HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-21 - Newport Balboa News TimesJudge Dodge .Warns Traffic VIOiators As:~uto Deaths Double Last Year's Figures . I! the present "kllllng" pace ls continued for the rat llJ¥! OOlmty. . 17 tnlH1t· dc•ttths. All of which IMd1t to th«' fllc-t that lhla ...,.Wble for thrlr"rondltton or thelr roadabtltty the~ of the year with the same deudly effect that has preva.Ued Traftic ''iolalan wtlo ~ • ~ DodJIL'iP's court )'Par.may ~'t' nutomohllr i·asunlti(-s n·n~·h M Rll·tlmt> high. drn of blnme f'C't;fs with ctrh-erw alone. ' far in th first t 0 months or thia ..... new year Orange aft' \'ft')' ape to find tk +21.z.•'ft cm 1111-fttthine end al 1111' ~l~hf'St numht•r o( c1t•Hths In OnU'\6"l" <·ounty waA A fRl't that nts vt•ry ~u into the lncn!ftllin& death 80 . ~ w ' . stem a&tiullitions amd •uuely IPctun:d by tbP ~. wbo ""'11\lt'\I In 1!41 with ll\;\ lll't":-idns klllt>d anct tilt' pn-vloua ~l"l' UI thr nunllll'r or drunk drlvioK chuiiN be1rw county lS gomg to break some records in automobile tra.ffac fand& ~ ~it,-in ~ • ••. m .-llidl our_drath toll Is hii.:h ~1·;ir to thn1 tl1!t" wns th1• ~r lH:\:Z whm H7 nlt'l hn'IUKht into rounty rourt11 nnct the lncn'tlAlna number OI death.a. mountanc. and •m • al1llfd silll _. atartJing statilltks. tht'11: 1l1•ath on th1• h1.:hwnys. drunk 1.,..,. thnl nui In 1 • This is the opinion of D . J. Dodge of Costa Kesa. ,who 9&&1'9 -._ "™ l'h1•1't" hnw lll't'fl many l'\"11Mf\11 advan<'t'tl for th~ INp Y OuPn"' lht ~trtan aeddmt in bis position as Justice of the Peace for Newport town-· · tha In Lirahlll's, 11mor1..: ttwm tht' fnr t thnt t'tlr-s nn-wom ftnd fla\.11'\'. ~fl;.. has followed with semi-professional interest, the a~ In 1945• tbr ~ ~ •ilidl lhrtt •'ft't" 95 dee u not ill ..:~10<~ 1•nc)\1.:h t'Of'ldltlon for steftdy or IH'\'t'l«"rnted _ S..rt•ty t•nm11111._.,u. """ Mporu~on>d l"Yf'ry yeftr but, for · g number of accidents and deaths caused every year result al .~ acc::il:lrau. ~ W'eft 8 Jll"IW ldlkd '~'··I Tl11s may 1 ... hut th(• fart l'<"mnlns thnt llC.'Oflle " metll\t't' thnt th1,'l1h•M Amt•rir1m llvt.• mon• than publl· on our highways and in particular those pert.a1nl.ng to Or-byt.Mmidl9PolF~·:tofarttm,.arttwr.hawbeen dnw fhl" mn. and sim'<" 11utomobilt'S cannot lie' hcld re-cizrd d~. rnt-t'I" with mmrMu·utlvr apathy. THE SAND CRAB . .,.. .. --x ... ------. .,... .. Adwww#t1 • "'-* .. -arc••• --the newspaper that goes ~~ home KEEP POSTEDI I y_,. .... • • ..... ..,...., ... ,. °"' ., Olmllr ... °"'., ..... .. .... Olllil* ....... .. N .... ·Tllilile, ,, ...... 8lell8i ., SAM .' EMBRACING BAI BOA PENIN5ULA... WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY. LIDO ISLE.'NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA '============ -:'~. VOLUMJC mvm ~ ll&M"R. ('A.UJ'OllSIA, Tllt 'R~IM'f .......... AR\' ti, .... • • . , .n,.._ •• PERSON ALITlES. Words dropped here and there as to the city's future come back to its administration and its operation. There is no question but that person· alitlcs have M.""eped into ~he municipality's guidance with the r<"SUlt that it:: wdrarc ancl g1·owth have been re- ta rdC'd. Outbursts or city offidals hav(• bccn received witb gk'I.' liy many, 11("1·;111-.r (it~oph.• 111\'t'." n s<:r<1p, h11t he- hin<I that t:horlle lit'S a more serious mL•nacc tha t r ht'(•a I· C'ns the futu1-e ur the cum· monwealth. In many rauar- lers it is fre'l'ly statt'<l thal thl" commLmity has forged aht.•ad foster than th<' l'OUn· ell has kept abreast of the times. and sober-minck-d citi· zens paint a grave picture or tht' fu~ that ~m more impo11ant than, the la1-gC'r out luok. and \\ hy m<"n can· not ~·I ;i.-iclc• I hl'ir [l('t'SOflal rlifrl•rt'll•''' f<w lh<" .. ommon µood. All of \\ hkh brings 1m1' to this thm1i-:h1· Why do so manv dvi1· IPaclc•1"' a n d worken; b;wl< a\\.tY from do- ing anyt hing. otlwr I ~1an talk nhouf th1• sil u:1t1un . "O. ' lea\'e ml' out of It!" "Don't 1Lc;c my name!" "\'ou know how it is". "l think this and that should be done. bu1 •• -. " A political bcx:ly is as strong or weak as lt.c; electorate make it. Why peM th<' buck to th<> men in authority, when you and you and you hate to say or do anything? Why not form a citizen's committee. Call It Th<' Greeter Newport Har- bor c'Ol'TlmlttN". or any oth<'r dam thing. but give up some of \'OUr timC'--<lnd your pro- fils-to hrlp the lawmakers in a construrtiv<" p~m. Wh\' fiddll" while Rome bums? + + • llTowal-.;a. Here is an· other chapter on thl" com· ment on drowning last week· end and the blame does not belong to the harbor depart· ment but to the telephone company. It seems that when Mark Pierce tried to get the harbor department, without a numtx-r. the oprr- ator said she had lo have a number. When he a..<1ked ror the J)olice he got that promptly. because th:1t is an em<"rg<'ncy p hon£'. Why should not thr-harhor d<'- partment tl(' in thr-same' category? It also d<'velo1..- tha t the lift' S<wing !'<IU:td ci()('S not h:tvP a SJ~boat but d1~rit•n<ls o n ;1utos or tht" hnrhor ho:2t. If th1· harl1111· d<'pl. llri:11 ii-11111 nn ;rnothc-r (';i II llw n 1111' ,. ,..,, 'II•• ho \..; m11 .... r 1'1lh1•1 11.;,• tlw f•'IT\ i·r lrn\'r l 10 mil!•s ;1rn11ncl • thP bay to ).!<'t In lhr -...-c'nf" Tlll'rt' is nn d 1111hl I h;il if I h• • h :1rl11w111 .... 1.•1 h.1 d 1~·· •'I\, 1 th1• ,·;di. h0 • \\•11lltl ""'' nl ... lll'd t:1 th•• 1 .. l;1t• I .1111 11•·1· haps h.c\ •· .1 \ 1·r11•rl .i 11 ~··~I~ Thi• ra1 1l l ,,,. .. \\ ilh 11 11• ln"h· er-11p .... • • • \·1111~ Whit1'. 1\ r• p 11 int- mf"nt of \';111\ \\ 11111• '" 1hr c-it~· planninl.! ('11mmi,,111n mr-.•ts "ilh ttni\'f't' ... :.I r-.\'or. Hf" ii-" "'1':1d~. q11i .. 1 r hink· er. 1·;tlm :1t :di Ima.._. and 1111' kin<! of limt ~·r I hr-1· .. m mi .... sion rn:'ffls. Now it is hopro thf" ~ill\OH m;in \\'ill start plan.c:; to Ink<" \••ntr;:il a\'<'nllc:' out of thr-<lnlclrums. With thr l'C'tiN'ntC'nl of Oor ~a­ ger ).:OI"~ a strili).(htforward an rl hanihittinl! phmnc·r. whn know~ "h;i t 1:-1f all a hoot :rnd "hn \\ 11 h F11rnw r P~i<iC'nt C. Harold I lopkini:; did mud1 In f11Imul:1t<" thf" zoning and the l:iyim: out of street.'I. how•ing an<t <'X· pansions, !'nrni•thin~ t ha t ahouJd haH' lit'en <lonr-years (ContlmJl'd on PA~t' Fl\·•> Abandon Army Air-Sea Rescue Service I I :Kenny Electe 1To Head Coast : Association 'R W. Bartine of~ I Mesa Namt:d Sttond, Vice President I Jlt•rht"rl F . Kmny, Balboa post mast<'r. was electro pl"l'Si· dent or the Ornnge County Coast association al its 19th 'tnni\ 1•rsary dinn<"r at t1w WC'kom<' Cafe oppoi:;itC' ttw <;0t1th gntr-of the S.'lnta Ana Amw Air has<.> W<'dn~rv ni!!hi in the prcsem'<' of :,() nwmhr-1-.. nnci frirnds. Chri."1· rn:is Tl\>t' l.i).!ht ing :rn a rdi:o "1 •rr :i nnoum'l"d n mt 1 mphies givr-n to tht" roastlirl(' ,vim. I mun it i<'f' anrl bu!lirlC.'SS firms p.'lrtidpating. 1 r.-s ....._......,..., l.L .._ .-.... ., ..._ ,....., ,__ ..,.._. ....-......... n.- 1 L A P111rh. rPtlring pnosidrnt ........................ •••----... -•• ............. _Ip_~ fe14n_. lie'-,_ of thl' usoclatlon c1tlll'd upon ttw-r P '# .. _.. • ........ *·so I tf ... ._ _.. U. ~ ~ • .. ........_ We vnrlnus rommunil11"S to riM' in • ........,. IPft ~ _ • 4AF' f'hn111 hody 1md IM' introduc;-d. Tlw>>· "'I> rNW"ntNI dtil'tl from St-•I Bt•a1·h 10 !'an Juan Cap1~1rano Kr nny lonk I hi' i·hair Wh•·n ttw- rl'port of lhl' nom1natinJ: Nl"1m11- tl't' \\·as aC'N'pll'd Thf' off1("M'!. n11mM1 for the• romini: )'l'llr "''r" Arnone :W -~ -• ~ ll F Krnny, Jlalhoa. prPS1dofoont frnm t-'<<r1 ,....,.Arthur .,..,.. '"• C. (', Kiml>f('. m11yor ol L111:1.m•. f1r.11 v11•1'-pr1•1ldrnt. R W fl.iir · llnr, l'Ollta Mc•l'n, :lnd \'ll"'·Pr'"''· dr nt. Hit) Sn111 h. s,.n l1r m .. n1r. I Jrd \'tN'·pr•-s1ttrn1 I lf11rry \\'l'fr h, ll<'<'rt•tury of th<• :-.;, ... ,,,.rt llarh<lr <"tlAml.rr c)f <'<:m· mr·n•f', Willi rr -drrtrd l'N"rrtar). 11 pnsl hr hnti hrld 11lnN' lhP ln- <"'Plinn of t hr 111t!Kl('18 tlon C.COOttoueu on 1•a«~ .. , .... • frnm 11 .. ~" .,.... -n.r., •n.- F'~om R.Jboll l ocia.d f1cM f If. I I" 1 K•"nn> th I. '1~•· r" l l" TW· tlUI"._. •""'°' Fmm S.--.part "-~ T-1t F our1 h ". 1 llaun · Jtl I la•• ("'pl M AN'<> P ANrtt., I U 25otll _,,_, Frnm IUttwM S•aff Set 1-c; Grr<'ft. 913 r--tral .--T~ t-.I 1 h r.·rado f ranls II fl:ay 'If • 10fl3 F: C"-1ral II'_, ~lander ·La-~ded ht General For Conva~escent Wonders \. \ 1',t1f fndufln I ,,.. .... ,,. t• ••• ,. '" ,..,. .. , .,.,.._ ". ,. ••• , ' t • \ r. 1n 11n '' ,.,. lll''"•lH'H'l•ttl I ;1 •"'•• t • '*" f.' "• rw• the f\I.-• ttl ••G'\..el• t t O f f t ,,,f")(f1f \1t'lU\~ fl"1t,. • .,, ... ,I "'' ;-;1-\,\ \U at '""""''"·~ tt• t 1P~' U \\ 1111,.m ,. 1 ·11h1ll, lfil I fl1tl • •1\ ,t, .•• ~. n1 r• ••1,rul1lh•r11na.:. ptu '1rt• "''' t• t•••••n11• •I I•\ ltw f if ,,••n t '••• ltl.tfl\ "' lfu fl\uo· '"''I \\' r•· tH•lflJ.: lowf t h ruu'°;t1 f, nl• "' 111111linc ·111. \ 111 •·•I ._.._ ... .,..""' ftAlh .. ~ 1 .. 1 •• ntt. "''"' .... • ,,. , '' ''"""'rd thr rr.•.ndUton •n).! ,.... 1 :du ll"" -.. ,,,,,,. ''''' l f uttt lhr vam ""tho h.L'' 1n Ju"' 1•1t:1 .,."'" ''''""''' I to t.f1 ""II""' ; ;-PDaf~!~ .. ~.~~~~~~1;1·Es 2 ~County-Hires Engineer for Local Harbor ! Army Rescue Boats L~ave; 1 Postq~ing Mor1tan Noble, f.,ormer Navy Offit~r. Now With llarbor Co~ I f'ut in Trained P·-er-w-n- nel Heuon f• Cloe- ing Order 1111 n~ilf' bnflh1 k'tlvtns y!"Mh•n1ny. the.-IOt'al prllt ~ th1• "7!llh AAF·BU (Anny I (iti'll II" 1111 l'lllfllllyt• Of tht' Sf~ll l'C'h and ~ ~°') m 11nty 1•11L!fn1-.•11ng "'1wtr1· Ill rt b • ..._ •- Jlll'lll '" \\lll'k 11ml1•r A. A . A ...... UAN NOIU.r. -\\' • OM' y UllC'• '""" I'-I 1 A Nn• A_..l_t t• c·.-1• r.-. M11n·h , 1u>t•ontln1t to CJ.pt. .. ·:11.. . q111111 v 1·n~ llf'!l-r, . ' I> v < • kif ._.._._ l\111rga11' N11 hl1'. a Stanford tr'-A..._."4 '" .. .,.._ · · 1111 •y, <'U'"··--• ,.,""..._.,,., orrlt'«•r of thf-1'C)fltl~t. m11\1•1,11~· i.:mllu111t• "1(""1lly Th•y hnvc· t ... .., t'lltablllihl!d n•lt•a'4>1I frttlll tlw nnvv "" 0 t n-• I >rvd111 ·k c 1mn "': 11 I I ltnih•r'tt R d on 1 '" point nrnr the .....,baa Pc)int. WllS llS."l"fll'lt tu ttw Or-pen e ""' m ni..-to Nrwf10'1 "•rbor ., for '44.'Vl'f'llf )'Ht'll. nni.:1• f"uunty 1 lartior nwn~ Mrt 1111• °"fcln1111y u • ,..._._ slnn v1•sf1 •1il11\'. I fr ... ,. no.-Cross 0r•ive f'Ut'ltlr11t•·nt fflf' umy ..,._ ..... t't'fltly f"l'l"llfTlrllMlck'(i by thltt '"' the ..,.,, the ........ ...,. hody to thr boord t,){ IUpervt. ahout llO '""" Gil "9atll _. la on for e~r1~ an P"f"IOl\IMll Wfll'k .._a......._ mnnf'Mlnn with ,,~ rl -It w ...._ .... -a Iii ---...!, tilt' !111~· /l;t11rln1t 111111 thr h<tmf' ... r-vw '"'°'' Wf'Mtltf rf'INlln, u ttw .... f!,,, ) ''" .•• '''· • ltulrt111'n "' lhr I rttf:t ..... t ,,,.. "'"' I 'tlEH I• In· NriJtll'll ... ,.. '"''"',..,... ......i rr••lll•t "'"I• 2111 .. r 11lu1ttn11 wllh rnonfli. aaru lhfoy wnuJd "lw .. '"Hint\ h ltt f,.,, 1·'1Jl11fHl,ltt1.,, •f11f1•tf ••O\ftltfffft'nlh f hal ,.., ,-. .. .,,,,, hnr hnr "'''"" t ,.,..,. fu·•~fl ttir1 .. t hut •t1 '' ,_.1.1, \• '"' tut • ,f ru ciu·• h on 'I • 1)1 • •1:·1 121• ''' I t" lto•lt• 111•1 111• o lu••u• • .. uut ' t11u hot 1f1·"11rtu.-•nt , .. •I• f1111•· , •• Ut' ,.,,,,. , • .,..,. cit• '""'"' ., ,.,, Hw tltHl'l •lf'l* or Utt• •tt•I" 1 f, 1\ "'' ,,,,. rl•" '"••Utf) tlurk•. , .... ~· \\,t llrt, ,. ,, ,,,,,, th .. ,. •.• f 1fft I f,,,, 'h•••1til fu1'••flll' f.uriUl,tr wllh '•ttd111n r1-. ct ttu lt.uf .. ,. hnd II• •II •ll11w .. r 11,. ... 12''•'1•,.'ll • 1.1,,,,, f• '' 1,.,. "' •llrt1t u1-.• 11l1ttta( Uw• ~ .. ,. ~ ,,, tl11 ,.. '' 1·1tv '"'"'"•'" ... "• • o'I, 1•t111••• •I '' U••\\ r-•t't•lvtnl( lh 1 <1lf1 1)t 111rt 11J f h 1 ••UUtfV f"tHan • t 1 •' • 111 lu ,, .. ,,,'''"'-I Hf h•nacth fl\ I"' I''""'"'.'"" lftf#r 2 " w.1 • ••ml. ti..-""'"' ur,.nf't• of h11w• " '"'"'"""""' k>r•lklft tllr ""' A111t 1 •• 11 l!t •I 1 ''""" v. Ill :opo·n J•ltt't'tln ... llf'• alMI air ,.....,.,. ..., • itrl\ • i' ""'Ill• 111 t \ \VII It 1111• lltt I\,,.. 11u11.11 , . .,,.,, 111j'1: "" 1'1111 • II I TIE<• 1111 .. '" tfr,.•111· lnrnectl of llw: M •ti"''" '"' thl• '"''" l!ow•"''•·r h11• In 11rmy ,.....,,..nrl, f'•pt ~ '"'' 11 rt"ff11r.·t1 frttfn SIM.IOI 11f 11'•1 •1'111 ln~t,._. U\111 thr t-........ . • ,u f., JI I f;•IH 1111• Vt 111 ,..,..,,.,, lo:r lhr t•rr.,•nl tn 1~ lo t.ft4' Vu•t••f t:,,. .• 1" .,, '"·~· ,. .. ,.,. •• .,,,,,.. fhfl nu•n "™' ~tutttt1"'Wllt dM!Annen nt llw tfrlvi· l•>r tit•• r11111 '" '""I• I•"' S1111 F1n1w1 .. •o 'JlwoN ""*'"'llYf' yr11r St1• .. 11r1 I •11111111" ''" 11 "111 t .. tr11lnt'ft ln • l'f)-,..,..n- Yln> cil•lrrnen of 1111· 11111 '"'' 12111111'11 1111 ... 1 I" "II' 11111, ,.. 12r1utn1tlly 1•l11n· I ,,,.. 1Ert•1211l1,11t1 .. 11 I• lallh11( uH•r ni-<t II• tfttf 1101 ltni-Ir Uw •fm)' Uw Wt•rll "' d1alrr111111 t:f th" fl•·•I 1 "'•••1l1t r1•h1111 llu•m .... ,..., ,. .. ._. .. f'n-aJt olurlnl( th•• fto111fa •r1tr) 111• lw h11• ,,.,.." tuilt lh•l hr woaaN 8f'nc'I" of Jur.:••n I ••l'•·nl 11•11 """""""'' I hi• 'Yllf' of Wt>rll for Thr n11t lorH1I u1tl1•r hA• 1 ,., "II ""' nrmy nl~ ltw '""" that m11•I 1 ... , tor ·n, .. 1·,.,.,, 1;•11011,.ntf Army h•VP 1 ~ In 1·omn1un111t ... .,, h ,,, "'""' l111tf th•·lr lt••1t1I• 1,'IC,.lhrf' "" ... ,_., ,.,....,, In ftw ,.,..,. ••f m11n)· •"'1 "" r r a1•11t• wurlt. .NI .....,.. "''" • f .. , ""'''' '" ""'"'" """ "" .,..rv1,.,. mt'n """ llw'lr fnmit11 ... tl1tn1 '"">' '"'"'. uf II . hfo brlW... '"' n ,,.,.,,,,,,, ''"''' •lw llttrh• It -al•lf"ft. rr1.r• ... ·ntl111( n l1t1 1;1· 11•-•vt·r. f•rr lhl' ITll'lnlf'nf It~ cr1 It .u. • • I I• " .'"• '• ,,.., "' "It". flll"ti nt rNlitfonf••• r'""'" 1·1rn·11111 fl•'fl '"" th11t l"I,,_ . Survey in Grarmlil' Schools Shows Population Pa111C11e11f \111••• r· • •1!11° • "" 11: .. ll11y fo'""'' ~ d ,,...,,Ir wh" IM••·mia•• "'I fh. h•rl"" wllhnut • ~k'tt .....,... 111.u11 .. 1 1t 11•I """ t"" rhll~ 1r .nno( 'f'l•llf)I fnr 01111 1 """'•r• '"''""" 11,. ""'' .. ~ nn r rMlcn ~ ISt=-te r-1 That t'llPf'<'lt'd fZTO"'·th nl Hvbor ll1~h 11ehoot rnro llmrnt Will ~"' "''f'f'll'llatr 11ddlt111n ' In thr pr1-s- l'nt pl;int ,. indwarrd Ill! rr,·ral('(f Ii~ qurst cunn111rr" s.·nt r"""'"' I} '" 1=r:imn111r :o:r ft.,,.1 p11111lc and t h<·1r Alley Closing I Voted to B•lkl CDM Market f • " ' ' " '•"'·' ' ltll IJ I ,,•I•' Ill f•11t 11f'1 I d• I \~ II I I I·\\ " l I I I 1 ,,. I ~ • " 1 t11 ••' " ' • 'I , I I I •• f ,,,, 1 u • ,.. I \; ,, • I f I f ~ \'.•I I : t i \\ '• r P t'• ' ' I•'' It ti I I I "' ... ,, ,, n•• ,,•Jtt I 1n ,. ' ; i. f~ ... ,. " t ·1 i I . , ~' 1 ,. ft in ,.,, t ·,. t , ''' '" l 11 I '-1 , rt • , , ,t, I'''• d tn t) 1 I•~ •t •·•t 1 ' .11111 • t • •t u .. n,t :11111\\ It • tlo \\ 1t1 r ~, ,.. ,., t .. t •rr .. '-•'1 ,t q, ''''"'''' ,, fW ""'i • \f ll 1!1'•111..'h 1t \\.11,, ''('tf:ttr1 r•d th If If \\n•iltl 1 ... • nn,.•fl• r1tt t, ""'"" l'rllcl• "'"'" 1111• (11 1 ,, 111 ,,,, :-tl11n&: 1 •• ,,. f11~h'' n Jf•1 f• 11 tt1 ,, th· • ~) J1l:1nn 1n:: < nntml\.,,nn ... h. 111tl (tit"C.. nn th•· U4'• 1Cf ,,, Iii• '·'"'' 1\ll• n •·ff• r<'d lw•th m 11t111n -. '" • r.:1h~· th, "'' .. Jthv r••4i:l<l• nt "hri ,, 1'd4i.•1 f11 \• l•1p1n .. • n •. l ire" tr: .. • ·t1 .. ni: lh• \lrr 1•I,. \1:1• tu I lttCI •t I~ Jlff1p1 f l\ fq 11ft1f J rSt '• lopnt• nt , ... 11rut 'In"! "'' 101" t<• r•'•r t '" ,,,, ·~· Htlph '''"~·' '"" kn11w °""''f•1r1 :t1.:rn1 . r • llf"· ~"n11-<I Sn11!11 1n I h• '•flf'ltrMI 1••n \\ h1rh dtcl n••I • d i f•·• " r hitn.·•· in , .. nine """'I•' m· for t hr ln•c in lh<- r• tr, \\'h i1 h tr •"''"' 111nt-rl fnr J~ ~ lh"''' fo:r 1nt.; !ht· h1£h0 \ 11)' llT•· ('._ If \\Ill' I \llllllnl'fi ~ '" fWWlllh • c-* -~· manronr) nf f .,.._ • U. ~ •ho .,... ntJa an Uw ~ ~·..,., Ii>~~~ ~n•• of pupil• 1n uaJnlT\ld' ..........., •t .. - "' h" o•"T'l-d ,.,,...., ••n ht~~ ls..,·~· i1r • _, .. i W"fl .... 'U~ t-~ .... • I rhtli•'CI a• s• ~· ..t •r..- •hn r•"n••-4 ~nc:1 ·~·.,,....d .,.. .... 1t(lf'I u f l f"l"'\a.J--,,.,r ., ·ho-...... \ ,. ";;44 i•"-'-.ltA Jo ,. • • • • tfi,~•l t).,.. •t ·.-.. -··r• .. •1 r ttlf fl,,~ f•"' ~··tt•• t' '"'•• II 'ti • . . "' ' "' r '•• l~ I~ If f T • • . , .. •1 1• ,. r .. . ... ... 11. ,, I •• I ,,, .... ' I I' i• u ,, .,.. ,. .. I , . a ;••• • ;• ·-.-.f'• ',l ... '. . .,. • t •• I °"" ,,, ,, ,. "'"". r , .. r.c ... h ~ ... r • a• ... If \91,<f'j ,...., r ,_..,.,, -, ••111 ' I • ~ rtti ;, • ~ • ~ fii• ••,,.. • f ,, ... , :ie ..... : Th• t ,.·r """' '• * · .. ..,,,.,. • ~ I r•,. .... ~ • • r• M••t ••• ;..,.,,,.v t:. "• ,io-• •• .. ,,. v. •" nut., • ,;·• • •• ,• .., '"''•r •· ,,,. """•" , •• ,..,, ,, r·~· •' v .... a 'i' ,.41. '• ,. "'~"" h\ ···"· ~r 1 ~ • t• " r•. ·C'· .. r' ,,,flff ,•··· .,, l • ;-; • t-. • • ~ • ...,,, ~ 1 ,, -· ,.., ~.... . .... , ..... i • .. ;... ,, ,,...., .,. ' : .·. .\nt_,,t-.. T , ••• ,..-.... ~.:r • h ftt•J::--.. I ¥<j a t •.-~... .,., .. ,, .. ~ ~ .. tj, l f ~ ... a • • • • ~ • t... IC;. • .,..,. f_.T"'-~ff\r\' I ii',• ,. • "°1 lit I• f "• -• I • Ir. JI , .. e., ... ...._ Hnlh••""t r• • .,,..In« o.ludlo"' In lhr I"'"'· ti.. I" --r 'c a ,...........,.,,. .. & ,_, .. ,,.. ,,,, '~ ( fMlla \it,.... l•w 11Uun. ~h,,,..,,, ••I •1 o .. aA hpP' "' .,,. .... ""111 ... a t '!II ..... n.-..r...a ho rlllli•• ... 1t ,,.,. ,._.w.,.u .. n- Rohert I.. Shorey ""'""' tf ,,. '21llf11•1 ,, ... ,.,._,,ljrl Inn 'T1w ~ ~,_ l'l "l'I "'"~ Ir: '... • ~ ••• • •l l\ "' '"" ""r Snhfr "·'" "'"' ··r•n• •M mlltflil \ "'"'l:llith ,, ... Is Here .. _ ..... , ,, \ru11•1•1ft, f1u " ,.,..._, t.et·n1l1uttr ., ... ...,.,.,..,,,, .. ntt •1lt ,. .. , t• .. , h ''' I"" • """ ,,, 1" ,, ,,,.1,1• .. ··•ttr•· ,.,.11 """' ' ... "' Y"'' ., ,. 1 •. 112•···1'0n Hl..t. Bridie ' 1•·fl • , td '•' ll•f l ... '··•un-., .• , In nut M thfftf'Y ,, ... , f ~ hM\ .. u111i' I •I 5n 11 1t 1• I' f 1 '' ''' ,,. I t ru u '""' fttnt Utt• "" t k t•• let pt up .. .,,,, t' '1• '•' 11 1 " 11 t !u f ' S If , ..... Vlfttlfy t••'••f11f tiff~ \>ft• I '"'" t If, I '' ' f ... ,, ••• ",, ,,, .. "" .. ,.,. I '\ ''' 1 I \I •f '• • j ., •• , '"' "' , , ..... h I ~lt 111 i1 rt• t(, ... , ( 't-'"'' ,,, •• ._.."'"",.,,,.,,,.If• .... fU Of"f 1tlfltll! ,.f ,,, 1tttt ltu 11•ll•J1 n lft. t Ion lttttf .... ,,.. nut""'~ llHd t tll I u •ti ,,. ,,,,.tr.ft,. '""''"'"' ,,, "11tr1lt1•' I • ., I I 11 '' ' . ,.., ,, ,.,.,.,."' f •I' f, Iv t nMo(f '"' tfu· h<•W I t••nr 'Httll., f "' IU ttf ltf1 "HVt f " tf1ili ftt ,t "1t ,,,.u11r1a;, u• •HI•·••' 1.r•·\•·nt11111. flJttlUf Jet'' f 0ft,_,_ lttlll 1ftioi fl 't1l1 f tttfUtl fttt'I itff llflll'ftf l h ttf 11f tflll I ''''" ,,., ''''"'''I H 11• I I.. I 1,. .... • ,, I'• ••• ,. , •• ,., •• ,I 11 ... ''·•I I I • Bi· Lorn! Contingent l envP~ For Jtnnual Mid-Vlinter t~~~Pt I I I' I I• '. 11 It I ' '*" ft •I "'·•·t• lt1llrr+ .,, \\,I' n '•'• 1 t "*'0 ""'•: t 1t•Stf1r1~'· I It ul1 ·• 1'"•·d· • • ,, r1 11 .. 2 . 1•1· ,, ,,,, , • .,, , , .. , ...... ,.... \l.1 ,. I "I I 11 "" i. :If •:I the• S1~11n1:lt"f', J\rw•111 1t1:•I tl1• ·'"'" ff II 111 lt!!p ft\ 11w·y 111 1,.,.,.,, "''t t 1 t '' .i lluttttn~ \ • • '"un1nt•"''"' I • •t t • ~•••llft f 'ttte-.t Th,. rtr•t l•ftwlhlr t11t .. r .,.•I nf I~ "'"'" ht,.tt ... , ''"'"''"n"'t IA I~ plfll'lftt ul • 1•11(11 I•\• I l1rl"cr ..,..,. • ...... ,., .. ., t''" "'" ...... " '" ..... ,_. f,.,, tt• r uft fh1 ._lfr f••I.-\ ..... , .. ,... ~. \ '"'''l1, .............. '" '9hl.i ... ....... ,. .. ' ,, ... ,. '..... ' .. ~, .. -. ,. . ... f '•fff r '-"" ,,..ftf lfll f ft\ I.. I I r fthtl +I " \\1l1h If ~•-•rtttl ;If• '" ......... ••• , ... ,, ••• _. t u ..... h .. ,. •II• '"''fl , ... I ' '••'Ct " • .,,. "' .... ,,,.., ... It ••••. ••nw o ll h .. '"''"' ......... ,,, ............ , ...... .. ......... ~'" •• ,,,.,. "' •\11t1r "~•••·rl .. ,,. ,. ,, .... ,,, I \• " . I h1, ! ti. ,,, """'" Ill ' I l • ... ••••• '" 111· u ttf• t •1 • \\ t11o ti•" ftt 1·U..- t tt• W:t 111• •tt•f •UJ(n uu·•I •·t '•• •I h h "'' tf1tu t11;h f .. ,,,.. •I• I \t •t lu • ''"" ,.f lhr rr•·.& , ....... , ................ , ..... , .. , .. ,.. ... f111 111 • ••1t1tt 1•1u 1un111tttl ,., th .. tltttt , ..... f ll>••h ••••• Fined $1 !)0 Tu e!il., ll\rkleHH Drivin,; J nstead of Theft l1tut~ 1t1MI lthu1I•~ ·11, "' ,. 1 .. y .. , "I' W "lt11·u lltt f,y Ill•' \\ .. 1, U• 111 I•· ff•111ly f•n 1 h•· r~·i.:111 111, whlrh '11' 1"'11' ""'"~ " lo l1t• helil lhl• 1•rnn111i,: W•·,.k '1rt1lt•lo•tw• """''"'I 1•f 1.na An· '''"'· nml "''""' , ... 1 .. 11 ,11, :-,,11 211 ,,,. 1•• ''" 'f'I"'"' •'fl In lt1•ll•"' 1•011rt IJ "•• ' " 'I:• ''""ltw•""'t nl I Tht• litrj(t' 1 ... , ... w ill 1 ,, • ''"'" '"''"'"~ iont1 111• ... 1, .. 1 1,'ltllty In • ti • • n' '"'" t ,,,,.ti "K•lh 11rwt ttw• 14'11l Ani·•·li·c. y111 ''' , ,1t. u.el ,.,., k l•·ti1J11 •frh hu, 1·t111rf(1• ll.nd w• • •2•11E1 1h '' '"'"''''"fl "" ltay, ttw Rm•ll '"'"'" tflYl•I''" wlll race '"''•I '''" l:y .l 11.t1• .. ll .I flrwdc•. :,· l••I·•' "••••11•11 .1" 1 .. , Hw• 111f"ultrllt11 11.,11 1t Y:w ltl "'''' Ir: I I \\H• ••rttll••ll•IV r••purt••d In ' • • '·•"•l:tW " • llw 111 •I .,, ... lhi· lltltrr i,:rutlfl w lll l>f' SIHI"'' nnrl 'l'21• "I"\'• l"'I" r lt1r1I Mn VlUWJllf't 1 •I"'' "' " ''" J\n1•••lr•• Ynrht l'nr1fw 14 ''"'' 1l:n1:l21·~ "':ti: llrll 1111•1 ·•1'1•·11rrt1 ''" n 1••Hy lht·ft' '· "' ' •of t• '" :111•1 within :lit llA11trr arwl fllll S•·Y•''""' 121,,12121r:1· 1'12111 1·•· f At •"..,..:,. •~n "1"~' \>••'•''._. • • r,. tt."11tm11 l h<· 1h<ot1£h• "' " •m•• •it "''" •12•1 , .. t.I•' 1:..1, '" , .. ,,,., .o11 I i .. 1 ''"' l•ot:r ~ -re· to l'ftt.-It.Ir Slnf'll. 1011 "'' J\11•1• A1•1•·11r111i.: '"' 11 ... 1•·1ty thrft """·'1 ····1'"...-.•: .. ,, ... ,. , "'·•n:: nv-.r--.. rl'••'' •h1tn v.tv1 ._..-, •• ,t21,r••> ... ,,, I"'""' ,11, "'''""" " 2•1, m 11 1 • 12 .. 21 ~ • .t.11 " • "'•I ' 1 n_..,. wilt I•· rnl••r o••I I''"" h,.,'f' d u:r1·" l11w1tvl121( 11 ltftll rhi'f·k , MMI. ..• ,, ... ""d f2rt'l'ltf111V lt irn~·Jf , .... : I•·.,,. , .... yf,.olo ""' 1 ... l'f:m S.#TW' "' ,,. .. '"'"" 1 ... ,., 1111£\ l'"1 1.uttr11• M Kw11h11l1 "' r•u11itc-M f•·11m .. v."'"''"'" lhnt ""w fl~ 1·1·" f "'"" 111 '""' ""'I """"'l u11 for lhr llJ!nillN•J• ,, ... , .. II ''"" l1u11 w•••k wuk rtnl'd $!VI with half t • n .... n I"".,., •t• • ••"1 •• ~.ar • r • r•,1d-f•• t.,. af an • st:tm• '•' '".: "' " •r•alti ,.nact tho:!o V\llaln'1 rolr 111 n (Cantlnu.d on~ ,.1Yl'I 11<.rrt th• '.1 111 \\ lltll'r flrtcatt.a. dPntood. lot lh•• 1rn1rnlltl llUllJWntird try Dod9f, • • • ''"'-~',.ORT "Al.ROA ~r:"'" . TIMr.M. N...,..rt ·-·-· ... +_. _c_._ .. _,_o..,nua......, ..... _T __ h_ .... r ... d .. •-."--··-,. .. bt __ • .,;;;..,..._t_l .... .;,1.;;. ... ,;,;. _____________________________ _ PusL1c NoTicE lPuaLic NoTicEs --~ !"0 T•c1:• Retired Advertising Man Ofers $100 kt:"ot.C'TION so. lillll n .. :.t1 11•1d \\'.·11tmin1tl'r l\\'\•nur: ll •nl"'. •,,,,,,.~I I ~')· :\;}" Ew r To Start Bandstand Fund Dr1·ve , __ 11n1t :"":tlil tprntory 1·11mpri~1·!' ,,,,. w, 17 r1. 1 , 1 • ''' '" tht> "•'n' 1 I Rt:,.01.t TION Gl\'ISG NOTIC'F. pm'<i~'.''"l' 1.\ llCTt'fo 1111• "' wl \\". l·n111••1·r ''"'nll• F N .,.. f'ROJ>()SEI> ANNEXATION :\ I h 11 nulJI'•• l!I furltu r hl'ft'· ti In•' ~ .... " -' ~ff ~:a11t all'IH' or ew Costa Mesa Public Park Jn a n>t't(on-•ld ... ' r • ,,,... lh" Ot' TF.RlllTOfll' TO Tiii: ('ITl' t.1 Vl\••n lh/11 lh•· 4th dRy or ti I • ''" '.'' • l11w ,,, \V1·stmlrut. I ,\_<,_1'ol('l1th• n ~" :-.:~""'""' Alf· .... ' .. ot· ~t:"'J>()RT llFAC'H. Mlln Ii. l'•ltl at tlw ~1tt1r of '·P m .\ , "''' ·~"1 11 1. 1 1 t.1 H po:ul \\'1rhholdin~ or th•' 11dv1·rt1sing and small rommunltiMI. hac:kt>d up '""'· tht• f'~c:h<·l~nl c··~ :····· ___ 111f ~aul <la y. in lhr < nun1·1I < ham -"•· ,.., 1,, 11 • ;-:1111•h ~·fl 37' \\'• •1 "'""''Y 1<111•nt in ra~t1•rn nPWS· by adequatt· t1UhliC'1ty campa1~M. M.'fttf-d "' tu,.tnw• ,...,,.ahnl! 1n \\'111-.ltt-:A~. lh .. rr ha.<1 "'"'n ~I'-\.tt•n 111 lht• ('11y llall. in'"" Cll)' (If '.\". fJ; t ... I , .... t :-.:nrth no• 17' ,,,,, ... r s 11nd f)"ri1idkal1. which la is advocat1-d t.y W. T. J('ffrrson. part ... ,.,,. pr•)fJrlrf..in .,, f""-opl•· U1 · .. •nt• t1 111 tlw n1.v Council of thr Nr"•port 11.-rtch. Is the• !lmt! 11nd \\ 1 ~1 1'1 :-1 1 .. 1 1 from lhP m n<I 1101 d•·sirahlc now Ix-cause of the Wt'lslthy C'o..ta l\l~otia and Cout thP U. S. silo hPltr'r ,.,.. ,...miry 1 •11) "f :-.; .. wpnrt Ut·a~"h. California, plaN-wht'n 11nd whrrr any . pt•r'<t•n n .. r1 h• r h '"'' n• r 1,f s:rnt TrR<'t :-.;.. tirast ic housin~ nnd transportation highway proJ)t.•rt) O"'nf'r. as hPadrd for IJOC'ialasm ii tushrr \ n l'i•tlllon rt~iueslinll thr &nnC'Jl· uwn~nll r r al (lrollf'rty ~1th1n said lfl',1 · rt1<·n"•'. ~''"'" fill" 47' E.1~1 11ro hlrrn, and in lt11 pla<"t> dcw•lo1>-Jrrtnson propQMd that the •35~ to J2•:, an tho· UJlPIT .,,,;o. "''••n of thf' trrrltory hl'rclnaltrr t•·rr1tbry so propl)llf'd to hf· an· ;. •I '<-: t• .. , 10 "" 1n1rrse-ction \\Ith mi;: th(' musk al talf'nt within large 1 s tate tur.-a band or ora-tra and ~croup! 1ti.ar. ,, •a• in 1ho> d,-MTillt'd to thf' City of Newport nt"llc-1'1 and havlni: an)' nhj4•cllonll lh•· 1«•11l1•r 11111· .,f c 11,11 County R11 rd --- 1 give free ron<:"ert1 the yf'ar 'round. t•·o lo.-rr •216', ,., J!l' · 1 '!l'oui:- A MW pr<lC."PM dt•\'l'k>SJt'Cl at tht- \'r.i' •I'll) ••f \\'i11·onsln for con- \f."f"fl.fllt n1tr01;l'n in the air Into n11r:tr1 ~ pr.,mt...,..,. mnr•· •'('Onornicai ,, n th/• r" fur f llrml'rl! NEW Lll'-1: Craft Greding Cards 8&aHoeery Brookings Variety -C'-9w7 ,._ .. -...._.... ...... .,~ ... 1 lkal'h to the propoeed annexation, may :.i1 ,,.,., in w1tlth 11~ shown u1••n New Chemical, 2 4.D not only In larger commun.itin. but f1ft)'-<lf"' pw C'f"nl ""'""" tbo---p J ER SOL' S :-.:ow Titt:;REFORE. I T IS •rJPPur brluro· th" N ty Cnuncu and "'"" "' T r1111 ='" 27. aa recol'rl,.d ' 1 small ones as well. He recommendl ~t &n Wuhl~-can do !!.L •• ,, LI llEllt:lW Rf'.SOLVl:D RY nit t1how C'llU81' WI\)' JllU'h lr rrlllll")' II 11,.,.1, II 1·:.•1· :!Ii uf Mlacellano .. To Keep Lawns Free I that tilt-. ad\'l'Ttilin& appropriation • ti.1tn jot. in 11tr-..:gtlttt11n~ lh1nu ....... sfllbl PltV'W)' 0 •--~ ._...,. • ...,I CITY ('OU NCJL. OF TI1E CITY ahould nol hf· 110 ann•·xNI ,,,,~ ;.1 ,,,.. J( ..... ,nt~ of !'&id Count)'. Of W ed D d )" 1 the All·Y('ar Club has to spend out. 0nJ)' z.r; placord thrir faith in t9! ~T .\VENUE n F l"t:WPORT BEACH, u Col· .. Thut upon 111<"h ann,.xa110n, ~11111 11•1111•r 111•·· lwing the north· e 8, an e 1008 1n other commun.itJes bf' allocatf'd ~ wadn-1. o/; with lalJq-~ ._. •t ~ ........, Iowa I th.-C"l ty 11h111l · ~1·s1t•1 ly >~·11nrl:1ry of the City ot I to ~"'SpapttS ln Calilornia for unions and 12.-; •ith -.n thrfto t~, "lrt """"'" foT Tour ffcofds" ....._ -I That It 11 propoM'd to an.nex •al Al "urh tlmr hrrt·Aflt•r a1 ~1·\\1••rl ll1·:1eh. tjlrn~. South 13" f'OLlJMRUS, 0 . --Am<'rkan J thla pur~. ce-thrr."" 11~ had no apiraioa. Oii ... cl n , i. .._,, _ _. -to thf' O ty of Nrwport Bl'ach, U tt' fi nal mRp or 111itl 1111hdivl1lon ;,7 t-'.a:<I alnnl' ~aid N'nter line or 1 homrowners now k<'l'p their lawns To show hi.a motive la 1._,. rnalr..in« ~ :ISr: Nici ctwy C'99ft.rnt --..OIC.41. californla. that cerlaln terrilor)' la approvf'd &11d flll'd. that thr lht> n111 t'•111nl) R.nad 32.38 frl't . frre of wero1 at a n a v<'rage co.t the ownrr and developer ol t..,; •·ooJd bu)' from <"WTftlf .-andno: • •t:o ,.,... POK SIGNS BENEDICT ftls .. -•WT L&llWWW A ..-:u&.TT . -. ronta«UQU9 to tilt-City bom1dariea, f'\ty w\11 aca-pt tilt-dedication of n111rr nr IC's~. In Rn ancle point in , uf $1.00 a snaon H thl' rttult of "Miracle Mile " on the Cout ~ 32-Z from aillb im ttw bianll: 23~ ~-=.-:._ whlc:ti tf'T'Tllory is more parUCU· thP atreeta contain<-d within thr ot ••d ""'''"r llnP; thrnce, South 36" 1 a new development In 2, 4·D, a way offft'l'd to atart a fund for a 1 lmtallml'ftt plan and Giiiy 7~ war .....,, • . • .,._, • • luly df'Kribf'd. on "f:xhlbll A." UI· art'a Of 1aJd 1ubdhi1lon. I 11<' W1•st 11long thl' Center line or I wred. ·killing plant hormone . &eil'n· 1 bandllt&nd In thP new c.o.ta Mesa boada; )~ ..W -cMa"t ._... __ , ._, 11•11 MJlf'd ~to and by rel~ (b, Approve 1&ld 1uhdlv\llon •aid 111t1 <'nunty Road and saldltista at th<' Ohio State Agricul-park with tu. own donation ol ----------------------------- madl-a part twfto9f. and plan of <k·v<'lupTTwnt 111 s1•t 1 C'i ry lln11ndRry line 440.43 fttt; tural Eitpcrimrnt atation rt'vealed $100, he aaid. Then the hiCh ac:hool ----.------__.-----------,.,---------.. 2. That .. id unitary 11.ee ad-forth, 1ub~I 10 thr· rrl'11rnm1•nrl11-tt ... nrr . S11ulh 70' 06' Wnt along today. I band could be ~ to OW" ~ =•& y~ =:-Jet !'no~n~ )aomt to and WNtf'l'ly ol that II«'· lion or thr Pl•n nlnit ('ommb1iiinn I 1h" r .. n11·r hne of sald:.Old County I De,·,.lop('(f trom an estt>r of 2. roncerta for tilt-public ee.-. lion ol thP Oty known u Tract f<'I Within a rn110nabie time l111ac1 nnd 111id t'lly boundary llm• I 4.01chloro11ht>noxyacetlc 'acid, thla ht' J:M-lievf'tl, the band at~ couid C. L LOlJCICS No. 444 and Flnt Addition to Nrw· from thl' date of ann•·x11tlon, the I ·t'lf\ 1\1; f1•rl. th1•nce. South 56" !19' chemical which hu been named ~a llOW'oe ol reYft\ur for political IE11WELllY ... STATIONERY po11 Helchu and bf't'Wttn the f'\ty will rxtrnd thr City's water 1 \\'1 ~· 11l11ni: 1h1• <'Cntl'r line of said Wet'd·No-Morr kills m01I broad· rallit'll and tht-atrical prewnt. Dias Fr • w ..... · ,,, ... Repair.,._ St.at• Hlchway and Old County linr to the t>Ound.uy of lhe pro-1 'lcf C'11un1y Road and aald C'tty lf'af wet'd.I but la harmlt>U to com· t.iona. .._ • i I .... :::::::.::.--------------------------poM>d annf'xatlon. In nrrlPr that 1 l'1111ndary linr 719 69 fttt. morl" or mon lawn vaut's. lnstead of Thf' retin-d C'hlc:ag adv«t' . Qlr .. RI J t ...... C-. ..... c.ttf, ronnf'<.'ti(•n thl're<wlth may he m11dr l l1·ss. to 1111• point or beginning. back·br<'aklng dl1l1Clng l'very sum· l'Xt'C\Jtl\'t' orw time...;:,,. tilt-mnc I P.A. PJ\LME~ LIDO J5U PkMliO Jl.f) ----· hy thr 1uhdl\'idrr fnr the 11upplylng j On mnt1on of ro~ncilman Allf'n, mer th• av.-raa" houaeholdt'r can "My Coal Black U:d ," Wbk:h '::; of w11trr 10 1111ld suhd1,·i1lon I l<'<'onrlo-d toy f'nunc1lman Stanll.'y, now merely apray on this che-mlcal lntroducfod on tilt-i b Alma I Id> Thr City shall nnt lt'VY nor I""' for• e.,1ni.: Rf'll(1lutlon w11~ in· 111nd t>njoy a smooth and wttd-Crtt H Id, H i. Jo\· •:«., ~ 11...-.a Any t8JIMI lllCl\inat thr lln-, tr•td111·o'<l f1nt1 !'"~""by thr r,.11n· h1wn. Wc~·No-More la manufac· e l' a er muaic. nl'Xrd l••rrltory In PHY ftlr 1tny 1' .1 "' !hi• I '.t.•. "' Nl'Wport n.·w·h I tun•d by thl' S twrwlns-Williamt .prt'IW•nl outalandlni bonded ck>bt I"' II r1·1:11lar atljournrd m~l ing Co. Calla on M&90M or .,.1d ('lty (lf Nrwport Rf'll<"h I" !ti un ""' l~th clay ot Febr1111ry,l Thl' pN>paratlon 11 partlrulal'ly T ~--te . Ir I 7.onf' aald annf'XM property I '!446. und 11d11p1t•d hy the followm~ l'ffedlvc> 11g11lnst dsndl'llons. chick-0 ~ • ID "-' lndlcatl'd on thr nttllched tf'n-votr:. . wt't'd, blndwf"f'd, poison Ivy, plan-Public ~hoola Week tatlvr m11p. 1uhj4•r1 In 1111' rt•t'flm-AVF:S; C'ounr1lmrn Allen, Stan· taln, thlatle-, and many other 1 j mr. nd11tion of the· l'lnnninic ''um-l"Y·. 1•1.":"· R•·t'11 and Hall. wN'da •. tilt-sclentlat aald. It will I ---' mi111lon. I :--;1 H-.S -<'nunr 1lmt•n None-. not Injure the JOll and la harm· SAN FRANC'ISCO.-Arthur W.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------·~ Tiw City (11•rk t1hl\ll r1111.,1• a All."E:-:T: C'uun<'ilmen Nonr lt'U to huma'.na and a nimals wht'n Brouillrt. ~and master of Maaona·.,._-__________________________ 1 W Q BtXX-INUranoe Counselor 11.w 1$00 ~"-' lJU VIA UDO CALIPOR.NIA WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 , • • Moerblp alld ..,..... an.IJaht. , .... urors.a. l"addle ..,. for Rnt II)' ....... -l90lltla. VeatllatlOll CllAnEll A PRESTON _.,. l11a' .,..._ ..... ~·-......... IPllFlllll-,.._ MN a ,, n 11 ~ Ma er HM I '"'I')' of 1h1• ror<•J:mn..: R1-s.1lut1on I CLY AN H. HALI.. 111f'd according to dlrl'Ctlon.1. It ia or California, in a pub. lie procla· to l1t· put.ll11h1'ff a l l<•Rflt on1>;• a Mayor. odorll'U and non-1talnln~. j mnlion luued today. l'Alled on tho' I Wf'f'k for IWn !<Ut't't'llRivt• "''CH'k"I In ATit:ST TIM! ertion or the ('hrmlcal ls 130,000 ITl<'mlM'rll of ftlt' 'Muonic th•· Nf'"lwort f\11ll1<1h N••w11-Tmw11. FH1\NK I. RI N t-:llART, such that weeds literally 1tra~Je rrat(•rnit)' in C'aliforni11 to coop- :i n•·~~ra1••r Ill i.:rn1•r11l rlrrul11li11n ('It~ c'll•r k :hrlllM'IVf'I lo death becauae 2, 4·0 ' l'r /llP to tlw fullNll an tho· t•"f'f11)'· """"""' 11 in lh1· nry of :'ll<"w1111rt l'ult F1·li ::1. :!fl, 1!1·11>. Is 11 pl11nl horm"nc ~iich l'rfecU' SC'\'f'nlh a nnual ohlll·n ·anQ> ul · llt·111·li. <'11hfttr11111 I I 1h" r.tr11wt h fn<"l11r of l1rnl\d-IN1f f'uhlir !'mools Wf'f•k. ~1nnirit ll1·~·111111nl! at lh•· point nf in1t·r-SOTH't: Ot' l '."iTt:SO~D M-\1.t: phmts and ran 1,.. use'<! tu drstroy th111 ~··•ir on Monda)', Afl"1I ~ "'1·t111n "' 1111· i.uulh••rly flf'11l11ni.:ll· 1·n1frr S1•dl11n ~.-~11 ('lvll ('•id•· lht'm 011 Wl'll ns s timula l,. tho·m. Rr<Hllll•'I. lune idl>ntifi<'d ,.·11h ltnl\ .. t 1h1 1 11~t1•rly lin•• uf lh•• of th .. ~t at.-of ('allfonilA. th•• C'll\Jlll' o f tlw puhlk M'hnol11;, "'"''' ll1i.:tm :1~ 1'111 r, ... , In w ullh PUBLIC NOTICE !1111d lhal, "our JM.il•hr srl>ottJw '"'"th" ····n••·r li111• uf '1111 Crn1111 y ' '\'I >'1'11'1' IS 111 ·n 1·11y \.JVF '\ -shnuld h•:irh "h:tt Ow fl''<opl<' "·ant 11 .. 1111 ·111 f••·I "' "ullh •'" -.:11tl That 1.111 ·1~ H •ft.\IANA('I.; .ind to or In M nnl'<'linn thrrl'With. l11ui:h1. 11111 lhal "'hat lht> p'Oplt• ..;1;,11· 1111:11"''~ 111111 I Hcl ('011nf\· 1-:ASll l •,\ Ft 1ft:1L\NAC1'. 1111,. 1' Ith iU prlnf'i pnl pine"<' of husinc19 w11n1 t11u1:ht 11huulc1 t..-df't<'nnnwd I• I 1 ''' 190.'l F ulh•rton ,.,·1•nur. r oi;tn """ ;1n · ., '"" n 111.1o•n n 111:11• uf lt.onil 1111,1 11 1r,., \', n•lur. whm.i ,111. hy nn mfurnwd 11p1nictn b3M'<f on T :-..· 1 ·I t t It. '.\11'!111, ('1111nl~ or Or:ini.;•'. S ta le of k od nwl . " • '• . ,.,....,,,, •'< in w>k •II ,,,., •> II"""' :•11;; Irwin Ap:.rl -( 'nlifornin undt•r lh<' ficti1 ious nnwh lo:'' and ntll hy onP "'him :t~· 1.:11:1· I nr :\l1.,.•t·ll11n""'" :\l11f1'. 1111 ni. :•t I:! 1 ,,.,.,,11 Front. '" ilw nnmr ot rNluhs frorn h~sl••rra ,,,..,·as•onrd I~ Ht·••.,rol• 1•f llrnni:1· l'11t1n t,1 . ('ul1-1 ·11~ 11r :-;,.111.,rl l~"'H'h, (\)tlllll ,,f P IO NF.ER PACIFIC AIR LJNF. rrilirii;m "hlrh 1~ rn11rt> likrly tn f11rn111, s11lil 1~1lnl ttf l"·i.:inmna.: '"" 11r.mi:•'. ~tr.Ii• •)r c'nllforni:i. · rn-ht• wl'll 1nt1•ntionf'd lht1n ••II m , Ina.: in tlw rmr lh\\ ,..,11•rly l•1untl11r)' IN11l' ''' •r•ll ''' c. I.. Lnncd11n irnd t hat ~aid firm ill rompost'd of fnrmrd." I I I • " I thr fnllowini;t f)('r11on!I, whcl!W n11m.-s 1111• .. rt w < 111 "' ... 1•w11ort lr1wh., \'rmlr ... "t11•sr 111llfr1'~" Is 121 :!Xlh n t nnd addrNt!lf·s ari• JtS fullo'IA-11 : unmni.: t wn,..• Nt•rlh H; 111 · J-:11s1 ~1r.-.•t in tlw r;1y nf N''"'T••rt RO Y WlNPEl.L, Prtrtnl'r N S • f 11lon1: 1111• 1tfor1· ... 1111I llOUltwrl) pro>-l11•11rh, C'1111n1~ nf Orang!', S111t<' .. r 1905 Full••rton Av('nllf' ' ew ~·men 0 I lon1111llon 11nl'I <111• t•Ml•·rly lmt• nf ('11lif11rn111. l)w follow1n~ d••l!f'fll•'ll ('05111 !°>'tl'llll, <'sllfornla. Commereial Fish l Mllid S t111t• lli1:hw11y 4AA :.!f; f<'t'I to f'l''r~nnnl r•N•f"'rly, lo-wit : I l ~htllC'i:;;,mni:. 11f 111 r11r1·1~ 111 th•• All ~•1l(·k in t rnrl•'. flx1uro .. , ~~;·r:::,"~V~~~ Str<'f't LA JOLLA--R;rrly fnund in r lo? • 1 rnrrh · If ona.: d""'t ~Ur"' ••1ulpnwnl nnl'I l!fllt{l will of a C't'T'· 1 M aywood. C'a lifornl11. 1 \Rllfornra "''alt>l'I. a f11h, lakrn on I lmnr•vr o I "•·as t nn '"''mi:: n t:iln n •11ta11rnnt hui<inrn k•i•wn 81 r a1rl radlu11 of~ f,...t thrU\a~h an 11rr 'AMt-:JtJCAN l.l'Nnf"..,. lkoat· WlTNF.S.C\ our0 hands thli< :..~1 h n hand lino' tlm"' <Y our mill's..,. l•'ngth ~ :117 ~ fl'f'I. lhrnN' • '(f 1 10., u F .... ..,1 1 1 rlay o f J an11Ary, l~ I F.I ~undo tW'ach rl'\~tly. h.u 1 , • . · · ' 11 ~ ,.,,. 11"'1"n •· flC'I• n thl' 1 nnv \\'INOF.LL "--n ·ct.,ntifl -ct u 1t 54-arnhin. M"-1 North :\.r !'19 :\."l t .1111t l1tn1o?~nl lo ' ('lty or Nrwpnrt nr11('h 1'1wmfy nl . . ....... I • lhr l1t11t mt'nllonrd run·" nnd 1'1nnto: 1 •rnna.:r ~t"'" or CallforniA an4 RAl.Plf \\IF.ST 1 mrdanJ: to J'lr Carl L. ,...,.,._, pro: I..__ t'-· 1 11 f 'd .. . . ' STATE nF C ALlf'ORNlA. fN;~ur nl h10IORY at Ow Sn'I~ '"' llC'tll .... 11tl<'r y nr n Ila.• ... tall' th11t /I llll lr , lranllfl'r anll RSll'"'· r o t TN ...... ''L' I lR ,... L· 1,1 h 17 0., f ,. .. I • • r 1 .,Cr ~II lnlltotlllonn ,.f c )('f'1tllOl:1'1tf)h)' nn lhr R w11y, ·' t'i'I to Rn '"'""''"'' m1•n1 nr '"" 1111m1• will IN' msd" · ' · · l tlc•n with th<' 11nothl'AlltM'I\' llnf' 11f "11 1.. 1 · O n fh11' •h•' :.'!Ith d=tv of .!Rnll'ln . l.Jt .lnlla c'!lffil'Hll "' llw \ nl\"T'~ll\ • an I•'"''"~ ul'rllt on lht•rr•f"r will n tr. I ( rn· · . f • r · I \V.,t1t mln1111•r Avi·mir II• lll\llWn I I IO 'lO , I k J,.. "· )(' 11rt· nw. l·,1' J OtTr>· " I 11h 11rn111 · .,. 111111 nt , o <'or :t m nn LF.Y .. , p t I t ... ~ t f h • _________ _. _________________ _. llr10fl 1mll'I lllll)' of ·rr"ct N n "IH: Slltllrti:i i• rhr 'l:l d ti , , · • • . • ,,0111ry 11 1hr m 11nd tnr . A lf1,.u g l ... •1. •~1 I""'"'~" I •• r•~i ~·" a\ 'f ~rbru 11111ld Cnunty 11nd !\ralr. Jl""('llAlly fl~h aro• nr tt•-d annuall~ ••ff lhr :try. l f ~· :II I hr r·iwroii· tli•part • 111pprar<•l'I rlOY \\' l="'ill :1.1. kno11 n ,\ t l:tnl 1r f'••·•~I I ht• N 'Ir< ol11n I• ~~nit 0 \;'~k "' Ami•n •·a 7'iilion11I tn mf' t o \)(' tlto> l"'f~ttn 11 ho~r mum,. nnl) th" th1rrl (lf 1U k1rul "'"r In 1ti'~ .. ""\ · a\lllt.:~ ./\~s~·i;irinn, llt 111 11uhs<"r1ll<'d to tilt' within msrru-'" 1.1k1·n '" c'"hfurnfa ~a''"" 1'A·o 11 '' ,1111rwh '" 111111•11• <'1th-ml'nt. 11nd 11rknn\1l1-da.:Nt lo m,. 11tl11·r<-\\1•r •· ht••k•-d ahct1.1t ;-,(1 Y"<l"' 1·:r111:1. < "un t~ 1tf 11r1tnl!• :-.iatt· "'I th11t hr <'XN'Utrd thr snm•• ltl!•> nr ;ir San Franril!o<'I> < 1tfif 1trn111. . . I .,._ ohl bou 12 ·~ . . \VIT:'l;F.SS my hand 11nll nff1nal Thr ~·ar n 11 a t anu-..... ,,. "'°'''"''"'"'"I i•ii'L lil Ii I I 111 it•• ti i Ii Ii t ·~ BALBOA:S ;1 SAS:ElY ol eedt .ccou..t INSUR£D, 11p lo .,,000.,.,, the r-..1 S..ings ..d l.oea lnMU•nc• Corpor•ticMI I savers and inves~ors save here •.. where . uv1ng PAYS! Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna . Federal Savings and loan Association ...-..... c .... -~S90 • l ' \Tl-.1 • t-··hr111tn I I. l ••lti J •e11l lnni.: ••• h•·11d and •Jllf""' l'-1f'I l"n\· ~ ':' •l'JS Fe lfll\I A~,\<'t.:. \'"11tlor . FRF:O J Ot'OLF'.Y. 1·rNt0 -.11h a l•iny 11truc1urr 1ltt' ~ h ,\!"Jl.JI,\ l"C lft:\l t\~i\i 'I\ \'l'ndor :"c1111r ) Puhli<" m and rnr !lnld mnm part of thr J•'C'lor11l fm n--•---------------------------• ,. 1 1 ~1:-.1;1 11 •:"'. Y"1111"" County 11nd Stntr. M>• rom· ~··mhlo·ll th" M>-cnll1'<1 ""'·inc '" ol a 1 l'lll1 h ·h :1. l!llh mi&.clon rx11irf'1! Junr 4, 19-19 S"''<"IJ'S or fl)i niz fish. RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM FIAIKIE STAii AND ms ORCHESTRA Saturday, Feb~ary 23rd Dant'lni; t rom 9 un11I COMING Wednesday Night HARRY JAMES Aad His 01'f'hHtra :.1 ( N1•t 11r 1al Sral.) ~"rl>L' I akmR of tins •Pf'C""' on<'f' C'J:RTIFl<'ATP: Ot' f'ARTNl:a-STATE OF' C'AUF'OR~JA, R1t11in illustr111t-s t>""'· 1nc'Omplt.•te '" l'llffP TR:\:S!Ci\t'Tl:Sn Bl181-cot·:-..-n· !IF LOS A=--GELF'.S 11.."I 1'\lr knnwlrdi.:·· nr lhr ft!lh h f<' nr I ~ St:!f41i' t'Nllt:R t'WTITIOV8 On thlt thr 4th day of Ft·bruary, mod<'rAlt> drpl'h1 &I~ Uw rout ., s .un:. 1946. bcl!>rr me M. D S h("('ta. " of c'ahfnm1a." sald Dr Huhba "It :i ":'~Y WI :>;JlU .l. 11n•I fl ALPll N otary ~rhlic In nnd for said 1c 1111111• pos.cihlr that th111 and ..wTI" •1 wr-..... r. !It\ h1•rrh~· 1 .. •r11f\ 111.11 they ('uunty 11nd S tAll', pt'f"l'OnRllY llJ>' nlho·r sfl('<i•'< ht'\n~ ~·-n'<I •n : "rr r•'ndur t1n1i1 nn lt\fJ•l.•n• servtcrl pc-arfl\I RALPH \VF.~T. knf'lV."Tl to th''"° "·atrrs mn)· Jr<J\'f' of IOnW' 1 nnd an) h11sm1·s~ tnC'11kn•~I there~ I !TIC' to bl• thr f)('r!lon whmt· namc> •'l'.•mmrrci11I surnjrk anN' ... 11 IUl»CTth<'Ci to IM .... thin mslrU· ment. llnd 11<jull'.1wl<>11to:••d '" ml' Tht> l "nitrd StntMI has a pro\'rd Metta tt'"' hf' r XN.'u tMI thr s.11n1• n:il\tral s:as r~ r ,uffio mt 10 J,fQPOU SHOP I WITNESS my hnnil anrl offi<'lal •llftl'h' t h•• iu111nf)nll'd normal ratr aeAI. 11r ronsumpl1on fnr a t lf'Ut -~, ll!!\1 !'\~11 Dl>'d. l\t P :::Iii ~·T.: 'r•;irc Pl~nty of \\-'hi~key NOll\.r)' P11hllr In anJ for ~tlld ('nunty and Stot<' :0.1) r•>m- 1949. Th•· T1·'!:1~ j;irk r11ht111 has ho¥n d n<·k...-1 a t " "fl!-<-d m f''l('f'l'' "f 45 rn1lt . :in hnut • e ' t t 1 I t t t t t t t t t t ! I t t t t t I I I ! ! I t 1.J t t ";_ 1 l'(n n .. u to •n~ "' nsr ,.,.r.-h•ndt~ I mil•~ion 1·,r lrf'J ~··pl 17, l'°"TA IFF.5A. (' \UF. 1 N1ttanlll !'<•ftl 1 -~•-Df' __ N_'"-"'_.,._.,_,_u __ .... Puh. Frh 7. 14, -~--~--~- ~~! AN C.' • l $ II._ l '" i·:o... C C 0 , l 0 S A NG l ll S .. •,{=~ .. ~ ......... Wanted: T wo Fishing Chairs P. 0 . Box 691 't t t I t t t I t I I t t I I e I I I I e. e "EGGs· FREsH CIOER .GROCERIES: Cold Meats Fruit• and ,.f'£1" ...... t)(ioo• ~ -n -t n ..... ~ Dutton's Grocery~ . ,.....,_ ~-·" . • ~,J ,.,.,.,,., .,,,,. ......... ... I f f • • f t t f t t I t t t t t t t f f t t t ILICll•8 JOB Hl•I A•l IOMI Of THI THINGS YOU1.L WANT TO THINK AIOUT IN SILICTIN8 A POSITION •••• e Don dw C09paaJ hawc dM repuratioa ol Wdl •good place co work? e Att dw proplc •ho work th~re the kiod JOI' woiild like to laau u (Nods? e An cMr« aruegcm~ars for ac'l,uiriog 80ft ..ct mott koowl«dp aod abiliry oa dw;ob? e Att rbctt ~maaitin for promocioo widl ,.;ublc dlCIUICS ia iocomc aad ~ epomibility l • bdle jobtendy? • b dM .._ whcft JOO wiU work tolll• bu!*. ck-. .... aad propcrl1 ligbted ...1 llnt.cdl e WiD J011 get .acarioat •ith pay? • .-au yoa be ctt.urd with rr•r• ct and con · ~? The Telephone.Compa11)' rJffe rs these aJ11antages l •• * JUST ASK THI OPllATOI fOI THI:, CMllf OPllAYOI f 0 E ( ' I I I I J b I I • II f ' • ( I I I I J ., • I . I i I t • ,,._,,..,, , . .....,) !I, .... · ~-~-1• _.... R. t laim l)iM(•rimination Former ~nsus ~tor ft:"Uttts lsti Again1d l\lexkans "' l.,, ....... r.· h i II• II••· '"'''"Wit' ot .... 11 ·•lllHlll: 1114' ... 111101 t•hlictr.n. M•t:rt•i;1tt lo•n l '1•t111111111:h11.: 1 •I t lu· \\ blrh 11 llllJM'rlltl\lt' rut• thC' p9f'- , "'"" 1111111«111 '""!) tn~• tllA ""''I '"''""""'1 11f Alllf'rk1tn lnatlluUoft9 dt-\'1•ln1• a t'lf'lmi.1n 1·11l1 11rnl 1ttl1· a nd let.ah•. In Percentage of Old l•'olks: Population In < ·ounty ~<"hcK•IM Will Reach 150,000,000 in 1970 n-r.:: .... ure 11 •w MOii DSIN-TIAL ever lltefore. DH't let lecll ef ready casll ttntl I• r-•r wey ••• Y• are welco .. to twell yomnelf of Dr. Cow••'• Lllteral Credit "-Wltlto•t One PeHy AdclffloHI Cott. Al of yo•r aece'lary worll wlH lte co•plehtl If""' 'T NOW • • • pay let.r I• . , ... WH.d\• or •o ... ly •••••ti. Dr. Cowf"n's pri~ "'rnalD at tbf' !'MMnf' low level for all braarhM of dental work. lla\'e nHded dental •·ork --.. ~ •'\ttt>n<tf-d to Rl~ht Now and Diil. CO\\'!:!\ ......... No Advance Ap- p o i n t me .n t Re- quired. Come in Any Time at Your Convenie nce. Day or Evening. 11 .. , .. , :'1:1 :\\' \'11nK T iu· \\'o-st Co.Mt Linwood \'u•k u n II \\'11li>11n and far ~ulh'"'"'' al"f'a •1\ktl St'hmidt or P ruadt•na, holh w1•ll 1:111111-d ll"l•lllat 1,1n "' rapl•ll> dur· known (1n Rlllboa l1'iand Wht•N• Ing th" .. ier .. 111 pr • .i .. ,hl) •"""lln&M" t 'i •h••y ha\'<' 1ummrrt'd for m1'"y 111 i:ro" d11r1111: p >fll ":ir )•'llnt, at"· yrars. 1tr<' O!>('nlni: a r.•111 Ntlak ·~f. 1·nrdanc 1 .. I 'Ir \'t-r.:11 11 RM"CI. firr 81 312 M11rlni> 8\PnU<' I ruill1l0·11;,. 1l1ro<t'l"r of ro ... •11n-h of I Mr. and Mn. Sl'hm1dl and ttw1r : J \\':ilr1·r Th;1111p!'4on t'1>n11)[tn)' and <"hlldrt'n, Wiiiiam and S10ndra.' fn1 rwrl~ 1h·t 111i: d u,,,.-1,.,. of tho!· Bu- twt'l\'1' and 1•11:h1 yrara 11f ftl:<'. will r"l•ll 11r 1 'o•n•u•. 1n 11 "'~I)' pub- II\'<' at thrir homr at 705 North lish. d '""'kl1·1 on "l'upulat~ and Blly Front. Mr. Vic k and h11 w1flo 1 Purd1:1,ln1: P1•,.·r r.'' ha..,'CI on 11:.,.·. w ill Ii\'<' at tlw Muran" 11\'r nur 1111· 1•r nnwn1 hi:ur.·'S drf'U ahhoui:h thry own " hou1t• ll1•n>nlral17atlon of 1nduatr)' in and <'ight lots at C'oron11 dt'I Mllr. th•' "'"~' l'on5t a nd 110111h•-•«n Mr. \/irk hlll rc<'«ntly rl'<'t'lvf'd h11 st1tlf"5 ,.. a r•'lull of .nc•· fmci'tt dil<"hari:" from thl' navy. 1111 "'Hf' 1 ra1r11 f111·11nn1o; ttwtl4' ~ will be was prlndp1tl or M <"Klnlry achoo!, an lm111•rlan1 r11t'hrr inn~ Pasadt'nll, and 1s llill 1ra<"h>nit m.on~ Anwr11·11n "•trkf't"a to wtOr ----Just 11s """ HI<' raar durinic thr Santa Ana Acquiring Wllr and durrni: ,.,.. "G~ al Wi:;..,.,c Barrack.8 '\\'rnth" d••JJr't'Mlon m1cr•Uon "' r 1 1111· •:tir•. n r R~ ""'' ..-1 of I 111 .. 1nrr•'""" In l•!•JlUln.tion In thfo W••itl 1111d Sc1t.11hWf'lll ...... br S11ntll Ana's llt'llUISllion or Ill!' hrad11u1trll'rs and harrncks or thl' Wt•slrrn Flyini: Training Corn· mand 15 und1·rway w11h 111:111111: or a 11-nsr• on th1• prop••rty wirh lhr , m1tlf'l,..J hy 1 I~ on rht-part al nor1h1•rn nnd <'AJlh•rn ~•"t" Stairs whk h h111·,. i:ai1wd "'°"' rapidly ------------ t'•'<ll'ral Puhllr 1.1nu.,.ini: Aurhurtty $206 900 Awards in 'i;rh1•dull'd fnr this W•'t'k I ,. , As soon as th1· FPllA sii:ni1 tlw T f) , ,... Ra • • Jll:ri•<'lllt'nl tht• 1·11~ '""I"'''" In tak1·1 WO a~s c1ng ~,,, ... th•· 11ro·11 .. r1y and tr11ni1r ... rm t• At Santa Ana·ta min rnwri:1•nr y hnusmi: quttrto•rs fur \'1•t1•r1o 11.-: :ind 1lw11· fan11h1 ·.; I 1 ·1 It• •. , ·h•1 '',,I\ ••f ~ .• nta D , d J F 1 \1•l1.1 , i.ro ,,, •. 11 ,, " ""'r r ..... eman or rozen "" •·trn.• 11111 f., •·l.11111'• 11 "n t"n · Fruits I nrreases I tl.1~. \\ ll'-hJn l.''oon., l lir lt1il ·~. 10nd ~'''"''' 1\ •••• ,, •'t "·,·· th1• ""~' ,,,i.1.,J.1, 1r r.,\ •tf ,1 ;,~.' harad1 B If"'' 1111·r· ,,,, tn rl··n1a rut' (11r .-.q., 1fu l • • 1•, h t 1·•0 ... • • ,. r .-.f f1•0J'l•n ht111 ... \\ ... r1•purt ~ft fh1s I·' Id H1 rt1tH 1t'q hl•rt"f't ,,. ... ,~ .... ) "''I\ ,,, ti. 1 ·.:t1n11u.1 F:trrn Hu "\. t. ,, th.tu -'"~~•11 hc•u .n~ rPit'' •'•" . "'11" ..... t ~.'•Hlil•• '" .ut.t. 1f l.J1t11 ·~ d1 ~t .. r 1111 .1t1 .. n nf r i .. ,. lruus ,,,,,,,, ~ li•r 1h•· ''''' f•··••ur•"' "•II \\:e' 1 tft·tl :1..: lt11· t • n~f'n fur ~r•'"'· h.• .t""'"'•1'1 t•• bttr"·n11•n ,.., ,..,....,. 1111.; 1••11111:11·11 1 of llw fr1·0•1inc '"" rl1"" 111 1:u•11u• Th11I nw•:uw • m 1 rh111I 111 jll'•'"•r1:1t111n Onl)' d1111\ 1110 r:i1.;,. 111 Sl•~l.t'w o 11lu111t "''"'fl 1••'r '"'"t 11f !hi' frn1'N1 Fr11l;11 "111 1 ... h1c h·hi:Jt1t-d h)· r ad. IS l><·rnc '"'' "'''' """'" ron· I ho ~:-.I•-· .. , •. , ... , ~ .. ~;,,,.,..,I s11111 .. r p11"k:t1.;1•.; 111 pr1·~1·111. tho• 't••· I l.1 nfl11·1or • """ "' '''" rrd""cl :tll fWtr! 1-tUfi. tht• re•,f ht1lfltr.: fllkt•n h ) 10..'1• 'I' IUt J,,"C 1 \1•f1t' e'\f.,. of ins1i1111111n.1I 11s1•r". 1111· rnako•ri< and 1,.,,.,1 S.111or1l.1~ , .. , ... •ho· nm1h llw pro·s1·n inc t r:ult'. 1\'hirh i:..t nrrrnrni: "' 111 .. S .1111,1 '"''" lllrti') -'fr11; .. n low>rls 1n M ·flflltllrl t•·wkal:"~ al ~1111.1111 111l1f,;t, ,·r• '" .,, nl'•n<'· ~-----------------------.. fllllh•· tntnl rr1ld111·111111 "' llo<llll~ I.ti \ "" ,,., • "' "'"'""t•<fi ,..,. JHQW ATTA/LABL'fi' 7~111l ••1101 1•11mrl ... o ffr u;1•nrn<l!i' 111r .... 1 •. 11 .. 111. T h·· 1~r111 •.-rtl lYt Y .J"I :n J;,-.t ~· .11 . t 'nl1f111 r11:0, \\',1,t11111:run '""' t. 1 .... 1.. ol '•I•"' '"" ~Jrt onn :tni t { •11 •111n pro<l1111 d fthir•· th.'n 1 "'' rnu.:h1 t1HH•h• 'I" .,,.,, t hr-,..-. SPEED 0 PRlllT h.111 ru tl ins.:. th1• ''' "'""' •·nn't H 'I ••"• .,,, rn1,·ht I ' t~"' f Httrr - - n lo';odt•r 111 fr .. 11 I\ ,,.,,,,. 11111p111 1:01 "'\\Iii ... ,, "" ,.,,, ....... m ···:11 .. t•f ~1 :_"1•t \\l'h I ..:1•••• -•'•'"4•~•f") DUPLIC \TOI' Ca11·-Facts ····· ,.,, .. ,, , .. ,,., :.: .. 1 '··"r"1 "" Fr ul.1\ pith •• ,.t -.,., 11111. :••ul 'l\ s59s' , .... .... nedlate Delivery! Automatic Feal and <Jounter With loch lp11d+lrtnt You Alt~ a -· a SUPPLY KIT, Coftlilting of- 1~ .._.. ,_...... C.rrect6ea ftuW '-'-'· ... ._ ....... '""' ... , .. ...... ..... .... 1-wlre ..... ,,,...,..... .... ,_ 1 ..... rOIM.ln M«ltin'• T'nd.y ••• FOR 1o ~- 0..'• ........... ou.,,,,,.,.. ... YOUR PHOt• 74S HEALTH'S SPORTLAND BOWLING ALLEYS Foot of Main St. -Ralhoaa 10 ;\l•Mll'rn Rrun .. wkk Alll'f'I i\L ,II •\ C'~. H<•Y ld .f.:"E \'OTt: FOi~ rurton~ r ••• ._ ·•"" lht '"'·•I· HU .... , •• T h•• <'.ol 1h •rn11·1\ri"'"" nlr11~ in· rt11y d 11,ln "111111• !I .1 1 .. r.•rrl-hri•11k111i: ..: 1111:11 .. r1111.~''" 1·:1r111111t• •n '9!':"" Three Governors w ith 11rani; .. • t11la llm1ot 111 ... 1~.1 1t·n111n• :.!:t.;,1r. and .:ra1 ~·rru11 11 . Comin.-to Iowa Pn~L 1 490 t·ar11111dl; • In I.. R. ~I art"h 16 For r \·r ry four prrson~ In UK Ani:•·l•·" <'111mrr in 1940. thr rl' a rr m o n • t hnn fi\'r n ow. n•'N1rd1n1: 111 11 '<Un •') hn s•·cl on •••I 11n11 l<'s tif tlw (".d 1furn111 T 1U1r11yrr11' n<ll0<'111I111n. Whh'h ~hnwic ll ~'!'I Jll•r t•••nt 1w1p11ln ll11n inl't<'aS•' from :!.7M5,&13 m 19·'111. lro :t~·.fl4,f"10 n~ n f J11n I . l!llli • l'nr111n1wn •in '"" 14 ll(}Ultlf'rn 1•1111n1 l1•s f•f C'11lifornln lnrrl'aM'd 31 po·r """' lot''"•·•·n 1~111 and 1~16. 8t'i«1rdani: 111 A rl'l'1•nl !lllr\f•)' • • • Th(' numl1<•r or h<'rnsrd n ·a l r~- 1111,. hrok1·r., m ( '1111forn111 In 19'1!"• I lnM'f'lt~t'<f \,~ 7.fW''· ar..,,1rdm1t In St11l4' R ,.111 i-:~1111 .. t '11mm111s1nn1·r , lluht•rl II Sruddl'r ( . . . I .it!< ,\ 111: .. I•·~ r nunl y rN'OrdMi _'j<( O'l:l 1111 th• m HM~. IW'ltmi;: sn nll·l1ml' mark • • I Srwn<',. h11i1 d ('v<'lopl'd a new I h•1u..,·w1fr· 111d -11 pl.ut1c chair I" 1.11 h r;orn•·~ a slight rw-1tall\'f' ch11rc<' nm ! du.<I r.1nnnt tw'trlf·· on II BOWL Jt l\\. f I 'tolo(.,11'1 I \\oil I,. ,, ' n·1 c1 •f11 .... ···•r '" "h• ,,,,. •·f t 1· <:n 11·1n .. r f(o1l1<·r• I• 111111• •of I~~ ~1 .. an. • I I•· "111 '"' 111.. i:u."4 ~I· .,j,, r .• 1 th .. 1';1h :inn11AI .. antl"I' 1111·n u ••I thl' lo~" A~".,,.,,, ... .-. .. f ~ .. r• 1 · rn rnt1r11rn l.1 "' l.1no .. 1n I 111 k I~ Ani:• ,,.., M1tr• l1 If> ,\ ""''mJIJI •ll 1111.: "r II t •• !\h" 1 llu• 11n•I h1• '111H I I• ,. .on "'"'""'• :•ntt 11 o a•I\• ••• t"acl• t ;, .. ,, \\ 'H·h• f"HflU f \ It '"' n. ...... 1 ...... . c;fl\•1rr>11f I u l \\ "'' o r .u"'flf'" fr·~ :t pu•tt•-. t f,,r•t1I\ lr••ttt i t ..... n,. J OW:'l f(""'" f-4•rnu f •:., t r •rt"-. .. \1, 111 •fll \\Ill "''''"'.;.., \\,u r•n "'ht•"'•I! "' ,,..,.,,,. tt11 ft1\4 • • ,, .. ,.,.,. T h"r" "Ill 1 ... ro t. •n<I '""'~·n "' I 11n•t ft prnc rri m "' .! Tuur1~h ,. Ill ,,.. ro l"''V'Tllt'ft t11 Si-n;11t .. , 11 """"'" M Kn'"'" on uf M 111 .. ,,, (~If)'. • luo • 111 rnf'<f't hi' rri..,wf• "' I hr <'•·rr .. 1 :.wlin ""''"') ff"l:"t'"' 1!1f 1 <"r ltw 1 W'Olo:r" m Atomic 1 'M-('o~tly For lnduRtl")·, I ,rof eKHOr SayM ., I 11! 11 • ••f •' 1tl tt• t••"., u'\ ,n f "''' ,.. '•'''" 1• ,,. ,., ' f' llf I I 11• • .. ,If I "ftft l• Ff' I f f J ff t f I. fl ,. t\ •••• ,, ' I . I I •• ' , •.• t ,, • '~ ' ,, \.• I 1 I• • t -·') '. ' ,. ,.,. I o l ... , ,,., I 1J ' t I t•. ' ',. I I I' I .,, I • t, 6 lf• ~ i '· o .t1 I a:··~ I 0 I 1 .. 1 I f 7,., •• \\,,'\.'I •t.,:lotH ' t\ ... !" an~t ........ .c,1~ ...... \\ .1 1111 i hr"'' 11 111, II h.1~ •l- t"!I' ••' • •· 1~ r •h••U'-.•lhl 1n 1•'&t\ fltoU • • I" 1 •lt• .inti U r.~t I h''t~I n .. " t "1t1 n·r i1 .. ,n . '"•" t 'nit.°'1 S w,,,,' " 1 • ·~·hn..: h • I tr ll•-."'I. r• • • ,-.·s•u! d&.ttt l"'·•k t•f -.11..:.IHI~ ••' • f • • • • • "" t .. t" , ... ,. 1 '•7u :uwt I~ '•• · '"h1.-l1 1ht•r,• lllll) ho· " al'"' •I• ': • ,._. rno, '"Ill hnJlllO'll an •11•'• t t t • f t 011illl "f.U~ ""r '"••fll an t • •' f •r tt ... ~1 .. 1.1tnt I n 1111 111•111111 111r • .,·1, '' n1'.111t•I r.our ( lrnni.:·· .... 11111) ... ...... ,,,, fr 1""°· 1 ht• f1.,l1•r11I """''I I hlA w;•,.k t Ul•••t lhnt "''~!• •·tr.:.t1t11H ·•I \\. '\11' "' ,·ht1dre·r1 .,, \nrh•u~ ,,·h, .. '' '''" '11 torl1·~ II \'h>l/llloll\ .ot 1111• I Ith anwn1tnwnt 11\c• rullni: ••nm r nlt1•r p11r••nl1 t•f \ MrhM.t• ~lt•\.h'tU1 ,·f11l•l1 •'It ••t't• ",,1.,I 11ml t ho•1r d11l1h o<n "'•'rt' nut l"'r"'" r.·d to• a ll1•111I ,.,., 1.1111 ..., "'"''~ "fu·r·· th•·r·· \\1°r.· o I•'• '"''1•l• 11uh-.· ••I '"'" l\lr"h'nn 1•111111• "'"""'I 111 th•• Mt'rtun "''r•• Sa.n1a Aua . t;anL·n 1:r<1\t', Fl Mowl""" ·'"'' \\'1~1 lllln~lt•r &t•h1M1l Ii i.Ir h 'h Ill ilil<fl fh)f') ht \.UrlPU~ Jit'h•••I 1tffh't,tll' IUMI Newport· Balboa TouriMt Bun•au All Model ot Travel to nu-ope, Mexico, Hawaii Round-th~\\'urld Tr111111 In th1• m~n r futun'. See Mr<ii. It.•>.\ Kf\ellfl, ''11. 3!t1 . !HI I Palm. Hult'f19 llour-Ill oe. 111. 1 .. II I• Ill -----------------------"" WAT<' II Nn l)opla,.,. • • LO l l l' KS ('011ta Mr.ia \I • • " • I ho·r .. '"Ill l1o• rt 11h11r1• ru-r • • 11111111• .. r , •I ••IJ '""'Iii". •11111•rmt1·11•lo•11h I In h.•ldm.: 1h111 1l,..1T1111111"1lon ----------- b) 1••1iiiii ,.. .,,, .. f ,.,,., ''' )•"l•rs hnot '"'"" ''""'"1~1-.I 11.;11111~1 1•hll ,.-----------------------------. ctrn1 nf Mt'"l'llll 1, .. ,. ... "'. , ........ ral Telephone ot •• " '1•i:tnh•'T .. •: u ·, I ...... , "'"' • r 1 hro " t rn""' a• nNtny n• lho '' " • '" '"·"'' l'lw numl••r of .hl<llo:t' J1t11I .J \lo't '.111111, I. "''"' 1347-J· th•.-v •' ••• trhT •• t•u-J h~ 11t•ttll J..'> I· 'l\o • 11 l'l;lil .11111 l~l.jf! 1f11r ·~nu· ,., "'•'ll•'t' ,.,, . .,,I\ '"""" t h11 I s1.,.m •h •1•·nk111i.: 1•h11:1r.•11 urr n • fard. .. t rn h·10r11111.: I 'n.:l"h lo~ 1111·9! for FIV E'"-D A Y SERVICE in( lh 1: n>o onrhs t ... ,,.,.,.n Jul\. 1~n " t .11111 1·~11. 111 .. numl"'" "' ,, I ,, ••\I r-••• '1t'IT•'"""' .... , :.•t:t R111 't • • .. 1•u' *'" nt •'f .t I •a\*tun ()t-...... t I :, '~h'IL'-' s •. ,, ,. or" Frands J. Horvnth o• Cleaning and Laundry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS ,, '' \ I '~•tt l•t \tth '1t Ht '4t•tt1 c-n '' ' t t ''' nt t .. ·t" •·•·n 1 t .tn•I 25 ~, • I •L• lt•f l th. f119 fl\'ttfttl n10 \0 •t ,.,,, ft1, •'•1••' itn•I la•.:··r h '"'I" t-.'\\t fl i1•I•• 1ttl 11•11 111•1 tn1~· 't •• • ·•· I •t I!·. ti t1 ·n~' \\•11 re•11uur tit • fh , 1t ••, I le l.\U1 Ml. '"" l lr!'! IJl 1037 ('out llllhway l'kk-tlp nnc1 l'lt'livt•1')· C11rl l'hllhart, Manaaer mcl 11llSI YALE Black Tea c..·-~ " .. .... .._ ...... - \, • -"-· .,c • ·• ...U .... Uc ' .. _ ---.. Black T £:O c aCTs ..... ,': .. ...... ,. J c~·~· =>·.....:t • ... •"91f ,,, •• ....... Hershey Cocoa Cling Peaches (OI.• .c ............. ... Sliced Green Beans " •• 15• - TomatoSoup ';:;J'~" 17- Lar·~e Z·.=1eet P.:aa ,. ..... ·-.. ..,_ . ~' S;:·ring ~t r ~as ~ ............. ~lllC· •• Chil' Pc , ..... . :.n · :J!: • ... ....d Cut Green&~ ...,.~, -·O"' ••• •\l ...... d .. .. -·--, ... - It• I .. I .. Cut c~ .ae.n Baans '!: It• <..,. ct ,....., Vo•...,. l •CIN't I •'•• !t•,,.,.+t•rf Die xi Carrots H •• -.... ~ .. -Liced Carrots ~.~·· •:;- Turnip Greem ~-= '!: Fancy Beets ':. .. ~· ..... ·,,.~ ......... \•, , Sweet Potatoes ':.:· T-r.,. ...... -1 Lanen'• V eq-All JO•• - Ore1n9• ore at th• peak of eaUnt fOOd•-at dal9 lime of th• par. Aad. tt.eJ an• na 1U... .wee of fCMtlfJ1DCJ Vltamla "C" •.. eat liof9 of • ....,. '- CJood health. Your nekJhborbood lafe•ar .... • leahart.n9 oranqee at a •pedal low prioe thle ...-. Take bom. an abundcmt •pplr todcrr· Note alao tlt••e produce valuea1 RUSSO POTATOlf'• , ..... ,.,..1 p ...... _,_ ......... h·· PIPPlll APPLES ~·1r1h .. .-n •ro•• Nr"'-rtppl• ep ..... l'll&c-r 1 ... ••,All TYPE CELERY ~ nr r•·I-, •tall.a, ..... rol .,, .. ~. '11My""' drUrl•t¥- SOAPS, QIAMSllS, POUSI T ·1 t So ,, .... ,,_ 2 13-0 1 e ap ........ ... .. G-• a..JI •-1w• I•• ,.,,., ,.. • .,., St.f•..,•rt 41~ _ .. , t f'tf'f\M f ' ••• • •••• • \J ,,o,...t, ....-4, •••• ,..-, .. '""-e. Oak.1te · "· ... · '0~.·· 1• ~.u,,,. u1.,.o• • r- -SUnbrif~ Glea11ser 1~:· •• I .. • ,,... '""·l•r '1U•l I•.....,.-( t,,,,.,.,,.f . I ' r "'\CKED Of VISKING tll .... , •• 1118 11&.ttt It. PORK SAUSf~GE IN BULK ..... " •• t ..... ,. r .. ,. •• ,. ..... ,,.,Hf ....... ..-•ntf • .,.,1..-''"•·· •• !.!'!.~~!!.~ .. ~~~.~.-~~~!.!l~~ 42c TEllDER WIENERS W: ,..,..., --"·Tr~ ._., .. 14•• ~ .... •l•e. ,._eopPf"d •l~11•n. •• 37c lllfYDIA TtD FOODS WIWAYSAYmll Target Popcorn '::" II' Yot"-wei.ty \A I. Cooki• c:"'~ Marmalade := Gaines Dog Meal Cid.Jr Vin99ar ·-·· .... ...... !:11• ... Drano ~ -· ( ltt •• •• '' .. ··~ Pronto I #I f . "'"' J , •• Dry Cleaner ',": ·.;.. .. • Paste Wa x r I ' ... ·,.: 10-. .. 23• Bleuch IH "I , .. n-. '• PANCAICl flOUlt, CllUAlS Shredded Wheat ·~;· II• f1 '' tt H .• S Albers Oats 4tl! •• , 1· ,. ~ • ' Pancake Ffour ~,., .,,....,., ... ,.,, 1•0 Jlc.. llVllAGis JO ot .... ,. .. .... Apple Juice tw;:..s• •· 11• Carrot Juice .... :.' ... 7"' '!: I .. Sauteme Wine ....... """''• C.lofo •....t w .... -"'....., .. "''--11c ........... -.... ·~ .. _.,_ .. M:.I •- • . -------~-&-~~~ .... -- llll&WnJaT 9 ,U.Jl()A NEW•· TUllttt.. S•W1M1rt .._.... t'attfo,,..._ fluandaz, Ff'bruarr ti, ._.. ....... _ ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~.....:;;.:.;;..:..;;;;=..-.-=------..---~ Reed Issues Call I Several Named Harbor High Harry James Band Blue Room Opens ~I All Ch hes Governor Sip Most Bilk Subnitted to Special Session for Trackmen; In Violation of Defeats Orange At Rendezvous 'Tomorrow After _ Ur( 6:.. ~~ ~:,~ "~~~~.~~ ~-i~:~ ... ~~~ .. ~ir!.~~ ·~ .. ~~~.-.~.~'"''u wound ~;~~.~1d"e"f~~e~~doo.~d In: $20.000 Renovation IT 0 Observe "'"'" il!J'w-d ••> <'<•arh Ralph H.<·l'd .,.11, ,11111 • ''" '"'" 111 m,..n , includ-,11, q ,..,r 11l'as1m \V1·11m•sd11y uflf'r· r'\ .ion wi 1. •·R;~rek ~ e n~ ay, I H • al D SAC'R.AND&"f 1 Gov Earl , mtil•'}mrnl c"'mpt·naa"on to al llarl••r llii.:h 11ntl lhi• s1irlnJ.: 1111: ""'I r .. 111 ''''I" •l'I fk>ach. werf' 11 ... n 1n<I liolh llw A a nd B squads l J ;,:;,.5 ;tn~a ~~~11 .. ~1us~:"~ak:::.~ ospit ay WIUTf"n uw •'•k bad wcar4 or •ur~ y,•hJir urwmpl£>)td an ac:· "f1'•rl i:• Is uncl•·r "·1Y 1111~ 11fl•·r· n 111, 11 t .. r '1101:1111111 of thr Mlgra-. 1111•· .. n tlw Ornn~1· 1·ou~ts victor-With him, 118 a lwa s will \)(! . • I lhlld~~~ ... uon~ln• coun1 of ill-. Thia ,inll afff'C'l 1"' .. '" 1 "l1iur>odu~1 """ tlw 11111111al t11n 1111<1 .,.,.."'·' 1\f'I, u<'currln!I! ,,.,, .. ''' chmnx a surprismgly sue-1 r unusi 1 wil y !, fl01.1pu1 ... ..-... ,__ • ~ t ·r· d th 111111 · II 1 1~ I . . Ja mes Is known for seek ing the ....... 08 ....., ~ UW 10 .uh_.• hr 'Jml 000 •«Un and tl1<.•ir fanul· i mt .. r l'laio.l' ""'"' ••n tho· loc"al i.••I ""' ;-..: .. , 11 , , _.1111 si·nson. I a Ja m ra fl''rsonu 1 Ml. .ubraitt...s '° lb llpW'&i -ol irnL . ··~ Uf'S ay ,. •• :•· 'l'h" ', .. 1:111o1n• ll J l"~l'dly ocrur -f ,\ "ax in~ tlw Orungcnwn '10-36, I unu11ual tall'nt in th m I worM U.. llsilolet~ ~ ..uJll l'W'Gllt-••1 Aid to dial~ adJOOI d.19-down tn iu·rlr)lls rmnr~·t1li11n "1111 ,., ol ·'' '"' ,.. " l.:1 M1•!1a Cun Club. •h·· varsity endl'd. the SC'ason In a and his ronstant e "":.cch !1c1.S l .......... ubWna t~ -Sl•f,. a)d madr •Va1l•ble to' n dual m•·N llJ:lllnSI Jlunt1n~·1"n oll1'/ln•1• 1I l.1-.I ~1·:ir hy n COll'rif• "'""nd pl8CI' lit' \!.llh 1111' J\nahl'lm l b "hi t th r I' ht • t d •--h-4 ~-t . whic ........ _ Rrnrh nnd th1·n trnvl'ls 111lln•a r 1·1· of <pt1ri-n1,.11 ,.11 .,.1rnr poods nrllr 1• 1, · ts d th T n b f d mu.. o " 1ml' Iii: • oV.lf an • More Than $100,000 Raieed for Praby- terian Fund '11v ~ lllcltadrd. .._.. •• ol ___ U:-_.ncu, '"1• .... -day whl'rt' thr'' will rni.:a~·· \!.1th "'"'5 on <'. ar 11 11'5 .nun in~ slngl!rs aa Fra nk Slr.dtra, Dick c U Dlwi IP BC) houMllC 17..500.· ca~ atra1i..-... manna ,...... , I ''' :'"'"' (", 111nt y A iri)Ort on Mar-11i .. n1sf'IVl'S 1.n a fi rst plaC<' tu' for ' l111yme1 Con nil' Haines and He len 000 .. ..,.. 'lo t loc:aJ ~ ..,, un.bl .. 10 proVlcJ(> ('du IR or :?(> M'hooll" of uni i·r I I/I~! ;\1 lh11r Hl"I Tl,,. pnnd.s are pri· 1/1o· l••ngue htlt> with .111r Hunting-Forrest.' • $~=~ -..,.._ aitloftai ~turutlotrs mt'U~ •'nr(1llm••nl In lhl' nnnuul On ·a 1 1t11·l~ ci..1·1·h·1•·<I flood control 11111. ll1·11ch and Anah,..1m squads. Jumea rf"C'rntly made a 1erie1 of ~ • ... _ __._........_ t ,_ ,.._ .. Rrln)'ll mc'f111l 11ntl tr"f!hY rnitl:c· i•·nrl~ I• -•:-••d "' th" r luh. < •ntcr George Ya die of the ~ .....-S lcir ~-up •0 h ..-•'••--w "' ......... 1·11,,,111 trRC'kf<•at. • ' r Y hu"ll' call recordin"s for the War ._._ Th· •I• !1•11ol:ml• inrludl'd: R. R fRrs added anothl r lO points to " "' '2tS•-·-~·-a.. -n-111111 --..... , .. <·~11r~•ha\'1·~·.·1lk•"l t1H"11t1 · "" 111 I .' ' [)('partment which are now used • --·--..--.. •" ''" "~ ~ • 11 ... 11:k1t•'"" \\ '' o ""'" n, Ed· l11s 11corln° tota l and safely pro-_._, illlldt.uc-~ • '~' AcrinlJ•ur•I nosrvch -high h•mon In ttw Br1•11 nlf'•·I 11\' wucti !' i;rn,·n•lyk•". (' F . Baxtrr. • for army camps and naval bases. fl'Cllll'ill..,. to ,..,._ W., "P ProcTam rinan+t"f'd f« Pf'll control, ..Snnlntt thr t>vrn t fflr th•• 1111s1 lw1r \\' lJ (;r:aflon, G M. Holstein 1"c~c~ hla title u Sunset League His orchestra 11 composed of 9Wdi ~ ._. c 1 1 '9 t.M lk ~~' and lmprov~I con11t•cutlvr yt•an nnd 11lnri• C'oarh 11.,,.,.,. \I H•·nnrn, n M. Hager. individual scoring C'hamp. l nine strlnp, four trornbonee, four ....-ar.. ......._ ..... ....,..., el ..nnaJuuaJ proctuc-u. and for Rffd h as srvrral m1·mhrr11 or IMI 11,,ri ~ .,_..,11 and Jam('S s. Dough· lrumpt>ts, four rhythm Instrument• fwZlks -... --dw ... -... .-IUltc -outlrta for eaw.,,ma y~·· squad back, then• Is cvl'ry rrty. Reed Acting Mayor; and five rttda. 1 0 9'tdm el OtM .._ I tlOil ~ ct..ncr for Harbor to bring the H II ff d C Id Aside from belne IOPI 1.n the •>• Ph n Tl> 7 ... ,,. \'•te-rw C»part.mmt ol 1.N,pt,y homf' again. acrordlnJ,: to ----I a a a 0 band ¥lorld. he don hla blt ln film ~ .. ,....t6r M 1 el --1 M•htwy and Vf'tf'l'llollll~ Attain n--doprltrn Fr11nk <' B•·ard jr., son of Mr.1 world. He appeared In "Bfft Foot ~ ~ C'OMOUd.9tinic -1 and Mrs. Nf'ls Olsl'n, 1556 ~an Out> to a cold, Mayor Clyan Hall F orward." "Two Glrl• and a Sail· --------------_,.,.,,. burr•• and lmpovinc (7) St•trwlde holpilal 1unC'y hnul1•vard. Oalboa. h11s bffn home asked 0 . B. Rttd to t.ke hi.a place or," and in "Bathing Beauty." Now IL't ~ V DN N ~ to f"S~ mm and-. °"JlUllN'nl of Public llralth aulh·I on 30-d11y h•a\'C' and now 11 at 1 at th<> head or the table at the sign«'d to a lone term contract r. '--D 1-n.. wtlJ .-bit' ttw cS.-orlz:rd to mak«' thl' aurvry nnd lo • Al11m1-.J11 waiting hi• dacharae. lut Monday afternoon aeulon. The with 20th Cen tury F ox, the Jamet ~ ...,.,...., prCJlllPl'ly to ~ ·ecttpt rr•nl1 undt'f' the Federnl I S1·aman !Int clnas, U. S. Cout counC'il •C'cepted lhe 1uggeslion, Boys hav<' recently completed ''Do ......, ....._ ! dw ... ,_. •• pnicraim I«~ Houslnr: Survt>y and ('onstf'ucllon Gwird, hr has sl'<'n aervlce ln tht> and Reed pttCormed with credit to You Love Me." He 11 just u popu· pwtktllmiy thr 1100.000..000 --1 Ac1 now ~dtt oonaidrra1lnn In South l'ai·irlc and after his re-the ortlce. lar with film Cana u he 11 with 91 Oltrll -" ¥ I_. f-..,.....,.. ._. wMda II concrt'P. ao that the t•ommunillH j hep cats and popular music lovers 0.-• -·Clim. ~ ...... u..4 lo a .,... ot t11e of California may bf'nr fit under h•ftiw l>la ns 10 he skipper of a FOf' office supplies. -the who are used to hearlnc tum over ,_.. mat No• Ill r. thla national ~am. I y11C'ht. I News·'nmH. the radio. To The -New Owners: • Louis Jablon • Arthur Silver • Eddie Tobin of the BLUE ROOM Formerly ELECTRIC GRILL and Blue Room From Your Balboa : Neighbors Mr. ucl Mf& C. C ... ~~rrell Sportland Bowling Alleys Jack Phillipson Bal>oa Paint Store "For Your Health's Sake-Bowl " Texaco Service Station --0---0---0- '811tl' .... Ray KttM Lonnie Vincl'nt Balboa Cleaners Keen's Komer Balboa Pharmacy I --0--0---0- Pril& Gann• -G• V ander Linde Mr. and l\lrs. Al Anderson McCorkell' s Bal>oa Market Balboa Fun Zone Balboa Richfield Service --0---n---0- Lena V«Wey Rob 1\1 urphy Gail Humphrey Casino Cafe Bamboo Room ShOrt Circuit Radio "· _, Cowtio7 ...,, utW -tM N_U-.,__. .. ....,.._ a-oe It. ...... .apt Fri- day. lie wUI ~ ... me ttayoe *-tdM!e el ,...._ tllanMIP u.. ~l"' ... -Room ...... _ .. Next Sunday will be .. Hos- pital Sunday" throughout all ol Orange county. according to a re90lution tmanimously pa9ed at a breakfast meeting attended by 23 ministers ~e.mting all Protestant f ths. llftllben ot net\ dlurdl will -told ol ,..,. to nlR moo.ooo toward the buUdiac of tlw flnt units ol the Presbytft'ian '-Pita! of Oranpo CllUlty. 11lr a.. A. -.prollt t-Ptal. ..._ ccn- atr\ICUd.. will be opra to aJl f&IU.. To ut.. -... tbaa 1100.<IOll toward the piel '-beftl ~vf'd. '1114' 20-acft •w. •. a Nf'W"Plll1 Jkicbta plat.nu OWft'lookinc New· part ~ .... the OClrelt, ... purchalcd at • CIDll ot $20.000. R.cmod.'ed throughout •t. met N·eW Custodians ot $20,000, the Blue Room. fonn-n• I'-. • erly known as ttw Elertric CriJI ired by uiDJltiJ at 206 Palm avt-mw. Balboa. will be opened ~o~· ffriday • rur For Camp Ground I the first t1mr Sln<'t' it has been takrn 01·1·r hr Arthur Sll\'l'f' of l . --- ! l .m1 An~··h•s [I will be throv.. ·n Earl Sk'ttlrr Wiii ,·011~ 5125 ptt 1•pN1 111 I u'rlrlf'k on thr o(lf'fling month salary M nl!'IMJ!\f' of t~ t1a~. hut will r1·m11in o!l"n dail)· r11 ~ <"<imp ~. •·hich is bring from hrr11kfas1 !Intl' through un11l imrwo,·l'd ;md Rlorifird as a tk-luxr I ·30 :1 m . ''""'fll tnL: th,.. ('(l('kt:ul 1ra1l1-r r:irk m «dt•r In lurr yr11r l•1t1ni:1-. "hrrh 1'!1is1·~ at mic1ru~hl 'round ,,..,..,11•an1" of. ii rl•°'ir;1hl·· Thi• ln11Mini: s,.·1t m i: ~'Ill ha..~ m ara1·tr·r 111• '"''' '"II h · 1"'41d l1o•('n 1•n11rl'l• d<•m· .,,.,,r t he· n~· St••1 f" r "'°"'h addHional u nrnna1:"r •mitt All n,..,~ 1-..onktnR. l\s.s1111:.n1 d unn:; thf> bcl'~· mnntlu rl'frr11t1 r:ith•n aml r•·"l·f"(l!TI facili· from ~la.)' (Jn lhn111i;h lh" 5\lffimt•r . l11•s lt:t\I' h•·•·n m~talh-d. Thf' if"~' a1;n c"1 •·~ t hr Ml) l'OUnOI. • '''''"''"" and "'"'k1:111 ronm ir; ha\'(' Th•· !'11·1-:1 .. r~ '"''"' ;i 1r:11l1•r RJ h··, ,. , •1<!1·t·ur:1t.l(f. :1" :dso ha~ fh<' fhl· L:f"ountf..: ·;.nci ,,4, nr.t ~· •lirr a 1 11r11al1• 1hnin1:·ro.,rn . S1h1 r , ,.. 111 •11'•. f..,n·•· '' •ot'•'llf'h-d "" lht' I""'' '" lt;t\O' II ~taff of 311 hirro ('ronn<;~. """ .... , .. Ml.'llodl.1n11 of d 1u int. 1),. ..,_, :1 .. ,in. tu iut.,11.~ t .. r..ofi .. '"' \"••n1p .,. .. , •. uncf t1t.ran.· ,., ... , 4it.f":l .. o I IC'k ;\f,.l ,'.111111.tll'r . 1•hl"f, rrf't•nlly !'"O • •n 1i• tH•IL">•, )o••;cJt¥1 l•Ul~i<i<' 1 .. i. ''"ti fr om th•· arrnr "" was 11 ... i:r.,.,nfl.~ <II lh,. ll'th stn,~t 1 .. 1·1111 r I.' , m11l11~1'd in thi• llf'•'f).'\ra-t•ntran•". 1s ad'' rll~• •I f.,r ""'' .mil ''"" "' f·~~1 l1y thr Tail o' Cock is ,,, h•· r• ITir)\'ffl nur•11r.· lljr rlly , , •t:i11r11nt. Lind\ ·11• •cn•I 1,1111 r I.Al!! \\'trrk " 11l1011t n c,rf~ ''' -.1nrt on \111;,.lo ~ ,~nf• s · tlw n• '' c ntr:m•••· 10th" J""lrk from ~I• .1ks. 1'h"I"'· ~··aloud, rharCf>.'11 t ···ntr.11 ;11• nnr :11 J7rh ~•r•'c'I. '""'')'ii. \\'Ill ltt' fr:cturo·s of tfl(• "'hwh -.i ll t~· p.c"l\N and afford a Hluo· llOlllll Ouring th1 • ttr•11:h1 of more· 1·nt1nrn:: rntry In rhr i:rounds. • ''"' sra~nn. S1h't·r said tha t hfo [)c'('(:Jmr•.srd l!ranilP l!I also soon • 'fll"''ls 111 orrl'ruh• '"I) full shUb 10 hr 5JT••ad O\'rr thl-rc-maining .\~s;u·i:1t1·<I with him in tht> ~'TIM'·' •ii" not }''' ('f)\f'f'rd, ~·bo>ft -- I ,hif1 11r1• l.ouis Jablon. fortnt'f' \'iM'd l11d!> art' a('('Ppl•>d f<JI' this H"s'"" :"11 tnrnr~. and F..ddle Tubin. •"(Jl'k AM1st11n1 C'it Y f:nlt'ln!PM' J . f11rm,.rly In "'ar Jotood!I rtianula<'-8 \\'rhb ~U'f'd 1h11r tht" plans turr 1n l.oK Ani:• lrs Sil\'ff hu U'(' all n-ad~ for •tw:-1mprM·emrnt, l11••0n In f11rnilun• manulac·turi• in •h1rn WIUld !wini: In ~ FTV- 1."" J\n~•·I·~· •·nUI' to OM-rit>; 111• 11n1 w1pa lo " n 1>11: tnurisl s-·:c- '"" ll"n ' <11111111: thr ..,mm.·r An 1, nth11,i:1~lir 111rht•m11n. hr ha.11 ~ pnrc·h;H~' ti ·• t•,•fun .~, ....... r tor hll :'Iii' 1'001 lo•r I •\lrko", l•f!I I >i11·x '". n 111 J~.,,..,. • J..,.t,,"''· ,, , , ... ,1,;u: 111 r d ou.;hl• r :'llo!< F 1-: f'arkPr. I .11ri•r111> \'111:11;1•. nr11r I )-ikl11n1I. fnr f\\1• \\ ,-.•k<: If It's a Book Wr lla\'f' It Or "1JI Or*r It for , .... ESTRELLITA '8 BOOKS 111 1'.rtll MU. 8t. a-aa I Arcadr llWc- 8-ta ~Mil Seollt Committee Meets to DiscllSS Ban(!llet l 'l.,n .. l•.r th•· n .m1n,· F.o'h• r and ~ftn fl.n, ~rt\\U h t"41t11 t ,~' ,.,.. tft, ... ,~JJ"-.. •-d J .... \1,_.r,f ,, ••t nn"i.: h~ t hr ~ 00111 11.crlw'f' f•1•lr11•1 1-><,..,111\·r l'<•mm11 ..... 1n •h••1r '""olhh m•~·t· me 11t '"" l.1-t:1•in Hu: Tilf' h:in- •1'>' I "•If t. h• 1ol 'farrh R :ti lh•· ~11mmar ~~>I in :"r" purl A lsc1 d 11u-.1"c.'ff f\\ I hr rntnmittM' "•-rr pl;,ns nf )"o"TTfl:tn<'nl 11tl'UC'· tun-s itnd additi••n• in l hP $c-o!1I cummc-r i-:tmp P.o-Ko-U :md a t thf Sr:. Scont11 ~ nn Coast boolr· \"arcl Pn.-st-n t a 1 t ht-mtttlnsr :it .. hlcfl C'halnn,n T """''"" J :1y SW"idrd "' """ H usrh \\'i ln>11. V'001 I ellf'('U· 11"'. '""' c .. n .. 'rt<.Of'I, fit'ld ac"OUt t>XttUll'fP; J~ D J. ~. Art 1 R"mho. R>llflft Ro>a\'r r , Harry wt"l', '----~---~-~---J andR.ohf'n Y..astman LEGAL FORM·s FOR EVERY TRAISACT·IOI (,. We haft made It t"CllW!llent for you to lrulure cunpllanee wtth all ftQUi.rftlwnts of tM law by auTytng a c:onapltte ftodE of all forms and papeon nMded for the oompWUon of ewry tram.ctlon. NEWS-TIMES I. .. .,, ,. ~~"~RT RAl~O~ N~"~·nM~ N~ ~ (~llh1r~L ____ T_h_1_1r_~.~-~··~~~-------------------------------&~~L-~:~- Sand Crab (Conunut!i.I lrvm J•ai;t< (\f1f' I ago by e\·cry city in the na- tlOIL + + + New Seal Beach Paper. A second news pa P<' r. The News, has made its bow in t he turbulent city or S<>nl Beach with Pat Hart as pu~ Usher. Hart was formerly in charge of the Post and Wave and it ls reported that mem- bers of a Long Beach radio station are interested in the venture. Seal Beach has been growing rapidly since the advent of the Navy ar- lefUll and is enjoying n small boom, as are other Orange county cit ies. •IVl:UIDE CO. TIN California Tin Corporation has been Ol'laniud to mine Un at the Cajalco depoait In Rlvt'ralde coun- ty. Hnd offices ha\'e been cstab- llalwd at 602 Filth 1trcet, North- west, Wuhlneton, D. C.-(Wcst- ena Industry Ma~azint'). IU~plln, the PAINTING u y.,. ......... 111..,..n ..... ..... HARRY HALL •ADnD•~ .,. ........... ~..,-· lloc•tor'M Prt•M·rl1lt ion C'alk for tht· IWlct On~ your d1M•l •., h•" " rU • tf'n a pr-·rl11t1011. hf' tlf'· Pf'nd" on ttw ph11r111111·l•t ror aN"Ur atf' •·nmpounclinl(. T hitl 1 .. • """' •r c-onw In. t:\'f'r)' • 11rrvrtptlon brouchf to IL' 1,. nllf'd •·Ith torlrntlfk ac-rur· ac-y-wllh thf' ""'I qwallt' dnair:tt. Brint: )our P"'""rl1•· tlo•1t ht-rt' with c-onfldf'm·•·· "'" bac-k your dol'lor. Auditorium Rising on Heights i~~~"(~:~v~i:!:~t PtRl"1AIVCIYf£ "'''4 "''' '' ~ /i1P11rs,.,,10 8Y ,,,, .. ., ..... NC -'•,,,,,,.,. , .... I· . :i , .... --· ••t ~~------: l f Se th D Ad · t• f Aid at SA AAH or ven ay ven IS s l IConltnu•··I ll"OI 1'111"' Onrl A :!~141-~i·nt 11ud1toriurn is 1lnh'<l •l ----l l.1w\\h·.t1·1• 11t 1t tht p11•1·r11111 ho• to '"' Cinis lwd •·orly 111 Mnrch in <·~I 111th~h1·1l '" •" ""'"'""' I IH' p;1t · llw !l('W tnhnnti<'IC' now builrtini: City Hall, Banks , .... ,. ''" """"''''' "11 1111u1Y fh•lds on thf' cornt•r l'lf (lid Co unty road throui:hout th<' ro11ntry. ,.r• -j t---_:------------------c ' 1 nnd Dolsa 8\'1•n111• untit'r Ow nus-rostoffices to A·····•11lt11i.: ... I • .. 11111. \\ ''""''"d 1 ricH or the Scn'nth Day Adven-Qbse.rve Holiday 11 1111 11111m ·1l .... 1ot1o•r" """ w1•r <' 1 1 isl d1ur<'h. l'l'"l'•'rl~ , ,.,.,.n,111 '""''<I )l\1•11hl ""' Plans call for th<' audUoriwn ta hnltatr in l:"ln.; nfh·r j .. hs, 11nc1 11N be finished In March to house a •·rlday, \\'u hlnitn•'• birth· 11uh1stry slu111hl 11111 hu1tat.• In day aaa h·t·r,..r), "Ill bf' a holl· t t 1. I ( ti (')' t hrN•·month 11f'rics of prophetic I"'" 11 1111: t w 111 r 1 "'· t>r "' • • 1e•• hll'tUrl's ronduc tl'd by the Rev. day obaf'n •\'d hy lhf' rlty hall, hn• •' ""''" lrnln<'tl to wor\\ and GlL•n L. Go trar and t hf' building thr poatotnr•·~. aad haak-. 11 t111nk, pr.1hnhl~ h;•t11·r than 1ho11<' \\'U ....... f'd today. Othf'r C'--I t I will lat<'r bl' finishro. with more ty aad iita tf' offlrf'• a.rf' alM• .... "hol'<•' "'m·~ 111' 1' nt'\ •-r ~ .. ·n additions. to form a new church. led be d oeed br!ikC'n Tiw auditorium hu been de.. J>N' to • llw ''""' nh•Kp·nt T•'1'onrl1t111nlni: l'lgnl'd and Is beine conatructl'd pr .. 1:rn111 wns 11t11r trd In t hr under lhl' dirl"Ction of the ~-16 a~ L t S AAAll r .. i:ion11l huspll11l. which Goffar. who announeff that ap- 1 I o s tw.-1111w 11 n·i:ull1r l'Oll\11l1•11r .. nt h1>11· proximatt'ly $10,000 will be lnvHI· pltnl in 1944 Cahil1 ha• rt'<'t•h't'd 1.'<I In the complete cdlfiet'. many •·11mm1•ml11t lonii fnr hi• work A.ul1llne ln bulldin& I.I Jack S 12 6 7 on 1 bl' baso•. ( >n•• of "hh·h he I• Pittendrllh at P audena, who won • par ticularly proud C'aml' from Gc•n. cuh awarda aevera1 yeara a10 I I H. II. Arnold, head or thl' Anny from the Better Homea of Am-Air Fol'Cf'S. I , If I Iii P' •,.,,,,,., .. . \ ertca for con.structSon of pra.-Asked $8850 \ nd1·r C 1thill'1 prni.ram which wlnnin& homee In Puadena. bl'g&n with thl' &ir r 11dl'l1, tht' In- The tabernacle will meuutt jurcd werl' elven bed c•xercian 40x80 and will be heated by 1500 first, thrn ward l'Xt•rf'i!IH. t hen ....... Uu\'f' 1,..... W .. •I ...... , ........... ,. ... el •-4'•a'- w,nt out b' torhoof otnc-lah to~....._. ...,.a. ... u.tF _,...-•I• tu --..rt~a. If poaelW., _,_.._, ~ IH ....._ .... M'houl In thf' 4"0ftll .. y..,. n.. ,..._ .. Wt tr ... J 11ta a ..._.. fttt of one-Inch pipe laid In lhl' rt'CTC'atlonal 11rllvlly In tht• fat'ill· do-n of UlJIWf'" tn t au.,...._ 1..., ..... , ... .,, ..._ .-.W _. Uirir m.-n "°""'· e·u .-t tWr "' t•r•N .............. to ......_ C«"m ent n oor thro11&h which hot The City of Newport BE'a ch tl1'11 nl'xt to the• ward N <'xt the water will be circulated. realized nearly $4000 more for 16 lndh1dual~ wer<' tnh-d and en ter· Ioli, on which bidl W<'r<' acceptro eel In comprtlllon tw twttn wardl. by the city council Monday, than If thf'lr !'nduranC't' and mUKle thC' C'lty rathen thoutth t the lot.a 1trength wrrf' up to 1tandard t~ would bring. Ju a ronM>qU<'nce, Wf're r('Qu lrl'd to C'On'IPf'tt' ln or- tht• 16 parrel1, aomt of which ganlz•-d trnC'k m.-rl• bl'twt't'n ward '!1'f' othf'r llu-rol-Ill...._... a ,__. .. alt• r•• el ftsWN Md 1h· .. tlMI aum .... r of ..,..-c r ,, ,.... C •&.. ..._ ...._.. .. ,....aw. l!!!..Ma.'!!!'t_ .... ._ ......... , _ , .... ,_ 'Rotarian' Magazine, lat Service Club Review in Anniversary we-rt' erouped in M'\'Pral M'lllng to m rmbl'ra. the 1ame party, brought $12.667.50 C'omptlf'd Army Maaul Kenny Elected President of CA»ast Assotiation when they werl' placed on aale at Cahill wa1 111rJ:1•1)· rl'1lpon1ihlr CHICAGO-.Oldest o f all M>rvlce I 11 mJnlmum prirr of JR85() for compilln11 thr Army Air Fora'I (Cmtinu(>d from PnRr Clnf<l rluh ~1blir11tions .on th•• glotx-, Thi>, Eii.:ht or thl' lots wc-n• 10 N<'w-M11nunl "" con\'11lc-1r•·nt rl'<'Ondl-K•'nn)• unn11111u~-d thr•"I' h"nor- 1 Rnlartnn m~gazint> is cum ntly pnrt llt·ii:ihts "'ilh St•1tshuri• Col-tlomn!l "hlrh Is u~ril hy 1111 con-RrY m.•mt. .. , .. ,.f tlw hnaN1 .. r tit <'1..t-:t1rnh1mi;:rr'i'~ 1 :\Sth 11n0nfw~_:-1:'.'.;'.,, ""Y 111 th" '~""' •·nd or th•· nty vnlt•8rrn1 l11~t111latl111i-a~ 11 1:11ldi• r1-.·1 .. 1·• 1 .. 1w1 ,,_ l'l111lrnwn 111 •ur t IS I •' 0 era 011:an ...... U•, r d . Co in IN'hnif1111• 1tnd pr111'1·1l11r.. llr ii 11111' ..... 111111• I' ·nu•\ ""'rt' I. /\, lnt1•r11•1t1onal, th(• wnrlcl·"11l1• a~· 1 ''111-riug I\'(' an thrt'C' II) rona ""r" 1111••11 1h11t 1llr11·~· in p1w p11r1 l'111°1t I 11 1•l11tl\• 1 ·11111n11l1·• t · 11 I r ~ · .. ,\. I i I ll• 1.,1., di'! ~t:.r In lh1• lnttt•r ••111111nun1t) '"''11111m o .,..,.,..mu 111 :0 ••. II l l II Hi 00 h I 11f tho• l•t<I~ "hhh rl•N•s n111 nff1••1,.1•11'.'• l'l.,h n1111· 11n•I Hny F lh11tt 1'111h' \\hirh 11iun1·1•rt•d 1111' S1'1Yk•• """ t nn\olt u.;_ t two,~,. .• 11th1•r p :ortl( <'1111 "" n 1111•oli··•I t.~ F:1h11•1111t1n d 11t. fll'ld •ng l••rtluns "1 lots 1" 111111 1' "1 1 •\••n·l~1111: lh1• 1111:dl1·1•l••tl 1111rl1< I\ 1111111" "'''' 111· '"''" ""'' 111111 1111' 111 II • tl11·1·<' .·inti a h11lf <ll'"n1l•"'··· ltlo•·k IJ!'i !o. r .~-:!11~1 B111ndw Nord· I ' ~ 11 I I ·' I I I Shu11t.t .. r lr1Jt1• •·, ,,., 111l1·c1 lo\ pl•"• 111 "1' 111•i t '" 111111· 1 .. t1•I.'•' 1h11111g \\lllo·h 1t l•.1• m11 1'1'1'1•d '"'' ''·' 111 ,,: ·' 1"" 111 ltlock 11 ,1n·ho·r~ \'11.t1 i1•.olo r 1.,11,,1i1 11ir11 111: lh1• 1•l.1ltl1•l11111111 or :o Jlltt1"1 '"' \'••l lol ,,.,.,, .. ·iio•I ,, ,,,,,1,1.,,-1,1,. 11, .. 111 T1 .1o:t 1;;;1 l•hwh lh•· 1·1ty hall I , I 'I' I ~ -I ,Ill ht• l'f•'11 11tfh •I It\ tU ft l t' .. ltflj~ f hP 1'l"1 I 1 I I t'tld""I I I ti 1'1l!tq1 l'-h f1t •H .... \11n. ·rh1• Rn•ariun hns grown 1''''1 "1 ~·• <:J .,1 11111f.·t\\ ,,., '''"'I"·"•"•' u •h""''•·• •• 11. •• •h• \;u o u 1' lth'h fl.J..•11\ ;1 .... n \ di I ~ p.i.:·· Ill \\ ... , ... , ~·1 r" ~··\\, .. ~I 1 I It l~ht ~. lot 1:!. liln••lt .. t1d t "' """'' "' I 1ddl1 ·~ ... It ,,'i; 1't'11H•I d '""'' tlw ,., 1,p.,' 'iliu11l.t \\Ith ;\4 111() ..... h ... t·11h••1 .... 10 •' n1u1h•tn I-' 111 Utt· t-1r.~' Adctu1un \\1nt h i \\l,~1 •hHr p:et i•n'" ,_,,. Ult.:•·d h R\• 1 •• 111titt1l•1u' 111t.·••""' ,, \,,,, •~l pai,:e· 91H H\fhl~· \'hic·h f't •1u·lu''-' Hn1..'1 r S \\"at:-.11u und \\'1t.-fpt In .,,,,1 1111t1 •'''''"1 \tll!, -.1 •• 11q: ·~pl.,,, I '"'' tlh \ '"""'''••••"••II •uot t• th.ul :..'!"•H.00() hu~inc"""~' and ~1 ·· .. ~·r11 I.Hf l1n hl1wk ~7.111tl t11I hr\tl \',t'1H"" •lllt ~·I th•'"''"' l"-'l'll· t u:11 .. 1 l ht"' '''"' 1,f,·tt•••t tu VI p1t1h ..... 1u11id 1 .. :11111, ut 't•llt•• ,;n ,t t.t ... ·'°' :\.."'\sold lo \\'allt1r H l tt .. 1 ,., ,i. l .... lt i"h•th ill .uttl 1iutl ... 1t1n11111 .. f,1, f11t111t·.1t~fh•I' f't111n t tl•· .. It 1-.. p•1hl1,lhd 111 1 .. 1!1 t 'lo11I, lu1 '-~,\1 •:11•h It."'" \\'.uh• 1,,,,k,lti d l t•t ... f.•"' 1.,. 11111 i'tl lh•• T n1flf1 ••••Ut t Fn.:.11 ... 11 :uuf ~1,.;1n1,h •'fliflun... .11hl \\lh ' \\tltt ~·UtYt '''"' h11lt.lt·t' .. '""" ""''''""'~ .uul rt•l(H,11 ... , .. il'ht "",,.,.I• ,,, ... 1..n• Hit q., fl .t l '•11q111•I~ t1ll••n 111l 1•111dl 111 i••ltol 1111 lut :.. l•I•• k :II '.\l.1r) \\',111<· un irul 11 111, du~· f1,.. '""''''''"" 11f11n1t thl' <ll*t ._ •\I \I•\\ :1-""' :1-111 t11-11 1l•lill"l1 1111 1:. hlo<'k :l l, ,., .. ,,Ill fht· Fil st 11111111: 1 .. ~ ....... " ~J\1\1\1\ t'll•'<I I•\ "" lul' 1•1"1"·11' """ l h i H•1t.u1.1t1 'l"t1lh/1 ... 111·th1• u1 '-i"tft•HI l••~1\\J~11t l lt1~:ht .. }.,1•1' t 'tJ tll 1 ... ,, tlu ,111, •~t 1,1,.,1 1,,1 ,,,,1 ti 1 1 11 1fti• ••••iut '" tth' 11 tp i•tat111n .. 1 ,,11,ld •·\•n' It· 111 Hrul 11 u1 hlu1·k :i1 ,,,,,. p l11 ,., 1 h.11 , ,.1 11 , 1 • .,n,,.i,1".'"' ,,, • .,,,,, .. , llw "'''*'' .... ,,.,. ,.,, .. '" ... '""I •th ol 1~·11~ ,,.,,,,,, ,.,,,, ... 1'() t1~ AtltitH ;\l1 l111 and"''' ,,,,,._•r.u u I f· !J ul l .'l•MI llH'll I•"'~ rot1 .. 1Hf\'' 1tl ''''" "11'1"•'''"'" ""' ... 111 h ... 11bt•'• '"' d~ 111•· 1•1nltl• 111 111 J .. i I.: 111 ltlt11 k :'I 11) \\' ~1 !'•U t'i'~!iifulh '"'"'*,_." h t' ,.,.,,.,•fl' tte•f111•· tt •• rut .,r .,, .. ,, ,, \\,•" I ~ 1ck\\attl l '••nph·'' '"'M,~· ,\t .. 11' :--\f,•\\.11·t nf ,..,.11ndlf i·••••I\~ ,10,.,. ltJii ini·t ·t~ ... 'fl•"'-, ,, .,, n J1~J1111n 1• r ·~I 11 .. ml• lllHI 1h1· 1·1 w•· of l'o·111·"' 111 :-:1·;ish11r1• 1'11l11n) '"'' 7 and X 1111n 111 194:! ·1'111, "'" .. 1n11f1t·11111 111 \'lo'W nf ·111tl .. ,,.,·, l'nd•·r•tantl llu"1" "' lthH'k 1; 1111ld '" Fr1·•I 1l \\'1lkln~ J'\(\)I\' thnt he la out or the thr f11r1 lhnl 1111' rrr1i.:ln11I 1•11ri·-· ''"'! •111'11 """' rih11lill1' 11' ~.r ~\·ii and w1f1• I 11 l\lukt• 111111 h111 w if•• ~1·rvko· t ~1111 plnn,; f .. ~t11rt a d ub ''' !lw ·"),•u·1.1l 1nrr " ·~ ••1 111 tni.: 11:0111 II•'\•'"'~'" fnm"rl. nn!•·h I!••• lot !) 111 lllork i and 1 .. u ~and in hi~ """" '""" .. f II oil••, l•I-"'""" 11.,. "'""'' hil!h\\uv ""''" thl' 1·•·•11111ml•I : (1i.o1·l1•' F' "."11''1'1fll!_;t 11 111 l•loll'k >< ol S1•11,h11n· t'ol1lll)'.111 n11, '" '"' k11 .. w11 "" "Tl11• f,H'ko·r'"""'' l\~"'"·•·•''"'1 ""' .. 111·11111 .. 1 I I Ben Lieberman Guest Tuesday of Ameritan Lerion n .. n l.k lN·rm11n of 11 .. • s ....... An11 Amrrk'11n 1..-.:lun r •• t .. ...,. i.:u•1t '1\11-aday 1••·1•nlne 111 tt... 11 .. rh.,.. I •·1·u1n "''"'lini...,.,....,.nd 11nnt1un<'f'd plim• f1•r " nlf'••t1ni:. ••f '~"'"'> , 1•1111111tml<·n1 to f111mh11 r1r .. ''"""' ""''hi•" \\Hh th,.• Vt•f•'l •tU' S.·t\t•"' ····111.·r In S1111ttt An11 ''" ·n 111r .. l11• 111.:ht. Also diM""~""'·'"'f "•-t-•· pl·•H" r ... Hh'r• a..:lna· • h· 1i .. • ·I· 1•....:• .. "" "' '"' f '-h tJI t h 1f IHt\\ t11t ''' t11t tit• f1\ ·~I ,, " tl1ll1 I.,., I••· ,, , .. , I,, •.. t~·I t• t t • 11t I'•'' •I '' •; •' I''••••' f .. ••I \tt•••th l•t • ,. • ,,. """ "I'"" S-u fqt h\ fht• 'I t'lt •tl ..... It • h1hl ····· 11 1IUHI • '' I ' 11 ' tu l•t • '. r\ •I • \ , ,, \ I• • "'lilt• t11• • I tf \ IHU1'l11W 11flt1 ••t l•INIUllJ l••t 1.t pt••I.,""' •I .11 •••••• '" .... 1f1 \\ 11 t1 .... ' I "1.-0 I I • •I ... ••' • d ttlt ti • 'IH U' Yo~' ,,1,11 ................. t .... " (~ti. Tubbs Bark At Air Base: Had Important POKt R L~ t Sh I r 111tl11 t'f'J\fllr. hut alllO cuatom built 0lft.9f orey t 1•11nthlnatlOrtK, •11Und 1.)'llC'IM ... 0 -d T h • • all •l•<'d1•1 "' •l•nd ud and a. ~·un et' n1c1an, 111!111 1111111 11111rltU' rtttlll• NJUlpmenl. N , t ll· .• G , "·"~"ti\''""' ... """ urnl•·r way ror Ol\ a .n IS -.ay I" "''" h11lhtlni.: Ill h1t11U· thl' radio 11 ·ont1mwd '"'"' p11p 1) 11<•1M1rl 11wnt 111111 11• 11 n~·w mldiUon, wtll hM\'I' 11 '"'mflh-le r1•rordiq l 1o11• " 11 I"" tnt·r 111 l'tt•'la "™' •ludll• for the-I.la(' or the corn- '.,,, \lu.w romfllln\ 111 1 'o.,.ln l\lo'tlll I munlty. ,,.,1 l l1111tln~1 .. 11 llr1to·h, l'Mll'Vf')'ore 1 Mr ~horTy'a hobhkll. and lhrM .., ro.11 ..... 1 r"""'' 10111 1111 l\llii'<t pr••hah\y \'t•ry i:"tod r••n1on• w hy ·~ttilpnwnt lw w,lUJd h" a h11rd 11111n to budal' t 'n•lll ttn11 lll\1'11111• lw•1n1111lni: Ill 1 rr .. n1 hi• ll1trhor location, .... t .' )'••i•r• "' ".:•· 11,it .. ·rt 1. Sh.irt')'. ph11t<1trr1t11h)'. ho11tlna. and rt•hlnir. "h1• 1 .... ·amr " 1•111 ln•·r 111 "'" ftrr11 I "" ll"11ol1t•r I of 111•1 )""'· hn11 h111l l l11niao·lt an lm11r•'ll•I•·,. r1·1•,.nl "• ""''nr1lln1: r ni:lnn·r, M1•t"111 .1 ... 1i::n· "' """ l141lltlrr nf hlKh fl•1•·11tv r11dio 11111 r'""'"' pl11)·r r '"""hlnatlt1n1. .omrlth••rtt 11nd IN11m•I 11•'' ""'" P'l"H NOT LIVDTOCJK SA<'llAMF.NTtl Flah, hOWt'Yft' lh·rl), nr•• 11ut lln••ltll'k, thr f.d- rNl r.1111 I ""' rult"ll In dftn)'tftl a prtltlurr lur rrh•hlllta tlon undft' llw f1,r111 1l1•h111n .. '<'!Ion ot Ow •·Ntt·r•I l\ankru11t<'Y law. A1al11t1t tlw l'Ofltrn tlon that trout ranm •1111tlttlr d undM' thr 14'Ct lon, U. •·u11rt 1u,il1ttrtc>d lhto dictionary ..,. lntllon or hv1 .. 1ock .. "donMIUe •nlm11la." Short')' ,.,.. horn In I A,. An1rh'I ruu1 t'(loc111t-d In !hr 1·lty'1 srhool ,,..,.,.,m \\'hllr 111in1: to M'h•lOI. hr hu•I a r111llu h111lnru of hi• "'" "· ""'ll .. .,l In a 1hop Ula:O 'h•t hit 1"'"'"'8 f'n•r trd on the-Ir hnmfl '"""''i-. In whim t'IC' <"Onllnurd I •''"' flnl•h lnc hl1h arhool Whrn .I• • ..... .....,.. ,._. 1\.1 )rara old, )'{lWll Jloh, afttt ,.._ n.. lAadlrll•I m ntlnc ,_art'h, df'~lop•d MlRW' radio and phoftncr11ph rnmhtnatlon pl~ In • 1tylr that arr 111111 popular tftdli y H r lat.., wttr k,... at RKc l and nlhf't' rtturdlnc 1tudlcw In Holly· wood and It wu whllf' emp&oy.d hy Ettl.-s o..c Rttordlns Co that tw mrt ttw ,....unc lad)' who la now hla ••If• Mn Shcln'y la In ~rs• ti( ttwlr muak' •la.rr In Jlunlln11- ton .1'4-ac-h k~ u thti ~how Roat. whktl ti drcoralrd In ttw •l)'lf' of thr ttld·llnw rivt'r •how· linet. 1948 Model uww Swl111 With wtllte franw cownd wtdl Ya t l\)'rd am\)' dude and t IDCllil fr1n1• on caNlp)'. . NOW AYAILAlll.al ,,,... ....... ltl ...... Wood Slat I lturlnc ttw war. Mr Short')' WU Porch Shades "°"''""'trd with tht' f'f'dt•r11I <'om· munk-allona C'nmmlaalon aa l'hlcrf S.lltal Au Ted rllttio mrd1Anlr t,...hnwlan In ttw rMU.1 '"'"'"II'''""' d1vb1011 "' lh•• & Anl111 Co. ~""'" An11 monltnrln.: •1111 1011 I Ind•·• hla dlrt>t•tlun, l>11\lfa ""''I lltlt "· M• ..... Alla t ;•> hu~ ,.,,.,."'i. .. 1 U1t•lr r11t1lu llr· 116 ('-t ........ ....... 1~trl111• 111 t11 •·n1lir1u.,. not ••nly 1----------------.J , ft,RAN 'S DO-NUT CO'ITAGE. I• Uw Ritt \\'hit .. Rulldl•I ne Nf'wpiwt A\'t'•ue at IMth Htrt"t't-C 'oata M,_ 00-N l'TM .... c•o•·•·t:t: Now Open •. ,...,, ., .... A. \I. U•tll 11 I'. \1111. ........ M t1 N U A t' II p. m. 11 p. m. 00-NllTM to TAKI:. HOU STEAKS --Newport Beach Pharmacy I I• Olleaa Froat \11wnc· 1n "'' o•nll\'1' i.:1·n1u!<, 11n11 r . I ' ' ., .,1~ I " I ' ' ' I I or·• pr ,,.'' -=' ·" .> P 1-.1ftl "'' •''<•·ho.1\1· i·h 1h l11r l••hi· Y•'"'" .1l'.11 0 J), A Uho•r.;, J\UJ'trnlmn um-1t "ll!l lhr lorl!l'~I sinl(lo• day'1 n'•·~1 ~ll'n lllM 1'rl•l:r1t111 \\Ill 1-.1n. JJ1w·al AWnrd" 1111 lht• <11rt•l1111" twrmun anti 1:-.hur n•l11t 111n!. a u- 1 l • I .,._ I 1 • • ~a 1• m m1rny mont 111 ,,,, 111 """'"' 1unlni: ,.,, rd~i·ll. 1 ,..,. pt o11:rnm lrwl11• ... 1111• c ''' ••r thortl} ----\\1 u·hl ,. dH•'lfH' •. , •.•• I,~·~ ... , ........ ~··f N• ~ ...... u •. ,,. h r1r"lt It\\ trfl ,, .. It•• ttN•U•'•H·•I t 11t1•k to 1he• Suttt 1 I ""'' 1\11•1> Au l\aao• .. 111•rf' lo• )I• 111 ,,1 •• 111 11 \• ,.,. In l'•I.'.\ ,.n41 OUR SPECIALTY • 0 8 N f r IN IC HOT BllTT8alf IL• -------------------------------1 p N .i nti '1't1thr'" l1.1l11' I"" 'hruu· ttt th1 At•h•' , ... ,,ti UBLIC OTIC E ~11·•11. r1r~t ""a• •I '" t 11 ktr,. I~ t '-fo•t t ftlt' pff 11 If I• I ..... ~ ,., .~.~tU UJHl•I I ••• \\ f • ,., f I 11ttf ... •• 111lt ••••• k ,., ,,,. ·*'' l•11V""·ln. ... t 3(» Marlnf' AveaUf' Balboa l<il:ind -Phflftf' IR27 <lp••n Saturda~' I 'ntil May 1~1 c1 .. ~ ... 1 <•n :.1orul11y S\\1•d1·h '.\lll"•'ll" Rd:i.xing :i ncl lh-<hwing Tn•a tm"nl ~ in ( lur Uo<ly Contouring I k.•part nlt'nt HEAD TO TOr; BEAlITY SERVICE BAY VIEW CA FE At thf' Ff'M')' l.andJn11t -Palm and Ba~· An., Balboa --~-- Baby Beef Meats and Sea Food COMPLETE FAMll.V nJNS ER."' -5 1.00 I.; $1.~;, Same Mann~!.'mt•nt : L. A. W<·ll~. Owtwr Form erl y the Palm Cafe (}pf'n 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. -(.'IO!lf'd Tm"'41a~" Orange County Trucking Co. TRUCKS FOR JURE General Trucking, Hauling, Long and Short Hatils Transfer n9 W. Wllloa 8t. -Coeta M- PBONl'.8 Nwpt. 280, Da~-Nwpt. 51i-111. MP• We Now Have a Few • • • • • Arvin Heaten • Coffee Makt'rs n>enna dor Heater1 • Fla.c;hllr.:ht.s 12 1~ • Water Softeners Bottle wanners • Eh:.•ctric-al Suppl~ • Hot Plates He.eclquart."' for General Electric Appliances Qaallty FJetotrkal Rrpa.lr ~nice Lido Electric Co. Your Compl!.'tc Elect ric-Sto re 5 18 COMt Hieb..... PhODf' 1264 • SOTIC t: IS\'ITISf; SF.Al.l:U l'IUll'OS.U.~ 1'tH ,11dflt ti• H1 .. l l lh'1Hlfllt\ uf lfu• , . .,, (·.uuttll •11 tt11 · t'it\ t•I '\:1\\ f"'' t ,:, .u fl. t 1.ild111 f11·• r111H1 • I"' l•tt\n '''''" 1u\llln~· .... ""' 11111 , ... , tf, n l httl' f .. r 19111, t. ,,, nl t I I\,. • "'d 11111ul hU"!!·d• •\\ 111tly Id tt•·d ••rt ftu ""' .11 t><th S'r•·•·t at "''' • pt1.111•, to Uh • c 0lf\ < • 1n1p f ;fi11U1'1 Lido Isle Youth \\'ins Lions fluh Speaking fontest '' 1nl1 \ '1:u1 • ''h ,,n l1• r-.. "'•fl 111 J '' lfltl ,,l'I> ~· 11111 \ I 1 ( 'f1 trHf" t .,, I .H.1• f\of1 1f111 d I\ nu·t't \\H ll HI 1 ... ,I I '""' t I"' I''"'" "'I 11 r,• 1 "" r • 1 f .. , I ... , Iii .. ,J .(,tit' .ti fil•' I• 1'tlf ~I • lllh h 11 1 ' · I • Id it I'"\ 't 1i 111 • if t• · 1~·11 \\di r• f"' ,, 11r t hr t1 ,,1 ... 1 •r• • 1n th1 "'''' 1 ••r1t•·"'' to t11 h1 ·ld IJ1trtrn1•nt ~•ttr•· ~ · .. ,. •. n.• •f•·I ~1.1t f1rtet "'''"'' '" hi\ t-111th ,.,, L. K. AshbauP.h Reallv Did His Part ·in War :'\'••l •\•t••1 ,,.,. "'' .~ ••lul '" ''··I•·""'' 1 .... ~ I ~.it I I ••n1 , (! , ... I K A•ltlo;1111l1 11••• \\,,1 1\11 • fllW I I,.,." I d 1•11tt t ,., ..... ,., • •nJt" •V•· \\ ft" tt •• ~ .. , • 1 H1 II " J• 1h '" 1.w.._tr1u1n \\ h• n •h• I'''•' "' "' ,.,.~ 11111 ,, • ., ........... l.1\J. .:•. ', ., "' \\ 1-.htnt•''"' It t • ,,. I I •• 1 .. , " I I •• ""'*'' "···· '\ 1l t'-...... .. 11f If • \t it~\ \1 .... .,,.,°"fl• "'U' d1 , i1J ,•;•I 1t1•I , .. _.,., t11 I• I '"lr:'•h 'f I 111 '\ \\. 11 I •• I I ... ,. •• • .. • I. I \ "" •I II\ .,. l•h. ,, , ...... ,.,, ··~ "'••• , •• 1111111 h1 111• I·•• \',•·•f~I \\ •• f • I j 11•·"~ \\ . •I I I I ,,.,,. If I • , I' f '" f •••• ti. t. ,,, -' . •I I I~ h t 1 \\ •J jlJ ' II J It " it f It -.t "' I I •• ,, u ...... , .. I ' ,, ,., hit I 1\ I fj '"'f l I• t1• • .1 r 1'• I '' 1 •. 1•" •\• t•U• • '••t• n • •t. I \1.1r 11111 .. \\ 111 I,. r .. r lh• p111 ""'' ,,, th•• h1ttl'• ttHI~ o1nd \\ill Ptl 1n dt1c1f' I ho• lr1t "h• r" I h1• h nllSt' I~ tit;\\ l1w,11tfl s .... ~ ..... ,, .. 1 , ... td·r llltl~t I'! n Ht\• th" ht1"H1 rrt1f11 •\~ tor• ~··111 hl(':ttlon will11n forl)'-fiVf' • 1~" <la\• :1II1'< t Ill h ut " ''" 11 •l•-.I flul~ fol~ lo" 111'111 ~_:10 1 f~I \\ 111 lu ,f,lflt llflh '"'' Ol•tUf h in ~rtflf t 1\t11 th1 \\1nn• 1 "' \\J111 h \\di ~·q t' "11 r c >u• •··•·• tfu ' '"' '' ,. 'd fn l"1flll. Att~1·l11' Jur tlt\.frtr f • J1n1u1 • d •\"'. l f:uut l"i, llu\' ••I! n i ,,.,p,1 ••nf'\ Fnr •tull'k ,. .. .,,11, •- f'"\rr)••• rhe ... ~lftt-..t «""••••mn' t t''""' .ltHh••.;; l;1r 1hf' • \• ttt 'J'111 ,,f ,\ ·n ·J•'•t•-d ru~·t1t "''' I) .I '""'c•·. L•ltlf\ ~::it'll liul ~h:oll ,;. 1"'''"1111"'""''' ,\nd•·rson 11nd F•ld11• Mnorl', "h•I 11} :1 <'•·rllfl"d 11r 1·a•hlrr·~ 1·h1•1 k r• lllnrlc• ,1 ,1111 1 "I",, It•, 1,,, u ll 11, ,,.,, '• n JM r•• "' •1••·: 1 ••f •h• • 1Hlt•"la ntc. "' r•• • , •.• lft·nt f\ntf th• .,n11111nt of th• t11rl rr1 1d• 11ol\ alil• .Ji 1 t"-lon ,, ,,, • ln!tot• tu ttu·ur<t••rttl •h• \.,,, ••f ="'''' t .. n,,,1 • .,11.,. -.• 1, t •t 1,1 .... t••rl 11.'lu h B1•b ~ho ll 1•" ~"""" J•r1 .. ,1, Jnmf'tl <;11t~11n, !'>1olly n,,41_ on•I fll•·c1 w1 1h •h<· ''1ty n .. rk 111 ,11or11I ""'' c 'h1,1111., 1, •111,. '""J· t.J t hi· r11 \ 11.111 In J\•'" 1111r l Brarh, "11, \I, I :•·•J••f1'ihihl\ ·•• (',d1 f~,tnl:-t. r,n "' h,fnr1· \1.tr<1h '"""~· ,\fn•t i• 111 (-.r I.a'''"•' \\,,,,.1 11 11 1•111, .1t I 1•1 ,, 1 I•" k I' ~f . I '•'"'"' 111tl \\di 1 .. t1t •11•1I 11111 p11l1hr l)'t r ...... ,it .. 1111 ,, o r ,, .. ,,,, 1 ·~• .. ,.,,,,.k D ,. ~1 "' 111 .. 1 .1.1, '" ,,., 1· .. ·m•·11 ona ld Rutton 1 ·11.11111..r~ 1r1 _n ... ,.,,) 11011 :O-:rw. Lectures at Fhcl l 1••rl H••111 h. C 11lif11rn111 . The nloO\ot' ,.,wnliunrd rru-ck Ga rden Scctmn. S. A . 'hall ,,., c1\'1·n a• 11 i.:11111.mlN• thal I "•n:oltl ll111t•1n .. r K1·nn•l111 1h1 • h11lrl<-r "111 • "'' r 111111 llw """ F 111111' ('11•!11 M•·'" 11J •t••nr .. tl '' t r ·r<'I If 11-..11rdcd I•> him. nnc1 w ill r11) ri• I• o·turrr "' lh•· .Snntn ,\11, 111• d<'cl11r••1I forr1•il•'fl Ir th•• ~"'" ~.t.•·11 d uh l.trril• 11 "'"'lion "'"''' ,., ~,fut lo1d1lr r n •fu"''' t11 •·nfrr 111..:. t:I\ int.: u 11,lk "" ·(;ard• ,,. •' 1nt•1 ~111'1 l'unt r;wl oftl'r lw•lnl! ro" lh•• f';.,.1fw TI1rrnri:h n 1'11rtltul• I q11f'~l•'(I tu d n llll hy th•• City l~oun-Tl11~ 1~ ro 111rtm11·nt11r)' on 11111 """ r1I ••f thr ('1ty nf :"1·wp11r1 l\.•111·h lrn••·I• 111111 •~ t11 I"' lnrlud1·rl tn Th<' City ('nunl'll or lhr ('1ty or hi~ rl'JN•rl111r1· Whf•n It« m8k•' .. :"•·" 110rt H•·nrh rrlll'r\'r!I th•· r111:ht 1ir11J•·•·trd l<'rl urr t•i•ir 11f I >r•·11• •11 '" rl'kct 8ny or all hlrb :onrl to d til'I In May wniw• nn)' inf11rmalrt) in It hid nut Bu llnn 1,.-t11,·irl1ni: h•~ t1m1 '" 1·ft1•r lrd lw 1l11w. lwr-rn prill'•win11 l11n1h1•111• 111 • t • I I tiolo·fl th1~ I Rt ti rl1ty 11f l"..tir1111ry, lt·•·llm· 11ntl lo•r tuTinR In th" lofl r'• l'Hli r11llurnl 11n•I fin<' art~ flo·l•I' II• I . ruh FRANK L Rt:"J-:llMlT. C'1ty <11•rk nf !hi' \lty or l'l:rw11ort l l.C'11C'h \1tlltl)rnl11 Fl'h 21, ~. l 94fi els11 a1·1" 1n 11n rt11!11nel "'" 11•11 . l'Altlli-ily I() S~t Ma1azltlc In "hll'h 111• "r'lll'ifk ~ .. , ...... 111'1• ,, l1'd from llmr ti) t lmr lut )'• or Marine Upholstery ·.. Nooks and Roothfi4 A SPECIAI~TY Shaw's Upholstery 11 11 ( 'oaat ffllfln•·ay "1111" At "" n~·· ""' ,, ,.,,. .. , ,, . f ,,.,, '.'nrn••n un\ l 'hfllo "' ft • '.~ •. n,. ,, I \If t•l)t.ft \\ ,~l k ,,lt .. , .. ,,., tfh't ,, tf fl • •t tn rlt1r " ltl•'\ ,.,, ... ,. f"'f"l\t r t1 .... •Ut•· unrl 11:1~ 1·••\• r-ti it • ,, fl 1l 1\ •• r:1in or "''•"' ... ,,., .• f • •,.,, 1• •\t·r h 11rn c•ti.1d•·, ....:1 .. ,.n,· ..,,1,. l•l tt•tl1d Jf101tt \\ "''' '"~ """'' ""'"''" ,, '" ,, \ •ul r ttt111 u11 .. n "•flH "''. p t fl, r• rt )•'ttr. "'""'',.'' \.\ tlfJrl11 r ,, ~ 111 •• "' •• '" ,'tf • • ·rd1n.• t,, • '', 1. nd 11n top • f t I d t •• , ~, , , I • .- , h''"'" n1 u1 l '1hn '''''" · ''• \ S 'f1tr1m1,...,,,, \•1,,,, ••. ,,,, ,. rt•tf fruru •h• 1 ''"., \ 11•1 1n1 ""' J •11ff11nL: 1uu n• '' ti•~·• ff• •I. n • ·•fly a ra 1•\1•ntr1)' •' u •• I "'' • r1•u "t: !hr 111 11rt11i1•· I•~• ,. . .,r ••trJt~,. . ·1·WJ1-T1ntM1 " . e f hlr .,.,,... .......... II ..W . • ................. •, ttC ......... "uUdh•c I• 1:0.. ...,.,, ... ,_ ... r1 ftlw4. \VII.I. OP•:N Ahout April IHt t1·1.1.f'.R PAISTM A~t..-11 A ....... IJNOl.t:l'M •'"' \'t;SF.'l"I.\ 'l IUJSI~ • "tw""i •• .H1-;~1ov AL SALi-; • HI llTOS PAINT HroKr. .............. " ............. c·-1a •- Authori7.ed l>ealerH • r r.at-TA'O U • ' ""''"'"'""'" ..... au.r.AATIO'IO c-~ a ,,_.,, ,.,_.. .,....., ,.,_.~...,._· .. • ftl.l'r. .... \~ti for • T\ l.r.a e YlllTt'a r.'4 " ........ r. ... . • f '4>Ml'l.f:T P: IJ'r; HO'IP: AP Pl.l\"r. W\l~Tr.~ASC r. • ··•A• T IO' "· II .... lllOTOI& Nt.a vt• ·r. Newport Electric Applia11ee Co. 1':.t&hll ....... lelt -.,._ ?IU t_, <·-• fll.,. , ... ,..rt ....,.. Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. • • • • 111 Apt" A \'P . .t I l1'al J-:x1 h:mL!"'' I .ink J11•1ts I' O·ntrif1w:tl I •11m1•.; ! I .1'i·t r11li1>. '.\T:in11" I 'a int-. • • • Ra.lhr ........ .Sh1·p11111•I I 111·..,·I .. .,._,,,.,'" f''.m·int-.. • .. llrl1·1•-.-.S1 r:1tt1111 a nd \\'1v ·••f'h tn ~f••ll~ -- C AKES • f ·........... I .u•rt...llt-&'\c> • Kids' Cafe t?~ r. .... pttrt "'"' c-. .... ---llmnry 111w l Al l'l'flflll . Going to Bulld This Year? l 'na ~Y hav" ynur drn.m hotl!M' all wnrk....t oat t. your naiad -or may tw. your atthllHt or Mlltrartor alt'Ndy ha11 pn'panod .... , .. ..,..r for yfMI • ~ricity win hav.. • ..,.,. .-rt In makln" ....._ nt .,,,. •• .,. Uwln1t NJnN" lnN'. Whn you "o OVf'r UN! plalM with )'ou r l"'lldfor i,., •N' ln ... him a hncll .,,.. ....,.,.i df'vt11opmf'at. la howwohold labor aawln1t ud fudlonal tw..ty. Oar F.•P"rfa la f'\'rr)'Ull•«i f'INi rina.I will be slad to IN!lp tt·lth layout plaM or proble-. 0. ~ may maJce a lot of dJlfN'f'IM!e la U... .. "''f\-•hlllty" of that hotnf'. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN Ml'f r: 4 I t?t t"hOIN! Newport ISM t r•"'''"''"' "lhnlnct-·MlMikf-· .... l ...... ·Oaklw4 •;1 •• ;CTIUCIANS • • • .... SUCCESS * ORANGE COUNTY r Refrigeration Serviu · ki !JaJl,oa, ./111t1c •• -8""-"-' u.. New Blue Room Barry Hall, Painting C-Ontrartor co·NGRATULATIONS to the ~ NEW BLUE ROOM LONG BEACH. OOFFEE CO. Coffee Servite ·q~ • aMJ /Jed ''k/uluu Sl~ ... 1920 · ETS-HOlll & GALVAll Eledrial Contrarton Congratulations ON YOUR OPENING! D. E. C 0 LEM AN General C.Ontractor ·eest Wish SAM KINSFATHER Plumbing FORMAL OPENING THE NEW . ~ • .• . '1 jo • • • i • • • l j •• Tiie Harbor's Largest Restaurant a~ktall Lounge PALM STREET -BALBOA Saturday, February 23 AT FIVE P. M ~----FEAT U R I N ur.--...... --.. ..-----FEATUR ING------. CHARCOAL BROILED THE CHOIC~T e ST E AKS e WINES e C H OPS e LIQUORS e SEA FOODS e COCKTA IL S Breakfast ~· Luncheon • Dinner Served Seven Days a Week • ' Dally: 4 to 8 Full Course Dinners Sunday: 2 to 8 FREDERICK MERGENTHALER, Chef Co•ti••o•s Masic in the Cocktail Lo••1e • Pr iv ate Dining Room For Clubs and Partl.es Under Penonal Mana1ement of Arthur Silver FREE PARKING - PUBLIC NOTICES --- C'ERTIFICATE OP' llV!UNES8 Flrtitlous Firm Name The undersi1:ned d()('s hrrl'bJ crrtlry that thry are l'Onductmg a t 21" 2(lth St .. Costa Ml'Sa. Call• I fornla , undl'r I h l' fie I l t lous firm name of CO-OPERATIVE ROOF· 1 ING CO.. and that said flnn l• 'rompotwd of the following J)f'rsonl whol<' name. and addrl'Ues arr u follows, to·wit : CE('JL S . HUNT, 337 Delmar Ave .. Coeta M<'ta. ELLIO'IT T. BURR, 216 20Ut St.. Costa MHa. GENF. W. W AGGO!'lf:R, :?573 Elden, Costa Mesa. CECIL S. HUNT, ELLIO'M' T . BURR. GENE W. WAGGONER. Stale of California, County of Orange-a. On this 13th day of February, A.O. 1946, before ml". O. C. Mal'· Kenzie, a Notary Public In and for the said rounty and state, ~ •!ding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, p<'nonally a~attd Cecil S. Hunt, Elliott T . Burr and G<-nr W . Waggonrr, known to me to hi' !hr pt•rsons whos<> names are 5ubscril><'d to the within lnatru· ment, and a<.'kno'¥ll'dgrd to me that thr y exrc:uted the 11amr. J~ \\'JTNESS WllERF:llF , J ha\'<.' hPrPunto icl't my hand and I affiXf'd my offkiAI !leal \ht' day a n•l ~··ar in this Certirica 1 .. fint ahcWl' writte n. I Jl IN C'AN C M:trKt::-.:ztF: . :'\11t :1n P 11!tlw in 11ml (11r said ('ou111y utttl S ta ll· ~Iv <'HtH· niis~1n°n P>q11rl'11 it'h. 11, 19-\7 I I :-.: .. 1.111.d .S1•:ol I l '11lt 1•'1 It. 1 I. ~·l . '..'H, '.\l d1 -;, J!).lf1 I t.lll'll'lf .\Tt: 111· 111 "•1 ... f:ioi'i T hi· 11111\••r,1..: 111 cl d•I 111 • • ,,, ,., r· tr() th;rl lhr•y .1rc1 l"(lllfhll'l •ni.: a 1u rni1ur1· 1m-.n1 ss a t X'..'.! < '11asl £1 1i;lm "·'·· City of :-.=nq 1'1rl HN1ch, t '.111111~ "' Ornni:• . .Sf:itt• ,,f <'ah· lf111111.1, 1:nd••r thr• fi<-1111nu" fi rm n:o11w .. r :"t-:WPOflT FUR:'lllTt:flE ~1.\J?'r 1ind that sa id firm IR <'orn· pCl!ll'd or thr followini: Jll'rson .. " 11"" """''' lin<I :1tltlr1·,.••·s :ti'•· 111 fl1lf.I\\,. If\ Wit l>anl1'1 v ll11yr-5, ~1 :n l'>orl:i n4 Prl\ •'. \\'hll ti<'r. C-11lifornia f., ,,, ... .\l lll:il~1·i<I··~'. ·11::7 fllll· i.:1·1 .... 1. .. 11..; T~•·lll'l1. 1':d1for111a \\IT:\!;-;:..; nur 11111111• tht• l:llh tin' •I Fd1ru>try. 19<16. llA;'l;H·:t. \" I L\YI·:!" u:~n:R M 11LAKESLl;;l :-;1:111• of c·1111r .. m11t 1 1· .. unl) nfllrnni.:" 1 ~" • 111 1 '11~ 1 ;\1 h 1111 . • I .,.,., •ruar.)I A 11, l!•lt\. twtnr.-""' Xnra S. ~l:rrl!'\/trlh 11 :-:vrar) P ul1lk 1n and for M1d County and S t:!h'. r<'Sld· mi: th .. rr•in duly rnmm1s~mn1••f And sw11rn, personally DPIJ••urf'd llanif'l V. lfayes and Lrstcr M BlakC11h~y known to ~ to bt-the PM'IOf'9 wh11!1<' namrA &rl' suhsrribed to the within lrutrumf'nt, and aclcnowl· l'dl:N1 In mC' th.i t flwy riu'Cl.lled th<' Sflmt' IN WITNESS WJ IF.REOF , I havr hr rr unlo St'f my hand and I 11f/1xrd my official i<r-111 th•' dll)' , 11nd yrar jn this C'<'rtirk atc f1nt above wril!t'n. NORA S . MARGWARTii. I Notary Puhllr in a nd Foe I S'eid County and Sta le. I My C'r>mmlMinn Expirl'I January :.?9. l!l~>ll I 1SF:ALI I P\Jh -F rh 14, 21. 28: Mrh. 7. 1946. I I f"ERTIYJC' \TE or A('il'f'!'ir;ss F1r tllious rirm Name TIJt. t:NDERSICNF:D do" 1 1 hereby Cf'rtlfy that •hr• I.I conduct· In~ -Rt'al T:!1('lt1• htL inf'!lll 1t '!:t(f1 IE. Central Aw•. Cit> of Nf'wport ~ach'Balboa. County nf Oran«f', I St11ff' of California, under tM nc- l tJtlnua firm nalTI!' of RE\'ERLEY REAL TY CO . 8nd that uld firm 11 romposf'd of the follo..,i nc JWT- 1 t nn. wh.,..<' namC' and addrC'U ls u folio..,·!<. to-wit: \.l11dy11 R4-vrrlr~ ~ E ('rn1r11I A·:r . fl11lh(>n, \11hforn1a \\'JTNf:!'-:$ m \ h11nd t h15 ~th day of J11nuary, 19-1r. <a.A1 1r s m:n :nu:v STATf: < F 1'1\ l.IFn R:-.:J A > ('Ol 'Nn · I W ARAr'\(;F: l ss. I In ·ti,. :!~lh 1fa~ o f .l;1n11nry ,\ n . \~If;, N-horr• mt' ~or;i s. ~1arrll'·1 r th a '\ .. 111n 1•11t•:w in nn<I II f••r ';1111 C "n11r>t\ and ~· 1••. r. •ltl· iru· th1·r..,in .. d111\' t·41nin11, .. 111'\•·tf :,rul I •\\11rn I" t '""ti'• 1pp• '" 11 I ;1.1ch<1 "• '' r l1 ~ kn••\\ fl 111 t tl• ,,, l"'• Jh·· IP• r\0.nn \\ h•'"'' n 1r111 '' '' • ··~ tl '' II " "1ll·u1 . " -11 •:t• 111 .1 1l•I f H ~n"l" 1•('''1 d f11 ,.,, 1}. tf ,f ,. t'\~. ,.,,.,.,, th1 ~ ,,., ' l It \\,, n• '" \\ I • t .. •f I ' '" I . r• • I uri• • c1 f '"' h·•rtl 10.rf .,,, "• ,, mv I""""'" « ,, ,,.,, 11:" ""' ,, " .~ ti .... 1·t, rtf1, •1 11 l tP'.J •'~"~, ;,r,~r-·n :\"111?,\ !" ~I \l~I ;w .\Wl"I I. :'\nt r1ty r 11hlir-in 111111 rnr •;11d Cl'Unl~ 11nd Sl:tl• :'If~· •·nm· r11-~i11n <'Xp•r••• .t 1n :.~. l'.'l lf. l~F \I. I J'ult ,I 1n .11 F1•l1. 7. l \. ..'\ l!~lfi Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nnt~ .. hl•C• 9 a. m. to I p. m. Ttmr"41a~·. F~naary 11, I ... I • I RISE TO REMARK~ - - I HOH. JOHN PHILLIPS ! "" ('lllbargo on thr lmportallo~ .. r thl k ,,0 tton Wt• may 11rln1: in only I.I • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES l'llO!liD: ~EW'POllT I.I ... 11 ------ NEW~ • n u t .. F.YU? ~, .... ........., AftM&IHI C)M&a ,._ ........_ P ai'itl• ETW7 Wit • J' For 11mnr rN111on . I Wiii n . CIUO haltoll <'l\C'h ,.•nr w(' proctu •• ......... ~-ig ini: thill 1.,·1·ninj: aho11t tho• tanrr . 1\l tXlo ~ .. , j, olo•s 11 wllr :.11 situation Prrf'av11 It wns 114'<'11.llM' ~1;~,:.,,m· m~w 11.U:1s111nl ~M'•'''" • sorn". c 'nliforn111 Cami fr1l'mts ':'•'rt' .,, Stat~ ('nmpiu"n" l"04'r1<l't11"11 I'' In \\ aahlni:ton. r1·p~<>11rn1 mg ntru~ fur fn..--tr:td•• h111 ht• .,.,., '" of the t'llURf'H•~S . ---------Subscnpooa Pa)ablr 111 Adnnc.:-S2.50 pw )'NI' In On.np County; ____ S2_Th pu year to 4th z.orw; $.1.00 per year to 8th-~- En~ u ~ nwtttt at lhf' Postofficrf bl Nt!WpOC't Bftch. Calilonala.. undl>r lhf' Act ol March 3, 1879 -------- I I t · I ·· RnR~borr rliat gold 11 11.• c~ you f 1nd tr . 1n Fort Knox. K~ " JACJt las o5LfY. amt almonds and \\lllnut~. 11 htt!t ( whl'h hi• ,1"' bl J AMlS LPlaCOPAL. con('('rm-d atiout truck Hl:rt't'ml'ntsl th11t •'Olllon.d n,',"~ '~ l'rolt't'I• ,1 CHURl.H • d ' \ll!I t '1111 •f:. lUC'Onlf' " t"'r . 'I I .. w I c t I ... ,bo t•omm11: up un rr 'ar11 . n • ,. I 11 · by t hr ''"' , n rn r a .• .a .a Pt•rh111111 It w1111 ~111111<• 1 h11\'t• 1111a nst nimj>C'I mn 'lbrll Clubhouae1 r('('('ntly l)('('n to kn l'Vl'nlni;: forum 118i:,~: duty I'll filth wns lnrrl'll~• ,1 An Ardy• T De.11n, V•c.11r whl'r4', aa oft4'n hnPl'<'nl, S<llllt' :-.or-Rh:ht "'"~' itw mlljorllv 1t·1id " :111 " 11. tt .. I\ < 'v111ru1111111n "bo'<'ll·knoh~ "Rl~bt-rballl<'Asnoutn11drt'dlfC" nl\rllr ~"~ir Is l'nrri:l'tkally 11ri:11inil t h• I• t,1 ,, "'' su11Juy ~dll"11 .... • a ut t I' ~pu ' n·mO\'lll nf •'Xi~tm.: tnrlfC prot•.. i I 1~1" "' l'Ju iull\ti: l'ra)'~r ......, hr-.callrd It. . r I lions In 1'onnl'l'tlt1n with th(' pr11p ~d i otlll 1 l-'11 ~• t:ua1l&)OI H~y What h<' m1•ant Wl\I 0 ('Ollrll' d r th proptJel"Ci Brit•~" Ill nlliUhlll I th<' Sm0'1t-Jlawh•y Tulff A<'I. ;11:an 8 or " whll'h WH a t'tually fll\1111~'<1 by the I' 0~;111 ,1,th•r lit m•lttwr in f1t\'t1r 111 C'on&n"U und.-r a R<'p11bliran 11<!· t 1 1 irr Th~ 011111 hi h "d d nt•r opJJ11!11•1 o nr 11. • ml~l•1tllA:lo~fr an~,.:· 1~ ,t:7i~pl•:,.1 1un nf your C'onl:l'•'MMl1111n m11)' 1 ... cer an ar r a I 1tlllhl'rN1 vc•rh11pe hy rt•adlna "" ml'ntPd by t hr He<'lprtl<"al AKJ'l'I'· h 11 t A t I I th • d . I I rll • t Wl'<'n I l' nl'll. 11\E'n • r · r v n1o1 1 11 nun 1 • 1 tr this lrttl'r 11 anythlna. lt '' tlon In office th•• riltht to adjuat 1 nn RJll'•'al fi•r honl'lll thlnkln& 11111! thew ratt'S. Suppoat' wr •'Xplon· thl• situation, brl.-rty : hont>st •IM'f'<"h. tf t h• O..m0<Tat1. or tht• llh<•r· -------- A!>'l'lt:!\IKl.n :io ot• oou l11·nry •atl 1.U '"anti.,, l'aature ·:soft o ...... t·ront, Nr~p<W'I :-011111!11) ~l'h1t1>I, h i 11 Ill :\1111·1111111 11•1'\'ll't'. 11 a m . I ' .. 111111: ,., 1t11i;l'il1tk 14'rYIL't' at • :111 ,, Ill \11d·Wt't'k ll'r\'lC't', '(liunda)I at i ,\II 11 tll 9AL90A llLAND CHAPI L. l!I A11•t• Av•nue R•v l4A• • 1 W \'If h•lr. AHOCIAt* Paalo• 1'1\11n h ~ lou.1l, \I~· a m Moml111t \\\•reh111. 11 • m Weight vs. Girth \tJUt\ , .. ~ttf'l1• It t • llh"hr\f"'(I f4t ""'" .~. "" "'' ''" '"''".: ""-•'•.:ht W'hc-n """' '""' tt1'l11.olh ""'"I 1 .. , ...... SEVENTH DA\' A DVENTllT9 1 11 th \'mt , ·"' •toll 1 ... ,,.,1 hit.: Corn•• Walnut Al\tJ Churolt ti.. '"'" lmlr t•• 111 •Cu "l•'flt.: 1.1 .... ~- Coeta Me.. 1uhl '"'' .... •Uh 1 .. •un1l d\' Mi\rl.:h• ~11l•ltt4lh • h••tl, ~at1tr1L.\ 1111'1 II I t ·11,,, ldt11. '"'" t•n•t"~ '"••l.;h• ,.,.._ ln~ t' :.,, ,,',It• k •auu•i"'-""" ·n l•.•1•11·-•n\ ... ,., •• an.I I l'rt'&•'hlll" H flh'r , I I • n1 11 ,111.,.111,1111111 llo'l•',.. lllM' It I• 1 1111111• P:UL.L uOll"lll CHU ... CI~ ,..,,, llu· '"·"' ,,1 •••Ottn •tth t 2nd and Eld«'<', comt• ...... l '"''ln1·1·l .. ·11··,t111<'tllrl' .~1 .. hlt•hA i:u111la~· ••·h1~11, II fl\. lll•ln111111 1111 .. • \\t·1i.;ht o•I I••• I"""'''" ''" t h .. "•>rilhll' 11. 1':\•a1111•ll•ll1• •rvltlf', flr't "' o• t•~·I In IU'lt.:hl hir •,.,tr 1 .Sil I' U1 , U ld·w,.1.k rr•~N 1111'<'1 n•l•ltll"I"'' htt•h •lt111'h ~·tot "I'• lac on "1•1"1..ec\ay, 7 ·ti\ I' "' I l't111rub ·n il• "•111hl "t ·t11r , .. ....,,.,.1 yohnic pettpl•'• •"~"ll•lll' •~\'h'• 1 ''•'•~.·ht ••I I\ 1t•1t 111:tl I"''"'"'· " to .. ·t .,,1 "'Inlay, 7:•6 P 111 •I lnl'l11'!t tall."' t .'~ , .. 111 .. i• "1•·• Nll.WPO"T HA .. 90" LUTHE .. AN CHU .. CH Qra,;el Cha.,.i, Ceeta MMA "•"· Herbet1 "eth, ~ator 8enklM ' aunoJay, 10 .30 a,111 f,,.., "rlt.:ht 1 .. r thuo 1 .. •10.:ht It ) ttll think th•I .)'OU Arr '•t.:hl !'n t hr lie-am whrn II ~ h• 1~111111111. bot lf'nnlnc • lrU to thr 1•11•11whr ,,,. hl111•Y ••dr • ._ 11 1 """'' .. tu ln..tws. d.on'I rndancn )'1>ur lw alth h~· dlt•llfllC Vnu IWW'4 ,.. ... Jokes -tMt Is- An aratf' •• -..n. __..._ a •- •....-n'. toAd ttw Judp ... My t 0 1 ta all o>Uf ·and nut 1r .. fn "9 ...... of ,.,..hlnir t..,1 '""-f~ _.. inc 1111 nlcht "h). tw .........,. durvt"t <"\f'ft '""' mbr r -.- dine dalr ~ l1l•I • "'" trur' · .._,,., h '"*''''""1 "'\\"r ""'"' rnanW U. ·••> '1'otttt)' <;rand -tJw Wood \! ........... , \\"1ncah )1""1m). do -~ .... ~ 1•• ·~ .. , •uc.,.:· ue4 Utt Ir A.....,.. l\ut ) ... .-n· had t~ ..,.._.,, .. 1 .. • n .. •1hrt-p•ntrd au•. .. , ... , ·--... ,.._,,. ... · \\', U t h•""' IW' ttw ....... n ... na. ,..a. MUl'nl9'¥ -lliut I mu•t "•) )uu ha~-. no wtll ,.,._ ... Bui10lffld ROOFS Al'Pl.m9 ---~ ,.._ .. , A• I •11 .. ,_ ... . _..__. ......... ..., ala, or th.-frt't'-tr11df'n. or any Leg1·on """nferen"e oth""· don't llkf' th(' presl'nt tariff ~ " OUR LADY OF MT. CAIUi•EL. act, why don't thl'Y repr-al It! I At Capital Soon '421 w ... CentraJ ·-r l¥ to rr-mark that I haVl' nr>vf'r !4und&y Ma-11 and 10 a.m I I I I CHU .. CH OP: CH .. llT Churctft and Walnut ltN9t1 L. DttMe Ca11lly, Mlt1 .... r. Sen•lcN : llun.tay. 10 •· m • al-.&. 8tutly: 11 L m.. Moniln• wontilp. HtOIM' t•uUnda, all of ttlf'ffl, '" 11-s> I In IW'•k ronditl"n Tak.to ulf 6nc1w'9 "'Ith Nu•rrlw . ral'l'M ~ should br r«'fnO\'<'d ..,,. dk-t awn-I,_ ___________ _ h lrwd Y.1th tlw IT'1'Jf'r rnuwir ton· known any farmer to llllllall IO On Vets' »-bJems """' .... GU. Saturday• In-a blttttly th• Rttlpl'ocal Tradr-~ JU • tie> to fl•IO an• h'om 1 .~ to Acrttmr-nta Act : wr-are quill' Plans laid at a rPttnt San Fran·' I !'Ill JI 111 - willlnit to try and work alon& with cillC'O mttlina or thf' Amrncan Ll' 'nme tends to color the nlW hardships and bitter sacri.' It, ..xc.pt for thr«-futurn. WE' r:lon S tat.-JU>habllltatlon chairman I IT. JOHN YIAllllNEY CHU"CH ftoes of men and nations •ith romanor and g)amor. With do not Jlk.-to have farm product• and confl'rH'll wtll hP put Into Cull I aa1-.. 1elafttll ~than a century and a half ...,.ating our day and the ronatantly 10ld down t l)I.-rlvl'r for and powl'rful play In Waahln&tonl Sunday u-: l ·IO am. thf' bPn•flt of manuf11cturt'd prod· F'l'b. 26. 'Z7 and 28. wh•n a rl'hablll· (·onf-10D11· Aaturdaya rron American Reivolution it ls diftkult for US to fully compre-ucta; wr-would llkl' to hav• that talion confl'rl'nN', hHdPd by Irwin 7 Ml to a·ao pm. hend the strugglip of the Colonists and their great leader. prottttlon ~·hlch th• Art 1uppotu-d· R. .. Rob" Snyder. StatP Com· 1 _ --__ _ Mt'l'I like Georg't" Washington knew they were on a one-ly glVl!S UI, to t>. hr-ard wht'n our mandf'r, conf•n In the capitol wtth OORONA D&L atA• George Washington F'l .. aT ftOU .. IQUA"K CHU9'CH Oft coaTA M&SA ln11 routine- "•"· an• Mra. o. Wiiia,.. .._l'M l•I a• e =s , ~a .. ..... ~lt ... eH11 ~.Alla~ Sunday School 11 :30 a m PAW MiiU I Montilla wonlltp Mr¥11'9 lO:•& M. EltWe a Co.. .... ~ .,-,1c• e·oo pm. .., IL.. ~ -._.. ... u.~ Mr\' le• • •30 p.m 111 ,, .. L &. .. ... ... s 0 a O.L.CULLY 0.-.. ftm CIC••S .... , ..... SS 1rn1•._,._ 1'-.r pm • SI 11Et I _,a -··· T z· a ....... road on...._ , ..._ ._ he B-'tlsh farm produrt11 are undl'r di1<'llll· two California S<-naton and 23 C'OMMUNITY c 'Ht•R('ll, way in their ,..._.,t aor indepencaonce '"""" t n alon, and Wf' a re ~a• all lntelllitl"nt Rt'prr11rntativell on \'Pti-ran h08·1 ('ONOR&OATIONAL t:nnlns ""an&•l .. tlf' _.,,Ice at I 7:30p1117 ------------------·----------- Wttttnemday ev•n•na pray•r .....,., PROFESSIONAL ...... ~Y crown. 'Ibey ~· there "'as no turning back, and that at propl• ,would tx-l dt-flnltl'ly 01,.. 1111111 Jll'ohlrnis in C-11llfornla. the end of that f'08d they must either achieve victory or fact' po84'd to thl' absurd "moat favorrd 1 Thr-Waahlngton mf'f't wlll ,,. l'rtr) •-rrc1 .. rtt-k l"c-u OC'Ji, Mlal•tH Ir• at 7 ao p.111, .... ~I VR fll 1 ll••llotroP"• C1or.,.a drl Mar - --I fi · squad · t •tors "Ubert death'' I nation" claURI', whkh I hnvr pr•·· th•· nrM•nin~ h1trr11.:I' nf 11 h11ttlr to a mng as nu . y or . was n o vlou1ly dlM."\llllrd In thi' rolumn ""' for <'11lif\1rniR w t1•ran11 ""' mere .catch plfrase with them. It ,ne&nt jun what it said. a nd which no othrr nAtlon In th~ 1 ho~pltal l)f'(l!i so !lorely n•'Mi•°ii "' \\'ashington•s burdl"n as commander-in-chief was doublv world will 11dopt. 0111·1• end ~ .. N1mplt•t1·l:v 1wi:1 .. 1·1°•1I S11111l11~. Fl'l1r11ary ~·1, l !Hli COITA M51A COMMIJNIT\' r-----•-<_WllM __ 'N_T_A_NT ____ -.,~a.,... ... -. ( 'l1111·1•h ~1'11uul hllK IWtt r11•1<111tm~ CHU .. C H i\11 11t1t1\I• 1rr11111tr) 1l1·i111rtnwn1 Carl 9. J.._nMn, MlnlNt I . Ill. WHYTE H R. Hall. M D hard Not onJ had he the""""' to fiaht but he h a d t~ So If thr Jtrf'M•nt m111or ity ru'lrly, hy \\'11Nh111i:tnn in 1hr lr ltull 1111· !ll"t'I 11! !l ~I 11 m l11•~in111·ra nnd 124 K. 20th IL Ph. 24711·" .,.,._. Y&S ~aft -I • • • t~ t I to! II 411 rn •0 •"0"'"""' •• ,.._ , • ....,... ....... ""-' t ~ ...... - -· . Y • Y. "' • nr any nthrr. doc'11n't llkr th•· prr~-1 nt1un1•1•d pr.1i:r11m. contend ""th the Jl-alou.-.y and mtngue of thO&e Ame ricans ""' tariff lnw. why d0l'~n·1 11 do In th1• 11•''" rurun" it wn~ t1l• who sought to dl'ln"l'd.it and remove him. 11omrlhln~ ahout It 7 Thnt pnrty o l'los1'll 111 1 lw ~an Frnrw1~1·11 1·1111· po 1111111 ~ 1lo•p11r111u•nl n~:··~ nwrl nt I ·HIM' l Ill'" · · • · "" h·t••"-"' 1 .. ,....__..., ·-,. ) -- 11 11 111 1l11ri111: 1h1• 1no111111.: o'hl!rdt J t.lnmln~ Wnnthlf>. I.I o'olurll '''"-""" ••"• , .... -••• _ _.. ,.._.. ;i~ .,. A.,,...t .... 1 ... 111 V1'\1th a:rn11p11, 1t11h llC'bOol, In· At'PfTW · .,...,._ ...... alt&r1l'Hl _.... ~ .. ..,.._ XJI) l l ,1111 l\111n1111i.; ""r'l"I' :-;,.,. !f'n1tr<\tl&h'. Aolull, I\ :m p m. 0 ,,.._ la .. --· ._ ._ But this Nation <>"'l"S to George \Vashington m ore than "!"' hnd lhr m11jorlty "'''' in tlw ' kn·~··r llwr·· will '"' on th•~ ~tnh' "" • • . · • < 11n1:rr~~ ft•r m11rr than l!l \'r:trs; I nf < 1tltl11rn111 111o •ro• than 1..101.101 1110111 "' :\Ir So·hrtN'k: "lluw t 1-:•·o·nln• •H\k•, 7 :i.i .,·,·1111.• ..,_ ,. __ M-• ISi ._.., .,...._ .._ 1'111111. ,;, 1 ;,., I t.11•1 ,. ''"" r .. 11 .... "4111, '""' l''•Y•t what he <"Ontnhutro as a m1hta ry leader . Even afte r \.1c1ory ~orrwl irno·ii an ""'r" lwlm•n~ mn· '"'''r1tns ol \\'nrh1 \\'ar II. Thrlr the Colonies might have utterly fallen apart had it not bc<>n I joril~'. Jt mnlrols lhl' romrrn1t1•1• r1'h11h1ht:il1o111 :onol r••-t••t nhh~hnwnt for his gl'l'at influen<'e at the Cc:>n.'ditutiona l Conventio n in """'" wo11h1 p:1!l!I 0111 "'ll'h n t•1ll '" "'"'"·'" 111.· 1~ 11 pr11lol1·111 "' 11u '; I• Ill y.,111h 1>1t·1•lllll: \\ rohor'"t")' 7 :111 I' Ill I 11 • m , l'nty• r U •I Kllta1 .. n , . . ' 11 nwn~ tilt' fi11lr~ C'11mm1llt't'. hoNI\' r••:whini: 1'"11''"111''"'''' F'I RST CHlJHl.H OF CHAl9T, bnn~ng agreement oul o( sharp confltcl s. nn<I iioul S till. Iii< propai;anol"1:, Tl11,. ., 1 '"'"'.: 1111• Anwrirnn ICIENTllT So. in ~nini:: UM' 2 1-lth anni\·ersary of his hirth th<• h1111•rly ll~!l.111 1hr In"'! ~lrnll I 1..il 1,,.,., .. n, II•·•··" 111wn1 "' < 'uhforn111 American Jlf'OPk-honor him as a soldier and stat€'Sfllan , and ~;nu y,·hy nuthlni: ii; <lonr~ ,.,,,,,. ,.,.,.,. .. rn ~11q1rl•1nrlv. \\':i~h Lido TltNter, Ce"''"' ""'•"u• ftR&T METHODllT CHU .. CH G. Edwin Oaher. P ... t or Euchd at 8 t.al\ford. G.arden c,,.... to :111 "111 c 'tour.Ir .. 1o .. >1 ftlf' all . . Tl<·i-111111r th1• nm.)<lraty puny. 1111·11111 ""'Ill' to i.:1,·1· hlllr n •rog-and Via L.ldp as a man whose l'OUl'ai;!<' and \'1SIOO ga\'<' s t r<'flgth t o th1• whill' 11oundini.: "" tteiltlwa ll,, "n 1111, .. n 1,, tho· l:u·)• /le t1r1t1 •" .. r TI1e 11.1 .. thrr 1 i 1111 1 h . ~··• first faltPrinJ: foofj;fc-pi; o( thi.'> gn>at Nation. I h1• •11hJ•'t·I. hait r101 only llk•~I that I ln l lo•o' 1;, l.1•1, 1 ;,.n,.rul 1111utr Tho 1-'•r•I 1 ·111n•·h nf • "ltrt•I. S· 1 1 11 1111 N. ·~~· ~~ .. min~ ,..:• • ....t•l1• t arirr nr 1. turf hrt!< In !14'\'t•ral Wll\"' l\ratllo·). d1wf 11f th• \'rto runs Ad· r111utl 111 II. •lt>ll !'-tru<. ... 1d1111 ... 11" 'M....,.'"" '" 111""" 1 1 1 I I I I ~lllo•lll,V l'l• 11 .... 1 111 11 :•u 11 111 Hun 11 OU " 111 l"ur,..•ry fur • I <hi itlr<'nl:llH•no•d it!I 11rrw l!lhn• 111 rmn1~1ra111111 ann1111111·1•1 1 "' ••'II· o111·11 •ll1r1111: ••rvhr 1 111111. lhf' K1•rr hill JW'llhihtl• <1 llw 1111n ur .''' "''" \'r•lo 1.111~ A1l1111n111· Jin ~. rvtt " "' 11 I• m \\'••<lno....,lay Effective Minorities . 't I , I\ 1111 I• 111 M"lh••ll•I V1•11U1 ll'•I 1·ic11 .. rt n( tnh11•·<·•1 "'"'It 'llliA w.ts trroll•\n F ;w11illl'• 111 IN• hull! ln :./II 'h •t1111oonhtl "'• """" •• I ~ '" ••" I "'""'"""'' v ... 1111( 1te1tull 1-'••ll•rwllllll' tl•tnr lo nr1·vrn1. !tll It ":i~ .. :t1Cl.1 ~rnfoo!I \\1111111 111 .. "'''" '''" ~'"'"' 1:. 1111111.· 1(1>;1n1 l•H':1••~• "' Ill ... ,. 7 00 pm •:vrnln& "1.rahl&1: , "Th'. . rl: of e(f: 1· . ·r .. . l a r nlhl'r ('nlllllrlo~ from '"'"'IN'llTII: Nol •111" '"'~lo· IN·1l t .. r C'ahlrn111n l'.ol111 .. 1r1•1•1. ll:olluoro, ""I"'" 111111\ M ..... ~ ........ m .. , ... 1.1 ..... IS IS a ty t'C IV(' m1non K"S, a prOtTlln e n I I· With Anwriran tohA<·rn I 'urdl'll ts f""' uln l 111 I ht-'" 1 11p. I ht· I .1·· I 1 "'" I I' 111 111 ;, I• 111 •''"'•'l•I S11n - fo mia busirM'SS man n"C'l't'lll\' told fe llo w members o f a n in-!lull w11~ So•i·n•tan· 11r S 111••· an<I i.:111n 11s!<1•r1t·1I 1l11n ,. ... 1 h11l11iu>" 11, 1""·" ... 1, I I d te malional !;l{'n ·ke dub on ihP a nnj\·pr.;arv or its hirth. Ht> llrnr~· W11ll:rn· w~~ Srm·tn~} or ".·,1·11 Libhy'H Family Ian paid oJowino tribut~ Jone to the-club o f w hich h t' A1:rk11ll11rr, hoth 1:1·1·at llOl&ndt•r-. P. E. Cited for war I 1 "" pul.tll1· ,. 1·or•ll•llY lnvlll'·I ... To Appear .~ch 28 a .. .,... a nrf••r!' ni.;9ln1t th<• "fu•puhlkan • ., • l\tlf'n<I thf' 1•h1tr•·h .,.r\'lt'•·• lln<l '"'"' • lonJ;: had M'f1 a tnm1ber-but to all M>nice dubs. tnrlrr .. Rut tho•y put nn .. mhnr.:n, Service at L. A. I ort I ""' Kndln• K<NNll l At Al'M'mbliMt of nod He •·mt on to point out tha l a handful of Naz i!' a nd a "" 1uh1or1'•• 111M1' ,.,.,,. .. ,. th;111 a11y Piwtrw 1.:1t·i-trl1· r11ih1"1 """ lw'f'n , • • • few Jap war lords had rM'arly wn'<i<f'd ttw world. a nrl a s mall '"~'.If""' ,.,.,r 1•on••·mplat•·d ,.,, •. it,,.,, 1 .. ·rt .. 1111111w1· 111111t1 ... 111nd f.hr.,,.111111 !Sru·nrf' • • • . • I ho• ot111y "" '' 11t'at "mi tno·r<·a~· 111..: "'' \ 11'1· 111 1111' I" '"'·1·11111111 11rul f ,. c 1 Suh ·•·rt '\1ind' group°' ~tlc;L~ had dt>\'L'l(.'(I the a lornl<' bomh which put ... , '" t~o· Jn ntldl11nn, 11n l'n1hlrri.:fl lull 1ll1tll'lll "' ''" llll~ll!llf1l•'ll" In ·"·"' .. ' J I an end to a~~c;or nations. ~ ~:-. 1111t "" "111•111 10 1••11111t ""I~ "•nn• ,., ,..,, 111111 \\ "' lol \\ .11 11 111 Thi' 1'.••l<i• 11 1·,,,t nr ""'., H11"'"'·' 1 t t I I A I I ' f 1,,,...,, "'II""""" "~ll111I In •II 11lt' Sif"nire dub nlO\'mM'flt in thi.-. C'OUntrv. whik> only 40 "'~11 • -1 """''" w "' •m1••rt••• · ·11· 1'.'11 "'" 111 ~" ni:•· ,., :·1' " ''"" ti• ,., 1 "" Mu111 .. r I 'h11n·h. .. n . I d ·--lh•>Ut.:h "'' '''Cri•rt "'"lt"'' "1\1 1.· Lnolt11rk.1llotll h) llr1i.;11olwr l1•ll•l•ll ~ ....... I ' ........ 11 t'hrl•I. fl•l••n· year.;; okl. ha.'> bee:~ 3 t~JS In uen re for ~()(I( ( 1 l,1111'\ lou~h• I~ >"'nrl} I nt'lll.oll\ .I J.; 111 rhrrr. 1'111om11111l111i.; 1°11 •'•·r ""' 111 11 ... 1 .. 1, I• 111•111 thl' l '•a lm~ \J.1h1111· ,, ooll• llll'hl :Of•I• II Ill'"' u t ttu ·''"'' 111l•h• '-' td t ; ..... -'•'ti •·h , :~" .. ; ,, .• ""'' 4 tf'f 'ltft l 0fJ1ftf, .. ,, 'fh1h• ,1,,, •••111111:. Filo .'>1111 I :110 \4 111 1,.. l.lloh)"• 1"1111111) 11111111 lllOl•I• 1111 •11 tip f11tfl''"'"' ltl ,,,.. f11t111h I '1• \ ,,. "' ""' uuh If '1nnc ..... ...,, int 11• I 111t .t I•• ,,,\, ft , fi• I "•• 1t1l •·t • spite the ract th.,t its l'fM'llbined rTl<'mlx>rship n'p~nts a min-"'"' l'l•l,1•10.ono r<•i.;11l11rl) I .. 1 ..... Army Trnn~portallPll •"•IJ• . : ..• ,, '"' Cl ..... , th•• .... ,,., lhf o rity . II i." founded on the best thoui.:hts and icit>als o f thf' Tho• majnrlly Jll•rty ha .. plart'd 111'1"11"1'"n •114" '• '•" 1"" 1'"'1"'.~1••..t 111°111°11111 "" m~"""" ""' . . r 1111• nto•I I •II.di~·• 1• th1 la• "'' ,.,1.' ''' tl1• to.on•! ' .,•lolrvn tlM' f tf)t• past 25 ('(.'f'lhl~. Mnbod~i~ the philoei;ophle' m turn o f ~on-11 :-; • .,1., .. , 11 .. 1. • 11nn lrflm th., 1111111• ., "' • l.,1u •I ""••· tl11 t1• ·'"', 11"' '""''''· an•I ers. The e(ff'C't of the Sl'nll'l' dub mo\'C11l('flt h as ~n t o ck--CROSSWORD pu•z1E •II th•· , ....... r '"'Ill ••• lh•• '""ltlfl ''" ' "" ''""'I" I If• I• 111 1•11 t ,, ltp f1tti I A .. "llrTftT Armand MonKO .\KC1flTF.IM' K14 "". Ila)· ,\\'fl....._ N••.-« I H I n!t , .... _...,. _,, ... 1-,......... NC,.._.,, ... 041' ............ Mortimtt ~ acn•· ..... ..._..._. o~:c · ....... r. ,......., It.\\' !4MIOOI~ = Cl. A . M•rta-, M . A.. ~ .. ~ .._ .. ' Ur. (>ht-cl l.AH'U ' New York l.Jf• I nKUrantt ( ·ompany '"'' •· IU llA1'1T I 1.'K I •1• twt II,,. ruriuc;. Son-al~. J("C:U." a nd <>CJx-r gn-al th inkers a n d IMd1-I: : : : I I '. : · I ; , : : ' ; i : ~: ~' : : I t· ·•• 111 • • • ,.,. 111 111 " • .,,,, nt 1 h" :,·.,:', ;;~. 1;1,;,1,,111~ ,.:~.:· ,,: \'NOfl "an intcllii::mt. aj:tj?~i,·e and honest lradl>rship" Ami 1 6 1 ~·a;:'.;: ,:~"~·.;.'.' .!'." ,.:. ·:~~;;'.,'''~. 1~~ 0an infOl"11lC'dand~fuJMtazenry.··1hc speaker ronclurlro. -··· .. .... . .. . . . ....... ··-h11as• h•-· , .. ,.,,, •1 •• , ••. •t•1•th In ,.,,,, .... ''' r•un~; '' I I I I 11 r ti I• t .ft t'fl I I ti '' t Too rn."Ul"' outsiden \~· a service club pu1'C'ly as a un-•tor,.ho11"• • ,. , ~' 1 '" • u • p~' ... \\ '' "' I 't 01(11'\. i\ I•• I. )! A ft It J • ·..a.... f . ····"·· •• ,.... ...... 1hft 1..nt•' I• I .. u tl1• \11 h#lht1 •• 11t• nf •tit\• I rt••\\ "k) h•.:ft cfll'on ~lion. "'herca.l!e the sef10US ~ur 0 a n y ~!VIC(' AC RO§i Che "'orl•I "'"'"' 1•1 •1" •· t•I l11t11 1·,,, .IH 'k I .lll•l•lo•y d ub'i; meetings far 0\-enhado\\-s an\' hone-play in which th<' he •v11k ... •• ·• 11 "··· .1.... ''" ':•111 • t Shore rec~s• m an1h1•t "''" U ~''''''' '1 ' 1 hfl t • •• hft11 tt11t "'*'' ,.,.~ 1 members ~t indulge. Such •l'.'ekly meetings, by p~nt -4 s~vua,. n.110.PI nr ,.,,, """' "•"'' "' rrir "" "'"' .. 1 ~1 1111, , I• t -o p 1tu ing ~ket"!' on \'afi()U.'I top~. C'Ofl.'ltitule in nv.\Jily 8 S('rl{'i; Of 7 Foah Ml'f, th•• 1l11•11rt"• "' I I• •II In . · . · h. h I r in On all ll(rllt'IAll,.n• public fon.uruJ or COU""'5 an aduJt edt.R'3tlon of the lg t~t nr -wh1d1 llllH'tl MMlnol .. •h•· r rn•• I ', ....... ftn•1 der and tend to pnl\'okf' thought on problm\s a nd is.<rueS ron · cur n1 "'"'" • 1111 b,. '"' , ..... • r • ,. • 1•1 '""·' . • • 10f\1ralrt'r f wbtrh I~ 11•·rt\1 11 ftr1111 \f111•t fn>nting not only the immedaate rornmumty but tht' n nt1on a i; 11 Thr ... 111.,1kt .. rtt•• M Ary 11:1~"' '·'"'' '" • 1 ·hole 11u111' """" 1111•1 II• ,I lo ". 11 !.• · I • 1 "' 8 \\ • IJ f'nrhld f;1 rtptpr1•,. • ,\1~1\'n 11f1t •U\ M f f111n• 14 Attir 1,. l1ut nnt\ • ,, ''''" ,.,,., 11n .. • r• 111 i;H OPA in Attion? lf«'n> i." a n <-xamplf' of wh:il l1tL"i~'> rn<'n an> up ag:iin~t in ck-a ling "i th the OPA. In t h i" cao;e a comP<tnY wa ntf'd to I make door ~ for ,_.... homes. JI •·a.c; ~ry to ~'-'' I OP A to S('f a pric-e on t~ product. ~ folJrMin~ ic; 3 ~'i("() \'Pr'Sinfl of "h;il h appc"fl<'rl: Jul'lC' 12 : ~laik-d fonns and t>xhihits to Was h in )..'100. Julv :u : J'hoe<lf' anti !'ample.I; ~t to Washington. Sr1~. 3: Compmy •·in'<I OPA : "Produrtion stopprd. work· ers la ict off." 5'-pt. 7 : OPA "i red: "F.xpect ftectsioo next wE'C'k." 'f hf ft t f t•ltti•tll I •If "I I I•' q •• 11'1 111n.111um 1,,1,11nir ,,1 •1,11 11,111 111•• :o 1 o1. 1 f1yrn l h1.-tttltft•,. v. h fl n1•; 1 1 tu .. ,• 11 111 17 Srr• no1nr7 tile \nll111111 M I •11•1 r.. ..... • ,.. 18 /\hu11111:.· I' ll•rt~" tn' rr 111 ,\h\f\ 20 Tn bf" 1n o1eht 21 "'"''' 22 Frn~ml'nta 2.~ C'rt• < •• a an a'a ~ lnJ11re 27 1111•5 28 ('u•lnm 29 Kt>llle :lO Plrati :\3 ~'<••I ·~htir I 34 ,.,,, .. , .. ,, .. Ith s •.• 23 F11rce ''" CHAlt.T C.HUAOI f)\ 1Hf; 5[.t. (...OnH"untt y Mr tl Olt•'' 1420 w~·· c~ntr ... ,. ""n'''" "•v E 0 . Goo11 .. 11 p,.,,,,. '"'"'th ~~h,411 '• ...... ,. M•rnlloK 'l'\h1lll••1• 11 • 1 y '""1lh ...... t, '"'"' ... • ••• " F.vrnu,k ~ -..1 ... ~ 11 "; t 11. M t1l-Wrf'"k 1 rhVrf ,.. f II • n.-S..)', t ''*'' t ' •I 01-.1 hrit • r "Ill I BALn 1MORTUA RY LaJy /\ttc ndant J. 11 0 r 'o11~1 lill•rt 1 ·11H1ll"A J1J-:I. MAI< ?.J.~luu.. JJ.2 flA'I Af'l1 NllflrT ------------- St-pt. n : ClPA phoned from W a.'lhington: "Whal is k irk· ~n1•ll ftll\lrr' rtC" • h .. r f 1 0 1\l'alf' .. 1 f•~ttrt'1 l r""'" 4 (' "''" . 1 •aro1 rar>1o1lv • collnq • A••••r \e r•111• ._ ... ,., "' •••tt t ttffttt•••••••••••r •••tf ttltttf t ftttttt ttt•• . . site ~" Sept. 1 !l: Kir1L4'ite !ampk-s !;l'llf to W a 'lhington. l5\tn ""' Jft !'o.1111d11r 311 ~ I• ~ • r • ~ ,. I. " llll• ft l.uu r. '-'"Sl· t I 1 I ' I .. ~ ( (." I I I 1 ., .. ,.. ,.,1 24 t\nl(rr 25 llNb •1f A811'r lan'llly I Tl c: '''"' d 21111:. .. ''""' .. • • Modt'rn and l 'p-lo-J>atC" O('(·tu•:NT Al .. IU'f: IS"4t 'K.\N(T. C'O. Kay Nwlfwn ,.,._. n•' t tl\ r-"-• '"~ ...... Mo•tW'IA'te llarold K. (;rauel ('haPf'I \\',.I Ill' , j\, 11,. ll•·tft I Srn-r 1., S· IVlllL; I'""'" ''" ... - '"""-'"' poo'1 y I ....... ,.,,_ ' ... ... c '". '"r.r&llfT1I Uohert A. (·rawf ord ........ ''"''"" .. ~ I >'"" •:• on11r" •I 1 :t , • .,..., F1rt...t 17tl ,_.,..... ....... , ...... ,...._ UM f f-"T' •DA ,.., N\ t'. t'Ollll & ltaub ··"·'-" ..... _,...,,... Oct. 3: OPA annou.rt<'e'S pric-e "hich i.'I t>xactJy l'QUal to C'Of't of production. or aboul ha lf o( the <"OfTl!X'titor 's prkt'. Oct. 12 : ClPA fienies appml for relief. fO Ir• '.1111 41 I"" • •·I 42 ll.111 "'"" 4~ A:t•mpt k II II• r •11 • ' )f• \\ ,,., ,,.,,n l .! \" •• 1 lt'fl I lof'•d• 30 l.•~·5-'. 1111•• Blue Printing facilities ; ,,.... ~l'•p•rt fthtl . f -•• "- 4. I T"lrl ........ ?l.'18 ' 1llf' fiOQr knot:J.IO? You ct~llo('(f it. They're not t)('ing mark-. I t\m• t .,.,.,, t•rilurtr 2 J::nhre 1 1·, I "" ''°""'I I~ c •1 t fU11'11 • f hrtt •n :...,, Mu'" '' 111• ,~ I JI l'r"' 11 tv u r:t. . .t , t •• •h:f" u bal( :11 I ;otJ ••f love 32 F '"' 34 l'i:el 37 lr<'laod l&IH 1 3t Blu1',<l"' MODERI MARINE auh• r ..a St:RVICE • . • • Ph ot<•"t:l t in~ ur t 11 I H in. hy 22 Ill. : 11 ttn W. C f"ftfr•I '---~ flrw"• : T .......... .,.,. IU . : I l 'I\ 'f) Tr. \f ..... . I I . PIA~O TEAfllER t; V 1.t...:<\~.;11/I HI• f ;, :1,t1J1tt,. ... , .. ('•-noa'-7 • .,..... 111 1r12 '.V ,_ _____ _ ~-------~ 1~'.lfi W I I' <'All Fl"lllt • I SHELL DOCK • "S<r you '''"'' )'"" ,,,.,.r t>•.-t•....t BALBOA ISLAND . • Blueprint & Photostat Shop : "~.~ :.:\. ~.:;n;,:·~ '~·~";~- -: J "Klllf'd ''" ,, ""'.., 1 • ·n ... , • • ('<"ta Mf'4A • 11nu_•u•I llaw did n t"'W"- : : "l• drlvlni: tw1lotrll>bil. I • ~ • • • , m• • n j( I•• r•llt .. 1111 rr~ I· ·•! ::.... ....... I ....... ' •••••• ' •••••• I •••• ' ••••••• I •... ...: n4t h•'•r nl\ .,.,.,....,., .. , I • a... .. ar..IJ, .. D. ..., ...... -. Ntrtth .... rrtttral Aw. 'Jltf\rr lfn UH7 a.1111 • W p.a. ~-n OONllAD mcwra. a D. ... ........ -. 1:..1 P. llllh Re nlf!CTA ~DA ... ~ ..... :z ...... 3-!i p.m. J...._ID Dr. G. E. Tohill ........... ......_ .".fl!' ' ••• ,, J~ 't~'I" .. c1' llY.ACH e1 .. 1:-.ttl' ',,,,.,.. 'J#, " ~ 2111-R It t.,, .. ,..,..,.. r.11 N-1""1 & Gerald Rama, M. D. :..KY1 W.-.e C""tral A-... ~FWl'ORT rlt:Ant '"' 1'U' :-.;.,~,..UlOl·M x ..... , !'Wf'vlrP --............ 0 .. ............... .. _ ... ., t tfn.r.-I fl•tl' 1~12, l ·S ..... ,,.....,..,_ S. R. Monam. M. D. . .... , ""'·· .... ,_.,..... tltl ............. _-....... n .. ~ ,.n II \11,..0n• '""'"' T. P. Rttdtt. M. D. ,.., ....... Hal(Aa , .... _. .. ,A.,.. Trlr ...... N~- A.\·. Andttw11, M. D. Plll'•H'IA~ ... ,., 111.r.n~ .. ~ ... r.1a 1 "'aprr ltnadc1111t ....... ltr ·--,. w..-'11il'f'f•r:u-tir. l)lrtrtiMt, l1l) .,, "' <"•ol•111i<' 1brrnpy 19'!9 c -· ....... ...... ...... ..._... ...... - ZO'.\E TllEllAPY Cl.INIC , ....................... . ........... T,...tauw"'fwv.Ma ,.. '!la! ................ .. -· • #' .. 722 U::.,. ~.!..~an:=_ artJct•I Oveneas Vets Ask -=-~-------1 VFW to Press Claims I SAii: f.-JtA:-;-.l-.l-S-<-.1 l .\Ian•>'' -,1, I pPr ('(•nt or lh<' \'rt,•rnn' rir.·s~mi.: t'lllims 111:ainst the \'•·t••rnn~ Alt· I mlni111r11tum hav .. 11rl<·1·t1·tl tlw \'1 t- t•rans of Forrii:n \\'Rn "" 1 hr1r 111 · rtrh1l rrpri-srntalh'" rttr h11n.I ll --------------1 N1•wh11ll, C-allfornla I ll'p11rt m1·nt .._. .... .., Datch Heacock BllJLDD Commandrr.~nno•inr•-« lwr•· to- dny. t P<iintlnit out lhh1 tlw V•·h·ran i~ frt'i! lo choo1w tlll' 111.:1·m·y t.1 wh1eh Booklore Notes by E&trelllt.a • + + ..-- ,._,... ..... £ms ~ nw.,, F*-z 1a, •Ml Production; C.,h_J. ; ~·---&.lllC50N . ~ ,.,......, .... ~· ~ ..... -\ r--------1 Can You Answer These Questions? 1lw foll~ing queaUoru a.re of- ficial and lhe aame you are uked when )'OU apply for your driver's license. Test )'Our knowledse by marking J'N or ao In the 1pa~ at the ~ ol the line. Cornet an· I awns printed bf-low. Ch ....... lty I Dept. ol llotw V4'hkJN) I 1. h the •Pttd llmll 25 miles PUBLIC NOTICE I' Mr. and Mn1. L. 0 . John50fl ol Sacramento are gul'tlts ut the ( . home or Mr. and Moc. S. A. Meyer . !'IN' a ter the first publication ol Mr J ohn!o-On is Mrs. Meyrr's hll nollce and hf-f'!"' the maklne brother and cam<' south lo l:t'I a or illd ule. b'r r sh' D ted. F b 11 o.A., 1 o sun ine. a . e n1ary , 1....... --------£. D. GOODELL, Guardian of the person I and t'llate of Blanche H. 1 Harrison, lncompl'tent. Pub.-Feb. 12, 14, 19. 21, 26, 1946 . State Now Important Toy-Making Center White Hot1se Cafe ...._ 1181 ...... ...... h•· f,(r11n111 a P''""r 11( ritt11rrft'y 111 rf'pr1·t1('nt him. )';"" /11111 •1lltl 11\'l'r· llk11 ( 'has1· rs \I.Ith u.~ 11gain v.1th 11n11th1·r nu\• I. ··1 1 .. ,,,. -'''"~ Ttll..- ll<·ttn A •r·•"·lrn.: ,,,11-.111.1n l 1;1l- 1an h)' hlrth. 1111111 m 11111 """ • (,11111krr s11111·k1·1·1 .. ·1 ~ tli111);111• r Th1°)'1'.tr1· ni11rrt1·d anti \!" h1ll'k '" l tiolv 111 ll\1· ""h :~II j,,, run111\ n••zor 1111' macurnnl fartory. ~ An1f·1 w1111 111 1111• 111111 h1·1 1l1111)!hl1•r hy h1•r (1r~t '°'" r1111.:1· ~u•111 Itri· "t Jt11Jy unrl \'t11 l',on~ nrnk•· th1·1r "av h1tl'k to i"•" York "h••rt Til1. THE P' AlfTL Y .,not die A&t.e. " Lhl' •ocial an4 ecoaoalc ~ la Uie Unit#d Suata. P..-._. t'olltctivist in lbe avta .. eledlea. EnaJand went eollecti<rie& lu& .A u~t. Rania hu ti.A eoUec- th•ist ainC't' Phortl,. alter WOIW War I. G~an,. and Japaa an 110 lonvu po~1·r11. America '8 tlle one po••t>rful 1<lrnnrholcl el JA»- uty for lht' individual. ~ In the -.rorld. I PPr hour, pa11in1 a tchoo, or school itrounds while r hlldr<'n are out· aid<-? ---1---------------. I 2. Doe. a fluhlng yellow traf· LOS ANGELES-Wllh miiny or A~tr El\l'land u1ed to baYW fr-, pft.. VllU l'nterpriae but lbe _.,...._ mt'nt tinlcu~d wlt.h It aatll It .,.. free no lonC'l'r. Tahtl aqc1w1• corporation profit.I ntU U.. ..._ era ~uld not 1r.., UW Dl..e. m1.odem. Thl'n •of•me ~ Mt fie light mean atop? Ca(ifomla'1 war plant• turning to MISS .JENKINS I 3. H a f>el'1IOll from another itate toy making, thal Industry haJ Lovely Hair Stylist 24-Hoar Radio Service I tit•;· rl11t1~ht1•r lw•1·11m1·~ i. ,,,,.,.,._Jul m11d1~tc, /\. lt\l•I)', ..:oud 11th· fakM 11 joh in \11llfornla, must ht•1 grown to repr<'ll<'nt R $5,000,0CX)I E"perlenC\.'d tn all lines of drive? itt'm on th<' 11atr'• long list or beauty work ... hM Joined 4. If you drive while undt'r lhe manufacturt'd produl.'ta, The first l our staff. "Spin A Slh'••r I 111llHr ' 1" _\I '"'' t 11 I l111H111m •~ 1hr story of a 1111rni: :-;11\i1Jn lnrli11n hoy who ~rr1ttrhrd plrlllr1·'< on rrw·k~ or ;,nv nbj.-c'I rlM1· 11) Thr 1111t hHr 111• 11 on thl• n'~l'f'"''"n anrl "-.,11 h•"I tho• hf1) "''" 11111 h,. l11lr·nl 111'< lnt1·q11'o•t1tt 1011' 111 Ill' nall\1· \lllai.:•· lif•· :ort· IH"1fllifo1I \l:1n1 ••I th<' innuen~ of liquor and klU or hurt rnt1forni11 T oy .Show, held h"re Eve. Apr>t11. for Pi:>rmam•ntll IOmt'One , may you loat' your recencly, dr<'w more than I~ 80111:, AUTO. llAIUNI: ~1oe ll&PAD&D r.o• nor wages rite. 11M --pp,. worhnt ftnallp pwe a. n.11tion a etanerin1 1.ts of~ aia's political vodka aacl .-.... a 1tatt'-ownnship parli.-&. driven lice~? ' huyers from all 01·er the nation, I FranOM Beauty Shop 5. On a three -lane highway and rt'IUlll'd in the writing or S2,· IM! Harbor 81¥4., ('Mta 1'1- 1 thr"e lann only from curb to 000.000 in orders for California Open Mondays-Ph. 2428 curbl should you use the mlddle toy manufarturers. 1 -------------~ Burt R. Norton t 11 0out 111-,. Pll9ee un N_.port lleMll, o.M. •lt-lirnlo· woork1o ,,f .tt I aro n 1111nt1•1I In thr h1111k C11ll1·Pl11t• \l.lll ~" loor "l•>1.•k A-rkau OLD· WORLD ,.att. ~ PU. ciana s libl,. pndld lane when )'OU are about to turn left? 6. Wh«1 llf'C\!Uary for lhr 11aCety Of anyone Walking ICTOQ the alreoet. mtUt you bring your c11r to a full stop" AN8WEU •---------------------------1 I ~to~·k 1on1I 11 "ro I 111 ti•·· H1.:I"' that Uncle &.. . wtU be next to follow a-1a·1 ~­ pl .. bat they d-..-a'i bow A-'-ao. ]Moml' per .,.,,_ .._. • twkl' that of an,. other ...tly. Evl'T' before the ncl'ftl ~ • ._ dustrial ••~H In A-nt. ..,.. twice a• hi.ti u la En.._.; few tim.._ u bfc' • ia S--. 0. national ineome wu b...,_ ~ that of an,. 1ix other eoallhiN. \ No. Tl\(' maximum spt'f'd limit I under tht'I<' conditi.in11 i!I I!'\ mrll'!l I pPr hour. t5tt11on 511 lalll) Ve-WELCOME CAFE IMO Nettp>rt Bivd., C-. lltlllA , 1-hone 411-11 Fineet Place to Dine Famous Complete Dinner Open 11 L m. to ! a. m. ~AL ARRANGEMF:NT FOR PARTIES oua IUTOll!N OPEN FOil l!'i8~0N W M . E. LUDEWIG. Prop. The Mother-to-Be Will Find Individuality Here Drews Slack Salts • SuitB Robes • • Jumpers Bed JacketB Donna-Marie Shoppe 116 Nwtla llala 8t. S..ta Au Ncwle Bldft. Drntp>s. Muafaetartag ud M9IM Znlfwn --I-- Marine and Industrial MKhinery ln•trumentl Material Handlins FAauipment --1-- 1111 o-t HJpway 1 1111111.;111-. 1\fld t.hf.olo• th \I.ill\ I!'""' SHt'ftU1'4t JtrUI fC lf UJ~ ti \fur~ fir 1'f1tl1·1 I tnl! Tll1•r1· "' l11'11•r\' tn•I wh:1t nnct \\11.or not I•• ti" If )"" r1111 .. ·1 \1111 lllh\ h·· t h .. "'~'r II\ lt11 I l!lC I "lllJ I Ill• Uth 1 hide Cock) '.!. No. S uch 11 ll11hl ml•11ns that I driV<'l'll oC Vl'hklr'!I mny prt:><'t'•'d 1 l throu.l(h the inte111N'tinn nr p11st I 11urh a 11i1inal only with 1•11111ion. 15'-ctiun .J77.'J \'..t1k l1• Cod<-1 1\1111 I" 11, 111loo1 11•" 1n1I fir'-' ""'•·I hh~ 1·11· 11 ''' tho· "'"r~ 1,( I .11111• " 11 irl• m nN·r··~' "'"'' I~ Jn ita l'UI,. •'-C'M· C'OID_" __ alway1 ia perfumed wi&ll a • .._. of ff'Mdom-r~ fro•--. thin,. Britain U. -.. ~ than P'nftCI todct7; rr... _.. than 11.wia. EYeD U. •-'--,,..,. feel hetlft' .. • .... .. 3. \'t'!I. t'or lirt·n~•n.: 1'i,1rpc•r "II '" ,,11• 1., ,,,,.1,.,,111,. 111,, ,,1l':or •• ~ I any pPrson who, whilr rrsidini.: Jn ---this St1\11·, ac1·t•ph1 .:alnful 1·mpl11Y· 111( 1111• ••·•rid 111111 1 •. ,.,.,. h1·r s•:•· 1 111111 l.1111 .. ,, '" 11ttd111 111101 ""' " HarL·Jr u1·gh SenlO· P.&;:!R.nhearse Play, I nwnl w lhln this S l11t1\ llhnll tw ntJt•· ,.,11r .. 111 • .,11 111 ,,,1,1.,ri lt•it "' ao ~ con1id1•rro to'"' 11 rl'1id1•nt nf thlK ,,,, ,"''' r i .. ,,, •1·, 111•1~· , •• ""'' 'The Man Who Came to Dinner', ~:~~·, 's"'·t i11n 'J!'\'.!«·1 , .... 11c1t· ,.,.,,,,, ,,.,. 'trHHI\ pr1,t;101r1·~ lh.1t t tirll!•' 11f 1\1 r 1,.,.,. nr•1• rn•·• ol ,, ,, h T Be p l d Lat • s • 4. Yr-s. If you arr ennv1!'11•d 11( In .,, .... 1 '"" 0·11\ Th·· l••1k "·" 0 resen e er IR pr1ng drivlni: Whi((' undr r the lnrl111•n('(' I of llt1uor. 1md 1·u11s111i: mjurr 11r ''"" tlw 1 11 ' rm ' F•.11"~~llll • J ""'.\I.on\\ h11 c·1tmo• '" lhm11'f' I• .:. 11 llol1 l lotJl(hty : tht• dralh )">llr lic.•n"' Woll lH• fl'\'llkPcl ""11n l 1inrl rw ltlll' "' ''"111 1." 'tl111t lt•n.:" Hrn:1~">' !oll""'"'" by I • " •l• .. is. Hwhard Rum.ey for tint' Y••nr :ind llt#'rrnfr(•r )'OU h••llrtrto· 11'"1' •·t '11" 1"''"1 ~ .. ~'"'" llurl 11ml t;.•urc•· !-' Kaul -and C'al\111 llclnt•'f'; Mr Rakrr. will ha'•' lo f1l1• 11roof nC frn11nrl11I J ri•ntl 11 111•1n ,, -1n11n" 111 th1· h1••h ••. ~,1 I 1 l'-d L·,r--· r po 1 ·1 I h h d I , .. , ., _,..,. "'" o " '°"'· r-~~··-ml\ll, ,,. n.'!1 111 y "1111•1•p1rrlnt1·nt ·n 11· li111f.l111i.: "' •lw 1'1" "Ir• 11•t•f11 .. n11m an th•· n"ar fufur" 'rh<• l -1 11 t i• .... •. 1.-'ln'llifl(• Stwldon, tS1·r t111n 501 and :l\H-a·:! \'i•h1do• ('1tn1ol ... ""' r···• .. 11 1 .. r tho•""'" r·•u~ ll' '"'"lo: l:l\••n hy ttw -ior '., .1 ,1 .1 1;arctn.•r . S 11M )'. Rodd)' Codi-I . I I•\ l•on:1l1I ll.irr 1i 111I"''" •·1111•"' t'lass (1or th1• 1111hhc and th•· dat4' '""·'" I:. '"rly Carlr .. n. R··na 10 ' 5 YMl. A lrfl t urn shnuld 11l"1t>" .. ,.,.,,.,.11'' 1····-•i:• . II ·~ ll'lrry HI 1111· , .. ·rl••nll'"""'' .. ,11 .... dis-">fl "• \\ .... ft"Oll , J11rk ruh, ho• m11ct.-from thr N'nlr r lnnf' ,,, 1-(i•lli•tll'• ''"'' .•nfl hi~ •1•11h'<i 1·1"'"°" l:l1"r Ito"'" I·•• f1U'1:1n fluc•·r I.ind. 11nd n t h~•'1•-lnlll' h1'1hway I Sr1•t111n I '''11111' \\ti•· '' "" ulnu ... t '111~~· ... t.-cl Ttu• 11tri .. · :wt l"l#Tlf-d• 11 u~ l'•r•• I ••1 1nl' 'T'hf>rnl11n :;:Jf;1h1 \'r•ltt('ll' Codrl an "11 • kma• '"' • •r····r fl• th•· th•· 11111,. rt1r1 .. -11 .. n or ~t1u Ruth fl. YH \\'htl•• (W'do•1111r111ns h111" 1 ''1111111! ••ncln"•'r 11nrlrr ( 'olnn rl t'rt••hlt•ti 11n Fm:l1<h f<'Rl'h••r 111 (' T G • )901 the r i11:ht nf w:e} only Al lnl••nlt'<'- 1 ; .. q ·:.. I ~l\I', tnlrtt;lll' 1tnd t:Ollff 'ht• lm:h •<'h• .. •l '.\It~ .. F r1•·hh1'h LC .as axes .ain In tinns and rnllrkl'd crot1swalk11, It Is h l1r<I ""1 k "n lht• now f :unou'I \\•·II kn"" n l"r llf'r d1r1"<'t1n1: iu ( t\'t'!' '\° e'8r 1944 lhl" du!}' of 1•\ t•ry m o lnr V('hlcl•• c11n11I I• thl' mnktnll: nf n "•·rar k. ,11,. "11,. on ..ti:ort:•' 11f th•• cucv~ful drt\ !'r tu ,.,.,.rl'l~r '"JC' t•arr fur nw tno: C1""' 11111·1·1 l<f•>CJUf't ... n Ttw s .. rur<ll\)' .. ;, . .,.. • \ . ·-.1 1 I. F.11 1ik Ai-imf1·1y nf pt'(jc'l'!trlJln~ lll"'" n rnatl· II )'"' 1tn• 11lirnnrni.: 10 '"'lltt or nlng Ghollt" last )••ar '.I J• 1 1., t 11.1110tnl( un· way. 15<-ctlon ~'J \'rnid•• Codrl I 'H '"" 111'1 "1ch 111 t1re·"111 llWhtlt• 'I h•· 1·1t~t '"•'" d1C'llW'n a I•·"' Wrf'U 1 .. \ • ••! Iii. R:lll!IUh!W' tall <"0111'<'---- '"" '4111 I><· 1·ntr:.n1·"d with ti\•• Rl:f'I nnd ti '''lf\.'l~lfo ot ~·no•.,-, 11nly t~ l11r I!~!) tnllllt-d 159~>.9·17,I p N l .,..11ullf11f "''" '""'k on mudrrn '11· 11 t!J '°' r .. 11., .. -,.. )!,.... Stanlry, .. om1 11, ti 1., $."i0,t~1:! .. ¥•7 . &IM'Ut'dl UBLIC OTICE 111a:n n 1ll1'tl · F11rn1•l11n~ \\'1th II t J ----•·r lol'rta 11hruwin. '.\I•~' t'r•'f'fl. in 1•111. a gain of rn fl"' r t'nl. N 12!)75 t '11lur" h) W n S t"r••Y :->11n•·r 1'1·i!-.· R1drnrd St11nlry. W'htf., 191!l "'V''°'""' •t'rf' $3,taO,· NOTI,,... Of' !!·,, .~0· I .. N ... ., .. LP: I Jnlnln11 thl" lnll11,, 111 rwl(ro lltrr · I Rall ..... u "" " n ~" ""'r" I• lht· hnok hy i\dam Powrll • tmmy •')'. Jul'M' Slllnlr)' ~-•n .":!Ito undo·r tht• pr~k )'('llr or l9'll, OF RF.AL PROPERTY AT , '""" 1~ /1 nn:rn ""n1:rr cJ1m1tn frnm Walk<·r .lohn,Ja...,... Ruhr! Sar•h. ,,,.. hut )'r Rr tw-forr RRllOlirw ra· rRl\'ATF. lllAI r.: , . .l1·an ~ tlll'k , Mr-c I "'""1••r ;-;,.,. tl<'lnlnr Wf'nt into rff1'f"t. thf'y WM'(' • ' ' ~··" \ork II·· 1111~ .. '"'''" hl!I hunk Pwr11<1n. Mra Mrt'ult'h«tn nltn SJ.117.997' ~ than 19·1:.' Rnd ---I . "1trdlln1; nlnrk~ I 1•' hll!I !1t1h-Pnltrr. Mr Shtnlo'), I)"' id 1 ·,... 510.947.1119 ltT'('atrr t han 1943, all la 111" l"uPf'~flf' Court nf th .. fetatf' AlllOl•'ll 1tw hn11k ·nn intr qtre•ln·; Mai:i:t•· f'utlr•r. J,•,.nm .. l..nti 1 ;,.,, ... '"•N t'funni:: wturh C'alifornall of Callff>r11la 111 aad Fol' t~ 111 1· h1Ar11r) <1f .. rl\1\•. Ir,~,·· "' flu• bl11t~ ~ Bradlf')'. RaJ1.to ... n-1taa.: ~htr h11h•·a)s wrrc-n'Strirtf"d to <'Nf'n· C'OUllly of Oru«"· c~1111m11n m11n1 111 1 •11ms up '"' id.in \\'hrlf'll~'. lkui'f' M~;•"rf'll •ral ..,1_, fnans~tal1<.m )>o•>k ~Ir I •'~I'll . I~ mnrrird to ll11rrirt St .. nl4•). '1uirlottr l'r""' ----1(,,,,., :--1•111t tti1• l11rnn11• p111nl•I Jl<•rt Jf'Cfrrt11lf1. I Itek "'all,,.•r l'n>- : California Leads in Federal EmployeH Over 1,000,000 Vets Will Loat~ in State, State Chamber Finds Jn lhr M11t1rr of thr r.~1111" nnfl Guardlnn11hlp of Til .i\!'lnlf': II HARRISON, lnMmpt>lrnt NO'MCT. J~ HF.RF:T\Y Gl \'F.!'1. th111 E n C'"r'lndt>ll, 1C1•11rdi11n of lh<· Jlf'"On and ('!!lat.-nf Rlnnrh" II lf11rriMm, inrr>m(ll'trnl. v.·111 1rll al C'ahfnnu.:t .,11 ha\•' n\t•r a mil-Pf'i\'ale t.1tl<' In thC' h1iih1•11t hiddl'r hot> llnn \\'nt'kl \\'ru II \t'lt'rans asl upon thr trrms nmt C"l:•ndtlinnll '"''"'• MT'lpl~·"' "' th. , ,, , i•n,. ch11lan l'ft)fio•ntc h) th<• r nct of hrrf'ina~trr m ••ntinnMt nnd cuhJN't.r hran<-tt of lhf" l·~lo·r.tf i:"'' "'"""'' 1946. ttw rrvar('h do•vitrtm<'nl <if ! In ronrrrmntmn hy !lntd St1prrtor than any t•lhrr. •t.tt•• .. r ''" nd ,.,,. thr f'ahrnrnia s 1"'" n 1:imhrr of \nurt. on Mnrrl'I 1 llh. 1!\44', Al thr 1 pnl1tan lln>A rtl \\ :\•'1onctnn 111• rommrr,-.• r r"'1tr1ll In irs mnnthh· hour of 10;00 n'C'l""k A M . nr Thi~ 1c 1nd1C:1t1-d I•\ 1 s 1 'nil rrpor1 nn l'fY>n<•mtr r"ndilinn!I, r,;_ thl'r('aftrr within lhl' tlml" 1110"-'!'d HERKl'.U::Y I Sl>n·IN' Commo~••nn ftl:1ln. , ,,,.! lf-Uf'd tnda~· ") 1h•' r nd rif 1~15. by 111\0', all th11t a-r111in rl"lll pro~ In th,. lnt<'-'t l••o,., "' 1• " •• ,1 thrrr ...-rr 7Jn 1,11 1 1,.1rr.'.m' in thl" cr~y hf-lnntrlm: In and l\WnMt by \'lltforni". R m«nlhl~ l•it-1, 111.,., •tal4'. lndltdlnc IF!l;.nno from nthl"r 11aid 1n~lmpf>lrnl 1tnd h1•r ~11td M · nf 1h·• l•ur,.:tu nf 1•1hlu ·"''''"'''"•· lf•U•. ttw r rport "•"<'IAr<'!I. with tetr . hrini: !hi' hnu!lr Rnd lot lo- ''"" '"' lh•· lw•rl< .. t.·• • ·'"''~'' nt 2'1'Jlfl0 fnnnrr C"ahr""'lans ro br c:-11led RI l'n :J20R WM! <lrl'An !ht· l'ni'-""11) ul 1 ·.i111.,1 n,,, ~nohUlzf"d !his )'t•rtr. "''hill' 11 Frntit. in thr \1ly nf Nr\l.lJOrt 1ll<-•IRt1"t''"' •h""' th , ... 1 • larttr numhrr nf ,.,,t,·rnns frr.m Ri>11rh, OrRnc:r C'nunly. C'nllfnrnln, 91 .'..t~;I J"'"' f'ftlpl"'', ,. " · ,;,,. ,.,hrr sl1ttM1 "ill rslahhsh rMli·' ft.nd morr p11rt1rululy rlm•rrlt"'d UJ I :wl l 'l-lft C:>1l1f .. m• • I' ,. ~ -11; ~ t'lrn' 1 follows: \\'a~h1n~11n 11 t• .•·.r.-;-• .. mt ----LOT!'ilnRLllCK:\~,Nf:W. ~''"''York ••:ii·· :•n<q .. Your Friends & Mr·n-PORT RF.Mir. n~ fll'r Map l-:Atit•1'1 I•) I~.,.., ,q, ,-r .. "' '-th('N'Of rrrordr <l in ll<lok :J, •rn1nr ,... .... 1n I· '••I , , ·~ ,,.,,. '.\f"r) f\t>T"r h-··mtlll "' Bal-fl'li<" R. M1~1·l'llanrntLc M1f)!I. l"•l•hr.11&•en r• f•t1l•I '' • 1 ·~ hoa hu bfo,on rlf'('tf'd trrasurrr u ( Rrrord,, or Ornn1:1· <'nttnl)'. ''""' i·ll~ 1•111. '" ..... , I ,. 1\1 Rf'•• l'tll sor11rr1y nt 1h<' l 'n•· <11llfnrni11 1 .. .-m .1•t••n ,,,,.,,,, "' _.,,, .•• , •• ,1 \'M"11ily of \\'>·•-.mini: L,r:irTi fr TI~RMS A:-;n ('()!'lf\ITJO~:' ,.ffw1.1I· ind , 1•11· • , / ·1 . •. :-.;,. .. rf"Co<t.•n t• uf !'l;e "l••rt He•nr h OF SAl.F:-«r1~h. an lll\\(111 mnnM """ :"tr 11nd '.\fl"I' .l.11 k R wr• and of !hi' l 'mlt'ofl S!:ttl'~ nt )l'll•t tr~ Ross1·s Liquor Stor'e 100~ roa.,t m":" t>AI•'.\. 11!' _"!llh llrN'I rrrr<'nl I Ill• l n ( hilt In ho• p111r! Mrc Rof>rrf f: ftiKc, 1~ \\·,.,..1 nn l\T" l'f'fOrr t onw 11r ~iii• 11nt1 t)11 I· 1 \ro•l\n f'nont ,,,,11'f\ an L-'I!' i\n· ant'(' th<'r••11f '" lw• I"'''' "'"'" l'f•n· I hrm11tlnn 11r ~:ilr ;., 1h" 1 ·1111r 1 ....... ~ M'f'r 111<' ...... •k """ Mu,. d.omada of mH in un1fonn ban ,.t ID be rehamed home from the Pacific theatre. 'ft.at'• Ualoa PaotBa'1 tint and mo.t impor· llllrtjob. world of comfort oo • modenl1· anotnt.d Limited. Or cbooee the CballeDQer -famom for low-co-t traYel enjoy1Hnl. 11 Mflf' ""9U1 nf Ch.• \•o ..... C1tMf"d '"' T11•-t" \trc '.\l iin;no t :"t•'fTl•''.\'l"r 100 \'111 '.\lrnr,_. l.111" l<I•• h'1• h•'"n rll nt hrr honw f11r 1¥1 n Wf'I'\<• hut tot 1n1f•r"tt\ •nc .1nrt , ... :tt•l•' ,,. ,,... ••ur .. htt nrct~ nnd n f(1•f .. 11"' 10\ "'ti r .. r "lid prop.•rt~ 1111•1 mtt~I hr on 1n·1l 1nc :\nil "'" '" rot'o'f\111 !1\ th" •11111 E II r;, ... 1.11 :1 1 ht• hMn•' :ti :li••• \~·,,,, c ,,.,.in F r.int. :-;, "· I "rt I'., wh. 1 ':1l1f .. 11111. t11hll'h :tt1 •lrt ....... t<. ''•' ' 1f1 lioi.h.:U tt•·(t tl ' th,• pln•. •1f -.. t •t ~·,tt ' ,,, rn·t• ~ f 1), .t Bat II yoa'r. plannlnq a trip to the F.ut. doa't 9'" up the ldM. 11'1 worth waitiDq tor. And tranl .,...,tu1on1 are lmp1orin9, day bJdaJ. Start J'01Lf ucatioa with relnatioll. lajoy "mooth .ultnv" oe a fut StrNmlJHr ... a ,_....,~nil .......... ..... ..... ,....nc..-... t.n-.1~ A.Ir about ".top oHn" at nrioua lnt.nltino polnta enroute to or from ,oar ..._. ~ ution. Unk:JG Pacilio Mrft9 IDDl9 w..._n 909nic r9Qion1 thu any oth• rdroed-... wadd'1 OTMt..t traM barQ&ln. -r;a_...,_ t I I ......... ,. I U ... 0 • •AC 1 r IC aalLROAD •••• ., ,,., S1f • •• ••• ~• C.'-llrrp-r ATT CNJIOI!! ·nw 1 •1•cn1·0· < • ., " \ F. ot L. trnions <"'OfWt'ITlt'<I "1'1 1•1 '''I '·· "· ·1pn'riafion of the> fric•ncily :tflilftt~• '""''!I I '· ,, "" Brothel"!". ~rN'rnl mn. t r,11 !••I' F11~t .. 1 •n • '"-idt-JM..-d by fht'ir l'i1..11rt· '""' "11 lh•• I ,1 ,., ·:w ment WIPd by ttw> Builciini: Cnntr.w••""-,\ .. ,, 1IJ·'fl ot California. Building and ( 'on~tratiion Trades Council of Orangt' County, A. F. L. Central l..ahclr Council of Orange l'ounty, A. F. I. '"'"ti .. <'I• rk ''' tlw ~''""•"ll lnl•~I ~1'JMrt11r ,·"11r1. 11r 1•,)l\1·r~it l 1.- ~·nnl< I It••" 1:1.111. ::111 ~,. "" 1'1rh: • ..: 1n1.1 ''"" 1'.1l1l•>t nt .1t fnf'n•) (11r ~ .. ct cu;i rllt:tn. ut ;1n-. Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey Booe. ud Roy KHne Palm ud Bay. Balboa Pboee S91 • GEORGE D. BASSETI' General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping' INCOME TA.~ SERVICE 2602 W. Central Ave. Ph. 1805-.I Newport .-....11 CHRISTIAN'S HUT Lt>on1u'd Marshall, Mannaer Balbo;a. CaJlfomla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAJT . BA~ DINNERS ... BANQUETS ATI'ENTION, MOTHERS! Let Us Wuh Your Baby' a Diapers Picked up and delivered three times weekly $1.50 per week PHOS!: SE"l"ORT llP:AC'H 45 Tiny •n 8 . lllrrll Tots Laundry Fountain C.mplete HANSEN'S 8Aata A .. at %100 Otleu Fl'Ollt Newpon llAL1'8 e SOW OPES EVBNINOS SANDWIOBBI • RAllBtJROl!lt8 Ice Creelrt to Tab Out Bookkeeping Service • Audits INCOME TAX RETURNS B. ~. HAn:""t:r.o l'uhlw ,\rr1•11n1.111t l11111r' 1 • !I 10 Jl m l 'linn1• 1 ~1<! OSCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA ~ Offel"!' l 'ou the P1nest Matt t.o DllH' In Orange County: All New - - - Even the Location . .. One·Half Mlie F..ast of Old l.O<'ation on COf\St Hhthway. Beautiful New Cock tail Bar We lAed Soutbera Callfom'8 in the Servtng of -SEA FOODS - ALBO 1·0 .. a ldad o1 8TEAJl8 -vmI' OUR KrJUtJ::N Sam's Sea Food and Fiah Market Spa Ull C-t ....... , (!'(_, ........ ) . ~ I I . I ,. • N&WPOCI' a:U119A ' PueLIC NoTICE• -CERTIFICATE ot~ 1n·M1s1:l'ls lw ANTED ttu1 n . AtA~o llalbua F it'titloW< Firm :-.111mP Inn. ~ MC l ·tlc II NEWS-TIMES CLiSS11=1ED"~'~a· · Th<' un&nii:n.-d 1 doo-s ho•rl"l•~ ~ r;•rtiry that he is ftmductm1: 11 ' t-usln•-U at 1750 l"l'\\11C>rl Rlvd .1 City or Costa M l'511. Count\' o r I Oritn1tl'. Statl:' or California. undl't thl' ri<'tltious rinn naml' of CAR· \'ER CRAF"I' and that said firm la com!X*'d or the following penons. t11•h01W: namf'S and addreues art• as follow1. to wit : INTERESTING WORK Read Them for Profit • . . Uae Them for Reault. ---If you don't ftnd .lmat you are looklnR ror advt•rtli;."t In tht. L'llftN' Phnnl' N.wport Beach Cl or U and place your owwa actwrtt.nwnt --- -Pleasant W orkirig Conditions BOA ft. "ll'PPUU &I llll!AJ. E8T \TY. n Kt:,~;,.P:lilTATF. __ U R~AI. MTATIC n ar.AI. UTAft ., JOICph L. C'an·er. 648 Cliff Drin'. N('W)>Ort Beach. California. WITNESS my hand this 12th day of February, 1946. JOSEPH L. CAR\'ER. State of California I County or Orange ) SS. On thl1 12th dlly of February A.D .. 1946. beforf' me Nora S. Margwarth a Notary Public In and for aa.ld County and Statt>, re- siding t~~ln duly oornmisaioMd and sworn. pc.-nonally app!art'd JOM"ph L . Carver knowl'I to me to be the ptt'IOn whow nanw la aub- acrlbecl. to tht' within Inatrummt. and acknowlf'ditf'd to me that he ex«Uted the aame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hettunto set my hand and af. llxed my offldal 1ral U... day and ~ar In this etttltlcate ftnt above Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING lncreued wage ratee now in effect. ..,..., Southern Calif onp Telephone Company 1bo I:. Bay ...... .... written. MUI~ • FOR SALE-Ont· 10-h p. Outl?""rd motOI', $150: One 10-ft. ""atl'r· proof Vl'nttr punt, 48-ln. beam. $75, with oan; One 1-ln. ttntrl· fu,:al watfor pump. $45: 760 fr.·t %-In. atttl cabl f'. $76. 2M7 Villa Way, Nf'wport lkach. Ph: 458-W alftt 4:30 p.m . 14-tlc Marine Radios Available lmnwd.late df'Uvery, com- P,lete ranse of al:a-a. Your In· 1ptttjon welCOC'111f'd. HIGGINS PLEASURE CR.An', 110 c.ou1 Hl&hw~. Ph: ll<M. 9-tk WANTEO--Smllll houu or 11pnrt· ml"nt, N«>Wl'•lrt or C'oata Mc•1111. C-nll 244~·\V Aftt•r !'i fl·!:" 14-2tp ROl)M OR APARTMEN'r want.-d by 2 l'tnployt'd ii:lrll. Phonf' 1763-W aft1•r 4 pm 14-4 tc APT OR SMALL howM.-hy locl\I rooplt• No rhlldn>n or J1t•l11. Ph: 2"~ l:'l··lt11 'f\' ANTED b:'f reeponalltl• T9W· .._" ICruployN, I .-ll bedromn bou. . ....,,anent. PhOlle S..t. Ana 5R29. 80-tk n.R& EQtrlPIUCNT T1t8T8 _ WANTED TO RENT or IPaw, un· C-0-Two, P:Jftft• a r-nnlla furnished hOUle. Phont' tmo.R. 00. nsa. .,.r.-and .,_rtablea 5-tlc -. in.-...... i:TB ftOKIN A WANTED TO RF.NT OR LEASE OALV AH, lOOI ODut flil'bwllJ. -FUrniahf'd houat' In Nt'wport .._. !JM. 'fa..ttc Beach;-!ls!boa or Balboa Jaland. WANTED-Snowbtnl maat, boom Permanent couple, errllllo,.d b1 and ult, aa.11 r8dn1 duck. not So. Calif. Telephone Co. No chit· ' _ ... _ drm. Call 1440, M". Barr, bet. out o -pe. W . B. Power, Marl· 9 am nd 5 M th h ...,... Drlvf', JWdlandl, Calif . . a p.m.. on. roua ..-· Friday. 12-4tc 14-4tp NORA S. MARGW ARTH. Notary Publk Jn and for Said County and State. (My CommiAion Explr«>S January 29. 19C§O.) FOR SALE-De,y bed. upholatered lf118ICAL a llADIO chair. 21 I Opal Ave .• Balboe b- land. .,._ 126. 12-tlc UJllT, ~w " .. Storag~ !SEALI Pub.-Fl'b 14. ;11, 28. Md\. 7, 1946'. IHI TIDE TABLES ru&UA&Y High Low High ~· F 22 12 :!'i5 R:05 l :U 1:14 DILLE .. MC'.GUIRE La'"' Moww SS. 7'. Corner Acacia and Pactnc Drive. Corona dtl Mar. 14-4tc FOR SALE-Lars" capedty water 10ftener. almoat rww. Phont' N . B . 1994-W """nlnra. 14-4tc FOR SALE--4-holt' dttp freezer $325. PhoM 119-J. 14-2tp 4 :.? 1.!'i 2.7 2.0 S 23 t ·42 9.53 FOR SAU : Girl's bleydl' Good 4 1 1 4 rond. 709 W flay Avr . nalboil Su 24 2 :4R 11 :24 PhonP 2317-:0.1 14-2tC' :..'S 4 I 1 ° llAIW c Rm. pla)' p<'n and hliolh M ·I ·~ 1!~~ 1:~ 11 ;~:1 rhair MWlt hl'11<1ld f'riday, Mn Tu 2i' ;) Ill 1:n 1,.:~ Osthlt•f'n, 3-,, ~1111t111ri•. l\itlltoa .1 ~, 3.4 "(u l_bllind __ __15-t•r T ld• .,.. p1a....i •n ur'(ler hf <Acu""'"" 1 LAL>Jf·:S top doth roal, lnri.;l' ~1/1' Lid!• '''°u""' • "' .• ,.," n.,u_ p ... I I .tkt• Of'\\ l'hnno• llH~>-rl 1•\'C'!I ------!~1-l I• PA~TL'"O t:ONTL\.Cl'Oa I PAJN TISU a·APh:-ll. ltA.~t;lN(; C"JRt1.•t..ATI.~e ..:n,. h•\ilft•r Thrt~· J OFC..'OflA 'MSG l1urn1·r' I a n I•· t11nwd .,11 !'"Jl- anH L" • .... ...... : .. • I itratf'iy Uk .. n•"••' l'tl<ml' l l>C>-R 414 0 111 f.n1~;;,;~:;.'.n;.";;, JM·W "''••mni.:~ l!'rltr <'neta Mesa ~-Uc -- B1JIUNDll oUIDS •' Fla~hli)!hls FOR A RF:LIABl.E Paint Job Oft your hmrw. rail :-.ll""'lJOtt 1047 L1i;)lt Cord ... t:'<t• muon Corm. 1 run C-urtl1', F.lc- after 4 :JO pm 10.t k N I ewport 'harmacy ~CAVATING. GRADING. l«'I 1!>-ltc ploughing. t't'm•·nt •'l'lk.1. ell 1\'l-S ' __ Fl_rt'_Pl_@IC'f'--and--Klndl--1-nc-- and .__ f oundatJona. Stt W O O D E.-co ContracUnc Co~ phone Nrwport 23.'U-J. ~!Jtp ~vf'ffd Tl. W. WRJGHT Ph 2030 ---BICYC~ 17&1 Nl"•-port Rh·d 3-tfc &lid. Rent•·d ~ Repaln-tl flRA:"r.F. C"O\.~TY voca:L·s 100 itain ~1 . ealhoa UPHOJ...STEHIN C; CO. M11nur 11r111r•·r~ 208 ~larlDf', UaJboa lala.nt.l • Of \l1Jholsfrrl'd F11rnl111rr _ __ _9-t·':_C I 41:l W 4th St . S11nt• Ana TllAS"POKTATIOM ae F:wtury nnd Sllo14Toom :"1"•1 .,.""'' t "•·nl..r ~' . Annhrim WANT nH >t-: tro Loni;: lwach Ill< l'hflnl' i\n.1!11•1m 171-1 roll,..·1 dn\~ wr-·k. from CorooA d•·I Mar 12-tk CA0ll ~athll'f'n Edson ?\:pt )49..R I.'· It<· WA:-.-n:n IUl>E ll<•t \\'t•O'n Balltt>3 nnd Los Ani:••IMI Arrwe L A. R ;\() 11 m . drp.ut a ·Jll pm lntt·r· eat I'd In drl\ '"" alfrrnM• """"k" 1217 t:;ast Ocran f"ront. llllll1"'" 14-2tp .. COLO and llolACHNtLEU WAVES CORONA[l() Electric Range, $17R Imrnf'dlatl' ~ll"l'TY Auto Batteries lff..moflth -16 4.'\ Ex Penn~lvania Oil Gallon, 10c WeAern Auto Supply Authori:r.M OHier 'nnUn11 anti M&11I~ Even1D1 Ap~ntm-U Ph. JT•W Vi'M Beautv Shop 1R36 Newport Bl\'d., c.-1a Mf'Sll ).tfc 110:1 C~ Hu.ily toreoa del Mar 1e-t1c I L08T A;"fll ~ -., J \Mt Arrived """"" ff••utng Aid BATTEIUBS G\&lldw-n rui I 'n 11'1 ""'° f't Pb C.l."I U')!';T -Bunch nf kr \.;-on S.,Uth I T\A} F rorol. R•l1•·, l"l:md Plf'a.u> r rturn '" J , ... r.•'<'k ~ 0 H1N' at _ f"t rr} l.11n"lni-14-Hc I \\'A.'"TED To BUT EMPJ.O\ '.'IF.ST WA!'f"l'a) !I \\',\:"TEO m HI ·y to-tic 11 Alh:11tnt' 11-.!lp CARrl.7'IJ-R \\·nnK h~n;;; ,; Phnnr ~••1.-.r• 1 tut rfay T· l1·phnn<' l~•i-\\: 11-tfr WAXTI:D :'1.1N' hnnw on l...ldo Y.,1.1. TA.,_1-r.\nE ~hllrlrrn I hi,., Will 1'"'' '""h Wrtt• J\t1"1 C1•rnr" ch I :'>l:ir T'hnn,. ~ n "~f r "··"'~·Tim•·~ l:l-l t• ~;..n 'T 2-Hr \\'11.J. l '.I\ \' I. A!'IH : .. r your tur· nllure "' "''al ha•e vtou I.,_,,. ;o.;,,.;•t 2•10t• n I~ rray,·..-; Th,. 11n1I ni-PAl'\.I HIUf F•.nd naa~. 1i.12 Newport Pl,,:! r rw1a M,.~ ... lie r•••I 1-·"r 1mm1 f11.1!1 1 • oll -.;, "'l••rl 17~1 .I shir.c· • 1.: Hr FTllSITT'llF. roR SAii. II F.!'lf PL0l"'~ .. ._T Ol'TF.KD 11 ~~.~~u:--ll<'_a_u_11ru1-1~-u-ph-ol- };~Pt H 11 '" ·1 ·11 •.\HI 'I ';TJ-r. ~ll'a!ly w11rk Phnne 2007-M. 1:..'-4t p ' W ;\!TIU$~ .. ~ W i\ :-."T>'fl l\11y , .... , 1, rt , ,,,\ rt':' Ir ~:'\:i 1 mnhost '"" •~'lt'kt,111 rat.I .. i:lu•• '"I' ~I I llnlh hk1• n•·"' 1\pl ~. Ba ~ I k·o :in ;\loot1 I r'1•r-•n 1 •l•l :\hr 1:,.111 ~hriro ('il l• 17th Ii: ('1ortcl 1111.;h-... IJR S.\1.~ :I o•r 4 hran•I n•"' w:i~ Ph ="• "t••T t :!:\.t 1 11-tlr t~,,. l'll•h11on~ II• :t\ 1 tltirk fur pr1rrtl ur i:anl• n fotrru1111 • H• d11l'•'d pru•· f;,,,lin~ 1\pt ~. Hal ht·i l~l· 11• -~--~-~·~--~~~-BEAtmFUL Sp6net type mirror P'ano. a barraln. TftT'IW. Danz:. SduNdt Piano Co .. 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc GOOD uwd pianos. Some u low u 189. Fine for practlcto. Euy tttm1. Or will rrnt Danz· Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main Santa Ana. ~tfc ~ ~~~~--~~-~~- Zenith Portable Radio All "'·aw rlattf't)' and AC ·OC Plays nn hoats. auto bu.. trnln11. MF.~A RAntl) & F.L.J:C"TitO:'lllf'S 17·1~1 N1•WJ••rt 01\'d t ·,..,,a Ml"Sll Arvin & Eml'r!'un HA DIOS :.:~-l11111r H11tl111 S••n ii"' 14-trr Short ('ircuit Ha<l io 3«l l'alm. ll11lho11 P ti11n1· rn.vi-w 13·1fl' STI~INWA\' C.r:md. llk1• n•'"· u1w or th<' world'• iolt <'ah-st 111111ur11 \.or1:N>1L~ ton1· ~·11u11r111 C'AIH' Th111 •~ nn inl'trum•·nt tor th•· diMTimln11Un1: huy1'r I hmit· Srhn11dt ri11"4• t '11. :l:.~1 l"t• Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc Radio RepairinK llOUSI' n llll daily cxC"f'pl Sii• and Sun. C'omple tf' •tock ol tubN A- factory rt-plAl't'TI\C"nt parts. Ph: 345. MESA RADIO 6 El..EC- TRONTCS ro . 179t N.wpon Til\'d 9-tfc RADIO HOtJSP: CAI.LS -NOW that addition.al compt'tf'nt tl'r h· oletan. .,... avallablf' . .,., a r .. ahlf' to makf' ..,.,....,.,., calla on larit .. con11t1lr11 A II Y.·urk 1ruanllltf't'll llAHOU'I L llAMM . S 0 ~ llAdm, JI 't l\tar1nt• Aw• Ph: 780 ll-H1• Radio Repairs All mAllN, t ubM, •le Pb 207. Burt Norton, 91b <:C.>aat lllway. Newpon 8-r h 83·tf•• "Pr;MAL AN"NOmoilCEMl:l"-"TR IA Study Al llunwo RrAI E•I IJ,....n111• Guu i'"tM' :.'f~ S.'f"ur11 )' nldJC PA1ndf'n11, C-11 llf 11.:,101 p No Delay !«flni.ah yl'\Jr kllr h,.n .bathroom tlli th nl'W II)<' hoard. F. P. Waldron T••ll'phon~ ~:i.w WaF-hinJ! MachineR Repaired Plll"h Fnt· All MakN Plr k llf' Md 0..1 .. •ry tn nn.112\·~ "'•~l·•,.i.: "••·htr" ~""r J7fll; :-;..._. l"''t lllvd t°""I• M~u l "'"" .. l'.'iU :'!~•· ttr ('arprntl'r.-Available f11r a-•1r;.•t1l mnt•''""'""' ~ llDtl r• J'Alr 0 Z. R08f.:RTSON ,.,.,, ~··"'-f•'1r-t ._., FOR RENT -Lara~ 1pecto f« atoragl' on Balboa bland. Call 764. 15-4tc &EAL EATATE n VACANT -CORONA OF.L MAR Partially NlmplrtPd houae on eut 11&-of Jasmlnr , south ot Fourth. PrlC't' $2600 llolt. 401!'1 Mt•lrOIW Avr , to. An1:<'1c•1. Ph· N0-2i'rn2. 14· ltC' ... , m SALE ,,, ... h1t!l, i:ood 11<111 & I dr111n111:••. ""'I lot•nftod 1n ('no1l11 M1•1m 11\\n•·r :!17 t-:11~1 1111)' A \',., llalhc10 11.11 p RRO~E HEALTY C'11ro1rn d1 °I Mar SpPdal ri.·1111tif11I Co ft 11.1 1111 M11rii:o1l1I ~t ~111ilh "I lllr lllllt\ ("I"~'' lo1 lll'W h11~11w~• •'• "'' r l•lo1•'il ll1tll hlk I•• '""'•·.u1 fr•'"' \rt u l1·,el hurn• .. ~111• RRO~E RF.ALTY 1 :'\07 ( '011ct 1 lli;hwny rorro1111 d1•I l\111r "\ Phuni· -"'1>4 l~>·lk ------EV A F. HHOOF:)l N""'lwrt. H eiJ!hL~ ;o1.>xl:.'7-fl l11t "''It h .. ""'l'r , $900 (.'o~ta M <':oia !'\1•'•• :\.1111 h•>llM•' w rlh 1:11r11i.:1· on I ,.,.,T ~.,•·•·ll•·nr I\ ini.: 11111'1 $4f10ll Vacant 3 '""'""'Ill hoo1t~•· F.~ trio l11nt•' Iii'· ini.; room, n1·" I) 1!•·1•111111t'C1 ·nl•• 11lnk L11ri:1• 1 .. 1 I 'loo~•· In I °l••I :i M'"" $7500 -Term~ . \'ic•w Lot E'<t'1•ll••nt 1 t"" "' • r hurhor Lol'Jll •ti c•l•~• to 1\n-f1•' ~:tf'10(I Corona del Mar 2 lots. holh h11w• fin!' vlr•w ahovf' OC'f'An $4f>OO t>ach EVA F. RHODEN flrnkf'r 4711 Nl"Wfl'\rl Rlvd rmt11 Mr•H n :rn'1 I 1 1'1\n!'a:'T"'r. Snlt'lmrm Ph . -. w·•·1 t 1 '1f\~ M , . ., .. ·•' .I. ~1 . ~11L1.EJ : I "otj 11001 I .,,,,t I .11 "''"'1••rt llt1ru·h 1 •n y, .. 1r \\'11v 111 l\11 1t .... , f'h""" l ,'1..' Ha ll 1oa f ·'•' r.,, '·ti• tr• • • nt•\r •if f,u,_1n•·'' ''''''''' ''''t11 r "'II '•II'' 1-. nr '' d t touttl t ,, ''"' f,tJ\ 1 r •'.''' l '11-.1a \l1· ... ;1 11'STllM I .\111 '\:l"T \\'1 llll\ 1(.-I"" Hr'"'d""' <"I""' "' 'I I" 1h m~ fl'"r "'•~k .1n•I 1• rr•°'1• I nr •1f rill ""'''"• k1n1!~ f'u•turn lo•11)r-1n lu rni two fll 11·1 ;1.,\<: f\I •,\T li1 f"A:'lo"I IF ('(I' 2'11"1 w r .. ntrl\I A\1· l'hnnP !"1·w1•rrt .:l'.:~'I K F: Y S Mn'1~ \\'hllf' Y<J01 Walt \'f .K: 1-~I .' 1' 1"" !.hi'l l"i Ollll"wt 9fl tfr 111 A<·n·" 1111 ''"I"''' l lh1I ~ J f1llfl pn a 1·rc· H:tlhw, l:--la11 d Attrnt'h\•' u11.-l'r" ''tJ'~'· \\ • " '"' :ti' •t $10,000 .J. ~1 . ~111.l .EH WA="-"TFJI F~l'f'r l l"'at m t'f'han· if-.: :ii••• 'II~ r1• nr•'<I l••,i t rf•t>A ir mnn ~.... :'>tr ~Iii!• r 111 H11\ ~hon· l ·amp 11-t(~ TWl ' RF.I •~ lttn"'""I"'"" m11t I I 11-:-r.1r·i\J. i\PPl.l\'.'('f .~ ant! •r·,... ..,, ,, .. , c:,,,."~( '"'1 ,,, n• 1H~ r.,, .. 11"''' " .. ,,.,I""' '"I I:• 111 I ~· ,,, llrr.k..r l "•'11 11n•I ('1•n1r111 -HF.I .T' \\' A:"Tl :1 I \\'oni -.1 tn A''-t .. f n111thrr of :.! rh•I"'' n !!1• .. m. I• 1 orr1 "'" •:ii· ary 1'1 '\,; r: . .'.:I ,. •I• \\.'A:"-11 I• \ • 1• • "nm~n pr,r· tir,1 •t1.1 .. , ·u '' t .·•' hr t.,, p lnl? <"nil 1;1. • · ';I', ''"" J•yt itli-.1 oft• r Ii • roir "' I ~ 1111 .. ,.,. '.,,,, \\ . ,. ll tit••" l'h•·n• 1 '1.' 1 • It• 'l'f•lHl~ ",.Mi o,. "•'J"h<1n l lrl\•• f:trt11rv ~11••·1 (1•'111 ''~ '" lol'- ;'l."1•w1••rt l\.al'l1 l'l1un•· .::17 1 I! 11\nl 111 \T'J J H\'!o: \'.'nr k 1 l-21p r.:wo .. or " •ti \,•1 I I \I I <.; \ 1::.1•1 , Rt 11 1 ··n·""''" , .. , , no\TM. Mt?r1.rr.it a 1u7 1 '.'• "i·•r' 1:11 •1 1 1rr' 1-.AJ.TY I .\ I. I I 11! '-,\I, I ... " " "II ,. II•' 1 .. ,,, I I' ,,. RE~T "I ' t • I . I \11"<,• tu\-\ ) • 1! ••rt. 111.d • ""'' t ti _ • , ...,.,.1,,r, .:..':\!-\\' H ·tfc H •H Hf '\,'T 1 .. , ''""''''' .. 1 , 1 111 ll11mi· I t f •-'•'' f ••• tfl•. t .. , ., I. t I ' t \\ .. \ TT l ~E~~l·::-i :1 nrl .-\II l\in<I!-nf l !f':<l ,Iii ''lt I Jt Jn \\" ~ .. 1 f•t IH ,, ... : ,, ,•nr;v I 1 n \ I 1 • • • "•" i.'. ~,, If l 1}1q I .,, ,, \ti-. \ ,, f I , ...:"' t I ",If, i> 'I 1'1 1 ' f\t•h \I n nntl ""'' !'• r '.\Ir ~1lw r f . · ·• ,.~, t ii ·"'••" • • r 1n•> 'r 1 JI r , o I• I, 'I 'L•fo• : ' •I< 1-',\ I.I .:.' (• I . '=• ,, "' r,n• r •," ' " f I -• .I,, !1J. t f '.'' 1 I \f ,1!;\i#ln \ I • • 111 . ' I tt I I ' t i I\ '.\ II I I '.I 11 \' •. I 11 r 1 I \t·' .· l '1 lf'•• r-t ,...j • I •t . . , . "' ..... l, tl ••P Un I. ,, 1 • 1 ' ,, "k j I fll I I'' ''"'""' .,, ',. '•' ,, ) . ' I ,,, I \1 ,. I J. M. MILLER H1'Rl E.-.tnte Broker 15th nnd O>nt ml Balboa Corner Lot, Central Ave. 7:1x lllO l~-st l..orntlon for Income Property Balhoa Island A t,1tc Utt le sluoco with 2 pine~ an<t a paUo for only $10,000 '6.000 -·-Costa Mesa On Broadway. OOW" ln 2·bed· room p...-.war stucco. Coda Meu 10 """ on Newpol't Blvd .. A bftrpln at- $1500 per acre J. M. -·-MILLER l&th and CM1tral .. "On Your Way to R&Jboe'" THIS ONE STANDS --J-- BAI.ROA • Phllnf' 1 :M2 H ·ltr ·OUT N1•at :.!-B•~'"""n h1"111~ a mt ·l f11n1lslu-.1 a p:1r lm1•11t:-.. A· I l11C'11tinn 11nil c·ondltinn C.ood I ncornc $Ii.~()() ~ --- COAST PROPERTIES CO. • Jlt-:i\LTt 11t • 70:\ 1-:. Cf>fllrnl Ave. llullxiu • I 'hone llM.1 • (;ertrucl(• A. W alclron Wm. W . f'anforli nltOKEH BHOSE HEALTY (' 11r1111H dt·I Mar :\I )I Morini• llail•111 l•l11nll Minni" z:w.n Coro11a tl1 ·I ~tar Small '.! lo1·!lrn101n 111 •Ill•' 11n!l .:""'''" ""' 1of ll•t. ""'"' 1•••1111 .. n . ""11h "' hlahw11y $li><OO N•·" ~· 111-drltl lunn•• "" 11••.d <·urnr·r $7~00 I ••,·llrnt I J•h ool i.;rwot1 va l11••• Balhoa l ~l an1 I •• 111 l!•n(lfTI homr r11rn ' ''"" ln1'11"'\I' i\ "' I.It I Ir hl11nlt SJ !>.500 Tf•rm:. F:r ,. Lol' at $·S:"1:"10 .~ 1111 l'l·•f• .I. E. Bamf·~ & So11 11108 Nf'WJ>"rt lll\11 ,., •', M r • r11 ...... r11t I Inf iO ., ,,. '' •• , .. '''"'" -;-. r' !IC'I I•. I ,,,., I• f>nly $1.111111 .: B1 ·tlr1111rn If nmt· '~,, ~1 01•11,,1. t '""'' 10 $47r,1 1 Tf'l'tt•' Bu~in1•,.., < '111 1tl'r ,,.,,., ~ J••rt IU\ tt , • I' t • .. 11t, f ' ,,, ... , • .' •·• rlt'" .,. I ., • II 1 $7.0011 T1·1·rn - r·. '' ,,., i•ft :"I"''''''"" ""'' :'\001 th "' I l1i.:11 ..... , $I ><OU ••1 f•• • ••H N"ut t'Ou•U' ~uttf1 ,., llu'""'''' t .. •,·uuuoc ul , ... rn•·r $·S 11111 ,.,., f•·• I "" If,,,, t I tn\• ,. .. , th uf 1111·11" "' I J" I. '"'••11if,ltl vl- $;~1)00 'on I•,., ''" f'"''I" SI n<trlh or lfh•lo,.11\ ~111• Vlt'W • ~:~1100 Hou~~ I l111..,hn•uu flf•U'-• "" -""" ''' t1 1rli"'••' ''I• .111 ,,,,, ''' ttt :V1 II lool ~Ill lll~lrt•tl ~filll 111 Tnm"' 1~. ····-·tt• ""'*'-'' "" :"1 f t ,,., '°'''"'' . r 11 1". IC•"' ,,,,. ,,,, ... ''"" "''•"•' •''" ~'nttl<-,. " .... Hl:'"I· l'.1-.i\l.TY I \ • .. •"' ftii'•11A11\ f I• f I tit \1 If l: .\I.I :11 A •, ',, ,,, . .,,,. ... I'•'' HARBOR INVESTMENT 'COf1PANY Realtors ' 6,500. Jt ... actnK on CanAl. Newport -1-btdroam h0lt¥. Complc•h•ly tumumtod. lmnwdlate ~00. • $ 6,500. Nier -2-btodroom houBr. am. In, wttb • double Rrtl'ftltt', J'lftr1ly rum. Immediate pourMlon. Terms. $ 91750 3-lltodroom honM" ln Nt!'WpOl't I~ Brand new. Tenna BALBOA ISLAND 2 8edrooo1 honvo, Parle Aw. Com~ f\.amlatwd. lrnnwdlatr r..-.....,. $15,000 2-STORY. 4-BEDRM. HOME. ~ bar, lowly patJo: llr.plaar. ~ rumtahfod Inc. 2 Pi«' retrip. $27,000 OCEAN FRONT HOME 4-Jwdroom nc.-ar Baltx. In A-t lomUon. Nlc'f•ly tumlAM<t. lmmMlat• JOll. $13,500 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME '1-l~lmom: 1.&t•r 11"'1 noat. Fully rum. Ouuhw Kan1Kf'. lmme'filRll' pc-. An Excellent Value, $15,000 dn. BEAUTlr:lJL PENINSULA HOME ;\.J\Mhn1111 : nn11lr1n•: h1tntwnod noon. < >n hrn 111111. 1''\1mWM-rl. <)pm few ln- >1111-.·tlun. lrnn11'fll11lf' JIOllU'. $12,500 dn. A REAL BUY 1011 Ft. on C'c'f'lt ntl A~ .. 2 tilork• from I .ltlu Uwn t "'. 1100 Per Fr. Foot SD: US •'OH BUSINDm OPPOR1\1MITID HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors JOlh at 0-ntnl Aw '}'.,.......,_ t- 1 ~ ltC' BALBOA ISLAND I .ari.:1· :l-B1'flrt••n1 llumr• Complc-.l'ly rumlltwd." ln1TMTM' frum 11pt In n-11r. -Vanant. lmnwcll11t1• l•"""''Wdtwt. 1•1 Nl'W. fii•lli,:htful. :l·t ... l.,••n homr, larp llvbw room. fin•1il1u'r, hl'frnllful kih.ikon wtth ~ ri.~1 nook 1&li11l .. tu"""'" fo't'flt'f'<i In yd .. 1.-.. i.:11nt1w with plt•nty of "'°"'Kr llJWl''ll' 111tcl 1t1-f 1111..i (1t,... ,,, .......... lmm.'ftl1tlr ~- $ W,400-Yi Down l •I F n" H 1-: s T H 1-: s" I.Ts. I. 1 s T w r T II us 1.INWOOI> VICK 1 'hflnr ~1'1H-M :\I'.! M .11 HI" /\ ,.,. '"'"'"" ll'land t~Up I.ff!" .. ,,II ""' I lllvt1 . S'l"" ~'''"""''' I'•. f tr tUU'• f 1ltf ,.,, .. i ': t ..... n lo\ ''"'fl• f J-. f, '"''•to ..,.,.,lf•·r II II• I A1l < >11 l 11·11i11l'l11la ""'"'''' f • +t I •upl• ' ~~7:-,11 Ha v Fr•1rll I .i•b !"\• \; '"' ' h• .,. ,. , ,,_.' MOHST TO LOAN • l.llAN>C TO lllllU>. lluy .......... m .. ,,.m1,. .. "' r•ftne,__ N""P'•r1 lealb• ,......,..., Ba ..... atl•I 1,,..n A-o<'l•Uoa. 11333 Via f '°'' N•,..._ YO" LOAN8 I :---: . \\' ;~ u .. d J'I 111111 "11 rt1•' t fl 111' ' I 1, .. ·' t 1 ,,, II , t tU t••"I '•1 2 ll flll-11•~ ••II I l .11t At t •.,r""" ti• I ~1 '' ,,,,..,, :orool 1'11 111 l l0.()1(100 ~., 1 ·s II \•111 rwN1 mrlflf'y l'.t}'"" "" 100 •11 Y1111r I~ I• • • • J•oll I l11r11~ JI•!· II·•·•• ~ L; , 1• ·I' ..e1•r u L:;•' .:! 1!"11 JI I '\, \\' :.:! B,·dn1•1111 lf 1,11w I t '•rill rl1I '" r '"'' I• I \\1,.MI rltt1fr .,. f !Jt p l II'• $j.(!lf1l1 I l • "' •tfl Jtt 1t I I . ,, I· t ,,,,, •• t ··J I II , ... ,, •I ' if• if I• t ••• , •• '·'''" ',., ,.,,,, k•' l ,. d ., . ,, f-. B:1r1 ,., ,C· .._. '" 1••111 :-;rw1 .rt 1•1 I & , •• ' " /\f,J" t 11 m :1 1 •• ''' "'''' "'..,,_'" ,, Ff • •" d , • • r ltf' h n\. 1•1if 111ft • , , .,, , I' · •. ,., w, I T 1• •' •!••I \I I I 111 I ''1 '' fttf I •I I I , I•• I 111. \I. ~1'1 ATlt KJIU llANOP': 411 I . , ..... ' I ' ft I •'•' . ' t , I• ·. ,,,, ft I •' , ·'' n ~ .. , ,. II I ft· 'I t•1"1' 1 .. 1 s .. 11 •• 'I ,•+ 1 If . ' ,, t ,, ',,.,,j . t ••• ,,, 1, ,, ••It ' I 11 •• n. '" • r ·I• "'''II llr• 11, ., •I <•hi. ''•IC 1 \ In . I 1 • It $I,. ,;,1111 1 Jf1irrw 11 11 l11·11i11-11la I ,, ~ pl '' • ~I 1;.111111 I ,-.,, "' ''" ' 'ttre ·r, '" k~ 11nd Trau.,.. F1 ·1l1·ral F inance Co. INr 421f No~>""~ I. .J 0 I ! fl i\ '.\ • t ,.,. 111 I ~'\ '~ • 11••11 l 'h"'"' A:tflfl 8 Ant• Ana, C'Allf. ...... t l'h 11 If• I ltAl'TCJ!' WANT&D WE NEEO I.ATE MOOEI. CARS and WIJI Pay Top Prices SF.I.I. YOl:H CAM N< 1W While l'rt""' :11'1'' tflht1 ~ for c..-cow1.f'CJllc; t 11' •·1 "h11 wlll <·aU and llldvb9 you l"f.'Kllr"llntf fl1'1\ N'\."'ltlntiona. millnc prl<* utd an"ftllP All tlf't.1tL .. CULBERTSON Cl I EVROLET CO., luc. ~"'an I r 1111 .. rwit1U. 1..-. • Slt·C'trir Gr'i' J\11l1M')A 13-311' '-I I . ' II • ~II 1>$-ttc: I .. II• I I" ft • dtil It I "*',.''"•lt1'1 ""I ' ~ I .l Ill I I • 11 '1 -nn :-o.tNI. ,...wi~"' lk'41rh "1.!. f)CHft. ~ ~ • ~. F*-z !!, INI Pi Beta Phi Meets I Legion Auxiliary j H b In Laguna Beach I Issues Invitation ar or ~ county Pi B<'ta Phi wlll I A cordial in\'ltation 11 1~su"'1 all 1 Feminine Activities New Den Formed in Club Pack 105 ; Charter· Renewed, Advancement Awards Presented Cub Scout Paek-105 met Fri· boys rt«•ei\'l'd new regi.tratiOti' day evenln1 at the Newport Bt'ach carda. Cubmutl'r H. 0 . Boyvey, Grammar ldlool with "Magic" as assisted by T<'x Tunnell. eave out the subject of the·evenine. Den 1 the advan~ment awarda u fol· mMt TU84ay, Feb. 26 at 12:30 ladif'11 or th<' harbor aru "hu 1trt· + Wln1tred Ba....._ p.m. at ~ home of Mrs. Myrella 1l "ll1t1hll" to JOtn 1 hi' Am1•rir1111 1 ..... I --=-~=:.:.::=-:.1::;3_and=.:::....;208;:.:.::.....-------------B~y__ a Ulll:' S. 'nlalnM, 442 MyrUe avrnue, 1lon Auxiliary to llll<'nd the din· J R B I IM. C ) T Lasuna lkach. Member• are t.ol ner whieh will be 6:1\'l'n Monday Mrs. a mes ay, . ., ISS aro erry • .....-iie Pham 1637-R ,F~~~ :'I Assistance League took the award tor skit. With a lows: Donald Holl, Tommy Perk· ...... aandwlctwl and aalad and 1•\'f'ninK. F1·h. :t5 at 6:30 p.m. at Named President of Speaks to Ebell clmaert will ~ aervt"d by ~ 00.· the Leeton hall. D G B k S · ...... . tricks and answered questions in bt>ar badge: Gary Ro&tn and Ml· ....,.. .. ~ ... ·:' ~ Discusses Plans for ci-er horse which performed ins. Dennl'rs Stripea; Peter Kllcie. .__ ·atiOSt· 10 whum the 1n,·11at1nn 11 0 . C. el ta ammas oo ect1ons · ': Annual Spring Party a ma&ical manner. Den Mothers chael Woods, b<'ar silver arrow; • ___ aft Mn-Dora Hill and Mrs. Haskell Hinnant and J ack Raub,, Newp0rt Circle Meets W cdnesday l'Xtended are wlvNI, m11t lwr11. daushtt>n. ""cl 1l1tl'ra nf any rnPm· t>e•r of the American 1.A-1lon or wlvrt1, moth«'rs, daughtl'rs, and 1ls· lf'ra of any dl':Ct·a11cd aervlce man. Mn. J"mrs D. R11y. :.!:!5 1 'orttl Miu Carol Tl'rry, Balh ... 1 l8l11nrl. ""·nur. Jlt1lho11 hl1rncl. wns rl1'l't"d was SfK'akrr at lhl' joint ttH'••l 111~ pn·1ldrnt of 11r11n1:<· e11unt y chap-•>f flnok SC"cl Iona I and .: "' I h•• tl'r, fH>ltn Gnmma ;o..;a111on11l t'ttl· 1 t:lit'll r luh hrld last w .. k at th<' :.• Plana tor the annual aprinit Blanche Rogt>ra. , I wolf ailvcr arrow; Tommy Hill and ::I brnrfit party of the Newport Har· Den 4, w ith Mrs. Tc-x Tunnl'll Skipper Hitchcock, wolf badse; · ;4 bor branch of the Orance County and Mia. Viola Perkins as D<'n I Gregory Wright, wolf silver arrow• , Auiatancw-league wrre dbcuu<>d Mothers. won both the nllendance and dennl'rs 1trlpe1: Robert Ellll, t at the ln<'t'ting held 1\iesday al and ha.dl<Taft awards. Included kc-eper of the buckskin; Pat Con-Newport Ctrdc of Olrtat Olurch l•'KI' W•mwn'• frnl1·rnit y. nt the-duhhnusc. Mrs. H11rr~ \\'1·l11h, bf the ~ wUI meet W~Hday. Mrs."D. W . Holtby went to Jni:i<" m1•rlinl{ h1•lcl Thursday 1•\Nlln~ 111 f'l1111rm1111 or Se<-tion 1. pn·wlrl•·d L. . the ~ of Mrs. Willard Kil· wt>rt' a clever handwoven picture ' nell, wolf gold arrow; Jack R.eecl. I ~. lion. 901 Via Udo Soud. frame, a llhip model made by Tom lion badee and webcloa badge; Feb. 27 at 1 :llO p.m . at the home wood Sunday to atltnd 11 layHte 1111• hnml' rif Mrw. C'. \\'. 11111 lqn, and Mrs. H. V. Snodgri•''· 1•111111" of Mn. D . W. Holtby, 1518 Wf'llt ahow<'r l(iven for twr d 11ughll'r ·tn· l:.!fl Tn1111z 11w·nur-. f111ll .... 1 lsl11ntl mnn of S<'rlion •2, lntr11d1.1 1·d lltt• <>ceen FronL law, Mrs. David W . Holt by jr. , M rH. nny will surr•·l'rl Mr11. l 'h11rl1·s, SIJl"flker. I Bt'autifuJ Virginia atodc.a from Pt•rkins, a coatwne by Terry Gib-Fred Neabltt and Michael Hillman. the gardm of Mn. Cameron n.on.. son and some bt>autiful handwoven I bear gold arrow•; Douglu Boyvey, were~ aa dttoration and assist· pillow IOJJ9 by LeRoy Batea, an chit>f of Den 3, den chief cord. miiiiiill•iiiii-----------------------·1 1·:a1on. whu rM1~n··cl l>l'raus1· of l\11~.s T1•rry pro\'cd 11 1lr:o11111tir I~ ..... G ft lllnrss In hl'r f;irruly ~pt>Rkt·r. holding hPr nudu·n(-.• r ' . -Inc hostrwft at the buffet lunch· art which had been taught LeRoy'a 1 Thl'me of the next Pack meet ,._t..... Mallllr ci Prlc.ISS. i e e a• /I. eomplimrnlilr)' ntt!t• Wlh ro•:ttl spl'llhound AS lltw told lllt• ~tor)' ~ :<.~' ~ • ~· i• UIR I from Mrs. Te1tl•'. national \'If'•'·' of h11"' sh" ramf' lo ch'"''" "~ il ;; " •·• ~ '; 41 eon •·ere Mn. R.otJw1 Walker and father many yt'ars &iO by hia on March 15 will ht> "Her<X'tl From _·,a Mn. John Parb. KTandmother. •1 Booka." A U S T I N P 0 r I r. a •• I llrt'Nllll"nl nnrl ~islt•r of :'\tr~ \\'all1·r ran:•·r !ht• lift' Of a m lll ... 11•11.tr> '" " .- 1 ~pir•·r. whn ro·l'•·ntly ,.1,.11r-d (';tli· lnd111 Shr wu on her w~v '" 111111 t rnmht 1•hnritrrs 'l'tws ~ .. ar th•· nil· country whl'n the J1tpal"'"' ftr1·cl I tlnnal c·onvl'nlt••n 11( !>..Jin c;nmma 110 P<•nrl Harhot and 8h• \\:1q 111· I Mrs. Walton Hubbard Jr. pre-With Mrs. Hill and Mn. Rogt>rs -------- • •idrd a1 the bumwtl mtttinc and oombin~ ttie1r eubs in Dl'n 1. Speaker Reviews most of the aft~ wu 11th'<'n a """' Den 6 wa.s formed from part I . °'~to dlltuuinc the apring party. of Mn. Jack Raub·s Den 7, which History of Rotary BRONZE PORTRAITS ~!~:!'041 ~I MANY AS DISlllD I • I l•c• Size . ,, .. ,. te Stltcf fr•• AUSTIN STUDIOS ~:~ We_. f.tly equipped to ta•• ~ ,.._,,.,,."' H.,... w Clturc• Al •u•11 .-12 te 6 P.M. e•ery lun4ay ~ fW9 er ....... Rl9hl1 per week 508~ N. Main St. Phone 14fi.1 Santa Ana DAD..Y HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Friday A Saturds.ys 'til 8 p. m. N ·T 2·21 Announcing the Opening of a Complete will It.• ho,Jtl a l 11t1• 11 .. 11 I lhml· 1•·rn1•d Ill lhr l"hllippmt•' 111•! ·•I ln1:1rin. p11,.1ulf"nn. July t11 to t :1. S11n1n Tomns nnd thl"n " 1,.1>1 A rt·frMlhmf'nl ro1ir~" "'IL~ !wn ·· Jlnnos rnmf)!I Appointed aa the committtt in had gro"''?I too lar1t«'. and the new --- I char-it.-w~ l!olra. T. WHton J11y, Den Mothl'r chos<'n is Mrs. Vir-Mac 0 . Rohbins. insurant-e brok· <"hairman: Mp. lfubbent, !\In ginla Sule. I er from Sun la Ana rrviewed brief· 1-d ll\ :\Ir~ 111111011 "Ith Mrs 1111~ ;\Jr~. J\'rr~n plnyo-d S•' •.ti 111·· l11•1t1 f11l 111ano numhf•n • •• ttl\ 1 :1~ /1"i~t1ni.; ""'t'·'~· anti :tfl••l\1 ir<I I I . ..1 t t Jt t•Jn• r'"'1 mf'm >c•n w 1•r1 t•t • ..... n , It prncrnrn '" on1t·r1·'<! , . ., ••1'• '"t I :tnd 11 ... jrnnl m<•••tln1-: " " 11 11 i d••nl" In 11..i1n r.11n1111·1 "'•' "" 1 1 ~ \\111i~ Whit.-. !\Ira. ~·ln~d The srouu St'nl Siii 10 lhe ly tht• lus tnry of ihl' Rotary club 1 ~~ktJ'llOl'I. Mra. ~e flol!lt••m I World F. rit·nd.~lup hlhd "1th whi<•h for membfors or lhe harbor branch IJr and Mrs. GecKgr YantJ.-y Scoutinit is to Ix' re-ntabllshcd in 'f'Ut·sday 1111.h• .S:tturdar la to be Mrs f:\•'T'f'lt ~lnn-t.S ro•portrd un Europe and Cubs were reminded 1 he• 4 lst nnnl\·1•n11ry of th<' found· . I do·nt11l . rw-.-da ol chiJdn•n in thC' I of tht' "shirt off yo1ir h:wk" t•:im· Ing of lhl' intc•rnullonat scrvke or· ""'"'''ti ~· '' rt1• 1utu 1' 11• i .. , nl for ~, ... , .• '" " '' :l~ I• nnrH·C ~ 1' I" ti 1111\ rir:o:t 1un1· ''' •·· ;\f,,, l f1•l1·u ,\nn at rh \t ·'' :•r. Al th1• sod:ol hn11r ;\Ii• \\','•lo <:r11ntly ••I ll1tlhn.1. ,,,..., l·'r11n1-. .. \• :'\ill .11111 :-,1,... ll1·l1 n T ;o..;,m .1111nr :iml ~Ir' Sn<icli:r·t'<~ pn·s1tl•1I 11 •It• 1111Cal ~~arnrna.r sc."hools. • pnh:n a nrl nrl" n~k"d to hring anr 1-:an1zu11un Actl\e mMTlbM-s JlrMll•nr mdulf. 11rlil'lt• of cli1<car<Wd Scout rloth· AIH1t1t '27 ml'mlH•rs nnd l:ll<'lll '~ IN-MN!d.'.Unr\< Arthur I. Rt'l'I. mi: lo the next Pack mee ting. lw:trtl llw progrs1111. arrnngl'd by 1 ••I Suntu \n.• ::ii: ,.':·:~~,':;,;11~:~\~ 1 n,:~:~r1,1.".~';~ ,': 1 "~•;· I-. P: Rot1dmnt, Hod<•r,,.k B11mh11n1. Tlw t'l111r11 r ,1r 1'1u·k 111·1 h·o~ P . /I.. C"hamhrrlnin at \Vhilt's Bal· ~tanl··> <:•11m l1t r:. \\':ifl,•r t"r:i1•1 h•'<'n ri•n1 \\i•<I fur 11, ,1 ·""'t ,;1111 .lj; bQa Island. ,.,,, . ...,,.,., it ''•·· 111t • ''' • "''rt' (',11u11t11 11 :'.fr..-; • 1 ·r .Joti11 .. 11 11.t ;\Ir' II \I \\ l111 •f n1ol \It :\1 :'Il l• 1-:t1 11 .. 1;1·r~ lrnm ~.,.,..,, • ""'"'" 1111.! \1 " '·'" "'"1 1 \n;t '11' ll111i1h ll•oltl1•n, J\11 "11• Id I ,.,\1•r"1I (,ardtn•·r. \'lt'tor Cr:H• .I Add,iJ!Ofl r.url•·~. E ;\f lla1 · • ' , -------------------~~~~-----.., K:t.\ 1·• '" ••. l'ritJluim "' ('t1'1:a .!:irk llillrr:m n R I l•l(lt-1<111, ... l I E \It~ .I ,\ ll11•tld111n. l\titl\\'tt) t'tl)•; I \\ ,.t.f, 11111·•·1· 111111 :\1rR c I 1: •• 11 ,,, .... ,. I' I tuft ,, .1l1tt\ •. 1 .... ,,.. ... c; • .,.,l"C .. Jlnl<!dn. \\ .tl•··n I ltflolo ti " xpert ~, •• , \\',111 . I ·'I''' t '" \1,... \l,1'1 l l.1r\M', \11 ' .l.i fltl••' ll:o), :"ll rs c· \\' 1111t 1 .. 11 "'"' r;11111t11 .11 ..i "'' ,.,.Ill c 11111 ... , ••. ·nu· r1• '' r11• 1·•1th: \\di t.• 1n M11r1·h ti th•• 11 .. 111•• •If ;\Ir~ \\ .d. lln1•l1ord 11.:-. s .. 111h ltt1•1 .,,.,.,., ~1in111 i\n.t I Mesa Scout Leaders Discuss Co. Council I Mr~ \\'1111fr•'<i ll11l<1·r. c·1111nl\ 1·x· I t•t'U lht'. 111•'1 \\l"l llto• lf'n ltH':tl l1•111i1•r' l11ttf tft"'ll~~t·tl lllnns f11r 1t r1111n1v.wlcl1• 11ri:n1111ntlo11. It t~ plnnnrd tn hn111 11n•1t1wr nt•'t't 1111! !mnn n t N rwport. Tirnch. C-011111 l\lt<'n h1111 thr•••• tru•'J'll with 1~ nr mor" t.?lrl11 Ont· nf thf'lr r••C'f'nt nctlvltif'11 h1111 IM><'n fh(' 11ldln1t nr tlw p11r11ly11l11 f11n'1. ror whi('h th<')' N'lllt'f'lrd $40 Thry h11vr nlll(I ~n 111krd hy ~11ntn Ann tn ht'lf> m lfl'('f fund.~ for thr /\11!10· n11tlon for thr Rllnct. " rounty ~f•up, 11nd nn fl1hrr 11nlki111tlom for thl11 will hf-111k<'d hy t1ny othM' anup A nomin11tln1: mmmillN' wit' n11m1-d, mMTihPr11 N-in1t Mn Mii· rtr~I M11llh<'"''ll. r h11lrman . Mrll ('rl111 \"11n Alkrn 11nlf l\fr11 J'lornthy ~hr•rlr /\ lfnl<' Wl\ll 'rt fnr thr """' \ourt of H onor. whl<'h will t'C' hrld fln April 2f\. and lhi!l will hr I hr 111111 c•nr of I h•• ~ ""r Margaret L. Scharle t MMT'ltlf'r Mulitr Tnrhrn1' A._,.n , nf C"~fomin I Teacher of Piano Or,:11nl!lt • ArNlmJlllnl~t l't-..ao: M'7 0.W-rod A.-- ('of'Olla..,, Mar Pll<lSF:· NF:\VPORT 1046 I I .. ,, fl'Hfl) =-''''''1vn 1. Tl"' "' '' n~···· on~ or • · . 1 1• di , ... I • Id '"' hom• " '!1' ( 'o•ll'I I· 1,1 I ~ h\ t•ntaf' ''" \1 1 j 1 l:l .. ,. .. --... ·1111 ~· \\ tll "''' t \1 1!11 1\lr• ~:11) I h :-.1. rl"kt'I, l lol r: t\ 1- 1.11111. 1111 \l:orc•h 11. Friends Surprise C. D. 1\1. Matron On· Birthday 1 h•• "' tit" l"''''"r"'"r" :a1111 .. arln1: ir ·r \\" 1 r \\' 11 1 1 B • • In '"" ~lld"·lnfrr UallC't" llr\I .. ,..., lin~. llr•~::;,t":--11~~;11 .m: 11~'.,_. t·;:t 1 ; I ea LJ t I ( I a n s 1·rhh ,\ • I "''· '!'!, •I lb,. f:twll ;\lorn< F .I P nrk1'. I •"·•II ~n11 tlt '1""1"'""" ti::, i ·r··n .. h ,,r,...I. Ht•••·rt \\'alk· r. \\"tlh,1•n \\"h111 jr I '•"'" '"'•· Ttw 1.r•<r•m i .. ·1••· 11n1t 1;...,,n:•· Y:irdl•·> Jr for l\'lilady •••r•·•I h)· l'I f 'hapt•·r Hf l'ic-1 lnacll\t• :ind ~U-<lainins.: m•·m· Tan 1• .. 1 and : .. pr ..... ·•t..J "' pu· hf'n W•·r<' :'\I A .\ht"'". F: T • P.:rmanc1.11s. C'.u_IJ \V.ovc. H.111 1111 ... "' lh•· c.rtlc·•· Sht1un .. S.·ltootl I C'hnprruin jr . Cam• mn ·moon. Ed· S1;-1tn:. H .11r T mlln(! · • • Bll'otdt "' Uanl"lfl«. car Ifill. r . A P.ilmf'T'. F E Rf"m· mg, C ... IJ W aw. -hol<t. ~11snn Rultwrr •• rd :md lluu~· RU'Tli . A"-:'\ . CAR.\fE'-tO 11on \\'1f1w-npr-tCJn. -~-..... ......... AJI ~ ............ _ ... ,_ --·te: ..... 117 \\'h1 •n 11 t;r1111p uf frwn1I• .-o•li t <'11 111 lhP I l11h:1r1 l..t111d h . .,,. Col. Wm . Cushman Speak at St. James First Annual Meet Small Sisters Share Birthday Honors :\'art·•~""" 11\•r11t1•". ( ·nrun.t ti• I \I •r '" I \\ii 1 •m I ·11,.hman Farnum. \""tan Lnrr:ul1i'. "'" ;ind p31,, Th11r.;1l11~ • \rn111i.: In '<•trp•t'• \11 .. , "m111 1ntlttt ••flll'•'r , f 1lu• S:tnta 1 ...... ..., •. nnr. «m·1ll ff:111~·ht1•n ~I 1 .. 11.i \\llh " l11 rllt1l:11 r• 1!\ !I• 1 ,11,1 ''""~ ,\tr 11,, .... '"" ho• cw,..t llr :in'1 :'\l f' \\' \\. (" tr1M'. l!l:.r. Balboa Balboe ... Arrade Inn Beauty Salon f1•t•ntl lwr In 1h1• loldtt 11 I• 1l.,1 · f lrt•:in f10111l·\.1rd. lt1lho:1. rt•lt'- 1 If I . cl "' hnn••r a net "flt·•' ··r ,et th•• fu ""' I 1 1 t• r"• n 11rlh :o,\' 1•:tk1· 1r:1t1'< I "'tr h1nhd.i~" F n d.i) "tlh 1\~ 11t1• c11•·~1 .. 1 am•· '" •h• •I •·t :1111111111 1'1trtwh1.tl 111 ... •11r1o· anll •tin-a r-:1rty '' ":••,,..fl tu ;,. dittk•'n• 1t II\ 1n J· ,u' .. f :-O:t .J.u11', Eru"'•~'•nl ~"hur,·IL ,.,.Yni: c 11•-ii;.f41 "•·rt· ~.i:.t• ft ;1t rt•1111 .11111 In frtml 111 til• J .. 1r " 1• ,, 1, 1, .I 1 •. l1o ltl al lit•• f:l•·ll ~mall t ahlr~ .1fl• r s:.am1·" hatl 1 ... ,.11 a h111;1• lw111qt1o·1 111 \\h1lo• "" '''l' · l'illloltt•ll"' ·n1,.,f1 a\ ''"'l1tnL:. F..ti pla}• •I i nll tu<'lur•-.. t.tkt•n F.t1·1l ''"" rmrl ~tod<'. \\1th "1111111" 1111 •h :.!Ii ""'' ltr:mt h:itl an 111dl\11t11:il 1·:t~ .. d!t)'" lthtl\'•' •Hl I r11r 111111n ht .Il l, C"ol F Rrnum is II po·rs .. n.11 fr1t•f't1 1l11"ralt-d m rlink :onJ \\hito· "''" whlrh hnd l)C"<•rt 11rrnn~1 .. t h1· ~Ir of 1 ht• \'tt'llr It••\' Arcl).9 T J"')o•an .11·11n1llN, 111nd o lhl"nc wrrr ,...n ·f'f1 l .<111<! and lichh•d with n 'l••I· fto mt•rl\' t'llrt•'ll 11 1 SI i\n<lri•\\"ll f,-.,m a lart;I" <"1'kr to i:n "'•lh thf'ir ll1:hl rr1lh1·dr;1I. l11in11lulu A cJ1~1tm:u1sh· k¥ CT'.'3 "'-r.11··~ts 1111111pl1·d 11)1• t·11kr lo11k1-d ,,0 ehurchmon. itw Nllon.•1 hall Aatatmi: •ith ttw p.1r1y •wi an hy lh" h•m•in'<". nnll nl<u Uw liirth· M'rvC'd aa vrslf')'TT11'n 111 nurnM·oo" aunt. Mn Nrla Olllf'n Younl? d11y 1•11kP d•••·or:1t1•d lli th whit<' l-:l""""l>1'1 J'lltf'lllhi'S in <"tlira •·tN-n-IP:Uf'Sh lndudrd J-DP Tl'mple Ill. I dm:•·"· ponk rn~,.111111 .. and r11ncll1"11 hf' hllll hcc'n 111111nn...-t dunnl? h~ Eui.?""'." l.aPerle IU, 1..utht"r ~k­ "'htt'h hud '"~·n hr11uJhl hy Mr11 lonit llrmy carM'r rr, Sh1rlry Jran 1""1f'TllOfl, Robena Jo•rph I It· Trmpl1• "" hn.s tx-c-n 11 lfl'li·c:ur 10 thl" u...ir nl lloll)-.ood and Vf'lmn Enjoylni; tht• r\'r nini ""t•re Mr., G<'nl'rlll C..ort\'Pntion .. r F:r~I and Cl\ar. IPS l.aJl«ley nl PIWldM!a 1rnd Mn John .In.~ l1•n. Costa Ml'Sa: <"hur('hc'S, "''him i11 th•• i;o\·r~tngl - Mr 1111d l\lr11 \\ht! Jll'lmll, New· body. from th<' OIO<'f'v> .. r Kan~ll FrK'nCh of M"' f'fft.-Harmon. porl Tirarh :\fr "nd Mrs. J)C" I nncl h 1111 n Ltiy R<'11df'r's h""YLC<' In :.!7rh ,.,,.,...,, arr i;lad to""°"" thnl T••mpl1• TI1olhoa, .11111 Mr nnd Mn l hl" l\IO('('llf' of Lm AnJ?elea. Bt'fon-hrr 1njunra, •·h11f> f:url) ~. Lnud <'Omlnr. to S A/\ATI hf' w its l"Ol'Tl-cl1d nnt 1nrludr a hr<rk•·n htp. •·h1('I• ---m"ndmi: 11ff1N'r at Timnn and had •·u f,.llh'd, l'lnd ctw r Nurno-d ti.nm.• Girl Scout Leaders Pf"'\"loo11ly hf'rn N'lfl'lmanlftni: of. 'I uPMb) llnd IC n~11ni; ""~ti) :\In. Pl S C I fiN'T nt llirkam f'trld and 13<-lla-'ll 1 llumon shpp.11 nn :t rw: and w:u an umm er amp f'lt•itl, (lahtl, """ "ac In thr tcl:iflds thl'O'l'TI ~' ,.,,. r1•.Jm. CJlf'ncltnlP; during lhf' nllark on P1•arl llarhnr lhr ...... ri •·net 1n th<' tio.r1ttiil Si~•~ 1"1rh.>r 1;111 Si-outs ••ml hn,-.· th•· 111•pnrt•1ntl\ In attend a ----All kinds f)-prwritM' nhbona in ~umml'r r:tmp ;ii Rt1t 11(-ar this Anaheim Oubwoman •lode at the-s-..... Timt'$. • Oc-eaa f'ront at-the Pier Cotton Wash Dresses New Arrivals Fine Quality Chambray Gingham Stripes and Solid Colors Sizes 9 to 18 Mak~ \'our Self'CUon Now Orkin's DEPARTMENT 1793 Nf'W'port Bh'd. STORE COAt& M.,.,_ ~"ar. m'<wt1tni: in Mn. Esther To Give Book Review t 'h11pnrnn. lt'<'~I • 1rnp r h11lrman -----~------· --- Sh•· 11nnn11nr··• that r11mp plans For Capilla Circle "111 ,,.. mmpl1•1t·d :\hn·h ~ at a IT)r••1int; with l\1"' Hrnrlette Mr11 ntana N"1drk of AMI· 'Skip('l<'r" All"n '.\!~ Martha hrlm. prominent rlut:M·nmiin, •ill Jl(1w 1•. ln<'A1 A•~•><·t.illon pnosldftlt. 1:h·.-on<' of her lnt«'T'f'Stlntt book 11nd l\tn CArnwlita \1nrt'nt. r f"Vit"'·• at the fll'XI ITIP('tifll? of An lrr.pnrl;i nt Rlrp In the ct.-Capilla C"lrdt>, to he held W~- ' l"l1•pm1'nl .. r 11 •11m~r ramp rwo-1 day. Fr h '.."7 111 Corona del ~hr crnm fnr l l11rt .. 1r Seou11 wtll be-I Community chW'<'h i\t 2 p.m lhr r••nt1nc "'an l"Stablished camp - f1•r I\\" ",., 1-.< llri:lnnontt July 3. B h F . d H ,, rn11nd1'tl P'"Ol!Tllm lncludJntt eac ~ten s onor "' "''· h1 k111.: 111•r• ... 11ark r1d1ni. Mesa Bride-Elect 'wm11rnnc in :i "i .. ton1111n pe>ol. out. "·••r 1'1• •koni.: ·•nil i:~m.'I •111 he •·•m1ltwt. rt '" • prM•»l•mal ramp thr• 1 ,,,, '''i ... '• •t t,, t•oun~rlorl. 1.r11h ,-.1·. •I,,~, n lrt•m trnon1: fht' l•w tf "''t'Jt 1, • 1, ,., 1 Jninr l•r"O· ,., ,.. if."' \\ ,_ "1rrt.. szirl11 -f uh. • I '' 1• H rt 1r tr•'lOJl!IC. '" lln.t 1 · ·< I '' 1 ~··rlr\' nnlf ·" •hll ~·1 1 • l'I •·1 s:l~I' will II ! ,. •ll\" :\1,.. ,., '"' h11ck1·1 Mu .. 1111 .l•·an .1.m..,. '..'1 •1:> 1 Ir· 11ng" avrn11r ('net a :\J..,.a "t-.. c•• 0111r1:tcr In \\'allf'r ,\It" re. 1< 11• h" an •. , • n t of n.-."1 "'''"' h ":..c ht1n . orf'd nt 11 ki1rhrn '"''""r nn F• I• 11 nt thr hflm•· "' 'Ir' .lim Pi--111<- I•"' l l11n1m1:•1m fl-·:tf'h ";111 n:or. bl\rn f"r1n~I"" 11nrl I tr l••r"' I' •I.· • n~h,.,...,.,~.<it ~rt,,\ t1••'tn• th ·n'• \\1'11,•d ·i rt.,,,,t1o1 1·ut :"• frt• .. ltt•11 t"1f \1 tf1\ 1• P ( \\' '. I • ' I\. ft I ' • "· t ·1 ..... p r't••ncz,•c f't• .. •If "' r• 'l . '"'!•, , rut fhAtfh1~lh·r 11,..t1,, '''"' \",, ,, .• ,, I • ,. l"'i:in111n1; :111 ... -~ 11. \•·rh .t1i I \" 1· .1 · 1·:\t1'nfl1•,1 ,,, .. '111 t'r'd"' I I' SHORT SLEEVE ·, • PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY STORE I, I I ' II' " 111 ltl("fll ,1,. .. 1 ·111 ... · ,,, ~· •'J.'l'l\ll••i.:" lltld""' ~Ir< \ t '• ··• 1 1·111111• In : • ' \ · •1 1 • t• 11 \f 1 ... IN' t .~ ' •• ,, • f \J, . ..., '1" I'"" \It' '\1 11 · T 11rk1 r '"" I~ 11I•11 1 l't ,. • ' the nnrl ''r~ l't 1»,11°\\ ll1111t111.:11•n I B· 11.-11 Before You Build or Remodel . .. Everyth'in~ for both the Amateur and Professional Photographer , H. J. Forsythe 315 Marine Ave • Balboa Island • ,·l!&lt our lnlf',.....tlnit qmplf- and d~·~· rnotn.'l. . . . Cohw l.."ltttlt~. pl.m· nine aul~. c'llfllJ'I'-'· hPn"l\\' ~l •it'k of n1i.:o;;, 1':-tfll('f,. :in<f lino•l1'11m. , .... &IM'CI • Rr,..ir...cl ' LUDLUM Carpet Works Ir.'! ""111111 )llht "l. ..... 8ellta A-. UM 1'.\STA A.~,\ -· f ITZPATRICK 'S at ~lhM I' ,