bell u.,, 71 4J 897 7 LH I ·~r I UO HONDA PRELUDE. 21,000 ...U.. Pwiect c:oadl· llione. A.WIFM ~. lllAlOO(. A/C, CIIIWI' ~.10ft hard lop 1 N e w 1981 JOOO Ottrlr balleryt radJa1l [a blu• b lue onteno r c•llelll me cbanacal AM FM ca-lla low c:ooditicua &.av b.lw ••· mtle1 aunrool ollll tenor Sl9,800 ~Dll a;nder warranty Ca ll Datrel 759 I 221 197e 280 SlOAN 1982 JOOO TURBO ~--at•kll. bl\le 1.11· aolv•r blue lftat•l ._.. _., eMu. 1MW llr blu• S A Ollho r~ ti.lw ...-... •'Nil-se.o ta rMr h..da lac ly ...U.t .._. ..U t01y mat• M ... t .. 11 PP o.,. Q55.0833, -/ 1714)731 0202 ....... 558-G382. IW MERC EDES BENZ t979 MBZ 300 SD Ivory tctbco eunrt'IOI new 1tr•1 c•-11• '83 hce"" PP 17 141 557 1051 Men Frt 8 5 pm '77 -280£ W )llle browu, S\1..11 root. •- Per•Uls, c ut tom 100 woll So. llereo, eh .. p a1ww. Cl.Word alarm. c:arai~&UI malotoloed, l l.!t5000 (714) 720 PAICTER.A PANTERA 1974 lmm• ul•l• ,35 000 hrm PP t2131 836 Olli I b91 8827 U lAYS PONTIAC 1982 fiR£8 1R O TRANSAM Loaded Spedal tue t wh .. J pacllog~~ IIO.!IXl ..._. oftw ?U·0260 .!13 ~l91S9 aou.saoYCE 1979· C"ORNI( HE -un.-•tlllil a W• '• "'J~n 1h • ll•jll •. 1 "' ••• '" '"'"' &a• ""' Pf' .ll l c,r;.:, 1!1. IUNf l '*ll 'll".fll Wr • It BYt 1 •n•a. I ,,, F1Hfl' fl ''" I f.JJ.t ~I I f'\C,4 ">II l'ff>l SILV[14 "t lU£• Ill;.,.. rto•1· Nhlt~ RHI AM I M " c:olor •1~ or Mstl atitr (71~ MUl~ JEMSEIC 197ij 450 SEt &own 'II 220 DIESEL I brown lantaal..: cond 14HIIIIifll1 o~alo, a/c. l1~e new Only 45 ,000 PWY '-ok• • tpeaker m1lea $25 000 I.S2 .... .o oc-. Au tau WOOl PP 17 141 955 33 "'" ~/010 0745 979 9032 Call.-.3564 1~n~ ... D1A9.. I POR8CHE I OLD8MOBU.E 1961 PORSCHE J >68 1''. • . I MH• •••• vnver11bl• P11mu' ('.,1 l,m ... f • • Pl 1980 0 I d 110 0 bd. Mu.tt Mil 6 7 Hd'>. • l. ~'*' ... u Cl.lltom Cru•r Statlon 19tll ~ SEL Und•t Waq04 Uke oew, oew 1980 Peugeot~ FuU 1974 JENSEN lntercep lot Coupe Meqn1hcent ahApe 54 000 mtl" d-p blu• eatenot w11h beu~• leathar anteriOr \8900 Call 955 1491 dep 64641 37•.,... 1970 )()() S£l 6 ) q 000 m1lft •rllnl r.d M1nl condotoon ,), hr .. m.-11m1 1unrool llres, low mlleoa e. po wa r •n clud anq 011~1 n ol o wn e r l unrool $900 10100d or~grnal 72 000 mol.. P"''"' t c.,ndoto•)n Aaltong Sl I 500 Cull S44 000 W u~d .. yt 17.700 oUer Co.ll toll ~am. ou cnu ... con n.. o ax>1 s:n.J97l 1 trol JO.ooo mu.. sa 1l0 0290 II EAN 80 11 I '55 7 071 I •v• w-It ends 675 2464 a •ll lo r Pe noy•o ••r 300 494 ~ oft•r 6 Adwotcb Ml~ p m CARPET CLEA.NIMG 1 acn CAitPET CAU I ! t1 Pflh nnd uphulll•r. 1 .. \1\11\•1 fREE Mt nltiM W ~~ qu '"" t...,l It ~ Bullrn\)1"11 tWr\ .. f uf)tlU \ld r N._.w port S...r h b45 1771 ~ STIAM OR oqt o•c-ot oro lJO"'O~ , .. , ' ' lf>On.ng '>(~ ( J :.r~ ,,-, ")tt. ,~tt f )( , ) >N • H' <"'' JIOO WM> l r •rv·r~ (714.UJ..,_1 - CARPET INSTALLA nON Bill s I ARP£T ~· H\ IC'[ lf1•' tll rht.r on 1 r .. , •• u, u!4.,J iy ., t• ,, I"' P• .. C riJ B,tl ,, '1 .. '\d.lC .. ..,, r.,n 1• CAR W ASHJNQ/ OETAWMG AR I tET AlliN<, ,~·! "lAI..$T R ... l I tlo ... I I n<• t ·' ,,,,.,I I t. ( •• ' I p, • •I '" 1 t .. '->• r, F,,.... p,t.n ,,.,. I t )( tr J 1<4 i )~,1 > CATERINO I CILUGNOJal! flAe Ccn.ria9 Lo llle old world trtJctiaoa ..... F'EAST DE CONCRETE COite1U:nl ASPHAI. T IUA&IMG I REMOVAL S koplqJ•r dHIIf tn,u·~ lc1' k h~•mr,, .. , L·• •·••~• ... ,,..,,~" .,. t 4u tltly w. rll 1n•~>•• 1 llt.,.Htamdlt•• ~7-IW CONCIU:TE PATI OS • I DRIVIWA YS Wood•A patio c:o¥en, all type. No ~ too bwJ anoll No Z91l3S A-at lor hm I ~.1102 I ==::=-:::-:-:=~~ IPEClALIZING -~n r ... "-tial. clrl•ewa yt. p alloe, fouaclatlon.a, ~lock w..Ue. etc . O uallty werk, prleecl 1ew r... ••"•••e• cUitli), eo. 0e1 c-- ar .... 171•) ai·UOI. CONTRACTORS • ARCta'I'ECT • CO.JifTUC'I'OR Betti Qyallly, Low Price Call Ml-6110 I.Jc 8322217 ltanh\U lDduaut .. O.n w al Coaboctor Property unpro•emear .-7-1113 CONSTRUCTION B WJL<;ON ku l•r t .... I " ,,.~, k. ,. " f''JI •• B. n h· t l'i 74Ml M~· I"' . . .... , •1 ROOM ADDITIONS -Remod•liDG and o-Dec:trical, pl11m bUl9 and IIOlar cootroc: ""' Uceued (419119) 30 yean, I~ !Uwm· c:ia9 LoY 0eae Coutr Co . (71 .) S»-11311 R..£IIWI' A UCE -All. nouDCUlq the new_. ma.t quohh..c:l c:atenDQ "rv1ce at the beocb Elega nt ante rtoining 1 lor the hohday• a od b ero nd The prof-anal touch lor formal or cw~&ol chA.oe r 1-:0::-:-:V~£:-::R~H.,..O=T--C""-on~-tru• porll•, b~&ftell, laort tlon R.modsbnQ 1nj d o.un• Compl.-ly ••c Fra:m•oa drt-,u p lanned detlgne d,l bay wt.ndo-franl"h pre11nted (Or 1~&•1 door. Quality at lnw cooked ) Compbmu -pncee CaU Byran ~I Iori__ cooaultaboa by 8773 John 497 !1095 UJTH WlLDV ANl at 494-8659 CEMENT CONCRETE r'A TIOS • DRIVEWAYS W o<.rlln p •ho nv•r• tl ty~ Nl} b •. !'>IQ •m.tll N., zq ll J5 Ask lor l1m '>48 7102 CONCRET£ AN D MA 'iONRY P ,, , l•c-lrt lll<i 1ntty lllv•w••Y• w11h t4Ph •It r•m••vlll planten lu• ""~' bloc-lr w•ll• Fr .. ••hmatH Dan SJ6 /440 llar 19342-ll CONCRETE WO AIC Palroa drt"•way• blockw•lll room •Jd1 lton• 1aw CYIItnQ S.ckhoe •rviCS R•• rianl1al co111aercra l Ltc l547l4 h ul 11s J283 n~11 CONSULT! RESUMESVC RE ASONAfll f RA H Pr ,fp ... ~ n' " . ",. .. , n ... 'n J (' n• ' r 1 Hbl I .... ~ ,, • t• • .. ,, .. ' I • l ORYWALL FREE ESTlMA T£S on o e m ea t , bloc k o r 1 ~rkhorl, a e w COD ~ or repg&n Lac 214122 Call &.t53!t ...... DRYWALL T APIHG A ll te•tur•• a nd ac:outllo Room a d d1ti0 D1 n od r ttn dama ge rr•• e• ll•ote• l•••• 6~ ... ELECTRICIAN £L£CTJUCA.l. PRO Bl.EMS? N-. oAd. unall, lar;e. immedkne .. me. Cheap ~~rica Day or ~Ugbt SYDNEY 640-45.21 FURNITURE REPAIR 8c RESTORE f URNTI"URE £a CABI Nl:TS Eaperl tepaut ·~u•hry lacq~Wr luuah• ~ol,' malcbanq b• • hm<'t• Richard 9eO 1728 Your Nllalac1oon I Qu<~r•nt• HAULING KAULlNO 6 OUlCI Cl.eau~&p Ycudl. gar-~.,. apls , 6 comm Call ~ or Ricl 631 OIW 631 ·a.5 PLAST'EIUftG All PHASES t PI A'-' TERINC, R,. •. ,,.XI>Jrtn J r:tr ll•l .. \ 'tlflll~\thwflt R ... n tdtittl• ·n~ '"d ,,, ·m ,,, "'fl'' F ,_, ,...., m ~'· lr l_.fl/H I t r, YbJ J I /r<l'c tt ~' ' .. ·~u ul~ , VAC ANC IES COST r MONEY• Ra acb '• 1 A ' I·· tenaoll ctuldLIJ D1ol 1"' '"" 1 •'"1' 1"' 673 0~50 DO W I • • t1 r ••hotot ~Ad. SH IA1 ,, , t ,., ,, ' ,, • t H t "''" I P•"t t r•••JI '"' 1 I HOUSE CLEANING CLtANlNG UNLIMITED For u ce!lence an houaed1<.1n 1nQ pr vdano til eu pploe1 o udiDQ v'lcuum Truetworthx nnd dept~ndoble CaU today l01 Mtlmat• ~ 3'726 IWEDIAH CLEA.JtrDIG IERVJC E Ho 10te1 apl8 e mptlM W1o dow• co rpete E• c e lla n t wor k b y prGte-on.ola W • do wbol othara prom ... That 1 why we ora th.e .. '' 730-0261 \I I ;<, A T " I t Dlltn..ATION • .It., a .... , , . .:~ te • -------..,-,.--- HOUSESlTTlNO ST .UU: Cbn.rtt.an With prof.-onal emplofed backvround Sto'i(l• pcu n l lor 14 rrw Ea c•lle ot refe re nce• Wonts the opport\lnlty to take C'Ora of yow home 6 C'ODianls wlule fOU 1111 On YOC'Otlon Plea" C"all Odell ::11 ~·~ ., ' • ! ,. .. 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A.aut9 se !00 t4ll W'DC) 549 27-45 ahet 8 ~-------------- ROOFINO Al -;A~ISFY Y\.ll' .... , , • •r • , 1 , .. , •10 • RAY S RClOrtN.G CO f,, • ••' l1n••'"" N•"' j S."""" •ll <>I O.a.qe ol t n ~·1•1" J1n-l '""'V All ty~ Free t • •• • J C ln•e'"' l ,..tom•t• .-.ued L,c i "~ E.. croon r Sti()CI J61042 ~I work QlooSI , ~ N-7· .. nt...:j 559 9.)69 PAlM DOCTOia Eaper-aacl ~ ~et~C"e 111 tnteuor a.d • I enor J)llDIIII~ W ot 1t:aaQ ...... you aad b .,.,., Davad 9eO 7047 local COAT or NANT COLORS Pm.a... - ta• .... -· .. c a tlaaas Oaohty wo r k roaat !.tp a mo te ua11 re flect ,. •• .,., ~~ Call ~ !D40 (Lac: I~) T HE IALIOA ROOPDI:NO CO. ft. .................. --~~~-. n p ·~__. 0 tDo .,_ i .. U Ill I'J5.aa s&'YUOH'rS SOUGBTS SA YE EICEilGY I All wook QIMIJaa'-* vn• ... y ,,.,.,~.,t() .. •--tC4••.,.dllol• (71_, .. , R ~~ o\ R l' WA ll OYN.UOC C'tAAWlC •\'~RIN; [ap•rl ,.,~oo ""''•ll.hon .... , ',, t ~l nt' 4. •' t\ tOI ••'er ~ eftd r• q.,, .. r,., .. ,... "-p..llt r ..... , ... , .. ~·· n , ... , Reler•n.... f'ur h•w alo ,..t., .. l • £, ....... t>JI 4576 j•llr uoh •• Up to ~ d... ·"n' Hoe-t wad PRECISION WALL ~ 'i04 t COVEJURGS r q •' ,.ltaJD.anahap ., ., .. "''f?l ~, .. Call ,. t.ad .. .,. :.>' 'l( •• ... yow piiKt.- PA no COVERS • " ·~ ·~ 1'\ ,. t ... , ...... "''[! ~ ·~· .. '"'' •• m J 1 • I • \1• 1 • 1'~1W ~..:1 .... • ' '' i ., ... • ... ~ u tr• .... VAC A NCIIS COST MO NEY Reoc:k •••a al8 q,_v1cll..ly DlaJ 61) 0 550 n o w' ~Ad. PIANO OJlGU TUIOJIG ' -~IN .._ 1 , .. •' t r "'¥' , 1 1 ... r , • ,,.,, . .. 1•<-4• PLUlOI.NG .\'Ill \.<f. PI Mfll ... ' s.;;. ,... -... ·~ •-t • ... ~ II~ POOLS SAUNAS HOT TVIS SPAS ZEE'S POOl SEilYICE. CUSTOM nt " WO Nt All tv~ ~~~ataU..I..., ·~c au a1no " r• m .:ielr~ lutchet~ •I'd l .. lh Ou•hly ""'XIr••• •h•r r.-...... ,. R. .. r•n • "' n 71 4 4i.il ~ TUD EXPEifT ni£ SDV ICf r,-end liu .r 1 "' mm~n-.1 41rt0 reat~.a Y t1 I l•<ln~>p f._ .. · ~· ,1. c., 5SMU i ll[[$ £XPEJITL Y :-JtiMWII •nJ ••en • •! ,,. yerc:t 11.0 J • t•r • ._, "---a I ~ . .. •.ttl.. c.u tc. 'r•• ••' eAt.. Ar• ..~ .. ~2 R .._ 5 TliEE SERVICE .. , mrn1 nQ '01>P'I'Q -.• '" nq 1,._ r "'•' • .,,.,.,,, Y •rd • '" .. ~ lot'·-•rod ··~r .. 1 v ... h!y • .,.,. f ·-,..•tm.ot..-646 <.N-4 S(JIIV IC£ r-no1•b.. .,..1 ace" • ,,., l "••n••• a nd • ., k p.tpers Nolan I P~t "•••o••lttl• 1 ..... 71 41 646~ UI'BOLII&al so t1S.,";AN IN'TtlUORS ~' ~ aU cleMiJ11" fcdmal I Aahqa e ro •Mel• ,.., .. p~~. bred ... I Ouara.111'-td I .,. t :teal -k r ree p1c:il up 6 de llYfll •1•1 95? oaa wnmow C1UJaleG ~INDOWS ~PAU UNG CUAN A..., ....... DALY Lea~ '-'• hila... a--.. ,.. P oaell•• • ta..-.n · t.no .. · Tn. rc..._ ....... crall ,. • ... ... • ,...... • ---------~' I ••~II £, ... ,, t J• 2 flOtY \.)9 IS 17 1 15 LICENSEO f.l• II" I H Ca tlon9 r .. n ~P4'· 1.•h•• Oapend•"l• qu tloty wt~t~ "-" n.tbl• ,,.1 ... r,.. ...1m,,.. e,11 T t.m~ 6J I 507l JA.IQTOIUA.L SDYICII OU ALITT HOU8ECLEAJfDf0 • ~daW..t ta.Dnt r a •r ••c:•• Coil tvtl. nl CS)...:ml j __ _ PRINTINO nNC£5 PAT10S SPAS DtC ICS .,. ..• ... ·~ 18,_., ............ .... •• ttbl• • rk 1 ,. I •I H .. ),.,.., opet ...... i c.u 6JI 512Ci JOI AIITINIZ GEHIMl CONTRACTOR 8TATI UC. 1133211 <:::;>< lt&J TYI'fSETIIIIi SERVING YOU - Pho40 TyoeMalnQ l~P~I •e•••······················· O.C Stor-e-& Oeeign/He •••~ ~ • -IS OUR BUSINESS -una..., ,.,, A ...,.. • T.-..c~ .... • \ • IT JUST I The car's beauty Is self-evident. In a survey by Car and Driver magazine, a consensus of motor critics, designers and enthusiasts named the XJ sedan the· most beautiful four door sedan of all time: But the people who build these living classics are never content with the state of the art. Restless and uncom- promising, the designers, engineers and quality inspectors of Jaguar strive to make this uncommon machine better and better. The 1983XJ6 is the finest example to date of this philosophy in ac- tion. '72AICIIIIIIIr IMTZ '71 KIWIIMJ 1000 JA0468 '73 CMIIIIC CDV 1ACM214 '75 CMilllc SDV Pen '78 Flat 131 423SPti '12IIIMIC8750C IF86643 4W4542 '78 TIJIII Clnu Wp 104PfQ ~· '71Qn. Clllvlltl 020W»> I33UPfl '78Qn.Qnltll 006AAY ~~ '74FtnlutlltG~ I .....a '74 hr. Pille ... 7111'Qtf 091YMI '77 Plitt ...... 209SPl S20Z\JW '73 Fe ... LTD ll!IHHH 908WQZ '7611~ ..... OS '78 Dill• 210 OS 921YMW '75 Fen Elht ~ 1x430n '78 Fen lavtrlck l2tVCW I ASCi~~ I '78 .. 311NT' '71Ftd81'111U S6SUifl 244ZEJ '77FenTIIn. IS11SKk 253YMY '77Fen...._, SIOTAH 1EJTS2.0 '77 Fill Ill 431Tt.IH 244Xl0 '71 Fen flkwlt !l6liVNI '77VWDulllrWII l81TMY OS '77~ l72WYt 'IIVW TTERAND We urge you to drive this magnificent new Jaguar. It is an ex- perience that gets better and better each year. • Also available Super 1982 XJ6 Series Ill. Closeout bargains In- cluding 1982 XJ6 and XJS factory demonstrators. See us for the finest selection of quality used Jaguars in Orange Cuonty. '79 Trl-S,ntlrt '10 lllck C._, L~ eomG . 78 Blick lllpl 167ZAI '821am4*.illll 1LAll70 '79 Ford PU 11'M136 '82 TIJIII PU Air IOOKin '81 lauzu PUP Deluxe 181S683 ·79 oaaa. 2eozx 661Y8J '79 Blick LtSIWI 914YMW '82 Bilek ~ u •. 1E8X411 '78 Bilek lllpl 664VYG ·ao TR7 Claw. Alllv. *ZSU '81 VWRMM ICHf~ '11 Peraclltl24 038T.Ji 79111ick ... l 4S6WVX '81111ckiiWII 1801174 '80111ck_U •. Ptrs '78 CM. Snllllllillel 11mG ·ao SMan air 4 nl ICWTW '81 ..... Lll*' OleMI II IZJM '78Biicklllpl 19lVYU '79 lllck Ihlen 1EJI(112 '81 TIJIII TIRIII AJr IBVA218 '11 lllck Cllllry ... 1IHX221 '80 T IJIII Cerllll 704ZOZ '79 Dill• !Ill 5 • 521XMI '79 CMv. 1t1t1 C.rlo 8171fl8 '8111zaU7 IAWU131 '82 lllck '81 lam4 * .... 100Z210 IOOMC»4 '81 CM¥. 1111111 10EE048 '12111&* , ...... '11 DI.M Arlla W11 18YS524 IIOC180 '71WIOOO OS2XJW l3t'm' 18GA2S5 157WDO 1DIIIS12S 1DMVII1 Ptrs l2l't1M 033Z8C 1ENMV 42QlAZ 11QZ553 QlmJ 05 HOLIDAY GIFT GUID E A Joyous Holiday Calendar of Yuletide Events A Special Presentation of TM NewJMN1 £alp • Costa Mesa News • lniiM Toay Wednesday, November 24, 1982 • Holiday Gift Guide. November 24, 1982-Page 3 CORONA DEL MAR'S CHRISTMAS WALK AND SHOP Stroll And Shop In An Antique Christmas bJ ............... It you're looking tor a d i fferent Yuletlme st\opping experience, one that ceptur• the flaVOt of strolling down quaint village green during holldaya of old. then a v1alt to Corona del Mar's annual Christ- mas Walk and Shop may be the answer tor you. Bring the family. park the car. and catch the bua-that't right. not just any bus, but an old-faahloned. ahlrW red Engllah double decker that will shuttle shoppers free or charge up and down the Coast Highway on Sunday. December 5 from 1 a.m. until 4 p.m. Whether ahoppera take In the bright holi- day view from the bus or stroll along by foot. they can expect to see aisles fo luscious po i nsetti as. and bunches of red and green balloons announ- cing that the shop In- side Is hosting an open house. Many o f the merchants will serve seasonal refreshments and have special drawings and door- prize offerings. VIntage's cats will decorate the sidewalks. continuing the spirit of a class i c Chri tt· mas.whl le carolers serenade with seasonal favorites. and Santa himself makes a few surprise visits tor the delight of children and adults alike. In fact. Santa. who knows how to celebrate '" style. Is expected to ane Ina 1934 Packard convertible, "hopefully with the top down," ac- cord ing to Barbara Jackson. Chairperson of the event. Jackson. The maj orit y of shops along the h1ghway will be open for the event. Including many of the banks. While sampl i ng Corona del Mar't holl· day spirit. ahoppers and strollers will be able to acquaint themaetves with an Intriguing varie- ty of one-of-a-kind stores many of which will oHer distinctive dis- plays. elaborate holi- day decor and special prices eHectlve during that afternoon. Barbara Jackson Jewelers wilt have three collections of jewelry on dllplay. Incl uding one co llection from New York and another comprised of unusual antique items. Many of t he p 1ec es will be spec1ally pnced dunng this holiday event. Across from beautiful Sherman Gardens. Demarcus Wlnemakera will carry It s assortment of gourmet and select w i nes. ports and sherrys, while serving sp iced fruit c ake and Sassafras tea to v1aitors who stop by. Several new shops make their debut with this festive occa- sion. among which are Lawrence G. Dougherty Fine Antique Clocks and The Ct.salc Book and Model Shop. At Dougherty's, one may marvel at what the proprietor believes IS .. probably the finest collection of 18th cen- tury Longcase clock s m the West." Browsers may enjoy seemg h11 "This event Is our way of heralding 1n the holidays and giving visitors a chance to ex- perience the charm of this area This is really a fun family outing that we hope will also enable strollers to ap- preciate the versatility o f our shops. thei r qu al1t y and u n i- quene ss ." sa i d INDEX Cnrtslmas Wall!. ucra Madngal Otnnet F"ttval Of LIQI'Ila TheH favorite rec:tpes Hohday Calendar Toys For Tols Co-Founder -~ "o ~· ~ Above 4 12 t2 14 16 earli est p 1e c e . an English lantern clock from 1652. the unusual tablecloths. 1n addition to the exquisite French t urret c lock that glistens m the window. The other new store. Clanlc Book s and Models. holds a wealth of rare and beautiful 1tems dear to the hearts of collectors of auto- rel ated bo oks and hand-made. hand- pai nted cars. a ~r ­ plancea. trucks and motorcycles -all of wh ich are made 1n Europe for th11 dittinc- tlve shop The only store of Ita kind in the country. (the other one 1s 1n London. says the propnetor), one m ay purchase model cars ranging from $2.50 to $17,000. Other un~que shop- pmg opportun~tles in- clude California Rain- bow. a gift shop and country store selling exot1c chutneys. 1ams. c and1es . a nd eve n home-made noodles: The Toy Shop . a wonderland of books toys an d t -sh ~rts . Caswell-Massey. an old faahtoned drug store with unusual soaps and perfumes: See's Candy Store with cla.as1c con- fections of the 188$0n, The Sea Urchin with exot 1c shells fro m around the worla, the Grand Garage. a pot· pourrl of Inve nt•~•. humorous and elegant gifts from birdcages, Tiffany lamps, sump- tuous lap robes. even tool k1ts. Pat Marley's, elegant men's attire. plus dozens more. So 1f you're looking tor a different kind of holiday shopp~ng and strolling expenence. get out of your car on the Coast Highway on t he afte rnoon of December 5 What you 'll see and e x· per~ence among the festive red and green balloons and tiny twmkl· tng wh1te lights w111 take you back to holidays of long. long ago L t nda Sm t th ts a freelance w r~ter who ltves tn lrvtne rt-~. i:uatlata ....._",~~-~~·~ . Crcariw Jn wkrs. Inc. ,,~ .. ab) _.,. ~--· JJ -<?r.-(7 ({ !'' ·"~.-:·1..1Q,~·..,,:,· \., ~ ~~~e-Y/1 Uut~ (/t'-ttlfj v 3 ') Special Jewelry Showings At Fabulous Prices IN CELEBRATION OF Our First Anniversary and The Holiday Season Diamonds • Pearls • Gems tones Complete Jewelry Service • Designing • Remounting • Resty ling • Repairing • Manufacturing \f'nltll l nltl/llt>Jt'...,t'lrr\ \hvk to hr prtuntc•d Sundu1 L>utnrbn -~-II o m 10 111 purltft(IU/wn "lilt Corona dtl Mar'' lloltda\ ·lnnuul Optn Hc>u.u · 1 he• ( ltmtmaf Wa/A. and ~lwp tltc-Boultl'orJ' (714) 760-6766 2610 East Coas t Highway • Corona del Mar, California • a' ro n (rom \hf·rmafl GordnH Page 4-Holiday Gift Guide. November 24. 1882 Madrigal Madness UC Irvine's Annual Magical Evening 2~59 Fairview Road COSTA MESA 558-8851 A,leo L ... , Cuuel Furniture 11218 113rd SttMl CerrJk)e ··(213) 124-0212 What's special about us? Hfll~ IUI&NI llfll'' •• ,.,, • 181'1'11 EVERYTHING! ( 1111/C' \1'1' 111/T I 111111/r\ ( hrt\lllltll 1 nllt•• 1/1111 • -..~~l.llltcd g1fb & .I~~C"llrlC' • ( \lll il.lc' • Pa,la • l 11lil. \rl • C.tndl~' • I cJ' • 'ipu .. ~' <.. uh>nJ del M..tr . -lOO Heliotrope -Behind Port Theater PENDLETON COUNTRY CLOTHES BLAZER JACKETS SWEATERS. PANTS, SKIRTS -ALL IN PURE WOOL BY PENDLETON SIZES 6-18 br Unda Smith Ever consider spen- ding a holiday evening In the renaissance splendor of merry old England? You can. and needn't cross the Atlan- tic to get there. Just direct yourself to the F i ne Arts V ill age Theatre at UC Irvine where the School of Fine Arts will present the Madrigal Dinner. a yearly extravaganza under the d irection of Professor Joseph Husztl. The dtnner perfor- mances will take place on Dec 3. 4, 10. 11 .13 and 14 at 7 p m and on Dec 5 and 12 at 3 p.m If v1slons of plum pudd in g and beef bourgu1gnon dance .n your head. and you ftnd yourself cravtng the sumptuous elegance ot a rena1ssance banquet w1th a courtful of atten- dants h a ndsomely adorned as any Chr~st­ mas tree. then the Madngal 01nner ts an event to expenence th1s hohday season. TOPS TEA WOOL JACKETS 5 ... CREW N OR SWEATERS OF 100% PENDlETON LAMBSWOOL NINE COLORS S-M-L.XL ........... Your only problem may be in grttlng t1ckets to thiS gala. wh1ch by natura of Ita tntrlgulng combination of novelty. authantl<:lty and sheer sanH of ex- travaganza, gai ned almost i nstant pop- ulanty s1n<:e Its lnc:.p- hon f1ve years ago. Due to demand. Professor Husztl has added two additional performances this year and those for Dec 13 and 14. plus Dec 3. sttll boast avai- lable seats for the dinner/show What a show It should be' One of the elements wh1ch d1stmgu1shes the event IS the amount of preparatiOn that goes .nto 1t-and the amount of rsearch as well Preparat•ons . whiC h beg•n tn August. .n- clude planntng the catered meal that 1s authentic nght down to the soup -K 1ng Wenceslas· soup Guests can also ex- pect to enJOY fresh \ vegetables from the King's garden. beef bourgulgnon. fruits and chee.... hot Wassa11 and steami ng plum pudding. To further enhance the enjoyment of their meal, diners will be entertained by a complement of singers and dancers per tor· mlng popular works of the ~rtod, and by the King's Mualk. a con- sortment of lutes. re- corders, pandoru and harpsichord. Authenti<:lty Is •m · portent to Husztl, wno 1nslsta the event mtrror the experien<:e of a holld ay banquet at Westminster Hall from costumes. dances songs. decor-evefl down to the menu H us ztt. who 1s generously ass1sted by hiS w1fe. Melinda. dtS· covered that tt would be more authentiC to serve · thumb-s •ze potatoes." He rec:alls· "we had our chOICe w•th the Cont.nued on page 5 FULL LENGni LOUNGING ROBE 5-M-L-lCL. PLAIDS & PLAIN COLORS ALL 100% PENDlETON WOOL I71.00TOII.OO .. ' ~ THI COURT JIITIR performs feats w1th hoops entertammg Kmg Henry VIII and h11 court dunng last seasons Madngal Omner at UC lr- vme Th1s year's delightful evemngs or musrc and fun resume Dec 3 Madrigal Continued from page 4 caterer of two s1zes of potatoes. but once we discovered one was more authentic th.an the other. of course. we had to use the real th1ng · Research also revealed that Henry VIII like to throw bon-bons at the table. "We learn- ed that he was easily bored · comments the professor "But we can't have Bruce Bales. who plays Henrv thts year. throwing anything because the audtence m1ght start throwtng back!" H uszt1 and h 1s I·~IIJ8 15 r.-:arn tne l.d3•: patter of a rena1ssance banquet. and also add some new features each year New Is a Hanctng ceremony In which a member of the aud1ence participates 1n a mock em- barrassing moment Also ne w 11 the kntghttng cremony. 1n wh1ch those who have provided outstanding personal aupport to the university In the form of service ot flnanc1al aSSIStance are honored weth EHzabethan clock and hat There are new beefeater coatumes thll year. plus a royal wizard. who debuts this 'tV ttl" • ,J;'\'\f ~o.•1J: ... , •• ,,, •• rv.,c!•r lo-.Jta f', . .A;I'ol rumor has 1\ that th~ two-year old future Queen Elizabeth w111 make a surprrse appearance tn the court When d1d all th1s or1g1n ate? About 10 years ago when what Huszt• descrtbes 1n half -)est as a "slightly hatr-bratned" not1on of re-creat1nq a holiday banquet as 1t m1ght have actually occurred dur- Ing the tame of Henry VIII came to m1nd He spent the next f1ve years developing h1s 1dea and adapting 1t to ava11abte campus space "Everythmg IS authen- tic." says Husztt. ·ex- cept for a few anachron 1sms l1ke knevesand forks But then. one can·t be perfect " He recalls the univer- Sity's reaction to this proposal as positive "They're pretty good about saying. 'Try 1t and see tf it works' and hae been supportive all the way along " Over the years. the staff has managed to build up a sizeable In- ventory ot props. head- boards. talecloths. over 100 co.stumaa plus 1nstruments-and the list keeps growtng every Christmas. B ut feedeng and entertalmng 320 guesta per sl«ing Ia still an ex- pensiVe propotltton to pullo« 'The first year we broke even. the se- cond year we made $1 .000 and last year we made $4.000." recalls the d~rector Proceeds are usually saved and bu11t up over a number of years. then used for a spec1al pro- Ject or tour. such as last year's v1s1t to the Far East by UCI s Chamber s1ngers W1th all the elaborate efforts that go tnto el(· ecut1ng a project of thiS scale do m1shaps ever occur? 'Nobody s ever dropped a plate on anybody cla1ms Hllsz- 11. who should know From most any perspect 1ve the Madrigal Otnner has become a successful event w1th comun1ty- w1de acceptance Per- formances sell o ut yearly, the number of students who aud1t1on to partiCipate grows w1th each season and "for each player who 1S accepted. one must be turned away Beyond that. UCis producteon has spawn- ed about 25 others 1n local churches and h1gh schools lrom Torrance to San Otego One year an eager customer attempted to purchase a seat for S 100. Commented Huszt1 'When someone wants to scalp a t1cket. It's got to be a sure stgn of success But we couldn't do 1t, and he came the next year Holiday Gttt Gutde. November 24. 1982-Page 5 ForaC() TR~t CHRISTMAS Call on "C Ol '~TRY UEP.\KT~IE~T STORt::S" ANTIQUE5-GIFTS-GE 'ERAL GOODS L>epre ion St~ le (;las..\ reproduced in charming \ladrid pau~rn in clur glas..,. 16 Pc. ~tarter ~t S..\2.50 295~? 1?? H and-croch~c t·d. fine cotcon Pl. CE:\1ATSA'\l> UOILIES. \lan~ ~in·'· sso 'olid bra" tlOl ~t. 1\l \ HOLU[R· 2re11t gifc: l>ecorati't' ~end l7omenient. t I l Ci \ "T \ I( fOR I \ '\ H t· f)~ ''' "'ltd hr ·'" .tnd hc.t\ \ l!.llH!l' tr11n "t.end.erd '"c' I h~· h\',1 ,\'k..t h ,, •• 1 t lid I ,,h11•tt\'d l '11 1,1111,1, t lrn1•n~·nt' lh·"•r 1111•11• 't··~~llh' '-lullc:r' tlld \ 'tO~l'IIH''l'• rt 1 t. \ fl \ \ , I ' ( ) I~ \ '11 q ~' ll,· •. ,, '-d•·"·••rd' II ,., ltl'll,, f)~,t._, I I li ' . H ... I,,., H ., ll.' I' ' " 'I . '" \II I II \II l II \" ll{f I •·I .,, In \ uur J,fl urlf• ,,,., • fu ,}t.,,,' TUt . \ 11.1. \t,t: \lt.tU. \'riLl'. I I I I"'" I ''"'' II\ ... * I ·•' ·•" ·•' ' ,,,,, ( ',.,,, .... , .. I I ' 1\ 1o I "I I'(,., t • I I • 867-1077 I \' "" " • P8Qe &-Wotlday Gift Guide. November 24. 1812 EXCLUSIVE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGES I THROUGH 11 PlEASE CALL TODAY FOR ADOfTIONAL INFORMATION Harlan or Peggy Dismuke P.O. Box 4186 Malibu, CA 90265 457-2541 I 457-2151 or Bob and Marge Helander (714) 528-2678 SKI EVERY SATURDAY at lOcal pt rNOrts 12 WEEKEND SKI TRIPS to Mammoth and JuM Mounu.n WEEKLONG SKI TRIPS to Tatto., Canada. and Memmott\ 11-DAY SKI/EDUCATIONAL TRIPS Zt."RMATT ~C()P£NHASEN • 6EN£VE ALL ONE DAY TRIPS INCLUDE: 111 eta .. r"troom coach traMPC)t1atton. a.pert aclutt ~. -'t..day hh IJCII.--.. and 2-hO\Jr prof..aiOnat '-Yon Including racing and competition •• ALL OVERNIGHT TRIPI INCLUDE: 1at ctua raetroom coed~ CK ~ Wine n~llon. cteNJre accotn- mOdatlonl a.pert aclutt .u~. ,.,_,. and 11ft •• For 22 years, our nationwtde Blizzard Ski Club has specialized In supervising and teaching young peo- ple to ski or to Improve their lkllng. Including r.ctng and free-style Instruction. f Regardless of where you live. one of Blizzard's 31 piCk-up locations 1s near your home • WbitlllaQ Galleries cordi11lly invilt"S you to tlltend tht• Personal -Appearance of Guest Artist Ben A. Heinemann SAVE 10-50% ON ENTIRE STOCK GOLD CHAINS. DIAMONDS PEARLS. WATCHES , RRINGS ~ND MUCH MORE ~"-' ~~i FINElli' Jew~/ers 2881 F••rview Coetta M••• T-.-1~ It:.._. trW.) ~~~·· ts.k-(}M) I ~ at:».J 978 -8560 Newport's Festiva,l Of Lights Parade Sails Nightly Beginning Dec. 17 .., ...... If you find yourMif gazi ng on Newport Harbor on certain holi- day evenlnga, you'll ... a lot more than the beautiful. harbor that deflghta ua year-round. What you'll ... Ia a happy UNt of gtorlous- ly decorated boata, It with the colora and spirit of Christmas for all to enjoy. All this Is part of a Christmas classic In the harbor area-the an- nual "Festival of Lights" Boat Parade which aails nightly from Dec. 17th through the 23rd from 8:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m . The boata. whi ch rMIIY amount to mov- Ing tloats 1n many casea. come In all ahapea and s izes . some for tun and some aa serious contendera for the varloua prizes awarded. To be eligible for such honors, the boats must be reg•atered at the New- port Chamber of Commerce no later than noon Dec. 17. They are atao r«~ulred to tall every night becauM It remains a MCret u to when the Ju~ will appeer to cast ft*r ballota. This moving light show has been spon- sored by the Com- modor• Club of the Newport Chamber of Commerce since 1919, and according to Bill Luak. who haa chaired the event for the past six or seven years, It Is a show worth seeing again and again. "I'd say w i thout hes1tatlon that It's the most beautiful boat parade In the United States. You get 250 boats decorated on the water and you've got a real scene." says Luak. whose own personal gem. C'est La Vie. glowingly leads the proc;esslon each year. There Is no fee for entermg the parade. and the preparation and expenee par- tiCipants pour pour '"to their boats depends strictly on thei r own degrH of Involvement. In any caae, fun, hoU- day aplrlt, and loye of tradition are key themes for this event. And quite a tradition It Is. Aa legend hu it. the notion of such a parade began In 1907. when John Scarpa, an Italian gondolier working In Venice. reloc;afed his boat from Playa d.el Rey to Newport Harbor. Taken with the beau- ty of the bay. he ataged a Venetian Illuminated Water Parade. gaining Inspiration from a si- milar event held In Venice. Italy. Joseph Beek. an early leading figure '" the harbor area and responsible for developing Beacon Bay. revived the parade In 1919, naming It the Tournament of lights. Throughout the '20's and '30's, this event helped stimulate the sale of homea on near- by Lido late and Continued on page 18 CAL'S CAMERAS-SEMI-ANNUAL COMING 8ATURDAY, DII!CEMBER 4th fl REPS WILL 8E HER( fROM NII<ON.CANONoOI. YMPUS•EUotO•MI~l T A• VfVIl AA-PfNl ~•IC.OOAI< •POLAAOto-ttOHlCA• YASHICA-c<)HTAX.a.IAMlYA•8£Ll & HOW(U• TOI<IHA•FU.»-IUSHHELL .TELL THE KIOSIII ~~~0:v':0: IMYIII 4 NIH PoCli.N at NOTR~ PLACI; Better Wom en s Clothing at Better Prices Holiday fash ions fo r both wearing and giving -all at a price tow enough to please even Scrooge himself! Our holiday collection Includes s1lk blouses. dressea. wool crepe co-ordinates. gabardines. and wools. class1c shirting. soft sweater knits. accessories -all from des1gners you know and love! STOP IN TODAY AND CHECK OUR PRICES! GIFT CERTIFICATES Hours 1~ Mondov ttvu Ffiday AJIO bV AAX*Itmenl ~8 .. 3035 170 E. 171H ST .. SUITE 211 COSTA MESA. ~3035 1400\oe Noedl Troon~l CUSTOM WAAOQ08E C()()Q()tNATION AVAILAAE 8V APPOINI'MENT JOAN LIPPMAN LYNNE KOFFLER FILL YOUR HOLIDAY BOXES WITH LOVE INFANTS •• Page 8-Hotlday Gift Guide, November 24, 1982 K.C.·/ ~I ' 18 YOUR ollclay vlft Plao '"- SI.are tM HolkiQ epatt ......... aacl ............. U.OugldfW gift~ &om l.C'S Jfnh-k IMp. HOLIDAY CJJn' GUIDE K.C:/~HOP 23M BAllOR IL YD., IN HAUOR CTR. 171-IIIZ ()pea 'til 9 p.m. Mo.day thru Friday. S.t. 10 'til 6, ..ct Sua. 12 'til s "Lara ... c.ar4 Mlediea ia ~ C~.'' ! ( '\ ' '. Top Ntllng aaortment of long ateeve btouaea In eaay-care fabrtca like Oecrone po~ and poly aatln. With pretty \ouCMI tlke lace trim, rufft•, and bOwl tn mta- aea and junior 11%81. lece trll'n BIOU ... Reg ..... .,. 14.40 • Bow 81~.. 122 17.10 Ruff'-' georgen. 124 11.10 ..... , .... lb'le ·--,.·~ ,...., .................. . U)·----1-II IIIIOJ Many II"" awtrutfH on l\uld to cMellhe .. Op11 u~lion m0411111t fer ttlMII A•• wtr---only 171.11. A1t1 Cealco GttMS t.r Awi-OOIKEY KONG, VENTURE, MOUSE TAAP-GI.H _. OON'l MISS THE lATEST IN CAlCUlATORS! Sow,._., .. CIRCUlAR C:.lal Fre•s..r•- Very u ......... eco ...... priclll fn• •.• I AS F CHRO.E tlflltR .._ --.t .. .-nv ter ...._ v-. • Wte. •• ___ ...... T 111 VHSZ-M"eur 11 .• lltvfiwT 121M ... ._.. l111 ... Z4111111., 11.-lw .. , .... l Jll11 ... _. l .... ,..J., .......... l • . 95 NR-·Ul'llltllla . ............ ~~--y 14KS...OIIt ... 11111111 Lotos - Thin• AIIIIM-MIIt Ofll ~y nng.. from Aardvark's Christmas Shoppe • Card• • Dotl1 • Cand'" • Music Boxee • Ornamentl • Christmas CoUectibtea 20iillerlne ll3-IM2 Give A Gift of Travel AIR TOURS & CRUISES ......... -~ u r OFf YOCMt HKiHHOidl T-SHIR'B Sola~ ~'*' UftiO A4 ' lfi$A CMD(AS W(Of!MA ,,.~1J-4l.O lHE~TIH llt ~A~ ~ &AHO·OifH fiiDr 011t I~PORTED HAND-CRAFT ART CLOlHING FROM INDONESIA-INDIA-GREECE BATIK-EMBROIDERY /CUTWORK Tie & Dyed with Hand Pleating COTTON * RAYON * SILK Balboa leland ~una Beech 32t A Marine 175-t33a 721 S . Co.t Hwr 4N·2111 • ,Sweets 1n' [},eots ate \.) \t irt\ ~ne rterY ' pesse ,,"t -1-\tol" ~~u'!t ~~' n4 t 673-l03J Jt11 M.1ritw Avenue, 18 8aJbo.J lsUnd. CA 92662 .. ,, 'J\~ .Mii> '-,(\~l· ,\ c/~ \" .. .... .. \: o -~ \,\(\U . ,, .~. ~-. »" .... ~ ... ~ --~~ Say it with ... PANA~CHE especially at Christmas W omt:n,· ~t:dr -Act1ve Wear-Resort Wear 221 Marine Ate. 10-s Jo 673-1810 ........ ~. ,--------------------·-, 1 SJUid4nu dotliin9 eo . : I .,_,_.._ ....... _ CAiall I I ........ LAl ..... .... -... ..... • ..... \ I I --o-o ..._ • ....,_ I ,........, ...... ~ .... "'w-.. I -.• W L ............... ·-.... I ,_ ·.-.._,_ ,....,_ I I u ... .---I I.!!!!!" -· I w ,_, I ~f~ -t• I ---------~-----~--J ----~'*"'·-··11·,.~~-~.()oo.., .,,....,_ ....... ,..,.,.. _ ................. _ 01~()1 Gltf.AT <WIItlloCMI ,.Dlll.Al ~~ .ut0 lO.UO Y :&REFr118S TO 10UR .. --,_ ,_ FRIEJJDS ·OI 11AIIOA ISI.MD'' 301 .................. r.A 12112 (714) lli-3212 1/2 rice sal~ We carry ladles top merchandise always at diSCOUnt pr1ces -FEATUIIIIG EIPIIT- "Innovative Classic Eyewear" including • Vuarnet • Carreras 320 M•lna Ave. hlbcNI lal8nd, CA 12112 (714) ~J7S-4147 ) • Cheesecake • Chocolate Chip Cookies • Fresh Croissants (baked dalty) and other speoialties Jlalboa J•lanb l)barmat~ Page 12-Hollday Gift Guide, November 2•. 1982 Recipes For A Harbor Area Holiday br Unde """" There'a no doubt about It-food atlll mNna love. which Ia what the holldaya from Thankeglvlng to New year'a are all about. When ·we want to show someone we care, or say "Happy Holldaya,.. 'Happy Birthday," or "I love ·you," we often do It with aomethlng from the kltcMil. Every cook hu hla or her own t...arn. that become treaaured tradttiona u they are enjoyed over and over with famlty and trlenda. From anticipation and preparation to the aharlng ltaelf, theae reel~. moat of which are fairly simple. should apell tun. Bon appetlt and holi- day cheer! Chocolate Cookies From Emma Jane riley, wife of Fifth Our ·Elected Officials' Favorite E>ishes For Christmas Olttrlct Supervisor Thomas F. Alley. 1 package chocolate blta. melted 1 can Eag~ Brand oondana· ed mlltl 2 c:upa graham c:raQker c:rumba 'It cup chopped nut mNta v, e.p. vanlUe • dMh of lilt Mill. drop from teaapoon cook tor a mlnutea In a preheated 350• oven. Then enjoy! Part ot the aecret of a good cook Ia knowing how to COOk weu. and aJeo knowing that there are certatn thlnga which people rutty love to eat-aueh u cooklea. Mra. Riley apparently realized thla eome time ago when ahe devetoped thla recipe that 11 not onty euy to make, but practlcalty Irresistible when It comes to eating. This recipe Is one of her tavu1 :lt ·~ Cookte Brittle From Mayor Donn Hall, City of Costa Mesa. .. u, lluucr ,,r m.HJ.mnc I •Uil Otlur I •·ujl '"J•Ir I I'll \olnlliol I ''I' -.th I .:up .:h,~ul.tlc .:lllf" : ~~~!" nll\lurc 11ft he fullu,.1n1 '~"·'"'.: w~'\1,. '"nOu10cr 'ICed,, l:hlljlll'=d .llmund\, I:IUhCWI, '":.:an,, 1011inu" or any 1.11her IIUI\ llr \~'\.'<J\ ur vour jlrdercnQC I ,c;1nul\ .trc line 1. 'u" 'h11uld llc '"''" o.lr II.IIUioll. IIIII ,,1hl:d •If l:l)l)kc:d 1n "'' \dd '.tn11i,1 .tnd \!Ill 10 .. ,n..:n"'tl llulle c;r.lduull) udd ,u,ur .1nd 1111\ IOCII '\dd fluur a~r.tduuih, llll\lnl thorouth)' \~ ..:lk~~:ui.tlc .:hill' and I \.'UP ,,( the nul-~ ml\lurc I ..c .1n II" '< I~ .. .vuk1e ,.1n, l'lo~•tnl .1 •lnp ur fUtl uvcr the r.tn 111 hnc 11 Pr« ml\lurc tnhl p.ln c\ccnh . .tdd rcmatni"J nut llll\lurc. 'f)f'udin• 11 u.-.r ,.IIII .. IC llli\IUC :and prCUtnl II 1\ llll I~ llcel ur )I>Ur blind ~ th.ll nnmc ••f 11 " IUOIC. lhi• ~1\C• ol the ""'" ,,r ··ooluc llnt· II\' lt.11t.c on ~''' hc.llcd I~· O'cn lo•r ~~-~~ nunutc-.. C'11Vi .tnd ht\',lk tnhl j\II!I.C\ Jean Hall Ia the source for this Inven- tive cookie ldu. She says she 11 "a nut for null," and ad mill that "everyone aPt for It year after after." She got this recipe for a friend many hoUdaya ago, and alnce that time hu modlf'-d the original to reflect her own taate. Apparently It works because "th ... cookies never last very long." Jackie's Salad From Mayor Jackie Heather, Ctty of New- port BNch, Mayor Heather made frlenda with thla reQipe while at a potluck dinner some yeara ego. She shared It ln"The Salting through Supper" Cookbook, a compila- tion of apecial recipes from familiar faces In the harbor area. She makes 1t for friends. and the five men In her life (whom she moat enjoya cooking for): husband Loren, a cardiologist In Orange. and their four aona: Richard, 28. a resident phyalclan In Internal medicine: R9bert. 26. a Ph.D. candi date In nuclear. physical chemistry; and John, 21 and Jamea. 18, both of whom are students at the Un l v . of Colorado. 1 head romelnetenuoe (aile· ed thin. 11 ou-.r IMvee are large and touoh, uae two hMda using tender. Inside ~Mvee onfy) 1 amall can mandari n OilinG" 1 cup ~ (sliced thin 01 c:~) I green~· (chopped) .,.. cup stlver..:t almonds 2 tb lUgar 2 tb. wtne vinegar ~ tap. aah and pepper (NCh) '• cup Nled ou Combi ne augar and almonda and cook over medium Mit In trying pen until augar turna brown; remove from pen. Mix the wine vl~ar. salt. pepplf and ~~fed oil Sprlnk .. dr ..... lng over aaled. Breek augared alrnondl lpart end aprlnk.. over aelad. Tou. s.rv.. 10. Cheese Cake Tarts From Mayor Larry Agran. City of Irvine. Ua~ng muffin tina. place a silver foil muffin In each s~. Put a veniHI _..., In the bottom of NOh toll cue». Then mix the foltowlng 'til fluffy (.,.tween five Mel .., mll'lutea) Ftll the cu.,. wtttl the mixture unlll each cup Ia ~ full. Mak11 24 mufflna 1 lb. orNm c:"-11 2 egga. beaten "" cup lUGar 1 tap vanilla Bake tan mlnutea at 376•, Cool laTta. Take two c:ana of your fe¥Orlte flavor of pie ftlt. tng and apoon a lint. fWef' tot> of each tart. Mayor Agran'a wife. Phyllla, a ~latrlclan at UC Irvine, and tMir son, Kenny uauatty prepare thla detlcloua meal topper. The mayor do.~ the admiring and helps enjoy the reautta. He says. "thla dlah always goes over well-It looks nice and tastes delicious." He advises frl enda to "serve It with a smile," and confeaaes, the belt part of this Is that It not only tastes great-It really works!" • SAVINGS UP TO 50'M ON SELECTED CLOCKS WE n: Tl RE O'E Of THf. l \RGEST SELECTIO:\ o• ('LOCK: 0\ ER 20 '\ \l[ BRA 'DS 0~ Dl PLA \ A 'D BL,, PRJ< ES I' 'tOt fH OR.\ 'GE COl 'T\. LAYAWAYS WELCOME Hours: 1()-5:30 ! -r~~o~o I 11-~ ..,Uil 23632 VIA FABRICANTE, r.;:;;:;:E:E~~i=l MISSION VIEJO =.:: ...... PHONE 837-9311 557-7171 •BI'i$to/ Town & Country (nort'l ol Sou~tt CONI ,.._J V I S A • MA Sff "C A "tl • A (lttCA.N (IC,RtSS Holiday Glh Guide. November 24, 1982-Page 13 TMfS COUPOII GOOO fOI FIV£ DOWIS OfF MY M 0. UVIMG CHitSTIIIAS Tl([ ... 10QALLON AQUARIUM Gin SPECIAL l .. P&t;. I mAI9IIC fw 1Jaite4 Parcell ,_ 08ite DiapeMen aiM~ Self SliekU. Tape l rrt ~-...... .... , ..... 165 ft..ll r wille s.n..-. T a~ liP ...... •• fl. Jl 314" wi.k • IW& ..... ft.~ • U .. I .. IIZ.9$CI ~r.~· • ... u.._, ,.. ...... :.'3 • u ... .,....m.-s Tul • ......._ Chrlstmaa CaJort• tf you're like Santa and haw a difftcutt time PMI'no up a1 thole party .,...,.... try to watch thoae pre- Chrlatmu c.aon.t. For lnatance, when you and your family are bUay decorating tr ..... wrap- ping ptaekagee. putting the toya together, be aure you anack . atMithlly or openly, on fruit or carrot and celery atlcka. oliday Calendar LOSE WEIGHT p.m. dally. ~ varl• ty of ~ ptoceedl to the ec~ fund. .. , ..... ., of Llghta'' Chrlatmu Bolt Parade fUM Dec. 17·23. 1:30- 8:45 p.m., aponaored by the Commodor• Club; for recommend· ed locatiON for viewing ~~ .W-8211, a harbor tradition. Ctv....._ W81l and Stroll In Corona del Mar atong a brightly decorated Coaat Highway, Sunday, Dec. 5. 11 a.m._. p.m. Dou· bte decker Engllah bu .... taJce you up and down the atrand for free, carolera. open hou... at ahopa, dis- play of claaalc cara. doorprlz•. refrMhmenta. Hotldar dinner crullel In Newport Harbor aboard luxury aalllng yachta, Th ... kaglvlng through New yMr'a, $6, groupa of 15 and up. 833--5808. 675)7877. John Aleunden 140. voice Pactflc Chorale performa holiday classici at Santa Ana High School, 520 w. TONE & TIGHTEN MUSCLES IMPROVE HEART ACTIVITY INCREASE CtRCULA TION RELAX TENSE MUSCLES Walnut on Dec. 10 and 11 . Select6onl Include "Ceremony of cer•" "Ave Merle," and "Joy to the World... Tick eta are ... sa and 112. 542-1780. MuMu• CouMU of Newport Harbor Art Muaeum holda ninth annual Chrlatmaa Tr" Gala and F•tlval, .. A Time for Giving," Dec. 3·5, at the muaeum. 850 San Clemente Drive. Operation Chrlatmaa Tr• '82": local high schoola will be aelllng trMs with proceeda to benefit their athletic, band and cho i r programs; for Informa- tion call Pat Welch (lr· vine High) 552-4211, Chuck Curfman (Woodbridge High) 51- 5254. M i ke Bova (University High) 833- 36«. Home Tour pr ... nted by the Newport Helghta Elementary School on Thursday, Dec. D from 10 a.cn.-3 p.m. Tlcl(eta are $7. Including butt.t l uncheon. Tour Continued on page 15 Calendar Conttnued from page 14 features stx dlstincttve homea lavishly decorated for the holidays in Bayahores. Cliff Haven and Newport Hetghts, 645-7182 or 846-6735 Seasonal Fire Safety Suggestions for Holidays Winter holidays are tradi tionally those when families like to gather together Some are heard stngtng carols in snowllaked wonderlands wh tie others are found reminiscing around a glowing fireplace MOdern trends •n our soctety have made 11 harder. however to keep up wtth thts trad•- tion S i nce many families no longer live within a lew blocks or one another. they may lind themselves travel- Ing a goOd distance Just to be together Sk 1 lodges and troptcal resorts often are chosen as meettng placea. Winter holidays can be fu n for the enttre family, but It 1s Impor- tant to remember that. JUSt as •n the home. safety measures must be practtced wherever you are These hol1day travel t1ps are brought to you as a public serv•ce from the Burger K•ng Fife Safety Program · When checktng mto a motel or lodge. potn t out emergency extts to all lamtly members In case or an evacuatton. plan a lam•ly meettng place to ·count heads " • Help prevent ftre by exerc•s•ng caution when us1ng a travel Iron -they may be small. but they are hot• Deck Halls With Safety In Mind Christmas. 'Its the season to be wary. Wh•le good cheer and holiday memment are the order or the day, l~re safety experts urge revelers to let caution be their gu•de when decking the halls and lrtmmmg the tree. In addlt•on to fire hazards from central heattng, stoves and f~replaces that accom- pany the onset or wmter there are holi- day "extras" such as tree lights. candles. decorattons and com- bustibles like wrapping paper and boxes To ensure a sale season of deckmg the halls," Ptttway Corporation. makers of Ftrst Alerra s moke detectors. recommends the tollow •ng t •ps to decrease the chances of home 11res and ac- Cidents • Use a ltreplace screen at allttmes. Just one spark on a rug or dry Christmas tree can start a blaze 3347 East Coast Highway / · Corona del Mar Fresh Fi h & Seafood Eastern Corn-Fed Quality Meats . I ( •lk~ lk "" I ' " I .! II " \ ' " .. .\ \\ ..... , .. ~·~ l'\l I d,~·, \\ ,, lk,r ' I , ' I' II I ,, Ji I" ' \ I'• "' 'I .... '• I . \ I ... "'' I '~ , ""\. t \ h. L' Holiday Gift Guida. Novem~r 24, 1982-Page 15 I k.1 r I ncn<.h. \\-c .trl.: gr.llclul t11 ~til nf you who have: m..1de llllr "(iarmcnt f>t,lrtl..l " 'u~.:h a ,u~cc"lul cntcrrr"c' l 11r o\ '\C.tr' \\C h..I\C JtllcU 11tH "'lllfC V.tlh hc.1uttful .tnd cxc1t1ng tor qu..1ltt' v.omen\ d<lthtn~ .111d .H .. ·cc"''rlc' \\'c\.c kt:J"''l pn~·c, ,,, 1.l1 I'll' Ill v. lhllc,,tlc ,1, rt>\\tblc . .tnd ll ha"' been fC\\,l1d111~ l~l "'llfpfi\C \UU V.lth dC"'I~ncr l.thd, .II 'Cil\,lllllll ,tl "'d\ lllg_"' 1 \\ l'll' I t·, 11h\ IIIU"' \ IIU f,t,hl\111 l.:llll"'\..1\lll' l.tdtc' h,l\ c .l prrc~.·t ,Hcd ,,u r l:l lorh' \\ c rrllllli"'C l ll L'llnttnuc lU "'C:.tr~o:h llUt ,tnd hnng \llll the hc,t the m.~rkct ha, to olfcr. ll.t\ l' t 111\ nu, h,,ltd.n ' / ·;· , .. , ,·I,('(, • I'" <, • tttd.i. \'•II tl \ HJ l\.'lurf, I h., tetter \tl(" I it!"C 1 \' IMI .r..:lfrl ••I \IIUI fl~\1 [111[1.h I•C 11f '~~Ill •I no•'( 1 1••1 '· k ''~"" '' •••I.II•CI (,.,,,, thru 1~, I \th Ml-0051 "714) 673-3510 • We specialize in freshness' n Dail y 9 to 8, .. ,. I .. Page 16-Hollday Gift Guide. November 24. 1982 F A s H I 0 N s p H y L L I s s u E s " r - Lumberyard Plaza 384 For .. t A-.... t laguna e .. ch 484·5171 ,f. • .,.\.'- ~~CY · '~ ~ .. ~ D~ck your t~:ct tn Pappa~~11lo. .. ~ luaMI)ard ~all "o'" .\84 t'orhl -\'~· 114 L.-auaa ~&tach, ('A ~2~~~ .. Q, t714 1 4~7701 ., .. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Newport Beach's Fribourg Helped Launch Toys For Tots The Mar1nes and local t1re stat1ons once again cooperate this year '" one of the most worthwhile Chr~stmas chartt1es. Toys for Tots. The local dr•ve has spec1al mean i ng Ret ire d Ma rine Brigad1er General Len Fribourg of Newport Beach helped start this unique program 35 years ago. "I was a young cap- ta tn stat1oned at Chavez Rav1ne tn 1947," Frlbourg recalls "Col. Bill Hendricks was a reserve oHicer working full-time aa head of public relations tor Warne r Bros Studios. One day we k•cked around the Idea of collecttng toys that Marines would dls- trtbute to needy families in Los Angeles. Janis Paige. then a starlet at Warner Bros .. was recruited to help, and things began roll- tog or snowballing!" Then-Capt Frlbourg announced the reHr- vlsta' toy-collecting plan on the radio. "I put out a 15-mlnute public service braodcast that aired right before Water Wtnchell. It wu called. 'The Marines Tell It To You.' and you cannot begin to Im- agine how valuable that air time was. Once we made the first Toys For Tots announcement. offers of aulatance began pouring ln." The lot Angeles Fire Dept. came forward and volunteered to repair brOken t.oy1 that were col~. Loew't Theatera voluntMred to pleoe Toya For Tote barrels '" their lobbies. "We even got a float ~nto the Tournament of Roses Parade. along w it h the Marine Corps Band. whtch •s still the only military band 1n the parade," noted Gen. Frlbourg. an executive with the food brokerage firm. Bromar. Inc .. of New- port Beach. "That float cost about S 15,000 and back 1n 194 7 that was a phenomenal amount of money. Warner Bros. paid tor the float. Janis Pa1ge and Marines In dress blue uniforms rOde on it. and the response was I n - credible'" But nochmg. says the an 1mated Gen Frtbourg. compared the the gratification Maines recetved when distributing the toys. "It was heartwarmmg to see the faces of the kids when the Marines handed out toys from the backt or trucks." he remembered. "That marked the start of a program that's earned Its rightful place a1 one of the flnat civic ac- tion. pubhc aervlce ef- forts tn the U.S." By 1871 . the Toys For Tots program had c ollected and d is - tributed nearly two mtlllon toys . By 1981 . the collection barrels were crammed with four million. And still the program Ia growtnq "Every unit In the Marine Corpt R8Mrve •• active In the Toya For Tots program, tome more than othera." Gen. Frlbourg •ld. "In Southern California. where th.,e Ia a large Reserve component based at El Toro. the program focuses on corporate Chrlstmll parttes to wh i ch employees br~ng a new. unwrapped toy for a child instead of ex- chang ing gifts with each other. A second maJOr actlvtty Ia the Toys For Tots Benefit Run & Air Show that's held each December." On Sunday, Dec. 12. Sk and 1 Ok runt will start an entire day of activitieS at the Marine helicopter station In T usun "The runs begin at 8 a m . to be followed by four houra of flymg demonstrations teatur~ng radiO·Con- trolled mOdel planes." added Capt. Tom Walll- ser Toys For Tots coor- dlnator local ReHrve un1t. Manne Alrcraf1 Group-46. "Santa will amve 1n the Goodyear blimp, Jack Youngblood of the Rams w ill s1gn autographs. there'll be a whole blimp hangar full of clauic Chevya. Cadlllac:s. Thunderbirda. Mustangs and hot rods. plus Marine hellcoptera tor the kids to climb on. It's a whole day of fun tor the whole family that raises toys tor the needy children." A suggested admla· s1on "priCe" It a new. unwrapped toy for the Toya For Tots program. Ao.yone lotetet~ tn the runs may receive a pre-registration form by calling 651 ·2787. "The courM It paved and flat. .o race tim• will be good." a aid Capt Ray FuaaeJI, raoe organizer \ of M alnmoth Mountain Fashion S ki and Acthewear no" open in :\ e" port Beach • Sk i R\.:nt.\1 -. Sale-. • Sk i Charters " .J . -, II .. ..... " • ...~ ': ·_._ A " ~ _-..... . ·" .. . ..... --.. -.. -' • S kis I .I ( 1111' I t ,~ h~..·r ) .1111.1h.t \.urdt~ <. ~:ntu n .I ltd * Boo t ~ Hlllt.trd. (\~IU,t\1:1\ lllH' tn ""'II hnn ( .dtf1HI1t .t l l·, 111111..1 I r ·If' I'"-' II r \\ ~,.·tru11.11111 I 1l!lll\\1..'tl.!ht • Bindings Hurt '-l .tlt 1'1\' ''l * Sports"ear 1' ... '"--'' "t~·~~)l·,,, .. ,.l \ntr fk,,l,f1 II ( ( l ~.:rt (,nn \l t,lr.tl \J ,,a * \'-'~\.:v,nrl\.:" • D~11111 K\.:IH ,Ii" * S~t Rl·nt.tl, tk fitt~d tn 1Htr '-l''' fh)rt 'tun:. ptl·~ up \ IHif ~l.jlllrlll\.:11( .tl \Hlr \blllllltlth 'lore ~ SAM'S IT ALlAN DELI Pizza & Food To Go For A ll Yo ur Catering Needs HORS O'OEUVRES • ENTREES • GOURMET ITEMS Pane"one Relish Trays Perugma Candy Meat Balls Amarettl Cookies Lasagna Imported Wines Pastries Antipasto Salad Btte-slze Ptz.zas -==...,..........,~=- 6' Sub Sandwiches Pet1te Sandw•ches Rumak1 Franks 1n a Blanket Vegetable Trays .. ------·VALUABLE COUPON-------, I SAVE ON OUR E•P·"'' '.' 11 82 1 ~~~~.~:\~,l,~~~ERS $ 09 i . I JIICl 11001 • t klr bt rd~ Per oerson I ICALL 548-7822 Mm 10 people 1 I TOORDIA I I 1808 Harbor Blvd. at 18th St •• Coate Meaa 1 --------------------------~ . ., .. Pege 1&-Hollday Gift Guide, November 2•. 1982 • ZA BAZA "Orange County's Largt>st Selection of Rea.wnabl'.' Priced House Plants" Homemade Christmas Wreaths and Ornamen ts Card . Gift.wrap Poinsettia Plants Country Baskets and Much More Don't Miss our Bear Nook I ( \ .. unhearabh "delightful.' Oi(n • BookJ • CardJ etc. etc 4000 Sq. Ft. Greenhouse ()pen M \\n.-Sat. 1().6; Sun 11-5 . I • . , 1858 NEWPORT BLVD. ~---~ {'OSTA MESA MS-JJ91 wishes you the merriest season ever/ VED GIFTS LAST FO SILVER o PEWTER o A TANKARDS BOWLS GOBLETS BABY CUPS PICTURE FRAMES MONEY CLIPS FLASKS EXECUTIVE GIFTS INCLUDE : PENS JEWELRY KEY RINGS CHARMS AND PEN SETS, CROSS PENS. PAPER WEIGHTS, lffiER OPENERS, CARD HOLDERS. Etc. Etc. 646-3141 Boat Parade Continued from p~e 7 throughout the harbor area. As the parade grew, so did the diversity of floats w ith many becoming more elaborate as they began to feature songs, legends . an i mal figures, Biblical stories and even nursery rhymes. The number of par- ticipant• tncre&Hd with many entrant. traveling from San Diego, Long Beach and the greater Loa Angeles area. The parade alao became a major spectator sport as frlenda and families gathered In reatturants, homes and parka llnmg the harbor'a edge Create Your Own Christmas Cards When friends open the envelope and find a unique Christmas card you made yourself, the holiday message w111 carry extra warmth. Colorful cards are eaay to make. Use a pale color of construc- tion paper and fold It twice. Then diP a 0 -tlps cotton swab 1n bright poster paint and draw snowflakes. Or. you may want to paint stars, candles or other holiday symbols. Leave room at the bottom to say Merry Christmas. Red poster paint on white looks festive as does green on white. You may decide to combine colors. Using cotton ~abs makes It easy They work watt as tiny disposable paint brushes. Whne fold1ng your construct1on paper, be sure It flta easily Into your envelope . (Envelopes for per- sonally designed cards may be purchased anywhere stationery Is sold.) Let your Imagination fly . As water parades go. this is a colorful ex- travaganza and everyone wants a front seat. even If It means parking the car and waiting out a traffic tam when the fun's over Though the parade stopped during World War II. It resumed In 1946. Smce the tate '60s, it has been spon- sored by the Com- modore's Club, whose member delight 1n par- t ic i pat i ng i n thla spirited occasion and sharing the beauty and fun with thousands of friends along the way. 11¥-''fo· s• .J' /(): ~0 • s. 66 DIE Fll~ HOUSE "'-'<! lk\. 1 ..1nd N. 7 r m "1.11 l>cc 4 o~nd II 10 J '" \I~ l"'u' •urrha ~~~· "express yourself ckliciously ~' moA•o A ardvark 's Chris t1nas Shoppe a Magical Ex perienl t.: at holiday time ... come see~ • ( Md' • ll\lll, • ( .anJk, • \t U,I\. ~\l \(' •orn~un cnh • Chrt,trn.t' < .dkd•hk ' 209 Marine Afe., Balboa Island 673-SS42 .. ... 8 0 ... .. If • GIFT CERTIFIC ATE S REDEEMABLE ANYTM ....... ' ... .. • ., ., • J. A • ••• • •'• ... ' t' ••,..,.•Jr1J e •Wf-UII4 .,.O .. ,AH4f•HA l ..... w '" ,., I .... , ..... ,.. ·~~· ...... , ... 'tll\A :.1, r 4SAC'ItNA ,..,,.,.-..-4 n 'II>"' •• ... _,~._.-,.._,." ; .. \JIA I f''-'O 'it\.lANO .. ._.. ._. "•-'' q 4H '''"''' , . ...,. ......... ,.. .......... ,~·-- Hohday Gift Guide. November 24. 1982-P8Q4t 18 kOIIil;d FS-1 IT LOADS ITSELF AUTOLOAD OrO«) 111 any slanc:laro )~ru cafln~ ln~ oncreo•t>oe ~~,,)nl(ct FS • ooer. tne 'l''' AUTO START ~uiOI"'dhC. \ '\ ICivdn... .,., • ,. 10 .. ,f"'"'' ... "" ' AUTO ADVANCE T • o tre sr-utter !nf' Hm • '"a "' aorom.th< • '' • '<~""v to tnt.> ~'t>•l '' '" ,. AUTO EXPOSE ''''''€' II\ t>\PO~I"<1 o•nu•o•' r><lOl"' Jlol(k)QrS C:.~ullt.>' W•OIIIV ''l''ilem ht'll'" .-.-.u•o• ~n,1rr P•CIUtl''> AUTO FLASH Get perfect llaYI piCtures wotn tne matc.M\Q Koruca X 24 AutOmatic Flash The FS I computer sets the sync se>ee<l ot the shutter tells ttle X 24 tne ASA speed o1 the htm anc:1 wl'let' tne llash IS ready 10 hre tor COfrectJy exposed t~ piCtures e~~ery11me W l -8 Only KONICA LENSES 1165.24 1131.71 1144.11 .. 171.11 1120.00 1119.70 1254.95 ROLLE I BET A 5 FLASH SUPER DEAL $1 15 • Computer A~tomatte Thyristor OIIJIIal reao out Mull '" 11 to believe •t ROLLE I BET A 2 $11 15 t Automatic '4P to 14 f1 $ ONLY Ca101 A-1 W/50 Fl -8 1271.61 CUol AE-1 Prtt. Fl -1 1229.15 ea..a AL-1 50111 Fl-8 1220.75 e A.u tomlhC locus-your o,uO,.CI s 11w ·~' sn.vp lfiO Good Valu • on Gadget Bags clt'ar' • Automdtol. t'•J)O~urt•-•k•u•1'r ,,, r·••<l' t I ,,, .... 1'.' , tN• tQnl' • AvfufTldt 'Jit •f'{llng. -t I'T'tt""'Uf u.1v.\fl(,P~ .,. ... '•'"' •''•'' e.l n -;n..)l ~ ••lu '€' llwav'i •e<'-.h •o .,r..._'(lt ·•Q.•"•' e f\1••1! on IA'P uflll,t<,n-1•" lutom \11\ ~"'"" f\Q e \40tC)' :~1 '~"' r111.1 m l-.~c. t.tntu ,.._,.,,._~. ,,,,... hu''''* ., mpit' e S"a•P t~fJ to"''" if'''' e P•P ltXus I(X.o. Starling From $ 5 . Over ~ of a MillionS in Inventory Come and see us tor #fOUr needs LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND , P~ge 20-Hoflday Gift Guide, November 24, 1 -~ at The Cannery Village lOth A 18th" 19th Ceatury . -plus ;\rt ow- Antique Furniture Fine China, Porcelains, l•er & Cut Crystal Surtday, November 28 12 Noon to 6 p.m. Wild Life wood caninas and art objects Aatique & 'New Brass • & Copper Acceseories Antique, Deco & New Gold Jewelry Desi~r Clothes aact Acessorles Primithes, Pine A Aa~ue Quilts Pastel, Charcoal Oil Paiat .. A Prints P8UI Ede DOilllet1tlat. ial Holiday dec:oratio aid Christaaas orna~Mt~ts MEN'S AND lADIES' BlAZERS For thas spec1al wason wt> bnng )-OU speCial fashaons at tt>mflc !K'I\.1ng~ Men's cord blazers su~s 38. 44 &sac colors. rt>g $50 NOW S25 ud•es tweed or cord blazers. SLZes 3· 13 rt>g $40-$50 NOWSO" S20.S25 OFF ANAHEIM East Anahei m Shopymg Center e BUENA PARK/CYPRESS Valley Vte~ & Ball Road e COSTA MESA Mesa Center. 17th & Oran~ e fUU..ERTON Orangefair Mall e GARDEN GROVE Brookhurst & Katella e GARDEN GROVE Chapman & Brookhurst e IRVINE Henta~ P\aza e MAll. OF ORANGE Tustin & Heim (formerly Lou M1ller's) e PlACENTIA Yorba Lmda & Rose. Rose Linda Shopping Center e SANTA ANA Mam Street Center e WHITI1ER 15100 E Whtttter (forrnt>rl\ Lou Miller s) Ptk.-•• ttlw N--· ••• tlilna Dec_ ..... ltll..,..... 14' •• .... IAI..E fOIJCY: n.-t' fR ... I '-c............... -,.. .. ~ ~ ......... ctJ *• --· O.,N/1' _..._. ..... s.le prtce ........ ~ .. -v ol.,--,._,.~ ....... CJIAUVJN A. M~n·s Oms Sh1ns 11'1 classiC colon & styles Bunon·down & nonbutton·down long sleeve looks. asst. smpes & checks. S.M-L·XL 1197 reg. S18 5.\VE 6.03 · " C. Men's Dress jfrtq~ 1ft~l Slacks In beautiful 1.-• 111-blend flannel in an assortment of the the most match· able colors thiS season Brown. gray. coal. tan. navy. blue or taupe -sizes :: t~ S28 19'7 DonoiHUI B. M~n·s Card~gan Sv.·~at~ 1n warm 100% acrybc and great 1.\.mt-.?r ~:olors ShcY.NI collar and button front ~11.1" ~was S-M·L·XL 2497 Reg S35 5.\VE 10.0.1 "' C. Men's Dress , jfrtq1~ ,{tf Slacks In beautiful '"" tl1·blend flannel In an assortment of the the most match· able colors thiS season Brown, gray, coal. tan. navy. blue or taupe -slus 28-38 Ong $28 1QQ7 SAVEI.OS 7- SO WHAT Ct•., ., Bl'llt• P1tallll llna A. Dfe:sS~J Bk>uses m soft colors. and a great assonment of SJyles for ChnstmaS parties Polye:st~ fabnc. reg. $19-$21 1497 SAVE 106.0S ... ; ... ....... ... ..... . . ' .... ····· r · t-:1 Sci A. T urthm~cks-great rnatchabl~., Oun • .:orn11 1n a l.l?f'Satlle assortment of color' n conon poh, blend fabnc Stzel> 'S-M-L reg 5.12 SAVE 25" •·oa Pt.n· D. Ladtes Cord Trous..-rs rh.• nt.>V.est fashton .ook rA th~ sea_.,. m "'ubtlt> stnp..-~ • ~snn..-d cok1rs. and .... us 1-11 Rt>g S3o SAVE 8.03 YELLOW ROSE E. ~eat,.>rs .n \·rt.>V.n"~" p..-nCil StnP"' or v-neck block ~pe In "conon-ltk..-· look & feel lOO't dC!'Vhc pastels or 1197 bnghts. 5-M-L Reg $1M SAVE 6.03 r'Hr nt"\M rr F. Ladtes Acnv~ Panb hd"~' '-:uw~ ,.>la!;nc u.atst for puU-on Oc?~c "uper color assortment. )IN'> 1·13 1nq7 r~ 'S2t> SAVE 6.03 7 - C. Men s Belted Dress Slacks are perfect for the holidoys-add a tie and 1t's a complete dress look a sweat«r makes a more casual look Poly/cotton/wool k1lkenny tweed In belted style Perfect for any occasion. COmes In dark brown. bght brown. oatmeal. gray and blue Sues 28-38. ong 1997 S28 SAVE 1.03 A. Festt\.1? Pla1d Sh1rt.s for men are hohday perfect Shon sll?e"es keep you cool und~r a s~Neat~r A"a11.lble 1r subtle tones - pmk. ~ellov. green hght blue hlac u.h1t~ and tan S1zes S.M·L·XL Reg ~I S SAVE 5.03 (Not al co6on • all l lofH.I 8. Men's Cott on Sweaters are always apprec1ated at Chmtmas Made of 100% conon w1th creu.neck styhng Choose from soltJs -u.h1te. ·vory dust~ blue sk1-blue turquo1se hlac.lt vellou. dusty rose and burgand1-• S1zes S·M·L·XL 1497 Reg $24 SAVE 9.03 A. M~n • Pant~ ,f p. If\ conon 1\.1.111 u. 1th cunr· Lt~TJ(,R£ in·\dt(>d be1t a u. ~lcorrw atldlll<•l1 to ,IT.\. u.M,Jn~ tPt'T't~ct tnr "'t'f\ man u.1th a hit of th•.' t~·r r tun :'loa~'\. tar .!II gM~ 25"- ,n ~w., ll-o· \,., Onq -:,~,., NOW 19.97 OFF Lt:lTJ(,R£ c \h ......... t'fhl!'l .1 """' .. alt.'!" "•tt llr' J ~ , "~rT It >nab,,· to '•'•" Th~ su.wll''" art• mlldt· tll t>M\ ,ar. -~~ 'ltl U.(l(> p.•ll. b~nd A\llllablt•tn crtMnt>ck m~t an,1 s. ·~u .:•HOI"\ l 11\t' ~ma a prewnt thiS 1.~ar' <.. ho .. " ,,, ,.z~ ~"1-l . \L }797 R"q ~24 NOW SAVE 6.03 C. Men's Belied Dress Slacks are perfect for the hohdays-add a ne and 1t's a complete dress look a sweater make:s a more casual look. Poly/cotton/wool ktlkenny tweed tn belted style Perfect for any occasiOn. COmes In dark brown. bght brown. oatmeal. gray and blue Sizes 28-38 ong 1997 S28 SAVE &.03 A. Fesnve Pla1d Sh1ru for men are hohda~ perfect Short sl~e\ies keep you cool under a s~eater Ao,.allable m subtle tones - pmk ~~lluv. green hght blue hlac v.hue and tan S1ze!> S.M·L·XL Reg ) I') SAVE 5.03 CNot all coton a. al .._.._, Sweaters are always appreciated at Chnstmas Made of IOO't cotton. w1th crewneck styling Choose from salads -whtte. tvorv dusty blue. sk1, blue turquots\'. hlac.lt vello~. dusty rose and burgand'J. Stzes S-M· L·XL 1497 Reg $24 SAVE 9.03 VilV A. Saddl~man Boot Jeans shde easy over boots. m tnm demm nt S.zes 28-42. Style •517·02. reg.l9 99 1497 SAVE 25" "iittJ B. Movm· On Sttetch Demms for a great hl and a 5-poc· ket style Sizn 28-38. reg S32 2~~ NOW 23.97 iJOFF Cclche' MCIO aJGD Ladles' Tops In velour mter· lock & brushed styles Asst lovely pastel colors.. reg S16- Sl8 SAVE llW T06.0S ( ~n Jc fe;; l.ad1es __._ ..._ Cords are Jean style m assorted colors Ava1lable m s1zes 1·13 reg S32 2497 SAVE 7.03 "h:td -Arrow• c. ~hm .. "h•ru. Me -,hort .,1~~ ed sm~ kMs. of poly;conon blo?nd!> I pocko?t & lollar;pldckcn do?tall 5-M·L·XL a~t 1297 colors. reg. $17 SAVE 4.03 -· ( c. IC)IJ D. G•rls Kml Tops Wrap your gn1s m nev. stnped shtrts and see them as happy as ~orr&-string Avatlable •n SLZes S.M·L and 7-1 4 Reg. Sl4 997 SAVE 4.0S 1'-'t .... • ... .,--. • o.o.. ...._, ElDORADO "'tudt'nts Dr~<.., p,,nr~ ·~ th h,•lt t, '' th• ,.,,. h1 •• !.,~, pan1.-., d l' ! -.., •h ll>l ., .~ h t>f'l ir":>'d?r J'M"h lrl' lppr<•pr,lft' "1..lld., 'I tr:•,,,.f'1,1 1~anr ._., 1 h_..,ther t"ltu • • ·I h .. dtho·r ~rt\1, \\a1st -.Ill .... .!~-~n R~ 1797 1<24 SAVE 6.03 Sport Shoes from Ntke are great! Whether you are senous about sports. or jUSt having fun. there's a N1ke shoe just right for you We've gotten to- gether a speetal purchase of Blems for you at 17 97 (sh ght cosmettc trregu· larit1es) and made an trres1stible offer for you by reducing every 24.99 Nike to 19 97. a 20% savmgs. Remember. sport shoes make great Christmas gifts for the enttre fam1ly. Styles. sizes and colors vary by store and are limited to stock on hand. Lad1es' stzes in S-10. Men's stzes m 7 ·12 BJema. ................. 17.97 Nlke reg. 24.99 ........ 19.97 Miller's Outpost· Layaway Are you buying Ctut.tmaa praenta for your family and frtencll and trying to ftgure out where you're QOinsa to hide them? We've tot the perfect place. Hlde your MAU."a 0~ purch .... In our big lav-w~~Y doMd Shop early for the be8t Hlec:dona for c ......... a ... mber our layaway cloHt ancl llkle ~ purcha-with u . Keep their glfta areal ...... th .. ~ JEANS 25%oFF Designer Jeans M\ e nOY. ~ come classiCS -evervone loves the shm hnes & smooth fu All tn quallt\. d41?ntm 1.1.1th assoned pocket deta~ls ,... .• ,... $39 ..... 28.97 ............ $39 ... 21.97 GAds' ..... U1 ..... 19.97