HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-19 - Newport Harbor Ensign/ Sailors Life Is CdM close year Child's Woman with lo Play Honored· See page .. & See special pullout Se• 1N1S1• 2 ESTABUSHED 1948*41ST YEAR•NUMBER 42*(714) 83t-8120* NEWPORT BEACH'S ONLY HOME BASED NEWSPAPER*FRIOAV. MAY 19, 1919*25 CENTS . . . lftJll IPlAll -M1t1 , II 1111 a11'wr1 la u,art 111a1 C.. Clll9 ,_ ftlld~ I ....... lJllll 1111 m Ill llllll ... llln..,8111' t111•11n11.._ De 1111-11111 ..... Roadwork to impact highway traffic Do you remember when the Coast Highway bridge over the Upper Newport Bay was a narrow. four-lane bridge? If you do, you also remember the traffic backups that occurred easterly of the bridge. It was not uncommon for this traffic to back up to Amling's Nursery every day. Southbound Jamboree Road bas backups beyond the Newporter Inn. Then on October I~ 1981, a new era began with the openina of the seven- lane bridge. Traffic backups and delays disappeared. Those traffic backups and delays are back and will be with us for almost a year. The wort on the ftnal phase of Coast Highway widening easterly of the Upper Bay has DOW begun. Tbe-wid- ening will provide for snen through lanes of travel from the bridge to ... --------mml!I--~---------.-...--------. Jamboree Road. Landscaped media~ street lishts and bike lanes will be Hooter helps handicapped -. provided. To make rooin for the additional 50-rect of widcnin& an eight to 22.foot high reinforced earth rctain- ina wall will be constructed ud fdled with 4S.OOO cubic yards of soil. Tberc will be a wide sidewall on each side of the rCNMtway. A new storm drain system will be installed alona wilt. replacina an old JO..incb diameter water mam. Tbe contnct to cons&l\ICt the last pbuc of Coast Hi1bway widciliaa altCrly of the bay •• awarded to tk Griffith eom,.., for SS~OOO. ne WOrt alMMIW be complEted ill tbe aprilla ol 19'1. Wen OD die. projed required tile aarrowiq of tM ro.d••J d•riaa CGUINdio&. Two laDCt of tnff'IC U. adll ........ be pnn ........ t111 ,.._ ..... •i " ne • o1 .a. ..U. w111~• laM ttlro .. &M llrJ1i•1 DIM ili'1r•W. Ml •--~ 11 If ..,... n,11i1J fll -----· NH coach promoted to top -post BY GEORGE PAPPAS Eric Tweit is no stranger to success. During his 10 years of coaching Newport Harbor Higb's track and cross country programs, Tweit kept the Sailors' team among the top competitors in Orange County. Now. Tweit will attempt to continue his successful track record as Harbor"'s new athletic director when Bill Pizzica retires in June. Tweit. a resident of Corona dcl Mar. takes over the duties of athle_tic diRctor. .. Eric was a natural choice for the JOb." remarked cw port Harbor's Principal Dennis Evans. "'We're excited about it. He •s well though of by the coaches and the kids. He ·s been very close to the program for years." Tweit will stay on as the boys' and girls' track and cross country coach at Harbor . .. 1 think I have some positive things to offer ... said Tweit. ·we expect a real good athletic season next year. The coaches and kids are real pumped up about it. .. Tweit said one of bis main goals is to bring more students into the athletic program. However. be admitted enrol- lment is declining. This f ~ the number of students is expected to drop from I.ill to l ,2SO at Harbor. (But in two ~Harbor's enrollment is expected to increase to l.SOO studeliu). "Ten yan ago, we had cnoagb kids and we didn"t have to worry ... commented Tweit. •eut now we need to make more kids aware of our atblctic propams. Thai mm ta1tina to t11ie kids abcMd our prosrams in claucs ad around the campm~ We need to do more of that. Hopefully~ wcil be ~ some more coecbn in a couple of yean ... Tweit was a walk-on coach for fiw years at Harbor before be ._ laired on as a fulkime E ...... te.cher. •t really enM COllChi'la, .. Ille said. •u I coukle't MW rcr·i"d •• aJd I doD 't tlaiat I would tatea tM ( .. lalllir director) poGtioa. • .. Tweit uid ..... .-e if .... tW1ll E.r· h ia ta. r.I. •rd lib to ~i111 uu·· 1 • ..,a.. .............. . ................ Pr-·~· 11111111 J .... a. • A•t' lie ..... ill 1'71 •I E I -.... ,.... ...... , ...... • 111! 11l Pfe•h E ..... GI I cit ... ml!Ai."'I• .. ,_ l_..Y 1l 1• THE NEWPORT ENSeGN Senior honored as unsung hero A life of crime bu really paid as playing the role of Mn. Claus off for Corona del Mar resident for school children, directing the Jean Boyd. now-defunct Newport-Mesa When a W uhington State Sunshine Line for latchkey kids, parolee followed the elderly and her participation in Neigh- woman to her Point ettia borhood Watch, Boyd was Avenue home more than four awarded the Silver Anchor years ago, threw her to the award from the Chamber of ground and snatched her purse, Commerce last Tuesday. he never realized that he had Now an area coordinator for done a public service. the old Corona del Mar section Looking back on the incident, of town, the 26-year-resident the 64-year-oJd says her first up-says she was more angry than close and personal brush with frightened when her attacker crime was a blessing in disguise. grabbed her from behind, scat- " At the time, I didn't realize tering her Christmas packages what this guy had done for me. into the street. M At first I thought It prompted me to get involved, it was someone playing a joke and the very next month I on me. But when I realized what became a block captain in was happening, I got mad. I had N~ighborbood Watch and got grown up with two brothers and involved in my city," Boyd said. my first instinct was to fight, so Because of her many years of J struggled." service to the community, such . Boyd followed her attacker, INSURANCE Home Life Auto Cynthia Savery ,. .... Call 1-800-367-7877· 13011 Newport Avenue #200 Tustin 92680 WATCllFUL EYE -Jm llfll, w111 .,.. • 111r .. -~11a1r, -•11111111 • T..-, llt' lllr wt II 1111 screaming for help. Soon her caught and the purse located. neighbors and police joined in ' Small and wiry, Boyd admits the pursuit and the suspect was that struggling with her attacker was not the recommended action· to take, but maintains that the parolee was taken aback when a woman fouaht back. RESIDENTIAL REAL TY BUYING or SELLING • Free Written Market Evaluation * Home Tours By Appointments • Hi&heSt Integrity • Courteous Service *Twenty Years in Newport Beach Loretta Curci * Multiple listin1 Member • Extra Advert1sm1 * Computer Printouts 644~1367 H NATURAL WAY 10INCH LOSS ••. WITH MtEDIATE IE9R TSll : B.ODY WRAP Road ••. Conlnued from ,... 1 hiahway and 1caused significant backup of traffic and delays of IS to 20 minutes. Motorists using th1-. I route over the next years neeJ 'to allow more time for their trip!'l or consider goina around the upper end of the bay., Over the lut eight years. the number of vehicles using Coast Highway has been increasing to the point that backups to Jam- 1 boree Road have become a regular oCc:urrence. COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE COLLECTION OF CUT FRESH FLOWERS ~•a••wmau11Gra1 ~ 2642 San Miguel Newport Beach (Newport Hills Center) (714) 640-7980 .r ' •Y ll t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN ,_I Swedish coeels need· hO ts BY CHIRYL STEHLING If you are a typical American family in Newport Beach, with an extra bed to sp•re this summer, then Charles Douglas of Newport Harbor High School has an offer not to be passed up. he explained. "'We have the weather and activities the wede love and they enjoy our language and culture ... The students come from all over Sweden and will be arriving by bus from Lo Angeles Inter- national Airport to the Newport Harbor High School parking lot on June 22 . The program runs through July 20, Douglas said. All that is asked of American bo t families is that they carry on as \hey normally would, day to day. • For the past fou{ years, Dou- glas, a social studies teacher, has coordinated the visit of Sw,cdish students, in conjunction with the American Scandinavian Student Exchange (ASSE). The program has been in existence for 11 years and has been very successful, "'We don't ask that they fix .... special meals, .. Douglas said. "'If Douglas said. "'Our community has been the family i scattered in all chosen by the Swedish Ministry direction for breakfast, then of Education as a desired area," they should continue that way .. We don't even uk that tbe Swedish student get a private room, ju t a bed and ome transportation to and from the education center ... Students range in age from 14 to 17 and will spend three boun a day under Douglas' tutelqe. All speak excellent English. Wednesdays are de ignated as travel day and they will go to Disneyland. Universal Studios, museums and Tijuana, to name a few. Students have their own expense money. For anformation about becoming a ho t family to any one of these 30 tudent . call Dougl~ at 963-33 I 5. PUT BJ TO WORK FOR YOU For all your real estate needs, across the country, across the s~ate, across town, contact BJ. Specializing in the service you deserve. Cirubh6Ellis RUIDlNTIAl llOKUAGl SOVKU #2 Civic Plaza • Suite 100 • Newpon Beach, CA 92660 (Bus) 644-6200 (Res) 721-0048 BUY 50 SQUARE YARDS Of WODl' FREE CdPIT ANDCIT TM> GAIJ.ONS Of PIATI' le 1AM11ED MX.'OIAm PAINT REE. Come in now throuth Miy 7 and we'll g;vc you th coupon when YoU purchase 50 ~w~ ~ or matt ol Worry frtt carpet. Mill the coupon along with your ca~ rccdpt to the .tdrns on the coupon And in a week or bs you11 ~eivc I vouchtt good for two frtt pllons ol Pnn • um~ Accol~c. the workis finest paint. Like Wony fr"tt carpet, Pratt • umbnt Accobdc I u1n-rcsestant, soea..~ MMi CM1 suNiYC f« nwny yens without howina igns ol ~ar. Whteh rmk~ It the paint rlYt couki also be ckscnbed 1 worry-frtt. So it houJd come as no urpn~ that two gal&on ol Accobde have a value ol ovtt S.SO But you don't have to worry about rNit. Because w~ you buy Worry frtt carpet, the paint' frtt. You Stt, we ~nt to give you a little to worry ~ta poui~. -- ... ~ 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Farewell, Norm· Loats Dr. Norman Loats, deputy superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, will be retiring on June 30, capping a colorful and exciting 28-year career. Loats has seen many changes, including the building and opening of schools during the booming times, the closing of schools during the lean times and the circle coming full again, as the district begins to reopen schools due to growing enrollment. Lo.ts also saw the birth of what is now the Newport- Mesa Unified School District, combining efforts of the COsta Mes~ Newport and Newport High School districts. Dluing the explosive years of the 1%0s, Loats remembers attending two elementary school dedications in one day. Loats was always there to see the district through the good times and the not so good times. Financial and budget cutbacks, teachers layoffs and other unpleasant crises have never dampened his spirit. He was always there for the children, whether it was attending a musical program or assembly. During patriotic presentations, Loats' voice could be heard above others, belting out a beartf cit "God Bless Nrierica." His face was always seen at school functions, wbcther it was at an elementary school or high school, lending support to everyone. Loats bas truly put his heart and soul into the district and will be sorely mis.scd . It is his spirit and tireless energy that keeps up ~ moral of others. It was fitting last week that be was sent off in a blaze of glory at .. An All American Salute to Norm Loats" at the Balboa Bay Club. 1be community from every walk of life was on hand. Because of Loats' deep appreciation for anything patriotic, the room wu f estooncd in red, white and blue and the fare was AU American from the bot dop, to the bot apple pie. Everyone from Council- member Evelyn Hart to representatives of the Orange County Board of Education had something nice to say about Loats. June 30 has been proclaimed as Norm Loats Day in both cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. TM N~port Ensign also salutes Loats, who bas been very supportive over the years. . It will be a real loss to the Newport-Mesa Unified School District when Loats cleans out that final desk drawer and takes down his shingle. But the district is richer for baviq had Dr. Norman Loats as second-in- comm•nd. May his retirement be a long and happy one. Baker Communications 901 Dower Drive ... part a.en. CA 92980 (71~ 6'1-8120 Pl 1111 .end 11teiUo. . P.O.Boll- Na•P°"' ...,._CA 92e58-9389 :n.• , ........ , ,., .. •• •MJ -....... .. ~ Letters .to the Editor 'Freeway Patrol' would be a help 0-IAor. section, assisting disabled On Saturday, April I , an motorists and keepiq the road au:ideat occurred at 4:30 Lm. free of debris. It would be very on' die soutbbOUild San Diego risky and the men would need Freeway jUlt north of Ocean-to be hiply trained in ways to side. A taaker bad overtumCd quickly shut down, clear and re- iDd burned, killing the driver. open in the safest possible It wm a borrible tragedy. Traffic manner. They would also have •• stopped for several houn in . emergency measures set up in both directions. advance for every section of No notif acation w~ given to freeway includin1 re-routina, approaching motorasta even complete Cloawa, openina 1ee- thoup it was obvious that the tiona of the dividen and tunaina freeway would be clOICd for four to aia lanes of traff IC and ~-The ~ult wu .so to 60 reveniaa the direction enatiliaa miles of p;ctlock lutma over them to return to their boma ICWft houn. or flildina altemate routes. We lliDed contintency plans for • emeraencies, accidcata cloeiaa oar many f reewaya e•yday. emtbqiaake, nuclear di11 •1r or MJ otbier tnllldY. • .... a •freewa1 Patrol." A ... fll -,..,.... the .......... lnDfdw.009-____ ........ Tbe •freeway Patrol" would elimiute the need for die .a bow tbat are 10 e&pemiw &o inatall. are 10 of&ea Ml of eom•·nioa ... OlllJ llM • ct•••·• ....... .. ...... -·-~ .., .... -'f enoup to fund the new depart- ment. It would save the time of the H ipway Patrol officen wh o now have to call tow trucks for italled can. It would save thou- sands or accidents a year by removina the debris quickly. This, in tum, would save the time of the fire departments and police departments that must respond. Mainly, lives would be aawcl! la California, we will never be able &o put enouP corridors to keep up with the population powtla, IO ... more effacient WC : ... lrll our niltiaa freeways. the ....._, We IMnw to do the very .._ • .. wltll wlaat we have! • ,._._-... ,_ I• ,our time and ___ _,.._in help- • tlac ''freeway " ... Police Blotter CO•PIUD IY •EUIDA KW.El The Police Blotter IS Pf•Hntea •s • pubhc MMC• Trom the He•pott En511" ....,,,,., crimes artcJ •rrests m ~ Beach. It should be nofed t~t crtmes listed are only those whteh are re~ to the Newport Beach Poltee Department and arrests ~ .,. only thoM suspec:Nd ol CflmeS Mtd not thoM COIMCted • Thieves sniulled a window in the front door of a home on the 100 block of ~tb Street between Saturday morning and Sunday at 4:30 p.m. Nothing was reported stolen. •A COiia M-woman reported that her pune was stolen at a resta\Jrant on tbe JOOO block of East Coast Hiabway Sunday afternoon between I p.m. and I :30 p.m. Loss was estimated at S27S. • A deatlll tllreat was issued to a I 9-year-old resident who resides at 4240 Park Newport Drive. The victim told police that she found the threatening note on her doorstep. .. Vandals lhot out five windows of a 1975 Volkswagen bus Sat- urday night that was parked in the driveway of a home on the 400 block of Larkspu.r Avenue. The victim told police that the vandalism occurred between 10 p.m . Saturday and Sunday morning at 8: IS. Damage was estimated at SSOO. • A second laddeat of vandalism was reported in the Corona del Mar area on Sunday morning. The victim told police that she parked her 1979 Mercedes Benz in front of her boyfriend's house near Third and Orchid avenues Saturday night at 8 p. m. The next momina the victim dilco- vered that someone bad abot the windows of her car. Police aaid the weapon wu either a pan or slingshot. e Aa,.... It& .. •1rlteqtl1 plB was reported stolen from the patio of a home on the 6000 block of Oceanfront between Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday morning at 10. Loss was esti- mated at $250. • Burpan PIJed oft a screen and forced _open a kitchen window last weekend to gain entry into a home on the 100 block of 27th Street. The victim estimated that -the -crime occurred between I 0 p. m. Saturday and Sunday at 11 :30 a.m. Reported stolen was a television set, a painting, SI ,SOO cash, crystal vase, S800 in miscellaneous coins and a cordless phone. Loss was esti- mated at $3,050 and damage to the window was valued at SSO; •A Santa·Ana woaiiua reported that her red Honda CRX was stolen from the 100 block of 3 lst Street sometime between Satur- day at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 6:00 a.m. ,_______________ -------------· Beauty Supplies Salon Prolc •kJaal Bair <:aft P1U1 Mitchell • ScbeM•• • 9y11a111 • Aftdl •Tl.I • KMS • Focua 2 I • jolco •Solt>k Woodeaful........, Od • ~ IMM •tun C.ollecdoa • ron,t.bc • st.uad Nall Polilb a Nall c.att · lnlcd • Orly. 5upcrmU • Dndop 10. jalka. Ddott GaEAT GDTS •NYLONS •5tJNGINl8ES • CAllDS HAm ACCE990llll!S •FUN WA'l"Clm •JEWD.&Y • lllJCll llOllE f I Expires ~/31 /89 I ~Via Oporto : (714) 673-4'87 .. It's an ATITnJDE" ! ------------------------------ ELEMENTARY v ...................... ... .............. CW*'. lf,ou W09ld liU ID boW .... , all •· Wecmlllelp,w ..... '8&:11. ,,., C.ncer lnformetlon Se~1ce 1...,_..CAllC.R llY It I• THE NEWPORT EH88GH -OPR I r-----------, 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· •Drain oil and replace with up to 5 quarts of Quaker State premium quality oil •Install new oil filter•Lubrico• .nossis•Check and fill bottery•Check and fill trons- mission/transoxle>fluid (fi· pint free) •Check wiper blodes•Check and fill differ- ential (first pound fr~' 1vash outside of windows• Check air pressure in all tires •Vacuum vehicle inte· 1or•Check and fill broke fluid •Check and fill windshield washer fluid• Check and clean air filter• Check and fill power steering fluid '"'NO llUIU wm a OIL ·1 --~--a ...... COSTA MESA . 2175 Newport Blvd. (at Vidoria) (714) 548-4150 300 E. 17th St. (at Santa Ana St.) (n4) ~-2505 I I I ' I I I I Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm L----------,-·I•••• I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ·· I I I ,_ ._.., 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Sailors wrap up season 8Y GLEN JUSTICE After finishing dead last in the Sea V 1ew League for the second straight year with a record of 1- 14. ewport Harbor High• baseball program is looking forward to ummer training. The Sailors· coach Bill White thinks that a rigorous summer program could be a big step toward turning things around. .. We JUSt don't have the atti- tude that wins games." remarked White following his team's 5-1 loss to Saddleback ... We don't have any (offensive) power yet and we do stupid things_ men- tally. Wr11Jt'alk onto the field and we've alt1>ady lo t." Wh1t•1> tressed that summer trainm~ sessions for Harbor' players will begin almost imme- djately. .. we·re in for an attitude change. "he said ... We11 be doing a lot of weight training and a lot of skull sessions in the classroom. where baseball can also be taught. We also need to fill the positions that have been vacated." The Sailors will be losing to graduation Trevor Luisi. Jim Jennings, Tony Altobelli. Zach Blair and Brian Jones. who make up most of the team's starting infield. RIEA•Y-11 Jtr1 ..... 1_. .,_ flrf ..... Ill ... _, lnl ........... I .... ... ............... flrf*-• Promising junior shortstop Steve Double and pitcher Bob Sliker will be returning for next year•s team. In the last game of the season on May I J. each senior played the entire contest. with Jennings being relieved by Sliker in the seventh inning. While both teams failed to scored in the opening inning, Saddleback's Roadrunners struck for three runs in the second. Saddlcback loaded the bases and then Eduardo Rodri- guez hit a ground ball to second base, scoring David Camacho. With runners on second .and third. Saddleback Coach Bob Magram called for a bunt. The 11111 1••11117 Jones mows down Sea · Kings BY GEORGE PAPPAS Runs have come few and far between for Corona del Mar High•s baseball squad much of this season. · The season closer against Tustin on May 11 was no different. .. The Tillers• Monte Jones handcuffed the Sea Kings for seven inninp en route to a 4- J win. Jona isn' the county leader in strikeouts for notbina. · Jones fanned 11 batten and limited the Sea Kinp to four hits in the contest. (Jones also inflicted damqc at the plate as be slammed a two;.run homer to provide the Tillers with the winning margin). .,.We played well but we had mental lap1e1 • ., remarked Jerry Jelnick, Corona del Mar Hi1h •s bUebalJ coach. .,.We also left runnen on buc qain ... For the Sea Kinp, the lou marked the close o( another ICUOD which never quite came t~ber. The Sea Kinp posted • 4-11 leapt record for r.ru. ~in the Sea View Lcque. (Last year CdM turned in a 6- 9 i'econl). Tlae Sea Kina• received anotller Hlid pitchin1 effort from llfa.Ja&Ddll' junior Matt <iold1111... . G1tl111ia, wllO w chatFCI ... ... ., llWD laits, ..... IWMd .... out m.. m'TLm--c... ............. ,_ .....,.., ......... ,, ............. .. .. ~ ...... "*' llt Ill Tllll'I ,._ W He really has developed into a Tustin added another run in good pitcher this season." the third inning. Jone bashed Tustin Coach Vin<:le Brown a double to right center field and remarked, .. That's the lint time scored when Dave Saaan we faced GOidstein this teuon. reached base safely on an error He did a aood job of varying and stoic second base. the speed on hit pitches. He aot The Tillers added two in u- us to hit a lot of fly outs." ranee run in the top of the fifth Tuatin challenaed Goldatein with Jone • two-run blast over from the start taking a 1--0 lead the left field fen<:le. in the openina inning. Erik Tustin• next batter Erik Grove walked. Daw Sqan was Grove also took one Goldstein hit by a pitch and Chuck Var-pitches deep but CdM's center- vaniecz siftlled to briftl in the feeleter John MacMillan reKhcd run. over the fence to snaa the ball In the bottom half of the and rob the Tillen' of a hOme innina. CdM .. fant two batten, run. Grq Huck Md a... nor~ The Sea Kinp scored their soa. •••d bui IMS. l;ap oaly rua of tie ...-ia the cam up lhort • tllc ... tine bottom of ftftla. Jobn Holaaarn Ntlerl WIM dOwa ill°'*'· -lilllllcl Uid Johe Murplay Ud Haack received free passes. Thorkelson •s two-out single drove in Holmgren. But Jones quelled the Sea Kings" rally as he fanned the next batter. Haack and Thorkelson each had two hit for the SCa Kings . The Sea King will be losing one of their top hitters and solid alovc in the infield in Haack. liaack slammed ix bomen for the CdM this .eason. Catcher Chris IC.ehrli. pitcher Rich Mather and Gold tein will be araduatina. The Sea Kinas have a prom- isina aroup of playen retumina includina Todd Kehrli six home rum and 26 RBI. miner J.T. Patton. tbortstop Indy• amar, Thorkelton, TOdcl Me. Track j finals -open The 1600 meter race in the Cl F final held tomorrow is one ca e where the sequel could outstrip the originaJ. The event is haping into a di tance duel between Corona del Mar High's Eddie Lavelle and Burbank' Todd Lewis. At stake i the C IF 3A 1600 meters championship . The two raced against each other in the CIF prehms on May 13 at Gahr High wttb Lewis edging Lavelle with a winning mark of 4: 14.45. Tomorrow .. the Clf 3A di\.- i ion final will be held at Cerrito College in orwalk with the field events getting underway at 11 a.m. followed b~ the first running event at noon. "'It' going to take everything Eddie·s got to beat Lewis ... remarked Bill Sumner. CdM track coach. "'Eddie can do it but he needs to run a smart race." As expected, Lavelle -coasted at the CIF prelims q\lalifying in the 1600 meters with a time of 4: 16. 96. Lavelle also finished fourth in the 3200 but he wiJl be focusing only on the 1600 m the CIF finals. Thtce others besides Lavelle posted C IF qualifying times at the prelims including Greg Shy- rock with a third place time of 4: 17.03 in the 1600, Jay Light- burnc, who took third in the 800 with a mark I :58.99. and pole- vaulter Keith Miller. (Miller· personal best in the polevault •~ 14 feet). "'We're going to be pressed to finish among the top three teams." Sumner admitted. .. Upland and Esperanza appear to be the frontrunners among the 3A competition. But our four guys have been at Cl F before and they know what to expect. 1t•s a good group." ••• The Cl F prelim took a dis- astrous tum for CdM's girls track team. Their hope of repeating a CIF champions slipped away during Saturday's competition . .. We just bad a bad day." remarked Steve Kaczynski. CdM•s girls coach ... It's frustrat- ing when you think how close we came to qualifying in several of the races. We don't have a shot as a team. But now we can concentrate on the individual who made it." • Laurie Sawin did qualify for the CIF finals in the high jump with a leap of S-2. Others who are aoiq to CIF meet tomorrow iacludc JolMtnaa Wal· lin in the 1600 (5:15.97, a per- sonal belt) aad in the 3200 (I l:J9.ll,. O..U. MaboDey in the .... juaap willa • J.;2 effort. J'11YCM1111ill ... JIOMrdlasand 400.•IMt•'*'teemof ~..._y Candi O.,...• ...,. , ., ba m ICJ sp Wl m pe at Tl ac de ch W4 it. m m it II .. - 54 B s 8 t~ ., ti yi c ~ • • ~ I t c ., 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN--l'm 1 ~ The story behind Hamilton's water rake BY RALPH RODHEIM The trash is out of the .bag ... so the saying goc . Last month in Valdez. Alaska. Amer- ica experienced its largest oil s pill ever. The public's reaction was to boycott Exxon. Well, maybe Exxon should be severely penalized. However. blame is not what's at issue in the .. Marine Scene ... The issue at hand involves action, not blame. Most of us don't like pollution. We want it cleaned up and controlled, but we mean for someone else to do it. Well, there i~ a s pecial person in Newport Beach who doc more than give lip crvice when it come to environmental ,con- cern . Bill Hamilton, owner of the Cannery Restaurant, i a man of action. not just words. Perceived as a re tauratcur, Hamilton is really an e ngineer MARINE SCENE by trade. He entered the restau- rant bu incss after retiring and relocating from Chicago. Once .the Cannery was under- way. Hamilton noticed flotsam and jetsam floating by hi re - taurant and collecting in the Rhine Channel. It was then that Hamilton was moved to action. The natural answer was first to raise the public's awareness about the problem. So. a .. Clean Harbor Day" was born. This year Clean Harbor Day will be held June 3. For more information on how you can help make a difference. call the Newport Harbor Arca Chamber of Commerce at (714) 644-8211. But Hamilton wanted to be active in cleaning up the bay more than JUSl one day a year. So, the wilely old engineer conjured up an idea for a water craft that rakes up debris from the ocean. This ingenious inven- t ion wa not meant to benefit Newport Beach alone, but other mall craft harbors around the llAIY m11mCl/IM8T ( ... sn UP -c.. ............ Ty hicl Ip I .... ii .. s. li•' .,.. ,... .. 31 ....... .. 11111 .... 1111 "'11 rt11111 If Iii Clf ..... 1111 f'*Y s..~--·-· ............... .... country as well. The idea had merit. It was nurtured by Art Gronsky who helped Hamilton build the craft. Naturally, at was c_oincd .. The Hamilto n Water Rake ... It turned o ut to be a small catamaran-type craft powered by two John on outboards. The machinery o n board is hydraul- ically operated by a third John- on outboard. The Water Rake cruise up and down the bay, raking up anything that floats. SOl.~nd amazing? It is-and it works. Don't be urpriscd when you notice a deancr bay. There's more than taJk behind the results you're eeing ... it' action. It is the action and creativity of men like Bill Hamalton, ewport's own restaurateur I inventor con- cerned citizen. that breed results. The public was invited to cc the Hamilton Water Rake in action thi past Wedne day at t he Newport Harbor Arca Chamber of Commerce Marine Division meeting. If you missed your chance to sec the Water Rake, a11other opportunity will arise June 3 when the machine will be in full wmg on Clean Harbor Day. Thi week's Ensign .. tip-of- thc-hat .. goc to Bill Hamilton and the Ham ilton Water Rake ... thank for mal(lng a difference! Athletes of the Week ... C HRIS LEE. WILL ALLISO . BI LLY G YE . fWPORT HARBOR VOLLEYBALL. Lee (22 kal b). Alla O.Q. ( 13 kill ) and guyen ( 19 kills). combmed to lead the a1lor to a tunmng up ct of Huntington Beach an f 1"e game in the opcmng round of the C lf 4A divasao n playolf on May 12. • •• KIM ROBI ON . I E WPORT H A RBOR TRACK: Robin o n qualified for the C l F track final with a time of 11 :28.l 7 in the 3200 meter~ race 'at the C lf prehms held o n Ma> 13. • •• TY PRICE, C HRIS PL IHA, MATI HE RRl GTO . CORO A DEL MAR VOLLEYBALL: The Sea Kings· etter Price had 38 assists and three ace serve to park. Cd M to a victory over San Marco in three game in the opening round of the CIF 4A playoffs on May 12. Middle blocker Chri Pliha made trouble for San Marco as he banged our 10 kill and blocked four shots. Herrington pounded out J.3 kill in the conte t. ••• EDDIE LAVELLE. G REG SHYROCK. KEITH MILLER, JAY LIGHTBUR E. JILL YOU G, LAURIE AWli . JOHA A WALLI • DE ISE MAHO EY. --------------------------------------~~ CORO A DEL MAR TRACK: Lavelle and hyrock qualified for the C IF final in the 1600 meters. Miller made it to the C l F final competiion in the polevault wh1Jc Lightburne qualified in the 800 meter . Sawin and Mahoney qualified for Clf in the high jump with a qualifying mark of 5-2. Wallin qualified in the 1600 and 3200 event . Her time in the 1600 of S: 15.97 was a personal best. Sailors ... II ti If frill .... I Roadrunnen, capitalizing on a Newport Harbor enor. scoring two more runs to take an early l-0 lead. It wu all the run Saddlcback would need. H arbor didn' threaten to score until the fifth inning. Zach Blair sinaled and stole second. Steffen Spizziri then ucrificcd Blair to third with a bunt down the third base line. Harbor failed to core. though, as Saddlcback pitcher Mike Arroyos picked off Blair at third base. Harbor's next two batten reached buc safely but the drive came to a halt a Altobelli was thrown at fir t. Saddleback added two more runs in the final innang to clinch their ninth league victor) of the year. Harbor' only run in the game came in bottom half of the evcnth when Todd Bryson scored from third on a fly ball hit to center field. The Roadrunners won the aamc despite losina three player due to 1radc requirements. In addition 1enior teeond baseman ' . Rmairo Garcia wu out with a ... ..,. Sophomore pitcher Frank Fo• 1ca picked up tlac win for die .......... Jeaaillp •• cbn •ilWklltltelam. Little ·League Standings Major Division West Athletics Rangers Twins Blue Jays Angels w l. 14 4 10 7 7 10 6 II S I I AAA Division Angel Rangers Twu\s Atblcucs Blue Jay W L 14 2 11 .> 10 s 7 9 6 10 AA Division Blue Jay W L 9 6 T T T .. . Angel Rangers Twan Athl(llCS Dodgers Cubs Red Met Cardinal Phil he East Cub Reds Cardinal Phillies Astros Dodgen Mets 7 6 7 2 w 12 II 10 9 3 .3 w 12 9 7 6 6 s 5 9 9 8 13 L .. 5 6 6 12 13 L I 3 6 6 7 6 7 When Ir• Dunn-Wei ..... Done Right" DUNN-WELL c.p111 Uphaltltry Cl11nklg. Inc. T T Flntll Ou•llr·A111an1bl1 COiii C..--DMlsge Alatandlon -·- -. - , ALLERGY TESTING by newly developed lal>Otatory technique Call for appointment &. consultation . I Irene 8. Haydik, ~D. 645·7822 1501 Superior Ave. ~ Suite 306, Newport Beach Vtt.mins QmlitJ Products •t Down -to -Earth Pt ices II '~ --~----------.-------------~ FREE 1 $2.• OFF Vitamin C : Next min .. ..._ I ..... I • -..-...-... limlll I_.._.._ -------------~-------- - , -, ---.. --- ,_ ._., 11. t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Socie \ Angelitos: A succe_ssful 2-day .affair Ginny Smallwood, Catherine Thyen, Louise Ewing and Anne Bad ham. More than 660 attended the luncheon and the same amount the dinner Saturday evening. Lusk, Jo McLain, Gloria Osbrink, Barbara Rappollo, Flossie Schumacher, Barbara Severson, Mary Roosevelt, Jes- sie Mac Shirar, Gigi Spragins, Bobbie Stabler, Sally Ulenc, Last year . Angelitos de Oro luncheon w'&s so successful and in such demand that the event this year became a two-day affair. It began with a luncheon on Friday f caturing the fall couture of Oscar de la Renta. 1be following night at a black- tie dinner, Bob Mackie's collec- tion was presented to the ensem- ble. Maria Crutcher once again chaired the extravaganza. which supports the endeavors of Big Brothers/ Sisters. Assisting Mar!a were Helen Starling, Marilyn Wooten, Marcia Cashion, Mary Wolff, Jane King, Phyllis Baillie, Betsy Jacques, June Wian, Aria Brown, Brenda C urrie, Sharon Ormsbee, Betty Jo Purscb, Harbor lites Just a few of the Harborbtcs were Pat Alleborn. Judie Argy- ros, Elaine Basmajian, 'Hyla Bcrtea, Sandra_ Brodie, Donna C('Can, Ileane Doolin, Olga Ellis. Barbara Grant. Marilyn Haus- man, Shirlee G uggenheim. Nora Jorgensen. Helen Le May .• Ann BY DINA VON BURGER Katie Wheeler and Pat Yoder. More were Nota and Charles Hester, Lillian Fluor, Harriette Witmer, Betty Palmer. June Donovan, Dorothy Reichle, Pat Allen, Norma Gurley. Donna Devine. Ruth Ann Moriarity. Pilar Wayne, Barbara O'Neil. lLONGS OF NEWPORT INC. Our Clients Are ,Happy Ones. • . It has been our practice to publish letters.and excerpts from letters from our many clients. One of the most generous and complimentary was: "WE WERE PARTICULARLY IMPRESSED WITH THE LEVEL OF INTEGRITY AND PROFESSIONAL- 1811 BOTH OF YOU EXHIBITED DURING OUR ntAN8AClTON" (frqm a Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of Anaheim Hills-all lettet'a on file). One of our fellow brokers Uked how we were able to get people to •"'* ua. regarding the eervtce we had prOvided them. n.nt was only one answer. "We Just do the best we can for •ch client, and the r991 I• up to~ Client"· MYQM ~ IS lhvolved in a buliness ~ Pivv:d11 primarily Mrvtce, (as oppa11d tO. proclUCt) ........ that the clMint lftUll leel tt'9t the fee pmtd . WU In k11ping with the MMce provkied. A good btOlcer, attorney, 11tMe plllnner, Mc. WhO prcwld11 l1rvlce ~nowa. Christa & Gerry Long Claudia Mirkin. Decann and Nancy Baldwin, Willa Dean Lyon, Diane Rinker and JoAnne Mix. ••• On the same Saturday even- ing, the Alumni Association of the U nivcrsity of California hosted their 19th annual ban- quet at the Irvine Hilton & Towers which honors commu- nity leaders. Some 16 were chosen including Harborlites Arnold Beckman, Wllliam Parker, Elizabeth and Thomas Tierney. Roger Johnson. Juel Lee. Gary Lynch, Myron Braus- tcin. Patrick Hanratty. Martha Levy, Garland Parten, Wesley Lagerberg, Mare Taagepera. Dianne Kane, T e ri Trace), Mark Kaplan, Lyman Porter and Robert Mciver. ••• Meanwhile over at the Jewel Court, The Irvine Guild which suppprts the Orange County Performing Arts, Center had their Gala des Beaux Arts. The black-tic optional event attracted over 700 and was co- chaired by Cassandra Gumpert and Thelma Friedel. ••• e arlier in the week, the Amer- ican Jewish Committee held their dinner at the Irvine Hilton honoring Michael Meyer for h" commitment t o civic and humanitarian causes. Engagements R1lcbm1n-Schmit · Mn. Bella Reichman of FuUerton and Mr. Dan Reichman of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter , W~ndy Rene .to Douglas W. Schmit. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Schmit of Rochester. Minn. · · T~ bride-to-be is director of sales for the Sales Leadership Institute of Newport Beach. She earned a bachelor· in psychology from c~ State u Diversity at Long Beach. The ar~m-t<>:-be as a systems programmer for the UNISYS corporation . lrvu~. He earned a bachelor's in mathematics from the Un1vers1ty of Northern Iowa in Cedar faJls The couple plan to marry July I. · · Hill-Armstrong Mr. Michael W. Hill of Carlsbad and Mrs. Tully eymour of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter. Li a Suzanne Hill of ewport Beach to Craag Allen Armstrong. on of Mrs. ara Armstrong and the late Harry Armstrong of New York City. The bride.Sect. who attended cwport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College. graduated with a bachclor·s m psychology from Chapman College in 19 6 alld plans to earn her master' degree from tbc Orange campus thi month. where he i a member of Alpha Kai Omega. The groom--clcct graduated from t. Paul' High hool in Loui iana and attended outheastcm Louisiana Unavcrsity. He is currently employed as a scnaor system programmer at the Co t ommunity College District. The couple plan a June 24 wedding at ewpon Center U nitcd Methodist Church. CdM 5k to begin This year' Scenic SK Run will be bighbgbted by two races and one scenic I K Walk. The race. which takes place on Saturday, June 10. is the 8th annual event. The women• race will bqin at 8:00 a. m. and 1s sponsored by John Blom Pho- . tasrapby. Following the wom- en 'i race wiU be a slower-paced I K Walk for those inclined to see the sipts of picturesque Corona del Mar. Tbe men's race commences at l:lO a.m. and is sponsored by Merrill Lynch Realty. Studio Cafe will once again ponsor the eatire event with the patron a..,art of more than 40 local bUliw establisbmen Rqiltntioo forms are aviil- 111* al the the Corona del Mar CIMambcr of Commerce off~ Cily of ewport Beach Parts. -.Chet ud Recreation Drp8it- -1 • wdl as patron stores dwouPout Corooa dcl Mw. beautification and recreational projects. Practice runs take place on Ocean Boulevard and Marguer- ite at S:lO p.llL every Tuesday until race da)'. ew artwork by John Crosby. a contemporary impressionist who works and li~-cs in cwport Beach and wbo is widely blown for bis large. colorful canvases. will be introduced. His anwork is currently focused on the people and places that make Southern California what it is today. Restaurants and markets in the Corona del Mar area will take part in a gourmet restaurant row. Ho\'ik Abramian of the Studio Cafe promises a bteatb- taking and inviting f arc to pkate every palate. Specuton may purduK breakfast tidcts ud T...aailu for SIO the moni• of the race. The Corooa ckl Mar Cit Eber of Coe•rcc in co.Vuactioa with me City of wpon •-=11 hrta. l11Chs wl Reaatioa Dl••iM_.11 si .. IM ...ce. an ••• .. to .., . ............. ,,,.. •Y 11. 1• THE 1'EWPOR'f. ENSIGN-Im I e Travel Mor-1trer Style Motlfitet ond n. ~.c.oledoon • ._ the od'4f'lt ol t'f'O'll'llll .... ~ 0 ten-day~ ol ~ bhon and gl9C:it d tw1ot1ons. A wit now <ould ~ IO o tabuba "'°f in the ct:14/lllWy and the dcftm IO go...._ it. ~Nof20 CaibNO ChOH!pOgM and Hon d'oeuvt91 ttwoughout the do¥ ~ Wurdtobe MocWng fton, T~-00 p.m. ~ fora..:./CoRon s --Lewi .. at 2:00 p.m.. o.owing for Colton...,. &w1 .. at at 4-00 p.m. Sunday. Nor 21 CaMomio w ... Tolling mid Hon d'C*Ml8 ttwoughout .. do¥ To4t Wurdtobe MocWug '°'9l l~<X> p.m. ~for lyoG & ..... at 2:00 p.m. Olow09 for U... L_,,.. al ...ex> p.m.: O.OW.ng for""°~ Slay at Son~ lanct. at 4;30 pn. ~~aMtc:h,~and~h.-...... ' ---The ...... Cohoioft •~to beClft ........ www:ibe: d ~ "'o-!JM ....... Q JS I a G hOllY .. • ' ,_ 11-•Y It I• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Ente • Calif or.nia play fest oHers 'Abundance' BY CHERYL STERLING In the last century, the push to move West was on. While men secured homesteads in what seemed to be vast wastelands, women stayed back cast in safe havens. The more adventurous hus band-seekers opted to become mail-order brides and traveled West to marry men they never met. There, they hope to find happiness and abundance among the tumbleweeds. Thi& is the theme of Beth Henley's latest play, .. Abun- dance,., which is premiering on South Coast Repertory's Main- stage. The play begins in a western depot. when the viva- cious and excited Macon Hill b~zcs in and secs another mail- order bride, Bess Johnson, who was described as having "saw- dust for brains ... The two are as unlikely a couple as ever could be, but become the best of friends. Bess comes West to marry GULLIVER'S PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Real Foo<l RE ERVA110NS ESSENTIAL.' . ~ • · : -.. ~> T H l' R ; I HV l~,d 4ppearin1tbruJune10 SUZIU/rHE SWEETHEARTS Comln1 June 13 thr~ July 1 SHAKE RATTLE IL ROLL . The Gold;en AF of Rock •n' Roll is back and Duke's 'bu it liVe. ent IEB• TIE aEPlllf .... J1'n110 m ._ 1111 - II I ... 11W,11111,wlllr'IIllajllt.,.....1111111 w.t •mrrylll_ ......................... , ..... , .• .... llfl•llr .. ··••11•1111 ." Mike, but is told by his wild brother, Jack that Mike has been killed. So Bess and Jack marry, living merely on dreams, pie in the sky and barren desert land. On the other hand, Macon ends up with William Curtis. a low-key farmer, who is a hard worker, but not much to look at. M ~n tries to talk Be s into lea-Ying a·nd striking out with her to "'see the elephant," a term for seeing what the rest of the west has to offer. But as time wears on, Macon becomes less advcn- It's #Uncanny by Bil Hamilton BUe twwd pears in rum for nch Rnor. Place cw side down m ~cup rum (just tnc>iCh to ~r c~ bO<tom), ~ with l>rown upr and buttu Bake :37~ for IS minutes, covered, then 10 minuta more uncovered. basting. to •laie the fruu. • • • Stuffed chicken breasts keep their shape and don't take o n extra calo- ries-when they're rolkd up in plastic -rap (twice and tie ends) and poached. Slice each chicken breast for a beautiful plate. ••• EMy •rry sauce alamorizes fmh fruit deMn or plain ice Cftlm. Thaw a 10. OUllCIC pmick• of rupberriet or straw. ben:in in syrup, bun in the procasor. lt~aAn out pus. Star in liqueur if you With. ••• turous and more apt to settle into the mundane existence of a f ann wife. That is, until Bess gets kidnapped by Indians, then the play takes many turns. and twists to the surprise ending. .. Abundance" is· really about friendship and endurance, span- ning 2S years. Macon is played by Belita Moreno, who does credit to the part. She is able to show the audience the spirited young girl who has ventured West who is transformed into an empty shell over the ycan. Bess is played by 0 -Lan Jones, who also docs a marve- lous transformation, showing the audience that she docs have brains, afterall. Jack Flan is played by Bruce Wright, who is able to show that once a wild hombre. always a wild hombre. Jimmie Ray Weeks plays WilJiam Curtis, who is so gauche and unmannered be actually believes that his wife will get excited over his "gift" to her, a new glass eye for him. The final member of the cast i John Walcutt a Elmore Crome, the slightly crooked professor who secs a fonune in Be s· kidnap story. .. Abundance .. i truly a must- see and Henley, as usual, peppers the work with comical one-liners. But the story is really bittersweet and proves that true friendships can bold up under any circumstances. .. Abundance" plays through May 2S. Call 9S1-4033 for more information. One Price Includes Dinner, Tax, & Show IBERV ATIOfe: (114) 11N111 GMUI: (1M) .,._.,_ Come dance to 'the hottest sound of the SO's, 60'1, and 70's at Duke's Nostalgia Nite Club. Relive all your favorite oldies but 1ood~ eve~ Tuaday thrqu1h Saturday .. Enjoy the conwnience of complimentary valet parkina. And try Duke's every Mon- day for ca•edy -..... Frah-from-cbc-prdtn flavor for dried htnl-mia thft with an equal amount of, ..... ~,. ... pwNey ~ ~· .... •• Ill n. -..-.re •n IM ... l'lllY ............... herb ... ce.EMTY TEMM:E: {114) • .,.. ,,..., I • His•·Stepping Fan! ---\ N01111p Nile Club ii at The ........... 1101 ..... ..... _.a.(714)M$.I,_ ••• F• 1111 .._ dloclolile cau. 1tan wicll '-1111111• y• ea find. Yo.11 ...-...we. ••• • •• • •Y 11. I• THE NEWPORT~ 11 endar ART The Susan Spiritu Gallery currently has photographs by George A. T ice on display from his new book. ''Hometown. "The work comprise pho~ographc; from Dixopn. Illinois. Han- nibul. Mo. and Fairmont. Ind. The gallery 1~ located at 3333 Bear l., Co ta Mesa. M IC The Newport Harbor Art Mu cum i pre enting Mau se and Ja11 on unday. May 21 at 3 and 4 p.m. This performance piece was created b y Larua Karpman in 1987 and combine excerps from Mati e' text with original music incorporating Jall and 12-tone composition. • • • ,The Orange County Perform- 1 ng Arts Center will presents ,the Pacific Symphony in a pop series and a family concert. The pop \cries will be performed on May 19 and 20 at 8 p.m. The family concert takes place on May 20 at 11 :30 a.m. On Sunda}. May 21. enjoy the Master Chorale of Orange County in "War Requiem, at 8 p.m. Call 556- ARTS. • •• The "St. J ohn ·Pa~s 1on .. will be presented by the Orange Coast ollegc Choral and the Orange Coast Singers. 1 he c6n- cert begin~ at 8 p.rn . in O C\ Robert B. Moore 1 heater at 8 p.m . Call 432-5880 for information. · • • • STAGE "'Cabaret .. t\ currently playing at Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Danner Theatre and ha~ been extended until June 4 by popular demand. Re~ervataon required. Tickets tart at S 17.95. Call 838-1540. • • • through June 12 . It is a musical portrayal of the turbulent life of the impressionist painter. Edouard Manet. For informa- tion. call 494-0743. ••• The Buena Park Children's Mu~ical Theater Production will pre ent .. You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." at the Buena Park high school performing art complex. Performances will take place o n June 3 and 4 at 2:30 p.m. and June 2-3 at 7:30. Tickets are $3 for adult and S2 for children under 12. Call 821 - 1394. • •• Beth Henley\ lat e~t play, .. Abundance,•• is currently play-... T.omfoolery" sh~wcases l_he ing through May 25 at outh hilarious words, ~us1c and lyric Coast Repertory's Mainstage a~ of Tom Lehrer. now playu~g at part of the theater·~ landmark . the Gem Theater in Garden California Play J-e tival. grove, through June 17. Call Performance~ are Tuesday 636-7213 for more information. through alurday at K p.m.. • • • . unday at 7:30 p.m. and wee- kend mattnees at 2:30 p.m. Call 957-4033 for more mlormation. • • • "Manet '~ i running at · the Laguna Mo ulton Playhouse Orange Coast College pre - enb Anton Chek.ov's drama. "The Three Sisters ... May 19. 20 and 21. Call 432-5880 for more information. ••• MISC. YMCA· summer fun This year's AIDS Walk will be held Sunday. June 11 at 9:30 a.m. at Mason Park in Irvine. This i a major fundraiscr for research. direct patient services and education and all money raised will remain in Orange County. Call Cathy at 645-6300 for information. The Newport-Costa Mesa YMCA still has openings for its "Camps & Caravans." Upcoming .. Caravans, .. offered for teenagers, includes water sports and exploring the de ert and mountains. Lake Tahoe. July IS. through 22 will feature water kimg. wimming. hiking and a dinner crui eon the lake. everything Lake Tahoe i all about. Starting July 31 to Aug. 4. a trip to Catalina will be offered. Camping on the beach at Two Harbors, hiking, wimming. snorkeling. skin diving and sunning will be the day's fare. A dance is planned for a night) on the beach. ( Especially for river rats, Aug. 12 to Aug. 19, follow the Colorado River from the outh to Parker Dam fiUing the days with jet skiing, swimming, raft- ing and even some lazy time just floating. Visit Yosemite, King Canyon, Paradise Valley and Sequoia's great forest. The kid will experience some of the most beautiful sights in the country. Campfires and a lot of activities with and lifelong friend made along the way. Camp Big Bear and Camp Osceola arc also offered. Camp Big Bear. July I through 8 is a . great resident camp experience for the older camper, 11 through 14 year . Camping right on the lake afford the kid a chance to ail. ki and much more. A separate teen camp with leadership trainmg will be held at the ~ame time. Camp 0 ceola. July 22 through 30 i for kids from 8- 14. 0 ceola i located in the San Bernardino Mountains off Highway 38. Hiking, wimming. archery and much more arc offered there. This camp i filling up fast. Sign up now as pace is limited. Parents. don't mi thi great opportunity. Call Peggy Carlsen at the Newport-Co ta Mesa YMCA. 6429990 ~ oon as possible so your kid won't miss an experience that last a lifetime. Sou plantation · open$ The Souplantation restau- rant, renown for its spectacular 112 feet of salad bar. made- from-scratch aoups. an elaborate fresh fruit atand and an on- premite bakery which continu- ally tums out a variety of hot- from-the-ovens muffin • is put- ting finiahina touche on its newest restaurant in Costa Mesa. Located at 15SS Adams St., just west or Harbor Boulevard, the new Souplantation will occupy the ·~ f ormcrly occu· pied by Fucldruckcn and i scheduled to open May 22. ·a..ically • juat concentrate on a few tlliap," said Bill Hick--. •wal manaser ot the pacious re taurant. "That enables us to set very. very high standards for quality and do each thing · alad. soup. muf- fins and fruit an a big. big way ... Souplantation price for an all-you-can-eat lunch tart at SS.25 for soup or alad. Dinner i SI more and both include unlimited trip to the bakery and fre h fruit tand. Kid under 12 have their choice of everything for S2. 99 and sen ion 60 years and receive a 10 percent discount. Souplantation • hours will be 11 a.m. to 9 p.m ., Sunday throqh Th·unday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.. Friday and Saturday. If you live .in ••• Aradia 101 l ,.,,..,."'"' (811) H S .o4() Cttritoe flJ~l)f S....11t !>I l11J/ 9H~fJ' Cl.uni ant US W f"_,ltJI Ill (11 fl U J 79' I COIU M«M ,...c.- 11 ~St 1n•1 SS• tro l05U> SA nntDA )' l 71111 ,._,. ~c 1111151 t•lfl Ml "fll Cudahy 1100 N'-• 1tN 'tllJI ~ &\00 Cupatino IOJll C>t A..u I# lfOll l.SS f6JJ DoWMy Hff ,..,..,_, 4or (llJI 91' 55'1 EJ Toro I 11 I i...t1 ffl'f'll 0. (11f) 110 , ... UdailM fU .S-. Ft 0t '41'1 'Sl.Uf EadH 17 l SO Vf'llllW• a 11111 HS OOfJ &ee•••· l.M9' \/ .... ,._ ttl'fi 1f1 ll_U Fowttaia ValHy r·1so ~ .. 11w 171fl 141 1'1f Fttmont ., 191 ,.,_ ,.,,., ,.._ tfl SJ U I IJJJ FUle!ton ....., ... 1or w ........ ,.M f1l•1 n1 sr.a 0 ..... .. lflJ ( 0.--A"" (ll f J ,,, 5110 Hetptria rwz Mm-SI ('1fJ Hf J1f 1 H~~ .. -St~ f7Jf) H l ·lf07 Im.M l "1-'t Aw l:lfl 1)0 ICH~ LaC.aa ;1J0 D c-,. _,.., 1•1'1 H l llJl ......... W..&.-. .... l UJ WA-IM {IOSI HJ lUI .... ..__.. 1000 [.A..._, f (IOJ) 7lJ J11l ,.,.,_,,_, CERTIHCATE OF DEPOSl'r ANNUAL RATE 10.03% ANNUAL YIEID v..,c .... u.or v....,c,.,.., w.. ..,_llllli•••••••••••• ...,..,.._, LaQmlta ll-4JS HP-w r r I ,.,,,~, .,,., _ __..,......,_...,..,.. L09A.lt•itoe J"6 WM (1J f) tn ZfOS a.. A1toa 10011-Aw /O SI HJ-JlO a..c.t. _ .. JflN--HilM ft<»} JSI reu ..... , >J" f--*w Ak /fOIJ l'1 tJIO v-... lM.S,.....,.... • ,..., 17f-l66J s-w..c. 61'S s ._.. s.... h ,.,,,n1-UU ,.", •71~ .. ,,.. D • M'rnh Vieio fffll .. ._. ..._ Utn ......_.... ,_,, ., ,_. ,,,., .,, .. ,11 c.. ·- Nwwpwt .__. Jl1Sl c--"- JSOJ ~M ,,_, tM•n f7J 4} IS"-llS. S-C11y nosm s.i. nltD.4 • z 1Jn Jio.. o.w • ~ f114J611-rtn JJfll ,,.__ • s , •• (llJJ "''"" ''" , ..... d Aw ,.... s,i.· • ,..., ,,, ... ,., '"' c. ,.._ c....,. e> Twnwww ,.,,, JlJ.161' OSI IW "9rtltt CW J-+........ fllll J f 141' "'' .,_. c~ °' VktlM •• tfrt}ffl~ JU1JS.....-Jt ....... ,.,,~ lfS .,.., ..O~SI ._ • .., (114} "~"Sl JlJJJ,.....,. anZ! S ff91 '6Jf# lfr.JJ7l IOl~S,.WM V....V tzu11n tSt1 .snson,...,......,.. s...... ~,,,,,.~ l ..... ...,..,~ ,., 111 l ... and want to be sure about our money. !;=Dr IUR! Then ... deposit your money ' at your local Downey Savin&' Branch Office ... "ask any bflnhr, lautyn-, CPA or l:Jroka." Wt ... ,... ••• 2 1:,--.,owry 'rt•)~ ._ tJWr 6 ,.. ""'.....,.,, Hw ..... , 14.) ........ A_.. .,.,.....~C•t1rw-.,_........, ....... '5UC • ' • .. lt_.Y 11~ t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN NO~TH ANDOFNiihON TO Al*INSTEA ESTATE OF: JUNE LWN PRICHARD Ma JUNE L PRICHARD CASE NO. A14IDI To .. hen.._........_ .... oon...,,. cncan. Md perw• .._ ""' a. ot.1.._ lr\tll-d In l'9 .. ar ..... _. ar tllOlt.ol: JUNE LEHMAN PRICHARD .. JUfiE '-PRICHAAO A PETITION ._ ._ ... ~ETER E. PNCHMO In ... ._,.,., Ceult of ~ o1 OMNB&ie .._ PEIER E. be ==...: J.111 Ill 119 ID idli•Jt• F .. THE E--.. -::,-H• .. ............. ~... afEal 111 IAR'lll9..._ .. 4111 .... .... ~---··· --~ ....... _.... ···•· ....... ... ••••• 2 •• -~ ............ 111111 c:··· .................. _ .. 11 = r:•..rd ...... , a. "'=·· I 1 J I ..... .._ .. le ::• •II M ... c. •• .... '= ........... .... ~ _..., ............... .. ., ... !£ ................ , 1-11 1:45 P.11. Ila 3 lac1•d 11100 CMc c-o.e.--...... CAtrl101. FYCl.IO&ECTTO .. ~ ......... ~ ........... ~ .. .. .,.,, ..... Y.O"' =• al am ar 119 .-. a'J• c:loM lie court beloN ........ v .. .,, ...... ,,., .. In pereon ot .. ~··~ F \IOU ME A CREDITOR ot a cqn*-"t ~ af .... lllld.,.., ....... ~ ............ court Md ... • CIDPf • ... ....... •••nlllliw -p-----..... . al.. al ..... -~In .... 9100 al .. "°'... COd9. The ... tor -cMlll -=-=ID lour moa ... hm l'9 dla af =mm:==-...,. .... court.·~ ... ~-.. id;;9"9--.fDU~·-­.. Cllilllt a ............ II tar 9pulll NDlile af .. ...... llltMilrHr Mi111J::··11 tm\4af ..... _.. Gf'if Ml 111•an ar MDii> M ~!ft~ ao .. -... c• • P1:1a1111 COd9. A....,. tor ...... a P 21 "°"' .. COUit Cllltt. ..... : ~~-=U.~· .... ..9'01 ..._,,,_•CA 9101 tte•DOFt HliJtMW EneiQn 5/19,5/26.6/2 2191 T082040 NOTa 0/1 TRUSTEE .. SALE T. S. ND.AFS4221 YOU ARE If DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 23, 1-. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACrlON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rT MAY BE SOLD AT A PU8LIC SALE. F YOU NEED Nf EXP\.ANATION Of ntE NATUAIE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUlD cafTACT A LAWtEA. On Jvne I, t•, 81t tO:OO A.M. Slllnltmrd TNll OMd S.W. can..,,• fie~ IJJ tliM TNllM under end ,,..._. ID Died ol Truat, MCa d9d on ;UJ 3, 1•. • lnll." .... -* ol ~ ,..... " .. oflce ol .. .. Aecoi-111•• o1 er.,.. eaur._. c .. am19. ewued br: Sl:lpt.1 Toth end l(lllfWyn Toth, tMbMd .,.. .. •ton ........... saAllc ~ • .,._....bidder.., CMh, ~ d'9dl .._,on a ... cw r.-.• ..._ • d'9Ck ._. ...... cw ...,., ~ union ot. check *mn ....... ot ...,.. ..... end IDln -80~ cw .............. In ..... 5102 ol .. Ananclll Code ... .,....... do ..... in ...... (~ mull .......... , ........ of .. In ..... mar., ol tw lWIM SW of Arne.a)• tw .._. llofll••tra D tw G:our1lr CGdlJ .... 100 CMc c.-Oltw .... s.. AM_ t.llflDmla II ,.,.., ... end ...... COH~ tit Ind ....... .., ..... llid Died af i'Rlet in .. -~ I Wlllf In Mid ~. C......_ dt1c;lbillO ...... .... • PAACEL t: Lot 102 of Tftla no. 72:Zt. In ,_ a.. of flt ,,,._., • .._.on•fNIP**dldina.k274. ,.._,.ti,~ o1--. A1aa af 0.-.. C,...£-.llall. ........................ . ••••• 111lnendundlr .................. .. ........... """ ....... .,..,. flllnM -dlM Al 11 did JllMty 11, 1972, In 8Dak ..:S. ...... Olldll"9Aia. PAACB. I!........._.,,........ IMIW.tl IDr __. ....... ...,...._ ........... In ... _... 'DI 11&.. • ol eo-.-. Cei •1 • end A111'1•t • RMtt-.. ... I. 1111, lft ... -. '-a , QW A11-.. ... In ... -. ..... -. c--.. ....... The .... •*-.,. .._ wuuu•• fnls ... ,. I _.,,II .. Jllll ,n; I !}II m4h• ...... II,..,,.... • w.aL1 h I l,w.'Jll ;11....._CA_ n. ,....._._. Tnw '11ttn.,. ...._ IDr.., ~·-••• ti,. .... •ff .. .,.. ofw comn•• •nls I (I ~I..,, .._. '*9ift. ._. ............... .._.aMJ••cw-••llW. J w • .....-. e;• .-u111'1n. • •-•a 111.•.-r.. .,... .... ., .. ...... ···--..... .,.... t•·--llW e.111\ • J1S1.lf llt ........ ldt• Ill, f ..,, ............. a.. .. , ............ .. L.'i'•"=t:r TRW lnil ti .. ----IJJf .... , 1111 _ _. ........... $ ........ 1 ' 11n • -.. JI ;1• • • ..., .,. u•• r" ......... ~ .................... .. , n ''"' ....... ., ........ ._. •1 • 2 % .... _. DIMI If ,,_. h••1111,li91 •• I==(.:-............... -. ........... , ..... ~-·--....... -................... .. ...... .............. ,,, ..... .. ................ ,.., ...... . .... .... C.'""31.Aa T~lr. Ps 0:..12 • •• -·· .... -· •;CA .-.. tit-1111 ~ .... lllt. Siii, 112 2180 "*.IC NOTICI SUMHW (CITACIOlll JUOICIAl) NOTICE TO CROSS-DEFENDANT (Aviso a Acusado) ORTHO MATRRESS, INC., DOUGLAS A WYLIE & ASS(). CIATES, and l)()[S I throu&h X, Inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF, CROSS- COMPlAINANT (A Ud. le esta' demandando) LIBERTY SERVICE CORPORA TtON, a California corpo- ration and K & F COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES You 'have 30 CALENDAR DAYS afler this sumrTlOI\$ is seM!d on you to file• typewritten response at this court A letter or phone call will not protect you; your typewritten response must be In proper leaal form 1f you want the court to hear your c.se. If you do not fite your response on time, you may lose the case. and your -.es. money end PfoC*tY may be taken withqut further waminc from the court. Thefe are other lepl requirements. You may want to call an .ttorney ncht .-y If you do not know an attorney. you may call an llttomey reterrat seMce or a lepl aid office (listed 1n the phone book). Oespues de que le entreeuen esta cttaceon 1udic1al usted tiene un ptazo de 30 DtAS CALENDARIOS para presentar una repuesta esc.rita • maquirua en esta cone. Una cart.a o una llamlda tetefonica no le ofrean proteccion; au respuesta escritl a maquin. tiene que comphr con las fonnahdades leptes ~ si usted queere que la COfte escuche au caso. St usted no pt9Mnta SU resouesta I tiempo, puede petdet .. case>, y le pueden QUDr $U Milano, so d1net0 y otras COAS de su propiedad sin IMso adict0nal por J*le de ta cone. uisten otros requistos lepaes. Puede que usted quiet-. llamar 1 un abopdo mmecMtaments. Si no conoce a un 1bopdo, puede llarnar a un MMclO de rilfereticia de ~ o a W\e oficina de ayuda tept (vea et directcwio .... fonco). C... Number (Numero def Caso) N 29544 The neme Md address of the court is: (El nombte y d1reccion de la cone es) SUPERIOR COURT Of CALIFORNIA. COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO 220 W. Broedway 32S S Mefrose 250 E. Main San Oielo. CA Viste, CA El Ca;on. CA 9210 l ·3409 92()83..6627 92020-3913 The name, address end telephone number of ptaent1frs '"°"""Y. or pteinbff wrthout an .nomey, is (El nomtn. la dncceon y et nunwo de •tetono def abcipdo de dlmlndante. o det ~ que no bene •boprdo es) Aobett A. O'Connell. Esq. HUGHES & CAMP8CLL 450 "B" St,~ l~ San IMlo. CA 92101 (6l9) 231·1661 Date: AIWll 14. 1• R08£RET D ZUMWALT ~Cleftlend CtM ol tM Superior Court BY: Mary f . Holbrook Deputy 5119,5/26,6/2 6/9 2172 89-055214 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGH!ST BtOOER FOR CASH. !wfut n'P'9Y of the United StMn. or a cashier's check drMWn on any bank, cf*9it union. or savincs and loan associltion domiei~ in this state au peyable at the time of sale, all riaht. titte and i~ held by it, as Trustee, in thM real property situate In Mid~ end State. described n folton: LOT 18 Of TRACT NO. 7030, CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY Of ORANGE. STATE Of CALIFORNIA, AS P£R MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 269, PAGES 18 THROUGH 22, INCLUSN£ Of MAPS. IN THE OfflC£ Of TH[ COUNTY RECOROER Of SAID COUNTY. The..,.. eddreu orattwcommon ~of the Niii ~~described ii purpoltld ID be~ 19 Pott Edwd Circie, Ne•pcwt Blech. CaMfomia. The undlnilNd disdeims .. liabiMf tar Wl1 incor? rectneu 1n said street address ot other common dllfetlltiotL Seid .. wilt be mlde without _ .... _ ....... ot Implied. Mllf'di"I titte, possession. ot encumbr8ncel. .., ulilfy .... unpaid oblitlltiottS IKand by .... o.ed ol TNll. wieti ..... end attw sums• pnwided ttwr9in; ...... as. if ll'fl, ther9undlr end ....... ~; end plus tees. chlqn end e...-ol the Tn.tee end ol the trusts cr..e.d by said Deed ol Trust The tot.al amount of uid obli1ations, at the time of Initial pubticMion °'this Notice, is $160,570.86. 0Med: Ma.y2, 1989. REAl ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. •California corporation, as Trustee, By. O. J. Morter. its President (SEAL) 1800 North ~ay, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92706 Telephone (714) 953·8810 5/5 5/12 5/19 2144 YOU Ml IN DU AULT UNOU A DEED OF T1tUST DATED AUGUST 05, 1111. UNlUS YOU TAU ACTION TO NOTICT YOUa PllOPDTY. rT SIAY • IOU) AT A PUeLIC SALE, W YOU NUD AN UPUUTION OF lM£ NAT\m OF THI PaOCIED'"O WINIT YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYD. ....._ .. T ........ 'a s.le Undllr Deed .. TNll Tl Ne.. 5112111 a.a. Ne.. NIUON NOTICE is heteby liven that CAL FED ENTERPRISES, a Catifomia Corporation as trustee, or successor ttustee, or sub5tltuted trustee pursuant Jo the Deed of Trust e11ecuted by KJELL 0. NELSON, AN UNMARRIED MAN Recorded AUGUST 19, 1988 Instrument No. 88__.11576 of Offteial Records in the office of the County Recorder of ORANGE County, Cahforn.. and pursuant to the NotlCe of Oefautt and Electioo to Sell thereunder recorded JANUARY 13, 1989, Instrument No. 89·022342 of said Official Records. will SELL on JUNE 02, 1989 at 11:30 AM. AT MAIN ~TH ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE. 700 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE WEST, CITY OF SANTA ANA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA at public auction, to the hi&hest bidder for ca5h (J)9yabte at tune of sale in lawfull tnOtleY of the United States), 111 ri&hts, title, and interest. 'Ct>nveyed to and now hetd by it under wd deed in the property Situated m saict COt.lntY and State and desenbed as follows; LOT 24. Of TRACT NO 1133, IN THE CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY Of ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 36 PAGES 13 AND 14 Of MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE Of THE COUNTY RECORDER Of SAID COUNTY. ~ eddress is purportedly known as. 216 TUSTIN AVENUE. NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 The undefsianed Trustee disclaims 111'1'1 liabdity for any incorrectness of the street address and othet common ~. 1f any. shown herein. The toe.I amount of the unpaid balance of the obbphon secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estim*d cost~. eq>emes and advances is $40,458.40. Satd sate will be ~ convenant or warranty, express or 1mphed reordinl title, possessiOn 0t eneumbfances, to satisfy the indebtedness secuted by said Deed. includ1nc the fee and eq,ense ol the trustee and of the trusts created by said deed, adv1nces thenlundet. with interest as provided therein, and the unpaid pr1nclpel of the note secured by said deed with int.fest thereon as provided in saKt Note • CAL FED ENTERPRISES 56 70 W1tshire BouleYWd Los Anceles. CA 90036 Dated: APRIL 24, 1989 (213) 932·2979 (8:30 am · 5:00 pm) u such Trustee By STEVEN C. KA.SHER. STSO 5/5 5/~ 5119 PUalC MOTICI ncnnoua ••11111 IUMllYATWT The _,...,_,.. penon tS doin1 bu11ne11 H : J R IHVUTM£NTS. 1111 a.y. .. Or .... 230, Newport Blech92625 JRS 0.U 1IOl)FnM Corp., Catlfomla. 1111 S.yslde Dr., Ste 230, Newport 8-ch92625. This bu11MH 11 con· duCt9d by a corporation. -.ct: John &ndonf, "-· ldent, JltS 0.V.loP'"9nt Corp . n.~neme....._ tMnt eapires five yeers frilrftthe._ie .. Ateden the office of the cou~ dirk.A,_~ • .._.. ,_,.... lllllrt•lt must ..................... ,... .............. .. .................. ................ afa ........ 1 ....... ... Jlf 311R af ... rWils of .............. -. ·-·····--~ ~ .... 11111n11 Md >Q '1rar.-. kCU ¥11_ ... .... a...a.. .. ... ........... .. ·-,., '417111 11111111111111111• SPS80063 21 41 "*'CNO'ACI F1CtihOUI ••1111 MMllYAllmNT The '°'kMinl l*1IOft is doin1 bus1n.11 as THE GREAT BASKET CAPER, 435 Snus ~Ad ...... port Beech. CA 92663. Etaene A. Enlt9nd. 435 Snus ..,. ~ ' Nl•pcwt Beach. CA 92663. This busin.ss Is con· ducted by an endMduet. The re1i1trant com· menced '° trenuCt buli2 ness undef the fictitious bus.MM Mme i"'9d MxM on May 1989 EJaene A. Eriltand This'"""*" ... ftled With the County Clertt of ~ County on May 5, 1919. Fite No '·41nU Thia fictitioul nen. .... ment ••Ptret five ,..,. fromtM ... le-.lledln the office ol .... county C-.A,_~ .... ._,.._,IFM ..... ..................... TM Maw of .. 111£ .. .. dDftNllol ..... ... .................... 11:-. ............. ... vil!lllF of .. rWSta of ..•. , .......... ..... •HI I ......... , ltllOtL .... lkl•n111 ... r 'u 111 1111.1111.111 Ill 2171 s ..... Wmncl ACfiilOUI ••Put • NAMI IYATIMDIT The folkMlnc persons are doln1 bu1iness as LYN· W.000 ASSOCIATES. a c.ti- fomt. ...... partnership, #13 ~ Pean. S&"'8 200, Ne•pott BMch, CA 92660. Hopkins Development Compeny, LP., a Diie.,... limited partnership, 113 CorparMI Pim. S... 200. Ne sport Blllch.. CA 92660. ~ Corpantim .. a California corpcntlon, 25411 Coedt 5Pr"-L.Me • L.asuna Hill. CA 912653 . Jeffrey 8. Armour. an lndMduel, 25511 ...... .ood bet. ~ Hill. CA. 92653. This business is con· ducted by a ... ..,., part· mrshio. The re1istrant com· menced to tlW\YCt busJ, ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on June 26, 1984. Lynwood Associates. a Califomll &eneral J)9rtnersh1p. Hop•uns Development Company, L P, • Oelawate limited J)9rtnershtp, General Pattner Stephen Hoptuns Dwetop- ment Company " Ne•port Beech, • Calitom .. COf'P(llr'abon. General Paftnlr By. Stephen c. Hopkms President This statement was filed with the County CJetk of Or.,.. County on May 10. 1989 Fite No. F_.18148 This fictitious name state- ment expires five years from the date it was filed 1n the office of the 1county clerk. A new fictitious bus- iness Mme statement must be filed before that time. The filina of this statement does not of itseH authorize the use 1n this state of a flCtitlOUS busme$S name in VK>lat1on of the ri1hJs of lnothef under federal stMe or common law (see Section 14400 et. seQ. business •nd ~code) 5/19,5/26,6/2 6/9 2184 1-41291 PU8UC llOt1Cl hCtliiOUI ...... NAMl,.IYATIMDIT The followinc parsons .,. dotnc business as ARCHI- BALD RANCH TOWN CE~ TEA, 1 Cel1fomta aenenl partnership, 1000 Qu11I Stl9et, Suite 190, Newport Beech, CA 92660. CK Properties. a Califor. n11 pner1I partner'1h1p, 1000 Quall Street, Suite 190, Ne•pott 8Mch, CA 92660 .JcMt O...'°Pn'*lt Com- pany, ltd • a California limited pattner1tup, 302 Welt f'"lfth Streit. s.. 302, Sen '9dfo. CA 90731. Th11 buSIMH 11 con· duded by a ..,.., pert. IW'lhip. The re1l1tr•nt com· "*ad ID trlfUct bult- MM under the flc:titious ~netnetillldebcwe on Fetwu.y 21. 1tl9. CK ~ a Ce1i1ornia ..... pertneraHp Gen .......... Jeny w. Qtnll ~,.,.,., This ltlllment .. ftled with the Councy cw. of Or.,. ~ on M., 5, 1919 ,.. ... No. f-417683 NOTICE. Thit fictitious name stMement • .,... ..,..,.. ........... .................. eouney ~ A ,... Id: .._lli•ln111aw ..... ...................... ... .... "" .... ... 113 ......... of ... .............. -of•lr•h• .... IW ...... ilc s!tllfd I el ............... ... ......... Ull ........... 14atll •11111111• ..... =.tilw Ill 21• ·Le .ualC "'1tCI .... llOTICI Of~ MU s On June 8, 1919 M 11 :00 a m F'irst American Title 1nsunnce ~. a Catdorn.a corpcnhon IS Trustee. °' ~,.,.. Trustee or 'Substitut9d Trustee, of that ~ Deed of Trust uecuted by Balboe Landin&. a Calitomil ....... pertnerlhip, and NCOrded M.rch l. 1986 as tnslnament No.~ and FirstAmendmant ~ Nwamber 6, 1987 n Instrument No 87· 620561 both of Offical Records of Orariae County, Calitomie. and punuMt to thM Qtrtain Notice of Default ~ NCOfded Octobet 25, 1988 IS lnstn.tment No 88-545509 of Offic.af Records of said County, will under and ~ to saed Deed of Trust seU at pUbhc auction for c.sh, i.wNt money of the Unfled StMes of America. 1 cashtef's cNck pepble to said Trustee drawn on a stMe or NlboMt t.nk, a check dr.., by a state or federal credtt ""'°"·or a check ctr... by• stMe or~ Y'ltfl&S and '°"' auociation, or savtncs t>lw* specified 1n Sect'°" 5102 of the f°tNneial Code and authonzed to do bustness 1n this stMe. at the rNtn entrance to first American Title tnMnnce Compeny locMed at 11• East fifth Street, 1n the C~ of s.nt. Ana, Cahforn1a all that naht title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust 1n the property situated '" said County a~ State desct'ibedH All that certain land situated 1n the state of California. OOt.1nty of Oranae. city of Newport Beach, descnbed as follows Plrcef 1 A Leasehold Estate In and To Lots 1. 2. 3, 10, 11, the easterly 1 00 foot of lot 4. and the usterty 1 00 foot of lot 9 in block 3 of the Balboa Bayside tract. as shown on 11 map teCOf"ded tfl-Book-4, f'aae 78 of Miscellaneous Maps. records of Orang~ County, California uoeptma therefrom, the easterly l 00 foot of the souther1y 30 00 feet of said lot 11 Plrcel 2 A Leasehold Estate In and To That portion of lot 8 of Section 35 township 6 south. ranae 10 west. San Bernardino mend1an, described as follows Bea1nn1n1 at lhe northeasterly comet of lot 2 1n t»ock 3 of the Balboa Bayside tract. as shown on a map recorded in Book •. Paae 78 of miscellaneous maps, records of Oranae County. Cahforn1a, thence northwesterty alona the northeasterly hne of said block 3 .to the northwesterly comet of the ~sterty l 00 toot of lot 4 1n said block 3, thence northeasteriy •loni the northe~erly prolonption of the northwesterly line of said easterly 1 00 foot of lot 4 1n block 3, to its 1ntenection with the hne of ordinary h11ti Ude of the Pac1f1c Ocean in Newport Bay, as estabhshed by Decree '1mdered November 5. 1928 1n th\ Supenor Court of Callfom1a. 1n and for Oranae County, a cert1fted copy of which was recorded November 5, 1928 In Book 215 Paae 160 of Off1<:1al Records of said Oranae County. ~e southeasterly alonl said tide line to its intersection with the northeasterly pro6onptl0fl of the southentef1y hne of said lot 2. then southwesterly alona last said northeasterly prolon1at1on to the point of bepri~. Pan:et 3 A Leesehold Utate In and To TMt pomon of lot 8 of section 35. Township 6 south, ,.,,.. 10 west. San Bernardino mendtan, descnbed as toRo.s Bestmtnc .e the northwestefty comer of lot 1 1n block 3 of the 8atboe 8aysade tract. as shown on a map recotded '" Book 4, Pate 78 of miscef~ IT\aP$. tf!ICC)rds of ~County, Cahfom1a, thence nottheaster1y aao.,. the northeastef'ty ~of the northwe•stet1y hne of uid lot l to its 1ntwsection wrth the hne of ord1~ htih tide of the Pacific Ocean 1n Newport Bay as est.abh5hed by Decree r900fded November 5, 1928 1n the Supenor ~of Cahtom ... 1n and for Oralll9 County, a eert1fM!CI ~of wfMch WH ~ ~ 9, 1928 ID Book 215 p._. 160 of olfic11I records of Mild 0tanee County. ~ southeesteny alone uld tide hne to its intersection with the northe.sterty prolonptton of the northwesterly tine of P.tm StNM. as shown on said map of Balboa Bayside tract: then southwesterly alon1 la~t said ~ prolonptton to its 1ntenection With the ~~'°"of the nortneastef1y l1neof said block J : thencle ~ 1n a direct ltne to the pomt of blenn•f'll· ~·: A l..enehold E1tMe In Mld To ThM ~ of btock 3 of the Balboa Bayside tract. "'°"" IS unnumbeNd lot 1n said block 3 of a !NP recorded 111 8ooll •. Pao 78 of mtscef&.neous maps, records of Or.,.. County. Caltfomta, described n follow5 ..,...,,.,..,. 8t a poent on the easterly hne of lot 23 1n block A of Blyl\de. as shown on a map recotded 1n Book 3. ,_. 38 of Mid mitcetlaneous maps, whteh poent 1s 72 00 ._. northef1y Ot the nortNrty hne of Bay AYenUe, • lhcMn on ued map of Baystde. thence westerly .t ,... .,,...., 30 00 fMt; thence northetty, wallet With Plln'I ser_. (tornw1y Matn Street IS shown on satd map of a.,..cte). to the ~ comer of lot l in said bfock 3, thenaa touttlelstetty akw'I en. ~Y hne ol ued block 3 to the north•• ·~ line of Yid Palm ~ --=-IOUttt••llM1..,. ...... nof1tl'"5tef'ly ..... to .. Point ol ~ --~with thM pottton ol the ~ one-hatf of the llltey, n shown on said lllboe ._... trec:t. .cijoinint Uid unnumbered lot on ---tiDUlh;-baunded ..wty bi/ ... notthelty prok)nption of the 111t1rtr HM al kit 12 of 8d block 3 and bounded nhrty t», tM ~ proloupbon of the wterty hne of lat 1 al Mid block 3 Pwcef 5 A I llllhald [llMI an and To Lota 1 and • '" block 3 of the &alba. &.ystde ltKt. • ...._, on 1 ,.,., NCOfded "' Book •. Pace 78 of miK1l•w ,...._~of e>r.,.. CouMy, Cahfor· ""l:S I• wilh tNe PGrtiOn of the~~ .... of the....,, 10 00 .... wide, IS lhoMt on-..··- ldla ••Mid• 7and8onthe~•MlidaUey --cte1 It br "• lllhlliort No as.as al tM Qy Council ol .. di, of ... /PCAl a.ch • Clf't•fied copy of which -recotdld _.... l 9, 1916 -INlr\lment No 86· W5 ol OMcW -.CC.di ol Mid e>r.,,.. CoUnty, said ................. llH•••••"1J.., ... ~ ,.... are: , ",. • •11111rtv ... of Yid kit a. and 'llGI llllid -9 111 'tf ... , .... DI rtrr1y prolonptton af ...... 1111 ttNneofMid lat7. .... 6: A • •'f hlld &1111 lri 8nd To· Ltt 1111 ._,.,..._._., .. net.•~ on I .... I f I 1R .... 4, fllsl 11 e1' mitc1ttrlneout ~ • *"°' c ClllRr. ca•: •• ... af .. • Jt C au I 1' .. IL , 1tJ UJO I. I Parcel 1 A lAaMtlOkt Estate In and To: Th.t portion of lots 22 and 23 of block "A" 8-yside, as per map f'ecofded in Book 3, ~of miscellaneous maps tn the office of the County Recorder of said County Commenclrc at the southeHterty comer of said lot 23 1n block ·w· of Bayside; thence northerly on the enterty ltne of said lot. 30 feet; thence westerly, parallel to the southerly hne of lots 22 and 23 of said block "A". to the westef'ly line of said lot 22: thence southeriy on said westerly hne of .aid lot 22, to the southerly line thefeof; thence easterly to the point of becinnnina. betnc the southerly JO feet of lots 22 and 23. Eacept1na th«efrom, the westerly one toot of the southerly JO feet of said lot 22. Parcel 8 A wsehold Esute In and To; The southerly 10 feet of the easterly 1 foot of lot 11, block 3. Balboe Bayside tract. as shown on a map thereof recorded 1n Book •. Pate 78 of miscellaneous maps, records of said Oranae County Parcel 9 A lusehold Estate In and To: Lot 12 In block 3 of Balboa Bayside tract. as shown on a map recorded 1n Book 4, Paae 78 of m iscellaneous maps, records of <>ranee County, California, toaether with that port1on of the southwesterly one-half of the alley, 1 O 00 feet wide, as shown on s.a1d map, adjoinin& said lot 12 on the northeast, as said alley was vacated by Resolut1on No 85·85 of lhe City Council of the oty of Newport Beach, a cert1f1ed copy of which was recorded Auaust 19, 1986 as Instrument No 86-369945 of Official Records of said Orange County, said portion being bounded southeasterty by the northeasterly prolonaat1on o1 the_ northeasterly ltne of ~1d lot 12. and bounded northwesterly, by lhe southeasterly prolongation of the northwesterty hne of said lot 12 And all personal property subject to said Deed of Trust The street address or other common des1gnat1on of satd propert'y 1s purported to be 301. 305 Palm Street, Newport Beach, Cahforn1a and 500, 504 EaS1 Bay Avenue, Newport Beach, California Name and address of the ~nef1c1ary at whose request lhe sale is be1na conducted BA Mortgage and lnterna tional Realty Corporation. 500 Washington Street. San Francisco, California 94 111 Altenhon. David Eales Directions to the abcwe property may be obtained by requestina same 1n wnt1na from the beneficiary w1th1n 10 days from the first pubhcation of this notice Saud sale will be made without cOYenant or warranty, express or 1mpf1ed. as to title, possesslOfl or encumbran- ces to satisfy the unpaid balance due on the note or notes secured by said Deed of Trust. to wit: S7,799.•59 48. plus the follow1n1 estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the 1n1t1al pUbhcatlon of this Notice of Sale. $22,314 . .a NOTICt TO NOPDTY OWfilElt You are 1n default under a Deed of Trust. d~ February 28, 1986 Unless you take acteon to protect ~r property, 1t may be sold at a pUbhc sale. If you need an uplanat1on of the nature of the proceed1n1 A1311nst you. you should contact a~. FIRST AMERtCAN nnE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Cal1tomia corporahon by Pat Smdt • Authof1zed Officer 114 East fifth Street. Santa Ana, Caltfomia 92701 (71•) 558-3211 Dated May 11 . 1989 5/19,5126.6/2 2193 PU.UC NOTIC£ Noteoe 1s hereby 11ven that on June 8. 1989, at 11-00 a m , at the main entrance to First Amencan Title Insurance Company located at 114 East fifth St~eet.. Santa Ana, Cahfom1a, the follow1na property will be sold at public sale -TIO:-Payee~s 1 in ffia certalnSeCU 1ssory Note dated N<Mtmber 2. 1987, 1n the onamal principal amount of $400,000, with an outstandina principal balance of approximately $319,000, from Roland Frank Vallely and VMan Munet Vellety, as trustees of the Vallely Family Tust. as makeB ("Malun1 . tn faYOr of Balboa Land•na. a Califom1a 1eneral partnership, as peyee ...._ (•Pa,eej Such note IS payable tn installments, and prCMdes that payment$ under the note will be offset aptnst renuts due but unpaid under that certain Ground Lease dated~ 10, 1986 between Makers. as lnMr. Mld ,.,_, n les.see The Pay9es' interest 1n tha1 certain Time Certificate of Oeposrt t20055037n8. •ssued by uneon Sank for Payee's account and dated Februaty 10, 1986 In the pnncipal amount of S5.000. wt11ch es sut>,ed to• pled&e to the C ty of Newport Beach, Cahfom~ The property will be sold tor cash, certified check or cashier's check to the h11hest btdder and without warranty. Ul)reSS or Implied The property to be told is subfect to seeuntY ..,_. ments ._. .. n ~.as borrowet, and BA Mortpea and International Re.atty Corparabon, as secured party ("'Seand P9rV), and the sale 1s betnc held to •.,_ca the ncta "' Secured Party under such security ..,... ments The Pfos-'1Y, or c::opes thereof, may be 6ntpected 8t the office of BA Mof1allil and I~ Realty Corporateon. 500 Wnhineton Stntet, San fr..-clsco, Cahtorne.9'1 l l b«w•n tbehouraof9:00a m anct•:30 p.m ., ~ ~ Friday Furttw information may be obtatned by coruc:tm1 D.wt £.ales .e the abcM address. or by.....,. .. at (415) 622-8363 Dated: May l l , 1989 I BA MORTGAGE ANO INTERNATIONAL MAl TY COtltPOMT.oN By:TedteeM Assistant Ytce ~ 5/19,5/26,6/2 PUaJC M)TIC( T11\I a.Ill NO. ftl 1111.IJI 19Ul1'B Ml.I llO. F· ll ll W1WE I r.'I: ft.Wl .. 111 NOncl., ftUITll"I uu 2192 YOU ARE IN 0€.fAULT UN0£R A DUO OI TRUST OATEO 04/0l/86 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROfECT VOU9' PROPERTY, fT MAY 8E 90l.O AT A PU8ltC SA&.£ 1r YOU NUD AN CXP\.ANA T10N Of THE NATUA£ OF TH[ NOCEtOtHGS AGAMT YOU. YOU SHOUlD CONTICT A LAWVER On 06IOllll• 10:00 A.M CAl·wtST MORTGAGE 00 n"'9:1 fJ 'Flld TNllleundtr and ......... tDO... of TNllU .... CM/111• • DDCI nwll -. .. ,.,..., ....... ., .. aMC:llo11'9 ..... ~ =:a.°fle~t:ic·~.\:'= .. IMY It 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN......,_ II . PUBltC AUCTION TO THE HtGHEST BtOOER FOR CASH (P9)lllble 8th time of ule tn t.wf\MI money ol h UNtied States .t THE NORTH FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 700 CIVIC CENTER ORIVE WEST. SANT A ANA. CA. 92701 all nlht. title and intents1 conveyed to and now hf-'d by It under satd Deed of Trust in the property situated 111 satd County, California, describinc the land therein A LEASE.HOLD INTEREST IN AND TO LOT 5, TRACT 1102, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 35, PAGE 36 Of MISC MAPS, IN THE OfFICE Of THE ORANGE COUNTY RECORDER The street address and other common desi1nation, 1f any, of the real property described above 1s pUrp()fted to be 2665 e.tyshore Drive. Newport Beach. CA 92663 The unders.1ned Trustee d1S()la1ms any liablhty to any incorrectness of the street address and other common des11NtJOn, 1f any, shown herein Said sale will be made, but wrt.hout covenant or -- warranty, express or 1mplM!CI, reprd1n1 title, possesst0n or encumbrances to pay the rema1nm1 S)(1napal sum of the note(s) secured by satd Deed of Trust. with interest thereon. as pra111ded 1n said note(s) ~. 1f any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust. tees, char&es and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. to-wit Sl 10,238 50 es11mated at the hme of 1n111al pubhcation The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heremtofore executed and delivered to the unders1aned • written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a wntten Notice of Defaull and Election to Sell The undersigned caused s~11d Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded 1n the county where lhe real P'OPerty ts located Cal West Monaa&e Co 320 N Hwy 101 Enc1hltas CA 92024 By Nancy 8 Spangler Asst Secretary (619) 753 6366 Date Q5105/89 5119. 5126. 6 /2 P'UBllC NOTICE 2176 NOTIC[ Of OEATH AND Of PETTTlON TO AOlllNISTU UlAT£0f METIA 8. NELSON ab META 8. NELSON CASE NO. A·l4&313 To all heirs. beneficiaries, creditors. contin&ent creditors and persons Who may be otherwise interMted 1n the will or estate, or both. of METIA 8 NELSON aka MET A 8 NELSON A petition has been filed by MURIEL JEAN STOL TE 1n the Supenor Court of California, County of Otanae requestma thal MURIEL JEAN STOL tE be aPP<>1nted as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests authority to adm1n1stef the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with hmrted authority (This authority allows the personaJ ·repres.enQt1ve to take maiy actions Without obta4"'"& COUf\ ~.. Befofe tak1na ~n actions howe;er, the pet'50ftlJ representatn1e is ,.quH"ed to 1JW! notice to interested persons untess tMy ~ walVld notice or consented 1n the proposed action.) The independent adm1n1stration authonty wtll be &ranted unless an interested person tiles ~ objection to the pet1t10n and shows aood cause why the court should noc srant the authonty A HEARING on the petitt0n will be hetd .on 6/8/89 at 1 45 p m 1n Dept 3 located at 700 CNIC Center Onve West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 IF YOU OBJECT to the crantUll of the petdJon. you should ettner appe¥ at the heamic ancLstate your obtecteons. or file wntten obfecttons Wtth the court before the heanna Your a~rance may be in person or by your attorney Jf 't'OU AREA.CRWTOR-«~1"19nt ciedttof the decused. you must file your claim With the court and mail a copy to the ~I repr~~1ve appoirUd by the court w1th1n four months from t.he d.ee of first issuance of letters as provided 1n sectton 9100 of the California Probate Code The tulle for f1hna claims will not expire pnor to four months from the dat~ the heannc noticed aboYe YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. tt you are a pen.on interested 1n the estate. you may file wrth the court a formal Request for Soeaal NOOoe of the fit1na of an ifNlet'ltoty Ind apcn.sement of estate ~ or of any petition CK acaM1t as PfOV'lded 1n secbon l~ of the California Probate Code A Request for Soecial Notice bm IS wa1lable from the court def1t ATTORNEY· EDWARD J WATSON & PATRICIA M. OlCOMCND\' DREHER. GAA'flNKlE & WATSON JOO Mootpnet ~ St., 11060 5/19,5/26,6/2 PU9IJC N011CI ..... -...,-rn-a ... Of AINCATION TO -.&. ALCOttCM.JC lh'UPID ~-89 To Whom It M.tJ eonc.n. JOU8RAN, Faraj N, ' AAftf(. 5jlll M ere~ to the OeoMl••il of Ak:o- halic ......... Control '° .... lk:ohahc ........ , It llOl .,.,.. St . Sle 150, ...... a.en 92660 with •41 •On Seti Beer and WtM E8tinl .... licllf1oM 5119 2187 WllOTICI ·~ .... ,.lll'ITl .... a .. or...,. aw TO IBI. MCDla.iC . ... RI I S.10-89 Jo.._,." -eonc.m: EVANS. Anne Wiliem 0 & MM l [WM TNlt d9ted 7·27 13. Anne E..n~ .......... tD .. °"*""" af Ak:o-.. • 1'119l eon.rot ID ........ ., ...... 1111-.cka.,°"'9. .... 7. NI f D rt 8Mdt t2'MO .. -.1·0n .......... ....... ~ Sen Franosco, CA tt l ~ 2171 WllOTICI ... ......... 11• UMllTU111BR The ~ oerton is doet'll bustneu • ,AMA • ADVANCED MARKETING ASSOCIATtON. 444 S T'4> tin AM., #A2, ~. CA 92666 8dl Baltard, ..... S. Tustin Ave • #A2 , Oran1e. CA 92666 This business is con· ducted by an unmcorpo- rated 1$SOCMltlOfl other than a partnership The re11st.rant com- menced to t:ransac:t t>uj;. ness under the f1ctiteous buSfness name lrsted ~ on Jan l, 1989 D Forbesley This statement was filed with the County Cleft( of Orance County on May 15. 1989 File No F-418723 This fictitious name state· ment eicp1res f ive years from the date 1t was filed in lhe office of lhe county clerk A new ftct1tious bus 1ness name statement must ~ hied before that ttme The filtna of this st•tement does not of itself authonze lhe use in this state ot a hct1t10Us business name 1n violation of the rights of another under federal state or common law(~ Section 14400 et seQ business and profesStonal code> 5/l 9,.5/f6. 612 6/9 . 2179 ""8UC NOTICE flC'TTTIOUS IUSIN£SS NAiil STAltMlNT The followlna person is dotn& busmess as PHOTO STOP. 3030 E Coest H1ah way. Corona del Mar. CA 92625 Ronald Wayne Jesser, 695 Warm Sands Dr • Palm Spnnas. CA 9226-4 This business 1s con ducted by an individual The re11strant com· menced to traMICt bus1 ness under the fiCt1bOus bu$fness n.ne listed abowe on 7.182 Ronatd W Jess.er This statement WIS filed wttt't the County CleB ot Oranae County on Mey 9. 1989 File No F-4180n This ftCtlllOUS ~ ~e­ ment upires five years from the date 1t was filed 1n the office of the county c~ A new f1CtJt.tou5 bus· 1ness name statement must -~ before-thM ...... The ftl1nc of this statement does not of itself authome the use in this state of • fictitious business name in vtOlatton of the n1hts of another under federal stMe or common taw(see ~ l 4'00 et seq busmess and profnSO\al code) 5/19,5/26,6/2 6/9 2169 PUalC llOTICI ntiliiOUI MlllllU UMllTA~i The .......... ..,-aon IS doi"l..__•CHELSEA MORTGAGE. 2600 East Coat H.,_,, Corona Clal Miit, CA 92625 C...... ....... Corpo.. rMion. CIWamia, 2600 E.nt Cont t •••••• Corora del MW.CA92625 This bus.tness cs con· ducllld bf a corpotM.on The ~rant com· menced ., lrwec:t ~ ""' undw .. fictitious buliMll ,.,...., jboiifii on APril 17, 1•. C'-'-....... I CoiD 0 Hind\ VPJ81raMr Thil "r' I ._. -filed ....., lhl c....er °"" of Or.,.~ on Mllr 15. l •. File No f-418121 Thhfilllt' ......... "'"' ~ ,... ,..,. "°"" ...... _ ..... .... aftice if .. <••11i1J ~ ........ .. ._..,. ,, .. ...... bl llld ........ .. n.-. ........ . ----....... ... ..... ., .... -. .. . ..... >.t -· .. ..•.. " ......... ............... •t&I St ....... ~-.--.. s::=tll • • • ,_ ,.._.., 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Class· WEMMCEWXJR HOUSE SPARKLE An~1m1111111111.._.. dlll:il1d ser-a. EZ.~Nfs.StW'· on·s HoUIKleanina. 9641235 .. , or-a•• CERAMIC TILE Custom Tile Work. Floors. counten & show· ~. Brick rx block. con-crae. 15 vrs exp ac ref. lr11ne Const;uchon. (714) ~-1772 CGIHIWL AH worll •rr..-.t. Ucen19d ......... of --loc&lld in ,_ Aa•t• an...., in a.111a ....... m1 ,.._T .... 5U410l 8Al.W DENTAL ARTS Introduces New Owner Don Simpeon, OMO 20 Years Expenence m .. • General Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crown & Bridge • Penodonbcs • EndodonllCS Evening/Sat. Appts available. 673-45'7 317M1.-MeAwe. ...... Wend ROBERTM. DAVIS, MD F._..... p ctice .. ,_, tac Bwd Certified • Gynecology •Sports Medicine · • Physical Therapy 20311 Acacia, NB 250-4244 GellltiiCS GYHlCOLOGY ..unLITY • Member Or•"ee County Medical Association • Oiplomate American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecok>cy ltichMI C. --.. M.D. RAYMOND £. BERG. M.0. 01pl Amer Bd of Ort ho paed1c Surgery Sports Medicine. Arthroscopic Surgery, f r actures. Neck and Back Prob lems 17 years m Nl:i 400 Newport Center Or111e, #506, NB 760-1711 IChriRIPh• lJOft M0,'9t Board Certified AMA. OCMA. CAO • Cosmetic Ltd Tucks • Contact Lenses • Rad ial Keratotomy • Dry·Eye. Tear Ducts · • Laser Glaucoma •Cataract Implants LYON EYE INSTITUTE Fashion Island 1401 Avocado, #402 760-3003 Olt MELVIN L FOULDS Cfinicat "rcholaclst #PW 5481 lndl\/lduals. Couples, Fam1hes 2!' yrs experience f ree ln1t1al Consultation Evening & Weekend Appts A11~1I 120 Ne1111 POrt Center Or #200 Newport Beach 7&0-0•. -GOVERNMENT JOBS $151400·$72,500 NOW HI R1 NG. Excellent benef · its, Call 504·649· 7922 Ext J 2550 GOVERNMENT JOBS $18,037 to $69,405. Immediate hirinc! Your are.. Can (refundable) l · 518-459-3611 Ext F 2954 for Federal list 24 hrs ATTENTION-Hiring! Gowimment jobs · your area. $17,840-$69~. Call 602·838-8885 t.Xt R 3375 EARN $7.75 HR. We need assistance in eva· luating and responding to daily work reports sub· m1tted by our agents throughout the state. No exp~mence necessary; Paid to complete train· ing. Work at home. For information send self. addressed, stamped envelope, 9~ inches long to: AWGA, Dept. E BoX 49204, Atlanta. GA 30359 ATTENTION: EXC£LLENT INCOME for home assembly work. For informabon. call 504- 646-1700 Dept P237. EARN $500 OR MORE weekly stuffing enve· lopes at home. No expe- rience necessary. For F~E information send sett-addressed stamped envelope to: Mairing Associates, P.O. Box 7176i Dearborn, Ml 4812 SPORTS ENTHUSIAST WANTED ll)e Newport Ensiln is k>okina for • summer intern who is .. ...,.., °"' oa NMiHT-CAU-..-... .... '50-3777 '" wortcq 10 hours per week cOYeJin4 local ...,.,.__sports.= Knowt1 -~ .- wide,... of~ and ~evious writinc expe- rience is a must Cci l111 sUllnts ...... ,ed. eon. The Hi1hest QuMity Home Improvement and Repair Expert Carpentry Licensed & Insured Reasonable Rates --· (714) .. 6165 (714)498-7179 USAIR TICKET GOOD ANYWHERE ON US AIR SYSTEM. SELL CHEAP. GOOD UNTtl 9/ 15. CALL EVENINGS ,&42-1804 200 ......... FOUND r Lovin1 snort-haired blKk and mutti-c:olored cat Declawed. White tipped tail. Found on Bat~ Island 4/30. 673-6432 ~-~~: mont illbmltiol1. ASsemblitw products at home. Smjjt piece~ jewlry, ~ etec:bon· 'F.!i.. typ_1n1. sew_•'11· NT\.Y NOW! (213) 859- 6938 DUUHELPEIS Applications are now -. 8Ccepl9d for ta airls and ~· boys. P9e9se -oolY tn penon at fWDh's GrOc..y, 380 E. 17th Str-. Colt.a Mesa. ASSEMBLERS WANTED Eam money assemblinl musical ':= bears. Materials ied. '"No SeUina." Write to Jo.El Enterprises. P.O. Box 2837,0eland,Fl32723- 2837. EARN $500 TO $600 OR MORE weekl~ffina enve~ at . No exper ience necessary. For free information, send self-addressed stamped envelope to: National, P.O. Box 7280, Dearborn, Ml 48121. BE ON TV! Many needed .. for commercials. Now h1nng. all ages. For cast· ing mfo. call (615) ng. 71 11, ext. T819. ummTIATM Alm'f AIT .. ...... -m-1 PllEITlll sam+ Your initiatiYe and good secretanal skills can t.ke you far with this ll<>winl c ompany. fun atmos· phere, good benefits. Fast notes or Shorthand a plus. Ask for #E2512. 015 omCEMATU (714) 78-1171 FAXYMIEl•E (71417M1• Confidential · 100% Free Event Interviews Avail. LITE TYPING OK $20,000+ Never. dull moment km to learn. PeopM titci, phones, project will make the dllY fty bl Top benefits, 1rowt potential. Ask f E#2527. 015 Of'ACIMA1U (7141 lllell Fil YM•IDDE 17141111-11• ConfidlnUI · 100.. F,.. E . IMlfwiewsAwil. 40l-lllHl II tor llnl/UlllHm FOllEASE Palos Verdes Esfates. ='4":t-2~ Mo. Days 770-8835. Eves/Weekends 495-1302 OPEN HOUSE s.t. & Soo. 1-5 p.m. 602 Center St., Cosba Mesa._ V«y ... 28R + 1 BA. fir&plKe, d/w, w/ d hoolcup Wl&"'8d ceit- i nss. $9'75/mo. Call Tonyllt 21380x5272 ...... U.rlu:L11l1h1d FOR RENT: Spaceous lBR & 28R .._ 0.- ANa, ~ own lacMd ....... MOO to $725 ps manlh. 665 Pwt. DrWe. Call 631 ·2276. 411••-..... I ( Clciss 417~nDftleillilll Newport B11ch Oceantront.• furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apart ments, $500/week and up. Available now! Agent 67>8170 MAUl/KAANAPALI BEACH l Bdrm or 2 Bdrm condo. Ocean view. Ful_ly furn. & equipped. T enn1s/ J)OOI/ belch. As low as $75/ ~· Brochure 854· lOOOSQ. n . Up to ~Off First Year. Exclusive Newport Beach address First Floor Suite. Newer Carpet Immediate Occupancy. For more detail, please contact Don SamtS, 838-5835 508-Houses for s.le ATTENTION! GOVERNMENT HOMES trom $1 (you repair) Delinquent w property Repossesseons. Calf l 602-838-8885 Ext. 3375 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1.00 ~ir) Fatedosures. • Tax Oehnquent Prooert1es. Now seth~ ca1f l · 31 f>. 736-7375, Ext. H-CA·Nl for cu~ ltst. 24 hours 501-Hou... for We GOVERNMENT HOMES! From $1 00 (U REPAIR) fOfeclosures Repos T a.x OehnQuent Properties Nqw Sell Thts Area• Call (Refundable) 1 315· 733·6064 Ext. G369 For Current l1st1ngs WIDOW HAS MONEY for equ1~. loan/tds $10.000 up. No quahfy· 1ng/nopenatty. Call Oen· 1son Assoc. 7141673 7311. NOW' 100.HOME GARAGE SALE Sat. May 20. 9 am to 4 pm Annual Seville Homeowners Assoc1a· lion Sale · M1sseon Vieio. otf T rabuco Road at Modesto or La Vina. between Los Altsos and El Toro Road ' GIANT GARAGE SALE! Baby furniture, k>ts of ktd's clothes, bikes, mtS· ceUaneous furniture, kit· chen items, lots of clothes Come see for ~self! 1221 Pem· e. Newport Beach. Look for ~ on IMne BMS at 19th Street. s ed Country Life French Writ· tn& Desk $600 Martin of London Annoere $1000: was $1900 wholesale Casablanca Fan S200: was $500 Ginny 960 4995 11 Vear A.ntiQue and Grft Shop would ltke to pur chase p< constgn Quahty antique tumrture. QU11ts, vintage textiles. porce- lain, s.tver. crystal and decoratNe accessor.es MOODS AND llEllOllES I 631.:3573 USAIR TICKET GOOD ANYWHERE ON US AIR SYSTEM. SELL CHEAP GOOD UNTIL 9/ 15 CALL EVENINGS 642-6804 CENTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP $4500 494-1474 828-lnv1 tblwdlls ENJOY 13· l 5 return tds. Also ~ on & buy tds. $10.000 up, 1 m1( plus. Call Oen1soo A.sSI> c1ates 714/673· 7311 NOW! 917-llotll • Hom• OPEN HOUSE. Sun l ·5 pm .• 396 East 21st Street. 5'*::e # l. Costa Mesa. ~Med l BR. Senior p.af'k S26. 950 Owner 645-2~25. 15 19 DOWN I Snatches 2 Vttda opus } MO'ft bKttwud and foreword 4 Craf _ S Harama • lntasb actor 6 Oao.'stoa 1 f OtC&ra boM I .. _ M Fot Nwdu .. 9 O.S,.tdt • 10 ~ .. of,. 11 ~ upktl'f« I? lertlol' .. Harold an -" I l s...rt-ectress Lon~ 14 Outdt ,rare peanl~r 17 l.ndt~rs conctrn 23 "I _ tack out of 24 _ beM JI Datpaa • •t II. I• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN--lm II 3:! Boswell's forte 33 Henpcd. }4 MWl\.hed 16 N Y tune ~one. al umes 17 Japanese drama JI f'liys.acw Isidor lsuc 39 Manp 40 .. ltUy _ .• 41 T cnn of rndurment 42 Hcsa's mer 4J P\tm~ IOU.fU 46 Pocpoww 41 Eu hansth. •rstrntnt 49 .. _ a prl'" SO P\anuc an aulbor~llUI S :! Shade trrr SJ f ortune S4 Yrondcr SI llrpeat 11 12 1) 1 S9 Loch _ 60 Trtt alan 10 tbt breadfnu1 61 Mab possible 64 Least t11tercs11na 6S Rook>a' wpcnon 66 CMtttr 67 Vchcmnt daift 61 F ren-. h JC>ftrlW\& body 69 Larae upamir 70 ~ad of • wind l.llstrumnt 74 Hawauan ttmkT trtn ACROSS 1S Columnt.SC 8om~d: 16 -1 .... tcdtl"I -.. D~nn I Emulates Dorcas 77 St~hum fc~turc S Speed uuts 79 C"hokr I 0 Com-t«* rcsuJt IS Stole 16 Eoemr ofthc A11• 11 M u.acal vou P 19 Play•n&bt William 20 L~ 21 Macktb was onc 22 Summon an actral 2S Caustic 26 Photopaphtr's abbr 111~~~11111111~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... !!!!!!!llllllL..~~~~~~~--.,·27 Supctlalrnend.U\a~~-11 Toy o aurstl')' rhyme "*1C N011C£ FICtltiOUI WOS IMMl lTATIMUfT The 9QlkJwtf11 penon IS dotf1S buslneSS as 8 & B TOOL. 15"' Riverside Ptaee, Costa Meu, CA 92627 Lisa ..... lette Bateman. 1514 R-.. Ptace. Cosu Mesa.CA92627 Thas business 1s con· ducl8d ~In andMdual The r .. 1str1nt com· ~ to tr.-.ct busa ness under the f.cbt10t.1s bulinlU nwne listed~ on S.lo..89 Lisa e.teman This ~ W1$ filed with the County Clef1t of ~County on May 15. l•" Fiie No F~18725 This fidlbous name state ~t eaptres hve ye,ars hom the d* It wes filed 1n tM office of tM county d9rtl_ A new fditjouS bus iniu,.,.. ........... must be Ned e.be tNlt bme The ....... of thi$ stMement oai.. Nil of itllllf autttat•ze --~.,..---of• flctllDIS bulineu NfTle 1n ~ of the netm of ...... undlf.._.._...e or aw••••• •c ... s.a;on 14400• ...... bulinil$S and pn ......... oodl) ~lt.5126.6/2 619 217• 1.414 , Ne.part Beach. CA 92663 St~ l Gumpert. •3 Hillsdale. Newport Bexh, CA92660 J1mm1e 0 Walt.ams, 1 CA.lrt Dnw. Carona de' Mar. CA92625 This business as con· ducted by a ltmtted partner shq> s.cned Richard Gum pert This ~ was fited wtth the County Clerk ol Oraoae County on Apnf 19, 1989 File No F41591S This ftebtlOUS ,_.,,.It* ment eaptres tiwe years from the date at wn filed tn tne office of the county clef'tl A new fictJttou:s bus mess name .... ..,,.,... mus& be flled before thllt bme. The tali~ of tNs _.., ... doeS not of ltMtt autharin the use an this st*' of a fictlllOUS buli,_ t'WN in vi<MattOn of the nttltS ol 1nottwu1.W...,., ..... "'commona.w(w ....... l 4'00 .. MQ buliMI&.,., ptOfessioNll code) 4128 5/5 5/12 5119 2136 PUmJC lliiOTICI nc t mous •11111• NWITUllJl JT n ... to1_.,..,.. •• .,. doi"8 bUSfMSS as INltR NATIONA.l SOlAR O(V[l· OPM£NT COMPANY, 601 Dower Drive. ~ ...... part 8Mch, CA 92661 J.mei ()unun, Mfllol-9fosm1M. Y C¥r1nza. 4A Cabo s.t'I lUCH G9ry p ~. 601 ~°""'·~a ...... Po" a.ch. CA 92663 Ttua busanen as con· ..... ~ ....... '*'. ••• o.tyP ........... This 11 1 ,,.,.. -Ned .. .. <:...er Clef" " Or.Ince County on May 15, 1989 f ile No F-418724 This fic:tltlOUS ,_,,. ~e ment eap1res five years from the mt. It -f, led in the office of the county dettl. A new fictitious bus 1ness Mme ~It must be h'9d e.be thlle time The~ ol .,_ 11 1 nerat does not ol itMH althofize the use "' ttlis st.Me al a hctitiouS bus.inelS Mme '" violatlOn ol the rems of another under tederal state 0t comrno11..., (see Section l ..-00 .. teQ busineSS and ~code) 5119,5/26,6/2 6/9 2175 ......CM»TICE Atilt ... 11111• ........ ". The ....... l*W1$1f'e doina ......,_ • MAR · TEX. 23011 -. II t Palk· way, Suite E-10. Lacuna Hills 92653 (1) F ...,_.. ...,.,.s (2) Eva H. ....,.,tS, 235-42 r,.,.., ~ Hilts CA 926S3 Th~ bus•~s 1s con· ducted by hUlbllnd •nd wile TM ,....,w .. (s) com· ,....__. ID lrwed bulli- MM Yndlr tM fictitiOUS buSlfteaS ...-.(&) ti9ted ._on: NIA. Si9rted F ............ n.11 1 I :m• -.... ---~Clnol Or-.~• Allril 2•. ·-,. .. -f416111 Thia••••._.._. ment I II,_ IWe ..,S "°"' ...... _ ..... tt;e ....... ......, ~· .• , .. -.... irWW I 2 n111 .... ............ _ ----,_,_ .. does not of itself authoriz~ the use 1n this si.e of a f9(;t1tlouS busines.s ~ 1n lnOlabon of the nahts ot another under tedeta st.Mr OI c:oml'11Cln law (lft Section 14400 et sea business and ~code) 4/28 515 5/12 5119 2127 1 .... 1 "*.IC 9IOTICl nctn ... • an 1• ..._ ITAQJ INT The ~II penon IS ~ businea as EATING ON THE EDGE. 3318 v .. Oporto. Neapo;t Beech. CA 92663 C.,.. On The e., Inc . Cal1tomia, 3378 Y.a Oporto, Neaport 8-c:h. CA 92663 This business •s con· ductlld ~ • COlp011lt10111 The r .. tstrant com· met lcied to traNKt ~· neu under the fM:titiou:5 business rwne or ,..,. Mted abcJIWlt on Aoril 30. 1919 Elillnl On The Edll H.IWytWns ........ This st•:.11•: ,,,.,._,,., -filed ....... c.ny CWk ol e>r.,..~on-9 ... 1919 f"lle No F.-418003 Thi5 lidiliol• ,.,...-,. ment e...,-.s ''" ,..rs "°"' ..... ii -Ned In .... office ol ttte county dMl A new licMio.• bul---.... ...... ..... llllbe .. .... .... °' ..... , .... .................. ............ -. ............... c'1M1: ol ...... GI ................... •ca 91aac .. ..... ,. ... P 2 h•--1/lt.lla: 112 "' PUBUC NOllCE net It IOUS 9UllMSS Ulll STATEMDfT The fol "I persons ¥e doifll l:Juwless as MARINA SAILING-NEWPOfH 600 E. Bay Ave #M, ~pott Bach,92663 ~ p lawtettCe. 1924 Monterey Btvd .. Hermos.a Beact\. 90254 Naomi M La rence, 1924 Mooter ey 8tlild • Her mQl.I ae.ch. 90254 This business 1s con· ducted by ~ ~ and ... The re1•slrants com· • ne teed to tranYCt busl· ness under the hctrtious buSlness Ntne llboW on 5"1-89 A~ p t...awrena This sUtement wn fiiec with the County Caent of Or-. Cou"'Y on .._, 8 1989 • file No F-417850 This flctitious name state ment pptres five yean fnlim the Olll1e wn flied en the ofhc:e of the county dllir" A new fidttiouS bus --.snanw~must .. tiled ...... tNt bfM The,.. of ....... .... O.S Nil OI 'ilMlf llUlhOrile hUielnths--ol• fictilioUs DuliNU '*"' "" ¥io6lltiOn ol IN rilhb of ..... ~ lldlrll ..... OIUWIWCOt ... (teeSection 14400• ~ bUtlineD..S prvf I I I ill code) 51l2. S/19. S/26 612 2150 Greenwich Hunllniton Beach, CA 92646 This business •S con· duct8d by an 1ndMduat The rq1strant c om· ,,. ad to tranYC1 bu5' neu under the fiCtrtious ~nes.s name listed abc:Ne on Apnl 15 1989 RonMus ThtS st.ldllie1teflt .es fa.d With the County QeA of Or-. County on May l . 1989 ftle No f417112 This fic.titiuus name st.ID menl eal)ires five years trom the dllle tt was filed an the otf.ce of the county c~ A new fidlbous bus· meu,,.,. .. , ••It must be filed b9be tNt tame The fiftf'll ol INS ....,,.,,. does not °' itsetf ~­the use 1n this si. of • f1ctltious busineSS Mme "' YiullltlOO ol the riChtS of •dtw under ..,.,.. st.ate 01 c:::onwTQ I law (W Sec'tlOn 1..-00 el li8Q buliNsS and orotess.ionel c:Ode) SIS 5112. S/19 5126 2137 29 PcnJ\ _.~on Kellka lake. • Y. 30 llouunc 111 tropic:al bACb Jl Put OD - JS Sahnc • patnot 31 bc's onpa • 1 h.rtOt or Lqo&i .... Saw 4S Port oe W CO&ll of Hokbido 47 I .. ~ .. 49 Craae of f .cbOe SI o...- S 2 POft ol bnd SS Sltec* .. S6 ·--Of Qnstia8 57 "'Ros. •tlaor•" 61 Fmd.WCMa8 62 Goa.,._ SS 66 C~ .. tellMJI: Abbr. 69 Electrical uit of remt.nCC 70 TV's AtdMir 11 laitWI ol 19lJ 12 adatift o1 a.oa 1l .. MaU.._ ..... o( TY! .. :71 LOtlil JUH ... l"w.y ....... 10 Wrt.._......,.._. •• .. _,..,....r· 12 ....... .... I) ...... , .. f.wic .......... _ ...... IS Cu 11 16 Word ... ., ,-cc -17 .... , • • • • ,_ 1._.Y 11. t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN • Youth to Youth gets teens talking to teens Two faculty volunteer teach listening skills and understand- ing of school ·and community referral resources. Following the training, outreach activities arc selected which may include peer tutoring socio-dramas, student orientations, classroom presen- tations, rap centers or other such activities. Durina the drug-free variety show, hilarious skits were per- formed by the teens emphasizing pressures to drink and how to deal with those issues. A skit entitled, 661 Drink Because," points out peer influence with everyone at a party giving an explanation for their personal involvement with alcohol. One girl wants to impress a boy who is drinkin1 because "it is the thing to do.. and besides, the cheerleaders drink, who drink because the football players drink and to co11tribute to team spirit. The football players drink, well. they don't know wh~- PllllCIPAITHlrl 1111J .. .._.hi I UI ..... 1111• ......... 1_ U • Onc of the most dramatic and poignantly enacted presenta- tions called "Turnaround" was skillfully done by eight teens seated in a line wearing black sweatshirts. The words, one on each shirt, were alcohol, smok- ing, drugs, truancy, sex and depression. In front of them coming home from a date is an intoxicated young. girl. Her father, angered at her condition, confronts her date. Her mother is visibly upset. The girl stands in f ronl of each person in the sweatshirts. Each turns around and the corresponding word on their backs are alcoholism, pot~ drug dependency, dropout, pregnancy and suicide. She is encircled by the group· as she tries to break away. Her parents help her, the friends who turned their backs on her return as she struggles to a healthier life. II .. Ylllll II Ylllll C1ll1 I 11 lllM II Clrm ........ ldlllll. BY PEGGY DARNELL We don., drink; we are drug free; Youth to Youth is the place to be; we go to parties and we have a ball and we don't have to touch the alcohol; we don 't drink beer and we don~ smoke dofH,' when we)'e a3ked to ft'I stoned. wejwt say nofH/ These words done to a rap ..,beat were part of the anti-drug show put on by the students · attendin1 the Seventh Annual Y outb to Y outb conference held at Corona del Mar High School recently. Students from all over WE'IJE A CHURCH IN RENEWAL • •• Traditional 7:30 AM Contemporary 9:00 AM Clliuinatic 10:45 AM Church School 9:00 AM ...... . ...... , .. CaM ..... _. w.•- Orange County convened to spend the weekend and receive additional training in the Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) program s ponsored by the Orange County department of Education. PAL is a comprehensive drug abuse prevention network of programs designed to address the underlying causes of sub- stance abuse. The component of PAL is peer facilitation and outreach according to the statement of purpose by the Department of Education. Tony ••• Conlnued "°"' ,... 1 it has been very beneficial to both William, 14 and Mara, IS. Valerie Br.tsbaw is their teacher wbo said that the lessons have opened up new borizona. .. A year ago, he could never have done this," Bradshaw said, pointing to William, a peen belt in karate ... Hit eye contact was terrible." While Scaccia wu workina with William, Br.tsbaw cauti- oned William to bend his knees or watch what be wu Cloiftl. And Scaccia ii not so ,entle, either. .. Neat time you don't bend your knees, 111 D:k them, .. be watried William. But they are quick to point out Workshops offered during the weekend included Conflict Resolution; Gangbusters; a a job well done. Eleven-year-old Carly took her place and went through her movements. Her father, John, said that the lessons have greatly improved her mobility and con- f taence. •tt 's 1ood therapy for her," he said ... She's done well ... Scaccia held up a larae prac- tice cuahion for the students to kick into. "You pya are wearing me out." he said ... I keep f oraettina you 're no lonaer white belts ... As a coot-down, he put on some muaic and bad the youoaa- tcn demonstrate their dancina prowaa, while calling out var- ious steps. He warned againat any .. spaabetti arms ... On Thunday afternoons, Wil- liam and Mara meet at Scaccia 's exchuively for their dancina leaons. William enjoyt demon- ' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WonMp_.._ ... ~ ~w...1 ....... "ONLY GOD!" (I Caul • t • ):1 .. 11) drive by workshop; How to Make and Keep Friends and Good Relationships; Your body. Your Choice; Teen Hotline and 12 Steps Workshop. Recovering teens experience strength through Cocaine Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Virginia Brady. staff member with Orange County Depart- ment of Education (OCDOE). conducted the Conflict Resolu- tion Workshop. She skillfully led the group through situations dealing with confrontations in both positive and negative ways. For example, when a trusted friend reveals a confidential matter to another and breaks the bond of trust, bow should this be handled? Good listening skills were also stressed. "It may also be necessary to bring in an intermediary if some stuff is too big to handle alone," Brady said. "This could be a Cbunselor, teacher or a trusted friend. If suicide is ever dis· cussed, it must not stay a secret because that is a life and it is most important that appropriate · help is given. .. Carol Allen, also of OCDOE, said she was very happy with the turn out. ..We had 2SO kids here and had positive comments on their evaluation 1bcet1," she said. "One student wrote it was lhe best 30 hours he ever spcl)t. I am encouraged and I believe there is hope as we work with education and law enforcement to address the drug problem today. The teens need to learn copping sic.ills that will help them say no. so that it is automatic to them. Our goal i to encourage all districts to bring the Youth to Youth Drug Free Program to their campuses." 1tr1ting the box step, fox trot, 1win1, tanao, disco, rumba ind waJtz. He ii quick to compliment bis partner. And. their response tells Scaccia he muat be doina somcthina riabt. .., don't know what I do. they end up likina me, .. be said. •Even when I scream and yell at them." CUii • ............. •••? ... ·• .. Ill. f I t• M 7 'U 111um•t.,1 , ..... ..., 11 ' .......... .... 12 ° 711-•1 1 I .. ... .. I A ea •' •P• lir 9 • I 1 I 5 2 J 0 L P• II-MAY 11. l•THE NEWPORT ENSIGN ...,. f) ._C -~> f) .. .__~> Q ,._ __ > Q •._-~J Q ._C _ _,) ~C,.. _ _,> Q c---..) Q ~,.--) Q QC ---1 Q tl---1 Ci) ,,.--J Q ._c _ _,> f) ..,c _ _,> Q ..,, _ _,> Q a,.. _ _,,J Q •,.. __ , f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ e ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) ~ () ~ f). ~ () 1-~ () ~ f) ~ () ~ () ~ f) ~ f) ~ f) 0 f) 0 f) 0 • n ec >Qc >QC >QC >oc >QC >Q« I >Qc >QC >QC >e ~-Chiid's Play'89 ~- uc >oc >QC >oc >oc >Qc >QC >QC >oc >oc ,g After encountering my friend, the extra-terrestrial, we set out to see the sights in Newport Beach. We went to Fanny's Yo gurt. The extra-terrestrial ordered peanut butter yogurt with gummybean on top. 1 guess he didn't know how to read. We finished our yogurt and we went to the Fun Zone. When we got there, we rented a motor boat. The extra-terrestrial liked the cool breeze of the waves. I felt sorry for the extra-1errestrial because he had to come all the way here in a tight, hot, stuffy spaceship. I'd rather come an an air- conditioncd airplane. It had been one hour so we had to bring the boat back. Then it was time for dinner. We were going to Fashion Island to cat at Coco's. The extra- terrestrial ordered a com dog. We finished dinner and went half way home when the extra- terrestrial saw the movies ... Mac and Mc" was playing. We watched .. Mac and Me,"then we went home. We watched T . V. for a bit, then we went to bed. The next morning the extra- terrestrial was up and dressed in my mother's clQthes. I asked him why he was dressed in my moth- er's clothes. He said, .. , am going now.~ I put on my clothes and I watched him go. He left with- out giving back my mother's ·dress. .. Alison, where's my leather dress?" Oh well. I hope the extra.- terrestrial comes back for another exciting adventure in Newport Beach! -(First Grade) Alison Scott, Andersen Scllool. First Place. If I met a extra-terrestrial I would take him to a Laker game. He mighl ~now Magic and make -If an extra-terrestrial come to Newport Beach, Calif .• I wo uld first name the little cri_tter. Then I would take it to the hot, sandy beach by the ocean. 1 would take it swimming and teach him how to boogie board or urf. I would cone a nd some surf board wax. When we got home we could play at my hou e. I would talce it out to dinner. I would talce it to Mi Casa, a Mexican res- taurant. We would get chips and chee e to hare. We would each get nautas. a virgin pina colada. and chip and al a. We would get some candy on the way o ut. What a day fo r an alien and me. (fourth Grade) ara Lindsey. Newport Hei1hts, First Place. -them win the champion games. I wo uld sec if he liked human food. I would also sec if he liked beer, and sec if he can bold his liquor. After that I would take him to Las Vegas. he might be good luck at the craps table. (Fifth G rade) Justin Giordam, Mariners, Fint Place. how it the star fish and how the big, huge waves come up over the rock . After that, we would make a andcastle and then we'd jump on it. On the way back to my hgousc, wc·d each get a snow One day I went outside and If an extra-terrestrial landed But that was okay that card was saw a saucer. tt was landing on in Newport Beach I would pend only worth 35 cents. It was 6 my front lawn. 1 saw three aliens my day with it. I would ooze my p.m. and Nolen Ryan had to go come out from the saucer. I aid way through the crowd a round home at 9 p.m. 9 p.m. was al o hi to the aliens. they aid adios it. Then I would take it to my my Ped tame. My parents were back. 1 aid that i the wrong hou e hopefully with no ha sic out having dinner. They knw I word but thcv did not know the from the crowd. I would take it could take care of myself. l difference. When I aid adio to the kitchen and get a glasss would have my dinner tine but thev aid hi. After awhile the of water. If it looked familiar to olen R van would o nly cat alien knew what I was aymg it I would know 1t comes from popcorn .. It wa 9 p.m. time fo r and thev understood. There was a planet wi th water on it. After Nolen Ryan to go. I watched only one problem. I d1dn 't know that I would take 1t to my room. olen Ryan go out the door. who wa~ a girl and who was a Then I would lay all my bacball Then I went to bed and uddenly boy. The ahen oundcd like a card. out o n the flo<>4'". The fir t the ground began to halce. I frog was an their throat or a per on that it would step on. looked out my window and horse or a billy goat, all yelli ng point o r look at would be its watched Nolen R yan fly away together. Then my mom came name. Its name is Nolen (sic) -in the staf'S"; (-Third GFadehf"'llMj·lD-1._---• nome and hl mnd -6ct-Those R yan . U nfortunatcly. it or Reeves. Harbor View, First Things Out of Herc This In tant Reporters: Cheryl Stehling Diana Jones Photographers: Mary DeChiri~o David Carlson . Newport kids entertain E.T. they were my frie nds. The alien aid take me down to Newport Beach if there is one. I said I would take them because there is o ne. Then the alien went o ut in the ocean a nd almo t drowned. I went o ut and avcd all three of the a hens. They were very heavy. The next day m the newspaper was an article about a little girl avmg ome alien . I went to tell the new paper people that was me. o I won a trophy. I was very happy and excited. Then I bc~ame a life- guard. That wa a very fun JOb. Then the alien went into pace. tse<:~n G r~de) __._.._.,_ 8'8rlincham, Mariner , Place. Nolen R yan stepped'on the card. Place. (sic). Then my mom under: tood ._______________________________ .................. ______________________ __ . ,, . ',,. • c• ==>••le•==>• •• ~ --· • '..II•--, • ... --"· • c• ==>• c• =~· •-c==>• • • PAil 11-IAY 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Olga has hi.gh faShion for kids More than ever, youngsters are becoming more fashion conscaous. They want to all decked oµt in the latest trends that fashion has to offer. Quite often, it will be the European look. There is a little store in Lido Marina Village that is chock-full of items for those youngsters. Olga for Kids opened five months ago and is offering a 10 percent discount to customers who have seen the ad in this newspaper. The shop is owned by Olga and Jack Dequillicn and the decor of the shop is a real eyecatcher. Their friend, famous French caricaturist Jean PauJ, painted beach scenes on the walls. He also designed the shop's logo, the blue ostrich. Bright colors bloom in Olga's and all of the important E'{rO- pcan brands arc featured, such as Chocolat Glace, Bcrlingot, Bablet, U.R .Q, Picque Nique. Le Roi. Chicco and Baby Capc- zio, to name a few. They even feature some local lines, made right here in Newport Beach, such as GAH and Fish Tales. The GAH line is mix and match, with bright colors to create multitude of outfits. There are rompers, tops and bottoms and dresses. Fish Tales manufactures clothing for adults and this is their first venture into children's wear. There are brightly printed shirts and shorts for summer. Other important names offered at Olga's are Cache, Paper Dolls, Sunshine Girls. Cut Loose. E.R . Held, French Toa. t, Splash, Kawamura, Sara's Prints, Sophie Des and Choozie. Accessories that provide th,e finishing touch are shoes, or matching booties, hair bows and combs, belts and socks. Olga features boys and girls clothing, up to size seven for boys and up to size 14 for girls. Both start at newborn. But clothing is not all custo- mers win find there. Unique baby items, giftware. toys and books will also be found. One item, for example is a smashing little quilted carrier for a baby imported from France by Jilly Reading, math and mor~ When the parent company of The Reading Game decided to change the name to Britannica Leaming Center, it was for a very good reason. The center docs not only off er reading programs, but a myriad of other services as well. The Reading Game was orig- inally started to help out those students who were struggling with basic reading and to help prom~te learning and self esteem. But the program bas branched out and grown into basic math skills, Super SAT, Evelyn Wood Study Dynamics, Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics and college preparatory. The buic math program helps to remove the math block and increase mathematical knowledge for elementary and junior high school age students. Super SAT prepares college-bound students for testing. Evelyn Wood Study Dynamics is a reading and study • improvement course designed The advantages are many. for young adults 13-18 who are Teacher to student ratio is 3:1. enrolled in a college-preparatory which allows for individuality. curriculum. Evelyn Wood All of the teachers arc crcdcn- Reading Dynamics is a name tialled professionals who have well-recognized and teaches undergone Britannica's training speed reading, comprehension in its methods and philosophy. and retention for adults. College The first step in the teaching Prep teaches the k.ey skills • process at Britannic~ Leaming necessary for success in college. Center is diagnostic testing. _ Britannica Leaming Center is After testing, consultations take owned by American Leaming place with the parents and the Corporation. T.he center serves child's goals are discussed. Stu- prcschoolcrs in beginning read-dents attend the center at least ing who arc cager to learn. Basic twice a week and can go at their and advanced reading is for own paces. Teacher and parents those students needing the fun-often will sec a vast difference damcntals as well those wanting in the child's eagerness to learn a competitive edge. almost immediately. After 48 Every student can benefit sessions, the student is tested from Britannica Learning Cen-again, to monitor progress. ter's programs. Whether stu-Britannica Leaming Center dents arc reading above.. their uses positive reinforcement as a grade level and arc bored in tool. The students are given class, or whether they arc scoring tokens for work well done and betow their potential, Britannica they may save them up to pur- can tailor programs to suit their chase items from the reward needs. shelf. It might be books or toys, • Mac. It comes in all of the fresh pastel colors in a patchwork. design. It folds up to be compact and parents merely unfold it for use. 1t has a convenient carrying handle and is ideal for parents who want to take the baby to the beach or park with them. Educational toys from Hol- land and wide array of books will be pleasing to any little one. A special item that may be ordered from Olga's is a hand- made marionette of the blue ostrich. It is made by Olga's mother who ·lives in France. Olga provides many services to her customers, as well. The store will validate parking in tbe Lido parking structure and will United Parcel ship anywhere in OLIA FOii Klll-L*'a ..... ""' ,..... lln tlr k* II ,..., II urw. . the United States. Olga for Kids iJ located at 3418 Via Lido in Newport Beach. Hours are JO a.m. to 6 p .m.. seven days a week. For more information, ca/1713-4183. LWllll II Rll·lrlla 111 lsllli -=--r' I f llllr -rr. n.·111111 ... , ....... .., ........... ,.. ,...... .. ..... . . but they arc speeial because the students have earned them. The center on Bristol Str~t serves students in Newport Beach and Kim Ferebee Giesscl- man ii the director. .. We are committed to work- ing closely with teachers," she said ... Since we have been owned by our parent company, we have been able to implement more programs and reach out into the community with software incen- tives ... She said that the miscon~p­ tion about the center is that it only does remedial work, but u outlined above, is not the case. Working with Gicsselman is Ann Mac Gowan who is also a regional trainer. "The company has committed a lot of money toward strict standards and quality control," Mac Gowan said. "Representa- lives will come out from Chicago and stay for a f cw days, making sure each center adheres to those standards." There are more than J 00 Britannica Learning Ceotcrs nationwide. The Newport center is involved in the Adopt-a-· School Program with Newport Heights Elementary and with the Orange County Literacy Volunteers of America. and, Gicsselman said, Britan- nica Learning Center offers scholarships to those students who need its services but cannot _affonLiL "We don't want to be out of reach to any student who needs our services ... said Giessclman. Britannica Learning Center is located at /()()() Bristol North. Suite 16. Newport Beach. For more information, ca/1955-1105. r------------------------, 1 I I TOP QUALITY WOODEN SWING & PLAY SETS Petite Marche, big fashion Summer has exploded in a riot of color at Petite Marche, a children• boutique. The latest fac:hions arc on tap for those youngsters and their parents. who have come to rely on Petite Marche f e>r the finest in dressing. A big bonus for t he customers is the friendly and helpful staf(. A play area, stocked with sturdy toys. will keep the little ones occupied while Mom shops at h'cr leisure. Petite Marchc is a one-stop shop, whether moms arc shop- ping for their own youngsters or for gift items for other children. baby showers of baptism gifts. All of the gift items arc unique and special. Collectible dolls, adorable plush animals. banks and comb and brush et arc just a f cw items for giftgiving. Layette sets and cuddly blankets and quilts will make a gift recipient very happy indeed. All of the top brands in children's fashions will be found at Petite Marchc. For example, Imp .. J .G. Hook, Paper White. Oshkosh, Patsy Aiken. Kitest- rings, Heartstrings, Scarlett Rabbit. Florence. Eiseman. Caso, Petit Batcau, Plum Pud- ding, Cary. Monday's Child. C hristian Dior, Simi, Tartain Et Choeolat, Simonetta, Fix, Petit Faunc, Pappa and Ciccia, Fran- cois Bouthillier, Absorba, Sophie Des a nd Anastasia. These names arc the best of the European and American manufacturers. Boys i7Cs began at newborn and go up to s11c seven; g1rl begin at newborn and go up to size 14. Bright p'rints and pastels arc o n tap for summc~ in dresses, shorts, pants, shirts and blouses and baby bubbles. And, Petite Marchc is the place to shop for Cotillion clothing. In addition. mothers will find coordinating hair accessories to match the clothing, little neck- ties for the boys. a very extensive line of shoes and undtrgarments. When customers have com- pleted their shopping and gift buying, the staff wlll gift wrap the purchase upon request. An addi- IAY II. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN-nil M tional service Petite Marche provides is shipping the item by United Parcel Service anywhere a customer desires. For those who want to shop inn the convenience of their homes, Petite Marchc will take orders over the phone and customer can use a credit card for this service. Petite Marche is located at 369 E. 17th Street. Costa Mesa. Hours are JO a.m. to 6 p.m .. Monday through Saturday. For more information, ca/1642-4714. Sonshine in summertime cit Christian camp , BY DI ANA JONES Sonshinc Day Camp with the ~cwport Mesa Chnstian Center i offering young children and teenagers an exciting camp program geared e pec1ally for kid from June 19 to August 25. Boys and girl from the ages of six to 12 year can participate --~ ... io the on hine Day Camp that promises fun-filled event with a weekly theme. Wild We t Week is the theme of the first week from June 19- 23. Special events of that week include the third annual Ho1anna Bonan1a Rodeo, a western cook-out, dres -up con- te t , swimming at ye old swim man' hole. western movies and the main field tnp of the week to Knott's Berry Farm. Youth Department Secretary Kim C hoi . aid the center offer a variety of different activities each week with at lea t one tnp to the beach and a main field trip. Other weekly theme include Maui Madnc s week with a tnp to the Wild Ri ve r a nd a Hawaiian Luau, Back to Nature week ·with a v1 it to Sea World and a Green Tree ature Hike at Oak Canyon Nature Center. and even a Back To The Future week . with an exciting tnp to Oi neyland and viewing of c1ence fiction movie . One of the favorite themes of the ummer camp is Olympic week. Camper can tc t their . \kills ·and atblet ic abllitie in the Sonshine Olympic · Games. which include a " hine e Bu Fire Dnll." "Chariot Races." "Football Throw." a barbeque dinner and even a trip to the F-am1ly Fun Center~ Yo ung Teen Summer Adven- tures offers an experience of a hf etime adventure in one ummer for teens between the age of 12-14. Field tnp for the teens include backpacking, a trip to Magic Mountain, watcrskiing, canoe- ing and many more adventure . With afety as the main pnor- -..--....~ustralian Swim Schoo-I-- AT HACQUETL\ALL WORLD ' Bab~ Specialists Babies 3 mon ths and older • Heated Indoor Pools • Expen Instruction • Baby & Toddler Lessons • Parent & Me Classes I l tt< \h tf(I I I l •H \\ \I I\ l"\ I 0115 T.11tw11 AVl' .... ,,unt.ain V.tlll'Y 1.)2 70~ I ~3!" Ut•t•rp.u k Dr .. t ulk1 wn 920~ I l714) 9t•2 13 74 \ 7' 14 \ 1.J(, I C•4lX1 l714) 972 2\)\)q I ')01 t-..1~1 I~• SL. S.ull.t t\na. q~ 7<.'S S4.•qt1\\lcl Athkltl fhah 7~;\(l Ch,tll~t'lhtlfllt' /Wt' .• f\m•tM l'.u k \~lt,21 1t . each counselor is well qualified and trained by the American Red Cro in first aid and "PR. Each camper will al o receive instruction in first aid. fishing, adole cent development, weighthfung. aerobic and much more. rhe two · offered um mer camp are open to any child between the ages ot six and 14 on a first come first crve basis. For more rnfo rmauon call the ewpon-Me a hri uan enter at 966-0458. located at 2599 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mc a . ' , : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • ,_ • M II. I• THE NEWPORT EHSIGH Pegasus for bright learners Tiie oeed of lhe gif tcd child are llOt ~Y tbe ume the ll!Ct.d~ o an a'erage child. lo fact, &ifUd children ually llave a bei&htened $eOie of aw~ about tbemselvet and the world th.at ucrouod thmL Parenu who are aware th.at their child ii girted mipt teek to f lftd the beit quaJity ~ucation a adlool has t.o offer. Pea-us Sdaool bas alway met the Deed of die briab-t. curious and eqer learner. Laura l..atz Hathaway. diree- tor, founded Pepu1 in 1914 after ~DI in public dool lifted programs. She and Pep- "" were honored tut year by tbe <Kuee County Board of S...,,ervison for work with gifted children. How does one pot a gifted child? A gifted child does not ncceuaraly tart spouting mathematical equat10M at the age of three. But Hathaway 'a.id children · led e a vlJiie()· o w fro oJ t o to three.~ more curi lhaD tbe a\cngt ild aboul t.beir ea'Vonmtnu. They bave the ability to recogniu complc1 relation• between ideu, ub1ect1 or evcnu. They have the ability to concentrale oo a ubjcc:t for an ecteaded period of time and have facility with oral language, reading or math. They are abk t.o nwlipu.l.al.e materials or solve problems crcativdy and have an unmual ieniitivit y to people·, f oeli.np or socieu1 · ues. Pepsu.i can bnt 5CtVC the ncecb of these children bcamt of the unalkr clau i.zes and individual aueouoo givco. 'Most of aJL a baJarnd environment is cmpbas1ud, with emotional iupport. The curriculum is more fiexible and the children arc better able to cxprcs tbemselvn creatively than m public M:hoob. it mid to iCCk ~ aod cd to a scbooJ leased from t.ht F lain \' ~ Sc ool District o 14 acrn. tudcms 5Cl"cd bqln al p«- sc ool and this faµ, ill be cu.ended up to and including faf th grade. . -we have M>me ex.citing ltad- erdllp Oil our board of UUlleCI.. ~ said Ha.lha ay. o&Qary Hunt of the lrviae Company is cbairman. Senator Marian Bergcsoa bai nan.cd a ICholarUiip fund for needy studeab at our school.• For t~c summer. there is Camp Pegasus; no i.n iu fifth year. There arc three diff ettnt euiting scuions. geared around a1J age leve . ·~ra11on talc~s plac~ all y~tu. but Pqasw is ac"71tin8 mrolltMnU for f aJJ no"'· Pqo- nu u locat~d at 19691 UXUfKton in Huntington &ach. For mor~ urforma11on. ca/1964-1214. Ted ·E. Bear fills home libraries The pu h i~ on to g_et young- ters out from in front of the tube and behind th.e pages of good bo:ok . or that re on, home libraries arc growing. It is impor- tant to have a good ~urcc to fill those libraries. Enter Ted Friend • an c~ciung children·~ book tore, wbach rcccntl) moved to a new location ~ tore features ~ . toy • ~adco and audto tapes to uit au ages of youngsters, up to age 14. .. It's important to read to kids. from t.bc time they are born ... said Jodi ~wiry. owner of the 5bop. -rcachers can tell if a child has been read to." The tore l.s broken into Stt- tions. The rear ponion features teachers' and educators• upp- lies. ....... lllUIJrllll*y•lllf--.TlllE. .............. , • Then there is the large selec-... • 111 ._.11 ,111 L ._..,~I , 1 971 _.1 t IP•• tion of video and audio tapes. - Some hOots att packqed with ite item for parea wbo arc in at Ted E. Bear and Friends are a tape. the process of toilet. training Caldccott and ew~ Award There i a selection or baby their child is the ""Once Upon. winners. CK California Young books. with tudy covers and Potty• set~ which comes with a Rcadcn boo ~There are those some doth book that Mudry book and anatomicall)' correct old favorites that many parents s.aid pandmotbcr· like to buy boy or girl doll sitting on a potty: might remembered reading as a for their grandchikircn. A favor-Man or the boo featured CllTllHI • NIE 51 KIDS FROM -. ORANGE COUNTY! BLUEBIRD IS LOOKING FOR YOU AT 111 IS m n. w f1 g• S1 Jt A s 31 C( le 01 pt ol h. c R H le 8 gt ~ 0 1 bt l lt d m li ~ ~( d - UY 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENStGN~ II Australian Swim School With an outdoor environment uch as oun. which, quite often includes a pool and or pa. it is important for the littlest mcmben of a family to swim. Australian Swim School is a name well-recoanizcd by parents w·hosc children have graduated from the beginner group and gone the d istance to compctitiYe swimming. It all bcpD 13 years aao when John Bainbridge arrived from Australia to attend California State University at Lona Beach afe from backyard poob and sp • which a rc o abundant in Orange County and o uthern Califorma an general. She cited tragedies such a the one in Tustin recently. as needle s. But al o. she aid that the yo ung tcrs need to stay in a program and keep up their skills. much like they would for music lessons. .. We not only teach the kids bow to swim, but educate the parents on what they really need to look for and how carefully they must watch their children. t• TIE SWl .. 1.1111 ti II .. _, ...... tn. Allllrllill Swill Sdml. Plllr Slllm.1.11 ,_,ti a. ••11111 •lrml11 "1f• and get a m tcrs in phy 1cal education. He taught wimming lessons pan tjmc, while wo rking on· his thcsi • y.;bich 'Aas about pool safing inf ants at ix months of ge. Later on. he tarted ustralian Swim School. which ha four center in Ora nge County. located an t he Racq uctb~ll World/ e quoia Health lubs in Fountain Val- ley. anta Ana. Fullenon and Buen Part. .. The basic ideas of the pro- gram tancd with pool safiog babies from three months and on" ant."' explained Diane Bain- bndgc .... But we -.orked with l ad s o long, pulli ng them rhro ugh the program . that cl · ha \e been cu endcd. The m an concept i till pool afing l ad and l ccpmg them m the ..pU>gAm-he " &ft move--OM<> ~ompctitl\e ~immi ng, if the) o ~ho .. he aad they arc mainl) mtt~ted in L.cepang children Books ... com•uED FIG• PACE 41 chilJ . li ~e the u nou' <..corge "Cn . or the \ 1qunia L~ Bur- ton boot . In fact ... 1iL:e \.1 u1- lig n nd H " 'team , ho\er · tum SO t his car nd t'> 'llll going trong in popu l nt\. Parcatin book • pOCll'\. reli- gious boo . a nc} Drew and Hard · 8o) m t~n . bedtime book ~ an book • popup book • coo book • icnce and e y to ~Id boot • all will be found at Ted . Bear and Friend . Mudry said be is even in the process of de~IOpiq a section with boot in panish. Puzz.Jcs. bug jars_ marten. rubber stamps. crayom and decoratiYC boo- te1M11 are available. Beatrix Potacr ~ witb matchina 1 .. ,.. l»owl and cups will ...,. tt.c receiver. o bod} i 100 perce nt pool ~afe. ch ildren s till need t o be watched ... A hallmark of Au t ralian. Swim ch ool i its o ne-on-one teaching. It begin with pa rent and me classes and move up the caJc to tadpoles and up. O nly when a child has demo n tratcd tro ng skills d ocs he or he go into a group le son. Le o n arc off ercd year-ro und bccau call of the pool arc indoors. There is a pecial teaching pool that i maintained at 92 degrees. And the m tructors arc cxtcn 1vcly trained. .. T hey have a manual they mu t learn and a rc te tcd. •· Bainbridge aid ... We ha\e an- ~rvacc traming pcnodically. We h.i\e manager r un ning o ur faci liucs o m} husband a nd l can ha ve more ume to d o re,earch an w1mming and l ecp 10\tructor up to date. The) arc con,tantl}' bemg inundated with ne" material .... 7't d £. lkar and Fm •nd\ ;, /ocatt cl at 5965 i• orm•r 4 \ t•nue. /Ju11111aoon &ac h. 40-fJ/4J She aid thar the program differ from Red Cross traming bccau c the Red Cros has taken a tand that babies under the age of three cannot be taught to · swim sufficiently to save. them- clves. ··we believe that is false," Bainbridge said . "Somebody definitely learn to tum over and float and or swim ovcf' to the side. We have kids under three that arc doing more competitive strokes. We arc out there trying to educate people." She also _pointed out that the medical profession is nervous about swimming lessons for babied because it might give parents a false sense of security. But in Australjan Swim School. parents arc taught and cducatE'a so this docs not happen, Bai n- bridge said. Once a9aia, Step by Step pre•eate "s.-... a ... d the World" ••• a aaiq•e ...... d LmU .... a . .111111111~ 1111 ....... " 1111111. 1w1111c11111.,.... ... Iii 1l m1 .. IM•. C.. Last April. Australian Swim School hosted the first National Swim School Association Con- ~rcn~. . .. Swim scho ol fro m all over were there and we a rc banding together to set some g uideline for infant swimming and a credential program for instruc- tors, .. she ~atd ... This is very cxcitin 1• - For n i.1rc information about A ustralian S wim School, call the Santa Ana center at 972-2999. eadti••...._..• Pl'Otll' .. UlllfllDv cledp .. tc.c•lldrea levele K,_..•arten Each 3 week session, ~ing June 19, will include child produced and performed plays based on a fascinating land, encourage creativity through art, music, cooking and dance, and learn new computer skills + + weekJy science projects and fun - damental sports skills chnics. tlaro••• ddnl F•cle. Come and join our summer international extravaganza. SPACE IS LOOTED SO EAILY ENIOUJIENT IS ADVISED. HOURS: Summer Session: 9~00-3:00prn.__ - -Child Care: 7:00-9:00 & 3:00-6:00pm. L.._9 F6r further information, call or write : ft ~+1 ~ 2627 Vista Del Oro 9700 Levee STEP BY STEP Newport Beech, CA 92960 Hunttn~n Beech, CA 92646 (714) 760-9307 (714) 964-7741 E A R LY LEA R N I G EN RIC HMENT CENTER and friends inilites you to visit tlieir O{JL'D'l{'E9{,S 'BOOX5'I~ fea~ *~Df~s 8""fUt ~ ttfkr.s ft1r cliiltfren.. Visitors to tt.e store will enjoy a variety or arvica A monkey C-. or ...ati-co&oml PV ban t.o.c1 toys where the liule ones .. play whilt mom lhops. Al a special boa.is. video tapes will be sa.owa to tccp tbcm occupied. If. WllG•H ii •Ji•. spctial lilt. ailtWJ&ftliaa .. , • ._ ..... _ .. Nso llfllliliMc ore arutinlJ cartls, gi,ft """P & morel 843-5222 I • I PAIE II-UY 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Big one-day sale at Nathan. J When Celia lmpcrialc was pregnant with her son, Nathan Jay, she conceived the idea of a top-quality. designer line of clothing for children that would not onJy be made from 100 percent cotton. but would adhere to the standards she would like to sec in inf ant clothing. So, lmpcrialc formed Nathan J, a line of upscale inf ant clo- thing four years ago. The line is found only in better depart- ment and specialty stores and bas extended its line to include up to size 6X for both boys and girls. "We manufacture what is considered to be one of the finest quality collections in the indus- try," lmpcriale said. "Parents these days look for natural fiber clothing for their children because its healthier, more com- fortable and it breathes." All of the fashion-forward designs arc lmperialc's own. She has a deep appreciation for the European style of manufactur- ing in its strict attention to quality and fashion. She is married to an Italian, her father is from Spain and she has traveled alJ over the world and was exposed to workmanship she believes to be far superior to what is found domestically. lmpcriale bad wo'rked for many years in the import and export business and had experience in the international market. So it was a natural that she would search the world long and far for a manufacturer for her clothing that would produce up to her expectations. The end result was a factory in Chile, that has an exclusive contract with Nathan J . Only pima cotton from Peru is used, a long-strand fiber, second only in desirability to Egyptian cot- ton, lmperiale said. All of the fabrics in Nathan J's clothing arc knits in either interlock or. French terry. The terry is not the nappy kind like one might expect, rather, it's a soft, flcece- likc fabric .without the fluff. While Nathan J clothing is found at the better stores, an outlet store in Huntington Beach sells all of the overruns and extra items from prior seasons. lmpe- riale said that the items are produced in advance, for exam- ple, the factory is about to manufacture clothing for fall, 1990. After all of the orders arc shipped to department and specialty stores. there arc some left over and they eventually find their way to the outlet. Twice a year, the warehouse has a huge sale to clear out the warehouse for the new, incoming collection. One sale is held right before Christmas and the other is held in June. The next one will be on Saturday, June 3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cash only is accepted. no credit cards or checks. "It's one day only and a wonderful opportunity (or peo- ple to buy clothing at half-off wholesale,· or even below our cost," lmperiale said. "We have a one-day blow-out so we can make way for our new merchandise." She said that the warehouse sales have grown bigger each time because the word spreads and quality conscious parents. grandparents, aunts and uncles can come and take advantage of tremendous savings. The outlet store, however, is open five days a week and at this time, features only the inf ant sizes. The Warehowe is located at 5445 II 103 Octanw Drive in Huntington Beach. Regular outlet hours art 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m .• Monday through Friday. For more information, call 895- 6266. Step by Step a complete care program I With mo t h~useholds in Orange County having two working parents. a primary concern is finding quality child- care. Even more important is, what happens if a child is ill and there are no grandparents clo e by? Dr. Sheri Senter realized these valid concerns, so she founded the National Pediatric Support Services in 1982. She is president of the company which is a childcare management associa- tion. specializing m the design, operations management and devel'Opment of childcare programs. The corporate office is located in Irvine. STEP IY STEP-A .,.... II .-.n1 ...... llf' ... _,, fry. l•l11t11 -tw "We currently do consulting to corporations and existing schools that wartt to update their curricula," said Senter. "We advise others who want to start a center and we will manage •1111 •II' 1S. lllr ..., ..... l1llbw "*911 fir ...., HI clli'*-. ··-··· . . (7 Small Class-Size • Individualized Atteption • Challenging, Nurturing Environment • Extended Care Available ' For the Bright Curious Learner .. PresCllool -Grade 5 New. Spacio11s Camp11s 1224 -. --. Cml)loyer-owned cflrldcare pro- grams.·· Jn· addition. National pediat- ric Support Systems in the parent for the Step by Step Early · Learning Enrichment Centers. A portion of the centers are caJJed Rainbow Retreat for mildly ill children. Children s Hea/thline is a problem-solving newsletter available through National Pediatric SUQJ>ort Systems. Orange County has three Step by Step centers, with three more scheduled to open within the next year. Senter said. The Newport Beach location is housed in the Eastbluff Elemen- tary School. Harbor Area par- ents who work in the Anaheim Hills area or in Huntington Beach, couJd utilize the centers located there. If they work in Pasadena or Glendale, Step by Step is there to handle their needs. ~p by Step is a childcare preschool developmental pro- gram, which starts at age six months and continues to an after-school program through the third grade, Senter said. ... We have three classrooms for children under age two. with more than 40 attending, .. Senter said. "Each one of our centers is considered to be a center of ctritdcare expertise. lt isn•t just a place to drop the kids off, we do asse sment. parenting semin- ars and are there to meet the needs of the working parent." Especially important is the Rainbow Retreat program. Mildly ill children with colds, fever. flu , stomach aches and even broken bones are provided with nursing care in a afe and warm environment. Children between the ages of two months to 12 year can be accommodated. Senter aid. An exciting program for summer is on tap at Step by Step, Senter aid.· S ummer Around the World is a prograttf that allows children to study the world through c reative arts. Senter said the program has been offered for the past four years and has been a rousi ng success. Ch ildren create and perform their own plays. A bonus is that extended daycare is included in the fee for the program, which is off ercd in two-week s.cssions. ~program is available for a full 10 weeks Juring the sum~er, from 7 a.m . ~o 6 p.m., Senter said. For more information about Step by Step, Rainbow Retreat, or 10 subscribe to Children :r Healthline. ca/1261-11 77. Oraage Couty Ce•&re ,_ ~E[)IA ·A~TS NOW ENROLLING AOCALINASOAtANO 7t 41722•1888 fAOOP BEVERl Y HUS EMILY HORN PAVU:SS SHOES SHOtEV AEST AURAHT Enrolling Now Prog CALL TODAY (71•)711-1 .. ~· •uomor••o • •MMMTD e QN.CA'RftA TllCHIQPJI e YOICl~e .. a a a1 t I c: 0 ti le I~ J - ~ c A ta e\ d cc a tit w lC h1 w pa w .a l ct l~ \<I '" lo C4.I th re ~u w ba lo 1n wl ~ IAY 11. I• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN-'WE n Vision for kids only I-or kid • gone is the i.tigma of weanng glas cs and .. four eyes" ha. been replaced by a po itive acceptance that glasse' can enhance looks whtle provtd· Ing a much·needcd crv1cc. Katheryn Dabb understands thi' and after a long career a\ an opticrnn. started A Child 's View. five year ago. a service catering to small fry o nl y. "It used to be that kids has a ve ry limited selection of frame and they u u-ally weren't given any choice or say on. somethin.g that was going to sit on their noses for even year :· Dabbs said ... I've changed all that. Al A Child' View. children are actually involve~ in selecting their own frames. We al o explain to them the importance ol glas es ... As the only firm in the natton that provides optician's erv1ccs lor children o nl y. A Child . View 1~ proving to be very successful at lilling optometrists· and oph· l halmologi h · prescription' referred lo them. •• oncentratang on k.td\ make\ u' better ... aid Oabb\ ... W e are very successful at getting k1d\ of three or four years old to wear their glasse •· She explained that the \taff counsels the parents on how to encourage the child to wear the glasses. .. We spend a lot of ttmc with the parents and lids. making th1' a po itive ex perie nce," \a1d Darlene Hansen of the Hunting· ton Beach tore. "Glas cs are just another accessory. like jewelr}'." Dabb counts her greatest asset as her·s and her tafrs ability to work with the little patients. Becau e ped iatnc optt· cians are a part of a new pro· fession. little has been written about tried and true procedure for fitting. followup and the all· important task of getting kids to wear what they've selected . In addition to Han~cn. Dabb~ has Marlynda Matthew\ worli.- mg with her in the Fl l oro location The \ucce'' focu'e~ in three diff erent area~. The f1r\t ., canng, \Cco nd I\ ~ett ing thL whole tamil} tn \.Olvcd and the third 1\ the 'elect1on of hundred' of lramcs to chose from. Wear· ing gla,sc' j, pre ented 1n a posit 1ve \. ain, li ke It 1 · a privi lege rather tha n a burden. A Ch ild \ V ie~ t\ equipped t o o ut fit chil- dren and tee n\ up· to 18 year~ old. And ne ~ at A Child's V1ew 1~ a ~election of tiny frame~ made fo r bab1e~ that have had cataract urgery. These fram e~ are ~mailer than Cabbage Patch glas es, Dabb aid . Some will fit a baby under eight pounds. Dabb~ re carched and came up with the methodology for the e J I • ~ frame and ha had many requc t for them from all over the world . A Child's View is open JO a.m. to 6 p.m .. Tuesday through .. ( . /" .... , ' ~ 4 -... 0 Saiurda\-. The El Toro loc-a1ian is at 21365 El Toro Road.phone. 586-5411. Huntington &ach iJ at 15083 Gold~n West. phone- 891·39//. Special touch at Calico .... Chtldren\ hair Myll t Juhc Allee demon trates her pec1al talent not only in creating that ever adorable look tor each child, but also has a knack for co mmunicating with children on a one-on·one personal level. Alice believes that it is essen· ual to be interested in kids and what they have to ay in order to give them the be t possible haircut. "I am very diplomatic not only with what type of haircut the parents want for their kids. but what ype the kids want as well ... aid Allee. Although Alice perform hair ... tyling for adult . she aid she 1 e pecially partial to children bccau e everything around them 1s new and exciting in a postt1ve wa}. which brings her own sense of opt1mi m up. Alice's hair cuts and styling start at S 12 and depend mg on the type of cut and care needed. the pnce may vary. The hatr stylist a. ertcd that it ts necc-.,- ~af") to loo~ at each child as an mdividual becau.c not everyone looks the ame ma certain tyle After vi uah1mg the hape of each child' face. the eye • and th.e texture of the hair. Allee recommend a tyle that would uu the parent and the child "Some l..ad wath traight hatr would look really cute an the ba 1c bowl cut and other would lool good with a bit of a sptlc m front." he aad Allee guarantee ' ull perm' that she performs. which ·he aid eparatcs her from man} other styli~ts bccau e uch guarantee~ are not alway41 pron11 ed. She aid that many styh. t don't hke to guarantee perms on children becau e pecial care is needed. 1 alking wath the children i what Allee aad he en1oy ... the mo t ... E pccially their good nsc of tiumor." She al o added that ome of the children are nos alway too keen o n the idea of some tranacr cutting their hair. .. The key word in thi type of ituation is distraction. You can' ask the kid's what the late. t neat is on Dynasty, you h'eed to talk with them about aorM- tbiaa tlleir iDlenated in,.. she e1pls' sd. .. or the fidget} type of child . Ali ce ofler5 an as\ortment of toys and tory book and every child receives a s pecial treat following each cut. he feel that her pecialty and probably her tavorite type of cut is the baby's fi rst haircut. Alice has been a hairstylist for more than 12 years and has worked at Calico Cutting for six years. She received her State Cosmetology Licence at Golden West Community College in 1982. Calico Culling is /ocat~d at JJjj ... C, Via lido. N~wport &ach. phon~: 673·8818.· Cuttino for Kids Of All KQes presents .Julie Allee Specializing in Baby's First Haircut and Perms for Kids 673-8818 ' 3355 Via Lido, Ste. C Newport Beach Monday-Saturday Eve. Appts. Avail. Sonshine Day: Canip AGES: Boys and Girls (1st grad .... e-6th grade) Each week a new theme: "Maui Madness Weck" "Back to the '50s Weck" 'Wild West Weck" Young Teen Summer Adventures ''Hohdazc Crazc Weck" AGES: Teens 12 • 14 years of age . . · -Each Counselor is well quahfied and trained by Special Events: the American Red Cross in First Aid and CPR Overnitc Cam~t on Camp Each Camper receives instruction in First Aid, Grounds, Hawauan Luau, '50s fishJng, Adolescent Development. Weightlifting, Days Contest, Masquerade Aerobics and much more. Party, Annual Hozanna -Weekly tnps to the beach, Family Fun Cent r .nd Borumz.a Rodeo Cook-Qut Mu ums Field Trips: field Trips: . Disneyland, Knott's, Sea Backp.1cking, Magic Mountain, Waterskdng, World, Wild RiveTS, Family Canoeing and many more adventures Fun Ccn~, etc.·· Experience a lifetime of adventure in one summer! • 4m11tbf mroll"1f1111 oft 20 ,,, .. t. "'cMJ "°"' . Safety is a priority, each coun &or i~ well traiMd and qua lifted in first &id by the Amencan Red CI085 For Sonshine Day Omp Brochure • Young Teen's Brochure · can96&-0458 June 19-August 25 ' 7:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. N~rt-Mesa Christian Center 2.599 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 9'1/,27 A SUMMER YOU WILi ALWAYS REMEMBER/ .... "' . .. Nil 11-IAT II. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN - NewpoFt kidss·pend a daywith E.T. 1111 llf .._ 11111 • II lem. I had no idea where my When my mother ar¥t father parents lived, if they were put me here. Blackthorn divorced or if they were till Orphanage, I was just an infant. alive. . omehow l had to find . Now at the age of 14. no one out. I did know a few thipgs such had adopted me. I was a young as my parents names and what girl who worked hard everyday my dad' occupation was. First cleaning and keeping the l went and looked in a phone younger kids in order. I guess boo k under "Jones." ''Tom my plain brown eyes, light Jones." Well, that n .. rrows it shoulder-length brown hair, and down~ to three .. Tom J ones" in simple freckled face had not Dallas, Texas. but wait maybe helped a whole lot in getting me he moved. That's when Mo, I out of here. Though they actu-later found out that his name ally might have saved me in a was .. M02X3Y" o I shortened way. One day when I was doing it to Mo, came in. Earlier when my routine cleaning. I heard a I was in the ship Mo came in, peculiar noise from outside the I overlooked all the gadgets and rickety screen door in the back-buttons in it. One button was yard. As usual there were no used to analyze information. children in the rundown old Perfect! I pushed the button and playgound, but there was a told the computer I was looking strange silver sphere looking for a man named· Tom Jones object. When I started to walk who wa a teacher. Then it closer the sm~ll door opened and recorded my characteristics and a short green figure stepped out. came up with a man who lived Startled. I jumped back. In a in New York city. So we got in squeaky voice. the little creature the ship and I said let's go! Mo said ... Don't worry I won't hurt said you're the captain you drive. you!" Warily I walked closer. Well. this took awhile to figure When I finally trusted him · o~t. but Mo wouldn't tell me. enough to go in his s hip, he told F.anally we w~rc off! At a speed me the whole story. He had been of 2.000 males per hour we sent to earth to pack a human traveled. fast and. were i~ the core that needed his pccial power of t~e bag apple an no umc. Now and I had been picked. I said. again I pushed another button .. Picked for what? What special and asked for ~ telephon~ book power?" Then he explained how of New York Caty. There it was. whoever he picked could be 258.1 Cherry Blvd. We were off . taken anywhere in the universe. agaan . Now I would finally meet It didn't take me long to decide my parents or at least my dad. where l wanted to go. I didn't There it wa a pretty nice brick want to go to some weird planet. home. I knocked on the door l wanted to go home. l wanted and told the man and woman to go live with my real parents. who-answered who I was. Then I Well. there was one slight prob-there was a lot of crying, hugging and kissing. Our family was finally back together, and Mo, who was ju t Oying off. had accomplished hi mission. (Sixth Grade) Leanne Colton, Harbor View, Fint Place. First Gr1d1 If an alien came to Newport Beach I would show him or her around. First we would go to the beach. We would go surfing. When we want a snack, we would have space shaped fun frujts. Next we would go to Disneyland and we would go on Star Tours and Space Mountain because it would make hime feel at home. I would take him to Mi Casa for a burrito for dinner. I will take him to the Performing Arts Center to listen t6 Bccthov- cn 's ninth. 111 say .. good bye, come back to Earth again.,, Michael Munson, Newport Hei1bts, Second Place. If an extra-terrestriaJ should come to visit Newport Beach. if E.T. liked me, and of)ly me, he could become part of me. What- ever E.T. did. I did. After a day or so I really liked him. This is how he falks ... hhhhhh and ssssss." Look for him tonight. He has a long head. small feet. hands. J'eddy O'Connor. Harbor View, Third Place. • I If an aJi~n came to Newport Beach 111 take to him to K-Mart. If an alien came to Newport Beach tit take him to Fedco. lf an alien came to Newport Beach 111 take him back to outer space. Justin. Newport Helthts, Honorable Mention. Your ·cliild should learn to read as if his ·life depends on it Because it does. .. Good ~ing skills are one of the most imponant things your child will ever learn. Noc only do they result in higher grades, but also in acceptanee at bcuer coJJep Ind in ~atcr job opportunities for the ml or hia life. One way to develop Ind ~fine / lhole iadin1 skills il"wilh Britannica Lamina Ccsur's Ploilw. CALLJODAY kvine ............................ (714) 132-7757 ...... pon ........................ (714) 955-11 OS Second Grade L~t Saturday I met Eillom while I was $.Oing to the harbor. He said, "Will you show me your town?" I said, 0 Sure. •• We took the harbor cruise and saw the beaches, the homes and the boats, then we went to the E.N.C. and saw nature. Then we went to the museum and looked at art. Then we went to the Fun Zone. We played games and looked at the people. Theo he said, ... don't have the right clothes." Then J said, .. Let's go shopping!" We went·to Fashion Island. Shopping made us sooooo (sic) hungry, the Rusty Pelican was our next stop. We ate fish and garlic bread. Then I took Eillom home to meet my family. He looked ai my family's pictures and watched a movie he really liked. "E.T ." Guess what, my new friend and J have the same name. Mollie spelled back- wards is Eillom. Mollie Muon, Newport Hti&h~ Sttond Place. If an alien came to Newport Beach , I would be amazed! If it was morning I would bring it to ~y house and s how it around. then we would have breakfast. l would ask him what he ate and he would say paper! I got him a bunch of paper and he just inhaled it! My parents were not home and neither wa my sister. I was staying by myself for the first time. I thought it was a dream so I slapped myself. The "alien said ... Why arc ypu slap- ping yourself?" I didn't say a word and gave him some more paper. We had so much fun that day! I got an ice cream cone and I bought the alien four different kinds of paper: orange. purple, red and green. Then when we came· home he wanted to do om et hing fun and then I remembered l didn't . how him the backyard. o I did. He aid, "What arc these two things with two strings on them and half of a scat on them'!" I aid they're called swings~ you sit in them and someone pushes and you go back and forth. 111 pu h you. After that I asked him about his planet. Then I 'heard beeping I got scared. I asked him what it was. he said it was his beeper. He aid I have to go right away! Can't you stay another five miputc becau c my mom and dad are going td be home anv minute. No! The king of th~ planet wilJ tum me into paper! But 111 come back some other time. AU right I said. Bi (sic) I aid. It had just turned 4 p.m. l ran in my house and started finishina up my punle. My mom and dad came in my room and aid did anything interesting happen? An alien came to our house ... Naeale Smit•. Maria- "''Third Platt. Tblnl Grade If I could pend a day with an extra-terrestrial. I would get money out of my piggy bank. Then, I would take hjm lo an exotic place like Club Med. We would 10 swimmin1. have peo- ple drop arapes into our mouths. and drink Shirley Temple out o( wine bottles. After that at dinner time. we would ao to ·tt.e fair and cat COUOD candy and junll food like tlaaa. TWn. we would wMCll tbe ••• 10 dowa Md ~p IO Md. A•1l1 0., .... Yliw. ...... -- ... If an E.T. came to Newport Beach I would take him to the Fun Zone. After I take him there I will take him to McDonalds. He will cat all the big Macs there. They even got a slogan from him. It was ... If he comes from up there you should come from over there." After J would take him there I would take him to Vons. I don't know why but he was eating everything even the vegetables. People from the Newport Ensign would be crowding around me. After we were done with the press we went for a drive to Big Corona Beach and he wu very good surfer. Then it was time to go home. Mille Hollern, Harbor View. Third Place. Fifth G11d1 Well first I would probably faint if I saw him. Then after I recovered I would show him some toys. Then I would show him our food. After he stuffed his face we would go ciuising (if I'm old enough or he aJready knows how) in a Pintp. After rhat we would go to Disneyland and introduce him to Mickey Mouse. After that we would go home and sleep. Eric Ophttar • Marinen, Sttond Place. I would ask him to beam me to the nearest school? Why, because the teachers would go crazy and the principle would climb the flag p·ole. Cbarles Gellman, Marinen, Third Place. Sixth Grade J aw it. it was a surf board. The board was flying. I was at the beach in a curl and the nying board made me eat it. I got up and aid why did you do that. It was an aJicn and it ~poke Engli h. It aid yo homes, slap me ome kin bro. l aid right on o ul bro. He al o knew bow to urf. So we went urfing we caught the ame wave. I did the curl. he did the lip. He--Wa& awesome he did moves l had never seen before. When were done he said you don't do the amc old ame old. I said go hackum yackum. Then we tole a Ferrari. Tubular he said. We went to the Detroit P istons game. The Pi~tons were beating the Laker 60-24. He said like the Wers arc totally artificial He was rad. He spokes jive so I did too. I wisb more aliens would visit. Adam Goft, Hubor View, SecOIMI Platt. One day an alien landed on my planet. At fint I was mad because be crashed into my roof . He looked just like AJf. but he had a temper problem. J asked who he was and he said. "Shut up, it' for me to know and for you to find out!" He was a real pain. he followed me every- where. When I went to my friend house, he followed. We went to the movie and he came. Everyone screamed and ran out. I aid. "I'm gonna rin1 your neck and throw you out with the garbaae. "Then ht Jaid. "You lay a hand on me. and you 11 be erased rrom the face of the Eanh ... He fipred out he wan' •elcome. Then be said. ••1 thoupt you were 1ay human r rind.,. Tiaca he 9ftl hil .... : ~ ·-· ' .,.... .... p l"lltMr Md •ilid. Now I vi1ll1d .. 'd ... ,... Ola ..Uf •••raa.nw,... - m II. t• .. THE NEWPORT ENSIGN ,_ IC Cover Home ,. . Maureen White. of R'/Max, Newport B ,_ a--.t II. .. THE NEWPORT ENSIGN HarbO r Ridge home offers views ~-style aY CHERYL STDIUNG Perfection is tbe word that could easily describe this week\ featured home at 10 San Seb- ntian in Harbor Ridge. . This is a dassical home in cWry ...... from the CODtem- poruy ardaitecture to the qual- ity appoiaammas nm home is ideal for f aailies who have .,,rec:iatioD for die fiJleSt ud wlM> lite to ClllataiD. usmmua. WOODAND S&YLICBTS and entcnairung. A travcnine- frontcd fireplace adds to the wumtb. The ceiling is deeply coffered with aown molding. The bay window is set in dia- mond patterns of beveled leaded glass. These elegant wood noon are ideal for colorful accent area nap. Step up again through double doors to the formal dining room . It is also accessible through do.able door:s from the entry ball or from the kitchen. One wall n.e froDt of dlle lao•e is laas a bank of windows and cleconted ia er c••• med Frendl doon leadiq out to the lwict.. Oftr' dlle bay wiildow lideyard. The coffered ceiliq is cmMU.. °"' from dlle ~ let ia U iJderestjng pattern and room is " 1. willa • r' a t bas a t.aia c:M'"'dier bangiq f" · e, k ... I a Old world ewer die table. Crown molding T Sty. ..W. die fJl'ishina touch. n.a ah• •iiClllid ~way. Tbe titcbCil bas old world -..~ ......... to die = ·we daarm with modern coaven- •• 'k .... -.Y ..... to am imce.. Terra c:Otta pa~ are , ...... -., ...., .... ... .. duouab the titcbeD wl ~ to IM •oM Door tlaat imformal diaina area. The criJia1 eaac_. ~ tk li.U.S. ia n•hed with wlaitcwMMd 1· ·I_. f iJ .,.. Ota' •r • To one side is tbe illfor- IM .... is a ks•• In-did ..a diniq alcove, let ia baJ titqa .._ ' Saft 7 11lie cciJ.. willdows, with a glass door .. is hN ••J ... a Ina lncli•oattothepoolud,-0 ctsr Ir'" u .... • s area. A wall of used brick is aed To * llft. *P .. to tk few acccat.. In the titchea, die for ' nima ...._ 1lie ..,.._ doable wall-mouatcd o~ are ta'I SC.., ..... nil... tr Kl a.to a med brick grotto. All --ii ... r. c ......... . Of -cahieetry is wbitewlllbcd . IHllRl ml' 1111111 ........... .... .................. ""*-..... • llry ...... ............. II 2 ' ., ... ,. ,, provide1 adds to the convenience. Step down to the relaxing family room. A railing separates the informal dinina room from the family room. Coffered beamed ceilings, a bank of French doon out to the patio, built-in bookshelves and cntcnainment center in white- wubed wood and a fieldstone , fireplace are hiahlightcd. A 1mall ball leads to a bath and two bedrooms. The bath is mo acceuible from one of the bedrooms. It bas a 1eparate sink and drcuina area, with a pull- man and white ceramic tilc- topped counters. brass and porcelain fixtures, white plush ~ and white ceramic tile around the glaucd-in shower I tub. One of the bedrooms may be used for a maicrs or mother-in- law quarten. It bas its own flltrance frolJJfhe sideyara. white plush carpet, Roman shades on the windows, crown molding and a double sliding wood door wardrobe closet. The second room is ideal for a teenager or u a game room: It is very large, with berber carpe~ a sliding door wardrobe cloeet, French doon out to the patio area, a vaulted white- washed wood ceiling and . Roman 1bacles on the windows are hipliahted. Back to the entry ball, 1tep up from tbe family room. There is a bl8ict marblHopped wet bar, with hammered bra11 aink, Wbitewuhed woOd cabinets and etcbed leaded ,._ doon. There are two ICtl of stain leadig up from tbe entry ball. The one nearest the ent.ry door aoes up to a small library and the other to the guest po•r room and the bedrooms. Step up to the library. It would remind one of a small; iatimaae attic room, with ita deep dormer Wiadow. It allo U. a ._. opniaa wMle one ma~ IOC>t down i.ao U. entry hall. INtlt-in tiOOtlhelfts • window 1eat and white plu h carpet add the finiahin1 touches. Step down to the maatcr bedroom, which is also access- ible from the hall. This room is decorated in aoft putels, with a vaulted ceiling and whitewashed wood beam. French doon open out to • petite balcony and offer a breathtaking view of the ocean and city lights. A travenine-- fronted fireplace is located in the sitting area. In the hall leading to the luxurious muter bath is a massive walk-in closet, with built-in storage. The bath is an ideal retreat. Marble noon, a separate staJJ shower lined with marble. pn- vate toilet room. two separate whitewashed wood pullmans with marble counten and sinks and an elegant Roman spa tub, surrounded with marble arc featured. The windows have baUoon shades. which accent the bath's colors. At the end of the hall. up tlK_ second-set of stain is the guest powder room, with its antique commode and marble counter. padded fa bric walls and a deep skylight. · · Proceed up to the top of the stain to the last bedroom. It has a vaulted ceiling with whitc- wubed bCUm, Roman shaded windows and a walk-in closet. The private bath bas white ceramic tile on the floor, on the counter aild around the ,iusecl- in shower I tub. .. OUTDOOR ENTERTAIN· ING Thia home ii Mleal for eater- taiaina outdoon, California 1tyle. A bqe ~ad 1pa, uled brick KCmtl ..... oolorf'ul now· en mate this a plm1nt place to be. An impOrted limestone fountain p~ a terene feelina. alona with the aruay lawn. Aaotber phaa ii die attached. three-cu ..... . 81.AL~Oa INFORMA· TION AND FINANCIAL ·--·--Tlae lao.. i1 liited at Sl.~lllf Wlaiteof Re/ Mu or-'N1w,_,. The office is located at 3 Corporate Plaza in Newpon leKb. For more information or viewiq, call 760- 5000. 1 rs W11llE CllTA IEIA in great family neigttborhood. Custom lath & plaster 3 bdrm. Fresh & bright. it shines with real pride of ownership. Cozy fireplace in living room. eat-in kitchen & lovety yard 7Y.n. UH.• UYVIEW COUil Outstanding J.M. Peters 2 bdrm 2 bath condo In Gate guarded complex with community pool & spa. Steps from trails & wildife preserve on the upper bay. 711-3• 1385.000 IUHlllTll IEACI Landmark home. Immaculate 4 bdrm with country kitchen & lovely private rear yard with Malibu lights. fountain & spa. Land lease at $40 per montn becomes yours in 1999. Easy bike ride to beach. 131-1411 1310.• COllU Ill IAI Exciting new contemporary condom- iniums. Split level, open bright 3 bdrms with fireplace, family room inside laundry & dble garage. Several patios & professional landscaping for a private wo :>dsy feeling U1·1411 ................................. 13M.• Pf.,lllLA Early 3 bdrm charmer in a great location steos to local bay beach & short block to ocean. Walk to library, school & Ferry. Remodel or build your dream house. 131 ·1411 ................................. 1435.• MW VEllE Beautifully refurbished 4 bdrm executive ho1ne with f~rmal dining & family rooms in super area. Berber carpetlng blonde swedish pine flooring, re<'.essed lighting & totally remodeled kitchen with -01 Ian counter tops & whitewashed cupboards. ProfesaJonal landscaping with Malibu lights. 131 ·1411 ................................. 1415.• 1~· 1mtrs Custom 4 bdrm Mediterranean style home with high ceilings in the living area, formal dining & spacious country kitchen with nook. Built around an entry courtyard, it has a large sun deck & ocean & bay views. an immaculate property & great value.. 131 ·1411 ................................. Wt.• UYllll COVU Private gated community with pool, spa & bayfront beach. Mini views from Master suite with xtra large closet Oen & 1 /2 bath on lower level. Seller to provide allowance for buyers' choice of new carpet & paint · 131·1 • ....................................... . Cll• ••LA• Charming 3 bdrm pool home in super location. Freshly painted, carpeted & tiled. Living room with beamed ceiling & fireplace & master with den. Private Shorecllff's beech aCQ8SS. 1111-1411 ..............•.................. &Mt.Ill IALW •WI dupfeJC. Charming & immacultlte 2 bdrm cott.ge with knotty pine cabinetry, firepa.ce. brick petio & white picket fence. Super 2 bdrm rental over double garage plua detached bdrm & bath on lower level. I~ ................................. 111'1.m CORONA DEL MAR 2600 E. COAST HIGHWAY 714-760-3600 t Ii I I IEACI DUPLEX Exciting near new legal townhomes. offered as fully furnished duplex with fabulaous summer/winter income or can be sold separately. Each unit has 2 bdrms, 2 baths, sunroon, dining room plus ocean view patios & att. double garage. Four houses to sand. · U1·1411 ................................. llH.• LIM llLE on extra large lot & 1 /2 in great location close to Jucar "night lif' tennis court Great potential for remodel with 2 bdrms. spacious living room with fireplace, formal dining room & nice patio. a1-1• ................................. 11n.• PE•lllLA NllT DCUI,..-, Fabulous 4 bdrm upside down house with incredible views. Spacious, bright rooms with terrazzo & parquet flooring, custom shutter, skylights & an elevator. Fireplaces in downstairs family room & gracious upstairs living room. Price DROPPED!! 131-1411 ...................... , ....... tl•I 1115.• SEAWIND Harbor View Homes 3rd phase with commun- ity pool & tennis. Custom quality remodeled & beautifully finished 2 story 4 bdrm home with lovely gardens & mountain & night light views. Formal dining room, expanded family room with bay windows & fireplace. all new kitchen & baths & extensive custom tile work. · 711-3• ................................. 1729.• SEAVIEW Lovely one story four bdrm home just steps from pool & tennis. Living room. dining room & kitchen open to brick patio with fountain & night light views. High vaulted ceilings & fireptaces in living & family rooms. Beautifuly decorated with grey carpet & tile & grey moire wallcovering. 131-1411 ................................. 1711.• UDO llLE Lovely country French decor in this attractive 3 bdrm home. Two up with adjoining family room & one down. gracious formal dining room & step down living room with handsome built in cabinetry throughout Spacious & private tile patio. Wide street at quiet end of island. 131 -1400 ................................. 1751.• IELCOllT Spectacular, panoramic view of mountains. hills & city night lights from this expanded model with 3 bdrms. family & formal dining rooms & 3 fireplaces including 1 in master retreat Profesionally decorated. light oak floors, designer papers. hand painted ceilings, paned windows & French doors. Lands- caped by Rogers. Gardens with accents of used brick. 7Y..3m ................................. 170.• ULIGA llLAID One house from south bayfront Great water action views from living room. Xtra large corner lot with charming refurbished 3 bdrm home, new roof. paint & paper~ fiont-&--fear patioa w~ lots.of room for expansion or build your new dream home. 173-................................... 1715.• > 1n1ws Mill Beautiful 5-bdrm w ith den. family room & formal d ining. Clean contemporary styling with white tile throughout grand entry, family & dining rooms & eat-In kitchen. French doors & paned windows, private pool & spa & lovely view of hills. 131-1411 ................................. llH.• . SUVIEW A perfect "Showcase" home w ith over $200.000 in upgrades with fabulous ocean & city light views. Expanded 4 bdrm, formal dining & skyhghted family room with used brick floor continuing into kitchen with every imaginable gourmet appliance. Master with skyhght & custom bath with gold & silver fixtures. French doors & beautiful designer decor throughout 711-3111 1171.• LIDO llU low-traffic corner & oversized 35' lot at quiet end of Island. Bnght & open brand new top quality 3 bdrm Mediteranean style home with den oriented around south patio. Now nearing completion. Ul-1 ................................... 1175.• PE•llULA PlllT Near new custom home one house from bay with water & night ligt\t views from muter suite with vaulted beamed ceiling & decks. Finest quality conatrution throughout with 4 bdrma, forrNI dining room with built-ins. Hardwood ftOOf'a, Fr. doon & 2 fireplacea. 111·1• ................................. -.Ill NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2436 W. COAST HIGHWAY 7 UY II. t• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN-HIE IC Cl•U IEl W Steps from main beKh. Brand new 4 bdrm with formal dining & family rooms & eat-in kitchen with gourmet appliances & whitewashed cabinets. Views from master & roof deck. JUST 'REDUCED 131-1• ................................ 1131.llG UYFIOIT with dock for a very large yacht in a premier location. Spectacular harbor views from this spacious airy.2 bdrm & den w ith high ceilings, marble fireplace. sunny terrace & a sophisticated European feeling. Charming 4 unit condo complex, steps to shops & restaurants. 631 -1481 ................................. 11%5.0IO DOVEi s•Es bayfront Lovely 3 bdrm one story with pool table size family room. Country kitchen with breakfast area ()pens to landscaped pabo. Tradition- ally appointed with hardwood floors. anbque german glass windows. oak molding & cabinetry & used bnck. the sunny rear terrace drops to an additional deck & dock for a 50' yacht SUPER BUY!! 131·1411 ................................ SI.Ml.• CAllEO lllllES Bright, open & elegant remodeled 4 bdrm executive home. Fabulous ocean views from family & dining areas, master bdrm & skylit kitchen with gral1ite & marble accents. Many rooms open to the private flagstone patio with rock edged pool & waterfall. There are 2 spas, a sauna & an audio security system. REDUCED! 711-3m ................................ 12.451.• MEWPllT IAYFlllT masterpiece, 8 years 1n the making. Magnificent 4 bdrm plus a dock for large yacht with accents of teak & stainless steel. There 1s a dramatic 2 story g lass entry, fabulous art-deco circular staircase & wall of seamless glass doors opening trom the paneled living room to the brick bayfront terrace. Designer waif coverings & accents of marble & granite throughout 631 -1411 ................................ 12.115.• COIOIA DEL llAll at the beach with magnificent views of sand. sky. ocean & harbor entrance. Generously scaled on two lots. this 3 bdrm home 1s decorated ~ if s_ _dramatic contenu>.<>rary architecture. A featured home in "Orange County" magazin1t, the offering includes the beautifully coordinated furniture, some especially designed for the property. ~ 131-1411 ................................ u .•.• c.IU IEL UI Fabulous ocean vistas from this exceptional new 6 bdrm Mediterranean home. Included are huge living & dining rooms. 2 family rooms (1 on second floor opening to view terrace). library, den. wine cellar. basement billiard room & 7 fl replaces. on a large corner lot just steps to the beach. Finest "estate" quality construction. 1t awaits your fimshing touches. 131·1411 .........................••..••. U.•• BALBOA ISLAND OFFICE 315 MARINE AVE. 71 an ltA r a • &•• M t a n t • 11 - 1 ,_ C MT 11. 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN Into Real Estate 1 O years· of observations today. Everyone was terribly upset when interest rates went to 10 percent (double digit) for the first time. •Buyers were paying 600-800 thousand for Harbor Ridge lots for spccuJation homes. Many of those homes would later be in Christa & Gerry Long foreclosure. BY GERRY AND CHRISTA LONG •A stock broker renting in Harbor View maintained that S27S.~ was .. absolute fantasy price" for this area, and that he This month marks our 10th would-within a year or so-be year of involvement in the New-able to buy the same home he port Beach real estate market. was renting for SIS0,000. (That For this issue we have drawn on home is SSS0.000 today.) some random observations from ... Creative financing" was the our newsletters published during buzzword in the business, with those 10 years. We thought they such "creative" solution as 100+ would make for interesting percent fina ncing. All Inclusive reading at this time. . • Trust Deeds. etc. Man ol these *In 1979 the real estate market solutions came back to haunt the was still ··red hot" with home eller a tew month later. prices increasing as they are *Precious gems ("appraised at Prudential Lido Realty earns recognition Four Realtors from The Pru- dential Lido Realty earned national recognition for out- standing perf ormancc in 1988, and the company reported a surge in the cost of more expen- sive coastal homes. Honored with the highest award from The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates was Howard Lawson, recognized with the Chairman's Circle award. The award means Lawson was ranked among The Prudential\ top 3 percent nationally. Honored with the President's CircJe award for performance in the top 5 percent nationally were: Darell Bryan, Carol Mul- vey and Joan Lewis, said How- ard Dippcll, president of The Prudential Lido Realty. expensive homes in coastal Orange County arc showing a sharp increase in prices recently. ""There has been great accel- eration of prices in the upper- end homes since the first of the year. Bayfront homes arc up about IS percent, and the cur- rent demand is very strong,•• Dippell said. "Our company's sales figures indicate that our dollar volume is up about 30 percent oveT 1988, and the market continues to be very strong in Orange County," he said. Dippell attributes the sharp rise in prices to two main rea- sons. The first is the ripple effect of last year's heavy activity in upper-middle priced homes. ""Prices of the most expensive homes dido' move up last year with the increase in the general SS00,000'') being ottered a down payment for valuable Newport Beach properties. Cur- rent market value of such gems at thiu time usually proved to be about SO percent of 441'ppraiscd value." •rn late 1981 and 1982 we watched the closing of 10 resi- dential real estate offices between Newport Center and Five Crowns Restaurant. Mem- bership in the local board of real estate dropped dramatically. *When home loans went to 17 percent, some home owners sold and rented for a time. For them the "romance" had gone out of real estate ownership. and they took a .. wait and sec" attitude. From 1981 to 1986 home sale pnce were very static. while rents conunucd t o increase consistentl .•. *The leasehold controversy The four Realtors were recog- riized for their work at The Prudential Real Estate Affil- iala. fint aalioaal conventie beld in San Die10. Major League Baseball Commiaioaer Peter Uberroth wu the featured ~r. market. So there wu a lot of proposed tax laws, advison are J!CDt-~ demand. _ tcllin1 their clients that their .. Also, more people arc rcaliz-money is well spent on a home ina that housing is perhaps the in terms of app~iation and beat investment you can make reducing tax liability," Dippcll riabt now, and money ii comina wet -Dippell reports that the more out of other in~ments. Par-Dippell also reported that The ticuJarly in view of present and P~dential Lido ~ Realty has a note from maury .. NEWPORT BARGAIN came to a head. A courageous gToup of home owners-(the Committee of 4,000) took on The Irvine Company and beat them at their own game-power politics. Donald Bren then took over The Irvine Company and offered his brilliant solution-10 percent. no down payment financing. giving the lease- holders a great break, and him some badly needed cub flow. *The Chfoa House was sold (it was our listing). While many residents complained bitterly of the loss of this historically and sentimentally valuable property, no one offered the first dollar for a fund-raising campaign to save ll. •During 1986 we old several of the small model (Monaco) homes in Harbor View H ome~. Price were $230.000. then $240,000. then $249.000. then become more active in the com- mercial real est The firm recently sold an office building in Santa Ana for nearly S2.S million and is working on securing land for shopping cen- ter development in Riverside County. Additionally. the com- $2S9,000. Prices of the same model jumped over three hundred thousand the following year, and we were again into another incredible price spiral. The same model recently sold forS429,000. All other areas of the community are reflecting the same, or similar increases. And finally ... This year we will produce the 10th anniver- sary issue of our real estate newsletter. What is surprising is that to our knowledge no other real estate newsletter has been around that long. While most of the larger companies arc now producing a rcaJ estate newslet- ter. they have begun in the last two or three years and generally have a regional rather than a ewpo rt Beach o rientation. We're proud to have the longest running real e tate newsletter in Newport Beach. pany is involved in the acquisi- tion of propul)'.. Ior a large_ commercial development in Newport Beach. 1bc Prudential Lido Realty bas 24 f uJl-timc Realton. For more information, call (714) 673-7300. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE APPRAISAL OF YOUR PROPERTY AND DISCOUNT COMMISSION FEE. .... ..... , .... • An Unforgettable Experience Bl VlRl ~ Hll l I KIUNIWOOO GEORGE .EL COMPANY - NI 'Nl'OR l Rr ACH [§1 PAl M DfSf:Rl •Y II. t• :Y'HE NEWPORT ENSIGN__,. IC s-~-----==----:--. .... SAN OtEGO SAN rftA ISCO SAN MARI JUST REDUCEDft TOwtetOUSE IN BLUFFS Lowest priced tee townhouse to 2 community pools. schools & shopping area Shutters, private patio and new carpet make L11ht and airy JBR. l t., bath townhouse on quiet street In mmt cond11ton Walking distance this townhouse a grea t buy Prrce includes washer. and dryer S245.000 • ·1 NEWPORT BEACH JUST REDUCEDn WA TEAFRONT -With its own private beach & a special share ol Newport Bay. the community of Beacon Bay has so much to offer The 1nspmng views from this two story home are only matched by the beauty & peacefulness of its waterfront location ~D:.!trud lo self now C~I for appt. to see Sl 200.000 EA8T8lUFF PREMIER HOME SINGLE LEVEL WITH PANORAMIC VIEW -This fabulous "Picture Perfect". 3000 sq. ft . 4 bd. home 1s one of a kind Customized througttout with f rench doors. skytchts. security system. sta1nctass windows. spa & use of 30.000 dintsh bncks. A-200-,afloramie view of ocean. Palos Verdes, mountains & So. Coast Plaza. Convenient to shoppinc ctrs .• frwys. COM Hett. tennis & parks Assumable loan. $729.000. OPEN HOUSE SAT l ·5 2415 BUCKEYE ST . .£AST8l.Uff-NEWPORT BEACH VILLA •AL90A, JUST REDUCEDll -Wafk or bicyde to the beach from this 1ttr1CtiYe Newport condo. or enfOY tM buut1ful poof & tennis nlillble for ,our pleasure. Sonte of the futures are 111 atra lirte hvt~ room •/deck. Ira closets, loads of tile & the neutr1I cotors are Mrudy there to ~t your furniture. C.. now for an appt to see this tine property ottered at $167.900. R E OPEN HOUSE SAT l S 2452 VISTA HOGAR·BLUFFS-NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT'S BEST BUY, WESTCLIFF -This 1s a good boy Priced low tor fmn'. this 3 bdrm home has easy access to tennis. shops & decorator's touch Seller ready to move $399.000 DECORATOR'S DELIGHT IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES -Spacious 5 brm .• 3 bath "Somerset" home lends this house 1mmed1ate occupancy and creative decorat mg. 3 car garage. over-sized outdoor spa and qualtty landscaping are a few of lhe outstandmg characteristics. $645.000 OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN l ·5 1942 PORT WEYBRIDGE-HARBOR VIEW HtllS-NPT BCH FABULOUS OCEAN/BAY CITY LIGHTS VIEW -Where else can you have all of the above 1n Newport Bch at ttus unbeJievabte prrce' H1ghly custom1Zed througtJoutlrftrte. orved mantet g 1Jnck l'IHrth. moutmng; & expensive wall treatments. ttus home IS truly for someone with d1scemmg tastes This condo is an a gated community withm waflung distance to the beach. (;ail now for an appt. to see this lovely property offered at $275.000 9PECTACULAR SEAVIEW -One of Newport's best wews of crty llcflts & ocean. laubfuly landscJped With sun drendled pabos. This 4 bdnR ...,. IS m immaculate condftion Wtth many upcrades & atrn 1nc:t.dq back stJtrs to second levef. f amtly room has wet bar. utenswe use of 1taliln hies. Communety pool & tenm courts. Ptcturesque paths for wafkm&. $950,000. · I RENTALS I .....oRT BEACH -1 brm. 1 ba, lfOUnd ftoor Vlrslillei c.Oftdo. Overtoots lfeeftefY. $750/mo. 7 o A L T R ( CORONA DEL MAR NEW IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -uceptional tn every way. This home exudes warmth & cordialness throughout. Even the garden area IS unique with its new fencing, spiral staircase. pool, BBQ & lawn area French doors & windows. expanded & remodeled family room all new baths & kitchen are only a few of the improvements that make this 5 brm. 3 ba home so special. Please call tor an appt. to see this lovely property ottered at $795.000 I IRVINE I UNIVERSITY PARK VLLAQE 11. RUTGERS llODEL-Woftdertttl fatMy hofM~~t trM Med C.IH---t-- de-SK lovefy courtyard With a cozy hinc room w/WOOIJ burnene fireplace. Formal dinmc room With bay window lookq onto secluded outdoor patio on l'ftllbelt. tor lelsurefy entertanne. Sl1'rtes. heh beamed ceiiqs. master bdrm w/huce walk-tn closet plus wiled ""**· re-mOdeled master ba. Community pool Ind tennis. $279,j()() OPEN t«>USE SAT l ·S 38 N:.NlA TRE£ Uf.VIJN.E I llMI: s ,_ ._., 1l 1• THE NEWPORT ENSIGN ..,_ICllOl1CI ntttiWIUllFIUI umlTAnmNT • The foHc•-. person IS do1n1 business aa NEC TRAVEL/NAPERVILLE. 5 ~ P\au, Ste 100, Irvine, CA92714. l~ional TnNet Spe- c..tisb. Inc., 5 Pa~ Ptaza Ste. 100. Irvine, CA 92714. lt\IS business IS COi\· ducted by a corporation. The re1istrant com· menced to transact buSI· ness under the hct1tious buStness name listed at><Ne on ~117. 1988. lnterMhC>Nll TrlVet Spectaltsts Linda s. Mcintosh This sta•unent was fited wrth the County Clertl of Ofwwe County on M8y l , 1919. Ate No. F-417117 NOTICE: This fictitious name statement e.p1res fiv. yews from the date it was filed in the office of the cou~ clerit. A new ftett· tious business name state· ment must ,be filed '1efore that time. The fllinc of this statement does not of 1tsetf Mhonn the use 1n th.ts stMe of the fictitious bus.· ness Mme in VtC>tMion of the nlhtS of anott. under fedetW. It*, or common law (see Section 14400 et seq. Business and Profes. StOn$ Code). 5/12.5/19,5/26 6/2 2166 PUm.ICMOra ntiiiW IU•IEU um 1Ta1'IMIJlfT The ...... penGfl IS dot-. business as Of/ITS TitAY£L. 5 Paf1' Av.a. Ste 100. Ir-Me, CA 92714 lnWNtkJNI Travel Spe- c•-'ists. Inc., S ~ P'tan Ste. 100, Irvine, CA 92714. This business is con· ducted by a COfPC)flltion. The re1istrant com· m9'1tmd to trensact busi· ness under the flC1itious business name ltsted above on Apnl l , 1989. lm.mational T nlYel Spectatists Linda s. Mcintosh This stMM*1t WIS filed wwtti the ~ c~ ot ~ County on M~ 1. 1919. F' ... No. F-417119 ' NOTICE: Th s fi<:t1t1ous name statement eipires fNie ~ "°"' the dN •t -filed 1n the office of the county c~ A ,_ fict1 · bOUl~namCI .... --ment ----filed bebe--thll bme. The fittna of thtS I stall ••It dim nat of ftMtf ~the UM tn thts .... of the fictitious bust- ,_ Nme in violMJon of the,..~.-. under ...,.,, ....._ 0t common '-( ... s.ctlar\ 14400 It. -....... .,., Prdn- s.on& Code). ' 5112.5/19,5/26 6/2 2162 . K-477tl ntl 11 iOOS BUsaNUS MA.Ml ITATDllNT The followin1 persons are doins business as JEWELS BY MONDONNA, 1280 Bison, #B6. Newport Belch. CA 92660 Afshin Ghassem1, 345 Raymond Drive, Newport Belch, CA 92660 Ali Mosta1him1, 58 0Xtoid, lrv1ne, CA 92715. Mundona Mosta1h1m1, 58 Oxfof'd, Irvine. Caltforn1a 92715 Shokouh Foulad1, 10 Mominssonl Dr1"9. lrvtne, C-'itom .. 92715. This business 1s con· duded by a aen-al ~· nenhep. The r .. istrant com· m.IClid to tninsact busi· nns under the fictitious business name or names list.d abcM on March 17. 1989. Afshin Ghassemi This statement was filed with the County Clerk of ar..,.. County on Apnl 17. 1989 .• File No..f ... 15604 This fictitious name state· ment expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county c"9B. A new fictitlOlls bus· 1ness name statement must be filed before that time. The fili"I of this statement does not of itself authOll.ze the use in thtS state of a ftctitious business name in vlOlation of the r11hts of .,ldher under federal state or common law (see Sectt0n l 4'400 et. seq. busmess and proMsional code). 4/28. 5/5, 5112 5/19 2132 l-47'142 nttlilOUS 9UsaNUS NAMllTA~ The followinc persons are doina business as LAN· GUAGE SERVICES WEST. 933 Promontory Dn11e West, Ne•port Beach. CA 92660. Llncuaae SeMces West lncorpcnted, a California corporatlOl'I 933 Promon· tety Drive West. Newport 8-ch, CA 92660 Orifa America. Inc., a Cahfomta oorpcntion, 18 Cot'pome Plaza, Suite 113, Newport 8eac:h. CA 92660 This business 1s con· ducted by a aeneraJ part· nershfe). The reaistrant com· menced to transact bu5t· ness under the fictitious buMless name ~ litWd abcwe on 1-14-89. ORIFA Amara, Inc. ShtleYukt Senbosht Vice PresMient This statement was flied wttft the County C'-" of Or-. County on April 21. t•. r• No. F-416256 Thill fictitious name 51*- ment expires five years trotn the date 1t .. filed 1n the office of the county clertl. A ,_ fictitious bus· ,,,.. ,_,,.~must be filed babe that t11YW: The .... ~ thlS statement doll nat of itsetf .uthortze me use '" this state of a fietittOUS t>Usiness name in YMJlation of the rt&trts of ~ under fedeql state or common law (see Section 14400.t.MQ bus1nessand ~I code> 4/28,S/S,5/12 5/19 2131 was fited n the offke of the county de<k. A new f1ch· Uous busmess name state· ment must be filed before that time. The tilins ot this statement dOes not Of Itself authOrize the use 1n this state of the fictitious bust· ness name in violation of the riahts of another under federal, state. or common law (see Section 14400 et seq. Business and Profes· SIOf'IS Code). 5/12,5/19,5126 612 2163 PUaJC NOT1CI nc1111UU1 •w• NW STATUllNT The follOW"111 penon IS doina business as (A) WOLFF ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES (B) WOLFF ENGINEERING COMPANY, 350 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa, 92627. Robert Murphy Wotff, 511 Gcqona, Newport Beach. 92660. This business is con· ducted by an 1nd1vtdual. Robert M. Wotff This statement was filed with the County Clerk of 0ntfil9 County on Apnl 20. 1989. Ftle No. F-416155 This fictttlOlls name stat• ment expires five years from the date 1t was filed in the office of the county ci.tc. A new fictitious bus· 1ness name statement must be filed befote that time. The fili'll of this statement does not of !heft authome the use 1n this sute of a fictitious bustness name 1n vlOlation of the ri1nts of another under '9deral s\Me or common law (see SectlOl'I 144009' seq. business and protessional code). 5/12,5/19,5/26 6/2 2149 PU-..C NOTICE ncnnous .,..us NAiii STATDllNT lhe followtnc persons are doinc busmess as ~) KIM· BOWS (B) SHERMAN TANKS. 18 Medic•. Lacuna Hills, CA 92656. Kim Renee ZalOI Sher· man. 18 Med1c1. Lacuna Hills, CA 92656 Kayelynn Lal"n Kosareff. 56 Willowood. Lquna Hills. CA92655 This business is con· ducted by a pneral part· nership The re11strants com· menc:ed to transact bust· ness uneler the f1ct1t1ous bustnus namu 1$led-· abcMt on 5.3.89 Kim Sherman This statement was ftled wtth the County Clertl of Oranp County on May 8, 1989. FUe No. f-417851 This fictitious neme state- ment e111p1tes five years from the dal9 it wn filed 1n the office of the county cletk. A new fictrttOU:S bus· 1neu name statement must be fi'-d before tti9t time. The filtna of tht.1 .i.tement dOes not of ltMlf authorize the use 1n thtS state of a ftetltious busi~ name 1n violation of the n1hts of another under federal S!Me or common law (see Sect ton l 4'400 « HQ business and Pf'Ofe$StONI code) 5/12.5/19.5126 612 ......Cll01ICI A-OIDUTO SlalCAUllfOlt CMWO#MME CASI NUlllD A1440tl frank Flanders has flied a petitlOl'I 1n this court for an order allowma petitioner to chanae his/her name from Frank Flanders to MichMt Frank Flanders. It IS hereby ordered that all persons interested 1n the matter aforesaid appear before this court 1n Depart· ment No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana. Calif0tn1a, on 6-20. 1989, at 2:00 o'clock pm., and then and there show cause. 1f any they ha11e, why satd petition tot chanae of name should not be panted. It is further ordered that a eopy of this order to show cause be published in New· port Harbor Ens1sn. a news- paper of aeneral circula· tton, published in this county at least once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the day of said helflns. Dated May 04, 1989. JAMES A. JACKMAN Judse of the Superior Court 5/12 5/19 5/266/2 2167 PUaJC NOTICI f1C11110U18USINUS NAME ITATEMINT The fottowi'll person IS dotnc l'>usfness as P I. PUB- LI SHING. 320A Marine Ave., Balboa Island, CA 92662. Pac1f1c International Hddinp, Inc., (Calif). 320A Manne Ave •• Balboa Island. CA92662. This buStness is con· ducted by a corpcmion. J•n Gallqher This statement was flied with the County Clertt of Oranae County on May 8, 1989. File No. f-417852 This ftctitious tRme state- ment expires five years from the cSa it was filed in the office of the county c~. A new fict1ltOU5 bus- iness name~ must be filed bebe that time. The filins of this statiment does not of 1tsetf authorize the use in this state of a fictitious busmeu name 1n v•otation of the n1hts of another under federal state or comrrton law (see SectlOf'I 14400et. seq. bus1nessand professJONI code) 5/12,5119.5/26 6/2 2158 PUe(ic NOTICE ncu nous IUllNIU NMll STATIMINT The folio..t-. person is doin1 business as TRANSWESTERN PRO· P£RTY COMPANY, 5 Civic Plaza. #380. Newport Beach,92660 T ranswestern Property ComP9ny of Texas (Texas) 5. Ciw: Plaza. #380, New· port Beach, Cautorn1a 92660. Ttus business is con· ducted by a c::orporabon Transwestern Property Company of Texas Ronald E Davis, Jr Chief financial Officer This s!Mement was hied w.th the Co\Jnty Clerk of o ... nae County on April 21 . 1989 File No f -416166 This fictitious name $late ment upires five yHrs from the dat 1t was filed 1n the office ot tt'le county cl~. A new f1ct1t1out bus lnus name statement must be filed before that ttme The fitinc of th.s statement does not of itself authoriie the Ute 1n tttls state of • fictidoua bUliness name w, ~dMion of the n1hts of lriOtMf under ..., .. st• "'c:cwnmon ... , .. Section 16400•. MQ. bulineas and Of0"111 ~ eodt) 5/12.5119,5/26 6/2 21S3 • The re11strant com· menced to transact bust· ness under the fictitious bustness name listed alxMt on Apnl l , 1989. International Travel Specialists Lind.I S Mcintosh This statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oranse County on May 1. 1989. File No. f .417120 NOTICE. This fict itious name statement expires five yeet"S from the date rt was filed 1n the office of the county clerk. A new Hett· lous bus4ness name state- ment must be filed before that time. The filina of thtS statement does not of itself authonn the use 1n this State of the ftetittOUS buSI· ness name in violation of the nlhft of another under fedefaf. state. or com")OO law (see Sectt0n 14'400 et. seq. Business and Profes· s1ons Code). 5/12.5119.5/26 6/2 2164 IC-47151 f1CTITIOUS _,SINUS NAMl STATIMENT The foHowina persons are doin1 business as HOP· KI NS/H IGHLAN D/"E" PARTNERS. a Caltfornia limited' partnership, #13 Corponite Plaza. Suite 200. Newpot1 8eac:h CA 92660. Hiahland Associates. a Calitom .. seneral partner· ship, #13 Corporate Plaza, Suite 200. Newport Beactt, CA 92660. Mattshan Cc>rpcQtion, a Calitom .. corporabon. # 13 Corpome Plaza, Surte 200. Newport 8eac:h, CA 92660. This business 1s conducted by a pneral pertnership. The re11strant com· men<led to transact bust· ness under the fictitious business name or names listed a~ on October 25, 1978. HIGHLAND ASSOCIATES, a California pneral pattnef'Sh1p. By: Hoc*ins OeYek>pment Compeny, LP , a Delaware limited partnetShip, Gen Ptnr • 8y; Stephen HopktM ~Companyof ~wp()f1 Belch, a Caltfomta corporation General Partner BY Stephen C Hopkins, President Mllttshan Corporation. a Cahfon11 corporation By. John D. Hopkins, President Thrs-~sta.it-ew""'•Mn-nrt-t WH°""fllt<f with the County Clerll of Oranee County on April 17. 1989. file No. F~l5492 This f1C11tious name state· ment expires five years from the date 1t was flied 1n the office of the county cleric. A new fict1t10US bus· 1neu neme statement must be filed bebe tMt time. The fit•• of this statement does nat of metf authorize the Ute tn this state of a ftctllious business name 1n vlOlatlOf'I of the nchts of 1nother undef teder'al state 0t common law (see Section 14400 et seq busmesund professional code) 4/28.5/5.5112 5/19 213-4 K-48021 PUIUC NOTICI nc11r10US IUllNUS NAIK ITATllllNT The follow•na penons afe dotnc business IS WHITE STAR LTD 2 Upper New port Ptai1 Dr111e, Newport S.ach. Cahforn1a 9266().. 2629 ICM lnYllltmtnts. Ltd., a Catdom11 1tm1ted partner ship, 2 Upp r N wport PfaH Drive. Newport Beach, Caltforma 92660 2629 Jam 8 Hefteman, Trus· •of the HefWNn F1mtly Truttofl/221•. 610New· Port CllMlr Df., N9 11art 6 ._. C1llt~ t2MO .... V ........ T ...... ol ........ v. lum9tt 11•111~• TMt. dated nn 1 * 11. ,,. '10 :n~c.::· °'·· ..... C.Htor"'9 ness under the fictitious business na.me hsted above on June 28. 1988. John 8 ~ffernan This statement w.s filed with the County Clerk of Oranse County on April 26, 1989 File No. F4 l 6750 This flCtrtio,us name state· ment expir•s live years from the date 1t was filed 1n the office of the county ci.tc. A new fictitious bus· 1ness name statement must be tiled before that tune The fihnc of th1S statement does not of ltseft authorize the use 1n this state of a ticttteous bus•neu name 1n violation of the r11hts of another under federal sblte or common tew ( .. Sectt0n l 4'400 et. MQ. business and proMsional code). 5/5,5/12,5/19 5/26 2147 "*IC NOTICE ncr1110U18UWll NAiii STATllllNT The to11owtne ~ is doi"I bulfness a~ILLE· BREW JAMES. 6/(} Ltdo Park Dr.. Newport Beach Ca 92663. James 8. Wabel, 14 Los Cruces, lmne. CA 92714 · This business 1s con· dUcted by an individual The regtStrant com· menced to transact buSI· ness under the f1ct1t1ous Dus1ness name trsted alxMt on 4/27/89 James B. Warbel This statement was filed with the County Clerk of 0raftle County on May l, 1989 Fite No. F417114 This fictitious name state· ment expires five years from the date rt was filed 1n the office of the c<>Unty clerk. A new fictitious bus- iness name statement must be filed before that time The fihna of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state ot a fictitious business name 1n VIOiation of the rtlhlS Of another under federal state or common i.w (see Sectt0n 14400et. seq business and profes$1onal code) 5/5,5/12.5/19 5/26 2143 ~NOTICI CMtOlll TO SHOW CAUll FOlt CHAW Of NAIK CAii NO. A141MO Janet Mane Ha1ek has hied a petrttOn in this court for 1n order allow•na pet1· t1oner to ~ h•~ name from Janet Marie Hatek to Cody Loaan It is hereby ordered that all persons interested in the matter aforesaid appear before this court tn Depart· ment . No 3 at 700 Civic Center Onv. West, Santa Ana, California, on May 16. 1989. at 2 o'clock p m., and then and tt'tere show cause, 1f any they have, why said petition for chance of name should not be aranteci It IS further Of'dered that • copy of this~ to show Caute be e>ubhshed tn NeW· port Hatbor Enstan. a news· paper of aenenat circula· hon. published 1n this county at least once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to ttte day of satd • rie.rina. cnted Apr 07, 1989 James A Jackman Judae of tM Suoerior Cou'1 4128 515 5112 !>119 2129 "'auc NOTICl FICTITIOUS IUllNlSS NAiil STATIMl"T Tht! followina perJon 1s do1n1 business 1s SAN JUAN CREDIT COUNSEL ING SERVSCE. 31726 Ran· Cho Vte,o, Sutt 221. San Juan CaP"trano. CA 92675 H & K r1nanc .. 1. Ontnte County, Cahfomta, 31726 R1ncho Vte,o, Suite 221. S... Ju.n CaP'$treno. CA 92675 Thtl bu11ness IS COn· dUdld _,,a COf porabon The ,.....,.,,t(s) com- metlQld • hnMct ~· ............. ~ .... ;._ • .....C•) ...... ~ Ml • ............ tMlftl Olilw'N 1•1 a. Tilll 1111 --.... ..... ... Couner Ca.ti °' ~ C.OU.., on Alwtt 24. ·-FllNl.Nl .. hi11At91 • .-. .... s ment earmH five year$ trom the date 1t was filed 1n the otf1ce of the county clerk A new fictitious bus· 1ness name statement must be filed before that time. The fihna of this statement does not of itself authome the use 1n this state of 1 fictitious bu1tness name 1n violation of the ri1hts of another under federal state or common law(seeSection l~et. seq business and professional code) 4128 5/5 5112 5/19 2123 K-471M F1ClmOUI ., ..... NAMl ITATUllNT The followm1 persons ate doina business as BELL GARDENS ASSOCIATES. a Cat1fornia 18Mf•I partner. ship, #13 Corporate Plaza. Suite 200. Newport Bffch ·CA92660. Hopkins Development Company, L.P a Delaware hm1ted partnership, #13 Corporate Plaza. Suite 200. Newpart Beach, CA 92660. Mattshan Corparat1on. a California corporation. 25411 Coach Spnn1s Lane. Laauna Hills, CA 92653. Jeffrey B Armour. an ind1v1dual, 2551 l Ranae- wood Road, Laauna Hills, CA 92653 Thomas D Lenny, an 1ndi· v1dual. l 7 WOOdflower. Irvine. CA 92714 This business ts con· ducted by a 1eneral part· nershtp The re11strant com· menced to transact busi- ness under the f1ct1tious business name or names ltsted aboYe on January l , 1989 By Hoptcins Develapment Company, LP .. a Delaware llm1ted partnenhip, Gen. Plnr,, By; Stephen Hopkins Devetopment Compeny of Newport Beach, a Califor· nia corporation Gene,.I Partner 8V· Stephen C. Hopki""' President This statement was filed with the County Clertt of Oranse County on April 17. 1989 Fite No F~l5494 ThlS fict1tious name sblte· ment expues five years from the date 1t was filed 1n the office of the county clerk A new flCllhous bus- iness name statement must be filed before that ttme. The f1hn1 of this stat~rntOl. does not of itself authonze the use 1n this state of a f1c~s business name 1n v1olatton of the n&hts of ainother undef federal st.ate or common law (see Section 14400et seq buSJnessand professt0naf code). 4128,5/5,5112 5/19 2135 f-47171 ncunous .,•111• NAMllTATW The followt'll person JS dotna butlNss .. WEST· MINSTER ARMS APART· MENTS. 13884 Euclid Avenue.~. Cali· torn .. 92643 EuseM 8uf'l9' M~ ment CotOoratlOO. Genetal ~rtner, '81 V1.1 Hld1l8f;). Greenbree. C11t forn1a 90.t This buStness 11 con ducted by a ltm1ted partner· 1h1p S11ned Eu1ene Buraer. President. Euaene Buraer M1na1ement Corp The rea1strant com· menced to tranMC:t bu$!· ness under tN fictitious business name listed abcwe on 1979 This fictitious name slatil· ment eapires five years 1rom tM date It ws filed in the office of the county Ci.rte A new fictJboul buli· neu Nme ....,,... .. must be filed blbe ........ The ftttns of tNI ttrll ••• C-.notolillilW ...... tM ute '" ....... "' ficlieioul Mtn 111 ..... tn ......... .,, .. ,.......,, •a._ __ ..,.._ •Cl • ...... pnt 1l'allll...._ TNI I' 217•11 -... ....... c.,.. a.. ol Or-. CourtlJ ... """ Iii 1•. F411111 5111/ll llll llll IMI •• s .... fllllAnt .... NlitiOHTOAl•tmu llTAll•IUIWP.lllOl.•EU81111P 11W a.• aw llW. • EU8Dll PDM.TA .... •LP.lllOl. .... •UMlll.IOI • CMINO.A-1411JS To_ all hei"· benef1c1ar1e1, creditors. contin1en1 ~ .. and '*'°"' .no ~ be othetwite 1nt.-.sted 1n the .... or ....... or both. of EUGENE p RESOS •k• EUGENE P. RESOS. SR . as EUGENE RESOS as EUGENE PERALTA RESOS. as E.P RESOS, and as GENE RESOS A PETITION hes '*'1 hied by ROLAND R RESOS .......... Couft of Catffomia, County d MANGE ,...._.,. IMt ROl.AHO R RESOS be appointed as petlGMI ~ to administer the estate d the ...... TH£ PUITION ~ Mhot1ty to admtnlltM the ...... unid9r ttw .......... Admtnistrllborl d EDM Ad wittt lifMld lliuhnty. (Tt.t authority 11to.s the penonel ,...111 lbltwe to tMut many actte>ns wtthout *8tnt"I COUft appt0119I. 8etvr'I tffinc certain actions ha .•"· the personal reoresentat1ve 1s required to I~ natice to lntll 11'9d pertOns unteu they have waived ~ or COftMnted to the PfoPOled action ) The i.._..-. .. edmen.stnbon IUthonty •1 be ~ uNels ., "-.Md person ft6es an obtect.ion to this Pllltion Md shows IDOd CM.lie why the court should not .,... the authority A HEARING on the petition will be held on 6/ 1 /89 at l :•S PM in Dept 3 located at 700 C1v1c Center Drive w.t. S.... Ane. CA 92701 If YOU 08JECT to the 1"•nt1na d the petition you ....,... ..._ ......, • the ~ and stat•' your a~ or fite written Obted.IOM wtt:h the court befote the ~ Your appearance may be in person or by '°"" ltlomey. IF YOU ARE A CREOffOR or a continaent cNdttor of the dec•MKt. you must file your clatm with the court and meel • ~ to me petsonal recnsentatrve IPPOtnted by the COUtt Within four months from the date of first fSIUltnC:e of ~ as P"Mded 1n MCtlOn 9100 d the Cah~ ~.-.. Code The time for fibna clatms .. 11 :'9 ..::''°tour months from thecSMe of the heannc . YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you .,. • person iMlres&lld in the estate. you may file Wtth .... COUft ........ Request for Special Notice of the fiti"I al an ww.lby and IPPtltMment of estate assets or of litf1 pebtjon OI account as prCMOed tn MCbon 1250 of the~ Prabllte Code. A R9QUeSt for Special Notice bm es.,......._ from the court cteB A8Dmey far pltitioner: KENTON E KROGSTAD. 11525 DoM'9J !we .. Ste C. Downey, CA 9024 l _.936 5/12 S/19 S/26 2 157 ..... NOT1CI Of DU1" Me Of Kill°' TO~ UTATI Of._.,, A L01111Y CARNO.A-141ZM To •II heirs. bent1f1c1.,1e1. creditors. conteoaent credleDrs. and penons who may be otherwese 1nt•ested in the witl or ....... 0t both. of ROSELLA LOWRY A PETITION has been filed by JAY LOWRY 1n the 5upeteot Court of C.Stfonu1. County of ORANGE request. inc thM JAY LOWRY be appo1nted as penonal represen. tatwe to admenester the estate of the decedent THE PETITION reouests autteo.f(y to adm1n1ster the es.lite under the Independent Admen1stratt0n of Estates Act (This authonty allows the person•I representative to take many act10ns wrthout obta1nine court approval Before tak1na certain actt0ns. ~r. the ~1 representat.1¥1 1s reQu•red to 11ve notice to interested persons unleU they hive .waived notice or consented to the proposed ac:t10n ) The 1nde~nt adm1n1strateon authonty Wiii be ,,.nted unless an 1ntwested person flies an obtectt0n to this petition and shows aood cause why the court should not erant the au*<>r1ty K11EARtNG on pe 1 eon w 1 T be he on 671 /89 at 1 45 PM 1n Dept #3 located at 700 CI VIC CEN TER DRIVE WEST. SANTA ANA. CA 92701 If YOU 08JECT to the aranhn of the petition, you should either appear •t the ~nna and state yc>ur Obtecbons or file wntten ob,ec1t0ns with the court before the heer1"1 Your ape>arance may be in person ot by your attorney If YOU ARE A CREDITOR 0t a contensent creditor of the dece•ed. you must Me your claim with the court and meet a copy to the personal representatl\le •PC>Olnted by the court wtthin tour months trom the <me ol ftrst 1uuence of tecteB as PfOVlded 1n secboo 9100 bf the C11 for1 .. Ptoblte Code The time for f1hnc claims will nae...,.,. pru to four months from the date of the hear1na noacedabcM V0U MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court ff you arw • Plr90n int....aed 1n the estate. you may file wtth ... COUit • tormlC --for Special Notice of the """' ~ In lfwet"°'Y Ind IPPf'8lsement of estate assets 01 of My ..., Off account • pnMded 1n MCbon 1250 of h Calitomil Probete Code A Request for $c)ec11I Notice '°"" 11 ..,.....,.. from the court clerk Anomer. for oet1honer VICTORIA C AVEY. 43'0 ~S OfttvE SUITE 100, NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92660 S/12 5/19 5/26 2169 ..,.ICtlOTICI ---CMlll .. au••11W a11• A141911 ........ MM Motc:hin & T.,.. Ann Morris Mo1Ch1n ......... ""''°" '" thlS ~ for en order a&lowinc .....,.,. toe.,.,.. hiw "*' na~ trom Jo1eph ~Molchtn&T_.... Mft fllorf11 Molch1n to ......... Althut Molkeen & , ........ MDrria MolMlf'I • ia ......., .... ..... .. --· ..... •••din the • ......., ...... id ....... , .............. ...,,. -.... J .. 100 Civic Clllllr ........... ... =Clilllauw • 1130. ., ...... ,..,. ... .......... . ... .. FL I 1•ner1I circul•tton. pub lished In thlS county 9t '-5t once • ~ for four con HCut!W ...-S prior to tM ~of~hMrtnc 0.ted Apnl 21. 1989 James A Jackm.tn Jodee of the SuPirior Court 4 /28 5/S 5112 ~/19 2126 w.ra _YO ... C.- ,_CIWlll•- CMI Mii I AMllJI TIFF AMY KRISTINE KfRN ... Ned • ........,,, .Jn tM c:OUft tor ... OftW ........ ...... '° dWtlt Ml hef ftM'9 ffom TIFFANY tUMTINI URN ti> OJUNA Mf!UWOCD: . ............ ... .. __ , .. ,,,, ... .._II I 1'• IHll .......... ........... cause. 1f any they hwf . ..,Y said r:>et1t1on for chan .. Of name should not be lranted It IS further °"*9d thet a Co01 of this order to show cause be published in NEW· PORT HARBOR ENSfGN. a newspaper of...,.,.. ClfCU lahon. published in this. c~at ..... onceaweetc for four c:onteeutiwe weet&s prior to the ct.y of said hewin& o.ted May S. 1989 JAMES A. JAQtMM Judie of the Superior Couft S/12 S/19 5/2.6612 2161 "*JC lleOTICI ACiii10US•••11• NWITAn llNT The ,.,...,.,. ........ IS dot"I buseness II; Pl\CIFlC COAST AUOtOVIDEO. 2116 E Cont Hwy .• Corona Del Mar, CA David Lenn Worilin& 104 w Yale Looo. Irvine, CA 92625 This business is con· ducted by an ind1vid~I St1nect· OIMd L ~ The re11strant com· menced to l1lflSICt bu51. ness under the fictitious bustnns name listed lbowe · on 2·&82 Thts fictibous name staite- ment e1pires five years from the date it W9S filed 1n the office of the county Cletk. A new fictibous bu51· neu neme statement must be filed before thM bme The tilifts of tllis st.MM1•1t does not of ftself authonze the UM In thts stlite of a hctJbous business n.rne 1n violatt0n of the nlhts of anothef under fedetal st.Me or common a.w (see Section 1'400et. seq. bustnessand profewonal code) Thrs ~ was filed With the County a.rte of ()ranee County on May 10. 1989 f418301 5119 S/26 6/2 619 2194 1-41195 "*IC NOTICl ACiiilOUI ••llUS NW ITAllmJfT The~l*IOnSlft do1n1 business H TURNER /BR EA PARTNERS. 1200 Qu•1I Street, Suite 160. ~ Buch. ~hfomia 92660 Rusty Turner 1200 ()ua11 Street. Suite 160. Newport Beach. ~hfornia 92660 Mar~ G Murrell. 1200 Quail Street. Suite 160 NewPott Beach. Cahtorn1a 92660 Sugn V Orummy, t200 Quail Street Suite 160. Newport Beach ~l1forn1a 92660 This business is con ducted by a aenera1 part· nerstup The rea1strant com · menced to transact bu~· ness under the fictitious business Mme hst.d abowe on April 21. 1989 Rusty T urnef Mat\ G Murret Susan V ONmmy This 5Ultement was filed With the ~ Ctertt of <>ranee~ on Aoril 28 • J 989 Fite No F417067 Th.s fictitious rwne .._,. ~nt eapires f1"9 yeats from the dice it was hied 1n tf'e office of the county den\ A new flctttJous bus· 1ness Mine~" must be hted befor'8 tNt hme The fll"'I of tNs awment ~ not of ltMff ~ the use •n thtS "* ol • fictitious business neme 1n violatlOn of the "IMS of .,iothef under ..,.,_,It.ale OI common law (-Section 14400et MQ buSiMa and ~code) S/5, S/12, S/19 S/26 21'8 1989 .. file No F_.18722 Thts f!CbtJous name Sl*· ment eapires five years trom the ... tt ... filed 1n the offtee of tM county clertl A new fictitious bus· 1ness name lt*ment must be hied before tNt time The fihnt of this ..........,. don not of .... euthon.ze the UM in tNa ... of I fictitem8' bOI 111 1W W. ~ of tM rilftls of ...... Uftdlr ......... or COllllllOft ._(-Section 14400et.eeQ.ba• n111and. pruf 11 aNI code) S/ 19, S/26. 612 6/9 . 2145 ... ICmta cam•a.a111M ---aim .. a1111•- Uurie Al-. °'' • 110 .......... !M .... ~----·· .. ........ to dliel... '* ,__ "-' Leurie Alwl D'lil• Ith ID Lmft ... ... ................ ........ , ... .... ... ··j·-.............. ~ ... .... ,.1-CI* Qllillr .... ... Cll ........ u. ----~ .. ............. == • -1& •• nE NEWPORT EHS10N ,_ J'C • " flufttw ordwed ... • COOJ of thil.., .... ~bepa~, ...... ..... part....,_ EnliF. ..... . ....., of ..... cin:ula· hon, pubieshed tn ttlii& county•.._. once•_. fortour~...u pnor to the ., ol aid ~,,. 0.MeyS,1989 :-..A.. ......... Judl9tlthe~Oaurt. SI 19, 5126. 612 619 2110 JKllO.st ....-.~ ..... This ti I t•ll -filed with ... Cauney Clll1l al Qr._~ an..., 10, 1919_ • File MD. f-4LllS3 This'cMica•fWMme. . ment .... ,. ..... ,_rs frafft ... cll*I .. -Mid "' the office ol the CDUNy dertl. A w fic:tibol11 -.... 1.,...,.,...1, ... ..... beMld ......... .... n.-.o1 .... ti q ·=· dam NII ol .... MC r.1aa ..... "' ...... °'. ~-be I Fiil ._...In w hi a • ti tN rWlls ol .... under.....,_ wconnun._(-~ 14400•--a..__and Pl'* I .. Cllide) SI 1.9. 5126. 6.12 619 2183 ..ut•ta ICMl-A-14111J a.Ill TO ._ CMm .. atM1••--ERNEST STUART, ON BEHAlJ ~ BRON GAY (A MINOR) Ms hied a pebtlor\ n court lor ., ~ •II 1n1 pet1tt0ner to chan1e s name from BRO GAY to BRO .St J ' It IS het'eb¥ Oidtted 1hill .. persons ..... esaed ..... ~ttfl a~es...a appear bebe court en o.-t ment l .. 1'00 CMc Cenl'ef [)m,e s..u An.a ~"fom•a or 6· ll· 1989 at 2 00 o·dodil p.m .. ~ then and there sholr cause.. d.,, they ...... ""' aid tor ctw.-°' name shOukj not be ••lied. t cs turtt. ordln:d 1hill a CCIPJ OI s order tD sr.. ca"s.e be piubfirshed ~n Or-. C.oest OlifJ Nal. • oe t...,.. of ...,.Ol'QI ~~'" ~•'-once• ... lur .... COi-= 1 I -..b CW* lO day ol UICI ~ Ollit..., s. 1989. .,.,,_ A. Jeda'Nin .. af ... ~Ccut. 5119 5126 612 619 2178 be Ned Mfore that nrne The i1in1 ol CNs mtement do95 NII al tlleff aulhoril'e h&.-W'llltistl*Of• tic:Miol 11 bl• 111 r*N W'I ..... °' ol .. tiltU of ...... undlr ...... stllle GrCOftWiiOtr ... (_Sedion 14400•-a. ...... Md ~codl) This SI l t•ll W fl9d ,... .. c...., a.rt& -. Or-. eaur.r .. ..., l . 1989 f4171ll 515 5112 5/19 5126 2139 w•ra -10----.. a·-·--CME•AMNU Md\aet £.._,.. c..11 hafillda~en-. court tor en order ala · • ........ '° dw'99 hill her name tram MicbMI Eo-d caltil '° lllk:Mll Eo-dF.nct.. It IS ....., ordeied .. .. pet'$0UIS ·-111 IS .. ... matter ·-1 Wd .... at ......... court"' o..t· nwwt No. l .. 100 CMc ·- c..r Drwe Wast. s.. . Afle;-Clli-tur~n~-..a:.~an--S.:IA-~~~~~1 1989.•~o·~Plft.. Mdtt..Md ... ... caae. if.,,.., .... ..., Yid ~ .. ct-.., name sftoujd not be ...... I IS ....,,_ ordeied .. • ciopyalthisordlrlD ... ca.. be PtJ* [ ta:cd .. ntE NlWPORTOt-COSTA ~ NEWS. aw•••• ol ..... ~ ....... ti1Mden1tlls~•--~ -once • _.. far b. c:.- sea .. --. pnor ti> the d9ro1Slllid ........ o...dApr 17.1919 J9mBA..Jaduvw1 .... ol .. ~Court "285155/125119 2l21 -· .. NEWPORT BEACH 1awon 11m . szn.• Wan••...,•••• _. -w1•11uW • ••• -'4M .-llllaltl wln1ulill c•l11& Up ..... ••p'rnc• ., .. GI .. m1n•111 Deourlu ... a wladow cowarln11. W•her, .,., ~ lac..,.,111• BAYVIEW TERRACE 1351,000 • ... ...., ...... 1211ra2ba,2w..,-. .. lad CO-•Rlly, 1le9MI M-hr Jar.. .-_ .,. ..... d --°"" 2,,.. .... ·111 CANYON 1335,000 flrafl CClfldl .. pdntl loc .. Dlt Olt gol COW98f "'J plhtll, ..... pool. Cl ....... CIS 291, new ....... end~ Nldf ID-•• lnl NEWPORT BEACH 1335,000 LouetJ ...... Knoll COftdoMllllla-.. Tri ..... wl ........ IOOM, .......... ldk:hen ., . • •••••--. w1aw of lllli a ............ WOIMl-...,. co_.....,_.,, IACK BAY 1379.• .......... .., ho•a. .... ~ .... Fr ....... •Achen ...... ,.., a w be. Louelf prtu111 .... ,.,.... llEWPORT HEllHTS 1559.• •lcJ \ cfU llJ 2-111" -pdu:lll all • -.-~-lad CIR II• 3 cer ... Ilea••., ....... c1p1d, Fr ..... 4 llf tor• ....... ll•lf. SEAVIEW Im.• ,,...llf.r11ld1nca,erl1Rlhell• •cu•I• l ... tlR9 IMlda oe•d Ht, neutral decor, 11cllldad localan OR Qil de 1ec. SEA ISLAND 1575,000 Calr'ne a i111M ... .._ .. l111u ... upper 2 llf. Townha••· •1actt1d ~ cablnela, ..,.,, 1oora, _., llftl a bltghL WUTCUFF 1835,• ..................... " ......... .. ••.m••-..Ciaala I 111111ua1.-..111111r ..... •-.. ~ l11tull1ll ,_.. •111J I .... I REAL ESTATE 644-9060 COSTA r.1ESA IEIA VERDE 1214• M11lllll , .............. v.-....... . ............... , .... ., .......... ,. ' • ••••• IP•ld .,_ .. 1ct"8 ......... .. ,.. ..... MESA VERDE 1299,000 .... C'lllle 3 llf +clan MMI lltttlld ft ... tree tmad prd ... 2-fpl. a p111lllla R.V • .,.... t.ocalld on quiet cul de w . Act._. C..todaJ .. ... 1329,000 E11l1lllaclm"M1r.311f, 1.lba.Ho•1 ....... UDO 1114.• 81au• II c:u1l1• .... M•t 11111111 lutal· ,... c1m 11 1111111• ..._ •1pt111 •••• .. ............ . SEAVIEW 1819,DOD Flllul1•n•1d1l1dNewl1dbnl-dll nr. bf, atre ... la..,/ldlchen c•mllo. lkjl.._ two .......................... pelted. .... of ....... ~ LIDO ISLE 1899.• · pall:nCr' on J11i. loL 8ltck lrapl1ca In Lw "- ..e-to....-1111 HARBOR RIDIE 1750,000 EASTSIDE 1329,000 3 br c:ham1r OR d11lreblt lllllllla Pwt.d mGM In wailllDIL Altlal ........ ~ Muet _ ..................... , .... . CORONA OEL MAR IRVINE TERRACE 1519,000 A wer, epec:lal 111•1 IR ....... con •an. Naw ldlclt•R .-•••nil••• window. C11.,.. ..-end ................. ,.,... Tina ... 2 ... ..... CORONA DEL MAR 1530,000 0.1 .._ .... opp......, lo own clupl• eoult of Hwy. 2 br wh ...a on • conw localon. Add on or buld your•••• IMMM. C.. ID-· · JASMINE CREEK 1559,000 On ... ~·of ... ovat1oollJng ......... gre..-.el + oc1an. Lowely expandacl 2 brand fr,ptld~. SPYIWS · 172&.• F•ut1u1 lllr,2"e..tr, -•--llAq -. ........ a I w.:: 111 Lo•llf ._ el a•••• a llllL •••• ••1111111• 1 A k•ap PHiiiWltf w/aw11pl ........ a cir lgM•••.._'*co-llng4brholM. lpeclo• p9llo tor ouldoor _..ttalnlng. HARBOR VIEW HILLS 1150,• Vlawl Vlliwl Vlawl llop 1111 I 01 I ,_ wlllt a · lo•elt .-of Cal w. t1t1nd a -.. .._..,.a .., ...... 11311ra2 .. on .... oont• loL l11u•s1J ••I I hid h1•1 Lo•etJ Lw- c11P9d 11 din. HARBOR VIEW 1185,000 • .._. c1mplll1ll l••acul1t1 cu••-4 llf, 4.1 ... _, ...................... .. -••1nm1 Anr'111' 'w•lllgonel __ _ Biii CANYON 1950.• .. C..,on .....,. ca... •*'• ... 1ao .. . ............. ., dac••l•d ................ of *J'lgbll end French door9. . Biii CANYON 11,158,000 Loct .. d on • qulel cul-da-w In • ..,_. .... .,.._Rec•.., Nn1od1l1d .. ...,... .. Jard""' poo1 a ..... 0our..a ldlchen. c.. tor app1. LIDO/HOA& HOSPITAL S 1, 750,000 Oww ...., opportUnlly tor tttla he stendlng COINMl'Cflly zoned, prollllioael oflce type Bldg. Unique 2 br panthouee Apt. w/2 car ~just blocka to ......... ,. Udo ahopping ... a tto.g Hoeplal. Bii CANYON . 13,588,00D ,.....,1 ..._ •••• ... • trlrwaw w11• a. "-',, ... , ............ ,.,.A .... 111121•1111•1 llD •II •cl• a•••unlJ.