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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-11 - Newport Harbor Ensign. . .. • . PON agree: No big projects tor now ftlUDYDUWY Aa ...... a11j ., .... , .... a cliillli 21 • M tM cilia ol Newport ·-... CCllt8 w.a iD ~to tie ~....;...a. • d • -• o1.a..-.:-.ti .....ua mtu _.COW OD ~ poa ~ •e1i• to nm oat, bothc:iliea ..... nceited clejee ia ropetttjm with tM iBcidf Dt. Two Colt• .... potice officer• wt • ciYiliaa Oiabt illltnldor died ia tbe crash Oftr Bonita Caayoa. Newport •Kia and Cou Maa ba.e ra:med identical d•• from Becty PoDant OD belutlf of bend( and ber iDfaat daupter, Oaristy LiD. Pollard ii tbe widow of Jdlrcy Pollanl, the pmeqa in* Co.ta Maa llClicopta. hlssd Mbd ada "cilJ for a &Olal of " IDi.llioJa for Mllelf UMI ber daaptcr. Eacla dai• illclades S2 aiillioa for support, S2,99S,OOO for damqn and SS,000 for funeral apcmca. Pollard cbaraed tile cities with · acP&r cc and said ia bier dejms tbal UDMmed employees of the city of Newport Be8cb ud c.o.ta Mesa •tnew or abould U'V'C ~ tJw the bigb- speed dme tboruaboat Oraaae County cities of one Vincent William Acosta would create a bip rilt or harm to all penons and .ebicles involved ... PoOard abo aDeaed tbllt the pilots were Localsportsmanleadsthe fight to ban gill net fishing aY RANDI ALTO.MAN an initiative that will allow people to 0, wbat a t•ftlled web we wea~ or Cipral bow they feel about the wasteful maybe even unweaYC. practice of gillnetting in Calif'ornia..,. The Committee to Ban GiU N~ · Gill nets are si~paael cumins of ·~ by ~en ~atuda of New-. --~~......._ ...i • port BeaCh, will an co'Wrina ti.n-.. nylon twme or wvavu.11111s11t ~ -.--line suspended in the water cohum. ;.~~ ban die Deb olf the Tnammcl acts are a type of sill Dd n.e iailiMift, whicb WfMrld bu me comprilcd of a sma1l-mla Dd sand- al sill, tn•¥ ad trawl ... for ., widled lw:tweaa two J8rFr, loOler nets. to tine milel Oil * COllC. ii ia dllc Trawl Deb are.....-olbcaYy twine wl procas of beia1 reYiewecl i»J tk ~ ~ * 1ea Oooi' behind • ~ Oemr.a\ lnfticc. -i wsM to sift tM ipOitr • rw-=a Gil lliilta caa lie 11ii1e1 klltl wl ap OfCMfoniaalbO•Mdo,...""-to..._ la•f1ed kt deep ud are ia tile.._.. ·aa·am. prcwna dalt iaYilillleiatlaew11er.A•Mndoati.e ....,.... tM ,... of ti. ..n. ....... dlele 8Ct lib .... to aitcla ....,... ol ..-state," ~ahda, fillL la •11f11 wurn:., flaeti• -. , •• , ,., .... c..-.. ,..... .. ••• irifl .... Cldela .urt ... ayd i.W. a...-.: . ................... ,., •... a ,.,..., DOt propaly trained for such a panuit. Tiie potice llelicot*n were invohat in an air panait of Acosta for •"'wed car tWt a tbe time of She cnab. Newport •1aeb rouaiacly rtjc:aed tbe claim at iu ma::•inc ma Monday aicbt. Costa Mesa ii expected to take tbe wne KtiolL On Jwae I , Colta Mca \City Coun- cil routinely rejected a subroption daim by Southern Marine and Aviation U~ Aviation Ma•aaen for Tramamerica. for SSl.SOO to pay for retrieval, 1tor11e and incidental CipeDSCS incurred by them in COBDeC- 5 P•.-.M aY aOGD aLOOll · A slow aaowda poap ii paepwed to ~ a lepl da.Pcs:r OD Ntw; art Be.ta -S roceat approal iii aa oftice buildina Dal' Jolua w.,. Airport, pmdinc a city 1cwiew of its Gem ral Pia mid a.....,.._ oa prace•ina app&;. ce'm w -Zsix ~· md tJ..a review ii co-fkted. Stop Pollati8a Om Newport brougM the IUit dw'"nai'W tbe adcqUf:J ol an eaviroame..a ltady of tbe MacLap- la Group\clneloptt1Dt at MKArtlaur Boulevanl ad Newport Pla:c. SPON director Jam W11tt confirmed TaadaJ morniaa tllat die oatha of an aaree•at to lddetlle 18it baft been drawn bJ City Ananey Bob ....... wl SPON"I attorDeJ, Clew .. Slmlc of Saa Fn.a.co. Slaatc WM mftil- able Tuaday, hil office .at. •My u.nda••ncli•a ii die city (coun- cil) baa acted,.. Watt ~ ecldina. •What -~ FUiDI ii a luD iD tbe ~ina of t1ae detdopamts wlaile tbe 0caaa1 Plan ii rmc~ ad or a '•.-.12 Council lalls S'8Ult~ 11111 plmli ...... ay ROG&ll ROOM BcaryT.Scpamw ii probably Pd bis family\ a.-ii in Cou Mesa and not Newport ••b In Colta Mesa. Sqamom got the o~ to baild South COMt PW.a. tbe Westin Hotel, Centre Tower and, most recatly, 630,000 eqaare fed of office SJ*1C in tbe Home bndl Project. In Newport Be.ell, be-can l nea get approval for a plptcr box. Monday mpt, the Newport Beada City Council tar..S dowa Scp:altlOm\ request for an cnc:ra.:hecet permit (or a planter be bad -...w at the end of ., .. StRct a part ol IOllle broeda wort on the street tbll be bad Ullder'- takcn in COllj•Ktioa wida die rUDQdei- iq of bis llome.; aY 811.L lldYn Two coaa, aapenilon, ·a state u1eablymu alMt tile mayorolSaaaa Ana were iDVited by tbe Ontqe ~ chapter of the Buildioa Ind111UJ Alilo- ciation to participate in an open panel dilcUllion before a crowd of about JOO people. entitled "Freeway, highway or no way." The major question addrated was •11 the encl in sipt for our transportation mess?" The supervison were Harriett Wieder, chair of Orange Coun- ty\ Transportation Commiuion and Gaddi v uqucz. Asaembly- -·irt ·~---... Sate A111••l7 Tre pDl'etjoe C.-•itllee ... joimed -die pael by MayOI' Du ¥ OUD1 of SaataAna. , Wieder.,...; tbe 4ilc811ion with a prepared Ip II ll cla Qplain- iq tbe traffiC protilcml inhermt in our freeway a~m. 'Our freeways were ~mpletdy ade- quate wtien they ~ built, but bawe been OVCI whelmed by the sheer volume of ti'affic in the county today. She dacn"bcd our freeway system as an •overbur- dened infrastructure." She added that while there were a .... ., .. ~_, .. ,.. . ., bailt ia Or p CoualJ la IM ,. -~ ... INJf 'ciae Ud pcntD by400,000 d~ tbe wpmiod. Siie --tlaet ...... ..;or- ity ol oar populjttjoe powtla was -=-.-...;.;...-• • • .... -· URQDm1 18 natare, IWl'CWI. that IDOlt ol eddi•toul people were dUldrm of coanty feli..; cleata. SM Uid ~ 01a1J IOlu- tioa ii for m to quit laaviaa babies ~'for yot1 to quit having biabia I've alre.dy bad mine.• • AmmbJyman ~.Wn111• the ~ of delays in COD- Coast Bistrict delar-s develORment decision BY BILL HARVEY The major bones of conten- tion at the regular meeting of the Coast Community College Dis- trict Board of Trustees were labeled, innocently enough, 4.15 and 4.17. The District Office was for them, and the Academic Senate was, at least temporarily, against them. Debate about the two agenda items seemed to jump interchan- geably between the two, though they had no bearing on each other. The first item, 4.15, is a proposed addition to the Board of Trustees procedures that would make it necessary for the board, before entering into a joint land-use co~ to deter- mine where funds realized from the contract were to be med before the contract was signed. The second, 4.17. is a proposal to open bidding for joint land Sl,000. use development of the 14 acres Academic Senate Praideot n_orth of Adams Avenue owned (OCC) Theo Mabry said that if by the district and, until recently, there was money to be spent, she used as agricultural land by would pref er that it be spent on Orange Coast College. educational programs. Brownell noted that approval Brownell responded .that the of the bidding proposal by the propoul was a money-making Board of Trustees oblipted the rather than a spending proposal~ district to nothing except~ and that tbe district would be ing proposals submitted by bound to nothing more than developers. If a · bid was reviewing proposals submitted accepted, the longrange plan by deYelopen. He said that the called for the construction of a plan called for a dndopcr, if 100,000 square-foot building 1elccted. to construct the build- that would be used to house the ing and even arrange for mo~ district office, the computer of the data center and KOCE in center currently housed on cam-· ex.cha.nae for me of part of tbe pus at Orange~ and KOCE 14-acre parcel Re ldcled that if' TV, currently located at Golden no propoul was 1a1er-1ble to West. He added that the land in the board, none need he 1elected. quest.ion had been used as crop Mabry uid tbat Ille felt that land by the Agriculture Depart-the two •nd• items ltioald be ment at OCC and that value of · postponed became ICbool wu the yearly crop was about out for the 1u•met and 90 pcrocnt of tbe fKUlty was not available. The board qreed to postpone the proceduiial prop- osal indefinitely and to poR~DC 1eekioa approval for accepting bids until the regular July I bOal'd meecina 1'bii delay ia to illow the Academic Senate to coatact v.catioaina faCalty meaaben to pin a eew ol fMiltJ thinking with ~ to tbe proposaJs. r -Charicellor BroWHll BY aILL HARVEY In a written statement to the Coast Community eon. 1¥- trict staff. Cbaacellor David A. Brownell announced his intent to retire from tbe district in early 1988. Ria retirement wu not antic- ~ by die district aDd be lial been 8iteil to la'ft • a cwV.1- taat to Ilia IUCC C90r to alUl'C .. Otdcrly tnDlitioD iD leeder- abip. In IUa ltalC1DeDt, &EM WISE EverythinS you want to know -----------The House of a..met is loclltlld • lZ PltaV.ldome. ltwtom-· tytheprii *'* 111idelaaltheTrea· ....... ,.,,, ... ,a. ......... Louis JM. °'°'*1 died in this ..... It .. Mio the home off• •• a. ..... became the bride of ....... lean Ill. Our pide and N rt 111 w a pie· tanofthec:Nc ,_..._She took us thnJulh the .., end "°" tltGPI and tD the upper ftoan ....... ... .... tome of the hi*Jly of the House al a-.n.t. She takt us of ttw first"°" done for....,...,. It -the...., m.ie forthe ccnsu- lar sword ••• the handle was set with pn9Cious stonesanda8*daround the central 140 carat diamond called the "Ar11 nt". Wet-.• atass model of that diamond on d~ in ourmnthisweek. We ... the reproductions of the COIOl.eio1191t nmle by the bnilr of the finn for N9poleor1 I and his .,,.,.,. tD M9riH..Guile. He ... rwmdthe~;s zlzrtDhEm- pmorand afllw,_.. IMlf-S.1CJ1Plitr to the~· whml Vdorilt ~ tsftnlordlra.lllidetwown~ try.~ .... ..., ..... impaltlnt CUIDss •did the .... twljthl of India • the end of ... 191t c:.n1urr. In the a.un'9t Muzrum, .... the "*" ...... of ti9r.a ....... a.' ..... 200,...andthe-V. V_.,Whichw la 1 rpha-n.ta tT11tt1 rpiece caw.1itd • .. turn of the «*llury. It is. --of •• -depictilwthelifllof ......... ..... tD ...... The --... tD 10 illdm ... and c:.-9 In .., • add .... wartl of .ti Thetlnltt111•ationof • ..... .. of i&•tltl'I now CMY • .. ....... tionsof .. Hameof a..n.t..S I muzt.., ............ u. ttwi IW'lt tar me of ow triP to Plris. CHARLES H. BARR 9-·.JU WESTCUFF PLAZA 17THATIRWE q ,.,, .... (714) .... before you set presnant If you're considering the pros and cons o( parenthood or are thinking about getting pregnant, this seminar will answer your questions. D Cettins in shape for presnancy D Fertility-Makins the most of it wl wbm to seek~ 0 Genetic hazards and screenins [)Sa~ stntesies 0 COilsumu choices and oosts in maternity care D How to tombine motherhood with a career Lawnn.re Wallat M.D. Oiredc.- Hoas fertility Servas Ne.Ira ltodlwi•, ILN. Instructc.- 08 Education Hoag Hospital Monday, Jane 15, 1987 • 7 p,m.-9:30 p.m. H~Memorial Hospital P~ian Grace Hoag Contiema Genter- 301 NeWPort Boulevard ~Beach. CA 92663 _ ... ~ -. --. . --- JUIE 11. 1117 THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Plil S ean plants, faith, and Joey, Part 2 • .. Let•a plant this ~ Mom," Wd my daughter. "Well, .. I hesitated, "I don't know if it's the ript kind of bean." .. We could try it anyway," abe uid. Sbe found a little cup on tbe counter. "Let's put some dirt in it.; Mom." We filled the cup with peat ID_CMI; we didn' even have any deceDt potting soil. She pushed tbC bein under the surface with bet &ye,r, and we set the cup oa a smmy window ledge. I ~ her some reality coun- seling. .. Remember, honey, the tcKben me special beam and let tMaa Sprout fint."' -okay, okay."' she uicL Sbe 'ftlll Oftr to the windowsill. Her eya were atiinina ~ Will it come up?'1 she laid. Before I tell. you about the ~ let me ramble Net to a column I wrote in Fe~. It SueKauth told of a boy umed Joey. who bad been auicidally depn•ed. After be decided to live, I got to know him a lot better. Tarm out be was a boy who Ult beicn in a street gang 8l bis former school ID additioa to a clisu- tcroua loft afrair. tile nearly full- timc C8l'C Of bis clilabled mother and llil sttaglea Ill our dcmand- ig acbool coatinually pulled him beck to the pna. When be fdt clowD., be talked to me. -SOmetima I still wish I could ao back tbae and ttt dnmt and violent;.• be would say on a ~ybadday. Al tbe spring' bepn to tum into 1ummer, his comments cb•nrf ~barrio boys seem bor- ing.,. be would aay. "Youn outgrowing them," I'd answer. "Im going into the military," he'd say. •1t•s my only way out or ru be stuck in a gang f orncr .... "Jpgt graduate first," I'd tell him. Lut month an Anglo boy "looked funny" at him. When p~bed, Joey's gang behavior won out. A bad fight ensued. The vice-principal told me Joey was going to be expelled. WWho makes the final deci- sion?" I asked . •why are you sticking your neck out for this boy?" the vice- principal asked ... If be fight& ag~ be might hurt someone." 06He won\, .. I said. 06Well, call Mr. Z at the district office. But don' say it was my idea." I called Mr. Z. He listened to me. He said be was glad a counselor believed in a kid. He allowed Joey to stay in school. Last night Joey attended the Senior Awards Banquet. He won a prize in industrial arts. He's going to graduate and go into the Marines. He has a new girlfriend and a job. He-. got a dynamite suit to wear to gradua- tion at the Bren Center. Now, back to the bean. One week later I saw nothing but dirt in the cup. "Honey," I said, 06it was the wrong kind of bean. Let's pull it out and st:art over." With tears in her eyes my daughter plunged her finger into the potting soil. As she started to pull it o~ she stopped. "Look, Mom," she said, M}t's green, not white ... It was a sprout. We looked through the clear plastic and saw the roots it bad formed. That bean is sitting on the kitchen table as I write. It is one foot tall. And Mr. Z at my district office: you arc ten feet tall. Thanks. Sue Kauth i.J a lice~d •r- api.Jt and counulor at a local public hith school SM and Mr hwband liw with their four- y~ar-old girl in N~wport H~irhu. From the mouths of babes ... cOrTie wise words aY IULL llAllVEY Each year Vicki Wheeler gives her Marinen School second grade class the fant half of old adqes and asks them to fill in tbc teCOod half and illustrate their adages. The rautt is some- times philosophical. sometimes practical and usually funny. Some of the more practical include: -"If at fmt you don' •~ cecd •.. forget it and throw it .. " -~ away. or ... you ~ more practice." -M'J'be best way to a man's heart is ... to give him 10,000 dollan," or, more to the point, .. d ... ... to 1g. _ .. A watched pot ... can' get stolen, .. and also ..... is a safe pot. .. And finally, one that all chil- dren should live by, "Don' cry over ... three minutes long ... Two that were treated more or lea literally by the children Learn bow to create your own country 1arden June 13-14 SOltbMn 12:•1:fl botAIMys were: -wrhe older you are ... the more wrinkles you get," and .. . . . the larger you get." -"Time and tide ... both start with a T," and ..... don't rhyme." About the non-thirsty bone adage, the kids said, "YOU can lead a hone to water but. .. not me,"' and if you do m•nage to get him there, ..... don't crowd him. .. There is no lack of self con- fidence in Miss Wheeler's class. Three of the adages. ""You can l make a silk purse ... ," "You can' teach an old dog ..... and "You can't tell a book by ... " were all answered with "but I can. .. Life is not all roses in the second grade. Two responses to "The bigger they are ... " were '"the meaner they get, .. and '"the smaller I get." Another along these lines was ushape up or ... be prepared to ha¥e a red fanny." And, for getting straight to the heart of the matter with a minimum of words, it's very bard to beat "There's no fool .. like Fralcly." The Cbildren•s Room of the Mariners Branch of the Newport Beach Public Library bas 29 of the best of the tid\ adages and drawings on display until June 18. The library is located at 200S Dover Drive in Newport Beach. ~ Hi-TlDle Cellars ~undlrgn>und,.,,.,... trrt..-.Clilllr'on tlta --eaa«- ,,,_..._Dkll/ol'--V ..,..of..,,,_-.:~*#. ....,,_., •' ra, adrw ,.,, ,_prft:all Mne• Chocx9'-• omom Gfl Bwtm • fboers ~•DIW]IS.m. SHOP EARLY FOR FATHER'S DAY • DC:. PE 3'tOf1 .., ~ ..... lndw•~ .............................. tt-nm. Pdct '5a.9l5 e ....0 .,, I ¥f>QV.l9'JOI! ....... -.. •••lbftt.""-..laumllArid\.~ctw•.....,n•u-. a..n. atlp...... Wlrwy Pdat '22.00. ... n. Ncr •12.99 • .BC1!1. 'M QIJW)OllW ~Ptfmt}Q.50. tt-llme Prk:e t6A9 • .mm. •aw I 4*3 .aJrlO 'Mlmy Nee '6.~ .. l'lrne Prk:e '3.919 .-..-a• tHft JI w.llDl!L "'™' __, Pdat '5.00. ... Tme Pdct '2.,gg • .-rff & HOal 'SI~ *El'~ lld\,"'-..Saa1 .... klrfta....,CGIWtl ftoCI* 1111 .... -.y Nm '14.50. .. nne Nm '9.Z • a.vo.., m> g .. ~ ... ,,,,. Nm '5A8 9iay,.,.. Pdat .... ta!IO In .»J. e HUC1!L "a)__.., Pl!laKJllS.U! CZ wrtlA\l•B \fwy rtch fnlllr..S lr'lllln9e. Dvy.Allllllon-.flom !IO,_.«*I..._ .. -.an9lar 50,... °' l'Dlft, • LAIWUOlMtE'M~YS. "a)CA.-l!'TWMC'ftOl't-l.-..s .. llllJ111SwdlrlA"""..,.... '-W.S~<emeian .. Dcw1maW~ In Sa.ionw c.ounty. A. paegit d .. Jardin Winery. Ow1iilil• ,.,.,,, ....... 1n .. Jardlln.,._.Buynow,-.aecand.._ .. ._undfr._Ow1i11N~Mwy...,..• tw6ct .. Oft8't pike. .. "TSTR Price. 1M o..daf•., 95.99. '83 Cit I -'6.A9 -UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS- ~. June 11. 7-9p.m.--c.ort>ecl~andSt-.0.clms ..... Roger~. Pre.sidetll d Shadow Clftk. and Bil Ems,~ tq:e Killllillhe trim Corid CAn)ton.. ~us~ 1he .... srwy d ... wines 8nd ct.n-~A gourmet cirw'5 .ti be~ l.lmlRd ~ R..,--.. ~ '4000 per penan. ,... ..... June 13. 2~ p.m.-Amizetta Vinqerds..t ~ 'Wh:ry. dw ~ bs wlh M ~· .50 cents• ta9le. Prices are "1llcS ~ .AJne t 5. 198'1. 250 Osle St~ Com Mesa et-TIME '51 1463 • 1 ., ' • " ., • Well-deserved thanks for a safe grad night It's a sure sign that Sprlni is here when the swallows dribble back to Capistrano and local restaurants fill with bright--eyecl younpten dressed in prom night finery. And where there's Spring, there's bound to be high school graduations. This year the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will graduate approximately 1,540 students on the night of June 18. We wish them well. We also hope they live to tell the story of their graduation to parents and friends the next morning. Sad but true, graduation night means kids, cars, and substance abuse. That mixture raises a potential for injury and death that is seldom equalled in a young life. But the chances of a local teenager being involved in an automobile accident on graduation .night arc dramatically lowered for the Newport-Mesa Class of 1987. Each of the four local high schools will offer a parent-planned, alcohol and drug free all-flight party at which graduating seniors can celebrate into the wee hours without having to get behind the wheel of an automobile. There is no reason for any senior not to attend. While tickets run to $40, there is provision at every school for those students who can't afford the price to receive a scholarship that could mean life instead of death. We'd like to tip our editorial bat to the hundreds of parents across the district who have made this happen. These parties arc a major undertaking for any group. Planning began when the first bell rang to summon seniors to their final year of schooling last September. Since then, parents and friends have worked tirelessly to make sure the kids have a terrific time in a safe atmosphere on one of the most dangerous nights in their lives. Along with parents, local businesses deserve a lot of credit. Area businesses have donated everything from cash to food and p~ to make tllis night a special one. The f olbt who own these businesses have rccogniud a worthy cause and made meaningful contributions. They deserve a round of applause from everyone who believes kida, alcohol, drugs and can don't mix. The only unf ortunatc note in this tale is that not every senior will be attending a grad night party sponsored at his or her school. While attendance is good, it is not 100 percent, and that's just what it should be. We're hoping that next year's plans will include an earlier effort at letting parents know that such a party is available to their graduates. We11 certainly do our part to help. Baker Communications 883 Production Ptace Newport Budl, t,A 12663 (714) 831 .. 120 Please ~ NIM to: P.O. 8C11c ta Newport BIKh. CA 12851-IJ99 The Newport Ensi8n and Costa Mesa News are~ weekty on Thursdeys. made my day. We certainly can' rime of my Life doubt anythig comiq •trai&ht from the elepbant'a mouth, unless tbcft'I lea to Fuentes than mcets the eye. 8Y JIM FELTON And ~ we do ha~ to go t.ct ad e•-U-tbe reconl. w-' it Fu1-wllO threw tbe Are ~kDll Ind Biik rlllly follawen Of FG.a 1111 H._.? ... ..... llOD!IJ -tbe tehplloaa tne Oita. llepuNcan ~ • 1•. nd a MWl'lClt8aer CU-. didete f• dtJ eoed iD Corona clel MarT Waaa 'l Ilia action respomiWC f• 111 daa a DO- poWtla ... trafru:-1toppia1 miwity c a dWMe to the city ~ p1otW''1 IM leCGlld ~.--tlllil ..... penon bOdJ? If diil " ... ~ what doa da.ll mate he.._? For yean, rve wondered about tbe politics and tbe mot- ivation of people lite Paul Ryctoff, Loa Scou and Allen Beet. Now my w-Ollderiq days are over, tb•nt• to an illuminat- ing guest colwnn in 11w Ennp by Tom Fuentes, ClWrman of tbe Rq;ublican Party in 0ranae County. Republican Fuentes cl•i1DI those who came up with novel traffic con1traint1 or arowth constraints are really ...atilt chameleom who ICCk to gain power by espousina pa.ce- bol they aay will control our traffic ilia .• There, right from the ele- phant's mouth. yoo baYe it. Row co1lkl I haft DOt known it all aloaa? Pal R,moft and Allen Bc:let are pmt of the Oranae Left? A"'ui•af Party boa Fuentes goes on to say that thae anti- tndfic and anti-crowth people borrowed tbc whole idea from Tom Hayden and Jane PondL Wrote Fuentes: .. Hayden and Fonda cleverly implemented this plan in their takeover of what ii now com- monly referred to u tbe 'Peoplel Republic of Santa Monica.• .. Now, I have a lot of friends in Santa Monica alid rve never beard tbCm commonly refer to their beautiful city in those tams. But ~ Fuentes oftn t<*el careleu political rhetoric around, like the line in la.ii column that 1ay1, .. Soatla Oranae County, where vat.en comisten~y dcct ~ d ..... iom to S8cramado and Wabinaton, D,C .• tlaat are totFI) oompailed of CODICIV.. an.., .... npl1'*111fetiwa: ...... _.. ..... tlUll ... IOatli ootllltJ .-... Jane • clear choice between couervative Republicam venas liberal ~ raidelill coaaiat- ently ;appOlt GOP stahiarts." Tbe~ witlao• recopiziaa bow apecioul bil commcnta arc, Foeaaa Poi•• out tluit tba'e are neady 200,000 more ~ RepaWicUI daa Demoa• in Or-. Coawry, 10 ia'I aumbcn !lot iaw dud decide tbe mca. But what myltifia me ii bow tbil crept into bia Leftist DO- powth daclit A.ad wUt doa be mean by •ctittiap;.w" ckkp- tions? Only Senator Mariaa Berpoa dela va die ..tjective •clitrinpilbed.· Look doedy at tbe otben ad hluab. Fueata. Bat back to Baydea and Fonda. They're two of oaly four n•ma mentioned by Fucatea, tbe otben bciq former Gow:r- nor Jerry Brown and State Tllll,llPOltatio Secretary Adri- aw Giaatun:o. By •ociltio~ Fuentes implies tbat dl•mpiom of traffic control and slow or no- growtb, (which certainly must include Ryckofkad Scott and Beet) are buddies of Hayden and Fonda and other ~ary leftists." Somehow I always thousbt that Paul Ryckoft' was jUlt a little ript of Ge•ahia I.un And conjurj.q up a vision of A.Den Beek tip-toeing throu1b tlae talipa with Jane Foada boslla tbe miiid. Wlay, ._, ....... be part OftlMlt Jcftilt Mcly-buildina cult, 1harin1 paab-aps at a He maJ aOt t.c oae of tile ......, ........, IMit it does appear tbM -.... ia C«oaa dd M•, ia,...... the ca.. eapoUled .,, ~ ... ~ maka IWD a WIDW trawllir. Now we caa •..+ P\tealel wold for wad. Be lcm11 to smear caNIW•• and camea with buz ..._ So I'll me some, too, 8lld 11a1t callia• hi"' a fellow traft.lel', conaributiq to tbecameOf~ Whal Fm••• flill to do ii to name 0 • z 1 Mill nilllilr w tbe • old F..a.t trick ot ••...to, pilt by mociadon, IO tlaat anyone wbo ...... qaeation a dcftlopmeat • anmc mitiaa- tion would be tined u a leftiat hidiaa heleinct tnnic and arowth iuues. Come on. Tom, name somebody~ ~le Ft a little tired of R~ administra- tions that tubltibde covenap for policy. Aed wbo, pleue tdl, bepn finenciq campaign liter- ature mid IMt-minute mailers for _..,.,.... city couocil races, ....... <Ddidata as ""l"be •••abl:iam ceaididate," or get-~ meta ....... Oirlce holden as Tom Riley and Marian Ber- FIOD to aee tMir' oflicia1 party stationery to eadone non--...-••• MMtet r-__ ,.. •. ~••itiua pmtyf But of couree Mr. Fuentes ii There'I no ead to this free more tlma Mr .... blicaa. He f.-, of R;ctofl' and Scou -a1eo ii a .._..nkiq o8iCer of Ud leet .........., aroaad a le+dioa lwl pl•nniq and Witla Poada .... Haydn wl .... 2 fir1' IO -... li'Owa. nil ...... ICC frOm are llOl .., ........ tMJl'e ......... " 12 P11r•• • ~· I.. • ---------- How JM.DY ol ~ remember tlil "°"Of die MnicaD cobbler Wllo iD hia bWnble little abop I ..,.... all ttie aboa of Ilia towmpeoplc. Bui ova the years die IOWD ~ w.er and~ ~·. . ...... ill mam llnct rcadaed a mile in leQllh. Everyone pros- pered. Soon a Wealthy buainaaman witla many shoe repair outlets came to town. Fearleu of com- ~ -••lled • large, -'ti-colored lip Oftl' Ilia store Ml ,.. from tlllc cobblen.. It ~ .... cobbler ia the city.,. h .. llGt loq after that • ~ IJjldicate ~aed • ltraaicb llMre ~ a Jitde fQrther down tbi blOCt. )ta buae gn OD top ol die bWdiq cOuld be WD from IMith ends Ol tbe meet aDd ... ... coMller iD ..... - N the town continued to ,.._ for exploitation, a laqe fnmclliled aboc rcpair opened, .... OD tbe same block, witb an exquisite neon sip that lit up at niabt. It read, "Best cobbler in all Mexico.• one day, .. tbe little cobbler stOocl ad~ tbe signs of his Bakliers forgiven? DWMltor. To the people who are con- demniq Jim Bakker, I say, Jim Batter sinned and Jesus bu forshm bim. So anyone who coatiiiNiS· to paxcute the Rev. Bakker ii putting himself above God. Who do we think we are to put ounelva above God\ f of&iveneu? Jesus said, wy OU low them and let me do the judaina.· To evayone castina a stone at the Btkken I uk, .. How many babies have you saved from beina aborted or thrown into trub bi.Dir Tbe Bakken have saved hundreds every year tbroilab their airls' homes ... How many street people have you brought back into a productive life?" The B1kkcn have living tcltimoniel of rehabilitated men at their .. Fort Hope" center. How Iona must we SO<allcd Christians penecute others before we accept God .. wonk of total for~ .. -00 and sin DO more.• We need ocean's oil Oeil'••w. Tbe .._,.)May 21 editorial wl Oecil• ~· ~ Of Bob Geatry wl -fellow~ Out s....• ..m.at• n 1ctioll to dies.a a11cra oil.,..,_. · ti.e imnd~k dloit datu d .a- fi92n1 al die ••ifoa• uiUI 11110" tlMlt lalll ~aitaed tiw ... Salata ..... Spilt °"" • --•· 11lieir vision f acu1 e d, tliCD, oa die IM>ml»le .... tMt ,,.... bilfalltllie~elti. .. if we cOlltiMied om 11ewil,_ L ums offslMn oil ~ .. __ ..,......., ....... .... fllwU& ........ . ifweikl~to--•r stl oldMlir , ..... .,. ... ~ 11. •THE Nl'J-WOflT 8lllGN ... exican cobbler ~'lie too ldt lie~ asip. Soon be Appeared with a iaWl wooden p&.que wbicb be tecked abaft -door. rt ~ ..... CObbiJt. oa sM blOck."' ~, ........ laaw beeli tllC cilJ, ill die coibltt _.,. No J04P ii it a small beaddOlria witla ........,., of pa~-rccrcaaioaaJ water ..,orta. i~. ~ ~ .... lurfiDg. Tbil we bow WC.Ult the .ao~ laaft ••iwd and they dOil\ f.aca thmwha on w.a.cr sportl. We are a multi-faceted com- munity ~ to varied inter- esis. It is for tbia reason I find much credeoce in Councilman Phil Sansone .. propoW to the City Council that candidates should be elected only by voters from their respective council we~ in bit dilitrict b9t aevertllel• io.t tk elediom dae to a ral ,.blic rdatiom hype caapaip by his opponent. Havina couiderably more ftDaaieial raoarc:a tball her otponent, this candid•te man- qed to hnC her picture taken ctistridl. with our d*rict supervisor, our Alta all. if they can\ will their local conpaliDAD, and even tbe own district. what riabt do they governor of this state, praum- bave to iaOueDce tbe vote of ably to convey ber vast sphere uoda councilw:mber.. dis-of inOaence. Siie woa and would t.rict1 haft won without a.er district\ If we were saill a ...U com-support. pmnity, it WOUid mate sew to The problem citywide ballot- hiw ~ ~ for coaa-· ina creates is a lack of accoun- cilanemMri, but we lhoeld now tability to one's imlDMi•te dis. F.. 11.e way of otbCr bis cities trict. Conversely, district aucb • Los Anaea and vote by balloting will demand that coun- district. cilmemben address tbe concerm Under tbe present system of of their local district or otber- citywi4e voting, a candidate wile face a short term in office . could lose bis district and still There are many examples of wia the election. This system citywide balloting that reflect a almost always favon the candi-lack of concern on the part of date who has the most money councilpeople for the needs of or who is backed by the most their immediate constituents. money. Here's one classic example: In I remember not too long ago late I 98S, out-of-town develop- • council candidate who, much en decided it would be in their like the bumble cobbler, was fmancial interest to build a six- Letters to the Editor rejection of those divergent views is becoming tragically clear. The tragic death of 38 of our young American sailors, and the horrid maiming of 20 otben while protecting the sea lanes for tbe Arab oil producers, is a din:ct result of just one of those projected, rejected views. Do the .. Gentrys• of the Uti- drillin1 forces, so intent on saving their own clear views of our seas, feel any respobsibilites for those Americans' deaths? Evidently not. So their reaction to the Seal Beach spill was one of glee in givin1 them a new focal point to raise their sagging cff orts to again stop offabore drilling to save the 'environ- ment,' expreacd by Gentry .... a blessing in dispise. • But their expreaed concern for the environment caused by those 410 barrels of oil that leaked from the Seal Beach pipeline, which w• stopped and con- tained when discovered, showed no concern for the harm to the environment caused by the con- tinual seepage from tbc tankers that continually ply our coast to bring us the foreign oil to replace the domestic oil production they are trying to stop. Are their concerns logical? Do tbinkina people still believe tbl.m? GOLDIE JOSEPH Newpoit9eMll Who wants George? DarMltor: At tbe start of the baseball season, Newport Beach devel- oper Georae Argyros declared bis intentions to ldl tbe Seattle Mariners and buy the San Diqo Plldra. Yet after many years in last SE WEIGHT FREE place, the Mariners are now near first place! However, the Padres are deep in last pi.cc after recent years of success, winning the pennant in '84. Now the Padres won l sell to Argyros! So, will the standings of the club change? JUNE SPECIAL ~ leDior c:iaizcm' apartmcat complex OD a ~ lot, 50 percent of wlaicb •• cur- rently z.oaed RI in Corona del Mar. Tlii amlMtiOUs project called for comtruction of 144 rooms with numerous amenities (com- mm:ial shopl) to support tbae senior citiz.em. In short, it was far too much on far too little a lot and would forever change the low profile nature of Corona del Mar. The residents (some 160) peti- tioned against the proposed z.oning change for many safety and environmental reasons. Those reasons 'were upheld by the city planning commiuion; nevertheless, a battle against the residents was forged in the City Council by their own council- man. He was able to persuade his colleagues that a high-rise senior citizens' complex was necessary for C9ast Highway and the vote swung in favor of the developer. Now here's where the evils of citywide balloting comes in. n r 1•11111%4 Surely there is a message here for George from Padre fans: 04By George, don't let George do it. ft Or, .. Bye, bye George, please don' buy us." Cllril M. Steel Co.ta Mesa MIRRORED CLOSET DOORS FREE INSTAUATION This is a rare and wonderful once in a lifetime opportunity , (research foundation) • Mirrored Walls ..... ~~'Lil • Bathroom Glass HDI INTERNATIONAL (714) 545-2165 New~rt Ballet ~cadelQY • Shower Enclosures • Glass Table Tops, Any Thickness 1617 SUPERIOR COSTA MESA 548-15'11 Wlllt'a Tl Ell? C.klM .... rtEllill Dilill ...... BY PETER DYAN Tbc best prep volleyball play- ers in Oranac ~ bit the courts laat Friday~• the South alktan sened an upeet to the heavily favored North team, 17-lS, 13-lS, and 19-17. From the looks of it, the North squad had the advantqe, boast- ing Newport Harbor's double punch of outside bitten, John Alstrom and Hugh Foster, and setter Rob Mape of Corona del Mar. After the game, however, the victorious South tream bes- towed a new star: Al Vistaunet of El Toro. Vistaunet~ game- winning block and four kills in the decisive third match for the South earned him MVP honors in the game. "Al bits the ball harder than any player in the county,"' said South bead coach Mike Jagd of El Toro. "He and Scott Herd- man arc spectacular players."' Herdman, a senior at Laguna Beach High, "bad the best all- around game," according to Jagd. "He didnl make a mis- take."' On the other side of the net, Hugh Foster, the county coaches' most valuable player, struggled throughout the match. "Obviously, Hugh had a bad game,"' Jagd said. "He's still the best high school player I've ever seen combining both offense and defense."' "We were a little taller and quicker," said North co-coach Andy Read. "However, their front line was more effective." In the ftnt m•tch. the North went out to an 11-3 lead, only to have it taken away on a lix- point South scoring spree. 1be North toot over and put one point on the board before the South caught up and tied the match at 12 apiece. Then a spectacular rally ICDt the two CdM5K teams scrambling to all parts of the court and brought the crowd of approximately SOO to life in the humid Newport Harbor High gymnasium. . 1bc rally not only broke the silence in the gym, but the tic as well, giving the South their first lead of the game. With the score tied once again at IS, the South scored twice to put away the match 17-IS. 1bc second match. a carbon copy of the first., was led,.. by the South until the North team tied the match at 12 and went on to win IS--13. The final match bad all the excitement of a Championship, as neither team held a lead of more than three points. With the South leadiq by I at match point, and OD sideout., Net-to- back tilla by Bqb Foster and a till by Mite Whitcomb of La Quinta, the North pined a~ point advantage. The South came back with tbn:e comecu- tivc points ofl' a till by V11t1unet, an ace by Dan Hallada of El Toro and a stuff block by Vil- taunet to win, 19-17. "Both teams were evenly matched," said Read after the game. The Costa Mesa (SS) Freeway bttame the dividing line between the North and the South teems, howner Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar were included in the North squad. "I wanted Mape on my team," claimed Jagcl •1 railed a big Cua!" Jqd plannt4 to start M• at ~. but the North team bad npts to tbie nritdt- positioa player, and North co- coM:bel Read of Marina wl Dan Glean of Newport Bsbor, played him in the ldtcl' politioL In the earlier match between the North and Soutla pta. Kara Cl'onaa of Lapna Beacla w nallM'Jd Most Valuable Player after pw:iq the Sooth 1qud to a lS-13, IS-S, 9-IS victory. Tncy ~raepr, Sara Allison ud I.area Hawn of Newport Har- bor were amoq the standouts OD the North team, ud Cuisty Unden of Corona dd Mar was Greg Long wins in 14:50 ay ART MORROW If one had tried to go to Corona del Mar State Beach lat Saturday morning, be would have found it impossible. The reason for this wu that the Newport Blach Police Department bad doecd down the lurroundina streets IO 1,000 tcantily clad people in running aboel could run the Corona del Mar Scenic S~. There were also about ~000 other people there braviq the l.igbt rain and 50-degree tem- peratures to cheer on the numen.. AltbouP tbeil' ltl'OeU were jammed with people, tbc local raideota Ktmed to tie~ the fativities -well. Tbc nee WM WOD bJ ~ Loaa in ··~ folloWeid ., Ind a., mad JOCJ GCl•11 Mtti Ill IS:IO. Upon winnina. the lS-Jar- old Lona said, .. I felt aooct. Tbe nice ... cloee until Carnation Bill, that is where tbc ~ brob up." The women .. wianer, Haro-- lene Walters, also beat all bill S4 of the men, finMhina tbc 3.1 mile coune in 11:22. Lope Eberly Wll leCODd in 19:39, with Cheryl Allen third in 19:47. Walt.en said, .. I clidn\ expect to wia. I ftpnd IOIDe of the YOUllFI' Pia Would beat me." Attbc•of ... WllltetaU. quali&ld for die Olympic Trials maratbOL Siie ii caaready tbe oldat qr'ifi=r for die triall. She aisMd laer penoaal record bJ leil dlM a ..;. It oa lhil cotme ... Nth ...... Lotti ........ . ID Mclition to tbc leaden ti.ere were also some unlllUAI eatruta. Julie Ladi. the winner of the 1983 lrollma Tri81bllon, WOil the wom'I 30-34 division at 20:04. 1'llC 11aircl Air Naval Ganfite I ;,.._CG r-Y from die U.S. ...... c...,. •111 'te ia ~ •ech raa •a ait ia fonzdi=a. lkY ran 25:24. Tba'C were Dine Marines aOd we wanted to run an eipt- minute pece. We came p1euy dose," I at Lieuteaaat Toa Lard laid. -·~--­nae an... pmeCODCept ... suiaable to tllie CNCka. •Jt was a pat way for my p1a,aa to ao out," ,... laid about bis aaa.n OD tbe all-mr ~ ... We waat uadefeated and tbaa IOlt to Mira c.ta in oar fiaal pme. Now they can wait away thintina they are • I ti wumen. J..S bdie¥a wida IDOR COi'• ponle inohemeat wl •alter- nate lite for die alktar pme that it •could ~ tma into an ewm.:• BU11ly's Spopnawear and Qiirlicl ............. tbia ,..... ..-wt ...., d«Ntld'd aiaiformL Tbe pme ........ at ~Llleed~OD tbe Newport Barbor caapua. wl delpite die low t1ftcNt .... U.nce of air coadjtjcW• in die ~ die pme .. ltill a .. aacceaa." ~arch ~aly ud Steft Ti.mmou of tlM U.S. 01yi1pic VolleJW team were in lilt_, • .,,,, •1t .. .....-11 to .. ,_ .. said Reed. •we played Mrd. • .. 11.-THENIWPOAI B•IM .. 7 wport H rbor: Something old, something new ... Marine Scene tol7MW.8 D1a~wllele ,_,. &ad a Gftj Cape Cod • ii fi. ia Briltol coeditioa. na.\ dlie New~ Naaaical .... .., ..... "" ........... , 5 ,_ ••• 11-1 • .... ".., Clll Newport Little League tourney nc ,_,.. ..,... IMl wect in tbe Newport National LiUJe Lape with ICWral pmc:s in tbe AAA and AA diviliom., in a doable-elimination format. In the AAA division, the Pirates dde.kld the ~ ll-10; the Cubl defeated tbe y ankea. s-t, and tbea beal tbe Pirate•, 11-7; the Yankee• topped the DodF'I. 6-0, dim- • VOLVO J .... ) • • inatiaa them; and then the Pinta beat the Yan tees in a wild 12-11 game, scttina up a cbampiombip pme between the Pinta and the Cubl this week. u the Pira&a win, there will be a leCOad game to determine the champ. In AA, the A 'I beat the Yan- kea M and tbe TIFI beal the Pintea 13-9. The~ tbe A '1 • FIAT i I TOTM.MITOCMS9P~~ • I I -, Hus: CAR CARE SPECIALISTS Mon.~. a.5:30 :_ ..... fllra:laml Sllb¥ .... ••..C • Wec:Mlndlt ..... llf Clollld~ ... MIA R02 • ., • AUDI • PEUIARt • MGUAR • thumped tbe TP u~s. while the Y anteea eliminated the Pirates 16-6. This week, the Taaen will face off aa•inst the Y aakc:a for the riaht to play the A._ for the champiombip. Iii 11 " (0. J01m .., tlllre, VilW dlil I. I C1• &! •• Jlaf • _,.., ........ ~... .-s.a ......... • lfJI w. A Ga• ,_ ..,., tic '°"7·) C.... ZS aaJ. F• w__.. Mwn • tr.o.w me w..aw.. tioa, ml die 0 t• .t C.... eta, t1n,. s.an., .... 3 · ., .... ,ttm1. p.a. Pk Ill belp aapport dais . I I 0 I I --= TUt .... to wortlly oraaaizatioa while be w be..na t.y. Let's --., browsia1 tllrowp tlM: aew it &Ma WSJ. •-=• • to ilwt alli1Ml ..,... .... .t -A your cdaadw for Jlrl,J 116- Stnm.• You11 probably rua tlaal'I a... a.t• o.,. A. iato Newport Nautical Mmo. always, come play but respect ma\ aeaat IUff ...,her, P.., the bay! OMr, who wu receatly W..., you ba.e a raa wecl- appoiatcd eucutive director. diDa ia die worb? Good for yoa, Nw soand fMrMtf Well. it you Melde' fi8d a .._ ._... thriekt. Polly Ml beaa a New-tif81 wtti• for a Jw weMiaa port civic leader for maay yan. tlaaa Newpcwt Bart.or. For a ~Polly! aaiq•pway,•yaotcUrta' S.m n I I New: Bow about a .....,..., Or j1llt caD ..... tllOle sleet raciq maclaiaa .Wllltu' b1r .a ~ I•• .a mmpdina ia ~Y .c. \ aw s...1,.....mee •will find die W-*? Wlaat a blale bdw perfect wl-bia or ...P, old the a.o Alm Aa kawa daiped or aew-for your ~ wda. boats: Dick ztt1a..,.'a Free Then of c:oune Newport often • 0 11,n. and Stne F ..... \ botla the Ca • • aad the ••"•. lt'lpatto1ctaewboata o., . .,-two charter boats per- out ncina ud doi.na well fectly suited for wedclinp with Stl• 1*k1 ~ Mart, flower arches, d•nce ~ the your caleodanfor ~ D-23. worb. The Newport But.or Area So, this mmrner take a long ,, Cla .. Mr of Co••nce bu look at all the wonderful some- borrowed some of the world.. tlrinp Newport Barbor baa to most beautiful boats for their offer. You'll fall in love all Oft'J' Woo•• lleet F• You can •in Bain falters at state Mm Bain of Corona del Mar Hiab School bad beta bavina a succraful ICMOD tbrowiag the ~but that ICMOD ended OD a clepreuina note I.a weekend in Sacramento. Bain won the Sea View Leape O..mpio-hip ud the CIF Southern Section 3A Cbampioa1bip. He finished ICCOnd in the CIF Maten meet to qualify for the state meet. The state preliml ~ where be encountered trouble. His lint throw only tra'¥dccl 166 feet. Be then fouled oa bis two mnainina throws. A. a res~ be failed to qualify for the fin•h. Ult year, • a junior. be finished third in the stale with a throw of l 7S feet.. Next year be is headed for UCLA.. ·MW tbinb that Art v~ ... ii die baa pcmible ~ coac:b.. I tbi.at be wiD .tapt to the colqe dilcus way qaictly, .. CDM bald COKb Tam T,,..•in said of Bain\ colqe prmpedl. Your Best Shot For Local Sports Coverag~ The . The <JcSa Mesa News . . Bringing up baby- Today, first-time parents are spending m:ore than ever deco- rating their child's nursery. Approximately 43 percent of the babies born in 198S were to parents in their 20s, 30s and even early .tOs when they have their first child. S~ce these baby boom couples frequentlf have two incomes, they're goiq fmt class on furniture, toys and accessories for the newborn. In fact, even though the number of births remained vir- tually unchanged from 1979 through 1985, sales of juvenile furniture rose from $700 million to $1.S billion. Obviously, the demand for upscale children's furniture is growing rapidly. Here are some tips, from Bellini Juvenile Designer Fumi- turc in Costa Mesa, for parents decorating a baby's room for the first time: • Buy f umiture that is con- vertible so it will serve a child from infancy through the teen- age years. Some cribs can be adjusted to form a youth bed and then a loveseat. and dressen have a built-in changing table which can be changed to form Nets ... 11 r ,._,...1 wrhcre are two very important things to know about gill nets. One is that they arc an extremely etTective and cheap way to fish. The other is that these arc extremely indiscriminate in what they catch, including birds, sea otters, sea lions, gray whales and dolphins," Dennis Kelly, marine biologist instructor at Orange Coast College, said. According to Kelly some large-mesh nets allow smaller fish to swim through but most arc still caught in the net and die. .. If the fish are too small by law they must be thrown bllck, but they arc already dead," Kelly sbelviq. Thia ia an economical alteraatiw tbat Will allow JOU to buy bcUa' q~ futaiture. • Match the crib KICellOries such as comfo~ buJDPenand linena with wallpaper, carpetina. floor tiles or the aeneral scheme of the room. • Rockiq chain, toy cbesta, lamps, diaper p8ls and roctina bona can be hand-painted with cloW91, butterflies or fiowcn. Even bandies on furniture draw- en can be replaced from a little girrs pink to a little boy's blue. • Allow children to participate in decorating or arranging the furniture in their room. Statis- tics show that children will care for their belongings when they have helped in the selection. • Mate sure wood or tile floors aren' slippery, and that area rugs are secured so a child doesn't f-11. • Even after you've' finished decorating, you can alter the room 'I appearance by changin1 the bed linens. For instance, sheets with cartoon characters, ~scapes and floral patterm will dramatically change the room's look. said. Wlicr this year the Commit- tee to Ban Gill Nets failed to get enough signatures for a similar initiative that would have made it illegal to gill net within 1S miles of the coast. One of the problems of the first initiative, according to some, was that state jurisd,ction only extends three miles off- shore, 10 a state initiative ban- ning the nets out to 75 miles offshore would be meaningless. .. I felt a limit of 15 miles was not a problem secin1 bow it is used in a number of areas where California bu placed restric- tions in gill nets already," Kuk- udu said. Nevertheless, the new vcnion is 1;a4..t to the ~ mile jurisdiction. The initiative will need 600,000 signatures in order to aet on the balloL However Kukuda f ecls with the help, this time, of the Alliance for Resource Man- agement (ARM), be can get the signatures. .. We did a lot of rewriting before submitting the new initi- ative, ~ukuda stated. "The old initiative didn' allow for gill oets to banest herrings, which is only a small incidental catch, the new initiatiw does. The new initia· tive,unliketheo~one,allowa for the use of nets for scientific purpoees. Even the penalties for breaking the Jaw are aliptly lea banb," said Kubda. ~ubada added that the reason there ii nm a need for an initiative to bin ptwttiq ia because tbe aow=rmnent ia not doina itajob. "I always thouabt that a 1ovemment agency would come in and bandk a problem iftbere wu one, but they won\. The California Department of Fish and Game doesn "t want to hurt the commcrical business so they will ignore the prob~" Kuk- uda said. According to Karl Nettleton of the National Coalition for Marine Comervatio~ it is only the responsibility of the state to m~e sure "species are kept out of injury." So, because there is DO threat to the marlin popula- tio~ the Fash and Game Depart- ment bun "t stepped in. .. If one wanted to puab the fact that pay whales IMW!timta. .. caught and they are on tile EndaqeRCI Specia lilt, they could. The lalOD tbe federal acnenunent ..._, •..-I iD and defta•nchct that the CDFG do somesbina la became tbe sray whale popaletion ii Ill a bip riabt DOW," NCaJet0n said. E·M·B·E·L·L·l·S·H ~ C(5;:: REDESIGN • UPDATE• REFINE BEADWOR~ AND SEQUIN ll£STORA110N ADJUST/TAILOR-TO-FIT JUUE FOSTER (714) 642-2115 BY APPOINTMENT STUDIO: 2411 NEWPORT BLVD., 3-A, COSTA MESA . -...... . - Marija V ojtovicll, ol F'llb and Game qrea, -Oray wbalea arc at a leYd where they could be taken off the Endaqm:d Sep- cies List, except that won't happen because it would allow whaling to start aaain and recreate the problem. So, though any number of whales cauabt in DCtl ii ud, it is not fatal to the population." As for Kukuda 's claim that the state won' .. bandJe the prob- lem,,. Dok H~ marine biol- oailt for Fash and Game said, WJbe department ii willing to take steps and bu. In the past, tbe department bu enacted clOl8RI to protect tbe larae numher of common mmra and lwtior' porpoila that were being lolt.. One of tbe bis qUlltioM iD the ,._, wweea oa--•cial and sportl fialaina ., -can t1ae Cali- f onaia c.. ~ort bodar -ren ,... .. you could come d6Wa to Newpon and Cltda h·ti-tblt were IS feet ~--••Ill me liatle fi*.• ... ht ~-,. 1rbo worb ..... ,~ tldk ltore in New~rt. v~-.. &1me ii a de- fiaile coefliP:t Ma t• tbe com- IWcial a8d IPOlt r11111ennea, but tUlpeltailplia\a~wd cWrCniiee. ~ lpOlllfi .. rnnen aay they Cl!' ....... filla 10 ,an .., aDd DOW the catch ii much 111Mtller. However, they Deed to tab iato ---' tUl llOt ODly ate there more coamerical filllenllleR c:omrc«i• for tlioee filb billl more sport filt -.. • ..... -cw.. ii ....... SolltMrD Cr¥•••....,., ... _. ...... .., ..... d.totMI. .. ~ ............ ...-.......... , .... ... ----~--.... 11111!9-·-----..... ~~~ .... ---.·¥ ~ Talented and enthusiastic vocalists are invited to become a part of the musical excitement of the Master Chorale of Orange County. Auditions will be held for sin1era for the 1987-88 IUIOD at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Audi- tiom will be Thursday, June 11 , Crom 6 to 10 p.m., and Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Auditions for the Master Chorale of Oranae County are held by ,appointment only and may be made by .calling Fran Wileman at S3S-3996 or Faith Saunden at 493-8034. • • • The Mariners branch of the Newport Beach Public Library is featuring two free films at their Spring FCYU Matinee. •Rookie oftbe Year" and .. Ida Fanfanny A the Four Seasons" Will be shown June 13. Show time is 2 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room, 2005 Dover Drive. Everyone is wel- come. For more information call 644-3147. • • • Do you want to get back in shape, but feel you can't keep up with those aerobics classes? Well, try Chair Exercises. They're fun, they're a good workout, and you can go at your own p.ce. This clau is abo excellent for people dealing with arthritis, stroke, and overweight problems. The City of Newport Beach Senior Services will be sponsor- ing two this summer. (One is praently on-going at the OASIS Senior Center, Thursdays, from 10:30-11 :30 a.m. in Room 3, no charge.) If you would like to sign up for the new 10-week summer session, it will be held every Tuesday, June 16 through August 18. There will be a SS charge for the 10-week session. The class will be held at the Boy Scout House on Riverside Drive, near the Post Office, in Newport Beach. If you would like to sign up for either c~ please contact Roseann in Senior Services, 644- 3244. • • • The Marine Division of the Newport Harf.!or Arca Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly meerina on Jwae 17 at the Balboa Bay Cub, 1221 West Coast Hwy. The public is invited to attend the breakfast, which will begin at 7:30 Lm. Guest speaker Jim Lecky, Protected Species Pro1ram Leader of the National Marine Fasberics Service, will discuss what happens to plastics in 1ea water and bow plastics enclanaer marine animals. A special update on Clean Harbor Day- July 11-will also be dilcuacd. This is a day dedicated to clean- ing the Newport Harbor. The price of SI per. ~n includes breiliasL Pie•• call the Cbainbet office. ~11, for reservations . • • • .-11.197THE NEWPORT ENStGN ...... Meetfugs & Events members and $20 for non- memben. For raenations. call Gerry Kukel at 545-2820. • • • • The next meeting of die MW. tiple Sclerosis Su~ Group will be held on Su8day, June 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the hospital's rehabilitation l)'IDDAlium. How to pin relief from sinus beadacbea, premenstrual syn- drome. utbaa, allerpea or neanightedneu are among top- ics to be disCussed at a 9 Lm. to 3 p.m. 1eminar Satuiday, 1une f3 at Embuay Suites Hotel, 2120 Main St., Irvine. The featured speaker will be Spomored by Be"''" Care Mary Siegfried, B.A., fllCilitator fA6e1t, a quarterly consumer for the Diaabled Students Center m•priee distributed locally, the at Orange Coast Collqe. Siq-free IClllinar, entitled "l"be Need fried, who is disabled. benelf, To K.noW,,.will be conducted by will speak on the topic of build. ten Oranae County physicians ing self-esteem. , · having apecialties in eight dilfer- Tbe meeting is free of charge, . ent areas of medicine. Question- and no reservations are required. and-answer sessions will follow For more information, call the presentations, but only ques- Chaplain Lloyd scum af Hoag lions which have been previously Hospital at 760-23S3. submitted to Beahh <Aue Digut • • • will be answered. , No To inatc reservations or to submit quatiom, contact Lisa Fox or S11cri Neville at SSl-.8791 or 7'22-79S4. • • • The Crystal Cove Interpretive Associations June 17 meeting will feature UCJ biologist, Dr. Peter Bryant, who will bring a multi-media presentation high- lighting the complex and fasci- nating world of insects and spiden. Everyone is welcome. Meet at Park headquarters. El Moro parking lot (inland and in back of El Moro School) at 7:30 p.m. For further information con- tact Park headquarters at 494- 3539. • • • On Friday, June 12, tbe Y.E.S. (Young Executive Sin- gles) Network will celebrate the grand opening of its Orange County chapter at the elegant Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, located at 900 Newport Center Dr. (in Fashion Island, off Jamboree, I mile west of PCH), Newport Beach, from 8 p.m. to I a.m. Admission is SIS at the door; $12 foT advaoc:c prepayment. There will be dancing all night, Pasta Bar A hon d'0euvres until 9:30 p.m. and a no host bar, dressy attire is suggested. For further information or to rcc6ve our calendar of events, please call the Y.E.S. Hotline: 744-1000 or 651-SSOO. • ; Until They Have 10. A 1ins-In a 90Ciety that believa aainc u a dJ.Hue, iit• not •urpriains people aft reluc- tant to discuu it. Until they have to. A pattDt or relative •tal'U to elip a little. Their memoria set ~. They set coafmed on when me,. a.re. They need help wirh cL 11 •'• or bethina. ~ fantaey that an ..m. pMalt will So on fonwr in hia own home i8 eluln•red by the n:alky thM tills hope Me become DO loftser rc....,._-..l,le •••DOI' afe. Gone aft the day• when bomes or lifatyla aft d aped to accomnwd-e mdt' :1 w•.mo..a fwnilia,. MJd.life adults dlKovu thM ....._an asiaa relative Uvc wkh them often rauka in coafmioa or unhap- pioeu. Sad to admit ••• but true. Not lmowiaa aim cheft 8tt ocha-aletimdYeet many asinc aduka enta' fWl..c:are coa•ak 1 ca-c bo.pitala. Intensive nu.nina care. HishlY coafined. bpeueift. All of which the asinl Nlildw -Y not need. An OldU llWl or woman Deed not aJW8YS to be pal to bed, p&.ced in a wheelchair, apr left alone There ii another answer. SUJU'idie Ill ..._. Point provldee an Ol"P"ked lfttina for tho. who need eome help with ct.y-co- day Uvins· i.e. dum. yar old, Sunridp •• modern. bw •iful place on the lollins poundt ol Ras •• PcMail full care red.ranalt community. -It ia not a ho.pital for the trafllM"Dt of sick peop~ -It ia not a ratric:dna m.dlubon -It ia not cut off &om the world. La.uwl, Sunridae i9 a ti6at~ bMed oa the prana. that aO individuab have worth and diaDUY· LOM of caain fwtiom doa not impair the risbb people have to a full and rewardina tik. Sunridse offen eocial and recradonal activitiea. Tima for friend.hip with oc:ba-raidenta and staff. Sunridp abo offen independence and the oppo~ tunity for individual cho~s residents each have a pWate room furnished to their own tute, not that of an m.titutioo. Fricnda and reladws a.re encounpd to visit. The staff u inlnweiftly trained in the field of Gaontolosv and otilh.a a dedicated, holi.nc approecb to their involw-PMJ • with rwktcala- lf you Wan..-. friend ow~ who wda more .. ,......,,_ thin you am pro~ we~ you to Med for a d11c11pdft brochure. Bet1er yet., Yiak Soaridp. We feel IUft dYI wheD you Clo, you'll nw Wida die Wins~ 11t a..t, theft'• a place dMI& u.es .a.c ldUlb •if~ were worthy J r..,ect and fUJfllhjMac. Became we tieUeft they a.re. And we bdieve it thOwe. ~ blvke you to ... aooa. 19191 Harvard, INiae, CA 9278 71~9500 There is no question that tbe IDOlt elepnt party of tbc year is The Oab Oauic, hosted by Joan Irvine Smith and her mother. Atha.lie Clarke. Held at Joan9s equatrian cent.er in San Juan Capistrano. the acreage, gnarled with huge oat trees, is handsomely decorated for this Grand Prix with a purse of sso.ooo. Joan, wearing an Hermes dress and carrying their distinc- tive handbag. invited the French house to sponsor the Junior/ Amateur Grand Prix. At the same time, Hermes introduced its new "Toucan"faiencc dinner- ware. Enjoying an elaborate lun- cheon under a large white tent, decorated for the occasion with original oil paintings, were Joan's sons, James Swinden and Morton Smith. (Her other son, Lt. Russell Penniman, could not obtain leave from the Navy.) Anne and Bob Badham (who celebrated a few days later his 2Sth annivenary in office), Pat and Richard Allen, Connie Morthland, Barbara and Alex Bowie, Helen Coffey, Maria Crutcher, Lillian Au or, Emma Jane and Tom Riley, Barbara Harborlites IYW••DIEI Jane LaWIOO. EJ•ine Martin, teerismoltbelededic ..... ledia. Dee Perkins. ~atie Swiaart, · who were acbowledjid by Harriette Witmer and Lucille NHAM clWrmai Of die boud Adams. JackSlllaaawel•MayolrJolm Tbe lo~ cveniq featured C. Cox Jr. Karl. Jean and David Lietchy. Barnes, Gay Bryant. Jane Con- Claudia Mirtin, Marilyn and nell. Judy Hemley. Sue Jarvie, Tom Nielsen, Suzie and Jack Suaan Bartlett, Johann Jonas, cocktaila aad hon d•ouevra Some JOO aUcadild, iMBti• followed by dinner and d•ncina Jeri wl Jact DWimt J-., • It wu held at the Newport Bill Baonina. ~..-. ....... Harbor Y acbt Cub and the dub Bender, AnaMitrie ad Ron wu festively decorated with F_odl with dlieil' •• at 11r EliQ.: po1ten hiahfiPting tbc volun-I 5 f • .. 11_ Peltason, Diane and ff arry Rinker. Mary Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tobennan, Wini and Pete V oegelin, Har- riett and Irving Wieder and Bonita Granville Wrather. ••• Twenty-five years ago, 13 Harborlitcs-Mmes. Dorothy Ahmanson. Rex Brandt, How- ard Chastain, E. Avery Crary IV, David Curtis, Lyman Far- well, Rolla Hays Jr., John Humdall, Myf ord Irvine, How- ard Lawson, Alan Mickle, James Stoddard and Richard Winckler-founded the New- port Harbor Art Museum. To honor these ladies and commemorate the silver anni- versary, .. Rendezvous in Bal- boa" was organized by Judy ff umdall, Sally Somen. Betty Steele, Snoozie Ullma~ Bev KOCESO Presents AN EVENING WITH HARRY BLACKSTONE & FRIENDS THURSDAY. JUNE 25 One Pelformance Only LLONGS OF NEWPORT INC. REAL ESTATE ... WE CARE HARDER OUR CLIENTS WRITE Re: Sale of the 'China House' •Dear Cllrllta ... GenJ: Judy. I and my family wish to express our sincerest thanks to both of you for your competent. patient and profaiiOaal hanclliq of a \lei')' diffacult transaction. Matkctiq and tellina property co~n1 of levetal underwater lots, two improwd Ion aDd two unimproWd lots owned by various family memben liviq in AJast1, lclabO W various perts of Southern California was a formidable tut. I am pleased to say that your calm manner and timely advice ~ to cue us all throqb the maze to a successful conclusion. y~ tnllj ,.., ... Robert M. Newel, Jr. If JOU would • to rec11n our ,... •••••• neweletter (pultllehed In Newport l11ch ilnoe 1111) pl1111 cil 8ftd •'I put JOU on our •Ill• .... •Letter on file for verification. -~--,.MN Ml9lJD.. sum• NSWPOltT a.A<JI, CA 92'91 Ill I 141-1111 \ SUMMER SALE 50%-75% OFF - I l t ~ GRAND II OPENING 1ua•c.v.. c:mna ---...--___ ...... ""*,.... if f'kasd tu Vu>de<-pua kr a ~ '!/ 1t'tlkm !l!etuwf>n;s !To// Boliecl"mn v i/On~, ~ f6rA aml ga~fo/, ~ t6M 10:00 a·.m. -fi. 00 j>.m. (714) 7'21-0111 t030Jtvl/~~ K~-~~J260o ' ) MONDAY, MAY 25 CWDQ'S 0034h-A jewelry tiox and CHI 11 11 qlUed .. IMS were ,.,,... itolii frollil a nlidencc iD ... -bid ol Amci• 0180-'A s .. o~ puppy valaed at S500 ... reported •olea from a raiiikw% iD tbe 100 bloCt ol 42Dd StJeet. 1400-Clothillg valued at SS 18 was reported stolen from a car parked in the 1900 block of Bayside. 1730-A guitar valued at SlOO was reported stolen from a residence in the JOO block of Starfish. 2139-A statuette valued at $7 ,000 was reported stolen from Beftl.:cut GaUerY IOcated .. 3100 Ellll Coat ff.iabway. A••ESTS 01 l~Daid Ray Bower, 29, of ••aiaa w• arrelied oa IUlpi,tMtn ol •iedemeuor drimt ~ 0430-A~drey Bullock a.by, 18, ol Newport ... wa arrested OD IUlpicioa ol aritdcmeaaor dnuat clriviaa. 1330-Victor Perez. 21, of {)raqe wa arrestcd OD suspi- cion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. 2200-Dennis Lee Seay,•, of Newport Beach WU arrested OD suspicion of possession of cocaine. TUESDAY, MAY2' 20 °/o OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE A••an Oat Manzi RoWrt Lock- ~ 23, OI Yona 1;w11 .., arauu• • ••rhm el •iedr... meraard...t•it7 • .,. MH'st' Ema ~' 34,all.ate m ' lftW.-.afed -·-.-..--.-,. 1310-llollert Cail MaDIOD, 19, a tnnM:•t .. m'rated OD auapicioa ol raideatial buqiary. WJ:DNUOAY, MAY 27 ClllMD 1230-Jewelry valued at SS,500 •• reported stolen from a residcace in the 900 block of Bayside Drive. 16S4--Cu.rrency totaling $200 TRUCK L-OAD SALE --1 .................... 23.• ••• fa a 30.• I --,;;j;I ~~ ............. ...... ···-Cll,.. --$Alf 11 •· ....,c. 1.• s 1.• 11 ez.. ..... ..... 4.• • 3.11 ALL DOI TOTI Allt llUll 20"-Off . AU. CAT TIIYl-TIBTI 2fti OfP ANNIVERSARY SUl'ER SALE JUNE 13TH CASH Mon ·Thws QQ fn Sat ·Sun 10.6 Just pe-.ll tbisooupon to the meat aw time a puchme and ladeve 591.'1 your pwdxwamount bade -INCASH. Cup to s 10.00) Its that *N*t. Coupon NOi' good wtth any otta IJ*WJI, mte, or dllcoa.mt. 2121 WestcWf Dt . ~,,.,...,,... - I \,. -. .., ., ..... .....,, .......... ..._..., ... -.. '-. '"" . I ' I • • . . SRON ••• a 1•111111 coune well have the opportua- .ity to get our two cents in on that review." Burnham confumed that an end to the SPON suit was near Tuesday, but did not character- iz.e it u a ldtlement. .. It's what the city iDtmded to do well before the suit wa filed," Burnbam said of tbe General Plan review. He noted that tbe council toot the initial llep of authorizing the review at its Feb. 9 mcetiq. a month before tbe MacLaghlan project wu approved and two moatb1 before the SPON suit wafiled. Si.nee much of tbe la~ is baled OD the contentioD tbnt tbe project ia incomisteat with the Oeneral Plan and Wis to llddraa tnflic imped.I fully, Burnbam said it ii ..... moot by tbe (Kt that wew alrady initiaa.ed an Planter ••• SUNDAY, MAY 31 CRIMES 131 S-.A pune and contents valued al S890 WC1C reported stolm from a tidcWalt in the vicinity of 14th and Balboa. •••UTS 0025-WiHi•m Glenn Harri- son, 19, or Hesperia WU arrestcd :on auspicioa of poaeuion of cncaine. • amendment" to the General Plan. •1 don't think they were aware of what we were doina," said Burnham, ~ince then, wew bad a number of mect- in11 .... Once they became aware of what we-re doin&, they clidD 't tlaint tbe suit ... that important." Burnbam aareed that moat ...... projects will not be ~ cc• d tJuowab tbe city while the review is tmda way, with tbe exceplioll oltbe Faabion ls••nd e.,...._ 8Dd tbe Boas HOl- pital CnllOCr Ceater • •Al a pn,ctical effect. that's true,• be llaeed. -rbey would just MIDptiAtc the mily. • The rniew will focua on brilllial the traffic elemtat of tM Oe •• ral Pina mto line wilb die • 5 lapw:ma allowed 1lllder iaaprovilioa 2 1.._11111 I allowed the ...._..,; .. ol amaU Seacntrom 1pokesper1on boatl Orville Meyen, dinaor or eqi-•1 · neerina for Sqaltlom's com-t'I qwte a lituation," be pany. told the council that the added. -..:.me (Sqentrom) l~foot-by~foot pinter was = '!:. \'!~ :.: t~ = put in to replace an old 5-f'oot-went a little oftlbomd." square planter before Seger- 1troin realized he needed a Oil a 7.0 VOCC. the council permit for the enlaqrment. denied Seeerstaom tbe "'1Dit Councilman Don Strau11 and ordered tbe new pleater and noted that he had already palm trees removed at bis receiftd complaints &om rai-apeaee. dents nearby that the new plan-Neither Seac11t1om aor Mey· ter blocked an:eu to the bay m en could be ~d few com- tbe end of •r Street that Md · meat bj pre•i• TaeiMlay. ....... ....... ... .._ ......... .... !'•iwl,.,.... ... ..,_,., u ..... ., Ill ... ft1 •s· Y• .......... ,..,,,_. • • Treat Yourself! Let Re taurant Expresg.. DELIVi TONIGHT'S DINNER QUICK AND EASY! One fast phone cal to Restaurant ~-and in 30 -45 minutes yOU'll be enjoying g1'881 dning from one of your favorite l'9Stalrants. OUR MENU BOOK contains an extensive menu selection for each of our member restaurants. If you need a~, please ask our telephone operator or waiter-driver and we1 mail one to ~ inmedlately. WE'RE READY tor your cal seven days a week, from 4 pm to 9 :45 pm. Cash or aedt cards ~ed. IF YOU LIVE IN •••. • BE s T .st L L ER s Ir j (' 0 R 0 f J A c/ e I {, 7 A F1 hrt 1 ...... ...., ... , , ....... ., .......... ,..,,_, :A L 1 ? .... AMfGtO...W 1. CM.FORNIACUT -S11.15 * A ........ __. •• , 2. I ENRYVll CUT -121.915 * ~M*,....lllla e--..YaMJ:u, c·; ..,,... ca-. GenKal ... rt t ................... .,..,, ... 1. CHICKEN TERIYAl<I & TEMPURA ..... $9..95 * ....... ,,,..."*'-t ... a..~....,--- MfJ r1*L••-. 2. NY STEAK TERIVAKI & TEMPURA ..... $11.75 T_., ,..Yort..-cot*alt>a.dlrllM ... .W ,,.. .............. Rothschild's 1. FETIUCN:-ANDREN> ..... $10.95 * ................. ~,.,_..,..,_I I\ ,.,,_,.__, J ... F ... ,.._ .. ..,15,_.. 2. TORTEllH RJIUM) ·-$13.95 * s..1~,... ........ -,. •. w1 ....... a--.••-.,.. .. ,...... The Quiet Woman ............. [ *...,•.mtll(-•lrot-6c ... 1. CHAR8AOl..ED SWOR>f1SH ---$16.95 2. NEWVORKSTEN<-.. $13.95 Hemlngways 1. mEAST OF CHICKEN MOUTAROE ··-$12.~ 2. GRl.lED NORWEGIAN SALMON --$18.00 1. Bwm AMERICAN MEATU:W: -$13.00 .. , I 0 W 2. a.ESE QICICEN SMM>-$11.00 llaaeo~ 1. SPAGHETTI & IEATBM.LS _ $11.915 2. VEAL am.ET AUAPANIQWM_ $16.95 Paradise Cafe 1. QICICEN MOUTMDE _ 11.15 a ' cl**-a.-sa·r1IJtn ,_...., ... . . . .. ,,,"'*",,,...,._,. ... ...,. 2. FET1UCINE FRU1l1 DI a.MAE -113.95 ~.··,.,.__ ......... ,,....a-. ..... Panama Joe~ 1. ONE BEEF fNCHUDA. TACO _ 11.25 2. QICICENFA.IT~ ...... -Sl.15 The Thal-Touch 1. ONER FOR TWO OR l«IE _ w:I\ -$11.95 11w1-. ..... Mllf .... Kll,... ...... """ ........ 7 •• ...,.,.._ .. _""" ... •h• ........ ,......., .......... 3 ... ,.... ... ,.,.,,,..,a.y.t ...... _ .... ,.... 2. ONER FOR TWO OR MCH: _..:It -$13.95 MIDS. T••MllltSll T •• Miit~ ,_.,,.~._. t.ocmt ... llllld. 3""1kKal,......, 4""1k ~,.,.,. Studiocate 1. S1UOIO BUR;ER ... FrMt:h fries _,,.$5.25 2. SlUOD R8$ _ $8.95 • BEST SELLt:.RS If'/ tJEtVPORT cos1·A f,1ESA OUR llEllBER RESTAURANTS CORONA del 11AR n. AIM,,..,.,,..,,, 1. AllEYFl.ET-S1US• Cltltmf611r .. & co ,.,~d lt1' , .... ---· ._,.,,_& C' 0 ...... _ .. , I IL .._,... • .._.., .. ,..,a , ,, 2. ALASKAN ICINGa:tM LEGS _ MNICET PRICE A ....... .,.__,_ • ., I I . ....., .. ._ ,..~.._ .... a ,, Bllmboo Tenw 1. KAWLOON ,,,,.,.,.._ -'t· $7.95 * ....... ,. ··--· ,,..._,_, ,.. .................... ,.,,,. ....... ...... ,.,,_._ ... ..._.,, 0 '*'" ·-... _.,.. .... _ .............. .., •• _... $a ...,, 2. MM1MM1 loT••--eetlt·S7.15 * .......... _,...., ___ ~ ...., AP LJP son A ........ , a,,, ..... Hut,., .......... ,.,,_._ ... A 0; • ...,.._,_ •• _ ...... ,_. •• ·-.-.-.,_csn ,.., •• _..,, e ,.......,, t..Bla11tz 1. LES 1EDM I DB BfRU.ISE _ $15.915 ... ,, ...... , &4 ••• , .. ,,,,,., .. .... __._.._._ 2. SM.ADE A LA CAESAR.-15.96 ~ ..-..... ...,,C..d ... ... .-n .--. .,.,,. Slufl Noodls CALLrlOW Hassan~ 1. SIEHKMOB-$11.15 Oki Md ,....,_,,.......,_. .. _ ............. ,.,,.,. 2. CHCICEN aJRRV _ $1..SO teert•a..at a .... ,.,,,., .. _ ... .... llal'le Callender's atolmfllF191dt .. ,,,.. _ •• I 1016" I If 1. SPAGHETI'I & IEATSMJCE -$8.50 * 2. LASAGNA -IUO * VIia Nova 1. LAUONAALRHIA-SUS ..._...,a at• ,,. ...... ___ $ If llA ,,.._ 2. PIATIO VUANOVA-$17 25 • .._..,..,_ .... .,-..tut• .,,,., *------Fllld Onion . 1. 1WO BEEF ENCHUDAS. TNXl-.... 2. otE 8EEF ENCtm.ADA. CH. fElLENO -$1.25 Rop!Thlll 1. PRllCE OF 1HMAND BANQUET --$12.95 'I P • ..,._,..., • ._.,.....,.,,,.., ... ..._.__ a 11• S...93elltt Alt•tt"""" Jalltatr•.-.n• nFm a ,... 2. IEEFSATAY-M.15 $ 7 ft I ·-· , ..... .,,,,,. ..... __. ,,,.. ......... _ 833-1872~ TO PL:ACE YOUR ORDER Fwe CIDwns • Hemingways • Rothschikls The Quist Woman • TIW • A'Jlfeo~ Paa'lsll Cale • sado Cale • Gen Kai Anlma Joe~ • The Thai-Touch NEWPORT I COS1;4 IESA Ma.fie CallencJet*s • Banboo Tena» Newpott Oyster Bar & ~ • Haual's The Red Onion • The Slut Noodle t.. Biantz. ~Thai v.. Notla • The Aley,,.,.,.,, (RBstalnnt membets who joined f8C81~ may not be replllSBl1IBd in this •M's Best Sellets lslings.) lHECOST of Olde(mlg ttvough ,,.,.,.,, &piessDf is f88SOi'8ble. You pay 1ag1 ._ ~ prtcas (somelmes less), pm a d1h91Y d'8lge of ~ -$5 tor each rasbUant you c:hacJs 1, depenclng on dstance. Even if you Ip~ waitW-driver the total cost wil USI.., be less than if you paid tor diving. pmking and tipping at the restaurant. Mninun order is $10 per restaurant OUR SERVICE AREA cowrs al of Corona del Mar and most of Newport 800 Costa Mesa. Ast< tor details. .. • ... r.E '1112• '9rll Miit .......... I nrl jiii I 11 rn I 11 ...., II T ... Ill NII II II Jin ... • 11 .... II .. '8 lllM llf la ... lllr .... l.m .. Ill ll* .. 1111 I 11111111 If cltlllllf, .. adl.mWDllllr .... I lNE ON STAGE WORLD DINNER THEATRE PREMIERE IPECIAL IATlllAY CIAllPlllE llllCI DIRECTED BY ROB BARRON ( . .. •• Had Any Really Great PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Lately? Orlmlal ........... ,. .... p by Shu Jia Din& award-winning Osaka artist and teacher, will be on display at the Gallery in the Huntinatron Beach Central Library, 7111 Talbert Ave .• through June 26. ..... Cn1•'IJ ... Ameri- cu .... ,, •• will display throuah July Sat tbe Lacuna Art M~ 307 aift' Dme, Laa- , una Beach. Houn are 11 a.m. to S p.m., Tuesday tuough Sunday. Call 494-6S31. Wf ake FiYe," a group exhibition ' •wamse fll ... Y-, • a bilat- iOUI muiical cowdy, will play Tbundan tko.P SMardaJI at tbeColtaMaaavic~. 661 Hamilton Suect, Costa Maa throap Juae %7. Tacteta ue SI. Call ~S269 . .. W'•8ta~Ttl•oln,•Neil Simon •s critically acclaimed work will play June 18-21, 25- 28 and July 2-3 ands in Orange Coast Colleae •a Drama Lab Theater. Curtain at 8 p.m. nightly. Tickets are SS. Call 432- 5880. • "Portraits of Cla11ic Neon Sips" is displaying indefinitely at Elan Gallery, 1145 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily. Call 494-6396. of recent works by five contem-"A Life in tlae Tlaeater," a porary artists will display at comedy about acton · and the Diane Sassone Gallery through theater will play through June June 14. Hours-are 10 a.m. to 27 at the Grove Theater, 12852 S p.m., Monday through Satur-Main Street. Garden Grove. Call day and 11 a.m. to S p.m. on 636-7213. Watercolon by DorodaJ Bar· tlett will display through July 6 at Sandstone Gallery, 384A North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Houn are 11 a.m. to S p.m., daily. Call 497-6775. Sunday. Call 494-2~. MUSIC Tiiie Baroq• Miiiie Fathal of Corou del Mar will feature .. Music in the Gardem" on June 12 and "Festival Fmale" on June 14. Concerts begin at I p.m. Call 673-1880. Worts by ArUem HmebJ and Marian Decker will display through June 30 at Quorum Gallery, 374 North Coast Hiab- way, Laguna Beach. Houn are 10 Lm. to S p.m., gaily. Bob Keue ud Orc• 11tn will Patel orip•" by Vuee Lana · play June 13 from S p.m. to 9 will display throuah June 14 at p.m. at the Newport Beach Galleries Toucbe, 499 North MarriottHotelandTenniaClub, Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. 900 Newport Center Drive, Hours are JO Lm. to 6 p.m., Newport Beach. Sin&Ja and Monday through Saturday and couples are welcome. Call 640- 12 noon to S p.m. on Sunday. 4000. Call 497-4491. Worb by Stnea Stme ud Buel ....... will display through June 17 at the Newport City Hall Gallery, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Admission is -DUtlflc • ~ Ollll o,_ MOlllltq-S._., 4,_ ~,1,.. * Fa•e• Metropolitu Opera MrftOIM RolMrt Merrill a.114 Gloria LMe will perform June 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Temple Bat Yahm, Newport Beach. Call 644-1999. Mon ebatea11 Restaurant lilegafll BcWJlff & Prwltdl Cldd,,. "Tlae Real Tlala1," a romantic comedy or love and infidelity by Tom Stoppard will play through June 21 at the South Coast Repertory, 6SS Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Tickets are $17-$24. Call 957....033. . "Tlae'. Mm.le Mu" will play through June 20 at the Lacuna Moulton Playho~ 6C6 Laa- una Canyon Road, Laauna Beach. Tickets and perfonunce schedule can be obtained by caUiq 494-0743 or 494-8021. SCR kids workshop now open From Aupat 10 to 22, SCR \ Children\ Theater Worbbop- now acc:eptiaa 12-to 14-year- oldl-will allow kids to explore every aspect of lift theater. Accordina to Diane Doyle, director of the resident theater\ y ouna Comervatory program, the Claildn:n'I Theater work- abop ii daiped -not a a two-. week crab coune in ecring, but u an exciting fint taste of live theater." SCR •1 Children •1 Theater Worbbop is daipecl for new- comen to the raident theater's Youns Comervatory. A new second 1e11ion, Children '1 Theater Worbhop O. bas been added this year for students who have completed at leait one year of the ~ouna Conservatory. Durina tbeir Aupst 24 throup September 4 lellion. CTW D 1tudent1 will baild on their previous Y oaq Comervatory tni•iq with c•ernu in improv- isation, movement and vocal technique. ,, Cbildma'I Theater Worbhop c•.., ue beld Monday tluoQab . FriclaJ bctww 9 La ad 4 p.m. Taitioa for wll uni>oe ii SI~ Sloea .. 08" ••••tile ia tbC iMI...._, 1111iw I• I~ to li}e11 oldl. CTW D ii ope11 to d .._ Per n11nMiiw _. iafor='Pdoa. can c.o.m.-, s. ...... •(71.C) 9$7-3182 I • t' 4 ,. ' ' ' - Baby back ribs that are pure magic •Y MAllCUS DIETZ · You woald think that the recipe for tbe barbecue sauce that .adorns Orange County's bat ribl probably comes from Teus. Or maybe Ot.laboma. Or almOlt anywhere down in the deep, deep South. In actuality, the n:cipe wu not p11ted along from cowhand to cowhand. It dido' come out West with a wagon train. Rather, the meaty ribs served at the Newport Rib Company feature a sauce that originated in Hawaii, and it's quite unlike any found anywhere else. Though mildly tangy, this barbecue sauce doesn't feature a flaming Tex-Mex flavor. In fact, it's almost sweet, probably because it contains things like orange juice, ginger, and other assorted ingredients that you wouldn't expect to fmd in a barbecue sauce. .. We \te taken the original n:cipe and kind of played around with it a bit." said Fran U~ owner I operator of the Costa Mesa-based restaurant. ..you have to 10 with what you think tbe people want, and I think our sauce pleues most people. Once in a while, a pay will come in and ay be want.I aometbina hotter, so well give him some Tabuco sauce." Not too many people have taken exception to U nini 's Hawaiian barbecue recipe in the nearly thn:e yean he's owned the reataurant, which sita promi- nently on Newport Boulevard just Nol'.'lb of 19th Street. New- port· Rib Company hu dew- loped a faithful f ollowi.q of fans who appreciate beefy baby baick ribs, barbecued shrimp and the. Wine dinners at Plret's Tbe Summer acbedule of Wiae Dima at Pim .. Bistro At SCMlda CoMt Plaza wiD .... ia Jae. Oi a .......... Pila .. will offs •Ir•• me ooar• dieern featuiq apecial ud estate ''*'" wiw from California viaeJarda. Sclaedaled arc: Bowla•ine-Lytbe, June 16; au I ~ vu. July 14; and ~endaD­ JKbon. Aug. 18. ·E~ counc ii clesipcd to complement the wine being sel'\'Cd," said John Harrington, Piret-. chef. "ft is an elegant evening for relaxing, for meeting new friends and for broadening your wine expertise." Guest vintners will bold pres- entatiom and answer questiom from pests. Dinnen begin at 7 p.m. and 1eating is limited to .0. Raervations may be m.cle by c.aWna Piret's Bistro at (714) S56-6424. Piret .. Bistro At South Coast Plaza ii located OD tbe fint level, acrou from tile LapDa Art Mwea.DL It olfen CMUll Cali- foraia and CODtemponlJ dilliia • well 11 a faD uhcdOe· ~ ••• ••fooda ... bewn1. f ......... , ... ... fisinp served in ample quanti- ties at (air prices. At other rib restaurants, a kind of alitzy atamor hu been given to what ii arguably the most down-and-dirty kind of eating there ii. There's no need nor reason to drea up for a night on the town when a rib feat ii the primary order of business. Just get the baby backs OD the grill, spare us the side show, and get OD with it. And so it is at Newport Rib Company. Those in a hurry can count on getting in and out quickly, while those who prefer a leisurely dinner can enjoy that option. After choosing from eight entrees, the meal begins when fresh cornbread, almost sweet and very moist. arrives at the table. Moments later the main course makes its appearance, complete with cole slaw, fresh vegetable, fresh fruit, and choice of baked beans or special fries. The beans, served in a tangy sauce, are very good, but the special fries are even better. lbictly cut into a waffie pat~ they-re twice u good u those found under the golden arches. Though I'm not a cole slaw fanatic, I could probably become one if I ate Newport Rib-. version a littJe more often. Of particular note were the entrees, in both quality and quantity. A replar size rack of ribs, priced at SI0.9S, proved to be ample for my appetite, and for the really hungry, an even larFr siu ii available for Sl2.9S. For petite eaters, a smaller version can be had for S8.9S. The barbecued shrimp (SI 1.95) is also excellent. feat- uring jumbo prawns grilled to perfection. So is the chicken (S6.9S), and if you can't choose between the two, a combination platter presents both (SI0.9S). Better be hungry to tackle this one, though, because the combination includes-two large pieces of chicken, plus several jumbo shrimp. The barbecued shrimp S 11 . 95 is also excellen~ featuringjumbo prawns grilled to pcrf ection. So is the chicken S6.9S, and if you can't choose between the two, a combination platter presents both SI0.95. Better be hungry to tackle this one, though. because the combination includes two large pieces of chicken. plus several jumbo shrimp. ~rd say more than half of all our customen walk out with a dogie baa," Ursini said quite seriously. and • didn l doubt him. Newport Rib also features an_ BELGIAN WAFFLE INN Wlliln ... w ..... c;n.1111 Ca:a•• I DIM! Home of die-Fant.Ide Belpa• Watlles, ~ Gipadc 4-Ea Omelea., and Tlae St.,erb S.ndwkltes. Soutla CGUt Plua Ylllqe 3800 SotltJl Plu.a Driw Sa• Am/COiia Maa (71., 5S7-5116 MAXWELL as AWAD WINNING SUNDAY IRUNCH IUFFET QUIOiE • SHU1P TACO STAND E~IENEDICT SCRAMIW> EGGS IUNTZES a SMOKED FISH ~STATION INCJtf.DaE SALAD SEl£CTION BACON, SAUSAGE a CANADIAN BACON LOX, Cl£AH Ot£ESE, IAGELS a ONIONS CARVED STEAMSHIP ROUND OF IEEF a IAKED HAM MAXWW. 'S POPOVEIS a 11 • IEIO.lY MUfRN5 OAZZl.l«i AMA Y OF DBSEITS • cot•LRllNTAIY CJIAMrAGllE , ..... • J...-. P&il • I ---If """ .... --· 11tspat•C1 J ;. array of salads, potato s~ onion brick, and vegetable plates, along with burgers, chicken sandwiches and bar- becued brisket. . The restaurant also does a booming take-out business. lent food, Newport Rib Com- pany offen the close-up magic of Master Magician Steve Barnes each Sunday evening. Barnes also performs at the Magic Castle. Ursini said that 20 percent of bis Newport Rib Company, open cuatomen take their ribs home /or t""1ter "' 4 P·'"· Jl"""4y with tbem. and with a recent tlro.clt s.turday and 2 p.m.. °" patio area expansion. Newport S"""-Y u located tit 2000 N~ Rib mo bolts and caters parties._ port Mwl.. Costa Maa. PlttNw In addition to serving excel-6Jl-1l IO. SIWrdlly nigt't on the ranch. Counliy music. Thick New York 5idoins on the gril. Ribs smoking. Frelh filh ~ 8eml pots butlt>lllg w./· SIGM:td ~ Crisp garden 9*t. Deep dllk cha. Golden com breed. Homemade pie and ice 0'9iL AJ that and al the bi I•··-9efwd poolside at the ekgall new nine t9an & Towers. From' 5-.JO ~ 900 pm. Only $t6.95 ~ pena11, or $6.50 for d"Ma1 lRJer' 12. ftWcie It• weeheld for ad/ $50.00 per room. per-~ Val came. ybeah. Auel~ pk1se EYel)' SIWrdlly ~ poolside I TI-E RVM I-EON ~ 17900.Jamboree BoullNmd. ~CA 9l714 ('7M) 863-3Ut .__.. ..... or...,..~••o· a··~~··.,., ,.,.. ..,.,,,,__ __ ... 3ilnllf __ .. ' ... ue 'Put' bonds can provide h8dge against calls If you invest in municipal boncl5> you've proibably e~ rienc:ed at least one call-that ii, the premature redemption by an issuer of a biJb-interest bond at a time when prevailing interest Money Making Money IY IEI JpUlll rates arc much lower. And What aaetly u a put boN/?. the buyer of a long-term straight bond assumes a much higher degree of interest rate risk. Your initial rate lasts only until the first put date, when it's-read- justed to reflect CUl'Rnt market conditions. This proc;edure is repeated at each put date, and each time you have the choiee of exercising the put or keeping the bond at the new rate. you've probably been caught on It's a tax-exempt, ~ the other side of the interest-rate top-quality municipal bond with dilemma as well-ownina bonds a long-term stated matarity- tbat suddenly drop in value usually in the 20-30 year raqe- wben prevailing interest rates and a special feature that allows rile. the bondholder to ~ut• (or ICll) Ever dreamed of turning the the bond at pracnl>cd intenals tables? While you can' prevent at par plus -=crued intetat. The calls, there is a little-known type intervals can faJ1F from one of Qlunicipal bond, the put bond, week to five yean. which can be redeemed at your How do intnut rllla on put option, in.stead of at the issuer's · bonds co~ with 1'tlk3 on Why would I want to lcttp IM bond instead of pulling it? option. conwmiona/ municipab1 If interest. rates arc rising, the rate on your bond will go up and remain quite competitive. And your principal will decline a Herc arc some frequently Initially they are lower than asked questions about put rates on straight bonds of the bonds: same stated maturity, because A double tax break for Cali[!!!!!fl!S only. No U.S. income taxes. No state income taxes. Fftleral taxn. Stale taxes. Tbe Call Ken T okash mott YOfl mate tbe more tbey Ide. (714) 955-7567 But, aow you caa keep It ilH. Wbeo ..._ ____________ you iavest hi tbe Caliond• Series of TAX FREE 8.34% PAYABLE MONTHLY * tbe Muakipal Investment Tnsl Fund. yoa ittp everytbhlg Y°" ean1 . • 'Vobody takes a peaay of ii. Not Ute Stale. Not tbe IRS. It's comple~ly tax-ftte. Aad tbe secondary yJelds are attractive. 8.349' •-and that's alter all sales cluuges aad eipeases. A.ad Ulere's ao maugement lee. We tbl•i Utat i•'U apee U..t Ille Calllonda Series .t lie M8Jlkl,W Investment Tru•I Flmd scorn ldP oa all ftHUltS. . All of ~'::;h':tt IHHlds lit die FIUld are nled bl Ille ca~ A• better by A .Paar'• or Moody'•· Bee•w M'• a l&N , .. .,,.,. yoa'U bow eudq wrw.-e ya.-mooey Is lat'ntftl. "This ,..,.esents the....,.. incame...., esti,......annual ...,... .... by the v • ._.. .. I public ofleriftl price. tt varies with •• may tee• or~ yw' •• • uy charwnin ... .mount.Nllicon.-. time.,,,,.,,, c1Ju6e., ,..,._, 11e_ullr •I die price,_ unit June e. 1987. inetuclq ~L-IJ a..-••n!..a• .;;,..._--.,.~ ,,,.,,__~,.,_ • ule$ C ...... of 4.5•, $1,144.66 p6u& .C· N.l'C' ..-~n ......... ~ ~ ... crued interest $24.74 for a total of CalJlrindlu bl • .,,. ~ b. , dcwtrlt' s1.1e.39. This~isundlr tu-tree fwJH ••Y 6fYe ~ • Joe •~ ;_~~;: S:..-~-Lt.-I~• pectul rMy be obblined in a Ille in~ ,,_ .... ~ ~ thisannouncementis~from~ Write Way fer a Plw'-!!_C.._ II'• /tee ... such the undenisned °' ottw deelers 01 · wltbotd o6116•11N. Jat ciJI ...... Ute ftlfl,.. ~~"'::'ultyofferthesuecur· --~-~~-~~-'!~.:.a::=~Lt::&e'~!::-~~~-~-------· Shearson Lehman, Brothers An AmftM Exprw a.,..,, ShMnon ~--. .. -. A Pross>9C?tus co"!taining more complete anformatton about the 19000 MacArthur Blvd. Penthouse Secondary Municipal Investment Po Box-2640 Ma JD'~. CA 92980 Trust Fund.16th California Serl• KEN TOKASH (714) 955-7567 (AUnitlnvestmentTrust).includ- ing all sales charges and ex~ sea, will be set upon reeetpt of this N_a_m_e _______ c=P~LEA~S~E~P=R=l-=--:N=T::--) -----coupon. Read it carefully before you invest or aend money. Address City State little, if any, as compared to a longer-term bond. That's because a put bond's price· fluctuates around its put price and put date, just as a short .. term bond fluctuates around its nearer-term maturity. lb us, a put bond's price doesn' fluctu· ate as greatly as a longer-term bond's price. What if intereJI rate3 are falling? Put bonds are most attractive when interest rates arc rising. If rates arc declining. you Te better off looking in biP yields with straight long-term bonds. The main exception concerns the shorter-interval put bonds, known as weekly or monthly '1loaten." 1be rates on floaten change every week or month, and they pay a higher rate tllan money-market funds. However, they are slightly less liquid, requiring several days' notice to be redeemed, not one day's notice like a money fund . These bonds are an attractive altema- ti ve to tax-exempt money- martet funds, whether interat rates arc rising or falling. What1J thl minimum il!Ye3t- menJ? Every brokerage fum sets its own requircmentl, but generally you must buy at lcait S5,000 worth of bonds with put~· of one year or lonaa-. Sbottcr- term floaten require a laiFr investment-typically around SS0,000. Who are typical pw bond bu~TJ? People in high tu brKtcts who want tu-free income and the safety of high-quality leC'Clr- itia and who don' want to take the interat-rate risk of goina out long. Weekly or monthly float- ers appeal to people who main- tain large money-market balan- ces or business ownen with irregular cashflow, while inves- ton in CDs, commercial paper and short-term government and corporate bonds often see one- to five-year put bonds as an attractive alternative. To find out more about put bonds and whether they should have a place in your protfolio, talk to your financial consul~t, or feel free to give me a call at 9SS-1S61 if you ha-.e any ques- tiom. Km Toluult u a jbumdol consub1111t with SMaTIOll Ult- """' Bro11tn1 in Newpon BmcJa.. P8cific TraVel ScflOol celebrates 24 years Pacific Travel School recently celebrated 24 yean in Santa Ana as a proprietory school training entry level students for employ- ment in the travel industry. 'the school graduates over 600 students a year, 30 pen:ent from other states and countries who come to Southern California for this training. The school now has obtained classrooms in west Garden Grove and B~ due to limitationa in cJassroom and parting space at~ main facility in Santa Ana. Last year, 553 graduates went to wort for tavcl compan.ies, 138 of these with airlines, Pacific Travel School records indicate. This year Pacific Travel School is offering a new course in international trade, which opens up job possibilities with import/ export positions ia many companies. Admission information may be obtained by contacting Mn. Tumelty at (714) S43-949S. ST ANOARO PACIFIC SAVINGS. F.A. Money Market Checking/Savings • $1000-$4999 @5~% with a yield of 6% • $.5000-$999 @6% with a yield of 6.27% • $10,000-6%% with a yield of 6.37% • Open IM:COUnt by RUIH • Wired funds IM:Cepted • Dlrectde~ ....... IS Y••••• •• .,. .. ll.1-TteflPPORTEMION"'911 .. l ( • • on Dioce e of Orange names Woman of Year Supl'rl group for widowed apoum meets A special spiritual afternoon bu been planned for widows and widowers on June 27 at Our ~y Queen of Angell Hall. 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach, under the auspice of the Naim Conference of Oranae County. Tbc afternoon will beain at 12:30 p.m. with rep.. trabOD ud refrabmenta. Doaa- tioll for tbe afternoon ii SS. Tbe Naim Coafeience ii under tM directioa of Father Dea CollaU of the Family Life --~ 11 .... Our Lady Qaeen of Aq II Parilla. Tbe IClllon will end with the celebration of Holy Ma at 4:30 p.m. For raenatiom call (714) :no-2112 or (714) n4-390S. Religious· Directory •In tlW wo'ld, it u iaot what w llllu but wltat w 6iw tlult lillllca u.r ridt. • Si8ter Jo Anne Lllvloktte, D. C. All 33 nominees for the Catholic Woman of the Year Award sponsored by the Aux- iliary for Catholic Charities would be considered very wealthy, based OD all they have Pen in service to otben in their communities and in their respec.- tive Catholic parishes through- out the Diocese of Orange. While all arc desrving of this honor, there is but one award offered and Sandra Salgardo of St. Tunotby's Parish in Laguna Niguel was the recepient for 1987. lbere were 747 persons who attended the Awards luncheon at the Irvine Hilton Hotel, which was chaired by Emma Jane Reilly with assistance from Jolene Fuentes and Rita Hirsch all of Newport Beach. According to Frank Mauck, put president of the Auxiliary for the last three yean, .. Every January the Auxiliary presents a check to help Catholic charities with their programs. Last year, we gave $24,000 to them ... This year's president, Mildred Ronca, noted that IS,S80 volun- teer houn were liven to the Catholic Charities Agencies which include Catholic Social Service, Catholic Youth Organ- ization, Resettlement Support Services. Casa Santa Maria (a senior citizea housing project), And tbe Columbian House (tem- porary care for developmental disabled cbildren.) When one fant meets Sandy Salgado, this year's award winner, the first impression is the aura of peacefulness about her and one bu to wonder just how a mother of six childrm, ranging in ages from 20 to six yean old, manages to do all that she docs for othen in her community and parish family as well as her own. When asked this question, Sal- gado rapooded with a smile. "With the help of God, and of course, we have our Wednesday Wave-Waive Night. Wednes-- days arc crazy with various schedules so you either micro- wave your dinner or you waive it, period!" Salgado grew up in Tucson, Ariz..ona and lived across the street from the man who is now her husband. Salgado 's accomplishments are truly amazing and among them there is one that bas been particularly fulfilling to her. It is a support group for women who arc in a midlife transition, called ~ns of the Heart. .. She c:ompara it to the seasom of the year. Sbe explainM that we all at one time or another ---------------------- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church "PurTING FIRST 1HINGS FIRST" (l ~ H-Ut 7.00 ...-. fa .,.._ C1ace1t _....,__....._ 600 St. Andmn Rold. Newport Beach, Calibnia (714)631-2880 ,.,.. .... Ne .......... Hiih ....... ..,,_. Ucla.) experience the coldness and emptiness of winter, and we don l want to be there; in mmmer we can bask in God's love; spring is for changes, a renewal, rethinking possibilities, a thawing of the coldness of winter; and in autumn we shed old ways that do not have relevance to our lives. The women offer hope to each other and gain self-understanding through extensive journaling . Ml feel there is joy in watching othen discover the beauty of theauelves like a rose unfolding when they realiz.e that God bas touched their lives... stated Salgado about this group. Another support group she leads is called Daugbten of Hope and stresses inner healing for those suffering from weight probkms. In addition to leading Bible Study and prayer groups, she and her husband housed a troubled teenager for five yean. She bas been a tutor for Viet- namese immigrants and authored materials used for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School Her community activities include being a Bobby Sox bueball manager and working u Sox-A-Thon chairman for two te•m• and being a member of the PTO Mission Viejo lligb School Jewish singles Temple Beth Shalom Sin~ ages 30 to SS, will hold a pair of gct-togetben in the next two weeks. Friday, June 19, the Jewish single community is invited to wonbip together at the Tempk, beginnina at 8 p.m. A Sbabbat dinner will precede services. Call Marilyn at 731- 3700 or Nancy at S32~72A for information. Saturday, June 20, the Sinsks will put on their best Western dads and pthcr at tbe Temple corral for aa old-fashioned 1qmd•wx:. complete with fun. food and dowa-bome aood ti1WS The d1nce lt&rtl at 7 p.a., ud there ii an SI ldmi-inn duqt. Call Harriet a.t 997-2933 or Marilyn at 731-3780 for IDOft information. Ill IEMPLE llAIAH 10 • • ,., ' ...... ,... ..... 1:15 ........ bbbi • '*' 0. Sc> Ill PJ•li-.t Joel~ ...................... cJla ...... °'' ...... ............. ,, --· ___ ...,.,,a l ' I • •• ... IC .... ..,lllM•• tll I --.-ff Thelalt ......... doins buam.. •= MOtWtCH 8EACM ESTATl'S, llD~ ACM.lfm· NIA UMITtD ftMTNU. SHIP. 28to Own v.._ htl mas. rnu·m *iio. CA 1281. The Rldwd Gnnt Corpo. rlltiDn.. Cdbnie ~ tion, 26990 Own v.._ ,._ti) . ........, Vlmio. CA 9291. • Tl Rk:Mrd Ea-."·· 2990 c.u... ~ ....... -y. Mission Viejo, CA 92691. This business Is con- dudld by• limitild ........ ship. The ,..1strants com- "*M:ied to nnuct bust- ... under the fictitious ...._ ,... OI IWMI lill9d above on April 1. 1917. Isl The Rk:t.d Gnlnt Cor· ponition; Dennis Chris· "'-1.~ll This Mii HD.wt -filed wtth the eou.,., Clertt of Or.wt County on Mllf 15. 1987. f'ile No. F344034 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 0359 ll-31115 weeonca fCIH ... • lmE• IMMEITA~ Thetalo-.11 ....... tiw bulir.-as: ~ NIA DARE RESTAURANT ANO WINE CO., INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORA· TION, 332 F"'Ol'9lt --. l.111- une 8-:h. CA 92651. JDS ,.~ by. aw. dia Swin1rlw. a Celitonlia corpomion, 434 Hip 0rNt. ....... a.ch, CA 92651. This business is con· dud8d hf a OOlpoilllicllL The reaistrants com- "*ICed to trwuc:t busi- ness under the fictitious busir.ss swne 0t1 rwnes liald abcJW on "-1 1987. Isl JDS ,. operties. Inc.; et.udia Swimmer, Presi- dd. This ............ filed -'th the County an o1 Or-. County on M9y 14, 1987. F'• No. F343954 5128 614 61116118 0354 l..Ulll PUmJC IMOnCE f'ltiti ...... 11• UMl ITATIMIJfY ThetolowNlll*ICll• .. doifw ~as: TRAVE- l.OOGE VAN NUYSISEf'Ul· VEDA, 2865 East Coast 1lilh•Y.SuM303, Corona def Mar, CA 92625. T,..,.Pldfic Commodity Corporation, • California corporation, 2865 East Coast Hllhway, 5'Ute 303, Corona del Mar, c.titomia 92625. Business first transadled under this business name on May 1987. This business is con· ducted by • c:orpof Mbl. 1s1 T ,...Pacific ea •• ,• ity Corpo.-Miolt; G.L Pal, Director This statement was filed with the County Clertl of 0ranp County on May 28. 1987. File No. FJ.45081 6/4 6/11 6/18 6/25 0380 1-31100 "*.IC NOTICI FlCllllOUl ..... SS NAMllTATEmNT The foUowinl per$Clll-S we doin1 business as: OSO MEDtCAl. PlAZA. 2865 East o.st ·~· &Ml 303, Corana dll .._,CA 92625. T,.-.Pllcific Commodity Cofpcwmtion, • California ~. 2865 East COMt • .....,,. ~ 303. c...c11i1,...,Calib1u B25. .......... ..., ..................... onMay,1.-J. Thia bueineu it con· dudldbfaCGl ... IMP /'llT•at,..,Ct m -.ca.a' 4 G.L ......... n. 2 2 •• _ ... .... ~an., -·~--­·--....... att• 114 till 11116121 oat --------- 1-31141 weeonca fCih ....... _.ITATW The ............ daif'l..,.._a OANA POINT MSOCIATES. 34465 Gddlrt lM*m. 0-W ~ CA92629. ShWlly en... Inc.. 2060 E. Vella Ave., Paisadef-. CA 91107. Nao Construction Co., Inc.. • Clllibnia ClOf'PG'• tion. 13417 Yenlura Boule- ward. Sherman 0.U. CA 91421. This business is con- dudld by a pneral s-t· IW1hip. The recistrants com· m.M:ied to trwuct busi- ,.. under the fic:titkMIS .....,_ nem9 OI nM'9S listad .._ on Sei*"•ltww 13, 1979. Isl Alfp Construction Co., Inc.; Garry Bushman, General Pw1rw,Pr9sidlnt. This stMlo'Talt .. filed with the County Oer1l of Or.wt County on "-1 19, 1987. r• No. F344304 6/4611161186/25 0376 l..U147 w~ f'IClllW •2•rm ..._ITA~ The.,.,... .......... doina business as: MIC SAKIOKA FAMILY VEN· TUR£ 11, 1400 Dow SL. l' ... put Bw:h, CA 92660. Oanlld E. Ruull. 2116 E. .... Bhd. ........ CA 92661. o.wid w. Nix. 1407 s.n- ..... TenKe. Corona dll Mar, CA 92625. Ooneld A. Sulro. 2021 E. Bay Ave., S.lboa, CA 92661. This business is con- dudled by a limited pertiw. ship. The reaistrants com- m.M:ied to trwwt busi- ness under the fictitious busines.s nem9 OI ..... listed abcJW on llltr:7. I sl Dor.ad A. Sutro This statement was filed with the County ~ of Or.,.. County on "-1 19, 1987. File No. FJ.44301 6/4 6111 6118 6/25 03n •C••• .. .-~ --........ ~ .... = Srna,..,.,._ .. _.._ n. 2 2 ___ ... .... ~a.re. of a.... ...... -20, 1917. FileNo.DH413 614 611161116125 03l5 -~ ... ICmTICE rc1nw•1111• IMME IT£TallfJ Tha ..... 11 ... DIS .. doint business as= J. T. SANTA MARIA. lTD., 3 Upper .... part Plaza Or., Newport BMch. Calif. 92660. Jack ...... 3 Upper Nempcut Plala Or .. Newport ~ Clllf. 92MQ. L8ny Tudlar, 3 IJPPW Nemport Plaza Or., Newport a.ch. Calif. 92&60. This business is con- ductlld by.~..,,... ship. The ,..istnnts com- ~ to lrWmd busi- ness under the fictitious busil.s ,... OI rwnes lis8td.,.. on S.15-17. /s/Jadl .... This 2 3 ,..,. -tlad .... the OaunW Clartl of Or.,.~ on May 'Z7, 1987. f'tle No. F345052 6146111 6118 6125 0373 ..... 1Tan n•w. DOI ...... fChiW • Ill• -The foluwil19 panon ... .... .......... of ... ftc:tltioul bulir.a name; LAGUNA HILLS UQUOR. 23533 c.-. de .. lAUla. U..-Hill. CA 92653. The ftctitiot• Miness .... ........ to .. _ filed on 7-25--86 in the ~dOtwwl,~ File No. F315210. Ntdc Conti. 229 South PrilnroM. Monrovia, CA 91016. This btlai 111 -oan-Wdad.., .. indMdu9I. Isl Nick Conti This .......... -filed with the Count1 a.rt of °'WWI County on Ma, 28. 1987. 614 6/116/18 6125 0370 .....c .... fClll .. atllBI ..... snmcJT TheMll I••·· .. dcMns buein111 M ! HI DESERT 0£VtlOPMENT COMPANY, 6001 S1 hn 0rM. , .... 8aadl. CA 92663. ........ Ecek .. lnc.• cafifomia corpontion, 6001 S11thn D1rt1M. .._. port Bled\. CA t2&63.. This busiMA ts con- Wdad by ...... part· ........ The ............ com- n•M:lad tt •• I ct bull-............... bltlnt-•W .......... evA. ,.,..., .. l' =• Tilll 2 11 2 -... .... .. c.. a.ea of a... Calil!lll • .... 197. A111•n•11 "1111111111111 om .... ... Cl9'1Ca PIClllW•• • --· II ,..., , 7 ... -=· ••M:TM. ... JNC..•C.. .... -=' a.IUClfi. ,.... ..... Na uit--. CAW ••••• c. ltlJ' I .. "' 11If1 .. llU •• JC• 0.-. I ....... CA .-i. Dllllltt 1'1$' I .. S... ..,n,.11 .... 2163 MIAlll =I SM ...,ca 11111 2 2 __ ... .... ~Clnflf a.. cm.w-.... 11. ·-- ...... The fiditiol• ........ ,... as ••~•r'ttwwto the fidltious busiMU .................. _ tlad aft ...., 16. 1-in a.ill~~=-· •·Fit...... Tha ¥Wfl9it ............ dMa.lt,,...._ '85. • Cal6tomia llmillad ............. ilTwMr'a ... ......... .. eo. ......... c11...,... -.wllllaft. n. 9dltwd ................ ~·I•, .......... port 8Mch, Califomia 92YO. Isl Tlill GltOWTH riMUt&• •Calfca•lie ........... --Br. Tw:fws M8I 8 •lllil"ll & In ... , .. CatpOiatiG .. a Clllf:w•• cmpo;llicN .. ..Galw-' ....... er..-..v . .,. *...., va"' •I•• Thia••··-... ..... ~ Clartl of °"'Wt c..r aft -%7, 1917. 614 611 l 6118 6125 0374 ._ .... ... IC ... ICll& I... II ---I ..,..., ......... .. .... ,. I-~ &.Ne J 11 IMMlD.. Cit-................. fU CizJI 3'1 ...... ... •t1111t ...... CA ..... ......... c .... , ..... Truma.. 01 81W SW: rr Tru11'11 of .. a ;? mt C. =. o.o=,ttz:. ~= daeld0dlller24, ltl0Md • •••....._ 2!i53 lbwww Mil.; UIUna -.. CA 12151. I' • Pmt Carpaa Ila F\ a C.........ie c:erpenltion. 2S092 ludla.o.nt Lane, u.-i ._CA tMU. fhfs IM•lna 11 is eoft'- dudld ........ part- .. tis TM llllllb'Mts COM-,.___. tD wwt..,. ... ...., .... llditicM8 ... , llllW .... ... on.-..., 1, ltl7. Isl HtGHLANO MSO· CIA la a ca•DfNI o.-.1 Pwt- rwllip; Sl.aphen c. ..., ... o.-.1 ...... lNI 2 1 __ .., .... ~ Clal'tl of Or.,. Counl:1 on ..., 19. 1917. Fla No. F3"30I 614 61 u 6118 6125 03l3 fi ~lf:i '.1IJ·a1Ji -9'1 : , .i .;:1 1·rl~ li'l~I~ fJ~ i .. ,. ~ ~!i 't·•Jf~ I~ Jj,, i ~,-, ~ i ~~i If f.~~-f f·~ l~lf ~f ~~; =-1~ ~ ~;-; fi(.ll"l' lfE,~:ls:~ .. I ., : ,..-~· l-', ..,_ iJ11;:1JP1· lilhJ.r1·.,1111l,f i111~11r11 ~J1t1J11,1i =t1' '1'i1'''' H=lll '~. !.u1 ~r1i11 :1&1~,i :1 . ~1~',1,•if 1-.;li ;1 ~1~~11r,1.~,i :1 ~:~1,1, ijff •1~Ud!-.. ·~' 0-IC.,,._ a· ·'~:ii.,. r .l:""l(lifJ· 1 • i1 •ta 1'Hla I; 1~'111 sf"f.J1m1a "~ 11:' .s·~. li:1.. i:."' r3· ':'S'!! .E! .... f -• . d ·!:-~ -~ .. Ii . M ~-4 a_ ~ . hh a _ ... a .... J ft llltsdl ·. d~ l!llr!l1l 1a 'r~;fl!l ... --l" ~ .~. . _ . -~ ~ • - 1 .~:u nn u11u n;'i~ ~rnr• i llilfUii HiiHifUi HiiU•• 1 ~iiJnnu ii ~ I~i~il;U H ~~;Ulfnf H ; ~!~i ~lfu ii :r I ' s1, .1i11;J1 ::t :: i Is~ I 1~;!,~llil! ~~~!Jtitf !~!.! !~! i~liJ~!til~!·1.t::;1 ~!~:Iii f &!~i!i~ll ~i~i: IJ ~l~!lf ~!Jlli!:ifilg~~~1·:1i~i:11 .! i!lfli t~ ;u! •11 i !!i' ;· ~; ~H • 1~ nnuu 1nuH :1 il ·~Ji !!I! n1 ~ 1~l:u11 ~iin;:1 1: !! 1~1 nu:i~HH i;~:1 !l!i?~!·'ii'illal ~J~f :1~1p l 1Jhlflrlll1~1~a1r1 1 ~;ijf :1~1p I''!. d. jjJi:li1§ ~i~f ;r ~ 1p I 1Jdff Jf11 1§ ~;~1;r.1p I ~~iJfldil!jf liJIUr111 . · 11•,i ~I J1f!(1!·1t !f ff[ II~ l'~flal ~I ~ffl1!·1 t ·1 fii~J~~fJal ~f l1f 1[1!1·t!l:f ~~e~1t~1 ~i [gff1~:1l~rr!lf¥''~~i~~alll1 • I ·· 1~1'111 ' ' , ,~-! l s· rf ,n-Ui ' 9 r;;:• a . t'S?t-K1 II ;:: § I r>f:!• ~ a ' ;<§ lw" UI ' ;;, I"" I!. -1-111 s1 ~If u JH ! U i ~!r lfn ii ~t S?i. S?r~~. i ~!i lfn H U~II~! i ~!1r11:u ·; ;~. h_ i !!ril ·n id ·i·ri r2:f1 . iHts ~ !!Hi'iii!t ii~1~1 1 •1 r1: !iii '1S?tr!liUli11 rtMi;1u1=.~ ;;!f 1iir11-1!1a11~. iii!HJ: n 1ni~1n ~·1~!i~r1 n=1 . 1iii~'! :r1uii!'11 · 11~ 1 ~t liJ :i r. ~J.1.11 ~ ~e 1~t1r_• t~ll .lo __ ,_11am~~~i~ll !I ~gtrl!J ~1f~~~i _ .~i1 • l•r~!i • 1 !!l.n u i~ ;i ;1 ;1 1in 1:11 111 1 i 'n u:u ii t~na! i!HJH!HH ;~~:~ ~1 u ;:nr; :;nju1; it ii 1 11nni~1 · i ·r.D ·::.~ 1411• ..,_IC__. MihiOUI IU•ll• ..._ITAlllmlT The folowillll .,..,,.. is doins~-= ORANGE COUNTY LEGAL CLINIC, 4040 MacArthur Blvd., ~ 320A Newport Buch, Ca. 92660. Peter A. Seide11ber1, 4040 MacArthur Blvd .• Suite 320, Newport Belch, Ca. 92660. This business is con· ductll!ld by an individual. The re1istrant com- menced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 11/85. Isl Petet' A.. Seidenber& This statement was fiaed with the County Clettl of Oranee County on May 19, 1987. File No. FJ.«229 6/4 6/11 6/18 6/25 0378 1-33016 PUaJC NOTICE ACllllOUS WESS NAiil STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as: PRIME 1730 POMONA AVENUE. 501 Superior Avenue. New- port Beach, California 92663 The Fictitious Business Name referred to above was filed in Oranee County on October 19, 1984. File No. F258522. Prime Property DeYetop- ment Company, 501 Super- IO/f Avenue. Newport Beach, California 92663. Robert C. Btesnan. 3470 East Spnna Street. Long Buch. California 90806. Jack K. Hamilton. 40 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach, C.litomia 92663. This business is con· ducted by a pneraJ part- nership. /s/ King Cooper, Jr., aeneral partner of Prime Property Development Company. This stlltement was filed with the Ccu~ Clettl al Onqe County on May 12, 1987. 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 0355 ACllUOUS .,_ESS NAME STATEMUfT The followins pa soi as are doine business as: TRAN- SAM INSURANCE SERVI· CES, c/o 3378 Tempe Drive, Huntiniton Buch. CA 92649, 307 American Buildina, 1051 Winderley Ptace, Maitland, Fl 32751· 7249. TransAm Financial Group, Inc., a Florida Cor· poration, 307 American Building, 1051 Winderiey Ptace, Mattiand, Fl 32751· 7249. This business 1s con- ducted by a corporatiol 1. The re1istrants com- met ICted to transKt busj. ness under the ftetibous business name listed abc:J\le on Not Applicable I sl TransAm Financial Group, Inc . Georae K. Nop, President. This sUtement was filed wrth the County CleB of <Kanae County on May 22. 1987. File No. F344665 5128 6/4 6/11 6118 0341 1-33145 PU8UC N0'1'ICI ACiiiiOUI ._... NW STAl'EMENT The followitlll persons are doi"I business as: PIPE· LINE PRODUCTIONS, 34161 0 Pacific Coest Hilh- w.y, 0.. Point. CA 92629. Apws S.. Inc., a c.titor· nia corponltion. 34161 0 Pacific Coast Hi1hway, Dana Pant. CA 92629. This business is con· ~ bJ 8 CIOIJ)OlatiOfL The ,..;stnnts com- maad tD n...a busi- ,... undw .... fic:titiou:s bli I I ,_..or,... .......... Clft f'oebNlry 26. 1ts7. /al ... s.. Inc.; .._.p_..._ ... ....._ ... Ttlis . 1 2 -· -tlld ..... ~ a.tl"' CIM•~•-14. 1117. .. ,..-~· 114111111111125 0379 111111 -.1e.--.. -... ACli am 11:111111• -nan 11 n..• , ....... is cloq bulifma.: WAUWt GILMOUR ASSOCIATES, 1312 w..c:lift DIM. New- pon a.ch. CA 92e60. Wilma w. Sdiweickhard, 1312 ••klitf Drive, New- poft 8iilch. CA 92660. This business is con- ductld by an individual. Sisned: Wilma W. Schwidchlrd. The nestrant is not ~ condudirlll business undet thisnwne. This st.ltllnient W8S filed with the County Clerk of Or-. County on April 30, 1987. File No. ™2720 5/21 5/28 6/4 6/11 0316 ntiiilOUI •ISMSS NW ITATEMElfT The ~ person is doina business as: EEO ENTERPRISES, 25241 Paseo de Alicia #100, l.ai· una Hills, CA 92653. Euaene E. Ooms. 25241 Paseo de Alicia 1100, l.q- una Hills, CA 92653. This business is con· ducted by an individual. Sicnect: Ucene E. Ooms. Business first transacted under this business name on Dec. 1985. This statement was filed With the County Clerk of <Kanae County on May 6, 1987. File No. F343202 51215/28614 6/11 0315 1·32194 "*.IC m1ICl FICT1TIOm8US9ESS NAm ltaTEMElfT The tallowinc persons are doin1 busine:ss as: OSO PARKWAY STATION, 26302 Oso Partrway, Mission Yiejo, CA92691. G.W.M'" ..... lnc..aCalifor· nia c:orpontioli. 639 e.y. 5* ~ Nel9port Bw:tt, CA 926fi0. This business is con- ducted by • corl)Ol.tion. Sianed: G. W. Miller, Inc.; G.W. Miller. The re1istrant com- me. ad ID tnnYct bust· ness under the fictitious business rwne lisllld abo¥e on July 1987. This mitet1 e it was filed with the County Ctett of Or.,.. County on April 30, 1987. File No. F342719 5121 5/28 614 6/ 11 0309 FICllllOUSWll NAME STATBIUn' The ~pasonsare doina busiMss as: ART TO WEAR, 13 Bismark. lnrine. CA92714. Crail H.nz:i. 13 8isnw1t. lnrine. CA 92714. Tiwesa Hanzi. #3 Bis.- merk, Irvine, CA 92714. This business is con· ducted by husband and ..... The reaistrant.s com· met ICed '° transKt bust-ness under the fictitious business name 01 names listed M>cMa on S-21-86. I sl Theresa Hanzi, Crail .-Ui Thts st.llM*1t wes filed wrth the Counly C'-' ol OrafWI County on May 21, 1987 File No. F344603 5128 6/4 6/11 6/18 0328 P\mJC NOTICI ncm10U1•111aa NAMllTATB Em The .......... '*'°" is doifW bulil.a K SERAF- INA'$ IN t ERt0R OE:slGHS, UBI w.t CM Dr., No. 5, ~-IPCl'1 BMch, CA 92660. Seqf'w. Pwpen>, 1838 West CM Dr., No. 5. New-pon 8Md\, CA 92MO. This bulineu is con- dudld br •~ ... The f'llSistnnt COM· " .... '° ..... tJusi.. nea .,...., tt.e ftctitioul ~ ..... ,..,.. liAld ..... an (II lft t1). /a/Sa .... ~ This 2 2 OSJ1I -.... with .. ~ a. ol Or-. r...., on ..., a. 19S7. file No. (iM ••'Ue> 5/2161•6111611103'0 \ ' AClll-= I •11 .... .. , 131 Thil'IPa 'lllPll-.. ~ 'lllul'nrn K NEQ: PAK. 2501 Slit NI ardai; Cofone .. Mar, Calif. 92625. n.. f"ICtitious 8usiNls Name •llflln'ed .., ....... filed in Onnee County on July 21, 1986, file NQ. f314665. Jack M. Schneider, 2501 Sal AX Cifde. ~ del Mar, c.lif. 92625. ~ M. Risch. 1942 l>eerpltk 151, Fullerton, CA 92631. This business ~s con- dudled by I ....,. pert. nership. Isl Jack M. Schieidet' This stMlmlnt -filed with the County Ctlftl ol Or.,. County on M.y 22, 1987. 5/28 6/4 6/11 6/18 0333 r.c111POU1•1101ns NAMI ITATIMlllT The~ pecsons are doina business as: CPA INVESTMENTS l TO. YUi. 2222 Martin Street. Suite 260, Irvine, CA 92715. Stephen M. Zamuoen, a General Partner, 815 Ceibe Street. Newport Beach. CA 92660. Blase Zamucen, a General Partner, 28542 Munera, Miss.ion Vieio. CA 92692. This business is con· ducted by a limited partner. ship. The re1istrants com· menced to tnnsact busi· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed abowe on Not Yet Isl Stephen M. Zamucen This stMement was filed with the County Clet9' of Ora,.e County on May 22, 1987. File No. f344660 5/28 6/4 6/11 6118 0335 nth llOUI ••int NWSTAtlmln The...,..• pmsousarw doins business as: CPA INVESTMENTS LTD. VI, 2222 MMift sar.t. Suite 260, l.W., CA 92715. Stephen M. z..nucen .• ~ ~. 815 Ceibm Street. Ne•port Bw:h. CA 92660. Blase Zamucen, • General Partner, 28542 Muiwa, Mission Yiejo, CA 92692. This business is con- dudlBd by • ..-at '*1· neBhip. The rqistrants com· malCld tD '1•1Ud buSii· ness undel the fictitious Ousiness name OI ~ listed ebcJW on N/A. Isl Stephen M. Zamuc.n This ...,... .. -filed with the County Clertl al Or.,. County on ~ 22, 1987. File No. F344656 5/28 6/4 6111 6118 0339 flU&IC llOTICI F'IC ihiOUI .... "' .....ITAft •i The lalowiiflll ,.. ..... doinc business n: TH£ GOlD COAST,WEST, 3701 Birch St, Hewpot a.ch, CA92660. Edwllld J. 8eQ. 21892 Montbury, El Toro, CA 92630. John T. Bottom, 4074 Waynoka, Memphis. TN 38117 lMty 0. w.hl, 258 E. 21st St, CoD Mela, CA 92627. This busineu is con- due19d by ...... s-t· rwship. The reaistrants COM· me11C:ed '° tnnud bl*-neu under the ftc::titiaul ~ .... llltld .... on 4-1-17. /a/~J.ktl Thilrl 2 ·-----...,. tt.e ~an"' Or-.. ~ Clft ..., ~ 1917. file No. f'l•tD 614 611111111125 om 6111 wmnca "=•••11•·· lfA19180 The ............ doi• burin 111 .: J0HH DOMINIS RESTAURANT, 2901 West Com 'filh._y, Newpmt 8-ch, CA 92633. John Dominis Inc., a Cali- fornia corporation, 2901 West Caest 11.,..., ...... pan Beed\ CA 926.13. This bulineu is con- duded by. corpo1mo.1. The rqistrant com· menced tD trlnw:t busi- ness under tt.e fictitious business name 01 names listed aboweon 6/01/87. Isl John Dominis Inc. File No. F345911 6/116/186/25 712 0390 "*-'C NOTICE ACtltiOUI M1•1as NW STATEMENT The toUowq persons In! doina business as: THE DOW WAGERS, 1919 Yacht Enchantress, Newport Beach. Cal. 92660. Mary Albertson (Mrs. C. MacJQ, 1413 Enw'akf Bay, Lacuna Beech 92651. Pat Banta (Mrs. Patricia). No 4 Emerald Bay, l.aluna Beach 92651. Jaynne Boand (Mrs. Harry), 15 LA>chmoor Lane. Newport Beach, 92660. Marietta Coleman (Mrs. Richard), 1936 Port Dun· lei&h Citde. Newport Beach 92660. Ema eo.ri (Mrs.. Ardith), No. 80 Ane Valley Lane. N.8., 92660. Barbara Defranco (Mrs. JO$eph), 4501 Brishton Roed, Corona del Mar, 92625. Mary 0oupe• (Mn.. -E.), 46 Hilsdll9 Drhe.. .... pott 8-:tt 92660. Beverley Eve (Mrs.. Dau-.->. 6 Rue du PM:. New- poft a.ch 92660. MQey fanwl (Mrs. w-. t.r). 1825 Pott Manletch Place, Newport Beach 92660. Dorothy Gray (Mrs. Dorothy P.). 1905 Yacht Maria, Newport Beach. 92660. Lorraine ~ (Mrs. M..E.. Jr.), 2208 Yasta Dorado. Heaupoft 8-d\. 92660. Lois ~ (Mrs. Downe,), 1919 Yacht Enchantress, Newport 9-ch92660. .._,. Hilljn (Mrs.. Wiii), 78 Ane Vallly L8ne, .._. pcwt a.ct. 92660. Doris Law (Mrs. .Jack), 1407 Swoest on.. Cor- ona del Mrir, 92625. Lucille Martin (Mrs.), 2405 Villa _.,..n. .... poft Bw:h 92660. _, McAmm (Mrs. w.a.. liam H.), 733 v. Udo Soud, HHpalt 8Md\, 92663. Doris AllMef (Mrs.. .. lam), 1903 Yad'tt Trud. Ne•palt a.dt 92660. Sllie ....... (Mn..~ tin R., Jr.), 6 b a.rnoru. Neupoft 8-::tl 92&60 . This business 11 con- OUctld by • ....,., ..,.. netShip. The recitlrants cotn· ,,..ad tD tl•wt busi- ness undlr tM fictitious ~ ,_,. OI ""'* lisled abcM on llWch 11. 1987. /al loll w. ~ This 2 2 ,.,. -filed ..... tM Caunty a.. "' Or-. County on June I. 1987. F"tle No. F349112 6/11 61116125 112 0392 ( .. Tllia bllsfneu Is con· ----· ........ ~, ...... TI.e rectstrants com· ..... tD b.-ct buli· ,.. under the~ bi:11'n Ill WM iAld..,.,. Clft -13. 1917. /al Emit.o SlnWd ,_ I t FM was fited ..... the County a.tt of' 0...,.. County on May 13, 1917. fie No. F343743 6111 6118 6/25 7 /2 CM02 ....CllOTICI 1 nc111 .. a101m --lfATBJIJn The ....... penon is doina business as: ASStlR£O BENlm CON· CEPTS, 4'°° MacArthur 8hd, 5th Floor. tMwport a.ch, CA 92660. Robett Do .... -wr.t. 619 Hi'-'-, Newport ee.ch, CA92660. This business is con· duded by ... indMdull The re1istrant com· metlCld tD transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name listed above on 2·11-87. I sl Robert Oouclas Wray This a.t.ement was filed with the County Oerlt of <>ranee County on May 22. 1987. File No. f344757 6/ 11 6/ 18 6/25 712 0403 PUaJC NOTIC£ ACllllOUS•--SS NAIE STAllMIJfT The follawi.. person is doine busi~ as: BRIT· TANY FINANCIAL, 38 Ane Y11ley lane, Newport ee.ch, CA 92633. Maly EJiabeth LaucNin, 38 ...._ Valley Lane, New· port 8-::h, CA 92633. This business is con· duded by ... individual. The re&istrant com, "*"*' '° nnw:t busi-ness under the fic:titJoua bulinela .,..,. OI ,.,,_ 1.-d ...... an 6115116. /s/ Mery OWttltl ~ In This 11' ?TM -filed wilh .. CountJ a.. al Or-. COunty on June 8. 1997. Fie Ho. f345914 6/116/ll 6125 712 0393 -111W? ' TM ll:ID••• perw fa ................ -= REGATTA FlNANCW. OROUr. 21"2 ......... r--.;Sln~c..,.. • .,. CAt21115. Rar A. (lo) Churtotiis. 220t w. 29ltt .. 119. s.. '9drc>. CA 90132. Thia bulinaa i1 con· duc:llid.,, ........... T ... rt!Siltrant com· ,,___, tD ••WA busi- ,_ undlt ... fictitious ~ ...... ,.,,. filled..._. on 5-19-87. Isl Rmy A. autmlis 1Ns .. 0 ·--filed ., ttee CGunty an of 0..... Countr on M., 22.. 1917. ,,. ... No. f34 4662 51286/461116118 0330 WllOnCI AClllW•Jllll• ..._11'Afl I IT The ..,. ... l*'IGft is aw~-= YOUHG-LovE PHOTOGRAPHY. 1220 w. <>a.t ffOt'C. New- port Beecft. CA 92661. GlnY~ 1220W. Ocean front. Newpe>rt BMch, CA 92661. This business is con· ducted hr ~ individu.t. The re1istrant com- me11Ced to tran5ad busi- ness under the fictitious business name 0t names listed above on Jan. l , 1987. Silned: Giant Yourw· ble. This StlillaoTlent -filed with the County a.ti al Or-.. tcunty on Mar 18, 1987. File No. f344091 5/2151216/4 6111 0302 WMmea ITA...-YOF . , .. , ...... M111411. °'8Atm.- nc111 .... 1111 ... -The ..... penon ha withdrawn a1 a ....,al ---...., the ..,.,... ship CJl)lf .... undlr ... Adilio.• ...._,...al 8UCHANAN•OAY•ASSO- OATES. 18195 E. McOuf. montt. Suite C. Irvine i2714. The f'GMb• ...,_ Nane•••wdto---- ... in Or-. C.aunt1 on Mlr'Ch 14. 1985. Fil.£ NO. m1325 f1'1 NlmeMCIAddiwal the......_ ••tt12Lis ~ J8dl 0.,, 4246 Awl CNa Allil. Yart. Unda. CA92tK. TN5 • q ,-.,. -Med ...._ .,. eountr an a1 °""Wt~ on Aprit lO, ltl7. 5121 S/21614 6/11 0299 ... ICllO'nCI AClii .... 111• --· El The lllA ......... ... blaail 111.-: HUMAH OEWl.OfililENT INTtJINA. TIONM.. -..... s.. c. laCGllli ...... CAtl626. lwuw:a A. lMmbruno. "'-D.. J55 Rud' I 9 SL. C-. ..... CAtaa. Thh buainea ls con- duc:?Jd --.......... The rt!Sistrent com· .,,. ... to lrw.ct bust- ,... under .. ftdltiot• ......_ ..... ,,.,.,. lillld .,_.on 5-20-1987. Isl l.aW'f9ftee A. l.eom· bn.wC». Ptl.O. This • 3 , ...... filed with the ~ an a1 ~~onU.,20. 1917. flle No. f344501 5/21614 6111 6118 0352 1-11111 WNOncl __ ... CMm ... r··--JAM• COLLEEN GOL· ooaaG .. Med • Plli- tlon .... court lar 8" ardlr alkMiftl IM'titioner to c ............. '""" JIM/I.. C()l t f(N QOl.O(N.. .. ... .MME COi i [[N ........ ........ ed ... ................... ....-1'1 , .. , ....... , ............... ~ -Ma. J II 100 -Cllit c.. ............ AM. Ct......., on 7-t. 1m. at lM ctdadl p..m... ................ c.-. if.,.,,..., .... ~ Mid ........ tor ~ al name should not be ....... It i1 hereby further ont.lwd that • CGPr al .... Older to show cause be ...... In NeapavtHar· bar Ellsiln ...... ~ ol .., ..... ch'culltion, pub- lished in .. c:ountr at ... once a .-tar ..,, con- ~...a Pfb to lhe dayoluid~ o.cl M9y26, l917;Janm L Smith, Jud.. of t.he $uplrior~ If ....... has~ filed for minor. Ind one ........ if --.. doe not join in c::on- sentin1 thereto, order should include provision dilectitc a.., a.. to rNil notice of time and place al ....... not less than 10 mys prior to the hwiiil, to such .,.,.. if his address is specified in petition. 6/11 6/18 6/25 712 0412 ll·J.'IZM llUm.IC llOTICE f'ICtiiiOUI ••tm ..._ITAl'DmfT The fol~ persons ate doina business as: THE PASTA GARDEN. 25192 Cabot ~. l.asuna Hills, CA926S3. Dinif'I Ventures Inc., a Calif. corp., 264 72 Verana Lane, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. This business is con- ducted by a~ The rqistrants com- "9K:ed 8D tranw::t busi- ness undet the fictitious business name listed abcMt on.J..-9,1917. I ll ~ Yeneures Inc.. a Catif. corp.; Trwar Bourne, Pt& This ii I ,...,. -filed with the County a.fl al Or-. Cour1t1 an June 3, 1987. F"• No. F345596 6111 6118 6125 7 /2 0413 a.mu ... ICeeonc:E fCiilW••1m ..... , my . ..,... ......... doina business n : ANN MARIE'S RESTAURANT, 2640 E. Cont H._.,, Coonl dll .... CA 92625 . ~111• cane C.orp., a California c:orpoqtion, 2640 E. Coat HiahwaY, ear-.. dll Mir. CA 92625. This business is con· duc9d by a c:orpoilltiol L The recistnnt com· .,..K:ed to hlmct bust- ,_ und9' ... fictitious ....... naft90lfWNS listed • ...,.,. on Jan. 2. 1917. Ill Ferr lad Caftl Carp.; Michael llorahan. "91i· ..,._ This. q ..... -filad ...,. .. Counlr an a1 °""Wt eo..,. on ..., 22. 1917. Fie No. Fl44670 5121614 6111 6111 0353 ...... fll•IC...-U ......... ,. -an n The~ ........ ~bual 111aA£NA&S. SAHtt JOfNT YENTUM. 16 u.., ..... Aua. NI port Bwtl, CA 92660. ...._ first tranucllld unds Ws busil.-name on May~. 1987. ntl Glowth ~· '85, a California limited Cale Numbs: 182935 (NufMro del C.0) NOTIC£ TO OEFtHOAHT: (Avilo 1 Aco•do) G£OAG[ w. HOSS. .. indt- vidual. and OOES l ~ 10, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED 8Y PlAIN· Tiff: CA Ud. le e1t.' deman- dando) DEAN WfTTtR REYNOLDS INC. You hwa 30 CALE.NOAA MYS afW this sumrno.• is served on you to file a ty....,itl&1 response. this court A ..._ 0t phone cafl will not prae.ct yo&r, '°"' type. written rapon9 must be in proper lept torm irf ,.,., want the court to hear '°"' case. • If you do not file )Qlt' response on time, you may lose the case. and your -.es. money and property may. be taken without further wamina from the court. There are other lepl re- quirements.. You may want to call an attorney 1i1ht ~-If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral setVic:e 0t a lepl aid offioe (listed 1n the phone boc*). Oespue's de que le entre- ~ esta cit.acio'n tudtcial usted tiene un plRo de 30) DIAS CALENDAAIOS par3 presenur UN respuesta escrita a ma· quina eo esta cone. Una catta o una Hamada telefo'nic:a no le ofrece.a' proteccio' n; SU te5C)l lesta escrita a ma 'quina tiene que cumpfir con &as tarmal- idades ...... •ocM"M si usllld quiete QUe la CXJf1e escucM SU calO. Si usl8d no presenta SU "8SP'91Sta a tiempo. p&.te perder .. c:aso. "I le~ ~wlallrio.sudiNro y ans coua • "' prope. cs.ct sin Mio adicioNll por s-te de la cone. Eaisllln ~ l'9QUisilm ...... Puade QUe ua.d QUiera...., • un ahptc> inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abocado. P&*ie llamar a un ...CO de ·••cia de abapdas 0 a Uni ofic:ina de .. lepl (VU .. diredofio .... eto'nico). The name and address al the aut is: (£J norNn J dir9cx::io'n de la coAI es) ORANGE COUNTY MUNlaPAL COURT. a:M- TRAL ORANGE JUDICIAL otSTRtCT, 700 OW: C.. Driwe w.a. s.a Alta. Cafi. famia92701 The name and address and t I I I phol• number al pl8iidrs ..,,OiY. or plain-.. ....,. ., ....., is: ('El nomllre. aa direcc:io' n y el ....,,.,., de ••• l 1 DllO .. ab,.+)dlldln•...-.o del ~oue no ... .ti Diii"\ es) Kevin K.. fitzprald, Jones, Bell, Simpson 6 Abld.IOOWilllire..,.._ val'd. fifth floor. lo& AA .. 111. ClllQl'nia 90017: (213) 415-1555 om: Mr 31 1915 Cf«N) ~TB..KUHEl. a-(Adulrio> by T.,t ford, 0ecMY (01'11 ti) 5128. 6/4, 6/11. 61 18 0329 ~.16 Upper New-"*-'C NOTa port Plaza. Newport Beach, flC ii hOUI •lllut CA~. ..,._ ITATUmfl TMI Growth Properties-The fonowinl person ts '86. a California limited doinl buslneu as: INTUE· ~,16Ut)perNew-SIS, 1609 Lincoln Lane, port Plaza, Newport Beach. Newport a.ch, CA 92660. CA~ Scott Gamer McJ(ay, This business is con-1609 Uncoln lAne. New- ductld bf a llfwal C*t· port &Md\. CA 92660. rwship. This buSU'9H is con- /a/ TMI ~ Ptopewties.-~by 1n indMdult. '85, a Catifoinia limbd The rectstrant com· '*"......_ By. Tw:Mts maK:ed 8D hllMd buli- Ma s ,..,. & Irr •••• ness under the fic:titious c.o.p.iltioft. a Calibnte .,.,_name...._...__ corp.; -.... V. ....... on NA. S.WYlcil P\lllirdlf.. /a/ 9cGll ~ 1Nt 11 •13wtl.a Thia I 1 ,.,..._._. _. .. c...., an .. ..,. .. ~ an a1 Or-. Caulllr • ._ & a.._ OauNr on ..., 21. 1ts7. . 1917. Ni Mil FJMI ZI Fie NIL,,. .. _ llU 61116125 7n O&ll -. 111161111125112 - ••• NOT1CI OF 1W IWI Ull --~ YOU NfE. IN OO:AULT UNDER A DEED Of TittJST M TED -1-1-. UNU'S$ YOU TAKE ACT10H TO NOTECT YOUR NOPOTY, IT MAY 8E SOLO AT A PlaJC SALL If' YOU NEED AN DfllAHATIOH Of THE NATURE Of THE ....OCEEOIHGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On06/ll/l71t lO'.OOA.M. WES PAC R£00NYEYANCE. the duly llPPCJitmd TNSllle under and ....... to Deed alTNll NCIOldld on 12126186 as Ooc:unWlt no. l6-64J848 alOfticitl Rec:ordl in the office al the kxwdtl al ORANGE Counly,Cllb1U. II I Ctaad by. SH£1lA GIN and SUNNY GfN. HUS&AHD AM>Wlf£ WIU SEU AT PU8UC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BmOER FOR CASH, (peiiable at time of .... in ~ ~ al 1"' UMld SbMI mt THE FAONT ENTRAHC£ TO SUIT£ c. WEST PAC RECONVEYANCt. 4940 CAMPUS DRIVE. NEWPORT BEACH, CA al rWit. title and inWest 001 •wc,.cl to and now held hr it undlr said Deed of Trust in Iha PllDOMY sibJMed in said County, Cllib•lili. dlla~ ....... I: LEGAL OESCR1 PAACEL 1: Lot 31 al Tract No. 9261, in the~ of Neapcwt &e.ch. as shown on a map recanted in book 380, Pl9IS 32 to 35, both indusive of Miscellaneous Maps, records of <>ranee County, California. PARCEL.2: ~easements over that Pfopeity and tor the purposes as such easerne1ts are rewved for the benefrt of 0t panted to owners as set forth in the Declaration of Coweoants, Concfrtions and Restrictions reootded on September 14, 1976 in boc* 11887. Pllllt 301, Official Records and any amendments 01 anneutions thento. The street address and other common desellabon. if any, of the real Pfoc>ettY described atxNe is purported to be: 1905 YACHT RESOLUTE, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 . The undersianed Trustee disdaims any hability for any tnc::onectness of the street address and other common ~-if any, shown herein. Said sale wm be made but wrthout cowenant °' wwranty. express or implied, reprdil'll title, possesSH>n, or enc:umbrances, to pay the remaininc pril-=ic* sum of the nole(s) secured hr said Deed of Trust. with "*9rest thereot1, as P"Mded in said note(s). advances. if al'IJ, under the terms of the Deed of Trust. '-', cNqe5 and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts cr9ll9d by said Deed of Trusl. fD.wit Sl 1,615.17 The beneficiary under said o-f of Trust heiembe eec:uted and delNered to the ....... .., a .,... Oec:latation al default ... OemMd far We. and a ...... Notice al Default ... Election 8D Siil The urdll li918d c:aused said Notice of Default and ~ to Sell 8D be recorded in the c:ounly where the,.... Pl'c.-1r is loallled. °"TE: (15J?2lfl1 WES MC R'ECONVEYANCE. a c.ib•• C..aMI• • Truslle. CATHY E. CRUM. ASST. VICE PR£SJCOIT Weshc ~. 4940 Campus Drive. IC. Newpcxt Bw::t\. CA 92660-2119. (714) 476-1893 51286/46/11 0357 TAClll~ mu~-.72%113 UUll& ULE-. Ull ......... 1117111 c:c..na-.11.an1.- ll011CI. TmJl1'&"'I ULl YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UHoot A DEED OF TRUST Oi\TED 03/07183. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPER I Y. rT MAY BE SOlD AT A PU8UC SAU. If YOU Nm> AH EXP\ANATIGH Of THE NATUR£ OF ll4E PROCEEDCNGS AGAINST 'YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On 07 /C1V87 It 2:30 P .M. AlNANCm TRUST DUD SOMCES CO. as.,_ duty ~mct T,..._ undlr Md punmnt tD Deed rA Trust, "9col did on 03124113 as Ooc:ument no. 83-124788 Of Officili ~ in the office al .. Alcloldll rA ORANGE~. Calilamia. 1 11 c•.-ct by: AC&R'T G. EWING AHO l Yl£EN EWING. HUS8fMO ANO Wlf'£ AS JOINT TDWfTS -.. at public auction 8D the...,._ biddlr far ctih. casllill'sd-*drwwn ona _.. « Nllial.., ...._a c:t.dt drwn.,, ... "'tldaral CNdit ...... a cf-* drwn by .... «lldlnll~and"-t 111ac· a·~ ••-"WI .... -illed In s.dioft 5102 althl Rw.-. a. ... ...... iwd to do......_ In ........ (c:t.dm ...... be Sl9J 1tit1 at the .... rA -.1n ...._..,..._al ... Unlld StMM of America) AT THE CHAPMAN AvtNUE ENTRANCE TO THE aVIC CENTER 8UIJMMQ JOO EAST aw.MNAWMJE OMNGE. CA .......... ----COii.,.,.. tD and ....... bJ R undJr Slid Daad ol TNll in Iha PIGl*1r 9lt M 1 $ in Slid CGdJ, Csalifcct ... fl I :•til• tha lllnd ..... , DESCMPTION Lot 12llal Tr.ct No. 66M, In tt. '*ral N1 'r.118w:t\. Coul'ltralO...,..,sa...alc.eib111i11.•.-..... recordld In 8Dok N ,.._ 11to25 indu1ffia al ,.._ ' w ,..... '"lheOftic:ealthe ~ Alcloldet al llid eoun.r. Uclpt .. oilail rwa. n..,., n••tWB,.ftlllbnl ps rilt* and attw h)ldiocwbOls by .._. •• rwne lwMn thlt n., be~ or under Slid land. ._,. .............. rW!tal~ .............. and CIP8'MNw tt.m and saw. in and,.,.,.... the wne from lillid land Ot .,, oltw a.net. incMlirlC .. rWi3 to wNaa<k or diredb....,drin and mine~ ..,.oe:tw thantt... ~delcribed.oit«pstllllls. tunnels Ind shifts --~ "'ac:roa ......... of the &Ind ~ clllllcrit.s and 8D bolbn ad\ .... SIDc:Md or dndiolalty drilld ........ .....-and st..as unc11r ana e....-. "" beJond tne ..,.,, 1m1ts ...... and to Ndrill. ,.,,...... equip, !Wain. ....... dlilparl ... "'** Mf'/ such .... "' "*--.. cut. tw ..... .,. ... ~mine> .... ..,.and~ ........ the suifKe "' the ...,., 500 ... al .. aaurtac. rA llld lar.s. • "'nrwd In the died ~ h INine em.,..., 1ecordld o.c.nt. 16. 1969 "' ~ 9165 ,... 53, Ofliciel Allcordl.. for ii~ odt/" Code. 070'1. AP No.. '58-l~· 27 . TM str..a lddlw 8"d ._ eot•••o• If 's rtia .. I .,,, al .......... ~ dllaibed ..... ....,..... tDba: JSOOUUSM.ITO DNW.. Q>ICHAOU.lllM.CAtl2625 n.u•1 ...... TNllliatil't 'm_,...,..,.., kautdi 111 fll ...... .,,_ ... ...., ..... , Sn's l' ~ ........ ..... ............ ~ -..t s•1rt Cl' ...... r ' (5 .. 11. Im THE NE:WPORT EN8IGH ..... ~-0-U UI OIDm191C£ Of THE CtTY COUltell OF THI CITY Oii saw; on 1UCH AllEJJDtM SICTIOll 10..50 .... Of THE 91l.11· POU IUCH lltW9W. COO£ KRTAl .. INC TO PVaJC NUllANCEAUTt- llUIT AlfUl. The City Council of the City rA Newport Beach does hereby ordain as follows: .10.50.060 R11ht of Appeal '° City Council Any person who is disut· 1sfied with W'1 deciSIOft al the enf0tcement off'ecer stt.11 have the n1ht to appeal to the City Council within ten (10) days from the date al ~ al the decision althe•dotCM• It olfic:er hr filq • ..., notice al apc..a wiltt IN City an. Upon ,. ...... such a notice al 1111-' the ~ a.t It'll Sii the fNt. ter tor 00iasidaalica1 by .. City Council .......... . not more tt... tNr'1 (30) darS ......... Md .... ...... ""I iOaf .. dMe. time and place an whictt the ..-.. be l'..-dlt ....... (10) .... prior to such dlee... The cq Council ol .. City rA Pl1 11 r:wt 8aac:tt ,._ preside cw tt. t.-il• on lllllPllllar.inthe I 1z& 1, appainl a ._ •• dies tD conduct the hewin&. rec:eiw ............. ... and tD submt 8D ... City Council findinp and recommendations tD be considved br the City Council al .. Citr al ..... port 8-dt. The Q:r Coun- cil al the City al NI 11 J't 8-dt ... ,.., Is dlc;:t. sion ....., IOI~ (45) ct.ys from the ... al .. --..01.inthe ... .. a._ •• dfic:s M& ... ~within .. __.. (45) dl!Ys ffam .._.._on which the City Councal ...:1· ... the .... and rec:omMendation of tM ._.. offics. The cllci- sion ~lhe<:.rCGuncil ... be finJll TheQr Qatl ... Niiiy the PRll*1r -of .. .... ~ ... Cllr OIMd in the same -.. • ptOWided in Section 1050oeG. ThiaOsdi•w:a-~ duc.t at. --• • •.• al .... Qr OaullCI of .. CityrA•h pDrt8aac:ttMld on the 2'ltt ., al ...,, 1917. and Mti~ on h llhdlyal Mw 1117. by the lolkMiic we.. tD-wit: AYES. COUNC1l· MEMBER'S to.. Hart, Maurer. Pturnmer. San· sone, Strauss, Tums NOES, COUNCI L· MEM8ERS ABS£NT COUNCIL· MOl8tRS John c. eo.. .M • ...,, ATTEST· w...-E. Rail· P>.Cit1~ 6/11 Adnan s..t. 1323 Ben- nett, Lona Beach, CA 90804. This business was oon- docted bf an Individual. Isl Adrian Sweet This stltement was filed with the County Cieri< of <>ranee County on May 28, 1987. 614 6/11 6/18 6/25 0371 1-33152 STATW Oii Wfl. omw.-T O*U. W RCllllOUI -· NAME The~ ... person has abel dolled the U5e of the fictdJous business Mme'. PtNNACLE Dt\TA SYSTEMS, 28300 Alara, Miss.ion YlefQ. California 92692. The fictitious business name,.,,,_. to abowe ~ filed on April 6, 1987 in the County of Orarwt.. Onenal Fite No. f340324. ......... f . Blum. '28300 Af.aoA. Miuion Ylejo. Cali· tomia 92692. This busiNa -~ ductlld by~ indMdual Isl William F • .._, This i1*11.tt _.., witft Iha ~ an a1 Or-. ~on ..., 28. 1987. 614 6/1161186125 0372 ~NOTICI FCEIE ... J I• ..._ll'ATW' The lalowii. penans Ire dolfC tiu..s'S as.: STAN~ ARO DA TA. 2681 Kelvin A-.nue, IMne, Calitomia 92714 T rwld:lta Cm POI Illies&. I C.1tfom1a COf'POfation. 2681~~ ....... CA92714. This business is oon· ductlld bf a OOi PQl lltioli. The rqrstrants com· •••aced to ... --.:t ...... ness under tt. fictitious busir*5 name li-9 ..__ on.Jmn.17, 1917 . /llTwwdlllliilCmiDillOiia< f&:lwd A. Ser-.,_...,.. This ti 2 ••• -... with ... Cculer Clatl of Or-. Caunar an ..., 21, 1917 . file No. f344544 611161116125 712 03M 11..-.. ... IC.l'ICE -nc--u-uous ••n111 -IT•t I I ·~ ....... .. doina busineu ~: Mte NEWPORT PlACC:• 1400 Dowe Street. N4iwport a.ct\. CA 92MO.. OarWd E. •md 2116 E. S.... lb IF.-d. a.1- bol. CA~l. Donald A. Sutro. 2021 E. Bay A-.enue. Bal~ CA 92661. Wil iam E. t...caan. 18 Ollk Crest lane. ... port 9each. CA 92660. D.widW ...... 6 11 West &.y, Balboa. CA 92661 o.id w 1907 San- ~ T...,.., Corona c1e1 Mar,CA 92625 Thi' business is con· dud9d bJ. hmitlBd piwtr.,. lhip. The recistrants con'I· m.IC:ied 8D Wlr4ad ...... MU undlr the fidil'ious .,.,..._...,. liltld .... an 1/1117, Isl Oanlld E. ...... TNI a er ,.,. -a.t _. .. ea..., an .. Or-.~onfllllrrl, ltl1. AllNo.FMSO:ll 6111 "116115 112 0'15 • .... tt...;nm 11. 1111 niE NEWPORT ENSIGN CLASSIFIED INDEX ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS Announcina .......... 200 Beauty Aids .......... 213 Card of Thanks ....... 20 l CemetetY lots ........ 201 Florists ..•............ 20-7 Investments .......... 828 Money to loan ........ 605 Money Wanted ....... 606 Opportunities ......... 700 Opportunities Wtd ..... 7~ Funeral Directory ..... 205 funeral Services ...... 206 Health Aids •......... 214 Lepl Notices ......... 212 MERCHANDISE SALES & SERVICE Antiques ............. {S08 .APP'ianoes •.......... 806 As>i>'iances Wanted ... 807 Auctions ............. 814 Buiklina Material ..... 817 Busineu Equipment 818 Camera Equipment ... 819 Coins/Stamps ........ 813 F~ ............. 800 fymiture Wanted ..... 805 Garaae Sales ......... 705 Jewelry .............. 812 Marine Supptys ....... 906 Mesc. for Sale ......... 809 Docs & Cats .......... lrl4 Livestock ........ : .... 825 Birds .......•........ 826 REAL ESTATE Acreace .............. s 11 Apts. Furnished ....... 407 Apts. Unfurnished •... 408 Bide. to be MoYed .... 816 Business Property .... 500 Business Rentals ..... 421 Condos for Rent ...... 409 Condos for Sale ....... 507 Commercial Property 505 Desert Property •...... 513 farms & Ranches ..... 512 Housekeepins Rooms 413 Hotels ............... 416 Industrial . . . . • . . • 506 """"'•It! Property .••... 509 Lake Shore Property 515 lots for Sale •.•....... 510 Mobile Homes .....••. 917 Mortgage & TO •...... 607 Motels ............... 415 Mountain Cabins ..... 422 Off tee Space ...••.... 420 Out of State Prop ..... 514 Real Estate Wanted ..• 518 Rentals to Share ....•. 412 Real Estate for Xch& ... 517 Real Estate Loans ..... 600 Rooms for Rent ...•... 410 Misc. Wanted ......... 810 Musical Instrument ... 811 Lodges-Clubs-etc. 209 Nurseries ............ 815 EMPLOYMENT Agencies ............. 300 Garaaes for Rent ...... 400 Houses for Sale ....... 508 RESORT PROPERTY For Sale ......•...•.•. 418 SERVICES Schools ..........••.. 608 Offtee Equipment ..... 827 Pets & Supplies ....... 823 Lost & Found ......... 210 Personals ............ 211 Opportunities ......... 305 Preparation .......... 307 Houses for RenVfurn 405 Houses for Rent /Unfum ............. 406 RentaJ .............. ·U7 SituM.ion Wanted ...•. 308 Directocy of Business SeIVices eCarpenby Custom Marine Carpen- try specializing in teak decks. Mark Cannichael 650-6764. eChild Care CHILD CARE LICENSED. Pre-School Environment. M-f 7-5:30. 15mo+ 549- 2870 •S. :bical Services Reliable, Reasonable Repairs. New work & small jobs.. Free est 1'59a 7115 •Home= &Remo~ Handyman Household Repairs- paintina. drywall, car· ~ + more. Gaty 645- CLASSIF1£D INFOlllATIOH1 Buy 3 -G9t 1 FREE Four web tar the price ol thrM. Cal the Ctwi- fieds 631-1120 211-Penonllls Wanted: 25 CNef weiat1l People to try new a.et formula. 650-5015 305-~ Opportunities READERS WORK YOUR OWN HOURS. Clip, read & research newspac>er arti· cles for mapzine edf.. tors. Will pay up to S20 each. Apply now. Call refundable (213) 938- 2900 Ext 5301. Rebred CEO needs hetp! Balboa Penn. Executive secretary skilts-accurate shorthand, typinc. bank reconcilliations a must. 2-3 days/wk. flexible hrs. Prefer mature per· son. Robert Emett 67-l- 8181. Airlines/Cruise ship ;ob lists auarantee imme- diate openings. att OC:CU· pations. 1·716·882· 2900 Ext 61 n Including ~ l..oviflJ Nanny Wanted. Live-in for 3·yur-old, housekeeC; month~ Board. 458·7427 ~ 852-0666 work CLEANING UNLIMITED For eJCCeltence in house- cleaning, providing all suppfies induding vac- T rustwofthy & dependa· ble. Call today for esti· mates. 546-3726 Quality homecleaning, guaranteed. Also window ~ sm & lg maint )obs. AMsonabty priced. Refs., bonded. 969- 2556 Private Duty N\M'Se. 16 ~ ep. XJnt local refs. Plemie caU 721-8112. •PtanoT._... Professionaj tu . since 1975. GiYe ~ife to ~ piano (714) 552- SALES AGENTS/ FUTURE AGENTS let FIRST TEAM REAL ESTATE 9hcJW you how ..... in the Htintil-'°'1 Beecfi .. can aclP'at. doubte the # of nnsac· tions JOU do & .,aty inct'ellse ,our income. For confidential inter· ... call Doidt iY 54().. 1022 FEDERAL. STATE &CML SDMC£ JOBS $16~ to $59148/Y ... H' . OOIJOB LINE 1· sl'Sls9-3611 Ext f2954 for info 24HR. Lacuna ~ 3 bed-room 2 bait\, den, family room. f:':f.lace. ~ munity -;J. par1(. MUST SEE $ .CN· 643-2365 ewe.W~ Lacuna Beach. · rs 2bedroom,2~ view house. f'ereolace. new carpet~ S1200/ month. 494-3059 ~ .. ~~o: looki'&, ocean, bay & s-tc. . rnocled 3 bed, 3 ha. e.ec home. 3 car r;11. Poof. 2 firep!. Lease $2595. 759-9274. Laauna Hills Condo. La~e Fewest/Moulton Amy. 2 bedroom, l.,,, praae, washer I d!Yer hOOk:.up. $800. 582· 8470 ........... JOHN THE P\ASTERER· Journeyman, 14 yrs exp, local homeowner. Lath, plaster. stucco patchifll + pa_if'ltina. Xlnt refs. 535--8311 "'Cruises"' c.ribbean 9/ 21/87 Celebtation··from $675; 10/4187 Sorw of Ameri~-from $856. 644-7348 The .... ..,= ...... ,_ii.. ... ,..........., ... c.- 631-81.20 406-~ Unf. Beautiful 5 bed'oom exeaJtNe home Mission V~ Family room. den/ OffiC:e. air ... 1 .,_, lease, take ~&eaes. prdenerJ11700 plus security. / /\M785 :::= Apartment Lacuna Belch, aszy. cuae. 1 ·bed- room. 1 block to be9ch. $650. Eveni~ 497- 6371: mys 963=1900 4Ql..Aiab••• Unfw. 40IC. ••• .. ... lmmac. Condo. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. cib' ... pool, jac. tennis. Yrly rental, $1000/mo. Open 8:30to 7. Avail now 213-258-5479 Capistr•"lO Beach Town- house. Walk to Beach. 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, family & dining room areas, fireplace, bal· corry/W!w. Oven, ~ dishwasher. 2-car att- ached praae. Sl.100 monthly plus security deposit (213) 43l·1232 Clean, painted 3 bed-room. 1 bath San Juan Capistrano condo. Enclosed aM!red patio. Garaae. $800/lose, includes water. 582- 3356 Laeuna Hills Condo · 2 ~~·~ m'rss~ ae.n. s-inted 3 ~ room, 1 bath, San Juan Capistrano Condo. Enclosed ooweed patio, aaraae. S750 indudes ..... 582.3356 San Juan C11s11istJ ~2 bedroom. 2 ...... condo. ~~~•!r poo_~jacuzzi. $850. t.WS: .,,~7435 3 bedroom, 2 story Condot Mission Vieio, ~~ 7306 417·R11Dlt 18111Ma MAUI/~ Beach 2 bed, 2 bl condo. ()can ... fuly furn & equip. Tennis/p~l/_~ach . Brochunt 854-0909. Hilton Head Island Resort. South Cadna. 2 bedroom. 2 bMh.. Golf. tennis, 300 yards to beach. $475 weekly. 837-6314Wlllill-SS COLOMDGI TEllURtOE • ~~I ~min .... ""*Y furn cmldal..a to IMr. Sh'" 4. Exb .. dinwy ... sunny .. ~ short .. '°"-"-Clble 1V ~ *-O.Mxw ad.ivitin. Reduced sumnW' '*5 ~ OI web. Call Bob 494- 8553 .... rdarfs. Ocean Front Vacation Rentals; Deluxe ..-t· ments on the ...., in Laauna Beach from $100perdm1. (114)497· 2176 517. C11tdllM..._ Far .. ....... 2 , .. •···r ..... .. Ill .. ~ .. T .... Clllll-.... 507. CGndolNnllllnl ForW. Balboa watl!t'fro It condo w/bmt slip & bealtiful bay view. 3609 YifM from obseMltior1 deck. PrMlte community, pool, pr-aee. Will consider trade or tease w/ optiorl to pur· chase. Call 673-3725 and make after 508-Houses for Siie LAGUNA NIGUEL 3 Bed- room, 2 Bath. Den, ~ ity room. ~-Com-munity oool psk. MUST SEE! $1~. 643-2365 ewnnes CdM Harbor Veew Hils rare 2 story Bur"lir •me w/Ot:l!!an vteW. 4 bed, 3 ba. Owner $540 000 pri nciples only 'i6'J- 8719 Saddlet.ctl Mountain v .. Home • 1 ~yrs old, f'ieldsb• a.ssic 3 ~ room. 2~ bMhs. ~ . kitchen. near Rancho Santa Mar1arita, $151 ,900. Owner 858- 8542 514-0ut of State Plop. Colorado kJt. f utl price SUSO artrade? New ski atea ..... 492-8635. MAUI -HANA. 2.8 acres w/runmna stream. 3 bed house & 1 bed house.. aa. to airport and town. $235K. 673- 4058 WIDOW HAS MONEY FOR TRUST DEEOS- $10,000 Up! No Cid Chk.. No penalty. Cllll Da l1111M11 '' UJ. 7311. MONEY FOR RENT!! for ant busiNss ., -stlr- tups. ..... as. con-struction. Woma1 ..... preneurs in business 1111lcomed! lHCR Asfo. c:illlles. 514 w. 9lb>e = Ste A, S.tboa. 2047 1. C.-p.m. 673- fll7 llwtr I ..aTD - ENJOY 14-1-W RETURN on 11tJl~uptD$1 mil. 11 II .... -...an.mi.. Mens le,.._ MiM the uttimata and undet· stmd al 1ant rwersible iaclcat. 8nind New! From Neinw't ~ tf you kwe ..S ~ a r-.. OOlt it an be~ Necotiable! 499:oo84 SerK>Us Buyers Onty, ~ Beautiful ~ Mens Jacket. exceptional ...... Brand New! from NeimM Marcus. tf yGI kMt and appt8CiMe a fine cmt it can be~ Nqotiable! 499·008' serious buyers only sih nel. 811 ....... lnlL PIANO. 1903 Walnut ~ Burt trim. Nary keys • $750. 964-0025 812.Jam .. J Rola W1'd\/n--. 18K/stainless steel, almost new, $2500/best offer. Randy 859-3429 1 /2 carat l.cties di• mond . ~-$2850~sw:= 080. 213-5 . GRfATBUY! UUDllOATS LOWDTPalCU FULLSDVICJ: ............ DIC. ................ ............. a.. ... ........... 1971 Dllluny. mdtion.w and interior. $3, . 493- 7043llftar4 p.m. Oldmdl1 1981 Ca~ Supreme Brouaham · T .top au P.'W.:n= tn~ ~./offer. ~1475 ¥aA; I pn 1981 Ol W..,..-4 ~ w/ Oct 68K miles. Exe. cond. Loaded. $5500 080 M0-5062 aft 6 p~m...rllLL 1931 MODEL A SflORT COUPE fuly resbed .it r&na• $9.500. 495- 1970 '>nic ... mdes Benz 280SE.. fuffy re- sbed!! Ae built ..... New ..... PWtact ... riot /uterior. $6,500/ ofter. 831-8766 Even-• '49 Ford conwertible. Resaed. w/o.or.dlitte. Modest work tD com. ..._,_~A ..... c'llfC for Uki OI will cansidlr tr.de on recent Porsche 911 ..._Tom !ilmlf 832· :L(offtce). Uc.. 917·11alll1 Honn 11 1972 Fnbell Trnel Trailer I' x 31' ~ .. r" $3.500. 493-174 I fte e:::: ..... ...., .... lldlll•• ...... •••• WATD I LAICE ........ D.tll Anlllt ........... 10. Colla ....._ C1tl1MI ... The ftftldl.:ti•1l1Daui1:11n'-lfn111 -··-ID--- ... • illlfdt 21. 1• .. , ::.:a1,::;~4 Jeffrey S. Men. 2204 Grwlwiew~MM­ ....... Beilidi, CalifOftMa 902l6. O.Wkllln.&MHM-.., -....... u. ,,, .. , •• Clllf 1111ie 90CM9. MldlMI 0 ..... 19064 Wiii 0.-. T.una. Clli- bM 91l56. Edmond M. Con"°'. 31301 Via Cuattel, San ,....., Calpistr• llD. Calib nie 92675. John f . DIMI.. 531 MiMr RNd. Orinda, California 94563. Ronald J. 0.Feliee, 25482 8ooUtnp Place. Lllcuna Hilts, California ~- Audre L &-.et. 320 PKik ..... Unit 5. s.Ma Monica. Caibnia 90405. Richard A. fink. 648 Ocampo Drhe. PKific Pal- isades,, Calbnia 90272. hul f"llline. 2758 f"ttbed S1tre1t. S.. Francisco, Calli· fomia94123. G. Howd11n Fraw, 1155 Afton Street. PasadeM, Califu nil 91103. JoleDh Gablli, 256 SOUlh Palm on.. 8ewrtr Hills. c.libnia 90212. L Andrew Giftord. 136 SOUlh Citrus Awnue. Loi ~ Cailib•lia 90036. Dnid J. Grant. 6233 Deerfield Avenue, San Gllbri9I. ~nia 91 T1S. Terry 0 . Kelly, 15491 ttamn. OrM. Lo1 A1emt11. Clllib•lia 90024. 8enwd ~. 1150I OoM c.c.lia om.. la Al 4 I I , C §'10• 9160t. MMinH. "'-. l9C.. S1n111. ........ CaMnil 94939. E.-n N. lAMll. 25960 E-11"1 Dr-. Laa AID. c• ••MOn. 0:.. R. ........ 18372 Selrw AMlnue. Vila PM!. Calif 111ie 92667. llllicMlll A. ~ 1209 Y"caiO on... Glllrt- dlltll, C&ftlmill 91207. Orvil&e W. McCarroll, 1019 Duncan A"911U1. ..... hattan Bach. California 90266. Aaron M. Peck. 706 Th1yer Avenue. Los ,,,..... c.itomil 90024. ~ Aalaar. 950 Gl9rt OtksBolrtr.-d. Pr1 tee-. Calibaaia 91105. ~ s. Set tBU. 50I North ..... DrNI. a. ..,. ..... Caib•ail9021~ 1. 8ruce Seu h 1 • 3122 HMdi""°" Drive. Los ,., • I ... Ciltami9 90064. Dlniat H.. ...... 4676 Alonzo ,.......,.. Encino. Clll ••• 91316. ._.YCllllhidl.tJMa. Slr9ll.. NW ......... . D~C.20037. Thil .....__CM- cludld .., ...... --............... J. .,.,.... Thia 1111dlm'Mua•nlnl -... ..... C....,~af Or-.. eaun.r .. ...., v. Ul7. 6/11 6118 6125 712 0414 ..... ... IC.ID mnc-......... •••nut -lfMll In n.•A lc•••--dlirllbll' II ...... c/o Mdtaa•• eo..-& OU...'ll~--­Rr.C-. ..... CAma. ,.,.,.., s. MM. 2204 Gr...t4iR .._ ........ ~ ~ c.titill1'il ... Dtnilll N. ...... QltflM. .., ,,_.....Laa hem? • Ca•••'°°"-....... 0. ..... ltoM Wiii DIM.; T---. CJli. .... , ... [dMoftd .. _ COMOt'. JUOl Via c..tal. Sen .-..C1eM-.C1 ... ·mlS. Jllllt F. Dall&. 511 .... 11tM.. O.kt1. C1S .... MIG. .... 12' J. Dlfllce, aell81l'W ..... S...._c•1• ,._L...._. .• f-..c ........ .... II '•CIT .. ..... •••• a:. .... l'9 0 ....... .._ ... --.cm •mn. ......... sm,... -. .. ,......Cll- -:-.: '-· 1116 AfliM ................ . cs ... .... ...... 8ill9i. ...... ............. llf4; .... C1M ulill•U. L ,.,_._ ....._ 136 leulltCINIAm-.Lm A141?11. Ctlfu ...... Oewid J . OnM. 6233 01lffiekl A~. SM ~er •91775. Terry 0. Kelly, 15498 Himl• Ort.e. la,.,141t ••• Cetilumie IOOM. ......... teotbw, 11508 Oona Cec 1U1 Ortwe, Los ~ C1rt nia 916CM . llertin H. "'-, 19C... Shilt. lMtmpw, Caf'fDI nia 94939. Edwin N. l.CMe. 259'0 E-....:• DrNI. Laa Ab. Calibnia 94022. Elilll R. .......... 18372 S.W.IO ....._VIII Parle. CllifDmia 92&17. Mic:Mll A. flkAndrMI.. 1209 VilcMo Dr-. G!ln-dlle. canmtia 91207. C>mll• • • Mc:Cerroll, 1019 Dunc:M,..... Mlrt- h.u..n e..dt, CMfomia 90266- Aaron M. ~.... 706 Thayer Avenue, Los ~ Calilamia 9002-4. Michllet Aallar, 950 Glen Olks Bedward, Pauda ... California 91105. Mlttin s. Sdwmrtz. 508 North .... OrNe. a.-ty Hills. CalibTtill 90210. I. 8Nce .S.-S-. 3122 Hlddinaton Drive, Los ~ canunai& 90064. Dlnilll H. Willia. 4676 Alonzo Avenue, Encino. c.libN 91316. Alr1ieYoahidl. 939A~ StrMt. NW, Wasttincton. D.C. 20037. This business is con- dud9d by ....... Plllt· IWWp. The reaistrants com· naald ID tl•IUd ....._ ... undllr .... fictitiouc bulinea,.,. lilead ..... on April 23. 1987. Isl ""'1ld J. Olf1llice This'' ...,._ ... .., tt.e eoun.,, an o1 Or-.. eou.., on ..., 1:1, 1987. Filit No. Die L\10 6111 6118 6125 712 0416 Wlln'ICI HChi .... M m _..ITAi n The Uk»wilw.....-se doiltl business -.: SUN- RIOG£ PARTNERS, 1100 Miiin Sltrellt. s.... a. nine. CA92714. ~ J. Ctistiana. 1100 Main Shi( ~ e. amne. CA92714. James E. Lawson. 1100 Main Sltrellt. 5'* a. ...... CA92714. John M. Meindl. 1957 Vista Caud1I, Newport 8-::ft. CA 92660 . This business is eon- cb::tld by ....... p!lft- 1e"Ship. lslJohnM.Mllind? The~ com· malCld ID lnliUd buli-,_ ....., .. ftctilioafl bl•' 111 -li&llJd lllOli'8 on3/25117. ,... 2 2 .... -lllld ... .. c..r a.. ol 0-.~•Junll. 1987. Fie ND. F3151 D9 6/11 61116125 712 010t flmte••a rc111a•• II I -IVR 11 n.•A 'w ... wa .. m-.w1tr, • ...._ R1DG1E t 11 CQATQ. 1100 ........ 5'111 ....... CAt2714.. Sunrtd9I ................. 1100 ...... s. .. ..... CAt2714.. c-. lecoMlruction. 1nc... a c1r1 • corpu1• tioft. 2380 c..-. V'ect. ,._, S...A. c.tlblld. CA t200I. This buliMu is con, cludld br ........... Isl $urWlll PW"*i. 9r. JoM ... Melndl. ...... ..,.., The .. ,.. .......... ,......... c:om- ...... ID .. llCI ..... ... undar .. f'diMgett ~ ................ onll2SIS7 • 6111 61116125 712 0105 ~-a.-....... 11119 , .. ,,.El .. C:.· ............. < JM 119' I aM COM· I -.. •s llc8 ...... ........... ldlle.. .. l'nlll -.. w .............. ~5 • 1"7 . Isl W. Mcf9te d•• Thll•1' _..._ ... ... .. ~ °"" ol Or-. Caunty Git ..., 11. 1"7. ,... No. F344097 5/216/46/118118 03'6 a..mu ft•ICmta , HCiil .... I 1• -••rr n TMWlaic,.._. .. doi ............. as: (1) NACOM INDUSTRIES (2) NACOlll, 27611 La Paz Alulld. ....... ...... Cali- tomi& 921i11. FIUorocattJoi• Cun1P111~. I California corpontion, 1:1611 l.a Paz Alulld. u.-...... C... 92671. this business i1 con- dudlld bJ I COfpoi ... L ~ fluolOCMban Cam- S*'Y. William M. Jolin, V.P. &.GM"I ....... The reci~nt com- maad to tr...c:t busi· ness under the fictitious business name 1imd abow on 12/23186. This ~ was filed with the ~ a.1l ol Or-. County on May 14, 1987. rile No. f343951 5121 S/28 614 6/11 0317 &-Ulll "*'C '10TICE HCiitiOUI • Fl E• _..ITAftlJOO The fdlowil• ......... doil1C businel& -.; SIMPl Y DELICIOUS CAf'E. 23521 Paseo 0. Yllllncia. laluna Hills. CA 92653. Harvey Meltt•. 3380 Paleo Hat.on. San Cle- ,.,... CA92672. ThelfN Meltnf. 3380 PaMO ......... San a. ....... CAt2672.. ...._ ... tl•ucild undllr tNI bl f 111 iW on June 1987. This~ is con- ~ _,, .. ...,.. _, .... Isl Hlrwy " Rm This ,. 2 ••• -tied ...... County Cid d ar.. ~on May 21. 1987. File No. ~530 5/28 6/4 61116/18 0344 FCllllOUI ••ID ED .....sr.TmBIT The ~Ill PlllDtS are doina busineu as: CPA IHV£STMENTS lX. 2222 Martin sar... s.... 260. lMne. CA 92715. Slllpt-.• M.. l.lmuc8\. a Gllnsll ,.,...,, 815 c.-. ~ Newport 8w:h. CA 92660. Blue Zamucen, • Gel ...... hrtw, 28542 ........ en ·1r YiliD. CA um. This business is con· ..... .., ....... Pllft· ....... The~ com- ....:_. ID Rllllld bult-,_ ...., .. lctilio'I u '•••-•---.... .._. .. w,._ /sl Sias 0 I 'Ill. z..nuc- 1'1ia l 1 .... -8ad .... eour., a.tl rA ~ eoun., .. ..., 22. 1917. RktMa..FlU'51 5.1211614 "11 6118 0337 - r A ~ .. ' ·\ll\ i i i I t I 1:1zl I f!! I\\\\\ HI (l P'' _i:.a Si~ 1 -1 I 'Ii Ir~· JI~ ' . i l '"'~ ~~ ~I, ~ I ~ I • ~ I lfut !: I -nt. 111: ;!" 'I tr · 1n1;1 i i if l}i'll I . .a i ! 1 l' r l • . ' i '11'1. _, 1 J : ,,~. ~ h · · 11 ·I ~ 111.1 1. 1 .. 1 i >I. a_ ' -!r! I ' I 'f i 1.\1 , r il1 l ·r)·f I ti~ • ,. r ~ ·j· • s > .... . [,~f. ]1,1 ~: : I! .•._'fl!]· a. i a 2 i\,1 • · r ·· --ti · , ·. . , a-~ • . - . .• I · ' ·!I .. ' >a.I . f a I .. . 'i:fl ' t1l ·~·t' flh~lf.lii· iri1f If ( ~. ' • l ' . .,, ..... ' :f ·II:_. ••• ,. l . ,i J ·&.'[~-( ~ . > J· I' p '" ~~}\.f:'~1·1· )1 ... ~ ;·"lij'" ~~ ... ~f :t J-· .. ,l .• :J.r . •.r~.Jrr1 iii''= tr .. ~.r~ ·' . I • ' ' ,, .. I !Sii ~·~-·tr•" 1 ".l 11· i ·" ~i.f llo.t 'r.s.·1lt 1 D :1~ , . • -~I _,_ ::!l _rli! ·~l:'f~,i' i!~··!'~•!;i, ... it£ e 1 = ~ ~ ... ft ~ .. A II , ~ ~ rJ ':f :.i . l f :~ !flJJ!f·J 1• • ~ ~ ~ i ' i' I 9. f a· 1'1 ~ ~ ~ a= ~ a. 'I. I .. ~~ 11 f ~· ! ! &l•: f 1--i I~ ·11 Ii! ~-g-~ i 1.: ·.~, o,} ., . ; · o n .. f 1s:. -R > 0 ~ JEs .,,I f. · l ·I q 1 ~ §'" .:._1 ... · a t. ~: • ! g oi •. • t~J Jf w ,~. _n·: ~!f !ri,-Ja:-.f.! ~··•:_.j· :"'j" 1-,:~(i ; · ·~-. - i. ~ " IJ 1· . s ~ ... r: ~ I· tj . I ' .,, " . ,•1 I ·o ' ~ t ; ., a : ' . ·1 ~; ::'g)_r .·1 ,( . : :i 1·11:1 ·~·r:. ·.1•.1 ' .. ~--~ : ,: ·:I!! I ' ~ err r ,_ g . • 'f. . ... " . I .• :;ii El I 'i · . iii·~~J:~!:J f~ · ;~1.rr1:i1~·~i 1 ~ IJ -11 11 •1 lJ! . ., §' '·a 'JI!.. ·I 1 ·~:11 '1 fr · · ,r.tJ .. . ' ---·-- ----• 0 • r; • 0 l. . ;. I!. -a· 2 J Es IC (1 • ';. . '~ I . ' . • r I . ~. ~ • ' I . a I., e: -s: • • ii" J 11· "11· 1 ,. u: :I 4 • , ' ... " ! .i l . . .. : t J;: f~!!t ~! t .f IJ!._li"· , 1:J.j i• i _ ~~!r:: !I.~; 1~· _ ll ·~.-!ii ~~:l ·~fl: ... i.~·1·1 ~.< ·: ~· !:aft if tl~1 i~l~f ._~:.! ·~f!J !!i!&.1:1·; ·;.f r.!i:ti~~~1!&1·1 ~1.:;: .. · i~~·~:~ ... . .. • ' .I I ' I r I r =· 0 I := . . .. ;. . ~ . . . 1. . \A r E: f.l~l t'f~tl lltr f I rf ' ; IJJ · J~ii rr !f I 1l·1 !U lr!lt &'' l·rl!i ~!rlf . . ' . . . . ~it~ 1~11~i _11~~1r~ i ~ I S' r • . • s· a •. ... f .. , ". I~ .;._ I• a .• I ~ . " ~ ;:. r (:C.q t o ··t :I .".. . ~ ~ ': .! 1.: .1· ~L lf 1 !i l!·itJ~~·r . _·, l ·.:ff li·f·~f ii &:11· ltlr,:i. ~t 1~r·.:'rf~ :l1il. I ; -,.. I I I ·1 'I I ' aYWDYDUffY .Bo.tin&, ~ and a life filled witla ClilAI ~ IMq are the tbemei t•at this weet-S ~--~. 301 B\1ming Star I:ane, revolw arOUod. The home ii offered at $960.000 on fee land by NllllCJ lmt a ' o of MentlLJ9dlRedy. IDEAL FOR FAMILIES One hardly knows where to begin with this 0 turn key., beauty. While the front of the home offen a lovely brick entry Dover Shores is such ~ ~i>: cou~ complete with sp~ the uJar area with f.111\ilies that it; is oversiz.ed rear terrace with its difficult to imagine anyone adjoining Ooat and south view except a family living in this· of the channel and Upper New-home. 1be quiet streebc1 as well port Bay is truly exciting. as the private beaches And calm Unlike so many homes along waters of the Bay ~ pedce( for the Bay, this one docs not stretch a family with ~hildren . 30 I clear to water's edge. The amply-Evening Star Lape offers a sized lot provides for a spacious workable Ooor plan that would home without crowding the back cater to a growing family, but terrace into a mere strip of also has the good traffac flow concrete. There is room here for that is J!quircd of an executift two levels for outdoor · o~e tasual, and more ment of sunsbjpc with I~,~~ takes P.lace as well as a g~ to the~~ ·obca'tegbtitb'uis. float which provides doctag\1or · A study in white, the kitchen a motor yacht up to 60 ft. in with its cheery breakfast bay, is length. a delight. More doon onto the There's room for the family's terrace mate serving one or two bay boat here too, along with for ~ or a crowd for a the children's run about or codctail party out ol doo~ an sabot. The terrace ~asts a easy chore. Indirect lighting and built-in brick BBQ and tasteful, an ample wait-in ~try add up low maintenance, landscaping. to a kitcbcn designM with con- lbc front of the home pro-veniencc in mind. The peach vides more comfortable outdoor tones that are so subtly used living area for the owners as well throughout the home fmd them- as an impressive entrance for selves equally at home in this guests. Herc. there is a spa for room for llCCCDt and a softening private and party times, as well to the white noon and cabinets. as ample room for sun f umiture for more private sunbathing. The entry itself is impressive stretching up two stories and bending gracefully to accommo- date the circular entry ball. F rostcd glass cuts glare into the home, and marble ,flooring accents the soft peach aDd cream tones that carry throughout the home. Two steps down and guests arc in the large living room with its view of the Bay beyond through tasteful f rcncb doors. One complete wall is mirrored and the effect with the white decor is stunning. There is white marble fireplace with a carved white mantle to add Through the kitchen is the family room. Herc ~ is a warm glow of wood from the panelled walls and the unusual geometric ceiling treatment. A brick fireplace makes this a cozy place for television watching on a rainy evening. Through this room one gains access to the surprise that awaits beneath the home, a subterranean wine cellar which is large enough to not only serve as storage for precious vintages, but a retreat in which to savor them .. Reached by a curving staircase, this spot is definitely an adult area that will_ becom.e a favorite spot for entertainirig a few friendt. A powder room completes the nearly circular dowmtain fay out. Stepping back into the entry, one again notices the gracefully curving stair leadin1 to the upper. private rooms of the house. The home ha tWo ICpU'- ate furnaces to provide for economy and comfort on both stories. That was a good idea beca111e it ii easy to see that die mnta suite will ~ beCOme the new OW{lllm faYorite ~ ia which to enjoy their new liome. While the two f~ on the lower story are lOYely. the best wa saved for more private appreciation. The white marble beauty with a carved wood mantle that paca this abso- lutely giant siz.cd master suite is the perfect addition to a room that borden on perfect. The view from up here is wonderl'ul, perhaps even better than that from below. The master baih js sizable, with storage for poslCSlions and clothing in a wallc-in closet. built-in annoire and wardrobe. DESIGND GLASS FINANCIAL FACTS/UAL- TOR INF.OllMADON Realty /Newport Beach BAYFRONT VIEW · OF THE CHANNIL AND UPPER BAY Pier and float for 50 ft. boat and more. Decora- ted by well-known designer in soft neutral tones. Fireplace In master bedroom, family room. as well as living room. Outdoor~ spa- cious used brick for outdoor entertaining or leisure with built-in BBQ leading to boat dock. 35 ft. Chris-Craft may be Included in purchase. $960,000. land included. Call 546-9388_. FORECLOSURE LOOllS Prestigiom Newport B11d'l locatic>n mM• thle a must seel A 11u1e;nc will do wonders forthia 4 bedroom. 3 bath, 2 sto~ with tnpae ga111ge and view of beclC bay and Fashion Isa.net WOn't last long at $449,500. Cell Nowt 5411311. HARBOR PLUS VIEWS Ocean, ban, and mountains underscore this serene 3 bedroom condo, including 30 ft. boat dock. Prestigious area-an for $345,000. Call 963-1319. THE BLUFFS Spacious. well situated split level, features 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, and great community amenities. Award winning master plan with easy access to shopping and airport Fee land. $237 ,500. Call 546-9366. THE llOST SPECTACULAR BAY AND OCEAN VIEW Home completely renovated. Two master bed- room suites, den, family room, walk-in bar with all appliances and highly uPlf'a(ied kitchen. Spacious living room and dining room. T otaltY customized. Call for complete details and show· ing. Offered at $995,000. Call 552-1714. NEW LISTING-IMAGINE THISI Five bedrooms. 5 baths. large living room with oak hardwood floors, huge fireplace with car- ved mantel. 20' handpainted ceilings with French doors and windows-all opening to por- ches. Spacious dining and breakfast rooms, built in corner cabinets. Imported tile in kit· chen. mud room. pantry and baths. Library has ......, ______________ ,. built-in bookcases. Upstairs bedrooms open to balconies. Double lot Security system. Make an appointment to see this exquisite home now. Call 552-1714. $850.000. NEWPORT CONDO Lovely singte story Bonita Ptan features great location with bri1ht spacious interior. Two bed- rooms plus den, 2 baths. Only $239,500. (Fee) Call 546-9366. AnENTION BOAT OWNEiS 40' -45· slip possible with purchase of lovely of lovely waterfront 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Spectacular bay view in Newport Beach. Just in time for summer. Only $395,000. 552-17f4 ELEGANT 2-STORY French Regency with spectacular ocean view Will love this custom built contemporary with bay view and loads of open space inside with every amenity for your family and entertain- ment needs. $1,100,000. Cati 546-9366. features spacious 4 bedrooms. 4 baths, family ..._ ______________ .. room. gourmet kitchen, formal dining room and 3 fireplaces. $445,000. Call 552-1714 . ... CUSTOM CONTEMPORARY LIVING WITH MAGNIFICENT lSOo OCEAN VIEW Four bedrooms, 4 baths, family room, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room. 3 fireplac~ wine cellar. $465,000. Call 552-1714. CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION ABOUT OUR ·EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOME MARKEnNG PROGRAM • National and International Mmeting Exposure ... • S~ially Trained Sales Staff-The Top In Their Field • Distinctive, Specializ~ Promotions To 8elect Market Segments BElllONT SHORE Channing weft maintained 2 story s.-nish styte duplex. One block fnJrn b 111 ch, delKhed 2-ar Pfllle. Walk to shops. low v.cancy, high de- mand.. $325,000. C.0'546-9366. (714) 546-9366 ' • , ..... ~_.__,~-----------.. --.-~ ~ Nevi clg _enls bol ler· RE/ aY ANNEITE WATSON T~ tbqc arc owr 50 RE/ MAX Off°ICCI in uae state, 1n 1m Cnla ••deJ opened California\ first U/MAX feal atate office in C... Mun. In the latter part of 1986 Batley opened the Newport aeacll office. which continues to grow cm,..,_. IOW •• • '•• Sime 1913; U/~ GalifOl'"- nia ~ laaft increatCd some 300 percent, indudiq tbe addition of three offices in 1986-Miaion Viejo, El Toro ltadily. Gary Humiston LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT 904 VIA UDO NORD OPENSATURDAYANDSUNDAY1-5 8112 lful °'*" cdo I \ 5 blidloo-. 5 ., .... pow- .,... ... , ..... foolc iF 8' ................. . a..-:llPed s-11-F"-1 ........ north ~- ..... Pier wl .... tor Wee boa $2.121,000 LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT 815 VIA LIDO SOUD OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-5 WMctl .. •tslrom3 .. w1llofln11tUdowl9w.D1..,.. lot glwel 1eo-w1ew. Faw bedloomet 4 ..... pl8yroGmf bo9t room, gounMI~ Brick..., ..... stng. Secoi'MI story roof deck NCrl llllon .... SMdr b I I eta. pier mnd tloal. $1 ,115.000 BALBOA ISLAND 303 APOLENA AVENUE Available yearly lease-$3,SOO/month or for sale $650,000. Beautiful traditional 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. Quality constructed, professionally decora· ted home on excellent sheet. Features 2 master bedrooms. Winner in 1980 of~ Balboa Island Home of the Year. $3,500/month. SAN JACINTO RIVERSIDE COUNTY . ...,._a•m1rclll ... ofU-•torS42I .... INCOME "'°'81fY~ IN ORANG& COUNTY We1'ave as-tment units for sale in Orwwe CourJlY from 20 individual units to 70 unit ...,bteats. .. ud Neap an 811± RE/MAX -~·• *'• l'llll••··x·a1 r •• a iluaoYaaiw ·=·~ ...... cept• Ud top qUlkJ ma ....... Statiltica show tbat the averqe qent bu 7.S ~ experieace in the busiQrM, and neaqcs 23 tranuctiom acb year-more than three times the national average. · . The following is the fourth in a series of profiles that will look at the agents in the RE/MAX Newport Beed> office. JobD Simpson Jolul SJ-peo-recently joined the RE/ MAX Newport office- bringing with him a background that offen depth of knowledge and experience to his clients. Prior to entering the real estate profession, Simpson's career was a varied one, from the Air Force and a fare depart- ment to college professor in economics, and finally to college administrator. Simpson bas a masten degree in economics with an emphasis in fina~. as well as seven years in the real estate profession.. "I lvame interested in real estate when I was buying invest- ment properties for myself. While I was a college adminis- trator, I also worked on my doctorate in economics at the Univemty of California at Ber- keley. But I became so interested in real estate that I went and got my license and have bceo work- ing in this bmincss CYer" since," .... ~ I' 51-. aCGN• ........ ruil s, ••i?'._ ._ 21 ·1rn ..... -· 'ill k ••• , •• propertiel. s· .... lilii• ..__ er'I liccmc in ..wmo. to his wide busiara ~ •1 feel I ofter my cticnta a hilla lriel of profeaionaliam and e~ rience. I wort bard aDd keep Well informed about what is goina on. I make things happen. I follow my escrows and have good communication with my clients as wd.I as with the other agents and people involved in the transaction. I don't let little JOhn Simpson a riote from maury VISIT US AT 3732 E. COAST HWY.,· COM Cameo Highland• Spacious 3 bedroom home built around bright sunny patio and pool. Library. dining room, family room, 2 fireplaces. Access to 3 gated beaches. Assumable loan. Now $385,000. CDM South of HlfhW8y With large cash down, owner will carry with reasonable fixed rate. Owner is ready to move! Now is the time--call for ap- pointment to see this sparkling 3 bedroom home, have a quick escrow, and enjoy the summer! ,..), b CDM 3 b8dr~ hc>Use-$1200/month . --C DM 1 bedroom-$350/week. COM 2 bedroom. den--6/11-8131-$2,500/month. Cameo Highlands 3 bedroom house, pool, gated beach. July- A~ust $2, 700/month. r • • • ICEAIFl811T llAll IPEll• Tri-kvd, liP• and airy COD1emp0r'aly new bome OD the sand! Four bedroom, 3~ ~ wet bar. private s~ 4 patios and BBQ. Marble foyu. baths and firep~. Gour.et kitchr:n with island. Top quality throughout. Sl,l~.000. ORN SATUllDAY AND SUNDAY l~ DIANA P80SSD M-5111 UDI llllll llYF181T Exquisite tri-~1 llOme.. Circular staircase, marble entry and baths. Luxuriom mast.a' suite with ..a bu and sinin& room. Uke new! Dock for S0'-6S' boat. 46'6 .. yKht nqotiaWe. n.iso•. DIANA PROSSU 7•5111 IUT nm LICATllll, SPiii.iii ~-o;:;sc> \. R::::::::; syllall. Priced to . ..,,.,, •. lt1UA UAO 'Hl-:5111 Ofter nria-to eel tllis sprM. I bedroom coado eear SoalJI COllll Plaza. Nnr carpet. pat llaape! Vacam 81111 ready to mo¥C ia. PHIL nA.&D:Nauac 1• 5111 Im YMI LAll•lll lllllYEI Owa a piece al the Mock! Are yoa an anxious owner- to-«? eo..e lie die Im-tcnnahome yoa dloaabl you cnWd•' •onL Rmten. nrap me-. for reality. &joy a .... .,.. of place ia tJm 3 bedroom towahome under s 120,000. Cal. . . 11.ADNE GOLDEN 7•~ PAI.II ..... IETIUT Palm 5pru.p aebUI ill the heart of the -()Id Mcme CoJony. • Former WILLIAM BOLDE home. Gor- FCNI Yiew of the IDOWllai.m. olympic size pool pri\-.cy ud sccu.rily. Ready for r OD! Three large master suites.. 0.... will consider tnda for 1esi6enlial or income ~ucina propenies. SJ~.000. E'LYNN UMP 7•5111 •..,._1174 0.. two, tlarec bedroom eCMldm ia die Soada Coast Pim Ma. Sc.a.a to~ &om.. Cd few cletU. CilY HUMISTON 1-.5111 .. CM9i-diaa Ylllae, m ,_.. old trwtirio-e'y a.ill, two ...., ..... ft.. llOme. n.. fiaqlMa. cstra ... (...., room, 4 ... OCI SI, C8Cll ~ "j'* ...... 45 x 111 ft. lot. ~ 11i!M1 ......... CG 'ff kildlca, oee:m-. frala _, .. .,. n..YJOI ..... .,. 9111 Jast redaced price for. fast turn aroaDd. nm spacious S bedroom home offen YaUtility for family and eatertai.ni.o&-Extra laiF yard pl'ovida tetting for the pool and Ip&. 1499.000. JO.ANN DORAN 761 SHI IEW UITill-UICHO Ill JOAOUll lower ~I 2 bedroom and elm condo •1th 2 patios. Golf course location plus city lights views. T•o cu garage plus extra off street parting. Sl89.SOO. For exclusive showing c:alL .. .Maril'Jlt ••"7 1•s111 or ISMl47 STEAL II lllTH UIUll Laguna Beach oceao view. Two single homes our beach i.n North Laguna Beach. Three bedrooms. 2~ ba&M, S years neW!! Owner very motivated. says ... sell immediately!" Priced for quick sale at $325,000 and S29S.OOO. fSl1IEJl YA.NI 1a.s111 11t1aum11 Owna will cany finuri9a for bard to qaalify home t..ya' no daiaa 3 ~ 2~ .... ad le,... family rooa Lac11ed m nc Biid& ad cnalootilla • majcw pcc:abdt. nm .,.ao. •£-plaa offcn die ·--ia hwariow am.a. Price Wr:fMn the Ind. S323~000. oouc llQIMT 7fil.5111 l•E--IAl.F MPl.U .. WATEll llAR opportwitJ! 8"y doWwail'I _.. Giily. Abeolutdy IO*FW-Rick oa dlie ._. wida pri'KJ· Watda tk ..... • &a.a ya. li9iac ~ eaa Giada for yo. priVllle ..... loidayf ~A"':iai Pft,900. GISl•.A •11UIDSTD 7•5'11 VIET{. VIEW, VIEW. 11lnc tiedioom.. l bratJa wilh micaa off me"G' Aik Vay h ..-• Call .. 11.&IJ C11U.D>GE Ml 5111 Light and airy are the words for•'" fty 3 bedroom, 1~ balh lOWD.bome *"'-o· ' _ \Ahdt c1oee to pool wl spa. ~'S .JftSut the CUlift home. Uppwtcd. Riftr • ....,e. Besa nlDe in Bdcomt.. SS19.000. CALL RON FELSOT 761 5111 LEllE.llPTlll II This 2 bedroom c:banaa musa be sold. Single it\'CI end unit overlooking pool and spa. Fireplace in bvtog room. garqe willl automatic opener plus enra storage room Quiet loc:atio11.. Bay with lor;t down and assume terrifte loan.. SllS.000. For yoar prMle sbowiq call .. RO m..soT 7•5111 snauss Fwe bedrooms phlS boms! IMF Jard. Fradt wiadows and doon.. Spa. hady to mow ia. "97 .ooo. Call. .. MAU CULLIDCE 1-.5111 11Yf98111' EITAR Gncioas S or 6 bedaoom Mime inchMtina a grand open CilbWC:. ...ao-.-lllde. ,__.di-in& llM*. lhldy or 6tla bedi~ family room cw aila1aiaw ...aroo.. wt.,...... Ude«• n..-w-(approyjmarely S100 ... ft..) ud depM llome ... rec:ady beca ,,,.,.. d ... -~ ..... •haw ..... pool. • wt dock few •.mi....._ SJ.675,.a.; IUN&DAYll M 5111 •CAIYll Mapificmdy decorllled home wilh Yiew. pool. spa and emcnaiDiaa sea. 4000 IQ-fL with 4 bedrooms, office and aermc room. T otaDy refurbished with new carpets~ wan covai.np and new titcbm. ESTHElt y A.NI 7il-Slll OCUI llEW ITUl Spacious 3 bedroom. 2~ bath single st~I') IUncb Style home. High in the hills i.n Eastbluff. Fe.awrcs ocean \icw by day and city ligbu by night. Upgrades too numerous to mention. S36S,OOO. Pnc:c indudcs the land. DOUG HERSST 7a.5HI IEW USTlll Best of Harbor View Homes livi..Qg. Anderson Khool, great family community and nsociarion.. Four bed- rooms, fun room, private lush yard. Call for appointmenL . MAIULYN BULKLEY 761w!lll cw as.-tl.O Remodeled 3 bedroom., 2~ balh bome wilh loll of charm.. French doors, tile. ~ beveled mirron and mon! DE.LIA DELGADO 7615111 LlllU IE.ICI CUl•Ei Adorable 2 bed.room, J ~ bldl ,,.,., .. WaJkina dist_.. to bada. Ocaa view from Am dec:t-Frmcla cloon and windows. Owner mocmacd. S6S Aaila Street. lled1lcDd to S209,000. GJSD.A 8lJUIDSTD 7a.5111 MlY NE ,_. ... EI.UT Brand ... e-tPdc ec.aa Mesa 2 Wroom., l~ Mlh.. ISSO 911. ft.. .,........, .. ~ '°" .,__ 1M JO UM k>an.. Jlady for i 5 -OC• q ""fJ • PHIL 81'~ M Ill Lowest primd 2 story ... occa new. New Bedford wiala. ~family room. bo-. room. Tllis ~ luD a pool. spa ad IPida laDClrapina Sacue view of ocan. mo-mains ad cily Jigtm. Cd. .. lSI llDl YANK 7•5111 ClllTIY UTATE LIT Excellcnr oppornmilJ to build yoar dream home Ott this an usable one llCl"e in a prime OraaF Pa.rt N:tt priqre loc:arion with a golf c.oune Yiew. Zoned for bones. Asking Sl7S.OOO. J~A.NN DORAN 7._S.. COZY COlOUIO COIDO Located in Keyuoac. Colorado. this fuU) fu.rrusbed condo is the pcrfec:l QCaboQ bomc l..qr:nda.r) po•der s.tiiag combines 1rith beautiful )-eat-round tcena') to provide a nw wdous aa-e•ay spoc at a IDCf'C S IOS.000. Call. .. IEWPIO ICEIJIFllllT lt•,111 Besa ~ OD the sand. Th.rec bedroom,. 2 bada i.D prune loc8tioA. Needs tmdcT lo'ina care. AD adulh~ . . Priced II S.S0.000. DD.IA DELGADO 7"°"5111 l9IM I.Ml AT TIE PllCEI It will llloc:t yoe to 1ee 1.Ut yoa nm owa a '°°' home ia lm.e for wader S210y000. Desirable 4 bedroom. l -.i. willl --. cqwmdablc familJ room ud ca r ltJ tildwn For yo. pei•• llaoq caD... •• MAXINE GOLD 7t1 5111 3 CORPORA TE PLAZA • SUITE 101 • NEWPORT CENTER 111 I I ?~0-l IA • • Gary Humiston Gary B ' tmt entered the real estate profession from the dC:ctronics field. He always bad an interest in real estate and now be is very happy to be working in the field. "I always followed real estate as an interest and a hobby. Some people think it~ an easy job and go into the business with that attitude. I entered the field with a more realistic viewpoint. I knew I would be working hard and I am. I believe in the work ethic and I am persistent in getting the job done. I li\t the idea of working for myself and the challenge that the only limits I have arc those that I place on myself," said Humiston. Humiston, who resides in Corona del Mar, works all over Newport Beach as well as throughout central and south Orange County. His expertise includes single family homes, condominiums and townhomcs. "I especially like working with first-time buyers. Tbcy arc more excited and the whole transac- tion means more to them. And they arc so thrilled at the end and that is very rewarding for me,"' said Humiston. Caring about clients and hav- ing patience arc two character- istics that Humiston feels are very importanL Marketing condominiums is one of Humiston 's specialties. "Since there arc many on the market, it takes persistence to show them and stay with the properties. TheTC arc many good buys available in the condom- • W OF DttlfaJ.•lleuid. B ·r-jJat4 Ill d1pjied to joia die RE/MAX NeW~ Oft'°ICC ...... tbia ii a *1J orpniad oflice which offcn ~ mart.u.a tools. c~ ~ ._•lood ,._.,atioa and the RE/MAX-ii~ more natjo=IJ bown.. This helps me pally in workiaa with my clients,• said Humiston., who • spccializa in Newpc;wt'a Irvine Terr8Cle and Eatblafl uaa, as well • Corona del Mar. In Hnmntoa'I .,.re time be enjoys sailing. tn'1ding. photo- graphy and politics.. Mali Galledce Mal G .. ae never pl•nntd to become a realtor. She was very busy raising her six boys when her sister asked her to help her get a real estate license. "I just went along to keep her company. She was interested in changing her career and in the course that followed I wound up getting my real estate license too,"' said Gulledge, with a splendid 'ccent that comes directly from Madrid, Spain. That was four years ago. Since that time, Gulledge has been very successful. ln 1985 she was number two in production in Century 21 's Orange County region and last year she took first place. She recently joined RE/ MAX of Newport Beach, which is very near to her residence io Spyglass Hill. This is also Gul- ledgc's area of specialization. Gulledge attributes her suc- cess to her attitude about life. She said, "I have a good, positive attitude about life. I like peo- ple-nudy do I meet someone I do not lite. I am always nice to people and that cot!les through to them." Gulledge came to the U n.itcd States in 1968. In Madrid she had a full-time job as a model and starred in many commer- cials, which ranged from selling coffee to lipstick. At that time she loved ballet and drawing. During that time she rcaliud C 5 0•11111 Iii File Your DBA By Mail! The Newport Ensign will send instruct- ions for filling out the form, then file it with the Orange County Clerk and pub- 1 ish the ads for you once a week for four ( 4) consecutive weeks. r···i;·y-;;·~;~~-1d·i1k;·;·oeA···i i form and instructions. ! • • • • :N~~ i : . : ADDRESS· i • ! CITY & STATE i • • : ZIP: ! : . : PHONE: ! : ................................................. : For Further Information Phone 714 631~120 Simply mail $40.00 to The Newport Enlij1, $10.00 to the County Qerl( at 0.... (tor no more than 2 "8iltl•lls) ..... YOU Nt£ IN DEFAUlT UM>Ot A DEED OF l-..sT DATED t-25-79. UHlESS VOU TAKE ACTION TO ... TECT YOUR Hi0f£RI Y, rT MAY 8( SOLO AT A ftalC SALE. IF YOU NEED AM Dft.ANATIOH Of THE NAn. Of THE PAOCEEPING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD OONTACT A lAWYBl T1COJT ... 1tmnnceMdTrustC...1P11'f,•C011M .... bnwiy T• 1n1urm Md TRiit eon..-a,, Ori .... 30, 1917, lit 9:GO A.M.. TICOI' Tiie en.nnc. _. TNll Compela,,. COlPGlltiol .. b11-1) '119 ......... Md Tnm Compenr, • ..., •a· md TNlllle Wldlr Md ~to DledolTNlt teclOldld ~ 2& 1979. -Inst. No. 35385. in .... 13328. ..... 1899, ol Ollcill Alioolds in the aftice ol the ~ -..:0.dlr ol Or-. County, ~ Will SEU AT PUa)C AUCTION TO HIGHEST BtOOER FOR CASH OR CASHtER"S OHECk. (pmyallle .. time ol ale in ...... ...._ ol the ~ Sblles) IN THE L088Y TO THE BU1t..OtNG lOCA TED AT 601 S. LEWIS S1RE£T, 0AANGE. CAUR>RNIA .. rilM, tide and ........ COIU..,.S ID and ,.,_ Ntd by it under said o.d ol T Nit in the P10C*tr situ"8l:t in said County Md S.. o.:rlbed as: UNOtVIDED 1/42HO INltRESI IN AND TO THAT CERTAIN 99 YEAR GROUND LEASE. DATED OCT08£R 29, 1959, EXECUTE> BY ROM AHO COLA. INC.. A CORPORATIOH, l£SSOR. fAVOR Of VISTA on UOO. A COAfORATION. I ESSEE. rOft THE TEAM Of 99 Y£ARS COMMENCIHG OCT08ER 15. 1959 AHO TERMINATING OCTOBER 14, 2058. WHICH LEASE lS AECOROED IN BOOK 4937 PAGE 194, Off10IAL RECORDS. COYERING THAT CERTAIN ~PERTY. MOR£ PARTICULARlY ~BED THEREJN, AS AMOClED BY AH INSTRU- MENT DATED OCTOBER lS. 1960 ANO RECORDED NOVEMBER 25, 1960 fH BOOK 5523 IWif: 261. OfFlCIAL RECORDS. TOGETHER WfTH TH£ DO I ISM MGHT TO USE ANO OCCUP't A CERTAIN APMTllENT MSIG- NATED AS NO. 7-A IN TH£ COMMUNITY APMTllENT JltJll..OeNG KNOWN AS THE 'VISTA on uoo.· AMO THE EXa IJSM'. AtGHT TO USEAMOOCIClft THAT CERTAIN AUTOM08llE PMKING SPM:l Dl'SaGNATED lS NO. 7-A ANO THE APPURTENAHCU THERETO. Al NO. 047421·21 Trustor. EDWARD M. MURPHY end CAntERIN£ M. MURPHY The--••' W ..t --COIJUfM\ 111·· 1raw\ ii ..,, ol the ,... Pl~ dlec:ribed .. is purportld tobe: 611 Udo,..,_ Dr. Na tpart ~CA The U1dal1i9..S Truseae• 01·0.,.,,....., w.,. ilaarl'ICV 111 of.. ...... '' W ..S ... COll_..i '1f I .• .eioli. if .,,, *-" ""911\. SMt slllewil be midi. bUl....,.~..,.or-••ltJ, e.-OI implied. , ....... tide. II a II I Ilion. OI ~ '°.., .. .......,' 71 iCli fJI .. tdl(s) w:u.s bJ said Deed o1 r,. ....... Pn..••1.12. j~ • ...,....... in .. nael(s) ........ if .,.,,. under the"""' ol uid DMd d Truat. .... ct. .. and estiT 0 1 ..,.. 111 ol h TN191e Md ol .. trUllll o ' If bysaidDledolTna The belllfic:imr under Uld Deed ol Trust ._ ...... ...a"8d Md dali•ed to the uedal-.,.S • wr-. Oecarllliolu ol Olfaal Md Dem.Id wSlle. and•_.. NCltic:e ol o.r.. end EJediar'I '° Sii. The ........ .., ca8d said Natice ol o.r.. end o.:tiort '° Sel .. be 1ec:o.dlld in the~ ........... ......-ii lioc Ill If TlCOft TITlE INSURANCE COlilPMT OI CAUfOIHaA. a corporation, fonnertr Title tnsurwie Md T rvst eom.-.,. •said Tnatae. 345 N. EJ ~ Slr.w:blwa. CA 95202. (209) 948-2732 ., l.ouile A.. v....-. A&#aized--... Dael: June 4, 1987 TAC '6019030 6111 6/18 6/25 0420 • -·-al w=urllf c ........ cc wllf pogl ift Cl l~ II 1JS•4Alncfue1111* •unlClft ..... IDor .......... PlllD. t"11 a c'1t1J11• ._ co.-•A 11 Ca• ......... ea.. ...... .... . .... --... ·~ground loor o--d8cM I d 2 ........... 2 .... condo ... Piiio. in .... COlllllMK ... ~-..~poo1...-,ti11 ••NCr1tton roe.a .......... ..,..,...'**' ... ..,,. Md llho• .... ILlll... • •.•• ----·a.Ml w:urtlrCCM .... in bellWdc-. to.....,._......, 2 bedrOOftl condo.._. ti,__. c1•nged ... ,.. ... ·~ ..... fOOlft ... dedl.. Lowiely trOUft* ... ~pool ,._,m rtte YA loen. llM.ml ' T 111·1• •• .... -• Owmittg end 1mnwc1J'•1 two 9IDry DWllMIM ... 2 bedlooma. ~ .._ .,_, ~ Highly .............. cerMlic .. Wiiien. end wood decked pillk>. Colllilllunity pool end IP& GREAT VALUE .... . ...• ALAI II E • 8iU to ~ bthia hehty P9inlBd 3 ._.oom inducing ._.,.. • prtvm t.acony, ------in ~i 0 .... ·""~end wet ... .net .-.ched -ti"-Alndve complex with ~pool,~ ·*" 9Mia.. .... . ...• ••••• •a I I In .._. •tasport 8-:ft ~ ... '°°' Md ..... ....,,..,_ 4 bdrm. 2 112 ._.. home on comer lat ............ IOOfl\...., ~ ............ .... &holt ... to OCW\. LMd indimd .. .... . ...• --._ ..., bw:h ~ tor ,,...,,, or eo...w. Wcll-.M 3 ti 1•oom wWt taa Md two lby Mng room .................... of ..... tor ligt1I Md Wy t1 I .. a.. ID NDrth -·OllL " DMW ~v l1Nlll •tHllR -In ~ bulclng ... pool .._... 2 ti1•---~-•1111 &MnglOOlatDr ..... .,._,. of--· bMln. OCWt Md ......... 9lp ... .. 11.11 per tial ... tD ............. (Uf) ... . ...• -al .. -. Priced for~ ..... ti ,, ... 1 llDry 3 llldlocwrt ••ad1'11f tw °" _.. lllfglt la e...awe --.. c.-in loor'•• Md aillil'*t. ltbuloUI goumtllt Uldwa. ....... --. ............. Md .... °' fftilldt docn ap I •• tD 8Uftftr IOUlf\ pillD. Mow in cc •an ... .. ... ----ml& . Abeolllllty ct..•• 2 bedroOln Nd bric* 0121 p .-. ~ c1il..-. .,..... new carJM11 .... ....., .... ,.... ....,.,. 2 bedroom ""'* unit for Inc am1 EM: 181 It kK111ian ........... l1Mlll IBmM I I CCMtdoe ... Frwnctt ~ ..... s-'8d ...... ._ wood loon. ................ l'OOIM Md _....,.. ......... in1115 .... top~ FI l' ._klc"..,.1,_.0 PaePllr. ...... . .................... .. ............... . ...• •llili,•11'•-•· .. ...,· ft) 0 1 2 &A2-.Y 8-'" If DA ..... ...,_.. .. ,Ill I±• .. ...., ..... ,_,1 ,11•1 11• .... an .... .......... .., ....... ...... •••• ..... .......... IM.._jullo9 ..... ...,,_lt a. ... t• ut' , s ...._. IW .. earns bric* • •:'• ce.., 8ln'f ...-O • tlntlc 2 be*OOla .,.,..._ 0-. .. 1111911& ··-l1Nlll ms II I -... turning ....... Md nighl ... ..._ e.g.11 Md inugce 'I° 2 bedrooM. tr , fulJ dllc:Oi*d in ...... tonea. Olm loc ... Dft in wurity building with doOl11 ... Md pool ...... . ...• -_. Im · Frwehty r'9furbi9hed and unUIUllly ....,_I bedroom wiltl 9111-in 9nily kik::hen, tom.I dining wiltl 991den .,...9Ce. fMWy room and llfge game room opening to ptjvate COW1y8ld with custom pool. JUST REOUCEDto. .. -- ··-·--W on n n a a 'a q&lilll -. illmnd. Olrting oldlr 3 ....... t'Cd hot..e ... a.y ... 2 bedrOOM ........ ....... bUM ,.,._ Md 4 aw .,.,....._ Doc* for two 18' ~ ~ 111TD. awrw mer CMy 2nd. --l1Nlll •tl•I i&I 11 ·~-Newport twtMJr end nighl figta ._. trom this newly carii1t1 ti. 2 bedroom and den wWt high C 1• 9-end llfge dedl.. S... .. CCMasidel nde end .. CMy 2nd T .D. Au 'r* dodl tor 50' bolll IPI• Gl·I•· ... ~ul °' ctwm & 9Unshine. Glacioua home wilh cozy den & 3 bedrooms including ...... apecious ...... .wt hia/twa ~Md dectt. Bnmed c.-.iuga & llep&Ke in living room. t..dwood loon Md lowety p9lio on sunny corns lot ... . .... n I • --llllrf · bult for pe111nt OWi_. in 1-.l U9ing ...... W f°I i b Nty high C I 5 aged> trw lowilag 3 bedl'OOIA wilh a-ily end dining -Md ...... 6enJ dice-~ 0oLMts-'9d .......... iedgllmm..., ...-llndapeinm11'1 ..._.,, 1111 • .. 111·•• •a.11n mte~ rMintained. Upper untt peltKt tar owr. OCQllf*1t ... 3 IS*=O.. bedl'ooma Md a.g.Mngw.-.wn c·aw•~end.,,..wiews. Lower,_ 2 bedlooma tor income. Exczla It high b 1'1 .::e _,.,... ao.n, mi.-u1 • ••·•• l9I al• MIUlt ·An~ gem built around lulf'I pao on _.. lot High c 1·c1'99d ..-down wWa cozy den -"' ·~ 2 d\ildl•1·a bedrooms in usi 1a-. wing pkl8 ........ ....,. room. 1t1gm1t torn.I dining llnd ~kitdlai. --•...• Mlml -• ~high c11i~ See Omnood _.. on f'9 bmy. lnuo 1c1...., 2 bedl'aom Md den wilt bYMI dif*'O ..... cfted 2 c=-~ ,.., 21 "™' ....... Md ~ ............... o1 .. ...., ..... o.dcainlp'9a with CCMIUNlnily pool end llP& ••um ••·•• ..... .. Will I Lm al a.,. 1w on...., W111t conw ... .., ... Ace'' Jrl .... f '•4'7d'OOlaul8 D 17? ..... tw w11t .._, rocm. .,_ .... ttl:Aa• ...... ._._L ... in'7'1 .... tDp4' lftt.£ulOJJJQI 0 .,.,,. •Md....., cm;p .. rl ...._ti•••' c•'•r Md FIWO doon to """If •idKllped pmlo. ., , ••• , -•1 ... ----Mil I I ....... wilt IJ*41K•._ GP9"I t.r Ktori ... in I~..,_,.. a.,.CMll kx..,.L ... ..... ....... &al .. ~ .. 3 Md 2 bedrOCMt ... Md '1ntlc ,.,..., hilby. Fumibe.. 'I ,. tor .... Ill -..... ••••• ,..... Emt• unmr wi1h extraordinary taste and refinement En.18iwe U9e of pmMlliltg Md mouldinga. wood loora Md Frwnch doors rn tis 5 bedroom ... litnry, ber'lqUeltized dirung room. fllmily l'OOnt Md gounMI kAJ•L u.ed brick entry g11rden and rw Plllic> wttta .-pus dock tor you 50'" yacht Pnoe inc:ludea the land. ~ •...• CllT9 lmmT · Redwood Md glass with fabulous v.ewa down tt.bor '*1d c:lwa.t. Cc:M••'POl'WY stying wiltl 6 bedroonw. den. clning room. end oflice wilh ...... " U9e of fine hardwoods.. Gleel w81erfront patio ·~ .,.. with IP'. leading '° dock tor 3 large bcma. Owner's wil CMylntT.D. flll 111 • a1-1• .,, &WT .. wie\ dock tor *99 bml. Lq. Md ..., 5 bedroom. 4¥1 blllh remodel with l8lmily & tom.I dining rooms & ..r-in kitcheiL $epei ±l d bedlOOlft & t.lt\ coutd be flwda qu91ltra. T,..,,_ .W, pened --~ hnc:h doors & crown moldinga. Owner m8y trade tor ttesport Condo. au.,. ... ._ MW•t ftlfBI• intil3 bedroom wWt c:6::e. denC4l9i•99 to '2tY a.., pool. oour-kiU•• Md cha a'Wc 2-.., Wing fOOIA ... a ... of wil._. '4l9i•99 tow, t.c:w• Piiio ltl ding to'°"' dodl tor ..... bcJ9a. ~ I •t 0If11 Id ..... illlpi 1111 .. Corona dtl ......... , ... , a 1111.1._ •·•• E? I • 191 al ... a ,.. 82' on .. ..,_,.. ..,.c:wlL Alllly ~ 5 bedroom (or 4 end ............... roe.. for gr.aout ....... 9g. Spertcfiltg CCMldi?ion ... .... ligt'lt FIW'Ch doors. ... ltdol't ehu8trs Md~ pMio ... ~ pool The huge m1t11r bedroom hm •""'9ce. .. ldedl Md ..... a.y "'99. l.Mge ....... ro.a.. 11.-.. ··-·- -fWIW llTU Mil I I wilh lip on pufg;ou. ..... hie. F'nt time on,,...... 5 bedroom. wilh lmWr end torn.I dining rooma with wood 9iding. "*9dil ag _...._ti 1-.d c I Wnga. F~ doors Md pened willdows end a .... .,.. oak. bfw Md brick loOled Oiar'9 Joh~ ltfl! twL .- ... IUl M • D H • Ml I I El MnmT wiltl a.. IO l. ol -"°'111ige end s-awncviewsof 1'9 ..-..,.,io1ttesport I~. l..-ga. gr.aous 1 ~. 4 bedroom home wilh bmlli dining. lmnl1 .-sun rooms pltJs courtprd pool tn tis aclulliwe W l'J front commuMy wilh ~ l:l ! I ct'lea. ··--111-1- ···-·· ...... lor60'~11--s-±tlt buildingl. ... t ,...... unils-,.,._., C±ll••f" dw-. geu•ous s-tdltQ. llfitel lor OWf*/.,.. nw ••spow1'a C.aasy end Udo Vil9gea Md line ;----. ··--•...• .. ,. .. 111111 • Secwlty glllld hilq» ........ bedl1M'4-. lormml ciM1g end hl'99 9-nily rooma. cMn. .....,. wine ce1er .ct -. room Ao-•asa ~ .. , ..... ~ pod and IPL Wide ....,. al OCW\ Hmtbof' _. CQlll ... .-r• ~Elll 11 -..... HOMES, INC. REALTORS· Sain ....... Property ~ Jl5 Marine Awe. l4JIW.~.-Hwy. la•oa Wind Nirwport ..._ ····- - - ... ... IWffl am. F&. Afflmul.f -AVAllAILE 4 .-with master suite, second bedroom, living/ dining area on main level. Two bedrooms and bath upstairs. Convenient location. Easy walk to East- bluff shopping center. C .O.M. high $Choe>I, tennis and churches. Private patio on greenbelt near poOf. Vacant and priced to sell quictdy. $209,000 includes' land. SALLY SHIPLEY/JOYCE DABOLT SOOD PRICE llEDUCTIOl-l.I. a.a A $7 .000 price reduction makes this lovety Bluffs condo one of the area's best buys. Three bedrooms. ~ baths, huge country kitcilen i n ruraJ-til<e S\'hlng. 'Pttcet inl:fudes lancfl --" $232,500 11.Uffl II" E UVB.-VIEW m: MCI IAY • ICUI. This property located in the original Bluffs is except- ional and rare. A 3 bedroom 1 story with fabuJous view of bactl bay and ocean. Two spacious petios with lots of room to expand if desired. Excellent location on greenbelts. $308.000 includes land. SAi I Y SHIPLEY /JOYCE DAllOL T IUlffl Ell U9T Clllll Three bedrooms. 2~ bllths. Completely remodeled kitchen with custom cabi- nets and new appliances. Firep&ace, wet a.. walk to schools and e.stbluff Village. Meticulously dean home. $225.000 includes &Md. MARIA BERCOYITZ alfFl-IEMR-FAIT ULE l&IE9 LlllE 11- IUllAIU LIM •Y WIE.IWI I IL ,...ty decorated 3 bedroom, 2 story condo with private enctoaed patio. Conwnient location ..... Eastbluft Shopping Center and C.O.M. High School. Priced below mar- ket to sell quickty. Fast pose 111ion possible. Redu- ced to $185,000 LH. SA• I Y SHIPLEY/JOYCE QABOLT UDO lllE-DCfl I FIT CORIO llCATlll on Via Lido Soud. Sunny bright home one bk>ck from club house. Private beaches. tennis and parts. Four bed- rooms plus den, 2 baths. $499,000 MARIA BERCOYITZ 11& CAIYOI YEllAJWl-Extra large tot on golf course with gazebo, BBQ, pool. New marble entry and dining room floor. Needs cosmetic repairs. New French doors from kitchen to yard. Great potential. $695.000 DOROTHY HARDCASTLE JUMP 01 THE IAHWAml IEFllE rn TIO LATE-This quality condo is walking distance to beach. has easy access. top security. a popular floor plan and a smaJJ price to pay for Newport Beach. $139,.900 UZBEADEY 11• Pl.JCE-Extremety comfortable family home in sought after area. Good potential tor apptedation. See this 3 bedroom home on a~ mga lot on one of the nicest streets in Newpoft B•ctL $345,000 UZBE.ADEY .... llTCIUT-T-11.._ Drwnatic .. PIM rfee- turing a wet bar, fireplace, a~ t.miJystyle ellt-in kitchen with French doors l11ding to a pi\• 1 patio. 3 bedrooms. 21h baths. G,_. location,..,. pool Md tennis courts.. HwYy on thil one. Priced to .... • $173JJOO . llrllll Fl MW ID WITI PB. Prime comer~ for chennel and night light views in fl&*d ~ community. Excillm in er.-,..,. thrOughout Four bedrooms. eecta with beth. large fonMI dining room. ~kttchenwllhtopof hillnellPPli8nces. M..wk>ul fwnity room, 3 ~ 3<9r page. Step9 t0 b II th. lml'O fHIPWlll•Dlllt1• 1111.~•Lll· • WITI IEUTml7 H .,, bi .,,. to -this tint noor bKMlor.nt in ,..wport Baacta whiCh hes just been mllde .. ...,.._Attractive Shoji .aeens dMda bedroom and living .,.._ T astefulty decoreted .net elegant club hcxJ98 fedlities for your convenience. $73,900 JOYCE DABOL T/IAI I Y SHIPLEY > • • ... -J I ' t ..... ~ • .mt AFTU llllECl.IFf'l-o views enhance this gqcious custom 3 bedroom home set on a large lot just a stones throw from ga1ed b111 eh. The charm of days gone by with lath and.,._..,, crown mould- ings. hardwood floors, French doors and Iota of warm used brick.I Move in or plan to expend. Priced to 98ft at $885,000. MARILYN HILL Ability • &}J#lence • In - I=== 2BR. view of coastline ..•• $194,500 28R.1BA, ..... .,. greenbeft location .......• $115,000 "' 2BR. 1 BA. cioae to ,_,_.E beech ..... 28R: ~..+BA_ ... $138.900 close to amenities ....... -: $135,000 CllllllllH 2BR. 2™. golf course views ...•..... $275,000 ra•lllftl• 38R, 2W. family room, spacious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 151.500 C•ll••• 3BR, 2~A. view. highly upgraded • . . . . . . . . . $249,900 3BR. 2Y.a8A, close to amenities ........ $285.000 cm:=== 28R, 2BA. upgraded ...... $157.500 Cl 38R, 3BA. best of Bayridge .......... $269.SOO ---· 2BR, 2BA. designer upgraded ....... $133.000 3BR.2~ pool size lot • . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299 .ooo cm--38A. 2BA. choice location, view ...... $297 ,000 Aallll Fllll,I U.c.L 1115.m Immaculate 1 bedroom condo facing pool and over- looking lovety greenbeft Lower comer unit. Colum- bia Square is perfect for faculty student or investor! Paula Baitey IW&PI• VIEWS 11 .. Specacua. coasUine and whitewaw views are en- joyed from kitchen 9'd expanded format dining room. This hilltop community offers a casual yet aophisticated lifestyle for couples moving •out of the a.ge family home ... Two bedrooms. 2 bdaa. firepl9oe. double car oar-ge. Sara Hinman/Carotyn Lowe ....... ,, 11 .. Very attl'8Ctiwt bright and light condominium with pretty courtyard view. Walk « bike to belch. Popu- lar 2 bedroom plan. Enjoy b Bl ch living at an afford- able price. Linda Oeth lafcalaEVIEWClllll R1Um o.irable 2 bedroom. dM, end unit with unobstruct- 8d view of Big canyon Golf Course. Detached double private garage. large wrap-around patio. Nicety deconlted. Asking $275,000. Martha Macnab EIBUTMTWll Im£ 12am Deoonator perfect 3 bedroom, 2 ~ bath. plus fonnaJ dining room and large family room~ Secluded 11\D- -suite with fireplace and balcony. Oak flooring Md ltaircae. vaulted ceilings. F'9neh docn. gar- den patio. gourmet kitchen, add to the excitement of this luxurtous home. Ctoee to-Newport Center. South C-oat P1aza and John Wayne Airport. Sara HiruMn KUI .. --..l&m DliMI HigtNy upgraded tatge 2 bedroom unft with famity room and breekfast .,.. as welt a dining .,._ &4*b condition. Two Wg9 view decb offet won- dlrful vista of the oc.n Md bey. Gated commun- tty. Ann Pa•,. •••• 1rwmma•an1••1 111 111 Uniquew ... front home In aprWatieg918ct commun- ity. Private doct end petto. 2 master bedrooms and .,. .,. some Of tbe~ that .,.ottered. Seller ""' consider trWJe. ...... Elelta a..-. RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE SERVICES A BEST BUY ua.PI& .. Ill Ill on. of the very few poof homes in <>kt Corona 'o. Mar. 1 ~lots. extreme privacy. T otaJty custom• bed- room, 2 story. with exceptional master suite, aJI with expMSi¥e view. Martha Macnab '"CM.Ill IS.A .. WITI CITY t.aTI VIEW • llAllll lml 141 .. Begin with a 2 stOty atrium, surrounded by a raised library, kitchen and formal dining room. Continue upstairs to 3 bedrooms including master suite via a dramatic indoor bridge. The home also includes lush gardens, family room, 2 fireplaces and 2~ baths. Maureen Whrte/Ed Escano FlllUUI .. UIT• Im• On prestigious Harbor Ridge. Three bedrooms. for- mal dining room. living room and family rooms. Highty upgraded poputar .. Renaissance" model with fabulous view. Community poots, spas and tennis. Maqioulngotd Ullll .. CIEIJ IGIJll I ·Beeutifulty mainlained 3 bedroom townhome, kit- mer modef. Lovely woodly letting with complete privacy. No street. no roof tops. Spacious 'Renaissance" model with loft. family room. formaJ dining room~ Beverty Morphy PICTUIOQUE cum... 1431• Charming inside and out Beautifully decorated and remodefed4 bedrooms. 3 baths, formal daning room. breakfast room. bonus room. plus many special fea- ture. Linda Oeth .... llU .... Lido IU9 charmer on 48' lot at quiet end of is&and. Thr• bedrooms. 2 baths, wrapped around a large sunny brick patio. Hardwood fk>ora, beamed cei._ ings. large rrrepa.ce in living room. Joan Lewis 1K1.t1& .. lff11UTB•11111 mn ••-- .. JodeOe" model behind guarded gate in prestigious Hatbor Ridge. This single story, 3 bedroom. 2'h beth. family room hoft'9 h9s been nldllced °"" $125.000 and is r99dy for immediate occus-ncy. Owner very anxious. Makeoffws.. Ed Escano and Maureen White ••r•T IUCI ,._LIT --Prime building tot on the Wlds of Newport Be•ch. Great view of Catalina. Located on the quM!t end of the boardwalk. Zoned for mutti residence. Hobie Denny Lm~--IRi.111 You can have fun with this o~ Exposed beamed · ceilings. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, separate family room and living room. P&antation shutteB. 3-ca.r garage. Quiet location. Joan Lewas um1111 tm?lll Seldom available large 2 bedroom lower unit in Mai Kai. Large ba'tf•ont dectt faces harbor entrance and BaJboe Island. Lush entry courtyard. Double garage. Dec:orator perfect. Martha Macnab • CUT11 m11m111 PUI f ··-ldealty located in the heart of 8jg Canyon. this 4 bedroom Broadmoor is a perfect fam•ty home. F-- t:urea formal living/dtning rooms. specaous family room with view of golf course. Secluded spa off large fMSt• suite. Danny Bibb and Stephanie Grody cm LaTl-IPYIUll ••111 Wett appointed 4 bedroom, 3 bd1 home with extra latge gmne room. ~ poof. spa. and fountain in ~ IUf1"0UndingL Inside ollll ftoors and .Wrcw. ~ient ~ 2 fit9plec:m. ptus runy extr• make this an exc:eptioi'ull home complt-"* l18d by the open cawyon and city lights view. S..Hi""*1 .Cllftl .. "IQ 112 I E a.9'y on.9d, this 4 bedroom Venail._ model t~ ia our most tuxurioua.,., popua. ftocw '*"· FeidU,.. chmlltic 2 story entry with sweeping circuJar ..... c 111, Wge tonnel living. dining and 1-nily rooms. Luxurious m•• auitl locmed on fif'9t ..... Exe 111ant culde ta: lac8fion with 9C9'ic view9 f'l,9nny Bibb and 8'lpMrtie Gl'Ody LOTS llEVMlmE. ....... .. 171 ... With~ most_ outstanding ocean. bay and niglhtfighq locateon. Highly upgraded in eve<y way. Five bed- rooms, 3~ baths, air conditioned. security system. Sharon Vogt B EIMT •• CIUIT llA• -111 Popular .. Plan 2" manor home on quiet cuf-d9.uc street Four bedrooms. 31h baths. large laving room and family room plus apKious kitdWl. Beautifulty landscaped yard has lush trees. plants. plus 2 spma and cascading waterfall. Ed Escano and Maureen White • CMYll IDAL PWIACT •CUii Abundance of wood and stone. Frve bedrooms. •~ baths. on one of Big Canyon•• l•gest lots. Private drive and a grand pool and spa viewing over lush gardens. By appointment witti Danny Bibb. EJalmlR....,. CUITlm u.IC.S ........ ,nu•·cn-~•-u 11 • • Builder's own home. Ninety days compk!tt0n. Fi¥e bedrooms. first floor maacf s room with separate en- trance. Three marble fireplaces and mart>ae master bath. spa. sauna. Gold colest.ra fixtures. SWim pool. spa. waterfall. Plans avaitable through Tom Allinson IE,.-FlllUU 11 111JI I "'In .. your magnificent nearty new home.. The.-- ome of bayfront view homm With 3 bedrooms. ,.,..,_ ity room. upstairs living/dining room. with elevmor and private dock tor a SO-pctrt. Spa. patio, and g91 dela_ .. Idec* with view. ltar.lou .,.,.., C8IEWllAIY••CMY11 11.&111 Four bedroom home oveftooking the 8th fairway. designed by wefl known architert Large open rooms enda 11!1 d in cedar. Santa Maria stone and dear glass. Views of gotf course and city from most rooms. Carof Allison WATCI TIE •T PAlllD . 11.Jlim From this 5 bedroom. Udo ls&e bayfront home. Two large decks. beaubfully maintained wrth elevated dining room. tamily, ~eakfast room Boat~ Watk to village nearby. Joan Lewis/Danny Bibb ll&PUlllOr.ITAa 11•111 Fabulous custom Harbor Radge5 bedroom. 7"h bath home. Breathtalung ocean. bay and crty hghts VteW. Pnvate gost suite with IMng room and oe ltside stau- cae. Bi ..... ~ with cascading wateffalts and spa. Gourmet kitchen and much more. Danny Babb and Maureen White -~mlllWIUIT. .. u=·•• 12•111 Destgned by Fred Briggs Frve bedroom home of approximately 1.000 sq. tt. One of &g Canyon's finest offerings. 1 ao-gcJlf course. mountain and City lights view. Imported blue ble roof. gated courtyard; Entry with circular staitweil. Separate rNlid°I QU9rt- ers. chtktren's wing. ...., suite with sitting -- ~ balcony. 08M'y BibblUnda Oeth , ... BITAR' CE••CMm Dll II Approx:llMtefy 200 feet of country dub. MC:ornd ...,_ way gr...-y. Dec:owmd Md fumilhed by 5'!1Mft ~ Frve bedrooms. 5 baths. libraly, gr.- room. wine c*lar. view. poot. IP9. compuW cana tro6I and 8CC 111 throughout Completely fumimhed Md r9dy to mo..."*>.~ with Tom Amft. '°" -•'AGI ~ ... ........ \ PROPERTY DATE ADDRESS Mar. 9 2411 Via Marina Mar.9 2043S Upper Bay Drive Mar.9 284S Alta V11ta Drive Mar. 9 7 Gn:enbrier I .ane Mar.9 703 Begonia Avenue Mar. 11 2026 Miramar Drive Mar. 11 2n1 Ocean Blvd. Mar. 11 2315 16th Street Mar. 11 1021 Goldenrod A venue Mar. 11 451S4 Cortland Drive Mar. 11 220 Nice Lane n Mar. 11 270 Cagney Lane Mar. 12 61 Le Island Drive Mar. 12 215 J . A~ue Mar. 12 140 Keel Drive Mar. 12 14 Whitewater Drive Mar. 12 2807 Harbor View Drive Mar. 12 702 Heliotrope A venue Mar. 13 438 Riverside A venue Mar. 13 321 Poinsettia Avenue Mar. 13 452 Vista Roma Mar. 13 2404 Vista Nobleza Mar. 13 703 Narcissus A~ue Mar. 13 28 ~Bay Drive LE~DER .\mcncan Co \4onpgc ·~Gt I 10% I 632-7766 Ba~'~ \fonpF 10~% 2 9~~ 2 640-0410 BMC Mortgage 101 • Call 9" &Sl-0431 Far West Savings udl..ou 2SO U61 MebDor Frmncial ISl-4202 Cal ""~ NewjN>lt Liberty ~ IO"A% 2~ 9~% 2 »l-2522 Uiieect Western . ~Corp. 7S2 10A% JO~ II~. TRUST DEED $200,000 SlS0,000 Unavail Unavail s~,ooo Unavail Uoavail Sli0,000 Sl2S,OOO Unavail Unavail $168,000 Unavail Unavail SI00,000 Unavail $310,000 $250,000 $153,000 $250,000 Unavail $231,700 Unavail $240,000 I $223,500 1215,000 $340,000 Umviil $261,000 Umvail Sl,SS0,000 Unavail U~vail Unavail Sl2S.l!QO $210~ Unavail Unavail Unavail - $279,000 $490,000 SJIS,000 Unavail S32S,OOO S206,000 $2S1,SOO Unavail Unavail COMME iTS 2 Bi • ~kJ) loam available up ao MOO~. 10~. Ask for Du.. ~ i-ide. made lier ltrift to -die bat. -i laaW a lot of caagy. I haft always felt yoa tet out of life .mt you pat into it. I wort bard and I feel I am tatty with my soccea. I offer my dien1s a --, SELF' E'.•PLOYED 1 ~ Ct..~ TEX ~.~ORTGAGE FREE ... 2 9 . 0:. ..... t ._ ...... ·---~ cariaa MlitDdc w1 my daOra &ft ~ oltlae mca. I ape1t Spaai.sll fi1Klltly ucl Mlp Spe......,,.tina .iat uton filld their propatiea. My lmd ..t and ma: t• am me die f.c i• that I ca ..-we ... a WWW I .... to .a:omptia Jai•• * RE/MAX Newport team ii~ "ririaa to me. Tlae otlla' 4 tit lft wry k.Dowle!Wablr ad wry aicc.. nm ID09C will lldp - beadit my cfients, • said 0.- ledF. In ha spare time GuOeiifF likes to spend lime wiah w childmL Sbe also lita to trawl, read and wait ber Germaa shepherd, Count, up to die knolls of Corona cld U.. Siie said, 11lis dog is wonderful; Ille is the grandson of the 'Bioaic Dog.• After I tale a nice ~ walk with him. I c::omc IMick • rd'ftsbcd and ready to wait bard apin • a..t 0__.. Ml I lllDft: Waterfront lot on Lafayette. BUitd to suit yourself-new dock. wiH take one a.me or sewnl smaller boats. DDllllll Loi on ¥119 W.,: Two offica '*" restal•t.m Md pdo. Good money-maker. Get tn on the grOund floor of new Cannery Village r-~tt C811 for more information. 642-5200 ·---··--MOftaco model In ...... """'· 2 '*"'· 2 -. den, 1S1CC1111 con- dition. manicured n•ghborhood. 7400 11q. ~lot. 1217.500 , Marilyn Tho•as Graves is a S.O.M.! K • -.s. aur tMS .. -UnNenny P.-tt townhome, 3 bdrm, 2 ba. apotl 1111, -cond, -.tty, highly upgraded. s1n ,900 I &. U. -Heres a pampered and penlled condomk*" overtookJng Big canyon golf. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. 9'C. gar8ge. 1229.500 . 1111&1• res 1• -Light, liJ!Y anct ,,.... ........... tind Ul'llt. .... 8Choola. shops. 2 bdtma, 3 be. .... Md low prtce. $143,000 I llm .. -Condon**n In e(jrS .-. fee llnd. ...... _.,. w . 3 bdrm, 3 be. tpeCbls floor ...... poOI "'~·only 1180,000. C Ill I 'M Cl HI -ln Ulguna Hila; 2 bdlw1 ..,. upgrtd11 too runerous to st81e. Sm ... dwl and priced right. $96.500 ---·IS21!J!ll01.tl/llO• TO ••~I01D.1,ll0111U,--- S.O.M. ma• as Sal11pe111on bl the Month! In May, u.ntyn, who's bean With Unique for 8 years, recorded $1.5 in sales.. Her area . of speci8lzation is Harbor View Homes; her sales were in Harbor View Homes. Eastbluff and duCtlon prtoedl 3 bdrm. r~ on big lot. becks Jasmine Park. to tnll. pool Md.-. d11QhtM--. 1275,000 -Martyn, you're a great •• ••mt -~ ftn W01MilrM w•-S.O.M. clft: 3 bdrm. 2 ~ I\ \. !"~ r.mly '°°"' • --·--Re9I doee to ~ 3 --.... belor\S -~ 81 I dYL $325.000 bdn'.ft. 3 ba P'IS 3 bdrm, 2 ba dul*X. .. 9. d -mo -Hwd to find 1 bdrm. owr g8r8g8 edlrtor • .,.,.,, of higtliny ~ $315,000 .. 3 bdrm. 2 ba "°"'8 Neer perk. ~Md OYER HALF nm I IC)M---cllln Sold In"• Is'' eotdtion. 1329,000 m ma r • BJ -3 bdrm, 3 ba. with •aor flll1 •t• -Approx 4,000 9Q tt. s OC I IR .. be)OIMi the gr 1 lnbelt. irllnw:I 0 I le. bdrm. 4 b9_ 3 r.mly n>On'iS. lbl •t, a.rg9 lot, · n.h c1ec:u Md~ to pool. tennis. $389,000 pool and..._ top upgrlld•. must wl $505,000 •• FE• &aal ELIS -3 bdrm with ca-.. ii • 1111 -c.tch the numbers: 3 ...... C 1· 11g11. lge m 1111 end bit of 0C I IF W. bdrm, 4 ~. 4 balhs. 2 kitchens. Almost hl'il a11pll90 ,....__Don't...._ tU 1334.000 ,.._ M09t 91J9C1ecular. $795,000 • a -~ -Npt. I l•i#lta 111'1dn..-k. 4 n .. IS 1 • -Br8nd new, on the ~. 2 ~ 4 b9lta In quiet.,... peek a V-. up9talts, ~ 3 t.. lg m 1 II• with ._....,. & 8P9- llfge IOt wftll room to gro.. $280.000 ea.ope.,. ldtd'la1 with Imported t1a $850,000 I 7 I I ---Cottllge llllvofed 3 bdrm. a b1oCk mJl'f ... IE I HJ -2 yws new, 2 9t0ry, 4 to Victoria 811 ch. na•• Md '*-· with a peek bdrm, 3 ba. kllh pool Md tlP9 ..._ In~ d blue ~-$420,000 condition In tNelY conw. $579.000 • C u• llf -Custoealized Bra.dmoor unique loor ~ 5 bdrm. city light ..... countly .. living. Specious ..... $795.000 ft•ml lllFllD -~ ~location on bay. Charm, ~s 0 tii-.~. pier, ftoaL Large master + sitting .•. ~.ooo 11111 • lll amf -In San Clemente, spectacu- lar w.. of the Pacific~ 5 bdrma, Mediterranean flavor. owner wiling to finance. S 1,500,000 ll'WFI rm -Oel ghtful 98tting, pool like a pond. ~ltar .._,. viewS ~ Pacific. 3 bdrm, 3 bath: stud'/. S615J>OO • .. Ml .-m -Home nearJtKe tootbr1dge 8bOYe per1(, 3 bdrm, 2 ~J lkylighta. fir...,_, and ct.rs sPeci8' tdtc::tat. $682,000 .. Ami .. -On Little Bllboe ls&and, 4 bdrm. 3 ba, attractNe decor, sundeek. --..n. loan, moori ng/skiff avail. $659,000 • < :• ftRTIFI -You know the kind; extra l8rge lot. up to dale decor. lrnm8c. cond. .. bdrm. 3 ~ one story. 1705,000 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1-5 SUNDAY 1-5 Ml I I E CIEB '3m.OOO 3 bdnn. on greenbetl ocean VMNP .. c.aa. $849.500 Oceen vu. 3 bdnn. 2 bll SlUffl $255.000 3 bdnn. desirable. J . plan. vu 0 . Johl90f1 111 1 E. Tat.k .... K. Kutzing 1211e.. ... 0 . Johi'90tl mflltl .... L Curci , A 111111 will la ·~ la •I nal 111111 0 - - _, I I •z• m:EPIOIW. 2 STY MYFAONT. EXIS.W: &m OF (MK NfD lflCK. FA81•0US V1EW8 ----· IWIT OF MY. 3 BR. 3M. lRG PATIO_ DOCK FOR SO. FT BOAT. .... •n• atMllltO MYFAONT HOME : STUDK> APMniENT. BOATERS HA~ IHARED PEA wrTli YOUR OWN 8lP NfO SIJE TIE VOUU. UM n8 --·--111• A880WTELY THE IEST MVFRONT an'. NEW WOOD FlOOAS NfO CARPETS. S CM GARAGE. HOT l\J8. 4 BR. 3 ~ ROOM F<>A SO.FT BOAT. •11•1 I -BEAUTF\Jl 4 BR. 31' BA DECORATORS HOME WOOD FLOOR. GOURMET KITCHEN. HUGE SOUTH PATIO. • LARGE SUP. FABUl.OUS MASTER Sl#TE. ---···-NEWPORT'S ULTIMATE ADDRESS. BREATHTAJONG BAYFAONT LOT WITH PIER NfD 9lP READY FOR YOU TO BUa.O YOUR DREAM HOME ~ .... , .... TRADfllONAl. 4 BR HOME WITH ~ TURNNG BASlif VIEW. OUAUTY CONSTRUCT10N WITH FINE FUfNTURE. BULT-WS. ON FEE LANO. ---Rm• THIS FANTASTIC BAYFAONT ESTATEW/lWO HOME.SON A SMAU. PRIVATE &Sl.E HAS 140 FT OF BAY FRONTAGE W/HANOSOME GROUNDS. LARGE BOAT FACVTIES. NEWPOR T BEACH -,. ..... DON"T MISS THIS ONB 8EAUT1FUL 2 STY. BRICK TMeEo 5 BR. 3M HOME ~ wmt 2 AAE- Pl.ACES NfO FR. HUAAV. rrs TOO GOOD TO MISSI ==··-..... va'V CHANWtG OlO Ml BOAS-. 2 Mo UPGRADED taTCHEN. cozy LA. EUODOeW.. HOIE ON 1~ LOTS. SECAET LOFT. _..... .... EHGHT CAMEL. FRENCH DOORS. COPPER PUW«l. NEW BATHROOM F1XTUAES. POQM LE 4Tlt 80 EXPAN- SION. TAB t 1$ED PA TIO. OWNER WIJ... CARRY. • & --BEST BUY IN SEAVIEW! 3 80. 2 BA NANTUCl<ET. LARGE PRrVATE YARD. AT E'ND OF CUL-DE-SAC. GATED COMMUNITY WITENNS. POOL AHO SPA. ...... ... THE ABUNDANT USE OF GlASS PROVIDES THIS OUT- STAM*G HOME W/BOTH CASUAL OUTDOOR LMNG Nm EXECUTIVE ENTERTA...a. ..... ... SPACIOUS 3 BR. 3 BA WITH VIEW OF BAY. UGHTS. MOUNTAINS. CAN BE 4 OA 5 BR LG LDT. POOl. SPA. WATEAFAL.l IN TAOPICAL SETTING. PRIVACY GAl.OAEI ...... . ... DUPLEX IN F»EST CONDfTIN. OCEAN NfO COASTUNE VIEWS. UPPER 4 BR HAS 2 FP. HUGH MASTER BR. SEAM C9..N)S. --1111• LARGE TIIPl.EX ON THE BEACH. SUPER CONDmON. VERY POSmVE INCOME POTEN11Al. .. MOST OESIRA8lE Al'EA NE.AA FERRY. mTLU&i ..... CUSTOM 2-STY OCEANFRONT BULT IN 1982. 8EAU1FUl. USED 8AICK EXTERIOf\ LE.AOEO GI.AS& SKYiJGHTa OAK FLOORS. DOORS AND CAMETS. ft A 11•• FABlll.OUS CAT AUNA SUN VIEW HOME. 5 BR ON LOWER PENNSLA.. VERY WARM ANO EMOTIONAL EXTRA PAAICING. HAADWOOO FlOOAS. LAAOE PATIO. -·-.... EXCEPTIONAL OUAUTY AHO DETAIL MME n9I 4 M,. 7 BA. QJSTOM HOME l*+EHENT FROM THE AEST. UN08STRUCTED VIEW. SEE THE DIFFERENCE. • --mu -• SPACIOUS 4 8A WITH FOAEVER Vl!W OF WIDE...o:aEN CANVOlll MID flOl.UtilG HaJ..S.. ENJOY PfWACY Of WALLED COURTYARD. FEE l.AHD. ·--·-~ ..... MAGl..:&fr W.WS OF UJSH fM1URE PARK. OCEAN. Nm CATAUNA: B.EGANT CONTEMPORAAY 3 M PLUS FR. PRIVATE eot.allNTY POOlS NfO T9NS.. a lllf ..-. ecaT1NG OPPORTUNTY TO OWN .. OHL Y BAYFAONT CONDO IN a>M. BOl\T SUPS AT~ MTES. POOL AHO SPA. A QiANCE Of A l.FET1ME. ---I -LG 3 M HOME. Wtt1E OAK fl.OONIO,; UGHT NJltl COLORS. M/M W/srTTWG Ml DOUa E ARIEPlACE lit LR. AHO FR. SHOWS LICE A BRANO NEW HOME. SPA. U' I --II " SM-a.a NEW HOME HEM UTTlE CORONA. I FP. SCW1NG CEIUGS. llftUTE.S. TEeWER APARTMENT WfTH OWN OED(. 4 M; Del ~-.... ~ 4 BR POOL HOME W ONE Of THE AREA'S CHCXeJI CXWJNl11ES. SIEPS FROM OCEAN WITH EXPANSIVE WATER VIEW. TRDEHDOUS POTEN1'WJ ~--..... OlDE ENGUSH MANOR tO& AS NEW AS ~Y. 45- FT LDT. OYER300090 FT.4 ... ~ CEI Ml.80l.I> BEAM!&. OAK SLATE AHO STONE. ~ ,. .... 1W VIEW Of OCEAN. CATMMA. PAl.08 VENJE8. 3 II\ DEN. FA. 3 BA. IEAUTFUU..Y C>.AED FOR. AACHITECT- OWNER-DeJIQHED. ... ·--INCREDB E ooaa>-MOHEST QUMJ1Y NEW CON- STRUCTION PLUS BEST VIEW. DREAM HOUE W/EVERt WXUAY AHO 100-Fr LDT FAONT ROii OCENl LIDO ISLE t.mm -• PEAFECT AfM!OC)S... INBTOR OR OOlR.E 2 II\ 2 M HOME ON EXCfl 1 ENT UDO SiS&I. 80UTH antt PATIO. AfM()Ofl FD IQTCHEN. CAN EXPAND EA&Lvt au .. ., 1114.m OUTSTNC>N) 2 M SUTE CONDO lit SECUNTY aoG.. COt•IUNTY POOl: NfO •A. OWIER WIJ. car I cu LEASE OPTION. MA1CE OffERS. ... ..... sn.e•U38ROR2M&FRINWONDERFULNEM'ORT tmfTS. F VOU U1CE UGHT. IRBHT AND •ACIOUS. YOlnl. LOVE lNS OHB _,.___ -- EXaTllG 1 MIOEN OCN>O IN I OCSIQOUB MftmE COVE; flOOl. -MOVZI PIWATE IEACH. OOOC8 AVM.,. A8lE N#D MN« EXTRA&: j ' ... , ;