HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-29 - Newport Harbor Ensign• .. Pa(Je 10 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • ESTABlJSHED 19tl • 35TH YEAR e MUNIER 19 • (71.) 831·81~ • SERVING ALL OF NEWPORT AND CORONA DEL MAR • WEDNESDAY, DECENBEA 29, 1982 A family bound for 1 Chnttm.u r~unton (forcaround) ttept up to e«t in llrw .. ttw atrluw counter, tlw fJttwr 1pp«1" unmowd by ttw hoUday . by Robert Frank Nayor pro tem Evelyn Hart cmd council.mcm John Cox ba.e a.DAowaced they cue canclldat• to become mayor of Newpon Beacll cmd a ll:raw poll oJ the c:ouncil iDdicotee Hart could be the likely wi.Dner at a Jan 4 m .. ti.Dg. Cowadlmao Doo Strau• and PhU Maurer eaid they could be couiclezed likely e<mdic1crtee for mayor pro tem in the re<)l9a.nilatiOD oJ the council, wiUcll oocun eHJ"f two yean iD Newport. Mayor Jaclde Heather ICdd abe im't taking lid• cmd will auppon whoever wlu iD the tpeeial adjoW'Jled meetmg at • p m Tueeday at City Hall. It baa beeo eight weeb line. the city COUDCU electiOD.I iD wbich Hart, Heather and Strau. were re-elected and BJll Ag .. waa elected fw the fint time. However, the couocil haa put off reorgaoiaation until Jaouazy, wheo Ag"'' term begi.u. "I th.ulk I'm belt quali.6.ecl to be mayor," eakl Cox, an adver- tiling executive who haa beea on the co\lDCil llDoe ~ 1980. "I coo proride the type oJ leaderahip cmcl llabWty that'• oeeded on the council. I ha.e a very atrong coutltueDCJ that Ia very 1\ll)portive oJ my chcmoe~." Mayor pro t.em Hart, a ooUDdl member Iince 1978, eaid: I • tp.ht at this J)<ltnt Ott • ~ -......,..,.. • .bout 1 ttw tci· mtnal It John W1yrw Airport tn thte phototf.,h tlkn Fnd.y would couLder it an booor u I were elected.'' StrOUII, who baa a1ao beeo oo the couoctliLDoe 19'18, taid he" wpporti.Dg Hart for mayor •· I would eay ill light of her le.ngth oJ •me. cmd her r~d aa ric. mayor, cmd the fact that the'. •l'ft<i on tile coUDdl for a loog time, IMID to make her the ngbt choice," Strau.a commeoted Heather it not namiog a choioe. "lt't not appropriate for the mayor to try to oame hia or her eucc••or," the IOid tlu.a w .. k. "I'm not partic:ipati.Dg 1D that, but I will be Yefl eupporllve of whoever wi.u." A Hcut•Straua leadenlup team would add ioterett for ,....,.,,~ka·• .. •• Staff photo b) larr~ Slobln growth '-u• before the couoa.l Hart baa beeo a key IWlDg vote m the pcDt wb.ile StrOUII op- poeed commeraal developmeot oo the Beeco-Ba.n.ni.ng lite m W..t Newport Struu.a 1oM OD ally OD growth ww• who Paul Hummel of Coroo.a del Mar wa.e o\dted by Ag" Nov. 2. Now Strau.a ..... electioo by the cou.ndl 01 mayor pro tem "I think I'm a logical penon to be coDIIdered for it,'' Strau.a 801d laat week The looghme couoctlmao compl010ed 1D a letter to the Tun• that Newport' 1 coMOhda-1 tloo oJ 1t. couocil race~ with the 1 (Contmued on paQe 2) r or awhile it appeared the 63.rd Annual F..Uval oJ J.i9hta wat abapmg up to be the larg_. Chn.tmal boat pcuade ill New- port beach tu.tory UDbtuaate- ly, drivmg rewa and cold, gal. force wlndt brought o premat\lre eod to the f..ei'ftll Wedaeeday Ford Aeroepace 4 Com- mwlioatioD.I of Newport Beach concluded o.ne oJ the m~ apec- taculcu year~ ever eJlpeneoced by ao Americcm defea.. co.n- tractor 1~ w"k Ford'• icing OD the cake came with lt1 aJUaouocement that it had received a $51 8 nullioo U.S Army cootract to develop ao advaoced gwdaoce for the Chaparral eurlac.-to-au rn.111ile ryttem Lowt r Helhg, V\Ce pr..adeot aod general maoager, ICDd 1t w the largett dollcu value develop- ment co.ntract ever receJved by the Aeronauhce Dtvllioo he adquartered lD Newport Beach TlLII com• on the bMla of the go-ahead tot tM Dlvicon Au Dei .... Gun S~ CDIV AD) for the Army, a coctract with ao evatual oet value to Ford of a lklggermg S5 billioD r ord haa a1ao delivered the tu .tnsoe Forwarcl LookiD.g la&ar.d pod (FLIRt= the new f /A-18 Ho....e 6o oACl crt· ..U Cllkaroft ~Wed to debut at El Toro MetriA• Air StatioD }aD 7) La.at wMlr the cootroctor ao oounced that a denvatl" oJ the niR waa betog fli9ht-t..ted on a McDoooell Douglaa F-15 Eagle at Edwardt Au r ore• Bate Tb• FLIR a a precw1on LDatr u meat uoder the tu..lage wblcb tracke targeta aod moottore weather CODchbODI f ord 11 QDJl iou to ..U 1t to other armed MZ· vic .. aod manufacturera for other auetaft The Chaparral 1'111811e coo· tract, meanwlule, " a 44-mooth proJect to be carn.d out eotuely here m Newport Beach Ford w to develop a Ro•tt• ScaD S..ker. electro rue» aod eoftware wh teh will be 1ncor po.rated 10to 60 preproduc:bon nutlile gu1dance rptema for the Army '• veh1cl e -mounted Chapanol ... Th omaa C Gordon ol lnl.De. e angel Gabriel blawtog lua bora at the bow lighta w••• blue a.nd gold Grand Prue went to Ram- pa~. a 42-foot Hattaraa owned by Forr_. G Smith, Jr , of New· por1 Beach Smith dec.uatecllu. yacht with two qold relladeer pulUag Santa Clout la ~ll tleivh, W1th multicolored Ug~ta lltruAg up the twao tow. o:nd 01a the outrigger~. June Myeu of Newport leach wa11 awa:rded 1M New· por1 8eadA Tros*y b U.. Scmt~a Ocnal atop ~-po,..hloat ..... haae. C HAPARRA L m~tstl~ welt be ~nhanud b~ destin '"'Pf'"v~m~nts u'*r SSII mtllton cl>fltract IWJTd· ~ to Ford ~rospac~ i Com· munteJttons aD eDglDMr Wltb r ord' I DIV AD diviaoo, waa pt .. .nted o Heuy Ford TechnologlCC} Award at a d.ulDel' meeti.Dg at r c.d world headquarter• 10 Dearbora, Mlch.lgan The award rec:ogouee out. 1tant!mg retearch, prociuct eopeerlAg and manu~ contubutioot by Ford employ .. , aocording to aJS a:a· DOUDCeJileDt Gc.doa WG1 OAe of 2t employ..-hoaor.cl at ta. c:lblDer. • • • The U S NaY., honoteCt foat employ .. of Ford aa part of tU Na.,al Material Commaad't Ouabty A..uraoc. program Tb• four wer e A ldo Vagneun1. Jamea E Jam•• Danoett.ll, Shmuel Elcwu and Manfred Augenete1n of Newporl Beach V aogenru. wa a recognued for eaperbte lD the a rea of eoldet tecboology aueto·welc:hog aod ooo -deatruct 1ve tesllog reflected in performaoc. oJ the Navy' 1 AIM-91 Sid.wulder be- IDQ produ c ed by Ford Aeroapa ce Va goeuo1 waa recently h onored for coo- tribuboD.I to eolder tecb.nology by offlcaala o l th e o a val Weapon~ Ceoter at Chma Lalre, CaW DaDnettell waa o ted for work aa quahty eogUlMr oo the AIM- 9L SldeWUlder program, wbete be contributed to tbe high level of quality cmd reliability buill LDto the mtaale guidcmc. oo.ntrol eec.1t.oD.I ' .... ....... I ..... (I· H.....,. leaoll) .... ..._ ,, ...... to .... Calilonla ..... -..... aWioaa Coagr..Uoaal Co•aittee. At tl.e Uut !'!Oaiaatloaal aeeUag. ~-~-"!'"' -electod .. 1M N:~M:::C • ...cutiN .......... no. -·Mss wlolcll will l>e ._...,. lor as..' Gur V....to. IQIII (R.Nicll,) lor tM filii> COD• --,....-·-.. ol-tati-ol ~of tM ttat.. with Republ.icaa ........ of ta. l:loU~eo plu. two at-lor9T memb.ra fro&a tlae lr h•an ~ a total of .. iaoD. ......... W<aooJ.c:todlobo tM CaliJomia fTprellmtati" to U.. NRCC ia a W~cmim.OUI Yot. ol tM !7.membor Cal!lonJo GQP dologation, tho largMt ia 1M acrtioD. n.. Or-· c .... .,. Com· •WIIIJ Dooelopmoat CollDcil lw. cmaounced a a.ew reeou.rce Joc DOD·proflt org<mloallou. Tllo Fudiag "-"'"" Center io looolocl oa tho fourth Door of the Council'• of:flcee at 1440 E. First SL in Soata Aaa. At the c:eater, aoa·profit grou~ may couWt •olumM lWmg corporat. grcm'-t leam how to write a fuadia.g pz"opolla]., Ol lltCII'D fv.Dd -raiADg teclllli- quos. Tllo Coalor lo open Moadcr thru Friday from tho ho1U? of 10 a.m. to 12 aooa cmd 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 011 Wedaeedays, it'-o..-n •Diil 7,30 p.m. br spocial op. poiatmont, aocordlag lo Margo Pritchard, maaogor ol Traaiag aod Tocbaicol ~-for 1M Community Development Council. ThOM wilhing reMfVatiou or huther information on the Fun- dmg Reeource Center ahould CODiacl Pritchard at 547·6801, eateuion 239. SuptNitor H.amt'll Wteder. second ~ft. pntMnlt Nrwport BrKh Mayor Jackie He-.athtr, ~ft. wllh CMrt«r 100'• Wom•n of the Yf.ar awri Carol South. rifhl. rtttiwd the aroup'• award for tef- vice to tht community and T~ma Mul .... w• r«o,nlud for htr contrtbuUon• to CNrter 100. The m«mbcnhip of CMrt«r 100, a women'• rwtworklnt OC'I•rnunon, It m.dt up of ~ wonMn "woftlnc toward f«Mowthip within thW community and throuahouc the n~~tton. (Continued from page 1) general election produced. "GD ill,odorioocl Duko's uWrtuto." .... "General •leclioa.e are properly pcuti8an Cl'Dd city elec- lio,.. oro spociljoollJ dosigaalod a• nonpartitan,'' Strauu argued. A Newport incumbent'• charg" that a challenger w01 not a lifelong RepublicaD "il the IJpo of thiag that QQD bappoa when J)C1J1Uan and noupartilan race~ are thrown into the ICDDe ballotiag . " with NoYemhel gezt.erol elec· tiou. The council will teat it. neweet member, AgM, while it oleo tai• up the teak olrerili.Dg the charter to proYide for a .noother reorgoaimtion of city go"f'Wil· meDl DOW that eJ..etioDI coincide OD Heather'• reoommea.da- tion, the OOWldl •ot.d to .,. lahlioh QD ~ 1\mow Com· mittrM to ltu.dJ chart.r rnilliou cooceraing elec:tioa tllll.iDg and chooeiag a aew mayor aDd mOJOl pro team. That seem' to be .....hat you find m a ''ngles bar. If th1s doesn't look like the ¥Jay you want to sperd your Hobday Sea10n. call us! Were Grut Expectations and our members haw found a sale, unr way to meet quality, commitment m1nded 51ng.le people. Our un,ique combu..a11on cJ llldeo..dahng,activ· ihes. trips and seminars will help you get on the road to meeting ttw right kind of periOn to spend the Holidays With. Thou w-.y the Turil;e~ CJin be on the tllble, not lilting ntlltl IO you. today's local lleroes .... tOIIIOI'NW'S superatars *** Line up a better job! Read the Newport be. had Jour mayoq duriag ... past 10 Joor?. n.. JIQIIOilar Dolo Nolrulia Mrfod -..._ 1rom urn uDiil 1978. 11o wae replac•d bJ Howard Rogon. who cU.cl in ollico Sept. 12, 1978. Nllaa Dostal --' out ftooen' lenD. Paul lralroll was oleclocl Ia 1978 aad --' for -roors. Ho ,... roplaO<Id br Hootbor in April 1980. Hoathor " com· plotiag her two-roar torm. (Continued from peQ'e 1) Other whllleu wer•: Skipper'• Award, Jim Reid, Compton; PrNident'• Award, lim Palm aDd Rick Edgley, Anaheim, for the computer· aalmatoi sail; aod tho Luok Award, lim HuloloD, Gardoa GroYe and hit boat Ri'f'er OuMn. won the Chamber lropbr; aad lohD· Cnen of San Juan 'JP~•••• won tb. Spectator'• award. Holiday Special "Help Wanted" ad& in Clasaifled ... the oommunity'a job Eu•laadoa IUid Cleaaiaa (illcll., .. )(,·rays) $ ~Keep You Smiling ... ~~~~ • • • Battliag Dear freeliag temperat)ar:N, Tu•tiD-baMd Marbtos lpaclod with C.wwflcm for-Noo. 71 oa tho lalaod of Amcblllla Alaska, "' ... "" roachos ;;J 1M North Pocillc aaol BoriagSoo. MariDo Modlura lloJlooptor. 163, commaadod br Lt. Col Thoma. Wall, MI'Ted Cll the IU '~..-. ta 1'•18 ., ... 7 Tho Marina Corpo bas aa· nounced. that inaugural cerem.onJ .. for the F/A,-18 Horut cdrcruft will bo belcl at El Toro Marina Air Statioa )em. 7. no Corpo will bo ... lint .. ,. ..... lo fir ... 125 mtlh cdr· oraJt, re»b:iaa tlt.e Vietna:m War F-4 Pbculkiml at E1 Taro. Tho ouporsO,ic llorut bas a lop spoocl of U llsuo 1M spoocl of souad. Tho piau's osc:crlatiag price tag hal Jtirted coDtronr· ..,, it ha~ bMn called the me« e•ui.Ye weapon. .,..t.m iD biolo<J. Duty In Germcmy Pfc. Carl lerleJ, eon of LoU Shcrffor of 1003 Miosioa Dri.,., Costa M-. curi•od for dutr la Hcmau, WMI GormollJ. He 11 a combat eDgiD.., with the 3rd Armored Dl•hion previoutly a1eiga.ed at Fort Hood, T .... Complet .. Trammv Army P•t. Tao Nguyea., brother of Lien NguJeD. of 38'78 Alaaso Lau, Costa ~. oom· plotoi baolc lraialrlg at F on lacksoD, S.C. He S. a 1981 graduate of Coetc M-lligh. • Add 1 O=h=t" -' b ... 1 ... I' *" ol ... 1,. )' Me AzrNHr• twL fte • • # • ' 1 undratti a bstt -o ,.., ..._ U.S. Norsr .......... r .... · ----.... ao pon of --ltoraol Jllo',, a It laoJw!ed 7,000 ~ - u.s. Moor. -· Air Foooo aaol Coast Gucad U- pluiOO Cr........,-Naoal. cdr -grwd ""--no. u.s. NawJ Tbird J'leet OS? die wal dMitlaod to .matala cold ~ operatiae oopat;htiee loc IDilltarJ -ol -COWl• -• • • ~.--cl­ot El Toro aad Tultia COil· lrlbulod ""'"' them aoo.ooo .. thio year's C'-biaod Foclosol ~. no 11aa1 llvw'• of we,344 ,.....,.. em LDcreaee of oor• 130,001) IDOIT tbaa the total oclleclod ..... ~uriag last ,_.s campcrig». CJI •••• The city oouDeil of Coeta ~ io ..-pliag .......... for 1M pcojlioll of Plaulag Com· mt,;OG •. "'-"--Mould iA- cluclo a briol cl.crlptioD of 1M appliocmt'• qualiBoatiou cmd oleo a u.c.t comm .. tary ill· dieath'g the lDdi'f'idual'• P~J c:oacont.iag plauiag willlla eo. -· R•M• GJe ooouraged to appiJ. n.. oouadl will-siclo• all applloatiau, iacludiag thaM of 1M iacmmboals. Pt-sulalt ·-to 1M CIIJ Mcmager's ollioo, ciiJ of eo. ~. loa 1200, Coolo w--ao Iaior tbaa Jaauarr lt. Socml!r Booetera E. H. Slliaaor of Coroaa dol Mar, l'Jaa Sboodr Buller of lr· 'riM aaol Olia H. Stapp oll(ow. port Boaab -• --U-· lliJ of OldaloO?Da al UliUII w bo bocaraoo.._moml>enoftlle uDloorsiiJ's Prosicloat's Pcrrlrl- group, oontrihuliDg SlOO GD· Dually. Benefactor Goorgo Hololoin of Newport Beaek wa1 amoDg the ben•fac.. ton of r-u, Guldcutoo CoDiors Ia Fullortorl aaol Aaahelm. A fuaclralslag .... t at tho Fullortorl Eboll Club rcrioscl St,· CXIO to bea.tu the center'• aDti· child abu.ae prog1'(1ma. Calendar lo r events. hmes. a nd dates .. .._ AI "' " '. all\ E""" licll ao~ wale --;: -~ Q of~ :.OJ "1 -hoo<i Harl ~ are I boat BUlb Club clositj ~ ·-M~ SaD • ~ ... I Pr~ lor 0 ..... tho Saulll moat H"!f"' Clci Hack• Jaa. I about abou Hospll '"'• hold a Club, ~ purso -bJ call 760-59 ' .. 1 wwa. A .. Year ~M.ryWeper It ... 1983 .. gcag to be a We ~ for local yocht.mu. Efta U tMr ar•'t able to par. tSdpate la all u.. yaclat·rac:IAg actl•iUea, they caa eajoy watcWag aoaae ol tbeee uc:Umg ewutl: Proba.bly ou o1 tlae be.t, hom eitMr a pa:rtic::ipaat or tpeCtator pomt ol ... 1 will be tAe Cabo Saa L~ Race ill whJ.cla 10me ol U.. c~'llt cwllCDV'IIt rae· iag JQoCha ill tM cowatrJ will be Oil tM ll6altillg u.. Mczroh 19. "Tkere will be two Dew Nazi. bocrtl." laid Bill Palmer, wbo heada the IJ)OUOrillg Newport Harbor Yacht Clu.b'a Ocecm Rac:illg Committ.e. Tbe JOChfl are Cba:rU., a HollaDd 61-foot boat belllg built for NolaD Bub.U ol Sl Ftaadl Yaclat ODd cmotber 69-foot boat lcielic:nwd. bJ N~ek ODd bWlt bell.llil Choate for eecret I'JD e. OtMr Naa upected are ICdJed by Nick FrOMe of Diego Y aobt Club aDd I UL TIAUGHTS such M tht f•t bctinw wm ~in Cabo S.n lucu Ra~ March 19. Sc1ff photo by INIT'f SlotMn Ragtime beillg racecl by ue.n 'hiab Durgcm a.Dd Llhby Myera hom NHYC. Eight bootl hom the San Fraa· c:iaco Bay Clfea are ·~ in· cludlllg Da..m Fuia1 beautiful gr•D BWJ.Irog, John Merrill'• Race Po11oge aDd lniDg Loube ., Braw.ro. There will be 12 to 14 Saato Crua SO. roc:i.Dg ill thia popular e"Dt. oDe of which II Newport eaiJor Doa Ayr•' Dew Upbeat. n.. aleek boat~ uwo.Uy hcrft a race withiD a race omoDg themMI .... Other Newport area boatlea· pected are Warren Hcmcock'• Aleta, K.Vk aad Dk:k Elliott'• Earl of Mar, Pete ChaDt'• Nalu, ROD Mel...W.'a Bigwig, Roger McGregor'• Dew ultra-Ugbt Anthem, cmd Bill Palmer, whoM SheDoDdoah will be juet finiehing the SORC, will be chartert.Dg a boat for W. race. Thea the imp&Wii" SlJ Metre World'• Cbampouhtp, which will be bOlted bJ Newport Har· bor Yacht Club, wil1 take place April?-17. Boata from EnglaDd, Ger· aoay, Auatralio, Caaacia, Swia.erlaad. Frace, Non.ar. SwcMa. PWaad cmd ltaq t..a.. alnaciJ -t la tMu Mtdee. SouU... CaWonJo il em attrac- ti" ~ cmd IDCIIly ol tbe lkippen cmd cr ... are briagiDg tla.u Anm•Jtee with u..m. 'rlt.eN ia Dotbiag moce fwa to watc)a \baa OM·dei6p racbag cmd the lklrti.Dg u.. ol ...... racee abouJd be s-MIJ NdMDQ. Naay IOC!Iale .. all are~ ed d\lliag tM 10 da,. cmd tbe rv.aorecl prc.pect oleome E\lJOo pecm roJGltJ partidpatiao IDGJ ~out thelooal ~IITRII For the big-boat eailon wbo like to pa:rtidpatlt ill regular local ...U., the 1983 ooeaa rae· iDg lea80D will begiA with tM tint rodllg dcrtt ol the Ahmaa· eoa/ Dicbon Seri• F ebruGrJ 'rJ aad28. Smallef boat ea:ilon ccm look forward to the ma.Dy regulCif regatta. at well at eome apedal oa.. Lido W. Yacht Cluh ha. chcmged U.. lormat olitl Adult Sabot Sed. aad illltead ol rae· ing oae daJ for thr• w.Ueada will race both dGJ• of oDe WMkeDd. Jaauory lS aad 18. Thw Mrt. will a.t.o ,... aa the eUmillatioD ..n. for the S.Dior Sabot Notionola. Thia i8 a eeMI that il a lot ol fun . UYC memben eene bot chili aDd cold d.ri.ab betw•• roC* and there i8 lota oleocialia· iDg with the tailing. It loob like the fint four moDthe of 1983 are golllg to be pretty e.zciliDg and remember the o.JeDder/ Cou.rageoua 12 Meter team will be proc:tic:iDg here until March 18. ••••INlll 8cllool ..... eel At OCC Highly-eucceaeful ·Orange Coa.et College bateball coach Mike MQJDe hat aDDoUDoed he will operate a ba•ballecbool at the college in JoDuory and February. The ecbool emphaai..Jel fun. damentala, te cbDiquee aad ltrategy. There are ...aou for plQJen rcmgiDg from 8 to 18 For more iDformation, call 751-0568 8aU All OX)' AD-8CIAC cllolce Corona del Mo r H i g b graduat. Eric: Rati, eoc of Carol RaH of Newport Beach, wat Mlected all-SoutherD CaJ1loruio ID terco lleg ia te Athletic Coafereace Fint Team at Qc. ci.d.Dtal Coll.ge. "Eric led the Oeddental team iD tackle• and iD fumble reco"ri• aa a MDioz," Taid head coach Dale WidoW. A four. J.al lta:rtel, Eric: waa a1eo Mleeted to the all-SCIAC tim team at a luDior and reo.i9ed tM 1981 Ooddeatal de!eu•e lillemcm oJ the year award Upon graduation from Qc. ci.d.Dtal in JUDe, the ecGDOJD1C8 major plane to continue o~atiDg the eucceuful A.Jcakcm de..lopment compa.Dy he created la.t year Occldelltal" 0 8Dall, priYate, coeducational liberal arte college located Ul northea.t Loe Angel• near Paeadena COACH larry Su~~n h.• htAncla H'ah rofhna aaain. b.il be.t cnoerall game for CdN, grab!Ug both ....... o:ad c:Weune rebowadl while IOOriJig a team high 16 poi.Dtll. Vaa S..Uu,... added lS, while Lui Wolff bad u . "Ou.r ttODt lille i8 ltiJl iDea· perienoed," Errion laid. "They bene to CODceDtrate Oil their total game rather than ju.et oDe aapect of it, wblch aa Dot an ea.y thing to do." The Sea ltinge will opeD league play on Jan 5 at UDiYW· lity. SatallclalaOa .. .......... ... F.akmda may be the ~man..t team Ul the Sea Vaew League th.i.e MGIOD, but it il bcmng a giant of a pr...aeon Led by ju..a.ior Jim Cu..rba and aen1on GoYiD WarlaumoDt, N~wport Harbor hn~m•n Da~td Cadea•n and Corona del Mar puntt'r Gordon Moss ha~t' b~~n nam~d to t h~ Soutlwrn CallfQrnta C't~ltton J all-su~r t~.tm In addttton. Newp\.lrt plac~ tUnlo" Brrll kal."ura. a guard. and St~t' Brazas. rlw team's star runrwr. on the second tt'am Sh1l)'·two pla\'trt from )" h'ih achools ~t>rt> nam~ to tlw two tt>ams by rtw Ftrst lnt~tat~ Bank Athlt>t tc Foun dauon An a wards "·t>re·rn ony hononne ''"' tum ~k!\:'ttons will bt' ht"ld Jan .>~ .tl IO.JO a.m at tlw Ftrst lntt>rstatt> R.tnk •n los Ane.-les eo.aa ,..., hal bad two tou.ruoment couolatioD cham· piOillhJ~ tbia ...... tlae tine one comi.Dg in the San O..eate touruamat, the eecoDd lD tlae Ir- vine competitioD. Thia MOOJldplace habit W OM that head coach Tim Panel would Uke to break aa hie M"'-*mgg DOW ...... Oraage toumamnt at CMpaa.cm College. BehiAd fonward Ted Stitt cmd Dave PalmNo~.A, the M"*"'cP are looking to their tint league game Wedneeday at lrriu. ··~~ ANAII-'1' ..... 7 Area •olleyball ta.leDt wat protnm.Dtly teatw.d lD the .. cond oDauol UDited Stat• V oUeyball A..oc::krtion CAdit· mae toWlloment featu.rillg area girl.' club t.ama at-Cal Sate Long Beach 1c.l .,..keg In the l~and·uder dtWioa. the South Coallt *-'• Elalaa Oden (lniDe) and Brooke Heni.Dgtoa (CdM}, aad New· pori Volle~ball Club'• Ccmmie Doder (CdM) .. ze DGmed to the all-to\llDament team. South Coaet loat in the finale to JcbibaD, lS-13, lS.ll In the 13-a.Dd·UDder di.WOa, Newport wo1 defeated by Icbi.bo.D in the cbampio•htp match, 1 S-4, 1 ~. R.p ... tjag Newport oD the all·tounaameat team ..,.. s .. phcmie Arqyro., Jaaine Ju.rgeDIOn ODd Miacty Adama The Orange CoUDty team placed Sarah Alheon on the all-ltar team PAY ONLY ONCE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! When you place your "Private Party" classified ad with ua you're going to Mil your Item. And If It doesn't Mil after the tlrat wMk, we'll run your ad fREE again and again and again until It does. That's our promise to you. Your ad will appear In The Irvine Today, Costa Mesa News and The New~ Enakln with a combined readership audience of over 115,000. Little woncter we can make guarantMs like this. Call us today or UM the handy form below and mall In your ad. Then don't go far from thephone. . Please Note!· I Oeedline: Mondays 1\ noon prior &o W~ publication. 2. AU ••Private Pany Ouarnt.eed" ed !'~Ntl b. pr-.pald pnor &o publl(a\ton. I You can c...,.. it~ your aater Char,. or VISJ card. J\.llt c..U ua. or. ,f maUina your ed. Ulnply wrh.• your ~harp card numbtf on the (I()Upot'l belowt 3. Only priv•&.e petty ada ~lily for "0uaran&4!fd.'' P ... · no c:ornmerclat advent.. .......... mobile hornet. Of' land for .... or -• toom!l rcw rtnt. ~ or eata&e ..._ or ~ opponuruli • 1"-cw.r ... . $.0..~-.... ~-. 6. ~lonl wW be ~ted only af~r firal publication 7. · 0. we &o caU •nd ca.ntel yow ad after you've !IOid vour •l.t'm • You can call in your ad direct or use the handy form below and mail to: COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP , ... MIIIotl Ne•pcNt ~ CA tHa 20 WORDS FOR 120.00 ..._ _..,. ,_ _. M...,. .. ~ftc"--,_ cttec• or-,.,_.,",~ -......,. .,_ _. ..,_ --•O..,.•YttA.ur••-...... -....,_ ...,....,........., CllelltC.. ..... II • ... a.Mrl I • ._. (II· ... ,..,.. leac~) U.-. •h•f to k tM c.Mbala • tM Ndnd Wloaa CoaorMe6oaol Co .. aUtee. At tke Uut OI!,G.&haUoaal •••Uae, le •em ..-ehotM to tM ~ • .-w ........... ,.,,_ n.. ..... ? s ... ..,., .m .. ....,.,. bra.. O.r Vader """ CJ'-Nicl.) lor 1M ~ ---.. ---to-... cl--cl~cl ,... 1totee w_Ub RepubllcaA .......... Hou.e, pl.• two at-large member• bom tlle b 'JPOD ~ a tokll of 48ia aD. _..._ .... -.. bo .. Calltonaia repr...aati" to tM NRCC 1a a u•animou .oe. c1 U.. 17-......hor Calilorala GOP delegaticc, Ill. iaJ-Ia u..-. SuPfi"iiOI' H•rrirtt Wifd«or. ~ond ~ft. prcerrntt ~wport Bt-~eh Mayor Jack~ Ht.Mhrtr, teft, with ChMter 100'• Woman of ttw Year ••ri Carol South. rieht. re«tv«t the aroup'• •ward fOt' ..,. vkc to tht community •nd Thelma MuHer w• r«Oiftiud for twr contribution• to Ctwter 100. The mtmMnhip of Ctwlrtet 100. a women's nnwort~,. oreanUatktn. ts ftWidt up of MICCftt women "worfll"l toward fellow'lhlp within thttr community and thtouahout 1hrt Ntton. ~ Orcmqe eo .... ., Com· allllity o...lopmut CoUDcil .._ auowu:ecl a uw r.owc:e loo ao&·prollt org- TM F\UlCliDg Reeource Center lo locotod oo the fourlh Boor of 1M CoUDcil'o ·-at 1440 E. Flat Sl iD SoDta ADo. At the center, noA·profit group~ may couult •ohun .. u.ti.Ag corporate graatl. Learn bow to write a fw>diDg propoeol, 01 le<lnl Nnd-raiii.Dg techJU· qu •. The Culot io OJ*' MoDdoy thn Friday from Ill. ho.,. oliO a .m. to 12 nooa and 3 p.m.. to S p.m. 0.. WeciDoodoyo, It io ope• lllltll 7,30 p.m. by opeciol op- poiDtmoDt, according lo Marge Pritchard, maa.a~r of Trculing alid Techmc:al A.iMOnc:e for the Community Development Council. ThON wiah.ing r ... rnrtioDI ot further iaformation oa the Fua- diag Reeowce CeDter thould cootact Pritchord at 547-6801 . eateuioa 239. "Gea•ral •l•cHoru or• properly portioOD cn.d city ~~­ tiou are 1pedfically d-.gaated aa nonparlilaD," Strauu argued. A Newport incumb•at'• c:harv-that a challenger wca not a Ufelong Repu.bUoon "it the type of thiDg that OOD hoppeD whe{l partia:ID and nonpartilcm race~ are thrown into the 10m• boUotiDg ." Th• couDCil will MOl ill new•t member, AQM, wbil• it aJ.o tal:• up til. taak of r..n.ia.g the charter to provide loz a lll\oother reorgaaiaatian of city gmern.· meat now that electiou coiDclcM with No•embN geDeral eJ.c:· tto ... On Heather'• rec»m.,..nda- tion, thll cou.a.cU •oted to •· lohlloh .. Electioo-Com· ml-lo ll\ldy charter r-.. ooooerDIDg olectioo tlmillg ODd choo.ing a n•w mayor and mayor pro team. \ toda)''s local&Mroes .,. tOIIIOI'I'OW'S superstars DO YOU WA~T TO SPEND THE HOLIDA_ YS WITH A "TURKEY''? Holiday Special That M(>mt. to be what you hnd sn a stogies bar II tl·us doesn't look hkll' the way you want to spend your Hohday Se.uon. call u11 Were Grut E•pec~tions and our rrwmbers have found a wfe, WIJW way to meet quality, co mrruunent mtnded ~ogle people Our urvque combtnahon ol VICWD·datulg, activ· theti, tnps and serrunars will heip you get on the road 10 meeting the right kmd of person to spend the Holiday. Wllk That w•Y the T u"'•Y un be on the tab'e, not sitting !Wid lo you.. Exoel•doe aecl Cleanl•l (lotc:IMdl., li;-rays) s 0 ~Keep You Smiling ... *** Line up a better job! Read the "Help Wanted" ada in Classified ... the oonvnunlty'a job ~I Newport hoo hod fo., moy- dwiag 1M -10 yeoro. n.. popular O..Ncbullo ... ed- -&:om um ... til 1976. He wae r•placed by Howard 1\ogen, who cliecl iD offtce Sepl. 12, 1976. MiloD Doolol -out Rogen' term . Pool Jlyc:holl ... electod iD 1976CIIId....dlor-yeoro. He -roploced by Heather iD April 1910. Heath•r t. com· pletiag her ~year tezm. ... (Continued b om page 1) Oth•r wi nn•ra w•r •: Skipper'• Award, )lm Reid, Compton; Pr..adent'a Award, lim · Palm aDd Rick Edgley, Anaheim, for the comput•r· oaimotecl eail; ODd the L..U A-d. liD> HW.IoD, Gardo• Grove and hia boat Rtv•r o..-. Or. Notlooa Soatt of F..u.rtoa, wor1 Ill. J,..jge'o Special Award lor the ~hoeod ..... OD hio ootlboat; J,J, ODd Dougloo RobiDo Pa.odeDa WOD the Ch.am.ber Commerce trophy; ODd Joho· Cr••n of San J ua n Rfot>O>IO wan tAe Spectator'• award. • • • Battliag near he•aiDIJ t••peratur .. , Tuatia·baMd --loaded wtth eo-. for-No.. 2'1 .. u.. iolcmd cl Amc:hltko, AlcNo, 1D Ill. lor reach• of Ill. North Pocillc ODd lleriDg s... Mar!De Mecli..,. llellcopter· 163, co......aDded by Lt. Col Thomat Wall, Nn'ed. 011 t.b• JUT... ta ..... ~ ., ... 7 n. Mcui.u Colpe hoe Qll• aouDc•d tllat lDaugural c•r•moni.. for th• F I A-18 Horut oizcralt will bo held at D Toro MariDe Air Statlca faa. 7. n.e c-will bo u.. 11nt -· 'rico lo fly the 12.5 mill!oa air· c:ro.ft, replodog .,_ Vietoam War F-4 PhoDtomo at D Toro. Th• eupenooic lfonet hCII a tap opoecl of 1.8 -Ill. opoecl of eouad. Th.e plaa•'• ~ price tag bat ltirted. CODtrO"Nr· q ; it aa. Mea oaUed U.e mDelt •KJ>eDIIi•• weapou .,.tern ill hlotory. NJ!n'AIIY Duty In Germany Pic. Corl l:erley, OOD of Loio Sbolfer of 1000-.. Orin, Coola -· ont.ecl lor duty ID HODOu,WOIIO.......y. He ill o com.bcrt enginMr with the 3rd Armored Di'll•loa pr•viou•h autgned at Fort Hood, T••· Complet• Trau>in9 Army P•t. Too Nguy•n, brother of Lien NguyeD of 2878 Alauo La .. , Cooto -· ...... pleted booic trolaiDg at F cot locboD, S.C. He • a 1981 graduate of Con:a M-High. -... put ol --Pa' 1 t • " iaci...W 7,000 -""' - u.s. Na.J, ....._ Air r-* eo. a-d u-. plaolllll On...._-Ncnal. akcaodpwd-~U.S. Ncny Tllad .,_. ......... cieo19aecl to IIUI!ataia cold _,._ operottag oapnl;!ww ... militazy ... _ cl boll. COWl• -••• -. oailon ..... ciYIIIou at E1 T010 aad. Tub. coa· tributod ""'" t~ooa aoo.ooo .. ~ ,_., ComNaecl Focleral Compoiga. Tile liaal ligwe ol 1218,344 ,.._.. .. aa 1acr ... of O't'er 130,000 more tl.oa tile total colloctod here dwiag loot y-'• compaig>l. .... The city couacil of Cooto -lo oooeptiDe ............ Ill. pooltloll of Pkraaf"'l Com· •'"'oew. Rena.. Mould la· cll>de a briol ~ of U.. opplioaat'o qu-ODd oloo a ohcot aommglory iD· dtcaUag th.• lodi'lidual'• ph'ioloMr~ plana1ng w~tlll;&t; -· RniMII are eaoowogecl to apply. ~ COilacil will """"'cler oD crpplicatiou. iDd...tlag - of Ill. illcwrlbuto. -"'*"'t r-to Ill. Cltr ~·· ollloe, c1tr of Coola N-. lao 1200, Coola -91636 •• later thaD )ODuory 14. Soon., ao ... t.ro E. H. SkiDaer of CorODa dol Nor, rr .. ~ a..~~oo ollr· -ODd Olia H. StaPp cl New· pool leach -e --u.u.. oily cl Oklohoaoc ai.....U who booome chmlot m~ of U.. llDI-ty'o Preoidut'o Parlllen gr011p, OODtributiDg 1100 OD· a.ually. Benefactor Geor9e Holotem of Newport Beocb wae o:moa.g th• beaelac-- -of Family G\Udcmoe Cea- m Fllilertoo ODd Aaak•m. A fuachalolag .... t at the Fllilertoo Eboll Club .-.! M.· 000 to beaetit tbe center'• an.tl· child ohuoe progromo, Calendar fo r events. hmes, o nd do tes . . • ' .. • I ~~ ;~ Gilll! == aCti"! wotcl -f ~ -~ poiat Soa I oiU.. i"!!Y' .. ~ "n ~ Harbt """"" ar• q hoot Buoha Club, ~ boiDg G '!':'\ Otlti Merlill So• I Pr•~ for th. wMk,• the a. Sou.U.e meat J• He~: Hock .. )aD. u ubcut about Hoopita Tile hold at Cl\&b, I =-u P.,.. a -byooll1 160-591' •• 1\.:llam.DaJle w"k offwa a Hoag Hijj.U toumameDt OD lC lot "thoee 1.. •riou.~ golf and more •riou out benefiting Hoag " Ul TIAUGHTS tuch _. fMt a.cttnw wiN k en C•bo S.n luc•• ~March 19. Ragtime beiDg raced by .ut.n Trilll Durgaa cmd Llbbr Myen from NHYC. l:jght boatl from the SaD Fran· cilco Bat area are e~ lD· olucliDg ~ Fellia' beautiful grMD lu.Ufrog, Job Merrill'• Raoe Pa11age and hYing Loube'• •cmua. There will be 12 to lC Santa Crua 5o. rac:t.og iA tbit popu.lcu eftAt. oDe of wbJob ia Newport 1C1:i1or Doa Arr•' Dew Upbeat. n .. ~leek bocna uwaJ.Iy bQ'ft a race wlt .. to a race among themael .... Other Newport area bocrtt ea· pected are Wanea HaDCOCk '• Aleta, Kirk ODd Dick Ellioa'1 Earl of Mcu, Peter Grant'• Nalu, Ron Mal.W.'• ~. Ro9er McGregor'• new ultra-light Anthem, and BW Polmer, whOM SbenaDdoab wtll be juat fillithlng the SORC. wUl be ohcuterillg a boat fot tbit race. TheD the impreiJiye Sill Metre Wodcl'a Chomp&ouh.lp, wlUch wUl be bOlted by Newport Hcn- bor Yacht Cl\lb, will take ploc. April 7-17 Boat. from England, Ger· aoar, AutroUo, Coaoclo, Sw" 1 ...... l'tace-~. S.1Ne. rw...d ad IW, ~ ~---u..u ..... Sou~ CoMbala II em attrQc. ""~ cmd ... , of the elrfpp .. aaa CdW8 are lwtDQU9 ..., h•11t.M wUil t.b.a. ,..... .. ~ IDOn fv.a 'o wataa. ~ ODe·~ rootao ad the *riD9 u.. of ... ~ lbould be ..-, PriMae. Maar 80dal .....a. are p~cr:a.a. eel du.ri.Dg tM 10 dart~ aacl the rwDONd prellpeGt olecae Euro- pecm roraltr partldpotlDe mcrr briag ol&.l the local ~II 1111 For the ~-boat IICDion who lib to pcridp1te ia regtalar 1ooal...U. the 1• ooeaa roc- lAO -.oD will bevia wi~ the tine radDg dayt of u.. Ahmcm· toG/ Dicbon Sed. February 'r1 cmd21. Smaller boat ICiilon COD look fozword to the mcmr regular regattaa aa well at 101M apeQal QIMI. lJdo We y oclat Ch&h J.ca cb<mged the format of ltl Adult Sabot Sed. cmd lAMad of roc- ing ODe day for thr" weekadl will race both day1 of oDe weeke~ad, Jcmucuy lS ODd 18. TbJI .. n. will aJ.o Mn'e 08 the elimiAGtiOD ..rt. for the S.Aior Sabot Natiooala. Thia i.l a •riel that ll a lot of fu~a. UYC memben •ne bot cb.W and cold driA.b betw .. D rae. aDd there illoll of toelalia· l.ng with the ICI.il.iag. It loob Uke the fir1t four montha of 1983 are goi.Dg to be pretty eacltiDg cmd remember the Defender/ Cowageou.~ 12 Meter t.am will be practSdDg here until Narcb 18. Highly·•ucce11lul Orange Cocut College baeeball coach Mike Mayne baa aDDoUAced be will oper<Jte a ba•ball ecbool at the college an }alluary and Februcuy The 1ebool emphOIII..a. fun· dameatala, techDique• and ltrategy. There are ..-ou for playen ranging from 8 to 18 For more information, call 751 -0568 ..,.aAaOxy All-acJAC claolce CoroDa del Mar Hig b graduate Eric: Aa:f:f. toa of Carol Rati of Newport Beach, WCJ.I ~elected aU-Southern Ca.Wornia Intercollegiate Athletic Coaferuc. Ftnt Tecrm a1 Qc. ddeDtal College "trio led the Ocddeotal team io tackle• and i o fumble recoftri• 01 a MDior," .aid bead coach Dale Widolff. A four.year llarter, £ric WOI aJ.o ~elected to the aU-SCIAC tint team aa a luoiOf aDd reoeiYed tla.e 1•1 OcddeDtal defeuiYe li.Demon of the year <JWard. UPQD graduation from Oc· dde~atal iA }UDe, the ecooonuce major p lan1 to continue operaUDg the 1ucceuful AIGNcm deftlopmeot company he created la.t year. Ooddatal il a mlall, priYate, coeducational liberal a rt• college located ln oortbea~t Loe Aagel• near Pa.10deoa COACH SundMn., ~~ bt•nci• Hith rolh"8 aa•tn. hi. belt <rfVall game for CdM, gT<JWQg both oa...a.. cmd de&.-•,. rebouacla while IOOdDg a '-am Aigb 16 poiDtl Vcm Steealauree added 15, wh.!Je LuJ WolH bod u . "Ow frODt line il lti.1l iAu- perienc:.d," Errion laid "They ban to CODc.Dtrate OD their total game ratbeJ' tb<Jn J\l.lt one a8peCt of it, which 1.1 not OD eaay thing to do " Tbe Sea &iage will opea leogue play oa Jan 5 at UoiYer· lity -.a.-.caa~aoa ••••••--Tear Eetancia may be the ~mall..t team in the Sea Vaew League th.il eea.on, but at 1.1 bcmDg a gaant of a pr..aeoo Led by Junior Jim Curt~.~ and aeniou Gavin Warla ~.&mont, ,.,.~wport H•rbor len~man Onld C~aan •nd Coron• ~ M•r punt~r Gor~n Mo .. hi¥~ b~~n n•mt>\1 to tnf Sout~rn C•hfqrnta t'l\•llton J •II •t•r t~am In addttton. l'lle-wp~'" placed IUniO" 8rf'tl k•cura. a ~u.trJ. •nd Stf\lf Brazas. rtw tum's star runrwr. on tlw wcond •~•m Shty two playe-rs frl'"' J7 htjh schools w~rr named to dw two tnms bv tlw ftnt lnt~ntat~ B•nk At~ttc foun d111on An awards l't'rf.'nlonv honortnt hnt tram ~~~lions will ~ lwld J.Jn }~ 11 10 JO • m at 1~ Ferst lntt>rstalt> Rank tn los An~lt>s .... hacl two tournament couolatioa ohcml· p!oaahipe th. .... the ... one coming in the San 0....- tournameDt, the eecoDd ia the h · YUle com~tioll. Ttu. aecondplace b.a..btt il ou that bead coach Tim Panel would like to break a1 hU Mu.-cmg. now aw the Orcage touraamut a1 ~ College. Behilld forward Ted Stitt cmd Dan Palmhlade, the M"*lnge aJ'e loohog to theu tint league g<Jme W ec:ineeday a1 IM.u ......... ~ .... An AU-T 7 Area Yolleyball taint WC18 prominently t.atn.r.cl i.D tlle _. cood annual United Stat .. Volleyball A..odatioD Chrile· m01 tourname~at featv.rt.g area girl.e' cl\lb t.a:m. at Cal State Long Beach loll WMiucl. ln the 15-cmd-nad. cli..W.O.. the South Coall tleam 'a Dalao Oden (lnine) and Brooke HerriAgton (CdN), ODd New- port Volleyball Club'• Commie OodeJ' (CdM) wee Damecl to the all-toumament team South Cooet loet ia the fiDall to lcbibcm, 15-13. lS-11 In the 13-and-under diYilioll, Newport wae defeated by lcbibcm lll tlwt champiowdup match, 15-C, ls-6. Repr_.M119 Newport on the all·'oW'DGIDut team were Stephcm.le Arnn-. JCliU.De Jwgell*)Jl <llld Mi.Ddr Ada me The ChODge CoUDty team placed Sarah Alb.oo on th• all-atar team PAY ONLY O~CE, YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM IS SOLD. GUARANTEED! When you place your "Private Party" classified ad with us you're going to Hll your Item. And If It doesn't sell after the first WMk, we'll run your ad FAEE again and again and ~aln until It does. That's our promise to you. · Your ad will appear In The Irvine Today, Costa Mesa News and The ~ewJM!t1 Enalgn with a combined readerahlp audience of over 185,000. Little wonCier we can make guarantMs like thla. Call us today or UH the ha~ form below and mall In your ad. Then don't go far from the phone. Please Note!· l . OelldUi* Mondays ., noon prior ~o Wtdnaday publkalaon 2. o\U "Priva&e Party Ouaran...a·· ad muat bto .,.paid pnor w publJ«tUon CYou cal\ dw•• it on )'OUr Muw Cbartt or VIHJ card, Jw l c.ll u cw. if maiU"-your .ct. mply wri&e yOW' char card 1\umb.r on d~ coupnn bf.lowl 3. Only pri\lat.41 peny edl qwalify for "Ouar•na.ed, ·• PIM1t no ~mmercial .clwrt'-ra. hcaM, rMbUt homes. or Ia~ for aa cw ... • rnonu for r«>nl. rap • •&.a. _... or w.l oppcrt.uniU •. AR U.. '""If GO. '· Oraij .. "-' ....... 6 'C<irTtCUCM\1 WlU be IIC't'ep&«i only after far l pu lacattnn 1.'&e w. w c:aD and canc.J your .ct ef&cf you·v~ ..ad .vour ttt-m • You can call in your ad direct COAST MEDIA NEWS GROUP 1•••~c•• Newport IMch, CA 12M3 20 WORDS FOR S20.00 ..... _... ...., ........ lllc..,. .-~·. _,..., ........... -~...., .. ..,.. ...... ~ ...................... ,..a..,.. ... ....... c::a.ee c..-- • I • • 1 I • ' • I ' Q Q • e • 0 • a • • ... lloMrl lad.._ (I· N-pori IMolo) loao lteea olol;·-:;· ~ .. ~ ... 1M ~ !.'" .. tloo NalloMI a •Wicaa Coagru.ioaal Coaaittee. At tile orgaal1ot1oaol _....-·NIICC'·--'fte oom•W• '• =~~~ ..... two-~ ....... upol_loti_ol_ tU 1tat.. with Repllll ._.._.ofta.Houee.,r at-large mea.b.r~ I tr.h•oa delegatir 41 Ia all. lodhcm w" tloo Calilon>l tloo NICC ' ol "" ,. , ' ·' Pays High Rates Like the Money Funds! Your Insured Money Market Account pays like the uninsured money funds. And your account at 1st Nationwide Savings is federally insured for absolute safety. You can open your account at any 1st Nationwide Savings office for as little as $2,500. Fully Insured to $100,000 ... Plus Total Liquidity No more risk! No more worry! Unlike the uninsured money funds, every dollar in your Insured Money Market Account is insured to $100,000 by the FSLIC. an agency of the United States Government. Mow · Move You can make deposits or withdrawals to your· account without penalty any time you stop by one of our offices for total liquid- ity. In addition, you will have limited check writing and automatic transfer options. Account. Great News, It's Coming January 5. Don't Wait ... Start Now! Unlike the money funds , our account gives you honest-to-good- ness interest checking, daily access to your money. You can write as many checks as you want. when you want, for any amount you want . And your money is insured to $100,000. Now you can have a 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Money Market Account with limited checking privileges and you can have an Insured Market Rate Checking Acoount with unlimited check writing privileges. Both accounts are federally insured. Don't V(ait ... sign up now. We'll put your funds in a Market Reserve Plan* until January 5 when we will automatically transfer your funds into an Insured Market Rate Checking Account. If you already have Market Reserve Checking and want our new account, just tell us. We'll automatically move you to 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Market Rate Checking January 5. "'1\:)uf dilly account blia.nc. up to 12,000 WfW 5 ~1. inlerest and II II"'IUU'ed by the FSUC The t.lance IS IMICUI"8d by nee. n obkQations o1 11w u.s. Government Of govenvnenr -oenc-. Oont .eme tor ., I)IO.faahion«f ** ~inO .x:ount ------------------------------------------. ------------------------------------------ VI&\ WithNoF~! Why should you pay a bank for a VISA Credit card when 1st Nationwide Savings gives you one free? It's true. When you open either an Insured Money Market Account or Market Reserve Checking we'll give you a VISA card with no annual fee~ Does your bank or money fund make the same offer? •viSA subject to cred1t approval lncQme Thxfreparation at ~Disc ' 0Uflts. Every year, qualified cus- t shave enjoyed substantial discounts on income t~ prepa- ration. This year, you can, too! It's easy to qualify: discounts as high a5 60% are based on your savings account balance with 1st Nationwide Savings. call today to get all the facts and schedule your private appointment. - ' • "~ aq IIIW aaldoue tD aoqaiN laduedal lad b ... D 'Mill• 01 WI.~I'J' a • P".....,. IN.t JMno. heea rellldaat tD ooe•tt ._,.,.,.,_,laid Saa Vaa lnMblgbaaa, director of ct..elDS~meet for the ImD. Co. ~ baduerial Dtri-... n. mo.e • u.. tint apal tlaat ... aq )ogQt.Qg hl th.e ... ooad oi .... '*-ol the 1,2QO. acn ladu.bial park DOt to E1 Toro Nadae AU s.atloo ba h· ..ua.. • • • Tlle lnbae Co. a&llOUAO.d it ia YOlu-.rtag to luallMW hcm- dioapped parkbag ldpl iA ita aboppiDg ceDten lA lnme. New, taller llgu are a ow IDCIDdatort at Dew commwdal Of iAdutrial project~ iA the olty. Th.t ~ ConiOIKUited WAt~r Olttrict boArd of dlr«tors honored outiJOl"' offilct'f'l of tlw dlttrkt't Citizens ~vtsory Commlttft. Pic- tured are (l ·R) Bob Wf4bourn. vic~-ch.trm1n, J~1n Robins. t«rtCif'Y' and Chuck Ropp. chalrmM. Th~ vofuntftf troup ~ltft ttw dietrkt on vartOUt lttun. Ttw dittrtct board mfttt ttw thtrd Thundly of ~ach month at 1.JO p.m. at IHS pt""ntlA ~Vftl~. eou, homemaken cmd retir .. cope with eYerJday legal ~\LNI cmd problema will be pr ... atecl at Otaage Coo11 Cc&ge WI wi.Dw. TUJ.cl "Nlai Law Cou.ne for l.aypenou," the •n• il alated for-Saturdayt, Jcm. 8, 15 cmd 22, from 9 a .m. to GOOD iD 0CC'1 Fine Arta Hallll8. The •n• f .. ia SlO. The Mri• will be conducted by Orcmge Couty attonaey Betty J. Farrell. The opeaing ..... liOil will foc\11 on the language of the Juw aad court eywtem. The MCODd 1 dOD ia titled "The Law OAd Your Fcunily." Topic for the third ..-on ia "The Law aod Your !Atate." • • • Ma.riDe Scieoce Dept. ia offer· iDg a four-UDit COW'M thilepnag titled "Navigatio n and Seamauhi,p." SpriAg •m..ter cl08Me MgLD )ao. 31. The cl081, hlted aa Mana• Science 310 iD the ~ehedwe. meeh Moodaya aod WedneedaJI lrom 11 a m to oooa Studuta are al.o required to earoll lD a four-hour lab. Fifty percent of tlle courM coui.ttl of cla.room work, wh.ale the other 50 percent ia field ~====================~~- HOt sand lnchlng up between your toes and the surf~ just a few feet away. tf\ all P9rt of !hi ~ life. And rv::JtN that you'fe te~ DireCt De~ con make that fife -• ..., better. .. Cune sk1 your boots off Tnt ·r •e•c:).)( •n the pnvac 1 of one of -.paciOUS IU\UIIOlJ '"'Ol.JseS or Yl{j()') !\Jo lu1cr ,ng n uta ·~ '' • · lt:C.ommoclat~ ,n Pan.. • r the authentically restorpr1 1 'Tllf'IIOQ town that S beclf' I I l '' • t'Ortest new cold spot If) rr '#. ...._ reeervattona by 1115/13 Met ~one night trM wtth ~ 7 t atay. C. I (801)64 .. A GI FT that remernber~ by helplrYJ others to live When you ION someone dMt to you-or when • apeaal 1*10" 1"111 • b6nf*y, qU1ta tme*•ng. or hu tome<** OCCasiOn 10 ~~g.fti Of lnbute ~ mede lor '*"' to 'fOIJilung AIIOO!atton help preyent lung ..... end lmptow .. cer. of lae~tl'om· Nemben of U.. Newpod Balboa Rotr.u-y Chab ...... tributlld 09eW 11 #» Ia tote caM to b.lp tb. ~Coale YNCA cDd ...dy clv- i.Do the holiday leCIIOO. CIDOOI'• dbag to Jim <M Boom. YMCA b • ec'UtiYe Director TH Dolphi.M, wcmn'• ~ lloa of the Newport Harbor ANa Cham.bet of CoiiUI*"'e, haft allo oolltrlbuted 1250 for Medy famili .. ttua halidcry ...... The YMCA h<18 aided cbna of famihet during 1982 by providing campe.rahipe, h" mem.berehipe to the u~M~Dployeci aad outn9ht ocah .upport to famiU• 10 need of food, acoor· d.i.Dg to de Boom. tranc~. Ttw photo wu t•k~ MondAy ~"8- "There are o lot more needy iamJJ.l .. ID )982 becaUM of lM ecooom y a.od becauee of tbe }ugh employment." de Boca 101d "We are LDdeed grateful to the Dolpluu OAd tM Newport Balboa Rotary Clu.b OAd their membere for helping to make Chrl.tmaa 1982 hap~er for a loe of child.reo " work. Studeate willepeod plenty of time offahore, worklog oo one of O CC'e 23-foot Seac raft floating lobe. . The cl081 alto i.Ddud• cr\.UMe to Cc.taliaa aDd Sao Diego. Studeot. will receive iutruc tioa iD chart work, docking, aochonag, marllDipike (rope work), poeiboo·fiadiog, heavy weatller aeamanahip, aUJVlval a t aea, current correchoa, and llghta Ao toteroabooal markebog •miDar that eaplai.DI how OAlo· dividual or company can obt<Xlll a lic4!fDM for •lling a product oveJ'Mal will be offered Th lln• day, )an 6 at OCC Titled "Uncle Sam, May P ," th e four-ood·a·haU hour ...mon l.l CO·Ipontored by QCC, the U S. Department of Commerce, a nd the Southern Califoro1a D1.1tnct Export Council. The Mnunar will ruo lrom 10 a m. to 2 30 p m LD Room 108 of 1 OCC'e Admini.atrabon BUJ.ld.LDg R~tratioo fH 11 S20 The fM tocludM lunch, matenala and parking Pre·regtatra t ao o 11 recommended apace 11 luntted S-.ff phoeo by St~ Gtoorll" A DUle·week courae tha t prond• an u1troductioo to the ~chology of adult developo- meat and aglllg will be offered by the OCC Peycholoqy Dept thie epriAg The two-urut cou.rM, u.t.d aa Paychology 140 111 the clau ~ehedule, mMte Thutday after· ooone from 1-3 p m A eecoad DlDe·wMk .._oo begt.n. Apnl 14. The l.Mtructor 11 Dr Mary Mom.oo, a former fellow watll the Adnu.ru.ltlabon on Ag1ag OCC b1ologl.ll, world tra.eler. clunber and Iuker Dt Gary Jam•. will proVlde an Ul·depth look a1 the people, culture, aod oatural wooden of "veral couo· tn• "off tlle beaten path'' dur· LDg a thrH·part lecture aen• at OCC lD January Tttled "Adveotur• wath Gary Jam•,'' the .. n .. mMt. OD rn- day evenLDg•. Jan 7 and 14, from 7 30 to 9 30 p m ID QCC'a Sc1eoce Hall A whale watch1og tour La alated for Saturday morrung Jan 15 Adrn.1a1oo to the two lectur• 11 S3 50 T1cket. for the whaJe watcb.ulg cruae are pnced a t SIS each I ••• s.... ... .4 ... d~ the exten.aive re~noclellDt_ of the Ubrary ln heJ' Lldo la1e home. -. p,.,,u .. helplDCJ to ..U r>_, .. St.-..t·• book of collected verH, and eaJoyi.q every minute of lt. 9--~ eupenialDCJ the 80th birthday party for her mother. ,..._ "'-Q * lD t he pariah hall of 8t. Michael'• and All An9ela Cburch. -...,. 7..,t-d letributlDCJ copi• of hle favorite colWDD deecrlbinCJ hie favorite com· pcmy. s-~· ., a maatermincll.DCJ a Chrletmaa qala cmd trybl9 to command q\&let ao "-• .., f>••• could addre .. tbe crowd. 'P..t ~. d ellqbtia9 ' larc;e aud l ence with a de•crlphon of Referre ~ 7•-• • ..-planation of a que•tlonable call. 25% off Our best selhng pantthose Save 30% to 50% .. ,..,..,.. ,..,.1114~1 :11 (:~.,.., ..,............,.,.. .. ~ Sup r All s het:ts on sale . Sale 4 .79= ......... ___ .. _.,... ___ _ _ .,. ____ _ ........ ... ... . .... ... ,. .. ............ '" ... '" , . ... .. Sale 2.99: ~ ....... -.... -_ .. _ ...... ...., .. • Ski Jacket For Men-Women Glrla-Boya Oud • ' • lft and ''"''"QI ilfj ,. tl•g leah., .. ~ '' pract•Callall ""'I If' tat" c s Featu ~ ~ens toll(! QU Ilea ,ac"P SALE 17'' bite Sale .... . ~--:::z .t:: • ""-""' ............. -G ) I' ....... ~ ..., .. -o ' ., .... J ., ..._ .. --·~ ~l ...... , .. 25D/o oft all ginll , slips, coordinates . . • I I ftllla a lime ol pro6owul ~ b pllhlic edll<lGIIoa Ia~ Tile flnl leacber ~ .............. WGJ . Ed\lcalon m\101 pa. lbul Ia orda-to ol+ila or......,lo after Jaa. 31 . E.,...llhrariaao c:aad lllbllla• *>cltsn a~<~ r~ed to -the test. The -· Board ol Educat!oa has cllllflbutsd a aaodsl plaa lor upgrading grad\IGtloa ~---oall!IMI for fow-yean ol EDgliah, U.... ol aaath (laclud!!MI two ol algebra, one of geometry) and ooclal .......,_ (ODS feai ol world hlolory, one ol U.S. hWory, a ....,...., ol SCODOIJlico and a....,...., ol U.S. g"""""ut); two yean ol fonign. language and 11alural om-;· OilS year ol ¥isual and performing arllo; and a .... ...., ol comput.r MU<XliiOII. MsanwhUe, new otate oupsrlatendent Bill Hoa.ig prepar• to take ollicoo, hOYiag uDssalsd longtime ouperintendeDI WilooD Ril• 011 a campaign to return California educati011 to "the ha8ka." Hollig wanll otudenll to opud more limo Ia ochoal, priDcipalo and loachen to apply more dloclpllao, and dlo- tricto to he more ac:ca\llllable to SacramODto. Thio new aooault by otats appoints. and the logloiaturo ovorlooko tho wealth of gaod in rcrie!ng c:aad educating JOUilg people that io hoing done by paroDII and ochoolo. However, eYen in tho moot lauded dlatricto, toot ocor• ohow room for improvomont. Pollco rocordo indicato truancy r-oro higher them moot ochoolo will admit. A local d.iotrict rocoDUy aDDouncod it hao acquired a com- puter oyotorn which will pormlt kDowing whore oludODII are at all lim•-Clearly it wao DaiYo to haYO bolioYod tho d.iotrict now that in the lint place. Tho popularity of "Baoico" ochoolo (although they in· variably acquire tho comprohonoivo programa of ordinary ochoolo) mooDO Honig' o olagaDO will ha-.o a rocoptiYO aucllonco. But par111lo Deed to domoDOtralo thoU: c:ommlt- mont. Education ·ouccoedo when ochoolo ha-.o gaod programo and parenll ornphaoi&o homework and oro oupo portivo of what toochero are trying to acoomplioh. Truan- cy coao. to hocome a problom when par111ll dOII't g!YO t1111ogoro outomobil• tho moment they are old 1110ugh to obtain a liceDM. Now that California hao froasn ito pr»porty tcm• and dropped ochoof funding "oquare in tho lap of tho Logiolaturo," ao Aooomblywomcm Moricm Bsrg-n eaid recently, the oolaDO are taking a long look at educational goolo ao w.U. Ao Bsrg-n oayo, "Thio Clriola ao it re!m. to education offon s:ac.U011t opportunltw. for c:omprehll1- live reform of our educati011al oyotorn ao w.U ao for a otable, long-range financial boos for education." -TB In State Senator Ollie Spsraw (R-Long Beach) hao in- troduced logiolation that would outlaw prof-OIIal priaolighting in California. Speraw poinll out that whUe milli0111 in in fedora! and otato ICill dollaro oro opsnt or>forcing OSHA and Cal- OSHA lawo and rsgulatio110 on occupatiOJlal oafoty aad health, tho otato lico-people "to inflict brain 011d oyo damage on ooch other" in prof-onal houto. Cockfighting and dogfighting are illogal. hoxiDg io not. "We hove otatut• prohibiting people from otag!ng con- ~-that in.flict permanent and bloody damage upon onimalo, but we make tho otato a principal party to the otag!ng of violent coni-hotw1011 human hoingo," oayo Sporaw. Hio proposed Sonata CoDOtitutioDal AmoDdmll11 3 would Dol preYent amateur hoxing. It would otop Califor- nia from liconolng prof-onalo in a opart that, ao riCIJll evenll haYO ohown, COI1 r.Wt in death. SCA-3 d.on• careful conlideration by the Sonato. -TB The Loo Angel• tim. publiahed 011 articlo 1aot wook analyling the poelblo offocll a n-coUJltywtd. WMkiy plapned by The llegJat.r may hOYO UJlOl1 oa:Wiag -klieo. The article made no meDtioD of tho OCODomlc -oa- psriencod by Ttmeo Mirror Ia opsratlag the Dally Pilot wd U.... -"1!• called U.. Min .. , whla& 1M ocrpora- tioD Ia UD!oadlag to l1lgord1. a CoaO«JJIauu olvda But that'o not tho main pr>Yohra.-Ud ~1M 'naa•' llory. It quctod "•vorallooal ~" • oaytllo llde -groUJ> and a ~ht-JI!Mer grooap "will '-l por- tlolllar pTuure" from a,..., llqillu--aed wullly. • taM -PiOa to wll,al ._ ~U > 1 • lllkL r~ ... 'I'Ould 1111. to ..n tJ..a , , -·•,.-· nt ,.. a't 1taow whore IUr ..... '-tM r.. ••1' · eel: '"ftoo pnb'h• 1 • aoked ao1 to • w eel lm ••• • '" .. Ill .. IIOCIIal .............. ~' ....... two •••" 'llle ODCIIIM1dla Neww QonpliiM..toq .• ._.. .. ... :.~~~·:·=·~=·=11~·~-~-=-: tt-• .. ;'q? I _...,, .,. . ..,..,. ' ·--;z ... rut m Oruge Co\Ulty. UTTUa The heM hope lor lad"*t cmd itl worbn ia k) ooa.til:nae and • .,... ••hcmce the pr..a.t ia- cl\&tiollary ho\&Cag program which reqolloo a -.11 portio~> oi each ptoject to De built for Joww-tacome famili•. With ad.quote ,_J. ..-... tluo la ... tory oi allo.dahle bo"""-9 woWd bvUd up o-.. Ume ucl help our local economy to pr-. Ire -.l001a• letfwrl hom ............. ,.. .... tA• 1'19fsl lo odJI /oz IOD,U.. S...d po!U" Com•Oililr lo z..,_ lo ._.e Edilw, Coo.t III~• Newe lin>up. / ... ......_ Ne•fiOII .a-;/1, CA - ~Million Per .C,our To II.~Edl1o" Ou.r goYerDm•nt pla1u to opood ~ llli1lioa each boiiZ. :14 houn per clay lor the Dut tl'" yean buildiAQ nuclear weapoa.~ cmd theh dell..ry --It ia time to reoJt. that we are bei.D.g maDipuloted aDd im· po...mhed to prowide gezaeraM with more war lop ud aallilary ---~<aver prolllo. It ie time to ogai.D. Mile ou la- berltoa.ce aad iDYelt O\U reeourc. iD a ttroag, cliTer• ~DOIDJ which pro.td• u.l wbat we a...d to grow. AAd. It il lim• to h .... OAcl thea red~ the 1.6 mlllloo I!Uoablmoo we cmd the R""'OAI cmr. ualeaah o.a. the world. St.pheA Pew C.... M- Houainv Pr04ilram Should Be Enhanced To the Edllo<: I ..,. outprioecl that aoy oi tluo decilioa.-mak .. , matt recu.U, the cow.ty Plcmn'ng Ccwm• Goa, wouklw~ o p.,_ ovt of the iDclUiio&llary program. 5 Y-o Aqo Doc. II, 1877 n.. oily ol Newport Beach cmk.d huoecl em_. _, lem>ld F"'*-to -tluo city oa ... lti.Dg a oou.rt order to abut clowa Oru.qe Couty AUpoot. • • • • Bob Joboooo T.- OUR WATU I'U'I'UU A ~ '-"are ol tM Nuk:ipal ,..., DWriot o1 o.oa.g. eo-e,. Oraave CoUAty baa o rolafoll ._ ol ooly 13-per year cmd 0 populatloA oi ..... 2 millloo. s. .. oty-llft ~ ol Orcmv• Couty'• water: •uPFB- are Imported from the Colorado Rl,y.r or North..,. Colilonlo. A +fltxtnt ClmOQill ofaattQDly -the Coloroclo -wlll'M loot .. -.. ... 1--That .. _ all ol ... la Clrcoge eo .... ty wlllh<mo to do...,.,.-- ..ne ow limited waW wPCilieL AIL area wMre we ccm.-_.,. coulderable water i1 the halhroom. Approxlmalely boll oi Oraage CoUAty'o •"'Odeolial ·-.. UMCiiDcloon cmd olaool 1$ pe-.t ol our ladoOr - \1M oceu.rs in the hat1t.room . The toiWt u... the moM water m u.. bathroom. E.., "=• a ..U.t ta D.W.ecl, 011rwk•o from 3 to 7 gal!ooo ol -g-lak> t.U ...... n •• on two .. to cut dow. here. Fint, doi:L't ,... the to~Mt Cll a wa.t.hoMet, ud. "" -~~or O<IIDJICIIp .. ~ the city IKDD.e to "lalhoa" 1A l!M8, but WOI def.ated then, too. ••• leOODd, reduce tbe wot.r per OuaD. M:a.t toilellt \lM m.OJ"e wm.r tbmt. ia -.1 r vy aad work oo well with '-- lA I UAe 1981, tluo Calllorola O.pt. o1 w-.._..._. 1a coo~rotioa with Muaiotpal Wotor 01o1r1c:t o1 o..._ eo .... tr . ...ra water oon~l!wotioa ldt to _, -l """"""" Ia tluo ltlt .... 0 bag tllat, ... liD- eel willa walor cmd '"" >od Ia tluo 1ollet laU. dMplaoecl two-tlalrdo ol a galloa ol-. ••• 1M waM d ... olaclag bog, a pbt6c milk or laWldry bold. -be YMCl iutnd FID tM botUe wttb -cmd 0 ........ of pebbl-lo -'9kt tt cmd plcooo tt Ia JOW" ..U.t laU. ""' lram tluo m.-.lao -" Ia tluo lao&. Doa't -brido. lriclao may beg!., lo clio- illlegrat. allor ow!UI., """"""' MtiOUI probl~t iD 'JOW' plum• blag. TGU.tl cxm oleo 0. aotoriaut lor btdde-....._ A 1aak - -k....Ueclo ol gallooo ol water per clcry. L.ciU occnu whea tluo toU.t fo .,., ol adj.,.. m .. t or whea pmW are wan. A 1ealt CXIA be d1aCJied bJ plod119 o drop or two ollood coolorbolia 1M taak. u-. Mod pedod.ol -the colcrioo obawo"J!la ~ -~ ,.., .... got 0--~ a liaple ......... it Dec I I I J or a r~eal:ofo wan peat. 'heJihaPfld=O...._...__....,.. ,_.._ .......... wet 'su • T.o Groat Cal-dare For Tho Now Y- U hualog .-o ... loaf at tluo llnt ol ....... year -oaly oputa.g a uw ooleodm, there oro o oou .... ol beoutl. a•ailable iD our azea~ the ~ap&ic ncelleace ol tM Hoog Hoopttal otoH oad tho ~aleaclor proch~ecl by Pbotoqrapher R•a• LcnarMa. Botb coleaclar1 wJll aot be tllrowD away a year &om. aow; IDODY oi their ill--will be lromed lor ''"" -You. ewtaialy would u;pect; a Rue Laurwo caleador to be ou.tlkiDdiag; that'• lUI .bav. But tile doctou, 11.\lne• aacl labaralary lech•ldou at lloag eacell Ia dally oldllt Ia~ Ufe GAd d4Nztb d.a.ioDII lt' I IW- priolag cmd blllllillatlag .. !lad they dloo bow about !- depth oi lt.ld cmd ohullor ...-1- For o1a y-. the otall at Moog baa """''*""' Ia 0 pbalograploy coat.t. A y.a:r a90. the wta.D.en ..,.. pvb'k'td iA 0 ccd-dcm lor tha llnt time, oo port oi the hoepital'• 30th aaa.iYeuazy celehratioa.. Tile COIDmuaity t.actiOD WQI 10 fovora.ble that the hQIPital'1 pv.blic: reoldou dept .• uoder s ...... e Moriclch. cleoldecl1o do it ogala tlUo ,_. AdmiJIWra">f Nichae1 S•J)Mu declloot.d tluo caleador k> tho 2. · 000 -pi-oi Hoog. Grand pn. wluer Jill loit. R.D., dietcnf, recei•ed aa "t1110ape week ... d" foe two at the Ne,.port Mmnott lor bar pbalo ol a Ncn.u 1u..a..t. Each moatA of the fea:l feat\ll'" a wiD..D.er: N.-ltoroa er-. Ia tluo 1uar1ery; Dr. Jolla Skiaa•r. SY~G:D DllDCCID b:1. ~-... -Soroh Y oklcmcll, Ia tluo laboratory; Dr . Horuel ....... ~, Ricl>ardo Peralto. p.U..oaa.ry; O.b DeWall, a alUM ia p.cJiatric•; Su.taa. "-"· ill Iabar cmd cloli..ry. Ricl>ard Colloy. pl>armacy; Eel ftom01, pu'mdDOry, a:.bd LiAda Heelo, pllonDOCJ. Rea• Lawwa'• caleadaz re~tt tke nberb work of aa ou-g e>r.._ Coutay art r.eourc:.. $pec:bnalar color pbolaa ladodo tluo *"' oi tho lle,.port-Euoooda yaohl """'· llogen Gard ... la Corooo dol Mor. Loko Mir'ow Viejo . ..... -· Ia 0 vr-belt "' Nowpoot ...... o pr.tty blood rUulav 1a loB vr-heoldo lr- riae l.ciJ.e t. lrriDo Pmk. Lour••• accompaa.ied .lu• caleadar with a llohda y gre•ti.llg, re.t•wilag Ilia ac· H-ritl.a, <Did -ol lUa lomily duriag the pool year. The p ...... ta ta. cole= b ' u .mel. a:r• of '"local --that OGJ -tMa J, why we lift, work cmd play Ia tlUo lowoly ......•• Laurwo -ou ol tha lop photovraphera for ta.e Lo1 ""~f-. ... he- lUa Lo.....,. Color Lab •- '-"""' Ia ~ Jony l.f.U.. wllo --South Cooot All Ceater ta Co1to Me1a, i• ......... ollowlacJ 0 c:lfoPay oi "-'• ~7 -Ia -~to proopedllo, - ''A..'• OCIAJN ... buill Oil quW --.... t.cbinol .... ~. oo= '111D<t'1', ~. ~Wililb--\ani ~ Aad -·---~ ~ o1 a.-C....tr, wklck obi.. ...._.. .. -y ol loJo p ............ 11{1tea rou. ••• R•••'• c t h• h, tM. plaoto of tile c-..., a ' ••"' ....._ .. ol Q dl t ... at DaM w a. .... ••'* •'•J :aa ... do Ia aa oltl f••U• • ......... Mocl 01' .. oW......,. -Ia lnlloo. -... -... ....,,....JooryMePwat • TtoeloMofOI r~lo -.. .............. __ Jl'l nai._.L. n "'"-"'..__ .... .. _.. .. r•••• ti san 1 -... i!:: ... "' .. ..... I I __ ......... . :L"' ,.,. .. ........ . -• t:!l·t: .... - • ' "I I"'UDAY • DEC. 17 en.... rwu.e eqwall ...... ad a paiat ~~at 13.'10D .... aepoaW..._froa aar, WW6aa ... 1a u.. a block ol Wrrt t·dn ... A Ralt* Lcn&r. R1t. a Ralpb Law. .... joc:Mt aacl tkee ~ Law. .a.ut.. ~ at .... wenr....w--.&o.acar helaegi. to DaaW Narb Her- "CC'Hi-m r-. Wcmd... •• YWeo _.. of TV oca.at~ oa Americcm To1llilltler br#ek~~re oad hro CUI.tmoe pr ... a. ~G.d at Sl.~ ... NpCIItMl ..._ frcm a car heloagi~ to PcnaJ.a. Gtace Woodbury ia tM 3'700 block of N.wpon. An..- Ni.De people..,. cmadrr.t oa 1\lapic:ioD of cl.rua.ku driN.g, ia- ehac:liAg th.r .. from Newport Beach. Philip Bonoa PWI.r, )ohD Elliot Heydeanic!. cmd Baa bora Alwell Sa.,... Two mea wwe anadar.t oa l"tPri'>n of c::li8ord.,ly cooduc:V latoaca· tion with alcohol, n•itber of Newpon Beodl ... ~Andrew Squire, 18, of GoUhenbwg, Md . WGI an.-.d oa w.pidoa oJ PQ •• ing ompbetcDiliAa )oeeph Roymond Hmla-. 20, of Gard.n Gro.-., WQI an.rt.cl oa auapiaon of petty theft .. Aug\llll Jam• Coluc:c:i, 36, of Arcadia WOI orr..ted Oil w.picioa of nolota.Dg probaboa SATURDAY. DEC. 11 Crimu A man elaima.Dg to be wtth the PLO telephoned a bomb threat to Our Lady Qu .. a of Anvela Cathohc Church H• told a wltn .. that a "l().m~ton bomb" wou.ld -.plode duriag a SUDclay maa. Tlue an the third tune mnee Auguat a bomb threat ba:e been made aQCiiut Our J.a.tr ... At.a.a ....ta!Ml.-l ....... --at ao. waa ........... lroa Nortoa ~ ........... a..r, ...... A • .,._ walll ooeM"'ae 7'00 .....,. tr..a. ad a ,.._. ctrh-~ .... .. NpCIItMl .W.. tN. a oaR cbifta br O+twNewu.oi,__ wWca .. pc:a:WatS.Wban ad r..... A cbea CHallloal' C~rt.taol UgllU.1llbe were repon.d no&.a fro. AlMrt Ncmdao ill tlae 1700 b&ock of Port SMI&eld. Tit..,.-. .abaed atl3.. ~ Dcmd ftil KnMa. 29. of Fa.D.brook. waa carr ' r.t oa ..P· doll of .... , dnuaba d.mlav··· Niae mea were arnllted oa eueplc:ioa of m1edemeoaor drv.aba cbi"fta9. lachadia9 fi" lram Newport leoc!.: TlaotbJ No.rk L.,oa. Roaold Wlllt.om N~. )CliMe Robert~. St•p!.•a )oba Griffltb aAd Th~ AaU.O., SoW.W. ... ll lll<lll wete car•••• r.t oa ·~ of dllord.rly c:oaduc:V iatoldca· tioa wit!. alcohol, iaclucliag thr" frOID Newport Beocb: Michael Deanll McCallum, Dcr.id )o!.a Lee oaci Ac:uon Deem Ncab .. Loren Joe Q.,..... ..... 24. of ....... ,...... WQI QUI dl d Oil 1\lc of .aD· dolilm.. ~ lutiag. 19, of Huatiagtoa beach, wa1 anae11r.t oa ~oa of peltf No aclv•rt;.., in tlu. pap•r ;. m01e than a qo/lon /rona you ........... ............... A wbJte gold wecidiag and eagogement ring report•d .eolu O.C. 1 WQI found iuide on ea..lope ia the ecdety depc.it boa at Loe ADge1tiJI Federal Sa•inge, 3201 Newport Bo~. A theft WGI reported to New· port Beach polk:. wbeD the ric· tim, em eklwly lodJ, did not loccrte the jewelry ln th• boa. A ~ look a f•w daye lat•r foud th• piece eaf• and 10unci, police eczid. tMII~ IUI&NI -au ••~'• .. , •• II K• ''' 11141\ \ nl(l '" ,1 I •• rl' ", ·"""'' • ''-"\tlh\lt'l •ttUtlll:ll~'l\ • t.lt \Ol.-.110' tJ\It' 1111"11.\ l\HI.IIH\ 'Al0ll"'·' oua tl&T ~ftMMIY ...... TM LOOA.~ AMA NOACK TIOPHY 1 ~u f I 'th C\tr~t No 11 7 Costa ~sa tat ro" !rom Von \ ShopprniC \t-ntt"r) 646-'J4J UP TO 75% COMMJSSION D~~PLUSCO~ENCE AmCTica's leadmg bank and Amenca ., lcaJmg dt"ie::ount brokcra~t· hrm. Chadc' Schwab & Co . lnc have 101ntoJ fmt:c' tn bnn.g you a new '\tock tran~ttt1un -.crvKc Now you can buy or M:ll \CLUnllc" at a dtscount at the Schwab <;tock Brokerage ServlCies Counter. ln'-tde ~b.tt'li branchc., ol Bank of Amenca. \bu'll nne only ~Vl' up to 7 'l'\. on t'flm · rrussions, you'll get a<kled umvcmcncc m the bargam Bcc:ause on<X you open ynur Schwab Account you C3l\ handle all of rout securiti uan.sacuons nght whcrt you do your bankJ.n&. PIND OtJr HOW EASY rr IS TO IUY AND SELL SECURmES V t the Schwab Counter at scl«t(d bran~ and we'll dc=monsuatc how to usc the quote machine that 81~ up-to- the· minute quocca. bl can cb«k pn on )'OW own aecwitks. Or et the latest quote on any uaded item. Even on brisk tracb,.na days. AOO, if }OW safe dcpmit box is located at a branch with a cnuntct, then A n•w eecurity..,....... ~ im· pzcno. .me. for library patrou bJ pre .. ntiag uaauthorl.d bonowiq of boob ha. bea Ua- ..n.d at aD bnmc:MI of tla• N•wport &.cob PuhiJc 1..ibrorJ. Book k.M, wb.k:h her.. been .,,,u ma\ \.lith mu\ \. the teruhc.nc' \tlU rt 'tllan~ lrum vnur ho'< to the \th'''·th ~lUrttlC'-Dc.:pc.Nt &l'( In aJJult)n, wnh vout "'-hw.1h •\LL'ItUnt n11t nnh c.m vou hu' anJ -.ell -.ccurltlt'' whtk vou bank hut vou II have .ll~'l'"' tu '»chwab Account bt-cuuvc' b\ a toll frt-c xno tdephonc number You U lO place urJcr' nr get quote-; 24 hour each J.w ., J•tY' a WL'Ck. tncludmg most hohdaY' TiiE CONVENIENCE Of AUTOMA11C SEriU!MENT W1th a Schwab Account and a Bank of Amenca chc:cJun.s aa:ount, )QJ'll enJOY the extra CUlvmJtnee ol Automauc Scttkment We'll dcbu or crcdtt yow Bank of America Acoount lor sccunUl-s uansacuons. And we'll even dcposu J>tock dtvtdcnd Automaucally. Th&.\ ehnuna~ the bother of wattll'\8 for checks tn the mau or baring to !tmd chccb m umc to pay for purch&Ks. What'i more, every uanYcuon t con\~Otently recorded on your monthly Timelt-IVCf Statemen" Comt antO one of the Bank of America brancbc listed hcrt Or call Chart~ \th\<l.ah ~ lo lnt toll tru.· Jt 1"'0tll h-1~ ... 1,(~} ext ::..t FmJ t)lJt hn~ t\l hu' anJ ..ell "t'lunta~ mort L'onvcmcmh ~hw.Ih Brnkcra~t· \crvlct·~ l1lunter' .1n· hKJtt·J Jt thr tullt~"'IO)t B.1nk nf -\rlll'rh .. 41 hr.~nLht' Newpon Bc.JLh w..l-l V 1.1 Ltdo ~wport Center ~l> Newport Center Dttv<. Laguna Hill'> ~~~ Calle tic Ia Plata l'k.a~ 'CTlJ me ll1(lf'(' mlofm.Ailon no \tock Bmk(T ~rv~ \iamc AUdr~ ------------ ~·nv _ Sutt _z.ar ---- Phun( 1 I---------- t 'unml Bank nl AlornQ C\lSPilCT 0 Mall~ Lhatlft Cic:hwa.b & Co., l"' One SmJnd Sam <.an franaJClO, ~lOS • Parking . On Premtaes for a gfand ~- Holm Arm-een. the man r .. ponalbte tor Chez Dante'a, com- bined hla culinary .a.nt from FrMCe and America to create ao·me of the moat authentto P.rench outalne found In or.,.~-a. Rudotfo. OM of A.r· maoan'a trMaur ... prcMd .. lmllglnetlon In .,.,y. oourte' from .. ...._ ....... not eN.-garloed to the cold ktwt aoume thet waa aweet, tart and ..,..,..,.. Not to let the me.ra beginning and end ...., ... ahow, Rudoffo ..-.d .. froge' .. to tender perfection and the veal Norwegian. tlnlahed With ahrlmp and a wh .. cMM a~UCe. would M worth~. Everything about Chez o.n••• Ia aubtte. faavoq ftow. Lighting gkMI. W.,.,. .,. un- obtrueNe yet attentive. All appear aerloua about their Job. the A ward-Winning CONTINENTAL CUISINE Just af~w mi/~s down tit~ COQ.JI • luncheons • Dinners • ~.-Sun. Champagne Brunch l~ttimotr ittdOM or polio dirti"' CAR 0 Lt COL£ 011 piolfo-vocols FOR A REAL -...&tu¥· -- 686 South CoMt Hwy. W&una&each TASTE TREAT fl CflOft:/ . rP"rter <ilo GOURMET DINING M£01TERRAN£AN RM 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD. CHAMP~GN£ IRUHCH SUNDAY'S to-3 ,_. lAVlNE. ,. ... LIFOANIA DANCING NtGHTL. V -CAIARET L.OUNG& "" CAn A IN'S TAll( COF F U SH~ -24 HR$ fOtlootitt OfMtt CouiiCVAif"'t (7141 833-2770 THANK HIAVEH '0A UTTLIGutLI GaG I I'M GLAD 4111 NOT YOUNG ANYMORt toOct ._~and the ...,. .... reoonN'Mnd. Priot to .....,.. tNe pll••• pltlllf, .. hlld -~to­A.rmeeen about New y..,. at Chel DM"'a. He Mid tMt .aong wtth cMtnPIIQM and dan- Cing. merrymak.,. wUI umpte auch deMghta • a11mon w.eetnotor .. a filet oappad with ~aiii1M and a Chell• rwt mou••• "Our food will be aenaattonal," Aid Ar· fNIQM. ''The priva• club atmoaphere will lend a apeclal Intimacy to our nlght-lono ~ that begin at I :SO p.m." CMI oan .. ·• '' cer-tainly a New Vaar'a alternative to lampahadea and Lom- bardo. Vat, tor a ,..,rant thla good, you don't need a apeclal occaalon to try lt. Whether yocl umple the oulalne at New Vear'l or a regular lunch or dinner, r...,. vatton1 are auggeeted. Chez Oante'a. 1701 $pNitl Umlled ,,...ltteltt CHARUI CHAPIJN'I ,.. ''TIEIBTEIT IIC1'A111" 673-1121 Corinthian· Wf11, 1332. Along .. the Chel. .. tound ....,.,.. --, .. ~ur~ta oftettnt apeclat menua and .............. no .. •ortw. Healltl ....... .. •• ~,..... 101 .. .. ..... ~.--· ~~ dinner that Ia too ~-.ewn-. cun """:" or pert\a" auepenae ta~'4'111u .. ......... ~ .. .... an for not .... lng "-menu. we are .... .... """' ... wWbe~Therele only one .....,.. and for $175 per pereon. you wltl dance, cline and alp Imported wtne.. Emaato'a ~ 333 BayU:Je Or., t7a.. ·~733, .. Mf'Ytng their regular twa until t p.m. At thla tltne, the feetiYitiea MOin whh a ·~ menu that ln-cludee pheuant and chocolate tortea. Champagne will 1>• MrWCt. Dancing, a car· toonlat and a fortune taller wm help gueetl Into 1813. • Ttw MI. 180 New· pOrt c.n.... Or.. 720- 1100, haa ... unga at 8:30 and t p.m. Oueata wm enjoy reck of lamb, a fNiet Of wei with all the aocoutrementa. Champagne, of oourM, and apeclal dNMrta that Include a raapberrl• melba. AIMENS 21.36 Plocent10 (ot VJCtOtiO) CostoMeso ~2.Q600 ()fY"(g 6-l030pm 6-7..30pm Speool HOURS: M-...S.t. ll-9 S....l-1 ~ty JUt. Lee ._, ,_.. bca ad Reed Spriak)e )dell oB the aew year ,uh a ciaJ of bowl ...,.. ad tn•• ,._lade 80 or 70 ~ ... up a 1Mir oa tM pdo, P'll laaall taw. Uuwgaout laeAr bome cmcl tM gv.ell bc>U., t\an oa u tela..._ ..... iacllucif.Dg OM of tM UW !Mg ICI'MU OMit aad throw opeD tM cloon. Rltca ICIJI (la 1Mr cieMgWNJ NonNPm·aa-.or.d E:aaJWl) "I tiWak New Year'• DaJ il a temlc tUM to lacn. a paltJ. E-..ryou a. Iliad of lee dowa after~ ... ma~~r_but I tiWak U'• great to haft a whole oew year to look bwarcl to. "We haft a ftrJ relaDd. OCIIUal time willa loti of nd .... •t Jroaa lootball ~ TJ.oee wbo doo't watch alae gam• ocm get ~-acl ftllt. AJer aD the dr ... up "-• ov.r tb.e holiday. it' a a reU.J to wear llacb cmd a j.-, with yow favorite '-elm'• ~for fwa." Reed, a t!Wd'9eDW<ItioG COD· butter aud parmeea.D ch ... for ~ maa, owu FontaDa the fi.rat courM. Thu com• PcrtlDQ aacl h01 ben "cootrac-Gra•alacb (raw, mariAotecl tor of U.. year," a member ODd Salmon) with potato aalad, ~ of the .n. Cootrac· ICI'CIIDblecl 4KI;. cmd pWilJ*· ton IJceo•Dg Boar~ cmd il em Dickel bread. ardut eupporter of Ail corD· To tuu..h up willa a .wMt. ~Uta mwaity ClAd po!ib. make• Lingonberry Nou11e Rlto, a Datift of hrg • Soutfle. When Rita wa. bl 1 .. NorwaJ., waa educated afflueDt dcrya cmd didn't wiab to Eaglcm , modeW lD Euro , b u y a 11 t h • u q ulr e d U..a came to America to model Lingonberry pr•••r•••· abe aad dcmoe. She wa. a dcmcer iD •tr•tched it with craDberry Lake Tahoe at Frcmk SLDc1ra'a club for a year where the eD· to.,.ct alae chaDce to mMt famo\l.l To~. two gregariou•. hOIIPltobl• people tpeDd aeveral c:laya reodtf..D9 thi.Dga for their party. Reed hang a football baJ'Deft cmcl Gaga aud p.\acee alae teWrWoa .... cmcl Rikl atar1l cooking up her delicioua apeoialtiee-NorwegiaD Split Pea Soup, which tak• at lea8t Une .... cmcl Grcnaloclla, wbidt taae thrM to tow. They tefft RUo'1 eoup with FreACh bread ~ willa garlic KMpUp With Thlnga -RMd Calendar fQ\lC. NOftWIXJIAN IPLrl' PI:A IOUP 6 ao~tecl t.amboca 6 Iorge canota., C1&bM 4 larv-OIUOU ciao.d • la.rge potatoea, diced 3 boge lplit VT ... 1*1* (Anowli.Md Mlllia) 3 bay lea... 6 wheW. block peppercoru 6 whole~ Saam.t km.llocb ( CJ1 1.-aM 0-cicrJ pnor eo •rt1A9) ua aq. W'01IIIr b s-4 houn, ltirriAg occaaoDGlly ~. ,..,ewe lot ~ lollowiav day SLa.. baa CJIId broth .nth aU remcd!U.De la· qTedleatl tor 3-4 howa Salt cmd pepper to liCIII4f Add OAf trpe ol broth (ei!Jeaa, beef) U .oup b.oom• kM> tiUck s.n.. 16-30 , lty Dma YOD Bv.t•r The O.O.mb.r lllu• of Town cmcl Coutr} f~ "Th• R.tu.ru of th• O.butaAt. Ball." lade.d, mor• young lacli• are b.mg pr .. .ated aero. the na· tloa than •••r Mfoze. Th• balll th~• han b.c:ome more lcmlh, emu.lati.ng the debutl in tbe ballroom of St. · )am•• Palac•. where the formal protocol of a youg lady being preeut.d to IOCi.ty ~an. Young ladi• from Ora.age County are pr ... nt.cl in wch wbit.-tie aftain aa Loa Roeaa, Laa Campana~, Natio.aal Chari· ty IAague and Children'• Home Society. In addition, many daughter~ come out in L01 AA~lee. Euro~ and N.w York. Val•rie Blake Santore, daughter of lten.n.th aAd AAA Blake Satin, wa1 recently pr ... nted at the Debutante AIMmbly, New York City' 1 old.-pr ... .atation ball. Th• Debutante A..nbly waa founded by Mu. Thomaa Webner Edgar H•r gra.ad· dcNPt.r, Mn. Rob.rt Stith WWiclma, )r., ca:rri• on th. tradi· b . The apouorillg committM r.ada from the pag• of the Almach de Gotha, Debrottl and th• Blue Boob with 1uch w.U- bOWD nam• a1 Mn. IWIU'J E. I. Dupozat. Prince. Wterhaay, HRH Prince Willy •oA ThUJ'D und Tam and locally Barbara S.n.Ml A.ndeJ"'In, Ttaoy Garro, Arlhur Bircher and Dorothy Smith. Valerie, her famlly and friuda -Mary Blake, Robert Santore. ltatberi ne Ann Nauman (who came from Hong ~ong) and Allan and Mark M:~der -bega.a the New York ct.b partMe with a high t.a at Ncmcy and Robert William.a' Long lllaud ••tate, Pelham Maaoz. lA the daya euuillg, a whl.rlwind of mother-daughter, father-daughter .. uti and par· ~ were att.Aded by the youg lac:hl l.admg up to the actual ball. The A...mbly il trad.itioAally held lD the gold and wbite Baroque ballroom of the Plaia A GIFT trot remerrbers by helprg others to hve • DEBUTANTES of Newport Buch chapter of ChilchlJ't Home SocWty at\endtd pr~-ball party last wetk few them and their e~eorts. Sonw of debs pOHd for photo above. They IN( front row.ldt to rieN) Alyson Jor- dan. SMiley PortCf. S~ a.dot, Perri Heaton. llrbara B.lrr and Natah~ Gray, (wcond row) Martha Bonner. Ywtte lohM ... hany Ken· Hotel Nancy William1, th• debe cmd their mothua, aloAg with the ci.lpitaMI, gr..t the gu .. m the Ga.U.ry Mfore they "* the ballroom which ia f.-oo~aed with twinkli.ng wbit.lightl, .U.er tollage and pi,D.k Dowen. Eaoh cleb then il eeconed by her father lDto the ballroom to mob the traditional promuod•. th• formal curllry and the v~aa­ Walb, after which the 70\lDO ·AU you'll~ need to know about fk>rist:s: ladiee' eeoor111 may then cut in DwiD.g the nen.ing .ach of the 30 clehutanw NOli" nCJM90JI to commemorat. their pr ... AkJ· tion. Looally the Children' 1 Home Soc:l.ty d.butcmte ball il iA the ICIIDe gun. The ballroom of the N.wport Marriott il b.autifully d.corated to recein the 22 yoUDg ladi., who oleo follow the tradition of the promenade, DEBUT ANTE V alene 81* S.ntonr wuh her ~~t• k~rwth and Ann B&.b S.un • ... P--Stiff photo -.y OtN "on~------------------ and debe alih Lau.ne S...U purchOMd her gOWll iJ:a Pcma th.il IUIIU:ner, while ahe OAd Scmdy .. r• maki.J:ag the grand tour. The fi" hOlt famili• had the Sew•ll home beautifully d~ated with red and white polDMttiaa, pane con• and nergrMu, which o•dowed mto the t•.at.d ar.a. where U.. d.be and their ..:on., aa w.U c. the paxentl, daDCed UAtil the ... bowt to the m\llic of tbe "SlDglee .. The cli.D..u~ •~ by Cat•nng UDhmlted waa a gourmet ~ht and a larg• aJad del•ctable array of d ... rll .. r• O'YCiilable, all of wlaich wwe made by the ha.t motMn, a1 if they did not haft cmyt.IWao .-to do duri.Dg t1Ua tim•. The 1982 ChUd.r.n'a Hom• SocWty d.butantee cmd th.u parenll were ny. Ann Sammtt. laurw w~l and Janac Addy, and (third row) kmtln Bumajian. l~nor~ Ruttn. kayla Gray. A.drWnrw Gunk~. Sharon S.mptOn and Grddwn Stahr Ja.aae Addy, Carole aad Frcm.k Hculem, Barbara Ban, LJ'Dll aad Cl.m•t ~ KriMn Ba.majicm, t:lcn.n. aDd Bob ~ian. Martha Boo...,, Peel cmd W.DiagtOD loaa•, laylo and Nata.U. Gray, A.ua cmd }amee Gray, A.drieaM Gwa.kel, Rita a.ad Jam• QUAke~; P.m H.aton, Nancy aDd C\anll H.aton, A.lpoD Jordan, }aut and Richcud }ordcm, a.tha:ay C•DAY, eo.ad cmd .... ~yl, Y••tte Lob., YYOIUM a:ad Raymond Dcma; Micbel&e Ogata, Patey and Ma1amt ~ato; Allpo.a Pluo, Joau cmd A.l.bert Pi.uo, Shelly Port•r. Carol cmd H.rb.rt Porter, Sh.yl &doe, Sandra and Alez Radot, lA.aore Rutter, ~t tmd J E.T Rutter, blle Sam.m.ia, Jocm cmd Lee Sammie, Laurie S.w.U, Sandra a nd R.acha%d s.w.U; Sharon Sunpeon Jcmioe cmd Doug SUDpaon, triA SliUth, Thereaa and f ore1t Smitb, Gretchen Stahr. Di.,beth cmd John Stahr. Randy Trebler. }acquelyu and Pe% Trebler • the St Jam• Bow OAd the walta To r•mem.ber their pr ... otation, each debutante recei•ed a Chi.ldr•n'a Home Society gold medallion The CHS debe for the mo.t part are away at ooll.ge. Whe.a they come home for the holidaya, they begin their whirlwind oJ pre-d.b J>CUt*. Anna and Jun Gray, Nancy and Curti. Heaton, Lynn and Staff photo It\' Barr) SlotMn Clement Hu1ch, Sandy and Richard Sewell and Doug Sunp- aon ho.ted ooe of th ... pr•deb di.nne~ dancea at the home of the s. .. u.. Much thought i.a gt•en to th.M pre-partl• by parentl School'• Out- Watch For Kicl.a )olin £. tJJCom. CUSTOM PH<.Yf<.)GRAPH1' We Are PROUD To Have Photographed Russell and Pam Evans • .. , ........ ..... Saua't toalalell a.pe b. ean cmd eyee opeD ~~.at the ~aa4-eare.--.al tMeo••••~ ~ DaU Hall cilwl ... JeD.iMidlrt1 Z09elba ewe •h.....,cmdoa am.... JDGrable t~.e HaDa 'opnii:l tMlr Jll__.. ad •· ~a tuMr clla.-r wUll fcmUly ad trieDdn. Vloe Mayor Eric Johuoll cmd w. w~Je. ctaar, .-at c~ at 1.a11e 'tcdlloe. '!'alar Jwelller caae &om Hawaii to jcUl her 'Par•• cmd two brodMn cmd .w• rcme eDjoy.d lldiDg aad em oW-IaahioMCl troditioDGI turkey cliaaet aDd pumpkm pie Oil Oriltma8 Ocr. Cowadlwomcm Norma Hert- mg, her childzen aDd th.U fa.Wea-a thrM geoeratioa epD-.peDt ChriatmCII at Lab Arrowhead. 11Ue WGI tile tint Oriltma8 away from home but Norma laid that their traditloa of tile big turkey and all of the trim· IILlagt azad the IJ)Idal holiday aagel roll lhe alway. mak• remai.Ded the ICIDle. CoucihnaD Ed McFarlcmd aDd hie wife Pat eDjoyed a Chriltmae cli.Dzaet at Pat'e Iiiier' a boUM foUowed with atteDdlng the ccmdleligbt ..me. at tbel.r chuch. Oa ChrWmCII Day the NcFarJaada had a big family celebratioa and turkey d.i.Dner at tbeU hoUM. CouDollwomaD ArleDe Sclaaf• cmd her huabcmci. Jim, ...U Ch.Ntmaa E" together with their ehildzeD aDd Ari.ne' • fGreDta came ill from SaD Diego. ArMDe made a prime rib dianet with ltrawberry tcu1a for cl-.rt aad aome pr .. Dta were opeaed. Then Oil Chriatmaa morDiDg they opeDed their pr .. Dta followed wtth a brwach ot a tamily tCI'f'orite, egg aDd aauaage dilh, haebed browo potatoet azad bieouitl. City maoager Fred Sonabal aDd hia .U., Marl.De, tpezat Ch.ri8tmaa Eve at home aDd Fred aaid that they eDjoyed a "gatherlag of the claD" io Woodlcmd Hilla OD Chrittmaa Ooy wbeD they opeoed their pz .. nta. At the Soreabal'• dur· i.zag Cbriatmae there wcu aD abuzadanoe of chocolate chip Dut oookiet-Fred'• fa•orite holiday treat. City clerk Eileen Phinney ell· joyed opeDlDg pr .. eDtt with FOWLER HERTZOG iamily me.U.n OD Chrillma. Ew.. Oa ~ monU..D9 the PJU.ue,. weat to church aad thea eajoyecl a troditloaal turkey diaaer with homemade CI'Gilbeny eauc.. The Pb.lzau,. alway~ Ugbt their fireplace dur- ill9 the holidayt. Chamber of Commetoe prlli· dMt E. Fowler aad b.ia wife, PhyW. !.ad a ~ family rewaioo thie Chrietmae. Their three daugbten aDd their fa.miU .. came &om T•-~ Sl1aftr Lake aad IUftnide azad Pbyllia' 88- year-old father joilled them ae well. OD Chrietmae E•• e'NryoDe went to church aDd Oil Cbriltma• Day tbe pr ... Dtl were opened aod the Chriltmaa Story wCII read. The Fowler'• family eDjoyed apritl oooklee aDd maDy other NorweglaD goodie~ a. c:t-rll to their holi- day meala. OD Dec. 28 the Fowler'• daugbten hoMcl a big reoeptioD azad buffet ill hoDor of theil pareDII' 40th wedcllog aza. DiYenary. Tlle Chamber of Commeroe'• Nate Reade and hil, Thelma, apent Ch.Ntmaa E•• golDg to their c hur c h '• apeo ial candleUght eervice choir perfor· mazaoe with two of their cbildreD. Clui.tma.l Day wa1 .,eDt at bOJDe celebrating with a big traditional turkey dinner. Police chief Roger Neth azad Ail wife, Jazae, tpeDt Chrilbuae E•• delivering pr ... DII to hii89- ·Jear·old mother aDd to other reJd ... aod friudl. Oa Chrilt· mae monling the Nethl' cbilcheD came o•er to opeD ;Uta and that enning a tuzkey diADer wae eDjoyed at Ja ne'• brothe r '• hoUM. JohD Petruaiello, fire chieJ, prepared Itallao rmolia for Chrlatmaa. He laid Chriatmaa il a quiet time lor him Iince bJa fcrmtly il bac k ealt. Lein.re SeJ-rioM IUperi.zateD· <l.nt Ieith VGD Holt aDd bJa wife, Bcubara , Utaada High School'• drama teacher, bad til r cllUchea o•er for a C\t• ... .. ... •Ck* .o.,-...·.--.. calM ~ ad ._ cHI*• OCIIM ilcdi ior a ...., cliaau cilul gdt • ~ ........ -..... Clllfllt. ._ ia a "--to relaa Clid., .... ~. Recreat6Ga -~ RiPNIIWica ~IMtdq <*a~Cidlla .,. • polar beaD OD .W. ad SG.atm'• wcdMop b ... ad Wli MlgW.C.' roo6a. ~the~w..ktM RibbM .-Joyed banding oacly O\lt to pa••ahJ. Oa ~ E,.. tbe RibWel dlMd wUil W. bra~Mt ad ...... iJl.)aw CDWl thea they attended ttae Jate mew .. ~. at thelr oluucll. Oa c~ Dar. Rip'• m-Jaw OCIIDe Oftl cmd tM gift~ ..... opeDed. TradJtioaal Ri.bJWe fcuDlly treat~ for u.. bolida1ll .... elude llom..uade N.t.tt • aad chunbcdle eo.ea w..a IJbna:ry't Glalba Lorua epezat ~Ewe at home wttll -family aa a We turkey dizaur waa prepared b •ftf'Joae. Oil ~ Daj, Glad71 cmd ller iam1Jy eajoJecl a bnulch azad .he l5)ellt U.. .._. i.Dg Yilitmg triudl. Meea Verde lJbrarr'• Nartha Lrou ~atecl Cb.rilbDae wUh hcmzag ti'" of her a. olllldreza azad two grazadchildreza ~lome for the holicla,l. MiM Ncrue, Orcmge Coaet College'• baMball ooao)l. epezat Chriltma8 E" with hil iamily cmd hil parezata. 'ne Na.,... opeuc:l their pr.uta OD Ctuw- mae EYe cmd oza ChrllbDal Ocr a big breakfalt azad a big d.i.D.oer waa ezajoyed by aU. Newpon Me.~ Umfied School DWrict IUJ*izatucJ.zat In. Job Niooll Q*lt Clt.rilltmca Dar lD Sozaoma where hia twlu bOlted the fcm:tJJy to a r..tfW reUAioza. Newpor t Neea '1 aut. euperizatezadeDt Dr. NormaD Loata aDd hil family ezajoyed C b.riltmae En with hia pareDII iA CorODa del Mar azad CJuilt. mae Day wae tpeDt at Oil aut'• wb.re the whole family of o•er • forty people gathered to oel.hrate with opezaizaq gift~ azad eDjoyiDg a tradtUoDal bam cli.Dzaer. Gweo Collioa, Newport Meea'• eaecutl•• lta:f:f a 'stnt, tpeDt ChriltmCII at home with family mem.ben cmd beaw.e ahe il a zaatin of Aultralka 1M alway. ....,.. plum puddizag durtDg the ho~Sc~ay.. Ma.at.oe Thuelb:l, In. Loata' N cretary, cmd her buabaod vilit.d frienda azad eDjoyed a traditioDal t\lfkey dizaDer on Ch.riltama Day. PUa1.IO NOTICE T-1117'1 NOTICE OF TJt'U8"n::::'81ALE T.& No.1 .. 1 .. YOU ARE IN DUAULT UNOD A DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/1/12 UNLESS YOU TAU ACTION TO PftOTECT YO~ P"OPEJITY. IT MAY IE SOLO AT A PUIUC 5A1.E If YOU NEED AH EXPLANAnON OF THE NATUU OF TH£ PROCEEDING AGAJNST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ~WYD · Scud tale will be modo b.it wrtlloul omeaoal 01 wan011ty. ea p.-or lmpljod. rogardi.Dg title ~D. Of ow.cva.br011001, 10 pay tho IUipaki balcmoo ol til• Dot.(•) wcurod by laid D.ad ol Tru11, to·wtl U M,I IS ~0. Ia· eludlag oo proYid•d •• t old D<Q(•). ad-. II oy, •adet 1M ..,_ of ICdd o..d ol TnYI, ._, cllarv• cmd espo ... ol .... T.....-. cmd.,. t.llo w. aootod by IOid Oood ot fRill P\laWC NOTICE J'UmoiO None& OPP·-11 Y..l11M T .& No. 11111 NOTICE OF ftl1M'JIZ'81ALE NOTlCE 01' ft\J8'1'1Z'8 &ALE T .& No. _.., Oft Janucny ll •• .t ll:ot YOU .J:' IH"DJ.~ UNDER o.m . FDWT AMEIUCAif Tn'L& IN8 UJtAMCE CO ... AMT. • A LONG FORM ltCUIUTY Colllotalo corporotlea 01 (INSTALLMENT) LAND T~. or au-, 'ft~ CONTRACT WITH POWD or or Sll!.ll11~ T,.._ o1 dial SAU DATED MARCH 17. 1_, e.rtcda Do.c1 .. Tnuoe ~-UNUSS YOU tAD ACTJON .,, RonolciC. T.,.J.--~1Ju4Jtltl TO PROTEC T YOUR H. Ta ylor, h-a.-cl ODcl .u.. n oPERTT. IT NAY IE SOLD ca co-\U\Jty pro .. rty. aocl AT A PVILlC SALE. ll' YOU roeotclod JGDucuy M, 1a1 • NEED AH EXPLANATION OF w.tr-t No. 11110. iD holt THE NATURt OF THE ltnl. Pave 7 .. , of Ottlctol n ocrtoiNO AGAINST YOU, lluotcl.a oJ Or-v• Coua ty. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 0. loaiiGrf II. I .:I a1 9 00 A M.. T"Lile luwaaw o.d TnYI eo .... ,. 01 duly appol•l•d T ....... ..0. cmd p~ 10 o-1 ol Tn1111 r-o.d Febnaory 22. Jta. .. ..... No D-CliOC13, of a.dal "--• w .. oM!ooeoldt.e eo •• ,, Rec:ord•r ol Ota•o• c-.ty, CaliJanla, WUJ. SD.L AT PUILIC AUCTION TO HJOHEST U>DER FOil CASH O il CAS HIER'S C HECl , a1 .... ol .u. l.a lawful o~ ._ Uut.a s.._) at 1M SoU lroat •Dtraao. 10 .. Old Ora•o• Cou•ll'> Courtllouo located Ia .. 300 .mocJr of w ... ScmiO Aaa lhod (lorm•)y "• &ell k -..) Soa10 A.Do, ~ aD ngllt, IItie GJad Ia.__. ooa· ..,od to act DOW lloJd by II llAder oak:l Deed ol TTWII Ia tile pi'Opertf tllllatled Ia llllkl CouDty cmd State daacribed •• Lot Mol Tract No 70'.l9, 111 ._ City of Newpon loocll, eouty ol ~...,..of Calibala.-I* .. ~~.._..,,.... 2110 ~ lad.-... MieceDaa- MIIpt. la ,.._ eMico ol tW Couty ...... ol ... c-..., EXCDT aD G61. a6l ~-• ..aa.a! ~ ......... ......,. .. rioJ* ......... ~,.-~ ~ .-.....a.,. -a-. .... _, lao ,..... -...... .-wl .. laacl ~ ......... .,._,~. ............ ...,, ......... .. ddalle. ................ -' ~ ...... _..... tM -"-.... lilild -.., _.. ................... .. •'Is ,. -· 1 ..... .... .... ._ ........... ... 11 m tu•.......,ad•.- .-..; ............. '-"· ......-• ..-........... ol .. ..... Mnlz::i 0 ° 14. ..&10--. .......... . .... 1 1) ........ ..... ..................... ~ .................... ...................... ~ ................ a4 ... -.y ........ ...... ....... ~ .......... .... ............................. ...................... tile .. IMarieae of tile Jea• ~~:! ~ :..'·::= o...r.-, ...... , ..... C.· ................... ; . ., , .......... , ... c..,. »NO s -~ T•····· •. , ••• , ...... ,: ..eMAil. L T~ MD CAIOLX TA--.............. ._ ............. ............ Tll• be .. &C>Cll'y II.AdOJ ICUd o..d.,. Trw~ t..•IOicw• eMC\Itod oad delawoorod 10 til. ~od a wniWJI Dodcna1Mie of Defov.h cmd o.m.o.d lor Sal. cmd a wn .... Noece ot Do6oull cmd 0.:.0. to Soli T\e ~Dod~ IOid Noac. .. Oelacall oad llec1ioa 10 SoU 10 be rocaniod ua tile eowaty wb.re t.ll• real property 11 kloa1.d T~ cw party coachtcti.AQ .U. Title I~ cmd TJWt Com· pcmy, ~ WIW&Ife mM . ~ ADqoJ. CA 90010, 314-1000 •• 7117 Den. Oec.mborr I, I !m Title luu:t..-cmd Trut Com pcmr ... lllk:l T ........ a,. v .. -Plll«~a. A11taon.d Sipatur• PuWWt Doc 22. 2S, '11 loa ~ '83 us Til• Newpcw1 £uiqD Ntl2152 ( ColUorolo, end p1u•uaDt to LAWTDl ~ oortcdA NotAc. .. ~ 0. ,__., 7, 1.:1, a1 II 30 tho r ou~~ocl er r ocorllocl o'c:loc* a..a • STEWART TITLE .. ,._..., 1. 1aa • .....,_ CONPAHY OFORAN<B•~ -·· No D-117100. .. o..w CI!JIPGia~,....... ..... ad pv· Rec:ot48 ., _.. O.~&aty, ..m ncnl lo Lo•o Fora S.C.rity wwl.t ODd JNIN-t .. ~ O"*'D=n t) I.aa.i Couae1 WI* Dooctl ol T..-1 ..U .t ~WI.e •-ol SaJe (''Co.._..') *-cl 0\lc:tloo los~ a-ful....., Wtu~ 17, 1110, all u clof o ol t)lo Uoltoll ltotu of th•~-ol s.eutly(W. Amorlco, • c..a.Jot'e .J.oolt •••0 Co•IToct ("eoanoct''), po,..W. ._ ..W ,.._... 4t... r-ad April I. ,., c. ..... -0 .-..or acd.-ol Mat!. 0 -tNo 11U 4alook l_.,,foto nato or w.rcd aoollt ...so..~ IG ol Olfidal ~ Ia ....... a net. or ....... ..m... -4 tic. .. 1M Couty "--ol 1-~crtJoa •-w..,. ta Ora..-Couty, ,._ • Calltb· tbia etoto ... tJ114 •• _.._ Uo, -~ '-r W1LUAM W to l'l~et A•orloua 1'1\k ta. JOHNSON oad DONNA N euro:ooo Co•..-y 1-w _. JOJOaON, IIIIIJbaad cmd wda c. 11• &o.~ Ntll ~,.tiM .. .., ::~nt8s~;'!:i ol ._ .. AD .. OeMiotelM. ell IAat ri'"" "• .-4 ........ JEANME • wusru.. v ... ____. _... ... _.... dor, WJU SDJ. AT ruauc coa~ ... ~to-•--lr-r&t AUCTION TO RIQHII:IT ..... ...., ..w o-~•~ a. .a.. IIDCU roa CASH~ .. !Nopor1'y ... _.... ...... c.-. 111M .j ~·-..... l.-...ll..t-...... _ ty-.4t ..... ~ee: ... ----· -Lee ... TN.t .......... u.w ~ ......... ol ••• r-• ... Ia ..U IN. STEWART TITLI Or .............. ,..._._ C ALifORNIA, t OO N••t~ W....latl.o._.,._c.v..-lnicdwut. S.... AM. OM • ty ............... o-..tF. 1111» (71~-1114, .......... .. 'nl.o ........... -.... ... ...... _ •• , ........ - --• d .. -"• .. .... aa.w.., .. --111M~ .. ....,...., .............. 0. P•..-'Y' .. ~ ...... "-' .... , II ·-.. ..... ...._. ........ &...tllta ............ . auidl.CA-. .......... .._ ...... Qirol ........ ........ wl ... t M I ............... ._... ... _.....,,...,_ ........................ I • -....... 'z ... c-·-·r ___ ......, __ ............... c...., p4IW ......... _ ....... ...... ...... c.-.; ll .... .._,..at.;.......... ,__,. tale ...,._., IS .... Tr--. .... wtt .... .... =t.-:-....a.. ....... ... lAo~·-···---.............. ... ~.-4U.• _ ..... _,I I I .... ~&!tJ.o~pzM•M•• .-....-..· i ~~ .. ......... a'!t.... ........ ........... ~ ~~ W.~CMd YOUAIIDflllr • I 4rl,..... ... A ODD or ftUit DA .... _, ........ lea_, 1, 1•1 Uiiiili .!.OD _, • w fl .. -:1:; TAU ACTION 10 IIICJhCI ...t .._--p 'I • 11 Youa PIOIUTY, rr MAT • .._ ....._ 4 ~~~,.: .,.. ............. .... or Till tfAT¥ ftll ........................ ... NO! n"MO TOD • rov .auLD ACT A .. 1..\WYD 0.. PD_ ... Art Werlla ltr ., ..... , eludllat. will be ex- hibited Jan. 4-28 In UCI'a Fine Att1 Gallery. Free. Houtt ate Tu .. dey-Saturctty, noon-& p.m. "In China,'' photographa by Eve Arnold, on exhibit at Bowera Muaeum In Santa Ana through Feb. 16. The 104 color photographs are on a thrM-year nationwide tour. Houra: TuMday- Saturday. e a.m. -5 p.m .. Sunday noon-S p.m. IIIIMGI CHANA~~ Mil ,_ .................. ,. Oranee Countr '•lr prize winner Marge chapman'a worka wUI be featured through Jan. 31 at Sandatone Gallery, 384 N. Coast Hi ghway. La guna Beach. • ------------------- ~.... .. ...... ,. by. N1qon Borah Ia on •· hltMt through Jen. 21 at Irvine Fine Attl Cen&w. FrM. Clubs CltJ of HotM Open Door chapter wtll be hOetlng a book ~ at 7:30 p.m. Thureday, Jan. e at Columbia Savlnga and Loan In Coata Mesa. There wtll alao be book ex- change. Alpha XI Delta will brunch 11 :30 a.m. Saturday. Jan. 8 at WarehouM Rntaurant In Newport Beach. RSVP Mra. Jerry Money, 638-5474. ........,.chili of Newport Beach will meat 10 a.m. WednM- day. Jan. 5. •••turing fash i on show by Nordatrom. Call Bar- bara StrOdal, 675-18831 or MarUM Stockman, 720-163e, for reaer- vatlona and loc.tton. .-eeolve of Orange County, for people dealing with Infertility, wi ll hold general meeting 7 p.m. Thura- day, Jan. 8 at St. Joseph Hoapltal In Orange. FrM and open to non-mem~ra. Infor- mation: ase.-0580. IMI Club will meat 11 :30 a.m. Thuraday. Jan. 8 at the clubhouM. Raaervatlons: Olga Plefar. 541-8878. by Monday, Jan. 3. Miscellany Poet Robert Mezey. author of "Couplets." will read 1 p.m. Tun- day. Jan. 11 In room 128 of the Humanltlu Otffce Building at UCI. Free. Stolfllme at the Costa Maaa Library. 1855 Park, Coate Meaa. n.~ .......... KMWa. begi ns Wedneeday. PcMe.r •••re will par- Jan. 5. Two MUione form at Knott'a Berry for 3-8 FyMr c»da. 10 Farm along with 15 a .m . and 1 p .m . other groupa New Reg .. tratlon and lnfor-YNr'a Eve. Advanced matlon: M&-8145. tickets are $13.50 at o.-c OIX~o. We at Tlckatron or Knott'&. Coaet'a largeet atamp ahow. will be he'd Jan. 7 -8 at Anaheim Convention Center. Ad· million Ia $2.75 for adulta, $1 for klda. ..Women In Hletorr" will be offered by Orange Coaat College during aprlng Mmeeter 9:30-11 a.m. Tueadaya and Thuradaya. 3 credlta. Call 5st.5772. Contrabaee and ,,..,. will perform "Quartet for flute. violin, ban end cello" by J.M. Sparger and "Quintet In G Major. op. 17,' by H. Dvorak 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9 at Turtle Rock Communi- ty Canter. $8 couple. $5 general. $3 senlora and students. WlntCN .... lon 1983 beglna Jan. 10 at Irvine "The Ultimate 'antMJ" Fine Arts Center for barberahop ahow k Id 1 3 -US year 1 . pr ... ntad by the Har- Regl atratlon lnfor -borlltea chapter of matlon: eeo-3e3e. Sweet Adetlnee will ~ held 8 p.m Friday. Jan. Music 14 and 15 at Coata ---------1 Maaa Community Loa Ane•l• ....._will petform • p.m. saw- day, .Min .• at OOC"I Moont Theen. Mwlto- ed .... .,.. 14. 16 .. the door. Chargetlne: 55U527. Center. 1845 Park . Coata Meaa. Fr iday tick• are S5, Satur- day'a feature• a no- host bar and food for $9. Tlcketa: 962-4348, Sonja Dominquez. IIO'I'ICa Of' ftuni:D' uu: 011 Juac.y lt. l_,Gtll 00 11a r&IST ANtiUCAN TlTU: INSURANCE COMPANY, • Ot'll • _,_,... • y......_ will wftwtleeorS........_. Tr1Yiee, of tUt e...U OMcl on .... ~• .. , SAM A 8UIR ...t NARY 0 lUSH. 11-.. ... ud ...... -cMcl ()o. ..._ I , l_, • IMIII._t No I Get. La._ 13'711. ~ lt::M. ~ Olkaal "--dd ~ 0...... eow.. ty, ~ o.O ~~~ •lil<d cerlola Notice of D•lo11h ........ ,_...., ,.._._ 2$, , •• -lun_. No ... Ia ._ l43C)l, Pog• 1117, ~ Qt. i1c1k11 ~ of lllld Coue,. onJI .. .., ad ..,__. eo -..& Deecl ol Trul .... ot p@lcl -~ loc ~ lawtW _., of , ... u.w !ltaiee ol Arael\eO a ~·· dleQ pcryo.ble to eclld T~ cbc:rw. oe o ** ot ~hoM, Q ... Of W.al c:redlt llaloe. Of Q ... cw t.cWal ~ aad loaa -Q6...aa• do..a.led Ill WI .... Ol ... ..ala •ll.lloace ICI fU" ~ TUle ~--Com-... , lacated "' 114 r.a.. r~~ta. Sn.t Ill ... Qly of So.-A.a. Ccabionka, all lbcrl riollt. ... ud Ill..,._ eoe ... .,.d eo oad aow lleld by tt ..... mid Deecl ol Trw~ Ill llle propedy a tlhlled lA ICDd Coua tyoad,....~ca Pwoel I LOT 30 Or TRACT NO ~ .U SHOWN ON A NAP THtUOF UCOJIDtD IN IOOit a , PAOts I TO 14 LHCt.USM NlSCtUAHEOUS NAPS. fltCOJIDS or SAID OM.NGE COUNTY CXCEI'TING TKUD'ORM ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS MINERALS M I NERAL RIGHTS NATURAL GAS RIGHTS. AND OTHU HY DROC ARIONS l't WHATSOtVtfl NAMt KNOWN, THAT MAY I[ WtnllN OR UNDtR THI PARCL Or LAND HtJWN.UOvt DESCRIIED TOGUHU WITH THE PtJIP£TUAL RIGHT Or DRILLING WINING, tXPl.ONNO, AND OPIJIA TINO THUEFOJI, AND STOJIING IN AND UWOVINO THE SAMt fJIOM SAD> LAND OR ANY Onc.D LAND lNCLUDIHO THI RIGHT TO WHIPSTOCK OR DIJIECTIONALL Y DRILL AHD MINE "'OM LANDS OTHER THAN THOSt KtlWN.UOVE DESCRIItD AND TO I OTTOM SUCH WHIPSTOCI£0 O M Dlr.tTJONALL Y DIULL£0 WILLS TUNNELS AND SHArTS UNDtfl AND IEHtATH OR IEYOND TKt UTtJIIOR LIMITS THUtOr AND TO UDIULL RtTUNNil tQUll, NAINTAIN JIOAlft. DEEPEN AND OPERATE ANY SUCH WELLS OJI MINtS. WITHOUT HOWivtR THE JUOHT TO DJIIU.. MINt STOll£ AND OPO.A Tt THI'OUOH THl SUN" ACt OJI THE UPPER soo rttt or THt SUISURrACt o r THE LAND HtJitiN AIOV t DESCJUatD. AS Rt.Sl:RvtD IY THE lRVIHt COMPANY A W EST VIJIOINIA COM'OMnON PAJICEL 2 EASEMENTS 1 A t OVER C<»n''NNUOUS LOTS FOR THI PUUOSts o r INSTAl.L ATION AND MAINTtN ANCt Or UTILITIU AND D~NAGt FACILITU:S rOR ENCROAC HMENT AND fOR NATURAL SETTLEMENT or SfJIUCTURtS, AND 111 SUIJECT TO TKt JIJOHT or DEDICATIO N, OVEJI PIUVATt Snti:TS Wl'nttN TKE COV£JUJ> PIIOKRTY OF THE PURPOStS Or lNOJitSS AHD tollESS A.LL AS 11>40JU: PAJmC'UUJILY DISCIUI£0 IN THE ARTICLE tNTITLtD "t.\StMtNTS" IN THAT CDTAllf DtCLAMTION or COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RDTIUCITIONS UCOIDED AUGUST 12 1174 DUOOl 11311, PAOts ltl1 TO 1114 OfFIClAt. RECOIU)S Tile .... ~ ~ otAer COla -~---ol .nd ~qperty II ,..,.,aNd to b. 17 Sllool Dr Coro.o o.l Men CA Said u Will b. l'IM'CM Wlllloul -· cw ttrarl1Riy, ··-~ ........ to.Ue C IM M ~ ... eo__, ..... ,........._ .. oe .._.-cw .... _.... ., tOld o-t of ,....... to ........ .., 47 "-.. ...... 1 ___ ..,.._ .... _ ........ ol .. la· I1W .-Wk .. : I ol tUt tfo4a ~ ... 810.41?'71 NOTICE TO PROPti\TY OWNtlt YOU ARE IN DU'AUlT UNDtR A DtED or nu'ST. DATtO I a h= 17, l.lmUNU:IIYOU TAD ACTION TO PROTECT YCIUa PIOIDTT, IT MAY It SOLD AT A fVaJC IA1.E II' TOU MilD Nf IDUMATJOM Or TMI MAfVRI Or TME ~*:O~J.r~ LAWYD. DAYID. D1 1 rh-JD ,. tuJT ANDJCAN mu a.JUNCI CXIINPANT. • ow ....... ..,._L.LAWaJI A A .. , c::...t , ............. Alle.C. *WDOl cnc,-.., --IIIII l/1 l I No aclvertiMr la thla pcaJHtr la ~ore than a •Calion away. nCTmOUI al.JUM1CM lfAME ft AYDG:WI' TN iDialwlao .,._ ttl ~ baote .. , o• HlllTAOC tNTt;RNATIONAJ. WAUrnNO. 21112 ~ W... V-.a. CA G!2 Ia.-.. A Pow•u 21112 Palmodo Mial-VIeJo, CA 9:1192 n. ~ __,._. c..d~ by- 1Dd1•1d~al Sip.-cl loa• A P-n Tlwa-•••-........ ._ Couty 0.~ of 0..... Couty ~o _...1.,,1. P-d 0.0. .. 'II. ..... s. 12. 1t, 'G f10d2S NE12il PUIIWC tiOTI~ T 11\Ja MOne& or ftuaTIZ'a &ALE P\18LIC NOnCE ~1-IIO'I'ICZ or 'l'ln.-ru·a IAl.E T.l. No. F. Mil NOTICE YOU AN: I:N DEfAULT UND£111 A DaD Of D UST. DATtD Juae 12. 1•1 UNUSS YOU TAli ACTION TO "'OTtCT YOU" PftOPDITY rT MAY It SOLD AT A tuaUC SALE If YOU NUD AN EXP&.ANATION OF THI NATURE Or THt ~DfO AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A L.AWYU 011 Joaaort 7 19113 ... :. 00 PM . BUC IE Yt IU:CONVEYANCt COMPANY a ~ Corpcwa1i0o .. duly CJMIG.a_, T'hl.tllee uder aad pw -~ eo o.-1 o1 TrlOII dcNd J..- 12. ,.1 _...,July :10. 1.1 - .... No ~ lA boola 141tl ~ I '171 of <*aal "-<-otdtl Ill 1M alice ol U.. Cov.all ~ al Oraoo• Co11aty State ol Calllorato Eaec .. l ed by NOUDT F MAHOIS a CAROL D MANGIS ... • wu..L Stu. AT PUILIC AUCTION TO THE HJ0HEST IIDDtR FOR CASH (paya.W. ..... ol de .. lawtW _, ol ~ u ..... Stat.! at ... lnal oollide .. II'Glll:le 10 Ill• eo. ._tal .... t-a blllld.a"' at Ut Sooo~ tocW. ,._.... CA oll nPI. .. ad ........ OM..yed to aM DOW MJd "' II lOader IOI.d OMd of Tnlll 111 lh P'OJ*1'f .....-i 1.a ....t eouerr aad s- ~-Lae 1• oi TIOd No 6716 •• 1._ c.y of ~ a-~ eo ... " o1 o.-.e s... ol ea.w...-. .. *""•o.aptlMNalr~ 1a .-w . pave~ a 1o XI .. ehul~ Mlecello .. ou MaP' .._. ol ..... Ofoaqe Co~·" 1"-..... odd.r-aDd ..U.. -~ U<1Df oltbc real ~ ~ .. -.. "' ~eoN 1142 ~ Dn.-.. Haat1119W• leocll CA .., n..-~Tr~cbt c-a.. aay lloWitr .._ cay Ill· ... =·-"' ............. Olllll ... --~ If aay ..... ..... lakl .. w\11 M -.ode lilat wUitoet -· .. 'lfQ:I'1"IIIlty -p.-., ........ r~ lUte • 1 -----10 pay ... 'It,....._ ~--~_......., ..... o..4 ef Trut. wllll •••••_. tt..t.... .. ,.. •• 4>e4 Ul -·4 ..-(10, .... • ' II ., ....... .. __ .. ~o..M .. ,..... ............ ...-.of .. , .................. .., ... ~ .. ,,... til• ..-1 _. ................ .. .. t"t ........ " .. ...................... ,w 1 ,, ............. .. _ .... -.. .... ....... t:" a ............ . T.I.W. a.-.r YOU ME I:N DI:J'AUl.T UKDtR A DUD Of fAUST DATtO I 16 II UNU:SS TOU TAU ACTION TO PROTECT YOUJI "'OPDTY rT MAY 8£ SOLD AT A PUIIUC SALE rr YOU NJJD AN tXJoL.AHA noN 0t THE NATURE O f THE Pfloetr.DlNO AC"iAINST YOU YOU SHOULD C"NTACT A LAWYtR ')a. I e .. atl' b 1'11.1 i 00 A M CR OC ~tR CUS TODY COAPORA liON "' -1 ,, a p ~l>ed r • ...-~i>d ... ~l p .. r ou,at 1 L·-·• I Tr .., ,.._,._, l.ed lan10u1' !. 14Ji I • ,... o.tl Nc ~43M •< to••• I~ ~· 41C. •I Ott.... A.; 1<1•• tt.. the. al .. C ~"'Y R• .,d• · 1 Oroao• C..~11ty ""lu• WILL S£U. AT PUbliC t.tll.. TIO'l TO HIGHts Bll • R r'JR CAS,. r J4 '-,\ 5 H 11. ;I ' H [ I ... t~Al• ~·~ lUIIe ~• e..le •• :..owiw a. '""l' .1 •be Uaued Sto'-,, the S..uta h ... , ealroo.t:e 1 the Old Orao9• l"'o.;aty C u illlo.; .. k.-.at.d In the 200 Bloclt e>J w ... c:;.... t 1 An 81-.d (1. rn1erl-y ..., ... bt.. Sli-t '\o11to A-a:l noll b I» "d 111'•1 ... '"<>Dveyeel I .;sad ...... tlekl by ,, .. ad •• 0<110 l....d ol Tr..., .. the lltOSI'WI'f .. ~ .. ted .a ttDd Co ••l'f tad Sto .. <i-.;nbed .. TW Cll .vey .ncoo 11 "l'lde i>d accepleo ••d 001<1 "' •peril .. IMreby or al>ed ... ~., ... 1 10 tlw- CW10UI < ..,veoa.all, oc rodiiiOo.t az.d relllrlc'tW>u ,,. .. a~cn~~ed ,. tllol c:.1ala OedcncriiOa al "-iirldloM rtclCMd.d No...,.ber 19 19T.l .a boola 10994 poo• ~21 o1 0ttaoa1 Recou~ <>I Orttao• ,~ """' ad CUI) Jm•imnlt th.,.. ul .ll wlucll by.._ .elete .... '"•••• are her•by er~, • .,.., ~ <'fl"-1 .led a ud "' • Je • iJ-11' ber• ·I ,. IA<>uoh 1\Uiv .. , t ·ru •·•••u. Plllce Un. • _.. •h ,wn Jlld debaed ... •hr.,~,t •tt u•. r: :~r,J .,Jfi\JD,\Am Plcr:: I• •<.i._l A I I •"' \ l ')'M •II bu •t • , J• ). ) I Oil a ••• "• H 1t () IUoJ• ._u'-( ("'., U.Jift• P •• el 2 AJ. ....ad.• 1.,0 o 40111 Dt•r-' D nll<l to l...,.t 4 .j TN , 111. ~ u alwwo na n M.,p let'« Jed •• bou~ H . f-'11•' 3: 1~ ~• M.. ewn.c> ... M-IA ,., "* o>l 0•lDQI9 ,...(IDly (", t-,rn1'1 •oo•tll•• .,,f .u .. ~.~o"en.•~• Uwtr-o eo<'t ~ ta .. ebom f'o~ d ..... ,.,. .. m ~~ I uu ..... oh ..._ u1 ct ....... 1<--u . thereon E.a.;eplloo "·•••lrum 111 ><ad...-.d.O ! l ........ tl .. u c-. llo» wt •ta.er ~,Jr '"'b.'n ... t.t.:to • .,...... •• ,. l t ~o.S.r th• above i..-ru.ed PI •1>"11Y at .,., I rtb Ia \be r~..U OrJe• <I C ademli ,bee ID!a>O< ol lhe C"rfJ ol "'e..rporl leac: II u MllG.a,pal Co• por'ltloD ol the lkh C"lote ~ e>ef"~Abed "<>PY cJ -~~~ •• ~ I· ... <liY _., ,m "'.._, U4J pa.,.. 80 J Om. ...u ,...,_,. Ttv tt" .,;1 re r.J nwner SALVATORC PUGUl:Sl AND RUtCCA I PU ~ul:S£ The tCr .. t >o:icr.r-:tad >ltlet N"'mm OII ~.211on I 1ny ·I the reo I prope"' ~....a•.bed olbcrte • p.,;pocled lu be . m-:>ddt- ' :.4ber common ~~olllloa h .. -n lunualu•J to lh• truet .. fOIO .. o 1 btato J.re '· "•• tD ''"-• •i y ~l • Jt m t'b&~ w u tt•D •t ... .,. ,lhtf'l J' J ·LT .... I.IW! pUOIJ«JliOD >l th10 !l<'l><e I II•• 'li an n 8.• • • 4 ~ •• "! 10 "•ry 4 """ I •• a.,. ~II)< A•tn ,,... 8• r .. H Rei H• l'uQt. ..... <; 4 1~ t•n 1031 The rt. •·.J • ....! Tt..-tH 110 • rna Dy , t~ t J1 HIIJ D ~'"· t .... f '"'-• l fJ.. ldds- u...J '"•• mmoD i••on"boc I •• , t.h •• ,.,.,. S.1 I ale onl: t.. '11<Joie b~• With l~f ~L .. D ,Q~ I 1Jt lf~Dty ., P•-)I ~~npla.J Oec;,<II;IJD. ""• ~~· t •~ ""\'mbr 10,.... '' ;;.J• •II• "'"~"".,j bale-I lie D<"e • .n.a .J b' IIDd 0...-:1 ! Trull t() ••• s~ '16 91 lllo."luci..llij :tt Pt ndood ,,. IIDd ., .. o' :Jd ~ • .,.. tJ ,., Ja~ •n• t.Jrnt ,,. •nJ D-i >I Trull 1-bar;• a.o.J ••s>e~ ot tile Tr-~cd ->t the ''.-et• ....toy and 0.•1 I Trv.1 Th• t>eae h '11y .. no•• 111.2 o-.1 1 T .... b•r'""l •• ••• .~.., 111<1 ,let. ... red.., \he .oder~r..J a .,,._ ~l<rr~n I O.t<ruli Ja.i Demand lot Sale >0•1 ~ .m11ea No-ol O.ln .. lt e~~~d u ... '"t>Oa to S.U Tae .n.1eneqn•l waed ttDd ~b.-of {)elnw\t 1DJ [.lec1).,. lo Sell '" be , • ..,.de.J Ill l~e CO\tDiy •h••• ..... IN pt•.pert'f .. t<r.n.d T..-.. rpany· .. i ... tt"''on.e nn.c INSURANCE A"lD Tl'UST COMPANY l....O W.alule 11•-l t ... Aao--Co ~10 J84 'IOOl' eat f7'l2 Dttte " ..... ~;, ·• ill ROC ittk :.JS T JOY ~ORPOR.A fll>'i A:> TRUSTU bY Title lu••"•r• u aJ Tr.u Co.\pa11y tlll >qtUI &y V ITq\A1>1 Ton.. A .. .aoruec~ s\4 ........... PultWII OtK I! U lt IJ .. Til• N.~ c... Ntl129 PUa.IC 1f0"11CE N01'1C& 01' D-.oL'-'"OM OFP~ ~ .. ,.,.. ... " ~.., I~ ) -llle C •'l'O'~DI "~.o.IIIGt RlCHAJW lA~H uad GEORGIA CONNOLLY llle rotafor• 404ae bu.,•-o• ............... bm_•al I.AJICH A CONNOLLY at 110 .....,., c-. en-hila - Ne.tport ~ Calalar-. """ ~ .... ~.~:J Dl'CDGE" 1 1112 ., ··taol •eli.._ ...... ._ "..-lt!ed -\Mnfor • a ... , Uu •a• oa .._.._.. "' ........... ........ 0.., Zl '12 Ill T\.e .... .-.r.-.. NEl ~' ........ ....... _. ... r::; .. ;: ... ·.-:~ _. ... D ;• t& .,_cit 0.:..!.: o.-A.. ...-..................... .... 0 5 •• _. ... .. ~ .......... ........... ~ .. __, ........................ ............. , ... , .. ....... ucpe,. C..· .... ,._.,-. CA 11 ... 1. -· ••• f MCTmOUI 8Vaon:&8 NAME ft A 'I'Dd:lff n.. lulloonae ............ b.u1aeu a o IAJ.IOA rURS ~ Ca:au10 eo..-aao Lag-. ... NIQ'\Iel CA !3ll71 W..toqQe z-. p~ 310$2 Coa1ao Ca~letroao. l og .. ao Naquel CA WT7 T\.llt ~ •c:..di&Cted by aa aad • ..-.dll<l. S14aed ~oaloQ11e z-. Par111oll Tille ..-.. I ..... bl.d W11h .... eo ... .., 0.11 a1 0r-cu1qe eo-" n N~eraher 29 1912 P.a>b.b IJec ll U 12 loa !t 12. • C) "13 .A tile Newpon t...v• rl031~> Ntl274 MCTmOUI8U~ NAME 8'l'An:MEMT The ! ~ peo-• olOUOQ b"ttaee• ... BALBO A UMOUSfNt :!>EJIVJ<"t JXl' W Ba!.b<..• Blttd Swto ~ Newp..ott Beoc:b r A 113153 lolul ~-AJtA ... • Borth .a.,..w ~ ( • ~th <;1 c-., Meeo CA 9»27 Th» t..--•..-d"c1e.l oy rr 1Ddtvart11nl $1qeed lo t, Bonlooi-- Tlul t1c.11emea1...,. hied wuh th• Co..all 0..11 I OrotoJ• eo .. ary -0...--... lill M Dec U 8:l I~" ~ t2 :9 !&3 F'l04~ Nil':.)..j P\11ILIC NOTICE T-17141 NOTICE OF Tll\II'TEE'8 aAJ...t , .......... DOOAT AlfT JleO'J'1C'I: TO PltOPDTT OWMD YOU ARt I:N DtrAULT UNDLR A DEW OF TI\UST. DA Tti> A"~ 2.S 1•1 UNU:SS YOU TAU ACTlON TO "'OTECT YOUI\ PROPE"RTY IT MAY It SOLD AT A I'UIUC SAU If YOU NttD AN tx.Pt.ANAnON Of THt NATU"E O f TH£ Pl\octWING AGAINST YOU YOU ~HOULO ~o~ACT A LAWYER Oa lan" .r' t2 19113 '' 10 ' AM GATEWAY l 'NIJ ;iUIVICI INC ~ 1uly >ppo.ct.cl Trwtt.. JDdet ~ r\lii \6CD* to O.ed ot r n.-1 'imed Au~..-t • ' 1 .. 1 I.C rd-.1 A~Q..-1 l" '911 • ...... No l!t4I:Z ... l:>o>uk •1'1' P<IO• l68 ol Otb .. 11 Reoo<de ,. tllle •0bt"e of Ike f"QIOII'Y Reo ,tden ,j Oraaq• C..uoty SlaM ol Caktot ""' .. ec11ted by WlLUAJoo4 EARL BAlE~ JR WILL StLL AT PUILif' AUCTI ON TO HIGHEST BlOOD rOR CASH pu y.1b&e at llm• of oc»e •• t<JW1"' ..-... oey ,1 tile Uasled SlaW• _,tile Nurth r., •• [AtroDoe to .... Couu 'l Co rlbo..... 100 C•onc CeDie> :-•nve N ... Scrsoa Aan ~ .ll OQIII bt:. o11d tat••... C'O• ... yeel tn tod now held by at ~•de• ... rt Deed al Tru .. U.e pc~y ""'>.tied LA ecad Cowol'f <111d State j -nbeJ ... t. 1 41 ol Tro<1 1011 .. pool Mnp r•-ood.J .. a..o& ll POQ• J7 1o 40 , .... ,_.. o1 M.....UO_ ... M.lpo ,n •II• II • o l ••• Cowaty keo.'OIO•I t>f ... w:t C.•wlll'f Th.. .u-1ddt-nd CltAeo ... m.r. i~D-\1.1ay ..!tile •• ,, Vf\ll)erty ~nhed abo¥• .. pllrputted to be 41 8oJ.boo eo .... Newport leocb C<>Abasa The wa.:ienooued T..-.. d.oa loUmt <:tay l>obWl"f lol <IDf ID ,, .. ,._ •I •h• '"""' ldd·- lDd •h•t mm c J-..ljlaa'boo t .1DY "'"''"' ...... s._.., tnle w\1.1 ..... "'~ ie ""' w ll'l.oJ• r u•enaa t rif wf'J:raery •• ~··-I .... ~ I~ I i..a,; llle ~---Q t •• ("\jll\.bt l ft.Cel u auchn~ t .. e ,..bar ~" 1a0 •• 1•n-I the T• .,.,.. 10-i ..>I II\• •• reoted hy "'"' o.-'' !' t .. • pay wtae ,....,. llaJDQ pr o ~·l• ... ..,.. .,j the a~J~eltt oa .red t' ""d o-:1 >I Tr..-1 ~> wat S.:JO 0: ilC ""''" .. _ ... tiler ... I> Ire..: A:.Qu.t '~ I ill ~ l!t' per =••um .t p tO'I'\ded lA tald D• te'" p. " ........... t... li>d ~ n.. beaebetory ~•d•r d ...0 I Tr..-1 b.,eiOh..,e ..... ,.t.d ..d d•u•ereel lo tb• IIDdeft!oJDeel ' wnHea o.clotoiiOa ,1 defot1lt 1a.i :l.m<>ad k>c SoJ. ;sad " WI\,.. .. ..; .... .,1 Delot1lt 2nd ~~~ to -U Tbe ""d•~•ed C"<lu...l eu~J ~ ·-'I O.la,.lt "od IJ.c:1ooo 1 '-' • "" r-d..t •• rhe ~ll'l wlwtr• •u •eal Pf•>perty '" ~co ...... , 0-rte o-bet ' I !182 GA T£W A Y LAND '>I:RVIC[ INC -. OOJd Tr..-.. J0.so 'W 8wadT Dt N,· 2:10 t-AJ.~;~•·• <A 'J002' ltl lll6 1148 llr fr~•--t wlt.e• Vtee ,__O.ot p~~ 0. 22 29 ll ,.,. ~ iJ "'Tho ~ £.o.qa S[ll61 PU"aUC M0'1'1<% ll..,. nCTJT10U8 8UUJfDI NAME ft A ftiCI:Ift r, • ..._....,._ •• ~ b~>tiD .. t a o TWtfCHELL BUlLOUS lli Topoa A.._u• Balbo.. lalaad. Ccliforrua ta.2 r ... ..,t..u aww..o 1ac ~ ~-orpc>r-131 Topaa A ...... 8o1boa t.lo.ad CoW-rllla !'a2 T I 0.-..iop-•t Co J.e CaWar 11)0 ~ 21n s .... a.a- On ... Loe Allee ~ M022 TAM._.._ • ~aded by en .. ~-( ........ .-.... U.oa o ~ S.ed ~ Twdrt..ll Tu. _ ... , -· IUed w.th u.. C'o .. ly Cler~ ol 1.oe Aaq•l• CO<Uty oe No• l4 I ,._...,_. 0. I I) l2 2! tl ,. Tile N.wpor1 t..... no:IOIU Nt IIG f'UlJU <. NO'T"1CI: lt·Oir74 NOTICE OF DEATH or IOKH WE:BTLY McCABE. aka DR. JOJOI W McCABE ou JACK McCAa£ AHD or PETITION TO ADMIN18T&R EIITATE NO A-llll• y., .til ... ". beaehnott .. •-*•tvn DAd ooaii.D9etll creduore ut loh.a W..Uy ~ aka Dt lobo W M.-t."abe o l A lad M e<' '\b. '" 1 ,.... ...... wlw mcy l e >the,..,_ tt let_.ood •• lh• "''ool nd 'if ····~·· A P-'·I><>D • I ~ ~ loy -n9 M M • I l...oc:e C" ~~be '' ·~• 4illloo'H•,. Co,.rt >I 0. f\'J• c ... .., l_.q .. -DO IMI 1-J M Mr<" . .,_ 6 J...,~,.... C ""(: be to. 'I>~ r. '""" I pet eoo U rep, ... Dtab•• t Jd..,.u:u.,.., tbe • to!. t I ftlo W .. t r M. Cnb<o C cc =>• M nd•• rt. • 1o~o.1•~ l•t • "t n.u ... trl2h ·a r.t £..."lee ~ Tl • poobboo .. -' le~ ··-liD~ '" D•~or• ... I 11 700 .~ '"'' •ol., (),.,. 'A.., "'lD A au C>.bJ 9270'~ r • : • I W3 e1t i 10 AM IT Y(ttJ OBI[(i .,.,,_'l'""IUIQ t •t.• p.• t •• r. f .. tb.o•.ud .. u.et .-;A"h ,... '·• _na.q 1Dd. fllot• r ur '' ~ nuu 1 bJ• -nn.o .t •II ..... ""111 1t.. """ bel..r• tb• ~., ... ~ ) 3p~1ao-e m"T t>e II S;>el""" I bl t Nf J""'D"f If yn tJ AJif A ~"'"tDITOA 01" '-r.br. J•• ' , r-ill •t tb• de:-.. .., ' "' ~ ~... , ..... f"l~ ""'" "'le •" '11-nl I I~,...,. 1>0' •~ • ••s •-o•"lll•• •PP<"Died by the ""'' •••luto Ioili moetba bun, tb• dale <>I hi• .-..oa.:e al ,_,. a pr~l •• »<11--,. "100 .:>1 •II• p,. bo>l• (',..J. ol r .wlul...a ,... tu:n• t t ltJ.t1~ t"'U"U W\JJ Dot eaP'f• P<><'l '" I .., 1111\e ' tr ·toe J •• Ool the h•snnQ """""~ .l!A,,... YOU MAY CXAMlN[ toe llle ··~ by .... n It ,. •w ... D ... ,....d " ·~· .. t ·t• y .,. :r. ' ho• o r,.q~ ... ""'" lbe .J..YII tc.. t• • •• tl__,oJ no'U• 1t fbe 111¥-entrnt nf .. 1.. J.... Jt :i t .... pe>.,.tl .. ~• 1 •ro .,. u. •"-" a s .. ' Q .>.J f If'• r-' ,, • n. ~ p, ,, ...... ;. ,. 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' .; ..... .Hi.c2 .... twt, ·~n rt ~"• t\•lfu~o •• J ~t• I "' • •, f -f': ''•• r• t e l r • •r • r.• t tL!~ Y .r l.iOIIIJ 1 Til• "lr: • ku ~..... .LII\a ..., L • ••f'.r• p• t • 1 ~· m ost.. rr~ •t-• 1 t. t 'b• ~~r r. ~ nJb.-.ci t-.: "• Y(\1.: MAY fXA~I:O.[ •r • W• ~ep1 I>Y tb• wr• :• t I• • t•r•••t .n •t•.., :te y • y fl.!• ,.,~ .. • • Ht the u.rt ~ ,.., .... •••n~ D" • 1..:1 '""• ... nlluy ~"!'t· ... tt ':'Ckl •••• ~teo'!; !1 a.a ~"'"" 1~:i •ep. 1-."11t-:t a ,..,~,.,I)~ t •t.•Cli4tora. P> t.••• 1.. ;.,.,.).j " ,. r r..~n •• ,. L.~ 8\.ir.&ln-,. •• ~ ,. \1 , :a~ ,. ""'• c.. ~~ • . • '">l 691it: P~" r .. • .!9 a. ,.. n • '~•"'llv•' [ru >Jn ,t, 4 PUBUl Nv TICt: It~ nCTTTtova •vaun:sa NANJ: ST A TDO:NT fh• I ......-u1Q ~·· M .r•.) ~ • •••• •• ('"IIL £7 0 "' ~·M~"'PERTI[-. •I ' p, """" II p~,.-. ..-.of~,.; be.· .. Ccl.i>•IIIJO UbOJ R her M H u • h .-.. D .. GI P. ll\lel .<14, J5.ryw<~• On .. Co•olll t.S.l M4t ;:-,..Woo,.., 9'JSl!t Do.<tld M l. ll :;. •til P-staer Q Voa ~ So .. 1 New po11 a--11 CaWoar-• Tlue b...,._ • ~oiu~ t>y o lt.,tted portaeulltp S1Qru<:i "*"M ~ I• n. -••t ...,. k:erl ... u •ho c"'ou•l'f O..a .:>1 qqe .., v~ • a N<• II I ,~o.,.. ~~ .... 13 ~ "'ll P\J11UC NOTia lt.-al 8T A '!'EIICPI.....,....,...,IT.;, Or AAAJiiDON P\I8LIC MOneE ~-1!-NOTlCE or TJtuna-a uw T I Me ... ll IUOCI:T x-.. .... 711711 NO'I'ICE YOU .UU: IN D17AULT UNDO A DtW or DUST DA Tm J~ lO 1910 UNLESS YOU TAd ACTION TO PllOTllCT TOU'8 P.-OPtltTY rT NAT • AT A PUWC SALt 17 NttD AH tlCJ'l.AH A TION TH£ NATU"t Of THI PROCtEDlNG AGAIHST TOO YOU SHOULD CONTACT A I.AWYLI' Or. laai>Ory 14 ltl3. at t a AM 0~~~>•C.0• ...,.......,_ L"IP"f•rtlOII\ <II duly tlllfal•h'f Tnuot.. u•oer Tad ~ • 0e..t I Tr.._.. r-doed S.flt h= 24 l.:l ........ No l32S2. ....... '37S7 poo• 'JI ol Ot6laal ,._. D Ill• otlar• ol til• Coa ~ ..... j o,,..,. Couty. I C" 11 I ·•••IJ E•ee~&lell "' ~-.. "·" L<.w.U Jlac...., Q ...... • .:~t WIU StU At Puale AIJ( t1 0 ~ TO HIGHEST BIODtR f OR CASH ~ G1 lime o! ..U. lA lawt-..1 ._., of .. Uru1ood '>tm.t) ,...,..._,..,._ •h• ld Oraao• CeaatJ • '""· .-~-Saala AM 11,.,. --s.,-cwe s..... oDd a ... ~dwa y Saolo Aae. CC.W..I.IIJ . "' nqht ...... Ia ,.,_. c• a...,ed to elM -~ by 1! olldel &>C»d Deed of frwt lA '"-P' petty •1\~Gted Ill .... c.... 'l J""'s-~-:.uc 111 ~~~ I 3'7 of "*-S.C... Newport Beach &II tile Oly ol Newport Bea <:la Co,.aty ol Or ,._,. Sto .. oi~-.­ ""'P re<"<>tded .. JoM 4,.... 2S-T••el~lll.OIOt Mall" Ia \lie .... I til• Cvulll'f "-tud.. of ..a -"' . ., n.. .,_ >4d.r-....... ·mm..o cl.-vatdO&. II OAf, ~ .. I..,) p<vp«ty ~ ....... p~orpn<\ed to b. 1700 ,_ .. &.-. N•WJl<W1 leoc" Caltlb"ale _, The~T...._,.. ~wou ,ay ~ lor aJ IS ....... .u.-ol u.. -...._ tlld •-tk•• ~ <'-e~ .. ••Y •• .,... ~~--St..rt oole W\1 be ...... hi w..tbo~l •• CW ~ _. ~~-"' ,.,&..-r...-,. .... .,.._"" Of ~---• jloly the I~~- I the Dolel•l _.. by ~ n •• t ,, Tn•~ •lilt ~.~~-., ... ·n•••'n ,. ••o•ld.•4 l• eai4 C • I ..;,...-II AJ .... ·~• , • .,,., <II ...:1 o.-1 et T..- ~-"-,•o• 11M ·~ et ._ T I ...... 'lll,j ... .,. t:!Nitlllta4.., •M [,._. ol ft.., T~· "*>! -at al ... ......... ...,..,,.. • '>~ "-obi ~ , .... ..rv..t ny the ptoporty D be ..W ... ......... b.Wo........... -~-Dad ~ ....... - IN 111JbciJ p .. ~a of .. ...... I !oule a.o 114 nt"l'O Tile beaet.clo.ty ., • .._ .... t~oi Tr ... ll• ........ _..... rul , ........ eel 10 u. ........... . wnl!•o ~laratto• .l4 o.fa.JI .... o. ..... ...; lc» Sole oa4. ~ .,. • -.1 Dokr.Jt a M IJ-.e .. ..... Tloe w~~ ... .. • .. o.la..Js oad 0.... .. ·.e~ ' be .... ~ .. ~ _.., •II••• '"" ,_ ~· ..,.._. l>tte N"...nber II. 1112 0.. I• " Recoa•..,aac. Col.-tt • ...x.<l Tr-11722 ......... [)n•• Nonla ~ C. llC? .aJ ~ ly Tem W.a..-. • • P1\u Jea• A"•••••••4 ll.f!l<l: 'ur•f I' .Nail Oat-.~ l. Zt 12,. TN '~~••liM' [a.qn Ntl:IOO PUaUC NOTIC'C nCTmOUW aumx:l8 H AMI: 1'1' A 1iXDI I rl • I U<l•IA-1 ~lire -.... • • ... o STtANIOAt '',T!\T :111<, l •1 402 Hlqla On.. ~·" lw> r, CA ~I ~­S ·• •• •4 ~ Oatcmo La• D r c rllbJC J.. •lUI a.ta m lia~ll D· .... ~.. leoca C. •.li'. .,.,.J H O .. rllee b l al '-n· :• -• • c;,, .. G tr.we :•u ...... -.. R M..cPIMw JT""' · • .a 0. "'"~ So• ,_ II ""Jn ~ • 92fi71 ··~1.1 ht~ ... ft ... " road~ by ,2 ... !1 ... ~,Ill Srqaed lolul .... I • • ~ ••" •'-' •w tUed "''h e. .. ·~ u ~"•,oo• eo...., -IJ I'Jil uo _,.._ I~ l. 2ft IU lo2a ~ T~o• .... wpror1 rn•qa ~.). Ntlltt PU..UC N()"r'lCC: K.-no nc:Tmou.•~ NAME ft Al'I:.MD'I ·-~~..---..... •·•-• tOUIDON WADI ·mm:,. ~ w.:..-o. em..~ • ,.,. -,,,.,......, t211S ,_.., [e erp.-Ltoi a ~ l "'''•d Parte eu .. lp 2i00 1141.11•1•e»• lrY1ae Cellf.-allil ~~~ ~ A ...,_ Jill -;.,~• rh-••• c.... ,._ CA ~ Tl.» IN•-• ~~., • <J•••CLI porta•n"l' ,.._.,. Par"-Ea.,._ 1Atl ., ,.. II ~II«. a-.1 ,_.._ r ....._._.._.,...._ eo ... ., ca.• et o..... 0ntt1t '11....., IS "•bl• PK 1 n u. -. •• -"~C.... I ~MOTIICK ncnnoUIMIJ wAIII:l ..rAnr ... ,__ ..... --011 :..A~ &VD UD. r.a C. P\.l'aL.IC lfO'nCE ll.-. nA-'fiOM£W--rt· cw AU.Ifl>OI'· NDIT or u.or ncnnoua ......... Ml:lf'l' or u.~t 01 ncTmoUI yA.,. .... C. .... .... \.A~ ...... .. n. ~ ,._ •-..,_,_... .. -"' .. ._.... "•••••n •••• "ANCHO CUCANONQA ...... Pw\ D A I. .0.1 ~ ..... S.. lSI. .....,.,_. CA ~-fie loll_,.o ....-~w: ... ol 1: _. .. _el llae D•c• ..,..., ... ,._ ---. ... "-17)ll • • ~ 3t~ r.t~:a.r!!!~2~~~F ~ ~fi!l~rr1 il 1 1 ~J r ~~~~ ~tw!lifrl ii 3 a: j rrP~~~ fl! 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J! · :JJtJi~H!iH~U~~m~!i~nl!!i' ~mlm ft!J~UifJ~i!!!lUI~I-!!i~I•~H!i~!~J!II . i!iWH!;f~!!~:U i!i~fl !lH ~iill~ll f!i~liti~:~~f!ll-i!ini~UifrUtlri!in .mJ .. ~,. !i' ::iJif :t:J~Ii~f rllr,lfilll~ rtf-Iff ~flr~t~i~,i;;~ r.,Jii-;iDr~---§ ~ it ~: l•l;;~ -i :. ir i:ll~?! ... ti)l -~ ; it i1~fi ~J~U -i ;. !rli n~~~ -I ;. it ~~~ ~1Pi:t --i ;. .\r ~t.~: ,e,:Jit l;fi·itrfJ,i,i··l'··f'l•fH .. fi.~Kf r I!~ laf!E~'1 Hf"i~Hf!f;:;f~lll r sil~ ma ~n d;!mm ~ .. ~ ~n ;;~~~~~~i!~mnHrm I if~~mnr~m trf! fUfiH ~~:m~!HH~~~~i~P.ll~iffi!I~U~~~§~~s&!:8 ''"'-'lfl' I I zl I ~ f,.~ 11 t•itf! _f ~ ra~E ;~~~t. 1.1. , i)~~Ji:·~p !1: '! ~5 _;;;j~! •; • f~(ff~~~ Pff. • ~i o . ,_ ~f.l · J -~~ ··f·~ r: lill· p ~~ !:[J.~ ._. e:efrrr~ ,.z . x: ;Jil ... ~ "· •IF tl ~ z : J~ :l";~~"~ffE ;o!g~~ J; 4~ :teU£~fj 1~EP' ft ;liiriig~!j!f--la-~if=l tiJir! ;l~;;~~tr}JJ!1 ff~:;~-~t~8~;s:~•i!,u,~: ~gal~~~~: ott•,a;!:ac• ·a.os i ~~:. • a ' .. ~ I . N "' ir sr-~ . If'-,., 0 {;>-0 ( , •. }" r-o. ~ ~ .... -'~::!,.,.l'i ~ ~ f • ~...... .n :z. ·-a. c:jl "z: > .. 8 !l r.. -L.:; .g. -c -c ... ;; ~ J, U;! tf an:n g : Er t!ld[~.~dfdt ii : ~f :.: hOfO~til! I ii~ l~f~~·;i; nMn~h h:th !rnuu~rafh~l~§~t~~z~!;~ f!m.li~BBli<l!:Ji~:fh~;~~ ~sa~!.lg~· E I A GIFT tr'l()t rer nernt:Jers r_1y !let~ r 'J o th.lr· to hvl(' Wnot11 yOU IU ... ~ 0.11 10 yOU <t• .. ~, il Sj)KII l Clef~ l\oll ol Dlf1NJAy Qllllt '~~ )I 1\U som• Olhe< ot.c~• "' CiM0/111 ~~.-Qo'IS o• tnbu .. golf• m.&Ot to• ,,.,., IO ~0111 l U"9 A\~111""' l>eiP 1)1 ..... , '-''9 u. ...... ANI •mo<o•• , .-\ .,. ol fhOM """-"f''CJ ''fliT! ,, t.AMI:.IU(.'A" L.U IIol(, ASSO<.'I~.IIU~ IPER80.Aia ROMANCE? CULTUR.t' TM VEL? II the~. letefelt a 1ody oe much 01t Uley Ia..,. tb.w healthy. attracU•e mole PJolelilot ~ a oew home, wute Coo11 Media Ne!'.!& P o ao. S044, tau:~~ Babcock, N B ~ Encloee picture I relereflc:. BAD CR.EOfTI R.oeove a Moet•rcard or VIM QUOrclol..ci •ven If you hc~ve b.d c recht no rotdol or N!ve been banJrupt For he• 1 broc hure call U S 1 Credit D•la, toUlr .. I 900 442 1531 any llm• c hecltthe restaurant rev1ewa ltPETS • .-...... ·-·· --CRUISI JOIS. All oooa.~lou wct'shk. &.. --~.for lalo 311-... .:M? Eat C-113. Harbor Mualclpa1 Cou.rl tea. oaealaollor M.a6 Wo..a. Urw tue40 ...... Ha.el" cliulcal ·~rleaee. CaU 83:).0() 1 -t.t. 332 tor~ £a, Oltlleat ........ sear. bel Saaall •. ot/MW br740 hn w• 4101 Jcmbor• Blvd , N.B. I tO.E oOVDHWENT JOIS I ,...,.,..~ela I U.S. aacl ~. For DUectotJ 3la-... 3331 I t.t. E·271. CAR.El.rt SAl£8 u OOUJULDeG I '¥1 ART ~ u OPPICI aDVICE ~ CLEA.RANCE EQUIPIGin C REA TlNG A NEW oo loaoer I - YOU' A bypno behav • t\u'e optro Mu S.U -Adl•• •lec- h tloD m~alJty. tnc: typewnt.eJ r WI a&.. aoral •~oac to aot cheap 1m I Mlf·correc~!l!t Coet ~'tJ~!Iud•· ,:::~:: DIWT1C ~UCTION I S78$, .. u ~ Llke your behav101 and U&Jno oo w.a.lth ot •llbtec:tl• A-. Mi-8312 your 1m~1na11on (r<)thar fly~~ r _ ...... _ '-c COPY MACHJNE th•n will power) l01 "'" ..._..ill ~~ t.sllnn •••Jhl 1714 1 (71 4) 771 ·5480 M1nolte rer •ntly a11pploft 1495 beet of 631 ~ _ l '•butlt compt.t• w1th tl JP11JUGTURE ,., 831 7958 M LIC£Na£D FRENCH CHILD CARE PROVINCIAL bcl.r ..,. Pra.t w-MJ ~ ~~! t.i.:0r~~ oiler loriaa ceo•. uw·1 •· 1·3231 bone. cbiJiheo, pareat ~ !.o~· 7 JIECE Oak IBM PEJISONAl. COM I PUTER or 0. 2 and 2 poo c y M ... , ••It 673 74.22 UDIAMONDS JE'WELRY 10 ..ca• .. ~ua Beeutlful aat~ara1 iagl&GI IWI leqtia coat ... bltad mLU tria ADGr-.cl at 110.1110 Wale otlet M4-14.51 !:;. ~MJaro61 1.::1 ar111L M tty 34 1MMa .... 31 by 2:2 •• 10 ~-..&. .-.. AMW AY PRODUCTS ClOIM ~ yw SatWac· tloa guoraateecl or laOile'f back 5.51-l$63 ....13 I l I ~-~ 152 r.::,. 1 II APft. FR. ~57 ~1 •• I 1 1 .... •a ...... c.;; NE1rPOit1' ISLAND -B•outil11l trl · ••e 3 ~ooal ..., .... ....;. 2 bdr Jemaoalote Gardea type Cor.do 6or -.... . I leM&oaol fOil ·~ Leae , Sea l•a• Sb.on lena, eoa ... ,, ¥~ Waad hoi ~n...a-weekly Near l lelUUI S32S waea-i ...,.ti ~ (714) ~»-c~ry., 7Hol:M1 ~.. .. ' .. (213} 3'17-4140 BUSINESSMAN w!1A Mow l2 Dl ~=--~o;--=,_.t"'"'"":"~ 4 I dauobten wi.AAN to I W • iiD ... hu..aa..- lhate l.ome Ul O.cmge ...._. -• ........ Couety area Split OCIIl ' L ARGE 11,. .,._ I Eaae Ueat re fereoeee APARTMENT NORTH Need r~ bebe LAGUNA 2 1odroo.., N~t=-=w=po=R=T---::1:-::E:-::A:-::C~H )aa I Ccal1 &7 Lew. 1 'o\ batlt, UW oatrpet a taodern 2 ~ a.c:• rwua (71•> ~11312 01 de coratloiJ. O uae t ley 4 bedr~ 3 beth wnt• 1401 £ 17th St Adulte N o P••• 12 hrepl-pool 1ac~ S A 92104 Garage S815 497 · " 3 cat gar•~ 3 200 1030 eq It S2 JOO month O pa ton po n ~b l e 642 1JM laq a "oueatttlao w.dltou:rauaa tb /Day/Wll Yrt ol 1 bedaooa .... Kiao .._ eq~~M. Ma-2:219 1700. t.:.u..a coadl· PRtOO aABY Stroller U BIIITAI.I TO I -.-IIOUIII----- O.C. flltrtlll Wltft boUACl09 IU8P.U' .... I .~ .. n. eo.. ...... CoiJa I I 1100. botl&et tr~t New I -I .., ..... ..,_ tloa O •llted .. , • ., 27 SITUAnoMS .-cl ISO 830-2303 Prachco1 N uree r-elry Exchange. 24.28 I SD>. oaklfl(' S100 ~ rENAL£ ROOMMATE R£.NT DUPLEX 1A9"AI Newport Blvd Colt• I 3004 1 n..d•d Non ltaoker Beach Upper larqe w-. buytl &Ad ..U.~--------Woodbr~d9• lrY\1\A 2 I ... nny 3 bedroofftl f4, uMd te••.l ry, acrep Lo w•reoc e Erac •on '"--'room 1,., '"-th con bath.a hr•place eociCII qoJd, d•tal wetebe& 328"a Sapphue , 8olboo ..-. "'" ad 110 larQ• lencad .cola&, ILl-&31 5833 I 9'l&63 Congrotukrtloaa' do S295 per month plue I r AIAIIJ• oc-n You have 11111 wOA two I 2 utolou.. IC•r•n V:d 9 1 717 N Bro.tdwav Santa A~ CA i2706 UVEITOC& i iiiilll•••••lllll l Whtte DovM·UMd Ia 1 Mog1c Am Sll pt ~ OPPORTUNl'I'Y SA.U:S I FOPU:, NJO.H iCH()( I PfllNCtP AU , a:A.D .... OACHJ:S, lAND orNCTo~ roM<CU CHJ:.tJU..t:.N> £RS Proi.-oool born• care ' for duobled a coD· 1 ~24lu•r ~ CaJJ Me Te ny· I ~293'7 DANISH TEAK <hfl- 'niJ tClhla I 6 chmra E•· t•nde 1o MOl 8 l Jfl old Beoutllul ~ 2 hYing room blQb bock choir• E.aceU•n• cond $150 eo E1tate aale Beet offer (71 4) 'W/. 0269 MASCULINE 111 j llckeh lo ! "venon91 w••••nda 1 <.<)oyon ., .. ._ 00 laugget rtoo. wit" 3 Manneland PI-7141551 6304 ::~~~·4~0~~7 1895 "--'- carcste hu diGIDoade call 673·05S0 lor your p R 0 F' E S S 1 0 N A L j e. .. t r~ _-,: -tl'(:z-tl Looking for an apartment? Be sure to -check the Jinl' CoQe 1M 850- Mlt•am Scho.U.r, PO 1j Bo a 1134. N•wP.ort B•oc h 92o63 ConQraaulah oo•' You ha ve fU l l wo o t wo hC'k•t e I O Manneland PlecJN II coU 673-05SO lor your hckabl I lUlEAJ.TH ll.OSE WEIG KT NO W 10 to}..,. lb. 1n )() dc~v• I • r y ""r SJI 75 len I muntil • oupply return .0 c .. u H£JIBAUfl .Jo1lt1butor M1cha ll• 645 54 23 So.lee p(41bon With lbe leode r u lf'hool eol• lflduatry ~.11 •r.or•• I relot•d ~rodu e 1 to Mhl~c eportmtnll. 8;m hMrleadeB •tc I· u 1 \II com . , u 1or. f!ce lle nl l ltaoQ • !>e n ellt• Mwmun1 •HAIAQI bnt year $21 '>ol('~ Loc:o1 lerratory Thoro uQb tra&otnQ Meut od· vcmcement Rewar~'·O I)C*tion lor r•ponabl•1 mcrture, oool·on•ntea tnd1v1du d Send r..ume 10 ronbde o<. .. 10 I M riJCI:S P 0 Boa 7832 Stockton CA ~7 30 BU81NESS OPPTY& I WANT TO BUY OR I SELL a biiAII_, Coil Jeaa Slurar, •peoolaM I Ill bu11oeu O~,POI 1 turub• CaU ~2·1100. ageAt 1 Lc.t c:bcDCe lor Mro IQ .. I lA '12 I '83, ' relvDde tor lflCOOie to• 1 .. pclld ID '81 '80 I '79 1 I .SOk wrate-otl, S.SOO dow11 La!g• prohl , potentl41 638-9111 GIA 1aborat~ :t ' ucke• WOMAN d"''" qu .. t -:-LM-=-=~QE:-:--::OAANO£=-::':":"=-._-....... , t t 1 1 , I ~ ~•~e ~ ---------I bedroom provat• b.th I palo la.ca,e 3 ...... 2 !tat~ ~eee, wh~ I (?H) l3l·!Z7t 1 51 WANTED pl .. • k1tch•n prov1l~" 1 batAl .. ot..-.. ;D, II ~--- oAK DINING Table, 2 leav ... 2 a rm·4 11de choara a buHet ChUla Cokunet w1th round I oloie corn•n E•c•U•nt ccmd.thoD 499·4040 TO BUY I wolh per.un ul 1 Omp.tll decot~. Waay llP' --It I ROUND IRILUANT bl• 101.'"' ~>nly • 9 t=:• teaaJt, poOl ..... Dl.ANONO, I CR carat. WANTED USED tur jC••nu ol mtnd lunQ i OS*Oil DCIIIi&We 1 -r--:---:-=~--~ a ppro11ecl 1 12 ~W "'"''" m ..:l•rn an 1•0 peycholoov Cd M 1150 moetll SS..lt&1 AaacAle Nuae• ' 42 APPLIANCES Sean clelu-;• portable d11bw a •h•r G ood Chnetma e g1h Only IUQbtly UNCi, hk•oew a ppearaoca what•. woodor0111 lop Sl~ 00 8.S7·1TI4 ev•ll.lDQI or w"hnd (Flita I Lee) Gt w;.h.~ Ga• Priwale pa rt""'L.!,e•t N.irwport S...ch Cc.t4 -Mdrue.. peel .... ~., (71 4) MS.,_, ,, l ,,. R•lr•o•at ·•• M ... a •rNI 667 0880 CD M nearly •-3 I .. reel • ... ..... Brtao McDonald. PO So .. SfXJ7 lrvtne Ca Conoralulahont' You hove fUll wc.n two loc kell to Mannelaod Pleoae cull 673 ~!)() lor your tiC\ eta ll ADIES DI AMO Nl> SOLIT A IRE. 1 t\l••o 11 '' A1 pr • "I S '> U(.J( T r • I, I o "''''~ Il l /'>OC,I~l "'·••h .. t• lry•n wor• t'll ••••-bdr 3 ba, 2 fireplac•, 2 ; tl,D ........ .. ' tnq nc•n wnrlrono• Let ---~·-•~ car garaqa llalcoor. I\ 9S7 HI 1.1 U'JIU'U'M wet bar . g a rde oe r t.-Sl~ per roo (AS H f'AI [J I 1 UNIOUI ~1 -4&93 at\er lip m 1 (JUAl.ITY ANTICJU£.5 APA~TMtNTS a od I ,..,. .. 1,~ •m• • townbou .. , wotb I LAGUNA BEACH lotm•·n l 1•tl••m• h.' cathe dral ce diDQI F:m•r.,ld S.,y ·"'"'"IIY • .. to ..... r .... "' hr1ptoe. wet bon av •ttnh ,,., v•rl "lu 111..,. t'l r t •dv"f C'ODdlhOAIDQ poo}e.,I••WI• C, "• l bedt-C)m ,,,.nt.1i• I OUDOI , 9ym te noll J. bol!h \) 4U() I 779 (>ALl f.RYC>Nt. co urta Immed1at• b'Ub 4~4 4444 4 94 996b a vaJoble I bedroom 1 ! •ANA f'( t!N'T IU:N'T Al a od deo I bedloom l 0. """ vo•"" l.troe WANTED OLD 0UNS b • d 1oom 2 ba t b .! • '•••P I• • No p.ptt Beoch D"pl.a. ooeaa I ._, trp&ca , ....U..t I fano o claq U00000 down S I3S, 00 C barte r Reoltf a ............. 2:2 many vacancies listed in Classified each day. '(:('(:('(:( • ''StNIOR C ITIZtNS MEDICAL CtNTtR I • •• Mecbccue a.QII ment accepted Free llroke ecr•~ Star· 11119 Jcmua:ry )'1 CaU lor a ppoUitme al 357 W••t W1leon Street, Ca.ta Mem CaU lot In· lormotw>n 631·1032 PART TlMt Work, u · 1 EXEC MARkETINc..i c e ll la co roe aa GROUP onlroducoroq th" wbol..ale 1upply CoD· I un1que ~nd qu"'''no.....l loc1 Dr Port•r ('714) MILEAG E MAKER Drr••1 .H~ duty 2 fl! 010 S300 pr 6.50· 15678 • I ho ut;~;,-Dtll~;Dd aollta11• I 23 Cor~ • Appraued S IO 000 j Make oUe r trade aqw· o tl• • '" '~ .-n. I>' • k"1 IOW1lhou-Sorry oo '-b~) By ow1uor 496 w , 1 n ,. ., ·! • t 1 r • pelll 2400 Horltor !lwd CJ27 1 • .,, • b ~ •• "'' 11•· Cc:.eta M.a ~'7 8020 N::..o:..r:..th_w_o_o...,.d---::T:-:-h-• NEWPORT BEAC H. o..t 10 Hoao ..,.kll Ocea n loy \'leW 2 bdnn 2 bcna 1100 l'ftO 3CENETERY CRYPTS AND LOTS rot ~Cal. grcrt• E a F lot 1 4 *"t.odo wlawo SouiAl Pac:lhc Vlew Meaorlol P01.. 1500 e..JCAI otiet 144-t480 I tEoXL SERVICES ROGER C TURNER Pa tent, coolroclll, •n· C'Orp (714) 548·5649 9 PERSONALS Gl•ndo H a oo•m maker 2156 V111to tn llodo N•wpott B.uch Co Conqrotulohon•' Yo11 hnv• 111ft woo lwo tackelll to S11per Fuo ·· Pt.a .. c.•ll 673 ~50 lor your hc kett ::, r ABLE Chrubon Wltb prol-lonal employed backQrouod S1ngl• pcu•nl lm 14 yr1 Ea ce lleol r•ferenc e• Waoll th• opporluDJty to lake C'Or• ol your borne 6 ,-on .. nll wlul• fOU cue on votobon Plea•• coli O dell ot 5.56 096S or 979 807 4 Sl&-5848 7141980 .. 4 13 , Gla mor Job wotb WANT TO I UY OR Lea d &no Co•m•tlc SELL o bt~aA-? CaU Com Full·time pay lecm Shirar, ~ With port·t11n,e lue Mu lA bll1iee11 oppo~r · :;::::;:;;:;:::;:;;:;:::;:::;::::::::=::;;:::::::-1 be orQO~ We will tu11.1taae CaJJ ~2-1100 DRINliNG WATER 1ra111 Slart now lor tlae Purtber hov.bolo I hobdoy b\IIIUI-W. d a ltclou e Triole 9174 ~~RU~~«nov• l(t.<;S-MAJL AT AMWAY PRODUCTS ••m• to ynu Sttltolc~• tto n qu, ... .,.i •r mvn•v b.s to <,c;'1 '>'>4 l a eb .. toe c:hl or~o• -M[ SJr 00 per eodium vuu..., con II u nd r •d No • 1 WINIX>W <I fANIN<, torntnante Warronty vaneoce Par1 or lull '"'•'""~• lur • ol• w,.l, NEW $149 (714) 4.98-IUI\1 S)art tmmad.laiell I •"' d olo h• l Tr. ~ 341 4 D•toala eeod eel · •l .. •f•m""' •, ........ ~ adclreued 11omped W I •r". • .... ... •• , 11 EHTD· TADOIENT sJt~NS JO he lnr m""i:a lloone I d•lover•cl wa tll o r w11hout c ba mpaqne Perfect lor a ll ~on•. 6 hobdoy• Coll 673 I 4419 I HJRE A HAREM lor Holiday htwlbee L.t •he ue~IU\o At.h a.uy Dancere entettoln your QUHII a CUII\11 Ot pol I t.M 6 pliY<lle affau• C"ll (114) 731 ·4574 leave m_.,q• A BlAl!TH UL BEU Y CIANC[R woll mdlt~t yuuo n• •' • t~t '"" lpflor ' I w • .-nl~rl,lln lt.lll rn\ ,,,. tn<l bu••"-ql<oul '"•II 7ll 4574 1 23 HELP WANTED Allred Merrell. 147 Promontory_ Dr w .... N~••port B•ach. Co 91660 Cooqratuloboaa1 You bene )uM wno two I nc:kete to 'Super F uo " Pt.oN c:oU 673 ~lor your tacaeta eavelo p• H a1 k u f• "u•r• ,,.,,,, D u t rt b u 1 o re. I I 5 I am,, II , n . • •' m" n' W01~lan1 Rd 'iolku. l 4q4 6944 H1 96708 30 IUSINE8S Need ema mo,..r -=: OPPTYS •ell tra••l club m•mbenlupe Take tripe r o.......U ~1334 NOrma SALES INT DECORATING, flau I lor ct.iqA o..m.ble b,. · 1 W&l.l troia Coil Jeooy ot 1 857·8154 PI-coli MoD or Tu• CRUISt SHIP JOBSt Gteot iacor:De ~tl41 All occupatkea r or Ill· lormatiOD coJl 1()2 ••• 0428 e.t 8963 -Need utro rooo.t - • ·G MARTIN l7!)!) loraruv Colla M~ Co Conqrotulallone0 You have 1~ woo two ncllelll to Supar run .. Pt.a.. call 673-~ lor your bC'k•ta IUSINtsSMAN -.u C'CN"'-motu.te 11J19l. P T to balp ••· DG*I wbcleml• eupply b\1.111..-Colltoct t>f Pan. (714) 536-5141 32 TRUST DEEDS AND NOJ\TGAGES l u ll tra••l club membeull_ap1 Taka tripe younelf. 49.S-1334 I NoJ'1DG IU:OlSTtiUD NU RSL I -... etlllpioym•t Noa·emok!.:_t loc cal •of•eacee wu-7836 rtRSl a S ECO ND T 0 ·,Owner aDd ooo· I 1 owner occupied uni'- Cammeraol buiUI- IOaJII (71 4) 964·lSI9 ••• (714) 620-9166 Reapoaabl. Europecu covple -will Ia~ LoguAo area boro• WW do fOld work 549- 7641 &ICONl & THIRD T . .D.'e. Owne r & ooo· owner. ~omm , 8\Yl.n-, & 8wiA(II All low u 121 t% (7&4) ... 15ll -B~oll•r "MUSICAL INITRUMEMT& ALLEN PIANO , Ccuou.el tp&.Ut orgaJI Good coadllioe , beoutilul looe, 11a• eabiul 1750 Pbou '159-00.51 SWNWA YO RAND PIA.N0-~'7" wolnt Pn1rata party, 760-0449 Selmer ~;.!wood 8 llol Clanoet With C'CJN Prola .. 1onal q_u ahty hke OIW $29!) !)40 067!) ----ICUII.LE PIANO roR IA1L l.&ke HW, !WI keyboard ~. plGyw ••celle ot Sl300 49J.4321 or 381·1235 work I ~n property 64!). )oho Wa yne Teon11 Club r a mtl y Membe11hop $1000 1 P P (mOVID9) 760·8160 ~K5 OL~ ~AnL tnt ,_t • f'Ot'\' Wt~ t•u} •n•l o•ll 0 •' ,j I "'IJ ,., t..KAJok• •\H •pe\. H) I t~ N,.ho.,wtd" c;..., h '•·•" 8.••• VJu•' lbHJ A S. lh. t· s,, , All" '>4<4 ~"413 • • • NEW Te lepbooe Ao•weriav mae~la1oe I fro m Sit 9S ~rlter City. no. Come '!'o The Chrut mOl HouM1 Beaunlul a unoque haodmnde decor1IOIU IIJlhl 6 lood Nov 'l7 & 28th 10·4 p m 12!) Sapph•r• B<1lboo laland Gala •Y Ele ctro a1c orgoa -pl.ayw 17 cord. automabcclly, rbtllera patte ro1 I b a a le, epeaol etfeatot It' 1 you owa combo Llk• uwm Orti I UOO · Se ll Mua\ Coot Chn~t~an SlOOO M2-1182 D10r [laQoDI full WwlitMn a.t CoDCert lenQth hoht be19• 11.11 Coa.dola Piocmo Sobd 10. appra.aed S7000 oak wltk eoroputen.Md B• oUat 8.57 9394 tape plGJ« G4.al)() I HAMMOND O RG AN OCCELL£NT C ONDITION D•llll Walnut Bench S4~ Coll 497 1096 65 OFFICE EQUIPMENT RCA V~ Rec01der rideo camera tnpod, ~ golloo oqua11uro •tood 10 5 qallon I nuYCil 301 pump other f~pe 494·3520 494· 50 MJSCEL· LA.NEOUS Movtoo to AJcu ~ locuw Cl~c I~ ford DICk UD IIUUill CotapebboD akl boo1 All acme lurruatuoo• 496-8196 RtDW OOD 2&6 DEC KING 49.; loot Redwood lotbca panel.e Sl5 99 Ook lueploce muatell $199 TRINITY WH O LtSAL£ 99!) 01 22 ' t '-,.,,., m~u• fh" 2 bdl 2 both ,,, ; t. .. l.,, -.~1 88'/C WH Y PAY MO RE Now rk. lok..de .. 1 Pool •PC!.:. i!l_,aqe, ..cunty '7~3D'Zl 52 RENTALS TO SHARE ROO M MATE WANTED fo1 Laouoa Beach £m•rold Boy Aparlmeat Walk to Beach_~q~1e1 o ad cbct rrung ~ lltfmoht and noa·•mokera -Coil toUb.. numbor I 800 ~-3972 01~ lor Peon j~" AdWoacAI M ROOMMATE WANTED to l h'lll Woodbud9e lr•1D1 Coedo 1350 monthly ~9114 F1 male Roomat• to Share 2 bdr 2 both apl S290 per mo lnc1ud.tn; u llhbll 8J9. 3482 ft:MALE Noo·•moller !•• thor• w11h eome l Jkl r , ••• hom• v~rloooun\1 wood. All 1me not••• tnclud1ng pooo & ••n n 11 w nttt>mbe r ah•p on b«.tch ct teon11 club SJ2!) • .. nlan.e 770 9651 f rMALE Non·mnoker 1 1h 111 wtlb l ame Pf",,..lul l.1ke r on _. h •m• v•rlooltl n(l woud1 B•outtlully d e co rnte d A ll tme a111e1 ~nclud~no p <:>ol ct I I DIIII w me mbere b op I D beach I tenn» club S3lS • unhb• 770 8651 '!'"''"'' Huntonqt '" I 10 ::' b ou t• ~ \''"'•·••J,, Apertm .. nu emen.lbee for reat 01 I 11no• QMd"n "IM't leON wttb ophoa to "'""' ""'"' bedr h '" ' bu 213.3'77 55 RANCHO S AN Hunror qt •II Bear h• y JO AQUIN 2 Itch laWD.ho.-Great .s.-, Jn• .nd ""'' t)fod, ... m ... cc:~~Owat::-~-.. mr--:~ op.ortm•nla hum S-425 ;::.. t. ::.1. "-wei I Nem 9Q1J cou.ne, -· mu11111 pool a ~~~ AwmloW. )aJI I a'50 1D0 730-1191) 71 " &47 6064 1 lte4lrooa, S ltettl ~EWPORT BEACH 0 -• Yiow tl,IOO "dnh ·n• y ... otv t...t '"' .. llvn I. Ooo<lt• >nm I t. ••h \1 200 C .. 11 1 .n \4 n c;o1t. Hal Kern II 4912 Yearl ~ng Ave lrv&oe Co 9271 4 Congrotulotaoru1 You have 1u• woo two t,ckeh to Munnalond Pl~N:~M =1! 673 0~ lor your 11ckell ). BDR mode m ,)0& lurnolhiDQI IOCUIII ••nail w1 to<Om parlt •filii IOA('unty S62.5 me. Ref •equ11ed Day• 71 4 66'7000 ., .. 213> 4J9 1002 --.s ~c.a ~ I ...... Ill-'* ..,N...,..ort___,.h-wood--:-.-t~h. Lak-. I &tAUTIFUL ... c 2 bdr l bat.b l ....-, home 3bdr 2bath 1o I Lake11d1 paUo Into• Terrace o•o r To walaollee all f01h1c.o le N•w~!1 am.me11.1a.. for real or C.oter Sl150 mo 673 l lac.. w1th ~A to 1 1700 buy 213-377- Pomolo [va ne lll3 Newport Bl•d New FAMILY TO RJ:NT - ()_Ort leach 91663 "Newport Towub~ 4 CoDgrotulouon•' You I Bclr , 2 cor qara.,. ha ve 1uet wo o two Wo eber dry••· tockell to r.trlqetatc. SIIOO Mo Manoelond PI-)aD I IS3-Siatt ,.,. call 673-0SSO lor your 2.57t I ~-:·:. .......... ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; @ CANWIN ~ s1,000,000 Canadian Government lottery loVER S3n ,ooo.I)OO. IN CASH [___ Dr••• E"~')' l'loftltl ONE IN FOUR C HANCE OF WINNING CASH PRIZES UP TO '1.000,000 MANY US WINNERS - PAY ONLY ONC~ YOUR AD WILL RUN UNTIL YOUR ITEM S SOLO. GUARANTEED! When you plaet your ·•Private Party" clatalt'-d .ctwlth ut you'rt ~nQ to ... lyOUt Item. And It It doesn't ... , tftet the tArat~·.,.,.. run 'fOtlt M FREE teak\ end ... an af\d egaln yntMlt doee. Thee a OUf ........... to ~our ld wUI ..,.,_., In The Irvine Today, Cotlta .......... end TM ,.••90'1 Entlgn .-• C«MNMned r~ eudieftoe of ..., 111.000. UtUe won4Mf .. qn make guaren .... Mile tN.a. C.M ue today or UM tM f\lndy form beloW and malt tn ~ M Then don't ~ far from tMpMM. Pl,ase Nute.' You can call in your ad direct COAit MIOtA N&wt OIWU .. ......... ...,.,. ...._CA. IIIP 20 wo"os FOA 120 oo ,...,.. ..... ~ ... u , •• ,..., t•'• ................................ . .. ._. ......................... . ....., ...... o-..~ .......................... ...- Support the Ma tlniDimes ~FECl"'f.OUNOAJION I • MVACAftON u.ru.e LANDLORDS :_ . r,e. adwrt1&1"9l L.t rentalt and ree.1w qualified ~~~t AAA Rent&! RMI ty. Ora~ Cow.ty'a old•t aad larv•t rental ~ 973-8315 VACANCitS COST MONEY t leoc~ IMOalll C{_I&ICiaJJ Dial 173 -0S~O aowl C'a-'W Ada =:!~~ce -== OWNER. laok loy ~. ---~~~~~ 71L01S ACIIAQI :>CEAN VIEW LOTS lrom SS,OOO T•rmt (It'• really true ) Mou o ky are" Agent (71 41 760 8160 ·-------37$.7la1r:ll3)m roo., ~IIUW• -· Nos . wMil pool. jCIC\IIIIIi, We PALM -lot. 3-carsraraue. IUO,· IMaoaoWo wlalor 000 -aiM MlO,· Larve Fairwc~r V*' .... L...,.o.... loe -wWl~'-" r.u, ••••IM•4. l ooo. ••• .w. ~ o1 ..._ '•• -. .... ._,, --... OJaiDO£ W Well CMalry 0. Toaale, ewlaaJ~•· ;;._ fowa~:· 1e1ow aari!• wa-jonul. A .. u.wo .._. "D" 1 ada + 112SfODO. lr OW!*. i*~ai~.=~= ~~·d: .-a i;.~ Noaa, 92877. VACATION IDfTAL Coapot~alatioul Yov -t.al•" .....,..,. ~-~, ba•a juet woa two =:::,:;:: bo4rooa, 2 batb, !~.. ~ ~2bcb,,~ ~ .......... oaU ~to. yov.r •/color TV, etoroo, For aa1o ., owaor. lic:ba aJcrowcn·•· Urep1e., IJ ... OOO. ••~ -RESORT ~.~ ~~.ua ~~~~~~~~ ,. kJc:ull a eauao. Now OWNER 8aclt B•y PROPERTY takiag_ _ r ... rYOttou, Newport 2·11ory 4 bed TA""'•u • •y _ , -L-,..1-room, 3 bath Modern .. _......,8ft ...,..... ' wllh pool, )eCUUI biQ AJTowboad. 5 Jdr., ) 810 lEAR -3 bdr. lot J.car 9",.,9• ba, g~a_. ho~&~a, ear· ~~~~~ S l~~ •~mable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~---~ STAll 1 II A COZY NO CARE COIMI air, phae tc'e~ S410.000 6-421366 dock, a c rou hona IW~·s::J!:.. .y OWIID. .... :::.:! .!;.~~.~ I 16-BOAT-tl NTilCYCLESI CM)fJ LAC 4018RIGHTON PRING8 ON B.R. .. 2,300 ~~·64$.1111 . Vt.to Coado oa \U lietehi!M--. ,. CHARa.n 1110 ICARAY. 225 MOPEDS t s77""C;dw.laoc:=-~Co~u ... - SO. LAD: TAHOE _ c:: 2 Wtoc.~, 2 000. D~ ~213! 421- 1 • Ddd,1. Cebla, UO 1980 CXSOO rAtRING de VW. ct. Deoa~ Taboo •-Lo.-2 .. ~·V-.A. t...~J ~; E•• 213 .. ~.!.~ill* W... 1,10, tOIMo~ T1 unlao:.a~ 7 400 m1les , ......_E--. 1 OWD•. bociroo.a-~ 5.U.. ·~ •'1::_ -'"'·--.... _.., ••c•llttnt •hope ow) ~ ... _ to ~ e~~~Aat. Ja. • •· 11U, 00. SJ:J RESO RT coDdo 1.._ Coil,_. 1 ~. '"· (114 1n.•l lwn,.r 871 0641 :!~b:::-a-N.t;~t 713 GRAYLING 8AY door pool ..... boat I '170-Ga3 Sa It La ke. Uta Ia itif.tliiD:' l:lla..a7. 559 9299 S~ '300 ~·.t S4 900 dook, ato 1"10/ daJ. I.H LAOUNA Gorveoue aceury, M BOATS ,,u,., ~SO. (114) 141-2lt3. ,.lACK'S .VIotoda double ucul ltatcbeD, 1 lt~ f\ ftlm Ca.bua t~ YAMAHA X~WO l9?2 Eldorado Coa,.. 2 BR. 2 IIATH, 134.,100 4111,4, DAHLIA S22S.OOO. ~ 2 BR, 2 BATH YIIW ~ ~-~ b.replaco, ~area, 124'WINOJOII1818-=~•ir=· Specl ll l.x.vtl""'' " Ublo, aew to ••• l.A.KE AMOWH£AD 2· ...... ~---I bar, 2 bath.t, UMpl. ..... trtr, VKr,...... 113750 c. cl illl<lfl ndrl•n •nl~ ol .r po-lal lood:::f'l 1tory new 4-bedrooDI b!Uider. 11$ NoAuloy 1 H1ke, 1w1m, eaua a1 5. 1ta8111·-.a a....1 ~ ~., · ....... :. .. __ ra .~!: '"'J ._11m"'"' m ....... , goocf 13 OOO/ b~: r.llll loll, 2 bath, 2 ---..... •1__, I ••auraD&I Reducea 1 wit~ ~C..... ...... .. .-S 1 1 /5 Mull. '"' " '" .:...u_ • ....,. ~ .. repl-. 2 balcon:lel. r-SS.OO/ .. rma (801) 363-reedy. . 18.800. 5. P•• •••• C .. tt ~ .. 1 gg-_,_ 411 DAHLIA, 1271.000. c•tbedral C:.IIUtQ cob SS6.S .,.. (~7274)Pf, 1....._ 5~1 071() I .,..,..,.~,..-----.,.,. TV Sl.epe 14 Nofth UOOIU>OS/ fiSHJ.NG BOAT 1981 ---19$6 Cou~ do VW., Shore S28Stw.-end. TOWIUIIES IONOIIUIDOS 1 1174 ALL G1AI8 S.• Tr•ck•r II ..,.,., 1978 Hondo [apr-l.na.maC'I&lcrte. Ia a Q,a•l 13951week S.595-c ..wa o-...... 22' cury moiOI It Iller s:D) 080 [aceD.DI I IO all willa orlglao 3_,.,21h8ATHI '"· 522-8631 0.. tl •II ua ;gu; . SPAc rous MOBU.EI , ... ..,.. 1.-.d li8l •pau• ,.,. J. .-c.,.,. <=ood.bun Lu.. auJ .. t daaa OO'feN. loli oMer _ oo.c1o, So.a Lo Jolla. lrv1ne' 3 bad1ool'n W.lllt c:~ b&ller, cuv... extra b6tt•11'" onchc.t CuU Steve at 67~ 2S08 1 ?•• 13,100. -.sa&. SUNNY 11101o1olalft vee• Lor .. -anWe-I to pool and ahopplnQ 1 ed lt/01 110,000 w1nd.lueld , .. ,p..ted hoe, ltQ S..rc•btn ~ No.,.._or..-.174{·1 No peu S.Cuuty 45 1714)5444363or54(). batt tenk ••~ 17141 117/lt(INDA 1oOT t979 SEVIU.! DIESEL bedroom plue lolt D . Of ..a/opllloa. • yea11 to buy Only i()l8, , 7607912 ~~ .... d t ... p. r . ..t 1 1 ~harp blaclt f aNory Sloepe 9 S3! per niQht 4M-4713 S46 000 l•ne "91nt I ,,,.,,, S4CJ(I ,,1 t... 1, , u .. r ·s 8 tr•c:k, AMJFM S70 relundable eecunty I 551 3061 14 HOBIE CAT With -I<.JJ 5657 ' ~ ccellent c:ond1t1on, da~t Cell &.Iinde •• faDIQilbc Buy 3 Bdt : Mob.~. Honae _ dou· l~''N'u,~:?. ;'ge~2~- 1 • RJ:CRJ:ATJON "'"II m.tlnt•med AIIIUIQ 834·1424. 8 305p m Condo. Near pa rk, 1 bl. .ndo, 2 bedroom, 2 VEJIIOLEI , 82 BDCES i<:~.OOO Don 17 14)63J eebool 4 mariAo Try I bathroom, deD ceDtral , I t Ad62 ,21Jl 268 4830 RATES s REDUC~ -$13,000 dow a Allum• air l.o91lft<l i{W.; 134 . am ..... ---.·.' IIV SAONnCE IV73 Lodiee 3 epd -Men I I ~ !_LW --P•lm ~'UI91 uxury low IDiereel let TD 99'S. OWoer d-..ro~. afforclo~lo , 1•1 J ~JOt.·tool.-J'I6, 10 epd Scllw1Ao vorll· 1958 £1.00RADO S. c:onl ~roomul.lyll"tu::-:::· 192 sao Char1eJ Realty M$·1800 I a.:;c N.!!.J.~ ,I. loot aha.al.aua bocl1 I ly Look a rld.e oew 'VIlle M.cbeoiCelly ..... ..... 6 ~o•eelrneDtl 49ti· • ooo• -:=-wUb o1ec:tric lih, •• t Choice 149 Save up lo quud IJuOO ,.,.. all !:!~"· A::~~~:~ng~: 8122 VACANCIES cost I ::lf t. ' · .,~. I r..r•:b~ ~ 1 ~~~ ~l~ Canter 0'80r c:t~n~f·m eoda mad w .. k or loi\Q ..--.RT "ILUFFS" NONEYI lea c ~ --nd air CC*l., aru.JM Ql48 er ter1111 C•ll •her 6 ~~-6ry _.. teaoo• q_~a1c:kly Dial l 12' Bl.l'1T£Rn Y SAIL I coalrol, ... roo, color t l3 VANS 1 g&2 CADIU.AC p 01 545-76e8 or 846 OWMt, ~aullll••• We e73-0550 a owl BOAT le111uler to •1 TV . •0 ... 2_00 a l. ad wW 31 88 at 11•2.000.00 cae~ 1 wMr) Whtte u...... 112.500/0.u. I SlnlU.. Ta11110 te -..~ 1 .tor•qe tube excellent (lt2JEX) 5,51.1a3 1 t• CH o aa , I u1Wior wt~ ta~Ape Ia· 1 LaguDa laoc b M 80AT8 :oildahcm Sl JOOoft., I ruu QOOCI ~.aol a ••a. low a~ e;,=.~-;J FOR SALE BY OWN ER EQUIPMENT 1 7600356 .llllVICE/ 1 tolid 11sao 0 138-I Sf~ Cell -. Corona del Mar 91615 I ~ ~~1= I ~<>n~:,n-;:;..:~wA~;~:--.. MUST S £L L, 1 ~~~R ~"!. lh~/~~;:' I IJPAIJl 15-S? 1493.2874, 1·346-3025 Call 494 1084 I S I JJ 000 '"" T D lt7a/l_, 40 tt. twia 1 dowt other e11traa Wath !BRITISH AUTO RE 7~ TOYOTA Pa<.ltupd 1 'l7 9 C ADILLAC I 0... . -' 12 • 30 v..... ....... ~~· t~~ :ru; I llall•t I I 950 1714> I PAJ..RS JTaQuer J.MG.. ~::!.~ri O•Qllell GQ::d S.vllll•l Dl-1 Luadd ed HuEv~ gl ret · No•rly ""' 3 bdrm, 3 bath homo • Prof ClecOfetod antonor/extortor • 40' lap pool apa. t~nt•ln · r:ormal dining room hbfery • Gourmet country lutcl'len wlftrept Aaaume 13V•%, 1221,000 Flxed Rate Loan, lubmH Your 0..., OwMr , ... able. Alt. 157-1717 LAGUNA BEACH 110s N Coast ~ 494·1177 Exc•lleot , , 1 1 •-· --· 633 6629 H.eley uumph aJ s2 200 b•t , •11ce en1 con 1t1on •---,;;-;;;;;~~--~ 831 9596 .......... J. sao Of trade proportr I TrtWIIph Steg and mnel mtf ea~:s ~ I brown Nuat tell t-.a.. BJI 4S4Sd ... ,. 1(91-S388 SAIL AWAY an your otbet l ntllhautoe 1995 o ., $8,500 8598040 .... V•qabond 14 lull HI ol Herbot &Jvd Coat4 -Pnmt LKto NO,S ba}'(ron\ ~ bdml, ~~.~ balh. ~~=:":"'!"':~---:~:--FISHINO aoAT -Will trailer motor all ...... 5 48 6.l26 91 AUTOS/ I...-L.R., au cond 2 ., &hpt a a.~.ooo TASTEfUlly fUR , ..... ,,.. .. II tht< "'·~•non•• you HI.RI'SGARAGE WANTED CHEVIlOLET NISHED .•nP bo-Jr" m NenNry ...,._, .......... need Sl 595 John l -d d -....._ 1-a · , .. 5 '""21 WaD.ect 911·12 BMW Btlnode)ed 3 bdnn, 2 balh + lara~ reoc rm . ~~~ .:'On ' '0 c. •n "?---_ _, ~.-... .,.. .., AuTO REPAIR 320 l Ho •a caelil, I $420 000 Hunltnl)l<or a .... II -• ··-nD(TJON r Do 86SI bMm cef.1lnp. funuahed, pe\Jua ' Arlultt over 40 Sto< ur. ~~~ .... :(11 )_:. ~ORSI 1 a, IIIII ga.. [:~~n overhaulmT~~e ~,g~••=' ?7(). ty SIOOOOO 171 4t --,_ ~..t.•-1 14 actiWaoat up, bralt• ,._,,, ... ,,1 536 96.!9. ""' :::' ..,.u;::, ~ Yw Cau 730·4894 • AUTOS FOR I 1971 g...., Noua, ~. AM/FM radio, low a.lloge, 1:1200, 413· 4035 u.& 11L1 UYAIIT lAaoon view from e bdnn. ~ blth, playroom. dull rm. den. Boet .Up. Now $800.000 .: ..... " .... New 4 br. 4\oo\ ba. cwtam P'ftnrh Normandy ...... 1.2 prime ec:re hilltop $1.2~.000 ....... ,. Coronado lalaDd CUlt. beyfront lot 85' boat clock . ....._ avail. Now P?O,OOO w/wnna ~ ' ' -, i I ' Jy i f' , I T ~ ~ ---- ----~~~~--· ...... ttl Oa1y MlO. IAI.I CaD ~1-tl.S 11 N'l'ROYCLES/ ------ ~· u.atec1 lrok111. leattora 111<*111 08 SALIINIIONI Now Offertng 90~ at our COfono del Mar Otftee JOHN CAREY. GRt 13' BOSTON WHALER 40 honepo-r Me.r cwy, under warranty NJtc:h 548-900 I 3 WOODPI MD INQ .......... ! ....... bolt ............... . aalltr ... , ... 4' e.ttt. s-~ 1.110 1 oM.~ SAJUO.UO-..... ................ .............. .. =·c., .. ..... MOPED& -'-Y~­·~ OIWo ••••• 3.· 000 a tl•a. aaho c~r•••· laaacalato eoactJUoa .... 8571 .. S:IO P.• VE.SP A P3DOE llllguD · dJ. Uader 1400 al rr~ ~eva~ 11100 141-0711~ aftilr • p • Of ... ~ .. 13 SPOITSTEI XUl ........ MAW~ae. ...... ~trc. •• --.-........ , latto• ~ortt 1.1110/010 J .... , •.• S.O.Sl. CARS ..U lor Sll7 95 (a••09•) AJ.o I"P'• p4ck I& PI A 'f01Iabl. at local Oo•'t Au<*ou ror Directory aU .. 617 -&000 • ., 2301 Call Cfll\lAdablo ! BENTLEY 195( o-e JeD~l Miat coocblloD All be4v• 1eaU... la'-nar B&oC* utarior, wbita wa.11t Pr .. at OWMC ce&a.bnty Make otler. a.4-ltsl 01 (213) 2'72- 1722 IMW -1980 J20S CLASSIC ' c>v•ry , f'IIUI' n \IIIJI>ft' R ur SC·>II l.m11ed pr.xiur110n mvdel n•w '"" and brak• Call 673 9168 731 688:> 1.0 BMW 320i Oreat ccmcbtioD llaupunkt, S lpeed au IIIDIOOf 11.7~~ Do,. '170-M3(, ·-~43 BM W-J~8J '14!)1 1971 CAMA.RO ct.oa •ha rp. AW/TN ca ... "•· aa .... .. bt .............. . tertor, (0,000 .U•, eam~oa •• m•> ~ ii'7'9C.vtht.rr a. While w red leather 1nt l:atro red plaRc IIIlO top li.WO mLiet , loaded Sl2 900 (71() ~7760 8 a m 7 pm CLENET 1979 -9,9()(. I Dial• S49 500 0 80 tl[ JA Yl 121 J) 836 0 181 691-&U7 1982 Cl.[NtT-Very low m1l•. tan wath ten ant .. uot Call lor ap rotnlmenl evw 493 2874 I .1~fl 'lO:!'I DATIUN HAPPY HOLIDAYS T U It 8 0 252 hp lully lo.tded 1p« .. l Eu•u~n op uona only a b.ndlul an US Fan S.t~el 4621 l lll-276 4611 197l 280Z 2+2 Al.r AM/FM canetle, ~ , t-... TDMIIIut you aet nwch men, l bdnn 2 blth ~ ctecora~ With a brllll(h. ta1dna rnountaU~ a ".n.y v1ew SUbmil yow terms 1200,000 li79 733e fully equ1p.,.d lADE 091) 116 500 Cell 213) 862 J2l2 ·~ ... zxu •• ,ibela lamaeulote U .tu or but r.--aW. oMtr S 14it 1911 Dat.u -30QSX Loaded ~ eDMd Ortat M.P.G 11100 Call fO!ll loll ~r ...... l· IDD-533-3fn A* .. ~JIG'"fAdW_. Wlal , EXCALIBUR I FEMAJU . tm. • on-• ..._ 1a crl. 110 -~.. 11 ,000 odaiMl -oely. £a. cen... eoaclltloe ll••l •llU• ••••nor ,. .. , •• n '·' ~~~ • ., •• 530 nm••• 1-=~~~~~l roRD . ~ IOXEI 512 trn nAT SPIDD -1111 ,.__ aa...: -IQ821aodel .... .._.,.,..top, Mid top. o..-&!. 71,0011 wul\ blkk ... ,., ... ,,., cw ~. 'ANIJ"N e. odelaeJ .-.... hp a.._. peodw:t~oa --. 13 100 48'Z·35T.I ••fat/lat•rlor. I•· ~~ meet. 1 a cyl • _ .. J •"-5 P • o.DMt Call toW. .. -9 13!2'76.:!6JI 197e nAT 128 ~ .__._ a.eoo.m.an M•a&J1 h c:•Jient coochllon oak for P•aaytoYer New tit• Low m IN Adwuteb ,.-.. ~n lila 0... Nut ... SJ,S!Oorbett ~~~=-=----- tro Porte. ..... ..... ol... 642 1701 631 -e.soo --148.000. 4267 Ol.a wW be ~· 21,000 ~. perfec:t ed. UDISS48) Pf, m•> f'OIU) c:oad lhoa AN/FN il3 •s 01 m•>,.. ~ ...... co~. AJC. 1979 P'OJU> flESTA -~cab •• !00 or ---Supercl••n. 111arool. bell olf• (71t ) &U- --mega, 9r"t CODdthon 8155 nAT 1976 124 SP1DU S..t otf.et (317 NAH) U18l MONDA Aoaord -45,000 •U... S el*!l. PP, 8J8.9457 2·door llaatollabaell. oew top, 3S apt, r.d· 20,000 aile~, liellt W\Ae ._t., AWIPW ~ l 1969 NlJSTANG ~I· rill ~. OWMr Flaw._ t.ot rii.DJliao c:oocbtiOD AMIJW __.... ~ 11th 13,87510 10 (010 power •t~. bfeh.. ...,...!Hge'!ll, c:nUee TZI) Prlve te p•rty au S I.7SO (S!eJRQ) coebal. N..SOO. sz:J. 1714) 522.aocK. • 171 4) fSJJ~ 0717 • 1980 HONDA Prelaade S1lver, 5·apeed, ANIFN c euette A1lnng :~e:,. ~ : ~ Potpourri 1974 JENSDf lntercep tor Coupe Magruhc.nt ab.epe S4,000 mal .. d .. p blue utenor wath beaqe leather mter~or $8,900 Call 955-1491 daya 646 4 137 ev .. LINCOLN IWJZ~~-~ tal M a rk IV Very cleoA Ruu good Fllll power J 179S ~1·2198 of CVilues MAZDA t.ttt;tttt.!.t t:t.t.Itt. IEAVTY IVCII I flfHESI Looking for an apartment? Be sure to check the I SALLY'S BEAUTY NOOK 188 E 17th St Co.te NNe P.manete bom S II !0 11p T1ntLDQ \8 00 up Shaaj100 ud , ... , S4 50 Ft<lltiDQ $1200 up Heuclltllft9, l3 50 642· 7642 '78 MAZDA S~or t Coupe Low mU-. Like oew U600 Lie 690WDF a.41$6 I 111!1----~ CEMENT Custom WOOdwork l'ONCRETl WO RK Custom Cablnete....~s P.tl• ,, rlr .v.-w •v• Boollcaaet Wtlh ~~ 1 bluc~wctll• ruum ~dd1 l•kted' Doors 1 11on• .. w u llong 8•w~encn 1 S..dth..... M''"''.. R .. , Retvrab-AJI Work J•nta1l mm~>r< '" O~Mt~t~d Lo, 254 7.!4 Paol •lllliis;sii ''ii-:suiii:sill_ 1 nr; J283 775 1u11 WIOrit •W• p.ttht (. UVMr. IUZDA '?I,...... 111 ..... eat. t.lack lat., a:U, ..,...._,......._~ lloa •••• olf• (WI3250) (714,) SU.2l&a '81 220 DIESEL hoaatifal o•t~!; pwr---.t --OCia Au. IDak. 33 apt. ~/010. Call -..3514 1970 300 SEL 6 3 l•hna condauon •II 011911111 72 000 m1lea A.lunq Sll.SOO Call 720 0290 I I EAN 803 MERCEDES BENZ 1 1978. 450 SEL Brown brown lant•allc cond hlle new Only 45 000 mal.. S25.000 1482 I WOOl PP (7141 955 074S gn9032 DRYWALL FREt tSTINA TES oa c em•at , bloc k o r brickwork, aew co•· ~.or repaiR Uc a.l22 CoU -1»'311 aaytlae many vacancies listed in Classified each day. BOO&UZfiHO BOOUEEPING- TA.XJ:S I f'Rf:NCH DOORS bcty CONCRETE 1' ~ lromtno,J ~•·I ITiu I S PECIA LIZE aa I t .. rl t"11o """' ,.t u~ ll•t '" I ,ackhammer work ao.d ' DRYWALL TAPIHO A ll te•t11 111 oad acoueh c Room od· d1lloaa aad ratn damage Free ••· 11mote1 1Cev1a. 650· 90118 ~IIGiter~oU or lltarba..... ad tadiridllo.il • .aco •• ' Do•t.la •o•t•o•1 I r---aW. "*' 0.11111 I prafmla.o.IJy ooa ...... t ..mo.. EatoUecr prac. ~'A'"rl~'i'~l-.:-'f"~I":''C.,.I":'i.,.'l--:'i.,.·J":''i.,.. 1-.::f"""l, :;. ...._ IllS .,._ ACOUSn<;AL c-ABINETS l:o•tt-m CEIL.lHGS ! mod.. lrtlo hlftb bv lr C RA IGS SPRAYU ,..,. ,_,. J.ll.lq .. •n.l Acoushc.>l '·,.,""I' R,. I h '" I 11b b45 6Slt .,,. V111 ~ ,,.. •· •n.ot>l• ,,; k•r Tom Fr•• "'''"' ,,,.. 1 I •I t , 'U'-'T•)•• 526 /.!90 1, ,, , ... c-Aatm rs K I r.;or ,,.furho lu11q AOCOUWI'IMO '· '" .•• I I I' 8 ~ '•' '., LOST IN THE •t·•··· A .,. I PQ~Wk .a.!lJOe? l'a 11 ~·• 11 4t\ I ':I<J'ob o CPA, aad I'U ll.tg ') l1 I tl4 I Tto •nr , ,, yw .. \lp fOIU 0000\la· I~'".:-::"~)~= Hag oad r.o yroll CABINET •J•*••• A ao. I'll REFIHJ8HINO IJI"!PCCfe fO\ll .aa.. kD.. CHRISTMAS c.:!. ':act~ SPECIAL r:t. l Save a.-. tu ret\&.nll aob Hand atnp • 110Dd.d ~. W.7M5 baautdu atotae I Fla .. t ho11b.. L1c Una.iiJe f'l.MACAM bond.d l r•f• 1100 ACICTO auson:ss oil q11ot.d eetma 6 1 IERV1CES room palotad lree Ftn•nco<tl •I tlfln" '' Look JUCe lor the boll· payroll ~" orh•ll~ • •' day ..aaoa Call Tod returns '.,.h no • "l' 493-2518 ment bos•n•• ·~•'• n and P'"' ~ ..... , 1n 1 1 VAC ANCIES COST per10""t '"'urn+' I••· • MONEY I Reo ella w..z12 •••oa• tpkkly Dial 6 73 ·0U~ aow l BOO~~tE PING a c•apEJCTRY TAXES -C PA In An cii'riduoll, parmenhlp f AIR PRICES Ou.,ll A Corp OuoUty work ty work Pall .. \ullt'l\ o1 b~ pnc. lrubol tl"dw ><><i d &>C:Ir p..n@l COIIIUlao1io11 1.. ~g. lonq qer .. q.. •lo•••u" t ill ~I I ~"''' ~eneul upton ··~ No tob I " '''"'" APPLIANCE Tnm 55 I 2"Ki I REPAIR • EnvU.b Ccupenter ADOTT Appltcoce S.r JourDeymcm • C111tom rice All reln,eroton , ape clolla1a9, doou , ~· ~ ....,.,_._'5 cob ioelt , paoellag, -~ ~-:= t bel'fiGg fo rmica "-aU ,_ .._. R.c.o~ Bnaa 714-tl~ M).l141 54$.87.., NEED AN EXPERT TO DO HIS THING? JUST GIVE HIM A DING-A-LING FIND ONE FAST f.IRST P J\GE ~ OVR CLASSIFIED f 1, • •-slam '"'" [,, "1 removal of conc re t 1' "' '' t•r•n ,. Unh (j)Ot)OI adewalka oad I ' ,, ' ' I hr b ]"> dnvewa.,.) AJ.o C\11 I bl.'U.! bog oad hood.aWlog VAC ANC IES COST MO NtY I Reock teoODtl q_uickly Dlol 673 ·0550 oo w l C\aeded Ad. CALL Ptu u.. 1'\np w .. ll I Cozacr••• Moa .. aU oarpeaw Rerna.ol 631 .2610 I oDd odd repair I*. R I L P.,ti.u (Scot./lriU) ,..,., I CARPET CLEAJQMG mAMOQDirt 01 oet ones \JOt'oOIS CO NO RETE PATIOS DJUVEW AYS Woodea pat6o ~. all 'Jpel. No job 1oo bio/-.all No 211235 AM b lim 548.?102 OOJifCUI'E I A.SPIUU. T IU.UJJIQ I UIIOYAL 1t'f-. lfoO~ Soe 1 Slr 1~• o,J de r dum10 O•l·''J I" '}<!11('\JI' 'JtiC\ ,...,~, ~01.0 u l!ted r rvare (7l.)U7~7 ucn CARPnCARE .. ~··· •nd urtwt ..... ~ .... nonq FREE esh " al... v. .~ ....... '" '"I'd I • lr. Bulltn 11un wn .. a pt'l-11• r N .. .., pvrt 8f!.,, h b45 I 771 CARPET IMST ALLA nON Bill s (' ARPET SERV I ICl lnsl •ll<~lt<·" •noi I"J ttl> Ou tltl~ w. rlr. ~~ lur J''""' <'• Boll tl "1),.-'~lt:a.-v.-nu,.• CAR W ASIDNG/ OETAJUMG l'AR OETAIUNG SPl CIALIST R..,.tor.tt '" '' hnf' aut. lntt>loc•r Ex ..... •• p, It ·•r and ,j, f.>f'l) f'r•·· t'sltrr .. lt' C \II Kon<~ 49/ J925 OATERINO CEMENT COIICUTE PATIOS • DRIVEWAYS Wooden pe110 c.')v .. ,. .u typee tob too bu~ amall No :191 23'.1 Atk tor hm 548 7102 CONC Rrn AND MA SON"Y P•tane ~•d:a bnC'II 1nlay d11veweya wllll atphelt r••oval ptanten lue rlnql, block ••II• Fr• o .. 536 ILIC Je..14221 ,., •.• tru• k .,,~tt homm•r Low ,.,1e1 ••~"""' ed qu•laty work tniUied hM.,IImal .. 157-82$2 IPEClAltJZINO -1D r..t4eotlol. drl••••T•· po tloa, toua.etloae. lllook w.Ue, eto. Ou..Uty werk, prlee41 lew. F r e• eatlmatee. (UIIII).Io. Col Con· c:re ... (fit) Ul-UOI. CONSTRUCTlON RON'S SERVICES C01peotry •lectneol phunW...:;rOJ'A.IC til. lotenor o Cwnom rem~ room ad· ditiOo l (L ie oo U2ll0) General COli tractor ~13 OvtRHO L T Coutr~~e· lioa, Remacleliog Cllld e ltc Framino drywall, bay Wl.Ddo-. Freoch door• ()ucshty at low p~ CaJl Bncm 641· rn:J, lolua, 497-~ B WILSON SONS Bualtltuo FrPe "'I' m .. te )() y @(IIS 4t1tl-~<'ll o•nr" Bnnded L•· 157487 646 1''<&0 1\00M A.ODITIONS -ReaodeUat oacl oew fledrioa1. plva· Wao o.ad eo&ar ooatroo. "-LQa .... (t1.lt), 30 ,....., ·~ ILDoA· c:tag Loll a. .. Co.Mir Co • (1lt) .... CONSULT/ REIUIIEIVC REASONABlE RATb ProletiiJnotl •••um"• 1nfi CllrHr devl"k•pon~ o'ltniUltiDQ C.ll (' \IHr Con•ulllnQ 171•• b41 478J ELECTRICIAN I liCENSED El• tttnttn ('.,,, no1 t on •P..<' ... IoSI I l'··pen.t tbl· I'• tloly .-. ,~ R .... , .... t • t ,,., ~ .... •·•••m'-',.., l ,,tJ It " h II 507.2 ELtCTRJCAL PROau:MS? New, o&cl ~~ Ocry or o.IQU NtY 041).4$21 fURNITURE REPAIR & RESTORE FURNmTR£ & CABJ NITS -Eapert rep&U' 111Alltr lecq\1<11 tuwah• c:o&or raatc:lWIQ. lr• • llmat• ~ .. d 960 2728 Your uta.fActk)n I guarent• HANf\ tt•J , r J An• 1"-'"' 1111 .. tn Ot'¥9 tuPHIUI_. (;to ''' \'lln•l tu•hon~ SPll. IAL •n' h "' '"" ,, a hor> 1 .111r "'"t I ... ~1~ .. I S 14 .,., A T, u h •I Cl.h• tn1•"~"' l\JJO G1 .~.. L..ne llnol f' C .. 1,. Mesa 662 I Jb';, L A NDSCAPE 6 GordiDID9 lpec:tO.iut Japan-Gardeae n lS yra e a p er Land.acape. cleo.D•IIJ) ma1at Bi·hagual 6 rellobl• lod Ree r ... e.t Coatroctort Lac 3633l3 CAll Ail ~7 7733 ONt MAN GordellLDv S.r'f'lce Prol-loDo.l e~ooel eqv41m-1 Depeadal»>, r.aeooabl.e rot•, reJere.nc. Free ... 557·1665 OtNERAL CLEAN UP Mow edg. weed, ~~-trlln, ~gl '-· 11lia~a9 R I I S Oorde DIA9 Se ntc e , 559-10':11 ad lor Bob DOWN TO EARTH L..wn end Garden S.rv ace Coa~~plete uu telle 11011 ntiiOVIhOO end metnleMac• Ovelit'r llr¥1C'I II dowe IO "''h prac. S.haheci c uetoMera o~o~r luet puou.y Coli anytune 146 7818 Tbe N.wport Euip;CoMa M.a N ... /lniAe Toclay uO..•ag~~ .. .,_lll!l ... II C8Da POR8CHE --,ROLLS ROYCE 1~0 1981 380 SEL Unct.r 9 000 nu lee ouen I r.d c hronte rua.. awuool perle c t condalaon 1 ... 000 Weekdey• 557~11 _w .. k •ndt 675.2464 1981 3000 O.rll blue bl .. e anteraor AN.f'W ~te low raalel IUlUOOI IIIII lAnder warrenty Cell O.rrel 7S9 1221 1982 JOOO T\JMO 11lvar blye metel he bl~o~e S R ortho -••· 1111 h .. da lee tOty meta N1111 Mil PP (714) 731.0202 1965 300 SE CONVD TIBL£ -Eatraord111ery cond1taon1 Recenl reb11alt eng1ne Irena m111aon .,,c helan red~ell, new leeth4r brown lop wath whale 111 11110r clwlmpelj!nl an 111101 PP S2S 000 OBO A.i fur Cary 1714) 897 2'i26 •2131 4302959 am WIZ Cb• oo.trcl lockul9. -.. .,. coo d1t1100. low •uJ.., cn&- CODhol, AW·FN ··-CaU957 t!Jt171 d•r- 1981 300 SO TUftiO low ratle. .. ceUent condtiiOD •II power au,nroof avOty t•n mter lor ( IIQQ77) 130,SOO "· (71.) 832·Me2, 673-0677 OJ..DIIIOIIL£ I SM)9 OLOSMOBlL£ 98 Luaury Sedan Loadlld w1tb eatr.u Rebutlt eDQIIII • nd t r anam 11 110ft IJU»Uenl r~o~DJUn9 condtlloo S.. to ep prec:llll S995 551 2860 -4nd WNI< end.l 1982 O ldt Cutlau Saapr1me lko119bom 2 too• r.dwood, 111\ty eqWPD«i, low nul.oge, e•ce1l•DI coodiiJoa AWFM ~ !1913 Lc) o-l 7'72-34.23 PMTERA PANTEJIA I 974 lmma culate S35 000 fum pp !213) 8360181 691 8827 IL£ IAYSI 1982 POftSC'HI Bl.ek Tet~ Loeded 900 111t.. bre Sl 200 •tweo 132 ~ ot bet1 gj(.w (714) ti1T17283 01 (:113)883 9159 IS Pe11geot 50$5 full power 1ac:l11d1oq •uaroo( S900 •ouod .,...... Qll ~ COD• trol 30.006 nu~. a. 300 4S...l.V9 aft. 6 pm PORSCHE 1981 9 17 loolr 6 like Pou ch• 911 6 c-yl lllqllll M<~ke ol ler !932 sn pp 171 41 847 2244 daya ao&J.Iac)YCE 1 1979• CORNIC HE Converllble Whale mttgfiOhd low m.l .. I diQII•I daah u11om ... ,.., S..l ''"'" pp !2131556 3JI..1 JUNE 1981 SILVER Wrellh Buag~o~ndy l•n mtnl ondahon PP 121 3 654 ')310 196.3 SILVER CLOUD Ill Good ·ondtloon wh11• RHO AM fM 8 lr.t< k "" M.-ke ~ll•r Cctll l .. m.. Ellaol PP •512 1396 8000 IMO lSI()..Sl. -lEST I _PO_R_._.;C_HE ____ _ naaa!ag ta O C 16,5()0 1961 PORSCHE 3568 1971 WHITE C '"" "" f C, n~•trllbl• Be .• \II) ar "''"' ndalo• n R..•• up p •II ~noty uppru•~•d (buy tl) PP Dave da~ onv•rl•ble Pnmo' 675 3012 M.al&ell' 673 b3S2 I 979 MBZ 300 SO lvoryt•bco 1unrool 1978924 Allequap I $70 000 s.. S55 000 A ..... .t .. bl;o !tn<~n 1nQ I •631 PVK PP 71 4 I 7'JCJ I J47 I new hr.. ca111tle 83 ment black on blacll lacenae PP (714) 557 •utom<thc Q.ood r~o~.bb.r 1051 Mon Fu 8 5 S9 500 0 8 0 Ca ll pm ~~~ -1HONE QARI)ENDfQ :IMPROVEMENTS M.ASONRY YMD . I . VE NEERS Drn~ATlON BBtH,.It• K ~v•....,. SUUTH SHORl PAINT ""'' P"''''1 Clecua~q~ • r... Tnm lNG t nd w • I R .. tor. ~~~ ftf' .. •• • IO'~ " .. ~•-•-a-o t • ,., ,,.,,n,n• ... 11 ......... ,. v• . ..tun J R. ..... , •• ,, '"'' • • adecop A9 • mm•r ••• '"'"'' 1 .on,j ''"~'-''" L, .. n..-·~Hmbor As-Ec•.,,c.1 c ,r ,r,,.,. ,1,,, 4.23255 f1.,,,...1,m .. to•• DlU yean Skrte bceu-1 .. t. 1 • '• 11 • ,. Bill Sullon Me nrv 7) 4 .d, ~M~~Jed rr.. ... A 50 I ~}tl '""' 6 1> rTI I 89B 2985 tun at.. CAll BOB f lAST IMPRESSIO N T •t.tl Lsnd$< •PI' S.r• ; ac es ln•t•ll•lavn .on<1 I m•'"'"nen•• Tr"" "'" "• lprtnkl•n lot W I\ rl!nuvdhon Deep rvot terUU&atloo. We J ,, tl "" 10 "" ..... ~ Compl.te~d mCZIJII Mow l lo yard c loea.a" 0 a11 tr.. t11la. aWa9 10 t!'l ... ;:ace Call Dao s.6- 'HANDYMAN I PLA~-P~TCHlNG I tor ~r·· •"' ou..~c~t. c!.aa rea.oDable 1Dida1 doon • dead balta too 754-T.JI6 HAULING HAULING l QUICK Clecm11p Yardl, gar· ~·~Of Lr63i. 0853, 831.-s PLAITEIUNG All PHA.StS ol PLAS TERING R• •'" t•a tunnq &nt~nur ••• '"'"'' palchw'>r~ R "'m Jcidall"tu 1nd "'I m I hom .. r ........ lom tlf' Ll<' JB878 1 I hn 960 1786 Df8ULATION ATTtC INSULATION Home ~eriltatloa ""-... To• cr~ Low COlt boa.act.D9 .. ooU ...._ Relklea· tiol . ~ • llt· ciUnal o..u.. m. S700 HO.-s ITAJNDfO • 'I'IUJI. Wladoww la· cl•cl•cl W ork gunmt!Md AaJ11ae · f$1 .... 0 P Su.peoa , IllS lo-p:icM, Cotoao d•l M ar. Ca Coat rat'lllatlo .. l Yn ko•• I••• woa t wo Wod~Mt lo ·~~ Fu " "*-oall~b yow llehll PRIN'l'DfO ' VA CANCIES COST ' MONEY I Reach liDGGll qwclUy D'oJ 673 ·05 50 aow l o.._hd Ad. R Horneon 2123 Ral.19b Co.ea Me.~ Co CoogrotulohoD.11 Yo11 have Jllat woo two bc~ll to "S11per r ua " P'-call 613-~ lor JOIII bela:ell HOUSE Cl.EAHlMG , I q •• • I. f I I ... ' , •'•'" J.c,tt '• ,, j t ,,,,.% ~ p I tt • ..... , ... '•' I~· :I ,.,._ •t •• ,, . . C J, IORDOM MASOIQY \. •"' f't t n « ,,., t ' • • .. ,n • 1 '-'~ 4 L• .. ,.'M" r. , ... ~ 8 1503 Ma.10rul HUNGRY r O R WORit 1 Low pnc .. oa quobty bnclrworll coo c rete 6 woodwo rk IIX>' UQJICUIJ ~ ReJer CoU Brloa - a:J7.~ 01 Ne.tl -768- <*)5 "CASONRY WOOD DALY Land.scQJM H" ~rs PATIOS Sf-A::. :.'IECKS 673-1155 !MIRRORS Prole .. ional Ho~.&ee or Condo Cleaninq Per10no1 to~o~ch Sat - T11 .. Co.IJ Audrey 850- 0!m CltMo;INC UNLJMlTED ror ea I t'e Ueace 10 houNCleon 1nQ pro vad anQ all 1upph ea anc-ludang vacuum TruatworlbJ 3nd dependable CaD ~lor Mllmo'- HOU8ESJ'l'TING ELOERL Y COUPLE Avmlahle IO bo-1 lrom 12 I~ 82 t o J l 83 PleaM C'o.IJ ~ J207 LANDSCAPING YARD REJUVENATION t ar • Ttc"tt' •, ,. I '" Lo nd1caplng New La wn 1 1 p r 1 n ll le 1 .,.remaa tr.. d-go yard c:Lea.• liP bnck 41 ce meat work AU pnc. to tefiec1 cunent e coaomlc-c-o nd "IOIIIJ)h'e Lood1 op1nQ (714) ...... 7 Lee'•t...• ··~ .......... FoD dMa· .. ·~ ·t..r e ,. · tioa I,..._. • ~---,-~U .... _ PRDITINO MIRRORED W A.L.LB W ardtobe dnon HiGh q\IGllty honeet ~. I IJ)I rl IDitolloUODI R.habl• LocaJ ···-Mike M.S-IMI CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON1. Y 8 a .~ w<.~ I • plate rn<IIC'r n11111•d lor S396 Spe."l 1: oo miiTor w udr ·be d.Xlrt Call !l-1uror Breau 714) !>JI 63(X, NOVlHG STORAGE ·H~ "1 AR\'1~ t .1 ~n l f 1\1' "' • .. ~;,t :-..~n · Joa-s .... ~ .. 4. VAC ANCIES COST M O NtY ' Reach teoooll quaclly o,ol 613 OHO D O W I C"-hed Ada PADfTDIG I AIN fl'/(, t ., .. , : ... •. • • .. , r• ,. r 1 .,.. •' ..,.. • • .-r I ,, ... t I I •• ' .. ..,, I"' ''""~ -, \ l•t>li4 'l• •• t •.• --....,....,,.....,. SOUTH S H O RE PAJNTIHG .:~nd Wood ~g R-deabo.l o ad com m e rc1a1 ta•nor t.Den01 Cobua•te et01r rcnla doon, Ooon Ball. SSO. lD> I 13? 1136 ....... •liner• 18 ~· ,,.. ...... ,. UNlit 1980 ..au.8 ROYCE 5.11,., Wret~(IDl$9? ~eln11l Wllh I&IIIAllfiOI S 500 rrul• ltll.e ,... Benk ul .. ,. &0 month "-"" el Sl 4SO mot~th piiA.I ...... ,.. pp 1213) 59S 5551 I lr~Q R R 74 ""' Sll••• Sbodow -tac.U.at Co.cilboa -Su·rool 29,980 p p (114) 5$7. =147~dap.~ TOYOTA 1980 TOYOTA CEl.ICA GT L•ltbocl< 16 000 m&lt,.. t ut·,mtth\. -.un root AM f M c;..-eue m:..aQ~ talt 'lf!W! ... • ~•c Ea c •ll•nt M ·"' •,. s 6 ., \. (J tun1 !1 09 lEH !>4S <;;!()b .. tter 5 p m VOLitSWAGEN '?9 Coaq fbhle Bug· Ne w I.•.P' ao ehowroom Wtute on *'-Loti of utra11 M11a.t MU S9,500 or olt.r S~2 3971 631· 3689 I A lTtNTIO N VW ..:ol t_. 1011 1964 Europe•n launruol bua ••tor~ wh•lf be.f.,ty bl.sc~ •rm S6 149 4 94 M M S 751 1504 D• • Maa• M F 4 5 1974 VOUCSW AGEN DASHER New brdi< ... loubl• raJitr•Q •Ytlt!m ltrttn •o t•nur '~'-,.,wJ I I, •• M .. al ••II S l 495 1 .,_1 otter 490 KRZ 71 41971 9889 I PAINTING HOUSE PAINTING A ~o~t u mn Colore ol W1nte r Rot.. rr .. eet Oual11y wo r ll 6 moteua ll f'ced S36 3471 PAlin DOCTOil Ea per llfK'I <Uid ea.c:el leaoe lA IIIIer 101 aJ:Id • leriOf p&lnllft9 w .. b.&Q w II h 'fOI.I ucf lor 'fOI.I O.Vld 9«>-70f 7 loe&l COAT OF ~ANY COLORS ~- llll&er ·--·~ c e~laa ge O aaallty wora mooeh l p • I mota uall re fle ct 11 nety lOb Call ~ 0240 ( Uc 1 51400) I PAPER HNGDCG 11 CHARl NA LI ·~ VfRIN~. Ea p,.,l 'r •Pf11M ~ nst tll.t~l •rJ h .. I> TIJbl• l<tl•• lr~ .. ~l arfj ,,.,. R.eter•ntM ·, f,",. nll 4576 PR£CIS10M WALL COV'EIUMGS t •1•" rattamenah•r ... .,.. tr._... ...... '" ,, .. Cell u. ud .. ,. 20"l(, .)()' 011 yow pwc~ 1 ... •Ill •P<I• C .mmer • • R ... aad•nt, • b-4.! lt'-4 t WA-LlPAPERING - Let me baa; 11 lor you Neot l<llt fi080Da.bioe Call M01k 839-1929 PAnOCOVERS f!E MODELING ~. t ,n 1 "P'P ,r.... ~ ' 1 •• ,,. ,._ t tt.lndtht •'• ~· 't .... !. '• ., ,. i "" t '~ • I• t •' t 1 W •'t'i h _,. t' S ., X 1 ,.'-lu..,rt• f IW.,t •IIIJiihnl , ... to I f ... ..,'l ;! It< 7 VAC ANCIES COST M O NtY • Re a ch II DODII CllllckJy 0\oJ 673 0~~& a o w l C'lallabed Ad.e PI.AlfO/ORGAN ~G J' ~Nl'1 TUNINt• r I 1••r •r •' ,. . .-r .. , 'IiI t•l"lo-\ • ' ... r " .•. PLUMBING ~AN( 'HF7 PlliMBIN~. R··~·dftr.t. ,I ( ., ,. .. I ~. t~ ~ IH• 1 n 1 ~ • ,. , J•• -r t '" 1 • • • I • · • llo It><""', ~ I I tr ... • .. ,, m ''• "" "' ' t~4 PLUMBtR fOR HIRE Rernodeli·AddlboDI I Copper repape1 repoll'l Spnnklen Low ~~ rnt11 CaU 631 Good~ N ~ ..... ..u -_... kSOO or a.... ail '-' Cal.! t... (7141 m ••• lli8TaUl someotW whow.,. tObuyitwlf\ a low COlt ad in a-rr.d. -------1\EPUCA 1934 FIA2 IER Null ~IP h.n and cle~c VW eng1ae, d11ven only 2,575 maJ.. A.lllng S6 500 14 22 WEMI 549 2745 alter 8 pm ROOFUeG l)UALrTY ROOFING ,, 1 ..... Old and new "~'•ucloon L;ceneed ,1\, .. red end bond.d R.,.,,.,,.. evealeble \,11 ICen.ny Fuake ••t • m .. 045 0193 ROOFIMG AI ly~ n-old 1 ••Jl't'"l deck& wate r ~·r•«•hnl,) c -ulob I MI-07II Lie No 406022 =r ~H-=t---=1=-:A=-:L:-:a=-:o=-,. 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