HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-25 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM ..ONTBolA It wasn't so " -many years ago that Newport Harbor was the sU!pchild of the coonty and treated as such. \Vhat brought this to mind was a visit Tues<'ay to San Cle- mente at the Coast AssOCla- tlon and who should get up to run the meeting but Herb Kenny, who modestly intro- duced himself as the Balboa postmaster. That recalls. to mind the commg session next week of the Associated C. of C. with Walt Long- moor as its president. Then we have as su~rvisor our own Irvin Geo. Gordon, which gives the harbor a pretty good . "in" on wh at is doing politically and CIVl- cally in the richest little county in th,e state. Of course it is needless to state that Harry Welch formed the coast group and aided in reviving the Asosciated. Talked to Don Dodge, who has taken a leading part in the contest to secure a Jun- ior college for the coast. Don says most of the cities m- volved have virtually agreed that its location should be somewhere in the harbor area and that the course of study should be hlong ma - rine lines or topics that rep- resent the thoughts of shore dwellers along its 40 miles of delight. Fred Rowland, who said he'd rather be superVJs- or than mayor of Santa Ana, wanted to know what I'd do after being retired, but hell , Fred, I'm so darn busy with so many projects that I won- der what a fellow who has been retired longer does if and when he loafs! + + + sCbool Bonds. Seems to have been quite a fuss in the courts over school bonds and the i r published legality. }3ond attorneys found fl aws In the Grammar school no- tices at Newport Beach and Garden Grove , but SUperior Judge F ranklin ruled, after hearing quite a bit of eVJ- dence that the public had been adequately informed through the news columns, despite the fact the official publications we r e "off" somewhat. Trouble at Gar- de n Grove was that confus- ion in figures resulted from a poor carbon copy. which causes yet ed. to rema rk that that is not the first time newspapers get poor carbon copies of legal notices. Just why they are not entitled to the first copy instead of the third or fourth, is one of those things careful attor- neys decide. • • + .Joint MeeUng. Glad to hear that Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions are going to meet in joint session August 6 at the Mesa club house to dis- cuss harbor problems. Won- der if I'd be too brash to suggest the subject of annex- ation? So many fellows in . t h e various communities here carry little chips on their shoulders, that it would not be amiss to take our hair d0\\1\ and part it properly. One goes to so many ses- sions where they shush , shush this 'n that and tell you it's off the record, that yoo'd think most of us are composed of pink tea and jelly be6ns. Long ago discovered that the only thing the truth hurts is one's pride and if we're go- ing to have the biggest com- ·munity in the eowtty let's go aboot it like men. + + + 'J'he•b, Frhmrh Been getting salvos oo all sides aboot quittllig the publish- ing business, while the news- papers have been kind in their remar\cs. Busy Dahl Schearer ot the Garden Grove News took time out to write a letter ol coogratula- tioo, while Tom Taylor ot the state i..rd ot equaliza- tion, wrote In pert: '"Ibe en- tire staff ot this omce joins with me in extending our ai14:1atulatlons and best wlsbel. I wish to~ thank you for your friendly, bdptuJ attitude toward the Board of Eqnattnti(Jll and WlJllam G. Benelli." KFEP POSTED! 1 YMr •••••• S!..51 .. c lir SL 'II OS el 0 "1 p..e Od e6 -... Olle* ..,. Mo .. :Newa -I I, lfwport: .... • ' .NEWPODT ' o.l;y l'ksp Oz 'f 1t'eeldy Newapa,.r .. ._ A.tit .. ra. ol Qrm'stlsa EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, .SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA. VOUJllS mtm NEWPO&T 111:.ACll, CALIFOa:NtA. TBO&SDAY, IULY t4, ,.. -ei-., NO•·· • BATHING GIRLS PARADE HERE SUNDAY Island Business Men form New Assn.; Will Promote Cooperation Within Qty Pledging an integrated progr of cooperation among themselves I ~-------------. a nd with othr sections o f the city a nd with the avowed purpose of "breaking bread &nd ge tting ac- quainted," 37 business men and 1A:omen of Balboa I sland m et last night at White's Park avenue care and formed a new Island Business Association. Elected as offi cers of the new organization were Harry Forsythe as president and Lois Hudson, secrC'tar)'-trC'asurer. F orsythe was. in a lar J:::l' measurl', responsible for the uniting of the representa- tion and the revival of an acti\·e group among Island busin{'SS men 1 and \\'om£'n. Expansion of the I sland business section \Vas r eflected in the num- ber of persons present and, it ,,.as noted, businss newcomers in the arC'a "-'Cr e pl entiful in the gather- ing. The keynote of cooperation wa!' soundC'd b:-' Harry Welch. secre- tary of the Ne,vport 1-larbor Chamlwr of Commerce. \1rho men- tioned the long-range planning for Newport 1-larbor and, while \vel- roming the addition of another sectional group \vithin the city, in- dicated that a combination of all ~oups n1ust be kept in mind for the continuancl' or prosperity of the city as a whole. ~lr. \V etch noted that a function of the new organization could be to present an attractive business program on the Island for the Island home owner. He also pledg- ed chamber of CQmmerce cooper~ a t?on Wit h th~ new group. H. F . Kenny, Balboa postmaster . spoke brierly a• ft guest and said that ther~ was an advantage in having a ~roup of the n('w asscr ciation's character meet. and it could be used to maintain fra1er- nal relationship with all par ts of the city. Elected to the exeeut ivC' com- mittee were Hal Will Smith, Anton Hershey, Grainger Hyf'r, Hub PowC'rs. H.F.. Chr istler , Bob Cook, John Abt'll and \Villiam Sanford. Present at the meeting were Jacqueline Beckner, Charlotte Wells , Neal Beckner . Bill Scott, S. T. Dunlap, Bob Cook, J ohn T. Keeler . Anton Hershey, Frank Wishon. \V. D. K eith, Dutch Hea· cock. FranC('S Pulasky, Mary Har- rison, William Sanford. John Abell, Jack Huckabee, Kenny Nichols, Bernadette Dulworth. George Ster- ling, H. E. Christler, \VWiam L. Wiegand, Grainger Hyer, Lois Hudson, Clarence Boardman. J . S . McCartney, Maurie Stanley, Hub Pow~n. Irma Marples, Hal \Vill Smith. and H. J . Fol'\ythe. Has Court Date Milton Max Brock, 32, of Beve.r - ly Hills, will appear· in Newport Beach dty court Saturday to ex· plain why he wu driving 55 miles an hour in a 35-mile zone. Monday, police said. Call Issued to Speedboat Fans For Water Meet · \Vanted, • some enthusiastic sp('edboat fans to r epresent Newport Harbor in the Her- mosa -~1anhattan aquaplane and water skiing contests Aug- ust 11th. This is the call '"'hich conlC'S to the Newport 1-larbor Chamber of Commerce from Stephen \Velis in charge of the \\'at('r meet at the South Bay area. Th£'re are a number of volun· teers who will ride the aqua- planes and/or the skiis but boats arc scarce. Kent Hitch- cock. \Veil-known local marine photographer, an cn thusiasti~ Sf>C'C'dboat skippcor himself, has been asked by the chamber to contact local skip(X•rs to find out if any \l.'ould be interested in helping the neighbor coast comn1unitics. Newport Man Cited for War Bravery Coast Assn. Members Hear County Problems Discussed Just arrived and on display o ri Balboa Island at the Island Realty office arc the more than 100 beau- tifully designed cups and trophies \\'hich will be a"'arded to ''i nners in differcnt di\'isions of the Tour- namC'nl of Lights to be held once again in Ne\\·port Bay on Aug. 7. The trophies \lo'ill be &\\'&rded to all classes and t)·pes of boats In ma ny cl"assifications . . ~. of Commf'rce o(ficc. Newport Harbor Yacht club, Balboa Yacht club and the orficc of the Tourna- • ~Balboa Beauty' to Be Chosen from 40 Contestants Sunday At fun Zone Bathing Contest Swimming and Diving Exhibitions, kiddie Fashion Show A1so Planned at Afternoon Hi-Jinks; Festivities Scheduled to Begin at 1:30 p.m. . ' The 1948 'ed!Uon or &lie Balboa ...... I' Beulty will make ..... appearance before an ~ mu.Jtltude tMit. 8an4a;J a.&: the BaJboa Fun Zone. u more than '8 yoaac ladles vie for the crown at the beauty conte&t and ..,.rt.eel llf...J,ab lllated. to becln at I :SO p.m. The beauty coatost. ha wtdcb ctrh from all over th& Soutl!il•ncl are entettd, \.\ill be tbe ma.la attnetloll ot the a.11;emooa'a pl'OCl'a..m M'hlch "1r1 af50 feature 9Wirnmin&" and divine e xhibtttontl ~ acts and a Kiddle Fub.lon Sbow &pOD90n!d by tbe Bobby' Shop ol Balboa. Exhibitions \\ill begin in front of the Fun Zone a t 1 :30 with the fashion show slated to begin at 2 p.m. The beauty contest Will follow more exhibitions at • approxima tely 3 p.m . Six prizes will be awarded to the winners of four different clas· siJlcations. The.re will be first. second and third awards made to t.hc three top girls in the general contest, classed a.s grand prize winners. I n addition, there Will be a prize to the girl with the most poise, ,.the best personality and the best tan. Heading the list of exhibition performers will be Anne Beller of Los Angeles, runner up in the AAU diving championships held recently. She will perform tram the low board and exhibit the dives, style and form that has made her a champion. Also exhibiting the ir proweu before the throng, which ls ex· pected to over flow the Fun Zone, will be a comedy diVing team of :Jodie Starrett and Dick Wevill. A free-style swimming exhibition will be presPnted by Dorothy Wright or Santa Ana and Nick Williams, mid-Atlantic back stroke champion in 1937-38 will also per. form. Another exhibition of swim· ming par-excellence will ~ given by nine-year-old Don Cra"rford. Judges for the contest "';JJ be Oyde Ashen of the Balboa USO, Herb Kenny, Balboa postmaster and Phil Browne, manager of the Santa Ana Business Men's a.51°'6 dation. l ' NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES' llAIUIOll U ...r IS PubM '!Cl Enry TDeecta7 _. ~ '·7 Aftel...,.... Volume XXXVID ~ .._. W.tso. PuHlet 4 Z.....,. Webead•7 Vol1m1e D Subocription Payable in Advance:-$2:50 per year in Orange County 12.15 per Y"8l" to 4th :wne; $3.00 per year to 8th zone Enlettd .. SKond-Oass matter at the Postolfioe in Newport Beach. C&lllomla. under the Act of March 3, 1879 SAM D. PORTER F.G.FROST W. F. DIXON - Printlnc Plant. 3011 Pub Usher Editor Advertising Manager W . Central Avenue, Newport Beach, California Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Depea.tabM Leca1 J..u:taUoe for Over 37 Ye.n Active Member of .:,!Kii I I ' I I I> "' 11 I I I I I I I I I t; IJ'l•·l •llltlUI ! l lll • I I lltll l •<IJl 11 I Hl l I 1111 I f i<I I I I II • IHI I' • ~ ! • CORRAL DUST • ~ . • ~ Ab11 ut the r1n1e tt t become tTauel u•1s< on tins road of life ! • ~ -comes rhc trail$ t"'tli. )ACi<. LI NDSLEY ~ . . i a ,.._lll1l 10l l<I l •lf I •I I I I •I I •I 11 I I I I I IHl•!l '11"1!1111li<l !!l 1'1"1"1"1 f Ll l l!l ••IUl al ttllll llf '111'11'1"11" r This Atomic Age A year ago at this time the Atomic Age had alrea('y be- guri but the world didn't know it The first atom bomb in history had exploded on the white sands of New Mexico with spectacular and terrifying success. A handful of scientists knew that they had un- leashed the most potent physical force ever discovered by man. ln a few weeks humanity in general, and the citiz.ens of Hiroshima in particular, were to learn of it. • GEHEllAL flSENHOWEB'S REPORT . VI 111 coodudiag 6is ,.port it .. wi6 r.,..t tkat I oa ...W. to NCOfd ... r• tlM ct.ta.ill ol _, penoDGI on4 oadoJ obligatioM and ptitv.U to tJ.oH wbo ....cl 90 deTo4edly at llQll'W Jleo4.. quQl't.n ad ot tlM otbei" bodqaarien wWQ CDClllWCltff .. t.rally cmd elledtT.ty wiQi -.. Jtor cam I make a~ r..::agaJtk. ol tbe collOotatioa .. ._ muy ....W.calit ill cMI cmd milita.ry pollitioaa m Gr9Cd Mtolo and .... u ........... wttlt. .... my dutiM i>rouglrt -bdo coatGd. cmd wt.OM .... caided la 0 maJar ..... tM acemapli+e .. t oi .. o-.-tat. Yet l bow ll:Klt oD a..-woWd i..a~ .. ,..Y • bcal trikte to tt.. • ry of two ._, ..mor caad aalloat o9ems wbo .ao:rted 0.. ca-.pai9D wtth u ... do lOll: ••lr u... lNler. u. eoocluio.. n .. ••• Admi:rGI Sir hr1raa H. Ba-11.y of ti.. lloyo;I K•TT• oad Ah C1oie1 Manl>GI I& T.ollan Lo!P-Mdo<y .. llM loyal Air Force. At ti.. llegfne'NJ ol ti.. opwatleo tkw emc.,. .,_.. r~91y my Jfcncal Co s•d•·la-Cbl.I cmd my Air Ca.---*<·m-Cld ... n.. ..._ ._. IPa 111o m .. -_.._. -or V"9Clill• F~ wldlo Mill M'"-9 ia tM eomo capo.dty. Tiie latter, rolinff. trma tDJ ca=PY.Uld to take "• tho ADiM AJr Foi-cos m Southo.st A.la. WU IMt Lo Ga a.irplae a ed.daat DMI' Grenoble. Frmu:.. n. war urTlc .. the ct..otioa to duty, a.ad the 90.cri&ce ol tJt. ... two oa.t.1auc1iD9 me1t typilf ti.. lnnplac.abt. coet oJ the campojp r9J11 ... nled la the u ... of thoUeGQds· of om.. an o.ad snliat.d awo ud mem.ben ol the womsa's .. rnc-. al dMI Am.ericcul. Britiall. cmd Fresadl forcn. AU of th .. di.sd ba the iqairit ol tlurt mtlty whiclt. Jobi.Ml ta. Allies La our common id.ala. To them. Cll1d to t1ioM who b.cu the woUiada of battle. we, their comrades ia o.nu. rQdc __. grateful ad bumbt. tribut .. Uodet th• cmaogem•o&a ma.d• by th Comhln.d Cbiela of Staff for lh• control ol the &eld forceL General ol th. Anny G.or9• c. Ma.rtliall acted cu th•ir exeC\ltlYe in trcmamittillt to me t!leir orders QQ.d lnattuctioDL MoreOTer, uoder th• moet distin~d Secretary ol Waz, Henry L. Stimeoo. G•nMol Ma.nball woa always my direct odminiatrati•• •up•rior ln my capacity CY a eommmader of United Stal•• Anny lore•a. To thd qreal aoldier-etateamoa. I ow• a paztic:uJQJ debt (or hia friendly counsel and eon.atcmt sup-. port. There wos notbi119 throughout th• wa.r ao morcilly su.taio~ inq cis th• knowledge that G•n•rctl Marahcill concurred in the plom I we.a adopti119 ad Lb.• m•om I waa ~ to put lb.em into effect. THE WORLD ... ... AT A GLANCE meaning wife. It happens every day. The moral of all this is that if you O\\'n proper ty or a bank ac:- count you ha\'e an estate. And if By ED\\" . .\RD CLA\'TON I your esta te is \\'Orth a nything at '--------------i all it's \\'Orth pro tecting for the BRIT . .\IN'S BREAll lx'nefit of those Who should in· • NEWS of the CHURCHES OUR LAOY OF MT. CARMEL 1423 We9t Central Avenue ttu.Dday Klt9M: 8 and 10 LlD. Cont .1 Ion.: Saturdaya fmm 4:00 to ~:eo and trom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. -------IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH B1lboa 1 .. 1nd Sunday Kue: S:IO LID. Oocre.iona: Saturday1 froru 1 :30 to a :ao p.m. CORONA DEL MAR. COMMUNJTV CHUKCH, CONGREGATIONAL P~rry Fred~rlck Schrock, Mln.lster 611 H eliotrope, Corona del Mar Sunday, July 28. 1946. 9:30 a. m. Church school. 11 :00 a . m. Morning worship. Sermon by l\1r. Schrock: "Testing One's Mor al Development ." ~COSTA MESA COMMUNIT'Y CHURCH C..rl 8 . Johneon, Minister 124 L 20th St. Ph. 2475-R c::::burch ecbOOI. 9:45 &. m. Mornlm.g Wonhlp. 11 o'clock. Youth groupe, H lgb echool, Jn. termed.late, Adult, 6 :SO p. m. Even.t.ng eervice, 7:30 o•c1oc1t. l4id·week tellowllb.lp &nd prayer, Wedneaday, 7 :30 p.m. 11 &. m ., Prayer and Sermon. ABSElllBLIES OF GOD Beary aad Ida SUde. Puton Amerlcaa L<cl• Hall, Ulb and ce.tral Ave. Sunday ac11ooi ll) a.m. Momin& service, h a.m. Evening evangelistic service at 7;30 p.m. 1-fid·week service, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. FIRST FOURSQUARE C11UBC11 OF COSTA MESA Tclllpor&ry location, American Legion Hall Rev. and Mn. G. WUJard St.earn. Pasion Phone !671 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m.. J\.torning worship service 10:45. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Crusader service 6 :00 p. m.. SCI ENTllT Berean service 6 :30 p . m. Lido Theater, Ce ntr1I Avenue Evening evangelistic service a t a nd Via Lido 7 :30 o'clock. A branch ot The Mother Chure.b Tuesday evening prayer seIVice The F!nll Church at Chrtot, Sci'. at 7:30 o'clock. entitt, ln Bo1ton, Masaacbu.settl. ------- Sunday School al 9:SO a. m. Sun- day Service at 11 a. m_ Wedne11day Testtmonlal Meeting at 12 o'cloek Reading Room located at 111 Palm street, Balboa, is open daily from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public ii cordially invited to attend tbe churcb eervicee and uae the Reading Room. ST. J AMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 515 West Central, Balboa (Ebell Clubhouse) FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Oaher, Pil1tor- Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a..m. Cburcb .cb.ool tor all ages. 11 :00 a..m. M.ominl' Worahlp: Meuage: ''We Tban.k Thee." 11:00 a.m. Nunery t or all chil· dren during eervlce. 6 :00 p.m . Method.lat Youth Fel· lowahip. Young Adult Fellowab.tp. 7 :00 p.m. EvenJ.ng WorahJp:- Meuage: "Come Ye Uve." 'PROFESSIONAL D.IRECTORY AOOOIDiTANT .4JtC8ftltCT Armand Monaco ARCllJTECT 814 W. ll&y Ave., Ba11>oa IW-bor 17'4 !T!l Lakewood, An.. ~ Aaceleo NOnDalld:r - CHIBOPRACTORS Wagner Drugi..,. I.us"'""' Dr. WUbv C. Wac-w Chiropractic, Dletetks, Physio & Colonic Therapy IHO CoaR Blvd-, - 1-a~ -- CLINJCAL LABORATORY ainical Laboratory om.. boars: 9 -4:30 ·and by appolD.tment TELEPHONE llABBOR 1138 %833 W . Ceatnl An. DAY !iCllOOL Mortimer Schoo) sot Oo..i --blaad ~ .. , Oollep, ~ .... SUMMER SCHOOL G, A. l!lorttmer, M. A., Oxford Prlnotpal Pb.one Barbor 15! DENTISTS H. R. Hall, M. D. ..., .. , ..... a.,.... Houni: 2~ ~y AllllOlatmei>t Telepbane Beaocm !5841 ISi ~ Ooota - Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central AYe. NEWPORT REACH Pbooe Harbor 1 O!S No &UWN'! cal) 8Mcoc. ~· X -Ray Service llllton M. Maxwell, lll. D. 1101 0ooot m...,,. OoroGa del Mar Ottice Hours: lC>-12; 2-s ~B&rt.orlOIZ S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave. B•"'oe. Bart.or 1724 W s. Biii St.. ~ ~ TUcker T8U By APPointmont T. P. REEDER, !IL D. and . A year ago the war with Japan had a long way to ge>-- so it seemed. Our troops had moved into Hirohito's front yard by winning Okinawa and lwo Jima. our mighty boml>- ers were burning Japanese cities with fire bombs, Admiral Halsey's fleet was steaming boldly along the coast lobbing shells into war plants and factories. But in spite of all this a mass inva,ion involving probably a million men still loomed as a necessity to final victory. It must be ('mba rrassing. to say herit it. On such matters it's a the least, for the British Labor 'A'ise thing to consult an attorney. gover nment to no"' rind it necrs· And it's '''ise too. to name a bank sary to resort to the rationinj! of as executor or co-executor of your br<'i=i d. Just a year ago on July 26 estate so tha t it ''"ill be looked thC' Labor Party v.·as s\vcpt into a ft er by those especially trained offiCt' b,y a lands lide or \'Ot es given a n.~ c·x).X'ri~nccd in_ su~h affa.i.rs. to it 18rgely in the ho pe that a ~ou cant lake 1t with you - nC'\V admini!'tr a tion \\'Ould be ahll' t hats true, but you c.an do a n 3\\'- to ea.SC' the sever e \\"a rtime restric- 1 ful lot t~ protc-ct . it ,,·hen ~ou tions \Vhich th<' people had endur-leave. Its something to think eel so long, and "''ould spc<>d the about. , Rev. Ardy1 T. Dean, Vicar 8 :80 &.. m ., Holy Communion. 9 :415 a.m., Sunday School. COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Re,·. Jam~ P. M cGr&\\'., Paator 14-0 Cflbrillo S t., Co11ta M esa Services Sunday 10 a. m ., 6 :30 r----·--------. p. m. and 7:30 p. m. DR-GORDON E. RAPP WM. S. IRETON, M. D. Physicians and Surgeona 3909 \\'<'st Ct:'ntral Telephone Harbor 602 The sdentists in New Mexico, however, had already dis- covered tha t the war was virtually over. They realized that no nation collid stand up under such punishment, especially a nation as badly battered as Japan. So V-J Day really came in mid-July of 1945, although not officially confinned until almost a month later. The atomic bomb brought sudden peace. but the world fears that it may some day bring sudden war. To prevent this the na tions must grow in moral stature to a point com- parable to the scientific progress already made. Only in this way can the world and the a tom live together. nation to,,·ard rC'CO\'Cry. But t he 1 DO\\'N THE Rl\1ER 11 :00 a. m., h.fornlng Prayer and Sermon. (First Sundays: Holy CommwUoa.1 BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry W. White, A•ocl1te P1stor Cburch ScbOOl, 9 :30 a. m. Morning Worablp, 11 a. m. Chris t ian Science L esson Subject 'Truth' "Trut h'' wlll be the Sunday Les- son-Sermon subject Jo all bran('bes or The /..!other Church, The First Church or Christ. Scientist. in Ilos- ton. The G o Id en T e x t Js from Psalms : "Jnto thine band I commit my spirit : thou hast redeemed me. 0 Lord God of truth." l n a selection fron1 John's Gospel, J esus says, "l have many things to say and to judge of you : but he that sent rue is t rue: and I speak to the world those things "·h ic b I have DENTIST !833 u ree:t Central Phone Harbor U l ·I Newport . Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST UCI! V. W. Central. Bart.or 1480 NEWPORT BEACH A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN &ad SURGEON &11 Cout mpway. llut:lor aae Corona del Mar NORMAN Nf!l(ON, lll. D. i Pediatrician ' Air Power Insufficient ~\O\\"ing promises or a YPRr ago Apparently It doesn't pay to have lost thC'ir lustre in t he son~·! ~ravel ~oo far, too fa~t ,Politically bcr economic a tmosphere of post· 1n Russia-as the So\'tet s Number "'ar Britain. I t now has become l One soldier. Marshal Zhuko\', evident that althou~h it has tried found out. The sudden demotion hard to cope \\•i th do mestic 9rob-which sent him "do"',, the river" lems t he Labor Party dot's no t into virtual political exile is wide- possess any magic for their quick ly taken to mean either that Sta- sotution. Neither in the first lin or some 4>f the other top m e n World war nor in the last one was of the Communist P art y felt that it ever necessary for a s.-itish he ""'·as becoming too popular with government to r ation bre ad. The the people and might become dif- whole scheme is unpopular '>'i :.h ficult to keep in line. or that he the people. as might be exµec:ted. was too modera te to be in tune and it has not helped th~ popuiar-with Russia's present aggressive ity of Clement Attlee's g-ovrrn-, attitude in foreign affairs. At any ment. From the long rang~ point rate, Zhukov now roJlows in the of view. maybe it w as thl" Con-footsteps of Marshal Timoshe nko, scrvativt"s a nd not the t .aboril"s "'ho became a great her o in the NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauef ctl1pel, Costa MUI Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor 8ervlcee: Sunday, lO:SO a.m. heard of him." The passage con -1r------------~I tlnues, "As be Bpake tht'se v.·ords, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those J e \\"S "'h!cb bellevf!d on him. If ye conllnue In my word, then nfe-ye my ll isrl1>lcs Indeed; And ye shall kno1\' the truth. and the truth shall ma!<e you free." Certll'led by the American Board ·01 Pediatrics General George E . Stratemeyer has declared that the present Anny Air Force. "could not fight its way out of a pa- per bag." At the peak of its power dwing the war the Air Force had 80.000 planes a nd a personnel of 2.280.000. Today, as the general indicates, it is but the skeleton of its fonner self. Mil itary men are well ware that potency in the sky dur. ing peace can do much to discourage a would-be aggressor from provoking war. They are urging congress to provide sufficient funds to make a strong air a nn possible in the years ahead. If the money is made available the AAF will have a per- sonnel of 400,000 backed by an Air National Guard of 47,000 and an Air Reserve or about 170,000. Research and develop- ment will. of cour.se, constitute an important part of the Air Force program. On!y by constantly improving the design and performance of our aircraft can we keep ahead of other nations. FUrther support for the Air Force will come from a vol- untary organization made up of air men and women with a potential strength of three million. Known as the Air Force association, its chief purpose will be to educate the public in the need of having adequate air power. Under present day conditions and those likely to prevail In the years a head America simply can"t afford to rely upon a "has-been" 'Air Force. Transatlantic Cable Eighty ymrs ago the first successft~ transatlantic cable was laid. A b1il'f line in the record of historical dates says tha t the job was fini,hed on July 71. 1866. But back of that simple statement or fact is quite a story or courage anrl 'tick-to-it-iveness.-a story covedng twelve years of effo11 and including no less than four heartbreaking failures. ln May IR54 Cynis \V . Field set out to cut the communi- cation time between Europe and America from weeks to h ours. The immediate objective of the company he fanned was to lay the first electric cable between Ireland and New- fowulland He failed in 1856 and again in 1857 when the cable broke each time it was being laid. ln 1858 he achieved temporary success when the laying was completed. But shortly after the cable snapped again. Bankruptcy in the financial panic of 1857, and the out- break of the Ovil \Var blocked further work until 1865. Then another try-another failure. ln 1866 on the fifth attempt real success was attained. A man less daring and detennined titan Mr. Field wwld have given up the task as hopeless. But anything worth- while is always worth one more try. Courage and persistence peld off. Wkls V11loa Subl!Jdy P&.)"lnMt ni.t ~ncctad,y, N. Y., Ga-Subsidy J)a,}'11\f'nts 10 California Zf'lte ask.a In an €'ditoria1 : '1s It dai 1 too much to ask that millions of j f')"men ast yr ar amounLed to motorbts and truck drivers be $33.000.000, reptt~ntlng over 14 able to drive ~it.bout straining per ce-nt of producers' totaJ re- '''ho "''On at the polls last yf'nr. I early stages or the Russian de· CAN'T T . .\KE IT \\'JTfl \'OU 1 fense against Hitler's in\'asio n. and Funny thing, isn't it--{'xcept then ~·irtually \'anished into the that it really isn't funny at 311 _ obscurity ?r staff d~ty. I! \\'~uld hO\\" some m('n ftoo many I '-''Ork SC'<'m that 1n the Sov1('t Union the hard for yenrs and years to ac· fa th.s . or glory ~.ead but to thC' cumulate enough n1oney and prop-political) grav('. C'rty to make th<'ir rami\i('s com· ;\ID FRO!\f ··uscLE" fortabh.•-and th<'n nC'VC'r bothC'r I n case you should hear at some to protect v.·hat they',·c built up. future time that Uncle Sam Thry m ake homemad(' "'ills--or nil I that's you. brother ) is really "'ills at all-and assume that Uncle Shylock you might jot do"'ll everything has been taken car e a few or these figures for refer- of. In most instances if a "·ill is ence. During the fi rst three months made the \\;fe is named as ex- of this year Uncle spent more ecutrix. a lthough she m a y have than a cool halt billion do!Jars for no business experience whatever. relief aid in foreign countries. Later, because of some technical Maybe that isn 't so much as com· naw in the "111 the estate may be divided in just the way the de- ceased didn't intC'nd it. Or maybe the estate is depleted through the pared to wha t he spent on the war. but it's still a tidy sum to spend, especially whe n you're $70 business inexperience of the well-billion in the red, C.mpJete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZlOO Ocean Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHF.S ... HAMBURGERS Ice Cream to Take Out Ill NORTlt .MAIN ST. MODERN MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Corner WIJnut and Church Sta. Coat1 Me.a Sabbath echool, Saturday morn· ing, G:SO o'clock. Pna.c.b.ing .ervlce, 11 a.. m. CHR IST CHURCH BY THE Sl!A Community Methodist 1420 Weet Central Avenue Rev. E.. O. Goodell, P astor CbW"Cb School, 9 ;SO a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a.. m . Youth Fellowllhtp. 6 p. m . Eventna" Worahtp, 7 p. m. Mid·Week prayer etrvlce, Wed· needay; covered dlah dlnn.er, 6 :30 p.m. FULL G08PEL CHURCH !2nd ind Elden, COllta M-.a &.mda.y .abool, U:-ta; mOm!ng wcnblp, 11; ltv&n_.u.tJc -· 1 :30 p. m..; MJd..week Pf'&:Pl!lr meet· ID& on Wedq-7, 7 :46 p.m.; )"Oml& people'• evan,relll:ttc tervice on Friday, 7 :46 p. m. CHURCH oF-cH .. 18T Churoh and Welnut 8treet.e L... Duane Canby, Mlnlatw. Suvice.: 8Wkla7, 10 L m ., Blble StudJ; 11 L m.. Morn1nl' won:htp. Jn "Science ancl llealth ""Ith Rey to the Serlptures" ~I ary,IJakrr Erhl y v.·ritt>s. "The bf'st se rmon e\'er rirea1·hed is Truth J'lra1·til'£'t\ and den:onstrated by ttlt~ d ·.·1r111 l!on or ;;kt. Jl.it·kne!'s. and 11 :u h." "Truth Is arrirn1ati\•e. :1:1.1 'ualers hartnony. All metapby~tl·:d I ·:·· Is ln!<:pi rf'd by this sin1rlt~ 111ll· 01 1·rui!I, \1hi(·h 1 overns all r•·alJty. J:y t i!(' truthful arguments you l.'TilT •I •y, :l!UI l"!tpec t· ally by the ~pirr 1 0 1 ·1 r11t h a nrl Lo\·e ""hicb you e n~t·rta i n, you "'Ill heal the sick." ROOFS APPIBD 0& KEPAJRgn Free lilstlmates & Iaspectloo w. '·Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J 24-Hour Radio Service llOME, AUTO, MA111NE RADIOS BEPAll!ED Burt R. Norton 916 Cout m .. ..,. -.. 1111 Newp.wt ._.., <Wtf. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA ., FOOD SPA Olfa'I Yoe UM. llbw& .._ lo Dhle .. ~ Ooaaty: All New ••• Even the Location . .. One-Half Mlle Elllt al Old Location on Cout Highway. BeautifoJ New 1 Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern Callfomla In the Servin& al -SEA FOODS -• Al8) YOOJl llllld of nEAK8 -YWT OUR IU1UiDf - thclr .,... 10 .... the l'dgt> of the ! •um. This •um ~1ec11n ex-BALBOA ISLAND r--'s r--Food Spa road. wltboUt being frightened out cess of 11'c ptt quart of milk. a<>-~ ~ of thclr wit.I at dangerous JPOIS j cording to tho bureau of milk con-and Flab U-..L.J. 00 the bl&hway and without tax-trol at the state department of 'J,.-~:!,;~=~~=~-~------. .£:::.::~::~!..J Ina their p&ti<"llC<! and oneritY.°" agriculture. .., _____________________ •• --... <-.. -_, • Dr. w. w. Westmomand DentlBt 1801 Coaet Blwa.7 CORONA DEL MAB Phone H&rbor %220 INSVBANCE IJnooln Nattonal Life lnsnrance Co. "Ita N'.me J.Ddjcacet 1~ ~·· DON n:&NIOAN Plaoae Barbor !14-R I08 ll&rtne Ave. Balboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen lleb ... A.ediltld PtlUdee P!Mme Bwbor tae-.1 115 &. ....,, A.,._ &an... MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Best"' Phone Be.con 5810 Costa Me.. Callfonata OPl'OMJ:TIU8T8 Robert -A. Crawford OPl'O~ E)'el Examined • c1j.,.. F1tted 1711 Newpwt Boalnud ,..._, -•u COft.& ..._ 1007 Oavlota Dr, 1--I TeleplMJM 1-a 1-HN ' Lanrence H. Dorcy, M. D- Phys!cian & Surgeon S%1 Marine Ave., B&Jboa hJand Phone Harbor 2829 PHYSICIANS -SUBOEONS, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Phyalclan and 8mg- NID1b .... O.tn.I ..... (IN-W.-ne.) ........ Dr. G. E. Tohlll I'll-""" -22W Coast &1vd. NE\VPoRT BEACH -PRONl:8-0lttee: Barbor 18&-W Belldence: B&rbor 28&-R U No auwer, call B&l'bcw I PUBUC STENOGRAPHER Ph.one Beacon 6808--\V M. D. Keesling 1808-A Newport Blvd. Co.ta Meea tlUBVEJ'OR8 Raub & Bennett .. tb)•a all4 11ap F •9 la. N-pon Bhd., ~­ Tel ..... tme "e•-....... M17W.o.tni N-pwt-Tsl ,.._...._J.D GEORGE D. BASSETT A()(JOUNTANT llloathly Booldieepbic 8erYlce -W. o.v.t A-._ -I.IN-J. N-1t - • ' 'What is the definition ot an expert?" The true grandeur of natkml ii in those qualities whlch constitute the true greatnesa of the lndlvld~ uai.-<...'harles Sumner. Kiwanlans' F"ISlling Debate Ends · As Los Angelan Pays 3-ce11t Fine -"An expert 11 one who can com- pllcate limplidty." "More ~ It I"Mn of fkll •lee te 901 llala -~­Pb. Harbor 85 ... _.. LAST WORD IN CANOES! Aluminum Alloy Ught-Stun:fy-Non·sinka ble. Lasts liI etime without paint or reipain ~ I.I a rod a rod and a pole a pole or is a pole a rod and a rod a pole! Most everyone thinks a roCs or a pole has something to do with a fishing hoJe. Or does i t ! Well, anyway, in this case, lt seems it dais. But some members or the Ki- wanis club got tangled up among the fish hooks when they started to deba te the question at their luncheon-meeting in White's ca.fe, last F riday noon. It aJI star ted when Jim Wa.l · lace, Los Angeles fisherma n and Ki"·anian , broug ht his fis hing pole or rod to t he meeting. Someone in the gather in g of Ki· wanians seated at t he long dining table at seeing t he blue-shirted and over all-clad fisherman place his pole or rod in the corner, piped: "Probably looking for a rew suckers--there are no suc kers water or salt water tet"JO the in- 1tnunent a rod, but anyone can call it a poJe," Raub said Uns.atlsfied with the eJQ'.lttt's advice, J im \Vallace retorted, "A trout rod is a trout rod. but that·s a fishing rod. Colloquially, though. I 1uppoae you would call it a pole." WaDace added that he had caught a 32·pound albacore on the rod's line. When It seemed that even Jim Wallace wasn't going to be fined Ra ub demanded to kno\\' why. "Here a few meetings back )'OU fined me $1.50 ror catching a fish in an irriga tion ditch," Raub said wit h a smile, .. and now you're go- ing to let him get away wit hout paying a fine." Write (or Details or here." It v.•as t he consensus of fellow Kiwanians that Jim Wallace should pay a t hre<>--eent fine for calling a rod a pole and a pole • rod. Order Now From K.iwanian Fred E. Dudley of WORLD GOODS C~ 10910 K1aroM Aveaoe, L A. 24 Costs Mesa, who is a member of !-:•:•:11:·:-:·::·: .. :•:': .. :•:•:t.:u::-:c:o:B11::•:oc1::::::Te1:=::AJL:s-ai::9rl l the Newport Harbor 1<1wan.11 club, Co. Airport Managers Sign New Contract IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 559 .. 59 Complete With Supplies We Also Have a Nice Stock of - • All Metal SPEED-0-PRINT Supply ·cabinets • Stencil Filing Cabinets • Bakolite SPEED-0-SCOPE For Fine St~ncil Work and Drawings PHONE743 remarked that since the Los An- geles fisherman had come in with a fishing pole that had ne ither reel nor lines that the tint speaker should pay a fine or 50 cents for hiJ "sucker " remark. Kiwanlan Bert Wilaon, who was accused of making the .. sucker " retort, aa.Jd he thought Dudley (wou ldn't Governor Dudley have II liked this) should be penalized 50 cents ror calling a fishing rod a · pole. Dudley r eminded \Vilson tha t Ed Goodell. pastor al K iwanian , also had called the fishing rod a pole. "Shouldn't he be fined 50 cents. too?" Dudley asked. Goodell replied that as a boy he al\vays called the instrument a fishing polC', "and I still do~" Prt•sidc>nl Fay Blower thought it about time to call in an expert on the hook, thc:r line and the suckt:'r-beg pardon, the sinker. Ki"'a nian Jack S. Raub the Sut· veyor "'as asked to give t he cor· I rect tt:'rminology for the instr u· n1('nt. Fotlowing a long period of ne- gotiation between t.he county boa.rd or supervisors and operators of t he county airport. a contr act v.•as signed Tuesday by Floyd G. Mar tin and Joseph G. Hager lim· lting but not hamper ing their ac- tivities at the county site. The new pact gives them the occupancy of the field for S300 per month, exclusive use or two han- gars, limi1s the m to the use of l\\'O rooms in the ·administr ation building, forbids the use or sheds attached to the hcingars and d e- fines the limits o r thC'ir operations. l t stipulatf's that if another fly. ing school oper ator \\·ishes to lo- cate on the !iC'ld, he must pay Sl OOO per month, It also pro,·ides that tic-down space a t the JX>r t \Vi ii be coun ty propc>rty 8nd fees charged for parking of planC'S. "Trout fishc•rs \\'hether in fresh The ne'v contract IE'aves the -------------I '''<'I )' open for eventual county DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden Pl. !'lain Store: 101 Highway "At Road to Balboa Island" operation of the port. it "''as Un· derstood. "What's on the nienu today? "Oh. "·e have hundreds of good thi ngs." "Fine/ \Vha1 arc they?" ''Beans." llllLLEY'r REFRIGERnTmn JERVICE comPnnv llaleo -Enctnoortac -krvlcc 920 Cout Blvd., Corona def Mai Temporary Phone. Day 654 La· ·-------------'!&Una Beach; Phone Night, ll.362 rs::ssssssssss• ---. ;;o;;;s;:;-;;;.;s;,;,;,;:c.:;,:;,:;,:;.:;::·i:•:-:·;=;;;•~~;:,~'";•~:~:~-~·~s;s~·~·~·~·~·~·~s~·~•;::~-~·;··~~~-1~ Laguna Beach " WATERHOUSE REVOLVING CLOTHES DRYER Speci•I . ·- l 25·ft c.10.c•ty , , • metal center DO$f • • .o1luminum braces •• , strong, durable. CLASS TEA CUPS 6' SAUCERS Speci•I 6 For Sf 1'7 Op.I wh ite alas.s ... hut-resistan t •. , •ttractlve appearance. Buy sev· •'-.I •t this low price. FOLD INC OFFICER'S CHAIR Special S489 SNtdil y made hardwood frame • . • Huvy striped unvas • , , for buch or p11tio. SirnilM to picture. When the MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE sign aoe1 up at Our Store it's a 1i1nal for e•eryotte in towR lo he•d for our front door in hich cur. They kno• they'll pt qu1lity merch1ndise, They kn-they'll set low prices aRd, e•en if we're jammff to Capa- city, they know they'll rot the beat ..,.,,;,. possible. 40-0unce "DUNBAR" CLASS TEA POT Speci•I . . . .. . 98t A sm.vtly ~si1ned It• pot ! lt'1 h•~oc:v perm•ls VoU to -ttw f!'(Kf 1trrn1tl'I of the brww. M.oe, of durabl4 ht•t-r•ti•tinf; tlau . . . cool N ndl• . . . l'lokb '"lfht c:ups • • , f.i\y to c:l••n. NO-DRIP TULIP SPRINKLER SYRUP SERVER Special $oeriol . .. • s 9e 89' Class con taiiner . . . An efficMnt sprinkler! colorful plasHc top , . wltti metal base. Ideal for syrup Of cream. METAL BOUDOIR DUST PAN UMP Speciol J $oeriol •.. $2 ... 39C Attractive base com- P~'-wirtt da i nty sNde. • Plastic Jop AOUA tOUJ1S IMf ll>a O' ... ll, A.A.U. W-lolW 0..-0 A•OUT ' Life '4't 'J~ .... Liff_.__, .................. ... .,.,_to_.,..,., ........ ....... ..... dirt. .:...-doh. ..... ...... ....... ... Uff •ok" lnu1 l11g ... ., -4 W1 -1 10 __ .....,., od4 IO ...... ••lw. ir Uff pt'Cltldl .......... ._,..., 111:1of1M1, .. ,,., nirt•• ... .... ••• hi.,...... ..... . Llotaa to ABT BAKl:B'S NOTEBOOK Llf11-,-. ·-· .. llG* -·ICM -. .. ,.,,,. j •.• Attention ••• • 8POBT81D:N -Fl8HEBMEN BOAT OWNERS LIFE for fabrics -...-.. ---~-'-P-Dlll' -A6b No Welctot. -SEE- W t Saf ty Longmoor Will --a er e Appoillt New Classes Start c=~~~~e ~··ed Monday ·1n Bay =be~fbe~'°I·~~ :.!'ch"."'~~~!': h~!d ~u:..: BaJboa's Red Cross water safety Walter N. Longmoor ot Newport campaign \\i ll begin next Monday, Beach. July 29th. v.·ith Arthur M. Steck Speaker at the first meeting of as instruc tor, according 10 F . w . the new work year v."ill be E . C. Crocker, chairman of the Nev.1>0rt Hummel, regional vice president or H ar bor br anch or th(> water safety the California Sta te Chamber or committee. Commerce. Hummell is vice presi- Those v.·ho v.'ish 10 learn to dent and general manager of a '";m or to better the ir swimming steel foundry in Los Angeles and are urged to join these classes, will discuss the Southland's which wiU be held near Bay Ave-grov.~h . . . nue at "A " str eet on the bay front, Th~ \\111 be the firs~ general are a bsolutely free to the public m~t;ng under Longm08r s leader- a nd sponsored by the Newport I ~hip. H e recently was elected and 1 Harbor branch of t he Red a-oss. ~nstalled at. a Sunset Beach meet- All registrants should re port ror mg at Sam s Sea Food cafe. the classes at 9 a. m . Parents a.re urged, Chairman Crocker said. to see that their children are enrolled and attend regularly. Courses will be p!'esent- ed ror beginners. intermediates, awimmen and Junior and Senior Jifesaving. Certificates or ability WilJ be presented to those complet- ing any course. Parents are also invited, Crock- Mesan Fined $150 Pleading guilty to a Crunk driv- ing charge brought against him ln Santa Ana Tuesday morning, Ray- mond D. McDowell, 281 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, was fined $100 or 75 days in the county jaiJ by Santa Ana Oty Judge R M . Q-ookshank. er said. to 'watch the progress of ! Production Costa their children and classes for Costs of dairy feed represents aduJ ts rnay be organized if ther e nearly t w~th irds of the dairy is a s urficient number enrolled. farmers' total cost of production. II INTEltioR DESIGN eustcJ made draperies Tailored ~ .. Venetian blinds Fumllun! selection and malntenano. Select wallpapers CE 3448 VIA OPORTO -----------Naw'POfn' aEACH.CA&.I,. HAR•OR 12 98 ·W • tlltK T/1111 rll.f/11 Pudding M C P Custord Peer,,, J.os. '*-t· 'v'onollo, 8utltrwotcf'I Of Ctlotolot•. L1ppiric:ott BtoM 71.01. for l&< ' Prunelade Garnish Dill Chips Chocolate "'1..0dowmtr• Mushroom J gc f \4°•1. C•l'I Benefits resulting from an efficient w•Y of doing busine.s make it possible for us 10 sell quality foods al money saving prices. Because the full im f>o rt•nce of these sa vings ma y not be a ppa rent from a single day's purchases. we ask you to make the famous 30-day lest: Buy all your food al Safeway for one month. Get quality foods-brands you know and like. Then compare total costs with those for a previous month. We believe you'll find Safeway savings really worthwhile. Peanuts Mo7folr 810t'ld 15• 16-01,.r H•rshty Bok1ng 13• i;,.1tii ... ,. Row Brond 23• ..... c ... Cock toil°' Blonc:M-d Virg!niol. Voc:uvm pockf4t tl/111/llt; Ill/I/II.Ill 2-pc. Jar Caps IJ'kt. Of 11 i a· Jar Lids 1111t1. •f 11 a• Coffee Jar Lids pli9. •f 12 a• Coffee Jar Caps T ... ·o-ti~I' 19• llfilt· of 12 Toilet Soap •w~;:::.;M 2 ..., 13• Borax 5·1b. P0< .. 00 •• 54c:. Fly Ded Quort, 12<. Go11on, I.IS. 20 Mui• Ttom 23• l-• ..... W1fl'I 0 .0 . T. I gc ,, .. First of the season! Fine for eating . Excellent for cooking, too. Buy a plenti- ful supply at your friendly, neighbor- hood Safeway Store today! HALE PUCHES Freestone va riety. Luscious, yellow-fleshed. CANTALOUPES Sweet, yellow me.ti. Now~ pe&k of lle&IOll. YBLOW 011015 Mild Ravor, medium sae. for slewing or aeato11ing. ' . .. .. AIRWAY COFFEE Ground to order. 3-lb. paclagc. 58c. I .... pkg. NOB HILL COFFEE Cho ice of grind. 2-lh. pkg .• 16<-. I -lb. pk9. TOMATO SOUP Ra ncho Bra nd. Ta ngy Ravor. 101/2 OS.. C•1t You gel perfec1 eo;1ng so11s· foc1ton ~ tinw y0u serve Safeway meat, fish 01 poultry . GREEN SHRIMP e, ..... , I ........ .. ..... ........ . SOLE Fl.lDS .... I ft .......... .., .. , a e."'dr =• es • COD Fl.lDS ••• • --.......... .... •••&'I••• •s•1 Allsa1 .. .. 4tc 45c .. . ~~~!M!EIS ._ LEMOIS ThinCinr:ed, wery jwK:y. .. .. Y-'-ilr will ahrayo weleome 1arti.y wi6 all di9 Ill tsp In•·-~ • all s.law•yS•••••wcanyaeompleae ... ws nel•'1;}:,tneM?a1nWM ORDf.1$ Ra ~ BE PLACED AT IZAST :I DAYS IN ADVANCE. !~!'...~~~15c !.~!! ~2S~ ,... •• prices ••fed .... .. wltw Wecl111dily ol .... -··· • a • ..... ..._ Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Geo. Weiss Realtor (Conttruu .. -d from Page: 1 ) After coming lo Balboa in 1944. Washing • Polishing • Lubrication the couple got into full swing with the organization of Coast Proper· Tire Recapping • Tires Retreaded ties C-0. in 1945. · George, who has a hobby of try· 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa Ing to grow fine nowers lhiJ own Course Given for Snowbird flight, Aug. 4 Mesa Building Program Continues To teap With 12 Permits Issued -~·el\."e building permits ~·ere•------------­ issued during 1he -t week rar Sn"ipe Champs Costa ~iesa by the county build- ing depart:rnent and iridicated the • (Continued ftor6 Pq:e 1) Injuries in Auto Crash He: "Dearest , th.is i& h~aven." She: "Yeah. v.-eU. rm not your harp." continued brisk building program A mother and her two-year-old now being enjoyed by the com-Most of the dasses are racing daughter received minor Injuries llAl'f8e W'&J9 munity. BUiJding in the unincor. at _Newport Harbor Yacht club. Tu-.1 ..... afternoon ·m 8 0011,_,_ G&NEIL&. l.&SPAIU porated townships of the county It 1s understood the PC's have a f "'"""'two hicl ~ llAINTEN&NOI For the information ot the pub-has broken all records during the prote&t coming up, but according O ve es at the lntenectlon lie who -...till wish to watch the past few months and Costa Mesa to the Sunda.y score Hebe Erick-of Santa Ana Ave. and 2llt St. has shared leadership in this de-- 1 son was first, Strom second, I' ln Cmta Mesa. . ' eleventh annual "Flight of the tm t of th ~r~§§~~~~§§~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I words). is a member of Kiwanis. the realty board and the cham- ber of commerce. ,. i Going to Build nis You probably have your dream home all worked out In yoW' mind -or maybe yoW' archl~t or contractor alttady bas prepared plam on paper for you. l!:lectrlclty will have a large parl In making· dreams of postwar living come true. When you go over the plam with yoW' builder be sure to ask blm about the newest develop- ments In household labor saving and fune- tional beauty. Our Experts In everything electrical will be glad to help with layout plans or problems. One suggestion may make a lot of difference In the "Uve-ability" of that home. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 192 0 1000 COMt Hlway l!hone Beacon 5522 A19o ta. 8an Frwiaco·W1J.m1.DctoD·Stocktoa.-8&n·Dlep·ONrl•rwt ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two J1!re Equipment for FAC1'0&Y, PLANT, STOU, OFFICE, FARM, ROME ' Bring tr your for small Quicker Service ~lore mechanics, and a good supply of Genuine Ford parts means less delay on all repairs. Leaky r adiators, worn base, flabby fan belta. ignition Wirea rubbed thin. fouled and dirty lljlark pluga ... are typical of the ''poet.. poned" Jobe we fix prompl17. I Car Hits Pole par en mo~e . ten an any Wheeler third and Hammond Taken to St. Jo&eph's hospital Snowbirds" to be held in Newport other ~mmuruty m the county. fourth. and treated for minor abrasions Bay on Aug. 4th at 1 :30 p. m.. Pemuts were granted to Paul I M.ittler came in f"ll"lt in the PIC were Gwendolyn Broderick f here is the course which will be A. Myran or 435 Goldenrod St.,. class with H. Brown second, W. Santa Ana and daughter ~e • raced. Corona del Mar. for a home at l Rempel third, and Dick Smith Diana Broderick ' The start a.nd finish ~ne \\'ill be 11861 E. Victoria St., 600 feet ' who was well on the way ..to win~ The pair \\'ere in a car driven by marked by. white flags on the . \Vest of Harbor Blvd, $5500; to; ning the series, now d0wn in Ro~t J. Sullivan of Orange Standar~ .011 dock east or the ~-1.-frs. Fer n Savage of 22162 S. fourth place. Oiapman is in the which collided with an automobile Scotch tap(', various sizes, on boa ~a\il1on. a flag on the judges Pomo.na Ave., Costa M~a. for a lead for the Saturday race of the driven by HJ!.nry L Roberts, 2410 sale at the News-Times . boat 1n C'<"nter of the channel and 1 d"•elhng on thf' north side of S. Albatross class "'ith Whippler Elden Ave., Costa Mesa. A car struck an electric light pole at 13th and Central avenue, Newport Beach, and drove oU, ac- cording t_o a police report from an eye--wi.tness. ------------1 onc> flag on Balboa Island. I Pomona Ave., 450 feet north of second. The start \\'ill be made west to 18th St .. $4000. 1 The Rhodes skippers are having ;-----------~ Flag l\1'arker No. I off the "''est To Eid('r and Lou Iversen. Rt. some good racing' and for the 1 s H o E s p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end or Harbor IsJand, then south 1, Box 74 , Costa l\1'esa. for a dweJ. Sunday event Beardslee "'as well I PROl\"E BARBOR 81' and \\'CSt around east end of Lido ling on the \\'C'St side of Flower in the lead \vith 37 points. Griffith F O R SIGNS lsle to Flag l\'lark<'r ~o. 2 . in cen· St .. one-half n:ile east of New-second \vi th 23, Schenck third \Vi th ! Re-.'--A While Yoo Walt BENEDICT t<'r of channel opposite Lido lsJe port Bl\·d .• $6050, and a garage, 22. Following are Lyon, 21; .-,. .:;u clubhouse. I S1375 : to J. F . Thompson of \Vil· \Vurdc>mann, 19; Arlen, 17;' R p After rounding the marker, the son St .. Costa Mesa. for a garage Thomas, 16; JoyCt>, \.vho did not ay agan boats "ill head east around Bay a nd office on the west sid• of S. finish, and Stephens. ar.e,_tied with 515 East .Bay Front Island. on past thc> Balboa Pavilion Harbor Blvd .. 160 feet north of 12: Millikan has 7 and Williams 2. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP to l'lag !\larker No. 3 in center of \Vilson St., $.5000. I Next door to Bay View Cate . channe l off east end of Balboa To Leon E. Yat('S of Balboa Isl~ It' F T I 9 L m. to I p. m. The Sign Man •BOAT IEn'ERING A SPECIALTY ..• 1822!1: Newport Blvd.. Plenty of Whiskey No limit to any of our mercha.DdUe COSTA MESA. OALIF. Phone Beacon 6011 Island, around marker and back and, for a residence on the north-$ ree rave to starting line. west corner of 15th St. ~d Or· For Ex-Wacs ) ange Ave., $7800; to Cl8.1I'e W . Car Was Ditched I Stevens. s15 coast .Blvd .. Corona , On Reenl"istment Re rted stolen to the police, del l\tai:. for a N.'S1dence on the the ~r of Joseph E. Dorcy of n~rth side of 19th St .. one-half Pull out the travel folders and l271...t 24th street, Newport Beach,/ mile east or Santa Ana Ave., shake out the old duffel ?ag-i.t's • ""'as found ditched in Costa Mega. $8500. . European travel for free, il you re r To Robert Smith of 201 1 N. an ex.\VAC. Announcing the New · Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and CleMpool Blocks. Now In ProdocUoa .---D--1-E--S--E--L---S--E--R--V--l-C--E------, ~ ::~td:a~!bf~; · ~::~~::~: ~~r: ~~~~;s:~zi~~E~~iC \\·c>st of Santa Ana A\'e .• $9000; I cations, you may reenlist for duty 1 lo Carl R Hall of 1082 Wilson in the European theater , according Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. St., Costa Mesa. for a residence to Colonel Joseph D. Raney, com· NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND on the south side of Wilson, 300 manding officer of Army recruit· j 1560 Newport Ave. Costa Mela Reconditioned Diesels on hand with choice of reduction units. • \\'"'E ARE \\"'KITING ORDERS ON RIGHT· AND LEFT· HAJ\i'D ROTATION DD.:SELS FOB T\VIN INSTALL.A· TtONS. CHOICE OF REDUcrtON UNITS. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels Diesel Generator Sets of All Kinds. PHONES Shop & Ways: Beacon 54Sl at Bohman Co. Newport Beach Back iobs, too Office: lleaOOD 5889-W 415 Fifteenth St. Newport HelglalB Home feet east of NC\''port Bl\'d., S4000. I ing in this district. 1 ~=======================:::: f To Ed\\'ard J . Trapp of 1062 The \VOm('n soldiers needed are: I· Wilson St.. for a d'•:elling on the I 100 clerk typists, 50 ~tenographers, south side of \\7ilson. one block 25 clerks, general. 25 statistical east of Ne\\'port Blvd., $4000; to clc>rks, 25 telet)'JX'·\.\lriter oper· Francis Robert Vaughn of Costa j a tors. 20 crytographic technicians J\11'.'Sa for a rc>sid ence on the west 1 and 11 supply clc>rks. sidc> of Elden Av£'., 100 rect north 1 All applications must be recciv· of \Vilson St .. S4000. I ed on or befor(' August 7, Colonel To Donald S. Gutridge of 1092 1 Raney \varned. Wilson St .. for a dwelling on the ------- south side of \\7ilson St., one block Million \'ets Ht re cast of N('wport Blvd., $4000. The Veterans Administration estimates the veteran population All kinds typewriter ribbons h of California "'ill be 998.000 by stock et the News·"Ilmel. January, 1947. C. R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ;f; ;f; ;f; Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;f; ;f; ;f; Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service A I I ENTION ! ! Home and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications e DuaAAL&-i-cr-. .... ...a,. e SA.'"ITA&T-Xo Jotm. -S.T e a.urrANT to ........ .W M.... to deaa. _,, -fft'. e kESlUK:NT-&"9 T-' ....._ e a.JOm -.pme.. ......_U-... • DDl&Dl&ft DEUV&&T. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. Burton's Paint Store BAYVIEW BUILDERS SUPPLY 818 Coast Highway 36-in. 18-mesh Bronze Window Screen 2-ply 3/4 inch Waterhose -SO ft. (Brass Couplings) All Steel Wheelbarrows 6 ft. Step Ladders Long Handle Shovels Building Hardware OPENl.NG OFFER DECORATE \l'ITH VELDURO -One Coat Wall Paint Per Gal. .Reg. $2 .98 3-in. Brush Reg. $2.98 Total $5.96 Sale Price -Both For s42s (Choice of Colors) Phone Beacon 5007 I Car Noisy? Squeaks and r attles .. . Now in neir New Home on Newport Blvd. near 16th Street -·-CONTRACTORS'. whines and groans .. . I They'Jl dri,·e you c razy. Amazing what n little I grease, oil and tightening will do. And a wash and I polish will eomplete the treatment ..• make you I proud of Old Faithful aaain. The Only Exclusive Paint, Wall Paper apd Venetian Blind Store in the Harbor Area PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE ' RENTAL EQUIPMENT ' . ------·------,-----------· • Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Ullle Things Count Got a "sticky" door lock. or a balkTwindow lift !We can f"'8 ft in a ji1fy. Door IAtclleo !em· peramental 1 That'• a nui.&ance and accident buard eaaiJ, bod. la your cipret lighter workinr ! ... windshield wiper! • , . speedometer! Let ua make them really rlaht. 1 I I I I Immediate Service and Fair Prices 1'1ten~ no pJa·~. liJce HDiE lorl1rd~ ~THEODORE ROBINS !11 G W. Central. Newport Beach • Before You B1ild or RHIOciel Villt Our laten.tlag Sample and Dllplay ...... Color guides, p1an. nlng aids, comprehE!l.!>- lve stock of ~ts and linoleum. Rapa <larpelB OMaed, Rep.Ired LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m--k ----11.&KT.&AJJA • Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock · • Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W l'Hll ....... Alia ...... ~ 0... .... • M&WPOKI llAUIOA ~ !f...-t Btt# Ot.Wlll , Ex-Non-Coms at~W:yi::1~;_ten heft Coast Assn , Surplus Goods Now Offered C t M M R • R k announced today that th• !llH!ay • In w Assets Sal • L. A. OS a esan ay ega1n . an time limit is off for men holding ar e 1il With Upped Pay ~.:r~ .. 425 \ypes of military spe-Holds Meet Barga!N in surplus ....... Esc Sh t The following announcemen"l This means that thousands of · moc1!t1es from a1..,p1ng bags to E I M -B apes 0 was made today by !st Lt. Edward Southern California ex-Gl's. dis· Unk navigational trainen. ""' • • oore UYS Tully. local reaulting officer, charged since May 12, 1945. now <Continued from Pace 'll now being offered in new national Santa Ana Nut \, 2021' w. 3n1 St., Santa Ana: may enlist in a grade commenau-· Wor Aaets Administration sales, A d C d Sh C. M .. Cornell of Harbor and Former Army non-coms, out r ate with their Army training and by experts A. M. Rawn, Franklln aCC'Cll'dlng to an announcement by D an J Op Newport boulevards, Costa Mesa, more than three months, today experience, Colonel Joseph D. Thomas and Charles Gilman Hyde. ~rge F . Ballif, Jr .• W AA regional narrowly escaped being wounded were given another chance to re-Raney, recruiting chief here. de-Mr. Warner said that the study director. • On June 5· l94S, after operating by a bullet fired from a rifle by gain some stripes, and this time clared. would be entirely county-wide ln More than one million wool the confectionery store at Ocean someone in the vicinit ot the soo~ and appllcatlon and every sleeping bags are being ~ered to Front and McFadden place for 18 Santa Ana river Wedn~y. W t Ad T L t t Cl "fy section of the oounty should be all buyen, without priority. and years. Mr. and Mn. E . L Moott Corn<!ll told Newport poll that an s - - -00 a e. 0 ass1 interest ed. will be sold at pices varying from of 1221 West C<!ntral avenue. sold the bullet smashed the w1n:w of Brief reference to the junior 57 cent.s to $3 each. with linen it to Mr. and Mn. Hansen and his home and n ew over his head IU~~AL~Ell~!!T~A~n:~------•~1~•~1l~&~J~,~ll8~!1T~A~n:~-----~•'.:'..' college problem was made by the and cues also for sale. Tbe bags retired. The two enjoyed numer, · · .1 b inch De . ' -secretary who stated that a sur-and accessories originally cost the ous vacation trips, including one fromnusamthg 1 heri!Yf. ff.es. puties IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Beautiful 12-room home on Ocean Blvd.. Three baths. 7 bedrooms. Unobstructable view of ocean and harbor. Furn. for Only $40,000 -~-- ' · . $14 ·~907 B to N y es so ice are 1nve1-vey or t~e situation as requested governmen~ ,"ta.>, . ap are ew ork city thl.5 spring, and tigating. by the high school boards on the made of olive-drab blanket mate-spent weeks at the mountains. coast would be made shor tly. rial with a 33--inch slide fastener. After a year of retirement Mr. F . W. Hickman of Seal Beach Nearly one thousand surplus Moore became restive and made told of the plans for "Island" Link trainers. some usable with-pl ans for building a malt and drilling for oil in that a rea. He out repairs a nd others in need of sandwich shop in Costa Mesa "·as follo'''ed by Allen A. Jergins repairs. are being offered for S600 \\1ith building problems what they Richard Harper Returns Hmpe After Service ..... 5 The Opening August 1st --Of- STERLING B·oat . Former~ Albion Repair Boat Repair Boat Repairs and Maintenance Marine Ways Expert Painting and Motor Work 615 Coast Hwy. New Owner.I Doris & Orin • Thorkildsen Manager Vollle G. Dalton .. SO UTH OF HIGHWAY J ust completed-beautiful 2-story home on 40 ft. lot. Downstairs-double garage and guest apt.. Up- stairs-I bedroom home. Hardwood floors. View of mountains and ocean. of Long Beach on the same sub-and $1200 each. depending on con-a re today, t hose plans '-''er e jc>ct. !\.Ir. J ergi ns s ta t<.'d that dPtion. Th<'y are Type C-3 trainers, shel\'ed for two or three years, Califor nia dOC>S not have an un-usC'd durin~ the war in tt>aching but t he \'etC'ran S\V('('tS purveyor limited supply or oil and lhat no Army and Navy pilots elementa ry '-''as tired of being re tired and da n~cr need be feared from oil and ad\'anccd instrument Oying. Sat urday he ,,·as back behind lhe- ll'.°llution by island drilling car-l radio. navigati~n. radio range ~ri-counter ... ha\'ing purchased "The ried out under proper supervision. entat1on and mstrwnent landing Roaster . nut and candy shop a t Richa rd K. Harper, son of \V. B. Pltone Beacon 5863 Harper, 116 Abalone A,·e., Balboa 11...:::=========;:'. ___ .:.:::.:::::..:: __ J Island. '''as discharged from the i--------------------~;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;:;;:= Only $7000 Cash. Bal. on Easy Terms --§-- BEAUTY PARLOR One operator grosses $650 per month. Books open. Stock, equipment and new 5-year lease. Price $5,500 -§- L. A. (Da n ) Pa tch told of pl ans and t a kc·off procedures. 202 North Broad\vay, Santa Ana. for a session of r eprl'Sentatlvl'S Als? on sale nO\\' is a large Owne rs or the shop \.verf.." Mrs. from all coast cities to discuss quantity of surpluS nylon ropf.." of Ethel P . Crone and Mrs. v . Crone Christmas lighting for 1946. As various sizes and lengths, \Vhile Stuver of that city. Mr. Moore chai.rmiln of the Christmas light-on July 30 z:nore than 265.000 rolls expects to run the place himself. ing commit tee he would have sug-of burlap will go on sale. The bur-but Mrs. Moore will aid him when gest ions to propose and urged that la p price is fixed at 30 cents per necessary. early action on the li ghting pro-100-yard roll. ------- gram be started. Detailed information on the 101 HIGHWAY BUSINESS PROPERTY. $200 per front foot 3 LOTS TOGE:TIIBR ON CORNER Suitable for motel site--90' CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS The secr et ar y reported an in· above.listed items may be obtain· I vitation to visit Orange county ed a t the WAA regional office, 155 had been sen t to the Senate com· W . Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. x 118'--$6000 mi t tee '-''hich will visit the coast Veterans s~ould inquire at the to examine sites for the proposed WAA Public Interest and Vet- Post-Gradua te Naval academy. era ns Priority offices at 3636 Be\•- The committee would be shown erly Blvd .. in Los Angeles, 4205 locations on the shoreline of Or-Pacific High'-''&Y in San Diego. and angC' county. \V. 35th and Van Buren in Phoe- City Issues Four Buildin~ Permits During Past Week starting at $1500. --§-- BALBOA ISLAND A'ITRAC'ITVE TWO-BEDROOM HOME a nd income apartment. Furn. for $25,500 --§-- YEAR AROUND 2-BEDROOM HOME. Fireplace, 2 floor furnaces, dinette, patio. Furn. for $16,500 --~-- NEWPORT BEACH 2 Bedroom home-needs painting ................ $ 4,500 Mr. Patch also r efurred to the nix. erosion situation at Surfside '''here some erosion had take~ place and s ta ted that the navy Four-Pawed Kitten Loose in Balboa '-''as dumpi n~ rock a nd doing some \\'Ork in that ar ea. Lost and Found A. L. He~gie of Ne,vport ~ach rrported to police the !heft of a boy's small mar oon bicycle. I t '-''as later found by JXllice. LcC Day of 1515 Ocean Boule- \'ard, Balboa, asked Newpor t po- lice to he on the lookout for a persian ki tten which has seven toes on his forC'pa'''s. Four building permits were is- sued durin~ the last \v~k at the Ne'-'·port Beach building depart- ment. indicating a temporary slo,,'ing down of building activity in the local area. Permits for the erl'Ction of d\\•ellings "'·ere issued t o the fol- lo,ving: To A. B. Clendenen. 133.5 Elm ave .. Glendale. for a dwelling a t 223 Amethyst. Balboa Island $4 900. . To Arthur T . Ward. 4028 Chan- nel Place. NC'\\lX>rl Beach. f<fr a d\\'elli n~ at 606 36th st .. $1400. To E . ~r. Parsons. 1201 S. Flow- e r st ., Burbank, for a dwelling at 304 36th st., Ne'"'POrt Beach. Navy last \\·eek after 16 months service. H arper, who is a gradua te oC Ne'41>0rt H arbor high school, sen red with the occupation forces in OOth China and J apan and is a holder of six theater ribbons. Eleven months of his service was spent overseas. . Harper intends to attend college tn the near future. Se!! unwanted article BALTZ MORTUARY -;!;- Lady Attendant -;f;- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT 2 Bedroom home--40' Jot, near ocean ···-··· 6,500 1 Bedroom home on 2 industrial zoned lots 8.500 3 Two-bedroom homes.--new ·········-·········ea. 9.500 Canal front home-2 bedrooms ·······--····-······· 15.000 New Canal Front home-2 bedrooms .......... 23,500 Channel front home--4 bedrooms ·············-··· 25,000 Ocean front home on 2 lots-3 bedrooms ... -. 17,500 .l\1 rs. l'vtay DeLozier. 203 35th street, has been in Fullerton much of thr> time for the pa.st t wo WC"t.'ks wi th a siste r \\'ho died Monday, failing to r ecover from an operation. Funeral services were held \Vednesd.ay. l\lr. and l\lrs. Robert F armer and small son Tinunie are back home and settled permanently in their residence at 30th s trN't. l\tr. Farmer was recent ly r eleased from the army a t Hawaii and Mrs. F armer has been with her pare nts in Los Angeles. They re. turned last Friday. To Harry C. Daum, 1823 \V. Central. for a garage at his dwell-·-------------_; ing, $1500. -§- BALBOA 5 Bedroom home-near stores ···-····-·······-···$14,500 3 Bedroom home-newly redecorated.._ ....... 17,500 2 Three-unit income properties ........... -..... ea. 17,500 EARL ,..W. §STANLEY . REALTOR C OVER I NG GREATER NEWPORT HARBOR 615 Coast Highway 225 Marine Ave. Corona del r.1ar 3113 \V. Central Ba1boa Island Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beach Phone : 1-larbor 1776 58-ltc Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard I Wide Widths-All Leiigths I Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. f For Better Printing Call 12 or lS.. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK F1at \\'ork or Fo1mdaUon3 C . .\LL I 5 ! 2 -.J FOR L''FOR~l . .\TIO:S Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W ..... ,,._,, ..... ...... to1•-· Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIO !Mii Newport Wvd. COSTA MESA from Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM • Presents ANSEL HILL and -H·is Orchestra SATURDAY, JULY 27 Coming August 3rd JIMMY DORSEY World's ~reatest Sax Player Dancing From 9 Until 1 LOS ANCELES-•NAMEPLATES• FOR BOATS AND HOMES Phone 207 SANTA ANA l'-------_J New Fast Passenger Train ..... l J:~~ Heavy Brass ....... .. ........ 2.00 Chromium .... . .................. 2.50 3.00 4.00 TL"( DAT Ut:Ll\'E R\' ..• HA.IL oa PHOSI! l iOUR OR.DE• NOW TO National Engraving Co. Agency Barbot' 99-& NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9:30 A. M. TO 11 P. M. ~th Bay, Balboa Yacht Oub, East Bay, Richardson's. Evans', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or noat. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HARBOR ll?·W FLY The New Globe "Swift" ~ -at-~ NEWPORT BAY SKY HARBOR Next Saturday & Sunday ~~~ Also-Passenger Hops Planes for Rent flight Instruction ~~~ Come Out This Weekend 1 MILE WlllT OF OOSTA MESA ON NINE'l'EENTll ST. Men-Women Prostate · --Pelvls Do you ha'l'e bMka.ebf!f l'a.in In Ir-tr~. l'l'oln or bMk ot btMtT Art you n•f-.OUI, Jump.J, lrrttahle aad rran.llyT Ot"Owlns olil befor• roar llm•'! SUppliiisf u.... '° '"' •P nlirht•! IT'S YOUR GLANDS Ou r ml'tb.._11eh:i•lvel.J ou--.. ---fllk lmmNJa&e rttul&.11. :No pUa -so tlns-N• 11Uc«1-Se la- J-tJ•- Dr. &. F. Bf'll. D. C'~. l'h.C.. t•T Hnd 8L, New-pert ....... n o- ft•rbor l 134 fot appolnt-L IO Y-n 8'ttlallt.tq la Gla .... a_,. 9:~ A. II. kl 'f:M P. al . ,. • ..._,. ... T .. .,...,,.. ,__ ___ .__.,.._ ................ fliW.,fo..SUlllo IY" -.w---.w-.w ..... ..,..» ... ... CllNT91M.AnoN 1...-.................... _ .. .......................... fOI .al1f'WI AND .... ,.,a. .. OCMOl-U C ............ ......_ .......... " ........................... ~ ---.......... _ ................ ..... ................ ...... t.i9o_il ..... ' Newport Electric Appliance Co. :195 Cou& .... ea.-nsa ~ . ~ .... ~ ....... ~~~ % ~~~ s393 ~ ' . .!Ct; ~i·j plus tax . •/. .. .., .... .,.:;: .. ~"'~ ... _,..-:,.· ,,.,, THREE ·,~~ FEATHERS llSllYI ';11wt ?1"'"9 ';Uie '11/iu"-U ISLAND LIQUOR STORE . -- LEAVI LOSAHGELlS UNION STATION 8:00AM DAILY 10:00AM DAl1Y . . 11:30AM r·:.).:· DAILY f' (:30 PM" -" •Departs 3rd, 6t~, 9th, I 2th, ·15tlt, ltth, 2ht, 24th, 27th and last day af .. ch ••lllh. 8:30PM DAl.Y 8:35 PM tor•• anly cooch ..me. -on troi• <*ry ""'-.._ ........ • • • ., , ~, • . Coach Service SAVE TIME AND MONEY VIA UNION PACIFIC -·---· ··-- ••• 44s Ceoch 1.nk• f0t l0<ol stotloa1 Mtwe•11 Let A111tele1 a114 o .. a... ,,_ ~ ..,.,ice. Dlnh19 cor .. ol 1e"lu . Twe t1l9ht• ••rovte. Al.OmolHI • • ... A.jl,. T1ie "TIANSCON" (Ila. htra. Fmn) o.ty ,_ Nlt;ihts to Ch icogo-All "011 r•••rv•d. Modeu1 J!reo11111"4 Mtlll·w•itht r":dh1il111 IHI coaches lo Ch kogo. Di11 i11g cor 111101 ... ,.,.k•. 4'. (hlc090 LOS ANGELES LIMITED •• "CITY OF ST. LOUIS" (Ne.fxtni-Fart) 17 % Ho11r1 lc:uter \o St. lo11h-Only two nighh enrovte, Mo0.n at1•o•linHI recli11ing 1eot c.ooch to Oen.,er, Konu:u Cily, and St. lo1ti1. (All 1eal• reurved.J At Cheyenne tlli1 cooch beco"''' port of the new St r•o•liner "Clt}'.of St. lo1tlt. .. 4'. 0.n"Hr •• I.JO ,.M.., Ar. Konuu Ci~, . 1.35 A.M.1 Ar, Sr. Lovh , • 1...0 P.M. • Str-liller "CITY OF LOS ANGELES" (lxlra lln• -lxlra la1t-lxfN l•••I Ne,, Oft Pl•·wor ultedvle only l9JA llovr1 •• C•icogo. ~.u citeelrlff - ell ... ,, ~Mf'Ad. Cofe-lovflge cor lor lew-cott -.011 o-4 ....... .... .. , ftM ...-z1 ... M4 ...... ,.,., .. Al. C>.._. • • • • • • • 10.11 AJA. n.. ''POllT EIPIESS'' -....... CM•···-..... .. .... ..... °"' 0.awer,e-4 le••• Cffy. Now II Nws fe1tet .. ICeli•• City, Al. Wt lo .. City .S.25 P.N., Ar. °""." l.J.5 ~ Ar. -. ... 0'1 1 lsll P.M. Tiit ''OIAUlll&ll'' -Metler• recll•l•1 •••I c"clil•• t• O•••• ••4 a1c11,.. bd•akoe_.. ,_ w .... "4 Qi ........ .,..tM ~ c., ......_ N. o..M • • • 7t4S P.M. Al. Q.lme-• • . • 7M A.JI. I • "1111 llAIOl I DAVIiia 8011 1Y W . ' f 1 UNION PACIRC TtCICll Ol'flCl. IANTA AHA MS.._. .... 11.. f1l11' 1111 1111,. • ·• ' bee MW!W ···aoa IC&W.,.,.,. Jlfewewt Bzz•, Caltfonlla. ""'-"&· f!lr .. 1MI Pomona Grange to Meet at Costa-Mesa businea meeting foUowi.oC. Mem· bers of the Home Economics sec- tion of the Coota Mesa branch will furnish ttfrelhmentL Coanty T•bercalosis Assn. Plaas Mass X-Ray Survey A•g. l to 16 Pomona Grange of Orange coun- ty will meet Thursday e\.·ening at the American Legion hall. Calta Mesa. for a pot-luck supper with The next meeting of the section will be Thursday, Aug. 2, at the home of Mrs. Dora Eldredge, East 15th street. ear Unions with members employed in Industrial plants are pledging their c:oopetatlon to the Orange Coun ty Tuberculosis association and the Orange County Health department in their joint plan to conduct a mass X-ray survey of industrial wor kers, August 1 to 16. according to N. B. Davila. fieJd r epresentati\.·e of the tuberculosis association alter contacting repre- senta tives of the unions involved to discuss the X-ray program. Mr. Davila explained that the For Delicious STEAKS SE"rvice is being underta ken for the protection of the heal th ot the workers and of the community and it is estimated that a good number of laborers from various parts of the county will avail themselves o! the facilities offered by reporting f(Jr a chest X-ray -to the place nearest them where the machine will ~be in operation. BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER "Every adult' should have perio- dic chest X-ray examinations. Most people, however, put off checking up on health untU they feel ill. The mass X-ray program now be- ing planned by your health de- partment and tubereulOli.s uso- dation, with the cooperatioa of the medical profes5lon, la to make it easy for you to have a n X-ray by bringing the X-ray machlne to -on- Balboa Island !-2 Block from Ferry 1131/z Agate you. --BEACON SEA FOOD "W ith the modern equipment to be used in the project, the taking of an X-ray picture is only a '-~r l ma tter of seconds. 1'he sma\l Now In NEW LOCATION films on these machinc>s do not provide the ba sis for a com plete diagnQSis. but tht>y serve to screen c ut a ll suspicious cases. A fur -l I her t"Xamination is given in case 1-1ny suspi cion of tuberculosis is I 1evC'all'd on the small film. "Th(' results of the X-r ay pie- 1135 Coast Highway Port Orange EVERYTHING In Qua.lily " fresh Sea food Cocktails REFRIGERATION Air Conditioning Equi"'1ent ' With Arnaud's and Norton's Sauces Case9 . Cabinets -Count.en \\'alk-ln.s . Fount.al01t . Stool8 Back Ban • Booths Complete ~arkets We Still Feature: COOKED LOBSTER Fresh and Smoked Seafoods PRESENTS - Cate, Etc. P lan.n.J.ns 1'\\ri:BER'' DEA.l.ZBS 82S S. Los AniroJM St., Anahftm Phone 4862 TURF. jCLUB LOAFER J ACKETS BURTON LEATHER GOODS Di st inctive Hand-Toole d • • • Ovid's Russian Leather Lotions and Colognes • Hand Painted Imported British Ties • Exclusive Sports Shirts By Snyder of Hollywood • • TEE SHIRTS SHORTS SHIRTS PIPES-PO UCHES LIGHTERS A COMPLETE LINE FOR THE PARTICULAR MAN BALBOA ( ACl'Ol!lt!I from the Fma Zoae) 305Palm Harbor 1638-J tures are confidential. Tile indi- vidual will receive a notice, stating whether his lungs a.re all right or whether he should have a more complete examination. Anyone who l5 advised to h&\"e another X-ray should waate no ti.me in 1 e- porting to th~ local clinic for this purpose. Further exarniAAtion may prove that he is perfeclly all rlgh(, but there l.s no point In taking a chance. U he has tubcr- cuJosis, treatment should be begun at once." Orange County Vets · Number Almost 20,000 Every sixth person in Southern California is a war veteran, ac- cordlng to fi.gures released this week by the national veter-ans' admlniatration. In Orange county the total number ot veterans of World War n ls placed at 19,941 while from all other wars the figure was 5114. Californla was the fourth in the numbet' of servtcemen killed in the war w1th 17,022 cuualtles. New York was first. Pennsylvania I second, and Il1inois third. In ve teran population. Orange county is placed fifth. WhJcb! "Of course, I must Mk you for a deposit," said the landlady. Proud Poueuor of two M":holu- sla.l1'9 I• MlM Sh.lrley Lou.rte, cl&aebter of Mr. aad Mn. '· M. F arber of the Sport Sbop la Saata Alla. She •·u a warded a frre ldioknhlp f« the 9llftUDel' term of Colorado Collece of F\De APt.I at Colorado Sprbap where ai.e ta DO'Wl' •tud.Jtac. s-.e hu U.O been awarded a free acbo- l&rahlp for 19'6-&1 at UCLA ~ staahac wltll tH foll ....... Som• of 11.iee Loarie'• pe.laUap are atlll oa exhlbttloe at the La- fUJl• BNcll Art callern.. -Photo by Robet'ts, Santa Ana W isdom is the principal thing; therefore ge t ";sdom : a nd with all thy getting get understanding.- Proverb! 4 :7. "Certainly," r('p!ied the MC'\\' Rf-pair Loam tcnar <. handing over th(' requir~I • Ne\\' prov;sions o r t he G. I. Bill !-tim. authorize t he Vet er a ns Adminis~ "'£'ha nks. N o,v, shall we trust tration 10 guarantee loans for re- f'ach c,thcr or do you \\'dn t a r "·-pairs a nd improvements on vct- ("('ipt ·." crans' homes , farms, stores and I shops. Sell that unwanted article -------- through News-T'lmes ads. Watch the Oasslfled columns. For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & ., BUILDERS ' HARDWARE It's the 23 rd & Ph. C e ntr a l 2 600 r If You Like Bourbon ·-TRY- Three Feathers Reserve Pints, $2.45 ; Fifths, $3.93 BALBOA LIQUOR STORE 704 East Central, Balboa Alm Full line of Du Boachett PrOOud&'-Prepared Cocl1alll, Boeka Vodka, J. Ba vet Brandy and Uqueurs Does YOllr House Need Painting? fl. Owwwwl and operaled 'by World War D Veterw llMldng your per• s z 1•t lood wlD and paRwp. * . For Pl'ee r.tlmefiM Phone HARBOtl 2645 Bea• alld Holnaaa Changes in Vets' Insurance Waits Truman Signing F :16 s zr TIDE T ABI.F.S IULY, lMC 8'2( 1 :54 1:11 4.0 -1.l 6.9 9 :07 2.39 , ... 1:e1 2.2 Want Ads 1:41 -,--~~~~~~~~~ Drastic changes in veter.am' ~-Su 28 sur-ance. made in the bill ~ 4.2 -1.4 7.0 9 :50 3;21 18:5i 4.3 -1.5 ·6.9 20 _B_UllllOB8~~~-o-u_ID~E~~~~...;11 ,, .. 1.9 1:%1 1.8 ':11 1.9 5 :10 1.9 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. by congress and awaiting only M 29 President Truman's signature to become a low, will alfoct approx!-T all mately 350.000 policy holden in Southern California, a ccording to W 31 10030 4 ,03 t :S1 4.4 -1.5 6.6 11:10 4:43 194! 4.4 -1.0 6.1 11 o51 5 022 11 :OI New and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St.. Coota 4.5 -0.5 5.4 L. C Chapman, manager of the Meu. Los Angeles Veterans Administra-I'1dea an p1Mli14 lll ora.r of~ 20-tft ti on regional office. l.Jabt a.sur-L 1IL: dark apr,. P.. " I ·BU=::s::INEBS==,....,o"UID="z:=------'17 The new measure "'ill permit Jump sum settlements, endowment features, unrestricted beneficiary designations. disability income and in general make National Service Lite Insurance comparable to old In Racine, Wis., ~e Dehne, 38, a foundry worker, recently of- fered to sell one of his eyes t o the highest bidder to raise money to pa,y off the mortgage to his home. SIGN PAINTING ' Boats, Trucks, Window• Walls and Bulletins.. line policies. ------------- Raised Metal. Wood and Plastic Letters Mr. Chapman said cornpl~te in- formation will be given veterans PUBLIC NOTICE through the press on how,. when AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38tft and where to make desired changes in their policies it the President signs the bill thereby making it a law. · Police Investigate Burglary Attempt What appeared to be an at· tempted burglary wu Investigated Tuesday morning at the hom e of Roy A. Starkey, 107 A St., Bal- boa, who notified the Newport Beach department that the win- dow or his home had been fo und open on his return to the house and a lam p in t he living room had been O\'erturned. Officers Mc~ianigal a nd Cali- han wer e una bJe to find any other trace or burglary as nothing was ta ken. A "'allet "ith money inta ct w as lying: on 1he -piano, und.is- turbro. Fails to Appear Rober t H O\\·e Da,·is of Los An- geles was r eleased Tuesday morn- ing on S5 bail a fte r his arrest for failure to a pj>ea r on a lo ud pipes charge on J uly 20 a nd his fa ilure to fix his pipes in the inter im. THREE FEATHERS Finl A..-g fiM wr.;m.. ROSSI'S Liquor Store '100 Coat mway Formerly Oordoo'4 Drue Store Men-Women Prostate - -Pelvis Do ""' haYe ---t Palm ln lep. croto or bKk ef head ! Are you aenooa. ........... lrrlt&blo .... Cl'Ulk:J! Grow1.n& old before 70nr Ume? 8Uppla.c"! lhY9 to pt ap lllchto t rrs YOUR GLANDS Oar exclmlve teclmlque sea .....it. No P9ID, 8urpl'7 or lajoo--CONSULTATION FREE Call Barbor 1 lU for A--t Dr. !'.. F. Bell. D. C., Pia.. 0. 1C1'7 Und St., N-n llMcla IOYouo~ lo~ PueL1c NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS F lc;tlt lou1 Firm Name P-337> 'n.e undersiped do hereby cert.If}' th~ •• &re conductlll.I 1. magutne publiabJ.n& buai~ at 509 Eut Cen- tral Attnue, Balboa. Callfom.La. under the flcUUoua rlrm name o r Boutbem C&J.Jfornia Be&chcomber, and that aid nrm ts compoeed of the follo1riD&' per- aona •boee namea In full and 't.i'-fr of l"Mld•Dee are u folio••· TO-; lt..-11 L. I>Mitrlc.h 60t &.. Cn:tnl .&.ft. Bal'\t"y ""'"""""--'& 'l;.,.,r,: -Bal~ c.IlfonslL p .3400 CERTI FICATE OF PERSON TRANSA.CTING BUSINESS UNDER FICTITIOUS N:A.ME Tho underall'Ded. J . H . Bailey, doe. hereby certify lh&t be I• coaducttnc a •holMllle .eptable produce bu.a.ln-&nd anj bualneu lnctduat.a.l thereto. at W Cout Hlsb,,,_.,y. Newport Beach. Oranl"e County, Callfonlia. under the flctltloUa nrm name of BEACH CITIES PRODUCE 00 .. &nd that aid firm I• compoeed of the follo•IDI" pel"90n. wboee name and ad · dreu la u followa, to •It; J _ IL BAILEY. Owner 201 Weat.mtn.ter, eo.t.a Kee&, CalJfonliL WITNESS my band thl• 16th day of July, ltHG. J . H . BAILEY. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY O F O RANGE. ) aa. On this 16th da y of July, A..D. 1946. befo re me. Lero}' P . Ander.Kln . a Notary Public in and for Nid County a nd Rate, personally appeared J . H . BAJ.le y, kno""-n to m e to be the pereon whoae name Is su bscribed to the 11dthln l ruit rument, 8.lld ackno .... •ledged to me that he executed the same. I N WITNESS WHEREOF . I have hereunt o set m:it hand and &!filled m )' ofticial sea.I the day and )'ear in t hl& certificate ri"t abol'e 'llo'rltten. LEROY P. A1''DE RSON' !'otary Public In . and !or said Cou nfy and State. Pub.-J uly JS. 25, Aug. l and 8, 19'46. 11i· o. 263140 NOTICE OF SALE.OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRl\.-ATE SALE !1' THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. PAINTING 12 Yean Service in Newport Harbor Atta Harry Hall PAINTING CoNTRACI'OR Phone Beacon 5259-J Zl4 E. 19th Street :U-tt. Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Fne Estimating Phone Beacon 5780-J 41-tf< FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work ot All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Pho Harbor 435-WK Newport Beach 51-StJ FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oa your home, call Beacon 533Q after 4 :30 p .m . 10-tfc PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECOR.A TING H. E . McDonald 414 OJd Conty Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J ~tft l'RANSPORT ATION 11 BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Rep&lred. VOGEL'S In the ?i.fa ttet fo the E state and 100 .Main St., Balboa Guardianship of F . L . KEN-208 Marine, Balboa I.ala.o d. ' !K-ttc NEDY, JR .. l\finor. NOTICE is he reby given that BEAUTY AIDS 11 the undersigned. BERTI.JA L.1--=-:--:::--::-:-:--:-::====-ALDRICH, Guardian of the E s-COLO and MACHINLESS tato of F . L . Kennedy, Jr., a mi· WAVES nor, \vill s ell a t private sale to Tinting and Manicuring the highest bidder U}Xln the terms Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W and conilition~ hereinaft~r m~n-Vi 's Beauty Shop ttoned and subJect to conf1rmat1on I Il03 Coast Hiway Corona del Ma:r by said Superior Court on or after ' 35-tfc July 31 . 1946, all the r ight, title ----~-..,,,,..-,,,,.--~,,.---= and interest of F . L . Kennedy, Jr., EMPLOYMENT "'ANTED Z1 . a minor·, and all the right, title and interest that the guardianship estate of said minor h as, by oper- a tion of la\\' or other,vise acquir ed . \VANTED-Young lady desires \\'Ork evenings . Phone Harbor 883-\V. -58-:.?tp othC'r t ha n or in addition to that WORK WANTED-Painting su- of said minor in a nd to tha t cer-perintc ndent, \Vith 25 years ex- tain lot, piece or parcel of la nd . perience, desires connection situate. l ying a nd being in the with large bulldJng co11tractor. County of OrangC', State of Cali-I have my O\vn truck , commer- !ornia, and more particularly de-cial spray outfit, ladders, drop scribed as follows, to-"rit : cloth, brushes. Good reference. An undivided one -t\velfth Ca ll Har bor 1493-J from 1 to 5. (I /12th) in terest in a nd to the 49-tfc South\vesterly rectangular onr -HELP \\',\NTED-\\'oman or girl half of Lot 9 of Tract 376, other-for gener a l house,,·or k: good "·ise kno,vn as Santa AnaJ-I,..ig hts . \vages ; Ji ve in or out. H arbor in Orange County, S ta te of Cali· 1992. 56-tfc fornia, as per map r ecorded in -c:c,cco-,.,,.,-,,=,=--,--,.---,- Book 15. P age 29 o[ Miscellaneous \ HELP. \~AN!F~D--Lady to do Maps of said County: a nd one I family 1ron1ng. P hone Harbor share of stock in the Santa Ana 111-R. 56-4tc lfeighls \Vater Company appurte-WANTED-Middle a ge house- nant to said land, as evide nced k eeper; light duties ; pleasant by Cer tificate No. 221. surroundings ; room, board and The terms and conilitions of salary. Call Harbor 2016-J . sale : Cash in lawful money of the 56-4tc United S tates; ten per cent (10%) of the purchase money to be paid at the fune of the sale, balance on confirmation of sale. The purchaser is to take the said parcel of real property sub- ject to conditions, r estrictions, reservations, easements and rights WANTED-Laundress, one day a week. Call Ha.tbor 2016-J. • 56-4tc WANTED: WAITRESS--Cheryl's Cafe, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 56-Uc ot way of record and all taxes a NOT ICE OF TRA.NSFER OF STOCK lie n thereupon, not delinquent. 1 N TRADE All bids or offers must be in writ- ing and will be received at the of- fi ce of EUfER H . V. HOFFMAN, 1024 Rowan Building, Los Angeles, California, or may be filed with the C1erk of said Superior Court, or delivered t o said guardian per- sonally at any tim e after first publication of this notice and be- fore making sale . Dated this 8th day of July, 1946. BERTHA L. ALDRICH, Guardian of Said Minor. CR-1280% Pub. July 16, 18, 23, 25 and 3Q, 1946. . NOT ICE J& H EREBY WVE.."f th.at Emily Bergey. re11id ent a t 22.1 19th Street, !\'e ~·port Bea~h. C&li tornla. 1n-tend11 tv !!ell and lranster t() R..y AJ len. re11idlng at 152.S Durant. Sant.a Ana . California , a ll of her right. title • and lntere11t in and to the follow· lng described property, to-wit: That ce rtain restaunuit bu.alneaa now being conduct~ at 22l 19th Stniet, Newpon. ~h . Caltrornia.'-by Vendor, together with its rumituric. furnleh- ing11, tlli:tur ea1 1JUpplie11, together 'ftitb ll.11 Kood wl I tu:ad the good namo thereof. on t he 6th day of Augulll, 19'46. at ten e'c.lock A. M., at the law office• o! Roland Thompeon, 208 SpurKe<>n Bldg .. Santa Ana, C&lt!orn.I&. The conaideratlon or price I• to be pa.Id at the lime and pla.ce o f ule. De.led thla 23 rd day of July, 1946.. EMILY BERGEY. Pub. July 25. UM&. Vendor. -INSURANCE-l . • FIRE • AUTOMOBILE • YACHT • COMPENSATION "STU" DUNLAP "' . 205 Marine Ave. Balboa Island WITNUS our b&ndil tht. 2'7t.b day ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., of June, 1941. RUSSELL L. DIETRICH GEORGE S. V ARO.A. STA.TE or CALIJ'ORNU., COUNTY OF OUNGE.--: On UU. 27t.b day of June. lMI, be-fo,. me Lou1' W . Brilrp, a N...,.,. PubUc ln and tor -.1a eowity an.a atate, ruld lng tbertin. duly ~ aioned &Dd nrom. pel"90ft&Jlt.. appear-ed Ru.ell I... Ds.tricb and GeOrp S. V~a. knoYa to me to be the per'llOlll •hoee D&me9 are eubecribed to the within ln«nunent and ackaowledpd to me that they a:ecutH the .-me.. IN ~'l:SS "WHER.llOP'. I ba" hertw1to • D!J' band and &fnud my oruetal 9e&I tbe day Uld yeu LD lht. CH'tifkate nm ~ ...-rtttea.. LOUIS W. BRIGG& Notary PubUc ln and ·r.or Qraap eo.a,t ... , Btate ol. CalJfonaJ&. .,. "Cl"*Tu ... e:q.1,.. ~.7 _ .. lNT. ht.. htJ ... u. 11. •• UM. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast lllcbway 101 Pi-B•eosi Gilt ''' • Kw' pud111ae_...... for Boe• for lllile ......... ,7,. .. ... ' .,. ....... ') $ ,._ . . _, -. . -- -. -•• 1 ---I ... > '-· ' - ' - -.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;;;~~~~~~;:;:~~iii====iii-~~;::::;i~~~N~&~W~rv~it~l~B~A~l~AIO~A~N~~-~WirT~~~·-~w:w~~N~ ... ~--= .. ==·~·~7'.~c.llf~~ .. ~,~~'n!a'!d-l~~~=·~'=!ll~~!!i~1~·~·~·ii:ii~~~:::::::::::::::~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ .... ~~·=·=2 ss~ n SALE MISCELLANEOUS .. BOATS, SUPPLD:8 II llUSJOAL a llADIO ........ ESTA.ft ,, QAl;SBTATE t1•1t4 L mAn '' UAL l'BTAD: ., DIPLOnu:l>"T OFFEBED REAL VALUES Balboa HELP W~lst class paint· .... Sympson & NoUar. 512 38th St.. Newport Beach. 52-tfc HELP WANTED-\Voman for general houswork. bay front , excellent salary. Phone H-844 .. 58-tfc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Oleryl's. 322 Marine Ave., Bal- FOR SALE -Harvard piano. 4-CYL.. 15-KW. uov. D-C.-Hill Radio and Electric A 3-bedroom house plus 3 apart. davenport, table. 30 kitchen Diesel G<n. $1000 cash. Fun REPAIRS Unfinished. 2·bedroom. 8 12x20 menu with an in"°""' of $2,.300. , chairs, five--piece bedroom suite. Zone Boat Co., Balboa. Ph. Har-garage now used as living quar-Completely fU:mished and re- For appointment c:all Beaoon bor 6. 58--4tc 24-HOUR SERVICE ten. Large !o2t.OAOObuy-at only HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY decorated "23,500 5209-W_ 57-4tc CHRIS-CHAIT l!J.-foot speed boat. All Makes -Pick Up & Delivery .,, .,, 1941 m00el ; 130 h.p.; very fast PERRY HARDWARE Realtors FOR SALE-Box trailer, spare wheel, hitch, iron frame and var- nished wood sides. S:l 10. Phone Harbor 2129-J. 35 Beacon Bay. 57-2tc and in beautiful condition. Cus-1305 Coast Blvd. Harbor 232 2--oom and den home. Furni.h-Balboa Island tom built all steel trailer. Own-CORONA DEL MAR ed Nice lot. good dlatrlct. Has £ £ £ £ 2 bedrooms. living room, breakfast er, 612 Via Udo Noni. Lido 54-tfc 1942 refrigerator and gas range. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES room. and extra sleeping room. Isle. 58-2tp Better hurry on this one. Sells aose to the bey. GRAND PIANOS-You will be at only SOUTH COAST BUll.T EAGLE FOR SALE-Racing snipe-just astounded a tour gnat bli: $7500 ABALONE BUSINESS--:16 ft. boat, 130 h .p . $13,000 boa Island. 54--tfc ===-=-=:-:--::=-==;;;--c==,; WANTED -Woman . for house cleaning, one day per week. 152 Wa.zlers, Lido hie. 57-2tp t!J.-ft. keel day sailer. 132 reoondl tioned and new paint. stock. Klmball. Steinway. Soh· motor. Complete diving equipment and process- Waziers, Lido Isle. 57-4tp 3909 M"""" Ave .. Newpor~7~;le. mer, Hallet and Davis. Story ing plant. Nets $1200 a month over a year. Only Corona del Mar Wil..L TRADE 3-diamond ring for tp and Clark. One gorgeous Chick-2-bedroom home. VttY clean and $7000 buys this business. Corner lot with brand new 2 bed. electric refrigerator in good WILL EXCHANGE 50 tt. slip in erlng and tt ls the real O:Ucker-good construction. Large lot, room home. Excellent locatioo. WANTE~Woman or man to do housework. half da ys. days, wtt,b: or month; live ln or out. Ca.11 Harbor 1523-J 57-tfc conclition. 3011> 34th St. 57-2tp Wilmington (or same In New· Ing, too. Many others to choose 66x150. Good district. A buy at ;t £ ;t ;t ~10,500 - port Hsrbor. C8ll Erwin Pierson from. Priced to start at $395. $7850 "' WANTED-Experienced foun ta in girl ; must be 21. l\1esa l\·talt Shop. 1790 ro.;e wport BI .. ·d .. Costa M e!:a. 57-4tc WANTED -Experienced women for maid work at motel, steady dayt ime Y.'Ork. good \Yai;:eS, li\'e out. Apply in person. Newport llarbor !\.fotel. 441 Ne\\'POrt BI'l.·d. 58-ltc SALESMEN -Advertising cam- paign now in effect. Excellent opportunit)' if you quaJif·y. Ap- ply MiS! Van U ew , 5081.fi No. ~lain St .• Santa Ana. 52-Stc \V ANrED -Man preferred, to head accounting departme nt a nd teach a ll ied commercial sub-- F OR SALE-Swordfish reel. Penn Senator 9/0 "ti.th 450 yar ds 24 thread line n line. Phone Harbor 707. dh·tf ATiltACTIVE back bar, 16-!L Jong, 9-ft. high, marble top a rd columns. perfect. Full plate mir- ror, $375. Ph. Santa Ana 54'29 54-4tc FO R SALE-S\\'ordJish rod. reel a nd line complete. $8.5. John T . Sympson, 512 38th St., New- port Beach. 53-tfc BARGAINS ! Lo\1:est prices in furniture is m y motto. I buy right. I sell right. I also buy furniture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Ne,vport Blvd . Costa Mesa 57-tfc ject!I. Business Institute. 415 --------~--- No. Sycamore. Santa Ana . 57-2tc P U M P S WORTHI NGTON \VANTED-Dignified field r e pre-PRESSURE _ CENTRIFUGAL sentattivc for well known por-For All Pressure trait !itudio. !\fa n or woma n ; Soden Refriger ation car necessary. Liber al commis-623 So. Los Angeles St .. Ana heim sion. See t\1r. F'ox. Bernard of Phone 46.52 58-ltc H olly\\•ood Studio. Balboa Inn Arcade. Phone H a rbor 1048. 58-4tc SKIPPER for new 40-ft. \Vheeler ; must be sober. neat appearance. good fisherman, e xcellen t var- nisher a nd good trouble shooter , have local re fer ences. Must be FOR SALE \VELL BRED spirited saddle horse. good weste rn saddle 'and bridle. N . W. corner of 15th and San ta Ana Ave., Costa Mesa 54··tfc unde r 40 years of age. Apply ------------ in person, 724 Vi a Lido Nord, SHABBY FLOORS Lido Isl<-Salary S225 per mo. Made B eautiful 57·2 tp Take off old. grimy varnish and -----------get down to the fresh, clean -grain WAITRESS \V ANTED $37.50 Per WC'<'k a nd. ~teals Good Haun Also FRY · COOK MR. EARLY (mornings only) King Landin g Newport Be~ch Experienced BOAT B U ILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR PETTY SOUTH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH I 51-tfc YOUNG WOMEN Telepllone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is n ot required Frequent incr eases. Vacations with pay. Advance m e nt o pportunit ies. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave .• Balboa 5141,i N. 1-·tain St., Santa Ana or Ask the operator for the Otlef Operator Southern California Telephone Compa11y "2-tfc • of naturally handsome wood. Rent Our Hiloc Sanding Machine -and do it yourself. -East to Operate -Dustless Burton's P aint Sto r e Newport Blvd. n ear 16th Streef Auto Batteries Rubber Separaters 18-r.:ionth -$6.75 Ex. Colillpounded Motor Gallon, 70c Oil Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Ne"'J>Ort Blvd., Costa Mesa 41-ttc FOR SALE-Man's pre-war blcy. cle; just like new. H eavy dut) tires, S5Q. 512 38th St., Ne\v. 52·tf< pcJrt. • Fire Pla<:f'" and Kindling WOOD Delivered H. W. WRJGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived Freeh Hearing Ald BATTERIES Gwlderwon Drug Co. 3-tf< 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51!1 60-tf• VENETIAN BUNDS--Alwnlnum, steel, wood. Call us for tree etti· mate. Renovation " rennlshlng_ So. Coast Venetian Blind C.0., West 18th and Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. Order Your Servel Gas R e frigerator Now 38-tfc at V ogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tfc SI Will Pay Cas h For }'our fur niture or \\-'ha t have yoo. Phone Beacon 5656. Crn,v· Irv Furniture. 1812 NeY.rport sivd .. Costa ~1esa. 48·tfc CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON 5538--J. 23-tfc Ftl1lNITURE FOR SALE n FO R SALE-Four sectional chaln coverro in green. Phone Harbor 2585-J. 58-l tc FOR SALE-Piano. Stager u~ at Kimble 5283. 52-ttc • Terms __ Or rent. Danz Schmidt ANJ'IQUE SHOP-A money maker with very low Piano Co.. Exclusi•·e!y pianos. 3-bedroom home, unfinished. large overhead. The only shop of its kind around here. Newport Heights FOR SALE-Runabout "Creepy Mdtse" 14-ft.: seats 5; excellent condition , $1000. Owner . Har- bor 2450-W. 57·2tp Nothing else. 520 N. Main. rooms, good location. Won't take Grossed $15.000 last vear. Good set-up. Will in-Unlinllted view, fine;laeatioo clooe Santa Ana. 55-tfc \'t'ry much to finish. Come in ventory close to 56750 \Vhich is ~e full price .. An to water, 3-bedroom home. Com- GOOD used pianos for practice. and see this because it's selling interesting opportunity for a person \Vho likes pletely furnished. Some as low as $57 and $79 or at only antiques. $9, 750 ROW BOAT-14-ft .. nc"·ly paint- ed. in good condition. Phone Harbor 1261-W. 57-2tc rent a piano fo r $5 per mo. Let $6500 th e children learn. Danz-Schmidt ;t ;t £ £ Lots Piano Co .. 520 N. l\.1ain, Santa \VE ARE HERE TO SER'ri-YOU Qt.her B USINESS OPPORTIJNITIF.S and BUSI-2 Neu'})Ort Beach lots FOR SALE-1&-ft . •sailboat. oom-Ana. 55-tfc • t' NESS"PROPERTY now available in all zones. Good water. Totaj prl ce-- pl efe with 2-wheel factory-built -,,B-A""Bc-Y-c-G=R-A--,-N~D-~~Re-pos-sessed----,----,-N"'"o-w selection Of lots in most sections Of the harbor area. I $1 ,500 close to trailer. Price. S400. Phone only $485. This is a great bar-B. A. NERESON Angelus 10397 or Cu. 31662. gain. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., REAL ESTATE 57-2tc S a nta Ana. 55-tfc Insurance and WORLD famous Spinet l}'f¥' Business Oppartunltles 12-ft. Clinker Dingy 9 ft. C linker Dingy B a loon Jib Square Sail and Y a rd Othe r Sails mirror piano. Repossessed. No"' 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa reduced to $295. Terms. Superb Ph. Beacon 5225 57-l tc tone. Mahogany case. Designed J E B & for style and tong service. Danz-• . arnes Son Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N. Main, 1806 Newport Blvd. Santa Ana . 55--tfc Costa ?.fess Ph : Beacon 5320 R esidence Lot and Equipme nt -FOR SALE- ANOTHER magnificent S teinway. ~tedium size. Beautiful mahog· any case. The piano of the on Flo"·er street in Costa Mesa Masters. Danz-Sc hmidt Piano Only $1400 Yacht Idalia Next to Orange County Dock Balboa Co., 520 N . Main. Santa Ana. 55-tfc 5 R esidence Lots 58-1 tc -0-0-0-s-.-C-A_TS __ :t_P_ET_S---~36 On Walnut Street. Best buy in ------------town at- "SMALL BOAT HDQRS." WE MAKE m a ny sizes and kinds of skiffs and dinghies, and the "W atson Oink" class sailer. AND Padd.leboards. W E SELL other good small craft-Hughes Kelso n. Fold Flat. FOR SAL&--Springer Spaniel $1000 Each pup; m ale; 4 mos. A .K.C. R£>g . 7310 W. Ocean Front. 57·2tp GORGEOUS pedigreed Siamese kitte ns ror sale: excellent stock ; beautiful eye color. 233 East Bay (rear house), Balboa Isl· and. 57-4tp DOGS-All breeds. s tripped. clip· Furnished 3 B e droom Home E ast side of to\\'n. 2 lots. Service porch , basemen t, double garage. I mmediate possession. Price, $14,000 ped, and bathed by A.K.C. Ji. 4-Be droom H o me censed handler . Free pick-up 1 acre of land. on Harbor Blvd. and de livery service. Se nd card. Fireplace, part hardwood floors, WATSON-BOATS 611 Coast Highway Newport Beach Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Pain-b arn. settia Ave. C.Orona del Mar. 52-ttc Price, $14,500 0 P E N S U N D A Y, P -M. 8P.-.CIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 54·tfc One Bedroom Home FOR SALE-Swordfish reel, Penn PRE-BILT HOMES C O. Senator 9/0 with 450 yards 24 thread linen line. Phone Harbor GARAGES -UTILITY HOUSES 707. dh-tf HOMES Immediate Delivery 2&-ft_ speed boat, powered with Chrysler Ace Marine engine; 3 cockpits; thoroughly overhaul· ed: ln water now a t AlamJtos Bay. $2850 or trade tor cabin A . M . DIXON, Dealer 201 W estminster Newport H eights 57-4tc type boat. Courtesy to brokers. =--~----~~-,.,-­ Write or call J im Wilson. 35 FOR SALE-Ver y nice 18-[t. 6-in. Santa Ana, l..c..'lg Beach. 51-tfc boat, six passengers, perfect Not completed. Roof is on most of the plumbing in. $36,00 3 Bedroom H o me and large lot-Only $7000 % Acre Land and ~room stucco house, hardwood floors, basement, on Orange Ave. Double garage. Immediate pos- session. ST AR SAILBOAT. J ust recon-conditio n, with trailer, $2800. Phone Santa Ana l!J.-J_ 53-tfc • $8700 ditioned and new paint. Phone Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a . m. RAM ENGINEERING CO.-Ma- and 5 p. m. 46·tfc r ine machinists-machine work J. E. Barnes & Son of a ll tYJ>('s. pick-up a nd deliv- .t ;t ;t ;t . BETTER _BUYS IN BETTER HOME~ LIDO ISLAND HOME-Fully furnished 3-bed~ and 2 baths plus maid's bedroom and bath. Spa6- ious living-room and adjoining dining-room styled with translucent glass partition creating an atmos- phere of gracious living_ An enclosed patio in the center of this plot plan offers an interesting inter- pretation of definitely modem story-and-a-half de- sign_ Complete furnishings are truly better quality and include everything from a 1946 radiO.phon<>- graph to kitchen flatware. Built in 1942----=m· pletely redecorated this spring. Priced at $35,000 with terms if desired. Immediate possession. EL BA YO SPORTSMAN'S HOME----60 feet of waterfront with piers and float Badminton court Seven bedrooms for family and guests. A roomy, we ll furnished home about 25 years old. but well cared for a nd in fine condition all around. If you need plenty of room for your Harbor career, you'd better take a good look at this $40.000 place. Tenns if you want. plus immediate possession. - 1WO GOOD 1WO-BEDROOM HOMES-Well l<>- cated near canal. Brand new. $8500 each. Quick possession. Or, if you have something else in mind, call us. BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT LCYr-Inter- esting location -----------------------------------------------$13,500 LIDO ISLAND 45 IT. WATERFRONT-Bulk-head and retums ______________________________________________ $12,000 ;t ;t BALBOA ;t ;t COVES Pre-announcement selections now available. I JOHN E. SADLEffi 302 Main Stret't Phone Harbor 2034 58-ltc REAL ESTATE EltCRANGIE U TRADE RENTAL-2-bedroom. N·. Hollywood, barbecue. tor 1 or 2- bedroom house. Phone L. A. SU 18313 or Harbor 2600 ex- tensio n 14. \Vheeler . 57-2t'p • LOANS TO BUILD, b«y. lm- modemt. °" re.ft.nance. Newport Balbo& l!'"donl BA.,_ and Loan Aaodation.. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 AUTOMOTIVE & TIREll Ill FOR SALE-1 n ew tire, 3 T'eCa~ ped tires a nd tubes. slze 16xfi. 331 O Ocean Front, front house. 58-ltp FOR SALE-'41 Dodge 4-door se- dan . Will take '36 Ford sedan as part payment. Call after 5 o.m .. 139 Virginia Pl.. Costa Mesa. 58-ltp FOR SALE--G. M. •39 truck. '!(. ton pannel. Call Harbo!' 596-J, evenings. 55-4tc 1928 NASH 4-door sedan. Good work car. $45.00. 329 Anade, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 1155--W. 56-4tc TffiES Ca.sh for your used tires Sell Them for top price at Lester's 0. K. Rubber Welders Recappin2 Wheel Balancing Section Work. 2900 W. Central, Newport Beach 54-8tc AUTO SIERVIOE • NOW HERE FO R SALE-New ~1arine Kohle1 ery service, dock racilities while 1806 Newport Blvd . Gene rator. 1500 watts. 32 voll under repair. \Vill do work any Costa M esa Ph. Beacon 5320 ~ D. C .. r etail pr ice for this power hour night or day. Located at1 ___________ 5S-_lt_c l ~ plant l!! S516. \Ve have 10 lefl Central Boat \Vorks Yard, Rhine ' ,_... for clearance sale, $374. Yeakel Channel, foot of Jlst St. Phone Costa Mesa ~ HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Hsrbor 1600 & 1601 58-ltc Your authorl7.ed Chrysler- Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, Los An· Harbor 287.J_ Ne"'' 4-rm. house on co"Tl 'I. J:i geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45-tfc 1-------------1 acre. Plaste red and stucco. Mod- Fire Equipment Testa Carpenters Available em thru -out_ S-5250- c-0-Two. ~yrene & Foam refill!. $1750 Down CCP fixed system and Portable1 for general mainte nance now available. and repair Elden Ave. E:I'S HOKIN & GALVAN O. Z. ROBERTSON Lot 50x150. New 3-room frame 1000 Coast Hlghway Call Harbor 83 house, practically completed. Ph. Beaoon 5522 73-tfc 34-tfc $3600 FOR SALE-Must sell imme- diately 15 ft_ Thompson speed K E Y S Lido lile boat. 22 h.p. Ezinrude outboard Made While You Watt motor, cradle boat trailer, l~in. VOGEL'S 35-ft. corner lot wh eels; boat and motor ln new 100 Main St., Balbo& $5000 / condition. SS00.00. Inquire Port 108 l.lartne, Balboa ll1and. 45·ft. frontage. of Seven Seas, 817 Coas t High· tN-Uc $5250 way. 56-4tc I 'ro="R--cllr:=NTo:· =--------u~ I FOR SALE 14 ft . clink er type ROOM FOR RENT-Furnished, 57.ft. Lot skiff, $35. 25 Beacon Bay, Ne"A•-close to bath: to single man. Between Costa Mesa and Newport port Beach. 56-tfc 516 36th St. 57-2tp oh mvd . For Sale- SN OW BIRD $390 ROOM AND BATH for rent by $4500 the day, S5 for one; $7.50 for two. 429 Short St., Newport EV A F . RHODEN J-fe ights. three blocks from the ReaJtor Arches. 57-tfc 470 N e'W'(X>rt Blvd .. Costa Mesa t--OR Rt:NT -Unfurnished new 2-ELTON BARNETT tx·droon1 duplex:, fi r<'place, gar· R USSEL \V. BARTINE a~c-. Ne,vport lleights. $100 per PERNE'L G. BARNETi n1onth. R<'f<'renC<"S a nd perman-Brokers <'nt . Box: "S" c 0 Ne\\o-s-Times. Ph. Beacon 5713-R 58-t tc WA:STED TO RENT u WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. unfurnished house. \VW tease. Call Sam Por ter at Harbor 7rt7 El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay A venue $4750 58-ttc Telephone H a r bor 1531 O!" 13. 35--tfc -Large C o rner Lot On Peninsula. with view. $5750 COSTA MESA -Brand new 4-bedroom home, furnished ; 2-car garage. concrete drive. etc_ -------------------------------------------------------------$12,500 TRAILER CAMP, restaurant. 5 trailers in- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and MaJntenanoe ... Expert Mechanics Kendall and. Quaker State on. cluded. _ ... Restaurant and grocery, 4 yrs. NEWPORT lease, living quarter.;, _ .. Two Drive-ins, one oo 101 Hwy.; big income. __ . Frozen HARBOR MOTORS food store, only one in town, big volume. 2616 W~Centr Ave. ' CONCRETE BRICK FACI'ORY-Home and 1 Phone l~ acre land. •Y-0-UR-LISTING OF HOME OR BUSINESS APPRECIATED I :::::-:--:::-=:::------38--..,...ttc TBAILIEllll 11 ---0- A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor and Associates 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 58-ltc FOR S ALE--3-room frame house . cheap. To be mo\'ed. 2978 Npt. Blvd. Costa Mesa. 57-2tc John D . Burham 2Q01 Ocean Blvd. Phone ""Harbor 315-Balboa 2 new CaJ>f" Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEA."I FRONT AT CORONA DEL MAR 2-Be droo m Home New $11 ,500 Lots $1500 W. J. Holcomb • Exclusive Agent 1517 C.OSSt Hiway, Corona del Mar Where the F1ags F1y TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your own hauling and movfn~. AD new equipment. $2.25 and S2.50 per day. We tum.fsh the bitch. Myrehn Bl'O!I. Service Statton.. oor. 17th & Newport Blvd.. Carta Mesa. 46-dt AIRPLANES 8Z r AKE A HO P over ·the Harbor ar ea. $2.00: also flying instruc- tion . Competent ex-AAF in- structors. Also dealers for Aeronca and the new globe "Swift" planes. Come to New- port Bey Sky Harbor, one mfle west or C.osta Mesa on 19th St- 58-tfc FOR SALE-Coats. dresses. finest -quality ,.slightly used. bargain prices. Call Harbor 2486-M. 58-4tp right. grand. $200; N i.n coil 58-ltp SPf'ing· mattresses, S25 each: -,=,-,,,-:---:---=-c=,.,,..----:--: tY.i n delu.'IC:e roil springs. S15 _KU_s_1_e_AL __ •_BAD __ 1_o _____ M A.PI' or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wife. W e do not drink or smoke, no dilldren or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W or writ• Box '-X-' Newport Bal· boa N..,.. Times. 37-tfc Business Lot with two sma.ll houses 57-2tc 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom. bath, large room upstairs for- guest. living room, fireplace, kitchen. bedroom and bath over garage, Wan heaters. SAN FRANCISCO -2-bedrocn l&-ft. factory sea sled hydroplane, two oockpits. 32--h.p. Jo- motor. completely overhauled. Including rebore; bas ~ wheel remote oontrol, lots t1 chrome. very fut. Includes trailer. $450. Also 22-ILp_ Evin- rude A-1 condition. S12S. 4411 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. F OR SALE-22-quart pres.sure cooker; end and coffee tables. lamps. 2 matched. 9xl2 rugs and pads. 172 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. 58-2tp 'Wll.L TR.ADE \Vestem ltia.ster Exposure ltie ter for golf clubs, or part of same. 220 Agate. Balboa Island <ln rear) 57·2tC FOR SALE-One man'!! and lady's \Vestern f1yer bicycle \\'ith 2 speed gean, $35 each. All-steel con.structlon patio swing "i th canopy, good as new. $25. Pair of Fronch Sx30-prism blnoculars with cue, $35-112 Crystal Ave .• Balboa llland-57-2tc .. ,., • ..-.. at Ncwo'l" 7 each. Phone Harbor 494. 58-tfc McLEAN'S FURNITURE CO.- Visit our ¥.'ar surplus depart- ment-66-inch oak desks, some smaller : t)'l)eWTiler dnks: steel and "'OO<l files; tables, alt sizes; office chairs. Pric-es righL 2042 So. ~1:ain. Santa Ana. 57-2tc BOATS, SUPPLIJ:S :Ii \V ANTED -Star sailing boat. swing m a.s t . good condition, prl· ,·ate party, phone Brighton 04094-5S-2tc FOR SALE-10 rt. cat ri.g sail- boat: n~· sail, new painL 320 Diamond Ave., &l. ls.le, or call H 2123-J after 5 :30 p.m .• wk.. ~-S-58-ltp Drtn~&ut.. FOR SALE-Upright piano. good HOUSE WANTED for Septomber condition., $200. Phone Beacon 3 to 30: -modern. furnished 3- 5712. or call ~ Westminster bedroom. Prt>ftt close to bay. Ave.. N~1>0rt Heights after Write Bill Stern. 2'l3 H a wthorne 5:30 p. m. 55-tfc Dr .. Ontario. Calif. ~ttp Radio Repairs PERMANENT RESIDENT, EL All makes; tubes. etc. Na,•al officer desires 2 or 3 bed.- Beacon 5763 room home. )"ear 'round-Balboa Island or &n)"''here Harbor BURT NORTON area. Paul Ches ter. South Coast 915 Coast Highway, Newport Co. Phone 2600 or 773-W. Zl--tfc 57. 2tp ~RA..,,,D'"'r"o...,,H"'o"'u"'"s"'E=-CALLS--===---­ Now that additional competent tedmldans are available. we att able to make service call5 on large consoles. All work guar- anteed. HAROLD L. HAllM, S.OS. Radio. 300 Marine Aft. Pb. Horta-7111l. Motte BEAL Dl'IATI!! FOR SALE-OUcken Fryer plant. near Bantow, output 1200 try. en per week. Excellent equip. Two modern houaes. Good water suppcy. Ph. Harbor 2625-.J_ 52--2tp ... ----~ $10,500 Several good Bay Fl'Ollt LoU UY!' ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central. Balboa Phone Harbor 153 58-tfc CORONA DEL MAR, by owner: 35-toot lot In moot closirable sec- tion. On Fernleaf, 1 % bloda from lll>orellne boulevard Priced to aeD-no aa-ents. can Loo AnseJes ~ Gladstono 21121 even1-betftooll 5 and T. 56-3k 2004 OCEAN FRONT l•tory and • half, Z-bodr-oom and bath, large J"()OIIl upstaln for guest. living ' room. fireplace. dining room. kitchen, covered porch with barbecue. lawn. flowen. bushes. brick walks. picket ft'OCell SUl'T<>UOdlng each. beautiful unrestricted view of ocean. These houses open dally for inspection. 52-tfc COSTA MESA home and 2 apartments for in- come, wll1 sell or trade tor N..--t Blvd. property_ Har- bor 1600. 57-tfc &vroa WAN'IU» •.&moe WANim WE NEED LA TE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEf l, YOUR CAR NOW WhDe Prbs are mp. Phone for our ClllUrllecA9 . buyer who w111 can and 123 FLOWER ST., home or bus!· ildwllle )'llU resardblR OP A regclatbll, ee"' C ness; 8 large rooms. 5 bedroom•. prbw 11114 Id I11141E al detalla double gsrage. lot 50 by 150. 1 55-4tp • bl"l'k to center of town. -Jm. ClJLBERTSON CHEVROLHT 00 -Inc, mediate pea., $13,000. °;."':~ ;_ 0.11olet md O' 7 inMe J) 1 t' a · ._, Mnfla foldln at ~,,__-1[4!!, 0 tnlL Nczpawt, j 1171. -Q 1: = 0 $2 ... . .,. _ --... • • T. P. REEDER, M. D . ANNOUNCE• Hla Aa9DC IATI OH I N THE PRACTI CE OF'" MEDICINE ANO SURDERY WITH WILLIAM S. IRETDN, M. D. • 2409 WEaT CENTRAL AVENUE NCWPOAT SCA.CH, CALF'". Harbor Rev. flnd Mrs. Goodell Welcomed at Informal Program T Feminine Activities + • Newport Circle Pledges $200 Toward Building Fund of New Methodist Church Rl!lldeme Phone 1637 ·R F1no1 plans are . expected thla week tar the new Costa Mesa , Four-Square church nn wbich CDn· Radio Artists in 1truct1on1 1s expecte<1 to start Musical Program shortly •t u.. comer ot 0rODll:e avenue and Camillo street. Only At Mesa Church t1>o !int; urut· w111 be complete<! The !erneey or Mrs. R. H. Hill, now, thla consisting of the autli- Sunday morning alter church 121 Albert place, C<lsta Mesa. J v ·ce Pres UDC Central Blble Oiurch or Costa tortum, lputor's study and rour .. ...... ..i: ..... n -v d Mrs E D ,... __ _. made a delightfully cool place for r. 1 • Mesa ft.v Dwl ht L Kinman Sunday school rooms. • -··--·~ .. an . . . ~ the meeting or Newport Circle Continues Round of . ~. g . . • The building will be of s•··cco ell were given an informal recep-w~--•·--with b' bo ts r pastor, announces specia.1 evening "' t . b •-f Ch . Ch ch ~=--.,,. ig uque o S . ) Aff . 1· .: . th'-S d in old English o Gothi I 1on y mern'-"'"rs O r1st llr Mr Hill' dahli ddin t th QCta atrS evange lSuC servtce .L3 un ay, · I r C sty e by the Sea. Rev. Goodell i5 enter· · s . as 8 g 0 e July 28th, with a group or talented of architecture, \\ith steep root ing on his seventh year as pastor display or fuchsias, cacti and other After filling a two-year term gospel singers from the chorus lines, a steeple and three 14-foot or the church and he and his wife nowers. as president of United Daughters choir of the Old Fashioned Re-Gothic windo\\"'S on each side. ""'Uy to outline tentative ll:f&ma roe the com1na: ;rev . - Balboa Tlleatre --.. lllox otlloo 0,.. a& •:11 llloowo NIP~ •:11 a 1:11 I-* -F>Yr.J', Jal7 II: fte bMt: llQSkcy of tNI ratwa~{jjiA'tr m t Stanlltc 0-Tleney ---... -Al-'lO-Ecltlle Alben ... . "Strange Voyage" Satunla,y -Sanday: Maarea O'Hara, IMek eq-were called to the platform while Mrs. W . S. Hunsaker presided of the Confederacy, Miss Gertrude vival Hour World wide broadcast. Seating capacity of the.auditorium Delevan Freitag emceed the wel-and Mrs. George Goeldner led in Montgomery, 211 7 East Cenb'~ These singers will come direct will be , about Z75. Later a· re-~;:;:;:;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!~ coming program. the devotional program basing her avenue, Balboa. finds little change from their broadcast to this gos-creation hall and Crusaders' I o. T. Hebert spoke on behalf talk on the one hundredth psalm. in her activities for as junior past pel musical program. chapel will be added. of the Sunday school and Boad Mrs. Hill, chairman of the "-'Ork 1 president she ls still on a oon-T'wo of their number are the Rev. and Mts. G. Willard moe, llan'J' 1- "Do You Love Me?" Expert Beauticians for Milady • Pennanents, Cold Wave, Hair Styling. Hair Tinting ---Bleach- ln11:, Facials. NO WAITING Foar 8peelall•t. _ Aa. -Carmen • Fnnees -Ara Balboa Inn Beauty Salon &lboalmlAZQde • ';n~ ad ';OJUWe1t .•• a. AUSTIN PORTRAIT Bronzo 6 x 8 Inch size • • • Proofs to select from AUSTIN STUDIOS . We ore fully equipped to faire portrolfs In Home or Church 508"1 No. Main St. SA.i.~T A A.."1 A Satu.rd.AJ'W 'UI 8 p. m.. . Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally. Other e\·enlnp and Sundays by a.ppoln.tmeat N-T 7-25-l.I Freitag for the men's group. Mrs. ~mmlttee. presented the circle ~nual round of teas and installa-special soloists on the Old Fash~ Stearns have r'ecenUy received o. \V . Holtby, president or the wtth $15 earned by mem~rs. or tions. . ioned Revival Hour heard each their reappointment as pastors of W.S.C.S ., spoke for that or ganiJ",a-her committee through ~uilting. Friday afternoon Miss Mont-Sunday aftemoort from the Long the church, this being their sev- tion and l\trs. Stephe n Weather-The Sarah Legg Memonal box gomery and her sister, Miss Lou-Beach municipal auditorium. Their en th year of service heFe. Dur- ford represented the Wednesday was opened &nd the fund of $11.13 ise, are sched~ed to appear at a quartet is also heard each week ing the six years the church out- evening group. will go toward the expenses of a tea and meettng of Wade Hamp-day evening on the Lutheran W:our grew the small chapel on New- Spokesman for the Methodist Blble women in China. ton chapter, Gramme rcy pla~. from 9:30-10:00 p. m . on station port bOWevard, and this was re-- Youth Fellowship was Richard The circle pled,ged ~as thetr \Los Angeles: On August 28 lS KFWB. This fine group of singers cently !sold James Harris of Walln Re Good 11 d part of the W.S.C.S . gift toward the 50th anniversary of the found-represent some of the best taJent Costa ·Mesa is architect of the th er. h v. f e . ~were d the building fund for the new lng of Albert Sidney J ohnson 00 the West Coast in gospel broad-new building and Harold Ketchum hee~r:n~s~:rip~e;;: P~~s:nnt-church and paid $36 toward it. chapter, San Francisco. a nd Miss ~ting. is consulting engineer. ed with 1 1 . . 1 d They also pledged $100 toward Montgomery hopes to go north for One of the features of the serv- a ove y rrun1a .ure gar en current expenses of the church t.hil. . . from the Sloane Begonia Garde ns. r th . ml In r-nt w-ks .-. •'·ters ice W!.ll be a trombone solo by one or e co ng year. ~""' ~ u~ 1.3 who has been with th ~ lion I The choir also had a part in t he! Mrs. D. W . Holtby, W.S.C.S. have appeared at numerous tune--. e a . a program. singing a Capella the president re ported for the group lions. among whlch were the in-· Br~dcasThting Cchompany in Camusical lovely Russian hymn, "Bless Thou 1 of five m~mbers who attended the stallation dinner of Nathan B. wor · e or estra ot . Iv~ the Lord. 0 My Soul." Next Sun-"Christmas in July" party for Miss ForTest chapter, and the tea given church of Santa ~na, Calif .. will day the new grand piano will be Ell Sutr f Or h . by Los. Angeles chapter at the present the musical prelude at . en . em o ange, w o ts 7:15. One of the members of th 1n use at church. Local people who returning soon t o her school in home of Mrs. James L. Stunston. . . . e a.re moving a\\'ay a nd could not Chi a V . . cl fr all 624 South June street. quartet, Mr. Ehas Wiebe will n . artous CU' es om bring the short os I es ' · take the instrumf'nt. offered it at over the county presented Miss l\1iss l\tontgomer y installed of-. . . g pc m sage. a very mocil'rate price as an aid S rr . h al gif d f ' r ., tth F . 'I This service will be held at 7 :30 u , l'rn \\'It person ts an 1cers o 111a e\\' onta1.ne 1• a ury p. m. in the Community Chu?ch of to the church. art1clc>s for her school. chapter and presided at the tea Costa l\fesa. Pla ns \Vc>re made to attend the table at a meeting held at the Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 CoMt Blrflway • Old fashloned ma1ts We mean just th.ls. W .S .C.S. picnic "'hich \\'i.ll be held home of Mrs. E. G. Farley, 229 August 1 at the Corona del !\far \Vetherly drive, Beverly Hills. a A son was born July 22 in Sa nta home or r.trs . Harry \Vestover. feature of the day being the taking Ana Community hospital to Mr. The next regular meeting will be of motion pictures. She also in-and Mrs. \\'illiam Acker, 123 25th August 28 at the home of l\·trs. stalled and prl'Sided at tE'a at street . H e weighed six pounds, Holtby. the me<.'t ing of f\.tary Curtis Lee twelve ounces. Three gu£>sts were present at chanpter at the home of l\frs. Clif-IP-----------.. the n1eeting, Mrs. Nellie McAdams ford A. Wright. 454 South Irving n.nd her sister . l\1rs . °?:Stal Davis boulevard. Los Angeles, using the of Porterville, and l\1.rs. Phil More-symbolical cotton boll ceremony. land, mem ber of Ne \\1>0rt Heights Another dinner attended was circle. Nine me mbers were that of J ohn RC"agan chapter o{ present. Los Angeles, he ld in one of the After the business meeting the private dining rooms a t Clifton's hostess served gingerbread and cafeteria and both also attended fruit punch a t a social hour. a barbecue for 50 guests given by Lido neatre Phone ll&tbor 211• Box Office Open at 6 :45 , .. Shows at 7 and 9:15; l\lat- inee ·Saturday at 1 :45 . Continuous Sunday 2 :15. 11o· OW Sho\\1ng: High School P-TA Adopts Theme "Understanding, the High\vay to a Free \Vorld" is the theme suggested by the National Con- gress of Parents and Teachers \\'hich y;iJl be used by the Ne\Vport Harbor Union High School Pa r- ent-Teacher Association according to the deCision ·or members of the program committee \vho me t re- In .Techaloolor Moaday and -,.: The most hllarloa. doullle comedy show ever urembled -Edward Small"• Cwo ""' altuaUoa comedler: ''Up in Mabel's Room" -AI.SO- "Getting Gertie's Garter" Wedlleoday Only, I""' SI: Dollhle Action P~? Bowery Boys ln 'In Fast Company' -Al.SO- Cbarle8 Starrett ln 'Frontier Gunlaw' Starla Thund&Y; Augu.t l: Excfu.sl\'e Harbor Sc.reenJ.nc --Joan Le&lle. Rob't Battou 'Janie Gets Married' -AI.SO- Baail Rathbone u "Sher· lock Holme8" In: 'Terror by Night' Next \\'eek: "TARS AJ'JD SP.utS'' "DlA>IOND HORSE' SHOE'' "WALLS CAME TUMB- LING DOWN'' "FROM TWS DAY FO&- \\'ARD" . "0. s. S." F AC Exec. Board To Meet Wed. !\Ir. a nd :tl.lrs. Roy C. Black, 9626 Fofth avenue,. Inglewood. 'All Quiet On the Western Front' or World \\'ar D! Open Evenlnp, Ezcept Monday 1 •-----------.0: fVlhl LAST TIME • ~ SUNDAY W' < z c.:: < ..l u: z 0 z c x "" >-a: " CLAIRE TREVOR and ONSW\V STEVENS In Dark Victory IULY ZS TBBU 28 Urnite<I Seating Capacity Reserved See.ts Available at BLUE.SAILS BOOKSHOP PlloaeBarbor9"/8 Or LAplla 191 Openlnc July SOtll: KEENAN WYNN and TAMAHA GEVA ID Petrified Forest PBICES: p .'8 a •uo IDd. Tas '1 2 "ti := 0 c c: n -I ... 0 z "' t'" > '1 c:: z > ,Pr::G, • l\1rs. H . B. l\'l cMurtry, president or the FridaY Afternoon club of Costa ?.1esa, announces that a meeting of the executive board will be he ld Wednesday, July 31. at 2 p. m., in the home of Mrs. Robert E . Ross. 1028 \V. Ocean Front, Newport Beach. NEW LINE I Craft Greeting Cards Stationery Brookings Variety .. 0-.S ....,... c-... ..... ,,_......_ U.. .t QC' w'• a..k. . White House Cafe Phone Sl8% Lacuna Beach, Oallt. Mary's ... Bay & Surf Lido lslers on Northern Cruise Off Thursday ror a ten-day cruise to Santa Cruz were 3 group of Lido Isle people all set for a gay time. Thursday night was spent at Catalina, then on direct to their destination. On their way home they will stop at Santa Bar- bara. On the Pacdolas are ti.fr. and Mrs. Treve Walkie and on the Gay \Vind are 1\1.r. and Mrs. Leslie Wonn \\'i.th a guest, and Art Rob- ertson as crew. On L. Ford Pier- son's No Excuse are l\1r. a nd Mrs. Pierson a nd Carol Pierson. Phone Beacon 5824 Newport &I Co!ita Mesa CAB CO. 24-Hour Service BEAUTY SHOP 703 East Central, Balboa 'A Walk in the Sun' s~ Dana And""" wfth Richard Con te Sund&.)' and Monda3·: Ann S heridan, DennJ.e M6r- p.n, AJexl& SmJth, lack Canon. .Jane Wyman ln- 'One More Tomorrow' with John Lode r , Regtn.ald Gardiner. -AI.SO- Sensa.Uonal New MARCH OF TIME-- 'ProbJem Drinkers' Tuetlday and \Vednesday: Abl.a&e with Action! 'Abilene Town' Starring Randolph Scott and Ann D\'Orak -Al.SO- TectmJcolor Featurette 'College Queen' Sta.rte Thon., Aucuat 1: Tbe wtklest outlaw roundup ever 8CJ"Nlr0ed-- 'Badman's Territory' Non Week: "BLITHE SPIRIT" "FROM TB18 DAY FO&- WABD" "HEB lllND OF MAN'' "MY NAME 18 IULlA BO!IS" for the Ultimate Phone: Harbor 1827 ••• • In Beauty Care VIRGINIA BELL'S MARISKA House of Beauty 80 4 Marine Av e ., Balb oa I s land Hair Shaping HAIR Styling Virginia Bell of Balboa Island Also: Palm Springs and Long Beach Open D a 11 y Except Sunday VENETIAN BLIND Manufacturers We Make Them • A Better Blind "SUNSHINE CORRECTLY REGULATED IN YOUR HOME" Complete Renovating by Our Modem Factory System KUJJ'fFN.IU:R c L E A R .A. N c E Official Immediate Delivery On Made-to-Order Blinds -Up to 36 Months to Pay Our Prices Remain the Same All Dresses Marked at Sale Prices Each dress on ou r center racks have been.checked and .-• - Reduced to Clear For One Week Only Many Exceptional V aloes ' In Our Sports Department . RAYON SUN SUIIB Values to $10.98 ....................... -... --$698 • • • • Hair Dresser for the Beallty Colltest Sanday, Jaly 28th at The FUN ZONE Orkin .' s Department l 'l9S Newport Bhd. Store RlTE-LllE VENmAN BLIND CO. in Balboa •&.21111 '""""