HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignCllarlty Le-e Deb BaD u.s. Water Polo Capitol CclN, UCI Are Cll•m,. THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABUSHID HM8 • 35TH YE.M • NUMBER 16 (71 4) 631 -8120 ·SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORO NA DEL MAR· WEDNESDAY . DECEMBER 1, 1982 by Robert Frc:mk "One oJ the big a dvantage. I have," confidet "Uncle" Gecwge Will.iamaon, "11 that J*)f.le know me and they don t waDt me to thu:Ut they're not doing eometlu.ng rig bt." A. ombudaman for the New· port Harbor-C otta Meta Boord of Realton, Uncle G.orge b01 the JOb of a nawer iAg qu..tiona from cu.tomen aDd rea.lton, and eolvtng du- ficultiee regard.i.Dg pracbce• m the real .. tate bu.lineu "You can call me u p becaUH I hcrYe notbmg to wtn or loee. AA ombudaman 1.1 eomeone wh o •• kuowl.dgeable, unbuaed a nd un.pre)u.dlced I'm eomeooe you can call on who hat the experien c e and the creclibUity," be upi01Ded A biendly man wath a wm · aome emile a nd a w h1te gO<JtM, it 11 ea.-y to aee why Uncle George il pro bably the mOlt rMpected octogenana n Ul lb. Newport Harbor a rea Coeto Meea Mayor Arlene ScbaJer and Newport Beach Mayw Jacki• Heather both •uecl proclamabon~ honor lAg Uncle George oa ba 80th onorT lr 'Uncle Geo e' GEO RGE AN[' ['£V£RE WilliAMSON at ttwtr N~wport Buch h"'"'-' ~•th tht>tr plX'dlt•. Owno.• G'""r~l" and ~~~~ h•v~ bftn marned fl,r ~1." 'vt.'MS buthduy d.clanng Sunday, Nov 28 01 'Uncle George D.:1y" 10 the Clh .. Ul"cle Geor1,1e ha t been wllh the Board •mc e he moved to Newport Beach an 1956 He w01 1961 realtor of the year Mrved 01 Bomd ptMtdent 1n 1963, woe .1ppotn .. d St 1te S.rgeaDt·at·Arm.t in 1974 (o po11bon he l'till holda) a nd w01 corned a State Duector lor We by the Cahforrua A..ocaa bo n of Rea lton an 1975 B<J ro an Trento n New lertey the 100 of a prohhc bu1lder who bw.lt moo of North H ollyw o od," Unc le G eorQe ca me to CaWorn1a wath h111 pare nll tn 1911 he amd · ThrouQhoul h1s year• at Ho llywo0ti H1Qh Sc h o ol whe r.-he wo1 a yell leader he Wtll knl wn 11 "Straw berry ~>f'<:o uae Jl hl.a reddah ha u md ruddy omple xto n Upon -.Jrc~rluouon he a ttended Oc -•de ntnl (\..liege as a poutacol ~c•~nt.eo m l i•·r b ecaua.-I th( •JQlll m 1ybt> I w01 qotno 10 Q • 1nr p lilac s he rememb .. red Dunn.; t h.-war yeun. U nclw Gt>Qrqe w 1 10 'ltr p lane me hnnu • LJ-d t..d When the wor •Jn le·j h e be.ca me a phy "'I COI rh er'l pl a t J n d educator He QOI 1ntv r.-d N · tate becnu1e 11 'lpp.aled to me " a nd tm roed h11 lt<.enae tn 1955 lounduno 1 aucc...Jul 20 f iKlr ca reer tt.:t•nt.nu~ un ~·H.Jt /. .,_ I I s y C st $1 Million l.eab found recently tn two or thrM of lrviJle't Hentage Pm lc AquabCl8 Complu awunmm<;~ pool. could ta ke up to two years l l rop<llr tnd coet up to Sl mrlli'•D Thf' le tit• may force the com· l ll~>x •o d oee by Dec 31 and . Jlt.i threaten the UN of the P' ,J.a 1n the 1984 Olympaca, coun· qJ mombert 101d CURIOUS GA THI R l,•r ·' d ,"l'r '-'•'" .ll ~"rco~as o f what.> wh4ch wastwd uhort' •t Con'"" dt•l \\.H \f,llt' H...·.1d 'l ~..,nd•y Th~ mammal m~.uurt>d tor The by T om Bennett and R obe rt frank WuHil rf.nchmg o n eatllnated 70 rndea per hour sm 1cked toto the Newpurl H Hb •I 'lrea Tu• d a y r JU i l OQ w1detpr e od d a m•1 <;1 e •1 nd r;::tnl floode d str e~t• r-r: .. sw q 'Tl lhc to be re· ro uted '" B•11b•..o Pen1rt1Uia 10 the Wlr>'er" w ,rat .,,rJrm to d ote O n,. d 1y e l' er 1 precurtor l o Jl .. re' I .;.~y r. ltle lorm of 'l J7 fc .,,t W f, h fll llCrt81 waahed ~h •r f' :• t r n ie t Ma r Slate Befl W hut-:ht· · .r. '.II qothe red thPrt• •rae -.1 •• .,.., '4 : HY h11 Tu•· dGy W .ndt 1ver lQinQ a n N · IUT1 lied ~ m .1ea per huur awept thrv uqt-'nP .rP•J Thf'y ll:nocked >~ter lw n 1 a: power pol .. a t San M~<-1 t.>. md S tn Joaqu1o Halls R 'i •, "lewport S.Ocb T t' • I ,,,JT,,_ pvwer p .1 .. d<IITlaQ Pd "'"!G 1nd ~a• alation A lvdt ttl 1he Y 'lcht Baatn nt l' Ne.,..:.>:t H 11bor Yacht C: b hrok.. ,., lrom ttl pilino• rd ra ! ... • : · tf"l inti 1n the 1'\vrbor R Ja.-.r.t» J r.c1 11n •pk.epera LD vanoua parta of the c1ty repon.d wtnd damage A p oh ce 1po ll:etmao t oad Ooodmg to Balboa wa. concen· trated lrom 36th StrMt to 46th StrM I at htgh hde two fMt h1gher than expected Palace eealed off the area lor about two houra Tueedoy a rpokemnClD awd The llorm 1 aavo<;~ery robb.d the c1ty • Monday vwtor of the •pothoht It a a ra re hnd amd Ma nne btoloo,.. Denrua Kell y a fter a 37. loot-lono male mtnke whale waahed a thore 'll Corona d el Mw Sta te Beac h Mo ndllY mor DIDO 'J th1nlt 11 a only the tecond 01 thud ttrand1oo a long th11 cocut 1n the peat ten yean or 10 he amd ~eUy IUld the dead whale waa luUy mature a nd could hCT*e ched of old a ge lt bad bMn d eocl about thrM w..&. Kelly 1 pou1ted .Jut that the whale bad been 11ghted :: wMi ~go. dnf. bog oU the c:OOIII of San P~o appr,,, "'' '"''' , '•. 1 ,..,,~ lnd w~tlll'wd cln numatf'd l1 tC'na ~••" rh.•t,, t-• ~'' ~·· 1 , ~ Corona de l Mar • a on uul Cbrietmae W alk and Sho p. plcmned Sunday between I I a .m cmd 4 p m , will feature a dJip1ay of anbque cort along with the CbNbnat fMbVIbN on the boulevard In th• past the thrM ·pool corn plea hta coet the c1ty nearly her It t m1luon yearly to maintain. T h~ •un 1l had pOIMci a mo- lll n •,, create o taalr force to st ,Jd v the leaaab1Uty of pool ·rovt-ra. 5o lar heating, higher 'IW un It'•• 1nd other meaaurM ewport Woman, 76, Slain; Charges Due Shoppert ma y abuttle amooo more thaD SO partietpobDg llor .. tn o red double -decker b\11 All .tor .. taking part an the Walk cmd Shop will welcome ehoppert by attackino f..Uve red aod green balloon• outa1de ~Y Toa Be.mett Are there ••too mcmy gulla?" Ob, ~We, they rob fiebvmcm' • oatow cmd b.poil the poliabed decU oJ f/Yery IQiJboat 1D the bad .Cw. But cu. ther• "k>o many gulll?" Al .AW.on doec't th1D.k eo He llCIIC811liOIY to CUt Coetl H .~ • lust week caty couocU me m bera conceded they bad lit· rle ch01ce other than a mCIIIive undertolung to repau the poola C unttructlon a nd dee1gn flawt c oulci JOOpardue the c:omplez't use by the US Olympic Com· mtttee tn the pentathlon com· pehhon UvM on Balboa PeniD.tulo and workt aa the groundak•per of an apartment buudiog for their· YlDe Co On b1a day otf lo.t wMk, All· tton waa standJ.Dg oecu tile Bcl.boo Pter waitiAg for a bu.e 10 go on tome e rraDcle whn be noticed o wounded gull )y\Ag OD the tand The gull appeared to h" •e aometh ng wroDQ with one wiJai, It woe bcmng d.UBc\lltJ f¥AG. All.-oA lOY' be caUecl tile POlice Dept aad waited wttll the blrcl for oboul em hour uatU two OJWDal conb'ol ofticen arrt'Nd la ieep DO. 63 .. They took the~~ tort oi threw it ill the •• A•Meoe .mel "Tbe n•.zt doy I bappaed eo ... tbe etwo~~ I aaked tb.-, ·~ CMcl JW • wtU. .... eeagu11r "O.e of ~e olioen rep'6erl. 'I took b up to ~ 0 ' .... c~g lot CJDCl 1 ........ "I crabd him wbt he dl.clM.lle (Conhoued on p.19e 2) The body of Helen DeWolf, 76, of 1726 lrvane. Newport Beach, WOI dliCOVered 1tabbe<f and battered 10 her bathroom Saturday, apparently 1everal daJI a1tex the w01 ala1n Newport Beach p o l1 c e aneeted Jane Irene Moller 40 of ~~ Cbarlene. Hunbngton Beach, o n auap1caon ol murder Police 1<11d there 11 no known motive O.tecbve Ken Smith aa1d char9e1 a re expected ll b~ hied a g w ntt Moller Ill H·Ho r Court later tha weelr Mo ller ta pr ... ntly bemQ hf'l:1 1n Oran<;~e Co unty Women • Ia. 10 lieu of $250.000 bat! S matb acnd the lnV@tlllQ 'l Dny coroner r • parted that 0. W oil w1a atab~d lour um" an ~ er back and her skull wr.1 -ruaht>J by a blunt ob1ect Her b >~1y w a fo und abo ut I 0 30 ':1 m o y • •t>.~ 0t 1 :-.· < d 'l~r B· IPr "' • HP I • l c h e... It o n 11-:~ " • • • .... • " tv her 100 Ktornpt• 1) .. \ .1 : Downey wh bt-"' r • .. 1 bec-ouae nt> h,Jd. · £> 1 t· ~ h~a :11hn9 m th "r ~ .. \'•' 1 ry... pohce (\p'y\' ' .., • " ''.,IIOQ !r'lm .n .. , • 1 , .. \., • ulnrttll Bo1 lfl r • 1 '·••I :n • 'l'lf" \'1cum 1 w 1 ken . 1 •, , ,. • • ~ r I cr 1 e ci Marine Is H e ld Alter T wo Die A .4 Yf'! 11 t•lt1 m Hlne 11 m on .i 1 th~ ~uune heucooter sta '• r. n Tu•tln wm 1n ..ted for t•!t'·. d· an~ d rt VlniJ ,Iter ha v , n "1ll.odf'd wtth a cor 1nd lull P 1 •w ; lrvu1~ men fJ n L Gr ~nt 1 v1n atr uclrt a po.Hk~t i , or before h1tt1ng the ve h tt le <•n la 1n 1ng Ma rvtn L 110n1ky 48 Edwa rd Deeat· nack 50 nd the u wtv .. Dona Loaon"k Y md f..od1e Deeatruck, lrVlne pohc-e a<nd The 1C<"Ident took place at lt V\De Center Dnve a nd Jeffrey Rood obout 8 30 1> m friday f OUr paramedic UDJ" worked for n~rly a n hour, but Lo:80Uiky wed at the acen•. pobce taid Deeatrudt died at W....,.. Medical CeDter a ut au ho11n lot.r hom heed d ch..t ln· IUft ne~·Wl.-,Wbo ... rid.in~ lll the ..at at the time ol the ac:crldent, were repor-ted an good lo• at CINCI h kJll Oftf \be ..MPCI The fe· b 1lh: ·~, 1 "I ,... •,, I h l ~ IOW81 '!I UiltMl H IJ .. II<fO ill h 11 It lS n.aheve t ·~ 1l ll@ Wr , ued Tu..J ~y or y.,. 10, .. i "\ M •dttr w 1• H ' .. •tf'] H the ~ M e 1 1 Iller. • ., n E Monte : 45 ~ J'ldrt, mcumr.g Sne waa bc'<>k ed 1 r 'IJ,, wpo r1 Bem h ml at 3 10 ~ ·n Y e was emplnved a 1 o.w )U • :1" 10 ~nu .. k .. pe r ln Oc-<ober ~ lalfamecl vo~wa.._ Aa.&.tcmt 'ft.e c....._ oi 1M Newpoilt Beoc~ Plaa•tao Com•*•fna ._h-. w.ed a~ a - ...,. I I ••• ia ... otiice oi tiM nflll DWdet ~Tom Me,. JeaJ Klao oi Coi'ODCI cW Mar will wod with JW.r'• .... Oil •l*=ial dWtrict matt.n aad ...... relaMd to--~ •eat, acco.rc:liAg to aa aa- ~-l Die ie pl'elidut of a eo. =a:: T!:!'i::!J ~!i ~ b CJODtractiDg COlD· paai ee. He hoe a a ua- cl.wgzaduate cM!gz .. from UC lr- YiDe aad it completiag a --.·, degree iD Urhaa cmd Regiooa1 Plaaatag from UCLA. KiDg waa receatly appoiated to ... Moog HotpilaliAgWatiYe Commi.... a.ad ten• OD the board of directon of UCI la- dUIIIrial .A.oaat.. Earlier, Newpon Beach at· tomer Jerry Shaw wca aamed a Fifth Dwrict Yoluateer a.iata.Dt iD Jegal mattera. Mcutin wm. Priae USC proh 11 :c Jay Mcuti.D of lniDe bca WOD the Ftita Schmid} Memodal Priae for the bell .. 1aJ iD applied pqcbocmalyU. Martin it Leo S . Bing Prof~ of Eagliab at USC. HM --r wa1 eatiiled "The Ficti.-.e PenoAality: n. Nature and OrigiD of a Ubiquitoua Per- eoDG!i.ty Dilorcler." Ia additioa to pureui•g ecbolanbi_p tlbadiee iD EagW. li._.,., Marti.D be. recei..d fi•• yean' traiDiag at the Sou tbern Califo r aia h,chocmalytic lutitu ... where be it a reeearch cliaica) a.oclate. He hae prctcticed clia.ical peychotherapy ti.Dce 1976 . MartiD it a cootulla.Dt iD pey- chiatry at the Vewau Hotptal iD l.oDg Beach ODd 1ectu.rer iD peych.iatry at uc lrri.ne. He bca authored 10 boob and woe profeuor of AmericaD literature cmd culture at Mccow State Un.iYenity. USSR. for the U.S. biceateDDial year. Dennlaton Ncunecl Peter O.DDWon, former pro- ject manager and manager of comm'U..Dity d"elopmeat for the Irvine Co .. joined Homart 0.-.elopmut Co. He will be •n.ior de•elopmeDt director, office building., for the company'• WeeterD Territory and will be ba.d iD Newport Beach. Dental Fellow Dr. CherilJD G. Sb .... WCJI in- ducted ae a Fellow of the later- national College of O.ntilta at it. annual convocation in Laa Vegaa lcut month. Mowrey Elected lteDDeth E. Mowrey, Orange Pratt Honored Herbert H, Pratt, pr-'dut of AdYCJACeci ~~~ and Raleigh Hille · of lmlle, wae elected to the board of direc:ton of the lDteruatioaal Cou1ac:il on Alcoholi.n and Ad- clictioa at itt m .. t.i.Dg in October iD Tangiez, Moroc:co. Scout Leadera Richard B. Smith. chairman of the board of Am Weet, lac., hca beea elected pretident of the Orange County Council of Boy Scout. of America. Bocud membeu t.hia year will include Peter ltremer, Dr . Richard ltendall, O.DAi.l Har- d in , Bill Thagard, Stan Pawlowtki, Jam• Warrni.Dgton, John 11ocken, William Lightcap and Ralph Clock. HoaQ Vount .. ra Pam Beaaley woa the Buy Bee of the Month a ward a mong I lerecomes Hoag Memorial Hoapital .oa ....... with 31 ~ lwMua. D.b- hie Stewart WCII f'WUier·'-P with 25 hou.n. The hoepital'e AuaiUary Board of Dincton OJ)PIOted award• ia recogaitioD of •oluateer ••r•icee at the N~meebg. HoDONd ... : ~~ .... E. ,_..., ..., ...... ....., Jt..Mda Vogt. 4.0D0 Mua; Nn. Po~al F Oorb.r oacl Nu. Joaea Noyberry, 3,000 -... ,._ ADMit Cook. Nn. Joel ............ ,. ll NbcWI. Nn. Aldea ......... ,._Jed s. SievfrW, aad ..... ,. ·=·· .-. l,SOO ~ Nn. Jlord W.aww, 2.0D0 bolln; Nn. Ro! ... ell. 1,000 ...... Nn. r 1.-ry "ttddrheoa. .... Ottrge PGtril Gad Nn. Ntao Sill., 300 ._. Mn. Vquua HaD.. ~ ~ ad Na. A. E. Holl.oa. .... Job N. Loop, ...... Doaald C. •v.oe aad Nn. Nor.aa GaleatiM, lOO 11ov.n. DanceHODon lniDe High •Dior S.... Sher- ma.D, repr--ti.Dg Phyll:it Cyr Dcmce Acaclemy of Huati.DgtoD Beoch, WOI fint ru.DDer·Up Ua the ''Mr. DaDCe of CalifonUa'' COil· lett Nov. 21 iD Scm Gabriel. Chorale Member• Darl ... Wile ODd Deborah Smith of lniAe will li.Dg with the William Hall Chorale and Orcb..tra iD peaiormcmcea of HODdel'a "Mtllhzh" Suadcry, Dec. 12 and Suadar, Dec. 19 iD Paeadena and Scm Gabriel. It not only tastes fresher while you smoke. 1 ... "tlr·. 0.5 mg. IKotllt IW.pef Ctgll'ltll by fTC I'Mttlod. It even leaves you with a dea1, fresh ~- (O.Uaued from peQe l ) Jle WCII OD tM Joard of Dllt.cba iD 1975, ODd bod • ....., .... tlar .. J"GG'' Cll. ..._oiiM~oam­ -.. ...... lb. ~e of. ao. JW~Grbcl tJ.at h.e bocl a lot oi tilDe ta.kea up by people wadDo CIII8Wen to qlMitioDa, Uade Gecrge aaid. It woe auggeetecl thnt a tepCD' .. podoA be oreateci to bcmdle iDqu.iriee cmd trou.bl., cmcl UDde George wca ap- pcialied ombudlmaa. He woe -CIDd wW alwcrya be -the fine amboct.naa for a Board of Realton ODJWhere in the Uded Stcr .... n. tl...e few yean, when he WQI the 101. om.budmlaa iD the aatioa, he receiYed qutllltiou about hit work from reabon all OYer the country. He waa wti ... D up in trade mogcmiaet and IJ>Ok• at COA· (CoatiDued bom paoe 1) taid, 'Do JOU know how many .agulll there are?' •' That attitude waa unaccep- ta.b&e to AllieoD. "I couldD 't believe my eon, "heiCdcl. "U ODJ r.Cdent ia iDt.....e.d eAough to call, at leatt the bird ought to be taken to the vet. Perbape he bad a cba.Dce to be; he made MYezal attempa to Oy." A1liloa ICdcl in deali.Dg with city 90Yei'DIDeDt afterward. try. iDg to get OJl CID.IWer, be found eYWJODe polite and cordial. ... tioM. "I am act a 'poltc..aa'," u oaoe wr<* iA a 1.-. to a reabor 1D D)teok "I feel tW I a• ~ a ..-rice b the •em.ber wbeo I iJdon:D hJ.m that IOID.OM il ~ with I:Um or h.it tMCdatee. ' Half lb. man.. be dealt with are geDerated &oaa the realton, aad half CD"e from the genezal public, be tcdd. Na.t of the realtor difficv.l.he cu. procwi.Dg ~eemeoa, he taid, lD which OM realtor ..U. a property ehowD by a.DOther. Mo.t of t1w quelltioa. h.e gMI from the public are about the Du•OD-Sale claute, meaning a lump balance it euppoeed to be paid whea moring out of a home not yet paid for . Apparently, Uncle George k:Dowt heM. He ha~r_,]ved 75 percent of iDcident. without legal action, accordiDg to the proclamatioD.I. "The mayor '• eecretary toid 'You are goi.Dg to have to detw: mine if thie ia a matter of policy. or if the officen acted iDconect. ly If you fi.Dd that that ia policy, then pezhape we ought to do 10mething about it.' " Alliaon believe• the g ull d.-ned to have been ta.ku to a Humane Society oz ahelter for core beJore it waa put k> alMI). "IJ you could have .... thoee little brown eyu a nd h1l f .. ble attempta to Oy, I think you would have agrMCI," A.l.liton laid. Spors BINOCULARS ORANGE COU NT Y'S LARGEST SELECT ION 1 Cal's CAMERAS FREE MARKET EVALUATION ONY~HOME No Cost 01 Oblgot10n FOR CLEMER CARPETS THAT STAY CLEANER L018ER Try our revolutionary new Host system. -A UNIQUE CLEANING MITHOD THAT LEAVES YOUR CARPET DAY a READY TO USE IMMEDIATILY FREE ESTIMATES (714) 141-0111 Realdentlal -Commercial EllftlEJ(IIJI'II HOST CARPET fftl It "" CLEANING METHOD John £. ~Cont CUSI'OM PHafOGRAPHY We Are PROUD To Have Photographed our special friend SUE SCHISLER ) Reeearab.n at UC lntae are oa~ data u.at wm help .... -~how cmd wh.e to hGildle Ca.Wor- ala'• low-level radioactive .... The waate c urreutly ia trCIIIIIPOI'W to a di8po.al llite in the ** of W aebmgtou but that ~~y wUl be cloeed to at the eAd of 1985. At tile PI •••t time there are jUit tUM aAtae iD emteACe iD the Ualted Stat. cmd OJM ol tho. .... ill NeYGda, 1a acheduled to be cloeed thla y.ar. Without an alteruative plau, California Irvine Hits CUtiNacks In DlunpRoun Reduced houra at the Coyote Cc:mJODlcmd&l will make itt.. ace 1 gJ'bJe to privote citi.aezw and could lead to increaaed il- legal dumping along the roadway, the cty of Irvine ha. complained. "In view of the reduction in houra of operatiou, I hope aome of the IICJVinga would go toward eAforcement and cleanup of il- legal dumping," city official Brent Muchow wrote in a letter to the county General Servu:.e Agency. "The cloCDg . one hour earUer will further limit ita acce.aibility to pnvate citiaen. aDd amall conttacton . The fre· quency of illegal dumping near the entrance and along Bonita Ca nyon Road h01 increaaed over the paat one-two yeara atnce the landfill operationa were reetricted from Sunday operation. Further lim1tabon of boura would appear to have an mcreaaing impact upon illegal dumping." Muchow, Irvine duector of publ1c worlu. cited complainta from Turtle Rock and Univerlity Twon Center relidenta. He call· ed on the cou.nty to UN .a-ringa from redu<*i operating houra to pay for en.fordng lawa agmnat Ll· legal dumping Roy Rhoada, manager of the couDty'a Waate Management Program, wrote city managera Nov. 5 announcing operating houra a t la ndfi.lla would be 7 a .m. to 5 p.m. Mooday through Satuday The landf:illa formerly ltcryed open u.ntil 6 p. m arch Sit could be boed to lk>p a.D ac- tWt.._ dMJt o-erat. low-leYel radiod ....... Jim T~ radiation eafety oftic:. at UC Jnoiu ODd pl'iD· cipal ia ... ab' of the project, uplaiaed, "Wally people fail k> reaM. what tJae impact would be lf CGlifonJa tuddealy had to .top acti.W. that prod\&Oe th.ia type of wallle. Cur1ailment of tho.. acti~ would tuna back medicine 25 to 30 yean. "When people think of low- level radioactive waate," Tripod• aaid, "they tend to think of nuclear activitiee, but the truth ia that nuclear power pr ... ntly accounta for 1-than 15 percent of the low-level radioactive waate generated ill California. The majority com• from activiti .. auch 01 diagno.tic: t.-in ha.pitala, mcluding com- mon blood and urine t..ta, and from reeea:rch at both pu.bllc a nd private in.atitutiozw.'' The $232,508 proJect, funded by the CaWornia Department of Health Servicea, began in September a nd ia acheduled to run through 1983. Ma ndated by the atate leoia!ature via Aaembly Bill 151 3, the irubal reeea..rch in· vo lvea deve lopme nt of a clauificatlon acheme, a1bng critena for a treabnent and c:ha- poeal facility and methoda to reduce the amount and tolDClty of w01te Th ... three Iaake, under the duection of Tnpod•. will pave the way for the creabon of atan· darda for an 1ntenm chapoeal fac1Uty and the locabon of reg1on. for a permane nt chapoeal mte or sit• w1thJn the etate A ccordtng to Tn podee , A .. mbly Bill 1513 duecta the Department of Health Serv1c• to idenbly potential regiou for a I diapoealaite or ail" but doee not o uthoriae eata bliahment of a facility "We n"d a c omparuon p1ece o f le gulalton that would authon.ae the go-ahead to ac- tually eatabhah a dupoeal c te for CaWorrua," Tnpod .. ea1d Wodu ng wtth Tnpod• a t UCI are Dr Jo u ph D1 Mento, profeuor, Dr Lua Suorea· Villa. o111atont proleaaor a nd William Lambert, gradua te etude nt, aU 10 the Program 10 Soc1al Ecology Celestial Ornament The moon crowns ttw ~tant (hnttmas trH erKI~ 1n fathh.>n lst.nd 1~11 *H I-. to .lfftl·eallv launch the (hrtllmat ~uon m Newport &>ach Newport Helpts Home Tour Preparation. are underway for the third annual Holiday Home Tour Thur.day, Dec. 9, pr ... nted by Newport Heighta Elementary School I I The tour wUl feature m.a local homea, 1n Bayaho rea, Cliff Haven and Newport Heighta, l f..tively decorated for the bollday MalOn Tour houn are 10 a .m to 1 3pm Includ e d ar e a b ulle t luncheon and hohday bouhque - If \IIIJ \Uifl-r ol hc.trf .111.1\ .. ,JOd \1IUf h~ o~n 'l•IJh he.tllntt pr.o\ th.tl \llllll"lleW O('Jib\ h.t\ h,•,•n tra•nnl •n lh·J t '"" l PR It '"u d ro~lhcr du "'111•· then~"''" '" r~·du..~·' •ur '"i. •I hc.arl .JIIJ, ._ R~·J l I•"' '' r~· .. J, hi help Bt.e.~ \m•r''"'"' .~r~· ... ,_.. J\ lli.,·h '" h.J\( hl~·h t-1 •••• t prl·\\Uil' th.Hl "hiiC\ lto~h b h>;><lprc"ur,· '' th~· numt>, 1 IIIII! u•nlrehut"r "' J~·o~th .111.1 \le,.ehilll\ .tllltiO~ I hi .hiUit Rio~, .. PI'I'UI.IIh•ll lle~h hi•••.J pr, "u'' '·' 'elcnl .,dice fhcr~ o~r~· u,u .. lh 1\11 ... .tll\111)1 11)10.1(\ 'lt1 "IIIJ' him\ r he ·•nh "'J\ "' ''" " )UU \o; ~IH II'' h> hJ\0: \o>Uf bhkl\.1 rrc"ur.· t.d.·n \1. hen "' .. , lh< IJ,I llfll< )'l>U h.t\1 \IIUf bh"..J J'fi•\\Uf~ lhtd•+~J' It '"u .o~n 1 rcmrmhcr rt\ t-...·,·n ""' h•nl! II '''U J hi.,· h• k.ern hol" hl t.al.~ hl"ll.:r, .. ,.. ,,, '"ur h.:.trl l .tll R,·J l '''" ,,, II help \~Ill \IIU • wtth handmade gUt tleme a nd 1pec1olty looda Tlcketa at S7 each are ovmla.ble from the Newport Heu;Jhta Ele me ntary School obce. 300 E 15th St Proceed~ benebt the achool'a ennchment prOQrcune For more tnlormabon, call Suean Grogg llcket chaumau, Goy McOwmn. Parent·Faculty Organ1.1ahon pree:1de nt, at 646· 6735 'I'Uirri.De 1.~ rooe took a ..,.. tum tiU. weM with ta. aa- ao.laoemut that tenaat im· ~~-..-• are btiag mode iDa medJcal bu.Ucllng iA Wood- bridge which will be i.n opera· tioD "in 60 day-." J. Ray Coutruction Co. of eo.ta M~ OADOUIM*:i it it prepariJlg the 16,000-equcue· foot, one llory building at 4900 Barrcmco for varied medical p~ 11le l:mildi"9 ia the fonnez Miller'• Outpolt ~tore. The latter l6ayed briefly b.fore relocating ill H.ritage PkDa at Culver and Wabaut. Accordi.Dg to the announce- ment, the building will be headquarten for Uniw..t Cor- poration, United Weatern Medical Care Centera a nd Medaiz Ambulance S.mo. All are ventur .. involving Ad- •I'OCie .. tlons ..... T ..... D Otllcen Thr .. Newport Beach pohce officen have been honored m proclamation. 1.11ued by Mayor Jackie Heathez Detective Michael W. Hletala, Officer Jeti Cantrell and Officer Tim Newman were cited for their out.tanding •rvice to the community. Hietala i1 r•ponatble lor orgcmiaing aurv.Wanc• of city r..tauranla mo.t b.kely to be robbed by two men accUMd of commitb.Dg 13 armed robben .. 1n Orange County a nd Loa Allgel• r..taura.nta 1011 apnng Cantrell, while on roubne bm pa trol, overheard a m Qn threaten to lull another a nd taw a knife in the eutpect' a hand. A. the au.apect 1 unged, Cantrell dia- a rmed him a nd took lum into cuatody No one woa harmed U\ the 1n01dent Newmann w01 oppoanted a. the hnt tnvuon.mental S.rvlC• Coord.ulator for the o ty lD 1980 He a crechted Wlth developmg a program "that ha. become a model for the entire 1tate, ·· the proclamabon .ud "He coorchnated eHorta to keep Newpo rt Beach at the fo refro n t o f Sohd Wa ete Management and Ha aa rdou1 Material Control " ~---· I llliat.trator Wayae Sc~ oi W.-.rn Medical Center m Scm- to Ana ) Ray Con.truction obtaiDed the approval of dodon ill the a d)acent Woodbn dge Medical Celller, a apok-.nau aaid. PlaJUled are a walk-in clinic, apace for reeearch a nd clinical lobe and X-ray aervicee and a •ariety of non-profit ipecialty iJl. ltitut•. accordulg to the an· nouncemellt PETER UEBERROTH Ueberrotll Is Speaker Dec.IO Peter V Uebenoth. precdent of the t.o. Angel. OlTJDpc Orga D1111lg Comm.1tt... wUl be the featured apeaker a t the New· port Ce nter Ataoclabon a nnual m"b.ng Fnday, Dec 10 a t 7.30 a m at Edwarda Theater, 300 Newport Center Dnve The m .. bng a ope n to the general pubhc Ueberroth Wlll d~u..a hlt role ID prepanng lor the 1984 G<un• 1n Loe Angel• Uerberroth 43 woa oppou1ted premd ent of the Loa Angel• Olymp1c Orgarumng Comm1tt .. Apnl 1 9179, and Lmmechately a..umed eaecubve re.pon.libw· ty of prepanng for the 1984 Olymptc Gam .. Pnor to hlt LAOOC a ppomt· me nt Uebenoth waa chcnrman a nd dnef e aecuhve of Fu el Trave l Corporation. a company be founded 1n 1962 l nv1tallo ne to the annual m"b.ng will be mmled A no· boat conhne ntal brea alaat ($5 00) will be aerved at 7 30 a m. and ttl. formal program will begm promptly a t 8 00 a m For early r ... rv attona call 640 186 1 Creall.\'t' 1:.:1.-xance In Fin~ J~w~/ry D1amond-. • Pearls • Gemstones tk't \\ ,,h~' fliT the Ul)lida' Sea on .11Hl \ \\.Ifill Th.tnl 'y ''u '"' <~ur f11 ,t ,c:.H '" (tlron..t del \tar Mern Chri'itrnas ,tnd a ~htpp~ '\e'' Year from the I Port Th eater ~ * "'""' ,,, ,,,.,, ,, f ' .,, 11(1/ f i/tot• 2905 [. ColA~ I H ~ ~. 673-626() ( .. .' .. 'i.tlt _lit~.~ W !'} _-4,J L'«lltH Oon t lelthts Chr~stmas be another Stlent ntght -Come •n tor a tree heartng test Evelyn Whtte Heartng A1d Aud•olog•st Repa~rs. Batter•es and Ser 175·3133 lltttu •~•mu n ' \ I .. 'I I 'I( .. I ,.,J,f •• , •11 JIWI -ny• C hri stmas Walk S~ial 2Q<(, o ff everything tl\1 H II 0\l •- JJ8 Poilaau ia A,e, .,3-0404 1\itchtn Thin&~ Salt 11.1111111~·r~J I r~·rh.h t "rrct . ,,, ' ' SELECT (iOll RM ET v.·t N l-.S ' C rtltl••rlllol ,,,,J ll!lf'llr/1 De ~reus & Co., Wme Mefc~nts • ~11:1 1 I,, ... ,,,,,,, ((\l(ll ....... IHI '-\A.IIt 110-1110 Moses K. Oulounian SHAH 'N SHAH ORIENTAL RUGS Oncnt.JI & ()c..:orattvc RuJ' & Tape trtes I 'Jle!rl ( lc..tntna & Rcpatn SeaJo n's Greetings! .\42.~ l . < oa"" H .. y •• Corou dd tar .,~ Mala S4., S.ata 551-1400 * Denotes businesses open to serve you during the December 5th Event. t• Cir(cr -~.Jihlc:cn Greer l>tCI (. \IUO'\dl>r\ lfltmluhlt• I udJt'( Wrur ' <1111<11 ,, t•lt•l(t/llt I' I 14111. Co.~~ ttwy. I (OtOM .. MAr / ( .. ,,,,.,, ''·'"""" I uh.•vr •rh• • '-crtll' '""' l llo,; '" .. '"''"' '\' lor.o(\111< l'rtnh for And 1 n .tnd "!-!" up r dr .J" tng fm Ot Bl-\l T'r .. Meta's lc Wo.n's Tr Wear To thank you for a succeufY.J year ,. December Sth Only 20% dil>ocunt on all me rchandise J865 E. c .... H•1· 6?$.1158 Pr ... n .. ore ••• fun for all! Wid(! '(le~.:tton of winter 'flort' equtpment and hol1da) 'ki package~ 2831 £. Co~ t Hwy 67S-9700 ..... ,, "" • \ I!I'U r IIW' ,.JI:dio•lt •I • nr, l t i t TOY \t f(Jl All toys 20°/o off Sunday. December 5 3101 E. Coaat Hwr 173-3781 Newport EnW!IJD Co.to M..a Newt lrVlne Today, December I 1982 Puye 5 I,,,, h Hr. ,,.J 11 ,,, .~ * ( "· ' '' '""'' • Uno que g olt otems I~ I C ""'' II•\ ( ......... lkl ''"' • Corals • :ewelry • Shell n>ght lights • W•no Lnome~ ~'Ud'un * ~NS CLEANERS StrlltnQ Corona del Mar tor 25 Years ·Suede· l eather ·Furs · Gowns French Hand laundry • Plant on Prem•ses 3512 E. Co .. t Hwr. 173-4120 * TH[ H EARTHST():\t Cus to m Sha de& Dr e r~ * Sho I I fO PI \( I I 1\ I I K I " ~~ •• h.,, ( .... ,,ll•~~th .. ·ll ( IIWOll dt'l \ 1,., ~\\\'p•tr l II·~ .. ·( .. ,, tliiL! l q. ~ twll "'""' 'P"••••" ''"'" t 4fpirltn& u,.,_rw, ( ., ... m \ ,.., t t-raMu T •k '"'4 H.,4•'"""' Jl, ... ,. BE\lRl) Hlll ~\·\\lt\Jl ,\ Com pan~ l hOPI)efl welcOmt' Open Mon -Sat i 30 1 m ·8 00 p m \l .tn ( \I'-' •~· '"•'I.Ptl \ ,,~· Pr~·-•,k 11 Hr Hhh \l t'l.lltll't • ' I I 44-7575 A<ld•honel prescnptlon mlormauon available upon requell 700 Carnation Ate, 675-5761 Jay• Benson ( orona U.-1 \l~o~r Offht· \7-Ul t1•t (OI\1 lti&h" .. \ ( orona IHI \ l1r, ( aliforn•a t.7~~ Happy Holidays From Our Staff Suttan A.nn Gtona Joe K1m \ . ' Seasons Greetmgs Come m and Watch Us Dance 2515 E. Coaat Hwr 17$-3420 o o I .f I 1 l lltl~\1 \ ____ _ \I \J\11 \\ \\ haf, 'Pt>\'UII abour u'? .,.R,IUI'\(,~ 3110 1. Coeet Hlghwar Coron. del .._, ~:;...-~11! 173-7110 H "'"'' w u HapfH HnltdQ'' l u m 'C " O.atkc •'· s~ The mall walkwaya cmd .tore aial.-cue jammed. Amid the aowda, atrollen pr .. nt a clear dcmger to life cmd limb. In the parking lot, can back up at the eldta, kida dart by on foot and bicycle, and if one emerg• with hi. fender, iDaurance premium and ptyche unchanged, he couiden himMU lucky indeed. Our A..nnette Wat.on, when not buay aa columnilt, mother, girl ecout leader and ~ehool volunteer, ia a1.o working part-time at a toy .tore. She laJI and we agyee-it ia important for everyone to try to remain iD a good mood while ahopping or working aa a ~n during the holiday crunch. We ehould extend the Ch.ri8tmaa api.rit to everyone, and not juat our Family member~. After all, Cbriatmaa ia a celebration of the birth of the one who taught ua to lOYe. If anything provee thia area'• ineularity to the ecoDOmic woes that beNt the country aa a whole, it ia the Cbri.tmaa seaaon. Shopping center• report record aa1 ... It'• aa iJ there ia no rece-.ion. However, the receaion il not CD far away aa you might think. The .tate reported laat week that unemployment iD Orange County reached 8.0 percent iD October, up from 7.7 percent the previoua month and 4.9 percent a year ago. There are 98,100 out of work in Orcmge County, up from 92,000 the month before and S7,800a year ago. Over S,OOO factory worker• have la.t their jobllince June. Thia il the Chrl.tmaa when, moet of all, the affluent per- eon~ living in the Nweport Beach area ahould reach out to the poor in Orange County. The line• at the malla prove that, even at a time of nationwide rec.-ion, you have it to give. A good place to atart ia the Marine Corpe' Toyw for Tota program. It will hoet an open hoUM at the Tu1tin helicopter 1tation Dec. 12. Adm.i..mon il one new toy for an underprivileged child. While you're braving thoee crowdl at the ahopping centen, why not pick up 1omething for 10meone who'• not a1 fortuna1e CD you are thia Chriabna1? -TB eYo or Repr•entative government 11 headed for a .tate of con· fuaion that ia likely to be extreme, even by California •tan- darda. The .tate reapportioned in 1981 and held genHral elec- tion• latt month, •electing new repre1entative1 to Congre• and the California Auembly and Senate. But l01t June voten overturned the r•ultl of the 1981 reapportionment. So the legialature muat go back to work and draw new linea. Only thil time the Democratic- controlled legillature'• work could be vetoed by a Republican governor, George Deukmejian. We are taught 01 younglten in 10hool that every 10 yean the 1tate il reapportioned to reflect population ahifta. Then legillatou run for their 1eat1 iD the new di.ttrict. Repr ... n- tation of each citiaen of Calliornia continue• un- interrupted. In fact, during the '70., the ltate Supreme Court had to decide reapportionment, and thi.l time it may be •ttled by the Fair Campaign Practic .. Com~on, or eome other party to whlch the 1tate may be forced to run. Each time it will have been the third year of the decade before the amolte clean. Meanwhile, the majority of rMide11t1 probably have no ideo who repr ... nta them. (If··~ kMpe up, they won't care.) They are left to marvel at the P?liti- Lal cynicism with which the majority party drew the lin .. , g uaianteeing the conJumon which now abound.. ixed There have been lignal. out of Wa~hington,D.C. and El Toro Marine Air Station about the F I A-18 Hornet which have been varied, to laY the leaat. The Tim• reported Nov. 10 that the fighter-bombet ''failed a crucial performance teet, raiaing new queetion~ about ita future." The airplane h01 "aerioua range, weight and eafety problem•," the paper reported. The 1ame day, however,the crack public affain team1 at El Toro mailed a pr-releaae quoting the commander of the ltation'1 new F I A -18 equadron aa IQ'Jing, "Superlath•• tend to e~­ aggerate the truth tometim•, but when .omeoJae eaya the Hornet 1.1 the b..t fighter-attack aircraft on earth, it'• pret· ty dam cloee to the truth." S.Yen d<JY8lattlr the Timee reported the Hornet ccm- not perform important combat mtaou without aerial refueling, a ctudal abortcomiDg. Again, the eame day, an El Toro relea~e quoted a Hornet pilot: "U you really want to get a good idea uf what ~think about the Honaet, look at tbatr bMe w!.a ~ get back from their lint flight. All they ccm 1C1J i8 'Wowf ' " A N<ZYJ pa,oel reoommUded OODtiDued ~uctloa of the plcme la8t week but 8Did problem• of Itt limited ... e mut be CJY•oome. MecmwlUle, ll~ ~a-..w.a MariDe pioDHJ'I of the F I A-18 ero 1\da Cll lntae'• c:oL Doacdd Ber~, one hal the leJMng tJa.e ~~- qvalthd aa.a be~Wre iD lM Hc:liUt cmclltl ~··· n. •peOple of ~e Couaty ...a to I. ~ abOGt tM HOrut blfcn th ~ clad ~ aow llaba· lag at NAS LeMoon IDOM li•• fWI ..... LETT •• w. w.lcom• l•tt.n hom r•ad•ze. W• TN•n• tl:a• dp t to •dlt lw l•nqtb. S.lld your comm•nt. lo L•tt.n to lb• Eclltw, Cotzet NMJo N••• Group, 1101 Ba~cock Sf., N•wport S.Oc.b. CA auJ. A Poor MX To the E~i~r. The MX maaue 1.1 not a 900d 1dea Here or• eom• reaaona why On Nov 2, ~ percent of the American voten eapre11ed themtel\1• aa being m favor of a bilateral nuclea r weapon• A r evuler moDthly teature •upp Ued hy the Mun1eipol Wot•r Dlat.rlct of Ora.nqe Callnty. Orang• County il a d ... rt. With an averao• rain.fall oJ 13 1nch .. per yecu, falling dunog the Wlnter montha, the county ia not endowed to eupport a large population Yet 11 doee The pop- ulation ia now ovet 2 million atrono and oroWtog every day Thl. popu.latlon i.e au.tai.Ded by unported water Watet that haa been brought 10 from hun- dred~ ol m.ilea away. Water thct fell i.n the lonn of rain or mow in the Rockiea of Wyoming, Colora do, Utah and AriaoDa Or water that fell 01 rcnn oz anow in the S1enaa of Nortberu Ca.Ufor· nia ca far 900 mil• from Orange County Theae two aou rcea proVlde around 75 percent of O r a n;e County'• water aupph ... Wlth the percentage in· creamng a Uttle every year. Many rea.li&ed at the begin· runo of thia century that im· ported water waa nec-ary for Orono• CouotJ l! it waa to flourlah. During the bnt two decod• of the 20th centulJ wcrt.J begall being taka irom the groundwater bcuina via w.U. fa.ter than wca beUlg naturallJ repl.niahed. So.lt wat.t &om th• ocean began to intrude into the groundwatw baml. In 1928, 1~ ctUea ln Southern California formed The Metropolitan Watez Diltric:t of Southern CcxllforaJa. ADoheim and Souto Ana were amo.og them. 1n 1931, th• voten DOaMd the bonded iac:.Mbtedn-of tlle Colorado Rivw Aqueduct by a S to ) ma:rgin The lint phale of the Aqueduct waa comp).led lD 1941, ~ Colorodo Rtvw water k> Ora.age Cowatr deriftd &om the Roc:ki. IhuUag U.. 19SO'e Lbe eeeoAd pb.cM cl tM Col«ado ""• Aqueduct ..a compM6ecl. In 1851. the M~ Water Didkt ol Orange co..., ,.. fonled to JcQ tbe -~ ~ Couaty lo the Nlbll"lllt a Water Dwriot. lni.OitM~ola. ... e State capjJii09ed tiM ... ..-. cal ..... ., Prote£ tw..., ~:.:.,. =:.d:!!:re .i!:: to o.ao. eo .. ., m 1m. ht, ill 1• a Udecl .._ • tr.... Producbon and deploy- m•nt of the MX would be a etep away from a freue. After yean ol efforl, weapon. plan.nere •till have not d..n..d a eatiafactory method of deploying th• MX Our pr ... nt land, eea and au configuration of nuclear weapon. provide• adequate detenance to a Soviet fi.rlt atrike The MX &a not needed. 8ecaUM oJ ita pulpoult OC· curacy, the MX il a "fint-etrike" w•apon Conuquently, ita deplo ymellt would have a d.,.abi.liDDg effect on the pre· aent militoi'T balance FUTURE Supreme Cou.rt decwon went LD favor of Anaona n CaliJoz01a Thia meana that when the Ceo· t:ral Arlaona Project ia completed (an aqueduct very limUar to ou.r Colorado River Aqueduct) Aruona will begin bking alma.~ 50 percent ol uzban Southern Calilo.nua' 1 Colorado Rivez aup- p)y This it enough watu tor 3'1& mtllion people The Central Aruona Project will be com· pleted to Phoena Ul 1985. Coupled with thia il the re)ec· bon of Propomtion 9 tbJa pelt June Propolition 9 would have autborued fac:i.liti• to begin completing the State Water Pro- Ject Another factor complicatiJlg an already complicated wat.r aupply lituation ia the fact thot an adcbbonal 3 mllUon people will be here in Southen1 Califo.· o.ia by the year 2000. hound 2 million of th ... 3 million people will be hom hue. Ukely ahorlfolll ill our water .upply may occur aa early aa 1985, depending on bow much raiDfall we receive. Shortfalle lD our water aup9ly wW be ill· crea8iog)y mcrelikeJ a:ft.r 1~. Water oon.Mnatioo, oJ oecelllf· ty, will become a habit for all ol ua 10 Orange County, a new way of life. Our economy ia in d .. p trou· ble, and many of our citiaena are au.fferi.ng The bWiou of dolla:n wh ich Preaident Reagall propoeee to po\11 down the MX ratbole could be apent much more UMlully on ~al need~ or returned to the mpayen Neat month the U.S Congr- will decide whethet or a.ot the MX will be put into production. Ct.a.rly, member~ of Congr- abou.ld be encouraged to vote agaiut the MX Sold Short To the EdJtor Dole Bradford Newport Beach The United Stat .. govunment ouarant ... loom, .o that othe1 countriee will buy ou.r producta It aJ.o oi•• foreign aid, .a that other countriel will buy ou.r product.. Oil one occamon, ln- dia waa aaked why it didn't buy more of our producta. Give u.a more money, 1t r•ponded, and we will buy more of yo1u producta Why did ow govern· meot pick up the 1ntereat paymenta o the Poliah loan? BecaUM lt bad guaranteed ma.t of the loana Dad you •••r wonder why we ..U to Ruama on eaay, low anter-' credit? Ru.ia 1.1 number two b South Africa lD gold production. Why don't they pay for produda in gold? To aay that the taspayen of tlua country QJ'e beu; .old ahort by their poUticiaD.I i.e all un· dentatement. While we ate pay· log to abop producta to othu oountri•. other countnee are allowed to und...U our home producta. Th... producta are p1oduced by workere who paJ no U.S. len• lb. lod~ are often aut..ldbed by a foreign goverumul Ou.r market ia 0\11 wage earneu. With every worku that lee. b.ia job, ou.r market dri• up a little U the Ullit.d. Stat .. ManuJacturen had tb United Stat.. market, we wao}d not DM aDy uport, a nd only Hmlted i mport pl'oduota. It 11 P<* time for U.S. polidcdclnl to gel on the llde of U.S. worbn and lDdu.try. Jim Boldlng Cotlto M.a At Laat, A Book Of Duncan'• VerM Jut befote he waa wheeled in foe hJ.I third open heart 1\ltgery, T. DuDocm Stewart pinn.d. oa h» h~tal gowll the followi.og; "If I die befon I wake, "Someone'• made a big rn»- take." TbJ. throwaway two-liner i.e typical of the waJ Newport Beach'• poet laureate COG add a touch of humor to any at\latioD, even at a time of life or death. No on.e know. thia bett.r t.haA I, unl-it'• b.il ever-loving and ever-patient wife, Jwry. For the paat aiz month., ahe cmd I hOYe labor.d to put together tbe collected veue of thh remarkable man. Titled "PleaM Don't Stand On My Cathe-.r." thia deUghtJul book will be OYailable by the time you read thi.. Puttmg boob togetb.r eeema to be my lot th ... dcryt. Loaf year, it waa the h.i.tory oJ New· port Beach, thia year it il Dun- can Stewart' • 100 b.t poecu, written dunng a tpQD of more thao 3S yean, and how the book came to be pu.bliahed il a atory LD ltMU. from bme to time, Newport Bolhoa Scm.ngw and Loan baa apontOred luncheona foz Frienda of Calia, the 1upport group at the Newport S.olor Citiaen CeDter They're held in the bank'• Corona del Mm brcmch -in the community room - and one w .. k. s .. wart waa tb. apeaker For an houz, he ellter· ta:ined the crowded room with hl. facile wtt, redtiAg one YWM after auother on tubjec1a of UD· ivereal intereet. ..s, marriage, family, politic., the economy, agUtg, Caa.t highway trcd&, the new bndge. Whell the program ended, the Oa1il membert crowded arouod Duncan, and the popular refrain waa whete can I get a copy of eucb-and· •uc:h poem? Fredric J For1ter, pr-.idut ot Newport Balboa SaYlngt, waa pr .. nt for the luncheon Who be heard eo many people oak for copi" of eo many poema, ForM~ .aid "Someone tbould pu.hl.\ah a book cf Ouncan'apoema." The more he thought about U, the more he beUeved tt, and the .omeone turned out to be b1m and hie bank So Newport Balboa Samoa put up the front money to pubhah the book, and llnce the bank i.e not in buain-to make money from boob, Foutez agr..d that all net proceed~ ahould go to the Orant.;~• County chapter of the Americcm Heart A..ocicrtion. Stewart i.e o.o their board. He a.l.o belWf• in th.U m.l81ioD, 011 a Uu .. tim• Mend· ed Hear1a quczl.LI.. A• the corpora te c om- mun.icCJtiou penon at Newport 8c:tlboa ~. l lucked out 011 the penon to put the project together. Dayt w .. deYoeed to goiD9 thtoug~ boa• of INa· can 'a poem•, maoy 1lmpJy acrlhb1ed on 11Dalle!4J» oJ memo paper, or bacb of eav~ MmlJ originally appear.d. ill tlae Datly Pilot wileD Dunccm wrote a poem a WeN lor EdJtar Tom ~...u. Th., ... pGMcl la noteboob, o• tkrown lato a gr~ CCIItoa. FlDally, I took them aR home, ~pead tMID oGt on tla. li'flno roaD Doc., cmcl catalogued tb .. , by lea~, ·~·aDd .WtaWlity b p~ 008ft.mption. MDy at l>wlcaa'• belt would tura tM paper J>U· •• I ,. NOIIDAY, NOV. a Criaa4e A MC\1rity guard waa tk-Mcl oa IUa bad by em a.Dicmt who t••ped trc.. behbad a parbd tM t10D Wocll oi Vaa LlnaoD.. ....... -··· at the Newpadll bua. ,... -..crt WQI c.te.:ribed ~ ...nag a Lm Mit with HarJ.y. ~ wiDgll Oil the bock cmG waa clri'ria9 a gr"D Harley c*opper. A r<JJ~« WCJI fo\llld Mar the ecue, polk. mid ... Two Jaguar beadlampe aDd c:larCIM trim ~-at $1,030 '"'e repon.d l6oleD from a car belollg!Dg to Dudley F. N1Jler parbd iD the 1100 block of Bay ... V cmdala abot oat 25lampa cmd Ooocllight. at Harbor Day School. CtJUiiAg QD eltimat.d laX) dcanage •.. Tool. valued at 8$ were reported ato1a from AllcienoA ODd Howard Electric ia a caDpcmy vehicle parked ill Mark Vcmce Pott.r, 28. of Newpo11 ~. waa arr1•1 doD ~ olua.g a IIWI« lathe ICI.le of IDCirijw.•a. ScJ.edu.led bail waa 125.000 ... VaD Agiu, 2.1, of Scm Narcc. WCJI an..-d oD au.apicioD ol reeideDtial burglary... Robert Louie Biedebocb, 63, of Newport Beocb, waa arr...-d oD aupi· cioD of CI8:IUlt with a deadly weapoD... Clovia AlleD WeWAgtou, 43, of Aaaheim, waa arr..ted OD aupicioD of canyi.Dg a coDcealed weapoD iD a ..bide. .. Six mu were an.-..d OD ~D of chuu.ku driviDg, illclu · g two from Newport Beac:h: Roger O...t Hcmb aDd Frcm.kl.i.D Foa. TUE8DAY.NOV.I3 A~ •raa If ATTIKTM CMi111111 C•ll Sill 8111111 AlE 11DW AVAUII.I TO CHURCHES I U.JIIZATIONS f ail '-PtnM I A. \1. •• 5 P. \1, HARBOR LAWN ~ 1625 GISLER e COSTA MESA (L.Mated Mtec.m to "'• San 0. ... ,, .... , a HetMr atvd So 1 540..5554 SO OBliG \riO~ At thls rate. it' can't afford to wa · you ( 14.00% per year an d 4 p oints) • Second mortgage \oans to $107.000 • Fully amortiZed • 15 year term no balloon payment --ment penalty • No prepay ··h· n 72 hours • An answer W\lc ' eenevest tot a tast a~f Look to second~ and a \oW ra$~7" oOO .. your tundi09 \()an ul) \0 ~ ln~tmet\ts. .._, ~· tOf ma)Qn9 5U\)sta0UOI 51artin9 ~~ts. and taking hOine ""t other tmportant p.ns. careo GlENDORA ......... 711Gr-~ ~IS) 914-3977 ,. .... ~ ......... ~ ....................... MOS T MOUNTS 17mm 13 S 24mm 12 a 28mm 12 a 28mm 12 SSmmMacro 100mm 12 a t35mmf2 a 200mml4 25·150Zoom 100-200 Zoom ttmm 20mm f'll 24mm f21 35mm t2 I 3Smm SMt 50rnm Macro l$mml 2 100mmMacro 135mml2. 200mml28 250mm M itrOt 300mm 35-70nvn f2 35mmf3 5 35mmf2 8 3Snvnf2 100mmf2 s 13Smtmf2 5 200mmf4 300mml4 . 21-50Zoom 40-IOloom 45·125Zoom 15mmf2 1SSmmf3 s 135mm f2 . 20014 35-70Zoom 70-150 Zoom . 100· 200 Zoofn . I en-.. A woaoa repoJtecl bebg bdw.dby~ ........ ~ Mca.aae lecdo .. A Ccmoa caael'a 90lu.J at 1500 ._ reported atolea froa a ccu MloDgiag to no.c~~ ea.. PQ8Cm0 ia ~ 2100 block ol Coa.t Higbwcry. An .... Jcm.r G\ladal\q)e Sarat:Aa, 20, of Gardea Grove, waa CJl'l'-.d OD •.PcioD of ~p­ ti.Dg to node a polk:. offic:w ... J~b Earl. Rbooe, Jr., waa arreated oD auapici oa of burglary.. Two mea were an..e.d of druaba drivillg, ia· cl~ Job Pe'-r Dubay of Newport Beacb. WEDNESDAY. NOV. at en-.. A womcm JovgiDg iD the 3300 block of Imae W'OI gTQbbed cmd dragged dowa tbe hill by a IDGD wbo appareatly iDteoded to rape her, polic. reported. Tile IDGD drew a emaU handgua cmd bc- ed her to the gro\lDd, b\lt rcm awoy wheD he eaw a femaJ. .an... s~ RidvJ., GreathoUM, '¥1, of Oriada, waa an..-d on •wpidon ol bu.rvJary.. Ara.o1do Nurayaaa Ccirrlllo, 21 , of AUaa:mhra, waa arr..ted Oil -ap'dom ol g:ra:ad theft, auto. 0.. lllG1l WQI CIRJdlcl OD lu.pi· c:ioD of chuM .. driYiDg, not !rca Newport Beach THUJUIDAY,NOV.U en-.. A change mac:h.iDe .clued at $750 aAd COlltaiDing 1210 iD $1 b6DI aDd ~e waa reported ~ tram Balhoa Bay Racquet Cl@ iD the 1600 block of Coallt HiQbwcry. A womcm cJcrimiDg Arreet. G.orge Chrillopb.et Theakoe, 31 , of Co.ta Meea, woa an..-d Oil auapicioD of poee...tag amph@uaiaee . Four mu were arr..t.d on aupicioa of d.ruaku d.rivillg, i.Dclu~ thr.. from Newport Beach. Rcmdall Phillip ReDo, Richard Earl AlldenoD and In Soo lim. FRIDAY. NOV .• Crim• A 42-foot Weataail ketch Dam.. Scuquatch, val\led at 1120,000, wa. reported ltolaD from .Up 85 at the Balboa Yacht c UNICOLOR ENLARGER lOx 10 25 Sheets . . . 17 .JO lll10 100 Shee1s . . .. -.- 1 b 14 10 Shee1s. . . s.n only 11 x 14 50 Shee1s ...... 21.11 18x20 10 Sheets ..... 11.51 ENLARGING PAPERS Color Chemistry Total Color II ... MAl Rap4d E6 Pint . . 11 ax 10 25 Sheeta 17.- lx10 100 Sheets . . a.. 11a14 10 SNeta. . 1.11 111t 14 50 Sheeta ...... M.11 11a20 10~ ...... ,,.... Mtnolta XG • 1 w /50 f.2 tMI.II ~-~ Mt~ lCG -9 w /50 f.2 ttta MtnoltaXO-S wl 50f.2 ..... Mtnolta X0-11 w/50 I 2 111a OU ..... II~l.l '1 ... FACT REBATt$)0.00 Sonner 150mm loNww250mm T-350mm ~ '121111 "'*'~ Aole63SSEB OM 1 w/50m f2.8 . .,_. Ao1e6 ~TEB 111110 --,..... ,.,.. , .. m• 1 .. -.. OM2w/50f1 8 .... "'*'SL356 DI..Je CAN AE· 1 w /50 t 1 8 m.ll...._----------11 = CAN A -1 w /50 f1 .8 17 ... KoNc:.a FS·1W 1 8 m.• Pentax ME Supetr f2 .... Kontca TC W t I MUll Pentax K 1000 f2 . ~ 55mm Macro U..10 1---------"'""'i l5tNn ,, • ... " 100mm f2 • = BAISAII TAILE t05mmM8cro ,.... .. • .,E US '35mm f3 5 ... ~ 200mmf4 .,... AI OF FEll • RocMgon 1S5mm tJitM Rodegon 3Smm ., .. Rodegon 50mm f2 I .. ,. Rodllgon IOmm --AP050mm .... Aodagon 1 SOmm ,.,.., Rodagon 50mm , .. lUI B 111' 1 r Cokwpro SOmm .. a... Cokwpto 7Smm ... 8eMter Negatran 3$mm ... ~ Negatran 8•8 .. S.....SOmm .... tUI . MM aa~a..NSMFLEX • ,~ Pk mount/..,.. An ... Pamela,_ Je'a 2 • 32, ad Job Fnmaa le 11• , 3&, ol Newport •• •:. an a ~ oa wepicloa el 1 2 5 ' .. r to .U cocaiDe... 1Uc~•r4 Ja••• O.ou, It;., 11, 41( ~ a.acJ., WQI .,. Ia J-.... . ciOD oJ pan ., cOCGille .. . Cbarlee Tlwac:. alk, 19, of L.vuaa Beac+. .. caJ 1t d oa napicioD oi p•n•lag a cl..tructi" c&.rica. .. row .... were arr.-..1 oa -~· of druaku dri'riJI9, ~ Jock hrdett. eo... of Newport B.och ......... W0A t b60 ........ ...-rvw 1-.21 IPVW 7a35 ~7X31t ILFQOIUI ... 7Xt5Y35 '/Xl$ 7XSO I X3o'X50 tOXSO 1l X50 7)()5 7X35SPTTV SPVF7XSO IX$0 CVST7X215 •• . . -ICilY Auto 200X t.Mofta Auto 1-laX Mlnofta Auto 1 11X Al'on 250P 10Z '-tuAF200S Pw\tu AF18 ~T20 ~T32 ~ .... 5 Rcleii81U2 ~--· ..... lUI .. a11 .. ., .. .. ., .. .. .. ..... ... a11 a11 .. ... .. .. .. .. -· .... ..... ., .. .. ... ,... r ,_I Nupod ~c--Nowo,llniM f...,, Do: ._ I, ltla Naha.ritr oacl ea.p.rieace, eo.... Id NowlaN oold Noa· daJ,.,.. U..-wb UC It· -n1po tllio W.U ao U.. cluaa_pioa of iAterooU-eiote -polo. ''Tiait team WGI ..,., matwe, '' ---Noaday ..... ecmued D18 7.4 .tctoty over deteaclia.g champion and •"'"'* hlo·roahcl Slcralorcl at U.. hlmoat 1"-' Pool Ia l.oQII ~ Suraciay loo U.. NCAA ti· de. The AD._.,. fipiehecl a podocl 30-0, or>ly ... tbJrcl - Ia 11--, lo cr<>oo~~>pliolt tllio loat. 'Tlllo .._ aacl a lot olmatl&ri· tr oacl ~." Nowloacl -· It aloo l>acl Nowlrmd l>!moolf, Ho ooacUcl UC!Io U.. aoticaol lllloU.IS'IO,Ioc, oacll>aoU..U. 1M bal game four other tim•. Prior lo joirllrlg ll>o oollogo rcmb ao loci eo. .... dol Nor lo .... CD' 4-A tillo U. 1965. CorODCI deJ Nor allo WOil 0 4- A IIIIo loot W.U o•or poroaDiol champioa. Newport Harbor. Sall.ors ity Jeti Ncrth.Gn-on With ._ thoa two ..U.uloo to g:o iD. tlae MOOad roUAd of the CJF Ceabal CoDfereace Dl<rYollo bolw ... Newport Har· Lor' aacl "'-tlo Fullortoa, ll>o Sailon ,... oa. tile way to on• of U.. biggool upooto Ia thoocboal'• Alotory. HoJdiag OD.*o 0 QOHOW 13.)Q leacl, tt looked Cll though the 7-4 SaUon were gola.g to mob bel!e.an oJ the 11 -0 FrMway League chorDpiou lrom Fuller· .... With 46 MCOlKia remaio.ing ill \he game, however, ju.t altet Fullerton had •cored on a aUracle 73-yard drive to take a 17-131oocl,ll>o ciU!oio loU ooll>o Nowpon Horbor loatl>oll-.oo. "I tool wo ployoci al>aut ao w.U a1 we oo\&ld, ''a hOCUM Har· bor ooaca Mlko GiddiDgo oooid. "I tool bettor oacl clooor lo th- UUJI them aar otb• team I haYe ..., coach•. J am r.al proud of .. .. ~ .... ru.tu. l!iga, ooaaUcl by Now· pod product lo}ci Plailpol, WOD U.. 3-A ~tJ.. Sc H wao a big W.U Ia< wator palo Ia Nowpod. UCI'o ~ .._ to. ito notiaaal Uti. IDcluclocllour local product1-Peter aad. )eU C<uapl>oll ol u.u... Oiggy lli»y of Co.ta Ne.a aad G.orge Roloortooo ol Scnlo ADo llolglalo, a Newport Horbo< gradvato. n..ou..r .. ...-w••~)ol>aoy ............ ••'•••• ataneao Scphoma<o O...o P.r-.., a 10plt.omote front. Coroa.a del Mcrr IIJQa. rooaroci oiglot ooalo oacl l>acl 16 -Ia< Bvcboll UDi•onlty Ia Lowloburg, Pa. thi.o year. Perehtein helped lead Buc:b.U to a 15-11 record. Ilia t ..... firWohoci iD third ploco to. ... -tllo, looiDg lo ..... tual oaompiOD Loyola (W.). ut Tho Scdlon literally l>ocl their pocl,oto plcUci, Doociu.g only lo otop Fullortoo u. tho llaol clri .. on a th.l.rd cmd 21, aad tMa 011. a lourth aad 14. Yot ll>cmb 1o MDior aallbcrok David Wllloo, who caught 1 pa-.. for 117 yard., the lndiau quickly made their way downfield. wm .. caught fow pa-. Ia that f:I.Dal drive induding oae run up the mlcldlo lor a tolol ol 66 yordo lo put em end to the Sailon' IMQIO.D. "I oa.ly wiab we wou.lcl baYe k.aowo how well that aum.ber tllrH (Willoo) playocil>oloro ll>o City Often Tennls8ealoqa The city oi Newport &each ~ otferillg a 1pecial tennil Milian •tarliog O.C. 6 at MariDer• and Sen )oaquirl lilllo Parb. Clauu will mMt MoadaJ through Friday for a two-w"k pt~riod. The f .. il S27.SO. For 1 more iofonnotioD, ccll640-2271. Vargao ol Hoci .. do Hoiebto, lal>a 0'-.. hllortoa oacl rt..ar Dadooa ol Lo1011 lloocla. n.., o"'oaae a s.a.Jorcl t...,. loci by lomio a..-a Ioomer CIF ploJor oiU.. y-loo Harbor Hlgll aad IOD of A• F hlywomaa NadaD INg• ..,.. ol Nowpod lloocb Dadooa ocoooci lor UCI juot 22 ooaoado bolo U.. g-. but Slara. lord ...... rig lot bock ... goalo by Ber-oac1 Jai>a r ...... . UCIIIroci U. t,..r goalo u. U.. MOODd quarW to go cr.IMacl for good. P•.., C<uapl>oll, a tl>r-llm• AII·Amorica oac1 ,...._ ol U.. U.S. aoticaol tocrm IO< U.. laoi four r~ ahared mall: Yaluabl. a-with,.....,..,.. o·-. UCI'1 goolio, oacl Stoaloocl'o llorgoooo. O'B.io• blockoci 11 ol>ato on goal. "0 .8. had aa a.we1ome game," N_ewlOild taid. "He otoppocl ••orythiag ao aad lo ltop." 17·13 v=• olorlod," Olddlo,.. IIOid. Ott.ui•oly, U.. Scdlon roUocl on U.. loot ol lturt LoU.; 1M conlributodliolcl goalt ol '¥1 oacl 24 yardo. fU b!v 01\ll'go como, aoWOYor, with ~,05 loft Ia tho fourth whea Bill &owa wea.t over tackle DaYe Cadigan 'o take ll>o ol>ort-UYoci 13-10 lood. Fraak Roo loci tho clot-, which w01 going ClD. excellnt iob ol culliDv oti U.. lruilaa offeELM all aight uatil thelolt two mtaute1. 0Yerall, both tile offeDM aad defeue eaded tAil ..a.on with da. performance~ that brougat tho Newport Hor· bor football program hock into the r.wm oi top ClF competi· ti.on . "Fooll>aU at Newport .ol>cvld b. a. poel.ti.,. u;pen.zu:e," Gkl· clu.go oaid. "~ ol>avld 1M ablo to come and J)lar he,.1 bowU:t.a t.bay han a chaACe liD wiD. II ol>ould 1M ..... othu.g they caa look IO<WOrci lo, I bow I om. I nM<l thot dollar a year." BENSON & HEDGES • Only 6 mg yet rich COOUih to be called delux.e. Rqular lWI ~hoi. ~aboJ,t~ "'nint: The Syrgeon Generel H11 D111rminld 1'1111 Cia I,. S•llilall a..--10 Yu ,._h. • • • • bf Jell Math- Tho -ol 11>o Boo!moat Plaaa pool ia Loog Beaclt. remaiJled calm, uaaware of wl>at woo al>autto ,.._ 1'1-· For ll>o om :1.5 ..U.utoo oacl M MOODcio, tU Cor.... dol Nor oacl Newport Horbor -palo -luraoci ll>at orcllacrry boctr oJ water toto a war·Uke playground for two angry natioDa figllti.Dg for a oommoa goaL Ia ... ODd, 11-... CciM coaclt.et aad plareu wlt.o remai.a.ed ia tbat pool, em· braclag aad aoldlag aoado hlga, oiGDily!Dg u.. Soa ~ l>acl l>ooD orowaoci .. U.. lttl CD' Scuthora Soctloo 4-A water polo cboropiooo. It wca CdM'• Tom Temple w bo rlflocl U.. llaol goal pool Nowpo,; Horbor voolio Mlk• Hinae ju1t 6t ••conda iato oucldon cloatl> to g;.. U.. Soo ltla,.. their 9-8 Yictory, aacl....! boaci -ca loll Stit• bolo U.. water, .a-aad all. will> l>lolint cboropionol>ip. "lt wa1 ju.tt a 9reat IUgb ocboal wa.., polo garao," Sttoo laid. "Tbe iD'-ui.ty Wal UD• l>ollovablo." Ao lor Newport Harbor, U will a... to Millo lor oocoacl plooo hoAon for tlt.e MCODd year 1o a row. The Sailon were tA. o.aly t"""' lo boot tho Soalt""" dur· lag ... ........ oacl lt.old ... o\IJ'Ilhw oDe roalri»g gt:Gg bt.to CD' with a 24-3 OYWall r-.d, while CdM WCII ranked MOOad with a 28-l record. Tbe gome itHlf waa a tnLe cla•lc, wUlt. both tecuu U · caaagiDg goolo like lwc boaon eachaa9iug puD.che'l, yet neither team we~~ readr to go dow11.. Th ... two ri'falt alto prond that they were cleilDiWy .... -twa -Ia all ol crt. Neither team oouJd get aaor. taaD a 0 ... voallood all alga~ GO Newport'• Demel O'Doaaol loci thlago oil wtth tho lint oll>lotwc ~oolo Ia tho game. Cc!M'o ltick 5coll aDIWoroci rlgat baclr. 1o make it 1-1 lD the &.nt quarter. Tho battlo cc•tiouocilalo U.. MCOOci quarlor with tM $oo ltlogo golllag goalo -Eric Poulooo and T-plo. wl>llo tho Sallo,.' Art Joppo golll>o lint ol l>io twc. Tomplo ••'elaoci tho game with tin goal., wiUa .. gcrte him more thaD. 90 lor lh• -· ''Tlt.J. il withol.lt a doubt tM hlggool '""""' ol lllJ lilo," ... MDioo Tomplo oold. "I daa't mow way but I Juot bow wo were golDg to wta." Gaiav bolo .... lourth qu- DUNkiNG-AMI. c-h Jim T-jolnocl Cooch _, ...... (not ohown) In a ,...·c'->pionohlp dol,..,. aft« Clf final. tied ot ~$. it ...... U.0"Qlllt woWcl be UQp-1 jhh to lad a tit· tiQII oacilag to .... a PCitiQII vomo. Yot a goal floa Harbor' a Colla ,..,_ ...... Sellon Ia U.. looci,-'t ocil>r a goal from Povlaora to lie II 1-8. Grog LakoMJ ... u 7-6 Horbor, ....... r_. a&lppocl -~"-lo-llup. CdN 1 Demel lrMd-o, wbo aocl ...... tiocl .. ~-Mil all algal w111t. SodiGr .W.acioro fouldlag lu• wh•••~•r he toucUcl ... l>all. gol .... lint goal with U8 lo ga OD a opiD• alag o8ort ll>at gol lairD !roo to bullot -Ia U.. Ml lo oaakoll8· 7 Cc!M. With 40 -.81.11. aow .. or, O'Doaaaol gol -OpeD oacl _...j from pcial blaak r-• lo Mad tM Horbo< laoll ol tM crowd iato a elate of POD· <l.>oalum. Tile lollono bad o cl>aaoo lo WU. 1\ bvt doiODoi" olarldout Poulooa ,... 11>o l>all wjtJ. .. Y .. MCODCit left to MAd the game QQd MOIOil illtO ouclcioa cloatl> s>loJ<>II. on. QHAt4GE WITHIVUY IIA,K)RIIRVICI •11,.....,-lence Nl'flclng Porocheo and ...... excluol .. ly o ,...., tra!Mdln oil plleNI ol 111pal111 .,..._. • -~pickup and delivery • Opeftlelufdow• ~ .... " ....... ... ~ '! ' CUp & Save I • , I 141·1711 iOUIMef,IM --.. • u.. " ....... I UC lnin• cruahed the Uai""'*f oJ Alberta ill CJA ea· biWIMJD 9Glll•lc..t week, 107-57, to lau~aeb a n•w boak•t.boll eeaeoa CJt UCI. 1M AA'-at•n • .,. echedul· ed to meet Oregon Monday night CJt Anaheim Conv•ntion C.aw, aDd will hOlt the UDiver· aty of Scm Diego tollio ht at Crowiord Hall at 7:~ p.m. It i.e th• firat time in two aeaeou UCJ doe. not hav• an All·Am•rican in the pivot. Su~ ~•Yin MagM com- pw.d h.la eligibility teat year cm.d fa DOW with a proJe.ioJlGl t.am ill Ewope. by Nory Wavn•r "The boat waa built thrM yean ago to do the circuit.'' .end 8lll Palmer at he annouoced he will •nter hit tO-foot cuatom .&oop Shenaadoah iA the 1983 SouU.em Oc:ecm Racing Circuit (SORC) to be raced in Florida aad th"e Ba.bamaa in February. "We'Ye had a good 1982 and hope lD 1983 we'U do at weU,'' Palmez eaid. Tb.ia vezy eucc-tul wpper took fim in c• and that overall trophJI ill the St. Francia Yacht Club Big Boat S.ri• th.it year and fiDiabed tint and ~eeond in cloee iD th• Pon Am Clipper Cup Triangle Racee Sbencmdoah oJ.o won the Southern Ca.WornJa Ocean Rac- tng Championah.ip t!ut fall Palmer, who toila out oJ New- port Harbor Yacht Clu.b, alao eaid thot be ia negotiating to ' charter o Santa Crus 50 for the Newport-to-Cabo Son Lucae Race n•~t March "It'e going to be hard, though, to get off for the whole month of F•bruary for the SORC ond tho take part of March to race to N•x.ico," be ea&d w1tb a laugh Jtnowino th11 enthue1a1tic ICliloz I'm eure he'U do well 1n both evenll . . . 1f yo u really want to unpr"' and pleaM the yachteman 1n yow We, you m1ght cozwder giYing b.tm a Ken Gardiner ball- model of b.te boat for Chrlatmat You've •••n thee• beautiful mod•Ja mounted on the walla of eY•ry yacht club U.\ South•rn Colitorrua but probably didn't reali.ae that the maker w nght here in th.u. a rea TAle alatdag U.eup io the openhae wh•Ntloa game iA· clud4Ml Job ~ CJt CMtet, ju.aior cm.d t~at ... yecu *'* S..a ~ld cmd eroa.t. Jucl BeorcW.r, CJt bward, cmd IUAior Mike Lopea aad tra:uf• Georg• Twner CJt guard.. -~ .. ro .. n To7a T Sue and P•te Petw .. o of Lagu~aa Beocb are amOAg th• w.U-bowa ruaDar~ eu•ed eo far iA the fourth OD.Au.al Tofl f01 Tot. Benetlt ~ cmd 101: fUJll Sunday, Dec. 12 CJt the Nartoe ~ 1krtioo iA Tw&. A.nticipatiDg a f•w la.t-mi.nute buy•n, QcudiA., baa a few of the ltoc:k boata on bcmd aad will paint one to match your boat. You will be eu.rpriled ot bow r.a.onably they or• priced. For mor• information call Modele Elit•. 631-6767 or 842-9121. • • • Scott Mo.-on and cr•w from Newport Harbor Y acbt Club won the Newport area Matob Racing S.riet rec•ntly to qualify f01 th• Padfic Coc.t Mcrtch Rac- Ing Mriee in Lono Beach ill January. The winn•r oJ that event will qualify for the lOth alot ~n the pr..Ugiou. Co.ngr.-ional Cup Match Racing Chom- pioD.Ihip bOlted by the Long Beach Yacht Club in March. • • • Tbe N•wport Harbor Yacht Clu.b WiAter S.ri• No. 2 which 1.1 ecbeduled on the Nu•r Rac:- ang Colendar f01 th.it wMkend hat been poetponed until O.c. 11 -12. Locall Place In lurllaaN t Dylan Crouch of N•wporl I Beach placed fourth in the boye' divlaion of o National Scbolaatk Surfing A.-ociation mMt No• 1! 21 at Toney Pin• David Gid- dinge of Newport wat fouzth i.n I the Junior Diviaion and Bill I Sharp of Newport third ill the Kn .. rider Oivialon • • The c1ty of Catla.bad will boat a noVlce ~~• Board conteet Saturday, Dec l. Reg;.tratioo it S3 before Dec 8 or SS the day of the event. The Clty phone num.bez 1.1 438-SS74 TIM 12th cwaual w.a. Eaton In aatlooal BaMed:MID ToUllWI- m•nt opeu Tbu.rlday a:tt.noon at CrOll~ COGIIt College. The to~arn•y co.atlnu•• through Satwday evea.LDv (Dec. 4). Tick•ta, good foz a full day't action, are priced at S2 each. The tick•ta will be eold CJt the Petenon Gymnamum boa oftice throughout the to\li'GCUDul A ltrono eight-team field will oomprile thla year' 1 N1l. Eaton event, which ia the "grcmddad· dy" cd th• fiYe Orcmg• Couaty JC cage clOIII'OI. Two of the toumeye, b.Jd ot Scmta AAG aacl Cypr-colleg•, w .. U:aililatecl for th• firlt time lia yean ago. Th• Soddlebcd ODd OokMa W ••t tournament. wer• ia· augwat.d thrM yean ago. Tb.ia year'• Mile~ Eatou field illcludee thrM defend.i.ng OOG• fezenC. charnpiozw GAd two ooo- ference runnen-up. Th• eight- team field had a combiaed record of 144-93 laM year, for a . 608 wi.n..nino percentag•. n •• of the eight leoma bad reo01da of 500 oz better laat year. E.ntranta include Long Beoc:b City (27-4), Mt.Sa.n Antonio (21- 8). Imperial Vall•y (21 -10), Freuo (1 9-11 ), Sodd.lebock (1 9- ll), Orono• Coc.t (13.15), Ea.t Loa Angel• (13-17) and L.A. Southw..t (11 -17) Loug Beach w the d•feudiog Metropolitan Conference cham- pion, Saddleback tied f01 the Million Con.fezeuce crowa, and Mt. Son Antonio deadlocked for the South Coatt ConJ.,euce ti· tle. Freuo waa runnerup in the Central Valley Conference, and Imperial Valley fi.D.iabed MCOnd in the Foothill circuit. "It loou to me hke 1t'1 golllg to be a very etrono and balOAced held tbia year," eaye OCC coach Tandy Gillia "U I w.,• aaked to p ck a favorite, I'd ba .. to go with Saddleback. I baveu't ... n the Gaucboe yet. but I un- dentand they're loaded " Sadd.leback will be gunning for ita fourth Mil• Eaton crown 1n tu yean The Gouchoe won the tourney title m 1971. 1979 and 1980 Laet year O rang• COOII won the tltle, butllog Mt. Scm An- toruo in the championahip COD· t•t 75-48 Sadd.leback beat L.A. Southw•at 1n the third-place game, 87-70, It you· re h)\t~mg tur •' SNOOPY ,,,r \Omconc.: 'JlCC.:Ialm )''ur famtl). 'hlP l(l(lktng. He\ nght here at Knon\ Mcrr) Farm. mg 'iN<X>PY ' S nc" h,)hJa) II.'C: '~· ··Jt\ a ~1g-Gonl' GuuJ Chr"trna.," (\lpcn' lX~ocmber 18th ) Then. let the: k1d' ~hat \\llh Santa. anytime betwcc:n Noon anJ 8:30PM. (thru December 231'\1} • Now. JU"t an umc for Chmuna.,. '-"C ha~c: unc uf the fine'' 'clc('tl\m' of SNOOPY and BELL Plu'h Doll and toy' "' be found arty· wh.:rc m outhcrn Cahfomta And. tt'k:re·~ a whulc ~ onmcnt of llreat Cl\\tu~ for each of thc.'c cuddl) d(lll to wear. e pecially created b) DETERMIN 0 PROD CTlONS. lNC Whtle )Ou'rc here . plan on \CC- • SNOOPY mc:r~hand•~ ava&labk o uhidt the Parl.. IU Vi'iinsa·, G1ft h(lp and Orand A~we. Toy Shup. IMtdc the Park at To) Aile)/ Maa1c Shop. • 32 holidoty gift 'hop' to find tml\C ,pccaal Christnw &ift~ • M~t ~r credit card' accepted. Newporl Eu...ign/Colta Meea N..-./Im..oe Today. Dec-nb-l. l-hp I TA by AD.nette Wat.oo The day after Tbcmbgiviog lligD..lfied th• ~ oJ the holiday eeaeon cmd nowbez• wa. i1 m01• eVldut than at South CO<IIl Plaaa. D•pit• the economy, deqnte th• b.iQh uuemployment rate, South Cocm Plcu.o'• park.illg lota wee packed Friday oo aU four ~ -from Bear to Brilto1 and from Sun.Oowez to the frMway I A. the wind created a blue, clecu aky. Saddleback waa ab1• to abow o8 in a oart blue gr•y thot captured anention from chiY•n, jogger• and walk•r• from milea arouud, with the San Gabriel Nountai.Da eunound.i.ng 1t lD the boc::kgrouod. luide the mall, the food COD• c.llon~ were filled with people r..ti.Dg from the taak of CJIMIDbl· lllg Chriatmaa for theu lOYed OD ... Te•nagen bultled along lide by Dele eagerly diecu..i.ng tbeir tremendoua holiday wiab•. Toddlere eith., alept in their etrollere noncha1ant1 y obliviou. to their enviroD.I or wailed at baYing reached the eaturation point Cbildreu gallantly clutched tbe etrillge of their bellum-filled Chri.ltmae ba.lloone and theu parenta Juggl-1 ed package• frcxn arm to a nn I'm not eboc:ked by the impen- chAg immediacy of the bohday MQ80n'e ani•al I only took ball a roU of film of tbe cut••t children playing wtth eample toya and after I got home I rea1iaed I chdn't have aoy blm m tbe camero So . eorry Robby, Ra m o n a , Amber and C brietopher SmHb, L11 aod Phillip Boneeon, Jamie Ruben and J..a• May•. Recden, take my word, tho•• were the awMt•t, molt pab•nt people I've met ~n a long tune . . . Two veTy 1pec1al and very d.ill•rent feaata took place the day before Than.Ug:iVlDg Billie Harvey'• londergarteo clau from N•wport He1ght. Elem•ntary School .pent the mornillg at th• Eo vuonme11tal Nature Ceoter a od enJoyed tour• arouud the pcnk at well ae a fea.t of natural foodl a nd a talk by Betty Hoqg on the luatory of the North American wild twkey and why 1t bat become aaaoaated wtth TbaubglVlllg The c btldren fea1ted on raim.nt, nuta, popcorn, uail nu.a, banana cbipe, cornbread a nd a pple JWCe ·n. chil.dreo really ..,ated ... lDg tbe CJUhulul __. '1116 ala faUea lea¥• cmd tM ~ of the bczr...e tiae ...... Cllll!t the chilcl.ra gaY. tbaab -Clll of the b' r zdDQIII U..,. hod r.-.- ed all year, •• eaid Nn ~. The rOOIIl mother. ~ the belpi.og belld. cmd ~· tatioo for thia fo~ a.aaaal event They were Db N.U., Gerry F•rgu.aon, M:n. S•t}g:r~ a11d Gaye McDwcnD. A w h o le tr a ditao nol Tban.bg1v~no chnoer W08 aened to the duldreo and theil parentll from the A.i.etance League of Newport Beoc:h'e Day Care Ceot•r ~n Colla Me.~. The cb.tldreo made c:rcmbeny eauce, pumpk1n br•ad and decoraboD.I for thla big 5th Aa· nual ThanbgiVlAg celebratioA. koutPack-• ADer-7 Cub Scout Pack 302 ol C.O. Meea'e St. Johu the BcrptiM School held a Plnewood O.by Race at 1t. November Pack mMti.nQ John leaou.eky WOJl fint plooa W1th Jeff Kuhn ~eeond cmd Joba Ch.itolm third . I I I &ataacla Adobe Openlatu.day The Hittoncal Soc&ety will bolt a 1pec1al Chritbnat open hoUM at the Eetaocia Adobe Saturday• from 12 30 p m to 4 pm The regular eecond and fourth Sunday open houte~ will contmue, too A natlVlty -cene and p~nCJta will be among the bohdcry decoratlont The Adobe ia located at 1900 Adama. Colla Meeo Nt>wport (hnsllan s~h..>ols Will pr~nl rtwer annual ··~te ~ ~ .. 1 F~sll\ at •'' (hnsam.u • T U<Nday . Dtc 7 at 7 p.m. Tlw tehoo''t choln and on·t.•,ar,u w1ll ~·->mbuw to p~nl thf'ft hAlf-hour cone~• un- ~r 1 ht' dtrl· "''" ,)I J~sH \Vh1tttnaton and Don Riot•• Thtt ~ar's lt>al u"'d dr,un,,. unlk>r tlw d~r.ctton of kr~ttlne R"nwro. will be (harles C'1l""l'''s A. (hnsrmas ( ar~:· weth ~rformancn at 7-lO and 8 3<.' m tht' ~"""'ds1um T1ck~t donations a~ Sl SO ~ach and ma\ bt> •"blault"\l thr ... 'ullh tlw school at Ill W. ISth St .. ~wpon Rud ' Discover the checkbook that max never run out of money. The Beneficial Reserve Credit Account with Triple-A Checking. ""'''" ( .thfPn\1,1 h<•II~'•IIAIIC.'I' '-.ur t.tkc: .l(h .mt.1~r 1 t1 th~.· lk n dtl'l.tl lk-.c!f\ ~ ( rc:dll \-.PUll I \l.tth Tnpk ·\ CIK.·" ~ ~~~~ \prl~ 0\M l\1r '-J'h IP II\ IIIli ponam thmg' llll" /''"' ~"·' P'-'N.lOJh/t'd T npk \ ~ . .&n" ~.·he'-"~' .1 hOl' nt ~.rnlll I \If \IO.lO.l. \~tl.t'UI, •r ll't(lr\.· 1\1 drJIA \Ill Jll\ llll'k' .1m" ~r\·. lor" h..ih:\1.'1 '1111 purt.tnl h') I 'Ill OOl r \ IIU hj\l them, ttwn: \ rn' llliCrl''' '-h..tr~1.. until''~ U"< lhcn1 'wu lll.J\ ncwr h. I\ t: h 1 .appl\ '•'I .1 (,t.Jil ..&~<till l'M aMhantaal" ~a~ Pft-&pprowd crtdit lhw. l'bc Bcnetl\.a.tl Re-.cr-.d r\'\.111 A~o:c.:uunt ofl(r. '' lll llht.ult ..... ... ('-'~ ''' fumb tar gn:..&t~r th.tn ..&\all able un 1114."-l nmwn111 '11.11 '-ralat hne1> Thar \c:'fll'l.all' Important ll'lam1hc' "uh m.t.Jor c:aptt.ll,'llltl..&)' 1 '"'tl4..- hurv<'>n Wnh Tnplc A\ h<.·~. '' th\."1\." tl> ll(l mm1mum ~r ~.-~,' \1 'II c:an wnte adlCXk 11.1 Sltl,,r SIO.<XX>. up tu }OUI .. ~at lmut 1b take can: (l( 1u1tttm payment.\ a.\ the)' comr up Make Ul~tmrnt' Puf\ h:bc .t car Bwld on to \our hnmr And bec~·you ha\-e .. ca..-.b on hand:· you· re an tl'k· mosl advant.daeou' J"~IUOO k, neJOClale an)' unptli'Wlt ~ha.~ 1dt>.al fur "Mik•un .. PI'~ nwnl,. l ~· '• •ur •knell~ 1.al R'-·~·r-, 1 rl·J11 \~.~~'lllll "' ,1111 \nur '~"'' 1.alhn.111~ 1.11 !"""''""' '''" l.lll U-.c; II h> lll\.'1.'1 ,1 ~..IJI'"'Il P•" nll·nt -\I r\'.t"''n.thk r Jll'' '''u '-.m lll.jllld.all' pn: .... ·nt 1 'lll,l.tndmg h.&l.lllH"' .ulll 11f ll'n ll'lllc.." .aiA.t\ v.1 th .t ''"~k ll'klR!hh p.1~ nlt·nt l''"\:r lh.ul 11 lt.tl ''lllll.t\ h 'r \PUr pn.'-.cnl p.!)lllc:nl\ \\1\J II h.t\1.' It~ lk'\11'l1hl\ II• ""lln'l Hl\lr '"'"'.t'h tl''" ''' n'le."et l han~m~ rcqu1retnenh It Hl\l like \I)U c.:an e'en prott'lt wur.eit .tnd wur famal) "''th 'f't'" s.al (r-Nu tn\UJalli.C 'u ~~tpplkahon ft't'. 'opuenl,. \\ 1th ', •ur B~.nt"ttll..tl K,· .... ·n '- l lnht \,l•'\1111 \1'1Up.l\ 111• .tpph~.tlll'll In"' 1"''"'' I hc:rc: ' 011 h.1l k•. •n p.t\ n~·111 .11 th<.· l'lld '' • 11111111lUI1l hn.tr'll. ,. ~ h.tr~l 'I • pH'P•-" mc:nl f'"l\~h\ \t'l\1 Ill'~ h..tl~\ IPI tl~· dll'l "' '••u u-.c "''-'"11pl\ .111.1 thl· .ulk•unl 11 '''lll •'lii,I.H~.hn~ ~.tl..tl'lll I h\.·rl· '.til llltll,t Pl.u l•,!ftl\.lp,tlhlll 1\.'l." t>f f' I l>f \IIIII llll.ll ~fl'dlllllk:llll.t\ \-lt'llh mJ .II\ snnu.tl k\." 1 •f \' • 11 k' dt"PI-"Il(hll~ Uf" lfl \I 'Ill ~.11,111\ l" t 'or tht' timmcialh -.ophi.,tirollt'd (, ·' Kl·~nt·<"n·du \ll"un• f·•l ,·H·r\•llll' '(\:llllllt'l\ rllll Hut II I' .t \H"k • •II 1\. ~·n Ill .lf'Jlr\'\ I .lll'd ~' ttw m.t1' •du,tl "'h.1 f\.'l\l~lllll'' tht·u~·tulnl'" nllll ,l,lllf ,Ito.\\."'' hI 'Ut"l.lnll.tl lunJ, .&H.-hour ~nk't . \ 1'1t1•r ,.til \11\lr nc.tn''' Bene ''"'·'''""l'l.' "''.til~~ lk·t • .ul' -\ppl\ h~J\ ~j lA~ l.ln U\U .til\ h.t'C an .tn'"'<'r '''r \I'll! m ~h. lUI" At Beneficial, you're~. ·---,., Benettclal Finance Co . of Central California Costa Mtsa, 1888 Harbor Blvd ................ 646-1----.,. H Ct._ Harbor at Wilson Costa Mesa 646-5021 BOY'S NOW MIN'8 ALL·COnON ~OX• HIRT SALE 14. ..... 111. The 1111-ootton fox ahlt1 hU 2·but1on ~ Men'a lizM·ANL coklrl KIVEST 7. 'Z/.1 ,.al!lll. ,.. Wl tM m«Gge II • ,_.. 'n.. ••diaa age had •appall ,._. 33.7 yean to 22 ,.... ft. ..... Qge (IMit &._q,a•t age ol .... ) • 11 ,.... I.aae tall I 1k al• coaapiaed 50.3 peroellt ol OCC'a 33,&. .... papa•' a# • ftM iall48.9 perceat of occ·. 31 ,800 ....._aretaaalea From aa ~ lb:idpomt, OCC'e whl .. (aoa·IUapcuuc) ~ .......... &om 71.8 I*'C ... Oi tM lhadeat pop- Qlatloa to 75.5. The ~W.~lll-=t:: ~=4cto= ....,. lec:r...ect boaa 5.9 .... ceettoU~. n.. ~of ..... earolled la occGpatloaal pr~ jQJDped &aD 'Z/.2 to 29.5 peroeat, wl.ile lhacleall plcmnieg to trCIPIIIr to bar-year ialllita"--ba...ci&aa30.1to 23.7 J*OU1. F\ID-tlae llbldeM. earollecl ill 12 or more wait~. jumped from 25.3 to 27.2 perceat of the total popu)atioa. "Without a doul:lt, middle- age, wlme t.mal.a CQIIlllrilecl the largeat Mgmeat of tM COlD• pu.a popWati,oa t)wd WGI afAectecl by tM ccmoeDed clc ... .. ICIId Nell N . Woodward, OCC'a a11oclate deaa of progrcua de ....... t . "TJ.e fact that we lOll large awahen ol them ~ ~ la U. n••• n'• lhadeat populo. tloa lkltW~ce. The 10a1 hal had em illllpcx:t oa aY.-age lhldeat age, male/'-aale ratio, etiWc bNalldowa. cmd ~ oi 'geaeral illter•' ltudeatl.' Woodward · eaya mOlt of the womea ..,. r .. atry ltudealll, back ill echool after a meuk ill theU eclGcotioual car..,._ "Ncmy were h .. , I'm .we, to get the 'eea lege' cmd acllut oace agaill to aD acodemlo u- •hoameat. No a y were diYOrceea, or motllen wJ.o. ....... ... ~ ft.y 't ·-taJdlle ~ la-ter .. t' co1u1 ... Naay had *-ted trcdalao b oareen. aad c6ea wen begt•etag wock oa college c~egr ... •• Will tlwt lihad•ta wbo ._.e lclt tiU. lall doe to tM cutl bouDCe bock to occ ill the fgtue? "That'• cWficWt to eay, we'll haYe to wait a ad eee.'' Woodward 1C1J1. "Some will DO doubt come bock to OCC ill futv. ........ ; oth.. may choo•• to go to other eclliCCitloeal illltihatlou. .. • • K.C. I +lt~~ /HOP 1JOO HutMir IW. • Hut. c .... I \IH•I ~r 'it Lt.CTI~~f~~~ttdftZNOECOUNTY OPt N t VfNINOS UNDAY TO SERVE YOU SAVINGS GALORE ON YOUR FAVORITE LEVt'l, JIAN8' AND MUCH MOREJ tiJ "' w gl tll c c 0 s tll b • Cll R Dl til fc u ei L Jc s }It t ' L " G J• d a I a I a }I a a s }I ~ J· ( I' a ( Cl f a ( ~ c: .. ~ 1 ~ I ( by Dloa von Burver No..co.,ered twa~» reflec· tiDQ on clear be'feled m.irrora aunounded br an anay of roe., U.W.., orchid., boby'• breath, gr•u <md 'lOti•• C<lDCll• were tlle eenterpiec• created by Chri• Lindeay for National Charity League'• annual Debutante Boll Saturday at the South COCIIt PJ.cJ.a Hotel. The focal pomt WOI, of COW'M, th. ballroom llage, which woe bcmked by bcUI tr... .trung with tiny twiDkling white light. and baUeta of peach begoni<I.I. Richard Paul•y called the 1 nom• of each debutante, and th•y were met by their fathera for the traditioDCl St. Jam• Bow, the promenad• and the walta Debukm._, their parenta and eecorta were: Sutan Alford, LeAnn and Ted Alford and Jonathan Font; Canie Conway, Sue and Ed Conway and Michael Shepc:Jldeon, Jennifer Oail, &ubara and Bob DaU and William Uoyd; O.borah Ferber, LoDDie aDd Larry Ferber and V<IDee Thompeon; LouiN Frova, Ginny and Carl Grova and Jam• Law.on; Carolyn Had· do•, Jaclde and O.ne Haddox and John Layman, Cyntlua ~endall, Carol cmd Bob Kandall and Charlet Steele, Sutan Kuhn, Jackie and Paul Kuhn <10d S .. ven Inch; ltarin Leckie, Maryanne and Bernard Leckie and Travil Culwell. Al80 Coll .. n . Malone, patty and Louil Malone and Davtd Schweitaer, M•U.O McClarty Martha and John McClarty and WUllam Hartford, Tracy Miller. Jecm•tte and John Miller and Chriltopher Cooney, Heather Niblo, Cynthia and Derek Ntblo and Stzohe LaCrolZ, Gretchen o.lb, Joan and Herb O.Ute and ~ Laudenboch, Kelly Rabb&tt. Mary and Le19h Ra bbttt cmd Thomae LaGrandeur And Suean Ro•, Carolyn a nd Gene Rou and D o n ald McM .. kin, Lola May Tharpe Sm.itb, Barbara and Don Tharpe Smith and WU.On WetMnberg, Traci Sllllth, Jackie and Hob1e Smith and Craig Smtth, and Irene Turner, Celia and Clarence Turner and Matthew TRIUMPHANT N~w York detlsrwr Bob Mackte ta~es a bl)w O'Toole lust a lew of the fanulv tnendt who attended were the Walter Koch., Jean a nd Doug Leichty, Nell and Ernest Hin.thaw, Loia a nd Oavtd Tingler, Gerry (Ball Dtrector} and Henry Winthrop; Joanna and Dom Blamquiat, Bonrue a nd Gerald McClellan, the R1c ha rd Reed•. Bobbie (Prelldent of NCL) and George Ge1gele, )odle a nd hm Capreta, Cectua and Br uce Nott and Pen· ny a nd Paul McManigal f oUowtng the ball. parent. 1D a ddtbon feted theu daughtere and eecoriJ wtth a delightful btunc h 1n o ne of the hoteliUit• The Rue St Honore falbou.rg hot amved tn f ashion ltlandl 1 The red carpet and a Le Bn.tol type doorman QrHted gu..ta before they pa•ed through the leaded gl<DI portola of Amen Wordy's new aalon The o mbtance of Amen's boutique reeembles the elegant french aalona of the 19201 lD· clud 1ng patnhngs fro m the penod and .ome spectacular ac· cout rement tha t only enhanc• the c-outure from over 1•0 of the top tnternabonal de11gner1 Bob Mockte pretented hta hondsome new collecbon M · qumed q owns tn lutc1oua shad• of peac h and mauv e . a dehruhve Lalln tnfluence follow· tnQ the ttad.Jbonal coetume f.rom the atatea of MeJuco and a f .. }. tnQ of the 20a and the '301 tronaloted toto moder n·da y elegance et Oranet> (l)unty Tr•uma Soc iety's dlnrwr auction tn· eluded (l ·R) Mu Hayt-s. Jl)hn West Jack Klusman •nd Ro~rt G~twm There are flonsts and then there 1s 641 -0810 • Stone Mtll Busmess Park 2915 Red Hill Ave • Costa tv1esd 645~8431 C111tona Printed SpQrtswear ~ ' \ ) Gu.ta carne from New York, Texae, Beverly Hilll and, of COW'M, Orono• County to at· tend the preview opening The ladi• were •pecl<llly del.i.ghted with the avant garde ae were the men Iince Amen baemtroduced a new Mdion for the gentlemen Following a tou.r of tlle 20,CXX>· 1quare-foot .. tablithment, gu..ta proceeded to a tented area where Bill Dllcen.ao of La Cw.ine prepared an attracbve and appeti~ing e1ght·courae meal Paa•ll But the f..Uvib• did not end Saturday night! On Sunday, Amen abo bo1ted a brunch followed by a prevtew of Oecar de la Renta'• spectacular new collecbon and later that 10me day m the afternoon a coclttau reception Some of the ele<,Jantly-attued gu .. ta were Ell.eabeth Fauchild, the Randall Pr..teys, the Enc Jacluont, the Alec John10nt, Joan and Harry Karlten, Ma ry Lou Albert, Ahce Bourgeau Maua Crutc her , Ka thryn Thompeon, the Oavtd Kellya, the Hant Loren.u, Melinda and Anthony Moiso, Nancy a nd Anthony Otting, the George Pfiegen, Pat and Alan Rypinak1, the Earle Crmgs, Donna a nd Lance Blue, GlDDer and George Otchner, Jax. and Anthony Vttb Lo1.1 and Bob Hard•ty. the Ken Reafanydert, the Robert GraniJ, the hm Gra ya, Mra Jo hn Lavelle, the William Lyona, the Harry Marbndale•. Lo1.1 and Larry S.wa ck, Joyce and John Connell, Nora a nd Charles Hetter, Lucy and Jorge Luhan a nd membeu of the Wordy la mtly -Mr and Mn Amen AMEN WAROY. who l)~ned tpect•cul•r F•thton Th\~mpsl)n and rat lhpmtk.t l~fn Island bouttque wtth lavtsh party and fasht.m sh~'w gets a standtn~ ~l'V cllt\Hl Wtm hlrn ar~ ~athrvn ''•" """'~ b• >•~ ~ ~; . ,.._ Sr Amen Ill, Joanne Jean Paul and Solfta A little over a year a nd o-haU JQO John Weat enhated the wd of doctors from throughout the county to form a support group to combat LDJUO" r"ulbng from car ace1denta The proJect of the Ora nge County Trauma Soetety 1.1 enbtled 'Baby s f n st R1de wherein 1n fants are suppued wlth the proper car •eat• Recently OCTS had 1ta M · c-und annual dinner oucbon at the South Coaat Plaza Honorary ~o c hwrmen a nd co aucboneera were Robert GugQenhe lm and luck Kluqman of · O u1n cy Due to the efforts of these two very personable Qentle men. the .... DEBS (first row. l Rl Grt>td wn C\tlke. Heatlwr Nlblo. ~f'llua \1C'C iarh S«ond row Susan Alt'-"rd. knntft>r Dall, lolo1 Smith. SuNn kuhn. k ll" R.tbbttt. Hurd r\.lW Ire~ Tu rner. (ynthea kend.lll. Tract Smtih. (..,llf"t'n ~•lotW. Dtborah h>~·r f\lurth rtJw (arrtt> (onwav Susan Rcu ~ann 350 QUests r •tpo nd e d overwhelmmQly 1n support ol OCTS cous Some of the qu•eta seen were Phyllu and Lrnry A9ran Sue lJn d Peter A nders on the M1tche ll Austtns Do rothy and Rudy Baldont, Ma u a n a nd , Garth Bergeeon Sue and Pat B1.1bop, }an Cahle the WUbam Cooka Cec tuo and William C rary Betty a nd Jam• Cro.by, lleane and Nlck Doohn, Re:a Ehhng, Shuley a nd Roland Jan· dron, Pat Keadnca a.nd the Stephen ltotflera lf'ck~. T rae.,. ~tllt'r ( ·H•'" n Ha dd._,, lout~ Fr\.l\14 f '"'U ~5\..'\\f ' . '·'''· "'.1 l~,·r l' HIS anJ ~-~~ l...t Bur~tt" coner•tulo1tlng ;l!tl/11'11 'IYNj ~ f . ~,1 ·,' f I I 't/ R ... •~ \\a," , • ,, '"' , ,•11.•, ''•'n ,. .. ' -------- F A s H I 0 N s B y c l A u 0 I 0 T A Q I N I ' I ~ww ....... It .. Cl bhkMt ---u. pca•s'sd Ia Newport Beach w..,. Aea'vt ~ odd~. A.-Wardy opeaed 1a» uw ... at • r..wo. Wad-11.-ooo 1111· iset of ...... laUioa ~•'• peds~ iachadecl a black tie gala lor tM ..... hom oc:ra. tM ooutry pbaa New York dadp .. Bob Naclde cmd JM.ttll lAiMI AND two lA· ~ pcartM. Suda,. lob Naolde'e clieat 1i.t reade like a Wlao'a Who of th. mo.t bentiNl cmd glaaacxo\lltr en.. eel woaea, Clad 10 did Amea Wardy'a g\Mit JiM~. J~ Leiber, who deaigu .. , ODM-cJ·ki.Dd bage cmd behl for W. .,., .aid ''TMI Juclith Leiber Gallery il the largwt ia U.. world. cmd th. JDOil beautiful.'' She wae ac:com· paDied br h• hu.bcmd, Gue Le6bw, the lint artilt to ahow ia the Amen WCild, Art Gallery. n. ~· wtD ben-• QD ••• paaded aboe aaloD of tiDe ahoee free Ameriecm aDd Europecm delipen, ~ from Noude Frison to Stuart W eitaman. There' 1 a Dew boutique of fc-hloaa made eepeoially for Am• Wazdy ia Europe with prioel from llSO up. Tbe entire Otccu de la ReDta Holidar CoUect6oD wae 1A Uae •*• o.w the ..Mead aDd wtl1 be follow· eel by peraonal appearcmcea by Geo!&ey Beene ODd Caroliaa HertCilCI. TlUa ltole will be the place to '" the newHt and b•t of ~ RESORT DRESS for anywhere. anytenw. by Bob Mack~. faa!Uoa, Am.ric<m or Euorpecm, for both mu aDd womea. The mu'alhop il at one eDd of the bWld.iAg cmd the Amu Wcudy becnatr ealon oa the other, with the Arl GaJlwr, Judith Leiber Gallery and ahoe aalon in between. For Bob Mackie, it wae retw· Ding home. A natin CaWoriLicm who ha. won four Emmy Award. and thr .. Academr Award nomiDatiou for coetwn• d..tgn, Mackie pr-nted hie pr.zliere collection for Holiday 1982, iD· eluding dartim• wear but with a heaYJ emphalia oD late after. noon through evelU.Dg cloth•. "I've alWCIJ'I wODtecl to deaign a r-t·w collection", eaid the mOD who recei'fed hie trainiag at ChouiDard Art Iutitute iD Loa Angel• ODd begOD hie career aa a e.ketch cuu.t lor )eaD Louie, "U'a a dream come true!" After working on Mveral filma with Louie, Mackie went to work for Edith Head at PazamouDt and iD 1963 Ray AghayOD choee him to be hie CDII.Itant oD the Judy Gcabad W..WO. .a.o.. T1aea, for 11 rean, he waa COitu.IM cJ.Igaer foe u.. Carol lharMet Sbow . .AAd thu. ill 1'¥11 the Soaar 6 Ch• Comecb Hour tWM&Md oa CBS-TV cmcl wbo 0<1a forget the ••aacdioaal d..t.gu Mackie ~eated for Cber? He '-the oalr deeiga• to ha.e woa ' Emmr Awarde, =d hCII beea aOIDiaated b 10 more. ADd ill lulr of thia .,.ar, Mackie WCII YOt.ci the "NoM Creati .. Faa!Uoa D.igur'' ill America br the readen of US ~M . You would feel like o *r wearlag 1u. llW ODe ~ black aad .Unc h.oded ..,..w.g ct.re. with .. elit aad curYed hemli.ae, eepeciallr U rou carried hie eequiaed tulle "IWIUDer fur" pow wrap cmd, of couree, a Judith Leiber eyeal.llg bog. Or be dapliag dwbag the holidaY' ia h'-two-touc:l tur· quoiN bugle beaded gOWD with the pluagiag wrap back azad full cuffed ........ It' 1 the Dew Bob Mackie ltale- meDt iD black aDd wbi.. that probably earud him the "mo.t creotive" title. A black rayoa crepe gown with a alight back trai.Jl ia CODtra.ied with a wbi• lilk madeira hODd·embroidwed bolero jack.et feauring cut-out detaila. A reeort faahiOD that goee ODJWb.er• ia Mackie'• crilp wl.it. lilleD aDd cottoa bled a:moc:.k dr-with buttoa froDt. The tucked yoke ahowder ~d• iDto billowy U..v• with buttoD cuffl aDd a wrap eaah. Our favorite il b.ia "South of the Border" red matte jeney jwnp- auit aDd the colorful qu.Ut.d cot· toD reverlible fiDgertip coat with ehort ataDd·away al .. v ... -------------------------F a moue fa c ee , UNESTO'S BAYSmE Cutahae Batraordlnafre Announces fabuloue faahioD -you eaw it all at AmeD Was· dy'e new FCIIhiOD IalaDd etore th'-Thanbgiving w"kend. Amelio LoW. BoD~. wa. wed receady tD S..... limy Stabler in a caaclleUg~t oenatODJ at tM ~ RDoia cal the Bn.lr HWa HaW. Mn. S4abler ......... ol the bODOrable Joespa. R. ... . Couu.l a....al of S....,al ad ownet of the Forty Canoe. Re.taurCUlt ill South COCIIt Plam. H. '-a aacQol ooatributoc to tM Orcmg. County~ Alta Cuw. He il cbainaaa of tM board of ~ldoa latwJaaMoaal lac. cmd OWD• of tAe ~ Park apcu1m .. t protect ia ""'-· llide. Mu. Stabler u a USC graduate cmd majorecllla Bba. The groom la a UCLA graduate aad rec:eWed a degne ill law from Loyola ~. He 18 DOW lA pri'fale pr~ n. groom'• ~. J~ Stabler, 18 a partaw ill Nodclolr aad Stabler GeD.ral CoDtroc- ton. Sayde•Weda llalpNtaiNie7 WWiam Uorci Snrc:ler, eoD of Mr. aDd Mn. Roberl Jam• Gunkel and tAelate Dr. William Seydel of Newport Beach, WCII wed Oct. 33 to Margaret Mary Bireley ia Wflmett., m. The bride 18 the cicNghter of Mr. ODd lwfn. John JireleJ of WUmet'e aDd graduated from Marquette Umenity College of Nuniag ill 1976. The groom attended the UD.ivenity of ANona ODd Scm Diego. aue•, •UJ711 Terri LyDD Baker of Bolboa leland and Robert AathoDJ Suryn of Co.ta M_, plan o eorly January wedding at St. Andrew'• PreebyteriaD Chwch. Baker baa a B.A. cmd M.S. degr"' iD epMCh ODd laaguoge patbolOQY front the UlliYenity of RedlODda a nd il emplored by the Newport Meea aad lmn• Unified School Diatricta. Swyn, lOA of Mr. aDd Mn. The Wedding of Haute CUJsme Wlth Haute Couture Presenting Thoee who attezaded the pre·opellillg parti• will aurely be talkiDg about them for a long time to come. Robert SurJD of St. LoW., No. graduated from SouthWll IlliDoia lD ac:couzating and il employed aa a CPA by the fluor Corpora· tioD MR. ~NO MRS. WU~Wn Uoyd Sn~ Hobday Fashions Created By Janel! Berti Orange County's Exatmg New Des1gner Wednesdays. December I , 8. 15 1 00 · 2 30 O 'Cic-cl< ~ BA'fmE 333 Bayside Dnve. Newport r.eoch For Luncheon Reservatl\)n~ Call <71 4 l 673 /7 "33 • K.C:J -tt~u.~~ /HOP presents Sebastian Miniatures A merlca'.J Foremost CollectiblesSinct 1938 First Day or Fall You arc cordiaiJy invi ted to meet Woody Baston and Or. Olenn Johnaon. They will bo here Monday, Doc. 6, rrom II a.m. to 2 p.m. to auitt MW <JOIIecton and •~t.benUcale and appraile old SebutainJ. Then wiU be a lec:tur. at I p.m. on bow to c:oU.:t thcic rara fituri• . • . ·/ +~~ I 2300 Harbor Blvd., Hatbor Center, COMa M111 ~..-.-M1.... ..._1 _,... ... ,... .. ..... DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS WITH A "TVIIKEY''? Thai seems to be what you hod 1n a singles bar. If ttus doesn'l look lake the way you want to spend your Hohday Season. caD us' Were Great Expe«:catiorw and our membcB haw found a safe . .ane way to meet quality. commatmenl manded sul91e people Our W\IQ..- c;ombtnahOn ol \lldeo-dabng. a<: II\/ lbU, tnps and temmars will help you gRI on the road to meet1ng the ~~ ktnd of person to spend the Holld.ys W'lth TMt -.y the Turkey can be on the taW.. not litd• ne•1 to you. SILVER o PEWTER o TANKARDS BOWLS GOBLETS BABY CUPS PICTURE FRAMES MONEY CliPS FlASKS JEWELRY KEYRIN6S CHARMS FOR CALL OUR PROFESSIONAL ST~FF NIWPOIIT~ PACE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 404 WESTMINSTER 12. NPT BE~CH (behind le INrr.U) BY APPOfNTMENT 1 G-6 Art .... , .... , ...... , ..... , .... .._..,_ ...,..,....,.. ot Children. land. Rowen and Of The SM." Ia therM ot exhibition benefitting Alben Sitton Home tor Children. Reception will be held 4-10 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4 at Pomeroy Gallery of Fine Art, 5651 Lincoln Av. .. Suite A. Cypren. Exhibition through Dec. 18. duatrl•. R ... rvatlons and lnformtlon: 547· 8301 . lortppa C oU•t• Networking group will hold mwtJng Thura- day. Dec. 2 at the home of Sally Reynolds In Newport Beach. Call Hlroko Ogata. 752- 2 187 for r ... rvat1ons . Newoomer•a Club ot lr· vine will hold a cham- pagne brunch 1 1 a.m Sunday. Dec. 12 at Orange H i lls Restaurant In Orange Entertainment. Reser- vations are S 12.50 deadline Is Dec 3 Contact lois McKissick. 552-6378 or Marjorie Haskins. 832· 2438. Woody a..ton and Or H..ath care 1n lrvme 1s Glenn S Johnson. tOpiC t or Sen 1or sculptor and author. Citizens Council 9.30 will appear at a Sebaa-1 a.m. Friday. Dec. 3 at tlan collector's event 1 1 the Senior Center 1n lr- a.m.-2 p.m Monday. vine. p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4 at Mesa Verde lear- ning Canter. Coata Mesa Sponaorad by Coastline Community College. $12 reglatra- tlon fee; contact ae3- 0811 . "lxpreaalne Youraelt Through The Language of Clotntera," worklhop by Betty Nethery, will teach eNectlva uae of style, line and design to flatter or build the figure. and psychology of color in wardrobe selection. lt'a 9 a.m.-5 p m. Saturday. Dec 4 at Robtnwood learning Center. (McFadden and Bolsa Chlca). Hun-' ungton Beach. Fee Ia $35. Register: 963- 0811 Rep. Bob hdham will d1scuss federal tsauea 7 30 a m Friday, Dec. 3 at the Balboa Bay Club. T ic kets are $10. ava1lable through New- port Har bor Area Ch amber of Commerce Dec 6 at KC 'a Hallmark, 2300 Harbor. Coat a Mesa Free Collector• will have OP· portunlty to have purchaaes signed by the artist and old Sebastian·• may be ap· I "What Ia Propoeltioft I?" and how It affects the bar and courts will praiMd. Free. VletNMfteaa art will be on exhibit Dec. 4-Jan 30 at Bowera Museum. The aattMNI ~••"""' tv•• 2002 Main StrHt. San-.._, ...,...., ,,77, ~»r "-"- ta Ana "Buckskin and 1 LMnen. Beads· Aeathetlcs of A.plha Phl Alumnae the Great lakes and Association or South Plama·· opens Friday. Orange County mv1tes Dec 10. cont1nues members to JOin 1n a through Sunday, Jan 8 cruise of Newport Har- at the muaeum. 1 bor during the Festival be d iSCUISad 8 30 1 am -12 30 p.m. Satur- 1 day . Dec -4 at Saddleback Inn. 1660 E F~rst Street. Santa Ana OC BA. members $30 non-members $50 1 of lights 8 p m Mon- _......_ .... of Coaat 1 day. Dec 20 Reser- M.aa will exhibit her vat1ons Nancy Water- work• along with other 1 man. 639-8295 artlata at OUI 3 Gallery. Newland Canter. 18738 Chrlatmaa Beach Huntington I Smorgasbord and Beach ~-05.4 Dance sponsored by Anchor lodge will be Jol\n Warne bronze held Saturday Dec 4 mlnlatur.. and buats at South Clubhouse at go on dlaplay through j o e A n z a Bay s 1 d 8 Dec. 11 at Bank of lr-Village. 300 E. Coast vine In Woodbridge H i ghway Newport Works are available for Beach Happy hour purch.... a portion of feat u ,. n g g 1 0 g g proceeds benefit Op-(traditional Swedish hot tlmlst Boys Home and drink) begins at 5 30. Ranch. 1 dinner at 6.30 Cost Is Ita local artlata will be S 1 0. reservations may featured 1n a watercolor be made by calling snow through Jan 1 at I 6U-•687 or 968-61 4 G I end a I e Feder a I evenings Savings 1n Fashion • City of Hopa Open Island Door chapter will have L.A.. A.rtlata Fow IS now 1ts regular meeting 7 30 showmg at OCC's Ar1 p m Thursday. Dec 2 Gallery Works by Fit-at Columbia Savmgs zimons. Lacher. Linden 1 and Loan. Costa Mesa. and Meisner Admit · Anct\orettat Change ol 1 s1on is 50 cents Watch o1nner Dance aen Heinemann, will be held 5 p m Sun· carvet, will appear at day. Dec 5 at lrv1ne an exhibition of his Coast Country Club worl<s 1 1 a m.-4 p.m Sunday afternoon tea Sunday. Dec 5 at Whit· dance w111 be held 1 30- man Galleries. 3545 4 P m Sunday. Dec 12 Coast Highway. Corona at the OASIS Sen1or del Mar. I Center Multipurpose Student C hrlatmaa room. $2 pott.y. blown glaaa • sale w ill be h e l d Ftlm through Friday, Dec 3 In occ·s Student Center patio Sale will be held 10-a.m.-4 p.m Miscellany Rena LeurMn. well- known Orange Country photographer. will be subJect of one·man ex- l"l•b1t1on opening Satur· oay Dec 4 at South Coast Art Center. 283 East 17 th St.. Costa Mesa Runs through Jan 8 Call 646·45.45. C hlldren 'e author Martlyn Sachs will be honored with a spec::lal parade. reception and autograph party 3 p.m 1 F n day Dec 3 at the Balboa Branch library, 100 E Balboa Parade starts at Newport Elementary School after a school asembly and proceeds down Balboa Boulevard to the library Public IS In· v1ted Chrlatmaa TrH Oala w1ll be held 6-10 p m Thursday, Dec. 2 at the Newport Harbor Art Muaeum. Coat Is $25. Faatlval opens to general public 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Dee. 3-5.Coat Ia $2. Hollclar natura craf1 workahop will be held 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Dee. 5 at Turtle Rock Com- munity Park. 1 Sun- nyhl ll. Irvine Five nature craft projects will be made. plua ldaaa for dozena of othara. $8 per peraon. Raglater at 752-8078. at SCR's Malnatage. Tlcketa are $10, $11 . $12 Box oNtce· 957- 4033 ...... _...._ will pre- sent "The Nutcracker" 8 p.m. llrlday. Oec. 10 1n Good Time ThMtra at Knott'a Barry Farm. General admluton 11 $5. $2 for studanta. limited seating. ad- vance purchaae suggNtad. Cnargellne: 871-8000, ext. 252. C tulatmea T rea F•tlval will be held Fri- day, Dec 3-Sunday Dec. 5 at the Newport Harbor Art Muaeum Fashion show 3 p.m. Dec. 3. Santa Claus and puppet showa 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Dec. 4. and Santa Claus and the Irvine Master Chorale 3 p.m. Dec. 5 "The w ey Home, •• ong1na1 prt1c ipatlon mus1ca1 for the holiday season lncludea dinner Will be held Dec 2. 3. 9. 16, 17 at Old World VIllage, Hun- tington Beach. Reaer- vatlons are $15. S6 for k1ds 14 and under. Call Open Wmdowa. 553· 9640 'The Way Home" and dessert will be held I 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec 12 at Turtle Rock Com-I munlty Park. 1 Sun- nyhlll. Irvine Tickets for th1s program are $7 per fam11y, $4 per adult. $1 .50 per child. Call 752-6076 for reser- vations 1 Duo wtoltft and plano 1 chamber concert at Port Theater lobby for the Corona del Mar Chrlstmaa Walk, noon Holiday boutique featuring International glfta are offMd at tha Newport Harbor Art Museum's bookstore through the holidays ..._,.. 0..., ,...... Hours: 11 a.m.-5 p.m I Tuesday·Sunday 0 C C 8 y "'phony F eahlon ahowa at Orchestra will perform Nordstrom. South 1 4 p m Sunday. Dec 5 Coast Plaza: Pant Cap· I I n R o be r1 Moore paUl, 11 a.m. Thuraday, Theatre Tickets are $3 Dec . 2. G lve n c h Y general P1an1st Daniel I jewelry, 1 1 a.m Frtday, Pollack w1ll be featured 0 e c 3 · '0 b e 1 soto1st sleepware. loungeware. noon Fr~-"Avant Performancea" day. Dec. 3; Men's ski w111 be presented 8 pm 1 clinic. noon Saturday.j Fr~day. Dec. 8. tnUCI's Dec. 4; lanz sleepware. Fme Arts Concert Hall mformal. all day Satur-~ Tickets $4 general $3 day. Dec::. 4; chlldren'a tor students wear. 7:30 p m. Satur· day, Dec::. 4. Pacific Symphony w111 Music I perform •n concert 8 p m Sunday Dec 5 •n Santa Ana H1gh School A u d tiOr1um 520 Ctvlatmu conc.rt by Orange County Master 1 Chorale fMturtng ex-, cerpts from Handel's Messiah w111 be held 8 p.m Friday. Dec 3 1n Moore Theatre at OCC Tickets are $8 50. $5 for sentor s and students AU-American 8011 Chorue of Costa Mesa will present "Sounda or Walnut. Santa Ana Tickets are $ t 3 50, $1 0 50 ard $7 50 Reservat ons 680· 3444 Skllea and Handaraon perform at Bob Burns Restaurant 37 Fash1on Island Newport Beach No cover charge no drtnk mtn mum Call 644 -2030 Christmas" 3 p.m Sun-' u c 1 chamber day. Dec:: 5 at louis B Orcheetra conducted Plummer Auditorium m by Steve" Redody will Fullerton Reserved I perform 8 p m Satur- seatlng 1s $10 and day. Dec 4 m the F1ne $7.50. general Is $5 50 Arts Concert Hall at Call 533-7600. UCI TIC kets are $4 ''A Chrlatmaa Carol" I general S3 students plays through Dec 26 and sentors Holiday Special Sund ay . Dec 5 Telephone 75~1418 .. ,.._ Qtory of Cnrlat- maa" will be preHnted by Orange County Master Chorale 8 p.m Friday, Dec. 3 In occ·. I Moore Theatre. Ticket• are $8.50 general. S5 f or aen l ors and 1 students ''Silent Might," an original muatcal mlma I show featuring the Young Conaervatory Player• at South Cout Repertory's Second Stage will be held 1 and 3 p.m Saturday. Dec. 4, 3 and 5 p m. Sunday, Dec 5 T1ckets are $2 50 each SCR box otf1ce 95 7-4033 Chrlat CoUege lrvme announces Its Chriat- mas concert scheduled tor 3 p m Sunday, Dec 5 at Ascens i on Lutheran Church 1n Torance. and 7 30 p m at Red H1U lutheran Church tn Tustin An oHer1ng w111 cover ad - miSSIOn Theater "The Importance of Bemg Earnest" w111 play Dec 1-3 8 p.m at the Corona del Mar H1gh School llnle Theatre $3 "Finlan'a Rainbow" at S ebast i an s West "'OnaaOA litlorierttr'• w-. .,. ~ to ...-....,. Moe....., "' L.efuNt Mowltorl't production of "~Mttec* ........... Dinner Playhouae. 140 Aven1da P1co San Clemente 482·9850 "A Cl\rletmaa Carol" returns to SCR 's Malnstaga Dec 8·26 Sea tin g 1s st111 available SCR box of· f1ce 957-4033 "ltMmbath" a comedy about morality will have 1ts Orange County debut Dec 9-11 and 16-18 •n OCC s Drama Lab Theater Curtam 1s set for 8 p m. Advance t1ckets are $3. $4 at the door AudlUona are be1ng held for "On Golden Pond " Dec 4-5 at Commun1ty You t h Center m Corona del Mar by appointment Aud111oners should prepare a monologue senous or comediC but con tem por a r~ Call 640-2271 "Sherlock Hotmaa" will conttnue through Saturday Dec 18 at Laguna M oulton Playnouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Laguna Beach T1ckets and curtatn t•mea 484 - 0743 "Solid Oo6d Cadillac" runs through Dec 4 at Costa Mesa C 1v 1c Playhouse. !located on tatrg roundsl Curtain 11 at 8 p m call 754-5159 "The Man Who Came to Omner at Estancia Hegn SChOOl Dec 2·4, 6· 7 at 7 30 p 1n High School Forum T•ckets are $3 50 presale $4 at the door Ltt til rsto dltor Your chance to be heard The Blizzarcl Ski Club A CD,-t«y ~ ~-of S.i Instruction EXCLUSIVE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGES 8 THROUGH 18 PlEASE CALL TODAY FOR AOOITIONAL INFOAMA TION Harlan or Peggy Oasmuke P 0 Box 4 186 Malibu. CA 90265 457-254 1 ' 457 2151 SKI EVERY SATURDAY et local"' r..o•t• 12 WEEKEND SKI TRIPS to Memmoth end Jun• Movnta n WEEKLONG SKI TRIPS to Tanoe Cenecsa and Mammoth 11·DAY SKI/EDUCATIONAL TRIPS II-:R~ATT o.COPENHA6t''l Q ut:st \'t- "Paperwork," a selec::- tlon of handmade paper art by 11 area ar· tlslana. will open with free reception and demonstrations 7-8:30 p.m. Frtday, Dec 3 at Fine A.rta Center In Ir- vine Runa through Jan I Filma A La Cane will be continuing through Oec::ember at the New- port Center Branch l i brary . 856 San Clemente. Newport each. admlsa1on Ia free, films start at noon. Wedneaday. Dec 8 "Mooda of Surfing " laturcMJ mathteea will screen at Marinara Branch library 2:30 p m . Free Dec 11 Special film cllpa from "Stllr Wart" and "Em- pire StrtkN Back." [ 'aminatlon and Cleaning ti ncludln& X-ra) l Regardless of where you live one of 28. Clubs .,._ • .,..,, will ad- dreaa braakfaat mMtlng of the Newport Harbor-Ooata Maaa Board of Raaltore a a.m. Thuraday, Dec. 2 at Coata M ... Com· munlty Cant«". Topk: will be "Whara Right Wlth Spactat Int.,... Groupa." •Qrult and Grog AP'-"· ~ taiMMM of • hoalday gaAa ........ by The Helmaman I p.m. T\tMday. ~ 21 at hOfM al Loctcnef• on L1410 lale. ProcMda benefit Goodwill In- Lectures ••craatlnl A New Magical You ," a women'• aalf· Improvement woft(lhop. will be held 8 p.m . Wednaaday, Dec a at the Etegant Hand aaaon. Newport BMd\. 115. Aegtater: 546-7112. s 00 ~Keep You Smllmq Blluard·s 31 PICk -up locations ts near your home ,-Culsln Jaull Berte nu~a hw ~~a bolt of blue~ ~ilL "It'e the Jc.t of the lot.'' ab. • ..._ , 'Tlle gOWN lllocM from ow will b. ~J 01ae of a kbad .' The bolt ~ fabric ia i \let ou of the mcmy un· uaual materiah aca1twed aroWld Berte· a deaign etudio material~ that are the ccrriar aDd the truffl• ol the cloth wc.ld. Berte ia a fabric con· n<*leuz by nature, a haute coutu.re deeigoer b1 prot-ion. She il one o the few iA Orcmge County whoee freeh ap· proacb to faahion i1 helping change the area'a reputation 01 a polyeeter parad.iM. For three Wedneedaya, O.c. 1, 8 and 15, Berte will 1 feature 10 of her original creatiou in a rare ahowing al E.rn..to' 1 Bay.ide, 333 Bcrywide Drive, lD New- port Beach. Erneato Me~a. the re.tawant'a proprietor I c be(, will opu bia doon at 11 :30 for l\Lilch prec:edJ.D9 the faahion ahotn from 1 to 2:30p.m. "Haute cu.iline mMia haute coutuze." aay1 Mero. "Thi. il a unique opportunity to en)oy auperb food and fine foahion ol the aame time · While patron• are enjoying E.rneeto'a d.ia· tinctive cuiline, they will be viewiag eome of the moet cliati.Dctive couture the county baa to otter. · '1 deugn atylea flattering to women," 10~ Berte ''From paat uperience, I hnd that PIIJIE RIB s ""' '1 " .... and 1/a STUFFED IWIE LOISTER lWNE LOISTEJ -~..,.,..,.,..,, ,. $395 ................ , ' •• ~ ) t, •• l•' ,, ALL $895 FOR u"'t POU"'O Ul STIAJID~ ~-· '2" . ' • VNI • Spaghetti • P&ua • Ioupe ...... • Sandwlchft • Lauen• • Fettlclnl • Etc •• etc. Dally Speciale 2701 NAUOI COITA IIIlA . .,...,. not all women, ol:mo.- ly, are rail· thin mod• ODe mUll chooee fabric. deliQD aDd outa that fo11 in a~ way. That often ilthe probl.-n with ready·k>-wea:r. Women come to be bec:auM they ca.n't find the ri9bt fit, th. ri9bt material or the ngbt workm<mahip lD a garment By the time you pay the huge pric. for ready-to-wear that il acceptable, you might 01 well go to o d.-ig"Dez and get exactly what you want •• And go to her they do. Berte' a atudio, located in Irvine, aervea aa a cloth .. cloeet to many of the area'• moat die· criminating women. Some of her client. are actl .... and IOCia.lit• who DH Beverly Hilla periodically to be fitted fo r garmen te here. Other potroo.a are local "b..t·dz....d" county notobl• Still other• aze tnternahonally known women att.lll to t.laat fact. Ern .. to Nero aad Berte have carefully chONG the faebioaa k) be abown dwiAQ UU. holiday faahioa rm.w. Tbe garment1, Uke Mer a' a cuiaine, are d.agaed k) tit U.. reka- ed, yet d.re.IJ tal* of Orange Co\Lilty party goen. Berte will be elaowUaa dr-y ailk and wool aune, ae well aa lilk aad chifton gowu 1\lllable for boliclay galea. Berte aaye th.e doem't regret defeotiAg &om Beverly H.iUI -COil· lidered the Necoa of faahioa in Southera Callfonaia -k) dqa in Orange County. ba fact, ahe aaya the mowe gave her an artlttic: freedom not found ill Loe Angel ... "Here, I baYe the op- portunity to try tbiuae I w01n't able to try in loa Angel••·" ebe eaye. "And the faab.ioo abow ia one of them. El'MIIo Mera bae helped me f u.lfiU at leaet one of my dzeazna.'' Berte Mrv• them all whale c heerfully poo· pootng the nobon that Orange County women I don't can about their p _.... 0 cloUung j ..... ''Women here crave Tile JleBU hagh faahton ," 1ay1 I Berte, whoeebu..yatud.io The ataff of the AQMENS • .~ • l • ,, ~ ~ : ~ • t I ! ' , t-.. ~.. J ~2 0 800 • I WareboUM Reetauzant 35•0 Via Oroto, i1 tronlforming lt into "Santo'a atorehoUM" lD time for the N•wport Harbor r-uthal of Ligbta Dec. 17-23 and the holiday dining NQIIOD The boat parade will be on five co~utive rugbtl from 8:30 until 9:30. Jo~ ltlraunw. Frank Potet\ and NaMy Poect\ (fina~ Ch.irm..,.) . .tl of ~wport ·~ att~tlded annu-' r«eptlon hosted by bowd of clrwcton of Or.,. Counry Phel~rmonk: Soctety M the Ooww Shorn home of C~nccttor and Mn. O.nilf A&dric:h honorine OCPS women'• commtu--. pettone and ~ttory bo.rd. 'N"t Me ID St. LoW.' by Jack Hollcmd The Harlequin Dinner PloyboUM b01 latr:bed onto a boa of&e wi.D.Der ln itl holiday ahow, "Meet Me In St. Lou.ia." The bit movie ol aome yeaz• ago il belpi.Dg ln publicmng the muak:al and the aud.ienc• aJe gleefully putting out the caah to ... tbie apirited, Uuly. OC· CGiioDO.lly cbann.iQ9, trip bock to noatalgia It Ia aolid entertain· ment. It Ia not, however. a total a u c c e a •· There are aome problem.t, •pecia.lly in the a.reaa ol caeting and direction. To be9in with, the role of Tootie aa.lll for a young gi.rl arou.ud Mven or eight. But Iince the Board of Educotion i.D.Uw that a teacher be on the premiaee at all tim• when a child il workinq in (In German w/Engll-'1 IUbUI'") ............ ahow-.: ... ..,. 7 ~m. ....... a. ••• ~m. M ..... • Moft. U.OO a ahow -a.Dd lioce the gc:Ug aa.lary for NCb '-acben il prohibUlve for tbe llmlted budget• at dinner abowa, cbUdren m\llt be played by yo\l"V adula.. 'nail il a etvp6d requilemeat that ought to be cha.Dged. Lee WU.Ota doee all abe caD to be youag and boiltNou but in no WOJ ocaa .. be~M.e abe atill bellv• in Scuata Claua. (That it a very uDCOm.for· to.ble tcene). Sbe a.J.o needa work on dic:Uou. Then there are the CGMI of the two ...... ODe be. to J.cm over bockwardl to accept them 01 high ecbool ltudenll, Mpee:ially Role, played by Sue Rilu. She doee everytb.Ulo b\lt lku:.d on bez bead to •ak• b. bebna.ble aa the giddy, man·bu.agry char· acter, but the age matt.~ mak• U hard to accept ber. Sandy Edgerton hae a nJce v*e, much vtta.Uty (too much at tim•). but abe 1.1 far too mature, iu epite of giddin .. aDd eauheraoce. to make "" fMl abe Ia a girl about to be o MzUol lu big'b ecbool Both try bard but it il an upb1ll fight The othet problem ll Thomaa Wbite'a teJadeocy to a.Uow too much a.WDicrri.Dq aDd oorerac- tiag, ...,.aau, iA the aa. of AD· drew Boyer 01 Mr. Sru.ith. He II oue long bellow, vOitly OYez- done . The aong, "Ian't It Fun," for tnatance ahould have been 1 warm and tendez but it came O\lt 1 Oat aa done by Boyer cuad with 1 aome fMllDg by Charlene laM, who ia, by the way, very good aa Mrs. Smith. Heather L .. aa the e~Dpty·beaded, giddy Luc:Ule aAc:l Stephen BreUhoupt aod Deem W e!tetlen are pLeaelDgly romantio 01 the mail IWaiu. 8oth llng ..U too. Stuart Lmton baa charm and a good lliAglDg voice, although be eeem 01 bU atiff ae Job.n. Of cou.ne, UU. mlgbt be due to the fact the part c::a11ed for a dilplay ol ehyoe~~. )OCIU Albert, Nark Harr,ma.D, and othen were okay. Choreography by Patti Colombo wae a decided ~t with dane. more oftea ro\l.li.Dg than plebian. )ob.a Jvo Gill.' aete were functional, Lla Stillwell'• Ughling and c:oetwn• by Gary ~rink• allo were plu.eee. Aad bows to Jim lab! for hie eaa.Ueat mu..lllcal direction deeptte ita problem., tb.ia il a fun .how with a lift aod good deal of joy. It could hcrve u.aed more empbaae on the •ntimen· tal moment• to give more ba.lcmce to the ahow, but it il a good job and one that il awe to delght Harlequin audieno ... R ... rvatiou aze already on a near eold-out bollia. The Coata Meaa Chic PloyboUM II looklng lor children and adul" to .. ". aa JDoct.la for a Yuletide Pageant Dec. 13-17 at the Neighborhood Community C.ntez Modela wW be cboeen for their liken-.. to grMtiD.g cordi and thlllr ability \o pcee motion! .. lot a..bout a ml.Aute. All ag• are needed. For more inJoramUon, call 7~-5U9 wMkdaya from 10 a .m. • to • p.m. GINA'S PIZZA A ward-Winning CONTINENTAL CUISINE Juq tl (t•\\' milt'\ down thr roa'il 673-1121 Want to gi~e some thin& special? Try a Giaa's Gift Certlfkate in ( orona dtl '-1ar on l . ( oa'lt Hwy. in tbt> AJ~rto;on's Shoppilla ('tntn Hour~: Moa.-Sat. 11·9 Sun. 3-8 For,,., b~ll qWIJIIY 41 IHII prlu Co~rt, lo Sant'.t 1909 H..W 1W. et IM. c ... Mae Three for the f'l'lOney-two tasty shrimp. a fash fillet and a whltemeot Chicken Plank• terVed with fresh cole slaw, fryes and h~e.s. 14715J.-,.yl4. at Wal• (J_, off s.la Aa frtn&J), ln ... Parking On Premises • Lu nt.:h~on' • D1nn cr' • ~ -Sun (. h.tmpagnc Brunc.:h /ntlll/df(' 111tl11ur ur rut/11 t/111111/( ( I HOI I: (Oil:.. IU/ {)UIIIfi·I'Ot OI\ FOR A REAL Hotel lea........_ 696 South Coa.t Hwy. Laguna ~ach TASTE TREAT Cl.J * .I G}nfl-,.-~o,e, ifPDrter OOURMU OI,..ING MEOITERRANEA,_. AM CHAWAGNE MUNCH 5UNOAYI 10-3 ,._ OAHCINO NIGHTLY -CAMRIT LOUNGE 18700 MAC ARTHUR 8LVO IRVINE. CALIFORNIA IOciPottte Oren,t CounryAIIOOt (714) 833-2170 • c.\"TAIN'S TAILE COFFU ,..Of'-14HRS , ........ "WILL ~ NOne£ or Tla111'1D' SAU 0.. D1 I I .... I. 1-.. Ill. .... ,.. ._., ... fti'L& l..U.UOK CO.AIIY. • o.u...... • •.••.• u.. .. ~-· • 1\ 1'11• ............. ....,..,.,._ ..... ..... &a All·la•l••·· o.-.. .ti'Nit -~~--lty Ull A. .__.IU&YQ. ..... .. _..._. .................... e4 O«..a. I. ·--'-'nto _ ................... . ._.,M .. a..... ...... .. 0•-•• c.-ty. CelllwaM. .... ~ .................. .......... DeANlt .__ ... ,_._. .... _.._ .. 1111_ ....... _ .... -. ...... .............. o..w ~ ....... o-aty. wW "---· ·--· ...... o...~..u·~-... .. -a.. '-f\aJ _., .. tJ...Uai\ell ...... .tA.--.• ........... "~ .. .... or.--..._-...... .. aotlea.l ~••'-· • eteto •• w.. ........ --. ........ ...................... ._ -••1111• hnWW &a ta..w ................... _ .. flret Amen.-'fttk ....... _ c ••••• , ••••••• ... .. ~~&a ..... ty .. leAt&Aa-. ~ •• .u ..... ..... ,. "tJ.e .w aa ...... -· ... ,e~~ , • .-4--a..w..., ...... . 4er ~ •• .,.~ .... .... ........ , .. ,\UM4 ......... C:.W.· ty ..4 ..... .._....... ... ....... l · '-' ... tr.i •• ... -~--• 1114111 u. ..... ~ Ia ~ .................... •"••II••••"• ••••· ........ •• ••141 o.-,. c ...... , c •••• u .. , lh .... _ .u .u. .u ........ ,.h'ltel.. t~~lnlfol rlthll, ....... I ••• ........ • .. , otlillf .. , ............... , ........... . .... . IID--.U.et •orr M wltA.Ia ......... tlw ........ l-4 ............. ···••llloo4. ............. "" ...... ".~ •14hl .. 41W.... mla1a4. ... . .. a.n ... -· .......... . tketel.,, -~~ tllotU.. In oncl ,_..... ..... --· ..... ..u a-• .. _, ...... ,_.., laol~ot411at the rttlll.t to wh.lpetMII It 4h~.Uy dri.ll -· .... b--· olhe r thoa llllo•o .............. .,_,,....., oU or •• .,..u., ,..,.,. -• •holto late. '"""'.. .. oltwo tAo.~ ... ~. oJ U.o Ia ................ ~.u..a. o a41 to llootlon uae h al.l~ll.d ., ~~·, clrWo4 •.U.. '""aoJ. ... ..a .heft~ ........ -· .......... 01 ... , ...... ~ ••••••••• Ural• th•oo.t.-41 lo ro4rlll. •ot\lfteel. eq...tp,n.&Dttda. ,..., 4.op.o.H ....... ... , ... c ... .u. .. ala- wltholot\. a..--•· the ''-"' to clrtll. ciao, ...... oapt.,o em .. ,..,.,. llllr~ll llllo ... ~ ...... 0 .......... . ol tllo t\6~ oJ tl.o ~-· .... o&a...._ "-"~ ...... ,_,.,.4 .. , u.. a..u.. Company, • W•t Vltotnlo .,_.,.._ Potcel l Z:...•oll\lt IAI 0 90f COft ..... oua loW ... Uoo p..,._ ollai!MlJdoa -· m.tat--co ol \lUIItlM -· ......... lad.lht• ... oec roocllmont oa41 lot not\Uol • .u. ... t ol ..... e. ....... oruJ c•• •lAW"" .. u.. •'•'-' of 4H.tcotloa, •••• prl,.,. ettoote wlta.&a llllo co•orlll .,,. ... ,, lo• lAo p\&rJI'Moo to u._,_ -c1 ···-· .u -Gofl .... ttC\I.Jalr tl~rilloo4 &a ..a. o rthlo o allt1o4 ·t.o.·-•·ln taetc.W. d•&.doa oJ c __ , --"~"--" •wtltftl•• tiCW .... A~ II. • ., .... a..ll 1WI. .,_. .. .-r te 1'1l4. ..... ._. Tlll.e ...... o414r-N otAo• c __ .._..~oi..W prooporty &a .,...,....... to Ito 1'1 ..... Dt c..--Del ..... OA, e.MI oole wtll M __.. wtllllo\lt -··-· .. ---ty. • ..,._ .. -plle4 -......... ~--~-.. ....., ..... _..., ....._,. ""• -................. -"'*'..., ...... .,..,. .n.-t. .. wtt: --~ m .al. ~ u. ....... __, ...... ·~_.. ........ .... ti-.oldt.otattl41Apv"' ... .. .................. l .... .. NOTICE TO PaOPEaTT OW1ID YOU ARC 1 .. D&I'AULT UlfDD A. DaD 0P ftVT. DAftD &Pi • 17. a.. ~YOU TAa AC'I'IC* TO PaOTKCT YOUR PROPatn. rr IIAY • ..., AT A P\-.ac IAI& lr YOU IIIZD ........... "'* 06 TBK .. A.TUaK Or THE PROOC&DJ•Q AQioi"IT TOV. YOU IIIOULD COiftACf A LAWYD. raaiT AIUlUOA. 'tiTLE UIIVU.OC OO .. AWY. o 0 1111 ............. . .,..... ... _.... ... . ..... ................. A."' ..... o... ................... .......... ~ ... ffM) ..... I .a til 11/1'1, 1\IM. 1111, WI P\1-..c JIO'I1CK ANa-at "OT'ICE or 'l'll..nlriMLK OTD·-Re: & 1111 <OV""'U 1 0 ... SUNWUT UMI, • ~ ~ ........ .., .~ ... Tr~aeloo •a4or tllo lollowl•• ~lkcl 4eo4 ol b ... W1U SEU At f'UaJC AUCTION TO THI HJGHIST IlDDEil fOR CASH oe • _. ._. 1a S.C... ~ ..... et.tl o..M. all ...... ...._ acl ....... eoe....,.d to ... -r..&cl lr7 11--..... o-lol ,..... Ia ... ,w~ ~· allm ~ UUSTOR JANU !I C~o...n.I-•W. ---..... ,w~ IIN£flC1ART REPUILIC HONE LOAN COAIOMnON "-ccll ... A,nll7, .... ... No 11'1llla._.IG4 ..... 1 ... ol Of6dcd ~ Ia .... ._ .. U.. RoeorW ol Or-eo Coui'J . ad cloed .. --~ ... lolloorlae fifO,.,., PMCII. I l.ot .. o1 Ttad ~ ..... C\ty .. Newpor1 a.oell. Co~aaty ol Or••••· State ol CoWonla. Ill I* IMP ,_.., ...... 301. PQ9el l 10 t w-n-.-....... tile o llleo ot tile Couaty Roccwolor of ad Couaty PAIK%1. a Noa oocl.,..,. a., jNI1MGal 00 .. .., .. IlliG a:ad OOIIG -prl-..,_. ..... .._. .. ._eor lo ll Do~:lo ro lloae o l Co ... aoall, Coodltlo.. oad ~. ,_.., "-"' . lf71 ...... -,.... liD. Otila<a1 "-.. Clad -o.cJ No-1-llot ·~ 1172. .. look I 04:11 Pooe 410 Olhclol "-':Otda, oad A•oacltaoall lh.,. MAY It ALSO ~OWN AS No I o-...ood I.Gao. Now pofl a.-r.. Co.ldoruo (II o 1ttM4 add~.. ., COOl> moa dootvaottoa 1.1 ollowa obooro. 110 .uT-ty It gt.._ ca to 111 com~to•-01 cor •oct-)" fae bellhC\OIJ 110d11 eo,J Dood of frlllt, bt •-ol o btOOCb or dofolah &o .._~ --.arod t~ • .._...._, u OC\Itod ood clak-od 10 U.. oatwAOt· IIQood o wn.._ OoC'IOfatloo of o.Jolah oad Domoad b We .... ....... .-eo ol ..,_ .. ad .. ~to CCI-lito ..-.eaod 10 .u Cld pt090rt'f 10 ......, act .!.hg,.,....,oodta.er_....._.o• ~--"...... ..ct IICitWlo .. btoocll oacl ol •loet~oa to bo R.rOt4Md A"'"" • 1.-a .. ,_ No 12 %'7 u:J3 ol -.d OtlacoaJ Recorcle Sold oa.lo W\11 be modo but .-..out c:o...aaot 01 wanoaly N pt.-01 ll!llpMd, r~VC~fdlao 11\lo. ~ oo, or OIK'"abto-. lo pay .... 1-al~ pnlae\pol INIB ol the •-(•) NC~Uod by -.d Dood of Tr...e W\lh 10101' ... ca ll ICDd -. prO"'dod, CMt"<Jacoe " oay uador tile IOnU ol teed Dood ol r...... ,_ cll.cu, .. oDd •• ~ ol the TNllloo olld ol tho tNR o -lod by tcad Dood ol Tnu11 S11td oole will b• held oo Wedaoedcrr Decomllot I 1112 at II 00 A M ol tile lroet aolraiiC'IIO O..orditta Tr..,. Dood So,_, 1600 t oet Moylou Oroage Cohlotaia YOU Allt IN DUAULT VNDtR A OttO o r TRUST DATtO APRIL ll. 1911 UNUSS YOU TAU ACTION TO PROTECt YO~ PROPERTY IT MAY It SOLD AT A PUUJC SALt rr YOU Ntll> AN txPLANATlON o r THE NAT URt O f THE PRoc:tEDINO AG AINST YOU YOU SHO ULD CONTACT A LAWYtR T\e lalal .naouot of tho uDpald b-Vooc-o of tho O~D .Cilted by oood ptoporly 10 bo •old toqOibor ontll1111ot• leN c:llarg• nod lllllmalod C'-·~-oDd ~oac:-a. nl tbo d<llo lluool .. U»03&&0 D11te No•enob e r 9 1912 SUNWI:ST lANK o Callbaao cor-pot-ca ICDd Tr-lr O..Ord.aro Tr..., Dood Some-o ('Qrl)CWObOD .. Q9aDI 1600 £4.t Moylou A•o•01• Oroov• CA U&lt7 (714) 1'71 1910 1r Voclry ~"-··~ ~ No• 17 :14, Doc I 1112 lft T\o Newport t:...Q• Nt II 01 PUBLJC NOTICE 1:-0MIJ M CT1T10U8 8U8lH'EIII NAME IT A TDG:ItT f ho lollowoD<j pottWIIot QTI duoD9 ""•"' .. ' ,. TH t O IUt NT t:XPRLSS .a81 luc~ SlrM4 No N N•wpo•t leocto CA 93850 Qr,,... Tcn.uaQ Lm ;~SJ:J N l.iao Wny Cl.:n.,..<'ot CA ~1711 Te"'lt: ~ L10 IS7 W Af"MMf·~ C\are 11wnt C A 91711 Th .. b"•o-,. r-•dl>ctod by "' <l•n•rol P,lll8erth1p s., •• d n ....... ToiJUftlj lt.om r ... -Sll Lo- Tio. otatomeet ... blod W\U. the C "'""' Clerlt .t Or"ao• C.-.~aely •n No • I 1112 P..t.L.h No• I 0 17 l4 Doc-I 1982 .. n. Nowpof1 [~n ~1061 NtiC• PUaLIC NO'I'lC'E MCT1'1'10U8 8vaDft8l MANE ftATDa:ll1' n.~...-•••ov t........ ae KEIJ.ro TO 15al P~ A... r ...... Co ._, Tod ~ l11,~Dt c~,.,-Co 91 7':lO. Qlld Wtthror ~ No ~ "-"-Co ~I n.w ._.._ .. ~~ lity a Clooorol pottao.-... s.v-c:t Ted A.llellenr C'IIIK~ tfollec n. ......., ... , -ll.l.d ..... '"' CoDtoly 0.11 ol Ofd ... Coole" .. Nero l, '* ~ID ~~ta... Nero 10 ''· o.c l. t.a f'miiM NIJOM PU-..c leO'nO& ,...,IIIIOUa ._ ..... .... I'I'AftiiDft Tlto ...... ~ ..... llt••laott •• IMOIMtiRS OVtN.OAD, tDI "'-'" Wey. s. .. A.M. CA .,. 1'WW N ~•n,..._.w.., ...... A.M. CA.,_ ,...~ .......... ~ .. ................ .. .... 1\la e · rs' ... u.6 ... ..,. c....ir a.\ .. ~ a.., .......... ......................... """" 11, 1.1 •. ,.,,17 ~MO!'ICC JtO'I'IOS or ft\M'I'a'IML£ ... ,,,. YOU AU ~ Oil A.ULT UNDP A DUD Of TMIST DATI:D l•ae I. 1171 UHLUS YOU TAU AC110N TO ..oTilCf YOUJ PIOIDn, n NAY K SOl.D AT A I'V&lC SA.U 11 YOU MUD AN ID'LAHA nOH or THI NATURE Of THE PROCUDINO AOAJNST YOU. TOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWTD 0. DlCDOD l:l. 1112. at t 00 A.M . IAHU.RS' fUNDDtG COUOM1'10N .._ty k-. •• AWUICAN NATIONAL MOM'OAQI ae dilly atf•tlawt TflMIIIIo ...._ _. •--' • o-t .. T,... ,_.., JUMt II I m, ae 111111t No 237M ~ 12'1lt. ..... 14.2:2. "' Otbat.t ..._... •'"tocl ~ LEO A PANZARELLA oa4 DIANE , AMlAJW.LA Ill tNatlor(t), Ia 1M ~., u.. eo .. ..,._,_.._ .. ORANOE C oDOif. Sloto ol Cohloralo. WILL SELL AT PUUIC AUCTION T O IOOHEST llDDP ro.-CASH (pcryaWo ol ......... low+vJ "'0MY ol lllo U&lltld s..n.) ot nat LAMJOT snm. sum ~It, tL TORO, CAt.D'OftHIA 9all0 ol1 nolll •• oad Ill.,... C'OO"Jod lo oad •-MW bf It "11 -ad Deed .. , ........ ... Pl...., •Natoc~ 10 .-c~ eo ... " o•dSIIN~• A c~ .. "' Co111.-od Ot PMCtL I Ueu U ot tllot cerlolo coo cloeta101• protect •how• oad clecri~Nd oa 1M coad-1111um p1aa ·-4ocl s.p.... .... l, lm ,. ao.t lt?t, Pooo 3t2. otiJtod4l "-tell, ud to 1M dorlarno• o1 ~··· -~ a:ad •..-.c llou lor No..port Tonoco ·-d ed No..tlltot II. ltr3 to ~ 101M. Poo• ~. o.w Reeorct. oacl tllo NIIPI-oalarf doe.laro 1to00 ol cow--. coo.dlloM oad ·~ ,_.,. ,.,...bot II. 117'1t.a .,_.II •. Poo• XII OttiolaJ Rlcwcle (..d Mclarot1011 aDd ~~~~-..-, cJeclaratioa ~,-.. ... ~ d«larcdoa ~ ... 0 plaa ... eooOonlalllta -UtDNp) P~2 .\a ~aaclill'lded I all 1•1•• 1A oad 10 tho -IIIOD a:roo bo&OQ tv.tta. d~ Ill lo£1owo Lol ) ol .,. ..... No IC» .. ~­ •• 0 •«P ·-d.d Ill aoo. ~l Po11ot 31 to ». 1ocluelte o l ~ ...... Mope uo the olko cal .._ Conty ~dot C>l eaod CO\lOty t acoptlav •~•••hom Ua•t• I U..nell 31 Lad-·• ,. ~~~ oocl "-n.bod 1.0 U.e plat> ~od nobobao clodGratioa A8o ..,......, tJ.eolroro a~:~ ~ • cll'fMM4 ... IIGlj lA Iot... Ill all OIJ 11111 01 ~ hyclrocarbo• •vb ~ 1,.. 10 00 oc ............ ollo>oN ....-nbod property o1 ... !Qnllt Ia U.. lulal orcl• ol ooadom atrftoe Ia tcm:. ol U.o Clly ol Ne • por1 leocll o •WUQpal OOfpQIO !tOO ol the 60. de.. 0 eord.d t'OVf ol •luch •-clod Joou(Jrl r7 I t$.3 •• 8ool 2443 Pove iO 01 baDJ Reeorcle R•••••••v tllereh <>m J D<>o eech .. •o -••• l01 ••luc-11l<tt .,. t Ito roodw...,. ol ecncl C'Oftl•o• ar., ol ~ I.Gt 3 lor t~ beoobl ol CJfODIOf til fla~n oad C-c!M PAACtl. 3 A ·-N C:I ..... -··· ,.,, 10 "'-oq.-oAd ••)Orm••• •• 11ad 10 Lol 2 ol Trart No 7919 .. dloon oo a mop rw 01dod oa loolt 323, Poq• II lo 16 IIK'Iun ol ""-oUo_.., Mope Ul the ....... o1 1M eo ... ., "-corct .. o1 Gd C"oliJlty fllo llroot odd.J-'lDd ,.loe r eommoa ~,.,_ II oay ol U.e '"" pr~ dOICN>od .u.o. ... ~IUliCIItld 10 bo No 4 JUFTIDt COURT UH1T5 NO 2.S ,.IWPO"T lEACH CALD'OtunA 9'B3 1'\o ·~ y,_ d. clal-. OAf ~ lor ... , •• C'OIIeda-ol IN --oddt-oocl .0• eoaraao d~o II ~·, et.ow. ...... Said eolo wtl1 bo modo but .......,_, ~• a. wancuoty •• pt-or a pljod.. •ovardiav btlo p 00 01 IIC1&t&ltr.-10 perf .. ,__... pn.aopal ... ,. ol .._ aoto(e) _,.,od by .ad Dood ol flll .. 1-. Cli.cu<! .. 'Jed ......... tllo y,...... oAd ol lhe ., .... er....-cJ 1trt ..ct Dood •I T .... klr 1M -"•' •-•a.bly a .... ro b. m .m 42 Tlllo Mai8dory llldor ..,,.j o..dwT,......,...._. ....... ~oo:~ ood ......... 10 .. ...donovaed a ....U... Dub...,. cal Daknalt aed o-.-4 .., SaM oAd • '"'"'· ,....,_ ol DaiDI&lt oocl Dec1ioa to s.D TIM .ad...t.ped C'C..-1 ernd ,...... .. Dofa..te aocl O.CW.• lo W le lloo ,_... •• tllo ooualy .. ~ •• -.roo~~-~ 0.. NOVIMII" a 1112 IANKJ:IIS r UNDI NO ~'nON. IDrni•IT a.aowa oe AWEIUC AN NATIONAL MOinOAOI• -..s Tt-lr MAm uaarn v100 ,.,_.., Ata.a.t.cl ~o O.e Ne• ._.. ~ Stt~~ta ao Nawt1011 a.. CA 13110, ('11•> ~I ~ ........ ., r.WIIIal .._, .. Doc I I l'l ta ~~ Eilllv• Wtl l l2 fV&IOMO"'1CE fiUiiiiOUa ...... ..._I'I'AlD&Ui I k ~~"Gl ........ o.-.. toea.CA ahlr l•f W •••lor, ut\!r CMoae 4111 ..._ CA f'\31J C !'fcniCE T..8 N ... .., JeOTICC or TRUITIZ"8 M.LoC YOU AR& I" DCFAU&.T UIIDCR A oa:D or TllUft DA'ti:D Ooto.,_r IJ. IMO UIILI8I TOV TA&J: AC!'lOII ?0 PROTCC1' YOUR PltOPIRT'I. rr NAT N IOloD AT A .........C IA.I.&. T1 YOU JaZD u D.Pl.AKAT10M or ?HC MA1'URC or THE PROCCEDIMO AQAIMIT TOU. TOU UIOU&.D OOtn'ACT A &.AWY'ER STNfSKAW CO~UTION , C.Woraao -JHN otlO. 11• dwh o ppolatocl Trw•••• ~aoder •~• lollowtav cloan~ doe4 ol """ WIU SE1.1. AT PUaUC AUCnON TO THE HlOHEST IIDDE" ro R CASH a. • • 1011.111 ,. Son.o• 28Mr. ol .... Ctftl Code o1l nthl lido ea4 .. ._ ... cornoyod 10 a ocl -lloid by It IIAdOf ecud Dood of T rlllll Ill .._ PfOI*1"t II• o&.aaflof ~ TIIUSTO" DONALD t RIJ:St GOd NAJUANNt L RUSE ..... ~ a.d .Uo ca tOUI.I •ea•ll IENtFICIAIIY WtSTLANDS ~ a Co.luonuo <'Ofpotoltoe ~4Md ~l~ 1910 ... ... No 2.3144 ID boo,\ 13?90 puge I 151 ol Ot.hclal Roeor c1e '" U.e nf bee ol U.. "-cord• ol 0.""<1• Cou•ty 1111d deed ,f '""' dote11!1oe tho loUow1119 pto~ Lot·l~l ol Tr~ No 4224 111 tho Ct~y ol No~ leat-11 -. pe.r M.crp rocuded •• boolt 1~7 PuQ• I 10 It IDCiu••• cal M ... .U..neo"' Mope 11 tho Otbco ol the C•unry .._.._ ol ....t Co..aty MAY It AlSO lNOWN A~ 'IQ!I t •oa109 Stat Loeo Newp " locxlo Co 9'MO (It o .,004 odd~-•• nmm .. • d-vo:~OIIoo ,. ollowo ·'"""'• D worraly "' 11•••• "' 10 •• ~.., plot-.,. .-.. rene- The beoehc:1ory we•i•• •·un l)eod of Tr...e by •-• ,1 boeuclo or dol till! ta the <>bioqma M ...-urod tboteby ll01...,lor• •• ecutod aad dak.,..red 10 tho 11n<ler 1911ed a Wfl"-Ooclofoll<le •I Dolouh oad o...n.,ad leN Solo 111d wn"•• ooiK • ol boooeh oad ul elec11oJ> 1o rouM the 11Ddontq11od 1o ..U .ad P<<>petl"f to ICJ1Iilty IUa<l o)~ "'"" thlle!lltot the "" deriiQIIod •·nu-t .,JKI b<>lll<• >I br10c:lo ao1 I olect oo to he R.....,.dod lu.ty l 19182 :u ·-N Ill l31063 •I ...,d C.>fhconl llo~<>td. Said oolo ...U bo mu.io b111 W\l~uyl O.eD-.lDI 1,1 w Df":IDt'y ea PI-r lfftpUod IOQWdiAQ IIUe ~oA ·• eac "'"'braJK • "' pay tbe '"" IIJWJq pnanpnl '""' ol the a•,.. • _..,,.,j by eiad Deed <>1 y,..,.. WJth ••tor..-4 JJt '" oao.l aote pre>'"l<iod •d•..,,...• I Joy "ad• tho lenNI A MDd o-i ,j Tt~H~ 1-"'"'l .. 1n.J •• po-"' the ,,.,_ 1ad •I tlle ,,... ,..,,ed hf d D-i •• T 1 ~ Smc:l eolo ••II t.. held ·•• t> .. .,.bet 10 I~ ,, J, 00 A M 11 the lrco11t •ntno • I Sll n 'ih,.. C ''~"" -·• l:ll \ [. 'til "' '>~o ,, .._,., CA <rr7•1 Th• ~e>t~JI 1mo"ot ,j •he •IIP.Ill t.t~ n.-e "I IM ... bl.., D e -vJ..J br t lld prope••r b• •o i f~\f,,•lhei W\lh 'ot.,_. h t .. ""h·nv• JDd .-.muted -••J•.,_ 1ni ,d. soc• • •I '"• t 1t• )\•t• .1 fl ~~ £>3810 [hte N., .. .,.,r er ~ • illl Sl AN SHAW CURP0 RA rlON 1 1 10\d t ....... :Jl ~ [, •• S.verotoeDtb ~"-' ""'""' Aa 1 (. 1llloraoo 'tJ., '• t 'o4l 'Ill ., LfaO a.~· Q ll ,. ..... lh' Sortet<uy P .. buah No_,. ~· [I• l ~ 'l• r. The Ne..,..• lo~r 'ltl l PU8UC NOTlCt 1[.01171 NOTICE or DUIIOLUTION or PMTNDaKIP P-.bbc • .-.. • looroby J ••r. '" 11 trs c-._ .. .,nd. Ponaeru"r ,, CoWCifaJo llmoted pmtoor•II•V ud lox-It I J '" -.~r, her• t ot• jo "'0 b--lb~t th• brtotw>· ... lum •ome 10d otyle ol C('B ~ 1 geolt d partn•,.,._,P ,, 1000 o..m~ s•-s .... l9C Cor, J No'"l'(lf1 &.,. 1\ l """ >I Ornrog• s.,. ol Ct1bl"''", 11n •e '"• l "hl ~ >I 'Vrt.,.t-11 ,.. t., "'"'""I .,,_"' ~·""• the •.nd portr>erelup 111d .. rmtD., .. th•u r..w.-. oe paf11oen th .. •o <;md bwul-•• the '""''• ..W h e ~oodurt•:l b T trs COMMIRctAl PARTNlRSHlP •"" ...U PGT ,otl ilK II •o• >U ,...,.,.. ... <~add~ of Ill• "'"' 1ooi ,., ••• oU moru. P'>fnble I<• •II• htm r .. .u... ._.. ...... b, , .... . .... ., ·~ .. od-~ ...u ..... ... '...,oll&bl• """" thllt d "T • .... u y ohlaqatloa lll<'tlned 111 the ,. . ._ • .., the btm DATED AT N••P"'' &e ot h Cohlora•n tllte ISth t.sy ,., SopiOMIIot I <JI:l CCB ASSOClATtS > geaotw par111onlup IY !<Yit J J .. lt .. , Par..., Pubi..Jt Dot I 12 10 Th e ._wpof1 Ea-o11 Ntll!o7 P\.18UC NOTC1: &·*" NO'I'lct: or D~LUTION or PAilTWDa~GP ....~ .................. . rbni ~ PYoptlftf Q,•pcrat ~ ••. ll.adod • CoWania lttll\ftld..... • ... -s ... ' ....., .......... ..... ...__ .... tho~ lfc• -o nd ~tylo of CCI Auoc totoo • tooorol ,.,...,.. at 1000 o-1 ...... s.. .. -Cit, ol No.,..e ~ CotlOif of Oteoto ltolo ol Oeti! -. .., • 1M IStlt> .., d ! ,, ..... 1-"' ...... -_ .................... ... ....................... ............. ..................... ..,.~ lloo ~••41••••41 ht ETS C'OMNDCIA.L PU1WDE17. ....... ,.., ...... , .. .. ....... ................. .... ....... _,.,.... .. .... .. ,.... ....... ~ ...... ... ... t ,, .......... ... ..... ..., .. .. cay 1.1111 ~ .... .......... DAnD AT .......... .._ .. C.llteta.l• t\la as.-. ... , ., ........ , AIIOOATD, • __.. .. C: .. _,. ... ,.._ n ._. a ,.... •1111\o,._,.. ..... 'lJI Newport E_..01l, ~ l, 1982 Pave lS NO'MCE or TRU8TU. 8 ~U. Mo IU7to YOU Allt IN DtfAULT UNDLP A DEED O f TRUST DATt O N~ II, 1•1 UNU:SS YOU TAU ACT10N TO PROTtCT YOU" Pf'OI't.IITY IT NAY It SOLD AT A PUIUC SAU If YOU NJD) AN EXPLANA n OH Of THt HATURt O f THt "'OCUDINO AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A l.A11JYU 0• o--w 23 IIJG at l 00 PM ~ forod oew • Sot lfiCOI l•c ae dul, oppo1ated T...-IIJ>Oot .Jad pllrw .. •t • Dood ol Tr...e te!"(jfdod O.Cetnboo I 1•1 ,,. '""" No lOIII btsoa 1431$ page 104! ol Otbc1al "-"" .......... "' o. .. ,~a. ..... Manot.all ""d loa01e ' Manlloll <» -tC•I Ia ttl. ultlce C>l ttl. Cnua ly Jlocotd•• ol Oraa ge C.O..ar, Sa1o of CoWor._ W1U SEll AT PUIUC AUCTlON TO HJGHtST IWDER rOR C'A.SM poyo..ble o1 aao ol tole ou lnw+.al moeer o4 tho Ulllled Stot•J m SouU. lroat eolra DCe h. Lbe O.o,..• Couar, Old Cou.Oho..-ll w ... Snalo A no ao..le~td C•l"f '11 So• In Aao Stnto "' r w..turoiQ Ill nghl tttlo Joel taler.,. c oo••yod "' rod ""• loold b, ot .a1w .awl [)ood ul Ttu-oc th• P'''Pit'l ttl\aa tod tD ocnd CuiiD'T ontj C:IOte ,_,t.b.d • t..-1 •·I Trl><" N 1\1 n •h• ~ty >I Nowpott B.,,, 11 •• v-• m •l' •• vfclo I oa '"' • ~l 1>-•9• 17 ,, ll !h ...... t M..-.Uo:Doo"' M"po on the I h•. ,,f tloo CoiiDI'T "" ,,.;., I •1od C"nuar, r. •P'Uiu no..,. h . .., .u .. , •1h1~hll mloer~tla moa•t •l "~h• 8<l1\Unl...., n~to• ••d ·•ll•t b.,drorarb>· a IIJ wh rl ••••t aam• ktu,wfl •h '' m '' r.. •Hiwt ut uotlet •II• poJr • ·• ~ond h••••.Jbc,.• ~-nbod ""'"''"' •--the ngllt • Ifill lftlJ>• tatoo• eaplv .. lid por t• tlorou<jh tile ,.,,,.,. • •< •PPIJ ~ 1-I rile twbellt bc'e >1 tha lo1D•J 1\e retJ>•>bt· .. leor n bod •• re••n •d • ., .. fl ;..d of , • ...-d. Tile .tr-1•d 1111 ..,.,m c 1-oo.,b·\ft II 1ar •I th• •• ,1 ""'_., ,_.,~ •~><"'• .. ""' ~ #'-'i t r.o II Moat•••T ..... ., • l"r>rntiO I Mm Ctul ~~~~~ n,. ~od•riiQneo:f Tr~•" bo ttn-1Dy lanbtlJty I ol 18f II •4t~<"ll-<·I lho on-s.S<ll- td )•het ("'Ufftm"n 1 .. 0• •n ;~.; 1t '"' ... ~ ... h ..... ~nd ..... ...U be m >'le r "' •UMut «l••D·lat ur •:aft ID'l •• ..,,_ •• •mpllod •ev~•<il~~<~ ••U• ~-• nt ••· "'"'braec-• h: J..ll'TY the ••"' n••D\1 "''n """": • .t th• " •• •t • ured by .. li•t ll••ri "'' T1 _., w th n•••••' ·h~·· Q • r• ·•1•1 n t 1 '1 h••• • i •nnc.. ~of ,., .... t•r ,._ •erm• I -i [>e.J • To .. t-~ H ? .. l .. tl ••l.•B... I •"• rr~.~ ..... n1 t., ••• , t!»t"!• '•t tn ., .... (l •• -'1 ·f ,, ~.. t '"'• ' "' ,., .,,,.,N, ... .un ,,., t • $ ~ ~ ., l t.~ t •n•l 1 1 f n ••• • ! [J-.c:J ·f Ttul't n•••"'•t ,,. ••• ... htf te v•r•i ! ff\• Oi)•r .JD•' wntt•n [~ t t Dutl ·f t•l ~ • .~. •n 1 <;.. • r .. ,.., c•ut•J n ..... uh'v •"•'• '"• '•tl pr J.W''' • • ••t ['1·•1><1 ... .,. he• u ~,.,(" .. lf'f ··~~~ r·-"• "•t!Mtlll'> n fly lltrouu ' Ap [•• aD•• '. • r ....... r.• A. ,t" r\M-:i >~n. • t • N'EIIU 8I'S ,..12 ~ \ ~. J t RLI toiUTI ( I I TITilHIS BUSINCSs NAMt <lTATt:MtNT -J ...... f\t I ""~'"" • •" I ........ ~ • 1 ... •• ... ••• "-l..... .lo • • .... \&• l..al: w,. t•-t t ...... ~... h A • ~ I ~·,, • .,,.,,. l"lll Woad• ·• i " ... flt J ,. ' i I ~ ..-I ..,r,...'4 ,\,• ........ ' ... ". t ), Z" "'• . "· •q• . ~ . . • ~ '<I ~'l'Rt.ll NOTIC[ I I IITIOUS BUSINCSS NAMI: ~TATt:MtNT • '-oJ J-"-'•" • t o;O IITH " • ... ~r~""' fin~.-. 4l t 14,, ~ ... , " ... "4 ~ •• , •• ,, &.... ' .. I ,W'( M ••h oil [\:rle t't~ll"' II I II " • )o ~>oe C A t.ll"" '• I ~''II""' l6J'7 I II • "~~ ("A, ~q k. t .. , •• , •t m • ... l W Brtltw-. f' .,. 1 "• ....... I " a., h " .... ., I '"'~.,,• M l•r "m~ :.\ R h II • I "l , , __ , "'-• ~ " t I -· . Q - T~u ~ tfi'TI•nt •,. h .t w 1th ,,. , ... ,.,., C1••" '' Or ~" J4 • • •" r N • 2 14 l Po.lll•ll " fit~ 'I., .. P' r• I ••• J -. .. , 10 ~ J4 1.0.. I I ~ fXII ' 'It n PU8l.oW N01'1Ct T a4J NOTif;E or TRU8'1'Et I ISAJ..J:: T 8 No r .- IKPORT AHT MOTICt TO PROI"'!RTY 0~ YOU ARlIN DUAULT IJNULH A llLW Or TRUSl DA lUI Au~o~ r7 1911 UNUSS YOU TAU ACTlON TO PII<J TtC l YOUfl PROPLJITY IT MAY Bl <;I.)UJ AT A PIJBUr SAU If YUII NEW AN f XPLANATl(•N Jr THt NATlJill r:>r Til l PROCtiJJIN, A .A.INSI Y• ••t YO U 5HC•Ul !.••HA i A t AW)'[fl C)t, Weri II• ••ul •• li I IIi~ •• Ill 00 A M l' '"''' K. ·• ••t '" • ec• f put T1tvft tbt '"'I I f puhlb<•n t 'j"'J' IIIP'&nt_.t T-"·••.,. •otlet '1 1\•J fjUtfwHJII t, f•-j of t ........ •·t.d ~..... .. __.1 •• 1...t S1 U l tt\ I·• 0 •ll o posqe i~ '~ Ultv ,,,I 1\4 • .to D •h• •lh e ·A tt.. Cc-ary 11. t•J•u 1 ,, ... ~. (" ....... ~Jh <>! lbl ' Jl.t•J •a.-uted hf lt~ttt\iJ M ·~ hnu.J• 6 [). •tothy V "" t.m••lt Wil l 'UI "T PIJIHI C AtJI"TI "' t t: Hlt.HLST lfi!Jlll II 11 11 l. Jy'l.ttle It t1m• •f ""l111: I • II•Y I .... ""·'ed ,, ·- "l.'lflft tt f jf .,, ... u ..... '""• •llli ••• *l.)l) ( • r), • .,.w~ ,,,,A,. I IHJ'1 '1' • 1~J Al•r - ••¥•it u Ju -h•i 1t•y • ,,. .. , ....... r, •• t ,, r, ,~ '" thft , • L .. , •• ••, r..-J u • ~~~• ""• \II •• b t • '• ,_ .. _,. L"t~J t Tt "h '"-4 • 4'119J ... ,. •t 'n t ni 'l '• ., J-.J '" Ft • • IMJ P t J-d l • t I •I ~-:a M .,_ .. !• 'ta • t )f '""'.. •unry r.,IJt ·rtu "h• ..... , J h .. ". ·~·· ~ llbWI .. ttl l r 1 -rrnou!'-fll..tttlNl ~ NAMJ: STATt:Mnn ~ ' . -· . .. -.. · ~- ' - ' . .. . • 'I • I ., ... . ·. ..., •. ··-.. I 118LI• N1 II l I[ J2.\'l~ NO ftC E or DLA TH .. .. or HAROLD HU'>SPN TRAC 't til.-HARt •1..0 H TR A CY "N n lf PETITION T(.) AOMIN ISTEh f<; ATt: ~0 A 11 !>1~ . ' It '' r .. ... , , ... .. ·-"' .. it I t' • lL r•cu-t t '"• I tf"'tfitt .. q 11n H ...,,.,.. •, , 'f.-wJ~t1 ft., I 1 U il f• 11,• 1n 1•r-• t• • ~ t"" h••tr •• ' • £• ,, .. A..i . "!'li· ·~ft(·· ... ~." • •• tn~ n r .... ,.. 'I I ·• "'ll C,,..., ... nt .. , r,,, •• " .. 1 ~·' ~nll -~~~· ..... I • ... I) 1"'2 I (l 4M If YOll • IRJf l ,.., the 11rnotut.., ol '"" ~"""'" .• ' ...... 1.1 ... ~wo •r~u •' •h• •"'ll\J c._. .,.. '"'' ~~~~ ... • hla ..,.-., '"" !>,•u woth •h• "uti .... Ofl ttl. ll••uao Your •v~,..,e _., ... • " l·y ' •• , rt YOll All£ A C:Rllln MO l r ........ _ - Nt11Z7 .,.. ........... -b1.l ...... lit. eo...., O.t ol O.oooe• Crnoa" -Nero Zl. !Wl ~0. I l,l$,2a,'I1LaT\e --· rm3l&.) N£11 115 PUaLIC NOTICE ncrmout a\JI.IXI:N •.ua: ftATDIEMT TU 'W.OWI.IG cwporcdkla II doo tao b1111t .... a• ltNOCl ON WOOD. ItO Nawpon Coat•• Dri••· s.. ... 110, N.wport ......,. .. CA. 13110 N '-' 1K o Cclbjor..., .-potdoa, 113 "'-•· pori c .. -. On ... 5¥11o 110, N.•· P"'' t..::lr.. CA ._, T\l,o....._ll~~b'a wrpclto1iool SIQ...d N '-xod. Ia.; ""' ,_.,, ,._ ~....._..,_i~Md""IIIIM Coury C\MII ol Otuea Co11a" 0 0 No· 33, I .:I I'I..WWo o.c-I, I, 1~. fl. '12 •• T\a --· ~ Ntllli PVaLIC NOTICZ ncTft'IOUI 11.181ND1 MAIG ITAT'DI:Dfr TU ialoooNie ,.,_.. •• dat-e b.-,. AJ..EXANDD AND LOUDUWI LI. OtNUAL IUILDlNO AND tNODU:EIUNO CONTRACTOJIIS, :IUJ lud o !e .... N.wpolt IMc:ll, s... $33. ~ a-e. I .u..-Hr. 217$1 C.pOia La-. "'"'" ....... '-ell, CA Dtl, Wod. Gar-Lo..6.· aJ.Il X. ~ Cor-del !ro&ar. CA. IQ01 Tb ...._ II CHGIOCMd bl <1 9••••ol pGitfaort.lup Su1a0d W<MkG Lo~ Ti,y -.. 1 WQI kl.ci -'!lo ~~~. eo ... ., 0.11 ol Or-e• Co""" oa No• 'll. \Wl P11blllll 0.C: l I, 1~. 22 112111 Tat --· J"ZZ2.tM NJ:I JJ? ruai.JC NOTICE YOU AAt IN DD'AULT UNOUI A DEED or UUST DATtO A10~ It, 1•1. UNLESS YOU TAU: ACTION TO PJIIOTtCT YOUIIi PI!OI'Hn. IT """y II SOLD AT A PVUJC SAU: tr YOU NDD AN tXPl.ANA. noN o r THE NATUJIE o r THE P111octiD1NG AGAINST YOU, YOU 5HOULO CONTACT A LA'WYU N01'1CI: Or TRUI"f'':E""IA.l..E N. NC-11f4 ... ~-Oo o...-._1.. 23, 1117, a1 10 30 A M haJic 5ub4-.l Coi'JKifa• !loa a Ca.W .. IUG C..p<II'OCIOa. ,. dilly a pp:uw.d T,...._ ,...o,. ....! p!Orelloaattoo..da!Tr .... ,_.ded ""'"'\YI ~~ 1911.00 •.-If No 311. book lt l!il PG9• 911, ol otbGcol ~do .,._,..w.c~ by Dan.U I 8ea1l•y a marued IDOl at 11'-(1) •• \Joe otbol ol tlt.e Co~~oa· If "-:ader al Ofaga eo ... l'f. Sin"' ot Cab.ior101a, Will 5£U. AT PUBLIC A UCTION TO HIGJU:ST IIDDER FOR CASH {PG'J'alole a1 lima al ...Ia Ia lawhU IIID..., al Ht.l Ua1t.d S.:...) al ""''••d• till haal aatraa.,. ID t.ow, •• TtU. luiiZCUIOO Cotp<II'G· -~ Nart.lro JrUla. Suaet. Saam "·"· c.w.:. ..... 411 nghl. ttY.....! lllr. .. co. .. ,...:! II> Dad -~ b, ~ ..... -*' o....d al , ..... Ia \be ~"'*" iltNclllld Ill .-.1 eo ... . " ... s .... d..mb.d .. 1..or U o1 Tsael No 15lD. •liM C~ty ol Newport a.ar:lt.. Co••IJ al Or~JJU~~, s... • Cal&icrraao, .. ..... -Cll -.cJP tlt.araoi ·-dad •• loo~ W . P119• 3t "" 41 . ~Map.,·-·"' -.:t~c....., ~ ..... ooWr-........... com.MOI ......... ,daal,ai .. teo! ~CIIIIItr "-ribacc o-.... .. pvporilll k1 .... 1JI~ II• 0.. La.., N...,..t leoall.. ~ ..., n.. ............. -,,...... ... ~ ... , lkaWitr lor .., Ia· <;all' .... _ ol 11M ........ .. ad._,_. ,_.., dill, II ... , . .-...~Mr ..... !aW .. 'II"'DH..,_,b .. t wt!llo.t-'• por-.. -plied., -~· MAYK A.UODOWN AS; XII S. .,..._._ A-1111. Hewpor1 --.~ H(Ho...,._.. __ _ d d~ .. .._.. u.o... 10 -.nuttr lo ,._ -.... -· ,...._ __ ,., rl " fie .......... , ......... DMd ... ,,..., bt r-.. 0 ~-oMioftitl8 .. 0~k. n ~~ ........... -* -ct IWI-.d .. llle _... ..,... 0 ....... IJadanllost .. Doil:zv.b _, n...o:.d lor Solo. _, ........ ....00. .. bsiOI:It. ....... ......... 10 00.-tM nf rlpod .. -'I mid ,......,., liD ~ ..ad ~o.d~ .............. . d.tiqud ad ~ ... --· alii a1.-.oo liD M ...,_.. :.,;: II, Ita oo ,_ No 12· of ...t OtDc:lal "-• Said .U. Will M ....t.., b .. ! wllllooat --.o.at or ~r,. ••· p,_ • lrap&i.d. IIQCII.., aiiLa, ;...-.-... ~os-. 10 pay lb. .__ priaetpol - al llle ICW(~ MC1iHd b, .ad o....dOIIT....._ ............... LI -.. pnmded. oct.a-\1 aay, wad.N tll.a *'-ol .-d o-1; al y,...._ ...._ cbar..,.. aad n · .,_ al lll.a To-. .. .d M 1t..a trw~~~ n amed by IOIId O..d 011 ,_ SatG eola w11l b• ll •ld aa o..o-w 23. lila, at 11 00 A M . al the .._, ..... _ lo o ......... T r.~~~ 0aac1 s.mc.. 1500 t...t Maylou, Oraof•. Co&icrsua YOU A.U lN OtrAULT UNDER A DUD Of TRU5T DATED Mo~ a . 1•1 UNUSS YOU TAU ACTlON TO n!OTECT YOUll niOPUTY. rT MAY IE SOLD AT A PUIUC SALt D' YOU NEED AN tXJt.AMA TJON OF TH£ NATURE O F THE PRocttDINO AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONtACT A u~m:• T\• _, <amO\III fW \a. waPf*l bGio-al , .... <>Wie<dlol --b , l<lki pooperly lo M .old, ~ Wli&La-.I<N c......,-. aad _,.,..~ u..-., aa.d crct-ro-. .... , ........... ~--.. lm.3171) o .. ,. No .... o •• ~~-l!iU s ... -Ba:all., A ColUor101a Cot- pooaboa. 01 10td To,.IOIM, ly Gu.ardlaa Tr...t o..d 5a.-, o """11"fllll'*<>a, oo "9.-i, IIIXI LMt Mo,-iou ,_ ... ,... Oraa91, CA. 9'81 t'714J m -•1o -, Vld:, L...a. ,....._,Seer-, ~ O.C I I. 15. '12 •• 1'\o Newpoo1 ta.v• N£1 111 PUal.IC NOT1CC nCTn-tOUI 8UIDfEU NoUCE 8TA'f'DG:NT n.. lolloww;J C!Oipllllldtiotl • do- ..... ~~--a1 II) 50UTHEAN CALirO ANIA ALARM COMPANY !2) SOUTHERN C ALIFORN IA ALA.AMS, (3) SOUTH[AN C ALIFORNIA A L ARM INST ALLtiiS (t ) SOUTHUN C ALIFORNIA ALUM SYSTtMS. 13;1 t Drd St S..•t• 22 C:O.... W.... CA 936H SCA S.C1Utty O.•olop· .... ,.,, 1~ [ Drd 51 . s.tue 12. c-M-.CAD2'7 1'\ .. ~ • ~..ct.d by " ror-<>110• Sw,ud. SCA Sacunty O.•.topmeot. Oo...-1 SeiKI, Pr• -· nu. -··1 ..... bled ... u. the eo ... " 0...~ o1 O.oq• eo .. aty 0 11 Oct 'ZI. 1912. P....bl»lo No• 10, 11 U . O.C I 1!112 1.1 flu, N..oport r.-..,. fl00&93 NtJOQ9 PUBUC NOT1CE ..... N01'1CE TO CRZI)n'OR.I Or """" ,.,....... 1.._ IIOI .. ltr U.C.C.I NotW:a II lrlareby •-• Ia credllron al l.lle trilbLI .-eel ,._.....,(•) .at 0 ........... ... ..-a, ... ~:oa--.-,.....,.w P'crs-'if .......... ~ n ..... e(IJ....t • ...._ ..... do au o l taa tale ade d trCIMioasar(•) ar• Moft 1-boa, lK. 182 Jlaaae 0. ' lm.., Coli! i21U TM Jocoal,oa •• CaaioorNO ol tile db.! •no:\1• .. • aMic-e • ~.._.._ .. aa. ~.~~ ........ -· -· AD era. ~ -Ill aad ocldz-1-t "' ... 18-.:t.d ,. ...... .tWa.,_ y ..... pCIII -taa .... __ .. tll.a t.a- -.dad --... ...... .., s ""-' Or . SoMIIII A.d. CA sr7tN n. -<1(•) OJid b.--""" dn11 ol tit.• lat••••d lloll leraa(l ) Gf l Na•te I.a ........ I.K., mt ev- Pl, Noawporl Booclt., ~ .., 1'bcfl t.llo ,.op.-ty ~ ·--• d.c:rtb.d w v-eri .. aD sllildl ............ .. aq.o.~,....l, ,. .... -· .... ....-i..aiM o ~WIMt c:a.-.... _ ..... --... at. )MI VIa Opc.-to, N..-poor1 leoals., CA 11113., ,.. ...._ -111.-d .y ........... ,~-..... ~ -'-· Lldcr "'-· a.-C~E--,.._ ... ~ ......... . ....... liD .. oow-..... al ..... of:..,_ r-.. Co.. :lm!M. ,... ..... ,__ "- C.D'IIIIatmll •• .. o.o...,».lm n.a... ...... .....-. Cb' • 0.... a....-. ~ .... 11. ._.. .... ...._ .... -·---.. ..... " ..... ,....c. .. JD7D N.r.-.a-..... ~CA .,.W ..... JJIMf, ... .... ., ........... ~ ..., ~ ...... ""'!"'~-~ ..... .-..... __ _ ... _ .. ----... .. m.-& .... k 9 t ,_..;;=; -, 0 7 , ::.:.;;. or-• .... --;,,.... ... :;. 1, •• ,.. .. -..... ---....... --- ............. IOiid s.-~-~ Lot.,.,~ l&odi: t. ·-· ··-olls-iota.l .~ ....... ._. .. 0 .... ,_..., 1.1 ._. '· ,_,....,. 30. w~poo~--. Mapa, lllllae o!ioa o4 .. C.lllaty ......... ___ _, hopor1Jo Gdcir.. • ~' kaow• Go 120 A GATE A VOW£, J.4.UOA ISLA.ND. CAL.lfOJUollA n. ...U .-o .... ot 1M 111•· paid t.alaaca "' lll.a ~ _...eel by tM propesff ?II M .old ud ,_,..... --a?lld -. .. ~oll4111i•ll~tlcrl lll.a ...... U..lalllal ~ at U.. No"=* ot ScUa 11 I IU,. ,.. .. Oely c 11rr a atly dGia d c..a-·o Cbw:8 or c:...a.d Oalld. .... ~ 10 , .. T"""" p1Dwied JN'CII* wlee· ~-CII ..... Sai4 """' Will b. MaO., b .. t ...U.....; .,..,_ ar ~- •01-ar ..,pAled •eo--.. •· tla. ~ .. oc ...,.ua,b,o-. to ... nofy tile lad•••e4•- IK1I.Iw:i b, _.. o-t. ~ til• IM o•d aopa-ol IIIIo ,.. ...... aad Dl llt.o nsr. ""oatad by l lllltd f ••d . G!il•aaCII '"•••uadet. .-jt& 11t.roat 01 por091ded , ...... dad u.. .... po1d ~rl•elpal ol till• eata ••• , .. -b, -.t.od wllll 1.1• ler..t ...,._ ... p~"'"'*ww 1.1 ........ Outed No·-· 10, ·~ S..r...a Raeea,..y.-.;:e C..a pay m1 wu.au • ..._d. La. Aaea'-. CA uno 12131 ~:Jl21 .. -· t....... lr Rod H&U. v-py..,._, ~ 0.. L. I. U, 't2 1.1 Tll. Na.,..wt C.....• NtiiM l•a• Bn11ol, lotlt.rya Dloaa Se:a-w. 1m1 Podtic Au . SllMOI n.-lt.. 10'7t2 fb b...-~ ~vctad b, II ~;~•oarol J>GIIa•reai ~J Stoa..s DM.al W~ !\lit..._.., -tu.d ..w. 1M eo ... ., a-t .t 0.011Q'G a. ... ., o• Oet a . 1112 PIOWIN Noe lot OoK I. I , U, '1;1 1.1 n.. .... ...,..., ~-f'UJI27 NEll .. A~••~~•-s ..... :aoa. Ha•poort lloGelt., Co GliO· O.r..ad O..U... lcd:o J-ay Go.-.-IIIJ 1501 Hc.Jw,ll "--"•· Apt -Yaa Ha,., CA .... Tid. "--1 cood .. ctld ..,_ Ill 11d1•1d11ol Slg••d O•o<~ld """'""" TWo""'*"' .. , .... kled "' .... eo...,. o-t 011 o.111111• eo...., a. Moe 12, ·~ P .. bbeb Noe 24, 0..: I, I. 1$. 'l:l II "nle Nawpoc1 £a'"911 f"JlXX'Z2 Nl:l l44 PUBUC IIOTlC£ ·-nCTn"Joua IVIlH'EU NAME ftA'fiXLWI tM loii-Gwlaq -..-Cillo• .. Go-...... INAa-.. HUHT'StA.L. c/o r-b A Loob, D ....,._,c. .... o-., ~ leoc:lt.. CA...,. ..... ....... 1M . 0 Ce.llb-a6a -· por.._, 111100 sa--"'"'· s.u.. Dl, v ... 1ft,., Catl • .... nu. ·-il ooodvctad ..,. .. capor ...... 5ig.ad C.por II No•• H .... .._ lw: . ~ H1U1t, Clt.crir-.... .._._ n.,....__,_lll.d ....... .;a,..., a.~ .. o.-...,. a...., ... No-r ~~-1m F"33Dl33 NEl \t-5 ........, 110M(% ·-narr'I'JOIW, ·---a&N&ftA'IP WI "'·--·-~ • .ui1A IJ(()UI, .. t.o.-.r. • .,.....,c· ... -11 J--W, ..... Js, '1111 L o...,.... ...... cw .... tall ........ P.O, ... 1ll. ...... C114-l ~......._.. "· .............. ~ ..... ....... ,. 1\.11 '1 .. _ ........ c:...tr a.. .. o-.. 0...., _ ..... 11.1- ..... ...... o-1.1,11 ... ............ .._. MillO ------ "'.... ....-..., be ........................ will 1111-lod/os .... - A..-..a..~t.-IIW"' NW. ,\_ !h.-II ... S.,..n- Colllrl ol Osoag• C111111., ••· ~u.c.t~A ..... t..- pol.&\lld-,.._,! .... -·· IOa+=M._.U.. .... oiJ- S.ko•, N•••ort !IOCII, Cold ( .. adar tile ladapa•d•al Ad· HI& _,.. M r...... Arlt) TM ~---~~~ Oapt:.No , ... 100 Chk:: c.. ... on.. w-. -... "-CaiiJ t270a-0. I, IIG .-S:JD AH lJ' YOU 08JtCT • tM .,-. llo4 ol aa. ,....._, ,.... .._... toiUioN .. ,... Cit ............... .... ,.,..., ~ 01 .. '"'*"- ~wl ... _... .......... Aaan19 ro,.. ~-_, M II ,.,_ 01 b7 JW.r aillltlol.., If YOU AM: A cam noR oo a _...,.., ~.w.. "' lila ---ad. you ..... tile ,_. claw. wllll lb. """"' ar ,._, It ?II ._ ,_.. ...U ,.,.._.....,. appeUiod •r rt..a cout wMiaLI lou• -.-.a. tr-IM da?ll ol lint .__ M ....... .. ~~·~'JQ)ol.llt.oa haboottaCorle al Califor-1\a -. !oar ...._ etaUM wW lot ••JII.I• ~.low---.,_ .... "- al ... ~ eotlltld abo-teo TOU MAY EXANINt tbo ~ qpt by tM _, II ,.... ... II· •Iliad 1.1 ........ ,...... ....,. .. Cll .... ~ Wllh tba-......... ~ •o?tft ot tM •• __,. ., .-... _. o.d .. tll.a ,........, --~~ ud report~ d~ 11 S.C.0. \200 of till• C.Wor101a Probalo Code lnrt.a, Hok l loc-obo I, 5111l••el H S&..11a . t.q ...,._, ..... acta C.e"'JJ hrk L:Mi. Su.IM ,., Loa Aa~C..W 9001'1 {213) 211-:J'700 HI:\ I. 11117. II 'it, l:ld NOTice or D&ATH or HA,.Ol.D E. IKNON. ••• IC>OIIfY-.um or nm 10• TO ADICDfi:ITD Eft A Tt NO A·IIP. To oJI lt.ein, baa•hc tall .. .,...,..,. oacl -uv-t ........... ol lbald E s..,..., oU 5ouy s.,.,._ olld ~ wllo _, be oilt.at ............... Ill .. -..11 old/• 1111ot1 A paatiooo M o-.lll.d bJ T~ae~ ... ~ lnlctt 1.1 11M "'.....,., Co11111 al Or11191 Co••IY ••· q>illllbQ lllot t .... lat.&laeot 8rody be "•pololad a• ••rooaGI • .,..._10 ............ ~ .... 1et1o .. HcuoW E. 51......._ DaJboa !Maa.d, CoiU. (IOadoN .. ladep.a-t... Ad.at.-noe ol t..o111 Ad) n... pft._ .. -..... _...., 1.1 Oopt. No 3 a1 'JQ) cmc c-.. On" """'·So•to A.aa, c..Jd 9IDOa-0.. I. IIG ot I.XI AM. IF TOU OIJIC'T so tbag~ ol tM .......... ,.... llb-w ..... app«a of ,.,. &eon..., oa4 ..,. .,_. ~ 00 IUa ..,...... • ~Witiii.M_.._ .... ~v ....... ,...._..,.,. .... ,.,_ .. by '"'' ......, a YOU AJU: A CllEDJTOJloor" _.....,.., ""edltor olsM ....... ed. ,.,.. • ..., ti&a ,_, olalla w~• Ill. .,.,.., 00 ...-U ?II tba ,_. _... r ... ---... ~ .... by u.. (!Oiall wttW. tau _.. Ira. tM driSto • lint ....._ .. ........ ,..~ .. ,_.... 7100ol t1ut Probate Code ol CcUib;Ua Tloe ._ b tlbv ~ will aoS ..,.... prw. 10 ._. ---tro. W. dcrt. ol !loa ·~ IOOtlcod 0 .... TOU MAT UAMINt 1M ~ kept "y I"" court U ,... ,.._ II• .,......,.,.. 1.1 ......... ,.... ....,. ~ " ........ wttb tM-" liD ....... opeCI6a1 ........ ,._ ..... ol ...... _... ....... lb. ........ -•lloldrep0011~\a S~~etloa 1200 at tlloCillilooala """""' """" Gordo.. W.w-o • ~ .. t.-.ard D W ll&b.9 lCII A•• of tba Ssta:a, IDO 1.-aa ........ Cotlt. 111117 (3:13) 271.-a2 ...... 11117, IVM.12.11 • ------ 110. .... ._ ., • .u ....... ·-•rt ... ..... u •••••• •o•tl••··· ........... '-"••......, MeW-...-.-4 ....-... ... ...,.-. ................... ... lM..W.-4/-~ ...................... ..,. A.laa J. •••lila.,.a Ia •Ill• .......... c • .,.,, •• Oso••• C......ty .......... ,..... ..... . ~ .................... ,.... -a~ ...... _ ........ ..... ........ u.. ........ Lo .. .. "-••'I llel....... •••••" 8o••lil . Ce. h••••• tlilo ..... . ............. ,. .. .. ............................. ... "'-*-• ... ~ ........ ,.. CS..._ O..llt Dwt .. Wllllt. lowta "-0.. Wl1-o ....... .. 1-at··-· IF YOU o.a:c'l' .. ~ ••-- """' .. \M ..... -... y-._.. ..tM. ..... at .. .._... ......... ,_ ..... ct~ ...... ••It•-oW.au... .:till tka ................... ~~. ........ ,._ --...--......... '-..... IN lry """"'" orttlnlay. IF YOU All& A CN:Dn"'Ol ... _....,._. co.IUiool' .. ~ •• , t, """' .......... ,..... U.U.""~"'--11or.-tlt .... .,._ .... .,.._ ....... • ....., ... ..., .. -' wttltl.la ..... __ ,.., .. _ ~ ...... Uus 1••,.•••• al I•U•r• •• .. ...w-.4 '-.....,._ "' .... Pte .. ta Ce4a •f Coll.tMata. ,.,... ...... ew.. • .w--w _.....,.,..... ...... ,_u.. ·-~ ........ .._... .. u....~ ...... . TOV IU.T D.uGJIE U..IUa ~ .. .., .. -wt-u ,_ •• Ia· ........ ., .......... ,_.., ilk • ,..._. wn~ \lito .-i 111 • ....................... u...,. _._y ......... _.. ...... lbe •• ,,, ........... , •••• ,.,....., ............. l. ot ~ OolUenUa Pr.a.... c..&.. ~··0~ . .,, Ama&,L&.. ... •-14ta-lliln.-a.r-'-~.-_C.. IOD'PI 1:1,..., .. NEIIM II 111, 11/Jt, 12/1 RAYMOND --_,q rat\lfJMd from a auc, ee.wNI NDUMt d.m&.lt tour in "SupporliDI c..~·· boo bouoipod , .. a "Matt Hout&oa" ~rUM"' •lOnioa .. Tlt.lo of .... -~ "W-Pwt,y b Th.i8 ~.,., .. The lady it a wor-llabolk: shl Q~tvar aLOpl ... S...,haM Powu. paduawcl from Hollywood HIP In 11160. 10 •••• penuadecl eo- IUra a.-t w .. _ .. and Lioool s ....... 10 bolp ... , bolt LM tint "Han To Hart Hollywood Hi.ah Homecomi.ac Hop. .• FOCUS -Wbon- 'hrob Stott 8Uo ••at ill' to Beverly Hilla to &aka dtUv..-y oo h1a MW Ttul Am. a P"Ck of youna fane foUowMI him Into 1.M showroom. They wW abc be oohina and aaahiq Scott when be appear~ In "St.ara In The Faat lAM" January 23 ... "DuJ:.M Ot Huurd" dtftci.M T- Wo~N~t hu ·~ a d..l iD Na•hvW. to wu an album LO hh. the mu•k tt.otu eatb next YMr ... That 'a a si.Jr.·f~re c:on· tract Jay aa K••••d)' aipt<l LO be t.M Cc*e apoke•JMraon ... Did you know Lhat "Lovabo.t'e" Ted Laa•e'• m&mfl ia a Lop TV t.al.k •how pa.r- aoDI!lity in San Fren· claco? ... To• Sal'-tk haa bun nam.d hononry Captain of th• San Dieao- b .. ed U.S. Men'• Na- LioD~~l Vol~yball c. ... m. Tom i• one of tha came's better play•n ... Mad~• Slaclalr who playe £rnNtiM Shoop. R.N. in "Trap~r John, M.D .. " i• • cotuln of tha la.._ J amaic:an national hero.. Marc:u:t Harvey . COMING EVENTS O.uJa WNver le in San Diesa 11t1urin1 In "Co- caine: One Men'• Poison." The two-hour world premiere movie for NBC foc:uMa on a rniddle- c.lau real eat.ate broker who Lake• LO the c1n.t1 lo taM family and aronorn.k: pruauru. Tha u...-onJy wonena his peraonaJ pro- blema as he baf:omea an addict ... "Too Ck.e For Comfort's" Lyd.la ConMU and "Happy Day.-" A .. ... WIW..a are MI. LO eo- hott tM bltppy 1oinp-on on t.be w .. t Cout. whUa Okk Clulo ,._.. , ... fHtiviU.. ill. New York'a Time Square coma Dec.ember 31 on ABC. The •how will bt c:.a1led "Dick Cl.ark 'a New Yea.r'a ftoddD' Eva '83," CampiDa Gear Care Juet l'tiC'entl,y we t.allllad about uaina your aqu~ ment goinr rilht on throu1h the winter and how to care for i\ under wintry condiLiOl'la. Well, lhere ll't en awful lot of peop• mn there wbo want to tit Main front of the fira and rtlu wblle 1.M anow rue.. They waat to think about t.ba CUlpiq they dkl ov.,-U. put few mont..ha an4 wbat t.'-7 wW be doln. iD the lpriq. Frankly. uU... 0.., pc. out of 0.0.. cbaln aDd Llle:a eva of lhlt tqu.lpo mlftl. 0.., won't be~ muellt of •I\1Lh.iAaUCJI9C.a ... .,..,. AU canv.u..., mu.u b. c~ ud dried ot Jt will _ _,,...~..,.... lfit'elnQMW.~ It .W U.w u odor U.t ww~u<r.. ... _ Wuil il ....... wkil a mild ctec. ... t ..t lMD mUe ...... k: .... N tk&e ly driod--lt -llJ ..., .......... lio. coolud ........ ------... .,.. .......... ,-. , . ..,... .... . AU ..UI .. uJp ... t •IMttUil M e'en•• ..._ ... -1'llll• .... -~-..,_., . ,.._ .. __ ........ --c-..-· ... ""' • v ....... .... .., IF ...... ..... -... ruwecw. • No.., Went.d 21 MoMy To wen 8DYICU ~~ ~. '! * 0 .. -....; re ... .,. Patllleaa, ClU•••·~~&;~· ._I sat C. 0 ..... ttil?.n.a·· .... ··--lfDIOIUU r·o UXI EVDYONI to ~ •beN• Eell.&nlw For a ••J ol W. lor tboe tndo•Miua. T•n· •n lorma t1011 ce &40 1299 BAD CREDrTI ft~tve ,. Nu.tercard or v- 1 CJIIarel\te.d ._n 11 you have b.d credit, 1\0 cred1t or 114,. beeo benluupt fo r Ire• I b1ochvre c•ll U S Cred11 O.te tollb .. I 800442 1531 any lima lO '--Op.JK>' ROMANCE'> lila,.. •• ,., Oppur CULTURE? TRAVEL? l2 Trvat o..da end 1 U tb ... ualw ... a locl7 Nort~" ~» much ca tll., ia'-_. lJ ro.eeto..lr• s--~· I tb beolU.,, attracbH )t 111-..u•nc• 111at. pr~ D..di.D9 ICDCIIAMDISE a o •w b om•. write J5 IMete S.&.. Coa1t M•d•o Ne!'~ J6 Sporunq G-<1' I P 0 Boa SOU , law l7 Art 1 Babcock. N 8 9286$ ll Aa11q"" £aclo•• p1chr• 6 » Avctoon• I r•fer•oc:. 41 fllllllhlll 11 HEAL'I'H DIUNI.INO WATER ,... -bcM1tae\oold cleUolou. Trlol• ~ .. -Uait r..ao.• aeiM1toa, ct.lori••. ~ "*"-' 000· ~•ca.a'* Warroaty ..... (714) 499- ~" ., 1'BA YEI.I •ACATIOM AJJUJNE nCKETS 2 hnt claa round lrtp LAX to Boeton R.tvrn b0111 New Yor~ 1650 o.ach. worlh over S925 .. ch 644 9 278 &40 "'KY77 11 DilUt· TADOIEN'I' KlJlE A HAR.EN lot HoUc~cry r.trnb• t..t Ia HELP WANTm CRUISE SKIP JOISI Gr• u.co.. ~Mal AD OOCN~ •Ia· Jormcrtioa caD: m.-. OU&eat. .a. N.-d utra •OMt -••ll tra•el ohb •••benll.l~ Take lripl fO\IJ'IIIII. U$-1-NonDo REGISTEIU:D NUJSE -..a.. ....... t.. Noa-eaok!!t looal ..... ..,... .,.,.. JlMpoaeNe ~ 00\JpM -wtJl -.o .. It&t Laau•a aNa llo••· WW do rard work. 541- 7141 Ho\IMIIitti.D9 Gcug oa •ooatloa? T L C. lor I pe~~a plata. m.1~. I 35 COUMSll.ING SERVICE t!. eaaiLDQ At.ah S.Uy I Ooacen eotoer1aul yow I \REATING A NEW gu_.. 6 cbeoll at par 1 YOU' A hypnu booh"v I '* 1 po.m. aUcnn I"'' ,1 •'£'~"'"" h '" I Call (714) '131·4~74 h-•no• The worllt.hup '-"e 111~ .. , In< lud• 111\J nttOflnl.l . I v •• " rwh .• v .... ""'I 11.01\Q I •• STOPI LOOI. a f " m 1 J•n..t l• •n ,,1h11 USTENI •• tt, •n wtl ~··w•• lut I Eollolbe.......,_d!Ua jl.u••nq , ... ,It, 71 4 :;~~~=~· ti3180EIO cqloor.,_,._, ·•· 27SlTUAnON$ 1 ~,........,.,_ WANTED I PlANO LESSONS Beo1n,.r •dv.sn·ed •II Procte c:al Nurae II ..ca.-.. PVIUn'UU LN.aa. 2 JJ!:J ..... Poal Joba Woyae Te.allia ' 315cc~ Cl\lb Faal~ -... Wt -. Memberebif 1100 . eacJ. Bra. fto, ·1·5'7~ P P ( moW~e 711)..1180 -s~oe, .• Mlak Coot. etan.laa FRENCH Oiot -~at fall PROVJNClA.l. Wr ..._ ~llt .. t1N6t• .. lvr • Araolr• 10. zcdMd moo. Comtt1 di.ala9 rooa .... 1$7 ..... _. 1-3231 I 7 PIECE 'o'aa PlOiectioa Color TV SO" ecnMa, ~ I ' ......... ·-aofo, 1150 ca.a~ag ........ l.lae ... liglk.l• Wo.ll lig II 1700. ..,..,... o.dl. 'd/c lr.o&chn. Call Uoa. ~tllecl kla• tol awaber I.IQO. .......... 532-31"12 DAN1SH 1'EAI -diD-Eac,clorn!a 1912 1119 lable 6 6 cb<:An E•· rta..e c ••.• "' leDda lo MOl 8 2 yn r;olilbed 1.275 WOI old Beo"tilul 1350 2 Fro.a.ll -731· lll'flDQ room hlgb bock 4310 chain Ea~t ootad 1150 eo &.tale eale R.t Coaadlaa r oa r"' Beet olf•r (71 4) 99'7. ..... -·~ "· I 0369 l•;tb • .00. i\5? I ou DININO Ta.ble, 2 BOOI.S -OIL AAJ\E Ilea•"· 2 orm-4 ade 111\d out ol punt We chou. 6 bt.tlf•l ChUla buy &Ad Mil "Out ol CabiDel w11b rOUDd punt boob our ·clel Qta. C:Otllen Eac.U.ol ty · N•tiOilwode rC'h 1 cond1t1oo 499-4040 S.rv.ce Booa Vavlt 3682 A So 8uatol S.n U APPLIANCES te Ana 549 9548 --'•' NEW Tejoiioae Seem cWue portCib&e A.aewuiag •aclliae lrota IU 15 dhhwoeher Oood I 'l'y-n._ City 770. Cbri8tmcu gift Oaly ~ · • ellgbtl, ILMd, 11.11•-w '"~·I WHY PAY WON:I Now rentaDJ Gran. • HvnhnQIOn Ap.ertmenta Pn.me Qerdea eperl -~~··· ,_, bM.c h ll\ HvntlnQ ion Be•cb• Ooe end two ~room •~rlmWibJ lror& 1425 I 14)8476064 NEWPORT BEACH Oceenfront yearly belt local1011 2 bedroom I bath S l 200 Cell I ll13 433 5016 FOR RENT I bedroom am all lu••uy QU•t .. pertment •n new ~~ ... ood wood home M ol .. un. ·~ .,., .. wu.her dryer ondud.d 1895 monthly 2 block. to OCIAn Lequna Beach AvatiAble Oc1 I By own.r 497 6230 W APU111EJn'S FUIUUSIIID f URNJSKED S'rUDIO Mparat.d hom hou .. Pnve te e nlr•nc e I Downateua erN tlver I looltt pool Loll ., •• allo haa welk 1n clc..t end beth Near'lrMw"y 1 '3 11111\ulll 10 b.ac-h '"rl tho pptnq Newpoll I Beech SSSO 644 1 4 136 51oo.o&/ TOWNWD FOaaaT NEWPORT lEACH, ae..t to ijoog HaepUaJ Oc•aa/BoJ ~-. 2 bd.na • 2 bath .., _, ~~·~~&r9• RANCHO SAN JOAOUIN 2 bdr ~ Orecnriew N.al golf c:oour., OOCII· m~ool a il5q A Ja I IDO 730-1810 Northwood, th. Lok•, 2 bdr • 2 bath, 2 llklrf Lak•11de patio T o wab o ua• all ammenUi• For reot 01 1-Wltb ~· Ia bvy 213-37? ·vooa~&ca Co.do. Fair· aoat Hot Sprlaga, Moetaaa• ~~ 1350 1175 131.QZ37 I ·Rea tal Ovoil er .. k Coado. Lopaa HWa. 1 bedlooca. -.bt·a...l. 2 C! a t g a.:.:,e:, I ftefri9•cnor. • drJer Coa111valtf poo~ ••••l• 1800/ I CDOil a, Call ElJi. 131· c.31. ,1731 'Logwaa leach/ Topol lb. World. ~lOMe lor I 5I VACATION RER'!'ALB MClmlllollth CaDdo fl' a •owt '!i Ill 2 bdz lcllt. 3 --~9allt&. ome o 1Hea + ua ~mMn porkiag t7 llW. EST ATE BY OWNEJI .\pprc.xo m•t•ly 3 500 aq It uatom 1-torM properly >n I I acre wtth Vllw behtnd 24 hour Qu.ardeti communoty Pool ten noA •nr ~ ~uMIIhln rent•r 35 moiM to L A •t N•wpurl S..c-h Lo at.cf >ft ICp ,,t htll "'1th 4 Jbeervellon MIC'Onl" tunounded by beeutttvl rualom home •n pr .. •• '1 10111 D~tmond Ba r ue.t S.53 000 O wn111 •• "9*"' c.u 71 4 'i98 6121 Broh rt '" " ... j 42 Apphenc.. -.-.tl.AlNt-----""--5 4J Televtaoon/St••eo• j KA lN • 44 Nue~eel lnatrv~an•• 1 ~ O..C .0 ~~~1 45 Othce [q"'P"'•"' oa'E,,........_ 46 Sl.,.pe •nd Coon& I You bne \Ill-two 47 S.wuuJ Wee honea tw:llell to ' ~_per_~· " tlylM l.tMI m .. rh ><l Prol-ooal home core I pr~n•l pootlv•m•t lo r d11obled 6 con I My att.tcho your hum• ~olaac~oQ 24 br Ml o ppeoroDce, whit!£ I WINDIURFI:R8 • woodaral.a top Sla5 w 1 o.Uy 21elt! All D .. ., 11.1 857-ITI4 •••llioQI or ed S841to fler Coll i w .. &eod (Rita I "Lee) 491-7391 f vrDLabed Stud1o pr1voteeotroace H ov ae adJOIIIIDQ Dowoaloue a rea - o .... rloou pool loft hae at.epi.Dg area. abowan·l I cloeet' Outet ~ null to b•acb. aboppooq, 1r .... a, ss~o 644. 4136 41 ru~ Plec.e OGU ~lor 49 O..~t~ond-'J•,.•Irv you.r tic:kell 50 WtJIC·elleneulu Sl Went T\-l uv UNTALS S2 R.tnteb T" Sh••• 53 Ap.er••~'" Unhn ,. Ap.ertlftenta f vrfl 56 Hov'" Uolvrn 57 Hov-furntah.d Sl Cot~ct...ffwnh•• for..._, 5e Ytcllloa Aent•l• II ~ .. ror "-•• 12 Oftw:e/Coralftrcl IJ.._ Hoe" 14 8Mrd 1nd c.,. 6S G.reqe fur Aent M Waet.d To Aent tNCYCLOPEOlA1 u.~ MSO -wa~ S1100 WtU •ake a -.mfie Xmca Q1lt 131 ...,frau. rtMALE I NEWPORTER uede tiaa.alal d 0 -lor aecbcol ed.ool "-oall m.., I lOLO&T I ANDFOUND aawAaD• ,, ... Gebn•ll" Stud•· I once Call Ma Teny MWIK 645 lOO I 00 2937 1 A B.EAtJTifUL Blll Y DANctR Wtll m .... v ... 30 auaoo:ss next occ-"""n •P"'("•·•I OPPTYI W• entertam I 1 puv .. •• I TUIUtEY PARTY DAY And b.aUI~ ljrl'U~>t I r'e ii7JI 4514 PUPPET SHOWS • ,, "•ry 'P"' I I bttlh l•y I P'""'" clvb "' • hutC'h ""''"" Cell p,., Wolaun I ~7 1090 aALLOONa u.,~., p•raoaa.laed g\1 u.u •• ed loca.U, Order t~ "BoUoou of NeW~*' 644-7..0 .. NUIICAL Lc.l cha11ce foe aero tul'l'Rw--.-ta••• lo '82 6 '13, t _..,. ___ v _____ •• =c::.at~a !?; I ALLEN PIANO. SSOk wrlt•·oll UOO Car~ ...._. ot9aa dowo Lor9 e profit Oood c oadttloa, pot•ntao.l 638-9111 beautlfvl toael.. Uae I cablaet 1150 Pboae E.'X£C MARK ETING 7st-0357 (:ROUP •nlr "' H'ony tht• ==~,-.:-~.....,..~.,..,. '"''~" .. •n•l ''"" 111t .... <l STEINW~~. ORAND MILEAl>l MAK ER PIAN0-.51 . wola11t 114 99(1 44 I I PnYGte party, 7IC).()6Q ILEAL DTATE n RMIL!Iete .. Ho-ro t S.l• W Condoef'T•nhwa I_.. ...... Lo.e Sal 10/1 'N·~ •••. nla CaD coU.ct ••· WoWct tou bU to be oa 1_3027 ________ I odor'> Are you wil.ltag WANT TO BUY >~ "fll ., t .. n..... '' le •n Shu" ·~ '·'"•' on Selm.r SiqllM Wood I ~ Ocuui4ot willa COle Profewoaol_ quolUy hu uw 1m S40- 08'75 for S.le 71 Lota end Aer-o• 11 SCHOOL 12 a.-crt Property 73 ..._._Property 74 loC'O•.X:om•rd Propetly 75 Property WniJfllftl 7t locoae/lndYet11•l Properly n Real ""•'• W u ted/lu h1111.1• MOilLE IIOIIES 10 Wob.le Ha- ll No~~le Ho•" W1nt.d 12 ~ ... Hew.. p,~. .OATI .... t.tlqprt~nl 85 loet C~•••• ..... Sltpe AU1'0110nvE 17 AvtoU~.,., II Motor Hoa .. • "-crt11 Vehocle• to S.rv~eelllep.a~r 91 lioloto rcyc '-' Nas-ta 92 l tcyclee 93 VenafTrv("~' For S.le 914 TruchiVan- Wut.d 95 Auto PeriS Aoc-~''" 96 A11to/Trd LNanq 97 Avtoa Wented DOG O B£biENC E TRAINrNG lor CYWnera wh .. c-ere Ooqa pupptll 7 wMkl &1\d up Group p11vete leMOnt Bo.rd tra1n1nQ problem be ha"'"' coruultett"~"' Su• Mylw• 966 844• Olrlllmca Pllppee Go&deo r~ AJ:C mole• Clloaploa bloodltae S 150 770 .,, Carol 01 a:M-0602. Skip lo pcJJ la5 per wll l.or l lrotll t ag? Wa IJIICUO.D'" oher 30 wu you Wl1l belA o prod~.M: IMia Co..U r •rDCJJido at ' 213-462 1210 or WaUy 213-4&-U:J& Glamor lo b w llb leod1ag Coa mellc Com Full·hme . pa7 I .-ll por1·time b.n Mu I be oraaaa-d •• Wl1l tralA "S1art aow for lbe bCJlidar b-.-S58· 9774 hul\n.._ f f't)tturn'J• ... ').... t¥"'(l lit NHil 1'1 Vtdlll·~ f'A< KA• a . '" • ' uhl lfl\~ •J-•'·• t •f '' t(, dt&· \AUf ('" ,t I H'\ I .'14"l t. I , .... h .. , '" I tm •••vn V.INI~ !., fI t ANIN. t •JI.&r ••'" I 1 ~•·• W••l ,,,,,b ••·•• T·., • ~ 1 tn•·r1t .. ,..,.J., ""''" •r' h r••w w., .. , I t • .,.1,.-t t r•• H•, Jn I '"' •II onv•••rr •n• ....... bQ..I-1 AMW A Y PRODUCTS I me t<.o you Silt 11lac It >n Queeed •• rnon•v b.t ~ 559 S5"l i Ga la a y £1•ctroalc orgaa -~ 17 coni. ou~y. rll~ potter•• • beoh. ,.ctol .tfectl It'. fO\I I OW11 oom.bo. Lib ...... O~tg 1 1500 • Sell 11000 MUla WANT TO BUY OR ~ OmCE SELL a bllollia-? Co..U EQUIPMENT l.cm Slwar, ~I Ill bvelu.. OP(I~!· IBM P£RSONAL COM tuQIU. Call M2·l100 PUTf.R 1 Of. ) ~n 1 2 l a5.000 ~ laYelbD•t t\UU uamecbote profit la•••tou l o woer Sfl~" welcora e 1 pr o r M"" uo rl 6.,. ,~._._, jl < lf'Y MAt HIN£ IM nll t re•n•v rebuolt umplet• w th 1 tu pplo~<~ S.95 bftt •I '"' 811 7958 I S CDU'YEAY C'aTPTIAlQ) ~~eorpup. pee. AIC, 8 w..U old bt. Cluutmoe, greol -~ I • '8• Yovr Owo ao.w • We are look· IA9 lor 3 01 4 eaperieoc· ed llauetJU.ta with wt.O.Oat dieaw loa a b\Wf Lou ro,_ Hau Saloa Klgll••t pa.id comaa.iMioo/ or will tee.. *11011 P*acnal worklllg coadltloa• Coil Oa';h~I-M11 (i-8), 831-(oh.r 7 p Ill) Need •.atro mo-t ''0 MARTIN 27S~ Lorouo Com Meea Co Coogrotulauou f You ha.e I \Itt wo.D two bell•• IO • su.,., F\ID 1 PleaM call 67~0SS0 lor your bck•ll I Muat S.U Acller elec· InC' typewn .. r r ulJ liM ••ll·c:orrec~~9 Coet 1785, ••U sass LUra D-~8392 1.0'1'1 r • .-~car lot M NM4owlna So•tll Paoltto VIew .............. ..., .......... ·~ -·· 15 GARAGE Harbor V'-'r 1117 P«t Toovcut -To,., ba.b7 Ueme, elec:ttlc knra mow•. Mile. All lOa -Sat I to 3 Sa I to 11 liiiEAJ.TH LOSt WIJGHT NOW 10 lo <i9 U. 1ft JO cUYt or your Sll 75 tor I month'• avppl~ _retvr_n -Call HEUAU.f[ dtalrtbulor Miche ll• 6455-4~ Reod the (/ossified ods .. 11 tro••l club raeaberelk~p• Ta h trip ~' 49-S-1334 NoJJDa. SALES -Part-ume C\.rinnoe help .. so lu AJ:)ply Ia ~noD 8ACI STREET . Fcahioa Woad, N.l ··'WANTED''· W• ~ 5 t•lephon• repr• aenl•l•v•• lot 0111 l4t9vna Htlla othc• ~N~rt lim• A~r•o• I I) 11 2 hour Camp""¥ b•neh la Q•e•t et mo~p!l.r• upertanc• preferred wtlt '""n C.ll ... Matt 859 744ll betw"n 12 4 P• I 32 TRUST DEEDS AND MORTGAGES BECOND i Tkfitt) T D.'L Owner A QOO· owo•r. COIIUD • Bu.aln-. A lw1Dt• A. low .. 12\-'t% (114) 114-ISll· Broke. RCA Videa R4rcord«. rideo QQJ1lWO tr1po4_ SS galloa o quOl'l\lm/ I eloDd, 10/5 galloo, nv..U 301 pM~ otk• -~~~ 494· . .,.. •• DlAMOitDS JEWELRY leaullful Dlomo lld eolttoire 1 23 Co:rot A_ppraleed 1 10,000 Mob otier/tract. ~v..l· ~· property 14.5- LADIU DlAWoND 80UTAIM 0.. l ~.,.. ~p, .. , .. cl I S 000 fa•d• toe c:arttlcltvp 47 14) 7SO."tl Come To The Clu\lt 111a1 Hovae' lea\ltUW 6 u alq\le llo D d mad • decortiou ~hi a food No. 27 6 3Ith 10..4 p ra 115 Sappbu• I 8aJ.boo la!aad ••• firewood ••• I £vco1pJtua a Ptae Fr .. deh .. r.J Jim Slu.Uta TrM S.nict. I Call 130-tlll (ota~e) laauUivl aat•rol laPGr hall ~ ooat w6 ~ I8J.Ak .... A.nmli• • at tl~I.CXJO to(ab ........ l.:t1 AMWAY PRODUCTS OGa. to JOU SatWac· llloa guoraate•ci or moo., Iaack »t-$S43 I 51 "A.N'I'ED TOauY I wANTED -USED lvr nolure modern en ltq... "elrtQeral .. wu.h•ra dryeu lwor~ "'9 non worlo tJ\Cll) Let \ 957 8133 C'ASH PAID lo r QUALm AH'I10U£S •welly c •m•o• doamonda ~rl\lme but tJe. clr-1 Mil Ul I o,~lua chtne u lver 011•ntalt GAUERYO NE 444 4444 494 9966 WANT£.0 OLD GUNS 1111" ahotouna poe'-•' wo tchea moltta ry eworcb S.w>... •II .. 1 '' -ptYt more th •n any dealer 581 8870 Waated -ua•d el1111 beod IDCIII• -ekm· dard 380 or Ro.ioool SM lOO + call 5 IOU !lllln'AU TO UA.a PRO FES SIONA L WOWAN d•u• qutat I bedr00111 prrvele b,alh ph,.. lntchen f""'looo• wllh per.on o CQmpett ble "''""t nnly • Q _.,.DOO ~ aund Jvno ~n ~cholcJvy CdM N.wpart leKil Cotta ,._ ...... le7.()8) rEWAl.E I()()NNA TE aeeded Noo .. oller WoodbndQe. ltv-2 bedrooa, l~ belA con do $195 .-... plll.l I 2 utlbtMa laran 1¥.111ft911weeaeDd I 1714) 551.ao4 2 BOR ,;odern oolt fUID IIhlnQt taCUIII 1ecu11.1. W1 room park 1J1Q MCt.tnty 1625 mo Ref req_uued Doya (71 41 667 7000 ··" (213) 439 1002 51H011SE8 UJm1M R£.NT DUP1.£X t..q .. ne S.11ch Upper lerqe tunn~ I hedr ••m• 14 • bAtM l11eple ., .,.. loe ~ P"''' IArQ• '•"c.d vatd r"'"<l• XMn .. nrl 4nyor """' n I prtvet• f .. J \8Q5 m .nth 4~ IQ<I/ UNIOU£ APAJIIT MENTS Hl<l 1 wnht•IIM'I ' ..ttlh athedr" ••.hn<.:~t hrep • ., 4llo•' t 1n s ~• nnd•• '""' 1 p • It ••""'u JY"' ·•~nil cc.urlt lrnm.-:to .. •• ovttl ebl• I bedr >Om 1nr:l J•n I ~r,IC'm 2 r ... i ooom I. b.t•n ' w 11 !on..... S..ort y "' p.,l, .l400 H>trbvo 81vd .,, M..w SS., IK)~ l.;UOt ORA.HOE tr .. patio boa• 3 bedra . 2 ba.. ProfeNioaall, decorcn.d Maa, ~~~ t.::' t•uia, pool opUoill ~ 11S0 mootA. ~1442 C 0 M nearly new 3 1 bdr J ba 2 h.reploc" l .,, 101aqa bakoDf wet b a r . ~p rde Der Lea.N Sl250 per mo S~ I 4693 alter ~ p m LA• .L lilA SE.A• H F"'••• J ~ ,,. ' • ,., '· ..... , ' .. lrv .,-1•~ "",, .. .! ~~ "lm .. h •t· \ 4 ' • 7<! t.\4~" :..1ANA h. '1/1.'1 REN1 Al (X .. ,, •·¥~o ., 1" ,.. •• , , ... , , , ~ r-eu ~"' tl' ,.. . ... 4% '1 N orth wood The L.Gil.. 2 bdr 2 bath l •cry tak-d· pa1lO to w n no u .. A ll em•o.lbM r or re al 0or leaN w1tb •lptl~oo to bvr 213717~ 57 HOUSES FUIOOSHED NE WPO RT BEAC H m<-d@rn l flory S..d S.v 4 bedwo111 1 Nth J. hr.,pl•.., pt.lf'l '"" "' 11 1 t'"' 9e11~1 I J.OO 11q h 12 "\l m '"'h Opto<>n p u u obl • 641 1.}616 59VACAnOM 1\EJn'A.LS LANDLORDs Fr- tdverto•tno' Loa• rente!. utd r.c-••ve 'lUehlted •II•' AAA Rental "-1 'Y Ora"q• ~ntv • ·ld .. t and IArljMI rentel .. rvt .... 973 8315 VACATlON RENTAL £"-'uaa•• Maauaotll 1 Tnh.ndq. ooodo Ski to lroet door• o.c..orcnc. IW"a.ia!led 2 bcit 3 bath w color TV elereo m1crowo•• hreplc Qaroge rec ceo .. • wuh • • HOU'IE8 ICX'UJ:IS a IOIIIlO Now FOR MLE IOkiDIJ~ r .. erYahODI 78).1469 lllew BlQ 8ecu Cabi.n J bdJ 2 bo &I~ 9 r ueploce com ely fvrouaed ., lr a ·-keDd ralM Non IDlO&•n RM.J"Ye DOW lor New Yecna f or mof. IAio call 831 . 9766 492-2SSI VACAnON RENTAl Eaclu•••• Mcmunoth Tim.bendQe oodo Sin to h oot door' De corator lvr n.ahed 2 bdr J batla w color TV eterao mocrowo ve h replc ~arao• rec .-.Dter With lC'\IUI 6 eclUDO Now lollooQ , •• .,.,.. 760· 1 469 BfO BI:A.R 3 ldr ca.b&a Ia l.lloe aky a.a. :Jtr p oa e lreea h replace color TV S4S I J* 4oy Slpoecaa1 w.uJy raw ._.111 PALM SPRlNOS Reaaoaob le wlat•r ratee Lwnatf 0:1 lido rully f\lnleb ecl I bed.roora ...... low T ••••• awtamtag IOCUIII Awatlo!.Je --...~or loav-.,__ Coil cdw I ;,s.m S4.5-,_ or ... PALM SPRINGS SUMMER 1\A TES STILL IN trTECT LlliiVf Coodo F\aUy ~·~ .1 .. ,. to~ar TeaaJa, 1 ••l.aatag, laca•ai A"'UoW.e ....k .... aldweek or loaeer ..... Call aftet • , • S6,.. Nl-31. O WN£111 lac ~ Boy 1'1_.._, l-aeory, ··bed· room, ~bo• Mod.a Wlt.b pool. JCit"\UIIll blv lot X.Or 9arov• l lSO, 000 ---$410 000 SU.l- .H LAQUNA lEAC H 'S Vlcterl• leactll.8Mtrd •,. far .. Otnd ere. bCWer liJ NcA clloy ....... ,~ I,OW nrratDT A IT'a AaUIIA&& z bedrooa, I botll Lapaa Ntpel Hoae for ea1e lty owaer $148,000 ···0134 Pnoe llled-.d .. eo., 3 bedrooa Harbor Laa• Sao lvoo ~tw!:-= Oo• mile 1o Dobaay 8eocA Daaa Harbor No w 11 12 0001 Ow~~er will carTJ lad VATHA o k ~ WO...JOIJUDO£ War I!Uil9IOD TCPWabo\IW' PkDI ·o z bctrm • d.la 2 l1 be 2 car p 09e Hlob3 llP1'fodad ~~~ .. '!JO._~ OD 17 ~53.50 BEACH .A.ROAlN J'ne. .. aahed OD tbta c~ 3 bdrm • dee boae lo Soo Cleme ote 1 .._.walk 10 b ea c la 1ooalloe GroC\Ou eosr1'yeard eatry All ... lDtcbu. o.,.a beaa c•.iliate rDGIIIfte brick br.pl.ace, klD9 ... .... bdr No. ~ "' 1210,111) riA Dasw.--A.a bR•"~~ ty. ta.-.n. ttn na.on1 ..-.;. 17 •oom>oet TOWIIiiWIA r.-....: .. , 3 1c1r Coado N•ar pork, ~doc~~ a .maa Try "'·* ... ~ low 1a..,.. ht T J> --c::s.--Realty I 1 ........ -. tiJt.. 11Z2 NiWIOti "IU1FFS'' ~--.--­..... =··I lit crt ·=· .00 c:-.la .... fOfl SALE BY OWNlR I.A Mane h. lt·wnh m• M nt ,.., mod• A..urr•• \J'J1()00 trot TO 1:.!•. JO, ..... '·•ad f•r •l •n• •' •to HJa '45% "•"'"'"'" (UI 4Ci45 •h ~• .. pott March of Dimes out there who wants to buy your power tools. And that buyer with a tow-cxlst ad in Ousified. I-\ ~~T 'hO TP o,ln··oer s r v ~J;?I~)Ir tt ·rs 'u v I l' I ~I ' I II Preetllllout COIOM Del Mar 5,1)00 Square FMt tor , .... excellent lighting, carpeted, will divide tor right tonont. Coli today for <Mtolla. Cout Hwy Store Front excelt.nt tocatlon ror boutique, ottk;e or other high vl...,.llty store front. Large picture wlndowa give apec- t.cular dleplay to those driving by. Call today tor un- bettevable rat ... Call DOM CASLO REALTOR 873-1278 IN 8Y CHIIIITMAI C11-411." DAHLIA 3 If, 2" lATH CDNDD '011 YOU, ONLY UII,OOO. 2 811, 2 lATH '011 MOM lAY Vt•w 6 ALL/1226,000 ~DtMta d./ .Ak» ~ ~ .~ ~ JJnttH>(}Inum-1.,) 3641 E. Coaet Hwy. Corona del Mar 92625 673-8-1.9~ ...,.~ ou .... T.arr IIEIIIICEII 200.000 TO 1.0115.000 CllmM -... FT. ---"" .... CAll. LAGUNA IIEACH 1105 H.Cout ......... ., .. ,,, 'ACiflC ISiAfCI YIUAGl l N 2 bdnol loiOO.'- 2 MlaM.. I ~ .-n-S..501 - \JMOUt~-~~l"""-$J!IOQ{- c:t»WWDDCW..MIQ. toO._ ll. s eo. _., .._._ lMVW.D MY, .......... J MlJo. ""· ...... UHQ.'""' •..,... J M&h, ...,nauw W/W-liJCICV""' OCI.AW1IONT 1........ M501""' ~ II\IIDKl S4W""' '*'-JII'IIIO'f'IICTIOW•-TaW'-dlea-• '----ll.l-------------' P4 I s!u ....... .,...., 1IMII. ...... Oft tWI, IMhL. 2 ..._ ..... ..__ •• ,_.,.....,..Mid ... ,., .............. ...., .. _ ,., ..... ...,,...., A kit llryow __,.. ,•, . 1-000 - ..................... IIIIOICill OIIAf.UiiUIOIII' Now Offering 90'11. at OVt Corona del Mar Office WIIC·~~ • Nutty new 3 belrm, 3 Nih~ ' Prof.cMcofa"-d lntenor/axf.-'lof • 40' ~ pool, IP' foun..,n • FOI'"* cttnlng room. Nbtlty • Gour"* country ltllehen wlflrept •ttume 13V.~ aue.ooo 'bled -~-Y-otlor -,..ulltlo, o\11. M7·1717 IHOIIICL"" ---""'"" o... .............. -...... 1ft....._ •an"tJita • 1. I 8' ...... .._ .......... ....... -·•••••11• .......... ...., ..,.-e·twl ,. ...... . 11A YPIIDNT ON I'IIOMINITOIIY IIAY .................. ,... .... W'leiL ..,, .. a....,..' ten ......... ,.., .......... . .. _. ................. 0. .......... ., ... ..., .. ,.. -·----·-3 Mill. #Cit-llfl.fll1.--Olll'"hnl. ... ... iflhl Lagoon 'i'lew .,.._ I ....... I ••It•. ~"""""' ___ _ • .u. !!••-.•!'!•!!U'J!""'!! ,...... .. I .... J 11M .... ~ .............. , •• ·11.· ---·- --·-'10· •!iou-----····~­.... • • IIFI .... In,.. Mil~ Ott.,....,..,.. Todlr 1M COIM -,... c'Uidld ... , .... -'--lWO ,_ liCUT& c.tl171-0110 .. --...... *** Give your budget a break ... shop the Classified columns tor bargain buys! ltCOIIDOal . TOW""D '-10,00.-.... .aaiU , •• -• -1 'ulrua_......,_ do AIIMa..._SJC; tow ....... .OW--No--·-a.a ............. . ... -. "* ... ra;r---~ "II. MIYSAIID.J;!!: ...... ~ Co 12127. CoatrGhdat&oul Toa ~••• J••t ••• two ............ , ...... "'-'*'~­-- 7lLOTI AQIIAQE :>cEAN' VIEW LOTS tr-15,000 T.-. ur. rHUy triM ) Wofro &y ., .. Aq.at. (71 41 78(). 8160 S•U-Trad•. -.,..... Ooeoa Par· .-lo v ...... 1111.· 000."'-0... 17141-... SO UIOIIT ooado. Solt l.ah, Utoft. ~\!:··· ...... ,. u,lt. JHse fi'lffhOI, ...... ..; .... ~--~ Hike, twta, -•••~ r.....,_,ta. ..... ur.::.-(Ill) - 75 TOYOTA Pickv.p. c ...... ~ .... _. ... c oadlHoa. Ooocl ~lOG/'-' "A'U'rO& WAin'SD __ , ....... UO I. Ko .. •••'-! --·-..,,-. CAM .a"', .... (oiSQ)o ~ ...... -·-· -..-o..'t Atld ,. 0. 1'1 ' .... ----o.A .... .... ._.. C..IWm, .. IT ... .._ llr AAI 2 • .., .. 0111 111'111 7031 '""' .. -<AD£ 001) Ste."!DO. C.U tl:ll) aa.1a32. 117'1--L...t .. = •·' Ilk! ... e ... ~~~ au.-. --Do,..talSI -.aol. 1.,. ... SD. A ot # ,....._. ak, •• a aht .,_, ......... ~~ . ...... __ :11.---...... (71~ .. ·-C ... 'IC tm'' •• o.-.. -~··-...... . .... ~ .... ·-~-­'== Ia • Oat,; ..... .. .,..,,.cd =.ur~:.- 1 W1't IK'iiL1& D11S1L ____ ,....., ca. ...... AMini beoUoat coadltloa, ......... , .... ~ •. ooo. o.. (7l4l6:J3. ~. (213) :zt8 4130 iMYI.W. 1171 CADILLAC ..................... .. e.ta..t co.ditloa, brow.. w ... t .. u ,11.!100. • .,.,_ ~ ·----· AM/rw N._, 1 .. :;;,•·· -·- '71 ca-.DSia. • ..... ,., .. . -·· ......... . l'!tu?3t- • .,...,, .... 1ifi1&f' -UGir -....... (714) 774-7101 &..Mia ~_... ..... 1714) ~1331 .. 1 ... 1815 J.ICAI.Ja l • ,. CCI-........ lo ..... 4.000.W. 2·1-. lt'e • lOll .....,. nAT l9'Mi FIAT 128 4 dooa U cellanl condtiiOD N-In• Low 111tlee w~, -s 1.850 oa *' olieJ 642 170 1 631 ,.... • li'IS. -4267 c:JIIWa .... 11 • -::FOIU)-:------ 1t0 •• ~. 11 ,000 ___. a&. -a,. t... 1979 FORD FIESTA -c•ll••• ooadlUoa Superc lean aunroot ll•/•~.. lat.dCN 11149'· 9, .. , coadthon ac .. t ••11. p p a-. otter tJI7 NAN> PP. 838-9457 (lltlltD) IS7·l53D 1969MUSTANG E.ac.el fiUAJI 1970 lent IW\J\lDg coodahoo, J6!G1' 2+2 Uc:.p-power I IMilDg bfu-. t...l ~hoa Atac.t au '1 750 (55811'0) ,.i.r:t a.ct. se.ooo m •1su~ ailea Sl9,000 (3EJC lSU PP, !714) 831 1965 N~ eo. ... 81. uw. 5 FDIAN IOXD 512 tmn-e~ q,~ Ill -li82 .adel, red u c:olleat NQc will• b1ecll 111t.nor. JeO medaaalaa1 r~ bp, leet..t prodi6Ctton 14,S50 Call lollh- Ut ... ll c:yl ... &a~ •waller l.aoo.~3172 !213)2'76--4611 aq for PeaayMnor ~M7736 .... .....,._., Tty the Clossilied ods CAIDfETS CABINETS lust m m•n.. k1h h<•n• b.·•k '4t~V;a h th ,],HdQ ... ttnd h,w r ul• ~5 652 I .. ~ , .. , T'""' I CHRISTMAS'7:-::---- SP£ClAL Cbp I Ia•• Haad 1tnpped. ec.ad.d, beouttlul 11a1111 a 1 FtA•I luueb• Lie...~, '"'---------' 1 bo.Aded I r.tw lluu oti quoted ..em. a l •••••• No odverti~•r in thi~ paper is mo1e than a qo/lon /rom you •••••• ACOUSnCAJ. CEIIJIIOS C RAlG S SPRA Yll Ac.~atte•l C.e1hr•1 R, a111 Ver'r ,,. .. .,..,n.•l , frM tNhm••• 'I -I 5267290 ACCOU'InlftG BOOKKEEPING I TAXES -CPA In da..d11Gle. partunlup 6 Corp ~ty work at b~ ~ (Jutaal ~I.e ~g. 4111.--l room pauata d lrea Look lliCa lor !Ale bQ!i. day -.,a Call Tod 1 m l5te t USTuM ~ 'At!INt.TS k•• tt·r t• •. l•LdUn•1 • r ~r • , B ' \till ' I ,,P .. "'' II 1...,.1 Classified Advet1ising WOtks for you. CARPDmlY r AIR PRICES -Ou•t. tv w ·t k P '"' • overs '"'tw·• .1 '"" ~ l'<'n•l lonl.j 1 ''''~" •• HoSqa un1h 1•n••·•l 11pen •n N •I> ,,. am .u ~ m "1')1 .?~1 t ~ ARPI NTER SMAll lOB •P•'• '"'"' C' ~bt r .. • .. 1 .-n&t• P•n•l I I I ""'~ ldi<JQ• • I. I• It!'< k f t M "'''"'tit. M•d•t • Han j~w •rh b-12 3789 u--.. ........ ... . Enqllab Ca~nter •--w wvuovn.n Journey maD • Cl.llloro ~:as apec1oh&1ll9, doore, cob1nete, pa oehog f'1nanC'1al •'•'•m .. nt l a helvtag lo rnuea' payroll qu.ut•rl'l' '" Re<*>aoble Bnao 71•· r•tuJM caah mo1n., 1~ S4S-6743 1175 Hoa.. Ct".!!t ~ C~t~Ma...a...S7,uuu ..... .... 11~ •· 1S 1880 HONDA "-hade S&Mr. '-'.-d. ANJN c auette Aelalag ·~--4wl804 1110 HONDA PRELUDE 21,000 ..u... ...... OOIMM- "" AN/rM ---~~·:\':: ~ (7l~IGtls.\ JDID 1974 JENSEN lntercep- tcw ~pe W.91Ubcul .Aape. 54,000 .w... dMp blue eJtlencw wttlt be1~1 . lMthar ~ntenor 18.900 Call 955·1491 da~. ~ 13? ev• LINCOLN '79 Noado RX7 Red eat bloc:ll aat . ail, ~. Oawl-eoadi· tloa Beet olfu (Wl3~) (716) &1.).21~ CARPET CLEANJNG Dell I CAilPI'T CAU I Cerpala end upholat•r\' cl••n•nq FREE •" I m<tl" Wl)rl 9u•r•n toed ).,d Bulllnqton own•r opar<ttor New f" e:;.;::~71 someone out there who wants to buy your power tools. l Find that buyer with a low-cost ad in Classified. CAilPET I.MSTAL.LAnOM BILLS C ARP£T SERV ICE IMittll:lllon :lMI '•I""" Ou01111Y wuril .>I , ... rn· u c .. 11 B.u •• '5'5..! ~26 a vantnqt CAR WASHING/ DETAWitG l AR Df."T AlliNG SPE C IALIST 1\eetl)tallon '' hnt' o1u1~ lnt•n•>r Ex ,.,. .. , P1ckup enJ d• IIYef) frM .. llmolt• C t ll K1n9 497 1925 CATERJIIO ment buatnal6 tVS'•'~• and procedur•s •ni 1••······-Ct.astom Wooc?wotk Custom ClbtnetaG&!:' 8ooac:.eMs *'" HAVING A PART'f'? Athc:tift 8arteDden a coc:lltall wal trou cnafJab&. b row llloll· dat f•eH•ltaoe E•· celleat refereae ee (714) 698-8133 peiiiOO•I •ncom• taa•h IU-UI2 LOST IN THE , ~--k ~~av.ta.? r·. Q CI'A. aM I'U ... ,... ..... !OW CIOD0\1.8· t!at oa41 .JGJIOlJ eyrieae. Aleo. I'll leedecr · Doors S.\viaod French Referral~ W«k ~,m ~,_,---. ....._. -..t yov.r F11ENCH DOORS bey ..... ..t 11 f6all "''n t w• pdho cov•" .._. .......... w. I• o h•m•nq t•ltnq 8 2 l*r :, -.-.s l•n• "' w ·>d 11.-.unnq f',,.. •••hm<lla• EXC't!l AIJIIIAL 'f SEAL coa~ \8f1WAYS AIPIIAJ.T llEP AIR Soakoet&aQ • Stnppmg Coa...elel Reeadenllal ....... £at LJc: 397362 M$-1111 AUSTATE PAftiOCO. lt*nf rtth~u~n .. ~ Unh "n ,. I f, ~n 675 bOt 2 CALL PERK tAle Fla11p w.a. -all oarpeaw aadoddr .... ll L. .. liM (~ 171-1067 CEIIEln ~ PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Woodar p.~llo rove" ,,II types No it>b IIX• b19 amall No 2912 3«; Aalt JOt hm S48 7102 CONCRETE AND MA SONRY P•noa dac lta b11c lt tnlay drrvewaya w1th o~aphalt removol plante n lue unqs blOC' Ia wsll. f r" nllm••• Dan 5.16 7440 lLIC' .39.3422) CONCRETE WO RK Po t•o• d11vawoya blocltwalt. room add1 IlOna aaw CUIIID9 &claboe .. ,v~ R•• denlla1 commarcta l L•c 254724 Pnl 775 J283 77~71 M 1 1DA '10 ....... fl •. AWl,. ...... .... .... ,. .... Sil· --•.. '76 UO SL lnwa/lttowa. lot~ ......... lll,GDD .. llS.aG. E-. .. .,_-eso.-.a. or ...,. ..... 131· IIIONo. 31.,_ .,., .... ~ ... roo~ ........ c-. ioo wa11 -a;~d ~-p ~bu. ala:na;~ ~r:~om 1970 300 SEL 6 3 Waftl coadtlloa, all OOQUMl, 'r.Z,OOO mtl• AMiag 1 11,500 Call 72().()280 ( l EAH 803l •• 1 w.oea. 3DD!ID, .... ct.arved ~ CII!ICia, .a·rool, onU!Ie, ....... cn&toaatic, ail, 121,$00. -1012. 1-NotC*lee .... DISE, uce~Mat nua· al•fl coadHloa s:t.cmta...e o1or -. 25t0, W.1705. I CONCRETE IPtCCIALIZDIO -... ~tML •• , ..... 1' •••• u ... .. \liM& ....... a.J.-..u.. .... Ouel&t-, 1 .... ~ .•• , ••• 1••· r,.. ••"•••••· (-).kc.lC..· cr..., <'l') ••--· V -'CANCIES COST NONEY I Raao llo te.ao:a• ~\Uc:k17 DiGl I 673-0SSO aowl Oc,;Med Ada. CONTRACTORS ........ ..... 70& ...... v.a.ly -...·~ ~-u •••••· £--..~ W£1C £DI S llNZ 1978, 450 SIL ~ blown t.aiMJ.te: c:.d , lake IMW o.Jv 45,000 mtl.e 125.000 (4G WDD) PP. 1714) 955- 074.5 9'79-i03a 1981 380 SEl -Ulld.r 9,000 mal•. onant ..d. c.h1oma r~J~~.t. euJUool, perlecl condthoa 144,000 Waeltd•v• 557 0711. -week ende 67S.a464 I 977 WIZ 280£-- Chmate COittrol cettb.l loclwl9. acel'-tnt coa cLhon, low lallee, c~ control, AWIFW ••••-Call 957 81J71 daye I 981 300 SO TUUO. low llltl•. aac.U.tat I cond1t101\, all po-r. sunrool. tvory•lan 111t•r 1or 1 laGCarn S30~ I "· (714) 133· ... 2. 673:0671. ELECTRICIAN LICENSED EIKtnctan C111hn9 f ctn lpB<'I&hll Depend•bl• q11•hty w ''" R~110n•bla r .. t .. r,.. ••u••'" Ca ll Tom 631 5072 VACANCIES COST NONlfl luo~ teaaa• ca..~klr DUal 873-0UO aowl I Oc:=W Ad. • AaCWif&:er 1 fVRHtT\1RI: • OOWTUC'I'Oil REP AlB • .... ~oPrice I RESTOBE Lk aztll7 B WILSON • SONS Budden r,.,. ••'• m&les )() 'r••n '"IP<'I • •n<:• Bonded L,. 1574137 646 1740 ROOM ADDITIO NS -RemodeU.g aad ll-D.ctrica1. pliUil· Wag ad eo&ar OOil~OC!· ton. I ...... _. (61.11), 30,....., ·~baa· c:i8e LeN a-. CoMir Co., (714) sa&lll OVDUfOT Co~ue· boa, Romodebg a.o.d etc: r fCDIUJI9 drywall, bay !riado-. Ftne h doore Ovality at low Pf1C* CaD 8rrcm 641-rm. Job. d7-sdas CONSULT/ RESUIIESVC R£ASONABL£ RATES Prot•aatonotl reaum•• ~nd carHr d•veloptnq conaulhnq c.u c~u••• Conaulllnq 71 4 b41 478.3 CLEANING IERYlOE DRYWALL I'UE ESTDCATES • c:oaeat , ltlooll or ltrickwwll, MW CO&· t7nt IIIII ~• or ......... IJc -.zl c.u -0131 ...... DRYWALL TA.PDIO All ••••ar•• oacl aoo•eUc . aooa acl· clltieae a•4 rela cl••••• rue •e· tuao... Knua, UO. - HAND STRIPPING rtpo1111nQ Anllquea r.tll '" n11w hu nllure Ch.,u c•ntnq ruah1n9 SPECIAL any C'h.llu tny ,,(or hand alrtp p.d , r~lued Sl9 I'> A Toucb ol Claaa lntanou 2930 (;,,.,.. t..na Untt F c, .. ,. t.e .. 662 I .165 GAilDEIOI'G EXPO. GAIDDfD. FeJUl&Gt g. .... tria· :;.!:Ji. • • w Ia • a 1 , ~ ,..rr:..::: 541-l21S ROTOTIWNG DONt DIRT "hN P Gardane tlow•r bed• lawu loSndae•p•nltJ A.&IOo .tbl• rat• FrM adviCe 646 7819 •ttytuaa DOWN TO EARTH U.wn aftd Gard•ll S.f'V 1C'a Compl.te U\lt•lla lion renovahoo and ma1ntananc. ~hty sa n11ca a t doW11 to •arth puc• S.Uebed < u11om era o ur hrat puouly Call anyttae 646 7819 L A NDSCAPE a Gardeauao epeaalallt Ia~ Gcudeacan. ls ru ••per :a-,:=u~l·h~, r~ lad."-fr.e ... Colattac:tan 1Jc 3I33:Z3 CAD Ak1. SC7 · 7733 YARD REJUVENATION o-~ap • , ... Tda mu"-.,J:.-.!;:;'; • 5enuao Har .... Are. IUM JOOft 5-. ~ .o. tMiat-.d r ... -~ CAU.BOI ..__ fiRST UUU.SSION Tot.J t..aoc&c.,. Sen Ieee .... ...._ .... "'a•e .. oaDQe T ... _,. tee ~ a. .. I ¥at-0.0.. .... ...... lldl "• + .. d •call -··· - 1 t65 300 Sl CONVEJl TIIU -htteord.L~~MY coadataoa' l•c •n 1 rob111h eagrne lrau aa .. aoa "•c hel•• radU, new ... tb.r browa lop wtth wbJla •• ter-. ch.am~ne lA teriOf PP. S2S.OOO 010 Aat lor Cary 1714) .., 2526 12131 4»l959 • .., 19()..SL -liST .......... o.c 16.!00 (b\,y II) pp 0.... 4.~ 675-lOll 1979 N8Z 300 so Ivory tabc:o auorool 114W tu._ ~lie 83 ~~ , 171 4) 557 I 051 Woo Fu 8 5 P• OL.Deii081LE 1172 Oldl Wggoa -c-.. c:nu-. Good coeclitloa 185 00 s.56-003D, .. .,. diJ s p.a HAULING &!.W.:OT~~ ... \fJ .• oo.aa c.--Rid 131· 0153," .-s PUITDDeG All ;KAsr;s .>t PLAS T~ltiNG I• llw te•turtDQ •nl•ttor •, ter10t petcbwor• fk•um addlt.au •ad c uat.>m ~-r,.. •"m••• L•c 388781 lolln 960 3786 U.ULATIOJf BOllE UOIIOVIXDfl'S BOCaftADaiiO · TaDI. ........ Ul· ola4e4 W ork ..... 2 •• At,... c..m PATRICK S HO~E II. ••u ond lmpr '-•m• •• ~•r•l m~.n••n ,., • •rpentry • • •' ' phuob&nq •n. •••• P'l 1101 and .. altu H '"' , ,.,.. N Kit> • " OfT ' 0141 .. ,.,. SOUTH SHORE P>\11'.1 lHG and ~h10...:J R•l1n ..twsq "".iM!t ... , .,.l co•••rct•• In•• r Ern.nar Caban••• • '·' rat1e doon Ita. r~ !11 85().1920 ., •• , b " 'tl BOUSE atUDJeG HO USECLEAN Cot~~P...• -.-... 1.09 apaJta•n'-h· :~~" co•lioe R•••"n•b • r t• 1\e .. ~ C. • alt•• 4 p na ~!'; H Ottborat. HA.PPIN'ESS 1S HA V DIG 11M£ L>t y ...... tt L..tt ... ......... "~ C ... ft.IBQ nMde W .. ,j,o tl etl1 la~· .... l9'7S tltre Woppet- llOO Ncapwt ~eo. N.a ~ Todar, O...,w 1. •• ,_. It lNl Old• Catlo• S••r••e roagllooa· ... *-oo4. t..D, ~-~ .ae.eu... coacbboa AWifN ex--. , • ., Ucj o.-1. m.3G1 PAIITDA PAHTEIA 1 W4 r ... cW.te S3S OOO.Iua pp (213) 836018 1 6918837 (L£JAYSl 1961 POISCHI 3568 coav•rh ble Puao' ~ ..u• 673-6.)5.2 1910~~FII.Il power aacl~&dtaq 1\larool 1!00 eo••d ..,_..J. ~ c:ru.e COil· ~ol N.~ ..U.. R · 300 ~25al after 6 pa 1978 924 All aq .. tp aenl bl.dt CID bl.ecft a~o~toeahc QOOd rl&bber '9 500 O llO Ca l. 662 1295 HOUSE CLEAHINQ -~ Ho • O.,•+W. Ill I ........ Calla:--,. US-3231 Cl.tANlNG UNUMJTtD few u c:oU..c. Ul "" .......... 1119 pro wiChao :zll e~&pphee ••c:l•cltao .ae~a~&ra TriUICW~I ad d4op.Ddnbk Coil ~b..,_,.. IWI:DIDI CLUIUIIO aOYJCK Ho..a .. a,.. -pbee Ww dowe carp••• l:a· c e llaat wo rk by sw·""--" ·we diD wa.Gt GQ.en proaa. T\.alt •• ~, --.... bea1 7l048 -HOUSESIIIINO STA.u~.uA ~al -plo~ llcckground S•agle pareat lor 14 rn l:a ca lla at r•le raa cee Wen• !h. opponuiWJ to loit. .:QI.. oi yow home I cocar.a• -~ JOU .:JZ a Oil t>tiiCVtM)a Pl.a:M c.U. Ode!J a1 ~ LAJfDSCAPIMG YARD RIJl1VEKA noM .. • • • ,...... T· .- • ..... • 1• •• • .... .;., ... ,,...., ~ -',.. lloda.::JpiD" N•• l.:~w a a ap nala lar ..,...uo tr-d-.;p yard cw.ca ap '-'ca a c•:ua el wort All P"K• 110 ••!l.c! .;uneat e c.Jiluma· coad Jc.epla . L.:~act.·.:sp :.~ .. i 4 ~1 ... '-··-· ....... .......... r aA deaa--. • ""--9 ·r t o a·lm9o-.._ 5~. an.cl ~ ,_ a .. •s. --=11 ... ftd •loe-_ ... 1953 LK-- f 21 ed•.i -...u• • POMCHE liG~~ T-.. '-dllll 900 •&I.. ... ,. 200 ...._ s:J:a .. or _. ._ (714) WI 7283 or (ll .. 91'» JIIOIISC'IE 1881 9 "i 7 looll-.bM ~911 t.<-,1...-..... ~ ._ ~SJUPP n14l 84732 .. de,. ~ 1965911 N•w ~·• carpet "-dh••• --·~·· ablpp&ag S-epted .... lOTOTA .ad .abet $5 000 lara' t9Z&teWI P'P 1714 1 a:u:. I 1980TOYOTA CELJCA GT utt bedll 16 000 .U.. .au~IK "--I lrool AM FN e-n• ~ hit .. .,_, ••c Ea MA80NRY &Pi I . ' , • ~ E F .. .. .. . ,~1 r~N •• L-. • ...- -4. t..!SS f·.,. 0'$1 .,._ 5 .. •t.::.r W.,..A:fo • ,-4 ~~ HUNGRY fOR WORJt Low poe. r.a q1110bry bnC'a-lt coa ra le 6 woodworll 100"-t&a.acuq ~ "•l•r C.:~U Bn.aa 13'7 ~ '» Ner.l "61 ~ "tA SO llY ~ 0 DALY LaQdtlca:pe F"UoC£5 PAll ~ SPAS OlC S sn.u• MIRRORS ~·AJ.La ..... 4ooft Hav' q-*ty ~--~ e aport ,..,aUauou ~ Loc:al .... N1h MSIIG CHR.J.Sno<AS SPtClA!. ONl. \' i a 1 ~ -~... p.l3t• :TUff t ,.,,l,&e~ l-Or Sl96 s~ -w.; oc. a::&UTc.J w.:t.U ?be li<xn Ca>.o ~rot Bt..ua -\4 ~.woo IIOVDeG STORAGE :lf£ S";A • '~ • f ';[ " ! , ........ 114 • ..: . • .... t. -... """--'... ~· J • •1 .... . ... ' ~ ........ ABC MOVING ...... '--... W-4410 ._,. AC A.NCIES COST JotONI:T Jlleocllo •• _. .. ~' o.aJ 613 OSSb a o w ~bed Ade PAJJnUIG t ,,~';l~ • • ~ ! •••• ' l -"· ...... ,. tT: ""'"' ... ,. • lr I rt tiH .... -•• • -4 ........ ..... ~ ... ,. .. el •n• W.ut •- S b 5 0 0 tum 1051 ZDf S4S "206 an•r 5 p a PAINTING H0\1St P AlNTING A ... h.aa Colon ~• ...... Rao. r, ..... O ~o~:J!II f W ;;t l & ' a alei\CI·• Faa4 ~ l4?1 ,...., oc)c;1oa ~-d--­'-ca • 1&--&ad ---~·~ W\Ua .,_ -b 'fUll O.'ftel M().l{M 7 aoc.1 COAT OF WANT COLOIS ...._.- ... .-IICQ $Ifill c a ah•t• O•elttt w orltae aello t• a a at•nale re flect •• ......, tal» Call~ OMI !Lac 1 »eaa) PREC1SJO" WAll COVEIJRGS £ •:-o-·· 1ar.aen.a. r . .., -.~ .. -f""!., .. c..u ... aad ..... l()' 30' oa ,_a~ • • ""roo· •• Jl.r.tad•r: ... ~ .... PAllO COVERS FIU40DEliNG ~. t VAC ANCIES COST NON[f • Jllea c~ ..._.. craaclJ, Oaal 673-0SSb a o w 1 Ocwehd Ad. PIAIIO oaGAIC lUIIDiG PI ANO TU~IN,, '-'-. ftd .,. .... , •• ' " ....... •...; S.~ l.JO.I).o t ,. .,. PLUIODIG .. A P..: :-HI2 PlUM f<l"" • R-ld .. f't • (' "'"'"' ,,... r•J"""P4 t :\.1 ... t-. tl :..c.,... ~ ~~7 ..=-.a. 1m ........... &42 i ~ ..,. scllocco eoa.. 4" t' II ... --......... ...... .sao.-. ... .. c.l a-('71~ ~II .. (3118,., IV74 VCI.DWAQIN DAIHD .._ ...... -......~ ...... dNa ........ ..... ._ ..... _ 11.488 or._.._...,.., m .. .,._ ••vwiU0-0.. ........ _ ... ..u .......... --""· -----. ..--lG-2111. ••vwauo-o.. tD~--­-'1 ~e .... a-....-noe II ,.310 143.221" Jl()()f'mG ~'UAUTY ROOfiNG lla aftd .. .,. Loe-...d ....... , • ..a boDd4od ll•!•t•~ -•"••l•bl• ~ • IC•nny F ~~~•• ••Y • n:• 1'>45 0193 ROOFIMG ~. ·~c---:>ld •r .. " ~u wat•r r ~ • t n-Q Call Bob 541-0711 L 4060ll THE aALIOA IK)()fl)INQ co n. ...... ~ ~ ......... ;c.,. tDo Local •• -m.t:DI I SKYUGJI'r!_ srtUGBTS I SA VI: EICERGY A .. •• ~1.1•raalaed •• u ru • •uon •--c ,_..,.. ('ll.l .. "" ' • .,..-1a1J~' " ..eter o• • ate u.:lr .snd r• p.t • r... •••an•l• Pwr l'laM ... matar.,.l ••r ~h m• Up 10 40'\ 1 '""' H ,,.., .,.- 'AM Sf\.4 nu ~ORK' ... 'Ys-t IMiali•h.x>a lr• ·•lo&tr.Q n •• -w:t•••l\9 ~., ~•n •nd r..•r. Oua lll) • tam•" ~•IIJ" r ,... .,.., 1m•t• R.l•r•r.•-"''II 7 • 4 " ... ~_, ftEES I EXPFitT TRU .:)[Jl\ IICf Tre. •"1 sluwl 1 f'!'" rr n~ !lf"' 1 ·em4JYt1 'l •' 1 • .-.anw, f '" ., fT ,... .. ~l ')~. HltE~ £X PERT ... Y ·~ MMU t ~ 1 ·•m , ..-J ti• VAf1 .an1 ~ ,.. ·•••• R•~k·n~ , .... b.. ~" . k'• .,.~ .,, •• ft'\ .. 'H Ar• "'" .. 180~ ~ 'N S TRH <;ERVICE. l• mm&riJ • pp1nq '"'"• , 1 trM •mm• •-, ••m•,. Yard • ..... r t ... ,,.........:: '"d "h , .. 1 '-tlu '"'~ w •rk ~ . .,. •u• .., .. "' 646 ~ :-PI NG H RVIC'£ ... ,. ¥~'h1ao,• and •l"'c u B~ on•n •nn ~ f •• !>"PI'" llkotar\' ---------1., .. 71 4 6-46 7852 I Po.t 1. R•aao na bl• . ...... • ' ltiURfti1"S lk)C1fUt .,._ s."""" u~~ i .:;::If Ccrlto-~ 1001.11 SAUIIAI/ BOt SPAS iiii IOOLSDYICL ~oapi.M cnttma-. • .t ,..,.. EaceU.t ••liable •o•• lAw pnree Ow.. .-d Cal ell 5725 ~ . . . -' ~ . ,. -.:,,. ' --------. ~· ... -~.-.... --"T. -- ' I APR (on approved credltll) ' ' ' s -· -- MANYTOCHOOSEFROM