HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-28 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl SAND CRAB ~ SAM MDIOKIAL' DAY. Thi:I Thursday marks another Memorial Day -the 80th - In the nation's history-a day to which is consecrated the deeds of our departed heroes. 'Ibey have fought to bring peace to the natioo, but 1.hose who retumed---Old they enter a country full of peace or turmoil? What is the answer to all this dis- cord; do our leaders know what it is all about and If so, does it resolve Itself Into a question of self, ot being elected, of saving one's self instead of saving the coun- try• In 1863, while the Civil War.,still raged. President Lincoln at Gettysburg, eulo- gized the dead in such a way that his declaration has lived through the years, as follows: "It is for · us the living to be dedicated here to the un- finished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedi- cated to the great task re- maining before us -that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they( gave the last full measure o devotion-that we here hig h- ly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain- that this Nation, under Goel , shall have a new birth of freedom -and that Govern- ment of the pei>ple, by the people. for the people shall not perish from the earth."· + + + Truman's Defl. The short speech of President Truman the other day fo und a re- .sponsive chord in a majority of the people. Yet this guy, Senator Morris. who called him a ham actor, is about as piffling a solon with really nothing on the ball, either as a remedy or a solution for the railroad situation, who can be found anywhere, es- pecially in the sea ts of the law ma kers. Whether the thrht of the railroad chiefs at retaliation or the shouts of Le\vis-l to stop coal pro-- dliction, 11re presented, the fact remains that the public, as represented by the presi- ~ dent. should be paramount above any group in or out of unions or congress. + + + Constable Race. T h e r e are three men in the race for constable in the Newport j Beach township -Herman Childs, Frank Vaughn and Shelby Kanagy. The latter has indicated he might not run again, which leaves Childs of Newport a n d Vaughn of the Mesa, in the coniest. Of the two tae Crabber prefers Mr. Childs, who has been a constable in Indiana before he came west and has been policing the South Coast Boat Co. yards for several years. + + + Joe Caner. Just a bit of a boost for Joe Carver and his Carver Craft building on the boulevard at Costa Mesa. Joe is home after several years of service overseas and has struggled and put his en- tire savings in making his building ship shape. He has been a resident here for years and has an engaging personality that will bring him new friends-and busi· ~success. + + + Frog Jumpers. \Vell the lo- cal Lions are going to roar June 16 \vith their snappy carnival and the latest is a frog jumping contest that ought to be good. Watch for the fun. + • + Rent Coatroh. OPA seems to be easing up on rent con- trols. · At least they have lifted it in the Catalina re- aort area, but not at New- port Harbor, because Les .Angeles claims 0 r a n g e county is in a critical region. But if you have a vacant place and will apply you can be eliminated on application and need not registel-, thus Dft11littlng rentals. Balboa has many such houses that are empty, because Its own- en refuse to be regimented, and the town has suffered a msrdty ot vacationists dur- lnK May,, with the report It wtll continue In June. I • l'lnt la Ad\CW<errttlolq-ir • • P1n& .. ·~ • • ·NEWPORT . • • KEEP POSTEOI 1 y.,... ••.••.• $2..W Ill ~'1 Sl.71 Old ., a-ty .9S:teone1--a......,_,. N ... --n e1, N~ .._. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO. ISLE, NEWPORT EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLA,ND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUJO: DXVlll ~· 1 l'o'll'MBEB U Ci Offers State Beach L nd Fol Park Site Gallant Flyers to Honor eroes Thursday Air Tri6ute, to War Dead Fishennan! = "= Will Feature Memorial Day Bin .was sure °:.':.~on ~:: •• Cere.mon·1es at Balboa p·1er of His TonK:od Harbor's t'Ver-growing sport fish· !k'rvices lo honor of the dead and In tribute to tho IJvtnc ~·etera.m of the "'ork In which Ame.rlca.n marines. sallon and .okllen ha\•e too.pt mapt.ncently and vtctorlously, will be conducied la tbo New· port Harbor district on Memorial Day. One of the outataadlnc e,·ente of the day ls planned by American Leeton Poat No. %91 In Balboa. Their plans call (pr a parade alone Main stftret. followed by colorful cettm0nW at the Balboa pier. Merine fighter planes and a I f" t B t • navy blimp w111 drop wreaths and I lrS Oa IR scatter beautiful flowers o"er the B lb A I pier and harbor a• a lasting tribute a oa -va on to the departed heroes. And while U "t La h d this gesture ;, be;ng made. there RI URC e will be a flower ceremony on the pier, "'here a committee will place The CLARWALT 46-foot boat flowers symbolic of a wreath on · that "·ill open the Balboa to Ava~ a cross e:rected on the grounds. Jon waler taxi service was launch· The Marine fighter .squadron ed at Staats Boat Yard Monday ceremony undoubtedly wtll be the afternoon and is scheduled t°"'be· most striking feature of the ser'\'-gin commercial oper ation between ices. It is planned for the group the island and the mainland Wed- to come O\'er the pier in the form · nesday morning. of a cross: drop to a low altitude I Today, owner Walter Hartman and drop 1ts wreat~. gave a preview of the trip to mem- Earl W. Coppersm1.th of Corona 1 bcrs of the press on the new ship's del Mer, who is cha1rma.n of the 1 trial run. program, o~tli ned it as foll~W!I : I At Monday's launching, Mrs. ~a:ade "·111 forfT' at the library Clarisse H artman gave th(' ship bu1lding at 9 :30 a .m . Thur~day ~nd thl' traditional dousing in cham· thence proceed to the B8:Jboa pier.1 pagne in tho presence of builders where a flag cer~mony w!ll te con· to. E. Coleman and Jack Herndon ductC'd by a l'\1ar1ne and Navy color 1 and many friends. gu~~·n speakers ,viii be intrcr l . The t;><>at ~ which i_s or .sport fish- duced. with Chaplain Northrup, 1ng, t\~n-screy,· design, 1s po'vewred USN from T C'rminal Island San by twin Chrysler Royals and as Pedr~. de livering the princi~l ad· mode~nized in design by Herndon. dress. Invocation v..ill be made by superintendent for Coleman. 11 the Rev. E. o. Goodell of Ne,,\'port general contractor. Beach. I Construction is of oak frame A wreath rack covered with ' and Port Orford cedar planking wreaths and donated by several I "';th Luc ite aircraft glass windows organizations wiU be placed in a and fresh \Valer-cooUng motors. strategic spot on the pier. The Seating capacity will be approxi- wreaths will carry the names of[ mately 50. battles of World War I and II. &ginning of the new service to ing fleet, Ray Kimball's Comet, made il.9 way into the water Mon-Bill Cavenner is an 11 ·ye&I""" old Pomona grade school boy day afternoon after christening at who likes to fish off Newpon Staats Boat yard on Coast High- pier. He likes it because It's way. good fishing there. Built from a modernized design On Saturday, bet\'•een 10 a.m. by Jack Herndon of D. E . Cole- and 1 p .m ., he caught 11 tom· man's contracting company, the cod, using a Uttle trout pole 46-foot cruiser will ply her trade and anchovies for bait. from lhe 19th St. Landing in New- When ~eel where he was port Beach and leave daily at 5 staying in Ne wport during his a.m. fishing days, Bill said it was a Christening the Comet \l.'as the house on Seashore Drive that owner 's granddaughter. Patsy carries a sign saying : ''This ls Hartman, daughter of Mr. and the House that Jack Built". He l\1rs. Gene Hartman of Santa Ana. thought it was "5420 Seashore Owner Kimball is 8 long-time resl- Drive" but he said he cou]dn't dent of Newport Harbor and a be sure. \Veil known pioneer sports fisher- AU he was sure of was the 11 man. Other sports cruisers ~long­ tomcod which dangled from the ing to Kimball are the Don Pat line at the end of his little and the Flyer. trout pole. Butter Price Hike? Butter, cheese and milk prices are due for a lift shortly. An of· !icial of the Office o! Economic Stabilization in Washington said Monday that the OES would an· nounce soon a one ce"nt increase on a quart of milk, 10 to 12 cents a JXtUnd on butter and five cents a pound on cheese. The Comet is of oak frame and Port Ordford cedar plankings and is powered by Chrys1er Roya ls. \VA\'ES WANT AIR .ioss W 1\SHINGTON -Several hun- dred \Vaves at a vocational guid- ance meeting prior to their dis· chariie voted aviation cu the Indus· tr)' in which they preferred to Worl\ once th(>y were r eleased from the ltavy. Sorry, We're Goin' Fishin' Friday Back Monday with Whale o' Type! All departmeilbi of the NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS. TIMES will be clooed next Friday and Saturday, but will be open on Memorial Day, a custom foUowed each year for severaJ years. AU departments will be open for business M USU&! on the Monday following the Memorial Day weekend, on Jone 8. Correspondeuts having news for the editorial depai;j:ment are asked to mall their ropy In as usual, re-garor-or the tw~ay buslnes8 holiday. Then \\•ill come the floral cere-1 Avalon "'"ill be welcomed by resi- monies IE'd by Girl Scouts who will J dents of the Harbor a nd access scatter Oowers over the water 1 to !he island in a quicker manner, I from th(' pier. as r.ow provided. will mean a Then will come the principal steady patronage by the new Ilne. :::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=". events of the day, with the Marine ' The boat will leave daily at 9 fighter squadrons and the Navy a.m. Crom the Balboa pavilion a nd blimp scattering its wreaths ln l will leave from the island at 4 :30 tribute to the dead heroes of the p.m . Hartman will skipper the wars. Clery.•aJt on its dally trips. The benediction "ill be given by Father Thomas P . Noonan. pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel church. Mosier Reservations Sent in by Friend Train reservations for Miss Betty Fuller and Mrs. Watson Mosier of Closter, N. J .• who are visiting somewhere in New· port Beach, are held by Babette de Barry at 265 Cajon street. Laguna Beach, phone 4384. She is leaving Saturday and has sent in for their traveling res· ervatlons. A wait Signal Twenty-three boats of the 45· foot Sailing association will line up between the Balboa pier and the committee boat Wednesday evening and at 9 p. ITL on the sig· nal or an aerial bomb will begin the race to San Diego ror the op-- ening of the Coronado Yacht club. Boats entered ar!' the Amorita. Penguin. Rampart, Arrow, Suc- cess, Butcher Boy, Nocturne. Ca- chel. Cheerio ll, Blue Jay. Four W inds, OJidado, Santa. Maria. Spindrift, Tomahawk. Trendaway, Thorobred, Iduna.. Marilen. Vl~ '--------------'l ginia, Stormy Petrel and Dragoon. Old Joe Pelican Feels Like Helican After Brush with Wires on Jetty B, }ACK LINDSLEY, Cowbo] Artist .. ~ ..... --- Newport Council Votes 100 Ang r Hooked Pct. to Pla£e its Property $2~ for Butter f E f it~· ~a t: ~:h :t:~ wr~~ · n snrow or Park Project members f the Balboa Anglers ----~.------ club in th American . Legion Hut At a ~ meethlc' held ln the Newport Oty hall on Monday ..z. on Central avenue, Saturday night. ternoon. nwJmbera of the city cobncll "oted JOO pc.r cent In fa\•or of A poun of butter sold for $21, 1 lra.nsterrln:{ 508 feet of clty·o\\'necl oeeaa front property on Corona def pickles w t for one dollar a jar Mar beadli to Ille State Park deputment. Cft.y Clerk Frank Rinehart. 33 b d is . waa aatborts.ed to negotiate the tram.fer of Ute deeds lnto e.crow at and. ro Is-rea rol • that 15 I the eartlellt jpomMe momeat,. 90 that the State Park department ma1 -brou~ht seven dollars. prepare for the acquWUoa of tho beacJa property and. OOA\'Ut It toward These i flationary prices were I the development of a &t&te park la ~~:r;e~~ ~ea~~u~~i~';us~ ~~:~See $250 000 t'i!ti:":tf!ncb~t>~::u~uncil mont>y for the club's building fund. was a victory for former Oty Exactly was realized on all I Councilman Earl \V. Stanley, can- items. Bid I M h d;date for the state assembly, who on the butter-a full g ont has been an advocate Of R t from Iowa _ was 1 s tate park site in ~e Corona del five dollan and gotl ' 11-1ar ar('a for sometime past. Ed. Allen of Balboa, ' It was a defeat for George pr('sident of the club, who was I It looked like a $250,000 building • Penney of 1405 Ocean boulevard, cornerea t $21. month for the Newport city build-Corona del Mar, attorney for the Bert ls of Newport Beach ing office today as $239,000 worth Bluff. a~d Sands Property Owners bid a pou d of coffee to three dol-of permits were issued up to last ass0C1at1on , who has opposed the Jars and n one would overbid him. Saturday. -park _development or.i the ground! Then so ne else forced him to Exactly $45,000 worth of per-that it .v.·ould depreciate the value buy at hi bid of two dollars for mits \Vere issued from last Tues-of property o wned in the are-a by 12 bread oils., J day through Saturday and these members of his ass?Ciation. Frank innell of the Southern added to. the $194,000 entered tor It ~as a;so ha Ctr1umph d!or the C 1·1 . Tu b b 'd 1· d 1 I the period from May 1 throukh mem rs o t e orona el Mar a 1 orn1 na clu 1 ive o • Civic Association '-''hich has long lars for l bread rolls and two May 21 brought the grand total to _ _. •. 1 S 1 . . . . ' the ~?J9 000 figure supportt"U ,. r. tan ey 1n his ad-other f1s er~en bid . one dollar ,_ • · . . t vocacy of the park devefopment. each for e 1ars of pickles. In the new permits issued for Que~tloned Opinion Previo ly to the auction. Char· last week lending Sat~ay, were;; \Vhen the matter finally came les A. Gr (is of Laguna, announc-plans fo~ the construction of t.""·o to a head at the regular meeting: ed that e building fund total commerci~ structures, one costing of the city council on May 20 stood at 90.44. As a result of the $1?,000 iu;td the other _costing both City Atty. Roland R . Thom~ auctlonin , the total reached $740. $1~-Plahs also called for the son and Mr. Penney, as counsel Ma , iner High Aw rd Given Por Skipper · ' ' J erection of three new homes val-for the ru,urc and Sands associa· ued at $20~000. tion, "·arnr<f the city fathers that Perm.it.s tor additions and alter-the latter !roup "·ould start civil ation.s totaled ~. while an proceedings against the city if it apartm~nt plan ~taled $4000. placed city-o\vned beach property Permits were issued to the fol-into escrow. I towing: • 1 Thompson. took the JX>Sitlon Southern California Telephone that an opinion handed out by company, erect.ion of a concrete building at :m4 to 308 E. Central avenue. Newport Beach, $17.~. Sandy Steiner or 634 Coast Highway, erection of a frame and steel restaurant building on the same premises, $1500. J. W. Martin of San Bernardino, erection of a one story dWelling, with an apartment to be added to the rear of the garage building at 3406 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, $90()0. · Robert S . Holden of 432 Avocado avenue, Corona del Mar, building of a one story, single family dwel- ling with Cletadled prage, at 419 ltfarguerite. aftl'IUe., Corona del Mar, $650Q. Bryan W. Harper o! 1837 W . 78tlo street. i.. Angel ... construc- tion of a one story, single tainily dwelling at ~ Cout boulevard, $4500. Jack Florer d. 115 Iril avenue, Corona "'1 Mar. a sincie family apartment Oft!" a pnge at. that address, $(000. R . J . Nem c:A. 3512 Ocean Front, ad di ti on to bia p-esent building, $750. Minnie Taylar at 205 Pearl street. Balboa bland, alteration to the prell!'llt bulleting at 1.29 Agate aveaue,, ISOO. J . F . Wolf ol 507 Edgewater Place, a frame addition at that ad- dress, $250. • Atty. Qen. Robert W . Kenny, stat- ing that the city would be within its rights to convey waterfront property to the state for park pur- po~. '-''RS in conruct with the General Laws of the State, which prohibits such action. The city attorney urged the city council to suspend official action on a suggestion made by former Councilmen Earl W. Stanley to have • the city.owned property pieced in escrow and thus hasten state park department acquisition of it for state park purposes. In a week, Thompson thought he would have direct word from the State's attorney.general's office aJ to whether or not the city of New- Porl Beach would be within lta legal rights to convey beach prop- erty to the state tn defiance ot the General Laws cJa~. When the matter came up tor final discussion Monday afternoon, the city attorney d1d not venture- or offer any menage from the state's attorney-general's office, as none was sent to him. However, the members of the city council, after listening to a statement from Joseph ·Hennessy, member of the state park board, decided to place the city-owned ocean front proi:r erty into escrow.'Hennessy assured the coundl that they were within their legaJ righta to transfer the property. • ' • t 1 E.T. Butterworth, O. D. SlH WNI O..tral --:11111 Evealap "7 Appolooa _. Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON Stat1! Uoensed Contnctor Bea.U.C lmtal'etlw llaU Wum Fl'r ' 1•0-P1i1oDe MM Br 'f•re Plllll v MG or 1111 • • After Hiner'• communication was read by Oty Clerk Frank Rinehart, the Mayor'• commltttt including Col. J . J . Sailor, and Coun"ltlrilen Mason Siler and Rob- ert Allen reported it had favored Tustin Man Sole Republican Filer denial of the request after con-Raymond Gartner, carpenter ot ducting an investigation into the Tustin, was a local visitor yester- matter. ' day, in his race tor the Assembly, Going to You probably have your dream honse aD worked out in your mind -or maybe your arcblt..ct or contractor already bas prepared plans on paper for yon. Electricity will have a large part In making dreams of postwar living come true. When you go ove' the plans with your builder be oure to ask him abont the newest develop- menla In household labor saving ud fune.. Uonal l>Moty. Our Experts In everytblng electrical will be glad to help with layout plans or problems. One suggestion may make a lot of cllfference In the ''Uve-ablltty" of that homfl. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE -El*1 1 9 2 0 1000 Coast IDway Phone Beacon 5522 MM • San Fn.acmoo-Wllm.lnctt>n-8tockton-San-Dlqo--Oakland ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire Equipment for FACTOBY, PLANT. STORE. OFFIOE, FARM. ROME MEMORIAL DAY ..... OYSTERS VIA AIR WASHINGTON -A five-thoua- and pound shipment of oysters was recently flown from the Na- tional Airport here to Chicago. The oysters were boated, shocked and canned in 3,996 pint cans ln a single day. FINEST TASTING SIZZLING RAMBUBGEBS STEAKS (wheoever be l"lo lbem); ROME BAKED YUMMY BERRY AND APPLE PIEi! SHEP'S 1015 COAST WOBWAY NEWPORT , ''The Nome of Go6d Eat.a" VETERANS Two-bedroom homes ... bnllt on the Jot yon select. 100 % G. I. Financing Yoo pay only appraisal and legal f-. PHONE 2441-B Denison & McBroom Sales %360 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA (In the Mesa Realty Bldg.) Corson and Ray General Oontraeton • • • to a. ........ .,., ~ • ·-•'t Is wtintiw•ttl r • . _ . vktknwmawto~•• ._ kJl'led ... Wo ...... 11-1 ...... Ill tNa lo,,.., .. tlanqolA ...-. _,,.,. ... fllld -atwwwclll -1 """ = wttbln U-m I• ...,.. . . . lwlOWfllg thlt heft U... lle\ier1 ........ pasawiCJ&1 ' t:. .. aml.k:1udw''*. II. hm E tlty Xcl!M 'M!I I Jlt MELROSE '4BBEY MAUSOLEUM and COLUMBARIUM mGHWAY 101 BEl"WEEN SANTA ANA AND AN~ P. o. Box 145 Santa Ana Phone ~ 131 and stated he was the only can- didate who tiled as a Republican, all the others filing on both tlcl<ets. Gartner has been a resident of Orange county since 1935 and says he favors homes for veterans, a pay-as-you-go government and legislation that is not hampering to the farmer. All kinds typewriter ribbons tn stock at the News-Times. Manila folders al News-Times. Denied BeerJ.icense The State Board of Equalization in the Los Angeles district has denied a permit to Ralph G. Sessel of 1301 Coast highway for an on sale beer license on the grounds that his premise1 are in proximity to a children's playground. • Before You Build or Remqdel visit our lnlere!!tlng·sample and display rooms. . . . Color guides, plan- ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. · Rup A: Carpeta Cleaned. Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Wor~s 102 Soatll Mala Si.. !!'hone Santa Ana Z80I SANTA ANA Elect Barry Bell Slaeriff of Oruge Couty And help him llqht luTenlle delinquency by keeplnq Bera« awar from m'"""= BONWI ••• CAPABLm •• • OOVBAGll009 RAY ADKINSON TO CONGRESS 22nd Coap1a1ioaal ~ e • .. Worlcl 25 w. Yecn I • • Elect· a · Mm .. Who Unders._. 0... Prolllems to Represent Us in~ess Primaries June 4, 1946 nm Mwat' W "*'I r.. ., I'll ' ti ... 'S' Dr1 ers Fined $100 On runk Count Here viol ;a<t lice day also cha · n C. Schultz of Pico was 100 and given a ~ay sus- jail sentence on drunk driv- arges in city court Monday n'g. The sentence was sus- for tv.•o years on condition e not become involved in any On involving liquor for a per-\ tv.•o years. Schultz' oper ators was also suspended for 30 1 h A. Fisher of Los Angeles ppeared on drunk driving s and was given the same , sente ce. Bike Stolen Er est H. Waltze of 1530 Ocean bou1e ard, Balboa, asked Newport poli to search for a bicycle which v.'as aken from near the Balboa thea r Friday night. The vehicle was lack with a red trim and it had• alloon tires. Th .mean distance from the eart to the moon is 238,857 miles. The aximum distance. however. may reach 252,710 miles and the least distance to which the moon pproach the earth is 221,463 Liquor Store Boolo-l!Gy - '.Palm -Bay, Balboa PboDe ll&rtM>r 191 ETAIN H. UCHEL (P1.,.. ed llee-ld) +---State --- ,ONTROL~R e eerved In World War 0e-11om1a.&-.. !"Jin. -u11 redloe Ollllfonia i*-en. I\ •"'4 5 ,_rs - -' • • ~VERY WEDNESDAY $tarting Wednesday, Jane 5 • .... KIDDIES' DAY 12 Noon to 8 P. M. Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel • • , • • • • CONCESSIONS-Sc • BALBOA F.UN ZONE • What our $180,000,000 five-year expansion program means to yo11 • More than $60,000,000 Construction Planned for 1946 If yw .. w.ttl .. fer • ...._ .. , Y•• en • f•rm•r .•• you , ........ xou may be cert.aia. may up«t rhe utemion of mat grttiog ooe to you jwt u te.lephoqf: tuYice irl rural .,.._ rapidly as possible has 1op-New methods and MW~ priority in oar plans. We an: mma will be used, indudiaa: - -· lull tpeod .. baild-iu,IHtraigdi .... , ...... -iap. cables, switchbouds tod liae carrier equipmeot and polio ocbtr oqu.ipmmt Deeded to pro-aibly radio for remotest locs- Yide senia for~ who is boos. You may also apect fcwu waiting .•• and to make K-nit• putia on the lines. fnru riDp nm better for n-ery telephooc for~ partie:s 111Jd ol&r lttf- user. ica improvements. "--i.-e--··· JOU may look forward '° • rn::a better .. fastu IU'Yice dm ...a bdD&.. We art -~ iDg cm oat pan of • a.atioo-wide couia1 cable n«twork for Iona dUrance co1ls ....i tderilioa uansmi•ion. Equipmmt will be plO'rided !O< naUoa-wide opu· aaot dialiag of IOU and Jma di. a.ace caL1s .d for o•.,,..... dialiaa of toll iralli '*· - IC>CllC COID*'*'i tieL .._ ..... ., ...... , . milliON ol-hounolwod< ... will be cnoted by dUs _..... lhe ~ ................ bit- ..,.. Our total pllDt in·~· wlil be ~ .. mK >IOO million dcJh" fOl'ilit OW',... poee to praricle a nu..widfa. .... _-Im,...,.... ttlep.c.o -••• ., -whll lhe -oad ID help lhe--· B..., tl.1,.. .-,. _., ~......, -6dllr """' ii,_ -... Wfwo • • • • 3000 Praise Floral Aaoaated with Hampton ID the venture is Lonnie Vincent of Bal· Display at Opening -Phanmcy onc1 MllC Pelletier N Ham to Sto of Newport Pharmacy. ew p n re The interior of the storo. waa designed by Hampton and accord- An estimated crowd of 3000 I""'" ing to him. the ston> will probably eons attended the opening day be considered a model 11on! by the saJes of Hampton's Harbor Dru& drug concerns. store Saturday when the new and Mr. Hampton has managed the beautiful "'model" store began it.I openings of two large drug stores business career under the manage.. in Long Beach in rece.nt years and ment •of Russell Hampton. well he said that the local opening was known Harbot' druggist. the most successful of the three. Corona del Mar Malt Shop ltll Coeot mpway • Old faahloned malts We mean just this. Flowers and bouquets practically filled in all spare space and the spacious interior was alive with floral offerings from well-wishers. Assisting Hampton is his wile, Elsie, who is in charge of the oos- metic. department and assistant manager, and Wi111am Miller, in charge of the fountain lunch. •&wm •••ao& •••....,••••rut• sst; oat s , -z • 7, llaT II, 1MI FIRST PARTY OF VISITORS to arrive at Newport Harbor It)' •t.e&oM!r came from San Dleco ln May, 186.5. The high M!hOOI group abo,·e re-enacted lhl!t '1slt lut Saturday. 'qley are, lo,ver row left to right: Joanne Hogan, Nancy Pie rson, Quincy CaM, Loi,. S trunk, Ardelle Ke nnell, Herbert.a .John1M>n. Back row: RaJph Freltq, Duane Thornton, David Crou. -:--Photo by Kent ·Hitchcock S'1ler ·Welcomes Vaquero I ~~,:i·~."~·;::;ed ~~~00"i;u~~ each of the stopping places. S tu- dC'nt5 participating were Joanne On Ann.Ivers' ary Voyage 1 70~";:'.~·n.~~~~~t;~~~o~~d~f;~~~ nell. Quincy Cass, Ralph Freitag, Duane Thornton a nd David Cross. c . NOTICES 18. 1946. We Have DSON ONATORS for -0untains I Phon Anaheim 4652 62S So Los Angeles St. Celebrati ng the completion of a ccived the visitors and the ir mes-1 The celebration of the Vaquero's I'-----+---_;;'-----" harbor improvement 10 years ago1 sage from Hon. Harley E. Knox, 1 arrival recalled the e~rly his~o.ry and the arrival of the first steam-the mayor of San Diego, congrat-of the harbor. The first off1oal \,-----+---------, boat in Newport harbor in May, 1 ulating the mayor of Newi->rt on map of the bay is dated 1875. 1865, the side-wheeler "Vaquero" the reopening of the harbor. . About 1873 saw the development steamed into the harbor on Sat-Jn his greeting the mayor .of of lumber shipping and three sail- urday. I San Diego said: ing schooners m ade regular trips It was an auspicious occasion "The City o_f San Diego hcart~ly from San Francisco to Newport for the Vaquero was the first salutes Newport Beach, and its I Harbor for several years. steam vessel to enter the harbor enterprising citizens on this im-The first ocean pier was built in 81 years ago and the first vessel portant occasion-the T~nth Anni-1888 and was frequently improved to bring settlers from San Diego. verser~ of the compJ:tion of the and rebuilt. The first survey of the The skipper followed the prac-; extensive harbor improvement harbor was made in 1888 by an . , , project. Army engineer. Harbor lines final- ti_ce of old. bran~ng the Vaquero "World-wide fame-as the Play Jy were established in July, 1916, I ronv \VlOTNEY and \\'ES VA UGHA.'i, popular entertaJnen "'ho directly to the office of tht' h11.rbor Port of the Pacific-"''hich this after many delays. The first har- b.J,ve Just completed a succn..o;fuJ sea..o;on at the Rainbow Roon1, Palm maste~ in Balboa, wh~~e this time mar v e Io us development has I bor work was done by the city In ! S prtnp. wl U oi.en a UmJted eng11gement at lhe Balboa Inn Cafe Councilman a.1ason Siler, repre-brought to your city, is just re-l916 and the first work by Orange Thunday, ~l a.y 30th. scntini; ~iayor 0 . 8 . Reed, who ward for the long and difficult county in 19l9. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-,;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;i "'as unable to a ttend the fete, re-struggle to transform the vast re-I Mi ed f th 1946 1 b . · ss ·rorn e ce e ra-sources of nature into one ~f l lion were the late Albert Soiland America's trul.Y great aquatic I who was commodore or the New; GIFTS ·Boat Ow~rs ••• playgroun~. . port Harbor Yacht club and gen- Cl THES FOR • EN AND o·y S I s~ g ~-Sli..p. ! ' • .... - • EXTRA COST . I• .. a:sls1•z .. .w#IJJ••.z••el .... C.i:w'I U.~ 01-'9w t. .... ts el• 1tm1 ...... .., OwP pAIMl 101c..t.•1 I 19 .... tll ...... I t'h• ..... -... ,., ...... .... WSStlf., •i ""1~5 .......... ... .. _ .. ..,. _ _. ..... Cftlw'• -I TRANSPARENT Material . DENTAL ·PLATES Ask Your Denttat to explain the many advantages of the new Transparent Material Dental Plates. Learn how theY are created to cap&are tile hum and effects of Na- ture's Own Teetll UNI 0111111. ~ey stress Natural Appear- ance ... will help yoo over-... come. plate -consciousness and embarrassment. Com- fortable, too ... you will ap- preciate their lasting •tanac flt" ... easy to weal'. -for the-· "San D1ego has felt a close tie eral committee chairman at the with Newport Beach since those opening of the harbor 10 years ago. L-===b:========JHL..:::::==~---!!!:!!!~!!!~!~!~--.J days of 1865 when steamship serv-r=~~~~~~~==~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~I Canvas GRADUATE HONOR THEM WITH THE TRADITIONAL GIFI' --A NEW * MATCH- i::r A LIMITED NUMBER OF ELGIN AND WALTHAM WATCHES NO\V AVAILABLE ... AI.SO ... • Pen and Pencil Sets • Compact.a • Bn.celeb • f'learl• • Coatume Je'A·elry _.ON THE MESA IT'S . HARR'S JEWELRY AND WATCH ~AIB 1821 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! SPEED-0-PRINT DUPLICATOR Automatic • Counter and Feed! Many TIME SAVERS s59s9 Now "BACK AT TIERNAN'SI" ,__oo_l!O'LE'm_Y-_ Copy-Right Copy Holders :.'::::'~~ ~ ................... ~!iCJ Molal Swlwl Choirs Wltft haitatt.ft LNtW u,....-.r1 ... Oflloo W_.HalT- ........ L••P9 u ..... ....., ... • ' M.tal !Im Trap AH Si•• •11f IM ... ................ Mllal f1f~1RI , ...... By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA T~~~~Kl L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 511 -lllPW&7 -llBN Newport BMcb. aep.lr -- o-.1 ·~ 1:1.-. Bom•1d. AppUancea ~/ T.a...d tor.. k .~·,1cw. o1 -i.-, SlATS-0- W000 - -,...1 t.oa..i.,, 1 ••• '•••i•t "' eca•••icel. A .a.-: ull ........... _..._ .. ....,... ............... ..... ~-loo;h ,;do .. «: f n.W. ..._,_ ice rirst linked our ports. I r,~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f ''Wishing you, Mayor Reed, and i I your fine city continued and even greater success." The boat, with its list of happy visitors. local people, who posed in apparel reminiscent of the days of the civil war, then sailed on to the Newport Harbor Yacht club and then to the Ba1boa Yacht club, where the respective commodores accepted the greetings of the com- modores of San Diego. Solla.ad Mlued. During the tour of the bay, the GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • FrMb Apple Sance : :!"i-7~...t • Pickles -Ollves • CbeMe -Mealll • Sardines -Anchovies • Crackers -Blscnlta • French Rolls For Fn!sber Vegetables Better Mealll Fancy Groceries 245 Forest Ave . LAGUNA BEACH SALES • Blue Flub Be • Perfecold Ce. Phone Barbor 2118 It's Always ' COFFEE TIME / At The • • • • Doll Tc°&W l=f:LE u SHOP . . Serving CoF];ri: I: OOINtl'i's • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY AFFLES(Mlli whipped cream) COMPI.El'E FOUNTAIN SER 305 Marine Avenue Keany Nlollolo Balboa Island Gec>rroi 8tm11Dc ~ EffDbtp UaUI 10 o'Clock -Cl I NOTICE! . ' The Corona del Mar Cleaners is now owned and ID8llagal by the Mercury Cleaners and Dyers of Costa M . • All cleaning and preasillg done in our own plant. • Y oar garments never leave our hands until returned you. 5613-J -PHONE-Ha · Beacol ''CLEAN CLOTHES LAST • 1347-l NGE'R '" . I .. , I KEEP YOUR CAR IN TIP-TOP CONDITION! Yoa ....,. the advutage8 of keeping your aUt.moblle In flnlt cla8s condltloo. Don't W flle..llldl ol ready C88b keep you from .. ,, g ..... De<EUl''Y rei-tn made DOW. , A 4 'rk, coav....,.t, low .-t Flnt Na- ,, I ... uto ta-wlD eaabie JOU to .., 1t' des lrf!L I Loan 5enice • • • .. • -• ' .N&Wi'OWI BA I 80A. ----------· An~ersClub Holds Bean feed, Frolic PuBLIC NoTic;E Want Ads Pua 1c NoTicn PuBLIC NoTICE PUBLIC NOTICES . trope Avenue at lta lntenectkn Boulevard. a'Ollilta Seavlew A~ 90Utheuterly from hole ring and eovtt, together with with said alley and extendlnc nue at lta intenection wlth aid Avenue and extending the installation of -pumps. motors. ===---------_ northwesterly •~ Goldenrod alley !Int cleocribod. u shown on .,.1y Into Shell Street a switch board. coridUits, cast lroft BU8INES8 GUIDI: 11 Avenue to coonect to manhole No. llleel No. 8 of said plans. of 103 feet. u shown on pipes. valves, littlnp ond appur-J ;::;;·:;;:~=::;;::::;;;::;::===::.:.: 9, all u ahown on llleets No. 3 SEVENTII: n.. construction of o. 22 of said plans. tenances for the booster pumping FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on and 4 of said plans: ond Ii> the fin! vltrl!led clay pipe ~tary ..,.. : The construction of"sewage from said pump station, l'O'U" home, call Beacon 5330 ALLEY en, vltrlllecl clay pipe house con-1ed clay pipe sanitary sew-all u particularly shown on sheets after 4:30 p.m. 1().tfc lying southwesterly from Seavi-nec:tlons. vitrified clay pipe wye ed clay pipe wye branch-numbered 23. 28 and 29 of said --==,.,,...------......:-=. Avenue, betwttn Iris Avon"" and branchH. lampholes, manholes, phole, manholes. cast Iron plans. SIGN PAINTING Jasmine Avenue, u lhc1Wn on cut Iron manhole trames and COV· frames and coven. and TWEN"nE11i: The construction ' ' . . " , ' BAI.PB FBEIT AG, re Urine atudent body prMidea.i •• Newport lial'- '1or mp 9iCMot aDd ace aillleie of the lnsUtaUon, Is shown above wttla taae Klwaala tropll:J awarded to blm for athletic achievement. nus .. -nn• ,,_ tlaa& -perpetaal trvp117 -..... awarded. -photo by Gemardt Earl Stan~ey Was Sea Rover Mindinao Sunk Off Balboa Jetty {Continued trom Page 1) fContinued from Pr..i;r:e l' lion of Republicans and Democrats out of the channel and 11\ivav from resulted. solidified when Braden the other nice. big. shlnv cruis('n F inch. aggressive fonner president t and yachts _that are moorNi in of N ewport Harbor Chamber of mid-channel and along the buin's Commcrcr. and a r egistered ! l"dges. Democrat, tx-came g eneral cam· !\1indanao was doomed from the paiy,n director for Stanley, l first day it grounded off the camp Never in the hhi;tory of this as-: grounds. and it was not news to aembly district has so spontaneous ! anyone to hear that the Newport a rece-p tion for any o ne candidate I H arbormaster's office had obtained be<>n realized. final title to it. A month a~o. Stan1ey, first from the harbor c-rev.·s from the off-ices of \V ater dt~tr:rt In sprk thr state a ssembly ~upt. John R . M cMillan and Fire post in mnny yee.rs, is one or the rhief Frank Crocker aided a CTf'\V best kno\,·n realrors in the whole from the harbormaster's office In county. 1-fe located here in 1935 pumping the water out of the sub- and in lt:.c short space of some mer ged Minda nao and raising the 10 years developed a r eal estate \\'in~jarnmer to water level. business spreadini;t to four offices For three days the hu~e black -Newport Beach. Beacon Bay, schooner lay opposite the camp Balboa Island and Corona d<'l Mar grounds until it was towed by Bill -with 10 salesmen and four Coleman"s "'Refuge" and Joe Laz- women in the of-fices. arich's "Adventure" to 100 fath- • His work and acti\'itil'5 in New. oms of v.·ater beyond the tettv p:ort Harbor are well known and Monday. Hundrl'ds of people universally lauded. stormed the shores to stare at He ls a past president of the the huRe schooner as it moved Newport-Balboa Ro tary club. slowly down the channel a nd out founder of the "Upder 20" club I in to br eakwater. I t \Vas the last which became forerilrner qf youth timC' they wer<' to see it. cantf'f'n": h<'aded the California / F or at 11 b<>lls that morning It Real Estate a~sociation's 12th dis-was set afirc-. and cr('\\.'S \Vho stood trict of a ll Oran~e county and at sho rt distances away counted part of Los Ang€'1es county. wa.s I the minutes ~ff thr ir WRf<;hrc; ns prtsiden t of. thr Ne""'J>Ort HarborJ the flames spread across the deck Chamber of Commerce, is a di-and down throui!!h th" hull. Soon rector of Balboa Yacht club and the big ship would be but a shell, m ember of the Elks a nd Santa Ana a skeleton treasure for Davy J ones Country club. locker. In World \Var I he served in ------- the u. s. Nary; in World w_ar Tidelands Oil Goes Il he sen•ed h1S country as chiur-B d La d C man of Selectivt Service Board ! eyon n ontest No. lTI for three a nd a half yen.rs, fContinued from la.st week) Thirty_ eight members of tl1e sheet No. 4 of said plans; and In en and appurtenant work ln con-t wark . ln connection of a welded steel pipe sewer pres- Balboa Anglers club ate a bean-the flnt nectlon thett"Wtth: ln the tint _ "th; in the tint sure line and appurtenant work in feed spread In the American Le· /.I.LEY ALLEY /.I.LEY connection therewith the following gion clubhouse, Bay and 15th lying southwestttly f1'0m Seaview 'ying 90Uthwesterly fl"om Cout utheuterly from Fernleaf alley. streets and public easement street, Newport Beach, Saturday A'9enue, betwttn Larkspur Aven.w aoui.vant. between Marigold Ave--• between the center line of to-wit: nighL and Marguerite Avenue, u shown nue and the ttrst alley lyin1 touth-Street produced southeast-In the first alley lying south- It was the first active dinner on plan No. 5 of aa.ld plaN; and easterly from Polnlettla Avenue. a point distant 150 feet westerly from Seaview Avenue, and meeting of the oldtimers since in the fint u shown on sheets No.. 9_ and 21 terly from the center line from manhole No. 31 to be con- t.he teUkms of the dub were halt-ALLEY of M.id plans; and in the tint e Street produced 90UlM&1t-structed hereunder and Poppy ed I ••· 1 1 lying southwesterly from Seavi-AlJ.EY er , . shown on sheet No. 22 of Avenue, thence southwesterly n ul'C" a e war yean. ,._ 9 Femi af Ed. Allen presided, and Frank Avenue, betweftl Marguerite Ave. ly1nc 90Utheu 1Y from e said along Poppy Ave~to Hazel nue and Orchid Avenue, croui-.. Affftue, betwee . Seaview Avenue : 'Ibe construction of Drive, thence aouthe terly along M. Unnell of Bayshore. was mas-~ __ .. ~1-... · Marigold Avenue and N'"'-'---and Bayview w .nu ext~ ......... vi clay pipe aanitary le'Wer, Hazel Drive to the blic ease-ter of cerenM>nies. -. .._.,,_ u ...... .t-A venue at the tnte:rsection of said IOUthwesterty ~Cl"Ol:I .......,. .. """' .... lam le and appurtenant work in ment ~ the IOUthwesterly Four of the original founders of -"th ---•-1 c""'><t:'" 35 alley with said A\•enues, as shown Drive to connect ""' ulG.llllU e on therewith; ln the north-side of Lot • Block A, of said the Anglen club were among thole on sheets No. 5 and 6 of said pJan1; No. 8 to be! con1tructed hereunder. ly sl~ of Femleaf Avenue, Tract No. 673; Uience 1autheast- Boats,· Trucks, Windows Walls and Bulletins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38tft COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M :n& E. :lOlh St., Ooota - :l().tft present. They are. Gus Tamplls, in and ln the ftnt u ahoWn on ahftt No.. U of. aaid the center line of Cove erly along said" public easement to whose Balboa store the club wu ALLEY plan11; and ln the first S produced IOUtheuterly and Glenn Drive, .U u shown on sheet 1------------- organlzed; Frank Crocker, fire lying southwest..-ly from Seavtew ALLEY a poi t distant 1!50 feet northeut-No. 7 of said plans. PUBLIC N-cES chief: J . B. McNally, boatsman, Avenue, betwttn Orchid Avmue l)'inc 90Utheuterly from Golden~ erly erefrom.. u shown on sheet 'lWENTY-FIRST: 'The construe· -------~-"----- and Bert Stevenson. and Poinsettia Avenue, as shown rod Avenue, between the tint al-No. . of said plana. tion of vitrifted· clay plpe u.nl- Actually, althouit:h It was not on sheet No. 6 of said plans; and 1n ley lying 90U~terly trorn Bay-#.lJTEENTH: The construe-tary sewer, vitrified clay ptpe wye seament of Twenty.ftve ($25.001 stated al the meeting that fol-HAZEL DRIVE view DrtYe and Bayside Drive, vttrlfted clay ptpe sanitary branches and appurtenant work in Dollars. or more, remaining unpaid lowed the feed. this was the 20th between Coast Boulevard and ~ &yvi<W Drive at Its In· vitrified clay pipe WY" connection thei-ewlth: In that cer· for thirty 130) days after the date annlvenarv session of the club. manhole No. 59 to be constructed tenectlon w:lth said alley, and ex-b , lamphole and appurten-lain public • of the warrant. 'Said littlal bonds tor the Balboa Anti:len club was hereunder at the southwesterly tending northe.-terly into Bayalde antf' k tn connection therewith; EASEMENT shall extend over a period endlnl organized In Mid-May, 1926. end of saJd Hazel Drive, u shown Drive to connett with an existing in first along the mouthwesterly aide ot nine (9) )'Mn from the second Pepito, world famous clown and on sheet No. Z1 of said plans. manhole, u l.hown on lheet No. ALLEY sai~ Lot 35, Block A. of said Tract day of January next succeedinc the a skipper of prominence in yacht-SECOND: The construction of 12 of uld piami; and in the first )yin:; northeasterly from Cove No. 673, u shown on I.beet No. next October fiftffnth following lnJt drclefl, who lives in Corona vitrified clay ptpe and welded steel ALLEY S t , betwttn Fernleaf Avenue 7 ot aaid plans. their date.. Payments°" the lK'in- del Mar, kept the gathl!l'ing In pt~ sanitary sewer, manholes, cast lying aoutheasterly from Hello-and point dlatant 110 feet north-Also, u incidenW to the loca-dpal of unpaid aaessrMnts and Stitches with his ribald taln of manh I ~---• Int ... --_.__,, .. ~ _ ..... by -lron . o e .1.i-i:u.J1es anu coven trope A venue, between the firlt weat ly therefron), u shown on tion and construction of sewer ,.... ~-. .. -.... Ult' -ue r--r the .ea. and appurtenant work In connec-a11ey lying Southwesterly from shee No. 22 of t.altl plAna. · maln wye branches and Pressure erty GWiktS to the City Treasurer. B-.or Thomas n tion therewith, ln that certain Bayview Drive and See.view Drive, F UR~~-. The construe-line in and along said easement, and the same lhall be dlsbuned On the serious side, the fisher-bll "1.:..c..1" '" · by said Oty Treasurer all u ~ pu . c c:roaing Bayview Drive at its in-tion 'f v1~r.1ed clay pipe ·--1-require the removal of the exllt· • ....... -men discussed the ouestlon of af-EASEMENT u u-u• ..... vtded ln the "'Improvement Act tersection with saJd alley, as shown tary sewers, vitrified clay pipe Ing catch basin location along the .. · :z1a1:;' ~~~:t;:u~~~ Co~~d between the existing sewer main on shttt No. 13, of said pl'"'; and ho ,&.nnections, vitrified clay southeasterly curb line ot Hazel of 1911 • heftoinafter refel'T'ed to. at manhole No. 1 to be constructed in the first pipe I chlmne"9, vitrified clay pipe Drive, and the corrugated iron TIME ANDHEARINPLAGCE OF adopted a resolution to affiliate h d d h 1 N 3 J"' d with it. ereun er an man o e o. to ALLEY wye 1 branches. Jampholes, man-pipe drain along said easement an SECTION 5 NOTTCE IS be constructed hereunder in the lying southeasterly from Larkspur h I t · h 1 ·tr reconstruct catch basin and corru· · The group also adopted a l't'SO-northwesterly side of Carnation Avenue, between Bayside Drive a~d~f~~=; i~ro~eman o e ames gated iron pipe drain, all as shown HEREBY GIVEN. that on the 17th lution sponsoring the use of the Avenue. as shown on sheet No. 2 and the first alley l)ring south-on Sheet No. 7 of said plans. day of June, 1946. at the h~ur of 15-thread line as ad,·ocated by o f said plans. ~ ALLEYS four (4:00) o'clock P . M. 1n the Th westerl,y from Seaview Avenue. · 33 'IWENTit-SECOND· The pav Jimmy Jump and George omas rnIRD: The construction of vit-1n loc~ 7 of Corona Del Mar, . · -Council Chamber of the City Coun· Tl, angler-sportsman. and went on rlfied clay pipe sanitary sewers, and extending northeasterly into as r map recorded in Miscel-ing and/or resurfacing of the cil in the City Hall of the City record favoring the catting of this vitrified clay pipe chimneys, Vitri-Bayside Drive to connect with the lanef>us 1'fap Book 3. pages 41 t rench in . the Stree~ where the of, Newport Beach. any and all new line the George Thomas Il flt'd clay pJpe house connections. :1~~~!ns:~e!h:t ~a:.s;~e 0~1:i~ and/42, records of O range County. aforementioned s~tary s~ers persons having any objections to Medium in honor of the great manholes, cast iron manhole Cal~ornia, and Block I of Tract and house connecuon·sewer lines the proJX>sed work or improve-- sportsman. frames and covers and appurten-plans; and in the first No~323, as per map recorded in are to 1be constructedd./with the ment. or the extent of the assess- Announcement was made of a a.nt work in connection therewith; ALLEY Mis llaneous Map Book 14, pages class o pal ven:ient an or r~s~-ment district, or to the proposed drive to increase the membership in lying southeasterly from Marguer-40 nd 41 , records of said County, facing con omung most nea: Y 0 grades, may appear and show to 250 by SeptE'mbE>r I . The club IRIS A VENUE ite Avenue, betv.•een the first alley as hown on Sheet No. 24 of the pavement and/or ~urfaong of c ause why said \\'ork should not now has a paid up membership ot lying southv.•esterly from Coast sai plans. the streets as they existed at t!'te be done or caTried out in accord-betv.·een the southwesterly line of f h d ti f thl R 92, a nd a treasury of $1290.75. " yl Boulevard and the first alley 1mng ENTH: The construction time o t e 8 op on ° ~ eso-ance wi"th this Resolution of In· the first a1ley I ng southwesterly J • f In Among those prese nt at t he from Bayview Drive produced south14•esterly from Seaview Ave-of ·trified clay pipe and welded lution o tentjon. _.,:_ tention. Protests must be in writ- meeling Saturday \Ve re: Capt. J . southeasterly and the northeaster~ nue. as shown on sheet No. 17 of st pipe sanitary sewer, cement PLANS. PROFILES. DRAWINGS ing and must be delivered to the B. McNally, Ed. Allen. George P . ly line of the first alley lying said plans; and In the first con ete pier supports for welded AND SPECIFICATIONS City CJerk prior to the time set Pross. Stewart Gibbs. Glenn Gibbs southwesterly from Seaview Av~ ALLEY st 1 pipe and appurtenant work SEC110N 2. All of the said for the hearing. and Johlil W . Graham of Balboa: nue produced northwesterly, as lying southeasterly from Marigold in nneetion therewith: in work and improveme nt to be done, IMPROVEMENT ACT Capt. Sid Boerster and Keith Lee shown on sheet No. 4 of said plans. Avenue, between, the first alley BAYSIDE DRIVE shall be constructed upon the SECrION 6. That all of the of Balboa Island; Pepito• Perez of F OURTH : The construction of lving southv.·esterly from Coast alo g the southwesterly exte-nsion grades, along the lines, 'between work herein proJX>Sed shall be done Corona del Mar: Clifford Von Ke n-vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, Boulevard and the first alley lying of 1 he alley In said Block I of the points. of the dimensions, at and carried through in pursuance nell of Costa Mesa : Lee B. Klind-manholes. cast Iron manhole southwesterly from Seaview Ave-Tract No. 323. connecting with the places and in the manner of an Act of the Legislature of worth of Hollydale; D . Higgins of frames and covers and appurten-nue. as shown on sheet No. 18 of th existing manhole in said Bay-sho~ on the plans, profiles a nd the State of California. designated Huntington Beach ; Ken t Hitch- ant work In connection therewith: said plans. sid· Drl\'e, as shown on sheet No. drawings for the "construction of the "Improvement Act of 1911", cock of Udo Isle: c. A . Griffis in EIGHTH: The construction of 24 'f said plans. sanitary sewers in Coast Boule-being P arts 1, 2 and 3 ot Division of Laguna Beach: Dan Greenberg, ·JASMINE AVENUE. vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers. IXTEEN"nl: The construction vard and other streets .alleys and 7 of the Streets and Highways J. B. Greenberg. Dan Frc-cman, LARKSPUR A VENUE, "itrified clay pipe, house connec-itrif(ed. clay pipe and welded easements, being plan numbered Code of the State of California. Harry I. Emord, Willian\ A. R ees MARGUERITE AVENUE. tions. vitrified clay pipe wye I pipe sanitary sewer, vttri-414, consisting· of 29 sheets. and P UBLICATION OF RESOLU- and David M. Darrah of Los A.n · ORCHID AVENUE. and branches. 1ampholes and appurten-clay pipe house connection, Standard ·Plans number ed 1002, TION OF INTENTION geles:: J . J . Sullivan, P . N. Pellett, POINSE'ITIA AVENUE. ant work In connection therewith: m hole. cast iron manhole frame 1003, 1004, 1008. 1050. 1051, 1059 SECTION 7. The "Newport Earl French and Fred G. Morgan between the 80utheaster1y ext en-in the first an cover, cement concrete pler and 1060. on file in the office of Balboa News-Times" a semi-week· of Newport Beach; Gilbert W . sion and the northwesterly exten-ALLEY su£ports for welded steel pipe and The City Engineer of the said ly newspaper published and circu-~aemer of Placentia, and Jack sion of the first alley lying south-lying southeasterly from Iris Ave· ap urtenant work ln connection City, and except as otherwise pro-lated and of general circulation B. Shade of Rivera Beach. "'·esterly rrom Seaview Avenue at nue, between Bayside Drive and th ewith · in the ,.;ded for on said plans in further In the City of Newport Beach. Property owners and residents of Balboa are circulating a petition of prolellt against the installation by the dty of a string of colored lights on M&ln street. Balboa, as propceed by the m erchants there. its offset intersections with said the first alley lying southwesterly ~ ' ALLEY accordance with Specifications No. California, is hereby designated as JMmine Avenue. Larkspur Ave-from Seaview Avenue, and extend-in lock 336 of said Corona Del 70 and specifications for the con-the newspaper in which this Reso- nue. Marguerite Ave nue, Orchid ing northeasterly Into Bayside M and extending northeasterly struction of sanitary sewers, said lution of Intention shall be pub- Avenue and Poinsettia Avenue. all Drive to connect with an existing a oss First Avenue and extend-specifications being on file in the 1ishcd by the City Clerk. in the as shown on sheets Nos. 4, 5. 6 manhole, as shown on sheet No. 14 in southwesterly into Bayside office of the City Clerk of the manner and fonn provided by law, and 7 of said plans: and in of said plans; and in the first Dr ve to connect v.'i th an existing said City, and to which plans, pro-and for making all other publica- POTNSE'ITIA A VENUE, ALLEY m hole, as shown on sheet No. files, drawings and specifications tions in the proceeding under this and as chairman of Appeal Board 18 of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counttes for 18 months. ORCHID AVENUE, and lying southeasterly from Jasmine 25 of said plans. heretofore approved "by the City R esolution of Intention. 161 ) (1891 l. But it v.111 b:lSf> its f' N MARIGOLD AVEN"~. Avenue between n -·-'d Ori EVENTEENTH: The con-Council of the said City, reference The City Clerk is directed to 11.ght on the conten tion that land UBLIC OTICES between the southeast_:.! vy~ exten-• oci, .. e ve . "" and the fint alley lying south-ctlon o f vttrlfled clay pipe is hereby made for a further full mall notices of the adoption of Charter me mlxor of the tint American U.glon post in \Vanaw, P oland, which he joined _while abroad. he Is a past commander of Newport Harbor American Legion. Pasadena born, 45 years ago, he ls a product of Pasa dena schools and of Occidental college. was ac- tive in track and football, and teamed real estate from Anita Baldwin, whose propertll'S he man- aged. The business lessons he learned with Mn. Baldwin served him welf; he has Pioneered many of the~ major areas of greater New- port Harbor. including Beacon Bay. where he makes his home. Serving the Newport Beach city council with outstanding success, Stanley 'proved a unique official: he refused to trade on his official position with the city while seek- ing the state assembly post. so re- signed as a councilman. Hi.s friends heralded this de- cision as one more evidence that • man of such high caliber and abiding faith tn the Rotary motto of "ser\1ce before self' should be .I.he people's representative in the State legis)ature. I Son of Gen. Smith Of Island Graduates under the open sra belongs to rhe slon and the northwesterly exten-westerly from Seaside Avenue, itary sewer, vitrified clay and more particular description of this Rl'Solutton of Intention to' all nation. that is, the sea within the RE80L1JTJON OF 11\"TENTION slon of the first alley lying south-~nd extending northeasterly into house connection, vitrified the Said work. and by reference persons owning real property pro- three-mile belt, referred to as the NO. 131'1 westerly from Coast Boulevard at Bayside Drive to connect with an f>ipe wye branches, Jamphole, thereto the same are incorporated po1ed to be as1essed whose names marginal sea. Its offset intersections with said existln~ manhole, as shown on ole, cut iron manhole frame herein and made a part hereof. and addresses appear on the last The reason that the tidelands RESOLUTION OF THE CITY P oinsettia Avenue, Orchid Avenue sheet No. 15 of said plans; and in an cover and appurtenant work DESCRIPTION OF ASSESS; equalized assessment roll for dty controveny has gone beyond a COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF and Marigold Avenue, all as shown the first in connection therewith; In MENT DISTRICT taxes, sll In the manner and form struggle for po.s~ion of valuable NEWPORT BEACH.'CALIFO&-on sheets No. 9 and 21 of said ALLEY OCEAN BOULEVARD SECTION 3. That the said con-provided for under Section 5010. oil lands in California, ls inherent NIA DECLARING ITS INTEN-plans: and In lying southeasterly trom Nards-be ween the IOUtheasterly line of templated work and improvement, 5194 and 5195 of the "Improve- in Attorney General Clark's as-TION TO ORDER CON8TRUC-CARNATION AVENUE sus Avenue, between the tit-st PC py Avenue produced south-In the opinion of the said City ment Act of 1911", of said Streets ~rtion that no !ft.ate ever had any TION" OF A SAN IT AR 'Y between the northeasterly line of alley lying south1Vetlerly from w'terly and a JX>int distant 175 Council, is of i;nore than local or and Highways Code. proprietary right in marginal sea-SEWER SYSTEM JN OCEAN Seaview Avenue produced north-Coast Boulevard and the tint alley f~t ?orthwesterly from the center ordinary public benefit, and sa1d POSTING OF NOTICE OF lands. This means that denying BOtTLEVAaD AND CERTAIN westerly and Ocean Boulevard. as lying southwesterly from Seaview Ii of Poppy Avenue produced City Council hereby makes the ex· IMPROVEMENT the title to tideland-1 in California Oi'B&& S'l'REE'l'8t ALLEYS shown on sheet No. 2 of said plans; Avenue, as shown on sheet No. 19 so thwesterly, .as shown on Sheet pense:s of the said work and Im-SEC110N 8. The Street Super- denies it to all the coastal states.. AHD &A8l!llJ:NT8 lN (00-and in the t\nt of saJd plans; and in the first N . 26 of said plans. provement chargeable upon a dis-lntendent of the Oty of Newport But more than that a cloud ls RONA DEL MAR). SAID CITY: ALLEY ALLEY GHTEEN11-I: The construe-trict, which said district said Cit9 Beach shall cause to be C0"5J)icu- placed on the title to lands be-DECIAJUNG THI: WORK TO lying southwesterly from Cout lying southeasterly from Orchid of vitrified clay pipe sanitary Council hereby declares to be the ously pasted along the line of said neath inland navigable waters, in-BE OP MORE THAN LOCAL Boulevard, between Marigold Ave-Avenue. between the tint alley er, vitrified clay pipe wye district benefitted by said work contemplated work or improve- cluding lakes and rivers, in the oa O&DINAKY PUBLIO BE.""'i-nue and the first aHey lying north-lying southwesterly from Coast ches, manholes, cast iron man-and improvement and to be as-ment and along all open atreets opinion of the attomey1 geneoral. l!Pl'I' AJfD DESCJUBING THE westerly from Marigold Avenue, Boulevard and the first alley lying e frames and coven. and apptn'· sessed to pay the cosll and ex· within the district liable to be Th i.~ is given substance by an ad-DISTBJCI' TO BE BENEFIT· as shown on sheet No. 2l of said southwesterly from Seavlew Ave-te ant work in connection there-penses ·thereof, and which district assessed for nld work, notices of mission of former Attornt'y Gen-TED llY 8AID WORK AND TO plans. nue, as shown on I.heel No. 20 of ; in is described as follows: the passage of thi.s Resolution· of eral Biddle that titles to marginal PAY THE COSTS AND EX-FIF"IH: The construction of vit-said pla ns; and in the firSt GLENN DRIVE All that certain territory of the Intention, in the time, form and seas a nd titl<'S to lands under or PENSE8 A1t"l> FIXJNO THE rified clay pipe sanitary sewer. vit-ALLEY I b~ve<n the southeasterly line of Oty of Newport Beach, California, manner provided by Jal''. rec.Jaimed from inland bays and TIJIZ AND PLACE SET FOR rifled clay pipe chimneys, vitrified lying southeastttly Crom Dahlia ppy Avenue produced southwest-included within the exterior boun-PASSED AND ADOPTED by wate rs spring from the same or-ll&A&JN'O OBJECTIONS TO clay pipe wye branches, manholes, Avenue, between Seaview Avenue y and the southeasterly pre> dary line shown ":lpon that certain the Oty Council of the. Oty of igina1 source and Me inseparably SAID won.. cut iron manhole frames and and the fiht alley l)'ing south. lo gatlon Of the northeasterly map or plat numbered 414-A here--Newport Beach, Califom1a, at an bound together. Mr. Bldd1e's let-coven and appurtenant work ln westerly from said Seavtew Ave-e of Lot 34 Block A of Tract tofore approved by the Oty Coun~ adjourned regular meeting thereof ter of June 6. 1945, to Senator Tbe Oty C.OUncil of the Oty of connection therewith; In the flnt nue as &hown on sheet No. 10 of . ~. u ~r map ~ in cil ,of u1d Oty on the 20th. day held thl!I 20th day ot May, 1946, Pat McCarran. said: Newport Beach, California. punu-ALLEY said plans. scellaneoua Map Book 20 pa.gs of May. 1946, indicating by a.Id by the following vote, to-wit: "While tklela-aad ,_ ant to the l>l"Ovl>lons of tbe "Im-lying IOUthwesterly from Seavtew NINTH: The construction of 1 and 18 records of aaii Coun-1>9un<1ary line the extent of the AYES: Counc:llmen Allen, SDen. under lD1aad ...,_ an tKtt provernent Act of 1911.'' beln& Avenue. between Ja.smlne Av«1ue vitrified clay ptpe sanitary aewtt. tY.. U s~ on sheet No. 26 of territory ¥uded within the ~ Isbell, RoberUon. Reed. tavol>M. the otatuo ol -Parts 1, 2 and 3. Division 7 of and Larks-Avenue, u 11\oWn vitrified clay pipe houoe 00,,_. sijld plans posed Ul4!UIDODt cllstrict. ana tbe NOES: Councilmen None. ...,.. will -be alart· the Streets and IDghways Code of on llleet No. 5 of said plans. tions, vitrified clay pipe chimneys, .J~· Th• construe-said map or plat la on !Ile In the ABSENT: Coundlmen None. nod lo -erteat by a ...,. the State ol California, does re-SIXTII: n.. construction of vii· vitrified clay pipe "Ye branches, tl In the lnter..;,tlon of Fernleaf office '!I the Oty Clerk of the APPROVED: -la IM -· -•follows: rilled clay pipe sanitary aewets, lamphol .. and •PIJUrt<'nant wcrk ue and Cove Street. of a rein said aty. Rd.,.enoe la hereby O. B. REED. Senate action on the joint .....,.. DESCRIPTION OF WORK vltritled cl•• pl--..,..._ In """11ectlon therewith: In the CObCJ'Ote pump and ~·~p· made· to said map or plat for a Mayor of the Oty of N""po<t I · I th hol ........_ ~ ~ ~-•--flJrlher full --• more ~--+<-·1 -Beach, Callf-'-ution may l'e'SO ve e w e tn...... S:leU. l . That the public ln-ttan.. vitrified day pipe wye 111. .. t together with the instaJ • ....... .-. ........ .._._ .... J..U&. Kenneth McRae Smith. son of !em. As It stands, the states av t.....t and <Onvenience roqultt, and branches. manholes. cast Iron ALLEY of pumpa. moton switch: description of the said aa erm:oent I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Brigadier General and Mn. A. D. pear to have the weight ot his-that It la the Intention ot the Oty manhole frames and coven and lying aoutheuterly from Carna· conduit> float. ~t Iron district, and. the said map or plat above and f<ftlOing Raolutlon ot Smith of 911 North Bay Front, toric evideft<e and the eumulatlve C'<>lmdl ot the Oty of N...._t appurtenant work In ClOIUleCtlon tlon AVen~. betwttn Seavi<w pes, valves ftttlnp, eqqlpment ao. cm me lhall covern for all de--Intentlon wu puaed and adopted Balboa Ialand will receive a high effeet of many Su~ Court BNm. Callfomla, to orde!" the fol· t-th: In the tint Avenue ond the flnt alley lying appurt..;..,.,.. i th tails u to the extent of the said by the Oty Coundl of the Oty ot -•-1 ce~·~.:.te from New Mex-I decisions on their side. While the 1--W!Olr'k to be done, to-wit: ALLEY 90UlhWftt:L!l"l.y frcm. said Seavlew of «all e pmnp. us um:mt dlstrlct. New-pert Beach. Califcrnla. at the ~-'~'" oil I and th S ot Call ·-·.,. raw aewage, u par· DESCRIPTION OF BONDS time and by the vote aboYe atated. loo Military Institute on 'I\Jeoday ntercsts • tat• -FIRST: 1be construction of vlt-!yins oouthwesterly from Seavlew Avenue, u shown on lh<et No. 10 ly shown on llleeto nmnb-=~oN 4. -.1 -~-• •-~ ~·-L n~•- morning June 4 1946. l !ornia will ttmaln tbe benenclu-ritled day pipe sanitary aewon, Aven.,., betwftD -AvP-of salcl plw. 23. 28 and 29 of said plans. ~~u ••--·~ ™ •~•n ~~ .. Younc' Smith ha. been ~lied \ ies if the Senate concurs with lhe vltrltled clay pipe chimneys, vltrl· nue and the tint alley lylnc 1'"1th· TEN'nf: n.e <'<lnOtruction ot · Aloo In conriectlon with said ~ ln'-t at the rate of ab< Cty Clft1t of lhe Oty of N.,.- \n the high school division fO< two House. or it the hlgh court delllea fled day pipe houoe connections, eut.,.ly f>om -A....,.., vltrlfted clay pipe sanitary_., ~tatlon. the conotructlon of 16%) per cent per annum lhaJI pert -.. California. "YM"-and Is completing the buic l :'tt.omey General Clark's clabns, vttrltled clay pipe wye brancheo, u ahown on llleet No. 7 of laJd vltrltled clay pipe ""'-connec. ;r -wraJIPOd atftl pipe -be Jaued to r-nt eadi u-Pub. Mq 28 and 30, 19M. _,,... · the -cavalry unit it " hanlJy likely that nati-1 manbcles. cast !nm manhole plw; and In the ilnt tlom, vitrified clay pipe wye lino leading from said pump · of the ;.O.T .C. He la one of 20 clef~ will suffer If the undenoa fraJMe and coven and appurt..,. ALLEY brandiel, manhol .. with flushing tlon norlheaslerly along y....,.. cadets from Callfoml• included in! 011 isn t kept as a naval ~tpncy ant won: in connection therewith lylnc 90UtbW8terly fiun Seavtew devlcr, cut iron manbol•. fr&me9 Avenue and croatng the total ot 174 who will receive-reserve .. Besidft.. oil may not loan in the foDowtng st:rttts and alleys: Avenue. between Carnation Ave-and OO'Yft"I, and appurtenant wcrk 'to connect wtth man· hicb. -cstltlcats9 at U.. .. '° Vital wllen atomic OhEtV Ia nue ond the first alley lying south· In connectioh therewith; In • No. 7 to be oomtructed snduatlon cettm0111es. Sb<ty-dcbt becunti available for · othor pur-OCEAN BOULEVARD -Inly -Dahlla Avenue, COVE STREET , u putleularly shown per cent of the ...ieta eeee!W.C _. than for bombing. betw ... n the aouthw<ltttly pro-....inc Dahlia Awn"" at Ito I& be,_ the~ alley lying llClUth-sheet No. 23 of said plam. hlab -cert!llcats tmOl1 11' lonptlon of the norUiv.-.st.,.ly line tenection with said alley tint eut.,.ly from.llmleat Aven1Se ond Alao, In ClllllneCtlon with aid tho jQnlor co1Jose di--SAN DIEGO-To ol~ln locating oC CUnatlon A...,.ue and Golden-cleocribod. u shawn on lh<et No. o.hlla Avmue, ""*1ng Fft"llleaf -tkm --P" ue may beaJme sfaduats ot New1llCllools of tuna for hia boob, one rod A-. as .-non llleets 10 of said plans: and In the lint A"""ue ond extending -U.wwt· the -of a reJn. Jloxloo Military Institute after of the local llsheimen hu pur-No. 2 and 3 of the plam hettln-ALLEl' eri;y Into Dahlia AWD"" to the OOllClete -- completing the two-year CGUne. chased two airlilanes. n.. planeo after refl'n'ed to: and in the flnt lying aou.-....rly from -•· Ouahlng manhole No. 1 to be con-Jn the -ly llde Enrollmalt at Nt'W Meldco MD~ will have radio for communlcatkn ALLEY ti.a A.venue, betwem th! tlnt aJ-atruct:ed b:ere\mder, u lbowst on Fernleef Awnue at lb lnter- ltary Imtltu~. ~II. la Hm!~ with the boots and thus will direct l)'lng aoulhwutft'\y fl"om e.r-ley lYlns --ly -See-llleet No. 22 of -piano; and la ' with the tint aJJ.,. !)'Ing WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD ) 811 Coat llfPway 101 • • . "' •. ;:: ...... .. wa far.a. ........... ., ........ I I Ml to !1118 cadets. Of thll number, 'Ill them "'1>enevu their acoutins op-QrtW, .....,..., Golclmrod A--Avemsc -Ilse !Int all<7 SHEIJ, STREET of Cow Street. tc>-ore ,,_. CaJUonila. eratlons are 1ucceoaful. and Jri1 A-~ ~ Htilo-l)'lng aouth-11 t>om eo.t b<twem the C011ter Une of !be lint , wtflt --· ateel -. ._ ___________ .... ________ ._.., ·r • • . • ' ... •• • • -...... ... f---• \ ---" ' -• , I ~ .. I '..__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~J"~*!W!!!HIK:!!!~W~BA!!;•~ao~;~·~:;~~~~~~!:::!;:;~~:!:::======~~ .. ~--~~u~ .... ~===i::;±:·:::;::::::::::::::;~;:;::;~·:::::;:::::::::;:.::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::!~~.~!:::;:-~==~=-.-=o"'u=m=-=---------------~.··~-.---------.-~-----n trouo.u. • &ADIO " -;;•~·~·~·~· -~T~·~-~=====~&~,~~~-~l'l~,~·~n:~=====~&1!/ •s•1. mAn . a1•s••-arr.&n • . UV~.-:KI '.W 11 l!MPLOYllJ:NT QWPCMSQ T'f'.tan&.-.. &V ".. ~ - ---------------------RADIO BOUSE CALLS-• rl' PA INT ING HELP WANTED-Care of dllld, CASH FOR USED FURNlTURE. N"" that addlll<rW -tent J. M. MIL L. ~ R *-FRANK P. JOHNSON -RcALTOR--A- 12 Years Service In Newport your home or mine. Phone Har-PHONE BEACX>N !!531hl. t«bnicl&m att available, we are ,_ Reel Estate ll loker W . C. Wagner, Associate Broker I H-Atta bor 106-42-2tc 23-tfc able to make service calla "" 15th and Cen ral 1664 Newport Blvd. PbOne Beacon 543f-W Harry Hall """'R w ANTED -Housekeeper, anaJJw --ANTED-~-TO-B-UY--N-eed--b,-Jm<d-. 1~ ""':'!~LDAll L.wor~~-\ PAINTING CONTRA~•v •---on Island. Cook meals, I 1y ood. cl II•' &JI~ ~-Phone Beacon 5259-J ·~~ at• • g ean .,.t car. S.O.S. R&dlo, 300 Marine AYO. 714 E. 19th Street 24-tfc light bouaewOl'k, home nights. Price no object. !'hon< Hunting-Pll. Har'-7111. 34-tfc Good pay. Phone Harbor 2151-M. ton Beach 3521. 38-tfc B111LDINO llAft!U4UI 11 42-tfc WILL PAY CAml tot yGUr """ Radio Repairs HAVE a good stock ot roii t;"Ofln& -----------Dltu"' or what ...... you.. Pbaae All mak .. ; tubes, etc. and Comp. Shinaieo. Tile Boord YOUNG WOMEN Beacon 5656. o. R. crawley, Beacon 5763 In many colon, also Boywen'• 1812 Newport Blv., Coota Mesa. BURT MORTON JOO'Xo Pure Palnta at .,...,.war Telephone operating 30-tfc 915 eout Hlzbway, N ... -port- Jrlces. Copeland Un-. Yard&. 5th positions are available -:"-:::v-:::RN:::_n_v_•..,-::--ro_e-;MLS:::---::-;::--n ~=-.,.----,....,.--~:-:-23-'::-:tt-::c: 1 a. Artesia Sta., Santa Ana, ca!. " Id f 34-tfc to you in your OWil ,;Q()D, used. reconditioned Gu SEE the new style ...,.. .,_,. Ranges, $13.95. Harbor Furn!-upholstered planoo. Many colorJ PAIN'llNO OONTllACTOll community. ture, 1962 Har'-Blvd, Colla to choooe from at DANZ- Meu. JS.tfc SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. PAINTING -PAPl!IR HANCSINO Starting pay is good, Main St., Santa Ana. We also "::'. 'ii~c=G evnerience is not required. BUNK BED. Complete with mat-rent planoo. · 38-tfc -,.. t>ess, aprlngi a. laddes'. Harbor 414 Old Conty Rd.. Coota Mesa Furniture, 1962 Harbor Blvd, REPOSSESSED Spinet Typo mlr- Phone Beacon 5013-.1 ~tfc Frequent increases. Colla Msa. 39-tfc ror-Ptomo. This 1s a real !Jeraaln. BICYCLES llold.Ratedorll<~ VOQEl/S 100 Malll.st.. - 11 -~ --· M-Uc Vacations with pay. Other uae<1 pianoo u 1ow u BRAND NEW omnnl•hed chest.I ot SBS, $87, $125, $175. DANZ. Advancement drawera, all J!zes. Harboc-Furn!-SCHMIDT PIANO co .• 520 No. ture, 1962 Harbor mvd. Coota Malll, Santa Ana. 38-tfc opportunities. M.... JS.ttc Arvin & Emerson FOR SALE-{;as range; Hot-Point R A D J O S 'Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., s.lboa 51414. N. Main St.. Santa Ana or •loc. water heattt; pre-war klt-24-HCAJr Radio Se<vlce ~~~: E. Bay ~i:; Short Circuit Radio 305 Palm, Balboa Balboa Island Lido Isle 2 Bedroom home tumlshed; Lov. lY 4-bedroom home com- also 2-bedroom home over · y furnished. 3-car garage. Patio, barbe-• 41!25 000 cue; Well located; posses-• ~ • sion end of escrow. • $19,000 Lido Isle Balboa 4-Bedroom.' completely refin- ished and newly decorated. Immediate poaaession. 4-_ home, 75-ft. front- $17,500 ~' . Large patio and barlle- et; • F1owers: shrubs. Jm. ~~te possession. $29,500 . Balboa Peninsula "ot $3000 Phone Your Li tings In and we will give tbell1 odnsideratton FQR SALE-l'ormanent --In ,...... 1-le, $10 up. Mn. Bond, . Ile. ..,.,-. 19 years •xp. Box 414. Aok the opentor for the Oilof o_.tor FOR SALE-Rug and pad. 9x12. Phone 1838-W 13-tfc All wool, good condition. Harbor . ·~~ U J. M. M J L i. E R 895-J. 41-3tp llnX1IAL ANNOunu~••o Newport. 38-4tp COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES 'Mntin& and Manlcurtnc Southern CaMfornia Telephon~ Com~y 42-tfc Evonln& AppL Ph. Harbor 1 ~ W SAL& MJ!l(ll;Ll..UfE()U8 BE COMFORTABLE. year around. 15th & Central • Newpi>rt lleac 1 • Ph. Harber 1242 BABY BED, matching wardrobe, Johm-ManY!ll• Rock Wool home I 42-ltc maple, xlnt cond, S65 for set; insulation. Frtt lnformaUon. Occasional chair $35; radio cal>-Writ• Box M, c/o Newo-Tlmeo. ---------------4--+) ------- inet convertod Into d<Sk, good 40-4tp FOR YOUR NEW HOME (now updei11 construction) see utility, $10 ; bed d&venport, llk• -----=...,.....-....,-....,,.--HUB POWERS at J, A, BJ; ;:!{ office. Attractive new, hardwood arms (maple> TYPEWRITERS tw~ and three-bedroom horn· ls-tie;l..o built for SALE Vi'• Beautv Shop • $75. Miscellaneous. 4006 River OFFICE EQUIPMENT t 1."" Ave., on Canal, Newport. 42-ltp Cl anln Oil! A••··H·• TCtVEI'ERANS a C .P .A. _ · vrices - - -well I~ e g, ng, ... ~~.... cated on 15th street at 0 )avenue, Newport 1103 c-t HJway, ~ de! Mar GOOD, used sprinp a. mat-. ~tfc H&rbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor BOATS, SUPPLIES II Overhauling H . hts ROBERT'S eig · · I _SMPIA> ___ no:MT ___ W_ANTJ:D ____ lll_ • Blvd., Coota Mesa. 39-tfc WANTED-Temporary bookkeep-FOR SALE-Boy's and ilrl'1 bi-F __ O_R_S_A_LE-Can---.. -.-good--co-n-d., tr nve dayi a week. Call office cycles. Schwt.n.n models, 28 ln. sso 212 Oce Bl d Balbo manaa:er, Beacon 5432. 42-Ztc Y P ar · after 5:10 p.rn.. 42-tfc Full ' i ped. Call H bor 604 · 4 an v " a, _ . 39-4tc WANT-Odd jobs. such u yard: ar ---AL"---Bo'--,b-.-,.-1 """28-,,...,.--. FOR SALE-Outboard Champion hou.e work, etc. Phone &aeon FOR S E-y's 1cyc e, tn. Wh-ls raCUl· g type 'Schwi'nn motor. 3.9 h.p., xlnt cond. Call •-•M. . 39-4tp "'" . . . __,.... $15. Call Harbor 604. 41-2tc Twin Oaks 4774 L. A. 42-4tc WANTED-i..aundr:Y w oTk tn your FOR SALE-All-metal 5Q..lb. lee \VANT TO BUY OR' RENT-home. $100 J>eT hr. References. . Mooring for 28--ft. Cruiser . Ph: Ph H . bor 197J...M 41-2tc box, $20. 3902 Ri ver St., Nev.rport Thornwall 4714 L. A. 42-2tc one ar · Beach. 42-ltc CARPENTER \VORK. remodeli.ng ....,..,,-.,..--,0--:cc:---=---cc---: or repa_lri ng of any kind We can FOR SALE-Silver Fox fur and get materials. Box H .. c/o N~-s-China 1\1i.nk coat. Phone Harbor Times. 41-2tp 117. 42-4tc EMPLOYMENT WANTED -Re-FOR SALE-Beautiful Red Fox liable woman will stay with chil-(ur coat. Three quarters length, dren afternoon or e\les. 320 An-size 16. Bought last year, worn FOR SALE-Star Boat. light con- struction. galvanized machined keel, stainless steel rigging. ~ cated at 1707 E . Bay Ave .. Bal- boa. Name : Hylite. 42-6tp FOR SA.LE-Snipe sails, new, $110. Also Snipe just refinished. $450. TYPEWRITER SERVICE WE HAVE A 2-BEDROOM HO .tE 'vailable now, I~ 2602 w. C..ntral Harbor 447 cated on Short Street, nei 1l e Arches. Price 40-tfc $9000. Pre-war construction Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repalT ' O. Z. ROBERTSON Call Harbor 83 34-tfc KEYS . Made Whlle You Watt VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. Balboa '?08 Ma.rt.ne. Balboa IaJand 94-ttc --!:--+- Phone Harbor 2-W HUB POWERS /.GENT J. A. B e e k 0 f f ' c e Ferry Landing ! Balboa Island F . JACK SULLIVAN CORONA DEL MAR H omes 42-ltc \. E. JOHNSON I Realtor and Associates Phan~ Beacon 5102-M ade St.. Balboa. 42-2tc twice. Sl65. 603 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar. 42-4tp WANTED-Position as machine Ph : Harbor 1871-W or (L. A.) _FO_R_R_l;_NT ________ 41 Yory 5071. 42-ltp """-=--==:--:-::::-:=--:--:-.,.-;- New 2-bedroom home, hardwood floors thruout, nice dinette and plenty closet space. Extra iarge , dbl. garage with laundry room. 1 -Ne~ort Heights FOR SALE--1 wicker baby strol-bookkeeper , typing and address-ler. SlO: a lovely set for baby, ograph. General office exper-ience .. Box L, c/o Ne\vs-Times. junior size bed with new inner- FOR RENT -105x420 ft. lot in FOR SALE-Bow and stern moor-Miracle Mlle near Greyhound ing for 2Q..tt. boat at end of Ruby station, foT display or other pur-$10,500 Cozy 1-~oom home, furnished. ini . El~olux refr., table top sto1·e. eto. Neat and clean and 42-ltp spring mattress and wardrobe, S35. 418 E . Suri, Balboa. 42-4tc St .. in So. Bay, Balboa Island. pose. Ph: Harbor 212. 38-tfc J"•t completed,-possesslon at on-. Ph: Harbor 895-J. 42-2tp -" WANTED TO RENT 0 2·bed.room stucco, large dinette, • yo can rnove right in. Garage & workk>om. Lot .}OO'xl.27'. Se krer in and connected. Sev- er frui trees. Price only HELP WANTED Female Excellent position open to a competent secretary· stenographt"r. H FOR SALE ~ Large Frigidaire, L e hman Kits o f Parts $37.50; high oven range. $15: To conve rt Ford A. B, VS-85. VS-60 davenport, $15 ; 9x14 rug, $50; engines to marine use. Kits are 1 wri~ing desk_ & be~ch; 2 bunk compl. with directions. Coming or twin beds Wlth spr1?gs & ~at-soon Ford 4, 6, 8-cyl. and \Villy's tresses. $50. Other misc. thmgs. ''Jeep" marine engines and kits. Box 128 Balboa Isla.nd. 42-2tc See your dealer or write Allied DODGE, '41 recon. Command car, Wes t Di.str .. 11 8 New Mtg'y St., concert grand Etewart-Warner S. F .. Calif. 42-3tc w ANTED TO RENT-Room in hardwood floors, nice fireplace. $4750 WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed-Nice home on large lot 7oxllS, DAI' DY 1-' fdroom home close in, room house or apt. Permanent. · numerous fruit trees, shrub5 and ne lr Har ~r Blvd. Garage and Call collect Long Beach 84467. nowers. Garage on front and P,:wc kroom, 72 feet frontage. Capt. Marsden. 42-4tp rear or property, one in front ced f ul k 1 has partly completed a partment. 0 f q ......:..._ 58 e. $7850 private home, by single gentle-Garage. man. Prefer Corona del Mar. Ph. $11,00Q Harbor 292-W. 42-2tp --- --0- TODA Y'S SPECIAL Modem 5-room house; full ¥,, acre. 100 rab- bits, 15 laying hens plus full equipment. Double garage and workroom. Lovely trees and garden. A buy at- $8000 ANOTHER SPECIAL Costa Mesa. 1 acre comer, 6 room stucco. Olncrete basement; outbuildings include garage, guest room. brooder house and more, 250 laying hens, facilities for 1509. Stock also includes rabbits, pheasants aJ¥1 pea.cock. Beaufiful garden and fruit trees. Home mmpletely furnished. Full price for all this- $15,750 EAST SIDE,NEARL Y NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME, bdwd. floors, fire- place, redecorated inside and out. Lot 66'x330'. nice garden and landscaplng, $9750. Terms. CORNER Vi ACRE RANCHO NEARLY NEW, 2-bedroom stucco, large living room. kitchen very modem. Guest hoilse, garage, chick. and rabbit equip .. corral. Comer lot, 66'x330'. Street paved all around Oose in East side. Space for 2 or 3 more homes. Price $12,500. Terms. LIDO ISLE HOME 3 BEDROOMS & DEN, large living room, fireplace, large dining room and kl'.tcben. Elaborately furnished In good taste. Has complete baths on each floor. Three and one-half lots or 105'xl00'. Completely walled with steel reinforced concrete 6 ft. high. Two patios with barbecue pit; won- derful sun deck, top of house; unobstnicted view of ocean and bay; rose and flower gar- den beautifully landscaped, also has green house. Price $35,000. Terms. NEWPORT BL VD. CORNER 3-Bedroom, den & sun room: 10-rm. house. Living room 20'x21' with fireplace, dining room 20'x2CY: large kitchen with OOUtins elaborately installed. Ven. blinds, carpets, drapes and curtains. Lot 132'x255'. Comer all fenced with redwood in concrete: 'Slee!>' Ing cabin. pool & barbecue. Fruit in back yard. Price $21,500. Terms. CLIFF DRIVE ' 6-ROOM HOME, ocean view unobsthicted, all-redwood house, good foundation, newly redec. inside and out. Sun room ov'erlook- ing ocean. Price $13,000. Terms. --OPEN SUNDAY~ Pleasing personality and neat appearance required. WANTED TO RENT-or sublease Price la right at-rt. / j FOR SALE-PosWve income. 40-house. near beach. preferably $15 500 "72 IA.ere Ranch --0- Lots of work and dam good pay. r adio & record player; child's high chair & basinette: all-metal cot springs ; 5-gal. thermos jug; assortment of articles. Phone Harbor 2106-W Fri. or Sat. a.m. only. 41-2tc ft. Com. Fantail Fishing Boat. Balboa Island, beginning around ' Ram~.ling r'11ch type home, furn Plenty of gear. diesel power , an· July 1. Write B<lx N. c/o News-Llfing roam 20x25. 2 large bed-*-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAL TOR-* char and winch, 8 pieces of net. nmes 42-3tc LOTS ~ms an~ sleeping porch. Large · Phone P .A. Palmer Harbo r 1500 Giggs and line .all ready to go. · Nice lot 200 ft. from ocean b. kitchen and breakfast 1664 Newport Blvd. Phone Beacon 5434-W 42-ltc All with mooring at Newport, APT or SMALL !fOUSE wanted on Goldenrod. ........................ $4250 m. M~ern tile bath. Dbl. =-=-=-=-=-:--:-'"'.".".:-:--:--.,.--===----.,...,,,..---.,,, Steel Kitchens only S9750. 2'Z1 20th St .. New-by man and wife. We do not . go age. Beautiful Landscaping FOR SALE-A beautiful 2-story AUTOMOTIVE 4' TDIE8 18 port Beach. 42-2tp drink or smoke, no children or 80 rt. on Poppy _wtth 20 avocado wi h trees!. shrubs and n owen. Ocean ~ont holne. Close in. Po------------GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W trees, fenced on, a buy at...:$5!!50 I tial I f $15 day 1932 NASH COUPE ........, cond. SHOWER DOORS ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP-it Bo "X" N rt Bal-Near school on Dahlia St. below A ideal setting for someone ten ncome o per · ............. Southern Counties 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. or wr e " ewpo . · · w lo wanta privacy. Can be increased. !i bedrnul., 2 2 spare tires, $350. 426 30th St., lmmedl d ll Oth od boa News-Times. 37-tfc highway, 30xll8. .............. _ ... $1500 ts a o-ift at ~10,400 sleeping porches, 11!. bath, large Newport Beach. 42-2tp Supply Co. ate e very. er m • Fin I t Po' tti 120 ft .,. " 1 For Appointment 42-4tc eli soon -di.nghies, sailboats, WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. froe o Oceon lllle45xlla8. ~•-n -living room with real firep ace. FOR SALE-'32 Plymouth 4-door· 144 Coa.st Blvd. N. runabout5. cnn.sers and paddle-unfurnished house. Will lease. m an, ............. ~ Balb p , Nice dining room, kitchen and , _W_ANTED--____ Dll_h_was_-,h_e_r.-p-art_,or-Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach boards. _ Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7rn 90 ft. on Poinsettia, fme vtew .. i 03 en1nsula utility porch. Partly furnilhed, good tires, new paint. Sell now full time. Ph: Harbor ~ 42·1tc Plastic Watercraft Co. or 13. 35-tfc of Ocean. Make otter, all or half. J . ~r_velous Bay View $23,500, by owner. 418 E. Surf, $27S. Ph: Beacon 5435 or Beacon 41-2tc 407 E. C..ntral, Balboa -D . • or home with lovely Balboa. Ph: Harbor 2739. 5888-W eves. 42-4tc ----------....,...,. ' Electrical Phone Harbor 2673 42-ltc WANTED TO RENT-2-bedrm. LISTINGS APPRECIATED m aern upstaln apt. Lara• 41-4tc AUTO SDVICI: It WANTED-Woman to stay with Repair Service furnlshod apt. or house for sum--°"\"~· living a. dining room car-•Rl:AL 1!:8TATI: l!:XCB.UIOI; 41 _ school age children evenlngi, oc-Appliances. Home. Moton a. Fire Equipment Tests mer or pennanenL Prefer Penin-F. JACK SULLIVAN !"'f<" wall to wall. Fireplace, • culonally over night. Call Har-Karine Service. Immediate C-0-Two. Pyrene & Foam reflUs. aulL Couple. 920 W. Central. 121l Coast Highway 3£ce bedrooms. Complete bath, RESPONSmLE Telephone em- bor 299-W. 41-tfc Atwntlon. co fixed system and Portables Newport Beach. 39-4tc CORONA DEL MAR ti! Colored tile kitchen, many ploye wanta to <ltcbange 3-bed· NOW HERE WANTED-Accounting Instructor S. L. FRANKLIN now available. WANT TO RENT-Small upright Ph: Beacon 587&-J · 41-1tc ~Ins, ven. bllndi Lowflreer apt. room home '!_!est Loe Anvlceles business school. State educaUon, Ph. Harbor l781-W ETS HOKIN &: GALVAN piano 3 or 4 months. Ph: Harbor arge llv. room, place, for lame ln ~ta Ana or cln- experlence and aalary. Address 2818 Central 32-tfc 1000 Coa,<t Highway 114&-M . 40-4tc F. S . OWEN m, kitchen and % bath. lty. Call Southern Calif. Tel<- Box J . c/o N-~-~--40-4tc -~ Kindl• Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc WANTED TO 0~~-Sma11 cot--Olitaide shower, patio, barbecue, phone Co., Santa Ana. 58'l8. .:: ..... .lUI---Fire Plaoe .,....nc n..w.i.-... Residential Lot on Balboa doUrble garage. rrs TOPS . l~tfc WANTED-Reliable .....,.a1 main-W 0 0 D FOR SALE-Snowbird, reeently tage by refinod ntiddle &god Peninsula d " t $20 500 •----man. Udo TI\eatre. Dellvettd ovtthauled. $375. Inquire UJ>' couple. No pets. Pennanent. c/o e uce\4 0 1 REAi. ESTATE EXORANG""E.U ~~ Tim 41-4 $3000.00 -26-tfc H. W . WRIGHT stain 1409 W. Bay Ave. 41-2tp -Bo> B. News-es. tp -~ >pen Evenlnp and Swiday WILL EXCHANGE rent of nnall w·-Al'C"ED~=---:s"'te-nogr--a-ph-:--er-,-::boo=k::-· Ph. Beacon 5665 FOR SALE-JS-ft. Dory, Johnson VETERAN and bride planning to Lot on Newport Heights, -hOUll< In L.A .. Bev. & ve.mont, kttper, general otflce work. Ex-.......:1~784.:.:...:.N,;.e_.._:,=t,..m=vd==:--3--tf_c 1 Seahorse 21 h.p., complete. $400. reside in Costa Mesa. Want""'· with ocean vtew A . E . JOHNSON far what have you on Bal. Ial. tra typbt needed also. Apply ORANGE COUNTY Llke new. Call at 127 42nd St.. furn. apt. or house. Contact Mr. $1850.00 4l Newport Blvd., Coota Mesa Permanent or ! Phone L. A. Water Department. City Hall. UPHOLSTERING CO. Newport. 41-4tc Jol'l?'nsen at Harr's Jewelry, _ p : Beacon 5l02-M 42_1tc FI 8865. 39-4tc . 41·2tc Manufacturers IS YOUR BOAT BA'M'ERY TOO 1821 Harbor Blvd., Coota Mesa. Two lnduatrlal lots with rnldence ====-=-:::-:-:::-----;: w·-ANTICD---,,,==-c:H::O::t=ICL=-KAID=-=.-:11a1::::;-:::: Of Upholot<rod Furniture SMALL FOR THE J OB! Then 41-ttc on rear. Good location for ma-Buildinl!' Sites •ON1111' 'IO LOAM 11 ImL -eeo. 1-U'c 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana why not turn lt In for a larget' BOOM II BOABD 41 chine shop. Let us assist yoo liJ ~ a IC>' LOANS TO BUJLD, blq, lmp!'O"O. · Factory and Showroom one. WANTED-Room & board 1n coed $7500.00 "tion to sult )'Olll' needa. W• m-mi. or ""'"4noe LOCAL or traveling in buslnesl 504 West c.enter St., Anaheim We have a large 1tock ot NEW private home tor elderly lady. -h \le a wide lel'ection of choice Ne"port Balboa~ 8&"riDC• for yoonelf. No money requlr<d. Phone Anaheim 4n4 collect DELCO-REMY BA~. a. No Catt. Call Mrs. Howard Four aa-es In Costa Meaa, west ~ 1 . and Lou .A-.u .... Good"lncome. You are your own ' U.Uc we make very LIBERAL Air MOOl"e Beacon 5122. 32-ltp side, with 800 ft. frontage. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 -· Apply !5()814. No. Main SL, WWANCES on trade Ina. • $7200 00 Terms We built home; 2 bedrma., llvln& -·~--. Santa Ana. :l&-7tc Just Arrived We N!Charge any sJze or mak• of WANTED-Room a. meals, in prl-"' · ' r :m and fireplace with lar&e •-v•~-'' YOUNG LADY, pleasins penon· rr.b. RMr.IJls Aid battery that is brought ln. tor vate ~·by youne man. to be -..,e have a buyer tor a home on 2 ·1ncome Apt. over a-FOR SALE-Fordlon tractor, new all fond f children to care BA TI'ERIES juot fifty centa. employod locally. Balboa IaJand Udo Iale bay front U YoU c r pnge; laundcy room. Ex-tlra. -·· Phone Beacon Youf authorized O\ryller- Plymouth Dealer. Authorlzod parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mecbanlcs Ke~ and Quaker 'State oils NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. C..ntral Ave. for tyd.lldren o4 bours at night In -o,... Oo. Sto~~~il Service or vtclnity. Returning to coll-have one f;: sale Iii•• ~-a ring -t value at-5l508-W. Jack'• Service, - return for,,_, a. board. Private 117 Main SL Ph. Jlarl>or 515 AVE. in fall. Best of ffierenceo fur-d&y or nlchL · ' $19,500. Furnished 17th A Santa Ana Ave., c..ta ----------~ beai:h. Ideal )lam• !oc right IO-Uc (Between 18th a. Macnolla) nished. Box MC. c/o N....,._'nmel _ W,U. 4G-4tc T'Lf>D DB 1:1 38-tfc puty. Writ• Mn. Nepon, Bay Auto Batten"ee COSTA MESA 42-3tc Lee Matthews, with ' erlrude A. Waldron AVTOMOi'i¥& a ~ • TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your Shott Camp. NOWPOl't Beach. 41·2tc P&••. i8i.&ft ft F S Ow B k W n. W S -~ d B k Pll: Harbor 1128.-42-1tc Rubbor ~ten . . en, ro er • a1uOr , ro er FOR SALE OR TRADE-'36 O>ev. own haullng and movlnc. All BOAT BUILDERS WANTED on Plywood Skiffs and Sailing Dinghies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS WATSON BOATS m c-t Iil&lnn3' Harbor 52T1 18-month _ $6.'15 !:Jr. MUlllOAL II B.u>IO M EV A F. RHODEN 509 :U.t St., Newport Beadl 308 Marine Avmue 4-dr. Rdan. 200 mllel llnce mo-,,.... equlpmeot, $2.25 and $2.SO Co-pounded Motor 01·1 u ~ pi Tel Harboi '1!577 42-1tc • 234-R 42-tfc tor m>ullt. ,,.... brakes, clutch -day. W• furnish the hitch. -F'OR SALE-prlght ~wn ano. --and rear end. Clean and xlnt Myrehn Broo. Sel-vlce Station, Gallon, TOc S150 ; Marimba. 545. 2315 Old Lido Isle FOR SALE--3-bedrm., &-rm. rr.-Balboa Island Home runn1nc cond. want old car and cor. 17th a. N.,.part mvd, Colla -I Santa Ana Rd., Custa M""!~ ';'' 2-itory 2-bedrm. home with at· lo~.:_.moderny -~~~-""!':;.i ~ 2 becb-Fllrnlabed.. , cuh. Pll: Harboc-l,99(h1. 42-4tc M-. . 42-4tc Western Amo Supp Y Beacon 51611-R. ~tc tacllOd cu-. All ,_ .,.. , ·~· .--~ ~-~ ' Authtclad Dealer FOR SALE-Marino radio, dittc-lar&e with llvtnc tcxm ""'* concret• foundation. rii'!i~ • $11,000 .IVl!D8 'W'.,.IW» ••vroe 'W'AllWWW .,._ 1.836 N•wport Bhd., Coot& •-lion finder. 3 band. 6 volt fisher. entln frolJ.t ot -· l4i block aidine. 10 min. clrlv• to ~ : -' _________ 41_-tf_c 1 Nearly now. 5'09 31.st. Newport f1<lm boy. · ;/n:;ce"' ~ '::~~ · Ocean Bl¥d. Lot WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS VENETIAN BLINDS-AllDnlnum. Beach. Ph. Harboc-2511. u-ttc $20,000 H<lghta. s.11 ...,, equity. ~ $3,000 and Will Pay Top J:>rices 1teei wood. call .. far ftte .. ti. KNABE Grand Plano, walnut cuo, -occupied. 457 Santa Ana Ave.. - mate. Re>ovation "' ttflnlshlnc. Famous Knake tone. Also Weber Newport Blvd. N..._t IUlchlli. 42-2q> Bay Front Lot So. c-t · Vm<tian Blln4 Co., Grand. Soluner, Schultz. And Corner lot. 63 feet !rontace oo < Doti Location. Priced to s.JJ. !EIJ, TOUR CAR NOW While Priem are Hieb-w .. t 18th and NOWPOl't Ave.. many other famous mak... mv. Excellent bl!ldneu location. Lo&a.L Tape '-- c..ta M .... Pll: Beacon 5355-W. DANZ-SCHMIIYI' PIANO ro., $6000 ~ u;m 2 Small Houses Pia. fl1r aar __._. ~ wtio fill C:.U .ad 38-ttc 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. -_Now 00 Hand >n Lot :r.-tar Bowl•• wltlw .,.... N9tiAa OPA ~ .,.qq =o-==-==-==----= 38-ttc EVA F.· RHODEN '$10 500 -kw .ad ..Z1•• d cletwDr . wANi'ZD ro aur 11 Supply Limited ' • ... SELL your -trailer far the STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahos-410 N""'"" ~.Coot&~ -at-. -CULBERTSON CHEVROLEil' 00~ Inc. Top Dollar to Luttln"' Lewla ::; "":~ -;~-~ ELTON'D. s.uua:rr. Bwbr NEWS TIMES w. L. JORDAN a: 111111 .. ex· .• ~ Trailer Sales, 2201 South Main nT.a.-uo co· .• ·~ No. u.o. PIL Bei ••a 57J3..R . • 100 Eut Cmtral. Belboe --·-·0 t:M.Jfsaport9 t a0:11a.-· d AM ... St., Santa Ana. 3Mtp ~~Ana. -~ I· 41-2tc ~ 153 a&-tfc'M:!!lr·-. .. · ' · -,. • \ •• > c-',L . i..~ .. • -.F . ' . ., ' ........ .. .,.. • h' J~.·· '; -;.(fi .. • ~.' i • ,, ! I • , ' ·- • ~ roia:roN SESVl<Jll: JIZATJNO 80m<D 8P&liD WASHINGTON -TWo ol the At least two nw>ufacturen are Ualted St.ta f1aC11nes have start· far enough advOnced on planes far 911' ...... ....ice to frr.lcn c:oun-the Army and Navy 10 that wltbill trleo. One If now flylng recuJuly the next few nQ\tbo U-planes to Scm>d!navla and the other is with pilots aboard wfil set l«mk BZWIC&I •••ao& Social Secw-ity Fanda For National Welfare Total Billion DOilars I .. Whittier H. S. Youths Memben or ti.I umec1 t..-... fllrloush may ...... be ---off doc May Get Berths on loucb .. -or '*'car bJ the OPA ' . RT CIF All-Star Team District OOl<e for Jeaveo up to Beall 120 days. F.d ~ -Playen on the Whittler Unloo land Ration Oll.f for the agency, flying to Paris. in the supersonlo !lelcla. Over one billion dollarl hu been paid out in Soda! Serurity beneflt.s since the inception of the program. according to J . G. Bre-- therton, manager of the Long Beach field office. Of the Sl.()(l').- 000,000 disbursed to dste. 48 peT cent went to retired worken, 8 per cent to dependents of retired High school buketball toam are • ~==i--; .,DMM 'Dawwarr ==.,;;I singing the praises of two of their announced today sports ~ar fer New-teammates who will be given aer-J fiiijj,j!jii '==== GEORGE D. BASSIITI' · 0-al "-tac • ll'llhenaea'• BoolilrMping 1-TuSer•lw -W.~A-..--~1,N-"- workers and 44 per cent to aurvtv-r-------''---------------'--------; Jots of d eceased worken , HAirbc• High is cloeed as of ious consideration for berths on k-and is w1D probably the CIF all-star club wbich meets in school annals u a IO-an all-star team from Las An· ye.arl--notblng ootstanding-yet geles dty schools at L. A. High on y not a dismal failure. the afternoon ot June 22. clean~t championships The boys are Rudy Manzo, cair ered ln varsity competi-lain and second baseman a senior the B'a and C's had and Paul Byreans. catch~ and out: men, but failed to out-fielder, a junior. This w ednesday _. f1lrfllr7 Wed s lr7 WeWlll ..... OV Potato Pancakes Mr. Bretherton s tated the last q uarterly survey shOW! that 9456 beneficiaries are now receiving benetit.s in Southern Los Angeles county and Orange county. the area serviced by the Long Beach field office. This represents a net increase of 793 beneficiaries in th& first three months of 1946. The the r:est of the league in The June 22 game is being anY!hbU except track, where the sponsored by The nmes and from the No. 1 spot. this contest two boys will be se- German • • We&tern "k·--- The Coach Lamp • Balbo&'• Unique Dbmer Home • t:SO to l :OI Ceatral near bland Avenue Complete Une of Wearing Apparel for Men, Women and Cb.l.ldren Al · Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 205 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Phone 6722 total expenditure amounts to V ONFIDENT SllJl.L....-Comrabl.y relaxed alter a moai. $187,723 each month. ' of extema\·e ~ UJ over the eouaty, Walt.er E. '11pton. The largest single group of Santa Alla candLUte ror abertfr, came to Newport a-ch Moaday beneficiaries is composed of re--for a brief rat before primary daJ'. 'ftpt.oa. Is tile o.e lD oeater. The man oa. tlle left wu not ldendfted.. n.e one oa Ole rfa:b.t la a tired workers of which t here are reporter tor The NeW11-Ttme.. 4449 persons receiving a tota l of ...:.::!::::.:::::.::.:.:..::..:::...:..:.::::.:~=:::.---------~~--­ $110.576 each month. There are 1367 "'ives of retired workers also receiving monthly benefits am- ounting to $17.654. The next to the largest group of beneficiaril'S is repr esented by 2201 children . receiving $29.675 each month. There are also 1413 wido"-'S receiving benefits each Theo. Robins Observes 25th Year in Business month amounting to $29,608. Theodore Robins. pioneer Ne\\'-i . • Mr. Bretherton stated that in port Harbor automobile . dealer. Plane Builder Offers addition to the monthly benefits i \\·111 C<'.lcbra~e his 25th anniversa ry To Donate $1 00 000 there have been 3824 lump sum I~ b1:15tness 1.n the harbor area. bc-1 . '. . benefils paid 10 survivors where gmmng Sa1urday, June l. For Hospital Bwld1ng no onl' qualified for m onthly pay-A native \Vashingtonian. having mcnts at the time of the ,vage been born in Sl'attle in 1893. Rob-Encouraged by the offer of earner's dea th. The total expendi-, ins left tha t city at th!ag!!' of ,,,.o Glenn L. l\iartin, native of Sa nta turc to date for Jump sum bene-and a half with his parents and Ana and prominent airplane manu- fits in this area has amounted to settled in Long Beach. I facturer of Bal~imore, an~ his L-------------------------~ I S525,214.00. He helped on his father's chicken \ moth~r, Mrs. !-'11nta Martin, to ranch as a boy and \\'hen America contribute the final $100,000 of the entered the first World War, Rob-I half-milli~n dollar ~oa1 set by the ins enlisted in the army. later Presbyte~1an Hospital bo~~ for transferring to t he air branch. constr uct.i on of the new edifice a t Have We FRESH a Complete AND SALT Line of WATER · TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders • Sinkers Gun Recovered A Germa n 7.65 gun. which "'as take n from Christian's Hut, Bal- boa. February 27, was recovered Friday by the s heriff's office, a repor t to Newport police today said. FOR INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerriah 1808 Newport Boulevard COSTA MESA Phone Beaoon 51151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contr act Bonds \Vritten He ser ved through .that war as Ne,~tport ,Heigh ts, campaign work- an army flyer and was honorably ers _all over the county wer e re-- discharged after three years serv-~e\\'lng efforts Monday to gathe r ice. Leaving the service in 1921, in the required $144,000. he came to Newpor t Beach. I The Orange county fund cam- That year he 'Opened the Bay r paign headqu arters in Santa Ana, avenue garage in Balboa and two i through Dr.~ 0 . Scott McF arland. years la ter. haviilg made such an c ha1rman, announC<'d ~onday that admirable business record. he was S~.000 had been raised ~o last made head of the Ford agency. [ Friday. afternoon. He satd the campaigners have ever y hope of In 1926: he opened the present gathering-in the needed $144,000, str ucture 1n Ne"'POrt Beach, '''here ! now that the Martins have offered he bas attained an en viable busi-1 to ma ke the final S100 000 dona- ness record for fair and honest tion. ' deal~ng in ~ar sales. . . ·1 This is the first gift ~tartin h as His bus1~ess has st~ad.ily 1n-made to 8 hospital, though he has crcas<'d during the past 25 yC'ars , donated generously to schools, in- and tod~y he serves ~ patronage I eluding Sl ,500,000 to the Univer- that exists over a \\'Ide area of sity of A1aryland aeronautics de- thc Southland. part ment, a nd to the Case School arsity took several beat-Jected for trips East this summer. football. wound up for a One boy will play in the Esquire r aecond in basketball, game at Wrigley Field, Oticago, anywhere in track and on August 10. The other Wm play the cellar spot with in "the Brooklyn against the on Beach in baseball. world" game at Ebbets Field, AD...Stv St&ad.oat Brooklyn, on the nights of August f which brings us to the 6, 7 and 8. at although the Tars didn't Thirteen Whittier players sign- ing spectacular in '46. ed their names to a letter boost- as one Harbor athlet e who ing Ma nzo and Byreans. At the in all four major sports time the letter was writ ten, Manzo ood out in every one of had hit in 19 consecutive games for them. I t is safe to say that a .485 average. He has been play- Ralph Freitag \\'Ould have been a ing . close to error1ess ball. four-I ter m a n In any year of Byreans is batting an e ven .500 schoril pthletic history and play-and his mates · claim it's ~lmost ing wi h o nly a verage squads this impossible to fool him at the plate. •-======------....J year, till stood out as one of the :f and most versatile sport .--------------------------- stars f the Sunset league. RaI started out his senior year y playing fullback on a T a r team that w as the doorma t of the le gue and yet made all-league fullb k on an all-sta r t eam that tudded by championship Ana S aints. ing out of his moleskins at PallCO<Ui VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM 814 Coast Highway Phone Beacon 5881-..J e of the season , 210..pound l ~-------------------------~, "Fro ' donned a SC't of scanties and i ayed first string guard on the b sketball sq uad that t ied for secon place in the loop a nd was a mi"nstay of the better than aver e outfit. BRING YOUR RADIO TO US One D ay -We'll Repair I t and You Can Have It the Nes.:L Factory Part& Work Guara.nt.eed.. Factory Trained Expertll. Radio SOS Electric HAROLD L RAMM uns, Vaults and Puts Phone 780 soo Marine Ave.. Balboa blaBd Th . first call of spring found '-------~-------------------' Ralp cavorting ~th the thin- clads and garnering his letter in the s ot-put a nd pole vault and oc- casio ally running a la p with the rela team. The guy can r eally run once he gets up steam. being extrf'1nely f ast for his buil d-which is sojnething along the line of a for, 0YOUR home wsiys to moke your k1lche-n "homey'' ... whet color to choolll loco~' otive {before t~ strikel. _;~~~'°' How to toke ttw rvts ovt of YQon bf.1-okfot.t rolltine ..• W h the call of baseball. Ralph fOf YCKK livina room ... n-.es. or• jU$t o few of in. lntriQ!Jin; pust his pinkies into spikes and new •deos furnilhed doily on the Wo"'•"'' , ... ot \~;en out and pitched a creditable THI CHRI STIAN SCl(H([ MONITOR .j Seas n Of horsehide activities. These helpful Ideal or• "plus value" in tti is doily rw~ for the home 1'tlot givn you,. WOfld news lnterprtted to W10W m \Vh R a lph w as right. and \.\'BS lmpoct on you ond YoUr lomily. ble work Up a S\.\·eat, he WaS UM fM1 coupott l-fheC;:'1'f,;n-S<:~"';P:bW.;o s;;;-ty---,--i a h~d man to beat-as evidenced tor your SPl· f One, Norway Street, B°''°" 15. Mmsoc.P>1.1$etts by S whitewashing of Fullerton CIAL lntTOduc-Please eiiter o 1peclal introductory subscription to I tory 111kcriptlo11 I The Chrt~hon S.Clence Monitor-S weelu ()0 iu1.>e1I f0< $1 I whe the Indians were t abbed as -five •Miu -. eith the best or the second best JO n ..... -"'1' I Nome I tU. S. func:b l t.tll Street I squa /,in the league. It is true I of Applied Science in Cleveland. · WOMEN \\.'D..L FLY I It also is his first substantial gift KE&'\I RIMA • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAJT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RE NT FISHING INFORMATION ·Newport Tackle Store 105 MacFadden P~ T.ileplloae Barbor 9'7 for Latest F1s!dng Information Radlo -1n NEWPORT ELECTRICAL AP PLANCE %SM CoaA Blvd. Phone Harbor !ISi ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 c.-t Blcfa...,- Former~ Oordoa.'• 0,... Store -.,....,, 0..,. lln1iJH ?lane #HH()llJle'llS 1ast1r1••1 EFFECTIVE JUNE 2, cbcmga ID ocbedul .. of Sir....... lin•B m>d --powwed tnam bolb -U.Ound and WM!· bound. In many cm-. .._al boW. bcne -cut from - -n.....mg 6-For c••"1Mt. ~ inquire at ClllT ODioa PaQlic Ticbt Olice or -yom local avllll. • ' I ...., -,._'II I f CO-••• =• -1 ____ ............... _..... I ••• ··- • . ~~ UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Reali •f TAe Str•••li••r • ••4 TA• CAalltrt,•r• Ul•ON 'ACIRC 1ICICll OMCI, SANTA ANA -.......... ,,., .... , ... _ 1117 COLUMBIA -!\tore than &K> to an Orange county project. stude nts at Missouri's Stephens College, which initiated an aviat ion program in 1941 for the first time in the history of a woman's col- lege, are taking aviation courses. There are also 150 students taking fl ight courses. Only t hree officers have been assigned the permanent rank of Ad mira l on the active list of the Navy-George Dewey, David G. Farragut and David D. Porter. C. R. ST AAF MOORING SERVICE ;!; ;!; ;!; Moorings Installed and Repaired Buoys Painted and Lettered ;!; ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZR' BmLDINO UNITS llrfek and Cc11 poo1 Bit*• N-la Won · Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 15611 Newport Ave. Re·Ele.,,, Sheriff Jes·sel ELLIOTT • (INCUMBENT) DON'T BB MISLED BY WILD PllOMISllS FANCY RHETORIC WINDY PLAlTIUDBS What I Have Dolle Is ii ... Record lladi S-• 11 ... 6rm Jmy, doe l'eot>l• Fact Fmdina ....,, s.,., ''EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL IMPARTIAL" . . tha t in the win and loss column, C•tv Stot•----- the ame of Freitag as a pitcher -~~~~~:::-=...l~~·:•·:'_:___.::__ _ _:_ _____ _:__:·.::·...:-...:-=.~:!...1 is n t outstanding for '46 but his tea a tes will be the fit"st ones ~-------------------------- to a~it that they let him down in a !lot or spots and not all r uns coul be tacked against the big rtgh hander . He wound up with a pr \ty low earned run aver age ag · t him anyhow. W 11, that's the s a ga Freitag and if things· go r ight-he may up a t St. Mary's and this knows that t his is de finitely ibility; all Ralph has to do yes and he's in. ph recently won the Tar of the ear trophy for the outstand- ing athletic achievement Of the ye he ls retiring student body nt and girls like him--aome are just good. Statue of Liberty on Bed- Island, New York Harbor , wei 450,000 pounds, (225 tons). The height from bue to torch iJ 151 eet, 1 inch. ROOFS .4PPl.llED OS Jll:PADP' Eltlmat.. .. Inspeetlon w. ,_ lleabow Man:us Ph. Hbr. 1012·J WI ' EY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVJCE comPnnv -Enct-rtnc -Semce Bl~ Corvu det Mar rary P hone, Day 654 La· Beach ; Phone Night, ll.'!62 Laguna Beech aimer Radio AND ELl!Cl'BICl _If_,_ OOftA~ D YCORDWOOD -FOR SALE 0-.IDoeal) .... ... aar... dellwry anywbere In bay-. .,.,., ........... IPflOl!..,,_.looa.&aDMW I , A. SHERIFF'S . DUTY vs. UNION DICTATORS • Unionism Before County • • • Blind, power-mad union heads haven't . the slightest regard for you, for me, for Orange county. Unionism must come first. • Jurisdictional Disputes ••• Just a polite name for Ban· sterism ... Rule or Ruin .... Our dtrus crop is in dao&er. . . . Bea.M. spinach, vegetables. pennitted to rot while unicm. heads bicker. Your Convictions and Mine ••• ... are identical, whe~· Hood- lums employ Gangster methods to compel us to knuckle under. Correction starts with strict law enforcement. FLOYD W. HOWARD. The Power of Your Vote • • • . . .. will be mutilated m~ny times when you .use it to fight this slow, subtle strangulation that is creep- ing over the Nation. Floyd W. Howard1 your candidate for Sheriff has the ability, both executive and administratiye to curb this evil . ' 'Ibis T\mely M• age Contributed by BOWARD FOR SHERIFF OOMMlTJ'EE CPalltleal MY.I • • = = = -= = = = = = = = = = = = = ) = = = = = = = = = = = • ~ = • ! I I i OFFICE HOLDERS---NOT OLITICIANS , AL ANDERSON Fun 1.one ..... ttt G.T.Evenon Manqu MID"ZGER STORES . • • P'lreltoae • . • t• :N.,..vcart llmL, 0oAa 111-. llllOIOl""NI•• D&>W "Rome and Auto Supply Stor.r' • t t t BS-ICUJOT Jesse L. Elliott ---bolo ...... t- SHERIFF Prla.riOI, --ttt Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 111 B1oadw97--n.. lltt ._ lllt Ooota -Olllltonla ttt A. E. Groty -] . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. J'l1cldolN ... llla:rtac ~ 151116 U91 N-rt Bhd.--Ooota -Oollf. ttt John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Office Pb.. Harbor %05' IOI Main Sheet-Bal-Calli. ttt F . B. Owen ·Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFl'S OF ALL KINDS Ph. Harbor !13%-.J llot Oeean Front-Newport Boeell, Calif. _,. d; t t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company !!U W. Cen.h'al-Ph. Harbor !800 d; d; d; HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing na. a Oout Blpy-Pllono BMcon MSG d; t t Lew H. Wallace ' Real Estate and Insurance Broker P!tow: otnce. Barbor S-Re&. Barbor 1569 lln W. COnlnl Ave.-Nowport Boodl, Calli. t d; d; COYE. WATTS Balboa Liquor Store 'I06 E. COnlnl Ave... 11a1-. I'll. lb<bor u..-1 -ne -o1 Cordlallt)"' -O. B. Brader, Har· t t t J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER ft. ll&rbor 1.W lRll u Ooalr»-Nowport -"On Your Wa:y to Balboa"' t t t Bruce Johnstone JOHNSf6N'EisiRVICE Harbor 1m-J ()out lllTIL •• 101 111&1>'""1 ' d;d;d; Newport Engineering Asaodat.es J"REDERIC J . srnGER. President •....,.tmw. • 8a1e9, ~ lJll (Joaal ~ --t t d; Otto Boyd ·Boyd's Service Station ''You Otto Bey from Boyd" UIO W . Oeatnl--Newport: ft. llartlor W I t d; t Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . FootWMr tor All the Family . • . 1191 Nwport ~ - . t t t FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH , Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. lllllcawla-W6!ium QaalHy Pall.ta Ltlw•ntor .&pp"-· rm • 1 i-.,...,. OoAa M--. llU Newport Jlhi'IL. • ,_ . ttt Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOMEI'RISI' 1'1111 !f...,.n ~ -~ ~Ben .. 1111 ttt Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet ... -.111----ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor: Ult ~~"'ti::::": ... ._, 0om. • When Doubtful Vote for Business Executives to Run Official ositions • 6.By JACK LINDS~Y • The modera ;;:L, of "cllolce by vote" h to pick mea tnllaed la &llelr ..,,.peciive It -y be for Sheriff or -ybape A_.111y. man, or lor Pl'Mideat or Governor. In tlle "bad old 90'1" POllUcia118 held offtae tmoocb madilne po11tiao, tile clique or png held my for U... "take", sw~~ or iuaft for tile '-eflt of tile Inner -ctonun. Unally of I.be "overlords" were elect..d wltll tlle aid of U... otutfed t.llot bolU!ll or by otller deviOUA ways uyway, tlley were elected-rigbt or wrong. Today, tile modera voting public bu -the light-Uld tllat light bu been made pol!llible l>j tile vote of tile now-tlllnlrlng popo- "It's Time .to Buy a Lot!" CHARLEY F. DENNISON Retiring to Newport Beach 14 years ago to take life easy, Charles F. Dennison has been in the real estate business ever since and now, after selling his office on Coast Boulevard, is associated with "Sandy" Steiner on the Coast Highway. Dennison was born 70 years ago in a log cabin 80 miles north of Detroit where his father raised wheat in the sununer and logged in the winter. At the age of 18 he came to Pasadena with family friends and attended school for a year but returned to take care of his mother, then living in Louisiana. After her death two and a half years later he returned to California and was manager of Santa Fe boarding camps for three years. The next seven years were spent with the Bell Telephone Co. in Los Angeles and Pasadena, then fanning in the San Joa- quin valley; on up to Vancouver, B. C., and then back to Pasa- dena where he installed fire alanns and all electrical equipment tor the fire department. a job he held tor 22 years. It was then he decided to "retire" but he is still going strong not only as a business man but as a civic leader and one of the best boosters for the harbor area. '•l_ .• .. . . .. ' "It's Time for t . .. . ~..in~: WALTER E. T PTON . - Walter E. Tipton, popular candidate for the office of Sheriff is gaining strength on the coastline* the eventful JW1e 4th Primary elections draw near. Tip has solved the office shortage problem by means of a bile Field Headquarters which his committee has rented fo~e Campaign period. The energetic office seek('.r has veled over 2,000 miles within Orange county during the three weeks and is sched- uled to visit all of the 272 voting ::i"cts prior to the JW1e pri· maries. Tipton, first of the six candida to enter the highly con- tested Sheriffs race has stressed the peed for adequate policing of rural areas, and prevention of juvj!nile delinquency "The Juvenile problem," said Tip(qn, "is one that should be solved by an Intelligently planned I!~ of prevention. In addition, the Sheriffs office needs a ,'ljt'l'E'ra! inter-departmental overhauldlng to eliminate the presetconfusion. It elected I intend to run the Sheriffs office on!' fundamental principals ot sound business. · "The Sheriff', continued Tipton,;·s after all elected by the people to administer such affairs asl clearly defined by law .. The much needed reorganization can accomplished on the of- fice holders' own initiative and withqut assistance from special legislation or special direction from ahy higher authority." 1 J· , DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market 2800 COnlnl An--l'IL -r -Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. Robert ' L. JO:Y _Recordtnc Engineer Davis Gay Music Co. ~d.--()oo>to .... .,,. DOil 1'711 8t.-a .. ....-- ttt Bob Callis -· QSNZll.AL PETE (FLUNG llOll8EPOWEB) !S'7 -8t.-N-rt-ft. -m t d; t '"CHUCK" SMITH-new owner Balboa Central Market (WM 9-AMMwt llarb& A J>elkwl&lllL) ,. JC. <Joatra&-n. -1119 t t d; Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge Ml llalll 8t:I eet Balin a ft. Barttror n.K t d; t Howard W. Gerrish aurn'OllD 1"lllS IN8ULU<Cll 00. ........ _ 511'1 I-N-..n. --....v-ta -OalK. llAUIOA ll!LAND V AJUJtT1' !ITO- d; t ' t VOLNEY L. HAY Sea -Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" I-Nowpri lllft. -Ooota ·- d; d; d; Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ~ Jin· .,. ITM--lltll a OoM& RW&7 SERVING ~ NOON TILL 9 P. M. t d; d; A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F. Dll:NNISON, Aaodate IN o..t &w., "? I ll·a -071 t d; d; DAMIA LOP'l"IEN, Meaacer -~ Orkin's ~~e~S~re ~W~Ware ..... ess7M ., ..... a..t., Ollila ... • d; d; t Dr. · . T. Mooney PHYS! and SURGEON ..... Olmtnl ft. -r d;(z;~--) M NELSON STillFORD e GERALD IJBERTr I 'j • Manqen . • Ets-ll kin & Galvan Ne•IM~ • San Frandoco • WllmlDctcn Dleso -Stockton <JIANB -()Mal llm!. , • • ..._: e,. oa. IMl·W - • SPORTLAND-BOWUNG-PA VIUON BALBOA 11 .. !tt i<I!! I • Jack S. Fred V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS J.M. Newpwt J11mle~ . .............. o.e. ..... t d; d; T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicat.esaen lt'r_Jllllll .. 11'11111& ..... ~ t d; £ lllCRABD L. PAT!Sm80N a.II bshttm Patterson & Boyle • as•• BNs.-ft. •u -e-a. .AM Mi OoMt m.L N.-: .._ 1111 '4 ttt Capt. B. J. McNally _....,... Balboa Bo-t Livery 10ll JC. ~ A'8.-l'll. -· -tt<>;J; Dr. <Amrad Richter Ooota- ftone BMoon 5t'15 --1'-I d; t t Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Oallf. t t t Geo. Weiss L. Elaine Wela Coast Properties Co. Realtors 103 E . Central-Balboa-I'll. Barbor 1181 t d; d; W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !lit Pl~Newport ttt Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Pb. Barbor 86-SOI Main St. t t t ) ack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Phoae lla.rbor !01 Ull Oout BJPway-Newport Bw• Odf. t t t - ALLAN DARTFoRD The Blue Sails Boob, 8taUoael'J', Cards. An ._.,"as -Main 8l.-Balboa-Pll. Barbor 918 t t t ' Robert E. Arvin's .Jeweien and Watchmakero 111 Tweaty·s-ad 8- Nowport -· Cllllf. ttt WIDlam M3cCurdy w. lL (Skip) Callctm MacCurdy & Calkins, lnf- NAv AL ARCH1TECI'S M. E. Nledecker, Sec. & Treu. lJ1I Oout mwar·Newport Bcll.·-B•DOD 1111 ttt ELECT EARL W. STANLEY Realtor ASSEMBLYMAN 7-Dletrict-laao 411l, llNI d; t t Walter E. Tipton FOR SHERIFF "'IT'S TIME FOR 1'1Pl'ON" VOTE JUNE 411i t t t J.·E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Wind801' IU II:. 00.lnl e 1 11:. CO.In! ..... ft. Barbor m a&lboa. o.llf. ttt Donald J. Hannon BALBOA HORSE RACBS "• w-.. W• 11a1a 8b'1e& nan 11 t d; t ANTON HERSHEY ~:TSPot ............ 1111 ...... ....... t t d; Curt H. Bohm~n 'lbe Bohman Company W' ! j 0 811 I 1&11 ... Mii • ~ ~w:q Jfewpwt: 9 7 s•• Ol8L , ., '' ROBERT H. REED Harbor Celd Storage . ft.•¢N"' -.. .. • .......... Olm.. ' - 0 - 0 • ' . ' ! Z $ ST 2 • T 0 LS .. pzg I , ' • NEWPORT-BAL.BOA NEWS-TIMES THE WATER · Pum~uTtN::=----;""iii'~~UW'.~~;;..;;--=~ PROBLEM ~= ROfESSIONAL DIREcToRY •llO : MSAW 11 ... 11 • • 7 t, 0 ~, t ... ft I ~ ........ =-::-;;.;:;:=:--;;•;;;;;;:YU&;;;; o.:..,.._ .... Pn4t ' t~w· 1• YS D .. ._ 1"41@ ~ ID Ado...,.: '2 SI por ,_ la ~ • ONot:r, a.'111 """,..,to ttll -aa.oo por ,_ .... - ·~ PAUL ILULU, 'r JW cw, ~ C..'7 Water -bid 1 wwon ~ ty, Sonta Ana. Anaheim -Ful2 ID!mldpoll---~ <-'-· t Iii the Suporior·lr---...:..-------, lerton. -the Cou1al llunlclpal 1-. U a """"' al taklnl waur Court the County al Onnee. I • 8, W B YT S Water District whlcb lndudel the ,_ manldpal Pd dom86c me. and t filed in tJw Of. DI( a• MS CEZ ....... Lqwla Beach and Cout Royal acquire a rtiil>t to a omre ID the net al Oerk al the S•--'-~·-• .. - - -·~-c1..ii-..-.l""'-... 1 ··--ila. bot -n ....-..-..,. D 7 a .. ... I ..... ta ............. ODifleU .......... ·~ a;::t1 e1:.. E. Neff Woods, D.O. Thil is the slxtb of a aeries of. areas. The u.~ ~ are ..... "6&DCU aQUICUUC't IUl'l'V a•r Court l&ld County.) css dils _.... ...-. au .uws. ns•.-,jll • s.icnr:t-Oaa matw at the P01tcJ1ftte ta Mczjiift 81 ' articles a bout the water supply members of the District but the right is not acquired u a iesult 411Mft • e1w1www ....-califonla, ,_ tM Act al -a, 11'111 of Orange county and its tuture Coutal Munlclpel Water District of taking water foe lrriptlon UR. Iii tlle:e o-t Of Ille State -· -_......, • k •••• _-.•·It_.,.,• q·, I ... ..,.~ ................... _ i~~~~~:~=:-:-==~=~rc~=~~~=:~==: I maintenance in adequate volome.1 has Joined but recently. It Is the 'lbll dodslon. therefatt, qether ., an1a 1a -rw IM ..,. ·~ --. - -Mi ~ PuNW.,. ...,. ~th -ntl -"""ti --.,, ~•LK • CO-Uy --14th member of the D!au • ., belnc -• the&·-.....,.,. __ .,. cmt · · ty Of o._.. ll~==~~~§~~==~lj D. PORTER Edit,.. The Metropolitan Water Diatrlct the !lnt unit to join suboequent of aqueduct water foe lrriptlon ... Miftk,'T F . G. FROST •• • • • , ~ ycz 5 was organized In 1928. as otated to the anoclatlon of the orig!na1 lae, placed this IOUrce of supply CITY F NEWPORT BEACH. ;--Rau--b--&--Benn---e-tt-.-- acava:1oaa ~~t, Jall w. Cmtnl A-. Nowpart 1111 e, ~;:,.. In the legislative ac t, for "develop-13 cities in the ent~· .. _, out of the reach of agriculture. a Munl pal C«poratton of the Arntpd Monaco lng, •toring and distributing water All four of the rnemuc1 ~u.tl of Slxth Plaintiff, vs. JESSIE A:BCBrl'IX1.r 8u N)WI ... ....,., .. Offi~I Paper of the cm of Newport B11dl for domestic purpaoes." It WU the Mettopoljtan Water District In u J s Pl K. : et al. Defendants. -N-llhd., ~ ... • DI',· ...... 1.-l lwtltati. fer°"" IT T... formed by a group of 13 of the Orange county forn)efty pumped I ans The e of the State ot Calls 81' w. Ba.J Ave., Balboa Ttl1~ lle•cia ... ,. larger cities of southern Califor· their water supply from wells in 0 0 fomla Greetlnp to~: JESSIE llart.lor l'IM 1111W.O..tnl Ne.nr--- nia in order to insure the future of the Orange county underp-ound-K. · , E'I'HEL IONE Ft.JES-l'nl 'Ms•OOd Aft. __... ... c I ... ·-h N" " -, Telcpll---us Active Member of CORRAL DUST 'The.c ore 45 physical movnnents to • lin<-1>-1yj><-IOO,OOO ac· tions from Teporttt to edi r01 to proofreadtr to you. So why coniplat~ dbout a mi.upellt d word. -}ACK: l.J:NDSL.IY IN FLANDERS FIELD In F1a nders Field the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, ny Scarce heard amid th~ guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In F1anders Field. Take up our quarrel with the fbe; To you from failing hands we throw The Torch ; be yours to hold it high. U ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In F1anders Field. By Lieut. Col. John McCrae. Remembered Honors and benefits given a veteran for having served his country in time of wa r , follow him even after death. The nag which covers his casket , funeral expenses, burial plot, i:narker, and perpetual care of his grave, are furnished by a grateful country for which he fought. He is c ot forgotten, no matter how far from home and loved ones he lies buried. Wreaths are placed on his grave, • comrades fire salutes, prayers are offered for him. As long as America continues to exist, his "final resting place" will be marked and honored. At West Los Angeles, in the only Veterans Administra- tion cemetery in Southern California. 25,000 veterans are !interred. The ranks of dead include men and women who have served their country since the War of 1812. Veterans from all branches of service, all creeds. all races, all ranks-- now with but two things in common-the nag under which ·they are buried and death. The \Vest Los Angeles Ve\erans Administratioo is second only to Arlington in number and covers an area of 144 acres. No spaces are reserved. Because there is no discrimination In death, they have taken their places as their names were called. Each day, an average of seven funerals are held. More than 500 wives are buried with their veteran husbands. A mother and son are buried in the same grave. Ashes of 265 veterans are contained in the columbarium. Novel Home Ideas / New Ideas In modern housing ranged this week from & de luxe houSe.boot with three tile baths to a circular alum- inum residence constructed by an ·aircraft company. 1be aovernment meanwhile, took further steps to provide more housing units for student war veterans and their families. Other cit:i7Jlns in need of homes received attention when New York's commissioner of housing and building rejected an amendment to proposed legislation on the rehabilitation of boarded-up buildings that ':"ould limit its benefits to veter- ans. Meanwhile, the Construction Council of Stark county, Ohio. charged that a Canton contractor , had been paying above-scale wages to lure IabOr away from other contract- tors, raising the general level of home prices. But the con- tractor in question. Morris Bluestone, replied that he has been 5'1IJing low-east homes at $1000 and more under the their metropolitan area. Thil water basin but now \.Pfey take t SEL. E · A. CAIN, MIRIAM ...._ ..,.. ~ 11'------------ metropolitan area, .. usually re-ser vice from the local cllstributary On' ro s on E . CA$. his wife, ORANGE ~-----------J I PlmiWIANS•lltJSGllONB.U garded. includes generally the val-of the Colorado river aqueduct of COUNTt 'ITI'LE COMPANY, a CLINICAL IABOMrOBY leys or the Los Angeles, San Gabs the Metropolitan Water District. corporation, Trustee, W . w. I:-------------· I riel and Sonta Ana riven. There 'lbll chance in their source of sup-R k t ~ ARTHUR H. RICE, Clinical Laboratory H, R. Hall, M D, being no sources of watu supply ply relieves the county under· ac e eers LULU 1l-RICE. his wife, LE-~ Md ........ within or nearby this area that ground,water basin ol a draft of TITIA . DYMOND, BENJAMIN Oftlce bomw: t -•:st could be taken over by the grow-8,500 acre feet per year. W. S y A. L. SHEPHERD -by --Haun: 2-5, by Appoln- ing dues without depriving t heir In the· previous article, it was . JOE ' EMMA Telephone BeeaJn 58'8 envtmns of water nH'ded for agr1-potnted oqt that the Orange coun-Information on the new G. I . c. LOS ONGEJES 'lma'BONZ llAllBO& Ill m culture, this group of 13 dtlet de-ty underground-water basin at housing bill and explanation of MORTG GE UNDERWRITERS. 1811 W. Oelltn.1 A-~ ~ - termlned that water would have to present has an aggregate draft restrictions .°". commerclaJ and INC.tl' corporation. FRED S. be imported. from the Colorado upon it tha t exceeds ,i t.a average industrial bwlding was brought to EVANS GIAN DESPALATRO-DA.Y ICllOOL river in order to avoid linu"tation supply by 12,000 acre{eet per year. members of the Orange County VJCH L JACK JOHN DOEl r'----'-'''--'--. ------OONBAD RICJll'EB.11. 0. of their own growth from lack of Had the Orange count y member Builders exehange at a meeting JAcK ' er husband STEDDOM M rtim Sch.OOI hr:>1 'du _. Bmawa water. The great cost of an a que-units of the . Metropolitan Water hos t~ by ... ~ .. Stafford and Ge~-&: B ' CHARO, a ' eorporation, O er . 120 E. 18th St. duct fTom the Colorado river re-District continued to pump from a1d 'Tex' Liberty ot Ets-H ok1n STEDD()M & BLANCHARD, a 181 Oen.I Balbo9 WaM COSTA !t.llEA stricted par t icipation in the enter, t his basin ins tead of taking service a nd Galvan at White's Park Ave-co-partJtrship, KELLY ROOF-<ltade.: Dollep, ~ Hours: 10-!2 a.m.; S--5 p.m.. prise to municipal cor porat ions. from the Joca) distributar>: of the nue cafe, Balboa Island. . . . ING , Ltd., 8 corporation, SUllMER SCHOOL 1::-a Phone Beacon 5075 Bonds in the amount ot $2'20,-~tet.ropolitan Wa ter District, the C.H . Burnsworth of the CiV1l1an RI ROE, Trustee in ·Ba nk-o. A. Mertlmer, M. A,, Orlord II'-------------' 000,000 were issued by the Me~ presen t overdraft o n .the county Production Aut hority, ~ An-ruptcy f the estate of KELLY Prtnclpal Phone ~r 85! politan Water District and con· underground-water basin would be geles, was speaker. He said that ROO G Co.. Ltd., a . corpor· st ruction of an aqueduct from the large~ by 8.~ acre feet per year !Tiany Joop~oles . are to be found ation. '. Jcrupt, WM. MERE-DENT18'1'8 Colorado rive r to Southern Call-tha n 1t now as. It w.ould be 20,500 tn the housing b1l) which they are Dl'IH, f. L. HOPKINS. Ir------------ fornia was completed in 1941. 'The a cre feet per year instead of the e ndeavoring to plug as they go MARG H . BIGBY, LORNE DB. GORDON E. RAPP length of this aqueduct, including actual presen t amount of 12,000 along. The black market has been ADDI JAMES P. cos. the main distributary in Southern acrt feet per year. Thus the r educ-t he monkey wrench thrown in the TELI.b C0TNm SECURITIES DENTIST California. is 335 miles. The total I tion in the overddr~t on the un-works of governmen tal authority coRJ>o' TION, · a corporation, !SSS West Centn.I of the several pumping lifl!I neces-derground -wa ter basin by reason and t hey now are perfecting rules TIT L INSURANCE AND sary to raise the water over the of the f~ur member u ni.ts ?f ~e and regula.tions destined to con-TRUST COMPANY, a corpor, Plaolle Barbor Ul·I mountains that separate the Colo-I Metropolitan W a ter . District 1.n trol material a t the source, the tee, TIIE FIRST NA· Newport r ado r iver from the Pacific slope Orange coun ty ceasing to pump speaker stated, and It was hoped BANK OF DOWNEY ~------------1 I of Sou thern California approxi-from the basin and taking service the program would soon be ample al Banking Association' ~-------------. mates 1600 feet. The capacity of l from the Color ado river aqueduct to take care ot the situation for JOHN E ONE JOHN oo:E the aqueduct will be 1500 cubic instead, is a substantial step to-returned veterans who now find TWO .. qd JOHN OOE CORPOR-Dr. Obed ~cas DENTIST feet per second when a)l units of ward balancing t he draft from and themselves with no place in which A~NrDefendants. the pumping plan ts, syphons and I the supply to the underground-to live. directed to appear tn distributaries a re installed.. water basin. . Cr~at~st demand for new hous, an cti brought against you by F1owing full to the capacity of The directors . of . the. Orange 1ng 1s in N ew York sta~e the the abo~e named plaintiff in the HotY, W. Oeatnl. Barbor 1'80 1500 eubic feet per second, the Count~ W at.er D1str1ct have been speaker stated, with ~California Superio Court' of the State of NEWPORT BEA.CB aqueduct will deliver to t~e p~, active in fac1lltartng wherever pos-second. One reason for the de--Callfo a, in and for the County I ~--------------1 cific slope of Southern CahCor~1a slble the ~ of water from the mand is that veterans d~ not want of Oran e, and to answer the com-l;------------- as much water again· as is obtain-Color ado . river aqued~ct . o~ the to return to their o~lg:inal homes plaint fherein within ten days able from all local s"'urces of sup-Me tropolitan Water Distr ict as a but want to settle in these pre-after th'P service on you of this ply. This is more water t han ''i ll substitute for local supplies. In ferred states. summ;"I if served withln the be . needed by th~ pr~ent member this, ~nnection the.y sent a repre-Und4:'r this bill governmental County f Orange, or within thirty units of the D1str1ct for man y sentat1ve to Washington who se-au thority ls concerned not only days if ed elsewh"ere and you yea.rs to come. but, it is a ntici· cured an agreemen t with ~he War with housing but is intended to fied that unl~ you IO pated, other municipal rorpor, I Department that res~lted. in C:amp facilitate industry in the area in d answer 85 a bove r e- Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentlllt 1801 Coe.at mwa,. CORONA DEL MAB · Phone Harbor !!ZO ations will join the District as Haan and Ma~ch Fie~ 1n River-which ve~eran's sett le. and out of e plaJntiff wtll take judg· necessity develops under future.I side county t aking their ~vater sup. t.he $14-b~lion demanded fOT ne~ any money or damages '-------------' conditions. ply from that source instead of construction, only S3 ':1:-billion ts In the Complain t 85 INSURANCE The pre-sent completion of the from wrlls located near the Santa for new housing. the CPA a uthor-pon contract or w111' ap-r-----------~ major sections of the aqueduct to Ana river. I t was report~ by ~he ity st~ted. They will pass the cons e Court for ~y 'other re--Sandy F. MacKay their full capacity of 1500 cubic engineer for the Anaheim Uruon struction of, industrial and com-lief d ded . th co lai t feet per second insures an a mple Water Company, after this change m ercial buildings in cases where Giv~n undertnmy ehan~pand" ~eal -•-- water supply throughout the fore-wM made. t hat the low wate: Oo\v these buildJngs will provide jobs of the or Court of the Coun-INSURANCE-Tha t's All seeable future for municipal use about doubled at the point in the for returned veterans and the ty of ange St te of California Dr. G. E. Tohill ~~~ NEWPORT BEACH -PROJfES- OtDce; Bubor 188--W Raidieoce : B ubor 18&-a 11 No .__.. ~ Bwbor I Gerald RaW18, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Phone Bubor lOSl!l No amwtr: call Beaicoa 604.$.• X-Ray Service Hilton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1801 ~t lllway CloNU del Mar Office Hours: 10-12; :rs Phone Barbor IOI! S. R. Monaco, M. Q. 814 Bay Ave, Balboa 11.ubor 172• '41 S. Bill St. Los AncoJeo TUdrer 7SU By Appointment '----------'( .------------~v in Southern California. I t insures. river near the Riverside county board which 1 passes on this con-thl 24 d ' f : r1I 1946 • also. that this supply "'ill be avail· wells, thereby increasing t he n ow structlon is made up of civilians s t ~ ~ lMITH · T~ P. Reeder, M. D. able to the m unicipali ties wi thout reaching Or ange county. who, li.ke draft board m embers. CountN Cl~rk. and O~k of the encroachment on local supplies Also, during the w.ar. the direc-are not paid and who try to be Su ..ior Court of the State of 714 E. (}entraJ Ani . .-Pbysldan and Surgeon tors sent represen tatives to W ash-faJr to ever yone. Cali""r'J 1 in d r th Co tha t. by reason of their lesser cost. .ded . . Loe 1 a an or e un· Balboa -Barbor %591 1001 West Bay Aft. are needed in the suburban areas ing ton who a1 tn secur1ng a me n pr esent at the meet-ty f • for irriaated agriculture. This In· prior ity, after the Metropolitan Ing included Contractors Gordon o ~~-J mWIN Deputy ~------------' Telephone Harbor 602 surance is imlX)rtant because o! Water District'S first application F indlay. Walter Mellott of the (Seal S ri Court ' · r----·--------, '------------- the wholly insufficien t natural had been r efused, for materials South Coast Construction Co., Or pe Coor ty) Lincoln National Life water supply in Southern Calif or-for the extension from S a nta Ana William P. Mealey and 0 . Z. Robs Pub A ~ 30un May 7 14 21 28. IDSOJ'allce Co. . lo the CO.st Or th. steel nipe dis-er tson ·, Sam Klnsfather, plumber ·, .-· · ' • ' ' nia for both municipal and agricul-.,. · J 4 11 18 29· July 2 1nA<! "It. NMDe lod1cai.es It.s Cbuacter'' tributary of the Metropolitan Robert Daniels, painting contrac~ • ' • · ' ~ tural purposes and because, as a result ot t hls, encroachment by the Water District. Had this priority tor , and the host.a. municipalities on local supplies, not been secured. the Coast al Mu- needed !or irrigation in t heir en-nicipal Water District could no t virons, would ultimately thwart now be using Color ado river water their own prosperity and growth but would still be pumping from a.s well 85 that of their suburban the county's underground-water areas. The cost of servicing t he bonds issued by the Metropolitan Water Dis trict for constructing the aque- d uct a nd of maintaining and oper- ating the system ls paid for by an ad valorem tax on property lo- ca ted within t he boundaries of its member uniU and by the sale of water to them. The t ax ra te in the last few years has approximated 50 ~ntl: per $100 of assessed val- uation for the original 13 member units but more for 1ubsequent joinen . The selling price of water delivered at the boundary of the basin. ite House Cafe Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon club received one of the three art awaq!s presented county clubs at the rbnt Sacramento convention ... __ s·- of the California Federation of .-........, UMil The director s, also, have investi, Women's clubs, taking third prize IAljllrm · BMeh, Calif. gated the Colorado r iver aqueduct in div ision three. ] ',--4--------- of the Metropolitan Water•District ====:--_.:_ ______ _:_===i=========:. as a possible aource of additional 1-----------=-======i========== irrigation supply for the county. Ne""""'rt. Balboa T~st B.,_,.0 Negotiations were can1ed on from ..... I"' u.a...,.. 1935 to 1938 oeeklne oultable term> AD Modes of Travel to Europe, co, Hawaii for the delivery_of aqueduct water Round2 the-World Trips in the rs; future. See for irrigation use. The Metropoli-Mn. Bo tan Water Di.trict then decided Y "-Pb. Barbor S9L SOI Palm, Balboa that agricultural lands, in order Roan: 10 a. Ill. llo I• m. to obtain aqueduct wa ter, would l ~======~=========l~========~ I have to organize as a municipal water district and take water on the same t enns aS other member member units is $15 per acre foot. ,.-------------Although this price of water is Jess than the present operating COits of the District, the member cities tn general find their former supplie-s less costly than aqueduc t water and so continue to use them. The pr incipal exception to the use of forme r supplies by member units of the Metropali tan Water District is the four unJts located in Orange county. These comprise SHOES Re.....,. While You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nntdoort.S.-c.te 9a.m.tolp.m. DON n:BNIOAN Plloae -· U4·R SOI Marine Ave. Balboa bl. New York Life Iruiurance Company DON B. Dtl&ANT )US Ood>ld A..._ -. 11.61-J . CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE lNStJBANCIJ 00. Ra1Nielaen .. .... ,,,-, ........ ------916 &. ..,. ....... ..... llOBTKlliNS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&" Others Best•• Pllioae Be1coa. 5110 Coeta Meea Callfonda OPTOMJITIUllT8 A. V. Andrews, M,D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telepltone Barbor %%18-ol Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and 8w1W NORMAN NIXON, M. D. Pediatrician C..rtlfled by the American llo&rd of Pediatrics 1117 Oavl•ta Dr. Lacuna - Telepllotle Lqana I· UIM Laaruce B. Dercy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave., Balboa hland l'boGe llarlNtr 26%9 • ' allawable OPA ceilings. He does it, he said, by eliminating subcontractors and passing the saving on to purchasers. Among the colleges scheduled to benefit by the program of the Federal Public Housing Authority, aimed a t providing 300,000 housing units for student war veterans this year, is the University of Denver, which was notified this w-eek that the three largest cities in the coun-~-------------' Robert A. Crawford &PTO°'t.fun Wagner Drop. ~ Dr.-O.w- <;:hlropractlc, Dietetics, Pbyslo & Colonic Therapy · , 350 dwelling units for veterans have been alloted to the school. The big allotment of units. presumably Quonset huts, came as a welcome surpri!le to university officials. Earlier In the week the Qty Bo8rd ol Examiners had authorized con- struction ol 80 alre&dy acquired Qoonsets. Seventy-four trallen have also been installed for the use of veterans and their families. FreJa Daiq Doi---~. -plilte oqulpment _,__ .. _ ,__,,_ HOltlllN FISH .MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPOllT 8"ACH ) r a -Ill MORTH..)IAllll IT •. I ONCE AG SAM'S SEA F DD SPA Otten Yaia tbe P!aoat P1aee tu Dime ~ OrUp Comity: All N w • •• Rven ' ' LGcation ... Oae-Mlle l!:ut of Old Location 0.d Highway. ~·""New Eyes Examined -GJaaes F1tted 1111 N-pwt Boalen .. .._ ..... MU cc.r.& ..... E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. °'' ..... DEii DAVDi:CO Ll:N-DUPU<J.&TllD .._Pg'J ... 61) 'I III& W. es.tr.I Aw. ft. ..._ 9U AWIM:f ..a. Ult~~- 1---- ZONE THERAPl CLINIC ' ¥...-.... • ··= I -=, ., , 1 l'i<Mtz .. ,. mis -o.tra1. - Otmplete Fountain Sa tlce at HANSEN'S • 11110 7 ·.1'1111 l'fOW-8'1:&r~· .. ,. • MllDU • * • .. a " . ' ' I ' : ' " . , ' . ' I • ' Chandler Enluges its Dana Point Holdings DANA POINT, May 22.-Par· eels of 750 acres of land near this community were sold this week by the trust department of the Santa Ana Flnt National Bank for $215,- 000 to the Chandler.Sherman c.or. para.tion of Los Angeles. The aae+ age will be subdivided as soon as cooditiom prove favorable, the new ownen said A deed recording the purchase was filed with the county recorder's office. Mesa Building Upped COSTA MESA, May 22. -Five permits for the construction of new homes valued a t $8900 were issued, here during the past week. Three pennlts for the removal of houses to Ws community were also Issued. The Fred Catlins of Lido hie are vacationing at their cottage in Silverado canyon.· A son was born May 18 in St. Joseph hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Gordo"": Siple, 406 40tb street. .. M&Wi'Oid •••AOA Many Inquire lly lll:SSU: L BENEDICT Abo t Sh Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Holmes u ore and children, PasadellJl, spent the , Corona del Mar .News Hoo·k, Line Sinker an Mrsken~-~~ H~es:.;i;.,"[d c1·1tts Tract avenue. The fint tuna reported caught ional fish et a couple do2len v~ Dr. H. J . Green, La Canada, and this season in these parts was ties that +n from perch to bua. spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Work of subdividing the new of Balboa Island, from h1s sport Fishing m the pier YoU can Dr. Donald Smith, Hollywood, landed by Capt. M. L. De GruN and aomm something bigger. Mr. and Mn. D. Dayle, no Mar· started this week. Catalina Island. The tuna was an the end o the Newport Pier. J . E .. Miller, 509 Goldenrod Ave., million -dollar residential tract fisher Tight Lines, about 10 miles generaijy expect to hook just whose daughter. Mrs. Green, join-known as Shore Cliffs, 90Uth of out recently on a run between about · . Just ask George ed them over the weekend Balboa and Corona del Mar, WU Newport Harbor and Avalon, HeinerGE· estro of live bait on t ~-------------------------,I guerlte, returned Friday from a Raymond A. Dom, president of 18-Pounder caught on a feather jig. Bay · en continue to catch three-week trip to Texas, where the.Raymond A. Dom company of Capt. De Grasse· was on a nm a fe~is r on an average, which they visited their son John Lewis Pasadena, developers of the tract, over to the island to pick up some includes trout, spotfin croaker and Wife. Mrs. Lewis returned told The News--'nmes Wednesday flying fish, and was doing 14 miles and a rare halibut. Fishennen are with .them to make a visit. that $200,000 worth of improve-an hour and wasn't expecting to still talki g about the 45--paund YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled W orkmei;i. -tr Mrs. Harold Cass, 904 Ocean ments are now under way. 1bese hook tnto anything, but wu drag· ·halibut th t was caught in the bay Blvd., returned to her home Tues· Will include sewer and water gtng jip as many fishermen do. off the lboa Pavilion a little day from the hospital and is now facilities as well as electric end Rumors of other tuna being cauaht time back! Sunday is generally a convalesdng from an operation. gas utilities. are also floating around. .poor day' for bay fishing, like Her son, Harold Cass, QM 3rd, is Shore Oiffs is that property Keith Rima has been fishing the everywh~ etse, with so many . '•' . • Sea Troat aid Halilnlt Are Blthls ••• off the Newport and· Balboa Piers · :e-~ .:~e ~.A~ George Hiner ' WANT TO SELL Y.OUR CAR? • We Wiii Pay Poosible Price • McCARJHY 1920 Newport Bml. • y OQ the Hlgbe6t .•. Stoplaat: • USED CARS $ CASH ON THE SPOT Joumeym~n Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of onlj' 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. on his way to New York through comprising !i'> acres located be-east end of Catalina with the Zoots boats ng around. Quite a the Pana.ma canal and will receive tween Coast highway and the Me which leaves daily from the few bOa ' may be seen anchored his dlscharge there after June 1. ocean, ju.st south of Balboa and Newport Pier. It bu been a little off thew . tend of Harbor Island, He will remain at home this sum· Corona del Mar, which wu recent-on the off again on again -:11ide, up ne8!1. y Shore Camp, acr"OU I•-------------------------• mer and then expects to enter ly annexed by the Oty of Newport but With good fishing ·preva1llng. from 1''1 cher Christian's Hut, I ~--------------------_._-----: college. Beach. Fortieth Street 1n Newport hu plus d near the Harbor en· Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pierce, Large ocean-view bomesitet will provided surf t1sh@rmen with cor-trance. far as that goes, you 1605 Pacific drive, will leave soon be Jmtalled on the scenlc cliff. bina and spotfin croaker filhing might as ell drop in a line any- EAN to take up residence in Mexico Mr. Dorn also u.ld that a tract these days. A 16-pound 1-oz. cor-where the harbor that ii PHONE L. L. B City for a while. office ls being completed a abort bina was caught In the surf at moot oonf enlent. Just use plenty Harbor 21!.~S Mrs. F. s . Steele and daugh· W.tance from the Kay Finch Z7th street In Newport Sunday of bait "I'd feed the fish. V'A' ter, Mrs. Peggy Read. Boulder ceramics studio, Corona del Mar, evening. The dredger working in ·----:--------------------~1 ereek In the Santa Crux moun-where applicants may regiat.er,·u the channel near N..._t llland Bookll.ts Give Work ·-------------------------... \ tatns, spent a few days with Mr. some have already done IO with has been dumping sand on the f . " and Mn. w. Klst1nger, 1a10 0cean representativeo a1reac1y on the beach near 40th street. wblcb _. Of elli, Board M"ADELYN D. PLATT Candidate for Member of the ·ASSEMBLY 74th District FAVORS A FULL DOL· LAR'S VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT! * Women have earned the right of Representation in Government FOR WALTER F. TIPTON 1f-Cancliclate for SHERIFF • Here Are Just a Few of Many Responsible Citizens Who Say "IT'S TIME For TIPTON!"' PAll'L B. DENAR£E, B08EBT H. PAl1L11S. Anaheim: Onm.9• VICT08 NAJlTlHSOJI, AllTBUB SIPBEllD, AD.o:Mlni Orcmqe • FBAJ<JC JCELL T, NllS. E. H. BRIJJfENEIEll. Dohney Park Ptcren.tia DOllALD C. JOl<ES. THOMAS TERJIT, Fullerton Placentia U:O JCLUTHE, WALTER R. GISLER. Fulle~~n Santa Ana S011EL OERTLT. Gari!en GrOTe J. GARFIELD ALLEM, Gardea G'°" VSBJIOM C. HEIL. Bunting-ton Beach IV Alf BARPEB. B\llltingtona-h BATKOl<D ELLI01T, 11-~­JACX aoaEBTSOM. BuatinfJtOD ~ aOLLDf BOSSOll, 1.a9=aa-h C&L PIERCE. ~­llABOLD 0. BOOS. Wlclwuy City WALTER lllSICET, Sauta Aacr SABA JOBJISTOJI BADDOll, Santa.ha JANES A. MERIGOLD. Santa - ~OT STllAJIC. s-a-..to DIIL JIEll)AGEB. s-1-~ NBS. llJlE PLO'll. -JEBOlllE JW)D. -NBS. C. IL UTT. Tutla 1JUAJf auc=•••DL WALTER 0nE. )ORJI A. NUBilT, JL OUtt -·--' I Blvd. premlaes. vldes food for the fish. Hence, Mrs. S. Atherton and sons, Steve good fishing along that stretch of and Peter, Tustin, are vacationing Sa ta Anans Hurt beach. with Mn. Atherton's mother, Mrs. n . Barge fishermen out of New· Barr. Santa Ana, who l!I spend· A C Hits Pole port can soon expect to enjoy night ing some time at her beach place. s ar fishing as the barge anchored off 210 Poppy avenue. the Newport Pier ls being equiir Edward Cortlwall jr., Ffc. of the Four persons suffered minor ped with lights. In the summer t03rd Inf., returned from Ger-cuts when an automobile operated night fishing· is very popular from ma ny, where he has been station-by John B. Little, 22, a sailor of barges. On moonlight nights bar· ed previous t o the war's end. He 1912 Spurgeon street. Santa .Ana, racuda and other fish may be saw some fighting but has been struck a pole and upset near 1713 caught. on occupational duty since then. I W . Central avenue, N~~rt Sunday the Jive bait boats fish- He was in the army three years Beach, shortly before midnight ing off Dana Point. not in by the and overseas 14 months. He will Satu~ay. . kelp. reported fair catches of bar- be at home this summer and then Police reported that Little, Mr. racuda bass plus a rare halibut plans to enter college. and Mrs. P . E. Wheeler of 1467 or white se~ bass. A 45-pound l\.1'rs. Harold Benedict, 427 Nar· Cypress avenue. and R. A. Belyea halibut was caught from the cissus aVenue. had as guests .Mrs. of 1625 Bush street, Santa Ana, charter boat Signal from the 19th M . Lasky and daughter Marjorie, suffered lacerat~a.ns and were Street Landing. Eighteen charter Portland, Ore. Mrs. Lasky is the treated by a physician. boats \l:ent out Sunday from King's mother Qf Mrs. Benedict's girl-Little, police said. was booked Landing. The new 7Q.p;6;,senger hood friend . Friday she drove on a drunk driving charge. H e was live bait boat Sport King is ex· with her guests to visit her mother r eleased on bail for appearance be-pected to be ready for service the Mrs. E. Dean in Alhambra for fore Oty Judge Bob Gardner Wed· first of July from King's Landing. G. Bonelli, candidate to )Urnself as the member tate Board of Equaliza- the Fourth district, has and inaugurated a dif- ferent t of a campaign than e\l'er bef re been known in South· ern Cali ornia. This me, instead of the usual campaig of speeches, billboards, etc., Bo lli, at his own expense, has issu a "Questions and Ans- \\"ers': klet which is being widely stributed throughout the district together with a folder issued th& state board itself entitled "Information Regarding the Sta'\ Board of Equalization." IE EAGLES TO FLV lphia Eagles of the Na- Ootbail League are the to sign up for point to transportation on their ·dule. the day. nesdny morning to enter his plea \Vith al1 the live bait boats that Mrs. Florence Anderson, 428 to the charge. fish on Sunday. everyone is chum· .----+-'---------, Marguerite avenue, left for Santa ming the fis h. so this makes Mon- Barbara Sunday to visit her sister, Snooper on Prowl day a very good fish day. Take Mrs. Walter Goode and to drive a tip, do your fishing on Monday, home with her parents, Mr. and Bob Elliott of 301 0 Coast bouJe-if you can. Mrs. E. Williams, who have been vard, Corona del Mar, surprised A 44-pound white sea bass was on a three weeks' visit with their a prowler on his premises between caught last Thursday by Mac daughter, ~lartha Goode. 9 and 10 p.m. Friday. The Maxey on the live bait boat Music, snooper, who wore a fishing cap, from Earl"s Landing. A 33-pound News-Times advertisements art got away before the arrival of jewfish was caught by C. O. Long, your guide to efficient !r,)endina:. Newport policemen. 822 South LakeWood avenue, Bell- \ ·i\ (Political Advertisement ) Elect HERMAN CHILDS CONSTAB.LE --Of- Newport Township * An experienced peace officer who belleve6 In strict law enforee- ment. "MP! llOW POUR ~AR HAI IROWll r flower. (tom the charter boa t Senga. Pier fishermen continue to catch halibut, mackerel. plus an occas· 1,000 Americans Die every da.r from RJ&'b Blood PreMUtt· a('«lt•llni; t<> an article In the Reader'• IMft•l. whlt'h tenn.1 It "Tbo · Mut<'!r Killer"'. · Your ne••PllPB tell• of prornla.ent people <t:Jlnl' almo.t da1b' with l!O· ca.llM 0'He11rt F ailure". mo•tl,. brombt about .,,. H lrb Blood Pre91un!' .. Our EJ:clasl•e DrurleM Reflell X• thro rf'du<'l!il D out or 10 cueti or H.B.P. 20 to 60 POlnt11 tbo f lnt ~ntment -Contlnul'!d Treatment mak"4!1 the l'e9Ult uerroflnent. Our T'rl!atnll!nlt DO ~OT SUDPre.9 tbe B e&l't t o ~t n!'IUlt--ln la.c:t the Heart ~ Streni-thl'!Ded and BeneHU.ed. If YOU bave "d11t7 1pel1•"0-bead k>o full-pa.In. In necll:. 1boullkrt and !le..S-ll 1our sleep at n1-'ht Is "flt· tul... -u• before J'OU bave a 01troko'". Pleue phone Barbor 1111 for an Appolntment on MondaJ"I or Tb-3", 9:00 to 6:00. Eve- alqo by Appointment. DR. EMIL F. llELL, D.C. l'ILO. 107 22nd Sheet Newport 8°·e!e1 Calll. -for- -BTAD ASSEMBLY (7th Dliitrl~t) c s Feed Store ay and Grain I Quality Feeds -§~ Dallyj Delivery-Beacon U45 , 82'7 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Rl-ILICT CONGRESSMAN JOHI PHILLIPS .lllLITY PLUS ... IXPl"IEHCI PHILLIPS i.e .... -X ' DIESEL SERVICE • NEW 225 lI. P. DIES~ ON HAND e WE AU WBJTiNO OBD1!218 ON BIGHT-AND LICJIT- HAND ROTATION DIJ!:l!J!ll.S FOB rwJN INSTALLA• TIONll. CBOICIJ OF REDUCTION 1lNIT8. • On Band: 165 B. P. Gmenl Moton-New. See us for information on . Venn Severin Diesels Dleoel Generator Sef>I of All Kinds. FRANK 11. LEWD! (Lack7 Lew1o) 0..W-MM- PBONES Office: Newport 2068 512¥.z Marine Avenne and Newport 2084-W Balboa Jslaod Come Back Another GREYHOUND gives you Mort roures to choote &om, •ore 1igh~seeing, "'°" convenieot d epanures, ·more saT· ings on crips 10 all Bastemcities. You can go by one scenic rou1e, return by another ••. any day, 411 the way by Grey· hound. And you'll save real money on one·way fa.res-even more on round trips. See your local Greyhound agent now •.. he'll gladly help you plan ""'1 detail. o•li WAT fAell New Yertr: •.. 4$.25 ~k•t• •. , •• M.aS W..t.I ....... U.10 Hits~ .... , .. 19.IO K-..1 City •• 29.70 New Ott-, MAO Pl.I ''"/~,.,,_ c. c. SWAFFOBD-008 ~ mway-Ph. Beacon Mn ~GREYHOUND I Unquestioned Ability Unquestioned Honesty ·15 years of actual, on-the-job experience as a law enforce· . ment officer. VOTE for TIPTON for SHERIFF June 4 ,, It's Time for TIP.TONff Jmt in the ten years from 1930 to '40 average horsepower of cars ioc:reased 99 pn ct11ll That means a. lot tougher job f0< motor oil. Aad tbat'1 .. i.,o RPM Motor Oil has ntra ingredients w solve .all the problems of coday'1 high.powered engines-problems that a waight mineral oil just can't bandit. Tbeae compouods in RPM • Motor Oil end carbon troUble; pro- t«t ho< spocs chu ochtt oils 1a .... batt, ~•fC*d to weer; pre•.•t cor-- rooiua. sludge, fo•ming. Try Id 8' •fs fwGle.t.'ftl1l&'O Is''" I r &ltZed by no special In-I. MORRIS, State Peace Officer Clayton T1lompson Wb..a.ss'e~ Phcme 1115 ........ 1IM .. • • terest IJ'Olipa. mlnoritls, nor~ who will con- trol my voice and vote. .t. v• lor RAYMOND G.ABTNEB 19aVo4e,.fw mnNCUMBl'Zl!::D ~N ' -ll'O&- SHERJFF OF ORANGE COUNTY !), • N•lnate Mwtls Jsne 4! ' • • • ' PTA Members Invited to Conference New c:bairmen of Newport Har- -Union Hiib ochool Parent-Teadler association are especWly invited to attend the Fourth Dis- trict. Calllornla Congress of Par- ents and Teachers confe~ on 'Ibunday, . Jupe 6 at Anabe.im park_ RegistraUon will start at 9 :30 with the opening ceremopy at 10 a. JTL Reports of the California Cmgress convention held in San Francisco May 1-3 will be read and Mn. Arthur Siphenl. presi· dent. will conduct a question and answer period tor new presidenU and cb&irmen. • MSW WWW • ,_ I Miss Frahce5Huston and David Gentry United 7Wo ~ _. bapttaed by Harbor Feininine Act ·vities ~~:~;u;~;~;~~~~~= the Rev. Perry Schrock, put« of + n.. -........ Blllbre + Rti~m:le ~ 1887·R Clurcb by the See wu that of Fri-with wblte ..,,,.,_.la and llhe Qrooa clel Mar Community Pborw Ill and 208 ~~ • day evmlnc when Franc.. Collier and her hlllhobd ldt for a honey- CDM Pastor Baptizes Infant Grandson church. Sunday mornlns at the _:.::.==-=-=:....:.:..:... __ .... _______ .:._ ___________ --:-Ti>;i;;:;t7c9h:;-;a;;irr;:;;n;1a;n;;JN\i;a-;;m;.e;:;i~ Hustoa, dauabter of Mr. and Mra. moon at <:rfttun. ~. On their wt oerv1ce_ which he pttached Former Teacher Tells Harbor Hi Parent-Teacher Association S · TA M . Marvin A. au.ton. -s.nta Ana return they wm 11e at 1iome at before Jeavmg on bla vacation. . f . . , Co . y P eeting avenue, Newport Hei&bbl, became 512 1> West Bay avenue, Balboa. Mr. and Mra. Schrock left thll Different Picture 0 Plans Activ1t1es for ming ear the bride of David A. Gentry, son Mrs. Gentry .. a irraduate of New- week and wW spend a month in J p · L ' f Dorothy Duncan. nutrition-of Mr. and Mra. Pio Meneguao, port Har-.Union HJiih school the EasL ap flSOn I e A cailed meelinl of the .,...,.._ al e of !,he Southern Coun-2000 Soutli Main atreet, Santa and la empleyed at the office of One of the cblldren wu Stephen A different Ncture or intern-tiUvnleonboan!Hl&h"!.~.NP~t-T'!Z Ellison-Walker Rites ties GfS comp&ny apoke on "Thooe Ana. ' the Southern California Telephone andaon of the '" ~~ -~ I B h S Three,ll\leals a Day in a Chaniiina Ferns banked the altar, and ccmpany, Balboa-Mr. Gentry la Goodrich Schrock, gr ment in • J apanese pruon camp association was held Tuesclq At Chape y t e ea Worl ... at the Jut meeting of the with ba&keta of White gladiolas, a graduate or Santa Ana Hl&h pastor and son. of1.Mr. and Mrs. was given by Roland Harker. now morning, May 21 at 9 a.m. in the year tCn-the Newport Beach Gram-white Marconi daisies and tall can-school and received his discharge Frederick G. Schrock. He ls also assistant pa!tor of t he Fullerton board of control room with Kn. In a candlelight ceremc..ny at mar aklhool Parent-Teacher ~ delabn, made-a -lovely setting hD" from the Marines In October, 194.5. the grandson of Mr. and Mn. Methodist church. at the meetin&: Wesley Fowler presiding. the Baltz Chapei By the Sea. at ciatiod, held at the Newport school the double ring ceremony which He is emploYed at the Ka)• Finch Goodrich Bassett, and received his of the W.S .C.S. of Christ Church Plans were made for a dellert 8 p. m. Saturday evening, May 25, aud.itof:;um Monday afternoon. wu performed at 8 p.m. by the studiol, Coton& del Mar. nd name from his maternal by the Sea last Wffk. speaking benefit card party to be held Mia Patricia Walker ot Mecca How ~ save wheat by baling Rev. E. D. Goodell, pastor of tM :dfather. Mr. Bassett la with at the altemoon session. Sept. 12 at 10 un. in the C:O.ta became the bride of Alva Ellison meals/on more potatoes, corn and church. In the presence of 200 Wallet Theft Reported the Californla Marine Packing Mr. Harker was in _Japan be-1 Mesa Women'• club house. Pre>-of Newport l!Nch-The Rev. rye w:-re told by. Mrs. Duncan. guests. company. fore the war as teacher in a Tokyo I ceeds will 10 to furnish the new Perry Schrock. pastor of Conma Mn'. Edgar Hill, president, an-.The bride's•gown was of white Allan Mann ~rona del 1'tar The other child presented for school, going there at the instiga-1 recreation room at the ht&h schciol, del Mar Oxnmunit)' ct;-urch. per-nount,: her list of chairmen few satin, made With long sleeves and r...nnrted to Ne........,,rt police the · tion o! a JansiotvtCP friend with which t. the P.-T. A. project fer formed the ceremony m a lovely th min ar N---.a ""--,.._ sweetheart -kline edged with a ~,,--··r-"·n was John Moore Vier--~-e g ye · •·11ft:U "'~& ... 'nr-.· .......... theft of a wallet containing· "· consecra........ "''horn he was a fellow.ostudent at the -•--year. The committee .... tun· a of .-ctel summer flowers_ ' ~-Mani """ ---·-• th ·~ ,.._ T ~t -. . ~•u.1& --• ..--Jackr Raub, art; uu•. ey ..... ..,. •ua.ur: -.uu e inoyen ~ ID card and 8 small sum of money. ling, son of Dr. and .I'll-.. ~ er Oxford university. Durin& the in charge will be Mrs. ~ and pews were roped ott with Oarft, health: Mn. Harold Holtz, bodice ended in scallops above a He said he lut bad the wallet H. Vierling. war he was interned with other Trusty, chairman; Mn. 0 t I• white satin lt.reenwp and flow-hospitality: Mn. Walter Franz, fU.11 akirt with ·a train. The full. when he was near the paddle.board -;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I civilian pri.sonen in luxurious WeatherNax, Mn. Oyde Otto ~ ers. membership chairman for Corona lencth veil was edged with point concession on the beach Friday I quarters in a school. He had a Mn. Wlllard Killion. The bride wore a gown oC pale del Mar and Mn. ChArlet G. Boice lace and caught wi"th orange blos- room to himself, steam heated and Mrs. Henry E. Freeman, Mrs. pink net in formal length with a for Newport Bea6h: Mn. Dorothy soms. r She carried a white prayer monting:_. _____ _:::---- lnd1vtduahty foT tht "MothtT·to·bt · · If wt don't havt 1t, wt ma~t 1t, you ~t! • 'Donna,e7r[a.rie 51wppe 515 S . Main St~ An:ode Bid~-Phone 3608 with a Beaut)Test mattress, he Hubbard Howe and Mn. Geprge small hat to match and a half veil. H~a' , publicity; Mn. Ray HAr-book on which wu a white orchid said and the best of food. includ-Gay were named as a conunittee and her fiov.·ers were roses and vey, program; Mrs. H . L. Hughes, and satin streamers caught .. with ing 'whipped cream. broucht by to purch~ dithes for the new gardenias with white streamers. t education; orange blossoms. Japanese friends. room. Mesdames Murray L. Ra.Ir Mrs. Zelma Rucker of Midway Mp. L. S. Hostetle r , home and Mrs. Gladys Lowery was matron The Japanese people as a whole bitt, 0 . Z. Robertson and J errold City was matron ot h ono r and her f8.111\'-Y life: Mrs. Myrtle Smith, of honor and her dress of apricot are very friendly to Americans. Spangler were named .to .revise the bouquet of pink roses contrasted roo~other f(>r Corona del Mar net over satin was made with a the speaker stated. and are tired bylaws of the asso:1a.tion. . wit!1 her lig~t blue go\Yn. Davi_d and . Alice E . Drake for New-fitted bodice and bouffant skirt. of the war m achine. After V-J A le tter from Principal S1dney j Ell1son of Midway dty setved !Us port Beach : Mrs. Viola Perkins Her shower bouquet was of orchid day an appeal was broadcast to H . Davidson was read to the ~.1 brothe r as best man, ~d the bnde and Mrs. Jack Mason, recreation sweet peas and roses. The brides- send Christian leaders over for a t hanking them fo r the cooperation was given ln mamage by her coo "nators, working with Mrs. maids, Miss Geraldine Connors and conference and the report that given during the recent pre-elec-H. cp. Boyvey, BOy Scout chair-Miss Jefel Walkerof of Costa Former Residents Entertain Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Watts of Inglewood entertained members of their bridge club Saturday eve- ning. Mr. Watts held high scorey-' Lew Wal lace was sicond and C B. Rudd third. Hirohito and other leaders may tion campaign of the . "Pay-as-CDM Hostesses mant Mrs. Henry Eggert. Thrift Mesa , w"°e similar dr~ses of tur-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~; 1 aCCE'pt Christianity is not impos~ you-go'" plan for expansion of the shoP,; Mrs._ F ay Benedict, ways quoi.se ~et over satin and their sible. Mr. Harker stated. school. Entertain at Bridge and jmeans: Mrs. G. H. Rogers, shower ~uquets were of pink l\·lrs. o . \·V. Holt by presided at 1 All officers .we~e asked .to attend welt~: ~trs . M. E. Horst. safety: sweet peas and varigated carna- Due to the railroad s trike Henry Eggert stayed a t his office In the city a nd Mrs. Marie Kaiser went as the guest of l\1rs. Eggert. Others present included Messrs and Mesdames Rudd, Wallace, A. J . Gant, L. L. Isbell. Eugene F ene- lon, E . I. Moore, Ralph Mas.key GIFTS • • • for Her Graduation Dresses and Coats Purse Costume J ewelry Handkerchiefs -make the outfit complete PLAY 'TOGS FOR HER VACATION Orkin ' s 1793 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa the session and Mrs. \V. S . Hun-the F ourth district meeting to be Mrs. John Sadlier. 218 Nar-Mrsi ~ank Henderson, audio-vis--Uons in pink and pale yelloY>'. saker led in devotions the subject held Thursday, June 6 at Ana-cissus avenue, and Mrs. J ohn ual: Mrs. Ke nneth Johnson, mega-Each·or the attendants \\'ore a ha t · th zjn Pf. ' with a sweetheart brim or the being Builders of Peace. At the hcim t:ity park. At this tune e Meador , Goldenrod ave nue, gave a -y- H Red d 1 h t f 20 Priincipal H. 0 . Ensign spoke on same material as her dress. morning session l\1rs. J · : -Fourth district e egates ""'. 0 8 -1 bridge luncheon Tuesday ?r the in, itiative reretendum advocat-Truman Kibbler of San ta Ana stone l!"d the study class in t he tended the state convent ion of guests in the Laguna· hotel dining-~ fin al lesson of the year 's course C31ifornla Congress of Par~nts room. Bridge followed luncheon ing ~he r aising or teachf!rs' min-was best man a nd' ushers were 1------------- on Di\;ne Fatherhood. and Teachers at San Francisco with prizes going to Mrs. C. Lewis imum salaries from $1800 to $2400 Oifford Lower y of Newport Beach 1.--,------------;. I · th · t z 'I K " a Y~1 and the raising of the state and Jack Gen" .. " of Santa Ana, NEW LINE During the months of June, July May 4-6 wll give .. eir r epor s . Baltz, first : Mrs. B. . i~ c 1~ey, $ 20 '"'~ and Fred Snedecor. and August there will be no morn-An~· members ~esir1ng transpor-second: Mrs .. Mary Abbo~t, third, all ation from S90 to 1 per brot her of the bridegroom. Har-Craft Greeting Card& ing sessions but at 1:30 p.m. will tat1on may call Mrs. W.R. F owler, a nd Mr s. Leighton Hawkins, con-pupiJ. Mrs. Boyvey and Mrs. Buck riett Price of Compton played the S&affoaery be the regular afternoon program Harbor 56. solation. are ~irculati~g petitions through-wedding marches a nd was accom· with the food situation , strikes and Announcement was made that Those present w ere the Mes-out tlhe distrJct Cpr signatures on panist for Carol CUrtis, also of Brookings V arielv • B h the eferen_dum. . Compton, who san·g .. Because" and -~ --.,. -r ace problems brought up for dis-the high school. Newport eac dames S. W . Black beard, W . H . Tl}e musical program was gJve n .. 0 Promise Me." 0 _e;;-u.. ·., 0 ,, _.. ..... cussion. including the Springfield Gra mmar school and Costa Mesa Hitchman, Lester Isbell, 0. Z. Rob-by Mrs. Mary Jane Miller , singing I============= plan for schools. Grammar school Parent-~eacher ertson. Ger ald Ritchie, Baltz. Bra~'m's Lullabye, American Lull-F ollowing the ceremony the r e- associations will e ntertain the Harry Welsh, Arthur Kemper, K ception was held at the c hurch. Th rsd N 21 S Wall aby and a Negro spiritual. The three-tiered cake and punch F ourt h district u ay, o:r. V. Dilts, Conrad hook, , ace i,rl...,, L h d f th Patio Dinner Honors New York Guests at the high school. Mrs. Dantel J . a-o\\•ell. Josiah Stamp. Hugh :·i~· Rose ugo. f 0 e wffe served at a table decorated Dailey will be the speaker of t he I Springer. Ralph Holden, Ted Mof-schcpl cafeteria for 1 years. is with Cecile Bruner roses and bj be. U d k' resigning and Mrs. Hill presented baby's breath, and tapers in day, her su ect tng n er-fett. Abbott, McKinney, Haw ms her \\'ith ll silver dollars, sym-standin~ True Values (Moral and and the hostesses. 0011. al of her ·y·ea-o! sterling crystal candJesticks. Ho noring their daughter. l\'lrs. H B d " k f '" Howard E. Orgera and grandson Spiritual). l\trs. arry ur ic o se~'ce and expr essed appreciation l\lrs. Huston, mother of the • Costa ~iesa, sixth vice-presiden t vi h h d ed bride, wore a draped dress of light Ho\vard from New York City. Mr. of the district. will have charge of Newlyweds Now for he ser ce 5 e .as ren er blue crepe v.ith rose accessories a nd Mrs. J errold Spangler \\'ere the ·parents and children. Mrs. recent hosts to relatives for din-the program. At Costa Mesa Home Lu ·s work will be taken over and lttrs. Menegasso wore a black ner served in the pat.ii? or their by rs. Marjorie Romersi. now tunic dress with white accessories. home. Evening of Bridge Now at home in Costa Mesa are in1'*1arge of the Corona del Mar Mr1. Emily B. \Villiams or Sacra- Prescnt to meet the baby for l\ir. a nd Mrs. Willoughby L. F ar-cafJeria. mento, grandmother of the bride, At. J. A. Gant Home quhar , "'ho r e-turned fr om Las came down for the wedding. l\Irs . the first time \vere the paternal Sh Fay Parhjlm and Mrs. George great-grandpa rents, Mr. and r.'l rs. Vegas. Nev., where the wedding Su prise ower Krueger or Villa Park assisted CharlC"S Spangler of Long Beach, Mr. a.nd l\trs. J . A. Gant e nter-ceremony was performed recently. H p d . h th . taincd at bridge recently. w1 t h The br ide was Miss Ha llie Lil-OOOrS a ·StOr an wtt e serYing. .- Mr. and Mrs. Romaine Violette ~lrs. C. w . Watts or Inglewood Iian Mosteller. da ughter of Mr. and Br'1de-to-Be After the reception the new Mrs. Open Evenlnp, Except Monday :~i~~~~~~~~~~~;i~~~~F;~i;~~~ and daughters Vicki. Judy and I Marjory of Long Beach ; Mrs. taking first pr ize. Ralph Maskey Mrs. Elton E. Mostell er of Costa d Helen Van Hazalen a nd sons second. and Henry Eggert third. Mesa. and the bridegroom is_ the d Mrs Richard Hubbell r th · I Jim Farquhar publisher r. an . · . George and Bob; P aul Carlson, Present or e evening were s 0 ornthoe Hunti·ngton Be'ach 'News. gav a _surpr1se pre-nuptial shower Department Store You too, can enjoy the glaf!lour of Hollywood portraiture .... Reasonably priced portraits in the distinctive style of Bernard of Hollywood please the most discriminating. OPEN TUESDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SUNDAYS By Appointment Only P"'-i.ac-4343 ........... Meade I l\1 r . and l\trs. Clyde Cooper and the 1'-1essrs. and Mesdames C. W. H . ed . th factur atl;eir Newport Island home d 'h u ·t Bob Kessel \Vatts, Ralph l\.taskey, C. B. Rudd, e 1s e ngag tn e manu -h . Ge aug ter i~i argue r1 e; · . b . . Costa Mesa where w esday evening onor1ng ne ~1r. and l\olrs. Jack Cooper and Henry Eggert, Eugene Fenelon , itnhg usiness 1n 1 .. g · Hildebrand of Santa Ana a nd the daughter J oEllen. all of Glendale: L. L. Isbell. Fred Snedecor and ey are now ivtn . Re~ Her bert C. Roth of Balboa and the hosts' son Jerry. the host and hostess. Islahd , pastor of Newport Harbor =============~==========1 1 Altar Society Lut/ieran church, whose wedding ~ t , was an event of Sunday. Meets Wed., June 5 'Through winding up ba11s of J l\Ylw·' e, the young couple found Members of the Altar Society of ma y lovely gifts hidden about the ~ • S22 Marine Ave. Our Lady of Mount Ou-mel Cath· pa o.+ It was there also t hat the I . Balboa Island olic church will meet at the Bal· buf et supper was served, t he hon- boa U.S .O. room, Main and C.en-orep tkuests cutting t he big cake traJ avenue. Balboa, at 2 p. m. on decorated with a message of con- Wednesday, June 5. Mrs. Frank gra'r:ulations and flanked by tall Henderson, Mrs. Arthur Taylor candelabra. --.ANNOUNCING- New Hours for Summer Season Beginning .June 1 Dally .. ··---···-······--········-···-······-·-······-·······11 to s -4 to 8 . Sundays.-.. ·-······-······ ·-·········---~···································10 to 8 ---Closed Tuesdays LUNCHEON -DINNER -BREAKFAST · -AT ALL HOURS- 114 W. 4th St. PIL 6688 PASADENA LONG BEACH • .N. 0 M ft. !17. I.,_ Ma -"--L B. - and Mrs. Coi.in Brown will be in ~esent were the pastor 's mother charge. After the business meet· Md. Louise Roth, and his brother ing there will be a social hour. ruchard, Dr. and Mrs. ~. A. ~. parents' of tqe bride-to-- ~. 1 and her . sister Mrs. Bobbie Clatk, who flew from Ohio tor the/ wedding: Rev. and Mr11. Geo . Bwkliecker i the Messrs and Mes-dartses Theodore Haber, Richard Ha~. Ernie Schultz, Clyde ~~e. E . A. Grochow, Harold Facxou. Wilcutt, Kenneth Quarry, D. j C Wedeking, Mrs. P . M. Thompson, Pauline Colver, Betty Bo{tham, the host and hostess and honored guesta.. ALLMARK ., ..... ____ _ CARDS Graduation · and Father's Day I.unps :: Ooetume .Jewelry Newport Souvenir · and Gift Shop ZlOZ Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts 1 Ihstall New Pipeline Employes of the construction cr~iv of the city sewer department are replacing the old wood stave piJ1 line from the Newport bridge to he a8lboa Isla nd bridge, along Ba •s hore colony. A new 24-inch coqcre te pipeline, 6000 feet in '-------------. lenftth· will ~eptl'!ce the old llnei s EA s 0 ~SMTNl~ KET s ! ! GRYPHON PR !DUCTIONS , Laguna Beach Playhous.e THE SUSON OPl'JNS ~NE Z5tb WITH ''AIGEL ST ET'' ....... John Emery Q 11 7,.J 0 Apia _ .. _ -~ -·-l:f1.u11-- 011 •• ;:':':':":';-~ • Dadl • ""bll ...... .... •• 'J•• .. & •• Believe Is or Not .•. • '· Men's All Wool DRESS SLACKS Siz.es 28 to 36 Handsomely Draped Fine Quality • Brown • Blue -• Gray at - - - in BALBOA •