HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-13 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND c·RAB ., SAM HAZARDOUS. 'Jever stand at 30th and Central, New- port. or Broadway and New- port Blvd, Costa Mesa, and watch the cars roar by? And did you try to effect a cross- ing at adjacent points? Un- der the rules and Jaws in vogue by the great state of California, you are in the :!:>- mile zone. But it's much nicer to be alive than right. In a talk with Bob Ross, an- other one of them there ..,,_ tired guys, he asks that something be done to slow down traffic in the business districts on the above-men- tloned streets . Been told that a speeder must be "docked" on a speedometer that shows the maximum speed. Why not return t.O old system of hav- ing officers in ordinary cars pairol the roads in plain clothes and discourage some of the wild passing in Jong Janes of traffic. Too, make it unlawful for a car to be without a fixed windshield, fenders and mufflers that come with the car -that would discourage some of the "hot rod" fiends. Perhaps .the police and county officers pooh, pooh at the idea that many cars race through those two dis- tricts. Just for ·fun, and not in the hope that some motor- ist might hit me, I counted 25 cars in 35 minutes on the Mesa going more than 40 miles an hour in that trade sector, and 40 autos on Central avenue in 60 min- utes that did the same thing, only a mite faster. Anyone trying IX> get in and out of the News-Times parking area any time of the day,. can verify these state; ments. Not to get tougli. but whyinell don't the offi- cials concerned make a nolse like being intelligent about it; forget this poppy- cock about too few «ops and too many other pla~ to go! • • • How Quaint! Noticed an opinion by a Cleveland court that a bonus of $51.000 voted Steebnaster Tom Gird- ler by the directors, was tak- ing dividends frqm the stock- holders. That's funny. You k n o w a corpora ti on is formed, stock is sold to the public and then when it be- gins making money salaries to officers are upped rapidly, thus reducing dividends. Sev· eral years ago had stock in an aviation company, which absorbed another ~m and the president promptly added :sio.ooo to his sal- ary as a vice president of the absorbed firm. When he e.nswe.red my protest he said he was entitled to that small fee for making the deal! Are stockholders people or just the bait for high-salaried promoters? .... McCalleD Quits. Well the race for state senator has narrowed to Jim Farquhar and Clyde \Vatson. as For- mer Mayor McCallen an- nounced he would withdraw. Mac i.s a Democrat, thus leaving two Republicans to wage the battle in the N<>- vember election. Mac is throwing his support to his Huntington B e a c h friend, Jim. Final date for filing is August 17 and understand Watson has already secured the necessary number of sigs and that Farquhar is not far behind. + .. +. G~ Bill Bill Gal-llenne, and debonair lll!a'etary ol the H. B. c. ot C. is now a granddaddy, the "blessed event" happening &mday when Blll, Jr. be- came a proud father ot an g. pounder. This is the first boy born to can-y on the family name, he announced. Congrats! • • • For !be Book. 'Sfunny about inoooipetent g u y s who've done you dirt - they'll always hate you when you expoee them. KEEP POSTED! 1 Year •••••• SI.It la 'CEZ &J" ... ,. .,.. ., C-17 ..... .,...,_ ... Oler*..,..,, .. !'16'• -a , Nw:pwt: ._. .NEWPODT I • .. ~OrapCa t; Wedi)' Newspaper X 'Ill' A_. ... na11 al OrcisU1• . -EMBRACING BALBOA PtNINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA I ~' NV-•• voLmm:wm • I Lighted Boats Parade Here Saturday .Night Pirate Queen Will Reign Over Sea Rovers Festivar Bearded and Swaggering Men of Sea Plan Invasion of Balboa Shores in September- Treasure Hunt Seen as One of Gala Cele- bration Features of Pirate Days Fiesta- Big Parade Is Scheduled. A moratorium on the chore of shaving was declared by members of Balboa's Pirate Days committee of the Balboa Improvement Assn. yesterday when members heard the ..,,_ ports of chairmen of various activities that will hold forth on September 5, 6, 7~and 8. Beards are already beginning to sprout on the business men of Balboa and they should be in full bloom by the time that festivities commence. In fact, they had better be, be- cause those caught \\-i thout proper hirsute adornment are liable to be dunked in the bay or pay stiff fines to a pirate court. according to present plans. Quite a program has been outlined for the gala event, which is being resumed this year for the first time since 1940, and the four days will be crammed with crowd-pleasing spectacles attracting thousands of spectators to this area. Reigning over the entire program will be a Pirate Queen, to be chosen from several contestants entered by business concerns of Balboa. At present there are seven contestanU enter- ed and there will be rpore by judg· ing time, which will be Thursday evening, Sept. 5. Joan Palmer and Joyce Lugo from the Bobby Shop. Jean and Jane Alexander from White's Show Records, Judge Orders Fishers' Union Cales, Carol Fisher from Macbar, LOS ANGELES, Aug . 13.-Fed· Delores Marshall from OUiltian's eral Judge DaVid Ling on Monday Hut and Kathleen Sadleir from ordered the International Fisher- Sadleir Realty have been entered men's and Allied Worken of tor the Queen competition. America, CIO union, to produce The first day will be given over ltt confidential m e mbership and to a private in vasion of the city, a financial records for the examin· parade, the judgin&: of the Queen atio n of the Federal Grand Jury, and a street dance to be held on Aug. 21. Ma.in street. Throuahout the day Judge Ung made the order alter a t)Tannical pirate'• court will the appearance of Charles Mc- hold sway, 3.s it will on the other Lauchlan ot Newport Beach, busl- days ot festivity. ness agent for the Newport Beach Members of the court will be unit of the union: Gilbert Zafan, Lee Day and Gordon \Veevi.l as San Pedro agent of the union; masters of ceremony; Harry Hyde, Harry A. McKittrick, Redondo Jesse Black and Judge Jones, Beach representative, and Frank judges; Russ Bartlne, Herb Kenny. Agliano, San Diego re presentative Lorne Huycke and Roy Keen, of the union. prosecuting attorneys, and Art The four union N"presentatives Bergeron as public defender. were brought to court because On the second day, Friday. there they previously refused to take \vill be a Pirate Kiddies parade, a the financial and m£"n1bersn1p kiddie treasure hunt. a pirate pa-records of their various units be- rade a nd another street da nce. A for the grand jury. Judge Ling, magic shO\\' by F. W . Larg<'n for in his order stated that if the 11 a.m. has also been scheduled. records W('re not produced on the Augmt"nling a parade and the date fi.'ICC'd they would be held in private court on Saturday will be contempt of court and committed an acquatic program and a dance to the custody of the United at the Rendezvous ballroom. States Marshal. Sunday \lt'ill climax the affair The records were tought in an and in addition to a parade, lhereinvesUgation of the ope_ratlons of 'Ai ll be the judging of the pirate the union during a recent strike costumes, beards. etc .. a treasurewhich tied up the fishing industry hunt for all ages t the t reasure will in Loe An&:eles ports. be a substantial re ward. incl· Moaopo.b' laqulry dentally). and a Queen Corona· William C. Dixon, chief of the lion ball at the Rendez"·ous ball· Pacific Coast antitrust dlviaio n of room. (Continued on Pace 4) .!'' i .Tournament·. of Lights fete Expected to Draw 200 Boats This Year's Festival M.,-Top All Past Events in History of Harbor-Uniqueness in Type and Color Scheme of Crafts to Be Featured 100 -Fine Trophies Will Be Awarded by Committee. ~ -. With 165 boats pn:imised and a possible 200 predicted, the Tournament of Lights promiBes to have a glorious post war revival next Satumay night at 7:30 o'clock according to official annotmcement. REUNION of the membWtl of tbe Botuy, IUwaah aad Uons clab8 la the Ne.wport ll&rbor area, an ann.oal affair, took pla.oe f'eCfllltly. Shown biere a re the c:hlet oftlCl!lrs of tbe three cluM, •itll: the spe&lr.er of tbe el.-enlnc • .lobv IL Morley, author and European war eortt.ponclaaL Left to rlcbt: R. L. Callh. Rotutan; R. N. 8tatton1. Rotary club prftldent: Mr. Morley, i.e. Miller, UOD9 club p~dent, and hy Blower, KJwanls club prMidetlt. -photo by Gerhardt. The parade.of lighted boats will be made up in the basin opposite the Balboa Yacht club and will follow west along the. south shore of Balboa Island and along Harbor Island. swinging around the 1uming basin at the east ead of Lldo Isle. where it will cross the bay to 19th street and Harborites Acclaimed As Champs School District Bldg. Volume· ~~~~~ th~N~!':r shore and on down past 'Assessment Leap Swinging in close to the Balboa bay shore and on down Sh b Eck I f 1 0 D the peninsula to between N and M streets, almost IX> the own y e or ays end of the peninsula, It will then cross the bay and follow- ing up the Bayside shore and dia- N;;;,:t'":i';'g': s::ir~~;tri":. ~~~ H*t $81 000 Far~uhar ·WillS =In front of the Balboa Yacht the elementary school district is I s M llen' Vote Trophies, a hundred ot which ;ee!~t~~~~~~~h:"t~s:;14::~0: I C a S ~ ~ ~~~~~7"2S~t = 1946-47, according to a tabulation For Se:nafor511is1 at the Balboa Yacht club. By KENT HITCHCOCK mad<' by County Auditor Les "Eighty-one thousand dollars Rl.meU Craig ia chairman of the Three Newport Harbor men were Eckel. based on figures aaembled worth or new building permits M. M. Mc_Ca.Den, DOt.ed dvtc ooune committee and will be .._ acclaimed Pacific Coast champ-by Assessor Maurice Enderle. were issued by Chief Building In-leader and former mayor at. Hunt-lliated by J A Beek Jim McNally ions when points-were counted The elementary districts \vent spector A. l\1:. Nelson _ In the '?ty ington Beach, with a hon of w. H. Hit~an. Charles Peyt~ after the Southern California up $9,677,825, the 11ame u the of Ne\\-'J)Ort Beach during the flI'St friends throughout Orance cnmty, and aeveral men from the Harbor Yacht association regatta at San gfncral county a.ssHSment district. 10 d&YI of AUIUJt . ! today issued the following 1tate-Mater's deparunent and the fire Diego last "'eek, and some 1ix sl~ the boundaries of the com-Thirty thouu.nd dollars worth ment: !department. The mune comm.lt- more took top honon in the amall ban~ school di1trlct1 are all wBJ for two apartment buildinp, .. On account of tM rapidly ttt will have eight boats and will boats division. within the .county borders: one costing $18.000 and the other ch~ging set-up in the oil and re--patrol the entire course in the in- Harland <Hook) Beardslee add-The 12 high school districts in-$12,000. Approximately $47,900 fining business and my Iii!'* •ry tenst of order, assistance and ed another championship to h11 creased fro~ $234,252,450 to ~.-V1.1orth was for new slngle family absence from home of three ynn aafety. Every boat entered Dl\llt long list when his Rhodes Crulaer 925.675, a •lightly &mailer. marcm dwellings while $3150 worth w1ll in the Marine Corpr, I find H im-. carry life preservers.; Sea Bee came out we.U a.head after of increase alnce aome areu of co into conversion and remodelling PoUible to take t.he time tD ~e A Cout Guard boat will lead five days of sailing, and with thrtt "tht county do not support ADY -wodc on old buildingw in the ha.r-the race for the State Senate, the Tournament and many beau. other Ney,.oport boats following. high school. bor arta. for which post the ~ O:Rmty ti.ful entries depicting life ln and H. Sponholtz' handsome Debu-The junior college distrlcta, James A. Adams of 54 Bayside Democratic Central Cmnmittee on the sea have already been plan- tante. a mahogany 30 square Santa Ana and Fullerton, .in-Ca.mlf. Newport Beach, filed plans has endorsed me. ned and are under construction. meter boat won the special arbi-creased their assessed valuation for the erection of a six-unit "In the absence of mQ" Demo-1be garage behind Tournament trary handicap race of the Ocean from $64,:>44 ,885 to $68.202.000. apartment building with parking cratic candidate ia the r~. J take headqarten on Balboa Ialand ii Racing class Friday, and in a sur-Santa Ana went up from $32,382,-space ·for six cars at 1336 and pleasure in annotmd:n:g D'O' whole-. ~ with activity where peo- prise wtn Harold Caward's Porn-580 to $34,853,380. 1342 West Central avenue, New-hearted supJ'.)Ort of 'l't'IY old friend pie of all ages are busy with col- e ro took' first over John Wash· 1 . This year the Springdale dist~ict potr Beach, to cost $18,000. and fellow toW11sznan, JD Far-ored paper, lights, hammers and ington·s La Cucaracha in the P .C. disappeared from the rolls. having w ·tr A S f 745 quhar. paint and there are beg:tnning to D. kl been me1'<1'ed with Ocean View and 1 iam · ampson ° "I am also aski-that aD of my class. The San iego 5 pdper th •bol ed distr" t al ed. I Raymond avenue. Pasadena, filed ··o appear aome beautiful, lwninoua won all fivt" races but was 1s· e com n ic was v u 1 r t t d 11. "th good friends throughout the coun-fish around the edges of the bay • . . , ....,.857185 h.ch f' . pans or a \lt'O-S ory we 1ng wi be J F qualified on a foul leaVlng him at ..,... . . . ,.., 1 1gure is t ts t 215 S h . ty sure and sign im ~· and. some fine whaJes, sea aer-. . I 2 950 h 1 . apar men a app 1.I'e with 69 points to Caward s 7?· ~ ·~· al h~~her t an ast years avenue, Balboa Island, to cost nominating petition,. a we want, pents as well as_ many other kinds i:!r~it':~ ;~t~rge Strom 1 1 JOl~os;a ~~~:n . for the new fiscal $12·000· ~~th t~~ ~~~~a~: :!v:U:t 0: of ~:tiv~er:;:!uc~d Nelson A fourth NeOA•port Harbor boat. year has an estimated secured A. B. Knesel of 1004 E. Main a great number of names but a (Doc) Stafford will be on hand El Perri to of Lido Channel anchor-! valuation of $4,240.630. while it street. Alhambra. filed plans !or lot of good workers. far the came Friday and Saturday, with a crew age but owned by a Long Beach had an unsccuted valuation for the the building of a f\lt'O-Story house of good government." of electricians to give lighting and m~. Ben S . f\1c.Glashen, was previous fiscal year of $374,980. \lt'ith detacha ble garage at 1718 wiring help to all entrants. Elec- named P acific Coast champion The estimated total i!I $4,615,610. Miramar drive, Balboa peninsula, Lost and Found tricians and carpenters who wouJd power cruiser following tJi.e l>tt-the estimated cost being $9500. . like to help with the Tournament dieted Jog races Thursday and EdV1.'ard A. Rogt"rs of 204 <?<>1• 1 ~ill Turner of Compton told should volunteer at headquarters Friday, 1t1cGlashen's overall per· Ask c·1t"1zens line avenue, Balboa Island, filed potoohkce'o~~turtis~~~ ~ mme-~ •t the Balboa Island terminus of 91 F plans for a one-story dwelling ,, ...... . ~ ... ~ cenlage of error being . . or 500 0 _ fro-his car _ ... :..a. __ _...ed the ferry. . . ed · with garage at ~gonia .. , wv••n..:u --.-... the Thursday race he tum in avenue, Corona del ~ar, $6900. near a pool hall in Newport. Mrs. Leslie ~teltensen, cha.ir· the lowest percentage of error Vote to Jo*1n Police w··e t~d Ia·-..... __ .. _ ... man of the mu~uc commi_ ttee, h.u ever recorded .. 54 and on Friday Arnold Taylor of 414 Avocado ~ UI o.c. ... ua~ uau secured some fine mU11dans with he acored 1.41. Second and third, avenue, Coron adel Mar, plans the found Uie poles. different kinds of i.natrwnenu and respectively, were Little Lady IV erection of a one-story dwelling will be glad to supply music to (Dick Dwyer), overall points 1.15 w B d at 442 Poinsettia avenue, the Calb.pe Wla Ptq suit the plan of any boat desiring and Miss Spitfire (Ben Menniere), ater oar· estimated cost being $5500. M. Eitlste Co."s Calliope will It. She can be reached through J .96. Harold L. Keeler of 623 West play for the Llghts fete Saturday. headquarters. telePhone 62-J. F M h • I c Other finals .are. Rhodes 33-Palm drive, Arcadia, plans the arm ec anlcs Ourses l, Sea Bee lHOOk Beardslee), 341.$: erection of a one-story house at 2, Ruth. T. G. Myers, owner and On Tuesday, September IO, the 3612 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, Bob Allan. skipper, best on elapsed citizens or three Orange county to cost $5500. Changed Trends force City A Off d b Ho h s h I time, 2\l\4; 3, Nimbus (Or. Lester areas will vote on the proposition P. A. Barrett of 1127 Garoly re ere Y lg C 00 Lowe\. 29)>; 4. Cri>pin Il CBill of annexing to the Coastal Muni· boulevard. San Gabriel. pla ns the Jo''-'. ·pai w t di · building of a one-story house at .... .. ' ct a er strict as a means Ocean Racing-1. Dcbutante (H. or gaining a dmission to the Metro-1104 \Vest Central avenue, the Vocational agriculture. \1:hich 1 sor-nething while lea.ming:. Fit-Sponholtz): 2, AJura (Alex lrv-politan Water District of South-cost to be C$3500S . h f 502 J Ing) •. 3. Lee"'·ai• {Dave Lee). ern Cali"forni·a. . Richard . tan ope o as· due to \lt'8J' conditjons. has not ting and showing of livestock at · · Co d 1 Mar To Seek New Water Supply •--ng the 23 entn· .. we~ Ray· Th h th Cl r mine avenue. rona e , Newport Beadl been offered at Newport H.aroor fairs and shows is encouraged as .IUllV .... e t ree areas are e ty o li ock '"'-mond B. \Vhite's Rival Ill and Ne'A...v..rt c-ach. the City of Brea. plans the erection of a one-story cials did not tak Union High school for the past "·ell as crop and vest Ju .... ._..g ,....... ~ d llin t 605 I · avenue the Commodore Hen~ Grandin's Dra· and the Fal-·i·ew F·-· distri'ct. we g a ris • matter of enten three ye-an, will again be one of and grading. Practical field trips • 3 • • ~ ..... t t ••~ goon On which Mrs. Kent Hitch-Each of these oommuruu·.. had same 0 cos ~· tan Water District the depanments ot the school. are a pa.rt of the course to enable . Leo H f RJversi·de · COCk crewed, but because the wind f"led ·ti "th th board f n essman • o , they were bt'ou&b A course in vocational agricul-boys to see what others are doin&:. I pet1 ons Wl e o b 'Id dditi t h . ture includes work in farm me· Boys studying vocational agrl-dropped to a whisper about half directors of the CoasW Municipal plans to w an a TI9onW oBa11 wt th facts about Of th. .ntn·-did not finish. W ,_ distri . . present structure at . Y of their own chanice or shop as well as crops. culture are eligible to join the lo-'--" aUC'r ct requesting pemus-N th t livestock and farm management. cal F\Jture Fa.rmen ol. Ame:rica coming in under power. slon to annex. Under the law, avenue, East ewport, e cos system In • per The coor..e of study is designed to chapter or club which ls a part oJ Barney Lehman, who had a good e~ch of these petltic;>ns. in order to H1:w~·Dutton of 209 3Sth Wation ch&llC"fS. fit the needs of the community in a state-and nation-wide organJ-start for the Star championship, to. be deemed sufficient, was re-. street, Newport Beach. filed plans When they ~ -cipal offi· e too aa iowly the ·ng the ll<1ropoll- >)'Sf.em nnW t '-to fatt the m.dequacy wen-water llUpp!y iocl ,_ p-eat PoP- told Ill)' A. L. Aleck» caa-att· 1M4 -.tmre which it is: taucht; therefore, the zation mafl.e up ot boys &11 over wu unable to overcome the handi-quired to bear the 1ignatw'e! of at, for the re:modellln&: of a building Sonderegcer. Les subject matter is determined to a the United States and poaeulms. cap of having" entered • new boat leu-t 10 per cent of the nwnber at 3510 Lake street, Newport fnc engineer Iii large extent by the type ol farm-1be club elects otticers, holds without the opportunity ol lonJ of voters in the affected area Beach, the job to COit $1500. wu-a atead(y depllttlaa ing in the community. Basic agri-meetings. sends dl!legates to state hours tuning up necesaan' to put that had voted at the lut guber-Couch & Phillippe of 215 San increased no-cloUbt Ill)' --the. de- culture subject matter is included meetinp or may even send con-a boat ln racing cOn<lit.ion, not natorial election. In each case Fernando stttet, Loe Ange18, m.andl from the ~ .. ..-. t---also in order to ~t a well testanta and deleeates to Kansas countin& the fact he wu radna the petitlona Wft"E' found to bear plans ·to put an addition for a tural develUpnev balanced <:<!WV for ~ gain& Oty to the natiooal COl1Ventlan against four of th• nr-t sldppen ...,... than the roqulrod number lhtte-roam clwelllnc Into their that In tlle period--lMI to Into ~led fielda or moYiJ>it to wtUch In itoolf is a 1ibonll educ&-of Western Star boat no.ts. In· of lllpatura 9 l!Hll the dtT olh«' sections of the country to don. cludin& two world'• champ!ona. Terms and conditl uncl presently awned bui!dlnc at 41 the pJOitlcm .L ne ---e"• ID a•••ae far.m. During the put WHla Eleln Flnala ...... 1. W•nch C.ub Brown which th• threo comm.:'-~ Hdlotrope avonu., •Corona d!'l Its pwnplnc pfa The -t piano att for two Hall. the .--tklaal apicultutt of San DloSOl. !581'; 2, S-.t V be anneir.ecl tO the Coutal lllunl-Mar, the aame to coot $1800~ at -added: •• • -p\Jrl .. sections or fl"lUPS of bo.l'>; ono lnstnJctor, bas called "*' moot of (Barney Lehmonl. 55\!o ; a. North dpe.l Wat .. district • ...., .. t forth Unen.:::u.E. ~ ~ • ...,.._ thon11>t !-. group to indudr mostly juniors the boys alpied up for agricultutt Star (Lowd! North), 55. In Ju\y by action of the board of the ettetl.,.; of 0 ono-otor)' repafrsSonA~ and senion and the OCber moetly fOl' the com1nc yar In order to PIC a ......... 1. S.-~th HeaY<ll directors of the M•tropolitan -~-tlo equipment at -< .. or - freshmen and aophornoroS. Eadt meet tl>eir pveots and find out (J>ouy Slater), 35'K ; 2, Aglllta Water district. The conditions In-with •= ... ~• n would ooot U.. ' • ~ -the thr.&me lh+ lei a.at it ~ seaAJOD tor Ye ,._ ,_ group wiU meet for two periods the Individual lnte....ts of the tW. Rempell. 29; 3, Clipper (Hil· eluded the payment over a period 327 Marine avenue. the ...,,. to new wen.. pw each day and ~ doublo boys. These home vUits are liard Brown). 28. of 20 years of the "back taus•• coot $1000. pipellner to llle- cnodiL It will be poosible f<>< tho'Jght to be of a dottnlt• advan-Ten Mettt a-l , Sirius (Roy which U.... areu "'ould have peJa J. H. Gar-. of 100% Coast He said It waa --I -· freslunan boys onterlna to take a tage as • better Wldentanding Hqg). 11 % ; 2, SallY (Ed Cob-had they been a part of the Metro-highway, N"""l"'l"t Beach. plamr to parcel ""' t.or a !u1l four )'ffl' couno in agr1cu1. can be n•ll:hed between the boys. •rly). 814 ; 3. Santa Marla (Pier polltan Water district from the be-~a double garaeo on hls prem· llUPPIY .-l!Dttl:Fm ii!' ...... ture. their parents and the school. Darul. 5. cfnnlng. laes. the aame to "'l"t $1000. W.u;, on No. Z k...___,,_ ---Some of the ""'"' ~tailed and Below is a list of those boYll al-Calllornla 32 a...-1. Altamar . Final authority for the camnc f ject to ~ practical pba-of the wwk in-ready ~ for the auic:ultural <Donald Douglas Jr.>. 71'; 2. Eaca-of annexation .iect1om 1n the Gas Station The t ter. The 0 .--udl -.. S151,000 dude home projects whJcb the course. Aey otben wlshlni: to pode t WaltB Elllottl.101'; 3. Am-thn!e areu took lhe fonn of or-u a 1-&rY imprcs I ·-$; I --boys are roquitt<I to cany a1ona sign be!,,... or at the begjnnlng or!ta fWalttt f'ralu). 9%. cllnancH adopted by. the board ol Edooln Tonne, monapr al the fluwued ap<m. with their sc:boo1 study. n.-of !lchool should contact Mr. lllll. Six Metel'-1. ~ (Ema-directon of the Coastal Municipal Newpcrt-JUcbflekl Udo --.iee uid that tlle d!T project5 -tbe bo,)-. to put the wcatlonal auic:ult= instroc>-Spear), 20%; 2, Lanai (8ID Water cllatrlct. 1totion rei-ted to the police I.he a ~ A --I :t ,,., *av -Into pnctb the subject matter tor. or Mr. Hamblet tbe vlcel>rin-Slator), 20\!o ; 3. Rebel (Alan TM 011 ot New...-t -tboft Sahll'dlly nlcf>t at S75 ,,_ paroel i-.. ~study In dm u -U u eam cipal. (0.-• s._ llwl (Cbrt' 1 I GD s._ 4) tbo iutkm WI*-·· ft ~--• l • • he 18ld. the source of supply would a longer period but re- of the cost of the location ls. the affect of the over- pouible contamination depletion of ground water rematned a live hazard. dtY of Newport Beach UIUl'1!d of a permanent wa- lllPlllY, the growth of tbe dty limited,"' the c:onoultlnc dedattd. .erve for prdlea of the we! dralt on and storage "It the lo not tu will be fach.eer n..... WU DO doubt that the Loo knew what he ..... taldnc today when the harbor loOlrlnc forward to lta ~ In hlot«7. It -In the predicted ...,.. "-Ian .-for -is --!Inda l llonof ~amoro-t .,...,. for it. IJ'UWlllC lion. tlllftll7 ol _.. 'lb&t D"•f.rislel la why ,_ the pr..ut authorities beU... that only one place where tho7 permanent oupply of wa- 111-•t time and at leut the dty of • lllPlllY of water In case of ._.. ...U ... In cu. of a clruuPt theft lo eanpta ter.at the -pn«9* ...,.._ -that hr i:llob lo the Metropolitan w .. let.,.-. '"lbe only way the dty of N_. -..., &ft MebopulltM Diltlk:t wattt;' So+*'-' aldlnJ.9M.-i.tD Oa•t81 ~ DJitatct. ~ Water -jallltlle -· ...... ., M&b> . "'• w-Dlatald • ' . .. ""\ .... • • • ' An Everlasting Sllstainiag lal.!!w~~.~fu~rus~REMARK~.E~-~ .. ·!::i·"..!l~~-_=!..!1~ .. , 1!!!~!...B_ITU_A~-. R-l-ES-,-,-RO-FES--S-10-NAL--1>-.-,R-E_C_TO_R_Y-.. B7 NO-.ui c. 8CHLJ(lHl'Ell Joshua stated It thus: , 18 ''This book of the law aball ..Ot -· IOllK PlllLUP8 &OOOllNTANT HDllUIAQ • IRIMllON8, D.O. .... ,.,,. NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES :!Za'.!..~.=~-=J..!J:::S, • ,,.. v:*: J . c.~~-y11,u~lmoWD depart out .ot thy mouth. but thou ''Laws anct lmtitutlam. .. said , . ..,_, ~ ended I 8 W YT• rgu~ ahalt meditate thereon d&y -Thomaa Jeff "m t hand A visit to San Glomente • • B ., &abocription Payable In Adftnoe:-$2:!!0 per ,_. In 0ranp County 'merchant. with fo<ty·tbree YeeR night, that they mayest -to In hand with~ ""ot '::.e hi>-In trqedy for the family of Mr. u.!!!.-.,, ';:;' ,,:!!. ::!"-Dr. W. T. Mooney l'IQllrt· ..a 8mcn•* ..., _ Oloitel .... ......,.. ...... , ..... SZ.75 per year to 4th -: '3.-00 per ,_. to 8th -of buslneaa experience behlnd him. do according to all that b written man mind As that becoo>es -Mrs. J -~tlnez. Ogle ,_ ;:;;;;;;;;;;;-';;;-;~;;;~;;;;;;-;;;;,;:;;;;-;,';;;;:'i'~~;;;;:;t;c;o;;;;;;;tii;;;;;t;: believes that bulinea ls conducted therein: for thou ahalt inake thy developed more enlJ"""'•--more street. Colta Mesa. last Thursda.y 97 rt:: .sJ.--=. ..:S ~ E:n.Uftd u Secon&:M::lasl matter al tlle 0 1'ast.alftce in Newport Bx cb, now upon a hl&her ethical plane way prosperous. and then thou new ~eries are ~urn. u when their year and a half old &Din ~ •••t califamla. under the Act al. llan:b 3, 1819 than ever befcre. shalt ha\'!' good IUCCftl." truths dilclo9ed.. and ~ = child cr~wled on the San,ta Fe -.:._. ;...:--....: ._ SAM D. PORTER PubHme-'"There II more truth In adv.,.._ Joshua knew only the . P,,,,ta-oplnlms change with the change .track a.lld was killed by the --.. F. G. FROST Edit« tlsingtl "°:Jdthan i:"' ~Ott;~ tew:b, but ~ words are even of c:ittumataJ>ces, institullono must s~. An Inquest wu ~ ------------,1 ~;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:·-;-:; W. F . 'DIXON -• • -Adwrtisina M•u ,er recen Y an t er. truer about the teachings ot tht' advance al.lo and keep DRn.o with Monday a t Grauel Chapel, Cost3 A8i•ilSOT rawm•n•~ ... Prtntllac Plant, 3011 w. Central Awaue. Newport B m t:f>, California makes for mere cuatomer ooafi-New Testament I.Do. the times.." " r-...-Mesa, when the crew ·of the train Offidal Paper of the City of Newport Beach .& DES tMe 1.-1 ' UI I'• Ill' 0..-11 "I'_,. Active Member · ·of .. :pill llll-!IHl!ll ... 1'11::1lllill 11l \tl l!-llJ19Utllllll ll••• ••111-lllUIUI UIJllJllUl lltl\IHllllUlllllllJ i OORRAL DUST § i ___ ... • Reputation is Jl.\_e 4 , ~era now-it hul.s but aJways i show.s---wuaUy cToo~cd . ~ }ACK LINDSLEY . ~ • .. .. -----·-·-·'"''ll.U1Ji9tllllllltlllUP0 IU~ ... ,, .... "'''"''"''"""IJ'.,..,19', ...... -111191111111!1.. -." Salute to the Skipper!! For the 25th year the News-Times dips its hat to that grand old man of Newport Harbor who Is responsible for the Tournament of Lights-Capt. Joseph A. Beek of Balboa Island, genial secretary of the California State Senate. No man has worked so hard and so pen;istently to make the Tournament of Lights the most colorful fete in the state as Captain Beek. He was as active as a leader in the promotion of the Battle of Manila and IJluminated Parade events of 1908 and 1913 as he is today in the Tournament of Lights. Joe Beek ls entirely responsible for the success of all past light tournaments and every citizen in Southern California who en· joys the pleasure derived from a visit to the annual illumin· ated floats parade on the water should doff their hats ,as we do again and again. to that dynamic (did we say, old?) we meant young man of Balboa Island. May God keep him with us for many more sights of the Tournament-of Lights. Press Centennial A century ago at this time when some of the most m<>- mentoos events in California's colorful history were taking place there was no vast world-wide system of wires and cables to rush the news to waiting presses, nor were there any radio networks to broadcast a play-by-play account of developments. California was an isolated, distant land little known to the world and not much better known to the early settlers who lived here. News of what took place at Monterey or Sonoma or San Francisco didn't l'll!lch the east 1mtil weeks or months later. Even those who lived but a comparatively few miles from the scene of important happenings often did not learn of them until some time later. That was in 1846. But this is 1946. California is now as close to the far cor- ners of the globe as news wires and radio can make it. This means that our centennial celebrations are not being ~ scured from the world as were the original events. Observance of the Bear F1ag Revolt an dthe raising of "Old Glory" at Monterey were reported far and wide by press and radio. Now another celel:>ration-the centennial of Cali· fornia's first newspaper on August 15-is al5o to receive ex· tensive publicity. In order that California might "tell the world" about this event as it occurs the state's largest bank is sponsoring a special broadcast of the festivities which edi· tors. public officials and others will attend. This centennial celebratioo has particular significance be- cause the press has played a vital role in the progress of Cali- fornia ever since the first edition of the Monterey Californian was published. Today, the newspapers of the Golden State rededicate themselves to the preservation of a free press and to the task of keeping their readers among the best informed people in th world. To the Rescue . ·1 ' ,. . •..," I It's not difficult to imagine how 44 young ladies felt whEn they recently arrived in San Francisco from New Zealand to ITllUTY their G. 1: sweethearts to learn that a new law re- quired each of them to post a $500 bond before going ashore. Cash was short with most of them but tears were in abun· • dance. Who could have conceived such a cruel la\Y , and why hadn't they been notiried of it before they left home? The girls wondered what was going to happen to them. But every cloud has a silver lining--and the silver in this particula r lining turned out to be the real thing. Hearing of the plight of the fair ladies Bank of America crune to the res- cue. Apparently figuring that "banking for the Misses" was just as much in order as "banking for the masses" the bank sent a representative down to the boat armed with a pocket- ful of cash--and romance. In a short tiine the young ladies had been loaned what they needed to make up their boom and were free to go ashore. Well, undoubtedly the gals think better of us oow than they did in those dark hours when land was so near and yet so far. And we'll bet they ._. dreamed that bankers cwld be so warm-hearted and romantic. But this is California, the land ot romance-and California lives up to its reputation. • Cemplete :fountain Service at HANSEN'S Newpuli NOW ~ BVZNIN08 MAID • UNDWIClllll • BAllJltJM9PN ... ~Old dence. Moat cutthroat competition w xone:rattd. lr-------------~1 has been turned Into ~auon, Mr. ~y's stores did forty-I rise to remark that I hope u e Armand Mon• ...... A. V. AndJew .. M.D. -~ alx million doUan more buslneaa 'llesldea the P8"'nts the baby •o-.v and men who want to succeed In In 1944 than In any previous year mo<e e:ldtlng pews, and more Im· Is survived by the grandparent&, AllCllr1'llOr ... ..,..JI( ::.."::'"th:w~~can,::: ~: which brought the ~ar·a bus~ =~~ ~p~~:.:'. Mr. and..=; J;' =-ot 1tbe BU W. 8a7 Aft,, Bsllaa esteem." to five hllrldnd. and thirty-five and from Wuhington too, if you same a . ra le'J'\ ces • .. ln& -IRJWJllOl'f Mr. Penney emphasizes that million dollars. That he ia a pros-wish. did not cause one item from were held at IO a.~-~ ~t 1111 •·• •••• Aftri. these encoura.cinl vtewa come perous businessman these fillJreS Congress itself. to be overlooked W~tminster Memonal park. IM ~ NOa '1' "" U1 o...t -...... •rt. - 0.-tol- !rom his busineu experience ol atteat. That he hu tried to nm last WMk. · teni.y and today. ~bwrl~ln aGod'ccordlngBooto all that For the ~ aehlnc its Nancy ;:~Ii~· .:,U:ed Tnurs· <JlllllOl'U.aro.a As 1 YoWI& man his comumlnc q t~ • k his bus!· feeble courqe In both handa, shut .... t ~-home 175~ Albert ambition was to be both a OU"t.-neu methods attest. tta e)'ft. took a lon& breath, and ~ 8 '-IO' • ~ r------'------~ I lob IL 0. Cllug, K. D. tlan and a IUCOeaf\11 bualneuman, His faith In our country'a future puaed the ''Lellllatlve ile«gan-Place, Costa Mesa. She had Ileen Warnn Dn:gl•• ....... le and he believes that Ouiltlan ahould be encourq:ina to UI all iution Act •• CoQgrea has reor a tt1ident for 21 yeas and ls rur-Dr. W~ 0. Wacw Pl) Its_. •as•• 2·' T-8:30 and by aa><>lntment Pe1ocm 5075 111--* 1M ...... faith and Christian Uvtn& eo hand "I beUeve,'' he aaya, "we are ganlad ltadf!' • . • Viwd by a son, Charle& Wells of ·Ollropractie, Dietetics, In band with buslneaa auc:cea. HJ! eolng to get on and up and ahead Serloully I 'comlder tbla one of Coota Mesa; a dauehter, Mn. Physlo & Colonic 'lberapy ii a great believer m· one everlut-ln this country of ours. We are not the im~t atepe; forward in a Edna Wells of Redding, eight lng, sustaining law, which la ex;. coin& to be afraid We are Coln& century. I have worked penonally grand~dren and seven great-1119 ODut 111.t... 8-tll ~--~ pressed several places ln the Bi~ .. to trust in God and ••ork." on it aince I have been in Wash-grandchildren. . 1..-a ._. .._ ... ington. and wu cme ol ~ ad-Funeral services \\Te held Satur- vlsory group which met during day al 2 p. m . from the Harold the preparation and pre9e11tation Grauel chapel with the Rev. G . Boatsmen Told . HOWSER They Mist Pay of the bill. Tacky I Hw 8 aecond Willard Stearns officiating and I..-------------· bill -the ~. 00 which interment was in Falrha\'en ectne-Clinical Laboratory t.mmce B. Darey, 11. D. Physician " Surgeon 3%1 lllart.e A-, Transport Taxes The transportation tax of 15 ~ must be collected from passengen on all boats whether trolling, live bait. or live bait charter boat. This fact, Ralph L. Hillman, de p- uty collector of internal revenue, Santa Ana office. explained to the boat operators of Ne\vpor t Harbor at a meeting or the Sportfishing Association or Newpor t H a rbor in the American L<-gion Hall. Effective today a 100 % tax penalty will be collected if a ny operator fails to collect the tax from his custom('rs. Trolling boat opeorators are allowed to declare non-t axable the cost or any fishing equipment, bait. or rood rurnished, which reduces the tax slightly. On live bait charter boats a nd live bait day boats that furnish bait. only the reasonable cost or the bait may be deducted from the cost of the fishing trip as non-ta.x- able. Barge operators only have to pay tax on' the transportation to a nd from the fishing barge. Boat opera tors attending the meeting were: Frank Bell. Earl Tibbits, Ray Kimball, J. E. Olorley, J . B. Adams. George H. Miner , Joe Bailey, McCullah Bros.,~ Norman Hagen, D. W . King, Andrew Brockett, J . H. r.otills, Edward B. Erickson jr. C. M . Tucker, Harry A. Miner , George R. Graves. Bud J . Handy, A. Herskind. Frank L Griffin. Pepito Perez, E. C. Wilson , E. J . Lane, Fred J . Wagne r , Eddie Of- ferle, M . L . DcGrasse, Glen A. Soden, Robert Fry, C. A. B ickha rt, Norman J . Begg, Ed"'ard G. Fruehan, J ess Skeen , E. Groenen- dyke. A. T aylor a nd George H. Cole. Human Engineering Is Nation's Need Huma n engineering has not kept pace with physical engineering, in the opinion of 'Eugene Holman. one of the nation 's outstanding pet- roleum executives. "The fi eld of social problems- and what is coming to be called social science-has in the past been marked more often than not by solutions based on emotion r ather than one reason," Mr. Holman says. "The techniques of the scientific method-the r esearch' for fact~ outstandingly successful in the physical side or our civilization have not as yet adequately been applied to our social sphere. ''This neglect should be repaired. It is ironic. in a v.•ay, that "''e have not approached solution of our social problems with the same technique or thorough organization and open-minded sear ch for truth that v.•e have come to accept as routine in physical science." Mr. Holman n1akes sense. Ye t the attempt · to apply these prin- ciples to the present "horse-and· buggy" organization of congress lirnP6 along in congressional lassi· tude. Truly. we ha\·e a long, hard road to travel \O realize ~tr. Hol· man's aims. SCORES TRUMAN I have worked for ten yeara. It tery. Oftloe -..: I . ,.- Jets up agrlcul tural research on a - bub which will give marketing Mary Avery -bT _..._ --• th · Mary Avery, 84, Balboa Island rese.. ..... e same unl)Ortance as TD.EPBONE BAllBOa m prod ~ ch """'-resident for the past two years, uc ... on resear . .1 wo prog-tau w. ClabU Aft. resslve victories in one season. passed away Wednesday evening Uqder the Reorganization Act! at St. Joseph's hospital in Oran~e. '------------.....! the number of committees in the Mrs. Avery leaves one daughter, Senate \\ill be reduced from 32 to Mrs. Martha J . Allen and seven DAY llCBOOL President Truman's veto or the 15 and in the House from 48 to 18. grandchildren including ::OunciJ-1 r-------------. tideland quitclaim bill a nd the ac-More important. the jurisdiction man Robert Allen, J . W. Arnold, Mortimer School tion or the House of Representa-of eac}, committee will be re-es-and Thomas Runkle, all of Balb0a IOI Clora.I Balbotl &1aad tives in sustaining the veto drew tabh~hed. You have heard me com-Island. a nd 10 great-grandchildren . Grades: Ooftece, ~ sharp comment today from Dis-ment on agricultural bills going to Services were held Saturday SUMMER SCHOOL trict Attorney Fred HoWser of Los S('veral di rferent committees. at 1 p. m . at the Church of tho? o -·· I t F t La · 0. A. M ortimer , M . .a.. Orlord Angeles, nominee for attorney The \Vays and Means Committee ~~iona 8 ores wn Ul Prtampal Phone ~r 152 general of California. and the Appropriations CommittC'C Glendale. Entombment \viii be at will mAnt togethe• and v· th Forest Lawn with Baltz li+fortuary, ~-------------' "The tide and quitclaim legisla-"-"' • re 1ew e tion now defeated by President financial situation and the prob-Newport Beach, directing. Truman's veto has clouded 'title to able de mands for the year .. They millions of dollars of private and v.·iJl then report to the Congress, public property in California. lt and on this r eport. and the Presi· involves the v.•elfarc of every ci\i-dent's message, the Budget \\•ill be zen of the state regard.Jess of his based. You do it }'Ourself e very or her calling," Howser declared. year; you figure how much yo11'll have a nd set up your expenditures. "The state wtll lose millions of We have appropriated ri':'!t and dollars in r eve nues should an ad-figured later; that's · one rE:,tson verse deeision be handed down by "'e have a 260 billion dollru' debt. the Supreme Court which now has Committees will be staff('(}. ·nie under consideration the claim or Legislative Counsel will be in- the federal government to these creased. There are changes in the la nds. rules of each House. Claim hills Mrs. Harold K. Grauel or _Costa Mesa and daughter. La Noma, left Tuesday ror Lake Preston and Madison, S. D., wher e they \vill \.isit Mrs. Grauel's mother, Mrs. Lawrence Jenson. and 11.lso her brothers who live in Madison. Doralee's Shop Opens Saturday DENTISTS Dr. Obed L11cas DENTIST Z%02 V, W. C-tTat. Barbor ldO NEWPORT BEAOR DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST _..,.._ Gordon M. Gl'lllldy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 1().12 a.m.: 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll.1wlclaD -&ma-- Hours: 2·5, -y Appointment Talepbone Beacon 5848 Ul B""""-7 Ooota M- Milton M; MuweO, M. D. 1!101 0...t m...., Ooroaa. del Mar Office Hours: l <>-12 : ,2-5 l'llmMBarborl- "It has been my repeated pledge will go to a Court of Clail!'l:i. to the people of California that if Bridge bills will go to the "Nar elected attorney general, I will Department. Records will be pt'C- use every resources of the office servl'd. Committees will 11ave to to cofnbat the encroachment of the give time to hear less lmlJ(>rtant federal government into the toV· bills: there are many changes, big erelgn domain of our state. Should and little. N ewest shop on Balboa I sland l8SS Weat C-lnl S. R. Monaco, Ill D. is the Doralee's, 311 Marine ave-PlloDe Barbor Hl-J this matter remain pending It will I suppose what people will hear require the collective effort of all mQSt about are the two sections the citizens of the state to defeat affect ing the pay of merpbers and the disastrous effect of this cloud the r etirement provision'i. ·r0 us on titles which have been held In· in the Congress, they are the least violate since California joined the important, but I am gl&d to see Union . them included. ''Already the cons istent and It is increasingly di(rtcult to steady acquisition of physical keep good men in the ,Congrc>SS . properties within California's The strain ts very great and !he boundaries by the federal govern-financial rewards have not bf.en ment has resulted in hundreds of commensurate. A surprising part thousands or acres of land being or the year·s salary has gone to placed under feder al control. If pay expenses. The increase of this trend is not checked the sov-$2500 will be effective w ith the ereignity of the state will be re-next Congress, and the expense duced t o a minority interest in the item. adopted a year ago as an domain within its 0 '4'D boundaries. experiment. is made permanent, tf our governme nt is to remain a and specifically labelled. As to the constitutional union of soverign retirement provisions, Congress states this trend must be re~rsed. has been the only part of the gov- nue, which opened Saturday all Newport 814 Bay Ave., Bal1- prepared to make custom·tailored '---------------' llarbor l 'IU slip covers and draperies. They Ml S. IDB IU:.. L09 •_.p 1 will aho make slip covers for lamp IN8UBANOIC By TU._ '711J shades, a new id~a. and later on,,..-------------~ i ~----Aj)poln---""""--t---J will be prepared to make custom· 11 designed lampshades. Lincoln NaUonal Ufe Proprietors of the shop are Dora IDsurance Co. Gerald Rausa, M. D. Moulton. a local girl and grand-"It. Name ladicMM It. ~" 2830 West Central A- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ...... W~lker, Z1th street, and Lee DON n:B.NIGA}lf l':JEWPORT BEACH Arezone of Balboa Island , who Pbone ll&rbor !M-B Pb.one Har-bell" lOll was former ly in the same business 808 Marine Ave. Balboa IIJ. !fo aoawt1r : e.u B9uoe INI-& in Cleveland, Ohio. They will go to '--------------, ____ x_·Ray __ Serv1 __ °" ___ ....J the homes of customers, making r-------------, estimates and ad,,sing on style, OCCIDENTAL r-;;r;-.-;P;;-.-R=E=E=D=E=R,-M._D_.~ colors, materials and decorative and schemes. LIFE INSURANCE CO. D-WM. S. IRE'l'ON, M. D. Joe: "W omen are braver than _.-.qy Nielsen ~clam and S.......,.. men.'' ....,._ aN A .we.& Pllllelft N09 W. fJeatnJ Moe: ''They cer tainly are-you t1a: S. ":::'As::--........ .._ Telepbone 11.a.rbor 88! never saw a man try on six suits '-------------2 ._ ___ N_''.:«_h_•-__ 1_a94_w...:_ __ _ of clothes with only 30 cents in his pockets." l'UBUO 8TENOQ1l4PBD HORTJOIANS We are blessed with rich resources ernment not under some retire-------------- 1,1,:hich have been developed by the ment plan, and when I see men should have been adopted long ago. courage and sacrifice or those who whose age suggests retirement, I t will mean little to me personal· built this great commonwealth or unable to r etire because their u re ly, but in the long run, it will help abundance. To permit the seirure has been give n to gainless public to a better Congress. Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourselves the Better Serw by Servin& Others Best" Plloae BM COD Mlt ---w M. D. Keesling ~AN-portJlloC. Costa Ilea v.ntonda Ooota ·- or these resources would be a service, and when I realize that The passage of the Reorganiza· crim e against the public interest. Congressmen will pay for the r e-tion Act has met with universal There can be no comiromise. We tirement benefits, on an actuarial approval. I think it has r enewed must stand and fight until our basis, through deductions from the faith of the people in the Con- right and title has been penna-their salaries, I feel that this gress. 8'UBVEY0&8 nently affirmed," concluded How-;:=========================::; 'r----0-PTO--METBl.8----TS----;-------------ser. " Raub & Bennett 24-Hour E. r. Butterworth, 0. D. lluneyon -~ P erfect conformity to the will of God is the sole sovereign and complete liberty.-0 ' Aubigne. Optometrt.t lll08 Newponlll..a.. ~-Radio Service ~~ ~ Telepllone eoaoon G808-w o----1817W.C-lral Newpon- The only liberty that is valu- able, is a liberty connected v.•ith order ; that not only e xists \\·ith order and virtue, but v.•hich can- not exist at all v.ithout them.- Burke. HOME, AUTO, MAB1NE RADIOS BEPADUm Burt R. Norton tlll Coaat Blway -..... na ''Hell is full or cocktails. high· I L ___ :::=:::::::......:=~~~---N_:·:e_•_-:_" __ 11_•_•_'.:_°"_· _"'· balls, short skirts and skimpy r bathing suits," he shouted. Came a voice from the gallery: "0 death, .. , .. here is thy sting"'!" ONCE ·AGAIN s 11t. w. o..cr.a A"" PtL lllll'Mr g 11 TeJflll"oae lla.rbor W NKWPO&T SM.CB Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOMETBIST God is F ather , infinite, and th.ii great truth. whe n understood in its divine metaphysiCl5. will esta~ lish the brotherhood of man end wars, and demonstrate "on ~artb peace, good wilJ toward men."- Mary Baker Eddy. Eyes Examined • GW8es Fitted 1711 N..,.P.,n - ........... 11 COft.&.Sa.& If mankind had wished for what is right, they nUght have had Jt '-------------'I long ago.-Wllliam Hazlitt. Freah Daily SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Yo. U.. l!'la:8* P1Me to Dale • Or ... 0-U,: 1..-.ber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. DtMd m.. S. :rood9 Or. ocapet. eqiidp Md. -;... W1Ult to cotdl Y'l'I'"""" HORMEN ASH MARKET ON CENTllAL AVl:NUE. NEWPOllT aEACH DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH OIWlll °"" All New ••• Even the Location ••• One-Half Mlle Eat al Old Location Oil Coat lflltnray. Beautiful New Cocktail Bu . We Lead Sonthem California In the Savq al -SEAFOODS- • Sa•s ·Sea Food Spa and Fish Market ~-· ., i ' ........ ~llll Ill OOAft Bl-Ar Ar '!Im ·•- I • • AUGUST CLEARANCE OUTDOOR FURNITURE (lltlJ.DIG NOW SWING ~ sar •1r ~ UMBRELi AS vu •29~ •1r ~ ALUMINUM Cle '24'" '21'" a.In ALUMINUM O.lile '36N '29'" ._ WOOD OFFICERS CHAIRS .... Vu D7M 0......, Blue, o,.,.., Y- FURNITURE- m <ioA.8T mollwAv ... -M1nole Mlle" s -SoatJl .. 'noo -. EVERYTHING FOR TIIE HOME FURNITURE RADIOS APPLIAl>ICES Open Friday Evening Till 9 Phone Beacon 5164· W • f ALL SHOES .. ·Just Arrived Women's Black Suede Loafers Brown Suede Sandals. Men's Loafers Sizes 6 to lO Y., Children's School Shoes F1ash Fall Number. Not over $5.00 Mattoon's Shoe Store Footwear for All the Family 1795 Ne rt Blvd Costa Mesa It's Always COF f EE TIME , At The . . . . . Do liUTc&°wAr:FLE SHOP • . . . . . . Serving COF'F'EE & DONUTS o WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped cream) • COMPLEfE FOUNTAIN SERV1CE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Kenny M c hols George Sterllng- Opea Evenlnp Until 10 o'Clock -Cl<>Md on \Veclnettday ' -• lleport to people who a•e waiting for telephone service , ....... ~ ...... ............ s..a·· pr1;• I__... .... tJll•lias-- 5"11ien Califoraia Telep••• Co. UI .,.., .. ,,. • ' ..... ..... Ml .. • •,om , Tm •••rfr ~--u,, tw bzPIP 80)i!.~ =rs Ancient Spanish Press · o,··~~:s~n:!~ Used to Publish first have been mailed to all Skippers . Awards Givell For. Art Work LAGUNA BEACH. Calll.-Flnt prbe ot $50 in the eie-th annual Festival of Arts contest for <>r- anee county artiat& hu been awardedWMargaretSheppudf~ htt watercolor "After the Rain," Mia Gertrude Gardner. chairman of ellhlb\ll, announcod today. ~~= =-~~~:o California Newspaper of the boatl finished. and this en- tiUet the aldppen to recei~ "1CI ...,., the aldpper badges. On Sunday momin& next '.he trophies will be presented. The presentations being made at the Newport Harbor Yacht club at 12 noon. In the recently held "Flicht of the Snowbirds," the first girl to finish wu Nacy Lou Grandin; youngest bay, Michael Baum, Apr. 12, 1939; yonngest gir'l, Janice Jen-ten. Aug. 7. 1935; f°lnt aervice man, none lilted as aervioe men; llnt rent clala Mc. Don Dabney; first rent clau V, Jerrold Spang- ler, and oldest 1kippen, John La Marr, Don Pec:k!rsen and Glad)'I G. Patten. Arizonans Plan Picnic In Long Beach The 29th annual picnic of the Arizona Society of California will be held August 18 in Bixby Park, Long Beach. There will be a splendid pro- gram including Hon. Sidney P. Osborn. governor of Arizona, as speaker. Sandwiches, soft drinks and light refreshments, may be obtain- ed at the picnic, Col. Ted Davis. general manager , said. Out of Service Gordon Lawrence SickJer, son of E. Sickler. Box 24, Ne\\.'))Ort Beach, was discha r ged from the Navy, last week after 17 mon ths' service and six months overseas. . Sickler , who is a graduate or Tuscon high school, plans to fur- ther his education in the Fall. Since the price control on plat- inum was ended last month the price of the precious m e tal has risen from $35 an ounce to $56 an ounce. During the war it was diver ted to industrial uses but ls now avR.ilable to jewelers. WORTHINGTO Ref rigeratiori FREON M .IMONIA S ton to 10 ton Air Conditioning S ton to 60 ton Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All Pressures and All Liquids In Stock Call .... It was on Augu&t 15, 1846, that the first issue of the Monterey Calllomlan, destined to be Call· fornia•a ft.rst newspaper, was run off on an ancient Spanish press. Today that alngJe newspaper h&s grown to approximately 511 daily and weekly newspapers throUgh- out the state. M we read the histories of some of the oldest Calllornia newspa- pers in existence today-those which unlike the Monterey Call· fomlan, did not lade from the earth after a abort period of pu~ llcation. we read of their struggles to survive earthquakes, fires and pollUcal oomiptlon and &till today be among the few nearing the cen- tury mark In yean of continual publication. Story of F-dhls 'nle atory of the founding of the Monterey Californian is lnterest- ing. The American flag had been raised in Monterey by Commodore Sloat on July 7, 1846, and after the proclamation had been read, l t became Commodore Stoat's re-- sponsibillty to appoint a mayor . He looked over the Americans who were present and selected Walter Cotton. chaplain of t he USS Con· gress which had brough the Amer· icans to Monterey a short time be- fore. Colton decided the best way to m a ke public the various proclama- tions, laws. and orders. as "'ell as the news of the day was via a ne"-"Spaper . H e ma de a partner of Dr. Rob- e rt Semple. who in addition to being a doctor. lawyer. and dentist "''as a n accomplished typ<'St"ttcr. editor and pressman. They uncov- ered a broken dO"-'ll press brought to California 12 years before by Thomas Shaw. a Boston merchant. and odds a nd ends ol type faces. The first issue of four pages. 11 % by 1014 inches had two col- umn pages and was printed on dgarette paper. Its home was the second floor of the Customs House. Conte.all of P•pe:r In addition to the "prospectus" in the first column, the rest or the front page was devoted to Commodor e Sloat's proclamation r ead a month before, and the sec- ond page contained Spanish trans- lations of the more important ltetn5 carried in the newspaper. The r est of the first edition con- tained "late neY.'S" in the form of clippings from a New York H e r· aid three months old. and several local items. Ther e was o ne adver- tiseme nt by a n enterprising Amer- ican lad y,•ho offered his services as an interpretor . Subscription rates announced. in the firs t i~sue w('rc S5 a year or 1211: C't'nts a copy. I The.' Californian C'Ontinued undC'r joint O\VnC'rship of Colton and S emple unlil April 17. 1847, "'hich I is lhl.' last issuf' that bea rs thl'ir naml'S togl.'ther as publisht"rs After that Dr_ SC'mplC' remained alonC' as publishC'r. In l\tay, 1847. he moved the Californian 10 San Francisco. It con tinue() as a \\'et>k· ly until December. 1848, when it \\'BS absorbed by the Californ ia Star. Colton returned to the C'ast "Pelicans." an oll painting by George Brown, Was pven second prUe Of $25. The Winning plclures as well ilS all other entries in the contest • of pollcy as lt appe8n!d in the l•lt hand column of the first Califomla newspaper, the Monterey Call~ lornlan. founded Augu11t 15, 1846, by Walter Colton and Dr. Robert Semple. will be on exhibit ln the festival ------------------------- Thb ill the tint paper ever pu~ Ushed ln . Calllornla and though issued upon a &mall sheet, 1a in- tended It ahall contain matter that will be read with interest. nte principle& which will govern .. in conducting lt, can be set forth in a few words. gallery at the city's recrt!atlon :-------------~-----------. We shall ad~ate an oblivion of all past political otfenaes and allow every man the privilege of enter- ing this news era of events unnn- barTaued by any pert he may have ta.ken in previous revolutions. We shall maintain freedom of speech and the press, and t.hOM!' great principles of reUgiOUI tolera- tl°" which allow every man to worship God according to the dic- tates of his own conscience. perk AUCUlt 7 throu&h 18. Members of the jury making the awards were Carl Sdunl.dt of Sn.n Bernardino, Lois Cytron of Lor.g Beach, and H. R. Lov• of Fill· matt. Gene Snyder In Pacific for 3 Years We shall advocate such a system i;-.,_,. L s yd 2l 37 f ll ........ ""ne . n er, 1 th at., o public lmtruction as wt bring Newport Beach. was discharged the means of a good practical ed-from the Navy la.st week after aee- ucation to every child in Cali-lng action in aJJ parts of the p 8 • fornia. cific with the Soutti Pacific Oeet We shall urge the Immediate es· f J 1940 bl f I eel rom une. , until Sept., 1943. Bob J~B RICH .FIELD SERVICE W•sbq • POllahtng • lAlbrlcatlcln Can Pld:ed Up ud Dellwred. Phone Hut>or 497·M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa o""4°" mEn'I I DRUWERR Balboa Inn Bldg~ Vor. lll&la & Ocean Fmat BOUBS: 9 A. IL ta 11 P. M. DAILY ta ishment o a we t organiz Snyder, whose wile lives at the go\'ernment and a universal obedi-Ne\Jlo'J)O!'t address, "'as discharged enC<' to it> laws. as a chief av;at;on machinist m ate "MELLOW FELLOW" Scoo th T We shall encourage immigration and holds the Presidential Unit ps e OWD ::t~E~~~~:r~:i:~;. :r:~o~;:~:.ell .. numerous cam· Terry Cloth Tee Sh.1rts the fe rtiHty of the soil wUI most amply repay the labors of the hus· Drive Carefully-Spare a Life. aad , bandman. m:~r.~~~;~s e~~ur~~= !:'h~:~ Phone Beacon 5824 • f·1nger T·1p Beach Robes arts as sour ces of private w ealth. Newport & Costa Mesa individual com fort and incllspens· able to the public prosperity. CAB C 0. D-la.x in Th and '-' "MELLOW FELLOW" We shall go for California-for "" """ "" & all her interest, social, c1v;1 and 24-Hour Service Many Other Styles of T"" Shirts religious encourag;ng everyth;ng "--------------' $1.40 and $2.25 that promote these, resisting ====::;::======== . ~:::::::::::;;:::~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::;:~ everything that can do them harm. This press shall be free and inde· pendent: unawed by power and un· trammeled by party. The use of its columns shall be denied to none, \\•ho have suggestions to make, promotive to the public w eal. \\1e shall lay before our readers the freshest domestic intelligence and the e arliest foreign ne\\'"S. Blow Torch Sets Fire to Fireboat . FULLY AUTOMATIC ~~IRON Newport Electric Appliance Co. !~ Coast Blvd. Phone 2188 Escaping fuel from a defective blow torch is said to have caused the small blaze \Vhich flared up in o ne of the city's tY.'O fire boats at the 15th street la nding o n Sunday. The blaze "'as extinguished by fire mc-n y,•ho were y,·orking on the equipme nt. ThC' rirf'boats \\1hich y,·er e loaned 1------------- to the city of N"e,vport Beach by ;-------------- CLOTHES the Coast Guard since the F un ZonC' passenger boat caught fir£' and explodC'd are not proper t"QUip- ment for fighting boat fires. ac- cording to persons \\·ho ha\·C' vie\\·. cd them . The \·essC'ls, or iginally designl'.'d for jet propulsion, are propelled by two sea mules, Fire Chief Frank CrockC'r said. FOR MEN AND BOY·s We Have a Complete ·Line of FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION a nd apparently dismissed all 1 Eight months or tC'S t flying o r thoughts of C~lifornia 8:nd the fresh fruits a nd vC'getablC"S fr om n<'''"Spapcr bus1 nl'ss \\'hich he the Pacific coast to ma jor eastern helped start. citil's reveals tha t house .... ;v('s are g<Ut~ SptYli SJ.op Newport Tackle Store Statr mr nt of Policy \\'illing to pay extra prices for air- \\'e r eprint bclo\\' the st atement transported foods. 201 Marlne Ave. 105 llaeF&dden Place 623 s. Loo Anit<lM SL, Anaheim 1 Pbone -4662 ATIENTION BOAT Owners, TRAILER Owners Balboa bland .Phone Harbor 578 Telephone II.arbor 9'7 for Lat.est Fishing Information Resen ·ed Seats $1.20 Ta..'< Included Gryphon Productions ;i: ;a ~ ·,. '~~· PLAYW OUS[ ~ ro :ii '° 2· Melodramas ~ One at 6 p. m. DARLING of the :0 a GET THOSE BOAT COVERS, SAIL COVERS, AND TRAILER COVERS NO\V. • • • Quality Canvas -Quality Workmanship • • Lockstltch Seams Throughout • COSTA MESA CANVAS & AWNING CO. 1021 8. E. ~r St., Costa Me8& Box. 101-Phone Beacoo 5023-Across from Fire Station < z ::i <.l < ...l "' z 0 ;;~;;'~!~0=1=Es=E=L=s=E=R=v=1=cE~ ... ,..::i: z 0 :i: BAR ROOM " Umlt<d Seatlns Capacity Rese!wd Seats Avallahle at BLUE SAU.8 BOOKSHOP __ .,. 0.....-111 "' l'I 1>. Oomlag Aag. 20 thrv, !$: > >o GUY MADISON la ~ ~ DEAR RUTH with Bath ... p• ·~' NEW 225 H. P. D~El.S ON HAND 810Mdlllua1d Dhnla •bud with eltolee of ndaedni ..... • tnl .a.s W&HING oaDm ON ?llOIST-AND UIPT- BAND mor.A.TIOlf 1>708 •• roa TWIN INllTALIA· TFONIL CllOICS OJI' aDtJOT701' mm& 0. HAlllt: 185 B. P. G<z 11111 Jlotor-New. See us for Information on Venn Seo.lain Diesels Di.el 6-stor Selz of All ....... n&NI B. ~ (I 'iQ' 1-la) Oww M t rs - Ofllce:Be.cm~W 416~1-•St. NewpawtBt ...... \ THE OPENING: OF Hockaday & Phillips' New Branch Store at Newport Blvdi and Rochester Skeet COSTAMmJA · • HOCKADAY & P1RWPS, · Inc. Automotive Parts, Tool~ ·Garage and SCrvice Station Equipment "A ·Business Built on Dependable Service" , • • .. l • -. ' • !!P!llL! .. ~·~-------.:_ _____________ ..,: ________ ...,iM!!!•!!•!FCWI!!!!!!t.!•~·y•!.lBOA!!!!.,M!!!!•!l•!!•:::•!l•!!lllM' lf•et ., 5', ~ h::IQr :l!eet-1!, UM I I Over · 3400 Favor lfiiXiCiiCieii:iCiiCi:iiXii:iiiCji l~~d :tedonto~ ~1 ~~25 ;:.:::.t::., °:.,= a1·1zens Vote Northern Oraage Co. Cities Plan AJlen, Isbell ¥"" cent ve•ter than 1n 1941. by British-Dutch 1ni ..... 1s. • Extensive Road Improvements Watson as State Senator: in Filing THIS WEEK • • WE WELCOME YOU 'l'O OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT • (90 -60 -90 D&;ra) Marbro'1 invtte you to came In anti open a chu&e """°""L OUr -tltt ....,,~ with the latest rtyla .,,, Ladles' Fine Apparel Na&loully Advertfl!d READY -'l'O -WEAK ::~~:;~ ~~::; ~ Sever~ ~u!~: ~1~f ~~~:~po~ Believe Qty -~ i(algi<ll t $13 522 ooo cities plan extensive im.-nuementl and some other items L De I BD.;;=atY/of B~a~ localed in the in the near future if u;; .. can get The . city OW'Jis its. own water ost on a northem part of Orange county. the state to ioc.en up a lltUe on pro!iL However. Mc.Lean painted covers an area of 1150 acres. It the purse s trings that bind the out that there ls a water shrink- has 8 population of 3000 and an state gasoline lax funds. • age which may seriously interfere auesaed valuation of $1,892,000. ~tayor Charles Pierson of Ana-"'1th the dty profit system at some Fairview Farms is situated a heim told memben of the Assem-future 'time. ahort distance inland and near bly-Senate Fact-Finding commit-Fullerton Data Newport Beach and is in the gen-'tee in Santa Ana that his city will Fullerton, which has an assessed. eral vicinity of Newport Heights need $900,000 for various improve. property valuation of $19-mlllk>n and Newport Mesa irrigatio n dis-m en ts in the next few years. and a population of 12,173, will trict&., which are now, in the 1-~or the present the city has need approximately $1,414,000 for Coastal Municipal Water district. sought to increase tu Tevenue by exttnsive citywid e improvements. 1t coven an area of 2900 acres, an increase of five cents on the Highways must be r eleve1ed and bas a population o1 1300 and an tax rate. It also has inst4ued more resurfaced wesaed valuation of $624,000. parking meters from which they Although the city rec.!lves-$9000 C.Ouncilman Bob Allen said to- day ~at he and Councilman I . L. Isbell voted against city annexa- tion of two uninhabited lands n e&r 'the Bayshore ti-act because the'y felt that the "'aterfront property also owned by the Irvine company should have been included in the property transfer. H ad the waterfront strip ~n included the-city could have de- rived taxable income from boats moored in that area. but as it now stands the city ii bound to be the Nominating ~ contalnin& the signatures of more than 3400 Orange county wten were tiled this -.·eek by Q)"Cle A. Watson of Orange as candidate for the office of State Senator. Mr. Watson filed his papen on bla return from San Francisco, where, as a member of the joint Senate -Assembly committee on state water problems, he had at· tended a meeting of the commit- tee with a boa.rd ol Army-Navy en- gineers to discuss . the famous Reber plan for construction in the boy area Mr. Wat.son has been a member of the water q>mmittee for six ot his 10 years in the State Assembly. 8ETli THOMAS (lle-qc) AUTO TDiD CLOCll 11•-~..., II•~ UGI Newport- • [ ··r"' --I G•tnl e SI! *ttti lh•llll:aM AJlplk·cee U annexed to the Coastal Munl-hope to have a substantial profit. yearly for the maintenance of cipal Water district, the three The city also recently passed an highways and streets. Mayor communities will be able to obtain ordinance imposing a fee on trans-Verne Wilkinson told the commit- sottened and filtered aqueduct portation facilities and it also im-tee that it will take from 20 to water through the Orange county posed a charge for outfall sewer 30 years to build 101 highway t-0 feeder, which extends from the facilities. perfection. This alone is a $200,· loser, the councilman contended, _----------------------------: mARBROS cl~ an.a- 118 WEST 'TB ST. softening and filtration plant to "But unless we can get some 000 project. Corona del Mar on the coast. financial a id from the state." said Bree road. at Barbara avenue, Pienon, addressing the legislative needs to be wide ned for 3.1 miles committee, "w e are going to be and the present narrow and hazard- hard-put trying to keep up our ous curve! must be straightened. maintenance of highways and This project will cost $60,000. streets." West Commonwealth avenue must asserting that '120 boats use the strip at the p~nt time.' ''We have the utmost confidence in the integrity of Mr. James Ir- vine, but we felt that the strip s(louJd have been included in the transfer so that the dty would &"et an even break in the matter," Allen added. • BBING YOUR RADIO 'l'O US One ila.T --We'll ~ I& llD4 Yoo 0aa Ban It tlle Nert Factory l'M1o. Worlt 0aana-. ......... Tnl...i ElipenL Radio SOS Electric RAllll:>LD L. BAIQI soo --A----·fishing Union (Continued from Paa• !) Oty Engineer E. P . Hapgood of be widened 2.4 miles and covered Anaheim told the state commit-with asphalt concrete. It will re-- teemen that the tr~flc flow quire additional roadway for the t hrough his city hu more than connection with the Manchester doubled since last November and treeway. The pro~t cost is esti- It also seems an Injustice to ..-------------------------.. Store HOlllll: Dally Incladlng Saturday 9:SO A. II. to 5:30 P. II. the Department of Justice. an- now>Ced that he ts investigating report.a that the fishermen'• union poeed both as a union and a co- operative organization. that there hu been a marked in-mated at $200,000. crease in expenditures for person-Resurfacing of truck highwayw nel and maintenance work. and 3.2 miles of city streets and owners of other boats who have to pay taxes to ·the dty for moor- ing places, the councilman said. Auto Parts Taken Parts wer e taken from an auto- WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL CONTRACl'OR Residential and Commercial Building Piiiow: BMoon 58S8 --w Is Here According lo DWlll the unicK conducted a boycott against nwne:rom independent fishermen and fish packers fixing a minimwn price for fish. From 1932 to 1936, a period of rebuilding ot street!. will take four years. when an assessment $1 00,000. Resurfacing ot East district was formed, the city re-Commo nwealth "''i ll cost $25,000. ceived $425,000 from the county S t . Nicholas avenue must be ex- for the widening of streets and tended through to 101 highway other m aintena nce work. and the north city limits for a dis- mobile parked by R. A. Dailey of ,---------------------------. Los Angeles near the Associated Service station in Balboa on Sat- urday night, police ""ere told. 12 fOWLER fEATURES 1. Sag proof insula· tion. 2. Dead air in1ul1tio n . 3. Bui.It of 12-g11 uge iron. 4. Porcelain lined. 5. Never rusU -11bi!u· lute cleanljnas. 6. I.o n~ life,'1 20-yesr replar eruent guar· an tao:.. 7. "Bl.r_k hea1"-per· mils longer life. 8. Pressure tet11ed. 9. Pre-1tretched. 10. Lu11rou1 enamel fi.ni.!b. 11. Low operating cost. 12. Adjustable 1u10- matic ec:oaorny con· trol. NOW WE HAVE 'EM Come in Today Select Yours and Take it Away You'll Never Again Have to Walt for Bot Water! TURNER'S Your. Applla,nce Dealer Stnoe l l:!tl !e& Wee&: 4-t.h. SA..llliTA ANA. Pll. ll'n -- The investigation was oraered to detennine \\'het her or not the union w as acting in a d ouble ca- pacity to establish a monopoly lo the fi&h market. ' FOR INSURANCE SU: Ho\orard W. Gerrish 1808 Newport Boolevard OO STA lllESA Phone Beacon 5151 Automobile • Fire • Accident • Life Ucense and Contract Bonds Wrltren ... Our gas t ax m oney just about tance of 1 % mi!C'S and laid with takes car e or our str eets a nd high-r einforct'd concrete block as a w ays improvements," Hapgood ne\V subdivision is being built said. there at a cost of Sl87,000. Federal housing projeets and \-Vhen asked by State Senator new industries arc expected short-Ra ndolph Collier. chairman or the ly to invade the city. fact-finding committ{'(', if Fuller - One of the biggest proble ms that ton consid('rc>d that thP Santa Fe Anaheim has to face today is off-and Union Pacific r ailroad com - street parking. Another probl ~m panies might abandon their spur is l he procu.rem~nt of m ore c~rs line's \\'hich connect citrus plants 1 for the checking o_f park1ng l thf'rl', :r-.tayor \Vilkinson r eplied in m£>ters. However . the biggest n('('d the negative .. now is sewers. . "As th G al El tr' CShortl:r tx-rorc the close of his soon as e ~ne~. ec ic talk. ?o.iayor Wilkinson explained plnnt s~.art3 opera~ng. Hapgood tha l "'hilc his ci ly h ad not con- added. we are going to be over-"d d It t 'll ·f th d"d 1 loaded and then w e will have t o si ere_ · s 1 1 ey 1 P ~ have a new trunk tine to the out-to butld a:n underpass for ~eh1c­ fall sewer . Our share of this de--ular . traffic und~r the railroad I t is tcd t be $516 crossing. that proJttt alone wo uld ve opmen expec o .-t S250 000 ) 000. So you can see what "''e are cos ' · up against in the way of improve-\Vilkinson said t hat $25,000 ments." "·ould be> needed for oil surfacing to the state h ighway. He said S55.- 0CK) would be needed to repair this situation. Storm drains to catch the O\"er- flO\V from "''ash ing into business and residential streets a re a vital ne('('Ssity, he said. A 42-inch co:i ~ duit and storm drain to East Ful- lerton cr eek to carry off the over- f!O\v \\'as suggested.' Storm drains 1 1 &re also needed on East Comn1on- \vealth avenue, he said . An addi- tional S7000 might be needed for resid ential a rea expenses. \\"ilkinson said approximately S886,000 might be nC<'d<.'d for an improved street lighting system for the city. "We have reached our maximum tax rate," the mayor concluded, "r eal estate is no'v carr)ing the maxlmum load. \Vhat we need now is aid from the state." Hapgood also said the city of of Valencia ,drive. Raymond ave-News-11mes advertisementl an Anaheim will need $500,000 for the nue, a secondary street; Ea.st )'CIUl' cuide to efficient spendJna:. Installation ot a new storage tank Commonwealth, Pioneer and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ to expand its conn~tlon to the Brooks avenue. !fl Me tropolitan Water district sys-One of the problems confronting ,---------------:! tern. Present pressure on the one the city o f Fullerton, Mayor Wtl- Boat Owners connection which Anaheim now kinson said, ·was water which Quality Lumber and Building Materials • • • has with llie MWD system Is 175,· backed up in the business district Canvas By the Yard WI~ Wld~All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA 000 gallons. at times and causC'd a n overflow Brea Hu Problems Brea also has he r problems. These were explained by Ralph McLean, Brea city engineer, ln the absent'..'(' of M ayor Carlson of tha t dty. Two paVed highways cross the city and there is one street of major importance. Other streets are oil-coated. Brea has a limited tax r a te of one dollars per $100 worth of property va1uation. There is one policeman on duty at all times. Municipal salaries and wages amount to $32,000, excluding those '------------.....JI system and. sells the water at a ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! In: Window Awnlnp, Door Bood9 Porch II Patio Cal)oplee • s-Oat • --IJctt.t' In; e Bain Oat --• Breer.e In; • l"er'rmDtmt ---No "'Upe • Dowm .. ; • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HO,STETLER l'taone Beacon 5016 COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE e 811eai • -• No RaW.; • llarmollloua Deslp --- CU.tom Biii.it; • Utmoet Economy --• Lona: Life, MEN -WOMEN Prostate - - -Pelvis De ,_ .... •••t•+•t l"al9 .. . Whar do you ger for your money when you buyabusricket?Ifir'sGreyhound,you'reger- ring much #IOf'f rhan just a way ro go places. For Greyhound service is complete. Ir begins the minute you enter the depor ... and sl4JI n ti# job right ro the end of your journey. Gftybouad travel service in all ia many f..-bas ex>nrinuously set the pace for the eadre mocor baa industry. Ir a:plains why baa asftlen nuywhue show such aa owerwlwlming pre£ereace for Greyhound. Sada 1a1b II nwle up of a lot of rhinp m.c-b a mg di&nace ro the fellowwbo - is doing the traveling , . , reliable infonna· rion cheerfully given Dy people who know lrafltl business ... expert help in planning a abort trip or a complete vaarion •.. clean, modern depots in handy, downtown loca· rions ... c:arefully planned meal and resr acopswith good food and up-ro-date&ciliries •.. the world'.• best driven, famed equally for a>utresy and their abiliry at the wheel. Now aad tomorrow, you and your community can tkpnul oa Greyhound aawel aer-rice .•. the very Nd in modem hiorhway uaasporatioa.. fll Ill 1111 II Ill 1111111 ••• ClllT II lllYlaUat -~ ~· ---~~-------::....;::....;::....;::....; ' . ., ~ _.... _, '-. ' PACIFIC GREYHOUND LIN IS .. ' No Replacement&. Now! ..... .,... ... llliMlr. ., ..., £n F" ---. famPJ'o ltrll •11 ... _....,.T o..-t.s _, ...,._ ,_ Quality Venetian Bllnda (Either Wood or Metal} Qolok 8enlco U-T 1Upp1.9d1 Daft &. pt 9P ...... , IT'S YOUR GLANDS For Free EsUmates Call Reverse Charges ILATS·D·'NDDD Awning Co. of Orange Co. 1115 8o. PNtadelplda SL ApeMm,0 Callf. PIM>ae F11LLERTON las-.I HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING • LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest· control Fertili7.ers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditi°F .......... CARR'S FEED STORE lJIZ.7 NJ:WPOS'l' JILVD. 008TA IQ&\ P. 0. 8-118'7 -Pi.-B• e• U'6 Pa,,coad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ...... or---o .......... -..... -~ -.......... _. __ 814 Coast Highway Phone Beacon 5881-J DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates (ID the Mlncle Mlle) Barbor 118 lh 0 boo! mon ""'' If you're o youn.g ok1n9 ii flool Whose troub le is rn d To ke hee~ of your nee d Come hence with ~~s~~:er1c k s .,...as wrote II' s for you tho I I · 114 W~ 4~L .:;;. PIL. 6688 PASADENA LONG BEACH :a 11'. r .. ft. .;.. s 11• Ml .._ a... r.. a. ••., • - I • • .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::j;j:"'~~"'iiM::•!WiPGll~!!!r~·!!•!'.80!!J~cl.~M~&~W!!!!•4·~'1!!!•!!'!, Jh:..., •'=!!11-!~~7!~~-~il!!!t~~!!:~t~, .. ~~~·~ ...... ~T~a~"~~i!i.~ .. ~-~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-.~~~~~-!!!t::!l:..!!"t!!I: Two fishing Harborites Color PICblres Disabled Vets Sea Trout and Halilnd Are Biting S A I ed Of M Ii Catch Pl F h . . . off the Newport and Balboa Piers Boats unk (£aim RayO>apn~:g~ach:Calli , an . is ing ~z3.,°'~ ~ .. A~George Hiner Mon -M Years at 8enl<>e to --· (C-Unuod l1am P,... 1) has contacted the Sportfuhing T • A 20 IOl MAIN !'\wt Clleootele BAI.BOA, CAI D. Two boats ol the Newport Har-Aaociatlon ol Newport Harb<>!" to rip ug Ir-------------------------. -;:~~~~:::;:::;:::;~~~~~~::::::=:=::::~=~:::;t i bor fishing fleet were left In a Crary), 16'4. Lucien 16--1, Rluli;. 'get help in aeeuring color motion . I • f sunken condition over the week· aody (E. Clark), 18~; 2, Uttle pictur:" of marlin ti.shlng. E J ( B d ) J kl• NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:M A. M. TO U P. M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans', VUla Muina. Shields'. Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor llland and South Bay; Hall from any dock or floaL BALBOA ISLAND FERRY end u the result o1 accidents. Dipper !Earl GusWson), 17\!o; 3, Mr. Olapn cleairea action shots u ac 1n The 26-foot Margaret. owned by Jaru (J . Roboonl. 16'4. of marlin leaping and plana to get Third of a series of fishing tripo • • H. H.. Webeter, Rt. 2, Box 368A. On the 60-mlle haul tor wind· such a motion picture released in sponsored by the Southern.Drange Costa Mesa, ran apvund one mile Jam.men around Coronado Island. a Pete Smith S~ty. or a movie county chapter of the American above the Santa Ana riYtt jetty winner ol first place wu tbe Ray short subject.. He has had pictures Red Cross for disabled veterans Sunday morning while on an alba· (Milton • Wegeforth), first PC in many papen and has written will be on Aug. 20 through the co-c E M E N T w 0 R I core f.i.ahing trip. 1lle ftshing boat crull:in1 class to be built; 2, White articles for Field and Stream. operation of Earl Tibbits of Earl's _ Patricia, owned by B. D. Lockyard, Cloud (Funk Kentl ol San Fran-U any marlin fisherman would Landing. 306 W . 1st St., Santa Ana, wu cisco; 3, Javelin (Donald Bm'n· be interested ln takin& Mr. Olapin O.ther trips were taken on JWle • • CALL 1 5 z ~-I roa INFORMATION caught under the dock at VirJ: ham.. out for a few tri~. he wou1d lik~ 25 and July 16 when 12 paraplegics Moores' Texaco Marine station in Small boats raced Saturday and very much to go. He desires to went out with Robert Burns u Newport and when the tide came Sunday at Coronado Yacht club take along one aulstant, if pos· skipper. From two to three bun· up the vessel sunk. for Snowb~l, Gull (J. Dam· slble, and they promise not to do dred pounds of fish were brought!'---------------------.:...--~ The Margaret was on a cou:ne son). 17°"': 2, Sandpiper (Al any fishing or get in the way of in and the boys had a glorious ------------------------- -------------------------rl to Seal Beach and from there Lewis), II: 3, Canary (B. Carr), any charter party any marlin fish· time, even reveling in their sun· ,.-----------------------"'!! 7' planned to travel south jigging 914 . Dyer Dinghies-1, Hypo ennan might have aboard his boat. bum. C R. ST A A F for albacore, swing around and Sonica (Barton Beek), 3d%:; 2. Marlin fishermen pcmibly might Eve Hendrickson of the IOOtl GORDON a~ FINDLAY • ... head for Dana Point and then re-401 (Paul McKlbben), 33 : 3. Swivel have charter parties that Yt'Ould Red Cross has received a letter M 0 0 R I N G S E RV I C E turn to Newport Harbor. The boat Hips {S. Newmark), 30. like to be filmed in this manner, as from the hospitaJ expressing the missed the Santa Ana river jetty International Skimmers -l, they are fighting a 1wordfi&h. The appreciation of the boys and they t £ t a short distance be.fore running Joker (W. B. Vanderhoff), 53; 2, Sportf"ishing Association of New· ask thl!-t Burns accompany them into the surf above the jetty where Eloise (F. G. Manhall), 52; 3, port Harbor i.s interested in Mr. on the i;-ext trip. Oflleo: NH~-. .......... m Moorings Installed and Repaired. it sank ID the breaken. saivage CUrfew (Leon Bothwell), 51\4 . Chapin's project as It will brin• ---·------- Buoys Painted and Lettered. operations were being carried on Balboa Dlnghl...-1, Kokua !Ken-valued publicity to this area. Any .-=,.,,--------~ CABINET SHOP SERVICE Sunday, with assiltance from Bill neth Morgan), 18~: 2, No Name marlin fishermen desirine to Ulke £ 4; £ Feldner, Huntington Beach life (Marshall Gram), 15; 3, Yellow him out are asked to contact the Phone·• Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R guard. Jacket (Morgan Morgan], 9. Star· S~ishing Association ol New-The Patricia sank Saturday and lets-I, Eel (David Evenson), port Harbor. for Prompt 8en1ce efforta were being made to raise 30%; 2, Skeezlx (Dave Ryan), 26; L------------------------' I Jt. Gas wu escaping from the ves· 3. Sweet (Frank Hope), 25. I. C. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: J sel's tank and spreading on the Dinghies-I, Sub-Deb <Herb Wo~ r water. which created a definite chester), 17\i: 2, Flying Dutch· fire huard. Capt. Phil Hayden, of man (R. Hlgg(nsonl. 16'4; 3, Kino Al IENTION ! ! Home and Boat Owners Builders Sinks, Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications • DUllABL&-1.mtrou .... meb.L e aau8TANT .. 11 .. Mll.W Mids., I . ..t\-tw. • e IUG.m •-P'"--&radJon. e SA..''""ITA&Y-No Joi ... -EIMlt ......... • lt.f!SD.JENT-hTM par ....... e Dl.11.EDL\TE D&LIV&ltY. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. the Newport Beach fire depart· (Dick Hammond). 8. ment was standing by on the Tex· Penguin Clus-1, Bottoms Up aco dock to see that no cigarettes, (Bill Lapworth), 35%:; 2, Otllly matches or other flames came (Bob Israel), 3314; 3, Small Fry near to set things on tire. lE. Small), 22. Snipes-1, Dii; per m (Phil Greene), 40~: .2, Scotch tape, various sizes, on Bobette 'J\vo (Bob and Betty sale at the News·Tlmes . White), 36 %; 3. Rowdy (Harry DEAL'S Famous Sn,oked Fish Dewar), 33 %. International 14· foot dinghies-1, Susan (Richard Fenton), 9*; 2, Venture (Blair J ohnston). 4: 3, U. S. 260 IT. G. Tupman ), 4. Mercury-1, [mp (J ames Wyatt). 8.5: 2. Gail (T om Goodwin), 71'; 3. Sk!ddoo V !F red Doddl. 3. Hospital Fund Is Still Short $100,000 Slo"·ly but surely new funds a re being obtained for the erection of the Presbyt<"ria n hospital build· ing on Nl'"·port Heights. The Aug· ust 10th weekly r<"port of th<" fund committee in Santa Ana discloses that $300.070.36 has been raised. INSURANCE • PROTECTS • OABINEl.'8 AND MU.I.WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. ~.-__, • Before You Balkl or Remodel Sample Uld Dilpl&y 8- Color guides, plann nlng aids, comprehsm- ive stock of ~ and linoleum. Rngs& Oarpeta Clea.nee!, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works 182Z Sootll Main St. Phone Su.ta Ana Z80I SANTA ANA Always Freeh 110 McFadden Pl. P-14--1, Skldoo <P. Va n Ser· rell l, 1 5~; 2, Chaser (Bill and Sue Ficker). 11 ; 3. Ecumette (Bill Phillips), 9. National One-Design -1, Frolic (J. G. Palmer ), 26¥.r; 2. Zeph)T 1\\'o (Richard Hanson ). 23; 3. Glamour Girl (\V. Enley jr.l, 19. F1attlcs-1, Sergeant <Roger Snythl. 39 ~; 2. Hurrican(' <Austin Peeblesl. 35; 3. Momo (Art Gron· Ne,vport Beach raised S43.· 098.39, .. ..-ith no additional sums raised since:> the last report. Hunt· ington Beach. Anaheim ,· Costa ~fesa , Fullerton and Garden Grove I '-~ii~ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ reported additional sums. .~ \Veekly report of pledge cards .,..._, . CHANGE IN PASSENGER FARES Effective August 20, 1946 on PACIFIC ELECTRIC LINES AU larH and commutation ticketa (with few excep-· tio11J1) will be increased approximately 15 ')'.,except thGI Sc fare• will go to 7c. Here's the Reason lnueosed Fores Are Neceuory There have been no fare incr.aae• on Pacilio Electde during the war period. Co11J1lanUy increosing operating coslL primcutly lrce- inaeased wages and cost of mate~ have been oa..t by incroaHd wartime tro.ltic during the pa9I lew y--. Large wage increase• in 19C6 of approximat•lt $3.500.000 per yOQI, pha increa.aod mGtericil co.18. wllla concurrent decr•CM in travel of approximately 14 t. compared w ith a yeor ago, have resulted in pr11ent operating co.ta exceeding revenue-. This oonditioa ha made an increase in lores imperative. Tho Railroad Commiaaion ol the State of California in ils Decision No. 39302. dated July 31. 1946. clearly Qnalyt.es the situation in these words: "Thia NCOrd ii conclusive that oppliccmt'a revenue under pt"e'la.il.in9 conditions t. not sufficient to meet the iaCffG.Hd o~ra. .... ing expenses resulting pri.mruily from wcige inc:r.asetJ in fact the record ahoWJ: that even under the prop<>Md fare increase the company will still Jail to meet ita ~ a.enger service operating expenses, including deprecia· lion. without ony return on the investment." Public Transportation Essential Operation of r•liab)e, convenient public transportation Hrvice is of qreat importance to the continued deTelop- ment of Southern Colifomio end to the general wellar• of ita citiea and resident&. Pacific: ElKtric ia comciou.a ol tho loct that oome of ita M<Tice io atill boo'l'ily loaded. portjculorly during ruah bows. Thia cocdition ia due pri. morily to the inclbility ol lllO.l1ulocturer. to deli~er equip- ment ordered OTW Cl yMr a.go. Deliveri" of new coadMs ho•• bHn pom;·1cl in MCU future, bcming unlor ..... ~.,.. and wbon rec•iffd will be promptly placed iD .. nic •• MMD Store: 101 mp,..., "At -to Bal-bland" FINE8T TASTING 817.ZJ.INO BAllBtJBQW STEAD (-•• Jae plo -)l BOMll: BAKED YUMMY B&BBY AND APPLE Plll:8 SHEP'S sky). 32. Nl'\\'?Ort Harbor had a '''onder· ful turnout at the r aces. of which Commodore Henry B. Grandin of Newport Harbor YaC.bt club was genl'ral chairman. Trophies for the large boat division were pre· Sl'nted Friday evening at the ball. a gala alfair held in Imog ?-{anor with Commodore AJonzo Jessup of the Pacific Coast Yacht assoc.is· tion and Commodore George Fisher of the Southern California Yacht association as joint hosts. At a like affair held Sunday a t follows: Santa Ana-Tustin, $Il9,· 918.50: Laguna Beach. $46,450.73; Newport Beach, $43.098.39; Hunt· ington Beach, S29,146.70; Orange, S21 .196.00; San Juan Capistrano, SI5,I 05.00; Costa ~tesa , $6642.56 ; Anaheim. $1580.00 : Fullerton, $5767.48; Placentia. $2220.00; Gar· den Grove, $6565.0f' non-county, S2380.00. ROOFS APPLllCD OB &EPAf7KD Free l!lrtlmates .l Inspection W. I. Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J 1015 COAST WOBWAY 1'"E\\'PORT Coronado Yacht club small boats '------------ "'l'be Dome of Good Sate" Use VITA-FOOT For Athlete's Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. 111 W. ttll SL Loo&...-u division trophies "''ere pre§{'nted. As soon as evt'nts at the clubs were over, boats started for New· port. Harbor, "'ith all local boats and Los AngE"lcs Harbor boats to be entered in the annual Race \Veek at Newport Harbor Yacht club. an annual evt'nt of import· ance second only to the S.C.Y.A. regatta. · The 25.846 oil field wells drilled in the United States in 1945 at· tained a total footage or 90,486.215 feet. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Dal.17 Delhw7---8eo cca. 5U5 tan N-rt Bhd. COSTA llE8A ~._-_ . .-;· - IUILLEY'r REFRIGERnTIDn JERVICE camPnnv --EqtDMrla&' --no ec-t BJ...S.. eo ....... deJ ..., T.empora.ry Phone, Day 654 La- euna Beach; Phone Night. l.1'162 Laguna Beach Expert Radig Service Phoae Beaooa 5()0tnW 0.-.. 'nrr-• ........ .... Palmer Radio AND ELllC7l'RIO IMIN_rt_ 008TA wa• NKBUSINESS ···------· l'- Banks have long been the principal source of helpfulness, inspiration and credit to small busi- ness. Loaning to small business , is truly a big business and one that banks are best equipped to handle. · w - 1;( Today, when the efforts of small business is so important, we pledge ourself to give every pos- sible asaistance and to make every possible loan to local business concerns. Come in and talk over your problems with us. F'" WE HAVE DEDICATED OUR SE ·RVICE and PARTS and ACCESSORIES ---PERSONNEL and FACILITIES to the Automobile Users of this Community --- For -.· .• --, - Today and all of the - - - Tomorrows to Come. .. ~ • r ,._ .... 4 •• .. . _ _.. - You can expect:- r • COURTEOUS IMMEDIATE TREATMENT ATIENTION • • FULFILLED PROMISES • FAIR PRICES • GOOD WORKMANSHIP AT YOUR CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE DEALERSHIP Hydramatic Specialists No Down Pay1Lae11t Easy B•dget Terms Front End Alig1lng Frame Stralg1dening Lubricatlol .. CULBERTSON CHEVROLET co~ IlfO. Ol'l'O CUUSD'l'llON • N&WFO&i PSUlll ....... dkalll • • . . I • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!!!!!!!!!!!!:.!!!!!~~!!!!: ~!=i,~'l'l!ll:!n~s!l"~'mA!=;Ewnl!l!~l~l,~IA~~ll!.,~ .... ~~~~~.:..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A llJdllpn -station wmt F. 1· M t I Best Hones in Seaside Histor:I Puauc NOTICES Puauc: NoTica Puauc NoTICE : = ~tlon_:0~ ~ ll'S ea To Run in the Del Mar Handicap : . .;;.--..... _ ..... ""'-'"'"'na •• , ..... fiab•na 1eaoo tn that •tate and .. ,.. OM l'Dl!!IJ.tkned. and subject to con-dltkm to that at said 4ec1•ell. at reprted a sales tncreue ot 7000 Sh 0 ed of -,...._. ud ... ..-llrmatioa by said Superior Court, the time ot cleatll, In -to all gallons of guoline In a month. op pen DEL MAR, Aug. l3.-Del Mar's ~---.,.. u oa tbe 24th day ot August, 1946, the corta1n real and pei-1 seventh summer .......... off to T ---Joms· G-.... •:-R. w. BARTIN& tbereaft "thin the time al a brilllant start. ~'6 W>UUI .., ...,.....,. 4 ....,,. or er, wt • -ty situate tn the County ot The beat hones in the seuide Newport BMcb. OIJlloraia lowed by law. at the ottlce of the Ck'ance. State at CaUfomia. b> The Bathing Is Great • • m • BALBOA BAY tro.t "'tM FUN ZONE RIDES- Every Wednesday Kiddie Day ·-• ARCADE-12 Noon to 6 p. m. BA'l1llNG- BOATING-Rides 6c AMUSEMENTS-Concessions 5c l'Mal 8n !lml Jlaltll CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Comp ressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W • l'Jth llDd S.Uta Alla Ave. -Costa M- MJa Barbara Lane ot Fulleetoa 'l'HIO S. llcSLROY Executor, to wit: 96C2 Heather wit: Clark A Bat.. have reantly eourae's colorful hiltcry ,..... ..,,_ been added the -~·--.,~~ .. ""..=c._ """'"""* RDod. Loo Angdes, California, all 1. Lot Fifteen (15) tn Bloclt I oommenced operations In their tied down tn • Mooday throucb bas. tn te~...... WITNESS ..., ........ """ -.., r!Kht, title Int t, and tate new Metallizing shop at :505 30th Saturday achedule for the 35-day staff of Gustltn School of Swim-ol Jul,. ...._ • eres es of McKnlcbt'• Addition, Section street, Newport Beach. This is meeting which clooes Sept. 14 with ~· located In front ot OJri5-~.™=:""'"'°T. ot tile above named clece4ent at A, tn 1-Cllfb, u -.., the lint industry of Its kind In the seventh running of the $15,000 tlan s Hut. Balboe. She Is teaching &'j~o'/;,.c1,'fil/:f14,;._ the ~al his death, and all rlcht, a Map reccxded in Book S. -31 Orange county. The plant will be added Del Mar handlcap. cblldrin and adults on MODday, o.. uw. u.e ... du o< JulY. ,..._ title, and Interest that the estate of Ml9collaneoua Maps, reClOl'dl of equipped far all fbnns of orna· In addition to topflight stables Wednelday and Friday. She ii a before me, rRSD J . :DUDLEY: a No-ol. w: ~lat has acq~.:~! Oranse County, cantomia • mental and industrial Metalllzinc. Del Mar this season baa lured s tudent at Stanford university ~ !:r J::llcpe~~n:l? tor -.Id ~~ = t:!n oOI' in w.~u!u; ~i 2. Lot Twenty~ {2T) ID Metallizing is a trade name for many of the finest race riders in also teaches the new a4'ua swun ~TINit ud ~~cELROT, of said decedent at the time ot Tract 211, same betna: a IUbcllvilloa a proceu of spraying finely atom· the country. that hp been lhowin& in Loe An-umee ~ me.u~~ ~ ;::;: death. in and to all that certain of the J . A.. Day Tract. .tbaated ized molte n metal onto surfaces Such aaddlesmiths u Johnny ge.les the put two weeks.. ~~~.::::' to me al perty al ed · th Court-ln the Rancho Lu Bolal. In the of objects to which a close rM-Longden, Ralph Neves, Lester nt7 band UtcS otncial ...i.. ~ r Onnce. =~ ot.m ~crnia. County of Orance, State ol. CaJi.. chanlcal bond may be obtained. Baluld, Hubert Trent, Ferril and Avttaee cost ot. driving 8 mot.or Nawy ~ ~-~~!f".i.td described as follows, to wit: fornla. u abown on a map reeord- By this method. it is possible to Grant Zufelt. Mel Peterson, ~ car a mile in 1902 was 18 cent.a; County &ad State. Lot Seven (7) and Lot Eight ed. ln Book U. page 40, qt MJacel ... apply coatings of metal to other Bailey and Charlie Corbett are on by 1938 it had dropped to 3.l cents. ~t~7 ~~us. &. 11. JO. 194& (8 ) of the Subdivision of Block laneoua Ma~. recordl ~ Orance metals, wood, cement, tile, cera-hand. plying their trade. "C'' ot N.._i Bay Tract, In County, CallfornlL Subjod to all mies as well as many other ma-Opening day visitors were en-PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE CAI.LINO FOR 11ms the aty of Newport Beach, riKhtl-<>f-woy and oil 1-al nco- terlals. thralled at the gay, colorful 1<ene :....=..:::..=:c...:......:...c:...:...;..;..=..::;____ County ot Oran&e Stat.. ot ord. (Said Pl\-ty b refernd to Metal 1-·•--Is used Indus-pre9ellted at the Intimate ooune The Board of School Trustees California, u per ma' p ••--• In the following instrument.) AND .,...,._ b CE.,_TIFICATE. OF BUSINE.&S UlCn."UI. trially to salvage worn or scored y-the...RL The charm of the FICTITIOUS Fl"M NAME of the Newport Beach School Dis-recorded ln Book " Pap 29 ot. 3. Grant and AutCN'J"M'Dt al. Un. machine parts by bulldinc up with Spanish-type buildings, wreathed Tbe .-..isned do ..... , oertlt7 trlct, Orange County, will noceive Mlsoell&neoul Maps, RecOl'ds ot divided Inter.st In Oil 1-and new metal and machining back to with naturally-landscaped fiowen that they are coDduc~ a Keat ui bids at the IChool office, 14th arid Oran&e County, California. Pl'oduct1cm, dated M.ardl 4,. 1922. the original dimensions. It is also and shrubs, brought many "ooh&" ~u'l. =::=.-~uoroJ&.1:.nund~'f:! Central, up to 8:00 P. M. Sep-(Olrner Front and Bay Street.) eneuted by Selah J . Evam. u uaed for applying hardened sw--and "a.hi" from the fam. fktlUoua nrm name Of Balboa O.tral tembtt 2, 1946 fer the purchase ot Tenna and conditions of sale: crantor and Alma L. Ecklenn. u faces to otherwise 10fter met.ala · Inauauratlon of the film patrol ~of-::. ~~ r:;:,.,i. wC approximately 2400 tons of bitum-Cub in lawful money of the c:rantee, aa1an1nc and conve)'lna: where desired. Metal surfaces sub-system. wherein all racee are pbo-DAmM and add,_ an u followa. inoua plant mix to be -delivered United States on conftrmaUon of An undivided. interest to the ex- ject to conooion and expossed tn togrbo aphed from tnwera located l<>-•&..ru..:s L. 8IllTB and 000 applied tn approximately 200,-aale by said Superior Court, or tent h~ter spedlled In. and weather may be protected by a ut the mile oval, and the ln-1&0I m:-t Central .l..TaLUe IQ. ft. or playground at the part cash and remaining balances to all the one-el&hth ri&bt. Utle Mea.lli.zini: with non·COl't"Odinc stallatlon of the famed perfqnn. uo=:oti. ~~711• main school, 14th and Central. as may be contracted ror. Ten per and interest which the &aid Selab metals. ance observers de partment are 1IOC ll:alrt 09ntral .A.nnue Spetj.fications to be obtained at cent (10%) of the amount bid for J . Evana had or b.aa subject to the new Del Mar innovations to safe-Wl~~ ~J:'1-lh1• 29th daJ the office of the District Super-l&J.d (rOperty to be depmited with oil lease hereinafter deecrlbed, or Harpoons Broadbill A 470-pound broadbill swordfish was caught Friday by Ernie H a n- sen aboard the swordfish boat Bette Ann. Mr. H ansen performed an unusual feat in piloting the boat and running out on the plank ·a.nd spearin g the swordfish aJone. This takes, usually. two men , one to pilot the boat and the other to spear the fish . The fish was caught off Dana Point and landed in ap- proximately 2 ~ hours. The Bette Ann is owned by Lawrence Grohs, 806 1st street, Santa Ana, Calif. War Dept. Pays Bill City of Newport Beach received $1 250 from the W ar Depatment as rent on the aquatic center, ac- cording to a repor t made Monday by City Treasurer J . A. Gant. ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 Cout lllP•a.J" FormerlJ Oordon'• Dnc Store ~Every D&;J guard the sport during lt:J; 35 dayw of Ju.17, lH&. intendent of Schools, 14th and bid · that he may at any time herMfter of presentation here. ~K.L.~. Central. Bids or offers are invited for acquire in and to all oil, gu and Water Beoelpta Up J ohn D. McMillan, superintend- ent of the Newport Beach water department. r e ported receipts of SI l ,344.66 for July. PUBLIC NOTICE CERT IFICATE OF BUSIN ESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME The undersigned do hereby certUy that they are conducll n~ a boal repair an<t wood -working bualne:u a t 615 Cout Hll'hway. City of Newpon Beacb, County of Orange. State of C&ltfornla. under the tlctltioua firm name or STERLING BOAT WORKS and lhal sa.l;J firm la cornpoaed of the follow-ing peraon.a. whoee name.!! and ad-dreJ!l!'f"I are u foll ow•: to wit : Orin Thorkild.sen , 130 Via Koron, Newport Be1tch. Ce.llfornla: Dori11 N . Thorklld-sen, 130 Via Koron, Newport Be.a.ch, Cal ifornia. Witness our ha.nd this l11t day of Auiruat. 1946. ORrN THORKILDSEN DORIS N. THORKlLDSEN State of California, County of Oranse--u. On this lat day of August, A. D .. 1946, before me Tom W. Hendtl'Mln. a Notary Public In and for a&id County and Slate, resldlnl' therein' duly com-mlSJllloned and •worn. per110naly ap-pe11.red Orin Thorllldsen and Doria N . Thorklldun. known to mel to be. lbt pt1'1!(Jna whoae names are mubecrlbed to the within ln•trument . and a.ckno wl· edged to me that they eaecuted the aarne. 1 IN \\'ITNEffi WHEREOF. 1 bave hereunto ~t my band and afrlx.ed my offi cial .e•I the day a.nd ye&T In thla certificate first abO ,•e written. (SE.ALI TOY \V. HENDERSON. Sotary Public In and for 8&Jd County and State. My con1ml1•lon expire• March 7. 1949. Pub.: Aui;. 6. 13, 20. 27. 1946. STATE or CALIY'ORNIA. The Board of School Trustees of said real property and must be in other like hydro--carbons that shall COUNTY OF ORANGC-. the N 0n thl• 29th day of ,July,_ A.. o . 1941, ewport Beach School Dis-writing and will be received at at any time be produced upoo that before me, lL K. HOLICER. a No~ trict reserves the right to reject 9642 Heather Road. l...ol Ancetes, certain real property, located in ~~~c; ~~j17 foa'"o~ ~fu L. any or all bids or waive any in-California, D-estview 5-0872, or the County of Orange, State ol Smith and Homer lr. Bm.Jth, known to formality in a bid. may be filed wi"th the Clerk ot Callfo_rnla, commonly known and me to be the penom wbOM name• &1'I •ub1teribed to the within l118tn.nneot, T . WESTON JAY, said Superior Court at any time descnbed as the KUjawsky ranch ~edu.:eo=~ to me that" they u e· Oerk of the Newport Beach School after the first publication of this property, particularly desaibed IN WITN&..qe WHEREOF t ba•t District. notice and bef~ -.. tn-... said sale. in that certain oU lease wherel.D bereuoto Ml my band and aitlied my Pub A 13 20 27 1946 •UGAU'6 A Hart is the 1 d P M offlcl&J ae&J the day a.nd year In th1a · ug. • • • · Dated July 25th, 1946. · eslOI', an · · certlrl c&te flnit above ..mtten. SEYMOUR TALLY, Greenlee et al. are lessees, recorded Notary Publ~· 11:· ~~1t~~d CERTIFICATE OF BUSI NESS Executor of the Estate or in Book 29, page 26, of Leases, rec- County and State. Ky oom· The u:~~~:~~ F~r;' h~:e~; certify T. L. Tally, also known as o~ of Orange Collf!ty, State of miuloo e:m:plree Karch 4· 1949. that they a.re condl!cllng a water 80tt. Thomas L. Tally, Deceased. CalifornJa; the undivided interest Pub. July SO ; Aue. 6. l!, JO, l946. enlng eervlce bus1neN at 410 32nd Ral h W S "th Alto her ein conveyed. is a propcrUonate CERTIFICATE OF BU SINESS : FICTITIOUS FIRM NA.Ml!: The und.eralgned dou he"'by cer-tify that they are conducti ng a Print-ing and i!ubllahlng Buslnea• at son W . Central Ave.. Newport Beach. California. under the ftc tlllou.a firm name of Newport Harbor Publlablng Co.. and that 8ald firm I• compoMG of the following penion.a wboee namea and addreaau •1"8 && follow•. to-wit; Sam D. Porter, 1569 MJra.mar Drtve, Balboa. Call.fornJL Nora S. Wade, )()6 Weatml.ruiter A...e .• Ne•pon Be.a.ch. California. Wltneaa our hand• thl• 22nd clay of July, 1146. SAK D. PORTER. NORA S. WADE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OP' ORANGE--ell. Oo thla 22nd day of Julr. A. D. 1946, be.fol"8 me Helen O. Klatt. a Notary Public In and for the s&Jd county a.nd lltate, re•ldlnlI therein, duly commlMloned a.nd nrom. pel'90D-ally appeared Sam D. Porter and Nora S. Wade. known to me to be the penooa whoee oamu a.re •ub-acrtbed to the wllblo lnalnlmeot. and acknowledged to me that they ueeuted the aame. lo wttneu whereof I have hereunto 11tt my hand and affix ed my official seal tbe day llDd year In thJa Cer-tificate flnit above written. HELEN 0 . KLATT, Notary Public l.n and for aald County and State. My O"llP• sitntoa nptf'M Dee.. I.. 1946. !SEAL.) Pub. Jaly 23, 80 ; Aug. 6 and U , 1946. CERTIF ICATE OF DO INO BUS INESt UNOER FI CTITIOUS NAME The undenilg-ned . R. \V. BA.RTINE and TllEO S. McELROY. hen:by cer· Ufy that they are lht p.a.nner•. a.nd all or the partnen, or a partner11bip kn\J'A'n by the rirm name and stylt or "ltACBARS"' That lb')' are the 801' owner.!! o! th' saic1 p1.rtner11hlp, and 11..11 sa.ld part· 11~1'1!. tJ1at th~>· conduct bu.!!l11c•a &.t l :!<I Ma.lo Street. liun11ng1v11 Dear h. C&Jlfornla and 109 M11ln ~treet. &I· boa. Cali!omla. bOlh In lhe County •treet. City of Newpon Beach , County P . nu , rney . of Orange, State or California, uo~er. 919 Oviatt Building interest to be computed and de-tbe fictitious flnn name of Bea.Ch . ' termined In the ratio th t Home!! Soft Water Service, and that 617 South Olive Street, . a one--said firm Is composed of the following Los Angeles 14 California fifteenth of a n acre bears to that persons. ,.•hose names and addreaaes ' · portio f th are f th wh ] are u follows. to wit : Pub.: Aug. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 1946. n O e a 0 e O e Henry S. Bonnell, 1414 Virginia Ave ., Of Said real property above de-- La.Jolla. Ca.lifornla. ·bed hich th "d Selah J Pat Branin. Rt. 1. Bo:.: J062. La.Mesa. scrt , w e sat • California. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Evans bu heretofore owned. or Au~~:~!M~.r hand~. this ninth day of AND PERSONAL PROPERTY no~ owns, or may hereafter ac- HENRY s. BONNELL. AT PRIVATE SALE. qwre. State of tj1T0~~IN No. 240,000 Ternts of sale cash in lawful County of on.n.P-:.,...: In the Superior Court of the money of the United States on 1~6~ ~fo~n~e d~~r ~~'W~nd}~n: State of California, in and for the confirmation or sale, or part cuh a Notary Public lo and ror aald county County of Orange. and balance evide nced -by nOte se-and •tale, reaidlns therein duly com-In M ed b M -·-m.l.!!.!!loned and ftlorn. pel'90nally ap-the atter of the Estate of cur y ortgage or ... , ._t Deed pea.ttd Henry s. Btnnell and Pat ALMA LIBBEY ECKLEEN, De-on the property so sold. Ten per Branin k.nowo to me to be the peraons ed · whose names are sub1terlbed to the ceas . cent of amount bid to be depo&lted within ln•trumeot, and acknowledged Notice is hereby given that the with bid. to me that they e:m:ecuted the u.me. 'els · In Witness Whereof, t b&\•e he~unto undersianed will sell at private Bl or offers to be in writini: itet my hand and affixed my otflctal sale, to the highest and best bid-and will be received. at the afore-~t ~to<i,.~Y :z:.idtt~~~r 10 tbla certificate der, subject to confirmation of said office at any time after the tSeaI> TOM W . HENDERSON. said Superior Court, o n or after first ~blication hereof and before Notary Public In and for said d te al c ounty a.nd state. the 3rd day of September. 1946, a o s e. Pub.: Aug. 13, 20, 77. Sept. 3, 1946. at the office of Edward R . Milli-Dati'\1 this 1st day of August, ken, Attorney, 20 North Raymond 1946. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Avenue, P a sade na, County of Los DANIEL A. WHITE, PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Angeles, State of California, all Administrator of the estate of No. 249.582 the rig ht, title and interest of said Alma Libbey Eckleen, deceased. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF deceased at the time of death and EDWARD R. MILUGEN, Attor - THE STATE Of CAUFORNIA all the right, title a nd interest ney for Administrator, 20 No. IN AND F OR THE COUNTY that the estate of said deceased Raymond Ave., P asadena, Cali- OF LOS ANGELES. has acquired by operation of law fornia. In the Matter o ( the Estate of T . or otherwise. other than or in ad~ Pub.-Aug. 1, 6, 8, 13, 15. 1946. L . T ALLY, also known as 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 'MtOMAS L. TALLY, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and pursuant to the law in such cases made and pro- vided, the undersigned Executor will sell at private sale to the highest and best\ bidder upon the terms and conditions hereinafter MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central • Phone Harbor 2125 Stewart -Warner • Auto Painting SSO up I " '•11111 ~ -/ ~ . ; ' ,._ 115•' ,I I·• • \ i1•111..-' ' -. ' --.----,., _I ' I \ J~ I. .-/,,? and Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • Prices Reasonable No Delay In your plannlng, 1pecHy a ® gas range nis Panel Available Chrome Now • 1n WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Jndilln summer or just honest-to-goodness hot weather -neither is pleasant in a warm kitchen. That's one good reason you'll enjoy a CP gas ra nge Ovens are insulated ro keep the heat insilk-right whe" it belongs. Yes, and the extra-heavy oven insulation means less hcat wasred, more money ""''"· k for the cake, it comes our evenly browned all ovcr. For your modern gas range gives l#Jif-oven circulation. You'll be a happier home manager, you'll enjoy happier cooking, with the flame-perfect c.ti/itJ Ptef,,_ of a CP gu range. air ,~ .... a,.. -...... .....,,,, b<oiitts - -..i, odju..i.l< top i..r.... • Pf'""Dl boiao.trs -ftlf* clooapamlaia ........... .......... _._..., ... io • CP ps raaat wish wpu-acr broilctl No med to -.it till p:i"f._ CW bilOa.iCI lrt bMld, ............ -ia be-oiler. ...... .,... •..., r·•' Plomc ..... ~ opr...t ...... , uodit.r ariddk-a builc.ta fra. mtt ol muJ CP .. C1.11r1C1 A "-., pusco•• .-.,1 SOUTHllH COUMT!ll OAS COMPANY noaa11, ICOllOlllCAL, nu·•-PEllFECI' ... l'I •I•• IF -flamt ptt4 Ina ... _, is ti>< - tc0nomical ol all modtt a. -...ia---to _.,. prka .. awiq.. Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALVU 8JNOZ 1000 (laMt llhra7 .U..ts.-1'1ww•1ceWP • 41•:• Phw8-ml6%% • ' ..... 8t I i•· I lsz Dlilc><>M I Phone BMeoa Ml4 ''' • • Does ·vo•r Haase Need Pallltlng? • ~ I ... aia,-lllledled "1' Well!I -D Val• 11277 1:r-1n n ,,._,.._.,. ... n-11 ., ~ Wwftwea" 'a Phone BAllB()B 2841 ._ .......... I j \ ---. • rt 7 ,, ens s T'I a ..... 1L 1NI S&Wtoal BAI.an& h&WD..iiiiliiiiiiii MS9 &s Js • 1AJ8DiW OtJJDl:i 1-t l'.illPLOnn:NT OP#* *C'' 11 MUSI<JAL a ll&DIO Two New Homes Really for occupanc7. Stall ~ Gius doon. Rugs. .......,=-~~--:~~~~ Flairatone Contractor PATIOS-FIREPLACES Sl'ORE FRONTS-WALKS 1425 Fnnch S t. Phone Santa Ana I Santa Ana, Calif. 1121-..!. 63-4tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone ~M 2Y t:. :1Dtb St., Coot& 111- 21}.tf< SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, Wlndowo Wallo and Bulletins. Raised Metal. Wood and Plutlc Lot te-. AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38tf• PAINTING 12 Yean Service ln Newport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J 274 E. 19th Street 24-tfr Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free E:_,tlmat!ng l'l>one. Beacon 5780-J 47-11< f()R A RELIABLE Paint Job °" your home, call Beacon 533C ~ 4 :30 p.m. 1().tf< FAINTING -PAPER RANGING and DECORATING H. E. McDooald 414 Old Conly Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacqn 5013-J 86-tft i;BAN!!POKTATION u WANT TRANSPORTATION to Los Angeles five days week. Ph. Beacon 5349-W. . 62-4tp BICYCLES Sold, Rented or RepaJred. VOGEL'S 100 M ain S~. Balboa 208 Marlne. Balboa Ialand. 94-tft 11 COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES 'nntlng and Manicuring ')lening AppL Ph. Harbor 1~\l: Vi's Beauty Shop p.03 Coast Hlway, COTona del MaJ 35-tf• I AJ8T AND FOUND n LOST-\Vallet. $50.00 reward for return intact. Tan wallet lost August 5. vicinity Bayshort? Yacht Anchorage, telephone Bal- derston ,Angelus 21123 or Swales Beacon 5122. 63-4tp EMPLOYMENT WANTED !8 GffiL with electrical and mechan- ical experience needs permanent work. 119 Bay Ave .. Balboa. 63-4tc HELP WANTED-Woman or girl for general housework ; good wages; Uve in or out. Harbo:r 1992. 56-t!C JAPANESE· AMERICAN, exper- ienced in dressmaking and alter- ations wants work at home: 110 Cabrillo St .. Costa Mesa. 60-4tp POSm ON WANTED-Apartment management, capable, can fur· nish good r eferences. CaU 01 write 506 W alnut, Hur.Ungton Beach. 61-4tp EIO'WYMENT OFFEBZI> II FOUNTAIN GIRLS wanted. Gun- ders0n's Drug Store. Balboa. Phone Harbor 515. 63-ltc HELP \VANTED -Dishwashet and yardman. Harrison's, 17th and Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. 62-2tc \V AA'TED-Sa lesman, real estate preferably lady with office e.~· perience. Bo."< 394. Nev.'J>Or1 Beach. 62-2tp \VANTED--Housek('Cper for niet countn• liome. near buss and beach. No hea\'y cll'aning, $125. P honC, collect. 5fl09-\\' -393 Del Jtar. Costa l\·Icsa. 62-tfc -LP \VANTED-\\'ai1rcss, ex· perience essC'ntial. t-larri.s.on's, 17th and Orange A\•e .. Costa l\tesa. 62-2t< \\'ANTED -Housecleaning, one day \Vt'ekly on Penins.llla . P lease c-all Harbor 772-\V. 61-tfc WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good Houn+ Also FRY COOK --s- EARLY (morninp King Landing Newport Beach only! YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations witb pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 514~ N . Main S t .. Santa Ana ar Ask the operator for the Chio! Operato< Southern California Telephone Compaay Order-Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's • 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tf< WANTED TO BUY SI CASH F OR uSED FURNITURE PHONE BEACX>N 5:538-J. 23-tlc \VANTED TO BUY-\Vashfng ma- chine, need badly due to illness in family. Phone Harbor 2031. 63-4tc FOR SALE-2 Star boats. No. 2069 Sioux, v.-ith one Watts suit of sails, and one new Murphy and Nye main sail. 2-wheel trailer and boat rover. fleet champion rar pact years, $2200 ; Will Pay Cash No. 2433. one suit of sails and F or your furni ture or what h&Vt:! 4-whcC'l tr ailer (flexiobl) rig. yow.. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· $1800. Davis Iiatch, 219 Mag· ley Furniture, 1812 Newport nolia Ave .. Costa Mesa. Phone Blvd., Costa Mesa. . 4S.t!c Beacon 5885. 63-4tc FURNITU1lE FOR SALE S1 ORDER NOW ! 3-BEDROO~t sets, one couch. gas P·l4. Sno\vbirds and Starboats. r ange, floor lamps. rugs, 2 reg-Delivery this fall. Constructed u1ar sized doors, etc. 123 E . or dry boat cedar and boat Central. 63-2tp spruce. Bronze fittings and fast- CZ..tfc ings, stainless steel riggings . s--ALE--ll080ELLANE0------u-8---90 FOR SALE-Piano. Stager up-P ainted to suit. Trailers, boat ===,..,..,.,.--===~~~-righ t, grand. $200; twin coil coven a nd sails available for VENETIAN BLINDS-Wood or spring mattressa. $25 each; these boats only. Davis Hatch, metal. Any size. Western Auto twin deluxe coll springs, $15 219 Magnolia Ave .. Costa Mesa Supply, Costa Mesa. Phone each. Phone Harbor 494. 58-Uc Phone Beacon 5885. 63-2tc Beacon 5675· 60-4t, FOR SALE-Bed-davenport with M O T O R B O A T S FOR SALE-St. Augustine grass, mattrcU. $15; ewer-stuffed chatr $1.00 per nat. 225 P oppy Ave., with green cover, $5. 234 Gold· R E A D Y T 0 G 0 Corona del Mar. Telephone Har· enrod Ave., Corona del Mar. Take away-just a few days after bor 1836. . 60-4tc 60-4tp you order- FOR SALE-Good used 6-ft. Cold ------------1-Your choice ot any ot our boats SPot refrigerator, $100. Phone BOATS, 811PPLIJ:8 U (8 to 14 ft.), made of light, Harbor 2442. 61 ·3tc SNO\VBIRD -New, complete, tough, waterproof plywood with $500. Call H-1553-J . 61-4tp 2-An extra efficient 1 14 h.p. In· FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal- culator, $150. 1840 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 5892-J. 61-tfc FOR S ALE-Complete "Kwik- Way'' engine rebuilding equip- ment. 501 El Modena, Ne\\'- port Heights. 62-4tp board motor installed and FOR SALE-40-ft. clinker built 3-A patent ed "F1exidrive'' flexl- row boat. Harbor 1971 -J . 63-4tc ble shal t-propeller unit (pro- FOR SALE-Dyer sailing dinghy, peller steers boat, lifts up in 1 month old. 226 Via Lido Nord. beaching boat). Phone Harbor 1194-J. 63-2tc ... Complete, ready to shove off. FOR SALE-P ortable dory. good lt these typical prices: condition, cheap. 445 Redlands lO ft. sk iff ....... -.. -.. -· .. $262 St .. Ne~rt Heights. 63-ltp 12 ft. skif[ ... -............... m.&. (while our stock lasts) FOR RENT-August and Sept .. lovely apartment, water front , 2nd floor living-room, bedroom. bath, dinette and kitchen: two adults: no drinkers or pets. Har- bor 691.\V. 62-2tc WANTED TO IU:NT U FUR SALE-Man's pre-war btcy. cle: ju.st like new. Heavy ·dut) tires. 512 28th St .. NewporL 52-tft FOR SA~1 6-ft. Snipe type WATSON -BOATS boat, all \nahogany, $285. 405 E. Edgewater. Balboa. 61-tfc ''Small Boat Hdqn." Newport Beach Home FOR SALE-Llving-roam set. new W ANTED-Balboa Dinghy. 1.20 611 C.oast, Hiway Beacon 5zn TiflS NEW BEACH HOME is just electric water heater . table-top Abalone Ave .. Balboa Island. ~tfc the thing for a family wishin g electric range, 5 h.n. outboard a small beach house near the r 5~tfc MU81€AL A RADIO lM motor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. ==--,,---=-=-.,.--=-.,.--~c , canal at a moderate price. Re. 61-tfc FOR SALE-225 h.p. Chri•-Craft FOR SALE-Upright piano, good cently completed and furnished. ==-=-~c-c:--::--:-----"-' I engine, reconditJoned. See Lucky condition, $200. P hone Beacon Located in r apidly growing FOR SALE-Small cletrac t r actor Lewis, 901 Coast Highway, New-5TI2, or call 205 Westminster neighborhood near the Balboa Call 1522-J John D. Burham · 2001 OCean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa 2 new Cape Cod ho\lSel on Ocean Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEAN FRONT 1-story and a hall, 2-bedroom. bath. large room upstairs fOl' guest, living room, fireplace, kitchen, bedroom and bath over garage, wall heaters. 2004 OCEAN F'RONT I-story and a half, 2-bedroom and bath, large roorri upstairs for guest, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, covered porc;h with barbecue, lawn, flo,vers, bushes, brick walks, picket fences surrounding each, beautiful unrestricted view of ocean. These houses open dally for inspection. 52-tfc El Bayo Tract Lot on Ba y A venue $4750 Large Comer Lot On Penlnsula,_with view. $5750 • Business Lot with two small houses $10,500 Several good Bay Front Lots LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 S300.00. Call Beacon 5033. Lo-Co d port. 61-4tc Ave., Newport H eights after ves evelopment. Although cated at Viking's Port, 909 · 1 SAN FRANCISCO 2 bedroom Coast Highway. 63-2tc FOR SALE-40-ft. cabin cruiser. 5:30 p, m. 55-tfc small lt is arranged to s eep - -eight-$8.350. J . M. MILLER, home and 2 apartments for ln- REFRlGERATOR. hi 1 sleeps 6. Ship shape Bow to Radio Repairs 15th and Centr al. Harbor 1242. come, will sell or trade for w te ename · stern. Priced for quick sale. See steel. cork insulated. three-door. at Cagney Isle. 63-2tp All makes; tubes, et c. ---,,,..,,,--=----==-63-"-1-tc Newport Harbor property. Har- 5().pound. Reasonable. 302 Ruby Beacon 5763 REAL VA UES bor 1600· 57-tfc St., Balboa Island. 63-ltp FOR SALE-Boy's bicycle, good BURT NORTON L FOR SALE-214 acres, Fontana, condition. Phone Harbor 596-J 1 bedroom home, 1 ;l acre good MEN'S RUBBER hip boots. sizes '--f 8 30 r 7 915 Coast HJghway, Newport soil. full price only-near steel mill. Will sell $2500 8 and 10. Girls' skirts. S\\'eate.n utc"" ore : a. m. or a ter p. m . 23-tfc or trade for beach property. 233 and·Girl Scout uniform. size 12. -~---------63-·_l....ctp -----~------$4500 W. Columbia St., Wilmar. Calif. Ha rbor 532-J. 63-2tc F OR SALE-18-ft. sailboat and ANOTIIER magnificent Steinway. --61-4tc Medium size. Beautiful mahog-New 1-bedroom home on '!'! acre FOR SALE-Stove, O'Keefc and tTailer. Sloop rig \\'i th cabin. Th i f th ood d" . '('('d U FOR SALE-Corona del Mar 40-fL l\ferr itt dellL'te '46 model. never ~=~;~nt A~~dit~~bo!t~ p;:! ~:St~::.e. Dan~-~::::tdt 0 Pian~ ~nly-astrict, prt to se at lot a t 310 Larkspur near Sea used. Box spring! and ma ttress. lJ95-"' 63-lt Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. $6500 View, $3950. ·Phone Santa Ana double. 445 Redlands St., N<'\\'-t• · P 55-tfc 2647-W . Owner , 425 So. Syca- port Heights. 63-ltp SNO\\'BlRD---For r ent, by \\·cekG __ R_A_ND __ P_l_AN~O~S--Y-ou--wi-.1-l _be_ New 2-bedroom-h-ome, hard\\"ood more, Santa Ana. 62-4tp or month. has O\\"tl moorin11:. ln-FOR SALE-Combination port-llUire 3091h Grand Canal or astounded a tour great big floors, 1-car gar age, nice large AT CORONA DEL MAR able radio. S25.00. Lar ge Crafts· phone 5525 afternoon only. stock. Kimball. Stein\\'ay, Soh-Jot . This is rea lly a good buy. N T B d man jig-Sa\\· $45.00. Doris 1-latch. 63-2tc n1cr, Hallet and Davis, Story $6850 ew W O-e roo m Home 219 ?vlagnolia Ave .. Costa :\1c-sa . =~--~----~-'--,,..--and Oark. One gorgeous Chick---$8750 Beacon 5885. 63-2tc 23 ft. fantail boat: head. galley, ering and it is the real Chick.er-3-bedroom home, 2-car garage, ~ \VA.!\'T A I-10 ).IE'! Eastern house trailer and cabana. buta ne gas. running \\'ater and lots of extras. Can steep 6 people. On nicc lot bunk and large cabin : 1500 lb. ing. too. !ttany otht'rs to choose acre of good soil, good district. capacity: plenty of albacore from. Priced to start at $395. "This is really one of the best ~ear, $2000. Docked after 6 p.m . Tenns .. Or r ent. Danz Schmidt buys in 3-bedroom homes. Bet- foot of 20th St., Ne\\rport. 62-4tp Piano Co.. Exclusively pianos. ter let us show you a,round. F ull Two Lots .•• with i umber tor two homes ; south of highway. MONTEREY type 26-6x8-4: motor Nothing else. 520 N. Main. price only- A·l condition: hull in veey good Santa Ana. 55-tfc $8850 w A.N'TED-Girls for (ountain on Bay with low re nt year 9.'0rk, 18 or over. Apply in round. Priced right for quick $6000 shape: albacore gear: capacity Radio and Electric 5000 tbs. Docked after 6 p.m. foot ol 20th St., NewporL 62-4tp REP AIRS F OR SALE-Fishing boat being :H-HOUR SERVICE painted now. 7311 Sea Shore All Mak .. -Pick Up A Delivery Dr., N . B. Phone Harbor 1493-J. PERRY HARDWARE Call after 1 p.m. 59-tfc l30el Cout Blvd. Harbor 232 person, 1T70 Ne"NpOrt Bl\'d. or sale. See O\\"tler. lot 99. Ne,,-port call Beacpn 5224-J. 61-ltc Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc WAITRESS WANTED m daY" Concrete Products week. Norton'• Bay Shon Cafe, Div. of Foster Sand A: Gra\•el Co. 17th and Cout Highway. 5~tfc Pb. Fullerton 21B-W KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply 1015 S. Spadra 5-room home. 1 block from city \V. J . HOLCOMB center. hardwood., tile and floor Corona del Mar furnace. nicely landscaped. This _''Whe__;=~"-the=-=-na=p::_Fl::..:::y'~'-.;62=..:·2:.:tc:: 'wouJd make a nice lot for busi- ness. Don't miss seeing It today. Full pri<e- $14,500 John D. Burnham 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa ATIENTION, BUSINESS MEN! _ We Need Listing:r-s - ol small boL"iness and lnoome prope: ty. We have a large number ol people looking b' IJIP • ol all aorts. Today's Best Buy HOME AND BUSINESS-Pottery Plant. Very good Income. Will teach to beginner. Nlce one-bedroom home. Qrona de! Mar, on lot 30xl18. A. "SANDY" Realtor NOW TRY BALBOA ISLAND AN OUTSTANDING OOMMUNITY for var- iety of homes. Ing for you. . . . We may have the list- Call Hub Powers at Harbor · 62-W. · J. A. Beek Office, Ferry Landing Balboa Island ~tc LINWOOD VICK 312 Marine Ave. Broker Phone Harbor 548-11 BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND Furnished, one-bedroom, extra large living room with fireplace, spacious fenced-in yard, right on Grand Canal. Immediate posses- sion. $15,000 ---------CHOICE LIDO ISLE LOTS l 'f2 lots close to South Bay $5775 Fine corner lot near North Bay ···-··-·-·-··--··-··.$7,000 63-ltc W ANT A HOME? Eastern house trailer and cabana. butane gas, running water and lots of extras. Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot on Bay with low r ent year 'round. Prices r ight for quick sale. See Owner , Lot 99, New· port Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102-M .-- Today's Special Newport Blvd. Home and BUSINESS BLDG. 28 ft. x 28 ft. with living quarters. House in rear, with little fixing could be made into good rental. This is a splendid property. E x- cellent location . Q uick possess. 'Only $11,000 Nearly New 4 Unit Court 3 UNTI'S completely furnished, 1 unfurn. Corner lot 150 ft. x 165 ft. Beautifully landscaped. In- com e $157.50 per month. Room for 3 m ore units. Oose in E. side, Costa Mesa. Very neat and at· tractive. Only $-19,950 11,4 -Acre Ranch 2-bedroom house, barn, chicken house, pri~ $4750 1/2-Acre Ranch Dandy 2=.bedroom hom e, newly decorated inside and out. Ga· rage, barn, chix house only- $6450 Open Eveninl?S and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON 469 Newpor t Blvd .. Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5102-M 63-l tc Corona del Mar Home nus WELL DESIGNED two- bedroom house is located on a large corner lot north of the highway, close to a shoppinc center. Now nearing completion it will not be long on the ~ ket. Price includes completion of building, or special deal may be arranged for buyer to take over aa it-$10,000. J . M. MILLER, 15th and Centnl. Haroor 1.242. 63-1tt BEAL EllTATll SXOllANOJI 41 MOVING TO SAN FRANCISOO! New custom-built model ho~. San Mateo, has everything-2 bedrooms and den, 2 tile baths. living-room, fireplace, dlning- room, modern kitchen, laundry, sewing room , 2-car garage, large hobby workshop, tiled patio, flower garden. Many buit-ln extras. Trade for Bay Front home. Write Box T, c/o New.- Times. 61-3tc llONlC'I' TO WAN • WANS TO BUILD, boq, :wp- modernla or retlmnca. N-port Bal---S."-Utd J.m.n~ 3333 Via Udo Ph. llubor 1900 MONEY WANTED WANTED-Private loan, $10,000. Secured by excellent JrOPd l:j. Box 628, Balboa Island. 5&-t!c AUTOMOTIVE A TDUm • FOR SALE-Buick '41 spedal sedan, maroon tiniSh ; radio, ·heater and defrocter; nearly new tirel; license 84-U-534. Call evenings after 7 p.m., 443 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Hetghts. 62-2tp 11 'l'RAILERS FOR RENT-Do 1'0UI' own houllng and moYlng. AD new equipment, $2.25 -and $2.50 per day. We fUmlsh the hltdi. Income P ro perty, Balboa Myrehn Broo. Service Statlm: THIS WELL KEPT-UP property cor. l7th & Newport Blvd. a.ta Mesa. 48-dt includes four bungalow court single apartments each with AIBPLANES a bath and kitchenette and a twcr FOR SALE _ New Ercoupes, bedroom house with separate aer oncas, Globe Swift, flight ln- garage on a ·50x100 lot in a C-1 struction at Skyharbor, one mile zone, convenient to either ocean west on 19th st., Costa Mesa. or bay. Yields excellent net in-63-4tc come, and because of location ----------_:.-"-' should be a good long-term Jn-TAKE A H OP awr the Huber vestment-$16,500. J . M: MIL-area, $2.00; also llytnc lnstn»- LER, 15th and Central, Har· tlon. Ccmpetent a.·AAF 11>- bor 1242. 63·1tt atructon. Ai.a dealen tar Ae<.,ca and, tbe -slobe FOR SALE-Lot In Fairview "Swltt" plans. C<me to N-- Helght-. 86-ft. to 350 ft., $1500. port Bay Sky Harbor, one ma. OM!eyi's. 322 Marine Ave .• Bal· Building tie, building bricks. face -Island. • ~tfc bricks, patio tlle In colors. See our -=-=-~::::.=__,-....,....-?-...... -1 ~. -HELP WANTED-Au to dealeT re-62-8tc SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer CX>RONA DEL MAR tor l&le, ~ $200. Call Ham-54-tfc Uton Lowe, 229 Opel SL, Bal-GOOD UMd p1anoo for practice. Island. Harbor Z5190-J. ~tp Some u low as $57 and ST9 or Call 110. PHI'! Ave., ~ wst <JI Coot& Meo& on 1lllb St. Income property on Peninsula Island. 63-4tc · S.tfe Point. S19.SOO furnished ,nown.. -... ~OftM~!:!•~u~~·!m~=!:====~·~ .. ~-~~~w~1~·~·~!::====~• 1-bedroom home on 1 % aaes.. quitts """""" of bookkeepet with experi~ "' parts, -and auto sales. Small aperation. pcaible -t time. Apply by letter to Harbor Garaae, 1936 Harbor Blvd., Coota Mesa. 62-2tc Steel Kitchens GLASS TUB ENCLOOURES SHOW£1l DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. TIDE TABLES 144 Coast Blvd., N. AUGUST, 1-Ph. !5852 Laguna Be:t w 14 10:33 4 ,u 1:51 s:.a ------~=,,,----1-'tp 4.4 -0.4 5.9 u BARGAINS! 'lb 15 U:O.'I 4,10 ll:U .. -4:Sl i:-t pri°"' In lllrnltuno ii m:i 4.6 -0.1 5.4 1.7 motto. I buy rl&ht. I ocll ri&ht F 16 U :39 5 ,12 ll:~ ... ..:6:21 I oJoo buy turnlture. "'7 M 4.8 Ll Needle's Furniture ..._ __ ,._... ~ Newprl Blvd. Coota Mao UIM ~~a:..,.__. .. • 57·tfc • Wll.L EXCHANGE l50 ft. sl\p In rent a piano foe $5 per mo. Let Wllmlnston for same In N.,.. tbe children learn. Danz-Schmidt port Harbor. Call Erwin Pie.--Plano Co., 520 N. Maln, Santa at Klmble 528.\. 52-tfc Ana. 55-tfc Sleeping pon:h 8x32 fL Out· standing kitchen,. h a r d w o o d floors. This is really a good buy a t only- $10,260 -- FOR SALE-Matched pair BUDA BABY ·~ N-WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU marine dleoel 125 h.p. engt.-. only $4115. This b a creat bu'-- See at Boatswain's Locker, 1003 p1n. Duz-5cbmldt Plano eo. B. A. NERESON Cout Hlway, N ewport llNch. Santa Ana. 55-tfc Calif. 6().tfc WORLD famous Spinet . t:)'pO SMALL SAILBOAT. suitable for mirror pLano. Repcrreued. Now cblldren, complete with center ~ to 1295. T...-. SUperb board, rudder and sail. ,...ac1y t o tone. Mohcpny cue. J>eslped 1972 N<WP«t Blvd., Coota Msa to. Ideal for learning to saJL for s!:Yle and lone sorvlce. 0.-Pb. Beacon 5225 e1tt $90.00. 322 Anade St.. -Scbmldt Plano Co.. 520 N. M.aln. -J:;;;i;;;;;;j;;t;;;j;j;;~;;;;;;;--1 ~ Santa Ana. '5-tfc IAll&w -at _.,, stairs, 2 bedrooms, Olvlne·room, - dining-room cunbined), bath, kitchen; upotalrs, 1 bedroom, bath, kitchen, large living-room and llUlldeclc. Garage apt. In rear, 1 large room. kitchenette at><! bath. good refrlgerato< In """"-'I'Wo-car garage. 11.-3 zin!ng. ~tfc FOR SALE BY OWNEJl-.lncca>e Pl-l)o Oii OUC-MU New• port Harbor Yacht club, 2 w tlt., fumlomd. $-car garaae. Price $21..000. O'fttvliew ._ or Har· bor 17M-W. ll2S W. Bay Aw. Oour1a1 to ix-.. 63-2tc: VIE NEED LA'IE MODEL CARS and Wm Pay Top Prices !El.I, YOUR CAR NOW , W• Prta.-BP I'll-. for -....; ...... b:o• ... cd 11111 wlv• 1UQ 1 t •7q OPA r:c •tWw, • I i*baandua I , •d, • <l,JLBERTSON ma JltQ.,BT <X>., Inc. 0 IS&lt ... 0, 0', -WlllCCl+l&lt.,•A1.••:1otS c •o j ,a re· ._. ... l • I ' • . I • ..... _____________ ,;_ __ ~·~-:...~·:::t ~::.:·:·:·:·:-:·:·:·:: ,,..,.... at::zpl ., • e= t T '+ .... !&, !!!! Mrs. Gra~ Wilcox Stork Tells Story Hostess to Of Coming Event F AC Arts & Crafts A trt.arlr. bclc!hqr In Ila bill a Jin. c;,...,. -. c:halrman ol diaper ID wlllcb -~a baby doll boldinc a note on wblcb -'tbe u1s ond crafts lectlon of the written '"Viola" told ol. a com'"& C'Gota M-Friday Aft...._, club, event wblch aurpriled ment>en o1 --at a i=mt moetlq. the Colt& -Fltt auxiliary, who After luncheon Mrs. Willcox con-wen entertalned 1'lunday ev,.. ducted a buslneu seaion at which nine by Mn. Gui Beach at her time lhe announced the -ol tbe club board to arrange fer tbe home, 21.at and Tustin avenue. 111e or LetPon hall four timel a Honored .,..st WU Jln. llertren Harbor Feminine + A • • .. Helen Ann Grundy and Of. Cliarles·Langmade Ctlvltles. United ·Sarurday in Pretty Home Ceremony At a lovely bclme oer-at c:11Ddelalra ond .U-"'"'Ice, -I p.m. cm Saturday, A~ 10. cut and "'"<ed. A!1-...t tb1 By WMfli!ll 8artn + Rnd'em !"-1637-R Mia Helen Ann Grundy, dauch-~ supper waa .er-i ID tho 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~--:-~~~~~~~~~~~-l ter of Dr. and °Jln. Gdnion Jl. prdm. Gusti 111 .... Dt lad\lde<I Granddaughter of Costa Mesa Girl Weds Fullerton Man. in la NOTES of the =::· J: .;:. ~ ci::"i! ;,-:u;su.:-1-=:';.; - Balboans Wed Garden Rites at Capilla de San Antonio. Balboa Yacht Club Franklin Langmade. """ ot Mn. Th< bricle-elect .... boaclft4 In Los Angeles •v V &.LM4 ....... Roy. Lancmade ot Orona del Jrl.ar. with ..... ot putiel 1ut ..... Maniale \"OWS were ....,.. ,,,. A-t -few mnall ,,,. ... _ WU performed bl' ter, Kn. !lcwyi!c! Hinkley and ..... month few the combined mee~ Smith. wif• ot the fire cfllef, and ot the u1s -cnfta -1udm only one ·in the RCl"el WU hootea. Cootie -~ . . at Caplll& de san Antonio at 4:30 B . G" -ts started Wedne9day at Bal-the Rev. Pony F . Sdirock. putcw EHnbeU> lfo!mon ot Newpx l Honeymoonmc la the aOrth ""' p.m. Sunday Auaust 11 by Mia UStneSS tr)s -Yacht club. Ten -clln-ot Corona de! Mar Community Beech beinc -al a U- her Mr. ond Mn. William ~ Liv-VlrSJaia Louiae F~ dauch-Pl f l t £ ghleo ,_.. out, ond In the -~-church. -•et; Kla Patricia 0..- and lnptone of Loo Angeln, -ter of Mr and Mn. C W Fer-an Oa Or r°"" placeo were first. Marlball White 1&Un fuhloned the for-PW a tea and Mia lletoey ftal>. -afterword a bll cake cm which wu Member& pr-..t Included Ma-a •l<Wk aod the !_.,cl "I H dames W"tlllam Blust. Isabelle mania&e wu ""'emalud July 30 nandes. :z3sg Elden • ...;.,.,·ea.ta Tourname nt of Lights Gram: -. stntt<Wd Whltlnc: ma1 weddlnc s-a with 1oac bltt entertained wtth • "- ope >n Emmanuel Presbyterian church Mesa. and Glod< Edward Mc-third. Dlclt Deover, and fourth, aleeves and train, and heirloom at · the Blltmott folloMd by a am of that city. ~ bride la ~ for· Go-A·en. '°" of Mr. and Mn. A. L Mn. Gertrude Colver, president John Gregg. lace made a coronet for the bride, theater party. Mrs.. John L Reyro. -..ireau. Oarlotte Cooper, Dell White, C. H. ·Ridley, J . M. Shear- I t's a Girl." Coffee and ice o-e were served with the cake. new "girl" will be the third child, The mer Theresa Margaret Hendry, Mc:Gowen of FUllerton. of the Newport Harbor Business For Snowbirds, Fred 1bomas and also edged the fingertip Veil. noldl of Loi Ana"~ &:•Ye • PH"- daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robert The ceremony wu held In the ·and Professional womea·s club, wu In first place with Mike Jaec-She carried a shower bouquet ot tonal sboWtt anCI . Mias Betty Mc- J . Hendry of Alhambra and the chapel carden with tall candelabra, hu appointed a specW n-t com· er --S. Ceymour Beek,-third. white orchido, 1t<pbanotla and Klbben o1 Bal-llland wu hoot-er, H . H. Uenau. Andrew Lupton, with a brother, Jack, age eicht, Mattie Cooper. D. C. MacKenzie, Belen Keeler, Thoma Wricht, M'=es Alice Plumer, Lyda Conant and lllster. Roxanna, -three. Enjoy!ng th• evenlnl ...,,,.. th Meodames Ed Edick. Jim Colllna cnnddaugbter of Mr. and Mn. flowen and fems u 0 bockcround. mlttee to prepatt an entry few tbe ond Bob Miles, fourth. bouvardla. -at a dinner. e Lew Wallace of Balboa.. 'nle bride-and dawn the center aisle were-Tournament of Ught.s. Bob WhJte was. winner of. the 1 •The matron ot honor, Mn. John Both DI:'. and Mrs. 1•ncm'de groom Is tbe IOn of Mr. and Mn. tall flowen and slltln ribbons. The The committee. headed by Oar-July Snipe -.. by % of a polnL L. Reynolds of Loo Angeles, WOtt are craduates .ot the University ol Robert Uvlnptone of Los Angeles: service was read by the Rev. tee Brown. chairman or the club's Others were, second. Bill Davia; a frock of aqua green lace and Sou~ California. he of the -Edith Conant. Ed Walter. Al Ogden. Gus Beach Harold Elmer, Harry Anclenon DrtYe Carefully-Spare a ut .. Harold Eddy, Steve Struz, Bertre Smith; the hostess and her moth H wu an all-white wedding, Charles Hand of Coota Mesa. public relations committee, Is third. Phil Green. and fourth, carried pink rooebuds. Bridesmaids medical llChool. The bride ~ a n with the bride wearing white eye-The bride chose a wedding gown plannin& a noat which will Present Dick Deaver. were Mill Patricia · Olapman, member al DeJta Gamma &lld her let embroidery with lone train of white marquisette with bands in Ugbt.s all the beauty of the Bud Caward, who won the P . C. gowned In yellow, a.nd the MJaes husband la a Phi Rho Sisma Tbe an~ carrying white spray orchl~. of lace down the front and ~ clab'1 national emblem, the Win&· championship •.t tlte San Diego Betsey Rabbitt, Betty McKibben honeymoon wu spent at La Jolla while her attend.ants w att White the train u well u the sweet· ed Victory of Samolhrace. regatta sails With the BYC fleet and Mrs.. Malcom Jones of San and Carmel. the bride weartnc a period costumes of the Colonial heart nec:kime and the long sleeve&. ''It is a happy coincidence," Mrs. and is up for membenhlp in the Diego, all wearing white and beige suit with Plumed bat tn era. Mrs. Ray Wiley of Lm An~ She wore a fincertip veil cauaht Colver says.. "that the club em· club. He la al.lo a member of Ca· carrying nosebaya of pink car-brown for her Coln& away cmtume.. geles was matron of honor and into a band of Ol'ange bl<>UCllTia blem. a goddess, ii the fi.C\D'ehead brillo Beach Yacht club. Dubey nations. Mrs. Grundy wore gray I er, Mn. J . C. Mclnt-. HEC Meets Aug. 20 CARDS IALLMARK Next meeting of For Birthdays Economic section of the the Ho Coo me bridesmaids were Mary Jane and her ann bouquet wu of white of a ship, and will therefore be a Metcalf and Mr. and Mn. Helmer and Mn. Langmade, powder blue. la Woodrow of Loa Angeles, Carol ro&et ce.ntered with orchids.. real expression of the ~ Of Dickey crewed for him at the re-Roy Loren Langmade was best t WoJdenburg of Newport Beach Miu Jeanne Ann Gerrish was the tournament, which ls 'The gatta. John Washington of San man and Gordon William Grundy Meta Grange "will be Aag. 20 a W.,ddlng AaalYerwlo& the home of Mn. Eather Belau ud Etc. 1767 Orange avenue. v- :: Flgm bwww All kinds ~ter ribbons .. J.aaps :: Ouelume 1eweh7 stock at the nmes. Newport Souvenir White House and Gift Shop Cafe Zl OZ Oeeaa Front n-sm We Wrap Gifts, I LllguM Beaell, Cal,!f. lndividu.olity /D'r the "M othtT·to·be · · · If we do not hdve ir, we ma~e it. you see! CUonn£VctAfarie Shoppe llUN. -8L P o rtr a it ure and Commercial P hotography Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA Old Portraits Restored Palm Ave. 307 Have you a precious old picture ot some one dear! Whatever rondltion it may be in-no mat- ter how faded, -will restore it, and frame it i beautifully. ") an« the bride's col15in, Lewann maid of honor. She wore pale pink Kingdom of the Se:a." Diego won second plac:e and WU usher. llofeuing of Coata Men. Bob Gra-marquisette and carried roses and Sening on the float committee George Strom of BYC wu third. The bride and bridegroom knelt ham o1 Los Angeles w~ best man. gladiolus. Bridesmaids were the with Mrs. Brown are: Ruth Ger· Negotiations are under way far on a satin pillow before the rr.re- Attendlng the wedding and re-Misaes Diana Margwarth wearing rish, Natalie Michaud and Edythe the taking of colored motion pie-place, banked with fernJ. There ception were 350 gues~. The bride peach marquisette; pegg}r Mickle-Upplncott. Technical advice and tures of the Tournament of.Ughtl were tall tapers and floral de-cor- attended the Univenuty of Call-wait in blue and Evelyn Rea ln asaist&nC'e are being given by Or-by a member of BYC, aomething ations of pale pink and white fornia, Los Angeles campus, and yellow all ' carrying matching ville Brown, George Michaud, Lee never done before.' gladiolus, asters and white del- is an Alpha XJ Delta. Her husband nowe~. Barnes, Casper Vale and Bud Bris-Bill Ficker la taking his Star, phinium. Mrs. Wendell Hoyt play-It;;;;} was master sergeant In the army The bridegroom best man and coe. Cynosure n . to San Francisco thia. ed the wedding marches and ac· and was a prisoner of war in Ger-ushers were in u.nirorm. Best ·man week for the Blue Star cbampt~ companied Mrs. Mary.Batten Stef- ~Y· He will con tinue his studies was Ensign Deane A. McGowen, Former C. M. Girl onship an~ Barton Beek will. crew. !.ensen: who sang "I Love Thee." m architecture at U. C. brother ot the bridegroom. Ushers N~t btg party at BYC lS the Wanting You" and the "Lord's New York Guest Honored at Bridge we ... c . P . 0 . Russel Makely. E . w . Married Saturday at seml,formal "Cotton Ball" for the Prayer." Deter of Santa Ana and A. E. Chapel by th e Sea Labor Day week-end of Aug. 31 . A r eception followed the ce,..: McGo"•en also of Santa Ana.. Invitations are being sent out with mony, and the wedding cake Mrs. F~mandes wore a dress of a reQuest that members vote for a "T~athed with gardenias and cen~ - Mrs. Harry Welch and Mrs. lriarga.ret Niemeyer were host- esses FTiday at a bridge luncheon, one or the ma ny affairs being given In honor of Mrs. Frank Hardiman of New York City who is visiting her son and daughter- in-l&\\', Mr. and Mrs. Jay K . Hardi- man, Lido Isle. The luncheon was held at the WeJch home. 309 Mon· tero street, Balboa. aqua blue sheer with brown ac-Marriage rites ~~ performed king and queen, who will be ter1ng the buffet lovely with silver cessories and ~In. McGowen was by Judge D. J . .LJVU.&e of Costa crowned by Commodore Don Kemp ==-----.....:.--.=..::::.::.."....:=::.:=..:.==~=-===­ in 8.n brown. Mesa at Chepel by the Sea, Co-that evening and will lead the \:------------=============::; Miss Arlene Rusi ot Seal Beach rona del Mar, Saturday morning, grand march. There will be a good was soloist, her selections being Aug. lO for Miss Rita Ann Mit-orchestra and a buffet supper. Four tables were in play with first prize going to Mrs. 0 . M . Campbell, second to Mrs. C. B. Rudd and consolation to Mrs. John Murphy. Mrs. Hardiman received the guest prize. Mn. E ugene Fenelon and Mn. H enry Eggert hostessed a party tor Mn. Hardiman soon after btt a.tTivaJ and there are othen yet to come. Mn. Harold K . Grauel of Costa Mesa and daughter La Noma left Tuesday for Lake Preston and MadDon, S . D .• where they wU1 visit Mn. Grauel'• mother, Mn. La~nce Jensen, and also her brothers who live in M0adbon. "Always'' and "Because." chelJ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The reception was held in the Ba.rt Mitche!J, San Diego, and chapel garden, with the bride and Ralph Ke ndall Hopkins of the &TOOm cutting the wedding cake same city. which was served by Mrs. Russell The bride is a former resident Makely, Mrs. Raymond Johnston of Costa Mesa, making her home and M.rf. Jack Boyd. MW Peu;y with ~lrs-Ivan Bell, 2232 Harbor Nielsen was in char&e or the cuest boulevard. She was attended by book, which was signed by the 150 her ·sister, Mrs:. Betty Lou Gil- more and Stanley Strom was best guests present. The bride ii a graduate of New· man, both being from San Diego. port Harbor Uiuon Hl&h school The bride wore a sheer wool dress and attended Fullerton District of Royal blue and a red hat. Her Junior colle&e lut year where sne Dowers were whJte carnations. is a membt!r ot Di Gamma .N u Mn. Gilmore wore a ailk jersey Alpha.. Mr. McGowen attended d:reu of yellow and brown print Fullerton hi&h &ehool and junior with brown acceuorles and her collece. He wu in the u. s. flowen were yellow gladlolua. Maritime service for fo\lr yea.rs Chapel decorations were pink with the rank ol lieutenant ljc). and white flowers and li&hted The bride wore a suit of s old candelabra, with white bows on eabardine with brown hat and the ~· ~rothY, Rodahaver lizard accessories for the weddm&I sang .. Always and 'l Love You trip which ii to Northern Call~ Truly. The young couple will be forrtla. On their retwn the YOWll at ho~e at 4390 aeveland street, couple will reslde at 155 C.C.ta San Diego. Z.lesa street, Costa Meaa. -------Lido Hos tess k'our frienda and mine En tertains Cousin • Mrs. P . V. Parkes of Costa Mesa ls m Good Samaritan hospital. Los Angeles, recovering from ,.. major operation which was performed 1' r1day. F'~d Coleman or Newport Beach has returned from a three monlhS' trip in the east, sight.seeing in Canada and visiUng brothers and sisters in New England. Mrs. Roger Brentlinger of Louis· ville, l:{y., was a recent guest at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Gor- don Findlay, 111 Via Orvieto, Lldo Isle. The two had not seen each other tor 25 years. Mrs. Findlay enter· taine<l her cousin at Newport Har- bor Yacht club, there were several card parties in her honor and a trip to Mexico was also arranged for her. llarry Sohn• Note Anniversaries At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. E . I . Moore enter- tained recently at their Central avenue home honoring the wed- ding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kinsfather of Balboa and Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Kaiser of Costa Mesa. It was the tenth anniversary for the Balboa couple and the twelfth for Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser. Pink flowers decor ated the din- ner table where places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Kinsfather, Mr. and Mn. Kaiser, Mr.l and Mn. C. W. Watts of Inglewood and Mrs. Ida Naylor of Beacon Bay. Bride-Elect Honored At Linen Shower Mw Alice Best. 208 Femleaf avenue, entertained with a lunch- eon and linen shower Friday hon~ oring Miss Patricia Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chapman of Corona del M ar, whose wedding is to take place Saturday. Following the luncheon guests enjoyed a beach party and s""1.m- ming. Present we re Miss Chapman and her houseguest, Miss Pat Rice; the Mesdames Betsey Rabbitt, Jackie and Marilyn Hill, Diana Proctor. Ann Duden of Laguna Beach, Jean Hall and Patty Smith of Phoenix, Ariz., house guests at the Best home, and the hostess. BACK TO SCHOOL -SMARTNESS IN -DRES S ES INCLUDE A NEW DATE DRESS CASUAL WOOL ONE-PIECER SEE OUR NEW STYLES IN CREPE GABARDINE AND WOOL IN ALL NEW FALL COLORS SIZES 9 TO 15 crhe Frances Norton Shop Qmm.~ f PERMAN E NT P O SITI ONS A VAILAB LE F O R DRAPER Y SEA M S T RES SES . CALL M R S . MER COM FOR IN-. TERVIEW. '---------3448 VIA OPORTO NEWPORT 91ACH.CAL1f. HAR •O R S 4 t • • NE W L I NE Craf t Greeting Cards Mrs. Henry E&gert and children, Bonnie, Robert and John, Balboa. ha"e driven to Idaho where ·they wiill apend a month or ao with {riends and relatives. lafaat Art.laW' Coke Funeral services were h eld Tuesday at 1 p.m . in the UtUe Olurch of the Flowers, Forest Lawn cemetery, for Harry Sohns of Los Angeles, for many years owner ot the court at 204 Adams street, Balboa, now known as Keene's C.ourt. The Sohns can1e Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ children of San Bernardino will f be gu .. ts of Mr . and Mn. John K. Elliott , 900 East Ocean Front. Balboa, for the Tournament of 8WloDerJ Brookinp V arietv .. c-.. ..,.. 0.-..... O c't U. 411 m ··m•• ..._ SHOES RepMed While Yoa Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nm -· to a., vs-llale l a.m.to l p.m. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday in Harold Grauel chapel, Coata Mesa, for Arthur Coke, infant son ol Mr. and Mn. Ralph Coke, 423 Bay street, Costa Mesa, who died at St. Joseph h06· pita!. Besides his parents be ls IUJ'· vived by two brothers, Thomas and Donald; a sister, Marilyn; his paternal erandparents, Mr. and l\1rs. H. Coke or Tejunga and ma- ternal grandparent.a, lt'lr. and lt1rs.. J . E. Kirker of Santa Ana. lnter· ment wai lD Westmlnster Men1or· ial park. American interests control 56.4 I per cent of the world's known oil ~------------' reserves. St~OO(. NEEOS . Navy Blue Wool Light .. here 29 years ago and built three .------------ cotteges, later adding to the num- ber until thue were 14, spending their winters in Los Angeles and their summers here. fl.tr. Sohns was in his eighties a nd died Aug. 10. He is survived by his "idow, Lida. and a niece ih the East. ..._ MAYE YOUR Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1118 C*ot Blcllwa7 • Old fashioned malts We mean just this. C OLD 8TO&AGr: VAULT ON P•EMUES FURS REMODELED GJina1 elearanct?./ . CLOTHES :FOR _, DRASTICALLY REDUCED WE ALSO MAKE MINIATURES FROM OLD PHOTOS l ~ .~ .~· · '°' S K I RT S White Yardage . . ••• NOW at Reduced Rates Mostly Half Price or Less Dresses, Suits, Separate Jac'bls Play Clothes, House _Coats. , _/ tor BLOllSES _, • ORKIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE Ins NlliWl'O&I Bl.VD. "°8tA ... . mN.Bro.dwa7 I O~ge ~ty's Foremost Furrier \ All SALES FINAL ;inTICIPRTIOn SH 0 PS 129 West '1'hird ·St. Lons~ I . SANTAANA, ................................................ ..... • I i I