HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign• I
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ITAff Pllll IY ITIWI ·-·
Easter no problem for Jews,
Christians sharing CdM church
Easter services this year coukt present
a sttckler of a problem for St. Mark ·s
Presbyterian Church in Corona del Mar.
which since 1979 has shared quarten
with the Jewish Shir-Ha-Ma'alot Harbor
Reform Temple.
But Rabbi Berna rd King said the
upcoming Easter celebrations at the
c hurch sh o uld not present him with
diffaculty in scheduling Jewish 5Crvices.
.. We made sure ahead of time to
schedule around the Easter services, ..
King said. -rh~ year it should be easy
because there is a three week difference
between Easter (March JO} and Ppso\ICr
(April 1A) which should give us enouP
time to prepare for our holiday ... he
Kina said when the holidays do fall
close toaether. celebrations for each
are held separately in different parts
of the facility.
Juatina the day-te><lay needJ al both
conpqatiom could be both hectic and
frustrating. but both King and the
Reverend William McQuoid said they
have experienced only minor problems
in the KYCn yean of aharina the facility.
located on Eastbluff Ro.ct near Corona
del Mar Hjah School .
To wotk out problems that could
arise. church offic;ials fonned a liaison
committee shortly after they began
sharin1 the facility. consi1tin1 of
McQuoid. Kina and six other members
of each conpqation.
I' 1• .... I
Police audit glv•• mixed
marks, city heads silent .
City off .cialt bad little to say thi1
week about a 700..paac manapmen1
audit of the Newport Beach Poli«
Department which p\IC the fOIU .-r-
ally bip marts for dflCiency but sua-
aested some relaxina of ill aarcuive
policin1 sayle.
1"be department is certainly above
averaae overall, and, with relatively
minor impr~mcnt1 suiFl*Cd in the
~port. could be an euielknl department
in a relatively short period of time, ..
the report said.
Tbc M0,000 ttudy WU COIDIDilliooed
by the city as part of an onaoina
evaluation of ill various departments
and was prepared by tbe National Leap
ol Oties and audit dira:tor TbomplOD
Croctcu al Viflinia.
•1 doe' haw.,..... IO ay ....
it now." co•meatccl Ma1or nilip
MaaRr. wbellMUd for bi. -..a raccioa
to the aadit. ·vou woe'l -' anyoac
C'rty ceuac:il members are raervina
judpnene ualil they Ft .. opportunity
to qu 11bo8 Croctett about llil fiwf ..,
atitsAfrill4ac•·ee More~,
the city expecta to llavc a new pGlicc
chief next month to auc:ceccl a.ila
Orem. wllo •pped don &om the top
pOll last J~ ..,.. ~ Jl'.lllll'.I.
.. Actioa oa aay rccomme..S.tioas
would await tut appoiDtmeDt ... says
Uly MeMP ~°'9cn L Wynn. ..
Actiaa am Arb Campbell. one ol
~fimMta for tbe pet.,,..,,. job, could
noc be reached for comment.
n '••I
'Throw rascals out,' says
Newport 2000's report .
The first volley in what fiaures to
be a hardfoupt year of city etcctions
Wat fired aJ Monday night's Newport
8eatk ~it~ ..aing.
Newslort 2000. :a political act ion
eoeai'P.' billin& itself as an O\l"PDization
of lon1time homeown~r•. presented
results of a survey which it believes
shows citizen unhappiness with council
.. actions of the past decade on issues
such as John Wayne Airport. parking.
bay water quality and industrial and
commercial development.
The results, thoup. were based on
the responses of 1 '° homeownen to
surveys 9Cnt to 1,219 homes randomly
selected from voter registration rolls
in the fall of 198S and winter ol 1986.
endina in mid-February, accord ins to
Louis Scott. lon,wne 1aident and aetiled
chairman of the e~ecutive committee
of Foote, Cone and Beldin&. a large
advcrtislna -.ency. Scott pracntcd the
findinp to the council. which included:
E I lf•"'9f
Robert Badham meets his
opposition with a chuckle
Competition in the June primary
is somethin1 Congressman Robert Bad-
ham (R-Newport Beach) meets with
a chuckle .
.. I've been around this block before ...
said the five-term House memba, who
served 14 yean in the State Auembly
before entering Congress. •Most of the
people in the district know me. and
they support me ...
Badham is being challenged for the
Republican nomination in the .Wth
Congressional District (Newport Beac~
Costa Mes. fountain Valley. Laguna
Beach. and parts of Orante. Santa Ana
and Huntington Beach) by Nathan
Rosenberg. a Newport Beach manage-
ment consultant and past president of
the Orange County Young Republicans.
.. I can' really assess him without trying
to teU him how to run his rM:IC,.. said
Badham. •And I really don't feel lite
trying to do that. ..
Much of R01e11bef'a\ attacks center
of what be calls Badham's ··1ack of
leadership• and much-publicized travel
..,......., aD come up before: a.dbam
w quick to conntcr. •My ~
uadtaat.ead ud .,,.ow ol it. I mw
OD the Anliled FOICel ec--.. tM
IDOIC trawled am..._ ia Coapca
We•w ....... people..s•,.Dlll•
aD awa * wcrld. 1lil ~ .... about S3 .... ia .... cwry ,_,_
it\ ........ --take terioualy. an in\ICllmeM • mmt P''*"-•
Roeenbefa\ criticitm stclDI from a
Cr••·~ ......
s I
... ...,
11 11
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::.-:-~:r. a. t1 U:U:CLCl;l
~ -~~ ... ~ ~A't w.e
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• 4liillir .. ,._. -Ir
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• I -·~-SE c _._. , . , .......,. a a
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0 -CJllC9111d
.............. -.... Ota a•__,_._..
.. aiit -._, ~ M llr '$ frW -ra.c a.nu.I ,,,., for 0.1
a dlwdt C4 c:ctl!Wy _. OU1 aad rJw ~
a fl al: TampR .., lmd: rad likOu'*' rt¥d to find a
Ta we .+ •s CZWlpii!Z • dllw-tot • ln11 taad.
.,._ crOM 0. a ()(•Mdc Sc Mark'•
c.Qllca:.oe cA dt alfiu. a Chn•Uan "'*
• d~d aJ.ooaiwde • Jn.tit>
~ <A O.~. •'*" MdJuotd
oa tac ~ t)mbob7n alJ Che dlurd1
rempk • aJJ aboui
-'Thai"t oar the~ ... he ta&d
-W c nm tJv dtutdl wt th a mutual
rapec:r for each <J(hct .. , rchpn
a.ad CUllOllll. -
Laa acret4 and lo&Jd ther~ •
rao aa.empc bit' e11ber to cmwcn
members of the other'• con11c-
..,. ...... .,. ...
""' , ..... ·---Qe • ..,,,., ... -'>ri-im•y .__.,..a.ii( I .......
Jrlr r• • ~ r. Jes• pico.. ,...
Tt.eidraot •• · •*• -,1;111 came"' ol a -ca;._ of lbc
Newpon..fm.e.c-. Maa ln-
urlaid1 Co..aJ,. ~c both
M'Quo.4 atld ~... met and
. d..aasud die ,a r t1'1y .
"We ... .., a ~ so on1up
and ._ ._..,I« tomronr
co~dlcdl oftJa.•Lng .... -so J taid,. .,.,., llOI ... -
In 191l die ,.., cm ~
became f urtlln cu tdecl to ont
anoc11a ..._die• z' 4 bu:amr
JOl*ly CMtmd lliy' .......
-We did dm IO prcMdr bodi "°"" ... -a,.J rt .. and an uk•Uly •it• tk place.··
McQuoid aid.
'"Tileft'a a cWfawww iii albludc
d IO 'D'lW ii lllemla a OlppMed
to a 1111111 a.11a. • 11e .,. ...
Boda McQllaid ... las aid
~ dw cl c• ._ provided
ahem .0 a Metai peupc:am
on die odlrr't z:E•aa Dd culram .
• , think by -... ~·ba and
wonh1pina an tJw umr place.
M ha~ kareed a loc aboal each
other. wbik also tatiag the
loba~ and bait timas al both
fa.w.· ~inc said..
·1 kno• the pcopk •ho a~
in\'olved &n thr Jc •ilfl faidl. and
I thank that bas hdpal mr bata
understand the rel igion ...
McQuoed added.
Sailors • • •
Virgen Islands
9th Annual
~"' Mar1tyn & ~ C..bbons
alCDIJI 1~
June 21 -July 4 '86
37 01 4Y boats~
from the Moonngs an Tort~
~ 00. MAR 1'RNB.
3419 [. Cc.st Hwy •
Cofon.del ...
THI ''Alllle B ... •aaa..,. ... IOllA.lco.tna
''hi• Mat a..., -· I• <'~~t tblea le L••••At l ... .,._l O.•
C ... vtea ~tlP••t •l• a we 11.-1e a t r•••e.ft••I• Ptl<'•e
Cvat ....... Ill pr~r ... •••lle&>l •
&..t•l C••• "-••t ... •t· Calea .. r1n,. ,, .. , ....
.... ._ ............. °" ....
714 281 6885
Pu.'• • --..C ex.perimcnlation Md•• ue 11e11 as a welcome
claaap ratller than a dreaded
dnal to die ....... quo ...
It Uo cOmmndecl the city ..
-unique * YahilMe lldicqpter
patrol prosram. ..
.... ...,. it allo atinwted
tbat the city bas a per capita
police COit double that ol other
cities of similar si~e-S 173.63
for Newport Beach compared
to tbe mtioaal ·~ of S75.94
and •te awrqc of $14.47 for
cilia iD the 50JX»-99.999 ~
ulation .oup.
Qn1J ilt tbe ma of police owr
•• CMive .. did the audit r..W
ma fault .•
·we tidiewe the COUDCil .. con-
cern ~ police ._ICM•
naa and cMelliw '* of form
are well f ouDclcd. While it is
dif6cull to aaimatc the mnumcc
on the(~)• an anractiw &afllet
for litiptioa on the extent of
~·ud dai-ol eumive .--ol fora:. the department bu
clearly been attractin1 a bi1h
level ol alleptionl of lhil ~ ..
ii stated.
Badbam, who hasn't bad a
ICriout l'llCC from a ac;...a.n
or a Democrat since bciftl 'la:&ed
to Conpeu. feels ICCUJ'C about
bit prmpedl for 1916.
•1 hevc no rasoa not to ~
coafldeat. tw c1one a aooct job . rm • aooct politiciaa... be said
with • smile.
... to ~IY ar t1 ull,
tllat is 1111 llll*Qll ...
-I Ti1 N"'-"n Elli11
Hilt ia t~1 111w1rl
llt•W•A._W .,. 1111
31119 ....
·~·~ . .,... .....
·~ .......... s
Lut week. u the •tion learned ti* ..... Dwawatl
had somehow nominated followers cit riPt •4 a11ws· a
Lyndon LaRoucbe to the offiCieS ol lie111cnaat 8'!tCftlOC
and secretary of state, Newport Beicb arm Democnts
found out they were in for a shock, too·
Come June 3, the only candidate lilted on the Demoa•ic
ballot for the 40tb Congressional District will be Art
H~ a tecbnical writer from Santa Ana. Hoffman
is a t.cker of LaRouche.
There are differences between the Illinois and the
Newport-area scenarios; unlike Newport, in Illinois.
Democrats are regularly elected to public office.
But that doesn\ take away from the sticky situation
for the Democrats in the Qh.
Local Democratic insiden say they bad a problem
finding someone to spend the necessary $731 to get
on the ballot. since molt Democrats realize they have
no chance to win an election in this Republican..dominated
Like them or n~ the Democratic Party. it's off ace holders,
activists and supporters. stand for a well-defined set
of principles. Their priorities are forever debated in
election years. as to whether the liberal. moderate or
conservative wing should be the standardbearer. But
the fundamentals of the party-supporting equal op-
portunity. social freedoms. high employment and the
welfare state within the capitalist system-remain intact.
LaRouche·s group. which he calls the National
Democratic Policy Committee. does not adhere to the
same ideals as the nucleus of the party. LaRouchc•s
list of positions include quarantining all AIDS patients,
and building a laser beam-defense system in space.
The bottom line here is that they do not represent
any wing of the Democratic Party.
Democratic Party officials huddled last weekend with
the intention of putting forward a candidate to the
voters that believed in the Democratic ideals.
They emerged planning to run a write-in candidate
for the spot. If that person receives more votes than
Hoff man. that candidate would then appear on the
November general election ballot.
It may be a case of too little too late for the party
to run a candidate for a seat it admits it has no chance
to win.
Considering the alternative. we wish it well.
Time of my Life
A walk through Newport
history with Nancy 'Ebsen
Nancy E1*D is writina a boo~
and she bu copyrilbted the title,
and it goes IOIDdbina like thia:
•ffad I known I was walkin1
tbroup history, I would bave
paid ~ ........ Tiie ,, ...
tMllW of our raident actralCI
.... bcCD surromMlcd by biltory.
and bu been part of this 1ur-
RJ'llldiPC. and ... week -told
... overflow crowd • tilt ....
Bay Club abo•t tllle put half
cmmy •._lie. We wil and
dmm ud a fraet r we baw
Baker C • +...; ccw to ad-i c. Nucy a.ea ommumcauons . catd. ell ..... widl ,....,
. --ia ......... cabfal
---------------------biltolical .. ,., ....
Iii ....
m Pt'adldlan,...
(714) 131-1120 ,._ .......... :
P.O ... _
M1 µ1 .... CAl2111-
The ••pos1 Enllln. c.a .... -and 1MM Tcm, n J ttM _.., . .,...,.
. Dmlioa • die Newport Hart.or
Area CU•bcr or Commerce,
ud die ......... ........
to IWiew die ... so ,.,. ...
to dr1crik ..... b a daJ 1-.
city ccleMtioa llCst May 23, a--······· .. ... ~ ol die ....... , ... of
~o heft we are celdKati•
the 50da AllllM1my oldie die ..
ina G Newpolt HattNw. • lhe lllid. ·m bet not many com mallilia
Fl to Clkbrale a ~· MOil
of ik lands came from tbc War
Dc .. rtmnt. Tiie Army Corps
of Enaieeers aupea +iwd die,.._,
from 1934 to 1936. They INc ....
in lS0.000 tons of rock from
Cmiw lllld RNerlidewllita
thejeUies .
·F .... ud be.a rcpmir Weft
the .. iadlllbia. la 1936, 12'
fwlrinc ww1a WouPt in 1111.
tom • filb WOltll Sl50-.
•Tbcre were 434 1t11deata at
Harbor Riab Sdlcd wl Com
Mca IChool .. .;. .........
and it 181a twc-JM' McNalJ .....
became tile coati-tioe laip
IChool wllidt llec•n • h1•n
villa. Theodore Roblriu wu
cr5• can oa Wat Catdl. Bil ,, .. ,._..,... ... a .
•AJMI let .. read .... dlcy
wrote tllaa • .._ C-. M1•·
~ ila pa: I ti• 11w· I •
tM ,. ol •• to 12 ......
year, Costa Mca ii fHiq a
......... Tl Ali .,., $
--·~-···at~C... .......... Jllf ...
caliaa:i CO ·ry ... F Jk --1 ,,.,.,....... .. .....
I .. I ... IJO•· • al .... , ... .
me tlae lftlll af Iii · a ,. • ...,
-*-W-oldlccli.-licl. ............... ~ to....... .. nittt ii amly
lite ..... dme _,, lllort
Ilia .. from ,_,, A-. ud .-.r.1 s,c..a.._a&n
Allmdy a 'II G pl apk --
...... iaC...Maa..S
ca t toS-Aa.• •
Ca e· a fnm COiia Wea toS...Am ... tm.,.
-n.t .. IOJlle ~ ... Ille ..... ..... ....., .._,,... ... ....
oldell Illa.IC -..... .. • din tore it dowa ud 1e• ·11 ne: -...-. wen llorrif'ICld. -1'e . ....,·o.....,.......,
.-., •did it w dill ;I tu .. • ........
A 51•..a•s .....
""7 .. a 1' "'l!w;tt a
Cr 1:.•tie1111'3 ° J ,_,
........ pp -~ a
~-... . .
. "
. 0 z
' .
r1~ur• [i~~.11~1ii1.J.~rf
5 i fl c :;· s ~ Q ~ fZ) g g : i ;r·~ g ~ "'' U~I ff i~~ii! f i i~!.lf l{ nUhf p·llJ~~ta ·-i it~if i ~ :t sr.1 ~ y.' -~ ; '< ~ ::> ~. -8 i ~ ~ ::i..11~ t ~~g-~.... ~" ~~ f t §. t i f l !' ~ s ~ l ~ f';: i ' ,, ~ [ a~ c,.5~ ~.a "&.o-... [ ~ -<N 0 1' -. "' ~ ~ ~ ... .
' ' '
W In hJ .... dlll a...
1030-A tool box and tools
valued at $400 were reported
~ from a car parked in the
800 block of Irvine.
ISIS-A aarfboud valued at
1225 wu reported stolen from
a car ,.rted in the 200 block
ol I Jtb StRCt.
1115-A Honda motorcycle
valued at Sl,400 was reported
stolen from a residence in the
1900 block of lmne.
1900--Jewetry valued at Sl.600
WU reported lloim from a ra-
idence in the 100 block of Via
213S-An attempted auto bur-
pry raulting in s'°° worth of
damaF was reported in the park-
ina lot at Edwards Cinema Fash-
ion Island.
0120-Corey DaJe Nelson. 23.
of Cyprcu WU am:md on S~
picion of misdemeanor drunk
1610--Gary James Donovan.
23. of Santa Ana wu arrested
on suspicion of commen:ial bur-
n •1,Mmdau
104S-Vaodals reportedly
Doof to Doof ~
PIM* Chortef'I and Tours
1-800-52+-I 300 .............
,,/ • ' Nt'C Cd IM o..._.
ti i..,...1c.,_ ... LD. P ...... ti ,.,, ...
Ewrd ' , ....... ..-wo-'
(71') 720-1111
........ c-o._ .......... ca-
~· .
"' . ' . . .
c:amed S500 ia • sp to a car
parked i• tlle Faallioa llland
...... lot;
meat ....... at M.735 MR re-
~ ltOlcii froaa a raideDCC
in the 2IOO blOCt al JM s...
1330-A ctr 11a110 ud ~-
iiler ...... at SIOO WIN ..,....
ltoleD from a car ~ ia die
4500 1'lock of MKAidnlr. . ..
164S-A aold watcb valued
at S3.000 wa1 reported 1tolen
from a jewelry ltOrC located at
2612 f.alt Cout Hilb•Y·
llro-Jewelry valued at $2.9"
WU reported ltolen from a SO-
ideoce in the 100 bloct of Sea
Pine Lane.
2000-Jewelry valued at
SJ 2.87S was reported stolen from
a residence located io the 3400
block of Seubore.
200S-Jewdry valued at Sl.645
was reported ltOlm from a res-
idence in the «>O bloct .X North
0230-Jobn Fitzpatrick, 41,
of COlta Mea WU analCd OD
.. llpicioli of mildemnor dnmk
ISIS-James Edwud Mil.lap.
JO, of Newport Beach WU analed
on suspicion of possession of
1840-Frankie Lloyd. St. of
Los Anaeles was arrested on
sUlpicioa al dilorderty conduct.
FrlMJ,MMdl14 a...
0800-A case of arJOn wu
reported in the 1800 block of
Point Wcabournc.
0810-Jewdry valued at S6.000
and a VCR valued at S400 were
reported stolen from a ~
in the 2800 block cX Irvine AYCDue.
I 24S-An attanpted commer-
cial burglary resultina in DO loa
was reported in the 400 block
<A Old Newport Boulevard.
OOSS-Robert Linwood Bur-
ton, 47, of Santa Barbara wu
am:md on suspicion of disorderly
012S-Ralpb I..« Williams. S7,
of Dallu_ Texu. wu arrested
on suspicion of misdemeanor
') -... . ..
~. -.* .... GRAND
MontlalJ Uuu Frldag
8:27 a.m. to 5:33 p.m.
Wr In #ocllld ~not do« ID RofhcltJld .. Raf.finnC. #Id,,.,.
~ plllldng In ,,. ,., ""IP«" eotliUMIO'la. •
2411 E. Coest Hwy, Suite 100, Corona def Mar • 67 J.5945
Sm f 21, M8ldl 16
0900-Vandals reportedly
caused S200 in da111&F to a car
parked in tbe 100 block of Vienna.
0908-A custom mail box
valued at $250 was reported stolen
from a faidcnce in the 100 block
of Montmto.
IOIS-A man's jacket valued
at Sl2S was reported stolen from
a car parked in the 100 block
o( c.ambria.
091 S-A safe containina ap-
proximately S"1.000 worth of
jewelry was reported stolen from
a rcsidmce in the 600 block of
Via Lido Sound.
1200-A purse and contents
valued at m Ml'C reported stolen
from a car parked in the JOO
block of Grant
1800-Nectlaca valued at S800
•·ere reported stolen from a
residence in the 4SOO block of
1930-A VCR valued at S600
WU reported ltoien from a fa-
idmice in the lOO block cX Proa-
2130-A.n E~G moaitor valued
11•••"-•I against the city. Before. only
Caltrans wu sued when !Kddentl
Caltrans answeaeA, uyina that happened in crouwalks.
they do not apee that sianals We are in a Catcb-22 lituatioa.
are needed. In f.ct they uy that If abe city acts to improve the
sipwls would live residents an croawalks. we leave ourselves
even peater false seme al ICCUrity open to bcinc named along with
and probably cause even more Cal'Uam in a law suit. If we doa'
accidents. While I tota.Dy disqree act. we may avoid the lawsuit
with them. we cannot i.Dl1all them bua quite riahtly are criticized
without their bJalins. by our constituents for doina
Lowering the speed limit on nothina-
PCH is another often mentioned Unf'onumtdy the safety ilRIC
solution. Apin. the awe lqis-is made doady by ICYa'al •udies.
lature bas enacted laws that San Dieao did one which ee.
pRdude lowerina the limit below eluded that p«lnt#Wu ~ llllffMI
the current one ol JS miles per twitt a .,., trou/lw wltnr no
hour. Aside from that. its prac-"'OUWll/j 'zilt1 u com.,..t to
tically · mpouible to drive fasicr when they FOU a a ~~-~
than that durina rush houn any-walk. Lona Beac 11 curren y
way. attemptifts to duplicate that study
Another unpublicized effort to see if ifs valid. Prdiminary
that I bepn about six months results confirm the San Dieao
ago was to cncowqe the Newport results and Lona leach seems
Beach Utilities Department to headed to-.rd the elimination
uparade-make brighter-the of some if not au crosswalks.
street lighting on Pacifac Coast Tb.ii past weekend a newspaper
Hiahway. I also asked them to headline indicated that Costa
install additioml lights at all cross-Mesa just had its liability imu-
walks-onc at mcb side-so they ranee cancelled for the coming
would be much safer for nipt fiscal year. Likewise. Newport
use. These improvements will Beach has been unable to obcain
be completed in the next few its usual SIO mmion coverage.
months. So far. we only haw commitQlellti
The neptivc side of making for SI million. The Mte lcaislaton
any o( tbae aafety improYements have bowed down to the wealthy
is that when the city does it. tiwe trial lawyen lobby and refused
are automatically named in any to take action to protect cities
law luila that involft acmwalk from outlandish deep pockets
accidmt1 Alter a recent accidl'lll, claims. Hopefully a ballot in-
auorncya nm ctaimot t.Mt tlae. i1ia&M co-i• 11p ta June will
improwd ltripina 11'11e ~.. .... ........... the problem.
a false IClllC of leCUritJ wile~ -~ ..
she entered th~ croawal.k and Naa; tit 8 rs • Cd '
they .... dial • ....., .., fie IGit c.-.......
Jolin £. 'BCom
It was a lost weekend for the headed for Avalon lua Saturday
sailors in the combined V oyqen only to ditcowr tt.t there was
Yacht Club Boprd Series and no committee boat to record their
Marine Scene
tbe South Shore Yacht Club Hiah
Point Series for PHRF boats
March 22 and 23.
Aftu a fine start the boats
finish time when they arrived.
The race committee was on
Whisper. a Coromdo 35 which
had had cnaine trouble and
Joins the
i11 hri11:1inx 1lw
AMERICAS CIJP,. N,_,,.,, ._.
\ C .. '4.. .. A,~ .. "
<:ru1 ... 1ntt Wof\d Ya(bt
tt.ar -ucu l'PDA Tes·
t'rida) • ...
.. ..JtAMA
..l:Je ·~
011 IUM'M
cou)dl) l mate the Wand on time.
Ho.nu. the nice insaructions
bad foreseen this type of thina
happmina and bad told the sailon
to record their own time.
Sunday mornina everytbina
was under control apin and the
boats saarted for tbe second race
of the series to the mainland.
After about an hour of aood
sailing. the wind died down. the
f oa rolled in and none wae able
to make it to the finish line before
the sunset deadline. Everyone
bad a DNF (did not finish) on
the ICOre sheet.
The winners in Saturc1ay•s race
PHRF-A: I. Dcfaancc. Rieb
Nowlin& (SSYC); 2 Vorta. .-UCC
TwitcbdJ (VYC); ). Wmp. Cart .
Last (VYC).
PHRF-8: I. Rumway n. John
Wiebcl (VYC); 2. Happy Trails.
Frank Klisura (South •Y Yacht
Racing Club).
Sport Scene
Smd 1WW$ tlboltl yow co"""""'1y. "'6lt scltool or J'Ollllt
$JIO#lint nM1 to tJw ~ ,..,.,.._ '-0. /lox 9199. N,,,_pon
BMclt. 9MJI. . , ..
Sa._...J, Mardi 2t: Torrance at Newport Harbor. 11
Wik I y, ~ 1: Uniwrsity at Newport Harbor. 3: IS
p.m.; Esaancia at Corona del Mar. 3: 8' p.m.
Sdl I
W1 Iii nl J, Afll 1: Estancia at Corona dcl Mar. 3 p.m.:
Uniwnity at Newport Harbor. ):IS p.m. ..,.T_.
T11 I ), Af11 I: Milalcste at Corona cld Mar. 2:30 p.m.
W1 k t ), Af11 2: Estancia at Corona dcl Mar. 3 p.m.:
Uniwnity at Newport Harbor. l p.m.
Sw' , I
T 11 C J, Afll I: CIF Relay prdiminaria (&irts). Belmont
Plaza Pool. time to be announced. Corona del Mar and
Harbor both ei&iecl.
W1 .. 11tsy, Aflll 1: Newport Harbor at Lapm Beach.
l p.m.; &wlCia at Corona cld Mar. l p.m. v..,, .•
T C J,-"" I: Newport Harbor at Coaa Mesa. l :IS p.m.
T 11 ' J, Af11 J: Corona dd Mar at Estancia. Mesa V mk
Country Oub. 2 p.m.; Uniwnity at Newport Harbor. Newport
Beach Country Club. 3 p.m.
W1., t17, Afril 1: Corona dd Mar at Capistrano Valky.
San Juan Hills Country Club. 2 p.m.
Co-IAI • A I
0 I
T .... J. Aprl 1: Newport Harbor at Corona del Mar.
3 p.m.
PHRF-A· I. Vonex; 2. Winp;
3. lndulaence. Mike Sheets
PHRF-8: l. Runawav II: 2. by Jorgenson / Menn inaer
Oblession. Bill Ap~ (VYC). (NHYC) comina an second. Bna
of the ho t club Vt'ho ~as the
top A C1a sailor and Carol~ n .
Ron of Lido l ~lc Yacht Club
•ho won the 8 Class
The Etchells 22 .. Great Green Chandler in Bushwacker ( BYC)
Gaboon after St. Pauy·s Day finashcd third and Split Decision
Reptta .. at Newport Harbor ~ailed by Brad Whttler was
Y acbt Club wu sailed March fourth.
22 aDd 23. A new pa petuaJ trophy The fkct hid a spn.s Dinner
wu donated by Fred Scbcnck Party at Mimi and Tom H~'s
for tbis neat. It was from bis Saturday mpt.
vast ~-of old time cupa The Newport Harbor Yacld
Ille WOD ia tbc early dayt -.tan Cub Mother s.bot'I fimnhnl their
t1(l;flia wnc trGpb · ,.,· 11e .-.. w-awr lava~• Scria n.n.
A,,,.;.n llild bf Riil W.. clay. Maldl lO. Tiit •· rn o1
(NHYC) was tM top •ilor ia • this fOIMdar .,.. for wo••
tlllil ftl'8I _.. ~ Tty _... •Me...,....,. "'7• Dnytoa
The Mother Sabot\ Sprint
Invitational Snlrs will star1 Apn1
The Oranlt Counay W omm ·s
Ocean llaciftl Association •lll
meet at • .._ Yllellt Cklb Aprif
2at 7:30p.a Dirywilt.c rs•i• , .... ror dw .... l'Kiq and
social ---. For iaformatioa
cal &Mal f*'. pac • r -. 631-
On a cold and blustery day.
more than JOO ekpntly attired
ladies arriwd at the Irvine Mar-
riott to support The Sopbisticata'
endeavon for tbe Assessment
T sutmcnt Service Caller.
The luncheon also featured
a praentation ol Travilla 9s sprina
mc;n. chaired by Darleen a t. the proceeds of the
event went to ATSC1 juvenile
di\Ullon propam.
and Towcn for tbc Silten of
the Society Dnoeed to tbe s.c..a
Heart. Oda ._..._... .......
ioclllded llafer Jolwicwa. Richanl owao. o. <>wen. Tom Tla'llle)'
and Ben Harris. Ben won •MOit
litdy to be 1ee11 _.. llil wife
(loYdy Bartma Harris) brakfit•
in bed.-
The Ri1bteous Brothen
knocted the IOCb olf the pats
A few of the many gucstl were
Susan Jarvie, Sheri Murphy.
Gloria Carras. JoAnn ~enton,
Barbara Aune. Olristy Scheurer,
Renee West, Yolanda Biewen,
Doris Lind~ Rusty Hood and
Marilyn Nielsen.
Marilyn·s husband. Tom
Nielsen, meanwhile, was being
voted .. most likely .. at Tom ~·s
.. Gentlemen's Haberdashery ... a
benefit he&d at the Irvine Hilton
''mu n1 au ..
at the Can>Ulel Chapter's recent
benefit for the Oranae County
Perfonnina Arts Center.
Party-pn ~ in for a lal
treat in addition to the enter-
tainment for master chefs of
Cuisine-Cuisine presented an
extraordinarily delicious buffet
al every imaainable known Italian
Cindy Armstrong and Judy
Smith co-chaired the fundrailer
Need A D1te?
Try the N1W110rt Eaign
Classified Personals
.... die P.a&c FedaaJ s.w.
BtiiWU.,. Auiatiaa were Pam
Raes i= ........ Wold. Marilyn .
Waley, Butma Lawaeace, Diana •omilcJ. Bartma Fmmdt. Kat-
hleen Smith. Sheila Celi a, Me-
linda Mc:Cra. S.-n Orth. Helm
Mdcbi« and Oaaldine Schultz. •••
Men OCP AC news: Bari and
HaDl8 TuMna bolled a diamr
bdat the C.caler Cub to honor
the Underwriters of the Sound
ol Mulic Chapter\ fortbcomina
Atlantia Ball. to be held April
19 at the Newport Marriott.
Some "' the undawriten aft
Allerpn Pharmaceuticals; Ci-
tirem But! Uniwnity Athletic;
Peat. Marwick. Mitchell; lntcr-
mtional Tra~ Sprillisu; Santa '
Anita Dewlopment. Olivia and
Geotte Cbami. Ellie and Barry
Faber. Shari and Harry &ayian
and Barbara and Jim Glabman
(Barbara abo chain the April
19 Mick-tie ball). •••
The 600 once apin arrived
at .. Winefest '86... A benefit
sponsored by the Town and
c.ouatry Committee of the OraftF
County Philharmonic Society
and chaired by Nancy Cox.
Forty top California wineries
were ldccCed to participate, while
Bouzy ROUIC Cafe, Irvine Ranch
FarmenMarket and the Newport
Marriott, where the event was
he~ provided a delicious 1mor-
psbord to clear the palate and
complement the many wines . •••
Z« Allred opened h~ lovely
home to celebrate a new club,
a new wine-compliments of
Robert Mondavi and new friends
to support the many worthwhile
projecu of Western Medical Cen-
t.en. ................. '""" .. n.11,llllltClll? l•1h111
w f
1) Financing
2) Duplexes as investment properties
3) Preparing your home for sale
4) Broker/Seller relations
I .._~~~....-..~~~--------------~~~~~~ f.s---1.1.Co'JCii~..i~
PllTI" , .. -.£
Mr. a Mn.,.... McO-W • F
Mr. a Mn. &ea.dill Cowis F
Mf. a Mn. Ina s.itlll M
Mt. a Mn. AJlllrew .,..._ M
Mr. a Mn. O.vW H.... M
Mr. a Mn. Vici« Tctft:Hll F
Mr. a Mn. n .... , woe11iry M
Mr. A Mn. A,_..o AYill f
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Mr. a Mn. Midletl...... F
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Mr. A Mn. 1 .. w Evry M
Mr. A Mn. Mitctitl Slaltwtatlwr M
Mr. A Mn. Jclfw, s.na.. F
Mr.A.Mn.. ... ~ F
Mr. A Mn. S... Sit.lea... F
Mr.AMn.W-......., M
Mr. a Mn. Mtllilr J DJ 1i1 M
hk. A .... a.e. FH t :k M
Mr. A Mn. J16i1J T.-cy M
Mr. a Mn. a., Simi F
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Mr. a Mn. ~ Hil M
Mr. a Mn. ~ Joll..oa F
ff ...... ._. ...... c.-'*-c.-Maa s.. Diep
H ...... lrac:lll .......
H ........ .._.
1m. c .......
L.aM DMoft c ........
S.•AM c-.Maa
U.-ffilll ..-..viejo ....
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z.~. ..... y. ..... .............. ...... ,. .... ....... ...._.
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c-..... "'-..... ..... " ...... ~ u.-...
Ne•pou1 ..... ,..-. v..;o
" ....... 9l8cll
lnll'Oducttwy Oller
Cuts Sl4M
Hi/ires S.-.•
Extra Charge
For Long Hair
314 Old Newport
Newport leKh
Ill I Dll Y• Q•l-
IN,111 E•lll
l118allli Elltr
t'a .. 'e •••••II•• will be
pcrf ormed by tlw CllOi' Ud or-
dlatra ~ 11111111 r la' 111 '
0 11t.,. ~ Via Lido. Newport
Beach. -Good Friday. M8ldl
21. at 7:30 p.m.
Arc three of your demit friends
Vila. MaslcrCard and American
EApraa? The benefits al mi•
credit cards is one of a variety
o1 topics that o s I' n n e,
attorney at law. will hiahliaht
at 1M w-la Ms 211•1•1
Ora• County dinner IMdiaa
...... f ...... "-
•Sp.-1 ... C'...aW.. ..
ACIOtl . ...... '·..,. .•• a.. .... .
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44. S-aial ....
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Solution to
last week's
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62. Nql.i .... ''· ew..-.
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Once nery yaar. the mo~
and shaken of 0ranae 'County
get together under one roof for
a charity. The good time is just
the cheny on top. The benefactors.
the Sisters of the Society Devoctd
to the s.crcd Heart. alone with
OranF County Supervisor Tom
Riley (Newport Beach) supporU:d
the models nervousness and ap-
prehension. bean and soul.
When Irvine Company's Fash-
ion Coordinator Kitty Leslie and
the King of Sewer Contractor's
Paul Salata took the stage as
co-commentators. the audience
was already grinning with an-
ticipation of the barbs that would
soon be flying.
Leslie and Salata have been
doing this for so long. they already
know all the right lines. Salata
did his rehearsing in the Men ·s
Spa at the Balboa Bay Club 6
a .m . that morning. and Leslie
was reco"Cring from exhaustion
from doing many shows all OYCI'
Newpon Beach that week. But
the Sixth Annual Gentlemen·s
Haberdashery Fashion Extra-
vaganza got ofJ to a good stan.
Richard O'Neill was the open-
ing act. .. It's the first time bis
coat matched his pants ... said
Leslie. How would she know?
Bob Oifford was ·a former air-
plane dri~.-And neryone just
lo~ Ralph Clart"s bair. Geoffry
Stack came down the saAF pranc-
ing with a Hower in his grinning
..... ...... ...., ............... ..
1111 Ill-lllr11 .,.rtCAI lnll lff..,.11191 .........
Rafcr Johnson brought down
the house when be jogged on
to center sta(le. knelt down mto
starting position from the pte.
and took off like a shot. Bruce
Nestande followed that up in
sweats while Salat inquired.
·what AK you nanning for this
weelc"r° Gus Owen sauntered out
• perfect Miamj Vice attire. If
Hours· Mon. -Ftt. 10-1
Sat. 10 . 2
271 1-B E. Coat Hwy.
Corona del Mar.
Ca.. 92625
o MI Sool~...., -..__ Co.t.,......,
(714) 675-4830
the wrinkJed black linen suit with
the silk tails of bis wild print
shirt werea't enouall. bis little
black purse and aold ~ earrina
brought boots from everybody.
Ben and Bill Harris pve the
audience their leCret twins hand-
shake/ greeting.
The only way Tom Fuentes
got on stqe (according to Salata),
was to meet the criteria of being
.. Politically oriented and carrying
a child under ten months old ...
Hecou1dn' have been more proud
carrying his daughter Michelle
Renee. David Mudgett (Leslie's
boss at the Irvine Company) came
on and off. but not until she
instructed the audience to applaud
so she looked good. Hector Go-
dinez mixed up the line-up of
models just because he had to
If y ou haven't had your jewelry recently appraised you may
be surprised at the current val~. Don't let a loss or theft
leaw you untkrinsured. Our complete Gemological /Ab-
oratory is staffed by G.l.A. trained Graduate Gemolo6UIS
for all your appraisal needs.
Fi.It Juilrt t~ Gt. ·
"WJ.n d. r_. Is 1'6" dir MM L.IEq--
D>Neqion Caw DIM. Ni•poa· .... CA tli6IO• (714 ..... 111
M ', wt, 1e>1. s t, '°"· '• '• OilWa,._ .
10 catch a plane.
JudF (just call me Cal) Sc:hftclt
aot rave respoma in bi• belt
conservative suit. Tbomu Taney
SO( tome commmts when it was
made public that he wouldn't
wear linacrie for the show. And
Peter Muth decided to comb bis
luxurious hair on stage. Robert
Bein proftd most amerous when
he secretly (rumor has it), bad
a dozen red roses delivered to
him and his escort Kathy Sed-
le n ie k on stage. Even John
Wayne's sons Patrick and Ethan
aot into the swina of things.
Tbe lucky lady models had
a tough time following up the
acts of their fellow male models.
but Andrea Whiteck, Sharon
Waller. Kathy Sedleniek. and
Emma Jane Riley seemed to
(holding their gigles) get their
due notice in the show.
Thanks had to go to Fubion
Island merchants donating their
Come in often
for best
selection ...
-Nc.ncy Constancio
(7t4•1MUt mn , • ..._
fittina time, alterations chalk.
pluDc ...... al tM lf_rlllents.
and patialli: Ca~i•e~ most
meo bouPt whit they modekd.
it proved they like the tervice.
u well u the politive rapome
from the audience.
Those participatiq in the show
were· Gary's. P.O.S.H .• Silver-
woods. C~ns. Bulloct•s Wil-
shire. Neimao-Marcua. Phelps.
BIP. Al's Garate. Cbanin\. Theo-
dore Man. Elleae. Forty Love.
and Project Newpon. The ladies
fuhions weR from Mondi. For-
ever Children. Guy Laroche.
Bullock) Wilshire and Apropos.
The panel of 22 women judges
had a touah time selecting winners
of various cate1ories. but they
had their own hip priority judg-
ina tables ready for the (almost}
all male revue. And best o( all.
no one ref utcd their ftn11I decisions.
When all was said alld done.
the event railed S47 JO) (or the
Sisters and their ~ work.
•n z• rr. ••THE NeWPORT EH8ION/C08TA .... ~ TODAV,."
SCR's 'Unsuitable for Adults'
doesn't live up to its name
South Cout Repenory is un-
lealbina a rocker of a play that
may prove to be unsuitable even
for adults-or at least some of
them. This is no ,ende little epic
about women ... Unsuitable for
Adults... on the Second Staie.
is instead a play. replete with
strona lanauaae and pointed
1exual n:!e:renca, aimed at women
who feel poslftled, abused. or
depaded by men.
yet it is not strictly • feminist
play. It is one that rips into verbal
taboos and strikes out sharply
apinlc injustices ol society apinst
its Ins privile,ed members.
The play is set in a seedy
London pub. Outside in the streets
a killer lurks in ICll~b of women.
Marry (WAYIE RACEi-.. ,,._ Tll'flAU Y Kl.Elli ltft. a,,....., YWftl strlHI'. frlll""" 111,_ fr111 r'Mlcal
l•lnl11 c.lc Katt (KAREi HEISELI ftt Harry·1 IMl1rt • ... , tJlly Ill pert.,.. 111 llUlll Cllll R.,...,,., Altwtcan
pr•ltrt ,,lductlln If TERRY JOHllOl"S Unaultable For Aduna. directed by David E•-on 1ht Second Stage threuglt
A,,111 .
5-story high movie screen
highlight of IMAX's show
The most spectacular and trans-
porting recent motion picture
form is I MAX. presented in a
huge theater next to the California
Museum of Scaencc and Industry
in Los Angeles' Exposition Park.
The astonishangly crystal clear
image is 10 tames larger than the
average movie, projected on a
screen five stories high. enveloping
the viewer with awesome sights
and surround-stereo sound.
Even though the IMAX films
are little more than 30 minutes
each, so much dauling visual
information is crammed into them
that the experaence is entirely
fulfilling. The theater runs the
films continuously each day. from
10 a.m . to 9 p.m .. with reasonable
admission fees.
At present, the J MAX theater
is featuring three films in rotation.
Of the newer films ... Speed" is
the most pure fun and dizzying
one. Although it's about the
history of speed. from the bicycle
wheel to outer space travel. there's
little that's pedantic or ovenly
educational in it. outside of a
few quotes from Einstein. The
point-<>f-view shots of racing cars.
jct planes. and speed-of-light
special effects add up to a humor-
ous and fanciful cxercasc in mo-
The most subjective and cryptic
IM AX film ... Chronos." is a
hypnotic experimental experience
that will either strike people as
artfully compelling or preten-
tiously arty. or both. Made with
high ambitions by the very talent-
ed Ron Fricke. it's a barrage of
stunning images without narration
or explanation that contrasts the
pure wonder of nature with man's
created structures. Breathtakingly
sharp and exquisite shots of
Egyptian pyramids and Grecian
ruins alternate with majestic views
of Monument Valley and the
Grand Canyon.
The primitive lands of Stone-
henge and Pompeii give way to
the hustle of modem Los Angeles
and New Y orlc, while the con-
templative spiritual beauty of
the Vatican and Notre Dame is
spliced with the sculptural trea-
sures of the Louvre and ancient
Set to a haunting symphonic
score by Michael Steams, at does
not editorialize about civilized
man's influence on nature. The
title is Greek for .. passage of time,"
specifically denoted by some of•
the most hectic and cTCative time-I
lapse photography ever achined. I
This technique emphasizes the'
film's non-judgmental stance.
Fricke is simply saying that this
is the way at is; in his own words.
•Jfs a celebration of life ...
The best one, wrhe Dream is
Alive ... is a profoundly movina
meditation on the poetry of outer
space and the glory of flight.
Filmed aboard the Space Shuttle
by the crew. no other film has
ever had such mind-boggling and
eye-opening views of the earth
from space.
Succinctly narrated by the
resonant voice of Walter Cronkite.
the crew's arduous training and
slcylab activities are observed with
a light sense of humor and solid
educational insight by director
Graeme Ferguson.
In light of the recent space
tragedy. the film becomes all the
more valuable and relevant.
The IMAX experience is not
onJy unique-it could be the wave
of the future. It commands and
demands attention from the casual
moviegoer to the ardent buff.
and to ignore it would be folJy
and deprivation.
lrllide arc people uyilta to fllld
the solution to tkir own coafmed
lives. The killer add1 further
tension to their own problems
but never really enters into the
story itldf.
The most strident penon in
the pub is Kate. who is a kind
of female Lenny Bruce. She strika
at the audience with her coene
vulprity. her deliberate auempts
to offend, to shock. to attack
dearly held moralities. Then theft
is Tish, a fragile girl trying to
make her entry into the world
of the stripper but who finds the
life worthy only of an attempted
suicide. Nick is a fast talker who
impersonates one character aft.er
anotheT as he tries to hide himself
under the voices of someone else.
And Keith-a bumbling. none
toq bright guy who wants to be
a magician but who is pathetic
in his futile attempts. Finally.
there is Harry, who runs the pub.
David Emmcs has directed with
fire and passion. It is one of his
finest works. He relentlessly dives
into the play by Terry Johnson.
an English playwright. Emmes
builds the tension to the screaming
point and never sacrifices the
stark reality of the unsavory play.
He has also surrounded hamsclf
with an excellent cast.
Karen Hensel as Kate is the
stellar attraction in an exhausting.
fire loaded performance. When
she attacks the audience with
her vulgaritacs she is a study in
anger and frustration. Yet , she
skillfully shows the pain and the
hurt behind the fury. It is a
perf orrnance to remember.
As Tish. Sally Klein is f ragilc.
I Last 2 Weeks! I
OF T.V.'s
mM, ud weak. • lirt wt.o cul
~ die more sordid kind
rA life. But ewa her auempt to
comnUt suicide fail&. Tray Ewns
is both pathetic and amuaina as
the man who wants to be •
Richard Doyle is a wonder
in the role ol Nick. But. ol courx.
he is always merely magniftcmt.
Wayne Grace is fine as Harry.
But in the end it is Kate who
holds the play to,ether. One of
the more harrowing scenes is
where she has built the audimc:e
to a frenzied peak and gets so
fired up she pretends she is going
to cut off a finger with a cleaver.
OnJy she misjudges and actually
does cut it off.
There is only one flaw in the
play-and that is the addition
of a final sc.cne which awkwardly
tries for a happy ending. The
play should have ended when
Kate says ... , get so angry I don't
know who I hate ... This addition
brinp the play to a limp end.
Michael Dcvinc's set. mostl}
in grey. provides tht perfect scmng
for the play and Cameron Har-
vey's llghting adds further stark-
ness to a play lhat. d~spite its
moments of corned) ( mostl~
black). is sombre. gutty. and
Johnson 1s a p\aywnght to
watch. He writes with such fcnor
and such realism that his ~ords
sting long after the play is over.
South Coast R~p~rtorr. 655
Town unl~r Driw. plays Tues-
day to Saturday at 8:30 p .m .
Sunday at 8 p .m. Matintts on
Saturday and Sunday at J p.m.
Clo~.s April 6. Call 957-1602.
-~ Ceu•cyfllr ...... c....,••• ......... ,. ...
Finding jazz Is but a snap
at the Newport Jazz Cellar
Jau fans att a uniqur breed:
fingers always thumping. feet
always tapping and beads always
in search of yet another place
to hear their favorite sound. They
also believe they att a .. unique
breed"; they ~lieve that they
att special or somehow set apen;
they believe that their appreciation
of these almost hypnotic, rhythm-
inducing sounds makes them part
of an elite group. and in a way.
they att. I should know, because
I'm one of these f oot-tappen.
Whether or not their "elite
group· fedinp att realistic, their
appreciation certainly is. This
appreciation can be satiated at
a new/ old establishment called
11te Ncwpmt Jan C... Located
downstairs in c ....... 's • Fiiia
in a former dining room which
has ~en transposed, quite cf-
f«tively. into a put>.type cellar
with exposed brick and stucco
~..us. e xposcd beams in the ceiling
and walls decorated with nostalgic
pictures of life in the early 1900·s
in Newport and the surrounding
Music may be food for the
soul and jazz certainly feeds it
most dT«tively, but if you want
sustenance for the stomach, you
can appease that longing here.
also. The Newport Jazz Cellar
offcn an impressive happy hour
hors d•ocuvres buffet that is
complimentary. The buffet in-
cludes traditional favorites such
as fried chicken wings. ri~ fresh
fruit and chips with a houx saba
which is enhanced by an unusual
tangy task.
They also have items untra-
ditional to an hors d·oeuvres bar
such as barbeque vegetables
cooked on the mesquite grill,
baked potatoes. pesta and sa~.
clams and oysters and onion rings.
They rotate most of the more
untraditional items but the overall
outlay is well worth a second
or third trip through the line.
Manager Larry Pawlicki tells me
it is not unusual for s-trons to
make it an nenina of jazz and
a tight dinner with ldcc:tions from
the hors d•oeuvres buffet. The
times for the happy hour and
buffet arc 4 p.m . to 8 p.m.
During the happy hour. music
is provided by the sounds of piano
and harmonica player Dave
For those hungry jau enthu-
siasts arriving too late to partake
of the hors d'ocuvres. there is
an appetizer menu availabk with
ampk selections to satisfy those
who don't dcsitt a mott formal
dinner upstain. My compenion
sdectcd fried scallops that arrived
with a most pleasing cocktail
sa~. The scallops were plump.
jUicy and cooked to P,Crfcction.
Luckily be was not adverse to
sharing his selection.
Also available arc two cauldron
soups-clam chowder and shcc
crab bisque-in addition to oys-
ters. shrimp with ttmoulade sauce.
shrimp scampi. clams. lox with
batcl and cream cheCsc. crabmeat
cocktail and fried mozzarella
cheese. Appetizer prices ranae
from SJ.45 to SI0.95.
But one must keep in mind
that man or woman docs not
live by food alone-one must
also have jazz! At 8 p.m . the
piano player gives up the stage
to the George Griffin trio and
then the finger-thumping time
begins. The George Griffin trio.
which will be performing through
April 6. gives the true jau fan
exactly what he or she wants
ITAff PllTI IY ITfftl •R HI
to hear.
Yes. the Newpor1 Jazz Cellar
is fun! Possibly-too much fun,
because if you 'tt sitting too far
back, which we wne. it is a little
diff teult to get the f uU dfcct of
the music over the crowd sounds.
So Ft there early!
The Newport Jazz Cellar is
located down.stain in Gladstonc·s
4 Fish at 900 Bayside Drive in
Newport Beach. For more in-
formation call 7~71 .
Easter Sunday brings on spring weather, good eating
Easterisaspecialtimeofyear-dinner here and start with an
among other trunp it means lhat .. hors d ·ocuvre richc" of white
glonou~ spring has arrived. We asparagus wuh sauce hollandaise
can put away the dark. heavy or maybe avocado with aeamy
Cuisine & Capers
a few. As always. L'or du Midi.
Le Midi's own smooth and plea-
sant California champagne will
enhance the enjoyment of this
Heading out Balboa Peninsula
way. you may want to indulge
atBubbles•INMO..on Balboa
Boulevard. They will be offering
an Easter brunch with special
menu items. The cost will be
wools and pull o ut the bright,
cheery cottons. We can get serious
about our diets so those bikinis
and Speedos wo n 't s p o rt any
unsightly bulges
$12.SO per person and it will be
served from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . French shrimp cocktail, or tin Thctt will be Easter eggs for the
slices of air-dried beef from kids to find and a rich dessert
Switzerland. or perhaps hearts menu for pattnts to select from.
of palm and salmon mousse. including such selections as pecan
But before the serious dieting
beg.ms we will want to partake
of an after~hurch Easter Sunday
brunch JUSt one more pre~ict
splurge honest'
These will be but the pttlude torte. creme brulcc. homemade
to the sumptuous Easter Sunday bon-bons. Bill's banana boat
feast. The traditional Easter lamb -------------#
The followmg ts a number of
ideal spots to make the most or
your indulgences.
For quality supreme and ex-
traordinary taste, visit and indulge
at Le Midi on Via Lido in Newport
Beach Enjoy Easter brunch or
will be represented b y ''gigot
d 'agneau provenca1c:· nestled
among other .. Midi brunch fa-
vourites• like ""toumcdos nicoi.sc ...
veal cutlets with artici!oke hearts.
sand dabs with fresh sage leaves
and ··oeuf poches Madi .. -
poached eggs on an artichoke
bottom smothered with a foamy
light sauce hollandaise. to name
Free food tastings, Giveaways, Entertainment and a
great time.
Many Easter gifts for your sweetie: gift baskets. chocolates
and much m()(e.
"The range of poss1b1/1t1es is 1mpress1ve "
-Elmer Dills. Ch. 7
E~w1tness News
1700 Newpott Blvd. Costa Mesa. 714/548-3632
(corner d 17th & Newport Blvd.) M-SA 10-8, SUN 12-6 ._w .. ,.,_,,,1r.awmew , ...... .,.,., ...
.. Inn" People meet
• EllOY °" ~ fl«
Oeci Lounttr
• fttt Onng -
Mcdce•~ loom
• ~" ~ 8runcfl -'"'~~ • Ei..-w110• ~ Dlnc1t19 -
Gibftt loun,r -N~
• c....,,·s Tiit* ~Stq:>-
9' HQn
• 91S ~ &.esr iiOOms
• 8w'CMt ~ (OfMnlle)n
feacaa -"°'" 10 to 100
Airporter Inn Hotel
..,. MICAl9W .......
("6 -~ c.._ Mlllll>
(vanilla i« cream. sliced bananas
and caramel sauce) and chocolate
mousse cake with Grand Mamicr
sauoc. The dessert selections att
an additional SJ.SO.
On Balboa Island you might
stop for breakfast or dinner at
Tht Jolly Roser on Marine
Avenue. They will be featuring
special breakfast favorites. in-
cluding eggs bcnedict. French
toast, prime rib and e~ ... build
your own· omelets and country
Cried sirloin steak and eggs.
At the Grinder Gourmec Co«ee
SIMwe on Pacific Coast Highway
in Newport Beach they will be
celebrating Easter bunny-mania!
The Grinder wiU be giving away
special areats to kids (of all sizes)
and for those v.ith artistic t.alent-
spccial bunny drawings to be
completed. The Easter bunny will
be vi.sting the Grinder that day.
The second is the TOWtn Ra-
gurant, atop the Surf A Sand
Hotel They will present a spccaal
prix-fixe Easter menu on Sunday
from 11 :JO a . m . until 9 p.m.
featuring classic Easter favorites
as well as the Towcn· own con-
tinental cuisine. The view from
the ninth floor restaurant affords
a magnificent panorama of the
The Towe~ Easter meal is S2 I
per person for aduJts and S 12.SO
for children under 12-
We11 Be Serving Dinner
and Featuring Special favorites fo
Champagne available by the Glass or BottJe
*:}o A
0 :fl9t'
BAL8Q\ ISLAND =Wine Only)
203 Marine Avenue
.,zmn.t•THENEWP.ORTENllGNIC08TAME.Mt1••--•T01MY ......
' e
Saturday and Sunday, 1 o· a.m. -6 p.m.
-:····· ~
: .. ·
Plldllc Coast Hwy.
, •• •t•••:::::.:·:':\•:·:·ilii11·•1:1:::\::•::•:: ::•:::;:Jt:H::::::•,!ji::•.:_:,:: •• m\ .
• ··::jj~ 1::1;;:;::• F t • ' : , ·. { .=-.. . ·•·' . . . \ ••n • • . i ,: ,,,,
. . .
. .. ····-:::··:-·
" ·.
. . . .. · '. . .
. · .. · .. ·.·. ·. . .
. .
. . . ·. ·:-.·. " . . · ...
·-:· .
500 W. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
(714) 722-7894
We Deliver
We Wire Wor.ldwide
ft\.F 7 am · 9 pm
S,S 9am-9pm
I I l
-. .
.. .. .
' .
l . . ,
•. i
~· I
l ..
The Newport CM••• Oft._.
tra will perform selections from
Handel. Mozart and Beethoven
March 29. 8 p.m .. at Newport
Harbor High School Theater.
600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach.
Tickets arc S 15 and available
by calling 540-5564.
The lnhw Marriott will present
pianist Michael Jordan from
noon lo 2 p.m. and 5 lo 9 p.m.
M o nda y thr o ugh Frida y
through the end o f March. The
hotel i!:I located a l 18000 Von
Ka rman A\e . I nine. For funh-
er inf ormation call 553-0100.
The Lee Ferrell Show. at Club
17. 1670 Ne~po rt Blvd . in Costa
Me ... a Wednesda~ lhrough Sal-
u rda~ night
Harbor Sincers meet Tue~days.
7-9· )0 p.m at the Presb)ten an
C hu rc h of the Co"enant in Costa
\ie-.a Call 494-8 119 or 897-
Repertol'J: .. Buried Child." writ-
ten by Sam Shepard and staged
by Sam Weisman. April 8
through May 11 , Mainstage.
Tuesday to Friday. 8 p .m.,
Saturday 2:30 and 8 p.m .• Sun-
day 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets
S 16 to $21 . T hrough April 6
on Second Stage ... Unsuitable
for Adults." Tuesday through
Friday. 8:30 p.m .• Saturday 3
and 8:30 p.m .• Sunday 3 and
8 p.m. Tickets $16 to $21.
Second stage from April 25 to
May 18 ... Virginia." Tuesday
through Friday. 8:30 p.m .. Sat-
urday J and 8:30 p.m .. Sunday
J and 8 p.m. Tickets are S 16
to $2 1. SCR is at 655 T o wn
Center Dr .. C osta Mesa.
-• '.J 587 I o r deta1b.
.. The Kins and I" at Elizabeth
Howard"s C unain Call Dinner
f heat re. 690 El Camino Real.
1 ust in . Prices start a t S 15 .95.
door' o pen 6:30 p.m . Tuesday
th rough Thursday. 7 p.m. Fri-
da} a nd S aturday and 11 :30
a .m. and 5:30 pm. o n Sunday
F-or re~e n at ion!> call 838-1540.
Confrey Phillips. T ue~da y
thro ugh Sat urday eve nings at
the 'e~ po rt Ma nda rin restau-
ra nt 1 n N e~ po rt Beach fro m
5:)0 to 9:30 p m . 3950 Campus
D r Call 852-0900
.. Alone To1e1ber, •• held over
by p o pular demand through
April J 4 at the Harlequin Dinner
Play ho u se . 3 505 S . Harbor
Bl vd . Santa Ana. For tickets
and re,ervat1 o ns call 979-5511 .
April Events at South Coast
.. Dennis Louise S~bolz -Oil
Monotypn ... will be the featured
d1 sp la} a t Sandstone Gallery.
384-A N. Coast Highway. Lag-
una Beach. th rough April 7.
Viewing hour!> are 11 a .m . to
4 p.m .. Tuesday through Sun-
day. Call 497-6775 for details.
.. Disarmin1 lma1cs: Art for
Nuclear Disarmament .. will be
o n view at UC Irvine's Fine
Arts Gallery through April 5.
Ga llery ho u rs arc noon to 5
Sabbath Service Friday niahts 8:15 p.m
Rabbi Steven 0. Schatz prestdent: Felix Van Beek
2401 trvine Ave . Newcat BMch c/o Hert>or
Temoi. ~ !>48-9600 ot 646· 751~ 8-f/e.t Mit.zvah
Sor·~ ToOtC Radical Plans for an Economic Ut<>Pta AelllJOUS & .....,,_School
You may take your political freedom for granted-but do
you e ve r yearn for freedom from fear. hate-even disease?
Come hear a free lecture entitled:
by Geo rge Millar, C.S.8. of London, England
A M ember o f The Christiiiin Science Boiiird of Lectureship
.Jt Newport Harbour High School. 15th iiit Irvine
8:00 p.m.# THURSDAY# MARCH 27th
Pr~ent ed by First Ch urc-h of C hrist, Scientist. Newport Beaich
Child care provided Free Parking
Wonbip at Easter
Saturday. March 29th 10:30 p.m. to MMfnlabt
Candklipt Proc:auon
Communion Celebration
9:30 and 11 am
Hand klls and Chancel Chou
Handel's •HaJldu,.h Cbonas ..
2 100 Mar Vista (Jamboree & Eastbluff). N.B. 644-1341
• Ja11n Ololln'a "Last Painter en Earth." 1983. oil en canvaa. 72" x 120 ... D•lln ta 1n1DI40 artists whlu ..ta wtll Ill•
display II &Mdleback Cell1g1 I Laouna Art Muaeum-Seutb C..t SaUery.
p. m .. Tuesday through Satur-
day. For more information call
Exhibits at La1una Buch Mu-
seum of Art: Mo untain Land-
scapes of Southern California
1900-1985. through April 27.
The M uscum is located at 307
Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. Call
494-6531 for hours and further
lmo1en CIUUlinsJlam and Dick
Arentz will be featured in a
dis play at the Susan Spiritus
Gallery. 522 Old Newport Blvd ..
Newport Beach. The display
will run through April 12 . For
hours and details call 631-6405.
.. Two L.A. Printmakers." work
by Efram Wolff and Laura
St ickney. wall be on d is pla~
through April 7 at Laguna
College of Art. Ettinger Gallery.
2222 Laguna Canyon Road .
Laguna Beac h. Call 497-5014
for ho urs.
Watercolorists Iris Adam and
Jane London will display worh
at An-A-Fair Gallery. 644 S
Coast Highway. Laguna Beach.
through April 15 . Hours arc
11 a .m. to 5 p.m .. Wednesday
through Supday. Call 494-4514
for information.
Watercolors by Ellen Roberts
will be on display through April
Magnify Your 1986 Profits
00 MBA and Microcomputer Services
~ Planning
~ At Reasonable Cost :::> 0
w :::> z w > w er
St8n "-ctr•
(714) 548-9511
-~ R .. .---. t ' ~ --~ --. ~ • ~ \ : l t"~ Ii .... ....__l \.....I _) ,..~ "'"' I ~ \. .... "'" • .. L .... -.. -... .__ "'
\ -
April 7 -June 14
Days, evenings and weekends/ Accredited
• Advertising Design • Jewelry
• Ceramics • Painting
• Drawing • Photography
• Graphic.Art • Printmaking
• I ltustration • Sculpture
REGISTER NOW! c.11 (714) 417-3108
mr~c..,..111. L.-.._ca 11111
30 at Quorum Gallery. 374 N
Coast Highway. Laguna &ach.
Also featured are acrylics by
Muriele Burch. Hours arc 10
a .m. to 4 p.m. Closed Mondays.
For information call 49._.,.22.
Watercolon by Virp..ia Hllff-
man will be featured through
March 31 at Quorum Gallery.
374 N Coast Highway. Laguna
Beach. Hours arc IO a .m . to
4:3() p. m. except Mc.Jnd..,s. Call
494-4422 for more information.
Works by Orlaado A.a .. H .
Wysocki and other international
anists. Galleries T ouchc. Ltd ..
through April 15 . Gallery 1s
at 499 N. Coast Highway. Lag-
una &ach. Hours are 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
April E•eats at t~~ Oraaae
CoantJ FailpCMla•: Women's
Expo '86 April 8 to 10: EnaJish
Springer Spaniel Dog Show
April 12: OC Equatrian Centn
Spring Show April 12-13: Barter
Fair April 13; Inter-Shows M~
torcycle Swapmeet April II:
Chow Fanciers Association
Chow Dog Show April 19; West
Coast Promotions Gun Show
April 19-20: Golden State Chow
Club Dog Show April 20:
Electro-Tech April 23. The
fairgrounds are located at II
Fair Dr .. Costa Mesa. For mOft
information call 7Sl-FAIR.
Callfonia A 1• Afril H 1
Games: San Diego April I: Los
Angeles April 6; Seattle April
14 to 16: Minnesota ApriJ 17
to 20: Oakland April 21 to 23.
Tickets are available at lbc box
office. located at Anaheim Sta-
dium. 2000 S . State College
Blvd .• Anaheim. or by calling
r .ra T• Ell?
Q1dl 1111 .. .,a1 &1111
.I' I 111117
• ignso
• •.
t _,
4. ••
. ...,
... IC_,M nermoua 1U 111 r
..... """ ii The~ ........
doi"I buliMU K DAVIS
~istof Str'Mt North. Sult•
245, PMwport Beach. CA
William K. Davis. 1400
Bristol Stretrt North, Suite
245. Newport Beach. CA
Richard E. Lucy, 1400
Bt1stol Stl'Mt North, Suite
245, Newport Beach, CA
CharlH l. Buchanan.
1400 Bristoi Stretrt North, s... 245.. Newport Bw:h,
Robert J. Thierprtner,
1400 Bristol Street North,
Suitt 245. Newport Beech,
AnOtww J. Bait, 1400 ens..
tol Sir.-North. s-.. 245.
Nftpart Bw:h, CA 92660
This business is conduct-
ed by • ...,.1 pMnenhip.
Siped: W.iliM1 K. DIMs
a I Ill ....... ...........
AUi m Cll1'I I • IU'r· ,..
M9GfNIH•19 All ...... . .......
To .. ...._bll,.._ a-., co6-• Cftd. ltln. end ....... ,,.,
be ............ , In
the ... Of ...... d AUOlllY
A ....... '-be9t fllld
the Supertarec..t arc...
Cowcr~ttm ...
CHEUfKAftAN .. _...
ed as penonel represen·
tattw to edmini1t• the
-dthedec ...... The...,.,..,,... 1• eu-
thottty to admfnistw tM
...... under ...........
ent Administration of
&8*1Act A,_...an.,_.....,
.... held APRIL 2. l-
it 9:30 AM in Dept 3. b
e-.I It 700 CMC C£NTDt
If YOU OBJECT to the
........ d the pelitian. JOU
The re1istrant com-
menced to transact busi-
neu under the fictitious
business nwne above on 21
13/86. l...a.47 should --.,.,.., • the ....c NOTa '-""Md ..... YGI" ot>-Thi$ statement .-filed
with the County Clerk of
Oranp County on March
3, 1986.
N!ihiGUl all Im jec:tiona ot file ""'9en ob-
umSJAl'W jectioltt wMh tM court a.
The fo'lowinl penon is for• the herin1. Your
doml business as: STEARNS _....a mey be In per· Fi .. Ho. f302552
3113 3/20 3/27 4/3 4751 O£VE1..0PM£NT. 2026 Qu9il son OI bf ,.,.,, ...... IF YOU AR£ A aE>fTOlt Street. Newport e.cti, CA °' a oontililil'• a..,, d
9~ Contnctors, Inc., the d9CnHd, you""* file your claim with the court a California Corporation, at ~it ID.,_.,. ...
2026 ~ii Street. Newport ,..,..., lblltwe _...,..by The followma person 1s
dotnt bulineu as: l YNN£'S
3250 E. Cont Hi1hway,
Corona del ~. CA 92625.
Lynne Marie Myett.e, 31051
Aliso Circte, South l.lcuN. ea.926n.
Beach, CA 92660. tM court_..., tour ......
The re1istr1nt com -from the.._ d ftrll ...._
menced to transact busi· anc:e rA....,. • pnMdld
ness under the fictitious in section 700 d the C..
busineu neme or names litornia Ph,.._ Code. The
lisaed ebcw on 2/ll/16. time for fH._ dlliml will This~ is canduct· ...
ed bf a corpon•ioo. SilNd: not Hplre prior to tout This bultnesl is conduct·
ed by an individual. STEARNS CONTRACTORS. monlhl from .. dilled tM AHOELSON ~ naticM ...... l YNN M. MYElT£
This ~ ... fi6ed
with the County C*k of
e>r.,.. County on Mw. 11.
INC .• BRlJC[ 0. · YOU MAY DCAMjt:IC tM T••CJC)f•Y~---------" TNa 1•1 ...... -filed --.,., v-. ~ JOU wtttt the County Clertl of .,. • ..,_. •-11 f In ,._.-. M h the ...... ,_..., MIW ar.,. __,,"7 on arc upon the exeallDt or ad-
3113 3/20 3/27 4 /3 ~~=--30JCMI mlni1tr8tor. • upon the
312031274/34/10 4778 • etlOf'MJ for the necutor
"°'1CI ....... UL.I
On April 3, 1986, at 10:00 AM, the law offlcn of
GREENWALD and RESNICK. n duty appoint.s ... nt
unct. and pwsuant IDtM [)(Cl WTION Of C0WENAHTS.
reconied "' Book 10427 ...... 480. lncluliw9, Offidel
Rec0tds of Oranae County. Califonria. • anneud to
the subtect property Vfltlns in the name of Glacier
General Assurance Co. •
BIDDER FOR CASH (peyabte lit timed .... in lawtul
money rA the UnMd Sblees) at the oullide trorwt ennc:t
to the buddinc loated lit 4350 YON KARMAN. OAOH
tltte and interest COfNll)1lld to. and now t*'9 by it. under
RESTRICTIONS in the property ~ In said County
and State described as;
The street addre" and other common dest&nabon.
1f any, of the real property described abowe i$ putpcw1led
to be 20 Cherry Hills Lane. Newport Beech. Califomta
The unders11ned disclaims any hab1hty f0< any in·
correctness of the street address and other common
ctes11nett0n. 1f any, shown h«etn
Said sale will be made. but Without c~ or ..mtnty,
express or 1mplted re1ard1n1 title, possession, or
' encumbrances. to pay the rema1nin1 principal sum
al the hen secured by said real property, with lntlerelt
thereon. as provided 1n said CC&Rs, actnnc., rf any.
uncterthe mrmsof satd CC&Rs. fees,~ and...,_.
d the Trust. and of the trusts a.tlld bf Mid CC&RI.
The~ amount of the unpaid b1lance d ttw atJ~
secured by the property to be sold and rnt0nebte ....,._.ed costs. upenses and ~ lit t"9 time
d .. iflitiM ptlllM;lla I of the Nalfad!m ii $2,2J500. n. ~. CANYON CMST COMMUNITY AS-
IOCIATION. under Mid CC&Ra ,_...._. uecuted
.,., Ms ... to ........... a ..,_, Dldwlllun
., .,... .... Des..., tot w.. Md ...... Naik» "' ................. "Sel.. n. w ........ ~ ......... ,, ......... 0.:.. ........... '
..... .. ........ I .... 2' .... -
"' eclmlftt ..... Md file .,.... tM c:oun wtttt proo1
d ..... a--. ......
....... JOU ........
det notice ol the filnl ol
an -.WU) Md llPP' 1'11
nw'll d ......... Of al
the petitions « eccounts •••lllloi..t In ...... 1200
..t 1200.5 dtt. c.lfue••
.......... . MICHa.1..£ l(A.
PlAH. IN PRO PER. 9200
3/13 3120 3/27 4758
1-111• w•ra llOTICI Of DIA1M Of
... NHIWlV All••••...,.,.. A-lJllM
To .. hlln,bll---
c:recMols. contir ... end·
............... mey
be au.a ... lrMl•ll11 in
the ... Of ...... al ClAR· .
F.STAHL A petition ,_ beef\ filed
in the Superior Court of
<>rarwt County t"9QUeltins
thllt CH£JM. ANN EW01T
be appointed .. penonat
1ep1111 illllh4to.....,ltt1
The pilllltion ...........
thortty to administer the
..... under the .......
ent Admini1tretion of
.... held Aftftl 2. 1986
• 9".30 ,,,. in Dept. 3. lo-
cmd It 700 CMC CENT£R
If VOU OBJECT to the
..... dttll~JUU ...............
........ Md ..... """" ot>-jectiol• OI Mt .-.n ol>-........ aut ...
for• ti•• herln1. Your ---..., ... "' ,,,.,, .......... 11.., • ...... amwro1 ••t fC la C fl .... llll,__ .. ................
•P n• .. llet P • a -,,.,
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YOU IMY IMM!• IM . ... ., ...... ,,.,
.. • ,..... .... IHla' in ... ..-...;,.. .... ~
upon tM 1111 c.., • eel·
ml..albs•r • OI ~ tM
....... , for t9't MICUlOf ............. -.... ......... ceurt .. proof o1---. • ..-. ..... .......... ,... ... ..
dll naMce .......... "
lrt "'4:•1 ind 00 Ell
,,..fll ...... -•al
tM ............ •accounts
......... ·-¥ t• 1200 and UDll.5 iJI .. C It& elllll ,...CID*.,
Miiot,.., .., '*"*-= OOGNEV. JQMM). MM-
TIN 6 TOOUN, 1"2 IR·
VINI Ill.VD •• TUSTIN. CA --3113 J./20 VD . 4759 ,._ .,,..,......w.I
T-111"1"9.: _ ...... °" _. 1' ,_ • _.. AM .__, t.etwn.
TWDcell ... 'II ·••T-•a 111 11 T~
tr at:At • T~ ... -... _...DIM ti T.-n W 11r ~...,.._ ... Ale F. Aa .. 1 .. .............. n Siii Jed .. a, ttl1. •
~ ................ ,... .......... ~ An .. .,a...oau...,.cuau-.•,......•• _.. ...... tl.Dlllllt • en 1211 • • 1e1 ......,
ii *'Ml b •• B.1-• tl•wua•M. a4'74t21. fl~ A 11 ria .. _, Ccunlr ... undlr n ,.... ..
• llliJ DliMt -'TNUI Ell .. ,_... ............ ._., ,,.,., ................ ot,.,...... .......... ...
---... euu. ON9lt -· 700 CMc ca. DftV9 ....... At-. C'elfltrnla .. ...,., ............
m tClJl9,._.,_,......,.~_...0eaddTNllln
.. ,. 11 • • af In-..~ w 5'111 •xzllld -t.N 217ant.al14, •~Md...., an '*ciertlln
Qa•ulli .... -MU ... 8111•1Mer 20. tl'J9 In luc* t•11. ,._ 211 ti .... Al~ I • d er.,.. C...,. c ., ... ,... z:.,. ..... , ••• t,... ..... In ....
Lal M (IC& a SJl ~ fl Tr.a ta ... In ... Cir d
Ml $It ...... CMtlW .. °""19, .... d C $ .. M ....... ..., ................. ~
12. "' ... I I I .... Aus• .. 0..-Clurilr cri.-••'* ...,_ .• ....,.._ ....._
IJ .. ta 1 C.•··--Ullll ......... L ....... I d Al 1•1,,_ •• tiiMll~ uni ...... 11 •• .,., .................. ,,.,,
C I,._ =1::::1111 ... ft!& 17 t .. Cc •• -tt .... l _______ ... lnlcll 1"1'=
ta., ..... A I ........ -... c..111111 ..... "'""-IMI"' ............... 4:"" llllRW'lt.., .. ...
!*ifi¢ i• ., • •cuuu:• Ft nu• el _.. Trlld .. Ni.A-... .... r-..., • ......... --I t In .. f ' 71 i el suM 1 a ... Cc:A ........... I: A ,.,.
1 lhl ····-.. .,..,.. ......... ,_ ... .... ., ,_ tm? .... ""' 1" .. ~
SI n n •cJ ..... 1' twl In ... 11119, ...... 1'l/D ... , • ., ... Ar .. ,.. ..... iJ*-• ... mtUUWI ..... nil id .... .... 1, ...... a.. at17. flla;Mt ...... Cll ..... --. _, en w "' ....... •••r •.._,..,..
.. .. .. .... ' • t almfp ..... "'FDtdl. dD
--......_ Mitt I car,..1•1 .. 1311 E .. t111t1:•A-. ........ -.caw
a... ........ =·--............... -........ ·-·= ..... 1,, 'I ... ,. .......... ,._ . ., .... .....
tllN .... M _.. .... -=•• • w•-W.
I J Wtr1RJl1•.•••Plll Lllh , ......... HI ............. , ................. _,
_, Doe. el TNll • Wit ........... e 2 l• 11 .,, ..... ,I ................... .. = J:,'::l:f:" 'ft:'..==~=.: on tM ..._. prludplll t.ILICI Ith'* d 11.?R
per enNN'8 from 09/01/15 tD ... d ...... any
................. , ~be .......... Of Ollt••• 1
C.lED Niia 11. 1111. UM EU w.I TMCE ACTION
..__, utwn. tru11o.ed1a--.11nc. • T..-
CMrtA. Clc ... ..
t»1 r.. ........ --.. a............,,.., CA 92it04 rn4» ... .,.,. -.1111. m. msn ....... a.AtJt.s.1•
" JltHnar~
3120 3/27 4/3 4n'
.. _.
... ....
3 .......
un.., ~.,_HUS.TM. , .. 'fWl'llllll••• O/l lMI
l ... elfl It ' wUlalMa I 11Ccll¢1AS.-
................ T_1Ull
(R.purt .. amounts in --dalat'I (onty) )
Tobil admitr.d ...-(Plet 2. lJne 28) $
Tocat naMitiel (Plet 3. line 26) 4,nl,606.573
C8Pb' paid-up( ..... 3. line 27A and
278) 5,000.000
(Plet l. Une 27t)
Groa peid-in Md~ surplul
(Plet 3. line 28) 69M9..-
~surplus fUI* <Plet 3. Unt 29A)
Un-·.-f\#ldl (surplus) P1et 3, line
298 "'"" 29C) .t0.054..134 Gein (Lail) from opeellliofia <"9t 4,
Line 31) 32.617.614
hlC't'Me (o.crw.) in~ ... SW· "' ·V)' otua ..... 1915 ~ l. Une 30. 1985
minus 19") . 13.057.921
1....-.nc:e In fare« ,..... .... <"9t
15. Uni 22. Cd. 10 . Whale dolerl) 62.252.981
Acc:.ideflll end Hnllh pr.mums (Sche-
dule M-Cd. l. Une I) 3.995.147
tntutanc:e in form: Clifornle ......
..... ( ..... 46 Une 22. Cd. 6) 178.aJ9
Acddlllt and heelttl pr-.Nums . Dir9ct:
Calibnie bulil-.,... <Plet 46. Line
25. Col 2) 74,981
Wt ......,, c:er1ify.,.. the ebcw items .. "' ac:car-
dence .. the~~ .. for the yw ~ 0..
cember 31, 1915, made'° .. ~ ConillT ·11'ainer
al .. s.... of caMomie. putl&.nt '° ... . Dua ... Ward. Name of Senior Ya ....... .
0.0. Sllubl:llefield • ...,. d S.U-1
3-20 3-214-3 4-10 4-17 4765
CONJ--m!I MOTICIOl,......IMI , ........ 1
On April 11. l•. DN«L LEJBL • dll"Y 8111 a' -.t
S-lbstib• TNllle und9r _. pursuent to o.d d Trull
recorded Aul'*'t 19, 1915, n Inst. No. 8S.l09420.
rA Offidllt ~ in the afftcll °' the County .......
of Or•"I• Coonty, California Will SEU AT PIUIUC
at til'M of sale tn lawful money fA the Unitad ..._, •the front entrance to the~ en,. Coa'"'1 Couft.
house located on Senta Ana 8W. bet wn ~
and Broadway, Santa Ana. California, .. ttle hour of
9: 15 a.m. alt riaht. title and im.nttt ~ to and
no-Mtd bf it undlr Yid 0..S of T~ In the PNPQ1r
situated In said County and State clncrlbed -.: LAlb
21 and 22 rA Baock 9. ~ d Section 1, ....
Island, as per map recorded in Book 6 , peee 30 ol
MlseieManeoul Maps. in the Office d the~ .........
d On• County, Catltomia .
The ltretrt address and other common ~.
if any, d the ..... ~ delcnbed ebcw ............
to be: 505 Patti Avenue. City d Nlt'lllDl't a.ch, CA.
The unden4lnld disclafml.,.,., ...... ""'l:icanild·
Mii Of d"9 .... addra$ R --CuhWllOii dtt ....-,,
If ~. lhoWn herein.
Seid ... win .. made, but wtthout C0WNnt ot •r•,_,,
Hpreas or implied, re11rdln1 title. poaletlion. or
encumbr1ncn. to pay the remalnln1 prlncipel tum
d tt. nolll(s) MCUred by Mid Dead rA Trull, wlett ......
.,., ... • prow6ded in uid nuea(s). ICMncel. W -· under the terms of the Deed of Trust. fMI. chlir8IS
end ...,..,.. of the Tn.teee end Of tM !nm c.-cl
by Mid Deed d Trull, 9-Mt $.26.177.U
11'9 ~ under Mid O..S Of TNlt IWat o
eJectMd Md ...... tD the ................ ...... o.c:::w S i • "'0... .... o. .............. ...
NlllOI -Dcttl;a Md Didi n .. Ill. n. wld&••
C8l•tJ .-. No*e d ~ • Oaal1n • ... te
M NCI J• lft .................. i1111J'1:! 11 ,., •rt lll1m; ... L"llM-... T, 3?1 I .....
-f ..... • ..... CCI ¢ If I till II Dlilll9 LtilM. a:Ml.C' ••~P 11t11~CAt1197.811-
W7. =r:rJt•• on
•• -
... IC .....
Htfiid .. • 111•11
-•• n TM foll 1,. 1*ton is
doi"I .._,,... ee: NEW·
330IM Oc9n Front. ... CA
«MO. °"'80'1 c. Bonclw'dt,
3308M ~Front. ... CA
This ....... ii candur:t· .. .., ........... ~
This ......... -tllld
with the County Cterk of
0nnp County on ...,Ch
Fii -F103'725 3/20 3/2:1413 4/10 4775
HChi ... alll r• .......... rwz n
The totlawinS C*10n is dcir1I .....,_ II: llMO.Y
THER£ S#IMW£AR. 2117
Well. ..... aw.. ... port
8cft. CA M63. lwm Mwuillon ,,,,..; m .
Nee paft Giie a., fllapcwt
Bch.. CA 92l60.
This bulif.-is conduct·
ed bJ en indMdull. 5'lrted
This ...... at -filed
with the Countr Cter1l of
Ofanee County on March
Fila -Fl03726 3/20 3/'Z7 4 /3 4110 U76 . ..,..
HCllllOUl• Irr•• ..... "m "' The followinc person is
dOh'I business n: HUNT
tt .. pcrt c.w DrM. Su-.
211, Newport Beach, CA
92fiil0..6C68. °** Jollllh ~ Jt .. llZO~Driwe. ......
port Bledt. CA 92660.
This bUM-. is conduct·
ed bJ.,, lndMcMl. ~
awtll ... Hunt. Jr.
This ..... went ... Mid
with the County Clerk of
Oranae County on March
~. 1986.
f"lle No. FJ02805
3/20 3/27 4/3 4/10 4761
... ICllOnCI
STAii nor .. , ..... ... Mntt••t• ... ,_ u111•1Ctw.,.. . . .....
The fottowlnl persons .................... '*" .. from the s-trw· ship oP8f'Minc under the
flctlicMa bulk.a Mme d
SHP' •• Calibnie Gerwal
PlmlrlHp aoe-.cl .. 9292
Gttppo Rh9' ~ Foun-
'-'n Valley, CA 92708, in
... County d ~. Sbite
The full name and rn·
k:ence d the pef'IOftl wilh-
dfaail w • pi51lwS w-=
• ~ ... ftc-Huetl<AO. s&-34
01oae SL. rcnsa ..-.. New
YOl1l 11375.
Sfr-Hoi and Shell S.Y.
CHEN. 162 Westerwelt
~ TeMtty,Ncw.Jeney
Mei·Mel KAO, 68-34 01·
can St.. forest Hills, New
Ycd 11375.
_,...KAO, 68-34 Otcdt
St.. fcnst Hitts. New y~
Siped: MARK W. CHI.
312:1413 4/10 4/17 4803
rem iOUI ••mm ..._lfAlW
The folDMil11 .,.,..,,. .,.
dona busineu as: KBD
PARTNERS, 4343 Von Kar·
man Avenue, Newport
8-ch. c 92660. _..., N. earn.rd. How·
ard, Howard & Barnard.
4350 Yon Kannan Avenue.
Suitt 350. tlelfP(lrt S.Ch.
Wutia"'-T. Benson. The
Kall ~. 1651 North
First Stre9t. San Jose. CA
..., F. Brockhoff, The
Koll Company, 4343 Von
Karman Avenue. Newport
a.ch. CA 92660. ~ [. Buck. The Koll
ComC)9ny, 4343 Von Kar·
min Avenue. Newport
9Mch, CA 92660.
Robett A. Church. Maune
Lani Terrac9, Unit 0 302.
Poll Of'ftce Boll 4500, l(a.
o.vis Manlillment Trust.
5950 Mora Yedeo. P.O. Boll
1686. AanchO S.U Fe. CA
Sonne Ourdel, The Koll
COfnpeny, 8205 s.w. ~·
side "'9ce, Beawrton. OR
Rk:hard c. Elliott. EJ1iott
Co po111tion, 4320 Von ICar·
man. Newport Beach, CA
92660. Rod.., Faprholm, The
~NL. Mmond. WA
tl052. Bemard fipp, The Kon
~. 7330 EnltnMt ....... s.t 0119t. CA tzlll.
-~ ... ,..._ ,.,..,. ~·~ ......... ~ Tii9 • .._ r.s .. .,. ~~ .._610.WJele,~
=--.. ,'= ... .,,.ar ............ ... c.n,.~,......, .... ........... ,.1 ......
CA ....
ICdl c.iq ..... -· 152nd ,..._NL......,..._WA ....
,_. Hldil. lDI Qrwen..
ham bd. 0.-v.-.,, CA
lAllll' 4. ........ The Kol
ComPM1. 4343 Yon Kar·
"'an Avenue, Newport 9-ch. CA 92ee0.
DaNld ... Kai. The Koff
Compan,. 4343 Yon KM·
man Avenue, Newport
8llch. CA 921MO.
CofnpenJ, 4343 Von Kar-
man Avenue. Newport
.8elc:h, CA 92MO.
John ... Lewil. The "°" ~. 9201 .... 2!5at ...._ .. l!IC)_..._..._ A1.15Crn.
tikhMI L lMlil. The Kall
Company, 4343 Von Kar·
man Avenue ... ewport
a.ch. CA t2MO.
rrenk Mandone, 417
South Hott. Al!t.. 115. Lal
Al •In, CA to04I.
O.P. Middlelu-. TM Kol
Compeny, 4343 Yon Kat·
man Avenue. Newport
8-:tl. CA 92'60.
Orrin w ..... The Koll
Compeny, 7330 ~
"-l S... ~CA 92111 .
Mmn:G. N91s*ow, TheKal
Company, 2021 15~nd
-..... N.E., Aed111ond, WA
Pelican 1..-nd Compeny,
I~ limited pMrw•
lhip, PeUcan Land Com·
Buck. The Kou eomp.ny,
Ne' iort a.ch. CA 92te0.
~A. .... The Kall
Company, 4343 Von Kar·
man A~enue. Newport
Geor1le 8 ........ -rts-. The
Kial Coat~"· l~l ttortt\ Artf Stttilt. Sen JON. CA
Thonm G. ~The Kalt
Company, 2021 152nd
~. N.E.. Aadmond, WA
lM C. Semnn. LM Sem-
mi& Con_.,1, 17922 f'IC!ch
Awnue, SUite 100, Irvine,
Marion G. Smith, Jr .• The
Koll ComC)9ny, 4343 Von
Kannan, Newport Beach.
CA92660 .
Char'les T. Steele Trust.
1043 PwtUnson, PMo Alto.
Timothy L Slnlder. Lepcy
Development Company,
5000 Birch StrMt. Suite
10100. WeslToww. Newport
8eect\. CA 92660.
J. tWokl snet. The Kon
Company, 4343 Von Kar·
man Avenue. Newport
Bach. CA 92660.
James W. Suft. The Koll
Compeny, 9201 North 25th
Awnue. Suita 150. Phoerwa..
Lois n.,er, c/o Don n.y.
•.Inc., 6010 PneoOM:ies,
Suite 3. Ranctlo Santa Fe,
The Koft Company, I Ca·
lifomia corporation, 4343
Yon Karmen Awlnue. New-
patt a.c:h. CA 926&0.
JamH E. Thompson,
380' Slndune Lane. CoR>na
del Mir, CA 92625.
James N. Wentworth. The
Koll Company, 9201 North
25th Avenue, Suite 150.
Pt...lix. AZ 85021.
John L. Wills, The Koll
ComC)9ny, 4343 Von Kar·
man Avenue. Newport
a.ch. CA 92660.
R1ymond E. Wirta, The
Kofi Company • .a343 Von
Karman Avenue, Newport
This auu-• conducl·
ed~a ..... ~.
The re1i strant com·
menced to trenuc:t busi·
neu under tM fictitious .......,,.,,.. ...... abo. on.-..., 1.1916. SiFld:
DwldP ..........
Thie ......... -tiled with tM CountJ Qertl of
3'6311911111111 '114
~~u:••Ell ttU;V A•• AL ·:.,,..neua ... ...
Qlllll ......... .... ..--..e.-. ..-..c. .............
• ...... Drift. .. .. ..,.
8iidl.CA..._ .............. ................ -... llMdt.CA ....
a.911l Hm. 715 ...
tlktl 0tM. tll" 11 a" e.dl.
CA ....
0..ll ... 715-lfltl ~ Ns ~-8llctt. CA ...
,,. ........ c:Mdld· .. _ .............. .......
--... c. Hllrftl. null ••• ,,.. -tllld with tM County eten of
Or-.. cu.r on~
20,ltl6. ,.. ND. 301900
316 3/U 3120 Sin 472!5
Wini w...a
fCiit-•111•1 -11•1 n The fJRI I W pee•• ..
doiftll businn1 n: SOC/
GAM>IN, 363 s.n .....
DrM. Nleport 8aKh. CA
.... Anillt 0..11DllA••il
CofpcnM1 .. ., ........
DrM. tllwpoct 8eldt. CA
Gr.-~ Olri 11•
ment Company, IOO "8"
The reajstrant com·
menced to transact busi·
nae under the flctittous
business name a~ on
Feb. 6, 1986. Sicnecf: Wil·
liam A. ,_.._
This _.. .. -filled with the County Cleftl of
0.... CoUl.ay an Fet>twty
F'ile No. 301690
3/6 3/ll 3/20 3127 4726 ..... w..nca
HCtWWllll IR• -.SUI es
The falloMns panon Is tiw..._M:aNTRAl
lumbus. INine. CA m20
Robeft ,....., 51 Cofum.
bus. 1Mne. CA t2720. This....._ is cancM:t·
ed b, ., lnclMduM. Silnld:
This ..... ,,.,. ... filed
with the County C1erk of <>r.,.. County an Feb. 20,
F'lle No. FlO 1473
3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 4708
FICtiilOUI kllSIEa
The tolowinl '*'°"' .,..
doin1 business as: NEW·
PORT BEACH TENNIS cwa. 2601 EastHuff Dnve.
Newport a.ch, CA 92660.
Dennis McC•rter, 428
Vista "°"1a, tlewpo1t Beech,
Jecque A. Gri1ry. 5128
E. ~Drive, Anaheim,
TM~ is conduct·
ed ~ alimbd ~-
The re1istrant com·
menced to transact blni·
neu under the fictitious
business name or names
li'ltld abCM on January 20.
1996. Sie"8d: o.WsMc:C.·
... Gefw'll Pwtrw.
This ~ .. filled
with the County Cletk of
Of-.. County on Feb. 20.
f'lle No. 301565
3/63/13 3/20 3/27 4709
..... ........
fCM-•1111• .. .. ..,, "
TM•A IW ... _. ..
.... buel ..... -KOU.-W£U.l/GMO(N G•OVt:, uu Yort ICat'mM ,...,..
fie plilt lil9ch. CA l2IMO. W-CaJJhW ,.,.,._.c. ...... ......--.... ...... uu~-.... .... ...
Ns ' I "a..cft. CA --.... ,__ O\Atl I aRd
~ Trull. a t' 1111cttu-
MltS ..... TN11. 330
.......... ..... Suite
801, --.. -· c.1-----1. Tttla .......... conduct·
ed llir • ll!M'at .... ..
T9te reaistrant com·
fMftCed to nnuct IMKJ.
MM Under the f~titiou1
bulinHI ,..,._ OI nem8S
lsitld .._. °" 2128m.
Slaned: Koll -Copley
,.,,,.,.., 8y. K80 PMners.
8y. The Kall eom.,..,, 8y.
Marton G. s.Nlh. Jr.. ......
This ltllllill.,. ... Ned
with the Count~ Clerk of
Or-.. Caunty on Fe 25.
f' ... Ho. 301199
3/6 3113 3/20 3/'Z7 4711
l.a741 w...nc:a
HCihlOUlal• I• ..... ".' ' n.rc.... .......
doinc bumlnell n: KOLL·
W£US PAl.OMM. 4343 Von
Kalman lwettue. Ne•PGt'
~CAtZMO. ~Pllitl•s.•Caf.
lbnla ........... lhlp. 4343 Yort ..,.,..,. ,...., •
tie port 8-::t\. CA 926&0.
W.-.f8rlDMos ...... and
Equity Trust, a Massachu·
Mlb Busineu Trust, 330
WastMnston Str•t. Suite
801. Marina del Rey. CA
This business is conduct·
edb,a ..... ~
The re1i str1nt com ·
menced to tr1nsact bu1i·
ness under the fictitious
business name or names
listed abOliie on ll/ l 7 /78.
Si 1ned: Koll -Copley
Pwtnen.. By. KBO Partners.
By. The Koll ~. By
Manon G. Smith, Jr., Pn15-
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
~ CaurCy on Feb 25,
FiJe No. 301888
3/6 3/13 3/20 3127 4712
RCiti iOU1 -.i11111• ..... nartmWT
The __,.. c-sons are
doln1 business as: KOLL
Yon Karman Menue. ......
port a.ch. CA 92660.
ICGl~Plftnen. •CM·
lbnia ..,,.,., pem.ship,
4343 Von Kannan Avenue.
Newport Beech. CA 92660.
T~ Occidental
life Insurance Company.
• C.llfornia corpor1t1on.
1150 South Oliw Street. Los
This business is conduc:t·
ed bf a...,.,.. pertnenhip.
Si 1ned: Koll-Cop ley
Partner~ By. KBO hwtners,
9y. The Koll Compeny. By.
Marion G. Smlh. Jr.. fires.
The re1istr1nt com·
menced to transact busi·
neu under the fictitious
business name or names
lillld llbofll on 9/ l /84.
This ........... -ftled with the County Cteftl of e>nrwa CountJ on Ftlb. 25,
FileND.301-3163'13 3/20 l/Z7 4714
a.ma ..... ,_
..... •• 1111•1
--I n.r a ••s ....
...._' •1111 •IOU
1-211• NaJC•Ta
HCiii--• llflla
.... IJATII I i
The fOlcMIWW •w• ..
doint buttness aa: KOLU
Yon Karmen ~ ......
port 8-ch. CA 92660.
I,.,.., CompanJ, a Ten-
neue c:or po1 ltion. cb Jotl·
encal. Inc., in Californ1•.
American General Center.
Nashville, Tennessee
Koll.(;opleyPwtnen, a Cal-
lfomla ..,,.,.. ~.
4343 Yon Karman ~.
Newport a.ch. CA 92660
Koll Phoenix As$0CtMes.
1 C.liforn1a .. neral C)9rt·
nenhtp, 4343 Yon KarrNn
Avenue, Newport ee.ctl. CA
The re11str1nt com
menced to tranuct bus•·
ness under the f1cht1ous
business n•me or names
hsted •bow on 3127180
S11n•d Koll· Cop I e y
Plrtners, By. l<BO Partners.
By. The Koll Compeny. By.
Manon G. Smith. .k . Pres-
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
Orlnp county on Feb 25.
Flte No. FlO 1885
3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 4715
nti1110UI -IHDS
The '°"°"'"' persons .. dolnc busmess .s: GAR0£N
Yon KanNn A¥enUe. New-
port Beech.A 92660
Koll-Copley Partners. a
C.htomia aenerll partner·
ship, 4343 Von Karm•n
Avenue. Newport Beach. CA
The Koll Company, 1 Ca·
hfornia corpot•tton. 4343
Yon Karman Avenue_ New-
port Belctl. CA 92660.
Timothy L ~. Llpcy
Development Company.
5000 Birch St'"t· Suite
10100. Welt T CMS, tlewpcwt
8elch. CA 926S>.
lM C. S.1w1iil. The Sem-
mil~. 17922 Rech
Awnue, Sui'9 100, INlne.,
..._ F. Bloctdd. The
Koll CofnllenJ, 43U Von
"-""" ,...... Ne Qairt
--.CA--............... ._.
..... ltuaN a liliwd,
4.o"" IC&zat t • • ........ ~
a:ai .......
Llll9 .. D •• ................ ....totl. ..... •. " ........ ...... ... Cs ......... ... _...__ Jl191sdt.
CA--lllmMA. ... TileWllll c ...... , .... , ....... .
man AMtlue, .... port
8imdt.CA--. ...~.cloDan.,._.
•• ~-10'-0illr#I.. ..J...__ ... ,..
l..,... ~ .... 5t50 ...,.....,_r.4 .. 1-.
RlftcM ..... H.CAtr21D67.
llc:tW4t c. .... OiGlt
Cor• .... 4)10 "'" ...
"'an A¥4U•ue, Newport
ODMld ..... n. tCOI
eompan,, 4943 YOn ICM·
man Aven..-. Newport
0,,, Wll1nw. 'TM kGI
Cofnpefty, 4343 VO.. Mar·
man Avenue. flewoort
....._CA_. .
frenk .,.,.zJoM. •17
~ ...... AIA-115, Los
As•' 11, CA toCMI.
~ [. 9'd. n. ICol
Compeny. 430 Yon Kar·
man Avenue, Newport
BMctt. CA 92660.
Paul Hidls. 13058 °'9en·
ham Roed, Gr9' V...,, CA
95MS .
This ....... canduct·
ed b, a ............... p .
The re1i1trant com·
menced to~ ~·· neu undef the fictitious
bulif.-._,. lmed lbowe
on....,_ 11. 1973 5-'led
IMrion G. Smith. Jr.
Thil ........... fi ...
with the County Clerk of °'--CounCy on febfuaty
F" ... No. 301•1
3/6 3/ll 3/20 3127 4719
TheWlll ...........
doe"C busJnnl as: KOLL·
WELLS, 4343 Yon ttarm.n
A---. tie po11 a.ch, CA
Koll~Partners. •Cal
ltonU ...,., pertnersh1p,
4343 Von Kaf"rNn Awenue.
Newport Beech. CA 92660
Wds FarF ..,,.,...,. and
Equity Trust. • Masuchu·
Mtts Busu'9ss Trust. 330
Wastunston Street. Suite
801. lhrtn• del Rey. CA
Oonlld M Kati, The Koll
Company. 4343 Von Ku
min Avenue. Newport
a.ch. CA 92660
Richard C Elliott. Elliott
Corporllbou. •320 Von ~, .
man. NewPort Beach, CA
Lee C Sammis. The Sam-
mis Cornc*lY. 17922 Fitch
Avenue. Suite 100. Irvine.
CA9271' O.P. Middtemas. The Kofi
Company, 4343 Yon K.ar
man Avenue, Newport
Bnch. Ca 92660.
Everett Davis, UI. 5950 "'°'* Video. Post Office Bole
1686. Rancho Sal1tl Fe. CA
Timothy L Strider. Lepcy
Development Company.
5000 Birch Street. Suite
10100, W.aTower. tlewport
BMch. CA 92660.
This ~is conduct·
ed~a ..... ~
The re1lstrant com·
menced to transact bus•·
ness under the fictitious
business n•me or names
t11ted above on 6 /4173
Si 1ned Koll-Co p l e y
ParuieB. By KBO Partners.
By The Koll Company, By
Manon G Smith. Jr . Pres
Thfs stlltement •as filed
••th the County Clerk of
Or._ County on Feb 25.
File No. 301887
3/63/163/203/27 4713
n•••ua .. ..,....., ...... YWIW -···· YOU AM IN OUAULT UNOU A OUD Of TitUST
NOTE:CT YOUlt flltOPfln'Y, IT MAY • 90LD AT A
On CM/11116 It 9:15 A.M. SECURITY AUE> IDMClS
• the *1iY ~ T,..... uncW end putlUMt to
Rlc:Oldlld on 02/27 IM • Oocunwtl no. ""°"'20
Of Offkal Records In the office d the Aecofder flf
ORANGE County,~ •• c• ... by.
BIOOER FOR CASH. (PllY8b6e M time ol sale In '-"'I
money of the United St•t") purw•nt to 292•-H of
the Californi• Civil Code. et THE FRONT ENTR~
ANO BROADWAY. SANTA ANA. CA. .. I rilM. title •nd
interest conveyed to •nd now held by it under Aid
Deed d Trust 1n the property MU8t9d in Mid County,
Calitomi8. dncribtfll the IMd thef9in:
The street 8ddress •nd other common desilNtlon.
tf eny, d the real property described~ IS putpot111d
The undersj1ned TrustH disclaims •ny li•bility fot
any incorrecblltSS of the m.t addNsa 8nd other common
desicNtion. if .ny, shown herein.
S.td '*will be rNde, but without cCMNnt"' ..,.,..lty,
Hprns or implied, re1•rdin1 title, possession, °'
encumbrances, to P•Y the rema1n1n1 principel sum
of the rd8(s) Mand by Mid o..f ol T n.ist. with inWest
theteon. aa PfOVided 1n Mid note(s), 8dvances. if •ny.
under the terms of the Deed of Trust, fees. charlft
and~ ol the Trustee and d the trusts creM8d
by Mid o..f ol Trust to-wit:
The befwficiary under s.atd Deed of Trust~
executed and defivered to the undersi1ned a written
Oeclantion ol Oef8ult and DelNnd ol Sele. and • wriDln
Notice ol Oef8ult and EJection to Sefl. The ~
caused sakl Notice of Default and Election to Sell to
be FKorded in the county where the real property is
DATE: 03/06/86.
SECURITY AWEO SERVICES, n Trume_ 12505 Oanard sn.. North HoHywood, c.lifornia 91605. (818) 98().
3120 3127 4/3 4766 ....
WllOTICI UF'IAND~ MeHULnt.n....01nt1
..... UAL ITAnm.r ·YIM WI> w• EU Jl.
U..•fteD ...... Ant .... IMitllat• II
Ccs OClf,0.. ........ 1 WI ......... ..... ... _
<Report an amounts In.._ c1ota.n £°"'YD
Toe.I edit~-.( ..... 2. Une 28) $93,721,629
Toe.I liebiities (Pl9t 3. Une 26) 64,418.083
Capigl peict.up ( ..... 3. Une 27 A 8nd
278) 2.500.000 (Pa9t 3, Line 27C) O
Gtoa .,..,_.,, 8nd contnbutld surplus
<P1913. une 28) 8,607.n4 ~ 1Ulptua funds( ..... 3, line 29A) 0
un-i.,..ct funds <suriiu> (..._. 3.
Ltne 298 minus 29C) 18,195.n2
G8in (Lou) from 009'8tiot• ( ..... 4,
Line 31) 5,918,043
lncw (0Kr1111) In C.-.. 8nd
Surplus durins 19115 <Piiia 3, Une 30,
198!5minus1984) 5.524.162
lnturMCe In force: Natlotl'Wide ( ....
15. Une 22. Cot 10 -._ dallln) 3,552,002
Accident and Hlelth premiums
(Schedule H-Cot. 1, Une 1) 8,027,433
lnsurMCe In fon:a: Caitami8 Busineu
Pl9I (,... 46 Une 22. Col 6) 81.156,573 Accidn and._.,......,... onct:
Calitamlrl ...._ ..._. CP19146, Line
~. Cot. 2) 1,438
W. her~ certify thM the ~ itltms .,. in
accorct.a Wllth the Anna.I saa.n.tt tor the~.,.._.
Oec:ember 31, 1985, m8de to the Insurance Com,,...._ d the St.Ma ol CallforrM, pursuant'° ....
M. W. lawto. Name ol Pr9Sident
W.0. "-ny, Named Sectebtty
3 20 3-27 4-3 4-10 4-1 7 4767
(CIT aaoM ..¥JDICIAl)
NOTICE TO 0£FENOANT· (Avtto a Acusado) HANEN
CONSTRUCTION CO , INC , a Cal1forn1a Corporation,
Corpoqbon, and DOES l throulh 20. lnchnnle,
tfomia Corporation
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS •fter tn1s summons
1s ..wc:t ori you to f11e • typewritten r~ .t this
A ....... 0t phone catl wih not pro9ct you: ,aK tys-
wriellft '"PO"• mu6t be 1n proper lepe form rf )QI
_,. .. court ID hew ,aK caM.
If ,., do not flle YoUr resoonse on time, you rNY
loee tN UM, •net your ...... money 8nd propeftJ ""' ............. """* ..... fram ... caurt. .,._. .. ...., ................. You,_, wnt
ID all• Cl "'1 rWlt ...,, ",_, ..... .._ M
ID PSI .... _,ail M .... ,.. r ...... 111 ...,.,. °'
.......................... ..-0.
D =· -.. •* •=-.... dldot---n ._..., .... ....... DIAl~W ... .. -•IJ•;-JJIJ , a ................. ....
........ ·-••• f 7 2 0 J 'J• •ll1:'9'11i11• .. 1 u• • fll$&:C--• ar,.,. liilll-
cu111•IW Cllll ... -li••11 .l.llr •••l1f11 ti ............ _.. 11t1M•-.
...... ,., tl•RIJ I er1..._ .....
--·~'"' ................... ..... '..,.cw•• "n•1rf1t • .._ alW•'* per ..........
biltrR .... flltUllltrl Ill 0 11 ,... ........
QUier8 ....... tM rtr .. dD INTUllrta-•. 16110 ......... , ' .............. c .. .
••••• aa a t11 oe.-Gldflll411.....,.._. <--••ctr rte' 110 ~tD).
CM1 u1rooiun.ectr1 ea.>
The ............... ftl .. c.rt It: ([J ,...,.,..
Adil cckA•llMt19')
MUMClfll'M. co...Y OI CM.IF~ CMMwt ~ ~ Jud6c'9t Dl•fct 4t01 JenQaa • ~ .,...
101,rtr a wt.,....Cr•s••~
n....,..1t' I ,lftdt1l1;ts ....... af.l1t•1
_,.,..,, • ~11 *" ....._ M a 147. it; CU '*'*'' .. clr9cdolt, .......................... ,, ..
daiw..,.., o drf --. ... -no...,. Ill .. ta •> _... .
RONALD C. MOWN, 1a133 v.nu. 8hd., we. 610.
EnciNl, CIMJotftie tlUI, (811) 907-'134.
DAT£: (fedc9) JUN 19, 1995
CJet1l ~). ~ LAURIE SP£NCP. ~ (IWao-lildo).
3/274134/104/17 4790
No. £3099
On Ot/la.a& ... Ot:l5 ddadl A.M., AT THE"'°"'
oaD COMPANY, as ~ 8CIPOitlfld T.,.._ under the
deed of trust dMed Ol/26/IO iMde br JAMES E.
BANK .. Beneficiary and recorded on 09/ 15/IO ..
Instrument No. 19269, In 8ooll 13743. het 415 of
Official Records In the office ol the County "9corder
of ORANG£ CoUnty, Callforni•, by ruson of ctet.utt
in the .,..,..,. °' ~ ol oblWltioa• wured
a..ful money ol "'-Unitlld .... ol ArMrica .. time
of Mle, .,;thout COV9Mnt or warrenty, ••Pt9SMd or
lmpNod, -~ ..... ~°'~the Im.rest coawerect to end now hekf by It under uid
d9ed ol trurt. In ... to .... puopll1) In OMNQ( Couriey,
State of c.utomi.. described n: LOT 34 ANO TH[
NORTH£Rl Y 6.00 FUT Of LOT 35 IN BLOCK 23 Of
MAP R£CORD£O IN 80CM< 2l, PAGU ' "'°'O 6, MtS.
The ._ llddle1& •net ~ common ~.
if .,,, ol ........ property dw:.f illed --ii purpartad
Thi underlicned Trustee dt.claims •nv liability for
Wf!1 WM:ClfKtl 111 ol ttw ..... edduW and on. CCJmilDt
dallS llllic»t, If.,,, shoM\ ... .
Seid .... wtl be made ID P11Y tha -~-secured ~ uid d9ed oltrult, lncJuclnl ... CCllb. ... and ........
of Trust• end of the trust croetod by said deed ol trust .. IUml .......... under ........ ol aid d9ed
of trust wtsich ..._ not been repaid, fnd the unpetd
be&ance of the "'*(S) MCurM ~ Mid deed ol tnnt
with ,,.,..,..._ M the time ol lnitiel publicltiaft ol this
natice. the tOUI emounl ol the unpeid brl1nce at the
obllptions socured br the •bowe delcribed deed of
trust. incfudins it-.lt •nd tha ....,.'*Y eslifftlt9d
cOltl, ................ $105,015M
The 8lnaftd9ry uMlr uid Died o1 Trull .........
uecuted llM dalhleNd ID the ~ a writlen
Oec:*lction ol ~end DlrMM Fors. end • .,_,
Noice ol DlfM.a and Dadlaft " Sal. n. ........
c8Ul9d Mid NDdc:e ol DaftMllt 8nd EJaction to Sell to
be rocordlld Jn tJ'9 c:Ounty ........ ,.... ~ is
loc:Mlld end mare..,. eww mcdN ,_.~Mice
IUCh NCGdllcwt.
o.e.d 03/20/li
EQOf'TAllll DaD CO##AH'I • TNale
By [dwinlm c. Mcaoud-Yice ,. .......
701 S. WESTERN AVf.., Gl£NCW.£. CA 91201
(818) 507.3209
3/27 4/3 4/10 . ..,..
MNOJl""_ICI_ °'.........,..
Publtc notice Is h•eby
....., that~ ...... Pima
Partners. • Calitomia ...,..
.. ~p B8&E Corp ..
a California corparetJon.
heretofore dotns bustnna
under the fictmous firm
name and s~ of Rol1tnc
Hills PIH•. Ltd .• at 4425
Jambot98 Roed, Suite 130.
City of Newport S.•ch,
County d <>r.,,.., SC. ol
c.ub'nl8, did an the 30th
*'Joi Aclril. ·-· ~ ""'** content. diuohe the Mid
pertnerlhtp end ........
t"-'t rwtlltioM • peftnen
fUlttw nallce ...... ................... ............... , .... ................ ................ ....... ____ ... _,, ......
DAflD AT "••~•rt ...-.ea• ,,.. ... 1 ..
A Cahfomi• seneral part-,....,
By. ~ T. Besa.
3/27 4797
&Mlll ....
W. H[N()(RSON, •nd DOD 1THftOUGH10, incluliw,
YOU AM IE.INC SUED BY "-AHTI~ (A Ud. .. esta
demandlndo) B.K. ltA Y.
You haw 30 CALIHOAR DAYS eftar tNs wmmons
i. Wwd on '°" to Ne • typeM i"*"' resoonte .t thit
A ...., °' phone c:el1 wUI na1 P"*Ct ~: "PW type.
written ,....._ must be In proper ...., form if 10'I ..,. ... caurt".., ,,.,,~
If JOU do not file wiuur tftPOnM on time. '°" iNY
lose tM case. end ""' Wlllff, money end pre>perty
may be......, ...... further..,.,. .. from the court.
Thofe .. ottw lapl ~ You mer wnt
to cal en .t8an'ler rilhl ....,. " 10" do not know an .._,..,,'°"mer call an 8tlorney ,.....,_. MfYic9""
......... dice~ In tM Dfa'8 ~
Duetpel dt Q\19 .. ...,......, .... cibtcion judicial
uAld ...,_ un pmo de 30 DIAS CAUNDAllOI ..,.
presenter uM respuat• excrit. • mequln• en ata cortt.
UM carta 0 UM ll•!Nda tetefonica no .. oltec ....
pralKcion; IU ,...,. .... acrita 8 fMQUift8 li9ne QU8
cumpUr con las fofmeUdacfu leples apropfadas sl
Ullld ~ QUe .. cat. elCUCha tu calO.
Si usted no prewita su ,_,._.. • tiempo, puadt
perdlr el CMO, Y le puedian QUitw SU ..-rio. 1U dirwo
Y Cltrn COUI dt SU PfCl ~ sin ftito 8dicioNf por ....... can..
Exist.ft otroa requ1satos le1•les. Puode Que uated
Quier• ll•m•r • un •bosado inmediatamente. Si no
conoce • un •bopdo. puadt llemer a un MMcio d8 r••llda d8 all.,._ o a une olicin8 d8 ~ ....,
(~ ef directDrlo •latonlco).
CAS( NUMKR: (Numero dat C..,)
The name and eddraa ol the court is: (El nombre
y dif.ccion ... cat.•)
Or..-~ Ccu1. 700 CMc c.. Oriw ......
Sera Ana. CA 92702.
The ..... add -· and •••• .,... numtlar al••• -· ... .., ................... .,, ...... is: (EJ.,.,,,....
I• dlreccioft y ef numero del tefefono del Mo11do .. ..,.. ...... o••••..,.CIU8no.._MI .. ta ea) •
~ (. Q ........... u.. 850 (. °"PrnW•
~. S&.-0. °'9rWt. CA 92M6, (714) 532-ltoi.
DATE; (Fedie) JUlY U, 195
Cid<Adc rr'o), ~G.A. UJV(. ~ CDtl a ti>).
3/27 4/l"I0.4117 47V
ACih .... Rll • umnammn
The tot ..... P«IOf' b
doin1 buslnou n: W.O. ~. Inc.. 2"9 ..._
Bd. Suite 100, lnrine. CA
Bfl Holpital W .... S,..
tems, 3 8aconafteld OfWce
P•rk. M•con, Georai•
Thtt tu.neas • candud·
ed by a carpcntion.
BFI ~.._,. ........
Step"9ft L Thom8t, Yiu
Pru f&tl
TNt If IE '*" W fitld wtth the Coumy Clwll of
Ontnee Coi..nty on M•rch 20-ltll. ,. ....... '30Ult
31214134/104117 •195
. ...
HCht .. •IUPI• ........ di
The tonoMf• ......... dalnl IM'n m a: Jr WJt.
TURA, 3 Upper Ne•OOtt
Plal8 OrM .... ·-81acft. c.tttoru.i. 92MO.
Jack J. ~. 3 Upper
Na JJCW1 ...,. on... .....
part a.ct\. CA t2MO.
urry Tudlef, l UPI*
Na lll'Oft ,..,. on.. ......
pert 9led\ CA 92MO. T'* ....._is conduct-
ed bf a ..... ~ s.-t. Jldl J. J•h o•,
The re1•1trant com-
menced to traMKt 9*11·
nets under the ftctitious .___ .......... ~
on Mlrdt 11. 1-.
This 11111mane -filed with .... CouMJ Cleft& of e>r.nte County on .._ch
,. ... No. fl04CMI
llZ741l4(¥>~P ._
Hehl ... Ill 3 ... srn 1 ir
The fdtowiftl l*IClft ;,
doiftl busine. n: OKHl
& COMPANY, 1201 Oov9 ·
ser.t. Sua 570, Newport
8aach. CA 92MO
R.R. OiaN, Inc., Celfbtt ...
1201 DoilM ... SW..570,
Pll SI art lllad\ CA "2'60
This ...... la~
R ... DllN, Inc.
........ R. DilH. ,,.....,,.
lind ~,.,,,.,
The '•littrent com-
menced to tr.nMct bvsi·
ne.. under the fictitious
buaif-.IWMlillld ....
Thia ' I _. -llld w6th the County Clotk of ar.,... Count, on ~h
File No. ncM220
3127 413 4110 4117 4191
fCHI ... ••• r• .... , ., nw...,.. .. ..,. ...
.......... Ml'nJMN
369 s.;; ..... th. ...
320. He•port 8eech. CA
Chri.aine Catt Kennedy.
Autumn IMntment Con'!·
..-.. 1211 SW~ AIM..
Sutt• 1400. Ptwtland. OR
T,.ey J. C.., 10 ~
Court ............ CA 939«).
T~ A. c.11, 1533 RM-
cho A...-. GlendMe. CA
This bulinfts IS oondUCf ·
.. bJ ....... Pll'tll• ship.
SilrWCt TJ'KY J. Cll.
Thk ... .. ... It -filled
Wtth the County Clerk of
Ofanle County on March
6. 1996. =-· No. fl029ll J/20 3127 4/3 4 / 10 U'l3
ca•• ,._ICmlliCI
fClll IUllUll IM ........ , ' Tiie folt .. ,.. ..-.on is
....... , --HllOt'S FROGEN YOZURT
SHOPPU. IC.. •t 7, UJO
lnriM Avenue. Newport
VIUDIOT &ASSOCIATES. INC.. m ..,,,,. 0r ........
part a.ch. CA t2660, CM·
Iba 1'Nt ...... ii c:ancM:I·
eel bJ a CIDfput'IM 1 L --=
WWGI & '•H1
' I Inc..
Oliwld !. ......... ., b
CupotlidM. TNI tt , ,,_,. -lltd
with the County Clet'tc of
0rante COUftty on March
,. ... No. f3Q2935
l/20 3127 4/3 4/10 4777
Wmtlel rcm-•&1 • .......... FF nw..-, .. ..., ....
dotf'll 1111•. n Ill ac CUCA·
MONGA onOPlllSU. 19
~ .......... port
llKt\ CA 9atO.
..... &,... ltaVllUdo
Soud. No plft ~ CA
....... Oc:M."4 .... .,.... ,...,..,, 0... Oii
.... CAtlZQS.
K.-A. Jiil ..... 1122
S..W1t91Dltw.C.-., ...... CA_,.
~ (. llcfleMN8,
IOllS.t---. .....
..... ··-·-· .a _.,11u1
... NJ 11•
•MDL UZI•• .. ...,
, ... ..._ .. .,c'rill.
0 I Sil,._. w•• It Cf'9d.
IWI,; ............. ,...,
... .. ... .....
2 1 in
............. TOt
SCOTT l900lE.
A----~tlld br El'Hll LAVONNE 810· OLE. ,,,,,,. E. lAWNtE 8fO..
Oll in the Superior Ceurt
" OflMIG[ Couf'llY ,.... inc .._. fTHa. LAWlllM
8lOOlE.. ""1A E. LAWHNE
BtOOU be appotntecl as
patlOl181 ............ i. to ...................
thcWltf to adtnhtister the
..... undlir the ........
dent Adm1nistret1on of
A n..i1'1 an IN peilitioft
... be htld an 4.-9" ltl6 llt
9:30 AM in Dept. 3. aoclltlld
11t 700 CMC CENTUt D"9VE
..... d ......... JOU .......... ..,..., .. ..
...... and .... ,...
j8Ctiol.s or Ne writMn at>-
j«:tiaM wilh .... court t..
fore the hearan1. Your .-•a,..,• in oer· son or..,,.. ... ,.,.
OI 8 c:on6c-• OMllz:s d
Chi die II II di. JOU must Mi ,o.w claiM witlt the court
OI pt..c It 9D .. .........
1ep:wwwltllhe ..... '111d br
... court ......... monlh5
from .. di* d first dsu·
Mee d ..-n -prowided in section 700 al the Cal
ifumta ,,.... Code. The
time for ftlinc ci.ims ••"
not •Kl)if• Pfi« to four
monlh5 from ... di* tJI the
~ natiClecl ....
file ..... br the c:aurt. " JOU
.. • parson ..,....,. '"
the est*. you ,,,., ..,,,.
upon the enc:utor or ad·
mlnistmor. Oii upon the
attorney for the eaecutof
or admtnistrllOr. and fite
with the court with pnM>f
al~.~~ ....... ,..,cm.. ..
cial notice of the -. d
an lmes•r tnd ..., dn
nwwt tJI ---or al the petiboM or accounts
......... in wta• 1200
Ind 1200.5 d .. Cllibfte
....... Coda.
Atten.., fol .-titioner:
201, ORMGE. CA t2M6.
'3171 4/3.t/10 4716
fClri &aM II II ...... ' n..-., ........
clainSllll •'•••MOllENO W•ESlMDnGROUP, m7
Birch!INll. SUie 300. .....
port e.c:h. CA 92660.
-....., f . &n.ev. 2616 ca. SINll. Oorut'9 dlll ....
Donald A. CMtm. 2309
22nd Street. Newport
Btldt. CA 92660.
.. 11wL~•l Nar1h-
..... ,,Ne PM a.ch. CA
Thia......_ is candud· .. .., ...... ...,,.. .....
~ ..,_em L Ryen,
~ ......
Tilis , t w• -Mid wittt tM eou...y Clerl of
Or-..~ on Mwch
Al• FlOU90 3127411~10Ul7 4191
.. ; lDidA. Slaua••1Jr ..
1595 Hllltln Qrhje, Oilnlill2e.
CAM526. This .. ,.,_ la CClftdlrt,
eclbJ• ..... ............
5--* .... c. =••••"I. n. I ,..,. _ _,
with the CountJ Cleftl of
2 ... 1986.
,. ... No. flOQl7
3/27 4/3 41104117 4793
... c .....
N!hl IUI• M ....... " The~,.,sonts
• dolna tMfl.iMU n : MA·
'ANY, 20292 S.W. lifch ,.,., s.a Ane .......
--c. 5umnw'I. 1663 Ali9o ,...,.,.. Com ......
nft .. 11 -la caMuct· .. .., ......... --= --C. S.,Z:we•L TNs l I ,_. -Iliad
"""' n.e eoum, a.rt. o1 o...,.. County on ...,ch
24. 1916.
,. ... No. fllM396
31714/3 4/10 4/17 4794
HCllllOUI • II E• .... Ta,_,
The foflowinl person IS
do1n1 business as PRICE
CURITIES. 1301 Dowe St ..
Ste 550. Newport Beach.
Samuet 8. Price. 1301
Dolle St.. Sit• 550. Ne iP0'1
e..ch. 92660.
This ........ candud·
eel bJ en tndMdult. s.-t:
s."'9111 a Pnc:a . This-·-· -Neel with the Conly a.B ot
Of-. County an Feb. 7.
Fiie No. J00!502
'316 '3113 l/'20 '3177 4702
fClll ... I I•
-l!Ail I
dotnc llMttiHU M: MMP·
I lTO.. 5140 arch Shat.
l200, tk a a t 8w:h. C..-
ilami9 ~
~J..Hllml(~ Plftner>. 523 r ........ 15·
i.nd, l..alUN a.ch. Cal·
--~·-lM ......... IS candud·
.. bJ • llftlilllld peM9 ship __, E--.s J. ...,.,,,
wittt tlM County CS.rk of
ar.,... c.c....e, °" Fa 11.
F• No. f3016&2
'316 3/ll 'l/20 31 27 4703
rt•ICWIU *"'-· • -ll•fl "' The kMJ i4C ...,.., IS
dotnc IMlllnna -= MMP-
2 lTO •• 5140 8fttt ~
l20Q. fk 11 a rt ~ c.t-
... tl2660.
John '•tncta Bander
~......,.,_523,,.. ........ "--~
Ciiis• tl2Ml. '*'' •••cafct· ..................... .... .............. ....... ,.. .•.
WllU Jl3D YD 411M
Mh t•
-· 2 , .................. ..
... ~I Ill -PMC( flNA..CIAL llhtClS/
It.I.A., UOI 0.. a. .._
590.fll• grte.d\W
......... J11~ --TM 1111• ,,_ la c••ld·
.. .., ..... l ...... ~
TM W11'*'1 -filed _.. tM County Ctef'lil of
Or-.. ~ -'-· 77 . 1986
Fie No. 30:2219
316 l/ 13 3120 3127 4106
FClll t•M I IM ...... ,.
TiwfulowW'll .......
dolnc bulineH n : NEW·
CENTER. '10 W. '-<:1f1c
ec..t•Wt•w. Suiet4. *--
part~ CA 92663.
0...-OlllM Wdf9r. Sr ..
1031 S.,....,..... N-9. On·
Wio. CA 91762.
,......_ lpn Jenn1np.
1031 s. Pllmlao ... ,, ()n..
tt.bl 11 -ac:ondud-
ed bJ Ci>iWfl•L _.. o.-1 Otilid Wotf.
ter. Sr. and Pame&a Lynn .....
This ........ -fi2ed with tN ~ a.ta of er... County °" f.tlb. 21.
,. ... No. ]01678
3/6 3/13 1 l /20 3 1
27 4727
work I
1. tq a, .......
•• c ,,.,. -.. itroee '" .,. • itr~ .... _.. ......, • ... a ,. s.,....,e .,._ •....,.
...~-·--·-·-·---.... itr_ .. .....,.
0.-1 ..................... -....., • .., .......... ..-............ -....,..., "°"'' .... ,,,. ........ ._ Giw....,
....... ..,.... .. •
,._......,... • ...,,,. .. r .... ,,........-e .... _ _,.,."' -..,... ~
..... ..... .. .. -...... .._ ....... .,, .............. _ a 0.-1-· ........ -....... ~-----__.. .................... ..... ..... _.... ......... --· .... ,. 9-'...0~
..... -,..-•••• a ' ~....,~ ................... . ,_CM' ............ ..., ....... ~
.. ,..,_.. --..... -UllO .. .. •
...... ~ ... ' .
0...t ... .._ _,.... ~ ._... .. .....,, -..... , .. -...... , ........ -
I 505 ........ .,....,
., ..
• -
.. ..
Thts business is conduct·
ed b¥.,, ·~-Scned: SamuetB.~.
Thts ......,,.,... .as filed
with the County Cterti of
Ora,.. County on Fet>. 27.
file No. F302218
3, 6 3113 3/20 3/27 4707
ACiinuUI .., Ill ••
The followi,. penons ere
doinl buliness-s: LAHGL£Y
ASSOCIATES. 43'3 Von Kar·
man Avenue. Newport
Buch. CA 92660.
Kofi-Copley Partners. a
c.tifomia ...,.,.. pertner.
ship, 4343 Yon Karman
Avenue. NI sport a.ch. CA
Ooneld M. W. The Kott
ComNny, 4343 Yon Kar·
man Avenue. Newport
Baecft. CA 92660
o.vid P. Middlenm. The
Koll Company. 4343 Yon
Karman Avenue. Ne•Port
BNch. CA 92660
Ttmalhy L Slndet. lApcy
Development Company.
SOOO Birch Street, Suite
10100. WestTower. ••W'POl1
Beach. CA 92660
Lae C. Sammis. The s.m-
mes Compeny, 17922 F"lteh
Avenue. Suite 100. Irvine.
Everitt Davis Ill. 5950
Montlt Video. Post Office Boa
1686. Rancho S.nte fe. CA
Richard C. Elliott. Elliott
Corporation. 4320 Yon Kar·
man Avenue. Newport
BNch. CA 92660
This buSHless in condud·
edb¥a ...... ~.
The re11str1nt com -
menced to tr1nsact bus1·
ness under the fictitious
busmess ,.,,,. listed abclw
on 61'30172
S11ned Marion G Smith,
Jr . Prestdent
Thts sta.tnent was filed
with the County Clerk of
0ranse County on Fet>. 25.
rite No f'301884
316 3/13 3/20 3127 4716
PUeL.1C •-rn ..... a-
nctn10U1 •••• U.. ITAl'llmlfT
The toHOWtns penons •re
doin1 bus1MSs as: KOU
043 Yon K.wmen A~
Ne llJ)Olt Bw:h. CA 92660
Koll-Copley Partner1. a
C.l1fomfa ,.._., pettner.
stup, 4343 Yon !Carmin
Avenue. Newport Beech. CA
,,,.,_, Compeny, a Ten-
ness. corpcnbon. dbe Jot.
encat. Inc .• 1n California,
Amefican Genenl C.ntet,
Nashville. Tennessee
This 8u....u IS conduct·
ed by • .,.,,.,.. pertnenhtp
The re1istrant com
menced to transact bus•
ness under the f1ctit1ous
.... ITAW __ .. , • ........
noulM I REI ....
The ldlolM•i*•• ... abl.ndol.S the ... cA the
fictiti<Mls busiMU .,...,.
Upper~ ...........
port 8-dt. CA 92MO
The fictitious busineu
name •••ed to ebOl9 w
filed In County on -..,Y
6, 1983.
Howard W. Meister, II,
Fcu U.,.,. Nla,art Plua.
Newport a.ctt. CA~
John ... Mertin. J919W.S·
tlefty Piece, Suill 100 ......
port 8-:ft. CA 92MO
This business ... con·
ducted by • .....,.1 pert.
nwship. Silrwd: ~ w.
Meister. II.
This stMement -fia.d with the County Clerk of
Or.,.e County on Feb. 24,
F"tte No. F206727
3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 4729
.... ~·.-.. '·---........
I I IRE•• M••1C•m• UEE • J.17• ToWMf'n•-~
8HTE. INC ... ~RC '° ... 0 $ ,, •• al Nt:io-......... ~ ... .. ,.,. °" .......... '(M.
ht. l't.) to .... •ieoMtlc biw ., J It 121 _,......,.
Piece. Newport 8Hch
~ .
3/27 4718 w..nca
fCttnOUIAJI mll
umlfAIW .
The flo'towi• per10ft Is
dOir'I be•I nt• • S1£ID..
U.S.A •• 19762 MalcAlttwr
8Ml..9'.ilt200. IMne.CA
K•ith C. Wetputt, 1807
Pm Wettboume. Neaport
nMs ........... conduct-
ed ~ 9ft 6nehldiillf. --~ C. '#alsi ua.
wltt. tM County Cleft& of
Orenee County on March
,.... No. F'302491
31u31201m 413 4737 &..,..,
fChiiOUI • Ill 11 I U.ITAll lltn
The~ ........
doina bu1lne11 as:
JOINTYENTVR£.1901 .....
port BMS.. Colla Mesa. CA
• California limited hit· ·
nershlp, 3919 Westerly
Place. Suite 100, Newport
a.ch. CA 92660.
hclfica Somerset Asso-
ciates. Inc., 1901 NIWl>CJ't
Blvd .. Costa Mesa, CA
This busineu is conduct·
ed by ;oint venture. Silned:
John M. w.tin
The re1lstrant com·
menced to traMKt busi·
ness under the fictitious
~ rwnw lltlild llbowe
on July 31. 1985.
This ~It -Ned with the County Cleric of
0...,.. County on Fet>tuery
F" ... No. FJ01417
3/13 3/20 l /27 4/3 4738 .....
ACthiOUI Mlllfll•
The toeeoMns persons are
doins bus.lnen n: T ·BIRO
3919 W.-ty "'-ce. Sub
100, Newport Beech, CA
John M. Mwtin, 3919 W..
Wiy ..... Su-. 100, .....
port a.ch. CA 92660.
J.M. M9rtin 0..eklpment
Corporetlon, A Calffornla
Corporltion, 3919 Weslerty
Place. S.... 100. Newport
Beech. CA 92660.
The re1l1trant com·
menced to transact busl·
ness under the fictitious
business name ltst.d ~
on Oec:emt.t 20. 1985.
This bull,_ is conduct·
ed by • limltlld pstnership.
Si.,,.ct. John M. Martin
This statement ..s filed
with the county Clerk of
Oranp County on February
19. 1986
File No. f'301418
3/13 3/20 3127 4/3 4739
A .... rt..,GrUll cw nc rt tiOUI llUINllDI --The followln1 persons
~ aba.ldof*' the UM ol
the f'ic:tiUous businnl neme:
TAILORING. 23684 S. El
Toro. 15, El Toro, CA 92620.
The f ictitious Business
Name '*'ed ~ 8bcM wn
filed in e>r.,.. County on
5-ls.815. f'Ne No. F'276549.
Perl"Hh Asnaa1harl.
22106 Madrid Drtwe. El Toro,
~Abdi. 22706 Madrid °"-fl Toe.~ *10.. "'"-~ DtiWlf Mil.
Illh•M-tlfltct wfdlltlie~C..,..of
~ ~ ... lllifetr .
..... ... IC __
IClll ... 1111111 ...............
Th9 lalow&1te Plf'ICll• ..
.... lilll•ln1h a; SANTA
Bti .. Sb9lt Noftt\, Suite
245, Newport Beach. CA
P,operties Ill,.,... .....
lifnited partMnhip, 535
8of J8 an Sir-. 8oaon. MA
SMU Fe Sprinp torpo. ra c.nt.r Pm11ienhip, •
Caflfornia ...,.,.. partner.
ship, 1400 8ritld St. North.
t .. l#PO't 8Mch. CA 92660.
This ~ is conduc:&·
ed by ....... pertnership. s;.,.s: William K. Devis
The re1istr1nt com·
mencect to transact busi·
neu under the fictitious
busolneu neme listed abow
on an. ll. 1916.
., This tUtement was filed
with the County Clerk of
O,.np County on Ma'ch
3, 1916. F"• No. f302557
3113 3120 3/27 413 4 752
ACitiiOUl9Ull Ell
The foUowint person ,.
doit'I business as: R.8. PRO-
DUCTS. 23585 Aanaoon
Street. Mission Viejo, CA
Ronald Brian Newton,
23585 Rat..,n su.t, Mis-
sion V.;o, CA 92691.
This ~ is conduct·
ed by en indMdual. Si.,,.ct.
RONlld an.n ~
This ....... was filed
with the County Ctertl of
Or•nc• COunty on March
3, 1986. me Nd F302559
3113 3/20 3/Z7 4/3 -4746
ntiihOUI a• Sii
.... ITAn:m.T
The ~ ~ .. pel'IOM .,.
doins busineu a cou.m
Of PffOftSSK>NAl CORP().
RATIONS. 4220 Yon Kar·
man. Suite l lO. Newport
Buch. CA 92660.
Ct.des T. CofJett. I Pto-
leuioMt Corpcntion, 4220
port Beech. CA 92660.
Saut B. Pinto. a law Ccw·
paratk>n, 4220 Von Karman.
Suite 110. Newport Beech,
This business IS conduct.
ed by a pneral partnership.
Sl1ned: Charles T. Collett
and S.UI B. Pinto
This st.ltemenC ~ filed
with the County Clerk of
~ County on Feb. 'Z7.
f"ite No. F302251
3/13 3/20 3/'Z7 4/3 4747
111111 .. ...... , .... a ..
mn •• •n•ns•Al,_ ,..,, .. ,.
fCih ... I lllN -The folec»wilW penon t.
wlthdrewn H • aeneral
pertJw fnJm the pertnership
operatlnc under the flctl.
tious businesa neme d NO
et 1736 ea.,port --·New·
port a.ch. CA 92660.
The fictitious business
Mme -.mentfart"-part·
IWlhip _. filed on 7 · l J.
83 In the~ d °"""· The full name and res-
... ol the penon witt'I·
drawire •• partner. fl9ne..
lope ~. 2591 Circle
Oriw. Newt)Ort Buch, CA
_,. P91.,tope P. c:.mp. ....
This statement .. filed
wtth the County Clerk of °'•nee County on March
l . 1986. , ... No. f220S48
l/13 3/20 3/27 4/l 4744 ,.,..1
PUaJC 111011111mlW'lva-.
ACtliilOUI • 11111• ...-nAT'llmlT
The lonowi .. persons ...
dotnt businesa as: ANES·
Devonshire, Tustin. CA
Christ i n• Craddock.
14752 Oewnshire. Tustin,
M.,y Jeanette M1nrnno,
10 Wildflower. Irvine, CA
This business is conduct·
edb¥a ...... ~.
Si.,.ct Owiltine c:r.ddocti
This sUMnw1t w filed
with the County Clerlc of
~~en Feb. 27.
Fite No. '°2233
3/ll 3/20 3/27 4 /3 4745
..... w•nca
ICihW•S W -•rzmn TM~I: ill...,.• .. dot• buslneu ea: SUN-
FlOWO PlAl.A co .. * l So...-lrillol, S.C. Ane, CA
Albert 8. GliclunM, ...
WittlW• Bhd.. a..ty Hill.
Jerry G. CNmpler, 20753
Cooll ~ Wwt. Malibu, CA
Malcolm R. Ril•y. 138
South Anita. Los Anceln.
AMer1 fl\:lltts. 621 Oii Norte
fad. Ojli, CA 93023.
~ N. ~ TNltee
undlr Trust AtrwNnt for
Dlwid ,.,, GlickrnM .....
April 17. 1961. c/o Getty
financial Corporlltioi .. 2049
Century Patti East, Suite
1350. Los An1eles, CA
Aichaird N Cfhs. Trusa.
undlr Trusa • ..,.. .. tor
T11r•• Beth Ghd1man.
dated April 17. 1968. c/o
Getty f"INncia' COf POtllticw •.
2049 Century hrll Elst.
Suite 1350. Los An1e1es.
Richatd N. Ellis, Truste.
under Tnm ~ .. tor
Jeffrey Loren Glickman.
dated April 17. 1961. c/o
Getty financial CorporatlQf'I,
2049 Century Park East.
Suite 1350. Los An1etu.
Aichltd N. Ellis. Trust.
under Trust • ..,.,. tor
Brenner JoMph Gl~man.
dated April 17, 1961, Cl o
Getty f"lnMCial Corporation,
2049 Century Parll East.
Suite 1350. Los An1eles.
Thia ~ ii conduct-
ed by a..,...~.
S4snect: Jerry &. Cnimpler
This ltleemMt -fHed with the County Ctertl of
Or.,.. Coonly on Feb. 27.
Ale No. f 302262
3113 3120 3127 413 4756
ACiitiOUI ......
Tt• ~ .. ~.,.
dOinl busJ,_. as: STONE·
..00 MacArthur BM1 .• Suitlt
760, Newport Beach. CA
Anton1 A. Lonsdale,
31192 CeanlChus Or.. So.
Larry w. Partcer, 31192
~Dr~So. ......
Garry W. Uffef, 23412
"::.411 ,
n.nn , .... .. ....... ,, .... .....
"'~ ..... 1411Wliil ........ C........_CA_..
............ 1.,.,
0... ..... Cam-.. CA --..,. ...... ...._Jl
...,. ..... N8•"'1
Mn .... er.: .........
1218 ..... &lW. ..... _ _...CA..._
.... Mlfde Cl,,'• '" 21 ~Lw .... 01*t
9sect\ CA t2MO.
fllrl. .. Cotlb. 1201 &ft9. ...... .,, U.--=tt. CA
fllrl. MlriOn ~ ...
Tr .. windl LIM, NI 'DDf1
~CAWMO. Mr&.Jot~ 2
lfWl9FMU UN, HewPort
9eec:h. CA 92MO.
Mn. '9My~
16 ........... Lw.* sa1
8ssch. CA W6eO.
M,._ (He Milter. 1621
........ LIM. Ha 111°'1 a.ch,
Mrs. Miry "-"'•••. 1209 s. ... ,,,. Cofone dsl Mir.
lb. Gsry Somers. 1412
GataKJ l•te ....... "rt
8-:f\. CA .a..
Mn. BstWa Tete. 23
Loch.moor Lane. Newpoft
a.ch. CA 9'660
Mrs.,_ Yodsr. 1711 Aft.
tiQue W9y, t•aport ~.
This ....... is c:ancb:t· ed ... _.. ..... .. s..nect: htnc .. A. McFet·
a.nd. This...., ..... _...,
wtth the County Cterti of
~ County on Feb 25.
191&. r• No. 301966
3/ll l/2.0 3127 4/3 4733
ncn110U1a11 •• -ITAi IT
The folowlrw pe11CW• ..
doin1 bu5inna n : Wt•
DOWS UNU .. ITfO. 314
36th St. ..... ., ~.
hul •Set................ 1211 Hun-"""°" St .• Hunttnston Besch. CA 92MI..
Owen Andrews. 314 ...,
St • Newoort llnch, C/i
Thia ....... mndwct .................... s..to...c. .......
Thil ltIIJ ,.,. -filsc
with the County Cwk 01
O,.f\I• County on Maret
6. \986.
File No. 302924
3113 l/20 3/V 4/l 47J.4
1100 W. Uncotn Ave.
"WA1D0°MPWW ....
"llOOll ....,-.Ot• 7. ooe.
•CUl'fom TDnlmS
1£A•l11.E IATOI
In• kw or Exteriot
Strips A9-VIW'ni9h Re-Finish
·~ ........... 8'1••m . PUt•• .Drywlll......,
"Arp PH IS1SI .._.
-or.. o.rec1 •.n a -.
• ...._ .......... 1111115 • up
• ...., ....., 30 .. 121115 • up
"G8rbaoe~•1 •up ·1-... ...... s11aa up
"Sleb ... al....,..
·Gas_ w ... s... ·s.n.or om.t dlemunt"
24hra ....
--.. -... ~ ii ,_
Directory of -
DOLA Bey Ctuise (2tl
Hrs.) A rose. chem·
$600.00 ... 100. Qm.
•• 11 Bl\ 11111"...a. ND•·
.... IC:.IMD ..... 0. teih-sencl self·
•'S 1t 1'17-.. -..: BM W.5075
3411£e*'=MR. ,._._FL au 'S CAIL ET IEIMCE
• 11 , ........
...... 552-5126
Qlk • Olls:all In"" ...... Cdlll &c:el .. nt
!NlllWlm&;" 72D«D2
... , .. Al1ll
fult-time Nurles·Mde ....... ,...,.,.
4.UcllJM•I059 .... ,,,. ....... ...
AcF 11'ae .. ......_ward-m-:a,&.18ia
You name it-we i,.,. • '46-1710
•• I •• ~ .·
SM.a ACAPULCO VACATION Air/Hotel iftcluclecl • ... ~ ....... -·~
Gr..,tlics ,,. rOft 120---~~-~----~----------------919
•1)111 ••
s.IJs: Wc.tl in t11 ~ a rt
Belt overtooliq the ..... 6 eM-12 ._..
ND ap nee. Wil Rift.
$7/t.tD-.t. Mult• ....................
•110· a-.. Ca111t1ct
~ .. 675-5010 Of m -1245.
--• •&di ... •urw••-,_ .... trill.I: ' .... =·--1·. ll•;r ., .....
.... lJlk/P. --...... a.~ ... . ,..., ........ ~
.... c:.a •n4-••
...... ] .. ............ . _...,.
305-Etapl. Opper· ......
Our COiiC-'J .... po-
.... far. QI ...... ~
dMduef • a m•••' ttaii-. ()urQN; ....... r-
siwe trei~ IMoSf'M' .-.s ......... ... °' ............. .
P'.-S eccor~ ......... ,,
". For 9dditio"1ll .. contact .. c.uza
f eMHJ n•d• lowt• Christien erterptic
---tDC99W2cW-,_in ........ ....._
lllllllJt ._cs& ff/I. &a. ............ , .......
... ,, 'th .., •. 15
.,u .. 1n1---1 .. 1.-.... -.." ........ 1-tm.
.. Ill ••• ,. I/ ,...
RENT"-..... 2
bdrm. ~ ba. lu= condo. ........
• bw:tt.. f"•r· dis-........ ,. "' c;o; • .,. .
.... ~.$975
......... ,.lltl .....
.. . ..
..... . .. .
BEACH. 2 bdrm, den, RACE" -LAGUNA NI·
tamlty room, 3 t.. fire-GUEL RENTAL Luxury l
~ece. Double 1ara1e. bedrOOm cCJndo.mps to
un view. aatconl. beech. Pool1acuzzt1-
Outside pet OK. $127 I ctubhou... $ 00. 493·
mo indudel ~-· 3502.-. ........
--731.3 • "°" eves a wkend1 496· 412-lent•I• to 3492,Tony
=1brT~Ui •••
.., bolltspece. F--raamtn* w.1t· mo. But Grundy, Rttr.
6~161 ect-Lasuna Bue~. 2
bdrm•· oceen vteW.
4-BEOROOM 2~ ~ ......., professional 25-
una Hilts. t.nced , 3!. NMt, ri;ssible,
close to tennis couftL non-....... . 494-
$1,200 lnclud• It'*'"'" 2392. 497-6'63 mes·
er. Anni 643-31 .....
OCEAN VIEW 5 bdrm. 5 ROOMMATE-.-. Mil-
ba La1u•na Beach ' .... Viejo 3 bdrm home.
poal. ~ ....... Home. with .... = z·~ +,neM.no decks, unfurnishe .
$.2200/mo. ~ l4M!• smokers OK.
494-7161 155-8951, mass ...
4 bedroom. 2 ~ bath,
IMftl room. for"* «fin-FEMAL'E wanted, to
i"I room. famity room. stwe LMe for9lt home.
kitchen. bonus. (3) cs Room, b•Hti.Jacuzz~
1ara1e. Larae fenced ~· tennis. 50 • 1
yard $1.350/mo. First. utilities. SmaU child,
-·/ m depoait. (714)nO-pet OK 859-804 7 785.
3 bedroom. 2 bllth. den,
family room . $1500
monthly includes asso-
ciation fees. water. ~-dener. No pets. 4 6· "PALM DESERT BAR-2759 GAINS" Artlficialty k>w
prices produced by years MISSION VIEJO 4 BED-of alow sales. plus low ROOM 2" BA TH HOUSE Interest rates make this for lease. Automatic 1ar-a prime time to buy. for a1e door opener / more ct.tails call aaent sprinkl« system. AJr ~-specialist S47-1657. ditionina. Sl.250 1n-
eludes 1•rdener. No
pets. 768-3377. 420-0fllce Spece
PARK Immaculate 3 bed-
room 2 bath, with fi,. Ocean view office specie pface. Di nine room ut · ..e•ble. Near San Cle· rn kitchen area. No~-mente ~I. E-z trwy ers. no pets. $ l, 150 .c:c•s 66 -7689 monthly (7 14) 786-
1747 Nwprt Blvd. Furn ofc
ARCH BEACH HEIGHTS $125/mo Avail mail ctr
LAGUNA BEACH Rent Added income 6 75-8995 _,, beautiful unfurnished 3 1200 sq ft full service bedroom. 2 bath home. $1000/~nd Recent1y remodeted. Up-714-1raded throuahout sits
on quiet cul -de-sac OFFICES SUBLET! street. l.atp outside view-e>c:.n • Moum.tn views ina decks. Enclosed ~r-in Newport Center. In-a!e. $1.300 mont ly. eludes ~ion & other 7 2-S4S4. common areas. Secret-
arial time avattable. From
200-340 ~ of offices. 408·Apartments. catt 7 9-5030
San Clemente newer cus--505·Commerclel
tom 3 bdrm. den. 2~ Prop.
bllths, ocun View! 3 c.r Pifi· 2 fireplaces, wet-bar. 1350/mo. (Lucill~
498-0050. FOR RENT-or lease
commercial property M-
409·Condo1 for 1 zon in\ or La1una Beach. easonable Rent price. Cail 786-7043.
Condo·La1une Hills 3
bdrms, 2 baths. 2-car 507. rraae Al l amenities
950/mo Condominiums
lmmac. Condo. 2 bdrm, FOR SALE $98,850 IA-2 ba, dbl aar, pool, JK, VINE TOWNHOUSE. 52 ten n 1 s. Y r I~ re n ta I , Kazan St. 3 & 2. prap, $1000/mo. pen 8:30 pool. Owner to 7. Avail now 213-258-(818)895-1113 5-479
SALE . OWNER 3 BED-El TORO Condominium. ROOM 3 BA TH Mission 2 bctrm. 1 ba. washer. Viele> Condo~ dryr, refri1erator Country Club . $7 . /mo. 673-1334 wall pepet. shutter. ~
3 bdr 2 be Turtle Rock versation pit, security
sratem. Must see! twn."*"· mo-mo lease s 43,500. 11200. 213-Y6·2055/ 831-5107 13-47MllO (vMnp
BY OWNER-3 bdrm, 2
be Sen a.me.. -S.S. ~ condo. Low ...,.
dllDt .... $151.000/ ........
Bly Front UQuidltion
SpectacuW location
on &.y. •• bdrm. la.
home w/45 ft new
~t slip, owe or
tr.de. Price llalhed
below mkt.. for fut
sale SUMIT! For de-
tai ts c1ll Patrick r.,.. 631·1266.
Upna a..ch:' 3 bdrm. 3 be cutmm horM. pool,
jecorzi, decka, eanyon
& ocean view, privacy, bil yard, unique. $4 5.000. No brokers.
Motivated Mtler. Call
Joyce 476-0567 days;
494-7924 ... ,. ....
HtMop home w/ ... d
Lake Elsinore-on 5
acrn, 3 bdrm. 2 ba.
<*'8fnic .... ttwoulhout.
Reduced to $126".000.
714·657-9334 leave mess••·
tnct. Nr. 2 story. 2 years MW!Uppted~-out. Owner financ1n1
av.ilabtef $160,1000·
t.aauna Beach e.utiful
5 bedroom larae exec:-
uWI home with incred-
ible city • oceen views cooo 494-0211.
2 bedrm, l be. R·2 lot.
wlk to bch, rm for ex-
pansion by_ owner
$239.5k 675-0467
CUSTOM fami~ home.
3 bedrooma. 2~ bath,
livinc. family, cfinint. Ter-
rific: kitchen. Huee bonus
room. 3,000 sq. ft .
$275.000. owner. 492-
Beautlful V'-wl Mission Vi .
2 Ted rooms 2 bath
home. New carpetina
throu1hout. Tile floors.
Custom drapes. Teak
floor entry. profession·
ally landscaped .
$128,000. (714) 951-
OWNER. Great white
W8ter & city vtewl. Strik-
irc deNri • ftreptac:ea, ma1ni flcent master
suite, 3 bedrooms, 3
baths. Good finencina
avaitable. $59~.ooo.
PLACES 3 bedroom~.
tile/ oak bllthraorn5. kith
landsceplnt. 1 600 SQ ft. Must ... , El Toro.
$139,900. Ownef. 768·
2 bedroOm 1 a.th; up-...,. ~~ ..... .000.~ 1.
• Home Atmosp"9te
• Near Hospital &
Medic .. Fac1trt .. 1
'NearS~Arees • GAOvPSOf 2 ~MOM
• tNOMOUAl AHO fA.._ Y
• l~ilf ... Ulll ptoblM'9 LfEmLE llT••n
150-3050 pm
LtFl. VtSION • Mliftg dilordln • anxiety
• lmolling • d9pNlalOft
M. Bailey Ph.O
3028-3034 East PCH-
4staries ~ dou-bte the b1 btda.
2nd say .. Gr..t~
I oc at ion. t nco m •
$41.000 . Aslcina
$450,000.-MeM on..
Owner/Aaent 619-S43-0496
514-0ut of Stet•
Myrtle ee.ch
South Cft'o4ina •Ripley's Believe It
or Net Museum•
Across the street from
• ma;.ttc ~Ocean. Next door to..,.. amuse-
ment perk, rwstau,.nts
& ni1t1t spats. Within the
hl1hest tourist traffic
area on the boardwefk.
$3,200.000. Call De-
wayne Chaney (803)
238-3280 .
Unique Alsoft Propeny
South Carolina
Near 38 championship IOI' CourMS. Good hunt·
in1 & fishi"I. Excellent
Ask for K!ttY or Denyne
LaDun Brinepr Realty
Widow has money for
Trust Deeds-$10.000.
Up! No Credtt clc. No
pen111ty. Cati Dennison
Asaoc;iMes 673-7311.
IN DEFAULT? B9d CNd· it? Don't IOM )IOUr home.
Interest onty P9PM"."S
l 3'i4" io 15~ DoullM
=1969) Rul lrwntment oooortunitieS with .... lilhed & track proven
.. c ...... ,.
(0.S•~ Offtclt &~ 1501 Westctiff Dr. Ste
210 Newport Beach
Own your treWfl 111ncy.
No ex_pertence Mees·
UIY· A compllle peck·
aaeH choice locations ... 1bteNumMunv-
•I benefits available
25.000 full offices na·
tiolMide. TRAvtl WITH
US-For a penonel in-
W\.iew alt Bob H.nson
•ext. 411.
1·800-821·7 493
705 QllME SALi
ONL Y1 9AM·5PM f umt· tur~.i..~Antiques, Misc.
234UO Via San Mi{;I
(New Wortd Condo&) •
UNI Hills [My 951-81 1
01 Evenf r111 582·3686.
4·ptece llvin1 room set
w/wood trim. Never
used. $350. 952-42S4.
Many antiql181,· .. fur·
niture, "Laura Aahley
sofa and chair. acces~
series. c:oUedables. tak ert. lamps. docks, pitior'I
furniture, area ruas.
much mcnt! 498-1167
OUf 9th Annual
Coledof Can ~~~5
Sele S&oWI Aflt 6 lOAM DelMarF~ OelMmr,CA
56 Aultin Mau
SIN DM413151
65Buick ...
SIN 494475H928043
SIN 124371l3441S4
69 Corwtte StitientY T •
~~ 1943798712071
63 Jaauar XKE Adstr
71 Mercedel 300 SEL
SIN 109018·12·
004823 62 Morris Minor T,.vetor
SIN NAW3l.937670
56 Ponchl Speedster
65 Ponche 356 SC
SIN 161735
51 A119Y4 Dr.
SIN 6158751
Cati Bob Justus
Admisaion: $5 Adults $3Children12 & Under
Cash. Cashiers Check
Personal Check
S.Cked By
lrrewcab&e S.nk Letter
Authorized Dealer
Tru-Une Auto Trim, Inc
23011 Ak:atde, Sutt. c
~ Hilla. CA 92653
tall F0t Free Btochure
1-800-328-0n 1
Oun v. l<NM. Auctioneer
Calif. Uc. #AOI04
IMMllll.Cl.I It
111-11• -
Elaht·Man It.ti-Good
condition S•50/be1t
22'. (!IC tn.ne COHdlion
In Dena Point. S... 6. $5,2!0/aftlr. 492-9M2
JAGUAR-1973 XKE-Grwy V12, 350 Ch.vy maw. 2 • 2, IDOd con·
dition, tireis •• au·
tomltic. •. .
1984 Maxima Nissan·
Loadedm Take over
lease. No cash down.
$246 mo. tu inclusive.
privlt• ~2817
1967 c.nwo-.......
line wartc$~ ~-mered-reedy for nt-
i n1. 495· 1547 a er 6
1982 Volvo T~rbo
Wa1on. Be.uti fut red-
wood color e4aricw"-' ...... "*'1ar. 5 .-t.
am/fm ltaNO c:e1.-.1 eQUMinr. Nir ... paws.
Very clean. $10.000/
Loaded! Excehnt ~
dltion 5 Y99' wenanty.
4 door, autometk. afr,
sunroof. AM/FM tape.
$6.900. 497-4088.
We Lease All
Makes & Models
of Fine
110-..._for ....
-. -.
• •
• •
-We Come to You!"
Speci.etzlnc In Mechine
Ful hMrior O.Ullh-W
1974 AUDI FOX 4-door,
IOOd cond;tion. $1 495/
offer. 951-2870 • 6
pm/ •II day weekends.
1983 AUDI 5000 S
Sliver, sun-roof, low
miles. non-smoker. Pri· me party $7500. 240·
6263 or 240-636 7
1984 ELDORADO Tour-
i"I Coupe. lmmacublte!
All power, all extras.
19,000 miles. Executive
owned, privaite auto as-
sume lease, $465
month. 660-0315 d8ys.
F.wn Mtst (cok>t). fulty
toeded! .. Bose" Stereo.
low miles. Mint Condi·
tion. $18.500/ an.
496-8072 Ewni"IS
1976 CADtll.AC conwlft·
ibM. OriliMI owner, fan-
tastic condition, com-
pletely loaded. With
musical horn $5,495/ an.. 494-6738 or 497 ·
3902 or (213)552-0426
de VILLE Fully loaded!
4 new .. Michelin .. tires.
Best olfw.
1979 CADILLAC Se ·
vtlle-Low mileap, fully
lo.ded. wire-wheefs. new
radials. trip computer.
$7,995 855-8200
'80 ELOO or1a owner Lt
ary w /blk landau &
lthrint 4-4K me mint cond
nu Mlchelins serv reeds
sac $ 7950 646· 9481
'82 ELOORAOO-wht on
wnt. 39k me , take <>Yer
lease or purchase for
$11. 950 645-9333 /
1978 CADl LLAC SE·
VILLE. New tr•nsmis·
sion brakes, valve job.
Burlundy/buraundy I•--interior. fast •P-ereciati n1 classlc.
16 200. Rully Sharp!!
1978 DATSUN 280 Z. 2
Ptus 2, 5-speed, air, am/
fm, cHsette, oriainal
owner. Good condition.
Call for details. Days
(714) 535-0966 or 380-
4321 or eveninp (714)
364-5120 ask for Jane.
1973 240Z DATSUN
Loaded! Ori1inal owner.
Must See! Like new! Must
Seti. $3,900
arey, Excellent! Includes
1986 Ta1s, new tires
·n fiat Spider conv btk
nu paint. art cond, $2900
aft 5 675.,.557.
'82 l TD Country Sedan
waaon. full power, lthr,
am/fm, xclnt ~1 52k
mi. $6200. 675-3::>45
Waaon-5 speed, air,
am/fm stereo casette,
roof-track, raadials.
$2,850. Exc.eflenl
1985 HONDA CRX-Low
mi-... detuze AM/~
cassette stereo, aer.
$8200/offer. Pri vate
C)Mty. 661-6934
roof, Silver /Red interior,
loaded! Movin1 Must
Seti! $2.895
1980 HON DA 500 ex
custom inc. lheild & 2
helmets, low mi 759·
doof. 4 speed-r.ctio-
onl y 34,000 ~nal
metes! $2395. 511
after 5 p.m.
1984 MAZDA 82000
Lona Bed pick-up truck.
AM/FM cassette stereo.
air condition. automatic.
camper shell. $6,490.
1981 MAZDA 626. New
paint. electric moo!"'·
roof. AM/FM stereo, air,
63.000 mi. $5,490. Good
1985 MERCEDES 280 E.
8,000 mi. Cruise~.
electric sun-roof, com-~ k>aded. $31,000/
1973 Mercedes 450 SE
Exceptional Car. Like
New Cond. All Srv. Re-
cords. 722-8900/527 ·
280NSE. 4.9 4 door
$e4an. Loaded! lmmac·
ulate. Good runnin1 con-
dition. "BLAUPUNKT"
stereo. $7,500/obo. Day
644-1135 or Eveninas
1980 MERCEDES 280 SE
Fully loaded! Air, excef·
lent inside/out. Sliver/
blue fabri c interior.
loaded! 38,000/offer.
Black/1ray leather in-
terior. Showroom new!
661-8555, 498-1632
1979 450SL Mercedes.
Tan/tan leather interior.
True spoke wire wheels.
Becker stereo. Buralar
alarm. A ir. 2 tops .
$24,000/offer. 661 ·
1975 280S Mercedes
Benz to.ded, IOOd cond,
Becker stereo $14k.
'82 Mercedes 300 D Bfk.
Turbo, excellent $19k. or take over lease.
213 .. 55-3923
'85 Trens am k>aded w/
all options warranty. Bob
548-7298 pm/ 650-
6698 am
1967VW convertib'e. Re-
bu i It transmission.
strona ensine. new pan.
Must let So! 1.950. 832·
1981 vw Truck 5 speed
LX packqe. Red with tan
interior. "Excellent con-
dition. $3,200/best
VOLVO, 1983 GLT. 4
OWNER. 48.000 miles.
Excetl. cond. $12,500
CUITlmAUTO .. ,,
free pickup & delivery
on service work.
buutlfuf meticulously
mlinteined cM Sacrifice •Sl.900 661-2719
For'sn/lpotta Cen
Red/Btk interior. AH new;
wood dash, carJMltS, tires
& wheels, sun-roof. Ex-
cetlent condition. 69,000
miles $3,900/offer
Evenincs 498-1702
1977 TR7. AM /FM
Cassette, air, sun-roof.
red, excellent condition
askins $2500.
1979 MGB. Limited Edi·
tion Black. excellent con·
$4,000 661-2453
924, 1979. Midni1ht
blue. air, sun-roof,
"BLAUPUNKT," power
windows. $4890. 830·
COUPE Fully restored all
ori1inal $9.500. 495-
914·Auto Repair/
SERVICE ..... ..........
Quality Work
Reasonable Rates
LATE 9ll's $225
r..a ............. ..
916-llolor Hom•
Beautiful 23' bunk
house. Ford chassis. Alf
conditionin1. Refri1er-.tor, bMhroom. Nice car-petiHcellent condi-tion. 20,500 oricinal
mile$!! eep 6. See to
appreciate. $21, 750.
ER. Beautiful. F uUy self
contained. Mint condi·
tton!! $3,500. (714) 768-
"PHOENIX" on Toyota
bed. 21 ' foot. Air con-
ditionin&, Self contained.
Beautiful carpet. Excel-
lent throuchout. 22.000
miles $12.500/offer
FOR SALE 1983 .. SKY·
LINE" Mobile Home 14' x 6CY 2 bWroom, 1 bM.h.
(moveable) Like New!
Lot& of utru. $1,000.
and .... cw Pll'1"'*1tL
649-2232 ........
PICK-UP 8--eytinder. "\M·
riat" Hriea with liner.
Power steerin1/BraheS,
automatic, am/fm &te-
reo cnsette. Low mites
$5,Soo. 9am·5om 498-
8008 498-07g2 even-
size, lon1 bed, 1ood shape-wuttw /trip pro.
i •
Set sail for savings by reading
classified regularly.
'f ....
Home Show Scheduled For Easter . Weekend
The 1986 Oranp County Home Show will be held Friday thn>Ulh Sunday, March 28-30 at the Oranae
County Fairpounds, Costa Mesa. Three separate buildinp will be used to house the displays and
exhibits. Buildina 10 will feature Home Improvement/ Remodeli"8/0utdoor Uvina. Included in this
buildina will be displays of sun rooms, room enclosures. patios, spes, pools, outdoor furniture, pzebos.
kitchens, cabinet refinishina. closet orpnizina. roofina. doors, windows. tools, fl0or and wall coverings,
texture cmtinp, heatjng and air conditionin1, security systems. water purifiers, satellite dishes, room
additions, carpet dyeing. exterminators, sprinkler systems and much, much more. Buildin1 14 is
devoted to Home Decorating/Furnishinp. Including: Interior Decoratin& furniture, lamps, carpeting.
draperies, ceiling fans, accessories. wall decor and brass. Buildina 9 features landscaping and The
Senior Citizen's Expo. The Expo provides the 50+ audience with a one-stop extravapnza in a full range
of services.
If you're interested in decorating or remodeling your home, condo or apartment ... this is "The" place!
Get lots of ideas and talk to qualified professionals. Many new products will be shown in addition to
fabulous show specials. Bill Peterson, Certified Kitchen Designer, will present a seminar at 3pm and
5pm each day on kitchen remodeling. Over $10,000 in door prizes will be given away including several
Since the show is being held on Easter Weekend it will be a family affair with something for
everyone ... young and old. There will be entertainment for the kids and the Easter Bunny will give
each child a gift.
Adult admission is $4.00; senior citizens (50+) $3.00 and children under 12 are free with adult
admission. Parking at the Fairgrounds is Free. The Orange County fairgrounds is located at 88 Fair
Drive in Costa Mesa. Enter Gate 4 off of Ar1ington. Show hours are Friday, March 28, l lam to lOpm and
Saturday, March 29, l lam to lOpm and Easter Sunday, March 30, l lam to 6pm. For additional
information, please call (714) 758-1062.
811 ,_,.,.,,,, C..tlned Kitchen Dir.,_,
will pteWtt • wnlwon Kitchen llamod-
elltWNChday at 3pmand5pm. n..•
be • question and .,. • ., period .,,.,
each NmilNW
If you're interested in decorating or remodeling your
home, condo or apar1111ent ••• this is "THE"place! &et
~~~~------""--~~ lots of ideas •.• talk to qualified professionals.
Here's the show you've waHed for! Everything for the
home will be featured, including: Kitchens, cabinet re-
facing, closet organizing, room additions, sun rooms,
heating & air conditioning, security systems, spas, POOis,
outdoor furniture, water purifiers, doors, windows, floor
& wall coverings, tools, furniture, ceiling fans, brass,
satellite dishes, roofing, texture coating, accessories,
awnings, small appliances and much, much more! .......
RI111•• ••111.-14 aa.,...., am ii:'Slltm
" •• •
Reporters: Annette Watson and Barbara Loudon Photographer: Steven Georges
Saks Fifth Avenue Spotlights Spring,
Summer at CHOC· Fashion Benefit
The annual All-Guilds Fashion Benefit for Children's Hospital of Orange County held last week was the
Guilds'first twCHiay show in Orange County. The event, presented at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel, featured
fashions from Saks Fifth Avenue, presented by Fashion Director Blllur Wallerich.
Colors were bright and bold, and the message was .. live in the basics" like blue. green, orange. and
especially black and white. Patterns arc larger. and many feature contrasting prints with matching colors.
seen in skirts, jackets. pants. big 1weaten. and soft blouses. (Matching prints is never easy. but if done well.
can add depth and dimension to an outfit.)
Bathing suits arc more skimpy this year with higher-cut legs; v-nccks. halters and bikinis with bandeau
tops. All were shown with matching shawls.. bi& shi~ or elastic shorts for co~r-ups.
The stage was bathed in white as models showed slinky bare-backed d~ in cool, snowy cotton and
linen. along with silky white big shins and dirndl skirts. cotton pants, and sweaten. Day dresses run the
pmut in colon and styles, with solid colored two piece suits always a favorite. Those with more darina can go
for wild prints and bright colon for the offJCC or social luncheon.
A dramatic showing of elepnt fun was topped only by the show\ finale of formal ~ning gowns that took
one's breath away with their glitter, bare skin. flounces and shape.
•111111 11H1 •11·1 •111 1 nrvll 1111
.............................. l
111· t•• 11 Ire• 1111 ,.., 11 l11cll 11 -··••rt
COVER PHOTOGRAPH: .................... _ .. ......... ....... ...
_ ..... _ ...... JI' DI
.... IJI 5 3 •1•1 II ... Wllll
.. -........ 1 1111 .. ..................
. •.• "~ ......
L•• Clltlft 11parlla lty lew M1n •• perfect fer '* au••• fun. 1v1llaltl1
It llp In Atrlu• Cturt. F11hfln l1l1nd..
1986 is a year of fashion exper-
iment. Never has a coordinated
look been so important. It all
starts with an understanding of
color. tailoring. quality. silhouette.
and accessories. Just a few special
versatile piece~ can go far. and
~ummer •~ a great time to mix
and match fun color~. print~.
and fabri~. Now you can dress
for day or night and be distinctly
feminine while feeling good about
yourself. The season approaching
has special meaning to the person
looking for that o ne wardrobe
addition that will make all the
shopping worthwhile.
1986 has really started out as
a year of accessories. One simple
piece can dress up a dress. give
you a leg up on trousers. or slim
down a larger-than-you-prefer
waistline. Personal style plays
the biggest role in dressing up
or dressing down. Maybe all that
is needed is one special article
to provide a whole new outlook
on an old favorite standby. Wrist
bangles. wide cuffs. and chain
links arc worn on each wrist,
two or three at a time. Necklaces
are also more pronounced. and
they look great on summer's
lowcut bare tops. Hats arc smaller.
and in all colors and materials.
They arc making a strong come-
back. as are color complimentary
wrist length gloves in leather.
suede or cotton. Earrings arc
larger and bolder. Any material
goes: aold. silver. ceramic. plastic.
gems or rhinestones.
There is now a new dreuina
concephahat isn\ for the shy or
timid. It 's called bodydrcssing.
and it is sexy. slinky. and shapely.
On the hanger. knit items may
look limp and shapeless. but once
o n. they can be devastating. This
way of dressing includes leggings.
~kirts. tops. and sweaters. If you
haven't been working out or if
you ate that gallon of ice cream
last week. you may not be in
shape to try these revealing styles.
Personal style
plays the biggest
role in dressing up
or dressing down.
You don't have to be super-
slendcr. but it helps! These clothes
are made of stretchy fabrics made
from silk. wool. cotton, rayon,
jersey, and fine linen. Some of
these clothes take advantage of
the great versatility of the fabric.
Bodysuits arc very much in style
and offer comfort and simplicity.
Match them with a skirt that
has soft drapes and youil be in
the best fashion idea going for
this season. Because of their body-
conscious concept. designers arc
discovering how knits work well
with skin-baring designs. Some
arc beck1ess, cut hiJb on the neck
with bared shoulders. low neck-
lines. or simply hemmed above
the knee. Lingerie plays an im-
portant role; who wants a bra
strap to show, the elastic waist
of a slip or pantyhose or panty
lines? Teddies arc great. or a one-
piece slip. Have fun with jewelry
that is big and bold. It will stand
out against the slim and bare
The importance of being in
shape for s ummer is obvious.
not just when considering the
special clothes discussed here,
but at any time of year.
This spring is relying on body-
concious clothes. More import-
antly. to wear these clothes. you
want to f ccl good about yourself,
and good health is essential. There
arc a few factors to look out
for to avoid burning out while
on an exercise treadmill:
-make sure you consult your
exercise instructor or club per-
sonnel so you arc doing the correct
exercise for the desired results
you want, like toning, muscle
development, or weight loss.
-doing the same exercise over
and over is great, but also take
into consideration the other parts
of your body that need exercise.
-concentrate and keep up a
steady effort. Don't think about
how your muscles ache think
of the great results.
-know how much your body
can bear. Don't over-do it and
cause serious damage. Checking
with a doctor never hurts before
you begin on an exercise regimen.
-keep your diet in check, watch
intake of calories. carbohydrates,
sodium. and other bealth facton.
II d 1• • flll•
to my cu1tomers," said owner
Jeri Hawkinl.
The youna fashion boutique
owner, aae 26, bepn her first
business four yean after paduat-
ing from Corona del Mar Hiab
School. ... opened up a small
shop on the Balboa Peninsula,
because I was always interested
in fashion and that is what I do
best," Hawkins said.
Class Act carries the same
clothing labels that are sold in
the exclusive Rodeo DrivC" section
of Beverly Hills.
Hawkins began her career by
presenting fashion shows to wom-
en's clubs and restaurants through-
out Orange County. She opened
her store on Balboa and within
............. aJcMd to her
paw• • lier rent ~. •1
.. ~ worried at die .....
ni111. but. my larpr store bas
DOW hlcralcd my lalei to Sl0,000
a month. My customers say I
should start now to look for
another location. but I don' want
to. I Jove my new store , .. she
Included in Class Act's lines
are Di Fiori, Chalvar and Ch~
tine Albers. Hawkins still con-
tinues the regular fashion shows
at local restaurants as well as
women•• clubs. She donates JO
percent of the proceeds from the
fashion shows to charities through-
out the county.
Class Act is located at 2720
East Coast Highway in Corona
del Mar. phone: (71 4) 640-1298.
Photo by Georgia Curradi
'C!MJ ({c..,.._t ---
(11"") 6.«J-1:,•6
Z1ZO ~t"'~t'J{~~
Ut0•14la~~ JU25
..... """ ..
• • 11111
Girls' Programs
Now Include Tanning
369 E. 17th Street
Costa Mesa
(Insid e Westport Square)
c · -(I} z -...
Y.I c -:c
0 > z
< I-
Besides off erina five different
kinds of claues. a full amy of
weight training equipment in a
posh environment that makes
continuity and discipline in fitness
a pleasure. The Girls' Gym New-
port has added the Wolff tanning
system and body analysis con-
.. Since we added the tanning
system we find the ladies really
like it. Also, now we feel we ,are
able to offer more individualized
programs with the addition of
· our twcrhour detailed body anal-
ysis sessions. which enables u s
to idcntif y what a person needs
and then prescribe a program
tailor-made to help her get the
best results.·· said Dick Davis.
owner and manager of The Girls'
Gym Newpon.
The philosophy at The Girls'
Gym Newport empha!l11es that
continuity and discipline yield
result~. Da\1S said ... We want
people to sta y with their exercising
and weight training program!>
so we have made our gym's envi-
ronment appealing and we give
people interesting options so that
they won't get bored and quit.
We try to make exercise and
weight training fun. This way
we feel we can d o something for
Classes offered at the gym arc
ballet. yoga. aerobics. stretch and
tone and body contouring which
combines carrying weights and
cardiovascular movements all into
one class.
The Girls' Gym Newport has
first rate equipment including
Life Cycles, individual machines
and free weights. Well-trained
'1JR'SS coun~elo~ prescribe in-
di v id ua Ii 1ed pr ogra ms for
members ... Our 1mtruct or!"I are
the best and we are \Cr~ proud
of o ur capabilit} to create per-
~onahzed programs for each per-
son. -~id Davi!>.
Aerob10, cla!l~C'i are ta u~ht on
hardwood floor~ ~h1ch are built
on rubber ~lee per~. l h1-, prevent!>
!>hin ~plinb and othe r ph ~ -,ical
Fashion Flash Productions
is "Gearing Up"
To present c ustom choreographed
fashion auctions and unique shows
utilizing special effects
and other high·tech concepts.
At tlte area'• nao•t
ln/111ential and \li9ible
Ni§ltt Club•
. . . ea..;., Soo. . . .
The Girls' Gym Newport is
known for its cleanliness and
other special features include
Swedish saunas.. Jacuzzis. a mas--
scuse, a sportswear boutique.
private lockers, a large vanity
area and individual showers.
Davis is involved in two other
fitness centers-The Girls gym
Laguna and Rancho San Joaqujn
Athletic Oub in Irvine. He said.
•with alJ of our cmcen we have
a combined cocaJ of 20 years in
the fitness business. We have been
around for a long time and people
trust our reputation ...
The Girls' Gym Newport 1~
located at 2902 West Coast High.
way. The l)'m can be joined by
the day, by the week. by the month
or year. For additional infor-
mation call 646-8828 .
Sltln tlftlll Clll ,.., 11 ... .,., .. Md altlMI Tltlu twt auha c111blne
dlff .. ent l•cklt 11""'91. '"' ahlrrtd skirt .. ..,_Id and pfuttd trou11r1.
Perfect for 1 aptclal cecttall party ln spring grnn.
Ballet Academy Offers
Classical Russian Training
1 he Newpon Ballet Academ~
came;, on the tradition of cla!'l!'>ICal
Ru!o.sian training. ~our ballet \\a!!>
pas~d down through generatton-,
of ballet masters. It is a \\Ondcrlul
method for learning to dance
"hilc rc,hapang a nd fi ne tunin~
the hod~ "ith i ncrea~d flex1h1l11 '
-,trl!ngth. grace. control and 'tarr
ina," ...aid co-director Ter~ Sand-
rhe ~e" port Ballet Academ'
o lfc:r, '" cla1;, le\(~b that arl
\aned from ba\lc cla-,,e, tnr
begmner' and tho~ de~mng ,e11
1mpr0\ement a' \\-ell a~ ba lk
I. 2. J a nd 4 "hach are element.t~
intermediate a nd ad,ance~
clas~e' Point<' 1' aho oflere\~
for tho~ -.uh a minimum of t"1i l
year' of training "ho meet thl·
J'l.i e\\pon Ballet Acadcm~ \ read-
inos requirement'
The "w e'-"pon Ballet Academ\
"the official \Chool for The Ballet
Mo ntmanre "hach 1~ a non-profit
organ11at1on cons1~ting of a Junior
compa ny for ages 8 to 13 and
a senior compan~ for age' 14
and up The Ballet Montmartre
wa established in 1972 and 1l\
purpost" '' to give selected and
interested students of the ballet
the opportunity to receive per-
forming experiences on a pro-
fessional and educational level.
.. The members of The Ballet
Montmartre strive to further the
appreciation of the arts in Orange
County through their expression
of classical Russian ballet and
they are availabk for pcrformjng
opportunitia, .. said Sanden.
The Newport Ballet Academy
is located at 2632 Santa Ana
Avenue in Costa Mesa; phone:
(7 '4) 646-7644.
Brue tie: Ele
Bnatle. a leadina dailll sports-
wear colleii:tion for over ~ yean
in Europe. hu been O\'erwhelm-
inaly received here in America
for the last five yan.
The Bruestle Collection, alona
with 06Chris" and •Anne Slendor,"
are featum:I in the Bruestle bou-
tiques which are located in Atrium
Court. Newport Beach, Calif or-
nia; Century City, Cal.ifornia;
Trump tower. New York; Worth
Avenue. Palm Beach, Florida;
Hazelton Lanes. Toronto, On-
traio; and, Sherbrooke and Qu-
All Bruestle clothing is made
out of West Germany with a
tremendous approach to Euro-
pean design and detailing. West
Germany is very hot-not only
in quality and design. but with
Bruestle and its divisions at the
Melissa Haspel. the manager
of Bruestle in Newport Beach,
said ... The Bruestle line is so
magnificent. because of the way
all the clothes are designed to
correlate and mix together the
kind of wardrobe dressing that
docs not go out of style and can
be added to each season. The
collection contains many color
schemes--perf ect to the last detail
and accessory-for the busy pro-
fessional woman of the eiptia ...
A faclll1 11111 llllclt 1111111111 V-awater In
ClltM. linen and vl1ca1 nw atnlghl clmlc
black II-skirt.
Pucb ind tut blue co-ordlftllll fr• the
Slender colllCllon In alza 8 t1 18.
Sera-& ............ aM yetllw IWUtlr
fr• anm111·1 bright Aler celllclia
Bruestle color schemes include
pastels. whites. navy and whites.
gray and whites and a wide
selection of bright colon. '"These
colors correlate so beautifully
you can Ft an over...U look that
makes an abtolute statement of
sophistication appealing to the
woman who wants the look of -
being well put-together and rec-
ognized. Our Bruestle designers
use only the finest wool gaber-
dines, cottons and linens in the
lightest featherweight fabrics that
can be worn all year round in
Southern Calif omia. ..
.. Brucstle"s sweaters in com-
binations of silk. linen and cotton
are gorgeous and can be wom-
wbctber layered or unlayered-
u the seasons change. The woman
who travels appreciates the delight
in packing a total wardrobe
suitable for any trip, .. said Haspel.
Anne Slendor bas been doing
business in Europe for JS yean.
24, Fashion Island• Atrium Court
Suite 213
Newport Beach, California 92660
Brucstle's Slendor collection is
for the woman sizes 6 through
18 who wants to dress in a
sophisticated European fashion.
Haspel said. ... understand it can
be difficult at times for the woman
with a fuller figure to find beautiful
clothes that they can feel confident
in. Slcndor has the same concept
with pieces correlated to mix for
a sensational look ...
Bruestle proudly offers .. Chris,"
designed by Christa Zahm. em-
phasizing a quiet elegance which
can be worn as evening wear as
well as day. Soft lines ex pl"C55ed
through magnifacent fabrics has
created this couture collection
for the ultra chique. Chris is
exclusively offered only in the
Bruestle boutiques.
.. The excellent sales staff as
well as myself are here to assi.st
each woman with selecting and
combining the utmost in fashion
for 'the fabulous look.· My sinccTC
pleasure is for our customers to
feel satisfied and secure that they
have chosen the finest in fashion
and teels marvelous. because
Bruestle is simply marvelous ...
said Haspel.
For Bruestle national adver-
tisi ng included the March issue
cf .. Harper's Bazaar" -a seven
page s pread . the Mar c h
..Voguc"-a two page spread.
·Palm Beach life" and Bruestle
being selected for many fashion
Special services include free
alterations for current merchan-
dizc and. due to Brursde's many
locations throughout the country.
customers are assured that their
needs will be satisfted.
Bruestle is located in Fashion
Island's Atrium Court an Newport
Beach; phone: (714) 7S9-6974.
Men'·s F·astiien Moves To Traditional
T•11 .. a ·; S The bad
to cq. ........ ....., ii .C:-d.
..,.. 1916 • ........ da*"'i== ..... . ....
amtd ii def ... die llaadl dial
CIDCfF for fall ia terw of lil-
bouettet (more 1houlclcr and
~).fabrics (llCl:Cal OD &,htcr'
weiabt fabrics and IDOft luxury
bleods) and colon (a move to
lipter shades). There is also a
atrong move toward softer fits
to emphasize the drapi.nc of these
lilfttweiabt fabrics.
aodl T~ Europeans
are staning to loosen up. They
are moving toward the Hollywood
look of the 19-W's. Shoulders
arc a bit broader, the chest is
fuller, the hips are fitted (often
in ventleu J-:cketl), the button
placement ii lower and lapels
are lliabtJy broeder.
In search of substance and
quality, many muut.dmas bave
turned to the Britiab influence.
The jackets are chamctcrizcd by
a sliabtly forward pitched
abouldcr; a suppreacd waist and
a moderate now to the skirt,
sometimes emphasized with a
ticket.and hoctina pockets.
Many manufacturers are taking
a more contemporary approach.
These jackets are one-button casts
with a lower button stance for
a more fashion zealous customer.
There are good looking venions
of this model from traditional
and Europeu raounn--mmdy
Perry Eli&. Jdfrey •aka. Nor·
mu Billon and Oilanni Va..e.
Tromen •~ taken on a fa-
lhioo lipificance, they tend to
be pleated with a hip rise. a
full t1U1h, and tapered aently
to a cuffed bottom. Brace buttom
are a popular addition to these
d9cb aa men'I bnces(1uspenden)
are a stron1 statement in the
updated tnditional market. With
little happening in detail, patterm
are making newa here, ranging
from linen and seanucker stripes
to glen and tartan plaids.
Fallrle, Pdaa, Coler. There
is a great deal happening with
fabrics in all tailored areas. The
For Spring '86, An
Interlock 2 pc. Dress
From Alpenblick.
Available in White or Jade
Traditional Dressing for Less
me.a obvious ttUna is the move,
.ft« ~ IC8lonl ol predom-
inant darks, to liabter colors.
These ranps are found in au-
pertine woolens, linen and silk
and coUOll fabricl.
Oral aisual suits made of linen,
cott°' (alone or in blends) bridF
the pp between sport c09t1 and
terioul busineu 1uit1.
Movina into more serious busi-
ness suits, the news is in auper
fme, liptweight, cool woolens.
Variations like perquet and plaids
are clearly the f rcsh choice, there
are still plenty of interesting
stripinp, widely spared chalks
and intricate jacquards weaves.
Naturally the charcoal shades
of blue aad pay predominate
with intaat b:eiftt lbown in the
oli¥e ud brown .... ...
Slalru ... T ... : The dress
shirtmakai arc takina their cue
from the E.,..., for ' look by
a cutaway collar, broedly spared
and bold coloi'ed stripinas on
white pounds shown with barrel
or frmch cu«a.
It ii the bold stripinp in colors
like red, ~Dow, pink and royal
that look the moat refreshing
moving beyond stripes, window
panes and handkm:hiefmg plaids
arc a distant sccond in patterned
shirts. The number one selling
s hirt for sprina and next fall
URtlllM • '81134
The Perry Elita lltultlt '9'111t1d ault In c1t1rce1I whit rual wlnftwpane.
1tyl1d with lttat• 'tcktta. 11 100% wttl. 1t C1rtn1 dtl Mir Cl1thlng
Ca. tn P1dflc Ctat Hwy. C.1111 ... l1r.
270 E. 17th
Costa Mesa, 92627 New Surf Store Expanding
Phone (714)645-4136 Due to the success of its surfing its lines and adding new me r-
items and beachwear. Pacific chandisc.
Coast Surf and Sport is expanding
IT'S SURF '86!
And We Have the Latest in
Cords For Your Body
Boards For the Beach
'A''''e etMIT Ill., I IHIT . .
NIWPORT 9CH., CALI,. 92te3
. . \ .11 ,. ,. , .. l
.. We have been really happ)
with the community's response
to our store. We sell items that
are popular and our customers
keep us posted on new items that
they want us to carry so our stock
is constantly changing ... said Terr)
Stewart. who. along with Kevin
H oncywcll. owns the store.
With a fresh, clean atmosphere
and a high tech decor combined
in a convenient location. Pacific
Coast Surf and Sport offers a
variety of items for surfing as
well as free style watches. surf
videoi. Ua Boots from Australia.
beach chairs, suntan lotions, sun-
glasses. sportswear and beach-
wear for men and women.
Pacific Coast Swf and Sport
has a knowledgeable staff who
can assist the surfing novice as
well as the 1urfin1 expert. Surfing
items include surf and boogie
boards, leathers, wetsuits. sandals.
board bags. skateboards. fins and
Pacific Coast Surf and Sport
is located at 4S3S Pacific Coast
Hiahway in Newport Beach:
phone: (714) S48-WAVE.
Laroche DesiQrl: C.ontinuity in Couture
Amooa· the pat French cou-
tu~ Guy Laroche '9 a rapected
authority. and bis name aives
the assurance of seeing women
remainina women and fashion
remainina fashion for decades
to come. His 1prin1 and summer
1986 collections are no excep-·
tions-yielding a continuity that
women have come to expect and
Designing has been Laroche's
passion and sketching. drafting
and charcoals were his favorite
pastimes during his early school
days. When Laroche opened his
own couture house in Paris it
was very difTerent from the oth-
ers-exhibiting his very original
style. At that time women wore
black. adhering to a very strict
formal wear tradition. Laroche
created salmon suits. pleated coats
and dresses with a back decol-
lete-expressly for the women
who love to dance.
This season ·s line will emphasize
a long. slender silhouette. sleeves
that are rounded and low-set,
an accentuated waist and a length
barely to the knee.
Daytime wear will include a
variety of items. Yachting en-
sembles are available in blue. white
and red with the jackets bein1
short with box pleats. embroi-
dered crest on the pocket and
worn over cotton tee-shirts with
trousers. Also dominant in the
collection's daytime wear are 7 /
8 single-breasted wide-sleeved
coats in wool or ostrich leather.
pleated houndstooch coets in navy
and white. coat-dresses that are
supple and bblled in the beet
and Iona, lndian-ttyle tunia in
shantung or toile 1howin1 just
a glimpse of skirt.
This seuon. suits with sho~
draped baaqucs or suits with
trompe l'oeil insert belts will be
predominant. A .. Claudine"' style,
very pure and modem. for suits
and dresses with collar, cuff and
belt effects created by insert
oventitching in contrasting colon
is shown as well as suits or dresses
with guipure inset collar or bib
on black flannel or wool, grey
"Claudine" dresses with collar
Comfort and Elegance
at stephane kelian Shoes
In an elite decor of marble
in plain. clear lines and mirrored
walls. the elegance and graceful
designs of stcphane kclian shoes
for men and women create a
striking vision.
A selection of vivid and subtle
colors in high quality leather
combined in unusual designs make
stephane kelian shoes unique and
recognizable. But it01 their rep-
uta tion for comfort that has
catapulted the shoe company's
success since it bepn in 1978.
Today ther'e are stepbane kelian
stores in France. Geneya. Florence
and London. The fint store to
open in the United States was
in New York. The Newpon Beach
store was opened in November
..The company plans to open
ten more stores in the next two
years. because there has been
such a demand for these unique
shoes ... said Pierre Menudicr,
the owner of stephanc kcl~n in
Fashion lsland0s Atrium Court.
stephane kclian has applied
research in their shoe designs.
Styles range from casual sandals
to chic pumps and high heels
to sequined. velvet heels for
evening wear. Men•s styles include
loaf crs of hand-woven leather
in a variety of colon. Prices begin
at SI".
'"These shoes represent the latest
in fashion-they arc not con-
servative at all. They are a very
different and new product that
is especially suitable for the climate
in Southern Calif omia. The shoes
made from hand-woven leather
have been made from a different
approach which allows the shoes
to breathe through the leather.
One lady came in to tne with
and pcdets worked in diamoa6-
atudded trompe l'ocil and a --
of primed dreues--cither mul-
tieol\lml. undencored in black
or with black and white mocifs.
For the cocktail hour crepe
and llice together for dresses with
a uantparent effect in the back
or skin is exhibited with other
items that include: blousons cov-
ered with .. playing carer or .. crest"
embroidery worn over trousers
or black sheath; a series of sheaths
embroidered to give a necklace
and fringed belt effect; little
sheaths embroidered in trompe
roeil, .. Claudine"' in navy or pink,
peen or black crepe d rcsses
embroidered -i.chiste• style; Iona
and short cotton pique drasa
embroidered With raffaa; linll=rie
dremes in orpnza and lace; and,
linserie blouses worn over a
arai&ht skin in silk or pique.
For evening wear, all of the
great themes are developed in
the collcction and include sheaths,
draped mousselines, trompe l'oeil
embroidery and cascades of mul-
ticolored ribbons.
Guy Laroche is located at #33
Fashion Island-next to Bob
Burns Restaurant in Newport
Beach; phone (714) 644-1146.
, ............. _ ............................ .
•ll11M1 • 1 ;tu bllmt .. F•hl1: ....,, A1rtm c.t.
swoDen feet. She tried on a pair
of shoes made from hand-woven
leat.her and said. 'How can this
be. such comfortable shoes in
such attractive designs. I have
never seen this before.• Our shoes
exemplify these three qualities:
they are well-made. they arc
lightweight and comf onable and
they are dcpnt: that is why once
people try on our shoes they come
back time and time again ... said
Shoe styles for this spring and
summer will offer a variety of
models-flat heels or mid-high
heels with the back and toe open.
The fashion colors will emphasize
black and white.
Stephane kelian is located an
Fashion Island's Atrium Court:
phone: (71•) 720-1213.
24 Fashion Island, Alrkim Court. Newport Be9Ch • 714/720-1213
Smart Cottons
for Spring.
Girls and Pre-teen Sizes
Westcl iff Plaza 650-2105
Vibrant Designs
For Spring.
NNrPan-&LIO\ SAVJNCs • SAv-ON DRucs • li
5 ~so
Bring any old tie by the Hallidays Tie Trade-Ins between
March 17 and March 31 ... we'll give you a S7.50 trade-in
credit for each new tie you purchase ... we want them all,
even the one Aunt Martha sent you last Christmas!
\\l~OlTION"'t (' ·" 'o~ "'T-~ ~ ~ C'
17th & Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Telephone (714) 645-0792
c • HracORY FARMS • H E101·s f ROGEN Y ozuRT
Reyn-S pooner
Maui and Sons
Club Sport
(714) 842-7061
Slip into Spring
This non-clmg pett1sltp ad1us(s to a 28 ". 29 ~". or 31 "
length by srnppmg the pre-f1n1shed hems. In beige
or Black crepe remarque by Lady Lynn S-M-L
Workout Shoes
Westcliff Plaza
t ~Nautilus·
-Comfortable, High Performance Good looking, All
Leather Workout Shoes For Men. Great for Aerobics,
W o rking out, or just wearing around town.
Also • Just in
is Featured
Diane, specializing in contem-
porary apparel. offers sophis-
ticated clothing as well as an
extensive collection of artisan-
crafted acccuories.
Styles at Diane range from
sportswear to evening attire .
.. This spring we are seeing a
lot of fun clothes in our lines.
In evening wear, pastels arc very
popular as well as two piece
evening sets and palazzo pants.
Our sophisticated sportswear lines
show florals and pastels as dom-
inants ... said owner Diane Sham-
Evening wear lines include
Harry Acton and Casadai. Spons.
wear lines represented arc Bodalia,
Jae-Dale. Glen Williams. Marcelle
Danan. Takano, Roberto Ro-
bledo and. from Germany. Qui
swcaten, and Ouiset-basic pants
and novelty sweaters from Italy
and Hong Kong.
Diane carries a full collection
of hosiery in different patterns.
textures and bright colon. Hosiery
is by Evan Picone and Dim.
Diane carries a variety of ac-
cessories such as jewelry by Azim
and Bijoux de Medici and bap
from Barganz.a.
Diane is located in Westcliff
Plaza at 17th StRCt and Irvine
A venue in Ncwpon Beach; phone:
(714) 631-093S.
Store Features
Weekend Wear
The Storekeeper and its com-
panion ~ The Storekeeper for
Her-speciali1e in comfortable
weekend wear for men and women
and beachwear for boys.
.. Our items show we emphasize
comfonable clothing. We arc a
service-or iented store and our
staff members have training and
experience to help our customers
coordinate their wardrobes ... said
the store's ma•.-r K.cvia Beck.
The Storekeeper curia Rcyn
Spooner and Ruff.Hewn. The
store added to its items the Oitman
Broa. shirtline and Cardavan and
Grey•a better slacks and rugged
wear. Silver Fern is available
for both men and women. The
men ·s swim wear lines include
Gotchat Quik Silver and Maui.
New this summer is the Club
Sportwear beach and volleyball
line created by a locaJ Newport
designer. ""This new line comes
in great colon and unique fabrics, ..
said Beck.
Popular this spring is Ruff-
Hewn 's pre-washed pleated twill
pants which come in assorted
neutral colors. Beck said, "These
arc geat for the easy going look-
very good with sweaters." said
In The Storekeeper for Her
the soft classic style is dominant.
Skirt lengths arc 34 inches-they
arc longer and flow more than
last season •s designs.
.. In fabrics, linen is popular.
Denim continues to be dominant
as well as Chambrcy-a cotton
fabric that looks like denim.
Cotton. in general, bas become
a real stron1 fabric-it lasts a
long time and lends rt.elf to the
relaxed loot.'" said Beck.
This spring the pastels arc
popular-light pinks. yellows and
white-in the various lines.
The Storekeeper is located in
Westcliff P1aD at the comer of
17th Street and Irvine Avenue
in Newpon Beach; phone: (714)
Store Features
Halliday's. a traditional men's
clothing store. has enlarged its
Rye n Spooner department. Be-
sides having this comprehensive
section of Hawaiian traditionals
for men and women. Halliday·s
spring collection includes light
pastels and pastel madras spons.
These features only
available at the Girts
I "~ l
,. •r.-tr h ~ r f1E:
-~ •• .1PI<. A r:rob1c s
Hod ( C0r1 tr iuring
v\IP1gh1 J rrJ1r 11rig
c:.irogrorr s
Private Fitness Center For Ladles Only
Jo111 No~, • ,r 2 Months
Free Dues
With This Ad!
2902 West Coast Hwy
Newport Beach
""This sprina we wil .c muy
suits in tropical wonted, lipt
cotton tropical wonteds. seer-
sucken. cotton poplins and pin-
point oxlord troUlefl." aid owner
Bill Halliday.
Items available at Halliday's
include suits. jackeu and sports-
wear and accessories such as tics,
belts. socks. wa~ jewelry and
coloane. Halliday'• shoe lines
include Alden, Cole-Haan and
Sperry Top Siden.
Through the end of the month
HaUiday•s is holdina its annual
tie trade-in sale. Halliday said.
•we give S7 ·'° off any tie if a
pcnon brinp in an old tic. We
then donate the tia brought in
to charitable orpnizations ...
Halliday's is located in Westcliff
Plan at the corner of 17th Street
and Irvine Avenue in Newport
Beach; phone: (714) 64S-0792.
Veta's Gets
a New Look
After 23 ycan~ Veta•s Intimate
Apparel is under1oin1 major
reconstruction, but owner Veta
Behr says that busineu ia aoing
on as usual durina the mnoddina
..We welcome our customen
to come in and tee the propas
we haYC made. We invite everyone
to visit us and aiYC their commmts
about what we're doing.
.. Our color scheme bas been
changed and we will have new
displays. Yet in spate of our new
look the store will remain un-
mistakably feminine. The store
will loo k d ifferent. but it will
sull be Veta's~with our quality
merchandise and professional
staff. who offer personalized
attention to everyone ... said Behr.
Veta 's Intimate Apparel is
located in Westcliff Plaza at the
comer of 17th Street and Irvine
Avenue in Newport Beach; (714)
Clothing-, ....... .,. .....
however will be wrute.
Quality has bc'Comc an extreme-
ly imponant word in dress shirt
fabncations. The most important
being the solid stripe collection.
which is also on the upswing.
At a volume kvcl the modif.ed
prcad collar is the number one
favorit~ while th~ more sophis-
ticated customer tends to prefer
the cutaway English collar, the
third mo t popular s tyle with
the traditionalist.
Work.wear is a experiencing
a period of creattvity, both in
print and woven fashions. On
the one band there arc bold
abstract and prints reminiscmt
ol the 1940·~ Particular favorita
are from the Jtary Ef!i1 ud Polo
collectiona.. On • 4kcidcdty moft
elepnt note there are wovem.
epitomized by pattcmed and
striped silk pardiacs.
~ ovaaD l&l*mcnt iD mens
fashion is h1r'nina to undelmted
etcpnce. Whether it k Italian
influenced Whioal_ or Ea&lisb--
the quality mnaim after tbc price
ia fcqoacn.
Westcliff Plaza
Size Emphasis
a compeay mat ii • ...._..
a SW ... OI 4 l 1 1 TIC 10
-nil ii a WIJ .,.,. CI I pl
to ........... ia ...... dllliil
ADclec\ Plllcc • .,......_. ia ud ratauraMI. Tbc modd1 cw
tfCi:rdy. cunait .... .-nditioml . GUt:and dim they 6ua in,..,.
casual apparel ud sportswear while our emcee aur.tious Oil *
i. c11a..., to put more empt;,.; clotbiq. Sizes and orden aR
OD pre--teeD itam and ....... siza taken and the dotha are receiwd
1 to 14 ... We have also added at a later time. We offer both
drma for both sia ranaa and ~ .. and women's dodaj .. ~.
some lines 1ucb as Tickle. We and'""" lave been YefY nx:eptlft
also expanded our Spumoni tine... to our shows,· said_ Mart Roo-
said Andee Neal~ who. along with dea~ OWDCI' ol Fashion Flash.
her mother Marilyn. co-owns the A variety of clothing items are
store. modeled from swimwear to Miami
The Esprit line is predominant Vice jackets. aerobic wear. Wilson
at Andee's. which also carries suede and leather 'tear-away·
swimwear and accessories to jackets,. and items by International
coordinate with the sponswcar. Male.
·we carry a wide selection of Rondeau plans to open a mo-
clot hes that arc fun to wear. deling school in the near futurt.
Cotton and cotton blends arc this venture will complement
really popular now in such colon Fashion Splash. .. Already I am
as coral. peach. bright blues and training my amateur models. They
an assortment of greens." said have been learning their choreog-
Ncal. raphy at the Susan Barlow Dana
Andee's Place is located in Academy and we have various
Westcliff Plaza-at the comer sponsors that help them with their
mke~., lllir. W... I will
k allk to c6r ii . lrH jolt
ph1•• *r..., ......
be*· 1a Tiiey ._ .. Jlllid _.
b ~few . C m my .. WL My
..... 'fikll41pN ... ..,..
dar~ * ara.. Tk port-
folios arc siwa to tk l80ddl
at cost. We offer tbcm a ftl"J
aood saart. •said Rondeaa.
Fubioa Flash promotes the
sponsors clmina the .,__ l)is,.
c:oalll coapom ue pa out to
aacfaas for the ta vica wbida
incJude limousine service. The
shows have a festive ~
and audienca enjoy the produc-
tions which usually take place
during the week. Auction loca-
tions will be announC:ed in the
'11ae shows rally create a
lot of excitement during the
Happy Hoars. We work bani
to put on a very professional
show and it com across as a
class act.• said Rondeau.
For additional information
about Fashion Splash Produc-
ti~ caO Mart Roadcau at (714')
631-6282 or 67S-OMI .
of 17th Street and Irvine Avenue
in Newport Beach; phone (714)
Where New England Designers
and Discounts are Featured
is Specialty
Champagne spccialius in Eu-
ropean sportswear made from
natural fabrics ... We have a great
selection of coordinates and from
several garments many diffacnt
outfits can be combined to create
a whole wardrobe. All of our
lines arc really intcn:hangeablc ...
said store manager Lisa Johnson.
Styles at Champagne remain
current because new merchandise
is brought in frequently ... Thjs
spring we sec a lot of lightweight
fabrics in bright colon. The pants
arc shoner for summer. -said
lines available at Champagne
include Jag. Paris Blues. ID #.
Esprit. Mctropoie and Gamma.
Cape Cod Connection special-
izes in traditional clothing for
women sizes 4 to 14. girls sizes
7 to 14 and boys sizes 8 to 14-
not seafood. -our name comes
from our many manufacturers
who arc located m Massachusetts
and Connecticut aod often people
stt our sign and come in ~kmg
where we kttp our lobsters. .. said
owner Gretchen Sherwin.
But lobsters arc noc to be found
anywhttc in Cape Cod Connec-
tion. The store features separates
such as skins. blouses. slacks.
swcatc:rs and sporty knit dRSSCS
in traditional styles with a 20%
discount on all items.
Eagle's E~ is one major linr
at Cape Cod Connection. Re-
cently added arc the Skyr and
Catcher lines for ladies and co-
tillion drases for girls that include
the Youngland and Renee Mi-
ct.els lines.
Also available at Cape Cod
Connection arc HcadSport for
boys and girls and items by David
Brooks and Robert Scolt.
Cape Cod Connection offers
a special scrvitt to tts customers.
.. If a cxrtain sizr is out or another
color item is desired. ~c often
can get exactly what our cus-
torDCTS want by putting in special
orders to our manufacturers.··
said Sherwin.
This spring and summer. f1onJs
from petite to big splashes of
color will br dominant in all sizes
as wdl as nauticals. "'I just goc
my new sbipmmt in and the colon
arc so loftly and I'm so happy
with ~ -said Shcnwin.
Cape Cod Connection is locatal
at. 270 East 17th Street in COiia
Mesa ·s Hillgrm Square; phone:
(714) 64~136.
Spring Sessio~• Now Enrolling
•New Mommy. Me Ases ~
• Pre-Ballet Ases 4-5-6 •
• Classkal Ballet lealnnl111 lhn>Ulh Pointe•
• Spectal Ballet Exercise Canes •
We texh ~ specYt method for stretchlnc 5Npina met tonina
lhe body. ~Del a.s exercise improves the physd~I, menw, ~nd
M1isdc self.
• Dnmadc Results.~ Less.
• Improves postUre ud arrbee •
•Increases stretlllh ~nd flexibility•
• Adds a beaudful new look •
Children• Teens• Adults
Santa Ana
Costa Mesa
Champagne is located in West-
clifT Plaza at the comer of 17th
Street and Irvine Avenue in
Ncwpon Beach~ phone: (714) SSl-
High Tech
Dazzle Show
'Dance fr"11a
Smoke bombs. strobe lights
and fog machines cn:ate drarmtic
interludes as statuesque modds
break into choreographed pcr-
fonnancn during dothes auctions
produced by Fashion Flash-
Good Looks-
I 8 ........ ff
· Your df orts. if taken seriously.
lake time to show u.p. but wbm
you're deciding on thmie skinny
knit pants or skimpy be•hiag suit.
think bow good you1l fed and
For Spring/ Summer 1986. the
bat adW:lr is to me and cbocs
dotbr:s that wort for your lifmyk ·
and body shape.
j6j '£. 17tfi. St
GJsta ){esa, ea. 6t-z:-133z. }{Pt-Women-~
Tf!l"' Jg~
•=. em· -.
Discovering the Charm of Ba~side Center
:'\e\\ pon Beach residents have
enjo~ed the fine stores at Bayside
Center for O\er 20 years. From
line fashions to quality services.
from dinin~ and food to personal
care. the center caters to the needs
of the d\ na m 1c communitv it . .
For tho~ \\ith a busy schedule.
Bay~1de Center stores arc never
mo re than a few steps from
comenient parking. Many every
da~ needs can be taken care of
in one quick trip with a major
~upermarket. bank. cleaners. one
hour photo store and pharmacy
a\ailable \\ithin the center.
Fine "'omen's and children's
apparel. gifts. a full ser\iice re -
taurant and hair salon in a relaxed
ba~ side setting make for a pleasant
'hopping e~perience.
Ba ~ ''de Center is located at
Ba~:-1de Orl\e and Jamboree
Road in :'\e"port Beach.
California First Bank
In a fnendl~ atmosphere and
a nauucal. manner decor O\er-
lookmg Promontory Point and
Ba~~1de CO\e. California First
Bank offer' complete 'en ices
co 1b cu~toma-.
California hr;,t Bank offer~
a complete line of loan~ to busi-
ne-.!le!> and consumer~ at com-
pet1tne rate ... a full range of
dt'posll accou nts. treasur} se-
cuntte!I and a 'ariet~ of IRA\
"'hich include -.elf directed IRA\
"'h1ch are a\ aila ble throufh Cal-
If orn1a Ftr'>t Bank\ o"'n di~.'ount
brokerage iirm a~ '>'ell a~ tanl1ard
cer11f1 catec; of deposit at com-
pelltl\e rates \\lthout charge of
fees .
Special services at California
Fir~t Bank include sit down teller
"'indows. a large network of
automated tellers a nd convenient
The phone number at Cali-
fornia Fir~I Bank is (714) 760-
1081 .
Besides its reputation for good
quality "'ork as a one hour photo
lab for the C-41 process. Moto
Photo no"' offers a new ~rvice
to 1t~ custome r~-p oster si1e
Services at Moto Photo include
enlargements. sending out slides.
film sales. video tape transfers.
pa~sport photos and discounts
for commercial and bus iness
"What are you waiting for
America?" The prices are rea-
sonable for Moto Photo's quick
photo processing services. On
Sunday the second set is free
up to three rolls and during the
week-Monday through Satur-
day-the second set is half price.
Reprint services include three
hour service for regular prints
and two days for the larger sizes
up to 11x14. The poster service
takes 10 days
.. For a lifetime of memories
in one hour." visit Moto Photo.
Also available at Moto Photo
are a selection of frames and
lottery tickets. The phone number
a1 Moto Photo is (714) 759-8057.
Bayside Cleaners and Laundry
Bayside Cleaners and Laundry
offers a full range of services
such as laundry. fluff and fold.
alterations and repairs, draperies.
formal attire and special attention
to silk and delicate garments.
in addition to regular dry cleaning
Bayside Cleaners is a family
team effort including Peter. his
brother Edmund and their wives:
each member of the family has
been specially trained in the
various aspects of dry cleaning.
To finish each garment han-
dirons are stationed next to every
pressi ng machine. and employ~
are instructed to touch up b}
Bayside Cleaners is open from
7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through
Saturday and offers free pick
up. delivery and same day service.
The phone number at Bayside
Cleanerl.I and Laundry il.I (714)
Bayside Pharmacy
.. We pamper our CUl.ltomers ...
said manager David Wells of
Bayside Pharmacy.
Besides being a full service
pharmacy. Bayside Pharmacy
offers many items as well as
fashion accessories such as purses.
evening bags-in silver. gold, and
beaded. fi ne costume jewelry and
"We offer all pharmaceutical
services to meet our customers
needs and we carry a nice large
selection of fashion items ... said
Bayside Pharmacy has a nice
selection of cosmetics and toilet-
ries from perfume to make-up
and many gift items.
.. Our staff is friendly and eager
to help our customers. They enjoy
what they do and t hey like the
items we carry in the fashion
accessory and gift ~ction ... said
Bayside Pharmacy is open from
9 a .m . to 7:30 p.m . Monday
through Friday. Sat urday from
9 a .m . to 7 p .m . and Sunday
from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The phone
num ber is (714) 760-01 11.
Di~cover unique gifts, fine fashions and quality services in a charming.
unhurried setting by the bay.
Carole Ru~~o
Conte,~a Hair f-a,hions
I orra1ne Sutherland
~u'a n Ca rt er
Gifts & Specialty
Ba y\idc Card \'.'Party
The Clingi ng Vine
The Silver Rattle
ya.--.. • • • '
Bayside Drive at Jamboree Road
Newport Beach , Ca .
Gladstone's 4 Fish
La Petite Boulangerie
Bayside Cleaners
Bayside Pharmacy
California Fi rst Ba nk
Moto Photo
Perfume and cosmetics. Fashion hat~. handbags and jewelry fo r the total
We pamper our cu~
1016 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach• 760-0111
A lifetime of memories in just one ho ur ...
Qualtiy I-ho ur print service • Instant passpo rt pho tos • slides. poste rs
enlarge ments. po rt raits availa ble • friendly service • close to ho me.
~oneHour rr moto·photo ...
1048 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach• 759-8056
Quali ty care.for the m ost expensi\•e an d exclust\'e u·ardrohe~.
Complete dry cleaning service .
1056 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach• 760-0SSO
Visit California First Bank on Bayside Drive.
Full service ba nking. compe titive I RA ·s. friendly a tmosphere. beautiful
location. excell ent parking. and close to home.
1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach• 760-1081
--~---=------=--~= --~ ----~ --
Salon Features·
Posh Setting
Rest and relaxation in a hip
tech decor combine with tannin,
at Espresso Tanning Salon. which
features the new R-UV A system.
-0ur rooms arc very plush and
our atmosphere is conducive to
relaxation. The R-UVA tanning
!>~s 1cm is the safest system
around -with less 8 ray than
a n~ other system. Our salon is
informal and we offer espresso
to ma kc our customers f ccl com-
1 Mta blc ... ~id Bonnie Curry. who.
altrng with Mel Kyccs. owns the
f 'pre~~o Tanning Salon .
. t."~s1om. a t Espresso Ta nning
~Jlon are JO minutes long. which
1, c4ui,alent to fo ur to fhe hours
in the." '.!Un -Ho"evcr. in o ur salon
v.c ha'e recel\ed no complaints
I wm our customers abo ut burn-
ing fh1!\ 1~ because ou r ~ys1em
1, ,o ~le We fee l it's better 10
tJ n here fir-.t before going out
inw t he 'un. fhis protect!> the
'"-in and prl'\Cnb that initia l burn
pcople usuall) experience every
,ummer.-...aid Kyees.
"1 ost pcople ta n in fo ur o r
11,e ~ns1on-. -w e find that the
J\l'rage tanning time is foe ses-
'1on' du ri ng a -.e,en o r eight day
pt"nod . Then o nce a person gets
the tan ht." 'he wa nt !> 1t U!>ua ll}
tji..c~ o ne -.c-. .... on e\en four to
'" da)' to maintain the t an."
..aid Curr)
The tanning ">31o n i~ an alter-
natl\ e to the -.un that protect!>
thl' ... kin aga1n-.t the su n ·~ da m-
aging B ra)' f he tan recel\ed
Jt the ~Ion create' a ...afe base
coat that pre' enh ~k in problem!>
tilte n cau,cd by h eing O\er-
L'\PO~ed to the '\Un .
.. W e: arc: \l'r) proud of o u r
1.innmg '' 'tcm ~ot all tanning
beds are equal and we invite
people to look around-compare
our beds to others-and they
ca n see for themselves the big
difference. -said Curry.
The Espresso Tanning Salon
also features bathing suits and
a 'ariet) of lotions. Monthly plans
ra nge fro m $2.50 depending on
the extent of use of the salon .
Es presso Tanning Salon is
located in Westport Square at
369 East 17th Street in Costa
M e~a : pho ne: (7 14) 548-4826.
E presso Tanning Salon is open
seven days a week. The hours
are: Monday through Friday from
8 a .m . to 10 p.m.: Saturday from
9 a .m. to 6 p.m.: and. Sunday
from 9 a .m. to 5 p.m.
Newport Rib Company
Where Rine Athletic
Wear is Featured
Second Sole has the reputation
for carryin1 a wide variety of
fine athletic shoes and clothing
as well as for offerina the unique
service of re-toling athletic shoes.
uwe carry the fine lines of
athletic wear with an emphasis
on offering all kinds of athletic
shoes. Our staff members are
into fitness programs and can
help our customers select the best
Offers Variety
In a cheerful decor established
by the bright. fashion colors of
its wide selection of danccwcar
and actionwear. Chorus Linc
features such items as leotards.
tights. legwarmers. headbands
and shoes for ballet. tap and jazz
Chorus Line dancewear and
actionwcar is featured as well
as Capezio shoes. The wide se-
lectio n of items is versatile and
can be used for exercising.
.. We have a knowledgeable staff
and we offer personalized service
toourcustomers. We have worked
hard to provide a nice and com-
plete selection of items for our
customers ... said Chorus Line's
Susan Shaw.
Chorus Linc is located in West-
port Square at 369 East 17th
Street in Costa Mesa ~ phone:
(714) 642-1332.
shoe to suit their needs.•• said
owner Ken Hendenon.
Second Sole caters to the more
aerious runncn and athletes. Flien
on future races and running
mapzines are available also.
Brands of shoes available at
Second Sole are New Balance.
Nike. Brooks. Etonic. Tiger,
Adidas, Avia. Reebok. Lotto.
Turntec, Saucony arid ~ .. ,..
Betides runniq 1hoct, SeCODcl
Sole also carries tenni1 sllon;
basketball shoes. track 1pikct
and cleats for t.Kbd. Child.ma\
sizes are available too.
Recently. Second Sole in·
creued their athletic wear teetioa.
AmoQI the Jina at Second Sole ·
are Bill Rodgen. Gabelle. Gortn
Nike, Adidas and jogina and
warm-up suits. Items include
running shorts and tipts. Ii~.
wind suits. and running suits.
Second Sole is located at 3331
East Coast Hiahway in Corona
dcl Mar; phone:(714)6n-.S.Sl9.
One taste of the baby ribs will tell you what the excitement is all about
at the Newport Rib Company. Folks love the barbecued chicken and
shrimp ka bobs. too Homemade cornbread, coleslaw and molasses
baked beans are so different and exquisite that the chef has taken to
hiding in the ki tchen in an effort to keep his original recipes a secret.
Beer and wine 1s available with dinner. Open six nights a week until
l lpm and Sundays unt1110pm. Take any of the menu items home or
c ome and enjoy the comfort of the Newport Rib Company located
next to the Grower's Ranc h Market on Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa.
Telephone 631-2110. Ptease call ahead for carry out orders.
Why Carbo's? Americans are changing their lifestlyes. Healthful
dining is an important part of that evolution. Carbo's is an answer to
that social change; because dining should remain a totally enjoyable
occasion. Carbo's is dedicated to the preservation of that concept
through preparation of the finest and freshest foods obtainable that
are high in complex carbohydrates, moderate in protein and low in
fat · all served in a uniquely casual, yet elegant, atmosphere without
sacrificing that one all-important quality; tantalizing taste.
They prepare your meals with no butter, oils or sugar, and with the
absolute minimum of salt. However, upon special request, they will
alter their cooking philosophy for your pleasure, in fact, there are a
number of daily menu selections that comply with this request.
Come to Carbo's for a healthy and elegant, yet delicious, dining
experience. Carbo's is located at 1000 Bristol St. N., in Ptaza
Newport Beach. for more information call 851-1155.
Golden Truffle
Fashionable dining is eptiomized at the award winning Golden
Truffle. Everything from their extensive wine selection, to their
gourmet entrees, to their chic dining crowd, oozes fashion. Dine next
to regulars such as rock star Alice Cooper, members of Elton John's
band or any number of notable denizens of society.
The Golden Truffle is the restauranteur's restaurant · patronized by
the fashionable restaurant owners themselves; who might start their
meal with the Truffle's famous and unique onion soup or their
signature dish · freshly made maui potato chips with creme fraiche
and your choice of three different kinds of caviar.
The Golden Truffle is located at 1767 Newport Boulevard in Costa
Mesa. For reservations, telephone 645-9858.
The beautiful Amelia's on charming Balboa Island, is a pleasure all
year round ... but never more so than in Springtime.
With exquisite seafood preparations and marvelous homemade
pastas, Amelia's impeccable cuisine is as delightful as their attentive,
gracious service.
A special banquet room is the perfect answer to that age-old
question-where to have that special party. Private seating accomoda-
tions for up to 25 people provide just the right atmosphere for a
So, whether ifs a party for the office, your family or j_u~t th~t someone
special (perhaps a romantic dinner a deux), Amelta swill be a treat
they'll lone remember.
For reservations, call 673-6580.
Maxwell's By The Sea -a place to come for an elegant breakfast; a
place to come for a leisurely lunch; a place to come for a romantic
dinner; and a place to come for a refreshing cocktail.
Come to Maxwell's and enjoy your meals with a panoramic view of
the surf and the sand.
Maxwell's serves only the freshest fish available; enjoy their rare and
exotic daily specials.
The 1920's art deco style will enchant you and enhance your
enjoyment.of what promises to be a meal to remember.
They are located at the Huntington Pier, 317 Pacific Coast Hwy. For
reservations call 536-2555.
Le Midi
le Midi with its enchanting interior and Chef Walter's lovingly
and expertly prepared Cuisine Provencale. Le Midi could be
tucked neatly into the French countryside and the locals would
never question its authenticity.
Be it lunch, dinner or Saturday brunch, attending one of Le M1d 1's
seasonal gourmet festivals (in April, spring will be celebrated with
white asparagus flown in fresh from France. baby lamb, suckling pig
and baby goat, to name a few) or a private banquet, one is always
made to feel like an invited guest in a French country home.
Owners Marica and Walter look personally after your wetl being. Le
Midi is located at 3421 Via Lido in Newport. Reservations are
sugested. Call 675-4904.
Bip Features New Man's Winning Colle~tion
Bap fcaturn the New Man line
"hach offers casual sophistication
m t~1r fine selection of separates
and coordinated sportswear for
men. women and children. The
line i~ imported from Frantt .
.. The New Man li ne is com-
fortable and sporty-with a def-
inite European influence. yet it
i' not trend}. We find people
ot all age~ weanng Ne" Man-
and thi~ is \ery unusual with a
ltne. The Ne"' Ma n fa n's loyalty
begin~ "'hen he she first tries
on a pair of ~e" Man pants-
t he fit 1~ excellent. .. ·aid Jerry
Ku,hner. pre ~1den t of Bip in
f-a,h1on bland\ A1num Court.
'e " Man began in 1967 in
F urope and other parts of the
"orld It ha~ become 'er} popular
bernu'e of the comfort in the
tabric~ and fit. Cott on is the
dominant fa bric m most garments
" Ith 'ome of I he women's items
made fro m blends.
'e"' Man coordinates and
'eparate!I all go together whether
la\t~red o r unlayered. Fo r this
'pring and ~ummer the design
tor t"o men a nd \\Ome n·s col-
kctl\)n' t'I around three themes-
Dune. "1 ett' and Zoulou.
Dune 1' de,1gned an ,oft. faded
hlne-.. ..and elaborate pa-..tel color
'uch a-.. o ld pin"-. ~lie green.
la,l·ndn blue. parma . and e'-
pec1all~ tor men. a dominant
beige Plain matenal!-1 feature 'mall
printed pattern~ 'mall flo wer
and pm 'tnpe'
~et" " the "ho le range of
darl er colors and mate nab . :'lia \ y
blue take~ the lead . featuring
r asuol dress;ng
for those who don't toke
dress;ng cosuoly.
New Man
Beverly Center, Los Angeles
This 1euon'1 N1w Min f1atur111oft cotton uparata
for women In the p1l1 cool 1h1d11 of suntt111r.
available at Blp In the Atrium Court
Bold bright graphic patterns add punch to the clean
classic lines of New Man's casual 1ttltudu for men.
available at Blp In Atrium Court
Even kids compete with racy new atyln from the
winning New Man's collect"" 1v1fllbt1 at Blp In
Atrium Court.
indigo alongside cobalt and China
blue with a special mention for
the many batik prints. Touches
of ginger brown and black and
white are available with an Amer-
ican farmer style mixing a ll sons
of checb and -;tripe~.
Zoulou represenb a range of
'par"-ling tones and four basic
color~ lemon ~ello\\. meado"'
green. fuch!'l1a pink and \ 1olet
blue The~ dominate the Mpop-
a nd fluore cent prints. highly
contra!'lted checks. fruit and leaf
print~. madras patterns and large
bayadere stripe!-..
Materials in vogue with New
Man are cotton. either wrinkled.
tubic. corduroy. gloss. faded .
mixed with linen and viscose.
or laid with padding, gabardine.
poplin. denim. and two new-
comers for this scason-grogram
and round. soft and crumpled
The collection's stitched articles
are primarily in cotton moss
stitch with tone o n tone O\er-
casts. or tennis stripes. thick cable
stitches. waves. rus tic thread.
upturned stitch and ribbon lead-
Forms. which o ften O\erlap.
feature the following deve lop-
ments. There has been a return
to jeans and flat trousers without
91p.AlrlumC.... ..
, .................. .,.,. •11ctt
darts. very wade fining trousers
with round folds or darts on the
For women. styles emphasi1e
full. loose hanging slacks and
sarouels ... grandfather-trousers
with braces and Basque belt. and
slacks with Greek style lacing
at the bottoms.
There will be broad fitting and
s4uare work jackets and bla1ers.
round fitting jackeh. kimono
armholes worn lengths with a
cord system. o r with a swallow-
tail effect. and "college-jackets
with knitted wrists or polo neck.
The children's line is a take-
off on the men's and women\
lines. Designed in a unisex style.
all items are available in siJes
2 to 16.
Bip o ffer a large variety of
items fro m the New Man line.
The sto re in Atrium Court 1s
the onl} licensed New Man store
m Orange County. '*We are ver~
proud to say that we ha\e the
be\t selection of New Man gar-
ment' licensed m Southern Cal-
1forma. -\aid Kushner.
Bip 1s located in Fashion I -
land's Atrium Court. The phone
number at Bip is (714) 720-9270.
.. It's New Man for people who
don't take casual dressing cas-
ually. M
New Man
Wilshir~ Btvd., 8everty Hills
Coue1t <(}Jome ·
o66elled by '
~a ~gcano S. uUau1teen CUJ~lte
@t<ubb S 8,~~lg
. . . . • • .. I.. I
aY ANNnn WA1'80N
From ia OQ4' • .-. •w · tk
location iD tbe JN•.,_ ~
panled coam1111ity al HarMr
RidF, ......... ,.... laoaliit
unites a premiere site with a
rnapifftat CO*·~ ltnll> tuTC that takes full aclvaataae
of views extendins from Pkwport
Harbor, the ocan, and the moun-
tains of Saddlet.ck to the Paloe
Verdes Peninsula and Catalina
Island .
.. The home's unique qualities
begin in the entry prden court-
yard with its pond and casocting
waterfall and a dramatic entryway
that opens to panoramic views.•
said Ed Escano from Grubb and
Ellis Residential Brokerage Ser-
vices. who shares the listing with
his business partner Maureen
The soarina. classic circular
foyer ls 16 feet across offering
special visual effects dominated
by the views and enhanced by
a curving staircase with ~led
crystal newels and brass railing
and an upstairs bridge with lush
plants unites the second levers
separate win~.
The living room and formal
dining area provide full. unob-
structed views which continue
through the gourmet kitchen,
family room and libra~y. and
suites on the upper level. The
home is over 100 feet in width.
To maximize views. over 54,000
pounds of steel have been used
in the home's structural design,
,which meas ures over 10.000
~uarc feet.
The fireplaces in the living and
family rooms are framed in San
Rita stone with windows on each
side of the rock mantles. The
family room and library utilize
oak cabinetry. The family room
is served by an oak bar and the
library has a brass bar-both
bars are enhanced by glass display
The garden level downstain
offers rooms that easily comat
to various themes-entertaining.
relaxjng and exercisina. A sep-
arate suite is suitable for the maid's
The master suite, created as
a penonal and intimate space,
is large, with a sittina area, a
fireplace and a bar. The bed lights
twinkle from oval insets in the
ceiling. The master suite offen
two ~rsmd wait-in dOICtl with
built-ins and two batbrootns-
one bas a 1bo~ and steam bath.
The hightiabt of tbis area is the
railed custom dcsiped tile and
tra\atine ~ spa paced wiah
a cascading waterfall and an
abltnct custom clnign in...._
The upper leYd9s other winp
have two bedroom suites. One
offcn expansive views and the
other bas a patio and a t.throom
with a clear glass skylight for
a ceilina over the vanity area.
The home\ other features rewal
the quality and conwnimce that
is evident tbrOQgbout every room.
Included in these features are
a three level elevator. lath and
plaster walls and ceilinp. cus-
tomized beatina and air condi-
tioning witb six zo~ a steTCO •
system. grcenboUle pm or store-
front custom windows-tempered
and tinted. cast iron links, and
cedar-lined laundry hamper/
The home is listed with Ed
Escano and Maureen White for
Sl,9SO.OOO. For additional in-
formation and previewing. call
Ed and Maureen ()f Grubb and
Ellis Residential Brotaqe Ser-
vices at 644-6200. Grubb and
Ellis is lc>Cllted at #2 Ovic Plua,
Suite 100, in Newport Beach..
IPRlll. Pia DtU 11
Need a foothold in Newport 8Mch? This bemltiful
Lusk built 3 bedroom and family room hou9e on a
great big lot will do just that for you. Yes. tt d08I
include the ground at thia pricet Coby Ward.
TIE Clft-IUT9UIE mtlll
Unbelievable value -2 bedrooms, 2'h baths + den
and formal dining with peek vtew of bay. Community
security. pool. Priced below m•ket $399,000 fee.
Martha •t•cneb.
IAIUIClll• .._
Just reduced-exceptional upper unit. Two bedroom,
2 bath and large patio overtooking bay and out to the
Jetty. Remodeled with new baths, kitchen tile. Oak
and marble fireplace and more. A most desirable
condo on the water. $545.000 includes the land.
Danny Bibb or Martha Macnab.
TmfUftll ··--Of executivestyte living on Bayfront Onmatic styling
features. lavish use of· brick cedu. etched and
stained glass. Three bedroom. 3~ bath, library,
fonnal dining. billiard room, large pier and slip.
$1,850.000 includes land. Martha Macnab.
.am ... C*UmPIUIY llYFllllT 11.111.m
Santa Maria Stone wt\ite o9k and gtw Cfea1e an
unbelievable feeling. On one of the finest locations
In Newport Harbor. Three bedrooms. etegant den
and bar. If you are into perfection. call Barbara
lfW UST• -IAYFml 11.-.
Rare opportunity to own 100' on the sand+ pier and
slipf Charming • bedroon) home with hardwood
floors, country kitchen. Room for expansion. Enjoy
your beach while viewing the action on the bay. Ann
NCllAY....... 11.._
See the night lights from the unique upstairs living
room in this executive condominium. Three bed-
rooms. 3 baths. community pool and tennis. Out of
.,.. owner will listen to any offer. Diana Proaer.
.. ,., llllJll
Bwlllfut PIM •c" in the81ICOUftTowneCollecllcn
MMy custom upgrlld& Two bedrooma_ 2 belha. A
pl111unatoeee. &.t~fiMnclng.~
. .
IWEUI 11ra10.1m1~11EW1 1111.m
Harbor Ridge home often truly panoramic views
thllt sweep the coastline from Newport Beach to the
Palos Verdel peninsula. C.talina and inland to the
Santa ANI mountains. This light and glassy "Laatre-monr ha been exPMded to offer 5 bedrooms ...
Mths. Quiet and private cut-de-sac IOC8tion: Ed
Escano and Maureen White.
• CAIYll --EITATE UH• Pre1ently 4 bedrooms. 2~ baths, formal living and
dining room. perfect for expansion! Prime cul-de-"
sac location, over 1/3 acre with views of golf course.
mountains, and city lights. Available under great
terms. Submit yours. Danny Bibb/Stephanie Grady.
U 111 .. CIUT · ,.._
ErijOY ltii ~bi tn tfha ll>Kious 3 bedroom. 3
bath home. Vaulted ceilings, skylights and warm
fireplace enhance the living room. Additional den
with wet bar, community pool and tennis, guard
gated community. Extremely motivated owner will
trade or lease option. Diana Prosser.
TUllT-.ucAMI -CUii ltEJlllO
Elegant 4 bedroom, 3 bath family residence. Highly
upgraded and remodeled. large tot offering privacy
and pleasurable living. Brand new to the market.
Sandie Fix.
.. Lmm1 Clllll IB. IUI 11.14.sm
Channing 2 bedroom. 2 bath house comptetety
remodeled. Separate guest house. Lovety patio area
with pool. Move-in condition. Access to private
oceen beach. Ann Peters.
' -.i:caumVIEW ...,
Prime unobstructed view of Big Canyon from this
tovety 2 bedroom. Mclain .. Oakcresr with private 2
car garage. Assumable loan. Martha Macnab.
On the golf course at Big Canyon for only $225,000.
Two bedrooms.. 2 baths with assumable financing at
less than 10.5'. Owner will carry second with 10'Mt
down. Dave Hirschter.
Highly upgraded condo on the fairway of B;g
Canyon Country Club. Two bedrooms, 2 baths.
Large assumable loans. Dave Hirschler.
•• , ..... ICUlflllT •• ,,,
Jruly a .. one of a kind property." A ttne ..._home
w:hwith Maowndi8tinet ....,.and decor • ....,..
4 bedloome. 3~ .,..,., torlMI living with dirMng. ....-cue• vtew. o.nny Bibb or I..,... lteCNlb. • ..
• CAIYll-UPIEI Rll Ill 111111
Thia inMMcula .. 4 bedroom, 3 bath home is a ,_,
jew91. Inductee MM\ c.ilinga. Frendt doors. cmy
brick ftrepleces. all au"ounded by lush gardens-
large poof. spa ~ Koi pond. Perfect for outside
living and entertaining. Reduced price of $885,000
and owner willing to talk! Danny Bibb and Stephanie
FAa.UUllCUIFllllT R•Jlll
Above the rocks with unending views of ocean and
Catalina.. Five bedrooms, 3 baths with large living.
dining, family room and separate mater suite, pool
+ maid's room. located in Cameo Shores with
access to private beaches. Martha Mllcnab.
WUTCUFf/mftl UICATm 11-..
Comfortable 2 bedroom, 1 ¥· bath co-op behind
Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center. Easy walk to
shops, market, restaurants, doctors. 2nd floor
privacy, 2 car garage. Beautiful pool and spa area
with barbeque. Joan lewis.
-y AID IECUJlfD 114Ullll
See this nicely appointed lower unit Expensive
decor, extra book shetves at entry. This is a 1
bedroom and den or 2 bedrooms. Liz Beazley and
Linda Oeth.
TWO AFRmAILE c:.m ••a •.a
located in a woodsy setting near Orange Coast
College. One 2 bedroom, 2 bath, single levef upper
unit. Light. clean and private. $95,000. One 2 bed-
room, 2~ bath. two story unit with patio for $99,000.
Both have 2 car garages. Martha Macnab.
Six-2 bedroom. 1 bath pride of ownership units plus
office space. Excellent Newport Beach location.
Rents are low for area. Sandie Fix.
IB.CIUIT .......
This • bedroom. 3'h bath; customized Belcourt
manor plan 2 is truly a special home. Rich oak
paneling and parquet floors. Perfect family and
entertainment home. Features, grand formal living
and dining rooms. Paneled family room. Large back
garden with pool and spa. cau Danny Bibb/Steph-
anie Grody.
~PT. LOT 12 5GUll
Last available lot on Abalone Pt. in Irvine Cove.
Approximately 16,000 sq. ft. with ocean view in a
private community. Martha Macnab .
UJlll VIEW .U IGI 111
Just listed! Magnificent view of ocean and Catlllina.
Specbll • bedroomS. 2 baths with tormal dining
and lanl1 rooma. Bring your decorator e>q>etti9e
and et•• • MnUlional homef '438.000 inctudea a.net. M.mw M9cnab.
Fantutk Bu7 on Newpon peniaaap Two.._~ isa 2
bedroom. lower is • larae 2 bedroom. Steps to bead9 f Pricod for
quick sale -S239.900.
111 MaptOlia, Costa Mesa R-2 lot. Just reduced to
Sales • Rentals
(714) 642-3850
Open Sat 1-5
Watch 1un1et1 from 3 levels of finest Udo
view. 4 BR -4 BA. plarroom, gourmet
kitchen. Sandy beach, pter and ftoet.
111 aa, ... Place
Open Sat 1-5
Spectacular COM duplex, 2 Br.-2 ba. up, 2
BR.-2 be. down. 2 boat spaces. Mar be
leaaed et $2.000 month to month.
Reduced to $195,000
Newport back bay view from lleu Drive, 3
.ere ntate. Spacious lrlldltlonal 5 BA, pool,
horn stable. $1,100,000
Beautiful dutch colonW, 5 bedrooms, 5 bah,
lltnfy. finest PMOl'8lftlc north c:h8nnet ... Pier
Md Ills» for ..,._boat $2.S25,000.
1130 E. BALBOA
Channing, Older 8.eboa l•ct. houee, 5-
bedrm., 2'h bath, pier and fkNll--$715,000.
May be leased at $2.000 month to month.
Prime R-3 Panoramic 8aJ Y1ew lot, ctty-
con ... approved for four large condondn-
lurna. $1 ,200,000
Prime ground floor unit, epectou. 2 BR-2
BA, three SNtUoa, spa, pool, BBQ.,.., 2 cs
gar. s 155,000
A.R.M. With en initW l•eet ,_ of
tM~T ............ tit ..... Clfthl sa\.OOOmt r,..,.,...,,..._
'1 Piil""'*...,... be Sl,6'535. Alt
addldonel benefit tD thlile ~ '"*'Of~ ................ ~-...... ~ ...... ... wtuat~ot .. il1tllemorQ1 • beMdontNtW...,.. Ttwdml .. r·
twPeL TheOll ...... COfam in malt . with thie tWl9 d mot'C • is .. In
bon'Dw• 1' nNridl I&: Mould w 11) faf CSU.time, it,,., 90uptob nmiirnurft
• fiwt '*mortal • OI an "A.R.M.'7 "*'Ht,..._ Mr 14~-. M tNt ,_, ( .. A.R.M ........ tar • .......,.. ,... the monthly pmyments on this ume
motta • .") .,._,dKide in fawwof • moeta • would be $2,409:¥1. fi_,,_, ltlOuldtftly ll)faf a 30-_, T .. first one d the two cNlts wtMctt
OI fer 8 lS,_. ~If ltlY faMcJW, ~thedinltwntmonthly
hwtdecidedonanA.R.M .. which one ~ amounes. ..... on~
of the "*IY differetlt lW* is best flof it•nt ,... and Matization per·
them? iods. .
The anw to these QUeStiot• ct. The second chart iMust'*5 the dif.
pendon...,.,tactors:someoftt... ference t.t.1n the 30-~ M't11Dft·
fKtDr'S ~ be the ability of the iuticn and the 15-we-M10ftiution.
bona ... to QU9fify, the desire of the The most stunni111 difference, in this
bor10•• to P9Y ........ OWl9I' the
total ....... dthem«'& ... the~
to handle....,_ (or the desire for initief
rock bclaom) mDncNy P9)n'Mtnb.
In terms d Nfinancina, molt home-
ownet$" primMy COllC8n is: do the
comof re&wlCifw~thebelM!fit
of kM9r rncwltttl) ~ $ 200,000 tmTGAGB
(monthly pa,..eot•) FOi the home bu'8f'. the folwnost
COi~ is h amount of the moeltt"Y
mutts • .-rment. If u. ~.,. ~or older. ttwey rnmy want
tohwethe t.:urityof~which
remain ~CMrtheliteofthe loen.
Let's take a $200,000 '"°"Pie for
instance. At a fixed intetest rate of
10~'6. amortized over 30 years, the
montty mortpee that is amortJzed
over 15 yors. Thus, as they reach
their reti~ent ysrs. they can look
forward to a home whic h they own
'1ree and clear." On the other hand, if
the buyers are younc professionals.
with an income that will increase over
TERMS (rate of PAYMlll'IS
int. • lenath of loan) (monthly)
12~ & 30 yeara - - - -$2.134.52
1<>'1% & 30 years
10li% & 15 years
9la • 30 years
l~..% ,. 30 years
the years, they may wish to~ for an
Go Ahead
Put·All Your Eggs
In One Basket! ·
1. 829.50
2. 210.80
1, 645.35
2 , 409.37
Bring Ant~ques & move right in -Mom a DINI too! Cozy 2 room &
bath stud~o, great storage & 4 car parking. You will enjoy the
w?od, brack & beams surrounding your . rustic 3 bedroom,
merrored f~rmal dining room home, 2 baths & 3 patios. 45' by 118'
lot, trees & flowers. Vacant.
Open Wed, Sat & Sun afternoons.
3407 E. Co•lt Hw.J., Corone del .._
more tban 2.200 restaurants.
approximately one-half are
Corporate ~uarten have
Four contemporary condominiums With cedar and ahllke ext~ woodbJlfning fi,..._
with gas log lighters and cetamic tile hearths. Views of ctty lights and the Newport turning basin
counter the priv11cy and l8Ctusion of the private patios. Two or three bedroom models ranging
from $158.IOO to 1181.IOO. c..t 575-8870 to discuu one or more of these special condos.
Very special contemporary home with guest quarters. Main living area of three bedrooms two
full baths (one with ;.cuzzt type tub), large game room, 880 pit and three car garage with door
opener. Open airy kitchen with o-s appliancel and trash compllCtor. One bedroom guest area
with full size living room. firwptace Md private study or sitting .. L." All for only $279.900 -call
SpecUicular view lot zoned for mutttt.mily dwelling located near the pavillion on the Newport
Peninsula. Convenient,.., alley 9Ceell and J)Mling. surrounded by luxurious single famitv and
two family homes-This R-2 lot is offered at $330.000 with special financing, caJt for ado""'• '81
information 675-8870.
Custom Ivan Welts built home on fee land in the 8.ck Bay of Newport. Waited courtyard. parquet
flooring, Baldwin brass hardwar8 throughout. Mauive stone fireplace in the family room,
gourmet kitchen wtth island cook area and sky1ighted bfeakfast nook. Very special master suite
wtth two mdditionat bedrooms. private study and two and one half additional baths. Owner will
consider tr8def! Catt for details at 675-6670.
Ocean front nearly new duplex with 3 bedrooms. and 2 baths up and 2 bedrooms with 2 baths
downstairs. Both units have fireplaces and there's a big 4 car garage an.ched. Asking $289,000
with tow down to existing loan. Don't wait. Cllll 675-e870.
Huge 4 bedroom beauty with separate guest quarters custom built in 1983 with unique stained
ga.a windows. solid wood cabinetry. exceptional quality throughout. Very mottvated tellers.
c.11 for private presentation. 675-6670.
(714) 675-6670
A·n offic~ with "~nehant
/or tM history o/ tM ar~a .
Corona de/ Mar
• •
Go clown and ece for youndl; the reason ia to preview one ol
Coro. dd Mat"s rust summer homes. This California c.c>UaF ....
built in 1910 aDd recently reoovalCd by Pam Sardella, owner and
interior daip sprielisa
She bas capcvcd the eucocc ol Coroea deJ Mar. LiPt and aary,
the livina room O¥Crlooks tbe occu .o a view ol Newpon Harbor.
Catalina and the nu chansiftl somcu Take this opportwuty to
own this URplec-able property at anda mart.ct vaJue.
This IUJIUllCf home offen a respik from the quickcQiQa pece o1
the -... Tbe ultimate in locatioca ... Inc wllcft you play.
Balboa Island
.. A bit ol Newport 8eadl tmaory• -tM pi&:twc rdlcc1s the •• ••boa bind tiptboua. The llorics ol De~ remain. but
the 1trw:t\lft witla iu cln.matic tower was rcbuik in 1970. S-a
Gabriel. the owner, ia rcbuildiftl lhc liahtbOU1C. toOk advanla.F of
tlae ~limit pvina ewcry room in the bOutC a 5pectacular view of
all of Newport •Y·
E. Coast Hwy.
Corona del Mar
(714) 675-5511
C1l1 ••. ,...,
1 Bedroom
21 Channel # •
631-1400 $85,000
2 Bedrooms
Sat 1-5
1817W. Bay#
631-1400 $345,000 Sat 1-5
3 Bedrooms
178 E. Bay St., CM#
631-1-iOO $159,500
1•11 N. Bayfront, 3 + •
631-1..00 $850,000
1201 Berkshire#
631 -1-iOO $285,000
2834 Catalpa #
~ $275,000
Sat 1-5
Sun 1-5
Sat 1-5
Sat 1_..:30
WATERFRONT COMMERCIAL with pier for 60' boat. 3 separatE
bldgs, with 9 rental units-"Monterey Cannery" charm, generou!
parking. Ideal for owner/user near Newport's Cannery & Lide
Villages and fine restaurants. $2,400,000 631-1..00.
LINDA ISLE-Like new custom remodel. French windows, spa
custom tile & berber carpeting. 4 bedrooms. including hugt
master with sitting room. fireplace and 2 baths, plus family anc
formal dining rooms. pier and slip. $1.395,000631-14'00.
DOVER SHORES -a prestigious address. Two story home lltlE
new. with exciting decor. 4 bedrooms including master with
fireplace and sitting area, plus family and formal dining rooms.
60' of bay frontage with pier and slip. $1 , 195,000. 631-1400
NEWPORT SOPHISTICATE -70' Bay frontage with dock and
side tie ... A large one story. 4 bedroom home with den, dining
and family rooms built in "U" shape around spacious patio with
custom pool. $998.000 631-1400.
BALBOA ISLE BAYFRONT -3 bedroom home with early island
charm plus 3 bedroom rental on large corner with pier/slip on
Bay and dock on canal. Fireplaces in both units. Well priced at
$850.000 673-6900.
OCEANFRONT SAL TBOX -Fabulous 3 bedroom, stairs to 2nd
floor gallery off master and 2nd bedroom, overlooking huge
beamed celling living room with bark fireplace. Lovely brick
patio and sep. studio or guest over garage. $695,000 631 -14'00.
BAYFRONT CONDO with fabulous 2700 panoramic views of
entire harbor and city lights. This spacious 2 bedroom with new
white carpet and sauna is on the 8th floor of prestigious
building. complete with doorman. $570,000 631-1-iOO.
airy 2 bedrooms with spacious high ceilinged living room, walls
of glass to full length patio. perfect for entertaining. Unob-
structed 'Views of Newport Harbor from this 2nd floor unit, boat
shp available. $555,000 673-6900.
OCEANFRONT DUPLEX -at a super price in quiet area of
Newport. Well maintained 2 bedroom units with terrific views
and an excellent rental history. Lower unit has fireplace. Well
priced at 1ust $495.000 631-1400.
WATERFRONT ELEGANCE -The lavish use of mirrors, plus
high ceilings create a sophisticated ambiance. Separate master
suite with study and extra guest bedroom. Fabulous views plus
slip for 3ti' boat. JUST REDUCED to $385,000 631 -1 400.
bedroomR, 2 baths in wonderful "small town'' atmosphere.
Close to shops, restaurants, steps to ocean. Sensational views
of Bay and ocean. Real quality for $310,000. 873-e800.
315 Mllfotd, ClrMo 8horea #
873-6354 t415.000
111 ~PllM»·•
875-1181 $115.000
831-1-400 $1 .491.000
1514 Highland.
831-ii 14'00 131 a.ooo
22361 Wallingford. HB I
831-1400 $425,000
5 Bedrooms
Sat 1-5
Sat 1-6
Sat 1-6
Sat 1-5
Sat 1-6
Sat 1-5 I
8738494 $399,000 Wed&SatPM .
Vacant Lots
Lots 84-35-86 Top of Rocky Pt.
644-1-iOO $2.700,000 Sat & Sun 8-8
Key: * Pool or Spa •View #Family Room • Waterfront
a note from Maury
Secluded Ranch -Bargain!
Approximately 72 acre ranch In Cleveland National Forest, easily acc .. ible. Variety
of terrain, fenced for horses, etc. 3 bedroom main house. staffs quarters and support
building. Call for full details.
315 Miiford, C•meo Shores
Open Sat. 1-5
Warm comfortable home on the canyon. Family room, dining room and living room by
large deck area ... cozy kitchen ... 3 bedrooms ... fee land. Come see itl
401 North Star Lane
Open Sat 1-4:30
Large waterfront home, please come see the many outstanding features of this home
with lots of amenities, including boat docks. Fee land.
CdM South of Highway
Two bedroom home on large lot to ocean. Great for retired couple or owner with Ideas
of expanding for more view.
nw cumins ~ ~ on new .md t>~ritinj.t
laguru Me.ldows! It's Grand < )pt•nin~ hmt•. Corm• out
and enjoy our view. our rwwly ck'<.«>r.1tt'<f mock•I hornt".
and our cofttat•. cookit' .met '\vt't't '°"'·
H ~two ol ,cMJ ~ bttn thinking .1tx>0t ,, <. .m"frt't'
condominium in .1 cD.e-in loc.1tton. now 1, THE t1mt· to
check out L.1gun.t Mt•.1dow-.!
Ulgu1N ~..tows· lour diffettnt couplM>rieftt~
pU.ns live like inglt.--family homt": .ltt.1dwd g.u.1gt".
~helte~ entr~ ~ltlCiou~ hvinJ.t .md dining .m ... 1,. brt•.1k-
fa~ nook~. luxuriou~ m,1\tt•r 'uit~. 1>.i1t10-. •• met v1t•w
ck'Ck'-You'll find lot~ oi t>xcitin~ k'.lturt" hkt• ,ur (oncf1-
tt0nin~ ~ylight~ .md opteon-11 fin·pl.l<. t".
i.agulN ~.clows offHs • gre•t lifestyle. Our pool'
.1ncf tennis court~ will he .1t your di'fX>"-.ll. You 'll t•ntoy ·'
rural ~ing ~rrounded hy mllin~ hill,. But. you'll ht> in
.i convenient loc.ltion th.lt'' cl~· to your 10~. 'h<>f >fltn~.
entertainment .• uid tht'> ht>.Kh.
LlgutN ~~is sensibly priced, \t,lrtl~ ,\t fU-.f
S114,9(X)! Anet the int~ rate i!) wry low: .1 lim1tt.acf
amount of 9% Cl, JO.year financing '' .lV.11~1~. f Monthfy
payment~ on .i $114.900 home Jt <J~""4. 00.517 APR) .lrt'
$896.63 with 10% down.)
c..._ to our c.-aind Opflling! Take tht'> ~1nt.1 A~m
Diego Freeway to the lake Forest Drive otf·ramp en c~
in ~na Hilts. Then drNe oceanwMd one mi~ on L.1ke
~ and folloW our signs.
' It
In Lapm llDls
Two-and Thftc-Bcclroom
From 1114,900
Sala Ollltt ()pea Daily,
10 a.m. to S p.m.
22197 t;mlnlto laureles,
l .... RDls
(714) '81-'SSO
Prlces_.rt•wtsnaa1c1 ~
llO rt S aht I Ml -*.'e \.:I
You'll find aolar hot water. skylights. new kitchen.
new roof tiled baths, plantation shutter. and lu1h
garden in this 3 bedroom charmer.
One of the largest units in area. minutes from the
beach and Fashion Island. Fee land. Enjoy the good
life. call to see.
Where else can you live for this price with a lot of
house; 3 bedroom. 3 bath, community pool and
tennis. minutes to beach? Land included.
This home has 100 possibilities -office or maid's
room, extra large separate room could be workshop
or art studio. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, spa.
Wonderful curb appeal doesn't stop at the door of
this charming 4 bedroom. 2 bath home. Many
upgrades. greenbelt location. Hurry. call nowt
Immaculate and remodeled, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home 1s in move-in conditionf Custom kitchen in
cherry wood: a cook's delight. land included.
Sale. lease or lease/option. Spacious pool-sized lot.
light. airy 3 bedroom Nantucket. 24 hour guard
gate. Community pool. spa and tennis.
lovely to look at 4 bedroom. family room home with
custom landscaping on corner lot with ocean views.
Truly charming.
Expanded, highly customized 3 bedroom Nantucket
with ocean view. French doors. wood trims. added
family area & windows. skylight. large yard.
Enjoy sparkling city lights from your own private
spa. 3 bedroom, 2'h baths. family room, plus security
for your family in this guard-gate community.
816 CANYON 1316Jm
A gorgeous 2 bedroom. family room "Dover" with
great golf course view and many upgrades. Priced
to sell now!
Portofino 4 bedroom. 31h bath. One of the largest
and best lots in prime location with pool, spa.
skyl1tes. Tastefully decorated. Hurry on this one!
HAim VIEW 1111.1.1 II ..
Well maintained home on large lot on fine street. 3
bedroom, 2 bath, vaulted ceilings, covered patio, 3
car garage. Owner anxious.
.IAlllllE CIEEK 1311.GDD
Prof ... ional decorating, professional landscaping,
former model, spacious patio. One of Jasmine
Creek's finest at • realistic price.
COROU Hl8llWIDI 1441.D
Newer custom home with 18()0 ocean/bay view.
Room for pool. 3 bedrooms + family room or 4
bedrooms, 311.t baths, 2 fireplaces, master bedroom
retreat could be office or den.
No ad can describe the quality and care lavished on
this 2 bedroom, den, view home. totally remodeled
using best equipment and finest materials.
Pacific Ocean view from this spacious 3 bedroom
home located on luah stradal Easy outdoor living
with access to beach. You own the 1*1\d.
l"ILAll --Best location In Spygtaaa and the most magnificent
8 bedroom + office hOme the ar .. hu to offer.
Lovefy pool, spa and gorgeous custom decor.
Well-maintained townhouse on cul-de-sac. Quiet
location on greenbelt close to pools, shops, golf
course and tennis court1.
2 bedrooms+ d~. Owner paid $225,000 new, then
spent $60,000 on ext,nslve upgrades. Gorgeous.
Immaculate & ready to sem
Tucked away for privacy yet a dramatic coastline
and night-light viewf 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, large
kitchen. lots of brick, custom wet bar and spa.
A must seet Beautiful costom wood and glua, 3
bedroom. 2'h bath, ocean view house in the hills of
Laguna Beach. Skylights and stained glass.
Joann Akerman Lyleen Ewing
Ginny Anderson Sue Exley
Bill Bents Maggie Guth
Marcia Bents Shirley Harris
Debi Bibb Rita Kurtz
Eleanor Bowie Guy Livingston
John Campbell Sara Marvin
Evan Corkett Marcia Matthews
Joan Donahue Lois Mcloon
C.rolyn Eadie Carole McMahan
James T. Muller
Vice President. Branch s. ... MaMger
llAl•lllllE ....
Hilltop location for best views of Pacific Ocean,
Newport Harbor & Palos VerdM Peninsula. Warmly
decorated 3 bedrooms. 3 baths with low maintenance
•CMY81 ··-Prntigioua gated area. Pool + apa, A/C, paneaed
game room includes wet bar. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths.
great location. view.
.. CAIYOI 1771.D
Customized, expanded Broedmoor with 5 bedrooms,
S baths. goum)et kitchen, new muter auite with
connecting study. Lovely view, private site.
PElmULA IAYF-.T ....
Brick patio with built-In 880 lends itletf to an
entertainment flow betw•n your yacht and custom
home. Oak cabinetry, locatlonf
ICUIFmT ....
Everything 11 right about thla welt-maintained home
on the ocean front. 3 bedroom•. 3'h baths. large
family room, updated kitchen. views forever.
Some of the most bMutfful hom.e of !Mprnent are
often renewed visions of the put. Thi• ta auch a
home that has been exSMtnded and detailed to
exacting standards.
lllCAIYOI ..,.
Spacious family residence on cul-de-sac and prtvate _
greenbelt. Two story 5 bedroom. formal dining
room, family room. Mutet with fireplace.
llM.al ..... a-..
This magnificent estate features baronial apace and ·
estate-like grounds. The view of the Pacific and
Newport Beach by day or night Is an infinity of
Judy Mertz Cynthia Aumsfeld
Barbara Miles Frank Sennes
l ydia Murphy Jennifer Shaw
Edie Olson Laraine Shaw
Kay Parker Hillary Thamer
Marian Phillippi Dottie Valentine
Bert Reedy Sherry Wallace
Marian Reedy Lisa White
Judy Robbjns Bob Yorke
Lucy Rose
' . .
., .
. I
Chuck Battaglia-Good Time Rock 'N' Roll .................. 3
The Orange County following for piano-pounding Chuck Battaglia
continues to grow during his extended run at the Huntington
Beach Inn and elsewhere. Battaglia tells writer Bill Harvey how
he fell in love with a music that's older than he is.
Filling Some Bi1 Shoes ............................................ 4
Clynell Jackson, starring as The King in the Curtain Call Dinner
Theatre production of "The King and I," tells Marcus Dietz what
it's like to perform in the role that made Yul Brynner legendary.
Calendar of Events. ................................................. 6
For a quick look at what's happening in Orange County this month
m the way of art. music, dance and theater. check out our easy-
to-use events guide.
Into the 'Bear' Vacuum ............................................ 8
Rock fans can't be happy about the recent demise of the colorful
Golden Bear Night Club in Huntington Beach, but there 1s a bright
si de. says writer Bret Colson, in the re-emergence of night spots
like the Coach House in San Juan Capist rano.
Dance Fun and Dinner, Too ...................................... 9
Nightlife correspondent Judy Dutty checks out one of Huntington
Bea c h's l1vel1est dance scenes at the Crazy Burro and gets an
unexpected surprise-great food, too.
A Little Something from Down Under ........................ 10
Twain 's Down Under has one of the best Happy Hours in the
county for the hungry, thirsty and weary at the end of a long
day The action 1n the ad1acent Au ssie Rage Room . though, 1s
quite a bit hotter. Judy Duffy explains why
Brunch-Italian Style ............................................. 12
G1org1o's Ristorante consistently serves some of the best lasagna
and other popular Italian entrees around -and it doesn't stop
doing that when it lays out a delicious weekend brunch spread,
according to Marcus Dietz.
< I .... 0 (,IQRC,10 S RI~ TORAN f[
171') 998·~0
Not Just for Tourists Anymore •........•................••••... 13
For fine food and an enjoyable evening of entertainment. Bret
Colson says the Huntington Beach Inn has plenty to offer. If you
haven't been there recently, the changes will impress
Arrivin1 at Disneyland-Captain Eo............ •• . . . •••••. •. • 14
The Magic Kingdom unveils a new 3-0 spectacular starring sinaer
Michael Jackson this month. There's plenty of other big names
associated with this latest Disney project.
Like Vi1itin1 an Old Friend ....................................•. 15
Restaurant reviewer Judy Duffy finds the combination of good
1azz. food and drink at the Studio Cafe (near the pier on the Balboa
Peninsula) makes this place special.
Dining and Nightlife Guide ..................................... 16
The ultimate listing of restaurants and night spots in the county,
including updated club ac~c; fo~ th is month, g1v1ng Entertamer
readers Just about everything they need to find the right restaurant
or tyre of entertainment
On the Cover
Chu ck Battaglia shows off his talented toes. as photographed
by Orange County Entertainer Photo Editor Steven Georges. at
the Huntington Beach Inn, where Battaglia and his band perform
every week Assistance was provided by the folks at the Huntington
Beach Inn
The On.nge County EnlertaJner ••a moothty newspaper
publtshed by BakeJ Communtcabons Wlth a tocus dtning.
n1ghtltle music. theateJ. dance and an throuohout Orange
Seth Baker
Jack Shinar
John Trausch
Assistant Editor
Marcus Dietz
Advertismg D1rector
Stenn Georps
ContnbutM>nS to the 0....,. County Enterteinet ate
wetcome All mater..i ~ be eddr_, to Editor. The
Orange County Efltertajner. 883 Production Pt8ce. P11apor1
Beech. CA 92M3. (714)831-7075. Oertraefor .. c•1nder
lwsbngs is the firwt f~ of the moneti for puMc~ In the
next month'• iaue. The ~-acc:epta no ,...,.,. ...
Slbthty fc. unsonc.ted maileriel wtthout a ~..-d
stamped enYe6ope
Orange County Entertainer April 1986
~~&terta~ment ~~~~~~
Chuck Battaglia wakes dead in HB
Chuck Battaglia and his "Rock 'n Roll Show"
add new meaning to the term "Br ing down
the house." If you happen to be at one of
Chuck's shows and notice someone who 1s
1ust sitting there. not moving in rhythm to
the music. call the paramedics. That person
1s probably dead.
Battagha plays the piano like he invented
1t, and can get very imaginative when he
performs For instance. he can play it with
his feet. which 1s no small feat, he plays
1t while lying on hrs back. and he's even
been known to "surf" it. producing a wild,
1angled sound that the crowd loves.
In short. this guy knows how to get down.
Battaglia and his group. bass guitarist and
back up vocalist George Martinovitch ,
drummer Joey Commrssio and guitarist "Fast
Freddy" Rap1llo, specialize in '50s and '60s
type rock and roll. and they do 1t on a non·
stop basis
Says Battaglia. "Our music is special
bec ause of the authent1c1ty of ou r sound
Freddy used to play with Spiro Gira and George
and Joey played backup for the Platters.
the Coasters and the Drifters The four of
us got together about 7 years ago. when we
were the opening act for the Platters After
we finished our part. George and Joey would
play backup for them
"The whole thing wa s a matter of luck.
the four of us being m the same place at
the same time." he c;ays . "And we 've been
lucky ever since ..
Battaglia, the lead singer and pianist. comes
from a very trad1t1onal background "My father
wa s a milkman and my mother was a house
wife I have one brother and two sisters, and
they were all very supportive of me when
I first started making music "
He started making music at a very early
age "There wa s a TV show in Cleveland.
sort of like an early 'Star Search' that was
on every week The first half hour was a talent
show. and the second wa s a big production
number I went and tried out. and they liked
me so much that I wa s asked to be on every
"I had to do everything from 'Davy Crockett'
to 'Here Comes Peter Cottontail,' but rt wa s
really good experience. I did that show from
age 7 to about age 13. when the whole family
moved to Whittier,'' he recalls
"That was a real shock The show rn
Cleveland was rated number one. and I had
actually become pretty famous in Cleveland.
but nobody tn California had ever heard of
me:· Battaglia says
Between the ages of 13 and 1 7. Battaglia
was considered far too young to play clubs.
so he produc ed hi s own shows. modeled
after the show he had been on in Cleveland
''I'd hold a contest for local talent for the
first half-hour. and do my own show for the
last hour "
He also wrote about 350 songs.
While t1v1ng in Whittier. Battaglia met
"Bumps·· Blac kwell. who was the manager
for Little Richard and Sam Cook. as well as
a song writer of some fame.
"At about age 17 I developed and performed
a ·salute to Elvis.' and Bumps helped me
to get started as a club act," he said.
His early training 1s evident in the show
April 1986
CHUCK B•tt.911• bring• hi• brand of h'9h-e,,.gy rock to Or•noe County.
he does today. Battaglia can sound remarkably
like Presley.
"I used to play the guitar and do my Presley
salute. but finally decided to start developing
my own style."
At about this t ime. h~ met Little Ric hard I
and that meeting helped him to decide
"Presley was my hero, and still is. !:>ut I learned
that there is a lot more to rock and roll than
iust Presley. Besides. 1t wa s really hard to
grow the sideburns at age 17 ..
A sked 1f had ever considered any other
li ne of work. Battaglia says, "No. never When
I wa s about 16. I worked as a box boy for
a supermarket. but I still worked at my music
I wa s too young to work clubs. so I produced
my own showcases in auditoriums ..
Battaglia was born in 1960. even though
he specializes 1n sounds from the '50s "The
main thing 1s the fun of the music It's the
Jerry Lee lewis. and the banging on the keys.
and the good time we have while keeping
the people in the audience having fun that
makes the whole thing work ."
As to the prospects for '50s rock. he says,
"I think that there's a real future for the
music because it's good music . It's so simple
and fun and 1t has a message. As long as
we can keep 1t that way, it'll always be here
No matter what anybody brings out. it'll iust
be roc k and roll done a little bit differently.
and '50s rock will always be the foundation "
Battaglia likes music with a message
Is there a message in Punk Rock '
"I never really got into 1t that deeply to
find 1f there 1s or not. I've been told that
there are messages 1n that sort of music,
but I was never one to look into rt and see
Everyone talks about a 'hidden message,'
but that's nothing new. Earlier. the Beatles
had messages rn their music and I'm sure
that Elvis tried to kic k out a messa ge or two."
When asked what 1s 1n store for him. Battaglia
said, "Years ago, I wanted to be a star: 1f
that comes. that'll be fine. looking at it more
Orange County Entertainer
realistically, I take 1t day·to·day. and as long
as I'm successful 1ust doing my show I'm
pretty sat1sf 1ed "
"I'm to the point where I c an play a lot
of the c lubs that I want to play in Orange
County. and I like that
"As far as traveling. I'd like that. but there
would have to be something in there that
would make my career really take a Jump
I wouldn't want to do what I'm doing 1n Orange
Co unty all over the world on a day t o day
basis I'm not a traveler ... he says
''I'd really like to get into record ing but
as far as a final goa l. I don't have one There's
so much happening right now that I don t
want to put any l1m1ts out there
· I'd like t o go to Las Vegas but not as
a lounge act Lounges are a trap I k now
people who have worked lounges for years
and the problem 1s that when 1t comes time
for the introduction of new talent. these people
are passed over because they're not con
s1d ered to be new ..
Battaglia and his Rock 'n Roll Show have
played many clubs in Orange County. including
the Grand Hotel in Anaheim Currently. the
band appears at Crackers rn Anaheim on
Monday nights at 8 :30 p m . and at the
Huntington Beach Inn (Bog1es) on Wednesday
through Saturday from 9 p n . until 1 30 a m
The c rowd at Bog1es. where we saw Battaglia.
was mixed. some who had obviously been
around when rock was in it s prime. and some
who might well be the children of those origina l
Some of the patrons. who had obviously
seen the Rock ·n Roll Show before . were
dressed in the styles of the '50s and '60s.
and would have been right at home on some
of the earlier Americ an Bandstand broadcasts
Regardless of age or dress. there was a
good time to be had. and everybody was
having one.
Better hurry, though, 1f you want to 1oin
the fun This show rs relatively undiscovered
but 1t won't be for long.
Jackson as King: 'It's my role now '
KAREN Forest stars H the teacher and Clynefl Jack.on
is The Kina in the Curtain Call Dinner Theatre production
of "Tt,e Kins and I "
When Clynell Jackson was a child, there
were two movies that he made a point of
seeing, whenever possible. One was the all-
time classic, "The Wizard of Oz."
The other, though, was more of an adult
movie: "The King and I," starring Yul Brynner,
which was released in 1954-the same year
which Jackson was born.
"It ("The King and I") was one of those
movies that I wanted to see, over and over,"
Jackson said. "I remember being impressed
by the king, and how dignified he was. I wanted
to be just like him."
In a real sense, Jackson's wish has come
true, and will continue to do so through May
25. He's cast as the king in the Curtain Call
Dinner Theater's current production of "The
King and I." It is truly a role whi ch befits
For starters, Ja ckson looks like the king:
his head is shaven, his eyebrows are h1gh-
arched. He carries a forceful stage prescence.
too, when he folds his arms across hi s c hest .
or claps his hands to signal a servant
Since Brynner not only starred in the movie.
but also played the role some 2.000 occasions
on stage, he has set the standard for which
others must follow. He has developed. fine
tuned and patented this role as none other
1n dramatic history.
Jac kson and co·star Karen Fo rest . who
plays imported English schoolteacher An na
lake the freshest of ~ts, add
a talented and accomplished master
chef, encourage him to finesse the new
California cuisine., and surround his
efforts with fine china and finally,
gleaming crystal.
That's why more people are discover-
ing the magic of ~ll 's.
Make it your choke. For lunch or
AND ff~
17900 Jamboree Blvd., Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 863-3111
Orange County Entertainer
Leonowens, sparkle in a very well-done
production of "The King and I."
Granted, the show is more powerful with
a larger cast, the king's harem should consist
of more than five wives. and the classroom
is better with more than a handful of students.
But remember, this magnificent play is
being staged at a small dinner theater, a
feat on the scale of playing the World Series
on a little league field. The Curtain Call does
a great job of tackling this ambitious project
and should be commended for staging it.
Forest displays a sweet. pleasant voice
in her first engagement at the Curtain Call
since "The Music Man" three years ago. She
does an excellent rendition of the popular
song, "Getting to Know You ," and she opens
the show with the wh1ms1 cal. "Whistle a Happy
In add1t1on. she teams with the king to
deliver one of the best dance routines you'll
see on any stage in "Shall We Dance?" The
pair swings bac k and forth. to and fro, across
the st age with enthusiasm and vigor, and
closes the show wi th the sa me routine. to
the audience's delight
Of course. any performance of "The King
and I" 1s bound to be decent. because the
material is so sol id There's plenty of good.
cheerful music. some great humor, and some
introspective moments. where both the king
and Anna discover a bit about themselves
For instance. the king must learn to deal
with his own ego. as Anna proves that she
is not the stereotypical woman who would
fit into his harem Anna learns about the
d1ff1cult1es of bringing We stern culture to
the East .
The king also must learn what he doesn't
know. as he sings in "Puzzlement "
"I don't know what I know." he states. after
not being able to answer his son's question
on whether the earth ndes around the sun
on a turtle's bac k. or is merely a ball with
a stick in it.
Jackson delivers his lines in a deep. au ·
thontative voice He has the ability to convey
the feelings of confusion and frustration that
are such an integral part 1n the role of the
"This was a role I really liked once I got
past the first aud1t1on." Jackson said. ''I fell
in love with 1t, and thought. 'Yeah. this feels
right.' Naturally, you always get compared
(to Brynner). but if I'm lucky enough to do
the role as many times as he did it. I will
be very fortunate."
Unfortunately for him, Jackson never was
able to see Brynner perform the role on stage.
1n the middle of his first audition for the
part when the show was last in Southern
California, he at first deliberately stayed away
~o Brynner's performance would not unduly
influence his own.
Then, at the last minute, he changed his
mind. only to find that there weren't any
tickets left.
"T hat was disappointing," he said with
a chuckle. "Yul has dominated the role for
so long, in the past there hasn't been anyone
else .. But now it is my turn. Maybe I will be
the king for future generations."
"The. King and I," now playing at the Curtain
Call Dinner Theater, 690 El Camino Real,
Tustin, runs through May 25. Shows on
Tuesday through Sunday. Tickets start at
$15.95. Call 838·1540.
April 1986
April 1986
WALLY GEORGE is taking the talk show circuit
by storm and has everyone talking. You can enjoy
all the drama and excitement of this nationally
syndicated personality.
-·BES ~f ,,f Hcl ·r Sl~.\·r·" ''rrknights at 5:()()pn1
• ~ H () 'f 1.J I ~ l~ -" L 1 \ ~· '"-' , 1 l l -1 11 ,,. e e k n i g h ts a t 5 : 3 0 p 111
Orange County Entertainer 5
.. Denni• louiM Scholz -
OH Monotype1" wi II be
the featured display at
Sandstone Gallery. 384-
A N. Coast Highway, Lag-
una Beach. through April
7 Viewing hours are 11
a m. to 4 p.m .. Tuesday
through Sunday. Call 497-
6775 for details.
.. Florence Arnotd•1 Fe1-
tiv•I of the Art1," a cele-
bration of the arts as seen
thro ugh the eyes of a
c hild, will run through
April 4 at the Muckenthal-
er Cultural Center. 1201
W Ma lvern Ave .. Fuller-
ton Show hours are 10
a.m to 4 p.m Tuesday
to Saturday and noon to
5 p m . on Sunday. Call
738-6595 for details.
American Puppets and
Marionettes Exhibition
will be on display at the
Brea C1 v1c Cult ural Cen-
ter. No 1 C1v1c Center
Circle. Brea. through April
4 Admission 1s free
Hours are Wednesday to
Sturday noon to 5 p m
except Thursday , when
1t 1s open noon to 8 p.m
For details call 990· 7730.
Ellhlbits •t Lquna Beach
Museum of Art Mountain
landscapes of Southern
California 1900-1985,
through April 27. The Mu-
seum is located at 307
Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach.
Call 494-6531 for hours
and further info.
lmocen Cunnlnch•m and
Dick Arentz will be fea-
tured in a display at the
Susan Spiritus Gallery,
522 Old Newport Blvd.,
Newport Beach. The dis-
play will run through April
12. For hours and details
call 63 l ·6405.
''Two L.A. Printmakers,"
works by Efram Wolff and
Laura Stic kney, will be
on display through April
7 at Laguna College of Art.
Ettinger Gallery, 2222 Lag·
una Canyon Road, Laguna
Beach. Call 497-5014 for
"The Art of Performance"
will be on display through
April 30 at Chapman Col-
lege 's G uggenhei m
Gallery , 333 N. Glassel!
Ave .. Orange. Hours are
1 to 5 p.m. Mon. through
Fri Call 997-6812.
Watch for the opening
of the
new Lakewood HOP
in April
Featuring our Famous SO's 01nerl
lJAn< 1nql Llvt' Showsl Zany DJ"s & (Ofm nl
~ nceiy-10.n t~ partyl
LI VE ! 50's-60's Dance Band
By Popular Demand
See Our New
Every Monday-8 p.m .
The ~st shOw 1n rown l
f ~arunng JASON CHASE
Ev~ry T~sday-8 pm
18774 &<>e*hurst Fountain Vall~y
(fomimy ~ley'SI 71 4/963-2366
..Mount•ln Landac•pe1: Smithwa, Stamos. Ward ,
1900-191&:• an exhibi-Webber and Wahlberg. At
tion depicting landscapes the Commend Ground
from Yosemite to the Mex· Gallery April 1 to 30, 509
ican border, will be on N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton.
exhibit through April 27 Hours are 10 a. m. t o 5
at Saddteback College, p. m. Tuesday through Sat·
28000 Marguerite Park-urday, and 7 p.m. to 11
way, Mission Viejo. Hours p.m. April 25.
are 10 a.m. to 2 p .m.
Monday through Thurs-..Dlversltle1 In Gla11,"
day and Saturday. For Designs Recycled Gallery,
information call 582-619 N. Harbor Blvd., Ful-
4756. lerton, April 12 to May
Amerlc•n Indian 1culp·
16, Monday to Saturday,
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ture works by Clifford Fra-
gua, on display at Galeria April Events •t the New· Capistrano, Apri l 19
through May 18, 10 a.m. port H•rbor An MUMUm:
to 5 p.m. daily. Gallery Second segment of the
is at 31681 Cam ino Ca-indepth "Post-War Art,"
pistrano. San Juan Capis-through April 20, featur-
tr a no. ing museum holdings in
photographs. paintings,
sketches and silkscreens. Work• bJ Orf•ndo A.B .• Also through April 20, H. Wysocki and other in-"Cal i fornia Art Si nce ternational artists, Gal -1945." Museum is at 850 leries Tou c he. ltd ., San Clemente Dr .• adja-through April 15. Gallery cent to Newport Center is at 499 N. Coast High-Fashion Island, in New-way, Laguna Beach. port Beach. Gallery hours Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 are Tuesday to Sunday, p.m. Monday to Saturday. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
New works in painting, W9tercolon bJ Ellen Ro-
photographs. jewelry, ce-berts will be on display
ramies and sculpture by through April 30 at Quo-
12 artists-Bennett, Chap-rum Gallery, 374 N. Coast
man. Grant. Marcus. Me-Highway, Laguna Beach.
nasco, Reynolds, Sears. Also featured are acrylics
The Arts at OCC
Peter Rejto, Cellist
April 4 ($5 Advance, $6 Door)
Clayton Haslop & Jack Sanders,
Violin and Guitar
April 12 ($5 Advance, $6 Door)
Americans in Paris
April 13 ($4 Advance. $5 Door)
Student Dance Concert
April 18, 19 ($5 Advance, $6 Door)
April 25 ($4 da Advance, $5 Door)
($1 5, $10, $8)
Call 432-5527
by Muriele Burch. Hours
are 10 a.m . to 4 p .m .
Closed Mondays. For in-
formation call 494-4422.
"Retro1pectlve: Hend-
wrou1ht Aluminum •
1920·1950" will be on
exhibit through April 5
at the Old Barn Antiques
Mall. 31792 Camino Ca -
pistrano, San Juan Capis-
"The Rauretiv• Influence
In Sculpture .. will be on
display April 25 through
June 28 at Muckenthaler
Cultural Center, 120 l
Malvern Ave., Fullerton.
For more information call
738-6575 or 738·6799
.. The Tradftlonalists," an
annual juried exhib1t1on
featuring 150 works by
California artists will be
on display Apr i l 26
through May 23 at Brea
Civic Cultural Center, No.
1 Civic Center Circ le,
Brea. Admission is free.
Gallery hours are Wed -
nesday to Saturday, noon
to 5 p.m. and Thursday,
noon to 8 p.m. For details
call 990-7730.
Cat Glal1 Sculpture wi II
be on display at Cal State
Fullerton's Art Gallery
April 12 through May 11
For more information call
.. Dlurmln1 lmaaes: Art
for Nucl••r Dt1erm•·
ment•• will be on view at
UCl's Fine Arts Gallery
through April 5. Gallery
hours are noon to 5 p.m.,
Tuesday through Satur -
day. For more information
call 856-6610.
Worb bJ Jacquet Henri
Lartipe and Marilyn Lit-
tman will be on view at
the Susa n Sp i r i tu s
Gallery, 522 Old Newport
Blvd., Newport Beach,
April 17 through May 24.
For hours and other i n-
formation call 631·6405.
Palntinp bJ Carofyn Car-
denel will be on view at
Laguna College of Art.
Vettinger Gallery, 2222
Laguna Canyon Road. lag·
una Beac h. The exhibit
will run April 13 through
May 15. For more infor-
mation call 497 -3309.
"Actre11e1/ Audience,"
a 101nt exhibition of recent
work by Karl Gernot
Kuehn and Holly Wright,
wi ll d is play April 5
through May 10 at BC
Space Gallery, 235 Forest
Ave .. Laguna Beac h .
Gallery hours are 11:30
a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tues·
day through Saturday. For
more i nformation call
Orange County Entertainer
WetercolcM11tS Iris Adam
and Jane London will dis-
play works at Art-A-Fair
Gallery, 644 S. Coast High-
way, Laauna Beac h ,
through April 15. Hours
are 11 a.m . to 5 p.m ..
Wednesday through Sun-
day. Call 494-4514 for
D•nce Events •t UCI:
Maria Benitez Spanish
Dance Company April 6;
Repertory Dance West
Apri l 26; UCI Faculty
Dance Concert April 30
to May 3. For tickets and
further information call
Aprtl Ewenta .. the Oranp
en's Expo '86 April 8 to
10; Enalish Sprinaer Spa·
niel Dog Show April 12;
OC Equestri an Center
Spring Show April 12-13:
Barter Fair April 13; Inter·
Shows Motorcycle Swap·
meet April 18; Chow Fan-
ciers Assoc iation Chow
Doi Show April 19; West
Coast Promotions Gun
Show April 19-20; Golden
State Chow Club Dog
Show April 20; Electro-
Tech April 23. The fair·
grounds are located at 88
Fair Dr., Costa Mesa. For
more information call
San Juan Capistr•no Her· "-a.II will take place
April 5 at 6 p.m. The ball
commemorates 25 years
of incorporation and will
feature resKtents, political
dignitaries and celebrities
in an evenina of dinner.
music and danci ng .
Tickets are $50 per per·
son and available by cal·
lina 240-7828.
11th Annual An•helm ao.t Show will run April
9 to 13 at the Anaheim
Convention Center, 800
W. Katella, Anaheim.
Tic kets are $4.50 f o r
adults and $2 for children
aaes 6 to 15. For more
informati on call 999·
Callfornl• An1el1 April
Home ca.,...: San Diego
April 1; Los Anaetes April
6; Seattle April 14 to 16:
Minnesota April 1 7 to 20:
Oakland April 21 to 23
Tickets are •vailable at
..._T .. toPqt7
April 1986
Continued from Pase 6
the box office, located at
2000 S. State College
Blvd., Anaheim, or by call·
ing 634·1300.
The Irvine Marriott will
present pianist Michael
Jordan from noon to 2
p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m. Mon·
day through Friday
through the end of March.
The hotel is located at
18000 Von Karman Ave .•
Irvine. For further infor·
mation call 553·0100.
Talent •nd w•ri9tJ 1howl
at the Via Maria, 9969
Walker St.. Cypress. Tues·
day and Wednesdays fea-
ture "Charlie" a soft music
duo. and "Forward Mo·
t1on ." paying triutes to
Elvis. Neil Diamond. and
others. "Lip Sync" contest
on Saturday nights Thurs·
days feature "The Gong
Show." open to any act
including musici ans,
Jugglers. comedians and
singers. for further info
call 821 ·9300.
The LM f errefl Show, a
fast·moving "oldies" pro·
gram featuring the pop·
ular p1an1st. saxophonist
and comedian is at Club
17. 1670 NPwport Blvd.
(at 17th St.). Costa Mesa.
Ferrell, who used to play
with The Righteous Bros ..
teams with Hal Ratliff and
Laura Vida to put on a
great show Call 645·
lteMI• Holm. acclaimed
Viennese opera and oper-
etta star, performs for the
Pacific Symphony's sev-
enth annual Viennese
April 1986
Ball, April 26, Marriott
Hotel in Newport Beach.
Call 973· 1322 for reser·
Concerti at the Crazr·
horse: Bobby Bare April
7-8; Kris Kristofferson
Apri I 14-15; Lacy J. Dalton
April 21 . The Crazyhorse
is located at 1580 Brook-
hollow Or .• Santa Ana. For
reservations, call 549·
Musk* Events at Or•np
Coast Coffep: Peter Reito.
cellist April 4; Clayton
Haslop and Jack Sanders,
violin and guitar April 12;
South Coast Symphony
April 26. The college is
located at 2701 Fairview
Road , Costa Mesa. For
tickets call 432·5527.
Mu1ic•I Events •t UCI:
American Music Perfor-
mance Ensemble April 5;
High School Choir Festival
April 11; New Jazz and
Contemporary Classics
April 12; UCI Guitar En·
semble April 13; Stuart
Fox. lutenist·guitarist
April 23; Irvine Baroque
Players April 24; Vocal
Master Class April 29. For
tickets and further infor·
mation call 856·6922
Phillip Jones Br••• En-
Mmble. a well·known Brit-
ish recording group, w1fl
perform an eclectic re·
pertoire of original works
and serious transcriptions
at Laguna Beach High
School Auditorium, 625
Park Avenue. Laguna
Beach. The show is set
for April 7 at 8: 15 p.m .
For tickets call 494-2822.
The Ma1ter Chor•I• of
Or•n1• Countr will per·
form Baroque Lutheran
Service on April 20 at 6
p.m. in the Crystal Cathed-
ral. 12141 Lewis St ..
Garden Grove. For more
information call 669-
The hdtlc Srmphon' will
present •·American Music
and Apple Pie." a cete·
bration featuring au-
dience favorites and
apple pie at intermission.
Keith Clark conducts the
8 p.m. concert to be held
April 5 at Santa Ana High
School Auditorium, Santa
Ana. Tickets are $8.50
to $16.50. For more in-
formation call 973-1300.
Irvine Srmphonr Orc"--
tra presents works by Bee-
thoven and others on April
19 at 8 p.m. in the South
Coast Community Church
Auditorium , Irvine.
Tickets are $10 to $12.
For more information call
261 -0231.
Music .. Eventt at C...s>
m•n Colt .. •: Chapman
Symphony Orchestra
April 6; 20th Century
Music Concert April 17;
Orange County Youth Sym-
phony Orchestra April 20;
Chapman College
Chamber Orchestra April
27. The college is located
at 333 N . Glassel! St.,
Orange. For tickets and
information call 997-
Mu1ic•t £went1 at the
Fonam ThNtre, 41 75 fair·
mont Blvd .. Yorba Linda:
The Harlem Blues and
Jazz Band April 4 ; The
Forum Pops Orchestra
with Gisele McKenzie
April 12; the Sweet Ade·
lines April 19; Chanticleer
April 26. T ickets for
events range from $6 to
$8. 50. All shows start at
8 p.m. Call 779-8591 for
more information.
Simple Minds will perform
April 22 at the Pacific
Amphitheatre. Costa
Mesa. Show begins at
7:30 p.m. For tickets and
information call (213)·
.. The line Mid I" at Eli-
zabeth Howard's Curtain
Call Dinner Theatre, 690
El Camino Real , Tustin.
Prices start at $15.95.
Doors open 6 :30 p.m .
Tuesday throu1h Thurs-
day, 7 p.m. Friday and
Saturday and 11:30 a.m.
and 5:30 p.m. on Sunday.
for reservations call 838-
April Ewen11 •t South
C0111t .......... ,. "Buried
Child," written by Sam
Shepard and sta1ed by
Sam Weisman. April 8
through May 11 , Main-
stage, Tuesday to Friday,
8 p.m .• Saturday 2:30 and
8 p.m., Sunday 2:30 and
7:30 p.m. Tickets $16 to
$21. Through April 6 on
Second Stage, "Unsuit·
able for Adults," Tuesday
through Friday, 8:30 p.m.,
Saturday 3 and 8:30 p.m.,
Sunday 3 and 8 p .m .
Tickets $16 to $21. Se-
cond stage from April 25
to May 18. "Virginia,"
Tuesday through Friday,
8:30 p.m ., Saturday 3 and
8:30 p.m .. Sunday 3 and
8 p.m . Tickets are $16
to$21. SCR isat655 Town
Center Dr., Costa Mesa.
.. As You Uke It." La Mir·
ada Civic Theatre. April
2 , 8 p.m .. featuring The
Acting Company. The Sha·
kespeare comedy is spon-
sored by Cerritos College
Community Services.
Tickets are $9.50 for stu-
dents, $11.50 and $12.50
for adults. Theater 1s at
14900 la Mirada Blvd.
.. Chekhov In Y•lta .. will
be performed April 23 to
26 at 8 p.m. in UCl's Fine
Arts Studio Theatre.
Tickets are $4 to $6. For
tickets and information
call 856-6616.
'°The LMt LMI." directed
by Robert Liebovich will
be performed April 4·5,
11 to 13, 18 to 20, and
25-26, at Garden Grove
Community Theatre in
Garden Grove. For tickets
and information call 897-
Orange County Entertainer
.. ~. •• Lerner and
Loewe's lyrical master-
piece of musical theatre,
wilt be performed April
5 in Plummer Auditorium,
201 E. Chapman Ave ..
Fullerton. Tickets are
$12.50 to $17.50. eurt.in
is 8 p.m. For tickets call
n3-3371 "'n3-3347.
UoJM Time ol Yow Liie."
a comedy by William Sa -
royan, will be performed
April 11-12, and 17 to 20
in Saddleback Colle1e's
McKinney Theatre. 28000
Marguerite Part<way, Mis-
sion Viejo. Tickets are $5
and $6. For more infor-
mation call 831 -4656.
•rn. Uninwtted ... a ghost-
ly tale with spellbinding
special effects will play
April 23 through May 4
at Tustin City Hall, 300
Centennial Way, Tustin.
Tickets are $6 to $10.50
and can be purchased at
the Tustin City Hall or by
caning 544-8890.
.. Alone T«>sether;• held
over by popular demand
through April 14 at the
Harlequin Dinner Play·
house. 3505 S. Harbor
Blvd .• Santa Ana. For
tickets and reservations
call 979-5511 .
ua..t fl/I the a-." Fred
Carmichaels side·
splittma comedy, will pre--
miere April 15 and run
throu1h June 8 at the
Harlequin Dinner Play-
house, 3505 S. Harbor
Btvd., Santa Ana. Perfor·
mances are Tuesday
throu1h Saturday even-
in1s with Saturday and
Sunday matinees. for
tickets and reservations
call 979-5511.
... A lloon tar the ••blla·
......_ .. by Eupne O'Neil.
will run April 11 throulh
May 10 at the Gem T~
tre, 12852 Main St ..
Garden Grove. Tickets are
$9 to $13. For tickets and
information, call 636-
.. ....... Ute of ......... .,
bee.'' Brecht's vision of
Nazi Germany, will be
performed April 18 to 20
and 23 to 27 in Cal State
Fullerton's Littte Theatre.
Curtain at 8 p .m . For
tickets and information
call 773-3347.
un.. ,._.,, ~ and
"The Blood Countess .. will
be staged April 5 at UCl's
Fine Arts Villa1e Theatre.
Irvine. Tickets are $6 to
$8. Curtain at 8 p.m. Call
856-6616 tor details.
, Pastel's is easy to find. And
hard to forget. mv restaurants
delight the ~ with such
a myriad of adinary 0'9tions.
Shrimp and Scallops in a
Gin~ Vinaigrette Salad
Mouth watering Pastas like
Angel Hair with Seafood
and Fresh 1bmato. Pizzas
baked in OUT authentic
Italian wood burning oven.
~ ~~ :~ Grill and Bar
specialties .. Pastel's. Easy
to find. Hard to furaitt .
Oumn .mat dal) llacnattOllll
ruonunr.., (Ooeed Moadayt
<(f eatu!ling ...
~ '\·\\~s
L-\J\lt CBo1tdeau~
C6am 11 Cf1ee1r ,..,aghe
Challdo1111ay '&
Plus a Complete Line
of Gourmet Specialities
•Caviar •Croissants
•Fresh Pasta and Sauces
Picnic Baskets Available
for Beach or Yacht
4-8 p.m. $1 .50 per glass
Tues-Sat 10 a.m.-10 p .m.
Sunday 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
20945. Coast Hwy.
Laguna Beach
Free Parking
A cross from Tavern By The Sea
Capistrano's 'Coach House'
When The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach
closed recently, a collective wail of grief
echoed from across all parts of Orange County.
Press and rock fans alike bemoaned the fact
that the Bear, besides having a rich and
colorful history, was about the only place
in the entire county to go and listen to top
notch local bands as well as big name
entertainment. Without it, the live local scene
appeared to have developed a black hole.
But if there was a silver lining in the cloud
that forced the Golden Bear to close, it came
from the fact that considerable attention
was drawn to the need for more live headline
clubs in the county.
That need was soon fulfilled in San Juan
Capistrano of all places, where The Coach
House is taking on the challenge of stepping
into the giant void.
The Coach House itself boasts a bit of a
colorful history.
Originally, it opened as a hangout for south
county locals seeking to soak up a few suds.
It gradually began attracting the leather and
motorcycles crowd before changing its name
to San Juan Creek Saloon and adding a line-
up of live country western music.
The idea was to drive off the undesirables.
The undesirables were driven off alright,
as was everyone else. Soon after, the live
country western format was dropped, the
name Coach House was reinstated and a
switch to headline entertainment was made.
The early results have been dramatic and
On a recent visit, the Coach House was
sold out on a night that Jerry Lee Lewis was
sc heduled to appear . According to
management this is pretty much the way
things have gone since the recent format
Despite some physical changes from its
days as the San Juan Creek Saloon, the Coach
House still retains the same open and
congenial atmosphere that begs patrons to
relax and have a good time. Everyone who
buys a ticket for a show is entitled to a seat
and unlike some places, there's not a bad
one in the house. That includes sitting in
the very back behind the bar.
Hilton lounge kicks
off 'theme nights'
lot, the dancing and entertainment lounge
at The Irvine Hilton and Towers, has kicked
off "theme nights" programs that offer special
parties, $1.50 drink promotions, and nightly
drawings for prizes.
"Champagne and Dance Band Night" (Tues-
days) features free swing dance lessons from
8 to 9 p .m .... and wine and champagne at
S 1.50 per glass.
On Wednesday nights, the mystics take
over. On "Fortune Teller Night," from 9 p.m.
to midnight, you'll be happy as you can be ... and
you'll get your fortune told for free.
lot is open Tuesday through Saturday from
5 p.m.
The Irvine Hilton and Towers is located
in Jamboree Center, near the intersection
of Jamboree Boulevard and the San Diego
Freeway (405) in Irvine. For more information,
call Zot at 714/863-3111.
Orange County Entertainer
Instead of jamming tables on top of tables,
there is room to move about unhindered,
making it nice for both patrons and w•itresses.
The ceiling is high enough to keep the club
from filling with the choking stench of cigarette
Most of the Western motif has been replaced
with a nondescript decor, although hints
of the original flavor still remain. The most
noticeable is the full size roadster that perches
on the second floor balcony overtooking the
But the real attraction is the entertainment.
March featured a wide variety of performers,
from Nicolette Larson to The Busboys to
Phantom, Rocker and Slick.
Even with a seating capacity of more than
300, the shows usually sell out quickly.
The entertainment and the atmosphere
don't come cheap though. Tickets run in
the $17 range for most performers and drinks
(a full bar is available) are extra ($2.25 for
domestic beer and more for mixed).
April n the Coachhouse
BonnteRMt 5
--showcase Ni&ht'" 9
(Cathedral Teers & Decor)
"Oldies but Goodies" l 0 .
(The Coasten. Brenton Wood. Paul & Paula)
Skywalk 11
Rain 17
Hot Tuna Acoustic 18
~E~ ~ x ~
Early birds can take advantage of a happy
hour that lasts from 4 to 7 p.m. Monday through
Friday, $1.25 for bottled beer and $1 for
draft with free hors d'oeuvres. Dinner is also
available with a chicken entree priced at
$5.95, a regular rib platter for $6.95 and
a baby back barbeque rib platter for $8.95.
Although it can't boast of the same nostalgic
history as the Golden Bear, given time, The
Coach House could make a little history of
its own.
The Coach House is located at 33157
Camino Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano.
Take the 405 south and exit at San Juan
Creek. For a schedule of upcoming concerts.
call The Coach House at 496-8927.
April 1986
~--Nightlife -------
Fine dining and dancing at Crazy Burro
Forget all that stuff you've heard about
Huntington Beach being short on hot spots
to dine and dance. You're just not looking
in the right place.
The place to look is the corner of Adams
Street and Beach Boulevard. Amid the subtle
glow of neon you'll find the Crazy Burro-
Huntington's one-stop club for fine dining
and dizzy dancing.
If the Crazy Burro looks to you like it was
moved lock-stock-and-tequila bottle from
some exotic Mexican Riviera location. you're
wrong. Mola Development built it right where
it is.
But that touch of Mexico is just right. ~he
fun of stepping out of the hum-drum of Orange
County and into the jazzy night life of our
south-of-the-border neighbors is only the
beginning when you spend an evening at
the Crazy Burro.
After sliding in the front door your first
order of business should be to latch onto
one of the margaritas they pour here. They're
generous and tasty. If you just can't wait
for your table for dinner, visit the nacho bar
in the Cantina. You'll find a hst of munchies
to tide you over until the main event, a
delightful Mexican dinner.
If the Crazy Burro had a middle name.
1t would be Crazy "Seafood" Burro. You're
going to be happy with any of the pescada
fresco served here. Ask your server to let
you know what's the freshest thing in the
wholesale fish markets that day. That's what
you'll be getting at the Crazy Burro-only
the freshest and best.
Mexican entrees are fun to experiment
with while you're breaking that weekday/
workday routine. Try chicken mole enchiladas
if you've never tried this chocolate sauce
before. It's sweet. it's spicy, it's very. very
You're going to en1oy the dining room here
and not 1ust for the food. The atmosphere
is authentically old world Mexico. Your server
will be young and bright, with lots of good
suggestions to round out your meal.
When you hear a suggestion to try chocolate
chocolate chip cake for dessert. listen to
what you're hearing. It's moist, rich. dark.
and absolutely laden with calories. Enjoy.
April 1986
Dinner finished? Head back into the Cantina
for another of those scrumptious margaritas
and a little dancing. There's no reason at
all to hassle one place for dinner and another
for hijinks when you've chosen the Crazy
Burro for your evening of fun. It's all here
under one roof.
We met ~ome terrific folks the night we
found the Crazy Burro. Pat and Greg Kelly
were dancing up a storm. When they stopped
to get their breath, we asked them if they'd
ever been to the Burro before.
"Sure have. This is a fun place to dance.
We come in here all the time." said Pat.
During the week you'll find live music at
the Crazy Burro. Area favorite~ like Katz 'N
Jammers call the Burro home on a regular
basis. On the weekend you'll be dancing to
the hottest top forty disks spun for your
The dance floor is large, but usually crowded.
The crowd just makes for more fun. All the
young singles from this neck of the woods
have taken the Crazy Burro to their hearts.
This is the place to see your friends, or
to make some new ones. There's ample seating
in the Cantina, but who wants to sit when
you can get out on the floor and let the music
take you away?
Kevin Halls and Eric Specht were sitting
down taking it all in. Eri c goes to UC Davis
and was down for a visit. Specht came to
the Crazy Burro with Kevin to "check it out."
Everything must have checked out hne. He
seemed to be liking what he saw.
Shelley Haro. Sherry Garcia, and Jim Brunet
were sitting at the bar engaged in a jovial
argument about what is the hottest new dance
record around. They didn't settle the argument,
but. like most Burro patrons, wound up
heading for the dance floor.
The Crazy Burro is open seven days a week.
Dinner is served until 11:00 p.m. The Cantina
is open until 1 :45 a.m . Saturdays and Sundays
you can enjoy brunch from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Place: Crazy Burro
Address: 8082 Adams Ave ., Huntington Beach
Ample parking/Reservations accepted
Full bar
Live and Recorded music/dancing nightly
Dinner for two from $12. food only
Most major credit cards
Orange County Entertainer
m&:& .. TAJ
Proudly Introducing
(First Time In U.S. In addition to Traditional)
Lunch Mon:-Frl.
Dinner Sun thru
Thura. 5:30-10:30
Fri. a S•t. 5:30-11 :00
Sund•J Chempagne Brunch 11-3
Daily Happy Hours 4:30-7:00
Complimentary hors d 'oeuvres
1175 Sunnrcr-t, Fullerton, CA
(714) 521-1213
(Across fl' om St. Jude Hosp )
'Twain's Down Un.der' offers plenty
What local club offers something for couples
and something for singles?
Which club offers solace to weary workers
TURNING up the heat in the Aussie Ra&• Room it dancer
John lynch.
'' 2.6 MlltS FROM CAllUNA11
1f ~UET~
to 4-00
f~ tile~ &.oo pm w 10:00 ~-~d4.\6 with,~~ Ito!:~
''iQ..THOOl CJ.URl~llS rlN£5l!!!"
and something special for the ladies?
Which club has not one, but two, discos,
doesn't charge for the food and never charges
a cover before 7:30 p.m.?
Which club is easy to get to (right off the
55 Freeway) and has ample parking for lots
of cars, with more spaces on the way?
If you couldn't guess, you're one of the
few high-steppers that hasn't discovered
Australia's contribution to Orange County's
nighttime glitter, Twain's Down Under.
Twain's offers so much, and appeals to
such a broad range of folks. that it's easy
to understand why the club begins to fill
up early during the week . The draw 1s the
Happy Hour from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday through
Twain's is conve nient to both the Santa
Ana /Tustin business district and the Irvine/
Costa Mesa /Newport beehive. The doors open
weekdays to receive the tired, the frustrated,
the stressed-out from both those areas. and
probably from some more exotic locations
Go straight back through the lobby and
turn left into the Koala Kaper room You won't
have trouble finding a seat The place is
huge, though well-populated Settle bac k
and order a well drink for $1 50 or beer or
wine at $1.
As you begin to sip. check out the Aussie
themed decor. There are pictures of "Down
Under" stars like the Bee Gee's, and a c lever
mural proclaiming the next America's Cup
competition (Perth, 1987). Thank goodness
everything good in Australia keeps coming
to the States; maybe we'll get that darn thing
When hunger beckons. put away your wallet
and head for the free buffet. Bar manager
John Lenton sees to 1t that you're well fed
at Twain's Happy Hour. Offerings on the free
buffet 1 ncl ude such items as roasted beef
and lasagna. There are usually 10 c hoices
of food to accompany your libations, and
no l1m1t.
The Koala Kaper room 1s also the quiet
spot for evening fun at Twain's. The large
e1evated dance tloor 1s generally uncrowded
as friends talk and sip while listening to music
at a volume that doesn't preclude conversation
Across the hall 1s the glitzy Aussie Rage
Disco. Mirrors. lights, and an excellent sound
system make this the spot for singles to
congregate and crowd the roomy dance floor.
lAOY IUllUt Tony tr•nd put topther Twaln'1 e1otic
dance show of which he Is• per1.
Staff photos by Judy Duffy
t ime. Tony Ireland produces. directs and
performs in the show for Twain's.
Twain's charges a $5 cover from 8 p m
every night except Friday when cover begins
at 7:30. Beverages are moderately priced.
even after Happy Hour 1s over.
You can reserve Twain's complete banquet
facilities for your special occasion . Call for
The Place: Twain's Down Under
Located: 2101 East Edinger. Santa Ana
(71 4) 66 7 -5000
Cover Charge: $5 from 7.30 on Fridays. 8 ,
p.m. every other night
Closed Sundays
Happy Hou~: 4 to 8 p.m . Monday through
Friday. Free Buffet
'Minds' set at Pacific
Bar Manager John Lentz didn't know why Scottish quintet Simple Minds will be
there seem to be more couples on Saturday appearing at the Pacific Amphitheater on
nights, and why they're younger than on Tuesday, April 22. Special guest star is The
Fridays, but he said that's the way 1t works Call. The show begins at 7:30 p.m.
out. With the release of their current Top 10
We visited Twain's on a Saturday, and did. album, Once Upon A · Time, Simple Minds
indeed, meet some younger people. Karin has taken America by storm. The album has
Wagatha, 21, of Huntington Beach was sitting yielded two smash hits, "Alive and Kicking"
with Jerry Anderson, 22, of Anaheim. Wagatha and "Sanctify Yourself."
likes the crowd at Twain's and Anderson "I don't think we're making a deliberate
likes "the relaxed atmosphere." attempt to 'conQuer' the U.S.," says lead
We can make a case for more couples on singer Jim Kerr. "America has indicated a
Saturday nights because it just might be fondness for the band, and we're doing our
that the ladies are bringing their men along best to respond."
and letting them wait in the Koala Kapers Tickets for Simple Minds' appearances
room while they enjoy the Ladies Night at the Greek Theater and Pacific Amphitheater
entertainment in the Aussie Rage Room. The are on sale at the Greek Theater and Pacific
gentlemen can attend if they choose. but Amphitheater Box Offices and at all Ticketron
most aren't interested. locations. To charge tickets by phone, call
Ladies Night means male exotic dancers. (213) 410-1062, (714) 634-1300 or (619)
Twain's offers some of the shapliest. most 268-9686. For further ticket information,
energetic gentlemen we've seen in quite some please call (213) 216-6666.
Orange County Entertainer April 1986
Laguna landscapes come
to South Coast Plaza
Showing through April 27, the Laguna Art
Museum at South Coast Plaza presents,
''Reaching the Summit; Mountain Landscapes
in California, 1900-1986;" an exhibition co-
sponsored by the Saddleback College Art
Gallery in Missron Viejo.
This extensive exhibit will be shown in
two parts simultaneously at both locations.
Art historian Dr. Lynn Gamwell and western
art researcher Phil Kovinick are co-curating
this exhibition of approximately 80 works
by forty artists who have depicted the California
mountain ranges from Yosemite in the north
to the Chocolate Mountains near the Mexican
As a survey of artists living in California
and reflecting the various styles of the 20th
century, the exhibition intends to alternately
emphasize the mountain as a place of retreat,
inspiration and something to conquer. Both
historical and contemporary works will be
shown in a variety of media. including painting,
photography, watercolor. bronze and cerami~.
Among the artists to be featured who will
represent the historical focus from 1900·
1945 are Maurice Braun, Thomas Hill, Ben·
1amin Chambers Brown. Edgar Payne. William
Wendt, Thomas Moran, Manon Wach!el. J.
Bond Francisco, Leland Curtis. Peter Nielsen
and George Melcher. The post· 1945 period
will include works by John Werhle. James
Doolin. David Baze, Sandra Mendelsohn·
Rubin, Don Suggs. Mel Rubin. Amy Goldman,
Don Hendricks. Barri Mottishaw, Doug Webb,
Conrad Buff. Luis Bermudez, and Guilliane
With the mountain landscape as a common
denominator, this exhibition adequately ex ·
poses the development of American paint.ing
and its transitions in style as a reflection
of societal influence during the 20th century.
The segment of work completed from 1900·
1945 depicts traditional realism influenced
by impressionism. most of which was created
on location with easel and canvas-referred
to as "plein-air" painting.
The South Coast Plaza expansion location
1s directly inside the Bristol Street entrance
(across from Piret's Restaurant) at the south·
ern end of South Coast Plaza in the general
vicinity of the Carousel Court. Hours are:
Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m . (Thursday
until 9 p .m .), Saturday and Sunday 12 to
5p.m .
April 1986
'Dead, Bunnymen at Irvine
M£M•ll Of Echo and the Bunnrmeft, wlto.,. echlduled
to play at the lmne MNdow9 Amphlthutr• April 19.
are (from left) Let httineon, (top) tan McCulock. ht•
defrett.1 •nd ... Sef'pant.
The Grateful Dead will hi&hlight the April
schedule at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre,
when the spring and summer concert season
Tickets are now on sale for the Grateful
Dead, who will play two shows at Irvine
Meadows April 12 and 13.
On April 19, Echo & the Bunnymen, with
special guests The Church, will bring their
melodic music to Irvine.
Upcoming concerts slated for Irvine Mea-
dows include Judas Priest (May 9) and Siouxsie
and the Banshees, who are scheduled for
June 11.
Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre 1s located
at 8808 Irvine Center Dr. in Laguna Hills.
Call 740-2000 for tickets. or 855-8096 for
Fullerton Film Spotlights 'Kingdom of Longevity'
Explorer and filmmaker Jan Bjerre invites
the public to cross the threshold of time
and spa ce with him to Hunza, one of the
world's last frontiers.
Hunza. tucked away in a remote section
of the Himalayas. is also renowned as the
"Kingdom of Longevity," because of the
extraordinary life span of its hardy people.
Many are more than 100 years old and lead
active lives .
Bjerre, who for more than 35 years has
roamed the world as a writer and documentary
film producer, presents his f~ll -length color
film documentary, "Hunza-Kingdom of lon-
gevity.'' on April 15 (Tuesday) a~ part of
Fullerton College Community Relations pop·
ular Forum 80 Film/Lecture Series. .
Individual Forum 80 Film/lecture Series
tickets are $3.50 for general admission, and
Acting Company tries
'As You Like It'
The La Mirada Civic Theatre and Cerritos
College Community Services are presenting
William Shakespeare's classic comic
masterpiece, "As You Like It." by the Acting
Company at 8 p.m .. Wednesday, April 2.
The Acting Company is considered
America's foremost permanent professional
repertory theater company touring r:iation~id~.
Under the leadership of Producing Art1st1c
Director John Houseman (Professor Kingsfield
on television's award-winning program "The
Paper Chase"), The Acting Company has
received numerous awards, including the
Los Angeles Drama Critic's Circle Award.
In January. 1981. The Acting Company
was appointed the official touring theater
company of our national cultural center, The
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing
Arts in Washington, D.C.
"As You Like It" is one of Shakespeare's
most popular comedies. With its beautiful
language and hilarious situations. it has
delighted generations of. patrons throughout
the English-speaking world. ·
Tickets are $9.50 for students and $11.50
and $12.50 for adults. Tickets may be obtained
at the La Mirada Civic Theatre box office,
14900 La Mirada Btvd., La Mirada, or charged
by telephone (213) 944-9801 or (714) 994-
6310. Group sales can be arranged by calling
(714) 522-7823.
Orange County Entertainer
$3 for students and senior c 1t1zens They
can be purchased in advance in person or
by mail at the Fullerton College Bursar's
Office. in the new Student Services Building
on the south side of the campus at 321 E.
Chapman Ave .. Fullerton 92634
Grand Prix party set
A live remote party celebrating the Long
Beach Grand Prix will be held at Franco's
Restaurant in Huntington Beach April 8
Co-hosted by KIK-94FM, the party will be
broadcast live and will feature appearances
by Grand Prix drivers. along with a display
of seve ral of the cars In addition, there wilt
be drink specials. live entertainment and
drawings for tee-shirts, caps, albums and
tickets to the Long Beach Grand Prix.
Franco's, a newly-opened restaurant tea ·
turing a racing decor and authentic Italian
cuisine, will feature a week-long celebration
of the Grand Prix. c limaxed by its monthly
"Grand Prix Day," wh ich features specials
and entertainment on the 15th of each month
Franco's is located at 17041 Beach Blvd.
(at Warner) in Huntington Beach. Cal l 841 ·
7077 for information.
Great Barbecue.
At a Fair Price.
Dining & carry out
Open Monday-
Saturday 4pm
Sunday 2pm
\_.....,. ----
~f._WPOJi)' C'o~i~~~
2000 Newport Blvd
Costa Mm
631 211 0
And all dinners come with cole slaw .. corn
bread. vegetable. fresh fruit. and your choice of
baked beans or special tries.
Zesty 'Italian' brunch at Giorgio's
SOUS a.et .,_,.., Slridll9nd ..,.._.. ...... ...,._..
c ........... w:tt s...ct., . .r Gti...-·a ......._..in ........ .. ....
-Staff photo by Marcus O~
Music greats part of series
The Pa c1f1c Amphitheater has announced
Subscription Senes Three. featuring legendary
superstars from the entertainment world.
as part of the 1986 season.
Anaheim resident Don Carter stands at
the buffet tine, carefully examining the various
entrees that he'll soon pile onto his plate.
His is a choice that includes both traditional
brunch items, like eggs benedict or quiche.
with Italian favorites such as lasagna or
meatballs. He reaches over. his hand hovers
above the benedict. and then he swoops upon
the lasagna with a vengeance.
.. , never pass up good Italian food, even
on Sunday brunch," he explained. "And this
is really good lasagna. You can have egg
dishes anywhert "
And this, in essence, is the gist of what
Sunday brunch at Giorgio's Ristorante in
Anaheim Hills is all about. An incredibly
large spread, at a very reasonable price,
is laid before the customers. who then decide
if Italian or Americ an faire fit s their bill.
Or if both do.
Inevitably, the Italian food wins out, for
the reasons that Carter mentioned. Unques-
tionably, some of the f inest Italian c ui sine
m Orange County originates behind the walls
of this quaint. homey restaurant that has
a zest and flair all its own.
Meatballs are thick, large, not-too-spicy,
and topped with plenty of sauce. Eggplant
parmesan satisfies. And fettuc ini Alfredo
is somethina special, too.
But the lasagna. topped with mountains
of cheese and sauce. is the real Italian favorite
at Giorgio's. The service staff kept bringing
out more and more of the rich product from
the kitchen as satisfied patrons consumed
enough lasagna to fill a Venetian canal.
Other tasty dishes included dozens of shrimp
swimming in cream sauce, just begging to
be liberated, fresh Italian sausage, roast
beef, zucchini in marinara sauce, veal stew,
chicken Rosemary, and various pasta dishes.
The entire spread. mind you, is laid out
amongst a very generous selection of cheeses.
salads and fruits. The selection rivals that
offered at brunches which cost considerably
more than the $9.95 per adult rate at Gioraio's.
The brunch spread is the weekly creation
of sous chef Daniel Strickling, formerly of
the Anaheim Hilton and Towers, who me-
ticulously checks and re-checks every minute
detail, seeing that the food is kept warm
and fresh.
And against a background featuring soft
accordion music and a light, airy decor,
complimentary champagne is poured liberally,
and this isn't cheap stuff, either. Rather.
Riunite Spumante, and Riccadona Asti Spu-
mante are the featured stars here. Both are
refreshingly light. the perfect complement
to the rich food. ·
In addition. the dessert selection is im -
pressive. We particularly enjoyed cherry
cheesecake. rich and flavorful, and a variety
of other cakes and pastries are also available.
Lastly, c appudno. brewed from Express
roast coffee ground on the premises, was
served, providing a hot wakeup call from
the deluge of food and drink.
G:orgio's Ristorante has earned itself Quite
a reputation in Orange County culinary circles
since 1t opened some two years ago. It has
been honored by the Southern California
Restaurant Writers and has developed a strong
local following from people who enjoy classic
Italian cuisine at a reasonable price.
Sunday brunch is relatively new at Gior-
gio's-they just started it about two months
ago-but it shouldn't take long before word
about this reasonable repast spreads through-
out Orange County.
The Brunch: Giorgio's Ristorante
Address: 5555 Santa Ana Cyn. Rd (just off
lmperiat Hwy. and the Riverside (91) Fwy.)
Phone: 998·6640
Price: Adults $9.95. Children 6 -12 $5.95,
under 6 free Subscription Series Three will inc lude the
legendary Frank Sinatra on June 21; master
entertainer Bob Hope on July 6; Giants of
Jazz. featuring Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz and
Dizzy Gillespie. on August 1: the world's ~'top
m usical ambassador,'' Juho Iglesias. on
September 27: and a fifth musical attraction
to be announced.
Magical 'Night in Fullerton' set
Tickets for Su bscription Series Three at
the Pac1f1c Amphrtheater are priced at $114.25
for reser ved seating and $55.00 for lawn
seat ing and are avai lable by mail and by
phone For subscription mformatmn and phone
charges. please call (7 14) 546-9237
, . /
Something magical will happen in Fullerton
the evening of April 25.
The work-a-day bustle of city streets wilt
be transformed into a glittering, glowing show-
case of arts and artists known as "A Night
m Fullerton."
The c ity's annual celebration of the arts,
"A Night in Fullerton:· wilt feature free music,
art. drama. and dance programs at 14 locations
throughout the community. The programs
-..... :-.-:::: ;;::::
Pancain, wafJ1a. hilcuita b vrm!i· amt n--.:-Nighdy
onvktta b muc"9 mucla ~. .,.._...
,.... fOW" Rini,, •• ,. bnalJw!I """" -..
14982 RedhiU (at £.ding"')
Tustin • 2S9-0l IS
12 Orange County Entertainer
will be offered continuously from 7 to 11
p.m .. and free bus transportation will be
available to all locations.
Adding to the festival atmosphere. mime
students from Cal State Fullerton, under the
direction of Mir iam Tait, will entertain visitors
on the streets as they walk to and from the
various sites. Radio station KBPK-FM (90.1)
will broadcast "A Night in Fullerton" festivities
throughout the evening.
Following are the official "Night in Fullerton"
sites and the programs they will offer:
• Cat State Fullerton, 800 N. State College
Blvd.: "Jazz fest,'' featuring concerts by the
Jazz Ensemble, plus an exhibit of cast glass
• Common Ground Multi media Art Gallery,
509 N. Harbor Blvd.: "New Works," a mul-
timedia exhibit by gallery members.
• Eileen Kremen Gallery (formerly Designs
Recycled Gallery), 619 N. Harbor: "Diversities
in Glass:· featuring the works of 14 artists,
plus music by the Orange Empire Chorus
Barbershop Quartet.
Further information about "A Night in
Fullerton" may be obtained by calling Joe
Fetz, community services supervisor for the
City of Fullerton. at 738-6589.
April 1986
--Din in£
Huntington Beach Inn not subdued
Until recently, the Huntington Beach Inn
was not exactly noted for being one of the
county's hot spots. Sleepy and subdued, the
Inn was best known for catering to the tourist
crowd and was largely ignored by locals.
But all that has changed, and changed
"We don't even want to be associated with
the Huntington Beach Inn of two years or
even one year ago," explains Tom Wentworth.
As food and beverage manager of the
Huntington Beach Inn, Wentworth's main
task has been to wake up this sleeping beauty
and introduce her to the Orange County soc ial
circles. His resource-fullness and flair for
the unusual and li&hthearted promotions-
are starting to torn some heads toward this
Pacific Coast Hi&hway resort.
"Ron Howard (Richie Cunninaham from
Happy Days) had a birthday in earty March
and we celebrated it with a hoola hoop and
twist contest," comments Wentworth.
But the gimmicks don't even begin to tell
the real story as to why the Huntinaton Beach
Inn is emeraing as a top notch place to spend
an evening of dining and dancing. There's
much more than flashy promotions at work
Several elements blend to make a decidedly
tropical setting from the Golden Age of dance
and nightclubs. Boaie's is dominated by a
large golden palm tree in the center of it.
Tables overlooking the floor have a perfect
view of the dance floor and the stage where
live entertainment performs seven nights
a week. Wicker furniture and an abundant
Charity golf match slated
Olive Crest Treatment Centers, Inc., a non-
profit organization that assists abused and
neglected boys and girls, will be holding
their annual celebrity benefit golf tournament
at Santa Ana Country Club April 21 .
Olive Crest, with 21 residential treatment
homes, provides 24·hour care and treatment
for emotionally disturbed, abandoned, abused
and neglected children, aae 6 to 17. Olive
Crest homes are located in Orange, Riverside
and San Bernardino Counties.
The entry fee for the event is $175 per
person, which entitles each player to 18 holes
of holf, a putting contest, free gifts, auction,
refreshments on the course. prizes and a
superb dinner. Cost of the dinner/auction
only $25.
April 1986
assortment of leafy plants add to the exotic
setting. Overhead, a starry speckled ceiling
glitters with an elegance reminiscent of the
glamour of yesteryear.
And it's no coincidence that the main
entertainment at Bogie's relies heavily on
the golden hits of yesteryear. That enter-
tainment is local favorite and dynamo Chuck
"Chuck is great! He's a real live wire. He'll
play most 50's and 60's hits but with over
600 songs memorized, he can play just about
anything. Not to mention the fact that he
is the perfect match for Bogie's. We've both
taken a page from the past," remarks Went-
As a performer, Battaglia's constant ener-
getic renditions are all crowd pleasers. Despite
never having had a formal piano lesson in
his life, Battaglia owns the crowd when he's
on stage.
Battaglia performs Wednesday through
Saturday nights to large crowds and will
continue to do so through the summer.
Mondays offer a change of pace with maaic
by Tom Alexander and Tuesdays feature
hypnosis by Louchlin.
Dining also proves to be an entertaining
experience too. A good selection of steak
and seafood at moderate prices dominates
the menu. Early bird specials make these
tasty entrees even more irresistable.
The Huntington Beach Inn is located at
21112 Pacific Coast Highway in Huntineton
Beach. Happy hour is from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dinner is served nightly until 10 p.m.
Chuck Battaglia plays from 9 p.m. to l
a.m. Wednesday through Saturday nights.
Every Thursday is bar night with drin~
specials and prizes. April specials include
a memorium to Star Trek's cancellation (April
6), the beginning of the Civil War with special
prices of peach schnapps shooters (April
12) and a tribute to the first radio broadcast
of Gunsmoke with special shooters (April
For more information, call the Huntington
Beach Inn at 536-1421.
Sip some wine at Lazy Gourmet
lmaaine ... a relaxing harbor cruise aboard
the 70-foot yacht, "S.S. Kelpie." As the boat
gently cruises through the water, guests
sample fine wines, champagne, pate and
Or, perhaps. a Friday champagne party,
with a variety of vintage bubblies available
for sampling, at a measly $1.50 per glass.
These are just two of the diverse activities
offered by the Lazy Gourmet and Wine Club
in Laguna Beach, a specialty shop that not
only sells fine wines and foods, but also
provides special evenings to sample them.
For instance, the afore·mentioned harbor
cruise will take place on April 4 (and again
on May 6) from l to 5 p.m., and will feature
many of the gourmet wines, champagnes
and food for which the Lazy Gourmet is famous.
Priced at $40 per person, the four-hour event
is kind of a floating wine-tasting party.
Each Friday evening features champagne
at $1.50 per glass, from 4 to 8 p.m ., thus
allowing i nd ividuals to become pseudo-
connoisseurs. In addition, any day of the
week finds some 14 different wines on tap
at the wine bar, where guests can sample
different vintages or merely enjoy a glass
with a pate and cheese plate.
"I think we 've all wished that we could
sample a wine before we buy it," says Kevan
Garmer, who runs the Lazy Gourmet and
Wine Club with his wife. "Well, we give you
that opportunity here, and you can also try
gourmet foods, as wel l."
Sampling the different foods can be a task
in itself. In addition to caviar and fight salads.
the Lazy Gourmet and Wine Club offers 50
different kinds of cheese and more than 20
different pates.
But it is the wine selection that makes
the Lazy Gourmet stand out. Various Char·
donnays, champagnes, Bordeauxs and other
wines are available, in addition to beer. All
are priced very reasonably.
Also, picnic baskets with wine and gourmet
specialties are available. These are perfect
for a leisurely afternoon at the beach or aboard
a yacht.
"We feel we are a three·part complex."
Garner said. "In one. you can sample wine
and food in the wine bar. Second, you can
buy the same wines 1n the wine shop. And
thil'd. the same food you tried in the wine
bar can be purchased in the gourmet deli."
Located at 2094 S. Coast Hwy. in Laguna
Beach (across from the Tavern By The Sea),
the Lazy Gourmet and Wine Club is open
Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
and Sunday from 11 a.m . to 8 p.m . Call 494·
WINE for cruise reservations or information.
Treat her to lunch ,
and we'll treat her to
---.... """"Chocolate Covered Strawberries
aux Grand Mamier"
unapped w take home.
Now that's appreciation!
Reservations suggested.
LE 8IARRITZ • 414 N. Newport Blvd. • Newport Beach • 645~6700
Orange County Entertainer 13
Renate Holm stars
for symphony ball
Michael Jackson's 'Captain Eo' at Disneyland
The Pacific Symphony's seventh annual
Viennese Ball will have a special touch of
authenticity this year when Renate Holm,
acclaimed Viennese star of opera and operetta,
performs on April 26 at the Marriott Hotel
in Newport Beach.
Flown direct from Vienna for this exclusive
engagement, Holm will be accompanied by
Murray Korda and his orchestra in "The Merry
Widow," ''Die Fledermaus" and "A Night in
For more than 20 years Holm has been
a leading member of Vienna State Opera
and Vienna Volksoper. She is a favorite with
European audiences as a star of grand opera,
operetta and musical comedy.
Holm regularly appears in the Salzburg
Festival and has been selected for leading
roles by conductors Herbert von Karajan
and Karl Boehm.
Among the opera star's achievements are
Golden Records and the Ring of Honor,
awarded this year by the Vienna State Opera
in c elebration of Holm's 25th season as a
leading soloist with that company.
In additio, Holm has starred in musical
fi l m s and television programs. She is
recognized as a leading interpreter of popular
Viennese songs. Holm toured the United States
as a soloist with Willie Bskovsky and the
Joh ann Strauss Orc hestra of Vienna .
Holm appears in Orange County through
the cooperation of Austrian Airlines and TWA.
Disneyland has reached for the stars for
its newest attraction-and grabbed enough
to fill its own galaxy.
"Captain EO," a 17-minute, 3-D musical
motion picture space fantasy presented by
Eastman Kodak Company, witl make its public
premiere April 18. The much-anticipated
film, starring Michael Jackson~ is produced
by George Lucas and directed by Francis
Ford Coppola. Co-starring are Angelica Huston
and Dick Shawn.
Featuring original music written and per-
formed by Jackson, the film will bring a whole
menagerie of original characters to life,
namely: Hooter, a little green elephant who
sneezes musical notes through his flute-
like trunk; Fuzzball, an orange-haired space
monkey; the Geez. a two-faced personality
with two left feet, one right foot and two shaggy
. heads; Major Domo, whose mirrored costume
becomes a complete set of drums, traps
and string base; and Minor Domo, who can
transform himself into an electronic syn-
thesizer keyboard.
The dual-personality creatures become
Jackson's electronic band in conquering the
forces of darkness.
Added as a new dimension of 3 -D for
"Captain EO" is a dazzling array of special
effects which will be built into the new "Magic
Eye Theater," located directly in front of
the Park's "Space Mountain" attraction.
... \
For reservations and more information call
CAPTAIN EO AllRIVES-llllcNet Jecbon .... In .. cap ... n Eo,". apec1acutar 3-0 ""'** fROt6oft picture ...... at
Ol•Mytand Apr1111.
• In
Orange County Entertainer
The film will be shown exclusively at
Disneyland, at Walt Disney World in Florida
and nowhere else in the universe.
Beginning April 12. daytime entertainment
on weekends will be enhanced with the
addition of the "Totally Minnie" parade, which
offers long-overdue recognition of Minnie
Mouse. She will be joined by many of her
cartoon friends for the procession. but, for
once, Minnie will be the undeniable star of
the show.
Throughout Apnl the park's Gift-Giver
Extraordinaire Machine at the Main Gate
will award gifts to every guest, including
a 1986 Pontiac Firebird to one lucky visitor
every day. Other daily prizes include an RCA
t~levision, a round-trip flight from PSA, a
Disney home video cassette, a Kodak camera
~nd a Lorus Mickey Mouse watch.
_Other guests will receive complimentary
Disneyland passports, popcorn, juice bars
and collectible pins which commemorate
one of Disneyland's seven theme lands .
April affords a chance to visit the park's
renowned attractions at a leisurely pace and
one favorite features a whole new look. The
old bears of "Country Bear Jamboree'' have
~een taught new tricks and they now star
an the all-new "Country Bear Vacation Hoe-
down ...
Throughout April guests 60 years of age
an~ over m~y take advantage of the specially
pnced Seneor Fun Day tickets. which may
be purchased Monday through Friday.
Park hours during April will be 9 a.m . to
7 p.m. April 1-4, 10 a.m . to 6 p.m . all other
weekdays, 9 a.m. to midnight on Saturdays
and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays.
Further information may be obtained by
callin1 Disneyland at (714) 999-4565 or (213)
626-8605 ext 4565.
April 1986
Studio Cafe-small,
but tops In quality
Restaurant reviews are supposed to be
filled with good advice about where to go
and what to order after you get there. They're
supposed to tell you about the service and
what to wear so you won't stand out like a
hippie at the Ritz.
Here goes.
Go to the Studio Cafe at the foot of the
Balboa pier.
Eat dessert first. Then order any of the
The service will be easy going and excellent.
Wear whatever you'd wear to a friend's
house for an evening of good food. good drinks
and jazz music.
Pretty simple advice, huh?
Also the best advice in town. The years
haven't stolen a thing from this local favorite
jazz spot. Almost everybody has stopped
into the Studio Cafe to consume one of those
blue-green concoctions so solemnly dubbed
"Adios Mother."
What some of you have missed is the fact
that the food here is great. The quality and
quantity. coupled with very reasonable prices.
makes this one of the bargain dinners in
Brad Joplin, general manager. likes to joke
that the Studio Cafe has "the smallest kitchen
in the United States." Not having taken
measurements, we can't confirm that. What
we will confirm is that anything you order
out of that kitchen won't disappoint you.
We made the mistake of eating dessert
in its traditional spot, last. For years the
Studio Cafe didn't offer a dessert item. No
longer true. They're serving up a chocolate
swirl cheesecake that's baked fresh daily.
It's one of those things that you'll dream
about the next time you're hungry (read "on
a diet").
Along with the cheesecake, you need a
coffee drink that has no particular name.
It's made up of Bailey's Irish Creme. 100
proof schnapps, coffee and a dollop of the
richest of whipped cream floating on top.
STUDIO Cate petfoM Don Qutnn and Unda Sa.rr _.. Mf'Md by welt,... Roby Martin.
We're advising dessert first because you
won't want to leave one crumb of cheesecake
on the plate and the portions here are
generous. But, if you 're (a) feeling hungry
as a teen-ager, (b) don't count calories or,
(c) are just traditional. you might want to
start with an entree item from the Studio
Cate's small, but very comprehensive, menu.
All dinners are served .with salad and hot
bread. The salad is served family style with
dressing on the side. A nice touch. You can
even get all the salad you can eat a la carte
for $3.25 per person, but it would be a shame
to miss the entrees.
Perhaps the Studio Cate's most popular
menu item is lemon chicken ($8.95). A broiled
boneless breast marinated in spicy lemon
sauce is served with raisin rice and a vegetable.
New to the menu is a New York steak with
green peppercorn sauce ($14.95). Ours was
tender. cooked to order and a steak lover's
delight. It was served with raisin rice and
we added a side order of beans. If you relish
down-home beans in a sweet savory sauce.
you'll want to do the same.
Fresh fish served at the foot of the pier
seemed too good to miss, and we ordered
the northern halibut ($13.95). It arrived with
a good topping of lemon caper butter sauce.
more sauce on the side and grilled to per·
fection .
If you can resist an "Adios Mother" or a
"Wedge," you might want to order wine at
the Studio Cafe . The cellar is limited, but
the selections are all good and moderately
priced. We tasted the house Chardonnay,
Estrella, and found it to be above average
as a house wine.
Don't be surprised when the staff here
treats you like an old friend.
The Studio Cafe, 100 Ma in Street (foot
of the Balboa pier). Balboa. 675· 7760. Full
bar. Dinner weekdays 5 p.m. to 10 p.m . and
weekends 5 p.m. to 11 p.m . Brunch Saturday
and Sunday 10 a.m . to 3 p .m . Dinner for
two. food only, from $18.
Newport Museum collection on display
The second segment of an in-depth pre-
sentation of works from the Newport Harbor
Art Museum's permanent collection of post-
war art will be on view through April 20.
Seven one-person installations exploring
certain of the museum's in-depth holdings
of photographs, paintings, works on paper
and silkscreens are included.
Highlighted are the portfolios of photographs
by Garry Winogrand, lewis Baltz, and Larry
Clark, a suite of paintings by Jean St. Pierre,
drawings by Alan Saret, silkscreens and a
mural by Andy Warhol and an installation
by Dennis Oppenheim.
Also on view through April 20 is the first
segment of the permanent collection exhi·
bition, "California Art Since 1945," which
focuses on post-war California painting and
sculpture by a variety of artists.
Pre-eminent pop artist Andy Warhol is
perhaps best known for his contributions
to the general pop culture via mass-marketed
publications, prints and movies, as well as
his famous portraits of celebrities such as
Marilyn Monroe and Mick Jagger, and world
figures such as Mao Tse Tung.
The quiet, contemplative suite of 20 white
April 1986
paintings by Jean St. Pierre, entitled "Homage
for 'Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jesus' by
Messiaen" (1975), will be featured. A tribute
to the contemporary French composer's major
musical work. published in 194 7, the oil
and encaustic paintings, purchased with funds
provided by the Friends of the Newport Harbor
Art Museum, were last seen here in 1978.
A recent gift of Charles and Carole Zion,
Dennis Oppenheim's "Vibrating Forest" i s
a room -sized installation constructed of
motors, fountains, rockets, lamps and a cotton·
candy machine. Oppenheim considers his
fantastical mechanized sculptures to be
metaphors for thought processes.
Lewis Baltz, a native of Newport Beach.
has been a freelance photographer in Cal ·
ifornia since 1970. and was included in the
exhibition, "Fourteen American Photoraphers."
seen at NHAM in 1978.
Larry Clark's eloquent, powerful and highly
personal photographs included in his 1980
"Tulsa" portfolio allow viewers to create their
own stories from his cast of characters. In
his "Tulsa" book, Clark showed the realities
of a lifestyle of which he was a part as
photographer, rock musician and witness
Orange County Ente rtainer
to the drug culture of his generation and
place. The "Tulsa" portfolio was a gift to
the Museum by Leslie A. Cooper.
According to cr itic Ph il Patton , Garry
Winogrand "1s a girl·watcher with a camera."
For the first time here. selections from the
late photographer's "Women Are Beautiful"
portfolio. a gift of Bunny Freidus. wi ll be
In his book of the same name. Wmogrand
states his theme of "making beautiful" all
the women he observes on New York streets.
in the MoMA sculpture garden, at the races
or on the beach. The success of the pho·
tographs is in creating beauty by winnowing
The Newport Harbor Art Museum is located
in Newport Bea ch. ad1acent to Newport Center
Fashion Island, at 850 San Clemente Dr .
Gallery hours are Tuesday through Sunday
from 10 a.m . to 5 p .m . Admission is free
to museum members: $2 for adults; $1 50
for students. seniors and the military; and.
$1 for children to 17 years of age. Admission
on the first Tuesday of every month is free
For more information, please call (714) 759·
--Dining & Nightlife---
Adrienne·•. Sheraton-
Anaheim, 1015 W. Ball Rd.,
778-1700. Lunch, dinner,
Sunday brunch. California
cuisine in a newly renovated
8eu'9 Wda. 1074 N. Tus-
tin, 630-2812. lunch, dinner,
Sunday brunch, happy hour.
Piano bar and sin1er Tues-·
Sat. American food . Reser·
vations suuested. $$$
C... Maria, 1801 E. Katella
Av., 634 ·1888. Lunc h ,
din ner, Sunday brunc h ,
ha ppy hour. D.J. and dancing
Fn-Sat. Mexican food.$
Cattleman'• Wharf. 11 60
W. Ball Rd., 535-1622. Lunch
on weekdays, dinner nightly
from 4 p m. Happy hour and
Sunday brunch also featured
Li ve entertainment 1n one
lounge Mon·Sat 4-12 p.m .
with D J in second lounge
Wed-Sun 8-2 am Co ntin -
ental CU1s1 ne. reservations
suggested. $$$
Cero's, 316 S. Euclid. 535-
9978 Lunch, dinner Fn and
Sat . happy hour. Live en·
terta1 nment and dancing
nightly. American food. $$$
Chartey 8'own'1, l 75 1 S.
State College. 634 -221 1
lunch, dinner, Sunday
brunch, happy hour. Video
entertainment. Steaks, sea·
food and speciality dishes.
Reservations required. SS·
Chef'a IOechen. Disneyland
Hotel, 1150 W. Cerritos Ave.,
778-6600. Sunday brunch.
Hot and cotd entrees, salad
bar, pastry tray, Belaian waf·
fies , made-to -order
Dala1•a Market. Hyatt-
Anaheim, 1700 S. Harbor
Blvd., 772-5900. Breakfast.
lunch, dinner daily, featurina
Continental cuisine. Sunday
The Ducout. Ramada Inn-
Disneyland, 1221 E. Katella.
978-8088. Breakfast. lunch,
dinner from 6 a.m. to mid·
night daily. Darts. shuffle-
board. satellite TV, and Amer-
ican cuisine. $
Gawln'1 , S heraton -
Anaheim, 1015 W. Ball Rd ..
77 8 -1 700. Lunc h dai ly ,
happy hour. Entertainment
and dancing nightly Cal1 -
forn1a cuisine.
Giorsk>'1 Italian Ristorante,
5555 Santa Ana Canyon Rd ,
998·6640 Highly touted Ital-
ian c u1s1ne. including flam-
1 ng coffees and tables1de
serv1 ng. Live entertainment
and Sunday brunch. Reser·
vat1ons recommended SS
Granwltle'1, Disneyland
Hotel, 1150 W. Cerritos Ave.,
778-6600. Dinner Mon-Sat.
Colonial American cuisine.
Reservati ons suggested.
Lunches are generally weekdays from 11 a.m.-
2 p.m .. dinners daily from about 4:30 p.m. and
happy hour weeknights from about 4-7 p.m. Sunday
brunches are usually 10 a.m . t o 2 or 3 p.m.
Entertainment is Tuesday through Saturday unless
noted. Reservation s are not required unless noted.
Descriptions are provided by the restaurants and
subject to change. Price guides are only approx-
1mat1ons. based on a typical meal for one person,
exclusive of drinks. tax and tip
Key to symbols
$ -Most under $10
$$ -Most under $15
SSS -Most under $20
$$$$ -Over $20
....... Cell .......... ...
Grand Hotel, 7 F(eedm•n
Way, 772· 7777. lunch,
dinner Mon-Sat, Sunday
brunch, happy hour. Beef.
fresh fish and Mexican &pe·
cialties. $$
artnder. 1640 W. KateUa.
778-0892. Breakfast, lunch.
dinner daily, in aourmet din·
ina atmosphere. S
Lo. ............ Hotel Ibis.
100 W. Freedman Wy., 5'0·
9696. Breakfast. lunch,
dinner daily. Happy hour.
Live entertainment/no danc-
ina Mon-Fri 6:30-11 p.m .
Continental cuisine. reser-
vations required. SSS
lord N1llon'1. 500 N. Euc-
l id St .. 772-2131. Lunch
Mon· Sat. Dinner nightly from
4 p.m . Styled like an Old
English pub, featurin1 Con-
tinental cuisine. seafood,
steak, prime rib. Live enter-
tainment. dancing Thurs-
Sun. Reservations recom-
mended. SS
Mi11iHlppl lloon•hlne,
409 W. Katella, 956-0690.
Lunch daily, dinner. happy
hour Entertainment and
dancing nightly. American
and Meiucan. S
Mr. Stox, 1105 E. Katella
Ave .. 634 -2994. Lunc h,
dinner, happy hour. Live en·
terta1 nment and dancing.
California/continental c ui·
si ne: award-winning wi ne
cellar. Reservations suuest-
ed. SSS
Olean I. 1160 N. Kraemer
Blvd ., 6 30 -0121. Lunch,
dinner. happy hour, except
Sat. and Sun. live shows and
contests Mon-Sat. Bia screen
satellite television. SS
lteatluqnt Elaaku.. 328 N.
Stanton Ave .. 952-9211.
Lunc h, dinner. happy hour.
0 .J . and dancin1 Fri-Sat.
Japanese cuisine. S
Shlprard Inn. Disneyland
Hotel. 1150 W. Cerritos Ave.,
7 78-6600. Lunc h, dinner.
Seafood with several fresh
fish selections daily. Reser-
vations suuested $$$
Spachetti Statton. 999 W.
Ball Rd .. 956-3250. Lunch,
dinner daily, happy hour
Mon-Fri 4-6 p.m. Live enter·
tainment Wed-Sun. World·
famous Individual aun col-
lection of the Ofd West. $
Tite lumtWtr ..........
rant. Emerald Hotel, 1717
$.West St., 999-0990. 8,..k.
fast. lunch and dinner daily
from 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Sunday brunch seNed from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. $
The Tl*d Flow. Emerald
Hotel, 1717 S. West St.. 999·
0990. Dinner served Mon-
Sat from 6:30-11 p.m. Live
entertainment and contin-
ental cuisine. Reservations
and jackets for men required.
VIiia Verde ltelllauqnt. Dis·
neyland Hotel, 1150 W. Cer-
ritos Ave .. 778-6600. Break·
fast, lunch, dinner. American
specialties. fresh pasta, sal·
ads and homemade ice
The White Houee. 887 S.
Anaheim Blvd .. 772-1381.
Lunch Mon-Fri. Dinner Mon-
Sat. Dine in a "Turn of the
Century" home. featurin1
award-winning American cui·
sine and a continental flair.
Reservations sugaested. $$$
La Vida. 6105 Carbon Ca-
nyon Rd .. 996-0720. Break-
fast Sat-Sun. lunch. dinner.
happy hour. Live entertain-
ment Fri-Sat. American food.
Hotel with one of the only
hot springs in Southern Ca·
lifomia. $
R&dtJ '916can. 190 S. State
College Blvd .• 671-3020.
Lunch, d i nner, Sunday
brunch, happy hour. Live
entertainment and dancin1
Tues-Sat. Pnmarily seafood,
with 18-22 different fresh
fish daily. Reservations re·
quested. $$$
Buena Park
Hunpy Tlpf. 6231 Man·
chester Ave .. 522-1542 .
Lunch. dinner, happy hour.
Steaks. seafood, with li ve
whole Maine lobsters. Reser·
vat1ons recommended. $$
* Businessman's Lunch-Cocktails
* Contests on Thursday Nights
11-1PM 4-6PM
558-8958 SANTAANA
OPEN 11 A.M . TO 2:00 A.M.
Costa Mesa
A"redo•t lt .. oraftt• an«I
,......_ Westin South Cont
Pfaza Hotel, 666 Anton Blvd.,
540· 1550. Award·winnina
Italian cuisine, includlna
veal, fettucini and quail. Ex·
tensive wine list. SS$$
Ctw11e'a CNll. 2278 New-
port Blvd .• 5-i9·2294. ()pen
24 hours a day. Featurin1
chili dishes. with a full·
service coffee shop menu. s
111 Cau. 296 E. 17th St ..
645-7626. Lunch, dinner.
Live entertainment Wed-Sat.
Mexican food. S
lllone•1, 2701 Harbor
Blvd., 979-6735. Lunch,
dinner served daily featurina
fine Italian cuisine. Excellent
pasta items. S
Newport Rib Companf.
2000 Newport Blvd .. 631 -
2 110. Dinne-r. BBQ ribs and
19'.tt st,... w-. 745 w
19th St , 650-5735. Break-
fast , lun c h , dinner .
Omelettes. homemade
soups, sandwiches. casse-
roles. Weekday breakfast
specials and daily dinner
specials. S
4009 W. Ball Rd .. 527-3576.
Lunch, dinner. Japanese
food wtth a sushi bar. SS
Dana Point
Dana Trader. 34150 Pa-
cific Coast Hwy., 493-2603.
Lunch, dinner, oyster bar,
Sunday brunch. Live enter·
tainment. Seafood and con-
tinental cuisine. Known for
local lobster cau1ht daily.
Reservations recommended
on weekends. $$$
Quiet Cannon. 34344
Street at the Green Lantern.
496-6146. Lunch. dinner.
happy hour. Sunday brunch.
Steaks, prime rib, seafood.
and tr.e finest coastline view
1n Southefn California. Reser·
vati.on1 recommended. SS
El Toro
llon C9'atMu. 23642 El
Toro Rd .. 830-3810. Lunch,
dinner. Closed Mondeys. En-
tertainment with harpist or
violinist. Befaian and French
cu~ine. Dress code. Reser-
vations apprecl8led. s-m
81 We. 501 N. St.Me Cot·
lea•. 870-0433. Lunch,
dinner. Sunde brunch,
16 Orange County Entertainer
happy hour. Live entertain·
ment and dancina ni&htty.
Buraers. omelettes. pizza.
steaks. sandwiches and HI·
eds. S
Capen leauurant alld
Club. 222 W. Houston Ave.,
992-2580. Breakfast. lunch.
dinner. Sunday brunch.
happy hour. O.J. and dancin1
mahtly. Seafood. steak. sand·
wiches. Sophisticated yet
casual d inina with hi &h
eneray dancin1; adj.cent to
Holiday Inn f ullerton. S-$S
Caak 'N Clea•er. 1933
Sunny Crest Or .. 870·0891.
Dinner, happy hour. Steaks,
seafood. fresh fish and salad
bar. Reservations not re-
quired but available. SS
Emw'1 ~. 323 N. State
Colleae Blvd .. 870-7400.
Lunch, dinner, happy hour.
Live entertainment and danc ·
in1 Wed-Sat American food.
includi na BBQ r ibs and
chicken. pa~ta. seafood and
steaks. $
El , ... Cantin.. 2736 E
Nutwood Ave .. 87 1-9750
Lunc h . dinner. Sunday
brunch. happy hour. D J and
dancing nightly Mexican
food s
Ruby Beconia'1. Gri swold's
Hotel, 500 S. Raymond Ave ..
635·9000 Lunch. dinner
Happy hour weekn11hts from
5· 7 p.m .. with sushi bar on
Monday and Tuesday. Danc-
ing, live entertainment Wed·
Sat American continental
cuisine Reservations sua·
gested. $$
The Tllj. 1975 Sunnycrest.
526-8283. lntroducina Tava
(inddte) and Sign (mesquite
broil) Indian cuisine Sunday
champagne brunch Reser·
vations suaested. S$S
Garden Grove
eo.cttrnan. 12455 Haster.
Garden Grove. 971-2311
Lunch, dinner, happy hour
Live entertainment and danc ·
ing. Broiled steak, seafood.
prime rib with daily lunc h
and dinner specials.$
8IZIOUI Caf9/Q111,,, 222~
Main St., 960.().440. Lunch
Wed-Sun, dinner Thurs-Sun
Crepes, quiche, c roisunts
and more c..,.,. • ., ........ 406
Pacific Coast Hwy., 960·
9318. Breakfast. lunch. Sun-
day brunch. Live entertain·
ment and dancin1 .
Omelettes. steak & e11s.
aSSOfted buraers and sand-
wiches. Very casual (21 and
c... ..... 16060 Bach
Blvd .. 842-2541. lunch,
dinner. Sunday brunch.
happy hour. Sonora·alyle
Mecic.Wl food. $
...._T .. aor._.17
April 1986
--Dining & Nightlife---
COid s•hm .... 16
J.C. McU..'a ... & a.ti.
18121 Beach Blvd .• 841-
0417. Lunch, dinner. happy
hour. serwd 11-3 p.m. Sat·
Sun. California cuisine, in-
cludina ribs, fresh fish. SU·
food sautes. chicken. steaks.
........ Country Club.
16782 Gr•ham St., 846-
3391. Breakfast. lunch, Sun-
day brunch. live entertain·
ment and dancina Tues-Fri,
Sun. S
'aatrano'a. l 9535 Buch
Blvd .. 960-7730 Dinner
Wed·Sun. Conti nental with
specialty 1n fresh fish; feature
small fine California wineries..
Tibbie'• M.-ic Hal. 16360
Pac1f1c Coast Hwy., 840-5661
or (213) 592-4072 Musical
revues 1n repertory Tues·
Thurs 7 p m . Frt 5:45 and
9 p.m . Sat 5 and 9 pm ..
Sun 6 pm.
El Capitan. 14210 Culver
Dr . 55 1 3310. Lunc h ,
dinner Sunday brunch,
happy hour Live entertain
ment and dancing Wed Sat
Me•1can and seafood 811
screen satelhte T.V S
The Coumy Une.4615 Bar
ranca Pkwy . (71 •) 551
1942 Open from 11 30 daily
Happy hour, Mon· ... ,.•· 7 Live
music at happy hour on Wed
& Fri. Oancinc Fri & SM 8-
1 a.m . with live music. Lunch
under $10. Dinner under
Sl5. No reservations. Fish.
steaks. ribs. pnme.
Le Cafe. Irvine Hilton &
Towers. 17900 Jamboree
Blvd .. 863-3111 Lunch.
dinner daily. Casual d1nin1
in unique. attractive atmos·
phere featurin1 plenty of
trees. SS
Le ChardOftUJ. Re11stry
Hotel, 18800 MacArthur
8'vd .. 752-2044. Lunch Mon·
Fn, dinner Mon-Sat 6:3().10
p.m . Sunday brunch 11-2:30
p.m . Fine French cuisine with
California accent. Reserva·
tions reQuired. SSSS
Morell'•. Irvine Hilton &
Towers. 17900 Jamboree
Blvd .. 863-3111. Lunch.
dinner daily Elepnt decor
featuring distinct Cahfom1a
cuisine. Reservations recom·
mended $$S
R•welt. Registry Hotel.
18800 MacArthur Blvd .. 752
8777 Music videos Dancing
nightly till 2 a m Happy
hours 4.7 pm Mon-Fri with
two-tor-one drinks and com
pltmentary hors d 'oeuvres
Free valet parking. proper
attire required No cover. no
mint mum
Laguna Beach
S.n Brown'•. 31106 S
• Sund9J Brunch 8pect8cul•r
• 2 Loungee for Your Entert81nment
Pie mu re
• Mond8J Niie C•Jun lpecl•lllM
• 5 Theme Dining Roome
Reservations Recommended
11IO W. 8811 Ad.
Auheim 535-1122
Cc.st Hwy., 499-2663. ar-k-
fast. lunch. dinner, Sunct.y
and dancins Wed-Siil Con-
ti nental cuisine. Re-se"'•·
tions recommended. ~$$
Gau1w•'• 81atre. Hotel
San Maarteen. 6~ S.. Coast
Hwy .. 494-0162. lunch,
dinner, Saturday and Sunday
brunch. happy hour. CJosed
Mondays. Live ~inment
Wed·Sat, Sun brunch. Inter·
continental cuisine. Reser·
vations accepted.$$
.._. • .., ..... 2ss.eom
Hwy .. 494-1151. Sunday
brunch. happy hour. live
entertainment and dancina.
Continental and Danish cui-
sine. Reservataons reQu1red.
r.-. n.a. 1740 s. Coast
Hwy .. 494·6588 Lunch.
d i nner, Sunday brunc h .
happy hour Me•1can-Sooora
style. Reservations required s
Laguna Hills
Boardw•lll Reetaurant.
l 555 S Coast Hwy . 497
44 7 7 Dinner nightly from
5 30. featuring live Maine
lobster. fresh pasta. steaks
crab legs. fresh seafood
Reservations required SSS
Don Joee'e. 23972 Avenida
de La Carlotta. 581 ·l 570
Lunc h. dinner. Sunday
brunch. happy hour Me1ucan
...... ,.. c. •• ,. .....
23020 LaM fcwesl Dr .• 856-
4233. Breakfast. lunch,
happy hour. Liw entertain·
ment. D.J. and ct.nc.ins nicht-
ly. Homemade soups. chili
and specials; sandwiches.
N.Y. steak. scampi. home-
made sa~s and more. S
r ..... ..........._1555
S. Coast Hwy .• 497-4477.
Breakfast. lunch. Mon-Sat.
dinner daily Sunday brunch
1·3 p.m . Pbino bar n1atrtty
Fresh snfood. contemponwy
cuisine. with panoramte view
of the Pacific Coast SSS
Lake Forest
a.pltot'e HouM, 23311
Mu1rtands. 770-3222 lunch.
dinner. Sun~ay brunch.
happy hour uve entertain
ment and dancing nightly
Continental cu1S1ne SS
Mission Viejo
T.-. n.ta. 22792 V1Sta
Del Lago. 830-9980 lunch.
dinner Sunday brunch
happy hour Sonora st}le
Melllcan food S
~Fresh Seafood"'·
Served With A
Surf : .
O<eaktost •lunch • Otnne<
PrNOte Parties To JOO
• ~ Hunongton Beocti Pier (714) 5.J0.2555 ~
Oranae County Entertainer
Newport Beach
•• 1lr'a. 311 Marina Ave
(on Balboa Island). 673·
6580. Dinner seNed niatWltY.
faturinc Italian and seafood
items. A selection of fine
wines and fresh fish are
affeed. ~ions recom·
Alechnl "n ,...... 2607 W.
Co•st Hwy., 646·0201.
Lunc h . d i nner. Sunday
brunch. happy hour L1Ye
entertaenment nchtly Fresh
sofood SSS.$
Antoine. Hotel Mer1d1en.
4500 MacArthur 8'~. 476-
2001 French cuisine ~
for lunch and dinner. ••th
intimate seatina. antiques.
and French 1mpress1on1st
pa1nt1n1s Reservatt<>ns sog·
aested $SS
......... 5ereet. 464 7 Ma
c Arthur Blvd . N ewport
Beach. 540 -24 75 Mon Fri
11 a m 3 p m . lunch Mon
Sun musical vanety dinner
show wrth the Yoona Amer
IC if OS
Beef aftd Rfff. 1520 w
Coast Hwy . 5 4 8 7167
Dinner nightly from 5 l 0 p m
Steak fresh seafood SSS
n. Bi9tro. Newporter Re·
sort 1107 Jamboree Rd
644 1 700 Breaktast. lunch.
di nner daily French cafe
fNtunng ~ prices SS
8 .J.'1 Chicaao rtueria.
106 Main St . 675 7560
lunch dinner until m idnight
daily .. Weekday madness"
specials Mon-Wed Pizza.
pasta and sandWlChes S
Bob Burnt. 37 fashion
Island. 6•4·2030 Lunch.
dinner. Sunday brunch.
happy hour uYe entertain
ment nightly Contmental/
~hfom~ styie Reserv~lOfls
sogested SS
cm""'-'. Hotel Mend ten.
4500 Mac.Arthur 8'vd . 4 76·
2001 A seaectton ol provtn·
c1al French soec1alt1es are
offered daily fOf" breakfast.
lunch and dinner. 1n the
1tnum lounae Jan music
for d inner Tues-Sat SS$
c. LWo.. 2900 Newport
Blvd • 675-2968 Lunch.
dtnner. happy hour Live en·
tetta1nment ntChtty Cont1n·
ental cuisine. spec1al1zm1
1n se.afood ~SUI
aested SS
Qat9e•a QA 102 Mcfad·
den Place. 548-2294 ()pen
24 hours a day Omelettes.
hambur1ers. steaks. Mex
can foods. At the foot of the
Ne•pott ~per '
Grh14er. 1400 P•c1f1c
Coast Hwy . 642-8881. Break·
fast. lunch. dinner deity $
la N 1:. Ne aioorter Re-
sort. 1107 J•mborff Rd ..
644-1700. lunch. d inner.
~ t>runch. Liw etar·
tan ••aenl.. c.tibtoia an.ne
1n a prden-strle Mttina.
Rias. watioltS requi'9d.. SU
~ .... 3421 Via Lado.
675-4904. lunch Tues.-SM.
dinner TUK-Sat 6 p.m. Sun·
day brunch 11-3. FeMure-s
seasonal fe-stival foods of
Euroe>e. Cuisine ~.
~advised $S
M1 IClll"e. 130 E 17th St.
(at Newport Blvd ). 646-
8855 Shett•ed pabo dtn•nc
with retractable awrunc. Oys-
ter bar, fn:stl seafood. steak,
chicken. lou1seana MCa1un"
spec1att1es. blackened red
fish. and &rut fish fry happy
hour, Mon-Fn. 3:30-6·J0p m
Late-n11ht aourmet oy~ter
bar live ent~nment and
d1n1n1 n11htJy. free parluna.
Serv1n1 continuously daily
from 11 am SS
-...... h. 1100 w Co.st
Hwy . 6•5 ·8384 Dinner
Belly danc1n1 Fn Sat Mor
ocun Reservations recom
mended $SSS
Ne9P(Wt Mandarin. 3950
Campus Dr 852 .0900 Man
dann and Szechuan cuiStne
sef".led 1n an e~gant 1nt1mate
atmosphere Ptano entertain
ment Tues Sat evenings $$
llonaco't . Toka1 Bank
3333 W PCH 6'5 5225
Lunch dinner daily Sunday
brunch. Fresh sea food
steaks. pasta. wild game
ca1un cu1sme Spectacular
bayfront view. casual ele
pnce SSS
lluldooft·1 ....... '-ab. 202
~wport ~nter Or (Fashion
Island). 640-4110 Lunch
dinner daily lnsh/ American
cuisine fresh seafood
served 1n warm. happy pub
atmosphere Reservations
suaested S
The Pl•••ant PeaHnt.
4251 Martingale Wy . 955
2755 Lunch Mon-Fri. dinner
Mon Sat French continental
cuas.ine. etepnt atmosphere
Rewrvat1ons sugested H
Ropl Khber. 1000 Br1st<>'
St North. 752-5200 Authen
tic T andoor1 cu1s.ne. eteaant
ly presented in the M<>&hul
trad 1t 1on Champagne
brunch on Sat. Sun lunch
buffet Reservations soaest
ed for daily lunch. dinner
Scutpture G•rden Cafe.
Newport Harbor Art Museum.
850 San Clemente Or . 759
0391 Lunch Tues-Sat Daily
soec.ats. sal~. sandwtches.
desserts Reservations not
reqwred but accepted
, ... , ....... 2530 w
Coast Hwy . 642-9070
Lunch. dm~. happy hour
Mon-Thun 10:30 p.m -12 lO
am llveentettatnment Wed·
Sun BBQ nbs. chicken.
steak. hambur&ef'S. Subhtted
.. A Ptace for Ribs .. $$
vm. ...... 3131 w c.oesi
Hwy . 642-7880 O.nner. Sun-
day brunch live entert.atn-
ment 1n the paano ber ni&httY
tblhan cue~ne. ~
,.._y ....... 11
--Dining & Nightlife---
( ontinued from Paa~ 11
The WarehouM, 3450 Via
Oporto. lido Village, 673-
4700. lunch, dinner, Sunday
brunch Live entertainment.
Seafood/Continental. $-$$
The Wine Cellar. Newporter
Resort. 1107 Jamboree Rd .
644 l 770 Dinner Tue,s-Sat
Cl assic French cu1s1n e .
served 1n six courses Reser
vat1ons reQutred SSS
Woody's Wharf, 2318 New
port Blvd . 675 04 74 Lunch.
dinner . Sunday brunch,
happy hour Live entertain-
ment Thurs Sat Seafood.
stea ks and prime nb Bay-
front dining, boat sltps avail
able SS
Yinta1ff. Cannery Village,
50130thSt .675 1557 fine
Nouvelle cuisine. extensive
wine list featuring more than
450 labels $$$$
Dover'• Restaurant. l 00
~ 1ty Drive. 634 4500 Lunch
..,prved Mon Fri 11 30 2 30
p m Dinner served Mon Thur
b 10 pm 6 11 pm Frt &
._,at Happy hour weeknights
, I pm Sunday brunch 10
2 30 p m Un1Que Continen
ral cu1s1ne SSS
u Brasaerie f rench C.fe.
202 S Main St . 978 6161
Lunch. dinner. Frenc h cu1
sine. spec 1al1z1ng 1n white
veal and fresh fish Reser
11at1ons suggested SSS
Off Broadway. I l 08 E Ka
tella 639 3354 Lunch,
dinner Mon Sat Singing wait·
ers wa itresses Fresh sea
food lobster steak Live
f>nterta1nment nightly feat
uring Top 40's and old time
roe k n roll Re servat ions
c.uggested S
Oran1e County Minin1 Co.,
I 0000 Crawford Canyon
Road 997 74 I I Dinner.
happy hour Sunday brunch.
and un1Que atmosphere in
authentic silver mine Steaks.
prime rib seafood. rtbs. and
beautiful city view Reser
vat1ons recommended SS
Tokyo Buffet. 213 E Ka
tella Ave , 639 4983 Lunch.
r11Pner. Sunday brunc h All
you can eat Japanese buffet
Tlaquepaque. 111 W
Santa Fe. 528 8515 Break·
fast. lunch, dinner except
Tues. Sunday brunch Live
entertainment and dancing
Fri Sun, mariachi Old Mex ·
1can atmosphere. S
Swallow'• Cove. San Cle-
mente Inn, 2600 Ave Del
Pres1dente, 498 9202
Lunc h . dinner. Sunday
brunch, happy hour Closed
Tuesdays Live entertain·
ment and dancina Wed·Sun.
American continental cu1
sine Reservations suuest-
Santa Ana
Gandhi Indian Cuial ne,
South Coast Plaza Village,
3820 Plaza Dr .. 24 1·0590.
Lunch weekdays, d i nner
nightly from 6-10.30. Sunday
brunch l l ·2:30. Indian cui-
sine featuring Tandoon cu1·
sine, reservations suggested
H.T.'1. 1641 W Sunflower,
979·FISH lunch, dinner.
happy hour O.J. and dancing
nightly Seafood. fresh fish
and steak Reservattons ... re·
Quired $$
Red Robin, 1307 W Sun·
flower. 4 32-1111 . Lunch.
dinner daily from 11 a.m .
2 am Happy hour 3.7 pm ..
10 30·2 am Gourmet ham·
burgers. sandwiches. appet·
1zers. full bar S
Sombrero Street. 7 19 N
Main St . 54 7-0921 Lunch.
dinner . Sunday brunc h .
happy hour Mexican food.
steak. seafood S
The Barn. 14982 Redhill,
259 0115 Breakfast Mon
Fri 6 30· l l a m Lunch Mon
Fri Dinner nightly from 5
p m Sunday brunch. happy
hour Live entertainment and
dancing nightly. Steak. bar
beQue. lobster Continental
d1n1ng 1n attrac tive. rustic
atmosphere. SS
Chuck's Steak Houae.
I 41 31 Red Hill. 832 6660
Lunch. dinner. daily Happy
hour Mon· Fn 4 7 p m . Sun
day brunch Live entertain
m ent Thurs Sat evenings,
satellite TV Prime nb. steaks.
seafoods. reservations sug
gested SU
New Additions
McCormick's Landini.
3 180 Airway Ave , Costa
Mesa. 546·9880 Live enter
tainment every weekend The
Convertibles play 50s and
60s music Wed n~'sday and
Friday from 6 30 to 9 30 pm
Also Top 40 bands each
weekend April 3 4. 5 Leran.
April 10. 11 . 12 Private Eye,
April 1 7, 18, 19 Craze All
bands play from 9 p m to
1 30 am
Pierce Street Anne•. 330
E 17th St . Costa Mesa. 646-
8500 E"ery Wednesday thru
Sunday Nat111e Tonaue plays
Top 40 music. From 8:45
p m until 1 45 a m. Tuesday;
"Starmaker's Show," where
patrons come up on staae
and sing their favorite songs
from 8 p m until closma.
The Hop, 18774 Brook·
hurst St .. Fountain Valley,
963-2366 live entertain
ment scheduled: April 2. The
Ri1hteous Brothers, 7:30
k p.m. to 9 p.m . Monday, "Roe
'N Roll ,tfeaven;" Tuesday
"Rock around t he Clock
Every Sunday Authentic
play Top 40 tunes from
. ..
p.m. to 1:30 a.m.
s CruJ Buno, 8082 Adam
Ave .. 960·7644. Live Musi
Sunday to Thursday 9 p.m
to 1:30 a.m . OJ plays To
40 music every Saturday
o.m. to 2 a.m .
., FrMCO's.17041 Beach Blvd
Hunti ngton Beach, 964
7132. live music scheduled
April 1-8 Katz 'N Jammer
play R&B and dance music
April 9, 10, 12, Matinee Idol
Top 40; April 20-24, Craze
Top 40 All shows start a
s . . .
9:30 p.m
Maxwell'•. 31 7 Pacifi
Coast Hwy, Hunt ingto
Beach. 536·2555. Pianist Joe
Stahl plays Top 40 ano stan
dards, every Tuesday thr
Saturday from 7 p m unt
Hl1ht Moves. 5902 Warne
Ave , Huntington Beach, 840
6118 Live music scheduled
April!, 3·5. Streeterville, Top
40 April 2. 6 ·8. The Actors
Top 40 April 12. Detante
original music April l 7·19
Su rftones. surf music Al
r .
shows begin at 9 p .m
T.C. Peppercorn's, 8052
Stark. Huntington Beach
842 5535 Live music sche
dute· Monday. Tuesday, Wed
nesday Charlte & Chris play
contemporary and old stand
ards Thursday, Friday. Sat
urday· Dodd $Quad. Top 40
Sunday Skyline. R&B and
1am session All shows begin
at 8 30 p.m .
Alrporter Inn, 18700 McAr·
thur Blvd., Irvine, 833-2770.
Live music sc heduled: Greg
Topper plays Top 40 .
Tuesday-Saturday. 8 · 30
p m 1 30 a m . Herb & Vt .
Top 40. Sunday and Monday,
8 30 pm ·1·30 am. Shona
Bishop. Top 40, every eve·
n1ng, 4-7 p.m
Broadway Bar, 251 Broad·
way, Laguna Beach. 497
3072 The Language Lab
plays 50s and 60s music
every Friday and Saturday.
8 30 to 12 30 a m
Crown HouH. 32802 Pa
c1f1c Coast Hwy, S Laguna.
496 5773 Live Music sche-
duled The Troubadours play
Top 40 and some 1azz every
Tuesday-Saturday 8:30 p.m.
1 30 a m Sunday: Good Stuff
plays Top 40, 8 pm
Via Maria. 9969 Walker.
Cypress. 82 l ·9300. Live
music. Weqnesday·Saturday
9 pm 1 30 a.m DJ plays
Top 40 tunes during the live
band 's 1nterm1ss 1on .
Wednesday-Saturday, 8
p.m · l 30 a m Saturday· Lip
Synch CO'ltest. 10 p m Thurs·
day "Gona Show." 10 p. m
Bobby McGee·• Con1lo·
.meratton. 284 71 Marguente
Pkwy .. M1ss1on Viejo, 495-
3755 DJ and dancing night·
ly 7 p.m.-1 45 a.m.
The Cannery, 3010 la·
fayette, Newport Beach, 675·
5777. live entertainment:
Top 40 bands, Wednesday.
Sat urday, 8 ·30 p.m.-1 a.m
Country Rock. Sunday after·
noons, 1 :30·6 p.m.
It.ct Onton, 2406 Newport
Blvd., Newport Beach, 6 75.
2244. Live music scheduled·
April 1 C.fe Soctety, Top 40.
April 2 . Code, Top 40. April
3-6 Katz 'N Jammers, R&B
and dance music. April 6-
8 Flip, Top 40. April 9 -12
Katz, Top 40. April 13, Mat-
inee Idol, Top 40. April 13·
15 Bonareux. Top 40. April
16·20, Jakata, Top 40, New
wave. April 20-22 Bonareux.
April 23·27 Jakata. April 27 ·
29 Flip. Afjril 30, Mighty
Flyers. Blues and Rock. All
shows begin at 9 p.m . except
for Sundays in which there
are two shows at 2 p.m .-7
p.m and 9 p.m.
Studio C.fe, 320 l E. Pa·
c1fic Coast Hwy .. Corona def
Mar. 675-7575. live Jazz
scheduled· Monday: Dave
Johnson Tuesday: Hardy
Boys. Wednesday: Europa,
Latin jazz. Thursday: Bobby
Redfield. Friday: Robert Wil·
Iiams Band, fusion. Saturday:
Tyrone Anthony Band: fu·
sion. Sunday: Joe littieri, 4-
7:30 p .m. John Wood Trio,
8 p.m .-midnight. All shows
begin at 9 p.m . except or
Studio Cafe, 100 S. Main
St .. Balboa, 675· 7760. Live
Jazz scheduled: Monday. Joe
littieri. Tuesday: Europa .
Wednesday: TBA Band
Thursday: Robert Williams
Band. Friday: Bobby Red-
field. Saturday: Chiz Harns,
Tyrone Anthony Band, 2·6
p.m. Sunday: Joe litt1eri.
Tyrone Anthony Band 2·6
p.m. All shows be1i n at 9
p.m. except Tyrone Anthony
shows on Saturday and Sun·
day and Joe Lltt1erl's show
Sunday at 8:30 p.m.
Craz, Hone StNkhouH,
1580 Brookhollow, Santa
Ana, 549·1512. li"e music
scheduled: April 7, 8 Bobby
Bare. April 14, 15 Kris Kris·
tofferson April 21 lacy J.
Dalton. All shows 7 p.m.· 10
The Sheraton Newport
Hotel. 4545 McArthur 81..,d .•
Newport Beach. 833·0570.
l1"e entertainment sche-
duled: Tuesday: "Sneak Pre·
view" Wednesday·Friday·
"Hatori" Both shows 8 p m .-
12:30 pm.
Balloon Rides
Cha mpagne flights 1
days/wk over the wine coun-
try 1-800-06-6222 V /MC
( formerly 'Bashful Bagel')
now under new ownership
2340 Harbor Blvd CM 546-
BANDS, DJ'a, , Videos & equipment rentals
or restaurants & personal
Hig hest quality 964-7132
~trl~le duo 0 1 bcH1d T ~II u\
INl'ld1 you neecJ
~45 3772 ur 548 5277
Y<llJ ~ ,rn l1nd some gre<l1 things
o do or great places 10 go when
eferr1ng 10 the Orange County
Hug 611111
CUDDlO 111£ TOIY lfAI•
Delivers Hugs for all oc-
casions 832-HUGS (4847)
Expenence our 6 passenger
Cads. for $30/hr & free • 1 hr
859-8590 V /MC
Stretches all occasions
Concerts/ Airport specials
Lie #TCP3082P 641 -5107
25 yr old classics! Dinner
Specials 714-998-1211
Spec1a11z1ng 1n weddings.
large groups. & special
events 8'42 -3842
Video PrOductlons for any
event. 100 photos = $250. &
Video taping S 1 so "4·0410
mclllC-f Alll-TAllJT-all
Reading 20 yrs expetlence.
1918 Harbor Btvd CM Of ane
650-2758/831-8961 1 frH
Question by phone
Elegance with gourmet din.
mg. champagne & roses. Ir-
vine Coast Charters 675--'704
Weddings 11 Sa
n1ng aboard lux power & sail
yachts We arrange all to
make a special day carefree
& memorable 675-4704
Y1cht a.1r11rs
for harbor & Coastal cruising
Parti es & corporate
entertnmt. lrvlne Coast
Charters 675-470•
Orange County Entertainer April 1986
A visit to one of Orange County's finest hotels just Isn't com-
plete without a copy of TM or.,.. Countr .,..........,,the
leading magazine that focuses on stage, music, dance, dining
and nltelife.
And that's why Griswold's Inn in Fullerton, along with more
than 30 other luxurious hotels in Orange County, places a copy
of The Enterbllner In each guest room.
Whether guests want to see a play, hear a concert, or dine at
a fine restaurant, they'll find It in their colorful, exciting Issue of
The Or•nle County EnterUlner.
Of course, tourists aren't the only ones that need to be
entertained. If you're looking for fun, then you can receive 12
monthly issues of The Orange County Entert81ner for Just $12.
Simply mail a check or money order to The Entert81w, 883
Production Place, Newport beach, 92663. Or call in with Visa
or Mastercard, at (714) 631-8120.
Let The Entert.lner entertain YOU . Remember: tourists
shouldn't be the only ones having fun.
April 1986 Orange County Entertainer
Long Beach Grand Prix .
Celebration Dates:
April 8 -KIK FM Party at Franco's
April 11 , 12, 13-Grand Prix races
April 15-Grand Prix Day at Franco's
Franco,s-IK FM Live Remote Party on
--. ---~-----------
17041 Blach Blvd.
H11tington Bach
(Beach at Warner)
Join Us for
Grand Prix Celebration
Day at Franco's-Aprll 15
pri 8
Franco's and KIK FM will host a live remote broadcast party to kick off Grand Prix week on April 8.
There will be plenty of drink specials, live entertainment, and appearances by several Grand Prix
drivers. Plus, get an up-close look at some of the actual Indy cars and off road vehicles that will be
featured in the race.
• Drawings for Grand Prix Tickets, Hats, Shirts, Albums, Goodyear Tires
• Grand Prize Drawing for Long Beach Grand Prix "Mini-Car"
• Meet Miss Long Beach Grand Prix and the Drivers
• Drink Specials and Live Entertainment
1st Week
Katz ·N Jammers
Saturday, Sunday
Champagne Brunch
2nd Week
Matinee Idol
3rd Week
Cafe ociety
__ SEAFOOD ________ _
4th Week
The Craze
8082 Ada11s Ava.
H1nlinaton Beach
(Beacfi at Adams)
Come Join Us For Our
"Cinco De Burro"
April 5
1st Week 2nd Week
Private -i The Code
3rd Week
Page 1 4th Week
Katz 'n Jammers