HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-15 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. -~-.. ----------........... . .......... --... ..... -----· ·····----~ h9e 14 Pa(/el THECOSTANESANE'WS•VOLUNI5NUMBER 11•(71~ 831.al30 • SERVING ALL OF COSTA NESA • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15. l982•24PAGES• 25 CENTS gaia public laput before ttl vote No OM lpOb a__. tAe protect at U.e meetlag; tM ltcdf eaid the ally rea6~ oae 14ltW oppolling (Continued on ~CJ• 2) 1 l»y Tom a.ADett The fir1t big development plan before city gonnuneot liDoe the No•. ~ •lection cleared a majol hurdle )all wMk The Newport leach PlaolUDg Corn.milaion recommended ap· pr~al of the eapouion of the Marraott Hotel lo Newport Center. On Helen McLaughhn'a mo· lion, the comm.llllioA voted 6-1 to recommend ame nding the Gaeral Pkm to allow upaAGOn of tM hot.t W\th the adcbtion of l:W gu-' rooru, a ballroom, cocktail lounge• and r-'auranta. a m.o game room and a 57•-apace parking ltruc· lure The rnernbera aJ.o ap· pr~ed an en.uoArn•ntal impact report on the pro)ec:t, and a trai· tic ttudy. But they heard the c:ity aaff ~ ot 1'13,000 the amout 1M Warrioet mi9ht berN to pay tldlc aAcl ... altigatiou to meet ?« requir .. enta eel down bf tbe city c. concl1tioo.a for ap- pro'ring tile project A apokearnao for Urban A.iat, Inc., repr ... nhng the hotel, did not chall.ge the .. tiJDcrtM oJ 1160,000 for haghway tmprovementt, 11 32,000 for noiM walla and 1120,000 for a traftic Ught at Newport Center Dnve and SaDto Barbara Dnve ill hoot oJ the hotel The plaJll will probably go before the Caty Couocal aometune ahr the firlt of the year. acrid PlaDIUDg Com~oo chauman Jeny L.ng Jean Watt, a apokelpenoo for Stop Polluting our Newport, tpOke Ill op~bon to the hotel plan "Certatn other tnformoboo aa needed before tlu.a 1.1 app.roved," the argued She aaad the Mamott might u.ae up traffic allocation beet allon.d to othez pro)edl uDder the city' 1 pbaaog ordtllanoe She alto aaid 234 more hotel roorn.t "will bnng in one rnor• airline tnp a day " Watt aakl an o..,all atudy of th• tmpacta of fuhtte d .. elop- m•nt, inclucliag t~• Irvine CO<JM, ahoulcl be made before the Marriott getl a go-ahead OlYMPIC Ort.ntZJnQ '-r Ullllll'r'GII'I IICI!dre ... •nnu•l mm•na of Nt>wport (~nt~r ~•t«i•tton lut weft. CA ly by Tom Bennett Peter V Uebenoth, premdent of th• Loe Angel• Olympc Orgaown9 Commatt••. a nd Newpor1 Cent•r hmo• a lot 10 common Both ore hoodeome new· comera who ornved o nly rec•nt· ly Ill the 9lar• of the publ.ac apothght a nd are not wtthout the u eha re o f prob l•m• However, both ar• conhdent they c a n over come th o•• problem• and •nd up hruled aa great IU~ It waa appro pnate then for Ueberrotb to be th• 9u .. t ~er and talk a bout th• 1984 Olyrnp1c plana fnday a1 the aD- n ual m•ebng of the N•wpor1 Center Auocaa h on a t th e Edward. Theater He got o chance nght a wa y to awomped1' ICild Shenk 'I hmoe o lot of eympothy for populaz pohbcan.l and movte .tan I con 't amag1ne bow the y go through W. We got a unall taate of at " Tor a compoDy thot wae 'not aa well kaown aa General Moton," Shenk ea:ad, ' I would eery iA the laM couple of wMb an the automotl" world we have become ao " The can ·· .. m to be Mllmg weU," be aaid, aDd OAly thzou.gh o.Lorean clealen "We're ~oldtag up th• utwork, aAd that'• the oo.ly tlUao totno on right now," he taW "I' a a little tcmt to COIQ· --·~ ............ 110 ~cne gotten the w~ole •tort ahadJ. "JIIa.. DO probl-u ~ U.0. ~ ... ~Me..,.,. Nod iato wMt I caJnc.iy Mea .. -.~ cald ..... Cl""nP'W 011 -of ........... _to~ ......... C.IUoraia •a .. llae oo•· ..... D.W...., .. ..._ Dllr 1 ... ~· ............. - r Steff ,Mo-., St~ Gtor-p. demoa.trate haa abWty to react qu.ack.ly off·th•·cuH. A..oaation premdeot Ben:aard Schneider. whlle antroducm9 Uebenota, backed a.oto an A.mencaD fiag gracm9 the pod.aum Th:b~ toppled forwazd but ~ D by qutca-thtnhog ph<*>grapher Ron Stone U•benoth, mouobg the pod.aum declazed "Well, that CJlV• u.e a new event, th• flog Catch " Th• 45-year·old travel ageDcy eaecubY• who .peDt part of baa young We m Laguna and .till mm.otoana a hom• 111 Emerald Bay demorutrated that haa aim II b orn the lup hmm y Carter • boycott of the 1980 Moecow Olympt~ WCIII flatly ltuptd U•benoth aaid Continued on pac;,e 3) t • . -~ Fb>Devan Honora r.. board ol c!U-ol the Neao Coa•olidated Water Dlolrict llooo<..t Jocm rw..uaa ... 3D ,.... ol ..me.. fi•MgOD NOet..d a ...-rice pia aad _,ailloa lroao bocud P<ooiclaat llaU PcuoicuL c:o.la M.a'• ''Woman of tbe Year" iD U8), Film egaD btgan wozldDg lor th• Walor Diotrict aa caeh.ier in 1962 and hca held a a\Uilhw ol pclllitiou anc.. Sh• • DOW oftice mcmoger. BA C c ...... .u, NCDDed New(IOOi--y Job Coaaelly ha• b.ea Jt.am.d ... -t-ol th• Bow ... Mutum FouzadatioD. He will a.u.m• the prNi<L.ncJ ia 191M, ... oc.ecliaa Dr. JohA H;loab.c~ of Santa Ana. The foundation aJ.o .t.ct.d !Uoh<Ud Humbwt of Ccnono d.t Moz, Lindo Lou of Irn... aad Barbara BrowD ol Fouatai..D. I Van.y vice pr..ad.nl:l. .I New ProvrCDD Dr. G.D. !Uob<Ud M.. ol N.wport &.a.:il baa b.u ch-.n to head a Dew compr.heui.•• Bebcrriora.l Nedici.D.• Program at La Palma Intercommunity H01pital. The program ill d-.igo.ed to lOR ., ............. llllllllrlill-'--'• ...... -a 31TM LIQIMII .D'IT-IIollllr aala .. L.A. TitaaofoM- .............. !pltfll c.:.llly ~~~ .59 UWII~I'II 21t ... , .. ..., '"" ' WEEKO.\'(S-1~8:00 5-\T. & SUN. -1~:30 .,.,.,....,... .... ........... 1'-'J' 1~111111 lliiMY Un-achwltld ........ -- .. . --... t J' ·1774 LR *'<:b ~· Ia -·-the r.!atioulllp betw-h..Uth, --aad--1. c-tal ~pUcat~ ..... At a •••¥"9 toclar ia Loe Aao•l• ... Ccililontia Ooallal Ccw•inda. WCII ecbed\&led to coMirJer applk-.. tro. J.T. Soh-.. d-olhh • IIDgl. lo.ily -aad -0 oiagt. lcuaily h..,.. ot 2050 Ooecm Froo~ aad from Spa....., llichcudoarl lao 0 jMltuloo -dock, pMI aad """P b o l1iAgJ.. family hom• ot 334 au-v .... both iD N.wpo<t B.och. Lualdn Cboaen Oroov• c-co~~.g. -· d ... t Dr. &.m<Ud LUIDA boo be.n """""''-<! cilairmon of the board of the Ha•l Cuhboa G<Mol.of Eduoalionol Fuod. The lat. Mn. ar .. aJeat WQI a t.acher cmd admip i+ator ill N•wpod &.och oc:hoolo. Graduat• Mario )o .. ph Cordina , Maao ud Reaoi and CharlN Fr.dericlt Te.ier, all of CoMo Mem, wel'e among thoee ~·· i ng gradua te and l.lll · dergradua te degre., from National Univen.ity in Villa D.c. s. NurM Elected Grace Braden, •••cnative c!Uooc:tor of lb. Villtiog Nur. "-<:iotion of Oroov• County baaed in lniae, Daa beea .toc:t.d rice cilairmaa of th• NotioDol "-<:taaioD lao Hom• Care, made up of more than l,- 000 home health Q9ellcl• aero. the CO\l.Dtry. Magro ba. a 10-year ICife clri•· ing record. He dri.,., LiAe 25 from Hunlinglon Beach to Fullerton. Chaplain of Y eczr lmne reeident William Hawk waa named "chaplain oJ the year" at the recent Someone Cor ea o warda banquet at We~tern Medical Center. Newpon (Cooliou.d--I ) u. A r•pozi by plo.,.log od· •loio!Mior Wlllkoa Loycooll coatoia.cl coa~ou lroaa _..dee tlap1r SMnDoD Waq ol llallloo wlllch -oaicl .... llaporlaat ~ foe -N.wpo<t holol aad molool ):,,Uden. Wcmg agreed to acbowledge tho! Job.A Woyo• Airport may ool be ohl<1 to pi'Q'fld. ·~ air MrYice for bu.tn.. H - ~Wwh....,." relyiag oa. it, He aJ.o agrMCI to the condition that wbea. aa altenacrtlYe for John Wap.e il cmDlahle, U•e pr-.nt airport 1110)' be phOMd out. W-told tho city ho un· -odo II WI CODtiou• to fight odditioa.al CO'Dmezctal Dig.blll cmd Deither be nor hil bein or l\l.otl•~rt would actil'ely op- poee IU.Cb actiou. Paul Hummel and Ruthelyn Plummer oppoMd the motel project; all othert Yoted , ... CoWlcil memh.n argued the mott.r for o.,.r an bou:r , iA· cludilag tbe illu.e of whether the motel'• applciatioa for a height Yaricmce would Mt a pzecedea.t. Meaawhile, the coundl ap- pro.,.ed a letter to Bruc e Ne1taa.de, chairman of the Boord of Su~ r-vardiag a new airport maater plQD.. "Tho policy ol tho city ia not to cloee the airport or e•e11 to elimim.ate air carrier turbojet operatiou," the city at at". "Noilher ia it th•lorrool policy of N-rt &.och to limit -~• area~, or bagqcge hand.li.Dg, or the Dumber of poJMDgen. The N.wport &.och airport policy cloeJ oot COAflict with the aotioD thot John Wayno Airport ooroly a.Mdl impro.,.meal to relien ae.,.ere coDgeatioD aad h~· CODYenieac. .... "Additioa.al aircraft UightJ m.u.t go JOmewhere elM. Two . -ol well .--iD· dlftliualt lacrft noolenwded. -ot Sanlklgo Coaroa aacl El Toro. Both .-.. olt.o her.• ... -. r..r. io DO MOCI .... ...,jor, U.lomotioolol airport 00 ta.. • ..._ Smaller, more ... 'firoa~nkdly ~ air- port~-P<oc:lk>olcmd ~. SCAO aad tbe lodorol govemmezat are planJLlng to ttudy au.ch a new airport 1a Oronv-Cowaty, aad aay Elll for impro't'emea.ta at )oha Woyn• Airport WI OMd to ad· dr-their work. Aocordi.Ag, a .... olle might be -ad· dr-•-thoo lalooc." LoN (Continued Jrom page 1) i..U, i.t dWortecl "an Ulu..lion." H• c riticiled the car '• "cramped" ia.lerior, pedor· monee and poliahecl -.1 body, which the writer IClid "attradl am.udg•. lltaiu, and 1pot1like a child playing I.D the mud." "Thot wa. oc.e of the tbia.g1 that irritated me mo.t about U.. COYerage of the newt media," laid O.Loreon owner Dick Sh.ip- man, an Wu.raa.ce broker. ''The lint thing they oaicl ia tho! the cor fingerpriata terribly aa.d that'• not really true." ShipmaD '-a member of the receDtly-formed DeLorean Motot Club of SoutherD Ccdilor· Dia, baNd ill Redondo B.acb. It Wa.l founded by Andy w.-, 26, and "eUtl for tbc.e people who ltay up D.igbll wonyiDg ahout how to IOJ.ye the nest problem with their O.Lore<m." "I've been following the DeLoreon .tory lilloe 1977.' IIClJ'I Weill. "I had a depotit on the car lor almott two yean before I got one. I had a deJK*I m New York and a depoeit I.D to. Angel. So I've been waiting for quite a while." Weill deecribee IWnMU a• a O.Loreon "fanatic." MARKET EVAl-UATION ONYOURHCM u.n--"ffOIALI" In .......... ~ .. IDol! ~·:~:;::·.;~~~::~} j l. presents ' i THE LION: THE f i and THE t i by C.S. Lewis i j Thurs . evening Dec . 15th, 7:30p.m . j i Hklh llchool Lyceum 't 2150 '•lrvlew, co. ....... • • t .t.dml .. lon I 1-Tlclle1S .t.v•llable •I tM Door t ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ AG~T GIFT ... A ...... II ,..,.IIIII from $110.00 (18x24) Charcoal. Pastel, j Ink , Acrylic, 0 11 ART•apMrl 673-3626 Open 10 to 11 p.m. Dally An Invitation to a Birthday ~ le .. ration nu joyour HQSOI'I join ow /tlmQy • ~ ffldlat~ tM blrt~ of Cllrlst In _.llip, '""''· """"'· IINI fr/lo..,hlp """""· ISundlay, Dec. 19-4:00 P.M. Traditional Advent Evc:nsona. Choir and brass ensemble. Tuesday. ~. 21· 7:30 P.M. Parish Christ· mas party with drama presentatton . Friday. Dec. 24· Christmas Eve Scrvtett 7:)0 P.M. Family Service: 10:15 P,M. Choral, .Drama, and Orchestral pruentauons. 11 :00 P.M. Chrlst mu Eve Mus. IS.tur<l&}. 0... U. 10:00 A,.f\1. Service ol Holy Eucllorist. s.~if. ~\f.r,r !.::=... • . --.. ------- -.. . . .. . . .. . ... .,. -. .-.. ,_ ... ----....... ---- (Coatinued boaa pe9f 1) Uebenc6'a llpMC)a bet• WCII allo ~ beoau. the Marl. Ana wW b. a 1troaG ooaldMtc. to U.. LA Olympb. Waltea-Gerku, chairma..D oi PacUic Nllhaal, cmd J. Robert Fhaor, cw.t ot u.. nuc. eo ... ~ <IN mem.ben of the LAOOC. Hrla aacl Ncbard a.n.a of Con.o cW Mar (be'• cbairmaa of tM .._ Corporatioll) aq oo-oo-m'rf,... of fl!D~ b tM 'M ~· at PoW., h-fllloa. P• Sirac:ua, operator of tM RU~ty Peliccm r..taura.Dt oMia cmd louder of the Bcmk of Newport » QJl aWl cyclW aad wiJl be comm'-'oDer of OJCiiDa ot Cal Stat. DomlA(Iuu Kille. -Richcud s-...... ric• ~t of Wrath. Hotel~ aDd baer pl'elld.at of the Balboa .., Clu.b. Ia oommieeioaer of the aaoderu putathloa, to M COD· -..d ot Coto 0. CC110. ADd Rolf hg-.1 of Em•rald Bay, buader of Rolf'• wiD• cmcl.prill claain, it commi11ioa•r of .,.,ball at Loag Beocb Ar•na. Tla.e Or~g• CoutJ com- --.. of tM U .S. Olympc Com· IDlttM Ia bead.ct by Air Cal co- fouader Robert CWford aad O.UU. Laad.mcm.D of Val•n· c:1G Bcmk. Dcrrid Baker of Virtue I Scheck il vice chairmaa. Nemhen iAclud• Don Oliphaat, Tom )acboa, Wemu Wc:her, Dale Dykema , Sadie NcNlchael, Oiaue Oailad01. CoohraD• Chelae and Mark P•t.non. Tom Scmtley of Pacific Mutual il a mem.be• of the LAOOC publicity cmd publicatloDI com· mitt... Brothu lDdu.atri•, Ltd. in the Jnioe loduatrial Compl••·Eaet ia the official Olyui_plc •~pplier of typewrite~, which IOUDdl iuignificaat UDUJ you coulder the thoUIClDda who record aad cover the daily OlJmplc eYent.. Th• addltloa of womea'• wolleyball, fi•1d hockey cmd ayn· chronia•d awimmiag, all of which or• ltlong here, will off•• uw opporluniti• for womea iD tM Harbor Area. Neanwbile, Newpor1 Center A..odatlon preaideot Schoetde.r told lalt WMk'a mMting the t'fOUP hopee for "a better Jeal politioallJ," alluding to the April wtthclrawal of .. paD.IIioo plClDI lD the faa• of a tbreateaed reler•dum. Better tim• wee already cuouad the oorner, the Diglat before, the dty Pkmnioo QommjetOJl gaYe a go-Clhead for a Marriott Hotel ezpcli1SOD. Schaeicler, Tom CONy, David Dmohowaky and Richard Marowita w•r• re-elected to the ouociotioo b oa rd . New mem.ben thil year include Hook Adler of Touche Ro•, Roy KoYClCI of the Moruo tt, puhliah•r Dtew Lollar, tax ac-1 couDtaDt Cllld attorney &9•r N•u ood )im Strow oJ Awoo Two El Toro Ma.rine Air Sta· boD aquadroDI got new com· maDding ofticen la ceJemoD.i• at the atotion 1a.t wMk. Major Michael Smith Ollum· ed command of Marine Attock Squadron (VMA) -311 . In another ceremoo y two daye la1e.r, Lt Col. William Cadieux took the reiDI oJ Marine All Weothu Attack Squadron-242. Smith ia OD AbeecoD, N.J. oativ• He w01 CUiiltcmt aircraft maioteoaace officer ood mCliDt•oaace officer for Mori.De Air 1\eeene Traia.iDg Detach· meat at El Toro iD 1975, cmd a mCliDteaaace cmd operatiou of· ficer wfth VMA-311 I.D 1978. He later .. ,.,.d oa the Manne Corp• Combat Readi oeu Evaluation Officer for the 3d Manne Aucraft WI.Dg, a nd w01 then re<Diigned ot the logilticl officer of Marine Aircraft Group-13 Snutb re joi.Ded the "Tomcat." during Auguat 1982, Mrving 01 the uecutive officer At this rate. . you can't afford to watt! ~.,..,." .., ........ I •<~It (14 .00% per year and 4 pomts) • Second mortgage loans to $107,000 • Fu\\y amortized • 15 year term __ no balloon payment • No prepayment penalty • An answer w\th\n 72 hours k Benevest for a fast answer LOO to n a second mortgoge and a \oW $\o7 000 your funding \oan up to ' \ vestments. source for making "makit'\9 substantial starting a busln --n· ts and tak ng L.. \tnpcoY41••"" • ,,orne J ~"'-\mportant plans. care o• uu-· The eeoaooed oYiotor hot amOIMCi owu 2,300 flight houn lD th• ugl•·aeat A·4 Skyhowk Clircraft. Cadi•uz 10inl the eQUadroo from hi8 pollitioa 01 Executi•• MILITARY In w .. t Germany PYt Ch.Ntiaa T. JohD.IOD, IOD of A.rriA L JohDioo of 30 Dragoo ny, J.rri.De haa cmiYed for duty I.D Auback, W..t GermClDJ. )ohnaoa, a tactical hu operator wtt4 the 2Dd Battalion, 28th Held Artillery, woe prmou.aly oamgned a1 Fon Sill, Okla. Officer of Manne Au Group-13, and much of bta CCUMr hot been lpeDI fiytng a1· tack jet. and iDitructlng puot. AJter a 1hort tou.r ll1 )apc1n, Cadieux returned to the 3d Marine Aucraft Wing at £1 Toro in 1980 aad Mred 01 the deputy and a...ltClDt chief of 11Clff G· 4 cmd aa operaboDI officer for MAG-13 CadJeuz hot alto completed the Amphibtoua Wa:rfa.re Coune ll1 Ouaobco, Va . and the Arm- ed Force~ Staff College tD Nor· folk, Va Calendar the meetings and events you don't wa nt to miss' already bema ~ rigbll ol way, the ~perrilaa n«*cl. 1A othet ~-·· u.s EDYiroD.mutal Pr<*ction lte•· CJ offldala haY. upt-ct ... r•Mr•otiona about th• SlO millioa Corooa ciel Mar Fr..-oy ••aeon, ech.duled for com· pletioD Ul late 1983. Th• project would eatud th• freeway from Red Kill Aft LD CoMa Mem to Mac:Art!ua.r 81-.d. but oould be held up_lf the South Coa.t Air Quality Mc:mag.nut DWtrict do. not mMt CDr quality atcmdmda. If federal aanctioD1 a.re un· ~ th•y aught delay or ••• halt the pro)ecl., offioola I01d The propoMd wid•Diag of Pacific Coa.t Highway MtwMD Newport Beach and HuotlAgtoD Beach. ClJ1d the Wld•ating of Laguna Ccmyoo Road LD MYeral plocea, could be Clffected I SAW ••• Tom Morrl•••Y l•arDlDO bow to greet women with a CoD· tLDeotal b. of th• bond, cmd practiciJlg oo Nadl y R••cl. mayor pro tern EY•l yD Hcut ClDd Ccuol South. noee Schumachu muliag the reepoa. to all thoee plec.ed tha1 the had recovered eo well from her receat io~tioD. Walter Gerken ClDd Hany Bu.bb g:rMILDg the peopl• at Poafic Mutual'• onou<ll Ch.Nt· ma. reception G.orv• Taylor, HolSimma, G.orv• Hoope aad 465 othu Awco people ataodlog a Dd ch .. uog Bob Hope at hll appearClDce at the N•wpor1•r Inn Tim Parker ClDd Gory HWlt co-c:hm.nag the anou<ll ~Club Ch.riltmoa aooof..t, al\d than.k· LDO Vm Jorv•AMD for ha tm. work aa ClD ClDgel lluater Luclll• Ku•ho CO D· grotulatulg 8W A.,.. OD baa tiectioa to the c1ty couoal, ·~ht yean <lft•r abe defeated hun for the eame aeat Holiday Special t 'aminaaion and Cleanina t indudin& X-ra~sl s 00 S60.00 \ alue Wt· 1\et>p ) t u Soul ni.J PARK MACARTHUR DENTAL GROUP 752-6633 •• I. I• 1•1 "' " ,, .. , ... rl u •.•. , '-.y..~l.J Daktn bnngs you Merry-Mouse• right from the pages of Priscilla Hillman's books published by Doubleday. Old- fashioned clothing Is removable and washable. Double-checked for \-/ v safety and '"/'" Quality. From $9 See us for a wide variety of DAKIN merchandise. .c:J ., I I The directon of 0rQQge Co\llllJ Scmitotioll Dillrict No. 5 cN-rt Beocbl Cllld No. s ceo. M..J haft YOied tb-oel .... 50 perc:eal oalary iDcr-. So bave U.. directon of lour of the couniJ'I li ... other I<Ulilatioll diatrictte. All are to rec* ... S75 per m .. tillg up to a mazimum of S300 per mOilth allec:ti.Ye J=. l. The boarclo voted the Iller-~lACier the proYiliolll of a new otate law wblch Ia to hecome etiect!Ye Oil the eame date. A. a r .. ult, the directon CCUl begia rece!YIIlg their pay iller-at the earlieot ~hl• time. Jllll think: all eDtire m01>th could hawe gOile by with them earning their old rate of S50 per m .. tillg. Good thing they moved quickly! The tlu" directon of Oiotrict 5 are Newport Beach mayor Jackie Heather, Newport councilmall Jobll Coa and Filth Oiotrict 5 Superrilor Tom Riley (who ao a fWI. lime elected official il ineligible fw the iller..,..). Heather wao aboent. Coz voted y ... Superrilor Roger St<mtoll, all alternate for Riley, voted y .. , aocordillg to a dlatrict 1pokesman. The thr .. directoro of Olatrict 6 are EIYIIl Hutcbiaoll, who voted yeo; Stanloll, who roted y .. ; aDd Newport councilwoman Rtathelyn Plummer, who alolle arnollg them all voted DO. The oallilatioll boarclo have big declai0110 to make. The budget for Diotrict 5 fw thia lilcal year Ia $12.3 millio!l. The board il mallaging a majw rehabil!tatioll progam for Newport'o aging Hwer oyelem; the program wao made pouible by a recent rate increcue. The budget for Diotrict 6 tbio year il $5.7 millioll. In additioll, a opokeoman oaid county oallilalioll boarclo meet ollly about once a month and rarely reach the maa- imum in oalary; a board member ear111 about S700 a year now and could reach about Sl,OOO under the new law. And the Diltrict 5 and 6 boarclo are pi.ken in com· parioon to the Irvine Ranch Water dlatrict, which recently bilted ita oalari• to $100 per m"tillg, with a mazimtam of $600 a month-twice the Scmitatioll limit. (IRWD alao acted following paooage of a new otate law applying opecilically to water diotricto.) A C<Uldidate ill the April electiono alleged that IRWD contriv .. Saturday com· mittee ae1aion1 to reach the aalory ma:r.imuma; a apokeoperoon olrongly dellied it. While milliono of peroo111 eam no oalary at all, direcl9n of omall, o.bocure opecial diotricto in California could make a oymbolic geoture by dening themaelv .. raileo which pay them $75 per m .. tillg. It iln'ttoo late for them to revene their voiM, and they ohould. -TB Irvine It il eaoy to underotand why the city of Newport Beach haa never acted to formally cmnq the portion of the !nine Coaot tha t il in the city'oephere of influence. There are no development. to annez while the plane have b .. n held up for two decadeo. The latootleot com• neat month when the Frienclo of the Irvine Coaot ouit il ocheduled to be heard ill Superior Court. The Frienclo -k to Ht aoide the Land UN Plan conditionally approved by the Coaotal Commla.lon ill July 1981 and certified by eaecutive director Michael Fiocher Jan. 19. Commercial development and high-.-on the llopeo of Pelican Hill do not conform to the Coaotal Act, and the Irvine Co.'o phaoed dedioation program "ilunliltely to be implemented," the Frienclo argue. But Latham~ Watkine, the !nine Co. law firm. hao tell- ing evidence ill ita brief. It tho-that Michael Scott of the La gulla Greenbelt teetilied to tbe commlallon ill September 1980 that the Greenbelt, Frienclo of the Irvine Coaot, Village Laguna A..ociati01> aDd EnoiroiUIIental Coalition of Or011ge County had endoned the Land Uoe Plan. No one hao offered any correopondillg Yertahim teolimony indicating any of thOle part! .. dlaagreed with Scott . It il impoooible to predict what the court' a action will be. However, It may lake IIlio account the fact that wbJie the plan II otill under attack by enoironmutallato, It WCII ap· proved by a Coaotal Comml-'on tipped 10 far ill the direction of e~>oironmutal conoer111 that pro-growth political leaden ,.ant the comml-'on abolllhed or greatly reduced ill ICOpe. The court may alao note that the currut land UM pi= for up to 2,000 hom. II epectaaularly eoaled down from the 1964 County of Orcmge plaa -the llartlag peat for all thia -which -~-Cl JIOPU)atioJI of 80,000 to 90,· 000 by the _.ty lime. We 'lfOIIIclMII"ring th~~t ~ now. Deorelopment llae ._ reduoecl but tllerela a ~~-lao- lor -aD •OIIoe .._par~ "-...,.. from the 1'"11 will greailr ~ ........ IIIIDII. Cl cdlr lUI lll'lt .... ~ __ _,tal....._ol.uhs r•to.._.." ·,..,.. Jacn.to•·• ,~t; •• .., .......... .., ..... lrtC1M PIGIIIf'llto ftMWitl ..... ol tire ..... 0.- -------. -... -. --............... ---·-· 7 '"' ~lTATION DISTRICTS N0.5 AND NO~o unua "• welcom• }etten ln>m reodwa. "e ,...e~ tAe rlq.b.t to odlt 101 Ion.,tls. Send your c:ommenN to Len.n to tlae Editor, Cout Medla New• Group, 1101 Bob~aek AY~N~u•, Newpo.rl S.och, CA -.J. Thank• To the Edt tor · Heartfelt tha.olu to all o\U Cor011a dol Mar lrionda aod ueighhon for mokiug our 1982 Cbrl.tma.e Walk OD event to be rem•mbered. The etrong tu.roout wcw truly gratifyi.Dg to thoee of u.a wh o had p louued a nd orch..Ua ted. the affair. We ore proud and pltiCIMd with the enthuma.t:ic r•poGMI ai the bu.aizl-which hoetecl the event, the COiolere and oth•r partidpouta who helped mob the day .o eucce.ful, ClDd the puhlic, who IHmed genllizlely d e ligllted to d i1cover our Coraua del Mar "BouleYOl'd" of •hope. We look forward to oarryiDg on the "Wo.l.k and Shop" 01 a C hriwna1 tradition in the yean to come. Bcubora K. )acboD Event Chainncm S Year• Avo: Dec. U, 11177 The Newport Beach City Coun cil decided to order architect WUliam Blurock aad Partnen to completely redeeig.a tho "Rpor·library" plCUUiod lor Newport C.nter, redud.Dg th• o._tod coot by $350,000, aod lower.d the propoeed building to a otoglo llory. 10 Y earo AQo: Dec. 14. 1872 The Newport Couoc::il WOI .... pected to rule on controMnial bouolog doYoJopmooll o1otod lor the Boll>oa tua Zooe aod laomioo Crook .Do~ lobo ltoa-bopod to pol up 47 c:oodom'•'m\l.IQ wai .. la tlae rma b• hut WQt taieo to oourt by ea,'fiiOIUD.Giolilt Alle• ... Ja:. APto-d Cut In Pczy To the Editor: With cull iD beaelitl to Maior citbeDI, \u•em.plOJllleat. cu.• lD limo lor mCUly workiog pooplo ood impoodiog .._ to l>olp Calllorllia'o budeol I llliDk It to limo WO tho -golla\'Oiotod. The l.D.itiatl" PetitloD Group i.a alt•mptiDg to clrculate a llatewide coo.JI:itu.tioaal amead· meDt to require OllJ aad all fu.twe pay rm.. of any elected olticial to bo oubmlllocl to tho affect vot•n. Our iniUatiYe would cbo.Age the coutitution to read: "The oomponoatioa of mombon of tho tovtoJaturo, locluclio9 rolll-ool booollto, otbo..W pr-nbocl by law OG the .tfecti .. dale of thlo oubdl.toon, oball bo nduood by 2S petceAI. "lo order to bo ollgiblo lor retirement beDei•, m.emben ohaU ba .. a&iDod tho ago of80 aDd eerve ill olloe I yean 01" more, or lhaJl boft, -..d iD of. flee 20 yean ot more. Mem.'*" 1ball Dol I~" OllJ pet dial 01 reimhunem•nt for tro'Nl or othez liriDg eqaen._ '' u you al 0 'fOtlr are m•.-.ct iD bolping with lhlo iDI-.. pleoM OODtad Ull, Rcmotd }.~nody Poorya. Co. Point. Hlo ldoo wao gouralocl by a IUW p)OD ptO_fOI•cl bt o:rchitedl lticb.ard. Plegel cmd WWicrm llwocll to Jow. It 15 loot bolow tloo !...~ of Ococra. I I I A preliminary plao for im· pr..U.g Corooa dol Ncu lleoch Park W01 ~ wgg I "ng the beach parkiag area be brolroo toto throe _... lolo whb:h would .........-lr- 900 to 1000 -aod !loa! halo Co•o boac:h bo boUt lOP lor a ..... Starch Teeta To tho Editor' They held a ec:ientilic teet oD .tcuch blocken aAd found they do not work. I oleo held a ldeutilic teet on ltarch bloclten cmd lound they do work. I took oae with .ach meal for about UuM montb.t. Wboo I otartod I woigbod Z45 pouda plua. I could not button eW.t coati that hcmg io the cloNt. I dropped to 210 pou.ada, aud now I COD butk)o. my euit cOG•. I h<rf• not been OD a diet, and 1 ha•• hod DO harmful eide eflecte. l~Mm to be mointaiaing that weig8t. I am •till taking .tarch block•n· Th•y held another ec:ienti.bc t .. t recently. You didn't hear much about that oD.e, becou. Jt didn't tum ou.t the way they plcma.ed it. One group ate only the thiDge they were 1uppoeed to, to lower their choleeterol Olld blood pz..ur•. The other group ate anyth,lng they wautecl to. At the ea.d oJ the teet, the chol•terollenll were the IICUDe, but t.be grou.p that ate what t.ber wanted bad lower blood pl .. \U.. What did the doctora th.ink of thil eaieulific teet? They igDOI"ed it. Th•J Jmow wbat tltey Dow, cmd they are Dot qoi.og to bo oonluood with ociootitic -· 1 am the eame war about the otorc:h bl..,q, loot. U my obituary appean i.o thia paper, ig:oore th.ia letter. lim BoldiDg Colla Meea Appeal For Help To tho I;cll•><c lA December, 1981 , ou.r biend Koat Alcu> Aad.,_, 41 , of Big Becu oDd formerly of Coeta M.a eu.lfered a.D QD..wyml at tho-of tho bsalo. Ho hao uo· dugoae liM operationa and il progrellli.D.g Wty liowJy. A,. JOU COD hnagt.ae, the bill• are aetrOAomioal, and it ia becoming ~o lor blo wilo. Sandra, and their cl!Uldre.D lo kMp up with the paymeutl 011. their homo, pay tho utility bUlo GDd buy food. PleaM Mnd any amount to ~DI All'*-Truot Fud, 1810 Newport 81Yd .• Coo1a M-. CA 91182'1. Frlendl of IC.ent Andenon Tho lnloo Co. po._,j ... . --ol 379 crllaclood ologle-laally -Ia JcwoiM Cr ... aad kod to coateacl wUII. h.oaaeowa•n• c:::'£:'•te of blaclood riowo. ... _. aad O'fWCIOW4ed IOMoli n. New ,ad= 0... .... Na• .... Jr-. ....... • ......... +, .... • • • Bob Hope AD4 Avco At TheN~ Wboo Bob HOpo wo1Mc1 oo •tog• iD the Plaia: 8allroom. of the N.wporter btu bit w.H, be wa 1 c heered by tbe mo1t enthuaa.tic graduate. of au ol the mOlt \Ul\Uiual UDiveni.tiel - Avco Univen:ity. Take tt from ao old grad -lt WQI a light to bobold. Avco Uui.,.nity wa11 lhelat_. in a long NriM of biezuUol N · ecu.ti.ve conlwen~ IJ)OD*)I'.f by A .co Finaacial S.mce~, oDd Cll a former ofticet of thil New- porl Center·baMd intematiooal coo.~umer finance company, l w01 invit.d to go bock to ~ehool. What I nperieaced mCif be a good lMIOD for a lot of cor· poration1 who are runniag .car.d in tb ... daya of hideoUI economic cooclitiou. Avco Financial'• ecra.i.Dgl a.re down from the peak of a lew y.ar1 ago, but the maaagemeDI b.lieved t!W WOI DO time to 1kJ.p an ell:ecuti.ve conference to lOVe money. la•tead, H. Wallace Merryman, chairman and CEO, and Theodore M. Cllmmia.v, prMidenl, led the t.am of of- ficen putting on a lour-day gathering oi46.S eaecutiv• fr om throughout the world. They flew in 31 lrom the Uruted Kingdom, S from Japau, 49 hom Auahalia, 78 from Cana da , and the balance from virtuoUy every alate In the COD· linental U.S. And they wined and dine d a nd taught oad motivated and boarded. tb•m all a t the Newporter from Sunday through Wedneeday. TbeD they hUed prof.-.ionol ecoa.omittll, p lycbologiltl , educatou, motivatora, a nd j ual good old tri!MI and tr ue leaden of m•n and women Dr Gunther Klaua led a cU. c\Uiion an Mark•ting in the ·eo.. The remarkable Rocky Bleier, perhopt the mOll inapiled man in pro football, told bow he fought advenity. Dr. Cbril Hagerty adcb-...d the au.bjeet of .. u-..t .. m aDd proclu<='tYity. And Mike Von~ led a fow·hour ...-ion on "Cteative Thinking," kHpiDg the atudantl apellhound oa he led the c:U.:u.ion without not .. for an entire afternoon. There were brt•f worbh.op ...Uona thqt addz.-.d the eub· 1ect o f c h a nge, which 11 .amething Avco hal learned the bard way. Due to the honi.bl• in- ter..t rat .. ol r~tJean, the company boa bad to a.. eom• offi~ aad change th• thna.tt of ita buein .. from pereoaal loana to r.al utote loaAI and diver· aified financial Km.c... The ballroom reflected all thie. Gorgeo\.ll bonnert, lik• tbOH oJ th e kni ght• of Camelot, decorated the hall. Eoo.& bcu:lner repr...atating an operatia9 cuea or a apecilic Mn'iol GOW Oifezed by AYCO -inluronce, dh-er· aif:ied ealu, direct mcuk.U.O.g, lOC1U by mail, lecJIILDg -mor• than 3S different Nrric. or operati.Dg areca develop.d to re· c.nt yean to m"t cbaagta.g coud.itioDL And while lim .. may bo tough. A•oo Flo=dal will report a.•t ea:ming1 tlt.ll year oJ over $7$ m.illJoD. Tlr.at'a net. Name anothe.r N•wport 8eoch company that enD oom• cioN. The conf•reDce woe lua, too. There were ecbool ti•, a echool .aug, echool pint. aDd ho.Ad· aome premiwna lor any campua -a ...,.. blauot aod tbonl>oo lug. iD o paclclocl .__ cootroll.d oanylag .,._; pby· iDg ocuclo, """'""' ...-.o, T- ohino, capo. A golf lo...-oot, gin ruJDlDJ tou.r.oa••t a.ad ridoo gomo """"""'"'' flllod tho ..,..,o hours. Aad tho lood WOI flae \Wual Newpcii"W fOUl· moat quality. Y .. -wllat U aU coot. ''Bu I tho tlolo ,_ • • ' • -....... _.,.. ___ ................... -..... _.---·-·.-.-·.a·-· ........ ,. __ Naall (NHYC) flolebing ..aood ia Dolly GAd Cralg CatU (ICYC) oom'"9 iD t!Wd with Jtioht St\&1. Other trophy wi.D.a .... : SoUag -l. Allaa, Ga.to~a Ortia (IYC); 2.. Judi~, O'Ooaa.U/ leu ... (ICYC); 3 V~. C Joo. <WYC) DcMu. 22 -1 SJ.1, Do~a a... <NHYC); 2 Wlldioa, Geu Wllliama (IYC), 3 a.a..le, Woody Maciu <NHYC). Saipe -I Jd t...ahan (MBYC), 2 8riaa &-1 (AIYC). 3. Craig 1Awic.k <CYC) Lido 1•-I Jeny NormaD (ICYC), 2 Martr Loeb.., (LlYC), 3 I.CIJ'Ul cmd Scott NoeoD (NHYC) Sobot A 6 I -I Oawua COOA (NHYC)l. 2 ld OIIIOa (NHYC), 3 t nc PY<Nl (lrC) Sabot C -1 Cbaa Lelebu e !NHYC), 2 Day\d Sc:hoc:ll (NHYC). 3 lm WarmiDqtorl (NHYC) • • • The UC Inme ADteat.n wwe acbeduled to ba.t Cbapmao College oo c:ampua lcmt oigbt wb.ile boalti.Dg a ._0 atart i.D the 1982·83 baabt.ball eecmoo. Highly-rated aophomore forward Troy Carmoo wa• acbeduled to become eligible for the Ant.aten after trcmaferri.Dg from Colorado a year ago. That il good news for a •w- priADg team which already haa fi•e playen averag:iog 1D double figure• in acoring Beo McDooald leodl with 13.8 poiuta per game, followed by George Turner at 12.5, Jud Beard.alay at 11 5, Bob Thoroton at 11.3 ODd Tod Murphy at 10.5 Tbomtoo }eada the team i.D rebouodi.Dg with 6.5 per game. Beardlley and M11rphy acored 17 poiota apiece i.D laat WMk't 1 85-73 victory over Loyola Marymount , Coro.a cW Nar'a -~ ftc. torr o.. QlMIIt MHo. Vllfo J.a.t ...& iD DOO•)eogu halk.t· ball octloo bad qui.. a bit of aguiticoac.. Foz .tazter•, it marMd tbe lint ~ of all·CI! guard M1b H .. , who bad practi<*l all w"k and played a little o•er a hall wb.U. acorizt.g m poi.Dta. It alao waa the tint time tbat •Diol guard Dan VaD.SlMDhu. waa abl. to u.. all of h1a UW. in ecoriDg 16 poiot• and playing rigid d.fe~. 'I t.b.iD.k Dan'• done a good job o1 abooti.Dg," Coach Jack Errion eaid, "ret I feU he baa been ovedooked on <l.fen., a nd .. peciallr bw defeiW•e reboWlding." Actually, tbe whole team played out.aanding defen. aa the Sea ICiDga held M.t.ion VieJO to c mere u tint half poiAta. Tb..ia eD<lbl.d the S.a Xi.Dga to take a commanding lead early, and kMp it tluougbout the eJl- tue game Forward Karl WolH added Di.De poi.Dta, wb.Ue Greg Wynn and center Tom Vance each bad Mven, i.D an effort that brought the Sea ICing• record to 2·2 "I really feel that Vance baa done a Qood job for ua thia aeaaon," Ernon aa1d "Hll reboundulg and deJeD.Cve play have been impz.-ave " 8y Jeii Mcth«n•D ne eo. w..a wketball team haa .ned 1• ...oa oa a }Ugh DOte. Coach TiiD Pur.l took hil MUIIkmG8 iDto the Scm Clemeute Toumamut Ja.t wMk hopmg bia t.am coWd ~*form aa .. u ~ it had i.D practice. Wbeo the toumament woa o•er, the Mu•taog• had galloped right palll Comptoo aud t oothi1l ooly to to. to a tou~h Lon~ Beach WU.On team i.D the bale, 58-M. BeAl.nd forward Ted Stitt, the Muataug~ were a.ble to hold off a battling Compton t.am iD the opelli.Dg rOWld, 62-st. Stitt aunk 10 of 14 attempta, aod fi nllbed the game with 23 poi.Dta. Oa.e Palmblade added 20 poi.ota in a game that foWld Meea bltti.Dg 24 of 43 from the field, aloog with playing eome tight defeue "I thought Ted Stitt did ao ••· oelleot JOb on both offeue and defeue," coach P~ ecnd, ''along ~~nth (.tarter} Mark Cook who acored eight pointa a nd played very weU defen.avely " In thaa young ..a.on, 1t woe a aurpnte to hnd the Mu.tanga e:a- e cuhn9 the baa1c1 tn tbeu •econd -round v1ctory ove r Foothill Meea lut 18 of 21 tr .. tbzowa, 10 of 11 of thoee coDU.Dg tn the cloee fourth quarter to edge t.b.e hw.tt. se.M. Stitt led tM ..,. ................ again aa be Mot tbe llg~ 01lt lair ~ pobl•. wA.U. Cook ad Pal Ed.oo ~ added 10. 0... Palmhlode got la foul troa.We early aad .at ~De.~ ol t.M tWrd qua:rt.r, but lti11 ~ to oootribute u poia•. "Foothill ~ a •ery q.aiok team," P~ aaid, "cmd tlae game could bel.. goa. ..a.. WO'f. It woe a ~ '*-aMort. aod I thJ..nk Ed.o~ Mark WillknniOil botll elltremely well y." The w io enabled the MuMa.Dgt to play a toU9b Loao Beach WU.OO team i1l tM ball of the touraameot. 'nu. gciiDe truly allowed the poUia aod atrength of thil Meea team, Clllt battled back from a 4.3-32 del.dt at the ata.rt of the to una qua:rt.r, and J\dt OCil'De up abort. "The differuoe m the game waa tbeu ll.M and eaceU.ot defeDM," Panel ecnd. "Tlleir ahon..t atarte1 waa 6-3, which f ccm make thmga cWficult." Sbtt ooce again woe high acorer wtth 22 poirlta, aa he ead~ ed touroameot play with 6S pol.Dtl i.D the thrtr• Both Palmhlade and o played I well defena .. ly, while IIOOriAg 12 and 11 ratpeetively The Lehmcm 12 FlHt raced for the Dodie s..k Ga.boon Perpetual Trophy at Newport Harbor Yacht Club on Saturday Nil Crou ~ouatr)' let l'or aturda)' I Har Loses 1 Eaales l'aU In Tile • • • I Stuart Newoomp (L YC} woo the oovet-4 trophy with Bruce Ayr .. (NHYC} fiD.iah.in9 aecond and Bloir Bryant (NHYC), third. The a ty of Newport Beach Parka, Beach" a Recreation Dept will aponaor the 1982 a ty c ro .. country meet for con- teatanta 8 to lS yean old Satw· day at 9 a .m at Eaat.blu.!f Park, on V i.ata del Sol north of Corona del Mar High School ,In Tour ey F..tanaa auHered ltll bnt l011 of the MaaOn agamat Long B.ach Poly lJl the hnal. of the Laguna Beach tournament la.Jt t w .. k. 75-74 The Eagl•. who were defe nd1ng tournament Curbl got the bot bond m the fourth quarter, aa be acored 1~ poultl, 17 Ul all The Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wiater Regatta WQI eoiled ia ban IV.UbiDe aod light Gin with cdl of the cla.ea raciDg in- aide the Harbor. JO.De Scbock (NHYC) aaili..ng O.ta Vu, topped the 10-boat Scmklna 20 Cla. with Mike Dec 16 Dec 17 D.c. 11 Dec 19 0.0 ~ 0.0 21 0.0 22 AM 23'7 30'7 338 .,. S.OI 624 d 10 TOURING LIGHTS T LowTlde Ht. PM 23 4 •• 2S HI 27 S 28 28 605 30 6 S1 3 I 7'¥7 30 821 Upcorni.Dg Eventa -Balboa Yacht Cl\lb will hold ita Sunki.t Seri .. No. 2 for huide and Out- llde Cia... nut Satuzday and Sunday There 11 a S2 entry fee Reqtatr<Jbon forma are avOJ.lable nt the recreabon ofhce at C1ty hall or from 8 30 to 9 Satwday morru.ng at the park I KlCJh Ticie ~N Cross ~ountr)' Saturda)' Nornlna , Ht. AM .Q s ISl 0 4 9 24 ·0 2 9 S3 0 I 12 24 0 4 124 06 2 19 09 3 12 5 Ht. PM Ht 8 0 10 Sl 36 58 1133 3S ss H (10 l8 S 2l 3S (II 07 U l 3 7 (II 52 431 3 9 106 38 The aty of Cotta Meeo era. country m .. t for bo'(l and gul.t ta acheduled for Saturday at 9 o m a t Baleanc Communtty Center, 1975 Baleanc Onve Req1Arabon beguu at 8 a m Saturday at the Center Nat. Color ORDaR A PAIR-lAVE 10% Protect yo ur c•r the way McOonneii·Oougtu pr01ecll lt'l muttt-mtttlon dOIIII ~ Newport Harbor 18 com1ng off loaaea to powerhoueea Hun· tulq1on Beach cmd S.rvlte Ul the S.O Baron Tournament Even thouQh bead coac h Jerry DeBuu 'a Sailore have to play a nother non-p uahover 1n Lakewood th.u wMk, DeBuak rema1n.a optom11bc about the aeaaon "My team t.a great," DeBua.lt IQld, "They work hazd. and play w1tb an Incredible amount of LD- IeD.Ilty, wlucb i.a iult about all you can au of a team .. Aga1n1t Hunb..llq1on Beach. the Sauora were 11181 out-played by one of the beat teama 1n all of OranQe County Forward Brad Harker acored 14 po1nta for the Souora, who ended up talung tbll one on the ch1n 78-60 . h ' ' champ1on.a. a re now 3·1 l.D pre- MaaOn l tlunlt they are a very Qood team." Eatanc1a bead coach Larry Sunderman .aid, "But I atill feel we dld aome th.Ulga pret- ty weU agm.n.at them " Even though the game waa not cloee, the Eagl• never real· ly ... med to be totally out of 1t A.Her a aloppy bnt half, the Eagl .. came back m ong 1n the third quarter, and cut the lead to I 14 Jon J ohll.lton waa the key l1l the aecond half, aa be acored 13 poUltll and played eaoellent on both enda of the Ooor Juruor hm The ae cond half wae a ahootout, Wlth the Eagl• ma.k- LDq S9 percent of tbeu ahota, Poly 66 percent All-tournament player Doug PUldtey bad zune poLDtl for the Eagl... aa dld Gari.o Worlau- mont 8oth played w.U dein· mvely, whlcb &a 80methi.Dg coach Sunderman 18 depeading oo. "B.couae we are eucb a amall team, 1t'1 unporlaot for guyalike Pmciey a nd Worlaumoot to help 11.1 out Wlth thea a.b&.l.i.ty aa defend era and rebouodan," Sundermcm 101d The Eagl .. will now enter the Aoahe1m Touruament aud pkzy Valenoa lJl the operung rouod FROM WI K FULL VI W MIR OR STOCKING STUFFERS 2 pc. PLIER SETS by FULLER WRENCH SETS AVAIL. ALSO 95 4 a 5 Panela WHILE THEY LAST ECHANIC 95 CREEPERS .\ Limited Supply 24" FLUORESCENT DROP LIGHT 5 Great for Workshop Patio, Garage, Boats, Etc. • I STEEL SCREW DRIVER SET 1 1 pes. EXTRA LARGE HANDS SUPERIOR QUALITY TRAVEL IN TIME Portabl Digital Clock by Sparkomatlc SUPER SHAM POLISHING MITTS SK TOOL SETS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HI-BACK BUCKET SEATS 4 Popular cotor comblnatton. DID HOLIDAY HOURa: \ t The direc:ton of Orange CoWlt, ScmitatioD I>Wric:t No. S (Newport Beach) cmd No. 6 (eo. Mem) have YOted th~ 50 percut eaJary mer ..... So haYe the clireoton oJ four of the coWlty'a five other ecmitation diatricta. All are to receift 175 per mMtiDg up to a mallimum of S300 per month effectift }em. 1. The boarda voted the iD.crealll under the proYWou of a new 1tate law which i.e to become ellectift OA the Mlllle date. A. a r•ult, the directon ccm begiA receiYiDg their pay increaMJ at the earli..t J)OIIihle time. Juat think: an entire mODth could have gone by with them eaming their old rate of SSO per mMtiDg. Good thing they moved qv.ickly I The Uu .. director• of Diltrict S are Newport Beach mayor Jackie Heather, Newport councilman John Coz and Fifth Oiatrict 5 Su5»rvi8or Tom Riley (who aa a full. time elected official il ineligible fw the increa.). Heather waa oheent. Coz voted Y•· Supervt.or Roger Stanton, an alternate for Riley, voted y•, aacordiDg to a diltrict spokeaman. The thrH directora of Oiatrict 6 are Elvin Hutchilon, who voted y•; Stanton, who voted y•; and Newport councilwoman RuthelJD Plummer, who alone among them all voted no. The acmitation boardl have big dec:iaODa to make. The budget for Oittrict 5 for thia ti.cal year i.e Sl2.3 million. The board il managing a major rehabUitatiOD progam for Newport'• aging Mwer ayatem; the pzogram waa made poeli.ble by a recent rate inctecme. The budget for Oiatrict 6 thia year il $5.7 million. In addition, a apokeaman laid county aanitation bocudl meet only about once a month and rarely reach the maz· imum in aalary; a board member earu about $700 a year now and could reach about $1,000 under the new law. And the Diatrict 5 and 6 bocuda are pikera in com· pariaon to the Irvine Ranch Water diat:rict, which recently hiked ita talari• to $100 per mHting, with a maximum of $600 a month-twice the Sanitation limit. (IRWD alao acted following ~ge of a new atate law applyi.Dg apecilically to water di.ltricta.) A CGDdidate in the April election.a alleged that IRWD contriv• Saturday com· mittee aeuiont to reach the aalary maxim uma; a apokeapereon atrongly denied it. While million• of J»RODa eam DO aa.lary at all, direaton of emall, oh.cure epecial cn.tricta in California could make a aymbolic geature by dening themMlv• railel which pay them $75 per mMting. It iiD't too late for them to reverae their votea, and they ahould. -TB It ia eaty to undentand why the city of Newport Beach haa never acted to formally cmnez the portion of the Irvine Coaat that il in the city'aephere of influence. There are Do development. to cmnez while the plau have been held up for two decad ... The lat..t teat com• nut month when the Frlenda of the Irvme Cocut auit i8 acheduled to be heard in Superior Court. The Frienda aeek to •t cmide the Lcmd UN Plcm conditionally approved by the Cocutal Com.milmon in July 1981 and certified by executive director Michael FWcher Jan. 19. Commercial development and high-rlael on the elope~ of Pelican Hill do not conform to the COGIItal Act, and the Irvine Co.'• phaMd dedioation program ''ia unlikely to be implemented," the Frlenda argue. But Latham & Watkina, the Inine Co . law finn. haa tell- ing evidence in it• brief. It ahow. that Michael Scott of the Laguna Greenbelt teatified to the commtemoD in September 1980 that the GrMn.belt, Frienda of the lnine CO<IIt, Village Laguna A..oclatlon and EnYironmental Coalition of Orange County ud eDdoned the Land u .. Plan. No one h01 offered cmy oorreiJ)Onding ..nahim teetimony indicating any of thoee parti• dilagreed with Scott. It ia impoeli.ble to predict what the court' a action will be. However, it may take into account the foc:t that while the plan il 8till under attack by enYiroJUDentalWI, U waa QP- proved by a COCIItal Comm''llon tipped 10 far 1Jl the direction of en.tfonmu.tal oonoeru tlt.at pro.growt.h political leaden wcmt the oommfeeton aboliehed or greatly reduoed in IOOJ)e. The court may oliO note that the ounent land UM plcm for up to 2,000 laom• ia ~ly eoaled clowa from the 1~ Cowaty ol 0r(JD9e pkm-tU ~ ~t ior all thlt -w!Ucl& aYIIIoMd a~ of 10,000 to 80,· 000 bJ the ~ I .a We Woalcl M ~MAG tJ.Ot cllnlter DOW. SANITATION DISTRICTS N0.5 AND N0.6 OltA)IGE COUN .. 11!!11 Jre •eJcome lett.ra hom readen. Jre ,...e.,.,. fJJe dvlaf to eciJt lw lNJgf.b. S.nd youz co.mmen '-to Letten to the EdJtOI, c~t lltledla Ne•• G1oup, 1101 •aJu:ock A"eZJue, Ne•porl S.acla, CA ~ Than&. To the Edltor Heartfelt thcmb to all OW' CorODa del Nor trieudl CJACl neigh.bora for making our 1982 Chrlltmcu W a.lll a.D event to be remembered. The ttrong tu.ruout w01 truly gratifying to thoee of 111 who had planned and orch..trated the affair. We cue proud and ple<JNd with the enthuiastic r•pouea of the buli.D .... which hc*ed the event, the ccuolera and other participant. who helped mak. the day 10 wccee.ful, and the public, who Me~Dec:l ge.Du.illely delighted to ditcover our Corona del Mar ''Boul.-..ard" of abope W • look forward to carry1.og oo the "Walk and Shop" 01 a Chriatmcu tradition in the yean to come Barbara ~. Jacboa EYeot Chairman 5 Year a A9o: Dec. 15, 1977 The Newport Beach City Cogaoil decided to order architect William Blu:ock cmd Parblera to completelr red.-go the "wper·libzary" planned for Newpor1 C.uter. reduc:iDg the ·~colt br 1350,000, cmd lowered the p.ropoeed bWldi.og to a aoole ltozy 10 Y ecua A9o: Dec. Jt 1172 A hopoeed Cut 1D Pay To the Editor: With out. i.D beAefitl to MDior citi.leot, UAemployua•t. cutl lD time for many worll:i.Dg people and ilQpellcbg tax. "> hell> Cali!oruia' 1 budvet I WU U ta time w. the vcMrl get ia~. The Wtl.atiYe Pelltloa Group iJ attemptiDg to circulate a ttatewide CODIIitvtioAal CDDeDd· meat to require cmy cmcl call tutuJe pay rm.. of cmy ~ oftidal to be tuhmltted 'o the cdfec:t voten. Our i.Ditiatin would c~p the coutitutioll to read: ''TM oompeuatiOA of member~ of the legillature, i.Dcludmo retiremut bea~tl, ~ ~~ by law oo the .s.ctin clme of thl. eu.bdivi8on, allall be reduc.d by 2S perceot. "la order to be eligible tor retireme.ot bellefUa, membera ahall haft attaiMcl tM age ol ~ and ..,.... iD ofloe 8 yean or more, or ahaJl haft lll'f'edla oi· fice 20 yean or mM .. H-hed tball aot ~" anr per d'-or reimbu.rMJ:Deat for tr~ or other llYi.ng ~" U you 01 a~ an lA'-••• r:l \.D helpmg wUil tWa ~ p1eaM ccmkad u. Remold J.lanedy Purya. Ca. • • • A prelimi.oary plan for lm· prcmog Coroaa del Mar~ Park WCII mba.thd. ftftl fig the beaca paddag ana be bloke i.Dto tkne ._w• k* wbicll would oonomodata Ilea 900 to 1000 oan ad t.Mt ,.._ CoYe becdl be 1naJ1t Gp lor 0~ Stcuch Teeta To~ Editor: They h.ad a tcientific teat ou ltorch blocken and foUAd tlley do oot work. I a18o held a ecieDtific t..t oa ttarcll blocken ODd found ther do work. J took ODe with each meal for about thr.. mo11tha When I ttarted 1 weighed 245 pou.oda plu. I could Dot buttoll auit coati that haag i.D the cloeet. I dropped to 210 pounda, a.Dd Dow I ocm buttoD my euit COCJta. I hCJve DOt been on a diet, ood I have bad DO harmful tide eff.dl. IIMID to be malotoi.Ai.Qg that wei9ht. J am atill ~g ata:rcb blocken. They held another ec:seAti.bc t• rec..otly. You dido't hear much about then OAe, becou.M it cl:ida't t\u1l out the way they pla.o.Ded it. One group ate oaly the thi.ogw they -.re auppoeed to, to lower thel.r cbol.terol cmd blood pr-.ure. The other group a .. CJnythiog they waDtecl to. At the e.od ot the t..t, the cboJ.terolleYeJI were the laDle, but tlle group that crte whcrt they waated had lower blood pr-u.r•. What dJd the docton tlWlk of th.ia ldelltitic t..t? They iporecl lt. They bow what tlley bow, au.cl the, ore uot qotog to be coafued with .Uatific teMI I am th eame WOl about tA. aarcb bloc:Ur t..t. U my obituary oppea.n lD UU. paper, ignore thil letter Jim Bolding eo.ta N.a Appeal Foz H•lp To tU Editor: Ia DecwnMr, 1981, ou.r tn.Dd EMt Akm ADdereoa, 41, of Biv l*u CIJlcl formedr oJ C~a MMa .wfered em cuael.ll'f'IID at th.e bCJee ol Uae braiD.. He baa UD· d.-gOM 6ft opwatiou aDd ia pt"ogtl 'ng nzy llow}y. AA yc)u coo lmagloe, the blllt are a.trOAomioal, cmd it ia becomillg ~ble f01 hie wife, Sa.oclra, cmcl their cAikirea to k"p up with the poymeatt oil thelz home, paJ tM utWty bW. and buy food. P*-•Del cmy omoUDt to ~ent Aact.-Ttu.lt Fuad, 1810 Newport amt., eo.ta M.a, CA sa&27. FrieAda of Lot AA<I.noA dl Londebu 1D t.b.e 2QO block of Cetaal ... A ~.ftoa Coart ~'NIWCUe .. .w at ll3,tn, we. reported **-bola Roa- D. Duttoa 1D a bwglary oa JMr. 1Dito9e. . .A gokl butMrily daa and a Piene Carella watcll 'f'Cil\Md at 14.900 were reponed ..... from Lorimegcm ). aJack ill .... 500 block ol Cataba. . . V!Mo equipmeat. comer<~~ cmd pearlnecklcic. Yalaed at 15,3SO were reported ltolen from Mary H. V euekolt La the 400 block of 62Ad Aneeta Two men were crn..a.d on luapiciOD of c:i.ruUU dri'ri.llg, 1D· dueling DaYid Richard S.r· vantee of Newport Beach. . Car loe Ramon Suar... 32, of Santa Ana, waa an..t.d on euepicion of grand theft ... Jaffer Ghorbauadeh, 22, of Santa Mollica, waa an..e.d on IU.IPi· cion of po••MIDg betoiA ... nr. by Deem ChrW:iauon, 23, of An .. ta S.ftn men were crn..ted on ••wpidon of drullbll dri'ri.llg, iA· ohading two from Newport B.ach: Charlee Bcutholomew Burton and Mark Allen Schulta... S.••n mea were crn..tecl on IUolpidoll of public druueu .. , including one from Newport Beach: OaYid Mitchell Li~ng1toae... Em- ma.nuel RiYera Uytmgco, 19, of 1 Rowlcmd Heigh•. waa arr..ted on •u•plcion of po11euing reoeiYillg boWll ltolen proper· ty. Lcnnuoe DalmeT Curti8 m. 49, of Newpor1 B.aoh, waa arre1ted oa eu1picion of battery .. Steven Saaford Harrl1on, 41, of Woodland Heightl, WCII an-.d on .-upi· doa of pOIMMing cocaine .. Ricky EugeM H.ndenon, 26, of Higblaad, WCII arr..ted on •u.r»· cioa of poueul og 1 Coeta Meea, waa arr..ted on euepicion of pc undng oocaille. Robert Alan P..ki.D, 33, of Saa }OM, Wal an-.d OD lueplciOil MONDAY. DEC. I Crim• A wtba-repon.d IMUlg tu. •••·•11111uvr '1 1prlnger 1pan1el l.Dto OJl ullfanul1ar ve.hic:le 2200 block of Chauel • YicUm, Judith Kemp lfWI-..'Y· told police the doee not a.nyoAe who hat a car that uld match the witoeaa' A Piguet watch, ......... u-trip plaoe bcket to camera equipment and .._PAll ... valued at $1?,050 were ~odi!Mi ltolen from John Fran- • l ao r1 • N t $65,000 In Newport Robben eecaped Wlth proper· ty totalling $65,375 in two Mpcua te tncidentl lcut w .. k ill Newport Beach Owner Shieldt H K.rutlch of Shlelda and Co , jewelry, 1107 JamborH, Newport Beach, waa robbed of an eetimated MS,OOO ' 1ll merchandiM by a man armed with a handgun, Wedneedcy, Dec 8 The auapect handcuHed and oagged lt.rutlcb 10 the ltore of. lice duuog the 3 30 p m robbery, and waa beard to IOJ, "D on 't worry a b out at , everytbtng'a covered by in· aura nee." accorchng to police reportl JC.rutach 58, WOI not banned In a "parate 11lCldent, pobce reported two men cluhed Joeeph Scott Malcolm, 62, of Newport Beach, Wlth an empty wine bot- tle aod atole $17,357 io camera a nd .tereo eqwpment from tu. home Tburaday, Dec 9 . Police are looking for two men lD conoecbon Wlth the latter lDCl· dent ____ .. _ .. __ _ of .......... of aac6.-~·· pi'Opeltr. lfiUDDAY. DCC. 7 o• Aa caiMCl ..... ·~ ................ ~ ............. ...r. n. mt''N ........ .., -....thbgtD._oar.._ .. ~ '-cl.::ll a pa. c::rc~: pollee aaicl. . . Two power geuroton ~aecl at 12,510 '"" repoaW .a-boa C.. Field aacl So.. Reualta calot at Slea.s...t . ..Nadae-.--· ~ at 12.,400 waa ,..W ..._ &oa a hoat below9il to ·~ A. ..... fa lllip at ta. layaboq IDGriJaG. . . A boa coataialng 25 Eagliab cuul A"*alicm com.. 1IIIMcl at ISO waa reported atolea froaa Dorothy Ouuoe ill tM 400 block of lrrille ... Tooll .alaed at ll,· 002 were reported llol.a froaa Kunetll George Witlarow 1D Uwt 100 block of Hm• ltlaad. An..- Thr .. men were arr..e.cl Oil IU.pcioll of clrwak• driWa9, DOlle from Newport Beach. . .Jam• Maurb la:ny, 44, of Newport Beoch, waa arr....O oa I\I.IPk!iOD of public ia~. .Deem VillceAt ~--y. 18, of lni.De, waa arr.-d oanlpkion of burglary ... Ana Natalie Sua· data, 34, of Claula Vilkl, waa arr..teci OD IU=D of petty the1t. . Troy An y Reyuolda, ~ 1, of Da.na Poiot, waa arr..ted on auq>icion of ~JWDg onr an OUDCe of marijucma. WEDNEaDAY, DEC. I Crimea A Ba.et brcmcl beac:ll aw.r valued at 1800 waa reported ltoleo from Jerry Roymoad Fun til the l 00 block of Grand Can ala Aneeta Seven mu were an.-.d on euepic::io!l of drunku clri'ri.llg, ill· eluding two from Newport Beach: Tod C\U'tia Hcmiing a.nd Hugh Aleaoadu Soaden. Robert Walt.r Lee, 29, of New- port B.cJch, WOI an ... cf Oil• auapic:iOD of dnAkiDg lA puhlic .. Cluiatopher Patrick HiAcla. 20, of Newport Beac:b, waa an.-d on IUfPidoo of grcmd theft. Raymond William Hardma, 3S, of Newport Beach, a.nd Ste'" Robert Richard.eoll. 25, of COito Meea. were ~arruhd OA •u.J>i· 1 aon of pc~•rwng COQCD.Ile. . Cloucbo Renate Moatigho. 'J?, of Tu.tin He~Qha, w01 an..-d OD IUI'piciOD of a.GWt THURSDAY. DI:C.I Crtm .. The t-top glClll roof of a Corvette ¥Clued at $1,200 waa I repon.d atoleo from Lcurt C • AJICRAfl CAUtER USS Honwt dropped •n· ~· 4. 1950 on ttw oc~as•~n ~f the cuy'a Golden chew off Corou dri M.r for four ~ys. ~ Jl. Juitift ~r•taon White ia .. 400 block of Ccrnaa· tioa. . .A go&cl necklace .ala.d at 11,000 WG8 reported ~ from ShenDaa A. GWJd ill t.b.e 400 block of Pirate. A.rwta Dgbt aau were <DT.-.d on l''""''k=ioll of c:lnULba dri'ri.llg, Ua• clucliag s--y NX:t.ae~ Lpc:A of Newport Beach. . . Two m.a were arn1h cl oa ..,.,....oa of p~uhlic Llltozicatio1a, neither from Newport Beach. Deborall Lee AftWY, a . of Lab o. • ..,. UregoA, WG8 an.-d oa I1.UIJii· cion of g~cuad th.eft .. Wcmo Wah Mc:Swam, 39, of Saatc Ana. wa~ arr.-.d on IUqlicioD of pa ••• ingPCP FRIDAY, DEC. 10 cnm.. A 7 ·inch tall cmtique ..- clock. made by M.Ul'Oil aad 0.. area 1810 cmd Yalued at $3,SOO, wae reported lto1ea hom Lawrence a.nd Dougherty F'&a.e Antique Clocb ill the 2&00 ~k of Coo.~ Highway Four gold riag8, two broc.leta cmd three chaina Yalued at 13.400 were reported ~ from Alcm lm· m001 iA the 700 block of K· Tbanga 40 COMe of Mobil Super, lOW-40 motot oil aad 20 c:aa .. of Mobil Hea'Y} Duty, SA.£30, valued at Sl,S80, were reported ltolen from the Balboa Mobil Station, 1500 Weat Ba.lhoa A pau of Cor...tte t· tope -.alued at S1 ,094 were reported etolen from a car belo!lgizlg to Howard Chenolet 1ll the 800 block of Do" A.reeta ftve men were <UT..ted Oil auapidoll of d.ru.nku dnYUlg, Ul· cluchag Jcm Scott Fib Gibboo of Newport Beach nu .. men were arr..ted on f'ltpdoD of ~ conduc:t·iatoDcatioll with ol. llOU from Newport Beach .. 1\ohert Louie Burtke, 2.5, of Newport Beocb, waa arr.-.d oa 1upicion of burglary. Michael Gerard Hay•. 2.5, of N.wport Beach, WQI OJ'J'..eed CD IU.Ipk:ioa of ftolatmg parole. SATURDAY. DEC. 11 Crimea FaYe browo auede me n' I )OCketa and two oray leather men'• jacketa valued at $2,300 were reported atoleo from Gnmd Pria Motor Boubque Ul the 3600 block ol Newport An AmeriCX111 flaQ and a Chn.tm01 Oag (red cmd grMn with the word "Joy") Yalued at $50 were reported atolen from Vk:tor B. Bia.bop in the 200 block of Cohen Arreata N111e men were arteeted on au.pdoll of drunken dnY'lng, Ul· eluding two from Newport Beocb Hug b Scott Bcnrd. Jr and M.achael Owen Down.a S.ftn meA were ane.ted on ~U.~Paon of chaorderly conduct- Ultoxicatloa with alcohol, LD clud t ng W1lhom Jerome Summen of Newport Beach Kelllleth Joeeph Iron.. Jr 20 and Paul E.rn..t TruJillo. 19. both I of HUilbDgtoo Beach. and Roge1 Lee Rlc:.ha:rd. 20, hated aa a tzo.n· I Gellt, were an-.ci CD 1\l.IJ)lOOD of grand theft Joeeph Coauno I Salerno, 34, of Newport Beach, WOI an.-fed OD IUiplClOD of poueulllg coca11le Robert lam• Doyle. Sr 46, of Newport I Beach, waa aneeted on au.p1 1 ooo of battery agalll.lt o peace 1 ofhc:er SUNDAY. DEC. 12 Crime• A akyught waa broken, two p1cture ham• were tmcahed and 200 ycuda of carpet npped up by vandala a1 Corona del Mar Hlgh School, coeting ta.&· pa1en OD eetunated S 1,()30 ill I damogM Gold Jewelry valued at S2,l SO waa reported ICJtola from Barbara Jane Blake lll the I 200 block of Orclud. Stereo eqwpment valued o1 $690 w01 reported atole n from Ruuell Paul Me1otUIOD 1ll the 1800 block of V1lelle A Wtndaurfe r .a:Ubocud and a wet.wt valued at $575 were reported .tolen from Jane Beth Poley lD the 2700 1 blkock of Shell Arr .. ta Jam• Rand Shepard, 20, of Ebwanda waa an"ted on au.pt· con of a..ault wtth a deadly weapon Four men were a rrMted on au.apteton of drunken dnVUlQ encluduutl Steven 8any ' GruaklD of Newport B.ac:h S.ven men were arr..ted oo auap~aon of d1.10rderly conduc:t- llltoJDcobon Wltb alcohol, 11l· clud1ng two fr om Newport Beach WUham John Ma ngOD a nd Michael Joaeph lea District Extends Contest Date The Meaa Conao hdoted Water DlfinC1 haa dec1ded to ea· tend 1ta Con .. rvabon Cont..t The d ocno date for entn• ll now Fnday Jon 28, 1983 The customer Wlth the b.t 1dea lor coDMrnnO wa\er will Wl.D a $100 US Sa9Ulga Bond a nd a phot, ..,f th e wtnner will be publlah•d 10 the dt~tuct 'e oewaJetter Merry Chri.)·tmas r Toys for Fairviewl Harry S. Green, Inc. 1701 Golf Courae Drive COita M ... -7100 • l I I I I I • ' • • ' ' • ' ~~ Jocm Puach, dauvhter o! MI. cmd Nre. Walter F. Pu.ch ol Coroao del Mar, w the bride C>f Der.k Joha W~t of Newport leocb, lOA of Mn. Daniel E. W-.n.!t Sr. ao.d the lateNr. We•..at. The coupl. achcmged •owe at St. Andrew'• Preebyteriall · Chuzch in Newport Beach. A reception followed at the Santo Ana Country Club. They cue qraduatee of the UmYenity of Southern CaWor· Ilia where the bride majored in broadcaat joumalian and the bridegroom completed a degl" i.D bu.in-adminWlration. He cunently i.e attendin~ the USC Cl.nema School and plana to graduate ill 1984 with a Ma.ter of r in• A.rta The bride• affihabo11.11nclude Pi Betha Phi aozonty, the Loe Angel•• S~inaten and the National Charity League Ticktockera. Her huaband il a member of Si9_ma Chi fraternity. The couple honeymooned m Switaerland, Germany, the aouthern coaat of France and Monte Carlo. 8wHtlalld·Luecke Cynthia H Sweetland, daughter of the Richard S ... tlondl of Corona del Mar, became the bride of Keneth A. Luecll:e of St. Lo u.ia, Mo m oeremoni• at the Aac:eD.Ilon Cauzch in Cheeteriield, Mo The bridegroom il the aon of Mr. and Mr•. Clarence Luecke ot St. Louie Followi.Dg a recepbon at 0. Smet J•uit High School the cou· ple left for a honeymoon tzip to Steam.boat Springe, Colo The bude ia the former aaaodate physical director at the Orange Coa.t YMCA She 11 a ' Mrs. k~nnt>l h A. lut>d.t> iraduate ot t:oneetoga Hl9h 1 School 1n Berwyn, Pa and the Un1vera1ty of Vermont The bndegroom 11 a teacher and counaelor at De Smet J .. wt Hlgb School He graduated fzom St Lou11 Preparatory High School and Cardinal Glennon College m St. LoUl.l The couple plan to hve 10 St Lou11 Operation Santa Address Listed More than 1,300 children who have abuaed, abandoned or neglected by theu famili .. will •pend Chrietmae away from home 1n Orange County th.ia year Operabon Santa Claue, apon· aored by the Orange County Soc1al SerVlr.• Agency, ... a. donaboru. Gl new toye, clothing and gUte at 1440 E ht St., Santa Ana , CA 92701 Telephone 834· 4703 FOATM9L~~~h!tllGe CALL OUR PROFESSIONAL STAFF .-wPOIT 'IMIIANUTIC PACE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING c404 WESTMINSTER .2. NPT BEAC:e (behind Le &larntzl BY APPOINTMENT 1 (}6 1185 Chilton Auto Jlepalr Manuals o.twce nar<' cover~ Sug lt\t ,,8 9S ea ~{I( 1976 83 g•s •7200 • tmporn 13,. 1976 8 J •7240 • CAIOUIST Supen.r.:•~·•• 12 Ol flip tOP soureze ootrte 541-1117 (!AYiYAC] Magnum Mufti· Function Portable Light s ttgnt functtons w rth fluort"\Cl'nt ~tear & amber beams ear terre• nor one luelf>o • BS -:.w I 'iu) ••~t \2J •'> >ale Pro((' 13.95 lt'~~ M fg RPbcltt' ·2.00 Your Net ~rk~ t Temple llat Yabm Dedlcatioo Friclay Temple Bat Y aA., of Ne..-t Beacla wm lonaall, decbccate .._ new ecmc:tuary at lla reoeUly complet.d fac:Uitr friday, Dec. 17 at 8 p .m. 'n.e T ... il located at lOll Camelbooll Street, off Jam.borM Road. The dedication ..me.., ooa· ductecl by Rabbi NarkS. NWM, comcide with the fuaal DJgbl 01 Chanukah which com· memorat• the rededloatioa of the Temple i.D Jerualem. Founded i.D 19'13, Temple Bat Y ahm broke ground for ila DeW facility in April 1980. T~e buildizag, which al.eo incl\&dee cla.rooma and a IOdal hall, waa fir.t occupied thie w.au:Der. Temple Bert Yahm often both religioue echool and adult education clar 11 ae well aa a full pre-echool program Oil w"kdaJI. Information regar. ding any of th ... prograaa. or the tpeCial dedioation cerem01ay ca11 be obtained by colli.ng the Temple office at 6«-1999. Saint Jom .. S.rvlc .. A w"k long celehratiOD of Chri.tt'• birth will be ho.ted by Saint Jam• Epiloopal Church of Newport Beach. The celebration begilll Sunday, Dec. 19at4 p.m. with the traditional AdYent Eveneong featuring the St. Jam" choir and bra. eDMmble. The annual pariah Chrilema party will be held Tueeday, Dec. 21 at 7.30 p.m. cmd will i.Dclud• a drama preeentation by the youth Chrietmae Eve •rvicee begill wtth a 7:30 p rn. family .me.. A choral, drama, and orch..tral pzeeentation will be offered at 10: lS p.m and a Midnight Ma. will begin at 11 p.m. Children'• Provram The annual Children'• Chrilt- mae Program at Unheraity United Methodilt Church will be held Sunday, Deo. 19 at 3 p.m. An original production of "Chrietmaa Event" ie ~ decigned, written cmd dir by the Kromer family -St.Ye, Beverly and theb daughter, Stephallie. • • • Ccuoliag by the r.mcto High School cl.onaa highliga...ci tM Meeo·Harbor Club'• o.c.a.b.r IOCia1 lucbeoa at the N.o Verde Country Club. Ala U · chcmge of giltl ~eated ·~ ae each mblber waited to ope~a her gift until all of the packogee c:li8appea.red &om aroUAd the Cluiltmaa tr ... Tbe club announced ita recipient of th.ie year' 1 fund. rai&Dg dollan. -OMEN'S ClU Enjoyh'8 tl'ft-trtmmi"l party •t MHa Wonwn'e Club •re (l ·R) Mrs. J•fllft Gilmore, pres~nt, Mrt. Ann Weiss. Pf'"idmt of CM JuntON. and Mrs. Gflbert Starkent>era. first vice preti· cknt. "RetiAl• Piqmento.o w an eye cl.iMa.ae affecting you~ a.nd old. My two otd .. t chilchen etcuted auftering with it in their early twenti•. Both had to gi•• up driving cmd my ton had to chcmge careen," aaid Dollie VanDorn by ADAette Wataon We are in the midet of Chanukah, the time for rededication to the Hebrew faith. Traditional aymbola which depict the religioua and IOCial importance of thJa Jewiah holi· doy cue the colon of paetel blue cmd white, the ever·epinlling Staff photo by Aruwttt \\'ateon dradle, the lighting of the Menorah candl .. , receiving one ¢ft for each of the celebration' • eight daye a nd enjoying feaata which all feature the "latke " Coeta Mna'e Temple Shazon on Hamilton celebrated Chanukah with a potluck luncheon buffet party which in· There it no kllown cuze for the diMaM. "It it hereditary and aome ad· vancementa euch ae apecial gl<UMe have been made. My daughter eaya abe t .. la a cure for th..LI di.Maae will be made in the next 10 yeara," eaid Van Dorn. Meea-Harbor'• donation will go to the Retillitia Pigmento.o Foundation of Orange County which will in turn pa• it on to the Jul• Stei.D ReMOrch ln.atitute at UCLA. (Continued on pave7) )~ . ., J lx -urrn-.,lu h.·"'" llrh ·\•rl\ 1\. ... "' t·•· , • , ,, rh. "''U" Itt '"""'"I "'II ~ •. , . I I 11 ntl II I . ' ... tit' 11 ),,u rl rdmnl """'' 11' 1,,, •" ,, .f,, , , 1 ,, ~ ' l••u 1"11 "11hm \\' ttl<•rtth "', 1 • I ... 1 ''\." o\thi\4t'h"'Uh'\•'U tll fUt ,,•r"" 1.: \It• t \ •' • II lt,lll hfl t .til\~'"' '\rrn\ R. ~ "' K_,; '' .. ' '•' 111,(1'1 Rr, lUll IIIIo! ' \ I ·~·.- ttfll" Biii&NI IHDt.f IDPPLJY Ia Ra,aaai tft 1• •'"' ,,.,'. \)I.C• f "'" .,tf ~tl' Wht•ft li.tll \~tV~ ~~~., \0., P 1 Ill If•'' v.rhw " 1 t' hnPu h f•• tlld ht:4Jth 11 '~u• 11 11 I IH\itlt• -/H 1 fo f 11f 0' d rop It ,,,~ '•""-' Denn .. AOHM AOENT 204 Rlvenjde (ecrou from the Poet OffiCe) Newport BMch -845·84 70 •• • ... . ..... , , ., :J'10Q The Beneficial Reserve Credit Account with ~.;.A CheCking: Now Cahfom1.t h. m'k..'t 1" ncr' can take ad v-clllt;tge ot the Ben- eficial Re-.ene Cred11 An:ount w1th Thple-A ~kmg APP.lY now tor ca'h tu do 1m· portanl thmg' no\\. pitH get personahzed Tnple·A bank chccb ... a line o( credn for S 10.000. S20.000 or more. Todraw onanytune. anywhere . for whatever\ m1· portantto you. Once you haw them, there's no mtereM charge unlil you usc them. You ma) never have to apply for a lwn again. "''he achantages m a Pft-~~tltne. The Beneficial Relien-e Crt!tht Aoc:ount offe~ you tn\tam ac· cess to funds far greater than available on lll0.\1 conventional cnditlinell. Thal\e,~iall) ~llO famihc:'l With map capital outlay' on the horizon. Wllh lliple-A ched..' there 1S no minimum per check. You can write a check tu \IO nr ~IO .• <XX>. up to yow c~it hmit. To lake CW'e oi tuJuon pl)'l'ntnts &hey COillC up. M* inYatment . Pure~ a Build on 10 )'(lUr home ADd hecu.e Y.W have "aaihoa hind:' you're in the most~~iuon to~tnyi~ ~· lda.lror .. balloon,. Pl'.)'nwnts. l ~ yuur Scneficaal Re~rve Credu At..l'llUnt to \Uit )uur 'pt.'Cial hrw~1al po..llKm You ~:an u~ 1tto meet a b-Alloon pa)ment. At rea....cmabk rate~ You can l~uldatc pre~nt outlltandin baiMCe' IUld dtcn come away "ith a \Ingle monthly payment lower th1ln 1(11.'\1 ou&lay (or yourpre\t"nt poymenl,. You'll ha\t the ficAibihty to control yOOT own ca~ Row tu mcctchangin requimntn&s. If you 1~. youcane\cn proe«t ~If u.nd )'<'IUr family with ~iaJ ctedit inMnnCC!. No applkabon fee. !'lo~ts. \\ tth )our lknette1al Rt:~nc Cn.'()lt An:ount. )Ou pa) n.., .tpphc .U1on fee or poml' There \ no balll•On pa) ~nt .!1 the end Nn mm1mum hnann· charge Nu pn.·payment pcn.)lty. And no charge tor thl· dlCl'k' you u-.c . wc !oHnpl) add the amount to your out.,tandmg balance There\ an 1mtaal Plun Plut~eipa&K•n fee uf JC'.i nf your total 'n:dllline (max S400) and an annual fee o(S5 or le". dependin • upon your halaoce •« 1M ftnaDdall) ~· J, .a Rc\Crve Credit Account lur c~ryone ? Ocfmnely ~ But 11 ''a welcome !JCrvicc 8Jl'P'tt•· .ucd by the 1ndi\·Kiual who nx~mle tht u.~fuln~.~' ut m- 'tant ~e'' k> 'ubstantial fund,. 48-hour wrvke. V''" or call y<'lUr nearest Bene· h<:aal office for aJithc detail Apply t<lday and we can u.w· ally hav.: an wer for yuu in 48 huuf'\. • (0 W4 ou Cl J Cb de1 mo Fri. he1 ant CO\ an• Rig F be4 In I on Fee: 800 ehc dell Sou T will T Clu trM clue an .. M•u amo ] (Co.otlD\Md hoa pqe I) AmoAg the membera par- ticipatiag LD the ~party were Lrtb. )Mcb, the club'• pr-'deat, Jecm EDgdahl, Jem. Holm•, )ule Lmecuter, OodJe CummiDg~~, Mary Jo Huodley, Lorie and Naomi Bennett, Jane Brandt. Mary Broob, Rotemary JobuoD, JuaQ.ita Staten, Joyce Anc:t.noA alld Ireu Brown. The Newport•Hmbor Board of Realtore put Santa Claua to work early at the December Chamber of Comerce miaer. "After the bore d'oeuvre• were .. ned Santa helped give out the gih.," aaid KeD Fowles, Chamber pr.adent Among the 2.50 gu-.t. were Chorl• Ferguaon, the preea- dent, DWlgbt Dickey, the new manager, A...mblyman Nolan Friuelle, Allene Schafer and hez huaband Jim, Robert WU.On and b.ia wife Mary Allee, former councilmQJl Oom Raciti, Nate and Thelma Reade, Pnacilla Rigg1 and PhyU.... Fowler Recent chamber nuaere have been varied and weU-received In October, 500 gu..U gathered on the patio of the new Paclbc Federal Plaao and in November, 800 gu .. ta attended a faahjon 1how accompan1ed with dellcioue treat. a t the w .. tm South Coast Hotel The neat chamber muer will take place January 13 The Coela Meaa Wo men'• Club begon the houda ye wtth a tr .. -trunnung party whlch 1n· eluded a potluck luncheon and an exchange of gutl "Thu wa• a fun get-together FEATURED SOlOISTS k~tth Clifton. ltabef Garcia danct r~l~ of Snow k~na and Quffn 1n (tvlc Ballet of So~ttwrn California • The Nutcrachr"" Saturday. Suf\Jay at Oran~ Loatt Col~. to llort the Chn.tmaa MalOn ' wtth a bang," ea.id Mra Gilbert Storlrenburg, cb011man of th.i. event Her a..tontl were Mra. Lynn Snyder and Mu Loia Scott Among tboae en Jo ytng themMlvea were Mra Arthur Miller, Mn. WUliom Melcher. Mra ROM FeDton, Mra W.B. Smith, Mra Wayne Peart, Mra DeMurl Toeh, Mra John Thomp- aon, Mra Victor Hagen, Mr1 Mane Thompeon, Mra. Michael McMillan, Mre Arthur Buaaler, Mu Robert Yuill, Mra Goldie Fouo, and, from the Co•ta Meea Juniora, Mu Harald Wet•• (preudent). Mr1 L o rry ShHhan, and Mra Rtclr Jahnke Maurftn Andrews lov,•lv Ltt.io ltland hom~ wat amona I holf' on Nf'wp,lrl El~mf'nlary PTA ho~ rour last w~k EDGES On I}' 6 mg yet nch enough to he c<tllcd deluxe Jt gular and Menthol. Open a bo: toda}! Warnmg: The Surgeon General Has Oetermtned lhal Ctgaraue Smoktng Is Dangerous co Your Health. " Carol J. Gandy, the hrat WOmaA bocud member ill the 36- year lU.tory of the Caa.t Com- muoity Colleg•, waa elected unODimoualy pr.adent of the board of tru..t... at a apecial m"tillg Dec 1 Richard E. 0'-on of Garden Grove waa elected vice preei- dent. Both Gaudy and Ot.on have been Coa.t trult ... ai.Doe 1979 After rece1V1Dg her bachelor' 1 degr" ill hiatory at Cal State Fullerton aa well aa her general aec:ondary teacbtng credenbol m education, Gandy earned her molter'• OegrH lD pubbc ad· rn..i.DWtrabon She baa done ad- ditional gradua te work at UCLA, USC and Fullerton Gandy hoe been worlung 1n local government llllce 1972, hrat aa granta admuu•trator for 1 the aty of W •brunller and then ae eaecullve a..Utant to a former chairman of the Orange County Board of Superv110r1 Currently, abe 11 chtef deputy public ad· nunutrator, pubhc guardian for the county of Orange. Candy al.o teac h" a cia• 1n publlc pollcy analy111 1n the Center for PubUc Polley and Adrnhu.ltta· llon at Col State Long Beach • John landiS was h,,,,,rl•d lasl nt~Jhl as 21st ~uardtan ~n~ of Y~ar by Harbor k.t>.,. ~upp,'rl .:r,,up f.>r (htld 0 urdanc~ (~nttr of Orana«' Coun· r-, ~ward was rr,·~,·ntl.'d "' <lnnual dtnnf'r at ~sa V~r~ Countrv Club. Wuh Land•) 111 ph,,,,, .Ht> Vtr~em.t D''"""· l~ft. and Gl.tdyt Landes. Spors BINOCULARS ')~A~Cl ' \J ·~' ~ l :.~ ,l_ ' I l I ' ..J'• 1 Ca l' CAME RAS I ' .. •: l -e .. • • "' FOR CLEANER CARPETS THAT STAY ClEANER LONGER Try our revolutionary new Host system. -A UNIQUE CLEANING METHOD THAT LEAVES YOUR CARPET DRY a READY TO USE IMMEDIATELY " FREE ESTIMATES (714) 841-0181 With CaWornia's "1 buslneu bank has special corpora te service banke rs l ocated near you. In .u.lduu "'''' ••ur rq{ul.tt hr.ulc. h 'o(."f\ ll c. .tll ll\c.T tile." ,l,lll" B.Ul~ , ,, ·\mc.·nl.& lu., 'lx·c. 1.!1 '-c 'Ill< lf"Jtt" '4."1"\ 1c. c.· hrJJlt tw' lc ~ .ttt.·d Ul ' ( Hlr .ttc.·.t < lur c. ( lfll' •rJI c. '4. -n rc. l h.mkc.·f' ;uc.· l'qUtppc:d t•• n'poJXJ hI( .til\ lO 'our hll,IO<.'-' lll'nh \\ l" h,t\ l I• ~ .LI Autho nl\ to n~~c. th.ll smpon.ltlt l n'tbtlk·c. ''"'11 h 1r 'c 1u \\ lut ' n"k lrt" "c. .1n 'fX'li.Ut't' tn hJJHUtll).t 't •ur fin.u1c.1.U nt'\"ll' \\c.· h.&\ c.· the.· ~no\\ tn~t .Uld cx(ll·m:nu· to unc.k·r ,,.uxJ the: 'Pl'<-t.LI nc:nb c 11 .1 Kf"O\\ i~ c.ornp.am lill.c· 'PUI"'\ \'( c ( •fkr 'c lU .4n l""-'J() .1 \\ 1dt' r~<.· nf "oC.'n ll"C." 1n' lu<.U~ ftn..am '"M· l.l'h m.u~'flr .md tmt·r n.auoiUI ~in" Put rtw munc) and mltli41l· ot < allfum.i.& 'numbrr (Ml<.· hu.' · hank to work for ) OU :aJJ ) Out nt-.tn."' Bank of AmtTk.--.. UlrJXlr..Ul' ~ hanker tud;.&)' Look to tht· u-cu.k.T: BANK OF AMERICA .. .. - Stall photo b~ Slnfl' GtoJ,... ~ A UMITEO leU .. Of ATTMCTM Christtua C1rol ~ S.llll ARE NOW AVAI TO CHURCHES a CMUNIZATIONS t aJI ill l'•r0011" <\. \S. ,., ' .. \1 HARBOR LAWN -~ 1625 GISLER e COSTA MESA (located eOjaceftt to tl\e San Ooego ''-••r I Ha rbor •'"'" So 1 540-5554 , ' • • • I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I l I I ' I I I . 1 jO . I ' • --........ -__ .. ·--........ -·-· -- lrr.._,'sv•r A, lt.-llotilla ol ahaut 100 ~n YOGW au m .. Mn haolt --.1 tloe bocNIINI 12 N•tere D•teacler aad ea...-0111 ol tho chonol illoaday lo OA _.,off tho llolboo plor-.., -bod tho lwo boolo -to Ia two obort -''TMr looked pretty eveo_9o- lae lalo tho wiDd." ooicl ll;OA Ro. wlt.o -lA tho opoctalor Boot. "boot qoill; dowA wiAd Deluder -tho !ootoot." Of ooume, be added, tb.il: wae juet a wiaclward/ leeward coune .o it ctida't mecm too much. AJter the roc. th1_1 r•tu.rned to the Balboa Yacht Club wber• o reoeptloo Wfa held. Everyoa.• met tbe cr ... aad were invited to '-"<=1 tho two 12a wbk:b will wt.ater here while practici.av lor tho Amortoa'o Cup Trialo nost IUIIlJDel, ' . . The Newport Harbor Yacht CI.O Wiater Ro;otto woo ooilod la ban ~. OAd light ain with all of the donn racing in· lido tho HorbO<. JOAo Schack (NHYC) ooilino O.ja Vu, topAo<J tho l().boot Scm.~u:t.o 20 Cla. with Mit• Noah (NHYC) tinlohiA; ooooAQ.- iD Dalaf aad Craig Catli (ICYC) """""" Ia tbirci with !tight Stull. Other troph,y wiAaen; Soltag -1. Allaa, Ga.toc. O..til (lll'Cl; 2 ........ O'DouoiV a..-i"g!EJ!I, ~ V-. C. -(WYC). .. -l. .. ,. 0..- CNKYCl; 2. s.d1ldkNI, a... WWW.. CBYC); 3. a...-.. Woody Nactu (NHYCI. Sa4--I lei Luhart CMBYC), a ana. &.a.t (ABYCI; 3. Craig t..wk:k CCYCJ. Udo 14 -I Jwry Normae. (8CYCI. l Marty Locbey (UYC), 3. laria a.ad Soott lobo.a (NHYC). 5Gbot A I B -1 Dow.ao Cooa CNHYC), l ld O.Oa (NHYCl; 3. £.nc ProW (BYC} Sobol C -I Chcu . Leleb.-re (NlfYC), l Dov\d Schock (NHYCI. 3 !lm WcutruavtoJ (NHYC) . . . The Lehman 12 Fleet raced tor the Doclie Beek Go..boon Perpetual Trophy ot Newport Harbor Yacht Cluh OD Saturday, Stuart Newcomp (LYC) won the coveleQ tro phy with Bruce Ayr11 (NHYC) tia.iehing wond a nd Blair Bryant (NHYC). thizd. Upcoming Eventl -Balboa Yacht Club will hold itl Sullkiat S.ri11 No 2 for In.llide aa.d Out- lid• Clallft nest Sohuday and Sund a y TmETABLE D.c. 16 0..17 0.0. II 0.0.18 Doo. :10 0..21 Doo.22 "" ..,, 307 3.39 "' 5 ... .... 1.10 TOURING LJClHTS l..ow Tld.e HI. ... Ho. "" 2.3 f..tt '" '" " ... ·•. . ... " 5 28 .. , ,,. " "' 01 ,,. 30 '" •• ,,. 31 '"' •• "' 30 ... ••• 3·ll LIGHTS 95 H1Qh Tide HI. PN Ho •• 10 Sl J6 " 1133 " " " (10 28 "' 3.5 (II '11 '" 37 01 52 0 ) 3.1 1 0& " I 4- n.. uc 1m-Aal-.w -0 ochodwod lo hool ChapmaA Collogo 011 C0J11PU0 !all alq hi while l>oaooiAq a t-O-lA tho 198:1·83 hoohtball_... Highly-rated eophomore forward Troy Carmon woe ochodlllod to hocomo oliqiblo for tho .-...o.a~on altor lraufoniolg froaa Colorado a .,.ar ago. That W good a.ews for a ew· prili.Dg teom which already haa fiyo playoro OYoraviAq lA dooblo fi guree iD ecorhag. Sea. Mc:Doo.alcl1oado wllh 13.8 poinlo per game, followed by George Turaer at 12.5, Jud Beardlley at ll.5, Bob Thon>IOil at ll.3 =d Tod Murphy at 10.5. Thon>toA leade the team 1D reboua.diag with 6.5 JNr game. Beordeley aad Murphy ecored 17 pointl apiece in lc.t w .. k'• 85· 73 victory onr Loyola Marymount. 1(8 Crou ()ouatry a.t Por Saturday The city ol Newport Beach ParU, Beach" 4 Recreation Dept. will •poneor the 1982 city cr0111 couatry meet lor con- INiantl 8 to 15 year• old Satw· day at 9 a .m. at Ea.,bluff Park, on Vil:ta del Sol north of Coroa.a dol Mar High School. There i• o $2 eatry lee. Regiltrotion fonN ore available a t the r.creation office ot City hall or from 8:30 to 9 Saturday morD.l.D g ot the park. ()N ()ross ()ountry Saturday Norntaa The city ol Coeto M.-a cr011 country m"t lor boys a nd girla Ul acheduled lor Saturday at 9 a m at Balearic C ommunity Center, 19?S Balearic Drive. R~i.ttratioa beqiue ot 8 o.m Saturday ot the Center. ,_IPL4,CIMINT HIAD LAMPl Protect your "' tfM •v McDonn-'1-Dougl .. prottc._ It'• m~.ttti·rntiiiOt'l dof&W tett. eo.-dol ........ ~ .. lory -o.-"Woo Vlojo --Ia __ ....,... bc.WI· ball .,-bod q1111o o WI o1 olpllioaliCO. F0< --II morlood tho 11101 --ol aU-CI!" q1IGid -H.., who bod practicod all woek ood ploy.d o tiHlo o.., o half whllo oc:oriiiQ oia polalo. It aloo -tho 11101-that -guard 0..0 VonStls hue WCII able to uee aU ol hlo oldllo Ia ocorla; 16 poiat• azul plartag rigid dol-. "I th1ak Daft'• doae o good job of oboot!aq," Coach Jock EnioA oold. "yet I loU bo boo bMn Oftrloobd oa defeue, aacl •peoially hit d•leDaive rohoUIIdiaq." Actually, th• whole team playod ootokJDdiA; d"'-aa the Sea Img. held Nf:da VMojo to o meze a first half poUt.IL Thlo uablod tho Soo lt!a;o to toke o commgzuliag lead. .arty, and keep 11 throughout the ••· tire ga.me. Forward Earl Wolff added DiD• poialll, whil• en~ Wya.a and center Tom Vance each bad MYen, iD an effort that brought the Sea Ki.Dgs record to 2-2. "I really feel that Vance ha. done o good job lor u.e tm. seosoa," Erfion 1aid. "Hi1 reboundi.og and defeuive ploy have been lmprllliYe." Loses In Tour ey Newport Harbor ill coming oU lou11 to powerbou"' Hun- hngton S.Och OAd S.rvite 1D lhe Sea Baron Tournament. Even though head coach l•rry DeBuU's Sailor~ have to play another non ·pulhover ia. Lakewood th.il wHk, O.Biolak remoinl optomiltic about the MOICD. "My team 1.1 great," o.Buak eaid, "They work hwd, and play with an incredible amount oi iD· tenlity, which il iutt o~ul all you caa aU of a team.' Againlt Kunt:i.a.qton B.acb, the Sailon were lust out-played by on. of the be.t t~• iD aU of Orange County. Forward Brad Hcuhr ecor.d 14 pointa for the Sailor~, who ended up toJung thil one on the chin, 78-60. 4l5 Pan•'- ... , ... .....,_?. be COIIID w-hd tail ~u teaabai._..MIISJ•aaoaa high ... Oooc:ll ~ ....... look ........ 1 ... _ .. tho Soa a......1o To.,_utlall...a .._ hlo-OCMOid .. -.. ·..n 00 u bod Ia ..-. WhoA tho -W01 o•er, the N\letoa~.::,~ ;alloAod right pooi . OAci toothill ooly lo .._ lo a tou;b \i:f.. a-1. w.-1oom ill tho 58-M. Boblad forwold Tod Still, tho Muo1cm111woro abl4to bold oH a hottl!ag Cami)IO!l -Ia tho opoa!Ag roUJid, 82-M, SlUt ow 10 of 14 a-.., =d "•"bod tho gamo with :13 polalo. Do .. Polmblodo oddod 20 pabllo Ia a ...... that lowui Mooo bitllaiJ 24 of 43 from tho IMicl, aloolg with ployiA; 101110 tlgbt dolo-. "I tbou~bt Tod Stilt did OA u · colloAt job OD both ofloDIO AM dol-,'' ~ Panel ooicl, "oloAo with (-or) Mark Cook who ICOled eight pointl aad ployod Yory woU dolollliYely." Ia thil youag -.aeon, It WO. o turpriM to f:ia.d the Mu.etangl ._.. eoutiag the bo•Jc:• in th•ir .. coa.d-rouad •ictory over Foothill. M-bit 18 of 31 froo throw., 1 0 of 11 of thOM comiDg ill the cl011 fourth quarter to ... tho~ ... ~ !MWtM,.,··~· ogola .... _.. oat lor :12 poiDII, wlollo Cook ..-d Pal £doaD ~ added 10. 0...0 l"ol•!Wodo ... Ia loool troUio -1yoodoot-oltloe-quartw, boot ollll ___. lo 00111ribulo lia poialo. "FoothUl t.. o ••ry q.U.ok t«zm. •• Pca.l tald. ''ad .. oomooouldbcne-- _,. It -a .--ollort. OAd I tblU £dooa =d~g Mark WIIJ!mn-botll •:dremely ...U dUe¥ . " Tb• w.ia •ao},lecl the M...._ to ploy a tollfJb Loolg Boocb WU.... -Ia tho ball of ta. tou.nam•at. 'nUl ~ trwy obowod tho poiM aa!i olruqth ol thlo Mooo -· • H haHlod hook from o 43-33 doloclt ot tho-of tholow1h q.-, and j\LII came up .aort. "Tho diflorOAOO lA tho v- wae tb•ir ..._ aad ••celleat dofOAOO," Parool ooid. "Tholr obo.-......, -6-3, wbicb can make tbinge diffkvlt." Stitt once again w01 blob ecorer wit,h 22 potntl, Cll he ead· ed tounlament play with 8S po!Ato iD tho tbroorJ:."'oo. lotb Palmblado OAd D ployod w..U def•mli:~ely, while IIClOriaa' 12 ond 11 r~vely. F.U In Tile Finals Wtaacia 1uHer~ lfll tint l011 of the aea.on ogai.a.lt Loaq Beach Poly i.n the fiDoJ. of the Laguna Beach townament lalt w .. k, 75-74, The Eagl•. who were defending tournament championa, Oil now 3-1 ill pre- IOOICD. I think they are a very oood. team," E•toncio bead coach Larry Sunderman IIOid, "But I ltillfeel we did .om• thingt pret- ty w.U ogcinlt them." Even though th• ;cun• waa aot cloee, th• EaglM Dever real- ly ... med to be totally out of it. Allor o oloppy lint ball, tho Eagl• came back tlrong in the third quo.rter, ond cut th• lead to 14. Jon Johnatoa WCI the key J.a the MCOnd ball, Cll he ecored 13 poiDtl and played nceU.ot on both endt oJ the floor. Junior Jim Curtit got the bot band in the fowth quarter, cg h• 1e0recl 12 poilllo, 17 in aU. The 11cond boll wa• o obootout, with tho Ea;l• mok· ioq 59 percent of their ebota, Poly 66 percent. All·touruoment player Doug P!Dchy hod AlAI po!Aio for tho Ea;loo, aa did GoY!a Worlau· mOAt. Both ployod woU d ...... li'f'ely, which il: eomethiag cooch Sundennan il depeDdiag on.. "B.caUM we ar• •uch a IDlGll team, il'almportaa.t for gu)'llib Piock•y and Worlaumoal to help u. out with their ahW.ty a1 defeAder• and rebounden," S,u.lld•rman laid. The Eagl11 wW a.ow •nter tb• A.aaheim Touruameat aDd play Valencia in the opening rouad. FROM 5 ·&TUFFER& 2pc. by FVLL ETS R W~ENCH SETS AVAIL. ALSO STEE~ SET 11pcs. EXTRA LARGEH~NOS SUPERIOR QUALITY WHILE THEY LAST • 5 Limited Supply 24" FLU LIQHT G'"lt for Work,ahop Pat/(). (i41rt~ge, Ba.tl, Etc. by Sparkomatk: Sl( TOOL SETS \.0, ..... WM HOLID ~HOU j ~ .. • • • • 1 • t ( .. -. ~ .. THE 4ZTECS of Amertean Youth Soccer 0rt Ani1adon Rtftion 57 thout tlwy'r~ num~r one aftft' top.,.,. tht Skyrodt~• 2-0 '" ttw 7-8-.,.e•r-otd division S.turdaY. at Eastbfuff Pult. Scaff pftotOt by larry Slc*n The ltill·UDdefeated Aatea of Ecm Newport are gearing up for the beginning of area playoffa iD January, aftez having beate n the Skyrocket. 2-0 m the Oivimoo 6 Cbampionehip game Saturday. CO-COACH Candt Grant uraes on ttw Aztec• Since the leG*)n began S.pt. 25, the Mven a.nd eight·yecu-o1d Region 57 A YSO team hoe eoored a total of 42 goale and allowed oppooeotl oDly 2. ACTION dunn~ Skyrockell Aztecs match. THE WINNING TRI<' of co-co~tw. (l -R) CAndi Grant. Judy Taylor amt P~ggy Spauldina at awardt PV8UC NOTICE nCTmOtJI BVSJHI:II NAME ftATEMDfT n.e lollowu•g penou OlD do.oQ ~ • THE fiNERY litl ftlrdew Blvd Co.to M.G. Co 93la W•ldon Roy Sm.llll 1801 TIUICJ9er. Co.lo M~ Co 9'.118l6, Corleeo Ma11• Sm&th 1101 Toaog• Co.!a MHO Co 936:16 11u.t bwu-lot cooducted by a ge aeral porte•uhtp Stga•d CorleeA Mane Snuth 11u.t llto'-enl -bled ""'h the Co ... ty 0.11 ol Oraoqe CollAiy 011 o.c-2. 1112 ~ Dec I. IS l2 29 Ia •• ~ Newpac1 l:.~~qa l"alD$M Nt 1174 P\TaUC NOTlC£ nCTTnOua 11vaun:u MAJCI: 8T A'I'DC.E'M 1' "noe loi&Nt.Q ,.._an cAou9 ...,._ • (AJ Roell All. (I ) Waddy Qoock ~7 h u . SG.u. 51S, News-t leoclt Co ._, ....._, L IUiod., ~ ......._ o.o.o ..a War. CA G25, r-. AatMraa. m ~eooa~a. eo.-.w ..._, CA tai2S tb ~ .. coedvaed by a ...-~ .......... S.edNo flf L ~ n. ......... -bled w\\)1 th Ooe.atr Oerk ol Or-.. Couty Couty -Dec t. ·-,...... Dec: .. 15, 22. .. '12 Ia ~ •-.on ~ 1'101541 Nlll73 PUBLlC NOTICE nCTmOua B\18INI:88 NAME ITATENDIT The 6oll.owu9 penoaa are dOla9 bull.D-<» TAHAJU.AND LTD 4?00 Surrey Onve. Corooa del Mar. Cn 9~2l Hal Sbeltoa Sl\ldM> Raoch. No I Sheltoo Road. p 0 ao. 87 Goldeo. Colo 10401 loltn S Shelton I~ Coc-t Walk. P 0 loa U , Lo Jol.lo Co ~ Robert H Sh•ltoa 4?00 Svn., On... Corooa del Mm Co 926U Till. b~~&~~-.. coe~dvded by a lomtl•d pa rto•rahtp Stgaed Robert H Shaltoe Tll• flalMft .. l •• bled ""th the Co .. aty 0.11 o4 Ora..ge County on Dec 7 I~ P...w..a Dec IS l2 29 82 lao ~ 113 ID 'noD Newpo11 t.a.q, ~ m1m "The kicb are very, vezy ea- dted," laid coach Cand.i G raot about the victory. "There have been a lot of improvemeotl iD the team a.nd it haa a lot of taleot." the continued. Baaically, 1t &a aD und•feated team ltill getting better, Grant ICDd. The Altea are e~ed to meet either Tuetin or Ca.ta M..a Mveo and eigbt-year·oldl Jan 22 at Ealtbluti Park wheo area playoffl begJ.n • Be.id• haVlnQ one .tu~D· dou. record, the A.tea have a n o ther un1que quality motivating theu team of the 10 teama witb.to tbeu divilion, the Aatea are the oDly on• coach- ed by mothen. Groot, Judy Taylor a nd Peogy Spaulding, who compriM thr" ezperienced mom• and two teacher• betwHn them. decided la.t epnng to coach A YSO kid.a They prepared long before the MCUOn h.gan,Grant eaid, plan· Ding practices and banding out pracbo. carcb eo each player would know what Uille to work on The Ne•pcxt Eneip/eo..a Meea New.!lmu Today December 15, 1912 Page I "We (AYSO) ~ a bard time ...-ae ooocMI So be •· tag I cleaWed to lllp up," u - plcriMCI Ckcaat. ''TM ldd. eaw u WOIIdao ba:rd at ooactd119 cmcl eo ta..y .mted to play bard." nat, ebe ec:dd, WC11 tMU formula for wooea Grcmt aclmitlleague oftidaJI wwe a bU IMptlcal of the icMa at tint, but ._.e aJ.o ear-ely eo- courogilag. A. U.. MCIIOA ..at OD, the fother-ooacUe reaJiMd the A.Jtec:e were fotmidahl.. • ~ .... Gift of a Lifetime Halmark wntJr\Q lr'IStr\.D'na'lts ~ craft~ &om buutlful natural 'N'OOd.s for a Qlft ol lastJnQ eleiancc SETS 545-$70 t••-·c-~ ... n.~D~M~ ... qu.t .. r.,..AtN , too, Grcmt laid. ''ney N\lllla.Td ..._.. 3, hear:ll:a a 1 o. ...... , Sa~ [ovJ-3, ~ I Dt..W.. 5 WGided to leara aad to play ~. '~'My ~e Dot pcuticu)ar al>oot who woe gotag to be teaching it to u..n. Goal. 3 R.d aa.o. 0 Dt...w-I A.-. 3, Skr•l dw o "It ..-......, a hi9 '-me for the aa, haviag motheu ae ODU.'8 FDIALI Dt.w-, SVQY Dog. 3, laa 0 Dt.w-. cooca..." abe laid. "AAyoae who cao impart car· iD9 cmd w pport to MYeD· aod eigh t -ye ar·olde co o be SVGY Ca• 4. Shor.br--. 3 Dt.wM s .A...,m• 8~ 3, Marooa RCXlCOOIIII l wocellllhal. .. R.IOIOM 51 80Y'I FINAL~ Ol...wion I R.d Hoa 3. Horo•• 0 Di...W-, Now ExciU81vely at U5 'AI(I)LTEX the auperlor car .... cover Velvety soft. Durably comfortable Avatla~ '"a wide range ot colOra Ln TJIM QUAMNTU • 1~ l)ure ne. Met•no wool • Fully macl\•ne ~Ole eno 1um01e Or) • LuauriOUI one ln<:l\ 0.0 velvety pile ••II not mil tunl•ll• COIIYenloOnel ·~·n co...,,, • Seem ,, .. t~nt~ arM lOt grMt., comfort ano Ouratlthty • Centl~tlon Oy UM410 Statel T Mil~ Com pany Inc 1nat WOOitea comph• wilttl ap propt~ate nammetltltty .. tet) stand.,dt ' luaurtOUI CullOm tiiiOieO lor spe<;ol C automotlt .. moo• atao atanoard cov•s or equally n.gn qu&llty dM.gnecl 10 l•t most automoo••• moelell • Guerant..O snug Itt and t omp .. '"ltallat•Ofl • WOOI1ea naa -nee tne r•gnt to cerr) rna lnl.,nat•on&l WOOimatll. The cover for all seasons Warm In Winter -Cool in Summer /( C'J Hall mark 2300 H.-IIML t7t-11U Also: Atrcraft seats. stHnng wheel covers. saddle covers. pohst'ung m1tt1 545-2755 3042 lnterpriM Coeta ..... • ... # •• •••••• COUPON•••••••-. Now Open Sunday tor you conven•ence g am-2 pm SUNDAY SPECIALS I I I I ool s oo I S1yle Hair Cut ... 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AJI vou nc"<·d I' .1 ".....,.'l< h. • Them ,·ou c·an u lot of h t. n·laJt~all wah·r. \Vtthimt u Ina 1M of ' • ' " • - • ~ • ba N 0 " c ro to a ID ~ c: ia W2 .. 0. Sc UP TO 75% COMMISSJON DISCOUNTS PLUS CONVENlENC£ Arnl!nd leadir:ut bank and Amcnca's leadtn3 discount b"*erage finn, Charles <ichwab &. Co., Inc. h.aV( ;omcd forces to bnng you a new stock transacuon scrv1ce. Now you can buy o r ~11 secunttes at a discount at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Countea, inside selected branches of Bank of America. \bu'll not only save up to 7596 oo com- missions, you'll get added ronvenimoe in the bargain. Because oooe you open your Schwab Acoount you can handle all ol your securities uansactiom ngbt where you do your ban.k.ina- fiND OUT HOW EASY IT ~ TO IUY AND SlU.. SECURITIES Visit tbt Schwab Counter at selected branches and wc'IJ demonstrate how to use the quote: machine that JlVCS up-to- the-minute quores. ~ can check pncei on your own ICICUrit.ies. Or act the latest q~ on any traded ican. Evm on brUk tradina days. Abo, if )'OW ... dcp)lit box is lcartd at a branch wllh a ooun~ then ' ITHA C OVER45 SPECIAL TV SHOPS AND SERVICES you may safely move the certificates you're sellmg from your box to the Schwab Secunues Depoc.u Box. In addiuon. Wlth your Schwab Acoount not only can you buy and sell sccunties wtule you bank. but you'll have access to Schwab Account Exccuuves by a toll-free 800 telephone number. You can place orders or gt't quott-s U bows each <by, 7 days a week, mcludmg l1l05t holidays. With a Schwab Acmunt and a Bank of America chttking a<munt, you'll en;oy the extra oonvemmoc ol Automatic settlement. We'll debit or credit your Bank of Ameri~ Account for securities tran cttons. And we'll ev~n depo it stock dividends. Automatically. 'T'h clunmatcs the bother of watti:fll for chccb in the mall or bav1n1 to ICDd cbccb m time to pay for purma-,. Wbat'a more, every uan cti n I coaycn end, recorded on your monthly Timaayer swaDtnl! CclaiC lnco one of* 8&Dk ol America waDdMs lilled a.R. or caU ClWJel Schwilt &. Co., Inc ., toll hec at (800) 648-s.D}at. 54... find out how to buy and ~ll securities lDOI'e 0011veniently. Schwab Brokerage Services Counters arc located at the following Bank of America branches; Newpolt Beach 3444 Via Lido Newport Center 500 Newport Center Dnvt 1.quna Hilb 2.4061 Calle de la Plata --------~~--------~-~--- • w CEO lfamecl At lllcnMiata aar, E. u.w. ..... t w• ot Naoc~ata c~. a.a. ---~---CII oiiW ....:dw .. -.. Jr.. ...... H• ••cc .. cb Doaalcl W. hBir, ........ -claGir-.aa ad dUet a.cnatift after a cloa•a J•ara oi ••nlc•. Nicrodatca il a wlllollJ-owucl 1\lhlicliarJ of NcDoaaell Doqb Colpordoa. New Bcmk CllcdnDcm Dr. Po PlDo Woag, e>raag. Co\latJ cl•atlat aacl .._.., aa, hal beea .arctld ~ ol .... board oi cliNe-- ~ ol Gnmd NatioDal laak. a .... iadepndeat baak Wag fonMclla tM Saata Aaa· TUia ana. Woag, a Gcudea Grow. elM· tilt for two cl.oacl•, i.l tM fowader oi ~. lac .• a r.al .... la•rrblleDt aacl IDCJ~ ........ H. a.Dcl hia faaU.l., 1M 1a lr· 'ftDe. l)yDa-DriU PromotloD MJroa tm.y of O,.a-Drill. a diWiioll of SaUtb Ia~ lac., i.l tJM 8rm '• ••• ciAnc:tor al *'-llical ..me. ... ,.... -~litiea for aD t.cbllical ..moe cl•partm•nt .,rovram• aacl operatiou. Emery jcUecl tM lnta•bc.ed compaaJ la 1• aa wnhn:: r~ maaogc. B.tor. tJ.at time he work.ct for Atlaa~ RicllfWd a:ncl Euoa. Center Orcmcl Opentnv TM eo..a Nee IBN Procl\ld C•at•r'• vrancl op•alav owa.oaiel _... ec*ed.W tc.- da, la th• Sumitomo Bau 8\JiWtng, 3Q) ~ Sl n. cea* ...,_ oppoma· llitiee for cna*-en to • ._, .. cmd ~t wiUl a rcmv-of liN sndudl cmcl ~ ,.. procl\lCt caw. bxnecl oa tM grouad floor. • tM tint IUda c:a• to h. opeud la ~ Couaty, eaid oeatw aa~ Tom Baur. Ad:U•••ment Awcucl cmv ~ a Pu.blic IWatiou of H.wport .... -reotri..C .... ·~ Acw... meat lD Netciwuacliaav Ea· ~ce {NAME) cnrarcl for hMt brodlu. cl-'p for a r .... aMol ~ ocftegorJ. TU hilcliag lachaMry A • a cia· tioa gM. tla• award CIILDQally. ~g wat r•CQ91l1Mcl . lor O'fWCIIl clel6gD ewceU..C. lor hi brochure d•tctrlhlag lacliaA Oab Towahom•• of Staal Valley. Bay.ide &queue Opea.. lar*t• Square at 1110 cmcl 1111 ... , ... Drtn la N.wport B.ach ~kat nitel bl 200 to 1300 ~ .... cnallabl. far ...... 11M n .. oa.c.. ar• oa N.wport &a,. Firm Relocat• Here Commnallpoacl, be., aa 1A· t•raatloaal coa•oltiag fir• .,.aaMwtng la CC*IDV•'oclloe • .,.... lor OOIJ)QIQ ...... o~a.cl a ••• W..t Coat Madquan.n la ~ MoaAit .. na.r Court o8ce ccapla la Newport Ieoda. Allalal ..... latlle-~ wG1 ooadud lou lo • I tea:n Mda --*Ia. ....... . , The Newport E,DIIip/eo..a M.a N...;Imu Today, Oeo-nb-15, 1912 Pog. 11 A.r~ of Newport tseacb, Rcr,.oed Salmi All odatee lAc. oi T~ cmd WZNH Group Collbaia IDe. of lrriiM Ho.araWe --lia. WeDt to DoueMrit aad l>ou9bertt of Newport leacb.Liada Taylor of N.wport leaclia, the Wcukuti.D A.rdut.ctural GroQp lAc. of Ir-.m.. a...l Ardaitec:tl, ADtaony 6 Lcmgford Arobit.ct~ of Huo- tiagtoo leach, Ware aod Nalcolmb Architsctll loc. of lr- •iDe and the Blurock PcutMnbio. AJ.o Kaow._ and La Boo• A.rcbit.cta IDe. of lrn.oe, Eco- Tecture lac. of Oraoge, Richarc:bon Nagy Martin of Newport B.ach aad to Stewart Woodard 6 A..oc:iat. of Co.ta Meea. In rec:.ot Builder'• Choace dMign competitio.a tpoA80red by Bu.ilde.r aad Better Hom• aod Gcudeu maga.a:l.D•. 30 pe.r· cent of the cucbitectwal film.a repreaented were bea d · quartered in Ca.liforaia Of 19 Graod Awa.rda g1veo 13 were for Ca.liforaia d•go.a Newport Beach arcb1tect A.ram Ba .. Dian rece1ved two merit awarda for rea1denhal plana in the High~a~e com· munity bu1lt iD Walnut by Pooderoea Hom" ROCkY MOUNTAIN lO·tt~>ry retldtnthal towtr (u~r ~ft) won mtrlt •ward 1n county chapter ~>f American lntlltutt of Architects com~t•­ tton. Fa~ Wtlhan' Peretra (upper rlahr) won tp«tal award for lrvtrw Ranch master plan. HllllllW office cornmuntty dnlan <abo~) won mtnt award. Two b.rnu -OeRenre, WIN, Ga.raltiao 4 A.odat• of New· port Beac h aod LPA· A.rchltecture and Plaorung of Oraoge -were the only group. naboowtde to receive two or more awarda 10 the commeroal or 1oduatual development cat~ory A.noth.r honor award went to ennlt Ooriua and Herbert Brownell, A.ociat~ Azcbitecta, for the Myfozd lnine rellidence, built in 1958 on a fow-aCTe bluff lite o"rlooking the jetty eo- tron~ to Newport Ho.rbor. Tbe liath apeciol hooor award waa gi"n to Herbert Brownell for b.la 1954 oftice building on Pacific Cooat Highway. The b\lilding ia reaidenUal io clla:racter aDd utiliMe oatural rock ouk:roppiAgt. Awarda of meut were preeuted to ColhAa 6 Wraigbt of Salata A.na, LPA Architecture and Planni.ag of Orange, B-.11 *** 1 looking for an apartment? Be sure to check the many vacancies listed in Classified each day. *** John £. t.BCotn CUSTOM PHOTOGRAPHY We Are PROUD To Have Photographed The JOHN WOODRUFF Family Warn tng. The Surgeon General Has Oetermmed That Ctgarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health Outshines menthol, and leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. Newport Beach arcllitect Ctaig Combe, who deli9ned the new Pac::dic Federal Plaaa at Newport 81~. and 19th St. iD Co.ta Meea, bae bMD awcuded a "1982 Out.ecmdl.n~ Contribu- tion to Orange Couoty En- vironment" award by the Bu.m.. Development OIIOCia· boo of Ota:age Cou.aty Combe turned an a.ba.ndoned 10-ocre aehoollite into the .trill- lAg heritage delign now on the ate It ia iD the redeYelopme.at a.reo d.-ignated by the dty of Ca.ta Meea "The peood of h1gh tecb.aology we o.re iD demanda that we .tnve to aclueve "lugh tough" 1n the local commulllty," Combe 101d 1A rec:.1Y1.Dg lua a wa.rd "Not only chd we retmn the wa.rmth and bamc rootl of the center core of the oty, but the prOJect WOI aJ.eo built UDder budget and compebbve Wltb the muror ·black conatruchon prevaleot today "The fact that the proJect w vutually fully leaaed before 1 complehon 1nd1catee accep· CRAIG COMBS lance of a de.tgn dedlcat.d to the nseda of the area The e l egant Mea1can Cololllal proJect 11 the bead- quarten of Pac1hc federal SoVUlga a nd Loon Alloctation, large.t fl.Daodal lD.Stitubon bo. ed 1n Orange County It haa 125,000 equare f .. t Tllree Are Added To Center Board Three Southern CaWorn1a bumn .. men have beeo named tru.tCCI and memben of the board of duec tou for the Orange County Perforrrung Arta Center Rtchard J Flam.eoo 111. chau· man and chlef eaecubve offlcez of Secunty Pac1hc Nahonal Bank. Robert M Mclotyre. prea1deot and duector of Southero Cahforllla Go. Co , aod John B Pa rker. premdeot of Equ1don Compan1 .. were odd· ed at the Nov 30 board m"b.ag To date, $26 nu.lbon hat beeo ralMd for the tw o-theater facility acbeduled for groundbreahog an late apnng )t)u never had it this freshJ We would bO ; to photoaraph your family TillS ' "' • = 0 II e ... .. llo • 1> 0< .. ell .. 0 • .. .. • .. Cl .. wl .. Do Sc Do Do Do Do Do Do Do M ... cu .. n•ouett .. .. , DIC. 19, 1M2 I • ~DIDa·oa·aw.- Nore t!laa ~1 ,000 gueete crtteiaded tM al.atla aa.aal c.M~Wigbt CODOelt ~~~--­b,tM_~~ ..... aiag Arta Ceater at U•• Dllaeylad HoW $udaJ aigbt. n.. ecm::;:rht Coaoert ., the loargell ·tie aBair ... heW Ia the oouty. n.. proeeMI rGilecl trom thil gala ..... aupport OCPAC, which 11 echeduleci to opea ia Cotta N.a la the FaD of 1985. ft. gala began with~ cmd WCI8 foUo.Md by a diuer ia tM Grcmd BaDroom featuriDa a gourmet delight eepeclally •l•ctecl by committee m.U. PeavY Cotton. A -~only ChrWm01 program waa pneenteci bJ the Orange Cowaty Malter Chorale cmcl the O r ange County Pacific SJDlphaa y. At tM coaclwion of the "•n· lDg, TIM CallJoraiau a Mlect v.r~~p of aiagert from the OCNC ~ ....-al pop- ular ChrWmCJI telectiou aDd traditioaally tiM audiaoe folaed tbe cl.olale aad IJ&Dphoay iJl liDgl.Dg Chri.ltmat oarole. The gala wae indeed a tremendolll aucce~~ due to the effortl of veneral chairmaA n011 SchWDCJcher cmd the balcmoe o1 h.r committ.e -Len Beclilow, Donna Lindeay , Judith Roaenthal, Mu. Benjamin Caftey, Mn. Joeeph Garebottl, Edith Harney and Dottie Stillwell. • • • FlOSS SchumAc:lwr, eenerAI c:hAirman of C•,..itht Conc:ert. 1nd hutMnd Ed. Scaff phlco by O.N von lw-.r Mary Tyl.r cmd Dudley. With woh a callt, you woulcl tWU tM mcme W<ll comedic la uture. OuJ• the contrary I Be ture to tab lota of bcmld.. Following the mo•ie, the elegantly attired gu.. mOYed on to the Rita, where Hau Prager and bit ataff outclld themael••• ia pruentlng a dellcioUI tia·coune gourmet delight. The ADA prem.t.e oommittee W<ll heocMd by~ CUID· by (weariDg em wagaat golcl- beacled gown) aacl U. ,_ a.ueul tiJ J~-mall&, Nar .... Cod. FCIIICIDCI. Mimi llnt.krat. laNa ...... Jocm Lud, Dcddn McCredie, Naacy Harrla, •:::z. Pero, Ocno Pie!. ... ~y NANCY and Mic:hMt CAl~ (he donlled nwnbershlp to hft ~ ttiAnd) 'With committee membft' K•,.. Hanten at AIMI'kM o.M.., ~.t~s.an-.a...ty n· ·••· BobWe aa.c.. Scmdra v ...... Pat .... Allee Zam- Mal, Barltara Hillmaa aad ..... tM vu .. were the &e • Aglcle, the Jamu A~ Aue cmd Bob Badbam, tM Job lana. Vqt~Uo cma Pnllr••· Dorodly cmcl Doa ...... the 1111 Bowen, Scm- clra ud Gerald Brodie, tbe INce ~ham~. Ero09•• l•tler, Naacy aad Michael Callie (wbo doaaW the do« price -a Nagle ltland aembeuhip), the CJ ril ~the Richard Hawkiu, ~ alhraith aad Larry Haw. cmcl J=-Lcnn. OtMn were the Job Longe, tM W&Wam Met.n, Tommie cmcl Darwia Relaglcw, Pat emd Alaa Rypiaakl, the Maa Schn&ben, Pat cmc:l Archibald Soott, pat cmc:l Am Yowagmaa emd the Bill Woode. • • • Enaeeto, proprietor of the Ba}'T6de rellknlremt1 Neatly un- derwrote a ..-oaluocbeoDI eo iatroduoe Imae-baMCl dr"' del6gaer Jcmell BerW to Orange Cowaty r-'deatl. Jllll a few aen cac:lmi.riDg the holiday fCJihiou aad enjo.,U.~ the new meau were Mlobael Perklu, Darlue Fenari, Doril UacD.ardt, Alcma Newmaa aad o.de GiAtw . • • • The Newport Harbor Art Mu.ua WOI crowded to capa.ci- ty ogaia, whu tiM IU.IkliJlen o1 tM }\Woz League of Newport Harbor held tMlr auual holi- day pcuty atUlecl a ''OickeDI of a C1uiM•," wlaich leatured ~M Plcb6ck Clu cmc1 taa. vreat food aa catered by MarUyn Kawa. n. ....wag WQI plaued bJ NaJMa Lcnadeaback cmcl Mar- cio Orirh&oe ad 101M o1 tlae ~ .,... ........ tM Doa ,.-, tt.. ... Me,.. the Joe Taflll, .... Dick A 0 =· ..... 8rroa BacheU.re, tlae W el.Uagtoa Boaaeu aad the Thoma• Youga.. • • • Speaki..Dg ol NHAN, food cmd the tplrit of Clut.taae. The NMM&a Coudl baa em em- aual CbNtmaa rrty, which boaon belo•• Sculpture Gardea maaager, Mabel Couoy . nu. year the cou.acll dedded to baft tbe dair at I.e 16anib. So great waa tbe JeiPO ... to thie neat that o.. 100 ladi. mad. r~ for the luDCA.oal. n. owac. ol I.e Biarrita, wbo are a delight cmcl joy to work with, bowiDg the bcmquet room oAly occornmodated 80 moYed tbe eati.re group dowueain to ita garden room, wb.ile regular patrou were dl.rec:t.cl uJIIklin. • • • For 3t Jeara one of the hig!..ligbtl the boliday -.oa b01 beea the CcmdJ Caae Ball uored bt the Jwa.ior Aua- oJ the ••rtcmce League ewport Beacb. 11Ua year wa1 DO eaoeptioa at gu .. Jam'Nd the ballroom oJ the W..tia Soutla Coc:.t Plaaa for a fun •••nlng of deliciout c:uillae 01 oa:aly Cbef Rallinoua ccm prepal'e, liftly mllolic: cmd tome fabulolll auction and door pn.. itema. Among tbe gueata were I Patricia and S.JJDour Beek, Bonaie (cbainDaa ol the ball) and William Frederickaon. ADAe-Marle cmti Roger Alford, Lrtby cmcl Jou Applen, Martba aad Robert Ball, Judy and R.lcbard Bauer, Ronnie and Micbael Baum, Dora and Terry ~H!'am, LiMa and Richard ghcm, Okme and Richard Ccmaoa, Melocly .cmd Ricbard Ferbez (who hoMed a deligbtful c;party at tbeir graoioua e), C~ cmcl Oa.id Gremt, SaM cmcl &aald Ha:rrillgton, • .... t_ cmcl Ski ...... Ccuol ciiacl JUcb Hoppe, Conal• and Robert lbrke, Kendra and William Jaex>by, Vikki emd Crai~ ~a and RoeeMarle and Kulla. ANoc:iAtlon movie premiere. THE BEOSOWS. Jarw and l~n. at Candteftaht Concert. St»CCal 211. GEORGIA HAN EY . ~ft. and Fred and Mic:hele lohe II C.,. ... _. Conc~rt of Ora• County P~rformu't Arte Center Sundey ......_ Sqff ,._ .. "v ow. """ .... JUDY and D•d Bauer lll!ft . and ~~od~ •nd Od ~~ at A•sl•tant Leas~ Jun•or Au"1harv (andv (an~ Ball Othera were Ellen and and )OMph Walker, Marion cmd Donald Kuta, Pat and KeVlll Denzua ~na. Dorotht cmd Laadaay. Joanne and Elliott John Reo.hie. Jean and Robert Mercer. Ka ren and Rachard Campbe ll, Kathenne aad Nicol, Lee cmd }am• GormleJ, Delane Thyea, Barbara aad Vicki aad Chrl. StrMt, Oiaae Jteat John.oa aad Flora Hilla. S,.clal 111.00 Reg. $2og. g6 CIN ........... A Ow's F ea.a.·A ... _. ..... sca ...... ···-.... ... ......... bthl•S... ~•+ na .......... mt••• 2'411 :0:1 oe ol dMi ..................... .... n... ..__...._ tDo 1111111W eM..-..... ~·=--ooa-.... to Mlil JIICif· 'fteN a. aa adciM pa:at to ... .,..~Me. • Elnenn • a JMaO ..aa GIMl lelle, aad t~ere Ia •ore dele'"• ••-Ia ._. oi tM ~ ...... it ,..,.. • ..w ....., IDIIC~ a plar 1lritJ. aa la· llllliNd •••• for ttu. ..... Aad ~. It. Laaclola. pclr• ticvlarly Ia WI tr.Md cmd • • lk: ..,... of Nju...at6oa. WM ........... "• lint act ••-eel a IMde ......... Ia ••nor. but theleCODd octoa~M roan.o iUo locu. AD the M1wart1 &o. SCR are pr-t -Riclaard DoJie, Arl ~outik. AJUa.i Loag, NC:ut!la Nod'adawt, Jolua Elllagtae (lUI profectioD l.ftl'-.a. too low at -:--------.....;;...._;;,________________ tbeee), Don Tuche, (}ltl.~?lJ..,) '%a! f!Arsonal ~ucb ..J, ~ 'i{ c\·r-.·,/n{/>LYfl'lY. (~>.'i(J~nf..~-v,.(; J)c.>-..?<"'~--27 - (714 Jn ll-5~<~~) ( ~J.,fc:t~!l\.•'i''~ •JL Vdt(>tll.'r_l( -) ~~ ~4 A MATTER OF CONFIDENCE. Wape Aluaad.r, Roa Nlchaeleoe, Noreen Heaaeeey, Howard Shcmgro. Sam HamCIIUl II a aew odditioD to tile rwter. ~.Uer il ttill the u · pert belaiad the magic ae director. Cliff Fau.lber'a •t ilaa \LI\lal auperior, aad Doana aad Tom Ruaika'e lightiag il yery mood ma.kiag, a )oftly job. Dwight Richa:rd Cole il agai.D at the head of eolt\ame cmd the r•W.. are impz...r.e . ....... llaLIIarU7 Tbe Newport Beach Public Library pnent. aa ... mg of Cl:uiltmae filml, f.atwiD "CJWt. mae Cracker,~ "Chrllt· mae M .... ager" aad "The Seltiah Gicmt," at the Newport Ceater Broach, 8S6 Saa Clemeate Ori•• oa Wedaeeday, O.C. 22 from 1 to 8 p.m. Ad.m.il· liOD il & ... For morelll· formatSoa, call M0-2246. Tlae ep&rit of CluWmae ha. come to Soutla COCIIl Repertory ae a leadeulalp gUt hom Nordltrom to C»prociuoe SCR'e maiutage production of tlae Dickeu' holiday cla.ic, A. Cluiltmae Car~. wlaich plCIJI through Dec. 38. All yoo'U ever need to know •bout florists : looking for Something Special? Our large display of unique and unusual gifts. accessories. and wall decor have all been lndlvlcfuaJiy hand-selected and Includes - PORCELAINS ANTIQUI8 CRYSTAL BRA88 IILK FLOWERS Let us color co-ordinate a beautiful allk floral arrangement to match your own decor. Ciallerit of ~nttriors Fine Fumlahlnga And Acceasortea 170 E. 17th ......... 111 CoetaM ... A LOVELY SELECTION OF FINE GIFTS . ; . 131-1114 .. ' tncll.dtng \ Oystal -Porcelo1r1Figll1nes -Bross W1lton lvmetole-SeMng kceSS01es Photo Frames -Fine WOCi:J Prod.Jcts IIUI nomen have always stood behind their men. Now it works the other way, too. 11 .-o ..,~.._ .,.~ ,_.. c~ ''"'-'· •Mit.._, ~~ eft(~ UM"'f )101 Welt~~'*"'-5aNa NIO 92703 ,.,..., ....-o ... SIMoe ! -I ' I I I Ci t'i I J • v q • • B 4 D c 5 - T IM.w t'IJ ,. -.... -.... -Tr ... ., .. 11 eo • ... Art L ... aa.c...-of Balboa la&and wtll pro- aent a one-pereon ahow at Sandatona GaUery. 384 Coaat Highway, Laguna Beach . through JMUary 3 In tho Studto. 8tM&e ahowlnt by WytMCJ fMturlng new o&la wiM boon d6aplay at .,... homo gallery, 811 Thalia, Laguna BMch. Two-day ahow, 4-10 p .m. Saturday. Doc. 11. noon-7 p .m. Doc. 12. RSVP M1- 5150. "Ce••uiiAe, .,...._ Corner'' Ia new program for lrvlno'a ~ talent at Fino Ana Con tar. Photographa by Marian G~ will be on dlaplay through Oocombor. .......... by Reno Laurwn In hta ttrat on. man ahow will continuo through Jan. 8 at South Cout Ar1 Cantot. 283 E. 17th, Coata MoM. Houra: 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p .m . Tueadaya. Saturdaya. • ...,.. II""" Laguna 8Mch photographer, Ia exhibiting her photographa of Europe In the lobby ot Port Theatre, 2805 Coaat Highway, Cor.ona dof Mar, during December. "~aperwork,., an ex- hlbiUon of handmade paper art, will be on dltpaay at Irvine Fin. -ILACK AND ~ITE photograph~ by Mat'-" GtobefiQn,INine ~t . .,. now on u"tblt Arta Cont01 through Jan. 28. Free. "Pih I ¢1 ot Chlldran, Land, ~lowera and See" will bo ahown In a benefit exhibit for Albert Sitton Homo at Pomeroy Gallery, 5651 Lincoln, Suite A, Cypr .... Through Doc. 18. Hour~ 827-1010. .. Duneaoapea" by Pamofa Robotaon and "Cut Flowera" and "Botanical Layouta" by eotty Hahn wtH bo ex- hibited through Jan. 28 at Suaan Splrltua Gallery. 522 Otd Now- port, Newport Bueh. Mew~tert Marltor .... .. of Ctty of Hope .,...,_ Chrfatmu party at next regular meeting, 7:30 p .m . Tuaaday, Doc. 21 at Sheraton Newport. Br- Ing S2 grab-baig gltt. Everyone Invited. Con- -.ct Sylvia, ~ 1331. Newport Hilla G ... Club wtN ~ Ita annual Chrlatmaa Party 11 a.m. Friday. O.C. 17 at homo of Mra. Clarence Poaraon. Glfta will ~ donated for F-'rvtow Hoepttal. Con- ttlct Mra. Knut Hldlo. &10-0320. La Otlla Chapter of Clubs International Toaat- AiftOIIoM aoo1oe, of mlatreaa will meet 7 Landacapo Archltocta p.m. Wednesday. Dec. will bo hoatlng annual 18, at Golden Phoenix Chrlatmaa cotobratlon Roataurantt 8827 Valley 7 p.m. Thuraday. Ooo. VIew. Gift exchange 16 at Newportor Inn. with a S5 limit. Reser- RSVP 850-H77. vattona: 833-7284. 1&. JoM V......, C...,.. Prtenda of 8C,. Irvine Guild of Balboa leland Guild will hava Chrlat- wlll hold annual Chrlat-maa potluck 8:30 p.m. mas Boat Parade Party Tueaday. Dec. 21 at 5 30 F ld "-home of Sally and : p.m. r ay • ..,_,. 17 at homa of Mr. and Howard Ulene. 210 Mrs. Timothy Paomaa. Star. Newport Beach. Information and rMOr-Harbot ride for Featlval vatlons. call Mrs. of Llghta will follow. RuiMII Haverlck. 875-RSVP Lorrayne Allison. 3088. 551-5837. ..,... XI DoHa Alum-Alpha ~hi Alumnae naea will hoat Chrlat-Aaaoclatlon of Orange mas Open HouH 4-7 County Invites p .m. Sunday. Dec. 18 at membera to join In home of Mra. Marilyn Featlval of Llghta cruise Hatch i n Fountain 8 p.m. Monday. O.C. VaJiey. RSVP 862-5728. 20. Reaarvatlona: Nan- _ --::::::;:::;:~--;"-':;;bbMi:i:i~UI;'TTi:;h.;"i~;;;.._;:;"';:,~t::;.:O:o::.~-....;~-::-:::: -~1101'101:;;:;---t C Y W at • r man. 83 8 • JV-..o iiOIIC& rv-8"W!!o.tll nO'I'ITIOUa....,... hww. Mn. a.. o.. a. t. II. a ncnnoUII ~ c:•"'· IIAI8 ftA'ftllln' ~11• N"El<M MAMIE ftAfllllmill In Tr..-..or .. aupport T\e ....... ,.._ ar•..... PVaLIC NOTICE n. loDowUta .-11 ..... f I ~ • SUKJUOR JOioaA nOTmOua aUUJUM .._._ • ~ CJDG. 1315 group or r a c • n t y LtD • 1.00 .,... a . HIUI...-MAMK ftATIMDI'I' Olltnev« 01 . eo... del .... w I d ow a d . m • • t a -... Cel _. •llctL Hoa· b.:"!'t.~.'*TKtcu.~ cA ~ RoNn r..r1 ....._, Tuaadaya at OASIS .... -w ......... rna... COMPANY !.Oe Wut l a y 131!. o..,... 0.. o.r-.. Senior Clttzana Center. v_.,, CA ta'IOI. Robert C I ~ lob Mat CA ta2S r..... 1.-J ..._ 5I Foutau lol.lloa. CA .. n. ~II co..S.-d .. , .. Corona del Mar. _ ~*3~ Lov., ... V~ . .:!.::;'; oo.diiC.'Wd by a CA 11730. Ttocy....., Wen. I,._ = SIQ~a.t • ._. f.ul Irvine Ja~ Chrltt• l:wab r::•r•"'• s, ... 4 ~~::=.:!!•~. Tb....._,_IW.,..,. maa troo lot Ia now .,... ......... , -IIW .nit .. a .. •r•1 pertaettlltip Stvnci Co-'7 O.llt .,. Or-.. Onatt open at Walnut ShOP· T'tacy WatwiJS oa No• U 1112 I C I I ~ ~~ Or-.. eo-" n. _..., _IIW wtUI u.. p~ o.c 1 1. t!.. u ·a ~an.. p ng enter. rv ne. hw.. Dec II. 22. a. 't2 loa !a Covaty O.ll .. 01-.. Co~U~IJ ~ '--• Hill&$ • a T\e .....,.,. [aaqa a No• lO, 1112 I"JIMGO,) Ntllt3 P>l~ Dec I. 1!. U zt. ·a ~a PUaLIC N01'JCE The .......,... Eaava ncnnoua auGMIM P\Jm.IC NOTICE nrmD1 Ntl l.. NAME ftATDIIIn nc.-triiOU. .uaon:ll PUIILIC NOTICE n.. ~ ~ II c6o- RAJ8 ftAftXIM1 ncnnoUII•tJIDIDI IA9 .~ ca CLAW CO Oa.A T\•ioDDwlae ,__ «• doulq MANE ftATDIIJI'f IAlJOA ISLAHO REALTY 6 .._,_ 111 THt MENOEI.SON Tll. W.WU.. .,..._ 11 ..... IN'VI:Sn4)fT COMPANY 301 I"RA.~ • GAUDY co 301 .. _ CUI NtwtORT ftST MartM A.. laDioa ........ CA ..... A'"' ~ leac:ll CA AM. 2tiU ftlld H.t11. C.. W.O ta2 Caw Co CA Cold Corp I ... DoiOUOaa Co Ltd 322 n-loy Caacl.!o, W W L A W\.1.-, "-, Ill liUt ..... ,o A•• Newport hach Co loU.. C... M.a. Co.ltl 1a31 St N..-pon leoell. <AI ._, -1. Jenor L W .. 4t'-'. 323 11w o-a-11 coad.-d by aa 1'b "--.. -lhdlld lty o MaliNa A" NeWl'Of1 ~~~ Co 1adlnd11ol S..,a.d n-I 001pans.._ ~ ~ A -~ c...wa vru ....... "-C'lr:nt eo Til• ...._._ .. c»aduc:l.t by o ~ ...,._ .. , -~~led WltA the n.. _,._, -llled wtth the ...,.a V1 ..... Sio-4 t-Couaty O.llt .,. Or~ eo ... ~y Co..aty 0.11 ol ~ Co.wr 1'1 WM#rlrr 00 HOY II, llll oa Herr 2t 1112. t\11 ......_t-bled Wlta the ~HOY ~ 0.0 1 I I !a 12 111 P@bM O.C I$, 22 21. 12 loa S eo ... " O.llt .,. Oraao• Covaty n. Mtwpon t..v• &3 Ill n. N.wport ta..p • HoY 2. 1112 rml" NE1130 F'ml74 Nt\231 n. Newport En'9'Jeo. w... Newt/Ir-. ToclaJ o. w1a.1• .... as ••••~~~~~----..... ~..-~!!-orlg nala by "-dto Flyer ,.,~II nr'e tn FMNon Music "TM Nutcreollar" will be presented by the Civic Ballot of Southern CaJtfornla 2 p.m. Satur· day and Sunday. Dec. 18-18 In OCC's Moore Threatre. Advanced tickets are $4. S5 at the door. C ... OIR DIRECTOR Jay Wyma A porUon of Handel's Messi ah w ill be p reaented by Irvine Presbyterian Church Choir and orchestra 7 p .m. Sunday. Doc. 18 at St. Andrews Eplacopal Church. 4400 Barran- ca. Irvine. Directed by Jan Wyma. Offering. ·oas Boot' Cln German w/Engllatl aubtlt*) "-ted ·R" ... Mea: ... ..,. 1 ... "'" ..... ,. ..... P."'- AM ..... on III10A at.OO tad o..d ot Tr\1.111 lor the CIIIIOIIIlt r_bl, .-.atecl 10 be J3ll c.~ Tllte bellehaary ~>ader .. u~ o..d ol Trut l>er~• auc:ullad cad ck....,_. to tAe ulldenlgaed o wnltn Declcua...., ol O.loWt aDd o.-..d lor Sale a..S o wrUieo Nolwla ol Deiautl cuod n.c.-. 1o WI T\e uad.-gucl ~ -ct ~ ol Dejalt.lt aDd Deo:1loa lo WI to be -ded la t ... OOUilly •w• tile r.al """*" ,. ~ Dated N-..ll. u 1912 ~.rorecbw• S..-.lac: .. emd Tr ..... ly Subtllt11aoa ly Vu~ Apozo taec11ts ... v- PI-.t.at A .. tllaNed SIQ-.• ~c.rn-A. ....... Cypr-c A 908'30 714 1:11-3210 NEll. ..... Pu.b Dec 1 I l~ 't2 ..... At Newponer Inn thla week. "now wave" and 8 p .m .-1:30 a.m . In leland wttt pr.eent a Library Lounge. Atao program ot holldar Netured n lounge are mualc Dec. 17-23. Oonanbob preeenltng Scheduled perfor- meltow a no mancea are: Dec. 17- malna1roam jazz and Brtar Roaa M noon. The pop 5-7 p .m . Alao. Young Mualc'-na Fourt- atroUing Vlnc.nt Scott dation. 7 p.m.; Dec. 18 In w M oettar at 7 p.m. ....... a,. of the Loa Angelaa Maater Chorale will perform at noon Friday. Doc. 17 at Bullock'a In South Coast PIUL FrM. Loa Angatoa Chamber Orcheatra. 1 p.m.: O.C. 18 -Briar Roae. 1 p.m.: O.C. 20 Loa Angalea Chamber Orch .. tra, 7 p.m. DO VOU WANT TO SPEND THE HOLIDA VS WITH A "TVIlKEY''? PUaUC NOTICE epp.a.. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE I IA1..E liND£~' DEll) Or TR U8T TT lito IIIU t.o.... No IOLOMON ET AL YOU ARE IN DH AUL T UNDER A D£DO Of TJIUST DATm IAHUAJIY 7 1110 11Nl.ESS YOU TAU ACn ON TO PR OTE CT YOU R PRO~ IT MAY It SOU> AT A PUWC SAU: IT YOU Nta> AN J:XPLAHA n ON Or THE NATURE Or TH £ PROCttOINO AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER NOTlct '-l>•eby ...... \bat SI.MAHO IW:ONVtY ANC'£ COWPAI'IT a CaWonua Cor por.,... Cll .......... 00 ~· ..,..., a. .W.tvled IJ- punuaal to dt.e D..t.,. Tr...-t •• ec:vled lty tOWAR D II SOLO MON AN D lYDIA SOLOWON PtTtR Y UY AND PAUl. Y UY oad R.c-,,.d ed Ia••.., 15 l.a .. aool l:wlt ,..,. ,. ......... t No 11!11 ol Otfldal "-di Ill the otftce.,. ta• Oovaty ""'-0.. ol Ora.o· <=-•IJ CokJora&a aJid .--t 10 .. .....,.. .. D.krall aad 0..0. 10 w ............. ·-ded ~II 1•1 1a ao. 14215 Poo-m r-.. ·-· No 13:111 ~ -.4 ottlaa.1 Re l!or4t w ill SELL oa IAHUARY 7 1_, en I I$ AM en mt nK>NT ENT'AA.NCt TO THI OLD OllAJi'Ot COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATIO ON SANTA ANA I LVD ltTWmf S'tCANOU IT 6 UOADWAT SANTA AHA CA.UF .. .-WID ......... ~ lltietw.l~ Jor.-~ .............. ~ ..., .. ~ u.... ,....,, oil a.\1. ........ ~-....,. ...... -.... "" ... ......... lit .. ,.,..,..., ............... 0...a1Jn.l ................. Ltlll7 ......... ~ ... ....... \ ........... . -... ............ .. .......... tO ! flU ~ ........... e..., ._... ....... ......., ......., .......................... , 11 .... ••r 110 AOATI A 'IDIU'I, MLIOA IILAMD, CAU"'ONNA ""' ..... __.. ...... ................ ,, .. ......................... ........ " ... __ ., .... . .. _ ............ . ............... .....--o., ......... , ••·•• Criirlllllr• CWirlrl .. ~ a.... ... ,y .... ,...... .......... -..... -......~ .... l!lrlltt That seems to be \A/hat you hnd tn a Singles b.u II thts doun't look bke the way you WAnl to spend your Hohday Se4son. call us' Were Grut E~cu.tlona a nd ow members haw tound a wle, sane way to meet quahty, c.omnutrTWnt m1nded wngle people Our urvque combtnallon ot VIdeo dahng, acllv ttles. tn pe and semtnar• wtll help you get on tht> rOcld to met>ltng rtw nghr ktnd of ~rl>On to \JWnd the Hohdays wtth That w•~ aha Turitey c•n be on t.he U~bic. not aitlina ne•t lO~u. Send IICII.e Will be e ade but w1tbo1tt coooeeaal or wanooty e.-pr-or IApbed reqardlag Q lle p aa or ~.._ •· ootttly tile la4ebteda- _. .. ,ect l>y tcUd Deed ~.DC:luda9 the IM olld •• .,. .... ol tile ~ oad ol U.. tr-c:rea\ed br oood deed achaac-oe •hereullder wllb 1aterea1 '" pro¥\decl tiMc•ll ood tlt.e \ID p.ud pnac1pol ol tho aote ..-,.red by _. d eed WIUI 1J1 I!Oieal th•·-· 11 pr~ .... omd Note Doled Ho•-beJ 10 19012 S.ncmo R.coo .. yaac. Coa paay l731 w.ww. ~d Lot Aavel• CA !10010 (213) m 3321 .. _. .. T...-1y Rod Hi.l1 Vw:e Pl..d-t "'~ o.c 1 a 15 a .. n.o "'-wpor1 taeva NO , 16 P\TaLJC NOTlCI: K~ nCTmOUII~ NAMEftA~'r Til• lollowuoe .--.. doUe b .. ., .... oo ll) DAISY XII ASSOClATt'S LTD (2) DAISY XUI ASSOCIATES. LTD (3} DAJSY XIV 4S!OCLATES, LTD 4130 llrQ 91nto1. SWlle lot Me•· port hacll CA UNO loh l --110'7 ~ T.,.., Coroaa 4.& Mar, CA .. u. o-t. I O...aed. 1010 w ... Wlltd W<l'f .,._,.._. ._._ CA g., T\lt ._._ '-oaed..-d lty 0 luaJtecl ~ ....... )oU , .. .,..,c-..-. 1. o.-.....~ t\111 __ .w ..... c ... " a.n .. a.-.. Oo..e, aa HOY 10, 1111 P•WW. N.. M 0.0 I I. 1$. 'a .. n..~r....-f'101M5 NEIIM (7'-....... I IUMIIIIIIII IT WELl CAN-CAN 1; THE NIGHT THEY INVINT£0 CHAMPAGNE THAHK HEAVEN FOIII LITTLE GIIIILS GIG I I'M GUO I Itt HOT YOU..O ANYMORt PVaUC NOTlCI: K...,_ NOTICE OF DtA T1t OJ' DCBt.Dt M COOE.E. m. M D AMD or Pl:'l'ft'IOJ( TO AM· JGNlftER mTATE NO A·ll_,. To ;,U •• .,, beaellc1arteo ,..,..Ulan oad ooa~al crecblart "' tn.W.a N ~. m MD oad pe-wloo IIWJl be ~ 10 w-.d .. t.,. ..U. .1ad or _. A ~aaa .... bee.a filed lry C•orvecuo Moo Cook• •• tile Supenar CoW1 ol 0r<Dio(fe Co11a1J ...... ~ tllat o.c.v-.... Coah be oppauoi!Od .. per-.-..1 ·~-""to odat...., dt.e • I<N ol Erahle• N Coolie ID M 0 N-port leoc:h Col&l ud. ... la~eat Ad.ua•tratl• ol t..at. N1 n. • .,.._ ........ beanno Ill O.pt No 3 at 100 CWIC c...... On... ..... Saala Aaa. C o.laJ ~ Oil Dec l9 1912 411 9 JO AM If YOU Ol rtCT to the v•-tuoe of Uae peUboD f Oil ......wd ...... CIJ>peGI at .... .. ... "--9 crad ...... yow~oo t\M..,....._.. ......,.. .......... C'O<U1 ............. lt«<noq Yo..r a~aace _.,1M la .--... by fOIU .,......, If YOU AAt A CIUDITOA • a coa~t credator .,. tM ...._ eci. ,.... m\1.111 ._ your claAa ... U.. ~ or pe-at It to tM ... ---r ... --.. Of',...., "" ... .._.., ~ '"' ... .,_ U..*"t ............ _ .. ..... ~~~~ .. ~-.. .... Pto.,_ Code al Ce'rt • 1M -..tor&~~aea-..wlll ... ~ s--to toooJ -..... .... oltllle~ ..... ........ YOU WA'I' I:XAMJNI .. .. _.ar, .... ~ u,..._., .................... ,... .... . a .................. ...... .... ....,. ...... 2 'ill ................... ...._ .......... .. S.C.. 1100 .. tM 0 r dl ,., ..... o.M ...... OHWl•. ~ ..... u..., .. ....., tt a PO a. . c.ll (21Jl ...... ... , .. ....... ---.. -- TMrewillMWeclla- ilag uew• aloag tl•• bayfroat tlaia w..k • ecru ol NeWDOit'a top rellkl~aatl o8er goocl 'riewiaQ lor tM aaa..al F..aiwl of Ug._ Mal pcuocM· AllWUCil, cMrecnad will },. hea'fy cuad it paJ'I to call ahead to your fa.orite ipOt for Mwblo the parade cmd •joy- ing a good IUQ}. The parade rua1 u..ightly Dec. 17-23. • • • Enaelto'l Baytide, 333 Bayade DriYe, oa.z. em a u1wer to the dual problem of wbere to park and how to eaJoy a meal a1 eacitillg a. tM Parade of Ligbtl. AniYe at the r..ta~cmt .arly cmd eujoy a pr•parode cock ta il aDd com· plimeuto.ry YCilet park· ing. TheA ltay cmd eu· joy the mood CJJld the 673-1121 Want to che sonaedaiq special? Try a Giaa's Gift Certificate • A great Chnstmas meaJ ts a Marriott tradition. In our Kmg's W harf Restaurant you ~an enjoy an Old fashioned Christmas Buffet. Two convenient seatinp at I :30 & 4:30 PM. Capriccio Cafe offers a Turkey D inner complete wtth all the trimminas. FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS PHONE (714) 640-4000. EXT. 6100 per~aad-· utra, u 'U tuck ill a bot- d. of charcloaaay 01 ccaiMrut ecnrripoL A 125 clepoat ia Nq\lired torU..halllet. Call 173-2733 for nMI'fOtloM. • • • A grouadbreaklav cereaaoay Dec. 6 apallecl U.e Mart of coa1trucUoa of Le ,...., -to opea at 685 Towa C..'-DriYe acro.e from Soudl COCIIt Repertory n..at.r ANi Spri.Dg. Geril aad Go1ta Nuller, fouadeu of Newport'• legeadary Aabro.&G, aad South eoc.t Pma cleftloper H.art Segentr~ are hWklino lA Premier. It will be tl.e tint rellkluraat ill tM u.s. to offer a ''uo Upphag allowed" poti.oJ lor ita patrou. ill COfOU clcl Mar o. E. Cout Hwy. .. , .. ~·· Sltopf ... Ceet• Hours: Mo...S.t. l l-9 s.. }.8 FOR AREAL TASTE TREAT ~oil if90rter GOURMET DINING MEOtTERAANl AN AM. CHAMPAGNE lAUNCH SUNDAYS 10·3 "-' DANCING NIGHTI. Y -CAIAAET I.OUNGE 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD . • CAPTAIN'S TAti.E CO FFEE SHOP -,. HM IRVINE, CALIFORNIA l()c)poeitt Ottnt~ CounryAori)Of (114) 833·2170 Klng'e Wharf -tsa.OO per peNOn • Prime Rib dlnner/u '-d bar • Champagne at Midnight -one bottle pef COUP'e • Dancing In the Main Brace Lounge • Favor. ~ .... room -ns.oo '* IMtiOn • St•k & Loblter dinner • UnllmHed ~taill • Champagne at midnight • Favor• • Contlnuoua mulic with The Soc1ety tor the PrQervatlon of Big Banda and a lal VeQM ahow band For lntormetton and Ae .. rvattona Pftone 714/M0-4000, lxt •• ,00 No adv•rtia•r in this pap•r i• mor• than a 9allon /rom you LYCHIZ Olllc&a I ~p boD.d, \UIC'!OOMd cWdiM ...... out lato l·laocli oliu.Ua ~ c:up Dow v. c:up cor..-rca. ~ .. baklae powct.r "•"P dt ~ C\IP wcMt Mia cb-y UIIJlediutl wita W'CMI, llir 14Aiil bcrft.t II -oodl. Rlat t quart~ Yeg•tcahM oU Ia wol \Uitil .-y a.ot (3'1$) Dip .... c:J.\&Allllato ......... OM at a tba•. Deep.lry lor ~ .tau• OnWa oa towebg A GIF T tror rec.:rn~mber , by helpirg others to live WMn 'fOv 1oM~ dHf 10 )'OU-Of ..., • ~~'*· ~ QUIIa tmOII.ng 01 hM IOifle --OC:CUIOn 10 ~"'ff''Iroal ~~'"' 01 rncute O'fts "*" 1or "*" 10 'fOJI Lvng Aaloc1all0n l'lelp !)f-Iling~,. ~ tmC)tOYe "" c.re 04 tNIM ~ fYOm 11 t AMERJCAN LUNO ~~1J.2.~ 1717 N Broedwly Sant• .,.. c• moe Ol VIC lOttO' CostoMeYl ~-0800 D,..r €'! & II)'\( c•m 6-7 3(., p rn Specrol Parking On Premise A ward-Winning CO TINENTAL CUISINE Just a few milts down tht coast • Luncheons • Dinners • ~.-Sun. Champagne Brunch lntmrat~ indoor or patio ditring C4ROL£ COL£ on piano-vocai.J .......... ",.. 696 South Cout Hwy. L.quna Buth ---------------------~- olidays at Camel ck for $85 to $115*, five star family celebration' ChlhJren U1 the same room Sta) frt~. • up to 5 occupantJ per room '\)U .. an t.t) .,.,th u~ at thr~o.. 15' ~·11 normal nx~~n ratu That's a &real Oc:al .,.hen }UU l'~tdcr .,...:·re 1•n~: 1>f lhc ten Mobil Fave Star rated rc~()"' .n Amenca and h:t"l: been r,.,. I J w ai¥)\t yean Baa. comfortable 'ory mum\ Twn ~.,.tmman.; pc10h lo d1p your t~i In Tw.., chllmplllfnhap coif ~:nu~"'>r' anJ I 0 tennis courts, 5 li¥)\tcd lor naiht play HulaJa) danner. poohadc butTct!. n v.ade vanety of cntcnaanment and orcani.ted rccrcauonal a"'' aile."~ for pre teen$ tu lP''C: mum anJ dad ,,,me lime of thc:ar Olo\n Call your trii\CI aicnt 111 ll>lllrc~: 800.228 Y2VO II\ <41 L THF ...-wu D 0\'L Y 0 "'f -- SUit VOW~~ Chriat~Ma •t SMta .. WlnW Wondenllnd. You'll see Santa tn thts special setting -hts own snow-covered log cabln home-only at Knott's. Photograph your kids on his lap for free-or begtnmng Dec 18. have our professionals do it for just $2.50. You can also stroll around and enJOY merry. costumed carolers VISit a selecbon of truly umque shops Enpy family dtntng, too Santa's at Knott's every day through Dec 23 from noon to 8 30 p m -and on Chnstmas Eve till 6;00 p m Come vaslt soon. and plan to come back agam and agam There's plenty to see. to do. to enJOY • Beach and La Palma. Buena Park (T14) 852-8400 0 • • • 1 ..... --.. tpGillld a.. "'~~-... 1 ..... -gnllecl,.. ca... ..... lllr 411 W.. d'r .. ...._ s.n. wDJGW "'. N= .... I:MY Cllll.& 0011 ouao DJP 1u.v-..... A TIME 10 fiFAST WITH IDUR FAMILY! LE CHARDONNAY. Enjoy an ~la.borate buff~t created by T~ Rt>t(ISlr) :, award winning chefs ... dtlicious entrees of Rnctst Turkey. Baied Ham. Roast Baron of Beef and Stuff~d Seabass en Croute are served from noon til seven. Jut 114.95 per penon, including live Mariachis band and champagne. Chiklrtn 12 and under, $6.50. Tax and gratuities addi tiona!. Reservations through our Conciergt. CAFE GAZEBO • Se~t from our Special Christmas Oa) menu, reaturing tender Roast Turttey with chestnut and sage dnssmg comp&ete with all the trimnunas. from II AM to 11 PM. Jant 18.75 per penon (children 12 and under. $6.50). MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY! Dial 752-8777 And bring in the holidays wtth somtthang to cheer about 1 711e REGIST~ Hotel --~ IKKilU Mt\lAHTHl K 1:50lll~,\RD. IK\ l't l \ 4.m ·, 7 ll , )..! '. , ~ • Stlnmp Dan~r • Flah £, ~· Dm~r • ~e!cx>d ~'Ia II cor c OICE (QOOD UP TO 2 DINNERS) 0 F1ah & More· Dinner Reg •• 2.49 0 Chicken Pianka• Dinner Reg •• 2.69 0 Fllh & Chicken Dinner Reg,. .2.69 0 s.lood Platt. Reg. .3.59 Reg. .3.89 OFFER GOOD DEC.~AN. 7,1983 Coupon it not good With any other dbcountofferor coupon Good at all partKipedng shoppn HiHJiilfiPBN·tl !llr~!l'illl1(f~ ,m HtH! ~~~. j~,m nm HftHJtH!HiHU!! I f. Jf!f~UiJiiUH UUII u,~iU i,~ J1 !t~r!UH!!H, ~)i~rUIH!r!ii ~~;~. ;~;~;J lfd; i.. ·frl -· _~. t ... • ,.; -~ rt.a.a t -t e ]_.o .. ot q.~r-: •6 ' jl r--i i -, ,.~a.rl -., t -~r r a.~ ,. 1 -I a.a. !~cc t;c~~r; 1l ~ ~~ .. ~a~•n!., .... fl!rr! . .!'!n:.J,~~-~r!~:hffhnHmHn~Hil HiUHiHHll~i!ilifH!Jir~lJUnU!;hf!b!titilf rtliilihHf;thfMnU i~r~fn~:i s d~ J ~~~~~-~~ _ •• -~ .• •rw····--~ il . .I iilfl. rHf~f,iflH mrmm ~UWr ~fH :.! !;i~~n ~n ~H!ttiiUt~!r!H Hlm f tmmm::~mm fH mmnH I nrauH . I . ~ H t iiilli~~~·.iiil_ :,~rl.frfl,li_!.'i.f~l'l _. ~.i ~~-~ ·~IJfJ!r• I 111 if ~I f •. f1 &. ·&.I .. $' .. 8•-efllel. .J a ! tr l![a rff i !.8 &..!ft6@:!l l . f.,.2 frf"(_ .il_f) ILl f a._•! :'" 2.f ~ • f ' f . I. ff &. ''· ~~ . I . :. C S "f 1 e j; ... -~ ·,. ''- :t:_ iillfi ~.f~rf.t;lzlflr ~~~ l~fHrhlf!lJ fr -~:3 HEf f h t~f~.'[i ~!~. irl t~f =-~~~~lfi;il ! tr!~lt lfi~l r!~}~ff !!~flJ~~~!!II~·;[f!H~~m~!UUI~~.~~r[ifil_§~_ s>Ji~~§e!~~~~! II§ l;f;lif.~iiHjtJ'f_5rr,'i. 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'•-i i a!•a n .1 •• 12. h[. ··•rJL .. nl!~;· " l[(b rs:lllz~e~~ II .. d I 1 .• !. ;i'•ijl,FJii1.1aL!l,rfijtifUH[,'!f:t!iii i;Fidl~!n fii nt;ilii~lwt; H§ini f ~ !~~H!fttli~mt m I!!~Il m~. i ~~: :JiiW H~!I.I;iJiU~l!,lr i~iUrtii!!i~ilit~~ill!i~ b!l!~i!li1iill I '-~·f.,. i-.. _ ff •f :J'a.f f"lJ. l e o•t !~"!t O -... t==!!.i 21 lo~ ~' [1"~n ;;af f g ~~,~ ~r-tg-c~-l 2.:t ".•04 ~-j l:.: · fl2. :f1Si .s• c.l ~~ tf0 .. 1=~ .... f[-! tC !l .... z .. 8~ .. s~ 1 ' ir o• -!ll .J1F lfft r~1l ~ rft-lr! ~~xr 2.f~t &.ar[~ J(li,~;li a'"' ~~ ~11Ja:{£o l :!i~t 1 :ia.~:-~[~rt.til :6 f-;r ·&i~t ~ .-rt~Jflaa.f lll.&aVrt&~~~!.·i"ii ,il·~=i .~:Q8sa&li I~ ff ,i't fr:,[frtf.[!~·rh:r·l~:~if='hij:rj d~~e~~g~~ ~i~·~ r: nl~,,ll ~ij ~~!f i', ~~~~ ~ I: n !ll!frhr;Ir.!l ,I :i~ta · !~ ~~0 -~~~·~-t!ft~a·~~~!~: ·-~~ , . ~~· -, ,. · . ... , ~ a • ~·! :.:c • ~ ~,.. • !l ·.. oc; c 5 z• s a. i r ., , • ! 1 ~ • o r x.. ... rlldu!;h ~f:,tlr!it l t~ ~!J f! [hrr~ if!::~!; H hl m ~ :g g~g~§~~ ~ ~ : Et ,: :oti i Hili h ~fi ~ : f;: r.: flrfir:inf ! ~~ lt~r ~~ ~~s~=·~gau :a;::f':•:fJilf ~r~li ;iM!fJI J,;iiJi:;lpfllfllUI~f~.l~ ~l!i..il.di'.i.H.. j_!l~F :d~P~Ff;iE~~! ~ fZEiff:li :1-o~~~~~ l.l!.i.!.l:~f .1-l:flfi!ti ~l1rfPf i I1 !-~1111! __ e J a a-.rt.i.a __ ft'i'.~l'l'l'l;'~.tr-1 uo~~~a~t:i=UI a n~a o.-a~ a • )[)[:P~~.a oa. r~=-.. ••=-'="_caao=.:IIP~ a PUai.IC NOTJCE oo.om NonccoT~~~~ .... ,....,_ YOU ARC IN OUAULT UNDtA A OttO OF TRUST OA TtD May l 1m UNUSS YOU TAl.£ ACTlON TO PROTtCT YOUR PROPERTY. I'T MAY It SOLD AT A PVIUC 5AU IF YOU NI.I:D AH txPLANA TION OF THE NATURE O F THE ~I:D&:NO AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYl:JI 0. I-\MDT 7 I -.J Jt II 00 AM VtJIDUOO StAVICt COJIPORATlON 1 Caulorakl t'OfpOrotloo Gl d.Jy .tJ)PQOIIIed Tn.MM 1111der oAd puA .,QIIt lo Deed of Tr~ rerouted May IS 11'71 at tub No 19914 book 13173 pooe 1363. of Oltle~al Recor~M u~~ by HAAOLD T IUTI'S. IR AND ICANN"t ~ lUTTS at It lllllof 1•1 .. tile otbo. ol U.. Cocuaty Recorder ol ~· Co..aty 56ota ol Cal&btw~ Will S~AT~C AUCTlON TO HlGHIST ltDDU FOil CASH IPQl't~We en ... of ..U. •• l.nrh.l _ _, of Ia. Uadad s.at.1 a1 tile So~atll eDiraDc.t ID Ornq• C:O..oty o&d Cou.U.O...-C'ity of Soata Aaa Cali.ionJo a.ll nqllt lllle aad lll ,.J..t _ .. ,.ct to Clad DO,_ lleld by ll U.DoM• ea.id o..ct of TNII 10 U.. propelty •""'*' 111 eldd Co~>a ty aad Slot. ~ a PAllett. I Lot II of Tract No U2'7. at per caqp r~ 111 book )44 ..... 41 10 50 t.ae:~..... of ~~lDtii.OSice ol U.. Couty ~der of eldd Co..aty P-"'CEL 2 A -uc~--ap ~_. ....... p ... .......... ac~-aa. laalt~la~XJD.S.C. 11oa I ol dla1..-u o.darCII;oa of Co .. aaale, Coa4111oae aad ..... ~~Wow T\o...,.. odtdr-111M~ -.-d-~f· of .. real ,...,., ..-,.... '-~. ~ , .... n..tllle, b · .... C:.W....G71t ,.. ---= '"--... ~ .. , .... , Ia· -···-........ ..... ............. ,,_-...,., .. , ...... ~ ........... ~ ..... --· ............ _., ... . ,... ................ ... . w .. ·bris-1 ID .., ................ _ ..... ......., _.. ., .... DM4 of t.•, ~ .. .., .. IMtMa, .......... la ..W ...w .......... ,. _... ............ D-' .. ,.... ....... ..._ .. .. , ................... ... ... o..la( ft'llllAif .. ..... , *II s n' lllle • , .. P\1a&.IC NOTICE AIG--NOTJCC OT "'U81'1Z"IIAL:E O'TD .... ·-"-~.Ui&AO IT'Ual CH8 SUNWUT IANI A CAUJ'ORNIA COIU'OUTION Ill daly oppo&a~ T,...... .. ~ til. la.Uowlao ~ 4.-d of tr~Y~ WtU SI:Lt AT PUWC AUCTlON TO THE HJOKIST liDO~ ro~ CASH .. • _.bUt 111 S.C.O. UI:UII oi •• CMI Code aU 111~1. ltle a..t .... ._.,. coa .. ., ... to oad -~Did ., ........ laid o..t oi T rut 111 Ia. prop«ty ._~~ TRUSTOR PA UL D WE:3'nDG AND D.J:Zg£ni P ~.H~cmctWU. ae T--. Ia eo.- II!N£PICIARY SUNWEST BAN I , A C ALI FO RNIA CORPOU TIN R.-ded Mcucla 30. 1911 .... lb No 40tilta ~ )40()1 PQQII ft1l of Olidal ,._. Ill ~. oMioe of ~M "--· oi Orcaqe Co .. aty .ad deed .. ltwll dacnb. , ... lolooMa ::'' LGt t I Ia 22 of bn1 odd1lloe 1o ~ H-ie~• 111 lh Ctty oi Newport loe•~ Cosaty ol Orcnt:g., SIIIN oi c.&.lonica. • ,_ 111QP recorded Ia bll 4 Paoe M .. ~·-MoP' .. tlle .. ol ~. Co.aaty Re-der ell 1111111 t'IOWIIy MAY IE ALSO VIOWN AS 501 S.. lenardiao A ........ N.wpo11 ~ Ccalabaio w(lf a .... oddr-Of ~­ d-.-.-II ak-s .U.O.. ao -ty II vi-a • to Ill -· """-ow _.,....., n. ~••bd.u, udo• -.d o-t o4 ,,. ~ -oi Q b!WO .. 4Wn.IIID .. o--..-. _......,, ........... _ _ .................. ..... ......... o.a. .... .. O..Jt ad o..-t ..... -..-................... .. ..... to.-ta.. ....... ... to .O-.l~-....,., ... o&h,...,.a. .. tllw .... llilou. .......... 1111114 ....... .._. ........... ~ .... ... A.p.t ,, ....... ,.. .. ..,., ..... a.w ..... .................... ....... _. . .....,, .. ,_ ............ ... ..... b .... .. ..... , .............. _ .. .. ..w.l ...... "' ... 0... .. ,.,..., .......... -Ia ..... .... ,.,....... .. , ··" ............... o-1 .. .,..... .......... .. ... .... ~ ..... .. ............ .., ... 0.... .. ,._. S..W Mt. wlU N hW •• a.~....... .. ... All • -~-•O ... . ... CIM_. PuaL.lC MOTtCI: c ..... nCTlTIOUII auaun:ea NAME ft'ATDIIXT n •• tc.Goonaq _...,.._ .. Jo- •9 bvetaou a t THt PROMONTORY AT SCRIPPS l.Al£ 4 U~ NoWJ>Or1 P~om H.-pan leGe~ CA ~ Tlae M4lilliD• Coapoaaf la.c 4 Upl*f Newpo11 Plaaa Ne'"l'Of1 leach CA t3aiO C~ato t"lrpora11:oo ~ ""--.. C'C>tl<i11n.d br " c~rottoa Stvaed Til• Me-t Compoo., LK Chra..toplleJ t Call Vtoe Pr.. O.a Co~a-1 Tla.to lloilt-111 -llloo Willi the Cou.aty Cl«k o4 OraDo• eo ... " oe Doc J Ilia ~ Doc IS U. 29 12 ha ' 13 Ill n . H..._.. [a.qo niXWI Nt.z.n PU'aLIC MOTJCI: None. orPUa.ac ~ueo NO'nCE a HERE•Y OJVDJ ~ .. a., c-ac~~ .. tM o., oi Now,.t ~ WI llolte1 • pUiac ...._ r;udlq C.. of -k _.. ....... ...._~2'7ol U. r.,.-•tA.clloi 1111 (oUey -.,.,, ..... Ia lklcdl3, TrCK12'7 O.-..DII') MOT1CIII HIUIY ""'TKD OIVtN ... .,_ _. ,.W.. ~~­...__.._._.._..,.101.11"-tol ._...,,I .. .__, .. 130 , ... .. ... c::...CIIl Q.a ...... .. a., ....... a., .. ....,.. ...... 0" ...... w\6P._ .... ,......., ... ,.... .... .............. -~'--4 W_.l A• I u:a.Ot,O.k. O.,tl~ .... .....D..Il, .. ,._..._ ........ NIIDO Ntll~ PUai.IC M01"'C:lK nCTmoua M...,. NAJa ft'ATDIDI I Tlle lo.ll.oonq ,__...._ t> .. ., ... , oe AUTO WlO INSURANCE S.tAVlCIS. t.TD , 1100 to..t o... -'•e ...... AM. c" 9Z70S len, Nclnta, ..... partae~ I COO 1::-t 0... A ... Saata Aao CA tl?OS, lony Hcrrn. W...ted ~. liDO Cut O..e A... Soo1o "ao. CA tiPla, R "-•~aey ~ ........ 100 t O..te A•• S... A-. C. 9l7'0$ P 0 Joe I ?031. Jlo:utae, CA 9'%'713 n. b---. • :-.1 ~ • Umtt.cl ~ ....... ""' Ha,.,. n.~~~o ...... _ ........ c ... uaty k of Or-.. ~ .,, No. II lin. P...bl.i&ll No. ~ Doc I I, IS, .. .. ruNe~t.-.. fl03198 NIJCIIl • ----- C IN *1,000,000 Caaa41aa Qovernmeat Lottery OVER $30,000,000. IN CASH Draw a EYcry Month ONE IH FOUR CHANCE OF WJN.MIMG CASH PRIZES UPTO•t.OOO,OOO -MArtY (J.S. WINNERS - wr• ler MleA ,_. IWoollWe: IIIOA AMJIC .. a INC. ~. VA.NC041YIII. &C. CAHAOA ', .ox,.. g ~ ( .. ) _,. ... Vt.l 4W4 ~3;CW~~i~D~~~~lt~~PD80R~~~-~-\LS~~~ caYP'II AJQ) BAD CREDIT I R«eave J.OTI d Mastercaad or VIla 9Uiltllnleed ev•• 11 you f• ....... £ • f have b.ad CUI<.ht 1W I lot M Meoclowlawa cred•l or h•\a t-n Soat~ Paolho Vlew bonltr upt r .. H Ira• W...orial ._,k I* brochure call U S -.:Ill ~ M6 ... Credal Oato, tolllr .. 1--------~ I 8()0.442 1531 uy VACA.HCI.ES COST l4PETS UVESTOCI 15. 1 2311£1.P WAICtED SAU:S/lHT. DtCORA TING, Oai.r for ~ o.m.w. An . WW traJ.a. Call Jway Gt 857·1154.. Pleoee Call Noe. or 1\a• WINDOW Cl.E.AHING buam-!Qr Ale Well ••• 1bluhed Truck equapment. c-hentelw Will Iraan new own.,, t.•c•llent ••turn un sm.lll \nvealment 494 69-W sa TRUST DIIDI AICD IIOilTGAOEI tAIIWICAL uasauwana lob, Orou Pkaao s· ~aa\aowD mcra~afac· luer Becutlf~al ~GD.J fualM ~ tlloa 50 yra old . POOL TAIL£ · 1'3'' 12.900/be.t otier -. Ea~t coed "/oak OlE -tf7.~tl. roc:k A.U ~lliprAeot ----1 Poeelhle Pfof.-oaal ALLEN PIANO, ~.:c: . ...u(?lt)·~= Ccarou.l .... ..... Carol Oood ooaditloa, · bea~atU~al to••t.. fiae .,....,.-,-~-----­oaWaet. 1750. rliloae Niak Coat ~ 1.-1. Dlor -Elt~Qaal hill sTElNlii y aUHD t.aqtta liekt w.... .. PIAN().5'7", wola•t. lO, appr~ -17000. ...... peaty, 710-CMa ... oe.. a7·D&. U.a!AI.ITO ••• MONETt Reoc~ ...... Cl\dcklf Dtal 113·illl» aowl O=ri-Ad.. lnalte Do• .. I&MCl Ia I---------Mavlc Act. Ill pr. S UCO~G SERVICE FIRST 6 SECOND s.bMr SApel Woocl a T .D.'1 Owa., a:ad &Oa• n ..... ,...__, _ _. wAUl -. ow-. OOCQp&ed. v..-._ ~ -~ ---Profo.Uoao_l __ qulltr. Jolla Wofla• Toaat. Club Foallr N••benblp 11000 PP. (~)1tO.IliO UNIQUE APA"J'rNEN1'S Gild towalilo11 .. 1 wttll oathechol oeUlagt, tuoplacaa ... han. air coaciiUoaiag, poole, eo~aaaa, gya, teaala cosrta. laaediate crt.W.: l Mdlooa oad ... 1 bedrooa, 2 bochooa/2 tlatlil ~Sony ao ,.......,...,_ ..... ILIOAL . aDVJCII r;;,. 1 Covo w . 150- ftOOD C ~ 15 GARAGE ~&·4r~S:..la· SAID a.-: ~. ~-........ ;; eU•• PeUIIoal, CUIIeatlill,, Noa· ............. b -''taw a.. ::r?:t. T....a.·· o.DU3S'-• pd trw' I PERSONALS ftfl I .. _ ......... OPallt a.. .. 0.... o...tr ... li.J-...... D.. ll. tl. .... J-5. ,_ OJ .... •.AOE ~ 11. lt. ..... a.o.l oppll.oaee, ater .... tn, hualehia~ A m\Aeh more. •• ~ Ih. on 'fop oJ the Wodci.Z...W.aa..:b. GIANT AN'fiOUE O.rot• Sole. lroa Coca Colo tru~ "· ~.f~ • Olll~ fem •tancl UO Glcl ID\lch more. Frt. 'a.m. to I p .lll. UU Nonro<riG, C.W ..... lUIEAI.TH VACANCIES COST MONI'fl fteaclil teaoatt cn!cldy. DloJ 173·055b aow I locma C714) ........ ~ ........ 540- CREATING A NEW I ... (7\4) ... _0175==~~=-~ YOU• A hypoo-behov -= ~'h."~9• •f::o:~~u~; lltcoRt. I tRillS fa'=. ~A!2, lt QJJ'T wall tnclude mon1tannq T.D.'a. Ownu • Aea• t.l '-r11••4 ._.a.; SUOOI8TIONS v<>u beh.waor .net ~U~nQ I o., ... ,. c..... ...,. .DII .. , um your ullaganohon trotlwr 1\&olla ... 6 ........_ -Wl ., 311·1235 A UN10~ OIM' IDEA thon waJI power) tor 1w a--Jl~"· (Ylt) _wed. ______ _ euoaa •• caam· 631.ebeo -• .-.. Qoloar llootroalo P I d .. 14Jitnn rft•>hl (71 4) ,-.. ..,.It • I ~ J.::,' o':-:= ~U:...:...;LI~CEN8ED~----$1 ART :c_..~ •:..:: ~"--"'/:' ~J!,; CHILD CARE YCUARANCEpaneue "'eate, Call Cutom c.1JcD1 oi8 ao Jo~r .-a'al ...,.. It'• fOil Ptof..-o.ai Gnrad:ma. D la fUture 0=0.· OIWII ooeM. lAe .... Chrillmat P\lpp* -offerloftAQ ocue .• ...,. ~ell ~~ "· 0~. •taoo · Sell Oolde• ReiiW•• . .UC bofDI, c!dlan.~a, pcueat 0~~ REDuCTION 11 . w.tlll. .q o I' 1 C h a Ill pI o a YocatioDI, hou..a-. 00 ..alth o1 lllbjoctl a Wwtu.. a.t eo.o.n bloocl.UA• -$1~. 170-tag I houletltiiDV "'--~-~- 911)3 Co.rol ot 834·08Cn Hr /Da.J1~W\ Yra ol 1 Art t..a.iD11.. IJ1c a,_ Plaao. loW S~p ea,pe1 M2·2219 (71f) 771-MIO oak_... ooat*~ .... ,a..,.. -..a:IIQ. 21 IlTVA non •• FUIUU1'UU UOII'ICI EQU ........... --n-WMTID lUNCH Pra~hool Nuu PROVINCL\.L Wr let Ptol.-iow home care I ~a r I A r • o i r • N\YII S.U -AcUea ~ lor clt.ablod I COD eo-.-. ~ l'OCia tric ..,.....nw, fWS Ue ~ 24 h.r ..,. _. .. 1.3231 I ~carrec¥315 Coat ~~ Me T•ITJ· 7 PJECI Oak I 0..,·~1392 Wko -~, .... , • rem ~~ ...U b ... ua bl .. DMI ..a.&.&ae.... COPY ~CKIN£ - wllh oodlam.i I'JIOI). w c..& Mtnolt.a recently ~t;•u ci V h • Uoa rlhecl kiag I relw•h complete wuh t!,,_ :Juldr! .. c~i!, ...... • ... _, •uwh• S49S-bee• ot Paula 751· 71$8 a 1'/9. DANISH TEAl dia· ler 8J I 7958 4CZ I liiO tcrbl. I 6 cbaln E•· (8)4 PERSONAl CON '--~-to ......... I 2 .... PlfttR <>r r...... 2 and 2 30 8U8INE88 ~Jeoll';j~ 13S()''•2 p11cy M'":., sell OPPTU u41\.DQ roo• tuvh _. 873 7422 -··· -- chalit Eaco.Ueat cood -::-::::-=--:-:--:--~-~-$150 ea E.ttate IGlo ftCA Videa Roocriow, a..t offer (714) fill. t1d.o oaaa>Q/ tripod, O:iE9 ~ oa1loa ~scutiua/ r liard, 10/S gaUoa, n~aYal 30~~-. =--.... 1'\• jlllll!a ..... h tlaae• •• DIYIAIIfiiO ~ ............ .....,... 0..~ ...... a-.....:• s..-. ... ......... a.-,...._ ....... ~. ................... l .... -na. _._ ........ ONalt a.-. .. 0..... 0...., ...... 11, la ...... 0.., ll··-~ .. _.....,... ,.... 1111111 BOOI.S -OLD, MU ud <Mat~ pnnt We buy and .. u ''0\it-of. p!\.01 booka ow •l*='•' ty * Nat10r1wade S..1ch S.rvw. loc* Veult. 3682·A So lfllltol. S.n •• Au 54~9548 ••• NEWT~ Aa.tw.,ta,o aaolillae troa Ill ts. rar···-City.,.,.,... Come Tone Ckrile· mae Hov.e! leallllfwl llaique boDd~aode dec:ofUou g£fta • food. NOY. 'l7 I ~ 10-4 ~ a\ 12S SoppMre/ Bo1boo J.la.ad. leoatilal aotuol ~hll---­.. w.ack ...... rtr:''' 1 cat IIO,D. ....... 14M. AMWAY PRO~U coe. • fOil tloa v•aro•••• or ..., ........ *1. KUNOREOS OF BEAUTIFUL cop~ pS.C.. v~ t'r;r -:!tou, wl 1:-~a~'mft 0.0 ...... ~,....,, WHY PAY WORE I Now reollo9 Hunlinetoa Gla~ A~rlaetttl Ptt.• e&lde. ·~rl· lft-la IIMJ beech IJI Huahngtoa 8eacha On. ud two-t.clrOOfll ep,\Jtm-.ta lrolll 1425 (714) &47-45064 NEWPORT BIACH - Oc:.anftoat, ~·tv. t.lt locauon. Z·bedtoom. I· bath 11 ,200 Call I 21~33 SOl& MUAiltiGIITI PVINWMID l IDR., aocS.n oak fur D&.lll•v•. Jocvul, ...... .. ~:Fo;-· k· LGO teelltllf, ao R:J r~g,_~alr Day• (714) W7·7000 ..... (213) UJ.lCJOa II APT& FR •e>c.aa .tew oport· lllftl &or real,~ ~.· -..~ ... pabo .... loolaae malo l»oaot. Coa•eate&l to .J.OP.• Fir9 No.tll to moallil or '-90« *• t... aso ...... Wl..e.sa. IIJIOUUI UIVVU Oorgeou Ouooi REH1' DUPUX. wquAa lea~.~* ooat 3/f leogtJ. leach Up,_r larQ• a I . E•en:a)ct vr-a MUiny ) bedi'008\A, 1 ~ ~ -.3712 . bath&. hreplace, ucla. llWAWt&ill TO MIT ed patJo ler9• .. ~ yard. qara~. OCIMD and canyon vwnn 011 puvate 1oed 1895 month 499 l Gg7 Nortllwooll -T&.e IAIIrt -.!&..,I 2 .... 2.-y ..... towa ~•!t••· ~All •• w. r • ..., • =-~~tt;.c-.. luoh Mh•to t ............ .. ..... '~.. ..... 11 •• ....-.. ,. ~ o...-, ooraa ... tapa., ••• t liaaaofag. :.tooo dowa, llU,vOO . Clilorter Jeoltf: I · ~.a .......... 23 llc:o.oel TOWS D roa.-r FANILT TO liNT -NewportT~' lch., 2 cor goro1•· Wa1ber, irlrrer, ,.,., ... ~00 Wo. ;;. t m.sa. ,. N'EWPORT lEACH, .... .. ftoog tto.paoJ., Oo.oa/lot •i•w; 2 w.. .. 2 .... 1100 ao. ~~~&;ave. RAMCHO SAN JOAQUIN 2 ~·'· ~a.... ..... Near golf oou.e. -· •nlty pool I ~.! A~Jca. 1._, .,. ,... .• ~ ..... tM 1.aMI. 2 bclr .• 2 ~ 2 .., Lokulde polio Towa~oue oll CDDaeai ... for ,_,. leoee wit&. op4ioa '«» box. ll3o.37'7·a5 ac•Y Oi £iiia orno•. ~.:· Low dowa. 1 • ~·=.m: Jib doft, 'M·Oill ~ st YACATIOII UIITALI IIQ lEU ::.~ ... .... Ia .. -,. ~ oh, •'•• treee, Ure,Jooe, oo1ol tv. ,.,,...,...._. ...w;-...MAW. PAI.N SPUNOI •. ......... 1 •••••• , ~~rr, ~~:t .. ~ "-* aa, .... ...,. '•••'-· ··•••J!IIt. Joo.ui. A•ot~W• a ,., .......... r:~:~,..?:-lla CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAYS IN 411 DAHLIAI Builder wants to close out his inventory! If you close escrow by Friday Dec. 31 , 1982. He will consider a purchase price of $450.000. Use as a duplex or 2 con- do's, 2 family privacy, 3 bdr .. 2Ya bath & 2 bdr. 2 bath with bay & ocean views. Extras include spa tubs, island Jenn-alr kitchens, fireplaces. trash compactors, microwave. wood & plush carpeted floors, double paned windows. lots of wood & used brick trim , 4 car parking, utility rooms. high ceilings & location. ~otolta tid' vlta4 ~ ,Cfi~t, ~ · ·'~~~Jinlenl-.) 3641 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 92625 (714) 673- •aouaa roaMLE REDUCED 200 •• TO •• Special ~.,.ancee by Santa Claus, prominent sport~ flgur• and calebrltlee and a free trtp to London via World Atrwaya will highlight Marineland'a ''Wawtunderful Wtnte(' holiday celebration to take piKe ~11n December 18 and January 2, 1983. MariMiand will be open dally from 1 O:OOAM to 5:00PM from December 18 through January 2. 1983. Admeaslon Ia $8.85 for adults (beginning January 1, 1983 adult tickets will be $8.50). and $6.50 for children ages 3-11 (beginning January 1, 1983. children's tickets will be $8.85). Children under age 3 are free when accompanied by an adutt. M.OAft l •sa~ IOUDMDI"J' UPA.IIl MUST SELL IBRJTISH AUTO RE 1t?l/1-tl) 11 ~ PAlRS IAQ~I lenMn di.el Poci& 5Dort H.Niey Tuunaph MG ,..._; loc*d IJ4a.·l Tuu•ph St.a9 &nd m.-t SOD 01' traa. p,..opertj other Br1tl&h •utoe I~ -.sa Harbor Blvd r ..... Me.. 5 4 8 b 2l0, HERB'S GARAGE R.cdi 'l'aMtovai ALITO REPAIR I f ore19D Oomflh< Etsqr,. oV<trlwul Tune I up br.oll.. elacttord c.uno 4894 1980 3205 CLASSIC • ..,.,., r-•..:;n .,.,,.b~ R r1r .,. _;'' J,m.t@lf"' I pr Jdu.i. •• '• mudt "•• hr• .. n.J or..._ C•ll 673 91&8 731 688;' 11 979 7 JJ, f ..JJy .q•upped ADE 091 \lti 500 r"u O::ll ~.l jJ 22 15-.0AT 1lrv~-: 1978 aww no, • HO~ • HOu.Ja CHARTER Coogrot11lauou1 Yo 11 1 Aallueate -~ au roa 8AL& FORIALB cun. -Seapeoce ba .. Jll8t W OD two I ~llpwa.k-t .. eo lor ~ca Parade, uc~t. to "SIIRW FIID .. 1 c ... t• ~~ aY ow-. .... ·.N LAGUNA Newpc.t Jeaeb UDJ· 1 P~oecue ca1167'3-~ tot se.!IOO Hu..rry ..... .ut V146o CoM. oa 1M IIACH'I Vtoterte cpe_ &5' ~ ketch yo11r tickw (8!!1 WRE) 557-8220 r,::-2 h*a , 2 ~ ... r "1tf1n1 CaD toll free Dllmh.r I ut 117 144-:JIXIfJ "~·lr~ ~ 1~~ ;~~ l::!a,':b taMTRCYCU:SI CAOOJ.AC .~. 1144,500. ....._ •1..., P~oU44. MOPEDS '------7'J0.4DS n,._ I CX!iOt f AJJUNG 1972 Eldorodo Coa..-..,_a Houe -Scrtv· t&Ale ae• to,. ••• LOW ........., 6 ciay, Dec: !Is ~aday 1171 ...... WMAer 11' Trun• ..-7 .WC: nul• palat lood4MI Raaa 11"8 ~-· 2 D.e lS, lu-.00 Pill allerfiolale , l•lly u~ell .. n• •h•pe '9 good 13,000 b.at b•firooa, 2 laotk, ~71 O.crri.Do, t.av-a i!\::;••" _M_!~~ •n•l w""' ,.71 tl64 1 ott. ISS-,.,.. 1.o9'l NlaMl IIDa-. MiDI Four bedr-. 2 '-tt _ __ <;5':1 Q244 \l lix} twos• I For :.. ~, owaer both. ~.air, lcmuly oa .. .a. t •.aao 115-I Iter 1956 Co11pe 4e Vile 1141,0110. Ill~ r ooa. c:~a1-de·•ac: II IC}tj() YAMAHA x..c;..-oo ~ Ia 6 0.. *'· ~ Jocm 1131,500 I S~ 1,.1 [.c ehert c n M at8 Wsllil •t19taol ~ -&: OWNEfll a.c:lt S.y 0..• Call toll lr• ..._ Y.Mt ...... I l1h n rodde n nh l~ol c:l.ecaa CICmiR .... alar .._... • Newport 2 ttory 4 bed awaber 1-100-532-3!172 I ~ ,_. .. ~ ,_. tn'l •umm•r m nrtu O"W 13.100 --~ ••• j 1oom J INth Moder11 oak for Peaa•r-o••r ..._ CAl J-~ll S 1 17S M-.•• _, • ·~ 1 9~ S[Vtu.£ DtESEL M ... I With pool I•C:uUJ bu;~ Adwcncb ~ P••· .... ('I B. I <"~ r VACANCIES COil ,..,. llvr J c•r n•rane 1 14'wtNDROSII~-I "5 07""' """1~' bt.aelt ectwy NONE' I w.4 S 000 ... ... -co~' .......,. uuw -•-~ l .., "',,,a AMFN Reook ~-ISO 6HIImeble •• "~ _..01; trv YI'V, -~ [ -' t .. oa• ~y. o.ol __ , • a.I'TA I ~1 0000 641 llee fOtu'!!!!ell S. •alllll·• b-.d ,_ 1978 Hoado [a r-.o c••l•n• .:-on<u lloa 873-0Ub aow l llS-7711 . 71f.1.7 •a-..a .. --> 1100,""" • ..,__ -.til ~C.t.W.• 1300 080 t.!u..t 1 -11 m•un• .. oned A..lba9 •IIIIIIIIII!I!IJII!!!!!IJ!I~--~~~---·· ...___. -reedJ Sot.-;x> ;;;bboa Low ms.1ea I S9 OCll D-~r: 17141 63J Aellta Ullttd lroUn, hottora IIICMCUI OIIALIIHIIONI Now Offenng QO~ at our Corona del Mor ON•ce JOHN CAR£'(, GAt Fac:lag for•clolllr•l 0.. •• ., ...... _ I (PV274) "· I.(M48 I Coll St .... at m 1501 J. 2. 'l 268.4830 Mut "U bJ 1·1·131 _... S... I.e loll& 984 YLW l.oQua leach, 3000eq L.ar .. --.=oWe... 1974 AU GLA!IS -------ft C\lllom Paaorcaic No ~ • ..... .,41• CablD Cl~MMC 12' 1 13 SPORTS'TEI XlJl 1958 E.UXJRADO S. Ito &1'• oo.aa 9Mw :.0.1 ...Va,tloa 1• N-liNd 1981 1 .... -• r....~...~o.a-"II• Mech.aruc•Mv eCI\ L -L ... b··••_. __ , ,. 3 ...._ Q00-<1 1 • od h rea ell ~. --I ,, C\IMOID tra&Mr C:&DV-all,.., c.-...... 12 ()()() coel 1410,000 171 . ed II 0 1 1 10000 .... _ _._._,.,., Opo~r c••llonql .,..,...,. I l"""Ji r ..__.. a J .... _ -...... ,u Dl J ~ ...,. aD ...... c: uy uou (71 4) 544_.:2e:Z ow 5o6Q 1 ~v eto• ,arte It Eth Coad o Near parlt, 9018 11.100 010 J• ..., g14tS I •Y .,.... l ~c:bool 6 manAO TI'J I 3 p • 540-21• IM2 CADD.LAC m ·c~!:'ae• 113,000 dow a A-lm• 12 8UTTtRfl Y '\Ait .__ __ __ -'"11• Talq)e ...t .._ C _,,....,. ___ , y 1 low 1otereet lit T 0 BOAT ~~mtlt~o • • 147! Ht'NDA t61,)T _,_ wttll te;gpa • 0 •IJ.I"''I .... _ 011 -500 c~ RealtJ v... Whot• ., I .. , • " 1 •h •P" n ..... h --low .w.. Wll I bave 1 11~1 woa tw ~ 11 '• .. •tmeal• 4"'·1•' r.oQ• r. .. boo ... ••• "' • ... ~ ~ uo t• • u... ~ Sea.v ~=~~~~=~!~~~~~==~~Hcke~~tl~to~"S:~:~F~v~a:' 1 812:2 nd11tnn \1 W'lC"J u .. , 4-..~<;7 1 6. ,._., -Ptec.. caU 6TJ.OWI for ___ ----~ I yow kk• NEWI'ORT "ILUm" 760 0356 ,._J.ey .,_..... -493.18?4 I )tt6..l025 c_.-"t ----~ FOA SAL£ \h Htt•• Slater OW. 1•1 l .· 1 1474 C A DillAC ---· ·~··· ... c •• OT•nq .. hull Will • 000 •II••. • • .,. s.--1~ u,_, l...:l.ded Pr tlciloua Cot:ona Del 5,l00 qu•r• F •r for lease excellent lighting, carpeted. will divide right tenant. Call tOday f01 details. Cout Hwy Store Front for excellent location for boutique. oNice or other high vlsablllty store front. Large picture wlndowa give spec- tacular display to those drtvlng by Call today for un- believable rates. Cell DOM CASIO REALTOR 873-1278 Classified columns for bargain buysf I at IIU.OOO 00 .... :lows thor ••It•• w •• " cllr••• •••ae.tcn. ••c•ll•n• ;oftdii iOD ""'•• lfall•r \1 9'il. 71 4 coa41Uoa t.M·IS?t Drown M .. st •••I 633 6629 aa. s sa • • ss 'i()(j as9 8040 f O" SAL.E 8Y OWNLR l t M•rw h 1 I• wnlrnm• I M • •••I mvd• As"""• s 1 n ooo • ,., T o 1.!, .0 •"" l.llf'<i E~ •ll•nl •' r. tiJ I ~59o • ... n.n J • SJ I 4545 .; .. ~ I SAil AWAY V.,q •bo n i 14 n ' '' u •• • I .• 't • th• • ... , .,, ~~~ \1 'j-.•, I ,, M '> 14. flSHlNC. 81 AT I JH . I s.... r •• ••r 11 ....... TASTEF'Ul l Y FUR I orv "' • ' '••• "' NISHEO 'n• 041<1t ><"m •Pot'" 111• • "• u r ,nd , ·nli"-r; f'tXtt • th1U td ., •'i n 1 H•'•'l •1'"n 8fllt r. 1 wand.lt\ .. lti ·~;·•.,., A l olh vt't -ll S.. ~·· bd1t , .. nil ,., i 14 '\ \IOO!lo.lO 71 4 /6079 JG '' .a ~.'q I 4 HOBJE c AT ,. • • 71 LOTS ACREAGE X EAN VtEW LOTS 11 "' sc; lll!O T ••m• I• • .... u., ...... Mt II s.., 0'"" A~enl 71 4 7&0 8160 So li Trode 180 d egree ocoaa ~1~1 OMZIUC' 91-lot (7 1 • 491·10&6 OWD- 1r11l,., S9(l( rt• • • 1"' Mual "'" 4% l14 -----ll Ocurieoa W TWew Way Corona del Ncu Coagratulauoa •' You bo •• 111•t wo n two ad!." to Super r u" Plea.a call 673·0550 lor yow bckM ATTDn10N SAlLOa51 I a~&M liP" 11-p .. .,.., u -.lboal 1a ...U..t ~ You ~ ttl ClUJ 1430 t3 V A.NS/TRCCS FOR SALE 1941 CHtV Poaol ~\~~.,: 8157 .. ~ TOYOTA P~ellup c 'mfe' •h•ll ;ood o '''o" G ood 111•·••9• u .100 Dee! ,u •• ~ 4SJ4 97 AUTOS WANTED WCJD!ed 1•1 12 BMW llO I Ha u ca •ll P"-'-patty T70-li51 day -AQ •AVTOIFOR SALE CAAS ..U lot I ll' 95 a•.rooe) A)., 1-s- pac:lt upa A easla..b&e ~ local Qo. t A11~ r or INec:tort a.D 105 617 6000 •~ DJ6 Call r.tuadciWe lm ca_.,w-_.., AM rw racllo lOW raalao• SUOCI ~ as ,.,9 CO RV tTT t W~••• w red .oolhe· n1 t .. l: 1 ~ pM:IICIC 11· • p II :XXl :rul• l • loo..l s! • 300 -u .,4: -6(1 d l"TT 7 l)rn CITROEN ~ c~n ... n DSI m ..., ... U~t ID . ur R ...... atly !1iaed 4 ~.tn~ s:rm E.Nt'T , 979 9 900 -" \-4Q 500 0 LAGUNA BEACH ' I OS N COtit HW\1 •••. , 177 • lll>RM • 1»111 oporlfM-"4 koSO ""'' TAVEIN lAY -LaM CaD 5.51-!145 Anowbeoci. S lctr . 3 I - -BENTLEY ~~ A.Y l l l \ 836 1!1000'1 awl KAUn1 A 2 bc*-m rontrmpariii'V dlllllt nHtled II\ IU OW?I prtv"t 60 VeM old fonlst lllqv.&ll.ll dct••l • WOfkmantht,p •• 1M' .... "' this pm I )<IC, 000 J'I.IOUl OCl4HfllOII(l ,.., h .,_, ""'' U \00 mo .IlMMlJI(.W 91\Cl 'iW "' II \ t-ttwv I~ mo lMEIW.D lAY 4 bdrm l lwth Vl.f 1\Hn lll5G mo 4 INlftM 2 bfth 'per!M\Oiat W W ·-t I )00 ""' 0( I AHIIIOHT I bdrm II SO. l1lll H lll~lD S1UOIO \.450 mo "'IOITl1 £NO l bdrm ....., MOO M('l owwu ,.OncnoM •• .... raw 1e ciMctt -•• ~·t-· W111cM Grove. Nftport • Nearly new 3 bdrm 3 bath home • Prof decorated lnteroortexteroor • 40 lap pool ~~ tounta1n • Formel cJ1n1ng room library • Gourmet country II11C:f1en wlftrepl Auume 13'1•~ 1226.000 Flaed bte Loen. luiNntt Your 0t11r OwMf F~ Agt. 111-t717 ba g\l .. ~~~~. 901· I J BOSTON WHAd R av• WaUl ~ pnftrtlt 40 ~~.:w,.. ....... , '-~~~ d oc:ll, ocro•• from cun under '"" ''"'• b •ac:b G ood all Mw h ';48 Q()(' 1 _.._~ Nowta f!awhml :m --~· em o :yw 2l3) g. ca. t .. 113)-. .. 1910 StA RAY 22S O"ddJ Collta JSO w...c vo rCIIbo ~ .... ......, an.a «<Il~ ,,, c1lt ) •-•:m..-' 1 ~~ n GAa~Dar Ca.taa ~ llSitP M.. CWJ oatt-Rd • tn:D.lt. 13750 C I racho, I ~ eo•ad.t 171· I " BMW 1 -' .. 1 4 ') e o .. ., .. 8827 ... _ I.E.NI'T -. rn1.,... ••n ••th t\n 1 L'" ku •s-''TI~fl' """ -'.:O 'l ~ .. 14.., l(I2Cj DATIIUII :978 280Z 2•1 lw AM fM c:a -tte , $ ~ ·-zx--• • .... t.. t.r~~0<1lMte I S 9!1 5 or .... , r-a.abM ott. !468 a ... .._._, une FIAT aa ..... Jagell .. t c:oo4aUoa .... u...Low.n. . ... .... ll.B!Oot .... ole. e42>-l10l. ell· 4»7 AOOOUWI = I CAILPIIITIY I CDIIIn' LOST IN THI I FAIR PlUCtS Quail oowc:::un 't;.-d .... ., r. I ty wotk Paho cov..-PATIOS . DJUVEWAYS Cl ,a -..t n "'-1... r~wood d.c:ka. paul Wooden ""'t,_ -vera ,_ ........ "';...,: hn9 c:a•ra9• atora~ 611 typea ..-~· ~b too t tlat oai .POfroU un1ta Q•neral carpen t b.~ ..,..u No 2912JS ''''•••· IUeo, I'll try No tob too amotll Aalt lol "m S48 71 02 ~ .,.., .... ta. T0111 SSI 2583 CONCRETE AND MA T ,.&..-~ '-Cllllll ~ • Ea•IWl CaMD-.r SONIW Pallo• ry ,.. ....._ aM ' •= Jowa.,.__. C\lMQm d•cka bnck 1nlay CL...-U!-1 _..,_ ==r .. -:-.. ~ tpeclaU"ag, doon, dnv•w•ya w•th dlpbalt ~ 111Ua calt•••'•· paaehag, r•moval plant•ra lu• '-------..1 l lane.der tlleiYlll~ fot~alco ttnQI bloclr wall• ft .. •••••• No adv•rliser in this paper is more than a qallon /rom you •••••• ACOUSTICAL C'lliJifCS CRAIG S SPRAY ED Aco.uh.:al c.,hnQI R• "" Vvry ••a~nabl. Fr-Mhmdl•s 17141 526 7290 ACCOUJmJIG BOOKIEEPJNG a TAXES -CPA Ia· ~~'t at budg.t .PI"K* lalMai ~-so. t ll9 W..l I.ATIILEDI FUIIAGAII AOCTG/IU'I.IIIIII SDYICD Fontnual tlatemenl>~ ,,.yroll Q-"•Hietly ••• rf'l-.rn. cc~•h manoqe m.,nl bu••-syatema .nd proredurn .ud ~riOnJI tnrc..mt' t••es IU-4.212 IIAUTY IVCS/ fiiWIU SAL&. Y'l IIIA.UTT NOC>K, 188 E-17t.k St .• ao.t.W....Pw•-ta Ira. I ll SO vp 1'\atao. u.oo up ... JIOO ..-... , 14 so l'l"ootDDo· I I 2.00 _ "'I Kauc:uttiJ19, 13.50. t43·'1eU .,.,... ..... I()<» I I I PIHO- TAliS -rwt'W't. •a" • ...... ~ ... ladi.s..J•aJa welaa••· .~ ~·::. pa''~ ~ ... s: .... CUlMETS CABrnETS C\lltvm mad• llttchens boolr U l-ban QoltoJqH and Ch4u tarla 645 6521 .. u lor Tom CHRISTMAS SPECIAL r!' a Sen-• HcmdniP, .~ beauhfu t lala1 I n.... ~Walt• LJc..::~ boact.d I ,..,_ llw oft q\MJW ...... l room pahat•d b ee 1.-alee lor ....... dar _,. Ccdl Tocl CJ.ZSll . CUsTOM CABINETS Kttchen relurblah1n9. lotm•c~ counter lOPI Book 'u•• "'"'•9• Cdbtnf'll All type~ ol carpenttr 963 9056 531 1641 'Thank you J•rrx Realo.able ldoa 714-"llmahl& D.tn 536 SU-17t3 7440 IL•c J93422• CONCRETE WORK Pat101 dt~v•w c~y• blockwallt room addt IIORI UW C:UIIInQ Bec:khoa MIVIC:. R .. , dent1al commetctal L1c 2547H Paul .... iii .... ~ 775 3283. 775-8371 b.y wtndows ~ho cov••~ d.c:lta h4mu\g 11d1nq lwnc:• wood llooun9 f,.., .. trm•tes Exc;ol lent ••ie••nc:" Unh C'•nt•d John 675 6002 MAMOI~ Capet and~ terv cleorw"' SQe ~ 0/.ng "' dlftc\Jt IODIIC~ Q ...,ner Qt::)efOted. bo$ed In lfW're ,.,, ... ?~? EICIL CAUCTCUI C.rpett and uplloa.t•rv c:learuog FREE .ru mat• Worlr 9wuan teed lac:lr lkafhngton, own•r operator. N•w porl B..cb 645 ~77_!_ CADET DeiTAJ.LA noN Bill SCARPET SEiv ICE lnataiJ.hon end ••patra Ou•hty work at la11 puc• Cell 8111 al 552·5826 •v•nlnga CONCRETE I SPECIA LIZE Ia ~mer work aDd r•mo•al ol coa cr•t (potioe, ~ aad dtmwayw) Alto Clll· liD9 ood ha.act.awt.119 We•k'e CoDcnl• R.mooraJ, 63J .• Jo OOJICUTE PATIOS DIUVIWAYS Wooct.a patio ..... all typel. No Job too Wt/..all. No .•• 23S. ~ .. J• 541-71Ql ~=T=.=rn=,=-~ liDIO'AL Sk,ploed•r dum p truck ,.ck ,._., Low rat•. ••~need. quabty worlr. Willed, frM•Hmal• 157-1152 ~-lA r..W."-1. ......... y •.•• u ••. .. ~ .... w .. k ..u.. .... Ou.Uty ••dl .......... . '••• ......... . (_), .. o.lC..· ..... (7lt)lal.-. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~!iii~'ti C.U WAIIIDIO/ DI1'AIUIIO CAi Oif"AJUNG SP£ ClAUST R.toraHoq ol UM 1wtoe lnterQfta lerb Pickwp and ck NEED AN EXPERT TO DO HIS THING? JUST GIVE HIM A 01 G-A-LING Fl D ONE FAST Fl ST PAGE IN OU CLASSIFIED livery. Free •Umet• c..n KtDQ. 497 lV:lS OA,_IJIO ........... JI ... I WlLSON I SONS Butld•re r,.. eth mat• 30 yMu ••pen eQCe bded lJc ' 35?487 ~1740 co•vtr/ RIIUIIEIVC REASONABLE RATES Prul•n•on•l •••um•• o.1nd Cdl .. l d•ve\oplRQ .. on•ulhRQ c.ll C•r .. r C ,ultH\Cjl (7141 641 4•• I Daricl Ec ... rt . ., .. .... Ooeto ..... Congratulcrtioul You ha•• 11111 woa two liCk•• to "S~_f~a .. P*-oall~b your tick•• CLEANING SERVICE HoUdaJ Speotal R./Comm. '™ wiA· dow WGilU.DG wi~ -· rice as.3Wl V ~CANCIES COST MONEY I Ruck t•anttt quickly Dlal &n-OUl) aow l O.Wfted A.a. DRYWAJ,L FREE ESTIMATES OD c e m •at, blooll o r br&olrwork. ••w ooa· ~orr ...... Uo. aeaa. CaD -0131 -··· D.RYWA.LL TAPING All t••tvr .. aDd acouau c Room ad· dllloaa ond rota damou• r •••••. timalea Knill, 650· .. ELECTJUCIAN LIC ENSED Elech lc:tan CethnQ f'c~n epec••l .. t D•pendable q ua hty wotlr Re .. IOndble tat• r,.. ""mat.. Cell Tom 631 5072 HAND STRIPPING r•pelfu•Q Anhqu••. til16n new furnthue Chou cenlng ruahiRQ SPEClAL -any c:heir, aay co&or b.nd atnp pad 01 teq_lll~ -$1~ 75 A Touc.h of CleM lf\t••-lit. 2aJO Grace Lane Unlt F, Ccata .,. ... 682-1 365 ROTOnWNG DONI DIRT cheap G.nt.n~ llower b.de. lawna, t•ndtcaptnJ Aea10n abl• rat• '" adviOe &46 78lienyh•• DOWN TO !ARTH lAwn and Gardea s.rv •c• Cornplet• IAitalYI· lion. renovaliOft end m••n••n•nce ().aiUy •••v•c• at dowa·lo- Mrlh puc. S.ueh.ct c:wtlom•u 01u fhel puorlly Call anyttm• 646.7818 YAJU> REJUYDIATION CS.O..up • Tree r.u. •'•' ... 1w':':~; • s.m...e ~Area~ Alia• fMD, ... bM- -. lllnrecl. ...... .. tllaat.. CALLIOI ....... FIRST IMPRESSION 1 Total t..DCS.c..,_ S.rv tc• lnttallatloo end matnt•n•nn TIM Mrv 1ce. apnDklera, lawn renovatiOfl 0... .-~We cio II aii 10~U -- PATRJCI'S HOWl Re· .1111 end IBiprC>veftMnta General matnlaMnn, carpentry. •lectuc:•l. phunb•no. cone•••• pe· 1101 and walb Hourly •••• ~ tob too •••II '?.!.•>-~ SOlTTH SHORE P A1NT IHG and Wood R.bn· llhlltCjl Reud.-t ... l llld c:ommtrclal Interior' ExteriOr Cebtnale, 1ta11 ratle, door•. lloon lkll. 8SC). I w.lO. atteJ 6 p 111 HO USECLEANING Comp!.te houMcle•n 1n9. •pertm•nl.a. hom•. condoa R•a•onebl• rat• ftelerenc• Call dft•r 4 p ID 962 2531, O.boreh HAPPINESS" IS HAY· IHG TtNI lor yourMU lei WI handle )'OUI ciMn•ng need• W• do '' alii In bUitnaea t~nce 1975 The Woppetta. 966-1300 HOWB*'i liMO -GI'GL1 OOUIU A....W. to -....a hoa 12/U /U to r...._oaaa. I.AIIDICAJliiiQ TUD RDUVIII&110. ciNi"._ 'ecf* Ttua· m tng • LawA R•noval1011 • leY!ndtcept.a9 • S.rv· IRQ Harboc Alee IUM years lte•liOMied, tn ewed ,,.._.,_._ CAU.IOI c.J.~ . ...,..., CW~tOin bdck and atoM atnce 1953 LicenM f3689l7 londed -··· HUNGRY FOR WOU:I Low P*ioe1 oa ...,~Ole· cr•t• I woOilwork. 1-lc=dM CINI1. ...,. Col liicna -··-OJ M.ll-.... OD --.n:=:-Co=-.~ .. lla'fl I••• woa two ............. , ...... ~m.cu- HOUR PAINTING -"A•t••• Colora ot Wiaw.._ .. ,, ...... o~olu, wo rk • ~a4Nriak Fre4 s:Je-3471 w""i!Ansrvvou wllh t.Jt, fnendly MrviCe Tile b.-t linlllbee NMt and C!OIIIp!.t• Ftn- PaJatU!Cl_ Co lnt•rlot 1!100 lxt•rior seoo C•IIM6--8670 • DOCrOe .......... ud -.oel-............. ud •. --~.w • ..._ ,.. jau ..a b""' Dewt,;..,. 7047.1ocAL COAT OF NANY OOLOU ,_...- Jlder./ .... , CIS .. ali oolll••• Oaahtr work•caaekt• I •• .. rial• r .. l.ot Ia ...., ,. c.u MO. ~ (Uo. lila). PAPDDOIRO ORCHARD WALL COVERING Eap•rt 1tr lpplnf11lllllalletton Reeeonable ...... tr .. •tt.u~t• Reter•oo. c.JIII.U.. eJ I ~578 QUALm ROOFING lor a.. Old elld new cottatruc:hon LteeNed, 1n1ur~ and bonded Rel•r•nc• avatlab .. C.U lC•any Fwn~•. any hm•. 145-0 I i3 ROOFDIG All tYJ* .... old. ••pa~.r•. d.cka. ••l•· ploobN;a. c.u too l.u:~ TILl U.TAU.AnOR OYNANIC CERANIC . tile wtaU.IIon lDt.l· lot'••t•uor and r• pa111 FrM •llmat• (P\Itclwle 111 malet ... l lhJouQh -Up to ~ dl8COUnt ) Hooeat Wotk ~·~I CUSTOM TU.E WOJUCI All ty~ U.!AllatiOGII - •pec:•ahaaaiJ 1n •• modeltno kitchen and beth Owahty worlunan lh•P r... .. ........ ReMreoc. Ron 17141 4a38408 TYPIJIQ SERVICE ~w. iUid 41«\1· •••• a..1a ... uct ~ Pill"'* ..... ry Pw.,he ••eoaabl• taMa.(714l ... 7852 we have the most beautiful selection of quality used cars for sale in Orange County One of the last & fastest U.S. Spec. "Real" Porsche. Yes, we have a 1979 930 Turbo which has looks & performance beyond description. A mean machine with only 21,000 miles. Finished in Midnight Blue Metallic with Black leather trim. A connoisseur's investment. Hurry! It won't last long at only • , S ( l74XJE) tJXlJ ... MOW (AfN&t0) '22.115 '22,695 1982 BUICK Re&al t 1LAH427l (180~) '14.115 '14,515 1182 BUICK Re&al fl OOllSl) (ICUX.10) '11.115 '11,&95 1912 BUICK Re&al ltd. tlOfttW9} (929YJM) '11.115 '10,915 1981 BUICK Le Sabre (1812396) (IOtMSl) , .... '10.&15 1981 BUICK Re&al I)~) '1115 ,. 1981 BUICK Reaal ( 1808674) (Set 6607) ,. 1 CII£VIOLET Caprice (110l£T) (llRU82) .. '7• 1981 UICK Le Sabre (Stf ~) OlllTC) '7115 '7415 1 BUICK CeiiiiJ 1606ltCl 0 90WZIII) 'lie '&715 1981 CHEVROLET Malibl ( 1()((()&8) (~2lJW) '1115 '&515 1981 DODGE Aries 18YSi?4) 1978 CADILLAC Cpe. De Ville (~JWOO> 'MS5 '5915 1980 BUICK Re&al 1Str 65281 1977 FOlD T -Bird (871SM) '3115 1978 BUICK Reaal I~VYC ! 1975 CADillAC Sial De Yll <Sef ~' 1179 CHEVROLET Mllte C•lo ,atM!s 1178 BUICK Re&al (167ZA.I) 1978 CH£YIOLET teen 11'41[1) WAI NOW 1178 CIIIYSLER Le B•OI 1982 TOYOTA PickiiP ,. ($e(Sl6J) (10GK6n> '7415 1 CIIYIOLET Citatiel 1971VW IUS '&515 (10RH61)) (0921{)) 'SII5 1178 FOlD Graaada 11811SUZU Pickg '4915 (~) (1815613) '5115 1978 FORD F air•t 1111 TOYOTA Tercel (18VA118) '5115 '4115 (~) 1• TOYOTA Corolla ,. 1977 DOD&£ Diplomat (lO&lOl) '5515 gnnc1 1171 TOYITA Cdca (2t.WQ) '4115 '4415 1178 CII£VIOLET Neva (&lJUPtl) 1.MAZUILC (920YTl) ,. ' 1975 FOlD Elte I~) 1171 MAZIIII.C (2SJYMY) '8 ,. 1171 FOil Maverick 182IVCW) 1177 TOYOTA Cllica (Sef.ifm) 'a '3715 1171 CIIEYIOLET CMvette <ot'OW*> 1171YWIIC (559M) 'a '3515 1173FOU LTD (819ttf4) 1177 TOYOTA PIAU (lf&U) ,. '3415 "1171 ICilY 1171FIAT (wsrH) '2• 1172 MAT s ••• NOW WAI NOW '11,115 '10,115 r()eO(PY) '10.!15 ~10,515 'MIS ,. •1AWU&36t '9415 '8995 .. 1177 POISCHE 924 IOJBIJH ,. '7• ,. '7 1979 DATSUN 280Z '7995 '7715 ~llltNU ,. '7115 '7115 '7395 1979 MAZDA RX7 b.l!VU '7995 '7595 'HIS '6795 1980 TR 7 Coavert. ~su '7995 ~995 'MS5 '6295 1979 TRIUMPH Spitfire 1'~1 '4995 \4495 'UI5 '6295 1979 TRIUMPH Spitfire of'" bJ.I '4995 '4495 'UI5 '5995 1978 TRIUMPH TR7 I IWb 'l '4695 \3995 '6115 '5995 1979 MG MIDGET ~(): '4495 \3995 '5415 '5995 1977 MGB (!9, YMj '4495 \3795 'S4I5 '4995 1977 FIAT <MJlTMt1 '3995 \3595 '5415 \4&95 1976 MERCURY Capri 69~·r '3595 \2995 '4!15 \4495 1968 YW Saadr ail Str bJ88 '3995 \2995 ,. \4495 1976 MGB '3495 s299S '3995 1J8INTP '4515 'UIS '3995 '305 '2995 '2995 WAS NOW '3995 19818UICK Electra \9555 '3595 '2995 :BOCICIO '9995 1977 CHEVROLET Caprice '3595 '31!5 '2895 ,49()U.' '3995 '2!15 '2595 1976 TOYOTA Corona ( .126PI!~ '3695 \3495 '2115 '2415 197& YW Ser b!li>> '3895 '3495 '2115 '2215 1976 PEUGEOT Diesel 1 ~'0. '3995 '3495 '2515 '1915 1977 YW DASHER l9llllff '3495 \3295 '1915 197& TOYOTA 10&Pf'Q '2995 '2695 '150 111• FOlD Pilto (718f'ON) '25!5 Active At Vaucu Lot.U.u M. GrHD, daughter of Mr. o.Dcl Mn. Robert E. Gr .. n of 3Sl11 SurMew Lone, Corona del Mar, performed tD the Va .. ar College Reperto ry DoDce Thea tre workahop, ~r ... nted lD nud· November. n. productaon included worb by bodora Duncan, George BoloDchi ne and Dona Humphrey Lor.UeA, now a tr .. hman at Va.ar, '-a graduate of Corona del Mar High School £.cry FinaU.t Scott Sch umacker , a 10phomore at UDJven.ity Hlgh School iJl Irvine, won honorable m•ntion in th• 1982 Bill of Righta ltudent ...ay cont..t competi· tion 1pouored by Coa.t Fed•ral Scmng~. Schumacker 11 a Newport Beach relklent At Wen .. tey lNtiD F Butcher, daughter of WilUGm aDd Paulme Butch•r. ent•ed W.U..t•y College in W.u.ley, MOll 1ll September ca a memhc of the clC181 of 1986. Alberid Elected Caire Alberla, daughter of Barbaro Alberia of 2.a Nice Lon•. hal be•n elected trec.u.rer for Women'• Program· ming Board at Woehington UD.i•enity lD St. Louie. FOR HER FOR CHRISTMAS THE • ..... ... -w.... ,.. a.... tlld. .. . 4t o...ID JL 0" t -. .-,, ..... 11; ......... o....--....-. ..... . 11: .. -.... ,.a... ........ . .... _.W..c.lS.IIIa lllr .•till. ... Harbor at Wilson Costa Mesa 848-5021 Long ~ Oxfotct pfua In~~ ~ -... ....., Touc:fte :..~--=a 1P ...,.. ... ..,.. ....... ~lorton• ~,.,... ,.....,uu 21•